A GENERAL CATALOGUE OF COLGATE UNIVERSITY ISSUED IN APRIL MCMXIII AT HAMILTON NEW YORK ADDITIONS Page 87, record of David Crocker Mott, add: d Hamilton 12 My 13 Page in, record of David Benjamin Jutten, add: d Dorchester 7 My 13 Page 183, record of John William Griffith, substitute the following: b S Wales 28 S 69; prep Keystone Acad, Factory ville Pa; fr Nanticoke; t mil acad Cincinnati O; student UChic; supt schs Nanticoke Pa 97-08; co treasurer 09-12; adm to bar i2;prac law Nanticoke 12-3; d Wilkesbarre 18 Ap 13 Page 187, record of Frederick Crosby Lovett, add: p Grants Pass Ore 06-13; Tulare Cal 13-; ad E King St, Tulare, Cal Page 329, record of Julian Hartridge Strong, add: ad Savannah, Ga IT IS REQUESTED that those having information that will make later is- sues of this catalogue more accurate or more complete send it at their earliest conven- ience to, The General Catalogue, Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y. TABLE OF CONTENTS Historical Statement iv Explanatory Statement v Abbreviations vi Government 1-12 The Baptist Education Society 1-8 The University Corporation 9-12 I nstruction 1 3-2 1 Alumni 22-356 The College 22-263 The Theological Seminary 264-333 Italian Department 333 Honorary 334~356 Summary 357-362 Index of Names 363-390 279626 HISTORICAL STATEMENT The Baptist Education Society of the State of New York was organized in Ham- ilton on September 24th 1817 by thirteen men whose names are given on page i as founders. The society was formed "for the purpose of educating pious young men to the gospel ministry." To do this, it was first necessary to provide instruction for those who should come under its care. Arrangements were therefore made with the pastor of the village chuich; and the first student was received in February 1818. A charter was granted the society on March 5th < 1819 by the legislature of the state of New York, and in May of the following year a school of theology was formally opened. During the early years the instruction was designed for those entering the min- istry; and until 1839 only such were received. The length of the regular course was at first two years; but was soon lengthened to three years. In 1829 it was extended to four years. It was further extended in 1832 to six years: the additional two years being given to preparatory work. The introduction of a collegiate course was first announced in the catalogue of 1833-4. The full course of study there laid down covered eight years: two preparatory, four collegiate, two theological. Later the preparatory course was extended, first one year, then two; and the theological course was made three years. The first class was graduated from the collegiate course in 1835.. The expansion of the educational side of the work of the Education Society made it important that additional powers should be bestowed by the legislature. Application was therefore made in 1840 for a new charter conferring such powers, but was refused. In 1843 the application was renewed, and again refused. In order to remove the objection raised by the legislature, and upon the suggestion of the trus- tees of the Education Society, a new application was presented by twenty-seven men. a majority of whom were members of the Society; and on March 26th 1846 an act was passed incorporating Madison University with full collegiate powers. This new corporation assumed control of the academic and collegiate departments, and provided for the expense of instruction in the theological seminary. The Education Society continued to share in the government of the Seminary to a greater or less extent according to the successive compacts between the two bodies. By the com- pact of June 2ist 1893 the Seminary became an organic part of the University. The names by which the Institution was designated up to 1833 were various: The Seminary, The Theological Seminary, The Literary and Theological Seminary, and The Baptist Literary and Theological Seminary. From 1833 to 1846 the name was The Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution. From 1846 to 1890 the name of the collegiate department was Madison University. In the latter year the name was changed to Colgate University. Since 1893 the name Colgate University has included the theological department as well as the collegiate. The Italian Department of the theological seminary was established in Brooklyn in the autumn of 1907. EXPLANATORY STATEMENT The first issue of a general catalogue of Colgate University was put out in 1905 and included all information then at hand to the end of the year 1903-04. This second issue is revised throughout and extends to the close of the year 1911-12. The alumni lists include the names of all students, whether graduates or not, except those whose period of residence was very short. The regular arrangement of the information after each name, so far as the ma- terial is in hand, is as follows: (i) all degrees, and graduation without degrees, first those from this institution, others in chronological order; (2) place and date of birth; (3) place of preparation for college; (4). residence at entrance; (5) other biographical data ; (6) address if living, place and date of death if dead. In addition to this, in the case of non-graduates, the years of residence are put at the very beginning. In the list of seminary alumni (3) is omitted; and in the list of honorary alumni (2) (3) and (4). In the case of students entering the college from another college (3) is ordinarily omitted. In (2) where no state is given it is understood to be New York, and the state continues the same until another is given. Educational institutions included in the list of abbreviations are considered to indicate the state in which they are located without further designation. In the case of localities in foreign countries, the country is usually stated, except in connection with well known universities. Statements of occupation, denomination, etc., once given also continue in force in the same way as with states. In statements concerning ordination and pastorate it is understood that the denomination is Baptist unless otherwise stated. The full record of a man who was a student in both college and seminary, whether a graduate or not, is given in every case in the college list. His name, with the ad- dress and college class, is given in the seminary list. The date is not given in the case of an AM in course from this institution. Both PhB and BP are abbreviations of the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy. PhB is used when it is a four year course, beginning with the class of 1891. BP in- dicates that the course was less than four years, and is used previous to and includ- ing the class of 1889. The preparatory department is called by that name (pd) up to 1846, Grammar School (GS) from 1846 to 1873, and Colgate Academy (CA) from 1873-1912. The date of graduation is given in the case of graduates from Colgate Academy. Previous to the college class of 1845 the *, indicating death, is prefixed to all names: beginning with that year, it is used only in accordance with definite informa- tion. ABBREVIATIONS GENERAL [Abbreviations not included here are either in common use or supposed to be intelligible without explanation.] ABFMS, American Baptist Foreign Mission Society ABHMS, American Baptist Home Mission Society ABMU, American Baptist Missionary Union ABPS, American Baptist Publication Society ABS, American Bible Society ABU, American Bible Union acad, academy ad, address adm, admitted (to bar) adj, adjunct AFBS, American and Foreign Bible Society Ag, August Ap, April assoc, association, associate asst, assistant ASSU, American Sunday School Union ATS, American Tract Society b, born BES, The Baptist Education Society of the State of New York Bibl, Biblical "bus, business c, college ch, church conf, conference Cong, Congregationalist conv, convention cor, correspondent, corresponding corpn, corporation Corpn, Corporation (of Madison University and Colgate University) CW, Canada West d, died, death D, December dep, deputy dept, department DS, divinity school e, English Course (in seminary) em, emeritus ev, evangelist, evangelistic F, February fac, faculty fr, (entered) from g, Greek Course (in seminary) GS, grammar school horn, homiletics HS, high school inf, infantry interp, interpretation inv, invalid Ja, January Je, June Jl, July lang, language LC, Lower Canada lib, library libn, librarian lit, literary, literature LS, law school math, mathematics ME, Methodist Episcopal med, medicine, medical mil, military miss, missionary, mission, missions Mr, March MS, medical school My, May N, November natl, national NS, normal school O, October ord, ordained p, pastor, pastorate pd, preparatory department PE, Protestant Episcopal phil, philosophy, philosophical phys, physician, physicians pr, preacher, preaching, preached prac, practised, practice prep, prepared (for college) Presb", Presbyterian publ, published, publishing, publisher res, resided, resident ret, retired s, seminary S, September SBC, Southern Baptist Convention sch, school sci, science, scientific sec, secretary sh, short course (in seminary) sp, special student ss, stated supply sup, supply t, teacher, taught ter, territory TS, theological seminary u, unknown U, University UC, Upper Canada un, union Unit, Unitarian vie, vicinity we, without charge x, ex-member (of a class) *, dead t, PhB Course (used with non-graduates) j, BS Course (used with non-graduates) ||, short course (in college) ABBREVIATIONS Vll EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS [Only those frequently referred to in this volume are here included.! Ac, Acadia (College, and University), NS AmC, Amherst College, Mass AndTS, Andover Theological Seminary, Mass AubTS, Auburn Theological Seminary, NY BdC, Bowdoin College, Me BU, Brown University, RI BUTS, Baptist Union Theological Seminary, BuU, Bucknell University, Pa CA, Colgate Academy Colby, Colby (University, and College), Me ColU, Columbian University, DC CornU, Cornell University, NY CTS, Crozer Theological Seminary, Pa CU, Colgate University DartC, Dartmouth College, NH DMC, Des Moines College, la DU, Denison University, FC, Franklin College, Ind Granv, Granville (Literary and Theological Institution, and College), O HamC, Hamilton College, NY Harv, Harvard (College, and University). Mass KalC, Kalamazoo College, Mich KnC, Knox College, 111 NTI, Newton Theological Institution, Mass OttU, Ottawa University, Ks PrU, Princeton University, NJ PTS, Princeton Theological Seminary, NJ RTS, Rochester Theological Seminary, NY SBTS, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, ShC, S^urtleff College, 111 SyrU, Syracuse University, NY UChic, University of Chicago, 111 ULg, University at Lewisburg, Pa UMich, University of Michigan, Mich Union, Union (College, and University), NY UR, University of Rochester, NY UTS, Union Theological Seminary, NY VasC, Vassar College, NY WC, Waterville College, Me WJC, William Jewell College, Mo WmsC, Williams College, Mass Yale, Yale (College, and University), Ct GOVERNMENT THE BAPTIST EDUCATION OF THE STATE OF NEW $ [The governing body 1817-1846] FOUNDERS *DANIEL HASCALL *NATHANIEL KENDRICK *PETER PHILANTHROPUS ROOTS *JOHN BOSTWICK *JOEL W CLARK *ROBERT POWELL *JONATHAN OLMSTEAD *SAMUEL PAYNE *SAMUEL W OSGOOD *THOMAS Cox *ELISHA PAYNE *CHARLES W HULL *AMOS KlNGSLEY OFFICERS *PETER PHILANTHROPUS ROOTS *JOHN BOSTWICK *JOSHUA BRADLEY *OBED WARREN *SQUIRE MUNRO *CLARK KENDRICK *SYLVESTER HAYNES JONATHAN OLMSTEAD *SENECA BARTON BURCHARD *WlLLIAM COBB *HENRY TOWER *SAMUEL COLGATE JACOB SLOAT FASSETT JOHN S MUNRO SIDNEY M COLGATE WILLIAM F GURLEY PRESIDENTS Fabius Hartwick Albany Pompey Camillus Vt Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Waterville New York Elmira Camillus Orange, NJ Troy CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES *NATHANIEL KENDRICK Hamilton *ZENAS FREEMAN Hamilton *PHILETUS BENNETT SPEAR Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Fabius Hartwick Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Eaton Hamilton Hamilton Eaton Lebanon 1817-18 1818-19 1819-20 1820-22 1822-23, 1825-31 1823-24 1824-25 1831-42 1842-46, 1858-61 1846-48, 1849-58 1848-49 1861-97 1897-1905 1905-08 1908-09 1.909- 1834-48 1849-50 1850-51, 1856-61 COLGATE UNIVERSITY "CHARLES MORTON *BERIAH N LEACH *LYMAN WRIGHT *HKRY A SMiTtf : :.:: : GEORGE WILLIAM LASHER* *LEGN.ARB JEROME: Mlrjpsbi ' HINTON SUMMERFIELD LLOYD "JONATHAN OLMSTEAD "SAMUEL W OSGOOD "DANIEL HASCALL "SENECA BARTON BURCHARD "THEODORE BURCHARD "ALVAH PIERCE HINTON SUMMERFIELD LLOYD ORRIN R JUDD "PETER PHILANTHROPUS ROOTS *JOEL W CLARK *JOHN BOSTWICK *DANIEL HASCALL "NATHANIEL KENDRICK *AMOS KINGSLEY *SAMUEL PAYNE "JONATHAN OLMSTEAD *SAMUEL W OSGOOD "CHARLES W HULL *OBED WARREN *JOSHUA BRADLEY "ELIJAH F WILLEY "JOHN PECK "ELIADA BLAKESLEY "THOMAS COX "CHARLES BABCOCK "SILAS SPAULDING "SQUIRE MUNRO "JOHN JEFFRIES "CALEB DOUGLASS "ELISHA PAYNE "DAVID NORTON "DANIEL PUTNAM "AMASA SMITH "JAMES SHEFFIELD *JABEZ BURCHARD "WASHINGTON WINSOR "NATHAN PECK Hamilton Hamilton Norwich Hamilton Cincinnati, O Brattleboro, Vt Hamilton Hamilton TREASURERS Hamilton Eaton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Brooklyn TRUSTEES Fabius Hamilton Hart wick Hamilton Hamilton Lebanon Hamilton Hamilton Eaton Eaton Portipey Albany Lansingburg Cazenovia Fabius Hamilton New Hartford Camillus Hamilton Sangerfield Brookfield Nelson 1853-56 1861-65 1865-73 1873-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877- 1817-21, 1825-26 1821-22, 1824-25 1822-24 1826-29, 1830-37 1829-30 1837-87 1887-1907 1907- 1817-19, 1817-18, 1822-24, 1817-18, 1817-18, 1817-18, 1817-21, 1817-18, 1820-22, 1818-19, 1820-22, 1818-19, 1818-20, 1818-19, 1818-19, 1824-25, 1822-23, 1818-19, 1819-20, 1819-21, 1819-20, 1821-22, 1817-18 1817-18 1821-22 1849-52 1819-49 1825-28 1821-40 1825-42 1823-26 1817-19 1823-24 1818-20 1818-19 1828-31 1823-24 1826-27 1820-23 1827-28 1825-36 1819-20 1819-20 1826-27 1819-20 1845-46 1819-20 1820-22 1820-21, 1823-24 1820-21, 1824-27 1820-22 GOVERNMENT *BENJAMIN I LANE *CALVIN PHILLEO *EBENEZER WAKELEY *ESQUIRE RICHARDSON *SYLVESTER HAYNES *JOSEPH Moss *GUY CARTER *SENECA BARTON BURCHARD *CLARK KENDRICK *LON GALUSHA *CALVIN H SWAIN *DANIEL HATCH *HORACE GRISWOLD *ELIJAH HERRICK *JOHN MUNRO *CHARLES BROCKWAY *JOHN GLAZIER STEARNS *CHARLES RANDALL *JOHN BLAIN *GEORGE PETTIT "LEWIS LEONARD *ALEXANDER MCWHORTER BEEBEE *JOHN SMITZER *ASHER FAIRCHILD THEODORE BURCHARD *ELISHA LITCHFIELD *AARON PERKINS *WlLLIAM COBB *PALMER TOWNSEND *SAMUEL PIKE *JOHN E BURTON *EDWARD BRIGHT *BENJAMIN BONNEY *ARTEMAS OSGOOD *ALVAH PIERCE *CHARLES YORK *URIAH HOBBY *HERVEY EDWARDS *CHARLES WALKER *ERASTUS VILAS *ALBERT G SMITH *JOSHUA GILBERT *NATHANIEL GARROW *FRIEND HUMPHREY JONATHAN SANFORD MAMES M CASSELS *WILLIAM SMITH INGHAM *STEPHEN WILLIAM TAYLOR *ROBERT H HYDE *ABRAHAM SPEAR 1820-21 Clinton 1821-24 German 1821-23 New York 1821-22 1822-23, 1824-27 1822-23. 1825-26 Leroy 1822-23 Hamilton, 1822-3, 24-9, 30-9, 42-8, 1851-61 Vt 1823-24 Whitesboro 1823-24 1823-24 1824-25, 1827-35 1824-26 1824-25 Eibridge 1824-25, 1827-35, 1837-51 * 1825-26 Clinton 1826-27 Norwich 1826-37 1827-28 Fabius 1827-36, 1837-38 Cazenovia < 1827-35, 1854-57 Utica 1827-28, 1849-50 Oneida 1828-35, 1863-72 1828-35 Hamilton 1829-30, 1831-35 Delphi 1829-34, 1^43-45 Hamilton 1835-39. 1852-55 Hamilton 1835-42, 1846-58, 1859-63 Brooklyn 1835-46, 1849-59 1835-37 1835-36 New York 1835-48, 1 8 4.9-50 Hamilton 1836-38 Hamilton 1836-39 Hamilton 1837-92 Norwich 1837-40 Whitesboro 1837-46 Fayetteville 1837-69 Utica 1837-48 Ogdensburg 1837-48, 1850-67 Rochester 1 83 7-45 New York 1837-41 Auburn 1837-39 Albany 1837-39. 1849-51 Hopkinton 1837-39 Earlville 1838-60 Cato 1838-40 Hamilton 1839-40 Caroline 1839-41 Macedon 18.10- 53 COLGATE UNIVERSITY *CHARLES W HOUGHTON *CHARLES N GRIFFIN *ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL *LEONARD FLETCHER *DANIEL ELDRIDGE *AUGUSTUS SIMONS *GEORGE CURTISS *WlLLIAM COOLIDGE *I GRIGGS *SMITH SHELDON *JAMES CAULDWELL *DAVID McWnoRTER *JAMES EDMUNDS *BERIAH N LEACH *P R GORTON *M J N HASKINS *JOHN N WILDER *JOSEPH TREVOR *ELISHA TUCKER *AMOS D GRAVES *DAVID R BARTON *JAY S BACKUS *JIRAH DELANO COLE *MARSENA STONE *CHARLES C PAYNE *JAMES GOVE *GARRAT NOEL BLEECKER *HENRY TOWER *ZENAS FREEMAN *ROSWELL SMITH BURROWS *OREN SAGE *ELIJAH F SMITH *S M FISH *A MOSELEY *ELISHA HARMON *THERON BROWN *WILLIAM COLGATE *J OSGOOD PIERCE *THOMAS D CHOLLAR *JAMES NICKERSON *DANIEL GRIFFIN COREY *CLESSON P SHELDON *PHILETUS BENNETT SPEAR *HENRY CARRIER VOGELL *JESSE ARMSTRONG *H H HAWLEY *E REED FORD *RALPH JOHNSON *JAMES BOORMAN COLGATE *CHANCELLOR HARTSHORN New York Clinton Hamilton Hamilton Utica New Berlin Utica Madison Hamilton Albany Whitesboro Pitcher Hamilton Hamilton Woodstock Whitesville Albany Hamilton New York Homer Rochester Auburn Whitesboro Eaton Hamilton Hamilton New York Waterville Hamilton Albion Rochester Rochester Rochester Penfield Wheatland Wheatland New York Hamilton Homer Cazenovia Utica Buffalo Hamilton Rome Rome Utica Oneonta Norwich New York Waterville 1839-45 1839-41 1839-48, 1849-60 1840-42 1840-43 1840-48, 1849-68 1840-50 1840-60 1840-43 1841-50 1841-43 1841-48 1841-49 1842-45, 1853-56 1842-43 1843-45 1843-49 1843-48 1845-49 1845-50 1845-49 1845-50 1846-51 1846-50 1847-69, 1870-79 1847-51 1847-48, 1849-53 1848-58, 1859-69 1848-50 1848-49 1848-50 1848-49 1848-49, 1850-54 1848-49 1848-49 1848-49 1849-56 1849-57 1849-89 1849-56 1849-84 1849-75. 1879-89 1850-61 1850-62 1850-52 1850-57 1850-54 1850-78 1850-54, 1857-1904 1850-57 GOVERNMENT *CHARLES MORTON *JABEZ SMITH SWAN *DAVID ALLEN MUNRO *JAMES WAGER *WILLIAM P STONE *EPHRAIM PALMER *WILLIAM CLARKE *THOMAS OLIVER LINCOLN *RICHARD PEGGS *CHARLES GRAVES *CHARLES OLMSTEAD *REUBEN JEFFERY *SAMUEL COLGATE *ALONZO PECK *RUFUS K AMORY *LYMAN WRIGHT *PETER BALEN *D M CROWELL *RUSSELL WHEELER *J C LOOMIS *CHARLES C COLGATE *AARON HALE BURLINGHAM *WILLIAM STILLWELL CLAPP *JOHN FULTON *EDWARD CHAPMAN *ALEXANDER MCGREGOR HOPPER *R J WILSON *WALTER ROLLIN BROOKS * WILLIAM S MIKELS *WILLIAM HARVEY KING *GEORGE COLFAX BALDWIN *SAMUEL THURSTON HILLMAN *GEORGE H ANDREWS *C W THOMAS *JOHN G WHIPPLE *SENECA BARTON BURCHARD *!SAAC NEWTON HOBART *NEHEMIAH M PERKINS *EDWIN D REED *WELLS C RUSSELL *EBENEZER S DAVIS *E A CORAY *HENRY A SMITH *J E PETTIT * ADAMS CLEGHORN *LEWIS WlCKWIRE *MINER C PALMER *WILLIAM HENRY PENDLETON *THOMSON KINGSFORD *JOHN COOPER WARD Hamilton New London, Ct Camillas Troy Owego New Hartford Cazenovia Utica Rome Cassville New York Albany New York Eaton Binghamton New York Rome Utica New Woodstock New York New York New York New Woodstock Utica Auburn Elmira Hamilton New York Owego Troy New York Springfield Yonkers New York Hamilton Adams Utica Cassville Hamilton Holland Patent New York Hamilton Fabius New York Hamilton Syracuse New York Oswego Frankfort 1851-53 1851-52 1851-64 1851-52 1851-78 1851-56 1852-69 1852-57, 1858-67 1852-56 1853-61 1853-55 1854-58, 1861-67 1854-57, 1861-97 1855-69, 1870-83 1855-59 1855-58, 1860-79 1856-61 1856-63 1856-77,1878-79 1856-57 1857-^1 1857-70 1857-62 1857-59 1857-61 1858-74 1858-59 1859-88 1859-75 1859-60 1860-62 1860-95 1860-69 1861-67 1861-66 1861-66 1862-69 1862-63 1862-88 1862-80 1863-78 1863-66 1865-73, 1874-78 1865-69 1866-70 1866-69 1867-75, 1892-96 1867-73 1867-70, 1897-1900 1867-78 COLGATE UNIVERSITY *STILLMAN BAILEY GRANT JOHN DEMING POPE *SOLOMON BAKER FRANCIS THEOPHILUS PIERCE *WILLIAM VAN ANTWERP "CHARLES AYER *J LUCAS *WlLLIAM F BONNEY *E BEAN C O MALTBY *J M HARRIS WARREN J BUELL *LEONARD JEROME MATTESON GEORGE WILLIAM LASHER *MORGAN L SMITH *LEONARD WOOLSEY CRONKHITE *HENRY AUGUSTUS CORDO *E WCooK WILLIAM ALLEN LEWIS *J M NEWTON *JOHN C HOYT *THOMAS FEARY Lucius MANLIUS SARGENT HAYNES * JAMES E HADNETT *DANIEL WEBSTER SKINNER *W H SCRANTON *DANIEL READ ABRAHAM COLES OSBORN JOHN LOVE *WiLLtAM H MONTGOMERY *LEONARD RICHARDSON *JOHN JACOB BROUNER * JAMES M STIFLER HlNTON SUMMERFIELD LLOYD HUGH OWAIN ROWLANDS *DANIEL M HOLMES *J G HARBOTTLE *GEORGE HOWE BRIGHAM *H C CHILDS *SILAS WRIGHT HATCH *LI WILLIAM STONE WILLIAM THOMAS HENRY *W S CUSTIS MYLVESTER BURCHARD * JOSEPH DEGOLYER THOMAS H FEARY *BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BONNEY EDWARD BURROWS GASKELL *LIJAH EYNON CHIVERS *Lucius H BIGLOW Fitchburg, Mass Lynn, Mass Hamilton Hamilton Albany W Winfield Madison Hamilton Skaneateles Watertown Rome Hamilton Brattleboro, Vt Cincinnati, O Newark, N J Sandy Hill Haddonfield, NJ Havana Jersey City, NJ AJbany Utica Albany Binghamton New York Hamilton Utica Brooklyn N Adams, Mass Asbury Park, NJ Rochester Brooklyn New York Hamilton Hamilton Newark, NJ Norwich Watertown Cortland New York Adams Owego Elmira Utica Hamilton Troy Albany Hamilton Hamilton New York New York 1869-73. 1869-73 1869-71 1869-74, 1898- 1869-73. 1869-74 1869-71 1869-75 1869-75. 1869-74 1870-73 1871- 1*71-78 1872-78 1873-85- 1873-85 1873-1906 1873-75 1873-74 1873-74, 1875-82 1873-74 1874-80 1874-1901 1874-75 1874-88 1874-81 1875-81 1875-76, 1885- 1875-76 1875-97 1875-91 1 876-96 1876-80 1877- 1877-79 1878-96 1 878-82 i 878-1905 1878-87 1878-81. 1878-80 1879- 1879-85, 1879-82, 1888-1907 1880-82 1880-84 1880-1900 1880-1909 1881-84, 1895-98 1881-1909 GOVERNMENT ALBERT MELVILLE PRENTICE HENRY MELVILLE KING JOHN HUMPSTONE *LEWIS E GURLEY *STEPHEN HENRY STACKPOLE *CHARLES R PAYNE *TEN EYCK DEPUY WILLIS ELLARD FORD *GEORGE A WOOLVERTON ALFRED SQUIER HUBBELL LOREN ALLEN *JABEZ A BOSTWICK *WILLIAM NEWTON CLARKE ALBERT PERRY BRIGHAM *WILLIAM R WRIGHT NATHAN EUSEBIUS W T OOD JOHN S MUNRO JACOB ARTHUR JONES RICHARD M COLGATE ALVAH SABIN HOBART *HENRY S DAY *ROBERT GlLLIN SEYMOUR EDWARD JUDSON CORNELIUS SAMUEL SAVAGE *TRUMAN B CHASE *JOHN J JONES HENRY MARTIN SANDERS RILEY ADELBERT VOSE * JAMES T LAWSON SMITH THOMAS FORD *JUSTUS MILLER *HALSEY MOORE J S BURR *DANIEL A W T ATERMAN ^LEONARD JOHN DEAN LEWIS HALSEY *SAMUEL HENRY ARCHIBALD ALVAH WAYLAND BOURNE *SAMUEL COLGATE ALBERT EDWARD WAFFLE . JACOB SLOAT FASSETT *GEORGE C HORTON WILLIAM F GURLEY WILLIAM ALEXANDER GRANGER GILES HUMISTON HUBBARD *FREDERICK OSBORN LLOYD JESSE A VERY HUNGATE WILLIAM HOLLOWAY MAIN * WILLIAM SHAW WILLIAM BOARDMAN WALLACE Troy Providence, RI Brooklyn Troy Hamilton Hamilton Rochester Utica Albany Clarence Sandy Hill New York Hamilton Hamilton Fort Ann Arlington, Mass Camillus Hamilton Orange, NJ Chester, Pa New York Philadelphia, Pa New York Oswego Hamilton N Orange, NJ New York Newark, NJ Newburgh Chicago, III Troy New York Gloversville Yonkers Saratoga Springs Wyoming, O ' Wallingford, Vt Auburn Orange, NJ Albion Elmira Utica Troy Mt Vernon Coopers Plains Hamilton Riverside, Cal Philadelphia, Pa Troy Brooklyn 1881- 1882-92 1882-1901 1882-89, 1895-97 1882-87 1883-90 1883-84 1884-89 1884-96 1884-95 1885-87 1885-93 1887-88, 1889-91 1887-93 1888-91 1888-91 1888- 1889-92, 1907- 1889- 1889-98 1891-94 1891-94 1891-94, 1898- 1892- 1892-96 1892-95 1892-93 1893-97 1893-96 1894-97 1894-97 1894-96 1895^97 1896-99 1896-1911 1896-98 1896-1904 1896- 1896-99 1896-1905 1897-1905 1897-98 1897-98, 1904- 1897- 1897- 1898-1900 1898-1904 1898-1904 1898-1904 1898-1908 8 COLGATE UNIVERSITY GILBERT T GRAVES SIDNEY M COLGATE SAMUEL BERKLEY LEARY THOMAS PETTIBONE KINGSFORD EUGENE PARDON SISSON ORRIN R JUDD WILLIAM OAKMAN STEARNS DANIEL HUNT CLARE EZRA H STEVENS MARY COLGATE GOVE GRIFFITH JOHNSON WILLIAM WALLACE DAWLEY WALTER F ROBERTS EDWARD SINCLAIR ALDERMAN *WILLIAM M ADAMS DONALD DRUMMOND MacLAURiN JOHN LAFAYETTE RAY ALFRED EDWARD ALTON WILLIAM MANGAM LAWRENCE WILLIAM HENRY CRAWSHAW WILLIAM T HILLMAN RUFUSN TAYNTOR JOHN SNAPE CARL DELOS CASE RUSSELL COLGATE ARTHUR A HARTSHORN L HORATIO BIGLOW PLEASANT LEE POWELL CHESTER FAIRMAN RALSTON Buffalo Orange, NJ Hamilton Oswego Hamilton Brooklyn New Woodstock E Orange, NJ Albany Yonkers New York Syracuse Utica Spartanburg, SC Brooklyn Walla Walla, W T ash Norwich Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Mt Vernon Hamilton Utica Buffalo New York Hamilton New York Hamilton Yonkers 1899-1904 1899-1909 1900-03. 1901- 1901- 1901- 1901- 1903- 1904-05 1904-05 1904- 1904- 1904-07 1905-07 1905-10 1905-08 1905- 1907- 1907-10 1907-10 1907- 1907- 1908- 1908- 1908- 1909- 1909- 1910- 1910- GOVERNMENT THE UNIVERSITY CORPORATION [The governing body 1846-] ^FRIEND HUMPHREY *HENRY TOWER *JAMES BOORMAN COLGATE WILLIAM MANGA M LAWRENCE SIDNEY M COLGATE *JAMES EDMUNDS *JOHN HOWARD RAYMOND *PHILETUS BENNETT SPEAR *WILLIAM CLARKE *WALTER ROLLIN BROOKS *HOSMER HALE KEITH *WILLIAM NEWTON CLARKE JAMES COLBY COLGATE *JAMES EDMUNDS *HENRY TOWER *PHILETUS BENNETT SPEAR JAMES WILLIAM FORD WILLIAM RANDALL ROWLANDS *WILLIAM MOTT WEST FRANK Lucius SHEPARDSON *FRIEND HUMPHREY *JAMES EDMUNDS *SENECA BARTON BURCHARD *WILLIAM COLGATE *WILLIAM LARNED MARCY *PALMER TOWNSEND *WlLLIAM COBB *!RA HARRIS *HENRY TOWER "NATHANIEL KENDRICK *ALVAH PIERCE ^BARTHOLOMEW TROW WELCH OFFICERS PRESIDENTS Albany Waterville New York Hamilton Orange, NJ SECRETARIES Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Cazenovia Hamilton Sioux Falls, Hamilton New York TREASURERS Hamilton Waterville Hamilton Eugene, Ore Brooklyn Hamilton Hamilton MEMBERS Albany Hamilton Hamilton New York Albany Brooklyn Hamilton Albany Waterville Hamilton Hamilton Albany SD 1846-50 1850-64 1864-1904 1905-12 1912- 1846-47 1847-50 1850-60 1860-65 1865-73, 1883-88 1873-83 1888-92 1892- 1846-47 1847-64 1864-88 1888-89 1889-96 1896-1910 1912- 1846-50 1846-50 1846-50, 1856-61 1846-57 1846-57 1846-68 1846-64 1846-50 1846-73 1846-48 1846-91 1846-51 10 COLGATE UNIVERSITY *EDWARD BRIGHT *WILLIAM R WILLIAMS *ROBERT KELLY *HERVEY EDWARDS *CHARLES WALKER *SMITH SHELDON *JOSEPH CAULDWELL *JOHN MUNRO *JOHN N WILDER *GEORGE CURTISS *ELISHA TUCKER *PHARCELLUS CHURCH *JOSEPH TREVOR *AMOS D GRAVES *ALONZO WHEELOCK *JOHN HOWARD RAYMOND *ZENAS MORSE *DAVID R BARTON *SPENCER HOUGHTON CONE *ROSWELL SMITH BURROWS *PHILETUS BENNETT SPEAR *THEODORE ROOT BURCHARD *ALFRED GARDINER SLOCUM *CHARLES C PAYNE * AUGUSTUS SIMONS *ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL *JAMES NICKERSON *JAMES GOVE *JESSE ARMSTRONG *ALRICK HUBBELL *HENRY CARRIER VOGELL *GARRAT NOEL BLEECKER *E REED FORD *HENRY S ARMSTRONG *DAVID ALLEN MUNRO *CALEB VAN HUSEN *CHARLES YORK *BENEZER CAULDWELL *ALONZO PECK *CHARLES MASON *JOHN MUNRO *ALBERT R Fox *RUFUS FREEMAN ANDREWS *SAMUEL COLGATE *THEODORE F HUMPHREY *WILLIAM CLARKE *JAMES BOORMAN COLGATE *GEORGE H ANDREWS *WALTER ROLLIN BROOKS *THOMAS DAVIS ANDERSON New York New York New York Fayetteville Utica Albany Whitesboro Elbridge Albany Utica New Y'ork Rochester Hamilton Homer New York Hamilton Hamilton Rochester New York Albion Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton New Berlin Hamilton Cazenovia Hamilton Rome Utica Rome New York Oneonta Rome Camillus Saline Norwich New York Eaton Hamilton Elbridge Sand Lake New York New York Albany Cazenovia New York Springfield Hamilton New York 1846-51 1846-50- 1846-51 1846-69 1846-55 1846-64 1846-47 1846-55 1846-52 1846-59 1846-51 1846-51 1846-49 1846-50 1846-50 1847-50 1847-50 1847-52 1849-55 1849-52 1850-60, 1865-1901 1850-54. 1850-55 1850-81 1850-74 1850-63 1850-55- 1850-66 1850-52 1850-78- 1850-62 1850-53 1850-75 1852-66 1852-97 1852-85 1852-74 1853-72 1854-84 1855-79 1855-92 1857-72 1857-97 1857-85 1859-71 1861-1904 1862-87 1864-88 1864-83, GOVERNMENT II *THOMAS CORNELL *HENRY OSBORN WHEELER *JOHN B TREVOR *MORGAN L SMITH *DWARD LATHROP *HOSMER HALE KEITH ALBERT SMITH BICKMORE *JOHN C HOYT *LEONARD WOOLSEY CRONKHITE HENRY MARTIN SANDERS *EDWARD AUSTEN '* ISAAC JOHNSON *RUSSELL WHEELER THOMSON KINGSFORD ISAAC EDWIN GATES *WILLIAM NEWTON CLARKE *LEWIS E GURLEY FRANCIS THEOPHILUS PIERCE *DANIEL WEBSTER SKINNER "*GEORGE A WOOLVERTON * JOHN THORN JAMES COLBY COLGATE JAMES WILLIAM FORD *GEORGE LAVATER STEDMAN GARDNER COLBY *JOHN J JONES GEORGE WOOLVERTON STEDMAN ABRAHAM COLES OSBORN WILLIAM THOMAS HENRY THOMAS PETTIBONE KINGSFORD EDWARD MARSHALL GROUT WILLIS ELLARD FORD EDWIN H RISLEY GEORGE WILLIAM DOUGLAS HENRY HARRISON PEABODY JAMES WALLACE FORD * ROBERT GlLLIN SEYMOUR AUSTEN COLGATE CEYLON HARRIS LEWIS *DANIEL PRATT BALDWIN EDWARD JUDSON *EUGENE ANDREWS ROWLAND DUNLEVY MlLBANK WILLIAM ALEXANDER GRANGER WILLIAM MANGAM LAWRENCE HENRY THOMPSON MARTIN GREEN BENEDICT ISAAC HILL MUNRO MARK D STILES GEORGE WATSON COBB Rondout Hamilton New York Newark New York Sioux Falls, SD New York Utica Sandy Hill New York Orange, NJ Yonkers Utica Oswego New York Hamilton Troy Hamilton Hamilton Albany Utica New York Eugene, Ore Albany Orange, NJ Orange, NJ Albany N Adams, Mass Elmira Oswego Brooklyn Utica Utica Boston, Mass Rome Westerly, RI Philadelphia, Pa Orange, NJ Syracuse Logansport, Ind New York Rome New York Mt Vernon Hamilton New York St Johnsbury, Vt Syracuse Mt Vernon Montclair, N J 1866-83 1866-77 1868-88 1869-85 1872-1906 1872-1903 1872-1908 1873-1907 1875-96 1877-90, 1892- 1878-93 1878-95 1878-95 1879-1900 1883-95 1883-92 1883-97 1883- 1883-1911 1885-97 1888-95 1888- 1889-90 1890-98 1892- 1892-95 1892- 1893- 1894- 1894- 1895- 1895- 1895-1911 1896- 1897- 1897-1904 1898-1912 1898- 1901- 1901-04 1901-06 1903-11 1904- 1904- 1904-12 1906- 1906- 1907- 1907-11 1907- 12 COLGATE UNIVERSITY GEORGE ALBERT FRISBIE Utica 1908- SIDNEY M COLGATE Orange, NJ 1911- ELI AS JOHNSON Spuyten Duyvil 1911- INSTRUCTION MEMBERS OF THE FACULTIES PRESIDENTS *STEPHEN WILLIAM TAYLOR, LLD 1851-1856 *GEORGE W EATON, DD, LLD 1856-1868 *EBENEZER DODGE, DD, LLD 1868-1890 *GEORGE WILLIAM SMITH, LLD 1895-1897 *GEORGE EDMANDS MERRILL, DD, LLD 1899-1908 ELMER BURRITT BRYAN, LLD 1909- TEACHERS *DANIEL HASCALL, AM Principal 1820-3; professor of languages, and sacred rhetoric 1820-35 *NATHANIEL KENDRICK, DD Lecturer on theology 1820-1; professor of systematic and pastoral theology, and moral philosophy 182 1-32; mental philosophy and systematic theology 1 832-3; systematic and pastoral theology 1833-46; chosen president 1836, but did not accept; acting professor of intellectual and moral philosophy 1837- 8; professor of systematic theology 1846-8 *ZENAS MORSE, AB, AM Teacher of Latin and Greek 1821-5 *BERIAH N LEACH, AM, DD Tutor 1824-5 *CHANCELLOR HARTSHORN Tutor 1825-7 *SETH SPENCER WHITMAN, AB Professor of Hebrew and Biblical criticism 1829-35 *BARNAS SEARS, AB, AM, DD, LLD Professor of languages 1829-32; Biblical theology 1832-6 *JOEL SMITH BACON, AB, DD Professor elect of mathematics and natural philosophy 1832-3; professor of intellectual and moral philosophy 1833-7; acting professor of mathematics and natural philosophy 1833-4 *ASAHEL CLARK KENDRICK, AB, AM, DD, LLD Professor of languages 1832-6; the Greek and Latin languages 1836-8; the Greek language and literature 1838-50 *GEORGE W EATON, AB, DD, LLD Professor of mathematics and natural philosophy 1834-7; ecclesiastical his- tory 1837-8; civil and ecclesiastical history 1838-47; acting professor of in- tellectual and moral philosophy 1845-50; professor of ecclesiastical history 14 COLGATE UNIVERSITY 1847-50; civil history 1847-50; Biblical theology 1850-9; intellectual and moral philosophy 1850-1; acting professor of ecclesiastical history 1850-7; civil history 1851-3; professor of civil history 1853-7; president 1856-68 Bleecker professor of intellectual and moral philosophy 1856-68; professor of doctrinal theology 1859-61; Bleecker professor of moral philosophy 1868-71; president of seminary 1861-71; professor of homiletics and practical theology 1861-5; homiletics and history of Christian doctrine 1865-7; homiletics and practical theology 1867-71; emeritus professor of practical theology 1871-2 *STEPHEN WILLIAM TAYLOR, AB, LLD Principal of preparatory department 1834-8; professor of mathematics and natural philosophy 1838-45, 1851-3; president 1851-6; acting professor of intellectual and moral philosophy 1851-3; professor of natural, intellectual and moral philosophy 1853-4; Bleecker professor of natural, intellectual and moral philosophy 1854-6 THOMAS JEFFERSON CONANT, AB, DD Professor of Hebrew and Biblical criticism 1835-6; Biblical criticism and in- terpretation 1836-50; the Hebrew language and literature 1847-50 *JOHN FRAM RICHARDSON, AM Tutor 1835-6; classical tutor 1836-7; tutor in the Greek and Latin languages 1837-8; professor of the Latin language and literature 1838-50 *WILLIAM MATHER, MD Lecturer on chemistry 1837-43; chemistry and geology 1850-1; professor of chemistry, geology and mineralogy 1851-67 *PHILETUS BENNETT SPEAR, AM, DD Tutor in mathematics and natural philosophy 1837-8; Hebrew philology and sacred antiquities 1838-42; adjunct professor of Hebrew 1842-6; principal of Grammar School 1846-8, 1849-50; adjunct professor of Hebrew and principal of Grammar School 1848-9; professor of the Hebrew and Latin languages 1850-66; the Hebrew language 1866-75; emeritus professor of Hebrew and Latin 1875-01 *JOHN SHARP MAGINNIS, DD Professor of Biblical theology 1838-50; the evidences of natural and revealed religion 1847-50 *ANTHONY LAMB Tutor in Greek 1838-9 *JOHN HOWARD RAYMOND, AB, LLD Tutor .in intellectual and moral philosophy and belles lettres 1838-40; pro- fessor of rhetoric and of the English language 1840-5; rhetoric and belles lettres 1845-50 *GEORGE RIPLEY BLISS, DD, LLD Tutor in Greek philology 1840-4 *SAMUEL GRAVES, AM, DD Tutor in mathematics and natural philosophy 1846-8 *HEZEKIAH HARVEY, AM, DD Tutor in philology 1847-9; professor of civil history 1857-61; ecclesiastical history and pastoral theology 1857-61; Biblical criticism and interpretation and pastoral theology 1861-3; Biblical interpretation, and pastoral theology 1863-4. 