UC-NRLF B 14 Sbl 776 DIRECTORY OF MANUFACTURERS OF SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1922 GIFT OF flit 5<^ fr A THE SAN FRANCISCO / CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Directory of Manufacturers OF SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA Comprising an Alphabetically Arranged List of Manufacturers and A CLASSIFIED MATERIAL SECTION Published by The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Under the Direction of the Industrial Department 1921 PRINTED BY THE HANSEN CO. SAN FRANCISCO CJ INTRODUCTION The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce publishes this "Directory of Manufacturers" in pursuance of its policy to give the widest publicity to the manufacturing resources of the San Francisco District. It shows that a large number and variety of articles are manufactured in and near San Francisco and offers conclusive evidence of the advantages of the district as a location for industrial plants. As a buyer's guide it will be invaluable to those desiring to purchase manufactured articles in this market, and it will bring the factories in closer touch with sources from which their vast quantities of raw material must be obtained. In compiling this Directory the utmost care has been taken to include in it every person, firm or corporation doing a manufacturing business, as defined by the United STcates Census Bureau, and having an office in San Francisco and a factory in the city and county or anywhere in the State of California. If errors have occurred, they will, on proper notification, be corrected in supplementary and subsequent editions which will be published from time to time. INDUSTRIAL COMMITTEE SAN FRANCISCO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WIGGINGTON E. CREED, Chairman. 464301 San Francisco Chamber of Commerce OFFICERS Wallace M. Alexander, President A. B. C. Dohrmann, Vice-President Robert Newton Lynch, Vice-President and ^Manager George C. Boardman, Vice-President Chas. A. Simmons, Executive Secretary L. M. King, Secretary Stuart F. Smith, Treasurer Allen G. Wright, Counsel DIRECTORS Wallace M. Alexander F. B. Henderson Louis Bloch C. E. Hume Geo. C. Boardman Leon G. Levy Samuel T. Breyer Captain C. W. Saunders Colbert Coldwell Stuart F. Smith D. G. Davis Philip S. Teller G. Marshall Dill Julian Thorne A. B. C. Dohrmann R. Volmer Alfred I. Esberg Willard O. Wayman T. A. Graham Eli H. Wiel INDUSTRIAL COMMITTEE /, 1921 1922 Wigginton E. Creed (Chairman) Creed, Jones & Dall 1220 Half our Building C. H. Bentley (Vice-Chairman) California Packing Corp. 101 California Street Wallace M. Alexander (Ex-Officio) Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd. 310 Sansome Street Leon G. Levy Jules Levy & Bro. 733 Market Street Geo. C. Boardman Boardman Bros. & Co. 32 Montgomery Street C. K. Mclntosh Bank of California 400 California Street Frank E. Booth F. E. Booth & Co. 110 Market Street S. B. McNear Sperry Flour Co. 332 Pine Street Louis Bloch Crown Willamette Paper Co. 248 Battery Street Frederick H. Meyer 742 Market Street G. Marshall Dill Dill-Coppage, Inc. 235 Pine Street Walton N. Moore Walton N. Moore, Inc. 7 Front Street Milton Esberg General Cigar Co. 601 Third Street S. F. B. Morse Thane, Bishop & Morse Crocker Building Mortimer Fleishhacker Anglo-Calif. Trust Co. Market and Sansome Streets George M. Rolph Cal. Hawaiian Sugar Refining Co. 230 California Street R. J. Hanna Standard Oil Co. 200 Bush Street B. F. Schlesinger The Emporium 835-865 Market Street Frederick J. Koster California Barrel Co. Insurance Exchange Bldg. Paul Shoup Southern Pacific Co. 65 Market Street Atholl McBean Gladding. McBean & Co. Crocker Bldg. Eli H. Wiel Buckingham & Hecht 25 First Street J. B. Levison Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. 401 California Street C. A. Day Secretary The New San Francisco- Oakland Industrial District Scale of Miles ALPHABETICAL LIST MANUFACTURERS A A 1 Electric & Construction Co, motor rewinding, coils, etc, 313 5th ABC Baking Co, bread and cake, 13CO Eddy ABC Cabinet Shop, cabinets, special furniture, picture frames, desk novelties, woodworking, 158 5th ABC Electrical Co, gas fixtures, 3211 Mission A S D Auto Top Co, auto tops, seat covers and upholstery, 1659 Powell Abbott-Brady Printing Corp, printing, lithographing, publishing, book- binding, 460 4th Abbott Press, The, printing, bookbinding, 545 Mission Able Mfg Co, Inc, combination auto and tire lock, 731 Folsom Acme Brewery, cereal beverages, 1423 Sansome Acme Engine Co, marine and stationary types gasolene, distillate and oil engines, 163-173 Main Acme Ice Cream Co, 1313 Sansome Acme Machine Works, general' machinists, 19 Tehama Acme Mfg Co, letter embroidering, 154 Sutter Acme Mfg Works, machinists, 660 Turk Acme Nut Co, nut specialties, salted and candied peanuts, almonds and walnuts, 1663 Baker Acme Paper Box Co, set-up boxes, 68 Fremont Acme Photo Engraving Co, 259 Minna Acme Planing Mill, 1907 Bryant Acme Press, printing, 3846 Geary Acme Radiator & Fender Works, 608 Van Ness Ave Acme Safety Window & Screen Co, window fittings and screens, roller screens and screen doors, 77 O'Farrell; Factory, 1232 Folsom Acme White Lead and Color Works, paints, varnishes, enamels, stains, white lead, 458 2d; Factory, Los Angeles, Cal Adams, Nathan, composition hand modeled picture frames and art novelties, 2526 Lombard Adams, W & Co, sausage, 1084 Howard Adler Mfg Co, butcher gowns and aprons, 985 Golden Gate Ave Advance Millinery Co, ladies' hats, 833 Market Aff, Louis W, scored cylinder grinding, auto repairing, 50 8th Agate Products Co, agate ball, scale and meter bearings, 377 Minna Ahern Company, candy specialties, 745-749 Polk Aicher Machine. Works, berry -box, can, tin cutting, tin forming, veneer cuttmjgjrtndf special: machines^ printing presses, 1634 Stockton Aiken, H L, dental laboratory, 461 Market Air Compressor & Equipment Co, air compressors, 46-48 Natoma Aizenberg Embroidery Co, embroidery, pleating, buttons and button- holes, hemstitching, 144 Taylor Ajax Foundry Co, iron castings, 58-60 Clementina Akard Door Opener Co, Inc, door openers, 4167 20th Alameda Sugar Co, beet sugar refiners, 351 California; Refineries, Al- varado and Tracy, Cal Alaska Codfish Co, codfish, 15 Steuart; Plant, Redwood City, Cal Alaska Fur Co, furs, 1121 Fillmore Albers Bros Milling Co, cereals, flour, feed, poultry feed, 382 Pine; Mill, Oakland, Cal Alberta Candy Co (Inc), candy, 1062-1068 Folsom Albion Lumber Co, redwood, 582 Market; Mills, Albion and Navarro, Cal Alcazar Bakery, bread, 1821 Fillmore Alcone Knitting Mills, bathing suits, jersey cloth sport coats and suits, 451 Washington Alexander Candy Factory, 2128 Mission Alexander, Harry, pants and vests, 518 Market Alexander's Hat Works, remodeled felt, straw and Panama hats, umbrellas, 460 Kearny; Factory, 321 Kearny Alexander, L & M Co, typewriter rebuilders, 444 Market Alexander, Ray, Inc, machinists, 2360 Post Allan & Pyle, beef and mutton packers, Evans Ave and 3d Allec Cleaning and Dyeing Works, 2146 Folsom Alloys Company, zink smelting, 591 Bay Alta Glass Bevelling Works, glass bevelling and silvering, 1781 Mission Alta Slide & Photo Co, stereopticon slides, art photos, 111 Golden Gate Ave Alted Furniture Mfg Co, period furniture, 1222 Sutter Altersberger, Jacob, sausage, 1451 Haight Althof & Bahls, printing, lithographers, bookbinders, 330 Jackson Aluminum Products Co, stamped, spun and drawn aluminum kitchen utensils, 593 Market; Factory, Oakland, Cal American Art Metal Works, 13 Grace American Auto Body Co, auto bodies, 310 10th American Automatic Lock & Lift Co, wall beds, window devices. 101 Front; Factory, Oakland, Cal American Baking Co, Inc, ice cream cones and wafers, 1252 Mission American Beet Sugar Co, beet sugar, dried beet pulp, potash, 625 Market; Refineries, Oxnard and Chino, Cal American Biscuit Co, crackers and cakes, 815 Battery American Bottling & Soda Water Co, 264 9th American Box & Drum Co, boxes and veneered drums, 639 Front 8 American Brake Shoe & Foundry Co of Cal, steel back brake shoes, 74 New Montgomery; Plant, South San Francisco American Can Co, tin cans and sheet iron ware, japanners, litho- graphed cans, Mills Bldg American Carton Co, printed and lithographed cartons, 962 Battery American Chicle Co, flat chewing gums, 735 Battery American Cocoanut Butter Co, edible cocoanut oil, 155 Townsend American Cream Tartar Co, cream tartar and tartaric acid, 624 Cali- fornia; Laboratory, Bay and Grant Ave American Diamalt Co, malt syrup, 742 Market; Factory, 23d and Minnesota American Electric Fly & Rodent Destroyer, electric device for killing flies and rodents, 78 2d American Engraving & Color Plate Co, 109 New Montgomery American Flower Works, artificial flowers, palms, ferns, vines, gar- lands, etc, tin, zinc and copper metal leaves and flowers, preserved ferns, 346 Hayes American Forge Co, steel forgings, 25 Tehama American Furniture Mfg Co, Inc, bedroom and special furniture, 1709 Mission American Garage and Welding Co, auto welding, 402 Golden Gate Ave American Import Co, The, Philippine embroidered garments, women's underwear and lingerie, infants' and children's wear, stamped goods, 16 1st; Factory, 583 Market American Leather Specialty Co, leather pocketbooks, card cases, ladies' handbags, check book covers, brief cases, advertising nov- elties, 821 Market American Manganese Steel Co, manganese steel castings, 433 Cali- fornia; Foundry, Oakland, Cal American Marble and Mosaic Co, interior marble, 25 Columbia Square; Works, South San Francisco American Marine Paint Co, copper compound, germicide anti-corrosive and anti-fouling paints, 311 California; Factory, 329 Bryant American Metal Products Co, sheet metal work, electric switch boxes, panel boards and cabinets, heating and ventilating systems, 277 Minna American Middy Co. middies, blouses, children's dresses and suits, khaki and outing apparel, 1119 Geary American Motor Repair Co, auto parts, grinding, auto repairing, blacksmithing, body, fender and radiator works, 1381-1393 Post American O-T, Ltd, Inc, beverages, 238 Jackson American Packing Co, salad oil, vinegar, liquid bluing, ammonia, 18 13th American Photo Player Co, The, photoplayers and pipe organs, 109 Golden Gate Ave; Factories, Berkeley and Van Nuys, Cal American Plate & Window Glass Co, (P A Smith & Co), 638 4th American Pleating Co, pleating, buttons, 212 Stockton American Printing Co, 641 Mission 9 American Rubber Mfg Co, mechanical rubber goods, cotton fire and mill hose, 417 Market; Factory, Emeryville, Cal American Salt Co, 341 Broadway; Refinery, Mt Eden, Cal American Seedless Raisin Co, raisin packers, 58 Sutter; Plant, Del Rey, Cal; Vineyard, Livingston, Cal American Smelters Securities Co, lead products, sheet lead, lead pipe, shot, babbitts, refined gold, silver, lead, sulphate of copper, 465 California; Lead Factory, 1st and Howard; Smelter, Selby, Cal American Steel & Wire Co, wire rope, fence and springs, 116 New Montgomery; Factory, 16th and Folsom American Tent & Awning Co, Inc, tents, awnings, bags, truck covers, hammocks, tarpaulins, 1284-1286 Mission American Woolen Mills Tailoring Co, uniforms, 883 Market Ames-Harris-Neville Co, cotton and burlap bags, tents, awnings, water bags, canvas covers, wood printing presses, box brands, 100 Potrero Ave Ames, Jos H, diamond setting, 704 Market Ames, W R, Co, surface irrigation pipe, conductor and air pipe, orchard heaters, coal oil containers, light galvanized storage tanks, eaves trough, galvanized iron, pressed and rock faced brick and stone sidings, sheet metal products, 450 Irwin Amsler Sheet Metal Works, cornices, skylights, patent chimneys, con- ductor pipe, metal roofing, 25 Shotwell Anderberg & McCaron, sheet metal work, cornices, skylights, mar- quees, ventilators, chimney tops, etc, 1998 Polk Anderson, Andrew S, tobacco, 579 California Anderson Bros Planing Mill & Mfg Co, 2399 Powell Anderson Co, printing, 573 Mission Anderson-Endebrock, Inc, truck attachments, trailers, 1222 Mission Anderson, Geo, ventilator cowls, lockers, coffee urns, steam tables, etc, 162 Steuart Anderson Heating Co, furnaces, 440 5th Anderson, Henry P, small boats and launches, 850 Innes Ave Andren, Wm, retinning, 251 Steuart Andresen, C B, doughnuts and Saratoga chips, 1057 Fillmore Angelo & Son, excelsior, tin top fruit baskets, veneer drums, 398 Bay Angels Iron Works, mining machinery, 967 Howard; Plant, Angels Camp, Cal Angermann, Oscar, sausages. 1548-1550 Guerrero Anti-Teredo Paint Co, Inc, bituminous compositions, glues, varnishes, enamels, solutions, paints, 2915 19th Anti-Uric Co, rheumatic remedy, 32 Front Apel, Ferdinand C, cigars, 3937 Sacramento Apex Auto Painting Co, 607 Grove Apex Furniture Mfg Co, mahogany, cane parlor furniture, overstuffed Chesterfields and chairs, leather upholstered furniture, 171 Erie Applefield, Chas, cigars, 516 Washington 10 Appmann Cornice Works, sheet metal products, cornices, skylights, etc, 128 Valencia Arata, Mario F, dental laboratory, 323 Geary Architectural Iron & Bronze Works, ornamental iron, brass and bronze, 425 Potrero Ave Arctic Ice Cream Supply Co, ice cream, 371 Guerrero Arden Salt Works, 821 Market; Refinery, Newark, Cal Argo, Frank W, furs, 470 Ellis Ariani, Paul, candies, 518 Haight Arlie, A, store and office fixtures, 1527 Pine Armbruster Engraving Co, copper -plate and steel die engraving, printing and embossing, 76 2d Armour & Co, smoked meats, 1050 Battery Army Garage, auto machinists, 3101 Mission Arrow Press, The, printing, 461 Bush Art Brass and Metal Spinning Works, standard binnacles, lamps, railings, grillwork, metal spinning and brass work, 783 Folsom Art Cabinet Shop, cabinets and carving, 16 Ritch Art Craft Reed Works, reed furniture, 2213 Fillmore Art Embroidery Mfg Co, window valences, 165 Post Art Iron Shop, 1617 California Art Photo Co, hand colored scenic views and photos, 320 Market; Factory, Oakland, Cal Art Press, printing, 418 Turk Art Rattan Works, reed, rattan and grass furniture, 475 Sutter Art Reed Mfg Co, reed furniture, 724 McAllister Art Slide Studio, stereopticon slides and motion pictures, 1112 Market Artificial Decorative Plant Co, preserved natural ferns, palms, flowers, plants, grasses, etc, 510 Battery; Plant, 10 Sunnyside Ave Artificial Floral Decorating Co, artificial flowers, vines, ferns, palms and plants, 1345 Sutter Artistic Metal Works, ornamental iron and brass, 1322 Howard Associated Metal Works, dairy and creamery sheet metal products, 245 Minna Associated Milk Producers, cheese, 53 Clay; Creamery, Holt, Cal Associated Oil Co, petroleum products, gasolene, distillate, kerosene, greases and lubricants, 55 New Montgomery; Refinery, Avon, Cal Associated Pharmacists, medicinal and toilet preparations, tablets, etc, 617 Mission Asti Grape Products Co, grape juice and syrup, wines, 12 Geary; Plant, Asti, Cal Atheriey, H C, dolls and novelty doll lamps, 521 Hayes Atkinson, Geo F, wood turning and carving, 1785 15th Atlas Auto Top Mfg Co, auto tops, buckrim and storm curtains, seat covers, upholstery, 1619 Pine Atlas Elevator Co, elevators, 1508 Folsom Atlas Heating and Ventilating Co, sheet metal products, fire doors, patent chimneys, furnaces, 72 Freelon 11 Atlas Laundry, 509 Montgomery Atlas Mfg Co (Inc), tube cleaners, water tube and return tubular boiler vibrators, 154 1st Atlas Mortar Co, lime products, 58 Sutter; Plant, St Rose Ave and Collins Atlas Novelty Leather Co, coin purses, wallets, belts, brief cases, novelties, 383 Bush Atlas Press, printing, 112 Hyde Atolia Mining Co, tungsten ore, 785 Market; Plant, Atolia, Cal Atthowe & Co, printing, 344 Front; Shop, 255 Clay Atwood, J A, harness and saddlery, 496 6th Ault & Wiborg Co, The, printing inks, lithographing inks, 140 2d Aunger Artificial Limb Co, limbs, arch supports, orthopedic appli- ances, 84 7th Aunt Mary's Doughnut Place, doughnuts, 2980 16th Austin's Chocolate Daub, 878 Valencia Auto Armature Exchange, armature winding, 227 Ash Auto Battery & Electric Co, rebuilt batteries, 751 Ellis Auto Body Co, auto bodies, painting, trimming, 1690 California Auto Body and Top Works, auto bodies, tops, painting, 832 Ellis Auto Fender & Radiator Works, auto metal work, welding, etc, 1140 Geary Auto Metal Works, auto machinists, 1432 Bush Auto Sheet Metal Works, auto bodies, hoods, radiators, fenders, drip pans, lamps, 539 Gough Auto Timer Co, automatic timers for Ford autos, 149 New Montgomery Auto Top Mfg Co, auto tops, seat covers, trimming, glass plate tops, body work, 425 Golden Gate Ave Auto & Aerial News, (weekly), 253 Minna Autographic Register Co of San Francisco, autographic registers and supplies, 38 Clementina Automatic Printing Devices (Inc), process embossing machines, auto- matic card pressesy 95 Minna Automatic Spark Advance Co, spark advance coupling, 74 New Mont- gomery; Factory, 202 2d Automatic Specialty Co, root beer barrels and carbonators, 161 7th Axell & Jaske, platinum jewerly, 166 Geary Ayscough, Wm H, rattan baskets, 3274 24th Azteca Co, tortillas, 1359 Powell B B C Metal Stamping Co, zinc, copper and iron metal stamping, 327 Langton Baalmann, J, chemist, tablets, pharmaceutical preparations, 72 2d Baby Shop, Inc, children's wear and flannelette wear, 44 Sansome Bach, Chas, Co, malt, 2108 Stockton 12 Bacigalupi & Dagneau, architectural sheet metal work, 2150 Union Back, J E, Co, marble work, wainscot, floors, vestibule work, 1533-1547 San Bruno Ave Bacon, Edw R, Co, contractors and road equipment, motor truck dump bodies and hydraulic hoists, motor truck, contractors and logging winches, 51 Minna and 441 Folsom Bahr Woodworking Co, auto truck bodies, cabs and tops, 1420 Howard Bailey, Henry S, jewelry, 133 Geary Baird-Bailhache Co, gas radiators and heaters, 478 Sutter; Factory. Oakland, Cal Bake-Rite Oven Mfg Co, electric and gas portable, revolving and sta- tionary ovens, Hearst Bldg; Factory, 2d and Howard Baker, M C & Son (Inc), machine work, model makers, springs. ventilating systems, 686 Mission Baker-Vawter Co of Cal, filing systems, loose leaf binders, forms, etc, 134 Fremont Baldwin Jewelry Co, jewelry, 29 Kearny Balkan Trunk & Suit Case Co, suit cases of matting, buffing, fibre, fabrikoid and heavy leather, 70 Otis Ball Machine Works, small machinery, tools and implements; experi- mental and development work, 64 2d Ballen, P L, cigars, 514 Washington Balsamea Co, medicines, 2590 Folsom Balz Bros & Finkeldey, tanners of harness, skirting and sole leather, 1445 San Bruno Ave Band Wedge Bolt Co, wedge bolts, 580 Valencia Bangs & McLeod, jewelry engraving, 140 Geary Bankers' Printing Co, bank check books, 535 Sacramento Bankers' Utilities Co Inc, home savings banks, savings systems for banks, 389 4th Barbaro-Vellguth, candy, 3021 Sacramento Barbich, John A, rebuilt tires, vulcanizing, 3234 16th Bardell Art Printing Co, printing, 343 Front Barion, C O, Co, automatic oil burners, 291 1st Barnett Auto Body Co, bodies for Ford cars, 430 Golden Gate Ave Barougue, Daniel, F, ladies' real lace neckwear and handkerchiefs, 12 Geary Barr, Mrs F, Co, umbrellas and parasols, 3030 Washington Barr & Blair, (Martha Washington Candies), 243 Mason Barry, Edw, Co, bookbinders, printers, card index systems, blank books, bank supplies, 134 Spring Barry, James H, Co, The, printing, 1122 Mission Barsotti, A & Co, auto bodies and painting, 60 Washington Bartlett Springs Co, mineral water bottlers, 71 Bluxome Bartling & Co, lapidaries, 166 Geary Bartow, J S, printing, 25 Fremont Basket Shop, The, wooden, flower and fruit baskets, Chinese lanterns,. wicker furniture, 1343 Sutter 13 Bass-Hueter Paint Co (Inc), paints and enamels, railway, auto and architectural varnishes, japan colors, 816 Mission; Factory, 23d and Kansas Bassi, F P, rebuilt auto bodies, 911 Van Ness Ave Bateman, Wm, bank, store and office furniture, 1915 Bryant Battery Specialty Co, riveted storage battery plates, Port Orford cecar separators, 607 Bryant Bauer Bros & Co, ladies' waists, underwear and neckwear, 83-85 1st Bauer Cooperage Co, slack barrels, 2121 Folsom Bauer Mfg Co, toilet waters, hair tonics and barbers' supplies, 533 Market Bauer-Schweitzer Hop & Mait Co, malt, 660 California; Factory, 530 Chestnut Baum, Benj J, candy, 409 Battery Baumann, A J, printing, 268 Market Baxter & Co, decolorizing, purifying and filtering compound, 1535 Chestnut Bay Cities Art Co, wax figures, window back-grounds, display fixtures, 1342 Divisadero Bay City Iron Works, riveted and electric welded boilers, steel tanks and pipe, structural steel, 1215 Harrison Bay Development Co, sand and gravel, Pier 54, Foot of 4th Bay Side Canning Co, fruits, tomatoes, asparagus, spinach, 260 Cali- fornia; Canneries, Alviso, Mayfield and Isleton, Cal Beach-Robinson Co, upholstered and special designed furniture, drap- eries, 239 Geary Beatty, T H, color and job printing, 122 Halleck Beaver Board Companies, prepared roofing, sheathing and building felts, building paper, wall board, 351 California; Factory, 16th and Texas Beck, H L, Printing Co, booklets, leaflets, business systems, sta- tionery, 340 Sansome Beckel-Cordy & Hutchinson, hair tonics, face creams and lotions, toilet waters, 115 Mason Becker, Jos, harness and saddlery, 553 4th Behm, J & Co, store fixtures, etc, 141 Oak Belcher & Phillips, linotypers, 515 Howard Belding Bros & Co, sewing, embroidery and knitting silk and silk thread for mfg uses, 130 Sutter; Mills, Petaluma, Cal Bell's Wall Beds, folding and wall beds, 106 Church Bemis Bros Bag Co, burlap and cotton bags, 1000 Sansome Benaderet, Samuel, cigarettes, tobacco, 566 California Benedict, C, Mfg Co, dress shields, brassieres, sanitary goods, water- proof aprons, readymade dress linings, hospital sheetings, 559 Mission Benioff Brothers, furs, 742 Market Bennett, E W, & Co, liquid, paste and powdered metal polishes, cleans- ing compounds, 2000 16th 14 Bennett Paper Can & Tube Co, mailing tubes, tin cans, paper cans, combination tin-paper cans, 291 10th Berbert, A, & Bro, surgical instruments, orthopedic appliances, trusses, elastic hosiery, 436 Powell Berger & Carter Co, canning machinery, fruit cookers, syrupers and retorts, 365 Market; Factory, Hayward, Cal Berghauser & Flint, gas and electric fixtures, 1162 Mission Bernauer, Alex, gloves, 1670 Haight Bernhard Mattress Co, The, iron beds, shipberths, mattresses, pillows, curtains, upholstery, 739 Mission; Factory, 2700 18th Berwin, Charles, furs, 440 Powell Best, C L, Tractor Co, tracklayer tractors, 730 Van Ness Ave; Factory, San Leandro, Cal Best Steel Casting Co, iron and steel castings, 582 Market; Foundry, Oakland Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp Ltd, merchant and naval ships, mining machinery, dredges, engines, boilers, etc, 20th and Illinois Better Hat Co, Inc, ladies' hats, 883 Market Betts Brothers Spring Co, automobile and auto truck springs, 1221 Mission Betts Spring Co, auto, truck and coil springs, 888 Folsom Beutler & Beardmore, window shades, 1758 Ellis Bianchina, Louis, wax figures, display forms, 541 Market Bien Bros & Matzger, children's coats, 739 Market Biggins, Patrick, curled hair, 2165 San Bruno Ave Bikales, Max, hats and caps, 440 Haight Bingley Photo-Engraving Co, halftones, zinc etching?, New Call Bldg Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, special machines and machinery, press dies, milling cutters, forming tools, reamers, taps and dies, model and experimental work, tool grinding, 416 Harrison Bird Archer Co, boiler compounds, 1 Drumm Birth Wm J, acetylene welding, 73 Clementina Blakeway, John H, sheet metal products, 105 Beale Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, machinists, cylinder grind- ing, auto parts, etc, 975-985 Geary Blindcraft (S F Assn for the Blind), reed and rattan furniture, baskets, brooms, rug weaving, 1120 Folsom Bloch's Hair Store, wigs and toupees, 170 Geary Block, A S, & Co, gloves, mittens and gauntlets, 2650 Mission Block, H & L (Pacific Glove Works), ladies' and men's fine gloves, men's work, driving and auto gloves and gauntlets, 149 2d Bloom Bros, cloth hats and caps, uniform caps, ladies', misses' and children's sport headwear, 206 Stevenson Bloom, Louis, & Co, hats and caps, uniform caps, 683 Mission Bloom, Max, & Co, sheet metal work, dairy and creamery sanitary tin- ware, 1147 Mission Blum's, candy, ice cream, 1465 Polk Bocci, G, & Sons Co, monuments, Colma 15 Bocci, L, & Sons, monuments, Colma Bock Ngar Chy Co, printing, rubber stamps, 920 Grant Ave Bodinson Mfg Co, conveying, elevating, screening, mining and trans- mission machinery, labor saving equipment, 11 Minna Boegerhausen, John, sheet metal work, 1839 Divisaderc Boesch Lamp Co, metal specialties, 960 Mission Bohemian Cocktail & Supply Co (Inc), 435 Minna Bolander, L Ph, & Son, patented furnace feeds, wood turnings, flag poles, millwrights, 942 Bryant Bolander Musical Instrument Co, musical novelties and specialties, accessories, 54 Kearny Boldemann Chocolate Co, chocolate and cocoa, 521 Brannan Boling, A R, truck bodies, 633 Stevenson Boiler, John A M, stairs, 2710 17th Bollman, John, Co, The, cigarettes, tobacco, 615 4th Bonaccorsi Bros, raviolis, etc, 1412 Stockton Booth, F E, Co, canners of fruit, fish and vegetables, 110 Market; Canneries, Centerville, Pittsburg and Monterey, Cal Borden Co of Cal, condensed milk, 503 Market; Condensary, Modesto, Cal Borgel & Downie, printing, 350 2d Borman & Dahneke, auto tops, trimming, painting, 1656 Pine Boskowitz, Frank, cigars, 329 Clay Bosqui, E L, Printing Co, printing and bookbinding, 215 Leidesdorff Both, Walter, lighting fixtures, 1596 Market Boudin Bros, bakers, 387 10th Ave Bowen, John L, & Sons Co, milk cans, buckets and tanks, bottle boxes and baskets, 216 Duncan Bowie Switch Co, high tension electric switches, lighting arresters, 14 Montgomery; Factory, 2190 Folsom Bowman & Plimley, bookbinding, paper ruling, 343 Front Bozzo, M, & Co, bakery, 361 Broadway Braas & Kuhn Co, bank, store and office fixtures and special furniture, general millwork, 1917-1919 Bryant Braden Preserving Co, 417 Market: Plant, Pasadena, Cal Braden Printing Co, books, folders, catalogs, magazine and general printing, 50 Main Braeg Co, The, stamped linen and cotton, 251 Post Brandenstein, M J, & Co, tea and coffee packers, rice millers, 665 3d Brandlein, R, & Co, collapsible tables, woodworking, 381 10th Brass and Bronze Lighting Fixture Mfg Co, electric lighting fixtures, metal chasing, brass work, 1061 Mission Braun, C F, & Co, heat exchangers, cooling towers, centrifugal pumps, condensers, 604 Mission; Works, 757 Folsom Braun, Clarence T, Co, curled hair, 1207 Thomas Ave 16 Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, heavy chemicals for all industries, labora- tory apparatus of every description, assay supplies, chemicals for metallurgical work, C P chemicals and reagents, electric ovens and incubators, pyrometers and recording thermometers, Hays recorders, etc, 576-584 Mission Breeden & Cole, auto bodies, Ford valve heads, 1245 Market; Factory, 149 11th Breit, Philip, men's trousers, 3 City Hall Ave Bringham, J C, Co, canvas and leather specialties, leggins, puttees, gun cases, belts, etc, 317 Market BrintnaM, Harry W, printers' and bookbinders' specialties, semi-auto- matic press feeders, hoists, heaters, 51 Clementina Briscoe's, Mrs, Bakery, cakes, pastry, pies, 1319 Howard Britton & Rey Lithographers Inc, lithographing, 251 Bush Brizard & Young, sheet metal work, 72 Tehama Broad, Alfred F, designing, engraving and printing, 48 3d Broadway Monumental Works, 768 Broadway Brode Iron Works, structural steel and ornamental iron works, stacks, tanks, etc, 31-37 Hawthorne Brower, Marcus, printing, Sansome and Broadway Brown Bros Welding Co, welding and machine work, 223 Main Brown, Edw W, Co, bakers' specialties, 51-53 Main Brown, Jas, corn shields, 25 7th Brown, Wm J, cabinets, 2730 21st Bruckner, P, furrier, 127 Stockton Brumfield Electric Sign Co, electric signs and flashers, metal signs, 18 7th Brunicardi, A, & Co, plaster work, 443 Valencia Brunig Machine Works, general machine work, 523 Brannan Brunt, Walter N, steel plate and color printing, publications, emble- matic cards, folders, greeting cards, lapel buttons (celluloid), badges, banners, flags, novelties, 762-766 Mission Bucadyne Chemical Co, toothpowder, dental solutions, 593 Market Buchanan Engraving Co, steel die and copper plate engraving and printing, 830 Market Buchignani, A, & Co, wagon, truck and auto bodies, 25 Clark Buckeye Mfg Co, patent folding beds, auto tops, 935 Howard Bucking, D, & Son, cooperage, 111-113 Juniper Buckingham & Hecht, shoes, 25-35 1st; Factory, 26th and Valencia Buckley, Danl R, machine work, 1311 Harrison Buckley & Curtin, printing, bookbinding, 739 Market Budde Mfg Co, plumbers' specialties, toilet seats and tanks, 4 Sumner Buehrer, E C, Co, stencil and marking inks, 18 Front Buffalo Woolen Co, cut-trim tailors, 350 Market Bugdi Disinfecting Co, insecticides, disinfectants, exterminators, sprays, 285 4th Builder Printing Co, printing, 560 Mission Building and Engineering News, (weekly), 560 Mission 17 Building Directory Co, building and apartment directories, changeable signs, 660 Market Bujannoff, R, jewelry, platinum work, 51 Lick Place Bulletin, The, daily newspaper, 767 Market Bullion Mfg Co, upholstered furniture, 751 Florida Bunting Iron Works, ore concentrators, oil well supplies, oil burning systems, rotary pumps, 1 Montgomery; Factory, Berkeley, Cal Burd & Reed, auto machinists, 367 Golden Gate Ave Burdick, M S, coffee, spice and baking powder machinery, fruit pro- cessing and bean cleaning machinery, labor saving process de- vices, 60 Tehama Burgess, Z E, face powder, creams, lotions, manicure preparations, 642 Eddy Burns, M A, Mfg Co, boxes, shingles, shakes, 1 Drumm; Mills, Eureka and Dirigo, Cal Burridge, B W, Co, gold, silver and nickel electroplating, 540 Bush Burrowes & Houston, Inc, printers and publishers, 147-151 Minna Burtchaell, J W, electric fixtures, 357 Ellis Burton, Jas, patternmaker, 268 Spear Busch Mfg Co, special machinery, 78 Natoma Bush Electric Corp, electro therapeutic apparatus, X-ray machines, hospital and laboratory supplies, 334 Sutter Butcher, L H, Co, chrome ore and magnesite, 862 Mission Butte Electric and Mfg Co, marine and special electrical apparatus, switchboards and industrial equipment, 534 Folsom Buttgenbach, Jos, & Co, pork packing, sausages, 336 4th Button & Manning, millwork, mouldings, furniture and office fixtures, 1308 Harrison Butts, Harry, auto painting, 2034 Van Ness Ave Byron Jackson Iron Works (Inc), centrifugal and turbine pumps, 55 New Montgomery; Works, West Berkeley, Cal c C & A Trunk Co, fibre and metal trunks, 1076 Stockton Cafferata Bros, raviolis, noodles, etc, 700 Columbus Ave Calenduline Co (Inc), medicine, dental wash, solution of iron, 119 New Montgomery Calhoun Storage Battery Mfg Co, storage batteries, accumulator plates, 780 Ellis Calif, H E, Co, vulcanizing, rebuilt tires, 1042 Polk California and Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corp, cane sugar, 230 Cali- fornia; Refinery, Crockett, Cal California Apple Vinegar Co, vinegar, 255 California; Plant, Capitola, Cal California Art Glass Works, 638 4th 18 California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, ornamental iron work, iron stairs, bronze railings, bank screens, etc, 349 7th California Auto Top Co, 1150 Geary California Bag & Paper Co, paper bags, 593 Market; Factory, Emery- ville, Cal California Baking Co, bread, pastry, cakes, Fillmore and Eddy California Barrel Co, barrels, pails, kits, tubs, 22d and Illinois California Bellows Works, bellows, 416 Harriet California Belting Co (Inc), leather belting, 1459-1463 Mission California Binding Co, tape, cambric binding, 272 Sutter California Boiler Works, heavy steel tanks, 526 Howard California Brewing Assn (Acme Brewery), 762 Fulton California Brick Company, hollow building and partition tile, bungalow building blocks, face pavers, paving, step, walk and red ruffled face brick, 604 Mission; Plant, Niles, Cal California Building Material Co, sand and crushed rock, 74 New Mont- gomery; Plants, Niles and Eliot, Cal California By-Products Co, tennis and musical strings, surgical liga- tures, 2067 San Bruno California Candy Co, 729-733 Battery California Candy Shop, 1089 Market California Canneries Co, fruits and vegetables, 600 Minnesota California Cap Co, blasting caps and explosive detonators, 503 Market; Factory, Stege, Cal California Cap Co, caps, cloth hats, uniform caps, 1961 Mission California Card Mfg Co, photo mountings and cardboard, Potrero Ave and Mariposa California Casing Co, sausage casings, 855 Mission California Casket Co, metal caskets, textile covered and wooden coffins and caskets, burial garments, burial case linings, 959-965 Mission California Central Creameries, butter, cheese, casein, milk sugar, powdered milk, 417 Market; Creamery, 425 Battery California Charcoal Co, charcoal for commercial and poultry use, 311 California; Plant, 7th and Hooper California Chemical Co, rodent exterminator, 696 4th California Cigar Mfg Co, 544 Commercial California Citrus Products Co, lemon juice, pickled lemon peel, 220 Montgomery; Factory, Los Angeles, Cal California Conserving Co, pickles, vinegar, catsup, sauces, etc, 110 Market; Factory, Hayward, Cal California Copper Producers Trust, chemical fertilizer, crude and re- fined sulphates of iron and copper, 74 New Montgomery; Works, Raymond, Cal California Corrugated Culvert Co, corrugated metal road culverts, metal flume, irrigation supplies, metal grain bins, metal farm specialties, troughs, tanks, feeders, waterers, etc, 10th and Bryant; Works, West Berkeley, Cal 19 California Cotton Mills Co, weavers of cotton, flax, jute and hemp cordage, comforters, cotton batting, towels, crashes, damask, nap- kins, filter cloths, 310 California; Mills, Oakland, Cal California Curtain Mills (Inc), curtains, 86 3d California Dairy Products Co, milk and egg drying machinery, dried and condensed milk, 625 Market; Plant, Tranquility, Cal California Decorating Co, decorations, 1049-1051 Mission California Dental Mfg Co, dental, surgeons and laboratory stands, dental tools and instruments, burs, articulators, lathe and stone chucks, swager and shot dies, drills, blow torches, dental eleva- tors, flasks and presses, metal models and experimental work, 289 2nd California Door Co, The, box shook, doors, sash, blinds, moulding, 43-45 Main; Mills, Oakland, Cal California Envelope Co, envelope printing, 31 Minna California Fertilizer Works, commercial fertilizers, steamed bone meal, blood, tankage, neatsfoot oil, 444 Pine; Works, 1332 Evans Ave California Filter Co, water filters and softeners, water sterilizing equipment, 465 California California Glue Co, dry glue, fish glue, sandpaper, edible gelatine, grease for soap-making, Fairfax Ave and Rankin California Granite Co, 185 Stevenson; Quarries, Rocklin and Porter- ville, Cal California Gut String Co, (California By-Products Co), 2067 San Bruno Ave California Hat Co, ladies' and children's straw and felt hats, buckram frames, 973 Market California Ink Co, Inc, printing and lithographic inks, dry colors, intermediates, compounds, varnish, printers' rollers, 426 Battery; Factory, West Berkeley, Cal California Iron Yards Co, structural steel, 574 Bryant, Yards 16th and Missouri California Jewelry Co, lapidaries, 704 Market California Leather Dressing Co, shoe and leather dressings, dyes, inks and waxes, wool skin shoe brushes, 1574-1576 Market California Leather Novelty Works, men's and ladies' belts, men's purses, etc, 340 Sansome California Litho Co, 1032 Folsom; Plant, 45 Ecker California Macaroni Co, 445 Drumm California Macroonola Co, macaroons and cookies, 2009 Folsom California Metal Works, brass and bronze work, 1719 15th California Mill Co, general planing mill products, office furniture and fixtures, wood turners, ship fittings, etc, 645 Bryant California Mirror & Beveling Works, mirrors, glass beveling, 971 Howard California Novelty Wooden Box Co, novelty, candy, fancy cigar, fancy fruit and battery boxes, 3552 18th 20 California Nutmeat Co, nut shellers, 122 Front California Optical Co, lense grinding, special spectacle and eye glass frames, 181 Post California-Pacific Packing Co, canned fruit and vegetables, 410 Beach California Packing Corp, canned fruit, vegetables, salmon, dried fruit, raisins, 101 California California Paint Spraying & Equipment Co, 3918 Mission California Paper Box Co, folding paper boxes, egg fillers, 3157 17th California Pattern Works, wood and metal patterns, machine cut gear patterns, models in wood and metal, 896 Folsom California Perforating Screen Co, perforated metals, 416 Harrison California Photo Engraving Co, printing plates, 121 2d California Pleating Co, pleating, embroidery, hemstitching, tucking, seam binding, cloth buttons, etc, 272 Sutter California Poppy Candy Co, 72 Eddy California Pottery Co, sewer and chimney pipe, flue lining, Chronicle Bldg; Plant, Oakland, Cal California Press, printing and publishing, Sansome and Broadway California Press Manufacturing Co, Inc, hydraulic, oil, baling and con- tinuous presses, hydraulic pumps, fertilizer machinery, 409 6th California Printing Co, printing and bookbinding, 573 Mission California Redwood Burl Co, (California Novelty Wooden Box Co), 3552 18th California Refrigerating Machine Co, brine cooling system for refrig- erating rooms, 229 Minna California Rug Co, hand-made rugs, rug weaving, 2175 Lombard California Salt Co, 220 Montgomery; Refinery, Alvarado, Cal California Sanitary Rag Co, wiping cloths, 704 Sansome California Saw Works, saws and sawmill machinery, 721 Brannan California Screw Co, screws and screw machine products, 50 Tehama California Sea Products Co, whale oils, whale bone, whale skeleton, fertilizer, 235 Montgomery; Plants, Moss Landing and Trinidad, Cal California Shade Cloth Co, hand-made window shadings, 2183 Bryant California Shale Brick & Tile Co, 785 Market California Steel Co, ornamental iron, structural steel, 582 Market; Plant, Oakland, Cal California Steel Products Co, general steel plate works, steel tanks, riveted and welded pipe coils, pipe headers, etc, 452 Bay California Suit Case Co, leather, fibre and matting suit cases, 540 Hayes California Supply Co, pickles, catsup, sauces, etc, 738 Folsom California Tallow Works, 214 Front; Works, 1226 Evans Ave California Tin Plate Works, tin plating, 133 Shotwell California Tool Works, machine tools, 181 Beale California Umbrella Works, 45 O'Farrell California Undertaking Co, caskets, 100 Fillmore California Uniform Co, 46 Kearny 21 California Watch Case Co, jewelers, watch cases, 150 Post California Wine Assn, wine, grape juice, grape products, 216 Pine; Winery, Winehaven, Cal California Wire Cloth Co, wire cloth, screen fencing and netting, galvanizing, 587 Mission; Factory, Oakland, Cal California Wood Carving Co, wood raised letters, casket ornaments, band and gig sawing, 140 8th Call Publishing Co, daily newspaper, 70 New Montgomery Callahan, Frank W, window shades, 77 O'Farrell; Factory, 1069 Mission Calmar Printing Co, 363 Clay Camp, Beauford R, candy, 316 11th Ave Campana, Wm G, tin plating, 593 Bryant Campbell, Geo, plaster ornaments, artificial stone, 3493 17th Canessa Printing Co, 708 Montgomery Canton Noodle Factory, alimentary paste, 1135 Stockton Cantrell-Miller Mfg Co, machinists' auto tools, 1254 Larkin Capital Decorating & Mfg Co, papier mache carnival goods, floats, street decorations, theatrical scenery, etc, 350 Hayes Capitol Art Metal Co (Inc), fire doors and metal windows, sheet metal products, 1133 Howard Carcass, C H, canvas goods, 3750 17th Cardoza, T J, Co. The, bookbinding, paper ruling, 455 Mission Carhartt, Hamilton, Cotton Mills, overalls, 909 Golden Gate Ave Cariana, Louis, sausagemaker. 226 Jackson Carl Cooperage Co, barrels, kegs, tanks, 54 Boardman Place Carlisle, A, & Co, stationers and printers, 251 Bush Carlson-Currier Co, stamped linens, pillow tops, art needle work, 130 Sutter Carlson, F O, pastry, 32 Randall Carlson, Frank, office furniture, fixtures and cabinets, 908 O'Farrell Carlson, M, auto machinist, 343 Fell Carmel Canning Co, canned sardines, 110 Market; Cannery, Monterey, Cal Carnation Milk Products Co of Cal, evaporated milk, 49 Main; Cream- ery, Gustine, Cal Caro, I W Skirt Co, ladies', misses' and children's khaki wear arid flannel middy blouses, 154 Sutter Carpenter Milk Products Co, cheese, powdered milk, milk sugar, casein, albumen, 112 Market; Plant, Tulare, Cal Carroll Bros, marble and granite monuments, vaults, mausoleums, altars, statuary, fonts, 1850 Golden Gate Ave; Works, Colma, Cal Carson Glove Co, gloves, gauntlets, mittens, 544 Market; Factory, San Rafael Carton Corporation, The, folding paper boxes, cartons, 645 Brannan Casalegno, John, & Co, wicker work, 575 Washington Castagne, Joseph, laundry machinery, 3376 18th 22 Castagno, M, printing, 708 Montgomery Castro, J C, cigars, 7 LeRoy Place Caswell, Geo W, Co, coffee, tea, baking powder, flavoring extracts, 438-452 2d Cathcart, Frank H, dental laboratory, 870 Market Cedar Sweep Co, sweeping compounds, metal and furniture polish, floor oils, 416 Harriet Celite Products Co, filtration materials, heat insulation, 681 Market, plant, Lompoc, Cal Celle, G B, Co, alimentary paste, 1717-1721 Powell Central Iron Works, fire escapes, structural steel fabricators, 2050 Bryant; Plant, 631-651 Florida Cerciat French Laundry Co, 1045 McAllister Cereal Products Refining Co, yeast, malt syrup, vinegar, cereal bev- erage, 762 Fulton Certain-teed Products Corp, roofings, building papers, insulating ma- terials, paints, varnishes, oil cloth, linoleums, 1 Montgomery; Works, Richmond, Cal Champion Manufacturing Co, auto side wings, wind deflectors, sun shades and glass fronts, radiators and fenders, 552-554 Golden Gate Ave Chaput, Eugene, lapidary, 166 Geary Chase, S F, stoves, 441 Elizabeth Chatterton System of Bakeries, 916 and 743 Market Chevalier, F, Co, The, grape syrup, bottlers cider and grape juice, 62-66 Fremont Chew Chong Tai & Co, jewelry, 905 Grant Ave Chic Embroidery Shop, machine embroidery, hemstitching, etc, 133 Geary Chicago Artificial Limb Co, artificial limbs, braces, trusses, elastic stockings, arch supports, 1093 Mission Chinese Republic Journal, 18 Waverly Place Ching Chong & Co, jewelry and jade, 728 Jackson Christie Machine Works, marine engines, heavy tool machine work, 193 Fremont Christofferson & Cowles, auto machinists, 417 Taylor Chubbuck, E J, Co, bake ovens, gopher traps, 731 Market Chung Sai Yat Po (Chinese daily newspaper), 809 Sacramento Church Art Glass Co, 1366 Sutter Cicchi, M, & Co, cigars, 464 Broadway Cimino, Jos, cigars, 706'/ 2 Sansome City Hall Printing Co, 231 Minna City of Paris Cleaning & Dyeing Works, 20th and Bryant City of Paris French Laundry, 2424 Van Ness Ave City Motor Works, auto machinists, 55 11th City Rough Dry Laundry, laundry, 1672 15th Clark-Gandion Truss Co, abdominal supporters, trusses, suspensories, Jock straps, etc, 1108 Market 23 Clark, N, & Sons, architectural terra cotta, face brick, sewer pipe and kindred clay products, 116 Natoma; Plant, Alameda, Cal Clark & Blake, laundry and dairy cleansing compounds, boiler com- pound, janitors', auto, mechanics' and dry cleaning soaps, cream white oil soap, 1225 Folsom Clarke-Sinclair Machine Works, motor parts, cylinder grinding, 731 Turk Clawson, F E, Co, ventilators and chimney tops, patent chimneys, 147 Gough Clayes, Miss, candy boxes, art goods, 284 Post; Factory, 278 Post Cleese, John P, Co, mattresses, comforters, wire bed springs, 18th and York Clot, E, Machine Works, machinery, 940 Bryant Club Bottling Co, Inc, ginger ale, pure fruit beverages, 1327 Chestnut Cluff, William, Co, food products, coffee, flavoring extracts, salad and olive oils, Spear and Mission Coast Costume Co, theatrical and masquerade costumes, 1035 Market Coast Foundry Co, iron castings, ingot molds, 1375 Potrero Ave; Foundry, South San Francisco Coast Hat & Cap Mfg Co, cloth hats and caps, 461 Bush Coast Lithograph Print Co, tracings and drawings duplicated, litho process on any material, 681 Market; Factory, 1119 Mission Coast Refrigerator Co, refrigerators and refrigerator doors, cork insu- lation, 300 Gough Coast Rock and Gravel Co, crushed rock, concrete sand and gravel, 74 New Montgomery; Plants, Oroville, Fair Oaks, Eliot, Niles and Logan, Cal Coefield Mfg Co, electric light fixtures, 51 Shipley Coffin Redington Co, pharmaceutical and toilet preparations, 35 2d Cohen, Baruch, white duck coats and aprons, 883 Market Cohen Dress Co, dresses, 130 Kearny Cohen, M, sheet metal work, 1072 Golden Gate Ave Cohen, Max W, jewelry, 150 Post Cohen & Gerson, men's neckwear, 15 Battery Conn, Mervyn D, wax figures and papier mache display forms, 109 New Montgomery Collins-Hencke Candy Co, 25 Beale Collonan Electric and Mfg Co, lighting fixtures, 3211 Mission Colmar Mfg Co, oil burners, 116 New Montgomery; Factory, Emery- ville, Cal Colombat, Henry, fringes, cords, tassels, ornaments, braids, passe- menteries, buttons, trimmings, etc, 239 Geary Colonial Preserving Co, preserves, jellies, jams, 3460 25th Colonial Press, printing and publishing, 516 Mission Columbia Coffee & Spice Co, coffee, spices, 439 Jackson Columbia Machine Works, Inc, machinists, 158-160 Spear Columbia Marble Co, building marble, 268 Market, Quarries, Columbia, Cal 24 Columbia Steel Co, steel, manganese alloy and manganese steel cast- ings, 351 California; Foundry, Pittsburg, Cal Columbus Mercantile Co, alimentary paste, 445 Jackson Columbus Vulcanizing & Tire Co, 704 Filbert Commercial Acetylene Supply Co, (Inc), acetylene gas, 681 Market; Plant, Berkeley, Cal Commercial Art Co, Inc. photo engravers, 53 3d Commercial Brass Foundry, brass, bronze and aluminum castings, bushings, etc, 550 4th Commercial Iron Works, mining, irrigation, cannery and bakery ma- chinery, box nailing machines, pipe fittings, castings, 497 5th Commercial Printing & Supply Co, Inc, 560 Mission Computer Mfg Co, computing and calculating devices, engineering instruments, slide-rulers, 268 Market Comyns & Nygren, skylights, ventilators, tanks, etc, 3221 16th Conlin & Roberts, architectural sheet metal work, conveyors, spouts, mill and mine equipment, 410 Natoma Connor Mfg Co, machine work tools, patent development, 67 Annie Consolidated Wafer Co of Cal, ice cream cones and sandwich wafers, 611 Front Consumers Compressed Yeast Co, yeast and vinegar, 154 McAllister; Factory, Oakland, Cal Consumers Fuse & Powder Co, fuse, 22 Battery; Factory, Rocklin, Cal Consumers Ice Co, ice, 448 8th Continental Furniture Mfg Co, cane and overstuffed suites, chairs, rockers, davenports, tables, 1636 Bryant Continental Motor Specialists, motor rewinding, 1201 Howard Continental Petroleum Co, gasoline, kerosene, 55 New Montgomery; Refinery, Coalinga, Cal Continental Petroleum Refining Co, coal, stove and fuel oil, gasoline, 485 California; Refinery, Coalinga, Cal Continental Salt & Chemical Co, crude and refined salt, 1 Drumm; Refinery, Alvarado, Cal Continental Trunk Co, fibre, wardrobe and dress trunks, 534 Folsom Converse, G H, printer, 461 Bush Cook, H N, Belting Co, Inc, leather belting, hydraulic leathers, lacing leather, steam and hydraulic packing, 401-433 Howard Cook & Co, marine sheetmetal ware, copper, brass and iron utensils, 240-242 Steuart Co-operative Binding Co, printing and binding, 330 Jackson Corcoran, Wm, Candy Co, Inc, candy, 49 Fremont Cornelius, C W B, Co, (Inc), plumbers' specialties, parts and details, 211 Tehama Corona Products Co, leather polish and dressing, 636 Rivera Cortina, Modesto, cigars, 502 Washington Cory, Chas, & Son, Inc, ship engine room telegraphs, marine lighting fixtures and fittings, marine governors, 11-17 Mission 25 Cossitt & Co, photostat copying, 582 Market Costantino, Fe-lice, cigars, 1630 Powell Cottle Printing Co, 3262 22d Coulter's Rattan Works, rattan, willow and reed furniture, chairs and baby carriages, 1141-1151 Sutter Courvoisier, E B, picture frames, art goods, 315 Sutter Cowan-Frank Mfg Co, aprons, middy blouses, 783 Mission Cowell, Henry, Lime & Cement Co, 2 Market; Works, Cowell, Cal Cox, W S, Tire Co, vulcanizing, 276 Golden Gate Ave Crane Co, valves, fittings, 301 Brannan Cremo Milk Co, evaporated milk, 24 California; Works, Valley Ford, Cal Crescent Blue Print Co, 525 Market Crescent Chemical Compounds, sweeping and cleaning compounds, floor oils, polishes, band instrument lubricants, 2722 17th Crescent Feather Co, mattresses, pillows, couches, upholstered box mattresses, Alameda and Kansas Crocker, A, & Co, hand crochet and hand knitted ladies' goods, 32 Battery Crocker, H 8 Co (Inc), printing, bookbinding, 565 Market; Plant, 230 Brannan Crocker Mfg Co, (Inc), leather purses, belts, leggins, puttees, wrist- bands, hat-bands, card cases, menu holders, wallets, money belts, leather novelties, 583-585 Market Croker Packing Co, fruit canners, 590 6th Croley, Geo H, Co, Inc, mixed feed, poultry and livestock supplies, 8th and Townsend Crossley, C S, copper and steel plate engraving, 209 Post Crowe & Hasselbach, auto bodies, 476 7th Crown Automobile Painting Co, Inc, auto painting, auto fenders, radiators, tops, seat covers, upholstering, 1650 Jackson Crown Dental Refinery, dental gold, waxes and materials, dental cast- ing materials, jewelers' alloys, 22-26 Mint Ave Crown Ore Mills, industrial mineral grinding, 681 Market; Mills, 639- 643 Brannan Crown Press, printing, 672 Larkin Crown Shirt Factory (Greenebaum, Weil & Michels), overshirts, paja- mas, night shirts, work pants, 740 Mission; Factory 19th and York Crown Willamette Paper Co, wrapping and tissue paper, 248 Battery; Mills, Floriston, Cal Crystalline Soap Co, toilet and laundry soaps, Army and Hampshire Cuban Cigar Co, 363 Clay Cudahy Packing Co, smoked and cured meats, 55-71 Union Cummings, Mrs G M, chin and contour supports, face creams, 406 Sutter Cuneo Bros, macaroni, 523 Green Cunningham, C W, auto truck bodies, 222 Grove 26 Curie Manufacturing Co, screws, nuts, bolts, typesetting machine parts, type slug saw trimmer, 421 Sacramento Curtis Printing Co, index and ledger cards, guides and filing systems, 132 Sutter Cyclops Iron Works, ice and refrigerating machinery, traveling cranes, 837 Folsom D Dahl, C W, & Son, marine electrical fixtures, 109-111 Mission Dahi-Shaw Cash Register Co, rebuilt cash registers and scales, 349 Market Daily Commercial News, (daily), printing, 330 Sansome Daily News, The, 340 9th Daily Pacific Builder, 560 Mission Dairy Delivery Co, butter, cottage cheese, 3550 19th Dakin Publishing Co, printing, 220 Sansome Dallerup, Benj, & Son, ship spars, 146 Steuart Daly-Seeger Co, printing and color work, 533 Mission Damner Brothers, furs, 207 Powell Daniel & Pancoast, granite and marble monuments, 700 Presidio Ave; Works, Colma Danish-American Mattress Mfg Co, mattresses, 2074 Market Danner Publishing Co, printers of journals and periodicals, 45 Ecker Darling, Omer F, & Co, fruit canning, 327 Bay Darr, M J, auto and general machinists, acetylene welding, 331 Drumm David, P, Company, founders and engineers, fire resistant, machined, gray iron and semi-steel castings, grate bars, fittings, 55 New Montgomery; Foundry, 21st and Indiana Davis Hardwood Co, hardwoods, flooring, veneer doors, mouldings, 350 Bay Davis, Henry, & Co, aluminum, brass, bronze, copper castings, monel metal, 766 Folsom Davis, Norris K, founders and machinists, contractors' equipment and road machinery, concrete mixers, gas and electric drive hoists and winches, metal wheels, oil and gas engines, 7th and Harrison Davis Printing Co, 74 New Montgomery Davis, Thos J, & Son, printing, 223 Davis Davis, W, & Sons, harness, saddlery, horse collars and leather goods, 333 Market Davis & Walcott, sails, steamer awnings, boat and hatch covers, 412 Main Davison, Frank, sheet metal works, cornices, skylights, etc, 739 Brannan Day, Thos, Company, lighting fixtures, brass founders, metal stamping, ornamental bronze and iron work, iron and bronze mirror frames and console tables, metal ornaments, table and floor lamps, metal show cases, silk, parchment and mica shades, 725 Mission 27 Dealers' Refrigerator Co, refrigerators for butchers, packers, hotels, restaurants, etc, refrigerator counters, 58 Oak Grove Ave Dean Reversible Window Co, sash and doors, 551-555 Brannan De Bella, Jack, & Co, cooperage, 147 Jackson Debest Products Co, toilet preparations, mechanics hand soap, auto polish, 1034 Mission Deckelman Bros, barber supplies, tonics, creams, lotions, toilet waters, powders, 46-48 Turk Degen, L P, Belting Co, leather belting, cup leathers, 260 Mission Deitemeier Piano Co, pianos, player pianos, 855 Valencia de Laitte Gas Machine Works, automatic gas machine, gas cooking stoves, hot water heaters, 228 Fremont De Lano Bros Co, Inc, ship furnishings, lights, tanks, marine tele- graphs, etc, 70 Spear de la Pena, L E, & Co, art furniture, picture frames, lamps, lamp standards, candle sticks, book ends, composition ornaments, carv- ings and cabinets, 1245 Geary Delaware Pharmacal Co, tooth paste, medicine, 501 Mission Delucchi, John J, sheet metal works, patent chimneys, skylights, 1526 Powell De Luxe Windshield Co, auto side wings and sun shades, 331 Larkin Demartini, L, Supply Co, confectioners' and bakers' supplies, nut shellers, 125-129 Clay De Martini Motor Truck Co, motor trucks, 435 Pacific Dempster Bros, Ltd, printing, 447 Minna Dennis Printing Co, printing, 42 Market Dental Appliance Laboratories, oral and dental appliances, 870 Market Desanfant, Geo A, & Son, jewelry, 150 Post Detroit Die & Machine Works, dies, models, tools, 992 Howard Dettners Printing House, Inc, printing, 523-537 Pine Deutsch, Sol, harness, 1418 Polk Dever-Garrity Co, bookbinding, loose leaf devices, 515 Howard Deward, J M, harness and saddlery, 1422 Market Dewey Publishing Co, (Mining and Scientific Press), printing, 420 Market Diamond Chemical Co, medicinal mineral water, 1201 Sutter Diamond Cloak & Suit Mfg Co, suits, coats, wraps, skirts, sport suits, 130 Kearny Diamond Match Co, matches, 112 Market; Factory, Chico, Cal Diamond Patent Show Case Co, Inc, show cases, 1617-1619 Mission Diamond Signal Co, Inc, stop and turn signal device, 1207 Van Ness Ave; Factory, 181 Beale Dibert, L C, Co, machine work, 35 Minna Dieckmann Hardwood Co, planing mill, hardwood lumber, cigar box lumber, veneers, flooring, mahogany and oak, 336-398 Beach Dieringer Bros Furniture Mfg Co, overstuffed living room furniture, 380 Brannan 28 Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, blue print and van dyke paper, surveying instru- ments, measuring tapes, drawing instruments, 18 1st DiFiore, D, Canning Co, canners of apricots, pears, peaches, tomatoes, 260 California; Cannery, San Jose, Cal Dill-Coppage, Inc, dry colors, earth and chemical pigments, 235 Pine; Plant, Richmond, Cal Display Fixture and Mfg Co, window display fixtures, furniture, wood turning, shaping, band sawing, etc, 128 Perry Dixon, Fish & Co, printing, bookbinding, loose leaf forms and devices, 254 California; Plant, 247 Front Dixon Mfg Co, brass and aluminum metal polish, 862 Guerrero Doak Gas Engine Co, internal combustion engines, 503 Market; Fac- tory, Oakland, Cal Doane Motor Truck Co, low-bed motor trucks, 428 3d Doassans, J, & Co, sausages, California Market Doble Inc, engineers and machinists, 714 Harrison Doble Steam Motors, steam automobiles, 714 Harrison Doctors & Nurses Outfitting Co, smocks, surgical gowns, nurses' uni- forms, house dresses, 970 Sutter Dodds Card Co, printed and hand painted greeting cards, 157 7th Domestic Laundry Co, 2066 Howard Domnitz, I (Inc), furs, 259 Geary Donaldson Printing & Publishing Co, job and book printing, badges, buttons and paraphernalia, 543 Clay Donaldson & McCullough, patternmakers, 154 Main Donnell Register & Printing Co, printed, plain and numbered rolls for registers and fan-fold typewriters, 268 Market Dorris Lumber and Box Co, box shook, 1 Montgomery; Mills, Dorris, Cal d'Orsey, Mme Madeleine, toilet waters, 1123 Market Dorsey & Dickenson, candy, 1372-1380 Turk Dorward, D, & ^on, cabinet makers, wood turners, wood fixtures and shipwork, 123 Beale Dorward Pump Co, double acting deep well pumps, 503 Market; Fac- tory, 72 Natoma Dow-Herriman Co, pumps, pumping machinery, hoists, 140 Howard; Factory, Petaluma, Cal Downer, Wm W, printing, 953 McAllister Doyen, C H, mattresses, upholstery, 406 Divisadero Dragon, H, Co, pastry, Larkin and Pacific Drake Lock-Nut Co, (Inc), lock-nut, 1401 Folsom Drapeau, Jos, candy, 2090 Sutter Dreger, E F, Pattern Co, patterns and woodworking, 17 Tehama Drendell Electric & Mfg Co, switchboards, electric appliances, 1345 Howard Drews & Rosenthal, auto tops, seat covers and upholstering, 606 Golden Gate Ave Drucker, August E, Co, tooth powder, 2226 Bush 29 Duddy, George A, & Co, printing, 437 Sacramento Dugan, Herbert F, (Kilmol Factory), 1170 Sutter Dugoni, Victor, harness, handbags, valises, purses, trunks, baskets, 1418 Stockton Duhem Motion Picture Mfg Co, 985 Market Dujardin Co, dresses, 305 Grant Ave Dulfer, Alex, Printing Co, printing, 560 Mission Dundon Iron Works, boilers and steel tanks, cannery machinery, 225- 227 Folsom Dunn's Paint Machine Co, paint spraying machines, 39 Tehama Duplex Transmission Bands, Inc, transmission bands for Ford autos, 48 Clay DuPont, Carleton & Co, rice millers, 24 Bluxome Durable Auto Top Mfg Co, auto tops, seat covers and upholstering, 917-925 Golden Gate Ave Durkee-Thomas Co, radio storage batteries and parts, 1509 Franklin Dye, H D, & Co, rubber stamps, printing, 133 Kearny Dyer Bros Golden West Iron Works, (Inc), structural steel, 1950 17th Dyer, F G, Brass & Machine Works, brass castings, machinists, pat- terns, brass finishing, 770 Folsom E Eagle Laundry Co, laundry, 53 Colton Eagle Meat Packing Co, sausages, 275 Minna Eagle Printing Co, 59 McAllister Eagle Tannery, (Kullman, Salz & Co), 85 2d Eagleson-Hawkins Co, shirts, nightshirts, pajamas, brief underwear, 1118 Market Eames Company, invalid chairs, ball-bearing wheel goods, hospital and hotel trucks, 55 1st Earle Motion Picture Laboratories, motion picture developing and printing, commercial film work, 437 Sutter Eastern Hat Factory, hats, 767 Market Eastern Manufacturers Co, metal polish, 312 Clay Eastern Reinforced Cement Tray Co, cement wash trays, 364 11th Eastman, W H, & Co, printing, 220 Kearny Easton, D A, & Co, men's wool and cotton suits, shirts, 130 Geary Eaton, Crane & Pike, visiting cards, envelopes, 770 Mission Economy Mfg Co, dresses and blouses, 77 O'Farrell Economy Spring Mattress Co, 1971 Union Economy Steel Mfg Co, trailers, steel bodies, light structural steel, 932 Folsom Economy Store & Office Fixture Co, 2344 Market Edison Lamp Works, incandescent electric lamps, Rialto BIdg; Plant, Oakland, Cal 30 Edwards, E H, Company, wire, wire rope, wire netting, wire fencing, 681 Market; Factory, South San Francisco Edwards, Geo B, woodturner, 724 Bryant Edwards, H, Mfg Co, writing fluids, colored inks, mucilage and paste, 20 Natoma Edwards, W A, Co, printing, 45 Ecker Efficiency File Co, 157 7th Efficiency Press, The, printing, 560 Mission Eggers & Co, soda water, 128 Eureka El Cristoforo Cigar Co, cigars, 652 Sacramento El Dorado Oil Works, cocoanut oil and cocoanut meal, 433 California; Works, West Berkeley, Cal Electric Blue Print Co, blue printing, map mounting, 235 Montgomery Electric Mfg Co, electric hair dryers and curling iron heaters, sham- poo trays, soda fountain mixers, novelty paper weights, 59 New Montgomery Electric Novelty Works, electric and machine work, model, experi- mental tool, die, punching and press work, patent articles, gears, advertising machines, nautical instruments, springs and spring motors, switch tugs, auto accessories, etc, 533 Mission Electric Storage Battery Co, 1536 Bush Electro Magnetizer Co, magnet recharger, 739 Polk Electro Rectifier Co, mechanical rectifier, 739 Polk Elite Printing Co, 3459 18th Elkus Co, The, shirts, pants, overalls, blouses? nightgowns, pajamas, mackinaw coats, 729-733 Mission Ellery Mfg Co, canvas goods and felt novelties, 583 Market Eloesser Heynemann Co, overalls, shirts, pants, 77-87 Battery El Pano Cigar Mfg Co, (Inc), cigars and Havana tobaccos, 554 Com- mercial Emanuel, L & E, !nc, bank, store and office furniture and fixtures, gen- eral mill and cabinet work, 1530 Filbert Emerson Mfg Co, flags, 161 Natoma . Empire Planing Mill, sash and doors, cabinets, store fixtures, general mill work, 750 Bryant Enbom, O F, jewelry, 760 Market Eng-Skell Co, bakers' and confectioners' supplies, syrups and extracts, 208-210 Mission; Factories, 1252 Mission and 22-30 Ceylon Engdahl & Tranberg, jewelry cases and trays, 1026 Treat Ave Engelman Bean Cleaning Co, bean cleaning, 472 Jackson English, C C, stationery engraving, plate printing and embossing, steel, copperplate and label dies, 583 Market Enlightner Press, printing, 657 Hayes Ensign Oil Co, lubricating oils, 284-286 Perry Enterprise Brewing Co, ice, 1 Enterprise Enterprise Foundry Co, iron, brass, steel castings, fuel, Diesel gas and stationary engines, 20 Steuart; Foundries, 2902 19th, 320 Fremont and South San Francisco 31 Enterprise Paper Box Co, set-up paper boxes, 73 Beale Enterprise Pioneer Bottling Co, 2833 25th Enterprise Printing Co, 31 Minna Enterprise Publishing Co, printing, publishing, South San Francisco Enterprise Trunk Factory, leather suit cases, 426 Natoma Envelope Corporation, The, commercial, official, catalog and special size envelopes, 560 Mission Ephraim, J A, & Co, printing, 1501 Fulton Epp, I, sheet metal work, 3801 Geary Eppler's Bakery, bread and pastry, 886 Geary Erbe Uniform Mfg Co, military and society uniforms, men's clothing, 883 Market Ettinger, Rene, jewelry, 133 Geary Eureka Boiler Works Co, boilers, tanks, 166 Fremont Eureka Fluid Works, (Inc), embalming fluid and undertakers' supplies, 1209 Valencia Eureka Iron & Wire Works, ornamental iron and wire work, 374 11th Eureka Press, printing, posters, calendars, newspapers, 447 Minna Eureka Sash, Door & Molding Mills, general millwork, 1715 Mission Eureka Sheet Metal Works, 206 2d European Baking Co, 3587 20th Evans, C H, & Co, Inc, steam steering engines, stern wheel steamer engines, crank and flywheel steam pumps, 187 Fremont Evans, E J, furs, 126 Post Everard-Yates Paint Co, paints, varnishes, 490 Treat Ave Everding, J, Co, starch and soap, 80 Clay; Factory, Berkeley, Cal Everbright Mfg Co, auto top dyes and dressings, leather enamels, auto and metal polishes, 409 Golden Gate Ave Ever-Nu Mfg Co, leather and stocking dyes, 2539 Mission Everwear Mfg Co, overalls, pants, work shirts, 57 Battery; Factory, 45 Ecker Excelsior Brass Works, (Inc), brass castings, bronze bushings, plumbers' supplies, aluminum specialties, 1168-1170 Bryant Excelsior Press, printing, 275 8th Exposition Woodworking Co, 661 Golden Gate Ave Ezonall Products Co, shaving cream, 455 Mission F FAB Mfg Co, oil and gasoline pumping equipment, brakes and frame extensions for Ford autos and trucks, 582 Market; Factory, Oak- land, Cal Factory Automobile Painting Works, auto and truck painting and enameling, commercial enamel work, 1640 Howard Faget Engineering Co (Inc), pipe fittings, valves, pipe bends, refriger- ation machinery, ammonia and calcium chloride, 545 Howard 32 Fair Mfg Co, fabricated structural steel, iron work for buildings, power, water and gas plants, forgings, 617 Bryant Fairy Ice Cream Co, ice cream, 741 Fulton Farnsworth Electrical Works, electrical and special machinery, motor pulleys, flexible couplings, 549 Mission Farrant Glove Mfg Co, work gloves and mittens, 3600 Mission Farris, A, & Co, ladies' waists, 883 Market Fashion Pleating & Embroidery Works, art embroidery for cloaks, suits and dress trimmings, skirt pleating, buttons, hemstitching, 116-118 Geary Fazekas, A, ornamental bronze work, 13 Grace Federal Battery Co, Inc, dry cell and flashlight batteries, 1509 Broderick Federal Electric Co, electric signs, 91 New Montgomery; Factory 19 Minna Federal Ornamental Iron & Bronze Co, fabricated steel, ornamental iron, brass and bronze, 16th and San Bruno Ave Federal Radiator & Fender Mfg Co, fenders, radiators, gas tanks, 167 Hayes Federal Telegraph Co, arc radio transmitters, 582 Market; Plant, Palo Alto, Cal Feldman's Auto Metal Works, auto fenders and radiators, 76 8th Fenosote Co, pharmaceutical preparations, emulsions, capsules, oint- ments, 1037 Mission Fensky, Geo, & Co, bank, store and office furniture and fixtures, post office equipment, 761 Tehama Fenton & Son, galvanized tanks, pipeless gas furnaces, coal furnaces, steam tables, etc, 11 Tehama Fernald Co, The, plastering fibre, cold rolled channels, 221 Tehama Ferro Bros, bakers, 2823 23d Ferry Sheet Metal Works, heavy sheet, mill and factory work, grain hoppers, 980 Folsom Fess System Co, oil burners, 220 Natoma Fey, Chas, & Son, coin machines, 585 Mission Field-Ernst Envelope Co, envelopes, 25 Fremont Field & Gross (Inc), sardine packers, 260 California; Plant, Monterey, Cal Filmer Bros Electrotype Co, electrotyping, stereotyping, 330 Jackson Fink & Schindler Co, office, bank and store fixtures and special furniture, 228 13th Finn, John, Metal Works, babbitt and type metals, solders, zinc dust, galvanizing and sherardizing work, 384 2d Fire Protection Products Co, sheet metal work, kalamein, copper and bronze doors, trim tin clad and all metal fire doors, 3117-3119 20th Firenze Bakery Co, bakery, 448-450 Broadway Fischbeck Soap Co, soaps and washing powders, 17th and Rhode Island Fischer, John J, jewelry, 406 Sutter 33 Fischer, S E, & Co, steel and copper plate engraving, printing and embossing, 461 Bush Fisher, Herman C, shelled nuts, 325 Sacramento Fitzpatrick, Walter J, hand and horse-power stump pullers, drag saws, 16th and Kansas Flagg Studios, theatre equipment, stage and motion picture studio supplies, school stage furnishings, decorations, floats, window and exposition displays, asbestos curtains, 935 Market; Studio, 15th and Mission Fleischman, M R, & Co, ladies' muslin and flannelette underwear, aprons, 17 Battery; Factory, Julian Ave Fleischmann Co of Cal, The, compressed yeast, distilled vinegar, malt extract, 941-945 Mission; Plant, 1236 Minnesota Fleishhacker, A, & Co, paper boxes, folding cartons and boxes, 401 2d Fleishman Trunk Co, wardrobe, steamer, dress and auto trunks, 679- 681 Bryant Florence Food Co, sauces and raviolis, 242 Hartford Foldesey, George, furs, 531 16th Folger, J A, & Co, coffee, tea, spices, extracts and baking powder, 101 Howard Folsom Auto Painting Co, 729 Folsom Folsom Street Iron Works, ornamental iron works, elevator enclosures, fences, trusses, beams, railings, etc, 18th and Treat Ave Forbes Chemical Co, fertilizer and special chemicals, 43 St Anne Force, S B, Mfg Co, proprietary remedies, 101 Post; Laboratory, San Leandro, Cal Ford Motor Co, automobiles, 2905 21st Forderer Cornice Works, hollow metal doors and trim, fireproof metal window frames and sash, fireproof metal clad doors, archi- tectural and general sheet metal work, Potrero Ave and 16th Forrest, Edwin, Forge Co, (Inc), shafts, engine forgings, well tools, shoes and dies, mill balls, 69 Fremont Foster, Chas T, shipwright, 112 Steuart Foster & Futernick Co, library bookbinding, 39 Battery Foster & Orear, candy, 440 Natoma Foster & Short (Inc), printing, 342 Howard Fournier, Fred, Mfg Co, brass weather strips, 2711 Pine Francis-Valentine Co, posters and commercial printing, 777 Mission Frank Food Co, sausage meat specialties, Saratoga chips, 974 Howard Frank Printing & Stationery Co, printing, 1353 Post Frank, S H & Co, sole, harness and saddle leather, 416 Battery; Tan- nery, Redwood City, Cal Frank & Hyman Inc, women's Goodyear welt shoes, 19th and Bryant Frankel Gerdts & Co, cigars, 540-554 Clay Franklin Linotyping Co, 509 Sansome Franklin, Ben, Press, printing, 140 2d Franklin Machine Co, Inc, woodworking and special machinery, 126 Folsom 34 Fraser Wire Co, millinery wire and cord, 95 Minna Freechtle, J, harness and saddlery, 1469 Ellis Freed, Teller & Freed, coffee, tea, extracts, 1326 Polk Freeman Art Co, lamp standards, book ends and stationary book racks, candle sticks, decorated candles and sconces, fruit and nut bowls and fancy candy boxes, picture frames, incense burners, lamp shades, 562 Eddy Freeman, June, Mfg Co, janitors utilities, mop sticks, mop wringer buckets and presses, rubber squeegees, 509 6th Freeman Supply Co, mop handles, 233 Post French Cleaning and Dyeing Works, 339 8th French & Russell, printing, 165 Jessie Fresno Rug Mfg Co, 1657 Market; Factory, Fresno, Cal Freygang Printing Co, printing, lithographing, stationery, catalogs, labels, show cards, folding boxes, telegraph cable codes, 341-347 Market Frickey, R E, electric arc welding, 667 Howard Fricou, Fred, steel and copper plate engraving, printing, embossing, 251 Kearny Fried, Dezso, jewelry, 45 Manila Friedberg-Grunauer Co, trunks and suit cases, 44-48 Fremont Friedlander, E, & Sons, children's headwear, ladies' and children's flannelette wear, 38 Sansome Friedrichs, H, kitchen tables and safes, bedroom furniture, 2169 Folsom Frommer & Fischer, pork packers, sausages, 1789 Mission Fuendeling, Theodore, jewelry, 133 Geary Frye & Co, smoked meat, 119 Sacramento Fuller, W P, & Co, white and red lead, paint and color, 301 Mission; Plant, South San Francisco Fuller & Goepp, mirrors, art and leaded glass, beveling, grinding, glazing, 32 Page Fulton Engine Works, The, hoists, excavating machinery, engines, boilers, oil well supplies, dehydrators, 760 Market; Factory, Los Angeles, Cal Fulton, G M, Co, cabinets, sash and doors, 301 Front Fulton, John J, Co, proprietory remedies, 88 1st Furlong, Thos N, Co, cement laundry trays and specialties, 360 Fell G Gabriel-Meyerfeld Co, printing, foil and glassine wrappers, catalogues, etc, 250 Broadway Gaffney & Luce, preserved meats, 1031 Market Galet, August, mirror plates, beveled glass, 1121 Mission Gallagher, G C, job and label printer, 437 Sacramento Galland Mercantile Laundry, 301-337 8th 35 Galli Machine Works, printing press work, 429 Tehama Galloway Lithographing Co, labels, posters, cartons, advertising mat- ter, seed packets, 523 Folsom Galtie French Cleaning and Dyeing Works, 339-347 8th Gantner & Mattern Co, knitted underwear, bathing suits and sweaters, 1453 Mission Garcia, A G, jewelry, 760 Market Garcia & Maggini Co, packers of dried fruits, evaporated apples, 240 Drumm; Plants, Fresno, Sebastopol and Watsonville, Cal Garford Motor Truck Co, auto machinists, 8th and Howard Garlock Packing Co, rubber, metallic and asbestos packing, 671 Mission Garratt-Callahan Co, boiler preservative, 30 Fremont; Factory, 308 Townsend Garratt, W T, & Co, bell and brass foundry, machine and hydraulic works, pumps, valves, brass fittings, bells, gongs, hydrants, etc, 299 Fremont Garred, Geo P, Co, printers, 103 Main Gas Motor Parts Co, wrist pins, 53 Page Gassman & Co, laundry, 1732 Polk Gassner, Louis (Inc), furs, 112 Geary Geerdts, W F, jewelry, 717 Market Gehlert Welding Works, acetylene welding, 17 Steuart Geib, Edw H, & Co, ship machinery, stevedore gear, 201 Brannan Gem Ear Phone Co of Cal, hearing instruments, 760 Market General Adding Machine Exchange, rebuilt adding machines, 760 Market; Factory, 285 Brannan General Candy Co, 501-509 3d General Chemical Co, sulphuric, nitric, muriatic acids, sulphate of alumina, insecticides, heavy chemicals, 201 Sansome; Plant, Bay Point, Cal General Elevator Co, elevator metal work, 2188 Market General Machinery and Supply Co, transmission and conveying machinery and equipment, 39 Stevenson Genoa Macaroni Factory, 1714 Stockton Genochio, Philip A, sheet metal products, 5196 Mission George Bros & Co, overalls and shirts, 644 Washington Gerlach, Fred W, shoes, 543 Market Gerson, Paul, Pictures Corp, motion picture studio, 353-361 10th Gervais, Henry, tile, 1727 Mission Getz, M, & Co, (Inc), extracts, baking powders, bakers' and con- fectioners' specialties, 162-168 1st Gfell, Piur, jewelry, 3272 21st Gheffoli, B, & Co, auto truck and trailer bodies, 57 Jackson Ghiotto, F, baker, 4560 Mission Ghirardelli, D, Co, chocolate, cocoa, mustard, 900 North Point Giacobbi & Keller, lapidaries, 483 Pine 36 Giant Powder Co, Cons, The, dynamites, blasting powders, blasting supplies, 1 Montgomery; Factory, Giant, Cal Gilberd, Fredk M, upholstering, 95 Minna Gille Show Printing Co, 820 Mission Gillig Bros, auto tops and bodies and painting, 1298 Post Gilmartin Co (Inc), printing, bookbinding, 83 Stevenson Gilt Edge Packing Co, liquid bluing, household ammonia, cottonseed salad oil, mustard, vinegar, 1909 Mission Gimbal Bros, candy, Folsom cor 1st Giordan! & Resinelli, sausage, 434 Castro Gladding, McBean & Co, brick, tile and kindred clay products, 620 Market; Works, Lincoln, Cal Glaser, J P, & Co, brick bake-ovens, 2480 Union Glidden Co of Cal, The, paints, varnish, enamels, stains, lubricants, axle grease, insecticides, 123-169 Hooper Globe Grain & Milling Co, flour, rice and mill feeds, poultry feed, macaroni products, cottonseed oil, 465 California; Mill, 1701 Montgomery Globe Nougat Co, candy, 270 6th Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, switch and outlet boxes, covers, locknuts, mop sticks, steel tray legs, valley tin, perforated metal, band-iron hooks, straps, etc, 854 Howard Gnecco, M H, terrazzo and mosaic work, 36 Wood Godde-Bedin Co, ladies' neckwear, 833 Market Goetjen & Workman, (R J Workman Co), 906-910 Webster Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, tool dressings and forgings, special tools and tools for autos, aeroplanes, machinists, beltmakers, car- penters, plumbers, electricians, artificial limb knives, 1941 Polk Goldberg, Garrett M, & Co, paints, colors, varnishes, enamel, graphite paint, 1099 Folsom Golden Bird, feather work, 1518 Polk Golden Gate Auto Body Shop, auto bodies, 649-651 Golden Gate Ave Golden Gate Auto Painting Co, 1161 Golden Gate Ave Golden Gate Bedding Mfg Co, mattresses, 218 8th Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), brass, bronze and aluminum cast- ings, brass products, plumbers' supplies, auto parts, 251-259 2d Golden Gate Chocolate Shop, 347 Market Golden Gate Iron Works, structural and ornamental iron, 1541 Howard Golden Gate Macaroni & Paste Factory, 2930 Octavia Golden Gate Machine Works, machine work, 219 Spear Golden Gate Mfg Co, casket hardware, 253 Church Golden Gate Pie Co, 230 Dorland Golden Gate Plating Works, 1258 Golden Gate Ave Golden Gate Steam Laundry, 2142 Lombard Golden Gate Suit Case Co, 3178 ! 7th Golden Gate Water Co, carbonated beverages, 436 Green Golden Nugget Sweets, fudge, 7 College Terrace; Factory, 3021 Mission Golden Pheasant, candy, 32 Geary; Factory, 171 Minna 37 Golden Rule Sheet Metal Works, 255 Jersey Golden State Baking Co (Inc), bread, 1223 Howard Golden State Printing Co, 42 2d Golden State Products Co, fruit alcohol, grape juice and syrup, wines, 209 California; Plant, Kingsburg, Cal Golden State Woolen Mills, suiting woolen, overcoating, mackinaws, cloakings, dress goods, bed blankets, etc, 821 Market; Mills, Long Beach, Cal Golden West Bakery, bread, 1014 Fillmore Golden West Baking Co, 3421 18th Golden West Broom Factory, brooms and brushes, 723 Clay Golden West Hat Mfg Co, felt hats, 21 City Hall Ave Golden West Iron Works, structural iron, 17th and Kansas Golden West Plating Works, electro-plating, silver plated copper amalgam plates, 131-133 Mission Golden West Soda Works, 1619 O'Farrell Goldman Auto Co, Ford extension and trucks, truck attachments, auto springs, 1010-1020 Folsom Goldman Bros, men's and boys' cloth hats and caps, 718 Mission Goldman, Harry, cloaks and suits, 251 Post Goldstein, S H, mfg jeweler, 830 Market Goldstein & Co, costumes, 883 Market Goldstone Bros, overalls and men's working clothes, 323 Market; Factory, 927 Golden Gate Ave Golub Bag Co, burlap bags, 577 Bryant Gondolfi, David E, auto windshields, mirrors, chiffonier and desk glass tops, glass beveling, polishing, grinding, sand blast, chipping, drilling, silvering, etc, 1121 Mission Goodman, J, cigars, 1019 Van Ness Ave Goodman, Sam, printing, 437 Sacramento Goodwin, Jas, eucalyptus cough syrup and ointments, disinfectants, eucalyptus flowers, baskets and novelties, 526 O'Farrell Goodyear Rubber Co, mechanical rubber goods and oiled clothing, 539 Mission; Rubber Factory, 63 Natoma, Oil Clothing Factory, Cali- fornia and Virginia Ave Gorman, I, caps, 311 6th Gorman & Bennett, auto bodies, 457-475 Grove Gorsuch, T W, wood carving, 704 Divisadero Goss, E, & Co, cigars, 113 Front Goss, W P, sheet metal products, patent flues, roofing, warm air furnaces, 4640 Geary Gould Storage Battery Co, storage batteries, 1660 Pine Gracier, S B, Co (Inc)* refined gold, silver, platinum, dental and jewelers' gold plate, wire, solders, alloys, platinum plate and wire, 409 Montgomery; Refinery, 608-610 Commercial Gradell, Herman L, wood carver, 1376 Golden Gate Ave Grady, Mark, auto tops and upholstery, 1440 Pine Graf & Co, human hair goods, wigs, frontpieces, switches, 133 Kearny 38 Graff, A & Sons, metal spinning, incinerators, 39 Shipley Gragnano Products (Inc), alimentary paste, 823 Valencia Graham, Jas, Mfg Co, gas, coal and wood stoves and ranges, 531 Mission; Factory, Newark, Cal Grana Cheese Co, cheese, 324 Battery; Plant, Grenada, Cal Granat Bros, jewelry, rings, cuff buttons, platinum mountings, 2242- 2248 Mission Grand Bakery, .bread, 516 Green Grandma Cookie Co, cookies, 20 Franklin Graphic Arts Photo Engraving Co, photo engraving, 245 Mission Graphite Products Co, stove polish, 503 Market; Factory, Stege, Cal Grassi, P, & Co, terrazzo and mosaic work, 135 Tehama Graton & Knight Mfg Co of Cal, leather belting, 247 Mission Grave, B, Co, auto and truck panel top bodies, delivery, trailer and Ford auto bodies, auto painting, top work, 732-746 Brannan Gray & Danielson Mfg Co, commercial, marine and amateur wireless equipment, 579 Howard Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, caustic soda, bleach, liquid chlorine, sulphur chloride, carbon tetrachloride, chloride of lime, miscellaneous chlorine products and hydrogenated oils, 9 Main Great Western Packing Co, (Pacific Packers Assn), 112 Market; Can- nery, Monterey, Cal Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, brass and copper ingot, babbitt and type metals, solders, aluminum and zinc slabs, 75-99 Folsom Great Western Tea Co, coffee, tea, spices, extracts, 2388 Mission Green Valley Baking Co & Macaroni Factory (Inc), alimentary paste, bread, 4736 Mission Green & Culver, (Star Aluminum Foundry), 3621 18th Greenberg's, M, Sons, brass foundry and machine works, plating and pattern work, plumbers' specialties, 225-227 Beale Greenblat, I L, light sheet iron, tin, copper and zinc work, baking pans, restaurant boilers, ash cans, etc, 1314 Valencia Greenebaum, Weil & Michels, (Crown Shirt Factory), 740 Mission Gregory, E L, printing, 140 Clay Griffith, E B, printing, 545 Valencia Griffitts, T H, machine work, 20 Clementina Grimley, Frank J, tin cans, tin linings, export tins, special cans, 317 Front Grinnell Co of the Pacific, automatic sprinklers, pipe valves, cast iron fittings, etc, 453 Mission Grosjean, C E, Rice Milling Co, rice milling, rice flour, prepared pack- aged rice, 20th and Harrison Grosso & Co, medicines, 265 Chestnut Growall, W L, Co, clothing, shirts, 704 Market Growers Rice Milling Co, rice milling, rice by-products, 465 California; Mills, South San Francisco 39 Gruenhagen's (Inc), candy, 1112 Mission Grundel, Emil, pipes, 2100 Mission Guarantee Battery Mfg Co, storage batteries, 955 Post Guedet Printing Co, 344 Kearny Guerard, H L, stationery engraving and printing, 518 Market Guerrini Co, accordions, 279 Columbus Ave Guggenhime & Co, dried fruit, 100 California Guide, The, daily marine newspaper, 215 Leidesdorff Guilfoy Cornice Works, architectural sheet metal work, skylights, cornices, 229 8th Guittard Chocolate Co, chocolate and cocoa products, 135-145 Main Gumm, Peter, baking, 3899 24th Gump, S & G, Co, lacquer furniture, picture frames, lamps and shades, art novelties, 268 Post Gunther & Herlitz, draperies, upholstery, 1827 Polk Guptill, Mrs E A, medicine, 1458 Pacific Ave Gutradt, Jos, Co, soap, 356 Fremont Gwin-Flex Stretcher Co, stretchers, hospital gowns, nurses' and sur- geons' uniforms and gowns, 660 O'Farrell H H H Extract & Syrup Co, malt and syrup canning, 2347 Mission H & H Coffee Urn Co, coffee urns, 54 Natoma Haas, Geo, & Sons, candy, 770 Market; Factory, Mint Ave and Jessie Haas Wood & Ivory Works, general cabinet work, wood and ivory turning, 64 Clementina Haase, A, patternmaking, models, 431 Folsom Habenicht & Hewlett, art and prism glass, 529 Clay Haberlin, P W, harness and saddlery, 214 Railroad Ave Hadley, Chas R, Co, loose leaf binders, bookkeeping supplies, 681 Market; Factory, Los Angeles, Cal Hagemann, Herman M, & Son, upholstering, 1529-1533 Pine Haight, Ralph, printing, 2505 Howard Hall-Gutstadt Co, printing, 567 Mission Hall, Norman F, confetti, 148 1st Hall Scott Motor Car Co (Inc), aeroplane, auto and railroad motor car engines, 620 Market; Factory, Berkeley, Cal Halle, R H, linotyping, 261 Bush Halpin Lithograph Co, 442 Sansome Hamberger, Henry, ladies' waists, 138 O'Farrell; Factory, 33 Ellis Hammond Lumber Co, 260 California; Mills, Eureka, Los Angeles and San Pedro, Cal Hampton Electric & Mfg Co, billett turning machines and roller racks, 518-520 Mission Hancock Bros, railroad and amusement tickets and labels, gummed paper and cloth, 25 Jessie 40 Hanlon Drydock & Shipbuilding Co, shipbuilding and drydocking, 112 Market; Yards, Oakland, Cal Hanni Auto Repair Co, auto parts, 1630 Franklin Hansen Co, The, printing, lithographing, bookbinding, 584 California Hansen, H, bakery, 1842 Polk Harband, N, Trunk Co, fibre and metal trunks, 775 Market; Factory, 334 Ritch Harder, F H, Mfg Co, upholstered furniture', chairs, cushions, 1366- 1370 Mission Hardy, F A, & Co of Cal, optical lenses, 760 Market Harms, H, & Co, charcoal, sawdust, 511 Brannan Harris Electric Co, magneto generators for trucks and tractors, 255 California; Factory, Berkeley, Cal Harris, J, sport skirts and jackets, 233 Post Harris Welding & Brazing Works, auto welding and brazing, 50 Ivy Harris, Z H, pants, 592 Market Harrison, Fred'k, Co, rebuilt Ford autos, 273 8th Hart & Burmeister, sashes, doors and moldings, 1068 Brannan Hartle, W C, printing, 33 Ellis Hase, Max, shirts, pajamas, underwear, lounging robes, smoking jack- ets, 142 Mason Hatteroth's, Wm, trusses and surgical appliances, 232 Powell Haugerud Arnt A, office fixtures and cabinets, 2745 16th Haus Iron & Bronze Works, 425 Potrero Ave Hauser Window Co, reversible window devices, 157 Minna Haviside Company, ship chandlery, rigging, sails and canvas goods, 56 Steuart Hawaiian Fertilizer Co (Ltd), 256 California; Works, Davidson Ave and Lane Hayes Valley Bakery, 581 Hayes Headquarters French Baking Co, 686 Guerrero Hearfield, Bannister & Co, Paris white, whiting, 268 Market; Factory, 347 Brannan Heger, D C, shirts, pajamas, robes, underwear and neckwear, 116 Kearny Heidt, W, Cornice Works, architectural and heavy sheet metal work, ventilators, skylights, metal windows, fire doors, 152 1st Heiduska, Ferdinand, jewelry, 133 Geary Heiliger, Wm F, cigars, 2958 16th Hein, Geo, jewelry, 478 O'Farrell Hein, John, Co, printing, 210 Drumm Heineman, H M, Sons, men's neckwear, suspenders, garters, belts, 130 Bush; Factory, 45 Ecker Heineman & Stern, beef and tongue packing, sausages, 1036 McAllister Heininger, C P, pipes, wood novelties and canes, 681 Guerrero Heins, Alex, Belting Co, leather belting, 2413 Harrison Helbing Hat Co, caps, 89 Battery Helgesen, Nelson R, picture frames, 345 Sutter Henderson Enamel and Varnish Co, metal coatings, baking enamels, interior enamels, varnishes and architectural finishes, 420 Fulton Henderson, J H, trunks, 1769 Howard Hendry, Geo W, life preservers, life rafts, flags, 27 Main; Factory, 332 Ritch Hendy, Joshua, Iron Works, grey iron and bronze castings, mining, saw mill, ore milling and special machinery, steam engines, etc, 75 Fremont; Works, Sunnyvale, Cal HenriX-Luebbert Mfg Co (Inc), canvas work, tents, tarpaulins, air- plane hangars, 326 Howard Heppner, Henry J, cut-trim clothing, 883 Market Herbert, Vogel & Mark Co (Inc), cooperage and cooperage material, oak barrels and kegs, water, oil and wine tanks, cyanide and rectangular tanks, soft wood packages and containers, 18th and Indiana Herbst Bros, wash boilers, gas ovens, galvanized garbage cans, house- hold metalware, 1943 Mission Hercules Cement Products Co, cement laundry trays, toilet tanks, 1049-1053 Howard Hercules Chemical Works, meat packing and sausage preservatives and colors, disinfectants, 211 4th Hercules Powder Co, explosives and blasting supplies, Chronicle Bldg; Factory, Hercules, Cal Hermann Safe Co, The, fireproof safe and vault doors, burglar proof safe and vault doors, safe deposit boxes, steel vault linings, vault and bank equipment and interiors, 216-224 Fremont Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co, safes, vaults, safe deposit boxes, 214 California Herring & Robinson, bookbinding, 1927 Howard Herrings Mill (Inc), planing mill work, sash and doors, cabinets, office furniture and fixtures, etc, 557 Brannan Herrmann, Geo, Co, calcium chloride, packet hops, bottlers of aqua and anhydrous ammonia, 300 Front Hersko, S, & Co, show cases, office fixtures, 552 McAllister Hertenstein, A. & Son, metal show cases, metal sign frames, 309 Florida Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, steam engines and generator sets, marine fittings and switchboards, electrical steering gears, 172 Steuart Hettrich, A L, & Co, abalone and pearl shell jewelry and novelties, leather moccasins, 508 Washington Hewitt-Ludlow Auto Co (Inc), standard and low bed motor trucks, logging and lumber trucks and tractors, 901-951 Indiana Heyman-Weil Co, The, house, street and whisk brooms, yacht mops, bottle brushes, 720 Mission; Factory, 28th and Harrison Heywood-Wakefield Co, cane and wood chairs, theatre and opera chairs, reed and rattan furniture, baby carriages and go-carts, school furniture, 737 Howard 42 Mickey, J H, & Co, special silverware and metal goods, gold and silver plating, 717 Market Hickmott, R, Canning Co, asparagus canners, 320 California; Cannery, Antloch, Cal Hicks Iron Works, mining machinery, marine and stationary gas and oil engines, 967 Howard Hicks, W Wesley, electric air and water heaters, 660 Market Hieronimus, Julius A, & Sons, auto lubricants, malt and hop extracts, 106-108 Steuart High Grade Leather Goods Co, ladies' hand bags, silk and leather vanity cases, card, cigar and cigarette cases, purses, wallets, etc, 830 Market Higley & Mortenson, drums and traps, song whistles, 78 Ellis; Factory, 2400 Polk Hiil Glove Co, work, auto, driving and semi-dress gloves, 909 Golden Gate Ave Hill, Hubbel & Co, bituminous paints and enamels, composition floor- ing, 1 Drumm; Factory, 1531 San Bruno Ave Hill, Robt R, printing, 2188 Sutter Hillard, C J, Co (Inc), structural and ornamental iron, brass, bronze and wire work, 19th and Minnesota Hills Bros, coffee, tea, 175 Fremont Him Kee & Co, cigars, 907 Stockton Hinoy Co, cloaks and suits, men's clothing, 461 Bush Hinz & Landt (Inc), ladies' hats, 833 Market Hires, Charles E, Co, The, root-beer syrup, 16th and Utah Hirsch & Kaye, spectacle and eye glass lenses, photographic chem- icals, kodak and camera boxes, 239 Grant Ave Hirschfelder & Meaney, trunks, suit cases and traveling bags, 30 Bat- tery; Factory, 20th and Florida Hirschman & Co, jewelry, silversmiths, 300 Post Hittenberger, C H, Co, artificial limbs, arch supports, extension shoes, surgical appliances, 1103 Market Hockwald Chemical Co, liquid soap, insecticides and disinfectants, 531 Howard Hodge-Falk Co, ladies' hats, 15 Stockton Hoefler's Centennial Chocolate (Inc), candy, 555 Folsom Hoefler, Harry, Candy Co, candy, 481-483 Jessie Hoey, John, & Co (Inc), mattresses, couches, 200-228 Vermont Hoff Magnesite Co, magnesite composition flooring, asbestos fibres, asbestos cement, ore grinding, industrial minerals, 681 Market; Plant, Oakland, Cal Hoff & Hoff, artificial stone monuments, architectural sculpture, 1888 Mission Hoffman. A C, blue prints, 604 Mission Hoffman, Armin, cigars, 501 Ellis Hoffman, Bernard, cigars, 1567 Fillmore Hoffman, Frank, & Co, furs, 124 Geary 43 Hoffman, S, & Son, cigars, 1563 Polk Hoffschneider Bros, electrotypes, stereotypes, mats, 140 2d Hogan & Co, cooperage, 326-328 12th Hokamp, Alex, candy, cakes, 1614 Polk Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, stoves and ranges, plumbers' supplies and sheet metal products, 6th and Bluxome Holm & Nathan, ladies' hats, 733 Market Holmes Eureka Lumber Co, lumber and shingles, 681 Market; Mills, Eureka, Cal Holmes, H E, & Co, horse-drawn vehicles, stages and trailers, light and heavy automotive commercial bodies, panel tops, trailer bodies, 744-746 Folsom; Factory, 247-257 Clementina Holmes Lime & Cement Co, lime, 2 Pine; Works, Felton, Cal Holmes Planing Mill Co, general mill work, 6th and Channel Holmes, S O, & Co, rubber stamps, stencils, box brands, 505 Wash- ington Holmes, W E, jewelry, engraving, silverware, 717 Market Holsum Baking Co, 2140 O'Farrell Holt Mfg Co, caterpillar tractors, combined harvesters and plows, 593 Market; Factory, Stockton, Cal Holzmueller, C J, electrical equipment for theatres and motion picture studios, 1055 Mission Home Art Glass Works, art glass mosaics, 290 14th Home Laundry Co, 3338 17th Home Manufacturing Co, bank, store and office fixtures, 543 Brannan Home Sausage Co, meat products, 1179 Sutter Homestead Ravioli Factory, raviolis and noodles, 1970 Sutter; Factory, 1100 Valencia Hong Hop Co, ladies' underwear, 905 Washington Hong Kong Noodle Factory, 962 Washington Hood, Edwin, knit goods, silk underwear, tights, bathing suits, chil- dren's headwear, 65 Collingwood Hood Shock Preventer Co, shock absorbers, 462 Turk Hooke, Geo H, Co, canned fruit (cherries), 268 Market; Cannery, Watsonville, Cal Hooker, L B, automatic rewind and combination cabinet for motion picture films, 1530 Howard Hooper Creamery Co, butter, 1810 Polk Hooper's Mission Laundry, 2020 Howard Hoover Spring Co, auto springs