BOTANY FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS L H BAl LEY GIFT OF BOTANY FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., LIMITED LONDON BOMBAY CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, LTD, TORONTO "From fragile mushrooms, delicate water weeds and pond scums, to floating leaves, soft grasses, coarse weeds, tall bushes, slender climbers, gigantic trees and hanging moss." See Chapter I. BOTANY FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS A GUIDE TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE VEGETATION OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD BY L. H. BAILEY \\ gorfe THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON : MACMILLAN & CO., Ltd. 1920 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT 1900, 1907, 1913 BY L. H. BAILEY New edition set up and electrotyped July, 1913 PARAGRAPHS FOR THE TEACHER The purpose of this book is to lead the pupil to an understanding of the vegetation of his neighborhood. There are four general subjects in the book: the nature of the plant itself; the relation of the plant to its surroundings; histological studies; determination of the kinds of plants. From the pedagogical point of view, the third is the least important: the writer has inserted it because so many schools want it. Each of the subjects is practically distinct, so that the teacher may begin where he will. Few schools will desire to pursue all the four parts. The notes in small type at the ends of the chap- ters are intended as suggestions and to supply infor- mation to teachers: they are not necessarily for class use. The "Notes" suggest additional experiments and corollary observations. ***** The schools and the teachers are not ready for the text-book that presents the subject from the view- point of botanical science. Perhaps it is better that the secondary schools attempt only to teach plants. A book may be ideal from the specialist's point of view, and yet be of little use to the pupil and the school. Every statement in an elementary text-book has two values, the teaching value and the scientific value. An elementary text exists primarily for the (v) 459848 VI PAKAGKAPHS FOR THE TEACHER purpose of teaching; and good teaching results in quickened perception rather than in accumulation of facts. The pupil should come at first to the study of plants and animals with little more than his natural and native powers. Study with the compound microscope is a specialization to be made when the pupil has had experience, and when his judgment and sense of relationships are trained. One of the first essential conceptions to the study of natural history is the fact that no two things are alike. This leads to the understanding that every animal and plant contends for an opportunity to live; and this is the central fact in the study of living things. The world has a new meaning when this fact is understood. The ninety and nine cannot and should not be botanists, but everyone can love plants and nature. Every person is interested in the evident things, few in the abstruse and recondite. Education should train persons to live, rather than to be scientists. Now and then a pupil develops a love of science for science's sake. He would be an investigator. He would add to the sum of human knowledge. He should be encouraged. There are colleges and universities in which he may continue his studies. In the secondary schools, botany should be taught for the purpose of bringing the pupil closer to the things with which he lives, of widening his horizon, of intensifying his hold on life. It should begin with familiar plant forms and phenomena. It should be related to the experiences of the daily life. It should not be taught for the purpose of making the pupil PARAGRAPHS FOR THE TEACHER Vll a specialist: that effort should be retained for the few who develop a taste for special knowledge. It is often said that the high-school pupil should begin the study of botany with the lowest and simplest forms of life. This is an error. The microscope is not an introduc- tion to nature. It is said that the physiology of plants can be best understood by beginning with the lower forms. This may be true: but technical plant physiol- ogy is not a subject for the beginner. Other subjects are more important. The youth is by nature a generalist. He should not be forced to be a specialist. A great difficulty in the teaching of botany is to determine what are the most profitable topics for con- sideration. The trouble with much of the teaching is that it attempts to go too far, and the subjects have no connection with the pupil's experience. Good botanical teaching for the young is replete with human interest. It is connected with the common associations. The teacher often hesitates to teach botany because of lack of technical knowledge of the subject. This is well; but technical knowledge of the subject does not make a good teacher. Expert specialists are so likely to go into mere details and to pursue particu- lar subjects so far, when teaching beginners, as to miss the leading and emphatic points. They are so cogni- zant of exceptions to every rule that they qualify their statements until the statements have no force. There are other ideals than those of mere accuracy. In other words, it is more important that the teacher be a Vlll PARAGRAPHS FOR THE TEACHER good teacher than a good botanist. One may be so exact that his words mean nothing. But being a good botanist does not spoil a good teacher; and the ideal teacher is one who has careful knowledge and knows how to teach. An imperfect method that is adapted to one's use is better than a perfect method that cannot be used. Some school laboratories are so perfect that they dis- courage the pupil in making inquiries when thrown on his own resources. Imperfect equipment often encourages ingenuity and originality. A good teacher is better than all the laboratories and apparatus. Good teaching devolves on the personality and enthusiasm of the teacher; but subject-matter is a prime requisite. The teacher should know more than he attempts to teach. Every teacher should have access to the current botanical books. The school library should contain these books. By consulting the new books the teacher keeps abreast of the latest opinion and points of view. When beginning to teach plants, think more of the pupil than of botany. The pupil's mind and sym- pathies are to be expanded: the science of botany is not to be extended. The teacher who thinks first of his subject teaches science; he who thinks first of his pupil teaches nature-study. Teach first the things nearest to hand. When the pupil has seen the common, he may be introduced to the rare and distant. We live in the midst of common things. The old way of teaching botany was to teach the PARAGRAPHS FOR THE TEACHER IX forms and the names of plants. It is now proposed that only function be taught. But one cannot study function intelligently without some knowledge of plant forms and names. He must know the language of the subject. The study of form and function should go together. Correlate what a plant is with what it does. What is this part? What is its office, or how did it come to be? What are its relations? It were a pity to teach phyllotaxy without teaching light-relation: it were an equal pity to teach light-relation without teaching phyllotaxy. Four epochs can be traced in the teaching of ele- mentary botany: (1) The effort to know the names of plants and to classify. This was the outgrowth of the earlier aspect of plant knowledge, when it was neces- sary to make an inventory of the things in the world. (2) The desire to know the formal names of the parts of plants. This was an outgrowth of the study of gross morphology. Botanies came to be dictionaries of technical terms. (3) The effort to develop the powers of independent investigation. This was largely a result of the German laboratory system, which developed the trained specialist investigator. It emphasized the value of the compound microscope and other appa- ratus. This method is of the greatest service to botani- cal science and to mankind, but its introduction into the secondary schools is usually unfortunate. (4) The effort to know the plant as a complete organism liv- ing its own life in a natural way. In the beginning of this epoch we are now living. X PARAGRAPHS FOR THE TEACHER There is a general protest against the teaching of "big names" to pupils; but the pupil does not object to technical terms if he acquires them when he learns the object to which they belong, as he acquires other language. When a part is discovered, the name becomes a necessity, and is not easily forgotten. He should be taught not to memorize the names. The "hard" words of today are the familiar words of tomorrow. There are no words in this book harder than chrysan- themum, thermometer, and hippopotamus. The book should be a guide to the plant: the plant should be a guide to the book. Plants should not be personified or endowed out- right with motives; but figures of speech and para- bles may often be employed to teach a lesson or to drive home a point. Excite the pupil's interest rather than his wonder. The better the teacher, the less he will confine him- self to the questions at the end of the lesson. Botany always should be taught by the "laboratory method:" that is, the pupil should work out the sub- jects directly from the specimens themselves. It is easy, however, to carry the laboratory method too far. With beginners, it is rarely good teaching merely to set a young pupil a task, expecting him to work it out. The pupil needs suggestions, help, and the enthusiasm inspired by a good teacher. Specimens mean more to the pupil when he collects them. No matter how commonplace the subject, a speci- men will vivify it and fix it in the pupil's mind. A living, growing plant is worth a score of herba- rium specimens. PARAGRAPHS FOR THE TEACHER xi Every opportunity should be taken to send the pupils to the fields to see the plants naturally as they grow. Remember that garden plants and field crops are as "botanical" and as well worth the attention of botanists as are wild plants. Many persons have aided in the making of this book as it has gone through its various editions. In this present revision the author has had the help of Lewis Knudson, Assistant Professor of Plant Physiology, and acting head of the department, in the New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University, assisted by M. F. Barrus, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology in the same institution, who have reviewed the work from first to last with much care. L. H. BAILEY. ITHACA, NEW YOBK, MAY 20, 1913. CONTENTS PART I THE PLANT ITSELF CHAPTER PAGE I. The Plant as a Whole . 1 II. The Root ..... - . . . . -i . -.. . 7 III. TheStem. . , M .-,-;.. .-=. . . . . 13 IV. Propagation by. Means of Roots and Stems .-; . 18 V. How the Horticulturist Propagates Plants by Means of Roots and Stems . : ;* -. . , ' r > . 23 VI. Food Reservoirs . . . . . . ... . . 31 VII. Winter Buds .,.<,. ...... 1 . . 36 VIII. Plants and Sunlight . . . . .... . . 42 IX. Struggle for Existence amongst the Branches . . 52 X. Pruning 59 XI. The Forms of Plants ......... 64 XII. Water and Mineral Nutrients. Root Action . . 69 XIII. Water and Mineral Nutrients. Action above the Roots . . ... . ... -.." . . 75 XIV. Food Elaboration, and Respiration ..... 82 XV. Dependent Plants . . . . . . . . . 90 XVI. Leaves and Foliage 95 XVII. Morphology, or the Study of the Forms of Plant Members ? . . . . ... . . . 105 XVIII. How Plants Climb ...'... . * ," . 112 XIX. Flower-Branches 118 XX. The Parts of the Flower . . .... . . 127 XXI. Fertilization and Pollination '. 133 XXII. Particular Forms of Flowers . . . . . . . 143 XXIII. Fruits . 155 XIV CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE XXIV. Dispersal of Seeds 166 XXV. Germination 171 XXVI. Phenogams and Cryptogams 179 XXVII. Studies in Cryptogams ......... 185 PART II THE PLANT IN ITS RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT AND TO MAN XXVIII. Where Plants Grow 205 XXIX. Contention with Physical Environment .... 212 XXX. Competition with Fellows 218 XXXI. Plant Societies 228 XXXII. Variation and Its Results 236 XXXIII. Weeds . . 241 XXXIV. Crops 249 XXXV. The Forest 256 PART III HISTOLOGY, OR THE MINUTE STRUCTURE OF PLANTS XXXVI. The Cell 263 XXXVII. Contents and Products of Cells 270 XXXVIII. Tissues 278 XXXIX. Structure of Stems and Roots , . 285 XL. Structure of Leaves ........* 297 PART IV THE KINDS OF PLANTS (p. 307) BOTANY FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS PART I THE PLANT ITSELF CHAPTER I THE PLANT AS A WHOLE V 1. A plant is a living, growing thing. It partakes of the soil and air and sunshine. It propagates its kind and covers the face of the earth. It has much with which to contend. It makes the most of every opportunity. We shall learn its parts, how it lives, and how it responds. 2. The Parts of a Plant. Our familiar plants are made up of several distinct parts. The most prominent of these parts are root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit and seed. (Fig. 2.) Familiar plants differ wonderfully in size and shape, from fragile mushrooms, delicate water-weeds and pond-scums, to floating leaves, soft grasses, coarse weeds, tall bushes, slender climbers, gigantic trees, and hanging moss. See frontispiece. 3. The Stem Part. In most of the familiar plants there is a main central part or shaft on which the other or secondary parts are borne. This main part is the plant axis. Above ground, in famil- iar plants, the axis bears 2. The parts of a plant, root, stem, leaves, pods (or fruit, following the flower). Bean. (1) 2, .TJIE^PLANT AS A WHOLE the branches, leaves and flowers; below ground, it bears the roots. 4. The rigid part of the plant, which persists over win- ter and which is left after leaves and flowers are fallen, is the framework of the plant. The framework is composed of both root and stem. When the plant is dead, the frame- work remains for a time, but it slowly decays. The dry winter stems of weeds are the upper part of the framework or skeleton of the plant. (Figs. 3, 4.) The framework of trees is the most conspicuous part of the plant. 5. The Root Part. The root bears the stem at its apex, but otherwise it normally bears only root-branches. The stem, however, bears leaves, flowers and fruits. Those living surfaces of the plant that are most exposed to light are green or highly colored. The root tends to grow down- ward, but the stem tends to grow upward toward light. The plant is anchored or fixed in the soil by the roots. 6. The Foliage Part. The leaves precede the flowers in point of time or in the life of the plant, although the flow- ers may come first in the season (note that peach trees bloom before they leaf). The flowers always precede the fruits and seeds. Many plants die when the seeds have matured. The whole mass of leaves of any plant or any branch is known as its foliage. 7. The Plant Generation. The course of a plant's life, with all the events through which the plant naturally passes, is known as the plant's life-history. The life-history embraces various stages or epochs, as dormant seed, germi- nation, growth, flowering, fruiting. Some plants run their course in a few weeks or months, and some live for centuries. 8. The entire life-period of a plant is called a generation. It is the whole period from birth to normal death, without reference to the various stages or events through which it passes. 9. A generation begins with the young seed, not with LENGTH OF LIFE germination. It ends with death that is, when no life is left in any part of the plant, and only the seed or spore remains to perpetuate the kind. In a bulbous plant, as a lily or an onion, the generation does not end until the bulb dies, even though the top is dead. 10. When the generation is of only one season's duration, the plant is said to be annual. When it is of two seasons, it is biennial. Biennials usually bloom the second year. When of three or more seasons, the plant is perennial. Examples of annuals are pigweed, bean, pea, garden sunflower, maize; of biennials, evening primrose, mullein, teasel, parsnip, carrot; of perennials, dock, meadow grass, alfalfa, cat-tail, and all shrubs and trees. The bien- nial and perennial weeds are the most difficult to eradicate. 11. Duration of the Plant Body. Plant struc- tures that are more or less soft and that die at the close of the season are said to be herbaceous, in contradistinction to being ligneous or woody. A plant that is herbaceous to the ground is called an herb; but an herb may have a woody or perennial root, in which case it is called an herbaceous perennial. Annual plants are classed as herbs. Examples of herbaceous per- ennials are buttercup, bleeding-heart, violet, water-lily, many grasses, dock, dandelion, goldenrod, asparagus, rhubarb, many wild sunflowers (Figs. 3, 4). 3. Plant of a wild sunflower. 4. Framework of No. 3. THE PLANT AS A WHOLE 12. Many herbaceous perennials have short generations. They become weak with one or two seasons of flowering and gradually die out. Thus common red clover begins to fail after the second year. Gardeners know that the best bloom of hollyhock, larkspur, pink, and many other plants, is secured when the plants are only two or three years old. 13. Herbaceous perennials that die away each season to bulbs, corms or tubers, are sometimes called pseud-annuals (that is, false annuals). Of such are lily, crocus, onion, potato. 14. Plants that are normally peren- nial may become annual in a shorter- season climate by being killed by frost, rather than > by dying naturally at the end of a season of growth. Such plants are called plur-annuals in the short-season region. Many warm -region per- 5. A shrub or bush. Dogwood osier. ennials are plur- annuals when grown in the North, but they are treated as true annuals because they ripen sufficient of their crop the same season in which the seeds are sown to make them worth cultivating, as tomato, red pepper, castor-bean. 15. Woody or ligneous plants are usually longer lived than herbs. Those that remain low and produce several or many similar shoots from the base are called shrubs, as lilac, rose, elder, osier. (Fig. 5.) Low and thick shrubs are NO TWO PARTS ARE ALIKE 6. A Tree. The weeping birch. bushes. Plants that produce one main trunk and a more or less elevated head are trees. (Fig. 6.) 16. Plants are Modified by the Conditions in Which They Grow. In most plants, the size, form and general appearance vary or change with the conditions in which the plant grows. That is, there is no uniform or necessary form into which all plants shall grow. No two plants are exactly alike. Observe plants of the same kind and age, and see how they differ or vary. The farmer and gardener can cause plants to be large or small of their kind, by changing the conditions or circumstances under which they grow. 17. No two parts of the same plant are exactly alike. No two parts grow in the same conditions, for one is nearer the main stem, one nearer the light, and another has more room. Try to find two leaves or two branches on the same plant that are exactly alike. (Fig. 7.) 18. Every plant makes an effort to propagate or to per- petuate its kind; and so far as we can see, this is the end for which the plant itself lives. The seed or spore is the final pro- duct of the plant. 19. Every plant, and every part of a plant undergoes vicissitudes. Every 7> There are no two brancheg 6 THE PLANT AS A WHOLE plant is so constituted as to withstand the diverse condi- tions of the circumstances in which it is placed. The plant contends for place in which to grow, and for air and light. Its life is eventful. Every plant, therefore, has a history. REVIEW. Of what parts is a plant composed? What is the axis? What parts are borne on the stem? On the root? On what part are the mostly highly colored parts found? What direction does the root take? The stem? How are plants anchored in the earth? In what order do the different parts appear? What is meant by the life-history? What are some of the stages or events in the life-history? At what point does a generation begin? When end? By what means does the next generation begin? What is an annual? Biennial? Perennial? Herb- aceous perennial? Pseud-annual? Shrub? Bush? Tree? Give three examples of each of these classes, not mentioning any given in the book. What is a plur-annual? Why are no two parts or plants exactly alike? What is the final effort of every plant? Why is the life of a plant eventful? NOTE. The teacher may assign each pupil to one plant in the school-yard, field, garden, or in a pot, and ask him to bring out the points in the lesson, CHAPTER II THE ROOT 20. The Root System. The offices of the root are to hold the plant in place, and to absorb water and mineral substances. Not all roots, however, absorb water and mineral nutrients. 21. The entire mass of roots of any plant is called its root system. The root system may be annual, biennial or perennial, herbaceous or woody, deep or shallow, large or small. 22. Kinds of Roots. A strong leading central, root, which runs directly downwards, is a tap-root. The side or spreading roots are usually smaller. Plants that have such a root system are said to be tap-rooted. Examples are red clover, beet, turnip, radish, burdock, dandelion, alfalfa. (Fig. 8.) 23. A fibrous root system is one that is composed of many nearly equal, slen- der branches. The greater number of plants have fibrous roots. Examples are many common grasses, wheat, oats, corn, and most trees. The bean in Fig. 2 has a fibrous root system. 24. Shape and Extent of the Root System. The depth to which roots extend depends on the kind of plant and the (7) 8. Tap-root A of the dandelion. 8 THE ROOT nature of the soil. Of most plants the roots extend far in all directions and lie comparatively near the surface. The roots usually radiate from a common point just beneath the surface of the ground. 25. The roots may be of considerable extent, ramify- ing in the soil, and often extending much farther in all directions than the spread of the top of the plant. Roots tend to spread farther in poor soil than in rich soil. The root has no such definite form as the stem has. Roots are usually very crooked, because they are constantly turned aside by obstacles. Examine roots in stony or gravelly soil. 26. The extent of root surface is usually very large, for the absorbing roots are fine and very numerous. An ordinary plant of Indian corn may have a total length of root (measured as if the roots were placed end to end) of hundreds of feet. (Fig. 9.) 27. The finest feeding roots are in the richest soils. It is commonly stated that they are attracted by the nutrients of the soil. This is not strictly true. The roots may grow toward a supply of ** water. Notice that in a moist soil the roots are short; in a 9. The abundant roots of maize. Note that the root branches are much more numerous than the leaves. WHERE ROOTS GROW 9 dry soil they are usually long. Roots of the willow run into wells and drains and into the margins of creeks and ponds. Roots may frequently cause trouble by clogging drain-pipes. Grow plants in a long, narrow box, in one end of which the earth is kept very dry and in the other moist: observe where the roots grow. 28. The absorbing surface of the roots is near their ends. As the roots become old and hard, they serve only as channels through which water and substances in solution pass, and as hold- fasts or supports for the plant. The root-hold of a plant is very stong. Slowly pull upwards on some plant, and note how firmly it is anchored in the earth. With the increase in diameter, the upper roots often protrude above the ground and be- come bracing buttresses. These buttresses are usu- ally largest in trees that always have been exposed to strong winds. (Fig. 10.) 29. The Root-hairs. The larger part of the water and mineral nutrients ab- sorbed by the root is taken in through root-hairs. (Fig. 11.) These are very del- icate prolonged surface cells of the roots. They are borne for a short dis- tance just back of the tip of the root. 30. The root-hairs are very small, often invisible. They, and the young 11. Root-hairs of the radish. 12. Aerial roots of creeper or 10 THE ROOT roots, are usually broken off when the plant is pulled up. They are best seen when seeds are germinated between layers of dark blotting-paper or flannel. On the young roots, they will be seen as a mould-like or gossamer-like 13. Drooping aerial roots of an orchid. 14. Indian corn, showing the aerial roots. covering. Root-hairs soon die : they do not grow into roots. New hairs form as the root grows. 31. Aerial Roots. Although most roots grow in the earth, there are some that grow above ground. These usually occur on climbing plants, the roots becoming supports or fulfilling the office of tendrils. These aerial roots usually grow away from the light, and therefore enter the crevices and dark places of the wall or tree over which the plant climbs. The trumpet-creeper (Fig. 12), true or English ivy, ROOTS ABOVE GROUND 11 and poison ivy climb by means of roots. The roots often remain on the wall or other support after the plant is torn off. 32. In some plants, all the roots are aerial; that is, the plant grows above ground, and the roots absorb water from the air and from the bark of the tree on which they grow. Such plants are known as epiphytes or air-plants (Chapter XV). The most familiar examples are some of the tropical orchids, which are grown in glasshouses. (Fig. 13.) 33. Some plants throw out aerial roots that propagate the plant or act as braces. The roots of Indian corn are 15. A banyan tree in India. The old trunk is seen (at the left), together with many trunks formed from the aerial roots. familiar. (Fig. 14.) Many ficus trees, as the banyan of India (Fig. 15), send out roots from their branches; when these roots reach the ground they take hold and become great trunks, thus spreading the top of the parent tree over large 12 THE ROOT areas. The mangrove tree (Fig. 16) of the tropics grows along seashores and sends down roots from the overhanging branches into the shallow water, and thereby gradually marches into the sea. The tangled mass behind catches the drift, and soil is formed. REVIEW. What is the root for? What is a root system? Define tap - root. Fibrous root. What deter- mines how deep the root may go? How far does the root spread? Explain what form the root system may assume; also what extent. Where is the greatest number of fine roots found? Where is the absorbing surface of roots? Of what use to the plant are the old woody roots? What are root-hairs? What do they do and what becomes of them? What are aerial roots? Where found? What are epiphytes, and where do their roots grow? What are brace roots? How do the banyan and mangrove spread (aside from seeds)? NOTE. The pupil should see the root-hairs. A week before this lesson is studied, the pupil should place seeds of radish, turnip or cab- bage between folds of thick cloth or blotting-paper. Keep the cloth or paper moist and warm. The hairs show best against a dark back- ground. In some of the blotting-papers, sprinkle sand: observe how the root-hairs cling to the grains (compare Chapter XII). The pupil also should study the root-hold of a plant. Let him care- fully pull up a plant. If a plant grows alongside a fence or other rigid object, he may test the root-hold by securing a string to the plant, letting the string hang over the fence and then adding weights to the string. Will a stake of similar size to the plant and extending no deeper in the ground, have such firm hold on the soil? 16. Mangroves marching into the sea. CHAPTER III THE STEM 34. The Stem System. The stem of a plant is the part that bears the buds, leaves, flowers and fruits. Its office is to hold up these parts to the light and air; and through its tissues the various food-materials and nutrients in solu- tion in water are distributed to the parts of the plant. 35. The entire mass or fabric of stems of any plant is called its stem system. (Figs. 4, 17.) The stem system may be her- baceous or woody, annual, bien- nial, or perennial; and it may assume many different sizes and shapes. (Paragraphs 11 to 13.) 36. Stems are of many forms. The general way in which a Stem system of an apple tree, plant grOWS is Called its habit. The habit is the appearance or looks. Its habit may be open or loose, dense, straight, crooked, compact, straggling, climbing, erect, weak, strong, and the like. The roots and leaves are the important func- tional or working parts : the stem merely connects them, and its form is exceedingly variable. 37. Kinds of Stems. The stem may be so short as to be scarcely distinguishable. In such cases the crown of the plant that part just at the surface of the ground bears the leaves and flowers; but this crown is really a very short stem. The dandelion (Fig. 8) is an example. Such plants (13) 14 THE STEM 18. A trailing plant (Abronia, grown in flower-gardens). are often said to be stemless, however, in order to distin- guish them from plants that have long or conspicuous stems. These so-called stemless plants die to the ground every year. 38. Stems are erect when they grow straight up. (Figs. 3, 9.) They are trailing or creeping when they run along on the ground. (Fig. 18.) They are decumbent when they lop over to the ground. They are ascend- ing when they lie mostly or in part on the ground but stand more or less up- right at their ends. They are climbing when they cling to other rising objects for support. (Fig. 12.) 39. Trees in which the main trunk or the "leader'* continues to grow from its tip are said to be excurrent in growth. The branches are borne along the sides of the trunk, as in common pines (Fig. 19) and spruces. Excurrent means "running out" or "running up." 40. Trees in which the main trunk does not continue are said to be deliques cent. The branches arise from one com- mon point or from each other. The stem is lost in the branches. The apple tree (Fig. 17), maple, elm, oak, are familiar examples. Deliquescent means "dissolv- ing" or "melting away." 41. Each kind of plant has its own peculiar habit or direction of growth. 19. Excurrent trunk. KINDS OF STEMS 15 Spruces always grow to a single stem or trunk, pear trees are always deli- quescent, morning-glories are always climbing, strawberries are always creeping. We do not know why each plant has its own habit; but the habit is in some way associated with the plant's genealogy or with the way in which it has been obliged to live. 42. The stem may be simple or branched. (Figs. 20, 21.) A simple stem usually grows from the terminal bud, 21. Branched stem of alfalfa. 20. Simple stems of sorghum. and side branches either do not start, or, if they start, they soon perish. Mul- leins are usually simple. So are palms. 43. Branched stems may be of very different habit and shape. Some stem systems are narrow and erect: these are said to be strict. Others are diffuse, open, branchy, twiggy. 44. Stems vs. Roots. Roots sometimes grow above ground (31- 33); so, also, stems sometimes grow underground, and they are then known as subterranean stems, rhi- zomes, or rootstocks. (Figs. 22, 23.) 45. Stems normally bear leaves and buds, and thereby are they dis- tinguished from roots. The leaves, however, may be reduced to mere 16 THE STEM scales, and the buds beneath them may I scarcely visible. Thus the "eyes" on an Iris potato are cavities with a bud or buds at tl bottom. (Fig. 24.) Sweet potatoes have r evident "eyes" when first dug (but they ma develop buds before the next growing season The Irish potato is a stem; the sweet potai is an enlarged root. 46. How Stems Elongate. Roots elonga by growing near the tip. Stems elongate t 22. wintergreen, growing more or less throughout the young QJ . between j om t s . But any pa 23. Rhizome of a wild sunflower. showing rootstock. soft of the stem soon reaches a limit be- yond which it cannot grow, or becomes "fixed;" and the new parts beyond elongate until they, too, become rigid. When a part of the stem once becomes fixed or har it never increases in lengt that is, the trunk or wooc parts never grow longer < higher; branches do not b come farther apart or high from the ground. 47. The different regions growth in stems and roo may be observed in seedlii plants. Place seeds of radii or cabbage between layers blotting-paper or thick clot Keep them damp and wan When the stem and root ha^ 24. Potato. Stems (where?) .fine , i i i / i roots, and rootstocks. grown an inch and a half loi STEM VS. ROOT 17 each, with waterproof ink mark spaces exactly one-quarter inch apart. Keep the plantlets moist for a day or two, and it will be found that on the stem some or all of the marks are more than one-quarter inch apart; on the root the marks have not separated. The root has grown beyond the last apical mark. (Figs. 25, 26.) REVIEW. What is the stem system? What does the stem do? How long may the stem persist? What is meant by the habit of a plant? Name some kinds of habit. What are so-called stemless plants? W T hat is the crown? What becomes of the tops of stemless plants? What are erect, trailing, decumbent, ascending, climbing stems? What are excurrent trunks? Deli- quescent? What is a simple stem? What are strict stems? What are subterranean stems? How are stems distinguished from roots? What is the dif- ference in mode of growth between stems and roots? NOTE. The pupil should make marks with waterproof ink (as Higgins' ink or indelible marking ink) on any soft growing stems as geranium, fuchsia, grass, the twigs of trees. Note that the separation of the marks is most evi- dent on the youngest shoots. The pupil should observe the fact that a stem of a plant has wonder- ful strength. Compare the proportionate height, diameter and weight of a grass stem with those of the slenderest tower or steeple. Which has the greater strength? Which the greater height? Which will with- stand the most wind? Note that the grass stem will regain its position even if its top is bent to the ground. Split a cornstalk and observe how the joints are tied together and braced with fibers. Note how plants are weighted down after a heavy rain. B 25. The marking of the stem and root. 26. The result. CHAPTER IV PROPAGATION BY MEANS OF ROOTS AND STEMS 48. The primary function of roots and stems is to support and maintain the plant; but these parts may also serve to propagate the plant, or to produce new individuals. 49. Propagation by Means of Rhi- zomes. One function served by subter- ranean stems or rhizomes (rootstocks) is to propagate the species. Each stem has a bud at its end, and from this bud a shoot arises. By the dying away of the older part of the rhizome, this shoot becomes a separate plant, although the rhizome maintains its connection for years in some plants. Shoots may also arise from the intermediate or lateral buds, but the strongest shoots usually arise from the end or near the end of the rhizome. (Fig. 23.) 50. Each successive plant is farther removed from the original plant or the starting-point of the colony. Thus the colony or ''patch" grows larger. Familiar examples are the spreading patches of mandrakes or may-apples, quack-grass (Fig. 27), Solomon's seal, lily-of-the- valley, ferns. Cannas propagate by means of rhizomes; so does ginger, and the "roots" can be purchased at the drug -store. Fig. 28 27. Quack-grass or couch-grass. Point .-n , r j r out the rootstock. illustrates the spread of a (18) SPREADING BY MEANS OF ROOTSTOCKS 19 colony of wild sunflower. On the right the rhizomes have died away: note the frayed ends. On the left, the strong up- turned buds show where the shoots will arise next spring. The old stems in the middle show where the buds stood at the close of the last season. Fig. 23 shows one of the terminal buds. 51. When rhizomes are cut in pieces, each piece having at least one bud or "eye," the pieces may grow when planted. A familiar example is the practice of dividing tubers of potato. A severed piece of plant designed to be used to propagate the plant is a cutting. See Fig. 29. 52. Cuttings of rhi- zomes are often made undesignedly or accidentally when land is cultivated. The cultivator or har- row breaks up the rhizomes of quack-grass, Can- ada-thistle, toad- flax, and other weeds, and scat- ters them over the field. 53. Propa- gation by Means of Roots.- Roots some- times develop buds and 29. Cuttings of canna rhizome. 28. Creeping rhizomes of wild sunflower. 20 PROPAGATION BY MEANS OF ROOTS AND STEMS throw up shoots or new plants. Severed roots often grow. Blackberries, raspberries, and many plums and cherries, throw up shoots or "suckers" from the roots; and this propensity is usually increased when the roots are broken, as by a plow. Broken roots of apples often sprout. Plants may propagate by means of root-cuttings. 54. Occasional Buds. The buds that appear on roots are unusual or abnormal, they occur only occasionally and in no definite order. Buds appearing in unusual places on any part of the plant are called adventitious buds. Such are the buds that arise when a large limb is cut off, and from which suckers or watersprouts arise, as on the apple tree. 55. Layers. Roots sometimes arise from aerial stems that are partially buried. If a branch touches the ground and takes root, it is called a layer. Gar- deners often bend a limb to the ground and cover it for a short distance, and when roots have formed on the covered part, the branch is severed from its parent and an independent plant is secured. See Fig. 30. 56. There are several kinds of layers: a creeper, when a trailing shoot takes root throughout its entire length; a runner, when the shoot trails on the ground and takes root at the joints, as the strawberry; a stolon, when a more or less strong shoot bends over and takes root, as the black rasp- berry or the dewberry (Fig. 30); an offset, when a few very strong plants form close about the base of the parent, par- ticularly in succulent or bulbous plants, as house-leek (old-hen-and-chickens) and some lilies. The rooting branches of the banyan and mangrove (Figs. 15, 16) may be likened to layers. 30. A layer of dewberry. The new plant has arisen at the left. BUD-PROPAGATION 21 31. Bulblet of tiger lily. 57. Natural Cuttings. Sometimes cuttings occur with- out the aid of man. Some kinds of willows shed their twigs, or the storms break them off: many of these twigs take root in the moist earth where willows grow, and they are often carried down the streams and are washed along the shores of lakes. Observe the wil- lows along a brook, and determine whether any of them may have come down the stream. 58. Propagation by Means of Leaves. Even leaves may take root and give rise to new plants. There are examples in warm 4 countries. The lake-cress of northern streams 'also propagates in this way: the leaves with little plants attached may often be seen float- ing down stream. Gardeners propagate some kinds of begonias by means of leaf -cutting ; also gloxinias and bryophyllums. (Paragraph 69.) 59. Propagation by Means of Buds. Buds often become detached and propagate the plant. Familiar examples are the bulblets of tiger lilies, borne amongst the foliage; for all bulblets and bulbs are only special kinds of buds. Fig. 31. Some water plants make heavy winter buds, which become de- tached on the approach of cold weather and sink to the bottom. In spring, they give rise to new plants. 60. Grafts. Sometimes a plant may unite with another plant. A branch or a trunk may lie against another plant of the same kind, or of a very closely related kind, and grow 32. A native graft. 22 PROPAGATION BY MEANS OF ROOTS AND STEMS fast to it; and if its original trunk die away, the part will be growing on an alien root. A branch that grows fast to a branch of another plant, the wood of the two knitting together, is called a graft. (Fig. 32.) It is necessary to dis- tinguish between a graft and a parasite: a parasite preys upon another plant, robbing it of its food, but a graft becomes an integral part of the stock on which it grows, and does its full work in elaborating food for itself and for the stock. REVIEW. What are primary and secondary functions of roots and stems? What are the functions of rhizomes? How does propagation by rhizomes proceed? Why does the colony spread? Name some plants that propagate by means of rhizomes. What is a cutting? May cuttings be made of rhizomes? How are rhizomatous weeds often spread? Name some of them. How do roots serve to propagate the plant? Name instances. What are adventitious buds? What is a layer? Define some of the kinds of layers, runner, creeper, stolon, offset. Explain how cuttings may occur without the aid of man. How may leaves serve to propagate the plant? Explain how plants propagate themselves by means of detachable buds. What is a graft? How may grafting take place without the aid of man? NOTE. If there is an accessible "patch" of toad-flax, Canada thistle, may-apple, or other perennial plant, the pupil should determine by what means it enlarges from year to year. "Patches" are always instructive when considered with reference to propagation and dis- semination. CHAPTER V HOW THE HORTICULTURIST PROPAGATES PLANTS BY MEANS OF ROOTS AND STEMS 61. Cuttings in General. A bit of plant stuck into the ground stands a chance of growing; and this bit is a cutting. (Compare 51.) Not all plants can be propagated by the same kind of cutting. The means is determined by experiment or experience. In some cases the part to be used and the con- ditions necessary for growing the cutting have not been dis- covered, and we say that the plant is not propagated by cuttings. It is probable that some plants cannot be grown from cuttings, even under the greatest skill. 62. Most plants propagate from cuttings made of the soft or growing parts (called "wood" by gardeners), of which the "slips" of geranium and coleus are examples. Others grow equally well from cuttings of the hard or mature parts or wood, as currant and grape; and hi some instances this mature wood may be of roots, as in the blackberry. Pupils should make cuttings now and then. If they can do nothing more, they can make cuttings of potato, as the farmer does; and they can plant them in a box in the window. 63. The Softwood Cutting. The soft- wood cutting is made from tissue that is still growing, or at least from that which is not dormant. It comprises one or two joints, with a leaf attached. (Figs. 33, 34, 35.) It must not be allowed to wilt. Therefore, it must be protected from direct sunlight and dry air until it is well (23) 33. Geranium cutting. 24 ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION established in the earth; and if it has many leaves, some of them should be removed, or at least cut in two, to reduce the evaporating surface. Most of the common window-plants may be propagated easily by means of softwood cuttings or slips. 64. For most plants, the proper 35. Rose cutting. agg Qr maturity of wood for the making of cuttings may be determined by giving the twig a quick bend : if it snaps and hangs by the bark, it is in proper condition; if it bends without breaking, it is too young and soft or too old; if it splinters, it is too old and woody. The tips of strong upright shoots usually make the best cuttings. Preferably, each cutting should have a joint or node near its base; and if the inter- nodes (or spaces between joints) are very short, it may comprise two or three joints. 65. The stem of the cutting is inserted one-third or more its length in clean sand or gravel, and the earth is pressed firmly about it. A newspaper may be laid over the bed to 34. Carnation cutting. 36. Cutting-bed, showing carnations and roses. MAKING CUTTINGS 25 37. Verbena cutting ready for transplanting. exclude the light if the sun strikes it and to prevent too rapid evaporation. The soil should be moist clear through, not on top only. 66. Loose sandy or gravelly soil is used. Mason's sand is good earth in which to start most cuttings; or fine gravel sifted of most of its earthy matter may be used. Soils that con- tain much decaying organic matter are avoided, for these soils are breeding- places of fungi, which attack the soft cutting and cause it to "damp off," or die at or near the surface of the ground. If the cuttings are to be grown in a window, put three or four inches of the earth in a shallow box or a pan. A soap box cut in two lengthwise, so that it makes a box four or five inches deep like a gardener's flat is excellent. A cutting-bed may be made on a greenhouse bench or in a good shaded window, as in Fig. 36. Cuttings of common plants, as gera- nium, coleus, fuchsia, carna- tion, are kept at a living- room temperature. As long as the cuttings look bright and green, they are in good condition. It may be a month before roots form. When roots have formed, the plants begin to make new leaves at the tip. Then they may be transplanted into other boxes or into pots. The verbena in Fig. 37 is jUSt ready for trans- 38. Old geranium plant cut back to j . . make it throw out shoots from which cut- planting. tinKS can be made. 26 ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION 67. It is not always easy to find growing shoots from which to make the cuttings. The best practice, in that case, is to cut back an old plant, then keep it warm and well watered, and thereby force it to throw out new shoots. The old geranium plant from the window-garden, or the one taken up from the lawn bed, may be treated this way. See Fig. 38. The best plants of geranium and coleus and most window-plants are those that are not more than one year old. The ge- ranium and fuchsia cuttings that are made in January, February, o r March will give compact blooming plants for the next winter; and there- after new ones take their places. (Fig. 39.) 68. The Hard- wood Cutting. Best results are secured when the cuttings are made in the fall and then buried until spring in sand in the cellar. These cuttings are usually 6 to 10 inches long. They are not idle while they rest. The lower end calluses or heals, and the roots form more readily when the cutting is planted in the spring. But if the proper season has passed, take cut- tings at any time in winter, plant them in a deep box in the window, and watch. They will need no shading or special care. Grape, currant, willow and poplar readily take root from the hardwood. Fig. 40 shows a currant cutting. It has only one bud above the ground. 39. Early winter geranium, from a spring cutting. CUTTINGS AND GRAFTS 27 69. Cuttings of Leaves. Some plants are regularly propagated by leaf-cuttings. See paragraph 58. Begonias of the "foliage" kinds are the most frequent examples. Sometimes the leaf is cut to wedge-shaped parts, each part with a midrib and a bit of the leaf-stalk; from the point which is put in the earth a new plant arises, as shown in Fig. 41. Gardeners often cut the begonia leaf across and set the severed edge in the earth; sometimes they lay the leaf flat on the earth and peg it down at intervals. The leaf should be nearly or quite mature, but still full of vigor. 70. The Graft. When the cutting is inserted in a plant rather than in the soil, we have a graft; and the graft may grow. In this case the cutting grows fast to the ther P lant > and the two become one. When the cutting is inserted in a plant, it is no longer called a cutting, but a don] and the plant in which it is inserted is called the stock. Fruit trees are grafted in order that a certain variety or kind may be perpetuated. 71. Plants have preferences as to the stocks on which they will grow; but we can find out what their choice is only by making the experiment. The pear grows well on the quince, but the quince does not grOW SO Well On the pear. The pear grows on some of the haw- 40. Currant cutting. 41. Triangular leaf-cutting of begonia or "beefsteak geran- 28 ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION thorns, but it is an unwilling subject on the apple. Tomato plants will grow on potato plants, and potato plants on tomato plants. When the potato is the root, both tomatoes and potatoes may be produced; when the tomato is the root, neither potatoes nor tomatoes will be produced. Chest- nut will grow on some kinds of oak. 72. The forming, growing tissue of the stem (on the plants we have been discussing) is the cambium, lying on the out- side of the woody cylinder, beneath the bark. In order that union may take place, the cambium of the cion and of the 42. Cion of apple. 43. The cion inserted. 44. The parts waxed. stock must come together. Therefore the cion is set in the side of the stock. There are many ways of shaping the cion and of preparing the stock to receive it. These ways are dictated largely by the relative sizes of cion and stock, although many of them are matters of mere personal prefer- ence. The underlying principles are two: securing close contact between the cambiums of cion and stock; covering the wounded surfaces to prevent evaporation and to pro- tect the parts from disease. 73. On large stocks, the commonest form of grafting is GRAFTING 29 the cleft-graft. The stock is cut off and split; and in one or both sides a wedge-shaped cion is firmly inserted. Fig. 42 shows the cion; Fig. 43, the cions set in the stock; Fig. 44, the stock waxed. It will be seen that the lower bud that lying in the wedge is covered by the wax; but being nearest the food supply and least exposed to weather, it is the most likely to grow: it will push through the wax. 74. Cleft-grafting is performed in spring, as growth begins. The cions are cut previously, when perfectly dor- mant, and from the the tree which it is desired to propagate. The cions are kept in sand or moss in the cellar. Limbs of various sizes may be cleft-grafted, from one-half inch up to four inches in diameter; but a diameter of one inch is the most convenient size. All the leading or main branches of a tree-top may be grafted. If the remaining parts of the top are gradually cut away and the cions grow well, the entire top will be changed over to the new variety. REVIEW. How do we determine how a plant may be propagated? Mention any plants that grow from cuttings. What are softwood cuttings? Hardwood? Describe a geranium cutting. What is the proper condition of wood for making a softwood cutting? How is it planted? Where? In what kind of soil? Give directions for watering. How may cutting-wood be secured? Describe a hardwood cutting. When is it made? Name plants that can be propagated easily by means of hard- wood cuttings. Describe a leaf-cutting. What is a cion? Stock? How do we find out what stocks are congenial to the cion? Describe a cleft- graft. When is cleft-grafting performed? Why do we graft? NOTE. The cutting-box may be set in the window. If the box does not receive direct sunlight, it may be covered with a pane of glass to prevent evaporation. Take care that the air is not kept too close, else the damping-off fungi may attack the cuttings, and they will rot at the surface of the ground. See that the pane is raised a little at one end to afford ventilation; and if water collects in drops on the under side of the glass, remove the pane for a time. Grafting-wax is made of beeswax, resin, and tallow. The hands are greased, and the wax is then worked until it is soft enough to spread. For the little grafting which any pupil would do, it is better to buy the wax of a seedsman. However, grafting is hardly to be recommended 30 ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION as a general school diversion, as the making of cuttings is; and this account of it is inserted chiefly to satisfy the general curiosity on the subject. But now and then a pupil may make the effort for himself, for nothing is more exciting than to make a graft grow all by one's self. The pictures of the cuttings (Figs. 33-35, 37, 40) and the grafts (Figs. 42-44) are one-third natural size. The many forms of grafting and budding are too special for dis- cussion in this book. Descriptions of them may be found in "The Nursery-Book" and other works. CHAPTER VI FOOD RESERVOIRS 75. Storehouses. All greatly thickened or congested parts are reservoirs for the storage of plant-food. This food is mostly starch or sugar. Potatoes, beets, turnips, thick rhizomes, seeds, are examples. Recall how potatoes sprout in the cellar (Fig. 45) : the sprouts are produced from the stored food. 76. The presence of starch can be determined by apply- ing diluted tincture of iodin to the part : if a blue or purplish brown color appears, starch is present. Cut the part open and moisten the fresh sur- face with iodin (to be had at the drug store) . The test will usually give the best reaction when the part is per- fectly dormant. Starch may be found in nearly all twigs in fall and winter. Test thin cross-sections. 77. This stored plant-food enables the plant to start quickly in the spring, without waiting for food elab- oration to begin in the leaves; and it enables j.v 14-14." 4.v> 45. Potato sprouts. The sprouts have used the food the plantlet in the stored in the tuber, and the tuber has shriveled. (31) 32 FOOD RESERVOIRS seed to grow until it establishes itself in the earth. The flow- ers of early-blooming trees are developed mostly from the nourishment stored in the twigs, not from the materials 46. A winter branch bearing leaves inside a window, while still attached to the tree outside. taken in at the time by the roots, nor from food being made by the newly forming leaves. This can be demonstrated by bringing branches of peach, apple, and other early- blooming plants into the house in the winter and keeping them in water; they will bloom and sometimes even make leaves. Study Fig. 46. 78. Kinds of Storage-organs. Short and much thickened or swollen parts of roots or stems are known as tubers. These may be stem-tubers, as the potato, or root-tubers, as the sweet potato (45). Most tubers are sub- terranean. 79. Many tubers are stem at the top and root in the remaining part: these are called crown-tubers, because the upper part comes 47 Crown-tuber ^ ^ e surface of the ground, or is a crown. Turnip. Leaves and stems arise from the upper part. TUBERS AND BULBS 33 Beet, radish parsnip, turnip, salsify, carrot, dahlia roots, are examples. These tubers are usually much longer than broad, and generally taper down- wards. (Fig. 47.) A good example of stem-tuber is the kohlrabi. (Fig. 48). , ^ }\z / jv\n\r~{f' OP* 48. Stem-tuber above ground. Kohlrabi. 49. A multiplier onion. 80. A much thickened part composed of scales or plates is a bulb. The bulb may be scaly, as in the lily; or it may be tunicated, made up of plates or layers within layers, as the onion. 81. Small bulbs borne amongst the foliage or flowers are known as bulblets. Such are the "top onions," and the little bulbs that the tiger lily (Fig. 31) bears on its stem. Bulbs that grow around the main bulb or which are formed by the breaking apart of the main bulb, are known as bulbels. Many bulbous plants propagate by means 50. Section /.multiplier onion. Natural size. G 34 FOOD RESERVOIRS of bulbels. The multiplier or potato onion (Fig. 49) is an example. If the bulb is cut across, it is found to have two or more "hearts" or cores (Fig. 50). When it has been planted a week, each core or part begins to separate (Fig. 51), and there are soon as many onions as there are cores. Potato onions can be bought of seedsmen. They are used for the raising of early onions. 82. Solid bulb-like parts are known as corms. These usually have a loose cover- ing, but the interior is not made up of scales or plates. Of such are gladiolus and crocus corms. (Figs. 52, 53.) Corms multiply by cormels or small corms, as bulbs do by bulbels; or the plant may bear cormlets amongst the branches and foliage. Fig. 54 shows an old gladiolus corm on which three new corms have grown. 83. We have seen that thickened parts may serve one or both of two purposes: they may be storage-organs for 51. Beginning to separate into its parts. Each part will be a little onion. 52. Corm of crocus. Nat. size. 53. Section of a crocus corm. TUBERS AND BULBS 35 food; they may be means of propagating the plant. The storage of food carries the plant over a dry or cold season. By making bulbs or tubers, the plant persists until spring. Future growth is, therefore, pro- vided for by the storage. Bulbous plants are characteristic of many dry countries. 54. Three corms growing on an old one. Gladiolus. REVIEW. What do you understand by food reservoirs? How is the presence of starch determined? Where may starch be found? Of what service to the plant is this stored food? How are the flowers and leaves enabled to start so early in spring? Define tuber. Root-tuber. Stem-tuber. Crown-tuber. Give examples. Define bulb. Scaly bulb. Tunicated bulb. Bulblet. Bulbel. Give examples. -Define corm. Cormel. What two purposes do congested parts serve? NOTE. The pupil should examine various kinds of bulbs and tubers. If these are not at hand, many kinds can be purchased of seedsmen or florists. Secure onion, narcissus, hyacinth, gladiolus, crocus, potato. Cut them in two. Study the make-up. Test them for starch. Plant some of them in pots or boxes. Observe how they grow. In the onion and some other plants, most of the stored food is sugar. Place a potato tuber in a tumbler or cup in a window so that the bottom of the tuber will be in the water. CHAPTER VII WINTER BUDS 84. What Buds Are. Because of cold or dry weather, the plant is forced into a period of inactivity. We have seen that it stores food, and is ready to make a quick start in the spring. It also makes embryo branches and packs them away underneath close-fitting scales: these branch- lets and their coverings are winter buds. The growing points of the plant are at rest for a time. In the warm season, the growing point is active, and the covering of scales is not so pronounced. A winter bud may be defined as a resting covered growing point. 85. A resting bud, therefore, is a shortened axis or branch, bearing miniature leaves or flowers, or both, and protected by a covering. Cut in two, lengthwise, a bud of the horse- chestnut or other plant that has large buds. With a pin, separate the tiny leaves. Count them. Examine the big bud of the rhubarb as it lies under the ground in winter or early spring. Dissect large buds of the apple and and pear. (Figs. 55, 56.) 86. The bud is protected by firm and dry scales; but these scales are Bud of apri- O nly modified leaves. The scales cot showing .111- ,56. Bud of pear the minia- fit close. Often the bud is protected showing both ture leaves. by varnish (see horse-chestnut and ^^ Vhe the balsam poplars). Most winter buds are latter are the little knobs in more or less woolly. Examine them under the center. a lens. AS we might expect, bud-coverings are most prom- inent in cold and dry climates. (36) MANY KINDS OF BUDS 37 87. of the Where Buds Are. Buds are borne in the leaves, in the acute angle that the leaf makes the stem. When the leaf is grow- ing in the summer, a bud is form- ing above it. When the leaf falls, the bud remains, and a scar marks the place of the leaf. Fig. 57 shows the large leaf-scars of ailan- thus. Observe those on the horse- chestnut, maple, apple, pear, bass- wood, hickory, or any tree or bush. 88. Sometimes two or more buds are borne in one axil: the extra ones are accessory or supernumerary 53. _ buds. Observe them in the Tar- 57. Leaf-sca7 s tarian honeysuckle (common in Aiianthus. yards), walnut, butternut, red maple, honey locust, and sometimes in the apricot and peach. 89. Shoots of many plants bear a bud at the tip: this is a terminal bud. It continues the growth of the axis in a direct line. Very often three or more buds are clustered at the tip (Fig. 58); and in this case there may be more buds than leaf-scars. Only one of them, however, is strictly terminal. 90. Bulbs and cabbage heads may be likened to buds: that is, they are condensed stems, With SCaleS Or modified 59. A gigantic bud.-Cabbage. leaves densely overlapping and forming a rounded body. (Fig. 59.) They differ from true buds, however, in the fact 38 WINTER BUDS 62. The open- ing of 61. Fruit- the pear that they are condensations of main stems rather than embryo stems borne in the axils of leaves. But bulblets may be scarcely distinguish- able from buds on the one hand and from bulbs on the other. Cut a cabbage head in two lengthwise, and see what it is like. 91. What Buds do. A bud is a growing point. In the growing season it is small, and persons do not notice it. In the winter it is dormant and wrapped up and is plainly bud of pear ' bud " seen: it is waiting. All branches spring from buds. 92. All winter buds give rise to branches, not to leaves alone: that is, the leaves are borne on the lengthening axis. Sometimes the axis, or branch, remains very short, so short that it GO. wiiiow. may not be noticed. Some- A times it grows several feet *&'' long. biack a bud 93. Whether the re c a a dy e to branch grows long Ihe has" or not depends on of each. P are~ position on the plant, fertility of soil, rainfall, and many other things. The new shoot is the unfolding and enlarging of the tiny axis and leaves that 63 Hickory we saw in the bud. (Figs. 55, 56.) If the conditions are congenial, the shoot may form more leaves than were tucked away in the bud, but commonly 64. Growth is progressing. CONTENTS OF BUDS 39 it does not. The length of the shoot usually depends more on the lengths between joints than on the number of leaves. 94. How Buds Open. When the bud swells, the scales are pushed apart, the little axis elongates and pushes out. In most plants, the outside scales fall very soon, leaving a little ring of scars. Notice peach, apple, plum, willow, and other plants. (Fig. 60.) In others, all the scales grow for a time, as in the pear. (Figs. 61, 62.) In other plants, the inner bud- scales become green and al- most leaf-like. See the maple and hickory. Fig. 63 shows a hickory bud. Two weeks later, 6 5. Opening of the the young shoot had pushed out pear bud> and the enlarged scales were hanging. (Fig. 64.) 95. Sometimes flowers come out of the buds. Leaves may or may not accompany the flowers, o'clock it We saw the embryo flowers in Fig. 56. The fuiiy ex- bud is shown again in Fig. 61. In Fig. 62 it is opening. In Fig. 65 it is more advanced, and the woolly un- formed flowers are appearing. In Fig. 66 the growth is more advanced. In Fig. 67 the flowers are full blown; and the bees have found them. 96. Buds that contain or produce only leaves are leaf-buds. Those that contain only flowers are flower-buds or fruit-buds. The latter occur on peach, almond, apricot, and many very early spring-flowering plants. 67 ' Pear in fu " bloom> (Fig. 68.) The single flower is emerging from the apricot bud in Fig. 69. Those that contain both leaves and flow- A single flower in the pear cluster as seen at 7 A. M. on the day of its open- 40 WINTER BUDS Almond flower the sole occupant of a bud. The ing of the flower-bud of apricot. ers are mixed buds, as in pear (Fig. 67), apple, and most late spring-flowering plants. 97. Fruit-buds are usually thicker or stouter than leaf-buds. They are borne in different positions on differ- ent plants. In some plants (apple, pear) they are mostly on the ends -of short branches or spurs; in others (peach, red maple) they are mostly along the sides of the last year's open- growths. In Fig. 70 are shown three fruit-buds and one leaf- bud on e, and leaf-buds on a. In Fig. 71 a fruit-bud is at the left, and a leaf-bud at the right. 98. The "Burst of Spring" means chiefly the opening of the buds. Note the process in Fig. 72. Everything was made ready in the previous growing season. The em- bryo shoots and flowers were devel- oped in the buds, and the food was stored. Spring comes on. The warm rain falls, and the shutters open and the sleepers wake: the frogs peep and the birds come. REVIEW. What are resting buds? What are they for? What is their cover- ing? Where are they borne? When are they formed? What is a leaf-scar? What are accessory buds? What other name is applied to them? Define terminal bud. What does it do? What are bulbs and cabbages? How do they differ from buds? What do buds do? From what do 7 ' Fruft *?jy^ leaf ' buds QUESTIONS ON BUDS 41 branches arise? To what do winter buds give rise? What determines whether the branch shall be long or short? Describe the opening of a bud. What are flower-buds? Leaf-buds? Mixed buds? How may fruit-buds be distin- guished? What is the "burst of spring?" NOTE. It is easy to see the swelling of the buds in a room in winter. Secure branches of trees and shrubs, two to three feet long, and stand them in vases or jars, as you would flowers. Renew the water frequently and cut off the lower ends of the shoots occasionally' In a week or two the buds will begin to swell. Of red maple, peach, apricot, and other very early-flowering things, flowers may be secured in ten to twenty days. Try it. The shape, size, and color of the winter buds are different in every kind of plant. By the buds alone botanists are often able to distinguish the kinds of trees. Even such similar plants as the different kinds of willows have good bud characters. The study of the kinds of buds affords excellent training of the powers of observation. 71. Fruit-bud and leaf- bud of apple. 72. The burst of spring in the lilac. CHAPTER VIII PLANTS AND SUNLIGHT 99. Each Plant Responds to Light. Green plants live only in sunlight, direct or indirect. The gradual with- drawal of light tends to weaken the plant; but the plant makes an effort to reach the light and therefore grows toward it. The whole habit of a plant may be changed by its position with ref- erence to sunlight. Choose two similar plants. Place one near the window and the other far from it. Watch the behavior from day to day. Fig. 73 shows a fern that grew near the glass in a conservatory: Fig. 74 shows one that grew on the floor of a conservatory. Fig. 74 also teaches another lesson, which is to be explained in another chapter (Chapter XXVIII). 100. Plants grow toward the light. The most vigor- ous branches, as a rule, are those that receive most light. 73. Sufficient light. 74. In need of light, kind of fern as No. 73. 75. Growing toward the light. (42) REACHING FOR LIGHT 43 Climb a tree and observe where the thriftiest shoots are; or observe any bush. 101. When plants or their parts are not stiff or rigid, 76. Branches of the cedar reaching for light. they turn toward the light, if the light comes mostly from one direction. The geraniums and fuchsias in the window are turned around occasionally so that they will grow sym- metrical. Plant radish in a pot or pan. When the plants are three or four inches high, place the pan in a tight box 44 PLANTS AND SUNLIGHT which has a hole on one side. The next day it will look like those in Fig. 75. This turning toward the light is called heliotropism (helios is Greek for "sun"). 102. Even under natural conditions, plants become misshapen or unsymmetri- cal if the light comes mostly from one direction. On the edge of a forest, the branches grow out toward the light. (Fig. 76.) Trees tend to grow away from a building. Branches become fixed in their position, so that even in winter they show the in- fluence of light. 103. Some plants climb other plants in order to reach the sunlight; or they climb rocks and buildings. Notice that the vine on the house luxuriates where it is lightest. Climbing plants may injure or even kill the plant on which they climb. This they may do by throwing their mantle of foliage over it, and smother- ing it, or by sending their roots into its trunk and robbing it of food. Sometimes they do both, as in Fig. 78. 104. Each Branch Grows Toward Light. The plant is made up of branches. There is a struggle amongst the branches for sunlight. We have seen (Fig. 7) that no two branches are alike: we now know one reason why. Notice that the small branches die in the center of the tree. Look on the inside of a pine, spruce or other dense tree. Every branch has a story to tell of the value of sunlight. 105. Each Leaf Grows Toward Light. Leaves are borne toward the ends of the branches. This is particularly 77. Mantle of clematis. The leaves, and later the flowers, spread themselves to the light. THE LIGHT REACTION 45 marked when the struggle is severe. If the outside of a plant is densely thatched with leaves, the inside will be found to be comparatively bare. Contrast Figs. 79 and 80, both being views of one tree. We know the tree as seen in Fig. 79: the squirrel knows it as seen in Fig. 80. 106. On any branch in a very thick-topped tree or bush, leaves of equal age usually tend to be largest where the light is best. Leaves that grow in full sunlight tend to per- sist later in the fall than those that grow in poor light. This fact is sometimes obscured because the outermost leaves are most ex- posed to autumn winds. 107. Plants that start in cellars, from seeds, bulbs, or tubers, grow until the stored food is exhausted and then die: the leaves do not develop to full size in darkness. Figs. 81 and 82 show this. Fig. 81 is rhubarb forced in a cellar for the winter market; Fig. 82 is a plant grown out-of-doors. Compare Fig. 45. 108. The position or direction of leaves is determined largely by exposure to sun- light. In temperate climates, they usually hang in such a way that they receive the greatest amount of light. Observe the arrangement of leaves in Fig. 83. One leaf shades the 78. A climbing fig choking a palm. 46 PLANTS AND SUNLIGHT 79. Looking at the top of a Norway maple. As the bird sees it. other to the least possible degree. If the plant were placed in a new position with reference to light, the leaves would make an effort to turn their blades. Observe the shingle-like arrangement in Fig. 79. If the pupil were to. examine the 80. Looking up into the same tree. As the squirrel sees it. THE LIGHT RELATION 47 leaves on the Norway maple, which is photographed in Fig. 79, he would find that leaves which are not on the outside lengthen their leaf-stalks in order to get the light. See Fig. 157. Norway maple is common on lawns and roadsides. 109. We have seen (85) that a large part of the leaves of any one year are packed away in the buds of the previous winter. It is almost impossible that these leaves should be packed away hit or miss. They are usually arranged in a mathematical order. We can see this order when the shoot has grown. We can see it by studying the buds on recent 81. Rhubarb grown in the dark. The leaf-blades do not develop. shoots, since there was a leaf for each bud. The leaves (or buds) may be opposite each other on the stem, or alternate. (Fig. 84.) 110. When leaves are opposite, the pairs usually alter- nate. That is, if one pair stands north and south, the next pair stands east and west. See the box-elder shoot, on the left in Fig. 84. One pair does not shade the pair beneath. The leaves are in four vertical ranks. 111. There are several kinds of alternate arrangement. In the elm shoot in Fig. 84, the third bud is vertically above the first. This is true, no matter which bud is taken as the 48 PLANTS AND SUNLIGHT starting point. Draw a thread around the stem until the two buds are joined. Set a pin at each bud. Observe that the two buds are passed (not counting the last) and that the thread makes one circuit of the stem. Representing the num- ber of buds by a denominator, and the number of circuits by a numerator, we have the fraction ^A, which expresses the part of the circle that lies between any two buds. That is, the buds are one-half of 360 de- grees apart, or 180 degrees. Looking endwise at the stem, the leaves are seen to be 2-ranked. Note that in the apple shoot (Fig. 84, right), the thread makes two circuits and five buds are passed: two-fifths represents the divergence be- tween the buds. The leaves are 5-ranked. 112. Every plant has its own arrange- ment of leaves. For opposite leaves, see maple, box-elder, ash, lilac, honeysuckle, mint, fuchsia. For 2-ranked arrangement see all grasses, Indian corn, basswood, elm. For 3-ranked arrangement see all sedges. For 5-ranked (which is one of the commonest), see apple, cherry, pear, peach, plum, poplar, willow. For 8-ranked, see holly, osage orange. More complicated arrangements occur in bulbs, house-leeks, and other condensed parts. The arrangement of leaves on the stem is known as phyllotaxy (literally 82. Rhubarb growing in the light. LEAF ARRANGEMENT 49 83. All the leaves are exposed to light. "leaf-arrangement"). Make out the phyllotaxy on any plant. Try it on a long potato tuber. 113. In some plants, several leaves occur at one level, being arranged in a circle around the stem. Such leaves are said to be verti dilate or whorled. Leaves arranged in this way are usually narrow. 114. Although a definite arrangement of leaves is the rule in most plants, it is subject to mod- ification. On shoots that receive the light only from one side or that grow in difficult positions, the arrangement may not be definite. Examine shoots that grow on the under side of dense tree-tops or in other partially lighted positions. 115. The direction or "hang" of the leaf is usually fixed, but there are some leaves that change their direction be- tween daylight and dark- ness. Thus, leaves of clover (Fig. 85), bean, locust, and many related plants, "sleep" at night; also oxalis. It is not a sleep in the sense in which animals sleep, however, but its function is not well understood. 116. Leaves usually ex- pose one particular surface tO the light. This is be- g4. Phyllotaxy of box-elder, elm, apple. 50 PLANTS AND SUNLIGHT 85. Day and night positions of the clover leaf. cause their internal structure is such that light is most efficient when it strikes this surface, as we shall learn later on. Some plants, how- ever, expose both surfaces to the light, and their leaves stand vertical. Others avoid the intense light of midday and turn in the direction of least light. Leaves standing edgewise are said to exhibit polarity. They are "compass plants" if they point north and south. The famous compass plant or silphium of the prairies, and the wild lettuce (Fig. 86), are examples of plants having polar leaves. Every leaf has a story to tell of the value of sunlight. 117. Winter Buds Show What Has Been the Effect of Sunlight. Buds are borne in the axils of the leaves (87), and the size or vigor of the leaf determines to a large extent the size of the bud. Notice that, in most instances, the largest buds are nearest the tip. (Fig. 87.) If the largest ones are not near the tip, there is some special reason for it. Ex- amine the shoots on trees and bushes. 118. The largest buds usually start first in spring, and the branches that arise from them have the advantage in the struggle for existence. Plants tend to grow most vig- orously from their ends. Observe that only the terminal bud grew in the hickory twig in Fig. 64. If the side buds or lower buds wite id p s ia a cef grew more vigorously than the end buds, the plant would become exceedingly branched QUESTIONS ON THE LIGHT-RELATION 51 and its whole form might be changed. Consider how such a mode of branching would affect any small tree that you know. Every bud has a story to tell of the value of sunlight. REVIEW. What is the relation of the plant to sunlight? Does its form ever depend on its relation to light? In what direction do the tops t of plants grow? Where are the most vigorous branches? What is heliotropism? Why are trees sometimes unsymmetrical? Do you know any instances yourself? What is one way in which plants profit by the climbing habit? Explain. Where are leaves borne in reference to light? Where are leaves usually largest? Do they de- velop in darkness? Are leaves borne directly above one another? How may leaves be arranged? Explain what phyllotaxy is. Are leaves always arranged definitely? Explain the arrangement in some plant that is not mentioned in this lesson. What is the "sleep" of leaves? Which surface of the leaf is exposed? What are com- pass plants? How do buds show what the effect of sunlight has been? What buds start first in 37. The big terminal spring? buds. Hickory. CHAPTER IX STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE AMONGST THE BRANCHES 119. No Two Branches are Alike. Every twig has history. It has to contend for sunlight and a place in whic to grow. Its size and shape, therefore, depend on the cor ditions under which it lives. Observe the long, straighl big-leaved shoots on the top of the plant, and the shorl weak, crooked ones on the inside or under side. 120. There is struggle for existence for every twig an every leaf. Those finding the best conditions live and thrive 88. The struggle for life. Mulberry shoot. those finding the poorest die. The weak are overpowere and finally perish: this prunes the tree, and tends to mak the strong the stronger. Observe the competition in th branch photographed in Fig. 88. Pick out the dead twig the weak ones, the strong ones. See also Fig. 7. 121. The Buds May Not Grow. There is not room in tree-top for all the buds to grow into branches. Some buc (52) THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE 53 89. The branching is crooked and irregular. are suppressed. Branches die. So it comes that branches are not arranged regularly, although the buds may be. In the Tartarian or "tree" honeysuckle the buds are opposite; Fig. 89 shows how the branches are. Even though the branch or plant is apparently regular in shape (as in Fig. 90), never- theless many of the buds have been suppressed, else there would be a branch from every axil. 122. The results of the struggle for existence in the tree-top can be expressed in figures. Consider that every bud is the germ or starting point of a branch. Observe at what distances apart the buds are usually borne on any plant, and estimate the number of buds that the plant has borne: count the number of branches which the tree actually bears. It will be found that the number of buds is far in excess of the number of branches: the differ- ence between the numbers shows how many buds or branches have failed. Or, count the buds on any branch, and figure up the pos- sibilities. A branch 12 inches long, for example, has 10 buds. If each bud grows, 90. Not all the buds have produced at the end Of the next branches. Tea plant. 54 STRUGGLE AMONGST BRANCHES season, there will be 10 branches, each of which may have 10 buds. At the end of the second year there will be IOC branches; at the end of the third, 1,000. Can 1,000 branches be borne on a 4-year-old branch 12 inches long, as a basel Or, count the old bud-scars on the branches for the places of the buds persist as wrinkles in the bark, often for man} years. (Fig. 91.) One can ofter locate these bud-scars on ok branches with his eyes closed b} running his fingers over the bark 123. Buds that fail to gro^ are called dormant buds. The} are usually the weakest ones those which grew in the mos uncongenial conditions. They ar( toward the base of the shoot We have seen (118) tha it is the terminal o: uppermost buds whicl are most likely to grow The dormant budi gradually die. T h e i may live four or fivi years on some plants If the other buds o branches fail or are in 91. Scars of the dormant bud,-Wi,low. J Ufed ' the y ^ ^ W but usually they do not 124. Dormant buds must not be confounded with ad ventitious buds. We have learned (54) that adventitiou buds are those formed at unusual times or places, becausi of some disturbance of the part. If a large branch is cu off, suckers or watersprouts are thrown out near the wound these arise from buds that are made for the occasion. Thes< buds did not exist there. In many countries it is a custon 92. A pollard tree In this case, man has added to the struggle for existence. An ash tree in Algeria. The shoots are cut for forage. (55) 56 STRUGGLE AMONGST BRANCHES to "pollard" or cut off the tops of trees every few years for the firewood or other uses, and strong adventitious shoots arise along the trunk. (Fig. 92.) 125. Where the Branches Grow. Be- cause new shoots tend to arise from the top of the twigs, the branches of most trees are in tiers or layers. These tiers of- ten can be traced in trees 50 and 100 years old. Try it in any oak, maple, ash, or other tree. For practice, begin with young, vigorous trees. (Figs. 93 and 94.) 126. When part of a top is removed, the remaining branches fill the space. The branches are attracted by the light, and grow in that direction. A pruned or injured top always tends to come back to equilibrium. 93. Tiers of branches on young tree. 94. Even in old trees the tiers can be traced. 95. Crushed by storm, the tree still shoots upward. HISTORY OF A TWIG 57 127. A mangled or broken plant tends to regain its former position. From fallen trees, upright shoots arise. In Fig. 95 observe the new trunks arising from the older prostrate trunks. 98. May 20. REVIEW. What is meant by the statement that every twig has a history? Upon what does the shape and size of a branch depend? Explain what you mean by the struggle for existence. Why do not all buds grow? If buds are arranged in mathematical order, why are not branches so arranged? How may the effect of struggle for existence be expressed in figures? Choose some branch and explain. Define dormant buds. Adventitious buds. Why are branches in tiers, or borne at intervals? How do plants tend to regain their form and position, when injured? NOTE. Let the pupil work out the history of some branch. It is better to choose a branch that is vigorous. He should first determine, if the shoot is dormant, how much grew the previous season. The last year's growth bears buds on the main axis, not on side branches; 58 STRUGGLE AMONGST BRANCHES and the "ring" (scars or bud-scales) marks the junction between the different years' growth. Notice this ring in the front shoot in Fig. 87. The teacher will find many twigs worked out in "Lessons with Plants." Figs. 96-100 show an actual case. These drawings were all made with the greatest care from one elm twig. The twig (Fig. 96) shows three years' growths. The side branch is evidently only one year old, for it did not arise until the twig which bears it was one year old. Note that only one of the buds made a branch. There are five blossom-buds. Fig. 97 shows the twig in bloom. Fig. 98 shows it in fruit and leaf. Fig. 100 shows the net result. The side branch grew from a to s and made two blossom buds. The tip of the main shoot (Fig. 96) was broken in a storm. The two buds next in succession grew. Each made flower- buds. Observe how many buds on this elm shoot have failed. 100. October 18. CHAPTER X PRUNING 128. We are now ready to discuss the reasons for pruning, and how the work should be performed. We have discovered that there is competition between different plants and also between branches on the same plant. When one or more of the competitors is removed, the remain- ing plants or parts have better condi- tions and will prob- ably increase in vigor. Pruning is a means of allowing the remaining branches a better op- portunity to develop. 129. Pruning should therefore increase the vigor of remaining parts. In fruit trees it also thins the fruit, increasing its size. It opens a tree-top to air and light; removes superfluous fruit -buds; allows more thorough spraying; increases ease of access into the tree by the pickers. Prun- ing also keeps plants within bounds, and ^ corrects misshapen or awkward forms. 130. The first pruning is performed when the plant is set or planted. The broken and dead roots are removed, and part of the top is taken away. There should be a proper balance between root (59) 101. Showing how much the leaves or top of a young plant may be removed on trans- planting* 102. Suggestions for pruning root and top of an apple t ree when it is transplanted. A pruned top is shown at a. 60 PRUNING and top, when a tree is dislodged from the earth and taken to another place. We have found that the leaves of cuttings are sometimes reduced for a similar reason (63). In most 103. Peach tree unpruned and pruned. trees and shrubs (except conifers) the top is cut back as much as one-half on transplanting. (Figs. 101, 102.) 131. Young trees may be so pruned that so many branches will not grow as to confuse and crowd the tree-top later on, A few framework or scaffold branches should be left. (Fig, 103.) An effort should be made to shape the tree sym- metrically; and if the trees are to constitute an orchard, they should be uniform in shape and height of top. (Figs, 104, 105.) "As the twig is bent the tree's inclined." 132. F r u i 1 plants should be so pruned as tc encourage and spare sufficiem bearing wood tc insure a good crop. W e have identified the fruit-buds (Chap- 104. Well-shaped apple trees. In regions of intense heat and sunshine, as in parts of the western United strongest and best States and Canada, apple trees are usually trained lower * j i_ j than this, to shield the trunks. placed DUOS HOW TO PRUNE 61 105. Well-formed peach trees in the eastern region. should be saved. Thinning the fruit-buds thins the fruit. In some fruit plants, the bearing wood is on canes that live or that bear for a single year only. Of such are blackberries and raspberries. The raspberry cane that springs from the root this year, bears fruit next year, and then dies or becomes so weak as to be worth- less; and the cane that comes up next year bears fruit the year after, thus maintaining the succession. Therefore, every fall or spring the canes that have borne should be cut away near the ground; a certain number (four to eight) of the new ones should be allowed to remain; and these new ones are later cut back to make them upright and to concentrate the bearing area. (Figs. 106, 107.) 133. Shrubs and trees grown for bloom may bear their flowers from winter or resting buds, or from growing shoots of the season; if the former, they bloom very early in spring, as lilac, flowering almond, deutzia, weigela, for- sythia or golden bell; if the latter, they bloom later after active twig growth begins, as rose of sharon or hibiscus, hydrangea, privet, mock orange, rose acacia, most honey- suckles. If it is desired not to remove the bloom, those bushes that bloom from resting buds should be pruned or headed back (if at all) after flowering or when in leaf; the other class should be pruned before flowering, or when the plant is dormant. 62 PRUNING 134. Pruning is sometimes employed to increase the vigor of weak or injured plants, and to renew and reshape old trees. Woody plants severely injured by frost are often cut back 106. Raspberry before pruning. 107. Same bush after the spring pruning. heavily to fresh clean wood. (Fig. 108.) The vigor of the plant is condensed into a smaller area, new shoots arise, and a renewed top may be formed. 135. In pruning, all long stubs should be avoided, and the cut should be smooth and not splintered. The "healing" of such a wound is merely the covering of the stub or cut area by a callus or ring of tissue that arises from the cambium region (between wood and bark); this callus does not form readily on long and leafless stubs. An un- covered wound tends to rot, and a hole is formed into the tree. Figs. 109 and 110 show poor and good pruning. 