1869-75; sacred literature 1861-4, 1869-71; Bleecker professor of INSTRUCTION 15 moral philosophy 1871-5; professor of New Testament exegesis and pastoral theology 1875-90; New Testament interpretation and pastoral theology 1890-1; pastoral theology 1891-3; dean of seminary faculty 1891-3 *EDMUND TURKEY, DD Professor of Biblical criticism and interpretation 1850-3; the evidences of re- vealed religion 1850-3 *EZRA S GALLUP, AM Professor of the Greek language and literature 1850-67 *ALEXANDER MCWHORTER BEEBEE, AB, AM, DD Professor of logic and English literature 1850-61; lecturer on sacred rhetoric 1854-61; professor of civil history 1861-2; acting professor of rhetoric and belles lettres 1862-5; professor of ecclesiastical history 1861-5; logic, Eng- lish literature and civil history 1865-8; civil history 1868-71; ecclesiastical history 1868-71; logic 1871-97; homiletics 1871-91; acting professor of ec- clesiastical history 1871-2; professor emeritus of homiletics 1891-7 *LuciEN M OSBORN, AB, AM, LLD Principal of Grammar School and adjunct professor, of mathematics 1851-3; professor of mathematics 1853-7; principal of Grammar School 1854-5; professor of mathematics and natural philosophy 1857-68; acting principal of Grammar School 1863-4; professor of the natural sciences 1868-77; the physical sciences 1877-91; physics and astronomy 1891-2 *EBENEZER DODGE, AB, DD, LLD Professor of Biblical criticism and interpretation 1854-61; the evidences of revealed religion 1854-68; Christian theology 1861-90; president 1868-90; professor of metaphysics 1868-88; philosophy 1888-90 *PHILIP PERRY BROWN, AB, AM Principal of Grammar School 1855-63 *WILLIAM IRELAND KNAPP, AB, AM, PHD, LLD Professor of modern languages 1860-5 *ELI WILLIAM STONE, AB, AM Professor of rhetoric and belles lettres 1861-2 *ALBERT NICHOLAS ARNOLD, AB, AM, DD Professor of Biblical interpretation and pastoral theology 1864-9; sacred literature 1864-9 NEWTON LLOYD ANDREWS, AB, AM, PHD, LLD Principal of Grammar School 1864-9; adjunct professor of Latin 1865-6; professor of Latin 1 866-8; the Greek language and literature 1868-; librar- ian 1 868-80 ; dean of college faculty 1 880-95 ; lecturer on the history of art 1 896- EDWARD JUDSON, AB, DD Instructor in languages 1867-8; professor of the Latin and modern languages 1868-74; instructor in pastoral theology 1897-00; professor of pastoral the- ology 1905- *JOHN JAMES LEWIS, AB, AM, LLD Professor of logic and English literature 1868-71; civil history, English lit- erature and oratory 1871-84 ALBERT SMITH BICKMORE, AB, PHD, LLD Professor of natural history 1868-72 1 6 COLGATE UNIVERSITY' JAMES MORFORD TAYLOR, AB, AM, LLD Instructor in pure mathematics 1868-70; principal of Grammar School 1869- 73; professor of mathematics 1870- *DAVID WESTON, AB, AM, DD Professor of ecclesiastical history 1872-5; lecturer on Oriental languages 1873-5 *FRANK WARREN TOWLE, AB, AM, PnD Principal of Colgate Academy 1873-82 *OSCAR HOWES, AB, AM Professor of Latin and modern languages 1874-82 *W ALTER ROLLIN BROOKS, AM, DD Lecturer on natural history 1874-88; relations of religion and science 1887-8 WILLIAM HALE MAYNARD, AB, DD Professor of ecclesiastical history 1875-; Bleecker professor of moral phil- osophy 1875-90; professor of political economy 1886-95 SYLVESTER SURNHAM, AB, AM, DD Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis 1875-88; Biblical literature 1887-90; Semitic languages and Old Testament exegesis 1888-90; Old Tes- tament interpretation 1890-; Semitic languages and Biblical literature 1890-1; Biblical literature 1891-3; librarian 1880-92; dean of seminary faculty 1893-1910 CHARLES ALEXANDER GARDINER, AB, AM, PnD Professor of Latin and the modern languages 1882-3 JAMES WILLIAM FORD, AB, AM, PHD Principal of Colgate Academy 1882-8 ALBERT GRANGER HARKNESS, AB, LHD Professor of Latin and the modern languages 1883-9 JOSEPH FRANK MCGREGORY, AB, AM, ScD Professor of chemistry 1883-5; chemistry and mineralogy 1885- BENJAMIN STUYTES TERRY, AB, AM, PHD, LLD Professor of civil history, English and oratory 1885-6; civil history and English 1886-91; history and political science 1891-2 HlNTON SUMMERFIELD LLOYD, AB, AM, DD Lecturer on ministerial efficiency 1886- WILLIAM HENRY CRAWSHAW, AB, AM, LirrD, LLD Instructor in English and elocution 1887-9; associate professor of English literature 1889-93; professor of English literature 1893-; dean of college faculty 1897-1908, 1909-; president pro tempore 1908-9 WILLIAM COLGATE EATON, AB, AM, PHD Professor of engineering 1888-91 NATHANIEL SCHMIDT, AM Associate professor of Semitic languages and Biblical Greek 1888-90; pro- fessor of Semitic languages and literature 1890-6 AARON HODGMAN COLE, AB, AM Lecturer on natural history 1888-90; lecturer in biology and geology, and curator of the museum 1890-1; instructor in biology and geology, and cur- ator of the museum 1891-2 INSTRUCTION 17 EUGENE PARDON SISSON, AM Acting principal of Colgate Academy 1888-9, 1895-6; assistant professor of mathematics 1912- FREDERICK WELTON COLEGROVE, AB, AM, PHD, DD Professor of Latin and the modern languages 1889-90; the Latin language and literature 1890-1 ; instructor in the Latin language and literature 1891-2 JOHN GREENE, AB, AM, PHD Principal of Colgate Academy 1889-93; professor of Latin 1893-; instructor in elements of New Testament Greek 1895-1908, 1909-10; dean pro tempore of college faculty 1908-9; acting dean 1910-11; associate dean 1911- *WILLIAM NEWTON CLARKE, AB, AM, DD J J Joslin professor of Christian theology 1890-1908; professor of ethics and apologetics 1908-12 ROBERT WEBBER MOORE, PnB Instructor in modern languages 1890-2; associate professor of French and German 1892-3; professor of French and German 1893-1904; German 1904- EDWARD ELLERY, AB, PHD, ScD Instructor in chemistry 1890-1 DAVID FOSTER ESTES, AB, AM, DD Professor of New Testament interpretation 1891-; librarian 1898- JACOB ARTHUR JONES, AB, AM, DD Perry professor of homiletics 1891-; instructor in pastoral theology 1893-7; acting dean of seminary faculty 1895-6 JOHN BERNARD EKELY, AB, AM, PHD, ScD Assistant in chemistry 1891-3 ALBERT PERRY BRIGHAM, AB, AM Associate professor of geology and natural history 1892-3; professor of geol- ogy and natural history 1893-1907; geology 1907-; curator of the museum 1895- FERDINAND COURTNEY FRENCH, AB, PHD Associate professor of philosophy 1892-3; professor of philosophy 1893-4; lecturer in philosophy of religion 1902-3; professor of philosophy 1910- ERNEST Fox NICHOLS, ScB, ScM, ScD, LLD Associate professor of physics 1892-3; professor of physics 1893-8 *GEORGE WILLIAM SMITH, AB, LLB, LLD Associate professor of history 1892-3; professor of history 1893-5; president 1895-7 HERBERT JUDSON SMITH, AB Instructor in New Testament Greek 1892-3; assistant in New Testament Greek 1893-4 CHARLES HENRY ADAMS WAGER, AB, PHD, LirrD Instructor in Latin 1892-3 RALPH WILMER THOMAS, AB, AM Registrar 1892-1905; librarian 1892-3; acting librarian 1893-8; professor of rhetoric and public speaking 1893-1910; rhetoric 1910- 1 8 COLGATE UNIVERSITY CHARLES HERBERT THURBER, PnB, AM, PHD Principal of Colgate Academy 1893-5; professor of pedagogy 1893-4; the history, theory and art of education 1894-5 WILLIAM BAIRD ELKIN, AB, PHD Associate professor of philosophy 1894-5 ALBERT COOK MacGREGORY, PnD Acting professor of physics 1894-6 FRANK AMNER GALLUP, AB Instructor in elements of New Testament Greek 1894-5 WAYLAND MORGAN CHESTER, AB, AM Assistant in geology and natural history 1894-8; instructor in biology 1898- 1900; associate professor of biology 1900-4; professor of biology 1904-; assistant curator of the museum 1906- SHERMAN LORENZO HOWE, AB, AM Assistant in mathematics and French 1894-5 MELBOURNE STUART READ, AB, PHD Associate professor of philosophy 1895-6; professor of philosophy 1896-1900; philosophy and education 1900-10; psychology and education 1910-; secre- tary of the college 1910-12; vice-president 1912- CHARLES WORTHEN SPENCER, AB, PnD Associate professor of history and economics 1895-6; professor of history 1896-1905 JAMES PADDOCK TAYLOR, AB Instructor in pedagogy 1895-6 HERBERT EDWARD NIMS, AB, AM Assistant in chemistry 1895-7 GEORGE WHEELOCK BANNING, MD Director of the gymnasium, instructor in physiology and hygiene 1896-1900 FRANK Lucius SHEPARDSON, AB, AM Principal of Colgate Academy 1896-1912; associate professor of Greek 1912- GEORGE RICKER BERRY, AB, AM, PHD, DD Instructor in Semitic languages 1896-8; professor of Semitic languages 1898-; instructor in elements of New Testament Greek 1910- EDGAR SHUGERT INGRAHAM, AB, PnD Assistant in French and German 1897-9 THOMAS JOSEPH BRYAN, AB, AM, BD, PHD Assistant in chemistry 1897-9 CLARENCE DARWIN KINGSLEY, BS, AM Assistant in mathematics 1897-1902 CLEMENT DEXTER CHILD, AB, PnD Associate professor of physics 1898-1904; professor of physics 1904- GEORGE EDMANDS MERRILL, AB, AM, DD, LLD President 1899-1908; professor of pastoral theology 1899-1905 FRANK CARMAN EWART, AB, AM Associate professor of modern languages 1899-1904; professor of Romance languages 1904-10; Romanic languages 1910- INSTRUCTION 19 ROY BURNETT SMITH, BS, MS Assistant in chemistry 1899-1903; instructor in chemistry 1903-6; assistant professor of chemistry 1906-9; associate professor 1909- JOHN BENJAMIN ANDERSON, AB, BD Instructor in ecclesiology and English Bible 1900-6; acting professor of ecclesiology and English Bible 1906-8; professor of ecclesiology and the En- glish Bible 1908- ELLERY CHANNING HUNTINGTON, AB, AM Director of the gymnasium 1900-; instructor in physiology and hygiene 1900- i; professor of physiology and hygiene 1901- WILLIAM ARTHUR STANTON, AB, AM, DD Instructor in practical missions 1901-2 ARTHUR WHIPPLE SMITH, BS, MS, PHD Instructor in mathematics 1902-6; assistant professor of mathematics 1906-8; associate professor 1908- * ALBERT ARNOLD BENNETT, AB, BD, DD Instructor in practical missions 1902-3 HAROLD ORVILLE WHITNALL, PnB, AM Assistant in geology and biology 1902-4; instructor in geology and biology 1904-9; assistant professor of mineralogy and economic geology 1909-12; associate professor 1912- LEONARD WOOLSEY CRONKHITE, AB, AM, DD Instructor in practical missions 1903-4 ALBERT BURNS STEWART, AB, AM Instructor in mathematics (engineering) 1903-6, 1907-9; associate professor of mathematics (engineering) 1909- EVERETT WALTON GOODHUE, AB, AM Instructor in sociology and economics 1903-6; acting professor of sociology and economics 1906-8 ; professor 1908-12 ; professor of economics and sociology 1912- CLARENCE BAUMES ANTISDEL, AB, AM, BD Instructor in practical missions 1904-5 HARRY THOMAS COLLINGS, AB, AM, PnD Assistant in modern languages 1904-6 WALLACE TEALL STOCK, AB, AM Assistant in rhetoric and public speaking 1904-6; assistant in rhetoric and public speaking and in English literature 1906; instructor in English 1906-8 ADNA WOOD RISLEY, AB Instructor in history 1905-6; acting professor of history 1906-8; professor 1908-9 JACOB SPEICHER Instructor in practical missions 1905-6 VINCENT BARRETT FISK, AB, AM Registrar 1906-10 MARCUS CLARK MASON, AB, AM, DD Instructor in practical missions 1906-7 20 COLGATE UNIVERSITY HERMAN THEODOR RENDTORFF AUDE, BS, MS Assistant in mathematics (engineering) 1906-7 HENRY JOHN SKIPP, AB Assistant in modern languages 1906-8 ANTONIO MANGANO, AB, AM, BD Professor in charge of Italian department of seminary 1907- JOHN HUBBARD LOGAN, AB, AM Instructor in ecclesiastical history 1907-8; associate professor of ecclesias- tical history 1908-10 LUIGI SCELFO Instructor in the Italian language .1907-8 MARY E GODDEN Instructor in English 1907- FREDERICK HOWARD EVELETH, AB, DD Instructor in practical missions 1907-8 JOHN GRIFFITH THOMAS Instructor in vocal music 1907-8; music 1910-1 ASA MALCOLM HUGHES, AB, AM Assistant in Greek and Latin 1907-1 1 ELMER WILLIAM SMITH, AB, AM Associate professor of English 1908-10; associate professor of English litera- ture 1910-; professor of public speaking 1910- GIOVANNI ALLEGRI Instructor in Biblical interpretation and homiletics 1908- LEWIS DOYLE MORSE, AB Instructor in practical missions 1908-9 ROBERT CALVIN WARD, AB Assistant in modern languages 1908-10 ARCHIE ROY BANGS, AB, AM Assistant in modern languages 1908-10 ELMER BURRITT BRYAN, AB, LLD President 1909-; lecturer on psychology 1912- FREEMAN HARLOW ALLEN, AB, AM, PHD Acting professor of history and politics 1909-10; professor 1910- FRANK AUBREY STARRATT, AB, DD Instructor in Christian theology 1909-10; J J Joslin professor of Christian theology 1910- Louis EDWIN MARTIN, PnB, AM Instructor in practical missions 1909-10 WILLIAM HENRY ALLISON, AB, BD, PHD Professor of ecclesiastical history 1910-; dean of seminary faculty 1910- ERNEST WILSON CLEMENT, AB Instructor in practical missions 1910-1 JOHN AUGUSTUS LAHEY, BS, MS Assistant in chemistry 1910-2; instructor in chemistry 1912- INSTRUCTION 21 FREDERICK MASON JONES, BS Assistant in Romanic languages 1910-2; instructor in Romanic languages 1912- GEORGE GOEWEY SAUNDERS, AB Assistant in physics 1910-2; instructor in physics 1912- JESSE SWARTZ ARMSTRONG, AB, AM Assistant in German 1910-2 ALFRED EDWARD ALTON, AB, BD Professor of Biblical literature 1911- WILLIAM HENRY HOERRNER Professor of music 1911- ASA KING LEONARD, BS, MS Assistant director of the gymnasium 1911- WESLEY PLUMMER CLARK, AB, AM Instructor in Greek and Lafm 1911-2 WINFIELD SCOTT SWEET Instructor in practical missions 1911-2 WILLIAM FRANKLIN LANGWORTHY, AB, AM Assistant professor of biology 1912- WILLIAM MANGAM LAWRENCE, BP, AM, DD Lecturer on Christian ethics 1912- JOHN LEONARD HANCOCK, AB Instructor in Greek and Latin 1912- GEORGE HENRY YOUNG, AB, AM Instructor in rhetoric and public speaking 1912- GIUSEPPE PETRELLI, LLD Instructor in Italian history 1912- JOSEPH TAYLOR, AB Instructor in practical missions 1912-3 ARCHIE SHEPARD MERRILL, AB Assistant in German 1912- ARTHUR JOHN RIDER, BS Assistant in chemistry 1912- FREEMAN ARTHUR MaclNTYRE, AB Assistant in history 1912- ALUMNI THE COLLEGE [Previous to 1835 there was a theological course only. See Historical Statement.) 1835 *RUFUS F BUELL; AM;b Plymouth 5 Ni2; fr Hamilton; s 37-8; studied AndTS; ord Hamilton NY 25 Ja 41; miss ABMU Greece 41-55; translated many works into modern Greek; prin Female S Washington DC; res Washington 55?-66; d Washington 22 F 66 *EDMUND W DICKINSON; AM; DDu;b Salem NJ 28 Ja 10; fr Salem; 335^6; ord Poughkeepsie 36; p Poughkeepsie 36-?; Danvers Mass; Elmira NY; Bur- lington NJ; Dayton O; Pittsburg Pa; Lewisburg; Marcus Hook 61-75; d Chester 8D75 *JAMES NATHANIEL GRANGER; s 38; AM BU 46; DD 54; b Canandaigua Ag 14; fr Buffalo; ord Avon Springs D 39; p Avon Springs 39-41; Buffalo 41-2; Providence RI 42-57 ; inspected Asiatic miss ABMU 52-3 ;d Providence 5 Ja 57 *ANTHONY LAMB; b Albany 22 D 03; prep pd; fr Norwich; studied Germany; tutor 38-9; lit work and translation; d Schroon Lake 7 Jl 91 * WILLIAM E LOCKE; AM; fr New York; s 35-6; ord Massena 18 Ag 36; p Mas- sena 36-7 ; Gouverneur 37-9; Trumansburg; NJ; t Lancaster Pa; d NJ 62 or before *ALANSON REED; b Chesterfield Mass 07; fr Chesterfield; miss ABMU to Chinese in Siam 35-7; d Bangkok 29 Ag 37 *JOHN FRAM RICHARDSON ; AM ; b Vernon F 08 ; fr Vernon ; tutor and prof Latin 35-5o; prof Latin UR 50-68; d Rochester 10 F 68 ^WILLIAM HOSMER SHAILER; AM; DD 53; b Haddam Ct 20 N 07; fr Haddam; studied NTI 35; ord DaepRiverCt25F36;prin Ct Lit Institute 35-7; p Brookline Mass 37-54; Portland Me 54-77; proprietor and editor Zion's Advocate 58-73; ret Portland 77-81; d Portland 23 F 81 *JOHN H BAKER; 31-2; b Stonington Ct 26 S 05; ord Stonington? 31?; ev RI and Ct 3i?-2; p Richmond RI 32-3; Voluntown 33-4; Lebanon Ct 34-6; Saybrook and Killingworth 36-7; Richmond RI 37-42; res E Greenwich 42-69; p Fishkill 42-5; Windham 45-7; Voluntown 47-8; Hopkinton 48-50; Voluntown 50-4; Niantic 54-5; Narragansett 55-61 ; S Kingston 61-6; Block Island 66-7; inv 67-9; d Green- wich i 6 Ja 69 *JAMES ELDRIDGE; 31-3; b Salem 14 D 07; prep pd; fr Salem; ord Parma Center S 33; p Parma Corners 33-4; Holley 34-6; agent BES 36-7; p Richmond and Rush, and t Rush 3 years; p Belfast; Mich; sup Columbus O; p Newark; ev Clinton Wis, Beloit, Janesville, Union, and vie 45-54; farmer Rutland and Evansville 54-78; ret Bloomingdale Dak 78-84; d Bloomingdale 6 O 84 *RICHARD GRIPPING; 31-2; b Clinton Ct; p Granville Mass 36; miss ABHMS Mil- waukee Wis and vie 37-9; organized at Milwaukee first Bapt ch in Wis; farmer and pr, res Pewaukee 39-76; miss in northwestern Wis; d Pewaukee 25 Ap 76 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1835 23 *RUSSELL HERVEY; 31-3; b 6 F 07; prep pd; fr Durham; ord Henderson 13 F 34; p Henderson 34-5; Knowlesville 35-7; Clayton Mich 37-8; sup and farmer, res Rome 37-82; p Rome 41-3; Franklin 49-50; Prairie Creek 51-2; d Rome 29 N 82 *CALVIN HORTON; 31-2 * ALFRED B HUBBARD; 31-2; b 09; p; d Philadelphia Pa 20 Je 77 *JAMES WARREN NYE; 31-2; AM 52; b DeRuyter 10 Je 14; studied law Troy 32-?; prac law Hamilton 39-44; surrogate 44-7; judge Madison co 47-51 ; prac law Syra- cuse 52-7; pres metropolitan board of police New York 57-60; gov Nev Ter 61-5; US senator from Nev 65-73; inv 73-6; d White Plains NY 25 D 76 *ELIHU ROBINSON; 31-3; fr Newton NJ; ord Louisville Ky 24 Ag 33; miss Nashville Tenn 34; pr in Middle District 35 *EZEKIEL SEXTON; 31-3; b Plumbsted NJ 09?; fr New Egypt; ord Jacobstown 35; miss NJ State Conv in Manahawkin and Barnegat 35-9; p Allowaystown 39-43; Moorestown 43-5; sup res Jacobstown 45; d Jacobstown 20 D 45 *GBORGE W WARREN; 31-2 I8 3 6 *MILES BRONSON; DDu; b Norway 20 Jl 12; fr Norway; ord Whitesboro 30 Ag 36; miss ABMU Assam 36-83; worked among Assamese, KaKyens, Nagas and Garos; res Sadiya 37-8; Jaipur 38-41; Nowgong 41-74; Gowahati 74-9; in US 79-83; d Eaton Rapids Mich 10 N 83 *ALMIRON BROWN ||; b Brookfield 20 D 02; fr Bridgewater; ord Norwalk O- 31 Ja38; p Norwalk 38-?; p other chs in northern O ?-8s; d Hull Prairie 4 Mr 85 *WILLIAM BROWN; b Smithfield i Ja 16; fr Augusta; s 36-7; ord Richfield, O 37 ;p Richfield 37-8; Newport 38-52 (except 2 years); Eaton 52-5 ; Pittsford 55 -7; Hartford 57-61 ; Fort Edward 61-7; Rockwood 67-9; d Rockwood 9 Ag 69 * WILLIAM CAREY CRANE; ABColU36; AM 39;DD Howard C, Ala 60; LLD Baylor U, Tex; b Richmond Va 17 Mr 16; fr Richmond; s 36-7; studied Richmond C; ColU; t and pr Ga 37-9; ord Baltimore Md 23 S 38; p Montgomery Ala 39-44; Columbus Miss 44-7; Vicksburg 47-8; Yazoo City 48-51; prin Yazoo Classical Hall 48-51 ; pres Miss Female C 51-7; pres Semple Broaddus C 57-60; pres and prof theology Mt Lebanon U, La 60-3 ; pres Baylor U, Tex 63-85 ; on editorial staff of many papers; d Independence 27 F 85 *SYLVESTER DAVIS; AM; b Royalston Mass 30 O 08; fr Rome NY; ord Evans Mills Je 37; p Evans Mills 37-42; Cassville 42-7; Middletown Ct 47-8; Holland Patent NY 48-9; Carthage 49-50; agent AFBS 50-1; travelled Honolulu SI 51- 2 ; d Honolulu 5 F 52 *HENRY BANCROFT EWELL ||;bGenesee co 13 Ap 11; fr Bridgewater; ord Dun- kirk Ja 37; p Dunkirk 36-8; Pavilion 38-82; ret 82-4; d Pavilion 27 Ap 84 * JAMES SAURIN HASCALL; AM 53 ; b Elizabethtown 7 O 1 1 ; prin Manual Labor Institution, Florence; Female S, Rome; Delton Acad, Wis; prof Wayland U; farmer Badger; res Durham Me; d Durham 10 My 98 *LUCIAN HAYDEN; AM; DD 65; b Winsted Ct 31 O 08; prep pd; fr Bethany Pa; s 36-7; ord Dover NH 5 Je 38; p Dover 37-43; Saxtons River Vt 43-57; New Lon- don NH 57-68; Augusta Ga 60-1 ; t Augusta Institute 69; Indianapolis Ind 69-72; p Grafton Vt 72-5; clerk Treasury Dept Washington DC 75-9; p Dunbarton NH 24 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1836 ,79-85; member NH legislature; p Shutesbury Mass 85-8; ret Concord NH 88-96; d Germantown Pa 10 N 96 "CHARLES R KELLAM ||; prep pd; fr Irasburg Vt; ord Irasburg 17 Ag 36; miss to Creek Indians 37-9; miss and t Canada River Station 39-40; res Ark 40-54; d Franklin co 6 Ap 54 *FREDERICK KETCHAM; AB (ColU); AM; b Lisle 4 N 09; prep pd; fr Lisle; s 36-7; ord Sayville Ct 31 O 37; p Sayville 37-9; Burlington NJ 39-41 ; Philadelphia Pa 41-8; New Haven Ct 48-50; Rock Island 111 50-4; Cambridge 54-5; gen miss Galena 56-8; p Panola 58-60; Peoria 60-3; Pontiac 63-8; publ newspaper Delavan 68-72; newspaper work Havana 72-84; d Havana 6 N 84 *LYMAN B KING ||; b Pompey 09; prep pd; fr Pompey; ord Belvidere 111 39; sup Cook, Kane and Boone cos 36-41; p Pompey Hill NY 42-4; Lawrenceville 44-5; pr Cook and Dekalb cos 111 46-54; ret Dekalb 54-82; d Dekalb 28 Ag 82 *ASA MARSH; b Weybridge Vt 13 S 07; prep pd; fr Depau; colporter in south; ord Jeffersonville Ind N 39; p Jeffersonville; Evansville 52-8; Austin Minn 58-60; Rice- ville la 60-71; ret la 71-88; d Osage 15 Jl 88 *ALANSON PORTER MASON; AM; s 38; DD 59; b Cheshire Mass 19 Ja 13; prep pd; fr Brockport; ord N Penfield (now Webster) 300 38; pN Penfield 38-9; Clock- ville 39-41; Binghamton 41-4; Brooklyn 44-50; Fall River Mass 50-3; Chelsea 53-66; dist sec ABHMS 66-92; d Chelsea 17 Mr 92 *JAMES ORLEY MASON; AM UR 53; DD 60; b Fort Ann 25 D 13; fr Granville; 536-7; ord Granville 30 Ag 38; miss to Creek Indians Ark 38-40; p Fort Ann NY 40-4; Greenwich 44-72; ret Greenwich 72-81 ; d Greenwich 14 D 81 *PHILETUS B PECK; AM; s 38; b Cazenovia 29 N 09; fr Cazenovia; ord New Woodstock 7 Mr 38; p Owego 38-47; d Cazenovia 6 O 47 *RALPH M PRENTICE; s 38; b Norwich 4 My 13; fr Norwich; graduate student s 38-9; ord Norwich 18 S 39; p Vicksburg Miss 39-40; d Vicksburg 28 Ag 40 *JOHN HOWARD RAYMOND; s 38; AB Union 32; LLD UR 55; b New York 7 Mr 14; fr Brooklyn; Columbia U 28-31; studied law New York 3 2-3; New Haven Ct 33-5; tutor 38-40; prof rhetoric and English 40-50; prof rhetoric and belles kttres UR 50-5; prof sacred rhetoric RTS 52-4; pres Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute 55-64; pres VasC 64-78; member Corpn 47-50; d Pough- keepsie 14 Ag 78 *PETER ROBINSON; b Greenfield 09; fr Nunda; miss and p Marion la 36-46; d Marion 1 1 S 46 *DEXTER P SMITH; AM; DD 70; b Tully 26 D 10; prep pd; fr Tully; s 36-7; ord Tully ii Jl 37; p Manchester Vt 37-9; Strykersville NY 39-45; miss ABHMS and p Iowa City la 45-51; gen SS agent for la 51-4; gen agent la State Conv 54-7; sec la Bapt Un for Ministerial Education 57-69; p Downey several years; res Iowa City 45-83; Cal and vie 83-97; d Santa Ana 2 F 97 *PHILETUS BENNETT SPEAR; s 38; AM ColU 44; DD Colby 68; b Palmyra 23 My ii ; prep pd; fr Palmyra; ord Macedon 28 S 38; tutor 37-42; prof Hebrew and Latin 42-75; em prof 75-01; treasurer 64-88; member Corpn 50-60, 65-01; d Hamilton 25 Ja 01 *LYMAN STILSON ||; AM; b Meredith 29 Ja 05; fr Meredith; graduate student c 36-7; ord W Meredith Jl 37; miss ABMU Burma 37-52; travelled 52-3; rea Nunda NY 53-71 ; Jefferson la 71-86; lit work; d Jefferson 23 Mr 86 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1836 25 * JACOB THOMAS; b Elbridge; prep pd; fr Elbridge; ord Elbridge 19 Ag 36; miss ABMU Assam 36-7; d Sadiya 7 Jl 37 *RALPH I BROWN; 32-3; b N Stonington Ct 20 N 1 1 ; prep pd; fr N Stonington Ct; prin young ladies' institute, Pawtuxet RI 33; d Pawtuxet 24 O 33 *SOLOMON CARPENTER; 32-5; AB BU 37; DD Alfred U 59; b Hancock Mass 16 Mr 08; fr Stephentown NY; t DeRuyter 37-41 ; Westerly RI 41-3; ord Seventh Day Bapt Ashaway 29 My 42; p Shiloh NJ 44-6; miss to China 47-76; in US 58-60, 64-73; d London Eng 21 D 91 *GEORGE CLINTON CHANDLER; 32-5; NTI 38; AM ColU 45; DD FC 53; b Chester Vt 19 Mr 07; fr Chester; ord N Springfield 5 S 38; p Terre Haute Ind 38-9; Indi- anapolis Ind 39-43; pres FC 43-50; p and t Ore 51-74; p Oregon City 51-8; pres McMinnville C 58-60, 61-2; p Amity 58-72; miss ABHMS, res Forest Grove 72-4; inv Forest Grove 74-81 ; d Forest Grove 19 Ja 81 *SAMUEL STEARNS DAY; 33-5; b Leeds co UC 08; prep pd; fr Bastard UC; ord Cort- land NY 24 Ag 35; miss ABMU to Telugus 35-53; res Vizigapatam, India 36-7; Madras 37-40; Nellore 40-53; in US 45-8; res Homer NY 53-71 ; d Homer, O 71 *EowiN A DOOLITTLE; 32-4; fr New Lebanon; studied law Albany; adm to bar Al- bany; prac law Albany 12 years; New York *HORACE D DOOLITTLE; 31-5; AM 55; b New Lebanon 10 Mr 07; fr New Lebanon; p Colebrook Ct 35-9?; W Springfield Mass 39-42; Northampton 42-5; Key West Fla 45-7; Williamstown Mass 50-3; Hoosic Corners; Burnt Hills NY; Wappingers Falls; Somerville NJ 7-72; S Pulteney NY 72-?; Clinton 79-80; d Clinton 23 Je 80 *THOMAS JONES; || 34-5; fr Utica *ENOS C MYER; 32-3; fr Schenectady *CHARLES CLINTON PARK; 32-3; b N Stonington Ct 12 N 07; prep pd; fr N Stoning- ton Ct; ord Manahawkin NJ 10 D 32; state miss in NJ 33-7; miss in Pa 37- 40; in Mich 40-2; p in DC 42-4; in NJ 5 years; in NY 17 years; N Amherst O 7 1-4 ; we 84-96 ; p Elyria 96-7 ; we 97-8 ; d N Amherst 4 Je 98 *FRANKLIN D PIERSON; 31-5; fr Canaan; physor dentist New York *ROBERT RAIKES RAYMOND; 33-4; s 42 ; AM 46; b New York; fr Cincinnati O; studied Union (x r 37); studied law Cincinnati O 37-40; ord Hartford Ct 12 S 42; p Hartford 42-7; Syracuse NY 47-57; t Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute 57-64; Boston sch of oratory, Mass 64-87; ret 87-8; d Brooklyn NY 16 N 88 *GEORGE L RUSSELL; 32-4; b Bran ford Ct 15 Ag 06; prep pd; fr BranfordCt; t Dan- bury; Surfield: p N Stonington; Avon; ord Garrettsville O 11 Mr 37; p Garretts- ville 37; W^aterbury Ct 38-40; Matteawan NY; d u Ag 47 *DANIEL C WAIT; 32-5; b 12; prep pd; fr Ithaca; ord Homer 3 Je 36; p Lansing and Genoa 7-42 ; d Lansing 3 N 42 *PELEG SPENCER WHITMAN; 32-3; AB BIT 39; AM 9 o;DDDMC;b27Ap 15; fr Port- land ; t Stockton; W^arren RI ; Clapton Ga 39-? ; Monroe; Penfield; Belvidere 111; W Iriving la; Des Moines; U of la; ord Bolton Mass 46; p W Bridgewater Bolton; Lime Spring la; W Irving 64-?; prin Addison Collegiate Institute, W Irving 64-?; p Chariton; Toccoa Ga; res Ga 74-00; d Elberton 22 My oo *HENRY WOOSTER; 32-5; b Oxford Ct 8 No8; prep pd; fr Gcshen Ct ; ord Deep River 30 Ap 35; p Deep River 35-9; bus Deep River 39-66; d Deep River 12 Ag 66 26 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1837 1837 *ADAMS CLEGHORN; AM; DD 69; AM UR 53; b Edinburgh, Scotland n Ja 13; preppd; fr Ulysses; s 37-8; t Lockport 38-40; ord Lewiston 14 Ap4i; p Lewiston and Niagara Falls 41-4; St Catherine's Can 44-5; Niagara Falls45~8; Paris48- 54; Adams NY 54-7; Belleville 57-62; capt loth NY artillery US army 62-5; p New York 67-8; Ottawa 111 68-75; Champaign 75-83; farmer Cleghorn la 83 -01 ; ret Niagara Falls Can 01-4; d Niagara Falls 10 D 04 *IRA CORWIN; b Cazenovia 12 D 09; prep pd; fr Sheridan; s 37-8; ord Medina O, 38; p Medina 38-9; Erie Pa 39-42; agent O State Conv at Canal Dover 42-4; p Marietta 44-53; N Fairfield 53-6; S Bend Ind 56-63; ret Norwalk O 63-86; d Nor- walk 7 Jl 86 *GEORGE W DORRANCE; AM; b Lebanon 11 F n; prep pd; fr Hamilton; s 37-8; ord Springfield Ala 39; p and t Springfield; p and t Miss; p Fiskdale Mass 49-52; Webster 53-5; Southington Ct 55-8 ; prin Central Acad, Washington DC; chaplain US navy 60-73; on Wabash ?-63; receiving ship at New York 64-5; Hartford 65-8; receiving ship at New York 69; Guerrierre 70; Brooklyn 70-3; ret 73-88; d Wash- ington DC 1 1 D 88 *HANSFORD AUGUSTINE DUNCAN ; f r Barnwell District SC; pres Female S, Greenville several years; farmer Augusta Ga "JOSEPH H EATON; AM; LLD 51; AM ColU 44; b Berlin O 10 S 12; fr Dela- ware; prin Fayetteville Acad, Tenn 37-41 ; prof math Un U, Murfreesboro 41 ; ord 43 ; p Murfreesboro 44-54; pres Un U, Murfreesboro 46-59; d Murfreesboro 12 Ja 59 *JUSTIN OLIN EDMUNDS; s 39; b Clarendon Vt 27 S 10; fr Hartland NY; grad- uate student s 39-40; agent BES 40-1 ; p Jersey City NJ 41-2; ret Snickersville WVa; d at sea near Cape Lookout 10 My 43 * WILLIAM WALLACE EVERTS; s 39; DD u; b Granville 13 Mr 14; prep pd; fr Brockport; ord Earlville 23 D 37; p New York 39-50; Wheatland 50-2; Louis- ville Ky 52-9; Chicago 111 59-79; Jersey City NJ 79-84; ret Chicago 111 84-90; d Chicago 26 S 90 *VELONA ROUNDY HOTCHKISS; s 39; DD 56; b Spafford 5 Je 15; fr Medina; ord Poultney Vt 20 D 38; p Poultney 38-42; Rochester NY 42-5; Fall River Mass 45-9; Buffalo NY 49-54; lecturer on eccl history RTS 52-4; prof eccl history RTS 54-7;. prof Bibl lit and exegesis 57-65; p Buffalo 65-79; lecturer on expos- itory preaching RTS, BUTS and Woodstock Can 80-2; d Buffalo NY 4 Ja 82 *JOSIAH FREDERICK JONES; s 39; b Patterson 3 Je 12; fr Poughkeepsie; grad- uate student s 39-40; ord Philadelphia Pa 24 D 40; miss Pa State Conv central Pa 40-2; sup Wappingers Falls NY i year; miss Newton NJ2 years; p North vale 3 years; t Williamsburg NY 5 years; p North ville Ct 3 years; Bantam Falls i year; Montville Mass 3 years; Ware 3 years; ret Westfield 67-79; d Westfield 25 Jl 79 *WILLIAM MOODY PRATT; AM ColU; s 39; DD 58; b Farmer 13 Ja 17; prep ME Conf S, Cazenovia; fr'Fenner; ord Fenner 15 Ag 38; p Crawfordsville Ind andCov- ington 38-42; Logansport 42-3; gen miss ABHMS, res South Bend 43-4; p Lexing- ton Ky '45-62; Cane Run; Athens Ind; New Albany 68-71 ; sup Shelby ville Ky 71 ; p Louisville 71 ; d Louisville 23 D 97 ^EDWARD G SEARS; prep pd; fr Sandisfield Mass; ord Marshfield 20 Mr 39; p N Marshfield 39-41 ; Sharon 42-3; N Wrentham 44-7; t New Hampton Lit and Theo- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1837 27 logical Institution, Fairfax Vt 47-9; editor Christian Review 49-65; editorial work Springfield 65-72; res Springfield 72-8; d Springfield 14 N 78 *ELISHA E LTAYLOR;AM;s39;DDUR55;bDelphi25Si5;preppd;fr Delphi; graduate student s 39-40; p Brooklyn 40-65; assoc cor sec Indian dept ABHMS 65-9; cor sec ch edifice dept 69-74; sec ABHMS 74; d Marlboro 18 Ag 74 * JOSEPH BELDEN; 34-5; b n; fr Philadelphia Pa; p NJ many years; p Freehold; bus Bordentown in 79; p Bordentown 85-9; d 15 O 89 THOMAS BENEDICT; 34-5; b New Marlborough Mass 9 N 03; fr Canaan Ct; ord Torrington N 36; p Torrington 36-49; W Stockbridge Mass 49-58; Canaan Ct; sup N Colebrook and N Norfolk, res Colebrook ?-8;; d Colebrook 9 Mr 87 *ADAM BULLOCK; 33-5; fr Canajoharie; p Palmer Mass 55-8 *HIRAM H EVERTS; 34-5; b Granville 06; prep pd; fr Granville; t Chicago 111 35-6; d Chicago 36 *HIRAM A GARDINER; 34-7; prep pd; fr Eaton * JAMES M HASWELL; 33-5; AM; DD66; bBennington Vt 4 F 10; prep pd; frTroy; ord Troy 2 S 35; miss ABMU Moulmein Burma 35-76; in US 49-52, 67; d Moul- mein Burma 13 S 76 *ZIBA HOWARD; 33-5; fr Jamaica Vt *THOMAS GOUCHER KEEN; 34-6; AM Georgetown C, Ky 48; DD Bethel Female C, Ky about 69; b Philadelphia Pa 4 N 15; fr Philadelphia; t Russellville Ky 39-41; ord Nashville Tenn 40; p Hopkinsville Ky 41-6; Maysville 46-7; Louisville 47-9; Mobile Ala 49-55; Petersburg Va 55-64; Hopkinsville Ky 64-84; pres Bethel Female C 64-9; ret Evansville Ind 84-7; d Evansville 22 Ag 87 *MARSHALL W LELAND; 36-7; AB ColU 38; b Chester Vt 10; preppd; fr Otto; ord Washington DC 38? ; p and t Washington 387-40?; ev Va 40; p Hamburg NY; Port William O; Door Village Ind; farmer Rochester Minn; d Rochester *JAMES MCLALLEN; 33-5; fr Harmony *JESSE MARTIN PURINTON; 33-4; DD Burritt C, Tenn 60; b Colerain Mass 12 Ag 09; fr Truxton NY; ord Colerain Mass 34; p Colerain 34-?; Arcade NY; Forestville Pa; Mt Moriah 59-67; Morgantown WVa 67-9; d Middlebury; d Morgan town 17 Je 69 *ANSON ROOT; 33-5; b 10; fr Middlebury; d Middlebury 18 S 36 *GEORGE MAIN SPRATT; 33-5; AM ULg 57; DD 69; b Quebec Can 7 Ap 13; prep pd ; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord Shamokin 10 F 35; miss Pa 35-9; p Towanda 40-5: Horse- heads NY 45-51; Elmira; Fairport; cor sec Pa Education Society 5 1-99; d Phila- delphia 8 Je 99 *JOHN HATCH WALDEN; 34-5; b 08; fr Leroy; ord Massena 35; p Massena 35-8; Westport 37; Elizabethtown 38-9; Troy?; Monah O; Cleveland 43-6; Portsmouth 50-2; Dunkirk NY 52-4; Brockport 55-6; Burlington Vt 56; Massena Springs NY 58-62 ; Ogdensburg 62-3 ; Kalamazoo Mich ; publ Mich Christian Herald 63-5 ; p Dowagiac 65-7; d Brockport NY 29 S 67 28 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1838 1838 *CH ARLES L BACON ; AM ; b Spafford 1 2 Ja 1 3 ; prep pd ; fr Medina Mich ; ord Medi- na 13 F 40; p Medina 39-41; Brooklyn NY 41-6; Mt Morris 46-50; Trumans- burg 50-65; Reading 65-9; Townsend 69-70; Big Flats 70-5; res Big Flats 75-93; chaplain 85th NY volunteers; d Big Flats 2 Jl 93 *CYRUS BARKER ||; b Portsmouth RI 2 7 Mr O7;fr Newport; graduate student C38-9; ord Newport RI S 39; miss ABMU Assam 39-50; res Jaipur 39-41; Sibsa- gor and Gowahati 41-50; d at sea 31 Ja 50 *HENRY BILLINGS; b Leyden 6 My 08; prep pd; fr Boonville; s 38-40; ord Pa; p Pa; O; res Rockford 111; Beloit Wis in 82; d before 92 *GEORGERIPLEYBLISS;s4o;DD6o;LLDULg79;bSherburne 2 o Je 16; fr Brockport; tutor 40-4; ord New Brunswick NJ 17 Ja 44; p New Brunswick 43-50; prof Greek ULg 50-74; prof Bibl exegesis CTS 74-93; d Canton 27 Mr 93 *ISAAC BLOOMER ||; bMarlboro 28 S 12; fr New York; ord MansfieldO 16 Mr 39; p Mansfield 39-42; Loudonville 41-2; Massilon; Cherry Valley 52-4; Jefferson 54-9?; St Mary 59-61; Van Wert 61-2; Evansville Ind 62-3; Muncie 63-5; Man- chester Mich 66-8; Brooklyn 68-70; Morenci 70-2; E Milan 73-4; Farmington 74-6; retOtisville 77-83; d Otisville 9 O 83 *CH ARLES EDWIN BROWN | j ; b Augusta 22 F 1 3 ; prep pd ; fr Augusta ; ord Litch- field 20 S 38; p Norway 38-40; Warren 40-2; Davenport la and Rock Island 111 42-4; Leclaire la 44-7; Maquoketa 47-51; Russia NY 51-2; Norway 52-7; Vernon Springs la 57-63; co supt schs Howard co 58-61; chaplain US army 63-5; p Ver- non Springs and Lime Spring 65-8; Thompson 111 and York 68-70; Lime Spring la 70-80; representative la legislature 77-8; sup Ft Atkinson, Castalia, Cresco, Lime Spring 80-90; sup 90-01 ; d Ottumwa 23 Jl 01 *EDWIN CHARLES BROWN ||; b New London Ct 28 N 07; prep pd; fr Hudson; ord Hudson 25 S 38; miss Franklin Mo 38-9; p St. Louis 39-40; Quincy 111 40-5; Galena 45-6; Lonsdale RI 46-9; Port Richmond Ct 50-1; Beverly NJ 51-2; Wa- bash Ind 52-4; Bath NY 54-6; Westmoreland 56-7; Prairie City 111 58; Oxford 58-9; sup Galva, Galesburg, Oneida, Kewanee, Wataga, Cambridge 59-81 ; d Galva 16 Ja 81 *ISAAC KELLOGG BROWNSON ||; b Peterboro 6 Jl 10; prep Hamilton Acad; fr Peterboro; ord ev Peterboro 26 Ag 38; miss Circleville O, Frankfort, Bethany, Rockville 38-40; p Greenfield 40-4; Hillsboro 44-7; New Woodstock NY 47-50; Saline Mich 50-2; Chittenango NY 52-4; Greenfield O and Frankfort 54-61; Georgetown NY and Sherburne 61-4; res New Woodstock 64-71; Fayetteville 71-99; d Fayetteville 28 Ja 99 *ALFRED A CONSTANTINE; s 40; b Ashburnhani Mass 5 My 12; fr Walling- ford Vt; ord Mt Holly 2 Jl 40; miss ABMU Africa 40-2; lecturer on negro race; cor sec society for civilization of negro in Africa; p Wallingford Vt; Andover; NY; twice member Vt legislature; d W Summit NJ 9 Jl 02 *JOSHUA CURRIER jj; b CanaanNH 7Mr 10; fr Canaan; ord Canaan 25838; p Orland Ind 38-40; Greensburg 40-8; sec Gen Bapt Assoc Ind 48-9; miss Lamotte 49-57; P Monroe 57-69; Harlan 69-71; we 71-3; p Harlan 73-4; ret Harlan 74- 92; Grand Junction Col 92-8; d Grand Junction 27 D 98 *LUKE DAVIS; AM; s 40; b Wardsboro Vt 1 1 Ja 08; prep pd; fr Carroll; ord Trux- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1838 29 ton 23 D 40; p Truxton in 42; p in west many years; Johnstown O in 44; Corning NY 52; res Binghamton 60-84; book bus; d Binghamton 5 D 84 *EZRA DEAN; AM 59; b Middlefeld 14 A? 08; prep pi; fr Maryland; ord Foster- ville 29 Ag 38; p N Norwich 39-43; Milan 43-4; Auburn 44-7; sup 48-51 ; p Flem- ing 51-8; sup Owasco 58-60; p Owasco 60-2; ret Auburn 62?