and bumpers, tire carriers, 201-229 Franklin; Plating Works, 361 Hayes Horace Remote Control Co, hydraulic remote valve, clutch, steering, switch and trailer brake control, rudder angle indicators, marine telegraphs, 12 Steuart Horst, E Clemens, Co, dried vegetables, 235 Pine Horvitz, L, ladies' cloaks, suits, skirts, 142 Sansome Hospodarsky, Frank, Machine Works, general machinists, paint mix- ers, engines, shafting, hangers, pulley motors, 70 Oak Grove Ave 44 Hotel Owners Laundry Co, 710-722 York Houle, A L, Bindery Co, printing, bookbinding, 509 Sansome Household Necessity Co, bleaching powder, 2125 Market Hovden, K, Co (Inc), canned sardines and tuna, fish oil, fish meal, 149 California; Plants, Monterey and San Diego, Cal Howe & Espeland Shade Co, window shades, 552 Valencia Hoyt's (Inc), doughnuts, cookies, 1112 Market Hromada Candy Co, candy specialties, 45 Ecker Hubbard Machine Co, pumping machinery, 615 Howard Huber, H H, upholstery fittings for steamers, 100 Church Huber, J M, printing and lithographing inks, 422 Sacramento Hudson Bay Fur Co, fur garments, 222 Powell Hufeland-Lind & Stevens, medicines and tonics, 108-110 Davis Hufschmidt, Chas, shades, 915 McAllister Hufschmidt, L A, Mfg Co, gas and electric light fixtures, 3211 Mission Hughes, John, reed and rattan work, baskets, 2107 Geary Hughes Press, printing, 1639 Polk Hughes Rattan Co, reed chairs, tables, flower stands, bird cages, baby carriages, 155 Valencia Hughes, Wm R, metal monogram work, jewelry engraving, 133 Geary Hulse-Bradford Co, window shades, 844 Mission Hume, G W, Co, canned fruits, vegetables and fish, 311 California; Canneries, Benicia and Turlock, Cal Hunt, A T, & Co, period furniture, wood carving, wooden electric fixtures, 1372 Sutter Hunt Bros Packing Co, canned fruits and vegetables, 2 Pine; Can- neries, Hayward, San Jose, Los Gatos and Exeter, Cal Hurton, Declan, harness, saddlery, metal pipe-collar, 1098 Howard Hutchison, W S, & Sons, map mounters, 3275 Army Hyde, Ralph L, Co, printing and bookbinding, pub The Auto & Aerial News, 253 Minna Hydro-Carbon Companies (Inc), linseed oil and turpentine substitutes, core oil, paint oil, auto top and linoleum floor dressings, machin- ery enamel, 681 Market; Factory, Sunnyvale, Cal Hyland Bag Co, burlap and cotton bags, 243 Sacramento Hyman Bros Box & Label Co, lithographed and printed gummed drug- gist labels, cartons, pill and powder boxes, 29 Minna Hyrup, Andreas, tools, 1108 Howard I Ickelheimer Bros Co, gas and electric fixtures, 725 Mission Ideal Cornice Co, cornices, skylights, roofing, mechanical ventilation, sheet metal works, 1038 Howard Ideal Novelty Co, kewpie doll finishers, 937 Howard Ideal Printing Co, 935 Market Ideal Tool & Die Works, machinists, tools, dies, 208 12th 45 II Corriere del Popolo, (bi-weekly newspaper), 628 Montgomery; Plant, 540 Washington Illinois-Pacific Glass Co, glass bottles, jars and containers, 15th and Folsom; corrugated fibre products, 15th and Kansas Ms, John G, & Co, French ranges, broilers, gas bake ovens, steam tables, 839-841 Mission; Factory, 327-341 Minna Imperial Co, The, Mauerene waterproofing products for cement, brick and stone, Likwid Sement for outside coating, 142 Stillman Independent Cracker & Biscuit Co, 3402 16th Independent Hat Co, ladies' and children's hats, buckram frames, 883 Market Independent Laundry, 2798 19th Independent Pressroom, color plate printing, bookbinding, Broadway and Sansome Independent Soda & Seltzer Water Co, soda water, seltzer, cider, syrups, 196 Russ Inderrieden, J B, Co, dried fruit packers, raisins, 112 Market; Plants, Fresno, Hanford and San Jose, Ca"! Industrial Ornamental Iron & Wire Works, elevator enclosures, office railings and bank metal fixtures, window guards, folding gates, 552 Noe Ingham, R L, window shades, 4351 California Ingrim-Rutledge Co, printing, bookbinding, paper ruling, pads, tablets, 413-415 Montgomery; Plant, 440 Sansome Ingrisch, Louis L, bookbinding, paper ruling, 340 Sansome Ink Ribbon Mfg Co, inks, mucilage, paste, typewriter ribbons and carbon papers, 635 Howard Inlaid Floor Co, hardwood floors, 600 Alabama Insecticide Co, The, insecticides and rodent exterminators, 760 Mar- ket; Laboratory, 45 Ecker International Co, The, egg products, spices, extracts, bakers' and confectioners' specialties, 134 Sacramento International Printing Co, printing, 330 Jackson International Radiator Co, radiators, speedster bodies and fenders, 505 Van Ness Ave lone Fire Brick Co, fire brick, 544 Market; Plant, lone, Cal Iron and Steel Contracting Co, The, steel tanks and boilers, steel plate construction, 215 San Bruno Ave Irvine Co, The, bakers' specialties, flavors, extracts, baking powder, 715 Battery Irvine & Jachens, badges, medals, etched name plates, 1027 Market Italia Motor Truck Co, motor trucks, 555 10th Italian-American Paste Co, alimentary paste, 466-478 Green Italian-American Sausage Mfg Co, 425 Broadway Italian-French Baking Co, 1353 Grant Ave Italian Sausage Mfg Co, 804 Montgomery 46 J Jackson, Byron, Iron Works (Inc), centrifugal and turbine pumps, 55 New Montgomery; Works, West Berkeley, Cal Jackson Mfg Co, special furniture for dining room, bedroom, hall and living room, 1223-1227 Sutter Jackson, P H, & Co, sidewalk doors and lights, basement ventilators, coal hole covers, floor pipe casing, steel chutes, gratings, ladders, etc, floor, sky and roof lights, 237-247 1st Jackson Street Creamery, butter, 2498 Fillmore Jacob, Andrew A & Co, ladies', misses', children's hats, 753 Market Jacobson, M E, lapidary, 209 Post Jaegeling, Julius P, dental laboratory, 870 Market Jamison Auto Top Co, 1528 Franklin Japanese American (daily) 650 Ellis Jardine Machinery Co, contractors' equipment, 115-125 Main Jarvis, T P, Mfg Co, refrigerating machinery, oil burning equipment, 275 Connecticut Jauchen's Olde Copper Shop, hand wrought bronze goods, monu- ments, vases, lighting fixtures, 1391 Sutter Jeanson, Miss E L, ladies' waists, 760 Market Jenkins-Hall Index Card Co, vertical folders and guides, index cards and guides, 435 Mission Jenkins, Wm, Machine Works, general machine work, 18th and Treat Avenue Jewel Superior Welding Works, acetylene welding, 716 Golden Gate Avenue Jewell Steel & Malleable Co, malleable and small steel castings, steel motor truck wheels, pipe fittings, 1375 Potrero Ave Jewish Times, (weekly), 50 Main Johanson & Saarnio, auto painting, 316 Gough John's Hanger Co, overhead rail systems for butchers' ice box and general transportation, butchers' supplies, hangers, hooks, roll- ers, parlor door hangers, toys, 709 Harrison Johnck, Beran & Kibbee, printing, 156 2nd Johns-Manville Inc of Cal, asbestos packings and cements, motion picture booths, hubodometers, 500 Post; Factory, 8th and Town- send Johnson-Buchanan Engraving Co, printing, engraving, embossing, 325 Kearny Johnson, E C, & Co, printing, 1274 Folsom Johnson Gear Co, gears, 17 Spear; Factory, Berkeley, Cal Johnson's Pound Cake Bakery, fruit and pound cake, 3628 19th Johnson, S T, Co, oil burning equipment, 1337 Mission Johnson & Co, enameled signs and letters, 1629 Market Johnson & Wood, jewelry, 150 Post Jones Bros & Co, vinegar and apple cider, 22 Battery; Plant, Watson- ville, Cal Jones, Frank, books and loose leaf ledgers, 340 Sansome 47 Jones-Thierbach Co, coffee, tea, spice, flavoring extracts, baking pow- der, 437 Battery Jones, Warren C, Co, nose-glass grips, spectacle and eye glass lenses, 349 Geary Jones, Wm H, jewelry, 935 Market Jones & Smith, vests, 693 Mission Jorgensen, C, & Co, hand-power dumb waiters, cross horizontal fold- ing warehouse doors, Venitian blinds, 604 Mission; Factory, 57 Clementina Jorgenson, John, Patent Office models, inventions developed, 628 Montgomery Joshua Hendy Iron Works, grey iron and bronze castings, mining, ore milling, saw mill and special machinery, steam engines, etc, 75 Fremont; Works, Sunnyvale, Cal Journal Publishing Co, daily newspaper, 165 Jessie Judge-Fischer Co, metal speedster bodies, radiators and fenders, 149 11th Judson Mfg Co, open hearth steel ingots, bars, plates, small shapes, forgings, foundry and structural work, bridges, steel and iron castings, 819 Folsom; Plant, Emeryville, Cal K K P F Electric Co, pole top switches, 37 Stevenson Kahn, Geo H and Henry, Co, spectacle and eye glass lenses, 54 Geary Kahn & Kevelle, storage batteries, vulcanizing, 982 Post Kalinski & Pinto, flannelette wear, aprons and sport dress goods, 518 Market Kanzee, Geo, stereopticon slides, 12 Geary Karp. H, & Son, store fixtures, show cases, counters, cabinets, sash and doors, mill work, 711-713 Valencia Kasser Egg Process Co, egg processing machines, 285 6th Katz, Louis, model making, 1753 O'Farrell Kaulfus, Frederick C, glass engraver, 461 Bush Kawneer Mfg Co, metal store fronts, 180 Jessie; Factory, Berkeley, California Keane, Malley M, mechanical dentist, Pacific Bldg Kehoe Display Fixture Co, window and store display fixtures, wax figures and papier-mache forms, mirrors, 541 Market Kelly Bali-Bearing Co, special bearings, regrinding, 651 Turk Kelly-Linehan Belting Co, leather belting and rawhide lacing, auto fan belts and clutch leathers, 33 Minna Kelso Co, jewelry, 251 Post Kemp, Edw H, lantern slides, industrial motion pictures, 833 Market Kendall & Darneille, auto machinists, 472 Turk Kennedy, Colin B, Co, The, radio telegraph and telephone equipment, 116 New Montgomery; Factory, 140 2nd 48 Kennedy, E H, auto tops, 151 Jackson Kennedy-ten Bosch Co, printing, 340 Sansome Kenney Mfg Co, sulkies and carriages, 531 Valencia Kent, Thos E, shirts, 25 Kearny Kenyon, S T, reed, rattan and splitwood baskets, 1398 Church Kertis Bros, auto tops and trimming, 1739 Sacramento Key-Hold Lath Co, plaster wall board, plaster lath, 148 Hooper Keys-Stumm Co, paper ruling, bookbinding, 560 Mission Keyston Bros, harness, saddles, puttees, horse collars, 461 Mission Keystone Garage, auto machinists, 843 Mission Keystone Mfg Co, laundry compounds, 237 Clementina Keystone Milling Co, battery separators, 343 Sansome; Factory, San Bruno Ave and Waldbridge Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, bank ornamental iron, wire, brass and bronze work, grilles, gates, electro plating, 830 Howard Keystone Printing Co, 143 2nd Kikuya Co, tea cakes, 417 Grant Ave Kilmol Factory, rodent exterminator, 1170 Sutter; Laboratory, Oak- land, Cal King, E J, Service Co, auto parts, machinists, designing and rebuilding, 1035 Post King Extract Co, flavoring extracts, colors, etc, 245 Mission King Refining Co, fuel oil, 58 Sutter; Refinery, Bakersfield, Cal Kingstone Bedding Co, cotton, silk floss and hair mattresses, 363 5th Kingweil Bros, deep well pumps, rough and finished auto bearings, ship airports, 444 Natoma Kirsten & Mogel, copper and aluminum work, 45 Tehama Kitchen, John Jr, Co, printing, bookbinding and lithographing, 67 1st Kitchen & Son, furniture, 33 Oak Grove Ave Kleiber Motor Truck Co, trucks, 1480 Folsom Kline, H J, Co, The, liquid and green soaps, shampoos, disinfectants, animal dips, cresols, crude carbolic, pine oils, floor oils, bug powders, soap dispensers, 455 Folsom Klinke Engraving Co, steel and copper plate engraving, 117 Mont- gomery Kloeres & Koch, ornamental iron brass and bronze, wrought iron grilles, stair rails, vestibule doors, gates, marquise, elevator work, art novelty furniture, floor, table and wall lamps, candle sticks, andirons, console tables, 943 Columbus Ave Klopstock Bros, upholstered furniture, library and extension tables, 3320 18th Kneass, Geo W, wooden and metallic lifeboats, power launches, house movers' rollers, box and dolly rollers, spars and cargo booms, flag poles, 18th and Illinois 49 Knight-Counihan Printing Co, commercial printing, catalogs, house organs and magazines, specialties and circulars, color work, soap, bread and candy wrappers, lunch rolls, 345 Battery; Plant, 339 Commercial Knowles, S E, Co, fishing tackle, spoons, spinners, swivels, etc, 320 Market Koesel's Trunk Factory, 579 Geary Kohn-Boldemann Co, flavoring extracts, soda fountain syrups, essen- tial oils, marshmallow, macaroon and almond paste, confection- ers' specialties, 122 Front Kohnke Printing Co, stationery, printing, 568 Clay Konkel Co, The, printers' spacing materials, rules, slugs and leads, 141 Clara Konrade, J J, lapidary, 628 Montgomery Koperski, Stanley, window display fixtures, 260 San Carlos Ave Korbel Box Factory, cigar boxes, 2014 Bryant Korell, J A, & Co, sheet metal products, galvanized iron and steel pipe, ventilators, skylights, finials, cornices, marquise, tanks and cans, smoke pipes, chimney tops, tinning, 39-47 Isis Kortick Mfg Co, iron, steel, press and drop forgings, mechanics' tools, plumbing and steam specialties, electric pole line hardware, 327-353 1st Kraft, J L, & Bros Co, soft cheese, 757 Sansome Kragen, Louis, store fixtures and cabinets, 661 Golden Gate Ave Kramer, P, comforters, art cushions, 86 3rd Kreiss, L, & Sons, furniture, draperies, 401 Sutter Kreiss & Fialer, furriers, 760 Market Krenz, Oscar, Copper & Brass Works (Inc), copper, brass and sheet metal work, brass, bronze and aluminum castings, metal special- ties, 612-634 Bryant Krieg Tanning Co (Inc), harness, saddle and sole leather, 1703 San Bruno Ave Krogh Pump & Machinery Co, pumps and pumping machinery, 149 Beale Krone-Kreutz, F, Co, dies, tools, presses, special machinery, models, metal stamping, 204 1st Kruger, M, & Co, boxes, 200 7th Kruse, Frank L, auto tops, seat covers, 724 Golden Gate Ave Kruse, J H, sash, doors, millwork, 23rd and Folsom Kuh Bros, misses', ladies' and children's outing garments, street and house dresses, aprons, middies, women's overalls, children's play garments, 15 Battery; Factories, 675 Sacramento and 1675 Valencia Kullman, Salz & Co, sole, harness and skirting leather, 85 2nd; Tan- neries, Benicia and Santa Cruz, Cal Kwick-Lite Electric Corp, electric lanterns, batteries, 360 Kearny Kyle & Co, steel reinforcing bars and spirals, 74 New Montgomery; Works, 18th and Indiana 50 L Label Press, label printing, 71 John Lackman Co, The, maraschino cherries, jams, crushed fruit, 235 9th Lacko Specialty Co (Inc), furniture, stove and auto cleansers and polishes, dustiess dust cloths, sweeping compounds, 1415 Folsom Lafranchi Printing Co, 502 Washington La Grande & White Laundry Co, 248 12th La Haye Mfg Co, truck and auto sheet metal equipment, metal spin- ning, metal linings for caskets, 298 11th Lai Sang & Co, jewelry, 724 Jackson Laib, Jos, Jr, metal and glass signs, 7th and Folsom Lamont, G E, X-Ray tubes, thermometers, laboratory glassware, 143 2nd Landau Economic Syphon Co, soda and seltzer water, 1627 Howard Lane Air Brake Co, air brake equipment for autos, trucks and trail- ers, 764 Golden Gate Ave Lane, Stapleton Co, printing, 255 Clay Lange & Borthwick, printing, 761 Sansome Langendorf Baking Co, bread, 1160 McAllister Langer Photo Process Co, photo engraving, photo litho plates, etc, 684 Mission Langley & Michaels Co, pharmaceutical preparations, 42-60 1st Languetin, E E, jewelry, 270 Sutter Lansing Co, store, factory, lumber and mill trucks, hoisting machin- ery, wood and metal wheels, 338 Brannan Lanson, Lauray & Co (Inc), printing, 534 Jackson La Parisienne, hand embroideries, 222 Kearny Larkin Specialty Mfg Co, pressed metal specialties, 231 1st Larkins & Co, sliding glass tops, auto bodies, auto painting and uphol- stering, 3700 Geary Larned Carter & Co, overalls, 257 8th Laroulandie, Emil, woodcarving, artistic furniture, 1743 Sacramento Larson, Geo, & Co, emblems, jewelry, silverware, engraving, 150 Post Larson, Martin, cabinets, piano benches, 1921 Mission Larson, O F, & Son, plaster and cement ornaments, 178 Guerrero Lash's Products Co, medicine, syrups, beverages, 42 Beale Lasky, Israel, printing, 1203 Fillmore Lassen Lumber & Box Co, white pine lumber and box shook, 681 Market; Mills, Susanville, Cal Lastufka Bros & Co, matting, panama and leather suit cases and matting bags, 50 Beale Latham & Swallow, printing, 243 Front Lathe, F A, model and experimental work, gear cutting, general ma- chine work, 52 Natoma Lattimore, A E, auto tops and upholstery, 1433 Bush Lau, P, baskets, 128 Waverly Lauck Mann Co, commercial, art and printing plates, 563 Clay Lavezzo Bros, alimentary paste, 1417 Powell La Voce Del Popola, (Italian daily), 62 Columbus Ave Lawrence-Reynolds Co, salt cake, 351 California; Works, Oakland, Cal Lawson Patent Window Frame Co, patent window frame device, 3318 17th Lawton, H S, photostat work, 693 Mission Leader, The (weekly), 95 9th Lebowitz, B, furs, 12 Geary Lederer, G, wigs and toupees, 508 Sutter Lee Bros & Co, ladies' and children's underwear, aprons, house dresses, blouses, 837 Stockton Lee, Don, auto designing and building, stationary auto tops, paint- ing, enameling and nickel plating, 1000 Van Ness Ave Lee-Greefkens Co, bakers' and confectioners' specialties, baking powder, extracts, 31-35 Drumm Lee, Roy A, jeweler, 498 Haight LeGal, Clarence L, general mill work, 114 Mission Legallet-Hellwig-Norton Co, pulled wool and sheepskin leathers for gloves, sporting goods, shoe linings, etc, 1600 Fairfax Ave Legallet & Herrmann, glove leather, wool skins, furs, 1445 San Bruno Avenue Lehigh, Walter J, printing, 3419 Mission Lehmann, M, uniform caps, 1127 Buchanan Lehmann Printing Co, labels, color work, 181-189 2nd Leibold & Co, outing clothing, 217 Market Leighton Co-operative Laundry, 1925 Bryant Leighton Co-operative Packers, canned fruits and vegetables, cane and maple syrup, 870 Market; Cannery, 2734 Taylor Leighton Press, The, printing, 516 Mission Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, insecticides, disinfectants, rat and rodent poisons, sprays and dips, liquid soaps, 177 Jessie Leiser Bros, sheet metal work, bakers' utensils, 622 Larkin Leong, Harry Y, ladies' waists and underwear, 891 Sacramento Leslie Salt Refining Co, 544 Market; Refinery, San Mateo, Cal Leung Kee & Co, cigars, 879 Washington Levine, B M, men's neckwear, 312 Kearny Levingston, Lafayette, milk bottle caps (paper), printing, 317 Front Levinson, Sol, athletic and sporting gloves and leather goods, 1028 Market Levison Printing Co, printing, bookbinding, 1540 California Levitt, S, Cooperage Co, 1819-1823 15th Levy, Bob, children's dresses, embroideries, 301 Sutter Levy Mfg Co, curtains, 251 Post Levy, S J, bottle capping machine, 387 5th Lewis, E, & Co, (Standard Glove Works), 306 Sacramento Lewis, Nathan, auto fenders and radiators, 1072 Golden Gate Ave Lewis Packing Co, catsup, pickles, condiments, vinegar, mustard, sauerkraut, 950 Columbus Ave 52 Lewis Roofing & Asbestos Works, asbestos and magnesia cements, roof paints and cements, 180 Jessie; Works, 2165 Market Lewis & Brown, men's woolen suits and overcoats, 518 Market Li.bby, McNeill & Libby, canned fruits and vegetables, pickles, mince meat, evaporated, condensed and pow'dered milk, 465 California Liberty Brass Foundry, aluminum, brass and bronze castings, 248 Tehama Liberty Cleaning and Dyeing Works, 878 Geary Liberty Dyeing & Cleaning Works, 3344 Fillmore Liberty Press, The, printing, 25 Fremont Liberty Radiator Core Mfg Co, auto radiator cores, 30-32 Rose Ave Lichtenstein Bros, leather, fibre and matting suit cases, 965 Valencia Liebes, H, & Co, fur garments, 167-177 Post Liebhardt, Peter, cigars, 2886 Harrison Lietz, A, Co, The, surveying and nautical instruments, 61 Post Liff & Berkowitz, men's pants, 935 Market Ligure Sausage Factory, 1325 Grant Ave f Liguria Bakery, bread, 1700 Stockton Linde Air Products Co, (Pacific Coast), oxygen, 351 California; Plants, Emeryville and Los Angeles, Cal Lindeburg Bros, jewelry, 182 Ellis Lindemann Jewelry Co, jewelry, 233 Post Liphsitz, P, caps, 950 Buchanan Lipton, Thos J, (Inc), tea, coffee, cocoa, jelly powder, 561-563 Mission Liss Press, printing, 2305 Mariposa L'ltalia Press Co (L'ltalia Daily), 118 Columbus Ave Livenais, August, auto pistons, bushings, axles, 1625 Pacific Ave Livermore Fire Brick Works, clay products, 604 Mission Livingston Mfg Co, ladies' blouses and neckwear, 130 Geary Loetscher, Werner, engraver, 85 Post Logasa, S, printer, 375 Bush Lombard, J A, & Co, coffee, tea, spices, flavoring extracts, peanut butter, 222-232 Front Lombardi Grape Products Co, grape juice, 1706 Stockton London Broom Factory, 345 Pacific London Embroidery Co, 237 Clementina Long, H C, Syrup Co, table syrup, fancy, baking and cooking molasses, bakers' jelly, 119-121 Clay Lopez & Co, cigars, 1152 Stockton Lorenz, F A, cabinet maker, 182 5th Lorenz, F M, woodcarving, 412 14th Los Angeles Soap Co, 250 Front; Factory, Los Angeles, Cal Lovejoy, E B, shipcarver, 55 Mission Lovell, Chas W, Jr, paper ruling, 215 Leidesdorff Lowden, Jas W, machine forging, tool dressing, pipe bending, 7 Zeno Place Lowney, D D, auto truck bodies, dump bodies, hand and power hoists, 1297 Harrison 53 Lowrey Candy Co, candies, 2810 16th Lubricating Products Co, 354 Pine; Refinery, Palo Alto, Cal Luchan Mfg Co, reed and rattan art furniture, phonograph cabinets and cases, phonographs, 274 Natoma Luckey & Wooster, lens grinding, 234 Stockton Lucy, G R, & Co, laundry soap, bluing, 100 San Bruno Ave Ludeman, Carl W, auto painting and trimming, 2765 Geary Lundstrom Hat Works (Western Hat Mfg Co), 1114 Mission Luthy Co, Inc, The, storage batteries, 58 Sutter; Factory, Hayward, California Lutz & Fritsch, violins, 45 Geary Lynch, Jas T, printing, 3390 18th Lyons' California Glace Fruit Co, glace and crystallized fruits, fruit chocolates, table and fruit syrups, molasses, maraschino style cherries, 535 Folsom M M & H Plating Works, electro plating and metal spinning, chemical apparatus, incineral urns, silverware, 717 Market M & M Packing Co, candy and specialties, 1170 Market Macandaruba Co of Cal, elastic tire cushion, auto trunk table, 34-36 Sacramento Macbeth Chemical Co, auto top dressing, hat dye, leather dressing, heat proof paint, 782 O'Farrell MacDonald Mfg Co, fruit baskets, 1169 Folsom MacDonald Truck & Tractor Co, motor trucks, hydraulic steering gears, 5th and Harrison MacDonald & Goodby, silver novelties and hollow-ware, gold, silver and bronze spinning, 29 Kearny Macedonia Tobacco Co, cigarettes, 46 Kearny Mack Printing Co, printing, 460 Turk MacNutt, A H, marble and granite monuments, 1377 Valencia Madera Sugar Pine Co, 1 Montgomery; Mills, Madera, Cal Maede Can Tester, air leak detecting device, 175 Fremont Magnavox Co, The, telephones, sound amplifiers, loud speaking de- vices, 616 Mission; Factory, Oakland, Cal Magner Bros, paints, oils, 414 9th Magnin, I, & Co, ladies' muslin underwear, waists, 239 Geary Magnolia Metal Co, babbitt and type metals, white metal alloys, solder, 821 Market; Works, 360 Bryant Magnus Fruit Products Co, fountain fruits, syrups, extracts and spe- cialties, soda fountains, Howard and Beale Magnus, H C, & Co, rubber stamps, stencils, seals, brands, badges, signs, etc, 237 California Main Iron Works, marine and stationary engines, boilers, tanks, hoists, capstans, hydraulic and mining machinery, etc, 1000 16th 54 Majestic Bottling Co, carbonated beverages, extracts, 36 Beideman Majestic Electric Development Co, electric room heaters, water heat- ers, auto radiator heaters, dental and surgical heaters, dental electric switchboards and equipment, sterilizers, special electrical appliances, 656 Howard Majestic Press, poster, theatrical, magazine and commercial printing, 315 Hayes Majestic Sheet Metal Works, steam tables, 532 McAllister Malley-Long Furniture Mfg Co, living and dining room tables, bed davenports, Alabama and Mariposa Malliet, H J, jewelry, 833 Market Malloye, F, Co, bookbinding, paper ruling, 265 Bush Malm, C A, & Co, trunks, traveling bags, suit and brief cases, 586 Market; Factory, 2199 Folsom Maloney, John, cigars, 3818 Geary Malott & Peterson, magnesite and mastic flooring, asbestos plastic flashings, 681 Market; Factory, 2412 Harrison Man Fung Lung & Co, shoes, 949 Stockton Manchester Creamery, (Western Meat Co), 666 6th Mancke, W S, & Co, embroidery, flags, banners and badges, 830 Market Mancuso, John, upholstery, 983 Valencia Manegold, Frank, auto radiator work, 1386 Sutter Manegold, Jos, auto tops, 1386 Sutter Mangrum & Otter (Inc), hotel and restaurant kitchen equipment, French ranges, bake ovens, coffee urns, steam tables, etc, 827-831 Mission Manila Frame Co, hand modeled frames, lamp standards, candle- sticks and book ends, 1912 Mission Mann Mfg Co, gears, axles, wrist pins, pistons, screw machine pro- ducts, 454 Golden Gate Ave Mannel, Mrs E A, embroidery, 166 Geary Marb & Brendel, candy, chocolate specialties, 330 4th Marchant Calculating Machine Co, calculating device, 503 Market; Factory, Oakland, Cal Marcus-Lesoine (Inc), arch supports, shoe polish, hat dye, 730 Mission Marier Engraving Co, steel and copper plate engraving, copper plate printing, embossing, 420 Market Marier, Leo J, engraved steel dies and copper plates, 265 Bush Marine Electric Co, marine fittings and supplies, armature winding, 195 Fremont Market Box Factory, boxes, crates, box shook, 610 Front Markowitz, S, auto machinists, painting, 100 Van Ness Ave Marks, H, ladies' waists, 228 Grant Ave Marks, Isaac, wagons, 948 Folsom Marnell & Co, printing and bookbinding, 77 4th Marshall, J & Co, sauces, 171 Mey Marshall, J C, printing, 485 Pine 55 Marshall & Stearns, wall beds, 760 Market; Factory, 752 Folsom Martha Washington Candies, (Barr & Blair), 243 Mason and 37 Geary Martin, A P, picture frames, 743 Larkin Martin Linotyping Co, linotyping, 215 Leidesdorf Martinez, Roque, cigars, tobacco, 310 Union Mask O' Uth Co, non-massage liquid mask, toilet preparations, mani- cure polishes, shampoos, etc, 324 Leavenworth Mason By-Products Co, alcohol, alcoline, carbonic gas, ether, potash salts, molasses, yeast, dairy feed, 2 Pine; Distillery, Sausalito, California Master Refining Co, gasoline, kerosene, filtered lubricating oils, cut- ting compound, 582 Market; Refineries, South San Francisco and Richmond, Cal Matsumoto Boot Mfg Co, shoes, 1436 Geary Matzger Chocolate Co, package specialties, 75 Clara Maurine Co, toilet preparations, 340 Sansome Mauzy, Byron, pianos, organs, 250 Stockton; Factory, 56 Beale Maybelle Waist Co, ladies' shirt waists, 731-735 Larkin Mayerle, Geo, eye water, 960 Market McAtpe, L L, furs, 133 Geary McCallum, G H, Printing Co, 788 Ellis McCann, Wm D, special living and dining room furniture, draperies, 404 Post McCarthy Bros, teas, coffee, 107-109 Front McCarthy, Chas A, & Co, shipsmiths, 148 Steuart McClenahan Products Co, (Inc), hot and cold insulation, underground conduit, stone shingles, roof slabs, magnesite counters, 112 Kearny; Factory, West Berkeley, Cal McCormick Bros Iron Works, grey iron and semi-steel castings, 617 Bryant; Works, Main and Folsom McDowell, J A, & Co, ladies' hats and frames, 731 Market McGilvray-Raymond Granite Co, building stone, mausoleums, rough and diminsion granite and sandstone, 634 Townsend; Quarries, Raymond, Sites, Lakeside and Colma, Cal McGraw-Hill Co of Cal, (Journal of Electricity, Western Industries), Rialto Bldg; Plant, 171 2d McGuffick, J R, & Co, lubricants and greases, paint, steamer supplies, 168-170 Steuart; Factory, 457 Berry Mclntyre, J B, Bindery Co, bookbinding, 442 Sansome Mclntyre Packing Co, lard, smoked meats, 807 Montgomery McKay Foundry Co, grey iron and semi-steel castings, (capacity 50,000 Ibs), 17th and Missouri McKinnie, Murray, wood carving, patterns and models for ornamental iron and bronze work, tablets, name plates, cemetery vaults, 645 Bryant McLean, Walter S, (Crown Ore Mills), Monadnock Bldg McLure Pattern Shop, 387 1st McMahon, Ross, canvas work, 151 Jackson 56 McNally, T M, fire apparatus, 281 2d McNamara, John, leather working and driving gloves, mittens and gauntlets, 383 Valencia McNear Brick Co, common hard brick, 681 Market; Plant, McNear's Point, Cal McNeil Bros, printing, druggists' labels, stationery, 926-928 Fillmore McNicoll, John R, Printing Co, 215 Leidesdorff McRoskey & Co (Inc), mattresses, pillows, springs and cushions, 2008 Harrison McTigue, Jos W, harness, saddlery, 3156 Mission Meagher's, Jas, Sons, oakum, plaster fibre, rope yarns, sanitary wiping rags, 1611-1627 San Bruno Ave Means, Jas W, feed milling and rice by-products, 1831 Harrison Meese & Gottfried Co, transmission, elevating, conveying and screen- ing machinery, 660 Mission; Factory, 19th and Harrison Mehegan, P J, wagon and auto bodies, 2335 Pine Melano & Maggiora, sausage, 1402 Grant Ave Melodiola Mfg Co, phonographs, 534 Sutter; Factory, 516 Washington Mendes, M J, Co, auto bodies, 600 Fulton Mendler, Chas, jewelry, 760 Market Menge, Henry, trusses, braces, etc, 327 Kearny Menge's Truss Factory, physical appliances, 2814 Mission Menu Printing Co, hotel and cafe printing, 942 Market Menzin, A S, waists and blouses, 133 Kearny Mercantile Box Co, boxes and shook, 318 Market; Factory, Oakland, California Mercantile Printing Co, 560 Mission Merchants Ice & Cold Storage Co, ice, Battery and Lombard Merit Cloak & Suit Co, cloaks, suits, dresses, 153 Kearny Merit Glove Co, men's work, driving and auto gloves and mittens, 89 Battery Merit Press, printing, 641 Mission Merten & Co, flavoring extracts, 30 Beale Merz, Frank G, Co, jewelry, 5 Kearny Messner's (Inc), dyeing, 246-260 8th Metal & Thermit Corp, castings, metal alloys, South San Francisco Metallic Window Letter Sign Co, 1162 Golden Gate Ave Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, paint pigments, barium carbonate, barium chloride, barium sulphate, barium sulphide, blanc fixe, Glauber salt, Epsom salt, salt cake, muriatic acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid, sodium sulphate, zinc chloride, zinc sulphate, roto- gravure ink, 582 Market; Factory, Oakland, Cal. Metropolitan Bedding Mfg Co, mattresses, couches, upholstered and leather furniture, 1017 Folsom Metropolitan Candy Co, 955 Fillmore Metropolitan Laundry Co, 1148 Harrison Metropolitan Match Co, block matches, 503 Market; Factory, Stege, California 57 Metten & Gebhardt, calf and upper leather, 135 Trumbull Mexico City Tamale Factory, husk tamales, enchiladas, tortillas, 730 Irving Meyberg, Leo J, Co, lighting fixtures, 428 Market; Factory, 516 Mission Meyer's Soda Water Co, carbonated beverages, 2106 15th Mibach, Fred J, auto painting, 3516 16th Michel-Bilodeau Chemical Co, (Sword-Bilodeau Co), 33 Clementina Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, elevator cars and enclosures, cast iron and wrought iron stairs, fire escapes, sidewalk doors and grat- ings, grills, fences and wirework, tanks, smokestacks, folding gates, steel sash and windows, 1415 Harrison Michigan-California Lumber Co, white and sugar pine lumber, box shook, 74 New Montgomery; Mills, Camino, Cal Milady Mfg Co, ladies' silk waists, 88 1st Milano Products Co, effervescent preparations, Italian syrups, 333 Clay Milano Sausage Mfg Co, Italian sausages, 1337 Grant Ave Miles Bros, industrial and educational motion pictures, commercial film developing, 1149>/ 2 Mission Millar, Adele, Co, toilet preparations, creams, lotions, powders, nail polishes, shampoo soaps, hair tonics, dentifrices, perfumes, face masks, etc, 345-347 Stockton Miller, Frank J, upholstering, 2301 Fillmore Miller Ice Cream Co, ice cream, 436 8th Miller & Lux (Inc), dressed beef, mutton, veal, pork, hams, bacon, lard, compound, sausage, tallow, poultry food, fertilizer mate- rials, 465 California; Plant, 3d and Arthur Ave Miller & Macowsky, children's wear, 32 Battery Miller & Miller, printing, 619 Washington Millerick, W S, Co, printing, bookbinding, 442 Sansome Mills, S V, machinist, 62 Duboco Milwaukee Brewery, cereal beverage, 470-490 10th Milwaukee Furniture Co, mattresses, 832 Mission Mindner, Max W, plaster and cement ornaments, 985 Folsom Miner, Geo H, Co, hand colored photos, candy box tops, fancy candy boxes, 74 New Montgomery Miner-Sargeant-Barre, auto fenders and tanks, vulcanizing, 1540 Van Ness Ave Mining and Scientific Press, (weekly), 420 Market Mionea Bakery Co, 3138 Fillmore Mish & Juda, ladies' shirt waists, 154 Sutter Miss San Francisco Doll Co, dolls and doll lamps, 45 4th; Factory, 1258 Howard Mission Blue Printing Co, 2569 Mission Mission Cabinet Shop, woodworking, 1211 Valencia Mission Foundry & Stove Works, grey iron castings and cast iron stoves, 2256 Harrison Mission Marble Works, The, marble and slate for building and elec- trical construction, 363 Guerrero 58 Mission Monumental Works, marble and granite monuments, 2941 Mission Mission Paper Board Mills, drychip board, bookbinders and friction board, 3074 17th Mission Plate and Window Glass Co, glass work, 461 Valencia Mission Tool & Die Works, tools, dies, molds, metal patterns, models, pressed metal products, experimental work, 1374 Mission Mitchell, J F, Machine Works, 119 Beale Mitchell, John J, Co, printers, engravers, 516 Mission Mize & Bertelsen, machinists, 86 San Jose Ave Model French Laundry, 1467 Pine Model Hat Co, ladies' hats, 883 Market Model Lamp Shade Co, silk and parchment lamp shades, doll shades, 1028 Market Modern Auto Body Co, bodies, radiators, fenders, 819 Valencia Modern Cloak & Suit Co, cloaks, suits, dresses, 985 Market Modern Show Case Co, show cases, store and office fixtures, 607 McAllister Modern Vehicle Co, commercial truck bodies, stevedore gear, 437 4th Moehrle, C E, sheet metal products, 310 8th Ave Moeller, A J, Co, pickles, sauces, relishes, 615 Sansome Moir Printing Co, 617 Montgomery Moise-Klinkner Co, rubber stamps, stencils, metal and glass signs, metal stamping, engraving, die making, 369 Market Molinari, P G, & Sons, Italian sausages, 373 Columbus Ave Moller & Sons, office, store and bank fixtures, 520 Jessie Molloy, Neil S, gold and silver engraver, 101 Post Monaghan, D C, welded tanks, boilers, air tanks, pipe coils, etc, gen- eral welding, 358 Brannan Monarch Iron Works, ornamental iron, brass and bronze work, 262 7th Monarch Mfg Co, razor strops, gold and silver stamping on cloth and leather, 58 2d Monarch Radiator & Fender Works, radiator cores, centers and hoods, gas tanks, metal windshields, 632-638 Ellis Monicucci, P, plaster ornaments, 148 5th Monotype Composition Co, typesetting and typecasting, printers' rules, leads, slugs and type, 88 1st Montague Pipe & Steel Co, riveted steel water pipe, well casing, tanks, smoke stacks, general sheet metal work, 582 Market; Factory, 1900 3d Montague Range & Furnace Company, hotel and restaurant ranges and kitchen equipment, bake ovens, broilers, steam-tables, sinks, gas and electric griddles, hot-plates and waffle irons, coffee-urns and stands, doughnut outfits, plate warmers, warm air furnaces and ventilating systems, 826 Mission; Factory, 327 Jessie Montague Studios, motion pictures, 1966-1974 Page Montano Bros, jewelry, 760 Market 59 Monte, R C, & Co, perfumes, floral concentrates and cosmetics, 673 Mission; Laboratory, 1258 Howard Montebello Ink Co, writing fluids, colored and stamping inks, mucilage and paste, 630 Clay Montebello Pencil Co, lead pencils, 618 Clay Mooney & Young, shipsmiths, welding, boilers and steel tanks, auto lapping machines, 1013 Battery Moore, Walton N, Dry Goods Co, overalls and shirts, 7-33 Front Moore-Noble Foundry, cast iron castings, 17th and Texas Moore Shipbuilding Co, shipbuilding and repairing, drydocking, boilers, engines, tanks, machinery, 678 2d Moorhead Laboratories (Inc), radio apparatus, vacuum tubes for wire- less telephones and telegraph instruments, 638 Mission Morck Brush Manufacturing Co, bristle, fibre and wire brushes for paint, varnish, kalsomine, floor sweeps, counter dusters, scrub- bing and special purposes, household, twisted wire and steel wire brushes, 236 8th Morgan, F L, Co, steel die engraving, greeting cards, stationery, candles, incenses, perfumes, novelties, baskets, art goods, toys, games, 583 Market; Factory, 111 New Montgomery Morgan Spring Co, auto springs and bumpers, tire carriers, 670 Golden Gate Ave Morley Dental Laboratory, prostethic dentistry, 870 Market Morrill, Geo H, Co of Cal, printers' inks, rollers, 130 Fremont Morris, Herman, rugs, 1807 Divisadero Morris, Robt, furs, 239 Geary Morris & Co, smoked hams and bacon, 37 Pacific Morris & Goldstein, auto bodies, tops and trimming, auto painting, 778 Golden Gate Ave Morris & Sheridan, printing, 343 Front Morrison & Bevilockway, marine sheet metal work, 110 Steuart Morrison & Co, sheet metal work, 769 McAllister Mortenson Construction Co, structural steel, 19th and Indiana Mosais, I, auto fenders and radiators, sheet metal products, 610 Golden Gate Ave Moser Bros, lapidaries, 760 Market Mosman & Miller, dental laboratory, 830 Market Motor Body Corp, auto bodies and tops, 1116 Post Motor Maintenance Co, motor rewinding, 892 Mission Mountain Copper Co, superphosphate, sulphate of copper, copper cement, red and yellow ochres, gas purifiers, 332 Pine; Works, Martinez, Cal Mourfield-Hunter Co, mayonnaise, 9 Main Mowat Refrigerator Co, refrigerators, ice boxes, 25 Oak Grove Moynihan, T J, & Co, boiler and sheet metal work, 401 Folsom Mueller, John, sausages, pressed hams, 517 Castro Muhs Mfg Co, jewelers' boxes, trays and sample cases, 25 Stockton Mulhern, John, Co, flavoring extracts and soda water colors, 182 2d 60 Mullany Printing Co, 2107 Howard Mullen Mfg Co, bank, store and office fixtures, library furniture and church seats, 64 Rausch Mullen, Werner, sweeping compounds, 171 14th Muller & Raas Co, ladies' hats, 833 Market; Factory, 862 Mission Munder Bros, marine ways, 956 Evans Ave Murray Bros Machine Works, steam, electric and gas hoists, cargo winches, marine work, 231-233 Folsom Musto, Jos, Sons-Keenan Co, marble, 535 North Point Mutual Bedding Mfg Co, mattresses and couches, 218 Utah Mutual Biscuit Co, crackers and cakes, 1231 Stevenson Mutual Engraving Co, copper and steel plate engraving and embossing, 461 Bush Mutual Woodworking Co, bank, store and office fixtures, dining room furniture, wood turning, 234 12th Muzio, P, & Co, raviolis, mushroom gravy, 3216 22d Myrrohl Chemical Co, pharmaceutical preparations, 390 Geary Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, printing, lithographing, engraving, bookbinding, bank supplies, school stationery, stock certificates, bonds, 32 Clay N Nagy & Kruse, blacksmithing, forging, building materials, tools, spring work, 356 8th Nap-A-Tan Shoe Co, (Buckingham & Hecht), 1500 Valencia Napa Soda Co, ginger ale, 1142 Mission Nash, John Henry, fine book printing, 340 Sansome Nason, R N, & Co, paints, varnishes, lubricants and greases, color grinding, 151 Potrero Ave Nasser Candy Co, hard and soft candies, 65 Page National Auto Signal Co, auto direction signals, 1428 Bush National Carbon Co, Inc, dry, storage and flashlight batteries, flash- light cases, electrical measuring instruments, carbons, auto and motor brushes, 599 8th National Cardoscope Co, X-Ray negative and card mounts, printing, 332 Gough National Cleaning and Dyeing Works, 535 Bryant National Coat Hanger Mfg Co, coat hangers and wood novelties, 1870 Howard National Cone Co, ice cream cones, 1235 Folsom National Consolidated Rubber Co, inner sole and half-sole auto tires, 207 2d National Glove Works, work, driving and auto gloves, 1600 Powell National Grated Cheese Co, grated cheese, 674 Sacramento National Ice Cream Co, ice cream, 366 Guerrero National Ice & Cold Storage Co of Cal, 22 Battery; Plant, 133 Kansas 61 National Lead Co of Cal, white and red lead and litharge, sporting and military cartridges, 485 California; Works, Oakland, Cal National Machine Works, pumps, presses, candy making machinery, 819 Bryant National Magnesia Mfg Co, magnesia sectional pipe covering, boiler- covering and locomotive lagging, 544 Market; Works, Redwood City, Cal National Magnesite Products Co, stucco, plaster, flooring, table top, 116 Utah National Mill & Lumber Co, planing mill products, portable houses and garages, 318 Market; Mill, Oakland, Cal National Paint & Oil Co, paints and oils, 666-668 Howard National Paper Products Co, paper towels, fibre cans, tubes and cases, corrugated products, boxboards, confetti and serpentine, liquid soap, disinfectants, 1789 Montgomery; Factory, Stockton, Cal National Pepsin Gum Co, chewing gum, 1132 Mission National Pie Co, pastry, 163 Kissling National Pole Co, telephone poles, Rialto Bldg; Yards, Oakland, Cal National Redwood Co, soft lumber, 24 California; Mills, Gualala, Cal National Rice Mills, rice milling, 310 California; Mills, West Sacra- mento, Cal National Sanitary Rag Co, 540 8th National Smelting Corp, The, brass and copper ingot, babbitt and type metals, solders, zinc and aluminum slabs, phosphor tin and copper, etc., 574 Bryant National Tire & Vulcanizing Co, rebuilt tires, 454 Turk National Window Shade Co, window shades, paint and window shade cleaning compound, 244 Eddy National Woodworking Co, medium grade desks, 68 Belcher Natoma Rice Milling Co, 216 Pine; Mills, 7th and Hubbell Nature's Herb Co, herbal remedies, 2101 Bush; Laboratory, 1842-1844 Fillmore Neal, Stratford & Kerr, printing and bookbinding, 521 Market; Plant, 414 Mission Nederland Bros, bakery, 1057 Howard Neff's Honey Crisp Co, confectionery, 307 Eddy Nelson, Jas A, heating and ventilating apparatus, hotel and kitchen equipment, sheet metal work, 517 6th Nelson, J J, ladies' neckwear, 864 Mission Nelson Packing Co, (Leighton Co-operative Packers), 870 Market Nessier, Wm, furrier, 101 Post Nestle's Food Co, evaporated cream, 112 Market; Plants, Coburn, Gon- zales and Hollister, Cal Neubarth, J J, linotyping, 25 Jessie Neustadter Bros, overalls, shirts, mackinaws, khaki and wool clothing, 62 1st; Factory, Gough and Grove New Century Macaroni Factory, macaroni, vermicelli, 725 Vallejo 62 New Century Soda Works Co, (San Francisco Seltzer Water), 436 Green New China Shoppe, The, china painting and firing, 142 McAllister New England Home Bakery, bread, 712 Larkin New Florence Art Co, plaster casting, kewpie dolls, statuary, 148 8th New Genoa Bakery, bread, 1309 Grant Ave New Italian Sausage Mfg Co, 648 Pacific New Leather Goods Co, ladies' handbags, leather and silk novelties, 760 Market New Method Engraving Co, 21 Sutter New Method Laundry, 435 Sanchez New Orleans Wire Works, wire window guards, flower stands, dress figures, 802 Polk New Process Laundry Co, 385 8th New San Francisco Bakery, bread, 423 Union New San Francisco Steam Laundry, 2544 Greenwich New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, bank railings, window screens, etc, 1285 Market and 534 Gough New World, The, (Japanese daily), printing, 1060 Geary New York Bedding & Furniture Manufacturers Co, mattresses and parlor furniture, 1729-1731 15th New York Floral Co, artificial flowers and designs in paper and wax, 1707 Powell New York Fur Company, furs, 9 Stockton New York Hat Works, men's hats, 447 Eddy New York Hat & Cap Co, cloth hats and caps, 111 New Montgomery New York Hygrade Button Works, buttons and button d.ies, 130 Geary New York Statuary Co, plasterwork, dolls and carnival novelties, 2873- 2875 16th Newbauer Bros, ladies' waists and dresses, silk underwear, 130 Sutter Newell & Bro, soap and sal soda, 1462 San Bruno Ave Newman, C, & Co, trunks, traveling bags and suit cases, 614 Kearny Newman Mfg Co, felt pennants and novelties, felt and satin pillows, 138 Eddy Newspaper Enterprise Assn (daily), printing, 340 Sansome Newton's California Mfg Co, chewing gum and fireworks, 249 Front; Factory, Oakland, Cal Nicoll & Co, filing cabinets, office furniture, picture frames, 168 Hooper Nicolson, Harry M, auto axles, 155 Grove Nieri Sausage Mfg Co, sausages, 530 Washington Niessen Bros & Co, small brass hardware, cylinder key blanks, flat steel keys, casement fasts, friction catches, show case clips, win- dow locks, brass and steel tags, slugs, etc, 3155 Army Niles Sand, Gravel & Rock Co, sand gravel and crushed rock, 704 Market; Plant, Niles, Cal Nippon Press, printing, 461 Bush Nitsch, O R, upholstery, 1426 California 63 Nixon, I T, dental laboratory, 995 Market Noble Electric Steel Co, iron ore grinding, 220 Montgomery; Mills, Heroult, Cal Nolan-Earl Shoe Co, men's work shoes, 25 Fremont; Factory, Peta- luma, Cal Nolan Mill & Feed Co, (Inc), cocoanut meal, 631 Brannan Nolte's Macaroon Factory, crackers, macaroons, 3907 18th Norrington, Wm, auto bodies, 287 Fell North End Battery & Electric Co, storage battery recharging, electric work, 725 Pacific North Machine Co, wood printing and branding presses, auto turn tables, machine work, 324 Main North San Francisco Machine Works, macaroni and noodle presses, dies and machinery, 414 Broadway North Star Laundry Co, 3314-3324 Army North Star Vinegar & Cider Co, vinegar, apple cider, 1380 Mission Northwestern Redwood Co, lumber, 65 Market; Mills, Willits and Northwestern, Cal Novelty Electric Sign Co, electric, marquees and roof signs, electric machines and appliances, stage lighting systems, etc, 433 Turk Novelty Printing Co, printing, 171 2d Nucoa Butter Co, nut margarine, 220 Montgomery; Factory, 1964 Bryant Nugent-Covey Wagon Co, auto bodies, 343 Valencia Nustyle Cloak & Suit Co, 305 Grant Ave o O K Radiator Co, radiators and fenders, 774 Golden Gate Ave Oak Street Bakery, bread, 298 Oak Oakley Lumber & Mill Co, lumber and mill work, sash, doors, mould- ings, kitchen cabinets, dining room buffets, garage fronts, 1430 Powell O'Brien, W J, candy, 1600 Haight; Factory, 1722 Page Occidental Furniture & Bedding Co, furniture, couches and mattresses, 1175 Harrison Occidental Plating Works, nickel, copper, bronze, brass, silver and gold oxidizing and polishing, 2247 Folsom and 1031 Post Ocean Shore Iron Works, boilers, steel tanks for oil and water, feed water heaters, plate steel work, 550 8th Ocean View Bakery, bread, 98 Broad O'Connor, J M, tennis racket stringing, 593 Market O'Donnell, E M, Copper Works, coppersmiths, pipes, coils, kettles, vacuum pans, etc, 274 Spear Oest Fruit Co, jams, jells and orange marmalade, 591 Florida Oil Well -Supply Co, oil well tools and machinery, 681 Market; Fac- tories, Taft and Los Angeles, Cal 64 Old Homestead Apple Cider Co, cider, 209 Montgomery Old Homestead Bakery (Inc), bakery products, 19th and Howard Old Mission Portland Cement Co, Portland cement, 220 Montgomery- Plant, San Juan, Cal Oliver Chemical Co, epsom salts, crude potash, magnesium chloride crystals, 268 Market; Plant, Mt Eden, Cal Oliver Continuous Filter Co, mining, chemical and industrial filters, compressors, machinery, 503 Market; Factory, Oakland, Cal Oliver Mfg Co, mining, chemical and industrial filters, gas and oil engines, compressors, general machinery, 503 Market; Factory, Oakland, Cal Oliver Salt Co, fish packing salt, refined table salt, 268 Market; Refinery, Mt Eden, Cal Olivoint Chemical Co, pharmaceutical preparations, hair tonic, 2501 California Olmo, Frank, chimneys and skylights, 3460 Mission Olomel Mfg Co, oil and water stop compounds and solutions, bitu- minous and acid resisting compounds and solutions, paints, 2601 18th Olsen Lithograph Co, labels, cartons, lithographed stationery, 547 Sansome Olson, Alfred, Envelope Co, envelopes and photo mailers, 1592 Market Olson & Ottesen, sails, awnings, tarpaulins, canvas work, 148 Spear Olympia Trunk Co, trunks and suit cases, 421 3d Olympic Beverage & Syrup Co, soda water, 633 Olive Ave O'Neil, V A, (Quality Inn), 3307 Sacramento Orgler, S, furrier, 251 Kearny Oriel Glass Works, sand-blasted art glass, 2845 Gough Original California Pleating Co, embroidery, hemstitching, pleating, ruching, 177 Post Original Emporium Bakery, bread, cakes, pastry, 397 Ellis Orion Toilet Co, face powder, dry rouge, 573 Minna O'Rourke, Edw J, pillows and mattresses, 1393 Valencia O'Rourke, Eubanks Hat Co, felt hats, 34-38 Fremont Orton Machine Co, woodworking and special machinery, planing machines, etc, 325 Fremont Osinghaus Brass & Bronze Foundry, builders' hardware, door knobs, handles and chandeliers, 124 Jupiter Ostlund & Johnson, bank, store and office fixtures, 1901 Bryant Ostrander, Dan, wagon poles, mouldings, wire reels, 154 Main Ostrowski, Frank S, household and office furniture, 1144 Howard Otis Elevator Co, elevators ' and hoisting machinery, dumbwaiters, spiral conveyors, incline railways and movable stairways, 2300 Stockton Ott, August L, platinum and gold jewelry, engraving, 117 Grant Otzen Packing Co, dried fruit, 41 Washington Outsen, H, rolled barley and oats, poultry feed, 925-931 Bryant 65 Overland Publishing Co, magazine and general printing, 259 Minna Owens, D R, monuments, Colma Owl Drug Co, pharmaceutical and toilet preparations, 611 Mission Owl Printing Co, printing, 215 Leidesdorff P Pacific Art Glass Co, 1130 Mission Pacific Auto Top Co, auto tops, 151 Jackson Pacific Auto Trimming Co, auto upholstery, 226 Grove Pacific Bag Co (Inc), burlap bags, 869 Folsom Pacific Basket & Barrel Co, (Angelo & Son), 398 Bay Pacific Blower & Heater Co, dust separators, 440 5th Pacific Body Works (Inc), truck bodies and cabs, windshields, 331- 333 Grove Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertilizer Co, animal charcoal, fertilizers, bone meal, poultry food, sulphate of ammonia, glue, grease, 485 Cali- fornia; Plant, Bay Shore, Cal Pacific Box Factory, wood boxes and box shook, 2600 Taylor Pacific Brass & Bronze Foundry, brass, bronze, gunmetal, copper, zinc and aluminum castings, 528 Folsom Pacific Butchers' Supply Co, lard pails, iron and steel equipment for packing house, 211-215 4th Pacific Car & Equipment Co, heavy mechanical equipment, car and ship equipment, 625 Market; Shops, South San Francisco Pacific Carbonic Gas Co, liquid carbonic gas, 68 Post; Plant, Oakland, California Pacific Cloak & Suit Co, ladies' cloaks and suits, 305 Grant Ave Pacific Coast Basket Factory, splint baskets, 26 Wilder Pacific Coast Bed Mfg Co, brass and iron beds, 3279 Harrison Pacific Coast Blue Print Co, 681 Market Pacific Coast Boiler Wqrks, boilers, steel tanks, steel plate work, structural steel, steel forgings, machine work, sheet metal and marine work, 235-237 Main Pacific Coast Borax Co, borax and borax soap chips, 2 Pine; Plant, Alameda, Cal Pacific Coast Candy Co, candy, 823 Battery Pacific Coast Cloak & Suit Mfg Co, 883 Market Pacific Coast Cork Insulating Co, ice boxes, refrigerators, ice cream cabinets, refrigerator display counters, compressed sheet and granulated cork, cork pipe covering, 300 Fell Pacific Coast Envelope Co, envelopes, 416 2d Pacific Coast Forge Works, ship and machine forgings, 43 Gilbert Pacific Coast Glass Works, bottles and jars, 7th and Irwin Pacific Coast Gut String Co, tennis strings and surgical ligatures, 2045 Oakdale Ave 66 Pacific Coast Merchant, (bi-weekly publication), commercial printing, 423 Sacramento Pacific Coast Rattan Co (Inc), reed and rattan work, 9 Jones; Factory, Oakland, Cal Pacific Coast Rubber & Supply Co, rubber ring packings, 316 Mission Pacific Coast Steel Co, open hearth steel, corrugated squares and rounds, twisted and plain squares, rounds and merchant bars, angles and tieplates, rolling mills, Rialto Bldg; Plant, South San Francisco Pacific Coast Suspender Co, suspenders, garters and arm bands, 820 Mission Pacific Coast Syrup Co, syrup, molasses, preserved jams, jellies, mince meat, 731 Sansome Pacific Cocoanut Co, desiccated cocoanut, 817 Sansome Pacific Curled Hair Works, curled mattress hair, 1814 San Bruno Ave Pacific Electric Mfg Co, high tension electrical switch gear, 827 Folsom Pacific Elevator & Equipment Co, passenger and freight elevators, 1129-1131 Howard Pacific Embroidery Co (Inc), ladies' lingerie underwear and chil- dren's dresses, 130 Sutter Pacific Enameling Co, metalware enameling and baking, 468 Hayes Pacific Engraving Co, jewelry engraving, 717 Market Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, felt products, special cutting, die and punching work, 18-26 Clementina Pacific Fence Construction Co, window guards, fencing and gates, 245 Market; Factory, Oakland, Cal Pacific Fire Extinguisher Co. automatic sprinkler and automatic fire detection systems, chemical fire apparatus and extinguishers, watchman clocks, 424-440 Howard Pacific Folding Box Factory (Inc), paper boxes and specialties, fruit wraps, 350-370 2d Pacific Food Products Co (inc), oleomargarine, 655 Battery Pacific Foundry Co, corrosion, monel grey iron castings, special cast irons, pipe fittings, smelter and chemical plant equipment, pat- terns, designs, machine work, Harrison and 18th Pacific Frame Co, picture frames, 350 Hayes Pacific Fringe Co, trimmings, fringe, cords, tassels, loops, 334 Sutter Pacific Fruit Products Co, dried fruits, jams, marmalades, 112 Market; Plant, San Jose, Cal Pacific Gas Heating Co, radiator type gas room heaters, 439 Sutter Pacific Gas & Electric Co, gas, electricity and steam, 445 Sutter Pacific Gear and Tool Works, gears and gear cutting, general machine work, 1035 Folsom Pacific General Jobbing Co, sheet metal work, 2125 Polk Pacific Glove Works, (H and L Block), 149 2d Pacific Guano & Fertilizer Co, The, commercial fertilizers, bone char- coal, poultry food, 114 Sansome; Works, Berkeley, Cal 67 Pacific Hat Co, ladies' hats, 818 Mission Pacific Label Co, druggists' labels and cartons, pill and powder boxes, 156 2d Pacific Laundry Machinery Co, laundry machinery, 280 7th Pacific Lime & Plaster Co, lime and lime products, ground lime rock, 58 Sutter; Quarry, Sonora, Cal Pacific Luggage Factory, trunks, 2600 Taylor Pacific Machine Shop, auto parts, machine work, 360 11th Pacific Manifolding Book Co, sales and order books, manifolding forms, business systems, autographic registers, folding delivery boxes, 210 Post; Factory, Emeryville, Cal Pacific Marble and Granite Works, marble and granite monuments, 1377 Valencia Pacific Metal Bearings Co, bronze back and die cast connecting rod and crank shaft motor bearings, 129-133 Myrtle Pacific Metal Works, brass castings, babbitt and type metals, solder, battery zincs, bearing bronze, 153-159 1st Pacific Milling Co, cereal foods, rolled oats and wheat, 74 Langton Pacific Mirror & Glass Co, windshields, etc, 901 Van Ness Ave Pacific Motion Picture Laboratories, motion picture developing and printing, motion picture commercial work, 331 Turk Pacific Novelty Co, post cards, view books, greeting cards, 579 Market Pacific Oil & Lead Works, linseed and cocoanut oils and oil cake meals, 155 Townsend Pacific Packers Assn, canned sardines, fish oil, fish meal fertilizer, 112 Market; Canneries, Santa Cruz and Monterey, Cal Pacific Paint & Pigment Co, white lead, yellow, orange, green and blue chromes, Prussian blue paint, 479 6th Pacific Photo Products Co, sensitized photo paper, 88 3d Pacific Pipe Co, pipe and casing, fittings and valves, 201 Howard; Shop, 450-484 Main Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, vitreous china products, 67 New Mont- gomery; Works, Richmond and San Pablo, Cal Pacific Portland Cement Co, cement and plaster, 821 Market; Plant, Cement, Cal Pacific Printing Press & Repair Co, special printing machinery, parts for printing presses, 73 Germania Ave Pacific Publication Co, printing, publishing, 88 1st Pacific Radio News (monthly), 50 Main Pacific Refrigerator Co, meat, restaurant, creamery and grocery re- frigerators and refrigerator doors, 431-435 Gough Pacific Rice Mills, rice milling, rice flour, 24 Bluxome : > Pacific Rolled Metals Co, metal rolling and shaping, 715 Harrison Pacific Rolling Mill Co, fabricated structural steel, rivets, bolts, iron castings, railroad work, 17th and Mississippi Pacific Rug Mfg Co, rugs, 1807 Divisadero Pacific Rural Press (weekly), newspaper, 525 Market 68 Pacific Sanitary Mfg Co, enameled iron products, 67 New Mont- gomery; Works, Richmond and San Pablo, Cal Pacific Sheet Metal Works, 3200 Geary Pacific Silicate Co, silicate of soda, Epsom salts, soda ash, caustic soda, sal soda, alum, magnesite, liquid carbonic acid gas, 351 Cali- fornia; Plant, Redwood City, Cal Pacific Smoking & Curing Co, fish smoking and curing, 518 Clay; Plant, 844 Montgomery Pacific Spring Bed Co, steel spring beds, Howard and New Montgom- ery; Factory, Berkeley, Cal Pacific States Casket Co, caskets and shrouds, 1167 Mission Pacific Steel & Copper Plate Co, (Geo Russell Reed Co), 341-345 Clay Pacific Structural Iron Works, fabricating structural steel, 370 10th Pacific Tallow Co, grease and tallow, 1460 Shafter Pacific Tank Gauge Co, gauges for oil, water, gasoline, acid, molasses and vegetable oil tanks, 167 Jessie Pacific Tank & Pipe Co, redwood and fir tanks, silos and pipe, 318 Market; Factory, Oakland, Cal Pacific Tractor Works, track laying, wheel and road type tractors, Sansome and Green Pacific Trunk & Bag Co, suit and sample cases, traveling bags, 535 Market Pacific Typesetting & Type Foundry Co, machine composition, type, rules, leads, slugs, 330 Jackson Pacific Welding & Brazing Co (Inc), 167 Hayes Pacific Wire Rope Co, wire rope, wire cloth, 57 Post; Factory, Los Angeles, Cal Pacific Wirebound Box Co, wirebound boxes, box shook and rotary cut veneer, 2665 Jones Pacific Woodworking Co, store and office fixtures, wall and show cases, millwork, 239 7th Pacific Wool Products Co, wool scouring, 681 Market; Plant 19th and Tennessee Paine & Co, brass goods and plumbers' supplies, 7th and Bryant Palace Model & Machine Co, models, small springs, locksmiths, 636 Market Palmer Press, printing, 1120 Polk Panama Lamp & Commercial Co, lighting fixtures, 595 Mission Panhandle Bakery, bread, 1598 Fulton Paquet, Louis J, reeds and mouthpieces for wind musical instruments, 789 Mission Paraffine Companies (Inc), roofings, roof coatings, felts, building papers, waterproofing materials, wall boards, floor coverings, paints, box board, paper boxes, fibre containers, 34 1st; Factory, Emeryville, Cal Parcel Post Rate Book, (Colonial Press), 516 Mission Parfumerie d'Orsey, perfumes, face powders, creams, cosmetics, toilet preparations, 316 O'Farrell Paris Art Co, art statuary, vases, etc, 1037 Valencia Parisian Baking Co, 731 Broadway Parisian Candy Factory, candy, 258 Kearny Parisian Cleaning & Dyeing Works, 1656 15th Parkes, R W, millwork, house finish, doors, mouldings, cabinets, ironing boards, 3301 26th Parmelee Art Co, picture frames, 1530 Fillmore Partridge, Wm M, printing, 560 Mission Pasquale, B, Co, army, navy and society goods, uniforms, caps, flags, banners, badges, 115 Post Passow, Chas, & Sons, billiard and pool tables, cabinet work, 568 Eddy Patented Process Auto Paint and Varnish Removing Co, 145 Hayes Patras & Berry, armature winding, 784 O'Farrell Patrick & Co, rubber stamps, stencils, baggage and key tags, brands, seals, printing, 560 Market Patrick, A B, Co, harness, sole and skirting leather, 1700 Fairfax Pauker Mattress Factory, mattresses, 3279 Harrison Pawnee Indian Medicine Co, pharmaceutical preparations, 2476 Howard Payne's Bolt Works, bolts, nuts, screws, rods, rivets, etc, 133 Howard Pearl Waist Mfg Co, ladies' crepe de chine and georgette crepe waists, 883 Market Peck & Hills Furniture Co, ivory bedroom furniture, 180 New Mont- gomery; Factory, Los Angeles, Cal Peerless Bakery, bread, cakes and pastry, 73 Erie Peerless Welding Co, acetylene and electric welding, 1226 Mission Peirano, L S, stair builder, 60 13th Peiser, Sidney L, & Co, lenses and lense grinding, 209 Post Pelton Water Wheel Co, impulse and reaction type hydraulic turbines (water wheels) and governors, centrifugal pumps, 19th and Harrison Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), steel forgings, hammered bar steels, stamp mill shoes and dies, shafting, crankshafts, gear blanks, billets, blooms, 1699 Montgomery Peoples Baking Co, 1800 Bryant Peoples Candy Factory, 2639 Mission Percy Sheet Metal Works, 348 Guerrero Periodical Press Room, printing, 509 Sansome Pernau-Walsh Printing Co, printing and bookbinding, 753 Market Petaluma Tanning Co, harness and collar leather, 340 Sansome; Tan- nery, Petaluma, Cal Peters-Bressman Cap Co, cloth hats and caps, 783 Mission Peters, E S, upholstering, 1303 Divisadero Peters, Robt S, jewelry, 376 Sutter Peters & Co, auto bodies, tops and trimming, 1545 Pine Peterson Bros, marine sheet metal work, 150 Steuart Peterson, E F, & Co, upholstery, 1161 Sutter Peterson, P O, furniture, woodworking, 815 Valencia 70 . Petri Baking Co, 1503 Grant Ave Petri-ltalian-American Cigar Co, cigars, tobacco, 415-437 Jackson Petroleum Products Co, lubricants and greases, 433 California; Refin- ery, Berkeley, Cal Petropoulos M, grated cheese, 779 Folsom Petry & Brandt, auto parts and fittings, brackets and brake parts, 1465 Bush Pfister, J J, Knitting Co, bathing suits, jerseys, sweater coats, infant hoods and toques, 120 Bush; Mills, Berkeley, Cal Philadelphia Papier Mache Dress Form Co, 480 Hayes Philadelphia Quartz Co, solicate of soda, 24 California; Laboratory, Berkeley, Cal Phillips, Frank M, stairbuilder, 718 Bryant Phillips & Van Orden Co, printing, publishing, 509 Howard Phipps, Edw, cabinets, 1432 Hayes Phoenix Photo Engraving Co, photo engraving, 220 Montgomery Phoenix Sidewalk Light Co, sidewalk lights and doors, 681 Market; Factory, 317 Harriet Photo Art & Engraving Co, photo engraving, printing plates, 211 Stevenson Photostat Service Corp, photostat printing, 681 Market Piedra Rock Co, crushed rock, 74 New Montgomery; Plant, Piedra, Cal Piercy's Quick Method Cyanide Co, mining machinery, 517 Bush Piggott, J K, post card and photographic printing, 86 3d Pig'n Whistle Co of San Francisco, candy, 35 Powell Pillsbury Picture Co, picture frames, 501 Geary Pinkus, Wm, furs, 133 Geary Pinto, E, & Co, shirts and pajamas, 830 Market Pioch, Frank J, heaters, furnaces, cornices, skylights, 429 Hayes Pioneer Auto & Carriage Factory, auto bodies, 475 Grove Pioneer Box Co, box shooks, 1 Montgomery; Mill, Sisson, Cal Pioneer California Wood Novelty Works, wood novelties and sou- venirs, bark pin cushions, napkin rings, burl wood dishes and bowls, spool holders, darners, sleeve buttons, etc, 1785 and 1876 15th Pioneer Cigar Box Factory, cigar and small wooden boxes, 41 Plum Pioneer Malt House, 2108 Stockton Pioneer Motor Bearing Co, die cast white metal motor bearings and bushings, 501-505 Eddy Pioneer Paper Co, roofing and building papers, Hearst Bldg Pioneer Plate & Window Glass Co, art and leaded glass, plain and beveled mirrors, 973 Mission Pioneer Rubber Mills, moulded and mechanical rubber goods, hose, belting, packing, 68 Sacramento; Plant, Pittsburg, Cal Pioneer Salt Co, 200 Sacramento; Refinery, Alvarado, Cal Pioneer Sign & Enameling Co, auto fender enameling, 424 Hayes Pioneer Soap Co, laundry, auto and soft soaps, 400 15th 71 Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, mechanical rubber and asbestos products, 537 Brannan; Works, 38 Bluxome and Redwood City, Cal Planters Nut & Chocolate Co, candies, nut specialties, salted peanuts, peanut butter, nut shelling, Davis and Pacific Plummer Bros, salt, 268 Market; Refinery, Newark, Cal Plummer, W A, Mfg Co, burlap and cotton bags, tents and canvas goods, awnings, flags, 37 "Front Plymire & Prader, monuments, 927 Grove; Works, 406 Bosworth Pneumatic Cushion Co, air springs, 179 Grove Poeland, Henry R, auto and general machine work, transmissions, mining and saw mill machinery, 1239 Mission Poetsch & Peterson, shoe, saddlery and glove leather, 3100 Army Polar Fur Co, fur garments, 760 Market Polk Street Auto Top & Paint Shop, auto tops, trimming, painting, 2100 Polk Pollhammer, A, steel plate and die engraving, 717 Market Pompeii Macaroni Factory (Inc), 2989 Folsom Pond-Robinson Metal Saw Co (Inc), high speed metal cutting saws, 1204 Howard Poole & Poole, surgical appliances, Flood Bldg Pope & Talbot, planing mill products, 859 3d Port Costa Brick Works, common brick, 55 New Montgomery; Works, Port Costa, Cal Port-O Fruit Juice & Syrup Co, fountain syrups, 2705 Mission Portman, Frank, mill and cabinet work, 1618 Mission Porto De Oro Cigar Co, cigars, 329 Clay Portola Cigar Factory, cigars, 1859 Powell Portola Oil Co, oils and greases, 798 Minnesota Post, Frederick, Co of Cal, blue and brown print paper and cloth, 79 New Montgomery; Factory, 245 Mission Potter Welding Co, oxy-acetylene welding, cylinders, crank cases, auto frames, 1552 Van Ness Ave Povey, F J, extension shoes, 1241 Divisadero Powell's Parisian Wax Works, wax display figures, enamel and papier mache forms, 507 Market Power & Pike Co, fruit evaporators, dust and blower systems, sheet metal tanks and pipe, 126-128 Beale Pratt Building Material Co, sand, rock, gravel, crushed granite, Hearst Bldg; Plants, Sacramento and Marysville, Cal Premier Bed & Spring Co, bed springs, 2401 17th Premier Machinery Co, machinery and equipment for preserving and canning industry, 311 Sansome; Factory, Oakland, Cal Prest-O-Lite Co, welding and cutting gas, 351 California; Plant, South San Francisco Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, centrifugal, vertical and horizontal turbine pumps, irrigation and drainage pumps, dredging, gravel, sand, slime and cyanide pumps, gas and oil engines, gravel mills, 19-45 Stevenson 72 Primo Press, printing and bookbinding, 67 1st Primo Products Co, toilet specialties, rouge, powder, creams, 617 Mission Prior, John L, Co, sails, awnings, canvas work, 64 Sacramento Producers Hay Co, rolled feed, 176 Townsend Progress General Machine Works, machinists, 520-522 Fulton Progress Printing Co, 516 Mission Progress Woodworking Co, cabinets, 2751 16th Progressive Baking Co, 1247 20th Ave Prometheus Publishing Co, printing and publishing, 725 Harrison Pure Carbonic Co, carbonic acid gas, 524 Gough; Works, Berkeley, Cal Puritan Preserve Co, preserves, jams, jellies, mince meat, peanut but- ter, honey, 928 Bryant Puritan Tamale Factory, (Sullivan & Kenealey), 1825 Polk Purity Candy Co, candy, 601 Grove Purity Home Bakery, baking, 1258 Pacific Purity Sausage Co, sausages, 2638 24th Q Q R S Music Co, player piano rolls, 423-433 Brannan Quality Enamel Works, commercial and auto enameling, 630 Gough Quality Food Co, sausages, meat products, 3347 Fillmore Quality Garment Shop, dresses and aprons, 1023 Fillmore Quality Inn, candy, 3307 Sacramento Quality Products Co, collapsible auto rim, 1095 Market Quartz Crystal Optical & Mfg Co, lense glass, 1555 Sacramento Quast, H M, & Son, auto trimmers, 325 Sanchez R Rabjohn & Morcom, picture frames, 230 Post; Factory, 755 Folsom Radium Specialties Mfg Co, disinfectants, germicides, insecticides, per- fumes, liquid soaps, 1040 Larkin Ra-Do-Fumeless Gas Heater Co, gas water heaters, 478 Sutter; Fac- tory, Oakland, Cal Rae, Jos A, printing, publishing Twin Peaks Sentinel, 1185 Church Rae & Adams, step, orchard, extension, painters' trestle and rolling store ladders, 1432 Fillmore; Factory, 1437 Ellis Ragan, M J, horseradish and mayonnaise, 1311 38th Ave Rainier Brewing Co, cereal beverages, 1500 Bryant Raisin & Zaruba, candy boxes (paper), 986 Howard Ralston Iron Works, structural steel, trailers, truck attachments, jails, 20th and Indiana Rankin Candy Co, 516 Castro 73 Rantz Bros, candy, 2192 Sutler Rapid Price Teller Mfg Co, card holders, dies, tools, 3700 17th Rathjens & Kupfer, sausage, lard, bacon, hams, 1331-1345 Pacific Ray, W S, Mfg Co (Inc), ranges, bake ovens, oil burning equipment, coffee urns, tanks, metal ware and marine specialties, 29 Spear; Factory, Bosworth, Rousseau and Milton Raymond Granite Co, granite building stone, monuments, mausoleums, rough and dimension granite, 3 Potrero Ave; Quarry, Knowles, Cal Rayner, Dalheim & Co, music engraving and printing, 560 Mission Reardon, P H, conveying and transmission machinery, air compres- sors, pipe fittings and valves, 57 1st Rebizzo & Falcone, macaroni, olive and juice presses and dies, ravioli and noodle machines, 414 Broadway Recorder Printing and Publishing Co, printing, bookbinding, rotary gravure printing, publishing, 693 Stevenson Red Cross Telephone Mouthpiece Co, 935 Market Red Poppy, candy, 1803 Fillmore Red River Lumber Co, lumber and box shook, 681 Market; Mills, Westwood, Cal Red Seal Cigar Co, 133 1st Redwood Mfg Co, lumber, sash, doors, wooden pipe, tanks, millwork, 582 Market; Mills, Pittsburg, Cal Reed, Geo Russell, Co (Inc), printers' inks, rollers, photo engraving chemicals, etching tubes, 341-345 Clay Reed, W H, patterns and models, 336 Folsom Rees Blow Pipe Mfg Co, blow piping, ventilating fans, planing mill exhausters, fruit evaporators, sheet metal products, 336-340 7th Regan & Schlappi, auto truck bodies, 459 11th Reinhart Lumber & Planing Mill Co, sash, doors, ironing boards, cab- inet and mill work, 17th and Kansas Reinhold, D O, patterns, 1035 Folsom Reininger & Co, seals, stamps, dies, stencils, box and burning brands, rubber stamps, engraving, 420 Market Reiter, Rudolph, men's and ladies' dress gloves, 2520 Mission Reliable Shade Co, window shades, 2079 Mission Reliance Boat & Ways Co, boats, launches, tugs, etc, 717 Market; Plant, Sausalito, Cal Reliance Trailer & Truck Co (Inc), heavy duty trailers, industrial tractors, 1642-1664 Howard Remillard Brick Co, common brick, 760 Market; Plant, Pleasanton, Cal Remolite Paint Co, paints, oils, varnishes, coatings and waterproof- ings, 821 Market; Works, Berkeley, Cal Rentschler Bros, auto, truck and commercial bodies, 1767 15th Repeeter Specialty Mfg Co, syringes, 465 California Republic Noodle Factory, 1117 Stockton Reuter Bros, printing, 513 Valencia Revelation Tooth Powder, (Aug E Drucker Co), 2226 Bush Reynard Press, printing, 133 1st 74 Reynolds, G W Co, Inc, aprons, bloomers, dresses, petticoats, flannel- ette wear, boys' beach suits, 120 Battery; Factory, 518 Market Rhine, Henry & Co, candy, 351-367 6th Rice, F A, upholstering, 1805 Harrison Rice Printing Co, 2140 Sutter Richardson, Eri H, fireplaces and dampers, tiles, pavements, tile store fronts, 77 O'Farrell; Plants, Sacramento and Los Angeles, Cal Richardson & Walsh, auto machinists, 442 Natoma Richert, J C, & Co, auto machinists, 1270 Valencia Richmond Banner, printing, publishing, 320 6th Ave Richmond Sheet Metal Works, sheet metal products, cornices, sky- lights, chimneys, etc, 3632 Geary Riddle Sheet Metal Works, electric switch boxes, ice cans, air systems, sheet metal stamping and press work, 1067 Folsom Rieber Laboratories, X-ray apparatus, 667 Howard Rieger, Paul & Co, perfumes, flavoring extracts, 116-118 1st Riesener Chocolate Co, chocolate, cocoa, chocolate bars, 405-415 8th Right Angle Garage Door Co, sliding door tracks, 2809 Geary Rincon Foundry Co, grey iron, brass and bronze castings, sash weights, grate bars, 349 7th Rincon Iron Works, ornamental iron work, 27 Hawthorne Rioseco's Waist Mfg Co, silk waists and underwear, 305 Grant Ave Rischmuller Mfg Co, Ford auto and truck brakes, door openers and closers, 3442 19th Rivers Shirt Co, shirts, pajamas, robes, neckwear, 116-118 Kearny Riverside Portland Cement Co, cement, crushed rock, Mills Bldg; Plant, Crestmore, Cal Rix Compressed Air & Drill Co, pneumatic equipment, 505 Howard Roache, Addie B, chin supports and bandages, 391 Sutter Roberts, G H, corned meats, 1030-1038 Bryant Roberts Mfg Co, lighting fixtures, copper and brass work, 663 Mission Roberts, M & Co, furs, 259 Geary Roberts, Urban H, door buffers, 830 Market Robertson, McClintock Co (Inc), coffee, spices, baking powder, 305 Clay Robinson Chemical Works, paste and liquid glue, 351 8th Roebling's, John A, Sons Co, of Cal, wire, wire rope, wire cloth, wire netting, 646 Folsom Roemer Engraving Co, copper, steel plate and steel die engraving, embossing, 117 Grant Ave Roentgen Appliance Co, X-Ray apparatus and accessories, 693 Mission Roesch, Louis, Co, printing, 1886 Mission Rogers-Lucas Co, advertising signs and specialties, 112 Market; Fac- tory, 693 Mission Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, pharmaceutical supplies, disinfectants, insecticides, liquid and shampoo soaps, ampoules and glass instru- ments, etc, 527-535 Commercial 75 Rogers Una Drive Motor Truck Corp, motor trucks, Hearst BIdg; Factory, Sunnyvale, Cal Roma Macaroni Factory, 199 Francisco Roman Paint Co, paints, oils, varnishes, 681 Market; Factory, 2255 Folsom Root, A I, Co, beehives, beeswax, etc, 52 Main; Factory, Los Angeles, California Root & Harris, auto painting, 1740 Valencia Rose Candy Manufacturers, 276 6th Rosealene Products Co, exterminators, disinfectants, insecticides, floor oils, polishes, 667 Howard Rosemont Press, printing, 21 Rosemont Rosen, C A A, auto and truck bodies, machine forgings, 548 Brannan Rosen, W, cloth hats and caps, 560 Hayes Rosenberg Bros & Co (Inc), rice millers, dried fruit packers, 334 Cal- ifornia; Rice Mill, Islais Creek; Pkg Plant, 269 Brannan Rosenthal, S, ladies' petticoats, muslin underwear, 518 Market Ross-Burr Laundry Machinery Co, washing machines, laundry machin- ery, 280 7th Rossi, A, & Co, special machinery, machine work, 322 Broadway Roth Blum Packing Co, beef, pork, lard, compound, 1490 Fairfax Ave Roth, Max, marble and granite monuments, 330 Scott; Works, Colma, California Roth, Winter & Walsh, smoked meats, 1271 Mission Rothenberg, Paris, cigars, 628 Montgomery Royal Etch Plate Co, etched name plates, Lomita Park Royal Hat Co, ladies' hats, 883 Market Royal Heating Co, sheet metal products, heating and ventilating work, 280 Minna Royal Ice Cream Co, 1155 McAllister Royal Metal Works, auto fenders, radiators, sheet metal products, 238 Van Ness Ave Royal Show Case Co, 759-761 McAllister Royal Soap Co, laundry and chip soap, Davidson Ave and Newhall Royal Tallow Works, grease and tallow, 1490 Evans Ave Roycroft Press, printing, 461 Bush Rubin Printing Co, 125 5th Rudee, Jos, men's shirts, 908 Market S SOS Mfg Co of Cal, cleansing compound, 249 Minna Sachs Mfg Co, ladies' silk blouses, 149 New Montgomery Sacramento Transportation Co, common and stock brick, foot of King; Plant, Sacramento Sadler Mfg Co, doll dresses, 86 4th 76 Safety Electric Co, electric switchboards, panel boards, safety switches, appliances and distributing devices, 59-65 Columbia Sq Sagon, H R, men's flannels and work shirts, 24 Battery; Factory, 1041 Stockton Salazer, Eugene, reed and willow baskets, 451 Eddy Salco Artificial Limb Co, limbs, braces, arch supports, surgical appli- ances, 1138 Mission Salem, Helen, picture frames, 3192 16th Salter Bros, photo engraving, 118 Columbus Ave Sam Wing & Co, cigars, 651 Pacific Samter, L, & Sons, men's neckwear, bath robes, smoking jackets, waistcoats, 122 Battery Samuel, Jos, ladies' silk waists, 783 Mission Samuel Printing Co, 16 Larkin Samuel & Co, ladies' khaki clothing, middies, aprons, 154 7th San Francisco Artificial Stone Paving Co, 35 Montgomery; Plant, 717 Treat Ave San Francisco Association for the Blind, reed and rattan furniture and baskets, rug weaving, corn brooms, 1120 Folsom San Francisco Auto Body Co, auto and truck bodies, tops, cabs, sta- tionary tops, body designing, remodeling, etc, 380-382 Fulton San Francisco Blue Print Co, blue printing, 1074 Valencia San Francisco Bottling Co, carbonated beverages, 1707 Church San Francisco Box Co, wire bound boxes, box shook, 2665 Jones San Francisco Brass Foundry, brass, bronze and aluminum castings, 48 Clementina San Francisco Brazing & Welding Works, 575 Howard San Francisco Breweries, Ltd, lager beer, cereal beverage, malt, 240 2d San Francisco Calendar & Novelty Co, calendars, 320 1st San Francisco Call and Post (daily), 74 New Montgomery San Francisco Casket Co, caskets, coffins, burial robes, linings, 321- 335 Valencia San Francisco Chronicle (daily), Market and Kearny San Francisco Doll Co, (Miss San Francisco Doll Co), 1258 Howard San Francisco Egg Noodle Mfg Co, 1936 Folsom San Francisco Elevator Co, elevators and electrical elevator equip- ment, 860 Folsom San Francisco Engineering Co, engine lathes, pipe cutting machines, special machinery, 322 6th San Francisco Examiner (daily), 3d and Market San Francisco Fender & Radiator Works, auto fenders, radiators, lamps, hoods, tanks, bodies, auto painting and trimming, 1615 Pine San Francisco Fibre & Cordage Co, plaster fibre, 221 San Bruno Ave San Francisco Fur Co, Hudson seal, skunk, mink, squirrel and beaver fur garments, beaver novelties, 760 Market San Francisco Galvanizing Works, 1176 Harrison 77 San Francisco Journal, (daily), 165 Jessie San Francisco Laundry Assn, 1408 Turk San Francisco Leather Goods Co, leather goods and novelties, 367 5th San Francisco Metal Stamping Works, stamped and spun sheet metal ornaments, general sheet metal stamping, brass, bronze, aluminum and zinc castings, 2269 Folsom San Francisco Mill Furnishing Co, flouring mill, grinding and grain cleaning machinery, 521 7th San Francisco Milling Co, Ltd, rolled oats, rolled and ground barley, 7th and Berry San Francisco Packing Co, dill, sour, sweet and mixed pickles, sauer- kraut, catsup, horseradish, mustard, chow-chow, relishes, honey sauces, salad dressings, vinegar, ammonia, bluing, canned fruit and vegetables, 1507-1535 Folsom San Francisco Photo Engraving Co, 215 Leidesdorff San Francisco Plating Works, gold, silver, nickel, copper and brass electro plating, silver plated copper amalgam plates, 1349 Mission San Francisco Printing Co, 442 Sansome San Francisco Retinning Co, 593 Bryant San Francisco Rug Works, rugs and portieres, 929 Larkin San Francisco Salt Refinery, refined salt and double refined nitrate of soda, 624 California; Refinery, 190 San Bruno Ave San Francisco Sausage Factory, sausages, hams, bacon, 804 Mont- gomery San Francisco Saw and Tool Works, mining drills, machine tools, coil springs, 236 Fremont San Francisco Sawdust & Sand Co, oak and cedar smoking saw- dust, wood flour and powdered sawdust, 35 Boardman Place San Francisco Seltzer Water & New Century Soda Works Co, aerated water and carbonated beverages, 436 Green San Francisco Show Case Co, 682 McAllister San Francisco Statuary Co, (Inc), plaster statuary, 2091 Folsom San Francisco Stove Works, grey iron castings, 256 Townsend San Francisco Suit Case Co, 534 Folsom San Francisco Sulphur Co, sulphur products, 624 California; Works, Berkeley, Cal San Francisco Veterinary Supply Co, veterinary remedies, 708 Folsom San Francisco Wheel Co, automotive wooden wheels, 600 Gough San Francisco Wicker Works, reed and rattan furniture, baby cribs and wardrobes, etc, 1420-1424 Turk San Francisco Window Shade Co, shades and draperies, 1670 Eddy San Jose Brick Co, red brick, 2 Pine; Plant, Campbell, Cal San Mateo Meat Co, beef packers, 1500 Evans Ave San Mateo Tallow Works, Colma, Cal Sanborn Map Co, fire insurance maps, 216 Pine Sanborn, Vail & Co, picture frames and moulding, 557 Market Sandberg & Essmann, store fittings, cabinets, 501 4th Sanders Printing Co, printing, 443 Pine 78 -. Sanderson, Jas, hemstitching, embroidery stamping, art needle goods, 409 Duboce Ave Sanitarium Health Food Store, whole wheat bread, 1176 Market Sanitary Products Co, perfumes and deodorants, 612 Merchant Sanitary Laundry Co, 15 McCoppin Sanitas Food Container Co, air, water and germ proof collapsible dried food containers, 341-347 Market Santa Clara Valley Meat Co, beef and pork, Evans Ave and 3d Santa Cruz Canning Corp, (Pacific Packers Assn), 112 Market; Can- nery, Santa Cruz, Cal Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co, 620 Market; Plant, Davenport, Cal Saracco, P, Co, welded iron and steel tanks, welding machinery, weld- ing, 565 Bryant Sartorius Co, ornamental iron and bronze work, elevator enclosures and cabs, metal store fronts, etc, 15th and Utah Sato, N, illuminated aquariums, 414 Grant Ave Sawyer Tanning Co, 16 California Schabat, E F, jewelry, 133 Geary Schaezlin, R, & Son, jewelry, 2976 Clay Schafer, A, Co, office fixtures, stair building, millwork, 734 Bryant Schaffer, L, & Co, joist hangers, post caps, building tools, 364 10th Schariin Bros, Chinese clothing, 937 Grant Ave Scheeline, Ed, Sales Co, electro steam specialties, glue kettles, radia- tors, hot water heaters, dental and surgical sterilizers, inner tube vulcanizer, 76 Tehama Schemp, J F, & Co, store fixtures, 411 Shotwell Schilling, A, & Co, coffee, tea. spices, extracts, baking powder, 2d and Folsom Schilling, Adam, & Sons, gas engines, 219 Spear Schirner, G, A, auto machinist, 639 Turk Schleben, Fred, auto machinist, 1710 Mission Schluter, H, ice machines, 1238 Mission Schmid, John, store and office fixtures, 58 Oak Grove Ave Schmidt, Carl, folding camp table, etc, 144 8th Schmidt Lithograph Co, lithographed labels and posters, advertising window trims and cut-outs, stationery, booklets, cartons, corru- gated paper products, 2d and Bryant Schmitt, Chas J, folding paper boxes, 523 Folsom Schneider, A, Engineering Works, gasoline engines, bitumin cooking plants, experimental machinery, 1414-1416 15th Schneider Bros, furs, 140 Geary Schneider, C, & Son, jewelry engraver, 704 Market Schneider, Fred J, shirts, 47 Kearny Schnerr, J J, Co (Inc), gears and automotive parts, manufacturing machinists, automotive engineers, 799 Golden Gate Ave Schoenfeld Marble Co, decorative marble and stone work, marble mantels, period fireplaces, 265 Shipley ScNpenstein, F B, models, 531 Fulton 79 Schoenstein, Felix F, & Sons, pipe organs, 2306 Bryant Scholz, Erickson & Co, music engraving and printing, 521 Howard Schrader Iron Works (Inc), fabricated structural steel, 1247 Harrison Schradsky & Domb, ladies' aprons and house dresses, children's rompers, etc, 583 Market Schroeder, H, fur dressing, 117 Day Schubert's Bakery, 2253 Market Schubert, Richard H, plaster chandelier fixtures, 116 Church Schudel & Von Atzingen, auto tops, harness, 438 Valencia Schultze & Schultze, boat building, 1151 Evans Ave Schussler Bros, picture frames and moulding, book ends, candlesticks, desk sets, period mirrors, cabinets and towel commodes, 326 Grove Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co, printing, lithographing, bookbinding, engraving, etc, 609 Market; Shop, 500-510 3d Schwartz Engraving Co, fancy combs and hair ornaments, jewelry, ivory and leather engraving and decorating, 12 Geary Schwartz Ginger Ale Co, 490 5th Schwartz, Rudolph, cigars, 441 Pine Schwartz, Rudolph T, patterns, wood carving, 1625 California Schwarz, F R, bristle brushes, 3263 Mission Schwarz & Gottlieb, tonneau windshields, visors, wind deflectors, rear sight mirrors, etc, 574 Eddy; Factory, 1243 Sutter Schwerin Bros, cigars, 3032 24th Scored Cylinder & Welding Works, refilled scored cylinders, welding and brazing, auto machine work, 489 Golden Gate Ave Scott & Gilbert Co, Pharmaceuticals and domestic chemical prepara- tions, flavoring extracts, 116 1st Seaforth, A, sausage casings, 406 3d; Factory, 248 Mendel I Security Lithograph Co, commercial and bank lithographing, 134 Spring See-Dro Separator Co, battery separators, Hearst Bldg; Factory, Berkeley, Cal Segal & Minner, candy, 560 Fulton Seghieri, D, & Co, artificial granite steps and floors, 35 Cook Seibel Air Spring Co (Inc), air spring seats for tractors and farm Implements, carmen, enginemen, autos and motor trucks, 785 Market; Factory, San Mateo, Cal Seid, John, store fixtures, 608 McAllister Seitz, Chris F, special furniture, 1215 Geary Selby Candy Co, 850 Market Selby Smelting Works, 465 California; Smelter, Selby, Cal Selig Bros, men's suits, 518 Market Semon Embroidery Co, regalia embroidering, 789 Mission Sequoia Press, printing, 789 Mission Service Fender & Radiator Co, 664-668 Eddy Service Press, printing, publishing, 372 Bush Severin, John, cabinets, woodworking, 1480 Broadway Shafkin, S N, jewelry, 212 Stockton 80 Shain Bros, auto machinists,, 2008 Folsom Shanghai Trunk Mfg Co, 1214 Stockton Shanly, Jas M, Co, linotyping, 573 Mission Shannon-Conmy Printing Co, book, magazine, bond and job printing, 509 Sansome Shapter Mfg Co, butcher gowns and aprons, auto coats and dusters, 1206 Divisadero Sharman Camera Works, special cameras and parts, 5 Kearny Shasta Candy Co, sugar coated almonds, peanuts, etc, 2517 24th Shasta Water Co, ginger ale, 699 Brannan Shasta Zinc & Copper Co, zinc oxide, copper, silver and gold matte, 582 Market; Works, Winthrop, Cal Shattuck & Bickford, special printing machines and machinery, auto- matic roll feeder, 355 Battery Shea & LaMont, auto machinists, 2222 Polk Shean Engraving & Printing Co, lithographed labels, 523 Sansome Shell Co of Cal, gasoline, distillates, kerosene, fuel oils, lubricants and greases, 343 Sansome; Refinery, Martinez, Cal Shepard Sales Book Co, sales books, 29 Minna Sherman Clay & Co, pi^^o wire, harmonicas, ukuleles and banjo-uku- leles, music publishing, 165 Kearny; Factory, 741 Mission Sherry Bros, butter, 249 Davis Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, paints, varnishes, stains, enamels, insec- ticides, disinfectants, dyes, dry colors, chemicals and coal tar products, 454 2d; Factory, Emeryville, Cal Shibley, H L, printing, 460 Turk Shields, Thos, sheet metal work, 1928 Post Shine, W A, cigar band, ribbon and label printing, 528 Washington Shipper, Solomon, men's coats, 935 Market Sholin, Chas, mounted washboards, 14 Moss Ave Shreve & Co, jewelry, silverware, leather goods, stationery, dental gold, Post and Grant Ave; Factory, 539 Bryant Shreve, Treat & Eacret, lapidaries, 136 Geary Sicke, J F, woodworking, sheet metal work, 311 9th Ave Sidley Co, The, men's, women's and children's garters, sock garters, arm bands, sanitary belts, oversleeves, 130 Bush; Factory, 45 Ecker Siegel Bag Co, burlap bags, 64 Clay Sierra Art & Engraving Co, photo engraving, 343 Front Sierra Candy Co, 255 Commercial Sierra Glass Co, auto lenses, glass novelties, glass chipping, sand- blasting of wood, metal, stone and glass, 916 Natoma Sierra Press, printing, 639 Gough Silberberg, I Harry, ladies' underwear, 350 Jones Silica Products Co, paint and soap fillers, natural cleaner, insulation and filtering materials, 694-698 4th Silverblatt, Samuel, men's coats, 789 Mission Simmons Co, steel and brass beds, couches, springs, 198 Bay 81 Simon, L & Co, children's dresses and rompers, 150 7th Simon-Levy Co, ladies' hat linings, 833 Market Simon Mattress Mfg Co, mattresses, box couches and box mattresses, 1900 16th Simon Millinery Supply Co, ladies' sport and tailored hats and millin- ery trimmings, 883 Market Simon, M & S, children's middies and suits, frocks, rompers, wash suits, 86 3d Simonds Mfg Co, circular saws, machine knives, 12 Natoma Simone, R, & Co, mattresses, 728 Vallejo Simons, Ben, ladies' silk lingerie, 77 O'Farrell Simplex Ice Machine Co of Cal, refrigerating and ice making machines, 230 8th Simplex System Co, printing and bookbinding, 136 Pine Simpson Brush & Broom Co, brushes and brooms, 517 Mission Simpson & Fisher (!nc), sails, tarpaulins, tents, awnings, 240 Steuart Sims Packing Co, canned tapioca desserts, 3320 20th Sims & Gray Iron Works, structural steel fabricating, general steel and iron work, 550-554 Bryant Skandia Pacific Oil Engine Co, marine and stationary Diesel engines, 593 Market; Factory, Oakland, Cal Slattery, M J, & Co, copper plate engraving and printing, 717 Market Sloane, W & J, window shades, 216-228 Sutter Smith, Bartley & Hoffman, sweater coats and infants' and children's knitted wear, 2058 Mission Smith, Bashford, blue prints, 525 Market Smith, C W, Copper Works, marine copper work, 16-20 Washington Smith, G C, printing, 1381 Sutter Smith, J C, iron, brass, steel and malleable castings and patterns, mining, refrigeration, conveying and shipbuilding machinery, auto motor parts, marine engine work, 22-24 Clementina Smith, J H, & Son, vulcanizers and vulcanizing shop equipment, 3188 Mission Smith, P A, Co, mirrors, art glass, plate beveling, 638 4th Smith, Robt F, Co, felt and composition roofing and magnesite com- position flooring, 433 Clementina Smith, Robertson & Co, (Robertson, McClintock Co Inc), 305 Clay Smith & Scanlon Machine Works, general machine work, 139 Spear Smoot Mfg Co, ladies' silk underwear and neckwear, 783 Mission Snyder Bros Knitting Mills, women's and children's sweater coats, scarfs, knit caps, knit goods novelties, 804 Mission Sokol (Jugoslav publication), Chronicle Bldg; Shop, 1034 Golden Gate Ave Soiter, C A, auto bodies and tops, 18-20 Duboce Ave Somers & Co, alfalfa meal, alfalfa and molasses feeds, crushed barley and oats, 485 California; Mills, Gerber and Port Costa, Cal Sonnenschein Bros, furniture and draperies, 470 Sutter; Factory, 718- 720 N atom a Sonoma Mission Creamery, butter, cheese, 1435 Stockton; Creamery, Sonoma, Cal Soracco & Co, baking, 1700 Stockton Sorrentino, Vincent, mattresses, 1024 Pacific Sosso, J H, & Bro, macaroni, 408 Pacific South City Lumber & Supply Co, sash, doors, cabinets, millwork, South San Francisco South San Francisco Packing & Provision Co, smoked meat, lard, com- pound, sausages, 407 Front; Plant, 1510 Galvez Ave South San Francisco Tallow Works, tallow, 1420 Evans Ave Southern California Iron & Steel Co, bars, bolts, nuts, rivets, Rialto Bldg; Factory, Los Angeles, Cal Soy Bean Food Products Co, soy bean flour, cheese and meal, 551 Pine; Mills, Petaluma, Cal Spalding, A G, & Bros Mfg Co, athletic clothing, athletic knit goods, 438 9th Spangler Compression Tester Co, compression tester, spark plug with compression tester attachment, 620 Golden Gate Ave Spaulding, Horace R, machinery for grain cleaning, rice and flouring mills, blending and feed plants, salt and sugar grinding, special machines and machinery, Folsom and 5th Spaulding, J, & Co, carpet dyeing, 353-357 Tehama Spears Wells Machinery Co (Inc), road machinery, construction equip- ment, agricultural implements, 180 Jessie Speck Mfg & Gear Works, washing machines, gears and gear cutting, machinists, 2130 Folsom Spencer Elevator Co, electric, hydro electric and hydraulic passenger and freight elevators, 166-180 7th Spencer, Richard, dumb waiters, hand power elevators, fly and dust- proof screens, warehouse doors, Hearst Bldg; Factory, 1525 Cole Spencer Street Planing Mill, general mill work, 50 Spencer Spengemann & Suhr, furs, 25 Stockton Sperling, Paul C, window shades, 1184 Treat Ave Sperry Flour Co, flour, cereals, feed, rice products, bags, 332 Pine; Mills, Stockton, Vallejo, Fresno, Chico and Los Angeles, Cal Sperry's Wire and Iron Works, wire work, 182-184 Oak Spiegelman Furniture Mfg Co, (Continental Furniture Mfg Co), 2005 Bryant Spiegelman, Jos B, auto, working and driving gloves, 1255 Divisadero Spiro Co, tents and canvas goods, sleeping bags, leggins and puttees, army and stock saddles, 301 Market Sporny & Lukasczewski, men's coats, 518 Market Spreckels Market Creamery, butter, 251 Stevenson Spreckels Sugar Co, beet sugar, 2 