108. Peach trees heavily cut back after a freeze. The limb should HOW THE LIMBS ARE TO BE CUT 63 be severed practically parallel to its parent branch and close to it. Some of the worst examples of pruning (or of tree butchery) are to be found along streets where trees have been cut to allow the passage of telephone and telegraph wires and other improvements. Only careful and practiced persons should be allowed to prune street trees. 136. Pruning may be performed at any time of the year, depending on the climate and the objects to be attained. Fruit trees and shade trees are usually pruned in spring, before the leaves appear. Sometimes the heading in of fruit trees is performed in late summer or fall, but late winter and spring pruning for all trees is most favored in cold climates. 109. Poor pruning 110. Good pruning. REVIEW. What do you understand by pruning? What does prun- ing accomplish? Is it "unnatural"? How should newly set trees and plants be pruned? Why? What relation has pruning to the bearing wood? What are the considerations hi the pruning of flowering shrubs? What kind of pruning is practised on weak or injured plants? How should the pruning wounds be made? How do wounds heal? When may pruning be performed? How would you prune a bearing apple tree (ask some one who knows)? A raspberry or blackberry bush? CHAPTER XI THE FORMS OF PLANTS 137. Although the form of the branch, and to som< extent the entire plant, is determined by a struggle wit! the conditions in which it grows, nevertheless each kinc of plant has its own peculiar habit of growth. The lum 111. Different forms of trees. berman distinguishes the kinds of trees by their "looks/ rather than by their leaves or flowers, as the botanist does The farmer usually does the same with his cultivated plants 138. The habit of a plant is determined by its size general style or direction of growth, form of head, and methoc of branching. The general style or stature of plants has been mentioned in Chaptej III they may be erect, strict, creeping decumbent, and the like. The shape o: the top or head is well illustrated in trees Note the general effect of the mass, as seen at a distance. The elm is vase-forn or round-headed. (Fig. 111.) So are maple beech, and apple trees. The Lombard} poplar (Fig. 112) is columnar or fastigiate Young spruces and firs are conical (64) 112. Round-headed and fastigiate trees. THE TREE TOPS 65 Heads may be narrow, wide, flat, symmetrical, irregular or broken. 139. The general leaf- age or furnishing of the top is different for each kind. The top may be dense or thin. The foliage may be heavy, light, large, small. Compare maples and elms, apples and peaches, and other trees. 140. The trunk or bole of the tree is one of its most conspicuous fea- tures. Observe the strict 113. The unbranched trunks of palms. straight trunk of the palm (Fig. 113), and the forking trunk of elms and maples. Observe that no two trees have trunks quite alike. The bark is different for each kind of plant. 114. The plant form in winter. Russian thistle. 115. A plant form. Cotton. 141. Plants awaken certain thoughts or feelings: they are said to have expression. This expression is the source of much of our pleasure in them. Trees are particularly expressive. One suggests restfulness, because of its deep, DO THE FORMS OF PLANTS shady top; another gaiety, from its moving, small, light- colored leaves; another heaviness, from its very large, dull foliage; another strength, from the massive branches; another grace, from the flowing outline or flexile growth. We think of the oak as strong, the willow as lithe, the aspen as weak, 116. The many trunks of an old olive tree. Italy. and the like. Irregular or gnarly trees suggest struggle, If all plants, or even all trees, were alike, we should have little pleasure in them. 142. The expression of a plant depends to some extent on the character of the shadows in the top. These shadows (or lights and shades) are best seen by looking at the plant THE INTEREST IN PLANT FORMS 67 when the sun is low and behind the observer. Stand at some distance. Look at the dark places in the old pasture maple: they are lumpy and irregular. In the pasture beech they are in layers or strata. The shadows depend mostly on the method of branching. Those who take photographs know how the "high lights" and shadows develop on the plate. (Fig. 117.) 143. The habit of a plant is usually most apparent when it is leafless. The framework is then revealed. Woody plants are as interesting in winter as in sum- mer. Observe their forms as out- lined against the sky every one different from every other. Notice the plant forms as they stand in the snow. (Fig. 114.) Compare this form with that of the cotton in Fig. 115; or with that of any other plant. How do stems of the pigweed differ from those of burdock and grasses? Observe how the different plants hold snow and ice. 144. The more unusual the shape of any tree or other plant, the greater is our interest in it, because our curiosity is awakened. Some unusual circumstance or condition has produced the abnormal form. Such plants should be preserved whenever possible. (Fig. 116.) REVIEW. What do you mean by the statement that each kind of plant has its own habit (36)? How do plants differ in habit? Name some of the forms of tree-tops. How may plants differ in the furnish- ing of the top? Is the trunk characteristic? Bark? Bring in and describe the bark of three kinds of trees. What is the expression of a tree? Name some of the expressions? Explain what you under- stand by the shadows in the top. On what do the shadows chiefly depend? What is there to see in plants in winter? Why are we interested 117. The lights and shades. Honey locust tree. 68 THE FORMS OF PLANTS in plants of unusual form? Tell how any two trees differ in "looks." NOTE. One of the first things the pupil should learn about plants is to see them as a whole. He should get the feeling of mass. Then he should endeavor to determine why the mass is so and so. Trees are best to begin on. No two trees are alike. How do they differ? The pupil can observe as he comes and goes from school. An orchard of different kinds of fruits shows strong contrasts. Even different varieties of the same fruit may be unlike in habit. This is especially true in pears (Figs. 118, 119). It is well, also, to develop the feeling for the mass, and to apprehend the expression, in a field of wheat or of clover, a field of potatoes, an apple orchard, a vegetable garden: dis- tinguish the various plant forms and also the impression that the entire field or garden or woodland makes on you. 118. A young pear tree of the Kieffer variety. 119. A pear tree of the Hardy variety. CHAPTER XII WATER AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS. ROOT ACTION 145. Plant-food. Having learned what a plant is and having seen it as a whole, we may now inquire how it secures food with which to live. We can discuss only the outlines of the subject here: the pupil may consider the question again when he takes up Part III. The plant secures water and mineral nutrients from the soil. It also takes up mineral elements which are not nutrients, but which enter the plant because they are in solution in the soil-water. The word plant-food is used commonly to include the water and mineral nutrients taken in by the roots. Technically, the word plant-food is used to designate such products as starch, sugar, fats and other substances elaborated by the plant. The latter usage is unfortunate, but we shall follow it here, according to botanical usage, to avoid confusion. 146. Root Structure. Roots divide into the thinnest and finest fibrils: there are roots and there are rootlets. The large, fleshy root of the radish (Fig. 120) ter- minates in a common-sized root to which little rootlets are attached. There are also little rootlets attached to the fleshy root at various places near the base. But the rootlets that we see are only inter- mediary, and there are numerous yet smaller structures. 147. The rootlets, or fine divisions, are clothed with root-hairs (29), which are very delicate structures. Carefully (69) 120. Root and rootlets. 70 WATER AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS germinate radish or other seed, so that no delicate parts of the root will be injured. For this purpose, place a few seeds in packing-moss or in the folds of cloth or blotting- paper, being careful to keep them moist. In a few days the seed has germinated, and the root has grown an inch or two long. Notice .that, excepting at a distance of about a quarter of an inch behind the tip, the root is covered with minute hairs (Figs. 11, 121). They are actually hairs, that is, root-hairs. Touch them and they collapse, they are so delicate. Dip one of the plants in water; remove it, the hairs are not to be seen. The water mats them together along the root and they are no longer evident. Root-hairs usually are destroyed when a plant is pulled out of the soil, be it done ever so carefully. They cling to the minute particles of earth. Under a microscope, observe how they are flattened when they come in contact with grains of sand (Chapter II). These root-hairs clothe the young rootlets, and a great aonount of soil is thus brought into actual con- tact with the plant. Root-hairs are not young roots: they soon die. 148. Rootlet and root-hair differ. The rootlet is a compact, cellular structure. The root-hair is a delicate tube (Fig. 122), within the cell-wall of which is contained living matter (protoplasm); the wall and the lining membrane permit water and substances in solution to pass in. Being long and tube-like, these root-hairs are especially suited for taking in the largest quantity of solutions; and they are the principal means by which material is absorbed from the soil, although 121. Root of pumpkin seedling, showing the covering of root-hairs. WATER ABSORPTION 71 122. Cross-section of root, enlarged, showing root-hairs. the surfaces of the rootlets themselves do a small part. Water-plants probably absorb a great quantity of water through the leaves and stems. Most of the higher plants, how- ever, growing in water, are pro- vided with roots and root-hairs and considerable absorption is effected by these. Certain of the water-plants have roots but produce no root-hairs; others, as the utricularia or bladder- wort, have no roots whatever. 149. Osmosis. To under- stand how water enters the root-hair, it is necessary that we study the process of osmosis. A salt or sugar solution, separated from water by a semi-permeable membrane, will in- crease its volume, due to the passage into the solution of some of the water. This can be easily demonstrated. (Fig. 123.) Dissolve in one pint of water, one ounce of either common household salt (sodium chlorid) or saltpeter (sodium nitrate). Saltpeter is a valuable plant fertilizer. Tie securely over the large mouth of the tube a piece of animal membrane (hog's bladder is excellent for the purpose). Now fill the enlarged end of tube with either the common salt or the saltpeter. Then sink the tube, as in Fig. 123, in the bottle A, of water, until the level of the water in the 123. TO illustrate osmosis, tube stands at the same height as that 72 WATER AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS in the bottle. The tube may be readily secured in this position by passing it through a hole in the cork. In a short time, we notice that the liquid in N begins to rise, and in an hour or so it stands at F, say. The diffusion of water through this membrane into the salt solution is known as osmosis. Under these conditions, there is pressure in the tube and this pres- sure is known as osmotic pressure. We may have osmosis taking place from a weak solution to a stronger solution. 150. The root-hairs secure water from the soil. The above experiment enables us to understand how the count- less little root-hairs act, each one like the tube N, if only the whole surface of the tube were a bladder membrane, or something acting similarly. The soil-water does not contain much of the soil fertility; that is, it is a very weak solution. The active little root-hair, on the other hand, is always filled with cell-sap, a more concentrated solution; hence soil-water must come in, and along with it come also small quantities of dissolved food materials. Some of these ma- terials may be fertilizers that have been applied to the land. 151. This principle of absorption of water by osmosis may now be demonstrated by another experiment. Fleshy pieces of root or stem will absorb water from weak solutions and become rigid; in strong solutions such fleshy parts will give up their water and become flexible. Cut several slices of potato tuber about one-eighth of an inch in thickness, and let them remain in the air half an hour. Make up two solutions of cane-sugar: (1) dissolve four ounces of sugar in a quart of water; (2) dissolve one-half ounce of sugar in a quart of water. Place pieces of the potato tuber in these solutions. In half an hour those pieces in the weak solution will be rigid or stiff (turgid); those in the strong solution will be flexible (flaccid). The potato tuber is composed of thousands of minute cells, each with a cell wall, protoplasm, starch grains, and cell-sap. The cell-sap contains sugars and various salts in solution. When the slice of tuber is OSMOSIS AND SAP-PRESSURE 73 placed in weak sugar solution (each cell having a concen- tration greater than the outside solution), it takes up water. The slices of tuber in the strong solution lose water because the concentration of the external solution is stronger than that of the cell-sap. 152. The root-hairs are able to take up water from the soil because the soil solution is extremely dilute. If the soil solution were strong, the plant might give up water to the soil. It would be possible to add so much fertilizer to the land as to cause the plant to lose water by exosmosis. There is seldom, however, any danger that the farmer or gardener will add so much fertilizer to the soil, in practice, as to cause a wilting of the plant due to loss of water by exosmosis. 153. The water and salts in solution taken up by the root-hairs pass into the root proper and finally into definite routes that are con- tinuous from the root through the stems to the leaves. To illustrate the path of water-ascent, insert a growing shoot in water that is colored with eosin. (Eosin may be had of dealers in microscopic supplies. Common aniline may answer very well.) The tissues stained with the dye are the conducting tissues. In woody plants, the water is conducted in the young wood, not between the bark and wood as commonly supposed. 154. The absorption of water by a root may be so rapid as to give rise to distinct pressure. This force is root- or sap-pressure. It varies in different plants and in the same plant at different times. The "bleeding" of plants is a manifesta- tion of this pressure. In the spring, the 124. To show sap-pressure. 74 WATER AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS maple and grape particularly exhibit strong sap-pressure. To illustrate root-pressure, grow squash or cucumber plants, and when they are about a foot or more in height cut off the plant close to the ground. To the plant stem attach a small piece of rubber tubing. Fill it with water and then connect it to a glass tube. (Fig. 124.) At intervals note the rise of water due to root-pressure. The root-pressure in a large cucumber plant may force sap to a height of five feet or more in a tube of five millimeters diameter. REVIEW. What is meant by plant-food? Plant nutrient? De- scribe the root structure. What are root-hairs? Their function? How do water plants secure water? Do they have roots and root-hairs? Explain osmosis. Exosmosis. How does water enter the root? Why? How can you illustrate the path of water-ascent? What is root- or sap- pressure? Why do plants "bleed?" Have you ever actually seen root- hairs? Explain where and when. Make a drawing as they appeared to you. CHAPTER XIII WATER AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS. ACTION ABOVE THE ROOT 155. The water in the soil is not usually present as free water, but in the form of films that adhere to the indi- vidual particles of soil. The root-hairs are in contact with the soil particles and films of water. (Fig. 125.) The finer the soil, the greater the number of soil-particles and the greater the film-moisture. The film-moisture surrounding the grains may not be perceptible, yet the plant can utilize it. Absorption by roots may continue in a soil that seems to be dust dry. 156. The root must be warm if it is to perform its functions. A proper tempera- ture is essential to the life processes. Should the soil of fields or greenhouses be much colder than the air, the plant suffers. When in a warm atmosphere, or hi a dry atmosphere, plants need to absorb much water from the soil, and the roots must be warm if the root-hairs are to supply the water as rapidly as it is needed. If the roots are chilled, the plant may wilt or die. Try this with two potted plants, as radish, coleus, tomato. Put one pot in a dish of ice water, and the other hi a dish of warm water, and keep them in a warm room. In a short 125 - The rootlets and ,. , . , , .. j . . root-hairs cling to the time notice how stiff and vigorous is part icie8 of sou. (75) 76 WATER AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS the one whose roots are warm, whereas the other may show signs of wilting. 1-57. Plants take from the soil an immense quantity of water. A single corn plant may require in a growing season 200 to 500 pounds of water. From 250 to 400 or more pounds of water are required for the production of one pound of dry matter in plants. Most of the water absorbed by the roots is given off by the plant as water vapor in a process of evaporation called transpiration (166). 158. Water serves the plant in a number of ways. It is a nutrient for the plant and takes part in the formation of substances manufactured by the plant. The cell sap is water with substances in solution. The water serves as a carrier of the materials derived from the soil and also for the manufactured food made within the plant. Let us see what nutrients the ordinary green plants secure from the soil. 159. Nutrient Materials Secured from the Soil. We have seen that all nutrient material must be in solution in water to be taken in by the root. The ordinary green plant obtains from the soil the following essential elements: Nitrogen, chemical symbol N. Potassium, K. Phosphorus, P. Calcium, Ca. Sulfur, S. Magnesium, Mg. Iron, Fe. Chlorin is also an essential element for buckwheat. The elements in the above list (except nitrogen) are known as the mineral elements. All of the above elements are taken up not in their elemental form but in the form of salts. 160. Ten elements are essential for the growth of all green plants. In addition to the seven above mentioned, the plant requires hydrogen, H, oxygen, O, and carbon, C. Hydrogen and oxygen are supplied in the form of water, which has the chemical formula H^O. Carbon for the green FERTILIZERS 77 plant is provided in the carbon dioxid (CO 2 ) of the air. Oxygen is also derived from air (187). When the plant is burned, the six mineral elements remain in the ash. 161. The ash is but a very small part of the total weight of the plant. In a corn plant of the roasting-ear stage, the ash (what remains after ordinary burning) is about one per cent of the total substance. A good wheat crop will require per acre about ten pounds of phosphoric acid and about thirty pounds of potash. The amount of phosphoric acid removed by 200 bushels of potatoes is nine pounds; and of potash sixty pounds. 162. The farmer does not add all the elements to the soil in the shape of fertilizers. Some of the nutrient elements are used in such small quantities and are present in the soil to such an amount that the ad- dition of them is not necessary. The farmer adds nitrogen, pot- ash and phosphorus to the land to provide' nutrients, and he also adds calcium in lime or land-plaster because of its chemical and physical effect on the soil. Some of the fertilizers are mined, others are by-pro- ducts of packing-houses and other manufacturing establishments. Stable manure is gen- erally considered to be the best single fertilizer. 163. Nitrogen is one of the most essential elements required by the plant. It is expensive to add to the soil as fertilizer. Fortunately, nature has provided a method whereby some of the inexhaustible nitrogen supply of the 78 WATER AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS air is taken into the soil. Dig up a clover, vetch, pea, bean, cowpea, alfalfa or other legume plant. Carefully wash the soil away from the roots. Nodule swellings will probably be found on the roots. (Figs. 126, 127.) In these nodules are certain bacteria that secure nitrogen from the air, and from which they build up more complex nitrogenous com- pounds. The legume host-plant then appropriates some of the nitrogen fixed by bacteria and the remainder, of course, re- mains in the bacteria. 164. Only the leguminous plants bear these nodules. The legumes are plants of the great family Leguminosae, comprising all pea-like, bean- like, clover-like, acacia-like and other pod-bearing plants. It has been demonstrated that over 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre can be fixed by these nodule-forming bacteria dur- ing a growing season. These bacteria are not present in all fields. They must be intro- duced to fields on 'which legumes have not grown. Moreover, the bacteria that ^^ the ^ ^ ft wiu not ^ e(jt or variety is necessary for 127. Nodules on root of Canada field pea. the cowpea. A different "strain almost every legume. So important are the bacteria that the farmer who desires to enrich his soil and secure good SOIL NUTRIENTS 79 crops introduces these bacteria into his field by the appli- cation of soil taken from a field known to have them, or possibly in some cases he introduces the bacteria by the use of commercial cultures. Certain legume crops, as alfalfa, will do poorly unless the bacteria are present. 165. A simple experiment will demonstrate the growth of plants in a nutrient solution, such as may exist in the soil. Secure from the druggist the following chemicals and make a solution of them, using the amounts here indicated: Potassium nitrate, KNO 3 2 grains Calcium phosphate, monobasic, CaH 4 (PO 4 )2 1 grain Or Calcium phosphate dibasic Ca 2 H 2 (PO 4 )2 1 grain Magnesium sulfate, MgSO 4 0.50 grain Ferric chloride, very slight trace. Water (distilled) .5 quarts Fill four or five tumblers with this solution and cover the tumblers with paraffined paper. Germinate peas or seeds of a similar plant, and when the roots are two inches long punch holes in the paper and insert the roots through the holes into the nutrient solution. Place the cultures in good light and allow the seedlings to grow three or four weeks. For comparison, grow some of the plants in distilled water in place of the nutrient solution. 166. Transpiration. We have found that the plant takes nutrients from the soil in very dilute solutions. Much more water is absorbed by the roots than is used in growth, and this surplus water is given off from the leaves into the atmosphere by the evaporation process known as trans- piration (157). The transpiration takes place more abun- dantly from the under surfaces of leaves in most plants, and through the pores or stomates. It has been found that a sunflower plant of the height of a man, during an active period of growth, gives off more than a quart of water per day. A large oak tree may transpire 150 gallons per day 80 WATER AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS during the summer. For every ounce of dry matter pro- duced, it is estimated that fifteen to twenty-five pounds of water must pass through the plant. Cut off a succulent shoot of any plant, press the end of it through a hole in a cork and stand it in a small bottle of water. Invert over this bottle a large-mouthed bottle (as a fruit- jar), and notice that a mist soon accumulates on the inside of the glass. In time, drops of water form. The ex- periment may be varied as shown in Fig. 128. Or invert the fruit- jar over an entire plant, as shown 128. To illustrate transpiration. in pig> ^ tak _ ing care to cover the earth with oiled paper or rubber cloth to prevent evaporation. 167. Even in winter, moisture is given off by leafless twigs. Cut a twig, seal the severed end with wax, and allow the twig to lie several days: it shrivels. There must be some upward movement of water even in winter, else plants would shrivel and die. 168. When the roots fail to supply to the plant sufficient water to equalize that transpired by the leaves, the plant wilts. Transpiration from the leaves and delicate shoots is increased by all of the conditions that increase evaporation, WHY PLANTS WILT 81 as higher temperature, dry air or wind. In especially hot weather, when the wind is brisk and the air dry, the roots may be very active and yet fail to absorb sufficient moisture to equalize that given off by the leaves. Any injury to the roots or even chilling them (156) may cause the plant to wilt. On a hot, dry day, note how the leaves of corn "roll" toward afternoon. Early the following morning, note how fresh and vigorous the same leaves appear. Water is also forced up by root-pressure (154). Some of the dew on the grass in the morn- ing may be the water forced up by the roots; some of it is the condensed vapor of the air. 169. The wilting of a plant is due to the loss of water from the cells. The cell walls are soft, and they col- 129 ' To aiustrate trans P iration - lapse. A toy balloon will not stand alone until it is inflated with air or liquid. In the woody parts of the plant the cell walls may be stiff enough to support themselves, even though the cell is empty. Measure the contraction due to wilting and drying by tracing a fresh leaf, and then tracing the same leaf .after it has been dried between papers. The softer the leaf, the greater will be the contraction. REVIEW. What relation do root-hairs have to soil-particles? What is the effect of the chilling of roots? Of what use to the plant is water? What essential elements are taken from the soil? How many elements are essential for the plant? What is the ash? What elements does the farmer add as fertilizers? How may the nitrogen supply of the soil be increased? What plants possess the root nodules? What is soil inoculation? What is transpiration? When does a plant wilt? CHAPTER XIV FOOD ELABORATION AND RESPIRATION 170. Sources of Raw Material. The ordinary green plant, as we have seen, secures water and certain substances from the soil. It also secures from the air raw material which it utilizes in the elaboration of food material. When a plant is thoroughly dried in an oven, the water passes off; this water came from the soil. The remaining part is called dry sub- stance or dry matter. If the dry matter is burned in an ordi- nary fire, only the ash remains; this ash came from the soil. The part that passed off as a gas in the burning contained the elements that came from the air. It also contained some of those that came from the soil all those (as nitrogen, hydrogen, chlorin) that are transformed into gases by the heat of a common fire. 171. Carbon. Carbon enters abundantly into the com- position of all plants. Note what happens when a plant is burned without free access of air, or smothered, as in a charcoal pit. A mass of charcoal remains, almost as large as the body of the plant. Charcoal is almost pure carbon, the ash being so small in proportion to the large amount of carbon that we look on it as an impurity. Half or more of the dry substance of a tree is carbon. The carbon goes off as a gas when the plant is burned in air. It does not go off alone, but in combination with oxygen, and in the form called carbon dioxid gas, CO 2 . 172. The green plant secures its carbon from the air. In other words, much of the solid matter of the plant comes from one of the gases. By volume, carbon dioxid forms only about three-hundredths of 1 per cent of the air. It (82) CARBON AND CHLOROPHYLL 83 would be very disastrous to animal life, however, if this small percentage were much increased, for it excludes the life-giving oxygen. Carbon dioxid is often called "foul- gas." It may accumulate in old wells, and an experienced person will not descend into such wells until they have been tested with a torch. If the air in the well will not support combustion, that is, if the torch is extinguished, it usually means that carbon dioxid has drained into the place. The air of a closed schoolroom often contains far too much of this gas along with little solid particles of waste matters. Carbon dioxid is often known as carbonic acid gas. 173. Appropriation of the Carbon. The carbon dioxid of the air readily diffuses into the leaves and other green parts of the plant. The leaf may be delicate in texture, and air may diffuse directly into the leaf-tissues. There are, how- ever, special inlets adapted for the admission of gases into the leaves and other green parts. These inlets consist of numerous pores (stomates or stomata), which are especially abundant on the under surface of the leaf. They may also be present on the upper surface. The apple leaf contains about one hundred thousand of these pores to each square inch of the under surface. Through these pores the outside air enters into the air-spaces of the plant, and finally into the little cells containing the living matter. In Chapter XL these stomata will be studied. 174. Chlorophyll. The green color of leaves is due to a substance called chlorophyll. Purchase at the drug store about a gill of (grain) alcohol. Secure a leaf of geranium, clover, or other plant that has been exposed to sunlight for a few hours and, after dipping it for a minute in boiling water, put it in a white cup with sufficient alcohol to cover the leaf. Place the cup on the stove where it is not hot enough for the alcohol to take fire. After a time the chlorophyll is dissolved by the alcohol, which has become an intense green. Save this leaf for a future experiment. Without 84 FOOD ELABORATION AND RESPIRATION chlorophyll, the plant can not appropriate the carbon di- oxid of the air. 175. In most plants, this chlorophyll or leaf -green is scattered throughout the green tissues in little oval bodies, and these bodies are most abundant near the upper surface of the leaf, where they secure a large amount of light. With- out this green coloring matter, there would be no reason for the large flat surfaces that leaves possess, and no reason for the fact that the leaves are borne most abundantly at the ends of the branches, where the light is most available. Plants with colored leaves, as coleus, have chlorophyll, but it is masked by other coloring matter. This other coloring matter is usually soluble in hot water. Boil a coleus leaf and notice that it becomes green and the water becomes colored. 176. Plants grown in darkness are yellow and slender, and do not reach maturity. Compare the potato sprouts that have grown from a tuber lying in the dark cellar with those that have grown normally in the bright light (Fig. 45). The shoots have elongated until the food which is stored in the tuber is exhausted. These shoots have lived useless lives. A plant that has been grown in darkness from the seed will soon die, although for a time the little seedling will grow very tall and slender. Light induces the production of chlorophyll. Sometimes chlorophyll is found in buds and seeds, but it is probable in most cases that these places are not perfectly dark. Notice how potato tubers develop chlorophyll, or become green, when exposed to light. 177. Photosynthesis. Carbon dioxid diffuses into the leaf (173) and is used during sunlight, and oxygen is given off. We have seen (172) that carbon dioxid will not support animal life. Experiments show that carbon dioxid is absorbed and that oxygen is given off by all green surfaces in the hours of sunlight. How the carbon dioxid may be used in making organic food is a complex question and need be considered here only in a general way. PHOTOSYNTHESIS 85 178. Chlorophyll absorbs certain of the sun's rays and the energy thus derived is used in uniting the carbon dioxid with some of the water brought up from the roots. The process is complex, with some kind of sugar or starch as the ultimate product. Glucose is probably the first carbo- hydrate formed. In most plants, the first visible product is starch. Certain plants do not produce starch. The common onion, amaryllis and iris are of this class. The process of using the carbon dioxid of the air has been known as carbon- assimilation, but the term now commonly used is photo- synthesis (from Greek words, meaning "light" and "put together"). 179. Glucose or grape sugar is composed of carbon, hydro- gen, and oxygen (C 6 Hi 2 O 6 ). Starch is likewise composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but differs in the percent- ages. Its chemical formula is generally given (C 6 HioO 5 ). Cane sugar, malt sugar, woody substances are very similar in composition. They are called carbohydrates. In making the glucose sugar from the carbon dioxid and water, the oxygen gas is given off by the plant as a waste product. The general chemical formula for the process is: 6CO 2 + 6H 2 = C 6 Hi 2 6 +60 2 . 180. In the daytime the plant, therefore, takes in carbon dioxid and gives off oxygen. It is not so easy to demonstrate this fact. Chemical analysis is the only way of proving it. The escape of oxygen can best be demonstrated by employ- ing water plants. Make an experiment as illustrated in Fig. 130. Under a funnel in a deep glass jar containing fresh spring or stream water, place fresh pieces of the common water-weed, elodea (or anacharis). In sunlight, bubbles of oxygen will arise and collect in the test-tube. Some of the bubbles may be only air, particularly if marked changes in the temperature of the water occur. A simple experiment is to immerse a stem of elodea in a test-tube of water and hold the tube in bright sunlight. Bubbles of gas will arise from 86 FOOD ELABORATION AND RESPIRATION the cut end of the twig. This gas has been found to be largely oxygen. The water-plant gets its carbon dioxid gas from that which is dissolved 'in the water. A gas, as well as a solid, may be dissolved in water. Observe the bubbles on pond-scums and water-weeds on a bright day. 181. Starch is present in the green leaves that have been ex- posed to sunlight; but in the dark no starch can be formed from carbon dioxid and water. Apply iodin to the leaf from which the chlorophyll was dissolved in a previous experiment (174). Note that the leaf is colored purplish brown throughout. Starch gives a blue coloration with iodin. The leaf contains starch (76). Secure a leaf from a plant that has been in the darkness for about two days. Dissolve the chlorophyll, as before, and attempt to stain this leaf with iodin. No purplish 130. To show the escape of oxygen. brQwn ^^ {& produce(L 182. Plants or parts of plants that have developed no chlorophyll can form no starch. Secure a variegated leaf of coleus, ribbon-grass, geranium, or of any plant showing both white and green areas. On a day of bright sunshine, test one of these leaves by the alcohol and iodin method for the presence of starch. Observe that the parts devoid of green color have formed no starch. However, after starch has once been formed in the leaves, it may be changed into soluble substances and removed to be again converted into starch in other parts of the living tissues. DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION 87 183. Digestion. The starch made by the leaf during the daytime is present in the form of insoluble granules. In order to be carried from the leaf to other parts of the plant for purposes of storage or growth, it must be made soluble. The starch of the leaves at night is converted into sugars by the action of enzymes, or ferments, and is then conveyed to other parts of the plant. This conversion is a process of digestion. It is much like the change of starchy foods to sugary foods by the saliva. 184. After being changed to the soluble form, this material is ready to be used in growth, either in the leaf, in the stem, or in the roots. With other more complex products it is then distributed throughout all of the growing parts of the plant; and when passing down to the root it passes readily through the inner bark, in plants that have a definite bark. This gradual downward diffusion of materials suitable for growth through the inner bark is the process referred to when the "descent of sap" is mentioned. Starch and other products are often stored in one growing season to be used in the next season (Chapter VI). If a tree is constricted or strangled by a wire around its trunk, the digested food can- not readily pass down and it is stored above the girdle, caus- ing an enlargement. 185. Assimilation. The food from the air and the nutrients from the soil unite in the living tissues (see Photosynthesis, 178). The sap that passes upwards from the roots in the growing season is made up largely of the soil-water and the salts that have been absorbed in the diluted solutions. We have found that this upward-moving water is conducted largely through certain tubular cells of the young wood (153). These cells are never continuous tubes from root to leaf; but the water passes readily from one cell to another in its upward course. 186. The upward-moving water gradually passes to the growing parts, and it comes in intimate contact with the 88 FOOD ELABORATION AND RESPIRATION soluble carbohydrates and products of photosynthesis. In the building-up or reconstructive and other processes it is therefore available. There is a series of changes, gradually increasing in complexity. There are formed substances containing nitrogen, in addition to carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Others will contain also sulfur and phosphorus, and the process may be thought of as culminating in protoplasm. Protoplasm is the living matter in plants. It is in the cells, and is usually semifluid. Starch is not living matter. The process of building up the protoplasm is called assimilation. 187. Respiration. In the maintenance and growth of the plant, energy is required. This energy is derived from the food that the plant has manufactured; and its ultimate source is the sunlight. For the release of this energy, chemi- cal changes are involved which require oxygen; as by- products, carbon dioxid gas is given off and water is formed in the cells; this whole process is respiration. This process of respiration is similar in animals. All animals require oxygen and give off carbon dioxid. Likewise, all living parts of the plant must have a constant supply of oxygen. 188. In green plants, at night, carbon dioxid is given off into the air and oxygen is taken into the cells. In the day- time, respiration goes on, but the required oxygen is derived from the supply released in photosynthesis; and the carbon dioxid released in respiration supplies a part of the carbon dioxid used in photosynthesis. In the daytime, the plants tend to purify the air because they use carbon dioxid and give off oxygen. At night, like animals, they tend to make the air foul because they use oxygen and give off carbon dioxid. The carbon dioxid given off by a few plants at night, however, is so slight that it need not disturb one at all. 189. The oxygen that the plants need may come into the plant through the stomata, through pores in the stems or trunks of trees, or it may diffuse through the cell walls. All rapidly growing plants respire very freely. Germinating RESPIRATION 89 seeds especially give off a large quantity of carbon dioxid. In a wide-mouthed bottle place several hundred germinating pea seeds. Fill a small vial with a filtered concentrated solution of barium hydrate. Place the vial in the bottle with the seeds. Do not spill the solution. Tightly stopper the wide-mouthed bottle and after several hours note the heavy, white precipitate that forms hi it. As a check, place a similar vial of barium hydrate solution is a similar bottle tightly stoppered. Does a heavy precipitate form? Using a piece of glass tubing, blow air into a bottle of barium hy- drate. The exhaled air is rich in carbon dioxid. The water becomes turbid, due to the precipitate formed when carbon dioxid reacts with barium hydrate. REVIEW. What are the sources of the raw material? What part of the dry matter is carbon? What percentage of the air is carbon dioxid? How does it enter the plant? What is chlorophyll? What is necessary for its formation? What is meant by photosynthesis? What gas is given off in photosynthesis? What conditions are necessary for photosynthesis? What is meant by digestion of starch? WTiat is meant by assimilation? Respiration? When does it occur? What gas is given off in the process? What gas is required in the process? Contrast the process of respiration in animals and plants. CHAPTER XV DEPENDENT PLANTS 190. Dependent and Independent Plants. Plants with roots and foliage usually depend on themselves. They collect the raw materials and make them over into assimi- lable food. They are independent. Plants without green foliage cannot make food : they must have it made for them or they die. They are dependent. The potato sprout (Fig. 45) cannot collect and elaborate carbon dioxid. It lives on the food stored in the tuber. 191. All plants with naturally white or blanched parts are dependent. Their leaves do not develop. They live on organic matter that which has been made by a plant or an animal. The Indian pipe, aphyllon (Fig. 131), beech -drop, coral -root (Fig. 132) among flower-producing plants, also mushrooms as well as bacteria and other fungi (Figs. 133, 134, 135) are common examples. 192. Saprophytes and Parasites. A plant that lives on dead or decay- ing matter is a saprophyte. Mush- rooms are examples: they live on the decaying matter in the soil. Mould on bread and cheese is an example. Lay i3i. A parasite, growing in a piece of moist bread on a plate and woods. Aphyllon. It is in . .. T r bloom. invert a tumbler over it. In a few (90) SAPROPHYTES AND PARASITES 91 days it will be mouldy. The spores were in the air, or per- haps they had already fallen on the bread but had not had opportunity to grow. 193. Saprophytes break down or decompose organic substances. Chief of these saprophytes are the microscopic organisms known as bacteria (Fig. 136). These innumerable bodies are immersed in water or in animal and plant juices, and absorb food over their entire surface. By breaking down organic com- binations, they produce de- cay. Largely through their agency, and that of many true but microscopic fungi, all things pass into soil and Thus are the bodies Of 133 - A mushroom, example . of a saprophytic plant. plants and animals removed and the continuing round of life is maintained. 194. A plant that secures its nutrition di- rectly from a living plant or animal is a parasite, and the plant or animal on which it lives is the host. The dodder is a true parasite. So are the rusts and mildews that attack leaves and shoots and injure them. The threads of the parasitic fungus usually creep through the intercellular spaces in the leaf or stem and send suckers (or haustoria) into the cells. (Fig. 137.) In some forms these threads (or hyphse) penetrate the cells. The hyphae clog the air-spaces of the leaf and often plug the stomata, and they also appropriate and disorganize the cell fluids: thus they injure or kill 132. Corallorhiza or coral-root, , . . . ._. ... .. showing the mycorhizas. their host. The mass of hyphaB of a 92 DEPENDENT PLANTS 134. The cultivated mushroom, a saprophytic plant. fungus is called mycelium. Some of the hyphse finally grow out of the leaf and produce spores or reproductive cells which answer the purpose of seeds in distributing the plant (6, Fig. 137). 195. The ab- normal condition produced in plants by fungous and bacterial parasites and by other agents is known as a dis- ease. On some plants, the disease takes the form of a leaf -spot or a blight; in others swellings or galls are produced. Cankers on branches of trees and on stems of herbaceous plants are produced by fungi living in the affected tissue. The well-known fire- blight and blight-canker of pears are caused by bacteria. The rots of fruits and vegetables are largely produced by fungi or bacteria. 196. Some parasites spring from the ground (Figs. 131, 132), as other plants do, but they are parasitic on the roots of their hosts. Some parasites may be partially parasitic and partially saprophytic. Many (perhaps most) of these root-saprophytes are aided in securing their food by soil fungi, which spread their delicate threads over the root-like branches of the plant and act as intermediaries 135. Saprophytic fungus. One of the shelf fungi (Polyporus) growing on dead trunks and logs. PARASITES AND SAPROPHYTES 93 136. Bacteria, much magnified. between the food and the saprophyte. The roots of the coral-root (Fig. 132) are covered with this fungus, and the roots have practically lost the power of absorbing nutrients direct. These fungus-covered roots are known as mycorhizas (meaning "fungus root"). Mycorhizas are not peculiar to saprophytes. They are found on many wholly independent plants as, for example, the heaths, oaks, apples and pines. It is probable that the fungus- threads perform some of the offices of root- hairs to the host. On the other hand, the fungus obtains some nourishment from the host. The association seems to be mutual. 197. Some parasites are green-leaved. Such is the mistle- toe. They anchor themselves on the host and absorb its juices, but they also appropriate and use the carbon dioxid of the air. In some groups of bacteria the process of photo- synthesis, or something equivalent .to it, takes place. 198. -Parasitism and saprophytism are usually regarded as degeneration, that is, as a loss of independence. The ancestors of these plants might have been inde- pendent. Thus, the whole class of fungi is looked upon as a degenerate evolution. The more a plant depends on other plants, the more it tends still further to lose its independence. 199. Epiphytes. To be distinguished from the dependent plants are those that grow on other plants without taking food from them. These are green-leaved plants whose roots burrow in the bark of the host plant and perhaps derive some food i ea f. 137. A parasitic fungus, magnified. The my- celium, or vegetative part, is shown by the dotted - shaded parts ramifying in the leaf tissue. The rounded haustoria projecting into the cells are also shown. The long fruiting parts of the fungus hang from the under surface of the 94 DEPENDENT PLANTS from it, but which subsist chiefly on materials that they secure from air-dust, rain-water and the air. These plants are epiphytes (meaning "upon plants") or air-plants. 200. Epiphytes abound in the tropics. Orchids are amongst the best known examples. (Fig. 13.) The Spanish moss or tillandsia of the South is another. Mosses -and lichens that grow on trees and fences may also be called epiphytes. In the struggle for existence, the plants probably have been driven to these special places in which to find opportunity to grow. Plants grow where they must, not where they will. REVIEW. What is an independent plant? Dependent? Give examples. How are dependent plants distinguished from others in looks? Define saprophyte. Parasite. Give examples. What is a host? How does a parasitic fungus live on its host? What is meant by plant disease? What are hyphse? What is mycelium? What are root- parasites? Give examples. What is a mycorhiza? What is the relation of the soil fungus to its host? What is the role or office of saprophytes in nature? Are parasites ever green? Explain. What has probably been the evolution of most parasites and saprophytes? What is an epiphyte? Give examples. How do epiphytes live? Why may they have become epiphytes? NOTE. Usually, the most available parasite is the dodder. It is common in swales from July until autumn, winding its coral-yellow stems about herbs and soft-growing bushes. It is a degraded mem- ber of the morning-glory family. It produces true flowers and seeds. These seeds germinate the following spring. The slender young vine grows from the ground for a time, but if it fails to find a host, it perishes. One of the dodders is a pest in alfalfa fields. From the Ohio River southward, the mistletoe is available. CHAPTER XVI LEAVES AND FOLIAGE 201. Leaves may be studied from two points of view with reference to their function, or what they do; and with reference to their form, or their shapes and kinds. 202. Function. Leaves, as we have seen, make organic matter from carbon dioxid. Almost any part of the plant, however, may bear chlorophyll and perform the function of leaves. The general form and structure of leaves is intimately associated with their function: they are thin and much expanded bodies, thereby exposing the greatest pos- sible surface to light and air. The position of the leaves usually has relation to light, as we have seen (Chapter VIII). Leaves usually hang yi such a way that one casts the least shade on the other; those that have the least favorable positions die and fall. 203. Parts. Leaves are simple or un- branched (Fig. 138), and compound or branched (Fig. 139). The method of compounding or branching follows the style of veining. The veining, or venation, is of two general kinds: in most plants the main veins diverge, and there is a conspicuous network of smaller veins: such leaves are netted-veined. In other plants the main veins are parallel, or nearly so, and there is no conspicuous network: these are parallel-veined leaves (Fig. 150). The venation of netted- veined leaves is pinnate or feather-like, (95) 138. Simple leaf. One of the eupatoriums or bonesets. 96 LEAVES AND FOLIAGE when the veins arise from the side of a continuous midrib (Fig. 138); palmate or digitate (hand-like), when the veins arise from the apex of the petiole (Fig. 140). If the leaf were divided between the main veins, it would be pinnately or digitately compound. 204. It is customary to speak of a leaf as compound only when the parts or branches 139. C^poundor branched leaf of brake are comp letely separate blades, as when the division extends to the midrib (Figs. 139, 141, 142). The parts or branches are known as leaflets. Sometimes the leaflets themselves are compound, and the whole leaf is then said to be bi-com- pound or twice-compound (Fig. 139). Some leaves are three-compound, four- compound, or five-compound. Decom- pound is a general term to express any degree of compounding beyond twice- compound. 205. Leaves that are not divided 14 - Digitate-veined peltate ,r -j M ! , i leaf of nasturtium. to the midrib are said to be: lobed, openings or sinuses not more than half the depth of the blade (Fig. 143). cleft, sinuses deeper than the middle. parted, sinuses two -thirds or more to the midrib (Fig. 144). divided, sinuses nearly or quite 141. Pinnately compound leaf of ash. to the midrib. KINDS OF LEAVES 97 142. Digitately com- pound leaf of rasp- berry. The parts are called lobes, divisions, or segments, rather than leaflets. The leaf may be pinnately or digitately lobed, parted, cleft, or divided. A pinnately parted or cleft leaf is sometimes said to be pinnatifid. 206. Leaves may have one or all of three parts blade or expanded part, petiole or stalk, stipules or appendages at the base of the petiole. All these parts are shown in Fig. 145. A leaf that has all three of these parts is said to be complete. The stipules are often green and leaf-like and per- form the function of foliage, as in the pea and Japanese quince (the latter common in yards). 207. Leaves and leaflets that have no stalks are said to be sessile (Fig. 149), i.e., sitting. The same is 143. Lobed leaf of sugar maple. ^ Qf flowers and f ruits> T h e blade of a sessile leaf may partly or wholly surround the stem, when it is said to be clasping (Fig. 146). In some cases the leaf runs down the stem, forming a wing: such leaves are said to be decurrent (Fig. 147). When opposite sessile leaves are joined by their bases, they are said to be connate (Fig. 148). 208. Leaflets may have one or all of these three parts, but the stalks of leaf- lets are called petiolules and the Stipules Of leaflets are 144. Digitately parted leaves of begonia. 98 LEAVES AND FOLIAGE 145. Complete leaves of willow. 146. Clasping leaf of wild aster. called stipels. The leaf of the garden bean has leaflets, petiolules, and stiples. 209. The blade is usually attached to the petiole by its lower edge. In pinnate-veined leaves, the petiole seems to continue through the leaf as a midrib (Fig. 138). In some plants, however, the petiole joins the blade inside or be- yond the margin (Fig. 140). Such leaves are said to be peltate or shield-shaped. This mode of attachment is par- ticularly common in floating leaves (e.g., the water-lilies). Peltate leaves are usually digitate-veined. 210. Shape. Leaves and leaflets are infinitely variable in shape. Names have been given to some of the more definite or regular shapes. These names are a part of the language of botany. They represent ideal or typical shapes, but there are no two leaves alike and very few that perfectly conform to the definitions. The shapes are likened to those of familiar objects or of geometrical figures: Linear, several times longer than broad, with the sides \nearly or quite parallel. Spruces and most grasses are examples. (Fig. 150.) In linear leaves, the main veins are usually parallel to the midrib. Oblong, twice or thrice as long as broad, with the sides parallel for most of their length. Fig. 149 shows the short-oblong leaves of the box, a plant which is much used for edgings in gardens. Elliptic differs from the oblong in having the sides gradu- Vally tapering to either end from the middle. The Eu- ropean beech (Fig. 151) has elliptic leaves. (This tree is often planted.) SHAPES OF LEAVES 99 Lanceolate, four to six times longer than broad, widest V below the middle and tapering to each end. Some of the narrow-leaved willows are examples. Most of the willows and the peach have oblong-lanceolate leaves. Spatulate, a narrow leaf that is broadest toward the apex. \The top is usually rounded. It is much like an oblong leaf. Ovate, shaped somewhat like the longitudinal section of an egg: twice as long as broad, tapering from near the base to the apex. This is one of the commonest leaf forms. (Fig. 152.) Obovate, ovate inverted, the wide part toward the apex. Leaflets of horse-chestnut are obovate. This form is commonest in leaflets of digitate leaves. Reniform, kidney-shaped. This form is sometimes seen in wild plants, particularly in root-leaves. Leaves of wild ginger are nearly reniform. Orbicular; circular in general outline. Very few leaves are perfectly circular, but there are many kinds that are nearer circular than any other shape. (Fig. 153.) The shape of many leaves is described in combinations of these terms, as ovate-lanceolate, lanceo- late-oblong. 211. The shape of the base and apex of the leaf or leaflet is often 147 characteristic. The base may be Decurrent rounded (Fig. 138), tapering (Fig. 127), cordate or heart-shaped (Fig. 152), truncate or squared as if cut off. The apex may be blunt or obtuse, acute or sharp, acuminate or long-pointed, truncate (Fig. 154). 212. The shape of the margin is also characteristic of 100 LEAVES AND FOLIAGE 148. Two pairs of connate leaves of honeysuckle. each kind of leaf. The margin is entire when it is not indented or cut in any way (Fig. 149). When not entire, it may be undulate or wavy (Fig. 140), ser- rate or saw-toothed (Fig. 152), dentate or more coarsely notched (Fig. 138), crenate or round-toothed, lobed, and other forms. 213. Leaves often differ greatly in shape on the same plant. Observe the different shapes of leaves on the young growths of mul- berries (Fig. 88) and wild grapes; also on vigorous squash and pumpkin vines. In some cases there may be simple and com- pound leaves on the same plant. This is marked in the so-called Boston ivy or ampelopsis (Fig. 155), a vine which is used to cover brick and stone build- ings. Different degrees of compounding, even in the same leaf, may often be found in honey-locust and Kentucky coffee tree. Re- markable differences in forms are seen by com- paring seed-leaves with mature leaves of any plant (Fig. 156). 214. The Leaf and Its Environ- ment. The form and shape of the leaf often have direct relation to the place in which the leaf grows. Floating leaves are usually expanded and flat, and the petiole varies in length with the depth of the water. 150. Linear- acuminate leaf of grass. 149. Short-oblong leaves of box. CHARACTERISTICS OF LEAVES tc* Submerged leaves are usually linear or thread-like, or are cut into very narrow divisions. Thereby is more surface ex- posed, and possibly the leaves are less injured by moving water. 151. Elliptic leaf of purple beech. 152. Ovate serrate leaf of hibiscus. 153. Orbicular lobed leaves. 215. The largest leaves on a sun-loving plant are usually those that are fully exposed to light. Compare the sizes of the leaves on the ends of branches with those at the base of the branches or in the interior of the 'tree-top (106). In dense foliage masses, the petioles of the lowermost or under- most leaves tend to elongate to push *he leaf to the light. (Fig. 157.) 216. On the approach of winter the leaf ceases to work, and often dies. It may drop, when it is said to be de- ciduous; or it may remain on the plant, when it is said to be persistent. If persistent leaves remain green during the winter, the plant is said to be evergreen. Most leaves fall by break- ing off at the lower end of the petiole with a distinct joint or articulation. There are many leaves, however, that wither and hang on the plant until torn off by the wind: of such are the 154. Truncate leaf of tulip-tree. LEAVES AND FOLIAGE 155. Different forms of leaves from one plant of ampelopsis. leaves of grasses, sedges, lilies, orchids, and other plants known as monocotyledons (Chapter XXV). Most leaves of this character are paral- lel-veined. 217. Leaves also die and fall from lack of light. Ob- serve the yellow and weak leaves in a dense tree-top or in any thicket. Why do the lower leaves die on house-plants? Note the carpet of needles under the pines. All evergreens shed their leaves after a time. Counting back from the tip of a pine or spruce shoot, determine how many years the leaves persist. (Fig. 158.) In some spruces a few leaves may be found on branches ten or more years old. 218. Although the forms and positions of leaves often have direct relation to the places and conditions in which the leaves grow, it is not probable that all forms and shapes have been developed to adapt the plant to its environment. It is probable that the toothing or lobing of the leaf -margins is due to the same causes that produce compounding or branching of leaves, but what these causes are is not known. It has been suggested that leaves have become compound in order to increase their surface and thereby to offer a greater exposure to light in shady places, but very many sun-loving species have compound leaves, and many shade-loving species have simple and even small leaves. Again, it has 156. Muskmelon seedlings, with the unlike seed-leaves and true leaves. CHARACTERISTICS OF LEAVES 103 been suggested that compound leaves shade underlying leaves less than simple leaves do. 219. How to Tell a Leaf. It is often difficult to dis- tinguish compound leaves from leafy branches, and leaflets 157. A leaf mosaic of Norway maple. Note the varying lengths of petioles. from leaves. As a rule, leaves can be told by the follow- ing tests: (1) Leaves are temporary structures, sooner or later falling. (2) Usually buds are borne in their axils. (3) Leaves are usually borne at joints or nodes. (4) They arise on wood of the current-year's growth. (5) They have a more or less definite arrangement. When leaves fall, the twig that bore them remains; when leaflets fall, the main petiole that bore them falls also. REVIEW. How may leaves be studied? What is meant by function? What do leaves do? What other parts may perform the function 104 LEAVES AND FOLIAGE of leaves? How is the form of leaves associated with their function? What are simple leaves? Compound? What is venation? What are the types or kinds of venation? What are the two types of compound leaves? What is a leaflet? Define bi-compound; decompound. What are lobed, cleft, parted, and divided leaves? Pinnatifid leaf? Complete leaf? Complete leaflet? What is a sessile leaf? How may the petiole join the blade? How are the shapes of leaves named or classified? Define the shapes described in 210. Describe common shapes of the base of the leaf. Of the apex. Of the margin. How are the forms and sizes of leaves ever related to the place in which they grow? Why do leaves fall? Define deciduous. Persistent. Ever- green. When do pine leaves fall? How can you distinguish leaves? 158. Shoot of the common white pine, one-third natural size. The picture shows the falling of the leaves from the different years' growth. The part of the branch between the tip and A is the last season's growth; between A and B it is two years old ; the part between B and C is three years old ; it has few leaves, The part that grew four seasons ago beyond C has no leaves. CHAPTER XVII MORPHOLOGY, OR THE STUDY OF THE FORMS OF PLANT MEMBERS 220. Botanists interpret all parts of the plant in terms of root, stem and leaf. That is, the various parts, as thorns, flowers, fruits, bud-scales, tendrils, and abnormal or un- usual members, are supposed to represent or to stand in the place of roots, stems (branches) or leaves. 221. The forms of the parts of plants are interesting, therefore, in three ways: (1) merely as forms, which may be named and described; (2) their relation to function, or how they enable the part better to live and work; (3) their origin, as to how they came to be and whether they have been produced by the transformation or modification of other parts. The whole study of forms is known as morphology (literally, the "science of forms")- We may consider examples in the study of morphology. 222. It is customary to say that the various parts of plants are transformed or modified root, stem or leaf, but the words transformation and modification are not used in the literal sense. It is meant that the given part, as a tendril, may occupy the place of or represent a leaf. It was not first a leaf and then a tendril: the part develops into a ten- dril instead of into a leaf: it stands where a leaf normally might have stood : it is the historical descendant of the leaf. 223. It is better to say that parts which have similar origins, which arise from the same fundamental type, or which are of close genealogical relationship, are homol- ogous. Thus the tendril, in the example assumed above, is homologous with a leaf. Parts that have similar func- (105) 106 MORPHOLOGY tions or perform similar labor, without respect to origins, are analogous. Thus a leaf-tendril is analogous to a branch- tendril, but the two are not homologous. 224. There are five tests by means of which we may hope to determine what a given part is: (1) by the appearance or looks of the part (the least reliable test) ; (2) by the position of the part with relation to other parts its place on the plant; (3) by comparison with similar parts on other plants (comparative morphology) ; (4) by study of intermediate or connecting parts; (5) by study of the develop- ment of the part in the bud or as it originates by means of the microscope (embryology). The last test can be applied only by the trained investigator, but it often gives the most conclusive evidence. Even with the application of all these tests, it is sometimes impossible to arrive at a definite con- 159. Leaf and cladophylla of asparagus. 160. Leaves of asparagus. 161. Fern-like leaf-branches of a greenhouse asparagus. elusion as to the origin or morphology of a part. For ex- ample, it is not yet agreed whether most cactus spines represent leaves or branches, or are mere outgrowths of the epidermis (as hairs are). LEAF-BRANCHES 107 225. The foliage of asparagus is com- posed of modified branches. The true leaves of asparagus are minute whitish scales, (a, Fig. 159.) The green foliage is produced in the axils of these scales. On the strong spring shoots of asparagus, which are edible, the true leaves appear as large scales, (a, a, Fig. 160.) These large scales persist on the base of the asparagus plant, even in the fall. In the species of greenhouse or ornamental asparagus, the delicate foliage is also made up of green leaf-like branches. (Fig. 161.) In some cases the true leaves fall after a time, and there is little evidence left. The strong new shoots usually show the true leaves plainly (as in Fig. 162). Branches that simulate leaves are known as cladophylla (singular, cladophyllum). The broad flat leaves of florists' smilax (common in glasshouses) are cladophylla. 226. In the study of morphology, it is not enough, however, merely to determine whether a part represents root, stem or ^ ea ^ : one must determine what part or kind of root, stem or leaf it stands for. For example, the foliage in Fig. 163 rep- ?ng n fromthe S S g " \i resents green expanded petioles. These 163. Phyllodia of aca- cia. These Australian trees are sometimes grown in glasshouses. 108 MORPHOLOGY 164. The thorns are in the axils of leaves. leaf -like members have buds (which produce branches) in their axils, and they have the arrangement or phyllotaxy of leaves; therefore they are considered to be true leaf parts. But they stand edgewise as if they might be pet- ioles; sometimes they bear leaf- blades; other acacias have com- pound expanded leaves; there are intermediate forms or gradations between different acacias; young seedlings sometimes show intermediate forms. From all the evidence, it is now understood that the foliage of the simple- leaf acacias represents leaf-like petioles. Such petioles are known as phyllodia (sin- gular, phyllodium). 227! Thorns and strong spines are usu- ally branches. The spines of hawthorns or thorn-apples are examples: they are borne in the axils of leaves as branches are (Fig. 164); hawthorns usually bear two or more buds in each axil (Fig. 165), and one or two of these buds often grow the following year into normal leafy branches (Fig. 166); sometimes the thorn itself bears leaves. (Fig. 167.) The thorns of wilding pears, apples and plums are short, hardened branches. In well-culti- vated trees there is sufficient vigor to push the main branch into longer and softer growth, so that the side buds do not have a chance to start. The thorns of osage-orange and honey- locust are also branches. Those of the honey- may bear 165. Two or more buds axe borne in the axils. 166. Some of the buds pro- duce leafy branches. PRICKLES AND SPINES 109 buds that are which have a 168. Leaf-spine of barberry. locust usually arise from supernumerary borne somewhat above the axils. 228. Prickles, bristles and weak spines, definite arrangement on the stem, are usually modified leaves or parts of leaves. The spines of thistles are hardened points of leaf-lobes. The spines of the barberry are reduced leaves; in their axils are borne short branches or leaf-tufts (Fig. 168); in spring on young shoots may be found almost complete gradations from spiny leaves to spines. The prickly ash has prickles (Fig. 169) that simulate stipules and stipels, but the irregularity of position indicates that they are not homologous with stipules. The prickles of the common locust (robinia) are usually interpreted as stipules. 229. Prickles, bristles and hairs that are scattered or have no definite arrangement, are usually mere outgrowths of the epidermis. They commonly are removed with the bark. Of such are the prickles of squashes, briars (Fig. 170), and the roses. 230. The reason for the existence of spines is difficult to determine. In many or most cases they seem to have no distinct use or function. In some way they are associated with the evolution of the plant, and one cannot deter- mine why they came without know- ing much of the genealogy of the plant. In some cases they seem 169. Small prickles of the prickly ash. 170. Prickles of dewberry. to be the result of the contraction of the plant-body, as in the cacti and other 110 MORPHOLOGY 171. The diminishing leaves of boneset. desert plants; and they may then serve a purpose in lessen- ing transpiration. It is a common notion that spines and prickles exist for the purpose of keep- ing enemies away, and that hairs keep the plant warm, but these ideas usu- ally lack scientific accuracy. Even if spines do keep away browsing animals in any plant, it is quite another ques- tion why the spines came to be. To determine what spines and hairs are for demands close scientific study of each particular case, as does any other problem. 231. Leaves are usually smaller as they approach the flowers. (Fig. 171.) They often become so much reduced as to be mere scales, losing their office as foliage. In their axils, however, the flower-branches may be borne. (Fig. 172.) Much-reduced leaves, particu- larly those that are no longer green and working members, are called bracts. In some cases, large colored bracts are borne just beneath the flowers and look like petals: the flow- ering dogwood is an example; also the bougainvillea, which is common in glasshouses ; also the scarlet sage of gardens, some of the euphorbias or spurges, and the flaming poinsettia of green- houses. Sometimes a green leaf is borne close against a head or cluster of flowers, as in the clover (Fig. 173) ; but a separate bract or scale will be found for each flower in the head. 172. The uppermost flowers are borne in the axils of bracts. Fuchsia. BUD-SCALES 111 232. The scales of buds are special kinds of bracts. In some cases each scale represents an entire leaf; in others, it represents a petiole or stipule. In the expanding pear, maple, lilac, hickory and horse-chestnut buds, note the gradation from dry scales to green leaf-like bodies. When the winter scales fall by the pushing out of the young shoot, scars are left: these scars form "rings," which mark the annual growths. (See Chap. VII.) The scales of bulbs are also special kinds of leaves or bracts. In some cases they are merely protective bodies', in others they are storehouses. We have found (45) that the presence of scales or bracts is one means of dis- tinguishing underground stems from roots. 173. Red clover. Leaves 3-foliolate. REVIEW. What are considered to be the fundamental or type forms from which the parts of plants are derived? How do the forms of plants interest us? What is morphology? What is meant by trans- formation and modification as used by the morphologist? What is meant by homologous parts? Analogous parts? Tell how one may determine the morphology of any part. What is a cladophyllum? Phyllodium? Show a specimen of one or the other, or both (canned asparagus can always be had in the market). What is the morphology of most thorns? Explain the thorns of hawthorn. What are bristles, prickles and hairs? Why do spines and bristles exist? Explain what a bract is. A bud-scale. A bulb-scale. CHAPTER XVIII HOW PLANTS CLIMB 233. We have seen that plants struggle or contend for a place in which to live. Some of them have become suited to grow in the forest shade, others to grow on other plants as epiphytes, others to climb to the light. Observe how woods grapes, and other forest climbers, spread their foliage on the very top of the forest tree, while their long flexile trunks may be bare. One who has seen a dense tropical forest has realized the struggle for light on the tops of the trees. 234. There are several ways by which plants climb, but most climbers may be classified into four groups: (1) scram- blers, (2) root-climbers, (3) tendril-climbers, (4) twiners. 235. Scramblers. Some plants rise to light and air by resting their long and weak stems on the tops of bushes and quick-growing herbs. Their stems are elevated by the growing twigs of the plants on which they recline. Such plants are scramblers. Usu- ally they are provided with prickles or bristles. In most weedy swamp thickets, scrambling plants may be found. Briars, some roses, bed-straw or galium, bitter- sweet (Solanum Dulcamara, 174. A root-climber. The English ivy. not the celastrus), the tear- thumb polygonums, and other plants are familiar examples of scramblers. 236. Root-climbers. Some plants climb by means of (112) CLIMBERS 113 true roots, as explained in paragraph 31. These roots are of adventitious origin. They grow in a horizontal di- rection and enter the chinks of walls "or the furrows in the bark of trees. Fig. 12, the trumpet creeper, is a familiar example. The true or English ivy, which is often grown to cover buildings, is another example. (Fig. 174.) Still another 175. Tendril of Virginia creeper. The direction of the coil changes near the middle is the poison ivy. Roots are distinguished from stem tendrils by their irregular or indefinite position as well as by their mode of growth. 237. Tendril-climbers. A slender coiling part that serves to hold a climbing plant to a support is known as a tendril. The free end swings or curves until it strikes some object, when it attaches itself and then coils and draws the plant close to the support. The spring of the coil also allows the plant to move in the wind, thereby enabling the plant to maintain its hold. Slowly pull a well-matured tendril from its support, and note how strongly it holds on. Watch the tendrils in a storm. To test the movement of a free ten- dril, draw an ink line lengthwise of it, and note that the line is now on the concave side and now on the convex side. Of course this movement is slow, but often it is evident in an hour or so. Usually the tendril attaches to the support by coiling about it, but the Virginia creeper and Boston ivy attach to walls by means of disks on the ends of the tendrils. H 114 HOW PLANTS CLIMB 238. Since both ends of the tendril are fixed, when it finds a support, the coiling would tend to twist it in two. It will be found, however, that the tendril coils in different directions in different parts of its length. In Fig. 175 the change of direction in the coil occurs at the straight place beyond the middle. In long tendrils of cucumbers and melons there may be several changes of direction. 176. The fruit-cluster and tendril of grape are homologous. 239. Tendrils may be either branches or leaves. In the Virginia creeper and grape they are branches; they stand opposite the leaves in the position of fruit-clusters (Fig. 176), and sometimes one branch of a fruit-cluster is a tendril. These tendrils are therefore homologous with fruit-clusters, and fruit-clusters are branches. 240. In some plants tendrils are leaflets. Examples are the sweet pea (Fig. 177) and common garden pea. In Fig. 177, observe the leaf with its two stipules, petiole, CLIMBERS 115 two normal leaflets and two or three pairs of leaflet-tendrils and a terminal leaflet-tendril. The cobea, a common gar- den climber, has a similar arrangement. In some cases tendrils are stipules, as probably in the green briers (smilax). 241. The petiole or midrib may act as a tendril, as in various kinds of clematis. In Fig. 178, two opposite leaves are attached at a. Each leaf is pinnately compound and 177. In the sweet pea (and garden pea) the leaflet* are tendrils. has two pairs of leaflets and a terminal leaflet. At 6 and c the midrib or rachis has wound about a support. The petiole and the petiolules may behave similarly. Examine the tall-growing nasturtiums in the garden. 242. Twiners. The entire plant or shoot may wind about a support. Such a plant is a twiner. Examples are bean, hop, morning-glory, moon-flower, false bitter- sweet or wax- work (celastrus), some honeysuckles, wis- 116 HOW PLANTS CLIMB taria, Dutchman's pipe, dodder. The free tip of the twining branch sweeps about in curves, much as the tendril does, until it finds support or becomes old and rigid. 243. Each kind of plant usually coils in only one direction. Most plants coil against the sun, or from the observer's 178. Clematis climbs by means of its leaf-stalks. left across his front to his right as he faces the plant. Such plants are said to be antitropic, or to move against the sun from the position in which the observer stands. Examples are bean, morning-glory. The hop twines from the right to his left; such plants are eutropic (with the sun). Fig. 179 shows the two directions. CLIMBERS 117 pupil REVIEW. How do plants climb? Explain what is meant by scramblers. By root- climbers. What is a tendril? How does it find a support? How does it coil? How does it grasp its support? What is the morphol- ogy of the tendril of Virginia creeper? Of the pea? Of the clem- atis? What is a twiner? How does it find a support? What is an antitropic twiner? Eutropic? NOTE. The may not un- derstand why the branch (as tendril and flower-cluster ) stands oppo-^ site the bud in the grape and Virginia creeper. Note that a grape-shoot ends in a tendril (a, Fig. 180). The tendril represents the true axis of the shoot. On the side a leaf borne, from the axil of which the branch grows to continue the shoot. This branch ends in a tendril, b. Another leaf has a branch in its axil, and this branch ends in the tendril c. The real apex of the shoot is successively turned aside until it appears to be lateral. That is, the morphologically terminal points of the successive shoots are the tendrils, and the order of their appearing is a, 6, c. The tendrils branch: observe the minute scale representing a leaf at the base of each branch. This type of branch- ing the axial growth being continued by successive lateral buds is sympodial, and the branch is a sympode. Continuous growth from the terminal bud is monopodial, and the branch is a monopode. 179. Antitropic and eutropic twiners. False bitter-sweet and hop. 180. Sympode of the grape. CHAPTER XIX FLOWER-BRANCHES 244. We have seen (87) that branches arise from the axils of leaves. Sometimes the leaves may be reduced to bracts and yet branches are borne in their axils (225). Some of the branches grow into long limbs; others become short spurs or thorns (227) ; others bear flowers. 245. Flowers are usually borne near the top of the plant, since the plant must grow before it blooms. Often they are produced in great numbers. It results, therefore, that flower-branches usually stand close together, forming a cluster. The shape and arrange- ment of the flower-cluster differ with the kind of plant, since each plant has its own mode of branching. 246. Certain definite or well-marked types of flower-clusters have received names. Some of these names we shall discuss, but the flower-clusters that perfectly match the definitions are the exception rather than the rule. The determining of the kinds of flower-clusters is one of the most perplexing subjects in descriptive botany. We may classify the sub- (118) 181. Solitary ter- minal flower of corn-cockle. 182. Lateral flower of abutilon. CORYMBS 119 ject around three ideas: solitary flowers, corymbose clusters, cymose clusters. 247. Solitary Flowers. In many cases flowers are borne singly. They are then said to be solitary. The solitary flower may be either at the end of the main shoot or axis (Fig. 181), when it is said to be terminal, or from the side of the shoot (Fig. 182), When it is Said to be lateral. 183. Leafy flower-cluster of fuchsia. The lateral flower is also said to be axillary. 248. Corymbose Clusters. If the flower -bearing axils were rather close together, an open or leafy flower-cluster might result, as in Fig. 183. The fuchsia continues to grow from the tip, and the older flowers are left farther and farther behind. If the cluster were so short as to be flat or convex on top, the outer- most flowers would be the older. A flower-cluster in which the lower or outer flowers open first is said to be a corym- bose cluster. It is sometimes said to be an indeterminate cluster, since it is the re- sult of a type of growth which may go on more or less continuously from the apex. 249. The simplest form of a definite corymbose cluster is a raceme, which is an unbranched open cluster in which the flowers are borne on short stems and bloom from below (that is, from the older 184. Racemes of sweet P art of the shoot ) upwards. The raceme clover. may be terminal to the main branch, or it 120 FLOWER-BRANCHES 185. Loose spikes of false dragon's-head or physo- stegia. may be lateral to it, as in Fig. 184. Racemes often bear the flowers on one side of the stem, or in a single row. 250. When a corym- bose flower - cluster is long and dense and the flowers are sessile or nearly so, it is called a spike (Figs. 185, 186). Common examples of spikes are plantain, mignonette, mullein. 251. A very short and dense spike is a head. Clovers (Figs. 173, 187) are examples. The sunflower and related plants bear many small flowers in a very dense head. This special kind of head of the sun- flower, thistle and aster tribes has been called an anthodium, but this word is little used. Note that in the sunflower (Fig. 188) the outside or exterior flowers open first. Very often the antho- dium terminates the main stem, as in Fig. 189. 252. Another special form of spike is the cat- kin, which usu- ally has scaly bracts and the whole cluster is deciduous after flowering or fruiting, and the 188. Head of sunflower. flowers (in typi- 186. Spike of hyacinth. Note, also, that the flowers and foliage are produced from the stored food in the bulb, only water being given. 187. Head of crimson clover. CORYMBS 121 cal cases) have only one sex. Ex- amples are the "pussies" of willows (Fig. 229) and flower-clusters of oaks (Fig. 228), hickories, poplars and walnut (Fig. 190). 253. When a loose, elongated corymbose flower-cluster branches, or is compound, it is called a pan- icle. Because of the earlier growth of the lower branches, the panicle is usually broadest at the base or conical in outline. The flower- cluster of the oat is an example. (Fig. 191.) True panicles are not common. 254. When an indeterminate flower-cluster is short, so that the top is con- vex or flat, it is a corymb. (Fig. 192.) The outer- most flowers open first. Fig. 193 shows many corymbs of the bridal wreath, one of the spireas. 255. When the branches of an indeterminate cluster arise from a common point, like the frame of an umbrella, the cluster is an umbel. (Fig. 194.) Typical umbels occur in carrot, parsnip, parsley and other plants of the parsley family: the 190 Catkins of black walnut, f y - k th UmbellifeWB. at b. Pistillate flowers at a. J Paragraph 284. or umbel - bearing family. In the 189. Terminal heads of the white- weed (in some places erro- neously called ox-eye daisy). 122 FLOWER-BRANCHES carrot and many other Umbelliferae, there are small or secondary umbels, called umbellets, at the end of each of the main branches. (In the center of the wild carrot umbel one often finds a single, purplish, often aborted flower, comprising a 1 -flowered umbellet). 256. Cymose Clusters. When the terminal or central flower opens first, the cluster is said to be cymose. The growth of the shoot or cluster is deter- minate, since the length is definitely determined or stopped by the terminal flower. Fig. 195 shows a determinate or cymose mode of flower-bearing. 257. Dense cymose clusters are usually flattish on top because of the cessation of growth in the main or central axis, but cymes are 192. Corymb of candytuft. 193. Corymbs of the bridal wreath (spirea). CYMES 123 194. Compound umbel of wild carrot. sometimes open and loose. These flower-clusters are known as cymes. Apples, pears (Fig. 196) and cherries bear flowers in cymes. Some cyme -forms are like umbels in general ap- pearance. A head-like cymose cluster is a glomeruk: it blooms from the top downwards rather than from the base upwards. 258. Centripetal and Centrifugal. A cluster in which the outermost (or lowermost) flowers open first is corymbose or indeterminate, as we have learned; it is also said to be centripetal (meaning "toward the cen- ter")- A cluster in which the inner- most or central flowers open first is cymose or determinate; it is also said to be centrifugal (meaning "away from the center"). These contrasts can best be under- stood by study of diagrams, since actual clusters so often 195. Determinate or cymose Vary from the arrangement.-Wild geranium, ^g^erf gtan _ dard. Such diagrams are presented in Figs. 197, 198, 199. 259. Mixed Clusters. Often the cluster is mixed, being determinate in one part and indeter- minate in another part of the same cluster. This is the case in horse-chestnuts. The main cluster is indeterminate, but the branches are determinate. Tte cluster has the appear- 196. Cyme of pear. 124 FLOWER-BRANCHES i ' 9 S S 4 / * f } 2 / "^ \ 1 A 1 2 197. Forms of centripetal flower-clusters. 1, raceme; 2, spike; 3, umbel; 4, head or anthodium; 5, corymb. <\i ^ ' 2o^L If iS=*L \ 198. Centripetal inflorescence. 6, spadix; 7, compound umbel; 8, catkin. 199. Centrifugal inflorescence. 1, cyme; 2, scirpioid cluster (or half cyme) FLOWER - CLUSTERS AND .- STEMS 125 ance of a panicle, and is usually so called, but it is really a thyrse. Lilac is a familiar example of a thyrse. In some cases, the main cluster is determinate and the branches are indeterminate, as in hydrangea and elder. Such clusters also are mixed clusters. 260. Inflorescence. The mode or method of flower arrangement is known as the inflorescence. That is, the inflorescence is cymose, corymbose, paniculate, spicate, solitary. By custom, however, the word inflorescence has come to be used for the flower-cluster itself in works on descriptive botany. Thus a cyme or a panicle may be called an inflo- rescence. It will be seen that even solitary flowers follow either indeterminate or determinate methods of branching. 261. The Flower-stem. The stem of a solitary flower is known as a peduncle; also the general stem of a flower-cluster. The stem of the individual flower in a cluster is a pedicel. 262. In the so-called stemless plants (37) the peduncle may arise directly from the ground, or crown of the plant, as in dandelion, hyacinth (Fig. 186), garden daisy (Fig. 200). This kind of a peduncle is called a scape. A scape may bear one or many flowers. It has no foliage leaves, but it may have bracts. In some cases, of course, the flowers are sessile, and in others very nearly sessile (207). In Fig. 201, the little fruits (following the flowers) are in close clusters in the axils of the leaves. REVIEW. What is the homology of flower-branches? How is it that flowers are often borne in clusters? Explain what may be meant 200. Scapes or the true or English daisy. 126 . FLOWER-BRANCHES by a solitary flower. What are the two types of flower-clusters? What are corymbose clusters? Define raceme. Spike. Head and anthodium. Catkin. Panicle. Umbel. Umbellet. Corymb. What are cymose clusters? What is a cyme? Glomerule? Contrast indeterminate and determinate modes of branching. Centripetal and centrifugal. Explain mixed clusters. What is a thyrse? Define peduncle, pedicel and scape. NOTE. In the study of flower-clusters, it is well to choose first those that are fairly typical of the various classes discussed in the preceding paragraphs. As soon as the main types are well fixed in the mind, random clusters should be examined, for the pupil must never receive the impression that all flower-clusters follow the definitions in books. Clusters of some of the commonest plants are very puzzling, but the pupil should at least be able to discover whether the inflores- cence is determinate or indeterminate. 