-86; d Auburn 7 Mr 86 *WILLIAM DICKENS; b 10; prep pd; fr Utica; s 38-9; ord Middletown Ct i8S 39; p Middletown 39-40; Marshall Mich 46-8; Fort Ann NY in 65; Olmsteadville 69-72; d Olmsteadville 3 Jl 72 *ELEAZER CARLL EAGER; AM; s 41; b Swanton Vt 13 Ja 13; fr Passumpsic; ord Passumpsic 22 S 41 ; inv Cincinnati O 41-2; p Grenada Miss 42-3; Fellowship; Antioch; Mt Alban; agent Southern Bapt Publ Soc 52-?; agent MissC; agent Bible Revision Assoc 58-61 ; p Brookhaven; res Clinton; d Clinton 13 Mr 99 *AMBLER EDSON ||; b Brandon Vt 31 My u; fr Chester; ord Plymouth 14 S 39; p Plymouth 39-40; miss to Otoe Indians Neb; p Griggsville 111 43-4; Springfield 44-5; Chicago 45-6; Aurora 46-7; Oswego 47-52; Mt Pleasant la, and Washing- ton 52-60; Cambridge 111 60-3; Orion 63-7; Raynham Mass 67-70; E Dedham 70; Fall River 71-2 ; d N Fairfax Vt 5 O 73 *EDWARD ELY; s 40; b Upper Middletown (now Cornwall) Ct 17 S 1 1 ; prep pd; fr Middletown Ct; ord Troy Pa N 41 ; p Lancaster 041-4; Wheeling Va 44-52; Win- ona Minn 52-?; res Winona; d Flandreau Dak 13 N 87 *ABEL HASKELL jj; b Belchertown Mass 7 Myo9; fr GorhamNY; ord Middlesex 20 Je 39; p Middlesex 39-48; Victory 46-8; Bristol; Naples; Geneva; Yates; Pen- field 60-5; d Penfield 21 D 65 *HIRAM B HAYWARD ||; fr Palmyra; ord Macedon 28S 38; pPreston Miss more than 20 years *SAMUEL S HAYWARD ||; b 11; fr Cazenovia; ord Etna 10 Jl 39; p Etna 39; Clinton; S Trenton in 42; Norwich 84?-8; d Norwich 15 N 88 *THOMAS HOLM AN; b Union Ct 15 Ji 12 ; fr Union; s 39-40; ord Southbridge Mass 10 S 40; t and pr Carthage 111 40-6; p Bloomington 46-9; Stafford Ct 49-53; W Woodstock 53-6; Beloit Wis 57-62; Darlington 62-6; sup Madison 65-6; p Osh- kosh 66-70; ret Rockford 111 70-83; sup Stillman Valley 70-1 ; d Rockford 4 O 83 *JOHN JOHNS U; fr Swansea, S Wales; ord Branch NC 8 Je 39 *DAVID J LLOYD ||; fr Erie Pa; ord Erie 12 S 38; farmer near Rock Island Hi about 52-? ; res Thurman O in 85 *DANIEL McPHAIL l|; b Scotland u; fr Chatham PQ; ordOsgood, Ottawa Can 2 3 Ja 39; P Osgood 39-65; Ottawa City 66-70; sup 70-5; d 23 Ag 75 *EDWARD MATTHEWS ||; b Oxford England 12; fr New York; ord New York i S 38; agent ABHMS Wis 38-?; agent American Bapt Free Miss Society; anti- slavery and temperance lecturer; res England about 50-73; d England Ja 73 *BUCKLEY CARLL MORSE; b Rah way NJ 2 Ap 1 1 ; fr Rah way; ord Lyons Farms 20 F 39; p Lyons Farms 38-40; New Albany Ind 40-3; agent Indian Miss Assoc in south 43-4; p Sing Sing (Ossining) NY 44-7; Louisville Ky 47-8; Franklin Ind 48-50; Piqua O 50-1; New Albany Ind 51-3; Philadelphia Pa 53-8; with ABPS 58-9; p Somerville NJ 60-6; Montrose Pa 66-7; Great Valley 67-9; miss work Ridgewood NJ 69-70; p Croton NY 70-4: Marlboro NJ 74-6; d Marlboro 29 Ap 76 30 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1838 *EDWIN D REED |l; b Shutesbury Mass 22 Mr 23; fr Cazenovia NY; ord Morris- ville N 38; p Morrisville 38-41 ; Lebanon 41-6; Truxton 46-54; Oneida 55-9; Cass- ville 59-66; Eaton 66-7; Lebanon 67-74; N Brookfield 74-6; DeRuyter 76?-8s; ret 85-8; d Georgetown 29 Ap 88 *DEMAS ROBINSON; prep pd; fr Leroy; ord Elmira 26 Je 38; p Elmira 38-41; Vernon in 42; Sand Lake and Schodack 58-62; miss and p in la many years to 91 *EARL P SALISBURY; s 40; b Fairfield 25 F 12; fr Fairfield; ord Martinsburg Ja 41; p Groton Ct 41-2; Leeds Me 42-5; agent BES 45-6: p Plank Road NY 53; ret Plymouth Del 67-76; d Plymouth 30 Mr 76 *RANSOM M SAWYER; prep pd; fr Gouverneur; s 38-9; ord Hanover NH 7 Ap 40; p Hanover; Jackson La 42-?; t and pr Baton Rouge i year ; Franklin ; supt public schs 6 years; drug bus 7-55; d Fanklin 25 Ag 55 *HARVEY SILLIMAN; s 40; b Weston (later Easton) Ct 12; fr Weston; ord Low- ville NY Je 41 ; sup Natchez Miss 42 ; p Medina NY; Pittsburg Pa; Lockport NY ; Erie Pa; Panama NY; Mystic Ct; Sweden NY; Ogden; d N Bergen 15 F 60 *CORYDON H SLAFTER 1 1 ; b Norwich Vt 31 Ja 1 1 ; fr Lawrence NY; miss ABMU Siam 38-41; d Bangkok 7 Ap 41 *JAMES SQUIER; b Hopkinton 21 S 09; prep pd; fr Parishville; ord Tyringham Mass 17 O 38; p Mansfield 38-41; Bristol Ct 41-2; Tolland 42-6; inv 46-7; p Southhold NY 47-50; Mystic Ct 50-1; E Troy Wis 51-5; sup Lacrosse co, res W Salem 55-63 ; p W Salem 63-4; Trempealeau 64-72 ; sup res Trempealeau 72-87 ; ret Trempealeau 87-01; d Trempealeau 3 Mr 01 *BEN}AMIN FRANKLIN TAYLOR; AM (ColU); b Lowville 19 Jl 19; traveller, lecturer, lit work, field cor in civil war; on editorial staff Chicago Journal, 111; res Chicago; Laporte Ind; d Cleveland O 24 F 87 *EDMUND TURNEY; s 40; DD ULg 55; b Weston( later Easton) Ct 6 My 16; prep pd; fr Weston Ct; ord Hartford 41 ; p Hartford 40-2; Granville O 42-7; Utica NY 47-50; prof Bibl criticism 50-3; prof Fairmount TS, Cincinnati O 53-5; supt a charitable institution New York 55-65; in work of educating negro ts and prs Washington DC 65-72; d Washington 28 S 72 "STEPHEN VAN HUSEN ||; b Catskill 5 D 12; f BloDmfield; graduate student c 38-9; ord 29 Ag 39; miss to Telugus, Nellore India 39-45; ret BrattlebDro Vt 45- 54; d Brattleboro 13 D 54 GEORGE C WALKER ||; b Norton Mass 14 Ap 12; fr Petersham; ord Gilbertsville NY 38; p Gilbertsville 38-9; Kendall; WilsDn 40-5; Somerset 45-51 ; Johnson Creek 51-75; Murray 75-80; E Carlton 80-2; d E Carlton 20 O 82 *RODOLPHUS WESTON j | ; b Willington Ct 29 Ja 1 1 ; fr Willington ; ord Burlington Flats NY 15 Ag 38; miss Hancock co 111 39-40; p tarthage 40-52; W Union Ore, and miss Willamette Assoc, res Tualatin Plains 52-63; miss Pierce co Wash 63-75; sup Seattle 68-71; miss White River settlement 67-75; P White River settlement 75-8; ret Steilacoom 78-92; d SteilacoDih 3 Mr 92 *LYMAN WILDER ||; b Hamilton 12 S n; prep pd; f Hamilton; miss near Cleve- land 03 8-?; agent ABU; ord Chester 41; p Troy 42-?; Menton; Willoughby Plains; Euclid 44-8; Berlin Heights; Auburn; Columbia City Ind 56-8; res Columbia City 55-77; gen miss ABHMS Ind 59-62; miss ABHMS Elkhart River Assoc 65; ex- ploring agent ABHMS 3 years; d Columbia City 6 O 77 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1838 31 *ELISHA LITCHFIELD ABBOTT; 34-5; b Cazenovia 23 09; prep pd; fr Cazenovia; ord New Woodstock 25 Ag 35 ; miss ABMU to Karens 35-52 ; res Rangoon Burma 37-^40; Aracan 40-5; Ongkyoung 47-52; in US 45-7; inv US 53-4; d Fulton NY 3 D 54. *SAMUEL S ALDRICH; 34-5; prep pd; fr Hoosick;ord Cincinnati O, 34; miss to Che- rokee Indians 35; d Fairfield IT 22 N 35 *JOHN V AMBLER; || 36-7; b Milton 29 D 14; prep pd; fr Milton; ord Lanesboro Mass 27 S 37; p Lanesboro 37-45; Martinsburg NY 45-7; Lanesboro Mass 45-58; agent AFBS 58-60; ABHMS 60-2; dist sec ABMU for southern dist 67-78; d Pittsfield 16 Ag 78 *WILLIAM HENRY ANDERSON; 35-7; b Frederika Del 15 Mr 16; fr Frankfort Pa; t in Miss Valley; p Natchez Miss 54-7; Rodney; Jackson 59-61; Waco Tex 61-5; St Joseph La; Parkville Mo 86-90; d Parkville 28 S 90 *Lucius S BAKER; || 36-7; b Chester Vt 8 Ag 10; fr Perkinsville; ord Martinsburg NY My 40; p Martinsburg; Antwerp; Fowler; Russell in 42; Hermon; Rich ville; Parish ville; Canton; miss work, res Potsdam, 10 years; res Russsell ?-97; d Rus- sell 9 Ja 97 * JAMES ROBINSON BOISE; 34-5; AM BU 40; PhD U Tuebingen 68; LLD UMich 68; DD BU 79; b Blandford Mass 27 Ja 15; prep pd; fr Blandford Mass; tutor Latin and Greek BU4O-3; asst prof Greek 43-5; prof Greek lang and lit 45-50, 51-2; studied Germany, Greece and Italy 50-1; prof Greek lang and lit UMich 52-68; prof Greek lang and lit UChic 68-77; prof NT interp BUTS 77~9i; em 91-2; em prof NT Greek UChic 92-5; d Chicago 9 F 95 *HENRY BROMLEY; || 36-7; b Norwich Ct 5'.D 12; fr Norwich;, ord Mansfield 27 F 38; p Mansfield 38-44; agent ABHMS Wis 46-7; p Essex Ct 47 ; Wethersfield 47-9; Willimantic 49-51; financial agent Ct Lit Institute 51-2; miss NY State Conv 52-4; miss worker New York 54-6; Brooklyn 56-7; New York 57-60; SS worker Hoboken NJ 61; Port Chester NY 62; miss worker Brooklyn 63-70; Orange NJ 71; sup and miss worker New York arid vie 71-81; miss worker Philadelphia Pa 81-91?; res Brooklyn NY 9i?-6; d Brooklyn 20 Ap 96 * ALEXANDER BUSH; || 36-8; b Lowville Ja 10; fr Low ville; ord N Tyringham Mass 17 O 38; p N Tyringham and Lee 38-44; d N Tyringham 17 Je 44 *JOHN M COE; |j 36-7; b Johnstown 24 Ag n; fr Farmington Mich; ord North- field 19 Je 39; p Dansville; Unadilla; Litchfield; Somerset ; Wheatland; Rome; Oakfield; d Ionia 8 Ap 91 *GEORGE A CURTIS; 34-5; fr Westmoreland *!SAAC DODGE; 34-5; fr Hanover NH *JOHN C DYER; 35-7; b RI; fr Philadelphia Pa; t Vincentown NJ. 37-8; p Columbia 37-8; d 38 *ROMANZO I ELLIOTT; 34-5; Georgetown C, Ky 44; b Rockingham Vt i Mr 14; fr Wyoming NY; t Natchez Miss; ord Louisville Ky; p Louisville 44-5; d Louis- ville Ap 45 *tiMOTHY FULLER; 35-7; b Penfield 9 Ap 11; prep pd; fr Penfield; ord Penfield 9 Mr 37; p Friendship 37-44; W Henrietta 44-51; Newfane 51-6; supt Rochester Home for Truant Children 56-66; supt Albany Orphan Asylum 66-79; d E Pen- field 27 S 79 * DAVID GODDARD; 35-7; AB BU 39; fr Wendell Mass; ord Leominster 3 Je 40; p Leominster 40-3 ; Athol 43-4 ; d Athol 6 Ap 44 32 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1838 * WILLIAM HOLROYD; 35-7; b Wadsworth, York co, England 10 Ap 12; prep pdt'fr Pitcher ord Cincinnatus 7 F 38; p Cincinnatus 38-?; Solon 40-1; Lincklaen in 42; farmer Wyanet 111 ?-74; d Wyanet 17 Ag 74 *MERRIT HOUSE; 34-5; fr Bennington Vt; ord N Adams Mass 14 O 35; p Argus- ville NY 41-2 *LOVELL INGALLS; 34-5; b Worcester 21 Ag 08; prep pd; fr Concord; ord Boston 2 O 34; miss ABMU Bassein Burma 36-8; Mergui 38-46; Aracan 46-54; Rangoon 54-6; in US 50-1 ; d at sea 14 Mr 56 *DWIN T JACOBS; || 35-7; AM 57; b Dutchess co 09; fr Oxford; ord Oxford 4 My 37; p Pitcher (twice); New Berlin? 39-40; Angelica; Smyrna; Afton; Coventry; Bainbridge; Coventry and Greene; d Pitcher i Ag 89 . *MATTHEW KER; 35-6; fr La Prairie LC *ELi KIMBERLY; || 36-8; b Middlebridge Mass; prep pd; fr Otis Mass; ord Middle- field NY 2 Jl 39; p Clarksville 39-40; d Clarksville 30 O 40 "COMFORT V LANE; 34-5; fr Suffield Ct; rs Boston Mass in 78 *HARVEY MILLER; 34-6; AM; b Wallingford Ct 3 Ap 14; prep pd; fr Wallingford Ct; ord Ann Arbor Mich 23 N 36; p Ann Arbor 36-8; Meriden Ct 38-56; d Mer- iden 27 Ag 56 *PELATIAH W MILLS; 35-6; prep pd; fr Sangerfield; p?; res Wis *DAVID F NEWTON; 34-5; fr Goochland co Va *RozEL C PALMER; 35-6; b 10 My 16; prep pd; fr Gorham; ord Hermitage 37; p Hermitage 37-40; Bethany 42-4; Middlebury; Alabama; Wyoming; Holley; El Paso 111 66-8; Panola 69-72; res Lisbon 73-?; p Darien 7-77; Elba 77-?; d Leroy NY 8 Jl 81 *!SAAC S PARSONS; || 36-8; b Gilmantown NH 27 O 10; fr Shelby NY; ord 38; p Royalton; Akron (twice); Parma; Sweden; Churchville; Pittsford; Chili; Salis- bury; Somerset; sup Nunda i year; d Geneseo 16 Mr 91 *OLIVER PORTER; 35-7; AB ColU 38; b Boston Mass; prep pd; fr Boston Mass; d Charlestown soon after 38 *!NGRAHAM POWERS; |j 36-8; b Worcester 19 Je 11; prep pd; fr Worcester; ord Jefferson 14 S 38; p Jefferson 38-40; Summit 40-3; W Meredith 43-53; Middle- 1 field 53-63; Worcester 63-?; res Worcester 86-94; d Worcester 18 D 94 *JOHN B QUACKINBUSH; 34-5; fr Albany *LORENZO RICE; 35-6; b 08; prep pd; fr Martinsburg; ord Whately Mass 8 F 37; p Whately 37-8; Sunderland and Montague 39-42; pchsin Black River Assoc, NY 25 years; d Adams Center 1 1 Mr 77 *WILLIAM H RICE; 34-5; fr Martinsburg; ord Conway Mass 25 Ag 35; p Conway 36-7; Montreal Can 37-8; Ft Covington NY 38-42; Ogdensburg 42-8; Chicago 111 48-9; d Chicago 31 Jl 49 *JULIUS SMITH SHAILER; 34-5; NTI 45; b Haddam Ct 21 My 13; fr Haddam; BU 35-7; prin Ct Lit Institute, Suffield 3 years; t Middletown 2 years; ord Roxbury Mass 9 D 45; p Roxbury 45-54; bus Roxbury 54-81 ; d Roxbury 4 Ap 81 "ALFRED GARDINER SLOCUM; 34-5; b Wickford RI 18 F 09; prep pd; fr Eaton; mer- chant Hamilton more than 30 years; member Corpn 50-5; d Hamilton 14 Je 84 *JOSEPH W SPOOR; 35-7; AM 52; b 10; prep pd; fr Rochester; ord Elbridge 2 F 38; p Elbridge; Cato; Nunda in 42; Perry; Moscow; Newark; sup;pWellsville; Arcadia COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1838 33 ?-68; Oil City Pa 70-1 ; ev res Albany NY in 74; p Meadville Pa ?-82; Galena O 82-?; d Horseheads NY 2 Ja 88 *CALVIN S TOTMAN; 35-7; bColerain Mass 13 Ja n; preppd; fr Colerain Mass ; stud- ied med; prac med Syracuse NY *CHARLES TUCKER; 34-5; AM ULg 48; b Broome 19 Ap 09; prep pd; fr Deposit; ord Milesburg Pa 36?; p Milesburg 36-9; Jersey Shore 39-?; d Philadelphia 18 S 50 *JOHN UPTON; || 36-7; fr Lynnfield Mass *DANIEL WAIT; 34-5; b Can 07; prep pd; fr Haldimand UC; p Can 25 years; ret Spring Lake Mich 73-91; d Spring Lake 7 Ap 91 *ERASTUS WESTCOTT; 35-6; b Milford 16; prep pd; fr Milford ; ord Richfield 1 1 Jl 38 ; p New Berlin; Richfield; W Meredith 4 years; Delhi 9 years; Otego; Oneonta; Rochester Minn 57-60; Concord 60-?; Byron; Kasson; Dodge Center; Ken- yon; E Claremont; Wasioja; Owatonna in 87; ret Minn 93-01 ; d Concord 7 S 01 *EDWARD E WHIPPLE; || 35-8; fr Montreal LC; d 38 ^ 1839 *DAVID M BURDICK 1 1 ; b RI 05; fr Newport; ord Arkwright 9 Ja 40; p Arkwright and Fiskeville 40-2; miss Providence 42; p Rehoboth Mass 43-5; p of Indians in Marshpee 45-7; p Cotuit Port (Barnstable) 48-50; Tiverton RI 50-3; Smith- field 53-5; d Smithfield 28 Ap 55 *LEROY CHURCH; AM; s 41 ; DD u; b Ontario 8 Je 13; prep pd; fr Ontario; ord Schenectady N 41; p Schenectady 41-4; Hudson 45-52; proprietor and assoc edi- tor Christian Times (now The Standard) Chicago 111 53-75; ret Chicago 75-98; d Chicago 25 Ja 98 *PETER COLEGROVE; AM; s 41; b Tompkins co 10 Jei7; prep pd;fr Mecklen- burg; ord Mecklenburg 25 Ag 41 ; p Mecklenburg 41-2 ; Canandaigua 42-3 ; Reading 43-5; Woodhull 45-7; Townsend Settlement 47-?; Penn Yan 51-3; Branchport ?~53; Italy Hill 53-5; Bath 55-8; Fairbank la 59-60; d Fairbank i Ag 60 *PETER CONRAD; AM; s 41; b Franklinville 15 Je 13; prep pd; fr Hinsdale; ord Hinsdale 14 O 41 ; p Milwaukee Wis and Greenfield 41-2 ; Milwaukee 42-3; Geneva 43-4; Prairie du Sac 47-51; Baraboo, Reedsburg and Delton 51-4; established s in Delton 53-4; p Newport; E Troy; Scipio NY 59-61; Berlin Wis 61-4; gen ex- ploring miss of ABHMS in Wis 64-7 ; p Onarga 111 67-? ; d Santa Barbara Cal i N 75 *EDMUND BURKE CROSS; AM; s 41 ; DD 70; b Georgetown 1 1 Je 14; prep pd; fr Georgetown; ord Georgetown 2 S 41 ; miss ABMU Burma 44-05; res Tavoy 45-60; Toungoo 60-05; wrote and translated many books in Sgau Karen; d Toungoo 14 Ag 05 *ELIJAH B GALUSHA; b Whitesboro 5 My 17; prep pd; fr Rochester; s 39-40; bank clerk Philadelphia Pa 40-4; book bus NY; in US treasury New York 46-8; foundry bus San Francisco Cal ; farmer NY 59-62 ; asst US assessor and military commissioner 62-3; in custom house New York 63-6; inv Minneapolis Minn 67-?; d Minneapolis 4 D 94 *COLLINS ANSON HEWITT ||; b Hyde Park i O 10; fr Minerva Vt; ord Milton Pa 18 Ja 40; p Milton 40-5; Wilkesbarre 46-50; sup Muncy and Hughesville 50-2; p White Water Wis 52-4; Bureau co 111 54-67; Prairie City 67-8; Lower Provi- dence Pa and Lower Merion 68-70; Girard Ks 71-5; d Girard n N 75 34 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1839 *ABRAHAM P HO WELL; prep pd; fr Albion; s 39-40; ord Onondaga 8841 ; p Oii- ondaga 41-3; O; Highland Mich; Hudson; Lowell; d Lowell 8 Ja 56 *GEORGE KEMPTON; DD 59; b SC 29 Ag 10; fr Beaufort Dist; ord 39; p Smyrna 40-1; Robertsville 41-4; Philadelphia Pa 44-52; New Brunswick NJ 52-7; Nortk East NY 57-60; Philadelphia Pa 60-5; commander 2d division 2oth army corps, Sherman's; p Hammonton NJ 66-78; fruit farmer and pr 78-88; d Amenia NY 21 D88 *EDWARD LATHROP; DD UR 54; b Savannah Ga 12 Mr 14; prep Furman In- stitution, SC; fr Savannah Ga; s 39-40; ord Savannah Ga 41; asst p Beaufort SC 41-4; p New York 44-65; Stamford Ct 66-86; res New York 86-06; member Corp* 72-06; d New York 5 Ap 06 *LAWSON MUZZY; AM; s 41 ; b Dublin NH 12 Ja 12; prep pd; fr Pulaski ; ord Wil- liamsburg (now Brooklyn) 12 S 41; p Williamsburg 41-4; Deep River Ct 44-6; Greenville 47-51; Pulaski NY 51-8; Henderson 58-65; Mexico 65-74; Edmestom 74-9; sup 79-96; d Pulaski 30 S 96 *JOHN TAYLOR SEELEY; AM; s 41 ; AM ColU 41 ; b Carlisle 5 Ja 14; prep pd; fr Carlisle; ord Port Richmond 8 S 41; p Port Richmond 41-5; New York 45-52; Dundee 52-5; Syracuse 55-61; Lima 61-7; Newark 67-8; Clifton 68-74; Massena 74-8; Webster 78-83; Pittsford 83-8; ret Pittsford 88-03; sup Deleon Springs Fla 5 months each year, 12 years; d Pittsford NY 24 D 03 *HENRY J TALBIRD; AM; s 41 ; DD Howard C, Ala 54; b Hilton Head Island SC 7 N n; fr Beau fort Dist; graduate student s 41-2; p Tuscaloosa Ala 42-3; Mont- gomery 43-51; prof theology Howard C 52-3; pres 53-61; capt 7th Ala regiment CSA 61; col 4ist Ala regiment 61-4; p Carlo wville 64-7; Henderson Ky 68-71; Lexington Mo 72; res Switzerland Fla ?-9o; d Switzerland 14 O 90 * ALFRED H TAYLOR; AM ULg 61 ; b Delaware co 4 Ja 12; prep pd; fr Yates; s 39-40; ord Lansingburg Ag 40; p Lansingburg; Hatboro Pa; Willistown; Wickford RI; miss to la 47-9; p Norwich Ct; Mansfield; Hollidaysburg Pa 55-62; chaplain 1 39th Pa volunteers 63; p Saltsburg; res Hollidaysburg ?-66; d Hollidaysburg 23 S66 * ANDREW TEN BROOK; AM; s 41; b Elmira 21 S 14; prep pd; fr Elmira; ord Detroit Mich O 41; p Detroit 41-4; founder Mich Christian Herald, and editor 42-4; prof mental and moral phil UMich 44-51 ; editor NY Bapt Register, Utica 53-5 '> US consul Munich Bavaria 56-61; res Ann Arbor Mich 62-4;libn UMich 64-7; ret Ann Arbor 75-99; d Detroit 5 N 99 *CHARLES W WATROUS; s 41 ; b Ridgefield Ct 16 S 1 1 ; fr Hudson NY; ord Guil- derland u N 41; p Guilderland 41-3; Delphi Ind 43-4; t and pr Rockville 44-5; p and t Terre Haute 45-6; p Norfolk Ct 46-9; Piermont NY 49-52; city miss Newark NJ 52; p and t Mount Vernon NY 53-73; ret Lakewood NJ 73-89; d Lake- wood 10 Ag 89 *CRARY BROWN; 35-6; fr Brookfield *ALFRED H BURLINGAME; 35-7; b Pitcher 12; prep pd; fr Pitcher; ord Penfield 14 F 38; p Penfield 38-41 ; Palmyra 41-2; inv Pittsford 42-5; d Pittsford 10 F 45 * JOSEPH A LAWTON; 35-7; AM; fr Beaufort Dist SC *H ARLOW S ORTON 535-7; LLD U of Wis 74 ; b Niagara co 23 N 1 7 ; prep pd ; fr Hamil- ton; t Ky 37; adm to bar Laporte Ind 38; prac law Laporte 3 8-47; probate judge COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1839 35 Porter co 43; prac law Milwaukee Wis 47-52; Madison 52-95; private sec Gov Farwell 52-4; member assembly 54, 69, 71; circuit judge 9th circuit 59-65 ; dean law faculty U of Wis 69-74; mayor Madison 77; justice state supreme court 78-94; chief justice 94-5; d Madison 4 Jl 95 *EGBERT R PENNEY; || 37-8; prep pd; fr Owego * JOSEPH H SHERWIN; 36-8; fr Weathersfield Vt; ord Wallingford 30 My 40 * JAMES B TOWNSEND; 35-7; prep pd; fr Floyd *SALMON WEDGE; || 37-8; fr Copenhagen * WILLIAM A WELLS; 36-7; b 14; prep pd; fr Berlin; p NY more than 40 years; Rem- sen in 42; res Memphis 64-85; d Memphis 11 S 85 *HOWARD WILLIS; || 37-8; fr Newport RI *C N WOOL WORTH; || 37-9; fr Copenhagen 1840 *ASA BENNETT ||; fr Homer; appointed miss to Burma 41, did not sail; d Homer 20 D 42 *EBENEZER S DAVIS; AM; s 42; b Carroll n S 17; fr Carroll; p Carroll 42-4; ord Cincinnati O; p Morrisville NY 44-5; Little Falls 45-9; founded sanitarium Clifton Springs; p Brooklyn 49-57; t; editor and publ The Christian Cosmopoli- tan; editor Home Miss Record i year; p Holland Patent 57-64; Madison 65-7; Utica 67-8; inv 68-79; d Utica Mr 79 *STILLMAN A FISHER||; b 14; prep pd; fr Danville Vt; ord Albany 1 1 Mr 41 ; miss p Shellsburg Pa and vie 41-3; p Birmingham 43-4; Pleasant Valley 45; d Pleas- ant Valley 8 S 45 *DANIEL HOLBROOK GILLETTE; b Cambridge 25 Mri3; prep pd; fr Sherburne; ord Rahway NJ 29 Jl 40; p and t Rah way 40-2; p Danbury Ct 42; Charlottes- ville Va 42-3 ; Mobile Ala 43-5 ; d Mobile 9 F 45 *GEORGE WASHINGTON HARRIS; AM; s 42; b Schodack 8 Ja 13; prep pd; fr Ballston; ord Pittsfield Mass Ja 43; p Pittsfield 43-4; Jackson Mich 44-8; editor Mich Christian Herald 48-63; res Kalamazoo; Battle Creek ?-8s; on editorial staff Kalamazoo Telegraph 62-4 ;p Battle Creek 65-6; on editorial staff Detroit Tri- bune 72-3; managing editor Battle Creek Journal 73-7; d Battle Creek 8 F 85 *HIRAM HUTCHINS ||; DD 79; b Springfield Center 10 My 10; fr Springfield; ord Richfield 25 Ag 40; p Richfield 40-7; Norristown Pa 47-50; Charlestown Mass 50-5; Roxbury 55-8; Brooklyn NY 58-90; p em 90-03; d Brooklyn 19 Ap 03 *CHARLES T JOHNSON; AM; s 42; b Williamstown Mass 27 D 18; fr Leroy NY; ord Lebanon 18 Ag 42; p Washington Pa 42-3; Norwich NY 44-5; t Tenn 45-8; res Norway NY 49; d Norway 7 Mr 49 *ABRAM KNAPP H; b Harrisburg i Je 15; prep pd; fr Lowville;ord Becket Mass 26 Ag 41 ; p in NY 42-54; p Stratford in 42; Johnstown Wis 54-5; Mauston 55-6; N Lisbon 58-9; Lisbon 59-60; Horicon 61-3; Lima; Lynn; Brighton 111; Shabbona; Princeton; Lostant 72-3; Granville 72-4; ret Princeton 747-96; d Princeton 10 Je 96 *JAMES S LADD; AM; b Sutton Vt 23 Ag 1 1 ; prep Middlebury Acad; fr Leroy NY; ord Weedsport 40; p Weedspart 40-6; Sag Harbor 46-51 ; financial agent ABHMS 36 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1840 51-64; p Bergen NJ 64-5; Westfield 66-9; gen miss LI Assoc NY 68-73; m iss p Babylon 71-80; p Elizabeth NJ 80-3; ret Elizabeth 83-95; d Elizabeth 20 N 95 THOMAS G LAMB; AM; s 42; b Lenox 6 N n; prep pd; fr Lenox; ord Lenox 4 Ag 42; p Pittsburg Pa 42-3; Alexandria O 43-9; Newark 50-5; agent AFBS i> years; p Jefferson O; chaplain 29th O volunteers 5 months; p Brooklyn Mich ?-66- Lima Ind 66-8; Rochester 69; Schoolcraft Mich 70-1; Salem 07 1-2; Durham ville and North Bay NY 79?-8o; we Durham ville 80-?; d Syracuse 12 Ap 83 "ISAAC MARVIN ||; b Milford 7 Mr 12; prep pd; fr Sherburne; ord Sherburne i S 40; miss Pleasant Grove 111 40-2; p Marengo 42-6; Albion; Hampshire; Shadrach's Grove; Huntley Grove; Marengo; Black River Falls Wis 63-70; bus E Orange NJ 70-83; miss to Wis, res Lacrosse 83-5; d Lacrosse 30 My 85 *WARREN BINGLEY MORE Y 1 1 ; b Fabius 24 My 1 1 ; prep pd ; fr Cazenovia ; ord Cazenovia 27 Ag 40; miss p ABHMS Galena 111 40-1 ; Iowa City 1341-2; Iowa City, Marion, and Cedar River 43-4; Keosauqua 45-6; Cedar, Linn and Jones cos 47-8; Columbus 51-4?; pS Otselic NY 54-6? ; colporter Madison co, res Georgetown 56-8; farmer Georgetown 58-91; d Georgetown 27 Mr 91 *LEVI PARMELY; b New Hartford 17818; prep pd; fr Saratoga Springs; s 40-1 ; ord Galway 27 O 41 ; p Galway 41-3; Cambridge 43-4; Hartford 44-6; Shiloh 47- 52; Westchester Pa 52-4; Lower Merion 54-8; Elgin 111 58-60; Dundee 60-2; Be- loit Wis 62-7; Elkhorn 67-8; Ionia Mich 68-73; Pal 73'. Baraboo 73-6; Beloit 76-81 ; city treasurer Beloit 77 ; sup res Beloit 81-4; p Woodstock 111 84-5; res Wood- stock 85-90; Elkhorn Wis 90-5; Depere 95-02; d Depere 26 Ag 02 *DAVID PHILLIPS ||;fr Great Valley Pa; p New York in 42; m ABHMS southern 111 49-51 *ABRAHAM PLATT ||; fr Brooklyn; p Clarksburg Mo 7-72; Collinsville 111 72-? *FRANCIS PRESCOTT 1 1 ; b New Hartford 1 4 My 1 3 ; fr New Hartford ; ord Clarks- ville 41; p Clarksville 41-3; Cooperstown 43-7; Norway 47-51; Grand Rapids Mich 51-7; Laphamville (now Rockford) 57-61 ; Oakfield 61-4; d Oakfield 7 Ja 64 *WILLIAM CAREY RICHARDS; AM; PhD 69; b London England 24 N 18; prep pd; fr Penfield Ga; lit, sci and educational work in Ga 40-9; with Southern Quarterly Review, Charleston SC 49-52^68 in north 52-5; ord New York 8 Jl 55; assocp Providence RI 55; p Providence 55-62; Pittsfield Mass 62-5; prof chemis- try Berkshire Med C 2 years; lecturer on physical sci, res Chicago 62-76; res Berkshire Mass; p Chicago 111 76-7; with Standard 77-81; lecturer and lit work 81-92; d Chicago 19 My 92 *EDWARD SAVAGE; AM; s 42; b N Granville; fr Granville; ord Bristol Ct 28 842; p Bristol 42-6; Fitchburg Mass 46-51 ; agent ABMU 51-3; p Pawtucket RI 53-5; bus Joliet 111 55-63; d Joliet 26 F 63 *RUFUS SEARS; fr Cooperstown; s 40-2; d Bath 7- Jl 42 *SAMUEL R SHOTWELL; AM; s 42; prep pd; fr Ballston; ord Eaton 28 Je 42; p Eaton 42-9; Whitesboro 49-51 ; Annsville 51-3; d Whitesboro 6 Ap 53 *GEORGE SILVER ||; b Montreal Can 24 Je 15; fr Ft Covington NY; ord Beams- ville Can N 40; p Beamsville 40-7; agent Grand Ligne Miss 47-8; p Waukesha Wis 48-52; Valley Falls RI 52-5; Peekskill NY 55-8; agent Can Lit Institute 58-9; p Bunker Hill 111 59-64; Woodburn 64-6; Barry 67-8; inv 68-9; p Troy 69-70; Woodburn 70-84; d Bunker Hill 13 Ag 84 *MARVIN SIMMONS ||; prep pd; fr Ira; res Wis and 111; d Jacksonville Fla O 70 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1840 37 *WILLIAM RILEY WEBB; AM; s 47; DD 68; b Caledonia 14 N 14; fr Leroy; ord Canandaigua 3 F 41 ; p Canandaigua 40-2 ; Danbury Ct 42-4; Clyde NY 44-6; Lyons 47-50; Jordan 50-3; Dixon 111 56-61; Amboy 61-5; Canton 65-70; Tiskil- \va 70-4; Morris 74-6; ret Rockford 76-97; d Rockford 20 Ag 97 *LYMAN WHITNEY ||; b Locke 30 O 06; prep pd; fr Hinsdale; ord Hinsdale, O 40; p W Union O 40-?; Madison; Greenfield; Painesville; Gilead; Seville; Lagrange; Camden; Bloomington 111 44-6; Carrollton; Minneapolis Minn; farmer Springfield O; ret Los Angeles Cal 78-89; d Los Angeles 21 Ag 89 *EDWIN BUXTON BULLARD; 36-9; b Shrewsbury Vt 12 S 13; fr Buffalo NY; ord Mid- dletown Vt 9 Jl 40; p Foxboro Mass 43 ; miss ABMU to Sho Karens in Burma 43-7; d Moulmein 5 Ap 47 ^BURTON B CARPENTER; 37-8; b Vt 3 D 10; prep Brandon Acad; fr Addison; ord Dixon 111 40; p Dixon 40-4; Louisville Ky 44-5; Griggsville 111 45-70; inv Griggsville 70-86; d Griggsville 29 D 86 *EDWIN CARTER; 36-8; prep pd; fr Penfield; ord Penfield 22 Jl 39; d Coldwater Mich long before 70 *NATHAN G COLLINS; || 38-40; preppd; fr GuilfordVt; pTalona 7-74; Sterling III 74-? *CHAUNCEY DARBY; || 38-40; b Homer 14 F 15; prep pd; fr Homer; ord Greene 27 My 40; p Greene 39-45; Binghamton 45-9; McGrawville 49-51; Greene 51-5; Marathon 55-7; Marion 57-61; Fairfield la 62-7; Ottumwa 71-3; ret 73-03; res St Joseph Mo 73-84; Philadelphia Pa 84-8; Greene NY 88-?.; d Philadelphia Pa 29 Mr 03 * ROBERT DICK; 36-7; fr Lanark UC *PETER Goo; 35-8; b Frankfort 16 Ag 13; prep pd; fr Schuyler; ord Frankfort 5 D 38; p Farmersville 41-5; Colosse 45-6; Vernon 46-50; Leesville 50-6; Walesville 56-62; Knowlesville 62-70; Ovid Village 70-1; Sharon Springs; Jordan ville 7 1-5; ss Walesville 75-8; ret Walesville 78-94; d Walesville 13 Ap 94 * JOHNSON HOWARD; 36-7; b Woodstock Ct 3 Ja 16; prep Suffield; frWindhamjord New Ipswich NH 28 D 36; p New Ipswich 36-9; Woodville Mass 40-2 ; Dover Plains NY 42-9; Randolph 49-54; Stockton 54-7; Jordan 57-8; Weedsport 58- 61; Hopkinton 61-3; Woodville Mass 63-6; d Woodville 20 D 66 *JOHN JONES; 36-7; b Carmarthen Wales 29 Mr 12; prep pd; fr Lower Dublin Pa; ord Lower Dublin 38; p Lower Dublin; Cape May NJ n years; Willistown Pa 4 years; Elizabeth; bus Cape May NJ 15 years; p Sauk Center Minn; Fairy Lake; d Sauk Center 25 F 72 *!SAAC B LAKE; 36-8; b Braintrim Pa 2 S n ; fr Braintrim; ord Braintrim 6 N 39; p Braintrim 39-?; Smithfield; Mehoopany 45-7; Leroy 48-60; S Creek 60-3; Leroy 63-72; d Leroy 3 Ap 72 *!SAAC LAWTON; 36-8; prep pd; fr Griswold Ct; ord Kinderhook NY 14 Ap 40; p Geneva; Oswego 42-4; inv 44-?; d before 71 *BELA PALMER; 36-8; b Bridgewater 19 F 12; fr Bridgewater; ord Centerville 14 Ja 41; p Centerville 40-5; Bethany Center 45-6; Fenner 47-51; Lebanon 51-64; Moscow 64-8; S Hamilton 68-72; d S Hamilton 28 F 72 38 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1840 *GEORGE FREDERICK POST; 36-8; b BozrahCt 24 S 13; fr Meredith NY ; ord Westford 38; p Leesville in 42; New Berlin; Franklin; Jersey City NJ 60-4; E Lyme Ct; Meredith NY 647-82; d Meredith 11 Ap 98 *GEORGE N ROE; 36-7; prep pd; fr Ballston Spa; ord Hopewell F 39 *ORLO S ROGERS; 36-7; prep pd; fr Hamilton *SiLAS TUCKER; 36-7; DD u; bSchoharie coi6My 13; preppd;fr Buffalo; ord Ohio City O 1 6 Ag 37; p Ohio City 37; Elyria 38; Laporte Ind 38-43; Racine Wis 43-7; Naperville 111 47-55; Galesburg 55-60; Logansport Ind 60-72; Aurora III 72; d Aurora 7 N 72 *ELIADA TUTTLE; || 38-40; bis; Prep pd; fr Norway; d Boonville 30 O 51 *ALONZO WADHAMS; 36-7; prep pd; fr Lebanon Springs; p Lakeville in 42; Eden in 53; Commerce Mich; Clayton; Rome; ret Clayton 60-5; d Clayton 21 Ap 65 *ZENAS WHITNEY; 36-7; b Wilton Ct 27 Jl 14; fr Bridgeport; p; res Bridgeport in 67; New Haven about 70 *BENJAMIN S WILLIAMS; 36-8; b Canterbury Ct 22 F 12; prep pd; fr Canterbury Ct; ord Smithville NY 26 S 38; p Smith ville 38-42; Plymouth 42-59; N Norwich 59- 63; Dekalb 111 63-4; sup Sycamore 64-5; p Ohio Grove 65-71; farmer Sycamore 71-85; d Sycamore 26 Ag 85 1841 *SAMUEL M BAINBRIDGE; AM; b Romulus 23 Mr 16; prep pd; fr Romulus; ord Stockbridge 40; p Stockbridge 40-4: E Avon 44-8; York 49-52; Wheatland 52-5; Penn Yan 55-9; Painted Post 59-63; Elmira 63-5; d Elmira i Ja 66 *WILLIAM BRANCH; fr Middlebury Vt; s 41-3; ord Williamsville 2 S 47; P Will- iamsville 47-50; Girard Pa 50-2; Mt Gilead O 52-5; Defiance 55-6; Evansville Wis 56; Lexington 111 56-7; Elpaso 56-9; organized chs at Pontiac, Chenoa, Grid- ley, Panola, Minonk, Kappa, Towanda 56-9; with ABPS Decatur 60-2; p Harris- town 62-3; chaplain Christian Commission, Camp Butler 63-?; res Springfield 63- 71?; d Lamoille 13 My 71 "JONATHAN BRAYTON l|; b Cranston RI 12 Je n; fr Cranston; ord Hamilton NY 41; p Phoenix Village RI 42-9; Warwick; Centerville; Coventry; Natick; Pawtucket; Crompton 50-7; pres Centerville Natl Bank 10 years; member legis- lature from Centerville; d Centerville 24 Jl 84 *SAMUEL CROSS; fr Cobleskill *NATHANIEL CUDWORTH ||; b Putney Vt 2 Ja 14; fr Putney; ord Putney S 41; p Putney 41; Jamaica 41-5; N Springfield 45-9; Ludlow 49-52; we Ludlow 52-9; representative in legislature 2 years; p Perkinsville 59-71; d Perkinsville 2 Ag 71 *CHARLES GRAVES ||; AM 53; b 12; fr Gouverneur; p Cassville; Martinsburg in 42; p many chs in northeastern NY; d New Hartford 6 My 77 *ORRIN BISHOP JUDD; AB (ColU); AM;s 44;LLD 54; AM ColU 44; b South- ington Ct 25 N 16; prep pd; fr Fabius; ord New Haven Ct 15 Je 45; p New Haven 45-9; New York 49-52; editor New York Chronicle 49-56; lit work and govern- ment service, res Brooklyn 56-64, 66-92; p New Haven Ct 64-6; d Brooklyn NY 12 Ja 92 *NEHEMIAH M PERKINS; AB (ColU); AM; 544; bMarlboro 2oO 20; frNew COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1841 39 York; ord Westfield Mass 20 N 44; p Westfield 44-7; Waterbury Ct 47-55; Brookline Mass 55-8; Utica NY 61-3; d Monroe Ct 20 Ag 63 ="ROSWELL RANDALL PRENTICE; AB (ColU) ; AM; s 44; b Norwich 19 Ja 19; prep pd; fr Norwich; ord Norwich 4 844; graduate student s 44-5; p Berwick Pa 46-7; inv Norwich NY 47-52; p Schoolcraft Mich 53-6; prof KalC 57; prin Cedar Park S 58-60; p Beloit Wis 60-2; res Norwich NY 62-3; bus Hamilton 63-8; p Brookfield 68-70; Townshend Vt 70-3; Hilton NY 73-8; Stockton 79-83; Sinclairville 84-7; Linesville Pa 88-92; W Clarksville NY 93-5; Farmersville 96-9; sup Sandusky oo; res Sandusky 00-7; Mechanicville 07-8; d Mechanic- ville 10 My 08 *JOHN BUEL SACKETT ||; AM 52; b Fabius 8 Ja 12; fr Ashtabula O; ord Kings- ville 41; p Kingsville 41-50; financial agent O State Conv 50; p Mt Vernon 50-3; Lancaster 53-9; Fredericktown 59-62; cor sec O State Conv and supt miss 62-9, 70; p Oberlin 69-70; d Clyde 24 D 70 *ELISHA SAWYER ||;AM 52; b Jefferson co 3 F 09; fr Rodman; ord Henderson; p Henderson; Smithville; Lafargeville; Parma; Adams Center 69-?; acting p Ogden ?