Pine; Refineries, Spreckels and Manteca, Cal 83 St Francis Cigar Mfg Co, cigars, 516 Washington Stachnick Mfg Co, tin plate, tin strips, can opening machines, tin toys, 5th and Hopper Staib, Chas L, platinum and gold jewelry, 177 Post Stamp Electric Hoist Co, hoists, 1500 17th Standard Baking Co, bakery, 350 Duncan; Shop, 1550 Church Standard Biscuit Co, crackers and biscuit, 832 Sansome Standard Blue Print Co, paper and cloth blue prints and blue line prints, Van Dykes and black line prints, 625 Market Standard Box Co, spruce boxes and shook, 488 Beale Standard Drop Forge Co, 593 Market; Plant, Oakland, Cal Standard Factory (Neustadter Bros), Gough and Grove Standard Felt Co, felt shoes and slippers, piano hammers, 417 Market; Factory, West Alhambra, Cal Standard Fence Co, wire and iron work, grilles, gates, wire guards and cloth, 245 Market; Factory, Oakland, Cal Standard Glove Works, lined and unlined work, driving and auto gloves, gauntlets, 306 Sacramento Standard Ice Cream Co, 4258 18th Standard Instrument and Supply Co, scientific, nautical, surveying and optical instruments, 12 Clay Standard Ladies' Hat Mfg Co, ladies' and children's hats, shapes and frames, 731 Market Standard Lumber Co, sugar and white pine lumber, doors, windows, box shook, millwork, 1 Montgomery; Mills, Standard and Sonora, California Standard Machine Works, 252 Townsend Standard Metal Products Co, sheet steel and plate products, fans and blowers, drying, heating and ventilating apparatus, smokestacks, breechings and tanks, 546-548 Bryant Standard Oil Co, petroleum products, 200 Bush; Refineries, Richmond, El Segundo and Bakersfield, Cal Standard Printing Co, 324 Clay 'Standard Sanitary Mfg Co, plumbers' enamelware, earthenware and brass goods, 149-155 Bluxome Standard Scored Cylinder Works, 411 Van Ness Ave Standard Tool & Mfg Co, tools, dies, special machinery and light mfg, 202 2d Standard Underground Cable Co, bare and insulated wire and cable, accessories, 1 Montgomery; Factory, Oakland, Cal Standard Woodworking Co, interior fixtures, 1675 Mission Stanford Patent Key Rack Co, key racks, 628 Montgomery Stange & Viale, jewelry, 760 Market Staples & Pfeiffer, oil burners and strainers, oil pumping systems, pump governors, 102 Steuart Star Aluminum Foundry, aluminum castings, auto foot rest and pedals, 3621 18th 84 - Star Cloak & Suit Mfg Co, ladies' cloaks and suits, 1072 Valencia Star Trunk Factory, fibre trunks, 226 Columbus Ave Starr, Fred C, cigars, 1801 Mission State Mfg Co, wrought iron and sheet metal work, signs, 269 Minna Stauffer Chemical Co, chemicals, 624 California Steamship Upholstery & Supply Co, steamer upholstery and fittings, mattresses, draperies, cushions, springs, 100 Church and 405 Duboce Ave Stearns, Fred & Co, Pharmaceuticals, perfumes, toilet articles, 112 Main Stearns & Gansel, women's fine footwear, 340 Sansome Steeles Pleating & Button Co, pleating, hemstitching, cloth covered buttons, 222 Ellis Steiger & Kerr Stove & Foundry Co, coal, wood or gas ranges and combination ranges, heating stoves, iron castings, Folsom and 18th Steigmeier, Reinhold, jewelry, 760 Market Steimke, D J (Belfast Ginger Ale Co), 2768 Octavia Stein Mfg Co, ladies' waists, neckwear and silk underwear, 733 Market Steinberg, H, coats, wraps, suits, sportwear, 783 Mission Stella Bros Mfg Co, metallic caskets, 1428 Howard Stellwagon, W L, auto machinist, 911 Golden Gate Ave Stendebach, Wm D, jewelry, 760 Market Stenzie Mfg Co, proprietary articles, 73 Lobos Stephenson & Nichols, flexible-metallic and semi-metallic packings, gauge glasses, 1070 Folsom Sterling Auto Top Co, auto tops and trimming, 633 Golden Gate Ave Sterling Laundry Co, 56 Julian Ave Sterling Paint Co, paints, stains, varnishes, floor oils, etc, 118-124 1st; Factory, Emeryville, Cal Stern, A W, Folding Paper Box Co, folding paper boxes, fancy die cutting and embossing, 515 Howard Stern, Jacob, men's hats and caps, 206 Fillmore Stevenson Mfg Co, furniture novelties, English breakfast tables, cedar chests, toys, games, dice boards, 459 Tehama Stewart, M A, Kewpie doll painting, dressing and hair-topping, 890 Geary Stewarts Pleating & Button Factory, buttons, buttonholes, embroid- ery, pleating, hemstitching, ruching, 156 Eddy Stewarts Products Corp, table and confectioners' jellies, 883 Bryant Stiegeler Bros, men's clothing, 732 Market Stieglitz, Geo E, jewelry, 3179 22d Stockton Fire & Enamel Brick Co, clay and magnesite fire brick, Rialto Bldg; Plant, Stockton, Cal Stockton Street Ravioli Factory, 1412 Stockton Stockwitz Printing Co, 1760 Geary Stofan, Anna, cigars, 42 Clara Stone, B, Co, cigars, 652 Sacramento 8i Stone, E B, & A L, crushed rock, gravel and sand, 703 Market; Plants, Cordelia, Antioch and Coyote, Cal Stone, J W, cabinets, counters, flat-top desks, etc, 629 Commercial Stone Typewriter & Ribbon Mfg Co, typewriter ribbons, 514 Market Straus, Louis, men's clothing, 11 Battery; Factory, 220 Leidesdorff Strauss Candy Co, 608 Howard; Factory, Santa Cruz, Cal Strauss, Levi & Co, men's shirts, pants and clothing, overalls, kover- alls, 98 Battery; Factory, 250 Valencia Stretchless Inside Tire Co, inside tires, 618 Golden Gate Ave Strongone & Guzzetta, cookies, 703 Columbus Ave Struck, Rudolph, Co, silk waists, 149 New Montgomery Stubergh, O H, wax figures, papier mache display forms, 10 3d Sturiza & Glunz, metal and wood auto bodies, solid auto tops, slide plate glass tops, 811 Eddy Sturtevant, B F, Co, air handling apparatus, blowers, exhausters, washers, vacuum cleaners, dry kilns, 681 Market; Factory, 166 King Sturtivant & McPherson, wooden boxes, 134 13th Sullivan, W A, auto truck bodies, 565 Folsom Sullivan & Kenealey, tamales, 1825 Polk Sultan, Ernest J, Mfg Co, upholstered and Mission furniture and dav- enports, 460 Bryant Sumski, Harband & Sumski, meat packers, 1510 Evans Ave Sun Tent & Awning Co, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, 37 Washington Sunical Packing Co, canned fruit and vegetables, 24 California Sunnyside Bakery, bread, 2901 Diamond Sunnyvale Canneries, canned fruits, 268 Market; Cannery, Sunnyvale, California Sunset Broom & Brush Co, 853 Treat Ave Sunset Feather Co, pillows, 850 Howard Sunset Hat and Cap Works, men's, boys' and children's cloth hats and caps, 130 2d Sunset Iron Works, ornamental iron and steel, iron stairs, rails and guards, elevator enclosures, and cages, fire escapes, wire work, 964-968 Harrison Sunset Knitting Co, bathing suits, jerseys and jersey coats, athletic knit goods, 1212 Market Sunset Monument Works, marble and granite monuments, mauso- leums, 45 29th Sunset Nut Shelling Co, nut shelters, salted and sugared nuts, peanut butter, cake filling, 241 Clay Sunset Plating Works, gold, silver and nickel plating, baked enamel- ing, 360 Clementina Sunset Publishing House, printing, bookbinding, 448-470 4th Super-Glos Mfg Co, auto and furniture polishes, 1091 Mission Superba Ravioli Factory, 3216 22d Superbo Mfg Co, automatic storage water heaters, 77 O'Farrell; Fac- tory, Los Angeles 86 Superior Brass Foundry, aluminum, brass and bronze castings, bush- ings, 316 1st Superior Oil Burner Co, (Cochran Mfg Co), 96 Harriet Superior Tailoring Co, cut-make-trim clothing, 243 Kearny Superior Tire & Repair Co, vulcanizing, 1650 Pine Supreme Tea Bags Mfg Co, packaged tea, 451 Minna Sure-Shot Co, cough drops, 2590 Folsom Surprise Stove Polish Co, 503 Market; Factory, Stege, Cal Sussman, Wormser & Co, jams, jellies, preserves, marmalades, fruit syrups, fruit pulp, etc, 140 Spear; Factory, 18th and Shotwell Sutliff, H, cigarettes and cigars, 670 Market Swain, Geo, sheet metal products, 165 Steuart Swanston, C, & Son, beef packers, 25 Rhode Island; Plant, Sacramento Swedish Bakery & Import Co, Swedish breadstuff, hardtack, 1820 Folsom Swift & Co, meat smoking, Pacific and Davis Swoboda, A F, architects' models in plaster, 219 7th Sword-Bilodeau Co, (Inc), soap base, green soap, toilet creams, per- fumes and waters, caustic potash, 33 Clementina T Taaffe, Wm, & Co, pork and mutton, 5th and 3d Tacoma Brewing Co, cereal beverages, malt, 675 Treat Ave Tai Sang & Co, jewelry, 737 Jackson Tarn Slide & Film Co, lantern slides, 693 Mission Tamel Packing Co, canned fruits and vegetables, 2240 Folsom Tamm & Nolan Varnish Works, varnishes, finishes, japans and asphalt paints, 151 Potrero Ave Tanner-Spiral Co, cigar and cigarette holders, 52 2d Taylor & Taylor, printing, 404 Mission Taysum Remedies Co, ointments, 458 Clipper Teichert, Otto, cigars, 4407 24th Telegraph Press, printers, publishers, catalogs, 71 Turk Temple of Health Medicine Co, pharmaceutical preparations, 268 Market Terkeltaub, M, show cases, 677 McAllister Testa Cigar Co, cigars, 407 Sansome Theatrical Mfg Co (Inc), theatrical and stage apparatus, 121 Golden Gate Ave Theuriet, Leo J, jewelry, 760 Market Thiebaut Bros, paper boxes, 534 4th Thomas, F A, Co, The, time recorders and watchmen's clocks, 85 2d Thomas, F, Parisian Dyeing & Cleaning Works, 27 10th Thomas, G F, Dyeing and Cleaning Works, 859 14th Thomas & Carlson, patternmakers, 619 Brannan 87 % Thompson Bros, iron castings, gas, steam and water fittings, 625 Brannan Thompson Carriage & Auto Works, auto bodies, 3039 Mission Thompson Floor Co, oak and maple flooring, parquet flooring, 241-245 Harriet Thomsen, H C, boat builders, 930 Evans Ave Thomson, H S, millwork, 3650 Mission Thomson, John, bread and cake, 501 Courtland Ave Thorne & McMann, oak tanned leather, chap, latigo, string, collar, case, bag, strap and tooling calf skins, 22-72 Rickard Thrane Bros, cigars, tobacco, 1800 Market Three in One Chemical Co, scalp and hair tonic, 10 3d Thuener, Wm, steel ranges and ice boxes, 2125 Polk Thumler Bros, silversmithing, engraving, die cutting, 150 Post Thumler & Rutherford, bookbinding, ornamental, leather and silk novelties, 117 Grant Ave Tillman & Bendel, tea, coffee, spices, baking powder, flavoring extracts, salad oils, washing ammonia, 1 Harrison Time Clock Automotive Shops, 796 Golden Gate Ave Tin Fook & Co, jewelry, 727 Jackson Tin Hing & Co, jewelry, ?32 Jackson Tin Shing & Co, jewelry, 716 Jackson Tin Yuen & Co, jewelry, 1005 Grant Ave Titt, Fred, cabinets, 318 Linden Tobias, S L, & Son, printing and bookbinding, 309 Van Ness Ave Todt & Peters, cannery crates, butcher and kitchen racks, draw bands for pipe patching, folding gates, iron fences, ornamental iron work, 322 Main Tofanelli, Sebastian, Machine Works, fruit, paste and paper presses, macaroni dies, paste and noodle machinery, machine work, 940-94 Columbus Ave Tokai Printing Co, job printing, 1816 Post Toloski, Chas E, harness, 3515 Mission Tomasso, T, men's trousers, 58 2d Topper, T J, coffee urns and steam tables, 1067 Mission Torino Bakery Ferro Bros Co, bakers, 2823 23d Torrence, J S, Sales Co, razor strops, 9 Main Torres, Jos M, printing, 509 Sansome Torti, G, sausage, salami, 434 Castro Tosi, Duilio & Co, monuments, Colma Totoro, Tony, Co, men's clothing, 206 Stevenson Towle Sons (Inc), syrup, 582 Market; Refinery, Los Angeles, Cal Townsend's California Glace Fruits Corp, glace fruits, citron, orange and lemon peel, bakers' jams and jellies, 181-187 Shipley Tracy Engineering Co, steam separators and purifiers, 473-485 6th Traung Label & Lithograph Co (Inc), lithographed labels and cartons, 962 Battery Treyer, Theo, wigs and toupees, 602 California 88 Trojan Powder Co, explosives and heavy chemicals, 620 Market; Works, Robert, Cal Trouillet, J P, laundry, 1228 Sutter Tryon, E H, carbonized and scoured wool, greasy wool, Chronicle Bldg; Plant, Stockton, Cal Tubbs Cordage Co, rope, 406 Montgomery; Factory, 22d and Iowa Tucker, E W, & Co (Inc), oil burner plants, oil fuel systems, 347 Fremont Tuckey, H W, & Co, jewelry, medals, emblems, badges, etc, 140 Geary Tully Rubber Stamp Works, rubber stamps, brass stencils, burning and box brands, 45 California Turnbull & Heuer, patternmakers, 2124 Folsom Tway Bros, ship and machine forgings, 318 Brannan Tway, E F, ship forgings, 227 Main Twentieth Century Baking Co, bakers, 1650 Polk Twigg, John, & Sons, steam, sailing and power wooden boats, speed and motor boats, tugs, lighters, yawls, metal life boats and rafts, marine railway, 694 Illinois Twin Peaks Soda Water Works, 128 Eureka Tyler, S H, & Son, coffee, tea, spice, baking powder, flavoring extracts, 154 Davis u Ulman, Victor R, & Co, shirts, pajamas, etc, 515 Market Umland, C G, cigars, 2852 24th Uneeda Shade Co, 110 Church Union Construction Co, engineers and shipbuilders, steel cargo ships and oil tankers, placer mining dredgers, prospecting drills and jigs, steel tanks, riveted and welded hydraulic pipe, mining ma- chinery, 604 Market; Plant, Oakland, Cal Union Feed Co, feed milling, 330 Ritch Union Fish Co, cured codfish, 141 Clay Union Hat Co, ladies' and men's hats, 883 Market Union Ice Co, artificial ice, 354 Pine; Plant, Oakland, Cal Union Lithograph Co, printing and lithographing, 741 Harrison Union Lumber Co, redwood lumber, ties, poles, shingles, shakes, posts, 620 Market; Mills, Fort Bragg, Cal Union Machine Co, mining, dredging and transmission machinery, traveling cranes, 934 Brannan Union Oil Co of Cal, petroleum products, gasoline, distillate, kerosene, greases and lubricants, asphalt stove and road oil, 220 Montgom- ery; Refinery, Oleum, Cal Union Overall Laundry & Supply Co, 407 Shotwell Union Pacific Salt Co, 10 East; Refinery, Mt Eden, Cal Union Paper Box Factory, paper boxes, shelf boxes, 718 Mission 80 Union Petroleum Co of Cal, lubricants, greases, disinfectants, Rialto Bldg; Refinery, Rodeo, Cal Union Press Printery, printing, 1074 Valencia Union Products Corp, tallow, bones, neatsfoot oil, fertilizer, poultry feed, 1198 Evans Ave Union Rice Mills, rice products, 707 Battery Union Seltzer Water Co, 385 9th Union Sugar Co, beet sugar, 310 Sansome; Refinery, Betteravia, Cal Union Superphosphate Co, acid phosphate, 114 Sansome; Works, Stege, California Union Tire & Rubber Co, rubber specialties and dipped goods, 572 Folsom Unique Cloak & Suit Co, 133 Kearny United Cap Works, men's hats and caps, 1515 Ellis United Card Shop, card printing, 630 Market United Engineering Co, marine engines, 224 Spear United Hat Co, ladies' and children's hats, 731 Market; Factory, 741 Mission United Ice Cream Co, ice cream, 2002 Fillmore United Licorice Co, licorice candy, 385 1st United Lighting Fixture Co, electrical fixtures, 1149 Mission United Pattern Works, 47 Clementina United Printing Co, 1510 Buchanan United Sheet Metal Works, sheet metal products, 960 Howard United Shipsmithing Co, 135 Spear United States Chemical Co, floor wax, pine tar, 344 Front United States Faucet Co, soda fountain equipment, root beer barrels, sheet metal work, 1155 Mission United States Metal Products Co, underwriters fire doors, metal win- dows, steel sash, skylights, etc, 330 10th United States Rubber Co, mechanical rubber goods, molded rubber specialties, rubber packing, washers, gaskets, valves, etc, 300 2d United States Smelting, Refining and Mining Co, copper, zinc, gold and silver, 582 Market; Plant, Kennett, Cal United Welding Co, oxy-acetylene and electric welding, 503 Van Ness Ave United Workingmen's Boot and Shoe Mfg Co, boots and shoes, 400 Bartlett Universal Dress Co, ladies' dresses and sport suits, 153 Kearny; Fac- tory, 908 Market Universal Hat Co, ladies' hats, 731 Market Universal Press, printing, 6391 Mission Universal Tire & Rubber Co, belts, conveyor belts, dredger hose and sleeves, rubber hose, tubings, sheet packings, port-gum, dia- phragms, rubber rolls, valves, gaskets, washers, 938 Harrison Universal Tool & Die Shop, tools and dies, 109 New Montgomery 90 Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, motor fans, pop guns, windmills, kite reels, wagon wheels, candy boxes, salt boxes, knife and fork boxes, special novelties and toys, 824 Folsom Upham, Isaac, Co, printing, engraving, bookbinding, 510 Market; Shop, 330 Jackson Upton Bros & Dalzelle, printing, bookbinding, 144 2d Utah' Condensed Milk Co, evaporated milk, 112 Market; Condensery, Gait, Cal V Vail, E G, & Co, picture frames, 2235 Fillmore Valencia Machine Shop, machine work, 132 Valencia Valencia Street Automobile Body Works, metal and wood bodies, auto machine work, 736 Valencia Valqua Products Co, packing, belting, belt dressings and cements, 618 Mission; Factory, Oakland, Cal Van's Shop, metal and wood specialty work, plating, 135 Hyde Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co, Redwood and sugar pine pattern stock, spruce template stock, white pine, Douglas fir, Port Orford white cedar, 5th and Brannan Van Cott, W S, & Co, printing, 445 Sacramento Van Emon, B C, Elevators (Inc), elevators, 235 1st Van Emon Elevator Co, electric, hydraulic and hydro-electric freight and passenger elevators, 1159-65 Howard Van Erp, Dirk, art copper and metal work, 1104 Sutter Van Laak Mfg Co, brooms and brushes, 3281 Harrison Vannucci, R, Co, macaroni, 199 Francisco Van Winkle Rubber Works, vulcanizing, 3186 Mission Van Zandt, dine H, Dental Laboratory, vulcanite, aluminum, gold dentures, dental bridgework, crowns, etc, 821 Market Vapo Corp, iceless refrigerators, 995 Market; Plant, Stockton, Cal Variety Iron Works, welded tanks, containers and steam boilers, welded machine parts, 1188-1192 Harrison Vegetable Oil Corp, cocoanut oil, cocoanut cake, 244 Kearny; Plant, Berkeley, Cal Vekay Poster Co, 830 Market Verga, G, & Co, sausages, 1301 Grant Ave Verga, G D, & Co, sausages, 312 Columbus Ave Verleger & Gussetti, printing, 558 Front Vermont Marble Co, building and monumental marble, 244 Brannan Veteran Press, books, pamphlets, advertising matter and novelties, 1264 Valencia Veyhle & Collins, planing mill products, 547 Brannan Viavi Co, pharmaceutical preparations, 636-652 Pine Vickery, Atkins & Torrey, wood and composition picture frames, book ends, 550 Sutter Victor Oxy-Acetylene Equipment Co, cutting and welding apparatus, 884 Folsom Victoria Pastry Co, pastry, pies, cakes, 1362 Stockton 91 Victory Machine Works, screw and general machine work, 561 Howard Victory Soda Works, 14 Oakwood Vinobar Co, dried grape juice, 536 Washington Virden Packing Co, hams and bacon, lard and shortening, salad and cooking oils, sausages, beef, pork and mutton packers, 1300 Bry- ant; Plant, South San Francisco Visalia Stock Saddle Co, saddles, chaps, silver-mounted bits and spurs, etc, 2117 Market Vitaslide Co, motion picture automatic projection, stereopticon slides, 102 Leavenworth Vitrolite Construction Co, vitrolite products, bathroom, toilet, kitchen, shower and general wainscoting, sink back and drain slabs, soda fountain, restaurant, butcher and delicatessen counters and tops, restaurant table tops, shelving, cash register plates and signs, 1490 Mission Vitt & Zink, candy, 429 California Vulcan Iron Works, ice and refrigerating machinery, electric and hand-power cranes, founders and general machine work, 1849 Kearny W Waas, Henry Co, wood turning, 1861 Mission Wade, Leonard M, linotyping, 557 Clay Wagner Cap Co, industrial and mine safety caps, 268 Market; Factory, Alameda, Cal Wagner, C M, pipes, 17 Kearny Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, milling, grain cleaning, elevating, conveying, transmission and special machinery, 165-171 Beale Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, steam jacketed kettles, candy kettles, boilers, heaters, coils, vacuum pans, marine copper work, kitchen utensils retinned, 85 Minna Wagner Leather Co, sole leather, 59 2d; Tannery, Stockton, Cal Wagner, Max, dental laboratory, 760 Market Wagner Printing Co, 1105 Mission Wah Kit & Co, cigars, 821 Washington Wakelee's (Inc), pharmaceutical preparations, 101 Post; Laboratory, 623 Clement Waldorf Card Shop, printing, 648 Market Wale Printing Co, printing and engraving, 883 Market ^ Walker, C C, candy, 3029 Sacramento Walker & Heuer, pattern makers, 2124 Folsom Walkup, W B, Co, maps and map mounting, 612 Natoma Wallace Egg Carrier Co, folding paper box containers for mailing pur- poses, 253 Minna Wallace, Robt, fur, 146 Geary Wallace, W T, Cleaning & Dyeing Works, 340 11th 92 Walley, E E, furs, 1746 Fillmore Walsh, V S, calendars, 560 Mission Walter, D N & E, & Co (Inc), window shades, 562 Mission Walters Surgical Co, hospital furniture, 441 Sutter Warden Bros, store fixtures, York and Mariposa Wardrobe Laundry Co, 344 Clementina Warwick Automotive Industries, aircraft and automotive engineers, auto gears and parts, tops, bodies, cylinder grinding, wheels, springs, bumpers, radiators, fenders, etc, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave Washington Broom Co, 527 Sansome Washington Pastry Co, Italian and French pastry, 1343 Stockton Washington Square Paste Co, macaroni, 684 Filbert Wassel, Albert, windshields, 1533 Franklin Waters, John, & Co, printing, 35 Montgomery Watkins Extract Co, flavoring extracts, 65 Main Watts, John S, rug weaving, 332 Gough Wayside Press, printing, 1071 Mission Webb, W T, jewelry, optical lenses, 1576 Haight Weber, C F, & Co, desks and cabinets, 985 Market; Factories, Post and Presidio Ave and 89 Bluxome Weed Lumber Co, white pine lumber, 1 Montgomery; Mills, Weed, California Weeks-Howe-Emerson Co, flags, netted cork fenders, tennis nets and seines, 90 Market Weggenmann, Carl, harness, 521 3d Weiderman & Quitman, coat hangers, 1870 Howard Weidner, Chas, souvenir post cards, stereoscopic views, 319 Grant Ave Weirich Baking Co, 924 Valencia Weisenburger, E A, monuments, Colma, Calif Weiser, Mendelson & Meyer, skirts, wash dresses, blouses and smocks, children's wear, 37-39 Battery Weiss, Mark, printing, 628 Montgomery Weissbaum, G, & Co, water pipe and fittings, 127-137 11th Wells, A F, Co, special machinery model makers, patents perfected, labor saving devices, 21 2d; Plant, 47 Minna Wells-Morris Mfg Co, electric motor starting switch, 90 2d Welshons & Symon, oil burners, 3648 18th Weniger, Henry, surgical instruments, 143 Valencia Wentworth, F W, & Co, filing cards and supplies, 539 Market Wertsch, Wm, Co, auto truck bodies, 24 Page Wesely, Chas, & Co, cement laundry trays, 126 Stillman West Coast Chemical Co, polishes, sweeping and cleaning compounds, 77 O'Farrell; Laboratories, 292 Tehama West Coast Laundry Machinery Co, 3238 17th West Coast Porcelain Co, sanitary plumbing fixtures, Millbrae West Coast Rubber Corp, non-deflatable Inner tubes, 33 Dolores West Coast Window Shade Co, 3248 22d 93 West Coast Wire & Iron Works, wire screen and cloth, ornamental iron, brass and bronze work, 861 Howard West, J David, harness, leather work, 1018 Fillmore West, Nicholas R, lubricants, 582 Market; Works, 463 Folsom Western Art Glass & Shade Works, church and memorial windows, glass bending, art glass lamp shades, 105 Turk Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, pipe covering, roofings and roofing paints, wallboard, expansion joints, asbestos and magnesia cement, 25-29 South Park Western Bag Co, burlap bags, 124-130 Main Western Bottling Co, carbonated beverages, 3136 Army Western Brass Mfg Co, builders' hardware, plumbing specialties, 217 Tehama Western Butchers' Supply Co, ice machines, refrigerating plants, counters and cooling boxes, 156-160 4th Western Button Factory, bone buttons, game pegs, pleat raisers, bone rings, 15th and Utah Western Cabinet & Seating Co, furniture, special chairs and daven- ports, picture frames, 1065 Howard Western Can Co, plain and lithographed tin cans, 180 Townsend Western Casing Co, sausage casings, 470 Jackson Western Cloak & Suit Co, ladies' cloaks, suits and wraps, boys' over- coats, 130 Kearny Western Cooperage Co, 1 14th Western Creameries Co, butter, 345 Front; Creamery, Benicia, Cal. Western Electric Co, telephone apparatus and instruments, 680 Fol- som; Factory, Emeryville, Cal Western Electric Motor and Repair Works, electric apparatus, 150 4th Western Equipment Co, bottle capping machines, 101 Front; Factory, 1285 Market Western Fixture & Show Case Co, show cases, store and office fixtures 716-722 McAllister Western Foundry, iron castings for marine engines, elevators, pro- pellers, etc, 912 Folsom Western Furnace & Cornice Co, sheet metal products, 202 Brannan Western Furniture Mfg Co, oak and ivory dressers, davenport and library tables, tea wagons, 100 Sanchez Western Hardwood Mfg Co, store fronts, furniture and fixtures, 1034 Golden Gate Ave Western Hat Mfg Co (Inc), men's fur felt hats, 1114 Mission Western Industries Co, ethyl and denatured alcohol, potash, fertilizer, refined potash salts, stock foods, 110 Sutter; Factory, Agnew Western Iron Works, structural steel and miscellaneous iron work, steel wheelbarrows, 141 Beale Western Loose Leaf Co, loose leaf forms and binders, 543 Clay Western Machinery Co, stationary and marine engines, mining hoists, Rialto Bldg; Factory, Los Angeles, Cal 94 Western-Made Clothing Co, khaki and outing clothing, men's pants, 909 Golden Gate Ave Western Mfg Co, leather and canvas goods, brief cases, wallets, purses, leggings, 617 Mission; Factory, 109 New Montgomery Western Map & Blue Print Co, maps, blue prints, stereopticon slides, photostat copying, etc, 220 Kearny Western Meat Co, meat packers, meat by-products, butter, cheese, etc, 6th and Townsend; Plant, South San Francisco Western Paper Box Co, set-up and folding paper boxes, 437 Market, Factory, Oakland, Cal Western Pipe & Steel Co of Cal, sheet iron and steel pipe, tanks, plates and casing, irrigation supplies, 444 Market; Factories, Richmond, Fresno, Taft and Los Angeles, Cal Western Printing Co, printing, 82 2nd Western Process Engraving Co, photo engraving, 76 2d Western Products Mfg Co, grated cheese, 86 Clay Western Radiator & Fender Co, radiator, fender and sheet metal work, 1430 Bush Western Range Co, hotel ranges, bake ovens, steam tables, restaurant equipment, 532 McAllister Western Safety Mfg Co (Inc), electric safety switches, electric knife switches, metal switch boxes, 247 Minna Western Sheet Metal Works, restaurant, hotel and bakery supplies, tin novelties, 1911 Mission Western Soil Bacteria Co, 442 Sansome Western Stopper Co, crown corks, 2800 20th Western Sugar Refinery, cane sugar and syrup, 2 Pine; Refinery, 23d and Louisiana Western Tallow Co, tallow, greases, fish oil and meal, poultry feed, fertilizer, 1599 Evans Ave; Works, 1501 Evans Ave Western Wire Mattress Co, wire mattresses, 2401 17th Western Woodworking Co, store and office fixtures, interior woodwork, 666 Guerrero Western X-Ray & Equipment Co, X-Ray and electro medical apparatus, etc, 423 Hayes Westinghouse Electric & Mfg Co, switchboards, 1 Montgomery Westinghouse Pacific Coast Brake Co, air brakes, air compressors and oil burning apparatus, 65 Market; Factory, Emeryville, Cal Westmaid Coat and Suit Co (Inc), ladies' coats and suits, 942 Market Weston Basket & Barrel Co, veneer barrels, fruit and berry boxes, 60 Federal Wetenhall, W S, Co, curb bar, fabricated reinforcing steel, 440 Irwin Weule, Louis, Co, standard compensating binnacles, azimuth instru- ments, sounding machines and nautical accessories, 6 California; Factory, 119 Steuart Wheeler, Reynolds & Stauffer, carbon bisulphide, 624 California Whims, W H, fruit and berry boxes, 54 Duboce Ave Whistle Co, flavored syrup, 977 Mission 95 White Bros, hardwood lumber, 5th and Brannan; Mill, Oakland, Cal White Duck Clothing Mfg Co, 142 Sansome White Rock Mine Co, magnesite, 785 Market; Plant, Rutherford, Cal White Vulcanizing Works, rebuilt auto tires, 252 Hyde Whitney Chemical Co, magnesium and potassium chloride, crude mag- nesium sulphate, bath salts, 544 Market; Works, San Mateo Wholesale Typewriter Co (Inc), rebuilt typewriters, 530 Market; Fac- tory, 14 Sansome Widemann Goat Milk Co, 995 Market, Condensery, Pescadero, Cal Widman, W J, Glove Co, men's work and auto gloves, 684 Mission Wiener & Bieber, candy, 88 Merchant Wikkerink, J J, dental laboratory, 870 Market Wilbert, Fred V, machine forgings and tools, 443 Folsom Wilchar, J D, jewelry, 133 Geary Wilcox & Co, printing, 320 1st Wildberg Bros, smelters and refiners of gold, silver and platinum, precious metals in sheet, solder and wire, Pacific Bldg Wildy, F H, stationery, 45 Ecker Wilfert's, sausage, smoked meat, 118 Turk Will & Finck, steel cutting dies, spring eye needles, grain tryers, cut- lery, 1686 Market Willett, Walter M, toilet preparations, squirrel exterminator, dog remedies, 512 Mission Willett & Burr, rebuilt railroad and road contractors' equipment, 512 Mission; Factory, Decoto, Cal Williams Bros Aircraft Corp, airplanes, auto parts, accelerators, stop and turn signals, hose clamps, 816 Oak Williams Printing Co, printers, books and periodicals, letter pads and tablets, 350 Sansome Williams & Berg Co, clothing, 110 Sutter; Factory, 325 Bush Williamson, H E, Co, domestic steam washing machine, centrifugal wringers, paint spraying gun, 22 Grace Wilson & Jansen, mattresses,. 273 12th Wilson & Neff, patterns, 311 Harriet Wimmer, Geo, mining and perforated sheet metal screens, 1332 18th Windeler, Geo, Co, wooden tanks, millwork, 8th and Hooper Wiseman, Geo B, auto parts, 129 Grove Wissing, F W, wood carving, composition ornaments, 452 Fulton Withington Iron Works, structural and ornamental iron, 780 Brannan Witmor Candy Co, marshmallows and hard candies, 705 Sansome Witt, G E, Co (Inc), oil burning appliances, pump governors, oil, oil relief, water relief, vacuum regulating and reducing valves, water and oil heaters, boiler feed-water and oil burner regulators, ther- mostats, 862-864 Howard Witt & Brand, jewelry, 212 Stockton Webbers (Inc), printing, 774 Market Woerner, David, Cooperage Co, 1 14th Wolf Co, cloth hats and caps, 46-50 Sansome 96 Wolf & Bird, extracts, baking powder, chocolate and bakers' supplies, 247 8th Wolfe, L G, Co, printing, bookbinding, loose leaf supplies, 134 Fremont Wolff, L A, printing, 66 Elgin Park Wolter, H M, ham boiling and boning, 2441 Folsom Wonder Mfg Co (Marcus-Lesoine), 730 Market Wood, Geo M, & Co, copper and steel plate engraving, embossing, 583 Market Wood Hydraulic Hoist Co, hydraulic hoists and bodies, 441 Folsom Woodruff, D W, Co, window display fixtures, tables, pedestals, divid- ers, floor and table lamps, mirror frames, millinery, hat, collar and tee stands, costumers, 860 Howard Woodward, Geo H, pistons, wrist pins and rings, crank shaft and cyl- inder cfinding, 1455 Bush Woodward & Rowe, auxiliary transmission for Ford autos, 323 Van Ness Ave Worden, W H, Co, belting, wire rope, logging equipment, 126 Pine Workman Packing Co, tamales, enchiladas, raviolis, sandwich paste, chili con carne, macaroni sauce, deviled chili meat, 428-472 7th Workman, R J, Co (Goetjen & Workman), husk and canned tamales, enchiladas, canned chili con carne, ravioli, spaghetti, macaroni sauce, deviled chili meat, liver paste, 906-910 Webster Worst & Viniss, coatmakers, 243 Kearny Worthington Co (Inc), parts for pumps, oil and water meters, air com- pressors and gas and oil engines, 55 New Montgomery; Shop, 460 Townsend Wright & Ditson-Victor Co, tennis racket stringing, 20 2d Wyss Mfg Co, flavoring extracts, fruit syrups, crushed fruits, 3640 20th Y Yates & Co, paints, oils, varnishes, 762 Folsom; Factory, 259 Clemen- tina Yawman and Erbe Mfg Co, card index and vertical filing system sup- plies, 132 Sutter; Factory, 25 Trinity Ycre French Bakery, bread, pastry, cakes, confections, 1923 Fillmore Ye Olde Copper Shoppe, hand-wrought copper, bronze and brass work, tea and service trays, lamps, desk sets, bowls, crematory urns, etc, 474 Sutter Ye Towne Gossip, character and novelty dolls, 142 Powell; Factory, 147-149 5th York-Bradford Co, paper boxes, 663 Howard York-California Construction Co, refrigerating and ice making machines, 832 Folsom Young, Chas H, Jewelry, 717 Market Young China (daily newspaper), printing, 881 Clay 97 Youngren, R M, jewelry, 760 Market Yuba Mfg Co, tractors, gold dredges and pumps, 433 California; Fac- tories, Benicia and Marysville, Cal Yukon Fur Co, fur garments, 259 Geary z Zan Bros & Co, brooms, whisk brooms, 3546 19th Zett, Geo J, grain triers and pans, 223 Leidesdorff Zimmerman, L, restaurant, cafeteria and kitchenware, 112 Jones Zoorada Co, cultured milk, 712 Larkin Zucker, Fishel, ladies' muslin underwear and aprons, 115 Julian Ave Zunino, F, Reed and rattan work, 1457 Powell 98 Classified Material Section CHEMICAL PRODUCTS ACID ACETIC Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d ACID BORIC Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California ACID CRESYLIC Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial ACID ELECTROLYTE General Chemical Co. 201 Sansome Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California ACID HYDROCHLORIC Stauffer Chemical Co, 634-632 California ACID MURIATIC General Chemical Co, 201 Sansome Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California ACID NITRIC General Chemical Co, 201 Sansome Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California ACID PHOSPHATE Union Superphosphate Co, 114 Sansome ACID RESISTING SOLUTIONS Olomel Mfg Co, 2601 18th ACID STORAGE BATTERY General Chemical Co, 201 Sansome Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California 99 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS ACID SULPHURIC General Chemical Co, 201 Sansome Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California Union Superphosphate Co, 114 Sansome ACID TARTARIC American Cream Tartar Co, 624 California ACID WATER WHITE Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California ACIDS American Cream Tartar Co, 624 California General Chemical Co, 201 Sansome Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California Union Superphosphate Co, 114 Sansome ALCOHOL DENATURED Mason By-Products Co, 2 Pine Western Industries Co, 110 Sutter ALCOHOL ETHYL Mason By-Products Co, 2 Pine Tacoma Brewing Co, 675 Treat Ave Western Industries Co, 110 Sutter ALCOHOL FRUIT Golden State Products Co, 209 California ALUM Pacific Silicate Co, 351 California Stauffer phemical Co, 624-632 California ALUMINA SULPHATE General Chemical Co, 201 Sansome AMMONIA HOUSEHOLD American Packing Co, 18 13th Cluff, William, Co, Spear and Mission Gilt Edge Packing Co, 1909 Mission Tillmann & Bendel, 1 Harrison 100 CHEMICAL PROD U G T S AMMONIA AQUA Herrmann, Geo, Co, 300 Front San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom Tillman & Bendel, 1 Harrison AMMONIA-SULPHATE Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertilizer Co, 485 California ARSENIC CRUDE Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d ASSAY SUPPLIES Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, 576-584 Mission BACCILUS-BULGARIAN Zoorada Co, 712 Larkin BARBER SPECIALTIES Bauer Mfg Co, 533 Market Beckel-Cordy & Hutchinson, 115 Mason Coffin Redington Co, 35 2d Deckelman Bros (I nc), 46-48 Turk Ezonall Products Co, 455 Mission Kline, H J, Co, 455 Folsom Langley & Michaels Co, 42 1st Mask O'Uth Co, 324 Leavenworth Olivolnt Chemical Co, 2501 California Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial Three in One Chemical Co, 10 3d Owl Drug Co, 611 Mission BARIUM CARBONATE Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market BARIUM CHLORfDE Metals & Chemicals Extractfon Co, 582 Market BARIUM SULPHATE Metals & Chemfcals Extraction Co, 582 Market BARIUM SULPHIDE Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market BARIUM TETRA SULPHIDE General Chemical Co, 201 Sansome 101 C:H EM TC A L PRODUCTS BITARTRATE American Cream Tartar Co, 624 California BLANC FIXE Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market BLASTING SUPPLIES California Cap Co, 503 Market Consumers Fuse & Powder Co, 22 Battery Giant Powder Co, 1 Montgomery Hercules Powder Co, Chronicle Bldg Trojan Powder Co, 620 Market BLUE VITRIOL Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California BLUESTONE Mountain Copper Co, 332 Pine Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California BLUING American Packing Co, 18 Sd Cluff, William, Co, Spear and Mission Gilt Edge Packing Co, 1909 Mission Lucy, G R, & Co, 100 San Bruno Ave San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom Tillman & Bendel, 1 Harrison Tyler, S H, & Son, 154 Davis BORAX Pacific Coast Borax Co, 2 Pine Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California CAKESALT Lawrence-Reynolds Co, 351 California Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California CALCIUM CHLORIDE Faget Engineering Co (Inc), 545 Howard Herrmann, Geo, Co, 300 Front Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California 102 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS CAPSEXPLOSIVE California Cap Co, 503 Market Giant Powder Co, 1 Montgomery Hercules Powder Co, Chronicle Bldg CARBOLIC CRUDE Kline, H J, Co, The, 455 Folsom Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial CARBON-BISULPHIDE Ctauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California CARBON DIOXIDF, Pure Carbonic Co, 524 Gough CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main CARTRIDGES California Cap Co, 503 Market National Lead Co of Cal, 485 California CARTRIDGES MILITARY National Lead Co of Cal, 485 California CARTRIDGES SPORTING National Lead Co of Cal, 485 California CASEIN California Central Creameries, 417 Market Carpenter Milk Products Co, 112 Market CAUSTIC POTASH Sword-Bilodeau Co, 33 Clementina CAUSTIC SODA Great Western Electro Chemical Co, 9 Main Pacific Silicate Co, 351 California Stauffer Chemical Co, 624 California CEMENT BELT Valqua Products Co, 618 Mission 103 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS CHARCOAL ANIMAL Harms, H & Co, 511 Brannan Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertilizer Co, 485 California Pacific Guano & Fertilizer Co, 114 Sansome CHARCOAL WOOD California Charcoal Co, 311 California CHEMICALS Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, 576-584 Mission General Chemical Co, 201 Sansome Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California CHEMICALS ASSAY Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, 576-584 Mission CHEMICALS METALLURGY Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, 576-584 Mission CHEMICALS PHOTO ENGRAVING Reed, Geo Russell, Co, 341-345 Clay CHEMICALS PHOTOGRAPHIC American Chemical Works, 333 Bay Hirsch & Kaye, 239 Grant Ave CHLORINE-LIME Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main CHLORINE-LIQUID Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main CHLORINE PRODUCTS Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main CHLORINE-SULPHUR Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main COLORING MEAT Hercules Chemical Works, 211 Fourth COMPOUNDS ACID RESISTING Olomel Mfg Co, 2601 18th 104 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS CO M PO U N DS ASSAYI NG Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, 576-584 Mission COMPOUNDS BITUMINOUS Oiomel Mfg Co, 2601 18th COMPOUNDS BLEACHING Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main Household Necessity Co, 2125 Market COMPOUNDS BOILER Bird Archer Co, 1 Drumm Clark & Blake, 1225 Folsom Garratt-Callahsn Co, 30 Fremont Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont COMPOUNDS CLEANING GLOVE Langley & Michaels Co, 42 1st COMPOUNDS CLEANING PAINT National Window Shade Co, 244 Eddy COMPOUNDS CLEANING SHADE National Window Shade Co, 244 Eddy COMPOUNDS CLEANSING Bennett, E W, & Co, 2000 16th Cedar Sweep Co, 416 Harriet Clark & Blake, 1225 Folsom Del Monte Mfg Co, 234 Eddy National Window Shade Co, 244 Eddy Radium Specialties Mfg Co, 1040 Larkin SOS Mfg Co of Cal, 249 Minna West Coast Chemical Co, 77 O'Farrell COMPOUNDS COPPER American Marine Paint Co, 311 California COMPOUNDS CUTTING Master Refining Co, 582 Market COMPOUNDS DECOLORIZING Baxter & Co, 1535 Chestnut 105 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS COMPOUNDS FILTERING Baxter & Co, 1535 Chestnut COMPOUNDS INSULATING Sterling Paint Co, 118-124 1st COMPOUNDS LAUNDRY Keystone Mfg Co, 237 Clementina COMPOUNDS OIL Olomel Mfg Co, 2601 18th COMPOUNDS PAINT Olomel Mfg Co, 2601 18th COMPOUNDS PAINT CLEANING National Window Shade Co, 244 Eddy COMPOUNDS POLOM ERIC Anti-Teredo Paint Co, Inc, 2915 19th COMPOUNDS PURIFYING Baxter & Co, 1535 Chestnut COMPOUNDS SHADE CLEANING National Window Shade Co, 244 Eddy COMPOUNDS SWEEPING Cedar Sweep Co, 416 Harriet Crescent Chemical Compounds, 2722 17th Lacko Specialty Co (Inc), 1415 Folsom Muller, Werner, 171 14th West Coast Chemical Co, 77 O'Farrell COMPOUNDS WATERPROOFING Imperial Co, 142 Stillman COPPER SULPHATE American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California California Copper Producers' Trust, 74 New Montgomery Mountain Copper Co, 332 Pine Pacific Silicate Co, 351 California Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-622 California Whitney Chemical Co, 544 Market 106 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS COPPERAS Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California CORN SHIELDS Brown, Jas, 25 7th CREAM FACE Burgess, Z E, 642 Eddy Cummings, Mrs G M, 406 Sutler Langley & Michaels Co, 42 1st Mask O'Uth Co, 324 Leavenworth Millar, Adele, Co, 345-347 Stockton Monte, R C, & Co, 151 Minna Parfumerie d'Orsey, 316 O'Farrell CREAM SHAVING Ezonall Products Co, 455 Mission CREAM TARTAR American Cream Tartar Co, 624 California DENTIFRICES Bucadyne Chemical Co, 593 Market Delaware Pharmacal Co, 501 Mission Drucker, August E, Co, 2226 Bush Langley & Michaels Co, 42 1st Myrrohl Chemical Co, 390 Geary DEODORANTS Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard Sanitary Products Co, 612 Merchant DIPS SHEEP, ETC Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, 177 Jessie Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial DISINFECTANTS Bugdi Disinfecting Co, 285 4th Cedar Sweep Co, 416 Harriet Goodwin, Jas, 526 O'Farrell Hercules Chemical Works, 211 Fourth Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard Kline, H J, Co, 455 Folsom Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, 177 Jessie 107 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS National Paper Products Co, 1789 Montgomery Radium Specialties Mfg Co, 1040 Larkin Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial Rosealene Products Co, 667 Howard Sherwin-Williams Co, 454 2d Union Petroleum Co of Cal, Rialto Bldg West Coast Chemical Co, 77 O'Farrell DRESSING AUTO TOP Hydro-Carbon Companies, Inc, 681 Market Macbeth Chemical Co, 782 O'Farrell DRESSING LEATHER California Leather Dressing Co, 1574-1576 Market Corona Products Co, 636 Rivera Dixon Mfg Co, 862 Guerrero Macbeth Chemical Co, 782 O'Farrell Marcus-Lesoine (Inc), 730 Mission Valqua Products Co. 618 Mission DRESSING LINOLEUM Hydro-Carbon Companies (Inc), 681 Market DUST TOBACCO International Milling Co, 767 Beach DYEING AND CLEANING SUPPLIES Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, 576-584 Mission DYES Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, 576-584 Mission California Ink Co, 426 Battery California Leather Dressing Co, 1574-1576 Market Ever-Nu Mfg Co, 2539 Mission Macbeth Chemical Co, 782 O'Farrell Marcus-Lesoine (Inc), 730 Mission Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d DYES AUTO TOP Everbright Mfg Co, 409 Golden Gate Ave DYES HAT Macbeth Chemical Co, 782 O'Farrell Marcus-Lesoine (Inc), 730 Mission 108 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS DYES LEATHER California Leather Dressing Co, 1574-1576 Market Ever-Nu Mfg Co, 2539 Mission Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d DYES STOCKING Ever-Nu Mfg Co, 2539 Mission DYES PRINTING California Ink Co, 426 Battery DYNAMITE Giant Powder Co, 1 Montgomery EBONOL Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d EFFERVESCENT PREPARATIONS Milano Products Co, 333 Clay ELECTROLYTE General Chemical Co, 201 Sansome Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California EMBALMERS' SUPPLIES California Casket Co, 959 Mission Eureka Fluid Works (Inc), 1209 Valencia Pacific States Casket Co, 1167 Mission ETHER Mason By-Products Co, 2 Pine EUCALYPTUS PREPARATIONS Goodwin, Jas, 526 O'Farrell Langley & Michaels Co, 42 1st EXPLOSIVES California Cap Co, 503 Market Consumers' Fuse & Powder Co, 22 Battery Giant Powder Co, 1 Montgomery Hercules Powder Co, Chronicle Bldg Trojan Powder Co, 620 Market 109 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS EXPLOSIVES CAPS California Cap Co, 503 Market Giant Powder Co, 1 Montgomery Hercules Powder Co, Chronicle Bldg EXPLOSIVES HIGH Giant Powder Co, 1 Montgomery Hercules Powder Co, Chronicle Bldg Trojan Powder Co, 620 Market EXTERMINATORS Bugdi Disinfecting Co, 285 4th California Chemical Co, 696 4th Insecticide Co, 45 Ecker Kilmol Factory, 1170 Sutter Kline, H J, Co, 455 Folsom Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, 177 Jessie Rosealene Products Co, 667 Howard Willett, Walter M, 512 Mission EXTERMINATORS RAT Insecticide Co, 760 Market Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, 177 Jessie EXTERMINATORS RODENT California Chemical Co, 696 4th Willett, Walter M, 512 Mission EXTERMINATORS SQUIRREL Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, 177 Jessie Willett, Walter M, 512 Mission EYE WATER Mayerle, Geo, 960 Market FERTILIZER California Copper Producers' Trust, 74 New Montgomery California Fertilizer Works, 444 Pine California Sea Products Co, 235 Montgomery Forbes Chemical Co, 43 St Anne Hawaiian Fertilizer Co (Ltd) 256 California Miller & Lux, 465 California Mountain Copper Co, 332 Pine Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertilizer Co, 485 California Pacific Guano & Fertilizer Co, 114 Sansome 110 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Pacific Packers' Assn, 112 Market San Francisco Sulphur Co, 624 California Union Products Corp, 1198 Evans Ave Union Superphosphate Co, 114 Sansome Western Fertilizer Co, 234 Eddy Western Industries Co, 110 Sutter Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend Western Soil Bacteria Co, 442 Sansome Western Tallow Co, 1599 Evans Ave FILLERS SOAP Silica Products Co, 694-698 4th FIREWORKS Newton's California Mfg Co, 249 Front FLUID EMBALMING California Casket Co, 959 Mission Eureka Fluid Works (Inc), 1209 Valencia Pacific States Casket Co, 1167 Mission FLUID SANITARY Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard FLUID SOLDERING Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California FLUIDS WRITING Edwards. H, Mfg Co, 20 Natoma FUNGICIDES Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, 177 Jessie Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial FUSES BLASTING California Cap Co, 503 Market Consumers Fuse & Powder Co, 22 Battery Hercules Powder Co, Chronicle Bldg GAS ACETYLENE Commercial Acetylene Supply Co (Inc), 681 Market Prest-O-Lite Co, 351 California 111 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS GAS CARBONIC ACID Mason By-Products Co, 2 Pine Pacific Carbonic Gas Co, 68 Post Pacific Silicate Co, 351 California Pure Carbonic Co, 524 Gough GAS OXYGEN Linde Air Products Co, 351 California GERMICIDES Radium Specialties Mfg Co, 1040 Larkin GLUE Anti-Teredo Paint Co (Inc), 2915 19th California Glue Co, Fairfax Ave and Rankin Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertilizer Co, 485 California Robinson Chemical Works, 351 8th Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend Western Tallow Co, 1599 Evans Ave GLUE FISH California Glue Co, Fairfax Ave and Rankin GLUE LIQUID Robinson Chemical Works, 351 8th GLUE POWDERED California Glue Co, Fairfax Ave and Rankin GYPSUM Pacific Portland Cement Co, 821 Market INKS Arlett Roach Co, 83 Clay Buehrer, E C, Co, 18 Front California Ink Co, 426 Battery California Leather Dressing Co, 1574-1576 Market Edwards, H, Mfg Co, 20 Natoma Huber, J M, 422 Sacramento Ink Ribbon Mfg Co, 635 Howard Metals & Chemical Extraction Co, 582 Market Montebello Ink Co, 630 Clay Morrill, Geo H, Co, of Cal, 130 Fremont Reed, Geo Russell, Co, 341-345 Clay 112 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS INKS COLORED Edwards, H, Mfg Co, 20 Natoma INKS DUPLICATING Buehrer, E C, Co, 18 Front INKS LEATHER California Leather Dressing Co, 1574-1576 Market INKS LITHOGRAPHING Arlett Roach Co, 83 Clay California Ink Co (Inc), 426 Battery INKS PRINTING Arlett Roach Co, 83 Clay California Ink Co (Inc), 426 Battery Huber, J M, 422 Sacramento Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market Morrill, Geo H, Co of Cal, 130 Fremont Reed, Geo Russell, Co, 341-345 Clay INKS ROTOGRAVURE Metais & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market INKS STENCIL Buehrer, E C, Co, 18 Front INKS WRITING Edwards, H, Mfg Co, 20 Natoma INSECTICIDES Bugdi Disinfecting Co, 285 4th General Chemical Co, 201 Sansome Glidden Co of Cal, The, 123-169 Hooper Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard Insecticide Co, 760 Market Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, 177 Jessie Radium Specialties Mfg Co, 1040 Larkin Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial Rosealene Products Co, 667 Howard IRON OXIDE Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California 113 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS IRON SULPHATE California Copper Producers' Trust, 74 New Montgomery Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California LABORATORY SUPPLIES Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, 576 Mission LAMP BLACK Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d LAUNDRY SUPPLIES Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission LEAD ACETIC Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d LEATHER DRESSING California Leather Dressing Co, 1574-1576 Market Corona Products Co, 636 Rivera Dixon Mfg Co, 862 Guerrero Everbright Mfg Co, 409 Golden Gate Ave Macbeth Chemical Co, 782 O'Farrell >- Marcus-Lesoine (Inc), 730 Mission LIME CHLORINATED Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main LOTIONS Burgess, Z E, 642 Eddy Mask O'Uth Co, 324 Leavenworth Millar, Adele, Co, 345-347 Stockton MAGNESIA Maltby, C S, 785 Market National Magnesia Mfg Co, 544 Market Pacific Silicate Co, 351 California MAGNESIA PRODUCTS National Magnesia Mfg Co, 544 Market Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, 25-29 South Park MAGNESIUM CARBONATE National Magnesia Mfg Co, 544 Market 114 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE Whitney Chemical Co, 544 Market MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE CRYSTALS Oliver Chemical Co, 268 Market MAGNESIUM SULPHATE CRUDE Whitney Chemical Co, 544 Market MANICURE PREPARATIONS Burgess, Z E, 642 Eddy Langley & Michaels Co, 42-60 1st Mask O'Uth Co, 324 Leavenworth Owl Drug Co, 611 Mission MATCHES Diamond Match Co, 112 Market Metropolitan Match Co, 503 Market MATCHES SULPHUR BLOCK Metropolitan Match Co, 503 Market MEDICINES AND REMEDIES Anti-Uric Co, 32 Front Associated Pharmacists, 617 Mission Baalmann, J, 72 2d Balsamea Co, 2590 Folsom Calenduline Co (Inc), 119 New Montgomery Delaware Pharmacal Co, 501 Mission Fenosote Co, 1037 Mission Force, S B, Mfg Co, 101 Post Fuiton, John J, Co, 88 1st Goodwin, Jas, 526 Q'Farrell Grosso & Co, 265 Chestnut Guptill, Mrs E A, 1458 Pacific Ave Langley & Michaels Co, 42-60 1st Lash's Products Co, 42 Beale Lind & Stevens, 108-110 Davis Medicinal Vegetable Extract Co, 32 Front Nature's Herb Co, 1842-1844 Fillmore Olivoint Chemical Co, 2501 California Owl Drug Co, 611 Mission Pawnee Indian Medicine Co, 2476 Howard Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial 115 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Stearns, Fred & Co, 112 Main Stenzie Mfg Co, 73 Lobos Sure-Shot Co, (cough drops), 2590 Folsom Sword-Bilodeau Co, 33 Clementina Taysum Remedies Co, 458 Clipper Temple of Health Medicine Co, 268 Market Viavi Co, 636-652 Pine Wakelee's Pharmacies, 101 Powell MUCILAGE Edwards, H Mfg Co, 20 Natoma Ink Ribbon Mfg Co, 635 Howard Montebello Ink Co, 630 Clay NITRATE OF SODA San Francisco Salt Refinery, 624 California OAKUM Meagher's, Jas, Sons, 1611-1627 San Bruno Ave OIL VITRIOL Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California OILS CREOSOTE Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial OILS ESSENTIAL Kohn-Boldemann Co, 122 Front OILS EUCALYPTUS Goodwin, Jas, 526 O'Farrell OILS FLOOR Cedar Sweep Co, 416 Harriet Crescent Chemical Compounds, 2722 17th Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard Kline, H J, Co, 455 Folsom Rosealene Products Co, 667 Howard Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush Sterling Paint Co, 118-124 1st OILS HYDROGENATED Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main 116 ' CHEMICAL PRODUCTS OILS MEDICINAL Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush OILS MINERAL Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush OILS NEATSFOOT California Fertilizer Works, 444 Pine Union Products Corp, 1198 Evans Ave OILS PINE Kline, H J, Co, The, 455 Folsom OLEUM Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California OXIDE BROWN Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California OXIDE RED Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California OXYGEN Linde Air Products Co, 351 California PASTE Bennett, E W, & Co, 2000 16th Edwards, H, Mfg Co, 20 Natoma Ink Ribbon Mfg Co, 635 Howard Montebello Ink Co, 630 Clay Robinson Chemical Works, 351 8th PERFUMES Bauer Mfg Co, 533 Market d'Orsey, Mme Madeleine, 1123 Market Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard Millar, Adele, Co, 345-347 Stockton Monto, R C, & Co, 151 Minna Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market Radium Specialties Mfg Co, 1040 Larkin Rieger, Paul, Co, 116-118 1st Sanitary Products Co, 612 Merchant Stearns, Fred & Co, 112 Main Sword-Bilodeau Co (Inc), 33 Clementina 117 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS PEROXIDE OF HYDROGEN Langley & Michaels Co, 42 1st Peroxide Mfg Co, 4th and Kentucky PHOSPHATE ROCK Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California PIGMENTS CHEMICAL Dill-Coppage (Inc), 235 Pine Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market PINE TAR United States Chemical & Mfg Co, 344 Front POLISH Bennett, E W, & Co, 2000 16th California Leather Dressing Co, 1574-1576 Market Cedar Sweep Co, 416 Harriet Corona Products Co, 636 Rivera Crescent Chemical Compounds, 2722 17th Debest Products Co, 1034 Mission Dixon Mfg Co, 862 Guerrero Eastern Manufacturers Co, 312 Clay Graphite Products Co, 503 Market Lacko Specialty Co (Inc), 1415 Folsom Marcus-Lesoine (Inc), 730 Mission Phoenix Laboratories, 704 Polk Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial Rosealene Products Co. 667 Howard Super-Glos Mfg Co, 1091 Mission Surprise Metal Polish Co, 503 Market West Coast Chemical Co, 77 O'Farrell POLISH ALUMINUM Dixon Mfg Co, 862 Guerrero POLISH AUTO Crescent Chemical Compounds, 2722 17th Debest Products Co, 1034 Mission Everbright Mfg Co, 409 Golden Gate Ave Lacko Specialty Co (Inc), 1415 Folsom Phoenic Laboratories, 704 Polk Super-Glos Mfg Co, 1091 Mission West Coast Chemical Co, 77 O'Farrell 118 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS POLISH FURNITURE Cedar Sweep Co, 416 Harriet Dixon Mfg Co, 862 Guerrero Lacko Specialty Co (Inc), 1415 Folsom Super-Glos Mfg Co, 1091 Mission v POLISH LEATHER California Leather Dressing Co, 1574-1576 Market Corona Products Co, 636 Rivera Dixon Mfg Co, 862 Guerrero Macbeth Chemical Co, 782 O'Farrell Marcus-Lesoine (Inc), 730 Mission POLISH METAL Bennett, E W, & Co, 2000 16th Cedar Sweep Co, 416 Harriet Dixon Mfg Co, 862 Guerrero Eastern Manufacturers Co, 312 Clay Everbright Mfg Co, 409 Golden Gate Ave Graphite Products Co, 503 Market Lacko Specialty Co (Inc), 1415 Folsom POLISH PIANO Crescent Chemical Compounds, 2722 17th Super-Glos Mfg Co, 1091 Mission POLISH SHOE Corona Products Co, 636 Rivera Dixon Mfg Co, 862 Guerrero Marcus-Lesoine (Inc), 730 Mission POLISH STOVE Dixon Mfg Co, 862 Guerrero Graphite Products Co, 503 Market Lacko Specialty Co (Inc), 1415 Folsom Surprise Stove Polish Co, 503 Market POTASH American Beet Sugar Co, 625 Market Mason Distilling Co, 2 Pine Oliver Chemical Co, 268 Market word-Bilodeau Co (Inc), 33 Clementina Western Industries Co, 110 Sutter Whitney Chemical Co, 544 Market 119 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS POTASH CAUSTIC Sword-Bilodeau Co (Inc), 33 Clementina POTASH CHLORIDE Whitney Chemical Co, 544 Market POTASH CRUDE Oliver Chemical Co, 268 Market POWDER BLASTING BLACK Giant Powder Co, Cons, The, 1 Montgomery Hercules Powder Co, Chronicle Bldg Trojan Powder Co, 620 Market POWDER COMPLEXION Millar, Adele, Co, 345-347 Stockton Orion Toilet Co, 573 Minna Willett, Walter M, 512 Mission POWDER WASHING Fischbeck Soap Co, 17th and Rhode Island Household 'Necessity Co, 2125 Market Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California PRESERVATIVES EGG Household Necessity Co, 2125 Market PRESERVATIVES MEAT Hercules Chemical Works, 211 Fourth PRESERVATIVES WOOD Sherwin-Williams Co, of Cal, 454 2d PYRITES Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California REMEDIES See Also Medicines REMEDIES DOG Willett, Walter M, 512 Mission REMEDIES EUCALYPTUS Goodwin, Jas, 526 O'Farrell 120 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS REMEDIES EYE Mayerle, Geo, 960 Market REMEDIES HERB Nature's Herb Co, 1842-1844 Fillmore REMEDIES RHEUMATIC Anti-Uric Co, 32 Front RODENT DESTROYERS American Electric Fly & Rodent Destroyer, 78 2d SAL SODA Gutradt, Jos, Co, 356 Fremont Los Angeles Soap Co, 250 Front Newell & Bro, 1462 San Bruno Ave Pacific Silicate Co, 351 California Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California SALT Arden Salt Works, 821 Market American Salt Co, 341 Broadway California Salt Co, 220 Montgomery Continental Salt & Chemical Co, 1 Drumm Leslie Salt Refining Co, 544 Market Oliver Salt Co, 268 Market Pioneer Salt Co, 200 Sacramento Plummer Bros, 268 Market San Francisco Salt Refinery, 624 California Union Pacific Salt Co, 10 East SALT CAKE Lawrence-Reynolds Co, 351 California Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market Stauffer Chemical Co, 624 California SALTS BATH Whitney Chemical Co, 544 Market SALTS EPSOM Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market Oliver Chemical Co, 268 Market Pacific Silicate Co, 351 California 121 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS SALTS GLAUBERS Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California SALTS POTASH Mason By-Products Co, 2 Pine Western Industries Co, 110 Sutter SALTS POTASH REFINED Mason By-Products Co, 2 Pine Western Industries Co, 110 Sutter SALTS ROCHELLE San Francisco Salt Refinery, 624 California Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California SHAMPOOS Deckelman Bros, 48 Turk Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard Kline, H J, Co, 455 Folsom Mask O'Uth Co, 324 Leavenworth Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial SOAP Clark & Blake, 1225 Foisom Crystalline Soap Co, Army and Hampshire Debest Products Co, 1034 Mission Evarding, J, Co, 80 Clay Fischbeck Soap Co, 17th and Rhode Island Gutradt, Jos, Co, 356 Fremont Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard Kline, H J, Co, The, 455 Folsom Langley & Michaels Co, (liquid), 42 1st Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, 177 Jessie Los Angeles Soap Co, 250 Front Lucy, G R, & Co, 100 San Bruno Ave National Paper Products Co, 1789 Montgomery Newell & Bro, 1462 San Bruno Ave Old Oak Soap Co, 1053 Mission Pacific Coast Borax Co, 2 Pine Phoenix Laboratories, 704 Polk Pioneer Soap Co, 400 15th Radium Specialties Mfg Co, 1040 Larkin Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial 122 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Royal Soap Co, Davidson Ave and Newhall Sherwin-Williams Co of Ca!, 454 2d Sword-Bilodeau Co (Inc), 33 Clementina West Coast Chemical Co, 77 O'Farrell SOAP AUTO Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard Phoenix Laboratories, 704 Polk Pioneer Soap Co, 400 15th Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d SOAP BASE Hockwald Chemical Co, ,531 Howard Sword-Bilodeau Co (Inc), 33 Clementina SOAP BORAX Pacific Coast Borax Co, 2 Pine SOAP CHIP Pacific Coast Borax Co, 2 Pine Royal Soap Co, Davidson Ave and Newhall SOAP CHIP BORAX Pacific Coast Borax Co, 2 Pine SOAP GREEN OIL Sword-Bilodeau Co (Inc), 33 Clementina SOAP LAUNDRY Fischbeck Soap Co, 17th and Rhode Island Gutradt, Jos, Co, 356 Fremont Lucy, G R, & Co, 100 San Bruno Ave Pioneer Soap Co, 400 15th Royal Soap Co, Davidson Ave and Newhall SOAP LINSEED OIL Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d SOAP LIQUID Clark & Blake, 1225 Folsom Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard Langley & Michaels Co, 42 1st Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, 177 Jessie 123 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS National Paper Products Co, 1789 Montgomery Radium Specialties Mfg Co, 1040 Larkin Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial West Coast Chemical Co, 77 O'Farrell SOAPMECHANICS Debest Products Co, 1034 Mission Phoenic Laboratories, 704 Polk Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d SOAP PASTE Clark & Blake, 1225 Folsom Old Oak Soap Co, 1053 Mission SOAP SCOURING Gutradt, Jos, Co, 356 Fremont SOAP SHAMPOO Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial SOAP SOFT Pioneer Soap Co, 400 15th SOAP TOILET Fischbeck Soap Co, 17th and Rhode Island Gutradt, Jos, Co, 356 Fremont SODA ASH Oliver Chemical Co, 268 Market Pacific Silicate Co, 351 California SODA CAUSTIC Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main Pacific Silicate Co, 351 California SODA NITRATE San Francfsco Salt Refinery, 624 California SODA NITRATE REFINED San Francisco Sait Refinery, 624 California 124 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS SODA SILICATE Pacific Silicate Co, 351 California Philadelphia Quartz Co of Calif, 24 California SODA SULPHATE Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California SODIUM CHLORIDE San Francisco Salt Refinery, 624 California SOIL BACTERIA Western Soil Bacteria Co, 442 Sansome SOLUTIONS ACID RESISTING Olomel Mfg Co, 2601 18th SPRAYS CHEMICAL Bugdi Disinfecting Co, 285 4th California Copper Producers' Trust, 74 New Montgomery Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, 177 Jessie Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial SPRAYS INSECT Leinen, John F, Chemical .Co, 177 Jessie Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial SPRAYS ORCHARD Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, 177 Jessie Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial SPRAYS POULTRY Leinen, John F, Chemical Co, 177 Jessie Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial STARCH Evarding, J, Co, 80 Clay SULPHATE OF ALUMINA General Chemical Co. 201 Sansome SULPHATE OF COPPER American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California California Copper Producers' Trust, 74 New Montgomery 125 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Mountain Copper Co, 332 Pine Pacific Silicate Co, 351 California Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California Whitney Chemical Co, 544 Market SULPHATE OF COPPER CRUDE California Copper Producers' Trust, 74 New Montgomery SULPHATE OF COPPER REFINED American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California California Copper Producers' Trust, 74 New Montgomery SULPHATE OF IRON California Copper Producers' Trust, 74 New Montgomery Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California SULPHATE OF IRON CRUDE California Copper Producers' Trust, 74 New Montgomery SULPHATE OF IRON REFINED California Copper Producers' Trust, 74 New Montgomery SULPHUR Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main San Francisco Sulphur Co, 624 California SULPHUR CHLORINE Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main SUPERPHOSPHATES Mountain Copper Co, 332 Pine Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California Union Superphosphate Co, 114 Sansome SYRUP MEDICINAL Langley & Michaels Co, 42 1st TANNERS' SUPPLIES Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, 576-584 Mission TETRACH LORI DE-CARBON Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main 126 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS TOBACCO DUST International Milling Co, 767 Beach TOILET PREPARATIONS Associated Pharmacists, 617 Mission Bauer Mfg Co, 533 Market Beckel-Cordy & Hutchinson, 115 Mason Burgess, Z E, 642 Eddy Cummings, Mrs G M, 406 Sutter Debest Products Co, 1034 Mission Deckelman Bros, 48 Turk d'Orsey, Mme Madeleine, 1123 Market Drucker, August E, Co, 2226 Bush Ezonall Products Co, 455 Mission Langley & Michaels Co, 42-60 1st Mask O'Uth Co, 324 Leavenworth Maurine Co, 340 Sansome Millar, Adele, Co, 345-347 Stockton Olivoint Chemical Co, 2501 California Orion Toilet Co, 573 Minna Owl Drug Co, 611 Mission Parfumerie d'Orsey, 316 O'Farrell Primo Products Co, 617 Mission Sanitary Products Co, 612 Merchant Stearns, Fred & Co, 112 Main Sword-Bilodeau Co (Inc), 33 Clementina Three in One Chemical Co, 10 3d Wakelee's (Inc), 101 Powell Willett, Walter M, 512 Mission TURPENTINE SUBSTITUTE Hydro-Carbon Companies (Inc), 681 Market WATER MEDICINAL Diamond Chemical Co, 1201 Sutter WATER TOILET d'Orsey, Mme Madeleine, 1123 Market Langley & Michaels Co, 42 1st Rieger, Paul, & Co, 116-118 1st WATERPROOFING BUILDING Imperial Co, 142 Stillman 127 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS WAX BEES Root, A I, Co, 52 Main WAX FLOOR United States Chemical & Mfg Co, 344 Front WAX LEATHER California Leather Dressing Co, 1574-1576 Market ZINC CHLORIDE Great Western Electro-Chemical Co, 9 Main Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-632 California ZINC OXIDE Shasta Zinc & Copper Co, 582 Market ZINC SULPHATE Metals & Chemicals Extraction Co, 582 Market 128 FOOD PRODUCTS ALBUMEN Carpenter Milk Products Co, 112 Market ALIMENTARY PASTE Azteca Co (tortillas), 1359 Powell Cafferata Bros, 700 Columbus Ave California Macaroni Co, 445 Drumm Canton Noodle Factory, 1135 Stockton Celle, G B, Co, 1717-1721 Powell Columbus Mercantile Co, 445 Jackson Cuneo Bros, 523 Green Genoa Macaroni Factory, 1714 Stockton Globe Grain & Milling Co, 465 California Golden Gate Macaroni & Paste Factory, 2930 Octavia Gragnano Products (Inc), 823 Valencia Green Valley Baking Co & Macaroni Factory (Inc), 4736 Mission Homestead Ravioli Factory, 1970 Sutter Hong Kong Noodle Factory, 962 Washington Italian-American Paste Co, 466-478 Green Lavezzo Bros, 1417 Powell New Century Macaroni Factory, 725 Vallejo Pompeii Macaroni Factory (Inc), 2989 Folsom Republic Noodle Factory, 1117 Stockton Roma Macaroni Factory, 199 Francisco San Francisco Egg Noodle Mfg Co, 1936 Folsom Sosso, J H, & Bro, 408 Pacific Stockton Street Ravioli Factory, 1412 Stockton Superba Ravioli Factory, 3216 22d Washington Square Paste Co, 684 Filbert Workman Packing Co, 428-472 7th Workman, R J, Co, 906-910 Webster APPLES EVAPORATED Garcia & Maggini Co, 240 Drumm BAKERIES BREAD ABC Bakery (Inc), 1300 Eddy Alcazar Bakery, 1821 Fillmore Boudin Bros, 387 10th Ave Bozzo, M, & Co, 361 Broadway 129 FOOD PRODUCTS California Baking Co, Fillmore and Eddy Chatterton System of Bakeries, 916 and 743 Market Eppler's Bakery, 886 Geary European Baking Co, 3587 20th Ferro Bros, 2823 23d Firenze Bakery Co, 448-450 Broadway Ghiotto, F, 4560 Mission Golden State Baking Co (Inc), 1223 Howard Golden West Bakery, 1014 Fillmore Golden West Baking Co, 3421 18th Grand Bakery, 516 Green Green Valley Baking Co, 4736 Mission Gumm, Peter, 3899 24th Hansen, H, 1842 Polk Hayes Valley Bakery, 581 Hayes Headquarters French Baking Co, 686 Guerrero Holsum Baking Co, 2140 O'Farrell Italian-French Baking Co, 1353 Grant Ave Langendorf Baking Co, 1160 McAllister Liguria Bakery, 1700 Stockton Nederland Bros, 1057 Howard New Genoa Bakery, 1309 Grant Ave New San Francisco Bakery, 423 Union Oak Street Bakery, 298 Oak Ocean View Bakery, 98 Broad Old Homestead Bakery (Inc), 19th and Howard Original Emporium Bakery, 397 Ellis Panhandle Bakery, 1598 Fulton Parisian Baking Co, 731 Broadway Peerless Baking Co, 73 Erie Peoples Baking Co, 1800 Bryant Petri Baking Co, 1503 Grant Ave Polk Street Bakery, 1518 Polk Progressive Baking Co, 1247 20th Ave Purity Home Bakery, 1258 Pacific Sanitarium Health Food Store, 1176 Market Schubert's Bakery, 2253 Market Soracco & Co, 1700 Stockton Standard Baking Co, 1550 Church Sunnyside Bakery, 2901 Diamond Swedish Bakery & Import Co, 1820 Folsom Thomson, John, 501 Cortland Ave Torino Bakery-Ferro Bros Co, 2823 23d Twentieth Century Baking Co, 1650 Polk Ycre French Bakery, 1923-1925 Fillmore Zetschok, Max, 24th and Guerrero 130 FOOD PRODUCTS BAKERIES CAKE AND COOKIES ABC Baking Co, 1300 Eddy Briscoe's, Mrs, Bakery, 1319 Howard California Baking Co, Fillmore and Eddy California Macroonola Co, 2009 Folsom Chatterton System of Bakeries, 916 and 743 Market Eppler's Bakery, 886 Geary Fousek, John, 701 Laguna Grandma Cookie Co, 20 Franklin Hokamp, Alex, 1614 Polk Hoyt's (Inc), 1112 Market Independent Cracker & Biscuit Co, 3402 16th Johnson's Pound Cake Bakery, 3628 19th Kikuya Co, 417 Grant Ave Mutual Biscuit Co, 1231 Stevenson Nolte's Macaroon Factory, 57 Page Original Emporium Bakery, 397 Ellis Peerless Bakery, 73 Erie Strongone & Guzzetta, 703 Columbus Ave Ycre French Bakery, 1923-1925 Fillmore BAKERIES CONE ICE CREAM American Baking Co (Inc), 1252 Mission Consolidated Wafer Co of Cal, 611 Front National Cone Co, 1235 Folsom BAKERIES CRACKERS, ETC American Biscuit Co, 815 Battery Independent Cracker & Biscuit Co, 3402 16th Mutual Biscuit Co, 1231 Stevenson Nolte's Macaroon Factory, 57 Page Standard Biscuit Co, 832 Sansome BAKERIES DOUGHNUT Andresen, C B, 1057 Fillmore Aunt Mary's Doughnut Place, 2980 16th Hoyt's (Inc), 1112 Market BAKERIES MACAROONS California Macroonola Co, 2009 Folsom Independent Cracker & Biscuit Co, 3402 16th Nolte's Macaroon Factory, 57 Page 131 FOOD PRODUCTS BAKERIES PASTRY ABC Baking Co, 1300 Eddy Briscoe's, Mrs, Bakery, 1319 Howard California Baking Co, Fillmore and Eddy Carlson, F O, 32 Randall Chatterton System of Bakeries, 916 and 743 Market Dragon, H, Co, Larkin and Pacific Eppler's Bakery, 886 Geary European Baking Co, 3587 20th Golden Gate Pie Co, 230 Dorland National Pie Co, 163 Kissling Original Emporium Bakery, 397 Ellis Peerless Bakery, 73 Erie Victoria Pastry Co, 1362 Stockton Washington Pastry Co, 1343 Stockton Ycre French Bakery, 1923-1925 Fillmore BAKERIES WAFER ICE CREAM American Baking Co (Inc), 1252 Mission Consolidated Wafer Co of Cal, 611 Front BAKERS' SUPPLIES American Diamalt Co, 742 Market Brown, Edw W, Co, 51-53 Main Demartini, L, Supply Co, 125-129 Clay Eng-Skell Co, 208-210 Mission Getz, M, & Co, 162-168 1st International Co, 134 Sacramento Irvine Co, The, 715 Battery King Extract Co, 245 Mission Kohn-Boldemann Co, 122 Front Langley & Michaels Co, 42-60 1st Lee-Greefkens Co, 31-35 Drumm Long, H C, Syrup Co, 119-121 Clay Stewarts Products Corp (jellies), 883 Bryant Tyler, S H, & Son, 154 Davis Wolf & Bird, 247 8th BAKING POWDER Brown, Edw W, Co, 51-53 Main Caswell, Geo W, Co, 438-452 2d Columbia Coffee & Spice Co, 423 Jackson Folger, J A, & Co, 101 Howard Getz, M, & Co, 162-168 1st Irvine Co, The, 715 Battery 132 FOOD PRODUCTS Jones-Thierbach Co, 437 Battery Lee-Greefkens Co, 31-35 Drurinm Lombard, J A, & Co, 222-232 Front Robertson, McClintock Co (Inc), 305 Clay Schilling, A, & Co, 2d and Folsom Tlllman & Bendel, 1 Harrison Tyler, S H, & Son, 154 Davis Wolf & Bird, 247 8th BARLEY ROLLED Outsen, H, 925-931 Bryant Somers & Co, 485 California BEAN CLEANING Engelman Bean Cleaning Co, 472 Jackson BEER LAGER San Francisco Breweries, Ltd, 240 2d BEET PULP American Beet Sugar Co, 625 Market. BEVERAGES Acme Brewery, 1423 Sansome American Bottling & Soda Water Co, 264 9th American O-T, Ltd, 238 Jackson Bartlett Springs Co, 71 Bluxome Cereal Products Refining Co, 762 Fulton Club Bottling Co (Inc), 1327 Chestnut Eggers & Co, 128 Eureka Enterprise Pioneer Bottling Co, 2833 25th Golden West Soda Works, 1619 O'Farrell Independent Soda & Seltzer Water Co, 196 Russ Landau Economic Syphon Co, 1627 Howard Lash's Products Co, 42 Beale Majestic Bottling Co, 36 Beideman Meyer's Soda Water Co, 2106 15th Milwaukee Brewery, 470-490 10th Napa Soda Co, 1142 Mission Olympic Beverage & Syrup Co, 633 Olive Ave Rainier Brewing Co, 1500 Bryant San Francisco Bottling Co, 1707 Church San Francisco Breweries, Ltd, 240 2d San Francisco Seltzer Water & New Century Soda Works Co, 436 Green 133 FOOD PRODUCTS Schwartz Ginger Ale Co, 490 5th Shasta Water Co, 699 Brannan Steimke, D J, 2768 Octavia Tacoma Brewing Co, 675 Treat Ave Twin Peaks Soda Water Works, 128 Eureka Union Seltzer Water Co, 385 9th Victory Soda Works, 14 Oakwood Western Bottling Co, 3136 Army Whistle Co, 977 Mission BEVERAGES CARBONATED American Bottling & Soda Water Co, 264 9th American O-T, Ltd, 238 Jackson Club Bottling Co (Inc), 1327 Chestnut Eggers & Co, 128 Eureka Enterprise Pioneer Bottling Co, 2833 25th Golden West Soda Works, 1619 O'Farrell Independent Soda & Seltzer Water Co, 196 Russ Landau Economic Syphon Co, 1627 Howard Majestic Bottling Co, 36 Beideman Meyer's Soda Water Co, 2106 15th Napa Soda Co, 1142 Mission Olympic Beverage & Syrup Co, 633 Olive Ave San Francisco Bottling Co, 1707 Church San Francisco Seltzer Water & New Century Soda Works Co, 436 Green Schwartz Ginger Ale Co, 490 5th Shasta Water Co, 699 Brannan Steimke, D J, 2768 Octavia Twin Peaks Soda Water Works, 128 Eureka Union Seltzer Water Co, 385 9th Victory Soda Works, 14 Oakwood Western Bottling Co, 3136 Army BEVERAGES CEREAL Acme Brewery, 1423 Sansome Cereal Products Refining Co, 762 Fulton Milwaukee Brewery, 470-490 10th Rainier Brewing Co, 1500 Bryant San Francisco Breweries, Ltd, 240 2d Tacoma Brewing Co, 675 Treat Ave BONES California Sea Products Co, (whale), 235 Montgomery Union Products Co, 1198 Evans Ave 134 FOOD PRODUCTS BUTTER California Central Creameries, 417 Market Dairy Delivery Co, 3550 19th Hooper Creamery Co, 1810 Polk Jackson Street Creamery, 2498 Fillmore Sherry Bros, 249 Davis Sonoma Mission Creamery, 1435 Stockton Spreckels Market Creamery, 251 Stevenson Western Cheese & Butter Co, 674 Sacramento Western Creameries Co, 345 Front Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend BUTTER PEANUT Lewis Packing Co, 950 Columbus Ave Lombard, J A, & Co, 222-232 Front Pacific Coast Syrup Co, 731 Sansome Planters Nut & Chocolate Co, 530 Davis Puritan Preserve Co, 928 Bryant Sunset Nut Shelling Co, 241 Clay CANDY Acme Nut Co, 1663 Baker Ahern Company, 745-749 Polk Alberta Candy Co (Inc), 1062-1068 Folsom Alexander Candy Factory, 2128 Mission Ariani, Paul, 518 Haight Austin's Chocolate Daub, 878 Valencia Barbaro-Vellguth, 3C21 Sacramento Barr & Blair, 243 Mason Baum, Benj J, 409 Battery Blum's, 1465 Polk California Candy Co, 729-833 Battery California Candy Shop, 1089 Market California Poppy Candy Co, 72 Eddy Camp, Beauford R, 316 11th Ave Collins-Hencke Candy Co, 25 Beale Corcoran, Wm, Candy Co (Inc), 49 Fremont Dorsey & Dickenson, 1372-1380 Turk Drapeau, Jos, 2090 Sutter Foster & Orear Co, 440 Natoma General Candy Co, 501-509 3d Gimbal Bros, Folsom, cor 1st Globe Nougat Co, 270 6th Golden Gate Chocolate Shop, 347 Market Golden Nugget Sweets, 7 College Terrace 135 FOOD PRODUCTS Golden Pheasant, The, 32 Geary Gruenhagens (Inc), 1112 Mission Haas, Geo, & Sons, 770 Market Hoefler's Centennial Chocolate (Inc), 555 Folsom Hoefler, Harry, Candy Co, 481-483 Jessie Hokamp, Alex, 1614 Polk Hromada Candy Co, 45 Ecker Lowrey Candy Co, 2810 16th Lyons' California Glace Fruit Co, 535 Folsom M & M Packing Co, 1170 Market Marb & Brendel, 330 4th Matzger Chocolate Co, 75 Clara Metropolitan Candy Co, 955 Fillmore Nasser Candy Co, 65 Page Neff's Honey Crisp Co, 307 Eddy O'Brien, W J, 1600 Haight Pacific Coast Candy Co, 823 Battery Parisian Candy Factory, 258 Kearny Peoples Candy Factory, 2639 Mission Pig 'n Whistle Co of San Francisco, 35 Powell Planters Nut & Chocolate Co, 530 Davis Purity Candy Co, 601 Grove Quality Inn, 3307 Sacramento Rankin Candy Factory, 516 Castro Rantz Bros, 2192 Sutter Red Poppy, 1803 Fillmore Rhine, Henry, & Co, 351-367 6th Riesener Chocolate Co, 405-415 8th Segal & Minner, 560 Fulton Selby Candy Co, 850 Market Shasta Candy Co, 2517 24th Sierra Candy Co, 255 Commercial Strauss Candy Co, 608 Howard Townsend's California Glace Fruits Corp, 181-187 Shipley United Candy Shops Corp, 1070 Mission United Licorice Co, 385 1st Vitt & Zink Candy Co, 429 Commercial Walker, C C, 3029 Sacramento Washington Pastry Co, 1343 Stockton Wiener & Bieber, 88 Merchant Witmor Candy Co, 705 Sansome CANNERIES ASPARAGUS Hickmott, R, Canning Co, 320 California 136 FOOD PRODUCTS CANNERIES CHILI CON CARNE Workman, R J, Co, 906-910 Webster Workman Packing Co, 428-472 7th CANNERIES FISH Booth, F E, Co, 110 Market California Packing Corp, 101 California Carmel Canning Co, 110 Market Hovden, K, Co (Inc), 149 California Hume, G W, Co, 311 California CANNERIES FRUIT Bay Side Canning Co, 260 California Booth, F E, Co, 110 Market California Canneries Co, 600 Minnesota California-Pacific Packing Co, 410-430 Beach California Packing Corp, 101 California Croker Packing Co, 590 6th Di Fiore, D, Canning Co, 260 California Hooke, Geo H, Co, 268 Market Hume, G W, Co, 311 California Hunt Bros Packing Co, 2 Pine Leighton Co-operative Packers, 870 Market Libby, McNeill & Libby, 465 California San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom Sunical Packing Co, 24 California Sunnyvale Canneries, 268 Market Tamel Packing Co, 2240 Folsom CANNERIES MEATS Heineman & Stern, 1036-1042 McAllister CANNERIES OLIVE Libby, McNeill & Libby, 465 California Sunical Packing Co, 24 California CANNERIES SARDINES Booth, F E, Co, 110 Market Field & Gross (Inc), 260 California Hovden, K, Co (Inc), 149 California Pacific Packers Assn, 112 Market CANNERIES TAM ALES Workman, R J, Co, 906-910 Webster Workman Packing Co, 428-472 7th 137 FOOD PRODUCTS CANNERIES TAPIOCA DESSERT Sims Packing Co, 3320 20th CANNERIES VEGETABLES Bay Side Canning Co, 260 California Booth, F E, Co, 110 Market California Canneries Co, 600 Minnesota California-Pacific Packing Co, 410-430 Beach California Packing Corp, 101 California Di Fiore, D, Canning Co, 260 California Hickmott, R, Canning Co, 320 California Hume, G W, Co, 311 California Hunt Bros Packing Co, 2 Pine Leighton Co-operative Packers, 870 Market Libby, McNeill & Libby, 465 California Tamel Packing Co, 2240 Folsom San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom Sunical Packing Co, 24 California CASEIN California Central Creameries, 417 Market Carpenter Milk Products Co, 112 Market CATSUP See also Condiments California Conserving Co, 110 Market California Packing Corp, 101 California California Supply Co, 738 Folsom Lewis Packing Co, 950 Columbus Ave CEREALS See also Milling Albers Bros Milling Co, 332 Pine Pacific Milling Co, 74 Langton Sparry Flour Co, 332 Pine CHEESE Associated Milk Producers, 53 Clay California Central Creameries, 417 Market Carpenter Milk Products Co, 112 Market Grana Cheese Co, 324 Battery Kraft, J L, & Bros Co, (soft), 757 Sansome Sonoma Mission Creamery, 1435 Stockton Western Cheese & Butter Co, 674 Sacramento Western Meat Co. 6th and Townsend 138 - FOOD PRODUCTS CH EESE COTTAGE Dairy Delivery Co, 3550 19th CHEESE GRATED National Grated Cheese Co, 674 Sacramento Petropoulos, M, 779 Folsom Western Products Mfg Co, 86 Clay CHEESE SOY BEAN Soy Bean Food Products Co, 551 Pine CHERRIES PRESERVED Lackman Co, The, 235 9th CHEWING GUM American Chicle Co, 735 Battery National Pepsin Gum Co, 1132 Mission Newton's California Mfg Co, 249 Front CHILI CON CARNE CANNED Workman Packing Co, 428-472 7th Workman, R J, Co, 906-910 Webster CHOCOLATE Boldeman Chocolate Co, 521 Brannan Ghirardelli, D, Co, 900 North Point Guittard Chocolate Co, 135-145 Main Riesener Chocolate Co, 405-415 8th Wolf & Bird, 247 8th CIDER Independent Soda & Seltzer, 196 Russ Jones Bros & Co, (apple), 22 Battery North Star Vinegar & Cider Co, 1380 Mission Old Homestead Apple Cider Co, 209 Montgomery CIGARS Apel, Ferdinand C, 3937 Sacramento Applefield, Chas, 516 Washington Ballen, P L, 514 Washington Boskowitz, Frank, 329 Clay California Cigar Mfg Co, 544 Commercial Castro, J C, 7 Le Roy Place 139 FOOD PRODUCTS Cicchi, M, & Co, 464 Broadway Cimino, Jos, 706 Sansome Constantino, Felice, 1630 Powell Cortina, Modesto, 502 Washington Cuban Cigar Co, 363 Clay El Cristoforo Cigar Co, 652 Sacramento El Pano Cigar Mfg Co (Inc), 554 Commercial Frankel, Gerdts & Co, 540-554 Clay Goodman, J, 1019 Van Ness Ave Goss, E, & Co, 113 Front Heiliger, Wm F, 2958 16th Him Kee & Co, 907 Stockton Hoffman, Armin, 501 Ellis Hoffman, Bernard, 1567 Fillmore Hoffman, S, & Son, 1563 Polk Leung Kee & Co, 879 Washington Liebhardt, Peter, 2886 Harrison Lopez & Co, 1152 Stockton Maloney, John, 3818 Geary Martinez, Roque, 310 Union Petri-ltalian-American Cigar Co, 415-437 Jackson Porto De Oro Cigar Co, 329 Clay Portola Cigar Factory, 1859 Powell Red Seal Cigar Co, 133 Front Rothenberg, Paris, 628 Montgomery Sam Wing & Co, 651 Pacific Schwartz, Rudolph, 441 Pine Schwerin Bros, 3032 24th St Francis Cigar Mfg Co, 516 Washington Starr, Fred C, 1801 Mission Stofan, Anna, 42 Clara Stone, B, Co, 652 Sacramento Sutliff, H, 670 Market Teichert, Otto A, 4407 24th Testa Cigar Co, 407 Sansome Thrane Bros, 1800 Market Urn land, C G, 2852-24th Wah Kit & Co, 821 Washington CIGARETTES Benaderet, Samuel, 566 California Bollman, John, Co, The, 615 4th Macedonia Tobacco Co, 46 Kearny Sutliff, H, 670 Market 140 FOOD PRODUCTS COCKTAILS FISH AND OYSTER Bohemian Cocktail & Supply Co (Inc), 435 Minna COCOA Boldeman Chocolate Co, 521 Brannan Lipton, Thos J (Inc), 561-563 Mission Ghirardelli, D, Co, 900 North Point Guittard Chocolate Co, 135-145 Main Riesener Chocolate Co, 405-415 8th COCOANUT DESICCATED Pacific Cocoanut Co, 817 Sansome COCOANUT EDIBLE American Cocoanut Butter Co, 155 Townsend CODFISH Alaska Codfish Co, 15 Steuart COFFEE ROASTING Brandenstein, M J, & Co, 665 3d Caswell, Geo W, Co, 438-452 2d Cluff, William, Co, Spear and Mission Columbia Coffee & Spice Co, 439 Jackson Folger, J A, & Co, 101 Howard Freed, Teller & Freed, 1326 Polk Great Western Tea Co, 2388 Mission Hills Bros, 175 Fremont Jones-Thierbach Co, 437 Battery Lipton, Thos J (Inc), 561-563 Mission Lombard, J A, & Co, 222-232 Front McCarthy Bros, 107-109 Front Robertson, McClintock Co (Inc), 305 Clay Schilling, A, & Co, 2d and Folsom Tillman & Bendel, 1 Harrison Tyler, S H, & Son, 154 Davis COLORS MEAT PRESERVING Hercules Chemical Works, 211 4th COLORS SODA WATER Mulhern, John, Co, 182 2d 141 FOOD PRODUCTS COMPOUNDS COOKING Globe Grain & Milling Co, 465 California Miller & Lux, 465 California Roth Blum Packing Co, 1490 Fairfax Ave Virden Packing Co, 1300 Bryant Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend CONDIMENTS, RELISHES, ETC California Conserving Co, 110 Market California Packing Corp, 101 California California Supply Co, 738 Folsom Florence Food Co, 242 Hartford Lewis Packing Co, 950 Columbus Ave Marshall, J, & Co, 171 Mey Moeller, A J, Co, 615 Sansome San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom Workman Packing Co, 428-472 7th Workman, R J, Co, 906-910 Webster CONES ICE CREAM American Baking Co (Inc), 1252 Mission Consolidated Wafer Co of Cal, 611 Front Eng-Skell Co, 208-210 Mission National Cone Co, 1235 Folsom CONFECTIONERS' SUPPLIES See Bakers' Supplies CREAM EVAPORATED Nestle's Food Co, 112 Market DOUGHNUTS Andresen, C B, 1057 Fillmore Aunt Mary's Doughnut Place, 2980 16th Hoyt's (Inc), 1112 Market EGG PRODUCTS See Baker's Supplies EXTRACTS FLAVORING Brown, Edw W, Co, 51-53 Main Caswell, Geo W, Co, 438-452 2d Cluff, William, Co, Spear and Mission Demartini, L, Supply Co, 125-129 Clay 142 FOOD PRODUCTS Eng-Skell Co, 208-210 Mission Folger, J A & Co, 101 Howard Freed, Teller & Freed, 1326 Polk Getz, M, & Co (Inc), 162-168 1st Great Western Tea Co, 2388 Mission International Co, The, 134 Sacramento Irvine Co, The, 715 Battery Jones-Thierbach Co, 437 Battery King Extract Co, 245 Mission Kohn-Boldemann Co, 122 Front Langley & Michaels Co, 42-60 1st Lee-Greefkens Co, 31-35 Drumm Lombard, J A, & Co, 222-232 Front Magnus Fruit Products Co, Howard and Beale Majestic Bottling Co, 36 Beideman Merten & Co, 30 Beale Mulhern, John, Co, 182 2d Rieger, Paul, Co, 116-118 1st Schilling, A, & Co, 2d and Folsom Scott & Gilbert Co, 116 1st Tillman & Bendel, 1 Harrison Tyler, S H, & Son, 154 Davis Watkins Extract Co, 65 Main Wolf & Bird, 247 8th Wyss Mfg Co, 3640 20th EXTRACTS MALT Fleischmann Co of Cal, 941-945 Mission Hieronimus, Julius A, & Sons, 106-108 Steuart FEED Albers Bros Milling Co, 332 Pine American Beet Sugar Co, 625 Market California Charcoal Co (charcoal), 311 California California Fertilizer Works, 444 Pine California Macaroni Co, 445 Drumm Croley, Geo H, Co (Inc), 8th and Townsend Globe Grain & Milling Co, 465 California Mason By-Products Co, 2 Pine Means, Jas W, 1831 Harrison Miller & Lux, 465 California Nolan Mill & Feed Co (Inc), 631 Brannan Outsen, H, 925-931 Bryant Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertilizer Co, 485 California Pacific Guano & Fertilizer Co, 114 Sansome 143 FOOD PRODUCTS Producers Hay Co, 176 Townsend San Francisco Milling Co, 7th and Berry Somers & Co, 485 California Sperry Flour Co, 332 Pine Union Feed Co, 330 Ritch Union Products Corp, 1198 Evans Ave Western Industries Co, 110 Sutter Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend Western Tallow Co, 1599 Evans Ave FEED ALFALFA Somers & Co, 485 California FEED MOLASSES Somers & Co, 485 California FEED POULTRY Albers Bros Milling Co, 332 Pine California Charcoal Co, 311 California California Fertilizer Works, 444 Pine Croley, Geo H, Co (Inc), 8th and Townsend Globe Grain & Milling Co, 465 California Miller & Lux, 465 California Outsen, H, 925-931 Bryant Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertilizer Co, 485 California Pacific Guano & Fertilizer Co, The, 114 Sansome Sperry Flour Co, 332 Pine Union Products Corp, 1198 Evans Ave Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend Western Tallow Co, 1599 Evans Ave FEED STOCK American Beet Sugar Co (beet pulp), 625 Market Mason By-Products Co (cattle), 2 Pine Sperry Flour Co, 332 Pine Western Industries Co, 110 Sutter Western Meat Co (hog), 6th and Townsend FISH DRIED Alaska Codfish Co, 15 Steuart Pacific Fish Co, 844 Montgomery Pacific Smoking & Curing Co, 518 Clay Union Fish Co, 141 Clay 144 FOOD PRODUCTS FISH SMOKED Pacific Smoking & Curing Co, 518 Clay FLOUR Albers Bros Milling Co, 332 Pine Globe Grain & Milling Co, 465 California Sperry Flour Co, 332 Pine FLOUR MILL PRODUCTS (See also Milling) Albers Bros Milling Co, 332 Pine California Macaroni Co, 445 Drumm Growers Rice Milling Co, 465 California Sperry Flour Co, 332 Pine FLOUR RICE Grosjean, C E, Rice Milling Co, 20th and Harrison Growers Rice Milling Co, 465 California National Rice Mills, 310 California Natoma Rice Milling Co, 216 Pine Pacific Rice Mills, 24 Bluxome Rosenberg Bros & Co (Inc), 334 California Sperry Flour Co, 332 Pine Union Rice Mills, 707 Battery FLOUR SOY BEAN Soy Bean Food Products Co, 551 Pine FOUNTAIN FRUITS Eng-Skell Co, 208-210 Mission FRUIT CANDIED Lyons' California Giace Fruit Co, 535 Folsom Townsend's California Glace Fruits Corp, 181-187 Shipley FRUIT CRUSHED Lackman Co, The, 235 9th FRUIT DRIED (See also Raisins) California Packing Corp, 101 California Garcia & Maggini Co, 240 Drumm Guggenhime & Co, 100 California 145 FOOD PRODUCTS Inderrieden, J B, Co, 112 Market Otzen Packing Co, 41 Washington Pacific Fruit Products Co, 112 Market Rosenberg Bros & Co (Inc), 334 California FRUIT EVAPORATED Garcia & Maggini Co, 240 Drumm FRUIT PULP Sussman, Wormser & Co, 140 Spear GLACE FRUIT Lyons' California Glace Fruit Co, 535 Folsom Townsend's California Glace Fruits Corp, 181-187 Shipley GREASES (See also Tallow) California Glue Co, (soapmaking), Fairfax Ave and Rankin Pacific Tallow Co, 1460 Shafter Petroleum Products Co, 433 California Portola Oil Co, 798 Minnesota Roth Blum Packing Co, 1490 Fairfax Ave Royal Tallow Co, 1490 Evans Ave San Mateo Tallow Works, Colma HAM BONING Wolter, H M, 2441 Folsom HONEY Puritan Preserve Co, 928 Bryant San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom HORSERADISH California Supply Co, 738 Folsom Lewis Packing Co, 998 Columbus Ave Ragan, M J, 1311 38th Ave San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom ICE Consumers Ice Co, 448 8th Enterprise Brewing Co, 1 Enterprise Merchants Ice & Cold Storage Co, Battery and Lombard National Ice and Cold Storage Co of Cal, 22 Battery Union Ice Co, 354 Pine 146 FOOD PRODUCTS ICE CREAM Acme Ice Cream Co, 1313 Sansome Arctic Ice Cream Supply Co, 371 Guerrero Blum's, 1465 Polk Fairy Ice Cream Co, 741 Fulton Miller Ice Cream Co, 436 8th National Ice Cream Co, 366 Guerrero Royal Ice Cream Co, 1155 McAllister Standard Ice Cream Co, 4258 18th United Ice Cream Co, 2002 Fillmore Washington Pastry Co, 1343 Stockton ICE CREAM SUPPLIES (See also Bakers' Supplies) Arctic Ice Cream Supply Co, 371 Guerrero Eng-Skell Co, 208-210 Mission Lee-Greefkens Co, 31-35 Drumm JAMS (See also Preserves) Colonial Preserving Co, 3460 25th Farrelly, D H, 2977 21st Lackman Co, The, 235 9th Oest Fruit Co, 591 Florida Pacific Coast Syrup Co, 731 Sansome Pacific Fruit Products Co, 112 Market Puritan Preserve Co, 928 Bryant JELLIES (See also Preserves) Colonial Preserving Co, 3460 25th Farrelly, D H, 2977 21st Oest Fruit Co, 591 Florida Pacific Coast Syrup Co, 731 Sansome Puritan Preserve Co, 928 Bryant Stewarts Products Corp, 883 Bryant JUICE GRAPE Asti Grape Products Co, 12 Geary California Wine Assn, 216 Pine Golden State Products Co, 209 California Lombard! Grape Products Co, 1706 Stockton JUICE GRAPE DRIED Vinobar Co, 536 Washington 147 FOOD PRODUCTS JUICE LEMON California Citrus Products Co, 220 Montgomery LARD Buttgenbach, Jos, & Co, 336 4th Mclntyre Packing Co, 807-809 Montgomery Miller & Lux, 465 California Rathjens & Kupfer, 1331-1345 Pacific Roth Blum Packing Co, 1490 Fairfax Ave South San Francisco Packing & Provision Co, 407 Front Virden Packing Co, 1300 Bryant Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend LEMON PEEL PICKLED California Citrus Products Co, 220 Montgomery LICORICE United Licorice Co, 385 1st LIVER PASTE Workman Packing Co, 428-472 7th Workman, R J Co, 906-910 Webster MACARONI See Alimentary Paste MALT Bach, Chas, Co, 2108 Stockton Bauer-Schweitzer Hop & Malt Co, 660 California San Francisco