201. The practically sessile axillary clusters of coffee. CHAPTER XX THE PARTS OF THE FLOWER 263. The flower exists for the purpose of producing seed. It is probable that all its varied forms and colors contribute to this supreme end. These forms and colors please the human fancy and make living the happier, but the flower exists for the good of the plant, not for the good of man. 264. The parts of the flower are of two general kinds those that act as covering and protecting organs, and those that are directly concerned in the production of seeds. The former parts are known as the floral envelopes; the latter as the essential organs. 265. Envelopes. The floral envelopes usually bear a close resemblance to leaves. These envelopes are very com- monly of two series or kinds the outer and the inner. The outer series, known as the calyx, is usually smaller and green. It commonly comprises the outer cover of the flower-bud. The calyx is the lowest whorl in Fig. 202. The inner series, known as the co- rolla, is usually colored and more special or irregular in shape than the calyx. It is the showy part of the flower, as a rule. The corolla is the second or large whorl in Fig. 202. It is the large part in Fig. 203. 266. The calyx may be composed of several leaves. Each (127) 202. Flower of a butter- cup in section. 203. Flower of buttercup. 128 PARTS OF THE FLOWER 204. Gamosepalous and gamopetalous flowers of sweet potato. leaf is a sepal. If it is of one piece, it may be lobed or di- vided, in which case the divisions are called calyx-lobes. In like manner, the corolla may be composed of petals, or it may be of one piece and variously lobed. 267. A calyx of one piece (as in Fig. 204), no matter how deeply lobed, is gamosepalous. A corolla of one piece is gamopetalous. When these series are of separate pieces (as in Fig. 202), the flower is said to be polysepalous and polypeialous. Sometimes both series are of sep- arate parts, and sometimes only one of them is so formed. The floral envelopes are homologous with leaves. 268. Sepals and petals, at least when more than three or five, are each in more than one whorl, and one whorl stands below another so that the parts over- lap. They are borne on the expanded or thickened end of the flower-stalk: this end is the torus. In Fig. 202 all the parts are seen as attached to the torus. This part is sometimes called a receptacle, but this word is a com- mon-language term of several mean- ings, whereas torus is a technical word exclusively. Sometimes one part is attached to another part, as in the fuchsia (Fig. 205) in which the petals are borne on the calyx-tube. 269. Essential Organs. The essential organs are borne within 205 . Flower of fuchsia the floral envelopes (when envelopes in section. STAMENS AND PISTILS 129 I 206. Pistil of garden pea, the stamens being pulled down in order to disclose 207. Simple pistils of it; also a section, showing buttercup, one in the single compartment. buttercup, one longitudinal section. are present). They are of two series. The outer series is composed of the stamens. The inner series is composed of the pistils. Stamens and pistils are homologous with leaves. 270. Stamens bear the pollen, which is made up of a large number of minute grains. The stamen is of two parts, as readily seen in Figs. 202, 203, 205, the enlarged terminal part or anther, and the stalk or filament. The filament is often so short as to seem to be absent, and the anther is then said to be sessile. The anther bears the pollen grains. It is made up of two or four parts (known as sporangia or spore-cases), which burst and discharge the pollen. When the pollen is shed, the stamen dies. 271. Pistils bear the ovules, which become seeds. The pistil may be of one part or compartment, or of many parts. The different units or parts of which it is composed are carpels. Each carpel is homologous with a leaf. Each carpel bears one or more seeds. A pistil of one carpel is simple; of two or more carpels, compound. Usually the structure of the pistil may be determined by cutting across the lower or seed-bearing part. Figs. 206, 207, 208 explain. A flower may contain one carpel (simple pistil) as the pea (Fig. 206); 208. Compound pistil 209. The structure of a plum blossom. se. sepals; p. petals; sta. stamens; o. ovary; s. style; st. stigma. The pistil consists of the ovary, style, and stigma. It contains the seed part. The stamens are tipped with anthers, in which the pollen is borne. The ovary, o, ripens into the fruit. 130 PARTS OF THE FLOWER several separate carpels or simple pistils, as the buttercup; or a compound pistil, as the St. John's- wort (Fig. 208). 272. The pistil, whether simple or compound, has three parts: the lowest or seed-bearing part, which is the ovary; the stigma at the upper extremity, which is a flattened or expanded surface and usually roughened or sticky; the stalk-like part or style, connecting the ovary and stigma. Sometimes the style is appar- ently wanting, and the stigma is said to be sessile o n the ovary. These 210. Knotweed, a very common but inconspicuous plant parts are shown in the fuchsia, Fig. 205. The ovary or seed vessel is at a. A long style, bearing a large stigma, projects from the flower. See, also, Figs. 207 and 209. 273. Conformation of the Flower. A flower that has calyx, corolla, stamens and pistils is said to be complete; all others are incomplete. In some flowers both the floral envelopes are wanting: such are naked. When one of the floral envelope series is wanting, the remaining series is said to be calyx, and the flower is therefore apetalous (without petals). The knotweed (Fig. 210), smartweed, buckwheat, elm (Fig. 96), are examples. 274. Some flowers lack the pistils but . 211. Flower of garden have stamens: these are staminate, nasturtium. Separate v ii j i i petal at a. The calyx is whether the envelopes are missing or prolonged into a spur. along hard walks and roads. Two flowers, enlarged, are shown at the right. These flowers are very small and borne in the axils of the leaves. FORMS OF FLOWERS 131 212. The five petals of the pansy, detached to show the form. 213. Flower of catnip. not. Others lack the stamens but have pistils: these are pistillate. Others have neither stamens nor pistils: these are sterile (snowball and hydrangea). Those that have both stamens and pistils are perfect, whether or not the envelopes are missing. Those that lack either stamens or pistils are imperfect or diclinous. Staminate and pistillate flowers are imperfect or diclinous. 275. Flowers in which the parts of each series are alike are said to be regular (as in Figs. 202, 203, 204, 205). Those in which some parts are unlike other parts of the same series are irregular. The irregularity may be in the calyx, as in nasturtium (Fig. 211); in the corolla (Figs. 212, 213); in the stamens (compare nasturtium, catnip (Fig. 213) sage, or in the pistils. Irregularity is most frequent in the corolla. REVIEW. What is the flower for? What are the two general kinds of organs in the flower? What is the homology of the flower-parts? What are floral envelopes? Calyx? Sepals? Calyx-lobes? Corolla? Petals? Corolla- lobes? Gamosepalous flowers? Gamo- petalous? Polysepalous? Polypetalous? Define torus. What are the essential organs? Stamen? Filament? Anther? Pollen? Pistil? Style? Stigma? Ovary? Carpel? Define a complete flower. In what ways may flowers be incomplete? Explain perfect and imperfect (or di- ^^SW^ D?s^ect- clinous) flowers. Define regular flowers. "* needle. 214. Improvised U natural In what ways may flowers be irregular? stand for lens. size. 132 PARTS OF THE FLOWER NOTE. One needs a lens for the examination of the flower. It is best to have the lens mounted on a frame, so that the pupil has both hands free for pulling the flower in pieces. An ordinary pocket lens may be mounted on a wire in a block, as in Fig. 214. A cork is slipped on the top of the wire to avoid injury to the face. The pupil should be provided with two dissecting needles (Fig. 215), made by securing an ordinary needle in a pencil-like stick. Another convenient arrange- ment is shown in Fig. 216. A small tin dish is used for the base. Into this a stiff wire standard is soldered. The dish is filled with solder, to make it heavy and firm. Into a cork slipped on the standard, a crosswire is inserted, holding on the end a jeweler's glass. The lens can be moved up and down and sidewise. This outfit can be for about seventy-five cents. Fig. 217 a convenient hand-rest or dissecting stand to be used under this lens. It may be 16 in. long, 4 in. high, and 4 or 5 in. broad. Various kinds of dissecting microscopes are on the market, and these are to be recommended when they can be afforded. made shows 216. Dissecting 217. Dissecting stand. CHAPTER XXI FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION 276. Fertilization. Seeds result from the union of two elements or parts. One of these elements, a nucleus of a plant-cell, is borne in the germinating pollen-grain. The other element, an egg-cell, is borne in the ovary. The pollen- grain falls on the stigma. (Fig. 218.) It absorbs water or the juices exuded by the stigma and grows by sending out a tube. (Fig. 219.) This tube grows downward through the style, absorbing food as it goes, and finally reaches the egg- cell in the interior of an ovule in the ovary, and fertilization by the union of the two nuclei takes place. The ovule then develops into a seed. The growth of the pollen- tube is often spoken of as germi- nation of the pollen, but it is not germination in the sense in which the word is used when speaking of seeds. 218 B ^^ plum escaping 277. In Order that from anther. A, pollen germin- ating on the stigma. Enlarged. the pollen may grow, the stigma must be ripe. At this stage, the stigma is usually moist and sometimes sticky. The pollen is held by the mucilaginous secre- tion on the stigma. The stigma may be barbed or feathery and hold the pollen by this means. Observe the stigma of some of the lilies. In Pollen -grain corn the "silk" constitutes the style, and the stigma is feathery. A ripe stigma is said to be (133) 134 FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION receptive. The stigma may remain receptive for several hours or even days, depending on the kind of plant, the weather, and how soon pollen is received. When fertilization takes place, the stigma dies. Note the dried 222. Flower of hollyhock; proterandrous. See Fig. 223. end of the "silk" of corn. Observe, also, how soon the petals wither after the stigma has received pollen. 278. Pollination. The transfer of the pollen from anther to stigma is known as pollination. The pollen may fall of its own weight on the adjacent stigma, or it may be carried from flower to flower by wind, insects or other agents. There may be self-pollination, close-pollination or cross-pollination. In self-pollination, the pollen that falls on the pistil is de- rived from the same flower. In close- pollination, the pol- len may be derived from different flowers on the same plant. In cross-pollination, the pollen is derived 223. Older flower of f?f / * a viv hollyhock. Ml from flowers on differ- FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION 135 224. Flower of larkspur. 225. Envelopes of a larkspur. There are five wide sepals, the upper one being spurred. There are four small petals. ent plants. Fertilization resulting from self- or close-pollina- tion is close-fertilization. Fertilization resulting from cross- pollination is cross-fertilization. In many cases cross-pollination is essential for good seed or fruit development. Corn, if close-pol- linated, pro- duces imperfect ears. Culti- vated plants frequently ex- hibit decreased vigor by close- pollination. 279. Usually the pollen is dis- charged by the bursting of the anthers. The commonest method of discharge is through a slit on either side of the anther. (Fig. 218.) Some- times it discharges through a pore at the apex, as in azalea (Fig. 220), rhododendron, huckleberry, wintergreen. In some plants a part of the anther wall raises or falls as a lid, as in barberry (Fig. 221), blue cohosh, May apple. The open- ing of an anther (as also of a seed-pod) is known as dehiscence. When an anther or seed-pod opens it is said to dehisce. 280. Most flowers are so constructed as to increase the chances of cross-pollination. The commonest means of insuring cross- pollination is the different times of matur- ing of stamens and pistils in the same flower. In most cases the stamens mature first: the flower is then proterandrous. When the pistils mature first the flower is 226. Stamens of lark- spur, surrounding the pistils. 136 FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION proterogynous. (Aner, andr, is a Greek root often used, in combinations, for stamen, and gyne for pistil.) The dif- ference in time of ripening may be an hour or two, or it may be a day. The ripening of the stamens and pistils at different times is known as dichogamy, and flowers of such character are said to be dichog- amous. There is little chance for dichogamous flowers to pol- linate themselves. The holly- hock is proterandrous. Fig. 222 shows a flower recently ex- panded. The center is occupied by the column of stamens. In Fig. 223, showing an older flower, the long styles are con- spicuous. Many flowers are im- perfectly dichogamous some of the anthers mature simul- taneously with the pistils, so that there is chance for self-pol- lination in case foreign pollen does not arrive. Even when the stigma receives pollen from its own flower, cross -fertilization may result. 281. Some flowers have so developed as to prohibit self- pollination. Very irregular flow- ers are usually of this cate- gory. Regular flowers usually depend on dichogamy and on the impotency of pollen on the pistil of the same flower. Flowers that are very irregular and provided with strong perfume are usually pollinated by insects. Gaudy colors probably attract insects in many cases, but odor appears to be a greater attraction. The insect visits the flower for the 227. Toad-flax is an insect-pollinated flower. MEANS OF POLLINATION 137 nectar (for the making of honey) and may unknowingly carry the pollen. Spurs and sacs are commonly nectaries, but in spurless flowers the nectar is usually secreted in the bottom of the flower-cup. Fig. 224 shows a larkspur, and the envelopes are sepa- rated in Fig. 225. The long spur at once suggests insect pollination. The spur is sepal. Two hollow petals project into this spur, apparently f 228. Staminate catkins of oak. The pistil- SerVing tO gUlde the bee S late flowers are in the leaf arils, i_ i_ i_ i r an d not shown in this picture. tongue, but probably of no sig- nificance. The two smaller petals, in front, are differently colored and seem to serve the bee in locating the nectary. The stamens ensheath the pistils. (Fig. 226.) As the insect stands on the flower and thrusts his head into its center, the envelopes are pushed downward and outward and the pistil and stamens come in contact with his abdomen. Since the flower is proterandrous, the pollen which the pistils receive from the bee's abdomen must come from another flower. Note a somewhat similar arrange- ment in the toad-flax or butter- and-eggs. (Fig. 227.) Clover and alfalfa are pollinated by insects. 282. The bee is perhaps the most efficient of all insects in distributing pollen, for in ad- dition to carrying away pollen accidentally in its search for nectar, it also deliberately gathers pollen from the flowers. 229. Catkins of a willow. A staminate flower is shown at s. and a pistil- late flower at p. The staminate and pistillate are on different plants. 138 FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION In certain seasons, moreover, it confines itself to a single species of plants. Bees are very useful to the fruit-grower, wholly aside from the honey that they make for him. 283. Many flowers are pollinated by the wind. Such flowers produce great quantities of pollen, for much of it is wasted. They usually have broad stigmas, which expose large surfaces to the wind. They are usu- ally lacking in gaudy colors and in perfume. Grasses and pine trees are typical examples of wind-pollinated plants. 284. In many cases cross-pollination is insured by the stamens and pistils being in different flowers (diclinous, 274). When the staminate and pistillate flowers are on the same plant, e.g., oak (Fig. 228), beech, c hestnut, hazel, walnut (Fig. 190), hickory, the plant is mon- oecious ("in one house")- When they are on different plants (poplar and willow, Fig. 229), the plant is dioecious ("in two houses"). Monoecious and dioecious plants may be pollinated by wind or insects, or other agents. They are commonly wind- pollinated, although willows are often, if not mostly, in- 231 . Ear of maize , p roduct of the pi8 tii. Sect-pollinated. Some plants, late flowers fertilized by pollen borne . in the tassel, the whole enclosed m a as rye, insure cross-pollination husk or sheath. 230. Indian corn, a monoecious plant, with staminate flowers borne in the tassel and pistillate flowers borne in the ear. MEANS OF POLLINATION 139 because the pollen of one flower is impotent on the pistil of that flower, feuckwheat is another such plant. 285. The corn plants are monoecious, and therefore self- pollination is impossible. The staminate flowers of the In- dian corn are in a terminal panicle or tassel. (Fig. 230.) The pistillate flowers are in a dense spike (ear), inclosed in a sheath or husk. (Fig. 231.) Each "silk" is a style. Each pistillate flower may produce a kernel of corn. Sometimes a few 232. Panicle or tassel of a sorghum in blooming time. 233. Head or brush of broom - corn at seeding time. Broom- c or n is a sorghum. Brooms are made from the stiff peduncles or rays. 234. Head of one of the k a fi r s (or milo) in seed. Kafirs are forms of sor- ghums. They are much grown in dry regions. a pistil- late flowers are borne in the tassel and a few staminate flowers on the tip of the ear. In sorghums, broom- corn and kafirs (Figs. 232, 233, 234), the two kinds of flowers are in the same cluster or tassel. 286. Although most flowers are of such character as to insure or increase the chances of cross-pollination, there are some in which crossing is abso- lutely forbidden. These flowers are usually borne beneath or on the ground, and they lack showy colors and perfumes. They are known as cleistogamous flowers (meaning "hidden flowers")- The plant has normal 140 FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION 235. Hog-peanut, showing a leaf, and a cleistogamous flower at a. showy flowers that may be insect-pollinated, and in addi- tion is provided with these specialized flowers. Only a few plants bear cleistogamous flowers. Hog-peanut, common blue violet, fringed winter- green, and dalibarda are the best subjects in the northern states. Fig. 235 shows a cleis- togamous flower of the hog-peanut at a. Above the true roots, slender rhizomes bear these flowers, which are provided with a calyx and a curving corolla that does not open. Inside are the stamens and pistils. The /\ s pupil must not confound _/**W~ .***/ * the nodules on the roots of the hog-peanut with the cleistogamous flowers: these nodules are concerned in the appropriation of food. Late in summer the cleistogamous flowers may be found just underneath the mold. They never rise above the ground. The following summer one may find a seedling plant with the remains of the old cleistogamous flower still adhering to the root. The hog-peanut is a common low twiner in woods. It also bears racemes of small pea- like flowers. Cleistogamous flowers usually appear after the showy flowers have a 236. Common blue violet. The familiar flowers are shown, natural size. The corolla is spurred. Later in the season, cleistogamous flowers are often borne on the surface of the ground. A small one is shown at a. A nearly mature pod is shown at b. Both a and b are one-third natural size. POLLINATION 141 passed. They seem to insure a crop of seed by a method that expends . little of the plant's energy. (Fig. 236.) 287. There a special is and peculiar structure in the peanut or goober, flowers are of two kinds. One is showy and staminate (shown uppermost in Fig. 237) ; and one is small and pistillate, and after fertilization is thrust downward into the earth by the elongation of the torus and flower- stem, and the pods ripen underground. (Fig. 238.) 288. Flowers may be cross-pollinated by hand. One may carry the pollen of a given flower to the pistils of another flower, for the purpose of securing seeds that may combine some of the characteristics of the two parents. 237. Peanut. Staminate showy flower above; young pod from pistillate flower below. 238. Peanut pods ripening underground. In this case, the stamens are early removed from the flower to be pollinated so that all possibility of self-fertilization is averted ; and after the other pollen is applied, the flower is 142 FERTILIZATION AND POLLINATION protected by being securely covered with a paper bag. (Fig. 239.) In monoecious plants, if the staminate flowers are removed or covered close-fertilization is prevented. REVIEW. What is fertilization? Pollination? Pollen germination? What is a receptive stigma? How is pollen discharged? How is cross-pollina- tion secured? Are plants benefited by cross-pol- lination? What is meant by impotent pollen? What do you understand by dichogamy? Its office? Is it frequent? What is the character of insect- pollinated flowers? Why is the bee an effective insect in distributing pollen? What is the sig- nificance of irregularity in flowers? Where is the nectar borne? What are monoecious and dioecious flowers? Cleistogamous flowers? Why may flowers be hand-pollinated? NOTE. The means by which cross-pollination is insured are absorbing subjects of study. It is easy to give so much time and emphasis to the subject, however, that an inexperienced observer comes to feel that perfect mechanical adaptation of means to end is universal in plants, whereas it is not. One is likely to lose or to overlook the sense of proportions and to form wrong judgments. In studying cross-pollination, one is likely to look first for devices that prohibit the stigma from receiving pollen from its own flower, but the better endeavor is to determine whether there is any means to insure the application of foreign pollen; for the stigma may receive both but utilize only the foreign pollen. Bear in mind that irregular and odd forms in flowers, strong perfume, bright colors, nectar, suggest insect visitors; that inconspicuous flowers with large, protruding stigmas and much dry powdery pollen suggest wind-transfer; that regular and simple flowers depend largely on dichogamy, whether wind- or insect- pollinated. Most flowers are dichogamous. 239. A bag covering a pollinated flower. CHAPTER XXII PARTICULAR FORMS OF FLOWERS 289. General Forms. Flowers vary wonderfully in size, form, color, and in shapes of the different parts. These variations are characteristic of the species or kind of plant. The most variable part is the corolla. In many cases, the disguises of the parts are so great as to puzzle botanists. Some of the special forms, notably in the orchids, seem to have arisen as a means of adapting the flower to pollination by particular kinds of insects. A few well-marked forms are discussed below in order to illustrate how they may differ among themselves. 290. When in doubt as to the parts of any flower, look first for the pistils and stamens. Pistils may be distin- guished by the ovary or young seed- case. Stamens may be distinguished by the pollen. If there is but one series in the floral envelope, the flower is assumed to lack the corolla: it is apetalous (273). The calyx, however, in such cases, may look like a corolla, e.g., buck- wheat, elm, sassafras, smartweed, knotweed. (Fig. 210.) 291. The parts of a flower usually have a numerical relation to each other, they are oftenest in 3's or 5's or in multiples of these numbers. The pistil is often an exception to thie order, however, although its compartments or (143) 240. Funnel form flower of morning-glory. 241. Salver form flower of phlox. 144 PARTICULAR FORMS OF FLOWERS 242. Rotate flowers of potato. carpels may follow the rule. Flowers on the plan of 5 are said to be pentamerous; those on the plan of 3 are trimerous (merous is from Greek, signifying "mem- ber"). In descriptive botanies these words are often written 5-merous and 3-merous. 292. The corolla often as- sumes very definite or distinct forms when gamopetalous. It may have a long tube with a wide-flaring limb, when it is said to be funnelform, as in morning-glory (Fig. 240) and pumpkin. If the tube is very narrow and the limb stands at right angles to it, the corolla is salverform, as in phlox. (Fig. 241.) If the tube is very short and the limb wide-spreading and nearly circular in outline, the corolla is rotate or wheel-shaped, as in potato. (Fig. 242.) 293. A gamopetalous corolla or gamo- sepalous calyx is often cleft in such way as to make two prominent parts. Such parts are said to be lipped or labiate. Each of the lips or lobes may be notched or toothed. In 5- merous flowers, the lower lip is usually 3-lobed and the upper one 2-lobed. Labiate flowers are characteristic of the mint family (Fig. 213), and the family therefore is called the Labiatse. (Properly, labiate means merely lipped, without specifying the number of lips or lobes; but it is commonly used to designate 2-lipped flowers.) Strongly 2-parted poly- petalous flowers may be said to be labiate; but the term is oftenest used for gamopeta- lous corollas. 243. Personate flowers of snapdragon. LABIATE AND LILY FLOWERS 145 244. Flower of triUium. 294. Labiate gamopetalous flowers which are closed in the throat (or entrance to the tube) are said to be grinning or personate (personate means masked, or person-like). Snap- dragon is a typical example (Fig. 243); also toad-flax or butter and eggs (Fig. 227), and many related plants. Personate flowers usually have definite relations to insect pollination. Observe how a bee forces his head into the closed throat of the toad-flax. 295. Lily Flowers. In plants of the lily family (Lili- acese) the flowers are typically 3-merous, having three sepals, three petals, six stamens and a 3-carpelled pistil. The parts in the different series are distinct from each other (excepting the carpels), and mostly free from other series. The sepals and petals are so much alike that they are dis- tinguished chiefly by position, and for this reason the words calyx and corolla are not used, but the floral envelope is called the perianth and the parts are segments. Flowers of lilies and trilliums (Fig. 244) answer these details. Not all flowers hi the lily family 245. Papilionaceous flowers. Sweet pea. 146 PARTICULAR FORMS OF FLOWERS answer in all ways to this description. The term perianth is used in other plants than the Liliacese. 296. Papilionaceous Flowers. In the pea and bean tribes the flower has a special form (Figs. 245, 246). The calyx is a shal- low 5-toothed tube. The corolla is composed of four pieces, the large expanded part at the back, known as the standard or banner; the two hooded side pieces, known as the wings', the single boat-shaped part 246. Flowers of alfalfa, enlarged. 247. Cassia flower, beneath the wings, known as showing the _. , . . the keel. The keel is sup- separate keel petals. posed to re p re s en t two united petals, since the calyx and stamens are in 5's or multiples of 5; moreover, it is of two distinct parts in cassia (Fig. 247) and some other plants of the pea family. Flowers of the pea shape are papilionaceous (Latin papilio, a butterfly). 297. Flowers of the pea and its kind have a peculiar arrangement of stamens. The stamens are 10, of which 9 are united into a tube which incloses the pistil. The tenth stamen lies on the upper edge of the pistil. The remains of these sta- mens are seen in Fig. 206. The sta- mens are said to be diadelphous ("in two brotherhoods") when united into two groups as in this case. Stamens in one group would be called mona- delphous, and this arrangement OCCUrS in SOme members Of the T . < -1 Legummosse or pea family. fruits, "cheeses plant." a, gives the names and "shirt button THE MALLOWS 147 NV' \' 1 1 249. Flower of cot t on . N ote * the stamens; also the in- volucre or "square" on the bud. 298. Mallow Flowers. The flowers of the mallow family are well represented in single holly- hocks (Figs. 222, 223) and in the little plant (Fig. 248) known as "cheeses." A peculiar structure is the part formed by the united filaments, the inclosed styles and the ring of ovaries at the bottom of the style-tube. The flower is 5-merous. Count the ovaries. They sit on the torus, but are united in the center by the base of the style-tube, which forms a cone-shaped body y /*' that separates f \\ from the torus when the fruit is ripe. Do all of the ovaries de- velop, or are some crowded out in the struggle for exis- tence? 299. The calyx in such flowers is often reinforced by bracts, which look like an extra calyx. These bracts form an involucre. An invo- lucre is a circle or whorl of bracts standing just below a flower or a flower-cluster. The umbel of wild carrot (Fig. 194) has an involucre below it. A large family of , , 250. A lady's-slipper, to illustrate the plants known as the orchid family. 148 PARTICULAR FORMS OF FLOWERS Malvaceae, or Mallow family, has flowers similar to those of the hollyhock. To this family belong marsh mallow, althea, okra, cotton (Fig. 249). Observe that even though the hollyhock is a great tall-growing showy plant and the "cheeses" is a weak trailing inconspicuous plant, they belong to the same family, as shown by the structure of the flowers. 251. Jack-in-the-pulpit. 252. Wild aster, with "Jack" is the spadix; six heads, each con- the "pulpit" is the spathe. taining several florets. 253. Head of pasture thistle, showing the high prickly involucre. 300. Orchid Flowers. The flowers of orchids vary wonderfully in shape, size and color. Most of them are specially adapted to insect pollination. The distinguish- ing feature of the orchid flower, however, is the union of stamens and pistil in one body, known as the column. In Fig. 250 the stemless lady's-slipper is shown. The flower is 3-merous. One of the petals is developed into a great sac or "slipper," known as the lip. Over the opening of this sac the column hangs. The column is shown in detail: a is the stigma; d is an anther, and there is another similar one on the opposite side, but not shown in the picture; b ORCHID FLOWERS 149 is a petal-like stamen, which does not produce pollen. In most other orchids there is one good anther. 301. In orchids the pollen is usually borne in adherent masses, one or two masses occupying each sporangium of the anther, whereas, in most plants the pollen is in separate grains. These pollen-masses are known technically as pollinia. Orchids from the tropics are much grown in choice green- houses. Several species are common in woods and swamps in the northern states and Canada. 254. Longitudinal sec- tion of thistle head. 256. Cornflower or bachelor's button, 255. Floret of in which the outer florets are large thistle. and showy. 302. Spathe Flowers. In many plants, very simple (often naked) flowers are borne in dense, more or less fleshy . spikes, and the spike is inclosed in or attended by a leaf, sometimes corolla-like, known as a spathe. The spike of flowers is technically known as a spadix. This type of flower is characteristic of the great Arum family, which is chiefly tropical. The commonest wild representatives in the North are Jack-in-the-pulpit or Indian turnip (Fig. 251) and skunk cabbage. In the former the flowers are all diclinous and naked. The pistillate flowers (comprising only a 1-loculed 150 PARTICULAR FORMS OF FLOWERS ovary) are borne at the base of the spadix, and the staminate flowers (each of a few anthers) are above them. The ovaries ripen into red berries. In the skunk cabbage all the flowers are perfect and have four sepals. The common calla of greenhouses is a good example of this type of inflorescence. 303. Compositous Flowers. The head (anthodium) or so-called, "flower" of sunflower and whiteweed and daisy (Figs. 188, 189, 200), thistle, aster (Fig. 252), dandelion, daisy, chrysanthemum, goldenrod, is composed of several or many little flowers, or florets. These florets are inclosed in a more or less dense and usually green involucre. In the thistle (Fig. 253) this involucre is prickly. A longi- tudinal section (Fig. 254) discloses the florets, all attached at bottom to a common torus, and densely packed in the involucre. The pink tips of these florets constitute the showy part of the head. 304. Each floret of the thistle (Fig. 255) is a complete flower. At a is the ovary. At b is a much-divided plumy calyx, known as the pappus. The corolla is long- tubed, rising above the pappus, and is enlarged and 5-lobed at the top, c. The style projects at e. The five anthers are united about the style in a ring at d. Such anthers are said to be syngenesious. 305. These are the various parts of the florets of the Com- positae, sometimes known as the Sunflower family. In some cases the pappus is in the form of barbs, bristles or scales, and sometimes it is wanting. The pappus, as we shall see later, assists in distributing the seed. Often the florets are not all alike. The corolla of those in the outer circles may be 257, 258. Double dahlias. In one, the florets have developed flat rays. In the other, the florets appear as inrolled tubes. COMPOSITOUS AND GRASS FLOWERS 151 developed into a long, strap-like or tubular part and the corolla of those at the center may be but a short tube. The head then has the appearance of being one flower with a border of petals. Of such is the sunflower (Fig. 188), aster (Fig. 252), bachelor's button or cornflower (Fig. 256). These long corolla-limbs are called rays. In some cultivated composites, all the florets may develop rays, as in the dahlia (Figs. 257, 258) and chrysanthemum. In some species, as dandelion, all the florets natu- rally have rays. Syngenesious arrangement- of anthers is the most characteristic single feature of the composites. 306. Grass Flow- ers. The flowers of grasses are too difficult for the be- ginner, but if the pupil wishes to un- derstand them he may begin with wheat or rye or barley, which are members of the Grass family. The "head" or spike of wheat is made up of flowers and bracts. The flowers are in little clusters or spikelets (often called ' 'breasts" by farmers). One of the 260. Flower of rye/ spikelets is shown at fe, in Fig. 259. Each o, stigma; 6, 6, 6, stamens; c, paiet; spikelet contains from 1 to 4 flowers or florets, giume.En!arged! The structure of the flower is similar to that 259. Spikes and flowers of wheat, a. beardless wheat; d, bearded wheat; 6, spikelet in bloom; c, grain; e, single spikelet on a mature head. The beards in d are awns 'on the flowering glumes. 152 PARTICULAR FORMS OF FLOWERS 261 of rye (Fig. 260) and other grasses. The pistil has 2 feathery protruded stigmas (wind-polli- nated) shown at a, Fig. 260. There are 3 sta- mens, b, b, b. There are minute scales in the base of the flower (not shown in the cut) that probably represent true floral envelopes. These are lodicules. The larger parts, c, d, are bracts. The larger one, d, is the flowering glume, and the smaller, c, is a palet. The entire spikelet is also subtended by two bracts or glumes', these are the two lower- most parts in b, Fig. 259. The glumes of the spikelet, and flower- ing glumes and palets of the flow- ers, constitute the chaff when wheat is threshed. Compare barley, Fig. 261. There are many grass plants Bariey'flower. with large florets that are adap- Enlarged - table to elementary class work, as millet (Fig. 262), sorghums (Figs. 232 to 234), rice, oats (Fig. 191), and a number of big lawn grasses. Maize is one of the Grass family. 307. Attachment of the Flower Parts. The parts of the flower may all be borne directly on the torus, or one part may be borne on another. With reference to the pistil or ovary, the stamens and envelopes may be attached in three ways: hypogynous, all free and attached under the ovary, when it is said to be superior, as in Fig. 202; perigynous, or attached to a more or less evident cup surrounding the ovary, as in Fig. 209; epigynous, some or all of them apparently borne on the ovary, when it is said to be inferior, as in Fig. 205. 308. Double Flowers. Under the stimulus DOUBLE FLOWERS 153 of cultivation and increased food-supply, flowers tend to become double. True doubling arises in two ways, morpho- logically: (1) Petals may appear in place of stamens and pis- tils; (2) adventitious or accessory petals may arise in the circle of petals. Both of these categories may be present in the same flower, as in Fig. 263. In the full-double holly- 263. Petals arising from the staminal column of holly- hock, the petals de- hock; and accessory petals in the corolla-whorl. . -, f , , nved from the stam- inal column are shorter and make a rosette in the center of the flower. 309. Other modifications of flowers are sometimes known as doubling. For example, double dahlias (Fig. 257), chry- santhemums and sunflowers are forms in which the disk flowers have developed rays. The snowball is another case. In the wild plant (Fig. 264) the ex- ternal flowers of the cluster are large and sterile. In the cultivated plant (Fig. 265) all the flowers have be- come large and sterile. Hydrangea is a similar example. Double flowers are ... . .. 264. The wild or original form of the snowball. likely tO be Sterile. Outer flowers larger. 154 PARTICULAR FORMS OF FLOWERS REVIEW. How do flowers vary in form? How are the various parts determined in disguised flowers? What are 5-merous and 3-merous flowers? What are some of the'common forms of gamopetalous corollas? Describe a labiate flower. Personate. Lily flower. Papilionaceous flower. What are monadelphous and diadelphous stamens? Describe a mallow flower. Orchid flower. Spathaceous flower. Compositous flower. If grass flowers are studied in class, describe one of them. What do you understand by the terms hypogynous, perigynous, epi- gynous? How do flowers become double? What is meant by doubling in compositous flowers? In snowball and hydrangea? 285. Cultivated snowball, in which all the flowers in the cluster have become large and showy. CHAPTER XXIII FRUITS 310. The ripened ovary, with its attachments, is known as the fruit. It contains the seeds. If the pistil is simple, or of one carpel, the fruit also will have one compartment. If the pistil is compound, or of more than one carpel, the fruit usually has an equal number of compartments, although one or more of the compartments may be suppressed as the parts' grow. The compartments in pistil and fruit are known as locules (from Latin locus, meaning "a place"), or cells. 311. The simplest kind of fruit is a ripened 1-loculed ovary. The first stage in com- plexity is a ripened 2- or many- loculed ovary. Very complex forms may arise by the attach- ment of other parts to the ovary. Sometimes the style persists and becomes a beak (mustard pods, dentaria, Fig. 266), or a tail as in clematis; or the calyx may be attached to the ovary; or the ovary may be imbedded in the re- ceptacle, and ovary and recep- tacle together constitute the fruit; or an involucre may be- come a part of the fruit, as possibly in the walnut and hickory, and cup of the acorn. The chestnut (Fig. 267) and the beech bear a prickly invo- (155) 266. Dentaria, or toothwort, in fruit. 156 FRUITS lucre, but the nuts, or true fruits, are not grown faso to it, and the involucre can scarcely be called a part of the fruit. A ripened ovary is a pericarp. A pericarp to which other parts adhere has been called an ac- cessory or reinforced fruit. 312. Some fruits are dehiscent, o r split open at ma- turity (279) and liberate the seeds; others are indehis- cent, or do not- open. A dehiscent peri- carp is called a pod. 267. Chestnuts are ripened ovaries. They are borne in a rpi , , prickly involucre. The remains of the catkin of stam- inate flowers is seen in the picture. which SUCh a pod breaks or splits are known as valves. In indehiscent fruits the seed is liberated by the decay of the envelope, or by the rupturing of the envelope by the germinating seed. Indehiscent winged pericarps are known as samaras or key- fruits (consult Chapter XXIV). Maple, elm (Fig. 97), and ash (Fig. 141) are examples. 313. Pericarps. The simplest pericarp is a dry, one- seeded, indehiscent body. It is known as an achene. A head of achenes is shown in Fig. 268, and the structure is explained in Fig. 207. Achenes may be seen in buttercup, hepatica, anemone, smartweed, buckwheat. 314. A 1-loCUled 268. Achenes pericarp that dehisces 269. cup. larkspur. 270. Young follicles of larkspur. Normally, the flower has 5 pis- tils, but some are lost in the struggle for existence. FOLLICLES AND LEGUMES 157 271. Follicles of swamp milk- weed, not yet dehisced. along the front edge (that is, the inner edge, next the center of the flower) is a follicle. The fruit of the larkspur (Fig. 269) is a follicle. There are usually five of these fruits (sometimes three or four) in each larkspur flower, each pistil ripening into a fol- licle. (Fig. 270.) If these pistils were united, a single com- pound pistil would be formed. Colum- bine, peony, nine- bark and milkweed (Fig. 271) also have 272. Legumes of perennial follicles. or everlasting pea. o^c ^ l-loculed pericarp that dehisces on both edges is a legume. Peas and beans are typical examples (Figs. 272, 273, 274): in fact, this character gives name to the p e a - f a m i 1 y , Leguminosae. Often the valves of the legume twist forcibly and expel the seeds, throwing them some distance. Sometimes (as in peanut) the legume does not dehisce of itself, even though it has all the essential struc- ture of a true pod. The word pod is sometimes restricted to legumes, but it is better to use it generically (as in 312) for all dehiscent pericarps. 274. Peanuts. Compare Figs 237, 238. 277. Three-carpelled fruit of horse-chestnut Two locules are closing by abortion of the ovules. 282. Apical dehis- cence in capsule of Bouncing Bet. Four columns of seeds are attached to a central shaft. 275. Capsules of datura or jimson weed. Septicidal and loculicidal. 281. Toad-flax capsule. 276. Capsules of evening prim- rose. Loculic- idal. 278. St. John's-wort. Septicidal. 279. Loculicidal pod of day-lily. (158) DEHISCENCE OF FRUITS 159 316. A compound pod dehiscing pericarp of two or more carpels is a capsule. (Figs. 275, 276.) There are some capsules of one locule, but they may have been com- pound when young (in the ovary stage) and the partitions may have vanished. Sometimes one or more of the carpels are uniformly crowded out by the exclusive growth of other carpels. (Fig. 277.) The seeds or parts that are crowded out are said to be aborted. 317. There are several ways in which Basal dehiscence of capsules dehisce or open. When they break campanula capsule. septa), the mode is known as septiddal dehiscence; Fig. 278 shows it. In septi- cidal dehiscence, the fruit sepa- rates into parts representing the original carpels. These carpels may still be entire, and they then dehisce individually, usually along the inner edge as if they were follicles. When the com- partments split in the middle, between the partitions, the mode is lo- culicidal dehiscence. (Fig. 279.) In some cases the dehiscence is at the top, when it is said to be apical (although several modes of dehiscence are here included). When the whole top comes off, as in purslane and garden portulaca (Fig. 280), the pod is known as a pyxis. In some cases apical dehiscence is by means of a hole or clefts. (Fig. 281.) In pinks and their allies the dehiscence does not extend much below the apex. (Fig. 282.) ' 160 FRUITS Dehiscence may be basal. (Fig. 283.) Two-loculed capsules that resemble legumes in external appearance are those of catalpa and trumpet-creeper. (Figs. 284, 285.) 318. The peculiar capsule of the mustard family, or Cruciferse, is known as a silique when it is distinctly longer than broad (Fig. 266), and a silicle when its breadth nearly equals or exceeds its length. (Fig. 286.) A cruciferous cap- sule is 2-carpelled, usually with a thin partition, each locule containing seeds in one or two rows. The two valves detach from below upwards. Cabbage, mustard, cress, shepherd's purse, sweet alyssum, wallflower, honesty, are examples. 319. The pericarp may be fleshy and indehiscent. A pulpy pericarp with several or many seeds is a berry. (Fig. 287.) To the hor- ticulturist a berry is a small, soft, edible fruit, without particular reference to its struc- ture. The botanical and horticultural conceptions of a berry are, therefore, unlike. In the botan- ical sense, gooseber- ries, currants, grapes, tomatoes, potato- balls and even egg- plant fruits (Fig. 288) are berries ; strawber- ries, raspberries, blackberries are not. 320. A fleshy peri- 287. Berries of the snowberry. Carp Containing One 2 shepherd's purse. 0*1*1 tecoma or trumpet- COMBINED FRUITS 161 288. Eggplant fruits. Examples of large berries. relatively large seed or stone is a drupe. Examples are plum (Fig. 289), peach, cherry, apricot, olive. The walls of the pit in the plum, peach and cherry are formed from the inner coats of the ovary, and the flesh from the outer coats. Drupes are also known as stone-fruits. 321. Fruits that are formed by the subsequent union of separate pistils are aggregate fruits. The carpels in aggregate fruits are usually more or less fleshy. In the raspberry and blackberry flower, the pistils are essenti- ally distinct, but as the pistils ripen they cohere and form f one body. (Fig. 290.) Each of the j^ carpels or pistils in the raspberry and blackberry is a little drupe, or drupelet. In the raspberry the entire fruit sep- arates from the torus, leaving the torus on the plant. In the blackberry and dewberry the fruit adheres to the torus, and the two are removed together when the fruit is picked. 322. Accessory Fruits. When the pericarp and some other part grow together, the fruit is said to be accessory or reinforced (311). An example is the strawberry. (Fig. 291.) The edible part is a greatly enlarged torus, and the pericarps are achenes imbedded in it. These achenes are commonly called gee( J s 290. Aggregate fruits of raspberry. 323. Various kinds of reinforced fruits have received special names. One of these is the hip, characteristic of roses. (Fig. 292.) In this case, the torus is deep and hollow, like an 289. Plum. Example of a drupe. 162 FRUITS urn, and the separate achenes are borne inside it. The mouth of the receptacle may close, and the walls sometimes become fleshy: the fruit may then be mistaken for a berry. 324. The reinforced fruit of the pear, apple, and quince is known as a pome. In this case the five united carpels are completely buried in the hollow torus, and the torus makes most of the edible PHP&*' part of the ripe fruit, while the pistils are represented 291. Strawberries. The edible part is torus. by the COre. (Fig. 293.) Fig. 294 shows the apple in bloom; Fig. 295 shows young fruits, only one having formed in each cluster. In the lower left-hand flower of Fig. 294, note that the sepals do not fall. Observe the sepals on the top of the torus (apex of the fruit) in Fig. 295. In the plum flower (Fig. 209), note that the pistil sits free in the hollow torus: imagine the pistil and torus grown together, and something like a pome might result. 325. The reinforced fruit of pumpkin, squash (Fig. 296), melon and cucumber is a pepo. The outer wall is torus, but the sepals do not persist, and the fruit is normally 3-loculed (although the partitions may disappear as the fruit ripens). The maypop, one of the passion flowers growing wild in the southern states, has a similar structure. 326. Gymnospermous Fruits. 292 - ffi p of rose - In pines, spruces and their kin, there is no fruit in the sense in which the word is used in the preceding pages, because there is no ovary. The ovules are naked or uncov- 293. Diagram of a pear. The receptacle is a, and the pericarp 6. 294. Apple flowers. 295. Young apple fruits. (163) 164 FRUITS 297. 296. Pepo or squash. ered, in the axils of the scales of the young cone, and they have neither style nor stigma. The pollen falls directly on the mouth of the ovule. The ovule ripens into a seed (Fig. 297) which is usually winged. Because the ovule is not borne in a sac or ovary, these plants are called gymnosperms (Greek for "naked seeds"). All the true cone-bearing plants are of this winged class; also certain other Norway plants as red cedar, juniper, s P ruce - yew. The plants are monoecious or sometimes dioecious. The staminate flowers are mere naked stamens borne beneath scales, in small yellow catkins which soon fall. The pistillate flowers are naked ovules beneath scales on cones which persist. (Figs. 298, 299.) REVIEW. What is a fruit, as understood by the botanist?. What is a locule? What are simple, com- pound and accessory or reinforced fruits? Define pericarp. Pod. What are dehiscent and indehiscent fruits? What is a samara or key-fruit? Define achene. Follicle. Legume. Cap- sule. Explain septicidal and loculicidal dehiscence. Apical dehiscenc. Basal dehiscence. What is a pyxis? Silique? Silicle? Berry? Drupe? Drupelet? 298. Pistillate cone Explain an aggregate fruit. Explain the fruit of strawberry, rose, apple, squash. What is the fruit of pines j o and spruces? NOTE. Fully mature fruits are best for study, particularly if 10 is desired to see dehiscence. For comparison, pistils and partially grown fruits should be had at the Same time< If the fl>UitS ar6 nOt rip6 pine. enough to dehisce, they may be placed in the sun to dry. the commonest of planted ever- greens. TABLE OF FRUITS 165 In the school it is well to have a collection of fruits for study. The specimens may be kept in glass jars. The following diagram will aid the pupil to remember some of the fruits to which particular names have been given. He must be warned, however, that the diagram does not express the order of evolution of the various kinds. He should also remember that there are many common fruits that answer to no definition, and these should be studied and compared with the forms that have received definite names: PERICARPS , Dry pericarps {achene (indehiscent). follicle (dehiscent), legume (dehiscent). I septicidal dehiscence. Compound [ loculicidal dehiscence. (capsule) [apical dehiscence. [Pyxis, berry. Fleshy pericarps "j drupe. [drupelet. Aggregate pericarps ACCESSORY FRUITS GYMNOSPERMOUS OR CONE FRUITS. strawberry, hip. pome, pepo. CHAPTER XXIV DISPERSAL OF SEEDS 327. It is to the advantage of the plant to have its seeds distributed as widely as possible. It has a better chance of surviving in the struggle for existence. 4 jJ 4 t/ ^ ets away fr m com Petition. Many v! >^JL seeds and fruits are of such character as to increase their chances of wide dis- jjf*^ persal. The commonest W } \r means of dissemination may / be classed under four heads: explosive fruits; transporta- tion by wind; transporta- tion by birds; transportation as burs. 328. Explosive Fruits. Some pods open with explosive force and scatter the seeds. Even beans and everlasting peas (Fig. 272) do this. More marked examples are the locust, witch hazel, gar- den balsam, wild jewel- weed or impatiens (known also as ' 'touch- me-not"); violet, and the oxalis. (Fig. 300.) The oxalis is common in several species in the wild and in cultivation. One of them is known as wood sorrel. Fig. 300 shows the common yellow (166) 300. Explosive fruits of oxalis. An exploding pod is shown at c. The dehiscence is shown at b. The structure of the pod is seen at a. 301. Winged seeds of catalpa. 302. Wind-blown fruits of dandelion. WIND-TRAVELERS 167 303. The expanding balloons of the milkweed. oxalis. The pod opens loculicidally. The elastic tissue sud- denly contracts when dehiscence takes place, and the seeds are thrown violently. The fruit of the squirting cucumber discharges the seeds with great force, throwing them many 168 DISPERSAL OF SEEDS II IB 1 Pi! feet. This plant is easily grown in a gar- den (procure seeds of seedsmen). 329. Wind - travelers. Wind-trans- ported seeds are of two general kinds those that are provided with wings, as the flat seeds of catalpa (Fig. 301) and cone- bearing trees (Fig. 297) and the samaras of ash, elm, tulip-tree, ailanthus and maple; those that have feathery buoys or parachutes to enable them to float in the air. Of the latter kind are the fruits of many composites, in which the pappus is copious and soft. Dandelion (Fig. 302) and thistle (Fig. 256) are examples. The 304. Head of cat-tail in late fall. The fruits . , Silk OI the are carried in the late milkweed (Fig. autumn winds - 303) has a similar office, and also the wool of the cat-tail. (Fig. 304.) Recall the cottony seeds of the willow and poplar. 330. Dispersal by Birds. Seeds of berries and of other small fleshy fruits are carried far and wide by birds. The pulp is digested, but the seeds are not injured. Note how the cherries, raspberries, blackberries and Juneberries spring up in the fence-rows, where the birds rest. Some berries and drupes persist far into winter, when they supply food to cedar-birds, robins and the winter birds. (Fig. 305.) Red cedar is distributed by birds. Many of the pulpy fruits are 305. Drupes of the black haw, loved of robins in winter. BUR-TRAVELERS 169 soe. The cow is carrying agreeable as human food, and some of them have been greatly enlarged or "improved" by the arts of the cultivator. 331. Burs. Many seeds and fruits bear spines, hooks , and hairs that adhere to the coats of animals (Fig. 306) and to clothing. The burdock has an involucre with hooked scales, containing the fruits inside. The clotbur is also an in- volucre. Both are compositous plants, allied to thistles, but the whole head, rather than the separate fruits, is transported. In some compositous fruits the pappus takes the form of hooks and spines, as in the "Spanish bayonets" and "pitchforks." Fruits of various kinds are known as "stick- tights," as of the agrimony and hound's tongue. Those who walk in the woods in late summer and fall are aware that plants have means of disseminating themselves. (Fig. 307.) If it is impossible to identify the burs which one finds on clothing, the seed may be planted and specimens of the plant may then be grown. REVIEW. What advantage is it to the plant to have its seeds widely dispersed? What are the leading ways in which fruits and seeds are dispersed? Name some explosive fruits. Describe wind-travelers. What seeds are carried by birds? Describe any bur with which you are familiar. NOTE. This lesson will suggest other ; ways in which seeds are transported. Nuts are buried by squirrels for food, but if they 307. Stealing a ride. ^ not eaten they may grow The geeds of many plants are blown on the snow. The old stalks of weeds, standing through the winter, may serve to disseminate the plant. Seeds are carried by water down the streams and along shores. About woollen 170 DISPERSAL OF SEEDS mills strange plants often spring up from seeds brought in the fleeces. Sometimes the entire plant is rolled for miles before the winds. Such plants are "tumble- weeds." Examples are Russian thistle (Fig. 113), hair-grass or tumblegrass (Panicum capillare), cyclone plant (Cyclo- loma platyphyllum), and white amaranth. About seaports strange plants are often found, having been introduced with the earth that is used in ships for ballast. These plants are usually known as "bal- last plants." Most of them do not persist long. In some way, the seeds of every plant are dispersed, some far and some near: discover these ways for any plant that you know. CHAPTER XXV GERMINATION 332. The Seed. We have found (276) that as a result of fertilization a seed is formed. The seed contains a minia- ture plant or embryo. The embryo usually has three parts that have received names: the little stemlet or caulicle ' t the seed-leaf or cotyledon (usually 1 or 2) ; the bud or plumule lying between or above the cotyledons. These parts are well seen in the common bean (Fig. 308), particularly when the seed has been soaked for a few hours. One of the large cotyledons comprising half of the bean is shown at r. The caulicle is at c. The plumule is at a. The cotyledons are 308 Partg of attached to the caulicle at /: this point is the bean. r - cotyie- first node, and the plumule is at the second ,a, iiu'muie; f, node. firstnode ' 333. Every seed is provided with food, to support the germinating plant. Commonly this food is starch. The food may be stored in the cotyledons, as in bean, pea, squash; or outside the cotyledons, as in castor bean, pine, Indian corn. When the food is around the embryo, it is usually called endosperm. 334. The embryo and endosperm are inclosed within a covering made of two or more layers and known as the seed- coats. Over the point of the caulicle is a minute hole or a thin place in the coats known as the micropyle. This is the point at which the pollen-tube entered the forming ovule and through which the caulicle breaks in germination. The micropyle is shown at m in Fig. 309. The scar where the seed broke from its funiculus or stalk is the hilum. It (171) 172 GERMINATION occupies a third of the length of the bean in Fig. 309. The hilum and micropyle are always present in seeds, but they are not always close together. In many cases it is difficult to identify the micropyle in the dormant seed, but its location is at once shown by the protruding caulicle as germination begins. Opposite the micropyle in the bean (at the other end of the hilum) is External parts of an elevation known as the raphe. This is formed by a union of the funiculus or seed- stalk with the seed-coats, and through it food was transferred for the development of the seed, but it is now functionless. 335. Seeds differ wonderfully in size, shape, color and other characteristics. They also vary in longevity. These characteristics are peculiar to the species or kind. Some seeds maintain life only a few weeks or even days, whereas others will "keep" for ten or twenty years. In special cases, seeds have retained vitality longer than this limit, but the stories that living seeds, several thousand years old, have been taken from mummies are unfounded. Oats do not retain their vitality for more than a year or two. Seed of alfalfa may retain its vitality for eight years or more. The condition of storage of the seed is an important factor in the retention of seed vitality. Moisture is especially dele- terious; a dry atmosphere of the storage room is necessary for maintaining the vigor of the seed. 336. Germination. The embryo is not dead; it is only dormant. When supplied with moisture, warmth, and oxy- gen (air), it awakes and grows: this growth is germination. The embryo lives for a time on the stored food, but grad- ually the plantlet secures a foothold in the soil. The roots absorb and the leaves elaborate food and the seedling is inde- pendent with respect to its food supply. When the plantlet is finally able to shift for itself, germination is complete. 337. The germinating seed first absorbs water, and swells. The starch and other stored foods are transformed THE PROCESS OF GERMINATION 173 310. The young roots are not able to gain a foothold. into soluble products. They are digested, so to speak, and made available for assimilation by the protoplasm. Germi- nate barley. Note how sweet it is to the taste. Compare it with the ungerminated barley. Do likewise with corn and wheat. What is the source of the sugar? The seed-coats are ruptured, the caulicle and plumule emerge. In this pro- cess, the seed respires freely, giving off carbon dioxid (CO 2 ). Fill a tin box or large-necked bottle with dry beans or peas, then add water; note how much they swell. Secure two fruit-jars. Fill one of them a third full of beans and keep them moist. Allow the other to remain empty. In a day or two insert a lighted splinter or taper into each. In the empty jar the taper burns: it contains oxygen. In the seed- jar the taper goes out: the air has been replaced by carbon dioxid. Usually there is a percepti- ble rise in temperature in a mass of germinating seeds. 338. The caulicle usually elon- gates, and from its lower end roots are produced. The elongating caulicle is known as the hypocotyl ("below the cotyledons"). That is, the hypocotyl is that part of the stem of the plantlet lying between the roots and the cotyledon. The general direction of the young hypocotyl or emerging caulicle is downwards. As soon as roots form, it becomes 311. Cotyledons of germi- nating bean spread apart to show elongating cauli- cle and plumule. 312. Germination of bean. 174 GERMINATION 314. Germination of cas- tor bean. Endosperm at a. fixed, and its subsequent growth tends to raise the cotyle- dons above the ground, as in the bean. 339. When cotyledons rise into the air, germination is said to be epigeal ("above the earth"). Bean and pumpkin are examples. When the hypo- cotyl does not elongate greatly and the coty- 313. Sprouting of ledons remain under castor kean. ground, the germination is hypogeal ("be- neath the earth"). Pea and scarlet run- ner bean are examples. When the ger- minating seed lies on a hard surface, as on closely compacted soil, the hypocotyl and rootlets may not be able to secure a foothold and they assume grotesque forms. (Fig. 310.) Try this with peas and beans. 340. The first inter- node above the cotyledons between the cotyledons and the plumule is the epi- cotyl. It elevates the plumule into the air, and the plumule-leaves expand into the first true leaves of the plant. These first true leaves, however, may be very unlike the later leaves. 341. Germination of Bean. The common bean, as we have seen (Fig. 308), has cotyledons that occupy all the space inside the seed-coats. When the hypocotyl or elongating caulicle emerges, the plumule-leaves have begun to enlarge and to unfold. (Fig. 311.) The hypocotyl elongates rapidly. One end of it is held by the roots. The other is held by the seed-coats in the soil. It. 316. Germination complete in castor bean. therefore, takes the form of a loop, and 315. Castor bean. En- dosperm at a, a; co- tyledons at 6. GERMINATION IN PARTICULAR SEEDS 175 its central part "comes up" first, (a, Fig. 312.) Presently it draws the cotyledons out of the seed-coats, and then it straightens and the cotyledons expand. These coty- ledons, or "halves of the bean," persist for some time. (b, Fig. 312.) They often become green and probably perform some function of foliage. Because of its large size, Lim? bean shows all these parts well. 342. Germination of Castor Bean. In the castor bean the hilum and micropyle are at the smaller end. (Fig. 313.) The bean "comes up" with a loop, which indicates that the hypocotyl greatly elongates. On exam- ining a germinating seed, however, it will be found that the cotyledons are contained inside a fleshy body or sac. (a, Fig. 314.) This sac is the endosperm. To its inner sur- face the thin, veiny cotyledons are very closely appressed, absorbing its substance. (Fig. 315.) The cotyledons increase in size as they reach the air (Fig. 316), and become functional leaves. 343. Germination of Indian Corn. Soak kernels of corn. Note that the micropyle and hilum are at the smaller end. (Fig. 317.) Make a longi- tudinal section through the narrow diameter; Fig. 318 shows it. The single cotyledon is at a, the caulicle at plumule at p, cotyledon remains in the seed. The food is stored both in the cotyledon and as endosperm, chiefly the latter. The emerging shoot is the plumule, with a sheathing 319. Indian corn. Cau- licle at c ; roots emerg- ing at 7n; plumule at p. 6, the The 320. Indian corn. o. plumule; n to p, epicotyl. 176 GERMINATION leaf, (p, Fig. 319.) The root is produced from the tip of the caulicle, c. The caulicle is held in a sheath (formed mostly from the seed-coats), and some of the roots escape through the upper end of this sheath, (m, Fig. 319.) The epicotyl elongates, particularly if the seed is planted deep or if it is kept for some time confined. In Fig. 320 the epicotyl has elon- gated from n to p. The true plumule-leaf is at o, but other leaves grow from its sheath. In Fig. 321 the roots are seen emerging from the two ends of the caulicle-sheath, c, m; the epicotyl has grown to p; the first plumule-leaf is at o. REVIEW. What does a seed con- tain? What do you understand by the embryo? What are its parts? Where is the food in the seed? W T hat are the seed-coats? What is the mi- cropyle? Hilum? How may the position of the micropyle be deter- mined? How do seeds differ? With what are these differences associated? What is germination? Under what conditions does a seed germinate? What is meant by seed vitality? What are the best conditions for storage of seed? When is germination complete? What is the first phenom- enon of germination? Explain the relation to O and CC>2. Define hypocotyl. Epicotyl. Hypogeal and epigeal germination. What be- comes of the plumule? Explain germination in a seed which you have studied. NOTE. Few subjects connected with the study of plant-life are so useful in schoolroom demonstrations as germination. The pupil should prepare the soil, plant the seeds, water them and care for the 321. Germination is complete, p, top of epicotyl; o, plumule-leaf; TO, roots; c, lower roots. The beginning. 325. A later stage 323. Natural planting of the fruits of Norway maple. 327. The wing cast off; the 329. Free from the seed -coats still adhering. seed-coata. (177) 178 GERMINATION plants. Plant in pots or shallow boxes. Cigar-boxes are excellent. The depth of planting should be two to three times the diameter of the seeds. It is well to begin the planting of seeds at least ten days in advance of the lesson, and to make four or five different plantings at intervals. A day or two before the study is taken up, put seeds to soak in moss or cloth. The pupil then has a series from swollen seeds to complete ger- mination, and all the steps can be made out. Dry seeds should be had for comparison. Good seeds for study are those detailed in the les- son, bean, castor bean, corn. Pea is a good plant to contrast with bean. (Fig. 322.) Make drawings and notes of all the events in the germination. Note the effects of unusual conditions, as planting too deep and too shallow and different sides up. For hypogeal ger- mination, use the garden pea, scarlet runner or Dutch case-knife bean, acorn, horse-chestnut. Squash seeds are excellent for germination studies, because the coty- ledons become green and leafy and germination is rapid. Its germination, as also that of the scarlet runner bean, is explained in "Lessons with Plants." Onion is ex cellent, except that it germinates too slowly. In order to study the root development -of germinating plantlets, it is well to provide a deep box with a glass side against which the seeds are planted. Observe the germination of any seed that is common about the premises. Where elms and maples are abundant, the germination of their seeds may be studied in lawns and along fences. Figs. 323 to 330 suggest observations on the Norway maple, which is a common ornamental tree. CHAPTER XXVI PHENOGAMS AND CRYPTOGAMS 344. The plants thus far studied produce flowers; and the flowers produce seeds by means of which the plant is propagated. There are other plants, however, that pro- duce no seeds, and these plants are probably more numerous than the seed-bearing plants. These plants propagate by means of spores, which are generative cells, usually simple, containing no embryo. These spores are very small, and sometimes are not visible to the naked eye. 345. Prominent amongst the spore-propagated plants are ferns. The common Christmas fern (so called because it remains green during winter) is shown in Fig. 331. The plant has no trunk. The leaves spring directly from the underground stem. The leaves of ferns are called fronds. They vary in shape, as other leaves do. Compare Fig. 139 and the pictures in this chapter. Some of the fronds are seen to be narrower at the top. If these are examined more closely (Fig. 332) it will be seen that the leaflets are contracted and are densely covered beneath with brown bodies. These bodies 1 1 r . 331. Christmas fern. Dryopteris are Collections OI Sporangia Or Spore- acrostichoides; known also as cases (singular, sporangium). Aspidium. 346. The sporangia are collected into little groups, known as son (singular, sorus) or fruit-dots. Each sorus is covered with a thin scale or shield, known as an indiisium. This indusium separates from the frond at its edges, and the (179) 180 PHENOGAMS AND CRYPTOGAMS 332. Fruiting frond of Christ- mas fern. Sori at a. One sorus with its indusium, at b. sporangia are exposed. Not all ferns have indusia. The polypode (Figs. 333, 334) does not: the sori are naked. In the brake (Fig. 335) and maiden- hair (Fig. 336) the edge of the frond turns over and forms an indusium. In some ferns (Fig. 337) an entire frond becomes contracted to cover the sporangia. In other cases the indusium is a sac-like covering, which splits. (Fig. 338.) 347. The sporangium or spore- case of a fern is a more or less globu- lar body and usually with a stalk. (Fig. 334.) It contains the spores. When ripe, it bursts and the spores are set free. Lay a mature fruiting frond of any fern on white paper, top side up, and allow it to remain in a dry, warm place. The spores will discharge on the paper. 348. In a moist, warm place the spores germinate. They produce a small, flat, thin, green, more or less heart-shaped membrane. (Fig. 339.) This is the prothallus. Sometimes the prothallus is an inch or more across, but oftener it is less than one-fourth this size. It is com- / monly un- j known except to botanists. Prothalli may often be found 334. Son and sporan- in greenhoUSCS gium of polypode. where ferns MO grown. Look on the moist stone or brick walls, or on the firm soil of undisturbed pots and beds. 333. Common polypode fern. Polypodium vulgare. PROTHALLUS 181 349. On the under side of the prothallus two kinds of organs are borne. These are the archegonium and the anthe- ridium. These organs are minute specialized parts of the prothallus. Their positions on a particular prothallus are shown at a and 6 in Fig. 339, but in some ferns they are on separate prothalli (plant dioecious). The sperm-cells escape from the antheridium and in the water which 335. The brake fruits , .in i underneath the revo- collects on the prothallus are carried to lute edges of the leaf. the arc h e gonium, where fertilization takes place. From a fertilized archegonium a plant grows, and this plant becomes the "fern." In most cases the prothallus dies soon after the fern plant begins to grow. 350. The fern plant, arising from the fertilized egg in the archegonium, becomes a perennial plant, each year pro- ducing spores from its fronds, as we have seen; but these spores which are merely detached special kinds of cells produce the prothallic phase of the fern plant, from which new individuals arise. A fern is fertilized but once in its life-time. The prothallium here is the gametophyte] the "fern" is the sporophyte (phyton is Greek for "plant"). 351. This succession of generations runs all through the vegetable kingdom, although there are some groups of plants in which it is very ob- scure or apparently want- ing. It is very marked in ferns and mosses. In algse (including the sea- m Retod ^^ of a ****** frond - weeds) the gametophyte constitutes the "plant," as the non- botanist knows it. There is a general tendency, in the evo- lution of the vegetable kingdom, for the gametophyte to lose its relative importance and for the sporophyte to become 182 PHENOGAMS AND CRYPTOGAMS 337. Fertile and sterile fronds of the sensitive fern. larger and more highly developed. In the seed-bearing plants the sporophyte generation is the only one seen by the non-botanist. The gametophyte stage is of short duration and the parts are small: it is confined to the time of fertilization. 352. The sporophyte of the seed- plants, or the plant, as we know it, produces spores which, however, are not visible to the naked eye. The spores are of two kinds: microspores borne in tissues called sporangia which forms part of the anther; and macrospores which are present in the pistil. The microspore developes into the pollen-grain. The macrospore develops in the ovule into an embryo-sac, which contains the egg nucleus. The germi- nated pollen-grain constitutes the com- pletely developed sterile gametophyte. The fully developed embryo-sac constitutes the fertile gam- etophyte. Fertilization occurs, and the sporophyte is again produced. This new sporophyte develops farther and we have the embryo plant formed in the seed. This may remain dormant for a time, and when germination occurs the visible sporophyte plant is produced. This in turn produces microspores and macrospores, and the cycle is again complete. The alternation of these phases in the plant's life history is known technically as alternation of generations. 338. A sac-like indusium. 339. Prothallus of a fern. Enlarged. Archegonia at a; antheridia at b. THE TWO GREAT CLASSES OF PLANTS 183 353. It happens that the spores of seed-bearing plants are borne amongst a mass of specially developed leaves known as flowers: therefore, these plants have been known as the flowering plants. Some of the leaves are developed as envelopes (calyx, corolla), and others as spore-bearing parts, or sporophylls (stamens, pistils). But the spores of the lower plants, as of ferns and mosses, may also be borne in specially developed foliage, so that the line of demar- cation between flowering plants and flowerless plants is not so definite as was once supposed. The one definite dis- tinction between these two classes of plants is the fact that one class produces seeds and the other does not. The seed- plants are now often called spermaphytes, but there is no single coordinate term to set off those which do not bear seeds. It is quite as well, for popular purposes, to use the old terms, phenogams for the seed-bearing plants and cryptogams for the others. These terms have been objected to in recent years because their etymology does not express literal facts (phenogam refers to the fact that the flowers are showy, and cryptogam to the fact that the parts are hidden), but the terms represent distinct ideas in classification. Nearly every word in the language has grown away from its ety- mology. The cryptogams include three great series of plants the Thallophytes or algae, lichens and fungi; the Bryophytes or moss-like plants; the Pteridophytes or fern- like plants. In each of these series there are many families. See the following Chapter. REVIEW. What is a spore? Describe the appearance of some fern plant that you have studied. What are the spores and sporangia? What is a sorus? Indusium? What grows from the spore? How does the new "fern" plant arise? What is meant by the ph ase "alternation of generations?" Define gametophyte and sporophyte. Describe the alternation in flowering plants. Explain the flower from this point of view. What is the significance of the word spermaphyte? Contrast phenogam and cryptogam. NOTE. All the details of fertilization and of the development of 184 PHENOGAMS AND CRYPTOGAMS the generations are omitted from this book, because they are subjects for specialists and demand more training in research methods than the high-school pupil can properly give to plant-study. Cryptogams are as widespread as phenogams, and for this reason it has been urged that they are most proper subjects for study in the school. This position is untenable, however, for the best plant subjects for youth are those which mean most to his life. It is said, also, that cryptogams are best for the beginner because their life-processes are relatively simple in many cases; but the initial study of plants should be under- taken for the purpose of quickening the pupil's perception of common and familiar forms and problems, rather than for the purpose of de- veloping a technical knowledge of a given science. CHAPTER XXVII STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS The special advanced pupil who has acquired skill in the use of the compound microscope may desire to make more extended excursions into the cryptogamous orders. The following plants, selected as examples in various groups, will serve as a beginning. ALG.E The algae comprise most of the green floating "scum" which covers the surface of ponds and other quiet waters. The masses of plants are often called "frog spittle." Others are attached to stones, pieces of wood and other objects submerged in streams and lakes, and many are found on moist ground and on dripping rocks. Aside from these, all the plants commonly known as seaweeds belong to this category. They are inhabitants of salt water. The simplest forms of algae consist of a single spherical cell, which multiplies by repeated division or fission. Specimens of these may be found growing on damp rock and the shady side of trees. Most of the forms found in fresh water are filamentous, i.e., the plant-body consists of long threads, either simple or branched. Such a plant- body is termed a thallus. This term applies to the vege- tative body of all plants which are not differentiated into stem and leaves. Such plants are known as ihallophytes (353). All algae contain chlorophyll, and are able to as- similate carbon dioxid from the air. This distinguishes them from the fungi. Spirogyra. One of the most common forms of the green algae is spirogyra. (Fig. 340.) This plant frequently forms the greater part of the floating green mass on ponds. The filamentous character of the thallus can be seen with the naked eye or with a hand lens, but to study it carefully a microscope magnifying two hundred diameters or more should f!85) 340. Strand of spirogyra, showing the chloro- phyll bands. There is a nucleus at a. 186 STUDIES TN CRYPTOGAMS be used. The thread is divided into long cells by cross-walls which, according to the species, are either straight or curiously folded. (Fig. 341.) The chlorophyll is arranged in beautiful spiral bands near the wall of each cell. From the character of these bands the plant takes its name. Each cell is provided with a nucleus and other protoplasm. The nucleus is suspended near the center of the cell, a, Fig. 340, by delicate strands of proto- plasm radiating .toward the wall and terminating at certain points in the chlorophyll band. The remainder of the protoplasm forms a thin layer lining the wall. The interior of the cell is filled with cell-sap. The pro- toplasm and nucleus cannot be easily seen, but if the plant is stained with a dilute alcoholic solution of eosin (153) they become clear. Spirogyra is propagated vegetatively by the break- ing off of parts of the threads, which continue to grow as new plants. Resting-spores, which may remain dor- mant for a time, are formed by a process known as con- jugation. Two threads lying side by side send out short projections, usually from all the cells of a long 341. Conjugation series. (Fig. 341.) The projections or processes from Ri e SP1 z 0gyr o- PP s ite cells grow toward each other, meet and fuse, spores on the forming a connecting tube between the cells. The left; connect- protoplasm, nucleus and chlorophyll band of one cell now pass through this tube, and unite with the con- tents of the other cell. The entire mass then becomes surrounded by a thick cellulose wall, thus completing the resting-spore, or zygospore. (Fig. 341, 2.) Vaucheria is another alga common in shallow water and on damp soil. The thallus is much branched, but the threads are not divided by cross-walls as in spirogyra. The plants are attached by means of colorless root-like organs which are much like the root-hairs of the higher plants: these are rhizoids. The chlorophyll is in the form of grains scattered through the thread. Vaucheria has a special mode of vegetative reproduction by means of swimming spores or swarm-spores. These are formed singly in a short, enlarged lateral branch known as the sporangium. When the sporangium bursts the entire contents escape, forming a single large swarm-spore, which swims about by means of numerous lashes or cilia on its surface. The swarm-spores are so large that they can be seen with the naked eye. After swimming about for some time they come to rest and germinate, producing a new plant. ALG^E-FUNGI 187 The formation of resting-spores of vaucheria is accomplished by means of special organs, oogonia Fig. 342. o, and antheridia. (Fig. 342, a.) Both of these are specially developed branches from the thallus. The antheridia are nearly cylin- drical, and curved toward the oogonia. The upper part of an antheridium is cut off by a cross-wall, and within it nu- merous ciliated sperm-cells are formed. These escape by the ruptured apex of the antherid- ium. The oogonia are more enlarged than the antheridia and have a beak-like projection turned a little to one side of the apex. They are separated from the thallus-thread by a cross-wall, and contain a single large green cell, the egg- cell. The apex of the oogonium is dissolved, and through the opening the sperm-cells enter. Fertilization is thus accomplished. After fertilization, the egg-cell becomes invested with a thick wall and is thus converted into a resting-spore, the odspore. (Fig. 343.) 342. Thread of vaucheria with oogonia and antheridia. FUNGI Some forms of fungi are familiar to every one. Mushrooms and toadstools, with their varied forms and colors, are common in fields, woods and pastures. In every household the common moulds are familiar intruders, appearing on old bread, vegetables and even within tightly sealed fruit jars, where they form a felt-like layer dusted over with blue, yellow or black powder (192). The strange occurrence of these plants long mystified people, who thought they were productions of the dead matter upon which they grew, but now we know that a mould, like any other plant, cannot originate spontaneously; it must start from some- thing which is analogous to a seed. The "seed" in this case is a spore. The term spore is applied to the minute reproductive bodies of all flower- less plants. A spore is a very simple structure, usually of only one plant-cell, whose special function is to reproduce the plant. A spore may be produced by a vegetative process (growing out from the ordinary plant tissues), or it may be the result of a fertilization process (344). 344. Mucor mucedo, showing habit. 1.88 STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS Mould. One of these moulds, Mucor mucedo, which is very com- mon on all decaying fruits and vegetables, is shown in Fig. 344, some- what magnified. When fruiting, this mould appears as a dense mass of long white hairs, often over an inch high, standing erect from the fruit or vegetable upon which it is growing. The life of this mucor begins with a minute rounded spore (a, Fig. 345), which lodges on the decaying material. When the spore germinates, it sends out a delicate thread which grows rapidly in length and forms very many branches which soon 345 - Spores of mucor; permeate every part of the substance on which the plant grows. (6, Fig. 345.) One of these threads is termed a hypha. All the threads together from the mycelium of the fungus (194). The mycelium disorganizes the material in which it grows, and thus nour- ishes the mucor plant. (Fig. 344.) It corresponds physiologically to the roots and stems of other plants. When the mycelium is about two days old, it begins to form the long fruiting stalks which we first noticed. To study them, use a compound microscope magnifying about two hundred diameters. One of the stalks, magnified, is shown in Fig. 346, a. It consists of a rounded head, the sporangium, sp,- supported on a long, delicate stalk, the sporangiophore, st. The stalk is separated from the sporangium by a wall which is formed at the base of the sporangium. This wall, how- ever, does not extend straight across the thread, but it arches up into the sporangium like an inverted pear. It is known as the columella, c. When the sporangium is placed in water, the wall immediately ruptures and allows hundred of spores, which were formed in the cavity within the sporangium, to escape, 6. All that is left of the fruit is the stalk, with the pear-shaped columella at its summit, c. The spores which have been set free by the breaking of the sporangium wall are now scattered by the wind and other agents. Those which lodge in favor- able places begin to grow immediately and reproduce the fungus. The others soon perish. The mucor may continue to reproduce itself in this way indefi- nitely, but these spores are very delicate and usually die if they do not fall on favorable ground, so that the fungus is provided with another means of carrying itself over unfavorable seasons, as winter. This is 346. Mucor. a, sporangium b, sporangium bursting c, columella. FUNGI 189 accomplished by means of curious thick-walled resting-spores or zygo- spores. The zygospores are formed on the mycelium buried within the substance on which the plant grows. They originate as follows: The threads of two sexually different plants that lie near together send out short branches, which grow toward each other and finally meet. (Fig. 347.) The walls at the ends, a, then disappear, allowing the contents to flow together. At the same time, however, two other walls are formed at points farther back, 6, b, separating the short section, c, from the remainder of the thread. This section now increases in size and becomes covered with a thick, dark brown wall ornamented with thickened tu- bercles. The zygospore is now mature and, after a period of rest, it germinates, either producing a sporangium directly or growing out as mycelium. The zygospores of the mucors form one of the most interesting and instructive objects among the lower plants. They are, however, very difficult to obtain. One of the mucors, Sporodinia grandis, 347 T' Mucor may be frequently found in summer growing on toadstools. This plant usually produces zygospores, which are formed on the aerial mycelium. The zygospores are large enough to be recognized with a hand lens. The material may be dried and kept for winter study, or the zygospores may be prepared for permanent microscopic mounts in the ordinary way. Willow mildew. Most of the molds are saprophytes (192). There are many other fungi which are parasitic on living plants and animals. Some of them have interesting and complicated life-histories, under- going many changes before the original spore is again produced. The willow mildew and the common rust of wheat will serve to illustrate the habits of parasitic fungi. The willow mildew (Uncinula salicis) forms white downy patches on the leaves of willows. (Fig. 348.) These patches consist of numer- ous interwoven threads which may be recognized as the mycelium of the fungus. The mycelium hi this case lives on the surface of the leaf and nourishes itself by sending short branches into the cells of the leaf to absorb food-materials from them. formation of zygo- spore on the right; germinating zygo- spore on the left. 348. Colonies of willow mildew. 