-75; d Parma 10 F 75 *A B STOWELL H; fr Windham Vt; ord Factory ville NY 23 N 42; p Factoryville 42-52; inv Chester Vt *ALANSON M TYLER ||; b Broadalbin; prep pd; fr Broadalbin; ord Marlton NJ 1 6 My 44; p Marlton 44; d Marlton 22 Jl 44 *SIDNEY WILDER; AB (ColU); AM; s 44; AB 50; b Floyd 26 Ja 22; prep Shel- burne Falls Acad, Mass; fr Spencer NY;ordCohoes 24 N 46pCohoes 46-7; Spring- field 48-52; N Norwich 52-6; Virgil 56-8; Arcadia 58-9; Montezuma; Lafarge- ville 68-9; N Brookfield 70-2; Brookfield 72-3; Delphi 73-?; Pittsford 75-8; Arcadia 79-87; d Newark 24 D 98 * JOSEPH ALLEN BULLARD; 38-40; s 42; b Shrewsbury Vt 31 My 07; fr Buffalo NY; ord Buffalo; miss Knoxville Tenn 43-4; p Nashville 44-7; Grand Gulf Miss 47-8 ; Middletown O 48-9; W Townsend Mass 49-51; Ware 51-3; Sandy Hill NY 53-5; Penfield 55-62; Schuylerville 62-5; ret Elmira 65-73; d Elmira S 73 * JAMES CLARK; || 39-40; b 15; prep pd; fr Utica; d 25 Jl 40 *BENJAMIN F LEAVITT; 37-40; frGouverneur; ord Bethany O 17 My 43; p Buffalo Grove 111 in 47 ; res la many years *HORACE PACKER; 37-9; fr Norwich *HIRAM COLE PADDOCK; 37-8; b Pittstown 05; prep Cazeno via; fr Hamilton; farmer, merchant and t sacred music Hamilton 38-89; d Hamilton 89 *CHARLES JESSE RADFORD; 37-40; AM; b St Johns, Newfoundland 20 F 12; prep pd ; fr New York; editor and proprietor Vicksburg Sentinel, Miss 44-7; editor New Orleans Jeffersonian Democrat, La 47-50; editor Utica Herald, NY 56-7; ord New York 6 Jl 59; pres Bapt Female C, Greenville SC 61-3; lit work Brooklyn NY 67-91; d Brooklyn 6 Ja 91 *CHARLES M RICHMOND; | j 38-41 ; fr Madison O ; p Ellicottville NY in 42 ; miss ABHMS Logansport Ind 47-8; Peruand Harrison cos 48-9; Peru 50-1 ^BENJAMIN ROBBINS; || 39-41; prep pd; fr Warren 'FRANCISCO SMITH; 37-8; prep pd; fr Fabius 40 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1841 "LEONARD SWAIN; 37-8; AB DartC 41 ; AM 44; AndTS 46; DD BU 57; b Concord NH 26 F 21 ; fr Mendon NY; ord Cong 47; p Nashua NH 47-52; Providence RI 52-69; d Providence 14 Jl 69 *A WHITMAN; || 39-40; b 13; fr Jackson Mich; p Byron and Parma; Belleville; Stafford NY in 42; Argyle Wis; Belleville; Union Rock; Portage City; Fall River; Oconomowoc; Dubuque la 70-1; Westford Va 71-2; Carthage Mo 72-?; Lake City Minn 81-?; Shell Rock la ?-9o; Livermore 90-1 ; d Livermore 9 My 91 *ERASTUS R WILLSEY; 37-8; prep pd; fr Candor *NATHAN WOOD; || 39-40; b Rensselaer co 6 Ag 07; fr Augusta; ord Georgetown 2 S 41; p Georgetown 41-6; Versailles 46-7; Wyocena Wis 47-8; Forestville NY 48-53; Wyocena Wis 53-7; Baraboo 57-60; sup res Wyocena 60-86; d Wyocena 5 O 86 1842 *O ADAMS ||; fr Syracuse *EDWIN H BAILEY ||; b 14; fr Sharon Ct; ord Burlington NY 42; p Burlington 42-5; Butternuts 45-6; W Hartwick 46-7; d W Hartwick 6 F 47 *GEORGE COLFAX BALDWIN; AM; s 44; DD Union 53; b Pompton NJ 21 O 17; fr Paterson; ord Charleston NY 17 Je 40; p Troy 44-85; p em 85-99; d Troy 29 D 99 *WILLIAM BENSLEY BUNNELL; b Newark 29 Je 18; t Townshend Vt; Black River; Yates NY; Nunda 42-55; ord Pekin 111 21 F 55; farmer and pr 59-69; res Minniska Minn ?-69; d Minniska 22 Ap 69 "HARVEY MONTGOMERY CAMPBELL; AB (ColU); AM; s 48; b Lebanon 8 Je 23; prep pd; fr Lebanon; ord Saline Mich Je 49; miss ABMU to Burmese in Aracan, res Kyouk Phyoo 49-52; d Kyouk Phyoo 22 F 52 * WILLIAM DWINNELL; b Brutus 5 N 16; fr Hamilton; farmer and fruit raiser; d Sennett 20 O 02 *HENRY K EVERTS; b Granville; fr Earlville; s 42-3; lecturer and pr; res Chicago 111 *ALBERT GUY j|; b Westford 3 D 12; prep Oxford Acad; frGuilford; ord 9 N 4 2;p Coventry and Greene 42-6; Guilford 46-51; S New Berlin 5 1-3; Middletown O 54-9; Xenia 59-65; Sublette 111 65-70; Brimfield 70-6; Otego NY 76-9; Har- pursville 79-82; res Homer 82-3; sup res Binghamton 83-6; ret Hartford Ct 86-00; d Hartford 6 Mr oo *OTIS HACKETT; AB (ColU); AM; s 44; fr Rochester; ord Rochester 28 Ag44; p Galena 111 44-5; Janesville Wis; Alton 111; PE rector Helena Ark in 66; Thibodaux La *NORMAN HARRIS; AB (ColU) ; b Becket Mass 19 F 19; prep pd; fr Becket Mass; ord Becket 9 O 44; miss ABMU to Karens, Shwegyin Burma 46-82; in US 58-66, 76-7; ret Hamilton NY 82-4; d Hamilton i Mr 84 *CYRUS L HART WELL; AM; b New Marlboro Mass 30 Ja2o; prep pd; fr New Marlboro Mass; t New Marlboro 42-3; McConnellsville O 44; Madison 44-7, 49-50; farmer and cheese manufacturer New Marlboro Mass; member Mass legislature 61 *SAMUEL STILLMAN KINGSLEY; b Chester Mass 17 D 14; fr Chester; s 42-3 ; COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1842 4! ord Plainfield Mass 30 Ag 44; p Plainfield 44-6; Warwick Vt 47-8; Guilford 49- 52; Essex 52-4; farmer and sup, res New Haven Wis 54-64; d New Haven 5 Ag 64 -"DAVID P MARYOTT ||; b Franklin Pa 29 Ap 15; fr Brooklyn; ord Montrose 18 S 42; p Franklin O; Charleston; Milton; Seville; Wing; Richford NY; Harford 49; Rossville; Richmond Pa; Mansfield; Covington; New Hartford la; McGregor; delegate of Christian Commission in army; d Weiser Id 3 Je 85 *JOHN ANSON NASH; AM; s 44; DD UChic 77; b Sherburne 1 1 Jl 16; prep pd; fr Smyrna; ord Watertown S 44; p Watertown 44-50; Des Moines la 50-66; pres DMC 66-76, 78-82; miss and lit work, res Des Moines 82-90; d Des Moines 14 F 90 "ISAAC NILES; AM; MD Jefferson Med C, Pa 46; b Willington Ct 16; fr Willing- ton; NTI 42-4; Jefferson Med C, Pa 44-6; med miss SBC China 46-8; d Hong Kong 15 Ap 48 *ASAPH LEROY LIVINGSTON POTTER ||; AM; b Hartwick 12 ;fr Boston; ord Evans 16 N 42; p Evans 42-?; t Nunda; pr and phys *ARTEMAS ROGERS; fr Greenwich *DEAN W SMITH ||; fr New Sharon Me *ZEBINA SMITH; AB (ColU) ; AM; s 44; prep pd; fr Fabius; p Northeast Pa 65-6; d Erie 03 ^ALFRED TAYLOR; AB (ColU); AM; b Lowville n Jl 24; fr Hamilton; t Lewist burg Pa 47-51; prof belles lettres ULg 51-4; asst prin Lock Haven Acad; sup- schs Clinton co; private t elocution and belles lettres Hamilton NY; d Hamilton 31 Mr 78 ^GEORGE V TEN BROOK; AB (ColU); s 44; bElmira 27 Ja 17; prep pd; fr Elmira; t Detroit Mich 44-5; ord Niles 30 Mr 45; p Niles 45-6; Battle Creek 46-50; Hills- dale 50-2; Centerville 52-7; d Centerville 3 Ap 57 *JEREMIAH W WEATHERBY ||; b Fabius 23 Jl 14; prep Florence Acad; fr Cazenovia; ord Erieville 7 S 42; p Erieville 42-5; Madison O 45-6; Conneaut 46- 52; Kingsville 52-6; Xenia 56-9; Centerville 59-65; Northeast Pa 65-8; Spring- field O 68-74; Hillsboro 74-80; Seville 80-4; ret Seville and Troy 84-97; d Seville 19 Ag 97 *HENRY WESTCOTT ||; b Newport NJ 17 Ag 16; prep Bridgeton; fr Bridgeton; p Millville 42-3; ord Cedarville 8 Je 43; p Cedarville 43-4; Hollidaysburg Pa 44-7; Blackwoodstown NJ 47-57; Warrenville 111 57-9; Manayunk Pa 59-60; Ardena NJ 60-5; agent for Peddie Institute 65-8; p Bethlehem 68-72; Clinton 72-3; Columbus 73-7; Milburn 77-82; Ardena 82-06; ret Farmingdale 06-8; d Farming- dale i Ja 08 *ISRAEL H WOOD ||; b Colerain Mass 9 Ap 09; fr Colerainjord Jamaica Vt Je 50; p Jamaica 50-4; Cuttingsville 54-5; Weston 55-9; Pittsford 59-65; Jamaica 65-?; Bible agent, res Brandon *STEPHEN WRIGHT ||; b Cambridge 22 Mr 13; prep Bennington Acad; fr White Creek; ord Stillwater 23 F 37; p Williamstown Mass 37-8; Sempronius NY 38-9; Conklin in 42; Ticonderoga 54-60; sup Essex 61-2; p Westport 62-4; also p Kel- logsville; S Westerlo; Cossayuna; Manchester Vt; Whiting; Fort Miller NY; Warrensburg; Caldwell; S Glens Falls; Pittsford; E Wallingford Vt; Three Rivers ' NY; Cheshire Mass; financial agent Grand Ligne Miss i year; res Glens Falls NY 64-89; d Glens Falls 24 Ja 89 42 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1842 *PRENTISS FRINK; || 40-1 ; fr Brookfield; ord Auburn Pa 24 My 43; p Dimock; sup Sabetha Ks; Capioma; Padonia; Albany; Carmen; p Iowa Point in 59; d Fair- view ii S 61 *M D HAYES; || 41-2; fr Ferrisburg Vt * VICTOR M KINGSLEY; 39-40; AM; b Floyd 14 N 21; fr Lebanon; prmPittsfordHS, Vt 47-8; tutor and prof NY Central C 49-53; manufacturer Fayetteville 53?~97; d Fayetteville 6 My 97 *S R LEONARD; 38-40; fr Truxton *JAMES H STEBBINS; 38-40; b 16; prep pd; fr York; ord Prattsburg 21 Mr 38; p Prattsburg; Phelps 43-7; d Vienna 24 My 47 *AUGUSTUS T TEAL; || 41-2; fr Albany; p Charlotte Mich in 81 *JOHN J TEEPLE; || 40-1; b Schoharie 11 Mr 16; prep pd; fr Schoharie; p Preston Hollow 41-6; Morrisville; Chittenango; Adams; Adams Center in 53; Skaneateles; d Skaneateles 8 O 55 *SAMUEL S WHEELER; 38-9; b 11; fr Eaton; ord Athens 26 N 39; p Athens 39?-?; Butler; Saugerties; Fleming; Madison; d Butler i O 67 1843 *SPENCER SETH AINSWORTH; AB (ColU); AM; s 45; b 16; fr Cazenovia; ord Panama 19 N 45; p Panama 45-?; Penfield; Delphi 55-6; adm to bar W Union la 58; prac law W Union 58-68; prin public sch W Union 68-70; prin Ainsworth GS, W Union 70-95; ret W Union 95-9; d W Union 28 Ap 99 'ALFRED CORNELL ||; b Madison co 7 Jl 13; fr Ionia Mich; ord Macedon NY Ap 44; p Macedon 44-6; Ionia Mich 46-62; chaplain State House of Representa- tives 48-9; p Norwalk O 62-6; Ionia Mich 66-?; Smyrna 66-70; Portland 70-7; chaplain State House of Correction, Ionia 77-94; d Ionia 25 D 94 *ORVILLE L CRITTENDEN || ; b Chenango co 14; prep pd; fr Lebanon; ord Chau- tauqua co 44; p Sheridan; Harmony; Brocton; Cambridge Pa 49-?; Rockdale; Eu- clid O 54-5; Lorain; Pella la 63-6; bus Pella 66-72; p New Sharon; Chant on; d New Sharon 23 F 80 'HARRISON DANIELS; AM; b Scipio 24 My 14; fr Albion; ord Leroy Ap 44; p Leroy 43-9; agent RTS 49-51; agent NY State Conv 5 1-3 ;p Wyoming 58-62; Lagrange 62-4; financial agent ShC 64-9; dist sec ABPS res Winona Minn 69-?; p Chicago 111; Kansas City Ks 7-73; Brocton NY in 75; inv 75-84; d Boston Mass 5 O 84 *PETER CARPENTER DAYFOOT; AB (ColU); AM; s 45; b Bristol Vt 27 Ja 15; prep pd ; fr Bristol ; ord Medina 27 Je 46 ; p Medina 46 ; Norwalk O 47-9 ; Kingsville 50-2; Lansing Mich 53-5; Howell 55-63; Parshallville and Fenton 63-70; t Fen- ton 70-2; p Shaftsbury Vt 72-4; Panton 74-8; Moriah NY 79-83; West Haven Vt 83-8; ret Panton 88-05; d Panton 7 Ag 05 "JOSEPH A DIXSON; AB (ColU); AM; s 45; fr New Hartford; ord Litchfield 7 O 45; p Litchfield 45-?; miss Terre Haute Ind ?~5o; p Evansville 50-3?; d Evansville about 53 *A J DWINELLE; AB (ColU); AM; fr New York *JOEL W FISH ; AB (ColU) ; AM ; s 45 ; AM UR 52 ; b Cheshire Mass i F 1 7 ; fr Ellis- burg NY; ord Mannsville 2 O 45; p Geneva Wis 46-51; Racine 51-2; agent COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1843 43 ABHMS, res Geneva 52-5; p Fox Lake 55-66; with Christian Commission 61-4; dist sec ABHMS 66-76; p Waupaca 76-8; Chicago 111 79; res Evanston about 82-07; d Evanston 23 My 07 *ELBA FULLER ||; b 18; fr Forestville; ord Forestville 27 Mr 44; p Laona 44; d Laona 16 O 44 *JOHN FULTON ||; AM 5?; b Henderson 28 Mr 16; fr Ellisburg; ord Renselaer- ville 44 ; p Rensselaerville 44-7 ; Leesville 47-51; New Woodstock 51-9; miss ABHMS Independence la 59-69; p Belvidere 111 69-77; Winterset la 77-80; Cedar Rapids 80-2; San Bernardino Cal 82-4; McPherson Ks 84-96?; Abilene 96-8 ;d Abilene 3 Mr 98 *EZRA S GALLUP; AM; b Paris 18; fr Cassville; ord Hamilton 14 Ag 53; prof Greek lang and lit 50-67; p Delhi 69-72; Cannonsville 72-4; Trumansburg 74-9; Covert 79-80; Venice 80-4; Etna 84-5; ret Homer 85-7; d Homer 9 Je 87 *OLIVER WIRT GIBBS; AB (CoMJ); AM; b Groton; prep Groton Acad; fr Groton; ord Cuba i S 46; p Cuba 46-9; Montezuma 49-51; Bennettsburg ?-6i; res Groton 61-86 or 87; d Groton 86 or 87 *STILLMAN BAILEY GRANT; AB (ColU); AM; s 45; DD 61; b Bolton 22 O 18; fr Greenwich; ord Granville 25 Je 46; p Granville 45-9; S Adams Mass 49-53; Wallingford Ct 54-5; New Haven 55-8; New London 58-67; Fitchburg Mass 67- 74; d Fitchburg 17 D 74 *JOHN B HALSTEAD; fr New York *ED WARD LANSING HARRIS; AB (ColU); AM; b Ira 12 Ja 16; prep El- bridge Acad; fr Elbridge; ord Pike 31 Ag 43; p Pike 43-6; Rushford 46-50; Beloit Wis 50-4; Wai worth 54-8; Darien 58-68; chaplain US army 63-4; supt negro schs Natchez Miss 64-5; p Sugar Creek Wis 68; Walworth 68-71 ;E Delavan 70-1; Greenwood 111; Burr Oak Wis; Lawrence; d Delavan 27 N 98 *EDWARD THURSTON HISCOX ; AB (ColU) ; AM ; DD ShC 57 ; b Westerly RI 24 Ag 14; prep Plainfield Acad, Ct; fr Peacedale RI; s 43-4; ord N Stonington Ct 18 Ja 44; p Westerly RI 44-7; Norwich Ct 47-52; New York 52-66; Brooklyn 68-75; Mt Vernon 75-83; ret Mt Vernon 83-01; d Mt Vernon 12 D 01 *LELAND J HUNTLEY || ; AM 57; b Chelsea Vt 12 Je 15; fr Brandon; ord Sanborn- ton NH; agent AFBS and ABPS 10 years ;pOneida NY; Monroe City Mich ;Janes- ville Wis; res Utica NY; Elkhorn Ind; inv Chicago 111; d Chicago 26 Ja 92 *SAMUEL SANFORD MARTIN ||; b Colesville 15 Ap 20; fr Colesville; ord Coles- ville 27 S 43; p Knoxville 111 43-5; Lamoille 45-9; Dixon 49-50; Fremont 51-3; Delavan and vie 53-61 ; Washington 61-5; Mason City 65-73 or later; Forest City 83?-7?; San Jose Cal; d Clearwater Mo 3 Ja 89 *WILLIAM S MIKELS; AB (ColU); AM; s 45; DD 64; b Orange co i8My2o;prep pd; fr New York; ord Rondout 2 O 45; p Rondout 45-9; Sing Sing (Ossining) 49-56; New York 56-73; ret New York 73-83; d New York 24 Je 83 MEDADIAH WHEELER OSBORN; AM; b Harpersfield 10 Ja 16; prep pd; fr Morrisville; ord Scipio u Ja 44; p Scipio 43-9; Marion 49-55; Piqua O 56-61; Mansfield 61-9; Columbus 69-72; sup res Granville 72-7; p Fremont Neb 77-80; SS miss ABPS 80-2; gen miss for Neb 82-6; cor sec Neb State Conv 86-8 ;d Fre- mont ii Jl 88 '* WILLIAM FPURINGTON;AB;(ColU); AM; 345: b Jefferson co 18 My 12; fr Truxton; ord Montezuma 17 Mr 46; p Geneva 45-8; student Med C Geneva 44 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1843 45-?; p Prattsburg 48-55; Naples 58-9; Belmont 3 years; ret Prattsburg 65-72; d Prattsburg 29 S 72 *WILLIAM RONEY; AB (ColU); s 45; b Hatboro Pa 6 S 15; fr Philadelphia; ord Hamilton O Ap 46; p Hamilton 46-9; Bellefontaine 49-52; Williamstown Pa 52-6 ; Arcadia NY 56-7; Skaneateles 57-64; Pekin 111 64-6; Fulton 66-7; Clinton la 67-71; Sheboygan Wis 71-4; Cheviot O 74-5; Kingston 75-?; inv Chicago 111 ? 79; d Chicago 14 Je 79 * JESSE NATHAN SEELE Y 1 1 ; b Charleston (now Root) 1 5 My 1 5 ; prep pd ; fr Root ; ord Davenport la 43; student Granv 2 years; miss ABHMS and p in la and vie 43-8 (p Cordova 111, Muscatine la, Bloomington 111 44-7, Keokuk la); sup and agent for SBTS in Tenn and Ala 48-56; in 111 57-9; p Marcellus NY 59-61; Fen- ner 61; Pitcher 62-4; Cordova III 64-5; bus and sup, res Clinton la 65-98; d Clin- ton 15 Ap 98 "JOHN WARREN STARKWEATHER ||; b Worcester 19 Ag 18; prep pd; fr Wor- cester; ord E Chatham 10 Jl 45 ;p E Chatham 45-7; miss Grand River Assoc, Mich 47-8; p Charleston NY; Clockville; E Greene; Akron; Norway; Braman Corners; Galway 70-2; Harrisburg; Flatbrook; Virgil; Castle Creek ?-82; Westville 82-4; Flatbrook 84-?: ret Flatbrook 91-3; d Flatbrook 21 F 93 *DANIEL FRANKLIN TWISS; AB (Col U) ; s 45; b Sharon NH 5 My 18; fr Sharon; ord Wantage NJ 22 Ja 46; p Wantage 45-9; farmer 49-51; p Middletown Point 51-3; inv New Brunswick 53-7; d New Brunswick 30 Je 57 *PHILIP VOORHEES; b Cherry Valley 24 Ja 16; prep pd ; fr Cherry Valley; studied law; adm to bar 52; prac law Binghamton 53-5; Scranton Pa 55-? *SAMUEL WARD ||; prep pd; fr Baltimore Md; ord Baltimore 18 O 43; p Galway NY 43-5; Coxsackie 45-7; d Coxsackie 8 Ap 47 *JOHN WARREN ||; AM 59; b Worcester 25 O 14; fr Poughkeepsie; graduate stu- dent c 43-4; ord Fishkill 45; p Fishkill 45-52; Easton Ct 52-72 or later; Fairfield in 81; ret Bridgeport; d Bridgeport 26 Jl 89 *OSGOOD CHURCH WHEELER; AB (Col U); AM; s 45; DD u; LLD u; b Wol- cott 13 Mr 16; prep pd; fr Lagrange; ord E Greenwich RI N 45; p E Greenwich 45-7; Jersey City NJ 47-8; miss ABHMS in southern Cal 48-52; p Sacramento 52-4; Oakland; gen ticket agent CP Railway San Francisco in 79; d Oakland 16 Ap 91 * WALTER ROLLIN BROOKS; 39-41; AM 52; DD 63; b Nelson Flats 3 Ag 21; prep pd ; fr Mayville; ord Ashville 5 Jl 42; p Ashville 42-5; Sardinia 46-7; Perry 48-56; miss p ABHMS Madison Wis 57-8; p Hamilton NY 59-73; prof natural history 74-88; sup Randallsville 74-88; member Corpn 64-88; d Randallsville 21 F 88 *HENRY DOUGLAS BUTTOLPH; 39-40; b North East 13 O 18; prep pd; fr Troy Michr ord Troy 8 S 40; p Ionia 40-5; Troy 45-7; d Troy 24 S 47 *HENRY CARD; || 41-2; b Nelson 4 Ja 16; fr Nelson; ord Clear Creek 4 My 43; p Clear Creek 43-5; Hinsdale in 53; Sandusky; Lodi in 68; Watkins; d Watkins 23 J173 * WILLIAM H DOUGLASS; 39-41; b Brutus Ag 16; preppd; fr Weedsport; ord Palmyra 1 8 Je 43; p Palmyra 43-?; Manlius; Fayetteville; Delphi; Canandaigua; Brock- port; Janesville Wis 54-6; sup res Janesville 56-85; d Janesville 19 N 85 *ROSWELL D FRENCH; 39-42; fr Hamilton COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1843 45 THOMAS SHARP GRIFFITHS; 39-42; b Philadelphia Pa 13 Mr 21; fr Philadelphia; studied BU before 39; ord Red Bank NJ 21 Ag 44; p Red Bank 43-50; Milwau- kee Wis 50-3 ; Philadelphia Pa 53-4 ; Dubuque la 54-9 ; Keokuk 59-63 ; Trenton NJ 63-70; Holmdel 70-81; Cherry ville 81-5; Summit 86-?; Princeton 89-96; ret Hightstown 96-10; d Hightstown 31 Ja 10 *ELLIS B HALL; 39-40; fr Philadelphia *DANIEL F LEACH; 39-40; b Corbettsville 27 Je 17; prep pd; fr Cooperstown; ord Ten Mile River Pa 10 S 40; miss Ten Mile River 40-5; p Port Jervis NY 45-50; Colesville 50-5; miss in Deposit Assoc 55-7; district miss NY State Conv 57-62; p Colesville 62-6; supt miss NY State Conv 65-8; p Unadilla 68-70; inv Va 70-1; sup Rosebloom NY and Middlefield 71; agent ABHMS to negroes in Va 72-82; p Newark Valley NY 83-8; ret Chase City Va 88-9; d Chase City 10 S 89 *BUTLER MORLEY; 39-42; b Brutus (now Sennett) 7 Ap 18; prep pd; fr Sennett; ord Rose 20 Ja 53 ; p Rose 53-4 ; Victory 54-5 ; W Oswego 55-7 ; N Manlius 57-9 ; Tully 59-66; Vesper 60-4; Throopsville 66-7; New Woodstock 67-9; Cazenovia; miss Erie Assoc 73-4; p Kennedy in 75; Lowell Mich in 79; Ludington 83-6; W Bay City 86-9; Rome 89-90; ret Fenton 90-9; d Fenton 30 D 99 *JOHN T MORLEY; 40-2; b Brutus (now Sennett) 28 My 20; fr Sennett; farmer W Almond 43-65; d W Almond 65 *THOMAS J MUZZY; 39-41 ; b Dublin NH 26 Ap 04; prep pd; fr Sandy Creek; t Os- wego co; res Chicago 111 several years; Wilton; d Wilton Center 23 Ap 81 *WILLIAM JAMES NICE; 39-41; b Frankford, Philadelphia Pa 16 Ag 18; fr Philadel- phia ; ord Canton NJ 7 Ag 42 ; p Canton 42-5 ; Holmdel 45-9 ; Upper Freehold 49-52 ; Imlaystown; d Imlaystown 13 O 55 *JOHN M RICHARDS; 39-41; DD 59; b 21; fr Philadelphia Pa; p Philadelphia and vie many years; Spring Lake Mich ?~75; d Spring Lake 16 D 75 *EDWARD ROYCE; 39-42; AM 72; AB HamC 43; b Clinton 21 S 15; prep pd; fr El- mira; ord New Berlin 19 S 43; p Henrietta O 43-7; Bellevue 47-51; Manchester Mich 51-3; Tecumseh 53-4; Altay NY 54-60; Morrisville 60-1; Walesville 61-4; we 64-5; p Watkins 65-8; book bus Hamilton 68-73; P Manchester 74-7; Hamlin 77-9; Adams Center 79-82; Ovid Center 82-6; E Lansing 86-90; ret Homer 90-9; d Homer 5 F 99 *ROBERT SNOW; 40-1; fr Covington *HENRY L WEBB; 39-42; prep pd; fr New Brunswick NJ 1844 *GEORGE WASHINGTON ANDERSON; AB (ColU); s 4 6; PhDULg57; DD69; b Philadelphia Pa 16; prep pd; fr Philadelphia Pa; editor Christian Chronicle Phila- delphia 46-9; prof Latin ULg 49-54; ord 54; p North East NY 54-8; Lower Merion Pa 58-64; book editor ABPS 64-93; inv Rosemont 93-03; d Rosemont 3 Jl 03 *JOHN SYDNEY BEECHER; AB (ColU) ; s 46; b Hinesburg Vt 19 F 20; fr Hines- burg; ord n Je 46; miss ABMU Burma 46-66; res Rangoon 46-52; Bassein 52-66; d Plymouth Eng 66 *BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BRONSON; AB (ColU) ; s 46; DD 69; b N Salem i Ap 21 ; prep pd; fr Fall River Mass; ord Ashland 17 D 46; p Ashland 46-50; Methuen 46 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1844 50-8; Woburn 58-62; Roxbury 62-7; Southbridge 67-72; Putnam Ct 72-81; Aii- dover Mass 81-7; Crookston Minn 87-8; ret 88-91 ; d Ithaca NY 28 O 91 *SAMUEL JENNINGS BRONSON; AB (ColU); s 46; b Danbury Ct 19; prep pd; fr Fall River Mass; ord Millbury 16 D 46; p Millbury 46-54; Hyannis 54-67; Win- chester 67-70; Millbury 70-5; W Woodstock Ct 75-9; d W Woodstock 12 Ja 79 *MELVILLE H CALKINS; AB (ColU); b 23; fr Hamilton; t in south 44?-53; d Warrenton Miss 53 "JACOB VERNOOY DEWITT || ; b Wawarsing 18 D 17; fr Cooperstown; ord Coop- erstown 24 844; pTioga Center 44-9; Virgil 49-54; Marion la 54-60; hardware bus Marion 60-8; p Marion 68-70; hardware bus Martelle 7o?-4?; p Martelle 74- 80; ret 80-93; d Marion 7 D 93 *SAMUEL GRAVES; AB (ColU); AM; s 46; DD 66;DDShC66;bAcworthNH25 Mr 20; prep pd; fr St Johnsbury Vt; tutor 46-8; ord Ann Arbor Mich 3 Ja 49; p Ann Arbor 48-51; prof Greek and prof systematic theology KalC 51-9; p Nor- wich Ct 59-70; Grand Rapids Mich 70-85; pres Atlanta Bapt S, Ga 85-90; in- structor in theology 90-4; ret Grand Rapids Mich 94-5; d Grand Rapids 17 Ja 95 *GEORGE W HOLBROOK; prep pd; fr New York;s 44-6; studied med; d Elmira "before 70 *EDWARD C LORD; AB (ColU); AM; s 46; DD 69; b Schoharie co 22 Ja 17; fr Charleston; ord Preston Hollow Ag 46; miss ABMU China 47-87; in US 51-4; US diplomatic service in China; d Ningpo 26 S 87 *JOHN H MORRISON; AM; b Williamson 4 Ap 15; prep pd; fr Pontiac Mich; ord Holland Patent NY 10 O 44; p Holland Patent 44-6; Hector 46-9; Wilson 49-56; Sublette 111 56-61; Oshkosh Wis 61-3; Ionia 63-5; sup 65-7; p Holly 67-74; wc 74-7; p Pewamo 77-8; sup Holly 78-93; d Holly 12 N 93 *LE VI MORSE; AM; b Jefferson 23 Ag 17; prep pd; fr Jefferson; ord Athens Pa S 44; p Athens 44-9; Franklin NY 49-52; Deposit 52-4; Newark NJ 54-8; Franklin NY 58-62; Newton NJ 62-7; Pittsgrove 67-71; Union ville NY 71-5; Pittsgrove NJ 75-8; Wappingers Falls NY 78-9; Burlingame Ks 79-85; miss p Seaview NJ and Somers Point 85-7 ; p Croton 87-90; Newton Square Pa 90-9; ret Germantown 99-09; d Germantown 17 Ap 09 *JOHN MUNRO; AB (ColU); b Elbridge 5 Ap 21; fr Elbridge; farmer Elbridge 44- oo ; member Corpn 55-83; d Elbridge 9 Je oo *LEWIS PECK; AB (ColU); AM; b Phelps 13 My i6;fr Phelps; t Port Byron 44-5; Milwaukee Wis 45-6; Phelps NY 46-56; farmer Phelps 56-78; member legisla- ture 60; assessor internal revenue 62-9; d Phelps 30 O 78 "CHARLES B POST ||; AM 57; b Meredith 26 Ap 20; prep pd; fr Oneonta; graduate student c 44-5; ord Sherburne 3 D 45; p Sherburne 45-?; Fulton 49-50; agent for fugitive slaves 50; p Morris 51-2; Albany 52-5; Dover Plains 55-62; Oneida 62-5; Marshall Mich 65; member Christian Commission 65; p Fox Lake Wis and Sparta 66; agent for Kalamazoo TS 67; p Bronson Mich; state miss Cal 70-4; res Hamilton NY 74; p Croton 75; d Meredith 18 Ap 76 *CLESSON P SHELDON; AM 46; DD 59; b Bernardston Mass 9 My 13; prep pd; fr Whitesboro; s 44-5; ord Whitesboro 21 O 36; p Whitesboro 36-43; Hamilton 44-7; Buffalo 47-54; Hamilton 54-6; Troy 56-75; dist sec ABHMS 75-88; d Troy 25 O 88 *OSCAR L SPRAGUE; AB (ColU); b Fabius 12 D 20; frFabius; studied law Ham- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1844 47 ilton; adm to bar 47; prac law Fabius 48-65; surrogate of Onondaga co 63; d Fa- bius 25 Ag 65 THOMAS SWAIM; AB (ColU) ; AM; s 46; DD ULg 65; b Pemberton NJ 30 Mr 17; fr Pemberton; BU 40-3; ord Washington Pa N 46; p Washington 46-50; agent ABMU 50; p Flemington NJ 50-66; financial secretary Classical and Sci Institute, Hightstown 67-8; dist sec ABHMS, res Philadelphia Pa 68-84; d Philadelphia 24 Mr 84 *ELBRIDGE CUTLER ALLEN; 40-1 ; h AB 52; b Colosse 27 Ag 21 ; prep pd; fr Colosse; t Morristown Acad, NJ 53-5; Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, NY 55-63; prin S, Dixon 111 63-5; in actuary's dept Aetna Insurance Co, Cincinnati O 65-70 ;supt sens Beverly Mass 71; prin Pennacook Acad, Fishersville NH 72-5 ; Derby Acad, Vt 75-7; Amenia S, NY 77-80; Brewster HS 80-2; Cape Vincent HS 82-4; in ac- tuary's dept New York Life Insurance Co, New York 84-92 ; d New York 26 D 92 MOSIAH FULLER ANTISDEL; || 42-3; b^Cooperstown 5 S 15; fr Springfield; farmer Af- ton Wis 43- about 80; bus Janesville about 80-94; d Vermilion SD 3 Jl 94 *JOEL BALDWIN; || 42-3; fr Meredith; ord Branson O 20 Je 49 ;pBronson; Columbian in 51 *H D BARTO; 40-1; fr Trumansburg *B F BURR; 40-1 ; fr Darien *EDGAR CADY ; 40-1 ;b Corinth 9 F 17; prep Fairfield Acad; fr Salisbury; ord Savoy Mass 3 F 48; p Savoy 47-9; Spencer 49-50; Chesterfield Ct 51-2; Augusta NY; S New Berlin 52-4; Upper Lisle 54-7; Lake City Minn 57-9; Owatonna 59-60; farmer Owatonna 60-0 1 ; d Merton 10 Mr 01 * JAMES P COOK; 40-1 ; b N Norwich 22 Mr 18; prep pd; fr N Norwich; ord Smithville i Je 43; p Smithville 42-?; Stockbridge; Unadilla; Meredith; Smithfield Pa; Rome; Oak Hill; Burlington Hill NY 52-3; Dewitt la 53; farmer Wheatland *TRUMAN GREGORY; || 41-4; fr Ferrisburg; ord Richfield 16 Je 52; p Richfield; in US army; killed at Cold Harbor (1-12 Je 64) * JOSEPH HAMMIT; 40-1; AB ColU 46; AM 49; b Freehold NJ 25 Ag 15; prep pd; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord Philadelphia 16 S 41; p Philadelphia 41-3; Reading 46-9; Trenton NJ; Philadelphia Pa 53-4; solicited funds for ASSU 54-7 ; p Cape Island (now Cape May) NJ 57-?; treasurer ColU 58-62; res Cape May Court House NJ 62?-9; p S Seaville; Dennisville ?-69?; Point Pleasant Pa 70-2; Vincen- town NJ 72-3; res Brooklyn NY several years; d Kingston 3 Ap 80 *NICHOLAS M HAVENS; 40-1; prep pd; fr New York * WILLIAM HENRY HUSTED; 40-3; AB Union 44; b New Canaan Ct 31 My 18; prep pd; fr Franklinville; ord Italy Hill 30 D 45; p Italy Hill and Prattsburg 45-8; p and t Ky 48-50; p Sinclairsville NY 51-61; Randolph 61-3; miss NY State Conv to Cattaraugus Indians 64-8; p Northeast Pa 68-70; Panama NY 70-3; Fredonia 73-5; asst sec BES 75-80; bookkeeper Norwalk O 81-9; d Norwalk 2 Mr 89 * JONATHAN FURMAN LEAMING; 40-1 ; fr Cape May NJ; BU 42-5; prac as dentist Cape May Court House NJ *WILLIAM PARKER; 40-1; prep pd; fr Philadelphia Pa * AUGUST H PEASE; 40-1; fr Trumansburg THOMAS C RISLER; 38-43; fr New York 48 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1844 *RICHARD SIMPSON; 40-1 ; b 27 Mr 17; prep pd; fr Worcester; d Hamilton 31 O 41 *COURTLAND AooisoN SKINNER ; 40-2 ; b Wheatland 20 ; fr Marion ; ord Jonesville Mich 44; p Chili NY 45-7; Lyons 53-4; Cromwell Ct 56-7; Coldspring 57-60; Barreville Pa 60-2 ; Easton 62-3 ; Glens Falls NY 64 ; Groton Junction (now Ayer) Mass 64 -5; Hyde Park 65-6; Dedham 66; Millbury 67-8; also SS work in western Can; ret Millbury Mass 68-70; Worcester 70-7; d Worcester 16 Ap 77 *WiCKS SMITH TITUS; 40-1 ; AB Union 48; AM; b Victory 23 Je 20; prep pd; fr Vic- tory ;t Tucker Swamp Acad, Va 42-3 ; Sandtown Acad, Ga 43-4 ; Fleming NY 44 ; Can- dor 44; p Witseyville and Berkshire 44; p ME Berkshire 45; UTS 49-50; p Bergen and Greenville 51 ; Milton 52 ; ord deacon 1 1 Ap 52 ; t Pennington S 53 ; Falley S, Freeton 53; ord elder 4 Je 54; p Ogdensburg 54-5; Canton 55-6; Watertown 57-8; Camden 59-60; Weedsport 61-2; Mexico 63; Geddes 64; Lowville 65-6; Wol- cott 67-8; Hamilton 69-70; Vernon 71; W Winfield 72-6; Ames and Sproutbrook 76-80; Central Square 80; we 80-2; p Deansboro 82-4; Verona 85-7; Remsen 88-9; superannuated 90-10; res Syracuse; Williamsville 08-10; d Williamsville 20 Ja 10 *JOHN N TOLMAN; 40-1 ; b Junius i60 19; preppd; fr Bristol 111; t Ala and 111 2 years; ord Plainfield 111 27 Ag 46; p Plainfield 45-6; Carrollton 46-50; Upper Alton 50-6; Decatur 52-7; Monmouth 57-8; Mariner Harbor NY 58-61; Brooklyn 61-2; Canandaigua 66-8; Fabius 68-72; Baldwinsville 72-4; New Woodstock 74-7; Hannibal 77-80; Sterling 80-5; Moravia 85-6; ret Chicago 111 86-7; d Chicago 23 Ja 87 * JOHN'S E WARNER; 40-1; fr Columbia Ala 1845 *ANDREW ARMSTRONG ||; b Dublin Ireland 22 My 16; fr Woodstown N J ; ord Upper Freehold N 45; p Upper Freehold 45-51 ; Lambertville 51-61 ; Baptistown 61-5; Frenchtown 65-70; Easton Pa 70-8; S Plainfield NJ 78-90; Avon by the Sea 90-8; ret Avon by the Sea 98-06; d Avon by the Sea 12 Je 06 *APPLETON HOWE DANFORTH; s 47; b Pelham Mass 8 Jl 17; fr Dana; ord Worcester 22 O 47; miss ABMU Gowahati Assam 45-58; addresses in US on miss 58-62; p Milestown Pa 62-5; d Milestown 14 F 65 *JOHN RATHBONE DOWNER; AB 46; Western Bapt Theological Institute, Covington Ky 48; AM UR 52; b Zanesville O 6 D 21; prep pd; fr Zanesville O; ord Xenia 6 D 48; p Xenia 48-50; Allegheny Pa 50-3; prof rhetoric and English lit DU 53-66; miss p Salina Ks and vie 67-74; P Ridley Park Pa 75-9; Urbana O 80-4; Sidney 85-8; prof rhetoric Southwestern Bapt C, Bolivar Mo 89; p Marion O 90-1 ; sec Urbana Building and Loan Assoc 9 i-oi ; d Urbana 29 Ag 01 EDWARD PHINEAS FLETCHER; fr Hamilton; res Cal *ALEXANDER GAMBLE 1 1 ; fr New York; ord Lewiston Pa 7 Ja 46; p Lewiston 46; farmer Dekalb 111; in US army; d in hospital during war *HEZEKIAH HARVEY; AM; s 47; DD Colby 62; b Hulven England 27 N 21; prep pd; fr New York; tutor 47-9; ord Homer 30 Ag 49; p Homer 49-57; Hamil- ton 57-8; prof 57-64; p Dayton O 64-7; inv Manlius NY 67-8; acting p Hamil- ton 68-9; prof 69-93 > dean of s fac 91-3 ; d Hamilton 28 Je 93 JOSEPH P HAY; AM; fr Richmond Va; ord Deep Run 15 N 45; p Deep Run 45-6; Richmond 46-54; Farmville 55-9 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1845 49 ISAAC FRANKLIN HERRICK ||; b Gloucester Mass 10 Jl 14; prep pd; fr Rox- bury Mass; colporter ATS in Ala; in NY; t Ct; 111; student Howard C 2 years; colporter ATS; agent and miss of Indian Miss Board ?~52 ; agent ATS Mt Pleas- ant la 53-77; chaplain la state insane hospital 7-77; colporter Ft Scott Ks 77-8; d Ft Scott 1 6 S 78 *REUBEN JEFFERY; AB (ColU) ; AM; s 47; DD6i;b Leicester England 15 F 27; fr Geneva NY; ord Nantucket Mass 15 S 47; p Nantucket 47-9; Albany NY 49-57; Philadelphia Pa 57-67; Chicago 111 67-?; Cincinnati O in 72 ; Brooklyn NY 73-80; Denver Col 80-5; Brooklyn NY 85-9; d Brooklyn 15 D 89 ^ERASMUS NORCROSS JENCKS; AB (ColU); AM; b Springfield Mass 24 D 21; fr Springfield ; BU 42-5; prin Bethlehem Acad, Ct; ord Hartford 10 Je 46; miss ABMU Siam 46-8; p Cornwall Hollow Ct 48-50 ;p and t Farm Ridge 111 50-4; p Brimfield 55-6; Farmington 56-7; Brookfield 57-64; Cape May NJ 65-7; Ash- field Plains Mass 68-70; N Leverett 70-2; bus Philadelphia Pa 73-5; p Cherokee la 76-?; sup Springhill 87-8; p Competine 90; sup Wapello co 90; res Des Moines 90-5; Collegeview Neb 95-7, oo-i ;lnyankara Wyo 97-00, 01 ; d Collegeview Neb 8 Je 01 *GEORGE MOSSE LAWTON; AB (ColU) ; b Black Swamp SC 19 N 20; fr Roberts- ville; prin Hamburg Acad; large planter near Albany Ga; res Griffin 68-78?; d Baldock SC 3 Ap 78 *ISAAC NEWTON LOOMIS; AB (ColU); AM; b Manlius 3 Je 18; prep Manlius Acad; fr Manlius; graduate student c 45-6; t Lebanon Acad, Tenn 46-7; prof Greek ULg 47-53; t Lockhaven Acad 53-4; registrar, recorder, clerk orphans court Lockhaven 54-7; t Harrisburg 57-60; farmer and music t Manlius NY 60-08; t Manlius Acad 4 years; d Manlius 25 Ja 08 LUCIUS W NICHOLS ||; b Waitfield Vt 22 F 17; prep Potsdam Acad, NY; fr Stockholm; ord Antwerp 26 Ag 46; p Antwerp 45~?;FtCovington; Burke; Evans Mills; Onondaga; McGrawville; Virgil; Brookfield ?-6i ; bus 61-?; sup S Trenton 69 *ELISHA W PIERCE; AB (ColU); s 47; b 25 O 20; prep pd; fr Hamilton; sup Waterville 47-8; d Waterville 25 Ap 48 *JOHN WESLEY SARLES; AM; s 47; DD 60; b Bedford 26 Je 17; prep pd; fr New York; ord Brooklyn 27 047; p Brooklyn 47-79; Stelton NJ 79-95; p em Stelton 95-03; d Stelton 24 Ag 03 *JESSE BONNEL SAXTON; AB (ColU); AM; DD CalC78; b Shamokin Pa 14 Ag 1 8; prep pd; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord Towanda 26 N 45; p Towanda 45-7; miss Pa State Conv 47-9; sup Philadelphia 49-51; p Hightstown NJ 51-2; m ABHMS Cal 52-3; p Stockton 53-6; San Francisco 56-9; editor Christian Recorder 57; p and t Oakland 59-63; p Aurora Nev 63-4; editor Esmeralda Daily Union, Aurora 64; p Healdsburg Cal 64-72 ; Vacaville 73-9; Red Bluff 79-81; Grand Is- land 81-2; Winters 82-3; Vacaville 83-9; also p Cal C ch 3 years; ret Vacaville 89-97; d Vacaville 30 Ag 97 IRA JOY STODDARD; AB (ColU) ; AM; s 47; DD Central U, la 81 ; b Eden 15 S 20; prep pd ; fr Busti; ord Busti 22 S 47 ; miss ABMU Assam, in charge of Nowgong Orphan Institution 47-56; addresses on missions, res Pella la 58-66; also agent for Central U; miss ABMU to Garos of Assam, res Gowalpara 66-73; sup res Pella la 73-04; ret Plainfield NJ 04-; ad 825 W 4th St, Plainfield, NJ - "JONATHAN BROOKS TOMBES; AB (ColU); AM; s 47; DD American U, DC 70; b Albany 24 F 21 ; fr Penn Yan; ord Richmond Va My 48; p Richmond 48-54; 5<> COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1845 prin Meadsville Acad 54-6; p Buffalo 56-9; prin Female C, Liberty Mo 59-64; p Philadelphia Pa 64-6; Carbondale 66-9; Tiffin O 70; Delaware 70-1; editor Bapt Record, Charleston Va 71-2; pres Carleton C, O 73-5; p Los Angeles Cal 84-6; t Hebrew and Greek Los Angeles Miss Training Sch 98-9; res Anaheim 75 -93; Los Angeles 93-9; d Los Angeles 31 Mr 99 RANSOM WALKER ||; DOS Pa C of Dental Surgery 66; b Greene 23 O 18; fr Greene; p Arcadia 45-6; bus 46-54; dentist Oswego 54-?; Philadelphia Pa before 71-? ^ALFRED WELLS ||; b Brookfield Mass 25 My 12; fr Hamilton NY; ord Milo 2 S 47; p Milo 47-8; Peach Orchard 48-9; Baldwinsville 49-50; Vernon 50-6; At- tica 57-8; Jamestown 58-62; Busti 62-6; Webster 66-7; Busti 68-71; Parma 73-5; d Parma 13 F 75 *ADAM BAUSH; 41-4; prep pd; fr Milton Pa; ord Baltimore Md 22 Ag 46; p Parkers- burg WVa; t Cumberland Md 18 years; druggist Piedmont WVa; d Piedmont 22 F 84 *EDWARD G BRADBURY; 41-3; fr New York; d New York n Mr 65 *JOHN M COGGESHALL; 41-2; b Bristol RI 29 D 20; prep pd; fr Troy Pa; ord Je 43; p Pa; NY; 111; la; miss ABHMS Burriss City 57-8; Burriss City and Wapello 58; Wapello 58-60; Denmark 62-3; chaplain ist la cavalry ?