Breweries, Ltd, 240 2d Tacoma Brewing Co, 675 Treat Ave MARGARINE NUT Nucoa Butter Co, 220 Montgomery MARMALADES Oest Fruit Co, 591 Florida Pacific Fruit Products Co, 112 Market Sussman, Wormser & Co, 140 Spear MAYONNAISE Mourfield-Hunter Co, 9 Main Ragan, M J, 1311 38th Ave 148 FOOD PRODUCTS San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom Weber, Mrs J, 247 9th Wright, Marie, Products Co, 1298 Union MEAL ALFALFA Somers & Co, 485 California MEAL BONE California Fertilizer Works, 444 Pine Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertilizer Co, 485 California MEAL COCOANUT El Dorado Oil Works, 433 California Nolan Mill & Feed Co (Inc), 631 Brannan Pacific Oil & Lead Works, 155 Townsend MEAL FISH Hovden, K, Co (Inc), 149 California . Pacific Packers Assn, 112 Market Western Tallow Co, 1599 Evans Ave MEAL LINSEED OIL CAKE Pacific Oil & Lead Works, 155 Townsend MEAL SOY BEAN Soy Bean Food Products Co, 551 Pine MEAT CORNED Roberts, G H, 1030-1038 Bryant MEAT DEVILED CHILI Workman, R J, Co, 906-910 Webster Workman Packing Co, 428-472 7th MEAT PACKERS BEEF Allan & Pyle, Evans Ave and 3d Heineman & Stern, 1036-1042 McAllister Miller & Lux, 465 California Roth Blum Packing Co, 1490 Fairfax Ave San Mateo Meat Co, 1500 Evans Ave Santa Clara Valley Meat Co, Evans Ave and 3d Sumski, Harband & Sumski, 1510 Evans Ave 149 FOOD PRODUCTS Swanston, C, & Son, 25 Rhode Island Virden Packing Co, 1300 Bryant Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend MEAT PACKERS MUTTON Allan & Pyle, Evans Ave and 3d Miller & Lux, 465 California Sumski, Harband & Sumski, 1510 Evans Ave Taaffe, Wm, & Co, 5th and 3d Virden Packing Co, 1300 Bryant Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend MEAT PACKERS PORK Buttgenbach, Jos, & Co, 336 4th Dcassans, J, & Co, California Market Frommer & Fischer, 1789 Mission Miller & Lux, 465 California Roth Blum Packing Co, 1490 Fairfax Ave Santa Clara Valley Meat Co, Evans Ave and 3d Taaffe, Wm, & Co,' 5th and 3d Virden Packing Co, 1300 Bryant Western Meat Co. 6th and Townsend MEAT PRESERVED Gaffney & Luce, 1031 Market Heineman & Stern, (tongue), 1036-1042 McAllister Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend MEAT SMOKED Armour & Co, 1050 Battery Buttgenbach, Jos, & Co, 336 4th Cudahy Packing Co, 55-71 Union Frye & Co, 119 Sacramento Heineman & Stern, 1036 McAllister Mclntyre Packing Co, 807 Montgomery Miller & Lux, 465 California Rathjens & Kupfer, 1331-1345 Pacific Roth Blum Packing Co, 1490 Fairfax Ave Roth, Winters & Walsh, 1271 Mission San Francisco Sausage Factory, 804 Montgomery South San Francisco Packing & Provision Co, 407 Front Swift & Co, Pacific and Davis Virden Packing Co, 1300 Bryant Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend Wilfert's, 118 Turk 150 FOOD PRODUCTS MILK CONDENSED Borden Co of Cal, 503 Market California Dairy Products Co, 625 Market Libby. McNeill & Libby, 465 California MILK CULTURED Zoorada Co, 712 Larkin MILK EVAPORATED Carnation Milk Products Co of Cal, 49 Main Cremo Milk Co, 24 California Libby, McNeill & Libby, 465 California Utah Condensed Milk Co, 112 Market Western Creameries Co, 345 Front, Widemann Goat Milk Co, 995 Market MILK GOAT EVAPORATED Widemann Goat Milk Co, 995 Market MILK POWDERED California Central Creameries, 417 Market California Dairy Products Co, 625 Market Carpenter Milk Products Co, 112 Market Libby, McNeill & Libby, 465 California MILK SUGAR California Central Creameries, 417 Market Carpenter Milk Products Co, 112 Market MILLING BEAN Albers Bros Milling Co, 332 Pine MILLING CEREAL Albers Bros Milling Co, 332 Pine Pacific Milling Co, 74 Langton Sperry Flour Co, 332 Pine MILLING COCOANUT American Cocoanut Butter Co, 155 Townsend International Milling Co, 767 Beach Nolan Mill & Feed Co (Inc), 631 Brannan Vegetable Oil Corp, 244 Kearny 151 FOOD PRODUCTS MILLING FEED Albers Bros Milling Co, 332 Pine Croley, Geo H, Co (Inc), 8th and Townsend Globe Grain & Milling Co, 465 California Means, Jas W, 1831 Harrison Nolan Mill & Feed Co, 631 Brannan Outsen, Hans, 925 Bryant San Francisco Milling Co, Ltd, 7th and Berry Somers & Co, 485 California Sperry Flour Co, 332 Pine MILLING FLOUR Albers Bros Milling Co, 332 Pine Globe Grain & Milling Co, 465 California Sperry Flour Co, 332 Pine MILLING RICE Brandenstein, M J, & Co, 665 3d Globe Grain & Milling Co, 465 California Grosjean, C E, Rice Milling Co, 20th and Harrison Growers Rice Milling Co, 465 California National Rice Mills, 310 California Natoma Rice Milling Co, 216 Pine Pacific Rice Mills, 24 Bluxome Rosenberg Bros & Co (Inc), 334 California Sperry Flour Co, 332 Pine Union Rice Mills, 707 Battery MINCE MEAT Libby, McNeil! & Libby, 465 California Long, H C, Syrup Co, 119-121 Clay Pacific Coast Syrup Co, 731 Sansome Puritan Preserve Co, 928 Bryant MOLASSES Long, H C, Syrup Co, 119-121 Clay Lyons' California Glace Fruit Co, 535 Folsom Mason By-Products Co, 2 Pine Pacific Coast Syrup Co, 731 Sansome MUSTARD Ghirardelli, D, Co, 900 North Point Gilt Edge Packing Co, 1909 Mission Lewis Packing Co, 950 Columbus Ave San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom 152 FOOD PRODUCTS NOODLES See Alimentary Paste NUTS CANDIED Acme Nut Co, 1663 Baker Planters Nut & Chocolate Co, 530 Davis Sunset Nut Shelling Co, 241 Clay NUTS SALTED Planters Nut & Chocolate Co, 530 Davis Sunset Nut Shelling Co, 241 Clay NUTS SHELLED Acme Nut Co, 1663 Baker California Nutmeat Co, 122 Front Demartini, L, Supply Co, 125-129 Clay Fisher, Herman C, 325 Sacramento Planters Nut & Chocolate Co, 530 Davis Sunset Nut Shelling Co, 241 Clay OATS CRUSHED Outsen, H, 925-931 Bryant Pacific Milling Co, 74 Langton Somers & Co, 485 California OIL COCOANUT El Dorado Oil Works, 433 California Pacific Oil & Lead Works, 155 Townsend Vegetable Oil Corp, 244 Kearny OIL COOKING See Compounds Cooking OIL COTTONSEED American Packing Co, 18 3d Cluff, William, Co, Spear and Mission Gilt Edge Packing Co, 1909 Mission Globe Grain & Milling Co, 465 California Los Angeles Soap Co, 250 Front Roth Blum Packing Co, 1490 Fairfax Ave San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom Tillman & Bendel, 1 Harrison Virden Packing Co, 1300 Bryant Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend 153 FOOD PRODUCTS OIL FISH California Sea Products Co (whale), 235 Montgomery Hovden, K, Co (Inc), 149 California Pacific Packers Assn, 112 Market Western Tallow Co, 1599 Evans Ave OIL OLIVE Libby, McNeill & Libby, 465 California Sunical Packing Co, 24 California OIL SALAD American Packing Co, 18 3d Cluff, William, Co, Spear and Mission Gilt Edge Packing Co, 1909 Mission Globe Grain &' Milling Co, 465 California Los Angeles Soap Co, 250 Front San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom Tillman & Bendel, 1 Harrison Virden Packing Co, 1300 Bryant Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend OIL WHALE California Sea Products Co, 235 Montgomery OLEOMARGARINE Nucoa Butter Co, 220 Montgomery Pacific Food Products Co (Inc), 655 Battery Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend PACKERS MEAT Allan & Pyle, Evans Ave and 3d Buttgenbach, Jos, & Co, 336 4th Doassans, J, & Co, California Market Frommer & Fischer, 1789 Mission Heineman & Stern, 1036-1042 McAllister Miller & Lux, 465 California Roth Blum Packing Co, 1490 Fairfax Ave San Mateo Meat Co, 1500 Evans Ave Santa Clara Valley Meat Co, Evans Ave and 3d Sumski, Harband & Sumski, 1510 Evans Ave Swanston, C, & Son, 25 Rhode Island Taaffe, Wm, & Co, 5th and 3d Virden Packing Co, 1300 Bryant Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend 154 FOOD PRODUCTS PEANUT BUTTER Lewis Packing Co, 950 Columbus Ave Lombard, J A, & Co, 222-232 Front Pacific Coast Syrup Co, 731 Sansome Planters Nut & Chocolate Co, 530 Davis Puritan Preserve Co, 928 Bryant Sunset Nut Shelling Co, 241 Clay PICKLES American Packing Co, 18 13th California Conserving Co, 110 Market California Supply Co, 738 Folsom Lewis Packing Co, 950 Columbus Ave Libby, McNeill & Libby, 465 California Moeller, A J, Co, 615 Sansome San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom POWDER BAKING See Baking Powder POWDER JELLY Lipton, Thos J (Inc), 561-563 Mission PRESERVES (See also Jams, also Jellies) Braden Preserving Co, 417 Market Colonial Preserving Co, 3460 25th Long, H C, Syrup Co, 119-121 Clay Oest Fruit Co, 591 Florida Pacific Coast Syrup Co, 731 Sansome Puritan Preserve Co, 928 Bryant Sussman, Wormser & Co, 140 Spear RAISIN PACKING American Seedless Raisin Co, 58 Sutter California Packing Corp, 101 California Inderrieden, J B, Co, 112 Market RAVIOLIS (See also Alimentary Paste) Canal Exposition Ravioli Factory, 1336 Grant Ave Florence Food Co, 242 Hartford Homestead Ravioli Factory, 1970 Sutter 155 FOOD PRODUCTS Muzio, P, & Co, 3216 22d Nan, V, & Co, 4550 Mission Workman Packing Co, 428-472 7th Workman, R J, Co, 906-910 Webster RICE BY-PRODUCTS Grosjean, C E, Rice Milling Co, 20th and Harrison Growers Rice Milling Co, 465 California Means, Jas W, 1831 Harrison National Rice Mills, 310 California Natoma Rice Milling Co, 216 Pine Pacific Rice Mills, 24 Bluxome Rosenberg Bros, & Co, 334 California Sperry Flour Co, 332 Pine Union Rice Mills, 707 Battery RICE PACKAGED Grosjean, C E, Rice Milling Co, 20th and Harrison Rosenberg Bros & Co, 334 Brannan Sperry Flour Co, 332 Pine ROOT BEER Eng-Skell Co, 208-210 Mission Hires, Chas E, Co, 16th and Utah SARATOGA CHIPS Andresen, C B, 1057 Fillmore Frank Food Co, 974-976 Howard SARDINES See Canners SAUCES MACARONI (See also Condiments) Canal Exposition Ravioli Factory, 1336 Grant Ave Workman Packing Co, 428-472 7th Workman, R J Co, 906-910 Webster SAUERKRAUT Lewis Packing Co, 950 Columbus Ave Moeller, A J, Co, 615 Sansome San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom 156 FOOD PRODUCTS SAUSAGE CASINGS California Casing Co, 855 Mission Seaforth, A, 406 3d Western Casing Co, 470 Jackson Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend SAUSAGES Adams, W & Co, 1084 Howard Altersberger, Jacob, 1451 Haight Angermann, Oscar, 1548-1550 Guerrero Buttgenbach, Jos, & Co, 336 4th Cariana, Louis, 226 Jackson Doassans, J, & Co, California Market Eagle Meat Packing Co, 275 Minna Frank Food Co, 974-976 Howard Frommer & Fischer, 1789 Mission Giordan! & ResineNi, 434 Castro Heineman & Stern, 1036-1042 McAllister Home Sausage Co, 1179 Sutter Italian-American Sausage Mfg Co, 425 Broadway Italian Sausage Mfg Co, 804 Montgomery Ligure Sausage Factory, 1325 Grant Ave Melano, G, & Co, 1402-1412 Grant Ave Miller & Lux, 465 California Molinari, P G, & Sons, 373 Columbus Av Mueller, John, 517 Castro New Italian Sausage Mfg Co, 648 Pacific Nieri Sausage Mfg Co, 530 Washington Puccinelli, Eugene & Son, 1463 Powell Purity Sausage Co, 2638 24th Quality Food Co, 3347-3349 Fillmore Rathjens & Kupfer, 1331-1345 Pacific Roth Blum Packing Co, 1490 Fairfax Ave San Francisco Sausage Factory, 804 Montgomery South San Francisco Packing & Provision Co, 407 Front Torti, G, 434 Castro Verga, G, & Co, 1301 Grant Ave Verga, G D, & Co, 312 Columbus Ave Virden Packing Co, 1300 Bryant Vittoria Sausage Factory, 557 Davis Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend Wilfert's, 118 Turk SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES (See also Syrup) Mulhern, John, Co, 182 2d 157 FOOD PRODUCTS SPICES Brown, Edw W, Co, 51-53 Main Caswell, Geo W, Co, 438 2d Columbia Coffee & Spice Co, 439 Jackson Folger, J A, & Co, 101 Howard Getz, M, & Co, 162 1st Ghirardelli, D, Co, 900 North Point Great Western Tea Co, 2388 Mission International Co, The, 134 Sacramento Jones-Thierbach Co, 437 Battery Lombard, J A, & Co, 222-232 Front Robertson, McClintock Co( Inc), 305 Clay Schilling, A, & Co, 2d and Folsom Tillman & Bendel, 1 Harrison Tyler, S H, & Son, 154 Davis SUGAR BEET Alameda Sugar Co, 351 California American Beet Sugar Co, 625 Market Spreckels Sugar Co, 2 Pine Union Sugar Co, 310 Sansome SUGAR CANE California and Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corp, 230 California Western Sugar Refinery, 23d and Louisiana SUGAR MILK California Central Creameries, 417 Market Carpenter Milk Products Co, 112 Market SYRUP American Diamalt Co, 742 Market Asti Grape Products Co, 12 Geary Cereal Products Refining Co, 762 Fulton Eng-Skell Co, 208-210 Mission Golden State Products Co, 209 California H H Extract & Syrup Co, 2347 Mission Hires, Charles E, Co, 16th and Utah Independent Soda & Seltzer Water, 196 Russ Kohn-Boldemann Co, 122 Front Lask's Products Co, 42 Beale Leighton Co-operative Packers, 870 Market Long, H C, Syrup Co, 119-121 Clay Lyons' California Glace Fruit Co, 535 Folsom Magnus Fruit Products Co, Howard and Beale 158 FOOD PRODUCTS Martinoni, E, 714 Montgomery Milano Products Co, 534 Washington Mulhern, John, Co, 182 2d Pacific Coast Syrup Co, 731 Sansome Port-O Fruit Juice & Syrup Co, 2705 Mission Sussman, Wormser & Co, 140 Spear Towle Sons (Inc), 582 Market Western Sugar Refinery, 23d and Louisiana Whistle Co, 977 Mission Wyss Mfg Co, 3640 20th SYRUP CANE Western Sugar Refinery, 23d and Louisiana SYRUP CORN Leighton Co-operative Packers, 870 Market SYRUP FRUIT Eng-Skell Co, 208-210 Mission Independent Soda & Seltzer, 196 Russ Kohn-Boldemann Co, 122 Front Lash's Products Co, 42 Beale Lyons' California Glace Fruit Co, 535 Folsom Magnus Fruit Products Co, Howard and Beale Port-O Fruit Juice & Syrup Co, 2705 Mission Sussman, Wormser & Co, 140 Spear Whistle Co, 977 Mission Wyss Mfg Co, 3640 20th SYRUP GRAPE Asti Grape Products Co, 12 Geary Chevalier F, Co, 62-66 Fremont Golden State Products Co, 209 California SYRUP ITALIAN Milano Products Co, 534 Washington SYRUP MALT American Diamalt Co, 742 Market Cereal Products Refining Co, 762 Fulton SYRUP MAPLE Leighton Co-operative Packers, 2734 Taylor 159 FOOD PRODUCTS SYRUP ROOT BEER Eng-Skell Co, 208-210 Mission Hires, Charles E, Co, 16th and Utah SYRUP TABLE Leighton Co-operative Packers, 870 Market Long, H C, Syrup Co, 119-121 Clay Lyons' California Glace Fruit Co, 535 Folsom TALLOW California Tallow Works, 214 Front Miller & Lux, 465 California Pacific Tallow Co, 1460 Shafter Roth Blum Packing Co, 1490 Fairfax Ave Royal Tallow Co, 1490 Evans Ave San Mateo Tallow Works, Colma, Cal South San Francisco Packing & Provision Co, 407 Front South San Francisco Tallow Works, 1420 Evans Ave Union Products Corp, 1198 Evans Ave Western Meat Co, 6th and Townsend Western Tallow Co, 1599 Evans Ave TAMALES Mexico City Tamale Factory, 730 Irving Sullivan & Kenealey, 1825 Polk Workman Packing Co, 428-472 7th Workman, R J, Co, 906-910 Webster TAMALES CANNED Workman Packing Co, 428-472 7th Workman, R J, Co, 906-910 Webster TAPIOCA DESSERTS CANNED Sims Packing Co, 3320 20th TEA PACKING Brandenstein, M J, & Co, 665 3d Caswell, Geo W, Co, 438-452 2d Folger, J A, & Co, 101 Howard Freed, Teller & Freed, 1326 Polk Great Western Tea Co, 2388 Mission Hills Bros, 175 Fremont Jones-Thierbach Co, 437 Battery Lipton, Thos J (!nc), 561-563 Mission 160 FOOD PRODUCTS Lombard, J A, & Co, 222-232 Front McCarthy Bros, 107-109 Front Schilling, A, & Co, 2d and Folsom Supreme Tea Bags Mfg Co, 451 Minna . Tillmann & Bendel, 1 Harrison Tyler, S H, & Son, 154 Davis TOAST SPECIALTIES Nederland Bros, 1057 Howard TOBACCO Anderson, Andrew S, 579 California Benaderet, Samuel, 566 California Bollman, John, Co, The, 615 4th El Pano Cigar Mfg Co (Inc), 554 Commercial Martinez, Roque, 310 Union Petri-ltalian-American Cigar Co, 415-437 Jackson Thrane Bros, 1800 Market TOBACCO DUST International Milling Co, 767 Beach VEGETABLES DRIED Horst, E Clemens, Co, 235 Pine VINEGAR American Packing Co, 18 13th California Apple Vinegar Co, 255 California California Conserving Co, 110 Market Cereal Products Refining Co, 762 Fulton Cluff, William, Co, Spear and Mission Consumers Compressed Yeast Co, 154 McAllister Fleischmann Co of Cal, 941-945 Mission Gilt Edge Packing Co, 1909 Mission Jones Bros, & Co, 22 Battery Lewis Packing Co, 950 Columbus Ave North Star Vinegar & Cider Co, 1380 Mission San Francisco Packing Co, 1507-1535 Folsom VINEGAR GRAIN SPIRIT Consumers Compressed Yeast Co, 154 McAllister 161 FOOD PRODUCTS WAFERS ICE CREAM American Baking Co, 1252 Mission Consolidated Wafer Co of Cal, 611 Front WHALE SKELETON California Sea Products Co, 235 Montgomery WINES NON-BEVERAGE Asti Grape Products Co, 12 Geary California Wine Assn, 216 Pine Golden State Products Co, 209 California YEAST Cereal Products Refining Co, 762 Fulton Consumers Compressed Yeast Co, 154 McAllister Fleischmann Co of Cal, 941-945 Mission Mason By-Products Co, 2 Pine 162 LEATHER PRODUCTS ARCH SUPPORTS Aunger Artificial Limb Co, 84 7th Chicago Artificial Limb Co, 1093 Mission Hittenberger, C H, Co, 1103 Market Marcus-Lesoine (Inc), 730 Mission Salco Artificial Limb Co, 1138 Mission ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Aunger Artificial Limb Co, 84 7th Chicago Artificial Limb Co, 1093 Mission Hittenberger, C H, Co, 1103 Market Salco Artificial Limb Co, 1138 Mission AUTO SUPPLIES Kelly-Linehan Belting Co, 33 Minna BAGS HAND American Leather Specialty Co, 821 Market Dugoni, Victor, 1418 Stockton High Grade Leather Goods Co, 830 Market New Leather Goods Co, 760 Market Pacific Trunk & Bag Co, 535 Market BAGS STRIKING Levinson, Sol, 1028 Market BAGS TRAVELING Balkan Trunk & Suit Case Co, 70 Otis Hirschfelder & Meaney, 36 Battery Malm, C A, & Co, 586 Market Newman, C, & Co, 614 Kearny Pacific Trunk & Bag Co, 535 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission BANDS HAT Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market 163 LEATHER PRO DU GTS BANDS WRIST Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission BELLOWS INSECT AND SPRAYING California Bellows Works, 416 Harriet BELTING California Belting Co (Inc), 1459-1463 Mission Cook, H N, Belting Co (Inc), 401-433 Howard Degen, L P, Belting Co, 260 Mission Graton & Knight Mfg Co of Cal, 247 Mission Heins, Alex, Belting Co, 2413 Harrison Kelly-Linehan Belting Co, 33 Minna Worden, W H, Co, 126 Pine BELTS Atlas Novelty Leather Co, 383 Bush Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market California Leather Novelty Works, 340 Sansome Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission BELTS AUTO FAN Kelly-Linehan Belting Co, 33 Minna BELTS MONEY Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market BINDERS LOOSE LEAF Western Loose Leaf Co, 543 Clay BOOK COVERS Clayes, Miss, 284 Post BOXES JEWELRY Muhs Mfg Co, 25 Stockton CASES BRIEF American Leather Specialty Co, 821 Market Atlas Novelty Leather Co, 383 Bush 164 LEATHER PRODUCTS Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market High Grade Leather Goods Co, 830 Market Malm, C A, & Co, 586 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission CASES CARD American Leather Specialty Co, 821 Market Atlas Novelty Leather Co, 383 Bush Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market High Grade Leather Goods Co, 830 Market New Leather Goods Co, 760 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission CASES CIGAR AND CIGARETTE High Grade Leather Goods Co, 830 Market CASES GUN Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market CASES JEWELRY Muhs Mfg Co, 25 Stockton CASES SUIT See Suit Cases CASES VANITY High Grade Leather Goods Co, 830 Market CHECK BOOK COVERS American Leather Specialty Co, 821 Market COATS LEATHER Neustadter Bros, 62 1st COLLARS DOG Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission COLLARS HORSE (See also Harness) Davis, W, & Sons, 333 Market Hurton, Declan, 1098 Howard Keyston Bros, 461 Mission 165 LEATHER PRODUCTS COVERS BOOK American Ueather Specialty Co, 821 Market Clayes, Miss, 284 Post Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market COVERS MENU Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market CUP PROTECTORS ATHLETIC Levinson, Sol, 1028 Market EAR GUARDS ATHLETIC Levinson, Sol, 1028 Market GAUNTLETS Block, H & L, 149 2d Carson Glove Co, 544 Market McNamara, John, 383 Valencia Merit Glove Co, 89 Battery Standard Glove Works, 306 Sacramento GLOVES Bernauer, Alex, 1670 Haight Block, A S, & Co, 2650 Mission Block, H & L, 149 2d Carson Glove Co, 544 Market Farrant Glove Mfg Co, 3600 Mission Hill Glove Co, 909 Golden Gate Ave . Merit Glove Co, 89 Battery McNamara, John, 383 Valencia National Glove Works, 1600 Powell Reiter, Rudolph, 2520 Mission Spiegelman, Jos B, 1255 Divisadero Standard Glove Works, 306 Sacramento Widman, W J, Glove Co, 684 Mission GLOVES AUTO Block, H & L, 149 2d Hill Glove Co, 909 Golden Gate Ave Merit Glove Co, 89 Battery National Glove Works, 1600 Powell Spiegelman, Jos B, 1255 Divisadero Widman, W J, Glove Co, 684 Mission 166 LEATHER PRODUCTS GLOVES BOXING Levinson, Sol, 1028 Market GLOVES DRESS Block, H & L, 149 2d Reiter, Rudolph, 2520 Mission GLOVES DRIVING Block, H & L, 149 2d Hill Glove Co, 909 Golden Gate Ave McNamara, John, 383 Valencia Merit Glove Co, 89 Battery National Glove Works, 1600 Powell Spiegelman, Jos B, 1255 Divisadero GLOVES SEMI-DRESS Block, H & L, 149 2d Hill Glove Co, 909 Golden Gate Ave GLOVES SPORTING Levinson, Sol, 1028 Market GLOVES WORK Block, H & L, 149 2d Farrant Glove Mfg Co, 3600 Mission Hill Glove Co, 909 Golden Gate Ave McNamara, John, 383 Valencia Merit Glove Co, 89 Battery National Glove Works, 1600 Powell Spiegelman, Jos B, 1255 Divisadero Widman, W J, Glove Co, 684 Mission HARNESS AND SADDLERY Atwood, J A, 496 6th Becker, Jos, 553 4th Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market Davis, W, & Sons, 333 Market Deutsch, Sol, 1418 Polk Deward, J M, 1422 Market Dugoni, Victor, 1418 Stockton Freechtle, J, 1469 Ellis Haberlln, P W, 214 Railroad Hurton, Declan, 1098 Howard Kennedy, E H, 151 Jackson 167 LEATHER PRODUCTS Keyston Bros, 461 Mission McTigue, Jos W, 3156 Mission Pacific Auto Top Co, 226 Grove Schudel & Von Atzingen, 438 Valencia Spiro Co, (saddles), 301 Market Toloski, Chas E, 3515 Mission Visalia Stock Saddle Co, (saddles), 2117 Market Weggenmann, Carl, 521 3d West, J David, 1018 Fillmore Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission HARNESS DOG Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market HEAD GEARS ATHLETIC Levinson, Sol, 1028 Market HOLSTERS Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission LACING BELT Cook, H N, Belting Co (Inc), 401-433 Howard Kelly-Linehan Belting Co, 33 Minna LEATHER BELT Frank, S H, & Co, 416 Battery LEATHER CALF M*tten & Gebhardt, 135 Trumbull Thome & McMann, 22-72 Rickard LEATHER COLLAR Balz Bros & Finkeldey, 1445 San Bruno Ave Frank, S H, & Co, 416 Battery Petaluma Tanning Co, 340 Sansome Thorne & McMann, 22-72 Rickard LEATHER CUP Degen, L P, Belting Co, 260 Mission Heins, Alex, Belting Co, 2413 Harrison 168 LEATHER PRODUCTS LEATHER GLOVE Legallet-Hellwig-Norton Co, 1600 Fairfax Ave Legallet & Herrmann, 1445 San Bruno Ave Poetsch & Peterson, 3100 Army LEATHER GOODS American Leather Specialty Co, 821 Market Atlas Novelty Leather Co, 383 Bush Balkan Trunk & Suit Case Co, 70 Otis Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market California Leather Novelty Works, 340 Sansome Clayes, Miss, 284 Post Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market Dugoni, Victor, 1418 Stockton Efficiency File Co, 1058 Folsom High Grade Leather Goods Co, 830 Market Hirschfelder & Meaney, 36 Battery Levinson, Sol, 1028 Market Malm, C A, & Co, 586 Market Muhs Mfg Co, 25 Stockton New Leather Goods Co, 760 Market Newman, C, & Co, 667-669 Sacramento Pacific Trunk & Bag Co, 535 Market San Francisco Leather Goods Co, 367 5th Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant Thumler & Rutherford, 117 Grant Ave West, J David, 1018 Fillmore Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission LEATHER GOODS ATH LETIC Levinson, Sol, 1028 Market LEATHER HARNESS Balz Bros & Finkeldey, 1445 San Bruno Ave Frank, S H, & Co, 416 Battery Krieg Tanning Co (Inc), 1703 San Bruno Ave Kullman, Salz & Co, 85 2d Patrick, A B, Co, 1700 Fairfax Petaluma Tanning Co, 340 Sansome Poetsch & Peterson, 3100 Army LEATHER HYDRAULIC Cook, H N, Belting Co (Inc), 401-433 Howard 169 LEATHER PRODUCTS LEATHER LACE Cook, H N, Belting Co (Inc), 401-433 Howard Poetsch & Peterson, 3100 Army Thome & McMann, 22-72 Rickard LEATHER LATIGO Poetsch & Peterson, 3100 Army Thorne & McMann, 22-72 Rickard LEATHER OIL CHAP Thorne & McMann, 22-72 Rickard LEATHER ROUGH Balz Bros & Finkeldey, 1445 San Bruno Ave Frank, S H, & Co, 416 Battery Petaluma Tanning Co, 340 Sansome LEATHER SHEEPSKIN Legallet-Hellwig-Norton Co, 1600 Fairfax Ave Legallet & Herrmann, 1445 San Bruno Ave LEATHER SKIRTING Balz Bros & Finkeldey, 1445 San Bruno Av Frank, S H, & Co, 416 Battery Krieg Tanning Co (Inc), 1703 San Bruno Ave Kullman, Salz & Co, 85 2cl Patrick, A B, Co, 1700 Fairfax Ave Petaluma Tanning Co, 340 Sansome LEATHER SOLE Balz Bros & Finkeldey, 1445 San Bruno Ave Frank, S H, & Co, 416 Battery Krieg Tanning Co (Inc), 1703 San Bruno Ave Kullman, Salz & Co, 85 2d Patrick, A B, Co, 1700 Fairfax Poetsch & Peterson, 3100 Army Wagner Leather Co, 59 2d LEATHER SPORTING GOODS Legallet-Hellwig-Norton Co, 1600 Fairfax Ave Thorne & McMann, 22-72 Rickard LEATHER STRAP Thorne & McMann, 22-72 Rickard 170 LEATHER PRODUCTS LEATHER UPPER Kullman, Salz & Co, 85 2d Metten & Gebhardt, 135 Trumbull Poetsch & Peterson, 3100 Army Sawyer Tanning Co, 16 California LEGGINS Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market Keyston Bros, 461 Mission Spiro Co, 301 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission MITTENS Farrant Glove Mfg Co, 3600 Mission McNamara, John, 383 Valencia Merit Glove Co, 89 Battery Standard Glove Works, 306 Sacramento MOCCASINS Hettrich, A L, & Co, 508 Washington NOVELTIES American Leather Specialty Co, 821 Market Atlas Novelty Leather Co, 383 Bush California Leather Novelty Works, 340 Sansome Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market Efficiency File Co, 1058 Folsom New Leather Goods Co, 760 Market San Francisco Leather Goods Co, 367 5th Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant Thumler & Rutherford, 117 Grant Ave Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission PACKING Cook, H N, Belting Co (Inc), 401-433 Howard Degen, L P, Belting Co, 260 Mission Graton & Knight Mfg Co of Cal, 247 Mission POCKETBOOKS American Leather Specialty Co, 821 Market Atlas Novelty Leather Co, 383 Bush Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market High Grade Leather Goods Co, 830 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission 171 LEATHER PRODUCTS PURSES American Leather Specialty Co, 821 Market Atlas Novelty Leather Co, 383 Bush Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market California Leather Novelty Works, 340 Sansome Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market Dugoni, Victor, 1418 Stockton High Grade Leather Goods Co, 830 Market Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission PUTTEES Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market Keyston Bros, 461 Mission Spiro Co, 301 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission RAZOR STROPS Monarch Mfg Co, 58 2d Torrence, J S, Sales Co, 9 Main RIDING GOODS Visalia Stock Saddle Co, 2117 Market SHOES Buckingham & Hecht, 25-35 1st Frank & Hyman (Inc), 19th and Bryant Man Fung Lung & Co, 949 Stockton Nolan-Earl Shoe Co, 25 Fremont Stearns & Gansel, 340 Sansome United Workingmen's Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, 400 Bartlett SHOES EXTENSION Hittenberger, C H, Co, 1103 Market Povey, F J, 1241 Divisadero SHOES SPECIAL Gerlach, Fred W, 543 Market SPORTING GOODS Levinson, Sol, 1028 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission 172 LEATHER PRODUCTS STAMPING GOLD AND SILVER Monarch Mfg Co, 58 2d STRAPS SHAWL Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission SUIT CASES Balkan Trunk & Suit Case Co, 70 Otis California Suit Case Co, 540 Hayes Enterprise Trunk Factory, 426 Natoma Friedberg-Grunauer Co, 44-48 Fremont Golden Gate Suit Case Co, 3178 17th Hirschfelder & Meaney, 36 Battery Lastufka Bros & Co, 50 Beale Lichtenstein Bros, 965 Valencia Malm, C A, & Co, 586 Market Newman, C & Co, 614 Kearny Olympic Trunk Co, 421 3d Pacific Trunk & Bag Co, 535 Market San Francisco Suit Case Co, 534 Folsom TANNERS Balz Bros & Finkeldey, 1445 San Bruno Ave Frank, S H, & Co, 416 Battery Krieg Tanning Co (Inc), 1703 San Bruno Ave Kullman, Salz & Co, 85 2d Legallet-Hellwig-Norton Co, 1600 Fairfax Ave Metten & Gebhardt, 135 Trumbull Patrick, A B, Co, 1700 Fairfax Ave Petaluma Tanning Co, 340 Sansome , Sawyer Tanning Co, 16 California Thorne & McMann, 22-72 Rickard Wagner Tanning Co, 59 2d TANNERS FURS Legallet & Herrmann, 1445 San Bruno Ave TANNERS SHEEPSKIN Legallet-Hellwig-Norton Co, 1600 Fairfax Ave Legallet & Herrmann, 1445 San Bruno Ave TRAYS JEWELRY Muhs Mfg Co, 25 Stockton 173 LEATHER PRODUCTS TRUNKS Dugoni, Victor, 1418 Stockton Fleishman Trunk Co, 679-681 Bryant Harband, N, Trunk Co, 775 Market Koesel's Trunk Factory, 579 Geary Newman, C, & Co, 614 Kearny Pacific Trunk & Bag Co, 535 Market TRUSSES Hatteroth's, Wm, 232 Powell Hittenberger, C H, Co, 1103 Market VALISES (See also Suit Cases) Dugoni, Victor, 1418 Stockton WALLETS American Leather Specialty Co, 821 Market Atlas Novelty Leather Co, 383 Bush Crocker Mfg Co (Inc), 583-585 Market High Grade Leather Goods Co, 830 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission 174 METAL PRODUCTS ACCELERATORS Williams Bros Aircraft Corp, 816 Oak ADVERTISING NOVELTIES Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Holt Mfg Co, 593 Market Spears Wells Machinery Co (Inc), 180 Jessie AIRPLANE PARTS Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave Williams Bros Aircraft Corp, 816 Oak AIRPLANES Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave Williams Bros Aircraft Corp, 816 Oak AIRPORTS SHIP Kingwell Bros, 444 Natoma ALLOYS Crown Dental Refinery, 22-26 Mint Ave Gracier, S B, Co (Inc), (dental jewelers), 409 Montgomery Magnolia Metal Co (white), 821 Market Metal Thermit Corp, South San Francisco ALUMINUM Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom National Smelting Corp (slabs), 574 Bryant ALUMINUM SPECIALTIES Excelsior Brass Works (Inc), 1168 Bryant Kirsten & Mogel, 45 Tehama Star Aluminum Foundry, 3621 18th 175 METAL PR ODUCTS AMALGAMATORS (See also Machinery Mining) Bunting Iron Works, 1 Montgomery ANCHORS De Lano Bros Co (Inc); 70 Spear ANDIRONS Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission ANGLES STEEL Sims & Gray Iron Works (short cut), 550-554 Bryant ANODES COPPER Shasta Zinc & Copper Co, 582 Market ARMATURE WINDING Automobile Armature Exchange, 227 Ash Marine Electric Co, 195 Fremont Patras & Berry, 784 O'Farrell ART METAL WORK American Art Metal Works, 13 Grace Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission Van Erp, Dirk, 1104 Sutter Ye Olde Copper Shoppe, 474 Sutter ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS METAL American Flower Works, 346 Hayes AUTO ACCESSORIES (See also Auto Parts) Auto Timer Co, 149 New Montgomery Brown & Brand, (radius rods), 270 Valencia C G S Spark Plug Co, 620 Golden Gate Ave Clarke-Sinclair Machine Works, 731 Turk Duplex Transmission Bands (Inc), 48 Clay Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission FAB Mfg Co (brakes), 582 Market Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), (bearings), 251-59 2d 176 METAL PR ODUCTS Hoover Spring Co (bumpers), 201-229 Franklin Horace Remote Control Co (brake control), 12 Steuart Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Kingwell Bros (bearings), 444 Natoma Lane Air Brake Co, 764 Golden Gate Ave Morgan Spring Co, 670 Golden Gate Ave Pioneer Motor Bearing Co, 501-505 Eddy Quality Products Mfg Co, 1095 Market Rischmuller Mfg Co (brakes), 3442 19th Star Aluminum Foundry, 3621 18th Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave Westinghouse Pacific Coast Brake Co, 65 Market Williams Bros Aircraft Corp, 816 Oak Woodward & Rowe, 323 Van Ness Ave AUTO FOOT PEDALS Star Aluminum Foundry, 3621 18th AUTO FOOT RESTS Star Aluminum Foundry, 3621 18th AUTO PARTS American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Auto Fender & Radiator Works, 1140 Geary Auto Timer Co, 149 New Montgomery Automatic Spark Advance Co, 74 New Montgomery Brown & Brand (radius rods), 270 Valencia C G S Spark Plug Co, 620 Golden Gate Ave Clarke-Sinclair Machine Works, 731 Turk Doane Motor Truck Co, 428 3d Duplex Transmission Bands (Inc), 48 Clay F A B Mfg Co, 582 Market Gas Motor Parts Co, 53 Page Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), (bearings), 251-59 2d Hanni Auto Repair Co, 1630 Franklin Hoover Spring Co, 201-229 Franklin Horace Remote Control Co, 12 Steuart Johnson Gear Co, 17 Spear King, E J, Service Co, 1035 Post Kingwell Bros (bearings), 444 Natoma La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th Lane Air Brake Co, 764 Golden Gate Ave Livenais, August, 1625 Pacific Ave Mann Mfg Co, 454 Golden Gate Ave Morgan Spring Co, 670 Golden Gate Ave 177 METAL PRODUCTS Nicolson, Harry M, 155 Grove Pacific Machine Shop, 360 11th Retry & Brandt, 1465 Bush Rischmuller Mfg Co, 3442 19th Schnerr, J J, Co (Inc), 799 Golden Gate Ave Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave Western Radiator & Fender Co, 1430 Bush Westinghouse Pacific Coast Brake Co, 65 Market Williams Bros Aircraft Corp, 816 Oak Wiseman, Geo B, 129 Grove Woodward, Geo H, 1455 Bush Woodward & Rowe, 323 Van Ness Ave AUTO RIMS COLLAPSIBLE Quality Products Mfg Co, 1095 Market AUTO TIMERS Auto Timer Co (Ford), 149 New Montgomery AUTOMOBILES Doble Steam Motors, 714 Harrison Ford Motor Co, 2905 21st Harrison, Fred'k, Co (re-built Ford Autos), 273 8th King, E J, Service Co, (special designs), 1035 Post AXLES American Forge Co, 25 Tehama American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Clarke-Sinclair Machine Works, 731 Turk Livenais, August, 1625 Pacific Ave Mann Mfg Co, 454 Golden Gate Ave Nicholson, Harry M, 1055 Grove Schnerr, J J, Co (Inc), 799 Golden Gate Ave AXLES AUTO American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Clarke-Sinclair Machine Works, 731 Turk Nicolson, Harry M, 1055 Grove Schnerr, J J Co (Inc), 799 Golden Gate Ave AXLES CRANK American Forge Co, 25 Tehama 178 METAL PRODUCTS BADGES Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission Irvine & Jachens, 1027 Market Magnus, H C, & Co, 237 California Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market Patrick & Co, 560 Market Reininger & Co, 420 Market Tuckey, H W, & Co (precious metal), 140 Geary Tully Rubber Stamp Works, 45 California BAKERS ELECTRIC Western X-Ray & Equipment Co, 423 Hayes BAKERY EQUIPMENT Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale BALLS MILL Forrest, Edwin, Forge Co (Inc), 69 Fremont BANDS PIPE Todt & Peters, 322 Main BANKS HOME SAVING Bankers Utilities Co (Inc), 389 4th BAR BENDING United States Shape & Pipe Bending Co, 315 Howard BARS Judson Mfg Co, 819 Folsom Southern California Iron & Steel Co, Rialto Bldg Withington Iron Works, 780 Brannan BARS CLAW Schaffer, L r & Co, 364 10th BARS CURB Wetenhall, W S, Co, 440 Irwin BARS GRATE David, P, Company, 55 New Montgomery Rincon Foundry Co, 349 7th 179 METAL PRODUCTS BARS LEAD American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California BARS REINFORCING Kyle & Co, 18th and Indiana BASKETS WIRE West Coast Wire & Iron Works, 861 Howard BATH ROOM SUPPLIES ENAM ELED Pacific Sanitary Mfg Co, 67 New Montgomery BATTERIES DRY CELL Federal Battery Co (Inc), 1509 Broderick National Carbon Co (Inc), 599 8th BATTERIES FLASHLIGHT Federal Battery Co (Inc), 1509 Broderick National Carbon Co (Inc), 599 8th BATTERI ES STORAGE Auto Battery & Electric Co, 751 Ellis Calhoun Storage Battery Mfg Co, 780 Ellis Durkee-Thomas Co, 1509 Franklin Electric Storage Battery Co, 1536-1556 Bush Gould Storage Battery Co, 1660 Pine Guarantee Battery Mfg Co, 955 Post Kahn & Kevelle, 982 Post Luthy Co (Inc), The, 58 Sutter National Carbon Co (Inc), 599 8th BATTERIES STORAGE RADIO Durkee-Thomas Co, 1509 Franklin BATTERY RECHARGING Graham, H G, 607 Bryant North End Battery & Electric Co, 725 Pacific BEAMS Folsom Street Iron Works, 18th and Treat Ave 180 METAL PRODUCTS BEARINGS AUTO Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co. (Inc), 251-259 2d Kingwell Bros, 444 Natoma Pioneer Motor Bearing Co, 501-505 Eddy BEARINGS BRONZE BACK Pacific Metal Bearings Co, 129-133 Myrtle BEARINGS DIE CAST Pacific Metal Bearings Co, 129-133 Myrtle BEARINGS SPECIAL Kelly Ball Bearing Co, 651 Turk BEARINGS WHITE METAL Pioneer Motor Bearing Co, 501-505 Eddy BEDS BRASS Pacific Coast Bed Mfg Co, 3279 Harrison Simmons Co, 198 Bay BEDS FOLDING Bell's Wall Beds, 106 Church Buckeye Mfg Co, 935 Howard BEDS IRON Bernhard Mattress Co, The, 739 Mission Hoey, John, & Co (Inc), 220-228 Vermont Pacific Coast Bed Mfg Co, 3279 Harrison Simmons Co, 198 Bay BEDS SPRING Pacific Spring Bed Co, Howard and New Montgomery Premier Bed & Spring Co, 2401 17th BEDS STEEL Simmons Co, 198 Bay BEDS WALL American Automatic Lock & Lift Co, 101 Front Bell's Wall Beds, 106 Church Marshall & Stearns Co, Phelan Bldg 181 METAL PRODUCTS BELLS AND GONGS De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Folsom BELLS FOG ELECTRIC San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Folsom BILLET TURNERS Hampton Electric Mfg Co, 520 Mission BILLETS AND BOOMS iPennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery BINNACLES Art Brass and Metal Spinning Works, 783 Folsom Weule, Louis, Co, 6 California BITS AND SPURS Visalia Stock Saddle Co, 2117 Market BLADES SHEAR Wilbert, Fred V, 443 Folsom BLINDS VENETIAN Jorgensen, C, & Co, 604 Mission BLOWERS (See also Exhausters) Ferry Sheet Metal Works, 980 Folsom Pacific Blower & Heating Co, 224 5th Power & Pike Co, 126-128 Beale Rees Blow Pipe Mfg Co, 336-340 7th Standard Metal Products Co, 546-548 Bryant .Sturtevant, B F, Co, 681 Market BOATS Kneass, Geo W, 18th and Illinois BOATS LIFE Kneass, Geo W, 18th and Illinois 182 METAL PR ODUCTS BODIES AUTO SHEET METAL (See also Wood Products) American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Auto Sheet Metal Works, 539 Gough Brizard & Young, 72 Tehama Judge-Fischer Co, 149 11th Larkins & Co, 3700 Geary Modern Auto Body Co, 819 Valencia Morris & Goldstein, 778 Golden Gate Ave Norrington, Wm, 287 Fell Regan & Schlappi, 459 11th Rentschler Bros, 1767 15th San Francisco Auto Body Co, 380-382 Fulton San Francisco Fender & Radiator Works, 1615 Pine Sturiza & Glunz, 811 Eddy Valencia Street Auto Body Works, 736 Valencia Zimmerman, L, 112 Jones BODIES AUTO TRUCK Lowney, D D, 1297 Harrison Rentschler Bros, 1767 15th BODIES DUMP STEEL Bacon, Edw R Co, 51 Minna and 441 Folsom Economy Steel Mfg Co, 932 Folsom Lowney, D D, 1297 Harrison Pacific Body Works (Inc), 331-333 Grove BOILER FRONTS McCormick Bros Iron Works, 617 Bryant BOILER STANDS Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, 854 Howard BOILERS Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp (Ltd), 20th and Illinois California Boiler Works, 526 Howard Dundon Iron Works, 225-227 Folsom Eureka Boiler Works Co, 166 Fremont Fulton Engine Works, The, 760 Market Grave & Monaghan, 358 Brannan Ms, John G, & Co, 839-841 Mission Iron and Steel Contracting Co, 215 San Bruno Ave Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont 183 METAL PRODUCTS Main Iron Works, 1000 16th Mooney & Young, 1013 Battery Moynihan, T J, & Co, 401 Folsom Ocean Shore Iron Works, 550 8th Pacific Coast Boiler Works, 235-237 Main Variety Iron Works, 1188-1192 Harrison BOILERS COPPER Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna BOILERS HOT WATER Greenblat. I L, 1314 Valencia Shields, Thos, 1928 Post Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard BOILERS RESTAURANT Greenblat, I L, 1314 Valencia BOILERS RIVETED Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison BOILERS STEEL Iron & Steel Contracting Co, 215 San Bruno Ave BOILERS WASH rierbst Bros, 1943 Mission BOILERS WELDED Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Grave & Monaghan, 358 Brannan Variety Iron Works, 1188-1192 Harrison BOLTS Band Wedge Bolt Co, 580 Valencia Curie Manufacturing Co, 421 Sacramento Judson Mfg Co, 819 Folsom Pacific Rolling Mill Co, 17th and Mississippi Payne's Bolt Works, 133 Howard Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery Southern California Iron & Steel Co, Rialto Bldg BOLTS COUPLING Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery 184 METAL PRODUCTS BOLTS WEDGE Band Wedge Bolt Co, 580 Valencia BOOK-ENDSBRASS AND COPPER Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market BOTTLE CAPPERS Levy, S J, 510 Bryant Western Equipment Co, 101 Front BOTTLE STOPPERS Western Stopper Co, 2800 20th BOTTLING EQUIPMENT Eng-Skell Co, 208-210 Mission BOWLS BRASS AND COPPER Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market Ye Olde Copper Shoppe, 474 Slitter BOXES JUNCTION Herzog Electric Engineering Co, 172 Steuart BOXES SAFE DEPOSIT Hermann Safe Co, The, 216-224 Fremont Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co, 214 California BOXES STUFFING De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear BOXES TOOL AUTO Auto Sheet Metal Works, 539 Gough BOXES SWITCH ELECTRIC American Metal Products Co, 277 Minna Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, 854 Howard Riddle Sheet Metal Works, 1067 Folsom United Sheet Metal Works, 960 Howard Western Safety Mfg Co, 247 Minna BRACKETS Day, Thos Co, 725 Mission Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st 185 METAL PR ODUCTS BRAKE SHOES Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart BRAKE SHOES STEEL BACK American Brake Shoe & Foundry Co, 74 New Montgomery BRAKES AIR Lane Air Brake, Co, 764 Golden Gate Ave Westinghouse Pacific Coast Brake Co, 65 Market BRAKES AUTO AND TRUCK FAB Mfg Co, 582 Market Horace Remote Control Co, 12 Steuart Lane Air Brake Co, 764 Golden Gate Ave Rischmuller Mfg Co, 3442 19th Westinghouse Pacific Coast Brake Co, 65 Market BRANDS BOX Ames-Harris-Neville Co, 100 Potrero Ave English, C C, 583 Market Holmes, S O, & Co, 505 Washington Magnus, H C, & Co, 237 California Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market Patrick & Co, 560 Market Tully Rubber Stamp Works, 45 California BRANDS BURNING Ames-Harris-Neville Co, 100 Potrero Ave Magnus, H C, & Co, 237 California Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market Patrick & Co, 560 Market Tully Rubber Stamp Works, 45 California BRASS AND BRONZE HAND WROUGHT Jauchen's Olde Copper Shop, 1391 Sutter Van Erp, Dirk, 1104 Sutter Ye Olde Copper Shoppe, 474 Sutter BRASS AND BRONZE WORK Ajax Foundry Co, 58-60 Clementina Architectural Iron & Bronze Works, 425 Potrero Ave Art Brass and Metal Spinning Works, 783 Folsom Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Brass and Bronze Lighting Fixture Mfg Co, 1061 Mission 186 METAL PRODUCTS California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Dyer, F G, Brass & Machine Works, 770 Folsom Eureka Iron & Wire Works, 374 11th Fazekas, A, 13 Grace Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), 251-259 2d Graff, A & Sons, 39. Shipley Haus Iron & Bronze Works, 425 Potrero Ave Hillard, C J, Co (Inc), 19th and Minnesota Kingwell Bros, 444 Natoma La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th Marine Electric Co, 195 Fremont O'Donnell, E M, 274 Spear Pacific Brass & Bronze Foundry, 528 Folsom Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission Swain, Geo, 165 Steuart West Coast Wire & Iron Works, 861 Howard Western Brass Mfg Co, 217 Tehama Western Foundry, 912 Folsom BRASS AND BRONZE WORK ART Fazekas, A, 13 Grace Hillard, C J, Co (Inc), 19th and Minnesota Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market BRASS GOODS AUTO Western Brass Mfg Co, 217 Tehama BRASS GOODS PLUMBERS (See Also Plumbers' Specialties) Garratt, W T & Co, 299 Fremont BRASS GOODS SPECIAL Kingwell Bros, 444 Natoma BREECH1NGS BOILER Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison BRIDGES STEEL Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Judson Mfg Co, 819 Folsom BRIDGES WIRE American Steel & Wire Co, Rialto Bldg 187 METAL PRODUCTS BRONZE METAL BEARING Pacific Meta! Works, 153-159 1st BROILERS Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission BRUSHES BOTTLE WIRE Heyman-Weil Co, 720 Mission BRUSHES WIRE Morck Brush Mfg Co, 236 8th BUCKETS DREDGE Eureka Boiler Works, 166 Fremont BUCKETS MILK Associated Metal Works, 245 Minna Bowen, John L, & Sons Co, 216 Duncan Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama BUCKETS ORE Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Hendy, Joshua, Iron Works, 75 Fremont BUMPERS AUTO Hoover Spring Co, 361 Hayes Morgan Spring Co, 670 Golden Gate Ave Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave BURNERS INCENSE Morgan, F L, 583 Market BURNERS OIL (See also Oil Burning Equipment) Atlas Heating and Ventilating Co, 72 Freelon Barion, C O, Co, 291 1st Bunting Iron Works, 1 Montgomery Clot, E, Machine Works, 940 Bryant Colmar Mfg Co, 116 New Montgomery Fess System Co, 220 Natoma Franklin Machine Co (Inc), 126 Folsom Jarvis, T P, Mfg Co, 275 Connecticut 188 METAL PRODUCTS Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear Staples & Pfeiffer, 102 Steuart Tucker, E W, & Co, 347 Fremont Weishons & Symon, 3648 18th BUSHINGS American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Clarke-Sinclair Machine Works, 731 Turk Excelsior Brass Works (Inc), 1168 Bryant Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), 251-259 2d Livenais, August, 1625 Pacific Ave Pioneer Motor Bearing Co, 501-505 Eddy Superior Brass Foundry, 316 1st CABINETS ELECTRIC American Metal Products Co, 277 Minna CABINETS FILING Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th CABINETS FILM Hooker, L B, 1530 Howard CABLE American Steel & Wire Co, Rialto Bldg Standard Underground Cable Co, 1 Montgomery CAGES BIRD New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market CAGES WIRE New Orleans Wire Works, 802 Polk New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market CANDELABRA (See also Fixtures, Lighting) Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission CANDLESTICKS Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market 189 METAL PRODUCTS CANNING EQUIPMENT (See also Machinery) Berger & Carter Co, 365 Market Premier Machinery Co, 311 Sansome CANS COMBINATION Bennett Paper Can & Tube Co, 291 10th CANS EXPORT Grimley, Frank J, 317 Front CANS GARBAGE GALVANIZED Greenblat, I L, 1314 Valencia Herbst Bros, 1943 Mission Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear CANS ICE Riddle Sheet Metal Works. 1067 Folsom CANS LARD TIN Pacific Butchers' Supply Co, 211-215 4th CANS LITHOGRAPHED American Can Co, Mills Bldg Western Can Co, 180 Townsend CANS MILK Associated Metal Works, 245 Minna Bowen, John L, & Sons Co, 216 Duncan CANS OIL Ames, W R, Co, 450 Irwin CANS SCREW TOP Bennett Paper Can & Tube Co, 291 10th CANS TIN American Can Co, Mills Bldg Bennett Paper Can & Tube Co, 291 10th Grimley, Frank J, 317 Front Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis Western Can Co, 180 Townsend 190 METAL PRODUCTS CANS TIN END National Paper Products Co, 1789 Montgomery CAPSTANS MARINE Main Iron Works, 1000 16th CAR EQUIPMENT Pacific Car & Equipment Co, 625 Market CARBONATING APPARATUS Automatic Specialty Co, 161 7th Eng-Skell Co, 208-210 Mission CARBONATORS ROOT BEER Automatic Specialty Co, 161 7th CARBURETOR PARTS Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), 251-259 2d CARD HOLDERS Rapid Price Teller Mfg Co, 3700 17th CARRIERS TIRE Morgan Spring Co, 670 Golden Gate Ave CARS ELEVATOR (See also Elevators) New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 534 Gough Sartorius Co, 15th and Utah CARS ORE Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Hendy, Joshua, Iron Works, 75 Fremont CASE HARDENING Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary CASES FLASHLIGHT National Carbon Co (Inc), 599 8th CASES WATCH California Watch Case Co, 150 Post 191 METAL PRODUCTS CASH REGISTERS REBUILT Dahl-Shaw Cash Register Co, 349 Market CASING PIPE Pacific Pipe Co, 201 Howard CASING PIPE FLOOR Jackson, P H, & Co, 237-247 1st CASING WELL BLACK Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome CASING WELL GALVANIZED Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th & Bluxome CASING WELL RIVETED Montague Pipe & Steel Co, 582 Market Western Pipe & Steel Co, 444 Market CASKET LININGS La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th CASKETS METALLIC California Casket Co, 959-965 Mission Stella Bros Mfg Co, 1428 Howard CASTING MATERIALS DENTAL Crown Dental Refinery, 22-26 Mint Ave CASTINGS ACID RESISTING Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th CASTINGS ALUMINUM Aluminum Products Co, 593 Market Commercial Brass Foundry, 550 4th Davis, Henry, & Co, 766 Folsom Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), 251-259 2d Liberty Brass Foundry, 248 Tehama Pacific Brass & Bronze Foundry, 528 Folsom San Francisco Brass Foundry, 48 Clementina San Francisco Metal Stamping Works, 2269 Folsom Star Aluminum Foundry, 3621 18th Superior Brass Foundry, 316 1st 192 METAL PRODUCTS CASTINGS BRASS AND BRONZE Art Brass & Metal Spinning Works, 783 Folsom California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th California Metal Works, 1719 15th Commercial Brass Foundry, 550 4th Davis, Henry, & Co, 766 Folsom Dow-Herriman Co, 140 Howard Dyer, F G, Brass & Machine Works, 770 Folsom Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart Excelsior Brass Works (Inc), 1168 Bryant Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), 251-259 2d Graff, A, & Sons, 39 Shipley Greenberg's, M, Sons, 225-227 Beale Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, 830 Howard Kingwell Bros, 444 Natoma Krenz, Oscar, Copper & Brass Works, 612-634 Bryant Liberty Brass Foundry, 248 Tehama McKay Foundry Co, 17th and Missouri Pacific Brass & Bronze Foundry, 528 Folsom Pacific Metal Works, 153-159 1st Rincon Foundry Co, 349 7th San Francisco Brass Foundry, 48 Clementina San Francisco Metal Stamping Works, 2269 Folsom Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina Superior Brass Foundry, 316 1st Western Brass Mfg Co, 217 Tehama Western Foundry, 912 Folsom CASTINGS BUILDING Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Rincon Foundry Co, 349 7th CASTINGS CHEMICAL EQUIPMENT Columbia Steel Co, 351 California Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th CASTINGS CHILLED IRON David, P, Co, 21st and Indiana Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Davis, Henry, & Co, 766 Folsom Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Pacific Brass & Bronze Foundry, 528 Folsom San Francisco Brass Foundry, 48 Clementina 193 METAL PRODUCTS CASTINGS ELECTRIC STEEL Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart CASTINGS ELEVATOR Western Foundry, 912 Folsom CASTINGS ENGINE Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont McKay Foundry Co, 17th and Missouri Western Foundry, 912 Folsom CASTINGS GREY IRON Ajax Foundry Co, 58-60 Clementina American Brake Shoe & Foundry Co of Cal, 74 New Montgomery Best Steel Casting Co, 582 Market California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th Coast Foundry Co, 1375 Potrero Ave Commercial Iron Works, 497 5th David, P, 55 New Montgomery Dow-Herriman Co, 17 Spear Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart Golden State & Miners Iron Works, 249 1st Jewell Steel & Malleable Co, 1375 Potrero Ave Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Judson Mfg Co, 819 Folsom V" Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, 830 Howard McCormick Bros Iron Works, 617 Bryant McKay Foundry Co, 17th and Missouri Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Mission Foundry & Stove Works, 2256 Harrison Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th Pacific Rolling Mill Co, 17th and Mississippi Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery Rincon Foundry Co, 349 7th San Francisco Stove Works, 256 Townsend Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina Steiger & Kerr Stove & Foundry Co, Folsom and 18th Thompson Bros, 625 Brannan Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny Western Foundry, 912 Folsom CASTINGS GUN METAL Krenz, Oscar, Copper & Brass Works, 612-634 Bryant Pacific Brass & Bronze Foundry, 528 Folsom 194 METAL PRODUCTS CASTINGS HEAT RESISTING David, P, Co, 55 New Montgomery CASTINGS LEAD Krenz, Oscar, Copper & Brass Works, 612-634 Bryant San Francisco Brass Foundry, 48 Clementina CASTINGS MACHINERY David, P, Co, 55 New Montgomery Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont McKay Foundry Co, 17th and Missouri Rincon Foundry Co, 349 7th CASTINGS MALLEABLE IRON Jewell Steel & Malleable Co, 1375 Potrero Ave Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina CASTI.NGS STEEL MANGANESE American Manganese Steel Co, 433 California Columbia Steel Co, 351 California CASTINGS MONEL METAL Davis, Henry, & Co, 766 Folsom CASTINGS NICKEL STEEL Columbia Steel Co, 351 California CASTINGS PUMP McKay Foundry Co, 17th and Missouri CASTINGS RUSTLESS Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th CASTINGS SEMI-STEEL Best Steel Casting Co, 582 Market David, P, Co, 55 New Montgomery Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Judson Mfg Co, 819 Folsom McCormick Bros Iron Works, 617 Bryant 195 METAL PRODUCTS McKay Fonndry Co, 17th and Missouri Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny CASTINGS SPECIAL Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th CASTINGS STEEL Columbia Steel Co, 351 California Judson Mfg Co, 819 Folsom CASTINGS STEEL SMALL Jewel! Steel & Malleable Co, 1375 Potrero Ave CASTINGS TYPE Konkel Co, 141 Clara Monotype Composition Co, 88 1st Pacific Typesetting & Type Foundry Co, 330 Jackson CASTINGS WHITE METAL Finn, John, Metal Works, 384 2d Krenz, Oscar, Copper & Brass Works, 612-634 Bryant Pacific Brass & Bronze Foundry, 528 Folsom Pacific Metal Works, 153-159 1st San Francisco Metal Stamping Works, 2269 Folsom CELLS PRISON Ralston Iron Works, 20th and Indiana Withington Iron Works, 780 Brannan CHANDELIERS Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission Osinghaus Brass & Bronze Foundry, 124 Jupiter CHANNELS Fernald Co, 221 Tehama Sims & Gray Iron Works, 550-554 Bryant CHASSIS MOUNTINGS Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st CHEMICAL APPARATUS M & H Plating Works, 717 Market 196 METAL PRODUCTS CHEMICAL PLANT EQUIPMENT Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th CHIMNEY TOPS Anderberg & McCaron, 1998 Polk Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear CHIMNEYS PATENT Amsler Sheet Metal Works, 25 Shotwell Atlas Heating and Ventilating Co, 72 Freelon Clawson, F E, Co, 147 Gough Delucchi, John J, 1526 Powell Goss, W P, 4640 Geary Montague Pipe & Steel Co, 582 Market Olmo, Frank, 3460 Mission Richmond Sheet Metal Works, 3632 Geary CHUTES STEEL Jackson, P H, & Co, 237-247 1st CIGAR AND CIGARETTE HOLDERS Tanner-Spiral Co, 52 2d CLAMPS HOSE Williams Bros Aircraft Corp, 816 Oak CLAMPS PIPE Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st CLOCKS WATCHMAN Pacific Fire Extinguisher Co, 424-440 Howard Thomas, F A, Co, 85 2d CLOTH WIRE Roebllng's John A, Sons Co of Cal, 646 Folsom West Coast Wire & Iron Works, 861 Howard CLOTHES LINES CONTINUOUS Williamson, H E, Co, 22 Grace 197 METAL PRODUCTS COFFEE URNS Anderson, Geo, 162 Steuart Cooks & Co, 240-242 Steuart H & H Coffee Urn Co, 54 Natoma Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear Topper, T J, 1067 Mission COILS COPPER Blyth, Henry, 16 Washington O'Donnell, E M, 274 Spear Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna COILS ELECTRIC A1 Electric & Construction Co, 313 5th Butte Electric and Mfg Co, 534 Folsom Dahl, E W, & Son, 109-111 Mission Drendell Electric & Mfg Co, 1345 Howard Farnsworth Electrical Works, 549 Mission Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, 172 Steuart COILS PIPE RIVETED California Steel Products Co, 452 Bay COILS PIPE WELDED California Steel Products Co, 452 Bay Monaghan, D C, 358 Brannan COILS SUGAR Blyth, Henry, 16 Washington COMPASSES (See also Instruments) Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission COMPRESSORS AIR Air Compressor & Equipment Co, 46-48 Natoma Franklin Machine Co (Inc), 126 Folsom Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Oliver Mfg Co, 503 Market Reardon, P N, 57 1st Rix Compressed Air & Drill Co, 505 Howard Westinghouse Pacific Coast Brake Co, 65 Market Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 882-864 Howard 198 METAL PRODUCTS CONCENTRATORS ORE (See also Machinery, Mining) Bunting Iron Works, 1 Montgomery CONDENSING APPARATUS Braun, C F. & Co, 604 Mission CONDUIT UNDERGROUND McClenahan Products Co (Inc), 112 Kearny CONTAINERS WELDED Variety Iron Works, 1188-1192 Harrison CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT Bacon, Edw R Co. 51 Minna and 441 Folsom Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Jardine Machinery Co, 115-125 Main Willett & Burr, 512 Mission CONTROLLERS ELECTRIC Butte Electric and Mfg Co, 534 Folsom Dahl, E W, & Son, 109-111 Mission Drendell Electric & Mfg Co, 1345 Howard Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, 172 Steuart Holzmueller, C J, 1055 Mission Theatrical Mfg Co (Inc), 121 Golden Gate Ave San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Foisom CONTROLLERS ELEVATOR DOOR San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Folsom CONVEYORS Conlin & Roberts, 410 Natoma Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale CONVEYORS BELT Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale CONVEYORS SPIRAL Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton CONVEYORS STEEL SCREW Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale 199 METAL PRODUCTS COOKERS FRUIT Berger & Carter Co, 365 Market COOKING PLANTS BITUMIN Schneider, A, Engineering Works, 1414-1416 15th COOLERS Associated Metal Works, 245 Minna Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Misfeion COOLERS MILK Associated Metal Works, 245 Minna COPPER BLISTER Mountain Copper Co, 332 Pine United States Smelting, Refining & Mining Co, 582 Market COPPER PHOSPHOR National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant COPPER WARE Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear COPPER WORK (See also Brass and Bronze) Campana, Wm G, 593 Bryant Greenblat, I L, 1314 Valencia Kirsten & Mogel, 45 Tehama Krenz, Oscar, Copper & Brass Works, 612-634 Bryant La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market O'Donnell, E M, 274 Spear Smith, C W, Copper Works, 16-20 Washington Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna CORES RADIATOR Cartridge Radiator Core Co, 919 Folsom Liberty Radiator Core Mfg Co, 30-32 Rose Ave CORNICES (See also Sheet Metal) Amsler Sheet Metal Works, 25 Shotwell Anderberg & McCaron, 1998 Polk Appmann Cornice Works, 128 Valencia 200 METAL PRODUCTS Davison, Frank, 739 Brannan Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th Guilfoy Cornice Works, 229 8th Heidt, W, Cornice Works, 152 1st Ideal Cornice Co, 1038 Howard Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis Pioch, Frank J, 429 Hayes Richmond Sheet Metal Works, 3632 Geary United States Metal Products Co, 330 10th COTS WIRE Premier Bed & Spring Co, 2401 17th COUCHES IRON Hoey, John, & Co (Inc), 200-228 Vermont Simmons Co, 198 Bay COUPLINGS FLEXIBLE Farnsworth Electrical Works, 549 Mission COVERS SHEET METAL Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, 854 Howard COWLS VENTILATOR Anderson, Geo. 162 Steuart Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th CRANES ELECTRIC Butte Electric and Mfg Co, 534 Folsom Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny CRANES HAND POWER Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny CRANES TRAVELING Butte Electric and Mfg Co, 534 Folsom Cyclops Iron Works, 837 Folsom North Machine Co, 324 Main Union Machine Co, 934 Brannan CRANKSHAFTS Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery 201 METAL PRODUCTS CRATES CANNERY Todt & Peters, 322 Main CREAMERY SUPPLIES Associated Metal Works, 245 Minna Bowen, John L, & Sons Co, 216 Duncan CROWN CORKS Western Stopper Co, 2800 20th CULVERTS CORRUGATED California Corrugated Culvert Co, 10th and Bryant CUTLERY SPECIAL Will & Finck, 1686 Market CUTTER HEADS Orton Machine Co, 325 Fremont CUTTERS MILLING Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison CUTTING APPARATUS Victor Oxy-Acetylene Equipment Co, 884 Folsom CYLINDERS ELEVATOR Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton DAIRY SUPPLIES Associated Metal Works, 245 Minna Bowen, John L, & Sons Co, 216 Duncan DAMPERS FIRE PLACE Richardson, Eri H, 77 O'Farrell DAVITS LIFE BOAT Pennington, Geo W, Sons( Inc), 1699 Montgomery DEHYDRATING PLANTS (See also Evaporating Plants) Atlas Heating and Ventilating Co. 72 Freelon Fulton Engine Works, 760 Market 202 METAL PRODUCTS DENTAL MATERIALS Crown Dental Refinery, 22-26 Mint Ave DENTISTS MECHANICAL See Miscellaneous DERRICKS Davis, Morris K, 400 7th Fulton Engine Works, 760 Market DIE CUTTING Crossley, C S, 209 Post Pollhammer, A, 717 Market Stern, A W, Folding Paper Box Co, 515 Howard Thumler Bros, 150 Post DIE CUTTINGFANCY Stern, A W, Folding Paper Box Co, 515 Howard DIE CUTTING STEEL English, C C, 583 Market Marier Engraving Co, 420 Market Marier, Leo J, 265 Bush Roemer Engraving Co, 117 Grant Ave Union Lithograph Co, 741 Harrison DIES Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission California Tool Works, 181 Beale Connor Mfg Co, 67 Annie Detroit Die & Machine Works, 992 Howard Doble (Inc), 714 Harrison Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Forrest, Edwin, Forge Co (Inc), 69 Fremont Ideal Tool & Die Works, 208 12th Katz, Louis, 1753 O'Farrell Krone-Kreutz, F, Co, 204 1st Larkin Specialty Mfg Co, 231 1st Lathe Tool Works, 52 Natoma Mission Tool & Die Works, 1374 Mission Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market Pollhammer, A, 717 Market Rebizzo & Falcone, 414 Broadway 203 METAL PRODUCTS Reininger & Co, 420 Market Roemer Engraving Co, 117 Grant Ave Standard Tool & Mfg Co, 202 2d Union Lithograph Co, 741 Harrison Universal Tool & Die Shop, 109 New Montgomery DIES BUTTON New York Hygrade Button Works, 130 Geary DIES CAN^SPEChM_. Aicher Machine Works, 134 Stockton DIES COPPER PLATE English, Q C, 583 Market DIES DROP FORGE; Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st DIESLABEL English, C C, 583 Market DIES MACARONI North San Francisco Machine Works, 414 Broadway DIES MOTOR Pioneer Motor Bearing Co, 501-505 Eddy DIES PRESS JUICE Rebizzo & Falcone, 414 Broadway DIES PRESS MACARONI Rebizzo & Falcone, 414 Broadway DIES PRESS OLIVE Rebizzo & Falcone, 414 Broadway DIES PRESS SPECIAL Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison DIES SPECIAL Rapid Price Teller Mfg Co, 3700 17th DIES STAMP MILL Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery 204 METAL PRODUCTS DIES STEEL Armbruster Engraving Co, 76 2d Carlisle & Co, 251 Bush Crossley, C S, 209 Post English, C C, 583 Market Fischer, S E, & Co, 461 Bush Fricou, Fred, 251 Kearny Larson, Geo, & Co, 150 Post Magnus, H C, & Co, 237 California Marier Engraving Co, 420 Market Marier, Leo J, 265 Bush Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant Will & Finck, 1686 Market DIES STEEL HAMMERED American Forge Co, 25 Tehama DIRECTORIES OFFICE BUILDING Building Directory Co, 660 Market DISTILLING APPARATUS Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission DOOR BUFFER Roberts, Urban H, 830 Market DOOR KNOBS Osinghaus Brass & Bronze Foundry, 124 Jupiter DOOR OPENERS Akard Door Opener Co (Inc), 4167 20th Rischmuller Mfg Co, 3442 19th DOORS COPPER AND BRONZE Fire Protection Products Co, 3117-3119 20th DOORS FIRE Atlas Heating and Ventilating Co, 72 Freelon Capitol Art Metal Co (Inc), 1133 Howard Fire Protection Products Co, 3117-3119 20th Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th Guilfoy Cornice Works, 229 8th Heidt, W, Cornice Works, 152 1st United States Metal Products Co, 330 10th 205 METAL PRODUCTS DOORS HOLLOW METAL Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th DOORS KALAMEIN Fire Protection Products Co, 3117-3119 20th DOORS METAL Fire Protection Products Co, 3117-3119 20th Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th Heidt, W, Cornice Works, 152 1st United States Metal Products Co, 330 10th DOORS REFRIGERATOR Coast Refrigerator Co, 300 Gough DOORS SAFE Hermann Safe Co, The, 216-224 Fremont Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co, 214 California DOORS SIDEWALK Jackson, P H, & Co, 237-247 1st Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Phoenix Sidewalk Light Co, 681 Market DOORS VAULT Hermann Safe Co, The, 216-224 Fremont Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co, 214 California DOORS VESTIBULE Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave DOORS WAREHOUSE Jorgensen & Co, 604 Mission Spencer, Richard, Hearst Bldg DOUGHNUT MAKING EQUIPMENT Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission DRAIN BOARDS SINK ENAMELED Pacific Sanitary Mfg Co, 67 New Montgomery 206 METAL PRODUCTS DREDGES Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp (Ltd), 20th and Illinois Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Union Construction Co, 604 Market DREDGES GOLD Yuba Mfg Co, 433 California DRESS FORMS WIRE New Orleans Wire Works, 802 Polk DRILLS MINING San Francisco Saw and Tool Works, 236 Fremont Union Construction Co, 604 Market ORUM8 Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear DRYERS HAIR ELECTRIC Electric Mfg Co, 59 New Montgomery DRYING APPARATUS Standard Metal Products Co, 546-548 Bryant DUMBWAITERS Jorgensen, C, & Co, 604 Mission Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton Spencer, Richard, Hearst Bldg DUST SEPARATORS Anderson Heating Co, 440 5th EAVES TROUGHS Ames, W R, Co, 450 Irwin ELECTRIC APPARATUS Automatic Spark Advance Co, 74 New Montgomery Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Bush Electric Corp, 334 Sutter Butte Electric and Mfg Co, 534 Folsom Dahl, C W, & Son, 109-111 Mission Drendell Electric & Mfg Co, 1345 Howard Electric Mfg Co, 59 New Montgomery Electric Novelty Works, 533 Minna 207 METAL PR ODUCTS Electro Magnetizer Co, 739 Polk Electro Rectifier Co, 739 Poik Farnsworth Electrical Works, 549 Mission Hampton Electric & Machine Co, 518 Mission Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, 172 Steuart Holzmueller, C J, 1055 Mission Majestic Electric Development Co, 656 Howard Theatrical Mfg Co (Inc), 121 Golden Gate Ave Wells, A F, Co, 21 2d Wells-Morris Mfg Co, 90 2d Western Electric Motor and Repair Works, 150 4th Westinghouse Electric & Mfg Co, 1 Montgomery ELECTRIC APPARATUS DENTAL Majestic Electric Development Co, 656 Howard ELECTRIC APPARATUS LABORATORY Wells, A F, Co, 21 2d ELECTRIC APPARATUS MARINE Butte Electric and Mfg Co, 534 Folsom Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, 172 Steuart ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Electric Mfg Co, 59 New Montgomery Electric Novelty Works, 533 Minna Holzmueller, C J, 1055 Mission Majestic Electric Development Co, 656 Howard Safety Electric Co, 59-65 Columbia Square San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Folsom Theatrical Mfg Co (Inc), 121 Golden Gate Ave Western X-Ray & Equipment Co, 423 Hayes ELECTRIC DISPLAYS Novelty Electric Sign Co, 435 Turk ELECTRJC DISTRIBUTING DEVICES Safety Electric Co, 59-65 Columbia Square ELECTRIC FIXTURES See Fixtures ELECTRIC FLY KILLER American Electric Fly & Rodent Destroyer, 78 2d 208 METAL PRODUCTS ELECTRIC RECTIFIER Electro Rectifier Co, 739 Polk ELECTRIC SPECIALTIES Drendell Electric & Mfg Co, 1345 Howard Electric Mfg Co, 59 New Montgomery Novelty Electric Sign Co, 433-443 Turk Western Brass Mfg Co, 217 Tehama ELECTROTYPING Filmer Bros Electrotype Co, 330 Jackson Hoffschneider Bros, 140 2d Phillips & Van Orden Co, 509 Howard ELEVATOR ENCLOSURES Eureka Iron & Wire Works, 374-376 11th Folsom Street Iron Works, 18th and Treat Ave Industrial Ornamental Iron & Wire Works, 552 Noe Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 534 Gough Sartorius Co, 15th and Utah Sperry's Wire and Iron Works, 182-184 Oak Sunset Iron Works, 964-968 Harrison ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT Elevator Supplies Co, 186 5th Pacific Elevator & Equipment Co, 1129-1131 Howard ELEVATORS Atlas Elevator Co, 1503 Folsom Jorgensen, C, & Co, 604 Mission Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton Pacific Elevator & Equipment Co, 1129-1131 Howard San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Folsom Spencer Elevator Co, 166-180 7th Spencer, Richard, Hearst Bldg Van Emon, B C, Elevators (Inc), 235 1st Van Emon Elevator Co, 1159 Howard ELEVATORS AUTOMATIC Van Emon, B C, Elevators (Inc), 235 1st ELEVATORS BUCKET (See also Conveyors) Bacon, Edw R, Co, 51 Minna 209 METAL PRODUCTS ELEVATORS ELECTRIC San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Folsom Spencer Elevator Co, 166-180 7th Van Emon, B C, Elevators (Inc), 235 1st Van Emon Elevator Co, 1159 Howard ELEVATORS FREIGHT Otis Elevator, Co, 2300 Stockton Pacific Elevator & Equipment Co, 1129-1131 Howard San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Folsom Spencer Elevator Co, 166-180 7th Van Emon, B C, Elevators (Inc), 235 1st Van Emon Elevator Co, 1159 Howard ELEVATORS GRAIN Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale ELEVATORS HAND POWER Jorgensen, C, & Co, 604 Mission Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Folsom Spencer, Richard, Hearst Bldg ELEVATORS HIGH SPEED Spencer Elevator Co, 166-180 7th ELEVATORS HYDRAULIC San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Folsom Spencer Elevator Co, 166-180 7th Van Emon, B C, Elevators (Inc), 235 1st Van Emon Elevator Co, 1159 Howard ELEVATORS HYDRO ELECTRIC Spencer Elevator Co, 166-180 7th Van Emon Elevator Co, 1159 Howard ELEVATORS HYDRO STEAM Spencer Elevator Co, 166-180 7th ELEVATORS PASSENGER Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton Pacific Elevator & Equipment Co, 1129-1131 Howard San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Folsom 210 METAL PRODUCTS Spencer Elevator Co, 166-180 7th Van Emon, B C, Elevators (Inc), 235 1st Van Emon Elevator Co, 1159 Howard ELEVATORS SIDEWALK Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton EMBLEMS Tuckey, H W, & Co, 140 Geary ENAMELED IRON PRODUCTS Pacific Sanitary Mfg Co, 67 New Montgomery ENGINE PARTS Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st United Engine Co, 224 Spear ENGINE PARTS FORGED Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st ENGINE WORK MARINE Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina ENGINES Acme Engine Co, 163-173 Main Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp' (Ltd), 20th and Illinois Doak Gas Engine Co, 503 Market Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart Fulton Engine Works, The, 760 Market Golden State & Miners Iron Works. 249 1st Hicks Iron Works, 967 Howard Main Iron Works, 1000 16th Oliver Mfg Co, 503 Market Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson Schneider, A, Engineering Works, 1414-1416 15th Skandia Pacific Oil Engine Co, 593 Market Western Machinery Co, Rialto Bldg ENGINES AIRPLANE Hall Scott Motor Car Co (Inc), 620 Market ENGINES AUTO Hall Scott Motor Car Co (Inc), 620 Market 211 METAL PRODUCTS ENGINES DIESEL Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart Skandia Pacific Oil Engine Co, 593 Market ENGINES GAS Acme Engine Co, 163-173 Main Columbia Machine Works (Inc), 158-160 Spear Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Doak Gas Engine Co, 503 Market Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart Golden State & Miners Iron Works, 249 1st Hicks Iron Works, 967 Howard Oliver Mfg Co, 503 Market Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th Schilling, Adam, & Sons, 219 Spear Schneider, A, Engineering Works, 1414-1416 15th ENGINES HOISTING Golden State & Miners Iron Works, 249 1st Murray Bros Machine Works, 231-233 Folsom ENGINES MARINE Acme Engine Co, 163-173 Main Christie Machine Works, 193 Fremont Doak Gas Engine Co, 503 Market Golden State & Miners Iron Works, 249 1st Hicks Iron Works, 967 Howard Main Iron Works, 1000 16th Schneider, A, Engineering Works, 1414-1416 15th Skandia Pacific Oil Engine Co, 593 Market ENGINES OIL Acme Engine Co, 163-173 Main Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Oliver Mfg Co, 503 Market Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson ENGINES RAILROAD MOTOR Hail Scott Motor Car Co (Inc), 620 Market ENGINES STATIONARY Acme Engine Co, 163-173 Main Doak Gas Engine Co, 503 Market Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart 212 METAL PRODUCTS Golden State & Miners Iron Works, 249 1st Hicks Iron Works, 967 Howard Main Iron Works, 1000 16th Murray Bros Machine Works, 231-233 Folsom Skandia Pacific Oil Engine Co, 593 Market ENGINES STEAM Joshua Hendy Iron Work.s, 75 Fremont San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th ENGINES STEAM STEERING Evans, C H, & Co (Inc), 187 Fremont ENGINES STERN WHEEL STEAMER Evans, C H, & Co (Inc), 187 Fremont ENGRAVING COPPER PLATE Armbruster Engraving Co, 76 2d Buchanan Engraving Co, 830 Market Carlisle & Co, 251 Bush Crossley, C S, 209 Post English, C C, 583 Market Fischer, S E, & Co, 461 Bush Fricou, Fred, 251 Kearny Klinke Engraving Co, 117 Montgomery Larson, Geo, & Co, 150 Post Marier Engraving Co, 420 Market Marier, Leo J, 265 Bush Mutual Engraving Co, 461 Bush Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Reemer Engraving Co, 117 Grant Ave Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant Slattery, M J, & Co, 717 Market Union Lithograph Co, 741 Harrison Wood, Geo M, & Co, 583 Market ENGRAVING IVORY Schwartz Engraving Co, 12, Geary ENGRAVING JEWELRY Baldwin Jewelry Co, 29 Kearny Bangs & McLeod, 140 Geary Hughes, Wm R, 133 Geary Holmes, W E, 717 Market 213 METAL PRODUCTS Larson, Geo, & Co, 150 Post Loetscher, Werner, 85 Post Molloy, Neil S, 101 Post Ott, August L, 117 Grant Ave Pacific Engraving Co, 717 Market Pinkus, S H, 628 Montgomery Pollhammer, A, 717 Market Schneider, C, & Son, 704 Market Schwartz Engraving Co, 12 Geary Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant Thumler Bros, 150 Post ENGRAVING METAL IMagrxus, H C, & Co, 237 California [Moise-'Klinkner Co, 369 Market [Reminder & Co, 420 Market ENGRAVING MUSIC Rayner-Dalheim & Co, 560 Mission Scholz, Erickson & Co, 521 Howard ENGRAVING PHOTO Acme Photo Engraving Co, 259 Minna American Engraving & Color Plate Co, 109 New Montgomery Bingley Photo-Engraving Co, New Call Bldg California Photo Engraving Co, 121 2d Carlisle & Co, 251 Bush Commercial Art Co (Inc), 53 3d Graphic Arts Photo Engraving Co, 245 Mission Johnson-Buchanan Engraving Co, 325 Kearny Langer Photo Process Co, 684 Mission Lauck Mann Co, 563 Clay New Method Engraving Co, 21 Sutter Phoenix Photo Engraving Co, 220 Montgomery Photo Art & Engraving Co, 211 Stevenson Salter Bros, 118 Columbus Ave San Francisco Photo-Engraving Co, 215 Leidesdorff Sierra Art & Engraving Co, 343 Front Western Process Engraving (^o, 76 2d ENGRAVING STEEL DIE Armbruster Engraving Co, 76 2d Buchanan Engraving Co, 830 Market English, C C, 583 Market Klinke Engraving Co, 117 Montgomery 214 METAL PRODUCTS Larson, Geo, & Co, 150 Post Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market Mutual Engraving Co, 461 Bush Pollhammer, A, 717 Market Roemer Engraving Co, 117 Grant Ave San Francisco Printing Co, 442 Sansome Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant ENGRAVING STEEL PLATE Carlisle & Co, 251 Bush Crossley, C S, 209 Post Fischer, S E, & Co, 461 Bush Fricou, Fred, 251 Kearny Larson, Geo, & Co, 150 Post Marier Engraving Co, 420 Market Marier, Leo J, 265 Bush Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Pollhammer, A, 717 Market Roemer Engraving Co, 117 Grant Ave Wood, Geo M, & Co, 583 Market ESCALATORS Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton EVAPORATING PLANTS (See also Dehydrators) Atlas Heating and Ventilating Co, 72 Freelon Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission Main Iron Works, 1000 16th Power & Pike Co, 126-128 Beale Rees Blow Pipe Mfg Co, 336-340 7th Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna EXCAVATORS Jardine Machinery Co, 115 Main EXCAVATORS POWER TRUCK Spears Wells Machinery Co (Inc), 180 Jessie EXHAUSTERS Mission Tool & Die Works, 1374 Mission Power & Pike Co, 126-128 Beale Rees Blow Pipe Mfg Co, 336-340 7th Sturtevant, B F, Co, 681 Market Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale 215 METAL PRODUCTS EXHAUSTERS PLANING MILL Rees Blow Pipe Mfg Co, 336-340 7th EYE BEAMS AND PLATES Sims & Gray Iron Works, 550-554 Bryant FACTORY WORK SHEET STEEL Ferry Sheet Metal Work, 980 Folsom FANS AND BLOWERS (See also Blowers) Rees Blow Pipe Mfg Co, 336-340 7th Standard Metal Products Co, 546-548 Bryant Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale FANS MOTOR Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom FARM SPECIALTIES California Corrugated Culvert Co, 10th and Bryant FEEDERS AUTOMATIC ROLL Shattuck & Bickford, 345-355 Battery FEEDERS PRESS Brintnall, Harry W, 51 Clementina FENCES AND GATES IRON Eureka Iron & Wire Works,. 