190 STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS 349. Summer-spores of willow mildew. Numerous summer-spores are formed on short erect branches all over the white surface. One of these branches is shown in Fig. 349. When it has grown to a certain length, the upper part begins to segment or divide into spores which fall and are scattered by the wind. Those falling on other willows reproduce the fungus there. This process continues all summer, but in the later part of the season pro- vision is made to maintain the mildew through the winter. If some of the white patches are closely examined in July or August, a number of little black bodies will be seen among the threads. These little bodies, called perithecia, are shown in Fig. 350. To the naked eye they appear as minute specks, but when seen under a magnification of 200 diameters they present a very interesting appearance. They are hollow spheri- cal bodies decorated around the outside with a fringe of crook-like hairs. The resting-spores of the willow mildew are produced in sacs or asd inclosed within the leathery perithecia. Fig. 351 shows a cross-section of a peri- thecium with the asci arising from the bottom. The spores remain securely packed in the perithecia. They do not ripen in the autumn but fall to the ground with the leaf and there remain securely protected among the dead foliage. The following spring they mature and are lib- erated by the decay of the peri- thecia. They are then ready to attack the unfolding leaves of the willow and repeat the work of the summer before. Wheat rust. The development of some of the rusts, like the common wheat rust (Puccinia gram- inis), is even more interesting and complicated than that of the mildews. Wheat rust is also a true parasite, affecting wheat and a few other grasses. The m y celium here cannot be seen by the unaided low mildew. eye, for it consists of threads which are present 350. Perithecium of willow mildew. FUNGI 191 352., Son containing teleu- tospores of wheat rust. within the host -plant, mostly in the intercellular spaces. These threads also send short branches, or haustoria (194), into the neighbor- ing cells to absorb nutriment. The resting-spores of wheat rust are produced in late summer, when they may be found in black lines breaking through the epidermis of the wheat-stalk. They are formed in masses, called sori (Fig. 352), from the ends of numerous crowded mycelial strands just beneath the epidermis of the host. The individual spores are very small and can be well studied only with high powers of the microscope (x about 400). They are brown two-celled bodies with a thick wall. (Fig. 353.) Since they are the resting- or winter-spores, they are termed teleutospores ("completed spores"). They usually do not fall, but remain in the sori during winter. The following spring each cell of the teleutospore puts forth a rather stout thread, which does not grow more than several times the length of the spore and termi- nates in a blunt extremity. (Fig. 354.) This germ-tube, promycelium, now becomes divided into four cells by cross-walls, which are formed from the top downwards. Each cell gives rise to a short, pointed branch which, in the course of a few hours, forms a single small spore at its summit. In Fig. 354 a germinating spore is drawn to show the basidium, b, divided into four cells, each producing a short branch with a little sporidium, s. A most remarkable circumstance in the life-history of the wheat rust is the fact that the mycelium produced by the teleutospore can live only in barberry leaves, and it follows that if no barberry bushes are in the neighborhood the sporidia finally perish. Those which happen to lodge on a barberry bush germinate immediately, pro- ducing a mycelium which enters the barberry leaf and grows within its tissues. Very soon the fungus produces a new kind of spores on the barberry leaves. These are called aecidio- spores. They are formed in long chains in little fringed cups, or xcidia, which appear in groups on the lower side of the leaf. (Fig. 355.) These orange or yellow aecidia are termed cluster-cups. In Fig. 356 is shown 354. Germi- nating te- 353. leutospore Teuleutospore of wheat of wheat rust. rust. 192 STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS 355. Leaf of barberry with cluster-cups. a cross-section of one of the cups, outlining the long chains of spores, and the mycelium in the tissues. The secidiospores are formed in the spring, and after they have been set free some of them lodge on wheat or other grasses, where they germi- nate immediately. The germ-tube enters the leaf through a stomate, whence it spreads among the cells of the wheat plant. The secidiospores are not able to infect the barberry leaf. During summer one-celled uredospores ("blight spores") are produced in a manner similar to the teleutospores. The sori bearing them are red, due to the color of the spores of the mass. These are capable of germinating immediately and serve to disseminate the fungus during the summer on other wheat plants or grasses. (Fig. 357.) Late in the season, teleutospores are again produced, completing the life cycle of the plant. Many rusts besides Puccinia graminis produce different spore-forms on different plants. The phenom- enon is called hetercecism, and was first shown to exist in the wheat rust. Curiously enough, the peasants of Europe had observed and asserted that barberry bushes cause wheat to blight long before science explained the relation be- tween the cluster-cups on barberry and the rust on wheat. The true relation was actually demonstrated, as has since been done for many other rusts on their respective hosts, by sowing the eecidiospores on healthy wheat plants and thus pro- ducing the rust. The cedar apple is another 357. Uredospores of wheat rust. 356. Section through a cluster-cup on barberry leaf. rust, the fungus producing the curious swellings often found on the branches of red cedar trees. In the spring the teleutospores ooze out from the "apple" in brownish yellow masses. It has been found that these attack various pomaceous fruit trees pro- ducing aecidia on their leaves. Cedar trees about orchards may be a menace unless carefully watched. LICHENS AND HEPATICS 193 LICHENS Lichens are so common everywhere that the attention of the student is sure to be drawn to them. They grow on rocks (Fig. 373), trunks of trees, old fences and on the earth. They are too difficult for begin- ners, but a few words of explanation may be useful. Lichens were formerly supposed to be a distinct or separate divi- sion of plants. They are now known to be organisms, each species of which is a constant association of a fungus and an alga. The thallus is ordinarily made up of fungous mycelium or tissue, within which the imprisoned alga is definitely distributed. This association of alga and fungus is usually spoken of as symbiosis, or mutually helpful growth, both together being able to accomplish work which neither could do independently. By others this union is considered to be a mild form of parasitism, in which the fungus profits at the expense of the alga. Each component may be able to grow independently, and under such conditions the algal cells seem to thrive better than when imprisoned by the fungus. Lichens propagate by means of soredia, which are tiny parts sepa- rated from the body of the thallus, and consisting of one or more algal cells overgrown with fungous threads. These are readily observed in many lichens. They also produce spores, usually ascospores, which are always the product of the fungous element, and which reproduce the lichen by germinating in the presence of algal cells, to which the hyphae immediately cling. Lichens are found in the most inhospitable places and, by means of acids which they secrete, they attack and slowly disintegrate even the hardest rocks. By making thin sections of the thallus with a sharp razor and examining under the compound microscope, it is easy to distinguish the two components in many lichens. LIVERWORTS The liverworts are peculiar, flat, green plants usually found grow- ing on wet cliffs and in other moist, shady places. They frequently occur in greenhouses where the soil is kept constantly wet. One of the commonest liverworts is Marchantia polymorpha, two plants of which are shown in Figs. 358, 359. The plant consists of a flat ribbon- like thallus which spreads over the soil, becoming repeatedly forked as it grows. The end of each branch is always conspicuously notched. There is a prominent midrib extending along the center of each branch 194 STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS of the thallus. On the under side of the thallus, especially along the midrib, there are numerous rhizoids which serve the purpose of roots, absorbing nourishment from the earth and holding the plant in its place. The upper surface of the thallus is divided into minute rhombic areas which can be seen with the naked eye. Each of these areas is perforated by a small breathing pore or stomate which leads into a 358. Plants of marchantia 359. cavity just beneath the epidermis. This space is surrounded by chloro- phyll-bearing cells, some of which stand in rows from the bottom of the cavity. (Fig. 360.) The delicate assimilating tissue is thus brought in close communication with the outer air through the pore in the thick protecting epidermis. At various points on the midrib are little cups which contain small green bodies. These bodies are buds or gemmce which are outgrowths from the cells at the bottom of the cup. They become loosened and are then dispersed by the rain to other places where they take root and grow into new plants. The most striking organs on the thallus of marchantia are the pecu- liar stalked bodies shown in Figs. 358, 359. These are termed archegonio- phore and antheridiophores or re- ceptacles, each produced on separate plants. Their structure and function are very interesting, but their parts are so minute that they can be studied only with the aid of a micro- 100 to 400 tunes. Enlarged drawings wiii 360. Section of thallus of marchantia. Stomate at a. scope magnifying from guide the pupil. The antheridiophores are fleshy lobed disks borne on short stalks. LIVERWORTS 195 (Fig. 358.) The upper surface of the disk shows openings scarcely visible to the naked eye. However, a section of the disk, such as is drawn in Fig. 361, shows that the pores lead into oblong cavities hi the receptacle. From the base of each cavity there arises a thick club-shaped body, the antheridium. Within the antheridium are 361. Section through antheridiophore of marchantia, showing antheridia. One antheridium more magnified. formed many sperm-cells which are capable of swirnming about in water by means of long lashes or cilia attached to them. When the antheridium is mature, its wall ruptures and allows the ciliated sperm- cells to escape. The archegoniophores are also elevated on stalks. (Fig. 359.) In- stead of a simple disk, the receptacle consists of nine or more finger- like rays. Along the under side of the rays, between delicately fringed curtains, peculiar flask-like bodies, or archegonia, are situated. The archegonia are not visible to the naked eye. They can be studied only with the microscope (x about 400). One of them much magnified is represented in Fig. 362. Its principal parts are the long neck, a, and the rounded center, b, inclosing a large free cell the egg-cell. We have seen that the antheridium at maturity discharges its sperm-cells. These swim about in the water provided by the dew and rain. Some of them finally, find their way to the archegonia and egg-cells, which are thus fertilized, as pollen fertilizes the ovules of higher plants. After fertilization the egg-cell develops into the spore-capsule or sporogonium. The mature spore- capsules may be seen in Fig. 363. They consist of an oval spore-case on a short stalk, the base of which is imbedded in the tissue of the re- ceptacle from which it derives the necessary nourishment for the de- 363 Archegoniophore with sporogoma of velopment of the sporogonium. At marchantia. Archego- nium of mar- chantia. 196 STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS 364. Spores and elaters of marchantia. maturity the sporogonium is ruptured at the apex, setting free the spherical spores together with numerous filaments having spirally thickened walls. (Fig. 364.) These filaments are called elaters. When drying, they exhibit rapid movements by means of which the spores are scattered. The spores germinate and again produce the thallus of marchantia. MOSSES If we have followed carefully the development of marchantia, the study of one of the mosses will be comparatively easy. The mosses are more familiar plants than the liverworts. They grow on trees, stones, and on the soil both in wet and dry places. One of the com- mon larger mosses, known as Polytrichum commune, may serve as an example. This plant grows on rather dry knolls, mostly in the borders of open woods, where it forms large beds. In dry weather these beds have a reddish brown appearance, but when moist they form beautiful green cushions. This color is due, in the first instance, to the color of the old stems and leaves and, in the second instance, to the peculiar 365. Section of leaf of Polytrichum commune. action of the green living leaves under the influence of changing mois- ture-conditions. The inner surface of the leaf is covered with thin, longitudinal ridges of delicate cells which contain chlorophyll. These are shown in cross-section in Fig. 365. All the other tissue of the leaf consists of thick-walled, corky cells which do not allow moisture to penetrate. When the air is moist the green leaves spread out, MOSSES 197 366. Section through a receptacle of Polytrichum commune, showing paraphyses and antheridia. exposing the chlorophyll cells to the air, but in dry weather the mar- gins of the leaves roll inward, and the leaves fold closely against the stem, thus protecting the delicate assimilating tissue. The antheridia and archegonia of polytrichum are borne in groups at the ends of the branches on different plants (many mosses bear both organs on the same branch). They are sur- rounded by involucres of characteristic leaves termed perichaetia or perichxtal leaves. Multicellular hairs known as paraphyses are scattered among the archegonia and antheridia. The invo- lucres with the organs borne within them are called receptacles or, less appropriately, "moss flowers." As in marchantia, the organs are very minute and must be highly magnified to be studied. The antheridia are borne in broad cup-like receptacles on the antheridial plants. (Fig. 366.) They are much like the antheridia of marchantia, but they stand free among the paraphyses and are not sunk in cavities. At maturity they burst and allow the sperm-cells or spermatozoids to escape. In polytrichum when the re- ceptacles have fulfilled their function the stem continues to grow from the center of the cup. (Fig. 367, m.) The arch- egonia are borne in other re- ceptacles on different plants. They are like the archegonia of marchantia except that they stand erect on the end of the branch. The sporogonium which de- velops from the fertilized egg is shown in Fig. 367, a, b. It consists of a long, brown stalk bearing the spore-case at its summit. The base of the stalk is embedded in the end of the 367 ' Polytrichum commune;/,/, fertile plants, one on the left in fruit ; m, antheridial plant. moss stem by which it is nour- ished. The capsule is entirely inclosed by a hairy cap, the calyptra, b. The calyptra is really the remnant of the archegonium, which for a time 198 STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS increases in size to accommodate and protect the young growing cap- sule. It is finally torn loose and carried up on the spore-case. The mouth of the capsule is closed by a circular lid, the operculum, having a conical projection at the center. The operculum soon drops, or it may be removed, displaying a fringe of sixty-four teeth guarding the mouth of the capsule. This ring of teeth is known as the peristome. In most mosses the teeth exhibit peculiar hygroscopic movements, i.e., when moist they bend outwards and upon drying curve in toward the mouth of the capsule. This motion, it will be seen, serves to disperse the spores gradually over a long period of time. Not the entire capsule is filled with spores. There are no elaters, but the center of the capsule is occupied by a columnar strand of tis- sue, the columella, which expands at the mouth into a thin, membranous disk, closing the entire mouth of the capsule except the narrow annular chink guarded by the teeth. In this moss the points of the teeth are attached to the margin of the membrane, allowing the spores to sift out through the spaces between them. When the spores germinate, they form a green, branched thread, the protonema. This gives rise directly to moss plants, which appear as little buds on the thread. When the moss plants have sent their little rhizoids into the earth, the protonema dies, for it is no longer necessary for the support of the little plants. FERNS The adder's tongue fern, Ophioglossum vulgatum, shown in Fig. 368, is one of a peculiar type of ferns be- longing to the family Ophioglossaceae. This plant has a short, subterranean stem from which a single frond unfolds each year. The roots arise near the bases of the leaves. 368. The leaves are curiously ' divided into a sterile and a Ophioglossum fertile part, the latter being a sporophyll. The sterile part has a tongue-shaped blade which is narrowed to a petiole. The young leaves are inclosed by the sheathing base of the petiole. The growth is very slow, so that it takes several years for each leaf to develop before it is ready to unfold. During its development each leaf is sheathed by the one preceding it. The sporophyll is elevated on a stalk arising near the base of the sterile part of the frond. The upper part consists of a spike bearing FERNS AND HORSETAILS 199 two rows of large spore-cases or sporangia sunk in the tissue. At maturity the sporangia open by transverse slits and discharge the inclosed spores. When the spores germinate they produce subterranean tuberous prothallia which, however, are rarely found, and of whose history little is known. They develop archegonia and antheridia beneath the surface of the ground, and the fertilized egg produces the young fern plant. The generations of the true ferns are explained in Chapter XXVI. EQUISETUMS, OR HORSETAILS There are about twenty-five species of equisetum, constituting the only genus of the unique family Equisetacese. Among these E. arvense is common on clayey and sandy soils. In this species the work of nutrition and that of spore-production are performed by separate shoots from an underground rhizome. The fertile branches appear early in spring. The stem, which is 3 to 6 inches high, consists of a number of cylindrical furrowed internodes each sheathed at the base by a circle of scale-leaves. The shoots are of a pale yellow color. They contain no chlorophyll, and are nourished by the food stored in the rhizome. (Fig. 369.) The spores are formed on specially developed fertile leaves or sporophylls which are collected into a spike or cone at the end of the stalk (Fig. 369, a). A single sporophyll is shown at 6. It consists of a short stalk expanded into a broad, mushroom-like head. Several large sporangia are borne on its under side. The spores formed in the sporangia are very interesting and beau- tiful objects when examined under the microscope (X about 200). They are spherical, green bodies each surrounded by two spiral bands attached to the spore at their intersection, s. These bands exhibit hygroscopic movements by means of which the spores become entangled, and are held together. This is of advantage to the plant, as we shall see. All the spores are alike, but some of the prothallia are better nour- ished and grow to a greater size than the others. The large prothallia produce only archegonia while the smaller ones produce antheridia. Both of these organs are much like those of the ferns, and fertilization is accomplished in the same way. Since the prothallia are usually dioecious, the special advantage of the spiral bands holding the spores together, so that both kinds of prothallia may be in close proximity, will be easily understood. As in the fern, the fertilized egg-cell develops into an equisetum plant. 200 STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS The sterile shoots, Fig. 369, st, appear much later in the season. They give rise to repeated whorls of angular or furrowed branches. The leaves are very much reduced scales, situated at the internodes. The stems are provided with chlorophyll and act as assimilating tis- sue, nourishing the rhizome and the fertile shoots. Nutriment is also stored in special tubers developed on the rhizome. 369. Equisetum arvense; st, sterile shoot;/, fertile shoot showing the spike at a; b, sporophyll, with sporangia; s, spore. Other species of equisetum have only one kind of shoot a tall, hard, leafless, green shoot with the spike at its summit. Equisetum stems are impregnated with silica and they are sometimes used for scouring floors and utensils: hence the common name "scouring rush." ISOETES Isoetes or quill worts are usually found in water or damp soil on the edges of ponds and lakes. The general habit of a plant is seen in Fig. 370, a. It consists of a short, perennial stem bearing numer- ous erect, quill-like leaves with broad sheathing bases. The plants are commonly mistaken for young grasses. Isoetes bears two kinds of spores, large roughened ones, the macro- spores, and small ones or microspores. Both kinds are formed in spo- ISOETES 201 rangia borne in an excavation in the expanded base of the leaf. The ma- crospores are formed on the outer, and the microspores on the inner leaves. A sporangium in the base of a leaf is shown at b. It is partially covered by a thin membrane, the rdum. The minute triangular appendage at the upper end of the sporangium is called the ligvle. The spores are liberated by the decay of the spo- rangia. They form rudimentary prothallia of two kinds. The microspores produce prothallia with an- theridia, while the macrospores produce prothallia with archegonia. Fertilization takes place as in the mosses or liverworts, and the fertilized egg-cell, by continued growth, gives rise again to the isoetes plant. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS In Chapter XXVI, the alternations of generations and the terms gametophtye and sporophyte were explained. In many of the plants just studied, this alternation is more clearly and beautifully marked than in any other groups of plants. In each generation, the reproductive body (egg or spore) gives rise to a new plant- form or generation different from the par- ent generation. In the liverworts the thallus produces the egg. The fertilized egg-cell is the beginning of a new plant, but this new plant is not like the thallus which produced the egg, nor does it lead an independent existence. It is the sporo- gonium, which, although it is attached to the thallus, is not a morphological part thereof. The sporogonium produces spores. It is the sporophyte gen- eration of the plant, and not until the spores germinate is the thallus again produced. The same is true in the mosses. The "moss plant" produces the egg-cells. It is the gametophyte. The fertilized egg-cell develops into the sporophyte the spore-case and its stem. We can pull the stem of the capsule out of the moss plant and thus separate the sporophyte from the gametophyte. The fungi and algae are omitted from these remarks. In the former there is nothing analogous to the sporophyte and the gametophyte. In alga3 like spirogyra, evidently the whole plant is a gametophyte, 370. Isoetes showing habit of plant at a; 6, base of leaf showing sporangium, velum, and ligule. 202 STUDIES IN CRYPTOGAMS and, since the zygospore germinates directly into a new gametophyte, there is probably no sporophyte. In some other algae traces of a sporo- phyte have been found, but the discussion of these would lead too far for the present purpose. In the ferns the egg-cells are developed on the prothallus. This then is the gametophyte. It corresponds to the thallus of marchantia and to the "moss plant," but it has become much reduced. The plant developing from the fertilized egg-cell is the large and beautiful "fern plant" differentiated into stems and leaves. Since the fern plant produces the spores directly, it is the sporophyte and corresponds to the shaft and capsule of the mosses. Both sporophyte and gameto- phyte lead an independent existence. As we pass on to equisetum and oscetes, the sporophyte is still more conspicuous in comparison with the gametophyte. In isoetes the prothallus (gametophyte) is very rudimentary, consisting only of a few cells remaining within the spore, which merely bursts to expose the archegonia or to allow the sperm-cells to escape. Moreover, the spores have become differentiated into micro- and macrospores corre- sponding to the pollen and embryo-sac of higher plants. This gradual increase of the sporophyte and reduction of the gameto- phyte can be traced on through the flowering plants in which "the plant" is the sporophyte, and the gametophyte is represented simply by a few cells in the germinating pollen grain, and in the embryo-sac. PART II THE PLANT IN RELATION TO ITS ENVIRONMENT AND TO MAN CHAPTER XXVIII WHERE PLANTS GROW 354. Environment. The circumstances and surround- ings in which an organism lives constitute its environment. The environment comprises effects of soil, moisture, tempera- ture, altitude, sunlight, competition with animals and other plants, and the like. An organism is greatly influenced by the environment or conditions in which it lives. Not only must a plant live and grow and multiply its kind, but it must be capable of withstanding diverse environments. 355. The particular place in which a plant grows is known as its habitat (i.e., its "habitation"). The habitat of a given plant may be a swamp, hill, rock, sand plain, forest, shore. The plant inhabitants of any region are known collectively as its flora. Thus we speak of the flora of a meadow or a hill or a swamp, or of a country. The word is also used for a book describing the plants of a region (as in Part IV). 356. Plants Grow Where They Must. The plant is not able to choose its environment. It has no volition. Its seeds are scattered, and only a few of them fall in favorable places. The seeds make an effort to grow even though the places are not favorable ; and so it happens that plants are often found in places that are little adapted to them. See the fern growing on a brick in Fig. 74. Plants must grow in unoccupied places. 357. Not only do the seeds fall in unfavorable places, but most places are already occupied. So it comes that plants grow where they must, not always where the conditions are the most favorable. There are, of course, certain limits beyond which plants cannot grow. Water-lilies can thrive (205) 371. Desert vegetation. The tree cacti grow only in special regions. Arizona. 372. Plants seize the first opportunity to grow. Palisades of the Hudson. (206) WATER LIFE 207 only in water, and white oaks only on dry land, but it is seldom that either the water-lily or the oak finds the most congenial place in which to grow. Fine large plants of the lily and strong giant trees of the oak are so infrequent, as com- pared with the whole number, that we stop to admire them. 358. Originally, plants probably were aquatic, as animals were. Much of the earth was sea. Many plants are now aquatic, and the larger number of these as algae and their kin belong to the lower or older forms of plant life. Many plants of higher organization, however, as the water-lilies, have taken to aquatic life. True aquatic plants are those that always live in water, and that die when the water dries up. They are to be distinguished from those that live on shores or in swamps. Aquatic plants may be wholly im- mersed or under water, or partly emersed or standing above the water. Most flowering aquatic plants come to the surface to expand their flowers or to ripen their fruits. Some aquatic plants are free-swimming, or not attached to the bottom. Of this kind are some utricularias or bladder-worts. In some waters, particularly in the ocean, there are enormous quanti- ties of free-swimming microscopic life, both animal and vegetable, which is carried about by currents: this is known under the general name of plankton (Greek for " wander- ing" or "roaming"). 359. The general tendency has been for plants to become terrestrial, or land-in- habiting. Terrestrial plants often grow in wet places, but never in water throughout their entire life; of such are swamp, bog and marsh plants. Some plants have the ability to grow 208 WHERE PLANTS GROW in standing water when young and to become terrestrial as the water dries up. Such are amphibious. Some buttercups are examples; mermaid-weed (Proserpinaca) is another. 360. Some plants grow in very special soils or special localities, and consequently are infrequent or are confined to certain well-marked geographical regions. (Fig. 371.) 374. Sphagnum bog, green and living on top, but dead and dying underneath. Sphagnum moss is used by nurserymen and florists as packing material for plants. Common plants are those that are able to accommodate themselves to widely different environments. Weeds are examples. Many plants have become so specialized in habitat as to be parasitic, saprophytic or epiphytic. (Chap. XV.) 361. Common plants often grow in most unusual and difficult places. Note that some weeds grow not only in fields, but often gain a foothold in chinks in logs, on rot- ting posts, in crotches of trees, on old straw stacks, in clefts and crannies of rocks. In moist climates, as in England, plants often grow on thatched roofs. 362. Plants may be said to be seeking new places in SOIL-FORMERS 209 which to grow. Whenever ground is cleared of vegetation, plants again spring up. The farmer plows the meadow or pasture, and immediately a horde of weeds appears. 375. The same landscape in winter and in sun Any breach .or break in the earth's surface makes room for a new group of plants. Note how the railway embank- ments and the newly graded roadsides take on a covering of vegetation. Observe the ragweed. Whenever soil is formed at the base of a cliff, plants at once secure a foothold. (Fig. 372.) 363. Plants Aid in the Formation of Soil. This they do in two ways: by breaking down the rock; by passing into earth when they decay. Even on the hardest rocks, lichens and mosses may grow. (Fig. 373.) The rhizoids eat away the rock. A little soil is formed. Ferns and other plants gain a foothold. The crevices are entered and widened. Slowly the root acids corrode the stone. Leaves and stems collect on the rock and decay. Water and frost lend their aid. As the centuries pass, the rock is eaten away and pulverized. Note the soil that collects on level rocks in woods where wind and rain do not remove the accumulations. 364. In bogs and marshes and on prairies, the remains of plants form a deep black soil. In bogs the vegetable matter is partially preserved by the water, and it slowly becomes solidified into a partially decayed mass known as N 210 WHERE PLANTS GROW peat. When dug out and dried, peat may be used as fuel. Finally it may decay and make a vegetable soil known as muck. When thoroughly decayed, plants become vege- table mold or humus. New plants grow on peat or muck, and the accumulations year by year tend to raise the level of the bog, and the surface finally becomes so high as to support plants of the high lands. An important agent in the formation of peat bogs is sphagnum moss. New moss grows on the old, and the bog becomes higher as time goes on. (Fig. 374.) 376. A landscape devoid of vegetation. Western United States. 365. Plants Contribute to Scenery. Aside from sky and air, natural scenery depends chiefly on two things: the physical contour of the earth; the character of the vegeta- tion. Contrast the aspect of winter and summer scenes as expressed in vegetation. (Fig. 375.) Imagine any land- scape with which you are familiar to be devoid of plants. Compare Figs. 376 and 377. REVIEW. What is meant by environment? By habitat? Flora? What determines where plants shall grow? What is an aquatic plant? QUESTIONS ON WHERE PLANTS GROW 211 Explain immersed, emersed, free-swimming. What is plankton? Ex- plain terrestrial. Amphibious. Why are some plants rare or local? Why are some plants common? Name some unusual places in which you have seen plants growing. Give examples of how plants occupy the new places. How do plants aid in the formation of soil? Explain what is meant by peat, muck, humus. How are peat bogs formed? What relation have plants to scenery? 377. A landscape with vegetation. Holland. CHAPTER XXIX CONTENTION WITH PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 366. The Physical Environment. We have seen (354) that the environment in which a plant grows is made up of two sets of factors the physical environment of climate and soil, and the organic environment of competing animals and plants. 367. Modifications to Climate in General. Every par- ticular climate induces particular modifications in its plants. There are two general ways, however, in which plants are modified by climate: modification in the length of the period of growth; modification in stature. Any modification of the plant, visible or invisible, that enables it to grow in a climate at first injurious to it, is acclimatization. 368. In short-season climates, plants hasten their growth. They mature quickly. Indian corn may require five or six months in which to mature in warm countries, but only three months in very cold countries. Garden vegetables probably mature quicker from the time of planting in the North than in the South 378. Germination of com grown in when they are raised from New York (on the left) and in Alabama. -, .1 seeds grown in their respec- tive localities. Some seedsmen think this to be true and they like to raise seeds of early varieties in the North, for such seeds usually give "early" plants. Many plants that are perennials in warm countries become annuals or plur- annuals in cold countries (14). 369. Plants are usually dwarf or smaller in stature in (212) MODIFICATION BY WIND 213 short-season climates. Indian corn is a conspicuous ex- ample. As one ascends high mountains or travels in high latitudes, he finds the trees becoming smaller and smaller, until finally he passes beyond the regions in which the trees can grow. Many of the Esquimaux doubt the statements of travelers that there are plants as high as a man. In these high altitudes and high latitudes, plants tend also to be- come prostrate. 370. Plants are Influenced by Wind. In regions of strong prevailing winds, as on lake and sea shores and on hills and mountains, tree- tops develop un- symmetrically and are heaviest on the leeward side. (Figs. 379, 380.) Observe this fact in or- chards in windy regions, and note that the most unsymmetrical trees are those on the exposed side of the plantation. 371. Trees often lean away from the prevailing winds. The tips of the branches of exposed trees usually indicate whether there are strong prevailing 'winds. (Fig. 381.) Observe trees in pastures and along roadsides, particularly in high places and within a few miles of exposed shores. Note the tip-top spray of hemlock trees. 372. Plants are Profoundly Influenced by Soil. The 379. Evergreen trees on wind-swept heights of the Rocky Mountains. 214 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT nutrient supply varies with the kind of soil ; and the supply determines to a large extent the character of the individual plant. On poor soils plants are small; on rich soils they are large. The difference between poor and good yields of wheat, or any other crop, is largely a question of soil-fertility. The farmer reinforces his poor soils by the addition of ferti- lizers, in order to make his plants vary into larger or more productive individuals. 380. One-sided holly tree growing near the ocean. New Jersey. 373. The moisture-content of the soil exerts a marked influence on plants. We have found (157) that a large part of the plant-substance is water. The water is not only itself food for plants, but it carries nutrients into the plant and transports them from tissue to tissue. However rich a soil may be in mineral nutrients, it is inert if it contains no moisture. The character of the plant is often determined more by the moisture in the soil than by all the other soil MOISTURE AND EXPOSURE 215 materials. Note how rank the plants are in low places. Observe how the weeds grow about the barn where the soil is not only rich but where moisture is distributed from the eaves. Contrast with these instances the puny plants that grow in dry places. In dry countries irrigation is employed to make plants grow vigorously; or the moisture may be stored in the soil by means of deep preparation and frequent surface tillage and other dry-farming meth- ods. In moist and rich soil plants may grow so fast and so tall as not to be able to with- stand the wind, as in Fig. 382. 374. Plants are Influenced by the Exposure of the Place In Which They Grow. The particular site or outlook is known as the exposure or aspect. The ex- posure, for example, may be southward, eastward, bleak, warm, cold. A favorable exposure for any plant is one that supplies the requisite warmth, room, sunlight, moisture and nutrients, and immunity from severe winds and other destructive agencies. Against the edge of a forest (Fig. 383) or at the base of a cliff, certain plants thrive unusually well. Note the plants of any kind grow- ing in different exposures : observe that they vary in stature, 381. A tree that shows which way the wind blows. Oklahoma. J. "Lodged" oats. On rich ground the grain is often broken by wind and rain, the plants having grown so heavy as to be unable to support themselves. 383. The flowering dogwood is seen at its best along the margins of the wood and in partially open places. (216) DIFFERENCE IN PLANTS 217 time of maturity, color of foliage and flowers, productive- ness, size of leaves and flowers, longevity. REVIEW. Contrast physical and organic environments. How are plants modified by climate? Define acclimatization. Explain how time of maturity is influenced by climate. Explain how climate influences stature. How do winds affect plants? How are plants influenced by soil? By soil moisture? Exposure? Observe two or three plants of any one kind on your way to school, and note how they differ from each other in size, form, branching, color, earliness or lateness, productiveness and other characters: are you able to correlate these differences with the conditions in which the plants grow? CHAPTER XXX COMPETITION WITH FELLOWS 375. The Fact of Struggle for Existence. We have seen (Chapter IX) that branches contend amongst them- selves for opportunity to live and grow. Similarly, separate plants contend with each other. We shall observe that this is true; and we are compelled to believe it by considering the efforts that all plants make to propagate themselves. The earth is filled with plants. It is chiefly when plants die or are killed that places are made for others. Every one of these plants puts forth its utmost effort to prepetuate its kind. It produces seeds by the score or even by the thousand. In some cases it propagates also by means of vegetative parts. If the earth is full and if every plant endeavors to multiply its kind, there must be struggle for existence. 376. The effects of struggle for existence are of three general categories: (1) the seed or spore may find no oppor- tunity to grow, (2) sooner or later the plant may be killed', (3) the plant may vary, or take on new characters, in response to the conditions in which it grows. Consider the crop of seeds that any plant produces: how many germinate? How many of the young plants reach maturity? Note the profusion of seedlings under the maples and elms, and then consider how few maple and elm trees there are. Count the seeds on any plant and imagine that each one makes a plant : where will all these new plants find a place in which to grow? 377. What Struggle for Existence Is. Struggle for existence with fellows is competition for room or space, for nutrients and moisture in the soil, for light. We may con- sider examples in each of these three categories. (218) 384. There is no opportunity for weeds in a good field of wheat. 385. Divergence of character in a cornfield. (219) 220 COMPETITION WITH FELLOWS 378. If the earth is filled with plants, there must be sharp competi- tion for every inch of its sur- face. If any good soil is not populated with plants, it is usu- ally because it has recently been moved. If the farmer does not move or till his soil frequently, various plants get a foothold, and these plants he calls weeds. Determine how much room an apple tree, or other plant, occupies: then calculate how much space would be required for all the seedlings of that tree or plant. The greater the population of any area, the less chance 386. The tree has appropriated the food and moisture, so that a large area remains bare of vegetation. 387. Low shade-loving plants on the forest floor. UNLIKE PLANTS GROW TOGETHER 221 have other plants to gain a foothold. When the wheat com- pletely covers the ground, as in Fig. 384, there are no weeds to be seen. 379. Plants of different form and habit may grow together, and thereby the area may support more plants than would be possible if only one kind were growing on it. This principle has been called by Darwin the divergence 388. A primeval pine forest. Along the roadway foreign vegetation has come in. Michigan. of character. When an area is occupied by one kind of plant, another kind may grow between or beneath. Only rarely do plants of close botanical relationship grow to- gether in compact communities. A field that is full of corn may grow pumpkins between. (Fig. 385.) A full meadow may grow white clover in the bottom. Herbs may grow on the forest floor. When an orchard can support no more trees, weeds may grow beneath. 222 COMPETITION WITH FELLOWS 380. We have learned that the plant may possess an ex- tensive root-system (25, 26). The plant that is first estab- lished appropriates the nutrients to itself, and newcomers find difficulty in gaining a foothold. Note the bare area near 389. On the top of an evergreen forest. the large tree in Fig. 386. Recall how difficult it is to make plants grow when planted under trees. This is partly due to the intercepting of the rain by the tree-top, partly to shade, and partly to lack of available food and moisture in the soil, and perhaps partly to unknown factors. The farmer knows that he cannot hope to secure good crops near large trees, CLIMBERS AND SHADE-LOVERS 223 even beyond the point at which the trees intercept the rain and light. It is difficult to establish new trees in the vacancies in an old orchard. 381. In Chapter VIII we studied the relation of the plant and its parts to sun- light. Plants also compete with each other for light. Plants climb to get to the light (Chapter XVIII). (Fig. 77.) Some plants have be- come so modified as to grow in subdued or transmitted light, but no green plants can grow in darkness. The low plants in forests are shade- lovers. (Fig. 387.) Note the plants that seem to be shade- lovers and those that prefer full sunlight. Some plants 390. The tell-tale pine. 391. The forest rim. Looking toward the woods. 224 COMPETITION WITH FELLOWS are so constituted as to grow well in both sun and shade. Most ferns are shade-lovers. 382. In the midst of dense plant populations, each individual grows up- wards for sunlight. Thus are forests made : the com- peting trees become long slender boles with a mantle of foliage at the top. The side branches do not de- velop or they die for lack of light and food, and they fall from decay or are broken by storm; the wounds are healed, and the bole becomes symmetrical and trim. Fig. 388 shows the interior of a primeval pine forest. Note the 392. The forest center. Looking from the woods, with the forest rim shown in Fig. 391 seen in the distance. 393. The foliage bank of a tangle. COMPETITION IN THE FOREST 225 bare trunks and the sparse vegetation on the dim forest floor. Fig. 389 is the top of a great forest. With these pictures compare Figs. 79 and 80. Fig. 384 shows a deep wheat forest. A lone survivor of a primeval forest is shown in Fig. 390. In dense plantations, plants tend to grow to a single stem. When these same plants are grown in open or cultivated grounds, they often become bushy or develop 394. View just inside the tangle. more than one trunk. In what places have you seen trees with more than one trunk? 383. On the margins of dense populations, each indi- vidual grows outwards for sunlight. Note the dense forest rim: then plunge through it, and stand by the tall bare trunks. Figs. 391, 392, show these two views of the same forest. Note the kinds of trees and other plants that grow in areas similar to those depicted in these illustrations. Note the dense wall of foliage in Fig. 393, and the thin brushy area just behind it in Fig. 394. Observe the denser and greener foliage on the outside rows in thick orchards. Consider how 395. A hydrophytic society. New York. 396. A mesophytic society. Michigan. (226) PLANTS REACT TO LIGHT 227 the plants extend over the borders in dense flower-beds. Note where the best-foliaged plants are in the greenhouse. Notice the foliage on the outer rows in a very thick cornfield. Ob- serve how plants nearest to buildings reach outward for the light and room. REVIEW. Why is there struggle for existence? How does it affect plants? Tell what it is. How do plants compete for space? What is meant by the phrase "divergence of character?" Give examples. How do plants compete for nutrients and water from the soil? In what respects have plants become modified to the light relation? How do plants grow in dense plantations? On the margins of these planta- tions? You know some tree or other plant: describe how it is consti- tuted to compete with its fellows. CHAPTER XXXI PLANT SOCIETIES 384. What Plant Societies Are. In the long course of evolution, in which plants have been accommodating themselves to the varying conditions in which they are obliged to grow, they have become modified to every different environment. Certain plants, therefore, may live together or near each other, all enjoying the same conditions and surroundings. These aggregations of plants adapted to similar conditions are known as plant societies. 385. Moisture and temperature are the leading factors in determining plant societies. The great geographical societies or aggregations of the plant world are for con- venience associated chiefly with the moisture-supply. These are: (1) hydrophytic or wet-region societies, comprising aquatic and bog vegetation (Fig. 395); (2) xerophytic or arid-region societies, comprising desert and much sand-region vegetation (Fig. 371) ; (3) mesophytic or mid-region societies, comprising the vegetation in intermediate conditions (Fig. 396) . Mesophytic vegetation is characteristic of most regions that are fitted for agriculture. The halophytic or salt-loving societies are also distinguished, comprising the seashore and salt-area vegetation. Much of the characteristic scenery of any place is due to its plant societies (365). Xerophytic plants usually have small and hard leaves, apparently to prevent too rapid transpiration. Usually, also, they are characterized by stiff growth, hairy covering, spines, or a much-contracted plant-body, and often by large under- ground parts for the storage of water. Halophytic plants are often fleshy. (228) PLACE-VEGETATION 229 386. Plant societies may also be distinguished with refer- ence to latitude and temperature. There are tropical socie- ties, temperate-region societies, boreal or cold-region societies. With reference to altitude, societies might be classified as 397. A society of sand-dune plants. New Jersey. lowland (which are chiefly hydrophytic), intermediate (chiefly mesophytic), subalpine or mid-mountain (which are chiefly boreal), alpine or high-mountain. 387. The above classifications have reference chiefly to great geographical floras or societies. But there are societies within societies. There are small societies coming within the experience of every person who has ever seen plants growing in natural conditions. There are roadside, fence- row, lawn, thicket, pasture, dune (Fig. 397), woods, cliff, barn-yard, corn-field societies. Every different place has its characteristic vegetation. Note the smaller societies in Figs. 395 and 396. In the former is a water-lily society and a cat-tail society. In the latter there are grass and bush and woods societies. 230 PLANT SOCIETIES 388. Some Details of Plant Societies. Societies may be composed of scattered and intermingled plants, or of dense clumps or groups of plants. Dense clumps or groups are usually made up of one kind of plant, and they are then called colonies. Colonies of most plants are transient: after a short time other plants gain a foothold amongst them, and an intermingled society is the outcome. Marked exceptions to this are grass colonies and forest colonies, in which one kind of plant may hold its own for years and centuries. 398. The return to forest. Bushes and trees now begin to crowd. 389. In a large newly cleared area, plants usually first establish themselves in dense colonies. Note the great patches of nettles, jewel- weeds, smart-weeds, clot-burs, and others in recently cleared but neglected swales, also the fire-weeds in recently burned areas, the rank weeds in the neglected garden, and the ragweeds and May-weeds along the recently worked highway. The competition amongst themselves and with their neighbors finally breaks up the colonies, and a mixed and intermingled flora is generally the result. 390. In many parts of the world the general tendency of neglected areas is to run into forest. A large number of different plants begin growth in a cleared area. Here and there bushes gain a foothold. Young trees come up: in time THE RETURN TO FOREST 231 these shade the bushes and gain the mastery. Sometimes the area grows to poplars or birches, and people wonder why the original forest trees do not return; but these forest trees may be growing unobserved here and there in the tangle, and in the slow processes of time the poplars perish for they are short-lived and the original forest may be replaced. Whether one kind of forest or another returns will depend largely on the kinds that are most seedful in that vicinity and which therefore, have sown themselves most profusely. Much depends, also, on the kind of undergrowth that first springs up, for some young trees can endure more or less shade than others. Fig. 398 shows an early stage in the return to forest. 391. Pasturing and mowing tend to keep an area in grass. This is because the grass will thrive when the tops are repeatedly taken off, whereas trees will not. Note that the wild herbs and bushes and trees persist along the fences and about old buildings, where animals and mowing machines do not take them off. A sod society means grazing or mowing. Consider Figs. 110, 399, 400. The farmer keeps his wild pastures "clean" by turning in sheep: the sheep are fond of browsing. 392. Some plants associate. They grow together. This is possible largely be- cause they diverge or differ in character (379). Plants associ- ate in two ways: by growing side by side ; by growing above or beneath. In sparsely populated societies f . 1? . x 399. Sod and tree societies. About the building the (^aS in r Ig. 401) trees find refuge from the mowing machine. 232 PLANT SOCIETIES plants may grow along side each other. In most cases, however, there is overgrowth and undergrowth : one kind grows beneath another. Plants that endure shade (381) are usually under- growths. In a cat- tail swamp, grasses and other narrow- leaved plants grow in the bottom, but they are usually un- seen by the casual observer. Search the surface of the 400. The farmer mows part of his roadside. ground in any SWale or meadow. Note the undergrowth in woods or under trees. (Fig. 402.) Observe that in pine and spruce forests there is almost no undergrowth, because conditions are not favorable. (Fig. 388.) 393. On the same area the societies may differ at different times of the year. There are spring, summer and fall societies. The knoll that is cool with grass and strawberries in June may be aglow with 401 An aquatic society in which several Other plants in September. kinds of plants grow side by side. THE LANDSCAPE 233 402. Overgrowth and undergrowth in three series, trees, bushes, grass. If the bank is examined in May, look for the young plants that are to cover it in July and October; if in September, find the dead stalks of the flora of May. What succeeds the skunk cabbage, hepaticas, trilliums, phlox, violets, butter- cups of spring? What precedes the wild sunflowers, ragweed, asters, and goldenrod in fall? 394. In lands that gradually rise from wet to dry, the societies may take the form of belts or zones. Start- ing at a shore, walk back into the high land; note the changes in the flora. Three zones are shown in Fig. 403. 395. To a large extent, the color of the landscape is determined by the character of the plant societies. Ever- green societies remain green, but the shade of green varies from season to season; it is bright and soft in spring, becomes dull in midsummer and fall, and often assumes a dull yel- low-green in winter. Deciduous societies vary remarkably in color from the dull browns and grays of winter to the brown-greens and olive-greens of spring, the staid greens of summer, and the brilliant colors of autumn. 396. The autumn colors are due to intermingled shades of green, yellow and red. The coloration varies with the kind of plant, the special location and the season. Even in the same species or kind, individual plants differ in color; and this individuality usually distinguishes the plant year by year. That is, an oak that is maroon-red this autumn 234 PLANT SOCIETIES is likely to exhibit that color every year. The autumn color is associated with the natural maturity and death of the leaf, but it is most brilliant in long and open falls largely because the foliage ripens more gradually and persists longer in such seasons. It is probable that the autumn tints are of no utility to the plant. The yellows seem to be due in part to the break- ing down and disorganiza- tion of the chlorophyll. Some of the intermediate shades are probably due to the unmasking or liber- ating of normal cell color- bodies which are covered with chlorophyll or ob- scured by it in the grow- ing season. The reds are due to changes in the color of the cell-sap, or to the unmasking of the red by the disintegration of the chlorophyll. Autumn colors are not caused by frost. Because of the long, dry falls and the great variety of plants, the autumnal color of the American landscape is phenomenal. 397. Ecology. The study of the relationships of plants and animals to each other and to seasons and environ- ments is known as ecology (still written cecology in some dictionaries). All the discussions in Part II of this book are really different phases of this subject. It considers the habits, habitats and modes of life of living things 403. Three society zones bog, forest run, forest. ECOLOGY 235 the places in which they grow, how they migrate or are disseminated, means of collecting food, their times and sea- sons of flowering, reproduction, and the like. REVIEW. What is a plant society? Why do plants grow in societies? Name societies that are determined chiefly by moisture. What societies are most abundant where you live? Name those de- termined by latitude and altitude. Name some small or local societies. What are colonies? Where are they most marked? WTiy do they tend finally to break up? How are societies composed when colonies are not present? How do forests arise on cleared areas? What effect have pasturing and mowing? How do plants associate? What is undergrowth and overgrowth? Explain how societies may differ at different times of the year. What are zonal or belt societies? Discuss autumn colors. What is ecology? NOTE. One of the best of all subjects for school instruction in botany is the study of plant societies. It adds definiteness and zest to excursions. Let one excursion be confined to one or two societies. Visit one day a swamp, another day a forest, another a pasture or meadow, another a roadside, another a weedy field, another a cliff or ravine. Visit shores whenever possible. Each pupil should be assigned a bit of ground say 10 or 20 feet square for special study. He should make a list showing (1) how many kinds of plants it con- tains, (2) the relative abundance of each. The lists secured in different regions should be compared. It does not matter if the pupil does not know all the plants. He may count the kinds without knowing the names. It is a good plan for the pupil to make a dried specimen of each kind for reference. The pupil should endeavor to discover why the plants grow as they do. Challenge every plant society. CHAPTER XXXII VARIATION AND ITS RESULTS 398. The Fact of Variation. No two plants are alike (16). In size, form, color, weight, vigor, productiveness, season or other characters, they differ. The most usual form of any plant is considered to be its type, that is, its repre- sentative form. Any marked departure from this type is a variation, that is, a difference, 399. The Kinds of Variations. Variations are of many degrees. The differences, in any case, may be so slight as to pass unnoticed, or they may be so marked as to challenge even the casual observer. If a red-flowered plant were to produce flowers in different shades of red, the variation might not attract attention; but if it were to produce white flowers, the variation would be marked. When- ever the variation is so marked and so constant as to be worth naming and describ- ing, it is called a variety in descriptive botany. If the variation is of such charac- ter as to have value for cul- tivation, it is called an agri- cultural or horticultural va- riety. There is no natural line of demarcation between those variations that chance to be named and described as varieties and those that do 404. An arborvit* tree, from which seeds not ; Varieties are only named were taken one day. Variations. (236) SEED- AND BUD-VARIETIES 237 400. Variations may arise in three ways: (1) directly from seeds; (2) directly from buds; (3) by a slow change or a lack of development in the entire plant after it has begun to grow. 401. Variations arising from seeds are seed-variations; those that chance to be named and described are seed- varieties. Never does a seed exactly reproduce its parent; if it did, there would be two plants alike. Neither do any two seeds, even from the same fruit, ever produce plants exactly alike. Even though the seedlings resemble each other so closely that people say they are the same, never- 405. The progeny of the seeds of the tree shown in Fig. 404. No two plants alike. theless they will be found to vary in size, number of leaves, shape, or other features. Study Figs. 404 and 405. 402. Variations arising directly from buds, rather than from seeds, are bud-variations, and the most marked of them may be described and named as bud-varieties. We have learned in Chapter V how the horticulturist propagates plants by means of buds: not one of these buds will repro- duce exactly the plant from which it was taken. We have already discovered (17, 119) that no two branches are alike, and every branch springs from a bud. Bud-variation is usually less marked than seed-variation, however; yet now and then one branch on a plant may be so unlike every other branch that the' horticulturist selects buds from it and endeavors to propagate it. "Weeping" or pendent branches sometimes appear on upright trees; nectarines sometimes are borne on one or more branches of a peach tree, and 238 VARIATION AND ITS RESULTS peaches may be borne on nectarine trees; russet apples are sometimes borne on Greening apple trees; white roses are sometimes found on red-flowered plants. 403. Frequently a plant begins a new kind of varia- tion long after germination, even after it has become well established. It is on this fact that success- ful agriculture de- pends, for the farmer makes his plants better by giving them better nutrition and care: and betterment (like deterioration) is only a variation as compared with the average plant. Plants that start to all appearances equal may end unequal: some may be tall and vigorous, others may be weak, others may be dwarf: some will be worth harvesting and some will not. 404. The Causes of Variations. Variations are induced by several, and perhaps many, causes. One class of origin lies in the environment, and another lies in the tendencies derived from parents. Of the environmental causes of vari- ation, the chief is probably food-supply. Good agriculture consists largely in increasing the food-supply for plants by giving each plant abundant room, keeping out competing plants, tilling the soil, adding fertilizers. (Fig. 406.) Another strong environmental factor is climate (Chapter XXIX). It is very difficult to determine the exact reasons for any variation. There is much difference of opinion respecting the causes of variation in general. The extent of variation 406. Variation. Big and little redroot pigweeds of the same kind. THE CASE OF THE PIGWEEDS 239 apparently due to food-supply is illustrated in Fig. 406. The two weeds grew five feet apart, one in hard soil by a walk, the other near a compost pile. They were of similar age. One weighed J oz.; the other 4J Ibs., or 136 times as much. 405. Heredity. Marked variations tend to be perpet- uated. That is, immediate offspring are likely to retain some of the peculiarities of their parents. This passing over of characteristics from parent to offspring is heredity. By "selecting the best" for seed the farmer maintains and improves his crops. It is said that "like produces like." This is true of the general or average features, but we have seen that the reproduction is not exact. It is truer to say that similar produces similar. Fig. 407 represents a marked 407. The progeny of little and big plants. case of heredity of special characters. The plants on the right grew from a parent 24 in. high and 30 in. broad. Those on the left grew from one 12 in. high and 9 in. broad. (For a history of these parents see "Survival of the Unlike," p. 261.) 406. Selection. There is intense struggle for existence: there is universal variation: those variations or kinds live that are best fitted to live under the particular conditions. 240 VARIATION AND ITS RESULTS This persistence of the best-fitted and loss of the least- fitted is the process designated by Darwin's phrase "natural selection" and by Spencer's "survival of the fittest." Natural selection is also known as Darwinism. 407. By a similar process, the cultivator modifies his plants. He chooses the variations that please him, and from their offspring constantly selects for seed-bearing those that he considers to be the best. In time he has a new variety. Plant-breeding consists chiefly of two factors or processes; producing a variation in the desired direction; selecting, until the desired variety is secured. 408. Evolution. Variation, heredity, natural selection and other agencies bring about a gradual change in the plant kingdom; this change is evolution. The hypothesis that one form may give rise to another is now universally accepted amongst investigators; but whether the vegetable kingdom has all arisen from one starting point is unknown. Only a few of the general lines of the unfolding of the vege- table kingdom, with numberless details here and there, have been worked out. Not every form or kind of plant can be expected ever to vary into another kind. Some kinds have nearly run their course, and are undergoing the age-long process of extinction. It is thought, however, that every kind of plant now living has been derived from some other kind. Evolution is still in progress. Variation and heredity are two of the most important facts in organic nature. REVIEW. What is a variation? A variety? Agricultural vari- ety? How many variations arise? Explain each of the three categories. What are some of the apparent causes of variation? What is heredity? Selection? What are essentials in plant-breeding? What is evolution? CHAPTER XXXIII WEEDS 409. Plants compete with each other. It happens that some of the competitors are specially useful to man, and he endeavors to protect them; and in protecting them he destroys the plants that tend to crowd them out. Certain plants have the habit of occupying places that are desired for other uses. A weed is a plant that is not wanted. 410. Weeds, therefore, are of two general classes: those that interfere with plants that man cultivates; those that inhabit unoccupied and waste places. Cer- tain kinds of plants are specially adapted to hold their own in such competition or to invade open places; and these plants are particularly known as weeds. But any plant may be a weed, if it is out of place or is not wanted. June-grass is a weed in a corn- field, but not in a pasture or lawn. Dan- delion and purslane are commonly regarded as real weeds, yet they are sometimes culti- vated for "greens," and they then become a crop. When any crop is too thick, the weaker and useless plants interfere with the others and become weeds. Thus some of the corn plants may be weeds in a cornfield. If one were growing a forest of maples, other trees might be weed trees. 411. The plants commonly known as weeds have the power to distribute them- selves and to persist, otherwise they p (241) 408 Common white pigweed. C h e n o - podium album. 242 WEEDS would not be successful competitors or vagrants. Usually they are (1) suited to a wide range of conditions', (2) strongly tenacious of life; (3) have effective means of dissemination; (4) and they often have a life-cycle similar to that of some cultivated plant, and they therefore take the fortunes of that plant. As examples of these categories, we may recall the wide range of such plants as pigweeds (Fig. 408) and docks; the tenacity and endurance of Canada thistles (Fig. 409) and quack-grass (Fig. 27); the way in which the burdock spreads its seeds; the fact that cockle (Fig. 181) ripens with the wheat, and the seeds pass through the separa- tor with the grain. 409. Canada thistle. 410. Wild carrot. 411. Redroot pigweed. Amarantus. 412. Certain kinds of weeds follow certain crops or certain systems of farming. Dandelion (Figs. 8, 302), wild carrot (Figs. 194, 410) and whiteweed or daisy (Fig. 189) are essentially weeds of grass lands; purslane, pigweed, chickweed, redroot (Figs. 406, 407, 411), shepherd's purse, are pests of gardens and tilled grounds; cockle, chess (Fig. KINDS OF WEEDS 243 412), kinghead (an ambrosia), mustard or charlock (Fig. 413) are weeds of grain crops; dock, plantain, hound's-tongue, burdock and catnip (Fig. 414) are weeds of back yards and by-ways; sorrel, mullein, evening prim- rose (Figs. 276, 415) are denizens of old fields; ragweed (Fig. 416), mayweed (417), stick-tight (Fig. 418), prickly lettuce (Fig. 86), sweet clover (Fig. 184) and Russian thistle (Fig. 113) are suited to roadsides and waste places. 412. Chess or cheat. 413. Charlock, a weed of grain fields and open places. 414. Catnip, often a weed about old places. 413. Some weeds come and go year by year; these are mostly weeds of tilled and raw ground, and usually annuals, as pigweeds of several kinds, pepper-grass, purslane, rag- weed, pigeon-grass, jimson weed (Fig. 275). Such weeds are avoided by the use of clean seed, preventing the weeds from ripening seeds, and taking care not to spread them in manure. 414. Some weeds have a two-year cycle, making a tuft or getting a foothold one year and ripening seed the follow- ing year. These are biennials, as mullein, burdock, bull thistle (Fig. 254), evening primrose, wild carrot, creeping 244 WEEDS mallow or "cheeses" (Figs. 153, 149), teasel. These weeds may be mown when coming into bloom, or the plant may be spudded or cut off below the crown in fall, and care should be taken not to spread the seeds. 415. Some weeds persist for a longer period, sometimes for many years. These are perennials, as docks and daisy. Many of them propagate by underground parts as well as by seeds, such as quack-grass, toad- flax (Fig. 227), Canada thistle, Johnson- grass, nut-grass or coco-grass, bindweed, hawkweed or paint-brush. In lawns and gardens, the roots may be dug out, or the plant cut below the ground with a spud; small patches or clumps may be smothered out by covering deeply with leaves or straw, or sometimes crowded out by securing a dense 415. Evening prim- sod on the area. Thorough and clean cultiva- rose in fruit- tion will destroy most kinds, but care should be taken not to carry the rootstocks to fresh ground on the plow or cultivator. Meadow and pasture seeds are liable to be carried with grass seed and with grain. 416. The best treat- ment for weeds is to pre- vent or change the condi- tions under which they thrive. A good rotation of crops, cleaning up of waste IM> places and putting them 416. Ragweed. Ambrosia. ^to Crops Or Sod Or tim- 419. Poisonous mushroom. 420. Poisonous mushroom (245) 246 WEEDS 421. Poison ivy. Rhus Toxicodendron. her, clean tillage, are essential to a clean, weedless farm. To these efforts should be added care to secure clean seed, and manure that is not weed-in- fested; and the farmer or gar- dener should be alert to recog- nize new weeds as soon as they invade the neighborhood and be prepared to meet them. 417. On lawns, weeds may be lessened by the use of the cleanest grass seed, and of chem- ical fertilizers or only well- rotted or other clean manure. The grass seed should be sown very thick (3 to 5 bus. of blue grass to the acre) both to secure a soft dense lawn and to crowd out weeds. Frequent mowing will destroy most an- nual weeds, and these weeds are usually most troublesome when the lawn is newly made. Dandelions and other peren- nials may be taken out with a spud or long, strong knife. In badly infested places, the area may need to be dug over, and a new seeding made with clean seed and chemical fertilizer. 418. Some weeds may be killed by poisons or herbicides. Sulfuric acid is sometimes poured on the crowns of plants in lawns. Salt is often used to kill grass and weeds in gutters and walks; carbolic acid and arsenical poisons are some- times used for the same purpose. Recipes are to be found 422. Poison sumac, poison elder, a bush of swamps and low places. Rhus venenata or R. Vernix. POISONOUS PLANTS 247 423. Poison oak, a trailing or climbing plant of the Pacific Coast. Rhus diversiloba. in books and government publications, and periodicals. Sprays of copper sulfate or iron sulfate are sometimes used for mustard and other field weeds. A 3 per cent solution of copper sulfate (about 10 Ib. to 40 gal. water) at the rate of 40 to 50 gallons an acre de- stroys wild mustard without injuring peas or cereals with which the weed may be grow- ing. There are special herbi- cides about which information can be secured from the ex- periment stations. These her- bicides are poisonous, and must be used with caution and only by those who are reliable and who understand them. 419. Poisonous Plants. Many plants produce ill effects on live stock and human beings when eaten; and some are in- jurious to the touch. Some plants produce such marked results, leading even to death, that they are known as poison- ous plants. Some of the mush- rooms are examples, two of which are shown in the illustrations (Figs. 419, 420), (wild mush- rooms should never be eaten ex- cept on the advice of someone who knows the different species). Many plants of the parsley family (Umbelliferae) are poison- ous; the poison hemlock and the water hemlock or mus- quash-root are deadly when eaten. The poison ivy is shown 424. Solanum Dulcamara. 248 WEEDS in Fig. 421, poison sumac in Fig. 422, and poison oak of the Pacific coast in Fig. 423; these are poisonous to the touch. The handsome red berries of the bittersweet (Solanum Dulcamara, Fig. 424) are poisonous if eaten; and it has poisonous relatives. REVIEW. Explain your understanding of a weed. How may we classify weeds? What are the com- monest kinds of weeds in your locality? What enables a plant to be an habitual weed? Name some of the weed groups or associations. Name the ways in which weeds may be controlled or eradicated on farms. On lawns. What would you recommend to be done with weedy roadsides? Are there laws in your state for the control of weeds? Are there village or city ordinances on the subject where you live? What is an herbicide? Name the poisonous plants that you know, or of which you have heard. NOTE. Every class studying plants should learn the usual weeds of the neighborhood, and should make herbarium specimens of them. Discussions should be had of the weeds infesting the local crops, and the reasons for them. The school should have a collection of weed seeds in bottles, and it should study commercial samples of grain and grass seeds. The U. S. Department of Agriculture and perhaps the State Experiment Station may have bulletins to aid in such examina- tion. If the school is to indentify weed seeds in such samples, it should also have a collection in bottles of the leading grains, grass seeds and field seeds. A small lens or. magnifier is needed for this examination, as shown in Fig. 425, or in Figs. 214, 216. Many plants are poisonous to a greater or less degree. No one should eat of any plant or fruit or root that he does not know to be safe. Some plant families are known for poi.-jonous qualities: as Solanaceae, of which the common black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) and others are examples; Umbelliferse, with the hemlock herbs, water parsnip, and others; Ranunculaceae, with the aconites or monkshoods; and other families. Fatalities are frequently reported from eating the thick roots of certain Umbelliferse. There are useful government publications on poisonous plants. CHAPTER XXXIV CROPS 420. Plants that are grown by man for his uses constitute a crop. The term is commonly used for the product of a field, but is just as applicable to the product of .a planted or managed forest or of a garden or a greenhouse. Thus we may speak of a crop of wheat, of rye, of hemp, of pine timber, of celery, of roses i or violets, of mushrooms. 421. Crops may be distin- guished into four groups: (1) those grown for human food or medicine or condiments, as rice, potatoes, strawberries; (2) those grown to provide materials for shelter and clothing, and for use in the manu- facturing arts, as timber, COtton, ^ Two crops growing together-oats and peas for forage. flax, rubber; (3) those grown to satisfy the artistic impulses, as roses; (4) those grown iorfood of domestic animals, as grass and clover. Another division, and one followed in a general way in colleges of agriculture, is into field crops and horti- (249) 250 CROPS cultural crops; and the horticultural crops include fruit crops (pomology), vegetable-gardening crops (vegetable-gardening or olericulture) , flower- and ornament-crops (floriculture). 422. We may group crops also as follows into more par- ticular division^: forage and fodder crops; cereal grains; root-crops; fiber-crops; sugar plants; oil plants; dye-stuff plants ; b e v e r - age-p reducing plants; stimu- lants; aromatic and medicinal plants; perfum- ery plants; fruit crops; vegetable- garden crops; timber crops; manuring crops. Some crops fall under more than one division, de- pending on the purposes for which they are grown, as oats, beets, peas, sor- ghum, maize or Indian corn, flax: explain why. Sometimes two plants are grown together purposely, as shown in Fig. 426, and also in Fig. 427. 423. Many of the crops may be assembled, on the basis of their botanical affinities, into the families to which they belong: Grass-family crops, all cereal grains as well as the meadow and pasture grasses, as wheat (Fig. 384), rye, barley, oats (Fig. 382), rice, maize (Fig. 427), sorghum (Fig. 20), kafir, broom-corn (Fig. 429), millets of several kinds, sugar-cane (Fig. 428) ; leguminous or pulse crops, beans and peas of all 427. A crop of Indian Corn. THE MANY KINDS OF CROPS 251 kinds, cowpea, peanut or goober, alfalfa, clovers, sweet clover, lespedeza, vetch; cruciferous or mustard-family crops, mustard, cabbage, kale, rape, turnip, rutabaga, kohlrabi ; rose- family crops, rose, apple, pear, plum, peach, almond, apricot, cherry, quince, strawberry, blackberry, raspberry medlar, loquat; cucurbitous crops, pumpkin, squash, melon, water- melon, cucumber, gherkin, gourds; solanaceous crops, potato, tomato, to- bacco. Some of the important crops be- long to families that do not yield other leading cultivated species, as buck- wheat to the knot- weed family, cotton to the mallow family, flax to the flax family, hemp and hops to the nettle family, sugar-beet and other beets to the goose- foot family. 424. How to Study a Crop. Every botany class should know the leading crops of its vicinity and region, including the grasses, the grains, the most important fruits and vege- tables, and any special crops that maybe grown in the locality. This knowledge may be derived from the experience of the members of the class, from inquiries made of farmers and from census figures. Having learned the kinds of crops and their relative importance in the region, the class should 428. A crop of sugar-cane. 252 CROPS try to determine why they are important there, and should then gather information as to their importance in other regions and where they are grown with the greatest success. Then may follow such details as the rotation or farm-plan in which these crops find a place, the times and methods of sowing, the fertilizers used, the methods of tilling, harvest- ing and marketing; and then inquire as to any special difficulties in the way of insects or plant diseases. The cost 429. A crop of broom-corn. of growing the crop, the usual prices and the yields should always be determined as nearly as possible. 425. How to Study a Crop Plant. We have been directed in this book to some of the important things to look for in a plant, from root to fruit; and our attention has been called to some of the relations of plants when they live together. These observations may be made on cultivated plants with as much interest as on wild plants. The cultivator of plants should develop the habit of careful observation on individual plants that he cultivates; this observation should aid him in discovering the reasons for failure or success in the growing of plants. The student should go directly to the THE PLANT THAT MAKES THE CROP 253 plant. Examine the plant where it stands, height, spread, color, mode of branching and any special peculiarities: make 430. Harvesting a peanut crop. a sketch. Collect the plant, root and all, character of root as to depth and spread, mode of branching, nodules (if a legume), and other features: make sketch. The specimen may now be taken to the schoolroom or other laboratory, and studied as to direction and size of stem, features of nodes, character of bark or rind, position of branches and leaves and flowers, characters of leaves and flowers and fruits, how pollinated, yield, whether it bears any evidence of dis- ease or insect injury or lack of normal vigor, whether it has suffered in contest with its fellows or with other plants : make notes and sketches. 426. Plants or plant products are sometimes judged by comparing them with an assumed or ideal standard of perfection. These standards may be printed in form for ready use, and they are then known as 431. A crop of nursery trees. Year-old peach trees. 254 CROPS score-cards. A few useful score-cards of common cultivated plants are as follows: Plum - Points Form 10 Size 25 Color 15 Uniformity of fruits 25 Freedom from blemish 25 100 Apple. Size 10 Color 20 Good shape or form 10 Uniformity 15 Freedom from blemish 20 Texture and flavor 25 100 Sweet Pea. Length of stem 25 Color 20 Size 25 Substance 15 Number of flowers on stem . 15 100 Wheat (grain). Trueness to variety 10 Uniformity in size and shape of kernel 10 Color of grain 10 Freedom from mixture 15 Size of kernel 10 Percentage and nature of im- purities (weed seed, dirt) . 15 Percentage of damaged, smutty or musty kernels . 5 Weight of grain per bus .... 10 Germination test .. . 15 Potato - Points Uniformity of sample 20 Symmetry of tubers : . . 15 Trueness to type 20 Freedom from disease and insects 15 Commercial value 30 100 Corn. Adaptability to purpose. ... 25 Seed condition, as to whether fresh, well kept, etc 15 Shape of kernel 15 Uniformity and trueness to type 15 Weight of ear 10 Length and proportion of ear 10 Color of grain and cob 5 Butts and tips covered 5 100 Determine in advance what weight and proportion of ear is to be assumed for the variety under examination. Carnation. Color. .. Size Calyx... Stem.. . 25 . 20 . 5 . 20 Substance or texture of flower 10 Form 15 Fragrance 5 100 100 FESTIVALS AND EXCURSIONS 255 The ' 'points' ' in the score-card represent the mark of perfection: if the size of the carnation flower is normal for the variety under examination, the particular specimen will be marked 20; if it should receive a rating of only 75 per cent perfect, it receives 15 points. In any large bunch of carnations, one plant may be taken to represent perfection in one feature and another plant for another feature; or, better, if an expert carnation-grower is available he may set the ideal of perfection. The pupil may make up his own ideal as to what the perfect plant or product should be. 427. The Vegetation Environment. The botany class should take part in a harvest festival, in which the plant products of the community are exhibited, together with the wild plants hi the form of leaves, flowers, nuts and other interesting parts. Members of the class should explain what the products and the plants mean. 428. The class should also know the most important vegetation of the vicinity, and should arrange excursions for the school or classroom to close-by places in order to ex- plain the vegetation setting of the school; and if possible a crop excursion for the entire school should be undertaken. REVIEW. What is a crop? Name the six most important crops of your neighborhood. How may crops be classified or grouped? Give two examples in each group. What natural families contribute very important crops in temperate regions? Outline a study blank for the general study of the most important crop in the locality. Make a similar outline for a study of the plant itself. What is a score-card and how it is used? WTiat may an exhibition teach? An excursion? NOTE. Various texts and bulletins now set forth the standards of perfection in many of the leading crop products, and give the student definite statements of what is considered to be the product that should score 100. CHAPTER XXXV THE FOREST 429. An area of trees growing close together and having its own features and its own life is a forest. An avenue of trees, or a grove of shade trees, is not a forest. The science and the practice of growing and utilizing forests is forestry. A forest is a great plant society. 430. Forest trees constitute a crop. The chief product is timber; other products are stove-wood, bark, resin, tur- pentine, rubber, paper pulp. The crop is regularly harvested, in some cases by removing the entire forest and planting anew, but often, in planted and managed forests, by removing 432. A stand of young timber in need of thinning. 1 1 i ripe trees and allowing the forest to continue. 431. The value of the forest crop depends on the kinds of trees, how they are mixed or associated in the forest, and the distance at which they stand apart, as well as on location and soil and climate, freedom from insects and timber dis- eases, and other factors. A natural forest may not be the most productive forest, any more than a natural or wild meadow may be a perfect meadow. There are likely to be (256) SILVICULTURE AND ARBORICULTURE 257 open and poor spots, and many of the trees may be weed trees of no value in themselves and interfering with the growth of useful trees. Some natural forests (as that shown in Fig. 388) present a uniform and continuous stand of timber of one kind ; others (as in Fig. 387) are mixed forests. Both kinds may be useful and desirable. 432. Trees standing alone or on the edge of a forest do not produce good timber because they branch too low and are likely to be too much exposed to wind. They produce short and knotty logs. (Fig. 400.) It is essential that the forest be thickly and continu- ously planted. 433. Forests may be planted anew; or nat- ural forests may be perpetuated by removal of ripe and unde- sirable trees and the in-planting or saving of other trees. The planting and rearing of trees in forests is silviculture. The planting and rearing of trees in general is arboriculture, and this may have no direct relation to forestry, because the planting may be of lawn trees, park trees, roadside trees or fruit trees. Silviculture is one part of forestry; other parts or divisions are forest management, harvesting, marketing, timber technology. The safeguarding and utilization of the forests, both on public and private lands, is one of the great public questions, and demands the attention of persons of special training and skill. 434. Forestry is an important farming question, for the 433. A stand of young timber after moderate thinning. 258 THE FOREST forest crop may be as important as other crops on the farm. In hilly regions, practically all farms have forests, yielding timber, posts, firewood and other supplies, and protect- ing lands from washing, affording windbreaks, and providing good use for lands that cannot be profitably devoted to other crops. There are many planted wood- lots in the West. The manage- ment of these small forests is called farm for- estry. Every good general farmer should be skillful in the growing of forest crops as in the growing of grain crops or fruit crops. The principles of good plant- growing may be applied to the forest, the trees hpintr nlanfprl ^^' Absolute forest land, unadaptable to other uses. cared for, the forest thinned if too thick (Figs. 432, 433) or filled if too thin, fire kept out, and the trees properly harvested. 