-63; d Little Rock Ark 29 O 63 *DEWITT CLINTON COLEGROVE; 41-4; MD U of Buffalo so;b Sardinia 9 Je 27; prep Wyoming Acad; fr Sardinia; prac med Sardinia 50-8; ord Holland 30 Je 59 ;p Hol- land 58-9; Springville 59-62; Sardinia 62-5; Delevan 67; Yorkshire 69; sup res Holland 70-06; d Holland 19 O 06 WELLS S DARLING; 41-2; fr Somerset HYLAN DOTY; 41-2; prep pd; fr Syracuse E W FERRIS; 43-4; fr Hamilton *JAMES GOODRICH; 41-3; b Elizabethtown 11 N 18; prep pd; fr Elizabethtown; ord Crown Point 44; p Crown Point; Rockport O; Dover; Clarksfield; Sunbury 5o-i?;Huntington; Avon 57-8; Oakland Ind; Huntington O 59-62 ;inv 62-70?; p Burr Oak Mich 70-1?; Orland 71-4; ret Colon 74?~95; d Colon 17 S 95 JACOB HARDER; 41-2; prep pd; fr Lenox ISAAC S PARKER; 40-2; fr Cooperstown BENJAMIN PORTER PUTNAM; 41-2; fr Lebanon; ord before 40; p Lebanon 40-*; Morrisville 42-3; BU 43-5 *JOSEPH ELLIOTT PUTNAM; 41-2; AB BU 45; fr Lebanon; studied law Harv; t; manufacturer; d Neponset Mass 82 *HIRAM WALTER READ; || 43-4; b Jewett City Ct 17 Jl 19; prep Oswego Acad, NY; fr Oswego; ord Oswego 12 Je 44; p Whitewater Wis 44-7; Madison 47-9; miss worker in NMex 49-55; with ABHMS and AFBS 55-6; p Falls Church Va and ev 56-60; miss worker Oneida co NY 60-2; with US Treasury Dept 62-4; p Hannibal Mo 65-6; ev 66-81; p Virginia City Nev 81-2; ret El Paso Tex 82-95; d El Paso 6 F 95 JONATHAN S Ross; 41-2; fr Rahway NJ *J J SINGLETON; 41-3; fr Beaufort District SC COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1845 51 MELANCTHON STILWELL; 41-3; fr Manlius * JEREMIAH B TAYLOR; 41-2; prep pd; fr New York; p; m ABHMS Neosho Valley Ks 63; southwestern Ks 64-6; d Bergenfield NJ 5 Mr 93 THOMAS R TAYLOR; 41-2; prep pd; fr Philadelphia Pa; res Bridgeton NJ in 85 JOHN B WASSON; 42-3; fr Nashville Tenn C J WHITE; 41-2; fr Mt Holly *MYRON BRACE WILLIAMS; 41-3; b Lockport 8 Jl 20; prep Lockport; fr Lockport; adm to bar Watertown Wis Je 44; prac law Watertown 44-74; state senator 48; PM Watertown 53-9; mayor Watertown 60-2; prosecuting attorney 64-6, 68-70; prac law Indianapolis Ind 74-84; judge superior court 79-80; d Indianapolis 8 D 84 1846 JOHN L APPLETON; AB; AM; prep pd; fr New York; s 46-7 *HENRY D BARD WELL ||; b 14; jfrep pd; fr Bennington Vt; d Adams NY 14 N 48 *ADONIRAM JUDSON BINGHAM; AB; AM; s 48; b Wheatland 5 Ap 20; fr Sault Ste Marie Mich; ord Hamilton NY 19 Ag 48; Indian miss Sault Ste Marie Mich 48-9; p Grand Rapids 49-51; Jacksonville 111 51-2; Galesburg Mich 53-6; Allegan 56-9; Holyoke Mass 60-1; chaplain loth Mass regiment 61-3; p Mont- ville Ct 63-5; prin Egbert's Institute, Cohoes NY 65-7; p Westfield Mass 67-8; d Scottsville NY 3 Ag 68 *CHARLES ALVAH BUCKBEE; AB; AM; s 48; DD Cal C 78; b Penn Yan 3 Ap 24; prep pd; fr New York; ord Conway Mass 5 O 48; p Conway 48-51 ; recording sec ABU, New York 51-70; assoc editor New York Chronicle 51-2; p San Fran- cisco Cal 70-3; in US mint San Francisco 73-93; editor Pacific Bapt 74-8 ;d San Francisco 15 S 03 *JOHN DUER; AB; s 48; b Westchester Pa 21 Ap 23; prep Newark Del; fr West- chester Pa; graduate student s 48-9; ord Pequea Pa 50; p Pequea 50-1 ; E Nantmeal 51-6; sup Norristown; p Lowell Mass 56; Plainfield NJ 56-8; with American Bapt Free Miss Society, and editor American Bapt, New York 58-73; inv Brooklyn 73-5; d Brooklyn 6 O 75 *BARNEY BARZILLAI GIBBS; AB; AM; s 48; b S Lansing 13 Ja 22; prep pd; fr Ithaca; ord Ithaca 29 Ag 48; p Franklin La 48-9; Flower Hill Miss, Bethel, Og- den, and ev 50; p Natchez 51-4; Geneva NY 55-60; Jordan 60-2; Geneva 62-6; we 66-8; p Union Springs 68-71; Spencer 71-5; New York 75-9; Catskill 79-85; Wales Mass 85-6; Bloomfield Ct 87-95?; res New York 95?-6; d New York 7 O 96 *BENJAMIN GRIFFITH; AB; DD ULg 64; b Juniata co Pa 13 O 21; prep pd; fr Baltimore Md; ord 46; s 46-7; p Cumberland Md 47-50; Philadelphia Pa 50-8; cor sec ABPS Philadelphia 58-93; d Upland 24 O 93 CHANCELLOR HARTSHORN; AB; fr Exeter *JOHN JACOB HIGGINS; AB; AM; MD C of Phys and Surgeons, New York 50 ; b New York 24 Ap 28; prep New York U; fr New York; prac med New York 50-06; d New York 28 Ag 06 *LEONARD ILSLEY; AB; s 48; b Portland Me 9 D 18; prep Limerick Acad; fr Portland; ord S New Berlin NY 6 S 48; miss ABHMS Farmington la 48-9; t Franklin La; prof French Bayard U, Independence Tex; organized negroes into chs about 65-?; helped establish Guadalupe C; d Seguin 7 Jl 03 52 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1846 *GEORGE JAMES JOHNSON; AB; AM; s 48; DD 71; b Vernon 9 O 24; prep Whitesboro Acad; fr Trenton Falls; ord Trenton Falls 30 Ag 48; p Burlington al 48-58; Fort Madison 58-63; miss ABPS Burlington 63-8; St Louis Mo 68-72; Alton 111 72-8; supt miss dept ABPS 78-84; res DeLand Fla 84-6; p Burlington la 86-91 ; res Chicago 111 91-4; St Louis Mo 94-02; d St Louis 7 Jl 02 *SOLOMON B JOHNSON; AB; AM; s 48; b Lorraine 30 Jl 23; prep pd; fr Hines- burg Vt; ord Bedford O S 48; miss ABHMS la 48-9; p Bloomington; Muscatine 50-1; assoc editor and publ Western Watchman, St Louis Mo 52-6; sec German Miss Society of Miss valley; farmer Alton 111; newspaper bus St Louis Mo; d St Louis 8 1 *IRA EVERETTS KENNEY; AB; AM; s 48; DD u; b Truxton 12 Ja 20; fr Trux- ton; ord Truxton 9 Ag 48; p Vineyard Haven Mass 49; Sterling 50; Unadilla NY 50-4; Cohoes 5i?-3?; Amsterdam 54-6; N Concord NH; Evanston 111 60-2; Niles Mich ?-6s; Penacook NH 65-8; Chicago 111; Chillicothe; Hyde Park; Prescott Wis; Dunlap la; financial agent DMC; pres 86-8; partner in Bapt Book House Chicago 111; res Des Moines la 88-99; d Des Moines 15 My 99 'FREEMAN LILLYBRIDGE; AB; b Vienna 2 N 24; fr Annsville; t and farmer Annsville 46-7; farmer Rockton 111 47-53 (or 5); d Rockton F 53 (or 4 Ja 55) *LEVI LEONARD MANN |j; b Jefferson 27 Jl 21; prep Worcester HS, Mass; fr Jefferson NY; ord Woodstock 12 My 47; p Woodstock 47-54; Trout Creek 54-7; Solon 57-8 ; Money Creek Minn 58-? ; farmer Money Creek ; d Money Creek 8 O 03 *CALVIN COWING MOORE; AB; s 48; b Chesterfield Mass 26 D 18; fr Stillwater NY; ord Stillwater 30 Ag 48; miss ABMU Akyab, Aracan, Burma 48-54; poor health, sup and farmer Ontario 111 54-82; d Ontario 6 D 82 *SHUBAEL STILES PARKER; AB; DD 69; AM UR 53; b Russell Mass 7 My 21 ; fr New York; s 46-7; ord Burlington NJ Ap 47; p Burlington 47-50; New Bruns- wick 50-2; Paterson 52-5; Southbridge Mass 55-67; Providence RI 67-77; Wayne Pa 8 1 -6; ret Wayne 86-94; d Wayne 18 S 94 *DAVID ABIJAH PECK; AB; s 48; b Clifton Park 2 4 Ag2o; fr Clifton Park; ord Clifton Park 6 S 48; miss Wis 48-71 ; in 8th Wis battery 63-5; p NY 71-6; farmer Clifton Park 76-98; d Clifton Park 25 Jl 98 *COLUMBUS C SHIRES; AB; b 18; prep pd; fr Liberty Pa; d Greene NY 16 Ap 47 "LEWIS SMITH; AB; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord Hatboro; p Hatboro; miss NMex; p Trenton NJ 54-7; Hightstown 57-64; Minn; d St Paul 25 Ag 64 *SAMUEL JONES SMITH; AB; AM;s48;LittD 07; b Cananore Hindustan 6 Jl 20; prep Philadelphia Pa; fr Philadelphia; ord Philadelphia 26 O 48; miss ABMU Bangkok Siam 48-68; self-supporting miss 68-09; interpreter, translator, publ; interpreter and translator for many embassies in Siam; lecturer to the Lit Insti- tute of Bangkok; d Bangkok 10 O 09 *MONROE WEED; AB; b Sacket Harbor 17 Ja 17; fr Wyoming; t Hamilton Acad 46-7; prin 47-50; Fairfield Acad 50-1; t Leroy 51-2; prin Middlebury Acad, Wyoming 52-66; Fisherville Acad, NH 66-7; d Fisherville 27 Je 67 *WILLIAM WILDER; AB; bBuckland MasssiMrig; prep pd; fr Leicester NY; s 46-7; ord Baltimore Md 5 S 47; p Baltimore 47-50; New Britain Pa 50-4; Up- land 54-65 ; Philadelphia 65-9 ; Bridgeport N J 69-7 1 ; Minneapolis Minn 71-2; Cedar Rapids la 72-5; financial sec la State Conv 75-7; p Hampton 77-81 ; ret Brook- lyn Center Minn 81-5; d Brooklyn Center 15 Ja 85 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1846 53 *WILLIAM H WINES; AB; b New York 25; fr Hamilton; s 46-8; UTS 47-8; ord Coxsackie 3 Ag 48; p Coxsackie 48-50; Rahway NJ 50-3; Boston Mass 53-6; Tarrytown NY 56-?; Poughkeepsie 66-73; Albany; New York; Catskill 74-5; Hudson 76-80; Poughkeepsie 81-9; Bowdoin Me; Minneapolis Minn; Bridgetoa NJ; res Paterson 90-02; d Paterson 21 Ap 02 WILLIAM A WRIGHT; AB; prep pd; fr Philadelphia Pa *GEORGE WASHINGTON YOUNG; AB; AM; s 48; b 17; fr Chestnut Hill Pa; ord Washington; p Washington 48-50; Hightstown NJ 50-4; chancellor ULg 54- 64; p Zanesville O 64; d Zanesville 20 N 64 *\VILLIAM LAWRENCE CHALLIS; 42-5; AB ColU 46; MD Jefferson Med C, Philadel- phia Pa 49; b ImlaystownNJ 29 N 26; prep New Hampton NH; fr Bustletown Pa; t 46-47; studied med Moorestown NJ 47-8; Jefferson Med C, Pa 48-9; prac med Moorestown NJ 49-56; prac med and farmer Ks 56-00; ret Adrian Mich oo-?; d Toledo O 23 Ap 09 *WILLIAM STILLWELL CLAPP; 43-5; AM; b Ballston 22 N 22; fr Stillwater; ord Al- bany 17 Mr 46; p Albany 46-9; chaplain NY legislature 46-9; p New York 49-52; Danbury Ct 52-7; res Drewville NY 57-8; p Carmel 58-87; member NY legisla- ture 72; p Towners 87-9; d Brewster 4 Mr 89 *MARTIN R FOREY; 42-4; AM; b Troy 24 D 17; prep pd; fr New York; prin Barn- well Acad, NC 44-5; t Charleston FemaleS, SC 45-8; ord Newbern NC48;pNew- bern 48; sup and prin Chowan's Female Collegiate Institute, Murfreesboro 49-55; p Delhi NY 59-60; Oswego 60-3; gen agent UChic 63-7; established town and U of Judsonia, Ark; d New York 14 Je 81 EZRA W GOODRICH; 43-6; AB Union 46; AM; fr Whitesboro; res Whitesboro *GEORGE WINIFRED HERVEY; 42-5; AB ColU 47; UTS 49; AM UR 52; b S Durham 28 N 21 ; prep pd; fr Durham; ord New York Ap 50; p Cromwell Ct; Hudson NY; Canton Mass 58-61 ; Tariffville Ct; ev New York; lit work; d New York 20 My 08 *MARTIN W HOLMES; 42-4; b Wayne co 6 Ag 17; prep pd; fr Phelps; ord Middle- sex 7 Jl 47; p Phelps; Romulus ?-69; Farmer Village 69; Havana 70-?; W Henri- etta; Phelps; Bay City Mich ?~73; Lima O 73-6; Monroeville 76-?; Bowling Green; N Fairfield 81-3; ret Columbus 83-8; d Columbus 20 Mr 88 THOMAS C HOOPER; 43-4; fr Columbia SC A T JONES; 42-3; fr Richmond Va * WILLIAM HAR VEY KING ; 43-4 ; AM 57; DD 69; b Wellsbridge SO 20; prep Frank- lin institute; fr Clifton Park; prin Waverly Acad 44-9; ord Athens Pa 49; p Athens 49-54; Owego NY 54-81 ; ret Owego 81-96; d Owego 8 Ag 96 R H LAND; 43-5; fr Sussex co Va * WILLIAM SEABROOK LAWTON; 43-4; fr Robertsville SC; MD u: BU 44-6; planter Robertsville SC Lucius LORING; 43-4; fr Salisbury CHICHESTER MILLS; 42-4; prep pd; fr Brooklyn G A MILLS; 42-3; fr New York *REUBEN PERSONS; 43-4; b Cortlandville 21 Ap 18; fr Cortlandville; ord Georgetown 22 Ag 48; p Victory 52-4; Henderson 54-7; Johnsons Grove 111 and Clinton Center 57-65; sup res Clinton 65-?; p Rutland la 81-2, 88-90; d Bradgate 90 54 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1846 *PHILANDER PIERCE; 43-4; fr Stephentown J L POPE; 42-3; fr Fabius *LUKE SHERWIN; 42-3; New Hampton TS, Faifax Vt 46; b Whitingham Vt O 21 ; fr Newfane; ord Londonderry 23 D 47; p Londonderry 47-9; Perkinsville 49-52; Warner NH 52-3; bus New York, res Hastings 53-4; d Hastings 19 Ag 54 *GEORGE MAJOR SLAYSMAN; 42-4; b Lewistown Pa 9 Mr 22 ; prep pd; fr Punxsutaw- ney Pa; prac as dentist Hollidaysburg 46-51; ord Williamsburg 16 Ja 51; miss York 51-62; p Stewartstown 56-62; chaplain i3Oth regiment Pa volunteers 63; p Gibson and Jackson 63-4; York 65-70; Pottstown 70-4; Hemlock Lake NY 74-85; Livonia Station 85-9; York Pa 89-92; sup res York 92-04; d York 25 Ja 04 *JACOB BEVERLY STITELER; 42-3; s 48; ABU of Pa 46; b Philadelphia Pa 24; fr Phil- adelphia; ord Philadelphia 9 Je 46; p Jackson Miss 50-?; state geologist of Miss; p Galveston Tex; prof Baylor U; p Savannah Ga; d Orange Springs Fla 23 D 56 *THOMAS THEALL; 42-3; b Ovid 29 Ja 21 ; prep pd; fr Elbridge; ord Clarence 19 Ag 46; p Clarence 46; Portage and Hume 47; p in extreme northwest most of his life; last p Lockwood Wash; ret Germantown Pa 00-4; d Germantown 19 Jl 04 JARED WARREN; 42-4; prep pd; fr Truxton BENJAMIN F WILLIAMS; 42-4; fr Snowhill NC *THOMAS HENRY WILLINGHAM; 42-4; b Lawtonville SC Jl 25; prepPenfield Institute, Ga; fr Lawtonville SC; cotton planter Lawtonville; d Atlanta Ga 29 My 91 *CHABLES EDWARD WOOLVERTON; 42-5; b Grimsby Ont 24 Ag 20; prep Hamilton; fr Grimsby; fruit farmer and nursery bus Grimsby 46-00; SS and miss worker; d Grimsby 22 S oo 1847 *ALEXANDERMcWHORTERBEEBEE; AB;AM;s49; DD ShC69; b Skane- ateles 6 F 20; prep pd; fr Utica; ord Jordan 30 O 49; p Jordan 49-50; prof 50-97; d Hamilton 16 F 97 *TERRY BRADLEY; AB; b Mo 21; fr Wilmington Del; s 47-9; ord Rhinebeck 22 Je 49; res Palmyra Mo 50-1 ; prof WJC 51-5; p and t Trenton 55-9; d Trenton 250 59 *ELI WINEGAR BROWNELL; AB; b Albany 8 Jl 19; fr Rensselaerville; ord Carn^ bridge 13 Ja 49; p Cambridge 49-50; Hillsdale 50^3; Stillwater 53-4; N Hebron 54-8; W Rupert Vt 58-60; sup 60-3; p Northville NY 63-7; Providence 67-9; sup and t, res Middleport O 69-85; d Middleport 16 S 85 *ADONIRAM JUDSON BUELL; AB; Fairmount TS 58; b Delphi 30 020; fr Hamilton; prin Montrose Acad, Pa 2 years; supt schs Newark O i year; Ports- mouth 3 years; ord Salt Creek 58; p Salt Creek and Brookfield 58-61 ; Good Hope 67-8; Roxabell 67-8; Jackson; miss O State Conv; p Republic, Attica, Reed 75-6; Richfield 81; ret Attica 81-93; d Attica 15 O 93 *WILLIAM CORNELL; AB; AM; b Romulus 2 O 19; fr Hamilton; s 47-8; ord Ovid 25 Ap 49; p Ovid 49-50; miss ABHMS Wis and Minn 50-3; p Mayville Wis 53-7; Hartford 57-61; agent Wis State Conv 61-2; Wis Bapt Education Society 62-5; p Merton 65-7; Jessup la 68-9; res Waterloo 69-03; d Waterloo 28 S 03 THOMAS AUGUSTUS DODGE; AB ; fr MOSCOW 'MICHAEL PHELPS FORBES; AB; AM UR 55; b Fort Ann 2 Je 20; prep pd; fr Marion; s 47-8; ord Phelps u Ap 49; p Phelps 48-52; Sodus 52-4; Reed's Corner* COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1847 55 54-6; Canandaigua 56-7; Painted Post 57-9; Adamsville 59-61 ; E Pembroke 61-4; Corfu 65-8; Elba 68-71; Attica 71-3; Holley 74-5; Carlton 75-8; Wolcott 78-87; d Wolcott 12 N 87 *GEORGE WHITFORD GORHAM; AB; AM; s 49; b New Haven Ct 18 020; prep pd; fr New Haven Ct; ord New Haven, O 49; p Dubuque la 49-51 ; Seymour Ct 51-2; Chester 52-3; Rockville 53-4; Holyoke Mass 54-62; chaplain 46th Mass volunteers 62-3; ist Mass cavalry 63-4; p Chester Ct 65-70: ret Chester 70-5; d Chester 7 Ap 75 LEVI OSBORN CRENELLE; AB; s 49; AMUR 54; b Mount Salem NJ i Ja 21; prep pd ; fr Elmira ; ord Elbridge 3 My 49 ; p Elbridge 49-50 ; miss p San Jose Cal 50- 4; p Arcadia NY 54-5; Middletown 56-8; Honesdale Pa 58-65; Newmarket NJ 65-72; supt Peddie Institute 72-3; p Princeton 73-82; Deckertown 82-5; Roselle 85-7; Honesdale Pa 87-9; sup Lafayette 87-90; pOldbridge N J 90-2 ; Belmar 93- 9; sup 00-7; res Asbury Park; Lansing Mich; ret Elizabeth NJ 07-9; Roselle 09-; ad 423 E 3d Ave, Roselle NJ *ELIHU GUNN; AB; s 49; AM UR 53; DD Central U, la 08; bMontague Mass 3 Ja 18; prep Shelburne Falls Acad; fr Montague; ord Montague Ag 49; p Keokuk la 49-57; pres Central U 57-62; p Mt Pleasant 62-70; Atchinson Ks 70-4; miss Ks and Mo ^-7; p Ft Scott Ks 77-80; Ft Madison la 80-2; Keokuk 82-3; inv 83-5; P Junction City Ks 85-9; Ft Scott 89-93; d Ft Scott 31 O 95 *JOSIAH MULFORD HEDGES; AB; fr Albany; s 47-9; Gen TS, New York 49-?; ord PE deacon 3 Jl 53, priest 24 Je 55; rector Hoeoye Falls 53-7?; miss Middle- burg 57; rector Herkimer and miss work in vie 58-64; d Herkimer 22 D 64 JOSEPH KUHNS HORNISH; AB; b Greensburg Pa 24 My 21; prep pd; fr Washington Pa; 347-8; ord Elizabeth Pa Ja48;p Elizabeth and Salem 48-9 ;S Pittsburg 49-51; res Keokuk la; Ft Madison; supt in la, Mo and Neb of Burling- ton and Southwestern Railway; res Denver Col; pres Vulcan Mining Co Kokon- er in 83 "HARVEY ELIHU KNAPP; AB; s 49; b Denmark O 14 My 20; fr Kingsville; ord Norwich NY 26 S 49; miss ABMU Akyab, Aracan, Burma 49-53; d at sea 9 N 53 JOHN DAVIDSON MEESON; AB; s 49; b New York 14 F 22; prep pd; fr Newark NJ; ord Fort Wayne Ind 12 Mr 50; p Fort Wayne 50-2; Haddonfield NJ; Win- chester Mass 61-2; Flushing NY; Hastings upon Hudson; Ashland Mass 73-5; Lebanon NY 75-?; Somerville Mass 85?; N Cambridge 86-9?; Boston 9o?;Melrose 91-6? *LUCIEN M OSBORN; AB; AM; LLD DU 72; b Ashtabula O Jl 23; fr Morgan; s 47-8; t Hamilton Acad 49-50; Morrisville 50-1 ; prof 51-92; d Hamilton 6 O 92 * JAMES HERVEY PRATT; AB; s 49; b Salisbury 23 Ap 19; fr Salisbury; ord O- wego 1 8 O 49; p Owego 49-53; Bloomfield NJ 53-8; N Granville NY 58-64; Dix- on 111 64-77; Emerson la 77-81 ; Atlantic 81-3; d Atlantic 7 F 83 *BOWLES COLGATE TOWNSEND; AM; s 49; b Delaware co 2 Ag 20; prep pd; fr Lebanon; ord Lodi 3 O 49; p Port Richmond 50; Mecklenburg; Manchester 52-4; Peach Orchard; Mecklenburg and Gorham 58-60; Hempstead; d Newark NJ 18 N 61 DANIEL GARRISON ABER; 43-5; prep pd; fr Washington Ind *NORMAN BRISTOL BALDWIN; 43-5; AM; b New Milford Ct 23 Ag 24; prep pd; fr 56 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1847 New Milford Ct; ord Monticello NY 20 Ja 47; p Monticello 46-9; New York 49-54; Philadelphia Pa 54-64; sup res Colmar 64-9; p Montgomery 69-87; Hilltown 87- 93 ; ret Germantown 94-05 ; d Germantown 1 8 Mr 05 *ARCHIBALD BRYANT CAMPBELL; 42-7; AB Union 49; b Lebanon n Mr 27; fr Ham- ilton; t 111 49; res New Orleans La 50; bus Panama 50-5; prin Hamilton Acad, NY 55-9; travelled Can and NE 59-60; prin Cherry Valley Acad, NY 61-2; prin Penfield S 62-3; res Penfield 63-4; recruiting officer US army 63-5; bus Hamilton 64-9: res Lebanon 69-73; bus Hamilton 73-81; editor and publ Record 79-81; d Hamilton i Je 81 *JOHN DUTTON CANDEE; 43-4; AB Yale 47; LLB 49; b Pompey 12 Je 19; fr New Haven Ct; studied law Yale 47-9; prac law la 50; New Haven Ct 50-63; editor The Standard, Bridgeport 63-88; candidate for lieut-gov 84; member council Bridgeport; d Bridgeport 27 F 88 JOHN HENRY COLGATE; 42-3, 44-5; AM; prep pd; fr New York JOHN DORSEY COLLINS; 44-5; AM 59; fr Alfred; prin Phoenix Acad, Ky 46; t Ad- ams co Miss 47; prin Beach Island Acad, Hamburg SC 48; Cherokee Co Acad, Canton Ga 49-53; t Woodland Female S, Cedartown 53-4; prof natural sci and English lit Cherokee Bapt C, Cassville 58-61; ord Cassville 59; p Cassville 59-?; t Cassville 61-?; Cuthbert HS; Montpelier Female Institute 64; Atlanta HS 65; Canton 66; StilesbDro Institute 66-71 or later HENRY S COMPTON; 43-5; prep pd; fr Greenwich NJ JOHN G COWNHOVEN; 44-5; fr Elbridge; ord E Troupsburg 14 Jl 58 *EowiN DIBELL; 43-5; AB BU 47; b Kingsville O i Je 20; prep pd; fr Kingsville O; NTI 47-8; ord Gardiner Me 30 Ap 51 ; p Gardiner 49-52; Cherryfield 53-4; New Ipswich NH 54-60; sup Sheffield O 63-?; farmer Kingsville 63-90; d Kingsville 14 Ag 90 JAMES MALCOM HOPE; 41-3, 46-7; prep pd; fr New York; ord Middletown 12 Ag 47; p Middletown 47-8; Keokuk in 48; res Keokuk 48-50 ; p Rosendale ?-53 ; Cats- kill 53-6; res Catskill 56-60 L MASON; 43-4; fr Hamilton *DAVID OSBORN; 43-4; b Trumansburg 21; fr Covert; ord Altay 21 F 49; p Altay 48-50; Newhaven O 50-2; Orangeville 52-3; Sheakleyville Pa 53-6; Colon Mich 56-7; Climax 58-9; Middleville 60-1 ; Portland 62-4; suburban chs, Grand Rapids 64-85 ;ev and sup, res Grand Rapids 85-98; travelled Cal 98-00; d Santa Ana 25 Ooo *MERY HARKNESS PAGE; 43~5; AM BU 47; UTS 50; fr Brooklyn; ord Charlestown Mass 9 N 53; p Charlestown 53-7; St Louis Mo 57-9; Brooklyn NY 59-64; Hud- son Mass 64-6; Milford 66-8; Groton Junction (now Ayer) 68-70; Madison Wis 70-2; Berlin 72-81 ; Osage la 81-3; sup res Minneapolis Minn 83-8; d Minneapolis 5 My 88 *J OSGOOD PIERCE; 43-4; fr Hamilton; res Hamilton *COLBURN PRESTON; 41-2, 43-5; b igifrWallingford Vt; ord Summit NY 10 D 45; d Exeter 12 Je 50 L S SCOTT; 43-4; fr Bristol Vt ROBERT KNOX SCOTT; 45-6; fr Philadelphia Pa HEZEKIAH L SMITH; 43-4; prep pd; fr Piscataway NJ COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1847 57 . N V STEDMAN; 43-4; fr Voluntown Ct SAMUEL R WHITSON; 43-4; fr Shelby ville Tenn CHARLES FREDERICK WILLIAMS; 46-7; fr Pittsburg Pa; p Harrisburg ?-85 1848 *JOHN GRAVES BOWEN; AB; b Mercersburg Pa 7 S 20; fr Dayton O; Granv 2 years; s 48-9; ord Norton Mass i F 49; p Norton 49-50; Middletown O 50-? ; Cin- cinnati; Oskaloosa la and Danville 54?-6?;miss Nebraska City Neb 56-60 ;p Mt Gilead O 61 ; Delphi; sup Bloomingtori 111 66; res Bloomington; d Elgin 77 *WILLIAM CHAFEE BURCHARD; AB; AM; b Hamilton 2 S 29; prep Hamilton Acad; fr Hamilton; studied law; res Cal ?-6o?; manager cattle ranch and coffee plantation, and pres mining co, Honduras 60?-?; American consul to Honduras 79-95; d Honduras *AARON HALE BURLINGHAM; AB; AM; s 50; DD ShC 62; b Castile 18 F 22; prep pd ;fr Hamilton; ord Pittsburg Pa 8 N 50; p Pittsburg 50-1; Owego NY 51-2; Boston Mass 52-6; New York 56-65; American Chapel Paris France 65-6; St Louis Mo 67-77; Paterson NJ 77-8; Brooklyn NY 78-9; dist sec ABMU 80-95; ret Mt Vernon 95-05; d Mt Vernon i Mr 05 'ALEXANDER WATERMAN CARR; AB; AM; b Jamestown RI 7 F 22; prep pd; fr Fall River Mass; NTI 49-50; ord Fall River 2 O 50 ;p Rowley 51-62; Framing- ham 62-6; Medfield 66-71 ; inv Hyde Park 71-5; p Dighton 75-86; d Dighton F 86 * JAMES STOKES DICKERSON; AB; AM UR 52; DD ULg 68; b Philadelphia Pa 6 Jl 25; prep pd; fr New York; s 48-9; bus New York 48-50; partner in New York Recorder 50-4; bookseller and publ New York 54-6; sec ABPS Philadel- phia Pa 56-60; proprietor and editor Christian Chronicle, Philadelphia 60- 1; ord Philadelphia Ja 61 ; p Wilmington Del 61-5; with Christian Commission 64-6; p Pittsburg Pa 65-70; Boston Mass 70-5; partner in Standard, Chicago 111 75-6; d Chicago 2 1 Mr 76 *ORRIN NELSON GORTON; AB; AM UR 52 ; b Brookfield 4 F 25; prep Hamilton Acad; fr Brookfield; t Brockport Collegiate Institute 48-54; Janesville Wis 54-6; Fox Lake 56-62; farmer and fruit raiser 62-96; d Fox Lake 3 D 96 *JOHN D L GREENE; AB; b Brookfield 5 N 18; fr Hamilton; s 48-50; ord Half- moon 7 My 50; p Halfmoon and Waterford 49-52; Halfmoon 52-3; Scotia 53-4; d Scotia 1 6 F 54 *LAMAR WELLS HAYHURST; AB; AM; b New Hope Pa 3 Ap 23; prep privately; fr Philadelphia; s 48-9; ord Waterville N 49; p Waterville 48-51; Mohawk 51-3; Ballston Spa 53-6; t and p Waterville 56-65; t Burlington la 65-6; p Des Moines 66-9; prof Burlington U and p Burlington 70-2; p Iowa Falls 72-4; Milwaukee Wis 74; Sparta 74-9; La Crosse 79-83; Portland Ore 83-4; sup Pasadena Cal and vie 84-94; re s Fenton Mich 94-6; Nugent Home, Germantown Pa 96-09; d Ger- mantown 7 Mr 09 *JOHN STANFORD HOLME; AB; AM; s 50; DD 66; b Holmesburg Pa 4 Mr 22; prep New Hampton NH; fr Holmesburg Pa; ord Watertown NY 12 N 50; p Water- town 50-4; Brooklyn 54-64; lit work 64-6; p New York 66-84; d Clifton Springs 26 Ag 84 *ALEXANDER McGREGOR HOPPER; AB; s 50; DD7o;bLong Branch NJ 12 Ja 22; prep pd; fr New York; ord New Haven Ct 50 ;p New Haven 50-5 ; Charles- 58 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1848 town Mass 55-7; Auburn NY 57-61; Bridgeport Ct 61-77; Scranton Pa 77-82; Millerton 82-8; ret Oneida NY 88-9; d Utica 19 N 89 JAMES EDWARD KIMBALL; AB; b Albany 5 My 28; fr Troy; wholesale flour and grain merchant Troy 50-? *WILLIAM LEET; AB; b Brighton Pa 14 Je 20; fr Beaver co; s 48-9; p Cincinnati 49-50; ord Milford 14 Je 50; p Milford 50-1; Aurora Ind 51-2; Greenville Pa 53-5; Alliance O 55-7; Bedford 57-9; pres Loudonville S 60-?; p Loudonville 62-3; N Camden 63-7; Oberlin 67; Savannah 68-70; Sullivan 697-70?; t Newcastle C, Pa 73-?; p Radnor O 79-81; Delaware 81-?; Van Wert ?-84; Kipton 84-8; Penfield 90; Streetsboro 94; also p Marysville Pa, Ada O, and Bellevue; ret Well- ington; d Wellington 21 S 96 *LARK SOUTHGATE LIVERMORE; AB; b German 12 O 19; prep Homer Acad; fr Homer; ord Earlville 30 N 48; p Earlville 48-52; Fabius 53-8; Berlin Wis 58-62; chaplain i6th Wis inf 62-3; supt contrabands Lake Providence La 63-4; chaplain 5th heavy artillery 64-5; provost marshal of freedmen Grenada Miss 65-6; p Grin- nell la 66-8; Tecumseh Neb in 73; Chariton and several other chs in la 69-80; ret Des Moines 80-94; d Des Moines 7 F 94 "ALBERT HARRISON MIXER; AB; s 50; LLD 98; AM UR 51; b Forestville 22; prep Fredonia Acad; fr Forestville; tutor in modern langs UR 50-2; studied Us of Germany and France 53-4; prof modern langs UR 55-8; prof modern langs UChic 58-60; prof Greek lang and lit 60-6; studied France and Italy 66-7; prof mod- ern langs UR 68-04; em prof modern langs 04-8; d Rochester 7 F 08 *MILTON SMITH SHIRK; AB; s 48; graduate Miami U, O; b 18; fr Oxford O; ord Columbus Miss Ap 46; t Female S, Clinton La; prin Pearl River Institute, Monti cello Miss; established Amite Female S, Liberty 52; prin 52-64; sup New Orleans 64?-?; pres Shreveport U, La in 71 ; p Osyka Miss in 95; d Osyka 31 O 98 *RUSSELL GREEN TOLES ||; AM 53; b Durham 29 S 13; prep pd; fr Conesville; ord Cooperstown 18 O 48; p Cooperstown 48-9; Frankfort 49-54; agent ABPS 54-?; financial agent BES ?-6o; mission worker New York 60-?; helped organize Howard miss New York; with Christian Commission; in charge Home for Little Wanderers Boston Mass 65-84; editor Little Wanderers' Advocate; d Cottage City ii Jl 84 *WILLIAM WARD; AB; AM; s 50; DD 71; b Ellington Ct 28 Ag 21; fr Shef- field O; miss ABMU Assam 50-73; res Gowahati and Sibsagor; in US 58-60, 70-2; p Wellsville NY 58-60; translated part of 'OT, hymns; d Sibsagor Assam 1 Ag 73 *CHARLES C WELLINGTON; AB; b Troy 30; fr Troy; studied law 48-53; editor Madison Co Journal; d Chatham 30 Ap 53 *LUKE BLACKMER; 44-5; AB Union 47; fr Wheatland; prac law; d Salisbury NC 89 JAMES LAWRENCE BROOKS; 44-5; fr Flemington NJ JAMES M BRUCE; 44-5; fr New York; p Glasgow Ky 89-? *WARREN BENJAMIN CLAPP; 44-7; AB BU 48; RTS 55; b New York S 27; fr Frank- lindale; farmer Wappingers Falls 48-52; ord Dover NH 56; p Dover 56-62; Mil- ford 62-5; d Wappingers Falls NY 27 S 65 BETHUEL DODD; 44-6; fr Orange NJ COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1848 59 LEONARD F R FLETCHER; 44-5; fr Hamilton JACOB FREAM; 44-5; b Frederick co Md 3 Ja 19; fr Taneytown; t Md 45-8; t Rector C, Pruntytown WVa 48-?; Female Institute, Pruntytown 7-55; merchant Independence 55-71 or after *MINER FRINK; 45-7; AB BU 48; b Rensselaerville 23 JI 18; fr Rensselaerville; editor Albany Freeholder 48-51; miner Sacramento Cal; prac law San Francis- co; d San Francisco 28 Ja 73 *DANIEL GARTHWAIT; 44-7; b Warwick 17 Ja 21; prep pd; fr Elmira; mfarer East Hill (Elmira) 48-70; in grocery, bakery and other bus (Smith and Garth- wait) Horseheads 70-3 ; d Horseheads Ag 73 C A GILBERT; 44-5; fr Uniontown Pa *HIRAM HAMILTON; 44-5; AB UMich 49; AM 77; fr Napoleon Mich; res Cal 50-5; ord San Jose 55; p San Jose 55-6; in charge of first protestant female sin Cal 56? -64?; p Idaho City Id 64-5; Boise City 65-8; Paradise City 69; San Joaquin Plains Cal 70-82; horticulturalist Orange 01-3; d Orange 03 *HENRY C HAZEN; 44-7; b Carmel 29 Jl 18; prep pd; fr Carmel; ord Salem NJ 41 ; p Athens NY; Hudson; Salisbury; Throopsville in 53; Faribault Minn 58-65; Bunker Hill 111; ret Chicago; d Oak Park 31 D 97 *ALBERT CONSTANTINE INGHAM; 44-6; AB Union 47; LLD 65; b Meridian 8 D 28; fr Cato Four Corners; adm to bar 49; prac law Madison Wis 49-56; New York 56-82; d Geddes 23 My 82 * JEROME TRUMAN MASON; 45-6; b Fort Ann 14 F 21; frNGranville; ord Galesville 4 N 47; p Galesville 47-56; Sterling 111 56-80; agent ABHMS in Mont 80-1 ; Ind and 111 81-2; miss Dixon Assoc, 111 82-4; p Sublette84-9; Amboy 89-96; d Amboy 23 F 96 EWAN MERRITT; 44-5; prep pd; fr Springfield NJ *NATHANIEL MERRITT; 44-5; AB Union 49; fr Seneca Falls; HamC 45-7; res Seneca Falls HIRAM ALDEN PRATT; 46-7; AB AmC 48; AM 51; b Shutesbury Mass 21 Je 19; fr Shutesbury; t Shelburne Falls Acad 48-51 ; Norwalk Institute, O 51-3; Shelburne Falls Acad, Mass 53-6; prin Ct Lit Institution, Suffield 56-61 ; Hartford HS 61-5; bus Cleveland O 65-8; prin NJ Classical Institute, Hightstown 68-71 or after *!SAAC TURNER RATHBONE; 44-6; AB Yale 48; fr Buffalo; private t O 48-9; d 49 *DANIEL REED; 44-7; AM; LLD 58; b Orangeville n Ap 25; prep pd; fr Hamilton; ord Big Flats; p Big Flats 47-8; Medina 48-52; St Louis Mo 52-6; pres ShC 56-70; p Winona Minn 70-3; Brooklyn NY 73-80; Bloomington 111 80-3; Milwaukee Wis 83-5; pres Central U, Pella la 85-6; p Waterloo 86-8; Los Angeles Cal 88-98; d Emporia Ks 27 My 98 *MALCOM ROBERTS; 44-5; b Tyringham Mass 29 D 19; prep Troy NY; fr Bail- ston Spa; ord Ripley Center 21 Je 48; p Ripley; Portland; Salem Cross Roads; Madison O; Conneautville Pa; Carmel; Albany NY; Philadelphia Pa; Madison O 59-62; sup res Madison 62-7; p Ashtabula 67-70 ; Ironton; Pinckney Mich 72-?; N Madison O ?-8i; Cleveland 81-?; res Belpre after 95 *BuRT VAN HORN; 44-5; b Newfane 28 O 23; fr Newfane; farmer and mercantile bus Lockport 45-96; member NY legislature 56-60; MC 61-3, 65-9; US internal revenue collector Rochester 77-82; d Lockport i Ap 96 60 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1849 1849 "CHARLES AYER; AB; AM BdC 56; b Charlestown Mass 1 6 Mr 26; prep Wor- cester Acad; fr Charleston; NTJ 49-51; ord Turner Me 9 S 51; p and t Turner 51-3; p Brunswick 53-6; Southboro Mass 56-9; Brunswick Me 59-60; Athot Mass 61-3; Sterling 63-5; we Worcester 65-6; p Gilbertsville NY in 69; W Win- field; Morris; Clinton; Baldwinsville; Perry ?