374 11th Folsom Street Iron Works, 18th and Treat Ave Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, 830 Howard Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market Pacific Fence Construction Co, 245 Market Todt & Peters, 322 Main FENCES AND GATES WIRE American Steel & Wire Co, 116 New Montgomery California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th Edwards, E H, Company, 681 Market Eureka Iron & Wire Works, 374 11th Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market 216 METAL PRODUCTS FENDERS AND RADIATORS AUTO Acme Radiator & Fender Works, 608 Van Ness Ave American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Auto Fender & Radiator Works, 1140 Geary Auto Sheet Metal Works, 539 Gough Champion Manufacturing Co, 552-554 Golden Gate Ave Cohen, M, 1072 Golden Gate Ave Crown Automobile Painting Co (Inc), 1650 Jackson Federal Radiator & Fender Mfg Co, 167 Hayes Feldman's Auto Metal Works, 76 8th International Radiator Co, 505 Van Ness Ave Judge-Fischer Co, 149 11th La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th Manegold, Frank, 1386 Sutter Miner-Sargeant-Barre, 1540 Van Ness Ave Modern Auto Body Co, 819 Valencia O K Radiator Co, 774 Golden Gate Ave Royal Metal Works, 238 Van Ness Ave San Francisco Fender & Radiator Works, 1615 Pine Service Fender & Radiator Co, 664-668 Eddy Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave Western Radiator & Fender Co, 1430 Bush Zimmerman, L, 122 Jones FILTERS CHEMICAL Oliver Mfg Co, 503 Market FILTERS HYDRAULIC Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont FILTERS INDUSTRIAL Oliver Mfg Co, 503 Market FILTERS MINING Oliver Mfg Co, 503 Market FILTERS WATER California Filter Co, 465 California FIRE APPARATUS CHEMICAL McNally, T M, 281 2d Pacific Fire Extinguisher Co, 424-440 Howard FIRE DETECTION SYSTEMS Pacific Fire Extinguisher Co, 424-440 Howard 217 METAL PRODUCTS FIRE ESCAPES Central Iron Works, 2050 Bryant Eureka Iron & Wire Works, 374 11th Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Monarch Iron Works, 262 7th Sims & Gray Iron Works, 550-554 Bryant Sunset Iron Works, 964-968 Harrison FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Pacific Fire Extinguisher Co, 424-440 Howard FIRE HYDRANTS Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Pacific Fire Extinguisher Co, 424-440 Howard FISH TACKLE Knowles, S E, Co, 320 Market FITTINGS AMMONIA Faget Engineering Co (Inc), 545 Howard FITTINGS BRASS Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont FITTINGS CAST IRON Ajax Foundry Co, 58-60 Clementina Grinnell Co of the Pacific, 453 Mission FITTINGS GAS Thompson Bros, 625 Brannan FITTINGS MARINE ELECTRIC Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, 172 Steuart FITTINGS PIPE Commercial Iron Works, 497 5th David, P, Co, 55 New Montgomery Faget Engineering Co, 545 Howard Jackson, Byron, Iron Works, 55 New Montgomery Jewell Steel & Malleable Co, 1375 Potrero Ave Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont 218 METAL PRODUCTS McCormick Bros Iron Works, 617 Bryant Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th Pacific Pipe Co, 201 Howard Reardon, P N, 57 1st Weissbaum, G, & Co, 127-137 11th FITTINGS SPECIAL ELECTRIC Wells, A F, Co, 21 2d FITTINGS STEAM De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Thompson Bros, 625 Brannan FITTINGS WATER Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, 172 Steuart Thompson Bros, 625 Brannan FITTINGS WINDOW Acme Safety Window & Screen Co, 77 O'Farrell FIXTURES ART METAL Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission FIXTURES BANK METALLIC Graff, A, & Sons, 39 Shipley Hertenstein, A, & Son, 309 Florida Industrial Ornamental Iron & Wire Works, 552 Noe FIXTURES ELEVATOR ELECTRIC San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Folsom FIXTURES LIGHTING Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Both, Walter, 1596 Market Brass and Bronze Lighting Fixture Mfg Co, 1061 Mission Bwrtchaell, J W, 357 Ellis Coefield Mfg Co, 51 Shipley Collonan Electric and Mfg Co, 3211 Mission Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission Drendell Electric & Mfg Co, 1345 Howard Holzmueller, C J, 1055 Mission HufscKmidt, L A, Mfg Co, 3211 Mission 219 METAL PRODUCTS Ickelheimer Bros Co, 725 Mission Jauchen's Olde Copper Shop, 1391 Sutter K P F Electric Co, 37 Stevenson Pacific Electric Mfg Co, 827 Folsom Panama Lamp & Commercial Co, 595 Mission Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission Theatrical Mfg Co (!nc), 121 Golden Gate Ave United Lighting Fixture Co, 1149 Mission United Sheet Metal Works, 960 Howard Young, J E, 1162 Market FIXTURES MARINE ELECTRIC Cory, Chas, & Son (Inc), 11-17 Mission Dahl, C W, & Son, 109-111 Mission Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, 172 Steuart Marine Electric Co, 195 Fremont FIXTURES PLUMBING ENAMELED Pacific Sanitary Mfg Co, 67 New Montgomery FIXTURES STORE (See also Wood Products) Kawneer Mfg Co, 180 Jessie FIXTURES WINDOW DISPLAY Bay Cities Art Co, 1342 Divisadero FLANGES De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear FLOORINGS BRIDGE California Corrugated Culvert Co, 10th and Bryant FLORIST DESIGNS WIRE New Orleans Wire WorKs, 802 Polk New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market FLUMES METAL California Corrugated Culvert Co, 10th and Bryant FOOT RESTS ALUMINUM Star Aluminum Foundry, 3621 18th 220 METAL PRODUCTS FORCINGS Fair Mfg Co, 617 Bryant Forrest, Edwin, Forge Co (Inc), 69 Fremont Judson Mfg Co, 819 Folsom Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st Nagy & Kruse, 356 8th Pacific Rolling Mill Co, 17th and Mississippi FORCINGS BLACKSMITH Pacific Coast Forge Works, 43 Gilbert FORCINGS DROP Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st Standard Drop Forge Co, 593 Market FORCINGS MACHINE American Forge Co, 25 Tehama Lowden, Jas W, Forge Shop, 7 Zeno Place Pacific Coast Forge Works, 43 Gilbert Rosen, C A A, 548 Brannan Tway Bros, 318 Brannan Wilbert, Fred V, 443 Folsom FORCINGS MARINE Pacific Coast Forge Works, 43 Gilbert Tway, E F, 227 Main FORCINGS PRESS Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st FORCINGS STEEL American Forge Co, 25 Tehama Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st Pacific Coast Boiler Works, 235-237 Main Pennington, Ceo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery FORCINGS STEEL SOFT Murray Bros Machine Works, 231-233 Folsom FORCINGS TOOL Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk 221 METAL PRODUCTS FOUNDRIES (See also Castings) Ajaz Foundry Co, 58-60 Clementina American Brake Shoe & Foundry Co of Cal, 74 New Montgomery American Manganese Steel Co, 433 California Best Steel Casting Co, 582 Market Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission California Metal Works, 1719 15th Coast Foundry Co, 1375 Potrero Ave Columbia Steel Co, 351 California Commercial Brass Foundry, 550 4th Commercial Iron Works, 497 5th David, P, Co, 55 New Montgomery Davis, Henry, & Co, 766 Folsom Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Dow-Herriman Co, 140 Howard Dyer, F G, Brass & Machine Works, 770 Folsom Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart Excelsior Brass Works (Inc), 1168 Bryant Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co, 251-259 2d Graff, A, & Sons, 39 Shipley Greenberg's, M, Sons, 225-227 Beale Jewell Steel & Malleable Co, 1375 Potrero Ave Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Judson Mfg Co, 819 Folsom Keystone Ornamental Iron & Wire Works, 830 Howard Kingwell Bros, 444 Natoma Krenz, Oscar, Copper & Brass Works, 612-634 Bryant Liberty Brass Foundry, 248 Tehama McCormick Bros Iron Works, 617 Bryant McKay Foundry Co, 17th and Mississippi Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Mission Foundry & Stove Works, 2256 Harrison Osinghaus Brass & Bronze Foundry, 124 Jupiter Pacific Brass & Bronze Foundry, 528 Folsom Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th Pacific Metal Works, 153-159 1st Pacific Rolling Mill Co, 17th and Mississippi Pennington, Geo W, Sons, 1699 Montgomery Rincon Foundry Co, 349 7th San Francisco Brass Foundry, 48 Clementina San Francisco Metal Stamping Works, 2269 Folsom San Francisco Stove Works, 256 Townsend Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina Star Aluminum Foundry, 3621-18th 222 METAL PRODUCTS Steiger & Kerr Stove & Foundry Co, Folsom and 18th Superior Brass Foundry, 316 1st Thompson Bros, 625 Brannan Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny Western Brass Mfg Co, 217 Tehama Western Foundry, 912 Folsom FOUNDRIES ALUMINUM Star Aluminum Foundry, 3621 18th FOUNDRIES BRASS Dyer, F G, Brass & Machine Works, 770 Folsom Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), 251-259 2d Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, 830 Howard Liberty Brass Foundry, 248 Tehama Osinghaus Brass & Bronze Foundry, 124 Jupiter Pacific Brass & Bronze Foundry, 528 Folsom San Francisco Brass Foundry, 48 Clementina FOUNDRIES BRASS FINE Day, Thos Co, 725 Mission FOUNDRIES GREY IRON Jewell Steel & Malleable Co, 1375 Potrero Ave Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, 830 Howard McCormick Bros Iron Works, 617 Bryant McKay Foundry Co, 17th and Missouri Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Mission Foundry & Stove Works, 2256 Harrison _______ FOUNDRIES SEMI-STEEL McCormick Bros Iron Works, 617 Bryant McKay Foundry Co, 17th and Missouri FOUNDRIES STEEL American Manganese Steel Co, 433 California Columbia Steel Co, 351 California FOUNDRIES STEEL SMALL Jewell Steel & Malleable Co, 1375 Potrero Ave FOUNTAIN HEADS Day, Thos Co, 725 Mission 223 METAL PRODUCTS FOUNTAINS DRINKING ENAMELED Pacific Sanitary Mfg Co, 67 New Montgomery FOUNTAINSSODA Magnus Fruit Products Co, Howard and Beale FRAMES CONVEYOR Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, -1415 Harrison Sims & Gray Iron Works, 550-554 Bryant FRAMES TRUCK FAB Mfg Co, 582 Market Sims & Gray Iron Works, 550-554 Bryant FRAMES HAT WIRE Fraser Wire Co, 95-97 Minna FRAMES LAMP SHADE WIRE New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market FRAMES METAL Amsler Sheet Metal Works, 25 Shotwell Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission Hertenstein, A, & Son, 309 Florida FRAMES MIRROR ORNAMENTAL Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission FUELIZERS AUTO Hammond Mfg Co, 422 Larkin FURNACE FEEDS Bolander, L Ph, & Son, 942 Bryant FURNACES Anderson Heating Co, 440 5th Atlas Heating & Ventilating Co, 72 Freelon Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission Pioch, Frank J, 429 Hayes FURNACES COAL Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama 224 METAL PRODUCTS FURNACES GAS PIPELESS Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama FURNACES WARM AIR Goss, W P, 4640 Geary FURNITURE NOVELTY METAL Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave FUSE ELECTRIC Bowie Switch Co, 14 Montgomery GALVANIZED IRON SIDINGS Ames, W R, Co, 450 Irwin GALVANIZING California Wire Cloth Co, 587 Mission Finn, John, Metal Works, 384 2d San Francisco Galvanizing Works, 1176 Harrison GATES (See also Fences) American Steel & Wire Co, 116 New Montgomery Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th Eureka Iron & Wire Works, 374 11th Industrial Ornamental Iron & Wire Works, 552 Noe Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, 830 Howard Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 534 Gough Sperry's Wire and Iron Works, 182-184 Oak Standard Fence Co, 245 Market Todt & Peters, 322 Main West Coast Wire & Iron Works, 861 Howard GAUGES STEAM Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont GAUGES TANK Pacific Tank Gauge Co, 167 Jessie 225 METAL PRODUCTS GEAR BLANKS Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery GEARS American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Baker, M C, & Son (Inc), 686 Mission Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Bodinson Mfg Co, 11 Minna De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Johnson Gear Co, 17 Spear Lathe Tool Works, 52 Natoma Mann Mfg Co, 454 Golden Gate Ave Meese & Gottfried Co, 660 Mission Pacific Gear and Tool Works, 1035 Folsom Schnerr, J J, Co (Inc), 799 Golden Gate Ave Speck Mfg & Gear Works, 2130 Folsom Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave GEARS SPIRAL BEVEL Schnerr, J J, Co (Inc), 799 Golden Gate Ave GENERATORS OZONE Western X-Ray & Equipment Co, 423 Hayes GLUE POTS ELECTRIC Scheeline Mfg Co, 76 Tehama GOLD Shasta Zinc & Copper Co, 582 Market United States Smelting, Refining & Mining Co, 582 Market GOLD DENTAL Crown Dental Refinery, 22-26 Mint Ave Gracier, S B, Co (Inc), 409 Montgomery Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant Wildberg Bros, 821 Market GOLD REFINED American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California Crown Dental Refinery, 22-26 Mint Ave Gracier, S B, Co (Inc), 409 Montgomery Wildberg Bros, 821 Market 226 METAL PRODUCTS GONGS (See also Bells) De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont GOVERNORS MARINE Cory, Chas, & Son (Inc), 11-17 Mission GOVERNORS PUMP Pelton Water Wheel Co, 19th and Harrison Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard GRADERS AND SCRAPERS Spears Wells Machinery Co (Inc), 180 Jessie GRAIN HOPPERS Ferry Sheet Metal Works, 980 Folsom GRAIN TRYERS Will & Finck, 1686 Market Zett, Geo J, 223 Leidesdorff GRATE BARS David, P, Co, 55 New Montgomery Rincon Foundry Co, 349 7th GRATINGS Jackson, P H, & Co, 237-247 1st Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Sims & Gray Iron Works, 550-554 Bryant GRIDDLES GAS AND ELECTRIC Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission GRILLE WORK (See also Iron Work, also Brass and Bronze Work) Art Brass and Metal Spinning Works, 783 Folsom Brass and Bronze Lighting Fixture Mfg Co, 1061 Mission California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th Central Iron Works, 631 Florida Eureka Iron & Wire Works, 374 11th Graff, A, & Sons, 39 Shipley Haus Iron & Bronze Works, 425 Potrero Ave 227 METAL PRODUCTS Industrial Ornamental Iron & Wire Works, 552 Noe Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, 830 Howard Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Monarch Iron Works, 262 7th New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 534 Gough Ralston Iron Works, 20th and Indiana Sartorius Co, 15th and Utah Schrader Iron Works (Inc), 1247 Harrison Sperry's Wire and Iron Works, 182-184 Oak Standard Fence Co, 245 Market Sunset Iron Works, 964-968 Harrison West Coast Wire & Iron Works, 861 Howard Western Iron Works, 141 Beale Withington Iron Works, 780 Brannan GRINDING Aff, Louis W (cylinder), 50 8th American Motor Repair Co (cylinder), 1381 Post Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works (tool), 416 Harrison Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, (cylinder), 975-985 Geary Clarke-Sinclair Machine Works (cylinder), 731 Turk Kelly Ball Bearing Co (bearing), 651 Turk Schnerr, J J, Co (Inc), (cylinder), 799 Golden Gate Ave Standard Scored Cylinder Works, 411 Van Ness Ave Warwick Automotive Industries (cylinder), 784-796 Golden Gate Ave Woodward, Geo H (cylinder and crankshaft), 1455 Bush GUARDS AND RAILS Art Brass and Metal Spinning Works, 783 Folsom Brass and Bronze Lighting Fixture Mfg Co, 1061 Mission California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th Eureka Iron & Wire Works, 374 11th Folsom Street Iron Works, 18th and Treat Ave Graff, A, & Sons, 39 Shipley Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission Sartorius Co, 15th and Utah Sunset Iron Works, 964-968 Harrison GUARDS SAFETY American Metal Products Co, 277 Minna 228 M E T A L P R O I) U G T S G U A R D S W 1 N D O W Industrial Ornamental Iron & Wire Works, 552 Noe New Orleans Wire Works, 802 Polk New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 534 Gough Sims & Gray Iron Works, 550-554 Bryant Sperry's Wire and Iron Works, 182-184 Oak Todt & Peters, 322 Main GUARDS WIRE Standard Fence Co, 245 Market HANDLES BRASS AND BRONZE Osinghaus Brass & Bronze Foundry, 124 Jupiter HANDLES LEVER AUTO Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st HANGERS AND HOOKS Hospodarsky, Frank, Machine Works, 70 Oak Grove AvS John's Hanger Co, 709 Harrison HANGERS DOOR John's Hanger Co, 709 Harrison HANGERS JOIST Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st Schaffer, L, & Co, 364 10th HANGERS PIPE Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st HARDWARE BUILDERS' Fair Mfg Co, 617 Bryant Kortick Mfg Co, 327 1st Osinghaus Brass & Bronze Foundry, 124 Jupiter Western Brass Mfg Co, 217 Tehama HARDWARE CASKET Golden Gate Mfg Co, 253 Church HARDWARE ELECTRIC POLE LINE Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st 229 METAL PRODUCTS: HARDWARE MARINE: De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear HARDWARE PLUMBERS'" Western Brass Mfg Co, 217 Tehama HARVESTERS Holt Mfg Co, 593 Market HEATERS (ee also Heating Systems) Baird Ballhache Co, 478 Slitter de Laitte Gas Machine Works, 228 Fremont Electric Mfg Co, 59 New Montgomery Majestic Electric Development Co, 656 Howard Pacific Gas Heating Co, 439 Sutter Pioch, Frank J, 429 Hayes Tucker, E W, & Co, 347 Fremont Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna HEATERS AIR ELECTRIC Hicks, W Wesley, 660 Market HEATERS AUTO RADIATOR ELECTRIC Majestic Electric Development Co, 656 Howard HEATERS CURLING IRON ELECTRIC Electric Mfg Co, 59 New Montgomery HEATERS DENTAL AND SURGICAL ELECTRIC Majestic Electric Development Co, 656 Howard HEATERS ELECTRIC Electric Mfg Co, 59 New Montgomery Hicks, W Wesley, 660 Market Majestic Electric Development Co, 656 Howard Scheeline Mfg Co, 76 Tehama HEATERS ELECTRO-STEAM Scheeline Mfg Co, 76 Tehama HEATERS FEED Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission Ocean Shore Iron Works, 550 8th 230 METAL PRODUCTS HEATERS GAS Baird Bailhache Co, 478 Sutter HEATERS HOUSE ELECTRIC Majestic Electric Development Co, 656 Howard HEATERS IMMERSION ELECTRIC Scheeline Mfg Co, 76 Tehama HEATERS OIL Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission Tucker, E W, & Co (Inc), 347 Fremont Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard HEATERS ORCHARD Ames, W R, Co, 450 Irwin HEATERS PRINTING PRESS Brintnal!, Harry W, 51 Clementina HEATERS RADIATOR AUTO ELECTRIC Majestic Electric Development Co, 656 Howard H EATERS RADIATOR GAS Pacific Gas Heating Co, 439 Sutter HEATERS SERVICE Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission HEATERS WATER Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission Ocean Shore Iron Works, 550 8th Superbo Mfg Co, 77 O'Farrell Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard HEATERS WATER ELECTRIC Electric Mfg Co, 59 New Montgomery Hicks, W Wesley, 660 Market Majestic Electric Development Co, 656 Howard HEATERS WATER GAS de Laitte Gas Machine Works, 228 Fremont Ra-Do Fumeless Gas Heater Co, 478 Sutter 231 METAL PRODUCTS HEATING APPARATUS Standard Metal Products Co, 546-548 Bryant HEATING APPLIANCES ELECTRIC Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Butte Electric and Mfg Co, 534 Folsom Majestic Electric Development Co, 656 Howard Scheeline Mfg Co, 76 Tehama HEATING AND VENTILATING SYSTEMS (See also Heaters; also Ventilating) American Metal Products Co, 277 Minna Anderson Heating Co, 440 5th Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission Nelson, Jas A, 517 6th Royal Heating Co, 280 Minna Standard Metal Products Co, 546-548 Bryant Topper, T J, 1067 Mission Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard HOISTS Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Dow-Herriman Co, 17 Spear Fulton Engine Works, The, 760 Market Golden State & Miners Iron Works, 249 1st Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Lowney, D D, 1297 Harrison Main Iron Works, 1000 16th HOISTS ELECTRIC Butte Electric and Mfg Co, 534 Folsom Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Farnsworth Electrical Works, 549 Mission Murray Bros Machine Works, 231-233 Folsom Stamp Electric Hoist Co, 1500 17th HOISTS GAS Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Murray Bros Machine Works, 231-233 Folsom HOISTS HAND Lowney, D D, 1297 Harrison 232 METAL PRODUCTS HOISTS HYDRAULIC Wood Hydraulic Hoist Co, 441 Folsom HOISTS MINE Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton Western Machinery Co, Rialto Bldg HOISTS MOTOR TRUCK HYDRAULIC Bacon, Edw R Co, 51 Minna and 441 Folsom HOISTS PRINTING PRESS Bri.ntnall, Harry W, 51 Clementina HOISTS STEAM Murray Bros Machine Works, 231-233 Folsom HOLDERS CIGAR ALUMINUM Tanner-Spiral Co, 52 2d HOODS AUTO Auto Sheet Metal Works, 539 Gough La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th San Francisco Fender & Radiator Works, 1615 Pine HOOKS AND HANGERS John's Hanger Co, 709 Harrison Kortich Mfg Co, 327-353 1st HOOKS BANDIRON Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, 854 Howard HOOKS BOX Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353" 1st HOOKS CARGO Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st HOOKS HAY Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st HOOKS PAINTERS Schaffer, L, & Co, 364 10th 233 METAL PRODUCTS HOOKS PIPE Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st HOOKS RICE Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st HOOKS SLING Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st HOTEL EQUIPMENT (See also Kitchen Equipment) Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission Montague Range & Furnace Co, 826 Mission Topper, T J, 1067 Mission Western Range Co, 532 McAllister Western Sheet Metal Works, 1911 Mission HYDRANTS FIRE Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont HYDRANTS WHARF Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont IMPLEMENTS AGRICULTURAL Holt Mfg Co, 593 Market Spears-Wells Machinery Co, 180 Jessie IMPLEMENTS SMALL Ball Machine Works, 64 2d INCENSE BURNERS Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy INCINERAL URNS M & H Plating Works, 717 Market INCINERATING PLANTS Dundon Iron Works, 225 Folsom INCINERATORS Graff, A & Sons, 39 Shipley INCLINE RAILWAYS Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton 234 METAL PRODUCTS INCUBATORS ELECTRIC Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission INDUSTRIAL APPARATUS Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission Butte Electric & Mfg Co, 534 Folsom Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, 172 Steuart INDUSTRIAL APPARATUS ELECTRIC Butte Electric and Mfg Co, 534 Folsom Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, 172 Steuart INGOT ALUMINUM National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant INGOT BRASS Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant INGOT COPPER Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant Pacific Metal Works, 153-159 1st INGOT IRON California Corrugated Culvert Co, 10th and Bryant INGOT LEAD Pacific Metal Works, 153-159 1st INGOT STEEL Judson Mfg Co, 819 Folsom INSTRUMENTS AZIMUTH Weule, Louis, Co, 6 California INSTRUMENTS COMPUTING Computer Mfg Co, 268 Market Marchant Calculating Machine Co, 503 Market INSTRUMENTS DENTAL California Dental Mfg Co, 289 2d 235 METAL PRODUCTS INSTRUMENTS DRAWING Dietzen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st INSTRUMENTS ELECTRIC MEASURING National Carbon Co, 599 8th INSTRUMENTS ELECTRICAL Western Electric Co, 680 Folsom INSTRUMENTS ENGINEERING Computer Mfg Co, 268 Market Standard Instrument and Supply Co, 12 Clay INSTRUMENTS HEARING Gem Ear Phone Co, 760 Market INSTRUMENTS MEASURING Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, 576-584 Mission National Carbon Co, 599 8th INSTRUMENTS MUSICAL See Miscellaneous Products, INSTRUMENTS NAUTICAL Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Uetz, A, Co, 61 Post Standard Instrument and Supply Co, 12 Clay Weuile, Louis, CQ, 6 California. INSTRUMENTS-- OPTICAL Standard Instrument and Supply Co, 12 Clay INSTRUMENTS SCIENTIFIC Standard Instrument and Supply Co, 12 Clay INSTRUMENTS SURGICAL Berbert, A, & Bro, 436 Powell Weniger, Henry, 143 Valencia INSTRUMENTS SURVEYING Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st Lietz, A, Co, 61 Post Standard Instrument and Supply Co, 12 Clay METAL PRODUCTS INSTRUMENTS TELEPHONE Western Electric Co, 680 Folsom IRON ACID RESISTING Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th Pacific Sanitary Mfg Co, 67 New Montgomery IRON WORK Ajax Foundry Co, 58-60 Clementina Architectural Iron & Bronze Works, 425 Potrero Ave Artistic Metal Works, 1322 Howard Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Erode Iron Works, 31-37 Hawthorne California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th Central Iron Works, 631 Florida Dundon Iron Works, 225-227 Folsom Dyer Bros Golden West Iron Works (Inc), 1950 17th Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart Eureka Boiler Works, 166 Fremont Eureka Iron & Wire Works, 374 11th Fair Mfg Co, 617 Bryant Federal Ornamental Iron & Bronze Co, 16th and San Bruno Ava Folsom Street Iron Works, 18th and Treat Ave Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Golden West Iron Works, 17th and Kansas Haus Iron & Bronze Works, 425 Potrero Ave Hicks Iron Works, 967 Howard Hillard, C J, Co, (Inc), 19th and Minnesota Jackson, P H, & Co, 237-247 1st Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, 830 Howard Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave Main Iron Works, 1000 16th McCormick Bros Iron Works, 617 Bryant Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Mission Foundry & Stove Works, 2256 Harrison Monarch Iron Works, 262 7th Mortenson Construction Co, 19th and Indiana Murray Bros Machine Works, 231-233 Folsom Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th Pacific Structural Iron Works, 370 10th Ralston Iron Works, 20th and Indiana Rincon Foundry Co, 349 7th Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission San Francisco Stove Works, 256 Townsend 237 METAL PRODUCTS Schaffer, L, & Co, 364 10th Schrader Iron Works (Inc), 1247 Harrison Sims & Gray Iron Works, 550-554 Bryant Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina State Mfg Co, 269 Minna Steiger & Kerr Stove & Foundry Co, Folsom and 18th Sunset Iron Works, 964-968 Harrison Todt & Peters, 322 Main Variety Iron Works, 1188-1192 Harrison Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny West Coast Wire & Iron Works, 861 Howard Western Foundry, 912 Folsom Western Iron Works, 141 Beale Withington Iron Works, 780 Brannan IRON WORK ELEVATOR Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave IRON WORK MARINE Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery IRON WORK ORNAMENTAL Architectural Iron & Bronze Works, 425 Potrero Ave Art Iron Shop, 1617 California Artistic Metal Works, 1322 Howard Brode Iron Works, 31-37 Hawthorne California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th Day, Thos Co (Interior), 725 Mission Eureka Iron & Wire Works, 374 11th Federal Ornamental Iron & Bronze Co, 16th and San Bruno Ave Folsom Street Iron Works, 18th and Treat Ave Haus Iron & Bronze Works, 425 Potrero Ave Hillard, C J, Co (Inc), 19th and Minnesota Industrial Ornamental Iron & Wire Works, 552 Noe Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, 830 Howard Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Monarch Iron Works, 262 7th New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market and 534 Gough Pacific Structural Iron Works, 370 10th Ralston Iron Works, 20th and Indiana Rincon Iron Works, 27 Hawthorne Sartorius Co, 15th and Utah Schrader Iron Works (Inc), 1247 Harrison Sperry's Wire and Iron Works, 182-184 Oak 238 METAL PRODUCTS Standard Fence Co, 245 Market Sunset Iron Works, 964-968 Harrison Todt & Peters, 322 Main Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny West Coast Wire & Iron Works,- 861 Howard Withington Iron Works, 780 Brannan IRON WORKSTRUCTURAL Erode Iron Works, 31 Hawthorne Ave California Iron Yards Co, 574 Bryant Central Iron Works, 631 Florida Golden West Iron Works, 17th and Kansas Hillard, C J, Co (Inc), 19th and Minnesota McCormick Bros Iron Works, 617 Bryant Schrader Iron Works (Inc), 1247 Harrison Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny Withington Iron Works, 780 Brannan IRONS WAFFLE AND HOT CAKE Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission IRRIGATION SUPPLIES California Corrugated Culvert Co, 10th and Bryant Western Pipe & Steel Co of Cal, 444 Market JACKS HYDRAULIC California Press Mfg Co, 409 6th JACKS SCREW Schneider, A, Engineering Works, 1414-1416 15th JAIL WORK Ralston Iron Works, 20th and Indiana Western Iron Works, 141 Beale Withington Iron Works, 780 Brannan JAPANNED WARE Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear JEWELRY Axel I & Jaske, 166 Geary Bailey, Henry S, 133 Geary Baldwin Jewelry Co, 29 Kearny 239 METAL PRODUCTS Bujcinnoff. R, 51 Lick Place California Watch Case Co, 150 Post Chew Chong Tai & Co, 905 Grant Ave Ching Chong & Co, 728 Jackson Cohen, M W, & Co, 150 Post Currieux, Chas, 3053 16th Desanfant, Geo A, & Son, 150 Post Enbom, O F, 760 Market Ettinger, Rene, 133 Geary Fischer, John J, 406 Sutter Fried, Dezso, 45 Manila Fuendeling, Theo, 133 Geary Garcia, A G, 760 Market Geerdts, Wm F, 717 Market Gfell, Piur, 3272 21st Goldstein, S H, 830 Market Granat Bros, 2242-2248 Mission Heiduska, Ferdinand, 133 Geary Hein, Geo, 478 O'Farrell Hettrich, A L, & Co.. 508 Washington Mickey, J H, & Co, 717 Market Hirschfelder & Co, 300 Post Johnson & Wood, 150 Post Jones, Wm H, 935 Market Kelso Co, 251 Post Lai Sang & Co, 724 Jackson Languetin, E E, 270 Sutter Larson, Geo, & Co, 150 Post Lee, Roy A, 498 Haight Lindeburg Bros, 182 Ellis Lindemann Jewelry Co, 233 Post Malliet, H J, 833 Market Mendler, Chas, 760 Market Merz, Frank G, Co, 5 Kearny Montano Bros, 760 Market Muhs Mfg Co, 25 Stockton Ott, August L, 117 Grant Ave Peters, Robt S, 376 Sutter Schabat, E F, 133 Geary Schaezlin, R, & Son, 2976 Clay Shafkin, S N, 212 Stockton Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant Sockolov, Harry, 85 Market Staib, Chas L, 177 Post Stange & Viale, 760 Market 240 METAL PRODUCTS Stieglitz, Geo E, 3179 22nd Steigmeier, Reinhold, 760 Market Stendebach, Wm D, 760 Market Tai Sang & Co, 737 Jackson Theuriet, Leo J, 760 Market Thumler Bros, 150 Post Tin Fook & Co, 727 Jackson Tin Hing & Co, 732 Jackson Tin Shing & Co, 716 Jackson Tin Yuen & Co, 1005 Grant Ave Tuckey, H W, & Co, 140 Geary Webb, W T, 1576 Haight Wilchar, J D, 133 Geary Witt & Brand, 212 Stockton Young, Chas H, 717 Market Youngren, R M, 760 Market KETTLES ASPHALT Spears Wells Machinery Co (Inc), 180 Jessie KETTLES CANDY Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna KETTLES COPPER Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna KETTLES GLUE ELECTRO-STEAM Scheeline Mfg Co, 76 Tehama KETTLES SOAP Iron & Steel Contracting Co, 215 San Bruno Ave KETTLES STEAM Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna KETTLES STEAM JACKET O'Donnell, E M, 274 Spear KEY CUTTING Palace Model & Machine Co, 636 Market KILNS DRY Sturtevant, B F, Co, 681 Market 241 METAL PRODUCTS KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama Graham, Jas, Mfg Co, 531 Mission Greenblat, I L, 1314 Valencia Herbst Bros, 1943 Mission Ms, John G, & Co, 839-841 Mission Leiser Bros, 622 Larkin Majestic Sheet Metal Works, 532 McAllister Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission Morrison & Bevilockway Co, 110 Steuart Nelson, Jas A, 517 6th Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear Steiger & Kerr Stove & Foundry Co, Folsom and 18th Topper, T J, 1067 Mission Zimmerman, L, 112 Jones KITCHEN WARE Aluminum Products Co, 593 Market Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission KITCHEN WARE ALUMINUM Aluminum Products Co, 593 Market KNIVES ARTIFICIAL LIMB Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk KNIVES MACHINE Simonds Mfg Co, 12 Natoma KNIVES SPECIAL . Wilbert, Fred V, 443 Folsom Will & Finck, 1686 Market LABORATORY SUPPLIES Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission Bush Electric Corp, 334 Sutter Western X-Ray & Equipment Co", 423 Hayes LADDERS STEEL AND IRON Jackson, P H, & Co, 237-247 1st 242 METAL PRODUCTS LAMPS AND LANTERNS Art Brass and Metal Spinning Works, 783 Folsom Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Kwick-Lite Electric Corp, 360 Kearny LAMPS ARC Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission LAMPS AUTO Auto Sheet Metal Works, 539 Gough La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th San Francisco Fender & Radiator Works, 1615 Pine Western Radiator & Fender Co, 1430 Bush LAMPS ELECTRIC Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Edison Lamp Works, Rialto Bldg. Lament, G E, (miniature), 143 2d Panama Lamp & Commercial Co, 595 Mission LAMPS FLOOD LIGHT Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission LAMPS FLOOR Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave Ye Olde Copper Shoppe, 474 Sutter LAMPS MARINE Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Cook & Co, 240-242 Steuart De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Kingwell Bros, 444 Natoma Morrison & Bevilockway Co, 110 Steuart Swain, Geo, 165 Steuart LAMPS MICROSCOPE Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission LAMPS NOVELTY ELECTRIC Atherley, H C, 521 Hayes Miss San Francisco Doll Co, 45 4th Western Novelty Co, 995 Market 243 METAL PRODUCTS LAMPS OIL Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission LAMPS PHOTO ENGRAVING Reed, Geo Russell, Co, 341 Clay LAMPS RAILROAD Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Kwick-Lite Electric Corp, 360 Kearny LAMPS TABLE Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave Ye Olde Copper Shoppe, 474 Sutter LAMPS WALL Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave LAND LEVELERS Spears-Wells Machinery Co (Inc), 180 Jessie LANTERNS ELECTRIC Kwick-Llte Electric Corp, 360 Kearny LATHE WORK (See also Machine Work) Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison Wood, J E, Machine Works, 80 Tehama LATHES Brunig Machine Works, 523 Brannan LATHES ENGINE San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th LAUNCHES (See also Boats) Kneass, Geo W, 18th and Illinois LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Speck Mfg & Gear Works, 2130 Folsom LAUNDRY TRAYS ENAMELED Pacific Sanitary Mfg Co, 67 New Montgomery 244 METAL PRODUCTS LEAD PIG Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant LEAD PRODUCTS American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California LEAD REFINED American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California LEAD SHEET American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California LEADS PRINTERS Konkel Co, 141 Clara Monotype Composition Co, 88 1st Pacific Typesetting & Type Foundry Co, 330 Jackson LETTERS ELECTRIC SIGN Novelty Electric Sign Co., 433-443 Turk LETTERS ENAMELED Johnson & Co, 1629 Market LIFE BOATS AND RAFTS Hendry, Geo W, 27 Main Twigg, John, & Sons, 694 Illinois LIGHTING EQUIPMENT STAGE Holzmueller, C J, 1055 Mission Theatrical Mfg Co (Inc), 121 Golden Gate Ave LIGHTING EQUIPMENT STUDIO Holzmueller, C J, 1055 Mission Theatrical Mfg Co (Inc), 121 Golden Gate Ave LIGHTING SYSTEMS ISOLATED Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission LIGHTING SYSTEMS SPECTACULAR Holzmueller, C J, 1055 Mission Theatrical Mfg Co (Inc), 121 Golden Gate Ave 245 METAL PRODUCTS LIGHTING SYSTEMS STUDIO Holzmueller, C J, 1055 Mission TheatricaJ Mfg Co (Inc), 121 Golden Gate Ave LIGHTING SYSTEMS THEATRE Holzmueller, C J, 1055 Mission Theatrical Mfg Co (Inc), 121 Golden Gate Ave LIGHTS MARINE (See also Lamps) Cook & Co, 240-242 Steuart De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear LIGHTS SIDEWALK Jackson, P H, & Co, 237-247 1st Phoenix Sidewalk Light Co, 681 Market LININGS CASKET AND COFFIN California Casket Co, 959-965 Mission San Francisco Casket Co, 321-35 Valencia LININGS TIN Grimley, Frank J, 317 Front LININGS VAULT STEEL Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co, 214 California LINOTYPING Belcher & Phillips, 515 Howard Franklin lintoyping Co, 509 Sansome Grimmett Linotyping Co, 315 Battery Halle, R H, 261 Bush Martin Linotyping Co, 215 Leidesdorff Neubarth, J J, 25 Jessie Service Press, 372 Bush Shanly, Jas M, & Co, 573 Mission Telegraph Press, 71 Turk Wade, Leonard M, 557 Clay LOCKERS Anderson, Geo, 162 Steuart Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th 246 METAL PRODUCTS LOCKS AUTO Able Mfg Co (Inc), 731 Folsom LOCKS TIRE Able Mfg Co (Inc), 731 Folsom LOCKS WINDOW American Automatic Lock & Lift Co, 101 Front LOCKSMITHS Palace Model & Machine Co, 636 Market Phipps, Edw, 1432 Hayes LOGGING EQUIPMENT Worden, W H, Co, 126 Pine MACHINE PARTS WELDED Variety Iron Works, 1188-1192 Harrison MACHINE SHOP EQUIPMENT Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th MACHINE WORK Acme Machine Works, 19 Tehama Acme Mfg Works, 660 Turk Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton Alexander, Ray (Inc), 2360 Post American Forge Co, 25 Tehama Baker, M C, & Son (Inc), 686 Mission Ball Machine Works, 64 2d Barion, C O, Co, 291 1st Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Bodinson Mfg Co, 11 Minna Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission Brown Bros Welding Co, 223 Main Brunig Machine Works, 523 Brannan Buckley, Danl R, 1311 Harrison Busch Mfg Co, 78 Natoma California Press Mfg Co, 409 6th California Tool Works, 181 Beale Cantrell-Miller Mfg Co, 1254 Larkin Clarke-Sinclair Machine Works, 731 Turk Clot, E, Machine Works, 940 Bryant 247 METAL PRODUCTS Conens & Wuesthoff, 706 Bryant Connor Mfg Co, 67 Annie Curie Manufacturing Co, 421 Sacramento Darr, M J, 331-335 Drumm Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Dibert, L C, Co, 35 Minna Doble (Inc), 714 Harrison Dundon Iron Works, 225 Folsom Dyer, F G, Brass & Machine Works, 770 Folsom Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart Fair Mfg Co, 617 Bryant Franklin Machine Co (Inc), 126 Folsom Galli Machine Works, 429 Tehama Garratt, W T & Co (heavy), 299 Fremont Golden Gate Machinery Works, 219 Spear Griffitts, T H, 20 Clementina Hewitt-Ludlow Auto Co (Inc), 901-951 Indiana Hicks Iron Works, 967 Howard Hospodarsky, Frank, Machine Works, 70 Oak Grove Ave Hubbard Machine Co, 615 Howard Ideal Tool & Die Works, 208 12th Jenkins Machine Works, 18th and Treat Ave Kenney Mfg Co, 531 Valencia King, E J, Service Co, 1035 Post Kingwell Bros, 444 Natoma Krogh Pump & Machinery Co, 149 Beale La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th Lathe Tool Works, 52 Natoma Main Iron Works, 1000 16th Mann Mfg Co, 454 Golden Gate Ave Meese & Gottfried Co, 660 Mission Mitchell, J F, Machine Works, 119 Beale Mize & Bertelsen, 86 San Jose Ave Murray Bros Machine Works, 231-233 Folsom Nicolson, Harry M, 155 Grove North Machine Co, 324 Main North San Francisco Machine Works, 414 Broadway Orton Machine Co, 325 Fremont Pacific Car & Equipment Co, 625 Market Pacific Coast Boiler Works, 235-237 Main Pacific Elevator & Equipment Co, 1129-1131 Howard Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th Pacific Gear and Tool Works, 1035 Folsom Pacific Machine Shop, 360 11th Petry & Brandt, 1465 Bush 248 METAL PRODUCTS Poeland, Henry R, 1239 Mission Progress General Machine Works, 520-522 Fulton Rees Blow Pipe Mfg Co, 336-340 7th Rossi, A, & Co, 322 Broadway San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th Schneider, A, Engineering Works, 1414-1416 15th Schnerr, J J, Co (Inc), 799 Golden Gate Ave Shattuck & Bickford, 355 Battery Smith & Scanlon Machine Works, 139 Spear Speck Mfg & Gear Works, 2130 Folsom Standard Machine Works, 252 Townsend Todt & Peters, 322 Main Tofanelli, Sebastian, Machine Works, 940-94 Columbus Ave Union Machine Co, 934 Brannan Valencia Machine Shop, 132 Valencia Victory Machine Works, 561 Howard Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale Walker Machine Works, 2126 Folsom Weishons & Symon, 3648 18th Wood, J E, Machine Works, 80 Tehama MACHINE WORK AUTO Alexander, Ray (Inc), 2360 Post Army Garage, 3101 Mission Auto Metal Works, 1432 Bush Bentz, Eugene N, 335 Jones Carlson, M, 343 Fell Christofferson & Cowles, 417 Taylor Darr, M J, 331-335 Drumm Feldman's Auto Metal Works, 76 8th Garford Motor Truck Co, 8th and Howard Hewitt-Ludlow Auto Co (Inc), 901-951 Indiana King, E J, Service Co, 1035 Post Livenais, August, 1625 Pacific Ave Markowitz, S, 100 Van Ness Ave Mills, S V, 62 Duboce Poeland, Henry R, 1239 Mission Richardson & Walsh, 442 Natoma Richert, J C, & Co, 1270 Valencia Schirner, G A, 639 Turk Schleben, Fred, 1710 Mission Shain Bros, 2008 Folsom Shea & La Mont, 2222 Polk Stellwagon, W L, 911 Golden Gate Ave Wiseman, Geo B, 129 Grove 249 METAL PRODUCTS MACHINERY Aicher Machine Works, 1643 Stockton American Can Co (canning), Mills Bldg Bacon, Edw R, Co, 51 Minna Baker, M C, & Son, 686 Mission Ball Machine Works, 64 2d Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Berger & Carter Co (canning), 365 Market Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, 20th and Illinois Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison Bodinson Mfg Co, 11 Minna Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission Brintnall, Harry W, 51 Clementina Brunig Machine Works, 523 Brannan Burdick, M S, 60 Tehama Busch Mfg Co (special), 78 Natoma California Dairy Products Co (egg drying), 625 Market California Press Mfg Co (Inc), 409 6th California Refrigerating Machine Co, 229 Minna California Saw Works, 721 Brannan Christie Machine Works, 193 Fremont Clot, E, Machine Works, 940 Bryant Commercial Iron Works, 497 5th Cyclops Iron Works, 837 Folsom Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Dibert, L C, Co, 35 Minna Dow-Herriman Co, 140 Howard Dundon Iron Works, 225-227 Folsom Electric Novelty Works (small machinery), 533 Mission FAB Mfg Co, 582 Market Faget Engineering Co (Inc), (refrigeration), 545 Howard Farnsworth Electrical Works, 549 Mission Ferry Sheet Metal Works (milling), 980 Folsom Franklin Machine Co, 126 Folsom Fulton Engine Works, 760 Market Geib, Edw H, & Co (ship), 201 Brannan General Machinery and Supply Co, 39 Stevenson Hampton Electric & Machine Co (envelope), 518 Mission Hicks Iron Works, 967 Howard Hubbard Machine Co, 615 Howard Illinois-Pacific Glass Co (bottling), 15th and Folsom Jarvis, T P, Mfg Co, 275 Connecticut Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Krogh Pump & Machinery Co, 149 Beale Krone-Kreutz Co (special), 204 1st 250 METAL PRODUCTS Lansing Co, 338 Brannan Main Iron Works, 1000 16th Meese & Gottfried Co, 660 Mission National Machine Works, 819 Bryant North San Francisco Machine Works, 414 Broadway Oliver Mfg Co, 503 Market Orton Machine Co, 325 Fremont Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton Pacific Car & Equipment Co, 625 Market Pacific Coast Cork Insulating Co (refrigeration), 300 Fell Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th Pacific Laundry Machinery Co, 280 7th Poeland, Henry R, 1233 Mission Pond-Robinson Metal Saw Co, 1204 Howard Premier Machinery Co, 311 Sansome Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson Reardon, P H, 57 1st Rees Blow Pipe Mfg Co, 336-340 7th Rossi, A, & Co, 322 Broadway San Francisco Engineering Co (special), 322 6th San Francisco Mill Furnishing Co, 521 7th Saracco, P, Co, 565 Bryant Shattuck & Bickford, 355 Battery Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina Smith & Scanlon Machine Works, 139 Spear Spaulding, Horace R, 898 Folsom Spears-Wells Machinery Co (Inc), 180 Jessie Speck Mfg & Gear Works, 2130 Folsom Tofanelli, S, Machine Works, 940-994 Columbus Ave Union Construction Co (dredging), 604 Market Union Machine Co (heavy), 934 Brannan Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale Wells, A F (special), 21 2d West Coast Laundry Machinery Co,*3238 17th Witt, G E, Co, 862-864 Howard MACHINERY BAKERY Commercial Iron Works, 497 5th MACHINERY BAKING POWDER Burdick, M S, 60 Tehama MACHINERY BARREL VENEER Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton 251 - METAL PRODUCTS MACHINERY BASKET MAKING Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton MACHINERY BEAN .CLEANING Burdick, M S, 60 Tehama Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY BEAN MILLING Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY BOOKBINDING Shattuck & Bickford, 355 Battery MACHINERY BOTTLING Illinois-Pacific Glass Co, 15th and Folsom Schneider, A, Engineering Works, 1414-1416 15th MACHINERY BOX MAKING PAPER Shattuck & Bickford, 355 Battery MACHINERY BREWING Dundon Iron Works, 225-227 Folsom MACHINERY CAN MAKING Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton MACHINERY CANDY MAKING National Machine Works, 819 Bryant MACHINERY CANNING American Can Co, Mills Bldg Berger & Carter Co, 365 Market Commercial Iron Works, 497 5th Dundon Iron Works, 225-227 Folsom Premier Machinery Co, 311 Sansome Schneider, A, Engineering Works, 1414-1416 15th MACHINERY CHOCOLATE MILLING Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale 252 Z METAL PRODUCTS MACHINERY CLEANING GRAIN Burdick, M S, 60 Tehama San Francisco Mill Furnishing Co, 521 7th Spaulding, Horace R, 898 Folsom Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY COFFEE Burdick, M S, 60 Tehama MACHINERY CONCRETE Bacon, Edw R, Co, 51 Minna Pacific Car & Equipment Co, 625 Market MACHINERY CONTRACTORS Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Fulton Engine Works, 760 Market Pacific Car & Equipment Co, 625 Market Spears-Wells Machinery Co (Inc), 180 Jessie MACHINERY CONVEYING Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Bodinson Mfg Co, 11 Minna Cyclops Iron Works, 837 Folsom General Machinery and Supply Co, 39 Stevenson Golden State & Miners Iron Works, 249 1st Meese & Gottfried Co, 660 Mission Reardon, P H, 57 1st Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY CUTTING METAL Pond-Robinson Metal Saw Co (Inc), 1204 Howard MACHINERY DITCHING Spears-Wells Machinery Co (Inc), 180 Jessie MACHINERY DREDGING Eureka Boiler Works, 166 Fremont Golden State & Miners Iron Works, 249 1st Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson Union Construction Co, 604 Market MACHINERY EGG DRYING California Dairy Products Co, 625 Market 253 METAL PRODUCTS MACHINERY ELECTRIC Ball Machine Works, 64 2d Farnsworth Electrical Works, 549 Mission MACHINERY ELEVATING (See also Machinery Conveying) Bodinson Mfg Co, 11 Minna Meese & Gottfried Co, 660 Mission Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton MACHINERY ELEVATOR Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton MACHINERY ENVELOPE MAKING Hampton Electric & Machine Co, 518 Mission MACHINERY EXCAVATING (See also Machinery Contractors) Fulton Engine Works, 760 Market MACHINERY EXPERIMENTAL Schneider, A, Engineering Works, 1414-1416 15th MACHINERY FEED MILLING Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY FERTILIZER Caiifornia Press Manufacturing Co (Inc), 409 6th MACHINERY FLOUR MILLING Ferry Sheet Metal Works, 980 Folsom San Francisco Mill Furnishing Co, 521 7th Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY FRUIT PROCESSING Burdick, M S, 60 Tehama MACHINERY GRAVEL Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson MACHINERY GRINDING San Francisco Mill Furnishing Co, 521 7th Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co. 165-171 Beale 254 METAL PRODUCTS MACHINERY GRINDING GRAIN Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY GRINDING ORE Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY GRINDING PAINT Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY GRINDING RICE Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY GRINDING SALT Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY GRINDING SPICE Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY GRINDING SUGAR Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY HOISTING (See also Hoists) Bacon, Edw R, Co, 51 Minna Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Cyclops Iron Works, 837 Folsom Golden State 4 Miners Iron Works, 249 1st Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Lansing Co, 338 Brannan Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton MACHINERY HYDRAULIC Main Iron Works, 1000 16th Union Construction Co, 604 Market MACHINERY HYDRAULIC PRESS California Press Mfg Co, 409 6th MACHINERY HYDRO-ELECTRIC McKay Foundry Co, 17th and Missouri MACHINERY ICE MAKING (See also Refrigerators) California Refrigerating Machine Co, 229 Minna 255 METAL PRODUCTS Faget Engineering Co (Inc), 545 Howard Jarvis, T P, Mfg Co, 275 Connecticut Pacific Coast Cork Insulating Co, 300 Fell Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny York California Construction Co, 832 Folsom MACHINERYIRRIGATION Commercial Iron Works, 497 5th MACHINERY LAUNDRY Castagne, Joseph, 3376 18th Pacific Laundry Machinery Co, 280 7th Speck Mfg & Gear Works, 2130 Folsom West Coast Laundry Machinery Co, 3238 17th MACHINERY MACARONI Tofanelli, Sebastian, Machine Works, 940-94 Columbus Ave MACHINERY MARBLE Clot, E, Machine Works, 940 Bryant MACHINERY METAL CUTTING Pond-Robinson Metal Saw Co, 1204 Howard MACHINERY MILK DRYING California Dairy Products Co, 625 Market MACHINERY MILL Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Brunig Machine Works, 523 Brannan Dibert, L C, Co, 35 Minna Fulton Engine Works, The, 760 Market Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont San Francisco Mill Furnishing Co, 521 7th MACHINERY MILL BEAN Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY MILL CHOCOLATE Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY MILL FEED Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale 256 METAL PR ODUCTS MACHINERY MILL FLOUR Ferry Sheet Metal Works, 980 Folsom San Francisco Mill Furnishing Co, 521 7th Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY MILL ORE Hicks Iron Works, 967 Howard Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY MILL PAINT Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY MILL RICE Burdick, M S, 60 Tehama Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY MILL RUBBER Clot, E, Machine Works, 940 Bryant MACHINE R Y M I L L S A W California Saw Works, 721 Brannan Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Poeland, Henry R, 1239 Mission MACHINERY MILL SPICE Burdick, M S, 60 Tehama MACHINERY MILL SUGAR Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY MINING Angels Iron Works, 967 Howard Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, 20th and Illinois Bodinson Mfg Co, 11 Minna Commercial Iron Works, 497 5th Dibert, L C, Co, 35 Minna Fulton Engine Works, The, 760 Market Golden State & Miners Iron Works, 249 1st Hicks Iron Works, 967 Howard Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Krogh Pump & Machinery Co, 149 Beale Main Iron Works, 1000 16th Oliver Mfg Co, 503 Market Piercy's Quick Method Cyanide Co, 517 Bush 257 METAL PRODUCTS Poeland, Henry R, 1239 Mission Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson San Francisco Mill Furnishing Co, 521 7th Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina Union Construction Co, 604 Market; Plant, Oakland, Cal Union Machine Co, 934 Brannan MACHINERY NOODLE Tofanelli, Sebastian, Machine Works, 940-94 Columbus Ave MACHINERY OIL WELL Oil Well Supply Co, 681 Market MACHINERY ORE MILLING Hicks Iron Works, 967 Howard Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY PAINT MAKING Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY PAPER WORKING Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton MACHINERY PASTE North San Francisco Machine Works, 414 Broadway Rossi, A, & Co, 322 Broadway Tofanelli, Sebastian, Machine Works, 940-994 Columbus Ave " Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny MACHINERY POWER Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson MACHINERY PRINTING Brintnall, Harry W, 51 Clementina Pacific Printing Press & Repair Co (special), 73 Germania Ave Shattuck & Bickford, 355 Battery MACHINERY PUMPING Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission Christie Machine Works, 193 Fremont Dow-Herriman Co, 17 Spear Evans, C H, & Co, 187 Fremont F A B Mfg Co, 582 Market Hubbard Machine Co, 615 Howard 258 METAL PRODUCTS Krogh Pump & Machinery Co, 149 Beale Main Iron Works, 1000 16th Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard MACHINERY REFRIGERATING Cyclops Iron Works, 837 Folsom Faget Engineering Co (Inc), 545 Howard Jarvis, T P, Mfg Co, 275 Connecticut Pacific Coast Cork Insulating Co, 300 Fell Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny MACHINERY RICE MILLING Burdick, M S, 60 Tehama Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY ROAD Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Fulton Engine Works, 760 Market Spears-Wells Machinery Co (Inc), 180 Jessie MACHINERY RUBBER MILL Clot, E, Machine Works, 940 Bryant MACHINERY SALT DRYING Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison MACHINERY SAW MILL California Saw Works, 721 Brannan Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Poeland, 'Henry R, 1239 Mission MACHINERY SCREENING Bodinson Mfg Co, 11 Minna Meese & Gottfried Co, 660 Mission Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY SHINGLE Orton Machine Co, 325 Fremont MACHINERY SHIP Geib, Edw H, & Co, 201 Brannan 259 METAL PRODUCTS MACHINERY SHIP BUILDING Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina MACHINERY SIFTING Bodinson Mfg Co, 11 Minna Meese & Gottfried Co, 660 Mission Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY SMALL Ball Machine Works, 64 2d Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission MACHINERY SOAP MAKING Dundon Iron Works, 225-227 Folsom MACHINERY SPECIAL Baker, M C, & Son (Inc), 686 Mission Ball Machine Works, 64 2d Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison Brunig Machine Works, 523 Brannan Busch Mfg Co, 78 Natoma California Press Mfg Co, 409 6th Dundon Iron Works, 225 Folsom Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Eureka Boiler Works, 166 Fremont Farnsworth Electrical Works, 549 Mission Franklin Machine Co (Inc), 126 Folsom Hampton Electric Mfg Co, 520 Mission Hicks Iron Works, 967 Howard Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Krone-Kreutz, F, Co, 204 1st Main Iron Works, 1000 16th Orton Machine Co, 325 Fremont Pacific Printing Press & Repair Co (printing), 73 Germania Av San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th Schneider, A, Engineering Works, 1414-1416 15th Spaulding, Horace R, 898 Folsom Union Machine Co, 934 Brannan Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale Wells, A F, Co, 21 2d MACHINERY SPICE MILLING Burdick, M S, 60 Tehama 260 METAL PRODUCTS MACHINERY SUGAR MILL Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY TANNING Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison MACHINERY TRANSMISSION Bodinson Mfg Co, 11 Minna General Machinery and Supply Co, 39 Stevenson Meese & Gottfried Co, 660 Mission Reardon, P H, 57 1st Union Machine Co, 934 Brannan Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MACHINERY WELDING Saracco, P, Co, 565 Bryant MACHINERY WINERY Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna MACHINERY WOODWORKING Franklin Machine Co (Inc), 126 Folsom Orton Machine Co, 325 Fremont MACHINES ADDING General Adding Machine Exchange (rebuilt), 760 Market MACHINES ADVERTISING Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission MACHINES AUTO LAPPING Mooney & Young, 1013 Battery MACHINES BASKET MAKING Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton MACHINES BERRY BOX Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton MACHINES BILLET TURNING Hampton Electric & Mfg Co, 518-520 Mission MACHINES BOLT CUTTING San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th 261 METAL PRODUCTS MACHINES BOOKBINDING Shattuck & Bickford, 355 Battery MACHINES BOTTLE CAPPING Levy, S J, 510 Bryant Western Equipment Co, 101 Front MACHINES BOX MAKING PAPER Shattuck & Bickford, 355 Battery MACHINES BOX NAILING Busch Mfg Co, 78 Natoma Commercial Iron Works, 497 5th MACHINES CAN MAKING Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton MACHINES CANNING American Can Co, Mills Bldg MACHINES COFFEE ROASTING Associated Metal Works, 245 Minna MACHINES COIN Fey, Chas, & Son, 585 Mission MACHINES CUTTING San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th MACHINES EGG PROCESSING Kasser Egg Process Co, 285 6th MACHINES ELECTRIC Novelty Electric Sign Co, 433-443 Turk Western Electric Co, 680 Foisom MACHINES ELECTRIC SIGN Novelty Electric Sign Co, 433-443 Turk MACHINES EMBOSSING Automatic Printing Devices (Inc), 95 Minna MACHINES EXPERIMENTAL Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission 262 METAL- PRODUCTS MACHINES GAS de Laitte Gas Machine Works, 228 Fremont MACHINES GAS AUTOMATIC de Laitte Gas Machine Works, 228 Fremont MACHINES GOLD ROLLING San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th MACHINES GRAVEL Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson MACHINES HOISTING Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton MACHINES ICE CREAM CONE American Baking Co, 1252 Mission MACHINES ICE MAKING (See also Machinery) Cyclops Iron Works, 837 Folsom Schluter, H, 1238 Mission Simplex Ice Machine Co of Cal, 230 8th Western Butchers' Supply Co, 156-160 4th York California Construction Co, 832 Folsom MACHINES LATHE San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th MACHINES LITHOGRAPHING Shattuck & Bickford, 355 Battery MACHINES MACARONI MAKING North San Francisco Machine Works, 414 Broadway MACHINES MILK SHAKE Electric Mfg Co, 59 New Montgomery MACHINES NOODLE MAKING Rebizzo & Falcone, 414 Broadway 263 METAL PRODUCTS MACHINES PAINT SPRAYING California Paint Spraying & Equipment Co, 3918 Mission Dunn's Paint Spraying Machine Co, 39 Tehama Williamson, H E, Co, 22 Grace MACHINES PAPER TUBE Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton MACHINES PAPER WORKING Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton MACHINES PEANUT ROASTING Herbst Bros, 1943 Mission MACHINES PIPE BENDING United States Shape & Pipe Bending Co, 315 Howard MACHINES PIPE CUTTING San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th MACHINES PRINTING Shattuck & Bickford, 355 Battery MACHINES RAVIOLI Rebizzo & Falcone, 414 Broadway MACHINES REFRIGERATION (See also Machines Ice Making) California Refrigerating Machine Co, 229 Minna Jarvis, T P, Mfg Co, 275 Connecticut Simplex Ice Machine Co of Cal, 230 8th MACHINES ROLLING San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th MACHINES SHEET METAL ROLLING San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th MACHINES SIGN ELECTRIC Novelty Electric Sign Co, 435 Turk MACHINES SOUNDING HAND POWER Weule, Louis, Co, 6 California 264 METAL PRODUCTS MACHINES SOUNDING MOTOR POWER Weule, Louis, Co, 6 California MACHINES SPECIAL (See also Machinery) Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th Spaulding, Horace R, 898 Folsom MACHINES TIN CUTTING Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton MACHINES TIN FORMING Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton MACHINES TIRE BENDING San Francisco Engineering Co, 322 6th MACHINES TYPESETTING Curie Manufacturing Co (parts), 421 Sacramento MACHINES VENEER CUTTING Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton MACHINES VULCANIZING Smith, J H, & Son, 1506 Market MACHINES WASHING Ross-Burr Laundry Machinery Co, 280 7th Speck Mfg & Gear Works, 2130 Folsom Williamson, H E, Co, 22 Grace MACHINES WOOD PLANING Orton Machine Co, 325 Fremont MACHINES X-RAY Bush Electric Corp, 334 Sutter Roentgen Appliance Co, 693 Mission Western X-Ray & Equipment Co, 423 Hayes MACHINISTS See Machire Work 265 METAL PRODUCTS MAGNET RECHARGERS Electro Magnetizer Co, 739 Polk MAGNETO GENERATORS Harris Electric Co, 255 California MANTELS METAL Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission Montague Pipe & Steel Co, 582 Market MARINE INSTALLATIONS Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, 172 Steuart MARINE METAL WARE Morrison & Bevilockway Co, 110 Steuart Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear MARINE RAILWAY Twigg, John, & Sons (80 ton), 694 Illinois MARINE SPECIALTIES De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear MARINE WORK Blyth, Henry (copper), 16 Washington Swain, Geo, 165 Steuart MARQUISE Anderberg & McCaron, 1998 Polk Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 534 Gough Sartorius Co, 15th and Utah MATTRESSES WIRE Economy Spring Mattress Co, 1971 Union Premier Bed & Spring Co, 2401 17th MEAT SHOP EQUIPMENT Pacific Butchers' Supply Co, 211-215 4th MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT Pacific Car & Equipment Co, 625 Market 266 METAL PRODUCTS MEDALS Irvine & Jachens, 1027 Market Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market Patrick & Co, 560 Market MEDICAL' APPARATUS ELECTRO Western X-Ray & Equipment Co, 423 Hayes METAL ALUMINUM Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant METAL BABBITT American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California Finn, John, Metal Works, 384 2d Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom Magnolia Metal Co, 821 Market National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant Pacific Metal Works, 153-159 1st METAL BRASS INGOT Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant METAL CHASING Brass & Bronze Lighting Fixture Mfg Co, 1061 Mission METAL COPPER INGOT Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant METAL DENTAL Gracier, S B, Co (Inc), 409 Montgomery METAL INGOT Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant METAL MONEL Victory Machine Works, 561 Howard METAL PERFORATED (See also Sheet Metal) California Perforating Screen Co, 416 Harrison 267 METAL PRODUCTS METAL PRECIOUS American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California Gracier, S B, Co (Inc), 409 Montgomery Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant Wildberg Bros, Pacific Bldg METAL PRESSED Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Larkin Specialty Mfg Co, 231 1st Missjon Tool & Die Works, 1374 Mission Riddle Shet Metal Works, 1067 Folsom METAL PUNCHED Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission METAL ROLLING Pacific Rolled Metals. Qo, 715 Harrison, METAL SHAPING Pacific Rolled Metals Co, 715 Harrison METAL SOLDER Finn, John, Metal Works, 384 2d Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant Pacific Metal Works, 153-159 1st METAL SPECIALTIES; Boesch Lamp Qo, 960 Mission Larkin Specialty Mfg Co, 231 1st Mission Tool & Ore Works, 1374 Mission Standard Tool & Mfg Co, 202 2d METAL SPINNING Art Brass and Metal Spinning Works, 783 Folsom Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Graff, A & Sons, 39 .Shipley La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th Larkin Specialty Mfg Co, 231 1st M & H Plating Works, 717 Market MacDonald & Goodby, 29 Kearny 268 METAL PRODUCTS Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission San Francisco Metal Stamping Works, 2269 Folsom Western Radiator & Fender Co, 1430 Bush Ye Olde Copper Shoppe, 474 Sutter METAL SPINNING BRASS Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission METAL SPINNING BRONZE MacDonald & Goodby, 29 Kearny METAL SPINNING COPPER Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission METAL SPINNING GOLD AND SILVER MacDonald & Goodby, 29 Kearny METAL SPINNING TIN Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission METAL STAMPING Ames, W R, Co, 450 Irwin Amsler Sheet Metal Works, 25 Shotwell Appmann Cornice Works, 128 Valencia B C Metal Stamping Co, 327 Langton Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission California Perforating Screen Co, 416 Harrison Day, Thos, Company, 725 Mission Krone-Kreutz, F, Co, 204 1st La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th Larkin Specialty Mfg Co, 231 1st Liberty Radiator Core Mfg Co, 30-32 Rose Ave Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market Riddle Sheet Metal Works, 1067 Folsom San Francisco Metal Stamping Works, 2269 Folsom Standard Tool & Mfg Co, 202 2d METAL STAMPING BRASS Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission METAL STAMPING COPPER Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission METAL STAMPING SHEET IRON Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission METAL PRODUCTS METAL STAMPING TIN Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission METAL TYPE American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California Finn, John, Metal Works, 384 2d Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom Magnolia Metal Co, 821 Market National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant Pacific Metal Works, 153-159 1st METAL WORKS Magnolia Metal Co, 821 Market METAL ZINC Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant Pacific Metal Works, 153-159 1st MICROSCOPES MEDICAL Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission MICROTOMES Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission MILL EQUIPMENT (See also Machinery) Conlin & Roberts, 410 Natoma MILL EQUIPMENT FLOUR Spaulding, Horace R, 898 Folsom Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MILL EQUIPMENT RICE Spaulding, Horace R, 898 Folsom Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MILL WORK SHEET STEEL Ferry Sheet Metal Works, 980 Folsom MINE EQUIPMENT (See also Machinery) Conlin & Roberts, 410 Natoma 270 METAL PRODUCTS MIXERS CONCRETE Davis, Morris K, 7th and Harrison MIXERS DOUGH Commercial Iron Works, 497 5th MIXERS PAINT Hospodarsky, Frank, Machine Works, 70 Oak Grove Ave MIXERS SODA FOUNTAIN Electric Mfg Co, 59 New Montgomery MODELS Ajax Foundry Co, 58-60 Clementina Baker, M C, & Son (Inc), 686 Mission Ball Machine Works, 64 2d Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Busch Mfg Co, 78 Natoma California Pattern Works, 896 Folsom Detroit Die & Machine Works, 992 Howard Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama Jorgenson, John, 628 Montgomery Judson Mfg Co, 819 Folsom Krone-Kreutz, F, Co, 204 1st Mission Tool & Die Works, 1374 Mission Palace Model & Machine Co, 636 Market Schoenstein, F B, 531 Fulton Wells, A F, Co, 21 2d MOLDS Mission Tool & Die Works, 1374 Mission MOLDSINGOT Coast Foundry Co, 1375 Potrero Ave MONOGRAMS METAL Hughes, Wm R, 133 Geary MONUMENTS METAL Jauchen's Olde Copper Shop, 1391 Sutter 271 METAL PRODUCTS MOTION PICTURE PROJECTORS Vitaslide Co, 102 Leavenworth MOTION PICTURE STUDIO .EQUIPMENT Flagg Studios, 935 Market MOTOR REWINDING A 1 Electric & Construction Co, 313 5th Continental Motor Specialists, 1201 Howard Motor Maintenance Co, 892 Mission MOTORS SPRING Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission MOULDINGS METAL COVERED Hertenstein, A, & Son, 309 Florida Kawneer Mfg Co, 180 Jessie NAUTICAL ACCESSORIES (See also Instruments) Weule, Louis, Co, 6 California NEEDLES SPRING EYE Will & Finck, 1686 Market NETTING WIRE California Wire Cloth Co, 587 Mission Edwards, E H, Company, 681 Market Roebling's, John A, Sons Co of Cal, 646 Folsom West Coast Wire & Iron Works, 861 Howard NOVELTIES SILVER (See also Jewelers) MacDonald & Goodby, 29 Kearny NUT BLANKS Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery NUTS Curie Manufacturing Co, 421 Sacramento Payne's Bolt Works, 133 Howard Southern California Iron & Steel Co, Rialto Bldg 272 METAL PRODUCTS NUTSMACHINE Drake Lock-Nut Co (Inc), 1401 Folsom NUTS PATENT LOCK Drake Lock-Nut Co (Inc), 1401 Folsom Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, 854 Howard OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT Clot, E, Machine Works, 940 Bryant Fess System Co, 220 Natoma Jarvis, T P, Mfg Co, 275 Connecticut Johnson, S T, Co, 1337 Mission Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear Tucker, E W, & Co (Inc), 347 Fremont Westinghouse Pacific Coast Brake Co, 65 Market Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard OIL BURNING SYSTEMS Fess System Co, 220 Natoma Jarvis, T P, Mfg Co, 275 Connecticut Staples & Pfeiffer, 102 Steuart Tucker, E W, & Co, 347 Fremont OIL WELL SUPPLIES Fulton Engine Works, 760 Market ORGANS Mauzy, Byron, 250 Stockton ORGANS PIPE American Photo Player Co, 109 Golden Gate Ave Schoenstein, Felix F, & Sons, 2306 Bryant ORNAMENTS CLOCK Day, Thos Company, 725 Mission ORNAMENTS SHEET METAL San Francisco Metal Stamping Works, 2269 Folsom OVENS BAKE Bake-Rite Oven Mfg Co, Hearst Bldg Chubbuck, E J, Co, 731 Market Glaser, J P, & Co (brick), 2480 Union Herbst Bros, 1943 Mission 273 METAL PRODUCTS Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome Us, John G, & Co, 839-841 Mission Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear Western Range Co, 532 McAllister Western Sheet Metal Works, 1911 Mission OVENS ELECTRIC Bake-Rite Oven Mfg Co, Hearst Bldg Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission OVENS GAS Bake-Rite Oven Mfg Co, Hearst Bldg Herbst Bros, 1943 Mission Us, John G, & Co, 839-841 Minna OVENS SAND Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome OVENS SHEET IRON Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission OVERHEAD RAIL SYSTEMS John's Hanger Co, 709 Harrison OXIDIZING Occidental Plating Works, 2247 Folsom and 1031 Post PACKING HOUSE EQUIPMENT Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Pacific Butchers' Supply Co, 211-215 4th PACKING HYDRAULIC Cook, H N, Belting Co (Inc), 401-433 Howard PACKING MECHANICAL Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina PACKING METALLIC Garlock Packing Co, 671 Mission Tucker, E W, & Co, 347 Fremont 274 METAL PRODUCTS PACKING METALLIC FLEXIBLE Stephenson & Nichols, 1070 Folsom PACKING METALLIC SEMI Stephenson & Nichols, 1070 Folsom PACKING STEAM Cook, H N, Belting Co (Inc), 401-433 Howard Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina PAILS LARD Pacific Butchers' Supply Co, 211-215 4th PAINT SPRAYING GUNS Williamson, H E, Co, 22 Grace PANEL BOARDS ELECTRIC American Metal Products Co, 277 Minna Drendell Electric & Mfg Co, 1345 Howard Safety Electric Co, 59-65 Columbia Sq PANEL BOXES United Sheet Metal Works, 960 Howard PANS DRIP AUTO Auto Sheet Metal Works, 539 Gough La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th PANS GRAIN Will & Finck, 1686 Market Zett, Geo J, 223 Leidesdorff PANS VACUUM Blyth, Henry, 16 Washington O'Donnell, E M, 274 Spear PAPER SLITTERS AND REWINDERS Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton PAPER WEIGHTS NOVELTY Electric Mfg Co, 59 New Montgomery 275 METAL PRODUCTS PATENT DEVELOPING Baker, M C, & Sons, 686 Market Ball Machine Works, 64 2d Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission California Pattern Works, 896 Folsom Connor Mfg Co, 67 Annie Doble (Inc), 714 Harrison Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Jorgenson, John, 628 Montgomery Mission Tool & Die Works, 1374 Mission Standard Tool & Mfg Co, 202 2d Wells, A F, Co, 21 2d PATTERNS AND MODELS (See also Models) California Pattern Works, 896 Folsom Donaldson & McCullough, 154 Main Dyer, F G, Brass & Machine Works, 770 Folsom Judson Mfg Co, 819 Folsom Mission Tool & Die Works, 1374 Mission Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina PATTERNS GEAR MACHINE CUT California Pattern Works, 896 Folsom PENSTOCKS Western Pipe & Steel Co of Cal, 444 Market PEDALS AUTO ALUMINUM Star Aluminum Foundry, 3621 18th PIPE Pacific Pipe Co, 201 Howard Reardon, P N, 57 1st Weissbaum, G, & Co, 127-137 11th PIPE AIR Ames, W R, Co, 450 Irwin PIPE BENDING BRASS O'Donnell, E M, 274 Spear 276 METAL PRODUCTS PIPE BENDING IRON Lowden, Jas W, Forge Shop, 7 Zeno Place O'Donnell, E M, 274 Spear United States Shape & Pipe Bending Co, 315 Howard PIPE BENDS Faget Engineering Co (Inc), 545 Howard PIPE BLOW Rees Blow Pipe Mfg Co, 336-340 7th PIPE COLLAR HORSE Hurton, Declan, 1098 Howard PIPE CONDUCTOR Ames, W R, Co, 450 Irwin Amsler Sheet Metal Works, 25 Shotwell Appmann Cornice Works, 128 Valencia Western Pipe & Steel Co, 444 Market PIPE COPPER O'Donnell, E M, 274 Spear Smith, C W, Copper Works (marine), 16-20 Washington Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna PIPE CORRUGATED California Corrugated Culvert Co, 10th & Bryant PIPE FITTINGS (See Fittings) PIPE FURNACE Western Pipe and Steel Co, 444 Market PIPE GALVANIZED Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis Western Pipe & Steel Co, 444 Market PIPE HEADERS California Steel Products Co, 452 Bay PIPE HYDRAULIC Union Construction Co, 604 Market Western Pipe & Steel Co, 444 Market 277 METAL PRODUCTS PIPE IRON Montague Pipe & Steel Co, 582 Market PIPE IRRIGATION Ames, W R, Co (surface), 450 Irwin Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome Weissbaum, G, & Co (screw casing), 127-137 11th Western Pipe & Steel Co, 444 Market PIPE LEAD American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California PIPE RIVETED Ames, W R, Co, 450 Irwin Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, 854 Howard Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis Montague Pipe & Steel Co, 582 Market Union Construction Co, 604 Market Western Pipe & Steel Co, 444 Market PIPE WATER Montague Pipe & Steel Co (riveted steel), 582 Market Western Pipe & Steel Co, 444 Market PIPE WELDED Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis Montague Pipe & Steel Co, 582 Market Power & Pike Co, 126-128 Beale Union Construction Co, 604 Market PISTON RINGS American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Clarke-Sinclair Machine Works, 731 Turk Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-790 Golden Gate Ave PISTONS American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Clarke-Sinclair Machine Works, 731 Turk Livenais, August, 1625 Pacific Ave 278 METAL PRODUCTS Mann Mfg Co, 454 Golden Gate Ave Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery Schnerr, J J, Co (Inc), 799 Golden Gate Ave Woodward, Geo H, 1455 Bush PLANERS WOOD WORKING Brunig Machine Works, 523 Brannan PLANING MILL SUPPLIES Conens & Wuesthoff, 706 Bryant PLANT EQUIPMENT Pacific Car & Equipment Co, 625 Market PLATE STEEL California Steel Products Co, 452 Bay PLATE STEEL WORK California Steel Products Co, 452 Bay Iron and Steel Contracting Co, 215 San Bruno Ave Ocean Shore Iron Works, 550 8th PLATE TIN Stachnick Mfg Co, 5th and Hooper PLATE WARMERS Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission PLATES AND CASING Western Pipe & Steel Co, 444 Market PLATES AMALGAM Golden West Plating Works, 131-133 Mission San Francisco Plating Works, 1349-1351 Mission PLATES AMALGAM SILVER PLATED Golden West Plating Works, 131-133 Mission PLATES APRON San Francisco Plating Works, 1349-1351 Mission 279 METAL PRODUCTS PLATES BATTERY Battery Specialty Co, 607 Bryant Calhoun Storage Battery Mfg Co (accumulator), 780 Ellis San Francisco Plating Works, 1349-1351 Mission PLATES BOILER CAST ZINC Finn, John, Metal Works, 384 2d PLATES COLOR (See also Engravers Photo) American Engraving & Color Plate Co, 109 New Montgomery PLATES MINING SILVER PLATED San Francisco Plating Works, 1349-1351 Mission PLATES NAME Irvine & Jachens, 1027 Market Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission Royal Etch Plate Co, Lomita Park Sartorius Co, 15th and Utah PLATES PRINTING California Photo Engraving Co, 121 2d PLATES SLUICE San Francisco Plating Works, 1349-1351 Mission PLATING Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Burridge, B W, Co, 540 Bush California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th California Tin Plate Works, 1705 Mission Campana, Wm G, 593 Bryant Capitol Plating Works, 1115 Geary Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co, 251-259 2d Golden Gate Plating Works, 1258 Golden Gate Ave Golden West Plating Works, 131-133 Mission Greenberg's, M, Sons, 225 Beale Mickey, J H, & Co, 717 Market Hoover Spring Co, 201-229 Franklin Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, 830 Howard Lee, Don, 1000 Van Ness Ave M & H Plating Works, 717 Market Monarch Iron Works, 262 7th 280 METAL PRODUCTS New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market Occidental Plating Works, 2247 Folsom and 1031 Post Pacific Parker Rust-Proof Co, 827 Folsom Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission San Francisco Plating Works, 1349-1351 Mission Sunset Plating Works, 360 Clementina Van's Shop, 135 Hyde Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna Western Brass Mfg Co, 217 Tehama PLATING BRASS Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), 251-59 2d Occidental Plating Works, 2247 Folsom and 1031 Post PLATING BRONZE Occidental Plating Works, 2247 Folsom and 1031 Post Van's Shop, 135 Hyde PLATING COPPER Occidental Plating Works, 2247 Folsom and 1031 Post San Francisco Plating Works, 1349-1351 Mission Van's Shop, 135 Hyde PLATING ELECTRO Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Burridge, B W, Co, 540 Bush Golden West Plating Works, 131-133 Mission Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, 830 Howard M & H Plating Works, 717 Market Monarch Iron Works, 262 7th Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission San Francisco Plating Works, 1349-1351 Mission Sunset Plating Works, 360 Clementina Western Brass Mfg Co, 217 Tehama PLATING GOLD Burridge, B W T Co, 540 Bush Hickey, J H, & Co, 717 Market Occidental Plating Works, 2247 Folsom and 1031 Post San Francisco Plating Works, 1349-1351 Mission Sunset Plating Works, 360 Clementina 281 METAL PRODUCTS PLATING NICKEL Burridge, B W, Co, 540 Bush California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), 251-59 2d Lee, Don, 1000 Van Ness Ave Occidental Plating Works, 2247 Folsom and 1031 Post San Francisco Plating Works, 1349-1351 Mission Sunset Plating Works, 360 Clementina Van's Shop, 135 Hyde PLATES PRINTING (See also Engravers Photo) Photo Art & Engraving Co, 211 Stevenson PLATING SILVER Burridge, B W, Co, 540 Bush Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), 251-59 2d Golden West Plating Works, 131-133 Mission Mickey, J H, & Co, 717 Market M & H Plating Works, 717 Market Occidental Plating Works, 2247 Folsom and 1031 Post San Francisco Plating Works, 1349-1351 Mission Sunset Plating Works, 360 Clementina PLATING TIN California Tin Plate Works, 1705 Mission Campana, Wm G, 593 Bryant New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna PLATINUM REFINED Gracier, S B, Co (Inc), 409 Montgomery Wildberg Bros, 821 Market PLOWS Holt Mfg Co, 593 Market PLUGS DECK De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear PLUGS FUSIBLE Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont 282 METAL PRODUCTS PLUMBING SPECIALTIES American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Budde Mfg Co, 4 Sumner Cornelius, C W B, Co (Inc), 211 Tehama Dyer, F G, Brass & Machine Works, 770 Folsom Excelsior Brass Works (Inc), 1168 Bryant Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), 251-59 2d Graham, Jas, Mfg Co, 531 Mission Kingwell Bros, 444 Natoma Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st Pacific Sanitary Mfg Co, 67 New Montgomery Standard Sanitary Mfg Co, 149-155 Bluxome Western Brass Mfg Co, 217 Tehama PLUNGERS ELEVATOR Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton PNEUMATIC EQUIPMENT Air Compressor & Equipment Co, 46-48 Natoma Franklin Machine Co, 126 Folsom Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Oliver Mfg Co, 503 Market Reardon, P N, 57 1st Riddle Sheet Metal Works, 1067 Folsom Rix Compressed Air & Drill Co, 505 Howard Sturtevant, B F, Co, 681 Market Westinghouse Pacific Coast Brake Co, 65 Market Witt, G E, Co, 862-864 Howard POLYCHROME DECORATIONS Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission POST CAPS AND BASES Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st Schaffer, L, & Co, 364 10th Sims & Gray Iron Works, 550-554 Bryant PRESS FEEDERS PRINTING Brintnall, Harry W, 51 Clementina Shattuck & Bickford (automatic), 355 Battery 283 METAL PRODUCTS PRESS PARTS PRINTING Galli Machine Works, 429 Tehama Pacific Printing Press & Repair Co, 73 Germania Ave PRESSES Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton Ames-Harris-Neville Co, 100 Potrero Ave Automatic Printing Devices, 95 Minna California Press Mfg Co (Inc), 409 6th Christie Machine Works, 193 Fremont Cyclops Iron Works, 837 Folsom Hospodarsky, F, 70 Oak Grove Ave Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Krone-Kreutz, F, Co, 204 1st Main Iron Works, 1000 16th National Machine Works, 819 Bryant North Machine Co, 324 Main Pacific Printing Press & Repair Co, 73 Germania- Ave Rebizzo & Falcone, 414 Broadway Tofanelli, S, Machine Works, 940-994 Columbus Ave Union Machine Co, 934 Brannan PRESSES BALING California Press Mfg Co, 409 6th PRESSES BRANDING (See also Presses Wood Printing) Cyclops Iron Works, 837 Folsom North Machine Co, 324 Main PRESSES CARD AUTOMATIC Automatic Printing Devices, 95 Minna PRESSES CIDER California Press Mfg Co, 409 6th PRESSES CONTINUOUS California Press Mfg Co (Inc), 409 6th PRESSES FILTER Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Union Machine Co, 934 Brannan 284 METAL PRODUCTS PRESSES FRUIT Rebizzo & Falcone, 414 Broadway Tofanelli, S, Machine Works, 940-94 Columbus Ave PRESSES HYDRAULIC California Press Mfg Co, 409 6th Christie Machine Works, 193 Fremont Main Iron Works, 1000 16th PRESSES JUICE Rebizzo & Falcone, 414 Broadway Tofanelli, S, Machine Works, 940-994 Columbus Ave PRESSES MACARONI Rebizzo & Falcone, 414 Broadway Rossi, A, & Co, 322 Broadway Tofanelli, S, Machine Works, 940-94 Columbus Ave PRESSES MOP Freeman, June, Mfg Co, 509 6th PRESSES OIL California Press Mfg Co (Inc), 409 6th PRESSES OLIVE Rebizzo & Falcone, 414 Broadway PRESSES PAPER Tofanelli, S, Machine Works, 940-94 Columbus Ave PRESSES PRINTING SPECIAL Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton Automatic Printing Devices, 95 Minna Hospodarsky, F, 70 Oak Grove Ave Pacific Printing Press & Repair Co, 73 Germania Ave PRESSES ROTARY Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton PRESSES SALT Union Machine Co, 934 Brannan 285 METAL PRODUCTS PRESSES WOOD PRINTING Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton Ames-Harris-Neville Co, 100 Potrero Ave Cyclops Iron Works, 837 Folsom North Machine Co, 324 Main PRINTING DEVICES Automatic Printing Devices (Inc), 95 Minna PRINTING PRESS PARTS Pacific Printing Press & Repair Co, 73 Germania Ave PRISON CELLS Ralston Iron Works (Inc), 20th and Indiana Withington Iron Works, 780 Brannan ...... PROPELLERS MARINE ENGINE Western Foundry, 912 Folsom PULLEYS De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Farnsworth Electrical Works (motor), 549 Mission Hospodarsky, F, 70 Oak Grove Ave Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale PULLEYS CAST IRON Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale PULLEYS MOTOR Farnsworth Electrical Works, 549 Mission PUMP GOVERNORS Witt, G E, & Co, 862-864 Howard PUMP WORK- Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont PUMPING EQUIPMENT FAB Mfg Co, 582 Market Farnsworth Electrical Works, 549 Mission Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard 286 METAL PRODUCTS PUMPS Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission Bunting Iron Works, 1 Montgomery California Press Mfg Co (Inc), 409 6th Cook & Co, 240-242 Steuart Dayton Pump & Mfg Co, 401 4th De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Dow-Herriman Co, 17 Spear Evans, C H, & Co (Inc), 187 Fremont FAB Mfg Co, 582 Market Farnsworth Electrical Co, 549 Mission Franklin Machine Co, 126 Folsom Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Jackson, Byron, Iron Works (Inc), 55 New Montgomery Krogh Pump & Machinery Co, 149 Beale National Machine Works, 819 Bryant Pelton Water Wheel Co, 19th and Harrison Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson Yuba Mfg Co, 433 California PUMPS BRASS De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear PUMPS CENTRIFUGAL Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission Jackson, Byron, Iron Works (Inc), 55 New Montgomery Pelton Water Wheel Co, 19th and Harrison Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson PUMPS CRANK Evans, C H, & Co (Inc), 187 Fremont PUMPS CYANIDE Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson PUMPS DEEP WELL Dorward Pump Co, 503 Market Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Kingwell Bros, 444 Natoma PUMPS DRAINAGE Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson PUMPS DREDGING Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson 287 METAL PRODUCTS PUMPS FLY WHEEL Evans, C H & Co (Inc), 187 Fremont PUMPS GAS FAB Mfg Co, 582 Market PUMPS HYDRAULIC California Press Mfg Co (Inc), 409 6th Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont PUMPS IRRIGATION Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson PUMPS MINING Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont PUMPS OIL FAB Mfg Co, 582 Market Franklin Machine Co, 126 Folsom PUMPS ROTARY Bunting Iron Works, 1 Montgomery PUMPS STEAM Evans, C H, & Co, 187 Fremont PUMPS TURBINE Jackson, Byron, Iron Works (Inc), 55 New Montgomery Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson PUMPS TURBINE HORIZONTAL Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson PUMPS TURBINE VERTICAL Price, G W, Pump & Engine Co, 19-45 Stevenson PUMPS WELL DEEP Dorward Pump Co, 503 Market Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Kingwell Bros, 444 Natoma PYROMETERS Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission 288 METAL PRODUCTS RACKS BUTCHER Todt & Peters, 322 Main RACKS KITCHEN Todt & Peters, 322 Main RACKS ROLLER Hampton Electric & Mfg Co, 518-520 Mission RADIATOR GRINDING Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave RADIATORS AND FENDERS AUTO Acme Radiator & Fender Works, 608 Van Ness Ave American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Auto Fender & Radiator Works, 1140 Geary Auto Sheet Metal Works, 539 Gough Champion Mfg Co, 552-554 Golden Gate Ave Cohen, M, 1072 Golden Gate Ave Crown Automobile Painting Co (Inc), 1650 Jackson Federal Radiator & Fender Mfg Co, 167 Hayes Feldman's Auto Metal Works, 76 8th International Radiator Co, 505 Van Ness Ave Judge-Fischer Co, 149 11th La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th Manegold, Frank, 1386 Sutter Modern Auto Body Co, 819 Valencia O K Radiator Co, 774 Golden Gate Ave Royal Metal Works, 238 Van Ness Ave San Francisco Fender & Radiator Works, 1615 Pine Service Fender & Radiator Co, 664-668 Eddy Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave Western Radiator & Fender Co, 1430 Bush Zimmerman, L, 122 Jones RADIATORS ELECTRO-STEAM Scheeline Mfg Co, 76 Tehama RADIATORS GAS Baird-Bailhache Co, 478 Sutter RADIATORS STEAM ELECTRIC CONTROL Scheeline Mfg Co, 76 Tehama 289 METAL PRODUCTS RADIO EQUIPMENT Gray & Danielson Mfg Co, 579 Howard Kennedy, Colin B, Co, 116 New Montgomery Moorhead Laboratories (Inc), 638 Mission RAIL SYSTEMS OVERHEAD John's Hanger Co, 709 Harrison RAILROAD EQUIPMENT Pacific Rolling Mill Co, 17th and Mississippi Willett & Burr, 512 Mission RAILS AND GUARDS Art Brass and Metal Spinning Works, 783 Folsom Brass and Bronze Lighting Fixture Mfg Co, 1061 Mission California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th Eureka Iron & Wire Works, 374-376 11th Folsom Street Iron Works, 18th and Treat Ave Graff, A, & Sons, 39 Shipley Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave Monarch Iron Works, 262 7th New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission Sartorius Co, 15th and Utah Sunset Iron Works, 964-968 Harrison RAI LWAYS I NCLI N E Otis Elevator Co, 2300 Stockton RANGES (See also Stoves) Graham, Jas, Mfg Co, 531 Mission Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome Us, John G, & Co, 839-841 Mission Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission Montague Range & Furnace Co, 826 Mission Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear Steiger & Kerr Stove & Foundry Co, Folsom and 18th Western Range Co, 532 McAllister RANGES CAMP Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome RANGES COAL Steiger & Kerr Stove & Foundry Co, Folsom and 18th 290 METAL PRODUCTS RANGES COMBINATION Steiger & Kerr Stove & Foundry Co, Folsom and 18th RANGES FRENCH Ms, John G. & Co, 839-841 Mission Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission RANGES GAS Graham, Jas, Mfg Co, 531 Mission Steiger & Kerr Stove & Foundry Co, Folsom and 18th RANGES HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Western Range Co, 532 McAllister RANGES HOUSEHOLD Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome RANGES SHEET METAL Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome Thuener, Wm, 2125 Polk RANGES WOOD Steiger & Kerr Stove & Foundry Co, Folsom and 18th REAMERS Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison RECORDERS TIME Thomas, F A, Co, 85 2d REELS KITE FLYING Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom REFLECTORS METAL Novelty Electric Sign Co, 433-443 Turk REFRIGERATORS (See also Machines) California Refrigerating Machine Co, 229 Minna Coast Refrigerator Co, 300 Gough Dealers' Refrigerator Co (counter), 58 Oak Grove Ave 291 METAL PRODUCTS Mowat Refrigerator Co, 25 Oak Grove Ave Pacific Refrigerator Co, 431-435 Gough Vapo Corp (iceless), 995 Market Western Butcher's Supply Co, 156-160 4th REGULATORS BOILER FEED WATER Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard REGULATORSOIL BURNER (See also Oil Burning Equipment) Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864. Ho ward RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT (See also Kitchen Equipment) Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission Montague Range & Furnace Co, 826 Mission Topper, T J, 1067 Mission Western Range Co, 532 McAllister Western Sheet Metal Works, 1911 Mission RETINNING WORKS San Francisco Retinning Co, 593 Bryant Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna RETORTS COOKING Berger & Carter Co, 365 Market Dundon Iron Works, 225 Folsom RINGS PISTON American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Clarke-Sinclair Machine Works, 731 Turk Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-790 Golden Gate Ave RIVETS Pacific Rolling Mill Co, 17th and Mississippi Payne's Bolt Works, 133 Howard Southern California Iron & Steel Co, Rialto Bldg ROAD EQUIPMENT Bacon, Edw R Co, 51 Minna and 441 Folsom Willett & Burr, 512 Mission 292 METAL PRODUCTS ROASTERS PEANUT Herbst Bros, 1943 Mission RODS Payne's Bolt Works, 133 Howard RODS CURTAIN Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission RODS RADIUS Brown & Brand, 270 Valencia RODS TIE Sims & Gray Iron Works, 550-554 Bryant RODS TRUSS Sims & Gray Iron Works, 550-554 Bryant ROLLERS DOOR John's Hanger Co, 709 Harrison ROLLERS RUBBER COVERED California Ink Co, 426 Battery Morrill, Geo H, Co of Cal, 130 Fremont ROLLING MILLS Pacific Rolled Metais Co, 715 Harrison ROOFING METAL Amsler Sheet Metal Works, 25 Shotwell California Corrugated Culvert Co, 10th and Bryant Goss, W P, 4640 Geary Guilfcy Cornice Works, 229 8th Heidt, W, Cornice Works, 152 1st Ideal Cornice Co, 1038 Howard Olmo, Frank, 3460 Mission Withington Iron Works, 780 Brannan ROOFS IRON Withington Iron Works, 780 Brannan 293 METAL PRODUCTS ROPE WIRE American Steel & Wire Co, 116 New Montgomery Edwards, E H, Company, 681 Market Roebling's, John A, Sons Co of Cal, 646 Folsom Worden, W H, Co, 126 Pine RUDDER ANGLE INDICATORS Horace Remote Control Co, 12 Steuart RULES PRINTER Konkel Co, 141 Clara Monotype Composition Co, 88 1st Pacific Typesetting & Type Foundry Co, 330 Jackson SANDBLASTING METAL Sierra Glass Co, 916 Natoma SASH STEEL Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison United States Metal Products Co, 330 10th SAW TRIMMER TYPE SLUG Curie Mfg Co, 421 Sacramento SAWS BAND Brunig Machine Works, 423 Brannan California Saw Works, 721 Brannan SAWS CIRCULAR California Saw Works, 721 Brannan San Francisco Saw and Tool Works, 236 Fremont Simonds Mfg Co, 12 Natoma SAWS DRAG Fitzpatrick, Walter J, 16th and Kansas SAWS METAL CUTTING Pond-Robinson Metal Saw Co (Inc), 1204 Howard SCALES Dahl-Shaw Cash Register Co, 349 Market 294 METAL PRODUCTS SCRAPERS DRAGLINE Jardine Machinery Co, 115-125 Main SCREENS AND SIEVES California Perforating Screen Co, 416 Harrison California Wire Cloth Co, 587 Mission Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission West Coast Wire & Iron Works, 861 Howard Wimmer, Geo, 1332 "18th SCREENS BANK California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th SCREENS DOOR Acme Safety Window & Screen Co, 77 O'Farrell SCREENS DUSTPROOF Spencer, Richard, Hearst Bldg SCREENS FLY Acme Safety Window & Screen Co, 77 O'Farrell New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market Spencer, Richard, Hearst Bldg SCREENS MINING Wimmer, Geo, 1332 18th SCREENS PERFORATED METAL Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale Wimmer, Geo, 1332 18th SCREENS WINDOW Acme Safety Window & Screen Co, 77 O'Farrell New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market SCREW MACHINE PRODUCTS Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison California Screw Co, 50 Tehama Curie Mfg Co, 421 Sacramento Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Mann Mfg Co, 454 Golden Gate Ave Payne's Bolt Works, 133 Howard Schnerr, J J, Co (Inc), 799 Golden Gate Ave Victory Machine Works, 561 Howard 295 METAL PRODUCTS SCREWS California Screw Co, 50 Tehama Curie Mfg Co, 421 Sacramento Payne's Bolt Works, 133 Howard SEALS AND BADGES Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission Irvine & Jachens, 1027 Market Magnus, H C, & Co, 237 California Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market Patrick & Co, 560 Market Reininger & Co, 420 Market Tully Rubber Stamp Works, 45 California SEPARATORS AND PURIFI ERS STEAM Tracy Engineering Co, 473-485 6th SEWERS STORM California Corrugated Culvert Co, 10th and Bryant SHAFTS AND SHAFTING American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Forrest, Edwin, Forge Co (Inc), 69 Fremont Hospodarsky, Frank, Machine Works, 70 Oak Grove Ave Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery Schnerr, J J, Co (Inc), 799 Golden Gate Ave SHEET IRON WARE American Can Co, Mills Bldg SHEET METAL PERFORATED Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, 854 Howard Wimmer, Geo, 1332 18th SHEET METAL PRODUCTS American Can Co, Mills Bldg American Metal Products Co, 277 Minna Ames, W R, 450 Irwin Amsler Sheet Metal Works, 25 Shotwell Anderberg & McCaron, 1998 Polk Anderson, Geo, 162 Steuart Anderson Heating Co, 440 5th Appmann Cornice Works, 128 Valencia 296 . METAL PRODUCTS Associated Metal Works, 245 Minna Atlas Heating and Ventilating Co, 72 Freelon Bacigalupi & Dagneau, 2150 Union Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Blakeway, John H, 105 Beale Bloom, Max, & Co, 1147 Mission Boegerhausen, John, 1839 Divisadero Bowen, Chas L, 1152 Valencia Brizard & Young, 72 Tehama Burgan, W C, 355 Hayes Calderoni, Frank, 1602 Stockton California Boiler Works, 526 Howard California Metal and Radiator Works, 431 Fulton California Metal Works, 1715 15th Campana, Wm, 593 Bryant Capitol Art Metal Co (Inc), 1133 Howard Clawson, F E, Co, 147 Gough Cohen, M, 1072 Golden Gate Ave Comyns & Nygren, 3221 16th Conlin & Roberts, 410 Natoma Cook & Co, 240-243 Steuart Davison, Frank, 739 Brannan De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Delucchi, John J, 1526 Powell Epp, I, 3801 Geary Eureka Boiler Works, 166 Fremont Eureka Sheet Metal Works, 206 2d Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama Ferry Sheet Metal Works, 980 Folsom Finn, John, Metal Works, 384 2d Fire Protection Products Co, 3117-3119 20th Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th Genochio, Philip A, 5196 Mission Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, 854 Howard Golden Rule Sheet Metal Works, 255 Jersey Goss, W P, 4640 Geary Greenblat, I L, 1314 Valencia Guilfoy Cornice Works, 229 8th Heidt, W, Cornice Works, 152 1st Herbst Bros, 1943 Mission Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome Hooker, L B, 1530 Howard Humboldt Sheet Metal Works, 1687 Geary Ideal Cornice Co, 1038 Howard Us, John G, & Co, 839 Mission Jackson, P H, & Co, 237-247 1st METAL PRODUCTS Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis Krenz, Oscar, Copper & Brass Works, 626 Bryant La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th Leiser Bros, 622 Larkin Majestic Sheet Metal Works, 532 McAllister Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission Moehrle, C E, 310 8th Montague Pipe & Steel Co, 582 Market Montague Range & Furnace Co, 826 Mission Morrison & Co, 769 McAllister Morrison & Bevilockway Co, 110 Steuart Moynihan, T J, & Co, 401 Folsom Nelson, Jas A, 517 6th Olmo, Frank, 3460 Mission Pacific Coast Boiler Works, 235-237 Main Pacific General Jobbing Co, 2125 Polk Pacific Sheet Metal Works, 3200 Geary Percy Sheet Metal Works, 348 Guerrero Peterson Bros, 150 Steuart Pioch, Frank J, 429 Hayes Power & Pike Co, 126-128 Beale Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear Rees Blow Pipe Mfg Co, 336-340 7th Richmond Sheet Metal Works, 3632 Geary Riddle Sheet Metal Works, 1067 Folsom Royal Heating Co, 280 Minna Royal Metal Works, 238 Van Ness Ave San Francisco Fender & Radiator Works, 1615 Pine San Francisco Metal Stamping Works, 2269 Folsom Shields, Thos, 1928 Post Sicke, J F, 311 9th Ave Standard Metal Products Co, 546-548 Bryant State Mfg Co, 269 Minna Stella Bros Mfg Co, 1428 Howard Swain, Geo, 165 Steuart Terminal Sheet Metal Works, 56 Washington Topper, T J, 1067 Mission United Sheet Metal Works, 960 Howard United States Faucet Co, 1155 Mission United States Metal Products Co, 330 10th Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-896 Golden Gate Ave Western Furnace & Cornice Co, 202 Brannan Western Range Co, 532 McAllister Western Sheet Metal Works, 1911 Mission Zimmerman, L, 112 Jones 298 . * METAL PRODUCTS SHERARDIZING Finn, John, Metal Works, 384 2d SHIP BERTHS Bernhard Mattress Co, 739 Mission SHIPBUILDERS (See also Boats and Barges) Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp, Ltd, 20th and Illinois Hanlon Drydock & Shipbuilding Co, 112 Market Moore Shipbuilding Co, 351 California Union Construction Co, 604 Market SHIP SUPPLIES De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Haviside Company, 56 Steuart Marine Electric Co, 195 Fremont McCarthy, Chas A, & Co, 148 Steuart Mooney & Young, 1013 Battery Pacific Car & Equipment Co, 625 Market Pritchard, F L, Co, 150 Steuart Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear United Shipsmithing Co, 135 Spear SHOCK ABSORBERS AUTO Hood Shock Preventer Co, 1416 Bush . Pneumatic Cushion Co, 179 Grove SHOES BRAKE American Brake Shoe & Foundry Co, 74 New Montgomery Enterprise Foundry Co, 20 Steuart SHOES HAMMERED STEEL American Forge Co, 25 Tehama SHOES STAMP MILL Pennington, Geo W, Sons (Inc), 1699 Montgomery SHOT American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California SHOW CASES METAL Day, Thos Company, 725 Mission Hertenstein, A, & Son, 309 Florida 299 METAL PRODUCTS SIEVES See Screens SIGNAL DEVICES AUTO Diamond Signal Co (Inc), 1207 Van Ness Ave National Auto Signal Co, 1428 Bush Williams Bros, Aircraft Corp, 816 Oak SIGNALING APPARATUS ELECTRIC Cory, Chas, & Son (Inc), 11-17 Mission SIGNALING APPARATUS MECHANICAL Cory, Chas, & Son (Inc), 11-17 Mission SIGNALS ELECTRIC San Francisco Elevator Co, 860 Folsom SIGNALS STOP AND TURN Diamond Signal Co (Inc), 1207 Van Ness Ave Williams Bros Aircraft Corp, 816 Oak SIGNS Brumfield Electric Sign Co, 18 7th Dye, H D, & Co, 133 Kearny Electric Novelty Works, 533 Minna Federal Electric Co, 19 New Montgomery Irvine & Jachens, 1027 Market Johnson & Co, 1629 Market Laib, Jos, Jr, 7th and Folsom Magnus, H C, & Co, 237 California Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market Novelty Electric Sign Co, 433-443 Turk Rogers-Lucas Co, 112 Market State Mfg Co, 269 Minna West Coast Wire & Iron Works, 861 Howard SIGNS ELECTRIC Brumfield Electric Sign Co, 18 7-th Electric Novelty Works, 533 Minna Federal Electric Co, 91 New Montgomery Novelty Electric Sign Co, 433-443 Turk 300 METAL PRODUCTS SIGNS ENAMELED Dye, H D, & Co, 133 Kearny Irvine & Jachens, 1027 Market Johnson & Co, 1629 Market Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market Rogers-Lucas Co, 112 Market SIGNS FLASH Brumfield Electric Sign Co, 18 7th Novelty Electric Sign Co, 433-443 Turk SIGNS MARQUE Novelty Electric Sign Co, 433-443 Turk SIGNS ROAD Novelty Electric Sign Co, 433-443 Turk SIGNS WIRE West Coast Wire & Iron Works, 861 Howard SILVER MATTE Shasta Zinc & Copper Co, 582 Market SILVER REFINED American Smeiters Securities Co, 465 California Gracier, S B, Co (Inc), 409 Montgomery United States Smelting, Refining & Mining Co, 582 Market SILVERSMITHS (See also Jewelry) Hickey, J H, 717 Market Larson, Geo, & Co, 150 Post M & H Plating Works, 717 Market MacDonald & Goodby, 29 Kearny Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant Thumler Bros, 150 Post SILVERWARE (See also Jewelry) M & H Plating Works, 717 Market MacDonald & Goodby, (hollow), 29 Kearny SINKERS LEAD American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California 301 METAL PRODUCTS SINKS ENAMELED Pacific Sanitary Mfg Co, 67 New Montgomery SINKS METAL Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission SKYLIGHTS Amsler Sheet Metal Works, 25 Shotwell Anderberg & McCaron, 1998 Polk Appmann Cornice Works, 128 Valencia Comyns & Nygren, 3221 16th Davison, Frank, 739 Brannan Delucchi, John J, 1526 Powell Ferry Sheet Metal Works, 980 Folsom Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th Guilfoy Cornice Works, 229 8th Heidt, W, Cornice Works, 152 1st Ideal Cornice Co, 1038 Howard Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 534 Gough Olmo, Frank, 3460 Mission Pioch, Frank J, 429 Hayes Richmond Sheet Metal Works, 3632 Geary United States Metal Products Co, 330 10th SLINGS WIRE NET Haviside Company, 56 Steuart SLUGS PRINTER Konkel Co, 141 Clara Monotype Composition Co, 88 1st Pacific Typesetting & Type Foundry Co, 330 Jackson SLUGS TELEPHONE Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market SMELTER EQUIPMENT Pacific Foundry Co, Harrison and 18th SMELTERS AND REFINERS American Smelters Securities Co, 201 1st Gracier, S B, Co, 409 Montgomery Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom 302 METAL PRODUCTS National Smelting Corp, The, 574 Bryant United States Smelting, Refining & Mining Co, 582 Market Wildberg Bros, Pacific Bldg. SMOKESTACKS Associated Metal Works, 245 Minna Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison California Boiler Works, 526 Howard Dundon Iron Works, 225 Folsom Eureka Boiler Works, 166 Fremont Ferry Sheet Metal Works, 980 Folsom Iron & Steel Contracting Co, 215 San Bruno Ave Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Montague Pipe & Steel Co, 582 Market Moynihan, T J, & Co, 401 Folsom Ocean Shore Iron Works, 550 8th SOAP DISPENSERS Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard Kline, H J, Co, 455 Folsom SODA FOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT United States Faucet Co, 1155 Mission SODA FOUNTAIN MIXERS Electric Mfg Co, 59 New Montgomery SOFT DRINK DISPENSING APPARATUS Eng-Skell Co, 208-210 Mission SOLDER American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California Finn, John, Metal Works, 384 2nd Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom Magnolia Metal Co, 821 Market National Smelting Corp, The, 574 Bryant Pacific Metal Works, 153-159 1st SOLDER JEWELERS Gracier, S B, Co, Inc, 409 Montgomery Wildberg Bros, Pacific Bldg SOUND AMPLIFIERS Magnavox Co, 616 Mission 303 METAL PRODUCTS SPARK ADVANCE COUPLING Automatic Spark Advance Co, 74 New Montgomery SPARK PLUGS C G S Spark Plug Co, 620 Golden Gate Ave SPEAKING DEVICES Magnavox Co, 616 