435. What small forests contribute to the farm, the larger public forests contribute to the nation or to all the people: profitable utilization of remote, rocky and less fertile areas; the holding back of the rainfall so that floods and serious erosions WHERE FORESTS MAY BE GROWN 259 435. Absolute forest land, a cypress swamp. are prevented and the flow of navigable streams regulated; protection of wild life; tempering of physical conditions by regulation of water -flow in streams and lakes and elsewhere and by checking the sweep of winds; providing an attractive cover for large areas of the sur- face of the earth, in which the people may find recreation and help. Areas that can be utilized for no other crop than forest are said to be absolute forest land (Figs. 434, 435) ; and much land that is available to some extent for pasture or other croppage may still be most profitable in forests. (Fig. 436.) Very special forests (Fig. 437) may be grown on arable lands. In the general scheme or plan of a farm, a forest or wood- lot may be an essential part; and likewise, in a national domain large 436. Land that may be profitably used for forestry purposes. forest areas are 260 THE FOREST essential. Even with the greater use of cement, the demand for timber will increase, REVIEW. What is a forest? Forestry? In what sense is a forest a crop? On what general factors does the value of a forest crop depend? Name some of the forest products. How may man produce a more profitable forest than nature often does? What do you say about the timber value of trees standing alone? What is aboriculture? Silvi- culture? Farm forestry? What are some of the large values or benefits of forests? What is the nature of the forests in your neighborhood? What kinds of trees dominate them? 437. A forest of paper bamboo. PART III HISTOLOGY, OB THE MINUTE STRUCTURE OF PLANTS CHAPTER XXXVI THE CELL 436. Plants Composed of Cells. All the higher plants are made up of a large number of small structures termed cells. They are so minute that, in most cases, they are invisible to the naked eye. These cells are box-like structures. They are of many forms. Many of the lower forms of plants, as bacteria, yeasts, spores of fungi, and many of the algae, are composed of but a single cell. 437. Cells are of Many Forms. In general, plant cells may be assigned to some one of the following forms: Spherical, as in protococcus (a minute alga to be found on damp walls and rocks), and apple flesh; polyhedral, or many-sided, as in pith of elder; tabular, or flat, as in epidermis of leaves; cylindrical, as in vaucheria, spirogyra (fresh water algae) ; fibrous, as cotton fibers; vascular, as the ducts of wood; stellate, as in the interior of leaves of lathyrus (sweet pea) and other plants. 438. Parts of a Cell. The typical cell is composed of living and dead matter. The living matter of the cell is the protoplasm. The protoplasm is differentiated into a nucleus t cytoplasm and plastids. 439. The nucleus is usually a round or elliptical body, denser than the remainder of the protoplasm ; .in which it may be imbedded or from which it may be suspended by strands of protoplasm called cytoplasm. The cytoplasm lines the wall of every living cell, and commonly in old cells the nucleus is in this layer of cytoplasm. In the cell may be aggregates (263) 264 THE CELL of protoplasm forming definite structures, usually scattered in the layer of cytoplasm. They are the plastids. The ones most familiar are the chloroplasts, in which the green pig- ment chlorophyll is imbedded. They are found in cells of leaves and stems exposed to the light. Plastids are not found in all cells. The dead part of the cell is the cell-wall, the cell- sap stored in chambers or pockets in the protoplasm called vacuoles (Fig. 438), and various inclusions. The cell-sap contains mineral nutrients in solution or suspension, as well as organic foods, as sugar and other sub- stances. Imbedded in the cytoplasm or in the plastids may be starch grains, oil droplets and other substances. In the nucleus is a densely granular body called the nucleolus. 440. Study of Cell. Examine with the aid of the microscope the cells in the sta- men hair of tradescantia or spider-wort. (Fig. 438.) If the flowers of this plant are not available, use the young bristle hairs of squash plants; a plant a few weeks old will supply sufficient hairs. Note the shape of the cell and the contents. The nucleus will probably be located near the middle of the cell, and to it run the strands of cytoplasm. The protoplasm is not entirely homogeneous. It is composed of a viscous, colorless fluid in which are imbedded many minute granules. In a young cell the pro- toplasm fills almost the entire cell. In an old cell the vacuoles are of increased size. 438. circulation of pro- Compare old and young cells in the stamen topiasm in a cell of a hairs of tradescantia or in squash hairs for stamen hair of trade- scantia or spider- their protoplasmic content. Examine the wort. Magnified 600 n /. ,-, i /. ,-, ~\i * times. cells of the epidermis of the onion. Note PROTOPLASM 265 the large volume of the cell occupied by the vacuoles. The protoplasm in this case will consist probably only of the lining layer of cytoplasm in which the nucleus is imbedded. Examine the leaf of the water plant elodea or the thin leaves of some of the mosses. Note the character of chloro- plasts in the cells (Pig. 439). These chloroplasts may be observed hi the cells of the leaf of higher plants if a cross-section of the leaf is cut and a microscopical examina- tion made. Study should be made of cells of the soft pulp of a celery stem; of hairs scraped from the surface of a begonia leaf; of threads of spirogyra; soft, white cells of apple; the 439. Rotation of protoplasm in Elodea canadensis (often known as Anacharis). Common in ponds. cells of the potato tuber (observe the starch grains). Ex- amine the lower epidermal cells of cyclamen, irises, or coleus and note that the cell-sap is colored by a red pigment. The beet also has cells with red pigmented cell-sap. 441. Nature of Protoplasm. The living substance is protoplasm. It is proteid. Its chemical composition is not known. It is semi-liquid, of hyaline color, and colloidal in nature. It may be killed by heating to a high temperature or by various chemical reagents. The whole principle of antiseptics is based on these facts and processes. 442. Within the cell-wall, at times the protoplasm shows a tendency to move from place to place. This move- ment is chiefly of two kinds: (1) Circulation, or movement not only along the walls but also across the cell-body, as seen in the long, thin-walled cells of celandine; hi the staminal hairs of tradescantia (Fig. 438); in the bristles of squash vines ; in the stinging hairs of nettle ; in stellate hairs of holly- hock. (2) Rotation, or movement along the walls only, well 266 THE CELL seen in the cells of many water plants, as elodea (Fig. 439) , chara, and nitella. 443. Besides these and other movements of protoplasm within the cell-wall, there are also movements of naked protoplasm, of two main types: (1) Amceboid or creeping movements, such as may be seen in a plasmodium of myxomy- cetes, or in an amceba. (2) Swimming by means of cilia or flagella, illustrated in the swarm-spores of water fungi, and of some algae. By the latter type of movement the unicellular bodies (swarm-spores) are often moved very rapidly. To see movement in protoplasm, carefully mount in water a few hairs from the stamens of tradescantia (spider-wort). The water should not be too cold. Examine with a power high enough to see the granules of protoplasm. Make a sketch of several cells and their contents. It may be neces- sary to make several trials before success is attained in this experiment. If the microscope is cold, heat the stage gently with an alcohol lamp, or by other means; or warm the room. See Fig. 438. 444. Nature of Cell- wall. The cell-wall of very young cells is a delicate film or membrane. As a cell grows in size the wall remains thin and does not begin to thicken until the cell has ceased to enlarge. The fundamental sub- stance of cell-walls is a carbohydrate known as cellulose. The cellulose usually stains blue with ITr^^HL hematoxylin. Often by incrustations or de- posits of one kind or another, the cellulose reaction is lost or obscured. Two of the most common additions are lignin, forming 440. Bordered pits in wood, and suberin, forming cork. The walls then are said to be lignified or suberized. 445. In all the cells studied in the above experiments, the walls are thin and soft. In general, those cells that have thin walls, are called parenchymatous cells. Some cells, as those of nuts and the grit of pear fruit, have very CELL-WALLS 267 441. Markings in cell- walls, sp, spiral; an, annular; sc, scalar i- form. thick walls, and are called sclerenchymatous cells. In many cases the cell-walls are intermediate between these extremes. 446. Cell-walls often thicken by additions to their inner surface. This increase in thickness seldom takes place uniformly in all parts. Many times the wall remains thin at certain places, while the most of the wall becomes very thick. Again the walls may thicken very much in angles or along certain lines, while most of the wall remains thin. As a result of this uneven thicken- ing, the walls of cells take on certain definite markings. Some of the names applied to these markings are: Pitted, with little holes or depres- sions, forming very thin places, as seen in seeds of sunflower, and in the large vessels in the stem of the cucumber. Bordered pits, when the pits are inclosed in the cell-wall. as in wood of pines and other conifers. (Fig. 440.) Spiral, with the thickening in a spiral band, as in the primary wood of most woody plants and in the veins of leaves. (Fig. 441.) Annular, with thickening in the form of rings; seen in the small vessels of the bundles in stem of Indian corn. (Fig. 441.) Scalariform, with elongated thin places in the wall, alternating with the thick ridges which appear like the rounds of a ladder. (Fig. 441.) These are well shown in a longitudinal section of the root of the brake fern (Pteris). 442. Four steps in process of cell-division. Mother cell at left, far advanced in division; daughter cells at right. 268 THE CELL 447. While a true cell must have cytoplasm and a nucleus, the word cell is applied to the unit structures that make up the plant body. Many of these cells are dead. The wood of trees consists largely of dead wood. The pith of stems also may consist largely of dead cells. The cells of bark are largely dead cells. 448. Multiplication of Cells. Every cell owes its origin to some previous cell, and all go back eventually to the germ- 443. Nuclear and cell division in the root of corn: cell with prominent resting nucleus (a): prophases of nuclear division, spirem (b) and chromosome (c) stages; bipolar spindle (d) ; early (e) and late (/) anaphases; telophases (g) and first evidence of cell-plate ; location of cell-wall clearly defined (h) . (After Curtis.) cells. The method whereby cells are produced is complex. The process is at first internal, and consists in the formation of definite aggregates of protoplasm derived from the nucleus, called chromosomes. In the course of the formation of these chromosomes, intricate changes occur in the cell nucleus CELL DIVISION 269 and cytoplasm. In the division of the cell, equal numbers of these chromosomes are found at its equator. Half of these chromosomes then go to the opposite poles of the cell and unite again to form at each pole a nucleus. A cell-wall is then laid down at the equator, and we have two cells in the place of one. Enlargement and further changes may go on in these two cells. The method of cell division by this complex means is known as mitosis or karyokinesis. It is exceedingly complex and too difficult for the beginner to follow or .to comprehend. Some of the stages are given in Fig. 442. A more detailed representation of these changes is shown in Fig. 443. REVIEW. Of what is the plant composed? What Is the general nature of cells? Forms of cells? What part of the cell is dead matter? Living matter? Compare different cells studied. State your conception of protoplasm. State the divisions in the protoplasm. Name two kinds of movement of protoplasm. What is the nature of the cell- wall? Its modifications? How do cells multiply? CHAPTER XXXVII CONTENTS AND PRODUCTS OF CELLS 449. The Living Cell is a Laboratory. In nearly all cells are found one or more non-protoplasmic substances produced by the plant. Some of these are very useful to the plant, and others seem to be waste or by-products. There is considerable division of labor among the cells of higher plants, one cell or group of cells producing one product, and another group of cells producing another product and func- tioning in a different way. We know that there is also division of labor among the different organs of a plant. 450. Chlorophyll. Cells may contain chlorophyll bodies if they are exposed to the sunlight. Chlorophyll is a green substance infiltrated in a protoplasmic ground-mass. It imparts color to all the green parts of the plant. Its pres- ence is absolutely necessary in all plants that secure their nourishment wholly or in part from the air and from mineral matter of soil. Review Chapter XIV. Most parasites and saprophytes do not bear chlorophyll, but live on organic matter (Chapter XV). The oval bodies in the cell of Figs. 468, 470, 471, are chloroplasts. 451. The Cell Contents. The products formed in plants are of varied character and exceedingly large in number. Of the more common and most abundant products are the following : Grape (glucose or dextrose, with the chem- ical formula CeH^Oe). Sugars { Fruit (fructose or levulose Cane (saccharose C^ Malt (Maltose Ci 2 H 22 Oii). (270) CHEMICAL CONTENTS 271 starch, found in most plants. Amyloses dextrin in various seeds. cellulose in date seed. inulin in dahlia tubers. Fats and oils, as in flax seed, castor bean, cotton seed, corn and other seeds. Muscus and mucilage, as in orchid roots, onions, quince seed, and other plants. Tannins, as in oak and hemlock bark, persimmon, and, in general, in all plants that are astringent to the taste. Glucosides. Complex products which on digestion yield glucose sugar as one of the products. Amygdalin of almond and peach nut, and indican of the indigo plant, which yields the indigo dye, are examples. 452. Some of the cell contents are alkaloids, complex nitro- genous products, of which the following rnay be mentioned : atropin, in belladonna. nicotin, in tobacco. emetin, in ipecac root. caffein, in coffee. Alkaloids ^ strychnin, in mix vomica. morphin, in Papaver somniferum (opium poppy). quinin, in cinchona or Peruvian bark tree. Re"sins, as in Coniferae. Gum-resins, Caoutchouc, as in India-rubber plant. formic, as in stinging nettles. acetic, as in fermented cider. oxalic, mostly in form of calcium Vegetable acids oxalate. malic, as in apple. citric, as in lemon. And many others. 272 CONTENTS AND PRODUCTS OF CELLS 453. Other cell contents are the proteids. There is a large number of different proteids. They are very complex organic products composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and in addition sometimes phosphorus and sulfur. The white of egg is a proteid. The protoplasm itself is a proteid. 454. Of the various sugars in the cell, glucose or grape- sugar, so named because it is so abundant in grapes, is perhaps the most common in plants (179). It is probably the first carbohydrate formed in the plant, and the one from which all others are derived. It is also a product of the digestion of maltose, which in turn is derived from the conversion of starch in the plant. It is also one of the sugars formed from the digestion of cane sugar. It is very soluble and therefore is in a convenient form for transportation from one part of the plant to another. Corn syrup is glucose derived from starch of the corn kernel. 455. To test for glucose: Make a thick section of a bit of the edible part of a pear and place it in a bath of Fehling's solution. After a few moments, boil the liquid containing the section for one or two minutes. It will turn to an orange color, showing a deposit of an oxid of copper and perhaps a little copper in the metallic form. A thin section treated in like manner may be examined under the microscope, and the fine particles, precipitated from the solution by the sugar of the pear, may be clearly seen. Fructose and maltose, as well as other organic substances, give a similar reaction with Fehling's solution. In the case of fruits and other com- mon products, it may be assumed that precipitation of the oxid of copper is due to glucose or fructose. With barley malt, the precipitation of the copper oxid is due to maltose. Test various fruits by boiling them in water in a test-tube, and then determine whether sugar is present by adding Fehling's solution to the extract and again heating. Feh- ling's solution is made by taking one part each of these three solutions and two parts of water: (1) Copper sulfate, 9 SUGARS, OILS AND RESINS 273 grams in 250 c.c. water; (2) sodium hydroxid, 30 grams in 250 c.c. water; (3) Rochelle salts (sodium potassium tartrate), 43 grams in 250 c.c. 456. Cane-sugar is stored as a reserve food in many plants. In the maple tree, sugar-beet, sorghum, and sugar- cane, cane-sugar is abundant. Test the sugar-beet for glu- cose with Fehling's solution. None is found. Boil a piece of sugar-beet in a little water in a test-tube. To the water first add a drop of hydrochloric acid. When cool add a pinch of sodium carbonate and Fehling's solution, and again heat. A precipitate of oxid of copper is obtained. Cane- sugar heated in the presence of hydrochloric acid is con- verted into glucose and fructose. This is one test for cane- sugar. Another test is as follows: (1) Make a thin section of sugar-beet and let it stand a few minutes in a strong solution of copper sulfate. Then carefully rinse off all the salt. (2) Heat in a very strong solution of potassium hy- droxid. There will be seen a blue coloration in the section, gradually washing out into the liquid. 457. To test for the oil content of the cell: Mount a thin section of the endosperm of castor-bean seed in water and examine with high power. Small drops of oil will be abun- dant. Treat the mount with alcanin (henna root in alcohol). Half an hour or more may be required. The drops of oil will stain red. This is a standard test for fats and oils. 458. To examine gum-resin: Mount a little of the milky juice of the leaf-stem of the garden poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). It is of a creamy consistency. Examination under the microscope shows that it is not white, as it seems to the naked eye. The particles are yellowish or colorless and insoluble. These particles are gum-resin. They have been emulsified by the plant, making the juice appear white. 459. Starch is the most abundant of the solid products of the cell. Starch grains have a definite form for each group of plants; and these groups can be determined by the form 274 CONTENTS AND PRODUCTS OF CELLS of their starch grains. Detection of adulteration of various products containing starch is accomplished by the aid of the microscope. This method is now particularly important in determining adulteration of stock foods. In potato starch the grains are ovate, with a "nucleus" near one end, as shown in Fig. 444. In poinsettia they are dumb-bell shaped, with two nuclei. (Fig. 444.) In corn they have equal diame- ters, with radial fissures. In Egyptian lotus they are forked or branched. So far as known, all starch grains are marked with rings, giving a striated appearance, due to the differ- ence in density of the layers. When all water is driven out of the starch, the rings disappear. The layers are more or less concentric, and are formed about a starch nucleus. 460. Starch grains may be simple, as found in potato, wheat, arrow-root, corn, 444. Starch grains. ' . a, potato; b, poinsettia; and many others; or they may be in c> nce> groups called compound grains, as in oats, rice (Fig. 444), and many of the grasses. 461. Starch may be found in all parts of the plant. It is first formed in presence of chlorophyll in daytime, mostly in the leaves, and at night it is converted into sugar and then it is carried to some other part of the plant, as to the roots or tubers, to be stored or to be used. When found in the presence of chlorophyll, it is called transitory starch, because it is soon converted into sugar to be trans- ported to other parts of the plant. When deposited for future use, as in twigs and tubers, it is stored starch. 462. The composition of starch is represented by C 6 HioO 5 . The grains are insoluble in cold water, but by saliva they are changed to sugars, which are soluble. Great heat converts them into dextrine, which is soluble in water. Starch turns blue with iodin (76). The color may be de- stroyed by heat, but will return as the temperature lowers. STARCH AND PROTEIDS 275 463. To test for starch: Make pastes with wheat flour, potato starch, and corn starch. Treat a little of each with a solution of rather dilute iodin. Try grains from crushed rice with the same solution. Are they the same color? Cut a thin section from a potato, treat with iodin and examine under the microscope. To study starch grains: Mount in cold water a few grains of starch from each of the following: potato, wheat, arrow-root (buy at drug store), rice, oats, corn, euphorbia. Study the sizes, forms, layers, fissures, and location of nuclei, and make a drawing of a few grains of each. 464. Amylo-dextrine is a solid product of the cell much resembling starch in structure, appearance, and use. With the iodin-test the grains change to a wine-red color. Seeds of rice, sorghum, wild rice, and other plants contain amylo- dextrine. Amylo-dextrine is a half-way stage in the con- version of starch into maltose and dextrine. These latter substances do not react with iodin. 465. Rroteid or nitrogenous matter is stored largely in the form of aleurone grains, and is most abundant in seeds of various kinds. It is present also in solution or in amorphous compounds. The grains are very small, colorless or yellow- ish in most plants, rarely red or green. In the common cereals they occupy the outer layer of cells of the endosperm. (Fig. 445.) In many other cases they are distributed through- out the seed. The grains vary in size and form in different species, but are rather constant within each group. They are en- tirely soluble in water unless certain hard parts or bodies, known as inclusions, are , . , . TIT m>' Aleurone grains present, and these may remain undissolved. (ai) in kernel of The inclusions may be (a) crystaloids, as wheat - in potato, castor-oil seed; (6) globoids, as in peach, mustard; (c) calcium oxalate crystals, as in grape seed. 466. To study alevrone grains and their inclusions: Cut 276 CONTENTS AND PRODUCTS OF CELLS a thin cross-section of the peripheral cells of a grain of wheat and mount in alcohol. Stain with an alcoholic solution of iodin to color the grains yellow, and examine with the high- est power. Make a sketch of a few layers of cells, just be- neath the epidermis. Make a sketch of a few of the grains removed from the cells. While looking at the mount, run a little water under the cover-glass and watch the result. Make a similar mount and study of the endo- sperm of castor-oil seed, or of grape seed. In the castor-oil seed, look for inclusions of large crystaloids and small globoids. In the grape seed, globoids should be found with crystals of calcium oxalate within them. This experi- 446 Raphideg of ment will require the power of one-sixth or rhizome of skunk r*c t i i i . cabbage. one-fifth inch objective. 467. Cells may contain crystals. Besides the crystals found as inclusions of aleurone grains, many others occur. In onion skin they are prisms; in nightshade they are in the form of crystal flour; in the petioles of the peach they are roundish, with many projecting angles; in the root-stock of skunk cabbage, in the bulbs of hyacinth, and leaves of tradescantia they are needle-shaped and are called raphides. (Fig. 446.) In the leaf of the India-rubber plant (common in greenhouses) are found compound clusters resembling bunches of grapes, which are called cysto- liths. (Fig. 447.) These are concretions and not true crystals. In saxifrage, mineral matter appears as incrustations on the sur- face of the plant. Toward autumn, crystals of calcium oxalate become very abundant in 447. Cystoiith in leaf the leaves of many deciduous trees; examine FHc^eiastSa 11 *'"" cross ~ sec ^ ons f peach petiole in June and again in October. 468. To study crystals and cystoliths: Section the root- stock of skunk cabbage or Jack-in-the-pulpit, the leaf CRYSTALS 277 of Ficus elastica, the leaf of ivy (Hedera helix); make a separate mount of each in water, and examine with the high power. When the crystals are found, draw them, with a view of the adjacent cells. Make a similar study of a bit of thin onion skin. REVIEW. Name ten classes of contents or products of tke cell. Where found? Of what use? What is chlorophyll? What is its use? What is assimilation (185)? Give outline of the products of cells found dissolved in cell-sap. What are the uses of sugar to plants? Name some kinds of sugar found in plants. Describe an experiment to test for glucose. Same for cane-sugar. How may we find the oil in plants? Describe an experiment for the study of gum-resin. Why does the juice containing it appear white? Describe starch grains of potato. Tell how starch grains of other plants studied differ from those of potato. What are the uses of starch to the plant? Where is the plant's starch factory? Describe an experiment to test for starch. Name some plants in which one may find amylo-dextrine. How does its test differ from that for starch? What are aleurone grains? In what cells are they found in kernels of wheat? Name some of the forms in which we find true crystals in plant cells. NOTE. The digestion of starch is produced by means of enzyms (183) or unorganized ferments (i.e., ferments that are not bacterial or fungal, but are chemical substances). These ferments, as diastase, are present in seeds and other living tissues containing starch. During dormant periods the enzyms either are not present, or their action is prohibited by the presence of other substances. There are various specific enzyms, each producing definite chemical changes. Grape-sugar and its associate, fruit-sugar, appear to be the forms most generally useful to plants. Cane-sugar is readily inverted into these sugars. CHAPTER XXXVIII TISSUES 469. The lowest plants are unicellular or composed of only one cell. Of such are bacteria. (Fig. 136.) All the higher plants are composed of collections or aggregations of innumerable cells: they are multicellular. If we ex- amine the cells of the stem, the leaves, and the roots of any common garden plant we find that they differ very widely from each other in shape, size, and texture. 470. Any group of similar cells is called a tissue. Each of the different tissues of a plant has its own type of cells, although the cells in a tissue may differ from each other in various minor ways. 471. Parenchymatous Tissue. Thin-walled cells are known as parenchyma cells. When they unite they form parenchymatous tissue. These may or may not be elon- gated in form, and they usually contain protoplasm. Paren- chymatous tissue is found at the growing point of a shoot or root (Fig. 448); in the mesophyll (soft pulpy part) of the leaves (Fig. 468) ; around the vascular bundles of stems and roots (Fig. 455f), and in a few other places, as pith, medullary rays, etc. The cells of this tissue may be meriste- matic in a state of active division and growth; or they may be permanent, no longer able to divide. 472. One important use of this tissue is to form other tissues, as in growing points. Near the end of any young root or shoot the cells are found to differ from each other more or less, according to the distance from the ponit. This differentiation takes place in the region just back of the growing point. In the mesophyll (or middle soft part) of (278) THE GROWING POINT 279 leaves the elaboration of plant-food takes place. Intercellular spaces filled with air and other gases are common in this tissue of leaves, as well as in parenchyma of other parts of the plant. 473. To study growing points use the hypocotyl of Indian corn. Prepared slides may be secured having stained longi- tudinal sections of the hypocotyl. The median section should be studied with the high power. Note these points (Fig. 448) : (a) Root-cap beyond the grow- ing point. (6) The shape of the end of the root proper and the shape of the cells found there, (c) The group of cells in the middle of the first layers beenath the root-cap. This group is the growing point, (d) Study the slight differences in the tissues a short distance back of the growing point. There are four regions: the plerome, several rows of cells in the center; the endodermis, composed of a single layer on each side; the peri- blem, of several layers outside the endodermis; the dermatogen, on the outer edges. Make a drawing of the section. If a series of the cross-sec- tions of the hypocotyl should be made and studied, beginning near the growing point and running back some distance, it would be found that these four tissues become more distinctly marked. The central cylinder of plerome will contain the ducts and vessels; the endodermis remains as endodermis; periblem becomes the cortex of parenchyma; the dermatogen becomes the epidermis of the root. 474. Epidermal Tissue is a special modification of parenchyma, comprising the thin layers on the exterior of gen; p, p, periblem; e, e, en- dodermis; pi, pierome; i, in- itial group of cells, or growing point proper; c, root-cap. 280 TISSUES leaves and stems. The cells are often tabular or plate-like in form, as in the epidermis of leaves (Fig. 137); and their outer surface bears a layer of cuticle, a protective sub- stance which is insoluble even in sulfuric acid. They do not bear chloroplasts and often contain only cell-sap, with a little protoplasm. Their walls are much thickened in some cases, as in Figs. 447 and 471. Hairs and bristles are con- sidered to be modified epidermal tissue. 475. Collenchymatous Tissue. Tissue composed of cells thickened at the angles, not much elongated and not lapping at the ends, is known as collenchyma. (Fig. 449.) It is strengthening tissue. Good examples are found in such vines as pumpkin, cucumber and gourd. The tis- sue is slightly elastic and allows of some stretching. Cut a few thin cross-sections , of large stems of jewel-weed, and mount 449. Collenchyma in wild . J . jewel-weed or touch- m water. Study with high power. 476. Soft Bast or Sieve Tissue. In the higher plants is a tissue known as soft bast or sieve tissue (this also forms part of the bundle; 476). It is composed of two types of cells which almost always accompany each other. These are sieve tubes and companion cells. (Fig. 450.) Both are elongated, thin-walled and blunt at the ends. The sieve tubes are so called because of the sieve-like areas that they bear in various parts. These areas, called sieve plates, are commonly at the ends (as partitions) but may be in the lateral walls. (Fig. 450.) They serve to connect the cell- cavities with each other, and through them the proto- plasm strands extend, as shown in the figure. 477. Prosenchymatous Tissue. Several elongated and strong tissues, that greatly strengthen the stems in which they are found, are collectively known as prosenchyma. The cells of these tissues become much thickened by the addition of layers to the inner surface, and finally lose their protoplasm. PROSENCHYMA 281 At times they may serve as store-rooms for starch and other products, and take an important part in the transfer of the plant juices. 478. There are four main varieties of tissues that may be included under prosen- chyma. (1) Fibrous tissue, composed of very thick- walled cells with very small central cavities. (F, Fig. 454.) They are very- long and tapering at the ends, which lap. Such tissue is found in many plants where it often wholly or hi part surrounds the fibro-vascular bundles. It is more often but not always found near the soft bast: hence the cells are sometimes called bast fibers or hard bast. (2) Wood tissue, or wood fibers. This is composed of cells much like the preceding structure, but with in 450. Bast-tissue. , s, sieve tubes; e, com- panion cell; p, shows a top view of a sieve plate, with a companion cell, c, at the side o, shows sieve plates in the side of the cek. In s, s, the protoplasm is shrunken from the walls by reagents. thinner walls and the cen- tral cavity not so nearly closed. In some cases such fibers have transverse walls. Wood cells constitute a large part of the wood of some plants and in other cases are scattered only among the other prosenchyma. (3) Tracheids. Cells of this tissue differ from ordinary cells in being supplied with numerous bordered pits or other characteristic markings. They constitute almost all of the wood of the pines and other gymnosperms. (Fig. 282 TISSUES 451.) (4) Vascular tissue, composed of large cells which become confluent end to end, forming long tubes or ducts. (TT', Fig. 454.) From the thickened markings which these cells bear they are named spiral, annular, pitted, scalariform, etc. (Fig. 441.) These vessels are often of considerable length, but are never continuous through the entire plant. Cut a grape-vine stem 2 or 3 feet long. Place one cut end in a glass of water and with, the other end in the mouth, try to force air through the stem. If not successful, shorten the stem a little. 479. Scleren- chymatous or Sclerotic Tissue. Sclerenchyma cells are hard, not elongated, often somewhat spheri- cal, and their thickened walls are provided with Simple Or branch- jng Canals. The . cells of this tissue are illustrated by the common grit cells of the pear and some other fruits. They are also found in the coats of many seeds, in nut shells, in the pith of some plants. Hold a large gritty part of a pear between two pieces of smooth elder pith or cork and make free-hand sections. Mount in water. Make a drawing of a single cell showing thickness of wall, size of central cavity, wall markings. Note the general shape of the cells. 480. Laticiferous Tissue. That tissue found in many 451. Longitudinal tangential section of Scotch pine wood, highly magnified. It shows tracheids with bordered pits. The dark cells are cut ends of medullary rays. THE TISSUE SYSTEMS 283 plants which contain a milky liquid is called latiriferous tissue. There is no fixed type for the vessels that carry this fluid, as they vary greatly in different plants, being simple in the asclepias (milk-weed), and complex in the dandelion. 481. Tissue Systems. The parts of complex plants may be conveniently grouped into three tissue systems: (1) Fibro-vascular tissue system. This is composed of fibro-vascular bundles. The fibrous framework of roots, stems, and leaves is made of fibro-vascular bundles. ("Fibro- vascular" means fibrous or long and slender, and having long openings or channels.) Each bundle is composed of two fundamental parts: phloem and xylem. The bast fibers may or may not be present. Phloem is another name for the soft bast or sieve tissue, while xylem is the name of the lignified or woody part, and is composed chiefly of the wood cells, tracheids, and ducts. In stems of dicotyledons (exogens), these two parts of the bundle are separated by cambium, a meristematic layer giving rise to xylem on one side and to phloem on the other. For types of bundles, see next chapter. (2) Fundamental tissue system. This is composed of the parenchymatous tissue already described. The fibrovas- cular system may be said to be imbedded in the funda- mental tissue. (3) Epidermal tissue system. This is the covering of the other systems, and is composed of epidermal tissue, already described. It should be borne in mind that the types of cells and tissues as defined in this chapter are not all that may be found in plants. There are many intermediate forms, e.g., tracheids and ducts blend the one into the other; and the same is true of wood cells and tracheids. 482. Summary of tissues studied: 1. Parenchymatous tissue. a. meristematic. b. permanent. 2. Epidermal tissue. 284 TISSUES 3. Collenchymatous tissue. 4. Soft bast or phloem (sieve tissue). 5. Prosenchymatous tissue. a. Fibrous tissue or bast fibers. 6. Wood tissue or wood fibers. c, Tracheids. d. Vascular tissue or ducts. 6. Sclerenchymatous or sclerotic tissue. 7. Laticiferous tissue. 8. Tissue systems. REVIEW. What is a tissue? How may two tissues differ? What, is parenchymatous tissue? Name three places where this is found. Distinguish between meristematic and permanent tissue. Name two uses of parenchymatous tissue. Of what utility are the intercellular spaces of leaves? Describe the parts studied in the section of root tip. What part of this tip will become vascular? Describe epidermal tissue. Collenchyma. Sieve tissue. Of what use are the sieve areas? What are the chief uses of prosenchyma? Describe fibrous tissue, wood cells or wood fibers; tracheids; ducts. What does your experi- ment in blowing air through a grape-vine stem indicate? Describe cells of sclerotic tissue. Laticiferous tissue. Name three tissue systems. What are nbro-vascular bundles? What two classes of tissue are found in each bundle? Of what is phloem composed? Xylem? CHAPTER XXXIX STRUCTURE OF STEMS AND ROOTS 483. There are two main types of stem structure in flowering plants, which have their differences based upon the arrangement of the nbro-vascular bundles. These types are endogenous and exogenous. 484. Endogenous Stems. In endogenous stems, the vascular bundles are irregularly scattered through the funda- mental tissue of the stem (Fig. 452), and are not arranged in circles about a common center. These plants are mono- cotyledons. The bundles are not parallel with each other, and are not of the same size throughout their length. Fig. 453 shows the direction often taken by the bundles in the stem. On the exterior there is either an epidermis or a false rind. The only trees that have this kind of stem are natives of the tropics or of warm countries. The palm is one of them, and these stems are sometimes called the palm type. In our climate are many ex- amples, such as greenbrier, Indian corn, asparagus, grasses, orchids, iris, and cat-tail. 485. To study arrange- ment of bundles in corn: Cut thin sections of a small corn stem that has been preserved in alcohol. Stain with hematoxylin; or the sections may be examined first without staining. Examine with the (285) 452. Cross-section of corn-stalk, showing the scattered fibro- vascular bundles. Slightly enlarged. 286 STRUCTURE OF STEMS AND ROOTS low power, and make a sketch showing the arrangement of the bundles. The sections, if mounted in a permanent way, as in balsam, may be kept for further study of the bundles. Compare with Fig. 454. 486. Exogenous Stems. The fibro-vascular bundles in exogenous (or dicotyledonous) stems are arranged in a circle around the center, which is usually filled with pith. Outside the ring of bundles is a cortex of fundamental tissue. Around this is either a layer of cork or an epidermis. Layers of parenchyma cells, called medullary rays, are found between the 453. Diagram to bi l show the course UndleS of fibro -vascular and Often bundles in mono- cotyledons. extending from the central pith to the outer cortex. These usually are prominent in young stems of woody plants and in vines. (Fig. 457.) All trees and nearly all other woody plants of the temperate regions, as well as many herba- ceous plants, show this plan of stem. The me- dullary rays are very prominent in oak wood. These rays are lignified in the xylem part of the bundle and non-lignified in the phloem part. 487. To study arrange- ment of bundles in ex- 454. Fibro-vascular bundles of Indian corn, much magnified. A, annular vessel; A', annular or spiral vessel; TT', thick-walled vessels; w, tracheids or woody tissue; F, sheath of fibrous tissue surrounding the bundle; FT, fundamental tissue or pith; s, sieve tissue; p, sieve plate; c, companion cell; i, inter- cellular space, formed by tearing down of adjacent cells; w', wood parenchyma. EXOGENOUS STRUCTURE 287 P, pith; /, fundamental tis- sue; e, epidermis. The fibro- vascular bundles are prominent. ogens: Prepare thin cross-sections of th stems of meni- spermum (moonseed), one year old, of geranium or of tomato plant. Other greenhouse or garden plants may be employed. Stain with hematoxylin. Make a permanent mount. Study with low power, and make a sketch showing the shape and location of the fibro-vascular bundles. (Fig. 455.) Save the mount for further study. If menispermum stems are not easily obtained, ivy (Hedera helix), clematis, geranium, coleus, tomato or other plants may be substi- tuted - In wood y stems the compres- s i O n is such that the student is usu- - j . i 1.1111 very ally puzzled to understand the bundle structure. The subject will be sim- plified if he compares (on cross-section) the bundles in such a plant as the cucumber with that part of the vascular ring that lies between any two medullary rays in one-year-old stems of peach, elm, oak. 488. Other Stems. Be- sides the two types of stems studied above, which are prev- alent among phenogams, there are other kinds of struc- tures of stems among the Ciyp- 456. Cross-section of root of brake (Pteris aquilina), showing f/^rroTv-k A twelve concentric fibro-vascular bundles. The two long lOgamS. A COm- dark 8tra nds are composed of fibrous tissue. 288 STRUCTURE OF STEMS AND ROOTS m 457. Cross-section of fibro-vas- cular bundle of moonseed (see Fig. 455) . /, /, crescent-shaped sheaths of bast fiber; p, phloem; cp, crushed phloem; c, cambium; d, xylem ducts; t, xylem tracheids; m, medullary rays of fundamental tissue; from c to / (at bottom) , xylem ; 1, end of first year's growth; 2, end of second year's growth of wood. mon arrangement of the bundles is in the form of a circle some distance from the center, with a few other bundles within the circle. Within the circle also are sometimes large areas of fibrous tissue. (Fig. 456.) There are, however, wide variations from this structure, but this mode of arrangement is often called the fern type of stem. 489. Three Types of Bundles. It has already been said (481) that every fibre-vascular bundle is made up of two parts- (1) phloem or soft bast; (2) xylem' or woo(}. The relative position of these two strands of tissue is very important. There are three plans of arrange- ment, on which three types of These plans are collateral, bi-collateral bundles are based, and concentric. 490. In collateral bundles, the phloem and xylem are placed side by side, the xylem being nearer the center of the stem and the phloem outside or nearer the circumfer- ence of the stem. This plan occurs in the stems of phenogams. The col- lateral bundles may be either open or closed. Open bundles are those that continue to in- , . ,. 458. Part of cross-section of root-stock of aspar- in Size during lite agus , showing a few fibre-vascular bundles. THE STUDY OF BUNDLES 289 by the presence of a growing layer at the line of union of the phloem and xylem. This layer of growing cells is called cam- bium. Dicotyledonous stems have open collateral bundles. (Fig. 455.) Closed bundles are those that cease growing very early and have no cambium or growing layer. They are called closed, perhaps from the fact that there is no means by which they may become larger. Stems of monocotyledons have bundles of the closed collateral type. Examine with high power cross -sec- tions of menisper- mum stems and corn stems (see Figs. 454, 455, 457), that have been stained with hema- toxylin. Study the tissues found in a single bundle of each, with the aid of the illustrations. 491. In concen- tric bundles, the xylem is centrally placed in the bundle and the phloem is all around it, as in club mosses and ferns (Fig. 456) ; or the phloem is in the center of the bundle and the xylem surrounds it, as in the underground stems of some monocotyledons, as asparagus. (Figs. 458, 459.) 492. To see concentric bundles: Prepare cross-sections of the stem of pteris or aspidium. They should be cut very thin and stained with hematoxylin. Make a sketch showing the arrangement of bundles. Bicollateral bundles differ from the collateral in having additional phloem on the inner side of the xylem strand; as in pumpkins and squashes. 459. Enlargement of a single concentric bundle from Fig. 458. 290 STRUCTURE OF STEMS AND ROOTS 493. In roots, the phloem and xylem are not definitely arranged in bundles, but in alternating radial strands or plates. This plan is typical in young roots and rootlets, but is more or less obscured in older ones as seen in Fig. 467. Microphotograph of cross-section of grape cane of a single season's growth; a cambium; a-b, phloem; a-c, xylem; b-d, periderm layer, derived from phellogen, which cuts off the cortex, d-e, with its primary bast bundles. Note large medullary rays, m, and the large ducts for water conduction. Compare with structure of pine wood, Fig. 461. THE ANNUAL RINGS 291 494. Secondary Thickening of Stems. Dicotyledonous (or exogenous) stems with open collateral bundles may increase in diameter each year. If they are perennial, they may add a ring of growth each spring. (Fig. 461.) These rings may be counted on the smooth cross-cut surface of a tree, and the age of the tree usually can be very closely determined. All 461. White pine stem five years old. The outermost layer is bark. growth in thickness due to the formation of new cells out- side of the primary wood is called secondary thickening. 495. As we have seen (490), there is a cambium or grow- ing layer hi every open collateral bundle just between the xylem and phloem. Each spring the cells of this layer divide many times and form new cells both inside and outside the cambium ring. (Figs. 462, 463.) Those formed inside become thick- walled and are xylem. Those formed to the outside of the ring are gradually changed into phloem. The crowding of the cells within the cambium ring causes the 292 STRUCTURE OF STEMS AND ROOTS ring itself to enlarge its circumference and to move out- ward by this growth. 496. To study secondary thickening: Cut thin cross- sections of basswood stems of different ages (one to three years old) . Stain and mount. Examine with low power and r.d D 462. Microphotograph of cross-section showing secondary growth in larch, June 13; a, cambium; a-b, new phloem; a-c, new wood. D. Tagential section of wood of pine, showing transverse section of medullary rays; rd, transverse resin-duct. sketch the arrangement of bundles in the oldest and young- est. Note the effect of growth on the medullary rays. Test them with iodin for starch. Now with the high power study the peculiar character of the bast tissue. Note the abundance of fibrous tissue all through it. Draw a single bundle from the stem one year old, carefully show- ing the location of the cambium and the different tissues in the xylem and phloem strands. (Fig. 464). It may be thought best to precede this experiment with a similar study of two-year-old stem of moonseed, ivy or other vines. THE BARK 293 463. Cambium tissue a-b, in larch, May 20. Lower quarter, cells of old xylem. Upper quarter, cells of old phloem. Diameter increase just about to begin. Medullary rays are shown. Magnification 500 times. 497. Bark. In most woody plants, that part of the stem which is outside the cambium ring is called bark. At first it contains the epidermis or outer layer of cells, the phloem and the cortex lying between the epidermis and the phloem. The gradual growth of the stem causes the outer dead layers of bark to crack more or less irregularly and finally to split off. Examples of this can be seen on the trunks of any large trees. Before the tree is many years old, the cortical cells of the bark become much crushed and are lost to view. The epidermis is shed rather early in the life of the tree. 498. Usually very early in the life of the stem a corky layer of bark is produced. This is the product of an active layer of cells called phellogen. This layer is first found at those places where the ^^V stomates were located. The epider- 464. Section of basswood stem, five years old. . . c i i The cone-shaped growths of phloem are plainly seen. BUS IS farst Crowded 294 STRUCTURE OF STEMS AND ROOTS off at these places, and the rough corky spots are called lenticels. Phellogen is_very active in the cork oak of Spain, but it occurs in nearly all woody plants. In such plants as button- wood (sycamore), in which the bark peels off in thin, flat layers, the phellogen layer is nearly uniformly active in all parts, while in many other cases there is very little uni- formity. In wahoo (burning-bush) it is in four bands, giv- ing rise to four corner wings. In the section of menisper- mum already studied, it is found only under the lenticel spots where the stomates have been located. Fig. 465 shows structure of the outer bark as it occurs in the whole circum- ference of the three-year-old stem of red currant. 499. To study phellogen and corky tissue: Cut thin cross- 465. Cross-section of red cur- rant twig, showing bark. c, corky tissue; p, phellogen; g, parenchyma or cortex 466. White pine stem in radial longitudinal section. Tracheids on the left with medullary rays crossing them. Next to the wood is the phloem, then fundamental tissue, then the dark bark. sections of red currant from stems two or three years old that have been kept in alcohol at least several hours. The sections should be stained. With the highest power make a careful study of the phellogen and the corky tissue outside STRUCTURE OF ROOTS 295 467. Microphotograph of cross-section of root of grape one season old; m, medullary rays; a, cambium; a, c, phloem; a, 6, xylem. of it. Draw. The relation of bark to woody tissue in pine is shown in Fig. 461. Cork tissue may be studied to advantage in the skin of the potato. 500. Structure of Roots. At the growing point, the root has a cap (of small compact cells) that protects the delicate tissues from injury. (Fig. 448.) Such a protection 296 STRUCTURE OF STEMS AND ROOTS does not occur in growing points (buds) of stems. In their internal structure roots differ from stems, especially when very young. In older roots the differentiation is not so marked. (Fig. 467.) Young roots have the radial arrange- ment of phloem and xylem (490). The number of xylem strands radiating from the center differs with the plant. In roots also there is almost uniformly a true endodermis. This layer is just within the cortex and is composed of rather thick-walled cells. However, many rhizomes and stems have a true endodermis. 501. To study pea roots: From the roots of the pea a few weeks old cut thin cross-sections; stain and mount. With the aid of the low power make a sketch showing the arrangement of the strands of wood and bast, and also the amount of fundamental tissue. Use the highest power and draw a portion including one strand of wood and two of bast. In this part, draw the tissues from the center out beyond the endodermis. Sections may also be made of the roots of germinating pumpkins or squashes. REVIEW. Name two types of stems occurring in flowering plants. Describe each and give examples to illustrate them. Give the plan of arrangement of bundles in fern stems. How many types of bundles are there? Upon what do their differences depend? Describe and give examples of collateral bundles. What difference is there between open and closed collateral bundles? Give examples of each. Describe and give examples of concentric bundles. Radial arrangement. What is secondary thickening? What plants show it? What is the layei called that forms the new cells in a bundle? When is this layer most active? Describe the work of this layer. What part of each bundle ol a dicotyledon is found in the bark? What are lenticels? What is phel- logen? Describe the work of phellogen in any plant you have studied. Where is the root cap? What is its use? Describe fully the structure of roots, telling how they differ from stems. CHAPTER XL STRUCTURE OF LEAVES 502. Besides the framework or system of veins found in blades of all leaves, there is a soft tissue (468) called mesophyll or leaf-parenchyma, and an epidermis that covers the entire outside part. 503. Mesophyll. The mesophyll is not all alike or homo- geneous. The upper layer of it is composed of elongated cells placed perpendicular to the surface of the leaf. These are called palisade cells. The chlorophyll grains are most abundant in them, because they are on the side of the leaf most directly exposed to the sunlight. Below the palisade cells is the spongy parenchyma, composed of cells more or less spherical in shape, irregularly arranged, and provided with many intercellular air cavities. (Fig. 468; also Fig. 137.) In leaves of some plants exposed to strong light there may be more than one layer of palisade cells, as in the India- rubber plant and ole- ander. Ivy, when grown in bright light, will de- velop two such layers of cells, but in shaded places it may be found as in Fig. 468. Such plants as iris and compass plant, which have both surfaces of the leaf equally exposed to sun- light, usually have a palisade layer beneath each epidermis. 504. Epidermis. The outer or epidermal cells of leaves (297) 468. Cross-section of ivy leaf, which grew in shade and has only one layer of palisade cells, u, upper epidermis; p, palisade cells; c, a crystal; sp, spongy parenchyma; f, in- tercellular space; I, lower epidermis. The plant here intended is the true or English ivy, Hedera helix. 298 STRUCTURE OF LEAVES do not bear chlorophyll, but are usually so transparent that the green mesophyll can be seen through them. They often become very thick-walled, and are in most plants devoid of all protoplasm except a thin layer lining the walls, the cavities being filled with cell-sap. This sap is sometimes colored, as in the under surface of begonia leaves. It is not common to find more than one layer of epidermal cells on each surface of a leaf. The epidermis serves to retain moisture in the leaf. In desert plants the epidermis as a rule is very thick and has a dense cuticle. 505. There are various outgrowths of the epidermis. Hairs are the chief of these. They may be (1) simple, as on primula, geranium, naegelia; (2) once branched, as on wall- flower; (3) compound, as on verbascum or mullein; (4) disk-like, as on shepherdia (Fig. 469); (5) stellate, or star- shaped, as in certain crucif ers. In some cases the hairs are glandular, as in Pri- mula sinensis and cer- tain hairs of pumpkin flowers. 506. To study epi- dermal hairs: For this study use the leaves of the plants men- tioned above or others that may be substi- tuted. Cross-sections may be so made as to bring hairs on the edge of the sections. Or, in some cases, the hairs may be peeled or scraped from the epidermis and placed in water on a slide. Make sketch of the different kinds of hairs. 507. Stomates are small openings or pores in the epi- 469. Disk-like or radial, hairs of shepherdia. THE STOMATES 299 470. Stomate of ge- ranium leaf, show- dermis of leaves and soft stems, allowing the passage of air and other gases and vapors. They are placed near the large intercellular spaces of the mesophyll. Fig. 470 shows the usual structure. There are two guard- cells at the mouth of each stomate, which may in most cases open or close the passage. It is commonly thought that the opening and closing of the guard-cells is in response to different moisture conditions of the ing the guard-ceiis. atmosp h e re. When the air is dry it is assumed that the stomates close and thus retard water loss from the plant, and vice versa. The stomates have generally been thought to regulate transpiration. This is not true. In Fig. 471 is shown a case in which there are compound guard-cells, that of ivy. On the margins of certain leaves, as of fuchsia, impatiens, and cabbage, are modified stomates known as water-pores. 508. Stomates are very numerous, as will be seen from the numbers giving the pores to each square inch of leaf surface: ^^ Upper surface surface Peony 13,790 None Holly 63,600 None Lilac 160,000 None Mistletoe 200 200 Tradescantia 2,000 2,000 Garden Flag 11,572 11,572 The arrangement of stomates on the leaf differs with each kind of plant. Figs. 472 and 473 show stomates on two plants, and also the outlines of contiguous epidermal cells. The guard-cells contain chloroplasts. 509. Fall of the Leaf. In most common deciduous plants, when the season's work for the leaf is ended some of the 471. Stomate of ivy, showing compound guard-cells. 300 STRUCTURE OF LEAVES nutrients are withdrawn into the stem, and a layer of corky cells is completed over the surface of the stem where the leaf is attached. The leaf soon falls. It often falls even before killed by frost. Deciduous leaves begin to show the surface line of articulation in the early growing season. This articulation may be observed at any time during the summer. The area of the twig once covered by the petioles is called the leaf-scar after the leaf has fallen. Figs. 57, 87, 91 show a number of leaf-scars. Fig. 474 shows the leaf- scar in the form of a ring surrounding the bud, for in the plane-tree the bud is covered by the hollowed end of the petiole; sumac is a similar case. Examine with a hand- lens leaf-scars of several woody plants. Note the number of bundle-scars in each leaf-scar. Sections may be cut through a leaf-scar and examined with the microscope. Note the character of cells that cover the leaf-scar surface. Com- pare 216. 472. Stomates of geranium leaf. 473. Grouped stomates on a begonia leaf, REVIEW. Name three tissues found in leaves. On the board, draw a sketch showing the structure of a leaf as seen in cross-section, What cells of leaves bear protoplasm and chlorophyll? Why do some leaves have palisade cells near both surfaces? Describe epidermal cells. Why are their walls much more thickened in some plants than mothers? What is the purpose of epidermis? What are stomates? Dra\* on the board a section through a stomate showing epidermis and mesophyll. Give some idea of number of stomates in various plants, Name several types of epidermal hairs. What utility could be suggested for the dense coat of hairs on leaves of shepherdia? (Fig. 469.) NOTE. To study leaf tissues: A number of leaves can be com- HOW TO STUDY LEAF HISTOLOGY 301 pared by making free-hand cross-sections of leaves held between two pieces of pith or cork, and mounting the material in water. Study such leaves as ivy (Hedera helix), begonia, cycas, geranium, and corn. Note the number of layers of palisade cells, the spongy parenchyma, the epidermal layers. Which cells bear chlorophyll? Write a brief description of the tissues of each leaf, and make a drawing of the geranium . To study stomates in. cross-section: In the cross-sections of leaves of geranium, corn, ivy, lily, or spider-lily prepared for the above exper- iment, look for the stomates and make a careful drawing from the one you can see best. Study of stomates in surface view: From the under surface of leaves of geranium and impatiens, peel bits of epidermis by tearing the leaf. Mount these in water and examine under low power. Are the stomates scattered or in groups? With the aid of a higher W^ 474 . Leaf ^ 10Br of the plane . tree or power, draw a few Stomates show- I sycamore. The scar surrounds ing their guard-cells and the sur- '** en or hilly woods. July to October. 5. EPIPACTIS. RATTLESNAKE PLANTAIN. In spike and perianth similar to spiranthes, but without the 2 lateral callous protuberances on the lip: leaves basal, tufted, thickish, petioled, 342 THE KINDS OF PLANTS dark green, usually blotched or veined with white. A few species widely distributed, but not common, with handsome leaves. The genus is also known as Peramium and as Goodyera. 6. CALOPOGON. GRASS PINK. Scapes from round solid bulbs bearing several flowers in loose terminal spikes or racemes; leaf 1, grass-like. Distinguished by having the lip on the upper side (ovary or stalk not twisting) bearded. C. pulchellus, R. Br. Scape 1 ft. high, 2-6-flowered : flowers 1 in. across, pink-purple; the lip triangular at apex, crested with colored hairs (yellow, orange, purple), club-shaped: anther lid-like: pollen-masses 4, powdery. Wet meadows and bogs. Very pretty. 7. POGONIA. Low, with solitary, terminal, odd flowers; alternate leaves: lip spurless, crested or hooded or 3-lobed; column not attached: calyx spreading; fertile anther lid-like; 2 pollen-masses, granular. P. ophioglossoides, Ker. Stem 6-9 in. from a fibrous root; leaf sessile, oval near middle of stem: lip erect, bearded and fringed; flower 1 in. long, sweet-scented, pale rose color, slightly nodding, with a leafy bract. Marshes or swampy places. Eastern United States. June to July. BB. PHENOGAMS: ANGIOSPERMS: DICOTYLEDONS. D. CHORIPETALM. IX. CUPULlFER^). OAK FAMILY. Monoecious trees and shrubs with staminate flowers in catkins and the pistillate in catkins or solitary: leaves alternate, with stipules early deciduous (mostly scale-like), and the side- veins straight or nearly so : stamens 2 to many : fruit a 1-seeded nut, sometimes inclosed in an involucre. Ten or a dozen genera and upwards of 450 species. Representative plants are oak, chestnut, beech, birch, hazel, ironwood. A. Sterile flowers in a hanging head: fruits 2 three-cornered nuts in a small, spiny involucre or bur 1. Fagus AA. Sterile flowers in cylindrical catkins. B. Fruit 1-4 rounded or flat-sided nuts in a large, sharp- spiny involucre or bur 2. Castanea BB. Fruit an acorn a nut sitting in a scaly or spiny cup 3. Quercus BBB. Fruit flat and often winged, thin and seed-like, borne under scales in a cone. c. Fertile flowers naked: mature cone-scales thin 4. Betula cc. Fertile flowers with a calyx: cone-scales thick 5. Alnuii BEECH CHESTNUT OAK 343 1. FAGUS. BEECH. Tall forest trees with light bark, and prominent parallel side- veins in the leaves: sterile flowers in a small, pendulous head, with 5-7-cleft calyx and 8-16 stamens: fertile flowers 2, in a close involucre, ripening into 2 three-cornered "beech nuts" in a 4-valved bur. F. grandifolia, Ehrh. American beech. Close-grained, hard-wood tree, with light colored bark: leaves ovate-oblong and acuminate, coarsely serrate, usually with 9 or more pairs of nerves: nuts ripening in the fall, and much sought by boys and squirrels. A common forest tree. F. sylvatica, Linn. European beech. Fig. 151. Often planted, particularly in the form of the purple-leaved and weeping beech: foliage differs in being mostly smaller, ovate or elliptic, small-toothed, with 9 or less pairs of nerves. 2. CASTANEA. CHESTNUT. Forest trees, with rough, furrowed bark: Sterile flowers with 4-7-lobed calyx and 8-20 stamens in very long, erect or spreading catkins, which appear in clusters in midsummer: fertile flowers about 3 in an involucre, producing "chestnuts" in a spiny bur. C. dentata, Borkh. American chestnut. Fig. 267. Tall, straight- grained tree, with large, broad and thin, oblong-lanceolate leaves, which are taper-pointed, and have large teeth with spreading spines: nuts usually 1 in. or less across, sweet. Grows as far west as Michigan, and south to Mississippi. C. sativa, Mill. European chestnut. Less tall: leaves smaller and narrower, more pubescent when young, not long-acuminate, the teeth smaller and their spines more incurved: nuts 1 in. or more across, not so sweet as those of the American chestnut. Europe. Very com- monly planted. 500. Quercus alba. 501. Quercus macrocarpa. 502. Quercus Prinus. 3. QUERCUS. OAK. Strong, close-grained trees, with mostly laterally-lobed leaves: sterile flowers in clustered hanging catkins, with a 4-7-lobed calyx, and 3-12 sta- mens: fertile one in a shallow involucre which becomes the cup of the acorn, the stigma 3-lobed: fruit an acorn. See Fig. 228, which represents a form of the English oak (Q. Robur) often planted in choice grounds. a. White oak group, distinguished by its light gray scaly bark, rounded lobes or teeth of the leaves, and the acorns maturing the first year. (Q. virens has nearly or quite entire leaves.) Q. alba, Linn. White oak. Fig. 500. Leaves obovate, 5 or 6 in. long, the lobes usually 7 and at equal distances apart, and the sinuses 344 THE KINDS OF PLANTS deep or shallow: acorn small, with a rather shallow and not fringed cup. The commonest species. Q. macrocarpa, Michx. Bur oak. Fig. 501. Leaves obovate, downy or pale on the lower surface, toothed towards the tips and irregularly and often deeply lobed toward the base: acorn cups heavily fringed on the margins: young branches corky. More common West. Q. Prinus, Linn. Chestnut oak. Fig. 502. Leaves rather long-obovate, 503. Quercus bicolor. 504. Quercus rubra. 505. Quercus coccinea. toothed, with rounded teeth and yellow-ribbed: acorn long and the cup hard-scaled: bark dark with broad, deep furrows. Eastern. Q. bicolor, Willd. Swamp white oak. Fig. 503. Leaves obovate. white- downy on their lower surface, toothed with squarish teeth, the bases wedge- shaped: acorn small, with the margin of the cup finely fringed. Common in low grounds and along ravines. Q, virginiana, Mill. Live-oak. Leaves small, oblong, entire or sometimes spiny-toothed, thick and evergreen: acorn oblong, the nut about one-third covered with its scaly cup. Virginia, south. aa. Black oak group, distinguished by its dark furrowed bark, pointed lobes of the leaves, and the acorns maturing the second year. Q. rubra, Linn. Red oak. Fig. 504. Leaves obovate or sometimes shorter, the 7-9 lobes triangular and pointing toward the tips: acorn large, flat-cupped. Common. Q. coccinea, Moench. Scarlet oak. Fig. 505. Leaves obovate, bright scarlet in autumn, thin, smooth on the lower surface, the sinuses deep, wide and rounded : margin of the acorn cup round- ing inwards and the scales close: inner bark reddish. Common. Q. velutina, Lam. Black oak. Fig. 506. Leaves obovate, coarser, downy on the lower sur- face until midsummer or later, wider toward the tip, the sinuses shallow (or sometimes as in the scarlet oak): margin of the acorn cup not rounding inwards and the scales looser: inner bark orange. Common. 4. BfiTULA. BIRCH. Small to medium-sized trees, with sterile flowers in drooping, cylindrical catkins, 3 flowers with 4 short stamens being borne under each bract : fertile 506. Quercus velutina. BIRCH ALDER 345 flowers in short, mostly erect catkins which become cones at maturity, 2 or 3 naked flowers being borne under each 3-lobed bract: fruit winged and seed- like: leaves simple, toothed or serrate; bark often aromatic. a. Brawn-barked birches: leaves ovate. B. lenta, Linn. Cherry birch. Sweet birch. Tall tree, the bark tight (not peeling in layers), the twigs very aromatic: leaves oblong-ovate, some- what cordate at base, doubly serrate, becoming glossy above: bracts of the oblong-cylindric fruiting catkins with wide-spreading lobes. Rich woods. B. lutea, Michx. YeUow or gray birch. Bark grayer or silvery, peel- ing in layers: leaves scarcely cordate, dull, more downy: bracts of the short-oblong fruiting catkins with scarcely spreading scales: tree less aro- matic than the other. Same range. aa. White-barked birches: leaves triangular or broad-ovate. B. papyrifera, Marsh. Paper birch. Canoe birch. Tree of medium to rather large size, with the bark peeling in very large plates or layers: leaves broad-ovate and often somewhat cordate, dull green. Pennsylvania, north. , B. populifolia, Ait. American white birch. Small and slender tree with rather tight, glistening, white bark: leaves triangular-acuminate, toothed, dangling, and moving incessantly in the wind. Northeastern states. B. alba, Linn. European white birch. A larger tree, with triangular- ovate leaves which are pointed but not long-acuminate. Europe. The com- mon cultivated white birch. There are weeping forms (Fig. 6). 5. ALNUS. ALDER. Much like Betula, but smaller trees or bushes: flowers with a 3-5- parted calyx, and the small, short, fertile catkins composed of thickened, woody scales. In the following, the flowers appear before the leaves in earliest spring, from catkins formed the previous year and remaining partly developed during winter. Common along streams. A. incana, Moench. Speckled alder. Shrub or small tree, with pubescent branches: leaves oval to oblong-ovate, acute, doubly serrate, glaucous and downy underneath: cones about ^ in. long, mostly sessile. A. rugdsa, Spreng. (A. serrulata, Willd.). Smooth alder. Leaves elliptic or obovate, acute or rounded at the apex, finely serrate, the under side of the leaves smooth or pubescent only on the veins: cones short-stalked. A. vulgaris, Hill. Black alder. Leaves orbicular or very broadly obo- vate, not acute, irregularly serrate, dull and nearly smooth beneath: cones peduncled. Europe. Planted, some varieties with divided leaves. X. URTICACE^E. NETTLE FAMILY. Trees and herbs, with small apetalous flowers in small clusters or solitary: leaves mostly straight-veined, with stipules: plants dioecious or monoecious, or flowers perfect in the elms: stamens usually as many 346 THE KINDS OF PLANTS as the lobes of the calyx and opposite them: ovary superior, ripening into a 1-seeded indehiscent, often winged fruit. A very polymorphous association, by some botanists divided into two or three coordinate families. More than 100 genera and 1,500 species. Representatives are elm, hackberry, mulberry, osage orange, nettle, hop, hemp. A. Trees. B. Fruit a samara 1. Ulmus BB. Fruit a small drupe 2. Celtis BBB. Fruit as large as an orange, formed of the whole mass of the pistillate flower-cluster 3. Madura BBBB. Fruit resembling a blackberry, formed of the pistillate flower-cluster 4. Morus AA. Herbs. B. Leaves digitately lobed or divided. c. Plant standing erect 5. Cannabis cc. Plant twining 6. Humulus BB. L.eaves not lobed: plant with stinging hairs 7. Urtica 507. Ulmus fulva. 508. Ulmus americana. 509. Ulmus racemosa. 1. tfLMUS. ELM. Trees, mostly large and valuable for timber, with rough-furrowed bark: leaves alternate (2-ranked), ovate and straight- veined, dentate: flowers small and not showy, appearing in earliest spring, sometimes diclinous, the calyx 4-9-parted, the anthers 4-9 on long filaments: ovary generally 2-loculed, ripening into a 1-seeded wing-fruit. a. Leaves large, rough on the upper surface: fruit large, nearly orbicular. U. fulva, Michx. Slippery elm. Fig. 507. Middle-sized or small tree with inner bark mucilaginous or "slippery" in spring: leaves 6-8 in. long and half or more as broad, ovate-elliptic and unequal-sided, doubly serrate, very rough above and softer beneath: samara %-% in. long, orbicular or nearly so, with the seed in the center: flowers in dense clusters. Common. ELM TRIBES 347 aa. Leaves not very rough above: fruit oval, deeply notched at the apex. U. americina, Linn. Common or white elm. Figs. 96-100, 508. Tall and graceful tree: leaves elliptic-oval, serrate: samara small, more or less hairy on the thin wing, the notch in the apex extending nearly to the seed: flowers hanging on slender stalks. One of the finest of American trees. U. racemdsa, Thomas. Cork elm. Fig. 509. Smaller tree than the last, with corky -winged branches: leaves with straighter veins: samara with sharp incurved points at the apex: flowers in racemes. Less common. U. alata, Michx. Wahoo elm. Small tree, with wide, corky ridges on the branches: leaves small and rather thick, almost sessile, ovate to nearly lanceolate and acute: samara downy, at least when young. Virginia, south and west. 2. CELTIS. NETTLE-TREE. HACKBERRY. Elm-like in looks, but the fruit a 1-seeded, berry-like drupe: flowers greenish, in the leaf axils, mostly diclinous; calyx 5-6-parted; stamens 5 or 6: stigmas 2, very long. C. occidentalis, Linn. Common hackberry. Middle-sized tree with rough-furrowed bark: leaves ovate-pointed, oblique at base, serrate: fruit purplish, as large as a pea, edible in the fall when ripe. Low grounds. 3. MACLtTRA. OSAGE ORANGE. Small tree, with dioecious flowers in catkins, and alternate, simple leaves: sterile flowers in raceme-like, deciduous catkins: fertile flowers densely crowded in a head, with 4 sepals and 2 510. Maclura pomifera. stigmas, the ovary ripening into an achene, the whole flower-cluster becoming fleshy and ripening into an orange-like mass. M. pomifera, Schneid. (Toxylon pomiferum, Raf.). Osage orange. Fig. 510. Spiny, low tree, much used for hedges, but not hardy in the north- ernmost states: leaves narrow-ovate and entire, glossy: flowers in spring after the leaves appear, the fruit ripening in autumn. Missouri and Kansas south. 4. MORUS. MULBERRY. Small to middle-sized trees, with broad, alternate toothed or lobed leaves and monoecious flowers, with 4-parted calyx: stamens 4, with fila- ments at first bent inward, the staminate catkins soon falling: fertile flowers ripening a single achene, but the entire catkin becomes fleshy and blackberry- like, and prized for eating. Leaves very variable, often lobed and not lobed on the same branch. M. rubra, Linn. Common wild mulberry. Often a large tree in the South: leaves ovate-acuminate, oblique at the base, rough and dull on the upper surface and softer beneath, dentate: fruit ^-1 in. long, black-red, sweet. Wood yellow. Most abundant South, but growing as far north as Massachusetts. 348 THE KINDS OF PLANTS M. alba, Linn. White mulberry. Fig. 511. Leaves light green and usually glossy above, the veins prominent and whitish beneath, the teeth usually rounded or obtuse: fruit of variable size, often 1^ in. long, whitish, violet, or purple. China; planted for ornament and for its fruit, also for feeding silkworms. The much-planted Russian mulberry is a form of it. 5. CANNABIS. HEMP. Tall, strong, dioecious herbs with 5-7 leaflets: fertile flowers in clus- ters, with 1 sepal surrounding the ovary, and 2 long, hairy stigmas: sterile flowers in racemes or panicles, with 5 sepals and 5 drooping stamens. C. sativa, Linn. Hemp. Six to 10 ft., strong-smelling, blooming all summer: leaflets lanceolate, large toothed. Old World; cultivated for fiber and sometimes escaped in waste places. 6. HtTMULUS. HOP. Twining dioecious herbs of tall growth, with 5 sepals in the sterile flowers, the stamens erect: fertile flowers with 1 sepal, 2 flowers under each scale of a short, thin catkin which becomes a kind of cone or "hop." H. Lupulus, Linn. Common hop. Perennial, rough- hairy: leaves broad-ovate, deeply 3-lobed (only rarely 5 7-lobed): sterile flowers in panicles 26 in. long: pis- tillate catkin enlarging into a "hop" often 2 in. or more long. A native plant, cultivated for hops and sometimes for ornament. H. japonicus, Sieb. & Zucc. Japanese hop. Fig. 511. Morus alba. 179. Annual: leaves not less than 5-lobed: fertile catkin not enlarging into a hop. Japan; much cultivated for ornament. 7. tJRTICA. NETTLE. Erect herbs with opposite simple leaves and stinging hairs, and monoe- cious or dioecious flowers in racemes or dense clusters, the calyx of 4 separate sepals: stamens 4: stigma sessile: fruit an ovate flat achene. The following are perennials with flowers in panicled spikes: U. gracilis, Ait. Common nettle. Two to 6 ft.: leaves ovate-lanceolate, serrate, on long petioles. Common in low grounds. II. dioica, Linn. Not so tall: leaves ovate-cordate and deeply serrate, on rather short petioles, downy underneath. Weed from Europe, very stinging. XI. ARISTOLOCHIACE^E. BIRTHWORT FAMILY. DUTCHMAN'S PIPE FAMILY. Low acaulescent herbs, or tall twining vines: leaves basal or alter- nate, without stipules, petiolate, roundish or kidney-shaped: flowers regular or irregular, perfect: perianth-tube brown or dull, valvate in ARISTOLOCHIA POLYGONUM 349 bud, adherent to ovary: stamens 6-12, epigynous, and adherent to base of the styles: ovary 6-celled, pistil 1. A small family of about 200 species, sparingly represented in this country. Many of the members have aromatic or bitter-tonic properties. A. Low stemless herbs 1. Asarum AA. Leafy-stemmed herbs, or woody climbers 2. Aristolochia 1. ASARUM. WILD GINGER. Perennial spreading herbs: leaves large, kidney-shaped, pubescent: flower brown, inconspicuous, borne on a short peduncle arising from between the petioles: rootstocks creeping, elongated, very aromatic. A. canadense, Linn. Leaves in pairs, large, renifonn, but more or less pointed at tip, soft-hairy with a silky finish : flower greenish outside, purple- brown within, consisting of a 3-lobed calyx, adnate to ovary: stamens 12, the filaments longer than the anthers. Common in rich woods. April, May. 2. ARISTOLOCHIA. DUTCHMAN'S PIPE. Herbs or tall vines, with alternate, petiolate leaves, cordate, entire and palmately nerved: flowers irregular, the calyx tubular, the tube oddly inflated above ovary and contracted at throat, shaped like a much-bent pipe, the margin reflexed or spreading, 3-6-lobed or appendaged: sta- mens 6. A. macrophylla, Lam. (A. Sipho, L'Her.). Calyx-tube about 1-lJi in. long, curved to resemble a Dutch pipe, the margin spreading, brownish- purple: leaves large, smooth, dark green, round kidney-shaped. Wild in rich woods; May; often cultivated. XII. POLYGONACE^E. BUCKWHEAT FAMILY. Herbs, mostly with enlarged joints or nodes and sheaths (repre- senting stipules) above them: leaves simple and usually entire, alter- nate: flowers small, apetalous, usually perfect and generally borne in spikes or dense clusters: stamens 4-12, attached to the very base of the 3-5-merous calyx: ovary 1-loculed, ripening into a 3-4-angled achene. Thirty or more genera and about 600 widely dispersed species. Characteristic plants are buckwheat, rhubarb, dock, sorrel, smart- weed. A. Root-leaves 1 ft. or more across, rounded 1. Rheum AA. Root-leaves narrow or not prominent. B. Calyx of 6 sepals, often of two kinds 2. Rumex BB. Calyx of 5 (rarely 4) sepals, all alike. c. Flowers white and fragrant 3. Fagopyrum cc. Flowers greenish or pinkish, not distinctly fragrant. .4. Polygonum 350 THE KINDS OF PLANTS 1. RHEUM. RHUBARB. Very large-leaved perennials, sending up stout hollow flower-stalks in early summer which bear smaller leaves with sheathing bases : sepals 6, all alike, withering rather than falling, and persisting beneath the 3-winged achenes: stamens 9: styles 3. Old World. R. Rhaponticum, Linn. Rhubarb. Pie- plant. Figs. 81, 82. Leaves 1 ft. or more across, the thick petioles edible: fls. white, in elevated panicles. 2. RUMEX. DOCK. SORREL. Perennial often deep-rooted plants with herbage bitter or sour: sepals 6, the 3 outer large and spread- ing, the 3 inner (known as "valves") enlarging after 512. Rumex Acetosella. nowerin g and one or more of them often bearing a grain-like tubercle on the back; stamens 6, styles 3; flowers in panicles or interrupted spikes. a. Docks: herbage bitter: valves often grain-bearing: /lowers mostly perfect: leaves not arrow-shaped. R. obtusifdlius. Linn. Bitter dock. Lower leaves oblong-cordate and obtuse, not wavy: one valve usually grain-bearing. Weed from Europe. R. crispus, Linn. Curly dock. Leaves lanceolate, wavy or curled: all valves usually grain-bearing. Weed from Europe. aa. Sorrels: herbage sour: valves not grain-bearing: flowers dioecious: leaves arrow-shaped. R. Acetosella, Linn. Common or sheep sorrel. Fig. 512. Low (1 ft. or less): Ivs. mostly arrow- shaped at base: flowers brownish, small, in a ter- minal panicle. Common in sterile fields. Europe. 3. FAGOPtRUM. BUCKWHEAT. Fast-growing annuals, with somewhat triangular leaves, and fragrant flowers in flattish, panicle-like clusters: calyx of 5 parts: stamens 8: fruit a trian- gular achene. Old World. F. esculentum, Moench. Common buckwheat. Fig. 513. Leaves triangular-arrow-shaped, long- petioled: flowers white, in a compound cluster: achene with regular angles. Flour is made from the grain. F. tataricum, Gaertn. India wheat. Slenderer, the leaves smaller and more arrow-shaped and short-petioled : flowers greenish or yellowish, in simple racemes: achene notched on the angles. Somewhat cultivated. 513. Fagopyrum esculentum. KNOTWEED FAMILY 351 4. POL^GONUM. KNOTWEED. SMARTWEED. Low weedy plants, or some exotic ones tall and cultivated, blooming in summer and fall, the small pinkish or greenish flowers mostly in racemes or spikes (in the Knotweeds in the leaf-axils): calyx usually 5-parted: stamens 4-9: stigmas 2 or 3: black achene lenticular or triangular. a. Knotweeds: flowers sessile in the axils of the leaves, greenish and very small. P. aviculare, Linn. Common knotweed. Doorweed. Fig. 210. Pros- trate or creeping, bluish green wiry plant, growing along the hard edges of walks and in yards, and commonly mistaken for sod: leaves small, mostly oblong, entire: sepals very small, green with a broad white margin: stamens 5 or more: stigmas usually 3. Annual. P. erectum, Linn. Taller knotweed. One ft. or more high: leaves three or four times larger, oblong or oval and obtuse. Common annual. aa. Smartweeds: flowers in terminal spikes, mostly pinkish. b. Sheaths of leaves (surrounding stem) hairy on the edge, or the margin with a spreading border. P. orientate, Linn. Prince's feather. Several feet tall, soft- hairy: flowers in long cylindrical nodding spikes: leaves ovate: stamens 7. India; cultivated. Annual. P. Persicaria, Linn. Smartweed. Lady's thumb (from the dark blotch near the center of the leaf). Fig. 514. About 1 ft.: leaves lanceolate: spikes oblong, dense and erect: stamens usually 6: stigmas 2. Weed from Europe. P. Hydropiper, Linn. Smartweed. Herbage very pungent or "smarty:" leaves oblong-lanceolate: spikes short and nodding, the flowers greenish: stamens 6: stigmas 3. Low grounds. Annual. P. hydropiperoides, Michx. Smartweed. Herbage not pungent: spikes slender and erect, the flowers whitish: sta- mens 8: stigmas 3. In very wet places. Perennial. P. acre, HBK. Smartweed. Herbage pungent: leaves linear or lanceolate, long-pointed: spikes slender and erect: flowers white or blush: stamens 8: stigmas 3. Low grounds. Perennial. bb. Sheaths of leaves not hairy, nor the margin bordered. P. pennsylvanicum, Linn. Smartweed. Pungent: plant with conspicuous glandular hairs above: leaves lanceolate: spikes short-oblong and erect, the flowers purplish: stamens 8: stigmas 2. Low ground. Annual. XIII. EUPHORBIACE.E. SPURGE FAMILY. Trees, shrubs or herbs, often with milky, pungent juice, some- times poisonous: flowers monoecious or dioecious, mostly apetalous, usually small and inconspicuous. The family is large, in warmer parts 352 THE KINDS OF PLANTS of the world. The determination of the genera and species is difficult. Euphorbia and Ricinus will sufficiently explain the flower structure for the beginner. A. Flowers in a cup-like involucre, which imitates a perianth: flowers dioecious, without calyx or corolla 1. Euphorbia AA. Flowers, not in an involucre, but in a terminal panicle: flowers dioecious, calyx present, but no corolla 2. Ricinus 1. EUPHORBIA. SPURGE. Flowers monoecious inclosed in an involucre; which is 4-5-lobed and often showy, resembling a perianth: staminate flowers each consisting of a stamen jointed to filament-like pedicel, subtended by a minute bract, attached on the inner surface of the involucre: the solitary pistillate flower, standing at the bottom of the involucre, is at length protruded on a stalk: capsule 3-lobed and 3-celled: styles 3, each 2-cleft: stigmas 6. Many of the species are cultivated for ornamental purposes, as E. splendens, Crown of Thorns; E. Cyparissias, Cypress spurge, common in old yards and about cemeteries, where it has run wild. E. corollata, Linn. Flowering spurge. Perennial, 2-3 ft., slender- branched: leaves mostly alternate, or the uppermost ones, or those on the branches opposite, whorled, oval, rather thick, usually pale beneath: flowering branches much forked: involucres terminal, or on peduncles, from the forks of the branches, the lobes snowy white, appearing like petals with oblong yellowish green glands at base of each. In dry or sandy soil, common. July to October. E. maculata, Linn. Small plant, prostrate or spreading, the branches slender and radiating, dark green, often dark red: leaves oblong-linear, usually with red-brown spots in center: involucre minute, the corolla-like appendages narrow, white or red. A common inconspicuous weed through- out North America, except the extreme north. E. pulcherrima, Willd. Poinsettia. Floral leaves brilliant red and appearing like flaming blossoms: flowers in a greenish involucre, with a large yellow gland on summit. A Mexican species, well known as an ornamental greenhouse plant. 2. RICINUS. CASTOR-OIL PLANT. Figs. 313-316. Tall stately, perennial herb (annual North), with large, alternate, pal- mately cleft leaves: flowers monoecious, apetalous, greenish, in terminal racemes or panicled clusters, the pistillate flowers above the others; styles large, reddish. R. communis, Linn. Castor bean. Palma Christi. Stem erect from 3-12 ft., somewhat branched: leaves very large, peltate, lobes acute, pointed, toothed: seeds smooth, black, mottled or variegated with gray and brown. Grown for medicinal and ornamental purposes. Tropical. There are many forms in cultivation. PINKS 353 XIV. CARYOPHYLLACE.E. PINK FAMILY. Herbs, with opposite, mostly narrow, entire leaves without conspic- uous veins: flowers 4-5-merous, sometimes apetalous, with stamens twice or less the number of sepals or petals, and 2-5 styles which may be wholly separate or partially united: pod usually a 1-loculed capsule commonly inclosed in the calyx, mostly splitting from the top, the seeds usually attached to a central column. Genera between 30 and 40, species about 1,000. Representative plants are pink, car- nation, bouncing Bet, catchfly, chickweed, corn-cockle, lychnis, spurry. A. Flowers polypetalous, with sepals united into a tube. B. Bracts at the base of the calyx 1. Dianthus BB. No bracts at base of calyx. c. Styles 2 2. Saponaria cc. Styles 4-5 3. Lychnis ccc. Styles 3 . .4. Silene AA. Flowers often apetalous, the sepals nearly or quite distinct. B. Styles 3 or 4 5. SteUaria BB. Styles 5 6. Cerastium 1. DlANTHUS. PINK. Showy-flowered small herbs, with striate, many-furrowed calyx and sepal -like bracts at its base: petals with slender claws or bases, the limb usually toothed or fringed: styles 2. a. Flowers single on ends of branches. D. chinensis, Linn. China or florists' pink. Leaves short-lanceolate, not grass-like: calyx-bracts linear-acute and as long as the calyx: petals in white and shades of red, very showy. China. Perennial, but grown as an annual (mostly under the florists' name D. Heddewigi). D. plumarius, Linn. Grass or Scotch pink. Common pink of old gardens, from Europe. Low, growing in mats, glau- cous-blue: leaves grass-like: flowers very fragrant, deep-fringed, white or pink. Perennial. D. Caryophyllus, Linn. Carnation. Two ft. or more, with wiry stems, glaucous-blue: leaves grass-like: calyx-bracts short and broad: petals more or less toothed but not fringed: flowers fragrant. Europe. aa. Flowers in compact clusters. D. barbatus, Linn. Sweet William. Fig. 515. One ft. or more, erect, green: flowers small, in dense clusters in red and white. Old World; common in old gardens. W 354 THE KINDS OF PLANTS 2. SAPONARIA. SOAPWORT. Calyx cylindrical or angled, 5-toothed, with no bracts at its base: stamens 10: styles 2: pod 4-toothed at top (Fig. 282). S. officinalis, Linn. Bouncing Bet. Perennial, forming colonies in old yards and along roads, 1-2 ft. high, glabrous, with ovate or oval leaves: flowers 1 in. across, white or rose, in dense clusters, often* double, the petals with a crown. Europe. Common. 