-y6; Webster; pres Natchez S, Miss 77-83; Jackson C 83-94; P Hinesburg Vt 96-8; ret Clinton NY 98-01 ; d Clintom 28 Mr 01 *WILLIAM THOMAS BIDDLE; AB; AM; s 51 ; b England 8 Je 24; fr New York; ord New York 13 Ag 51; appointed by ABMU to Karen miss in Burma; d before starting New York 17 S 51 *JOSEPH BURNETT; AB; AM; s 51; b Ross England 19 D 19; fr Utica NY; ord Pitcher 15 852; p Pitcher 52-3; sup Little Falls 53; p Mt Vernon 53-5; Hastings upon Hudson 55-7; Lyme Ct 57-62; Tariffville 62-8; S Gardner Mass 68-70; W T ethersfield Ct 70-5; Bedford NY 75-80; Pine Plains 80-4; Tariffville Ct 84-6; Braman Corners NY 86-9; d Braman Corners 15 Je 89 *ERASTUS HAMILTON BURR; AB; RTS 51 ; b Preble 9 F 20; fr Homer; s 49-50; ord Massillon O 7 Ja 52; p Massillon 51-2; Durhamville NY 52-4; inv Homer 54-7; d Homer n Mr 57 *DANIEL JOHNSON FREAS; AB; NTI 52; b Salem NJ Je 20; fr Salem; ord Salem 17 My 55; p Salem 55-6; Woodbury 56-65; ret Haddonfield 65-9; Woodbury 69-71 ; p Blackwoodtown 71-5; city miss work Trenton 75-98; d Trenton 15 O 98 *JOHN STORY GOODMAN; AB; AM; s 50; b London England 2 O 22; fr De- troit Mich; ord Lockland O, 50; p Lockland 50-2; miss Bixby Africa 52-5; p Lock- land O 55-6; Flint Mich 56-9; E Saginaw 60-2; Saginaw City; South Bay City; sup res E Saginaw 75-84; sup Ithaca 75-7; Port Austin 78-80; Ithaca 80-2; d E Saginaw 12 N 84 *AUGUSTUS WARREN GOODNOW; AB; AB AmC 51; b New Salem Mass 25 Mr 24; prep New Salem Acad; fr Montague; ord Royalston 25 F 52; p Royals- ton 52-3; Stamford Vt 54-60; Wilmington 60-76; Bernardston Mass 77-8; Shutesbury 78-82; Wilmington Vt 82-6; Halifax 86-92; ret Wellesley Mass 92-09; d Wellesley 18 F 09 *JOSIAH HATT; AB; b Reading England 21; prep pd; fr New York; ord Orange NJ 3 Ja 43; p Orange 43-6; Hoboken 46-54; Morristown 54-7; d Morristown 16 Je 57 *ISAAC NEWTON HILL; AB; AM; b Plattekill 18 My 28; prep privately Plain- field NJ; fr Plainfield; U of New York 45-8; ord Plainfield NJ 50; p Cross River NY 50-2; Dover Plains 52-4; Albany 54-5; Bridgeport Ct 55-7; Elizabeth NJ 57^9; Newmarket 59-65; Jerseyville 111 65-71; Macomb 71-5; S Dover NY 75-9; Clinton NJ 79-86; Ledgewood 86-9; t pd BuU 89-92; libn public lib Danbury Ct 93-4; ret 94-6; d Danbury 25 Mr 96 *PETER IRVING; AB; RTS 51; b London England 4 Jl 21; prep pd; fr Carmel; s 49-50; ord Wolcott 19 Ja 53; p Wolcott 52-5; Montezuma 55-6; Elba 56-7; Romulus 57-9; Walworth 59-60; Wolcott 61-4; Brighton 111 64-6; Irving 66-7; inv Irving 67-9; d Irving 5 O 69 *CHARLES KEYSER; AB; RTS 51; DD ULg 73; b Albany 13 My 27; prep pd; fr Albany; s 49-50; ord Wallingford 6 N 51; p Wallingford 51-3; Mt Morris COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1849 6 1 53-4; Niagara Falls 54-7; Providence RI 57-64; Binghamton NY 64-8; Phil- adelphia Pa 68-70; Trenton NJ 70-5; Wakefield Mass 75-7; d Wakefield 22 S 77 *JOHN RIDGEWAY MURPHY; AB; AM UR 52; DD ULg 67; b Goshen NJ 8 D 20; prep pd; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord Philadelphia 13 N49; p Green wichNJ, Marl- ton, Salem 50-72; Des Moines la 72-9; Mt Pleasant 83-7; Newton 88-9; Guthrie Center 90-5; ret Des Moines 95-06; d Des Moines 13 O 06 *NELSON PALMER; AB; AM; b Greenville 16 Ap 16; fr Rensselaerville ; ord Mad- ison 19 F 50; p Madison 50-2; Oneida Depot 52-5; Harlem 55-62; Greenville 62-4; Athens 64-7, 70-2; ret Athens 72-80; d Athens 13 O 80 * WILLIAM ASHTON REED; AB; Williamson Med Institute 50; AM ULg 52; Homoeopathic Med C 52; Hahneman Med Institute 57; b Philadelphia Pa 25 Jl 27; prep privately; prac med Philadelphia 57-95; prof materia medica and the- rapeutics Hahneman Med Institute; d Philadelphia 15 Ja 95 *HENRY MCQUEEN RICHARDSON; AB; RTS 51; DD wjc 78; b vemon 4 N 24; fr Rochester; s 49-50; ord Hamilton O 4 F 52; p Hamilton 51-62; Oswego NY 62-5; sup Toledo O 66-7; p Columbia Mo 67-71 ; Fulton 71-3; Liberty 73-81 ; Maryville 81-4; Lexington 84-95; re t Kansas City 95-8; Mexico 98-9; Kansas City 99-01 ; Mexico 01-3; d Mexico 14 Ja 03 WILLIAM WALLACE SAWYER; AB; RTS 51 ; AM UR 52; b Harpersfield O 22 S 25; prep Yates Acad, NY; fr Ransomville; s 49-50; ord Troy O Jl 52; p Troy 52-5; Rock Island 111 55-9; Peoria 59; Pekin 59-62; Huntington O 62-6; Milford 66- 71; Cincinnati 71-4; Washington Court House 74-6; t and sup Milford 76-; on editorial staff Masonic Review; ad Milford, O *HENRY ALLEN TUPPER; AB; AM; s 50; DD 70; b Charleston SC 29 F 28; fr Charleston; Charleston C 44-6; ord Graniteville 20 Ja 50; p Graniteville 50-3; Washington Ga 53-72; chaplain 9th Ga regiment CSA 61 ; foreign sec SBC, Rich- mond Va 72-93; lit work 93-7; prof Bibl lit Richmond C 97-02; d Richmond 27 Mr 02 *LEMUEL WALTON; AB; b Philadelphia Pa; prep pd; fr Philadelphia Pa; pChest- nut Hill 49-53; d Chestnut Hill 53 * WARREN SHELDON WEBB; AB; AM; DD Miss State U 82; DD Howard C, Marion Ala 82; b Leroy 14 N 25; prep Kings ville Acad,O; fr Geneva; res Nash- ville Tenn 49-51 ; ord Enon 16 F 51 ; pres Female C, Grenada Miss 51-7; t Stark- ville 57-9; p West Point 59-67?; Crawfordsville 67-71; pres Miss C, Clinton 72- 90; prof em psychology and ethics 90-04; ret Meridian 04-10; d Meridian Ag 10 *MERI WETHER WINSTON; AB; AM; b Richmond Va 28; fr Richmond; ord Charlottesville 49?; p Charlottesville 49-?; New York; Norfolk Va; Savannah Ga; Philadelphia Pa 59-60; in US army; prisoner in Fortress Monroe; d Rich- mond Va 66 PHILANDER L WOOD; AB; fr E Hamilton *WILLIAM CAREY WRIGHT; AB; AM; b Westfield Mass 2 Ja 25; fr Boston; t music Utica NY 50-1 ; Hartford Ct 51-9; adm to bar Hartford 57; prac law Hart- ford 59; Lone Rock Wis 59-63; dep US revenue collector Richland and Sauk cos 62-3; ord Lone Rock 5 Ag 63; p Lone Rock and Richland Center 63-9; suptschs Richland co 63-5; p McGregor la 69-71; Pawtucket RI 71-3; Weymouth Mass 74-7; t music Madison Wis 77-85; prac law Wahoo Neb 86-90; res Omaha 90-2; director Central Conservatory of Music, Stromsburg 92-5; res St Joseph Mo 95- 62 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1849 6; Des Moines la 96-7; Perry 97-00; York Neb 00-02; ret Pittsburg Pa 02-4; d Pittsburg 16 Je 04 *ELi STILLMAN BAILEY; 47-9; AB Union 49; fr Murray; prac law; paymaster US army; major; d Clinton la 6 N 92 CALVIN CUMMINGS BLISS; 45-7; fr Calais Vt SAMUEL BUELL; 46-7; fr Truxton *FRANCISTCAILHOPPER; 45-6 ;b Salem coNj2i; fr Woodstown; ord Alloway 20 My 47; p Alloway 47-54; Camden 54-60; Philadelphia Pa 60-5; Keyport NJ 65- 9; res Keyport 69-72; p New Rochelle NY 72-4; Flatbush 75-7; ret Keyport NJ 77-85; d Keyport 27 Ag 85 *SAMUEL S B CARRAWAY; 47-9; AB Union 49; fr Lenoir co NC; planter; d Mont- gomery Ala 76 CORNELIUS B COMPTON; 45-6; prep pd; fr Greenwich NJ LEMUEL P CRANE; 45-7; fr Gal way *GEORGE WELLINGTON CURTISS; 45-7; AM 61; AB Union 49; b Schuyler 25 Je 28; prep pd; fr Utica; stock farmer 111; member 111 legislature 91; commissioner state board charities; d Freeport 12 F 04 *JABEZ P DAKE; 47-8; AB Union 49; MD Homoeopathic Med C, Philadelphia Pa 51; AM Union 54; b Johnstown 22 Ap 27; fr Nunda; prac med Pittsburg Pa 51- 63; prof materia medica and therapeutics Homoeopathic Med C 55-7; farmer Salem O 63-9; prac med Nashville Tenn 69-94; d Nashville 28 O 94 MORGAN JOHN DAVIS; 45-9; prep pd; fr Philadelphia Pa JAMES F DOOLITTLE; 45-6; MD u; prep pd; fr New Lebanon Springs; res Ballston Spa in 8 1 ELIAS JOHN FOOTE; 46-9; AB Union 49; AM UR 60; RTS 60; b Clean 22 Je 24; prep Lima S; fr Mendon; studied law and t Mt Morris 49-50; mining and commer- cial bus Cal 51-8; ord St Louis Mo F 61; p St Louis 60-2; Syracuse NY 62-5; Penfield 66-71; Red Bank NJ 71-6; Middletown 76-83; Trenton 83-90; lit work and sup, res Trenton 90-; ad 57 Model Av, Trenton, NJ *!SAAC EDWIN FOSTER; 45-7; prep pd; fr Carmel; d 47 *SPENCER JARED FOWLER; 47-9; AB Union 49; b Groveland r F 25; prep Kingsville Acad, O; fr Kingsville; t Kingsville Acad 49-50; prin Chester Acad 50-2; Kingsville Acad 52-4; prof mathematics and physics Hillsdale C, Mich 55-75; supt schs Hillsdale 65-70; ord Free Bapt 67; d Saco Me 28 Ag 75 *GEORGE HAND; 45-7; AB U of Pa 49; AM; b Cape May NJ 2 S 21 ; prep pd ; fr Phil- adelphia Pa; ord Philadelphia 7 N 49 ; p and t Philadelphia 49-52 ; p Hatboro 52-62 ; t Hatboro 59-70; p Philadelphia 70-9; sup 79-94; d Hatboro 3 N 9; *SILAS HEMMINGWAY; 46-8; AM: AB Union 48; b Whitney Point 22 Mr 16; fr OwegO' s 48-9; ord Owego 18 Jl 49; p Bellefontaine O and Hillsboro 50-2; New Carlisle 52-4; prac med Hillsdale Mich 55-66; Nebraska City Neb 66 ;d Nebraska City 28 J166 *BYRON EUGENE HUNTLEY; 45-7; b Colosse 6 F 25; prep pd; fr Brockport; manufac- turer Brockport 47-06; pres Johnston Harvester Co; d Batavia 28 S 06 *FREDERIGK W INGMIRE; 45-8; b Margate England 11 S 22; preppd; fr Albany; ord Albany 8 O 48; miss ABHMS Joliet 111 and Lockport 48-50; sup Quincy5o-i;p COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1849 63 Pittsfield 51-5; Havana 55-9; insurance agent and sup Springfield 59-76; d Spring- field 2 S 76 'BENJAMIN DEFOREST MARSHALL; 45-7; AB UR 53; RTS 55; AM UR 56; DD 71 ; b N Egremont Mass 14 O 26; prep Auburn Acad, NY; fr Ssnnett; t Scipio 47-8; Va 48-50; Richmond 50-1; ord Lockport NY 11 O 55; p Lockport 55-9; Buffalo 59- 73; Worcester Mass 73-87; acting p Leominster 88-97; ret Worcester 97-06; d Worcester 5 Jl 06 WILLIAM WEST MERSHON; 45-8; prep pd; fr Trenton NJ *JIRAH BAKER MOSELEY; 45-9; AB Union 49; b Lebanon 27 Je 27; prep pd; fr Pen- field ; t Penfield 49-53 ; surveyor 11153-5; bus Fairport NY 55-66; manufacturer (Moseley and Motley Milling Co) Rochester 66-99; pres East Side Savings Bank; inv 99-12; d Rochester 3 N 12 *HERMON PERRY; 45-9; AB Union 49; b Wyoming 12 F 24; prep pd; fr Wyoming; prin Richburg Acad 50-2; Pine Grove S, Allegan Mich 52-60; farmer Allegan 60-3; government clerk Sacramento Cal 63-6; prin Sacramento S 66-76 ;d Sacramento 18 Ja 76 *JosiAH PHILIPS; 45-7; b E Nantmear-Pa 10 S 17; prep Norristown; fr E Nantmeal; t Norristown 47-9; ord Radnor i4F5o; p Radnor 49-56; agent Free Miss Society 56-9; p Euclid O 59-67; inv 67-9; p Milestown Pa 69-75; N Wales 75-80; Jenkin- town 80-3; inv Jenkintown 83-9; d Jenkintown 8 F 89* * WILLIAM CAREY PHILLIPS; 45-9; b 22; fr Bristol; ord Burnthills 3 O 49; p Burnthills 49-?; N Manlius 60-5; Plank Road ?-68; Port Byron 69-70; E Greene 71-2; Etna 73-4: Virgil 74; DeRuyter 75-7; Beaver Meadow 78-80; Etna 81-8; ret Etna 88-93; d Nunda 22 F 93 *GEORGE GAVIN RITCHIE; 45-7; b 20; prep pd; fr Rochester; sup and lecturer 46-53; d Salisbury 53 *OSCAR FITZ ALLAN SPINNING; 45-9; AB Union 49; b Rochester 2 F 24; prep pd; fr Medina; ord North ville 5 S 49; p Northville 49-51; Shushan 52-4; Gilbertsville 54-60; Leroy 60-2; Gaines and Murray 62-9; Grass Lake Mich 69-71 ; supt Mich- state SS work 71-7; p Middleville 77-80; Reading 80-5; Milan 86-7 ; Stockbridge and Gregory 87-8; fielding 89-90; ret Grass Lake 90-02; d Grass Lake 14 Jl 02 *MOSES W STAPLES; 45-6; AB Union 48; b Marlboro 12 Mr 27; prep pd; fr Kingston; p Amsterdam; Milford Ct; miss Tenn; became Presb 49; miss Tex; ord Tex D 50; organized chs Marshall, Jefferson, Golden Rule, Hickory Hill, Henderson; organ- ized ch Janesville Wis; Bible work NY 65-?; reorganized Va Bible Society 71; d Catskill NY 3 S 92 *LEWIS LAWBAUGH STILL; 45-7; b W Vincent Pa 17 Ja 26; prep pd; fr Chester Springs Pa; ord O, 49; p Bethany Pa 50-4; Freeport 54-6; Carversville 56-60; supt schs Carversville 56-60; p Colerain 60-3; d Colerain 20 D 63 JOHN H STINSON; 46-8; fr Jeffersonville Pa; p Cincinnati O; res Savannah Ga in 7* *LUCIAN SOUTHWELL STOWELL; 45-6; b New Woodstock i Ja 21; prep Hamilton; fr Cazenovia; ord Clymer 10 Jl 49; p NY 49-81; p Clymer; Alden; Olean; Bristol; Hemlock Lake; Arcade; Portage; Avoca; Alabama; Carl ton; Holland; d Medina 9 M V 97 *JUSTUS HULL WELLS; 46-7; b NY 12; fr Stamford Vt; pEdgerton Wis 55-?; Afton; Albion; Palmyra; Aurorahville ?-69; New London 69-76; Marinette; Egg Har- bor ?-82; ret Kaukauna 82-8; d Kaukauna 5 My 88 *JOHN WILLIAMS; 45-8; AB Union 49; b Lockport 9 F 22; prep pd; fr Lockport; ord 64 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1849 Lockport 22 Ag 49; p Madison Wis; Marion la ;Lockport NY ;Fairport;p\Vaupun Wis 54-?; Whitewater; Delavan ?-6i; d Delavan 25 D 61 GEORGE YEAGER; 45-6; prep pd; fr Philadelphia Pa 1850 *THOMAS ALLEN; AB; AM; s 52; b Luzerne 24 O 24; fr Vermilionville 111; ord Lebanon NY 8 Jl 52; miss ABMU to Karens, Burma, res Tavoy 52-9; agent ABMUin central NY 59-61; p Groton 61-4; Mik>64~6; in charge of miss, Chicago 111 66-8; p Benton Harbor Mich 68-9; dist sec ABMU, res Dayton O 69-70; in miss work Dayton 90-2; ret Omaha Neb 92-4; Chicago 111 94-7 ; Morgan Park 97- 8;d Morgan Park 15 Jl 98 *ASA BRUCE CABANISS; AB; b Nottoway City Va 12 Mr 21; prep Richmond C; fr Nottoway City; ord Petersburg 47 ; lecturer in southern states 50-2 ; miss SBC in China 52-60; addresses on miss in southern states 60- 1; t and pr 60-6; prin Black Walnut Acad, Halifax City Va; prin Female Acad, Brownsville Tenn 66-8; lecturer 68-71; sec Ky State Mission Board 71-7; assoc editor Western Recorder, Louisville 77-89; assoc editor Baptist and Reflector, Nashville Tenn 89-00; lec- turer 00-2; with Western Recorder, Ky 00-7; d Trenton 21 My 07 THOMAS PHILPOT CAMPBELL; AB; RTS 52; b Philadelphia Pa 10 Mr 23; fr Pemberton NJ; ord E Avon NY 3 F 53; p E Avon 53-5; inv travelling 55-7; p St Charles 111 57-9; Mt Carroll 59-64; Waukegan 64-6; South Bend Ind 66-70; New Albany 70-2; Delavan 111 72-85; Geneseo 85-7; Winchester 87-9; d Win- chester 19 Ag 89 *WILLIAM CARPENTER; AB; AM; s 52; b Johnstown 24 O 22; fr Gloversville; ord Gloversville 16 D 52; p Ogdensburg 52-4; Westfield Mass 54-9; Sterling 59- 62 ; Ogdensburg NY 62-6; Westerlo 66-72; Sloansville 72-5; Westerlo 75-9; Green- field la 79-80; Afton 80-5; Prescott 81-5; Corydon 85-90; Liberty 90-2; inv 92- 01 ; d Lake City 17 O or * WATSON CLARK; AB; RTS 52; b Yorkshire 1 1 Jl 28; fr Girard Pa; ord Girard 3 Ag 52; p Marietta O 52-4; Ohio Court House 54-6; Cincinnati 56-8; ev Saline A ,soc, Mo 58-61 ; p Ohio Court House, O 62-5; Mt Gilead 66-8; Goshen Ind 70-2; Xenia 111 72-4; Winchester 74-6; Sycamore 76-7; d Sycamore 10 Je 77 *AMOS HOLMES COVEY; AB; b Fenner 4 F 23; prep pd; fr Lenox; inv 50-4; d 20 Ja 54 *MYRON MELANCTHON GOODENOUGH; AB; AM; b Belleville 13 F 28; prep pd; fr Belleville; t Brookfield Acad 50-2; Richmondville Acad 52-4; Hudson River Institute, Claverack 54-66; prin and proprietor Hamilton Female S 66-91; ret Hamilton 91-01; d Hamilton 6 Je 01 *LEVI SHREVE HANCOCK; AB; RTS 52; b Burlington NJ 18 Mr 19; fr Philadel- phia Pa; agent ASSU in Can 52-6; inv Ridgetown Ont 57-62; PM Ridgetown 62- 09; d Ridgetown 23 N 09 *AUSTIN HARMON; AB; RTS 52; b Wheatland 3 F 28; fr Wheatland; ord Wheat- land 13 Ag 52; p Wheatland 52-6; Allegan Mich 56-60; Summer Hill NY 60- 1; Michigan City Ind; Ganges Mich; d S Haven 7 S 65 *THOMAS COIT HARTSHORN; AB; AM; DD Mt Upton C, O6 3 ; b Montrose Pa i Mr 30; prep Hamilton Acad, NY; fr Hamilton; t Peru 1050-3; agent ABS COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1850 65 53-6; supt ABS in O and Va 56-66; supt Chicago Bible Society Pontiac III 66-79; inv Pontiac 79-90: d Pontiac 22 N 90 OSCAR HOWES; AB; AM UR 57; b Carmel 30 Ap 30; prep pd; fr Carmel; grad- uate student UR 50-1; studied French and German in Europe 52-4; prof Latin and Greek ShC 55-74; prof Latin and modern langs here 74-82; prof modern langs UChic 82-6; res Chicago 86-90; d Chicago 6 F 90 GEORGE JOHNSON; AB; RTS 52 fb Congleton England 19 Ja 24; prep pd; fr New York; ord N Hector 15 S 52; p N Hector 52-4; Canton 54-6; Greece 56-69; Marlboro NJ 69-71; Bricksbury (now Lakewood) 76-84; sup res Lakewood (sup Jacksonville Fla, Palatka, Osbornville NJ, Demarest) 84-96; d Lakewood 18 Je96 COMMODORE PERRY JONES; AB; fr Orangeville SAMUEL TRUESDELL LIVERMORE; AB; RTS 52; AM UR 53; b German 1 6 Mr 24 ; fr German ; ord S Livonia 28 O 52 ; p S Livonia 52-6 ; Cooperstown 56-62 ; Lowville 62-7; bus 67-73; agent ABPS in Ct 73-4; p Block Island RI 74-7; sup Pocasset Mass; N Middleboro; lit work and sup, res Worcester; p miss ch Worces- cester 90-2 ; d Worcester 22 F 92 JOHN RAE NISBET; AB; RTS 52; b Haddington Scotland 14 O 22; fr Owego NY; ord Rochester 5 S 52; miss ABMU Sandoway, Aracan Burma 53-5; p Paris Ont 55-7; York NY 57-9; real estate bus; res Cincinnati Oin76; insurance bus; res Washington DC 88-06; d Washington 19 N 06 LUKE OSBORN; AB; b Ashtabula O 22 My 26; fr Morgan; t GS 50-1 ; t KalC 51 ; d Kalamazoo 5 N 51 MORRIS ALFRED PAGE; AB; AM; b Depauville 28 N 25; prep Lowville Acad; fr Greatbend; t Maumee City O 50-6; studied law Maumee City; t KalC 56-9; farmer, and t Montevallo Acad, Mo 59-63; res Garnett Ks 63-02; adm to bar Lawrence S 63; supt public instruction, co attorney, and dep treasurer An- derson co 63-77; small fruit farmer 77-02; d Garnett 16 D 02 WILLIAM JEFFERSON PARKHURST; AB; AM; s 52; b Milford Mass 3 N 21; preppd; fr Scott co la; ord Camanche My 54; p Camanche 54-7; Princeton 57-9; near Marysville Cal 59-68; miss Petrolia 68-?; res Cal 59-85; d Lafayette 27 F 85 DARIUS HAINES PAUL; AB; AM; s 52; b Java 18 F 26; prep pd; fr Java; ord Strykersville 14 S 53; miss p ABHMS Camanche la 53-4; p Bloomfield 57; Leclaire 59; sup Mt Joy 60; p Mt Olivet 61-3; Dewitt 63-5; res Dewitt 65-94; d Dewitt 12 Ag 94 WILLIAM HARRISON RANDALL; AB; b Stonington Ct 1 1 Ag 18: fr N Stoning- ton; ord Frewsburg NY 6 N 50; p Frewsburg 50-3; Angelica and Phillipsburg 53- 7; Boston 57-8; Williamsville 58-61 ; in US army 61-4; capt; major 62-4; res Mur- freesboro Tenn 64-5; p Williamsville NY 65-74?; d Lake Maitland Fla 7 Mr 74 ABRAM TAYLOR ROSE; AB; AM; s 52; DD 86; b Steuben co Ap 23; prep pd; fr Brooklyn Mich; miss ABMU to Burmans in Aracan Burma, res Akyab 52-4; t government sch Akyab 54-61 ; miss ABMU Rangoon 62-96; in US 71-3, 82-4, 93- 4; d Rangoon Burma 5 Jl 96 JOHN MILTON SHAW; AB; AM; b Martville 18; fr Elbridge; st AubTS; ord Auburn; US army chaplain; miss ABHMS Albuqerque NMexsi-2; Fort Defiance 52-3; Santa Fe 55-7; Socorro 57-63, 65-6; US Indian agent of southern Apaches 66 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1850 75-7; prac law Socorro 77-86; probate judge Socorro co 82-4 ; member NMex leg- islature; co assessor Socorro co ?-86; d Socorro 30 S 86 "HENRY BEREAN SHERMER; AB; RTS 52; b Philadelphia Pa 25 Jl 23; prep pd; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord Philadelphia 23 S 52 ; miss ABMU to Bassas tribe, W Africa 52-3; inv US 54-5; p Newton NJ 56-60; Woodstown 61-3; Schooleys Mountain 64-9; d Schooleys Mountain 22 Mr 69 *FRANKLIN AURELIUS SLATER; AB; AM; b Potsdam n F 23; prep St Law- rence Acad; fr Potsdam; ord Mystic Ct 14 N 50; p Mystic 50-3; New Rochelle NY 53-5; Rome 55-6; Keyport NJ 56-62; Greenport NY 62-6; Matawan NJ 66- 89; ret Matawan 89-00; d Matawan 3 Ag oo JESSE DAMON SPRAGUE; AB; b Fabius 13 Ja 30; fr Fabius; cashier Buffalo 51-8; Oswego 58-68; Cortland 69-71; Oswego 71-04; ret Amherst Mass 04-; ad 4 S Prospect St, Amherst, Mass *AMOS HOLMES STARKWEATHER; AB; fr Alabama; ord Bethany 23 O 50; p Bethany 50-3; Corning 53-5; Fulton 111 55-7; Lyons la 57-67; d Lyons 17 Ja 67 *ORLANDO BURDETT STONE; AB; RTS 52; DDu; b Homer 24 S 23; fr Homer; ord Xenia O Mr 52; p Xenia 52-4; Nevada City Cal 54-8; San Jose 58-64; dis- trict sec ABHMS in west 64-7; p Lafayette I nd 67-70; Rockford 111 71-2; Ma- rengo 72-6; Bloomington 76-80; inv Bloomington 80-9 ; d Bloomington 20 F 89 *GEORGE NEWTON THORNTON; AB; b Meredith 27 Ja 22; prep pd; fr Troy O; p New London 52-6; farmer and sup, res Haskins 60-77; ord 15 F 66; p Granville 77-80; ret Granville 80-99; d Granville 24 N 99 *JOHN COOPER WARD; AB; AM; s 52; bNew York 6 S 25; prep pd; fr Brooklyn; ord Brooklyn 20 Je 52; p Marion la 52-4; Potsdam NY 54-6; Sandy Creek 56-60; Frankfort 60-8; Cazenovia 68-73; Oxford 73-7; Northeast Pa 77-9; Coopers . Plains NY 79-81 ; ret Coopers Plains 81-6; d Coopers Plains 1 8 Mr 86 'DANIEL WHITAKER; AB; RTS 52; b Downs NJ 7 N 22; fr Mt Palatine 111; ord Rochester NY 8 S 52 ; miss ABMU to Karens in Burma 53-7 ; res Moulmein 53-5; Toungoo 55-7; d Moulmein 19 Ag 57 *ALEXANDER ATWOOD BROOKS; 46-8; PhD UR;bW-averly27; fr Factor yville; stud- ied UMich; prof Howard C, Ala 51-2; prin Quitman Instiute, Quitman Miss 52- 6; pres Gonzales C, Gonzales Tex 56-73; Goliad C, Goliad 73-84; t Corpus Christi, several years; inv Corpus Christi ?-n; d Corpus Christi 24 My 11 *SAMUEL STILLMAN CONANT; 47-9; b WatervilleMe 11 D 31; fr Hamilton NY; stud- ied Berlin, Heidelberg and Munich; travelled in Germany, Austria, Italy and France 58-60; t Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute, NY 60-2; asst edi- tor New York Commercial Advertiser 62-3; on New York Times 63-5; managing editor 65-9; editor Harper's Weekly 69-85; mysteriously disappeared 85 CALEB DAVISON; 46-9; prep pd; fr Northumberland Pa *JOHN LOREMER DOUGLASS; 46-50; b 8 F 23 ; fr Rutland O; ord Fort Ann NY 1 1 O 50; p Fort Ann 50-2; sup Pittsburg Pa 52-3; p Peters Creek 53; miss ABMU Bassein Burma 53-69; d Bassein 23 Jl 69 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1850 67 REEDER M'CANDLESS FISH; 46-7; fr Beaver City Pa MATTHEW FULLER; 46-7; prep pd; fr Muncy Pa * JOSEPH INGHAM GRIMLEY; 46-9;hEllenville 17 Ag 20; prepNewburgh Acad; fr Fish- kill; ord Latintown 15 Ag 49; p Latintown 49-50; Union ville 50-64; Latintown and Middle Hope 647-70; res Marlboro 70-94; d Marlboro 21 Ag 94 *JOEL HENDRICK; 46-8; AM ULg 57; b Guilford 31 D 22 ; prep Oxford Acad ; fr Cov- entry; ord Coventry 21 Mr 48; p Bennettsville 48-50; Deposit 50-2; Smithfield Pa 52-6; prin Coudersport Acad 56-61; prin Genesee Valley S, Belfast NY 61-7; p Belfast 61-7; Hornellsville 67-72; Montour Falls 72-9; Canisteo 79-86; Angelica 86-97; ret Montour Falls 97-05; d Montour Falls 10 Ap 05 *EDWARD PAYSON HOTCHKISS; 46-8; fr Hamilton; lawyer and real estate bus Chi- cago 111; d Chicago about 07 GROVE PHILLIPS JENCKS; 46-7; fr North East *DAVIS HAYNES McCoY; 46-9; AB ColU 50; NTI 54; b Pa 23; prep pd; fr Philadel- phia Pa; not ord; miss Philadelphia 54-6; res Pittsburg 56-60 ;dPittsburg 5 Je 60 *MAJOR C MANNING; || 48-9; b Milton 24 My 22; fr Watertown; ord Adams 8 My 51 ; p Adams 50-4; Cooperstown 54-6; t Adams 56-8; p Adams 58-60; Elmira 60- 1 ; d Elmira 2 My 61 *WAREHAM MUDGE; 46-7; b Unadilla 27 S 22; fr Kendall; ord Kendall 22 Mr 49; p Kendall; Tonawanda; Carlton; Horseheads; Palmyra; chaplain i38th regiment NY state volunteers 2 years; p Wilson ?-68; Belfast 68- 70 ;Nunda 70-4; Olean; De- posit; Boonville; Parma; Richbarg; d Richburg 30 D 91 *D'ALANSON OVERTON; 46-7 ; AB Union 50; fr Athens Pa; prac law Towanda; d To- wanda 19 Ap 99 *LEMUEL COVELL PAINE ; 47-9 ; AB Union 50 ; b Broadalbin 28 Ja 3 1 ; prep Albion Acad ; fr Albion; studied law; druggist Albion 50?-?; Chicago 111; Rochester NY; d Ro- chester 8 Ja 99 *OssiAN COLUMBUS PETTIT; 46-8; AB Union 50; b Fabius 170 29; fr Fabius; stud- ied law Oxford 48-9; Buffalo 49-52; adm to bar Buffalo Ap 52; d Wabash Ind 17 Ag52 *CHARLES B READ; 46-8; b Orangeville 23; fr Strykersville; ord Mendon 5 849; p Mendon; Richburg; Lowell Mich 59-60; Winchester 111 60-4; d Winchester 4 F 64 CALVIN ROBINSON; 46-7; prep pd; fr Jefferson *ADDISON A SAWIN; || 48-9; b Westminster Mass 21 ; fr Westminster; ord Ticonder- ga NY 25 F 47; p Ticonderoga; Bristol Vt; Colchester; Stillwater NY ?-56; Lyons and Clinton la 56-8; Fulton; Marion; founded Addison Collegiate Institute, W Irving, and prin ?-64; p Toledo ?-64; d Irving 19 My 64 EDWARD SPAULDING; 46-7: fr Factoryville ALVAN STEWART; 46-7; fr Utica *WILLIAM MANLOVE WHITEHEAD; 46-50; AM ULg 60; b 12 D 23; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord 51; pFrankford 52-8; New Centerville 58-62; Paoli 62-3; McKeesport 63-6; chaplain 97th Pa volunteers; p Philadelphia 66-7; New Britain 67-71; Spread Eagle 71-2; d Woodbury NJ 28 Ja 74 1851 'EMERSON W BLISS; AB; AM; b Barnston LC 23 D 19; prep GS; fr Barnston 68 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1851 LC; ord 51; p Sag Harbor NY 52; Oswego; Rondout; Brooklyn; Newburgh ?~72; Pittston Pa 72-5; financial agent ULg 75-7; p Malvern 77-92; Anacostia DC 92-?; chaplain US hospital for the insane, Washington; ret Washington ?-n; d Washington 6 Ja 1 1 *LYMAN HUTCHINS; AB; prep GS; fr Richfield; ord Litchfield 17 Mr 4 7;p Litchfield 47-?; miss p ABHMS Dartford Wis 53-4; d Dartford 29 Ag 54 *MILES J KNOWLTON; AB; AM; s 53; DD 71 ; b W Wardsboro Vt 8 F 25; fr W Wardsboro; ord W Wardsboro 8 O 53; miss ABMU to China, res Ningpo 53- 74; in US 69-72; d Shanghai China 10 S 74 *HEMAN HOWES SANFORD; AB; AM; Ph D 72; LLD UChic 83; b Madison 29 S 29 ; prep Hamilton Acad ; fr Hamilton : graduate student c 5 1-2 ; t Cortland Acad, Homer 52-6; prin Monroe Collegiate Institute, Elbridge 57; t Cortland Acad, Homer 58-68; prin 68-71 ; prof Latin SyrU 71-7; prof Latin and English lit UChic 78-82; res Syracuse NY 82-05; Glendale Cal 05-9; d Glendale 23 Je 09 "Lucius FULLER AMES; 46-8; b Canton 26 F 20; prep Canton Acad; fr Syracuse; p Ashville 50-2; ord Ashville My 52; p Boston 53-6; Hinsdale 56-9; Perrysburg O 60; Napoleon 61; Conneaut 61-5; miss and colporter Napoleon, Defiance and vie 66-02; res Defiance 02-4; d Defiance 9 D 04 *GEORGE BYRON BRAND; 48-50; AB UR 51 ; AM 54; b 29; fr Charleston; studied law Rochester; prac law Rochester 53?~7i; d Rochester 10 F 71 LEONARD G CALKINS; 47-8; AB Union 51 ; fr China; real estate bus Chicago *LUMAN B CHAMBERLIN; 47-9; AM; s 53; graduate Union; b MontrosePa 17 F 23; fr Montrose; p Cincinnati O; miss ABHMS Huntington Ind 57-9; prac as dentist Columbus Ks; d Columbus 23 F 88 *NATHANIEL JUDSON CLARK; 47-50; AB UR 51 ; RTS 53; b Niantic Ct 28 Ja 22; fr E Lyme; ord Southington 8 Mr 54; p Southington 54-6; Schuylkill Falls Pa 56-8; S Abington Mass 60-3; Cincinnati O 64-6; Penn Yan NY 68-70; cor sec ABMU 70- 3; ret Niantic Ct 82-8; d Niantic 23 F 88 GEORGE WASHINGTON DAVIS; 47-9; prep GS; fr Ontario *DANIEL DODGE; 47-8; b Monkton Vt 23 F 20; prep GS; fr Keeseville; inventor and manufacturer Keeseville 48-97; invented Dodge Horseshoe Nail Machine; vice- pres Ausable Horse Nail Co several years; res Albany 97-01 ; d Albany i F 01 JOHN DUNN; 46-8; fr Philadelphia Pa *ANDREW LONGYEAR FREEMAN; 47-50; AB UR 51; RTS 53; AM UR 54; b Shanda- ken 17 Ap 28; prep GS; fr Woodstock; ord Camillus 22 Ag 53; p Camillus 53-9; Ann Arbor Mich 59-60; sup Gloversville NY 60; p Deposit 60- 1 ; Stockton 61-4; South- ington Ct 64-73; Penfield NY 73-9; Mumford 79-85; financial sec Cook Acad 85-8; treasurer 88-90; res Canandaigua 85-02; d Camillus 29 S 02 *WILLIAM DUNLOP HEDDEN; 47-50; AB URsi; RTS 53; AMUR 54; DD ColU 70; b E Orange NJ 6 N 28; fr Orange; ord Meridian NY O 53; p Meridian 53-6; E Orange NJ 56-82; we 82-3; p Peekskill NY 83-90; d E Orange NJ 24 D 90 *GEORGE OSMAN IDE; 47-9; AB ULg 51 ; AM; b Passumpsic Vt N 31 ; prep Lewis- burg Pa; fr Philadelphia; studied law Philadelphia 51-2; Springfield Mass 52-4; COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1851 69 adm to bar Springfield 54; prac law Princeton 111 54-71; Chicago, res Evanston 71-85; city attorney Evanston 74-80; d Evanston 7 F 85 *URIAH SMITH LOWE; 47-9; AB HamC 51; AM; b Southport 16 D 29; prep GS; fr Elmira; adm to bar Cooperstown My 53; prac law Elmira 53-71 or after; clerk Chemung co 58-?; lieut and quartermaster NY volunteers 63; capt and asst quart- ermaster 64; d 88 A P MITCHELL; 48-9; fr Orange NJ *CHARLES ADDISON MOTT; 47-8; AM 57; b Paris Hill 31; prep GS; fr Lansingburg; prac law New York; dep US marshal; auditor city of New York; d Troy 74 FREDERICK MOTT; 47-9; AB BU 51; AM; LLD 02; b Montrose Pa 14 Ja 28; prep Montrose Acad; fr Montrose; t Derby Acad, Vt5i~4; adm to bar Irasburg 54; prac law Winterset la 54-; asst adjutant-gen with rank of capt US army 62-5; judge 2d circuit 5th judicial district la 69-73; Prof pleading and practice U of la law dept; pres DMC 75-6; pres ist Natl Bank Winterset 03-; ad Winterset, la *EZRA JONES PECK; 48-9; AB WmsC.si ; AM 54; LLD Hobart C 98; b Seneca Castle 19 D 30; prep Phelps; fr Phelps; t Springvale 53-4; farmer Phelps 56-8; prin Phelps Un and Classical Sch 59-61 ; first lieut co D 8th NY cavalry 61-2; prin Phelps Un and Classical Sch 65-9; sch commissioner Ontario co 69-72; assoc prin Canan- daigua Acad 72-4; prin sch. Homer 75-84; prin Owego Free Acad 8 5-00; inspect- or U of State of NY oi-i i ; d Phelps 8 S 1 1 *GEORGE PHILIPS; 47-50; b W Fallowfield NJ 28 My 24: prep GS; fr Pennington- ville Pa; sup 50-1 ; d 6 Mr 51 GUSTAVUS NEWMAN PHILIPS; 47-8; fr New York THOMAS PURINTON; 47-8; fr Livonia ERASTUS A SCOTT; 47-8; fr Hamilton * JAMES BARLOW SIMMONS; 47-9; AB BU 51 ; NTI 54; DD ULg 70; b North East 17 Ap 27; prep GS; fr North East; RTS 51-2; AndTS 52-3; ord Providence RI Jl 54 ; p Providence 54-7; Indianapolis Ind 57-61; Philadelphia Pa 61-7; cor sec ABHMS 67-74; collector educational and miss funds ABHMS 74-7; p New York 77-86; district sec ABPS 86-05; d New York 17 D 05 * JAMES EDMUNDS SPENCER; 47-50; AB UR 51 ; AM 54; b Pike 7 Jl 26; prep GS; fr Pike; t Rochester 51-2; private sch Louisville Ky 52-6; prin Louisville Female HS 56-7; lumber merchant Rochester NY 57-78; US Indian agent Nev 78-80; d Pyramid Lake Reservation 26 N 80 *ROBERT TELFORD; 47-50; AB UR 51 ; RTS 53 ; b Seneca 16 F 20; prep GS; fr Seneca; ord Benton Center 31 Ag 53; miss ABMU Bangkok Siam 53-63; Swatow China 63-4; with Christian Commission in US 64-5; p Washington Pa 65-8; Hamilton O 68-9; Warren 69-72; Rochester Minn 73-4; Eau Claire Wis 74-7; E Henrietta NY 78-81 ; W Springfield Pa 82-3; p and miss of SBC DeLand Fla 83-93; ret Nu- gent Home, Germantown Pa 93-8 ; d Germantown 5 Je 98 *ROBERT JOSIAH WiLLiNGHAM; 47-9; b Lawtonville SC i Ag 29; fr Lawtonville; cot- ton planter and merchant Lawtonville 49-60; d Lawtonville 6 O 60 1852 *DELAVAN BLOODGOOD; AB; AM; MD Jefferson Med C, Philadelphia Pa 55?; b Springville 20 Ag 31; prep Springville Acad; fr Springville; studied med UMich 70 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1852 52-3; Jefferson Med C, Pitt sfield Mass, New York, Buffalo 53-5; in Europe 55-7; in US navy, res Brooklyn NY 57-02; asst surgeon 57-62 ; surgeon 62-93 ; com- missioned med inspector 75 ; med director 84; on ret list 93-02; special duty New York 98-9; d Brooklyn 4 Ap 02 "CLINTON C BUELL; AB; AM; b Lebanon 28; fr Hamilton ; prin Hamilton Acad 52-6; established Hamilton Female 856; prin 56-9; bus Anamosa la 59-61; capt and quartermaster i4th la inf 61-4; division quartermaster; bus and t Sterling 111 64-6; farmer 66-85; res Sterling; Rock Falls; d Rock Falls 30 D 85 *HIRAM ALMERON MORGAN; AB; AM; s 53; b Holyoke Mass 9 My 25; fr Hoi yoke; Wesleyan U, Ct 48-51; ord Gouverneur NY 10 Je 53; p Gouverneur 53-5; Russell Mass 55-6; Becket 56-62; Lee 63-8; S Windsor 70-6; miss work res Middletown Ct 76-82; p S- Windsor 82-8; miss work res Wilbraham Mass 88-95; sup res Middletown Ct 95-10; d Middletown 5 F 10 *N JEROME NORTON; AB; b Guilford Ct 19 Mr 20; prep Suffield; fr New Haven;, ord Adams Mass 2 N 53; p Adams 53-6; Cordova 111 56-7: d Cordova 12 N 57 "HENRY STEELMAN; AB; AM; s 54; b Stanton Del 8 Mr 19; prep GS; fr Wil- mington Del; ord Burlington NY 1 1 Ja 55; p Norway 55-7 ; Sheakleyville Pa 57-61 ; W Springfield 62-4; Jay NY 65-9; Elizabethtown 69-71 ; Burlington 71-5; sup res Vernon Del, Stanton, and Newark NJ 75-83; p Caldwell 83-4; Closter 84-5; Lib- erty NY 85-6; ret Caldwell NJ 86-98; sup various chs 86-95; d Caldwell 29 N 98 *ISAAC THOMPSON WHITTEMORE; AB; AubTS 54; bEssex Ct 12 Jl 24; prep GS; fr Essex Ct; s 52-3; p Presb Ira 54-6; ord Chicago 111 25 O 56; p Pontiac 56- 62; Fairbury 60-2; Rushville 62-4; Plymouth 64-9; Wamego Ks 69-74; Good Hope 111 74-9; Newton la 79-81; Norwood 111 81-5; Hamlet 85-8; Florence Ariz- 88-99; Pasadena Cal 99-01 ; ret Los Angeles 01-4; d Pasadena 20 F 04 WESLEY P WRIGHT; graduate student 51-2; AM 51 ; fr Coburg CW; RTS 54- 5; res Chicago 111 *EDWARD LUCAS BAILEY; 48-50; AM; AB Union 52; b Lawsville Pa 16 Mr 23; prep- GS; fr Liberty Pa; studied RTS 54; ord Carbondale Pa 12 Je 54; p Carbondale 53-66; Harrisburg 66-9; Carbondale 69; d Carbondale 9 My 69 *CHARLES CARROLL BITTING; |j 51-2; DD Furman U; b Philadelphia Pa Mr 30; fr Philadelphia; ULg 49-51; t Nashville Bapt Female C, Tenn; ord Murfreesboro 23.. Ap 54; p Mt Olivet Va and Hopeful ?~59; Alexandria 59-66; sec SS Board SBC, res Greenville SC 66-8; pLynchburg Va 68-72; district sec southern states ABPS 72-3; p Richmond 73-6; Baltimore Md 76-83; Bible and miss sec ABPS 83-95; ret Philadelphia Pa 95-8; d Philadelphia 24 D 98 *STEPHEN HASKINS CARPENTER; 48-50; AB UR 52; AM 56; LLD 71 ; b Little Falls 7 Ag 31; fr Phelps; tutor U of Wis 52-4; asst supt public instruction state of Wis 58-60; prof ancient langs St Paul's C, Palmyra Mo6o-i; city clerk Madison Wis 61-6; prof logic, rhetoric and English lit U of Wis 66-78; d Geneva NY 6 D 78 *GEORGE SHEPPARD CHASE; 48-50; AB UR 52; RTS 54; AM UR 55; b Penn Yan 9 Mr 29; fr Naples; ord Warren RI 13 Mr 56; p Warren 54-60; Pittsburg Pa 60-5; Columbus O 65-7; Detroit Mich 67-71; d New Bedford Mass 27 Je 71 *EMMETT DEWITT CRAIG; 48-9; AB Union 52; LLB Tulane U, La 57; AM Centenary C, La; b Cokesburg NJ 24 S 28; prep Pennington Male S; fr Peapack; s 52-3;, COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1852 71 studied law Tulane U, La; prac law New Orleans 57-06; US commissioner New Orleans; d New Orleans 31 Mr 06 *JUDSON DAVIS; || 50-1 ; b Middlefield (now Clarksville) 17 Mr 23; prep Cooperstown; fr Maryland; ord Maryland 16 Je 47; p Maryland 44-50; Ira and S Hannibal 51-7; Colosse and Mexico 57-62; Hannibal 62-7; Ilion 67-70; Eaton 70-4; W Eaton 70- 6; sup Erieville 76-7; Manchester 77; we 77-9; acting p Auburn 79; inv 79-96; d Eaton 17 S 96 *JOHN BUTTRICK JONES; 48-50; AB UR 52; RTS 55; b Valley Town NC 24 D 24; prep GS; fr Cherokee Nation Ark; ord Rochester NY 14 Jl 55; miss ABMU Chero- kee Nation IT 55-60; we Upper Alton 111 60-1; p S Rutland and Harrisburg NY 61-2; chaplain 2d Indian regiment Ks 62-5; miss ABHMS to Cherokees at Fort Gibson, Cherokee Nation IT 65-8; Tahlequah 68-75; inv Denver Col 75-6; d Den- ver 17 Je 76 *FRANKLIN SMITH LYON; 48-50; AB UR 52; AM 55;bBuckland Mass 27 F 19; prep GS; fr Stockton; prin Cherokee Male S, Tahlequah IT 52-5; t Albion Acad, NY 56-64; prof English and prin pd \YVa U, Morgantown 69-70; prin FentonAcad, Mich 70-1 ; US agent to Creek Indians, IT 71-3; prof English WVa U 73-85; pres Broaddus C, Clarksburg 85-8; ret Fredonia NY 88-06; d Fredonia 1 6 Mr 06 "CHARLES COLE NORTON; 48-9; AB UR 52; RTS 54; AM UR 55; DD ShC 78; b Washington Ct 16 Jl 27; prep GS; fr Carmel; U of NY 49-50; ord New York 12 Mr 55; p New York 55-91 ; inv New York 91-7; d New York 13 Ap 97 Lucius H PADDOCK; 48-9; prep GS; fr Cairo RUNYON F RANDOLPH; 48-9; prep GS; fr New Brunswick NJ; res Oneida NY; ? ad Oneida NY CHARLES I ROBORDS; 48-50; prepGS;fr Batesville Mo *HENRY ARNOLD ROSE; 48-50; AB UR 52; RTS 54; b Jersey City 31 D 25; prep Hamilton; fr Linden Mich; ord Greece NY 14 S 53; p Greece 53-6; Hornellsville 56-9; Wayne 59-61; Clifton 61-5; St Johns Mich 65-8; Owosso 68-72; Ovid 72-4; Palo 75-7; we 77-82; p Big Rapids 82-5; Bloomingdale 85-7; ev res Kalamazoo 87-9; p Dowagiac 89-93; miss work Grand Rapids 94-7; Bengal and Riley 98-9; sup Grand Rapids and vie 00-3; ret Grand Rapids 04-10; d Grand Rapids 5 Ja 10 * JAMES VAN PELT SCHOFIELD; 48-50; AB UR 52; RTS 54; AM UR 56; DD La Grange C 81 ; DD UChic 81 ; b Gerry 4025; prep GS; fr Chicago 111; ord Lou- isville Ky 24 O 54; p Louisville 54-8; Quincy III 58-62; St Louis Mo 62-9; Des Moines la 69-71 ; New Britain Ct 71-6; St Louis Mo 76-84; asst editor American Bapt 84-5; p St Louis 86-7; Des Moines la 87-90; Independence 90-2; Canton Mo 93-8; d St Louis 18 My 98 THADDEUS POMEROY SEELEY; 48-50; AB Union 52; AM 55;MD UMich 56; b Can- ton 27 My 31 ; fr Evans; volunteer surgeon i6th Mich regulars 61-2; in hospitals, Washington DC 62-3; asst surgeon US volunteers, Ariz 63-5; prac med Chicago 111 65-98; d Chicago 16 My 98 MOHN BYINGTON SMITH; 48-50 ;ABUR 52; AM 54; RTS 54; DD UChic 72; b Schroon i My 30; prep Munro Acad, Elbridge; fr Geddes; ord Dunkirk 23 N 54; p Dunkirk 53-5; Fayetteville 55-60; Farmer Village 60-6; chaplain prison, Sin? Sing 66-9; p Geneva 69-76; Peekskill 76-80; lit and religious work 8o-n;res Olean; Saratoga Springs; Fayetteville 92-11; in Europe, Egypt and Palestine i year; d Fayetteville 5 Ag 11 72 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1852 *JOHN RIPLEY SMITH; 48-9; AB Union 52; RTS 54; b Phelps 26; prep GS; fr Vien na d Wyoming Mr 56 GEORGE STARKS; 48-9; fr Sweden; bus la; Union Ore; Baker City; Walla Walla Wash *GEORGE POMEROY WATROUS; 48-50; AB UR 52; RTS 54; b Chester Ct 10 Ja 25; fr Chester; ord Chester 6 S 54; miss ABMU Shwegyin Burma 54-60; p Tioga Pa 61-3; miss Tioga Assoc 63-5; p Covington 65-70; Mansfield 71-4; Canton 74-80; Athens 80-3; sup and miss work Lewisburg and vie 83-5; colporter ATS Fla 85-6;. sup Philadelphia Pa 86-7; p Knoxville 87-90; Jackson 91-4; d Jackson Summit 26 Je 94 C CARROLL WHITNEY; 48-9; fr Geneva C H WISNER; 48-9; fr Mt Morris 1853 HORACE BURCHARD; AB;AM; b Remsen 5 Ap 33; fr Hamilton; prinWarner- ville Acad 53-? ; prin Yonkers Acad ; prof Bethel C, Russellville Ky ; prof Mary Sharpe C, Winchester Term 61-2; prin Leland S, Townsend Va 62-6; ord N Bennington Vt 17 O 66; p N Bennington 66-70; Woodstock 111 70-3; Chicago 73-5; Brattle- boro Vt 75-9; d Brattleboro 24 O 79 *JOHN VAN EPPS COVEY ; AB ; AM ; DD 73 ; b Fenner 1 1 F 2 1 ; prep GS ; fr Fenner ; prin Campbell Acad, Lebanon Tenn 46-9; ord Lebanon Mr 47; p Lebanon 47-9; Lexington 49-54 ; raised funds for establishing Brownsville Female Bapt C ?