Mission SPEAKING TUBE MOUTHPIECES De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear SPEEDOMETERS HUB Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post SPOUTS Conlin & Roberts, 410 Natoma SPRING SEATS Seibel Air Spring Co (Inc), 785 Market SPRINGS AIR Pneumatic Cushion Co, 179 Grove Seibel Air Spring Co (Inc), 785 Market SPRINGS AUTO Betts Bros Spring Co, 1221 Mission Betts Spring Co, 888 Folsom Goldman Auto Co, 1010-1020 Folsom Hoover Spring Co, 201-229 Franklin Morgan Spring Co, 670 Golden Gate Ave Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave SPRINGS BED American Steel & Wire Co, Riato Bldg Cleese, John P, Co, 18th and York Huber, H H, 100 Church McRoskey & Co (Inc), 2008 Harrison Premier Bed & Spring Co, 2401 17th Simmons Co, 198 Bay 304 METAL PRODUCTS SPRINGS COIL Baker, M C, & Son, 686 Mission Betts Spring Co, 888 Folsom Hoover Spring Co, 361 Hayes Premier Bed & Spring Co, 2401 17th San Francisco Saw and Tool Works, 236 Fremont SPRINGS LEAF Hoover Spring Co, 201-229 Franklin SPRINGS LINK Premier Bed & Spring Co, 2401 17th SPRINGS MECHANICAL Betts Bros Spring Co, 1221 Mission Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Palace Model & Machine Co, 636 Market San Francisco Saw and Tool Works, 236 Fremont SPRINGS SMALL Palace Model & Machine Co, 636 Market SPRINGS SPIRAL American Steel & Wire Co, Rialto Bldg SPRINGS TRUCK Betts Bros Spring Co, 1221 Mission Betts Spring Co, 888 Folsom SPRINGS WIRE American Steel & Wire Co, 116 New Montgomery Cleese, John P, Co, 18th and York SPRINKLERS FIRE AUTOMATIC Grinnell Co of the Pacific, 453 Mission Pacific Fire Extinguisher Co, 424-440 Howard SPROCKETS American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post SPURS AND BITS Visalia Stock Saddle Co, 2117 Market 305 METAL PRODUCTS STERILIZERS SURGICAL ELECTRO Scheeline Mfg Co, 76 Tehama SWITCHBOARDS Butte Electric and Mfg Co, 534 Folsom Dahl, E W, & Son, 109-111 Mission Drendell Electric & Mfg Co, 1345 Howard Farnsworth Electrical Works, 549 Mission Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, 172 Steuart Holzmueller, C J, 1055 Mission Majestic Electric Development Co (dental), 656 Howard Pacific Electric Mfg Co, 827 Folsom Safety Electric Co, 59-65 Columbia Sq Theatrical Mfg Co (Inc), 121 Golden Gate Ave Westinghouse Electric & Mfg Co, 1 Montgomery SWITCHBOARDS DENTAL Majestic Electric Development Co, 656 Howard SWITCH BOXES ELECTRIC American Metal Products Co, 277 Minna Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, 854 Howard Riddle Sheet Metal Works, 1067 Folsom United Sheet Metal Works, 960 Howard Western Safety Mfg Co (Inc), 247 Minna SWITCH GEAR HIGH TENSION K P F Electric Co, 37 Stevenson Pacific Electric Mfg Co, 827 Folsom SWITCH TUGS Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission SWITCHES ELECTRIC Bowie Switch Co, 14 Montgomery Drendell Electric & Mfg Co, 1345 Howard Herzog Electric & Engineering Co, 172 Steuart Holzmueller, C J, 1055 Mission K P F Electric Co, (high tension), 37 Stevenson Pacific Electric Mfg Co, 827 Folsom Safety Electric Co, 59-65 Columbia Sq Theatrical Mfg Co (Inc), 121 Golden Gate Ave Western Safety Mfg Co (Inc), 247 Minna 306 METAL PRODUCTS SWITCHES ELECTRIC KNIFE Western Safety Mfg Co (Inc), 247 Minna SWITCHES ELECTRIC SAFETY Drendell Electric & Mfg Co, 1345 Howard Safety Electric Co, 59-65 Columbia Sq Western Safety Mfg Co (Inc), 247 Minna SWITCHES POLE TOP K P F Electric Co, (high tension), 37 Stevenson Pacific Electric Mfg Co, 827 Folsom SWITCHES STARTING Wells-Morris Mfg Co, 90 2nd SYRUPERS Berger & Carter Co, 365 Market TABLES CONSOLE Day, Thos Company, 725 Mission Kloeres & Koch, 943 Columbus Ave TABLES STEAM Anderson, Geo, 162 Steuart Cook & Co, 240-242 Steuart Herbst Bros, 1943 Mission Us, John G, & Co, 839-841 Mission Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama Majestic Sheet Metal Works, 532 McAllister Mangrum & Otter (Inc), 827-831 Mission Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission Topper, T J, 1067 Mission Western Range Co, 532 McAllister Western Sheet Metal Works, 1911 Mission TABLETS METAL Sartorius. Co, 15th and Utah TABLEWARE Shreve & Co, Post and Grant Ave TAGS BAGGAGE Patrick & Co, 560 Market 307 METAL PRODUCTS TAGS KEY Patrick & Co, 560 Market TAGS METAL Patrick & Co, 560 Market Shine, W A, 528 Washington TAPS Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison TANKS Ames, W R, Co, 450 Irwin Amsler Sheet Metal Works, 25 Shotwell Associated Metal Works, 245 Minna Auto Fender & Radiator Works, 1140 Geary Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Blakeway, John H, 105 Beale Bowen, John L, & Sons Co, 216 Duncan Erode Iron Works, 31-37 Hawthorne California Boiler Works, 526 Howard California Corrugated Culvert Co, 10th and Bryant California Steel Products Co, 452 Bay Comyns & Nygren, 3221 16th Cook & Co, 240-242 Steuart De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Dundon Iron Works, 225-227 Folsom Eureka Boiler Works Co, 166 Fremont Federal Radiator & Fender Mfg Co, 167 Hayes Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama Ferry Sheet Metal Works, 980 Folsom Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, 854 Howard Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome Iron and Steel Contracting Co, 215 San Bruno Ave Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th Main Iron Works, 1000 16th Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Miner-Sargeant-Barre, 1540 Van Ness Ave Monaghan, D C, 358 Brannan Montague Pipe & Steel Co, 582 Market Mooney & Young, 1013 Battery Moynihan, T J, & Co, 401 Folsom Ocean Shore Iron Works, 550 8th Pacific Coast Boiler Works, 235-237 Main 308 METAL PRODUCTS Power & Pike Co, 126-128 Beale Ray, W S, Mfg Co, 29 Spear San Francisco Fender & Radiator Works, 1615 Pine Saracco, P, Co, 565 Bryant Smith, C W, Copper Works, 20 Washington Standard Metal Products Co, 546-548 Bryant Union Construction Co, 604 Market Variety Iron Works, 1188-1192 Harrison Western Pipe & Steel Co of Qal, 444 Market TANKS AIR WELDED Monaghan, D C, 358 Brannan TANKS AUTO Auto Fender & Radiator Works, 1140 Geary La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th Miner-Sargeant-Barre, 1540 Van Ness Ave San Francisco Fender & Radiator Works, 1615 Pine TANKS AUTO TRUCK La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th TANKS BRASS De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear TANKS COPPER De Lano Bros Co (\nc), 70 Spear Smith, C W, Copper Works, 20 Washington TANKS GALVANIZED Ames, W R, Co, 450 Irwin De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis TANKS GAS Federal Radiator & Fender Mfg Co, 167 Hayes TANKS IRON WELDED Saracco, P, Co, 565 Bryant TANKS MILK Associated Metal Works, 245 Minna Bowen, John L, & Sons Co, 216 Duncan 309 METAL PRODUCTS TANKS RIVETED Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Moynihan, T J, & Co, 401 Folsom TANKS SHEET METAL (See also Sheet Metal) California Boiler Works, (heavy), 526 Howard De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Power & Pike Co, 126-128 Beale TANKS STEEL Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison California Steel Products Co, 452 Bay Dundon Iron Works, 225-227 Folsom Iron and Steel Contracting Co, 215 San Bruno Ave Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison Mooney & Young, 1013 Battery Ocean Shore Iron Works, 550 8th Pacific Coast Boiler Works, 235-237 Main Union Construction Co, 604 Market TANKS STEEL RIVETED Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Moynihan, T J, & Co, 401 Folsom TANKS STEEL WELDED Moynihan, T J, & Co, 401 Folsom Saracco, P, Co, 565 Bryant TANKS WELDED Bay City Iron Works, 1215 Harrison Monaghan, D C, 358 Brannan Moynihan, T J, & Co, -401 Folsom Saracco, P, Co, 565 Bryant Variety Iron Works, 1188-1192 Harrison TAPES MEASURING Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st TELEGRAPH APPARATUS MARI NE Cory, Chas, & Son (Inc), 11-17 Mission 310 METAL PRODUCTS TELEGRAPHS MARINE Cory, Chas, & Son (Inc), 11-17 Mission De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear Horace Remote Control Co, 12 Steuart TELEPHONE APPARATUS Western Electric Co, 680 Folsom TELEPHONE MOUTHPIECE Red Cross Telephone Mouthpiece Co, 935 Market TELEPHONES Magnavox Co, 616 Mission TELESCOPES Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission TESTERS LEAK Maede Can Tester, 175 Fremont THEATRE EQUIPMENT Flagg Studios, 15th and Mission THERMOMETERS Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission Lament, G E, 143 2nd THERMOSTATS Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard TIN BAR American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California TIN PHOSPHOR American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant TIN PIPE American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California TIN STRIPS Stachnick Mfg Co, 5th and Hooper 311 METAL PRODUCTS TIN WORK Greenblat, I L, 1314 Valencia TINNING (See also Retinning) Andren, Wm, 251 Steuart Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis TINS EXPORT Grimley, Frank J, 317 Front TINWARE Bloom, Max, & Co, 1147 Mission Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome TINWARE CREAMERY Bloom, Max, & Co, 1147 Mission Bowen, John L, & Sons Co, 216 Duncan TINWARE DAIRY Bloom, Max, & Co, 1147 Mission Bowen, John L, & Sons Co, 216 Duncan TIRE CARRIERS AUTO Hoover Spring Co, 201-229 Franklin TOOL BOXES AUTO Auto Sheet Metal Works, 539 Gough TOOL DRESSING Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk Lowden, Jas. W, Forge Shop. 7 Zeno Place TOOL FORCINGS Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk TOOL WORK (See also Machine Work) Christie Machine Works, (heavy), 193 Fremont Nagy & Kruse, 356 8th 312 METAL PRODUCTS TOOLS Aicher Machine Works, 1634 Stockton Ball Machine Works, 64 2nd Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison California Dental Mfg Co, (dental), 289 2nd California Tool Works, 181 Beale Cantrell-Miller Mfg Co, 1254 Larkin Connor Mfg Co, 67 Annie Detroit Die & Machine Works, 992 Howard Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Forrest, Edwin, Forge Co (Inc), 69 Fremont Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk Hyrup, Andreas, 1108 Howard Ideal Tool & Die Works, 208 12th Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st Krone-Kreutz, F, Co, 204 1st Lathe Tool Works, 52 Natoma Mission Tool & Die Works, 1374 Mission Nagy & Kruse, 356 8th North Machine Co, 324 Main Pacific Gear and Tool Works, 1035 Folsom Rapid Price Teller Mfg Co, 3700 17th San Francisco Saw & Tool Works, 236 Fremont Schaffer, L, & Co, 364 10th Standard Tool & Mfg Co, 202 2nd Universal Tool & Die Shop, 109 New Montgomery Wilbert, Fred V, Machine Forgings and Tools, 443 Folsom TOOLS AEROPLANE Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk TOOLS AUTO Cantrell-Miller Mfg Co, 1254 Larkin Gogle C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk TOOLS BELTMAKERS' Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk TOOLS BUILDING Schaffer, L, & Co, 364 10th TOOLS CARPENTER Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk 313 METAL PRODUCTS TOOLS CHISEL Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st TOOLS CLAW-BAR Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st TOOLS DENTAL California Dental Mfg Co, 289 2nd TOOLS ELECTRICIANS' Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk TOOLS FORMING Binns, W H, Machine & Tool Works, 416 Harrison TOOLS HAND FORGED Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk TOOLS MACHINE Ball Machine Works, 64 2nd California Tool Works, 181 Beale Ideal Tool & Die Works, 208 12th San Francisco Saw and Tool Works, 236 Fremont TOOLS MECHANICS' Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st TOOLS OIL WELL North Machine Co, 324 Main Oil Well Supply Co, 681 Market TOOLS PACKING ENGINEERS' Kortick Mfg Co, 327-353 1st TOOLS PLUMBERS' Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk TOOLS SMALL Ball Machine Works, 64 2nd Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk 314 METAL PRODUCTS TOOLS SPECIAL Aicher Machine Works, (can), 1634 Stockton Gogle, C, Hand Forged Tool Co, 1941 Polk Rapid Price Teller Mfg Co, 3700 17th TOOLS WELL Forrest, Edwin, Forge Co (Inc), 69 Fremont TOYS John's Hanger Co, 709 Harrison Stachnick Mfg Co, (wheelbarrows), 5th and Hooper TRACKS SLIDING DOOR Right Angle Garage Door Co, 2809 Geary TRACTORS Best, C L, Tractor Co, 730 Van Ness Ave Hewitt-Ludlow Auto Co (Inc), (lagging), 901-951 Indiana Holt Mfg Co, (caterpillar), 593 Market MacDonald Truck & Tractor Co, 5th and Harrison Reliance Trailer & Truck Co, (industrial), 1642 Howard Yuba Mfg Co, 433 California TRAILER BRAKES AIR Lane Air Brake Co, 764 Golden Gate Ave TRAILERS AUTO Anderson-Endebrock (Inc), 1222 Mission Economy Steel Mfg Co, 932 Folsom Ralston Iron Works, 20th and Indiana Regan & Schlappi, 459 11th Reliance Trailer & Truck Co (heavy duty), 1642 Howard TRAMWAYS AERIAL Vulcan Iron Works, 1849 Kearny TRANSFORMERS A 1 Electric & Construction Co, 78 2nd Farnsworth Electrical Works, 549 Mission Western X-Ray & Equipment Co, (X-Ray), 423 Hayes TRANSITS Lietz, A, Co, 61 Post 315 METAL PRODUCTS TRANSMISSIONS AUTO Poeland, Henry R, 1239 Mission Woodward & Rowe, 323 Van Ness Ave TRANSMITTERS RADIO Federal Telegraph Co, 582 Market TRAPS GOPHER Chubbuck, E J, Co, 731 Market TRAY LEGS STEEL Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, 854 Howard TRAYS LAUNDRY Pacific Sanitary Mfg Co, (enameled), 67 New Montgomery TRAYS SERVICE Ye Olde Copper Shoppe, 474 Sutter TRAYS SHAMPOO Electric Manufacturing Co, 59 New Montgomery TRUCK ATTACHMENTS Anderson-Endebrock (Inc), 1222 Mission Ralston Iron Works, 20th and Indiana TRUCK PARTS Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary TRUCKS AUTO De Martini Motor Truck Co, 435 Pacific Doane Motor Truck Co, (low bed), 428 3rd Hewitt-Ludlow Auto Co (Inc), 901-951 Indiana Italia Motor Truck Co, 555 10th Kleiber Motor Truck Co, 1480 Folsom MacDonald Truck & Tractor Co, 5th and Harrison TRUCKS FACTORY Lansing Co, 338 Brannan TRUCKS HOSPITAL Eames Company, 55 1st 316 METAL PRODUCTS TRUCKS LOGGING Hewitt-Ludlow Auto Co (Inc), 901-951 Indiana TRUCKS LUMBER Lansing Co, 338 Brannan TRUCKS MOTOR De Martini Motor Truck Co, 435 Pacific Doane Motor Truck Co, (low bed), 428 3d Hewitt-Ludlow Auto Co (Inc), 901-951 Indiana Italia Motor Truck Co, 555 10th Kleiber Motor Truck Co, 1480 Folsom MacDonald Truck & Tractor Co, 5th and Harrison TRUCKS PLANING MILL Lansing Co, 338 Brannan TRUCKS STORE Lansing Co, 338 Brannan TRUNKS (See also Wood Products) C & A Trunk Co, 1076 Stockton Continental Trunk Co, 534 Folsom Friedberg-Grunauer Co, 44-48 Fremont Harband, N, Trunk Co, 775 Market Henderson, J H, 1769 Howard Hirschfelder & Meaney, 36 Battery Koesel's Trunk Factory, 579 Geary Malm, C A, & Co, 586 Market Newman, C, & Co, 614 Kearny Pacific Luggage Factory, 2600 Taylor Pacific Trunk & Bag Co, 535 Market Shanghai Trunk Mfg Co, 1214 Stockton TUBE CLEANERS Atlas Mfg Co (Inc), 154 1st TUBS BATH Herbst Bros, (infant), 1943 Mission TURBINES HYDRAULIC Pelton Water Wheel Co, 19th and Harrison 317 METAL PRODUCTS TURN TABLES AUTO North Machine Co, 324 Main TURNERS BILLET Hampton Electric & Mfg Co, 520 Mission TYPE PRINTERS Monotype Composition Co, 88 1st Pacific Typesetting & Type Foundry Co, 330 Jackson TYPESETTING (See also Linotyping) Monotype Composition Co, 88 1st Pacific Typesetting & Type Foundry Co, 330 Jackson TYPESETTING MACHINE PARTS Curie Manufacturing Co, 421 Sacramento TYPEWRITERS REBUILT Alexander, L & M, & Co, 444 Market Wholesale Typewriter Co, 530 Market URNS M & H Plating Works, 717 Market Ye Olde Copper Shoppe, 474 Sutter UTENSILS BAKING Leiser Bros, 622 Larkin UTENSILS BRASS Cook & Co, 240-242 Steuart UTENSILS COOKING Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 6th and Bluxome UTENSILS COPPER Cook & Co, 240-242 Steuart UTENSILS IRON Cook & Co, 240-242 Steuart VACUUM CLEANERS Sturtevant, B F, Co, 681 Market Van Auto Vacuum Co, 135 Hyde 318 METAL PRODUCTS VACUUM PANS Wagner, L, & Sons, Pacific Copper Works, 85 Minna VALLEY TIN Globe Sheet Metal Mfg Co, 854 Howard VALVE HEADS Breeden & Cole, (Ford), 1245 Market VALVES Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission Faget Engineering Co (Inc), 545 Howard Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont Otis Elevator Co, (elevator), 2300 Stockton Pacific Pipe Co, 201 Howard Reardon, P N, 57 1st VALVES GATE Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont VALVES MARINE Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont VALVES OIL Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard VALVES PIPE Grinnell Co of the Pacific, 453 Mission VALVES REDUCING Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard VALVES RELIEF Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard VALVES STANDARD Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont VALVES VACUUM REGULATING Witt, G E, Co (Inc), 862-864 Howard 319 METAL PRODUCTS VASES METAL Jauchen's Olde Copper Shop, 1391 Sutter Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market VAULT EQUIPMENT Hermann Safe Co, 216-224 Fremont Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co, 214 California VAULT LININGSSTEEL Hermann Safe Co, 216-224 Fremont VENTILATING SYSTEMS (See also Heating) American Metal Products Co, 277 Minna Anderson Heating Co, 440 5th Baker, M C, & Son (Inc), 686 Mission Fenton & Son, 11 Tehama Ideal Cornice Co, 1038 Howard Montague Range & Furnace Company, 826 Mission Nelson, Jas A, 517 6th Pacific Blower & Heating Co, 224 5th Rees Blow Pipe Mfg Co, 336-340 7th Standard Metal Products Co, 546-548 Bryant Topper, T J, 1067 Mission VENTILATORS (See also Sheet Metal) Anderberg & McCaron, 1998 Polk Blakeway, John H, 105 Beale Clawson, F E, Co, 147 Gough Comyns & Nygren, 3221 16th Cook & Co, 240-242 Steuart Ferry Sheet Metal Works, 980 Folsom Heidt, W, Cornice Works, 152 1st Jackson, P H, & Co, 237-247 1st Korell, J A, & Co, 39-47 Isis VIBRATORS BOILER Atlas Mfg Co (Inc), 154 1st VIBRATORS TUBE Atlas Mfg Co (Inc), 154 1st 320 METAL PRODUCTS VULCANIZER EQUIPMENT Scheeline Mfg Co, (inner tube), 76 Tehama Smith, J H & Son, 3188 Mission WASHERS AIR Sturtevant, B F, Co, 681 Market WASHERS LEAD American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California WATER SOFTENERS California Filter Co, 465 California WATER WORKS SUPPLIES Garratt, W T, & Co, 299 Fremont WEATHER STRIPS BRASS Fournier, Fred, Mfg Co, 2711 Pine WEIGHTS SASH Rincon Foundry Co, 349 7th WELDING AND BRAZING American Garage and Welding Co (auto), 402 Golden Gate Ave Auto Fender & Radiator Works, 1140 Geary Birth, Wm I, 73 Clementina Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Brown Bros Welding Co, 223 Main Darr, M J, 331-335 Drumm Fire Protection Products Co, 3117-3119 20th Frickey, R E, 667 Howard Gehlert Welding Works, 19 Steuart Jewel Superior Welding Works, 716 Golden Gate Ave King-Wenz Co (Inc), (auto), 1035 Post Monaghan, D C, 358 Brannan Mooney & Young, 1013 Battery Moynihan, T J, & Co, 401 Folsom Pacific Welding & Brazing Co, 167 Hayes Peerless Welding Co, 1226-1230 Mission Potter Welding Co, 1552 Van Ness Ave San Francisco Brazing & Welding Works, 575 Howard Saracco, P, Co, 565 Bryant United Welding Co, 503 Van Ness Ave Variety Iron Works, 1188-1192 Harrison 321 METAL PRODUCTS WELDING ELECTRIC Frickey, R E, 667 Howard United Welding Co, 503 Van Ness Ave WELDING EQUIPMENT Victor Oxy-Acetylene Equipment Co, 884 Folsom WHEELBARROWS STEEL Western Iron Works, 141 Beale WHEELS AUTO Jewell Steel & Malleable Co, (truck), 1375 Potrero Ave Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave WHEELS METAL Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Jewell Steel & Malleable Co, 1375 Potrero Ave Lansing Co, 338 Brannan WHEELS SMALL Lansing Co, 338 Brannan WHEELS STEERING De Lano Bros Co (Inc), 70 Spear WHEELS TOY WAGON Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom WHEELS WATER Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 75 Fremont Pelton Water Wheel Co, 19th and Harrison WHISTLES SONG Higley & Mortenson, 78 Ellis WINCHES CONTRACTORS Bacon, Edw R, Co, 51 Minna WINCHES ELECTRIC Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison WINCHES GAS Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison 322 . METAL PRODUCTS WINCHES LOGGING Bacon, Edw R, Co, 51 Minna WINCHES MARINE Murray Bros Machine Works, 231-233 Folsom WINCHES TRUCK Bacon, Edw R Co, 51 Minna WINDOW DEVICES American Automatic Lock & Lift Co, 101 Front Hauser Window Co, 157 Minna Lawson Patent Window Frame Co, 3318 17th WINDOWS FIREPROOF (See also Doors) Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th WINDOWS METAL Capitol Art Metal Co, 1133 Howard Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th Heidt, W, Cornice Works, 152 1st Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison United States Metal Products Co, 330 10th WINDOWS STEEL Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison WINDSHIELD FITTINGS Golden Gate Brass Mfg Co (Inc), 251-59 2nd WIRE Edwards, E H, Company, 681 Market Roebling's, John A, Sons Co of Cal, 646 Folsom Standard Underground Cable Co, 1 Montgomery WIRE CLOTH California Wire Cloth Co, 587 Mission Roebling's, John A, Sons Co of Cal, 646 Folsom Standard Fence Co, 245 Market WIRE DENTAL Gracier, S B, Co (Inc), 409 Montgomery Wilberg Bros, Pacific Bldg 323 METAL PRODUCTS WIRE FENCES See Fences WIRE JEWELERS' Gracier, S B, Co (Inc), 409 Montgomery Wildberg Bros, Pacific Bldg WIRE LEAD American Smelters Securities Co, 465 California WIRE MILLINERY Fraser Wire Co, 95-97 Minna WIRE ORNAMENTAL Eureka Iron & Wire Works, 374 11th WIRE WORK California Artistic Metal & Wire Co, 349 7th Hillard, C J, Co (Inc), 19th and Minnesota Industrial Ornamental Iron & Wire Works, 552 Noe Keystone Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, 830 Howard Michel & Pfeffer Iron Works, 1415 Harrison New Orleans Wire Works, 802 Polk New San Francisco Wire & Iron Works, 1285 Market Sartorius Co, 15th and Utah Sperry's Wire and Iron Works, 182-184 Oak Standard Fence Co, 245 Market Sunset Iron Works, 964-968 Harrison West Coast Wire & Iron Works, 861 Howard WIRELESS APPARATUS Federal Telegraph Co, 582 Market Kennedy, Colan B, Co, Riato Bldg WRINGERS CENTRIFUGAL Williamson, H E, Co, 22 Grace WRIST PINS American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Blass, Ralph, Automotive Engineering Co, 975-985 Geary Clarke-Sinclair Machine Works, 731 Turk Gas Motor Parts Co, 53 Page Mann Mfg Co, 454 Golden Gate Ave Schnerr, J J, Co (Inc), 799 Golden Gate Ave Woodward, Geo H, 1455 Bush 324 METAL PRODUCTS X-RAY APPARATUS Bush Electric Corp, 334 Sutter Rieber Laboratories, 667 Howard Roentgen Appliance Co, 693 Mission Western X-Ray & Equipment Co, 423 Hayes ZINC (See also Metal) Alloys Co, 591 Bay Great Western Smelting & Refining Co, 75-99 Folsom United States Smelting, Refining & Mining Co, 582 Market ZINC BATTERY Pacific Metal Works, 153-159 1st ZINC DUST Finn, John, Metal Works, 384 2nd ZINC SLABS National Smelting Corp, 574 Bryant ZINC WORK Greenblat, I L, 1314 Valencia La Haye Mfg Co, 298 11th 325 MINERAL PRODUCTS AQUARIUMS ILLUMINATED Sato, N, 414 Grant Ave ALLOYS WHITE METAL Magnolia Metal Co, 821 Market ALTARS MARBLE Carroll Bros, 1859 Golden Gate Ave AMPOULES Rogers, R R Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial APRONS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan ARCHITECTURAL TERRA COTTA Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market Livermore Fire Brick Works, 604 Mission ARMLETS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post ART GOODS COMPOSITION Courvoisier, E B, 315 Sutter Gump, S & G, Co, 268 Post ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS PORCELAIN American Flower Works, 346 Hayes ARTIFICIAL STONE WORK (See also Stone Artificial) Hoff & Hoff, 1888 Mission Mindner, Max W, 985 Folsom 326 MINERAL PRODUCTS ASBESTOS PRODUCTS Hoff Magnesite Co, 681 Market Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, 25-29 South Park ASBESTOS WEARING APPAREL Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post ASPHALTUM Shell Co of Cal, 343 Sansome Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush Union Oil Co of Cal, 220 Montgomery AUTO FRONTS GLASS (See also Windshields) Champion Manufacturing Co, 552-554 Golden Gate Ave AUTO SIDE WINGS Champion Manufacturing Co, 552-554 Golden Gate Ave AUTO SUN SHADES Champion Manufacturing Co, 552-554 Golden Gate Ave De Luxe Windshield Co, 331-333 Larkin Pacific Mirror & Glass Co, 901 Van Ness Ave AUTO TOPS PLATE GLASS Auto Top Mfg Co, 425 Golden Gate Ave Larkins & Co, 3700 Geary Sturiza & Glunz, 811 Eddy AUTO VISORS Pacific Mirror & Glass Co, 901 Van Ness Ave Schwarz & Gottlieb, 574 Eddy AUTO TRUNK TABLES Macandaruba Co of Cal, 34-36 Sacramento AUTO WIND DEFLECTORS Champion Manufacturing Co, 552-554 Golden Gate Ave Schwarz & Gottlieb, 574 Eddy BASINS VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery 327 MINERAL PRODUCTS BATH ROOM SUPPLI ES VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery BATH SPOUTS VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co. 67 New Montgomery BEARINGS AGATE Agate Products Co, 377 Minna BOARD ASBESTOS Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan BOILER COVERING ASBESTOS Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan BOILER COVERING MAGNESIA National Magnesia Mfg Co, 544 Market BOOK ENDS COMPOSITION Adams, Nathan, 2526 Lombard Courvoisier, E B, 315 Sutter de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Manila Frame Co, 1912 Mission Vickery, Atkins & Torrey, 550 Sutter BOOTHS MOTION PICTURE Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post BOTTLES GLASS Illinois-Pacific Glass Co, 15th and Folsom Pacific Coast Glass Works, 7th and Irwin BOTTLES MILK Illinois-Pacific Glass Works, 15th and Folsom Pacific Coast Glass Works, 7th and Irwin BOTTLES PICKLE PACKING Illinois-Pacific Glass Works, 15th and Folsom Pacific Coast Glass Works, 7th and Irwin BOWLS AND TANKS VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery 328 MINERAL PRODUCTS BRICK California Brick Company, 604 Mission Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market lone Fire Brick Co, 544 Market Livermore Fire Brick Works, 604 Mission McNear Brick Co, 681 Market Port Costa Brick Works, 55 New Montgomery Remillard Brick Co, 760 Market Sacramento Transportation Co, Pier No. 9 San Jose Brick Co, 2 Pine Stockton Fire & Enamel Brick Co, Rialto Bldg BRICK CLAY Stockton Fire & Enamel Brick Co, 915 Rialto Bldg BRICK COMMON RED McNear Brick Co, 681 Market Port Costa Brick Works, 55 New Montgomery Remillard Brick Co, 760 Market Sacramento Transportation Co, Pier 9 San Jose Brick Co, 2 Pine BRICK CRUSHED Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market BRICK DUST Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market BRICK FACE California Brick Company, 604 Mission Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market Livermore Fire Brick Works, 604 Mission BRICK FIRE California Brick Co, 604 Mission Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market lone Fire Brick Co, 544 Market Livermore Fire Brick Works, 604 Mission Stockton Fire & Enamel Brick Co, 915 Rialto Bldg 329 MINERAL PRODUCTS BRICK GRANULES Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market BRICK MAGNESITE Stockton Fire & Enamel Brick Co, 915 Rialto Bldg BRICK ORNAMENTAL Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market BUILDING TILE HOLLOW California Brick Company, 604 Mission Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market BURNERS INCENSE COMPOSITION Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market CANDLE STICKS COMPOSITION Manila Frame Co, 1912 Mission CARBONS National Carbon Co (Inc), 599 8th CEMENT Cowell, Henry, Lime & Cement Co, 2 Market Holmes Lime & Cement Co, 2 Pine Old Mission Portland Cement Co, 220 Montgomery Pacific Portland Cement Co (Con), 821 Market Riverside Portland Cement Co, 220 Montgomery Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co, 620 Market CEM ENT ASBESTOS Hoff Magnesite Co, 681 Market Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Lewis Roofing & Asbestos Works, 180 Jessie Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, 25-29 South Park CEMENT CHEMIST Crown Dental Refinery, 22-26 Mint Ave CEMENT COPPER Mountain Copper Co, 332 Pine 330 MINERAL PRODUCTS CEMENT DENTAL Crown Dental Refinery, 22-26 Mint Ave CEMENT FURNACE Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan CEMENT MAGNESIA Lewis Roofing & Asbestos Works, 180 Jessie Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, 25-29 South Park CEMENT REFRACTORY Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan CEMENT RETORT Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan CEMENT ROOFING Lewis Roofing & Asbestos Works, 180 Jessie Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d CEMENT ROOFING ASBESTOS Lewis Roofing & Asbestos Works, 180 Jessie CEMENT WATERPROOF Imperial Co, 142 Stillman CHIMNEY PIPE TERRA COTTA Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market CHINA CLAY Philadelphia Quartz Co, 24 California CHINA PAINTING AND FIRING New China Shoppe, 142 McAllister CHROME ORE Maltby, C S, 785 Market CHROMITE Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d CIGAR HOLDERS VITROLITE Tanner-Spiral Co, 52 2d 331 MINERAL PRODUCTS CIGARETTE HOLDERS VITROLITE Tanner-Spiral Co, 52 2d CLAY FIRE California Brick Co, 604 Mission Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market Livermore Fire Brick Works, 604 Mission CLAY MODELING Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market CLAY REFRACTORIES Stockton Fire & Enamel Brick Co, 915 Rialto Bldg CLOTH ASBESTOS METALLIC Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post CLOTHING ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan CLUTCH RINGS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post COAL TAR Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d COAL TAR PRODUCTS Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d COMPOUNDS BITUMINOUS Olomel Mfg Co, 2601 18th COMPOUNDS INSULATING ELECTRIC Nason, R N, & Co, 151 Potrero Ave CONDUIT PIPE ELECTRICAL Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market COUNTERS MAGNESITE McClenahan Products Co (Inc), 112 Kearny 332 MINERAL PRODUCTS COUNTERS VITRO LITE Vitrolite Construction Co, 1490 Mission COVERS BOILER ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post CULVERT PIPE Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market CURTAINS ASBESTOS Flagg Studios, 935 Market Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina DESK TOPS GLASS Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission DISHES SOAP VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery DOLLS (See also Sculptural Work) Atherley, H C, 521 Hayes Ideal Novelty Co, 24 12th Miss San Francisco Doll Co, 45 4th New Florence Art Co, 148 8th New York Statuary Co, 2873-2875 16th Ye Towne Gossip, 142 Powell DRAIN TILE SEWER PIPE California Brick Company, 604 Mission Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market DRILLING GLASS Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission DUST BRICK Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market DUST MARBLE Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market 333 MINERAL PRODUCTS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES GLASS Lament, G E, 143 2d ENGRAVING GLASS Kaulfus, Frederick C, 461 Bush FIBRE ASBESTOS Hoff Magnesite Co, 681 Market FIBRE PLASTER Fernald Co, 221 Tehama Meagher's, Jas, Sons, 1611-1627 San Bruno Ave San Francisco Fibre & Cordage Co, 221 San Bruno Ave FILTRATION MATERIAL Celite Products Co, 681 Market Silica Products Co, 694-698 4th FIREPLACES DECORATIVE Schoenfeld Marble Co, 265 Shipley FIREPLACES TILE Richardson, Eri H, 77 O'Farrell FLASHINGS ASBESTOS PLASTIC Malott & Peterson, 681 Market FLOOR SLABS McClenahan Products Co (Inc), 112 Kearny FLOORING ASBESTOS Hoff Magnesite Co, 681 Market FLOORING MAGNESITE Hoff Magnesite Co, 681 Market Malott & Peterson, 681 Market National Magnesite Products Co, 116 Utah Smith, Robt F, Co, 433 Clementina FLOORING MASTIC Malott & Peterson, 681 Market Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, 25-29 South Park 334 > MINERAL PRODUCTS FONTS MARBLE Carroll Bros, 1850 Golden Gate Ave FOUNTAINS DRINKING VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery FRAMES EYE GLASS SPECIAL California Optical Co, 181 Post FRAMES PICTURE COMPOSITION Adams, Nathan, 2526 Lombard Courvoisier, E B, 315 Sutter de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Gump, S & G, Co, 268 Post Manila Frame Co, 1912 Mission Vickery, Atkins & Torrey, 550 Sutter FRAMES SPECTACLE SPECIAL California Optical Co, 181 Post FULLER'S EARTH Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market GARDEN POTTERY Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market GASKETS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post GAUNTLETS ASBESTOS Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan GLASS ART Church Art Glass Co, 1366 Sutter Fuller & Goepp, 32 Page Habenicht & Hewlett, 529 Clay Home Art Glass Works, 290 14th Oriel Glass Works, 2845 Gough Pacific Art Glass Co, 1130 Mission Pioneer Plate & Window Glass Co, 973 Mission Smith, P A, Co, 6384th Western Art Glass & Shade Works, 105 Turk 335 MINERAL PRODUCTS GLASS ART SANDBLASTED Oriel Glass Works, 2845 Gough GLASS BENDING Western Art Glass & Shade Works, 105 Turk GLASS BEVELING Alta Glass Beveling Works, 1781 Mission California Mirror & Beveling Works, 971 Howard Fuller & Goepp, 32 Page Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission Mission Plate & Window Glass Co, 461 Valencia Pioneer Plate & Window Glass Co, 973 Mission Smith, P A, Co, 638 4th GLASSBLOWING Illinois-Pacific Glass Co, 15th and Folsom Pacific Coast Glass Works, 7th and Irwin Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial GLASS BOTTLES Illinois-Pacific Glass Co, 15th and Folsom Pacific Coast Glass Works, 7th and Irwin GLASS CHIPPING Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission GLASS CONTAINERS Illinois-Pacific Glass Co, 15th and Folsom Pacific Coast Glass Works, 7th and Irwin GLASS DRILLING Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission GLASS ENGRAVING Kaulfus, Frederick C, 461 Bush GLASS GRINDING Fuller & Goepp, 32 Page Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission GLASS INSTRUMENTS Lament, G E, 143 2d Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial 336 MINERAL PRODUCTS GLASS JARS Illinois-Pacific Glass Co, 15th and Folsom Pacific Coast Glass Works, 7th and Irwin GLASS LEADED Fuller & Goepp, 32 Page Home Art Glass Works, 290 14th Pioneer Plate & Window Glass Co, 973 Mission GLASS LENS Quartz Crystal Optical & Mfg Co, 1555 Sacramento GLASS MEMORIAL WINDOW Western Art Glass & Shade Works, 105 Turk GLASS MIRROR Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission GLASS POLISHING Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission GLASS PRISM Habenicht & Hewlett, 529 Clay Home Art Glass Works, 290 14th GLASS SANDBLASTING Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission Oriel Glass Works, 2845 Gough Sierra Glass Co, 916 Natoma GLASS SILVERING Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission GLASSWARE LABORATORY Lament, G E, 143 2d GLOVES ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan GRANITE (See also Marble and Granite) California Granite Co, 185 Stevenson 337 MINERAL PRODUCTS GRANITE CRUSHED Pratt Building Material Co, Hearst Bldg GRANITE WORK See Marble Work GRAVEL See Sand and Gravel HATS AND CAPS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post H ELM ETS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post HOPPERS VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery INCENSE BURNERS COMPOSITION de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy INDUSTRIAL MINERAL GRINDING Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market Hoff Magnesite Co, 681 Market INSULATION HOT AND COLD McClenahan Products Co (Inc), 112 Kearny INSULATION MATERIALS MAGNESIA National Magnesia Mfg Co, 544 Market Silica Products Co, 694-698 4th INSULATION STEAM National Magnesia Mfg Co, 544 Market INSTRUMENTS CHEMICAL GLASS Lament, G E, 143 2d INSTRUMENTS ELECTRIC GLASS Lament, G E, 143 2d INSTRUMENTS GLASS Lamont, G E, 143 2d Rogers, R R, Chemical Co, 527-535 Commercial 338 MINERAL PRODUCTS IRON HOLDERS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post IRON HOLDERS LAUNDRY Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina JARS GLASS Illinois-Pacific Glass Co, 15th and Folsom Pacific Coast Glass Works, 7th and Irwin JUMPERS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post KALSOMINE Hearfield, Bannister & Co, 268 Market LABORATORY GLASSWARE Lamont, G E, 143 2d LAMP SHADES ART GLASS Pioneer Plate & Window Glass Co, 973 Mission Western Art Glass & Shade Works, 105 Turk LAMP SHADES MICA Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission LAMP STANDARDS COMPOSITION Manila Frame Co, 1912 Mission LAMPS NOVELTY DOLL Atherley, H C, 521 Hayes Miss San Francisco Doll Co, 45 4th LATH PLASTER COMPOSITION Key-Hold Lath Co, 148 Hooper LAVORATORIES VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery LEGGINS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan 339 MINERAL PRODUCTS LENS GLASS Quartz Crystal Optical & Mfg Co, 1555 Sacramento LENS GRINDING AUTO Sierra Glass Co, 916 Natoma LENS GRINDING EYE GLASS California Optical Co, 181 Post Hardy, F A, & Co of Cal, 760 Market Hirsch & Kaye, 239 Grant Ave Jones, Warren C, Co, 349 Geary Kahn, Geo H & Henry, Co, 54 Geary Luckey & Wooster, 234 Stockton Reiser, Sidney L, & Co, 209 Post Webb, W T, 1576 Haight LIME Cowell, Henry, Lime & Cement Co, 2 Market Holmes Lime & Cement Co, 2 Pine Pacific Lime & Plaster Co, 58 Sutter LIME PRODUCTS Atlas Mortar Co, 58 Sutter Pacific Lime & Plaster Co, 58 Sutter LIMESTONE AGRICULTURAL Pacific Portland Cement Co, 821 Market LITHARGE National Lead Co of Cal, 485 California MAGNESIA PRODUCTS National Magnesia Mfg Co, 544 Market Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, 25-29 South Park MAGNESITE Butcher, L H, Co, 862 Mission Maltby, C S, 785 Market National Magnesia Mfg Co, 544 Market Pacific Silicate Co, 351 California White Rock Mine Co, 785 Market MAGNESITE PLASTER National Magnesite Products Co, 116 Utah 340 ' MINERAL PRODUCTS MAGNESITE PRODUCTS Hoff Magnesite Co, 681 Market National Magnesite Products Co, 116 Utah MAGNESITE REFRACTORIES Stockton Fire & Enamel Brick Co, 915 Rialto Bldg MAGNESITE TABLE TOPS National Magnesite Products Co, 116 Utah MANTELS Ginsberg Tile Co, 1205 Sutter Schoenfeld Marble Co (marble), 265 Shipley MARBLE AND GRANITE WORK ' (See also Monuments) American Marble & Mosaic Co (interior), 25 Columbia Square Back, J E, Co, 1533 San Bruno Ave Bocci, G, & Sons, Co, Colma Bocci, L, & Sons, Colma Broadway Monumental Works, 768 Broadway Carroll Bros, 1850 Golden Gate Ave Columbia Marble Co, 268 Market Gervais, Henry, 1727 Mission ' Mission Marble Works, 363 Guerrero Musto, Jas, Sons-Keenan Co, 535 North Point Plymire & Prader. 927 Grove Raymond Granite Co (Inc), 3 Potrero Ave Roth, Max, 330 Scott Schoenfeld Marble Co, 265 Shipley Sunset Monumental Works, 45 29th Vermont Marble Co, 244 Brannan Weisenburger, E A, Colma, Calif MARBLE CRUSHED Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market MARBLE DUST Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market MARBLE INTERIOR American Marble and Mosaic Co, 25 Columbia Square MARBLE TERR AZZO Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market 341 MINERAL PRODUCTS MASKS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post MATS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina MAUSOLEUMS (See also Monuments) Carroll Bros, 1850 Golden Gate Ave Raymond Granite Co (Inc), 3 Potrero Ave Sunset Monumental Works, 45 29th MINERALS INDUSTRIAL GRINDING Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market Hoff Magnesite Co, 681 Market MIRRORS Alta Glass Beveling Works, 1781 Mission California Mirror & Beveling Works, 971 Howard Fuller, W P, & Co, 301 Mission Fuller & Goepp, 32 Page Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission Kehoe Display Fixture Co, 541 Market Pioneer Plate & Window Glass Co, 973 Mission Schwarz & Gottlieb, 574 Eddy Smith, P A, Co, 638 4th MIRRORS AUTO Pacific Mirror & Glass Co, 901 Van Ness Ave Schwarz & Gottlieb, 574 Eddy MIRRORS PERIOD Schussler Bros, 326-338 Grove MIRRORS REAR SIGHT Schwarz & Gottlieb, 574 Eddy MODELS PLASTER (See also Sculptural Work) Swoboda, A F, 219 7th 342 MINERAL PRODUCTS MONUMENTS (See also Marble Work) Bocci, G. & Sons Co, Colma Bocci, L, & Sons, Colma Broadway Monumental Works, 768 Broadway Daniel & Pancoast, 700 Presidio Ave MacNutt, A H, 1377 Valencia Mission Marble Works, 363 Guerrero Mission Monumental Works, 2941 Mission Musto, Jos, Sons-Keenan Co, 535 North Point Owens, D R, Colma Piymire & Prader, 406 Bosworth Raymond Granite Co (Inc), 3 Potrero Ave Roth, Max, 330 Scott Sunset Monumental Works, 25 29th Tosi, Duilio & Co, Colma Vermont Marble Co, 244 Brannan Weisenburger, E A, Colma, Calif MOSAIC WORK American Marble & Mosaic Co, 25 Columbia Square Gervais, Henry, 1727 Mission Grassi, P, Co, 135 Tehama Seghieri, A, & Bro, 35 Cook MOSAICS ART GLASS Home Art Glass Works, 290 14th Pacific Art Glass Co, 1130 Mission Western Art Glass & Shade Works, 105 Turk NOVELTIES ART COMPOSITION Adams, Nathan, 2526 Lombard NOVELTIES CARNIVAL PLASTER New York Statuary Co, 2873-2875 16th Ye Towne Gossip, 142 Powell NOVELTIES GLASS. Sierra Glass Co, 916 Natoma NOVELTIES PLASTER New York Statuary Co, 2873-2875 16th OCHRES Mountain Copper Co, 332 Pine 343 MINERAL PRODUCTS ORE CHROME Butcher, L H, Co, 862 Mission ORE CHROME IRON Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d ORE COMMERCIAL Noble Electric Steel Co, 220 Montgomery ORE GRINDING IRON Noble Electric Steel Co, 220 Montgomery ORE IRON Noble Electric Steel Co, 220 Montgomery ORE MILLING Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market Noble Electric Steel Co, 220 Montgomery ORE TUNGSTEN Atolia Mining Co, 785 Market ORNAMENTS CEMENT Larson, O F, & Son, 178 Guerrero ORNAMENTS COMPOSITION de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Larson, O F, & Son, 178 Guerrero Wissing, F W, 452 Fulton ORNAMENTS PLASTER Campbell, Geo, 3493 17th de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Larson, O F, & Son, 178 Guerrero Monicucci, P, 148 5th OVENS BAKE BRICK Glaser, J P, & Co, 2480 Union OVERALLS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post 344 MINERAL PRODUCTS PACKING ASBESTOS Garlock Packing Co, 671 Mission Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan PANEL SHIELDS GLASS Pacific Mirror & Glass Co, 901 Van Ness Ave PAPER ASBESTOS Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan PARIS WHITE AND WHITING Hearfield, Bannister & Co, 268 Market Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-32 California PAVEMENTS TILE Richardson, Eri H, 77 O'Farrell PIGMENTS EARTH Dill-Coppage (Inc), 235 Pine PIPE CHIMNEY California Pottery Co, Chronicle Bldg PIPE COVERING ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, 25-29 South Park PIPE COVERING MAGNESIA National Magnesia Mfg Co, 544 Market Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, 25-29 South Park PIPE CULVERT Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market PIPE DRAIN Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market 345 MINERAL PRODUCTS PIPE SEWER California Pottery Co, Chronicle Bldg Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market PIPE VITRIFIED AND TERRA COTTA Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market PIPE WATER Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market PLASTER CASTING (See also Sculptural Work) Paris Art Co, 1037 Valencia PLASTER DECORATIONS Schubert, Richard H, 116 Church PLASTER FIBRE Fernald Co, 221 Tehama Meagher's, Jas, Sons, 1611-1627 San Bruno Ave San Francisco Fibre & Cordage Co, 221 San Bruno Ave PLASTER MAGNESITE National Magnesite Products Co, 116 Utah PLASTER OF PARIS Larson, O F, & Son, 178 Guerrero Pacific Portland Cement Co, 821 Market PLASTER WORK (See also Sculptural Work) Brunicardi, A, & Co, 443 Valencia New Florence Art Co, 148 8th Swoboda, A F, 219 7th PLASTER WALL Pacific Portland Cement Co (Con), 821 Market PLASTIC FLASHINGS ASBESTOS Malott & Peterson, 681 Market 346 MINERAL PRODUCTS PLATES VITROLITE Vitrolite Construction Co, 1490 Mission PLUMBERS' EARTHENWARE West Coast Porcelain Co, Millbrae PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES SANITARY West Coast Porcelain Co, Millbrae PLUMBING FIXTURES VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery POLISHING GLASS Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission POLYCHROME DECORATIONS GLASS Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission PORCELAIN WARE West Coast Porcelain Co, Millbrae PRISMS Habenicht & Hewlett, 529 Clay Home Art Glass Works, 290 14th QUICKSILVER Braun-Knecht-Heimann-Co, 576-584 Mission ROCK CRUSHED (See also Sand and Gravel) California Building Material Co, 74 New Montgomery Niles Sand, Gravel & Rock Co, 704 Market Piedra Rock Co, 74 New Montgomery Stone, E B & A L, 703 Market ROCK LIME CRUSHED Pacific Lime & Plaster Co, 58 Sutter Pacific Portland Cement Co, 821 Market ROOFING COMPOSITION Smith, Robt F, Co, 433 Clementina 347 MINERAL PRODUCTS ROOFING MATERIAL Certain-teed Products Corp, 1 Montgomery Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, 25-29 South Park ROOFING MATERIAL ASBESTOS Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, 25-29 South Park ROOFING SLATE Heidt, W, Cornice Works, 152 1st ROOFING TILE TERRA COTTA California Brick Company, 604 Mission Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market SAND AND GRAVEL Bay Development Co, Pier 54, Foot of 4th California Building Material Co, 74 New Montgomery Coast Rock and Gravel Co, 74 New Montgomery Niles Sand, Gravel & Rock Co, 704 Market Piedra Rock Co, 74 New Montgomery Pratt Building Material Co, Hearst Bldg Stone, E B, & A L, 703 Market Western Sand & Rock Co, South San Francisco SANDBLASTING GLASS Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission Oriel Glass Works, 2845 Gough Sierra Glass Co, 916 Natoma SANDBLASTING STONE Sierra Glass Co, 916 Natoma SANITARY PLUMBING FIXTURES* Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery SCREENS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post SCULPTURAL WORK ARCHITECTURAL Mindner, Max W, 985 Folsom 348 MINERAL PRODUCTS SCULPTURAL WORK PLASTER New Florence Art Co, 148 8th New York Statuary Co, 2873-2875 16th Paris Art Co, 1037 Valencia San Francisco Statuary Co (Inc), 2091 Folsom Swoboda, A F, 219 7th SEWER PIPE Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market SHELVING VITROLITE Vitrolite Construction Co, 1490 Mission SHINGLES STONE McClenahan Products Co (Inc), 112 Kearny SIDE WINGS AUTO Champion Manufacturing Co, 552-554 Golden Gate Ave Pacific Mirror & Glass Co, 901 Van Ness Ave SIGNS GLASS Laib, Jos, Jr, 7th and Folsom Metallic Window Letter Sign Co, 1162 Golden Gate Ave Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market Novelty Electric Sign Co, 433-443 Turk SIGNS VITROLITE Vitrolite Construction Co, 1490 Mission SILICA SAND Philadelphia Quartz Co, 24 California SILVERING GLASS Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission SINK BACKS VITROLITE Vitrolite Construction Co, 1490 Mission SINKS CHEMISTRY VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery SINKS PANTRY VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery 349 MINERAL PRODUCTS SLABS DRAIN VITRO LITE Vitrolite Construction Co, 1490 Mission SLABS FLOOR McClenahan Products Co (Inc), 112 Kearny SLABS PARTITION McClenahan Products Co (Inc), 112 Kearny SLABS STONE ROOF McClenahan Products Co (Inc), 112 Kearny SLIDES STEREOPTICON Alta Slide & Photo Co, 111 Golden Gate Ave Art SMde Studio, 1112 Market Kemp, Edw H, 114 Golden Gate Ave Tarn Slide & Film Co, 693 Mission Vitaslide Co, 102 Leavenworth Western Map & Blue Print Co, 220 Kearny SOAP DISHES VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery SOAPSTONE TALC Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market SPOUTS BATH VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery STATUARY MARBLE Carroll Bros, 1850 Golden Gate Ave STATUARY PLASTER See Sculptural Work STONE ARTIFICIAL American Marble & Mosaic Co, 25 Columbia Square Campbell, Geo, 3493 17th Gnecco, M H, 36 Wood Grassi, P, Co, 135 Tehama San Francisco Artificial Stone Paving Co, 717 Treat Ave Seghieri, D, & Co, 35 Cook 350- MINERAL PRODUCTS STONE MARBLE BUILDING (See also Marble Work) Musto, Jas, Sons-Keenan Co, 535 North Point STORE FRONTS TILE Richardson, Eri H, 77 O'Farrell STUCCO MAGNESITE Hoff Magnesite Co, 681 Market National Magnesite Products Co, 116 Utah STUCCO WORK Hoff & Hoff, 1888 Mission SUN SHADES AUTO Champion Manufacturing Co, 552-554 Golden Gate Ave De Luxe Windshield Co, 331-333 Larkin Pacific Mirror & Glass Co, 901 Van Ness Ave TABLE MATS ASBESTOS Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina TABLE TOPS MAGNESITE National Magnesite Products Co, 116 Utah TABLE TOPS VITROLITE Vitrolite Construction Co, 1490 Mission TANKS AND BOWLS VITREOUS CHINA Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery TANKS TOILET Hercules Cement Products Co, 1049-1053 Howard TENT SHIELDS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post TERRA COTTA Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market 351 MINERAL PRODUCTS TERRA COTTA PIPE FLUE LINING Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market TERRAZZO MARBLE Crown Ore Mills, 681 Market TERRAZZO WORK Gervais, Henry, 1727 Mission Grassi, P, Co, 135 Tehama Seghieri, A, & Bro, 35 Cook TILE California Brick Co, 604 Mission Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gervais, Henry, 1727 Mission Ginsberg Tile Co, 1205 Sutter Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market Livermore Fire Brick Works, 604 Mission Richardson, Eri H, 77 O'Farrell Western Tile Mfg Co, 169 10th TILE BATHROOM McClenahan Products Co (Inc), 112 Kearny TILE BUILDING California Brick Company, 604 Mission Clark, N; & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market TILE DRAIN California Brick Company, 604 Mission Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market TILE FIRE Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market TILE MANTEL Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market 352 MINERAL PRODUCTS TILE PARTITION Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market TILE PROMENADE Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market TILE ROOFING California Brick Company, 604 Mission Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market TOPS TABLE AND COUNTER Vitrolite Construction Co, 1490 Mission TRAYS LAUNDRY CEMENT Eastern Reinforced Cement Tray Co, 364 11th Furlong, Thos N, Co, 360 Fell Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market Hercules Cement Products Co, 1049-1053 Howard Wesely, Chas, & Co, 126 Stillman TUBES ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post TUBES ETCHING Reed, Geo Russell, Co, 341-345 Clay TUBES X-RAY Lament, G E, 143 2d VASES Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market Paris Art Co, 1037 Valencia VAULTS MARBLE Carroll Bros, 1850 Golden Gate Ave Sunset Monumental Works, 45 29th VISORS AUTO Pacific Mirror & Glass Co, 901 Van Ness Ave Schwarz & Gottlieb, 574 Eddy 353 MINERAL PRODUCTS VITREOUS CHINA PRODUCTS Pacific Porcelain Ware Co, 67 New Montgomery VITROLITE PRODUCTS Vitrolite Construction Co, 1490 Mission WAINSCOTING VITROLITE Vitrolite Construction Co, 1490 Mission WALLBOARD Paraffine Companies (Inc), 34 1st WALLBOARD ASBESTOS Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, 25-29 South Park WALLBOARD PLASTER Key-Hold Lath Co, 148 Hooper WASHERS ASBESTOS Johns-Manville (Inc), 500 Post Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina WATER PIPE VITRIFIED Clark, N, & Sons, 112 Natoma Gladding, McBean & Co, 620 Market WHITING AND PARIS WHITE Hearfield, Bannister & Co, 268 Market Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-32 California WIND DEFLECTORS AUTO Champion Manufacturing Co, 552-554 Golden Gate Ave Schwarz & Gottlieb, 574 Eddy WINDOWS LEADED Pacific Art Glass Co, 1130 Mission WINDOWS MEMORIAL Home Art Glass Works, 290 14th Pacific Art Glass Co, 1130 Mission 354 MINERAL PRODUCTS WINDSHIELDS AUTO Champion Manufacturing Co, 552-554 Golden Gate Ave De Luxe Windshield Co, 331-333 Larkin Gondolfi, David E, 1121 Mission Larkins & Co, 3700 Geary Pacific Body Works (Inc), 331-333 Grove Pacific Mirror & Glass Co, 901 Van Ness Ave Schwarz & Gottlieb, 574 Eddy Wassel, Albert, 1533 Franklin 355 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS ABALONE SHELL POLISHING Hettrich, A L, & Co, 508 Washington ACCORDIONS Guerrini Co, 270 Columbus Ave ADVERTISING NOVELTIES Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission Carlisle & Co, 251 Bush Patrick & Co, 560 Market Rogers-Lucas Co, 112 Market ARCH SUPPORTS Aunger Artificial Limb Co, 84 7th Chicago Artificial Limb Co, 1093 Mission Hittenberger, C H, Co, 1103 Market Marcus-Lesoine (Inc), 730 Mission Salco Artificial Limb Co, 1138 Mission ART GOODS Clayes, Miss, 284 Post Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Chicago Artificial Limb Co, 1093 Mission Hittenberger, C H, Co, 1103 Market Salco Artificial Limb Co, 1138 Mission AUTO BRUSHES National Carbon Co (Inc), 599 8th BONE BUTTONS Western Button Factory, 15th. and Utah BONE NOVELTIES Western Button Factory, 15th and Utah BOXES KNIFE AND FORK Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom 356 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS BRACES SURGICAL Chicago Artificial Limb Co, 1093 Mission Hittenberger, C H, Co, 1103 Market Menge, H, 327 Kearny Menge's Truss Factory, 2814 Mission Salco Artificial Limb Co, 1138 Mission BROOMS Blindcraft, 1120 Folsom Golden West Broom Factory, 723 Clay Heyman-Weil Co, 720 Mission London Broom Factory, 345 Pacific San Francisco Association for the Blind, 1120 Folsom Simpson Brush & Broom Co, 517 Mission Sunset Broom & Brush Co, 853 Treat Ave Van Laak Mfg Co, 3281 Harrison Washington Broom Co, 527 Sansome Zan Bros & Co, 3546 19th BROOMS BAMBOO AND RATTAN Heyman-Weil. Co, 720 Mission San Francisco Association for the Blind, 1120 Folsom BROOMS CORN San Francisco Association for the Blind, 1120 Folsom BROOMS HOUSE Heyman-Weil Co, 720 Mission San Francisco Association for the Blind, 1120 Folsom BROOMS PUSH Van Laak Mfg Co, 3281 Harrison BROOMS STABLE Schwarz, F R, 3263 Mission BROOMS STREET Heyman-Weil Co, 720 Mission San Francisco Association for the Blind, 1120 Folsom BROOMS WHISK Heyman-Weil Co, 720 Mission San Francisco Association for the Blind, 1120 Folsom Zan Bros & Co, 3546 19th 357 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS BRUSHES California Leather Dressing Co, (shoe), 1574-1576 Market Golden West Broom Factory, 723 Clay Heyman-Weil Co, 720 Mission Morck Brush Mfg Co, 239 8th National Carbon Co, (auto), 599 8th Schwarz, F R, 3263 Mission Simpson Brush & Broom Co, 517 Mission Sunset Broom & Brush Co, 853 Treat Ave Van Laak Mfg Co, 3281 Harrison BRUSHES AUTO National Carbon Co (Inc), 599 8th BRUSHES BOTTLE Heyman-Weil Co, 720 Mission Schwarz, F R, 3263 Mission BRUSHES BRISTLE Morck Brush Manufacturing Co, 236 8th BRUSHES CLOTHES Schwarz, F R, 3263 Mission BRUSHES FACTORY Schwarz, F R, 3263 Mission BRUSHES FIBRE Morck Brush Manufacturing Co, 236 8th BRUSHES HAIR Schwarz, F R, 3263 Mission BRUSHES MACHINE Morck Brush Manufacturing Co, 236 8th BRUSHES MOTOR National Carbon Co (Inc), 599 8th BRUSHES PAINT Morck Brush Manufacturing Co, 236 8th 358 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS BRUSHES SHOE California Leather Dressing Co, 1574-1576 Market Schwarz, F R, 3263 Mission BRUSHES SPECIAL Morck Brush Manufacturing Co, 236 8th BRUSHES WIRE Morck Brush Manufacturing Co, 236 8th BRUSHES WOOL SKIN California Leather Dressing Co, 1574-1576 Market BUILDERS' WATERPROOFING Imperial Co, 142 Stillman BUTTONS Donaldson Printing & Publishing Co, 543 Clay BUTTONS BONE Western Button Factory, 15th and Utah BUTTONS CELLULOID LAPEL Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission BUTTONS LODGE Mancke, W S, & Co, 830 Market BUTTONS SOUVENIR Mancke, W S, & Co, 830 Market CALCULATING DEVICES Computer Mfg Co, 268 Market Marchant Calculating Machine Co, 503 Marked CAMERA PARTS Sharman Camera Works, 5 Kearny CAMERAS SPECIAL Sharman Camera Works, 5 Kearny CANDLES BEESWAX Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market 359 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS CANDLES DECORATED Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy CATGUT Mayo (Inc), Hearst Bldg Pacific Coast Gut String Co, 2045 Oakdale Ave CELLULOID LAPEL BUTTONS Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission CHIN SUPPORTS Cummings, Mrs G M, 406 Sutter Millar, Adele, Co, 345-347 Stockton Roache, Addie B, 391 Sutter CIGARETTE HOLDERS Grundel, Emil, 2100 Mission Sutliff, H, 670 Market Tanner-Spiral Co, 52 2d Wagner, C M, 17 Kearny COMBS FANCY Schwartz Engraving Co, 12 Geary COMPUTING DEVICES Computer Mfg Co, 268 Market Marchant Calculating Machine Co, 503 Market CORN SHIELDS Brown, Jas, 25 7th CURIOS Hettrich, A L, & Co, 508 Washington CURLED HAIR Biggins, Patrick, 2165 San Bruno Ave Braun, Clarence T, Co, 1207 Thomas Ave Pacific Curled Hair Works (Ltd), 1814 San Bruno Ave DECORATIONS California Decorating Co, 1049-1051 Mission Flagg Studios, 935 Market 360 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS DENTAL APPLIANCES Dental Appliance Laboratories, 870 Market DENTAL LABORATORIES Aiken, H L, 461 Market Arata, Mario F, 323 Geary Cathcart, Frank H, 870 Market Jaegeling, Julius P, 870 Market Keane, Malley M, Pacific Bldg Morley Dental Laboratory, 870 Market Mosman & Miller, 830 Market Nixon, I T, 830 Market Wagner, Max, 760 Market Wikkerink, J J, 1276 Flood Bldg DISPLAY FORMS Stubergh, O H, 10 3d DOLL PAINTING Stewart, M A, 890 Geary DRAWING INSTRUMENTS Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st DRUMS AND TRAPS Higley & Mortenson, 78 Ellis DYEING AND CLEANING Allec Cleaning and Dyeing Works, 2146 Folsom City of Paris Cleaning and Dyeing Works, 20th and Bryant Galtie French Cleaning and Dyeing Works, 339-347 8th Liberty Cleaning and Dyeing Works, 878 Geary Liberty Dyeing & Cleaning Works, 3344 Fillmore Messner's ( I nc), 246-260 8th National Cleaning and Dyeing Works, 535 Bryant Parisian Cleaning & Dyeing Works, 1656 15th Thomas, F, Cleaning & Dyeing Works, 27 10th Thomas, G F, Dyeing and Cleaning Works, 859 14th Wallace, W T, Cleaning & Dyeing Works, 340 11th DYEING CARPET Spaulding, J, & Co, 353-357 Tehama 361 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS ETCHING SUPPLIES Reed, Geo Russell, Co, 341-345 Clay FEATHER WORK Golden Bird, 1518 Polk FERNS PRESERVED American Flower Works, 346 Hayes FISHING TACKLE Knowles, S E, Co, 320 Market FLOATS PARADE Capital Decorating & Mfg Co, 350 Hayes FLOWERS ARTIFICIAL American Flower Works, 346 Hayes Artificial Decorative Plant Co, 510 Battery Artificial Floral Decorating Co, 1345 Sutter New York Floral Co, 1707 Powell FLOWERS ARTIFICIAL PORCELAIN American Flower Works, 346 Hayes FLOWERS ARTIFICIAL WAX American Flower Works, 346 Hayes New York Floral Co, 1707 Powell FLOWERS PRESERVED Artificial Decorative Plant Co, 510 Battery GAME PEGS BONE Western Button Factory, 15th and Utah GAMES Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market GOLD AND SILVER STAMPING Monarch Mfg Co, 58 2d GUT California By-Products Co, 2067 San Bruno Mayo (Inc), Hearst Bldg Pacific Coast Gut String Co, 2045 Oakdale Ave 362 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS HAIR CURLED Biggins, Patrick, 2165 San Bruno Ave. Braun, Clarence T, Co, 1207 Thomas Ave Pacific Curled Hair Works, 1814 San Bruno Ave HAIR GOODS Bloch's Hair Store, 170 Geary Graf & Co, 133 Kearny Lederer, G, 508 Sutter Treyer, Theo, 602 California HAIR ORNAMENTS Schwartz Engraving Co, 12 Geary HARMONICAS Sherman Clay & Co, 741 Mission HOSPITAL SUPPLIES Bush Electric Corp, 334 Sutter Gwin-Flex Stretcher Co, 660 O'Farrell Western X-Ray & Equipment Co, 423 Hayes INCANDESCENT LAMP REFLECTORS Magnalite Co (Inc), 110 Stillman INCENSES Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market INSTRUMENTS AZIMUTH Weule, Louis, Co, 6 California INSTRUMENTS COMPUTING Computer Mfg Co, 268 Market Marchant Calculating Machine Co, 503 Market INSTRUMENTS DENTAL California Dental Mfg Co, 289 2d INSTRUMENTS DRAWING Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st INSTRUMENTS ENGINEERING Computer Mfg Co, 268 Market 363 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS INSTRUMENTS HEARING Gem Ear Phone Co of Cal, 760 Market INSTRUMENTS MEASURING Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, 576-584 Mission National Carbon Co, 599 8th INSTRUMENTS MUSICAL American Photo Player Co, The, 109 Golden Gate Ave Bolander Musical Instrument Co (special), 54 Kearny Deitemeier Piano Co (pianos), 855 Valencia Guerrini Co (accordions), 279 Columbus Ave Higley & Mortenson (traps and drums), 78 Ellis Lutz & Fritsch (violin), 45 Geary Mauzy, Byron, 250 Stockton Melodiola Mfg Co (phonographs), 534 Sutter Paquet, Louis J (reeds), 789 Mission Schoenstein, Felix F, & Sons, 2306 Bryant Sherman Clay & Co, 741 Mission INSTRUMENTS MUSICAL ACCESSORIES Bolander Musical Instrument Co, 54 Kearny Higley & Mortenson, 78 Ellis Paquet, Louis J, 789 Mission INSTRUMENTS MUSICAL NOVELTY Bolander Musical Instrument Co, 54 Kearny INSTRUMENTS NAUTICAL Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission Lietz, A, Co, 61 Post Weule, Louis, Co, 6 California INSTRUMENTS SURGICAL Berbert, A, & Bro, 436 Powell Weniger, Henry, 143 Valencia INSTRUMENTS SURVEYING Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st Lietz, A, Co, The, 61 Post INSTRUMENTS TELEPHONE Western Electric Co, 680 Folsom 364 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS IVORY TURNING Gorman, John T, 33 Oak Grove Ave Haas Wood & Ivory Works, 64 Clementina Pacific Woodworking Co, 239 7th Waas, Henry, Co, 1861 Mission JANITORS UTILITIES Freeman, June, Mfg Co, 509 6th KEY RACKS Stanford Patent Key Rack Co, 628 Montgomery LABOR SAVING DEVICES Wells, A F, Co, 21 2d LAMP SHADES PARCHMENT Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy LAMP SILVERING Magnalite Co (Inc), 110 Stillman LAPEL BUTTONS CELLULOID Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission LAPIDARIES Ames, Jos H, 704 Market Baldwin Jewelry Co, 29 Kearny Bartling & Co, 166 Geary California Jewelry Co, 704 Market Chaput, Eugene, 166 Geary Giacobbi & Keller, 483 Pine Jacobson, M E, 209 Post Konrade, J J, 628 Montgomery Moser Bros, 760 Market Shreve & Co, Post and Grant Ave LAUNDRIES Atlas Laundry, 509 Montgomery Cerciat French Laundry Co, 1045 McAllister City of Paris French Laundry, 2424 Van Ness Ave City Rough Dry Laundry, 1672 15th Diamond Laundry Co, 3840-18th Domestic Laundry Co, 2066 Howard 365 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS Eagle Laundry Co, 53 Colton Galland Mercantile Laundry, 301-337 8th Gessman & Co, 1732 Polk Golden Gate Steam Laundry Co, 2142 Lombard Home Laundry Co, 3338 17th Hooper's Mission Laundry, 2020 Howard Hotel Owners Laundry Co, 710-722 York Independent Laundry, 2798 19th La Grande & White Laundry Co, 248 12th Leighton Cooperative Laundry, 1925 Bryant Mercury Laundry, 529 Turk Metropolitan Laundry Co, 1148 Harrison New Method Laundry, 435 Sanchez New Process Laundry Co, 385 8th New San Francisco Steam Laundry, 2544 Greenwich North Star Laundry Co, 3314-3324 Army San Francisco Laundry Assn, 1408 Turk Sanitary Laundry Co, 15 McCoppin Sterling Laundry Co, 56 Julian Ave Trouillet, J P, 1228 Sutter Union Overall Laundry & Supply Co, 407 Shotwell Wardrobe Laundry Co, 344 Clementina LIGATURES SURGICAL California By-Products Co, 2067 San Bruno Ave Mayo (Inc), Hearst Bldg Pacific Coast Gut String Co, 2045 Oakdale Ave MEASURING TAPES Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st MOTION PICTURE LABORATORIES Art Slide Studio, 1112 Market Duhem Motion Picture Mfg Co, 985 Market Earle and Wythe Laboratories, 437 Sutter Gerson, Paul, Pictures Corp, 353-361 10th Miles Bros, 1149* Mission Montague Studios, 1966-1974 Page Pacific Motion Picture Laboratories, 321-331 Turk MOTION PICTURE STUDIOS Gerson, Paul, Pictures Corp, 353-361 10th Montague Studios, 1966-1974 Page 366 MISCELLANEOUS PRO. DUCTS MUSICAL STRINGS California By-Products Co, 2067 San Bruno Ave Mayo (Inc), Hearst Bldg Pacific Coast Gut String Co, 2045 Oakdale Ave NOSE GRIPS EYE GLASS Jones, Warren, C Co, 349 Geary NOVELTIES ABALONE SHELL Hettrich, A L, & Co, 508 Washington NOVELTIES ADVERTISING Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission Carlisle & Co, 251 Bush Patrick & Co, 560 Market NOVELTIES PEARL SHELL Hettrich, A L, & Co, 508 Washington NOVELTIES SPECIAL Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom ORTHOPEDIC APPLIANCES Aunger Artificial Limb Co, 84 7th Berbert, A, & Bro, 43*6 Powell Chicago Artificial Limb Co, 1093 Mission Weniger, Henry, 143 Valencia PEARL SHELL POLISHING Hettrich, A L, & Co, 508 Washington PIANOS Deitemeier Piano Co, 855 Valencia Mauzy, Byron, 56 Beale PIANOS PLAYER Deitemeier Piano Co, 855 Valencia PLANTS ARTIFICIAL Artificial Floral Decorating Co, 1345 Sutter 367 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS PLANTS PRESERVED American Flower Works, 346 Hayes Artificial Decorative Plant Co, 510 Battery PLEAT RAISERS BONE Western Button Factory, 15th and Utah RINGS BONE Western Button Factory, 15th and Utah RULERS SLIDE Computer Mfg Co, 268 Market SHELL NOVELTIES Hettrich, A L, & Co, 508 Washington SHELL POLISHING Hettrich, A L, & Co, 508 Washington SIGNS CELLULOID LETTER Building Directory Co, 660 Market STAMPING GOLD AND SILVER Monarch Mfg Co, 58 2d STRETCHERS Gwin-Flex Stretcher Co, 660 O'Farrell STRINGS MUSICAL California By-Products Co, 2067 San Bruno Ave Mayo (Inc), Hearst Bldg Pacific Coast Gut String Co, 2045 Oakdale Ave STRINGS TENNIS California By-Products Co, 2067 San Bruno Ave Mayo (Inc), Hearst Bldg Pacific Coast Gut String Co, 2045 Oakdale Ave SURGICAL APPLIANCE Clark-Gandion Truss Co, 1108 Market Hatteroth's Wm, 232 Powell Hittenberger, C H, Co, 1103 Market Menge, H, 327 Kearny 368 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS Menge's Truss Factory, 2814 Mission Poole & Poole, 870 Market Salco Artificial Limb Co, 1138 Mission Weniger, Henry, 143 Valencia SURGICAL LIGATURES California By-Products Co, 2067 San Bruno Ave Mayo (Inc), Hearst Bldg Pacific Coast Gut String Co, 2045 Oakdale Ave SWEEPERS FLOOR Morck Brush Manufacturing Co, 236 8th TAPES MEASURING Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st TENNIS RACKET STRINGING O'Connor, J M, 593 Market Spalding, A G, & Bros, Mfg Co, 438 9th Wright & Ditson-Victor Co, 20 2d TENNIS STRINGS California By-Products Co, 2067 San Bruno Ave Mayo (Inc), Hearst Bidg Pacific Coast Gut String Co, 2045 Oakdale Ave TOYS Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom TOYS SPECIAL Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom TRUSSES SURGICAL Berbert, A, & Bro, 436 Powell Chicago Artificial Limb Co, 1093 Mission Clark-Gandion Truss Co, 1108 Market Hatteroth's Wm, 232 Powell Hittenberger, C H, Co, 1103 Market Menge, H, 327 Kearny Menge's Truss Factory, 2814 Mission Poole & Poole, 870 Market UKULELES Sherman Clay & Co, 741 Mission 369 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS VIOLINS Lutz & Fritsch, 45 Geary WAX Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush WAX DENTAL Crown Dental Refinery, 22-26 Mint Ave WAX FIGURES Bay Cities Art Co, 1342 Divisadero Bianchini, Louis, 541 Market Kehoe Display Fixture Co, 541 Market Powell's Parisian Wax Works, 507 Market Stubergh, O H, 10 3d WAX WORKS Powell's Parisian Wax Works, 507 Market WIGS AND TOUPEES Bloch's Hair Store, 170 Geary Graf & Co, 133 Kearny Lederer, G, 508 Sutter Treyer, Theo, 602 California WINDMILLS TOY Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom X-RAY NEGATIVE MOUNTS National Cardoscope Co, 332 Gough 37C PAINTS AND OILS BENZINE Shell Co of Cal, 343 Sansome Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush Union Oil Co, 22C Montgomery BITUMINOUS COMPOUNDS Anti-Teredo Paint Co (Inc), 2915 19th CHROME LIQUORS Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d COAL OIL Associated Oil Co, 55 New Montgomery Master Refining Co, 582 Market COLORS Bass-Hueter Paint Co (Inc), (japan), 816 Mission California Ink Co (Inc), 426 Battery Dill-Coppage (Inc), 235 Pine Fuller, W P, & Co, 301 Mission Goldberg, Garrett M, & Co, 1099 Folsom Nason, R N, & Co, 151 Potrero Ave Pacific Paint & Pigment Co, 479 6th Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d Stauffer Chemica) Co, 624-32 California Sterling Paint Co, 118-124 1st Tamm & Nolan Varnish Works, (japans), 151 Potrero Ave DISTILLATE Associated Oil Co, 55 New Montgomery Master Refining Co, 582 Market Shell Co of Cal, 343 Sansome Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush Union Oil Co of Cal, 220 Montgomery ENAMELING AND BAKING Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission Factory Automobile Painting Works, 1640 Howard Forderer Cornice Works, Potrero Ave and 16th 371 PAINTS AND OILS Henderson Enamel and Varnish Co, 420 Fulton Pacific Enameling Co, 468 Hayes Pioneer Sign & Enameling Co, 424 Hayes Quality Enamel Works, 630 Gough Roberts Mfg Co, 663 Mission Sunset Plating Works, 360 Clementina ENAMELS Acme White Lead and Color Works, 458 2d Anti-Teredo Paint Co (Inc), 2915 19th Bass-Hueter Paint Co (Inc), 816 Mission Glidden Co of Cal, 123-169 Hooper Goldberg, Garrett M, & Co, 1099 Folsom Henderson Enamel and Varnish Co, 420 Fulton Hill, Hubbel & Co, 1 Drumm Hydro-Carbon Companies, Inc, (machinery), 681 Market Magner Bros, 414 9th GASOLINE Associated Oil Co, 55 New Montgomery Continental Petroleum Co, 55 New Montgomery Continental Petroleum Refining Co, 485 California Master Refining Co, 582 Market Shell Co of Cal, 343 Sansome Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush Union Oil Co of Cal, 220 Montgomery GERMICIDE PAINT COMPOUND American Marine Paint Co, 311 California GRAPHITE Goldberg, Garrett M, & Co, 1099 Folsom GREASES (See also Tallow) Associated Oil Co, 55 New Montgomery Glidden Co of Cal, 123-169 Hooper Master Refining Co, 582 Market McGuffick, J R, & Co, 457 Berry Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertilizer Co, 485 California Shell Co of Cal, 343 Sansome Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush Union Oil Co of Cal, 220 Montgomery Union Petroleum Co of Cal, Rialto Bldg Western Tallow Co, 1599 Evans Ave 372 PAINTS AND OILS JAPANNING American Can Co, Mills Bldg Boesch Lamp Co, 960 Mission KEROSENE Associated Oil Co, 55 New Montgomery Continental Petroleum Co, 55 New Montgomery Continental Petroleum Refining Co, 485 California Master Refining Co, 582 Market Shell Co of Cal, 343 Sansome : :^ Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush Union Oil Co of Cal, 220 Montgomery LACQUERS Sterling Paint Co, 118-124 1st LEAD RED Fuller, W P, & Co, 301 Mission National Lead Co of Cal, 485 California LEAD WHITE Fuller, W P, & Co, 301 Mission National Lead Co of Cal, 485 California Pacific Paint & Pigment Co, 479 6th LUBRICANTS Associated Oil Co, 55 New Montgomery Crescent Chemical Compounds, 2722 17th Ensign Oil Co, 284 Perry Glidden Co of Cal, 123-169 Hooper Goldberg, Garrett M, & Co, 1099 Folsom Lubricating Products Co, 354 Pine Master Refining Co, 582 Market McGuffick, J R, & Co, 168-170 Steuart Nason, R N, & Co, 151 Potrero Ave Petroleum Products Co of Cal, 433 California Portola Oil Co, 798 Minnesota Shell Co of Cal, 343 Sansome Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush Union Oil Co of Cal, 220 Montgomery Union Petroleum Co of Cal, Rialto Bldg West, Nicholas R, 582 Market LUBRICANTS AUTO Hieronimus, Julius A, & Sons, 106-108 Steuart 373 PAINTS AND OILS LUBRICANTS BANK INSTRUMENT Crescent Chemical Compounds, 2722 17th OCHRE DRY CHROME Stauffer Chemical Co, 624-32 California OIL REFINERIES Associated Oil Co, 55 New Montgomery Continental Petroleum Refining Co, 485 California" King Refining Co, 58 Sutter Shell Co of Cal, 343 Sansome Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush Union Oil Co of Cal, 220 Montgomery Union Petroleum Co of Cal, Rialto Bldg OILS CORE Hydro-Carbon Companies, Inc, 681 Market OILS FUEL Continental Petroleum Refining Co, 485 California Master Refining Co, 582 Market Shell Co of Cal, 343 Sansome Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush Union Oil Co of Cal, 220 Montgomery OILS ILLUMINATING Shell Co of Cal, 343 Sansome Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush Union Oil Co of Cal, 220 Montgomery t OILS LINSEED Pacific Oil & Lead Works, 155 Townsend OILS LINSEED SUBSTITUTE Hydro-Carbon Companies (Inc), 631 Market OILS PAINT Anti-Teredo Paint Co (Inc), 2915 19th Bass-Hueter Paint Co (Inc), 816 Mission Hydro-Carbon Companies (Inc), 681 Market Magner Bros, 414 9th National Paint & Oil Co, 666-668 Howard 374 PAINTS AND OILS Remolite Paint Co, 823 Market Roman Paint Co, 681 Market Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d Yates & Co, 762 Folsom OILS ROAD Union Oil Co of Cal, 220 Montgomery OILS STOVE Continental Petroleum Refining Co, 485 California Union Oil Co of Cal, 220 Montgomery PAINT FILLERS Silica Products Co, 694-698 4th PAINT PIGMENTS Dill-Coppage (Inc), 235 Pine Pacific Paint & Pigment Co, 479 6th PAINTS Acme White Lead and Color Works, 458 2d Anti-Teredo Paint Co (Inc), 2915 19th Bass-Hueter Paint Co (Inc), 816 Mission Certain-teed Products Corp, 1 Montgomery Everard-Yates Paint Co, 490 Treat Ave Fuller, W P, & Co, 301 Mission Glidden Co of Cal, 123-169 Hooper Goldberg, Garrett M, & Co, 1099 Folsom Hill, Hubbel & Co, 1 Drumm Magner Bros, 414 9th McGuffick, J R, & Co, 168-170 Steuart Nason, R N, & Co, 151 Potrero Ave National Paint & Oil Co, 666-668 Howard Olomel Mfg Co, 2601 18th Pacific Paint & Pigment Co, 479 6th Paraffine Companies (Inc), 34 1st Remolite Paint Co, 823 Market Roman Paint Co, 681 Market Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d Sterling Paint Co, 118-124 1st Yates & Co, 762 Folsom PAINTS ANTI-CORROSIVE American Marine Paint Co, 311 California 375 PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS ANTI-FOU LING American Marine Paint Co, 311 California PAINTS ASPHALT Hydro-Carbon Co, 681 Market Tamm & Nolan Varnish Works, 151 Potrero Ave PAINTS BITUMINOUS Hill, Hubbel & Co. 1 Drumm PAINTS CEMENT Hydro-Carbon Co, 681 Market PAINTS CONCRETE Remolite Paint Co, 823 Market PAINTS COPPER COMPOUND American Marine Paint Co, 311 California PAINTS DAMP PROOF Fuller, W P, & Co, 301 Mission National Paint & Oil Co, 666-668 Howard Olomel Mfg Co, 2601 18th Sterling Paint Co, 118-124 1st Tamm & Nolan Varnish Works, 151 Potrero Ave PAINTS FLOOR Bass-Hueter Paint Co (Inc), 816 Mission Fuller, W P, & Co, 301 Mission Nason, R N, & Co, 151 Potrero Ave Olomel Mfg Co, 2601 18th Paraffine Companies (Inc), 34 1st Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d PAINTS GRAPHITE Goldberg, Garrett M, & Co, 1099 Folsom PAINTS HEAT RESISTANT Macbeth Chemical Co, 782 O'Farrell National Paint & Oil Co, 666-668 Howard Paraffine Companies (Inc), 34 1st Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d 376 PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS INSULATING Nason, R N, & Co, 151 Potrero Ave Sterling Paint Co, 118-124 1st PAINTS MARINE American Marine Paint Co, 311 California Bass-Hueter Paint Co (Inc), 816 Mission Olomel Mfg Co, 2601 18th Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d PAINTS PORCH AND DECK Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d PAINTS ROOFING Bass-Hueter Paint Co (Inc), 816 Mission Fuller, W P, & Co, 301 Mission Lewis Roofing & Asbestos Works, 180 Jessie Nason, R N, & Co, 151 Potrero Ave Olomel Mfg Co, 2601 18th Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d Western Asbestos Magnesia Co, 25-29 South Park PAINTS SMOKE STACK Sherwin-Williams Co of Cal, 454 2d PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Associated Oil Co, 55 New Montgomery Shell Co of Cal, 343 Sansome Standard Oil Co, 200 Bush Union Oil Co of Cal, 220 Montgomery PUTTY Nason, R N, & Co, 151 Potrero Ave Sterling Paint Co, 118-124 1st STAINS Glidden Co of Cal, 123-169 Hooper Sterling Paint Co, 118-124 1st VARNISH Acme White Lead and Color Works, 458 2d Anti-Teredo Paint Co (Inc), 2915 19th Bass-Hueter Paint Co (Inc), 816 Mission Certain-teed Products Corp, 1 Montgomery 377 PAINTS AND OILS Everard-Yates Paint Co, 490 Treat Ave Fuller, W P, & Co, 301 Mission Glidden Co of Cal, 123-169 Hooper Goldberg, Garrett M, & Co, 1099 Folsom Henderson Enamel and Varnish Co, 420 Fulton Nason, R N, & Co, 151 Potrero Ave National Paint & Oil Co, 666-668 Howard Remolite Paint Co, 823 Market Roman Paint Co, 681 Market Sterling Paint Co, 118-124 1st Tamm & Nolan Varnish Works, 151 Potrero Ave Yates & Co, 762 Folsom WATERPROOF MATERIALS Paraffine Companies (Inc), 34 1st 378 PAPER PRODUCTS AMUSEMENT TICKETS Hancock Bros, 25 Jessie ASBESTOS PAPER Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan AUTOGRAPHIC REGISTERS Autographic Register Co of San Francisco, 38 Clementina Pacific Manifolding Book Co, 210 Post BAGS PAPER California Bag and Paper Co, 593 Market National Paper Products Co, (special), 1789 Montgomery BANK CHECK BOOKS Abbott-Brady Printing Corp, 460 4th Bankers' Printing Co, 535 Sacramento Barry, Edw Co, 134 Spring Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Security Lithograph Co, 134 Spring Union Lithograph Co, 741 Harrison BANK SUPPLIES Abbott-Brady Printing Corp, 460 4th Bankers' Printing Co, 535 Sacramento Barry, Edw Co, 134 Spring Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Security Lithograph Co, 134 Spring Union Lithograph Co, 741 Harrison BINDERS LOOSE LEAF (See also Loose Leaf Systems) Baker-Vawter Co of Cal, 134 Fremont Hadley, Chas R Co, 681 Market BLUE PRINT PAPER Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st Post, Frederick, Co, of Cal, 79 New Montgomery 379 PAPER PRODUCTS BLUE PRINTING Coast Lithograph Print Co, 681 Market Denny, Edw, & Co, 338 Bush Electric Blue Print Co, 235 Montgomery Hoffman, A C, 604 Mission Mission Blue Printing Co, 2569 Mission Pacific Coast Blue Print Co, 681 Market San Francisco Blue Print Co, 1074 Valencia Standard Blue Print Co, 625 Market Western Map & Blue Print Co, 220 Kearny BOOKBINDING Abbott-Brady Printing Corp, 448 4th Abbott Press, 545 Mission Althof & Bahls, 330 Jackson Barry, Edw Co, 134 Spring Bosqui, E L, Printing Co, 215 Leidesdorff Bowman & Plimley, 343 Front California Printing Co, 573 Mission Cardoza, T J, Co, The, 455 Mission Co-operative Binding Co (lawbooks), 330 Jackson Crocker, H S, Co (Inc), 565 Market Dever-Garrity Co, 515 Howard Dixon, Fish & Co, 254 California Foster & Futernick Co (library), 39 Battery Gilmartin Co (Inc), 83 Stevenson Halpin Lithograph Co, 442 Sansome Hansen Co, 584 California Herring & Robinson, 1927 Howard Houle, A L, Bindery Co, 509 Sansome Hyde, Ralph L, Co, 253 Minna Ingrim-Rutledge Co, 413-415 Montgomery Ingrisch, Louis L, 340 Sansome Keys-Stumm Co, 560 Mission Kitchen, John, Jr, Co, 67 1st Leighton Press, 516 Mission Levison Printing Co, 1540 California Lovell, Chas W, Jr, 215 Leidesdorff Malloye, F, Co, 265 Bush Marnell & Co, 77 4th Mclntyre, J B, Bindery Co, 442 Sansome Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Neal, Stratford & Kerr, 521 Market Pernau-Walsh Printing Co, 753 Market Primo Press, 67 1st Recorder Printing & Publishing Co, 693 Stevenson 380 PAPER PRODUCTS Reynard Press, 133 1st San Francisco Printing Co, 442 Sansome Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co, 609 Market Simplex System Co, 136 Pine Sunset Publishing House, 448-470 4th Thumler & Rutherford (fancy), 117 Grant Ave Tobias, S L, & Son, 309 Van Ness Ave Upham, Isaac, Co, 510 Market Upton Bros & Dalzell, 144 2d Wildy, F H, 45 Ecker Wolfe, L G, Co, 134 Fremont BOOKKEEPING FORMS Baker-Vawter Co of Cal, 134 Fremont Hadley, Chas R, Co, 681 Market Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay BOOKS BLANK Barry, Edw Co, 134 Spring Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Neal, Stratford & Kerr, 521 Market Pacific Manifolding Book Co, 210 Post Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co, 609 Market Union Lithograph Co, 741 Harrison Upham, Isaac, Co, 510 Market Verleger & Gussetti, 558 Front Veteran Press, 1264 Valencia BOOKS ORDER Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Pacific Manifolding Book Co, 210 Post BOOKS SALES Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Pacific Manifolding Book Co, 210 Post Shepard Sales Book Co, 29 Minna BOXBOARD National Paper Products Co, 1789 Montgomery 381 PAPER PRODUCTS BOXES FANCY Clayes, Miss, 284 Post Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy Miner, Geo H, Co, 74 New Montgomery Raisin & Zaruba, 986 Howard York-Bradford Co (Inc), 663 Howard BOXES FOLDING California Paper Box Co, 3157 17th Carton Corporation, 645 Brannan Fleishhacker, A, & Co, 401-419 2d Hyman Bros Box & Label Co, 29 Minna Pacific Manifolding Book Co, 210 Post Sanitas Food Container Co, 341-347 Market Schmitt, Chas J, 523 Folsom Stern, A W, Folding Paper Box Co, 515 Howard Wallace Egg Carrier Co, 253 Minna BOXES PAPER Acme Paper Co, 68 Fremont California Paper Box Co, 3157 17th Carton Corporation, 645 Brannan Enterprise Paper Box Co, 73 Beale Fleishhacker, A, & Co, 401-419 2d Freygang Printing Co, 341-347 Market Hyman Bros Box & Label Co, 29 Minna Illinois-Pacific Glass Co, 15th and Folsom Olsen Lithograph Co, 547 Sansome Pacific Folding Box Factory (Inc), 350-370 2d Paraffine Companies (Inc), 34 1st Raisin & Zaruba, 986 Howard Schmidt Lithograph Co, 2d and Bryant Stern, A W, Folding Paper Box Co, 515 Howard Thiebaut Bros, 534 4th Union Paper Box Factory, 718 Mission Western Paper Box Co, 437 Market York-Bradford Co, 663 Howard BOXES PILL Hyman Bros Box & Label Co, 29 Minna Pacific Label Co, 156 2d BOXES POWDER Hyman Bros Box & Label Co, 29 Minna Pacific Label Co, 156 2d 382 PAPER PPvODUCTS BOXES SET UP Enterprise Paper Box Co, 73 Beale Thiebaut Bros, 534 4th Western Paper Box Co, 437 Market York-Bradford Co (Inc), 663 Howard BOXES SHELF Union Paper Box Factory, 718 Mission BROWN PRINT PAPER Post, Frederick, Co, of Cal, 79 New Montgomery BUILDING PAPER Beaver Board Companies, 351 California Certain-teed Products Corp, 1 Montgomery Paraffine Companies (Inc), 34 1st Pioneer Paper Co, Hearst Bldg CALENDARS Abbott-Brady Printing Corp, 460 4th Abbott Press, 545 Mission Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission Daly-Seeger Co, 533 Mission Eureka Press, 447 Minna Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial Lehmann Printing Co, 181-189 2d Overland Publishing Co, 257-259 Minna San Francisco Calendar & Novelty Co, 320 1st Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co, 609 Market Walsh, V S, 560 Mission Wilcox & Co, 320 1st CANDY BOX TOPS COLORED Miner, Geo H, Co, 74 New Montgomery CANS AND TUBES Bennett Paper Can & Tube Co, 291 10th Illinois-Pacific Glass Co, 15th and Folsom National Paper Products Co, 1789 Montgomery CARDBOARD California Card Mfg Co, Potrero Ave and Mariposa Mission Paper Board Mills, 3074 17th 383 PAPER PRODUCTS CARDBOARD MOUNTS California Card Mfg Co, Potrero Ave and Mariposa National Cardoscope Co, 332 Gough CARD PRINTING Abbott-Brady Printing Corp, 460 4th Abbott Press, 545 Mission Barry, Edw Co, 134 Spring Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission Commercial Printing & Supply Co (Inc), 560 Mission Daly-Seeger Co, 533 Mission Dodds Card Co, 157 7th Eaton, Crane & Pike, 770 Mission Johnck, Beran & Kibbee, 156 2d Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial Overland Publishing Co, 257-259 Minna Pacific Novelty Co, 579 Market Piggott, J K, 86 3d Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co, 609 Market United Card Shop, 630 Market Waldorf Card Shop, 648A Market CARDS EMBLEMATIC Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission Pacific Novelty Co, 579 Market CARDS GREETING Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission Cardinell-Vincent Co, 577 Market Daly-Seeger Co, 533 Mission Dodds Card Co, 157 7th Morgan, F L, Co, 583 Market Pacific Novelty Co, 579 Market Piggott, J K, 86 3d Weidner, Chas, 319 Grant Ave CARDS GREETING HAND PAINTED Dodds Card Co, 157 7th CARDS INDEX Barry, Edw Co, 134 Spring Curtis Printing Co, 132 Sutter Jenkins-Hall Index Card Co, 435 Mission Wentworth, F W, & Co, 539 Market Yawman and Erbe Mfg Co, 132 Sutter 384 PAPER PRODUCTS CARDS PHOTOGRAPHIC California Card Mfg Co, Potrero Ave and Mariposa CARNIVAL GOODS PAPIER MACHE Capital Decorating & Mfg Co, 350 Hayes CARTONS (See also Boxes) American Carton Co, 962 Battery Fleishhacker, A, & Co, 401-419 2d Hyman Bros Box & Label Co, 29 Minna Schmidt Lithograph Co, 2d and Bryant CARTONS DRUGGIST Hyman Bros Box & Label Co, 29 Minna Pacific Label Co, 156 2d CARTONS LITHOGRAPHED American Carton Co, 962 Battery Galloway Lithographing Co, 523 Folsom Olsen Lithograph Co, 547 Sansome Schmidt Lithograph Co, 2d and Bryant Traung Label & Lithograph Co (Inc), 962 Battery CATALOGUES Abbott-Brady Printing Corp, 460 4th Abbott Press, 545 Mission Braden Printing Co, 50 Main Commercial Printing & Supply Co (Inc), 560 Mission Daly-Seeger Co, 533 Mission Freygang Printing Co, 341-347 Market Gabriel-Meyerfeld Co, 250 Broadway Gilmartin Co (Inc), 83 Stevenson Hansen Co, 584 California Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial Overland Publishing Co, 257-259 Minna Phillips & Van Orden Co, 509 Howard Taylor & Taylor, 404 Mission Telegraph Press, 71 Turk CERTIFICATES STOCK AND BOND Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Security Lithograph Co, 134 Spring Shannon-Conmy Printing Co, 509 Sansome 385 PAPER PRODUCTS CHECK BOOKS Abbott-Brady Printing Co, 460 4th Bankers' Printing Co, 535 Sacramento Barry, Edw Co, 134 Spring Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 332 Commercial Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Security Lithograph Co, 134 Spring Union Lithograph Co, 741 Harrison CHINESE LANTERNS Basket Shop, 1343 Slitter CIGAR BANDS Shine, W A, 528 Washington CONFETTI Hall, Norman F, 148 1st National Paper Products Co, 1789 Montgomery CORRUGATED PAPER PRODUCTS Illinois-Pacific Glass Co, 15th and Folsom National Paper Products Co, 1789 Montgomery Paraffine Companies (Inc), 34 1st Schmidt Lithograph Co, 2d and Bryant EGG CASE FILLERS California Paper Box Co, 3157 17th Paraffine Companies (Inc), 34 1st EGG CASES PARCEL POST Wallace Egg Carrier Co, 253 Minna EMBOSSING Armbruster Engraving Co, 76 2d Crosstey, C S, 209 Post English, C C, 583 Market Fischer, S E, & Co, 461 Bush Fricou, Fred, 251 Kearny Marier Engraving Co, 420 Market Roemer Engraving Co, 117 Grant Ave Stern, A W, 515 Howard Union Lithograph Co, 741 Harrison Wood, Geo M, & Cc, 583 Market 386 PAPER PRODUCTS ENVELOPES California Envelope Co, 31 Minna Commercial Printing & Supply Co (Inc), 560 Mission Eaton, Crane & Pike, 770 Mission Envelope Corporation, 560 Mission Field-Ernst Envelope Co, 25 Fremont Olson, Alfred, Envelope Co, 1592 Market Pacific Coast Envelope Co, 416 2d ENVELOPES PHOTO Olson, Alfred, Envelope Co, 1592 Market FIBRE CONTAINERS See Corrugated Paper Products FILING SUPPLIES Baker-Vawter Co of Cai, 134 Fremont Curtis Printing Co, 132 Sutter Dixon, Fish & Co, 254 California Efficiency File Co, 1058 Folsom Enterprise Paper Box Co, 73 Beale Jenkins-Hall Index Card Co, 435 Mission Pacific Manifolding Book Co, 210 Post Wentworth, F W, & Co, 539 Market Yawman and Erbe Mfg Co, 132 Sutter FLOWERS ARTIFICIAL American Flower Works, 346 Hayes New York Floral Co, 1707 Powell FOLDERS Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission California Card Mfg Co (photograph), Potrero Ave and Mariposa Daly-Seeger Co, 533 Mission Jenkins-Hall Index Card Co, 435 Mission FOLDERS PHOTO California Card Mfg Co, Potrero Ave and Mariposa GUMMED PAPER Hancock Bros, 25 Jessie KEY RACKS Stanford Patent Key Rack Co, 628 Montgomery 387 PAPER PRODUCTS LABELS Abbott-Brady Printing Corp, 460 4th Abbott Press, 545 Mission Commercial Printing & Supply Co (Inc), 560 Mission Daly-Seeger Co, 533 Mission Freygang Printing Co, 341-347 Market Gallagher, G C, 437 Sacramento Galloway Lithographing Co, 523 Folsom Hancock Bros, 25 Jessie Hansen Co, 584 California Hyman Bros Box & Label Co (druggists), 29 Minna Johnck, Beran & Kibbee, 156 2d Label Press, 71 John Lehmann Printing Co, 181-189 2d McNeil Bros (druggists), 926-928 Fillmore Olsen Lithograph Co, 547 Sansome Overland Publishing Co, 257-259 Minna Pacific Label Co (druggists), 156 2d Schmidt Lithograph Co, 2d and Bryant Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co, 609 Market Shean Engraving & Printing Co, 523 Sansome Shine, W A, 528 Washington Traung Label & Lithograph Co (Inc), 962 Battery LANTERNS CHINESE Basket Shop, The, 1343 Sutter LAW BOOKS Co-operative Binding Co, 330 Jackson LITHOGRAPHING Abbott-Brady Printing Corp, 460 4th Althof & Bahls, 330 Jackson Britton & Rey Lithographers (Inc), 251 Bush California Litho Co, 1032 Folsom Carlisle, A, & Co, 251 Bush Coast Lithograph Print Co, 681 Market Galloway Lithographing Co, 523 Folsom Halpin Lithograph Co, 442 Sansome Hansen Co, 584 California Hyman Bros Box & Label Co, 29 Minna Kitchen, John, Jr, Co, 67 1st Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Olsen Lithograph Co, 547 Sansome Schmidt Lithograph Co, 2d and Bryant 388 PAPER PRODUCTS Scholz, Erickson & Co (music), 521 Howard Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co, 609 Market Security Lithographing Co, 134 Spring Shean Engraving & Printing Co, 523 Sansome Traung Label & Lithograph Co (Inc), 962 Battery Union Lithograph Co, 741 Harrison LOOSE LEAF SYSTEMS Abbott-Brady Printing Corp, 460 4th Baker-Vawter Co of Cal, 134 Fremont Carlisle & Co, 251 Bush Dever-Garrity Co, 515 Howard Dixon, Fish & Co, 254 California Freygang Printing Co, 341-347 Market Hadley, Chas R, Co, 681 Market Levison Printing Co, 1540 California Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Neal, Stratford & Kerr, 521 Market Overland Publishing Co, 257-259 Minna Union Lithograph Co, 741 Harrison Upham, Isaac, Co, 