3. LYCHNIS. LYCHNIS. COCKLE. Annual or perennial, with styles usually 5, and pod opening by 5 or more teeth: calyx 5-toothed and 10- or more-nerved, naked at the base: stamens 10. L. Githago, Scop, (or Agrostemma Githago, Linn.). Fig. 181. Corn cockle, because it is a common weed in wheat fields (wheat is. known as corn in Europe), its seeds not being readily separated from wheat because of their similar size and its seasons corresponding with those of wheat : annual, 2-3 ft., hairy: flowers purple-red and showy, on very long stalks, the petals crowned and the calyx-lobes long and leafy: leaves very narrow. Europe. L. Coronaria, Desv. Dusty Miller. Mullein pink. Biennial or per- ennial, white- woolly all over: leaves oblong: flowers rose-crimson, showy. Europe. Old gardens and along roads. 4. SILENE. CAMPION. CATCHFLY. Annual or perennial herbs, with white, pink, or red flowers, solitary or in cymes: calyx often inflated, 5-toothed, 10- to many-nerved, with no bracts at base; petals 5, clawed, sometimes with crown or scale at base of blade; stamens 10; styles 3 (rarely 4 or 5); ovary 1-celled (or incompletely 2-4-celledj: fruit a capsule, or pod, 1-celled or 3-celled at base, dehiscent by 3 or 6 teeth at apex, many-seeded. A viscid secretion covers the calyx and stems of certain species, by which creeping insects are caught, whence the name "catchfly." S. stellata, Ait. Starry campion. Perennial, 2-3 ft. high: leaves ovate- lanceolate, acuminate, in whorls of 4 (at least the upper ones) : flowers in panicled cymes; calyx bell-shaped, loose and inflated; petals fringed, crownless, white. July. Open woods. S. latifdlia, Britten & Rendle. Bladder campion. Perennial, 1-2 ft.: leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute, opposite: flowers in panicles, inclined or drooping: calyx globular, thin and much inflated, conspicuously veined; petals 2-cleft, white. Roadsides, fields and waste places. Common eastward. Naturalized from Europe. S. pennsylvanica Michx. Wild pink. Perennial, viscid-pubescent above, 4-10 in.: basal leaves spatulate or cuneate, narrowed into petioles; stem- leaves lanceolate, sessile, opposite: flowers in terminal, few-flowered cymes; calyx narrow; petals wedge-shaped, slightly emarginate (or eroded) on edge, pink-red, crowned. In dry soil in eastern states. S. virgmica, Linn. Fire pink. Perennial, 1-8 ft.: lower leaves thin, spatulate, the cauline oblong or lanceolate, sessile: flowers few in a loose PINK FAMILY 355 cyme, peduncled, showy, 1^-2 in. broad; calyx bell-like, enlarged as pod matures: petals 2-cleft, crowned, bright crimson: stem viscid-pubescent. Open, dry woods. May to September. S. noctifldra, Linn. Night-flowering catchfly. Annual: lower leaves spatulate or obovate, the upper linear: flowers large, few, pedicelled, in loose panicle, opening at dusk for the night: very fragrant: calyx-tube elongated, noticeably veined, with awl-like teeth: petals 2-cleft; white, crowned. Weed introduced from Europe. July to September. 5. STELLARIA. CHICKWEED. Small, weak herbs with sepals 4-5, petals of equal number and deeply cleft or sometimes wanting; stamens 10 or less; styles usually 3: pod opening by twice as many valves as there are styles. S. media, Cyrill. Common chickweed. Fig. 457. Little prostrate annual, making a mat in cultivated grounds, with ovate or oblong leaves mostly on hairy ^ Stellaria media, petioles: flowers solitary, minute, white, the 2-parted petals shorter than the calyx, the peduncle elongating in fruit. Europe; very common. Blooms in cold weather. 6. CERASTIUM. MOUSE-EAR CHICKWEED. Differs from Stellaria chiefly in having 5 styles and pod splitting into twice as many valves. The two following gray herbs grow in lawns. From Europe. C. viscosum, Linn. Annual, about 6 in. high: leaves ovate to spatulate: flowers small, in close clusters, the petals shorter than the calyx, and the pedicels not longer than the acute sepals. C. vulgatum, Linn. Perennial and larger, clammy-hairy: leaves oblong: pedicels longer than the obtuse sepals, the flowers larger. XV. RANUNCULACE^. CROWFOOT or BUTTERCUP FAMILY. Mostly herbs, with various habits and foliage: parts of the flower typically all present, free and distinct, but there are some apetalous and dioecious species: stamens many; pistils many or few, in the former case becoming achenes and in the latter usually becoming folli- cles. Upwards of 30 genera and 1,000-1,200 species. Characteristic plants are buttercup, anemone, meadow-rue, marsh-marigold or cowslip, adonis, clematis, larkspur, aconite, columbine, banebeny, peony. Known from Rosaceae by the hypogynous flowers. A. Plants not climbing: herbs. B. Fruits achenes, several or many from each flower. 356 THE KINDS OF PLANTS c. True petals none, but the sepals petal-like (and involucre often simulating a calyx). D. Flowers in small umbels, or peduncles 1-fld. E. Involucre of 2 or more Ivs. some distance below the flower 1. Anemone EE. Involucre of 3 sepal-like leaves close to the flower 2. Hepatica EEE. Involucre of 3 compound Ivs., sessile at base of umbel: pistils fewer than in Anemone 3. Anemonella DD. Flowers in panicles or corymbs 4. Thalictrum cc. True petals present : yellow 5. Ranunculus BB. Fruits, follicles, c. Flowers regular. D. Petals each spurred 6. Aquilegia DD. Petals none^ sepals petal-like, yellow 7. Caltha DDD. Petals many: fls. very large and of shades of red: plant bushy 8. Pxonia cc. Flowers irregular; upper sepal spurred; 2 petals spurred 9. Delphinium BBB. Fruits, berries, red or white. c. Flowers with petals and 3-5 petal-like sepals: fls. small, white, in a short raceme 10. Actxa AA. Plants climbing by the leaf -stalks: stem woody 11. Clematis 1. ANEMONE. ANEMONY. WINDFLOWER. Low perennial herbs with mostly showy apetalous flowers and an invo- lucre of 2 or more mostly divided leaves standing some distance below the flower: pistils ripening into a head of achenes. a. Achenes woolly or silky. A. japonica, Sieb. & Zucc. Japanese anemony. Three ft., blooming in fall, with pink or white flowers 2-3 in. across: leaves with 3 cordate-ovate notched leaflets. Much planted. A. virginiana, Linn. Two ft., with involucre of three 3-parted leaves: flowers on long stalks arising in succession from succeeding nodes: sepals 5, acute, greenish white: head of fruit oblong, ^ in. long. Woods. aa. Achenes not woolly or silky. A. quinquefolia, Linn. (A. nemorosa of some). Common windflower. Low, about 6 in., blooming in rich woods in early spring: involucral leaves 3, each with 3 or 5 long leaflets: flowers white, purplish outside, pretty. 2. HEP ATI C A. LIVERLEAF. MAYFLOWER of some places. Differs from Anemone chiefly in having 3 simple sepal-like bracts be- neath the flower (but they are sometimes a half -inch removed from it): flowers in earliest spring, white, blush, or blue, on simple hairy scapes: leaves broad, 3-lobed. Woods. H. triloba, Chaix. Leaves with rounded lobes. H. acutiloba, DC. Leaves with acute lobes. CROWFOOT FAMILY 357 3. ANEMONfiLLA. RUE ANEMONE. Attractive slender perennial herb, resembling Anemone: basal leaves 2 or 3 times compound: involucre of 3 compound leaves at base of the umbel: leaflets petioled: flowers in a terminal umbel, on slender pedicels; petals wanting; sepals 5-10, white or pinkish, 1 in. broad, petal-like; pistils 4-15; stigma broad, sessile on carpels, glabrous and deeply grooved. A. thalictroides, Spach. Rue anemone. Stem slender, 6-10 in., appear- ing in earliest spring before the 2-3 ternately compound basal leaves, rising from a cluster of tuberous roots: sepals 5-10, bright, quite lasting. A com- mon spring flower of the woodland, appearing with the Wood Anemone or Windflower and easily confused with it. 4. THALfCTRUM. MEADOW RUE. Mostly smooth perennial herbs, erect, sometimes several feet high : panicled flowers small, greenish and inconspicuous, often dioecious, or polygamous: foliage light, graceful, the alternate leaves being 2-4 ternately compound, with the leaflets and divisions stalked: calyx of 4-5 petal-like greenish sepals, soon falling; stamens many; ovaries 4-15, 1-seeded. T. dioicum, Linn. Early meadow rue. Flowers dioecious, green or pur- plish, in loose panicles: leaflets thin and delicate, 3-7-lobed, pale beneath, somewhat drooping on the petiolules: anthers yellow, drooping on thread- like filaments: achenes about 8, sessile or nearly so: 1-2 ft. high. Common in woodlands. April and May. T. polygamum, Muhl. Tall meadow rue. Coarser, ranker and later than T. dioicum, 4-8 ft. high: filaments of stamens broad, spatulate: achenes stalked: flowers polygamous, sepals white. T. dasycarpum, Fisch. & Lall. Purplish meadow rue. Stem 2-5 ft. high, usually purplish: stem-leaves almost sessile: leaflets thick, dark green above, pale and waxy or downy beneath, margins slightly rolled or thickened: flowers polygamous or dioecious, greenish and purplish: anthers drooping on filiform filaments. June to August. 5. RANUNCULUS. CROWFOOT. BUTTERCUP. Figs. 202, 203, 207, 268. Perennials or annuals, with mostly yellow flowers; sepals 5; petals 5 and bearing a little pit or scale at the base inside: leaves alternate: achenes many in a head. R. acris, Linn. Tall buttercup. Two to 3 ft., from a fibrous root: leaves 3-parted, all the divisions sessile and again 3-cleft: flowers bright yellow. Europe, but now a common weed. Summer. R. bulbosus, Linn. Earlier and only half as tall, from a bulbous base: leaves 3-parted, the lateral divisions sessile and the terminal one stalked: peduncles furrowed: flowers bright yellow. Europe; common eastward. R. septentrionalis, Poir. Stems more or less prostrate at base, often forming long runners: leaves 3-divided, divisions all stalked and 3-lobed or -parted: petals obovate, yellow. Wet places. R. abortivus, Linn. Glabrous, biennial herb; 6 in. to 2 ft., branching: basal leaves heart-shaped or kidney-form, crenate (sometimes lobed), on 358 THE KINDS OF PLANTS long stalks: later leaves, often 3-5-lobed or -parted, and sessile or nearly so: petals small, yellow, not equal to the sepals: styles very short, curved. Shady woods and along stream-sides. April to June. R. micranthus, Nutt. Pubescent, smaller than preceding and basal leaves ovate, but not heart-shaped, some 3-parted: fairly common. R. recurvatus, Poir. Usually pubescent, erect, branching, 1-2 ft. : leaves all petioled and similarly 3-parted: sepals longer than the pale yellow petals and recurved: beaks of achenes strongly hooked. Common. Spring. 6. AQUILfiGIA. COLUMBINE. Upright herbs, with compound leaves which have petioles expanded at the base: sepals 5, somewhat petal-like; petals 5, each one produced into a long nectary spur; pistils 5: fruit a several-seeded follicle. Delphinium or larkspur is an allied genus. a. Spurs straight. A. canadensis, Linn. Common wild columbine. Often incorrectly called honeysuckle. Fig. 517. About 2 ft.: leaflets rounded or obovate, toothed at top: flowers about 2 in. long, drooping, scarlet and orange or nearly yellow, the stamens projecting. Common on rocks. A. chrysantha, Gray. Yellow columbine. Flowers 517 " bright yellow, often tinged, erect or becoming so. New Aquilegia canadensis. Mexico and Arizona, but frequent in gardens. aa. Spurs hooked at the end. A. vulgaris, Linn. Blue columbine. A European species, common in gardens, and often full double: flowers varying from blue and purple to white, with rather short and thick hooked spurs. 7. CALTHA. MARSH MARIGOLD. COWSLIP (in America) Low tufted herbs with undivided leaves, and clusters of yellow butter- cup-like flowers: sepals 5-9, petal-like; petals none; pistils 5-10, ripening into several-seeded follicles. C. palustris, Linn. About 1 ft. high: leaves rounded or kidney-shaped, crenate or nearly entire. Wet places, in early spring. Used for "greens." 8. P-ffiONIA. PEONY. PINEY. Stems shrubby and perennial or, as in the commoner garden forms, her- baceous, from thick, fleshy roots : leaves ternately and pinnately compound : flowers large, terminal, solitary; sepals 5, unequal, leafy, persistent; petals 5 to indefinite in number; ovaries 3-5, surrounded by a disk: fruit, many- seeded follicles. Oriental. P. officinalis, Linn. Common garden peony. Large flowers, double, red, pink, flesh-colored to white; carpels 2, pubescent, forming 2 erect, many-seeded follicles. June. CROWFOOT FAMILY 359 9. DELPHfNIUM. LARKSPUR. Figs. 224, 225, 269, 270. Stems erect, simple or branching, with alternate leaves, petioled, pal- mately-divided or -lobed : flowers in a terminal raceme or panicle, white, blue, purple and showy, with irregular sepals and petals; sepals 5, colored, the upper spurred behind; petals 4 (rarely 2), the upper pair spurred, and in- closed in the spur of the sepal; carpels 1-5, sessile, forming many-seeded follicles. Several wild and cultivated species. D. Ajacis, Linn. Annual, 1-2 ft.: flowers purple, roseate or white, sometimes double, many in crowded racemes; pistil 1: follicle pubescent, with short, stout beak. Cultivated and a showy garden plant; sometimes escaped from gardens. D. tricorne, Michx. Perennial, 6 in. to 1 or 2 ft.: flowers blue or white, in few-flowered racemes (6-12): leaves 5-parted, the divisions 3-5-cleft: pistils 3: follicles widely diverging, short-beaked. In rich soil, west of Alleghanies. April to June. 10. ACT^EA. BANEBERRY. Erect, perennial plants, in rich woods, 2-3 ft., with conspicuous red or white berries: stems mostly simple, bearing large, ternately compound leaves, the leaflets ovate but sharply cut-lobed or toothed: flowers small, white, in thick terminal racemes; sepals 3-5, soon falling; petals 4-10, long- clawed, flat, spatulate; stamens many, filaments white and slender; ovary 1, with a broad, sessile, 2-lobed stigma, many-ovuled. A. alba, Mill. White baneberry. Raceme oblong: petals truncate, pedicels thickened, and usually red: berries white, ellipsoid. Common in woods. April to June. A. rubra, Willd. Red baneberry. Raceme ovate or hemispherical; petals acute; pedicels slender: berries cherry-red (sometimes white), oval or ellipsoid. Common in woods, especially northward. In bloom, April, May. 11. CLEMATIS. VIRGIN'S BOWER. Figs. 77, 178. Herbs, or somewhat woody, generally climbing by clasping petioles: leaves opposite, simple or compound: flowers apetalous, or petals very small; sepals 4 (rarely more) and colored; stamens many, a number of them (some- times all) usually sterile; pistils many in a head, bearing the persistent, plumose or silky styles. Many large-flowered cultivated forms. C. verticillaris, DC. A woody climber, nearly smooth: leaves in whorls of 4's, each 3-foliate: large, purple flowers 2-3 in. across, at each node. Not common, belonging mainly to the North and to mountainous districts. May, June. C. Viorna, Linn. Leaves mostly pinnately compound, with 3-7 leaflets, entire, or 3-lobed: flowers solitary and usually nodding on long peduncles, bell-shaped, having peculiarly thick sepals, with their points recurved; purplish-red color: the long akenes plumose. Climbing. Pennsylvania, weat. May to August. C. virginiana, Linn. Common virgin's bower. Old-man vine (from 360 THE KINDS OF PLANTS the heads of hairy styles). A common climbing plant, along fences, streams and in low woodlands: leaves compound, glabrous, with 3 leaflets cut or lobed and nearly heart-shaped at base: flowers small, in leafy panicles, poly- gamo-dioecious ; petals none, but sepals whitish, thin, spreading: styles long-plumed in fruit, making a feathery cluster. July, August. XVI. BERBERIDACE^E. BARBERRY FAMILY. Herbs and shrubs with alternate or radical leaves, sometimes with stipules: flowers regular, perfect (except 1 genus), hypogynous, soli- tary or racemed; sepals and petals usually in several rows of 3 each, and calyx colored; stamens as many as petals (rarely mqre) and one opposite to each petal: anthers opening at the top by 2 valves or lids (except in Podophyllum) : pistil 1: fruit a berry or pod. About 20 genera and 100 species. A. Shrubs: flowers yellow: berries red or orange, remaining on branches into the winter 1. Berberis AA. Herbs. B. Flowers on leafless scapes: leaves radical, each 2- parted: fruit a pod, opening at the top by a lid 2. Jeffersonia BB. Flower on short pedicel, in fork between 2 large leaves: fruit a large, oval, edible berry 3. Podophyllum 1. BERBERIS. BARBERRY. Figs. 168, 221. Shrubs, often spiny: flowers yellow, in drooping racemes; sepals 6-9, colored, bracted; petals 6, each with 2 basal glandular spots; stamens 6, irritable, bending inward when touched; pistil 1; stigma circular, sessile: berries sour, 1 few-seeded: leaves simple or compound, bases dilated and jointed on short petioles, usually spiny-toothed, sometimes reduced to cleft spines. B. vulgaris, Linn. Common barberry. Leaves with repandly-toothed margins, teeth spinous-pointed or represented by branched (3-pronged) spines: berries oblong, scarlet, acid. Europe; but cultivated and naturalized in eastern and middle states. B. canadensis, Mill. Shrub 1-3 ft., native to southern mountains, with oval berries and few-flowered racemes. B. Thfinbergii, DC. Cultivated, low shrub with small entire leaves and handsome horizontal sprays: flowers solitary or in pairs, on slender pedicels, from leaf-axils: berries bright red, remaining on the twigs into the winter: leaves H-l in. long, also red in fall. Japan. 2. JEFFERSONIA. TWIN-LEAF. RHEUMATISM ROOT. Perennial glabrous herb, from roots of matted, blackish fibers, with ample 2-parted leaves, rising on long petioles from the roots : scape bearing 1 terminal large white flower; sepals 4, soon falling; petals usually 8, oblong; BERBERIDACEjE NYMPH^EACE^E 361 stamens 8, with linear anthers on slim filaments ; stigma peltate, with many ovules on lateral placentae: pod green, leathery, becoming pear-shaped and dehisces by a lid, opening half-way round the upper part, from which the many, rounded seeds, arilled on one side, spill forth. J. diphylla, Pers. Scape erect to 8 or 12 in.: leaves divided longitu- dinally into 2 parts, with usually entire margins. Very interesting little plant in rich woods, spring: sometimes cultivated. 3. PODOPHYLLUM. MAY APPLE. MANDRAKE. Smooth perennials from creeping horizontal rootstocks, and thick, fibrous roots: stems smooth, simple, carrying large, peltate, glossy-green leaves and a solitary white flower: sepals 6, petal-like, soon falling; petals 6-9, concave, broad and large; stamens as many or twice as many as petals; pistil 1, with sessile, large, thick, stigma: fruit a large, fleshy, oval, 1-celled berry, filled by many seeds, each seed inclosed in a pulpy aril, edible. P. peltatum, Linn. Leaves 2, large, orbicular, peltate, deeply 5-9-lobed and few-toothed: flowers fragrant, solitary from the common axil of the 2 stem leaves, borne on a short, recurved peduncle: petals, large, white, wax- like: common in rich, shady, woodland, often in large patches. May, June. XVII. NYMPrLEACE^E. WATER-LILY FAMILY. Aquatic, perennial herbs, with very large rootstocks tinder water: leaves large, peltate or heart-shaped, often floating: flowers solitary, on axillary peduncles; sepals 35 or 6; petals 5 to many; stamens 5 to many, with large, erect anthers; carpels 3 to many, distinct, or united in a circle or with the receptacle: fruit indehiscent, or group of distinct carpels. Eight genera, -of wide distribution in fresh water. The great Victoria Regia of the Amazon, and often cultivated, belongs here. A. Flowers white: sepals 4 1. Castalia AA. Flowers yellow: sepals 5 or more 2. Nymphaea 1. CASTALIA. WATER-LILY. Herbs with floating leaves a'nd beautiful, large, many-petaled flowers: sepals 4, white, green without; petals large, wax-like, gradually becoming smaller, and passing into the yellow stamens which are adherent to the many-celled ovary; stigmas radiate (as in a poppy head) from a center: fruit ripens under water. C. odorata, Woodville & Wood. White water-lily. Flower 2-6 in. across, very sweet-scented: petals oftenest white, sometimes tinged with pinkish. Common. 2. NYMPHJfcA. YELLOW POND-LILY. Distinguished from the water-lily by the leaves, which are more or less heart-shaped, floating or erect: also by the flowers, which are 2-3 in. in 362 THE KINDS OF PLANTS diameter, with small, linear, yellow or purplish petals, becoming stamen-like toward center: fruit ripens above water. The name Nymphsea is sometimes applied to the genus Castalia. N. advena, Ait. Spatterdock. Leaves oval, thick, 6 in. to 1 ft. long, floating or erect: flowers yellow, sepals 6 or more, not equal; petals thick, truncate, resembling stamens. XVIII. PAPAVERACE.E. POPPY FAMILY. Herbs with milky or colored juice (acrid and narcotic), alternate or radical exstipulate leaves, the upper rarely opposite: flowers mostly single, regular or irregular, perfect; sepals 2 (rarely 3 or 4), falling as the flower opens; petals 4-6 (or more), imbricated, often crumpled in the bud, and early falling; stamens usually many; ovary 1- to many- ovuled, 1-celled: fruit a dry pod or capsule, 1-celled or, in Poppy, imperfectly many-celled, generally dehiscing by a pore or by valves. Small family of mostly small but usually showy herbs. A. Plants with white (milky) juice * 1. Papaver AA. Plants with colorless juice (watery) 2. Eschscholtzia AAA. Plants with red or orange juice. B. Flower-bud erect: flowers white, in earliest spring. . . .3. Sanguinaria BB. Flower-buds generally nodding; flowers yellow. c. Stigma 3-4-lobed, on a short style. Capsule ovoid. 4. Stylophorum cc. Stigma 2-lobed, about sessile: capsule long 5. Chelidonium 1. PAPAVER. POPPY. Herbs with white juice: stems smooth or hairy, erect, and the terminal buds nodding, but erect in flower and fruit: sepals 2 (or 3) soon falling; petals 4-6; sessile stigmas united to form a rayed disk. P. sommferum, Linn. Opium poppy. Annual, erect to 1^-2 ft., branching, glaucous, with large, white or purplish-centered flowers on long peduncles: leaves sessile, clasping, variously incised: capsule smooth. Cultivated for opium and for ornament. P. Rhdeas, Linn. Corn poppy. Shirley poppy. Annual, bristly, hairy, the leaves deeply lobed: flowers mostly red or scarlet with a dark center, varying in cultivation: pod small. P. orientale, Linn. Stem rough-hairy, 1-flowered: flowers very large, brilliant, scarlet: leaves scabrous, deep green, about pinnate. A favorite perennial in gardens. P. nudicaule, Linn. Iceland poppy. Rather delicate, hairy, with leaves radical, pale green, and pinnately incised: flowers single, on slender, hairy scapes, orange or white. Gardens. 2. ESCHSCH6LTZIA. Annual or perennial herbs: leaves glaucous, finely pinnatifid: sepals 2, cohering as a pointed cap, falling as flower opens; petals 4, yellow or orange PAPAVERACE^E FUMARIACE^E 363 or cream-colored; stamens many, adherent to petals; stigmas 2-6, sessile: pods long, cylindric, grooved, many-seeded. E. calif ornica, Cham. California poppy. Cultivated 'in flower-gardens: stem branching, leafy: flowers showy and large, receptacle funnelform, with a broadly dilated rim: pod long and slender. California. 3. SANGUINARIA. BLOODROOT. Low, acaulescent perennial, from thick, horizontal, pointed and scarred rootstocks, with juice red and acrid: in very early spring a naked scape, carrying 1 terminal white flower, enfolded at first by long-petioled kidney- shaped or cordate, glaucous, palmately veined leaf; sepals 2, soon falling; petals 8-12, unequal, in 2 rows, not lasting; stamens many: fruit a capsule, oblong, swollen, 1-celled, many-seeded, 2-valved, dehiscent at base. S. canadensis. Linn. Flower large, white, fragile, on a scape about 6 in. tall: glabrous and glaucous: leaves with rounded lobes and sinuses. Common in rich, open woods and on sunny banks; early spring. 4. STYLtfPHORUM. CELANDINE POPPY. Hairy herbs with yellow juice, and pinnately divided leaves: flowers large, yellow: style 1: stigma 3-4-lobed. S. diphyllum, Nutt. Low perennial, usually with two opposite, pinnately parted leaves on the stem; leaves often marked with white, 5-7-lobed: flowers few, in umbels, large, 1^-2 in. across, clear yellow. Frequent in rich woods in central states. May. 6. CHELIDONIUM. CELANDINE. Rather weak, branching herbs; perennial: leaves alternate, pinnatifid: juice deep yellow: flowers yellow, small, the bud nodding; sepals 2; petals 4; stamens many. C. majus, Linn. Along roadsides, about fences, as a weed, growing 1-4 ft. high: leaves thin, once or twice pinnatifid: flowers in loose umbels, soon perishing, about %~% m - m diameter. XIX. FUMARlACELE. Smooth, succulent herbs with noticeably delicate, finely dissected, or lace-like leaves, alternate or radical, exstipulate: flowers small, irregular, racemose; 2 very small sepals, scale-like; petals 4, small, partially united: 6 diadelphous stamens (2 sets of 3 each); ovaries 1-celled: fruit a pod, 1-celled, 1-seeded and indehiscent, or several- seeded with 2 parietal placentae. A. Corolla 2-spurred at base, or heart-shaped: fls. pendent 1. Dicentra AA. Corolla with 1 spur at base. B. Pod slender, several-seeded: seeds arilled, or crested 2. Corydalis BB. Pod globular, 1-seeded, indehiscent 3. Fumaria 364 THE KINDS OF PLANTS 1. DICfiNTRA. Low, acaulescent perennials, among the earliest and most delicate oi spring flowers: leaves compound in 3's, finely dissected (lace-like), on tender pinkish petioles from the roots: the racemose, nodding flowers borne on leafless, flesh-colored scapes; pedicels 2-bracted; corolla peculiarly irregular 4 petals in 2 pairs, the 2 outer spurred at base, somewhat united to form a 2-spurred corolla, the inner pair of petals spoon-shaped, crested, meeting over the pistil and stamens; stamens 6, in two sets, opposite the outer petals. D. Cucullaria, Bernh. Dutchman's breeches. Leaves from a cluster of little pinkish tubers, forming a bulb: flowers with straight spurs, longer than pedicel, and diverging, mostly creamy with yellow tips to petals, not fragrant. D. canadensis, Walp. Squirrel corn. Similar to the preceding, but leaves usually glaucous: root-tubers yellow, resembling grains of Indian corn: flowers differing in shape from D. Cucullaria in being more elongated, spurs short and rounded, and the crests of the inner 2 petals prominent: fragrant. Blooms a little later than preceding, but found in same situations. D. spectabilis, DC. Bleeding-heart. A smooth, leafy-stemmed plant of many gardens; stems much branching; leaves large, twice ternately com- pound: flowers many and showy in long racemes drooping from the curv- ing stems, heart-shaped, bright rose or pink; no sepals when in full flower. Siberia. 2. CORfDALIS. Biennial or perennial herbs with leafy stems, pale or glaucous: leaves much divided or decompound: flowers small, in racemes; corolla 4-petaled, irregular; one of the outer pair of petals spurred at the base, all erect and somewhat united. C. sempervirens, Pers. Stem slender, erect, 6 in. to 2 ft. : leaves small, ses- sile above, all finely dissected: flowers horizontal in terminal racemes; spurs short and blunt; corolla rosy, yellow- tipped ; outer petals sharp-pointed: pods erect, slender. May to June. C. a urea, Willd. Low, diffuse or spreading: flowers yellow, ^ in. long; outer petals keeled, not crested; spur shorter than pedicel (^ in.), decurved: pods hanging or spreading, knotty. March to May. 3. FUMARIA. FUMITORY. Annuals, branched and leafy-stemmed : leaves compound, finely dissected: flowers small, in dense racemes or spikes; petals 4, unequal, 1-spurred at base; stamens 6, diadelphous: fruit small, globular, 1-seeded, indehiscent, the style falling. F. officinalis, Linn. Low, much branched, erect to 1 ft., glabrous: flowers purple-tipped, pinkish, minute, in loose spikes; sepals acute, sharply toothed, shorter than corolla. Waste places. Summer. Introduced. MUSTARD PLANTS 365 XX. CRUClFER/E. MUSTARD FAMILY. Herbs, mostly of small stature, with alternate mostly simple leaves: flowers 4-merous as to envelopes, the 4 petals usually standing 90 degrees apart and thereby forming a cross (whence the name Cruciferae, or "cross-bearing")?' stamens usually 6, 2 of them shorter: fruit a silique or silicic. A very natural or well-marked family, with about 180 genera and nearly 2,000 species. Familiar plants are mustard, shepherd's purse, honesty, cress, pepper-grass, wallflower, stock, cabbage, turnip, radish, horse-radish. . A. Fruit a silique (much longer than broad). B. Silique tipped with a long point or beak, extending beyond the valves, the latter more than 1-nerved. . 1. Brassica BB. Silique not prominently beaked beyond the valves. c. Flowers yellow 2. Barbarea cc. Flowers white or purple. D. Valves with a midrib, or seeds hi 2 rows. E. Stigma deeply 2-lobed: flowers large 3. Matthiola EE. Stigma but slightly, if at all 2-lobed 4. Arabia DD. Valves without midrib. E. Seeds in 1 row. F. Stems leafless below, with 2 or 3 leaves near middle: rootstock scaly 5. Dentaria FF. Stems leafy: roots more fibrous 6. Cardamine EE. Seeds in 2 rows in each cell. (Water plants. See Radicula.) AA. Fruit a silicle (short and broad). B. Partition in the pod parallel to the sides! c. Fruit not much compressed: seeds minute, in 2 rows in each cell 7. Radicula cc. Fruit quite flattened, 2-8-seeded 8. Alyssum BB. Partition crosswise the pod. c. Pod obcordate, many-seeded 9. Capsetta cc. Pod orbicular, 2-seeded: corolla regular 10. Lepidium ccc. Pod rounded or ovate: corolla irregular with un- equal petals 11. Iberis AAA. Fruit fleshy, indehiscent, constricted between the seeds 12. Raphamis 1. BRASSICA. MUSTARD. Erect branchy herbs, mostly annual, with more or less lyrate lower leaves, and small yellow flowers in racemes or panicles: petals clawed or narrowed below, the limbs spreading horizontally: silique narrow, cylindrical or 4-angled, the valves 1-5-nerved and the seeds in 1 row in each locule. Cabbage, cauliflower, and turnip also belong to this genus. The three fol- lowing are eommon weeds introduced from Europe: 366 THE KINDS OF PLANTS B. nigra, Koch. Black mustard. Fig. 518. Leaves pinnatifid, some- what hairy: pod short, strongly 4-angled, not hairy. Mustard (flour) comes largely from this species. B. alba, Boiss. White mustard. Leaves pinnatifid, and rough -hairy: pods rather slender, hairy, but only the lower part seed-bearing. B. arven^is. Kuntze. Charlock. Leaves strongly toothed: pod knotty, hairy or smooth, the upper third indehiscent and 2- edged. Fig. 413. 2. BARBAR^A. WINTER CHESS. Low herbs, blooming in early spring, with many small light yellow flowers, and lyrate leaves with the terminal division much the largest: pod cylindrical or somewhat 4-angled, the valves having a strong mid vein: seeds a single row. B. vulgaris, R. Br. Common winter cress. Yellow rocket. Biennial, about 1 ft. high, with smooth foliage and flowers in elongating clusters: lower leaves lyrate, upper ones cut or merely toothed. Low grounds. 518. Brassica 3 MATTHiOLA. STOCK. GILLIFLOWER. nigra. Cultivated garden or house plants from Europe: stems and leaves hoary-pubescent: flowers showy, single or double, of 'many colors, fragrant, in terminal racemes; stigma deeply 2-lobed: silique nearly cylin- drical, with prominent midrib on each of the 2 valves; seeds winged. M. incana, R. Br. Biennial or perennial with stout, rather woody stem : leaves lanceolate, entire: flowers white, varied shades of red, purple, etc. Much grown in gardens and greenhouses. 4. ARABIS. ROCK CRESS. Mostly very small herbs with purple or white flowers: stems leafy: rad- ical leaves spatulate, the stem-leaves sessile: siliques very narrow, elongated, flat, the valves smooth, keeled or one-nerved in the middle, or veined length- wise; seeds in 1 or 2 rows in each cell, flattened, usually margined or winged. A. canadensis, Linn. Sickle-pod. Biennial with stems erect, 1-3 ft.: leaves lanceolate, pointed at both ends, simple, toothed or entire, sessile, pubescent: flowers small, white, petals twice as long as sepals: pods long, flat, sickle-shaped, pendent on hairy pedicels; seeds broadly winged. Com- mon in woods and rocky ravines. A. glabra, Bernh. Biennial tall, 2-4 ft., glaucous above, but pubescent at base, with many stem-leaves, ovate-lanceolate, sessile, sagittate-clasping at base; petals yellowish white, scarcely longer than the calyx: pods narrow, erect: seeds in 2 rows, marginless. Fields and rocky places. 5. DENTARIA. TOOTHWORT. Low herbs, perennial, found in damp woodland, blooming with the early spring flowers, bearing flowers in corymbs, white, roseate or purplish, larger than the similar flowers of Cardamine: rootstocks long, horizontal, MUSTARD PLANTS 367 scaly or toothed, aromatic or with cress-like taste: stems erect, unbranched, leafless below, with 2 or 3 palmately divided or compound leaves on petioles ; near the middle: fruit a linear silique, flattened, valves not nerved, with 1 row of seeds in each cell; seeds not winged. D. diphylla, Michx. Crinkle-root. Pepper-root. Stem erect, from a toothed rootstock: leaves usually 2: leaflets 3-parted, wide-ovate, with margins dentate: flowers white. D. laciniata, Muhl. Fig. 266. Rootstock deep, short, tuberous, con- stricted in several places (necklace-like): stem-leaves 3, nearly verticillate, deeply 3-parted into lanceolate, linear or oblong leaflets, which are lobed or toothed, and some 2-cleft: flowers white or pinkish, smaller than preceding. 6. CARDAMlNE. BITTER-CRESS. Very similar to Dentaria, the chief difference being in the stem, which is leafy, and the leaves simple, usually more or less lobed, alternate on stem. Glabrous perennials, growing in wet places and along waterways, from fibrous roots or tubers (not scaly rootstocks), the flowers white or purple in terminal racemes. C. bulbosa, BSP. Stem simple, erect, 9-18 in., from a tuber: leaves simple, petioled below, ovate or rhombic-oblong in shape: petals white, small, much longer than calyx. A variety purpurea, not so tall (46 in.), with rose-colored flowers, appears even earlier than the type. 7. RADfCULA. WATER-CRESS. HORSE-RADISH. Low, mostly aquatic or marsh plants, with pinnate or pinnatifid leaves (sometimes simple); flowers small, white or yellow, with spreading sepals; stamens 1-6: fruits various, short and broad (silicle) or short-cylindrical: valves convex, nerveless or 1-nerved. Formerly called Nasturtium. R. Nasturtium-aquaticum, Britten & Rendle. Water-cress. Glabrous, growing in or about water: stems spreading, rooting at the nodes: leaves pinnately lobed, with 3-11 lobes, the terminal segment largest: flowers small in racemes, which elongate as the fruits mature: petals white and twice as long as the sepals. A favorite plant for salads. R. palustris, Moench. Marsh-cress. Annual or biennial, with simple, fibrous roots: stem erect, 1-2 ft., glabrous or slightly pubescent: pinnately lobed leaves, the upper sessile: flowers small, yellow: pods oblong or ovoid, turgid, little if any longer than the pedicels. Weed in marshy places. R. Armoracia, Robinson. Horse-radish. Cultivated, but sometimes escaped into waste grounds: perennial, the roots long and thick: root-leaves large, coarse, glabrous, oblong, crenate, rarely pinnatifid, on thick petioles, the stem leaves sessile, lanceolate: flowers small, petals white, longer than calyx. 8. ALfSSUM. ALYSSUM. Small plants, mostly trailing, with entire and small leaves: pod small, orbicular, 1 or 2 seeds in each locule: flowers in elongating racemes. 368 THE KINDS OF PLANTS A. marftimum, Linn. Sweet alyssum of the gardens (from Europe). Fig. 519. Annual, producing a profusion of small white, fragrant flowers. There are many cultivated forms. 9. CAPSfiLLA. SHEPHERD'S PURSE. Low short-lived annuals, with very small white flowers in racemes: pod obcordate or inversely triangular, the partition run- ning across the narrow diameter, containing several seeds. C. Bursa-pastdris, Medic. Common shepherd's purse. Fig. 286. One of the commonest little weeds: root-leaves pinnatifid or strong- toothed, in a rosette, the stem-leaves arrow-shaped. Europe. 10. LEPIDIUM. PEPPER-GRASS. Small stiffish annuals (or biennials), which shed their leaves late in the season: flowers very small, white or greenish, in elongating racemes: pod small and roundish, the partition running across the narrow diameter. Plant peppery to the taste. 519. Alyssum L virginicum, Linn. Common pepper-grass. About mantimum. - ., i i -, , , , , , ,. 1 ft. high, much branched, glabrous: leaves linear to lanceolate, tapering to the base, the lower mostly pinnatifid. Common weed; often fed to canary birds. 11. IBtRIS. CANDYTUFT. Fig. 192. Herbs with white, or purple flowers in flat or elongated clusters; 2 outer petals larger than 2 inner: silicles flattened, truncate, cells 1-seeded. Cul- tivated. I. umbellata, Linn. Annual, 1 ft. or more: lower leaves lanceolate, the upper linear and entire: flowers mostly purple or lilac in flat clusters: silicles acutely 2-lobed. June and July. I. amara, Linn. Annual: leaves lanceolate, toothed toward apex: flowers white. The common white-flowered candytuft, in many forms (including the garden /. coronaria). 12. RAPHANUS. RADISH. Annual or biennial herbs, with lyrate, pinnately-lobed root-leaves: flowers rather showy in long racemes; calyx erect; petals clawed; style long and slender: pod linear, indehiscent, constricted between the seeds, pithy; seeds spherical. Europe. R. Raphanistrum, Linn. White charlock. A weed, common in the East: tap-root slender: petals yellow,' fading to white or purplish: pod 4- to 10-seeded, long-beaked, constricted between seeds when dry. R. sativus, Linn. Garden radish. Flowers pink or white: root fleshy, spindle- or turnip-shaped, red or white: silique 2-3 -seeded, short and pointed, with fleshy partitions between seeds: seeds round and blackish. VIOLETS 369 XXI. VIOLACEJ3. VIOLET FAMILY. Ours herbs with or without stems, and simple, entire or cleft leaves, radical or alternate, with stipules: flowers showy, irregular, solitary on peduncles; sepals persistent; petals unequal, the lower one larger or spurred at base; stamens with filaments short, broad, continued beyond the anthers, usually coherent, joining over and around the pistil; ovary simple, 1-celled, 3 parietal placentae: fruit a 3-valved capsule, loculicidal, and, after dehiscence, edges strongly inrolled in drying, thus dispersing the seeds. One genus is well known. VlOLA. VIOLETS. HEAKT'S-EASE. JOHNNY-JUMP-UP. Fig. 236. Early flowers conspicuous and petaliferous, but frequently sterile; some- times later flowers cleistogamous, concealed under the leaves, apetalous and self-fertilized, usually developing seeds; sepals eared at base; petals unequal, the lower spurred or saccate at base; stamens 5, 2 with spurs which project into the corolla spur. a. Stemless: leaves basal: flowers on peduncles from rootstocks. b. Flowers blue or violet: side petals beardless. V. pedata, Linn. Bird's-foot violet. Not stoloniferous, rootstock short, stout, nearly smooth: leaves orbicular in outline, but palmately 3- or 5-11- lobed or divided, segments linear not lanceolate: flowers large, 1 in. broad, pale violet or deep purple (varying to white); stigma large, not beaked. Sandy soil. Var. bicolor has 2 upper petals deep velvety violet, 3 lower pale blue. bb. Flowers blue or violet: side petals bearded. V. palmata, Linn. Common, or early blue violet. Pubescent to nearly glabrous: rootstock stout and scaly: early leaves rounded, cordate or kidney- shaped, margin crenate, the later leaves various, palmately or pedately lobed or parted, on long stalks: flowers deep or pale blue; spur short, saccate; stigma beaked. V. cucullata, Ait. Common blue violet. A common form, variable and grading into V. palmata: leaves not lobed or toothed at base, merely crenate or dentate, kidney-form to broadly ovate: nearly or quite glabrous. V. sagittata, Ait. Leaves sagittate-lanceolate, or often cordate, toothed near base: scapes bearing the flowers shorter than the leaves, 3-5 in.; sometimes all petals bearded; stigma beaked; flowers usually large. V. odorata, Linn. Sweet violet. English violet. Hardy, cultivated species from Europe: stoloniferous by creeping runners: leaves downy or glabrous, rounded or heart-shaped or broadly ovate: flowers fragrant, single or double, sometimes white. bbb. Flowers white. V. lanceolata, Linn. Rootstock smooth, creeping: stoloniferous: leaves lanceolate to linear, erect, the blade decurrent on the long petioles: flower X 370 THE KINDS OF PLANTS small, white, the lower and side petals purplish- veined : petals beardless cleistogamous flowers on erect pedicels, frequently from stolons. Wet places. V. blanda, Willd. Sweet white violet. Stoloniferous from slender root- stock: flowers fragrant: petals beardless or nearly so, white veined with purple: leaves cordate or rounded: few cleistogamous flowers on curved stalks. Wet places. Plant small. bbbb. Flowers yellow. V. rotundifdlia, Michx. Stoloniferous: leaves rounded to cordate, mar- gin somewhat crenate, finally growing large, glossy and lying flat on the ground: flowers small: lateral petals bearded, ,?nd with brown lines; sepals blunt-pointed. Cool woodlands. aa. Stems evident, leafy: flowers showy on axillary stalks. b. Flowers blue or violet. V. rostrata, Pursh. Plant 3-8 in. : leaves rounded heart-shaped, serrate, the upper acuminate: stipules fringe-toothed, lanceolate: flowers pale violet, darker-veined: petals beardless: spur slender, longer than corolla. Moist woodland and shaded hillsides. V. arenaria, DC. Stems weak, 6-8 in., glabrous: leaves heart-shaped or kidney-form, margin crenate: stipules lanceolate, somewhat fringe- toothed: spur slender, half as long as corolla. Swamps and wet places. Pale purple. American forms differ from the European. bb. Flowers white, tinged with pink or violet. V. canadensis, Linn. Upright, 6 in. to 2 ft. : stems leafy, stipules broad- lanceolate, entire: leaves large, heart-shaped, serrate: petals white inside, pinkish or violet beneath, spurred petal yellow at base: lateral petals bearded. Common. Rich woods. All summer. bbb. Flowers yellow. V. pubescens, Ait. Downy yellow violet. Pubescent: stems erect, 5-20 in., leafy: leaves broadly heart-shaped, toothed: stipules large, entire: root- leaves soon wither up: lower petals veined, more or less obscurely, with purple; spur short; stigma beakless: pod downy. Dry woods. bbbb. Flowers of various colors: cultivated V. tricolor, Linn. Garden pansy. Stems angular, branching, leafy: leaves roundish to cordate: stipules leaflike, incised: flowers widely varied in colors. Europe. Var. arvensis, in fields, is slender, and petals scarcely exceeding sepals. XXII. HYPERICACE.E. ST. JOHN'S-WORT FAMILY. Herbs or shrubs (in our species), with leaves chiefly sessile, sim- ple, opposite, some with translucent or black dots: flowers regular, usually in terminal cymes, and yellow; sepals and petals 4 or 5; sta- HYPERICACE^E PORTULACACE.E 371 mens few to many, often in clusters of 3 or 5, hypogynous: pod 1- to 7-celled. HYPfiRICUM. ST. JOHN'S-WORT. Figs. 208, 278. Mostly branching plants with yellow flowers in cymes: leaves sessile, usually dotted: sepals and petals 5; stamens many, mostly in 3-5 groups. H. perforatum, Linn. A common introduced species: stems upright, 1-3 ft., branching, 2-edged: leaves linear to oblong, dotted, sessile: flowers about 1 in. in diameter, the petals dotted with black and much exceeding the lanceolate sepals; stamens grouped in 3 sets: capsule 3-celled. Spreads by running shoots from base. H. punctatum, Lam. Much like preceding, but leaves more broadly- oblong, sepals more ovate, and the petals often lined, as well as dotted, with black. XXIII. PORTULACACE^E. PURSLANE FAMILY. Herbs succulent or fleshy, with entire leaves, alternate or oppo- site, and dry stipules: flowers regular but not symmetrical; sepals 2; petals 4-5 or none; stamens equal to number of petals and opposite, or fewer, or more; ovaries free, each 1-celled; style 2-3-cleft, or di- vided, stigmatic on inner surfaces: fruit a 1-celled pod, opening loculi- cidally, or a pyxis, opening by a lid; seeds small, kidney-shaped, few or many. A. Stamens more numerous than petals: flowers opening once only, in sunshine 1. Portulaca AA. Stamens 5 : flowers open for some time 2. Claytonia 1. PORTULACA. PURSLANE. Fig. 280. Low, fleshy annuals, diffuse or ascending: terminal flowers, which open once only, in sunshine; sepals 2, joined at base and partially adherent to ovary; petals 4-6 on calyx, not lasting; stamens 7 to many, on calyx; style 3-8-parted. P. oleracea, Linn. Common purslane. Pusley. A very common weed. Smooth, fleshy, prostrate: stems cylindrical, reddish: leaves obovate or wedge-form, thick, nearly sessile: flowers small, yellow, sessile, open in morning sunshine. Sometimes used for greens. P. grandifldra, Lindl. Rose-moss. Stems erect, 3-6 in., fleshy, smooth or hairy: leaves alternate, cylindrical, K~l m - long: flowers open in morn- ing; very gay colors, white, yellow, reds, 1-2 in. wide. South America. Gardens. 2. CLAYTONIA. SPRING BEAUTY. Low, glabrous, perennial herbs, from small tubers: flowers lasting some time ; sepals 2 ; petals 5, distinct or slightly united ; stamens 5, 1 on base of each petal; style 3-lobed; ovary 1-celled: capsule 3-valved, few-seeded: 372 THE KINDS OF PLANTS stem erect, usually bearing 2 leaves and terminating in a raceme. Among the first spring flowers in open woods. C. virginica, Linn. Leaves thickish, linear-lanceolate, 3-6 in. long, nearly sessile: stem about 3 in. from tuberous root, bearing 2 (3 or 4 occa- sionally) leaves: petals white or pink with darker veins, emarginate M-% in. long; sepals and petals obtuse. C. caroliniana, Michx. Leaves 1-2 in. long, oblong or oval to spatulate, short-petioled: flowers fewer than in preceding, white or pinkish, veined. XXIV. MALVACEAE. MALLOW FAMILY. Herbs or shrubs (trees in the tropics) with alternate, mostly simple leaves which have stipules: flowers perfect and regular, 5-merous, often subtended by a calyx-like involucre, the petals 5; stamens many, united in a column which closely surrounds the several styles; ovaries several, connivent into a ring or sometimes united into a com- pound pistil, in fruit making 1-seeded 1-loculed more or less indehis- cent carpels or a several-loculed capsule. About 60 genera and 700 species. Representative plants are mallow, hollyhock, abutilon, hibis- cus, althea, okra, cotton. A. Anthers borne only at the top of the stamen-tube. B. Fruits 1-seeded, forming a ring at the base of the styles. c. Involucre of 3 bracts 1. Malva cc. Involucre of 6-9 bracts 2. Althaea BB. Fruit of several-seeded carpels 3. Abutilon AA. Anthers borne all along the side of the stamen-tube 4. Hibiscus 1. MALVA. MALLOW. Herbs, with a 3-leaved involucre like an extra calyx; petals obcordate; carpels many in a ring, separating at maturity, 1-seeded and indehiscent: leaves usually nearly orbicular in general outline. M. rotundiffilia, Linn. Common mallow. Cheeses. Fig. 248. Trailing biennial or perennial, rooting; leaves orbicular, indistinctly lobed, toothed: flowers small, white or pinkish, clustered in the axils. Yards and roadsides; from Europe. A common weed. 2. ALTHJfcA. MARSH MALLOW. Differs from Malva chiefly in having a 6-9-cleft involucre. A. rdsea, Cav. Hollyhock. Figs. 222, 223, 263. Tall perennial, with angled or 5-7-lobed cordate leaves, and large flowers in many colors. China. 3. ABtTTILON. INDIAN MALLOW. Fig. 182. Mostly shrubs, often with maple-like leaves, and no involucre to the flower: ovaries and fruits several -seeded. Contains conservatory plants. Fig. 520. MALVACEAE GERANIACE^E 373 A. stri&tum var. Th6mpsonii, Veitch. Spotted flowering maple. Shrub: leaves S-Mobed but more typically 5-7-lobed, green: flowers drooping, on long solitary axillary peduncles, bell-shaped, veiny-orange or red. A conservatory and house plant. Several forms are in cultivation, probably cultural variations from the tropical American type. A. Theophrasti, Medic. Velvet leaf. Indian mallow. Stout annual, 3 or 4 ft., densely pubescent: flowers yellow, erect, on peduncles shorter than the long petioles: leaves large, roundish heart-shaped, taper-pointed, and velvety: calyx 5-cleft; carpels 12-15, united, pubescent, beaked, 2-valved, with 3-9 seeds in. each cell. August to October. Weed, from Asia. 4. HIBfSCUS. ROSE MALLOW. Herbs or shrubs, with an involucre of many narrow 52- Garden bracts: stamen-column anther-bearing most of its length: styles, 5, united: pod 5-loculed, loculicidal: flowers large and showy. H. syriacus, Linn. AUhea of cultivated grounds. Rose of Sharon. Shrub 10 ft.: leaves wedge-ovate and 3-lobed: flowers showy, in various colors, in the leaf-axils in summer and fall, often double. Asia. XXV. GERANllCILE. GERANIUM FAMILY. Herbs, chiefly with simple leaves: flowers perfect, in most genera nearly regular (but sometimes very irregular), 5-merous; stamens as many or twice as many as the sepals, hypogynous; ovary single, the locules usually as many as the sepals: fruit capsular. A most diverse family, often divided into several. There are about 20 genera and 700 species. Common examples are geranium, pelargonium, nasturtium, balsam, jewel-weed or touch-me-not, oxalis. A. Flowers regular or very nearly so. B. Leaves simple (often deeply lobed). c. Anther-bearing stanfens 10 1. Geranium cc. Anther-bearing stamens about 7 2. Pelargonium BB. Leaves compound 3. Oxalis AA. Flowers very irregular. B. Flower with one very long spur 4. Tropaeolum BB. Flower hanging by its middle, with a short hooked spur.5. Impotiens 1. GERANIUM. CRANESBILL, Small herbs with forking stems and 1-3-flowered peduncles: sepals and petals 5; glands on the torus 5, alternating with the petals; stamens 10, usually all of them with perfect anthers: fruit 5 1-seeded carpels separat- ing from the axis from the base upwards and curling outwards. G. maculatum, Linn. Common wild cranesbill. Fig. 195. Perennial, 1-2 ft., hairy erect: leaves orbicular, deeply 5-7-parted: petals entire, hairy on the claw: flower rose-purple, 1 in. across. Common; spring. 374 THE KINDS OF PLANTS G. Robertianum, Linn. Herb Robert. Annual or biennial, 1 ft. or some- times less, somewhat hairy, spreading: leaves 3- or 5-divided into pinnatifid divisions: fls. % in. or less across, pink-red. Moist places; common. 2. PELARGONIUM. GEBANIUM of gardens. Somewhat fleshy, strong-scented plants, differing from Geranium in having a somewhat 2-lipped corolla, and stamens with anthers less than 10. P. hortorum, Bailey. Garden geranium. Fish geranium. Fig. 39. Stem somewhat succulent and hairy: leaves orbicular or reniform, crenate-lobed, often with bands of different colors: flowers in umbel-like clusters, deflexed in bud of many colors, often double. South Africa, but of hybrid origin. P. peltatum, Ait. Ivy-leaved geranium. Trailing: filaments 10, some being sterile: petals pink or white, nearly equal: leaves more or less peltate, nearly or quite smooth, 5-angled or -lobed. P. fragrans, Willd. Nutmeg geranium. Stems somewhat shrubby, and the branches straggling, thick, and softly hairy: leaves small, rounded, very downy, fragrant: flowers small, white. P. graveolens, Ait. Rose geranium. Somewhat shrubby: filaments 10, some sterile: leaves divided palmately, the 5 or 7 lobes more or less toothed, revolute and rough-edged: petals not equal, but 2 upper larger: flowers umbelled, small, pinkish-lavender, veined with darker: plant very fragrant. 3. 6XALIS. OXALIS. WOOD-SORREL. Low often tuberous herbs with small flowers which have no glands on the torus-disk: leaves digitate, of 3 or more leaflets, usually mostly radical: flowers (opening in sun) with 5 sepals and petals and 10 somewhat mona- delphous stamens, the alternate ones shorter: pod 5-loculed, often opening elastically. The following have 3 obcordate leaflets, closing at night. O. stricta, Sav. Common yellow oxalis. Fig. 300. Stem leafy and branch- ing: peduncles bearing 2-6 small yellow flowers. Common in fields. O. Acetosella, Linn. Wood-sorrel. Scape 2-5 in. high, from a creeping rootstock: flowers white, and pink-veined. Deep woods. O. violacea, Linn. Scape 5-10 in. high wi?h an umbel of several bright violet flowers, from a scaly bulb. Woods South, and a common window- garden plant. 4. TROP^OLUM. NASTURTIUM of gardens. Tender, mostly climbing herbs (by means of leafstalks), with one of the 5 petals extended into a long, nectar-bearing yellow spur: petals usually 5, with narrow claws, often bearded; stamens 8, of different shapes; carpels 3, indehiscent in fruit. The following (from Peru) have peltate orbicular leaves (Fig. 140). T. ma jus, Linn. Climbing nasturtium. Tall-climbing: flowers yellow, red, cream -white, and other colors; petals not pointed. T. minus, Linn. Dwarf nasturtium. Fig. 211. Not climbing: petals with a sharp point. GERANIACE.E SAPINDACE^ 375 Impatiens biflora. 5. IMPATIENS. TOUCH-ME-NOT. JEWEL-WEED. Soft or succulent tender herbs with simple alternate or opposite leaves and very irregular flowers: sepals 3 to 5, usually 4, one of them produced into a large curving spur; petals apparently 2, but each consisting of a united pair; stamens 5: fruit 5-valved, elastically discharging the seeds (whence the names "Im- patiens" and "touch-me-not"). I. Balsamina, Linn. Garden balsam. Erect and stout, 1-2^ ft.: leaves lanceolate, toothed: flowers in the axils, of many colors, often full double. I. bifldra, Walt. (/. fulva, Nutt.). Orange jewel-weed. Fig. 521. Tall branching plant (2-4 ft.) with alternate oval or long-oval blunt-toothed long-stalked leaves: flowers long, horizontal and hanging, orange-yellow with a red-spotted lower lip, the upper lip less spotted and of one piece, the 2 green sepals at the apex of the pedicel closely appressed to the tube, the tail of the spur curled under the spur: pod opening elastically when ripe, throwing the seeds (the 5 valves quickly curling from above down- wards). Common in swales. I. pallida, Nutt. (7. aurea, Muhl.). Yellow jewel-weed. Fig. 522. Leaves usually stronger-toothed, the teeth usu- ally ending in sharp points: flowers 1 in. long and much broader than those of 7. biflora, clear yellow, the upper lip of two parts, the lower also of 2 parts and nearly hori- zontal, the 2 sepals at apex of pedicel large and not closely 522. appressed, tail shorter: pods as in the other. Less common Impatiens pallida. than the other, but often growing with it. XXVI. SAPINDACE.E. SOAPBERRY or MAPLE. Trees or shrubs, of various habit: flowers polypetalous or apeta- lous, often inconspicuous, 4- or 5-merous: stamens 10 or less, borne on a fleshy ring or disk surrounding the single 2-3-loculed pistil: fruit a pod or samara. A various family, largely tropical. Genera about 75 and species about 600-700. Maple, box-elder, buckeye, horse-chest- nut, bladder-nut, are familiar examples. A. Herb: climbing by hook-like tendrils among the flowers in the cluster: fruit an inflated pod 1. Cardiospermum AA. Trees and shrubs. B. Stature of trees (or tall shrubs). c. Leaves simple (more or less palmately lobed) or (in 1 species) 3-5 pinnately compound: fruit a samara (with 2-winged seeds) 2. Acer cc. Leaves digitately compound, 5-9 leaflets 3. dZsculus BB. Stature of shrubs: leaves pinnately 3-7 compound: fruit a large bladdery pod 4. Staphylea 376 THE KINDS OF PLANTS 1. CARDIOSPfiRMUM. BALLOON-VINE. HEART-SEED. Vines climbing by axillary, hook-like tendrils among flower-clusters: leaves alternate, biternate, leaflets toothed: flowers dioecious, or some per- fect; sepals 4, 2 of them smaller; petals 4, irregular, each with an appendage at inner base; stamens 8, filaments un- equal; style short, 3-cleft; ovary triangular, 3-celled, 1 ovule to each cavity: capsule membranous, much inflated. C. Halicacabum, Linn. Climbing or spreading herb, delicate and slender: leaflets ovate-lanceolate, acute, cut and toothed: flowers small, white: fruit large, balloon-like, decorative; seeds black with 523. 524. white scar, hard, round. Cultivated. Acer sa ccharinum. Acer rubrum. Summer. 2. ACER. MAPLE. BOX-ELDER. Trees or shrubs, with opposite lobed or parted leaves (pinnate in box- elder): flowers small and greenish or reddish, in early spring and often from winter buds, in box-elder dioecious, in true maples perfect (or imperfectly diclinous); calyx about 5-cleft; petals 5 or none; stamens usually 3-8: fruit a samara with 2 seeds and 2 wings. Two shrubby woods maples are common in some parts of the country. a. Maples: leaves simple, palmately lobed. b. Flowers from lateral winter buds, preceding the leaves: fruit maturing very early. A. saccharinum, Linn. (A. dasycdrpum, Ehrh.). White or silver maple. Fig. 523. Flowers greenish, with no petals: leaves very deeply 5-lobed, silvery white beneath, the narrow divisions lobed and toothed: fruit with large spreading wings, downy when young. Common along streams and in low grounds; much planted. There is a cut-leaved form known as Wier's maple, popular as a lawn tree. Wood white. Linnaeus thought it to be the sugar maple, hence his name "saccharinum." A. rubrum, Linn. Red, soft, or swamp maple. Fig. 524. Tree usually of only medium size: flowers red, with narrow- oblong petals: leaves rather small, not deeply 3-5-lobed, whitish beneath, the lobes serrate and toothed : fruit with nearly parallel or slightly spreading wings, not downy. Low grounds. bb. Flowers in clusters, with the leaves, some or all on shoots of the season. 525. Acer saccharum. A. saccharum, Marsh. (A. saccharinum of some). Sugar, hard, or rock Figs. 143, 525. Flowers greenish, drooping, on long pedicels, the petals none and the calyx hairy at the top: leaves bright green, firm, cordate- orbicular in outline, 3-lobed and the side lobes again lobed, all lobes and MAPLES 377 teeth ending in points, the basal sinus broad and open: wings of fruit some- what spreading. Commonest of maples East. A. nigrum, Michx. Black sugar maple. Fig. 526. Foliage dark and limp, the lobes broad and shallow, little toothed and with only blunt points, the basal sinus nearly or quite closed: wings of fruit nearly parallel, large. Eastern Central States; by some regarded as a form of A. saccharum. A. plantanoides, Linn. Norway maple. Figs. 79, 80, 157, 323-330. Flowers late, in umbel-like clusters, yellowish green, large, with both sepals and petals: leaves large and heavy, 3-5-lobed and much toothed, all parts ending in points: fruit with wide-spreading wings. Europe. Commonly planted: has milky juice. A. Pseudo-platanus, Linn. Sycamore maple. Tree from Europe, and many varieties cultivated: leaves broad, 3-7-lobed, glabrous above, whitish and downy below; lobes acute, unequally toothed: racemes terminal, droop- ing; flowers yellowish-green; ovaries woolly: fruit downy, the wings rather spreading. bbb. Flowers appearing after the leaves, in racemes: large bushes or bushlike small trees in cool woods and ravines. A. pennsylvanicum, Linn. Striped maple. Moose-wood. Bark smooth- ish, light green, striped: flowers greenish, in ter- minal drooping loose racemes: leaves simple, thin, 3-lobed near apex, the lobes acuminate, with finely toothed margin all around: fruit greenish, smooth, with large, widely diverging wings. Small tree. A. spicatum, Lam. Mountain maple. Shrub, 5-10 ft., usually forming clumps: bark green, not striped: flowers appearing after leaves, in dense racemes, upright, compound, small, greenish: leaves slightly 3-5-lobed, coarsely serrate: fruit with narrow, somewhat divergent wings. aa. Box-elder: leaves pinnate. A. Negundo, Linn. (Negundo aceroides, Moench). Box-elder. Tree with green glaucous twigs and leaf-bases covering the buds: flowers in long racemes, dioecious, with 4-5-cleft calyx and no corolla, and 4-5 stamens, the sterile flowers on long, slender pedicels: leaves pinnate, with 3-5 ovate- pointed toothed leaflets: fruit with somewhat incurving wings. Common; much planted in cold and dry regions west. 3. JESCULUS. HORSE-CHESTNUT. BUCKEYE. Trees: leaves opposite, on long petioles, palmately compound, 5-7-f olio- late: flowers irregular, in a terminal panicle, some often imperfect, most of them with some imperfect pistils and stamens; calyx 5-toothed; corolla irregular, with 4 or 5 clawed petals ; stamens 5-8, usually 7 : fruit a leathery capsule, smooth or spiny, 2-3-valved, each valve containing, usually, 1 seed only; seed large, with shiny brown coat and a large, round, pale scar; not edible. 378 THE KINDS OF PLANTS JE. Hippocastanum, Linn. Common horse-chestnut. Fig. 277. Buds noticeably large and resinous: leaf-scars large, horseshoe-shaped: leaves large, palmately compound, usually with 7 leaflets; leaflets obovate, abruptly pointed at tip: corolla of 5 petals, white, spotted with purple and yellow; stamens long, exserted: fruit prickly. Blooms June to July. JE. rubicunda, Loisel. Red horse-chestnut. Small, round-headed tree, cultivated: leaflets 5-7: petals 4, broad, on slender claws, rose-red; stamens usually 8. JE. glabra, Willd. Ohio buckeye. Tall tree, native in woods and along river banks, west of Alleghanies: bark rough and ill-scented when peeled or bruised: leaflets 5, oval or oblong, acuminate: flowers small, in short panicle; petals 4, narrow, on claws, nearly equal, erect, pale yellow; stamens longer than petals: fruit prickly at first. April, May. JE. octandra, Marsh. Sweet buckeye. Large tree, rarely shrubby: bark dark brown, scaly: leaflets usually 5, sometimes 7: flowers yellow; calyx oblong; petals 4, very unequal, long-clawed, connivent, longer than sta- mens: fruit glabrous. Rich woods West and South. April and May. JE. Pavia, Linn. Red buckeye. Shrub or small tree, 3-10 ft., found in fertile soil West and South: flowers red; calyx tubular; petals 4, unequal, longer than the stamens: fruit nearly smooth. 4. STAPHYLtA. BLADDER-NUT. Upright shrubs with opposite leaves, pinnately compound, with 3-7 leaf- lets, stipulate: flowers small, white, in drooping clusters; sepals, petals and stamens 5; styles 2-3: capsule a large bladdery pod, 2-3-lobed, 2-3-celled, each cell several-seeded. S. trifolia, Linn. Shrub 6-10 ft., in thickets, in moist soil: leaflets 3, ovate, acuminate, serrate, stipules deciduous: flowers bell-like, white, in clusters at ends of branchlets. XXVII. POLYGALACE^E. MILKWORT FAMILY. Herbs or shrubs, with leaves mostly simple, entire, without stipules, and flowers irregular and perfect. Represented by the genus POLYGALA. MILKWORT. Mostly herbs, with bitter juice: flowers very irregular, some often cleisto- gamous; sepals 5, unequal, 2 of them winged and colored (petal-like); petals 3, usually united into a tube, the middle petal hooded or crested, or other- wise appendaged; stamens 6 or 8, the filaments usually monadelphous, but the sheath split, more or less connate, within or hidden in the middle petal; ovary 2-celled. The irregularity of the flowers makes some of the species conspicuous, but others have very minute flowers, difficult to examine. P. paucifolia, Willd. Fringed polygala. Flowering wintergreen. The most striking of the common milkworts, the flower being large (about 1 in. long) and showy, rose-purple, with a fine, fringed crest on the central corolla PEA FAMILY 379 lobe: plant low, 3-4 in. high, branching, ' from a creeping rootstock, with oval petiolate leaves clustered near the tips of the stems, the lower leaves scale-like: there are small, whitish and fertile (cleistogamous) flowers on the rootstock. In moist, rich woodland. East and North. P. Senega, Linn. Seneca snakeroot. Flowers small in terminal, slender, spike-like racemes: stem erect, 8-15 in., simple and leafy: leaves lanceolate, alternate: flowers white or greenish, on very short pedicels; corolla with small crest. Perennial. XXVIII. LEGUMINDS.E. PULSE, or PEA FAMILY. Herbs, shrubs, or trees, mostly with pinnately compound alter- nate leaves: flower papilionaceous in the species described below: fruit typically a legume. A vast family and widely dispersed, with many tropical species. Genera about 400, and species about 6,500. By some authors, the species with papilionaceous flowers are separated into the family Papilionaceae, and those of the acacia tribes, with regular flowers, as the Mimosaceae. Familiar leguminous plants are pea, bean, lupine, clover, alfalfa, vetch, wistaria, locust, red-bud. A. Shrubs, twining 1. Wisteria AA. Trees, or erect shrubs. B. Leaves once or twice pinnately compound: flowers in racemes: often large trees. c. Flowers truly papilionaceous, rather large and showy, usually fragrant: leaves with sharp spines or prickles often in place of stipules 2. Robinia cc. Flowers small, greenish and inconspicuous, not truly papilionaceous: tree usually armed with large pronged thorns 3. Gleditsia BB. Leaves simple, entire: corolla not truly papilionaceous: fls. in umbel-like clusters, before the leaves 4. Cercis AAA. Herbs. B. Plant climbing by tendrils. c. Calyx leafy-lobed 5. Pisum cc. Calyx not leafy-lobed. D. Style flattened, bearded down 1 side 6. Lathyrus DD. Style slender, with a tuft of hairs at apex only, or about the upper part 7. Vicia BB. Plant not tendril-bearing: leaves compound. D. The leaves 3-foliolate (sometimes simple in No. 9). E. Leaves digitately compound. F. Stamens diadelphous (9 and 10), and the flowers in heads, or spikes 8. Trifolium FF. Stamens 10, distinct: flowers in racemes 9. Baptisia 380 THE KINDS OF PLANTS EE. Leaves pinnately compound (terminal 1- stalked, and the stalk jointed), 3 leaflets. F. Flowers small, in a long raceme. G. Pod straight, exceeding calyx: flowers small, in very slender racemes 10. Melilotus GO. Pods curved or coiled: flowers, small to medium, in heads or short spikes 11. Medicago FF. Flowers medium to large, clustered at the ends of the raceme. G. Keel of the corolla coiled into a spiral .... 12. Phaseolus GG. Keel curved but not coiled 13. Vigna DD. The leaves more than 3-foliolate, or digitately compound. E. Digitately compound, 5-7 leaflets 14. Lupinus EE. Pinnately compound. F. Even-pinnately compound: many leaflets: flowers yellow 15. Cassia. FF. Odd-pinnate (sometimes 3 leaflets) of 57 leaflets: flowers purplish or lavender 16. Apios 1. WISTERIA. Tall shrubby twiner, producing long, dense racemes of showy flowers: leaves pinnate, with several or many leaflets: 2 upper calyx-teeth shorter: standard large and roundish: pod knotty, several-seeded. W. chinensis, DC. Wistaria. Popular climber for porches, from China, with large drooping racemes of bright blue (sometimes white) pea-like flowers in spring and summer. 2. ROBfNIA. LOCUST. Trees or large shrubs with compound, odd-pinnate leaves, with stipules or stipular spines, the base of the leaf -stalk covering the next year's bud: flowers showy, pea-like, hanging in axillary racemes; calyx 5-cleft; standard of the corolla large, turned back, inclosing side petals in bud. R. Pseudo-Acacia, Linn. Common black locust. Tree, native West and South, everywhere introduced and valuable for timber. Bark nearly black, very rough: stiff spines at base of each leaf: leaflets 9-19, ovate or oval, somewhat mucronate at tip, on short stalks: racemes 3-5 in. long, from axils, pendulous, slender and loose, the flowers white, very fragrant: pod smooth, 4-7-seeded. R. viscosa, Vent. Small tree, native to southern states: cultivated: leaf- stalks, branchlets and pods glandular-viscid (clammy): prickles short: flowers roseate, in dense, erect racemes. April to June. R. hispida, Linn. Rose acacia. A straggling shrub, to 10 ft.: branches, stalks, and pods bristly with flexible red spines: flowers pink, handsome, in loose pendulous racemes. Native of southern mountains. Cultivated. May to June. PEA FAMILY 381 3. GLEDfTSIA. HONEY LOCUST. Trees, thorny with stout branching spines on branches and usually on trunk: leaves abruptly pinnate, frequently bi-pinnate, and all gradations often on same leaf: flowers in axillary, spicate racemes, greenish, inconspicu- ous, soniQ imperfect, not papilionaceous; calyx-tube short, 3-5 cleft; petals 3-5, nearly equal, inserted on calyx-tube; stamens 3-10, distinct, inserted on petals: fruit a large, leathery, flat pod, elongated, containing 1 to many seeds. G. triacanthos, Linn. Large tree with hard and heavy wood: pods 6-18 in. long, an inch or so wide, twisted or hoop-like, filled with sweetish pulp between the several to many smooth, shiny seeds. 4. CERCIS. REDBUD. Small trees with simple, rounded, heart-shaped leaves and tiny stipules soon falling: flowers roseate-purple, in numerous small clusters along branches, even on trunk, before leaves, thus giving the tree a striking appearance; calyx 5-toothed, campanulate; corolla irregular, not papil- ionaceous; petals 5 and standard inclosed by wings; stamens 10, distinct: legume oblong, flat, many-seeded, margined on one edge. C. canadensis, Linn. Redbud. Judas tree. Native small tree of middle and southern states, 10-30 ft. high, irregularly branching: bark smooth and dark. Cultivated as ornamental tree, April, May. 5. PlSUM. PEA. Slender herbs, climbing by tendrils which are homologous with leaflets: leaves pinnate, with 1-3 pairs of foliar leaflets, and very large, leafy stipules: lobes of calyx leafy; flowers large, white, or pink, on axillary peduncles: pod a typical legume, several-seeded. P. sativum, Linn. Garden pea. Figs. 206, 310. Smooth and glaucous leaf- lets usually 2 pairs, broad-oval: peduncles 2- or more-flowered. Old World. 6. LATHYRUS. VEITCHLING. Much like Pisum, differing chiefly in very technical characters, but best told in general by the narrow leaflets and pods, and not leafy calyx. L. odoratus, Linn. Sweet pea. Figs. 177, 245. Annual, the stem hairy: leaflets one pair, narrow-oval or oblong: flowers 2 or 3 on a long peduncle, very fragrant, in many colors. Southern Europe. L. latifolius, Linn. Everlasting pea. Fig. 272. Perennial of long dura- tion, smooth, the stems winged: leaflets one pair, long-oval: flowers many in a dense cluster on long peduncles, rose-purple and white. Europe. 7. VfCIA. VETCH. TARE. Herbs, mostly trailing or climbing by tendrils from the ends of pin- nately compound leaves: leaflets usually many, entire or emarginate: stipules half-sagittate: flowers in axillary racemes or pairs; calyx somewhat oblique, 5-toothed; wings adhering to keel; style slender, bent, hairy or with hairy ring beneath stigma: pods flat, 2-valved, 2- to several-seeded. 382 THE KINDS OF PLANTS V. americ&na, Muhl. Perennial, smooth: leaflets 10-14, oblong, blunt: peduncles 4 8-flowered: flowers purplish-blue, ^ % in. long. Moist soil. V. Cracca, Linn. Perennial, more or less pubescent, with weak stems: leaflets 12-24, oblong to linear, mucronate: racemes many-flowered, 1-sided, spike-like, on axillary peduncles; flowers blue to purple, M-H in. long. Dryish soil. V. sativa, Linn. Spring vetch. Annual, rather pubescent, not climbing: leaflets, 5-7 pairs, oblong or obovate, to linear, obtuse or retuse or mucro- nate: flowers in pairs, from axils, nearly sessile, violet-purple, %-l in. long: pod smooth, linear, 5-10-seeded. Cultivated or wild; from Europe. V. villdsa, Roth. Hairy or winter vetch. Diffuse, very hairy: flowers showy in long axillary racemes, deep purple: seeds small and black. Culti- vated and escaped. Europe. Annual and biennial, perhaps sometimes perennial. 8. TRIFOLIUM. CLOVER. Annual or perennial herbs with digitate leaves of 3 leaflets (all 3 leaflets joined directly to top of petiole): flowers small, with bristle-form calyx- teeth, in dense heads: fruit a 1- to few-seeded little pod which does not exceed the calyx. a. Flowers sessile in the dense heads. T. pratense, Linn. Common red clover Figs. 85, 173. Erect, 12 ft., with ovai or obovate leaflets, which have a pale spot or band near the center and usually a notch at the end : flowers rose-red, honey-sweet, the heads closely surrounded by leaves. Europe, but common everywhere in the North. T. medium, Linn. Medium red clover. Larger, the stem less straight, the leaflets oblong, entire and with a spot: head stalked above the uppermost leaves. Otherwise like the last. T. arvense, Linn. Rabbit-foot clover. Annual; 5-10 in., erect: flowers sessile in dense, cylindrical heads, which become very soft and grayish fur-like, from the silky plumose calyx- teeth; corolla insignificant, whitish. Dry, sandy soils; intro- duced from Europe. aa. Flowers short-stalked in the heads. T. hybridum, Linn. Alsike clover. Slender, from a prostrate base, 1-3 ft.: leaflets obcordate: head small and globular, light rose-colored. Europe. T. repens, Linn. White clover. Small, the stems long-creeping and sending up flowering stems 3-12 in. high: leaflets obcordate: heads small, white. Common; native, also European. T. incarnatum, Linn. Crimson clover. Fig. 527. Stout, hairy, erect plant, 1-2 > ft., with obovate-oblong leaflets and brilliant crimson flowers in a long-stalked head. Europe; now frequently cultivated. T. reflexum, Linn. Buffalo clover. Annual or biennial, pubescent, ascend- ing 818 in. : standard purple, keel and wings whitish: leaflets oval or obovate, finely toothed. Most common in central states, from western New York. LEGUMINOS.E 383 T. procumbens, Linn. Low hop clover. Annual, slender, procumbent or upright to 6 or 12 in.: flowers yellow, turning brown and dry when old, finally reflexing; standard striate; heads small, rounded, 20-40-flowered : leaflets wedge-shaped and notched at end, terminal one stalked, stipules ovate. June. Dry soil, introduced. T. agrarium, Linn. Hop clover. Larger: leaflets ovate- oblong, the terminal one not stalked, and stipules narrow and joined for half their length to the petiole. Introduced. 9. BAPTfSIA. FALSE INDIGO. Perennial herbs: leaves palmately 3-foliolate, with stipules (or, simple, sessile, exstipulate, perfoliate leaves): flowers racemed; calyx 4-5- toothed; standard erect, rounded, the sides rolling back; keel and wings oblong, nearly straight; stamens 10, distinct: pod stalked in a persistent calyx, pointed, inflated, many-seeded. Plants usually blackened in drying. B. tinctoria, R. Br. Bushy, erect to 2 ft., somewhat glacuous: leaves sessile or nearly so, with tiny deciduous stipules; leaflets small, entire, wedged-ovate : racemes many, terminal, loosely few-flowered; flowers yellow, about J^ in. long, papilionaceous. Dry soil in woods. 10. MELILOTUS. SWEET CLOVER. Tall, erect annuals or biennials, with sweet-scented herbage and small white or yellow flowers in numerous open racemes: leaflets, 3, oblong: pod ovoid, somewhat exceeding the calyx, 1-2-seeded. M. alba, Desr. White sweet clover. Bokhara clover. Fig. 184. Two to 5 ft. tall, smooth: leaflets truncate: flowers white, the standard longer than other petals. Europe; common on roadsides. M. officinalis, Lam. Yellow sweet clover. Fig. 528. Leaflets obtuse: flowers yellow. Less common than the other. 11. MEDIC AGO. MEDICK. Clover-like plants with small flowers in heads or short spikes and toothed leaflets: particularly distin- guished by the curved or coiled pod. M. sativa, Linn. Alfalfa. Lucerne. Figs. 21, 246, 529. Medicago sativa. 529. Erect perennial, with ovate-oblong leaflets and short spikes or dense racemes of blue-purple flowers. Europe. Grown extensively for forage, being made into hay and also ground into "alfalfa meal." M. lupulina, Linn. Black medick. Trailing clover-like plant, with obovate leaflets and yellow flowers in heads or very short spikes: pod black when ripe. Europe; common weed East. 384 THE KINDS OF PLANTS 530. Phaseolus vulgaris. 12. PHASfiOLUS. BEAN. Tender herbs, often twining, the flowers never yellow, and the pinnate leaves of 3 leaflets: flowers usually in clusters on the joints of the raceme or at the end of the peduncle, the keel (inclosing the essential organs) coiling into a spiral: fruit a true legume. P. vulgaris, Linn. Common bean. Figs. 1, 308, 309, 311, 312, 322, 530. Annual: twining (the twining habit bred out in the "bush beans"): leaflets ovate, the lateral ones unequal-sided: flowers white or purplish, the racemes shorter than the leaves: pods narrow and nearly straight. Probably from tropical America. P. lunatus, Linn. Lima bean. Fig. 531. Annual: tall- twining (also dwarf forms): leaflets large: flowers whit- ish, in racemes shorter than the leaves: pods flat and curved, with a few large flat seeds. South America. P. multiflorus, Willd. Scarlet runner bean. Perennial in warm countries from a tuberous root, tall-twining: leaflets ovate: flowers bright scarlet (white in the "White Dutch Runner bean") and showy, the racemes exceeding the leaves: pod long and broad but not flat. Tropical America; cultivated for ornament and for food. 13. VIGNA. COWPEA. Differs from Phaseolus chiefly in technical characters, one of which is the curved rather than coiled keel of the flower. V. sinensis, Endl. Cowpea. Black pea. Stock pea. Figs. 273, 532. Long-trailing or twining, tender annual: leaf- lets narrow-ovate; flowers white or pale, 2 or 3 on the apex of a very long peduncle, the standard rounded; pod slender .' * S6( and long, cylindrical: seed (really a bean rather than pea) small, short-oblong. China, Japan; much grown South for forage, and used also as cover-crop. 14. LUPiNUS. LUPINE. Low herbs: leaves palmately compound, 5-15 foliolate, rarely simple: flowers showy, in terminal spikes or racemes: calyx decidedly 2-lipped: standard round, sides rolled back- ward: keel incurved, sickle-like: wings lightly united above keel: stamens monadelphous, with 3 alternate anthers, different in size and shape from others: pod oblong, flattened, often knotty. L. perennis, Linn. Perennial, somewhat downy: stem erect to 1 or 1^ ft.: leaflets 7-11, large, radiat- ing, nearly sessile, oblanceolate, mucronate; stipules small: flowers blue or whitish, in loose racemes: pod linear-oblong, hairy, 5-6-seeded. Sandy soil. May to June. 532. Vigna sinen- sis. Cowpea. LEGUMINOS^J ROSACEJB 385 15. CASSIA. SENNA. Fig. 247. Our herbs with odd-pinnate, compound leaves and yellow flowers: sepals 5, nearly equal; corolla not papilionaceous, nearly regular ; petals 5, stamens 510, some anthers usually imperfect: pod often curved, many-seeded. C. marilandica, Linn. Smooth perennial, 3-4 ft. : leaflets 6-9 pairs, lance- olate-oblong, mucronate, with a gland at or near base of petiole: stipules deciduous: stamens 10, 3 imperfect, with deformed anthers, the anthers black: flowers showy yellow, short, axillary racemes. Summer. 16. APIOS. GROUNDNUT. Perennial, twining herb, with edible underground tubers: leaves pin- nately 3-7-foliate: flowers in short, dense, often branching axillary racemes: calyx rather 2-lipped: standard broad and reflexed: keel strongly incurved, pushing into the standard, and finally coiled or twisted. A. tuberdsa, Moench. Flowers brownish purple, sweet-scented, in dense racemes about 1-3 in. long: no tendrils: juice milky. Summer. In low, moist ground and shady woods. XXIX. ROSACES. ROSE FAMILY. Herbs, shrubs and trees, much like the Saxif ragacese : leaves alternate, mostly with stipules (which are often deciduous): flowers mostly perfect and polypetalous, the stamens usually perigynous, mostly numerous (more than 20) ; pistils 1 to many : fruit an achene, follicle, berry, drupe, or accessory. A very mixed or polymorphous family, largely of temperate regions, of about 75 genera and 1,200 species. By some writers, divided into three or four families. Common rosaceous plants are rose, strawberry, apple, pear, plum, peach, cherry, blackberry, raspberry, spirea, cinquefoil. A. Herbs. B. Torus not enlarging. c. Carpels many, in a head. D. Style deciduous 1. PotentUla DD. Style persistent on achene, usually jointed and plumose 2. Geum cc. Carpels 2: calyx prickly and lobes closing over the fruit: 1 or 2 achenes 3. Agrimonia BB. Torus becoming fleshy: flowers directly from the crown or root .' 4. Fragaria AA. Shrubs or trees. B. The ovary 1, superior: fruit a drupe 5. Prunus BB. The ovaries more than 1. c. Fruit 1-seeded drupes aggregated, or achenes. 386 THE KINDS OF PLANTS D. Ovaries many, free from calyx and torus, be- coming drupelets 6. Rubus DD. Ovaries 5-8: shrubs not prickly: leaves simple: flowers yellow: fruit achenes 7. Kerria cc. Fruit achenes inside a hollow torus 8. Rosa ccc. Fruit a pome: ovaries usually 5, immersed in the torus. D. Petals oblong-spatulate : carpels 3-5-celled, but appearing about 10-celled 9. Amelanchier DD. Petals rounded : ovaries 5. E. Pome with 2-seeded carpels 10. Pyrus EE. Pome with many-seeded carpels 11. Cydonia EEE. Pome with 1-5 stony kernels 12. Cratxgus cccc. Fruit 2-8 dry follicles, each several-seeded 13. Spiraea 1. POTENTILLA. FIVE-FINGER. CINQUEFOIL. Herbs (sometimes shrubby) with flat deeply 5-cleft calyx and 5 bracts beneath it, and 5 obtuse, mostly yellow or white petals; stamens many: fruit an achene, of which there are many in a little head on the small, dry torus : leaves compound. P. norvegica, Linn. An erect (1-2 ft. tall) very hairy and coarse annual, with 3 obovate, or oblong serrate leaflets and small flowers in which the yel- low corolla is usually not so large as the calyx. Common weed. P. canadensis, Linn. Common five-finger. Trailing, strawberry-like with 5 narrow leaflets, but the lateral ones deeply lobed: flowers solitary, on axillary peduncles, bright yellow. Fields; common. P. argentea, Linn. Perennial, with stem prostrate, branching above, white-woolly : leaflets 5, wedge-oblong, green above, white-pubescent beneath, with a few large, incised teeth, and margins revolute: flowers small, cymose, yellow; stamens about 20. June to September, in dry soil. P. fruticosa, Linn. Stem erect (1-2 ft.), shrubby, diffusely branched: leaves pinnate, with 5-7 sessile leaflets, margins entire, revolute: flowers axillary; petals yellow, orbicular, and longer than calyx, 1 in. broad. Marshy and wet ground. June to September. 2. GfcUM. AVENS. Perennial, erect herbs, with odd-pinnate or lyrate leaves, with stipules: flowers resembling those of Potentilla; calyx 5-cleft with 5 alternate bracts; stamens, many: achenes numerous, aggregated on a conical recep- tacle, with long persistent styles jointed, or bent, or plumose. G. rivale, Linn. Stems erect, 1-2 ft., several-flowered: root-leaves lyrate, and irregularly pinnate, petioled: stem-leaves few, usually of 3 leaflets, or 3-lobed: flowers few, large, nodding, the calyx purplish, the petals clawed, erect, yellowish purple; styles purplish, jointed and bent in middle, stigmas plumose: fruit stalked in the calyx. May to July. Bogs. G. canadense, Jacq. From 2-3 ft., with stem erect, branching, smooth or downy: root-leaves of 3-5 leaflets, or simple with smaller leaflets at base: ROSE TRIBES 387 533. Fragaiia vesca. stem-leaves few, simple, lobed, or 3-divided or toothed and short-petioled: flowers whitish, the petals not longer than sepals: head of fruits sessile in the calyx: styles jointed and bent near middle, the lower part hooked: torus bristly. Late spring and summer. G. virginianum, Linn. Differs from preceding in being hirsute: root- leaves various, but pinnate, with a very large rounded terminal leaflet; the upper leaves mostly 3-parted: flowers white or pale yellow: receptacle ^^^M not bristly; heads of fruits on short, stout, hairy stalks. Low ground. Summer. 3. AGRIMONIA. AGRIMONY. Perennial, erect herbs, with alternate odd-pin- nately compound leaves, and slender, spike-like racemes, with yellow flowers: leaves with small seg- ments interposed, and large dentate stipules: calyx- tube contracted at the throat with a 5-cleft limb, and bristly on upper part; petals 5; stamens slender, 5-15, carpels 2, styles terminal: fruit dry, included in the prickly calyx-tube. A. gryposepala, Wallr. Spicate raceme terminating the stem (6 in. to 2 ft. high) , petals yellow and twice longer than the calyx. Dryish soils. Summer. 4. FRAGARIA. STRAWBERRY. Low perennials with 3 broad-toothed leaflets and a few flowers on radical peduncles: torus enlarging in fruit, usually becoming fleshy. F. vesca, Linn. Fig. 533. Small, very sparsely hairy, the leaves thin and rather light green, very sharply toothed: flower-clusters overtopping the foliage, small and erect, forking: fruit slender and pointed, light colored (sometimes white), the achenes not sunk in the flesh. Cool woods; common North. F. virginiana, Duch. Common field strawberry. Fig. 534. Stronger, darker green, loose-hairy, the leaves with more sunken veins and larger and firmer : flower-cluster slender but not overtopping the leaves, in fruit with drooping pedicels: fruit globular or broad-conical, with achenes sunk in the flesh, light colored. Very common. F. chiloensis, Duch. Garden strawberry. Fig. 291. Low and spreading but stout, the thick leaves somewhat glossy above and bluish white beneath, rather blunt-toothed: flower-clusters short, forking, the pedicels strong and long: fruit large and firm, dark colored, with sunken achenes. Chile. 534. Fragaria virginiana. 5. PRtTNUS. PEACH. PLUM. CHERRY. Trees and shrubs, mostly flowering in early spring: sepals, petals and stamens borne on the rim of a saucer-shaped torus, the calyx with 5 green 388 THE KINDS OF PLANTS spreading lobes and the petals 5 and obovate; pistil 1, sitting in the bottom of the flower, the ovary ripening into a drupe: leaves alternate. a. Peach and apricot: flowers solitary from lateral winter-buds, usually appearing before the leaves. P. Persica, Stokes. Peach. Fig. 535. Small tree, with oblong-lanceolate pointed serrate leaves and solitary fuzzy fruits on last year's wood. China. The nectarine is a smooth-fruited form. P. armeniaca, Linn. Apricot. Figs. 69, 536. Leaves ovate to round-ovate, serrate : fruits solitary, on last year's shoots or on spurs, smooth or nearly 535. Prunus persica. so . China. aa. Plums: flowers in umbel-like clusters: fruit large and smooth, usually with a distinct suture (or "crease") on one side and covered with a "bloom" the stalk short. P. domestica, Linn. Common plum. Figs, 209, 289. Small tree, usually with young shoots downy: leaves thick and relatively large, dull dark green, ovate, oval or obovate, very rugose or veiny, somewhat pubescent beneath, coarsely and un- evenly serrate: flowers large: fruits various, usually thick- meated and with heavy "bloom." Europe, Asia. P. americana, Marsh. Wild plum of the North. Fig. 537. Twiggy small tree, often thorny, the young shoots usually not downy: leaves obovate, dull green, abruptly pointed, coarsely toothed or jagged, not pubescent be- neath: fruit small, red or yellow, tough-skinned and glau- cous, the pit large and flattened. Common in thickets; improved forms are in cultivation. Including P. nigra, perhaps distinct. P. angustifdlia, Marsh. Chickasaw plum. Mountain cherry. Fig. 538. Smaller, the young growth smooth and zigzag and usually reddish: leaves lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, often trough-shaped, shining, finely serrate, cherry-like: fruit a small thin-fleshed shining plum on a long pedicel. Delaware, south; also in cultivation. aaa. Cherries: flowers in umbel-like clusters: fruit small and nearly globular, early-ripening, usually without a prominent suture and "bloom," the stalk slender. P. Cerasus, Linn. Sour cherry. Round-headed tree, with flowers in small clusters from lateral buds: leaves hard and stiffish, short-ovate or obovate, grayish green, serrate: fruit small, sour. Europe. P. Avium, Linn. Sweet cherry. Fig. 539. Straight grower, the "leader" prominent in young trees, with 537. Prunus americana. flowers in dense clusters from lateral spurs: leaves 536. Prunus armeniaca. PRUNUS RUBUS 389 538. Prunus angustifolia. oblong-ovate, dull and soft, on the young growth hanging: fruit usually rather large, sweet. Europe. aaaa. Wild cherries, with small, scarcely edible fruits: flowers umbellate or racemed. P. pennsylvanica, Linn. Wild red cherry. Pin or bird cherry. Small tree, 20-30 ft. high, with red-brown, peeling bark: flowers small, white, on long pedicels in umbel-like clusters, from lateral scaly buds, in early spring, before or with the leaves: fruit very small, globose, red, smooth, with thin, sour flesh. P. virginiana, Linn. Choke cherry. Small tree or shrub, 5-20 ft., with grayish spotted bark: leaves thin, oval or obovate, abruptly acute at tip, sharp-serrate: flowers white, in short racemes, terminating leafy branches, appearing after leaves in late spring: fruit small, globose, red changing to dark crimson (nearly black), very astringent: usually found along banks and in thickets. P. serotina, Ehrh. Wild black cherry. Tree, 50-80 ft., with black, rough bark and reddish brown branches: leaves thickish, oblong or oblong-lanceo- late, acute or tapering at tip, serrate with incurving or bluntish teeth: flow- ers later than preceding, white, in elongated, drooping or spreading, termi- nal racemes: fruit deep purple or black (J^ in. in diameter) with a sweetish, bitter taste. 