~54;p Palestine Tex 54-7; pres Masonic C, Palestine 54-7; p Hallettsville 57-8: Live Oak 58-64; Concrete and Gonzales 64-81; founded Concrete C; pres 64-81; t Tilden 81-4; sup res Cotulla 85-98; d Cotulla 13 Ja 98 MOSEPH WILLIAM HAMMOND; AB; s 55; b Jamestown 13 Jl 23; prep GS; fr Elgin 111; ord Akron O 55?; p Akron 55-?; financial agent ATS in 72; p Erie Pa; Springfield NY; Westmoreland; Adams Center; N Greenbush; Hamilton 84-91; res Spokane Wash; d Spokane *JOHN HAMPDEN KENT; AB ;b London England 17 My 23: prep GS; fr Guilder- land; ord Scotia 31 Ja 55; p Scotia 54-7; Martindale 57-60; N Egremont Mass 60-4; Holyoke 64-6; Normal 111 66-8; Lisbon 68-70; sup White Willow, res Lis- bon 70-85; prin Lisbon Acad 70-3; t Lisbon; farmer Lisbon; res Lisbon 85-95;- d Lisbon 9 Ja 95 *ELLIOTT PLYMPTON MERRIFIELD; AB; s 55; b Newfane Vt 8 F 24; prep- Leland and Gray Acad, Townshend; fr Brookline; ord W Wardsboro 24 Je 56; p W Wardsboro 56-8; Plymouth 58-9; S Windham 59-63; with Christian Com- mission 63-5; p Cambridgeport 65-6; E W'allingford 66-9; Swanton 69-71; E Enosburg, Franklin and Berkshire 71-3; inv 73-5; p Vershire 75-8; Lyme Center NH 78-83; Richmond 83-9; E Westmoreland 89-92; W Dummerston Vt 92-4; Cummington Mass 94-00; d Cummington 24 D oo NEWELL LENT REYNOLDS; AB; b Troupsburg 28 Jl 27; prep Alfred U; fr Troupsburg Center; co supt schs res Osceola Pa 6 years; ord Tioga u Mr 57; t Wellsboro Acad 58-60; p Covington and Mansfield 60-6; Blossburg 66-70; Wells- boro 70-80; Mt Pleasant 80-90; Pueblo Col 90-6; Wellsboro Pa 96-05; ret Wells- boro 05-6; Los Angeles Cal 06-11; Riverside u-; ad Arlington Station, Riverside,. Cal COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1853 73 *MADISON RIDDLEBARGER; AB; fr Kansas City Mo; Wesleyan U 50-2: res Fayette Mo; editor paper Col; d Col *HENRY LIVINGSTON SIMPSON; AB; s 55; b Columbia co 10 S 24; prep GS; fr Schenectady; ord Jl 56; p Cincinnati O 56-60: Chatham CW 60-3; miss Free Miss Society Memphis Tenn 65-6; p Cincinnati O 66-9; pres and agent American Bapt Consolidated Miss Conv 69-7 1 ; p Savannah Ga 7 1-7 ; Afton 77-8 ; Savannah 78-8 1 ; d Savannah 8 Mr 81 .ALANSONTILDEN;AB; AM; b Verona 29 Jl 28; prep Verona Acad; fr Leesville; ord Troupsburg 19 Jl 54; p Troupsburg 53-8; E Cameron 57-64; Woodhull 58-61 ; chaplain 59th NY volunteers 65; p Howard 65-9; Flushing Mich 69-73; Coopers Plains NY 73-8 ; E Smithfield Pa 78-83 ; Covington and Sullivan State Road 83-5 ; Tioga Center NY 85-8; Enfield Center 88-91; Port Byron 91-8; sup E Smithfield Pa 99-05; ret Waverly NY 05-; ad 213 Clinton Av, Waverly, NY *JOSEPH JULIAND BABCOCK; || 51-2; s 54; b Brookfield 19 S 25; fr Brookfield; ord Jay 23 O 54; p Jay 54-64; p in western Va 64-5; d western Va 7 Je 65 *!RA WARNER BUELL; 50-3; b Lebanon 9 D 30; prep Hamilton Acad; fr Hamilton; studied law Hamilton 52-3; prin Medina Acad 54-5; studied law Rochester 55; adm to bar Rochester S 55; prac law Rochester 55-6; Chicago 111 56-06; city at- torney Chicago 6 1 ; d Chicago 14 Ja 06 GEORGE THEODORE DOUGHERTY; 50-1; AB Union 53; AM; frNew York; res New York *EZRA JOB FISH; 49-50; AB UR 53; DD KalC 74; b Macedon 29 S 28; prep GS; fr Medina; RTS 53-4; agent ABU 55; p Lima Ind 55-6; ord Sturgis Mich 21 Jl 56; p Sturgis 56-64; Lima Ind; Adrian Mich 64-73; sup Bronson and Colon 74-7; p Lansing 77-8; sup Bronson and Colon 78-80; p Allegan 80-2; ret Bronson 82-90; d Bronson 22 Ja 90 W H GIFFORD; 50-1; fr Dewitt ALEXANDER GRIMES; 49-52; fr Elgin 111 * JAMES E HADNETT: || 51-2; AM 59; b Constableville 15 O 29; prep GS; fr Constable- ville; bus Petersburg Va 53-7; studied law New York 57-9; adm to bar New York My 59; prac law New York 59-74; d New York 27 N 74 *DANIEL ELLIOTT LENT; 49-50; AB UR 59; b Towanda Pa 21 Je 25; prep GS; fr Towanda; RTS 59-60; manufacturer thermometers and barometers Rochester 60-91; d Rochester 3 Je 91 * JAMES JOHNSON MC!NTIRE; 49-50; AB UR 53; b Franklin 22 S 27; prep GS; fr Olean ; RTS 53-4; ord Pembroke Je 54; p Pembroke 54-6; Berlin Wis 56-60; Water- town 60-2; Waterloo 62-4; chaplain 49th regiment Wis volunteers 64-5; p and prin acad Marshall Wis 65-8; p and prin acad Walworth 68-9; prin public sens Harvard 111 69-70; miss Dak 70-4; supt public instruction and p Finlay Dak 74-6; miss Dak 76-8; p and t Floyd la 79; t Jamesville 80-1 ; p Shellrock 82-3; sup and t Hurley Dak 84-5; p W Lincoln 85-91; Spencer 91-8; miss res Madison 98-?; res E Sioux Falls; d E Sioux Falls 20 D 02 *EDWARD JACKSON MCKENDRIE; 49-5; AB UR 54; RTS 56; b 28 or 31; prep GS; fr Morrisville; res Morrisville; d i Je 92 DAVID SCOFIELD; 48-53; prep GS; fr New Canaan Ct 7 4 COLLEGE ALUMN 1 : 1853 *GEORGE HENRY WATROUS; 50-1 ; AB Yale 53; b Bridgewater Pa 26 Ap 29; fr Conk- lin NY; studied law Yale LS 53-5; adm to bar New Haven 55; prac law New Haven 55-89; counsel New York and New Haven Railroad Co; Hartford and New Haven Railroad Co 64-72; New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co 72-9; pres 79-87; d New Haven 5 Jl 89 1854 *EDWARD RUTLEDGE BATES; AB; AM; b Utica 12 Ag 34; fr Utica; studied law Utica 54-6; adm to bar, NY 56; prac law Utica 56-8; city attorney Utica; prac law St Louis Mo 58-66; d St Louis 21 S 66 * JONAS HOLLAND BROWN; AB; AM; s 56; fr Seville 0; ord Painesville 26 N 56; p Painesville 56-8; d Hamilton NY 27 Je 58 "HARVEY DUDLEY BURLINGHAM; AB; AM; MD C of Phys and Surgeons, New York 57; b Pike (later Genesee Falls) 14 Jl 33; fr Genesee Falls; studied med Plainfield NJ and C of Phys and Surgeons New York 54-7; prac med and phys to Northern Dispensary New York 58-61 ; asst surgeon US navy 61-3; passed asst surgeon 63-4; prac med Galesburg 111 64-71; chief phys Blackwell's Island, New York 72; prac med Plainfield NJ 72-86; d Plainfield 15 Mr 86 *DEWITT CLINTON CRONK; AB; AM; s 56; b Somers n Ag 31; fr Sing Sing (Ossining); graduate student s 56-7; agt ABU 57-63; inv Sing Sing 63-70; d Sing Sing 7 Ap 70 *LEWIS HOWE DAVIS; AB; b Amsterdam 19 Ag 33; prep Amsterdam Acad; fr Amsterdam; studied law Utica 54-5; adm to bar Syracuse S 55; prac law Utica 55-6; Chicago 111 56-66; magistrate 58-9; police court judge 60-2; US pension agent 64-6; insurance bus (Davis and Shepherd) 66-08; fire commissioner 71-4; d Chicago 4 N 08 *SILAS BELDEN GREGORY; AB; AM; s 56; b Sand Lake 28 O 26; fr Sand Lake; ord Little Falls 12 N 56; p Little Falls 56-65; miss Portsmouth Va 65-6; pres Way- land S, Washington DC 66-9; p Niles Mich 69-70; Whitesboro NY 70-2; pres Leland U, New Orleans La 72-4; dist sec ABHMS New York 74-5; p Lansingburg 75-6; Sacramento Cal 76-80; d Sacramento 7 My 80 *MOSES HEATH; AB; AM; b Kingwood NJ 13 My 27; fr Flemington; ULg5i-3; t Flemington NJ 55-6; ord Flemington S 56; p McKeesport Pa 56-^9; Belle- plaine Minn and Jordan 59-65; Anoka 65-7; p and t Hastings 67-8; prin Hatboro Acad, Pa 68-72; prin Wyoming Institute, Del 72-81; supt Bapt city miss and t Wilmington 82-96; t Wilmington 96-00; d Wilmington 3 Ap oo MAY HUNTINGTON; AB; AM; s 56; b Western 29 Mr 29; fr Rome; ord N Ben- nington Vt 238 56; pN Bennington 56-60; Canton NY 60-3; Seneca Falls 63-4; Sardinia 64-7; Bucyrus O 67-71 ; Niles Mich 71-8; Grass Lake 78-80; Greenville 80-2; Howell 82-4; Galion O 85-7; Niles Mich 87-92; Plymouth 92-5; d Ply mouth 23 F 95 *THOMAS MESSITER IND; AB; AM;s 56;bTetbury England 27!) 26; prep GS; Utica; ord Utica 26 Ag 56; in charge Burlington U, la 56-8; miss p ABHMS Bur- lington 57-9; agent Burlington U in US and England 59-61; pFarmington, Eng- land 62; Corsham, near Bath 63-6; Litchfield 111 67-70; agent ABU 67; inv Mar- gate, Kent co, England 70-00; Cinque Ports magistrate about 10 years: guard ian at Minster many years; d Margate 24 Ag oo COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1854 75 *PETER FRANKLIN JONES; AB; AM; 554; fr Kalamazoo Mich ; ord; chaplain in civil war; p Port Jefferson NY; Catskill; Union Hill NJ; d New York 2 Ap 87 "HORACE BRONSON LOOMIS; AB; fr Manlius; d Stockton Cal 24 Ag 93 *ELIAL JAY RICE; AB; b Somerset Vt 18 D 22; fr Sullivan O; t Sullivan; Savannah Acad; pres U of Ks; Baker U, Baldwin; p ME Trinidad Col; d Trinidad 7 Ap 72 *ABIJAH RITTENHOUSE; AB; AM; b Hunterdon co NJ 20825; fr Flemington; t Lowville NY; Philadelphia Pa; State NS, NJ; inv 61; supt schs Hunterdon co; oil bus Pa 64-7; prin Reed Institute 67-70; proprietor and prin Union Classical Acad, Reedsburg 70-?; d Col before 92 *DERWIN WELTON SHARTS; AB; AubTS 57; b Oxford 31 Ag 30; fr Madison; s 54-5; ord Presb Greenville 23 S 57; p Maiden 57-9; p Cong Suspension Bridge 59- 60; Madison 60-5; Solon O 65-8; p Presb Cleveland 68-71 ; Owosso Mich 71-4; res Owosso 74-91 ; member legislature 77-9; d Owosso 4 Ap 91 *WALTER NEWTON WYETH; AB; AM; s 56; DD FC 76; b Wendell Mass 17 My 33; fr Sylvania O; Granv 50-2; ord Montrose Pa 18 Mr 57; p Montrose 57-8; Portsmouth O 58-60; Sunbury 6o~3;>with Christian Commission 63-5; p McCon- nellsville 65-9; Osborn 69-70; Wabashlnd 7o-i;Bucyrus 071-2; part proprietor and an editor Journal and Messenger, and sup, res Indianapolis Ind and Cincin- nati 072-87; res Philadelphia Pa 88-99; wrote several miss books 88-99; d Phila- delphia 20 O 99 JOHN H CRAWFORD; 50-1; fr Erieville * JAMES BRADLEY FORD; 52-3; AB AmC 54; AM 57; MD UMich 57; b 27; fr Lyme O; studied med UMich 54-7; prac med Norwalk O 57-96; d Norwalk 96 *LuciAN L GAGE; 51-2; AB UR 54; RTS 56; b New Woodstock 28 F 30; prep Caze- novia; fr New Woodstock; ord Frewsburg 29 O 56; p Frewsburg 56-7; DeRuyter 57-62; Parma 62-4; Alabama 64-7; Somonauk 111 67-70; Tama City la 70-1; RiponWis 71-3; Allegan Mich 76-7; Galesburg 78; Concord 79; Dexter 79-81; Jonesville 82 ; ss DeRuyter NY 82-97; ret New Woodstock 97-9; d New Wood- stock 24 S oo HENRY HUNT; 50-1; fr Enfield *HARVEY S HUTCHINS; || 52-3; MD NY Med C 69; b Manlius 30; prep Hamilton Acad; fr Lebanon; mercantile bus Buffalo 54-66; d Jl 71 HORACE STOWELL HUTCHINS; 51-3; AM 62; MD New York Homoeopathic Med C 6 1 ; b Manlius 5 Ja 29; prep Hamilton Acad; fr Lebanon; res San Francisco 53; t Nevada City Nev 53-7; merchant Buffalo NY 57-9; prac med Batavia 61-; ad 215 E Main St, Batavia, NY *RICHARD S JOHNSON; || 52-3; b Stanhope NJ 20 Ap 25; prep ShC; fr Canton; sup Tremont 53-4; ord Canton F 54; t Mt Pleasant la; agent for Burlington U; p Gales- burg 111 61-2; chaplain US army 62; Duquoin 62-5; Independence Mo 65-7; Carthage 111 2 years; Chanute Ks 71; Tioga 72; Pittsfield 111 72-?; Cherryvale Ks;inv Ottawa 91-07; d Ottawa 10 Mr 07 JOHN LAGRANGE; || 53-4; s 56; fr Vestal; ord Tioga Center 28 Ja 57; p Tioga Center 56-9; Windham 59-60; res Vestal Center 60-1; Windham 61-2; p Vestal Center 63-5 * WILLIAM WITTER MEECH; || 53-4; AM 60; b N Stonington Ct 23 Je 25; prep Ct Lit Institution, Suffield; fr Preston; ord N Lyme 2 Je 50; p Colchester and N Lyme 76 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1854 49-53; agent ABU 54-6?; p Anthony RI 56; Long Plain Mass 57-60; Burlington NJ 60-2; chaplain US army 62-6; p Oil City Pa 67-8; Jersey Shore 68-71; miss work Cumberland Md 72; supt Md industrial sch for girls 72-5; p Vineland NJ 75-02 ; d Holly Beach 2 Ja 02 *C H REMINGTON; 50-2; AM 58; b 27; prep GS; fr Parma O; p Muscatine la 59-61 ; chaplain nth la regiment 62-3; p Joliet 111 65-9; Sparta Wis 69-70; Clinton la 70-2; Piqua O 72-4; Howell Mich in 79; Eldorado Ks 81-5; res Washington DC ?-04; d Washington 22 My 04 FRANCIS L ROBBINS; 50-1; fr Camillus 1855 *AUGUSTUS WASHINGTON ALEXANDER; AB; b Spring Valley O 8 Ag 32; fr Spring Valley; Granv 51-3; prac law St Louis Mo 58-68; editor daily newspaper 62; city counsellor St Louis 66; ret Glencoe 68-78; prac law St Louis 78-93; ret Glencoe 93-05 ; d Glencoe i F 05 * JAMES LADD ANDRUS; AB; AM; s 57; b Lebanon 2 Je 17; prep pd UMich; fr Hartland; ord Martinsburg NY 6 Ja 58; p Martinsburg 57-?; Howard 61-2; agent ABU Mich; p Towanda Pa; Wilkesbarre; d Otisco Mich 4 O 89 ALANSON H BLISS; AB; AM; s 57; b Middlebury Vt 25 F 29; prep Owego Acad, NY; fr Owego; ord Stamford Ct n S 57; p Stamford 57-9; Hamilton Square NJ 59-63; At glen Pa 63-5; in US army 65; p Alloway NJ 66-72; Bridgeton 72-4; Phelps NY 74-?; Flatbush 79-81; Honesdale Pa; Vincentown NJ84-7; ret Neo- desha Ks 87-; ad Neodesha, Ks *EDWIN PIERSON BRIGHAM; BP; s 57; b Madison 11 Ag 28; prep GS; fr Ham- ilton; ord Shushan 3 S 57; p Shushan 57-9; Manlius 59-61; Camillus 61-2; Penn Yan 63-7; Wappingers Falls 68-70; Leroy 70-6; New Woodstock 77-84; Deposit 84-90; Canisteo 90-8; Conklin Center 98-07; ret Addison 07-1 1 ; d Addison 8 F 1 1 'PHILIP PERRY BROWN; AB; AM; b Smithfield 8 O 23; fr Madison; prin GS 55-63; in US army 63-6; col I57th NY inf 63-5; col 7th US veteran volunteers under Gen Hooker 65-6; bus St Louis Mo 66-8 1; bakery bus 66-?; supt H and L Chase Bag Co ?-8i ; d St Louis 8 Ap 81 * JAMES CHRYSTAL; AB; AM; b New York 20 My 32; prep GS; fr New York; t pd Burlington C, NJ 57; Churchill's Sch, Sing Sing (Ossining) NY 57-8; Gen TS, New York 58-9; ord PE deacon Burlington NJ 20 Jl 59, presbyter 60; rector Brandywine Village Del 59-62; asst rector Westminster Md 62-4; rector Mont- clair NJ 64-7; Baltimore Md 67; Rhinecliff NY 67-8; in Europe 68-9; rector Washington DC 70-1; Jersey City NJ 72-4; W Hoboken 74-6; in Europe 78-9; rector Rahway NJ 79-80; miss worker Jersey City 80-08; instructor in Greek Amity TS, New York 99-08; wrote and translated many theological works; d Jersey City NJ 11 No8 'MARSHALL JAMES LEE DUNBAR ||; b Truxton 8 Mr 24; prep GS; fr Sennett; s 55-6; farmer Minn 56; 111 57-8; ord Tiskilwa Mr 58; farmer NJ 58-60; NY 61-4; p Waterloo Mich 65-71; Okemos and Williamson 7 1-3; Waterloo 74; Aurelius 7 5 -7; Athens 78-9; Augusta 80-2; Ganges 83; Linden 90-1; res Grass Lake 86-10; d Grass Lake n Ja 10 *ABNER DAVIS GORHAM; AB; AM; b N Tisbury Mass 14 Ap 26; prep Worcester Acad; fr Tisbury (now Vineyard Haven); ord E Tisbury 13 N 55; p Nantucket COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1855 77 55-7; Edgartown 57-60; Long Plain 60-2; Wenham 63-91; sup Hamilton 92-4 ret S Hamilton (formerly Wenham Depot) 94-1 i ; d S Hamilton 22 Jl 1 1 *FREEMAN PARKER LANG; AB; AM; b Woodstock NH 13 D 29; prep GS; fr Deerfield NH; s 55-6; ord Westford n Mr 57; p Westford 56-60; W>stport 61- 4; commercial traveller for Fuller, Warren and Co, Troy 64-80; for Richardson, Boynton and Co 80-6; inv 86-0 1 ; res Oneida 64-01 ; d Oneida 7 F 01 JAMES WALKER LEVERETT; AB; b Livermore Me 19 N 30; pr ShC; fr Quincy; t Warren 55-8; lumber bus Salem Neb 59-64; in US army 65; editor Sentinel, Warren 111 65-8; mercantile bus Hillsboro Wis 68-71; farmer Jackson 71-82; lumber bus Sioux Falls SD 82-93; Sabetha Ks 93-6; furniture bus Horton 96-8; fruit bus St Clair co Mo 98-?; bus Council Bluffs la 7-03; ret Council Bluffs 03-; ad 1293 E Pierce St, Council Bluffs, la 'WILLIAM ELY LYON; AB; AM; b Napoli 2 Ap 27; prep GS; fr Jefferson; s 55-6; ord Seville O 23 D 56; p Seville 56-7; W Richfield 57-61 ; sup Bath 57-9 ;N Royal- ton 59-61; miss of Cleveland Assoc 61-3; p Seville 63-6; Clyde 66-70; Saginaw City Mich 70-3; Monroeville O 73-6; sup Hamilton 76-7; p Loudonville 77-9; Gallipolis 79-81 ; Attica and Reed 81-6; Medina 87-92 ; sup Bryn Zion and Frank- lin 92; p Madison 93-4; sup Huntington 94-5; p Lagrange 95-00; sup res Medina 00-6; d Medina 22 Mr 06 ABRAHAM COLES OSBORN; AB; AM; s 58; LLD 05; DD ShC 67; b Scotch Plains NJ 20 F 31 ; prep Gouverneur Wesleyan S, NY; fr N Wilna; t Columbia HS, SC 55-6 ; ord Louisville Ky 21 O 58 ; p Louisville 58-62 ; St Louis Mo 62-9 ; Brooklyn NY 69-73; New York 73-7; N Adams Mass 77-84; Albion NY 84-95; pres Bene- dict C, Columbia SC 95-11; ret N Adams Mass ii-; member Corpn93~; ad 344 Main St, N Adams, Mass *HENRY ELIAS WILLIAM PALMER; AB; b Centerville 15 F 28; prep Genesee Wesleyan S, Lima; fr Centerville; ord Corinth 15 Jl 57; p Corinth 57-61; Parish- ville 61-5; farmer, sup, and acting p, res Montcalm co Mich 65-95; inv Spokane Wash 95-05; d Spokane 15 Ag 05 JEROME BONAPARTE PATCH; AB; AM; fr Milan O; res Mo JOHN FERRIS PATTON; AB; AM; b Cincinnati O 30 Ap 30; fr Cincinnati; Granv 51-2; t Cincinnati 55-8; inv 58-61; commercial traveller 61-6; agent NY Bible Society 66-8 1; ord New York 6 Jl 82; pNew York 82-9; Ebenezer Ind 90- i; Cincinnati O 91-4; ret Newtown 94-; .ad Newtown, O *WILLIAM TERRILL POTTER; AB; AM; s 57; b Madison O i S 24; fr Madison; Granv 51-2; ord Oxford NY 16 D 57; p Oxford 57-64; Yates 64-80; Lagrange 80- 6; Morris 86-8; Thornhiil 88-95; ret Lagrange 95-05; d Lagrange 16 Mr 05 *LANSON STEWARD |j; b New London Ct 30 S 24; prep GS; fr New York; s 55-6; ord Cambridge 24 O 56; p Cambridge 56-61; Port Jefferson 61-7; Port Chester 67-8; Huntington 68-75; Piano 111 77-9; d Piano i Ap 79 WILLIAM STEWART j|; b Cutler Me 18 Je 30; fr Quincy 111; s 55-6; ord Payson 111 6 Ag 56; p Littleton 56-8; Camp Point 58-60; sup Quincy 6o-i;pCamp Point 61-?; fruit farmer Quincy ?-; ad 1249 Main St, Quincy 111 *KELSEY WALLING ||;s 57; b Middletown NJ 15 Ag 30; fr Middletown; ord Brooklyn NY 28 O 57; p Brooklyn 57-9; Millburn NJ 60-3; Burlington 63-71; Beverly 72-8; ev work 78-82; p Philadelphia Pa 82-9; ev work 89-91; p Medford NJ 9i-5; ret Merchantville 95-13; d Merchantville 26 Mr 13 78 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1855 MILAN LESTER WARD; AB; s 58; DD 86; b Meredith 24 D 29; prep Delaware Lit Institute, Franklin; fr Croton; t Norwich 55-6; ord E Worcester 29 D 58; t Southampton Va 58-60; Delaware Lit Institute, Franklin NY 60-2; prin Norwich Acad 62-9; prin pd OttU 69-73; P r f mathematics Ks State Agricultural C 73-83; acting pres 2 years; pres OttU 83-7; prof mathematics 87-05; prof em 05-; city engineer; city councilman; ad 703 S Poplar St, Ottawa, Ks *ANSON R ARNOLD; 51-3; b Fairfield; fr Newport; res Mich; d Mich about oo HAMILTON BIGELOW; 51-2; prep GS; fr Rutland Wis *RUSSELL PITTS BROWN; 51-3; fr Bridgewater; d 53 JAMES CRUIKSHANK; 51-2; LLD U of Ky 62; b Argyle 28 Ag 31 ; prep Albany Acad; fr Ogdensburg; t LI 52-5; in dept of public instruction 55-66; editor NY Teacher 56-67; assoc supt schs Brooklyn 66-72; prin GS No 12 Brooklyn 75-06; prin evening HS 75-90; member council Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Scis; ret Brook- lyn 06-; ad 206 S Oxford St, Brooklyn, NY *JOHN CHARLES EARL; 52-3; b Florida 09; fr Duanesburg; p Duanesburg 43-57; Fort Ann 57-66; N Granville 66-75; Dresden Center; sup N Granville 85; d N Granville 19 Mr 85 M M GARDNER; 51-2; fr Poolville * ANTONIO JOSE GONSALVES; 51-4; prep GS; fr Funchal, Madeira; d St Louis Mo *BENJAMIN GRAY; 52-3; Fairmount TS, O 56; b Sharon ville O, 30; prep pd Granv; fr Sharonville; ord Pekin 111 56; p and t several years; chaplain in US army 63; merchant and bus; d Nappanee Ind 26 Ja 05 *ABIJAH HALL; 51-3; b Leyden 23 D 23; prep New Hampton NH; fr Leyden NY; ord Georgetown 24 Ag 52; p Georgetown 52-5; Baldwinsville 55-6; Boonville; ev res Chatham Mass 56-60; p Chatham 60-2; N Attleboro 62-6; Leominster 66-7; res Leominster 68-9; merchant Boston 69-11; d Roxbury 10 Ja n ALFRED SQUIER HUBBELL; || 52-5; b Utica 12 Ja 34; fr Utica; stove manufacturer Buffalo 30 years; iron smelting Buff aloio years; ret Clarence 04-; ad Clarence, NY WILLIAM BRAMWELL MATCHETT; 51-4; b Geddes 25 Ap 29; prep GS; fr Lansingburg; studied Fairmount TS, O; p New York 55-?; New Albany Ind; Orange NJ; editor NJ Bapt; chaplain loth NY volunteers; work for .freedmen, res Washington DC 65-? ANTHONY SCOTT; 51-5; prep GS; fr Toronto CW; p Can JOHN SCOTT; 51-4; b Wortley, near Leeds, England 13 S 29; prep McGrawville NY, fr Elgin 111; p Dundee; Anoka Minn 64-5 ; studied DS Cambridge Mass 2 years; ord PE deacon 65; priest 67; rector O; NY; Pa; NC; miss to the Onondaga In- dians, NY 87-after 95 * JOSEPH CONGDON WEEDEN; || 54-5; fr Preston Hollow; p Toman Wis in 69; d 97? 1856 CHARLES AGER; AB; b Albany 19 Ja 31; prep Schoharie Acad; fr Esperance; t 56-60; ord Goshen Ind 26 Ja 60; p Goshen 59-63; S Bend 63-6; Aurora 66-78; Goshen 78-80; res Niles Mich 81-; sup Three Oaks 81-3; Cassopolis 83-90: ret 90-; ad Niles, Mich COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1856 79 MARINUS NEWTON ALLEN; AB; AM; b E Smithfield Pa 25 Ja 29; prep Smith- field; fr E Smithfield; t Cortland Acad, Homer NY 56-9; Cortlandville Acad, Cortland 59-60; Wellsboro Acad, Pa 60-4; res Titusville 65-; invented and oper- ated Allen valve 65-7; oil refiner Titusville 67-75; editor and publ Daily Courier, Titusville 70-7; railway builder and operator 77-9; dealer in oil well supplies Titusville and N Clarendon 79-86; PM Titusville 86-90; editorial writer for American Citizen, Titusville 90-8; for Evening Courier, Titusville 98-03; much other work in journalism; leader in the overthrow of the South Improve- ment Co 72 ; contributor to Our Country and Its People concerning artesian well process of mining petroleum; member municipal council Titusville 73; ad Titus- ville, Pa *ROBERT ATKINSON; AB; AM; s 58; b 23; fr Toronto CW; ord Newark NJ; p Newark 58-68; dist sec ABHMS Ks 68-76; pres OttU in 70; proprietor ranch Ottawa 76?-99; proprietor flour mill Kansas City about 80-99; member Ottawa city council 90-9; d Ottawa 16 Ja 99 *DANIEL PRATT BALDWIN; AB; AM; LLD 72; LLB Columbia U 60; LLD Wabash C 72; LLD HamC oo; LHD SyrU 07; b Lenox 22 Mr 37; fr Fenner; HamC 52-5; prac law Logansport Ind 60-85; judge circuit court 70-2; attorney gen Ind 80-2; banker 85-08; membenCorpn 01-4; d Logansport 13 D 08 *MORRIS A BRIGGS; AB; AM; b Lebanon 35; fr Lebanon; t and prospector in west 56-8; appraiser Wis 58; t Batavia 111 58-9; Crystal Lake 59-61; in US army 61-5; ist lieut 36th 111 volunteers 62; in veteran reserve corps at Chicago 62-5; t Lebanon NY 65-7; with Gay and Co Philadelphia Pa 68-?; d Lebanon NY loMy 74 *WILBER MASON BROWN; AB; AM; b Augusta 2 Jl 33; prep Hamilton Acad; fr Madison; graduate student c 56-7; studied law Hamilton 56-9 ; adm to bar 58; prac law Syracuse (Pratt, Mitchell and Brown, Pratt, Brown and Garfield, Fuller, Brown and Garfield) 60-95; res Syracuse 95-8; d Syracuse 27 Ja 98 HORACE MERWIN CARR; AB; AM; s 59; DD KnC 96; b Boston 7 Mr 34; fr Galesburg 111; KnC 52-5; ord Ogdensburg NY 18 N 59; p Ogdensburg 59-61; in US army, chaplain 3d 111 cavalry volunteers and hospital chaplain 61-5; p Bel- videre 111 65-7; Springfield 67-70; Virden 70-5; Columbia O 75-6; Farmington 111 76-7; Downers Grove 77-80; Parsons Ks 80-4; Garden City 84-6; Parsons 86-90; ord PE Topeka 25 Ja 93; rector Chanute 92-00; Parsons, and in gen miss work oo-; ad 1519 Grand Av, Parsons, Ks 'GEORGE BOARDMAN EATON; AB; AM; b Georgetown Ky 10 Je 32; prep Hamilton NY; fr Hamilton; land appraiser Fox and Wis Land Co 56-61 ; inspector custom house New York 61-86; confidential clerk Lincoln National Bank New York 86-04; commission and insurance bus Waterloo Wis 04-6; d Waterloo 12 Ap 06 * JAMES RODOLPHUS EATON; AB; AM; s 58; PhD 76; b Hamilton n D 34; prep GS; fr Hamilton; prof mathematics and natural sci Union U, Murfreesboro Tenn 58-9; prof ancient langs Bethel C, Russellville Ky 59-61; in PO, New York 62-6; prof natural sci U of Public Schs, Louisville Ky 66-9; prof natural sci WJC 69-97; d Cairo, Egypt 20 Mr 97 MOSES GILBERT FELLOWS; AB; AM; b Orange Vt 27 D 25; prep GS; fr George- town; prin Brookfield Acad 56; t Cleveland O 57-8: editor Democratic Union. Hamilton NY 58-9; asst editor NJ Standard, Red Bank 59-60; mana- 8o COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1856 ger Vt Patriot, Montpelier 60; asst editor Democratic Republican, Hamilton NY 62-6; reporter Utica Morning Herald 66-7; half owner Democratic Volunteer, Hamilton 71; clerk in PO, New York 73; editor Parish Mirror, Parish 74; editor and half owner News, Morenci Mich 75; on editorial staff Journal, Lanesboro Minn 76-80; on editorial staff Republican, Preston 80-1; editor and proprietor Journal, Lanesboro 82-5; PM Lanesboro 89-95; ret Lanesboro 95-; ad Lanes- boro, Minn CALEB HATHAWAY GALLUP; BP; LLB Cincinnati C, O 58; b Norwalk O 10 My 34; prep Norwalk; fr Norwalk; studied law Norwalk 56-7; adm to bar, Mich J9 Jl 595 prac law Port Austin Mich 58-70; prosecuting atty and injunction mas- ter Huron co 60-70; dep US marshal 63-5: on editorial staff Huron Co News, Port Austin 65-72; representative in legislature 66-7; res Norwalk O 72-; pro- moting and constructing Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad 73-83; director 77-9; pres Home Savings and Loan Co of Norwalk 88-; pres Firelands Historical So- ciety; libn, curator, and editor of its publications 88-; ad 124 W Main St, Norwalk, O *OLIVER WOLCOTT GATES; AB; b Preston Ct 24 F 30; prep Ct Lit Institution, Suffield; fr Preston; s 56-7; ord Norwich Ct 2 S 57; p Greenville 57-60; Norwalk 61-73; San Diego Cal 73-81; res Putnam .Ct 81-2; Newton Center Mass 82-90; d Southern Pines NC 4 Ap 91 WILLIAM MILTON HARTSHORN; AB; AM; b Lebanon 6 S 32; prep Hamilton Acad; fr Lebanon; prin Susquehanna Acad. Montrose Pa 56-7; studied law Ham- ilton NY 57-8; adm to bar, NY 59; prac law Delhi la and Delaware 59-73; Ham- ilton NY 73-87; Delaware la 87-92; prac law and real estate dealer Sioux Falls SD 92-08; ret Sioux Falls 08-12; Hamilton NY 12-; ad Hamilton, NY * JAMES EDWIN HATCH; AB; b W Eaton 3 O 34; prep GS; fr Eaton; prin Cin- cinnatus Acad, Cortland 56-7; farmer W Eaton 58-9; miller W Eaton 59-85; fanner and surveyor W Eaton 85-12; d W Eaton 3 F 12 *THOMAS ROSLING HOWLETT; AB; AM; s 58; DD u; b Hoddenham, Cam- bridgeshire, England 19 Mr 27; prep Cleveland O; fr Cleveland; ord New Bruns- wick NJ 58?; p New Brunswick 58-9; Albany NY 59-61; Trenton NJ 61-3; Washington DC 63-9; Hudson NY 69-?; Plainfield NJ in 74; Philadelphia Pa 85-90; Doylestown 90-1; ret Philadelphia 91-8; d Philadelphia 22 F 98 *ELI BLAKESLEE LAW; AB; b Westmoreland 18 Ap 30; prep GS; fr Westmore- land; s 56-7; ord Hampton Falls NH 28 O 57; p Hampton Falls 57-8; Durham- ville NY 58-9; Burlington Wis 60-5; Tafton (now Bloomington) Wis 65-7; Hanni- bal NY 68-72; Bartlett 72-7; ret Bartlett 77-08; Brooklyn 08-10; d Brooklyn 16 Jl 10 HINTON SUMMERFIELD LLOYD; AB;AM; s 58; DD 80; bNewYork 7 Ja 33 ; fr Salisbury; ord Johnstown 9 D 58; miss p Johnstown 58-9; p Peekskill 59-61; Waterford 61-3; chaplain in US army 63-5; p Port Jervis 65-9; Waverly 69-77; cor sec BES Hamilton 77-07; treasurer 87-07: cor and financial sec 07-; lecturer s 86-; ad Hamilton, NY *ALBERT RUSSELL NEWTON; AB; b Warren 20 Ap 26; prep GS; fr Janesville Wis; ord Farmington 111 7 Ja 57: p Farmington 56-67; Seneca 68-9; Geneseo 69-76; Grant Park 76-82; Farmington 82-4; Carthage 84-9; Tonica 89-96; financial agent 111 Manual Training Sen for Dependent Boys, Glen wood 96-06; d Tonica 12 Mr 06 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1856 81 * WILLIAM LED YARD PALMER; AB; AM; s 59; b Lenox 21 Jl 20; prep GS; fr Clockville; ord Lenox 8 Ja 51; p Lenox 51-9; Poultney Vt 59-65; W Cornwall 65-70; Middletown Springs 70-9; Manchester Mich 79-82; Norvell 82-96; ret Brooklyn NY 96-12; d Brooklyn Ap 12 *THOMAS PATTISON; AB; AM; s 63; fr New Canaan Ct; t Northeast Md 56-7; English Commercial C, Havana Cuba 57-61 ; New Providence NJ 63-5; Lexington Ky 65-6; with Schofield, Marder and Co, and Marder, Luse and Co, type founders, Chicago 111 66-9; fanner Dalton Ga 69-73; P^n Woodbury Acad, Ct 73-6; with Marder, Luse and Co, and American Type Founder Co Chicago 76-about 12; d Chicago about 12 "ISAAC NEWTON PEASE; AB; AM; s 58; b Windsor 25 My 27; prep GS; fr Panama; ord Boston 17 Ag 59; p Boston 59-60; Busti 60-3; Panama 64-7; inr Panama 67-71; p Sherman 71-6; Royalton 77-81; conducted summer boarding house Point Chautauqua 81-07; d Sherman 12 F 07 JOHN DEMING POPE; AB; b Edmeston 9 Ja 29; prep GS; fr Edmeston; s 56-7; ord Edmeston 14 Ag 57; p St Paul tyLinn 57-66; sup Madison Wis 66-7; p Peoria 111 67-8; Norwich NY 68-73; St John NB 73-8; Tully NY 79-81 ; Lee Mass 81-99; sup Garfield NJ, Paterson, Athenia, Huntington WVa, Ottawa Ks, Berwyn 111, Saxtons River Vt 99-; res Lynn Mass 09-; ad 5 Cabbet Place, Lynn, Mass WILLIAM AUGUSTUS SMITH; AB; RTS 58; b Sidney NJ 28 Je 29; prep pd ULg; fr Somerville NJ; acting p Williamsport Pa 58-9; ord Burlington NJ 30 Je 59; p Burlington 59-61; educational work Bergen Heights 62-8; p Wellsboro Pa and Stony Fork 68-9; Canton O 69-77; Stroudsburg Pa 77-84; Junction NJ and Wash- ington 84-8; Washington 88-95; ret Newark 95-; ad 127 N 5th St, Newark, NJ *WILLIAM BOWDOIN SMITH; BP; s 56; b Salem Mass 21 O 25; prep Salem; fr Norwich Ct; ord Hudson NY 4 S 56; p Hudson 56-9; Upper Alton 111 59-62; Benton 62-9; Long Island City NY 69-72; Everett Mass 72-4; Penacook NH 74- 9; W Woodstock Ct 79-85; Rockport Mass 86-91 ; Colerain 92-7; ret Germantown Pa 97-07; d Germantown 20 Ja 07 *ELI WILLIAM STONE; AB; AM; b Owego 4 D 36; fr Owego; t GS 56-7; in US army 61; prof rhetoric and belles lettres 61-2; banker Owego 62-98; treasurer Tioga co 73-82; d Owego 12 O 98 *ROBERT LEGRAND THATCHER; AB; fr Sidney; res Albion in 92; d Albion 29 S 99 CYRUS FISHER TOLMAN; AB; AM; s 58; DD Central U, la 87; b Meridian 25 O 32; fr Sandwich 111; ShC 51-3; ord New York n O 58; miss ABMU Nowgong Assam 58-62; p Lawrence Mass 62-4; Ft Madison la 64-6; dist sec ABMU, res Chicago 111 66-00; ret Chicago 00-5; p Chicago 05-; ad 531 Douglas Place, Chi- cago, 111 *WILLIAM NORMAN WILBUR; AB; b Griswold Ct 28 N 25; prep Ct Lit In- stitution, Suffield; fr Preston; t Saxtons River Vt 56-7; ord Saxtons River 11 F 58; p Saxtons River 58-73; financial agent Vt Acad, res Saxtons River 73-83; p New- port 84-8; financial agent Vt Acad, res Saxtons River 88-91; inv Saxtons River 93-4; d Saxtons River 30 Mr 94 JOHN HENRY CHAPMAN; 42-4, 53-4; fr Cassville; BU 45-7 JOSEPH C CRANDALL; 52-3; prep GS; fr Grafton 82 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1856 JOHN CRAWFORD; 52-4; fr Chicago 111 HOWARD MALCOM DAY; 52-3; theological dept ShC 68; b Vizapatnam India 6 Je 36; prep Cortland Acad, NY; fr Nellore Hindustan; book bus 53-6; t Brock, Ontario co, Can 56-62; in i57th NY volunteers 627-3; t Empire 111 63-4; ord St Charles Minn 1 1 F 69; p St Charles 68-71 or later *WILLIAM ICRIN GILL; 52-3; AM 63; RTS 58; b Bradford England 10 Mr 31; prep GS; fr Sing Sing (Ossining); UR 53-6; ord Rhinebeck 2 S 58; p Rhinebeck 58-9; St Joseph Mo 59-60; Port Jervis NY 61-2; Essex Ct 63-6; p ME Newark NJ 68-74; P r t Richmond NY 76-80; Lawrence Mass; Boston 80-8; editor Christian Sci Journal, and NE Magazine 80-8; p Asbury Park NJ 89-95; lit work Asbury Park 95-02 ; d Neuvitar, Cuba 4 Mr 02 *FRANK J GLAZIER; 52-4; fr Stratton Vt; d 54 *R B GODFREY; 52-3; b 31; prep GS; fr Norwich; ord Windsor 28 Mr 60; d To- peka Ks 25 O ii *COTESWORTH PINKNEY HEAD; 52-3; b Lebanon 5 D 33; prep Hamilton Acad; fr Lebanon; t Leroy Acad; Tenn; adm to bar, Ark; prac law Ark; col CSA; mining Mont, Cal and Ariz about 65-87; merchant Ariz; d Oakland Cal Ag 87 GEORGE HOWELL; 52-3; fr Pontipool, Wales *CHARLES DAVIS LEWIS; || 53-6; b Tyre 5 Ap 30; prep GS; fr Hornby; chaplain ist NY veteran cavalry 63-5; messenger with American Express Co Rochester 69-96; inv 96-08; d New Brighton 2 F 08 *AARON CLEMENT LYON; 52-4; s 60; AM BU 57; b Bedford 2 D 33; prep Un Acad, Bedford; fr Bedford; prin Racine HS, Wis 57-8; ord Fayetteville NY 14 N 60; p Fayetteville 60-6; Amenia 66-7; inv 67-75; p Millerton 75-81; inv 81-3; p Newmarket NJ 83-4; Lake Placid NY 84-5; Fayetteville 86-91; ret 91-6; d Clif- ton Springs 22 Mr 96 GEORGE BACON MUZ^Y; 52-5; fr Owego *JOHN B THOMAS PATTERSON; || 54-6; h AB 58; s 58; b Baltimore Md 2 My 33; fr Baltimore; ord 28 O 58; miss Cumberland; p Wilmington NC ?-6o; Walnut Grove Va 60-?; miss in confederate army 62-?; pr Nottoway and Lunenburg cos Va; p Burgess and Taylorsville 67-8; Walnut Grove 68-75; Scottsville 75-?; Wooster O; N Fan-field; Huron ?-8i; Rock Island 111 81-2; d Rock Island 2 O 82 FRANCIS THEOPIJILUS PIERCE; || 54-6; b Hamilton 4 Mr 37; fr Hamilton; farmer Hamilton 56-; member Corpn 83-; ad Hamilton NY *JOHN PYNE; || 54-5; b Leicester England 21 Ja 13; fr Hamilton NY; mason Hamilton 55-95; d Hamilton 19 Jl 95 'ROBERT JONES REYNOLDS; 52-3; b Knox 14 Ja 30; prep GS; fr Westerlo; t St Law- rence co 53-9; ord New Woodstock 59; p New Woodstock 59-?; Clyde in 73; Prattsburg in 75; Ames la 78-9; d Ames 8 Ag 79 'THOMAS BENJAMIN ROBERTS; || 54-6; b Chanceville (now New Monmouth) NJ 17 Mr 38; prep GS; fr Chanceville; farmer Chanceville 56-9; bus Minn 59-61; in ist Wis cavalry 62-5; ist lieut; with Continental Fire Insurance Co, New York 65- 10; d New York 16 F 10 SAMUEL B SEAMAN; 52-3; prep GS; fr New York HENRY S STEVENS; 52-3; prep GS; fr Middletown Ct; p Cromwell 57-62; chaplain US army 62-?; p Cromwell 71- 82 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1856 83 *CARLOS SWIFT; 54-5; bFabius 12 Ja 29; fr Clinton; studied Union (x52) ; ord S Tren- ton 8 N 51 ; p Clinton 53-6; Waterville 56-60; Madison 60-4; Mt Carroll 111 64-7; Faribault Minn 67-8; Normal 111 68-70; York 70-1; Kewanee 72-4; Aurora 74-5; Camanche la 75-7; with ABPS Chicago 111 77-92?; ret Madison Wis 92?-7; d Madison 9 Mr 97 *MELVIN TRIPP; 52-3; b DeRuyter 4 S 30; prep Hamilton; fr DeRuyter; bus Ham- ilton 53-09; cabinet work 53-60; grocery bus many years from 60; d Hamilton 29 S 09 ELIAS HOMER UNDERWOOD; || 54-5; b Clymer 13 O 27; fr Kingsville O; SS miss northern 111 55?-9; sup Clinton 59-60; ord Lee Mr 60; p Lee 60-2; Oxford 62-4; miss ASSU la 64-71 or later; res Ottawa 111 in 94 1857 *NATHANIEL A ADAMS; BP; fr Chenango Forks; major in civil war; US pen- sion agent; res Manhattan Ks ?