510 Market Verleger & Gussetti, 558 Front Western Loose Leaf Co, 543 Clay Wolfe, L G, Co, 134 Fremont MAILING TUBES Bennett Paper Can & Tube Co, 291 10th Fleishhacker, A, & Co, 401-419 2d * National Paper Products Co, 1789 Montgomery MANIFOLDING FORMS Abbott-Brady Printing Corp, 460 4th Abbott Press, 545 Mission Levison Printing Co, 1540 California Pacific Manifolding Book Co, 210 Post MAP MOUNTING Electric Blue Print Co, 235 Montgomery Hutchison, W S, & Sons, 3275 Army Walkup, W B, Co, 612 Natoma MAPS Carlisle & Co, 251 Bush Coast Lithograph Print Co, 681 Market Denny, Edw, & Co, 338 Bush 389 PAPER PRODUCTS Sanborn Map Co (fire insurance), 216 Pine Schmidt Lithograph Co, 2d and Bryant Walkup, W B, Co, 612 Natoma Western Map & Blue Print Co, 220 Kearny MAPS FIRE INSURANCE Sanborn Map Co, 216 Pine MENU PRINTING Menu Printing Co, 942 Market MILK BOTTLE CAPS Livingston, Lafayette, 317 Front MUSIC ENGRAVING AND PRINTING Rayner-Dalheim & Co, 560 Mission Scholz, Erickson & Co, 521 Howard MUSIC ROLLS PLAYER PIANO Q R S Music Co, 423-433 Brannan NEGATIVE MOUNTS National Cardoscope Co, 332 Gough NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS Building and Engmeering News (weekly), 560 Mission Bulletin, The (daily), 767 Market California Journal (weekly), 447 Minna Chinese Republic Journal, 18 Waverly Place Chung Sai Yat Po (daily), 809 Sacramento Daily Commercial News (daily), 330 Sansome Daily News (daily), 340 9th Daily Pacific Builder (daily), 560 Mission Enterprise Publishing Co, South San Francisco Eureka Press, 447 Minna Guide, The (daily), 215 Leidesdorff II Corriere del Popolo, 628 Montgomery Japanese American (daily), 650 Ellis Jewish Times( weekly), 50 Main La Voce Del Popola (daily), 62 Columbus Ave Leader, The (weekly), 95 9th L'italia Press Co (daily), 118 Columbus Ave Mining and Scientific Press (weekly), 420 Market New World (daily), 1060 Geary 390 PAPER PRODUCTS Newspaper Enterprise Assn (daily), 340 Sansome Pacific Coast Merchant, 423 Sacramento Pacific Radio News (monthly), 50 Main Pacific Rural Press (weekly), 525 Market San Francisco Call and Post (daily), 74 New Montgomery San Francisco Chronicle (daily), Market and Kearny San Francisco Examiner (daily), 3d and Market San Francisco Journal, 165 Jessie Sokol, 1034 Golden Gate Ave Sunset Magazine (monthly), 460 4th NOVELTIES PAPER Fleishhacker, A, & Co, 401-419 2d Piggott, J K, 86 3d NUMBERED ROLLS Donnell Register & Printing Co, 268 Market PADS AND TABLETS Ingrim-Rutledge Co, 413-415 Montgomery Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial Williams Printing Co, 350 Sansome PAPER BLUE PRINT Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st Post, Frederick, Co of Cal, 79 New Montgomery PAPER BROWN PRINT Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st Post, Frederick, Co, of Cal, 79 New Montgomery PAPER MILLS Crown Willamette Paper Co, 248 Battery PAPER PRODUCTS CORRUGATED Illinojs-Pacific Glass Co, 15th and Folsom National Paper Products Co, 1789 Montgomery Faraffine Companies, 34 1st Schmidt Lithograph Co, 2d and Bryant PAPER SPECIALTIES Efiicicncy File Co, 1058 Folsom Pacific Folding Box Factory (Inc), 350-370 2d 391 PAPER PRODUCTS PAPER VAN DYKE Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st Post, Frederick, Co, of Cal, 79 New Montgomery PAPIER MACHE FORMS Bianchini, Louis, 541 Market Kehoe Display Fixture Co, 541 Market Philadelphia Papier Mache Dress Form Co, 480 Hayes Powell's Parisian Wax Works, 507 Market Stubergh, O H, 10 3d PAPIER MACHE NOVELTIES Capital Decorating & Mfg Co, 350 Hayes PHOTO MAILERS (See also Envelopes) Olson, Alfred, Envelope Co, 1592 Market PHOTO MOUNTINGS California Card Mfg Co, Potrero Ave and Mariposa National Cardoscope Co, 332 Gough PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER Pacific Photo Products Co, 88 3d PHOTOS ART Alta Slide & Photo Co, 111 Golden Gate Ave Art Photo Co, 320 Market Miner, Geo H, Co, 74 New Montgomery PHOTOS HAND COLORED Art Photo Co, 320 Market Miner, Geo H, Co, 74 New Montgomery PHOTOSTAT PRINTING Cossitt & Co, 582 Market Lawton, H S, 693 Mission Photostat Service Corp, 681 Market Western Map & Blue Print Co, 220 Kcarny POSTAL CONTAINERS Wallace Egg Carrier Co, 253 Minna 392 PAPER PRODUCTS POSTERS Commercial Printing & Supply Co (Inc), 560 Mission Eureka Press (12 sheet), 447 Minna Francis-Valentine Co, 777 Mission Galloway Lithographing Co, 523 Folsom Gille Show Printing Co, 820 Mission Majestic Press, 315 Hayes Schmidt Lithograph Co, 2d and Bryant Union Lithograph Co, 741 Harrison Vekay Poster Co, 830 Market PRINTING Abbott-Brady Printing Corp, 448 4th Abbott Press, 545 Mission Acme Press, 3846 Geary Althof & Bahls, 330 Jackson American Printing Co, 641 Mission Anderson Co (Inc), 573 Mission Arrow Press, 461 Bush Art Press, 418 Turk Atlas Press, 112 Hyde Atthowe & Co, 344 Front Bankers' Printing Co, 535 Sacramento Bardell Art Printing Co, 343 Front Barry, Edw Co, 134 Spring Barry, James H Co, 1122 Mission Bartow, J S, 25 Fremont Baucom, J F, 297 Cumberland Baumann, A J, 268 Market * Beatty, T H, 122 Halleck Beck, H L, Printing Co, 340 Sansome Bock Ngar Chy Co, 920 Grant Ave Borgel & Downie, 350 2d Bosqui, E L, Printing Co, 215 Leidesdorff Braden Printing Co, 50 Main Broad, Alfred F, 48 3d Brower, Marcus, Sansome and Broadway Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission Buchanan Engraving Co, 830 Market Buckley & Curtin, 739 Market Builder Printing Co, 560 Mission Burrowes & Houston (Inc), 147-151 Minna California Litho Co, 1032 Folsom California Press, Sansome and Broadway California Printing Co, 573 Mission Call Publishing Co, 70 New Montgomery 393 PAPER PRODUCTS Calmar Printing Co, 363 Clay Canessa Printing Co, 708 Montgomery Carlisle, A, & Co, 251 Bush Castagno, M, 708 Montgomery Chinese Republic Journal, 18 Waverly Place City Hall Printing Co, 231 Minna Colonial Press, 516 Mission Commercial Printing & Supply Co (Inc), 560 Mission Converse, G H, 461 Bush Cottle Printing Co, 3262 22d Crocker, H S, Co (Inc), 565 Market Crossley, C S, 209 Post Crown Press, 672 Larkin Curtis Printing Co, 132 Sutter Daily Commercial News, 330 Sansome Daily News, 340 9th Daily Pacific Builder, 560 Mission Dakin Publishing Co, 220 Sansome Daly-Seeger Co, 533 Mission Danner Publishing Co, 45 Ecker Davis Printing Co, 74 New Montgomery Davis, Thos J, & Son, 223 Davis Dempster Bros, Ltd, 447 Minna Dennis Printing Co, 42 Market Dettners Printing House (Inc), 523-537 Pine Dewey Publishing Co, 420 Market Dixon, Fish & Co, 254 California Donaldson Printing & Publishing Co, 543 Clay Donnell Register & Printing Co, 268 Market Downer, W W, 953 McAllister Duddy, George A, & Co, 437 Sacramento Dulfer, Alex, Printing Co, 560 Mission Dye, H D, & Co, 133 Kearny Eagle Printing Co, 59 McAllister Eastman, W H, & Co, 220 Kearny Edwards, W A, Co, 45 Ecker Efficiency Press, 560 Mission Elite Printing Co, 3459 18th English, C C (plate), 583 Market Enlightner Press, 657 Hayes Enterprise Printing Co, 31 Minna Enterprise Publishing Co, South San Francisco Ephraim, J A, & Co, 1501 Fulton Fischer, S E, & Co, 461 Bush Foster & Short (Inc), 342 Howard Francis-Valentine Co, 777 Mission 394 PAPER PRODUCTS Frank Printing & Stationery Co, 1353 Post Franklin, Ben, Press, 140 2d French & Russell, 165 Jessie Freygang Printing Co, 341-347 Market Fricou, Fred (plate), 251 Kearny Gabriel-Meyerfeld Co, 250 Broadway Gallagher, G C, 437 Sacramento Garred, Geo P, Co, 103 Main Gilmartin Co (Inc), 83 Stevenson Godo Printing Co, 1510 Buchanan Golden State Printing Co, 42 2d Goodman, Sam, 437 Sacramento Gregory, E L, 140 Clay Griffith, E B, 545 Valencia Guedet Printing Co, 344 Kearny Guide, The, 215 Leidesdorff Haight, Ralph, 2505 Howard Hali-Gutstadt Co, 567 Mission Halpin Lithograph Co, 442 Sansome Hancock Bros, 25 Jessie Hansen Co, 584 California Hartle, W C, 33 Ellis Hein, John, Co, 210 Drumm Hill, Robt R, 2188 Sutter Houle, A L, Bindery Co, 509 Sansome Hughes Press, 1639 Polk Hyde, Ralph L, Co, 253 Minna Ideal Printing Co, 935 Market Ingrim-Rutledge Co, 413-415 Montgomery International Printing Co, 330 Jackson Japanese American (daily), 650 Ellis Johnck, Beran & Kibbee, 156 2d Johnson-Buchanan Engraving Co, 325 Kearny Johnson, E C, & Co, 1274 Folsom Jones, Frank, 340 Sansome Kennedy-ten Bosch Co, 340 Sansome Keystone Printing Co, 143 2d Kitchen, John, Jr, Co, 67 1st Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial Lafranchi Printing Co, b02 Washington Lane, Stapleton Co, 255 Clay Lange & Borthwick, 761 Sansome Lanson, Lauray & Co (Inc), 534 Jackson Lasky, Israel, 1203 Y-'illmore Latham & Swallow, 243 Front Lehigh, Walter J, 3419 Mission 395 PAPER PRODUCTS Lehmann Printing Co, 181-189 2d Leighton Press, 516 Mission Levison Printing Co, 1540 California Liberty Press, 25 Fremont Liss Press, 2305 Mariposa Livingston, Lafayette, 317 Front Logasa, S, 375 Bush Lynch, Jas T, 3390 18th Mack Printing Co, 460 Turk Majestic Press, 315 Hayes Marier Engraving Co (plate), 420 Market Marnell & Co, 77 4th Marshall, J C, 485 Pine McCallum, G H, Printing Co, 788 Ellis McNeil Bros, 926-928 Fillmore McNicoll, John R, Printing Co, 215 Leidesdorff Merit Press, 641 Mission Miller & Miller, 619 Washington Mitchell, John J, Co, 516 Mission Moir Printing Co, 617 Montgomery Morris & Sheridan, 343 Front Mullany Printing Co, 2107 Howard Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Co, 32 Clay Nash, John Henry (fine book), 340 Sansome National Cardoscope Co, 332 Gough Neal, Stratford & Kerr, 521 Market New World (Japanese daily), 1060 Geary Nicoll, Alex, Printing Co, 45 Ecker Novelty Printing Co, 171 2d Overland Publishing Co, 259 Minna Owl Printing Co, 215 Leidesdorff Pacific Coast Merchant, 423 Sacramento Pacific Novelty Co, 579 Market Pacific Publication Co, 88 1st Palmer Press, 1120 Polk Partridge, Wm M, 560 Mission Patrick & Co, 560 Market Periodical Press Room, 509 Sansome Pernau-Walsh Printing Co, 753 Market Phillips & Van Orden Co, 509 Howard Primo Press, 67 1st Progress Printing Co, 516 Mission Prometheus Publishing Co, 725 Harrison Rae, Jos A, 1185 Church Rayner-Dalheim & Co, (music), 560 Mission Recorder Printing & Publishing Co, 693 Stevenson 396 PAPER PRODUCTS Reuter Bros, 513 Valencia Reynard Press, 133 1st Rice Printing Co, 2140 Sutter Richmond Banner, 320 6th Ave Roesch, Louis, Co, 1886 Mission Rosemont Press, 21 Rosemont Roycroft Press, 461 Bush Rubin Printing Co, 125 5th Samuel Printing Co, 16 Larkin San Francisco Printing Co, 442 Sansome Sanders Printing Co, 443 Pine Schmidt Lithograph Co, 2d and Bryant Scholz, Erickson & Co (music), 521 Howard Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Go, 609 Market Service Press, 372 Bush Shannon-Conmy Printing Co, 509 Sansome Shibley, H L, 460 Turk Shine, W A, 528 Washington Simplex System Co, 136 Pine Slattery, M J, & Co, 717 Market Smith, G C, 1381 Sutter Sokol, 1034 Golden Gate Ave Standard Printing Co, 324 Clay Stockwitz Printing Co, 1760 Geary Sunset Publishing House, 448-470 4th Taylor & Taylor, 404 Mission Telegraph Press, 71 Turk Tobias, S L, & Son, 309 Van Ness Ave Tokai Printing Co, 1816 Post Torres, Jos M, 509 Sansome Union Lithograph Co, 741 Harrison Union Press Printery, 1074 Valencia United Card Shop, 630 Market United Printing Co, 1510 Buchanan Universal Press, 6391 Mission Upham, Isaac, Co, 510 Market Upton Bros & Dalzell, 144 2d Van Cott, W S, & Co, 445 Sacramento Verleger & Gussetti, 558 Front Veteran Press, 1264 Valencia Wagner Printing Co, 1105 Mission Waldorf Card Shop, 648A Market Wale Printing Co, 883 Market Waters, John, & Co, 35 Montgomery Wayside Press, 1071 Mission Wedel, Henry L, 151 Minna 397 PAPER PRODUCTS Weiss, Mark, 628 Montgomery Western Loose Leaf Co, 543 Clay Western Novelty Printing Co, 1406 Divisadero Western Printing Co, 82 2d Wilcox & Co, 320 1st Williams Printing Co, 350 Sansome Wobbers (Inc), 774 Market Wolfe, L G, Co, 134 Fremont Wolff, Louis A, 66 Elgin Park Young China, 881 Clay PRINTING ROTARY GRAVURE Recorder Printing & Publishing Co, 693 Stevenson RAILROAD TICKETS Hancock Eros, 25 Jessie REGISTER ROLLS Donnell Register & Printing Co, 268 Market REGISTERS AUTOGRAPHIC Autographic Register Co, 38 Clementina Pacific Manifolding Book Co, 210 Post ROLLS PLAIN AND PRINTED Donnell Register & Printing Co, 268 Market ROOFING PAPER Paraffine Companies (Inc), 34 1st Pioneer Paper Co, Hearst Bldg RULING PAPER Bowman & Plimley, 343 Front Cardoza, T J, Co, 455 Mission Ingrim-Rutledge Co, 413-415 Montgomery Ingrisch, Louis L, 340 Sansome Keys-Stumm Co. 560 Mission Lovell. Chas W, Jr, 215 Leidesdorff Malloye, F, Co, 265 Bush Wildy, F H, 45 Ecker SANDPAPER California Glue Co, Fairfax Ave and Rankin SEED PACKETS LITHOGRAPHED Galloway Lithographing Co, 523 Folsom 398 PAPER PRODUCTS SERPENTINES National Paper Products Co, 1789 Montgomery SHOW CARDS (See also Posters) Freygang Printing Co, 341-347 Market Vekay Poster Co, 830 Market STATIONERY ENGRAVING (See also Printing) Armbruster Engraving Co, 76 2d Broad, Alfred F, 48 3d Brunt. Walter N, 762-766 Mission Carlisle, A, & Co, 251 Bush English, C C, 583 Market Freygang Printing Co, 341-347 Market Kohnke Printing Co, 568 Clay Mitchell, John J, Co, 516 Mission Morgan, F L, 583 Market Olsen Lithograph Co, 547 Sansome Overland Publishing Co, 257-259 Minna Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co, 609 Market Shreve & Co, 539 Bryant Upham, Isaac, Co, 510 Market Wale Printing Co, 883 Market STENCILS PAPER Magnus, H C, & Co, 237 California STICKERS Hancock Bros, 25 Jessie TABLETS AND PADS Ingrim-Rutledge Co, 413-415 Montgomery Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial Williams Printing Co, 350 Sansome TELEGRAPH CODES Freygang Printing Co, 341-347 Market TICKETS Crocker, H S, Co (Inc), 565 Market Hancock Bros, 25 Jessie 399 PAPER PRODUCTS TICKETS ROLL Hancock Bros, 25 Jessie TISSUE PAPER Crown Willamette Paper Co, 248 Battery TOWELS PAPER National Paper Products Co, 1789 Montgomery VAN DYKE PAPER Dietzgen, Eugene, Co, 18 1st Post, Frederick, Co of Cal, 79 New Montgomery VIEW BOOKS Cardinell-Vincent Co, 577 Market Pacific Novelty Co, 579 Market Weidner, Chas, 319 Grant Ave WRAPPERS BREAD Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial WRAPPERS CANDY Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial WRAPPERS FOIL Gabriel-Meyerfeld Co, 250 Broadway Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial WRAPPERS FRUIT Pacific Folding Box Factory (Inc), 350-370 2d WRAPPERS GLASSINE Gabriel-Meyerfeld Co, 250 Broadway Knight-Counihan Printing Co, 339 Commercial WRAPPERS SOAP Knight-Counihan Printing Co. 339 Commercial WRAPPING PAPER Crown Willamette Paper Co, 248 Battery X-RAY NEGATIVE MOUNTS National Cardoscope Co, 332 Gough 400 RUBBER PRODUCTS APRONS WATERPROOF Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission BALLOONS TOY Union Tire & Rubber Co, 572 Folsom BELTING RUBBER American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission Pioneer Rubber Mills, 68 Sacramento Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison BELTS CONCENTRATOR Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission BELTS CONVEYOR Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison CHIN SUPPORTS Millar, Adele, Co, 345-347 Stockton CLOTHING OILED Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission CLOTHING RUBBER Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission CLOTHING WATERPROOF Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission COATS WATERPROOF Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission DIAPHRAGMS Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison DIPPED GOODS Union Tire & Rubber Co, 572 Folsom 401 RUBBER PRODUCTS DOOR BUFFERS Roberts, Urban H, 830 Market FACE MASKS Millar, Adele, Co, 345-347 Stockton GACKETS MOULDED Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan United States Rubber Co, 300 2d Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison HEELSSHOERUBBER American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market HOSE American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission Pioneer Rubber Mills, 68 Sacramento HOSE DREDGER Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison HOSE MILL American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market HOSE STEAM Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission HOSE SUCTION Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission HOSE WATER Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission MATS AND MATTING RUBBER American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison PACKING RUBBER American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market Garlock Packing Co, 671 Mission Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission 402 R U E B E R PRODUCTS Pioneer Rubber Mills, 68 Sacramento Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan United States Rubber Co, 300 2d Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison PACKINGS GAS Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan PACKINGS OIL Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan PACKINGS RUBBER RING Pacific Coast Rubber & Supply Co, 316 Mission PACKINGS SHEET Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison PACKINGS STEAM Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan PACKINGS VAPOR Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan PACKINGS WATER Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan ROLLERS PRINTERS California Ink Co (Inc), 426 Battery Morrill, Geo H, Co of Cal, 130 Fremont Reed, Geo Russell, Co, 341-345 Clay ROLLERS RUBBER American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market Morrill, Geo H, Co of Cal, 130 Fremont Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison RUBBER CLOTHING Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission RUBBER GOODS MECHANICAL American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission 403 RUBBER PRODUCTS Pioneer Rubber Mills, 68 Sacramento United States Rubber Co, 300 2d Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison RUBBER GOODS MOULDED Pioneer Rubber Mills, 68 Sacramento United States Rubber Co, 300 2d RUBBER MILLS Pioneer Rubber Mills, 68 Sacramento RUBBER STAMPS Bock Ngar Chy Co, 920 Grant Ave Dye, H D, & Co, 133 Kearny Holmes, S O, & Co, 505 Washington Lohmann, W H, 502 Washington Magnus, H C, & Co, 237 California Moise-Klinkner Co, 369 Market Patrick & Co, 560 Market Reininger & Co, 420 Market Tully Rubber Stamp Works, 45 California SQUEEGEES Freeman, June, Mfg Co, 509 6th SYRINGES Repeeter Specialty Mfg Co, 465 Market TIRE COVERS Union Tire & Rubber Co, 572 Folsom TIRE SUNDRIES American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market TIRES AUTO REBUILT Barbich, John A, 3234 16th Calif, H E, Co, 1042 Polk Columbus Vulcanizing & Tire Co, 704 Filbert Superior Tire & Repair Co, 1650 Pine Van Winkle Rubber Works, 3186 Mission White Vulcanizing Works, 252 Hyde 404 RUBBER PRODUCTS TIRES AUTO TRUCK American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market TUBES AIR West Coast Rubber Corp, 33 Dolores TUBES AUTO West Coast Rubber Corp, 33 Dolores TUBING RUBBER American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison VALVES RUBBER American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan United States Rubber Co, 300 2d Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison WASHERS United States Rubber Co, 300 2d Universal Tire & Rubber Co, 938 Harrison WATERPROOF CLOTHING Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission 405 TEXTILE PRODUCTS AIRPLANE HANGARS HenriX-Luebbert Mfg Co >(\nc), 326 Howard APRONS Adler Mfg Co, 985 Golden Gate Ave Benedict, C, Mfg Co, (waterproof), 559 Mission Cohen, Baruch, 883 Market Cowan-Frank Mfg Co, 783 Mission Easton, D A, & Co, 130 Geary Fleischman, M R, & Co, 17 Battery Kaliski & Pinto, 518 Market Kuh Bros, 15 Battery Lee Bros & Co, 837 Stockton Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Quality Garment Shop, 1023 Fillmore Reynolds, G W Co (Inc), 120 Battery Samuel & Co, 154 7th Schradsky & Domb, 583 Market Shapter Mfg Co, 1206 Divisadero Zucker, Fishel, 115 Julian Ave APRONS BENCH Neustadter Bros, 62 1st APRONS BUTCHER Adler Mfg Co, 985 Golden Gate Ave Shapter Mfg Co, 1206 Divisadero APRONS COOKS' AND WAITERS' Neustadter Bros, 62 1st APRONS DRAYMEN'S Neustadter Bros, 62 1st APRONS WATERPROOF Benedict, C, Mfg Co, 559 Mission ARMBANDS Heineman, H M, Sons, 45 Ecker Pacific Coast Suspender Co, 820 Mission Sidley Co, 130 Bush 406 TEXTILE PRODUCTS AUTO TOPS AND TRIMMING A S D Auto Top Co, 1659 Powell Atlas Auto Top Mfg Co, 1619 Pine Auto Body Co, 1690 California Auto Body and Top Works, 832 Ellis . Auto Top Mfg Co, 425 Golden Gate Ave Borman & Dahreke, 1656 Pine Buckeye Mfg Co, 9Z5 Howard California Auto Top Co, 1150 Geary Crown Automobile Painting Co, 1650 Jackson Drews & Rosenthal, 606 Golden Gate Ave Durable Auto Top Mfg Co, 917-925 Golden Gate Ave Gillig Bros, 1298 Post Grady, Mark, 1440 Pine Grave, B, Co, 732-746 Brannan Jamison Auto Top Co, 1528 Franklin Kennedy, E H, 151 Jackson Kertis Bros, 1739 Sacramento Kruse, Frank L, & Co, 724 Golden Gate Ave Larkins & Co, 3700 Geary Lattimore, A E, 1433 Bush Lee, Don, 1000 Van Ness Ave Ludeman, Carl W, 2765 Geary Manegold, Jos, 1386 Sutter Morris & Goldstein, 778 Golden Gate Ave Motor Body Corp, 1116 Post Pacific Auto Top Co, 151 Jackson Pacific Auto Trimming Co, 226 Grove Peters & Co, 1545 Pine Plummer, W A, Mfg Co, 37 Front , Polk Street Auto Top & Paint Shop, 2100 Polk San Francisco Auto Body Co, 380-382 Fulton San Francisco Fender & Radiator Works, 1615 Pine Schudel & Von Atzingen, 438 Valencia Solter, C A, 18-20 Duboce Ave Sterling Auto Top Co, 633 Golden Gate Ave Sturiza & Glunz, 811 Eddy Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave AWNINGS (See also Tents) American Tent & Awning Co, 1284 Mission Carcass, E H, 3750 17th Davis & Walcott, 412 Main McMahon, Ross, 151 Jackson 407 TEXTILE PRODUCTS Olson & Ottesen, 148 Spear Plummer, W A, Mfg Co, 37 Front Prior, John L, Co, 64 Sacramento Simpson & Fisher (Inc), 240 Steuart Sun Tent & Awning Co, 37 Washington BADGES Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission Donaldson Printing & Publishing Co, 543 Clay Mancke, W S, & Co, 830 Market Pasquale, B, Co, 115 Post BAGS CANVAS American Tent & Awning Co (Inc), 1284 Mission McMahon, Ross, 151 Jackson Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina Prior, John L, Co, 64 Sacramento Simpson & Fisher (Inc), 240 Steuart Sun Tent & Awning Co, 37 Washington BAGS COTTON Ames-Harris-Neville Co, 100 Potrero Ave Bemis Bros Bag Co, 1000 Sansome Hyland Bag Co, 243 Sacramento Plummer, W A, Mfg Co, 37 Front BAGS FEED Sun Tent & Awning Co, 37 Washington BAGS FELT Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina BAGS FILTER Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina BAGS JUTE AND BURLAP Ames-Harris-Neville Co, 100 Potrero Ave Bemis Bros Bag Co, 1000 Sansome Golub Bag Co, 1230 Harrison Hyland Bag Co, 243 Sacramento Pacific Bag Co (Inc), 869 Folsom Plummer, W A, Mfg Co, 37 Front Siegel Bag Co, 64 Clay Western Bag Co, 124-130 Main 408 TEXTILE PRODUCTS BAGS SILK (See also Hand Bags) New Leather Goods Co, 760 Market BAGS SLEEPING Spiro Co, 301 Market BAGS WATER Ames-Harris-Ncville Co, 100 Potrero Ave BANDAGE APPLIANCES Roache, Addie B, 391 Sutter BANDS TRANSMISSION Duplex Transmission Bands (Inc), 48 Clay BANNERS Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission Ellery Mfg Co, 583 Market Mancke, W S, & Co, 830 Market Newman Mfg Co, 138 Eddy Pasquale, B, Co, 115 Post Plummer, W A, Mfg Co, (canvas), 37 Front BATHING SUITS Alcone Knitting Mills, 451 Washington Gantner & Mattern Co, 1453 Mission Hood, Edwin, 35 Collingwood Pfister, J J, Knitting Co, 120 Bush Smith, Bartley & Hoffman, 2058 Missior Sunset Knitting Co, 1212 Market BEDDING California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California Cleese, John P, Co, 18th and York Kramer, P, 86 3rd McRoskey & Co (Inc), 2008 Harrison Metropolitan Bedding Mfg Co, 1017 Folsom BELTS SANITARY Sidley Co, 130 Bush BINDING SEAM California Binding Co, 272 Sutter 409 TEXTILE PRODUCTS BLACKBOARD ERASERS Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina BLOOMERS Reynolds, G W, Co (Inc), 120 Battery BLOUSES American Middy Co, 1119 Geary Caro, I W, Skirt Co, 154 Sutter Cowan-Frank Mfg Co, 783 Mission Economy Mfg Co, 77 O'Farrell Elkus Co, 729-733 Mission Lee Bros & Co, 337 Stockton Leibold & Co, 217 Market Livingston Mfg Co, (ladies' silk), 120 Geary Menzin, A S, 133 Kearny Neustadter Bros, (boys' and men's), 62 1st Sachs Mfg Co, (ladies' silk), 149 New Montgomery Weiser, Mendelson & Meyer, 37-39 Battery BRAID Colombat, Henry, 239 Geary BRASSIERES Benedict, C, Mfg Co, 559 Mission BUFFING WHEELS Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina BURIAL ROBES California Casket Co, 959-965 Mission Howe-Jenny Co, 41 Franklin Pacific States Casket Co, 1167 Mission San Francisco Casket Co, 321-35 Valencia BUTTONS AND BUTTONHOLES Aizenberg Embroidery Co, 144 Taylor American Pleating Co, 212 Stockton California Pleating Co, 272 Sutter Colombat, Henry, 239 Geary Fashion Pleating and Embroidery Works, 116-118 Geary New York Hygrade Button Works, 130 Geary Original California Pleating Co, 177 Post Steeles Pleating & Button Co, 222 Ellis Stewarts Pleating & Button Factory, 156 Eddy 410 TEXTILE PRODUCTS CABLES WELL DRILLING Tubbs Cordage Co, 406 Montgomery CANVAS WORK American Tent & Awning Co, 1284 Mission Ames-Harris-Neville Co, 100 Potrero Ave Carcass, D H, 3750 17th Davis & Walcott, 412 Main McMahon, Rose, 151 Jackson Olson & Ottesen, 148 Spear Plummer, W A, Mfg Co, 37 Front Prior, John L, Co, 64 Sacramento Simpson & Fisher (Inc), 240 Steuart Spiro Co, 301 Market Sun Tent & Awning Co, 37 Washington Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission CAPS CLOTH Bikales, Max, 440 Haight Bloom Bros (Inc), 206 Stevenson Bloom, Louis, & Co, 683 Mission California Cap Co, 1961 Mission Coast Hat & Cap Mfg Co, 461 Bush Goldman Bros, 718 Mission Gorman, I, 311 6th Helbing Hat Co, 89 Battery New York Hat & Cap Co, 111 New Montgomery Peters-Bressman Cap Co, 783 Mission Rosen, W, 560 Hayes Stern, Jacob, 206 Fillmore Sunset Hat and Cap Works, 130 2nd United Cap Works, 1471-1473 Eddy Wolf Co, 46-50 Sansome CAPS COOKS' Neustadter Bros, 62 1st CAPS KNIT Gantner & Mattern Co, 1453 Mission Snyder Bros Knitting Mills, 804 Mission CAPS SAFETY Wagner Cap Co, 268 Market 411 TEXTILE PRODUCTS CAPS UNIFORM Bloom Bros (Inc), 206 Stevenson Bloom, Louis, & Co, 683 Mission California Cap Co, 1961 Mission Lehmann, M, 1127 Buchanan Pasquale, B, Co, 115 Post CAPS WAITERS' Cohen, Baruch, 883 Market CARPETS (See also Rugs) Fresno Rug Mfg Co, 1657 Market CASES VANITY SILK High Grade Leather Goods Co, 830 Market CHAIR PADS Pacific Felt* Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina CHILDREN'S WEAR American Import Co, 16 1st American Middy Co, 1119 Geary Baby Shop (Inc), 44 Sansome Bien Bros & Matzger, (coats), 739 Market Kuh Bros, 15 Battery Miller & Macowsky, 32 Battery Pacific Embroidery Co (Inc), 130 Sutter Schradsky & Domb, 583 Market Simon, L & Co, 150 7th Simon, M & S, 86 3rd Steinberg, H, (coats), 783 Mission Weiser, Mendelson & Meyer, 37-39 Battery CHIN SUPPORT Millar, Adele, Co, 345-347 Stockton CLOAKS AND SUITS Diamond Cloak & Suit Mfg Co, 130 Kearny Goldman, H, 251 Post Hinoy Co, 461 Bush Horvitz, L, 142 Sansome Merit Cloak & Suit Co, 153 Kearny Modern Cloak & Suit Co, 985 Market 412 TEXTILE PRODUCTS Nustyle Cloak & Suit Co, 305 Grant Ave Pacific Cloak & Suit Co, 305 Grant Ave Pacific Coast Cloak & Suit Co, 883 Market Star Cloak & Suit Mfg Co, 1072 Valencia Steinberg, H, 783 Mission Unique Cloak & Suit Co, 133 Kearny Western Cloak & Suit Co, 130 Kearny Westmaid Coat and Suit Co (Inc), 942 Market CLOTH BLUE PRINT Post, Frederick, Co, of Cal, 79 New Montgomery CLOTH BROWN PRINT Post, Frederick, Co, of Cal, 79 New Montgomery CLOTH BURLAP California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California CLOTH COTTON California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California CLOTH DUST PREPARED Lacko Specialty Co (Inc), 1415 Folsom Super-Glos Mfg Co, 1091 Mission CLOTH GUMMED Hancock Bros, 25 Jessie CLOTH POLISHING Hockwald Chemical Co, 531 Howard Super-Glos Mfg Co, 1091 Mission CLOTH WINDOW SHADE California Shade Cloth Co, 2183 Bryant CLOTHING ATHLETIC Leibold & Co, 217 Market Spalding, A G, & Bros Mfg Co, 438 9th CLOTHING BOYS' Straus, Louis, 11 Battery CLOTH I NG CORDU ROY Neustadter Bros, 62 1st 413 TEXTILE PRODUCTS CLOTHING DUCK Easton, D A, & Co, 130 Geary White Duck Clothing Mfg Co, 142 Sansome CLOTHING KHAKI American Middy Co, 1119 Geary Easton, D A, & Co, 130 Geary Leibold & Co, 217 Market Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Samuel & Co, 154 7th Strauss, Levi & Co, 98 Battery Western-Made Clothing Co, 909 Golden Gate Ave CLOTHING MEN'S Alexander, Harry, (pants, vests), 518 Market Breit, Philip, (pants), 3 City Hall Ave Buffalo Woolen Co, 350 Market Crown Shirt Factory, (work pants), 740 Mission Easton, D A, & Co, 130 Geary Elkus Co, (pants), 729-733 Mission Erbe Uniform Mfg Co, 883 Market Everwear Mfg Co, (pants), 57 Battery Goldstone Bros, (work), 323 Market Growall, W L, Co, 704 Market Harris, Z H, (pants), 592 Market Heppner, Henry J, (cut-trim), 883 Market Hinoy Co, 461 Bush Jones & Smith, (vests), 693 Mission Larned Carter & Co, (work), 253 8th Leibold & Co, 217 Market Lewis & Brown, 518 Market Liff & Berkowitz, (pants), 935 Market Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Samter, L, & Sons, (waistcoats), 122 Battery Samuel & Co, (khaki), 154 7th Scharlin Bros, (Chinese garments), 937 Grant Ave Selig Bros, 518 Market Shipper, Solomon, (coats), 935 Market Silverblatt, Samuel, (coats), 789 Mission Sporny & Luckasczewski, (coats), 518 Market Stiegeler Bros, 732 Market Straus, Louis, 11 Battery Strauss, Levi & Co, 98 Battery Superior Tailoring Co, (cut-trim), 243 Kearny Tomasso, T, (pants), 58 2nd 414 TEXTILE PRODUCTS Totoro, Tony, Co, 206 Stevenson Western-Made Clothing Co, S09 Golden Gate Ave White Duck Clothing Mfg Co, (duck), 142 Sansome Williams & Berg Co, 110 Sutter Worst & Viniss, (coats), 243 Kearny CLOTHING OUTING Leibold & Co, 217 Market Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Spalding, A G, & Bros, Mfg Co, 438 9th Western-Made Clothing Co, 909 Golden Gate Ave CLOTHING SPORTING Leibold & Co, 217 Market Neustadter Bros, 62 1st CLOTHS FILTER California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina CLOTHS SANITARY WIPING California Sanitary Rag Co, 704 Sansome Meagher's, Jas, Sons, 1611-1627 San Bruno Ave National Sanitary Rag Co, 540 8th Sibbett, W R, Jr, 239 Daggett COATS See also Clothing COATS AUTO Shapter Mfg Co, 1206 Divisadero COATS BAR Neustadter Bros, 62 1st COATS ENGINEERS' Neustadter Bros, 62 1st COATS JERSEY Alcone Knitting Mills, 451 Washington 415 TEXTILE PRODUCTS COATS MACKINAW Elkus Co, 729-733 Mission Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Sporny & Lukasczewski, 518 Market COATS SWEATER Gantner & Mattern Co, 1453 Mission Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Pfister, J J, Knitting Co, 120 Bush Snyder Bros Knitting Mills, 804 Mission CORD Meagher's, Jas, Sons, 1611-1627 San Bruno Ave Tubbs Cordage Co, 406 Montgomery CORD AND FRINGE Colombat, Henry, 239 Geary Pacific Fringe Co, 334 Sutter COSTUMES Coast Costume Co, 1035 Market Goldstein & Co, 883 Market COTTON BATTING California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California COTTON PRODUCTS California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California COVERS AUTO SEAT (See also Auto Tops) Atlas Auto Top Mfg Co, 1619 Pine Auto Top Mfg Co, 425 Golden Gate Ave California Auto Top Co, 1150 Geary Crown Automobile Painting Co (Inc), 1650 Jackson Drews & Rosenthal, 606 Golden Gate Ave Durable Auto Top Mfg Co, 917-925 Golden Gate Ave Peters & Co, 1545 Pine COVERS BOAT Davis & Walcott, 412 Main Haviside Company, 56 Steuart 416 TEXTILE PRODUCTS COVERS HATCH Davis & Walcott, 412 Main COVERS TRUCK American Tent & Awning Co (Inc), 1284 Mission COVERS WAGON Haviside Company, 56 Steuart CURTAINS Bernhard Mattress Co, 739 Mission California Curtain Mills (Inc), 86 3d Levy Mfg Co, 251 Post CURTAINS AUTO SIDE (See also Auto Tops) Atlas Auto Top Mfg Co, 1619 Pine CURTAINS SCRIM AND LACE California Curtain Mills (Inc), 86 3d CUSHIONS v Carlson Currier Co, (art), 130 Sutter Harder, F H, Mfg Co, 1366-1370 Mission Huber, H H, 100 Church Kramer, P, (art), 86 3d McRoskey & Co (Inc), 2008 Harrison Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, (felt), 18 Clementina Rice, F A, (ship), 1805 Harrison Steamship Upholstery & Supply Co, 405 Duboce Ave DAMASK California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California DESK MATS FELT Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina DRAPERIES (See also Portieres) Beach-Robinson Co, 239 Geary Gunther & Herlitz, 1827 Polk Kreiss, L, & Sons, 401 Sutter McCann, Wm D, 404 Post 417 TEXTILE PRODUCTS Pacific Fringe Co, 334 Sutler San Francisco Window Shade Co, 1670 Eddy Sonnenschein Bros, 470 Sutter Steamship Upholstery & Supply Co, 405 Duboce Ave DRESS SHIELDS Benedict, C, Mfg Co, 559 Mission DRESSES Cohen Dress Co, 130 Kearny Dujardin Co, 305 Grant Ave Economy Mfg' Co, 77 O'Farrell Merit Cloak & Suit Co, 153 Kearny Modern Cloak & Suit Co, 985 Market Newbauer Bros, 130 Sutter Reynolds, G W, Co (Inc), 120 Battery Universal Dress Co, 153 Kearny DRESSES CHILDREN (See also Children's Wear) American Import Co, 16 1st American Middy Co, 1119 Geary Baby Shop (Inc), 44 Sansome Levy, Bob, 301 Sutter Miller & Macowsky, 32 Battery Reynolds, G W, Co, 120 Battery Pacific Embroidery Co (Inc), 130 Sutter DRESSES DOLL Sadler Mfg Co, 86 4th DRESSES HOUSE Doctors & Nurses Outfitting Co, 970 Sutter Kuh Bros, 15 Battery Lee Bros & Co, 837 Stockton Quality Garment Shop, 1023 Fillmore Schradsky & Domb, 583 Market Weiser, Mendelson & Meyer, 37-39 Battery DRESSES SPORT Kaliski & Pinto, 518 Market 418 TEXTILE PRODUCTS DUSTERS Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Shapter Mfg Co, 1206 Divisadero EMBROIDERED GARMENTS American Import Co, 16 1st EMBROIDERY Acme Mfg Co, (letter), 154 Sutter Aizenberg Embroidery Co, 144 Taylor California Pleating Co, 272 Sutter Chic Embroidery Shop, 133 Geary Clayes, Miss, 284 Post Fashion Pleating and Embroidery Works, 116-118 Geary La Parisienne, (hand), 228 Kearny Levy, Bob, 301 Sutter London Embroidery Co, 237 Clementina Mancke, W S, & Co, 830 Market Original California Pleating Co, 177 Post Sanderson, Jas, 409 Duboce Ave Semon Embroidery Co, (regalia), 789 Mission Stewarts Pleating & Button Factory, 156 Eddy ERASERS BLACKBOARD Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina FEATHER WORKS Crescent Feather Co, Alameda and Kansas FELT BUILDING Beaver Board Companies, 351 California Paraffine Companies (Inc), 34 1st FELT ERASERS Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina FELT NOVELTIES Ellery Mfg Co, 583 Market Mancke, W S, & Co, 830 Market Newman Mfg Co, 138 Eddy FELT ROOFING Beaver Board Companies, 351 California 419 TEXTILE PRODUCTS FELT SHEATHING Beaver Board Companies, 351 California FELT WEAR Standard Felt Co, 417 Market FIBRE CORDAGE Meager's, Jas, Sons, 1611-1627 San Bruno Ave Tubbs Cordage Co, 406 Montgomery FLAGS Brunt, Walter N, 762-766 Mission California Decorating Co, 1049-1051 Mission California Flag Mfg Co, 25 Main Capital Decorating & Mfg Co, 350 Hayes Donaldson Printing & Publishing Co, 543 Clay Emerson Mfg Co, 161 Natoma Hendry, Geo W, 27 Main Mancke, W S, & Co, 830 Market McMahon, Ross, 151 Jackson Pasquale, B, Co, 115 Post Plummer, W A, Mfg Co, 37 Front Simpson & Fisher (Inc), 240 Steuart Weeks-Howe-Emerson Co, 90 Market FLANNELETTE WEAR Baby Shop (Inc), 44 Sansome Fleischman, M R, & Co, 17 Battery Friedlander, E, & Sons, 38 Sansome Kaliski & Pinto, 518 Market Reynolds, G W, Co, 120 Battery FLAX PACKING Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, 537 Brannan FLOWERS ARTIFICIAL American Flower Works, 346 Hayes FRAMES HAT BUCKRAM California Hat Co, 973 Market Independent Hat Co, 883 Market McDowell, J A, & Co, 731 Market Standard Ladies' Hat Mfg Co, 731 Market 420 TEXTILE PRODUCTS FRINGE AND BRAID Colombat, Henry, 239 Geary Pacific Fringe Co, 334 Sutter FUR DRESSING Schroeder, H, 117 Day FURRIERS Alaska Fur Co, 1121 Fillmore Argo, Frank W, 470 Ellis Benioff Brothers, 742 Market Berwin, Charles, 440 Powell Bruckner, P, 127 Stockton Damner Brothers, 207 Powell Domnitz, I (Inc), 259 Geary Evans, E J, 126 Post Foldesey, George, 531 16th Gassner, Louis (Inc), 112 Geary Hoffman, Frank, & Co, 124 Geary Hudson Bay Fur Co, 222 Powell Kreiss & Fialer, 760 Market Lebowitz, B, 12 Geary Lieb & Weisinger, 760 Market Liebes, H, & Co, 167-177 Post Morris, Robt, 239 Geary Nessier, Wm, 101 Post New York Fur Co, 9 Stockton Orgler, S, 251 Kearny Pinkus, Wm, 133 Geary Polar Fur Co, 760 Market Polk Fur Shop, 1234 Polk Presley & Co, 166 Geary Roberts, M, & Co, 259 Geary San Francisco Fur Co, 760 Market Schroeder, H, Fur Dresser & Dyer, 117 Day Scollin, J C, 432 Castro Spengemann & Suhr, 25 Stockton Wallace, Robt, 146 Geary Walley, E E, 1746 Fillmore Yukon Fur Co, 259 Geary GARTERS Heineman, H M, Sons, 45 Ecker Pacific Coast Suspender Co, 820 Mission Sidley Co, 130 Bush 421 TEXTILE PRODUCTS GASKETS FELT Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina GLOVES See Page 166 GOLD AND SILVER STAMPING Monarch Mfg Co, 58 2d GOWNS BUTCHER (See also Aprons) Shapter Mfg Co, 1206 Divisadero GOWNS SURGEONS' Doctors & Nurses Outfitting Co, 970 Sutter Gwin-Flex Stretcher Co, 660 O'Farrell Quality Garment Shop, 1023 Fillmore GREASE RETAINERS Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina HALF SLEEVES Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Pacific Coast Suspender Co, 820 Mission Sidley Co, 130 Bush HAMMOCKS CANVAS American Tent & Awning Co (Inc), 1284 Mission Ames-Harris-Neville Co, 100 Potrero Ave McMahon, Ross, 151 Jackson Simpson & Fisher (Inc), 240 Steuart Sun Tent & Awning Co, 37 Washington , Weeks-Howe-Emerson Co, 90 Market HANGARS HenriX-Luebbert Mfg Co (Inc), 326 Howard HATS AND CAPS Alexander's Hat Works, (remade), 460 Kearny Bikales, Max, 440 Haight Bloom Bros (Inc), 206 Stevenson Bloom, Louis, & Co, 683 Mission California Cap Co, 1961 Mission 422 TEXTILE PRODUCTS Coast Hat & Cap Mfg Co, 461 Bush Eastern Hat Factory, 767 Market Golden West Hat Mfg Co, (felt), 21 City Hall Ave Goldman Bros, 718 Mission New York Hat Works, 447 Ellis New York Hat & Cap Co, 111 New Montgomery O'Rourke, Eubanks Hat Co, (felt), 34-38 Fremont Peters-Bressman Cap Co, 783 Mission Rosen, W, 560 Hayes Stern, Jacob, 206 Fillmore Sunset Hat and Cap Works, 130 2d Union Hat Co, 883 Market United Cap Works, 1471-1473 Eddy Western Hat Mfg Co (Inc), (felt), 1114 Mission Wolf Co, 46-50 Sansome HATS CHILDREN'S California Hat Co, 973 Market Jacob, Andrew A, & Co, 753 Market United Hat Co, 741 Mission HATS CHILDREN'S FELT California Hat Co, 973 Market HATS CHILDREN'S STRAW California Hat Co, 973 Market HATS LADIES' Advance Millinery Co, 833 Market Better Hat Co (Inc), 883 Market Bloom Bros, 206 Stevenson California Hat Co, 973 Market Hodge-Falk Co, 15 Stockton Holm & Nathan, 733 Market Independent Hat Co, 883 Market Jacob, Andrew A, & Co, 753 Market McDowell, J A, & Co, 731 Market Model Hat Co, 883 Market Miiller & Raas Co, 833 Market Pacific Hat Co, 818 Mission Royal Hat Co, 883 Market Simon Millinery Supply Co, 883 Market Standard Ladies' Hat Mfg Co, 731 Market Union Hat Co, 883 Market United Hat Co, 741 Mission Universal Hat Co, 731 Market TEXTILE PRODUCTS HATS LADI ES' FELT California Hat Co, 973 Market HATS LADI ES' STRAW California Hat Co, 973 Market HATS WATERPROOF Goodyear Rubber Co, 539 Mission HAWSERS ROPE Tubbs Cordage Co, 406 Montgomery HEADW EAR CHILDREN'S Bloom Bros, 206 Stevenson Friedlander, E, & Sons, 38 Sansome Hood, Edwin, 65 Collingwood HEADW EAR LADIES' (See also Hats) Bloom Bros, 206 Stevenson HEADW EAR SPORT Bloom Bros (Inc), 206 Stevenson HEADWEAR SAFETY Wagner Cap Co, 268 Market HEMSTITCHING Aizenberg Embroidery Co, 144 Taylor California Pleating Co, 272 Sutter Chic Embroidery Shop, 133 Geary Fashion Pleating and Embroidery Works, 116-118 Geary Original California Pleating Co, 177 Post Sanderson, Jas, 409 Duboce Ave Steeles Pleating & Button Co, 222 Ellis Stewarts Pleating & Button Factory, 156 Eddy HOODS AND TOQUES Pfister, J J, Knitting Co, (infant), 120 Bush HOSE COTTON American Rubber Mfg Co, 417 Market 424 TEXTILE PRODUCTS JACKETS DENIM Neustadter Bros, 62 1st JACKETS SMOKING (See also Robes) Hase, Max, 142 Mason Samter, L, & Sons, 122 Battery JACKETS SPORT Harris, J, 233 Post JACKETS WAITERS' Neustadter Bros, 62 1st JUMPERS Neustadter Bros, 62 1st KIMONOS Clayes, Miss (custom), 284 Post Yoshizawa Co, (custom), 560 Grant Ave KNITTING MILLS Alcone Knitting Mills, 451 Washington Gantner & Mattern Co, 1453 Mission Hood, Edwin, 65 CoJIingwood Pfister, J J, Knitting Co, 120 Bush Smith, Bartley & Hoffman, 2058 Mission Snyder Bros Knitting Mills, 804 Mission Spalding, A G, & Bros, Mfg Co, 438 9th Sunset Knitting Co, 1212 Market LABELS CLOTH Hancock Bros, 25 Jessie LEGGINS (See also Page 171) Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market Ellery Mfg Co, 583 Market Leibold & Co, 217 Market Western Mfg Co, 617 Mission 425 TEXTILE PRODUCTS LINGERIE (See also Underwear) American Import Co, 16 1st Lee Bros & Co, 837 Stockton Newbauer Bros, 130 Sutter Pacific Embroidery Co (Inc), 130 Sutter Rioseco's Waist Mfg Co, 305 Grant Ave Simons, Ben, 77 O'Farrell Smoot Mfg Co, 783 Mission Stein Mfg Co, 733 Market Struck, Rudolph, Co, 149 New Montgomery LININGS CASKET AND COFFIN California Casket Co, 959-965 Mission Howe-Jenny Co, 41 Franklin San Francisco Casket Co, 321-335 Valencia LININGS DRESS Benedict, C, Mfg Co, 559 Mission LININGS HAT Simon-Levy Co, 833 Market LINOLEUM Certain-teed Products Corp, 1 Montgomery MAP MOUNTERS Hutchison, W S, & Sons, 3275 Army Walkup, W B, Co, 612 Natoma MATTRESSES Bernhard Mattress Co, 739 Mission Cleese, John P, Co, 18th and York Crescent Feather Co, Alameda and Kansas Danish-American Mattress Mfg Co, 2074 Market Doyen, C H, 406 Divisadero Hoey, John, & Co, (Inc), 200-228 Vermont Huber, H H, 100 Church Kingstone Bedding Co, 683 Bryant McRoskey & Co (Inc), 2008 Harrison Metropolitan Bedding Mfg Co, 1017 Folsom Milwaukee Furniture Co, 832 Mission Mutual Bedding Mfg Co, 218 Utah New York Bedding & Furn Mfg Co, 1729-1731 15th Occidental Furniture & Bedding Co, 1175 Harrison 426 TEXTILE PRODUCTS O'Rourke, Edw J, 1393 Valencia Simon Mattress Mfg Co, 1900 16th Simone, R, & Co, 728 Vallejo Sorrentino., Vincent, 1024 Pacific Steamship Upholstery & Supply Co, 100 Church Wilson & Jansen, 273 12th MATTRESSES BOX Crescent Feather Co, Alameda and Kansas Simon Mattress Mfg Co, 1900 16th MATTRESSES STEAMER Huber, H H, 100 Church MIDDIES (See also Children's Wear) American Middy Co, 1119 Geary Kuh Bros, 15 Battery Leibold & Co, 217 Market Samuel & Co, 154 7th Simon, M & S, 86 3d MILLS COTTON California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California MOPS DUSTLESS Lacko Specialty Co (Inc), 1415 Folsom MOPS YACHT Heyman-Weil Co, 720 Mission NAPKINS California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California NECKWEAR KNIT Gantner & Mattern Co, 1453 Mission NECKWEAR LADIES' Bauer Bros & Co, 83-85 1st Gantner & Mattern Co (knit), 1453 Mission Godde-Bedin Co, 833 Market Livingston Mfg Co, 130 Geary Nelson, J J, 864 Mission Newbauer Bros, 130 Sutter Smoot Mfg Co, 783 Mission Stein Mfg Co, 733 Market 427 TEXTILE PRODUCTS NECKWEAR MEN'S Cohen & Gerson, 15 Battery Gantner & Mattern Co (knit), 1453 Mission Heger, D C, 116-118 Kearny Heineman, H M, Sons, 45 Ecker Levine, B M, 312 Kearny Rivers Shirt Co, 116 Kearny Samter, L, & Sons, 122 Battery NETS AND SEINES Weeks-Howe-Emerson Co, 90 Market NETS TENNIS Weeks-Howe-Emerson Co, 90 Market NIGHTGOWNS Bauer Bros & Co, 83-85 1st Elkus Co, The, 729-733 Mission Fleischman, M R, & Co, 17 Battery Hong Hop Co, 905 Washington Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Newbauer Bros, 130 Sutter NIGHTSHIRTS Eagleson-Hawkins Co, 1118 Market Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Ulman, Victor R, & Co, 515 Market NOVELTIES SILK Mancke, W S, & Co, 830 Market New Leather Goods Co, 760 Market Thumler & Rutherford, 117 Grant Ave ORNAMENTS DRESS Colombat, Henry, 239 Geary OVERALLS Carhartt Cotton Mills, 909 Golden Gate Ave Eloesser-Heynemann Co, 77-87 Battery Elkus Co, 729-733 Mission Everwear Mfg Co, 57 Battery George Bros & Co, 644 Washington Goldstone Bros, 927 Golden Gate Ave Kuh Bros, (women's), 15 Battery 428 TEXTILE PRODUCTS Larned Carter & Co, 253 8th Moore, Walton N, Dry Goods Co, 7-33 Front Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Strauss, Levi & Co, 98 Battery OVERCOATS Lewis & Brown, 518 Market Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Straus, Louis, 11 Battery OVERCOATS BOYS' Western Cloak & Suit Co, 130 Kearny OVERSHIRTS AND NEGLIGEE Neustadter Bros, 62 1st OVERSLEEVES Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Pacific Coast Suspender Co, 820 Mission Sidley Co, 130 Bush PADS TYPEWRITER Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina PAJAMAS Crown Shirt Factory, 740 Mission Eagleson-Hawkins Co, 1118 Market Elkus Co, 729-733 Mission Hase, Max, 142 Mason Heger, D C, 116-118 Kearny Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Pinto, E, & Co, 830 Market Ulman, Victor R, & Co, 515 Market PANTS (See also Clothing) Elkus Co, 729-733 Mission Eloesser-Heynemann Co, 77-87 Battery Goldstone Bros, 927 Golden Gate Ave Larned Carter Co, 257 8th Straus, Louis, 11 Battery Strauss, Levi, & Co, 98 Battery Western-Made Clothing Co, 909 Golden Gate Ave 429 TEXTILE PRODUCTS PANTS CORDUROY Neustadter Bros, 62 1st PANTS DUCK Neustadter Bros, 62 1st PANTS KHAKI Neustadter Bros, 62 1st PANTS MACKINAW Neustadter Bros, 62 1st PARASOLS Barr, Mrs. F, Co, 3030 Washington PASSEMENTERIES (See also Ornaments) Colombat, Henry, 239 Geary PENNANTS (See also Flags) Capital Decorating & Mfg Co, 350 Hayes Ellery Mfg Co, 583 Market Emerson Mfg Co, 161 Natoma Mancke, W S, & Co, 830 Market Newman Mfg Co, 138 Eddy Pasquale, B, Co, 115 Post Plummer, W A, Mfg Co, (canvas), 37 Front PETTICOATS Rosenthal, S, 518 Market PIANO HAMMERS Standard Felt Co, 417 Market PILLOW TOPS (See also Cushions) Carlson Currier Co, 130 Sutter Ellery Mfg Co, 583 Market Mancke, W S, & Co, 830 Market Newman Mfg Co, 138 Eddy Sanderson, Jas, 409 Duboce Ave TEXTILE PRODUCTS PILLOWS Bernhard Mattress Co, 739 Mission Crescent Feather Co, Alameda and Kansas Kramer, P, 86 3rd McRoskey & Co (Inc), 2008 Harrison O'Rourke, Edw J, 1393 Valencia Sunset Feather Co, 850 Howard PLEATING Aizenberg Embroidery Co, 144 Taylor American Pleating Co, 212 Stockton California Pleating Co, 272 Sutter Chic Embroidery Shop, 133 Geary Fashion Pleating and Embroidery Works, 116 Geary Original California Pleating Co, 177 Post Steeles Pleating & Button Co, 222 Ellis Stewarts Pleating & Button Factory, 156 Eddy POLISHING WHEELS Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina PORTIERES (See also Draperies) San Francisco Rug Works, 929 Larkin PRINTING RIBBON Shine, W A, 528 Washington REGALIA Goldstein & Co, 883 Market Pasquale, B, Co, 115 Post RIBBONS TYPEWRITER Stone Typewriter & Ribbon Mfg Co, 514 Market ROBES BATH Gantner & Mattern Co, (knit), 1453 Mission Samter, L, & Sons, 122 Battery ROBES LOUNGING Gantner & Mattern Co, (knit), 1453 Mission Hase, Max, 142 Mason Heger, D C, 116-118 Kearny 431 TEXTILE PRODUCTS ROMPERS American Import Co, 16 1st Baby Shop (Inc), 44 Sansome Miller & Macowsky, 32 Battery Schradsky & Domb, 583 Market Simon, L & Co, 150 7th Simon, M & S, 86 3rd ROOFING FELT Smith, Robt F, Co, 433 Clementina ROPE Tubbs Cordage Co, 406 Montgomery ROPE YARN Meagher's Jas, Sons, 1611-1627 San Bruno Ave RUGS Blindcraft, 1120 Folsom California Rug Co, 2175 Lombard Fresno Rug Mfg Co, 1657 Market Morris, Herman, 1807 Divisadero Pacific Rug Mfg Co, 1807 Divisadero San Francisco Rug Works, 929 Larkin RUCHING California Pleating Co, 272 Sutter Original California Pleating Co, 177 Post Stewarts Pleating & Button Factory, 156 Eddy SAILS (See also Canvas Goods) Davis & Walcott, 412 Main Haviside Company, 56 Steuart Olson & Ottesen, 148 Spear Prior, John L, Co, 64 Sacramento Simpson & Fisher (Inc), 240 Steuart SANITARY GOODS Benedict, C, Mfg Co, 559 Mission SCARFS KNIT Snyder Bros Knitting Mills, 804 Mission TEXTILE PRODUCTS SCENERY THEATRICAL Capital Decorating & Mfg Co, 350 Hayes Flagg Studios, 935 Market SHADES LAMP California Pleating Co, 272 Sutter Day, Thos, Co, 725 Mission De Voto Lamp Shade Co, 25 Kearny Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy Gump, S & G, Co, 268 Post Model Lamp Shade Co, 1028 Market Western Novelty Co, 995 Market SHADES WINDOW Beutler & Beardmore, 1758 Ellis Callahan, Frank W, 77 O'Farrell Howe & Espeland Shade Co, 552 Valencia Hufschmidt, Chas, 915 McAllister Hulse-Bradford Co, 844 Mission Ingham, R L, 4351 California National Window Shade Co, 244 Eddy Reliable Shade Co, 2079 Mission San Francisco Window Shade Co, 1670 Eddy Sloane, W & J, 216-228 Sutter Sperling, Paul Co, 1184 Treat Ave Uneeda Shade Co, 110 Church Walter, D N & E, Co (Inc), 562 Mission West Coast Window Shade Co, 3248 22nd SH ADI NGS WINDOW California Shade Cloth Co, 2183 Bryant SHEETING HOSPITAL Benedict, C, Mfg Co, 559 Mission SHIP RIGGING (See also Sails) Haviside Company, 56 Steuart SHIRTS Eagleson-Hawkins Co, 1118 Market Easton, D A, & Co, 130 Geary Ekbom, Goepel & Schinkel, 127 Montgomery Elkus Co, 729-733 Mission George Bros & Co, 644 Washington 433 TEXTILE PRODUCTS Growall, W L, Co, 704 Market Hase, Max, 142 Mason Heger, D C, 116-118 Kearny Kent, Thos E, 25 Kearny Moore, Walton N, Dry Goods Co, 7-33 Front Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Pinto, E, & Co, 830 Market Rudee, Jos, 908 Market Schneider, Fred J, 47 Kearny Strauss, Levi & Co, 98 Battery Ulman, Victor R, & Co, 515 Market SHIRTS NIGHT Crown Shirt Factory, 740 Mission Neustadter Bros, 62 1st SHIRTS WORK Crown Shirt Factory, 740 Mission Everwear Mfg Co, 57 Battery Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Sagon, H R, 24 Battery SHOES FELT Standard Felt Co, 417 Market SHOES WOMEN'S SATIN Stearns & Gansel, 340 Sansome SHROUDS BURIAL See Burial Robes SKIRTS LADIES' Diamond Cloak & Suit Mfg Co, 130 Kearny Eloesser-Heynemann Co, 77-87 Battery Harris, J, (sport), 233 Post Horvitz, L, 142 Sansome Weiser, Mendelson & Meyer, 37-39 Battery SLINGS CANVAS Haviside Company, 56 Steuart SLINGS ROPE NET Haviside Company, 56 Steuart 434 TEXTILE PRODUCTS SMOCKS SURGEON Adler Mfg Co, 985 Golden Gate Ave Doctors & Nurses Outfitting Co, 970 Sutter Easton, D A, & Co, 130 Geary Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Weiser, Mendelson & Meyer, 37-39 Battery SPINNERS SILK Belding Bros & Co, 130 Sutter SPORTWEAR Steinberg, H, 783 Mission STAMPED GOODS American Import Co, 16 1st Carlson Currier Co, 130 Sutter STAMPING GOLD AND SILVER Monarch Mfg Co, 58 2nd STRAPS WEBBING Bringham, J C, Co, 317 Market STOCKINGS ELASTIC Berbert, A, & Bro, 436 Powell Chicago Artificial Limb Co, 1093 Mission Menge, H, 327 Kearny Menge's Truss Factory, 2814 Mission SUITS BOYS' (See also Clothing) Miller & Macowsky, 32 Battery Reynolds G W, Co (Inc), 120 Battery SUITS CHILDREN'S (See also Children's Wear) Simon, M & S, 86 3rd SUITS JERSEY (See also Knitting Mills) Alcone Knitting Mills, 451 Washington H SUITS SPORT Universal Dress Co, 153 Kearny 435 TEXTILE PRODUCTS SUSPENDERS Heineman, H M, Sons, 45 Ecker Pacific Coast Suspender Co, 820 Mission SWEATERS Gantner & Mattern Co, 1453 Mission Smith, Bartley & Hoffman, 2058 Mission TAPE SEALING California Binding Co, 272 Sutter TAPE WATERPROOF Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina TARPAULINS American Tent & Awning Co (Inc), 1284 Mission Haviside Company, 56 Steuart HenriX-Luebbert Mfg Co (Inc), 326 Howard Olson & Ottesen, 148 Spear Simpson & Fisher (Inc), 240 Steuart Sun Tent & Awning Co, 37 Washington TASSELS Colombat, Henry, 239 Geary Pacific Fringe Co, 334 Sutter TENTS (See also Canvas Goods) American Tent & Awning Co (Inc), 1284 Mission Ames-Harris-Neville Co, 100 Potrero Ave Davis & Walcott, 412 Main Haviside Company, 56 Steuart HenriX-Luebbert Mfg Co (Inc), 326 Howard McMahon, Ross, 151 Jackson Plummer, W A, Mfg Co, 37 Front Simpson & Fisher (Inc), 240 Steuart Spiro Co, 301 Market Sun Tent & Awning Co, 37 Washington TENTS AUTO HenriX-Luebbert Mfg Co (Inc), 326 Howard THREAD MACHINE TWIST Belding Bros & Co, 130 Sutter TEXTILE PRODUCTS THREAD SILK Belding Bros, & Co, 130 Sutler TIES KNIT Gantner & Mattern Co, 1453 Mission TIGHTS Hood, Edwin, 65 Collingwood TIRES INSIDE Stretchless Inside Tire Co, 618 Golden Gate Ave TOWELS California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California TRIMMINGS DRESS Colombat, Henry, 239 Geary Fashion Pleating and Embroidery Works, 116-118 Geary Pacific Fringe Co, 334 Sutter TWINE California Cotton Mills Co, (cotton), 310 California Tubbs Cordage Co, 406 Montgomery ULSTERS Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Shapter Mfg Co, 1206 Divisadero UMBRELLAS Alexander's Hat Works, 460 Kearny Barr, Mrs F, Co, 3030 Washington California Umbrella Works, 45 O'Farrell UNDERWEAR ATHLETIC Eagleson-Hawkins Co, 1118 Market UNDERWEAR FLANNELETTE (See also Flannelette Wear) Fleischman, M R, & Co, 17 Battery UNDERWEAR KNIT Gantner & Mattern Co, 1453 Mission 437 TEXTILE PRODUCTS UNDERWEAR LADIES' American Import Co, 16 1st Bauer Bros & Co, 83-85 1st Hong Hop Co, 905 Washington Hood, Edwin, 65 Collingwood Lee Bros & Co, 837 Stockton Newbauer Bros, 130 Sutter Pacific Embroidery Co (Inc), 130 Sutter Rioseco's Waist Mfg Co, 305 Grant Ave Rosenthal, S, 518 Market Silberberg, I Harry, 350 Jones Simons, Ben, 77 O'Farrell UNDERWEAR MEN'S Eagleson-Hawkins Co, 1118 Market Hase, Max, 142 Mason Heger, D C, 116-118 Kearny Neustadter Bros, 62 1st Strauss, Levi & Co, 98 Battery UNDERWEAR MUSLIN American Import Co, 16 1st Bauer Bros & Co, 83-85 1st Fleischman, M R, & Co, 17 Battery Lee Bros & Co, 837 Stockton Leong, Harry Y, 891 Sacramento Magnin, I, & Co, Grant Ave and Geary Rosenthal, S, 518 Market Zucker, Fishel, 115 Julian Ave UNIFORMS American Woolen Mills Tailoring Co, 883 Market California Uniform Co, 46 Kearny Doctors & Nurses Outfitting Co, 970 Sutter Easton, D A, & Co, 130 Geary Erbe Uniform Mfg Co, 883 Market Gwin-Flex Stretcher Co, (nurses), 660 O'Farrell Leibold & Co, (navy), 217 Market Pasquale, B, Co, 115 Post UPHOLSTERY Apex Furniture Mfg Co, 171 Erie Bernhard Mattress Co, 739 Mission Danish-American Mattress Mfg Co, 2074 Market Doyen, C H, 406 Divisadero 438 TEXTILE PRODUCTS Gilberd, Fred M, 95 Minna Gunther & Herlitz, 1827 Polk Hagemann, Herman M, & Son, 1529-1533 Pine Harder, F H, Mfg Co, 1366-1370 Mission Huber, H H, 100 Church Hufschmidt, Chas, 915 McAllister Miller, Frank J, 2301 Fillmore Nitsch, O R, 1426 California O'Rourke, Edw J, 1393 Valencia Pacific Fringe Co, 334 Sutler Peters, E S, 1303 Divisadero Peterson, E F, & Co, 1161 Sutter Rice, F A, 1805 Harrison Simone, R, & Co, 728 Vallejo Steamship Upholstery & Supply Co, 100 Church UPHOLSTERY AUTO (See also Auto Tops) A S D Auto Top Co, 1659 Powell Atlas Auto Top Mfg Co, 1619 Pine Auto Top Mfg Co, 425 Golden Gate Ave California Auto Top Co, 1150 Geary Crown Automobile Painting Co, 1650 Jackson Drews & Rosenthal, 606 Golden Gate Ave Durable Auto Top Mfg Co, 917-925 Golden Gate Ave Grady, Mark, 1440 Pine Huber, H H, 100 Church Kruse, Frank L, & Co, 724 Golden Gate Ave Larkins & Co, 3700 Geary Lattimore, A E, 1433 Bush Pacific Auto Trimming Co, 226 Grove VALENCES Art Embroidery Mfg Co, 165 Post VESTS BAR (See also Clothing) Neustadter Bros, 62 1st WAISTCOATS Samter, L, & Sons, 122 Battery WAISTS Bauer Bros & Co, 83-85 1st Farris, A, & Co, 883 Market Hamberger, Henry, 138 O'Farrell Jeanson, E L, 760 Market 439 TEXTILE PRODUCTS Leong, Harry Y, 891 Sacramento Magnin, I, & Co, Grant Ave and Geary Marks, H, (shirt), 228 Grant Ave Maybelle Waist Co, 731-735 Larkin Menzin, A S, 133 Kearny Milady Mfg Co, (silk), 88 1st Mish & Juda, (shirt), 154 Sutter Newbauer Bros, 130 Sutter Pearl Waist Mfg Co, 883 Market Rioseco's Waist Mfg Co, 305 Grant Ave Samuel, Jos, (silk), 783 Mission Stein Mfg Co, 733 Market Struck, Rudolph, Co, (silk), 149 New Montgomery WASHERS FELT Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina WEAVING COTTON California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California WEAVING CURTAIN California Curtain Mills, 86 3rd WEAVING JUTE California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California WEAVING LINEN California Cotton Mills Co, 310 California WEAVING RUGS Blindcraft, 1120 Folsom California Rug Co, 2175 Lombard Fresno Rug Mfg Co, 1657 Market Morris, Herman, 1807 Divisadero San Francisco Rug Works, 929 Larkin Watts, John S, 332 Gough WICKS FELT Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina WOOL CARBONIZED Tryon, E H, Chronicle Bldg 440 TEXTILE PRODUCTS WOOL GREASY Tryon, E H, Chronicle Bldg WOOL SCOURED Pacific Wool Products Co, 681 Market Tryon, E H, Chronicle Bldg WRAPS LADIES' (See also Cloaks and Suits) Steinberg, H, 783 Mission Western Cloak & Suit Co, 130 Kearny YARN ROPE Meagher's Jas, Sons, 1611-1627 San Bruno Ave Tubbs Cordage Co, 406 Montgomery 441 WOOD PRODUCTS ART GOODS (See also Novelties) Courvoisier, E 8, 315 Sutler AUTO BODIES See Bodies AUTO CABS Pacific Body Works (Inc), 331-333 Grove AUTO TOPS SOLID Buckeye Mfg Co, 935 Howard Holmes, H E, & Co, 744-746 Folsom Lee, Don, 1000 Van Ness Ave San Francisco Auto Body Co, 380-382 Fulton Sturiza & Glunz, 811 Eddy BAGS FIBRE MATTING Lastufka Bros & Co, 50 Beale BAND SAWING Display Fixture and Mfg Co, 128 Perry BARRELS Bauer Cooperage Co, 2121 Folsom Bucking, D, & Son, 111-113 Juniper California Barrel Co, 22d and Illinois Carl Cooperage Co, 54 Boardman Place Herbert, Vogel & Mark Co (Inc), 18t*h and Indiana Hogan & Co, 326-328 12th Windeler, Geo, 8th and Hooper Woerner, David, Cooperage Co, 1 14th BARRELS OAK Herbert, Vogel & Mark Co (Inc), 18th and Indiana BARRELS ROOT BEER Automatic Specialty Co, 161 7th . United States Faucet Co, 1155 Mission 442 WOOD PRODUCTS BARRELS SLACK Bauer Cooperage Co, 2121 Folsom BASKETS AND HAMPERS (See also Reed and Rattan) Angelo & Son, 398 Bay Ayscough, Wm H, 3274 24th Basket Shop, 1343 Sutter Blindcraft, 1120 Folsom Bowen, John L, & Sons Co, 216 Duncan Casalegno, John, & Co, 575 Washington Dugoni, Victor, 1418 Stockton Kenyon, S T, 1398 Church Lau, P, 128 Waverly Place MacDonald Mfg Co, 1169 Folsom Morgan, F L, Co (Spanish), 583 Market Pacific Coast Basket Factory, 26 Wilder Pacific Coast Rattan Co (Inc), 9 Jones Reed & Rattan Works, 2107 Geary San Francisco Wicker Works, 1420-1424 Turk Whims, W H, 54 Duboce Ave Zunino, F, 1457 Powell BASKETS BERRY Angelo & Son, 398 Bay Whims, W H, 54 Duboce Ave BASKETS BOTTLE Bowen, John L, & Sons Co, 216 Duncan BASKETS EUCALYPTUS Goodwin, Jas, 526 O'Farrell BASKETS FLOWER Basket Shop, 1343 Sutter BASKETS FRUIT Basket Shop, 1343 Sutter MacDonald Mfg Co, 1169 Folsom Whims, W H, 54 Duboce Ave BASKETS REED AND RATTAN Ayscough, Wm H, 3274 24th Casalegno, John, & Co, 575 Washington San Francisco Association for the Blind, 1120 Folsom Zunino, F, 1457 Powell 443 WOOD PRODUCTS BASKETS SPLINT MARKET Pacific Coast Basket Factory, 26 Wilder Zunino, F, 1457 Powell BASKETS TIN TOP Angelo & Son, 398 Bay BARGES (See also Boats) Schultze & Schultze, 1151 Evans Ave BATTERY SEPARATORS Battery Specialty Co, 607 Bryant Keystone Milling Co, Walbridge near San Bruno Ave See Dro Separator Co, Hearst Bldg BEDS CAMPING (See also Furniture) Simmons Co, 198 Bay BEDS DAVENPORT Continental Furniture Mfg Co, 1636 Bryant Malley-Long Furniture Mfg Co, Alabama and Mariposa BEDS FOLDING Buckeye Mfg Co, 935 Howard BEDS REED AND RATTAN San Francisco Wicker Works, 1420-1424 Turk BEDS WALL American Automatic Lock & Lift Co, 101 Front Marshall & Stearns Co, Phelan Bldg BEE KEEPER SUPPLIES Root, A I, Co, 52 Main BILLIARD TABLES Passow, Chas, & Sons, 568 Eddy BLACKBOARD ERASERS Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina 444 WOOD PRODUCTS BLINDS SLAT California Door Co, 43-45 Main California Mill Co, 645 Bryant BLINDS VENETIAN Jorgensen, C, & Co, 604 Mission BOAT WAYS Reliance Boat & Ways Co, 717 Market BOATS AND BARGES Anderson, Henry P, 850 Innes Ave Kneass, Geo W, 18th and Illinois Munder Bros, 956 Evans Ave Reliance Boat & Ways Co, 717 Market Schultze & Schultze, 1151 Evans Ave Thomsen, H C, 930 Evans Ave Twigg, John, & Sons, 694 Illinois BOATS LIFE (See also Page 182) Kneass, Geo W, 18th and Illinois BODIES AUTO American Auto Body Co, 381 10th American Motor Repair Co, 1381 Post Auto Body Co, 1690 California Auto Body and Top Works, 832 Ellis Bahr Woodworking Co, 1420 Howard Barnett Auto Body Co, 430 Golden Gate Ave Barsotti, A, & Co, 60 Washington Bassi, F P, 911 Van Ness Ave Breeden & Cole, 1245 Market Buchignani, A, & Co, 25 Clark Crowe & Hasselbach, 476 7th Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Gillig Bros, 1298 Post Golden Gate Auto Body Shop, 649-651 Golden Gate Ave Grave, B, Co, 732-746 Brannan Holmes, H E, & Co, 744-746 Folsom International Radiator Co (speedster), 505 Van Ness Ave Judge-Fischer Co, 149 11th Larkins & Co, 3700 Geary Lee, Don, 1000 Van Ness Ave Mehegan, P J, 2335 Pine 445 WOOD PRODUCTS Mendes, M J, 600 Fulton Morris & Goldstein, 778 Golden Gate Ave Murasky, W F, 45-47 Duboce Ave Norrington, Wm, 287 Fell Nugent-Covey Wagon Co, 343 Valencia Pacific Body Works (Inc), 331-333 Grove Peters & Co, 1545 Pine Rosen, C A A, 548 Brannan San Francisco Auto Body Co, 380-382 Fulton Soiter, C A, 18-20 Duboce Ave Sturiza & Glunz, 811 Eddy Thompson Carriage & Auto Works, 3039 Mission Valencia Street Auto Body Works, 736 Valencia Warwick Automotive Industries, 784-796 Golden Gate Ave BODIES AUTO PANEL TOP Grave, B, Co, 732-746 Brannan BODIES AUTO STAGE Holmes, H E, & Co, 744-746 Folsom BODIES AUTO TRUCK Barnett Auto Body Co (Ford), 430 Golden Gate Ave Boling, A R, 633 Stevenson Buchignani, A, & Co, 25 Clark Cunningham, C W, 222 Grove Davis, Norris K, 7th and Harrison Gheffoli, B, & Co, 57 Jackson Grave, B, Co, 732-746 Brannan Holmes, H E, & Co, 744-746 Folsom Lowney, D D, 1297 Harrison Modern Vehicle Co, 437-451 4th Pacific Body Works (Inc), 331-333 Grove Rentschler Bros, 1767 15th Rosen, C A A, 548 Brannan San Francisco Auto Body Co, 380-382 Fulton Sullivan, W V, 565 Folsom Wertsch, Wm, Co, 24 Page BODIES TRAILER Gheffoli, B, & Co, 57 Jackson Holmes, H E, & Co, 744-746 Folsom 446 WOOD PRODUCTS BODIES WAGON (See also Vehicles) Buchignani, A, & Co, 25 Clark Nugent-Covey Wagon Co, 343 Valencia BOOK ENDS Courvoisier, E B, 315 Sutter de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy Manila Frame Co, 1912 Mission Rabjohn & Morcom, 230 Post Vickery, Atkins & Torrey, 550 Sutter BOOK RACKS de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy BOOMS CARGO California Mill Co, 645 Bryant Kneass, Geo W, 18th and Illinois BOWLS BURL WOOD Pioneer California Wood Novelty Works, 1785 and 1876 15th BOWLS FRUIT AND NUT Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy BOX SHOOK California Door Co, 43-45 Main Dorris Lumber and Box Co, 1 Montgomery Lassen Lumber & Box Co, 681 Market Madera Sugar Pine Co, 1 Montgomery Market Box Factory, 610 Front Mercantile Box Co, 318 Market Michigan-California Lumber Co, 74 New Montgomery Pacific Box Factory, 2600 Taylor Pacific Wirebound Box Co, 2665 Jones Pioneer Box Co, 1 Montgomery Red River Lumber Co, 681 Market San Francisco Box Co, 2665 Jones Standard Sox Co, 488 Beale Standard Lumber Co, 1 Montgomery 447 WOOD PRODUCTS BOXES AND CRATES American Box & Drum Co, 639 Front Burns, M A, Mfg Co, 1 Drumm Kruger, M, 200 7th Market Box Factory, 610 Front Mercantile Box Co, 318 Market Pacific Box Factory, 2600 Taylor Pacific Wirebound Box Co, 2665 Jones Standard Box Co, (spruce), 488 Beale Sturdivant & McPherson, 75 Barstow Western Box Co, 844 Folsom BOXES AUTO Schmidt, Carl, 144 8th BOXES BATTERY California Noveity Wooden Box Co, 3552 18th BOXES BERRY Angelo & Son, 398 Bay __ BOXES BOTTLE Bowen, John L, & Sons Co, 216 Duncan BOXES CANDY FANCY California Novelty Wooden Box Co, 3552 18th de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom BOXES CIGAR California Novelty Wooden Box Co (fancy), 3552 18th Korbel Box Factory, 2014 Bryant Pioneer Cigar Box Factory, 41 Plum BOXES FANCY California Novelty Wooden Box Co, 3552 18th de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom BOXES ICE Coast Refrigerator Co, 300 Gough Mowat Refrigerator Co, 25 Oak Grove Thuener, Wm, 2125 Polk Western Butchers' Supply Co, 156-160 4th 448 WOOD PRODUCTS BOXES JEWELRY Muhs Mfg Co, 25 Stockton BOXES KODAK AND CAMERA Hirsch & Kaye, 239 Grant Ave BOXES NOVELTY California Novelty Wooden Box Co, 3552 18th BOXES SALT Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom BOXES SMALL Pioneer Cigar Box Factory, 41 Plum BOXES Wl REBOUND Pacific Wirebound Box Co, 2665 Jones BUCKETS MOP WRINGER Freeman, June, Mfg Co, 509 6th BUFFETS DINING ROOM Oakley Lumber & Mill Co, 1430 Powell BUGGIES DOLL (See also Carriages; also Go-Carts; also Reed) Coulter's Rattan Works, 1141-1151 Sutter Heywood-Wakefield Co, 737 Howard BURL WOOD NOVELTIES Pioneer California Wood Novelty Works, 1785 and 1876 15th BUTTONS SLEEVE Pioneer California Wood Novelty Works, 1785 and 1876 15th CABINETS (See also Millwork) ABC Cabinet Shop, 158 5th Arlie, A, 1527 Pine Arnold & Mabey, 230 5th Art Cabinet Shop, 16 Ritch Bateman, Wm, 1915 Bryant Behm, J, & Co, 141 Oak Braas & Kuhn Co, 1917-1919 Bryant 449 WOOD PRODUCTS Carlson, Frank, 908 O'Farrell de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Dorward, D, & Son, 123 Beale Dreger, E F, Pattern Co, 17 Tehama Edwards, T B, 1333 Jessie Emanuel, L & E (Inc), 1530 Filbert Empire Planing Mill, 750 Bryant Exposition Woodworking Co, 661 Golden Gate Ave Fensky, Geo, & Co, 761 Tehama Fulton, G M, Co, 301 Front Haas Wood & Ivory Works, 64 Clementina Haugerud, Arnt A, 2745 16th Herrings Mill (Inc), 557 Brannan Home Mfg Co, 543-545 Brannan Karp, H, & Son, 711-713 Valencia Kitchen & Son, 33 Oak Grove Ave Koperski, Stanley, 260 San Carlos Ave Kragen, Louis, 661 Golden Gate Ave Larson, Martin, 1921 Mission Lorenz, F A, 182 5th Mission Cabinet Shop, 1211 Valencia Moller & Sons, 520 Jessie Oakley Lumber & Mill Co, 1430 Powell Ostlund & Johnson, 1901 Bryant Ostrowski, Frank S, 1144 Howard Parkes, R W, 3301 26th Passow, Chas, & Sons, 568 Eddy Phipps, Edw, 1432 Hayes Portman, Frank, 1618 Mission Progress Woodworking Co, 2751 16th Reinh.art Lumber & Planing Mill Co, 17th and Kansas San Francisco Show Case Co, 682 McAllister Sandberg & Essmann, 501 4th Schafer, A, Co, 734 Bryant Schemp, J F, & Co, 411 Shotwell Schmid, John, 58 Oak Grove Ave Severin, John, 1480 Broadway South City Lumber & Supply Co, South San Francisco Stevenson Mfg Co, 459 Tehama Stone, J W, 629 Commercial Titt, Fred, 318 Linden Warden Bros, York and Mariposa Weber, C F, & Co, 985 Market Western Fixture & Show Case Co, 716-722 McAllister Western Hardwood Mfg Co, 1034 Golden Gate Ave Western Woodworking Co, 666 Guerrero 450 WOOD PRODUCTS CABINETS BATH ELECTRIC LIGHT Western X-Ray & Equipment Co, 423 Hayes CABINETS FILING Nicoll & Co, 168 Hooper CABINETS ICE CREAM Coast Refrigerator Co, 300 Gough CABINETS KITCHEN Oakley Lumber & Mill Co, 1430 Powell CABINETS PHONOGRAPH Luchan Mfg Co, 274 Natoma Melodiola Mfg Co, 534 Sutter Passow, Chas, & Sons, 568 Eddy CABINETS REED Luchan Mfg Co, 274 Natoma CAGES BIRD REED Hughes Rattan Co, 155 Valencia CANDLE STICKS ART de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy CANES AND WALKING STICKS Heininger, C P, 681 Guerrero Sutliff, H, 670 Market CARRIAGES BABY (See also Go-Carts) Coulter's Rattan Works, 1141-1151 Sutter Heywood-Wakefield Co, 737 Howard Hughes Rattan Co, 155 Valencia Pacific Coast Rattan Co (Inc), 9 Jones CARVING WOOD See Wood Carving CASES JEWELRY Engdahl & Tranberg, 1026 Treat Ave Muhs Mfg Co, 25 Stockton 451. WOOD PRODUCTS CASES SHOW See Show Cases CASES WALL Pacific Woodworking Co, 239 7th CASKET ORNAMENTS California Wood Carving Co, 140 8th CASKETS AND COFFINS California Casket Co, 959-965 Mission California Undertaking Co, 100 Fillmore Pacific States Casket Co, 1167 Mission San Francisco Casket Co, 321-335 Valencia CASKS Herbert, Vogel & Mark Co (Inc), 18th and Indiana CHAIRS (See also Furniture) Continental Furniture Mfg Co, 1636 Bryant Heywood-Wakefield Co, 737 Howard CHAIRS CANE Coulter's Rattan Works, 1141-1151 Sutter Heywood-Wakefield Co, 737 Howard Coulter's Rattan Works, 1141-1151 Sutter CHAIRS INVALID Eames Company, 55 1st CHAIRS LIVING ROOM Occidental Furniture & Bedding Co, 1175 Harrison CHAIRS REED AND RATTAN Hughes Rattan Co, 155 Valencia San Francisco Wicker Works, 1420-1424 Turk CHAIRS ROCKING Continental Furniture Mfg Co, 1636 Bryant Occidental Furniture & Bedding Co, 1175 Harrison CHAIRS SPECIAL Western Cabinet & Seating Co, 1065 Howard 452- WOOD PRODUCTS CHAIRS THEATRE Heywood-Wakefieid Co, 737 Howard CHAIRS UPHOLSTERED Harder, F H, Mfg Co, 1366-1370 Mission CHECKERBOARDS INLAID Stevenson Mfg Co, 459 Tehama CHESTS CEDAR Stevenson Mfg Co, 459 Tehama COAT HANGERS Beverly Coat Hanger Co, 176 Oak Weiderman & Quitman, 1870 Howard COAT RACKS Woodruff, D W, 860 Howard COFFIN SHELLS Pacific States Casket Co, 1167 Mission COFFINS AND CASKETS California Casket Co, 959-965 Mission California Undertaking Co, 100 Fillmore Pacific States Casket Co, 1167 Mission San Francisco Casket Co, 321-335 Valencia COLLAR STANDS Woodruff, D W, 860 Howard COOPERAGE (See also Barrels) Bauer Cooperage Co, 2121 Folsom Bucking, D, & Son, 111-113 Juniper California Barrel Co, 22d and Illinois Carl Cooperage Co, 54 Boardman Place De Bella, Jack, & Co, 147 Jackson Herbert, Vogel & Mark Co (Inc), 18th and Indiana Hogan & Co, 326-328 12th Levitt Cooperage Co, 1819-1823 15th Western Cooperage Co, 1 14th Windeler, Geo, Co, 8th and Hooper Woerner, David, Cooperage Co, 1 14th 453 WOOD PRODUCTS COOPERAGE MATERIAL ' Herbert, Vogel & Mark Co (Inc), 18th and Indiana CORK FENDERS NETTED Weeks-Howe-Emerson Co, 90 Market CORK GRANULATED Coast Refrigerator Co, 300 Gough CORK INSULATION Coast Refrigerator Co, 300 Gough CORK PIPE COVERING Coast Refrigerator Co, 300 Gough CORK SHEET COMPRESSED Coast Refrigerator Co, 300 Gough CORKS CROWN Western Stopper Co, 2800 20th COUCHES Crescent Feather Co, Alameda and Kansas Metropolitan Bedding Mfg Co, 1017 Folsom Mutual Bedding Mfg Co, 218 Utah Premier Bed & Spring Co, 2401 17th COUCHES BOX Simon Mattress Mfg Co, 1900 16th COUCHES CHESTERFIELD Occidental Furniture & Bedding Co, 1175 Harrison COUCHES DAVENPORT Continental Furniture Mfg Co, 1636 Bryant Malley-Long Furniture Mfg Co, Alabama and Mariposa Occidental Furniture & Bedding Co, 1175 Harrison Sultan, Ernest J, Mfg Co, 460 Bryant COUCHES REED AND RATTAN San Francisco Wicker Works, 1420-1424 Turk COUNTERS REFRIGERATOR Coast Refrigerator Co, 300 Gough Western Butchers' Supply Co, 156-160 4th 454 WOOD PRODUCTS CRIBS BABY San Francisco Wicker Works, 1420-1424 Turk DARNERS Pioneer California Wood Novelty Works, 1785 and 1876 15th DAVENPORTS Continental Furniture Mfg Co, 1636 Bryant Mai ley-Long Furniture Mfg Co, Alabama and Mariposa Sultan, Ernest J, Mfg Co, 460 Bryant Western Cabinet & Seating Co, 1065 Howard DESK NOVELTIES ABC Cabinet Shop, 158 5th DESKS National Woodworking Co, 68 Belcher Stone, J W (flat top), 629 Commercial Weber, C F, & Co, 985 Market DIRECTORIES OFFICE BUILDING Building Directory Co, 660 Market DISHES BURL WOOD Pioneer California Wood Novelty Works, 1785 and 1876 15th DISPLAY FORMS (See also Fixtures) Bianchini, Louis, 541 Market Display Fixture and Mfg Co, 128 Perry Kehoe Display Fixture Co, 541 Market Koperski, Stanley, 260 San Carlos Ave Woodruff, D W, 860 Howard DOORS AND SASH (See also Millwork) Acme Planing Mill, 1907 Bryant Anderson Bros Planing Mill & Mfg Co, 2399 Powell California Door Co, 43-45 Main California Mill Co, 645 Bryant Dean Reversible Window Co, 551-555 Brannan Empire Planing Mill, 750 Bryant 455 WOOD PRODUCTS Eureka Sash, Door & Molding Mills, 1715 Mission Fulton, G M, Co, 301 Front Hart & Burmeister, 1068 Brannan Karp, H, & Son, 711-713 Valencia Kruse, H H, 23d and Folsom Oakley Lumber & Mill Co, 1430 Powell Parkes, R W, 3301 26th Red River Lumber Co, 681 Market Redwood Mfrs Co, 582 Market Reinhart Lumber & Planing Mill Co, 17th and Kansas South City Lumber & Supply Co, South San Francisco Standard Lumber Co, 1 Montgomery Veyhle & Collins, 547 Brannan DOORS VENEER Davis Hardwood Co, 350 Bay Dieckmann Hardwood Co, 336-3S8 Beach DOWELS California Mill Co, 645 Bryant DRESSERS OAK AND IVORY Western Furniture Mfg Co, 100 Sanchez DRUMS VENEER American Box & Drum Co, 639 Front Angelo & Son, 398 Bay EUCALYPTUS NOVELTIES Goodwin, Jas, 526 O'Farrell EXCELSIOR Angelo & Son, 398 Bay FAUCETS Waas, Henry, Co, 1861 Mission FIXTURES DISPLAY Display Fixture and Mfg Co, 128 Perry Kehoe Display Fixture Co, 541 Market Koperski, Stanley, 260 San Carlos Ave Woodruff, D W, 860 Howard FIXTURES ELECTRIC WOOD Hunt, A T , & Co, 1372 Sutter WOOD PRODUCTS FIXTURES STORE AND OFFICE (See also Millwork) ABC Cabinet Shop, 158 5th Arlie, A, 1527 Pine Bateman, Wm, 1915 Bryant Behm, J, & Co, 141 Oak Braas & Kuhn Co, 1917-1919 Bryant Brandlein, R, & Co, 381 10th Button & Manning, 1308 Harrison California Mill Co, 645 Bryant Carlson, Frank, 908 O'Farrell Display Fixture and Mfg Co, 128 Perry Economy Store & Office Fixture Co, 2344 Market Emanuel, L & E (Inc), 1530 Filbert Empire Planing Mill, 750 Bryant Exposition Woodworking Co, 661 Golden Gate Ave Fensky, Geo, & Co, 761 Tehama Fink & Schindler Co, 228 13th Haugerud, Arnt A, 2745 16th Herrings Mill (Inc), 557 Brannan Hersko, S, & Co, 552 McAllister Home Mfg Co, 543-545 Brannan Inlaid Floor Co, 600 Alabama Karp, H, & Son, 711-713 Valencia Kitchen & Son, 33 Oak Grove Ave Kragen, Louis, 661 Golden Gate Ave Larson, Martin, 1921 Mission Modern Show Case Co, 607 McAllister Moller & Sons, 520 Jessie Mullen Mfg Co, 64 Rausch Mutual Woodworking Co, 234 12th National Woodworking Co, 68 Belcher Oakley Lumber & Mill Co, 1430 Powell Ostlund & Johnson, 1901 Bryant Ostrowski, Frank S, 1144 Howard Pacific Woodworking Co, 239 7th Parkes, R W, 3301 26th Passow, Chas, & Sons Co, 568 Eddy Portman, Frank, 1618 Mission San Francisco Show Case Co, 682 McAllister Sandberg & Essmann, 501 4th Schafer, A, Co, 734 Bryant Schemp, J F, & Co, 411 Shotwell Schmid, John, 58 Oak Grove Ave Seid, John, 608 McAllister Standard Woodworking Co, 1675 Mission 457 WOOD PRODUCTS Stone, J W, 629 Commercial Terkeltaub, M, 677 McAllister Warden Bros, York and Mariposa Weber, C F, & Co, 985 Market Western Cabinet & Seating Co, 1065 Howard Western Fixture & Show Case Co, 716-722 McAllister Western Hardwood Mfg Co, 1034 Golden Gate Ave Western Woodworking Co, 666 Guerrero Woodruff, D W, 860 Howard FLOATS PARADE Capital Decorating & Mfg Co, 350 Hayes Flagg Studios, 935 Market FLOORING HARDWOOD Davis Hardwood Co, 350 Bay Dieckmann Hardwood Co, 336-398 Beach Inlaid Floor Co, 600 Alabama Thompson Floor Co, 241-245 Harriet FLOORS INLAID Inlaid Floor Co, 600 Alabama FLOWER STANDS REED Hughes Rattan Co, 155 Valencia FRAMES MIRROR Woodruff, D W, 860 Howard FRAMES PICTURE (See also Page 335) ABC Cabinet Shop, 158 5th Courvoisier, E B, 315 Sutter de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy Gump. S & G, Co, 268 Post Helgesen, Nelson R, 345 Sutter Manila Frame Co, 1912 Mission Martin, A P, 743 Larkin Nicoll & Co, 168 Hooper Pacific Frame Co, 350 Hayes Parmelee Art Co. 1530 Fillmore Pillsbury Picture Co, 501 Geary Rabjohn & Morcom, 230 Post Sanborn, Vail & Co, 557 Market 458 WOOD PRODUCTS Unique Frame Factory, 3124 16th Vail, E G, & Co, 2235 Fillmore Vickery, Atkins & Torrey, 550 Sutter Western Cabinet & Seating Co, 1065 Howard FRAMES TENNIS RACKET Stevenson Mfg Co, 459 Tehama FURNITURE ART de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Laroulandie, Emil, 1743 Sacramento FURNITURE BEDROOM American Furniture Mfg Co (Inc), 1709 Mission Buckeye Mfg Co (folding beds), 935 Howard Friedrichs, H, 2169 Foisom Malley-Long Furniture Mfg Co, Alabama and Mariposa Marshall & Stearns Co (wall beds), Phelan Bldg Peck & Hills Furniture Co, 180 New Montgomery San Francisco Wicker Works, 1420-1424 Turk Western Furniture Mfg Co, 100 Sanchez FURNITURE CANE Continental Furniture Mfg Co, 1636 Bryant FURNITURE CHURCH AND LODGE Emanuel, L & E (Inc), 1530 Filbert Haas Wood & Ivory Works, 64 Clementina FURNITURE COUCHES Crescent Feather Co, Alameda and Kansas Hoey, John, & Co (Inc), 200-228 Vermont FURNITURE DINING ROOM Mutual Woodworking Co, 234 12th Oakley Lumber & Mill Co, 1430 Powell FURNITURE GRASS Art Rattan Works, 475 Sutter FURNITURE HOSPITAL Eames Company, 55 1st Walters Surgical Co, 441 Sutter 459 WOOD PRODUCTS FURNITURE HOUSEHOLD Friedrichs, H, 2169 Folsom Jackson Mfg Co, 1223-1227 Sutter Kitchen & Son, 33 Oak Grove Ave Malley-Long Furniture Mfg Co, Alabama and Mariposa Mutual Woodworking Co, 234 12th New York Bedding & Furniture Mfg Co, 1729-1731 15th Occidental Furniture & Bedding Co, 1175 Harrison Ostrowski, Frank S, 1144 Howard Peterson, P O, 815 Valencia Sultan, Ernest J, Mfg Co, 460 Bryant Western Furniture Mfg Co, 100 Sanchez FURNITURE KITCHEN Friedrichs, H, 2169 Folsom Oakley Lumber & Mill Co (cabinets), 1430 Powell FURNITURE LACQUER Gump, S & G, Co, 268 Post FURNITURE LIBRARY Mullen Mfg Co, 64 Rausch FURNITURE LIVING ROOM Continental Furniture Mfg Co, 1636 Bryant Dieringer Bros Furniture Mfg Co, 380 Brannan Occidental Furniture & Bedding Mfg Co, 1175 Harrison FURNITURE MISSION Sultan, Ernest J, Mfg Co, 460 Bryant FURNITURE NOVELTIES Stevenson Mfg Co, 459 Tehama FURNITURE OVERSTUFFED Continental Furniture Mfg Co, 1636 Bryant Dieringer Bros Furniture Mfg Co, 380 Brannan FURNITURE PARLOR Apex Furniture Mfg Co, 171 Erie New York Bedding & Furniture Mfg Co, 1729-1731 15th FURNITURE PERIOD Alted Furniture Mfg Co, 1222 Sutter Hunt, A T, & Co, 1372 Sutter 460 WOOD PRODUCTS FURNITURE REED (See also Reed and Rattan) Art Craft Reed Works, 2213 Fillmore Art Rattan Works, 475 Sutter Art Reed Mfg Co, 724 McAllister Blindcraft, 1120 Folsom Coulter's Rattan Works, 1141-1151 Sutter Heywood-Wakefield Co, 737 Howard Hughes Rattan Co, 155 Valencia Luchan Mfg Co, 274 Natoma Pacific Coast Rattan Co (Inc), 9 Jones San Francisco Association for the Blind, 1120 Folsom San Francisco Wicker Works, 1420-1424 Turk FURNITURE SCHOOL Heywood-Wakefield Co, 737 Howard FURNITURE SPECIAL ABC Cabinet Shop, 158 5th American Furniture Mfg Co (Inc), 1709 Mission Beach-Robinson Co, 239 Geary Fink & Schindler Co, 228 13th Jackson Mfg Co, 1223-1227 Sutter McCann, Wm D, 404 Post Nicoll, & Co, 168 Hooper Seitz, Chris F, 1215 Geary Sonnenschein Bros, 470 Sutter Woodruff, D W, Co, 360 Howard FURNITURE STEAMSHIP Steamship Upholstery & Supply Co, 100 Church and 405 Duboce Ave FURNITURE TABLES Klopstock Bros, 3320 18th Malley-Long Furniture Mfg Co, Alabama and Mariposa Woodruff, D W, 860 Howard FURNITURE TOY Stevenson Mfg Co, 459 Tehama FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED Beach-Robinson Co, 239 Geary Bullion Mfg Co, 751 Florida Continental Furniture Mfg Co, 1636 Bryant Harder, F H, Mfg Co, 1366-1370 Mission 461 WOOD PRODUCTS Klopstock Bros, 3320 18th Metropolitan Bedding Mfg Co, 1017 Folsom Sultan, Ernest J, Mfg Co, 460 Bryant FURNITURE WHEEL Eames Company, 55 1st FURNITURE WICKER Basket Shop, 1343 Sutter GAMES Stevenson Mfg Co, 459 Tehama GARAGE FRONTS Oakley Lumber & Mill Co, 1430 Powell GASKETS CORK Pacific Felt Cutting & Sewing Co, 18 Clementina GO-CARTS (See also Carriages) Coulter's Rattan Works, 1141-1151 Sutter Heywood-Wakefield Co, 737 Howard GRILLES Inlaid Floor Co, 600 Alabama HAND CARS TOY Bell, Jos D, Howard near 9th HANDLES MOP Freeman, June, Mfg Co, 509 6th HANGERS COAT Beverly Coat Hanger Co, 180 Oak Weiderman & Quitman, 1870 Howard HAT STANDS Woodruff, D W, 860 Howard INSULATION CORK Coast Refrigerator Co, 300 Gough INVALID CHAIRS Eames Company, 55 1st 462 WOOD PRODUCTS IRONING BOARDS Parkes, R W, 3301 26th Reinhart Lumber & Planing Mill Co, 17th and Kansas KEGS (See also Barrels) California Barrel Co, 22d and Illinois Carl Cooperage Co, 54 Boardman Place Herbert, Vogel & Mark Co (Inc), (oak), 18th and Indiana Hogan & Co, 326 12th Woerner, David, Cooperage Co, 1 14th KITS California Barrel Co, 22d and Illinois LADDERS Rae & Adams, 1432 Fillmore LAMP STANDARDS de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy Jackson Mfg Co, 1223-1227 Sutter Manila Frame Co, 1912 Mission Stevenson Mfg Co, 459 Tehama San Francisco Wicker Works, 1420-1424 Turk Woodruff, D W, 860 Howard LAUNCHES (See also Boats) Anderson, Henry P, 850 Innes Ave Kneass, Geo W, 18th and Illinois Reliance Boat & Ways Co, 717 Market LETTERS WOOD California Wood Carving Co, 140 8th McKinnie, Murray, 645 Bryant LIFE PRESERVERS Haviside Company, 56 Steuart Hendry, Geo W, 27 Main LUMBER CIGAR BOX Dieckmann Hardwood Co, 336-398 Beach Pioneer Cigar Box Factory, 41 Plum 463 WOOD PRODUCTS LUMBER HARDWOOD Davis Hardwood Co, 350 Bay Dieckmann Hardwood Co, 336-398 Beach White Bros, 5th and Brannan LUMBER SOFT Albion Lumber Co, 582 Market Hammond Lumber Co, 260 California Holmes Eureka Lumber Co, 681 Market Lassen Lumber & Box Co, 681 Market Madera Sugar Pine Co, 1 Montgomery Michigan-California Lumber Co, 74 New Montgomery National Redwood Co, 24 California Northwestern Redwood Co, 65 Market Standard Lumber Co, 1 Montgomery Union Lumber Co, 620 Market Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co, 5th and Brannan Weed Lumber Co, 1 Montgomery MANTELS Emanuel, L & E (Inc), 1530 Filbert Empire Planing Mill, 750 Bryant MILLWORK (See also Planing Mills) Acme Planing Mill, 1907 Bryant Anderson Bros Planing Mill & Mfg Co, 2399 Powell Arlie, A, 1527 Pine Arnold & Mabey, 230 5th Bateman, Wm, 1915 Bryant Behm, J, & Co, 141 Oak Braas & Kuhn Co, 1917 Bryant Brandlein, R, & Co, 381 10th Button & Manning, 1308 Harrison California Mill Co, 645 Bryant Dorward, D, & Son, 123 Beale Emanuel, L & E (Inc), 1530 Filbert Empire Planing Mill, 750 Bryant Eureka Sash, Door & Molding Mills, 1715 Mission Exposition Woodworking Co, 661 Golden Gate Ave Fensky, Geo, & Co, 761 Tehama Fink & Schindler Co, 218 13th Haas Wood & Ivory Works, 64 Clementina Haase, A, 431 Folsom Hart & Burmeister, 1068 Brannan 404. WOOD PRODUCTS Haugerud, Arnt A, 2745 16th Herrings Mill (Inc), 557 Brannan Holmes Planing Mill Co, 6th and Channel Home Mfg Co, 543-545 Brannan Karp, H, & Son, 711-713 Valencia Kruse, J H, 23d and Folsom Le Gal, Clarence L, 114 Mission Moller & Sons, 520 Jessie Mullen Mfg Co, 64 Rausch Mutual Woodworking Co, 234 12th National Woodworking Co, 68 Belcher Oakley Lumber & Mill Co, 1430 Powell Ostlund & Johnson, 1901 Bryant Ostrander, Danl, 154 Main Pacific Woodworking Co, 239 7th Parkes, R W, 3301 26th Pope & Talbot, 859 3d Portman, Frank, 1618 Mission Progress Woodworking Co, 2751 16th Redwood Mfrs Co, 582 Market Reinhart Lumber & Planing Mill Co, 17th and Kansas San Francisco Show Case Co, 682 McAllister Schafer, A, Co, 734 Bryant Schemp, J F, & Co, 411 Shotwell Schmid, John, 58 Oak Grove Ave South City Lumber & Supply Co, South San Francisco Spencer Street Planing Mill, 50 Spencer Standard Woodworking Co, 1675 Mission Thomson, H S, 3650 Mission Veyhle & Collins, 547 Brannan Western Hardwood Mfg Co, 1034 Golden Gate Ave Windeler, Geo, Co, 8th and Hooper MILLINERY STANDS Woodruff, D W, 860 Howard MILLWRIGHTS Bolander, L Ph, & Son, 942 Bryant Wagner, Jos, Mfg Co, 165-171 Beale MODELS AND PATTERNS Baker, M C, & Son (!nc), 686 Mission California Pattern Works, 896 Folsom Dyer, F G, Brass & Machine Works, 770 Folsom Electric Novelty Works, 533 Mission 465 WOOD PRODUCTS Haas Wood & Ivory Works, 64 Clementina Haase, A, 431 Folsom Katz, Louis, 1753 O'Farrell McKinnie, Murray, 645 Bryant Reed, W H, 33& Folsom Schoenstein, F B, 531 Fulton Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina MOP STICKS Freedman, June, Mfg Co, 509 6th MOULDINGS (See also Millwork; also Planing Mills) Button & Manning, 1308 Harrison California Door Co, 43-45 Main Eureka Sash, Door & Molding Mills, 1715 Mission Hart & Burmeister, 1068 Brannan Oakley Lumber & Mill Co, 1430 Powell Ostrander, Dan, 154 Main Parkes, R W, 3301 26th Red River Lumber Co, 681 Market Veyhle & Collins, 547 Brannan MOULDINGS HARDWOOD Davis Hardwood Co, 350 Bay Dieckmann Hardwood Co, 336-398 Beach NOVELTIES AND SOUVENIRS ABC Cabinet Shop (desk), 158 5th Atkinson, Geo F, 1785 15th Goodwin, Jas (eucalyptus), 526 O'Farrell Heininger, C P, 681 Guerrero Pioneer California Wood Novelty Works, 1785 and 1876 15th Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom ORNAMENTS CASKET (See also Wood Carvers) California Wood Carving Co, 140 8th PAILS California Barrel Co, 22d and Illinois Herbert, Vogel & Mark Co (Inc), 18th and Indiana 466 WOOD PRODUCTS PATTERNS Ajax Foundry Co, 58-60 Clementina Braun, C F, & Co, 604 Mission Burton, Jas, 268 Spear California Pattern Works, 96 Folsom Donaldson & McCullough, 154 Main Dreger, E F, Pattern Co, 17 Tehama Dyer, F G, Brass & Machine Works, 770 Folsom Fazekas, A, 13 Grace Haas Wood & Ivory Works, 64 Clementina Haase, A, 431 Folsom Katz, Louis, 1753 O'Farrell McKinnie, Murray, 645 Bryant McLure Pattern Shop, 387 1st Reed, W H, 336 Folsom Reinhold, D O, 1035 Folsom Schoenstein, F B, 531 Fulton Schwartz, Rudolph T, 1625 California Smith, J C, 22-24 Clementina Thomas & Carlson, 619 Brannan Turnbull & Heuer, 2124 Folsom United Pattern Works, 47 Clementina Wilson & Neff, 311 Harriet PEDESTALS Woodruff D W, 860 Howard PHONOGRAPHS Melodiola Mfg Co, 534 Sutter PHOTOPLAYERS American Photo Player Co, The, 109 Golden Gate Ave PIANO BENCHES Larson, Martin, 1921 Mission PIN CUSHIONS NOVELTY Pioneer California Wood Novelty Works, 1785 and 1876 15th PIPE REDWOOD AND FIR Pacific Tank & Pipe Co, 318 Market 467 WOOD PRODUCTS PIPESSMOKING Grundel, Emil, 2100 Mission Heininger, C P, 681 Guerrero Sutliff, H, 670 Market Wagner, C M, 17 Kearny PLANING MILL PRODUCTS (See also Mill Work) Acme Planing Mill, 1907 Bryant Anderson Bros Planing Mill & Mfg Co, 2399 Powell California Mill Co, 645 Bryant Emanuel, L & E (Inc), 1530 Filbert Empire Planing Mill, 750 Bryant Eureka Sash, Door & Molding Mi'lls, 1715 Mission Hart & Burmeister, 1068 Brannan Herrings Mill (Inc), 557 Brannan Holmes Planing Mill Co, 6th and Channel Kruse, J H, 23d and Folsom Le Gal, Clarence L, 114 Mission National Mill & Lumber Co, 318 Market Oakley Lumber & Mill Co, 1430 Powell Ostrander, Danl, 154 Main Parkes, R W, 3301 26th Pope & Talbot, 859 3d Portman, Frank, 1618 Mission Spencer Street Planing Mill, 50 Spencer Thomson, H S, 3650 Mission Veyhle & Collins, 547 Brannan PLUGS WOODEN California Mill Co, 645 Bryant POLES FLAG Bolander, L Ph, & Son, 942 Bryant California Mill Co, 645 Bryant Empire Planing Mill, 750 Bryant Kneass, Geo W, 18th and Illinois POLES TELEGRAPH National Pole Co, 116 New Montgomery San Francisco Box Co, 2665 Jones Union Lumber Co, 620 Market POLES WAGON Ostrander, Dan, 154 Main 468 WOOD PRODUCTS POLICE CLUBS California Mill Co, 645 Bryant POP GUNS Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom PORTABLE HOUSES AND GARAGES National Mill & Lumber Co, 318 Market REED AND RATTAN WORK Art Reed Mfg Co, 724 McAllister Ayscough, Wm H, 3274 24th Coulter's Rattan Works, 1141-1151 Sutter Hughes Rattan Co, 155 Valencia Luchan Mfg Co, 174 Natoma Pacific Coast Rattan Co (Inc), 9 Jones San Francisco Association for the Blind, 1120 Folsom San Francisco Wicker Works, 1420-1424 Turk Zunino, F, 1457 Powell REELS WIRE Ostrander, Dan, 154 Main REFRIGERATORS (See also Page 291) Coast Refrigerator Co, 300 Gough RINGS NAPKIN Pioneer California Wood Novelty Works, 1785 and 1876 15th ROLLERS BOX AND DOLLY California Mill Co, 645 Bryant Kneass, Geo W, 18th and Illinois ROLLERS HOUSE MOVING California Mill Co, 645 Bryant Kneass, Geo W, 18th and Illinois SAFES KITCHEN Friedrichs, H, 2169 Folsom SANDBLASTING WOOD Sierra Glass Co, 916 Natoma 469 WOOD PRODUCTS SASH AND DOORS (See also Millwork) Acme Planing Mill, 1907 Bryant Anderson Bros Planing Mill & Mfg Co, 2399 Powell California Door Co, 43-45 Main California Mill Co, 645 Bryant Dean Reversible Window Co, 551-555 Brannan Empire Planing Mill, 750 Bryant Eureka Sash, Door & Molding Mills, 1715 Mission Fuiton, G M, Co, 301 Front Hart & Burmeister, 1068 Brannan Karp, H, & Son, 711-713 Valencia Kruse, H H, 23d and Folsom Oakley Lumber & Mill Co, 1430 Powell Parkes, R W, 3301 26th Red River Lumber Co, 681 Market Redwood Mfrs Co, 582 Market South City Lumber & Supply Co, South San Francisco Standard Lumber Co, 1 Montgomery SAWDUST Harms, H & Co, 511 Brannan SCONCES de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Freeman Art Co, 562 Eddy SEATS CHURCH Mullen Mfg Co, 64 Rausch SHAKES Burns, M A, Mfg Co, 1 Drumm Union Lumber Co, 620 Market SHINGLES Burns, M A, Mfg Co, 1 Drumm Holmes Eureka Lumber Co, 681 Market Union Lumber Co, 620 Market SHIP FITTINGS California Mill Co, 645 Bryant SHIP JOINERS California Mill Co, 645 Bryant 470 WOOD PRODUCTS SHOW CASES (See also Page 299) Diamond Patent Show Case Co (Inc), 1617-1619 Mission Exposition Woodworking Co, 661 Golden Gate Ave Hersko, S, & Co, 552 McAllister Karp, H, & Son, 711-713 Valencia Pacific Woodworking Co, 239 7th Royal Show Case Co, 759 McAllister San Francisco Show Case Co, 682 McAllister Schemp, J F, & Co, 411 Shotwell Terkeltaub, M, 677 McAllister Western Fixture & Show Case Co, 716-722 McAllister Western Woodworking Co, 666 Guerrero SIGNS ROAD Novelty Electric Sign Co, 433 Turk SILOS Pacific Tank & Pipe Co, 318 Market SPARS California Mill Co, 645 Bryant Dallerup, Benj, & Son, 146 Steuart Kneass, Geo W, 18th and Illinois SPOOL HOLDERS Pioneer California Wood Novelty Works, 1785 and 1876 15th STAIRS Bailer, John A M, 2710 17th Peirano, L S, 60 13th Phillips, Frank M, 718 Bryant Schafer, A, Co, 734 Bryant STEVEDORE SLINGS California Mill Co, 645 Bryant SUIT CASES MATTING Balkan Trunk & Suit Case Co, 70 Otis California Suit Case Co, 540 Hayes Lastufka Bros & Co, 50 Beale Lichtenstein Bros, 965 Valencia Newman, C, & Co, 614 Kearny Pacific Trunk & Bag Co, 535 Market 471 WOOD PRODUCTS TABLES (See also Furniture) Continental Furniture Mfg Co, 1636 Bryant Woodruff, D W, 860 Howard TABLES BILLIARD Passow, Chas, & Sons, 568 Eddy TABLES CAMPING FOLDING Simmons Co, 198 Bay TABLES DAVENPORT Western Furniture Mfg Co, 100 Sanchez TABLES DINING ROOM Malley-Long Furniture Mfg Co, Alabama and Mariposa TABLES ENGLISH BREAKFAST Stevenson Mfg Co, 459 Tehama TABLES KITCHEN Friedrichs, H, 216S Folsom Ostrowski, Frank S, 1144 Howard TABLES LIBRARY Continental Furniture Mfg Co, 1636 Bryant Western Furniture Mfg Co, 100 Sanchez TABLES REED AND RATTAN Hughes Rattan Co, 155 Valencia San Francisco Wicker Works, 1420-1424 Turk TANKS Carl Cooperage Co, 54 Boardman Place Pacific Tank & Pipe Co, 318 Market Redwood Mfrs Co, 582 Market Windeler, Geo, Co, 8th and Hooper Woerner, David, Cooperage Co, 1 14th TANKS CYANIDE Herbert, Vogel & Mark Co (Inc), 18th and Indiana TANKS OIL Herbert, Vogel & Mark Co (Inc), 18th and Indiana 4.12. WOOD PRODUCTS TANKSWATER Herbert, Vogel & Mark Co (Inc), 18th and Indiana TANKS WINE Herbert, Vogel & Mark Co (Inc), 18th and Indiana TEA WAGONS Western Furniture Mfg Co, 100 Sanchez TEE STANDS Woodruff, D W, 860 Howard TENNIS RACKET FRAMES Stevenson Mfg Co, 459 Tehama TIE PRODUCERS Albion Lumber Co, 582 Market Union Lumber Co, 620 Market TOY FURNITURE Stevenson Mfg Co, 459 Tehama 1 TOY GUNS Universal Toy & Novelty Mfg Co, 824 Folsom TOYS Bell, Jos D, Howard near 9th Stevenson Mfg Co, 459 Tehama TRAYS COIN Fink & Schindler Co, 218 13th TRAYS JEWELRY Engdahl & Tranberg, 1026 Treat Ave Muhs Mfg Co, 25 Stockton TRUNKS (See also Page 317) C & A Trunk Co, 1076 Stockton Continental Trunk Co, 534 Folsom Dugoni, Victor, 1418 Stockton Fleishman Trunk Co, 679-681 Bryant Friedberg-Grunauer Co, 44-48 Fremont Harband, N, Trunk Co, 775 Market 473 WOOD PRODUCTS Henderson, J H, 1769 Howard Hirschfelder & Meaney, 36 Battery Koesel's Trunk Factory, 579 Geary Malm, C A, & Co, 586 Market Newman, C, & Co, 667-669 Sacramento Pacific Luggage Factory, 2600 Taylor Pacific Trunk & Bag Co, 535 Market Shanghai Trunk Mfg Co, 1214 Stockton Star Trunk Factory, 226 Columbus Ave TUBS California Barrel Co, 22d and Illinois TUG BOATS (See also Boats) Reliance Boat & Ways Co, 717 Market TURN TABLESAUTO North Machine Co, 324 Main VEHICLES HORSE DRAWN Holmes, H E, & Co, 744-746 Folsom Kenney Mfg Co, 531 Valencia Marks, Isaac, 948-950 Folsom Mehegan, P J, 2335 Pine VENEERS California Mill Co, 645 Bryant Davis Hardwood Co, 350 Bay Dieckmann, Hardwood Co, 336-398 Beach White Bros, 5th and Brannan WAGONS AND BUGGIES Holmes, H E, & Co, 744-746 Folsom Kenney Mfg Co, 531 Valencia Marks, Isaac, 948-950 Folsom Mehegan, P J, 2335 Pine WAGONS TEA Western Furniture Mfg Co, 100 Sanchez WALLBOARD Beaver Board Companies, 351 California WASHBOARDS Sholin, Chas, 14 Moss Av 474 WOOD PRODUCTS WEDGES California Mill Co, 645 Bryant WHEEL FURNITURE BALL BEARING Eames Company, 55 1st WHEEL WORK Golden Gate Auto Body Shop, 649-651 Golden Gate Ave WHEELS Lansing Co, 338 Brannan WHEELS WATER Pelton Water Wheel Co, The, 19th and Harrison WOOD CARVING Art Cabinet Shop, 16 Ritch Atkinson, Geo F, 1785 15th California Wood Carving Co, 140 8th - de la Pena, L E, & Co, 1245 Geary Gorsuch, T W, 704 Divisadero Gradell, Herman L, 1376 Golden Gate Ave Haas Wood & Ivory Works, 64 Clementina Hunt, A T, & Co, 1372 Sutter Laroulandie, Emil, 1743 Sacramento Lorenz, Frank M, 412 14th McKinnie, Murray, 645 Bryant Pioneer California Wood Novelty Works, 1785 and 1876 15th Schwartz, Rudolph T, 1625 California Wissing, F W, 452 Fulton WOOD TURNING Atkinson, Geo F, 1785 15th Bolander, L Ph, & Son, 942 Bryant California Mill Co, 645 Bryant Display Fixture and Mfg Co, 128 Perry Dorward, D, & Son, 123 Beala Edwards, T B, 1333 Jessie Gorman, J T, 734 Bryant Gradell, Herman L, 1376 Golden Gate Ave Haas Wood & Ivory Works, 64 Clementina Mutual Woodworking Co, 234 12th Pioneer California Wood Novelty Works, 1785 and 1876 15th Waas, Henry, Co, 1881 Mission 47K INDEX , TO COMMODITIES Abalone Shell Work 356 Accelerators 175 Accessories Auto 176 Accessories M usical 364 Accordions 356 Acetic Acid 99 Acetic Lead 114 Acetylene Gas 1 1 1 Acid Resisting Castings 192 Acid Resisting Iron 237 Acid Resisting Solutions 99 Acids 1 00 Adding Machines 261 Advance Coupling-Spark 304 Advertising Machines 261 Advertising Novelties Metal 175 Advertising Novelties M isc 356 Aerial Tramways 315 Agate Bearings 328 Agricultural Implements 175 Agricultural Limestone 340 Air Brakes 186 Air Compressors 198 Air Handling Apparatus 283 Air Heaters 230 Air Pipe 276 Air Seats 304 Air Tanks 309 Air Tubes 405 Air Washers 321 Airplane Engines 211 Airplane Hangars 406 Airplane Tools 313 Airplanes and Parts 175 Airports Ship 175 Albumen 129 Alcohol ....100 Alfalfa Feed and Meal 144 Alimentary Paste 129 Alloys 175 Altars 326 Alum 100 Alumina Sulphate 100 Aluminum 175 Aluminum Auto Pedals 276 Aluminum Castings 192 Aluminum Cigar Holders 233 Aluminum Foot Rests 220 Aluminum Foundries 223 Aluminum Ingots 235 Aluminum Kitchen Ware 242 Aluminum Metal 267 Aluminum Polish 118 Aluminum Specialties 175 Amalgam Plates 279 Amalgamators 176 Ammonia 100 Ammonia Fittings 218 Ampoules 326 Amusement Tickets 379 Anchors 176 Andirons ......176 Angles Steel 176 Animal Charcoal 104 Animal Oil 148 Anodes Copper 176 Anti-Corrosive Paints 375 Anti-Foul ing Paints 376 Apples Evaporated 129 .Apron Plates 279 Aprons 406 Aprons Asbestos 326 Aprons Waterproof 401 Aqua Ammonia ...101 Aquariums 326 Arc Lamps 243 Arch Supports 163 Architectural Sculptural Work..348 Architectural Terra Cotta 326 Armature Winding 176 Armbands 406 Armlets 422 Arm lets Asbestos 326 Arsenic 101 Art Brass and Bronze 187 Art Candlesticks 451 Art Furniture 459 Art Glass 335 Art Glass Lamp Shades 339 Art Glass Mosaics.. 