6. RtTBUS. BRAMBLE. Shrubs, usually thorny, the canes or shoots dying after fruiting, with alternate digits tely compound leaves: flowers white, in Clusters, with 5-parted calyx and 5 petals: ovaries many, ripening into coherent drupelets. a. Raspberries: drupelets or berry separating from the torus. R. occidentalis, Linn. Black raspberry. Figs. 142, 290. Canes long and thorny, glaucous, rooting at the tips late in the season: leaves of mostly 3 ovate doubly-toothed leaflets: flowers in close, umbel-like clusters: fruits firm, black (sometimes amber-color). Woods, and common in cultivation. R. aculeatissimus, C. A. Meyer. Red raspberry. Canes erect and weak-prickly, more or less glaucous, not rooting at tips, leaflets oblong-ovate: flowers in racemes: fruits soft, red. Woods, and cultivated. R. odoratus, Linn. Flowering raspberry. Flowering "mulberry." Shrubby and erect, branching, 3-5 ft., not prickly, but rather bristly and sticky- hairy: leaves large, 3-5-lobed: flowers large, 1-2 in. broad, in terminal Prunus Avium. 390 THE KINDS OF PLANTS corymbs, the petals orbicular and purplish rose (rarely whitish): fruit red, ripe in August, flattened, sweetish but scarcely edible. Common in woods. aa. Blackberries: drupelets adhering to the torus (the torus forming the "core" of the berry). R. allegheniensis, Porter (R. villdsus of some). Common blackberry. Tall, very thorny: leaflets 3 or 5, ovate and pointed, toothed, hairy beneath: flowers large, in open racemes: fruit cylindrical and firm, black when ripe. Woods, and cultivated. R. villdsus, Ait. (R. canadensis of some). Northern dewberry. Trail- ing and rooting at tips, prickly : leaflets 3-7, ovate-acuminate or oblong-ovate, toothed: flowers 1-3, on erect, short peduncles, large: fruit like a small and shining blackberry. Sterile fields, and in cultivation. R. trivialis, Michx. Southern dewberry. Fig. 170. Long-trailing, very thorny and bristly: leaves 3-5, more or less evergreen, mostly lance-oblong and small, strong-toothed: flowers 1-3: fruit black. Sands, Virginia, south; also in cultivation. 7. KlSRRIA. GLOBE FLO WEB. "JAPAN ROSE." Shrubby plants with calyx of 5 acuminate, nearly distinct sepals; petals 5 (or flowers double); ovaries 5-8, smooth, globose: leaves simple, ovate, acuminate, doubly serrate, with stipules: flowers terminal on branches, soli- tary or a few together. K. japonica, DC. Bush 3-8 ft. with green winter twigs: flowers orange- yellow, usually double: leaves sometimes variegated. Late May and June. Cultivated. 8. ROSA. ROSE. More or less thorny erect or climbing shrubs with pinnate wing-petioled leaves, and flowers with 5 calyx -lobes and 5 large, rounded petals: pistils many, becoming more or less hairy achenes which are inclosed in a hollow torus (fruit becoming a hip, Fig. 292). Most of the garden roses are too difficult for the beginner: they are much modified by the plant-breeder. R. Carolina, Linn. Swamp rose. Tall, often as high as a man, the few spines usually somewhat hooked: stipules (petiote wings) long and narrow: leaflets 5-9, narrow-oblong and acute, finely serrate: flowers rather large, rose-color. Swamps. R. virginiana, Mill. Usually low, with stout hooked spines: stipules rather broad; leaflets about 7, smooth and mostly shining above: flowers large, rose-color. Moist places. R. humilis, Marsh. Three feet or less tall, with straight, slender spines: stipules narrow; foliage usually less shining. Dry soils. R. rubiginosa, Linn. Sweet briar. Eglantine. Erect, 4-8 ft., curving, 'armed with stout recurved prickles, with weaker ones intermixed: leaflets 5-9, ovate or oval, coarsely and doubly serrate and resinous or glandular, pubescent beneath, very aromatic: flowers small, pink or white, solitary, single or double. Naturalized from Europe and in cultivation. ROSACES 391 9. AMELANCHIER. SERVICE BERRY. JUNE BERRY. Small trees or shrubs, with smooth, grayish bark: leaves simple, peti- oled, serrate: flowers white, in racemes, or rarely solitary; calyx-tube 5- cleft; petals 5; stamens many, short, inserted on calyx-throat; ovary inferior, apparently 10-celled, with 1 ovule in each cavity; styles 5, united below: fruit a berry-like pome, 4-10-celled. A. canadensis, Medic. Shadbush. Small tree or bush 5-50 ft. high, with snowy white flowers in very early spring before the foliage: leaves ovate to oblong, sharply serrate, acute at apex, base cordate, soon smooth; stipules long and silky-hairy: fruit red or purple pomes, on slender pedicels, sweet and edible. Woods, common. 10. PYRUS. PEAR. APPLE. Small trees or shrubs with alternate leaves, and flowers in clusters in spring; flowers 5-merous: ovaries usually 5, immersed in the torus, the styles free. a. Leaves simple: pear and apple. P. communis, Linn. Pear. Figs. 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 118, 119, 196, 293. Leaves ovate, firm and shining, smooth, close-toothed : fruit tapering to the pedicel. Europe. P. Malus, Linn. Apple. Figs. 294-295. Leaves ovate, soft - hairy be- neath, serrate: fruit hollowed at the base when ripe. Europe. P. coronaria, Linn. Wild crab. Bushy tree to about 20 ft., somewhat thorny: leaves ovate-triangular to heart-shaped, cut-serrate, or somewhat lobed, soon smoothish: flowers large, strikingly fragrant, rose-colored, few in a corymb or cluster: pome flattened at the ends, long-stemmed, indented at the attachment to stalk, green, becoming yellowish, fragrant but sour. Open glades, from New York, west and south. P. ioensis, Bailey. Prairie crab. Pubescent: leaves oblong or ovate, notched or parted along the sides, the petioles short: pome globular or oblong, short-stemmed, with light dots. Mostly west of Great Lakes. aa. Leaves compound: mountain-ashes. (Sorbus.) P. americana, DC. American mountain-ash. Tree or large shrub, native to mountain woods in the East, but sometimes cultivated: leaves odd-pin- nately compound, with 13-15 leaflets that are lanceolate, taper-pointed, ser- rate, bright-green above: flowers numerous, small, white, in compound, flat cymes; styles 3-5: berry-like pomes globose, bright red, or orange, about the size of peas. P. Aucuparia, Ehrh. English mountain-ash. Rowan. Leaves pubescent on both sides when young, the leaflets blunt: fruit larger than that of pre- ceding, about }^, in. in diameter. 11. CYDONIA. QUINCE. Small trees or shrubs: flowers and leaves much as in Pyrus: ovary 5- celled, with many seeds in each: fruit a pome, usually hollowed at top end, globose ; or pyriform. 392 THE KINDS OF PLANTS C. vulgaris. Pers. Quince. Six to 15 ft. high, with crooked branches; flower solitary, large, pale pink or roseate, on shoots of the season: leaves oblong-ovate, acute at apex, with obtuse base, entire. A small tree grown for its large yellow fruits. C. japonica, Pers. Japan quince. Shrub, 3-6 ft., cultivated for hedges and flowers: branches armed with short, straight spines: leaves glabrous and shining, acute at the end, serrulate, the stipules conspicuously reniform: flowers in axillary clusters, nearly sessile, crimson or scarlet. Fruit globose, fragrant. 12. CRAT^GUS. HAWTHORN. Figs. 164-167. Large bushes or small trees, much branched, the wood tough and hard, usually very thorny: flowers white or pink, in dense umbel-like clusters; petals 5, entire; stamens 5-10 to many: fruit a small red or yellow drupe containing large bony stones: leaves simple, mostly toothed or lobed. Many species wild in North America, and some cultivated; too difficult of determi- nation for the beginner. The wild hawthorns are amongst the most deco- rative plants in the American landscape. 13. SPIRjfeA. SPIBEA. Fig. 193. Hardy perennial herbs and many ornamental shrubs: leaves alternate: flowers white or roseate, usually small but many; calyx 5-cleft, short and open; petals 5; stamens many: fruit of about 5 follicles, not inflated. A large and very interesting group of flowering plants, mostly with white bloom. Following are small shrubs: S. salicifolia, Linn. Meadow-sweet. Glabrous or nearly so, erect to 3 or 4 ft., stem often purplish: leaves simple, oblong-ovate to lanceolate, serrate, with stipules deciduous: flowers in terminal erect panicles, white or pinkish-tinged, small, with pods (follicles) 5, smooth, many-seeded. Moist or swampy ground. Summer. S. tomentdsa, Linn. Hardhack. Erect, 2-4 ft. high, with pubescent stems, rusty or hairy: leaves simple, oblong or ovate, serrate, woolly on lower surface, without stipules: flowers in terminal thyrse-like dense panicles, pink or purple (rarely white), the follicles 5, pubescent or woolly: pastures and low grounds. Late summer. S. trilobata, Linn. Bridal wreath. Large bush with long recurving branches and bearing a profusion of showy flowers in flat-topped clusters: leaves round-ovate, crenately cut and 3-lobed. S. Van Houttei is an improved form. The forms of this species-group are the most popular cultivated spireas. S. hypericifolia, St. Peter's wreath. From 36 ft., leaves obovate- oblong or wedge-shaped, obscurely toothed or lobed: flowers white, in many small lateral sessile clusters, on short branches. Cultivated. S. Thiinbergii, Sieb. Compact bush with very narrow leaves, sharply serrate and very light green: flowers umbellate, small, white. Handsome species from Japan. SAXIFRAGES 393 XXX. SAXIFRAGACE^E. SAXIFRAGE FAMILY. Herbs or shrubs of various habit, with opposite or alternate leaves that usually do not have stipules: flowers with ovary mostly inferior, 5-merous, the stamens usually 10 or less (in a few cases as many as 40); pistils 10 or less, either separate or the carpels united, the fruit a follicle, capsule or berry. A polymorphous family comprising some 600 species in about 75 genera. Comprises saxifrage, mitre-wort, hydrangea, mock orange, currant and gooseberry. A. Herbs. B. Stamens twice as many as petals. c. Petals entire: stamens usually 10. D. Flowers in cymes or . panicles (rarely solitary) : capsule 2-beaked: ovary usually 2-celled 1. Saxifraga DD. Flowers in racemes: ovary 1 -celled: capsule 2-beaked. with 1 beak the longer and larger 2. Tiardla cc. Petals with edges fringed or cleft 3. Mitetta BB. Stamens (fertile) 5, or equal in number to the petals: clusters of sterile stamens opposite each petal 4. Parnassia AA. Shrubs. B. Leaves opposite. c. Stamens 8 or 10. D. Flowers all alike: sepals 5 5. Deuteia DD. Flowers usually of 2 kinds: the marginal ones enlarged and neutral, apetalous 6. Hydrangea cc. Stamens many: petals 4 or 6, large, white 7. Philaddphua BB. Leaves alternate 8. Ribes 1. SAXiFRAGA. SAXIFRAGE. Herbs, with root-leaves in rosette: flowers perfect, small, whitish, in cymes or panicles, on leafy stems or leafless scapes; sepals 5, more or less united; petals 5, entire inserted on calyx-tube; stamens mostly 10; styles 2 and capsule 2-beaked, or of nearly separate divergent pods. S. virginiensis, Michx. Little perennial herb with spatulate or obovate, petioled, crenate, thick leaves: scape 3-12 in., erect, viscid-pubescent, bearing many small, white flowers in a loose cyme, the petals exceeding the calyx. In early spring, on moist banks and rocks. 2. TIAR&LLA. FALSE MITREWORT. Perennials, with small white flowers in racemes: calyx white, campan- ulate, 5-lobed; petals 5, entire on claws; stamens 10, with long filaments from the calyx-tube; ovary 1-celled, nearly superior; styles 2, long and slender: capsule with two very unequal beaks. T. cordifolia, Linn. Scape slender, pubescent, leafless or with 1 or 2 leaves: stoloniferous from rootstocks: leaves cordate, lobed or toothed, petioled, slightly hairy or downy beneath: flowers white, in short raceme. Spring. Handsome. 394 THE KINDS OF PLANTS 3. MITlSLLA. MITREWOBT. BISHOP'S CAP. Delicate little perennials, with small, white flowers in a raceme or spike, the basal leaves heart-shaped or reniform : scape with 2 opposite leaves, or 1 or none: calyx short, 5-cleft, adherent to base of ovary; petals 5, white edges daintily fringed, inserted on calyx; stamens 5-10, with short fila- ments, on petals; styles 2, short. M. diphylla, Linn. About 1 ft. tall: root-leaves in a cluster, cordate, ovate, somewhat 3-5-lobed, toothed, hairy: scape rather hairy, with 2 opposite nearly sessile leaves near middle: flowers tiny, many, white. May to early June, in rich woods. M. nuda, Linn. Very delicate and slender: scape usually leafless: basal leaves reniform, crenate: flowers few, greenish, very small, pedicelled; not common. Damp, cold woods, northward. Late spring and early summer. 4. PARNASSIA. GRASS OF PARNASSUS. Low, glabrous perennials, belonging mostly to marshy or wet situations: root-leaves in rosettes, rounded, entire; stem-leaves 1 or few, alternate: flowers solitary, terminal, on a scape-like stem, white or greenish; calyx 5-lobed to near base; fertile stamens 5, alternating with the 5 whitish petals, a cluster of sterile filaments at base of each petal; ovary superior 1-celled, with 4 parietal placentae, and usually 4 stigmas. P. caroliniana, Michx. One flower with sessile petals, white, with green- ish veins, 1 l/^ in. broad: root-leaf thickish, ovate or cordate, 1 leaf usually near base of scape: 6-15 in. high. Wet places. Summer. 5. DEtrrziA. Shrubs, having opposite, simple, exstipulate leaves: flowers panicled or racemed, numerous, white or pinkish: calyx-lobes 5; petals 5 to many; sta- mens 10, 5 long and 5 short, the filaments flat, commonly with 3 prongs, the middle prong antherif erous ; ovary inferior, styles 3-5. D. gracilis, Sieb. & Zucc. Grows to 2 or 3 ft.: flowers many, white, single or double: leaves oblong-lanceolate, sharply serrate, green and smooth. June. Cultivated from Japan. D. scabra, Thunb. Tall, pubescent: leaves ovate or oblong-ovate, finely crenate or serrate: flowers pinkish. Later-blooming than preceding, and much larger. China and Japan. 6. HYDRANGEA. Shrubs, with opposite, stalked exstipulate leaves, and flowers of two kinds in terminal corymbs or cymes, the outer ones usually sterile, often apetalous, consisting merely of a showy, flat or spreading 5-lobed calyx, the fertile flowers small, with calyx-tube 4-5-toothed; petals 4 or 5: stamens 8- 10, filaments slender; ovary inferior, 2-celled (rarely 3- or 4-celled) ; styles 2-4. H. arborescens, Linn. Leaves ovate, obtuse or cordate at base, acumi- nate, serrate, green on both surfaces, nearly or quite smooth: flowers in flat cymes, often all fertile, but sometimes with many large, white, sterile flowers. Along streams. June to July. SAXIFRAGE FAMILY 395 H. Hortensia, DC. Smooth, with large, toothed, bright green oval leaves and flowers nearly all neutral, pink, blue or whitish, in great round- ish clusters. China and Japan. Cultivated in greenhouses. H. paniculata, Sieb. Somewhat pubescent, with oblong-ovate, long- pointed, dull, sharp-toothed leaves, and whitish flowers in great elongated panicles. Japan. The common hydrangea of lawns. 7. PHILADELPHIA. MOCK ORANGE (from the flowers). SYRINGA. Shrubs with showy corymbose or paniculate white flowers and opposite simple leaves: petals 4 or 5; stamens 20 or more; ovary 3-5-loculed, becom- ing a capsule. P. coronarius, Linn. Tall shrub with erect branches: leaves oblong- ovate and smooth: flowers cream-white, fragrant, in close clusters, in late spring. Europe. P. grandiflorus, Willd. Tall, with long recurving branches: leaves ovate- pointed and somewhat downy beneath: flowers pure white, scentless, in loose clusters. Virginia, south, and planted. 8. RIBES. GOOSEBERRY and CURRANT. Low shrubs, often prickly, with alternate digitately lobed leaves: flowers small; sepals 5 and petal-like, on the ovary; petals and stamens 5, borne on the calyx: fruit a small globular berry. a. Gooseberries: flowers 1-3: usually spines below the leaves. R. oxyacanthoides, Linn. Small bush, with long, graceful branches and very short thorns or none: leaves thin, orbicular-ovate, about 3-lobed, the edges thin and round-toothed: flowers on very short peduncles, the calyx-lobes longer than the calyx-tube, the ovary and berry smooth, the fruit reddish or green. Swamps North; probable parent of Houghton and Downing gooseberries. R. Grossularia, Linn. English gooseberry. Stiffer and denser bush, with firm and thickish more shining leaves, which have revolute margins: ovary downy and the large fruit pubescent or bristly. Europe; parent of the large- fruited gooseberries. R. Cynosbati, Linn. Tall, open prickly bush, with thickish bluntly 3-lobed downy leaves and long peduncles bearing 3 or more flowers with calyx -lobes shorter than the tube: leaves rounded and 3-lobed: fruit dull purple, either prickly or smooth. Common in dry places. 540. Ribes vulgare. aa. Currants: flowers in long racemes: no spines. R. vulgare, Lam. Red and white currant. Fig. 540. Erect bush, with broad-cordate 3-5-lobed leaves with roundish lobes and not strong-smelling: racemes drooping, the flowers greenish and nearly flat open: berries (cur- rants) red or white. Europe. R. nigrum, Linn. Black currant. Stronger bush, with strong-scented 396 THE KINDS OF PLANTS leaves and larger oblong or bell-shaped flowers with bracts much shorter than the pedicels: berries black and strong-smelling. Europe. R. floridum, L'Her. (R. americanum, Marsh.). Wild black currant. Fig. 541. Straggling bush, with heart-shaped 3-5-lobed doubly serrate some- what scented leaves: flowers in long racemes, whitish, with bracts longer than the pedicels: fruit black, scented. Woods. R. aureum, Pursh. Golden, buffalo, or flowering currant. Fig. 542. Large bush, with racemes of long-tubular yellow very fragrant flowers : fruit blackish. Missouri, west, but com- mon in gardens for its flowers. XXXI. ONAGRACE^E. EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY. Mostly herbs: leaves various, alternate or opposite, without stipules: flowers perfect, usually 4-parted, with calyx-tube joined to ovary and often prolonged, the margin 4-lobed, lobes valvate in the bud, usually reflexed in flower: petals 4 (2-9), on throat of calyx- tube: stamens as many or twice as many as petals: style 1, slen- der, the stigma 4-lobed (sometimes 2-lobed); ovary 2-4-celled. More than 300 species and 40 genera, of wide distribution. A. Calyx-tube much prolonged beyond the ovary. B. Lobes generally reflexed: fruit a dry capsule, dehiscent.. 1. (Enothera BB. Lobes large and spreading: calyx-tube highly colored: fruit a 4-celled berry: flowers drooping 2. Fuchsia AA. Calyx-tube not much prolonged. B. Stamens 8 ; petals 4 3. Epilobium BB. Stamens 2; petals 2 4. Circcea 1. (ENOTHERA. EVENING PRIMROSE. Herbs, stems usually erect: leaves alternate: flowers brightly colored, regular, axillary or in terminal spikes; calyx-tube prolonged beyond ovary, the 4 lobes usually reflexed, sometimes soon falling; petals 4; stamens 8; stigma 4-lobed; capsule usually narrow and long, 4-celled, many-seeded. (E. biennis, Linn. Common evening primrose. Figs. 276, 415. Stem erect, 2-5 ft., hairy and leafy: leaves lance-oblong, somewhat repandly-toothed ; flowers pure yellow, fragrant, in terminal, leafy spikes, not remaining open in broad sunshine: calyx-tube 2 to 3 times longer than ovary and lobes reflexed; petals obcordate: pod oblong, bluntly 4-angled. A very com- mon biennial of roadside and pasture, opening quickly at 542. Ribes nightfall, aureum. (E. fruticdsa, Linn. Sundrops. Biennial or perennial : stem ONAGRACEJB 397 erect, 1-3 ft., leafy, more or less hairy: flowers yellow, 1-2 in. in diameter, in corymbed racemes, open in daytime: pod decidedly 4-angled and 4- ribbed, rather downy, shortly stalked. Dry soil. g 1 " 6611 an d nearly smooth: leaves oblong, serrate, often laterally lobed, somewhat clasping: flowers yellow or cream-colored, in a loose raceme. Weed from Europe. 2. LINARIA. TOAD-FLAX. Low herbs, of various habit: corolla personate, the throat nearly or entirely closed, spurred from the lower side: stamens 4: capsule opening by apical pores. L. vulgaris, Mill. Toad-flax. Butter-and-eggs. Figs'. 227, 281, 544. Common perennial weed (from Europe), 1- 2 ft., with linear leaves and yellow flowers in racemes. L. Cymbalaria, Mill. Kenilworth ivy. Fig. 545. Trail- ing: leaves orbicular, 5-7-lobed: flowers solitary on long peduncles, lilac-blue. . Europe; very common in greenhouses and sometimes runs wild. L. canadensis, Dumont. Common annual or biennial in dry or sandy soil: flowering stems slender and erect, generally simple and few- leaved: also prostrate shoots, more leafy: leaves narrow, flat, entire, sessile, opposite or whorled: flowers small, blue, in a terminal, loose, slender raceme. 545. Linaria Cymbalaria. 406 THE KINDS OF PLANTS 3. ANTIRRHINUM. SNAPDRAGON. From Linaria differs chiefly in having no spur, but only a swelling at the base of the corolla. A. ma jus, Linn. Snapdragon. Fig. 243. Erect biennial or perennial: leaves oblong, smooth, entire: flowers erect or ascending, 2 in. long, purple or white, in a raceme with downy axis. Europe. 4. SCROPHULARIA. FIGWORT. Herbs perennial, rank and generally ill-smelling, with opposite leaves, and very odd-looking small, greenish-purple flowers, in simple or compound loose terminal cymes: calyx deeply 5-parted: corolla irregular, with a globu- lar tube, the limb 5-lobed, 4 upper lobes erect, but the lower one hori- zontal or reflexed: stamens 5, 4 fertile, in two pairs, the fifth sterile and a mere rudiment at the top of the corolla-tube. S. marilandica, Gray. Smooth, 3-6 ft., much branching, in thickets and damp woods, blooming in late summer and earlj' fall ; stems 4-angled : leaves ovate, oblong or lanceolate, coarsely toothed, 3-9 in. long, on slender petioles : flowers small, dull-colored. 5. CHELONE. TURTLEHEAD. SNAKEHEAD. Smooth, erect perennials, with opposite, serrate and stalked leaves: flowers large, sessile, white or rose-tinged, of curious shape, in the upper leaf axils, forming a terminal spike: calyx 5-parted, segments acute, bracted at base: corolla irregular, with inflated and elongated tube con- cave underneath, the limb 2-lipped, but lips only slightly open, the upper lip broad, usually emarginate, lower lip 3-lobed, bearded within: stamens 5, the fifth sterile and smaller, the filaments woolly. C. glabra, Linn. Two to 4 ft. high, in swamps and by brooks or in wet places. Late summer. 6. PENTSTEMON. BEARD-TONGUE. Perennial herbs, with opposite leaves, the upper sessile or clasping: flowers showy: calyx 5-parted: corolla irregular, with tube more or less inflated and 2-lipped, the lower lip 3-lobed: stamens 5, 4 in 2 pairs each bearing an anther, the fifth filament conspicuous but sterile, sometimes longer than the others and bearded : fruit a globose capsule with many wing- less seeds. P. hirsutus, Willd. (P. pubescens, Ait.). Stems hairy, rather viscid above, 1-2 ft.: leaves narrow-oblong to lanceolate, minutely toothed or entire; panicle open: corolla about 1 in. long, 2-lipped, with a bearded palate in the throat, dull bluish violet or purplish. Dry situations. May to July. 7. COLLINSIA. INNOCENCE. BLUE-EYED MARY. Pretty little annuals or biennials, branching and diffuse with opposite or verticillate leaves, and irregular flowers, blue and white, on pedicels, whorl ed or solitary in the axils of the upper leaves: corolla 2-lipped with the upper lip 2-cleft, the lower lip 3-cleft, with the middle lobe keeled and SCROPHULARIACE.E 407 saccate, inclosing the 4 stamens and the style: a fifth stamen reduced to a mere rudiment. C. vSrna, Nutt. Stem 8-16 in. , branching: leaves small, various, the lower ovate, the upper more lanceolate and clasping, margins crenate or toothed: flowers on long peduncles, in whorls of 4-6: corolla %-% in., twice longer than calyx: 3 lower petals sky-blue or pink, upper 2 petals, white. An extremely attractive plant in woods, blooming April to June. 8. MfMULUS. MONKEY-FLOWER. Small herbs with opposite leaves, with usually showy solitary flowers on axillary peduncles: calyx 5-angled and 5-toothed: corolla tubular, the 2- lobed upper lip erect or spreading; stamens 4; stigma 2-lobed. M. ringens, Linn. Wild monkey-flower. Erect perennial, with square stem and oblong or lanceolate clasping serrate leaves: flowers blue or light purple, somewhat personate. Wet places. M. luteus, Linn! Monkey-flower. Tiger-flower. Fig. 546. Annual, with ovate serrate leaves: flowers large, yellow, blotched with brick-red or brown. Western America, and commonly cultivated. To gardeners often known as M . tigridio\des. 9. DIGITALIS. FOXGLOVE. Stem simple and strict: leaves alternate: flowers with a long expanding tube and a very short in- distinctly lobed limb, the throat wholly open: stamens 4. D. purpurea, Linn. Common foxglove. Usually biennial, tall and stout (24 ft.): leaves oblong, nearly or quite entire, rough and downy: flowers many, drooping, in a long, erect raceme, 2 in. long, white to purple and spotted inside. Old garden plant from Europe. 10. CASTILLfcjA. PAINTED CUP. Herbs, at least partially parasitic on roots of other plants: flowers ses- sile in leafy, often brilliantly colored, bracts; calyx tubular, 2-4-cleft; corolla very irregular, tubular, the tube included in the calyx, the upper lip very long, arched and keeled, enfolding 2 pairs of stamens; lower lip short, 3-lobed. Late spring and summer. Four or 5 species in our territory. C. coccinea, Spreng. Annual or biennial, 8-12 in., with very striking inflorescence of scarlet or yellow 3-cleft bracts surrounding the flowers. Damp meadows or thickets, not common but conspicuous. 11. GRATiOLA. HEDGE HYSSOP. Low, mostly perennial herbs, found in damp situations: leaves opposite: peduncles axillary, 1-flowered each; calyx 5-parted, segments scarcely equal; corolla 2-lipped, upper lip emarginate or 2-cleft, lower 3-lobed: fertile stamens 2. 546. Mimulus luteus. 408 THE KINDS OF PLANTS G. virginiana, Linn. Stems branching, or creeping at base, more or less viscid, 4-6 in. tall: leaves oblong or lanceolate, few-toothed, sessile: flowers with yellowish corolla, %-% i n - long: sterile filaments not present. Wet places. All summer. 12. VERONICA. SPEEDWELL. Ours herbs with leaves mostly opposite or whorled, blue or white flowers solitary or in racemes from the leaf-axils, or terminal; corolla wheel-shaped, the border irregularly 4-lobed; stamens 2, inserted on corolla-tube, with slender long filaments: ovary 2-celled, style slender: capsule flattened, notched at apex, 2-celled, few- to numerous-seeded. V. americana, Schw. Perennial, weak and decumbent at base, rooting at nodes, finally erect: leaves opposite at base, mostly petioled, thickish, oblong to lance-ovate, serrate racemes axillary, opposite, 23 in. long: flowers small, pale blue, on slender pedicels: capsule swollen, many-seeded. Com- mon in and about brooks and swampy ground. June through summer. V. officinalis, Linn. Little pubescent prostrate perennial, 6 in. to 1 ft., in dry fields and woods: leaves wedge-oblong, or obovate, short-petioled, serrate: racemes spike-like, longer than leaves; flowers pale blue. July. V. peregrJna, Linn. Annual, glabrous, erect, 4-9 in., branched: lower leaves thick, oval, toothed, petioled; others sessile, entire: flowers very small, whitish, axillary and solitary: capsule orbicular, slightly notched. A common weed: April to June. V. serpyllifdlia, Linn. Perennial, creeping; leaves small, rounded, almost entire: flowering stems smooth, simple, ascending 2-6 in.; flowers very small, in terminal racemes; corolla pale blue or whitish with purple stripes, exceeding calyx. Common in lawns and grassy fields. May, through XXXVI. SOLANlCE^E. NIGHTSHADE FAMILY. Herbs or shrubs, with alternate often compound leaves: flowers perfect and re'gular, 5-merous, mostly rotate or open-bell-shaped in form and plaited in the bud; stamens 5, often connivent around the single 2-loculed pistil, borne on the corolla: fruit a berry or cap- sule (the latter sometimes 4-loculed by a false partition), the seeds borne on a central column. Some 70 genera and 1,500 species. Com- mon representatives are nightshade, potato, tomato, husk tomato, cobacco, jimson-weed, petunia. A. Fruit a fleshy berry. B. Fruiting calyx bladdery-inflated and wholly inclosing the fruit; anthers not connected, opening length- wise 1. Physalis BB. Fruiting calyx not inflated. 'SOLANAOE^I 409 C. Stamens with anthers equaling or exceeding the filaments. D. Anthers separate or barely connected, opening at the top 2. Solanum DD. Anthers united, opening lengthwise 3. Lycopersicum cc. Stamens with anthers much shorter than filaments.4. Capsicum AA. Fruit a capsule. B. Calyx 5-parted to near base 5. Petunia BB. Calyx toothed, not deep-parted. c. Pod usually prickly, large 6. Datura cc. Pods not prickly, small 7. Nicotiana 1. PH^SALIS. GROUND CHERRY. Herbs, flowering through the summer: flowers solitary, nodding on axillary peduncles: leaves alternate or often somewhat paired, margins entire or sinuate: calyx enlarging after flowering, and finally inclosing the pulpy berry as a much-inflated papery sac ; corolla yellowish or white, often with dark center, wheel-shaped, with short tube, the border obscurely 5-lobed, plaited in bud. P. virginiana, Mill. Perennial by rootstocks, viscid: fruiting calyx pyramidal, closed, more or less 5-angled and indented at base: berry reddish yellow, edible, not filling the loosely inflated calyx: corolla yellow, nearly an inch in diameter, with brown center, and edge 5- to 10-angled: anthers yellow. Open places, in rich soil. Summer. P. pubescens, Linn. Low annual, more or less pubescent and clammy: stem generally diffuse in branching, 9-18 in. tall, often somewhat swollen at nodes: corolla small, about K in. across, yellow or greenish, with a dark, spotted center; anthers purple: the green or yellow berry does not fill the closed, 5-angled calyx. In low or damp < places. 2. SOLANUM. NIGHTSHADE. Perennials or annuals: calyx and corolla 5-parted, the latter rotate; stamens 5, exserted, the anthers separate and opening by a pore in the top: berry 2-loculed. a. Plants not prickly. S. tuberosum, Linn. Potato. Figs. 24, 45, 242. Low, diffuse-growing perennial, producing stem-tubers on slender underground rootstocks: leaves pinnate, the leaflets differing in size and ovate: flowers bluish: berries globu- lar, yellowish green. Warm temperate elevations of tropical America. The "Irish," "white" or "round" potato. S. nigrum, Linn. Common nightshade. Branchy annual, 1-2 ft., nearly smooth: leaves ovate, wavy-margined: flowers small, white: berries small, black. Waste places. S. Dulcamara, Linn. Bittersweet. Fig. 424. Tall, loosely climbing: leaves cordate-ovate, sometimes 3-lobed, often with 2 or 4 small leaflets at the base: flowers small, violet-purple: berries oval, red. Perennial. Common. 410 THE KINDS OF PLANTS aa. Plants prickly. S. Mel6ngena, Linn. Eggplant. Guinea squash. Fig. 288. Stout annual with large, ovate, somewhat angled pubescent leaves: flower large, purplish, the calyx prickly: fruit a very large purple or white berry (often weighing several pounds). India. 3. LYCOPERSICUM. TOMATO. Differs from Solanum chiefly in having the anthers united at their tips by a membrane and opening by lengthwise slits. L. esculentum, Mill. Common tomato plant. Tall, hairy, strong-smelling herb, with pinnate leaves, the _._ ^ '. leaflets ovate and unequal-sided and of different sizes: 647. Capsicum annuum. flowers small, yellow, in short lorked racemes: iruit a large red or yellow berry. South America. 4. CAPSICUM. RED PEPPER. Erect, branchy, smooth herbs: stamens with slender filaments which are much longer than the separate anthers, the latter opening by lengthwise slits: fruit globular, long or irregular, firm. C. annuum, Linn. Common red pepper. Fig. 547. Annual or biennial, with ovate entire leaves: flowers white, with very short-toothed or trun- cate calyx: fruit very various in the cultivated varieties. Tropical America. 5. PETUNIA. PETUNIA. 548. Petunia nyctaginiflora. Clammy-hairy diffuse herbs: calyx-lobes leaf- like and much longer than the tube; corolla funnelform, showy, the stamens not projecting: fruit 2-loculed, capsular. South America. P. nyctaginiflora, Juss. White petunia. Fig. 548. Corolla white, very long- tubed: leaves oval-oblong, narrowed into a petiole. P. violacea. Lindl. Fig. 549. Weaker and more diffuse: corolla purple or rose, the tube short and broad: leaves ovate or oval, nearly or quite sessile. The gar- den petunias are mostly hybrids of the 2 species. 6. DATURA. JAMESTOWN-WEED or JIMSON-WEED. Very strong bushy herbs, with large, long-tubular, short-lived flowers from the forks of the branches: stigma 2-parted: fruit a globular usually prickly cap- sule, opening by 4 valves. D. StramSnium, Linn. Fig. 275. Annual, 3-5 ft., the stem green : leaves ovate, sinuate or angled : corolla white. Tropics; common weed. D. Tatula, Linn. Stem and corolla purple. 549. Petunia. Very near the original P. violacea. SOLAN ACE^J CONVOLVULACE^E 411 7. NICOTlANA. TOBACCO. Tall herbs, with large usually pubescent leaves: corolla funnelform or salverform, the tube usually long: stigma not lobed: pod 2-4-valved, not very large, contained within the persistent calyx. N. Tabacum, Linn. Tobacco. Robust annual, 4-6 ft., with very large ovate decurrent entire leaves and rose-purple panicled flowers. Tropical America. N. alata, Link & Otto (N. affinis of gardens). Fig. 550. Slender but tall (2-4 ft.) plant with clammy- pubescent herbage: leaves lanceolate .or obovate, entire: flowers white, with very slender tube 5-6 in. long, the limb unequal. Brazil; common in gardens. ( 55 ' NlC Uana ^ XXXVII. CONVOLVULACELE. CONVOLVULUS FAMILY, Herbs, mostly twining, with alternate chiefly simple leaves: flow- ers regular, 5-merous, the tubular or trumpet-shaped corolla mostly twisted in the bud, the stamens 5 and borne on the corolla; ovary commonly 1-, mostly 2-loculed, with 2 ovules in each locule, becom- ing a globular capsule in fruit (which is sometimes 4-loculed by the insertion of a false partition). The family contains between 30 and 40 genera, and nearly 1,000 species. Common convolvulaceous plants are morning-glory, cypress vine, sweet potato, bindweed, dodder. A. Plants with normal foliage. B. Stigma 2-3-lobed, knobbed: calyx not bracted 1. Ipomcea SB. Stigmas 2, thread-form: calyx sometimes inclosed by 2 leafy bracts 2. Convolvulus AA. Plants leafless, parasitic 3. Cuscuta 1. IPOMOSA. MORNING-GLORY. Mostly twining, with showy flowers on axillary peduncles: corolla with a long tube and a flaring limb; pistil 1, with one style, and the stigma 2-3-lobed: fruit a capsule, with 1-seeded locules. a. Leaves compound, with thread-like divisions. I. Quamoclit, Linn. Cypress vine. Fig. 551. Leaves pin- nate: flowers solitary, red, small, narrow-limbed, with pro- jecting style and stamens. Tropical America, but run wild South; also cultivated. Annual. aa. Leaves simple or deeply lobed, broad. 551. Ipomoea * Bdna-N6x, Linn. White moonflower. Fig. 552. Tall: Quamoclit. leaves heart-shaped, or angled or lobed: flowers 1 to few, 412 THE KINDS OF PLANTS white, opening once at night, with a slender tube and a large limb 4-6 in. Tropical America. Perennial. I. purpurea, Roth. Morning-glory. Fig. 240. Leaves broadly cordate-ovate, entire: flowers 2-4, large and fun- nel-shaped, 2-3 in. long, purple to streaked and white. Tropical America. Annual. I. hederacea, Jacq. Leaves heart-shaped, 3-5-lobed: flowers 1-3, rather smaller than those of /. purpurea. Tropical America. Annual. I. Batatas, Poir. Sweet potato. Fig. 204. Creeping: leaves heart-shaped to triangular, usually lobed: flowers (seldom seen) 3 or 4, light purple, funnel-form, 1J^ in. long. Tropics; grown for its large edible root-tubers. 552. Ipomcea Bona-Nox. 2. CONVOLVULUS. BINDWEED. Herbs (or shrubs) twining or erect: flowers large, on axillary peduncles; sepals 5; corolla funnelform or bell-form, limb entire, 5-angled or 5-lobed; stamens inserted on corolla-tube, included; style 1; stigmas 2, long; ovary and pod 2-celled, 4-seeded. C. sepium, Linn. Rutland beauty. Perennial: twining or trailing stem: leaves heart-shaped or arrow-shaped, auricles often toothed: flowers axil- lary and solitary on a peduncle; calyx with 2 large bracts at base, inclosing it; corolla morning-glory-like, white or pink, M~2 in. long, margin quite entire. Wild in low grounds. Summer. C. arvensis, Linn. Bindweed. Perennial, nearly glabrous, prostrate or climbing: leaves entire arrow-shaped, with basal ears acute-lobed, but vari- able: calyx not bracted at base; corolla pink, nearly white, small, not over 1 in. long. Europe. Bad weed. May to September. 3. CUSCUTA. DODDER. Parasitic twiners without foliage (leaves reduced to scales): flowers in clusters, the calyx and corolla with 4-5 lobes: fruit 2- loculed, 4-seeded. C. Gronovii, Willd. (Fig. 553), is the commonest species, twining its slender coral-yellow stems over coarse herbs in swales: corolla bell-shaped, the tube longer than the blunt and spreading lobes. XXXVIII. BORRAGINACE^. BORAGE FAMILY. Generally rough herbs, with round stems, leaves usually alternate and hairy, exstipulate: inflores- cence commonly 1 -sided, in coiled terminal racemes, straightening as flowers open; lobes of calyx 5: lobes of corolla 5, usually regular; stamens 5, on corolla- 553. Cuscuta Gronovii. BORRAGINACE.E 413 tube; ovary deeply 4-lobed, with style in center; stigmas 1 or 2: fruit usually 4 separate 1-seeded nutlets at bottom of persistent calyx. About 1,500 species and 80 genera. A. Ovary entire, style terminal: fruit dry nutlets (2 or 4).l. Heliotropium A A. Ovary deeply 4-parted, or 4-divided, the style rising from the center. B. Corolla and stamens regular. c. Fruits (nutlets) bur-like, prickly or spiny. D. Nutlets oblique, fixed by apex, or laterally, to style, covered all over by hooked prickles.2. Cynoglossum DD. Nutlets erect, fixed by base or side to the central column: prickles in 1 or more rows on the surface 3. Lappula cc. Fruits (nutlets) not armed with prickles. D. Nutlets attached laterally to the receptacle: flowers rather large 4. Mertensia DD. Nutlets attached by bases to receptacle. E. Flowers not bracted, in racemes 5. Myosotis EE. Flowers bracted, in racemes 6. Lithospermum BB. Corolla irregular: stamens unequal 7. Echium 1. HELIOTROPIUM. HELIOTROPE. Perennial or annual herbs (or shrubs) with white or purplish, small flowers in 1-sided spikes: flowers alternate, usually entire; stamens short, anthers nearly sessile; style short, with conical stigma; ovary 4-celled: fruit, 4 nutlets or two 2-celled nutlets. H. peruvianum, Linn. Common garden heliotrope. Pubescent or rough, often rather shrubby: leaves lance-ovate to oblong, short-petioled, veiny and wrinkled: flowers very fragrant, white to lilac. 2. CYNOGL6SSUM. HOUND'S TONGUE. STICK-TIGHT. Tall, coarse, usually rough and unpleasantly scented hairy weeds, with large entire alternate leaves: flowers small, inconspicuous, in racemes or forked cymes, some bracted; corolla short, nearly wheel form, with 5 con- verging, blunt scales closing the throat; ovary deeply 4-parted, with style from center: fruit of bur-like nutlets, covered with hooked prickles. C. officinale, Linn. A coarse, pubescent, troublesome dock-like weed from Europe, dull green, smelling like mice, grows to 1 or 2 ft., leafy to the top: leaves softly pubescent, lance-oblong, mostly sessile: corolla dull reddish purple, not ^ in. across: nutlets margined. Biennial. C. virginianum, Linn. Stem stout, 2-3 ft. tall, bristly hairy, leafless above: leaves oblong oval with clasping bases: flowers pale blue, bractless, on short pedicels in terminal short spikes: nutlets not margined. Perennial. 3. LAPPULA (Echinospennum). STICK-SEED. BUR-SEED. Annual or biennial weeds in dry soils, grayish with hairs: leaves alter- nate, narrow, entire: flowers small, blue or white, in terminal, leafy-bracted 414 THE KINDS OF PLANTS racemes: corolla with 5 scales in throat: nutlets erect, bearing 1-3 rows of stout prickles, and fixed by side to the central column. L. virginiana, Lehm. A troublesome biennial or annual weed of thickets and open woods, 24 ft., slender and branching: leaves thin, oblong-ovate, tapering at both ends: flowers small, whitish or bluish, on pedicels, in racemes 1-3 in. long, reflexing in fruit: nutlets small, globose, covered with barbed prickles. 4. MERT^NSIA. LUNGWORT. Perennial, usually glabrous herbs, with leaves entire, pale green and often dotted, the radical ones many- veined and the stem-leaves sessile: flowers in terminal racemes; calyx short, 5-cleft; corolla funnelform or trumpet-shape, often with 5 small folds in throat, and stamens inserted between; style long and slender: nutlets erect, smooth, finely wrinkled. M. virginica, DC. Leaves entire, obovate, sessile on stem: flowers large, trumpet-shaped, 1 in. long, spreading or hanging on slender pedicels, light blue or pinkish; corolla-throat not crested, limb entire. Perennial. Rich soil. May, June. 5. MYOSOTIS. FORGET-ME-NOT. Low, usually villous herbs, with stems erect or reclining, branching: leaves small, alternate, entire: flowers small in bractless racemes; corolla salver-form, 5-lobed, lobes spreading, rounded with appendages at base: nutlets smooth or hard, fixed by base. Several species. M. scorpioides, Linn. (M. palustris, With.). True forget-me-not. A favorite garden perennial introduced from Europe, but also escaped to field and moist spots: racemes 1-sided: leaves lance-oblong, obtuse: calyx open in fruit, the lobes shorter than the tube: corolla light-blue, with yellow center. M. laxa, Lehm. Flowers smaller, paler, on long pedicels: calyx-lobes long: habit lax. Swamps. M. arvensis, Hoffm. Hairy: leaves lance-oblong, acute: calyx closing in fruit and beset with minutely hooked bristles. Fields, native. 6. LITHOSPERMUM. CROMWELL. PUCCOON. Hairy herbs with roots usually red: leaves alternate, entire: flowers in leafy-bracted racemes or spikes; calyx-segments 5, narrow; corolla funnel- or salver-form, 5-lobed, sometimes crested in throat; stamens 5, with short filaments, included on corolla-throat; stigma 2-lobed: nutlets 4, smooth or wrinkled, usually stony. L. arvense, Linn. Rough weed from Europe, 8-12 in.: leaves small, lan- ceolate to linear: flowers insignificant: corolla white, hardly as long as calyx, without appendages in throat: nutlets roughly wrinkled, dull gray. L. Gmelinii, Hitchc. (L. hirtum, Lehm.). A rough, native perennial, with simple stem, 8 in. to 2 ft., on dry, sterile ground: leaves lanceolate or linear, hairy: flowers densely crowded in short terminal leafy racemes: corolla bright orange-yellow, showy, longer than calyx, with little appendages in throat, and woolly. June. BORRAGINACE^E HYDRO PHYLLACE^J 415 L. canescens, Lehm. Puccoon. Not so rough as preceding, but hoary, 6-18 in. high: flowers yellow axillary smaller and corolla-throat appendaged, but not bearded. Grows in open woodlands and fields, Canada to Alabama and West. 7. ECHIUM. VIPER'S BTTGLOSS. Stout and coarse herbs: leaves alternate, entire: flowers rather large, usually blue or purplish, in spicate or panicled racemes; calyx-segments 5, narrow; corolla irregular, with 5 unequal lobes, short-tubed, and throat not bearded; stamens 5, unequal, and long-exserted ; stigmas 2 or 2-lobed: nutlets 4, erect, rough-wrinkled. E. vulgare, Linn. Stems 1-3 ft. erect, leafy, very bristly hairy: leaves lanceolate, sessile on stem, 4-8 in. long: flowers bright purplish, chang- ing to bright blue in 1-sided spikes. Biennial; early summer. Naturalized from Europe, and becoming a showy but troublesome weed in places. XXXIX. HYDROPHYLLACE.E. WATERLEAF FAMILY. Mostly hirsute or scabrous herbs, with good-sized mostly alter- nate, simple or compound leaves: flowers regular, 5-parted, in 1-sided cymes, spikes or racemes; ovary superior, 1 -celled, with 2 parietal placentae, or apparently 2-celled; styles 2 or 2-cleft: capsule usually loculicidally 2-valved. Nearly 200 species, but only 1 genus frequent in northeastern states. HYDROPHYLLUM. WATERLEAF. Perennial, usually found in rich, low woods: leaves large, petioled: cymes more or less coiled: calyx often with small appendages at the notches of the lobes; corolla bell-shape, 5-cleft, usually convoluted in bud and bear- ing 5 folds or scales inside the tube; style and stamens (with hairy filaments) projecting. In shady places, these interesting plants make heavy masses of foliage. H. macrophyllum, Nutt. A hoary-hairy plant, about 1 ft. tall, branching: leaves pinnately cut: flower-cluster on long stout peduncle: corolla white or bluish, about 1 in. across: sepals not appendaged at base: stamens longer than corolla. H. appendiculatum, Michx. Hairy, 1-1 J^ ft. tall: leaves large, mostly 6-lobed or angled, some of the lower ones pinnately parted: flower clusters loose; corolla blue; sepals appendaged at bases, bristly hairy; stamens not much if any longer than corolla. H. canadense, Linn. About 1 ft. high, smoothish: leaves all rounded, with 5-9 shallow lobes, and heart-shaped bases, or with small leaflets on the petioles: corolla white or purplish. H. virginicum, Linn., is closely allied, but has pinnately divided leaves. 416 THE KINDS OF PLANTS XL. POLEMONIACE.E. PHLOX FAMILY. Herbs, mostly annuals or perennials: flowers regular, in terminal clusters, 5-parted, with corolla monopetalous ; stamens on corolla- tube, alternate with lobes; ovary 3-celled; style simple and 3-lobed: capsule 3-celled, with 3, mostly loculicidal, valves. About 200 species in several genera. Phlox is the leading genus. A. Leaves entire, mostly opposite: stamens unequally in- serted on tube of the corolla 1. Phlox AA. Leaves pinnately compound, alternate: stamens equally inserted on the corolla-tube 2. Polemonium 1. PHL<5X. Fig. 241. Erect or diffuse herbs, stems leafy: leaves without stipules, entire, mostly sessile, opposite, or alternate above: flowers of different colors, in terminal clusters; corolla salver-form, tube long; stamens 5, unequal, included in tube. P. Drummondii is annual; the others perennial. P. paniculata. Linn. Stems 2-4 ft. high, usually stout and in clumps: leaves ovate-lanceolate, or oblong: flowers on short pedicels in many-flow- ered panicled cymes, terminal, white to various pinks and reds; calyx-teeth sharp-pointed ; lobes of corolla rounded and entire. P. maculata, Linn. One to 2 ft. high: stem spotted with purple: lower leaves the heavier, lanceolate-linear; upper taper-pointed with a heart- shaped sessile base: panicle elongated, pyramidal, of many pink-purple flowers; calyx-teeth less pointed than in preceding: corolla-lobes entire. All summer. This and the preceding species are the originals of the common perennial phloxes of gardens. P. divaricata, Linn. Ascending or diffuse to 1 ft., or more, terminating in loose corymb, rather sticky -pubescent: leaves ovate-oblong or broad-lan- ceolate, rounded at base, acute at tip, sessile, pubescent: corolla large, gray- ish blue or lilac, the lobes notched; calyx-teeth slender and longer than tube. Moist woods. Spring. P. subulata, Linn. Ground or moss pink. Stems creeping, tufted, much branched and leafy, forming a moss-like carpet over the ground: leaves about ^2 in. long, rigid, linear to awl-shaped, spreading in clusters: flowers 3-6 in depressed clusters, white to pinkish-purple; lobes of corolla shorter than tube. Spring. P. Drummondii, Hook. From Texas, now the common annual phlox in gardens: stems branching, spreading, about 1 ft. high, rather downy-clammy: flowers showy, in corymbs; various colors and patterns 011 the corolla and lobes variously notched. 2. POLEMONIUM. Perennial herbs, with alternate pinnately compound leaves: calyx com- panulate, segments erect over fruit; corolla bell-form or rotate; stamens POLEMONIACE.E ASCLEPIADACE^J 417 slender, declined, hairy at base, inserted on corolla base. The following native perennials are often cultivated. P. reptans, Linn. Greek valerian. Stems rather weak, diffusely branch- ing (not creeping), 6 in. to IK ft.: leaves smooth, of 7-13 leaflets, occa- sionally a simple one: leaflets lance-ovate or oblong, about 1 in. long, with entire margins: flowers nodding, light blue corolla 3 times as long as calyx, not over ^ in. broad. P. Van Bruntiae, Brit. Jacob's ladder. Tall, erect to 1-3 ft., smooth or hairy: leaflets 9-17, lanceolate, crowded: flowers bright blue, in erect long panicles; stamens and style longer than corolla-lobes; corolla 1 in. broad. XLI. GENTIANACEjE. GENTIAN FAMILY. Generally smooth herbs, with bitter, colorless juice (tonic proper- ties): entire leaves mostly opposite, sessile and without stipules: flowers regular, solitary or in clusters; calyx persistent; corolla mono- petalous, with 4-8-lobed margin, and with 4-8 stamens, inserted on tube: capsule 2-valved, many-seeded. Some 600 species, many very showy. GENTIAN A. GENTIAN. Herbs in low woods and damp grounds, flowering mostly in autumn: flowers solitary or in clusters and showy, usually blue; corolla tubular, lobes 4-7, open or closed, some having a membranous fold in each of the notches of the limb; stamens 4-7: style short or wanting. G. crinita, Froel. Fringed gentian. Annual, in moist soil, blooming in September and October: distinguished by the beautiful flowers, solitary and terminal on erect stems (stems about 1 ft. tall), pure blue, 1^-2 in. long, funnelfonn, with 4 spreading lobes, having the margins cut into a fringe all around: leaves clear green, lanceolate, acute, sessile. G. procera, Holm. Similar to the preceding, but smaller and corolla less fringed: leaves linear. G. Andre wsii, Griseb. Closed gentian. Perennial: stems simple, smooth, to about 1K~2 ft.: leaves ovate to lanceolate, with narrow base: flowers in terminal, sessile clusters: corolla blue with notched folds or appendages on the margin, never opening. XLII. ASCLEPIADACEJE. MILKWEED FAMILY. Perennial herbs or shrubs, often vines, with milky juice: leaves opposite or sometimes whorled, exstipulate: flowers generally in umbels, regular and 5-parted, but very peculiar in the structure and connection of stamens, stigma and pollen: hood-like appendages are borne be- hind the anthers, forming a corona about the stigma; stamens 5 with AA 418 THE KINDS OF PLANTS very short filaments, and mostly monadelphous; the anthers press against the fleshy 5-angled stigma, and the pollen coheres in waxy or granular masses, 1 or 2 to each anther-sac: fruit of 1 or 2 follicles: seeds bearing long silk (Fig. 303). About 2,000 species and 200 genera. ASCLfiPIAS. MILKWEED. SILKWEED. Erect perennial herbs, with mostly opposite, thick simple leaves and flowers in simple umbels: calyx and corolla each with 5 lobes, bent down- ward, leaving the crown of 5 hood-like appendages, each bearing a horn, conspicuously surrounding the stamens; filaments generally united, and the anthers adherent to the fleshy stigma; anther 2-celled and each cell con- taining a firm, waxy, elongated mass of pollen; adjacent pairs of the pollen- masses are connected and suspended from one of 5 glands resembling a pair of saddle-bags. The flower is peculiarly adapted to insect-pollination, the pollen-masses being carried on the feet of insects. A. tuberdsa, Linn. Butterfly weed. Pleurisy root. About 2 ft., with most conspicuous erect clusters of brilliant orange flowers: leaves irregularly scat- tered on stems, or alternate, linear or lance-oblong, hairy, sessile: pods nearly erect, finely pubescent. Dry fields and hillsides. Summer. A. incarnata, Linn. Swamp milkweed. Fig. 271. A handsome milk- weed of wet grounds: stems leafy, 2-5 ft.: leaves lanceolate or lance-oblong, acuminate, rather smooth, opposite: flowers rose-colored to white, sweet- scented, in somewhat paniculate umbels: follicles erect, smooth. A. syriaca, Linn. (A. Corniiti, Decne.). Common milkweed. Fig. 303. Stems 3-4 ft. high, stout, very milky, usually simple, leafy: leaves large, oblong, downy beneath, stiff, 4-8 in. long, opposite, short -petioled : flowers ^2 in- long, greenish-lavender to lavender, with strong, sweet, but unpleasant odor: pods rough or warty. A. purpurascens, Linn. Purple milkweed. Stems erect, 1-3 ft., leafy, simple or branching: leaves oblong or ovate-oblong to elliptical, pointed, short-petioled, 3-6 in. long: flowers large (^ in.), dull purple: pods smooth. A. variegata, Linn. Stems simple, smooth, leafy: leaves oval to lance- oval, opposite or whorled, petioled, pale beneath, umbels on downy pedun- cles: corolla white, hoods roundish, sometimes purplish. Dry woods. A. quadrifolia, Jacq. Stem 1-2 ft., nearly smooth, and leafy below: 1 or 2 whorls of 4-ovate, taper-pointed, petioled leaves near middle and above or below a pair of smaller ones: umbels few, loose-flowered; flowers small, crown white; corolla white, tinged with pink. Slender. XLIII. APOCYNACE^. DOGBANE FAMILY. Herbs and woody plants, some of the commoner ones resembling milkweeds, in having milky, acrid juice, and seeds crested with silky hairs, but filaments distinct, pollen granular, and corolla twisted (rather than volvate) in the bud: hairs: leaves chiefly opposite, entire, APOCYNACEvE 419 simple, without stipules: flowers regular and monopetalous, solitary or in cymes, 5-parted; ovary of 2 free carpels; stigmas united. About 1,000 species and 120 genera. A. Herbs erect: flowers in terminal cymes or corymbs 1. Apocynum AA. Half shrubby, trailing or erect plants: flowers solitary in axils 2. Vinca AAA. Cultivated house and garden shrubs: erect: leaves pppo- site, or whorled in 3's 3. Nerium 1. AP6CYNUM. DOGBANE. Upright branching herbs, with reddish, fibrous bark: flowers small, white or pink, in terminal corymbs: leaves opposite, entire, acuminate: corolla bell-shaped, 5-lobed, with 5 small, triangular scale-appendages within the tube, each alternating with one of the 5 stamens attached at base of tube; ovaries 2, distinct; stigma 2-lobed: pods long, slender and full of seeds which are tufted with silky hairs at one end. A. androsaemifolium, Linn. Smooth plants, 2-4 or 5 ft. tall, with branches widely spreading; stems usually purplish: leaves 2-4 in. long, ovate-acute, short-petioled: corolla small, J4 in- long, bell-form, with lobes spreading or recurving, the tube exceeding the calyx. A very common weed along hedge-rows, in light woodlands and clearings. A. cannabinum, Linn. Indian hemp. More erect: leaves oblong or oblong-ovate: flowers erect, with the corolla-lobes scarcely spreading, the tube about the length of the calyx. Banks and shores. 2. VfNCA. PERIWINKLE. Herbs, creeping or erect, and more or less woody: leaves mostly ever- green and opposite: flowers solitary, axillary, 5-parted; style 1; follicles 2, erect, slender. V. minor, Linn. Periwinkle. Myrtle (improperly). A familiar trailing plant of the garden, lawns and cemeteries, growing hi shady places, and spreading by creeping stems: leaves evergreen, oblong-ovate, shiny: flowers solitary in axils, blue (rarely white), the corolla salver-form, about 1 in. across. Spring and early summer. V. rosea, Linn. Erect, often 20-30 in. high, rather woody at base: leaves ovate, obtuse, on long petioles: flowers large, on slender axillary pedicels, white, white with rose eye, or plain rose-color; blooming all season when grown in the house or conservatory, or all summer in the garden. Tropics. 3. NERIUM. OLEANDER. Shrubs from warm climates, much cultivated in windows and green- houses: leaves lanceolate, leathery and stiff: flowers in terminal cymes, white or pink, single or double; corolla large, 1-2 in., salver-form, the throat bearing 5 fringed or toothed scales; ovary of 2 carpels; stamens 5, the anthers tipped with awn-like bristles. 420 THE KINDS OF PLANTS N. Oleander, Linn. Common oleander. Leaves lanceolate: flowers large, rose-color or white, not fragrant, with crown segments not fringed. N. oddrum, Soland. Sweet oleander. Flower fragrant, and bearing crown segments which are more fringed, and long anther appendages. XLIV. OLEACE^E. OLIVE FAMILY. Trees or shrubs: leaves simple or pinnately compound, opposite: flowers various, but regular; calyx free from ovary, usually small and 4-lobed, or none; corolla regular, 4-parted, or of 4 distinct petals, or none; stamens 2, with separate filaments inserted on petals, or hypogy- nous: ovary 2-celled; style 1, if any. A. Shrubs or very small trees: leaves simple: flowers perfect. B. Flowers yellow . . 1. Forsythia BB. Flowers white or lilac. c. Fruit a dry pod, loculicidal 2. Syringa cc. Fruit berry-like. D. Flowers practically polypetalous; petals long, narrow; flowers drooping 3. Chionanthus DD. Flowers gamopetalous; corolla-tube funnel- form, 4-lobed; flowers erect 4. Ligustrum AA. Large forest trees: leaves pinnately compound: flowers imperfect, mostly dioecious: fruit a samara 5. Fraxinus 1. FORSYTHIA. Ornamental shrubs from the Orient, with opposite simple or trifoliolate leaves: flowers perfect, the deciduous calyx and the bell-shaped corolla in 4 parts; stamens 2 on base of corolla; style short: pod 2-celled, many-seeded. F. viridissima, Lindl. Strong hardy shrub, with green branches covered with showy yellow flowers, separate on pedicels in early spring before leaves appear: leaves simple, lance-oblong: corolla-lobes narrow -oblong and spreading; style twice as long as stamens. F. suspensa, Vahl. Branches slender and drooping: corolla-lobes larger and more spreading and style shorter than in preceding: leaves simple, broadly-ovate, also frequently trifoliolate on same bush. 2. SYRfNGA. LILAC. Common ornamental shrubs, usually tall, with leaves simple, entire, opposite: many small fragrant flowers in close terminal panicles or thyrses; calyx 4-toothed; corolla salver-form, tube long; limb 4-lobed; stamens 2, on summit of corolla-tube: fruit a 4-seeded flattened pod, 2-valved; seeds flat- tened, somewhat winged or margined. No native species. The name Syringa is sometimes popularly applied to Philadelphus. S. vulgaris, Linn. Common lilac. Fig. 72. Well-known bushy shrub from OLEACE.E 421 eastern Europe: flowers purple, lilac to white, in dense upright thyrses, very fragrant : leaves heart-shaped, entire, smooth. S. persica, Linn. Persian lilac. Less bushy, and more slender than the common lilac: leaves lance-ovate, the bases tapering: and pale lilac or white flowers in loose clusters appearing later. 3. CHIONANTHUS. FRINGE-TREE. Shrub or small tree with opposite, simple, entire, petioled leaves: flowers in large loose axillary rather drooping panicles; calyx small, persistent; corolla white, with 4 long, narrow petals, scarcely united at base; stamens 2-4, but scarcely adherent to corolla base: drupe usually 1 -seeded. A hand- some bush. C. virginica, Linn. Native to moist southern woods, but cultivated for ornament: leaves oval to oblong, 3-5 in. long: panicles with some leafy bracts; flowers conspicuous, in spring, appearing with leaves; petals 1 in. long. 4. LIGUSTRUM. PRIVET. PRTM. Stiff shrubs or very small trees: leaves simple, entire, firm and thickish, short-pet ioled, opposite: flowers small, white, in terminal thyrses or pan- icles: calyx small, minutely toothed or truncate; corolla funnelfonn, 4-lobed, spreading; stamens 2, inserted on corolla-tube; ovary 2-celled: fruit a 1-4-seeded, black berry. L. vulgare, Linn. Leaves thick, elliptic-lanceolate, abundant, persistent, but deciduous: flowers % in- wide and white; calyx smooth: berries black. Eastern Europe. Used mostly for hedges. 5. FRAXINUS. ASH. Figs. 92, 141. Deciduous tree, some of them valuable for timber: leaves odd-pinnate, petiolate: flowers small, insignificant, dioecious (polygamous in some species), racemed or panicled the American species apetalous, appearing before or with the leaves; calyx 4-toothed, small, seldom wanting; stigma 2-cleft: fruit a flat 1- (or 2-) celled key, winged. Several species are native in North America. F. americana, Linn. White ash. Forest tree, 40-80 ft., with rough, blackish bark, and gray, smooth branches: leaflets 5-9, ovate or lance-oblong and acuminate, entire or sparingly serrate, pale or downy beneath, smooth above, the lateral leaflets stalked : flowers mostly dioecious, apetalous; calyx present in fertile flowers, and persistent: fruit with lanceolate wing at apex, base nearly cylindrical, the key 1^-2 in. long. F. pennsylvanica, Marsh. Red ash. A smaller tree than the white ash: young shoots and leaf petioles and lower leaf surfaces velvety-pubescent: calyx persistent on fertile flowers: fruit narrow, flattened at base, the edges dilated into the oblanceolate wing. F. excelsior, Linn. European ash, often planted: leaflets 9-13, ovate- lanceolate or oblong, aeute, serrate: fruit oblong, often notched at end. 422 THE KINDS OF PLANTS XLV. PRIMULACE.E. PRIMROSE FAMILY. Low herbs with leaves radical or opposite: flowers perfect, reg- ular, 5-parted, monopetalous; stamens 5, inserted in corolla-tube, each opposite a lobe; style and stigma 1; ovary 1-celled, superior, with 3 central placentae. About 300 species in some 25 genera. A. Plants with all leaves basal: flowers on a scape. B. Corolla-lobes spreading 1. Primula BB. Corolla-lobes reflexed. c. Several flowers on the scape; stamens protruding. . .2. Dodecatheon cc. One flower on the scape; stamens included 3. Cyclamen AA. Plants with leafy stems 4. Lysimachia 1. PRIMULA. PBIMROSE. COWSLIP (of England). AURICULA. Low perennials herbs, with radical leaves: flowers in an involucrate umbel in most species, terminal on a scape; calyx 5-cleft; corolla salver- shaped, with 5 spreading lobes, entire or notched; stamens 5, with short filaments included in corolla-tube, often of different lengths: capsules ovoid, opening by valves or teeth at the top. Native species rare, but a number of exotic primroses are much cultivated. P. sinensis, Sabine. Downy greenhouse plant: flowers in umbels, large and showy, of different colors, single or double; calyx large and inflated: leaves cordate, 7-9-lobed, on long petioles. China. P. obconica, Hance. Leaves ovate-cordate: scapes a foot high, bearing pink, purplish or whitish flowers in large clusters, the petals obconical and notched at the end; tube twice longer than the shallow-spreading calyx. The hairs on this plant are poisonous to some persons. Greenhouses. China. P. Forbesi, Franch. Baby primrose. Scapes many and very slender, 6-12 in., loosely hairy, bearing small lilac or rose flowers in successive whorls on slender pedicels: leaves small and crowded at the crown, oblong, somewhat sinuate-toothed. Greenhouses. China. P. Polyantha, Hort. Polyanthus. Hardy primulas, grown in borders for the early spring bloom, of hybrid origin : leaves upright, oblong, tapering into a winged petiole, shallowly toothed, rugose beneath: flowers not much over- topping the leaves, tubular, with spreading limb, in shades of yellow and red. 2. DODECATHEON. Smooth perennial herbs: leaves radical, simple, oblong or spatulate: flowers nodding in a terminal umbel on erect, unbranching, leafless scapes, with involucres of small bracts; calyx 5-cleft, lobes reflexed; corolla-tube very short, 5-parted, and the segments strongly reflexed; stamens 5, with short filaments, united at base, the anthers long, acute and uniting at tip, forming a cone; style exserted. D. Meadia, Linn. Shooting star. Wild in open woodland in central states and South and West; also cultivated; resembles Cyclamen in the flow- ers, which are white or rose-purple, nodding on slender pedicels; scape 6 in. to 2 ft. high. PRIMULACEvE ERICACEAE 423 3. CYCLAMEN. Glabrous plants from fleshy conn: leaves all basal, rounded, cordate or ovate: scapes bearing (each) one nodding flower; corolla-limb 5-parted, lobes turning back; anthers 5, sessile, not exserted. Cultivated as house plants, flowering in winter. C. latifolium, Sibth. & Sm. (C. p&rsicum). Leaves ovate, crenate-den- tate, thick, often marked with white: flowers large, white, -rose or purple, sometimes spotted, oblong. The florists' cyclamen. 4. LYSIMACHIA. LOOSESTRIFE. Perennials with leaves opposite or whorled, entire, often glandular- dotted: flowers yellow, solitary in axils, or panicled; calyx 5-7-parted; corolla wheel-form; petals 5-7, nearly distinct; stamens 5-7, the filaments somewhat connate at base. Wild in low grounds. L. vulgaris, Linn. Erect, 2-3 ft., downy: leaves 3 or 4 in a whorl: flowers in terminal leafy panicles; corolla-lobes glabrous. Europe. Cultivated and escaped. L. quadrifolia, Linn. Erect, 1-2 ft., hairy: leaves lanceolate-ovate, ses- sile, dotted, commonly 4 in a whorl: flowers yellow, witn dark lines, on slender pedicels, solitary from axils of upper leaves. Damp soil. L. nummularia, Linn. Moneywort. Trailing glabrous perennial: leaves round, opposite, on short petioles: flowers pure yellow, axillary solitary, on short peduncles; stamen filaments glandular, connate at base. Running wild in moist places, often a weed in lawns. XLVI. ERICACK^. HEATH FAMILY. Plants of various kinds, many of them shrubs or shrubby herbs, some trees, perennial herbs, and parasites: leaves simple and often evergreen, or scale-like: flowers most perfect; corolla usually mono- petalous and 4- or 5-cleft; stamens hypogynous, as many or twice as many as petals, anthers usually opening by terminal pores; style 1; ovary generally as many celled as corolla has lobes. A large family, represented by heaths, cranberry, azaleas, arbutus, laurel. A. Shrubs, or creeping shrubby plants. B. Ovary inferior: fruit a berry. c. Berry 10-seeded 1. Gaylussacia cc. Berry many-seeded 2. Vaccinium BB. Ovary superior. G. Low creeping or procumbent. D. Fruit berry-like: leaves aromatic 3. Gaultheria DD. Fruit dry 4. Ejngxa GG. Shrubs, erect. E. Corolla broadly open, with 10 little pouches holding the anthers 5. Kalmia 424 THE KINDS OF PLANTS EE. Corolla bell-shaped, no pockets: flowers from terminal, scaly buds 6. Azalea AA. Parasitic herbs, destitute of green foliage, about the roots of trees 7. Monotropa 1. GAYLUSSACIA. LOW-BUSH HUCKLEBERRY. Shrubs, low and branching, leaves and branches sometimes with resinous dots: leaves alternate, entire or serrate: flowers in lateral racemes, small, white or pink, nodding on bracted pedicels, in late spring; corolla bell-like or ovoid, with 5 lobes erect or reflexing; stamens 10, usually included; ovary 10-celled: fruit berry-like, containing 10 little stones, blue or black, sweet and edible, ripe in late summer. G. baccata, C. Koch. High-land huckleberry. Shrub, 1-3 ft., with stiff branches and deciduous entire oval leaves, sprinkled with resinous dots: flowers, in 1-sided racemes; corolla white, tinged with pink, cylindrical or somewhat 5-angled, and contracted at margin: berry black, not glaucous. G. frondosa, Torr. & Gray. Tangle-berry. Shrub, 1-3 ft., with stiff spread- ing branches: leaves oblong to obovate, thin, smooth and pale below, resinous-dotted* corolla white, tinged with pink, short: berry large, dark blue, with a bloom. 2. VACCINIUM. BLUEBERRY. CRANBERRY. BILBERRY. HIGH-BUSH HUCKLEBERRY. Shrubs much resembling Gaylussacia, but the ovary only 4-5-celled, although appearing to have twice as many cells by false partitions: fruit a many-seeded berry, generally edible. Fruit ripe in summer and autumn. V. pennsylvanicum, Lam. Dwarf early blueberry. Shrub, 6-20 in., with smooth green warty branches: leaves deciduous, lance-oblong, smooth and glossy, but edges serrated and tipped with little bristly spines: flowers in clusters, with corolla cylindrical, white or pink-tinged, 5-toothed; anthers 10, included: berry many-seeded, blue-black with a bloom, edible. V. corymbosum, Linn. High-bush, or swamp, huckleberry. Blueberry. Tall bush, with oblong or elliptical leaves: berries blue, sweet, usually with a thick bloom. V. macrocarpon, Ait. Cranberry. Creeping, slender, scarcely woody: leaves small, about ^ in. long, evergreen, oval or oblong and margins rolled: flowers solitary, on slender erect pedicels, pale pinkish, deeper colored within, with 4 narrow reflexed segments. 3. GAULTH^RIA. WINTERGREEN. CHECKERBERRY. Stems procumbent, with leafy branches erect: leaves alternate, evergreen and tasting spicy and aromatic: flowers white or pink, nodding on axillary pedicels; corolla oblong or short-cylindrical with 5 short lobes; anthers 10, awned at top: fruit berry-like, with capsule inside the thickened calyx. G. procumbens, Linn. Fig. 22. Leaves oval or obovate, much sought for their spicy flavor, as well as the edible red, mealy berries, which last all winter. In low and evergreen woods, 6 in. or less tall. ERICACEAE 425 4. EPIGJSA. TRAILING ARBUTUS. MAYFLOWER. Trailing close to the ground, with rusty-hairy stems, and alternate evergreen rounded leathery leaves: flowers dimorphous, in clusters at ends of branches, bracted, sessile; sepals 5, persistent but scale-like; corolla salver- form, with 5 lobes; stamens 10; ovary 5-lobed. E. repens, Linn. A favorite flower of very early spring, white to pink, % in. broad, spicy-scented and wax-like, in small clusters from axils of the rusty leaves. Mostly North. 5. KALMIA. AMERICAN LAUREL. Shrubs, native (belonging to East and South), with entire evergreen leaves: flowers in umbels; corolla open, saucer-like, 5-angled with 10 little pits in which the anthers of the 10 stamens are caught until mature or disturbed by insects, when the curved filaments spring upward, discharging the pollen; style long and slender. K. latifolia, Linn. Common mountain laurel. Stout shrub, 4-20 ft., often forming great patches on wild or rocky hillsides; also cultivated: flowers about 1 in. across, rosy, or white and red-spotted, in terminal com- pound corymbs: leaves mostly alternate, thick, acute, green on both sides, lance-ovate: blooms in early summer. East and North. K. angustifolia, Linn. Sheep laurel. Lambkill. Low shrub with flowers about ^4 int- across, crimson or purplish, in lateral corymbs: leaves narrow, obtuse, short-petioled, opposite or in 3's, pale beneath. Hillsides. 6. AZALEA. Fig. 220. Shrubs, with deciduous leaves: flowers showy, hi terminal, umbel-like clusters; calyx minute, 5-parted; corolla cylindrical-tubed; stamens usually 5; style long, slender, exserted. Rhododendron is closely allied, having ever- green leaves, stamens usually 10, stamens and style usually not exserted. A. viscdsa, Linn. Swamp honeysuckle. Stems 4-10 ft., branching: leaves obovate, short-petioled, mostly smooth above and downy on under veins: flowers in summer after the leaves, fragrant, white, 1-2 in. long, with slender tubes rather sticky-coated, the tube longer than the lobes. A swamp plant. A. nudiflora, Linn. Pinxter flower. Shrub, 3-6 ft., in swamps: flowers before or with leaves, rose-pink or white, fragrant, 1-2 in. across, the tube about the length of the lobes. Rhodora canadense, Linn., or Rhododendron Rhodora, Don, of New England, is a low shrub, 2-3 ft., with fine large (1 in. wide) rose-colored flowers appearing before leaves. 7. MON6TROPA. INDIAN PIPE. PINE-SAP. Low herbs, parasitic on roots or saprophytic, no green about them, but stem bearing small scales: flowers solitary or in racemes; sepals 2, bract-like; petals 4 or 5, erect or spreading, wedge-shaped; stamens 8-10, hypogynous; anthers kidney-shaped; ovary 4-5-celled, stigma radiate or disk-like. M. uniflora, Linn. Indian pipe. Corpse plant. Odd fleshy waxy- 426 THE KINDS OF PLANTS white little plants, turning black when drying: stem, 3-6 in. high, bent over at the top with one nodding terminal flower. M. Hypdpitys, Linn. Pine-sap. In oak and pine woods: stems scaly, white or tawny red, 4-8 in. high, single or in groups: flowers several, small, rather fragrant, in a scaly raceme. XLVII. RUBIACE.E. MADDER FAMILY. A large and important family of herbs, shrubs, trees (including cinchona or Peruvian bark, and coffee): leaves opposite, or in 3's with stipules between, or apparently whorled without stipules: flow- ers perfect, sometimes dimorphous (of 2 sorts) or trimorphous; calyx-tube adherent to ovary, margin 3-6-toothed; corolla regular, inserted on calyx-tube, and of same number of lobes; stamens of equal number as corolla-lobes and alternate with them; ovary 1-10- celled: fruit a capsule, berry or drupe. A large family (some 5,000 species), largely tropical. A. Leaves 4-8 in a whorl: no apparent stipules: fruit 2 nutlets, bur-like, or sometimes berry-like 1. Galium AA. Leaves opposite (or whorled), with stipules. B. Flowers in pairs, axillary: fruit a double berry: creeping .2. Mitchella BB. Flowers solitary, or in terminal clusters: not creeping. 3. Houstonia BBB. Flowers in round heads 4. Cephalanthus 1. GALIUM. CLEAVERS. BEDSTRAW. Frail herbs, with square stems, often prickly or rough on angles and edges of leaves, usually diffusely branching: leaves apparently whorled and with- out stipules: flowers small or minute, sometimes dioecious, in cymes or panicles, axillary or terminal; calyx minutely 4-lobed; corolla 3 4-lobed: stamens 3-4; ovary 2-celled: fruit small, double, dry or fleshy, berry-like, indehiscent, or sometimes with only 1 carpel ripening. Many species. G. asprellum, Michx. Weak, reclining, or nearly erect branching perennial, the angles of stems with backward-pointing prickles: leaves small, not 1 in. long, whorled in 4's or 5's on branches, usually 6 on stem; edges and mid-ribs rough with prickles: flowers tiny, white, numerous, loosely clustered at end of branches: fruit small, smooth. G. circaezans, Michx. Wild licorice. Perennial, branching, ascending stems with leaves in 4's, not prickly: leaves oval to oblong, obtuse, more or less pubescent, an inch or more long: flowers dull greenish or brownish, on very short pedicels in branched cymes; fruit on reflexed pedicels, bristly: root and leaves with sweetish taste. Dry woods. Common. G. Apanne, Linn. Cleavers. Goose-grass. Annual, stems weak, pros- trate, scrambling, and diffuse, with backward-pointing barbs on angles: RUBIACE^J 427 small lanceolate leaves, 6-8 in a whorl, about 1 in. long, rough on edges and midrib: peduncles axillary, 1-3-flowered; flowers tiny, white or greenish: fruit a dry little bur, covered with hooked prickles, on erect pedi- cels. Low ground or thickety woodland. 2. MITCH^LLA. PARTRIDGE-BERRY. SQUAW-VINE. Trailing, evergreen-leaved herbs: leaves opposite, round-ovate, dark green, smooth and glossy, entire, on short petioles: flowers small, dimorphous, in pairs, on a double ovary (2 ovaries united) from leaf-axils; corolla funnel- form, 4-parted, bearded within, white with pink tips to lobes; stamens and stigmas 4: fruit a double scarlet berry, with 4 seeds or stones. M. repens, Linn. A pretty little creeper of woods in the North: flowers fragrant and delicate, in June, the double scarlet berries found all winter^ 3. HOUSTONIA. BLUETS. Low, delicate little herbs, with stems erect, simple or branching: leaves opposite, entire; stipules entire and short, or a mere line connecting bases of the opposite leaves: flowers generally dimorphous in respect to anthers and stigmas, small, solitary or clustered; calyx 4-toothed; corolla tubular, rotate, 4-lobed; stamens 4 on corolla: fruit a short pod, 2-celled, many- seeded, opening at the top, upper part free from calyx. H. caerulea, Linn. Perennial, 3-6 in., the stems erect, very slender, in tufts, from slender rootstocks: leaves sessile, oblong or spatulate, M~H m - long, often hairy: flowers blue to white, with yellow centers, solitary on peduncle. Early spring to summer; very floriferous. 4. CEPHALANTHUS. BUTTON-BUSH. Shrubs (or small trees): leaves entire, opposite or verticillate: flowers small and many, white or yellow, in close round heads, on peduncles; calyx 4-toothed; corolla tubular, with 4 short lobes; stamens 4 on corolla throat; style long and exserted: fruit small, dry, inversely pyramidal. C. occidentalis, Linn. Tall shrub with leaves in 2's or 3's, oval-pointed, petioled, with stipules between: heads of whitish flowers about 1 in. in diameter. Usually along streams and pond banks. XLVIII. CAPRIFOLIACE^E. HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY. Erect or twining shrubs, or sometimes herbs, with opposite mostly simple leaves: flowers epigynous, 5-merous, regular or irregular, tubular or rotate; stamens usually as many as the lobes of the corolla and inserted on its tube; ovary 2-5-loculed, ripening into a berry, drupe, or capsule. About 15 genera and 200 species. Characteristic plants are honeysuckle, elder, viburnum, snowberry, weigela, twin-flower. A. Corolla long-tubular. B. Fruit a berry (often 2 together) several-seeded: leaf- margins entire or wavy edged: sometimes connate 1. Lonicera 428 THE KINDS OF PLANTS BB. Fruit a linear-oblong capsule, 2-valved, many-seeded: leaf -margin serrate 2. Diervilla AA. Corolla shallow, usually rotate. B. Leaves simple 3. Viburnum BB. Leaves pinnately compound 4. Sambucus 1. LONICl)RA. HONEYSUCKLE. Erect or twining shrubs, with tubular, funnelform, more or less irregular flowers (often 2-lipped); corolla bulging on one side near the base; stamens 5: fruit a berry, usually 2 together from 2 contiguous flowers. a. Erect. L. canadensis, Marsh. Open, smooth bush, 3-5 ft.: leaves cordate- oblong, not sharp-pointed, entire: flowers less than 1 in. long, soft yellow, the lobes nearly equal: berries red. Common in woods. Blooms in very early spring. L. tatarica, Linn. Tartarian honeysuckle. Tall shrub (to 12 ft.): leaves cordate-oval, not long-pointed, entire: flowers pink or red (some- times nearly white), 2-lipped, all the lobes oblong. Asia, but common in yards. Spring. aa. Twining. L. japonica, Thunb. (L. Halliana of gardens). Fig. 554. Weak twiner, with oblong or ovate entire nearly evergreen leaves: flowers small, on short pedicels, fragrant, opening white or blush but changing to yellow. Japan; much cultivated. L. Periclymenum, Linn. Probably the commonest of the old-fashioned climbing honeysuckles (from Old World); strong and woody: leaves oblong- ovate, not joined by their bases, entire, dark green above and pale beneath: flowers large, reddish outside and yellow inside, very fragrant, in a dense, long-stalked cluster. L. sempervirens, Ait. Trumpet or coral honey- JE^Ir' ." ,^Wr . suckle. Fig. 148. Glabrous twining shrub, with leaves evergreen, oblong, entire, glaucous, upper pairs joined at base about the stem, appearing perfoliate: flowers nearly sessile, in rather 564. Lonicera japonica. v^^^ distant whorled clusters on terminal spikes, the corolla trumpet-shape, tube almost regularly 5-lobed, 1^-2 in. long, scarlet without, yellowish within; stamens and style not much, if any projecting. Moist or low ground, often cultivated. CAPRIFOLIACE^l 429 2. DIERVlLLA. BUSH HONEYSUCKLE. Erect, low shrubs or bushes: leaves simple, opposite, ovate or oblong, acute-pointed, serrate, deciduous: flowers in axillary or terminal cymes, or solitary; calyx-tube slender, limb of 5 slender, persistent lobes; corolla funnelform, 5 lobes almost regular; stamens 5: ovary inferior, 2-celled, 1 filiform style: fruit slender 2-celled many-seeded pod, crowned with calyx. D. Lonicera, Mill. Bushy shrub, 1-4 ft.: leaves oval to ovate, taper- pointed, on short petioles: peduncles terminal or in upper axils, mostly 3- flowered: corolla slender, tubular, greenish yellow (honey color), not over % in. long. Banks. Summer. D. hybrida, Hort. Weigela. Shrub, 2-8 ft.: leaves oval, acute coarsely serrate, rather rough above and soft below, short -petioled : flowers funnel- form, 1-13^ in. long; tube downy without; 5-lobed; the limb spreading. A group of common garden shrubs, derived from 2 or more Japanese species, with white, pink, or red showy flowers. 3. VIBtJRNUM. ARROW-WOOD. Erect shrubs, with simple leaves and small whitish flowers in broad cymes: stamens 5; stigmas 1-3: fruit a small 1-seeded drupe. a. Flowers all alike in the cyme. V. Lentago, Linn. Sheepberry. Fig. 305. Tall shrub (to 20 it.): leaves ovate-pointed, finely and sharply serrate, shining above, on long margined petioles: fruit ^ in. or more long, black. Common. V. acerfolium, Linn. Dockmackie. Arrow-wood. Six ft. or less: leaves 3-lobed and maple-like, downy beneath: cyme small and slender-stalked: fruit flat and small. Woods. aa. Flowers larger on the margin of the cyme. V. Opulus, Linn., var. americanum, Ait. High-bush cranberry. Erect, 10 ft. or less: leaves 3-lobed and toothed: outer flowers sterile and large: fruit an acid red edible drupe. Swamps. In cultivation all the flowers have become sterile, resulting in the "snowball." Compare Figs. 264, 265. V. tomentdsum, Thunb. (V. plicatum of gardens). Japanese snowball. Leaves not lobed, shallow-toothed, thickish, plicate: heads of sterile flowers axillary, globular. Japan. V. alnifdlium, Marsh. Hobblebush. About 5 ft., with straggling branches, often arching to ground and rooting, thus making loops or "hobbles:" flowers resemble those of wild hydrangea, in flat-topped cymes, with mar- ginal flowers larger, sterile and showy, white: leaves very large, round or heart-shaped, finely serrate, petioles and veinlets scurfy: drupes coral-red, becoming purple, not edible. Cold woods and swamps. 4. SAMBtCUS. ELDER. Strong shrubs, with pinnate leaves and sharp-serrate leaflets: flowers in dense corymbose cymes; calyx-teeth very small or none; corolla shallow, open ; stamens 5 ; stigmas 3 : pith prominent in the stems. Common. 430 THE KINDS OF PLANTS S. racemdsa, Linn. Red elder. Pith and berries red: flowers in spring in pyramidal clusters: leaflets lanceolate, downy beneath. S. canadensis, Linn. Common elder. White elder. Pith white: berries black-purple, in late summer, edible: flower-clusters convex or nearly flat, in summer: leaflets oblong, smooth. XLIX. CAMPANULACE.E. BELLFLOWER FAMILY. Herbs (with us): leaves alternate, simple, without stipules: flow- ers regular and perfect, mostly bell-shaped corollas, 5-lobed or 5- angled; calyx 5-lobed; stamens 5, distinct; ovary 2-5-celled; style 1; stigmas 2-5: fruit a capsule. Some 1,200 or more species. A. Corolla (of the conspicuous flowers) wheel-shape: early flowers not opening (cleistogamous) 1. Specularia AA. Corolla bell-form: flowers all alike .2. Campanula 1. SPECULARIA. Annual herbs, with erect, angled stems, simple or branching: leaves entire or toothed: flowers sessile or nearly so, axillary, solitary or clustered, the early ones cleistogamous and small, the later expanding, light blue, 5-lobed, wheel-shaped corolla; filaments shorter than the anthers. S. perfoliata, DC. Stems erect, simple or branched, 10 in. to 3 ft. tall, leafy, the leaves rounded heart-shaped or broadly ovate, with clasping bases: flowers solitary, 2 or 3 together in leaf-axils. More or less weedy. S. Speculum, DC. Venus' looking-glass. Low garden annual, with stem branching diffusely: flowers purplish lilac to rose-colored or white, solitary and terminal: leaves oblong, crenate. 2. CAMPANULA. BELLFLOWER. HAREBELL. Flowers solitary or racemed or spiked, blue or white, not cleistogamous: calyx 5-lobed; corolla bell-shaped: pod roundish, opening at sides (Fig. 283). C. aparinoides, Pursh. A weak, reclining, Galium-like perennial, found among grasses in moist meadows: stem very slender, triangular, angles bearing rough backward-pointing prickles: leaves small, lance-linear, entire: flowers very small, about ^ in. long, white, on spreading pedicels. C. rotundifolia, Linn. Common harebell. Perennial from slender root- stocks, nearly or quite glabrous, 5-12 in. high: root-leaves rounded or cordate, often withering before blooming season, the stem-leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate, entire: flowers few or solitary on slender pedicels, nod- ding when open; corolla bell-shaped, with pointed lobes, %-% in. long, blue. Rocky places, northward. C. Medium, Linn. Canterbury bell. Cultivated from Europe, annual or biennial, erect to 3 ft., rather hairy, branching or simple: leaves lanceo- late, rather coarsely-toothed: flowers 2-3 in. long, single or double, blue; stigmas 5; sepals leafy-appendaged at base. LOBELIACE^E COMPOSITES 431 L. LOBELlACE^E. LOBELIA FAMILY. Herbs: leaves alternate or radical, simple: flowers scattered, racemed or panicled, often leafy-bracted; calyx- tube adherent to ovary; corolla irregular, monopetalous, 5-lobed, usually split on one side; stamens 5, usually united, at least by anthers, about the 1 style; stigma 2-lobed: fruit a capsule, loculicidally 2-valved. LOBELIA. Flowers often showy, axillary and solitary, or in terminal bracted racemes; corolla as if 2-lipped; stamens generally unequal, monadelphous, 2 or all of the 5 anthers bearded at the top. Many species. L. cardinalis, Linn. Cardinal flower. Indian pink. A showy plant of swampy or moist soil, also cultivated: tall, simple stem, 2-4 ft., with showy, deep-red flowers (rarely pale colored), about 1 in. long, bracted, in terminal racemes: leaves sessile, lance-oblong, slightly toothed. L. Erinus, Linn. The common, pretty, annual trailing or spreading Lobelia of gardens and greenhouses: flowers many, small, very blue, usually with white throats (varying to whitish): lower leaves spatulate; upper narrow, toothed. L. syphilitica, Linn. Stem erect to 1-3 ft., angular, heavy: leaves oblong-ovate, irregularly serrate: flowers in terminal, leafy raceme; flowers intense blue (or white), 1 in. or more long; calyx hairy or hispid, lobes auricled at base, dentate. Perennial, in low or marshy grounds or along streams. Late summer. L. spicata, Lam. Erect smoothish stems, 1-3 ft., sparingly leafy, the terminal raceme with linear, small bracts: leaves oblong, upper small and narrow: flowers small, pale blue; calyx-lobes not auricled at base, entire. Dry, sandy soil. L. inflata, Linn. Indian tobacco. Erect, 9-12 in., rather hairy, branch- ing: leaves ovate, toothed: flowers small, J^ in. long, pale blue, in loose, racemes, leafy-bracted: capsules inflated, large. Common in fields-; juice pungent-poisonous. LI. COMPOSITE. COMPOSITE or SUNFLOWER FAMILY. Mostly herbs, many of them very large, very various in foliage: flowers small, densely packed into an involucrate head, 5-merous; the corolla of the outer ones often developed into long rays; stamens 5, the anthers united around the 2 styles: fruit dry and 1-seeded, indehiscent, usually crowned with a pappus which represents a calyx. The largest of all phenogamous families, comprising about one-tenth of all flowering plants, about 800 genera and 11,000-12,000 species. Common composites are sunflower, aster, goldenrod, boneset, dahlia, chrysanthemum, marigold, compass plant, thistles, dandelion, lettuce. 432 THE KINDS OF PLANTS A. Heads with all flowers strap-shaped (with rays) and perfect: juice milky: leaves alternate. B. Flower-heads terminal on leafless, hollow stalk from radical leaves 1. Taraxacum BB. Flower-heads terminal on leafy stalks: leaves parallel-veined 2. Tragopogon BBB. Flower-heads in corymbs or clusters. c. Heads never yellow (usually blue or white): pappus of blunt scales 3. Cichorium cc. Heads usually yellow (in one. case blue). D. Achenes beaked: pappus copious, white, soft, hair-like: leaves sometimes bristly or prickly edged 4. Lactuca DD. Achenes not beaked. E. Pappus soft, white: leaves usually auri- cled and clasping at base, and prickly on edges and under ribs 5. Sonchus EE. Pappus stiff, brownish, leaves not spiny. . . 6. Hieracium AA. Heads with tubular and mostly perfect disk flowers, the rays, if any, formed of the outer strap-shaped and imperfect flowers: in cultivated species, all the flowers may become strap-shaped (head "double"): juice not milky. B. Fruit a completely closed and bur-like involucre, containing 1 or 2 small achenes: flowers im- perfect (see also No. 23). c. Involucre-bur large, and sharp-spiny 7. Xanthium cc. Involucre-bur small, not sharp-spiny 8. Ambrosia BB. Fruit not formed of a closed and hardened in- volucre (although the involucre may be spiny, as in Arctium and Cnicus). c. Pappus none: achenes not awned. D. The leaves opposite. E. Leaves simple: flower-heads small: flowers blue or white 9. Ageratum EE. Leaves compound: flower-heads large, various colors, mostly of ray florets 10. Dahlia EEE. Leaves dissected: heads showy 11. Cosmos EEEE. Leaves various: rays usually about 8, neutral and yellow. (See Coreopsis, 21.) DD. The leaves alternate. E. Foliage finely divided. F. Heads small (about % in.): achenes flattened 12. Achillea FF. Heads good-sized (about 1 in.): achenes oblong, angled or ribbed 13. Anthemis COMPOSITES 433 EE. Foliage leaves entire, toothed, or broad- lobed. F. Achenes curved or horse-shoe-shaped 14. Calendula FF. Achenes straight. o. Torus flat or slightly convex 15. Chrysanthemum GO. Torus conical. H. Rays yellow: flowers large, 2-3 in... 16. Rudbeckia HH. Rays not yellow: flowers about 1 in. across: plant low 17. Bellis oc. Pappus of 2 thin early deciduous scales 18. Helianthus ccc. Pappus a short crown, or achenes awned at the top with (2 or more) awns. D. Achenes angled or ribbed, crowned with cup- like or lobed pappus: foliage strongly "tansy" scented 19. Tanacetum DD. Achenes more or less flattened, and awned at summit, with usually 2 or 4 awns. E. Awns barbed downward: achenes various, narrowed at top, and awned, but not really beaked 20. Bidens EE. Teeth not downwardly barbed: (some- times achenes awnless. ) 21. Coreopsis cocc. Pappus of many bristles. D. Plant very prickly 22. Cvrsium DD. Plant not prickly. E. Involucre prickly and bur-like x.23. Arctium EE. Involucre not bur-like or prickly. F. Torus bristly (chaff or bracts amongst the florets) 24. Centaurea FF. Torus naked. G. Rays present. H. Flowers yellow. i. Leaves all radical: rays numerous and fertile 25. Tussilago ii. Leaves on stems, alternate. j. Heads small, in large clusters or panicles 26. Solidago jj. Heads large and broad: leaves large on stem and in a basal clump 27. Inula HH. Flowers not yellow. I. Scales of the involucre unequal . . . 28. Aster ii. Scales equal in length 29. Erigeron in. Scales in several rows, more or less leafy 30. Callistephus GO. Rays none. BB 434 THE KINDS OF PLANTS H. Plants cottony-white, or downy- looking, i Heads mostly dioecious. j. Leaves basal and also on stem: pappus thickened at summit and more or less barbed or plumed 31. Antennaria 33. Stems leafy: pappus not thick- ened at summit: some sterile flowers, usually in center of the fertile heads 32. Anaphalis n. Heads not dioecious: outer flowers pistillate, central perfect 33. Gnaphalium HH. Plants not cottony-white. i. Flower-heads showy, spicate or racemed, rose-purple: Leaves alternate 34. Liatris ii. Flower-heads small, in cymes or corymbs, j. Flowers white or pale purple: leaves mostly opposite 35. Eupatorium 33. Flowers purple: leaves alter- nate 36. Vernonia 1. TARAXACUM. DANDELION. Stemless herbs, the 1-headed scape short, leafless and hollow: florets all perfect and strap-shaped: fruit ribbed, the pappus raised on a long beak. Variable plants. T. officinale, Weber (T. Dens-leonis, Desf.). Common dandelion. Figs. 8, 302. Perennial, introduced from the Old World: leaves long, pinnate or lyrate: heads yellow, opening in sun. 2. TRAGOPOGON. GOAT'S BEARD. Biennials or perennials, stout, smooth, often glaucous, with long, grass- like leaves clasping the stem: flowers all ligulate, in large solitary heads, purple or yellow, terminal on long peduncle, with single involucre of many bracts, which are equal and lanceolate, joined at bases: pappus in one series, long and plumose: achenes linear, mostly with long slender beaks, 5-10-ribbed or angled: flowers open in early morning, usually closed at midday. Juice milky. T. porrifdlius, Linn. Salsify. Oyster-plant. Biennial; involucral bracts much longer than the rays: stems 2-3 ft. high, hollow and thickened upward: flowers purple. Europe. Cultivated for the edible tap-root. Some- times wild. T. pratSnsis, Linn. Similar to preceding, but flowers yellow and in- volucral bracts not longer than rays. Europe. Fields and waste places, eastern and middle states. COMPOSITES 435 3. CICHORIUM. CHICORY. Tall, branching perennials, with deep, hard roots: florets perfect and strap-shaped: fruit lightly grooved, with sessile pappus of many small, chaffy scales. C. fntybus, Linn. Common chicory. Runs wild along roadsides (from Europe); 2-3 ft.: leaves oblong or lanceolate, the lowest pinnatifid: flowers bright blue or pink, 2-3 together in the axils on long nearly naked branches. 4. LACTtTCA. LETTUCE. Coarse weedy plants: stems tall and leafy, simple or branching, car- rying small panicled heads of insignificant flowers: juice milky: stem-leaves alternate, entire, or pinnately divided with lobes and margins and under midrib often spine-tipped: involucre cylindrical, with bracts in 2 or more unequal rows; flowers all liguiate and perfect, with the ligules truncate and o-toothed: achenes oval to linear, flattened, 3-5-ribbed on each face, smooth, abruptly narrowed into a beak: pappus abundant, white or brown- ish and soft. L. canadensis, Linn. Common in rich soil, 3-9 ft. tall: leaves smooth, lanceolate to spatulate, sessile or clasping, margins entire, sinuate, or runcinately pinnatifid, the radical leaves petiolate all smooth and glaucous; flowers pale yellow, in small heads (Y\-Yi in. long), the heads more or less diffusely panicled. Biennial or annual. L. villdsa, Jacq. Three to 8 ft. : leaves ovate to lanceolate, pointed and serrate, teeth mucronate, sometimes hairy on under midrib, the petioles winged, more or less sinuate or clasping and arrow-shaped: inflorescence a panicle of numerous small heads; rays bluish: achenes short-beaked or beakless: pappus brownish. Biennial or annual. L. Scariola, Linn. Prickly lettuce. Fig. 86. Glabrous and rather glaucous- green, with tall, stiff, erect stem, branching, usually somewhat prickly: leaves oblong or spatulate, dentate or pinnatifid, sessile, or auricled and clasping, with margins and under midrib spiny: heads small, 6-12-flowered, but numerous, the rays yellow; involucre narrow, cylindric: achenes flat, ovate-oblong, with long filiform beak. Europe. A common coarse biennial weed. L. sativa, Linn. Garden lettuce. Cultivated for the tender root-leaves as a salad: flowers yellow on tall small-leaved stems. 5. S6NCHUS. Sow THISTLE. MILK THISTLE. Coarse, succulent weeds, smooth and glaucous or spiny, with leafy stem, resembling wild lettuce, but achenes truncate, not beaked, and the flowers always yellow: involucre bell-shape in several unequal series; rays truncate, 5-toothed. All from Europe. S. oleraceus, Linn. Annual, from fibrous roots, 1-5 ft., with pale yellow flowers in heads %-l in. in diameter: leaves various, mostly on lower part of stem, petiolate or clasping by an auricled base, the lobes acute; in shape lanceolate to lyrate-pinnatifid, margins spinulous. S. arvensis, Linn. Perennial with creeping rootstocks: flowers bright 436 THE KINDS OF PLANTS 555. Xanthium canadense. yellow in showy heads: leaves various, but spiny on margins, and generally with clasping, auricled bases: "bracts of the involucre bristly. S. asper, Hill. Spiny-leaved sow thistle. Annual weed: resembles S. oleraceus closely, but the clasping auricles are rounded at base, stem-leaves not so divided and more spiny. 6. HIERACIUM. HAWKWEED. Hairy, or glandular-hispid, or glabrous perennials, with radical or alternate entire leaves: head of 12-20 yellow or orange ligulate flowers, solitary or panicled; involucre in one or several series, unequal; rays trun- cate and 5-toothed: achenes oblong, striate, not beaked; pappus single or double, delicate, tawny or brownish, stiff, not plumose. Large number of species widely spread. H. vendsum, Linn. Rattlesnake-weed. Smooth, slender, leafless or with 1 or few leaves, 12 ft., fork- ing into a loose, spreading corymb of heads: leaves thin, glaucous, radical and tufted, or near base on stem, oblong or oval, nearly entire, slightly petioled or sessile, sometimes purplish or marked with purple veins: achenes linear, not narrowing upward. Dry woods. H. aurantiacum, Linn. Orange hawkweed. Demi's paint-brush. A very bad weed in meadows East, from Europe: hirsute and glandular: leaves narrow: heads deep orange: achenes oblong, blunt. 7. XANTHIUM. CLOTBUR. Coarse homely annual weeds with large alternate leaves: flowers mon- O3cious: in small involucres; sterile involucres composed of separate scales, in short racemes; fertile involucres of united scales forming a closed body, clustered in the leaf-axils, becoming spiny burs. X. canadense, Mill. Common clotbur. Fig. 555. One to 2 ft., branching: leaves broad-ovate, petioled, lobed and toothed: burs oblong-conical, 1 in. long, with 2 beaks. Waste places. X. spinosum, Linn. Spiny clotbur. Pubescent, with 3 spines at the base of each leaf: bur % in. long, with 1 beak. Tropical America. 8. AMBROSIA. RAGWEED. Homely strong-smelling weeds, monoecious: sterile involucres in racemes on the ends of the branches, the scales united into a cup; fertile involucres clustered in the axils of leaves or bracts, containing 1 pistil, with 4-8 horns or projections near the top. Following are annuals: A. artemisiaefolia, Linn. Common ragweed. Figs. 416, 556. One to 3 ft., very branchy: leaves opposite 556. Ambrosia arte- misiaefolia. COMPOSITES 437 or alternate, thin, once- or twice-pinnatifid : fruit or bur globular, with 6 spines. Roadsides and waste places. A. trifida, Linn. Great ragweed. Three to 12 ft., with opposite 3-lobed serrate leaves: fruit or bur obovate, with 5 or 6 tubercles. Swales. 9. AGfiRATUM. AGERATUM. Small diffuse mostly hairy herbs, with opposite simple leaves: heads small, blue, white or rose, rayless, the involucre cup-shaped and composed of narrow bracts; torus flattish; pappus of a few rough bristles. A. conyzoides, Linn. (A. mexicanum of gardens). Annual pubescent herb, with ovate-deltoid serrate leaves: cultivated (from tropical America) for small and numerous clustered soft heads. 10. DAHLIA. Stout familiar garden herbs, tall and branching, from tuberous roots: leaves opposite, pinnately divided: ray flowers in natural state are neutral or pistillate and fertile; disk flowers perfect; involucre double, outer scales distinct and leaf -like, the inner united at base; receptacle chaffy; pappus none. In the big cultivated dahlias, most of the flowers are rays. D. variabilis, Desf. Figs. 257, 258. Several feet, with fine large heads of flowers, colors various; heads solitary:" leaves pinnate, leaflets unequal, 3-7, ovate-acuminate, coarsely serrate. Mexico. 11. C6SMOS. Handsome tall plants, 4-5 ft. high, cultivated for the fine foliage and late flowers: leaves opposite, very finely dissected, thrice-compound, the leaflets extremely narrow, and sessile: flower-head with double involucre; the outer bracts dark green, calyx-like, 8 in number, the inner scales erect, with recurved tips; ray flowers, usually 8, neutral, white, pink; disk flowers per- fect, tubular, yellow; receptacle chaffy: achenes flattened, beaked. Mexico. C. bipinnatus, Cav. Rays 1-2 in. long, crimson, rose or white, the disk yellow. The commonest species. C. sulphurous, Cav. Both rays and disk yellow. 12. ACHILLA. YARROW. Low perennial or annual herbs: heads corymbose, many-flowered, white or rose, with fertile rays; scales of involucre overlapping (imbricated); torus flattish, chaffy; pappus none. A. Millefolium, Linn. Yarrow. Stems simple below, but branching at the top into a large rather dense umbel-like flower-cluster: leaves very dark green, twice pinnatifid into very fine divisions: rays 4-5. Fields everywhere. 13. ANTHEMIS. CHAMOMILE. Fig. 417. Strong-scented, branching herbs with finely pinnatifid leaves and many-flowered heads, solitary on peduncles: ray flowers white or yellow, pistillate or neutral, the edge of corolla entire or 2-3-toothed : disk flowers 438 THE KINDS OF PLANTS perfect, fertile, yellow, corolla 5-cleft; receptacle convex, partially chaffy; involucral bracts small, dry, in several series, outermost shortest: achenes round or ribbed, smooth: pappus none or a slight border. There are a number of cultivated plants in this genus. A. Cotula, DC. May-weed. Annual, bushy, erect, 1-2 ft.: heads ter- minal, corymbed, 1 in. broad; rays usually white, neutral; disk flowers yel- low: leaves alternate, mostly sessile, finely pinnatifid. Roadsides. Europe. 14. CALENDULA. POT MARIGOLD. Erect, quick-growing annuals, with terminal large yellow or orange heads with pistillate rays: involucre of many short green scales; torus flat; pap- pus none: achenes of the ray florets (those of the disk florets do not mature) curved or coiled. C. officinalis, Linn. Common pot marigold. A common garden annual from the Old World, with alternate entire sessile oblong leaves: 1-2 ft. 15. CHRYSANTHEMUM. CHRYSANTHEMUM. Erect herbs, annual or perennial, with alternate lobed or divided leaves: rays numerous, pistillate and ripening seeds; torus usually naked, flat or convex; pappus none. a. Achenes of ray florets winged. C. morifolium, Ram. (C. sinense, Sabine). Greenhouse chrysanthemum. Tall and mostly strict, with lobed, firm and long-petioled alternate leaves: flowers exceedingly various. China. aa. Achenes not winged. C. Leucanthemum, Linn. Whiteweed. Ox-eye daisy. Fig. 189. Perennial, with many simple stems from each root, rising 12 ft., and bearing alternate oblong sessile pinnatifid leaves: heads terminating the stems, with long white rays and yellow disks. Fields everywhere in the East, and spreading West. 16. RUDBECKIA. CONE-FLOWER. beck! hirta Perennial or biennial herbs, with alternate leaves and showy yellow-rayed terminal heads: ray florets neutral; scales of involucre in about 2 rows, leafy and spreading; torus long or conical, with a bract behind each floret: achenes 3-angled, with no prominent pappus. Strong field plants. R. hirta, Linn. Black-eyed Susan. Ox-eyed daisy in the East. Fig. 557. Bjpnnial, 1-2 ft., coarse-hairy, leaves oblong or oblanceolate, nearly entire, 3-nerved: rays as long as the involucre or longer, yellow, the disk brown; torus conical. Dry fields. R. laciniata, Linn. Two to 7 ft., perennial, smooth, branching: leaves pinnate, with 5-7-lobed leaflets, or the upper ones 3-5-parted: rays 1-2 in. long; torus becoming columnar. Low places. COMPOSITES 439 17. BfiLLIS. GARDEN DAISY. Low tufte'd herbs with many-flowered heads, solitary on scapes: leaves spatulate, petioled: flowers both radiate and tubular, mostly double, with margins of the rays various, quilled, and otherwise modified in the cul- tivated forms: ray flowers white or pink, pistillate; disk flowers yellow, perfect with tubular corolla, limb 4-5-toothed: achenes flattened, wingless, nerved near margins. B. perennis, Linn. English daisy. European garden daisy. Fig. 200. Flower-head on a scape 3-4 inches high, from radical leaves, %-l in. in diameter, with numerous linear rays, white, pink, bluish. Europe. Perennial. Cultivated in gardens or on lawns. April to November. 18. HELIANTHUS. SUNFLOWER. Figs. 3, 4. Stout, often coarse perennials or annuals, with simple alternate or opposite leaves and large yellow-rayed heads: ray florets neutral; scales of involucre overlapping, more or less leafy ; torus flat or convex, with a bract embracing each floret: achene 4-angled: pappus of 2 scales (sometimes 2 other smaller ones), which fall as soon as the fruit is ripe. a. Disk brown. H. annuus, Linn. Common sunflower. Tall, rough, stout annual, with mostly alternate stalked ovate-toothed large leaves: scales of involucre ovate- acuminate, ciliate. Minnesota to Texas and West, but everywhere in gardens. H. scaberrimus, Ell. Prairie sunflower. Stout perennial (2-6 ft.), rough: leaves oblong-lanceolate, entire or serrate, rough and grayish, thick and rigid: heads nearly solitary, with 20-25 rays. Prairies, Michigan, west. aa. Disk yellow (anthers sometimes dark). H. giganteus, Linn. Tall, to 10 ft., rough or hairy: leaves mostly alternate, lanceolate-pointed, finely serrate or quite entire, nearly sessile: scales linear-lanceolate, hairy; rays pale yellow, 15-20. Low grounds. H. divaricatus, Linn. Figs. 3, 4, 23, 28. Small for the genus, 1-4 ft.: leaves opposite, ovate-lanceolate, 3-nerved, sessile, serrate, rough and thickish: rays 8-12, 1 in. long. Common in dry thickets. H. tuberSsus, Linn. Jerusalem artichoke. Bearing edible stem-tubers below ground : 5-10 ft. : leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, toothed, long-petioled : scales not exceeding the disk: rays 12-20, large. Pennsylvania west, and cultivated. 19. TANACfiTUM. TANSY. Tufted perennials, with finely divided leaves and strong odor: involucre of overlapping dry scales; torus convex; heads small, nearly or quite rayless, the flowers all seed-bearing: achenes angled or ribbed, bearing a short crown-like pappus. T. vulgare, Linn. Common tansy from Europe, but run wild about old houses: 2-4 ft.: leaves 1-3-pinnately cut: heads yellow, pappus-crown 5-lobed. 440 THE KINDS OF PLANTS 20. BtDENS. BUR-MARIGOLD. BEGGAR'S TICKS. PITCHFORKS. Annual or perennial, similar to Coreopsis, including weeds known as Spanish-needles or stick-tights: leaves opposite: flowers mostly yellow; involucre double, outer scales large and leaf-like; heads many-flowered; ray flowers 4-8, neutral, or none; disk flowers perfect, tubular: achenes flattened or slender and 4-angled, crowned with 2 or more rigid downwardly barbed awns. B. fronddsa, Linn. Figs. 418, 558. Smooth or sparsely hairy, 2-6 ft. tall, branching: leaves 3 5-divided, or upper simple; leaflets stalked, lanceo- late, serrate: outer involucre longer than head; bracts foliaceous: achenes wedge-ovate, flat, 2-awned. In moist places. Annual. B. Isevis, BSP. Smooth branching annual, 6 in. to 2 ft., usually abundant along ditches: leaves sessile, simple, lanceolate, acumi- nate, serrate, the bases sometimes united: outer involucral bracts exceeding the inner, but shorter than the yellow, oval or oblong rays: rays about 1 in. long, 8 or 10 in number: achenes small, wedge- shaped, truncate, prickly on margins, with 2 rigid downwardly barbed awns. B. bipinnata, Linn. Spanish needles. Annual: stem quadrangular, erect, branching freely: leaves 1-3 times pinnate, leaflets lanceolate, pinnatifid: heads small on slender peduncles; rays short, pale yellow, 3, 4 or more: achenes smooth, 3-4-grooved, 2- or 6-awned (awns barbed). 21. COREOPSIS. TICKSEED. Low herbs with opposite, sometimes alternate leaves: heads of tubular and ray flowers solitary, or corymbed on long peduncles; involucre double, bracts all united at base, the 8 outer ones usually leafy; the inner erect; re- ceptacle chaffy; ray flowers neutral, usually yellow; disk flowers tubular, perfect, yellow or purple; pappus of 2 short teeth or a crown-like border, or none: achenes flat, often winged, 2-toothed or 2- armed. A number of rather showy but somewhat weedy plants. C. tinctdria, Nutt. Calliopsis. Annual or biennial, glabrous, erect, 1-3 ft.: disk flowers dark purple; ray flowers about 8, yellow with purple bases, the edges coarsely 3-toothed: leaves alternate, 2 or 3 times pinnately- divided; the lower petioled, the upper sessile and often entire: heads 1-1 K in. wide, on slender peduncles. A favorite in gardens. Ray flowers variable in shape and coloring. C. trfpteris, Linn. Tall coreopsis. Tall and leafy stems, 4-9 ft. : disk and COMPOSITES 441 ray flowers all yellow; heads small, numerous, 1-1^ in. broad, corymbed, giving a spicy odor when bruised. Perennial. Weed, common. C. lanceolata, Linn. Perennial, native and cultivated: nearly or quite glabrous: leaves oblong or linear, mostly entire, obtuse: heads large, yellow- rayed, on very long stems. 22. CfRSIUM. THISTLE. Perennial or biennial herbs, with pinnatifid, very prickly leaves : florets all tubular and usually all perfect; scales of the involucre prickly; torus bristly ; pappus of soft bristles, by means of which the fruit is carried in the wind. Several species in our territory. C. lanceolatum, Hill. Common thistle. Figs. 253-255. Strong, branching biennial: leaves pinnatifid, decurrent, woolly beneath: heads large, purple, with all the involucre-scales prickly. Europe. C. arvense, Scop. Canada thistle. Fig. 409. Lower, perennial and a pes- tiferous weed: leaves smooth or nearly so beneath: flowers rose-purple, in small, imperfectly dioecious heads, only the outer scales prickly. Europe. 23. ARCTIUM. BURDOCK. Coarse biennials or perennials, strong-scented, with large dock-like simple leaves: head becoming a bur with hooked bristles, the florets all tubular and perfect; torus bristly; pappus of short, rough, deciduous bristles. A. Lappa, Linn. Burdock. Common weed from Europe, with a deep, hard root, and bushy top 2-3 ft. high: leaves broad-ovate, somewhat woolly beneath, entire or angled. 24. CENTAUREA. STAR-THISTLE. CENTAUREA. Alternate-leaved herbs, the following annuals, with single heads terminating the long branches: heads many-flowered, the florets all tubular but the outer ones usually much larger 659. Centaurea Cyan us. At the left is an outer or ray floret; then follow three details of a disk floret; then follows the fruit. 442 THE KINDS OF PLANTS and sterile; scales of involucre overlapping; torus bristly: achenes oblong, with bristly or chaffy pappus. Cultivated. C. Cyanus, Linn. Corn-flower. Bachelor's button. Figs. 256, 559. Gray herb: leaves linear and mostly entire: heads blue, rose or white. Europe. C. moschata, Linn. Sweet sultan. One to 2 ft., smooth: leaves pinnatifid: pappus sometimes wanting; heads fragrant, white, rose or yellow; large. Asia. 25. TUSSILAGO. COLTSFOOT. Low stemless hairy perennials from rootstocks: scapes simple in early spring, scaly-bracted, each bearing a single dandelion-like head: leaves radical, appearing later, orbicular-angled or toothed, white-woolly at first: ray flowers in several rows, pistillate, fertile; disk flowers tubular, stam- inate, sterile; involucre nearly simple, or 1-rowed acheries of ray flowers, cylindrical, 5-10-ribbed; pappus abundant, soft, hair-like, white. T. Farfara, Linn. Yellow heads in very early spring before the leaves.. A common weed East, found in low, damp places and along cool banks. Europe. 26. SOLIDAGO. GOLDENROD. Perennial herbs, with narrow, sessile leaves: heads yellow, rarely whitish, few-flowered, usually numerous in the cluster, the ray-florets 116 and pistillate; scales of involucre close, usually not green and leaf-like; torus not chaffy: achene nearly cylindrical, ribbed, with pappus of many soft bristles. Of goldenrods there are many species. They are characteristic plants of the American autumn. They are too critical for the beginner. 27. INULA. ELECAMPANE. Large and tall coarse perennial herbs, with large, showy yellow flower- heads 2-4 in. diameter, sunflower-like: leaves large, simple, alternate, and also radical in clumps: heads contain both perfect tubular, and pistil- late ray florets, in one row; receptacle not chaffy: achenes 4-5-ribbed: pappus in one row, bristles hair-like. I. Helenium, Linn. Four to 6 ft., rising from a clump of large, ovate, dock-like leaves on heavy petioles; stem-leaves sessile or clasping: heads solitary, terminal; involucre bracts ovate, leaf-like, woolly. Weed in damp pasture and along roadside. Summer. 28. ASTER. ASTER. Fig. 252. Perennial herbs, with narrow or broad leaves: heads with several to many white, blue or purple rays in a single series, the jay florets fertile; scales of involucre overlapping, usually more or less green and leafy; torus flat: achene flattened, bearing soft, bristly pappus. Asters are conspicuous plants in the autumn flora of the country. The kinds are numerous, and it is difficult to draw specific lines. The beginner will find them too critical. 29. ERIGERON. FLEABANE. Annual, biennial or perennial erect herbs, with simple, sessile leaves: heads few- to many-flowered; rays numerous in several rows and pistillate; COMPOSITES 443 scales of involucre narrow and equal, scarcely overlapping, not green-tipped; torus flat or convex, naked; pappus of soft bristles. a. Rays very inconspicuous. E. canadensis, Linn. Horse-weed. Mare's-tail. Fig. 560. Tall, erect, weedy, hairy annual, with strong scent: leaves Linear and mostly entire or the root-leaves lobed: heads small and very numerous in a long panicle, the rays very short. aa. Rays prominent: common fleabanes. E. annuus, Pers. Usually annual, 3-5 ft., with spreading hairs: leaves coarsely and sharply toothed, the lowest ovate and tapering into a margined petiole: rays numerous, white or tinged with purple, not twice the length of the involucre. E. ramosus, BSP. Daisy fleabane. Usually annual, with appressed hairs or none: leaves usually entire and narrower: rays white and numerous, twice the length of the involucre. E. pulchellus, Michx. Robin's plantain. Perennial leafy- stemmed herb, softly hairy, producing stolons or rooting branches from the base, the simple stems, from a cluster of rather large, roundish, short-petioled, serrate, root-leaves; stem-leaves few, entire, sessile and partially clasping: heads 1-7, on long peduncles; rays numerous, linear or spatulate, purplish or pinkish. April to June. 30. CALLISTEPHUS. CHINA ASTER. 560. Erigeron canadensis. Erect, leafy annuals, with large solitary heads bearing numerous white, rose or purple rays: scales in several rows or series, usually leafy; torus flat or nearly so, naked; pappus of long and very short bristles. C. hortensis, Cass. Common China aster, now one of the commonest of garden annuals, in many forms: leaves sessile and coarsely toothed. China. 31. ANTENNARIA. EVERLASTING. Perennial little herbs with cottony leaves and stems: flowers dioecious, in many-flowered small heads, solitary or racemose or clustered (much resembling Gnaphalium, but distinguished by the dioecious heads); invo- lucre with dry imbricated bracts in several rows, usually woolly-white or colored; pappus in a single row, that of the sterile flowers thickened and plumed at summit. Several confused species, or forms of one species, mostly in open, dry places. A. plantaginif olia, Rich. Mouse-ear everlasting. Noticeable on dry soil and in open places, as white cottony patches: stoloniferous root-leaves soft white when young, later green above but hoary beneath, oval to spatu- late, petioled, 3-veined: flowering stem simple scape-like, 48 in. high, bears small, bract-like, appressed leaves, and heads in a small, crowded, terminal corymb; scales of involucre whitish. 444 THE KINDS OF PLANTS 32. ANAPHALIS. EVERLASTING. Cottony-white herbs, very similar to the preceding, but pappus not thickened at summit, and usually a few perfect but sterile flowers in center of the head: stem leafy. Perennial. A. margaritacea, Benth. & Hook. Pearly everlasting. One to 2 ft.: heads in corymbs at summit, dioecious, but a few imperfect staminate flowers in the center of the fertile heads: leaves sessile, taper-pointed, broad-ovate to linear-lanceolate: involucre scale pearly white, rounded. Common in dry soil. 33. GNAPHALIUM. EVERLASTING. CUDWEED. Cottony-white herbs, with small head of many whitish flowers, sur- rounded by involucre of white or colored scales, in many series: flowers all fertile, outer pistillate, central perfect: 110 chaff on receptacle; pappus a row of slender bristles. Common in dry fields. G. polycephalum, Michx. Common everlasting. Annual, with leaves lanceolate, margins wavy, upper surface not very cottony: scales of invo- lucre white or yellowish white, a few perfect flowers in the center of each head. G. decurrens, Ives. Biennial or annual, with many perfect flowers in center of each head: stem erect, 1-2 ft.: leaves lance-linear, both sides cottony, bases partially clasping and running down the stem. 34. LlATRIS. BLAZING STAR. BUTTON SNAKEROOT. Perennial herbs, with simple erect stems from tuberous or corm-like roots: leaves entire, alternate, rather rigid, sometimes vertical on the stem, and resinous-dotted: flowers few to many, in racemed or spicate heads; flowers all alike, rose-purple, tubular; corolla 5-lobed, lobes long and slender; pappus of many hair-like bristles, plumose or barbed: achene slender, tapering to base: involucral bracts in several rows, unequal. L. scariosa, Willd. Stem stout, 2-5 ft. tall: leaves lanceolate, the lower long-petioled, the upper more linear and rigid: heads few to many, 30-40- flowered, about 1 in broad: scales of involucre numerous, with rounded tips ; often colored and rather rough on the margins; flowers bright purple. Dry soil. L. pycnostachya, Michx. Heads 3-15-flowered: flowers rosy-purple on a spike 3-4 ft. high: flowers begin to open at top of the spike and continue opening downward : scales with purplish tips. A western species, cultivated ; very showy. 35. EUPATORIUM. THOROUGHWORT. Erect perennials, with simple leaves: heads small and rayless, clustered, all the florets perfect; scales not leafy; torus flat or low-conical, naked: achene 5-angled: pappus a single row of soft bristles. Low grounds. E. purpureum, Linn. Joe Pye weed. Tall, with purplish stem and lan- ceolate-toothed leaves in whorls of 3-6: heads flesh-colored, in dense corymbs. Swamps, growing 3-10 ft. COMPOSITES 445 E. perfoliatum. Linn. Boneset. Thoroughwort. Fig. 171. Two to 4 ft., hairy: leaves opposite and sessile, lanceolate: flowers white, in clusters. 36. VERNONIA. IRONWEED. Coarse perennial herbs, with tall strong leafy stems: leaves alternate (seldom opposite), sessile: flowers 15 to many in a head, heads corymbed, all tubular, perfect, purple (rarely white or pink); involucre shorter than flowers, with several series of scales; receptacle not chaffy; pappus double, the inner series bristle-like, the outer of short, small, scale-like bristles: achenes cylindrical, several-ribbed. V. novaboracensis, Willd. A coarse weed, 3-6 ft. : heads about K in- long: bracts of involucre, some or all, with slender long or awned flexuous points, brownish purple: leaves many, rough, lanceolate or lance-oblong, 2-9 in. long, serrulate, sessile, all along stem: flowers deep purple in spreading, flat-topped cymes: achenes somewhat hairy. Late summer. V. fasciculata, Michx. Tall, coarse weed, 3-10 feet, with deep purple flowers in heads (20-30-flowered), corymbed; involucre campanulate, scales usually obtuse, not awn-like. Summer and autumn. INDEX AND GLOSSARY Numbers in parenthesis refer to paragraphs Aborted: crowded out, (316). Abronia, Fig. 18. Abutilon, 372, Figs. 182, 520. Acacia, leaf, 108, Fig. 163. Accessory buds: more than one in an axil, (88). Accessory fruit: other parts grown to the pericarp, (311), 161. Acclimatization: adaptation to a climate at first injurious, (367). Acer, 376, Figs. 523-526. Acetic acid, 271. Achene: dry, indehiscent, one-seeded pericarp, (313). Achillea, 437. Acorn, 155, 178. Acorus, 328. Actsea, 359. Acuminate: taper-pointed, (211). Acute: sharp-pointed, (211). Adder's-tongue, 331; fern, 198, Fig. 368. Adiantum, 323. Adventitious buds: those appearing on occasion, (54, 124). .Ecidia, 191. ^Ecidiospore, 191. Aerial roots, 10, Figs. 12-14. ^sculus, 377. Ageratum, 437. Aggregate fruit: one formed by the co- herence of pistils that were distinct in the flower, (321). Agrimonia, 387. Agrimony, 169, 387. Ailanthus, leaf-scars, 37, Figs. 57; seeds, 168. Air-plants, 11. Alcanin, 273. Alder, 345. Aleurone grains, 275, Fig. 445. Alfalfa, 3, 7, V9, 94, 137, 172, 251, 383, Figs. 21, 246, 529; nodules on root, 78. Algae, 181, 183, 185, 201, 207, 263, 266. Alkaloids, 271. Almond, 61, 251, 271; bud, 39, Fig. 68. Alnus, 345. Alpine plants, 229. Alsike clover, 382. Alternate leaves, 47. Alternation of generations, 182, 201. Althea, 148, 372, 373. Alyssum, 160, 367, 368, Fig. 519. Amaranth, 170, Fig. 411. Amaryllidacese, 335. Ambrosia, 436, Figs. 416, 556. Amelanchier, 391. Amoeba, 266. Amoeboid, 266. Ampelopsis, leaves of, 100, Fig. 155. Amphibious, 208. Amylo-dextrine, 275. Amylose, 271. Anacharis, 85, Fig. 439. Analogy: related in function or use, (223). Anaphalis, 444. Anemone, 356; fruit, 156. Anemonella, 357. Angelica, 398. Angiosperms, 327. Aniline for staining, 73. Annual: of one season's duration, (10). Annular, 267. Antennaria, 443. Anthemis, 437, Fig. 417. Anther: pollen-bearing part of the sta- men, (270). Antheridia, 181, 187. Antheridiophore, 194. Anthodium: flower-head of the Com- positae,.(251). Antirrhinum, 406. Antitropic: against the sun, (243). Apetalous: petals missing, (273, 290). Aphyllon, 90, Fig. 131. Apical; at the apex or top, (317). Apios, 385. Apium, 399. Apocynacese, 418. Apparatus, 301. Apple, 20, 32, 68, 251, 254, 391; acid, 271; bud, 36, 39, 40, Fig. 71; bud-variation, 238; cells, 263, 265; foliage, 65; fruit, 162, Fig. 295; inflorescence, 123, Fig. 294; leaf, 83; leaf-scar, 37; pear -graft, 28; phyllotaxy, 48, Fig. 84; pruning, Figs. 102, 104; thorns, 108; tree, 14, 64, 93, 220, Fig. 17. Apricot, 251, 366; bud, 37, 39, 41, Fig? 55, 68; fruit, 161. Aquatic, 207; society, Fig. 401. Aquilegia, 358, Fig. 517. Arabis, 388, Fig. 536. Aracese, 327. . Arboriculture, 257. Arborvitse, 326, Figs. 404, 405, 485. (447) 448 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Arbutus, trailing, 425. Archegoniophore, 194. Archegonium, 181. Arctium, 441. Arissema, 327. Aristolochiacese, 348. Arrow-root, starch, 274, 275. Arrowwood, 429. Artichoke, Jerusalem, 439. Arum, family, 149, 327; water, 328. Asarum, 349. Ascending stems, 14. Asclepiadacese, 417. Asclepias, 283, 418. Ascus, 190. Ash, 421; branching, 56, Fig. 92; fruit, 156; leaf, Fig. 141; mountain, 391; phyllotaxy, 48; seeds, 168. Ash in plants, 77. Asparagus, 3, 285, 289, 333, Figs. 457, 458; leaves, 107, Figs. 159-162. Aspen (poplar), expression in, 66. Aspidium, 289, 323, 324, Figs. 331, 332, 480. Asplenium, 323. Assimilation: making of protoplasm, (185, 186). Aster, 233, 442; China, 443; inflorescence, 120, 150, 151; wild, 252, Fig. 146. Atropin, 271. Auricula, 422. Autumn leaves, 233. Avens, 386. Axil: upper angle which a petiole or peduncle makes with the stem which bears it, (87). Axillary, 119, Fig. 201. Azalea, 425; anther, 135, Fig. 220. Bachelor's button, 151, 442, Figs. 256, 559. Bacterium (pi. bacteria), 91, 263, 278, Fig. 136. Ballast plants, 170. Balloon- vine, 376. Balsam, 33, 166, 286; garden, 375; for mounting sections, 303. Bamboo, forest, Fig. 437. Baneberry, 359. Banyan, 11, 20, Fig. 15. Baptisia, 383. Barberry, 360; anther, 135, Fig. 221; family, 360; rust, 191, 192, Figs. 355, 356; spines, 109, Fig. 168. Bark, 293; forms of, 65. Barley, 152, 250, Fig. 261; germination, 173. Basal: at the base or bottom, (317). Basidium, 191. Basswood, 37, 292; phyllotaxy, 48, Fig. 464. Bast, 280, 281, Fig. 450. Bean, castor, 4, 171, 175, 178,271,273,352, Figs. 313-316; common, 3, 7, 166, 250, 384, Figs. 2, 530; germination, 171, 173, 174, 178, Figs. 308-312, 322; legume, 157; Lima, 175, 384, Fig. 531; scarlet runner, 174, 178, 384; sleep of, 49; twiner, 115, 116. Beard-tongue, 406. Bedstraw, 112, 426. Bee balm, 400. Beech, 64, 67, 343; drop, 90; European, 98; fruit, 155; leaf, Fig. 151; monoe- cious, 138. Beefsteak geranium, Fig. 41. Beet, 7, 33, 250, 251; cells, 265; starch in, 31; sugar-, 251, 273. Beggar's ticks, 440, Fig. 558. Begonia, cells, 265; cuttings, 21, 27, Fig. 41; leaf, 298, Fig. 144; stomates, 301, Fig. 473. Belladonna, 271. Bell-flower, 430; family, 430. Bellis, 439. Bellwort, 332. Berberidacese, 360. Berry: pulpy, indehiscent, few- or many- seeded fruit, (319). Betula, 344. Bi-collateral, 288. Bi-compound, 96. Bidens, 440, Figs. 418, 558. Biennial: of two seasons' duration, (10). Bilberry, 424. Bindweed, 244, 412. Birch, 231, 344. I Birthroot, 333. Birthwort, family, 348. I Bishop's cap, 394. Bitter-cress, 367. Bittersweet, 248, 409, Fig. 424; climbing, 112; false, twiner, 115, Fig. 179. Blackberry, 20, 251, 390; cuttings, 23; fruit, 160, 161; pruning, 61; and birds, 168. Black-eyed Susan, 438, Fig. 557. Black haw, Fig. 305. Bladder-nut, 378. Bladder-wort, 71, 207. Blade: expanded part of leaf or petal, (206). Blazing star, 444. Bleeding of plants, 73. Bleeding-heart, 3, 364. Blight, 92. Blight-canker, 92. Bloodroot, 363. Blueberry, 424. Blue-eyed grass, 338. Blue-eyed Mary, 406. Blue-grass, 246. Bluets, 427. I Bole: trunk, (140). INDEX AND GLOSSARY 449 Boneset, 445, Fig. 138; bracts, 171. Borage family, 412. Boreal plants, 229. Borraginacese, 412. Boston ivy, leaves, 100, Fig. 155; tendril, 113. Bougainvillea, 110. Bouncing Bet, 354; fruit, Fig. 282. Box, leaf, Fig. 149. Box-elder, 376; phyllotaxy, 47, 48, Fig. 84. Bracts: much reduced leaves, (231). Brake, 180, 267, 323, Figs. 139, 335, 456 Bramble, 389. Branched stem, 15, Fig. 21. Brassica, 365, Fig. 518. Briars, climbing, 112; prickles, 109. Bridal wreath, 121, 392, Fig. 193. Bristles, 109. Bryophyllum, leaf cuttings, 21. Bryophyte, 183. Buckeye, 377. Buckwheat, 76, 251, 350, Fig. 513; family, 349; flower, 130; fruit, 156; pollination, 139. Bud, Fig. 165; dormant, 54; propagation by, 21; resting, 36; -scales, 111; -scars, old, 54, Fig. 91; struggle for existence, 52; winter, 21, 36, 61; and light, 50; -variations, 237. Bulb: thickened part, made up of scales or plates, (80); phyllotaxy, 48; scales, 111. Bulbel: bulb arising from a mother bulb, (81). Bulblet: aerial bulb, 21, (81). Burdock, 7, 67, 169, 242, 243, 441, Fig. 306. Burning bush, 294. Bur-marigold, 440, Fig. 558. Burs, 169. Bur-seed, 413. Burst of spring, 40, Fig. 72. Bushes: low and thick shrubs, (15). Butter-and-eggs, 137, 145, 405, Figs. 227, 544. Buttercup, 3, 208, 233, 357, achene, 156, Fig. 268; family, 355; flower, Figs. 202, 203; pistil, 130, Fig. 207 Butterfly weed, 418. Butternut buds, 37. Button-bush, 427. Button snakeroot, 444. ButtonWood, 294. Buttresses, bracing, 9, Fig. 10. Cabbage, 12, 16, 251; fruit, 160; head, 37, 38, Fig. 59; water pores, 299. Cacti, Fig. 371. Caffein, 271. Calamus, 328. CO Calcium, 76; oxalate, 271, 275. Calendula, 438. Calla, 328, Figs. 486, 487; inflorescence, 150; lily, 328, Fig. 486. Calliopsis, 440. Callistephus, 443. Callus, 62. Caltha, 358. Calypogon, 342. Calyptra, 197. Calyx: outer circle of floral envelopes, (265); lobes, (266). Cambium: the growing or nascent tissue lying between the xylem and phloem of the fibro-vascular bundle (481), and therefore on the outside of the woody trunk, since the active fibro-vascular bundles are in the young outer tissues (72), 62. Campanula, 430; capsule, Fig. 283. Campanulacea3, 430. Campion, 354. Canada thistle, 19, 22, 242, 244, Fig. 409. Candytuft, 368, Fig. 192. Canker, 92. Canna, 18, Fig. 29. Cannabis, 348. Canterbury bell, 430. Caoutchouc, 271. Caprif oliaceae, .427. Capsella, 368. Capsicum, 410, Fig. 547. Capsule: compound pod, (316). Caraway, 399. Carbohydrate, 85. Carbon, 7& 82; dioxid, 77, 82. Cardamine, 367. Cardinal-flower, 431. Cardiospennum, 376. Carnation, 254, 255, 353; cutting, 25, Figs. 34, 36. Carpel: a simple pistil; one of the units of a compound pistil, (271). Carrot, 3, 33, 242, 243, 398, Fig. 410; umbel, 121, 122, Fig. 194. Carum, 399. Caryophyllaceae, 353. Cassia, 385; flower, 146, Fig. 247 . Castalia, 361. Castanea, 343. Castilleja, 407. Castor bean, 4, 271, 273, 352; germina- tion, 171, 175, 178, Figs. 313-316. Castor-oil, 273; inclusions, 275, 2.76; plant, 352. Catalpa, pods, 160, Fig. 284; seeds, 168, Fig. 301. Catchfly, 354. Catkin: scaly-bracted deciduous spike with declinous flowers, (252). 450 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Catmint, 403. Catnip, 131, 243, 403, Figs. 213, 414. Cat-tail, 3; seeds, 168, Fig. 304; stems, 285; swamp, 232. Caulicle: stemlet of the embryo, (332). Cedar, 326, 327, Fig. 485; and light, Fig. 76; fruit, 164; and birds, 168; apple, 192. Celandine, 265, 363. Celastrus, twiner, 115. Celery, 249, 399; cell, 265. Cell, 263; multiplication, 268, Figs. 442, 443; -sap, 72, 76, 265; -wall, 88, 264, 266, Fig. 267. Cellulose, 266, 271. Celtis, 347. Centaurea, 441, Fig. 559. Centrifugal: away from the center, (258), Fig. 199. Centripetal: toward the center, (258), Figs. 197, 198. Cephalanthus, 427. Cerastium, 355. Cercis, 351. Chamberlain, quoted, 303. Chamomile, 437. Chara, 266. Charcoal, 82. Charlock, 243, 366, 368, Fig. 413. Cheat, Fig. 412. Checkerberry, 424. Cheeses, 147, 148, 244, 372, Fig. 248. Chelone, 406. Chenopodium, Fig. 408. Cherry, 20, 251, 387, 388, Fig. 539; fruit, 161; inflorescence, 123; phyllotaxy, 48; and birds, 168. Chess, 242, Fig. 412. Chestnut, 343; fruit, 155, Fig. 267; monoe- cious, 138; -oak graft, 28. Chickweed, 242, 355, Fig. 516; mouse- ear, 355. Chicory, 435. Chinese sacred lily, 336, Fig. 494. Chionanthus, 421. Chlorin, 76, 82. Chlorophyll, 83, 270. Chloroplast, 264. Choke cherry, 389. Choripetalae, 3^2. Chromosome, 268. Chrysanthemum, 150, 151, 153, 438. Cichorium, 435. Cider, acid, 271. Cilia, 186, 266. Cinchona, 271. Cinquefoil, 386. Cion the bud or branch used in grafting, (70). Circsea, 397. Cirsium, 441. Citric acid, 271. Cladophyllum: leaf-like branch, (225). Clasping: leaf partly or wholly surround- ing stem, (207). Claytonia, 371. Cleavers, 426. Cleft, 96. Cleft-graft, 29. Cleistogamous flowers: small closed self- fertilized flowers, (286). Clematis, 155, 287, 359; and light, Fig. 77; tendril, 115, Fig. 178. Climate, and plants, 212; and variation, 238. Climbing, plants, 112; plants and light, 43; stems, 14. Close fertilization: secured by pollen from same flower; self-fertilization, (278). Close-pollination, 134. Clotbur, 169, 230, 436, Fig. 555. Clover, 4, 7, 68, 221, 249, 251, 382, Figs. 187, 527; bracts, 110, Fig. 173; chloro- phyll, 83; inflorescence, 120; roots, nodules on, 78; sleep of, 49, Fig. 85; pollination, 137. Cobea, 115. Cockle, 242, 354. Coco-grass, 244. Coffee, 135, Fig. 201; tree, 100. Cohosh, anther, 271. Coleus, 75, 287; chlorophyll, 84; cuttings, 23, 25, 26; cells, 265; starch in, 86. Collateral, 288. Collection, making a, 279. Collenchyma, 280. Collinsia, 406. Collodion, 303, Fig. 476. Colonies, 230. Color of foliage, 233. Coltsfoot, 442. Columbine, 358, Fig. 517; fruit, 157. Columella, 188. Column: body formed of union of sta- mens and pistil in orchids, (300). Columnar trees, 64, Fig. 112. Commelina, 334. Commelinacese, 334. Companion cells, 280. Compass plant, 50, 297. Complete flower: all parts present, (273). Complete leaf: having blade, petiole, stipules, (206), Fig. 145. Compositse, 150, 431. Compositous flowers, 150. Compound leaves, 95. Compound pistil: of more than one car- pel united, (271) Concentric, 288. Cone-flower, 438. Conical trees, 64. Coniferse, 271, 324. Conjugation, 186. INDEX AND GLOSSARY 451 Connate, 97, Fig. 148. Convallaria, 334. Convolvulacese, 411. Convolvulus, 412; family, 411. Coral root, 90, 93, Fig. 132. Corallorhiza, Fig. 132. Cordate: heart-shaped, (211). Coreopsis, 440. Cork oak, 294. Corm: a solid bulb-like part, (82). Cormel: a corm arising from a mother corm, (82). Cormlet: aerial corm, (82). Corn, 8, 11, 139, 212, 213, 250, 254, 271, 279, 285, Figs. 14, 230, 231, 427, 448, 452, 454; ash in, 77; broom, 139, 250, Figs. 233, 429; field, 221, 227, Fig. 385; germination, 133, 134, 135, 171, 173, 175, 178, Figs. 317-321, 378; monoj- cious, 139, Fig. 230; North and South, 212, Fig. 378; phyllotaxy, 48; roots, 7, 296; stalk, 17; starch, 274, 275; stems, 267; stomates, 301; syrup, 272; trans- piration in, 81; water in, 76; wilting, 81; as weed, 241. Corn-cockle, Fig. 181. Corn-flower, 442; flowers, 151, Figs. 256, 559. Corolla: inner circle of floral envelopes, (265). Corpse plant, 425. Corydalis, 364. Corymb: short and broad, more or less flat-topped.indeterminate cluster, (254), Figs. 192, 193, 197. Corymbose inflorescence: outer flowers opening first; indeterminate, (248). Cosmos, 437. Cotton, 67, 147, 148, 249, 251, 271, Fig. 115; fibers, 263. Cotyledon: seed-leaf, (332). Couch-grass, Fig. 27. Cowpea, 251, 384, Figs. 273, 532; nodules on root, 78. Cowslip, 358, 422. Crab-apple, 391. Cranberry, 424; high-bush, 429. Cranesbill, 373. Cratsegus, 392. Creeper: a trailing shoot which takes root throughout its length, (56). Creeping stems, 14, Fig. 18. Crenate: shallowly round-toothed, (212). Cress, fruit, 160; winter, 366. Crinkle-root, 367. Crocus, 4, 34, 35 ; 338, Figs. 52, 53, 497. Crops, 249. Cross-fertilization: secured by pollen from another flower, (278). Cross-pollination: transfer of pollen from flower to flower, (278). Crowfoot, 357; family, 355. Crown: that part of the stem at the sur- face of the ground, ( V 37); -tuber, 32, Fig. 47. Cruciferae, 160, 365. Cryptogam: flowerless plant, as fern, moss, fungus, 185, 321, (353). Crystals, 275. Crystaloids, 275. Cucumber, 251, 287; collenchyma, 280; fruit, 162; pits, 267; root-pressure, 74; squirting, 167, 280; tendrils, 114. Cudweed, 444. Cupuliferse, 342. Currant, 395, Figs. 540-542; bud, Fig. 58; cuttings, 23, 26, Fig. 40; fruit, 160; stem, 294, Fig. 465. Cuscuta, 412, Fig. 553. Cutting: severed piece of a plant designed to propagate the plant, (51), (61), Figs. 29, 33-41; hardwood, 26; soft- wood, 23. Cutting-bed, 25, Fig. 36. Cutting-box, 25, 29. Cutting sections, 303. Cycas, 301. Cyclamen, 265, 423. Cycloloma, 170. Cyclone plant, 170. Cydonia, 391. Cyme: broad, more or less flat-topped, determinate cluster, (257), Figs. 196, 199. Cymose inflorescence: central flowers opening first; determinate, (256), Fig. 195. Cynoglossum, 413. Cypress, swamp, Fig. 435; vine, 411, Fig. 551. Cypripedium, 340. Cystolith, 276. Cytoplasm, 263. Daffodil, 336, Dahlia, 33, 271, 437; double, 151, 153, Fig. 257, 258. Daisy, 242, 244, 439; flowers, 150; ox-eye, 438, Fig. 189; rays, 143; English, scape, 125, Fig. 200. Dalibarda, 140. Dandelion, 3, 7, 13, 241, 242, 246, 434, Figs. 8, 275; flowers, 150; rays, 151; scape, 125; seeds, 168, Fig. 302; tissue, 283. Darwin, quoted, 221, 240. Darwinism, 240. Date, seed, 271. Datura, 410, Fig. 275. Daucus, 398. Day flower, 334. Day-lily, 331, 332, Figs. 279, 491, 492. Deciduous: falling, (216). 452 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Decompound, 96. Decumbent stems, 14. Decurrent: running down the stem, (207), Fig. 147. Dehiscence: opening of seed-pod or an- ther, (279), (312), 159. Deliquescent: trunk or leader lost in the branches, (40), Fig. 17. Delphinium, 359. Dentaria, 366; pod, 155, Fig. 266. Dentate: sharp-toothed, (212). Dependent plants, 90. Dermatogen, 279. Desert vegetation, Fig. 371. Determinate : definite cessation of growth at the apex, (256), Fig. 195. Deutzia, 61, 394. Devil's paint-brush, 436. Dewberry, 20, 390, Figs. 30, 170; fruit, 161. Dextrin, 271. Diadelphous: in two groups, (297). Dianthus, 353, Fig. 515. Dicentra, 364. Dichogamy: stamens and pistils matur- ing at different times, (280). Diclinous: imperfect; having either sta- mens or pistils, (274). Dicotyledons, 342. Diervilla, 429. Digestion: changing of starchy materials into soluble and transportable forms, (183). Digitalis, 407. Digitate, 96, Figs. 140, 142, 144. Dioecious: staminate and pistillate flow- ers on different plants, (284). Dispersal of seeds, 166. Dissecting apparatus, 132, Figs. 215-217. Divergence of character, 221. Divided, 96. Dock, 3, 242, 243, 244, 350. Dockmackie, 429. Dodder, 91, 94, 116, 412, Fig. 553. Dodecatheon, 422. Dogbane, 419; family, 418. Dog's-tooth violet, 330, Fig. 490. Dogwood, bracts, 110; osier, Fig. 5; tree, Fig. 383. Dormant buds, 54, Fig. 91. Double flowers, 153. Dragon-root, 327. Dragon's head, false, inflorescence, Fig. 185. Drupe: fleshy on,e-seeded indehiscent fruit; stone fruit, (320). Drupelet: one drupe in a fruit made up of aggregate drupes, (321). Dryopteris, 179, 324, Figs. 331, 332. Ducts, 263. Dusty miller, 354. Dutch case-knife bean, 178. Dutchman's breeches, 364. Dutchman's pipe, 116, 349; family, 348. Dwarf plants, 212. Earth parasites, 2. Echinospermum, 382. Echium, 415. Ecology: habits and modes of life of ani- mals and plants, (397). Egg-cell, 133, 187. Eggplant, 160, 410, Fig. 288. Eglantine, 390. Elaboration, food, 82. Elater, 196. Elder, 4, 125, 282, 429; box, 47, Fig. 84; pith, 263; poison, Fig. 422. Elecampane, 442. Elliptic, 98, Fig. 151. Elm, 14, 64, 218, 222, 287, 346, Figs. 507-509; flower, 130, 143; foliage, 65; fruit, 156; germination, 178; phyllo- taxy, 47, 48, Fig. 84; seed, 168; shoot, history, 57, 58, Figs. 96-100; trunk of, 65. Elodea, 85, 265, 266, Fig. 439. Embryo: the plantlet in the seed, (332). Embryology, 106. Emersed, 207. Emetin, 271. Enchanter's nightshade, 397. Endodermis, 279. Endogenous stems, 285. Endosperm: food in the seed outside the embryo, (333). Entire: margin not indented, (212). Environment: surroundings; conditions in which organisms grow, (354), 212. Enzymes, 87, 277. Eosin for staining, 73. Epicotyl: that part of the caulicle lying above the cotyledons, (340). Epidermal tissue, 279, 283. Epidermis of leaf, 297. Epigsea, 425. Epigeal: cotyledons rising into the air in germination, (339). Epigynous: borne on the ovary, (307). Epilobium, 397. Epipactis, 341. Epiphyte, 11, 93. Equisetacese, 199. Equisetum, 199, 202, Fig. 369. Erect stems, 14. Ericacea?, 423. Erigenia, 399. Erigeron, 442, Fig. 560. Erythronium, 330, Fig. 490. Eschscholtzia, 362. Essential organs: stamens and pistils, (269). INDEX AND GLOSS AEY 453 Eupatorium, 444, Fig. 138. Euphorbia, 273, 275, 352. Euphorbiacese, 351. Eutropic: in the direction of the sun's course, (243), Fig. 179. Evening primrose, 3, 243, 396, Figs. 276, 415. Evergreen: remaining green, (216). Everlasting, 443. Evolution, 240. Excurrent: the trunk or leader contin- ued through the top, (39), Fig. 19. Exogenous stems, 286. Exosmosis, 73. Explosive fruits, 166. Exposure, 215. Expression in plants, 65. Fagopyrum, 350, Fig. 513. Fagus, 343. Fall of leaf, 97, 299. False annual: perennial by means of bulbs, corms, or tubers, (13). Farm forestry, 258. Fastigiate trees, 64, Fig. 112. Fats, 271, 273. Fehling's solution, 272. Fern, 18, 183, 205, 209, 224, 321, Fig. 479; Christmas, 179, 323, Figs. 331, 332; cinnamon, 322, Fig. 479; flowering, 322; lady, 323; maidenhair, 180, Fig. 336; marsh shield, 324; ostrich, 323; poly- pode, 180, Figs. 333, 334; royal, 322; sensitive, 322, 323, Fig. 337; shield, 324; fronds, 179; in good and poor light, 42, Figs. 73, 74; discussed, 179, 198, 202; prothallus, 180, Fig. 339. Fertilization: impregnation of the ovule, (276). Fertilizer, 77. Fibrous tissue, 281. Fibro-vascular bundles, 283. Ficus elastica, 277, Fig. 447. Field crop, 249. Fig, climbing, Fig. 78. Figwort, 406; family, 404. Filament: stalk part of the stamen, (270). Filices, 321. Film, moisture, 75. Fir, 64. Fire-blight, 92. Fireweed, 230; purple, 397. Five-finger, 386. Flag, 338 ; garden, 299, Fig. 496 ; sweet, 328. Flagella, 266. Flax, 249, 250, 251. 271. Fleabane, 442. Fleur-de-lis, 338. Flora: plant population of a country or pla?e; also a book describing this popu- lation, (355). Floral envelopes, 127. Florets: individual flowers of composites and grasses, (303), Figs. 255-258. Floriculture, 230. Flower, parts of, 127; -branches, 118; -bud, 39; -cluster, 118; -stem, 125. Foliage, 2, 65, 95. Follicle: dry, dehiscent pericarp opening on the front suture, (314). Food elaboration, 82. Food, reservoirs, 31 ; supply and variation, 238. Forest, 256, Figs. 387-394, 398. Forget-me-not, 414. Formalin, 303. Formic acid, 271. Forms of plants, 64. Forsythia, 61, 420. Foul-gas, 83. Foxglove, 407. Fragaria, 387, Figs. 533, 534. Framework, 2, 67, Figs. 3, 4. Fraxinus, 421. Freesia, 339, Fig. 498. Free-swimming, 207. Fringe-tree, 421. Frog spittle, 185. Frond: leaf of fern, (345). Fruit-bud, 39, Figs. 61, 62, 70, 71. Fruits, 155. Fuchsia, 17, 397; and light, 43; bracts. Fig. 172; cuttings, 25, 26; flower, 128; Fig. 205; inflorescence, 119, Fig. 183; phyllotaxy, 48; water-pores, 299. Fumariacese, 363. Fumitory, 364. Function of leaves, 95. Function: what a plant or a part does; its vital activities. Fundamental tissue, 283. Fungi, 91, 183, 187, 201, 263, 266, Figs. 135, 137. Funiculus, 171. Funkia, 332, Figs. 491, 492. Funnelform, 144, Fig. 240. Galanthus, 336, Fig. 495. Galium, 426; climbing, 112. Gall, 92. Gametophyte, 181, 201. Gamopetalse, 400. Gamopetalus: corolla of one piece, (267), Fig. 204. Gamosepalous: calyx of one piece, (267), Fig. 204. Gaultheria, 424. Gaylussacia, 424. Gemmae, 194. Generation: period from birth to death, (8). Gentian, 417; family, 417. Gentianacese, 417. 454 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Geraniacese, 373. Geranium, 17, 287, 298, 301, 373, Figs. 470, 472; chlorophyll, 83; cuttings, 23, 25, 26, Figs. 33, 38, 39; family, 373; inflorescence, Fig. 195; and light, 43; starch in, 86. Germander, 402. Germination, 70, 171, 172. Geum, 386. Gherkin, 251. Gilliflower, 366. Gill-over-the-ground, 403. Ginger, 18. Ginger, wild, 99, 349. Glabrous: not hairy. Gladiolus, 34, 35, 339, Figs. 54, 499. Glandular, 298. Glaucous: covered with a "bloom" or a whitish substance. Gleditschia, 381. Globe-flower, 390. Globoid inclusions, 275. Glomerule: dense head -like cyme, (257). Gloxinia, leaf-cuttings, 21. Glucose, 85, 271, 272. Glucoside, 271. Glume, 152. Gnaphalium, 444. Goafs-beard, 434. Golden bell, 61. Goldenrod, 3, 150, 232, 233, 442. Goober, 141, 251. Gooseberry, 160, 395. Goose-grass, 426. Gourd, 251; collenchyma, 280. Graft: a branch or bud made to grow on another plant, 27, (60), Figs. 32, 42-44. Grafting-wax, 29. Grape, 282; cane, Fig. 460; crystals, 275, 276; cuttings, 23, 26; fruit, 160, Fig. 176; hyacinth, 331; leaves, 100; root, Fig. 467; sugar, 272; tendrils, 114, 117, Fig. 176; sap-pressure, 74; sympode, Fig. 180. Grass, 17, 231, 232, 249; flowers, 151; blue-eyed, 338; leaf, Fig. 150; family, 152; pink, 342. Grasses, 285; leaves of, 98, 102; phyllo- taxy, 49; pollination, 138; roots of, 7; starch, 274. Grass of Parnassus, 394. Gratiola, 407. Greek valerian, 417. Greenbrier, tendril, 115; stem, 285. Gromwell, 414. Ground cherry, 409. Ground ivy, 403. Ground-nut, 385. Guinea squash, 410. Gum-resin, 271, 273. Gymnosperm: seed naked (not in an ovary); applied to pines, spruces, etc., (326), 324. Habenaria, 341. Habitat: particular place in which a plant grows, (355). Habit: the looks, appearance, general style of growth, (36). Hackberry, 347. Hair-grass, 170. Hairs, 298. Halophytic societies, 228. Harbinger of spring, 399. Hardhack, 392. Hardwood cutting, 26. Harebell, 430. Haustoria, 91, Fig. 137. Hawkweed, 244, 436. Hawthorn, 108, 392; -pear graft, 27. Hazel, 138. Head of tree, form of, 65. Head: short, dense spike, (251), Figs. 187, 188, 197. Heart-seed, 376. Heart's-ease, 369. Heath, 93; family, 423. Hedeoma, 401. Hedera 'helix, 277, 287, 300, Fig. 468. Hedge hyssop, 407. Helianthus, 439. Heliotrope, 413. Heliotropium, 413. Heliotropism: turning toward the light, (101). Hematoxylin, 266, 303. Hemerocallis, 331. Hemlock, 213, 271, Fig. 484; poison, 247; water, 247. Hemp, 249, 251, 348. Henna root, 273. Hepatica, 156, 233, 356. Herb, 3. Herbaceous: not woody, (11); perennial, 3. Herbarium, 311, Fig. 478. Herb Robert, 374. Herbicides, 246. Heredity, 239. Hetercecism, 192. Hibiscus, 62, Fig. 152. Hickory, 50, 155; bud, 39, 111, Figs. 63, 64, 87; inflorescence, 121; leaf -scars, 37; monoecious, 138. Hieracium : 436. Hilum, or seed-scar, 171. Hip: fruit of the rose, (323), Fig. 292. Hobblebush, 429. Hog-peanut, 140, Fig. 238. Hollyhock, 4, 372; flower, 136, 147, 148, 153, Figs. 222, 223, 263; cells, 265. INDEX AND GLOSSARY 455 Holly, phyllotaxy, 48; tree, Fig. 380; atomates, 299. Honesty fruit, 160. Honey locust, 381; buds, 37; leaf, 100; thorns, 108; tree, Fig. 117. Honeysuckle, 62, 428, Fig. 554; buds, 37; family, 427; leaves, Fig. J48; phyllo- taxy, 48; swamp, 425; Tartarian, 37, 53; twiner, 115. Hop, 115, 116, 251, 348, Fig. 179. Hop clover, 383. Horehound, 403. Horse-chestnut, 377; bud, 36, 111; fruit, Fig. 277; germination, 178; inflores- cence, 123; leaf, 99; leaf -scar, 37. Horse-mint, 400. Horse-radish, 367. Horsetails, 199, Fig. 369. Horse-weed, 443, Fig. 560. Horticultural crop, 249. Host, 78, 91. Hound's tongue, 169, 243, 413. House-leek, 20; phyllotaxy, 48. Houstonia, 427. Huckleberry, 424; anther, 135. Humulus, 348. Humus, 2^0. Hyacinth' 35, 331; crystals, 276; grape, 331; inflorescence, Fig. 186; scape, 125. Hydrangea, 62, 125, 131, 394; doubling, 153. Hydrogen, 76, 82. Hydrophyllacese, 415. Hydrophytic society, 228, Fig. 395. Hypericacese, 370. Hypericum, 371. Hyphse, 91, 188. Hypocotyl: that part of the caulicle lying below the cotyledons, (338). Hypogeal: cotyledons remaining beneath the ground in germination, (339). Hypogynous: borne on the torus, or un- der the ovary, (307). Hypoxis 337 Iberis, 368. Immersed, 207. Impatiens, 375; collenchyma, Figs. 449, 521, 522; water-pores, 299, 301; seeds, 166. Imperfect flower: having either stamens or pistils, (274). Inclusions, 275. Indehiscent: not opening, (312). Independent plants, 90. Indeterminate: growing on from the apex, (248). Indian hemp, 419. Indian pink, 431. Indian pipe, 90, 425. Indian tobacco, 431. Indian turnip, 149, 327. India-rubber plant, 271, 276, 297, Fig. 447. India wheat, 350. Indigo, 271; false, 383. Indusium, 179, Fig. 338. Inferior, 152. Inflorescence: mode of flower-bearing; less properly, a flower-cluster, (260). Innocence, 406. Insects and flowers, 136, Fig. 227. Inula, 442. Inulin, 271. Involucre: a whorl of small leaves or bracts standing close underneath a flower or flower-cluster, (299). Iodine test for starch, 86, 274. Ipecac, 271. Ipomcea, 411, Figs. 551, 552. Iridaceae, 337. Iris, 338, Fig. 496; cells, 265; family, 337; leaf, 297; stems, 285. Iron, 76. Ironweed, 445. Irregular flower: some parts in one series different, (275). Irrigation, 215. Isoetes, 200, 202, Fig. 370. Ivy, 10, 100, 113, 277, 287, 292, 297, 299, 300, Figs. 174, 468, 471; Boston, 100, 113, Fig. 155; Kenilworth, 405; Fig. 545; poison, 11, 113, 247, Fig. 421. Jack-in-the-pulpit, 149, 276, 327, Fig. 251. Jacob's ladder, 417. Jamestown-weed, 410. Japan quince. 97, 392. Japan rose, 390. Jeffersonia, 360. Jerusalem artichoke, 439. Jewel-weed, 166, 230, 280, 375, Figs. 449, 521, 522. Jimson-weed, 243, 410, Fig. 275. Joe Pye weed, 444. Johnny-jump-up, 369. Johnson-grass, 244. Jonquil, 336. Judas tree, 381. Juneberry, 391; and birds, 168. June-grass, 241. Juniper, 164, 326. Kafir, 139, 250, Fig. 234. Kale, 251. Kalmia, 425. Karyokinesis: indirect division or trans- formation of the nucleus, being one means of cell multiplication; mitosis, 269, (448). Kentucky coffee tree, 100. Kerria, 390. Key-fruit, 156. 456 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Kinghead, 243. Knotweed, 130, 143, 351, Fig. 210. Kohlrabi, 33, 251, Fig. 48. Labiatse, 144, 400. Labiate, 144. Laboratory advice, 301; table, Fig. 477. Lactuca, 435. Lady's-slipper, 148, 340, Fig. 250. Ladies' tresses, 341. Lady's thumb, 351, Fig. 514. Lake-cress, 21. Lambkill, 425. Lanceolate, 99. Landscape and plants, 210. Lappula, 413. Larch, 326, Figs. 462, 463; European, 326. Larix, 326. Larkspur, 4, 359; flower, 137, Figs. 224- 226; fruit, 157, Figs. 269, 270. Lateral flowers, 119, Fig. 182. Lathyrus, 263, 381. Laticiferous tissue, 282. Laurel, 425. Layer: a branch which takes root and gives rise to an independent plant, (55). Layers of branches, 56, Figs. 93, 94. Leaf, bud, 39, Figs. 70, 71; -cutting, 21, 27, Fig. 41; fall of, 299; how to tell, 103; -spot, 92; parts of, 97. r Leaflet: one part in a compound leaf, (204). Leaf-scars, 37, 300, Fig. 57. Leaves, arrangement of, 47; fall of, 299; general account, 95; polar, 50; propa- gation by, 21; sleep of, 49; structure, 297. Legume: simple pericarp dehiscing on both sutures, (315). Leguminosse, 78, 146, 157, 379. Lemon, acid, 271. Lens, 132, 248; stand for, Figs. 214, 425. Lenticels, 294. Leonurus, 403. Lepidium, 368. Lespedeza, 251. Lettuce, 435; wild, 50, 243, 435, Fig. 86. Leucojum vernurn, 337. Liatris, 444. Lichen, 94, 183, 193, 209, Fig. 373. Licorice, wild, 426. Life-history: sum of the events in the life of a plant, (7). Light and plants, 42, 223, Figs. 73-78, 81-85. Ligneous: woody, (11). Lignin, 266. Ligule of isoetes, 201. Ligustrum, 421. Lilac, 4, 61, 420, Fig. 72; bud, 111; inflo- rescence, 125; phyllotaxy, 48; stomates, 299. Liliacese, 145, 146, 328. Lilium, 329, Figs. 488, 489. Lily, 4, 20, 329, Figs. 488, 489; bulb, 33; calla, [328, Fig. 486; day-, 331, 332, Figs. 279, 491,492; Easter, 330; family, 328; germination, 133; leaves, 102; stomates, 301; tiger, 21, 33, 330, Fig. 31; straw, 332; Turk's-cap, 330, Fig, 489; water-, 3, 98, 205, 207, 361; wild orange-red, 330; wood, 330. Lily-of-the-valley, 18, 334. Linaria, 405, Figs. 544, 545. Linear, 98, Fig. 150. Linnaeus, 308. Lipped, 144. Lithospermum, 414. Liverleaf, 356. Liverworts, 193, 201. Lobed, 96, 100, Fig. 143. Lobelia, 431; family, 431. Lobeliacese, 431. Locule: compartment of a pistil, (310). Loculicidal: dehiscence between the par- titions, (317). Locust, 380; buds, 37; honey, tree, Fig. 117; prickles, 109; seed, 166; sleep of, 49; thorns, 108. Lodicule, 152. Lonicera, 428, Fig. 554. Loosestrife, 423. Loquat, 251. Lotus, starch, 274. Lucerne, 383, Fig. 529. Lungwort, 414. Lupine, 384. Lupinus, 384. Lychnis, 354. Lycopersicum, 410. Lycopus, 400. Lysimachia, 423. Madura, 347. Macrospore, 182. Madder family, 426. Magnesium, 76. Maianthemum, 333. Maidenhair, 180, 323, Fig. 336. Maize, 3, 8, 11, 48, 139, 152, 171, 175, 250, Figs. 9, 14, 230, 231, 317-321. Malic acid, 271. Mallow, 147, 148, 244, 372, Fig. 248; family, 372. Maltose, 272. Malva, 372. Malvacese, 148, 372. Mandrake, 18, 361. Mangrove, 12, 20, Fig. 16. INDEX AND GLOSSARY 457 Maple, 14, 47, 64, 67, 218, 241, 273, 376, Figs. 79, 80, 523-526; branching, 56; buds, 37, 39, 40, 41, 111; family, 375; flowering, 373; foliage, 65; fruit, 156; germination, 178, Figs. 323-330; leaf, Figs. 143, 157; leaf -scar, 37; phyllotaxy, 48; sap-pressure, 74; seed, 168; trunk, 65. Marchantia, 193, 197, 202, Figs. 358- 364. Mare's-tail, 443, Fig. 560. Marigold, marsh, 358; pot, 438. Marrubium, 403. Marsh-cress, 367. Marsh mallow, 148, 372. Marsh marigold, 358. Matthiola, 366. May-apple, 18, 22, 361; anther, 135. Mayflower, 356, 425 Maypop, 162. Mayweed, 230, 243, 438, Fig. 417. Meadow grass, 3. Meadow rue, 357. Meadow-sweet, 392. Medicago, 383, Fig. 529. Medick, 383. Medlar, 251. Medullary rays, 278, 286. Melilotus, 383, Fig. 528. Melon, 251; fruit, 162; tendrils, 114. Menispermum, stem, 287, 289, 294. Mentha, 401, Fig. 543. Meristematic, 278. Mermaid- weed, 208. Mertensia, 414. Mesophyll, 272, 297. Mesophytic society, 228, Fig. 396. Micropyle, 171. Microscope, slides, Fig. 476. Microspore, 182. Microtome, 303. Midrib, 96, 98. Mignonette, inflorescence, 120. Mildew, 91, 189, 190, Figs. 348-351. Milk thistle, 435. Milkweed, 418; family, 417; fruit, 157, Fig. 271; seeds, 168, Fig. 303; tissue, 283. Milkwort, 378; family, 378. Millet, 152, 250, Fig. 162. Milo, Fig. 234. Mimulus, 407, Fig. 546. Mineral nutrients, 69, 75. Mint, 401; family, 400; phyllotaxy, 48. Mistletoe, 93, 94, 299. Mitchella, 427. Mitella, 394. Mitosis, 269. Mitrewort, 394; lalse, 393. Mixed buds, 40; flower-clusters, 123. Moccasin flower, 340. Mock orange, 62, 395. Mock pennyroyal, 401. Monadelphous: in one group, (297). Moneywort, 423. Monkey-flower, 407, Fig. 546. Monocotyledons, 102, 327. Monoacious: staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plant, (284). Monopodial: axial growth continued by growth from terminal bud or persis- tence of the leader, 117. Monotropa, 425. Moonflower, 115, 411, Fig. 552. Moonseed, stem, 287, 292, Figs. 455-457. Moose-wood, 377. Morning-glory, 15, 411, 412; family, 94; flower, 144, Fig. 240; twiner, 115, 116. Morphin, 271. Morphology, 105. Morus, 347, Fig. 511. Mosses, 94, 183, 196, 201, 209, 234. Motherwort, 403. Mold, 90, 187, 188. Mountain-ash, 391. Mounting sections, 303. Mucilage, 271. Muck, 210. Mucor, 188, Figs. 344-347. Mulberry, flowering, 389; leaves, 100; shoot, Fig. 88; white, 348, Fig. 511; wild, 347. Mullein, 3, 15, 243, 405, Fig. 22; hairs, 298; inflorescence, 120; leaf, Fig. 147; pink, 354. Muscari, 331. Muscus, 271. Mushroom, 90, 187, 247, 249, Figs. 133, 134, 419, 420. Muskmelon seedlings, Fig. 156. Musquash-root, 247. Mustard. 243, 247, 251, 365, Fig. 518; family, 365; fruit, 160; inclusions, 275; pod, 155. Mycelium: vegetative part of a fungus, (194), 188, Fig. 137. Mycorrhiza, 93, Fig. 132. Myosotis, 414. Myrtle, 419. Myxomycetes, 266. Nagelia, 298. Naked flower: no floral envelopes, (273). Narcissus, 35, 336; double, Fig. 494. Nasturtium, 374; flower, 131, Fig. 211; leaf, Fig. 140; tendril, 115. Natural selection, 240. Nectarine, 237. Nectary, 137. Needle for dissecting, 132, Fig. 215. Nepeta, 403. 458 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Nerium, 419. Netted-veined, 95. Nettle, 230, 348; acid, 271; cells, 265; family, 345. Nettle-tree, 347. Nicotiana, 411, Fig. 550. Nicotin, 271. Nightshade, 276, 409; family, 408. Nine-bark fruit, 157. Nitella, 266. Nitrogen, 76, 82, 249. Node: a joint; the space between two joints is an internode. Nodules, 78, Figs. 126, 127. Nucleolus, 264. Nucleus, 186, 263. Nut-grass, 244. Nutrient, water as, 76. Nux vomica, 271. Nymphseacese, 361. Oak, 14, 93, 233, 271, 286, 287, 343, Figs. 500-506; branching, 56; -chestnut graft, 28; expression in, 66; family, 342; inflorescence, 121, Fig. 228; mon- oecious, 138; poison, 248, Fig. 423; transpiration in, 70; where grows, 207. Oakesia, 332. Oats, 250, Fig. 426; inflorescence, 121, 152, Fig. 191; lodged, Fig. 382; roots, 7; seed, 172; starch, 274, 275. Oblong, 98, Fig. 149. Obovate, 99. Obtuse: blunt, (211). (Ecology: see ecology. (Enothera, 396. Offset: a plant arising close to the base of the mother plant, (56). Oils, 271, 273. Okra, 148. Old-hen-and-chickens, 20. Old-man vine, 359. Oleacese, 420. Oleander, 419; leaf, 297. Olericulture, 250. Olive, family, 420; fruit, 161. Onagracese, 397. Onion, 4, 271, 276, 277; bulb, 33, 34, 35, Figs. 49-51; cells, 264; germination, 178. Onoclea, 322. Oogonia, 187. Oospore, 187. Operculum, 198. Ophioglossacese, 198. Ophioglossum, 198, Fig. 368. Opium, poppy, 271. Opposite leaves, 47. Orange, mock, 62, 395; osage, 48, 108, 347, Fig. 510. Orbicular, 99, Fig. 153. Orchid, 271, 341; epiphytes, 11, 94; fam- ily, 339; flowers, 143, 148, Fig. 250: leaves, 102; roots, Fig. 13; stems, 285. Orchidacese, 339. Orchis, 341. Ornithogalum, 331. Osage orange, 48, 108, 347, Fig. 510; phyllotaxy, 48. Osier, 4; dogwood, Fig. 5. Osmorrhiza, 399. Osmosis, 71, Figs. 123, 124. Osmotic pressure, 72. Osmunda, 322, Fig. 479. Oswego tea, 400. Ovary: seed-bearing part of a pistil, (272), Fig. 209. Ovate, 99, Fig. 152. Overgrowth, 232. Oxalic acid, 271. Oxalis, 49, 166, 374, Fig. 300. Ox-eye daisy, 438, Fig. 189.. Oxygen, 76; liberation of, 77, Fig. 130. Oyster plant, 434. Pseonia, 358. Paint-brush, 244. Painted cup, 407. Palet, 152. Palisade cells, 297. Palisades of Hudson, Fig. 372. Palm, 15, 65, Fig. 113; choked by fig, Fig. 78. Palma Christi, 352. Palmate, 96, Fig. 140. Panicle: branching raceme, (253). Panicum, 170. Pansy, 370; flower, Fig. 212. Papaver, 271, 362. Papaveracese, 362. Paper bamboo, forest, Fig. 437. Papilionaceous flowers, 146, Fig. 245. Pappus: peculiar calyx of composites, (304). Paraffin, 303. Parallel-veined, 95. Paraphyse, 197. Parasite, 90, 200, Figs. 131, 136; vs. graft, 22. Parenchyma, 266, 278, 297. Parnassia, 394. Parsley, 121, 399; family, 397. Parsnip, 3, 33, 121, 398. Parted, 96. Partridge-berry, 427. Passion flower, 162. Pastinaca, 398. Pea, 3, 79, 97, 247, 250, 381, Fig. 426; black, 384, Fig. 532; everlasting, 166, 381, Fig. 272; experiment in respira- tion, 89; flowers, 146, Fig. 206; germi- nation, 171, 173, 174, 178, Fig. 322; INDEX AND GLOSSARY 459 legume, 157; nodules. on root, 78; pistil, 129, Fig. 206; stock, 384, Fig. 532; sweet, 254, 263, 381, Fig. 245; tendril, 114, Fig. 177. Pea'ch, 2, 32, 251, 271, 287, 387, 388, Figs. 105, 431, 476, 535; bud, 37, 39, 40, 41; crystals, 276; fruit, 161; foliage, 65; family, 379; inclusions, 275; leaf, 99; phyllotaxy, 48; and nectarine, 237; pruning, Figs. 103, 105, 108. Peanut, 141, 157, 251, Figs. 237, 238, 274, 430. Pear, 251, 272, 391; bud, 36, 39, 40, 111, Figs. 56, 61, 62, 65-67, 70; dis- eases of, 92; fruit, 162, 266, Fig. 293; form of, 68, Figs. 118, 119; inflo- rescence, 123, Fig. 196; leaf-scar, 37; phyllotaxy, 48; -quince graft, 27; sclerenchyma, 282; thorns, 108. Peat, 210. Pedicel: stem of one flower in a cluster, (261). Peduncle: stem of a flower-cluster or of a solitary flower, (261). Pelargonium, 374. Peltate: attached to its stalk inside the margin, (209), Figs. 135, 140. Pentamerous: in 5's, (291). Pentstemon, 406. Peony, 358; fruit, 157; stomates, 299. Pepo: fruit of pumpkin, squash, etc., (325). Pepper-grass, 243, 368. Pepper, red, 4, 410, Fig. 547. Peppermint, 401. Pepper-root, 367. Perennial: of three or more seasons' duration, (10). Perianth: floral envelopes of lily-like plants (more properly of monocoty- ledonous plants), (295). Periblem, 279. Pericarp: ripened ovary, (311). Perichsetia, 197. Perigynous: borne around the ovary, (306). Peristome, 198. Perithecium, 190. Periwinkle, 419. Persimmon, 271. Persistent: ren-aining attached, (216). Personate, 145, Fig. 243. Peruvian bark, 271. Petal: one of the separate leaves of a corolla, (266), Fig. 209. Petiole: leaf-stalk, (206). Petiolule: stalk of a leaflet, (208). Petunia, 410, Figs. 548, 549. Phaseolus, 384, Figs. 530, 531. Phellogen, 293. Phenogam: seed-bearing or flowering plant, (353), 324. Philadelphus, 395. Phloem, 283. Phlox, 144, 233, 416, Fig. 241; family, 416. Phosphorus, 76. Photosynthesis: the making of organic matter from CO 2 and water, in the presence of light, (177, 178). Phyllodium: leaf-like petiole, (226), Fig. 163. Phyllotaxy: arrangement of leaves and flowers on the stem, (112). Physalis, 409. Physostegia, inflorescence, Fig. 185. Picea, 325, Fig. 483. Pie-plant, 350. Pigeon-grass, 243. Pigweed, 3, 67, 239, 242, 243, Figs. 406, 408, 411. Pine, 15, 93, 162, 232,. 249, 281, 394, Figs. 10, 19, 421-423, 451, 462, 481, 482; and cone, Fig. 299; foliage, Fig. 158; ger- mination, 171; and light, 44; needles, 102; pollination, 138; shoot, Fig. 158; stem, Figs. 461, 466; trees, Figs. 388, 390; wood structure, 267, Fig. 440. Pine-sap, 425, 426. Piney, 258. Pink, 4, 159, 353; family, 353; fire, 354; grass, 342; wild, 354. Pinnae, 321. Pinnules, 321. Pinnate, 95, Fig. 141. Pinnatifid, 97. Pinus, 324, Figs. 481, 482. Pinxter flower, 425. Pistil: ovule-bearing or seed-bearing or- gan, (271), Figs. 206-209. Pistillate: having pistils and no stamens, (274), Figs. 190, 229, 230. Pisum, 381. Pitchforks, 440, Fig. 558. Pits, 267. Plane tree, leaf-scar, Fig. 474. Plankton, 207. Plantain, 243, inflorescence, 120. Plant-breeding, 240. Plant-food, denned, 69. Plant society, 228. Plastid, 263, 264. Plerome, 279. Pleurisy root, 418. Plum, 20, 251, 254, 387, 388, Figs. 537, 538; blossom, 162, Fig. 209; bud, 39; drupe, 161, Fig. 289; phyllotaxy, 48; pollination, Fig. 218; thorns, 108. Plumule: bud in the embryo, (332). Plur-annual: of one season's duration because killed by frost, (14). .Pod: dehiscent pericarp, (312). Podophyllum, 361. Pogonia, 342. 460 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Poinsettia, 352; bracts, 110; starch, 273, 274. Poisonous plants, 247. Polarity, 50. Polemoniacese, 416. Polianthea, 337. Pallards, 56, Fig. 92. Pollen germinating, Figs. 218, 219. Pollen: spores borne by the stamen, (270), 133, Figs. 218, 219. Pollination: transfer of pollen from sta- men to pistil, (278). Pollinium : pollen in a coherent mass, (301). Polyanthus, 422. Polygalaceae, 378. Polygonacese, 349. Polygonatum, 334. Polygonum, 351, Fig. 514; climbing, 112. Polyhedral, 263. Polypetalous: corolla of separate parts or petals, (267). Polypode, 180, 323, Figs. 333, 334. Polypodium, 180, 323. Polyporus, Fig. 135. Polysepalous: calyx of separate parts or sepals, (267). Polystichum, 323. Polytrichum commune, 196, Figs. 365-367. Pome: fruit of apple, pear, etc., (324). Pomology, 250. Pond-lily, 361. Poplar, 231; bud, 36; cuttings, 26; dioecious, 138; inflorescence, 121; Lombardy, 64; phyllotaxy, 48; seeds, 168. Poppy, 326; family, 362; opium, 271, 362. Pores, 79, 83, 88. Portulaca, 159, 371; fruit, Fig. 280. Portulacacese, 371. Potassium, 76. Potato, 4, 16, 19, 32, 35, 68, 77, 160, 249, 251, 254, 409, Fig. 24; cells, 265; cuttings, 23; flower, 144, Fig. 242; inclusions, 275; phyllotaxy, 49; sprouts, 31, 84, 90, Fig. 45; starch, 31, 274, 275, Fig. 42; stem, 287; sweet, 16, 32, Fig. 204; -tomato graft, 28. Potentilla, 386. Pot marigold, 438. Prickles, 109, Figs. 169, 170. Prickly ash, 109, Fig. 169. Prim, 421. Primrose, 422; family, 422. Primula, 298, 422. Primulacese, 422. Prince's feather, 351. Privet, 62, 421. Promycelium, 191. Propagation by buds, 21; leaves, 21; rhizomes, 18; roots, 19. Prosenchyma, 280. Proserpinaca, 208. Proteids, 271. Protein, 271. Proterandrous: anthers maturing first, (280), Fig. 222. Proterogynous: pistils maturing first, (280). Prothallus, 180, Fig. 339. Protococcus, 263. 263. PTtra^lla, 402. Pruning, 59, 60. Prunus, 387, Figs. 535-539. Pseud-annual: perennial by means of bulbs, corms, or tubers, (13). Pteridophyte, 183. Pteris, 267, 289, 323, Fig. 456. Puccinia, 190, 192, Figs. 352-357. Puccoon, 414. Pulse family, 379. Pumpkins, 251, 289; and collenchyma, 280; corn, 221, Fig. 385; flower, 144; fruit, 162; germination, 174; hairs, 298; leaf, 100; roots, Fig. 121. Purslane, 159, 241, 242, 243, 371; family, 371. Pusley, 371. Pussies of willow, 121, Fig. 60. Pyrus, 391. Pyxis: pod opening around the top, (317), Fig. 280. Quack-grass, 18, 19, 242, 244, Fig. 27. Quercus, 343, Figs. 500-506. Quillwort, 200. Quince, 251, 271, 391; fruit, 162; Japa- nese, 97; -pear graft, 27. Quinin, 271. Raceme: simple elongated indeterminate cluster with stalked flowers, (249), Figs. 184, 197. Radicula, 367. Radish, 7, 12, 17, 33, 69, 70, 75, 368, Figs. 11, 120; and light, 43, Fig. 75; fruit, 160. Ragweed, 209, 230, 233, 243, 436, Figs. 416, 556. Ranunculacese, 355. Ranunculus, 357. Rape, 251. Raphanus, 368. Raphe, 172. Raphides, 276. Raspberry, 20, 21, 251, 389; and birds, 168; fruit, 160, 161, Fig. 290; leaf, Fig. 142; pruning, 61, Figs. 106, 107. Rattlesnake plantain, 341. Rattlesnake-weed, 436. Ray: outer modified florets of some com- posites, (305). INDEX AND GLOSSARY 461 Receptacle, 128; of liverwort, 194; of moss, 197. Receptive stigma, 134. Redbud, 381. Redroot, 242, Figs. 406, 411. Regular flower: the parts in each series alike, (275). Reinforced fruit: other parts grown to the pericarp, (311), 161. Reniform, 99. Respiration: taking in O, giving off C0 2 , 82, (187); in seeds, 173. Resting bud, 36, 61. Resting-spore, 186. Rheum, 350. Rheumatism root, 360. Rhizoid, 186. Rhizome: underground stem; rootstock, (44), Figs. 22-24, 27-29; propaga- tion by, 18; starch in, 31. Rhododendron, 425; anther, 135. Rhodora, 425. Rhubarb, 3, 45, 350, Figs. 81, 82; bud, 36. Rhus, Figs. 421, 423. Ribbon grass, 86. Ribes, 395, Figs. 540-542. Rice, 152, 249, 250; starch in, 274, 275. Richardia, 328, Fig. 486. Ricinus, 352. Rings of annual growth, 111. Robinia, 380; spines, 109. Robin's plantain, 443. Rock cress, 366. Root, 2, 7, 69, Fig. 120; action, 69; aerial, 10, Figs. 12-14; climbers, 112, Fig. 174; cutting, 20; growth, Figs. 25, 26; -hairs, 9, 69, Figs. 11, 121, 122, 125; -pressure, 73, 81; propagation by, 19; structure, 69, 295; system, 7; tubers, 32. Rootlets, 69, Figs. 120, 125. Rootstock: subterranean stem; rhizome, (44); propagation by, 18. Rosa, 390, Rosaceae, 385. Rose acacia, 62, 380. Rose, 4, 249, 251, 390; climbing, 112; cutting, Fig. 35; family, 385; hip, 161, Fig. 292; mallow, 373; -moss, 371, Fig. 280; of Sharon, 62, 373; prickles, 109; swamp, 390; variation, 238. Rotate, 144, Fig. 242. Round-headed trees, 64, Figs. Ill, 112. Rubber, 249. Rubiacese, 426. Rubus, 389. Rudbeckia, 438, Fig. 557. Rue anemone, 357. Rumex, 350, Fig. 512. Runner: a trailing shoot taking root at the nodes, (56). Russian thistle, 170, 243, Fig. 114. Rust, 91, 190, Figs. 352-357. Rutabaga, 251. Rutland beauty, 412. Rye, 249; flower, 151, 152, Fig. 260; -pollination, 138. Sage, common, 401; scarlet, 110, 401. Salsify, 33, 434. Salt-loving societies, 228. Salverform, 144, Fig. 241. Salvia, 401. Samara: indehiscent winged pericarp, (312). Sambucus, 429. Sand-dune plants, Fig. 397. Sanguinaria, 363. Sap, 72; descent of, 87; -pressure, 73. Saphrophyte, 90, Figs. 133-135. Sapindaceae, 375. Saponaria, 354. Sassafras, 143. Savin, 327. Saxifragaceae, 393. Saxifrage, 276, 393. Scalariform: with elongated mark ngs, (446). Scaly bulb, 33. Scape: leafless peduncle arising from the ground, (262), Fig. 200. Sclerenchyma, 267, 282. Sclerotic tissue, 282. Score-card, 254. Scramblers, 112. Scrophularia, 406. Scrophulariacese, 404. Scutellaria, 402. Seaweeds, 181, 185. Secondary thickening, 291. Sedges, leaves, 102. Seed, coats, 171; dispersal, 166; dormant, 2; starch in, 31; -variations, 237. Segments, 145. Selection, 239. Self-fertilization: secured by pollen from same flower; close-fertilization, (278). Self-heal, 402. Self-pollination: transfer of pollen from stamen to pistil of same flower; close- pollination, (278). Seneca snakeroot, 379. Senna, 385. Sensitive fern, Fig. 437. Sepal: one of the separate leaves of a calyx, (266), Fig. 209. Septicidal: dehiscence along the parti- tions, (317). Serrate: saw-toothed, (212). Service berry, 391 Sessile: not stalked, (207), Fig. 201. Shadbush, 391. 462 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Shade and plants, 223. Shadows in trees, 66. Sharon, rose of, 62, 341. Sheepberry, 429. Shelf fungus, Fig. 135. Shepherdia, hairs, 298, Fig. 469. Shepherd's purse, 242, 368; capsule, 160, Fig. 286. Shoot: a new plant from root of old plant, (53). Shooting star, 422. Shrubs: plants that remain low and produce shoots from base, (15). Sickle-pod, 366. Sieve tissue, 280. Silene, 354. Silicle: short fruit of Cruciferse, (318). Silique: long fruit of Cruciferse, (318). Silkweed, 418. Silviculture, 257. Simple leaf, 95, Fig. 138. Simple pistil: of one carpel, (271), Fig. 207. Simple stem, 15, Fig. 20. Sisyrinchium, 338. Skullcap, 402. Skunk cabbage, 149, 150, 233, 276, 327, Fig. 446. Sleep of leaves, 49. Slips, 23. Smartweed, 130, 143, 156, 230, 351, Fig. 514. Smilacina, 333. Smilax of florists, 107, 333, Fig. 493. Smilax tendril, 115. Snakehead, 406. Snapdragon, 145, 406, Fig. 243. Snowball, 131, 153, Figs. 264, 265; Japanese, 429. Snowberry, Fig. 287. Snowdrop, 336, Fig. 495. Snowflake, 337. Soapberry family, 375. Soapwort, 354. Societies, 228. Sod society, 231, Fig. 399. Softwood cutting, 23. Soil and plants, 209, 213. Solanacese, 408. Solanum, 112, 248. Solidago, 442. Solitary flowers, 119, Fig. 181. Solomon's seal, 18, 334; false, 333; two- leaved, 333. Sonchus, 435. Soredia, 193. Sorghum, 139, 152, 250, 273, 275, Figs. 20, 232-234. Sori, 9, 191. Sorrel, 166, 243, 350, Fig. 512. Sow thistle, 435. Soybean, Fig. 126. Spadix: thick or fleshy spike of certain plants, (302), Figs. 198, 251. Spanish moss, 94. Spanish needles, 440. Spathe: bract surrounding or attending a spadix, (302), Fig. 251. Spatterdock, 362. Spatulate, 99. Spearmint, 402, Fig. 543 Species, 308. Specularia, 430. Speedwell, 408. Spencer, quoted, 240. Spermaphytes, 183. Spermatozoids, 197. Sperm-cell, 187. Sphagnum moss, 210, Fig. 374. Spider-lily, 301. Spiderwort, 264, 266, 335, Fig. 438; family, 334. Spike: compact, more or less simple, in- determinate cluster, with flowers ses- sile or nearly so, (250), Figs. 185, 186, 197. Spikelet: a secondary spike; one of a compound spike, (306). Spikenard, false, 333. Spines, 108, 109, Fig. 168. Spiranthes, 341. Spirea, 392; inflorescence, 121, Fig. 193. Spirogyra, 185, 186, 201, 263, 265, Figs. 340, 341. Spleenwort, 323. Sporangia, 186; of ferns, 179; stamens, 129. Sporangiophore, 188. Spore: a simple reproductive body, usu- ally composed of a single detached cell containing no embryo, 5, 92, (344), 187. Spore-case, 179. Sporodinia, 189. Sporogonium, 195. Sporophyll, 183. Sporophyte, 181, 201. Spring beauty, 371. Spruce, 14, 15, 64, 98, 232, 325, Fig. 483; and light, 44; leaf, 102. Spruce, 162; cone, Fig. 298; seed, Fig. 297. Spurge, 110, 352; family, 351. Squash, 251, 289; fruit, 162, Fig. 296; germination, 171, 178; cell, 264, 265; leaf, 100; prickles, 109; root-pressure, 74. Squaw-vine, 427. Squirrel corn, 364. Stamen: pollen-bearin organ, (270), Figs. 206, 209. Staminate: having stamens and no pis- tils, (274), Figs. 228-230. Stard, dissecting, 132, Fig. 217. INDEX AND GLOSSARY 463 Stand for lens, 132, Fig. 214. Staphylea, 378. Starch, 271; and sugar, 246; as plant- food, 64; discussed, 273, Fig. 444; how made, 78, 85; storage of, 31. Star-grass, 337. Star of Bethlehem, 331. Star-thistle, 441. Stellaria, 355, Fig. 516. Stellate, 263, 298. Stem: how elongates, 16; growth, Figs. 25, 26: system, 13, Fig. 17; tubers, 32. Stemless plants, 14. Sterile flower: no stamens or pistils, (274). Steven, quoted, 303. Stick-seed, 413. Stick-tight, 169, 243, 413, Fig. 418. Stigma: part of the pistil which receives the pollen, (272), Fig. 209. Stipel: stipule of a leaflet, (208). Stipule: a certain basal appendage of a leaf, (206). St. John's-wort, 130, 371, Figs. 208, 278; family, 370. St. Peter's wreath, 392. Stock, 366. Stock: the part on which the cion is grafted, (70). Stolon: a shoot which bends to the ground and takes root, (56). Stoma, 301. Stomate, 79, 83, 88, 192, 298, 301. Stone fruit, 161. Strawberry, 15, 20, 232, 249, 251, 387, Figs. 533, 534; frujt, 160, 161, Fig. 291. Straw lily, 332. Strict stem system, 15. Struggle for existence, 52, 218. Strychnin, 271. Style: elongated part of the pistil be- tween the ovary and stigma, (272), Fig. 209. Stylophorum, 363. Suberin, 266. Subterranean stem, 15; propagation by, 18. Suckers, 54; of fungi, 91. Sugar, 270; cane, 250, 273, Fig. 428. Sulfur, 76. Sumac, 300; poison, 248, Fig. 422. Summer-spore, 190. Sundrops, 396. Sunflower, 3, 19, 233, 267, 439, Figs. 3, 4, 23, 28; family, 431; inflorescence, 120, 150, 151, 153, Fig. 188; trans- piration in, 79. Sunlight and plants, 42, 88, 223. Supernumerary buds: more than one in an axil, (88). Survival of the fittest, 240. Swarm-spore, 186. Sweet alyssum, 160, 368, Fig. 519. Sweet briar, 390. Sweet Cicely, 399. Sweet clover, 243, 251, 383, Figs. 184, 528. Sweet potato, 16, 32, 412, Fig. 204. Sweet sultan, 442. Sweet William, 353, Fig. 515. Swelling, 92. Sycamore, 294; leaf-scar, Fig. 474. Symbiosis, 193. Symplocarpus, 327. Sympode, 117, Fig. 180. Sympodial: axial growth continued by successive lateral shoots, 117. Syngenesious: anthers united in a ring, (304). Syringa, 395, 420. Table for laboratory work, Fig. 477. Tabular, 263. Tamarack, 326. Tanacetum, 439. Tangle-berry, 424. Tannin, 271. Tansy, 439. Tap-root, 7, Fig. 8. Taraxacum, 434. Tare, 381. Tea plant, Fig. 90. Teasel, 3, 244. Tecoma, capsule, Fig. 285. Teleutospore, 191. Tendrils, climbers, 112, 113, Figs. 175- 177; roots as, 10; as leaves, 105. Terminal bud, 37, 50, Figs. 58-87. Terminal flowers, 119, Fig. 181. Terrestrial, 207. Teucrium, 402. Thalictrum, 357. Thallophyte, 183, 185. Thallus, 185. Thinning, 258, Figs. 432, 433. Thistle, 150, 169, 243, 441, Figs. 253- 255; Canada, 19, 22, 242, 244, 441, Fig. 409; Russian, 170, 243, Fig. 114; seed, 168; inflorescence, 120. Thorns, 108, Figs. 164, 167. Thorough wort, 444. Thuja, 326, Fig. 485. Thyrse: compound cluster with main axis indeterminate and branches deter- minate, (259). Tiarella, 393. Tickseed, 440. Tiers of branches, 56, Figs. 93, 94. Tiger lily, 21, 33, Fig. 31. Tillandsia, 94. Timber crop, 249, 266. Tissues, 278. 464 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Toad-flax, 19, 22, 244, 405, Fig. 544; flower, 145; fruit, Fig. 281; pollination, 137, Fig. 227. Toadstools, 187. Tobacco, 251, 271, 411. Tomato, 4, 75, 251, 410; fruit, 160; -potato graft, 28. Tooth-wort, 366, Fig. 266. Torus: part or organ to which the parts of the flower are attached; upper end of the flower-stalk, (268). Touch-me-not, 166, 375, Fig. 449. Toxylon, 347, Fig. 510. Tracheids, 281. Tradescantia, 264, 265, 266, 276, 335, Fig. 438; stomates, 299. Tragopogon, 434. Trailing stems, 14, Fig. 18. Transpiration: giving off of water, (157, 166), Figs. 128, 129. Trees: plants that produce one main trunk and an elevated head, (15); and wind, 213, Figs. 379-381; forms of, 64, Figs. 111-113, 116-119; roots, 7. Trifolium, 382, Fig. 527. Trillium, 145, 233, 332, Fig. 244. Trimerous: in 3's, (291). Tropseolum, 374. Trumpet-creeper, 10, 113, 160, Figs. 12, 285. Truncate: squared as if cut off, (211), Fig. 154. Trunk, form of, 65. Tsuga, 326, Fig. 484. Tuber: short congested part, (78). Tuberose, 337. Tulip, 330. Tulip-tree, leaf, Fig. 154; seed, 168. Tumble-grass, 170. Tumble-weeds, 170. Tunicated bulb, 33. Turnip, 33, 251, Fig. 47; fruit, 160; root-hairs, 12; starch in, 31. Turtlehead, 406. Tussilago, 442. Twiners, 112, 115. Twin-leaf, 360. Type, 236. Ulmus, 346, Figs. 507-509. Umbel: corymbose cluster with branches of about equal length and arising from a common point, (255). Umbellet: secondary umbel, (255). Umbelliferse, 121, 122, 247, 397. Uncinula, 189. Undergrowth, 232. Undulate: wavy, (212). Uredospore, 192. Urtica, 348. Urticaoese, 345. Utricularia, 71, 207. Uvularia, 332. Vaccinium, 424. Vacuole, 264. Valves: separable parts of a pod, (312), Variation, 236. Variety, 236. Vascular, 263, 278, 282. Vase-form trees, 64, Fig. 112. Vaucheria, 186, 187, 263, Figs. 342, 343. Velum, 201. Velvet leaf, 373. Venation: veining, (203). Venus' looking-glass, 430. Verbascum, 298, 405. Verbena, 403; cutting, 25, Fig. 37. Verbenacese, 403. Vernonia, 445. Veronica, 408. Verticillate: with three or more leaves or flowers at one node, (113). Vervain, 403; family, 403. Vetch, 251, 381; nodules on root, 78. Vetchling, 381. Viburnum, 429. Vicia, 381. Vigna, 384, Fig. 532. Vinca, 419. Violacese, 369. Violet, 3, 233, 249, 369; cleistogamous, 140, Fig. 236; seeds, 166; family, 369. Viper's bugloss, 415. Virginia creeper, tendril, 113, 114, 117, Fig. 175. ' Virgin's bower, 359. Wahoo, 294. Wake-robin, 332. Wallflower, fruit, 160; hairs, 298. V/alnut, 155; buds, 37, 138; inflorescence, 121, Fig. 190. Wandering Jew, 335. Water arum, 328. Water cress, 367. Water hoarhound, 400. Waterleaf, 415; family, 415. Water-lily, 3, 98, 205, 207, 361; family, 361; and mineral nutrients, 69, 75; fungi, 266. Watermelon, 251. Watersprout, 54. Wax-work, twiner, 115. Weeds, 220, 230, 241. Weigela, 61, 429. Wheat, 77, 152, 221, 242, 249, 250, 254; field, 68, 225, Fig. 384; flower, 151, Fig. 259; germination, 173; inclusions, 276, Fig. 445; India, 350; starch, 274, 275; roots, 7; rust, 189, 190, Figs. 352-357. Whiteweed, 150, 242, 438, Fig. 189. INDEX AND GLOSSARY 465 Whorl: three or more leaves or flowers at one node, (113). Wild geranium. Fig. 195. Wild oats, 332. ' Willow: buds, 39, Figs. 60, 91; cuttings, 21, 26; dioecious, 138; expression in, 66; inflorescence, 117, Fig. 229; leaf, 99, Fig. 145; mildew, 189, Figs. 348- 351; phyllotaxy, 48; pussies, 121, Fig. 60; seeds, 168. Willow-herb, 394, Wilting, 80. Wind and plants, 138, 213. Windflower, 356. Winter bud, 36, 50, 61. Winter-cress, 366. Wintergreen, 424, Fig. 22; anther, 135; fringed, 140. Wistaria. 115, 380. W r itch-hazel, 166. Wood-sorrel, 166, 374. Wood tissue, 281. Woody structure, 3. Xanthium, 436, Fig. 555. Xerophytic society, 228. Xylem, 283. Xylol, 302, 303. Yarrow, 437. Yeast, 263. Yew, fruit, 164. Zebrina, 335. Zone societies, 233, Fig. 403. Zygospore. 186. 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