343 Art Glass Sandblasted 336 Art Goods Composition 326 Art Goods Misc 356 Art Metal Fixtures 219 Art Metal Work 176 Art Photos 392 Artificial Flowers Cloth ..420 Artificial Flowers Metal 176 Artificial Flowers Paper 387 Artificial Flowers Porcelain ....362 Artificial Flowers Wax 362 Artificial Limb Knives 242 Artificial Limbs 163 Artificial Plants 367 Artificial Stone 350 Artificial Stone Work 326 Asbestos Aprons 326 Asbestos Armlets 326 Asbestos Board 328 Asbestos Boiler Covering 328 Asbestos Boiler Covers 333 Asbestos Booths 328 Asbestos Cement 330 Asbestos Clothing 332 Asbestos Clutch Rings 332 Asbestos Fibre 334 Asbestos Flooring 334 Asbestos Gaskets 335 Asbestos Gauntlets 335 Asbestos Gloves 337 Asbestos Hats and Caps 338 Asbestos Helmets 338 Asbestos Iron Holders 339 Asbestos Jumpers 339 Asbestos Leggins 339 Asbestos Masks 342 Asbestos Mats 342 Asbestos Metallic Cloth 332 Asbestos Overalls 344 Asbestos Packing 345 Asbestos Paper 345 Asbestos Pipe Covering 345 Asbestos Plastic Flashings 346 Asbestos Products 327 Asbestos Roofing Cement 331 Asbestos Roofing Material 348 Asbestos Screens 348 Asbestos Table Mats 351 Asbestos Tent Shields 351 Asbestos Theatre Curtains 333 Asbestos Tubes 353 Asbestos Wallboard 354 Asbestos Washers 354 Asbestos Wearing Apparel 332 Ash Soda 124 Asparagus Canneries 136 Asphalt Kettles 241 Asphalt Paint 376 Asphaltum 327 Assay Chemicals 104 Athletic Clothing 412 Athletic Cup Protectors 166 Athletic Ear Guards 166 Athletic Head Gears 16 Athletic Leather Goods 16 Athletic Underwear 437 Auto Accessories 17C Auto Axles 17* Auto Bearings 181 Auto Bodies : 44 Auto Boxes 44 Auto Brakes 18( Auto Brass Goods 187 Auto Brushes ., 35i Auto Bumpers 18? Auto Cabs 44S Auto Coats 41 J Auto Curtains 417 Auto Drip Pans 27J Auto Engines 211 Auto Fan Belts 16^ Auto Fenders ... .217 Auto Foot Pedals and Rests 177 Auto Fronts Glass 327 Auto Fuelizers 224 Auto Gloves 166 Auto Hoods 233 Auto Lamps 243 Auto Lapping Machines 261 Auto Lens Grinding 340 Auto Lever Handles 229 Auto Locks [ 247 Auto Lubricants 373 Auto Machinists 249 Auto Mirrors 342 Auto Parts 177 Auto Polish 118 Auto Radiator Heaters 231 Auto Radiators 289 Auto Rims 178 Auto Seat Covers 416 Auto Shock Absorbers 299 Auto Side Wings 349 Auto Signal Devices 300 Auto Soap 123 Auto Springs 304 Auto Stage Bodies 446 Auto Sun Shades 351 Auto Supplies Leather 163 Auto Tanks 309 Auto Tents 436 Auto Timers 178 Auto Tire Carriers 191, 312 Auto Tires 404 Auto Tool Boxes 185 Auto Tools 313 Auto Top Dressing 108 Auto Top Dyes 108 Auto Tops Plate Glass 327 Auto Tops Solid 442 Auto Tops and Trimming 407 Auto Trailers 315 Auto Transmissions 316 Auto Truck Bodies Metal 183 Auto Truck Bodies Wood ..446 Auto Trucks 316 Auto Tubes ......405 Auto Turn Tables 318 Auto Upholstery 439 Auto Visors 353 Auto Wheels .. ....322 Auto Wind Deflectors 354 Auto Windshields 355 Autographic Registers 398 Automatic Card Presses 284 Automatic Elevators 209 Automatic Fire Sprinkler 305 Automatic Gas Machines 263 Automatic Roll Feeders 216 Automobiles 178 Awnings 407 Axles 178 Azimuth Instruments . 235 Babbitt Metal 267 Baby Carriages 451 Baby Cribs 455 Baccilus 101 Bacon 1 50 Bacteria Soil 125 Badges and Seals 179 Badges Ribbon 408 Baggage Tags 307 Bags Burlap and Jute 408 Bags Fibre Matting 442 Bags Hand 163 Bags Paper 379 Bags Striking 163 Bags Traveling 163 Bake Ovens 273 Bakeries 129 Bakers Electric 179 Bakers' Supplies 132 Bakery Equipment 179 Bakery Machinery 251 Baking Enamel 371 Baking Powder 132 Baking Powder Machinery 251 Baking Utensils 318 Baling Presses 284 Ball Bearing Wheel Furniture.... 475 Balloons Toy 401 Balls Mill 179 Bamboo Brooms 357 Band Sawing 442 Band Saws 294 Bandage Appliances 409 Bandiron Hooks 233 Bands Cigar 386 Bands Hat 163 Bands Pipe 179 Bands Transm ission 409 Bands Wrist 164 Bank Books 379 Bank Fixtures 219 Bank Instrument Lubricants 374 Bank Screens 295 Bank Supplies 379 Banks Home Savings 179 Banners 409 Bar Bending 179 Bar Coats 415 Bar Tin , 311 Bar Vests 439 Barber Specialties 101 Barges and Boats 444 Barium Carbonate 101 Barium Chloride 101 Barium Sulphate 101 Barium Tetra Sulphide 101 Barley Rolled 133 Barrel Machinery 251 Barrels 442 Bars 179 Basins Vitreous China 327 Basket Making Machinery 252 Baskets and Hampers 443 Baskets Wire 180 Bath Cabinets Electric Light..451 Bath Robes 431 Bath Salts 121 Bath Spouts 328 Bath Tubs 180 Bath Tubs Infant 317 Bath Waste Covers 347 Bathing Suits 409 Bathroom Supplies Enameled. .180 Bathroom Supplies Vitreous China 328 Bathroom Tile 352 Batteries 1 180 Battery Acid . 99 Battery Boxes 448 Battery Plates 280 Battery Recharging 180 Battery Separators 444 Battery Zinc 325 Batting Cotton 416 Beams 180 Bean Cleaning 133 Bean Cleaning Machinery 252 Bean Milling 151 Bean Milling Machinery 252 Bearing Metal 188 Bearings Agate 328 Bearings Metal 181 Bedroom Furniture 459 Bed Springs 304 Bedding 409 Beds Metal 181 Beds Wood 444 Bee Keeper Supplies 444 Beef Packers 149 Beer Barrels 442 Beer Cereal 133 Beer Root 156 Beeswax 128 Beeswax Candles 359 Beet Pulp '....133 Beet Sugar 158 Bellows ....164 Bells 182 Belt Cement 103 Belt Conveyors 199 Belt Lacing 168 Belt Leather 168 Belting Leather 164 Belting Rubber 401 Beltmakers' Tools 313 Belts Concentrator 401 Belts Conveyor 401 Belts Leather 164 Belts San itary 409 Bench Aprons 406 Benches Piano 467 Bending Machines Tire 265 Bends Pipe 277 Benzine ..: 371 Berry Baskets 443 Berry Box Machines 261 Berry Boxes . 448 Berths Ship 299 Beveling Glass 336 Beverages 133 Billet Turners 318 Billet Turning Machines 261 Billets 182 Billiard Tables 444 Binders Loose Leaf ... ....379 Binding Seam 409 Binnacles 182 Bird Cages Reed 451 Bird Cages Wire 189 Bisulphide Carbon 103 Bitartrate 102 Bits Bridle 182 Bitumin Cooking Plants 200 Bituminous Compounds Paint. .371 Bituminous Compounds Pitch. .332 Bituminous Paint 376 Black Casings 192 Black Powder 120 Blackboard Erasers 410 Blacking Shoe 119 Blacksmith Forgings 221 Blades Shear 182 Blanc Fixe 102 Blank Books 381 Blanks Gear 226 Blanks Nut 272 Blasting Fuses 111 Blasting Powder 120 Blasting Supplies 102 Bleaching Compounds 105 Bl inds Slat 445 Blinds Venetian 445 Blister Copper 200 Block Matches 115 Bloomers ...410 Blouses 410 Blow Pipe 277 Blowers 182 Blue Print Cloth 413 Blue Print Paper 391 Blue Printing 380 Blue Vitriol 102 Bluestone 102 Bluing 102 Board Asbestos 328 Boards Ironing 463 Boat Cove/s 416 Boat Ways 445 Boats and Barges 445 Boats Life Metal 245 Boats Life Wood 445 Boats Tug 474 Bodies Auto Metal 183 Bodies Auto Wood .. ....445 Bodies Trailer 446 Bodies Wagon 447 Boiler Breechings 187 Boiler Compounds 105 Boiler Covering 328 Boiler Covers 333 Boiler Fronts 183 Boiler Plates 280 Boiler Regulators 292 Boiler Stands 183 Boiler Vibrators 320 Boilers 183 Bolt Cutting Machines 261 Bolts 184 Bond Certificates 385 Bone Buttons 359 Bone Meal .149 Bone Novelties 356 Bone Pegs 362 Bone Pleat Raisers 368 Bone Rings 368 Bone Whale 162 Bones 134 Book Covers 166 Book Ends Composition 328 Book Ends Metal 185 Book Ends Wood 447 Book Racks 447 Bookbinding 380 Bookbinding Machinery 252 Bookkeeping Forms 381 Books Blank 381 Books Check 379 Books Law 388 Books Order 381 Books Sales 381 Books View 400 Booms and Billets 182 Booms Cargo 447 Booths Motion Picture 328 Borax 102 Borax Soap 123 Boric Acid 99 Bottle Baskets 443 Bottle Boxes 448 Bottle Brushes 358 Bottle Cappers 185 Bottle Capping Machines 262 Bottle Caps Milk 390 Bottle Stoppers ...185 Bottles 328 Bottling Equipment 185 Bottling Machinery 252 Bowls Metal 185 Bowls Vitreous China 328 Bowls Wood 447 Box Brands 186 Box and Dolly Rollers 469 Box Couches 454 Box Hooks 233 Box Lumber Cigar 463 Box Making Machinery 252 Box Making Machines Paper 262 Box Mattresses 427 Box Nailing Machines 262 Box Shook 447 Box Tops Colored 383 Boxboard 381 Boxes Auto Tool 312 Boxes Jewelry 164 Boxes Knife and Fork 356 Boxes Paper 382 Boxes Safe Deposit 185 Boxes Stuffing 185 Boxes Tool Auto 185 Boxes Wooden 448 Boxing Gloves 167 Boys' Clothing 413 Boys' Overcoats 429 Boys' Suits 435 Braces Surgical ..357 Brackets 185 Braid and Fringe 421 Brake Shoes 299 Brakes Air 186 Brakes Auto 186 Brakes Trailer 315 Branding Presses 284 Brands Box ..186 Brands Burning 186 Brass Beds r 181 Brass Book Ends 185 Brass Bowls 185 Brass Castings 193 Brass Fittings 218 Brass Foundries 223 Brass Goods . ....187 Brass Handles 229 Brass Ingot Metal 267 Brass Pipe Bending 276 Brass Plating 281 Brass Pumps 287 Brass Spinning 269 Brass Stamping 269 Brass Tanks 309 Brass Utensils 318 Brass Weather Strips 321 Brass and Bronze Work 186 Brass Work Art 187 Brassieres 410 Brazing 321 Bread 129 Bread Wrappers 400 Breech ings Boiler 187 Brewing Machinery 252 Brick Bake Ovens 344 Brick Dust 329 Brick Granules 330 Bricks 329 Bridge Floorings 220 Bridges 187 Brief Cases 164 Bristle Brushes 358 Broilers 188 Bronze Back Bearings 181 Bronze Castings 193 Bronze Doors 205 Bronze Handles .....229 Bronze Metal 267 Bronze Plating ... 281 Bronze Spinning 269 Bronze and Brass Work 186 Bronze Work Art 187 Brooms 357 Brown Oxide 117 Brown Print Cloth 413 Brown Print Paper 391 Brushes 358 Brushes Paint Spraying 275 Bucket Elevators 209 Buckets and Pails 466 Buckets Lard 275 Buckets Metal 188 Buckets Mop Wringer 449 Buckram Hat Frames 420 Buffers Door . ....205 Buffets Dining Room 1 449 Buffing Wheels 410 Buggies and Wagons 474 Buggies Baby .'. 451 Buggies Doll ....449 Builders' Hardware 229 Builders' Waterproofing 359 Building Castings 193 Building Directories 205 Building Felt 419 Building Paper 383 Building Stone 351 Building Tile 352 Building Tools 313 Bulgarian Baccilus 101 Bumpers Auto 188 Burial Robes and Shrouds 410 Burl Wood Bowls 447 Burl Wood Dishes 455 Burl Wood Novelties 449 Burlap and Jute Bags 408 Burlap Cloth 413 Burner Equipment Oil 273 Burners Incense ....188-234-330-338 Burners Oil 188 Burning Brands 186 Burs Dental 314 Bushings 189 Butcher Aprons 406 Butcher Gowns 422 Butcher Racks 289 Butter 135 Butter Peanut 135 Button Dies 204 Buttons Bone 359 Buttons Sleeve 449 Buttons and Buttonholes 410 Cabinets Metal ...189 Cabinets Wood 449 Cable Well Drilling 411 Cable Wire 189 Cabs Auto 442 Cages Reed , 451 Cages Wire 1 189 Cake Salt 102 Cakes 131 Calcium Chloride 102 Calculating Devices 359 Calendars . ....383 Caif Leather 168 Camera and Kodak Boxes 449 Camera Parts 359 Cameras 359 Camp Ranges ., 290 Camping Beds 444 Camping Tables Folding 472 Can Dies 204 Can Making Machinery 252 Candelabra 189 Candied Fruit 145 Candied Nuts 153 Candles Beeswax .'. 359 Candles Decorated 360 Cand lesticks Art 451 Candlesticks Composition 330 Candlesticks Metal 189 Candy 135 Candy Box Tops 383 Candy Boxes Fancy Paper 382 Candy Boxes Fancy Wood 448 Candy Kettles 241 Candy Making Machinery 252 Candy Wrappers 400 Cane Chairs 452 Cane Furniture 459 Cane Sugar 158 Cane Syrup 159 Canes and Walking Sticks 451 Canned Tamales 160 Canned Tapioca Desserts 160 Canneries 136 Cannery Crates 202 Canning Equipment 190 Canning Machinery 252 Canning Sinks 349 Cans 190 Cans and Tubes Paper 383 Canvas Bags ,...408 Canvas Buffing Wheels 410 Canvas Hammocks 422 Canvas Polishing Wheels 410 Canvas Slings 434 Canvas Work 411 Cappers Bottle 185 Capping Machines Bottle 262 Caps and Hats 422 Caps Asbestos 338 Caps Cloth 41 1 Caps Explosive 103 Caps Knit 41 1 Caps Milk Bottle 390 Caps Post 283 Caps Uniform 412 Capstans Marine 191 Car Equipment ^ 191 Carbol ic 1 03 Carbon Bisulphide 103 Carbon Dioxide 103 Carbon Tetrachloride 103 Carbonate Barium 101 Carbonate Magnesium 114 Carbonated Beverages 134 Carbonating Apparatus 191 Carbonators Root Beer 191 Carbonic Acid Gas 112 Carbonized Wool 440 Carbons 330 Carburetor Parts 191 Card Holders 191 Card Presses 284 Cardboard 383 Cardboard Mounts 384 Cards 384 Cards Show 399 Cargo Booms 447 Cargo Hooks 233 Cargo Slings Wire 302 Carnival Goods Papier Mache..385 Carnival Goods Plaster 343 Carpenter Aprons 406 Carpenter Tools 313 Carpet Dyeing 361 Carpets 412 Carriages Baby 451 Carriers Tire 191, 312 Cars 191 Cars Hand Toy 462 Cartons 385 Cartridges 103 Carving Ivory 365 Carving Wood 475 Case Hardening 191 Casein 138 Cases Flashlight 191 Cases Jewelry 451 Cases Leather 164 Cases Mailing.... ....386 Cases Matting 47 Cases Show 47 Cases Vanity 41 Cases Wai I 45 Cases Watch 19 Cash Registers 19; Casings Metal 19, Casings Sausage 15 Casket and Coffin Linings 42' Casket Ornaments 46i Caskets and Coffins .' 45i Caskets Metallic 19; Casks 45! Cast Iron Pulleys 28i Cast Zinc Boiler Plates 28' Casting Materials Dental 19; Castings Metal 19; Castings Plaster 34i Catalogues 38! Catgut ....36i Catsup 131 Caustic Potash 10; Caustic Soda 10( Cedar Chests 45! Cells Prison 191 Celluloid Buttons 35! Celluloid Letters ...365 Celluloid Signs 36* Cement 33( Cement Belt 10! Cement Ornaments 34" Cement Paints 37( Cement Trays 35< Centrifugal Pumps 28/ Centrifugal Wringers 32^ Cereal Beverages 13^ Cereal Milling 151 Cereals 13f Certificates 38E Chair Pads 415 Chai rs 452 Chandeliers 196 Channels 196 Chap Leather 17C Charcoal 104 Chassis Mountings 196 Check Book Covers 165 Check Books 386 Checkerboards .. ....453 Cheese 1 38 Chemical Apparatus 196 Chemical Equipment Castings ..193 Chemical Filters 217 Chemical Fire Apparatus 217 Chemical Instruments Glass. 338 Chemical Pigments 118 Chemical Plant Equipment 197 Chemical Sprays _ -125 Chemicals 104 Chemist Cement 330 Chemistry Sinks 349 Cherries Preserved 139 Chesterfield Couches 454 Chests Cedar ....453 Chewing Gum 139 Chicle Products 139 Children's Dresses 418 Children's Hats 423 Children's Headwear 424 Children's Suits 435 Children's Wear 412 Chili Con Carne 137 Chili Con Carne Canned 139 Chilled Iron Castings 193 Chimney Pipe 345 Chimney Pipe Terra Cotta 331 Chimney Tops 197 Chimneys Patent 197 Chin Supports 360 China Clay 331 China Painting and Firing 331 China Products Vitreous 354 Chinese Lanterns 388 Chips Saratoga 156 Chisels 314 Chloride Barium 101 Chloride Calcium 102 Chloride Magnesium 115 Chloride Potash . ..120 Chloride Sodium 125 Chloride Zinc 128 Chlorinated Lime . ...114 Chlorine Products .104 Chlorine Sulphur 104 Chocolate 139 Chocolate Milling Machinery 252 Chrome Iron Ore 344 Chrome Liquors 371 Chrome Ore 331-334 Chromite 331 Church and Lodge Furniture 459 Church Seats 470 Chutes Steel 197 Cider 139 Cider Presses ....: 284 Cigar Bands - 386 Cigar Box Lumber -463 Cigar Boxes 448 Cigar Cases ...165 Cigar Holders Aluminum 197 Cigar Holders Misc 360 Cigar Holders Vitrolite 331 Cigars 139 Cigarette Cases 165 Cigarette Holders Aluminum... .197 Cigarette Holders Misc 360 Cigarette Holders Vitrolite 332 Cigarettes 140 Circular Saws 294 Clamps 197 Claw Bars 179-314 Clay Brick 329 Clay China 331 Clay Fire 332 Clay Modeling 332 Clay Refractories 332 Cleaners' Supplies 108 Cleaners Tube 317 Cleaners Vacuum 318 Cleaning and Dyeing 361 Cleaning Compounds 105 Cleaning Machinery Bean 252 Cleaning Machinery Grain 253 Cloaks and Suits 412 Clock Ornaments ..273 Clocks Watchman 197 Cloth 413 Cloth Asbestos .....332 Clpth Caps - 411 Cloth Flowers 420 Cloth Labels 425 Cloth Metallic 332 Cloth Wire 323 Clothes Brushes 358 Clothes Lines Continuous 197 Clothing 413 Clothing Asbestos 332 Clothing Oiled ....401 Clothing Rubber 401 Clothing Waterproof 401 Cloths 415 Clubs Pol ice 469 Clutch Rings - 332 Coal Furnaces .....224 Coal Oil 371 Coal Ranges 290 Coal Tar Products 332 Coat Hangers 453 Coat Racks 453 Coats ... -415 Coats Leather 165 Coats Waterproof 401 Cocktails Fish 141 Cocoa 141 Cocoanut Desiccated 141 Cocoanut Edible 141 Cocoanut Meal 149 Cocoanut Milling 151 Cocoanut Oil 153 Codes Telegraph 399 Codfish 141 Coffee Machinery 253 Coffee Roasting 141 Coffee Urns 198 Coffin and Casket Linings 426 Coffin Shells 453 Coffins and Caskets 453 Coil Springs 305 Coils 1 98 Coin Machines 262 Coin Trays .....473 Cold Insulation 338 Collapsible Auto Rims 178 Collar Leather 168 Collar Pipe 277 Collar Stands 453 Collars Dog 165 Col I ars H o rse 1 65 Color Plates 280 Colored Inks 113 Colors Meat Preserving 141 Colors Paint 371 Colors Soda Water 141 Combination Cans 190 Combination Ranges 291 Combs Fancy 360 Commercial Ore 344 Common Red Brick 329 Compasses 198 Complexion Powders 120 Composition Art Goods 326 Composition Book Ends 328 Composition Candlesticks 330 Composition Incense Burners. ...330-338 Composition Lamp Standards... .339 Composition Ornaments 344 Composition Picture Frames 335 Composition Plaster Lath 339 Composition Roofing 347 Compounds Acid Resisting 104 Compounds Assaying 105 Compounds Bituminous 105 Compounds Bituminous Paint..371 Compounds Chemical 105 Compounds Cooking 142 Compounds Insulating 332 Compounds Paint Germicide 372 Compounds Pitch 332 Compressed Sheet Cork 454 Compressors Air 198 Computing Devices 360 Computing Instruments 235 Concentrator Belts 401 Concentrators Ore 199 Concrete Machinery 253 Concrete Mixers 271 Concrete Paints 376 Condensed Milk 151 Condensing Apparatus 199 Condiments 142 Conductor Pipe 277 Conduit Pipe 332 Conduit Underground 199 Cones Ice Cream 131 Confectioners 135 Confectioners' Supplies 132 Confetti 386 Console Tables .'. 307 Containers Fibre 386 Containers Postal 392 Containers Welded 199 Continuous Clothes Lines 197 Continuous Presses 284 Contractors' Equipment 199 Contractors' Machinery 253 Contractors' Winches 322 Controllers Electric . 199 Controllers Elevator Door 199 Conveying Machinery 253 Conveyor Belts 401 Conveyor Frames 224 Conveyors 1 99 Cookers Fruit * 200 Cookies 131 Cooking Compounds 142 Cooking Oil 142 Cooking Plants Bitumin 200 Cooking Retorts 292 Cooking Utensils 318 Cooks' and Waiters' Aprons 406 Cooks' Caps 411 Coolers 200 Cooperage 453 Cooperage Material 454 Copper Anodes 176 Copper Bl ister 200 Copper Boilers 184 Copper Book-Ends 185 Copper Bowls 185 Copper Cement 330 Copper Coils 198 Copper Compounds 105 Copper Doors 205 Copper Ingots 235 Copper Kettles 241 Copper Phosphor 200 Copper Pipe 277 Copper Plate Dies 204 Copper Plate Engraving 213 Copper Plating 281 Copper Spinning 269 Copper Stamping 269 Copper Sulphate 106 Copper Tanks 309 Copper Utensils 318 Copper Ware 200 Copper Work 200 Copperas 107 Cord 41 6 Cordage Fibre 420 Corduroy Clothing 413 Core Oils 374 Cores Radiator . ....200 Cork Products 454 Corks Crown 454 Corn Brooms 357 Corn Shields 107 Corned Meat 149 Corn ices 200 Corrugated Culverts 202 Corrugated Paper Products 386 Corrugated Pipe 277 Cosmetics 107 Costumes 41 6 Cottage Cheese 139 Cotton Bags 408 Cotton Batting 416 Cotton Cloth 413 Cotton Hose 424 Cotton Mills 427 Cotton Products 416 Cotton Weaving 440 Cottonseed Oil 153 Cots W i re 201 Couches 454 Couches I ron 201 Counter Tops 353 Counters Magnesite 332 Counters Refrigerator 454 Counters Vitrolite 333 Coupling Bolts 184 Couplings Advance Spark 304 Couplings Flexible 201 Covering Pipe Asbestos 345 Covering Pipe Cork 454 Covers Auto Seat 416 Covers Bath Waste 347 Covers Boiler 333 Covers Book 166 Covers Canvas 416 Covers Check Book 165 Covers Menu 166 Covers Sheet Metal : 201 Covers Tire 404 Cowls Ventilator 201 Crackers 131 Cranes 201 Crank Axles 178 Crank Pumps 287 Crankshaft Grinding 228 Crankshafts 201 Crates and Boxes ... 448 Crates Cannery 202 Cream Evaporated 142 Cream Face 107 Cream Shaving 107 Cream Tartar 107 Creamery Supplies 202 Creamery Tinware 312 Crematory Urns 318 Creosote Oils 116 Cresylic Acid 99 Cribbage Board Pegs 362 Cribs Baby 455 Crochet Silk 427 Crown Corks 454 Crude Arsenic 101 Crude Carbolic 103 Crude Potash 120 Crude Sulphate of Copper 126 Crude Sulphate of Iron 126 Crushed Barley 133 Crushed Brick 329 Crushed Fruit 145 Crushed Granite 338 Crushed Lime Rock 347 Crushed Marble 341 Crushed Oats 153 Crushed Rock 347 Cultured Milk 151 Culvert Pipe 345 Culverts 202 Cup Leather 168 Cup Protectors 166 Curb Bars 179 Curios 360 Curled Hair 363 Curling Iron Heaters 230 Curtain Rods 293 Curtain Weaving 440 Curtains 417 Curtains Asbestos 333 Cushions 417 Cushions Pin Wood Novelty ..467 Cutlery 202 Cutter Heads 202 Cutters Milling 202 Cutting Apparatus 202 Cutting Compounds 105 Cutting Machinery Metal 253 Cutting Machines 262 Cutting Machines Bolt 261 Cutting Machines Pipe 264 Cutting Machines Tin 265 Cutting Machines Veneer 265 Cyanide Pumps 287 Cyanide Tanks 472 Cylinder Grinding 228 Cylinders Elevator 202 Dairy Supplies 202 Dairy Tinware 312 Damask _ < 417 Damp Proof Paints 376 Dampers Fireplace 202 Darners 455 Davenport Beds 444 Davenport Couches 454 Davenport Tables 472 Davenports 455 Davits Life Boat 202 Deck Paints 377 Deck Plugs 282 Decolorizing Agency 105 Decorated Candles 360 Decorations 360 Decorations Plaster 346 Decorations Polychrome 283 Decorative Fire Places 334 Deep Well Pumps 288 Deflectors Wind 354 Dehydrating Plants 202 Denatured Alcohol ..; 100 Denim Jackets 425 Dental Appliances 361 Dental Casting Materials 192 Dental Cement 331 Dental Electric Apparatus 208 Dental Gold 226 Dental Instruments 235 Dental Laboratories .361 Dental Materials 203 Dental Metal 267 Dental Switchboards 306 Dental Tools 314 Dental Wax 370 Dental Wire 323 Dentifrices 1 07 Deodorants 107 Derricks 203 Desiccated Cocoanut 141 Desk Mats Felt 417 Desk Novelties 455 Desk Tops Glass 333 Desks 455 Desserts Canned 1 38 Deviled Chili Meat 149 Diaphragms 401 Die Cast Bearings 181 Die Cutting 203 Dies 203 Diesel Engines 212 Dining Room Buffets 449 Dining Room Furniture 459 Dining Room Tables 472 Dioxide Carbon 103 Dipped Rubber Goods 401 Dips Stock 107 Directories Office Building 455 Dishes Burl Wood 455 Dishes Soap , 333 Disinfectants 107 Dispensers Soap 303 Display Fixtures 456 Display Forms 361, 455 Displays Electric 208 Distillate -....371 Distilling Apparatus 205 Ditching Machinery : 253 Dog Collars 165 Dog Harness 168 Dog Remedies 120 Doll Buggies 449 Doll Dresses 418 Doll Lamps 339 Doll Painting 361 Dolls 333 Dolly and Box Rollers 469 Door Buffers 402 Door Hangers 229 Door Knobs 205 Door Openers 205 Door Rollers 293 Door Screens 295 Door Tracks 315 Doors and Sash 455 Doors Metal 205 Doors Veneer 456 Dough Mixers 271 Doughnut Making Equipment.. ..206 Doughnuts 142 Dowels 456 Drag Saws 294 Dragline Scrapers ....295 Drain Pipe 345 Drain Slabs 350 Drain Tile 352 Drainage Pumps 287 Drainboards _ 206 Drains Shower ....347 Draperies 41 7 Drawing Instruments 363 Draymen's Aprons 406 Dredge Buckets 188 Dredges 207 Dredging Hose 402 Dredging Machinery 253 Dredging Pumps 287 Dress Forms Wire 207 Dress Gloves 167 Dress Linings 426 Dress Ornaments 428 Dress Shields 418 Dress Trimming 437 Dressers 456 Dresses 418 Dressings Chemical 108 Dried Fish ....144 Dried Fruit 145 Dried Grape Juice 147 Dried Vegetables 161 Drilling Cables Well 411 Drilling Glass 333 Drills Dental 314 Drills Mining 207 Drinking Fountains Enameled. .224 Drinking Fountains Vitreous .China 335 Drip Pans Auto 275 Driving Gloves 167 Drop Forge Dies 204 Drop Forgings 221 Druggists' Cartons 385 Drums and Cylinders 207 Drums and Traps 361 Drums Veneer 456 Dry Cell Batteries 180 Dry Chrome Ochre 374 Dry Kilns 241 Dryers Hair Electric 207 Drying Apparatus 207 Drying Machinery Egg 253 Drying Machinery Milk 256 Drying Machinery Salt 259 Duck Clothing 414 Duck Pants 430 Dumbwaiters 207 Dump Bodies 183 Duplicating Inks 113 Dust Brick ' ! 333 Dust Cloth Prepared 413 Dust Marble 333 Dust Separators ,207 Dust Tobacco , 127 Dust Zinc 325 Dusters 419 Dustless Mops 427 Dustproof Screens 295 Dyeing and Cleaning 361 Dyeing Carpet 361 Dyers' Supplies 108 Dyes 108 Dynamite 109 Ear Guards Athletic 166 Earth Pigments 345 Eaves Troughs 207 Ebonol 109 Edible Cocoanut 141 Effervescent Preparations 109 Egg Case Fillers 386 Egg Cases Parcel Post 386 Egg Drying Machinery 253 Egg Preservatives 120 Egg Processing Machines 262 Egg Products 132 Elastic Stockings 435 Electric Apparatus 207 Electric Appliances 208 Electric Appliances Glass 334 Electric Bakers 179 Electric Bath Cabinets 451 Electric Bells 182 Electric Cabinets 189 Electric Coils 198 Electric Controllers 199 Electric Cranes 201 Electric Displays 208 Electric Distributing Devices 208 Electric Dryers 207 Electric Elevators 210 Electric Fittings 218 Electric Fixtures Metal 219 Electric Fixtures Wood 456 Electric Fly Killer 208 Electric Fuse 225 Electric Glue Pots 226 Electric Griddles 227 Electric Heaters 230 Electric Heating Appliances 232 Electric Hoists 232 Electric Incubators 235 Electric Industrial Apparatus. 235 Electric Instruments Glass 338 Electric Instruments Metal ....236 Electric Insulating Compounds.. 332 Electric Lamps 243 Electric Lanterns 244 Electric Light Bath Cabinets 451 Electric Machinery 254 Electric Machines 262 Electric Measuring lnstruments.236 Electric Ovens 274 Electric Panel Boards 275 Electric Pole Line Hardware 229 Electric Radiators 289 Electric Rectifier 209 Electric Sign Letters 245 Electric Sign Machines 262 Electric Signaling Apparatus.... 300 Electric Signs 300 Electric Specialties 209 Electric Steel Castings 194 Electric Switch Boxes 306 Electric Switches 306 Electric Welding 322 Electric Winches 322 Electrical Conduit Pipe 332 Electricians' Tools 314 Electro Medical Apparatus ...267 Electro Plating 281 Electro-Steam Heaters 230 Electro-Steam Kettles 241 Electro-Steam Radiators .289 Electro Sterilizers 306 Electrolyte 109 Electrotyping 209 Elevating Machinery ... ....254 Elevator Cars 191 Elevator Castings 194 Elevator Cylinders 202 Elevator Door Controllers 199 Elevator Enclosures 209 Elevator Equipment 209 Elevator Fixtures 219 Elevator Iron Work: 238 Elevator Machinery 254 Elevator Plungers 283 Elevators 209 Embalmers' Supplies 109 Embalming Fluid 111 Emblematic Cards 384 Emblems 21 1 Embossing 386 Embossing Machines 262 Embroidered Garments 419 Embroidery 419 Embroidery Silk 437 Enameled Bathroom Supplies.... 180 Enameled Drainboards 206 Enameled Drinking Fountains... .224 Enameled Fixtures 220 Enameled Iron Products 211 Enameled Laundry Trays 244 Enameled Letters 245 Enameled Signs 301 Enameled Sinks 302 Enameling 371 Enamels 372 Enclosures Elevator 209 Engine Castings 194 Engine Lathes 244 Engine Parts 211 Engine Work Marine 211 Engineering Instruments 363 Engineers' Coats 415 Engineers' Packing Tools 314 Engines 21 1 English Breakfast Tables .472 Engraving 213 Engraving Glass 336 Engraving Stationery 399 Envelope Making Machinery 254 Envelopes 387 Epsom Salts 121 Erasers Blackboard 419 Escalators ....215 Essential Oils 116 Etching Supplies 362 Etching Tubes 353 Ether 1 09 Ethyl Alcohol 100 Eucalyptus Baskets 443 Eucalyptus Novelties 456 Eucalyptus Oils 116 Eucalyptus Preparations 109 Eucalyptus Remedies 120 Evaporated Apples 129 Evaporated Cream 142 Evaporated Fruit 146 Evaporated Milk 151 Evaporating Plants 213 Excavating Machinery 254 Excavators Power Truck 215 Excelsior 456 Exhausters 21 5 Experimental Machinery 254 Experimental Machines 262 Explosive Caps 110 Explosives 109 Export Cans 190 Extension Ladders 463 Extension Shoes 172 Exterminators 110 Extinguishers Fire 218 Extracts Flavoring 142 Extracts Malt 143 Eye Glass Frames 335 Eye Glass Lens Grinding 340 Eye Glass Nose Grips 367 Eye Remedies 121 Eye Water 110 Face Brick 329 Face Creams 107 Face Masks 402 Factory Brushes .-.. 358 Factory Trucks 316 Factory Work Sheet Steel 216 Fan Belts 164 Fancy Boxes Paper 382 Fancy Boxes Wood 448 Fancy Combs 360 Fancy Die Cutting 203 Fans 21 6 Farm Specialties 216 Faucets ,,..45q Feather Work Millinery 362 Feather Works 419 Feed 143 Feed Bags 408 Feed Heaters 230 Feed Milling 152 Feed Milling Machinery 254 Feed Water Regulators 292 Feeders Automatic Roll 216 Feeders Press 216 Feeders Printing Press 283 Feeds Furnace 224 Felt Bags 408 Felt Building 419 Felt Desk Mats 417 Felt Erasers 419 Felt Gaskets 422 Felt Hats Children's 423 Felt Hats Ladies' 424 Felt Hats Men's 422 Felt Novelties 419 Felt Polishing Wheels 431 Felt Roofing 419, 432 Felt Sheathing __ 420 Felt Shoes 434 Felt Washers 440 Felt Wear , 420 Felt Wicks 440 Fences and Gates 216 Fenders and Radiators ..217 Fenders Cork 454 Ferns Preserved 362 Fertilizer 110 Fertilizer Machinery 254 Fibre Asbestos 334 Fibre Brushes 358 Fibre Containers 386 Fibre Cordage 420 Fibre Matting Bags 442 Fibre Plaster 334 Figures Wax 370 Filing Cabinets 189, 451 Filing Supplies 387 Fillers Egg Case 386 Fillers Paint 375 Fillers Soap 111 Filter Bags 408 Filter Cloths 415 Filter Presses .. ....284 Filtering Agency 106 Filters _ 217 Film Cabinets 189 Film Rewinds 189 Filtration Material 334 Fine Brass Foundries 223 Fir and Redwood Pipe 467 Fire Apparatus 217 Fire Brick 329 Fire Clay 332 Fire Detection Systems 217 Fire Doors 205 Fire Escapes 218 Fire Extinguishers 218 Fire Hose 424 Fire Hydrants 218 Fire Insurance Maps 390 Fire Sprinkler Systems 218 Fire Sprinklers 305 Fire Tile .,. 352 Fireplace Dampers 202 Fireplaces 334 Fireproof Booths 328 Fireproof Clothing 332 Fireproof Windows 323 Fireworks 111 Fish Canneries 137 Fish Cocktails 141 Fish Dried 144 Fish Glue 112 Fish Meal 149 Fish Oil 154 Fish Smoked 145 Fish Tackle 362 Fixtures Display 456 Fixtures Electric Wood -. 456 Fixtures Metal 219 Fixtures Plumbing 347 Fixtures Store and Office 457 Flag Poles ...468 Flags 420 Flanges 220 Flannelette Wear 420 Flash Signs 301 Flashings Asbestos Plastic 334 Flashlight Batteries 180 Flashlight Cases 191 Flat Lavatories 347 Flavoring Extracts ....142 Flax Packing 420 Flexible Couplings 201 Flexible Metallic Packing 275 Floats Parade 458 Flood Light Lamps 243 Floor Casings 192 Floor Dressings 108 Floor Lamps 243 Floor Oils , 116 Floor Paints 376 Floor Slabs 334 Floor Sweepers 369 Floor Wax 128 Flooring Asbestos 334 Flooring Bridge 220 Flooring Hardwood 458 Flooring Magnesite 334 Flooring Mastic 334 Floors Inlaid 458 Florist Designs Wire 220 Flour Mill Equipment 270 Flour Mill Products 145 Flour Milling 152 Flour Milling Machinery 254 Flower Stands 458 Flowers Cloth , 420 Flowers Metal 176 Flowers Paper 387 Flowers Porcelain 362 Flowers Preserved 362 Flue Lining 352 Fluids 11 1 Flumes Metal 220 Fly Killer Electric 208 Fly Screens 295 Fly Wheel Pumps 288 Fog Bells 182 Foil Wrappers ......* 400 Folders Paper 387 Folding Beds Metal 181 Folding Beds Wood 444 Folding Boxes 382 Folding Camp Tables 472 Fonts Marble 335 Food Products 129 Foot Pedals and Rests 220 Forge Dies 204 Forged Engine Parts 211 Forgings 221 Forming Machines Tin 265 Forming Tools 314 Forms Papier Mache 392 Forms Wax Display 361 Forms Wood Display 455 Foundries - 222 Fountain Equipment 303 Fountain Fruits - 145 Fountain Heads 223 Fountain Mixers 303 Fountains Enameled 224 Fountains Vitreous China 335 Frames Buckram 420 Frames Conveyor 224 Frames Eye Glass 335 Frames Hat Wire 224 Frames Lamp Shade 224 Frames M etal 224 Frames Mirror Metal 224 Frames M irror Wood 458 Frames Ornamental 224 Frames Picture Composition 335 Frames Picture Wood 458 Frames Tennis Racket 459 Frames Truck 224 Frames Wire Hat 224 Freight Elevators .- 210 French Ranges 291 Fringe and Braid 421 Fronts Garage 462 Fronts Store Tile 351 Fruit Alcohol - 100 Fruit and Nut Bowls 447 Fruit Baskets - -443 Fruit Candied - 145 Fruit Canneries - - 137 Fruit Cookers -- 200 Fruit Crushed 145 Fruit Dried 145 Fruit Evaporated - 146 Fruit Fountain ,.... 145 Fruit Glace -146 Fruit Presses 285 Fruit Processing Machinery 254 Fruit Pulp 146 Fruit Syrup 159 Fruit Wrappers' 400 Fuel Oils 374 Fuelizers .. ....224 Fuller's Earth .. -.335 Fungicides 111 Fur Dressing 421 Fur Tanners 173 Furnace Cement 331 Furnace Feeds 224 Furnace Pipe 277 Furnaces 224 Furniture Metal 225 Furniture Novelties Metal 225 Furniture Novelties Wood 460 Furniture Polish 119 Furniture Toy 473 Furniture Wood ..'. 459 Furriers 421 Fuse Electric 225 Fuses Blasting 1 1 1 Fusible Plugs 282 Galvanized Cans 190 Galvanized Casings 192 Galvanized Iron Sidings 225 Galvanized Pipe 277 Galvanized Tanks 309 Galvanizing 225 Game Pegs Bone 362 Games M isc 362 Games Wooden 462 Garage Fronts 462 Garages and Houses Portable 469 Garbage Cans 190 Garden Pottery 335 Garters 421 Gas 1 1 1 Gas Engines 212 Gas Fittings 218 Gas Furnaces 225 Gas Griddles 227 Gas Heaters 231 Gas Hoists 232 Gas Machines 263 Gas Ovens 274 Gas Packings 403 Gas Pumps 288 Gas Radiators 289 Gas Ranges 291 Gas Tanks 309 Gas Winches 322 Gaskets Asbestos 335 Gaskets Cork .. ....462 Gaskets Felt , 422 Gaskets Moulded 402 Gasol ine 372 Gate Valves 319 Gates 225 Gauges 225 Gauntlets 1 66 Gauntlets Asbestos 335 Gear Blanks 226 Gear Patterns 276 Gears 226 Generators Ozone 226 Germicide Paint Compound 372 Germicides 112 Glace Fruit 146 Glass 335 Glass Art 335 Glass Auto Fronts 327 Glass Auto Tops 327 Glass Bending 336 Glass Blowing 336 Glass Bottles 328 Glass Chemical Instruments 338 Glass Chipping 336 Glass Containers 336 Glass Desk Tops 333 Glass Drilling 336 Glass Electric Appliances 334 Glass Electric Instruments 338 Glass Engraving 336 Glass Grinding 336 Glass Instruments 336 Glass Jars 337 Glass Leaded 337 Glass Lens 340 Glass Novelties 343 Glass Panel Shields 345 Glass Polishing 337 Glass Products 335 Glass Sandblasting 337 Glass Signs 349 Glass Silvering 337 Glass Ware Laboratory 337 Glassine Wrappers 400 Glaubers Salts 122 Glue Kettles 241 Glue Pots 226 Glues 112 Glove Cleaning Compound 105 Glove Leather 169 Gloves 166 Gloves Asbestos 337 Go-Carts 462 Goat Milk - 151 Gold 226 Gold and Silver Stamping 422 Gold Dredges 207 Gold Plating 281 Gold Rolling Machines 263 Gold Spinning 269 Gongs 227 Gopher Traps 316 Governors 227 Gowns Butcher 422 Gowns Surgeons' 422 Graders and Scrapers 227 Grain Alcohol 100 Grain Cleaning Machinery 253 Grain Elevators 210 Grain Grinding Machinery 255 Grain Hoppers 227 Grain Pans 275 Grain Spirit Vinegar ; 161 Grain Tryers 227 Granite 337 Granite Crushed 338 Granite Work 341 Granulated Cork 454 Granules Brick 330 Grape Juice 147 Grape Syrup 159 Graphite 372 Graphite Paints 376 Grass Furniture 459 Grate Bars 227 Grated Cheese 139 Gratings 227 Gravel 348 Gravel Machinery 254 Grease Retainers 422 Greases 372 Greasy Wool 441 Green Oil Soap 123 Greeting Cards 384 Grey Iron Castings 194 Grey Iron Foundries 223 Griddles Gas and Electric 227 Grilles Metal . -.227 Grilles Wood 462 Grinding Glass 336 Grinding Lens 340 Grinding Machinery 254 Grinding Metal 228 Grinding M ineral 388 Grinding Ore 344 Grinding Radiator 289 Guards and Rails 228 Guides Filing 384 Gum Chewing 139 Gummed Cloth 413 Gummed Paper 387 Gun Cases : 165 Gun Metal Castings 194 Guns Pop 469 Guns Toy 473 Gut 362 Gypsum 112 Hair Brushes 358 Hair Combs 360 H ai r Curled 363 Hair Dryers 207 Hair Goods 363 Hair Ornaments 363 Half Sleeves 422 H am 1 50 Ham Boning 146 Hammered Steel Dies 205 Hammers Piano 430 Hammocks Canvas 422 Hampers and Baskets 443 Hand Bags 163 Hand Cars Toy 462 Hand Colored Photos 392 Hand Forged Tools 314 Hand Hoists 232 Hand Painted Cards 384 Hand Power Cranes 201 Hand Power Elevators 210 H and les M etal 229 Handles Mop 462 H angars 422 ,Hangers and Hooks 229, 233 Hangers Coat 453 H ard ware 229 Hardwood Flooring 458 Hardwood Lumber 464 Hardwood Mouldings 466 Harmonicas 363 Harness and Saddlery 167 Harness Dog 168 Harness Leather 169 H arvesters 230 Hat Bands 163 Hat Dyes 108 Hat Frames Wire 224 Hat Linings 426 Hat Stands 462 Hatch Covers 417 H ats Asbestos 338 Hats Ladies' and Children's....423 Hats Men's 422 Hats Safety Workman 411 H ats Waterproof 424 House Heaters 231 Hawsers Rope 424 Hay Hooks 233 Head Gears Athletic 168 Heads Valve 319 Headwear Ladies' & Children's424 Hearing Instruments 364 Heat Insulation 338 Heat Resisting Castings 195 Heat Resisting Paints 376 Heaters 230 Heaters Plate 279 Heating Apparatus 232 Heating Systems 232 Heels Shoe Rubber 402 Helmets Asbestos 338 Helmets Safety 41 1 Hemstitching 424 Herb Remedies 121 High Explosives 110 High Speed Elevators 210 High Tension Switch Gear 306 Hoisting Engines 212 Hoisting Machinery 255 Hoists 232 Holders Card 191 Holders Cigar 360 Holders Cigarette 360 Holders Spool 471 Hollow Building Tile 330 Hollow Metal Doors 206 Holsters 168 Home Savings Banks , ...179 Honey 146 Hoods and Toques .'. 424 H oods Auto 233 Hooks and Hangers 229, 233 Hoppers Grain 227 Hoppers Vitreous China 338 Horizontal Turbine Pumps 288 Horse Collar Pipe 277 Horse Collars 165 Horse Drawn Vehicles 474 Horseradish 146 Hose Clamps 197 Hose Cotton 424 Hose Rubber 402 Hosiery Elastic 435 Hospital Furniture 459 Hospital Sheeting 433 Hospital Supplies 363 Hospital Trucks 316 Hot and Cold Insulation 338 Hot Cake Irons 239 Hot Water Boilers 184 Hot Water Heaters 231 Hotel Equipment 234 Hotel Kitchen Equipment 292 Hotel Ranges 291 Hotel Trucks 316 House Aprons 406 House Brooms , 357 House Dresses 418 House Moving Rollers 469 Household Ammonia 100 Household Furniture 460 Household Ranges 291 Houses and Garages Portable 469 Hub Speedometers 304 Hydrants 234 Hydraulic Elevators 210 Hydraulic Filters 217 Hydraulic Hoists 233 Hydraulic Jacks 239 Hydraulic Leather 169 Hydraulic Machinery 255 Hydraulic Packing : 274 Hydraulic Pipe 277 Hydraulic Press Machinery 255 Hydraulic Presses 285 Hydraulic Pumps 288 Hydraulic Turbines ... ....317 Hydro-Electric Elevators 210 Hydro-Electric Machinery 255 Hydro-Steam Elevators 210 Hydrochloric Acid 99 Hydrogen Peroxide 118 Hydrogenated Oils 116 Ice 146 Ice Boxes 448 Ice Cans 190 Ice Cream 147 Ice Cream Cabinets 451 Ice Cream Cone Machines 263 Ice Cream Cones 142 Ice Cream Supplies 147 Ice Cream Wafers 132 Ice Making Machinery 255 Ice Making Machines 263 Illuminated Aquariums 326 Illuminating Oils 374 Immersion Heaters 231 Implements Agricultural 234 Implements Small 234 Incandescent Lamp Reflectors. 363 Incense Burners....188, 234, 330, 338 I ncenses 363 Incineral Urns 234 Incinerating Plants 234 Incinerators 234 Incline Railways 234 I ncubators Electric 235 Index Cards 384 Industrial Apparatus 235 Industrial Filters 217 Industrial Mineral Grinding 338 Ingot Metal 267 Ingot Molds 271 Inks 112 Inlaid Checkerboards 453 Inlaid Floors 458 Inner Tube Vulcanizers 321 Insect Bellows 164 Insect Sprays 125 Insecticides 113 Inside Tires 437 Instrument Lubricants 374 I nstruments 363 I nstruments Glass 339 Insulating Compounds 106, 332 Insulating Paints .. .377 I nsulation Cork 454 Insulation Hot and Cold 338 Insulation Materials Magnesia 338 I nsulation Steam 338 Insurance Maps 390 Interior Marble 341 Invalid Chairs 452 Iron Acid Resisting 237 Iron Beds 181 Iron Castings Grey 194 Iron Castings Malleable 195 Iron Couches 201 Iron Fences 216 Iron Fittings 218 Iron Foundries 223 Iron Gates 216 Iron Holders 339 Iron Ingots 235 Iron Ladders -242 Iron Ore 344 Iron Ore Grinding 344 Iron Oxide 113 Iron Pipe 278 Iron Pipe Bending 277 Iron Products Enameled 211 Iron Roofs 293 Iron Sulphate , 114 Iron Tanks 309 Iron Utensils 318 Iron Work 237 Ironing Boards _ 463 Irons Hot Cake 239 I rons Waff le 239 Irrigation Machinery 256 Irrigation Pipe 278 Irrigation Pumps - 288 Irrigation Supplies 239 Isolated Lighting Systems 245 Italian Syrups 159 Ivory and Oak Dressers 456 Ivory Engraving 213 Ivory Turning 365 Jackets 425 Jacks 239 Jail Work 239 Jams 147 Janitors' Utilities 365 Japanned Ware 239 Japanning 373 Jars Glass ....339 Jazz Whistles 322 Jellies 147 Jelly Powder 155 Jersey Coats 415 Jersey Suits 435 Jewelers' Solder 303 Jewelers' Wire 324 Jewelry 239 Jewelry Boxes 449 Jewelry Cases 451 Jewelry Engraving 213 Jewelry Trays 473 Joist Hangers 229 Juice Grape 147 Juice Lemon 148 Juice Press Dies 204 Juice Presses 285 Jumpers 425 Jumpers Asbestos 339 Jute and Burlap Bags 408 Jute Weaving 440 Kalamein Doors '. 206 Kalsomine 339 Kegs 463 Kerosene 373 Kettles 241 Key Cutting 241 Key Tags 308 Khaki Clothing 414 Kilns Dry 241 Kimonos 425 Kitchen Cabinets 451 Kitchen Equipment 242 Kitchen Furniture ....460 Kitchen Racks 289 Kitchen Safes 469 Kitchen Sinks 302 Kitchen Tables 472 Kitchen Ware : 242 Kite Flying Reels 291 K its ...463 Knife and Fork Boxes 356 Knife Switches 307 Knit Caps 411 Knit Neckwear 427 Knit Scarfs 432 Knit Ties 437 Knit Underwear ... ....437 Knitting Mills ... -.425 Kn i ves - 242 Knobs Door 205 Kodak and Camera Boxes 449 Label Dies 204 Labels 388 Labels Cloth 425 Labor Saving Devices 365 Laboratories Dental 361 Laboratories- Motion Picture. 366 Laboratory Chemicals 114 Laboratory Electric Apparatus.-208 Laboratory Glassware 337 Laboratory Supplies - 242 Lace and Scrim Curtains 417 Lace Leather 170 Lacing Belt -168 Lacquer Furniture 460 Lacquers 373 Ladders Metal 242 Ladders Wood 463 Ladies' Hand Bags 163 Ladies' Hats 423 Ladies' Neckwear 427 Ladies' Skirts 434 Ladies' Underwear 438 Ladies' Wraps 441 Lamp Black 114 Lamp Reflectors 363 Lamp Shade Frames 224 Lamp Shades Art Glass 339 Lamp Shades Mica 339 Lamp Shades Parchment 365 Lamp Shades Silk 433 Lamp Silvering 365 Lamp Standards : 463 Lamp Standards Composition..339 Lamps and Lanterns 243 Lamps Novelty Doll 339 Land Levelers 244 Lantern Slides 350 Lanterns and Lamps 243 Lanterns Chinese 388 Lanterns Electric 244 Lapel Buttons 359 Lapidaries 365 Lard 148 Lard Cana 190 Lard Pails ... 275 Lath Plaster Composition 339 Lathe Machines 263 Lathe Work 244 Lathes 244 Latigo Leather 170 Launches 463 Laundry Chemicals 114 Laundry Compound 106 Laundry Equipment 244 Laundry Iron Holders 339 Laundry Machinery 256 Laundry Soap 123 Laundry Trays Cement 353 Laundry Trays Enameled 316 Laundries 365 Lavatories 339 Law Bookbinding 380 Law Books 388 Lead Acetic 114 Lead Bars 180 Lead Castings 195 Lead Ingots 235 Lead Pig 245 Lead Pipe 278 Lead Products 245 Lead Red 373 Lead Refined 245 Lead Sheet 245 Lead Sinkers 301 Lead Washers 321 Lead White 373 Leaded Glass 337 Leaded Windows 354 Leads Printers' .....245 Leaf Springs 305 Leak Testers 311 Leather 1 68 Leather Auto Supplies 163 Leather Belting 164 Leather Book Covers ...166 Leather Cases 164 Leather Coats 165 Leather Dressing 114 Leather Dyes 109 Leather Goods 169 Leather Inks 113 Leather Novelties 171 Leather Packing 171 Leather Polish ... ....119 Leather Products 163 Leather Riding Goods 172 Leather Sporting Goods 172 Leather Trunks 174 Leather Wax 128 Leggins 425 Leggins Asbestos 339 Legs Tray 316 Lemon Juice 148 Lemon Peel Pickled 148 Lens Glass 340 Lens Grinding 340 Letters Celluloid 368 Letters Electric Sign 245 Letters Enameled 245 Letters Wood 463 Levelers Land 244 Lever Handles 229 Library Bookbinding 380 Library Furniture 460 Library Tables 472 Licorice 148 Life Boat Davits 202 Life Boats 245, 445 Life Preservers 463 Life Rafts 245 Ligatures Surgical 366 Lighting Equipment 245 Lighting Fixtures 219 Lighting Systems 245 Lights Marine 246 Lights Sidewalk 246 Limbs Artificial 163 Lime 340 Lime Chlorinated 114 Lime Chlorine 104 Limestone 340 Linen Weaving 440 Lingerie 426 Linings Casket Metal 192 Linings Casket and Coffin 426 Linings Dress 426 Linings Flue 352 Linings Hat 426 Linings Steel 246 Linings Tin 246 Linings Vault 246 Link Springs 305 Linoleum .. ....426 Linoleum Dressing 108 Linotyping 246 Linseed Oil , 374 Linseed Oil Cake 149 Linseed Oil Soap 123 Linseed Oil Substitutes 374 Liquid Chlorine 104 Liquid Glue 112 Liquid Soap 123 Litharge 340 Lithograph Inks 113 Lithographed Cans 190 Lithographed Cartons 385 Lithographed Seed Packets 399 Lithographing 388 Lithographing Machines 263 Liver Paste 148 Living Room Chairs 452 Living Room Furniture 460 Lock Nuts 273 Lockers 246 Locks 247 Locksm iths 247 Lodge and Church Furniture 459 Lodge Buttons 359 Logging Equipment 247 Logging Trucks 317 Logging Winches 323 Loose Leaf Binders 379 Loose Leaf Systems 389 Lotions 114 Lounging Robes 431 Lubricants 373 Lumber 463 Lumber Trucks 317 Macaroni 129 Macaroni Machinery 256 Macaroni Making Machines 263 Macaroni Press Dies 204 Macaroni Presses 285 Macaroni Sauce 156 M acaroons 131 Machine Brushes 358 Machine Cut Gear Patterns 276 Machine Forgings 221 Machine Knives 242 Machine Nuts 273 Machine Parts Typesetting 318 Machine Parts Welded 247 Machine Shop Equipment ...247 Machine Tools 314 Machine Twist 436 Machine Work 247 Machinery 251 Machinery Castings 195 M ach i nes 261 M ach i n ists 247 Mackinaw Clothing 416 M agnesia 114 Magnesia Boiler Covering 328 Magnesia Cement 331 Magnesia Insulation Materials 338 Magnesia Pipe Covering 345 Magnesia Products 340 M agnesite 340 Magnesite Brick 330 Magnesite Counters 332 Magnesite Flooring 334 Magnesite Plaster 340 Magnesite Products 341 Magnesite Stucco 351 Magnesite Table Tops 351 Magnesium Products 114 Magnet Rechargers 266 Magneto Generators 266 Mailers Photo 392 Mailing Tubes 383, 389 Malleable Iron Castings 195 M alt 148 Malt Extract 143 Malt Syrup 159 Manganese Steel Castings 195 Manicure Preparations 115 Manifolding Forms 389 Mantel Tile 352 Mantels Marble and Tile 341 Mantels Metal 266 Mantels Wood 464 Map Mounting 389 Maple Syrup 159 M aps 389 Marble Altars 326 Marble Building Stone 351 Marble Crushed 341 Marble Dust 341 Marble Fonts : 335 Marble Machinery 256 Marble Statuary 350 Marble Terrazzo 352 Marble Vaults 353 Marble Work 341 Margarine Nut 148 Marine Capstans 191 Marine Electric Apparatus - 208 Marine Engine Propellers ., 286 Marine Engine Work 211 Marine Engines 212 Marine Fittings 218 Marine Fixtures 220 Marine Forgings 221 Marine Governors 227 Marine Hardware 230 Marine Installations 266 Marine Iron Work 238 Marine Lamps 243 Marine Lights 246 Marine Metal Ware 266 Marine Paints .-. 377 Marine Railways 266 Marine Specialties ....266 Marine Telegraph Apparatus 310 Marine Telegraphs 311 Marine Valves 319 Marine Winches ..323 Marine Work 266 Market Baskets Splint 444 Marmalades 148 Marque Signs 301 Marquise 266 Masks Asbestos 342 Masks Face 402 Mastic Flooring 334 Matches 115 M ats Asbestos 342 Mats Felt 417 Mats Rubber 402 Mats Table Asbestos 351 Matting Bags 442 Matting Rubber 402 Matting Suit Cases 471 M attresses 426 M attresses W i re , 266 Mausoleums 342 Mayonnaise 148 Meal 149 Measuring Instruments 364 Measuring Tapes 366 Meat Canneries 137 Meat Coloring 104 Meat Corned 149 Meat Packers ....149 Meat Preservatives 120 Meat Preserved 150 Meat Preserving Colors 141 Meat Shop Equipment 266 Meat Smoked 150 Mechanical Equipment 266 Mechanical Packing 274 Mechanical Rubber Goods .403 Mechanical SignalingApparatus 300 Mechanical Springs 305 Mechanics' Soap 124 Mechanics' Tools 314 Medals 267 Medical Apparatus Electro 267 Medical Microscopes 270 Medicinal Oils 117 Medicinal Syrup 126 Medicinal Water 127 Medicines 115 Memorial Window Glass 337 Memorial Windows 354 Men's Clothing 414 Men's Neckwear 428 Men's Underwear 438 Menu Covers 166 Menu Printing , 390 M etal 267 Metal Alloys 326 Metal Auto Bodies 183 Metal Badges 179 Metal Banks 179 Metal Bearing 188 Metal Bronze *.188 Metal Chasing 267 Metal Covered Mouldings 272 Metal Cutting Machinery 256 Metal Cutting Saws 294 Metal Doors 206 Metal Engraving 214 Metal Flowers 176 Metal Flumes 220 Metal Frames 224 Metal Furniture 225 Metal Laundry Trays 316 Metal Mantels .. ....266 Metal Monograms 271 Metal Monuments 271 Metal Polish 119 Metal Products 175 Metal Pulleys - 286 Metal Reflectors 291 Metal Rolling 268 Metal Roofing 293 Metal Sandblasting 294 Metal Shaping 268 Metal Show Cases 299 Metal Sidings 225 Metal Sinks 302 Metal Slugs 302 Metal Specialties 268 Metai Spinning 268 Metal Stamping 269 Metal Store Fixtures 220 Metal Tables 307 Metal Tags 308 Metal Toys 315 M etal Ty pe 270 Metal Vases 320 Metal Ware Marine 266 Metal Wheels 322 Metal Windows 323 Metal Work Art 176 Metal Works 270 Metal Zinc 270 Metallic Caskets 192 Metallic Fixtures 219 Metallic Packing 274 Metallurgy Chemicals 104 M eters Taxi 304 Mica Lamp Shades 339 Microscope Lamps 243 M icroscopes 270 M icrotomes 270 M iddies 427 Military Cartridges ....103 Milk Bottle Caps 390 Milk Bottles 328 Milk Buckets 188 Milk Cans 190 Milk Condensed 151 Milk Coolers 200 M ilk Cultured 161 Milk Drying Machinery 256 Milk Evaporated .. 151 Milk Goat 151 Milk Powdered 151 Milk Shake Machines 263 Milk Sugar 151 Milk Tanks 309 Mill Balls 179 Mill Equipment 270 Mill Hose 402 Mill Machinery 256 Mill Products Planing 468 Mill Supplies Planing 279 Mill Trucks 317 Mill Work Sheet Steel 270 Mill inery 423 Millinery Feather Work 362 Millinery Stands 465 Millinery Wire 324 Milling Bean 151 Milling Cereal 151 Mill ing Cocoan ut 151 Milling Cutters 202 Mill i ng Feed 1 52 Milling Flour 152 Milling Machinery Bean 252 Milling Machinery Chocolate ..252 Milling Machinery Feed 254 Milling Machinery Flour 254 Milling Ore 344 Milling Rice 152 Mills Cotton 427 Mills Paper 391 Mills Rubber 404 Millwork 464 M ill wrights 465 Mince Meat 152 Mine Equipment 270 Mine Hoists 233 Mineral Grinding 338 Mineral Oils 117 Mineral Products 326 Minerals Industrial Grinding 342 Mining Drills 207 Mining Filters 217 Mining Machinery 257 Mining Plates 280 Mining Pumps 288 Mining Screens 295 Mirror Frames Ornamental 224 Mirror Frames Wood .. ....458 Mirror Glass 337 M irrors 342 Miscellaneous Products 356 Mission Furniture 460 M ittens 171 M ixers Concrete 271 M ixers Dough 271 M ixers Paint 271 Mixers Soda Fountain 271 Moccasins 171 Modeling Clay 332 Models Metal 271 Models Plaster 342 Models Wood 465 Molasses 152 Molasses Feed 144 Molds 271 Monel Metal Castings 195 Money Belts 164 Monograms Metal 271 Monuments 343 Monuments Metal 271 Mop Handles 462 Mop Presses 285 Mop Sticks 466 Mop Wringer Buckets 449 Mops Dustless 427 Mops Yacht 427 Mosaic Work 343 Motion Picture Booths 328 Motion Picture Laboratories 366 Motion Picture Projectors 272 Motion Picture Studio Equip- ment 272 Motion Picture Studios 366 Motor Brushes 358 Motor Dies 204 Motor Engines Railroad 212 Motor Fans 216 Motor Pulleys 286 Motor Rewinding 272 Motor Truck Hoists 233 Motor Trucks 317 Motors Spring 272 Moulded Gaskets 402 Moulded Rubber Goods 404 Mouldings 466 Mouldings Metal Covered 272 Mounting Map 389 Mountings Chassis 196 Mountings Photo 392 Mounts Cardboard 384 Mounts Negative 390 Mouthpieces Speaking Tube 304 Mouthpieces Telephone 31 1 Mucilage 116 Muriatic Acid 99 Music Engraving and Printing. ...390 Musical Accessories 364 Musical Instruments 364 Musical Strings 367 Muslin Underwear 438 M ustard 152 Mutton Packers 150 Name Plates 280 Napkin Rings 469 Napkins 427 Nautical Accessories 272 Nautical Instruments 364 Neatsfoot Oil 117 Neckwear 427 Needles Spring Eye 272 Negative Mounts 390 Negligee and Overshirts 429 Net Slings Rope 434 Net Slings Wire 302 Nets and Seines 428 Nets Tennis 428 Netted Cork Fenders 454 Netting Wire 272 Newspapers and Periodicals 390 Nickel Plating 282 Nickel Steel Castings 195 N ightgowns 428 Nightshirts 428, 434 Nitrate of Soda 116 Nitric Acid 99 Non-Beverage Wines 162 Noodle Machinery 258 Noodle Making Machines 263 Noodles 129 Nose Grips 367 Novelties Advertising Metal ..175 Novelties Advertising M isc. ..356 Novelties Bone 356 Novelties Burl Wood 449 Novelties Carnival Plaster ....343 Novelties Composition 343 Novelties Desk 455 Novelties Eucalyptus 456 Novelties Felt 419 Novelties Furniture 460 Novelties Glass 343 Novelties Leather 171 Novelties Paper 391 Novelties Papier Mache 392 Novelties Plaster 343 Novelties Shell 368 Novelties Silk 428 Novelties Silver 272 Novelties Special 367 Novelties Wood 466 Novelty Boxes 449 Novelty Doll Lamps 339 Novelty Lamps 243 Novelty Furniture 225 Novelty Musical Instruments 364 Novelty Paper Weights 275 Novelty Pin Cushions Wood. 467 Numbered Rolls 391 Nut and Fruit Bowls 447 Nut Blanks 272 Nut Margarine 148 Nuts 272 Nuts Candied 153 Nuts Machine 273 Nuts Patent Lock 273 Nuts Salted 153 Nuts Shelled 153 Oak Barrels 442 Oak Dressers 456 Oakum 1 17 Oats Crushed 153 Ochre Dry Chrome 374 Ochres 343 Office Building Directories 455 Office and Store Fixtures 457 O i I 374 Oil Animal 148 Oil Burner Regulators 292 Oil Burners 188 Oil Burning Equipment 273 Oil Burning Systems 273 Oil Cans 190 Oil Chap Leather 170 Oil Chemical 116 Oil Coal .. ....371 Oil Cocoanut 153 Oil Compounds : 106 Oil Cooking 142 Oil Cottonseed 153 Oil Engines 212 O i I Fish 1 54 Oil Heaters 231 Oil Lamps 244 Oil Mineral 374 Oil Olive 154 Oil Packings 403 Oil Paint 374 Oil Petroleum 374 Oil Presses 285 Oil Pumps 288 Oil Refineries 374 Oil Salad 154 Oil Soap 123 Oil Tanks 472 Oil Valves 319 ON Vegetable 153 Oil Well Machinery 258 Oil Well Supplies 273 Oil Well Tools 314 Oil Whale 154 Oiled Clothing 401 Oleomargarine 154 Oleum 117 Olive Canneries 137 Olive Oil 154 Olive Press Dies 204 Olive Presses 285 Openers Door 205 Optical Instruments 236 Orchard Heaters 231 Orchard Ladders 463 Orchard Sprays 125 Orchestra Traps 361 Order Books 381 Ore Buckets 188 Ore Cars 191 Ore Concentrators 199 Ore Grinding 344 Ore Grinding Machinery 255 Ore Milling 344 Ore Milling Machinery 258 Ores 344 Organs 273 Ornamental Brick 33Q Ornamental Frames 224 Ornamental Iron Work 238 Ornamental Wire 324 Ornaments Casket 486 Ornaments Cement 344 Ornaments Clock 273 Ornaments Composition 344 Ornaments Dress 428 Ornaments Plaster ., 344 Ornaments Sheet Metal 273 Orthopedic Appliances - 367 Outing Clothing 415 Ovens Brick 344 Ovens Metal 273 Overal Is 428 Overalls Asbestos 344 Overcoats 429 Overhead Rail Systems 274 Overshirts and Negligee 429 Oversleeves 429 Overstuffed Furniture 460 Oxide Brown 117 Oxide I ron 113 Oxide Red 117 Oxide Zinc 128 Oxidizing 274 Oxygen 117 Oxygen Gas 112 Oyster Cocktails 141 Ozone Generators 226 Packaged Rice ....156 Packers Meat 154 Packers Raisin 155 Packing Asbestos 345 Packing Flax 420 Packing Leather 171 Packing House Equipment 274 Packing Mechanical 274 Packing Rubber 402 Packing Tools 314 Pads and Tablets 391 Pads Chair 412 Pads Felt 429 Pads Typewriter 429 Pails Lard 275 Pails Wooden 466 Paint Brushes 358 Paint Cleaning Compounds 106 Paint Compounds 106 Paint Compounds Germicide ....372 Paint Fillers 375 Paint Grinding Machinery 255 Paint Making Machinery 258 Paint Mill Machinery 257 Paint Mixers 271 Paint Oils 374 Paint Pigments 375 Paint Spraying Guns 275 Paint Spraying Machines 264 Painters' Hooks 233 Painters' Ladders ....463 Paints 375 Pajamas 429 Panel Boards Electric 275 Panel Shields Glass 345 Panel Top Auto Bodies 446 Pans Drip 275 Pans Grain 275 Pans Vacuum 275, 319 Pantry Sinks 349 Pants 429 Paper Asbestos 345 Paper Bags ....-379 Paper Blue Print 391 Paper Box Making Machinery....252 Paper Boxes 382 Paper Brown Print 391 Paper Building ...383 Paper Flowers 387 Paper Gummed 387 Paper Mills 391 Paper Novelties 391 Paper Photographing .....392 Paper Presses 285 Paper Products 379 Paper Products Corrugated ......391 Paper Rewinders 275 Paper Roofing 398 Paper Ruling 398 Paper Slitters 275 Paper Specialties 391 Paper Stencils 399 Paper Tissue 400 Paper Towels 400 Paper Tube Machines 264 Paper Van Dyke 392 Paper Weights ....275 Paper Working Machinery 258 Paper Wrapping 400 Papier Mache Carnival Goods ....385 Papier Mache Forms 392 Papier Mache Novelties 392 Parade Floats 458 Parasols 430 Parcel Post Egg Cases 386 Parchment Shades .....365 Paris White 345 Parlor Furniture 460 Partition Slabs ....350 Partition Tile 353 Passementeries 430 Passenger Elevators 210 Paste 117 Paste Alimentary 129 Paste Liver ., 148 Paste Machinery 258 Paste Soap 124 Pastry 132 Patent Chimneys 197 Patent Developing 276 Patent Lock Nuts 273 Patterns Metal 276 Patterns Wood 467 Pavements Tile 345 Peanut Butter 155 Peanut Roasting Machines 264 Pearl Shell Novelties 367 Pearl Shell Polishing 367 Pedais Auto 276 Pedestal Lavatories 354 Pedestals 467 Pegs Bone 362 Pennants 430 Penstocks 276 Perforated Metal 267 Perforated Metal Screens .....295 Perforated Sheet Metal 296 Perfumes 117 Period Furniture 460 Period Mirrors 342 Periodicals and Newspapers 390 Peroxide of Hydrogen 118 Petroleum Oils 374 Petroleum Products 377 Petticoats 430 Phonograph Cabinets 451 Phonographs.... ....467 Phosphate Acid 99 Phosphate Rock 118 Phosphor Copper 200 Phosphor Tin 311 Photo Engraving 214 Photo Engraving Chemicals 104 Photo Engraving Lamps 244 Photo Envelopes 387 Photo Folders 387 Photo Mailers 392 Photo Mountings 392 Photographic Cards 385 Photographic Chemicals 104 Photographic Paper 392 Photoplayers 467 Photos Art 392 Photos Hand Colored 392 Photostat Printing 392 Piano Benches 467 Piano Hammers 430 Piano Polish .' 119 Pianos 367 Pickle Bottles 328 Pickled Lemon Peel 148 Pickles 155 Picture Frames Composition ....335 Picture Frames Wood 458 Pig Lead 245 Pigments Chemical 118 Pigments Earth 45 Pigments Paint 375 Pill Boxes 382 Pillow Tops 430 Pillows 431 Pin Cushions Wood Novelty ....467 Pine Oil 117 Pine Tar 118 Pi ns _Wrist 324 Pipe Bands 179 Pipe Bending 276 Pipe Bends 277 Pipe Casings 192 Pipe Chimney 345 Pipe Chimney Terra Cotta 331 Pipe Clamps 197 Pipe Coils 198 Pipe Conduit 332 Pipe Covering Asbestos 345 Pipe* Covering Cork 454 Pipe Culvert 345 Pipe Cutting Machines 264 Pipe Fittings 218 Pipe Flue Lining 352 Pipe Hangers 229 P.ipe Headers 277 Pipe Hooks 234 Pipe Metal 276 Pipe M ineral 345 Pipe Organs 273 Pipe Redwood and Fir 467 Pipe Sewer 349 Pipe Terra Cotta 346 Pipe Tin 311 Pipe Valves 319 Pipe Vitrified 346 Pipe Water 346 Pipe Wood 467 Pipeless Furnaces 225 Pipes Smoking 468 Piston Rings 278 Pistons 278 Pitch Compounds Bituminous. .332 Plain and Printed Rolls 398 Planers Woodworking 279 Planing Mill Exhausters 216 Planing Mill Products 468 Planing Mill Supplies 279 Planing Mill Trucks 317 Plant Equipment 279 Plant Equipment Chemical 197 Plants Artificial 367 Plants Preserved 368 Plaster Casting 346 Plaster Decorations 346 Plaster Fibre 346 Plaster Lath Composition 339 Plaster Magnesite 346 Plaster Models 342 Plaster Novelties 343 Plaster of Paris 346 Plaster Ornaments 344 Plaster Sculptural Work 349 Plaster Statuary 349 Plaster Wall 346 Plaster Wallboard 354 Plaster Work 346 Plastic Flashings Asbestos 346 Plate Glass Auto Tops .'..327 Plate Steel 279 Plate Steel Work 279 Plate Tin 279 Plate Warmers 279 Plates 279 Plates Vitrolite 347 Plating 280 Platinum 282 Player Pianos 367 Pleat Raisers 368 Pleating 431 Plows 282 Plugs Deck 282 Plugs Fusible 282 Plugs Spark 304 Plugs Wooden 468 Plumbers' Brass Goods 187 Plumbers' Earthenware 347 Plumbers' Hardware 230 Plumbers' Supplies Sanitary ....347 Plumbers' Tools 314 Plumbing Fixtures 220 Plumbing Fixtures Sanitary 348 Plumbing Specialties 283 Plungers Elevator 283 Pneumatic Equipment 283 Pocketbooks 171 Pole Line Hardware 229 Pole Top Switches 307 Poles 468 Police Clubs 469 Pol ishes 118 Polishing Cloth 413 Polishing Glass 347 Polishing Shell 367 Polishing Wheels 431 Polomeric Compounds 106 Polychrome Decorations 283 Polychrome Decorations Glass 347 Pop Guns Toy 469 Porcelain Flowers 362 Porcelain Ware 347 Porch Paints 377 Pork Packers 150 Portable Houses and Garages. 469 Portieres 431 Post Caps and Bases 283 Postal Containers 392 Posters ....393 Potash . 119 Potash Caustic 103 Potash Salts 122 Potato Chips 156 Pots Glue 226 Pottery Garden 335 Poultry Feed 144 Poultry Sprays 125 Powder Baking 132 Powder Black 120 Powder Blasting 120 Powder Boxes 382 Powder Complexion 120 Powder Jelly 155 Powder Washing 120 Powdered Glue 112 Powdered Milk 151 Power Machinery 258 Power Truck Excavators 215 Precious Metal 268 Prepared Dust Cloth 413 Preservatives 120 Preservatives Boiler 105 Preserved Cherries 139 Preserved Ferns 362 Preserved Flowers 362 Preserved Meat 150 Preserved Plants 368 Preserves 155 Press Dies 204 Press Feeders 283 Press Forgings 221 Press Parts Printing 284 Pressed Metal 268 Presses 284 Print Cloth Blue 413 Print Cloth Brown 413 Print Paper Blue 391 Print Paper Brown 391 Printed and Plain Rolls 398 Printers' Leads 245 Printers' Rollers 403 Printers' Rules 294 Printers' Slugs 302 Printers' Type 318 Printing Book and Job 393 Printing Devices 286 Printing Dyes 109 Printing Inks ....113 Printing Machinery .. ....258 Printing Machines 264 Printing Photostat 392 Printing Plates 280 Printing Press Feeders 283 Printing Press Heaters 231 Printing Press Hoists 233 Printing Press Parts 284 Printing Presses 285 Printing Ribbon 431 Printing Rotary Gravure 398 Prism Glass 337 Prison Cells 286 Projectors Motion Picture 272 Promenade Tile 353 Propellers Marine Engine 286 Protectors Leather 166 Pulleys 286 Pulp Beet 133 Pulp Fruit 146 Pump Castings 195 Pump Governors 227 Pump Work 286 Pumping Equipment 286 Pumping Machinery 258 Pumps 287 Punched Metal 268 Purifiers Steam 296 Purifying Compounds 106 Purses 172 Push Brooms 357 Puttees ....172 Putty 377 Pyrites 120 Pyrometers 288 Quicksilver 347 Racket Frames Tennis 473 Racket Stringing 369 Racks Book 447 Racks Butcher 289 Racks Coat ......453 Racks Kitchen 289 Racks Roller 289 Radiator Cores 200 Radiator Grinding 289 Radiator Heaters 231 Radiators 289 Radio Batteries 180 Radio Equipment 290 Radio Transmitters 316 Radius Rods .1>3 Rafts Life 245 Rail Systems Overhead 290 Railroad Equipment 290 Railroad Lamps 244 Railroad Motor Engines 212 Railroad Signal Clamps 197 Railroad Tickets :. -398 Rails and Guards 290 Railways Incline 290 Railways Marine 266 Raisin Packing 155 Ranges .....290 Rat Exterminators . 110 Rattan Brooms 357 Rattan and Reed Work ....469 Rattan Baskets 443 Rattan Beds : 444 Rattan Chairs 452 Rattan Couches 454 Rattan Tables 472 Ravioli Machines ........264 Raviolis 155 Razor Strops 172 Reamers 291 Rear Sight Mirrors 342 Rebuilt Auto Tires 404 Rebuilt Cash Registers 192 Rebuilt Typewriters 318 Recorders Time 291 Rectifier Electric 209 Red Brick ......329 Red Lead 373 Red Oxide 117 Redusing Valves 319 Redwood and Fir Pipe --..467 Reed and Rattan Work 469 Reed Baskets 443 Reed Beds 444 Reed Bird Cages 451 Reed Cabinets 451 Reed Chairs ..... -452 Reed Couches 454 Reed Tables 472 Reed Flower Stands 458 Reed Furniture 461 Reels Kite Flying 291 Refined Gold 226 Refined Lead 245 Refined Nitrate Soda 124 Refined Platinum 282 Refined Potash Salts 122 Refined Silver 301 Refined Sulphate of Copper 126 Refined Sulphate of Iron 125 Refineries Oil 374 Refineries Sugar 158 Refiners and Smelters 302 Reflectors Incandescent Lamp-363 Reflectors Metal 291 Refractories Clay .........332 Refractories Magnesite 341 Refractory Cement 331 Refrigerating Machinery 259 Refrigeration Machines 264 Refrigerator Counters 454 Refrigerator Doors 206 Refrigerators -291 Regalia 431 Register Rolls "... 398 Registers Autographic 398 Regulating Valves 319 Regulators 292 Reinforcing Bars 180 Relief Valves 319 RelLshes -142 Remedies 120 Restaurant Boilers 184 Restaurant Equipment -292 Restaurant Ranges - 291 Retainers Grease 422 Retinning Works 292 Retort Cement 331 Retorts Cooking 292 Rewinders Paper 275 Rheumatic Remedies ....121 Ribbon Printing 431 Ribbons Typewriter 431 Rice By-Products 156 Rice Flour 145 Rice Grinding Machinery 255 Rice Hooks 234 Rice Mill Equipment 270 Rice Mill Machinery ....257 Rice Milling 152 C?;^o Millinn IV! ->oh!iinrw 9RQ Rice Packaged 1 56 Riding Goods Leather 172 Ring Packings .--403 Rings Bone 368 Rings Clutch - 332 Rings Napkin 469 Rings Piston 292 Riveted Boilers -.184 Riveted Casings .....192 Riveted Pipe 278 Riveted Pipe Coils 198 Riveted Tanks 310 Rivets 292 Road Equipment 292 Road Machinery 259 Road Oils 375 Road Signs ..- - 301 Roasting Machines Peanut 264 Robes Bath 431 Robes Burial 410 Robes Lounging 1....431 Rochelle Salts 122 Rock Crushed 347 Rock Lime 347 Rock Phosphate 118 Rocking Chairs 452 Rodent Destroyers 121 Rodent Exterminators 110 Rods 293 Roll Tickets 400 Rolled Barley 133 Rolled Oats 153 Roller Racks 289 Rollers Box and Dolly 469 Rol lers Door 293 Rollers House Moving 469 Rollers Printers 403 Rollers Rubber 403 Rollers Rubber Covered 293 Rolling Machines 264 Rolling Machines Gold 263 Rolling Machines Sheet MetaL.264 Rolling Metal 268 Rolling Mills 293 Rolling Store Ladders 463 Rolls Numbered 391 Roils Plain and Printed 398 Rolls Register 398 Rompers 432 Roofing Cement 331 Roofing Composition 347 Roofing Felt 419, 432 Roofing Material 348 Roofing Metal 293 Roofing Paints 377 Roofing Paper 398 Roofing Slate 348 Rofing Tile 348 Roofs I ron 293 Root Beer 156 Root Beer Barrels 442 Root Beer Carbonators 191 Root Beer Syrup 160 Rope 432 Rope Hawsers 424 Rope Net Slings 434 RopeWire 294 Rope Yarn 441 Rotary Presses 285 Rotary Pumps 288 Rotogravure Inks 113 Rotogravure Printing 398 Rough Leather 170 Rubber Belting 401 Rubber Clothing 401 Rubber Covered Rollers 293 Rubber Goods Dipped 401 Rubber Goods Mechanical 403 Rubber Goods Moulded 404 Rubber Mats and Matting 402 Rubber Mill Machinery 259 Rubber Mills 404 Rubber Packing 402 Rubber Products 401 Rubber Ring Packings 403 Rubber Rollers 403 Rubber Shoe Heels 402 Rubber Stamps 404 Rubber Tubing 405 Rubber Valves 405 Ruching 432 Rudder Angle Indicators 294 Rugs 432, 440 Rulers Slide 368 Rules Printer 294 Ruling Paper 398 Rustless Castings 195 Saddlery 167 Safe Deposit Boxes 185 Safe Doors 206 Safes Kitchen 469 Safety Guards 228 Safety Headwear 424 Safety Switches 307 Sails 432 Sal Soda 121 Salad Oil v 154 Sales Books 381 Salt 121 Salt Boxes 449 Salt Cake 121 Salt Drying Machinery 259 Salt Grinding Machinery 255 Salt Presses 285 Salted Nuts 153 Salts 121 Sand 348 Sand Ovens 274 Sand Si I ica 349 Sandblasted Art Glass 336 Sandblasting Glass 348 Sandblasting Metal 294 Sandblasting Stone 348 Sandblasting Wood 469 Sandpaper 398 Sanitary Belts 409 Sanitary Fluids 111 Sanitary Goods , 432 Sanitary Plumbers' Supplies 347 Sanitary Plumbing Fixtures 348 Sanitary Wiping Cloths 415 Saratoga Chips 156 Sardines 137 Sash and Doors 455 Sash Steel 294 Sash Weights 321 Satin Shoes Women's 434 Sauces Macaroni 156 Sauerkraut 156 Sausage Casings 157 Sausages 157 Saw Mill Machinery 257 Saw Trimmer Type Slug 294 Sawdust 470 Sawing Band 442 Saws 294 Saws Metal Cutting 256 Scales 294 Scarfs Knit 432 Scenery Theatrical 433 School Furniture 461 Scientific Instruments 236 Sconces 470 Scoured Wool 441 Scouring Soap 124 Scrapers and Graders 227 Scrapers Dragl ine 295 Screening Machinery 259 Screens and Sieves 295 Screens Asbestos 348 Screw Conveyors 199 Screw Jacks 239 Screw Machine Products 295 Screw Top Cans 190 Screws 296 Scrim and Lace Curtains 417 Sculptural Work 348 Sealing Tape 436 Seals and Badges 296 Seam Binding 409 Seat Covers Auto 416 Seats Church 470 Seats Spring 304 Seed Packets Lithographed 399 Seines and Nets 428 Semi-Dress Gloves 167 Semi-Metallic Packing 275 Semi-Steel Castings 195 Semi-Steel Foundries 223 Sensitized Photo Paper 392 Separators Battery 444 Separators Steam 296 Serpentines 399 Service Heaters 231 Service Trays 316 Set-up Boxes 383 Sewer Pipe 346 Sewer Pipe Drain Tile 333 Sewers Storm 296 Sewing Silk 437 Shade Cleaning Compounds 106 Shades Lamp Art Glass 339 Shades Lamp M ica 339 Shades Lamp Parchment 365 Shades Lamp Silk 433 Shades Sun Auto .. ....327 Shades Window . Shadings Window 433 Shafts and Shaftings 296 Shakes 470 Shampoo Soap ...124 Shampoo Trays 316 Shampoos Shaping Metal 268 Shaving Cream 107 Shawl Straps 173 Shear Blades 182 Sheathing Felt 420 Sheep Dips - 107 Sheepskin Leather 170 Sheepskin Tanners 173 Sheet Cork 454 Sheet Iron Ovens 274 Sheet Iron Stamping 269 Sheet Iron Ware 296 Sheet Lead 245 Sheet Metal Auto Bodies 183 Sheet Metal Covers 201 Sheet Metal Ornaments 273 Sheet Metal Products 296 Sheet Metal Ranges 291 Sheet Metal Rolling Machines.-264 Sheet Metal Tanks 310 Sheet Packings 403 Sheet Steel Factory Work 216 Sheet Steel Mill Work r 270 Sheeting Hospital 433 Shelf Boxes 383 Shell Novelties 367 Shelled Nuts -153 Shel Is Coffin 453 Shelving Vitrolite 349 Sherardizing 299 Shields Corn 360 Shields Tent 351 Shingle Machinery 259 Shingles 470 Shingles Stone 349 Ship Airports 175 Ship Berths 299 Ship Building Machinery 260 Ship Fittings 470 Ship Joiners 470 Ship Machinery 259 Ship Rigging 433 Ship Supplies ... Shirts 433 Shock Absorbers 299 Shoe Blacking -.119 Shoe Brushes 359 Shoe Polish 119 Shoe Heels Rubber 402 Shoes 172 Shoes Brake - 299 Shoes Felt 434 Shoes Stamp Mill 299 Shoes Steel 299 Shoes Women's Satin 434 Shook Box 447 Shot 299 Show Cards 399 Show Cases 471 Show Cases Metal 299 Shower Drains 354 Shrouds Burial .--410 Side Curtains Auto 417 Side Wings Auto 349 Sidewalk Doors 206 Sidewalk Elevators 211 Sidewalk Lights 246 Sidings Galvanized Iron 225 Sieves and Screens 295 Sifting Machinery 260 Sign Letters 245 Sign Machines Electric 264 Signal Clamps Railroad : 197 Signal Devices 300 Signaling Apparatus 300 Signs 300 Signs Celluloid Letter 368 Signs Glass 349 Signs Road 301 Signs Vitrolite 349 Silica Sand 349 Silicate Soda 125 WSilk Bags 409 ,/Silk Novelties 428 /Silk Spinners 435 Silk Thread 437 Silk Vanity Cases 412 Silos 471 Silver 301 Silver Matte 301 Silver Novelties ... ....272 Silver Plated Amalgam Plates....279 Silver Plated Mining Plated 280 Silver Plating 282 Silver Spinning 269 Silver Stamping 368 Silvering Glass 349 Silvering Lamp 365 Silversmiths 301 Silverware 301 Sink Backs Vitrolite 349 Sink Drainboards 206 Sinkers Lead 301 Sinks Chemistry 349 Sinks Enameled 302 Sinks Metal 302 Sinks Pantry 349 Skeleton Whale 162 Skirting Leather 170 Skirts Ladies' 434 Skylights 302 Slabs Drain ....: 350 Slabs Floor 350 Slabs Partition 350 Slabs Stone Roof 350 Slabs Zinc 325 Slack Barrels 443 Slat Blinds - --445 Slate Roofing 348 Sleeping Bags 409 Sleeve Buttons 449 Sleeves H alf 422 Slide Rulers -368 Slides Stereopticon 350 Sliding Door Tracks 315 Sling Hooks 234 Slings Canvas 434 Slings Rope Net 434 Slings Wire Net 302 SI itters Paper 275 Slot Machine Slugs 302 Slugs Printers 302 Sluice Plates 280 Small Boxes 449 Small Castings 196 Small Implements 234 Small Machinery 260 Small Springs 305 Small Steel Foundries 223 Small Tools ... ....314 Small Wheels 322 Smelter Equipment 302 Smelters and Refiners 302 Smocks Surgeon 435 Smoke Stack Paints 377 Smoke Stacks 303 Smoked Fish 145 Smoked Meat 150 Smoking Jackets 425 Smoking Pipes 468 Soap Base .....123 Soap Chip 123 Soap Dishes 350 Soap Dispensers 303 Soap Fillers 111 Soap Kettles 241 Soap Making Machinery 260 Soap Wrappers 400 Soaps 122 Soapstone 350 Soda Ash 124 Soda Caustic 103 Soda Fountain Equipment 303 Soda Fountain Mixers 303 Soda Fountain Supplies 157 Soda Fountains .....224 Soda Nitrate 116 Soda Sal .: .....121 Soda Water Colors 141 Sodas 124 Sodium Chloride 125 Soft Drink Dispensing Apparatus 303 Soft Lumber ,.464 Soft Soap 124 Soft Steel Forgings 221 Soil Bacteria 125 Solder 303 Solder Metal 268 Soldering Fluid 111 Sole Leather . 170 Solid Auto Tops 442 Song Whistles 322 Sound Amplifiers 303 Sounding Machines 264 Souvenir Buttons 359 Souvenirs and Novelties Wood 466 Soy Bean Cheese 139 Soy Bean Flour 145 Soy Bean Meal 149 Spark Advance Coupling 304 Spark Plugs 304 Spars 471 Speaking Devices 304 Speaking Tube Mouthpiece 304 Special Bearings 181 Special Brass Goods 187 Special Brushes 359 Special Cameras 359 Special Castings 196 Special Chairs 452 Special Cutlery 202 'Special Dies 204 Special Electric Fittings 219 Special Furniture 461 Special Knives 242 Special Machinery 260 Special Machines 265 Special Novelties 367 Special Press Dies 204 Special Printing Presses 285 Special Shoes 172 Special Tools 315 Special Toys 369 Specialties Aluminum 175 Specialties Electric 209 Specialties Farm 21 6 Specialties Marine 266 Specialties Metal 268 Specialties Paper 391 Spectacular Lighting Systems.- .245 Speedometers 304 Spice Grinding Machinery 255 Spice Milling Machinery 260 Spices 158 Spinning Metal 268 Spinning Silk 435 Spiral Bevel Gears 226 Spiral Conveyors 199 Spiral Springs 305 Splint Market Baskets 444 Spool Holders 471 Sport Dresses 418 Sport Headwear 424 Sport Jackets 425 Sport Suits 435 Sporting Cartridges 103 Sporting Clothing 415 Sporting Gloves 167 Sporting Goods Leather 172 Sporting Goods Leather 170 Sportwear 435 Spouts 304 Spouts Bath 350 Spraying Bellows 164 Spraying Brushes Paint 275 Spraying Machines Paint 264 Sprays 125 Spring Beds 181 Spring Eye Needles 272 Spring Motors 272 Spring Seats 304 Springs 304 Sprinklers Fire 305 Sprockets 305 Spurs and Bits 305 Squeegees 404 Squirrel Exterminators 110 Stable Brooms 357 Stack Paints 377 Stacks Smoke 303 Stage Bodies Auto 446 Stage Lighting Equipment 245 Stains 377 Stairs 471 Stall Urinals 354 Stamp Mill Dies 204 'Stamp Mill Shoes 299 Stamped Goods 435 Stamping Gold and Silver 368 Stamping Metal 269 Stamps Rubber 404 Standard Valves 319 Standards Lamp 339, 463 Stands Boiler 183 Stands Col lar 453 Stands Flower 458 Stands Hat 462 Stands Millinery 465 Stands Tee 473 Starch 125 Starting Switches 307 Stationary Engines 212 Stationery Engraving 399 Statuary Marble 350 Statuary Plaster 349 Steam Engines 213 Steam Fittings 219 Steam Gauges 225 Steam Hoists ...233 Steam Hose 402 Steam Insulation 338 Steam Jacket Kettles 241 Steam Kettles 241 Steam Packings 275, 403 Steam Pumps _ 288 Steam Purifiers 296 Steam Radiators 289 Steam Separators 296 Steam Steering Engines 213 Steam Tables 307 Steamer Engines Stern Wheel 213 Steamer Mattresses 427 Steamship Furniture 461 Steel Angles 176 Steel Back Brake Shoes 186 Steel Beds 181 Steel Boilers .- 184 Steel Bridges 187 Steel Castings 196 Steel Castings Manganese 195 Steel Castings Semi 195 Steel Chutes 197 Steel Die Cutting 203 Steel Die Engraving 214 Steel Dies 205 Steel Dump Bodies 183' Steel Forgings 221 Steel Foundries 223 Steel Ingots 235 Steel Ladders 242 Steel Plate 279 Steel Plate Engraving 215 Steel Sash 294 Steel Screw Conveyors 199 Steel Shoes 299 Steel Tanks 310 Steel Tray Legs 316 Steel Vault Linings 246, 320 Steel Wheelbarrows 322 Steel Windows 323 Steel Work Plate 279 Steering Wheels 322 Stencil Inks 113 Stencils Paper 399 Step Ladders 463 Stereopticon Slides 350 Sterilizers 306 Stern Wheel Steamer Engines. ...213 Stevedore Slings 471 Stickers 399 Sticks and Canes 451 Sticks Mop 466 Stock Certificates 385 Stock Dips 107 Stock Feed 144 Stocking Dyes 109 Stockings Elastic 435 Stone Artificial 350 Stone Marble Building 351* Stone Roof Slabs 350 Stone Sandblasting 348 Stone Shingles 349 Stone Work Artificial 326 Stop and Turn Signals 300 Stoppers Bottle 185 Storage Batteries 180 Storage Battery Acid 99 Store and Office Fixtures 457 Store Fixtures Metal 220 Store Fronts Tile 351 Store Ladders 463 Store Trucks .....317 Storm Sewers 296 Stove Oils 375 Stove Polish 119 Strap Leather 170 Straps Shawl 173 Straps Webbing ... 435 Straw Hats 423 Street Brooms 357 Street Signs 301 Stretchers 368 Striking Bags 163 Strings M usical 368 Strings Tennis 368 Strops Razor ...172 Structural Iron Work 239 Stucco Magnesite 351 Stucco Work 351 Studio Equipment Motion Picture 272 Studio Lighting Equipment 245 Studio Lighting Systems 246 Stuffing Boxes 185 Substitutes Linseed' 374 Substitutes Turpentine 127 Suction Hose 402 Sugar 1 58 Sugar Coils 198 Sugar Grinding Machinery 255 Sugar Mill Machinery 261 Sugar Milk 151 Suit Cases 173 Suit Cases Matting 471 Suits Bathing 409 Su its Boys' 435 Suits Children's 435 Suits Jersey 435 Suits Ladies' 412 Suits Men's 414 Suits Sport 435 Sulphate Alumina 100 Sulphate Ammonia 101 Su I phate Barium 1 01 Sulphate Copper 106 Sulphate Iron 114 Sulphate-s-Magnesium 115 Sulphate Soda 125 Sulphate Zinc 128 Sulphide Barium 101 Sulphur 126 Sulphur Chlorine ..104 Sulphur Matches 115 Sulphuric Acid 100 Sun Shades Auto 351 Superphosphates 126 Supports Arch 356 Supports Chin 401 Surgeons' Gowns 422 Surgeons' Smocks 435 Surgical Appliances 368 Surgical Braces ...357 Surgical Instruments 364 Surgical Ligatures 369 Surgical Sterilizers 306 Surgical Trusses 369 Surveying Instruments 364 Suspenders 436 Sweater Coats 416 Sweaters 436 Sweepers Floor 369 Sweeping Compounds 106 Switch Boxes '.., ....306 Switch Gear ; 306 Switch Tugs 306 Switchboards 306 Switches Electric 306 Syringes 404 Syrup 1 58 Syrup Medicinal 126 Syrupers 307 Table Lamps .......244 Table Mats Asbestos 351 Table Syrup 160 Table Tops 351 Tables 472 Tables Billiard 444 Tables Console 307 Tables Metal 307 Tables Turn 318 Tableware 307 Tablets and Pads 399 Tackle Fish 218 Tags Metal 308 Talc Soapstone 350 Tal low 1 60 Tamales 160 Tank Gauges 225 Tanks Metal 308 Tanks Vitreous China .. 351 Tanks Wood 472 Tanners 173 Tanners' Chemicals 126 Tanning Machinery 261 Tape Sealing 436 Tape Waterproof 436 Tapes Measuring 369 Tapioca Desserts 160 Taps L..308 Tar Coal 332 Tar Pine 118 Tarpaulins 436 Tartaric Acid 100 Tassels 435 Tea Packing 160 Tea Wagons 473 Tee Stands ^ 473 Telegraph Apparatus 310 Telegraph Codes 399 Telegraph Poles 468 Telegraphs Marine 31 1 Telephone Apparatus 311 Telephone Instruments 364 Telephone Slugs 302 Telephones 31 1 Telescopes 31 1 Tennis Nets 428 Tennis Racket Frames 473 Tennis Racket Stringing 369 Tennis Strings r 368 Tent Shields Asbestos 351 Tents 436 Terra Cotta 351 Terra Cotta Architectural 326 Terra Cotta Chimney Pipe 331 Terra Cotta Pipe 346 Terra Cotta Pipe Flue Lining 352 Terra Cotta Roofing Tile 348 Terrazzo Marble 341 Terrazzo Work 352 Tetra Chloride Carbon 126 Tetra Sulphide Barium 101 Theatre Chairs 453 Theatre Equipment 311 Theatre Lighting Systems 246 Theatrical Scenery 433 Thermometers 31 1 Thermostats 31 1 Thread 436 Tickets 399 Tie Producers 473 Tie Rods 293 Ties Knit 437 Tights 437 Tile 352 Tile Building 330 Tile Drain 333 , Tile Fireplaces 334 Tile Pavements 345 Tile Store Fronts 351 Time Recorders 291 Timers Auto 178 Tin Cans 190 Tin Cutting Machines 265 Tin End Cans 191 Tin Forming Machines 265 Tin Linings 246 Tin Plate 279 Tin Plating 282 Tin Products 311 Tin Spinning 269 Tin Stamping '. 270 Tin Top Baskets 444 Tin Valley 319 Tinware 312 Tin Work 312 Tinning 312 Tinning Works 292 Tins Export 312 Tire Bending Machines 265 Tire Carriers 191, 312 Tire Covers 404 Tire Locks 247 Tire Sundries 404 Tires Auto 404 Tires Inside 437 Tissue Paper 400 Toast Specialties 161 Tobacco 161 Tobacco Dust 127 Toilet Preparations 127 Toilet Soap 124 Toilet Tanks 351 Toilet Water . 127 Tool Boxes Auto 312 Tool Dressing 312 Tool Forgings 312 Tool Grinding 228 Tool Work 312 Tools 313 Top Dressing Auto 108 Tops and Trimming Auto 407 Tops Auto Sol id 442 Tops Candy Box 383 Tops Chimney 197 Tops Counter 353 Tops Desk 333 Tops Pillow .'. 430 Tops Table 351 Toques and Hoods 424 Toupees 370 Towels 437 Towels Paper 400 Toy Balloons 401 Toy Furniture 473 Toy Hand Cars 462 Toy Pop Guns 473 Toy Wagon Wheels 322 Toy Windmills 370 Toys Metal 315 Toys Special 369 Toys Wood 473 Tracks Sliding Door 315 Tractors 31 5 Trailer Bodies 446 Trailer Brakes 315 Trailers Auto 315 Tramways Aerial 315 Transformers 315 Transits 315 Transmission Bands 409 Transmission Machinery 261 Transmissions Auto 316 Transmitters Radio 316 Traps 31 6 Traps and Drums 361 Traveling Bags 163 Traveling Cranes 201 Tray Legs 316 Trays Cement 353 Trays Coin 473 T rays J ewe I ry 473 Trays Laundry Cement 353 Trays Laundry Enameled 316 Trays Service 316 Trays Shampoo 316 Trimmer Type Slug 294 Trimming Auto 407 Trimming Dress 437 Troughs Eaves 207 Truck Attachments 316 Truck Bodies Metal 183 Truck Bodies Wood 446 Truck Brakes 186 Truck Covers 417 Truck Frames 224 Truck Hoists 233 Truck Parts 316 Truck Springs 305 Truck Tanks 309 Truck Winches 323 Trucks 316 Trunks Leather 174 Trunks Metal 317 Trunks Wood 473 Truss Rods 293 Trusses Surgical 369 Tube Cleaners 317 Tube Vibrators .. ....320 Tubes and Cans 383 Tubes Air 405 Tubes Asbestos 353 Tubes Auto 405 Tubes Etching 353 Tubes Mailing 389 Tubing Rubber 405 Tubs 474 Tubs Bath 317 Tug Boats 474 Tungsten Ore 344 Turbine Pumps 288 Turbines Hydraulic 317 Turn Tables Auto 474 Turners Billet 318 Turning Ivory 365 Turning Wood 475 Turning Machines Billet 261 Turpentine Substitutes 127 Twine 437 Twist Machine 436 Type 318 Type Castings 196 Type Metal 270 Type Slug Saw Trimmer 294 Ty pesetti ng 318 Typesetting Machine Parts 318 Typesetting Machines 265 Typewriter Pads 429 Typewriter Ribbons 431 Typewriters 318 Ukuleles 369 U Isters 437 Umbrellas 437 Underground Conduit 199 Undertakers' Supplies 109 Underwear 437 U n if orms 438 Upholstered Chairs 453 Upholstered Furniture 461 Upholstery 438 Upper Leather 171 Urinals 354 U rns Coffee 1 98 Urns Incineral 234 Urns Metal 318 Utensi Is 318 Vacuum Cleaners 318 Vacuum Pans ... ....275, 319 Vacuum Regulating Valves 319 Valences 439 Valises 174 Valley Tin 319 Valve Heads 319 Valves 31 9 Valves Rubber 405 Van Dyke Paper 400 Vanity Cases 165 Vapor Packings 403 Varn ish 377 Vases 353 Vases M etal 320 Vault Doors 206 Vault Equipment 320 Vault Linings 246, 320 Vaults Marble 353 Vegetable Canneries 138 Vegetable Oils 153 Vegetables Dried 161 Vehicles Horse Drawn 474 Veneer Barrel Machinery 251 Veneer Cutting Machines 265 Veneer Doors 456 Veneer Drums 456 Veneers 474 Venetian Blinds 445 Ventilating Systems 320 Ventilator Cowls 201 Venti lators 320 Vertical Turbine Pumps 288 Vestibule Doors 206 Vests Bar 439 Vibrators 320 View Books 400 Vinegar 161 Violins 370 Visors Auto 353 Vitreous China Basins 327 Vitreous China Bath Room Sup- plies 328 Vitreous China Bath Spouts 328 Vitreous China Bowls 328 Vitreous China Dishes 333 Vitreous China Drinking Foun- tains '. 335 Vitreous China Hoppers 338 Vitreous China Lavatories 339 Vitreous China Products 354 Vitreous China Sinks 349 Vitreous China Soap Dishes 350 Vitreous China Tanks 351 Vitrified Pipe 346 Vitriol 117 Vitriol Blue 102 Vitrolite Cigar Holders 331 Vitrolite Counters 333 Vitrolite Plates 347 Vitrolite Products 354 Vitrolite Shelving 349 Vitrolite Signs 349 Vitrolite Sink Backs 349 Vitrolite Table Tops .: 351 Vulcanizer Equipment 321 Vulcanizing Machines 265 Wafers Ice Cream 162 Waffle Irons 239 Wagon Bodies 447 Wagon Covers 417 Wagon Poles 468 Wagon Wheels Toy 322 Wagons and Buggies 474 Wagons Tea ...474 Wainscoting Vitrolite 354 Waistcoats :....439 Waists 439 Waiters' Aprons 406 Waiters' Caps 412 Waiters' Jackets 425 Walking Sticks and Canes 451 Wall Beds Metal 181 Wall Beds Wood 444 Wall Board 354, 474 Wall Cases 452 Wall Lamps 244 Wall Plaster 346 Wallets 174 Warehouse Doors 206 Warm Air Furnaces 225 Wash Boards 474 Wash Boilers 184 Washers 405 Washers Ai r 321 Washers Asbestos 354 Washers Felt 440 Washers Lead 321 Washing Machines 265 Washing Powder 120 Watch Cases 191 Watchman Clocks 197 Water Bags 409 Water Filters 217 Water Fittings 219 Water Heaters 231 Water Hose 402 Water Medicinal 127 Water Packings 403 Water Pipe Metal 278 Water Pipe Vitrified 354 Water Softeners 321 Water Tanks 473 Water Toilet 127 Water Wheels 322, 475 Water White Acid 100 Water Works Supplies 321 Waterproof Aprons 406 Waterproof Cement 331 Waterproof Clothing 405 Waterproof Hats 424 Waterproof Materials 378 Waterproof Tape 436 Waterproofing Building 127 Waterproofing Compounds 106 Wax 128, 370 Wax Figures 370 Wax Flowers 362 Wax Works 370 Weather Strips 321 Weaving 440 Webbing Straps 435 Wedge Bolts 185 Wedges , 475 Weights Sash 321 Welded Boilers 184 Welded Containers 199 Welded Machine Parts 247 Welded Pipe 278 Welded Pipe Coils 198 Welded Tanks 310 Welding 321 Welding Equipment 322 Welding Machinery 261 Well Casings 192 Well Drilling Cables 411 Well Pumps Deep 288 Well Tools 314 Whale Oil .. ....154 Whale Skeleton 162 Wharf Hydrants .... 234 Wheel Furniture Ball Bearing..475 Wheel Work 475 Wheelbarrows 322 Wheels Buffing 410 Wheels Metal 322 Wheels Polishing 431 Wheels Water 322, 475 Wheels Wood 475 Whisk Brooms 357 Whistles Song 322 White Lead 373 White Metal Alloys 326 White Metal Bearings 181 White Metal Castings 196 Whiting 354 Wicker Furniture 462 Wicker Work 469 Wicks Felt 440 Wigs 370 Winches 322 Wind Deflectors 354 Windmills Toy 370 Window Devices 323 Window Display Fixtures 220 Window Fittings 219 Window Glass Memorial 337 Window Guards 229 Window Locks 247 Window Screens 295 Window Shade Cloth 413 Window Shades 433 Window Shadings 433 Windows Leaded 354 Windows Memorial 354 Windows Metal 323 Windshield Fittings 323 Windshields Auto 355 Wine Tanks 473 Winery Machinery 261 Wines 162 Wiping Cloths Sanitary 415 W i re 323 Wire Baskets 180 Wire Bridges 187 Wire Brushes 188 Wire Cages 189 Wire Cloth .. ....323 Wire Cots 201 Wire Designs Floral 220 Wire Dress Forms 207 Wire Fences 216 Wire Florist Designs 220 Wire Frames Hat 224 Wire Gates 216 Wire Guards 229 Wire Mattresses 266 Wire Net Slings 302 Wire Netting 272 Wire Reels 469 Wire Rope 294 Wire Signs 301 Wire Springs 305 Wire Work 324 Wirebound Boxes 449 Wireless Apparatus 324 Wireless Equipment 290 Wireless Transmitters 316 Wood Bowls 447 Wood Carving 475 Wood Charcoal 104 Wood Dishes 455 Wood Fuel Ranges 291 Wood Letters 463 Wood Novelties 449 Wood Pails 466 Wood Planing Machines 265 Wood Plugs 468 Wood Preservatives 120 Wood Printing Presses 286 Wood Products 442 Wood Sandblasting 469 Wood Turning 475 Woodworking Machinery 261 Woodworking Planers 279 Wool Carbonized 440 Wool Greasy 441 Wool Scoured 441 Wool Skin Brushes 359 Women's Satin Shoes 434 Work Gloves 167 Work Shirts 434 Wrappers Foil 400 Wrappers Glass! ne 400 Wrapping Paper 400 Wraps Ladies' 441 Wringer Mop Buckets 449 Wringers Centrifugal 324 Wrist Bands 164 Wrist Pins 324 Writing Fluids 111 X-Ray Apparatus 325 X-Ray Machines 265 X-Ray Negative Mounts 400 X-Ray Tubes 353 Yacht Mops 427 Yarn Rope 441 Yeast 162 Zinc 325 Zinc Battery 325 Zinc Boiler Plates 280 Zinc Chloride 128 Zinc Dust 325 Zinc Metal 270 Zinc Oxide 128 Zinc Slabs 325 Zinc Sulphate 128 Zinc Work .. ....325 MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM r- .^.h^iJEN DAY DSii RE i URN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 29Jun'56LT UNI 5 1956 III ^"71 o HM 1 ^ REC'D LD JUN 2 J >/ 1 -3PM 1 A* ^ *Sy V -%. CTl 6 rqR MF , - _.. .*^-k nU SEP 1 CIRCULATION LD 21-100m-2,'55 (B139s22)476 General Library University of California Berkeley |v