~9i ; member Ks legislature several terms *MOSES HAWKES BARKER; AB; b^Gouverneur 2 My 29; fr Richville; ord Know- lesville 10 N 58; p Knowlesville 58-61; Pittsford 61-5; Dansville 65-8; Canton 68; Adams 68-75; Friendship 76-84; Chamberlain SD 84-8; Fargo 88-9; Hudson; d Evanston 111 28 Je 1 1 JOHN ROSS BAUMES; AB; AM; s 59; DD 74: DD FC 74; b Carlisle 28 D 33; prep GS; fr Duanesburg; ord Westfield Mass 28 D 59; p Westfield 59-61 ; chaplain 6ist NY volunteers 61-2; p New London Ct 62-3; sup 63-5; p Springfield O 65-71; editor Journal and Messenger, Cincinnati 71-6; travelled 77-8; editor Bapt Quarterly Review 79-85; lit work 85-92; educational and lit work 92-03; lit work 03-; ad Box 82, Station H, Cincinnati, O *EDWIN DANIEL BENTLEY; AB; AM; s 59; b Stonington Ct 29 O 29; prep GS; fr Stonington Ct; ord Willimantic 20 O 59; p Willimantic 59-65; gen miss ABHMS to Mo 65-6; p Lawrence Ks 66-8; Morristown NJ 68-73; Norwalk Ct 73-81; Brooklyn NY 81-3; Westerly RI 83-6; ret E Orange NJ 86-99; d E Or- ange 3 Ap 99 *SIMEON P BROWN; BP; s 58; b Masonville 2 My 32; fr Deposit; ord Scott Pa 17 F 59; p several chs; in army of Potomac 64; d Winchester Va from wounds received at battle of Cedar Creek 3 D 64 *EDWIN CONSTANT CADY; AB; AM; s 59; b Brooklyn Ct i N 33; prep Mt Pleasant HS, la; fr Danville ord St John NB 4 D 59; p St John 59-70; gen miss work NB 70-1 ; p Washington la 71-3 ; Ft Madison 73-4; Glenwood 74-6; centennial agent Burlington U 76; p Roseville 111 76-81 ; Toulon 81-5; El Paso 85-90; Wood- stock 90-2; Cazenovia and Roanoke 92-3; Rozetta 93-7; agent ABMU and ABHMS 97; p Stronghurst and Carman 97-00; Carman, res Monmouth 00-6; d Monmouth 25 Je 06 GORDON ALEXANDER DAUGHARTY; AB; AM; s 59; b Osnabruck Ont 5 Je 30; prep Ogdensburg NY; fr Ogdensburg; ord Ogdensburg 18 N 59; p W Win- chester Ont 59-60; Thurso PQ, and Clarence Ont 60-3; Canton NY 63-5; Hender- son 65-6; Kingston Ont 66-8; St George 68-71; Leamington 71-4; inv Leam- ington 74-; ad Leamington, Ont, Can * WILLIAM DUNBAR; AB; AM; s 59; b Albany 24 Mr 29; prep Hamilton Acad; fr Chesterville; ord Bennettsburg 14 D 59; p Bennettsburg 59-61; Milo 61-3 ; 84 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1857 Prattsburg 63-7; Sennett 67-70; Northeast Pa 70-4; Westfield NY 74-6; Holley 76-9; ret Penn Yan 82-95; d Penn Yan 14 Je 95 LORENZO FISH; AB; fr Salem Ct *JAMES RUSSELL HASWELL; AB; AM; s 59; b Amherst Burma 4 S 36; prep GS; fr Amherst Burma; ord Troy NY S 59; miss ABMU in Burma, res Moulmein 59-77; in US, res Clinton NY, Sherburne, and Wilmington Del 66-9; editor Bur- mese Messenger; d Moulmein Burma 20 My 77 *EDMUND OTIS HOVEY; AB; AM; PhD 84; b Norwich Vt 24 My 29; prep GS; fr New Rochelle; s 57-8; prin Amsterdam Acad 58-9; W Winfield Acad 59-64; Mc- Grawville Acad 64-5; Rome Acad 65-8; Canandaigua Female S; insurance agent Utica 68-71 ; prin Newark HS, NJ 71-98; em 98-02; d Newark 23 F 02 *WILBER MORGAN INGERSOLL; BP; s 59; b Evans 7 Mr 28; prep Westfield Acad; fr Cleveland O; ord Youngstown 20 Je 60; p Youngstown 59-72; Washing- ton DC 72-7; Bridgeport Ct 77-82; Washington DC 82-5; Cleveland O 85-8; sup res E Cleveland 88-11; d Cuyahoga Falls 12 Ag u *HORACE JENKINS; AB; AM; s 59; DD oo; b Ashfield Mass 13 D 32; prep GS; fr Conway Mass; ord Jersey City NJ O 59; miss ABMU in China 59-08; res Ning- po 60-70; Shao-hing 70-1 ; Hang-chow 71-3; Shao-hing 74-08; in charge of E China Bapt TS, Shao-hing 87-08; wrote and translated much; d Shao-hing 25 My 08 GEORGE WILLIAM LASHER; AB; AM; s 59; DD 74; LLD Georgetown C 08; b Duanesburg 24 Je 31; prep Hamilton Acad; fr Duanesburg; ord Norwalk Ct 30 859; p Norwalk 59-61; chaplain 5th Ct volunteer inf 61; p Newburgh NY 62-4; Haverhill Mass 64-8; Trenton NJ 68-72; sec BES 72-5; travelled in Europe 75; editor and proprietor Journal and Messenger, Cincinnati O 76-; acting p Madison- ville 77-81 ; ad 422 Elm St, Cincinnati, O WILLIAM PARKINSON MOON; AB; AM; MD Philadelphia Med C, Pa 59; b Schenectady 24 S 25; prep GS; fr Kalamazoo Mich; studied Philadelphia Med C, Pa 57-60; prac med Philadelphia 60-85; City Point Fla winters 84-98; Couders- port Pa 98-10; med officer in US hospital 61-4; ist asst phys Pa Hospital for In- sane, Philadelphia 69-84; inv Philadelphia 10-; ad Coudersport, Pa *FERRIS SCOTT; AB; b South East 8 My 30; prep GS; fr Rahway NJ; prin Brook- field Acad, NY 57-8; ord Brookfield Jl 58; prof Female C, Brownsville Tenn 59-60; p Seneca Falls NY 60-4; chaplain i48th regiment NY volunteers 63-5; t Phelps 65-6; p Hamlin 66-71; New Durham 71-5; t New Durham 75-9; d New York 10 My 79 WILLIAM CLARK TILDEN; AB; AM 80; b Lebanon Ct i My 29; prep GS; fr Forest Lake Pa; ord Birchardville n N 57; p Forest Lake and Middletown 57-79; Liberty 58-71; Rush 70-5; t Montrose 68-9; prin Keystone Acad, Factoryville 79-80; p Hallstead 80-2; Forest Lake 82-; Middletown 90-01; ad Birchardville, Pa *SAMUEL STYLES UTTER; AB; AM; s 59; b N Granville 7 Ja 30; prep GS; fr Ogdensburg; ord Greenwich 20 S 59; p Shakopee Minn 59-61; Mexico NY 62-3; Parma 63-6; Morrisville 66-70; Johnson Creek 71; Northfield Minn 72-7 ; Fari- bault 78-9; Goodwin Dak 80-2; Spring Valley Minn 82-3; Lodi Wis 83-5; Man- chester NY 86-9; DeRuyter 89-90; Croton 90-3; ret Brooklyn 93-12; d Brooklyn 8 F 12 *EDMUND PENDLETON WEED; AB; AM; s 59; b Hyde Park 4 Ap 27; prep Fairfield Acad; fr Hyde Park; ord Halfmoon 13 N 58; p Halfmoon 58-60; Corn- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1857 85 wall 60-5; Lafargeville 65-7; Carthage 67-74; Gouverneur 74-6; Adams 76-81; Baldwinsville 81-5; Clifton Park 85-00; sup Halfmoon 00-2; ret Johnstown 02-9; d Johnstown 8 Ap 09 'REUBEN HOUGH WEEKS; AB; AM; s 59; b Schenectady i S 33; prep ShC; fr Troy NY; ord Troy 6 S 59; p Monticello Minn 59-63; Henrietta NY 63-6; Carl- ton 66-9; Sand Lake 69-80; Leesville 80-5; Milford Center 85-9; Pitcher 89-92; d Pitcher 15 Je 92 'HENRY OSBORN WHEELER; AB; b E Bloomneld 23 My 31 ; fr E Bloomfield; t Bowling Green Ky; farmer Clinton NY; commission bus Hamilton 62-8; farmer Yates 68-77; member Corpn 66-77; d Yates 5 Ag 77 *CHARLES FREDERICK ANDERSON; 53-4; b Gothenburg Sweden 16 Jl 28; prep Ham- ilton Acad, NY; fr Philadelphia Pa; UR 54-5; farmer Rockford 111 55-7; Rochester Minn 57-8; t 58-61; book bus Rochester 61-79; farmer Watertown Dak 79-81; adm to bar Watertown 28 Je 81; j>rac law Watertown 81-5; adm to bar Minne- apolis Minn 28 N 85; prac law Los Angeles Cal 85-02; ret Minneapolis Minn 02- 4; d Minneapolis 24 Ag 04 *MOSES HAWKS BLISS; 55-6; AB Union 57; b Stratford 19 My 30; prep Fairfield Acad; fr Salisbury; studied law Herkimer 57-9; adm to bar Syracuse 7 Ap 59; prac law Syracuse 59-61; in Co B 44th NY inf 61-4; inv Salisbury Center 64-8; prac law Ft Dodge la 68-87 ; clerk of courts Ft Dodge 10 years; ret Pasadena Cal 87-05; d Pasadena 27 Ap 05 *SAMUEL BARTON BURCHARD; 53-5; b Hamilton 6 Ap 36; fr Hamilton; prin New Windsor S, Md 57-8; merchant and manufacturer Oswego NY 60-00; collector and dep collector internal revenue 70-87; dealer in investment securities and in- surance broker Oswego 00-12; d Oswego 22 D 12 SAMUEL DICKINSON BURCHARD; 54-5; b Leyden 17 Jl 36;fr Mayville Wis; manufac- turer woolen goods; lieut Mo militia in US army; asst quartermaster stationed New York, rank capt; mustered out with rank major; elected state senator Wis 72; MC from Wis 75-7; proprietor ranch Tex * JOSHUA BUTTS DAVIS; 53-6; s 60; AB WmsC 58; b Baldwinsville 19 Mr 33; prep GS; fr Baldwinsville; ord Hoosick 3 Ja 61 ; p Hoosick 60-1 ; chaplain 2d NY cav- alry 61-2; major i22d NY inf 62-4; editor Gazette, Baldwinsville 64-9; editor Daily Commonwealth, Topeka Ks 69-71; editor Republican, Augusta 71-3; res Topeka 73; Fremont Neb 74-7; editor Independent, Wahoo 77-98; res Chicago 111 98-9; d Chicago 22 Ag 99 JOHN C GREENE; 53-4; fr Mechanicville * JUSTUS VINTON LAWSON; 53-4; b Union Ct 34; fr Union; d Union Jl 54 RICHARD APPLEGATE LEONARD; || 55-6; b Leonardsville NJ 20 D38;fr Chanceville; farmer Atlantic Highlands 56-; clerk of school board 17 years; ad Atlantic High- lands, NJ *DAVID MORSE; || 56-7; b Worcester Mass 29 N 30; fr Chicago 111; s 57-8; ord Chi- cago 111 58; p Bellevue O; Monroeville 60-2; Oskaloosa la; Brighton 65-8; Wheat- land NY 68-9; W Henrietta 69-74; Sardinia 74-9; Cassopolis Mich 79-80; Monroe 80-1; res Wayne 81-4; Parshallville 84-5; Flint 85-8?; Mt Morris 88-9; d Parshallville 2 N 91 86 COLLEGE ALUMNI 11857 *GILBERT EDWIN PRATT; 55-6; AB Union 57; fr Chariton la; prac law; lieut-col Mich volunteers; d Detroit 63 *SETH CARLOS RICE; 53-6; Racine C 57; RTS 60; b Olean 3 Ja 31 ; prep Beloit C, Wis; fr Yorkville; ord Fenelon Ont 29 S 61 ; p Fenelon 61-3; Cramahe 63-4; Hart- ford Wis 65-6; Pella la 66-7; Greenwood 111 67-9; Mt Ida Wis; sup and lecturer, res Jefferson 82-92; lecturer, res Chicago 111 92-04; Fenton Mich 04-? *SAMUEL SMALE; 53-5; b Devonshire England O 23; fr Markham CW; d Hamilton NY 19 F 55 *CHARLES PIERSON WINEGAR; 53-7; b Coxsackie 10 N 35; prep Renrselaerville Acad ' fr Hamilton; studied law Hamilton 57; Amsterdam 57-8; adm to bar Plattsburg 58; prac law Amsterdam 58-94; editor and publ Amsterdam Despatch 60-4; editor Amsterdam Recorder 68-82; d Amsterdam 8 Ap 94 I8 5 8 JOHN STILWELL APPLEGATE; AB; LLD 04; b Middletown NJ 6 Ag 37; prep GS; fr Middletown NJ; studied law 58-61 ; adm to bar, NJ N 61 ; licensed as at- torney N 61, as counsellor 65; prac law Red Bank 61-; superintendent schs62-6; counsel NJ Board of Riparian Commissioners 73-90; special counsel Central Rail- road of NJ 75-; gen counsel New York and Long Branch Railroad Co 75-; pres 2d Natl Bank, Red Bank 75-87; state senator 81-4; pres New York and At- lantic Highlands Railroad Co 82-92 ; water commissioner and treasurer Red Bank water works 84-05; special master in chancery; supreme court commissioner; ad Red Bank, NJ *STILLMAN SPAULDING BIDWELL; AB; AM; s 60; b N Clarendon Vt 2 S 30; prep GS; fr N Clarendon Vt; ordMilo NY 6 F 61; p Milo 60-1; N Syracuse 62-8 ; Lima 68-71; Morrisville 71-8; Wilson 78-81; Adams 81-6; Hartford 86-92; De- posit 92-5; Chittenango 95-7; N Syracuse 97-02; Mexico 02-6; lit work Syracuse 06-12; d Syracuse 4 Ja 12 ^SAMUEL BISHOP; AB; s 60; MD St Louis C of Homoeopathic Phys and Surgeons 70; b Springfield O 3 D 26; pr ShC; fr Bloomington; ord Lena 61 ; p Lena 61-2; studied med 67-70; prac med Moline 70-5; Bloomington 75-07; co phys i year; d Muscatine la 7 Jl 07 SAMUEL JOSEPH DOUGLASS; BP; s 60; AM 94; b. Watson 4 Jl 33; prep Hamil- ton Acad; fr Martinsburg; ord Liberty 26 Je 61; p Liberty 60-4; Naples 64-6; Bristol 66-9; Springfield 69-75; district sec and miss NY State Con v 75-6; publ newspaper Schenevus 76-83 ; sup 83-5; p Sloansville 85-8; Berlin 88-93; Wap- pingers Falls 93-7 ; res New York 97-8 ; p Marcy 98-02 ; Clinton 02-; ad Clinton, NY JAMES EDMUNDS; AB; AM; b Hamilton 16 Jl 37; prep Yates Acad; fr Jeddo; on editorial staff Mo Republican, St Louis; in 111 cavalry regiment US army 4 years; editor daily paper Memphis Tenn; on editorial staff St Paul Pioneer Press, Minn; night editor Louisville Courier- Journal, Ky 21 years; editorial writer on New Or- leans Picayune, La 6 years; on editorial staff New Orleans Times Democrat sev- eral years; inv New Orleans 12-; ad Care City Hospital for mental diseases, New Orleans, La *WILLIAM WALLACE FERRIS; AB; AM; s 60; b Grand Isle Vt 26 O 30; prep la C; fr Rock Island 111; ord E Durham NY 24 O 61; p E Durham 61-3; Dover Plains 63-6; Brewster 66-?; insurance bus Troy; miss worker Green Island la; COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1858 87 commercial traveller; p Pottsville Pa 80-2; Tacony 82-6; Newcastle Del 86-7; sup res Tacony Pa 87-90; p Pottsville 90-3; d Philadelphia 23 Ja 93 ISAAC EDWIN GATES; AB; AM; s 60; b Preston Ct 2 Ja 33; prep Suffield; fr Preston; ord Milwaukee Wis 60; p Milwaukee 60-3; Beaver Dam 63-9; pres and treasurer railway, shipbuilding and law cos 69-; member Corpn 83-95; ad 15 W 8ist St, New York *DAVID EDWARD HOLMES; AB; NTI 61; b Stonington Ct 12 Ag 32; prep Providence ConfS, RI;fr Stonington Ct; s 58-9; ord Peoria 111 12 My 62; p Peoria 62-4; Berlin Wis 64-5; t Berlin HS 66-71 ; Oshkosh NS 71-2; lumber bus Galva 111 72-86; p Cong Sublette 87-90; Stark 90-1 ; Ontario 93; Sublette 94-5; inv Chicago 96-07; d Chicago i N 07 *JOHN MARTIN LANG WORTHY; AB; AM; b Brookfield 6 Mr 31; prep Whites- town S; fr Brookfield; ord Free Bapt German Flats Je 58; p Prospect 58-60; Dav- enport 60-7; in US army 64-5; p Prospect 67-71; prin Prospect Acad 67-9; res Utica 69-96; p Washington Mills.; Columbus; Poland; Phoenix; Ames; W Ste- phentown; Cheshire; Pine Valley ?-g6; one of founders of Keuka C; d Pine Valley 17 Ag 96 RUSH GLEAM ING ; BP ; b Laporte Ind Jl 35; frLaporte; studied law; ist lieut cavalry in US army 62-5; on staff of Gen Pleasanton and others; adm to bar 65; prac law Pleasant Hill Mo 65-after 70; member Mo legislature 2 years *ANDREW LINDSAY; AB; AM; s 62; b Glasgow Scotland i S 31; prep GS; fr Unadilla Mich; ord N Manlius NY 29 O 62; p N Manlius 62-4; Meridian 64-9; Frankfort 69-72; Mannsville 72-4; S New Berlin 74-6; Attica 76-80; Akron 80-90; Sherman 90-2 ; Hartland 92-02 ; Royalton 02-5 ; ret Akron 05-6 ; d Akron 1 7 Ap 06 *WILLIAM COOKSON McCARTHY; AB; AM; b Colebrook Ct n Mr 35; prep GS; frWatkins;ord Waverly 31 My 60; pWaverly 60-3; Wyoming 63-5; Catskill 66-72; New York 72-4; pres Weaverville C, NC 78-80; pres Judson C 80-2; p Lawton Mich 86-92, 95-6; ret Lawton 96-12; d Lawton 28 D 12 JOHN MATHEWS; AB; AM; s 60; b Jay 29 D 32; prep GS; fr Jay; ord Detroit Mich IT F 6 1 ; p Detroit 60-6; Marquette 66-9; San Francisco Cal 69-70; Detroit Mich 70-6; Keeseville NY 76-85; Detroit Mich 85-93; Fenton 93-01; Detroit 01-3; St Clair 03-8; ret Royal Oak 08-; ad Royal Oak, Mich "LEONARD JEROME MATTESON; AB; AM; s 60; DD 74; b Laurens 27 S 33; fr S Hartwick; ord Watertown 6 D 60; p Watertown 60-4; Sing Sing (Ossining) 64-8; Brattleboro Vt 69-75; Troy NY 76-8; d Cortland 5 My 78 "JUSTUS EDW 7 ARD MAYNARD; AB; AM; s 60; b Hartford 27 My 33; prep GS; fr Hartford; p Antwerp 60-2; ord Antwerp 12 Mr 62; p Owasco 62-9; Massena 69-74; Busti 74-8; d Busti 31 D 78 *EVERETT W MOORE; AB; b York Mich Ag 34; fr Lansing; commission merchant Detroit 63-80?; d Detroit about 80 DAVID CROCKER MOTT; AB; b Hamilton 21 O 38; prep GS; fr Hamilton; stud- ied law Utica and Columbia U 58-60; adm to bar Syracuse 60; prac law New York 60-1 ; res St Louis Mo 61-6; commission bus St Louis 61-2; res Hamilton NY 66-; ad Hamilton, NY *DAVID OTHO PARKER ; AB ; AM ; s 60 ; b Berwick NS 23 Ag 30 ; prep GS ; fr Corn- wallis NS; ord Liverpool 24 Mr 61 ; p Liverpool 61-? ; Brookfield; Caledonia ; Kempt; inspector of schs; PM; ret N Springfield Vt; d N Springfield 22 Ja 06 88 COLLEGE ALUMNI 11858 * ALFRED WALLACE PECK; AB; b Attica 28 N 2S; prep GS; fr Keyport NJ; ord Keyport i S 58; miss p ABHMS Superior Wis 58-61 ; p Rensselaerville NY 61-2; gen miss ABHMS Cal 63-4; miss p Vallejo and Benicia 64-5; t Benicia 65-73 ; p Brooklyn Center Minn and Maple Grove 73-6; Sandy Ridge NJ 76-7; sup 78; t Pittstown NY 79; York Neb 80-1; miss ev Reading Assoc, Pa 81-4; p Girard- ville 81-3; sup and t, res Viola Fla 84-8; t PortMonmouth NJ andNavesink 88- 92; Viola Fla 93-5; res Minneapolis Minn 95-7; d Minneapolis 9 Mr 97 *RALPH PENDLETON; AB; b Oxford 25 D 29; prep Delaware Lit Institute, Frank- lin; fr Norwich; t Troupsburg Acad 58-60; Binghamton S 60; Weaverviile Acad, Pa 62-4: farmer Norwich NY 66-9; res Carthage Mo 69-72; prin Newtonia Acad 72-3; ord Carthage S 74; p Smithfield and vie 74-82; t Pierce City Bapt C 82-3; prof langs McGee C 83-4; ev; became Seventh Day Bapt; res Lawrence Ks 98-?; Kansas City Mo ?-io; d Kansas City 7 Ap 10 *IRA ORLANDO PIERCE; AB; AM; s 60; fr Wardsboro Vt; res Beloit Ks many years; d Beloit several years ago "FREDERICK GEORGE REINEMAN; AB; AM; s 60; b Riihlhause Germany 25 Jl 25; prep GS; fr McKeesport Pa; agent ABU 60-4; agent Allegheny Bible So- ciety, Pa 64-?; book bus Pittsburg in 70 HIRAM WARREN; AB; MD U of City of New York 63; b Patterson 7 Ag 28; fr Matteawan; s 58-9; surgeon in US army 63-6; t Warwick 68-71; res Ellen ville; Matteawan in 92 ; d Ellenville GEORGE O ATKINSON; || 56-7; fr Townshend Vt; p Sterling Mass 69-70 *ALBERT LEFFINGWELL CLARK; 54-6; prep GS; fr Middletown Vt; adm to bar O; prac law; d Cincinnati 15 S 68 "CHARLES WESLEY CLARK; 53-8 ;AB Union 58; MD U of la 84; b Fayetteville 10 S 34; prep GS; fr Fayetteville; s 58-9; ord Newark NJ 19 Ja 59; p Fairmount 59-67; Red Bank 67-70; Galva 111 70-3; Springfield 73-80; Berlin 80-1; studied med U of la 82-4; prac med ButteCity Mont 84-7; Dillon 87-90; co phys Beaver Head co; prac med Eureka Utah 90-04; city phys and health officer Eureka; council- man and acting mayor Eureka; res W Hoboken NJ 04-1 1 ; d W Hoboken i Ag 1 1 WILLIAM PHILLIPS DECKER; 54-5; b Troy 25 Mr 33; prep GS; fr Fayetteville; ord Evans Mills 26 S 55; p Evans Mills 55-7; Malone 57-9; Troopsville 59-61; S Dover 61-71; Castile 71-7; Forestville 77-80; Nunda 80-3; Hunt 83-9; Gaines and Murray 90-3; Fabius 93-9; Pitcher 99-07; ret 07-; ad Canastota, NY *JAMES DEWAR; || 56-7; fr Osgood CW; ord Osgood 59; pr Thurso PQ and Clarence Ont; d 60 *BENEZER EDWARDS; 54-6; b Llangollen, N Wales 7 Mr 25; prep GS; fr Cincinnati O; Bapt C Haverford-West, S Wales 3 years; ord Pembrokeshire 47 ; p Pembroke- shire 3 years; s 56-7; p Newport Wales 58-65; Hartlepoal England 65-8: Brew- ster NY 68-9; Shelby 69-73; Dykemans; Groton; Webster; Wilkesbarre Pa 76-80; Minersville in 92: Milesburg; Coatesville 80-?; d Allentown 24 Ja 01 WILLIAM M FEE; 54-7; prep GS; fr Albany; studied law; adm to bar; prac law Al- bany; res Kansas City Ks JOHN S FULLER; 54-5; b New Hartford 30 N 35; fr Eaton; organist Utica 4 years; Albany 61-71; prof music KnC, Galesburg 111 71-9; t music and organist Bloom- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1858 89 ington 79-84; ch organist Chicago 84-99; ret Rochester NY 00-2; Washington Pa 02-9; d Washington 10 Ag 09 *SHERMAN J GOODSELL; 54-5; b Hornby ;fr Hornby; ord Lincoln 11157; p Lincoln 57-60; d Lincoln 13 Ja 60 *ALBERT PHELPS GRAVES; 54-5; DD DU 73; b Hopkinton Mass 23 Je 29; prep New Hampton NH; fr Worcester Mass; ord Truxton NY 15 N 55; p Truxton 55-8; Lacon 111 58; Lake City Minn 59-61; Keyport NJ 63-4; Brooklyn NY 65-7; ev res New York 66-08; Los Angeles Cal 08-11; d Los Angeles 15 Je 11 JOEL AUSTIN GRIDLEY; 54-5; fr Southington Ct ALBERT N GRIGGS; || 56-7; fr Hamilton; res Chicago 111 *RICHARD BROOKE GWATHMEY; 54-7; AB HamC 58; fr King William Va; in 9th Va cavalry, CSA 61-4; killed battle of Reams Station, Tenn 25 Ag 64 FRANCIS GRANGER JACQUES; 54-5; prep GS; fr New York; prac law in west DAVID NILES KINNE; 54-5; prep GS; fr Syracuse AMOS LAWRENCE; 54-6; prep GS; fr Jay STAFFORD CARR LOCKWOOD; 54-6; prep GS; fr Wilton; ord Great Bend 29 Ap 57; p Great Bend 57-? S B HEBARD NICHOLS; 54-5; fr Sugar Hill *ALBERT NILES; 54-6; prep GS; fr Palmyra CYRUS OLMSTEAD; 54-6; fr New York; bus New York PHILO ATWOOD ORTON; |l 55-6; b Hamilton 24 Mr 37; prep Beloit Wis; fr Darl- ington: Beloit C 52-3; adm to bar Darlington 59; prac law Darlington 59-; prosecuting attorney Lafayette co 62-3; co judge Lafayette CO7O-4; mayor Darl- ington 83; organized istNatl Bank, Darlington 83, pres 83; organized Benton State Bank, Benton 96, pres 96-; ad Darlington, Wis CHARLES HENRY PERKINS; 54-5; prep GS; fr Boston Mass; BU 55-8 S QUACKENBUSH; || 54-7; prep GS; fr Cleveland O *DWIN TRUE ROBINSON; 54-6; RTS 59; b Bergen 25 Jl 33; fr Salmon Creek; stud- ied UR 57; graduate student RTS 59-60; ord Cincinnati O My 60; p Cincinnati 60-2 ; d Cincinnati 2 1 Jl 62 *LEONARD DORIN ROBINSON; 54-5; MD Chicago Med C; b Madison 15 Jl 30; prep GS; fr Wilson; ord Bryan O, 58; p Bryan; Greensburg Ind; Vincennes; Franklin; Delphi; prac med Delphi and pr Bunker Hill; p Toledo O 84-92; prac med Toledo 92-00; d Toledo 18 Jl oo *THOMAS ROGERS; 54-5; AB UR 58; RTS 60; DD UR 81 ; b Winsteed, Hampshire, England 8 My 27; prep GS; fr Palmyra; ord Elbridge 2 Ja 61 ; p Elbridge 60-93; ret 93-7; d Elbridge 16 Ap 97 WILLIAM A SHAW; 54-5; fr S New Berlin JOHN PHELPS SHUMWAY; 54-6; AB Union 58; MD u; fr Baldwinsville; res Pasadena, Cal; Los Angeles; ad 1131 W Lake Av, Los Angeles, Cal EDWARD TOMPKINS; 54-5; prep GS; fr Hyde Park MUDSON W TRUESDELL; 54-5; b Vestal 30; prep GS; fr Vestal Center; ord Vestal 22 S 57; miss work Inverness PQ Can, Kingsey Falls, Durham and vie 57?~74; d Kingsey Falls 27 My 74 90 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1859 1859 ADONIRAM JUDSON ALLEN; AB; AM; s 61 ; b Albany 15 Jl 32; prep Albany NS; fr Albany; p S Dover 61-2 ; Mahopac Falls 62-3; ord Banksville 20 Ap 64; p Banks- ville 63-5; Ticonderoga 65-73; Johnstown 73-6; New York 76-7; W Henrietta 77-84; Gorham and Reeds Corners 84-6; Gilbertsville 86-8; Brookfield 88-91; Ludingtonville 91-4; E Marion 94-6; West Park 97-00; ret West Parkoo-; ad West Park, NY *GEORGE ARROWSMITH; AB; b Monmouth NJ 39; prep GS; fr Keyport NJ; studied law Hamilton NY 59-61 ; t GS 59-61 ; in US army 61-3; capt Co M 26th NY volunteers; lieut-col 15 7th NY volunteers; d on battlefield Gettysburg Pa i J16 3 * ALMOND BARRELLE; AB; AM; RTS 63; b S Hartford 26 Ag 34; prep GS; fr Hartford; ord Rochester 15 O 63; p Central City Col 63-5; Brooklyn NY 65-7; Meriden Ct 67-71; Melrose Mass 71-4; bus Philadelphia Pa 74-8; p Rockland Mass 78-82; bus San Mateo Cal 83; p un miss ch San Mateo 84-9; manager Mass Mutual Life Insurance Co, res Cincinnati O 89-93 ; bus Boston Mass 93-8 ; manager Mass Mutual Life Insurance Co, res Harrisburg Pa 98-?; Nashville Tenn; d Reading Mass 8 F 09 *JOHN JUDSON BARRELLE; BP; b Gouverneur 18 F 33; prep GS; fr Evans; prin Fannin Masonic Institute, Miss 60-3; cotton planter Plaquemine La 63-4; d Plaquemine 25 O 64 GEORGE A BISHOP; BP; b Springfield O 14 S 28; prep GS; fr Bloomington 111; s 59-60; ord Buda 111 24 Ja 61; p Buda 60-2; Sandwich 62-3; Bloomingdale 63-?; Dwight 7-70; faith healer 70-; res D wight 70-4; Chicago 74-; ad 25 Honore Ave, Chicago, 111 SAMUEL SHERRILL CHASE; AB; AM; b Lebanon 20 Mr 36; fr Lebanon; s 59-61 ; t 3 years; farmer; res Los Angeles Cal; Hamilton NY?-05; Los Angeles Cal 05-; ad 1718 3d Av, Los Angeles, Cal ENOS CLARKE; AB; AM; b Belmont co O; prep GS;fr Princeton 1 11; studied law Utica NY 59-60; adm to bar Syracuse 60; prac law (Beardsley and Clarke) Utica 60-2; St Louis Mo (Bates and Clarke, Clarke and Madill) 62-7; register in bank- ruptcy US court St Louis 67-78; prac law (Clarke and Dillon) St Louis 78-85; ret 90-; member Mo legislature 64-6; ad Seven Gables, Kirkwood Station, St Louis, Mo *HENRY AUGUSTUS CORDO; AB; AM; s 61 ; DD 74; b New Brunswick NJ 14 D 36; prep GS; fr New Brunswick NJ; ord New Brunswick 12 O 59; p Lambertville 61-4; Meriden Ct 64-6; Jersey City NJ 66-71; Meriden Ct 71-2; Jersey City NJ 73-5; Boston Mass 75-8; Gloversville NY 78-85; Cortland 85-95; Whitman Mass 95-7; Lambertville NJ 98-05: ret Haddonfield 05-6; d Gloversville NY 24 N 06 *SOLOMON CULVER; AB; AM; s 61 ; fr Belleville O; res Dwight 111 ; d 94 ORSAMUS C DAKE; AB; fr Nunda *HENRY S DAY; BP; s 61 ; prep GS; fr New York; ord Potsdam 6 N 61 ; p Pots- dam 61-2; New York 64-8 , Melrose in 69 ; bus New York 84-95 ; d New York 6 Ap 95 GEORGE DARIUS DOWNED; AB; AM; s 61; b Marcellus 2 Mr 32; prep GS; fr Cleveland O; ord Fredonia NY O 61; p Fredonia .61-3; Sinclairville 63-4; with COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1859 91 Christian commission 64; p Hamburg 65; bus Skaneateles 67-71; p Scipio 71; we 71-4; p Throop 74-6; Galway 76-9; Clifton Park 79-82; miss ABHMS Miles City Mont 82-8; Pendleton Ore 88-90; Tacoma Wash 90-04; ret Tacoma 04-; ad SoiNAinsworth St, Tacoma, Wash *MILTON E FISK; AB; s 59-61; fr Boonville; ord Boonville n F 63; p Martins- burg; Boonville; Leyden; Constableville; d Constableville Je 76 *DAVID THOMAS JAMES; AB; AM; s 61; b Wales, GB i Ap 30; prep GS; fr W Schuyler; ord Newport NH My 62; p Newport 61-6; Whitehall NY 66-70; d Whitehall 8 Ja 70 WILLIAM ALLEN LEWIS; AB; AM; LLD 04; LLB Albany LS 62; b Shrewsbury NJ 1 6 My 36; prep GS; fr Red Bank NJ; studied law Albany LS, NY 59-62 ; adm to bar, NJ 62; praclaw Jersey City 62-; solicitor, special master, and examiner in chancery ; city attorney for Bergen 69-72 ; corporation counsel of Jersey City 72-7 ; member legislature 76; ad 76 Montgomery St, Jersey City, NJ * WARREN MASON; AB; b Fort Ann 18 F 35; prep GS; fr Fort Ann; RTS 60- \'\ ord Ira Vt 1 8 N 63; p Ira 62-5; inv 65-6; sup N Hebron NY 66-7; Poultney Vt 67; t Westport NY 67-8; p Sandwich 111 68-70; Branford Ct 70-4; sup and bus 74-6; p N Lyme 76-9; Voluntown 79-81; sup Windsor 81-2; bus and sup, res Truthville NY 82-06; d Truthville 22 F 06 'EGBERT RALPH MIDDLEBROOK; AB; b Ballston Spa 15 F 34; prep Ballston Spa; fr Ballston Spa; sugar refiner New York 59-61 ; in US army with Gen Burn- side in NC 6 1-6; hardware bus Skaneateles NY 66-7; office work New York 67-95; book-keeper Ballston Spa 95-9; Boston Mass 99-05; inv San Diego Cal 05-9; d San Diego 4 N 09 FRANCIS PALMER; AB; LLB Albany LS 67; b Centerville 25 Je 26; prep GS; fr Centerville; t 61; in US army 61-5; ist lieut i04th NY volunteers; studied law Albany LS 65-7 ; prac law Hume 67-8 ; Stanton Mich 68-73 5 Alma 73-09 ; ret Alma 09-; circuit court commissioner Montcalm co 70-2; Gratiot co 78-80; ad 530 Wright Av, Alma, Mich *GEORGE ROSS PIERCE; AB; s 61; b Homer 16 Ja 36; prep Cortland Acad; fr Homer; ord Mexico 9 Mr 64; p Mexico 62-5; Fulton 65-8; Newark 68-72; Oneida 72-9; Evanston 111 79-84; p Presb Terre Haute Ind 84-93; Belvidere 111 94-02; res Belvidere 02-?; d Buffalo NY 25 S n * DANIEL EATON POPE; AB; b Villenova 5 Ag 33; fr Forestville; t Gloversville 59-60; prin Young Ladies' Institute, Cornwall 60- 1 ; Halfmoon Acad 61-3; In- stitute Red Bank NJ 63-6; studied law Hamilton NY 66-7; adm to bar Pough- keepsie 67; prac law and real estate agent Cornwall 67-01; surrogate Orange co 72-4; d Cornwall 4 O 01 *THOMAS EDGAR STILLMAN; AB; b New York 23 Mr 37; prep Alfred Acad; fr New York; studied law New York 59-62; adm to bar 62; prac law New York 62- 89 ; pres Aransas Pass Railway 89-98; ret New York 98-06; d Lisieux France 4 Ag 06 GEORGE MARVIN STONE; AB; DD UChic 72; b Strongsville O 10 D 34; prep Williston S, E Hampton Mass; fr Cleveland O; s 59-60; ord Danbury Ct S 60; p Danbury 60-7; Winona Minn 67-9; Milwaukee Wis 70-3; Tarrytown N Y 73-9 ; Hartford Ct 79-07; ret Hartford 07-; ad 22 Townley St, Hartford, Ct 92 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1859 *PHINEAS FLETCHER ALLEN; 55-7; frVermilionville III; 159-61 ; in US army 61-5; in Co C 1 3th 111 inf; surgeon Co K 8th US veteran volunteers; studied law Saratoga Springs NY 66-8; t Saratoga Springs 67-8; adm to bar, NY 68; prac law Saratoga Springs 68-92; attorney Mt McGregor and Lake George Railway 82-3; d Sara- toga Springs 21 Je 92 *LiNN BABCOCK; 56-7; MusD 75; b S New Berlin 22 Ap 38; prep Cherry Valley S; fr S New Berlin; studied U Leipzig 60-3; t music and piano dealer Norwich NY 63-01 ; d Norwich 2 O 01 *SAMUEL LEWIS Cox; 56-7; b 35; fr Salem NJ; ord Wertsville 10 Je 58; p Wertsville 58-60; Cedarville 61-3; Manasquan 66-7; Samptown; Marlboro 72-3; Lyons Farms 73; Marlboro 76-8; Port Jefferson NY 78-?; Allentown NJ 82-5; Imlays- town; Upper Freehold 85-7; Eatontown 87-8; Mt Olive 88-90; Huntington NY 91-8; Belvidere NJ 98-9; Montana; Brookfield Mass; Bloomfield la; Croton NJ ?-02; d Croton 25 D 02 JOHN V HILTON; 56-9; fr Andes; p Cong Kalamazoo Mich; Washington DC; Denver Col 80-4; Boulder *WAYLAND HOYT; 55-7; AM BU 60; RTS 63; DD UR 77; LLD Ursinus C, Pa 02; b Cleveland O 18 F 38; fr Cleveland; s 60-1 ; ord Pittsfield Mass 26 Ag 63; p Pitts- field 63-4; Cincinnati O 64-7; Brooklyn NY 67-73; New York 73-4; Boston Mass 74-6; Brooklyn NY 76-82; Philadelphia Pa 82-9; Minneapolis Minn 89-95; Philadelphia Pa 95-04; sup res Philadelphia 04-10; assoc editor Christian En- deavor World; prof sci and religion Temple C, Philadelphia 06-10; instructor CTS; d Salem Mass 27 S 10 ANDREW FULLER LITCHFIELD; 55-6; prep GS; fr Orleans JOHN LEWIS LOOMIS; 55-6; prep GS; fr New Woodstock A T LOUNSBURY; 55-6; fr Prattsburg CHARLES LYMAN NILES; || 57-8; prep GS; fr Hamilton CHARLES W PALMER; || 58-9; b Clifton Park; fr Clifton Park; ord Cambridge 31 D 62; p Cambridge; Peekskill; Macomb 111; Freeport; Benton Harbor Mich 74?~s; White Pigeon 75-?; Pittsburg Pa; ev res Darlington Wis; Delavan; Oberlin in 87; p Big Rapids Mich 87-?; ord Neb 90-? ISAIAH RIDER; 55-6; fr Painesville O DAVID VAN FRADENBURGH; 55-8; b Rhinebeck 28 D 30; prep Amenia S; fr Stanford- ville; ord E Fishkill 20 Je 60; p E Fishkill 60-1; Shenandoah 60-3; sup Pawling 63-5; p Liberty 66-71; Parksville 66-9; Rosendale 71-3; sup Stamford 74; p Unadilla 75-7; Sidney 77-81; Pitcher 81-3; Burlington Flats 83-6; Exeter 87-8; Troupsburg 91-2; Gillette Pa 93-4; Bradford NY 95-00; S Bradford 01-4; ret Savona 05-; ad R D 2, Savona, NY GEORGE S WATKINS; 56-7; fr Haynesville Mo 1860 *HENRY DAY BURDICK; AB; AM; s 62; b.Owego 18 Ag 35; fr Forest City; chaplain US army 62-4; ord Watertown Wis Je 63; with Christian Commission 64-?; p Camillus NY; Cooperstown in 69; Millville NJ; d Ithaca NY 30 My 71 *JOHN WILTSE COLEY; AB; fr Albany; t White Plains; bus Oldbridge NJ; res Tarrytown NY; d Albany COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1860 93 EDWARD BENNETT EDMUNDS; AB; AM; s 64; b Hamilton 18 Je 39; prep GS; fr Jeddo; in 6ist regiment NY state volunteers 62-3; ord Hartland 24 Ag 64; p Avon 111 64-5; Baraboo Wis 65-6; miss ASSU 66-7; p New Lisbon 67-8; Ocono- mowoc 68-9; SS miss with ABPS Wis 69-76; p Lamartine 76-7; SS miss with ABPS Mich 77-81 ; Wis 81-09; ret Beaver Dam 09-; ad Beaver Dam, Wis *MOSES JUDSON GOFF; AB; AM; s 62; b Lenox 6831; fr Perry ville; ord Peca- tonica 111 My 65; p Pecatonica 65-6; Stillman Valley, res Rockford 66-9; Horicon Wis 69; Chittenango NY 69-73; Moosup Ct 73-4; d Moosup 28 Mr 74 WILLIAM JAMES; AB; AM; s 62; b Frederickton NB 15 O 30; fr New York; p Dover Plains; Cold Spring ?-72; res Cold Branch Junction 72-?; Hamilton in 92 'MATTHEW CHAPMAN KEMPSEY; AB; AM; prep GS; fr Montrose Pa; s 60-1; p Hoboken NJ; Anamosa la ?-6g; Monticello 111 70-2; Batavia 72-?; d Cedar Rapids la 22 Ja 95 *WILLIAM IRELAND KNAPP; AB; AM; LLD 89; PhD NY U 67; AM Yale 80; b Greenport 10 Mr 35; prep GS; fr New York; prof modern langs 60-5; prof mod- ern langs VasC 65-7; lit work in Europe 67-78; prof Romance langs Yale 79-92; head prof Romance langs UChic 92-5; in Europe 95-08; wrote may books in and concerning the Spanish lang; diplomatic adviser; Knight-Commander Span- ish Order Isabel la Catolica 77; d Paris France 6 D 08 *JAMES ANDREW ONDERDONK; BP; b Sharon 28 Ag 40; prep GS; fr Hamilton; studied law Hamilton, and Albany LS 60-3 ; adm to bar Albany 63 ; prac law Hamilton 63-4; d Hamilton 14 Jl 64 *THOMAS WARD OSBORN; AB; AM; b Scotch Plains NJ 9 Mr 36; prep Gouver- neur S, NY; fr N Wilna; studied law Watertown 60- 1 ; adm to bar Watertown, O 61 ; in US army 61-6; capt battery D ist NY artillery 62; major and chief of artil- lery in reserve artillery corps 63; chief of artillery under Gen Howard 64-5; col and asst commissioner Bureau of Refugees in Fla 65; chief of Freedmen's Bureau in south 65-6; prac law Tallahasse Fla 66-73; US senator from Fla 68-73; financier New York 73-98; d New York 18 D 98 *ETHAN BENJAMIN PALMER; AB; s 63; DD 81; b Austerlitz 12 Mr 36; prep GS; fr Harlem ville; ord New York 6 Ja 64; p Delavan Wis 64-6; Cornwall NY 66-9; Skaneateles 69-72; Bridgeton NJ 72-84; dist sec ABHMS, res Philadelphia Pa 84-10; d Philadelphia i O 10 *JOHN ATKINSON PICKARD; AB; AM; s 62; b Esquessing Ont 14 Mr 33; prep GS; fr Hornby CW; ord Moretown Ont My 63; p Moretown 63-5; sup 65-72; p Cheapside 72-3; Cherry Creek NY 73-6; Perrysburg 76-81; Jersey Mills Pa 81-3; S Bradford NY 83-7; S Otselic 87-90; sup res Cherry Creek 90-09; d Northville 19 Ag 09 *SAMUEL HANLY SAYLER; AB; AM; s 62; b Hector 13 D 29; prep GS; fr Meck- lenburg; ord Mecklenburg 13 Ap 64; with Christian Commission Vicksburg Miss 64-5 ; sup and farmer, res Yuba Mich 65-08 ; d Yuba 21 Ag 08 *JIREH TUCKER; BP; b Royalton Vt 30 Ja 35;fr S Royalton;ordNBennington 5 D 60; p N Bennington 60-5; Newton Mass 65-70; Lebanon NH 70-1 ; res Upper Alton 111 71; d Upper Alton 24 Ap 71 "JUSTUS BRAINERD VINTON; AB; DD 77; b Burma Ap 40; prep Suffield Lit Institute, Ct; fr Rangoon Burma; independent miss to Karens, res Rangoon 61-72; miss ABMU Rangoon 72-87; d Rangoon 17 Je 87 LOUIS HARLOW WOODRUFF; BP; fr Dimock Pa 94 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1860 *AUGUSTUS ARMAGNAC; 56-9; AM PrU 64; PhD 83; b Haiti WI 5 Mr 39; prep GS; fr Port au Prince, Haiti ; PrU 59-61 ; s 61-2 ; prof physics Pa Military C, Chester 65-72 prin Irving Institute, Tarrytown NY 72-81 ; prof Greek Ind U, Bloomington 81-3; prin Irving Institute, Tarrytown NY 84-91; editor Burlington Clipper, Vt 91-6; t Pompton NJ 96-?; prof modern langs Mass Agricultural C, Amherst 07-8; d Amherst 8 Ja 08 FRANK BENEDICT; || 58-9; fr Starrucca Pa RICHARD FULLER BOSTICK; || 58-9; b Robertsville SC 8 N 39; prep Lawrenceville NJ;fr Beaufort District SC; planter SC 59-74; res Hamilton NY 74-; farmer; ad Hamilton, NY JOSEPH M CHILDS; || 58-9; fr Cassville *CARROLL E I DUDLEY; 56-8; b Victor 18 Ap 35; prep GS; fr Delavan Wis; d Madi- son NY 10 Jl 58 ADELBERT D ELDRIDGE; 56-8; fr Oneida Castle *ASHER BENTON EVANS; 58-60; AM UR 64; b 34; fr W Somerset; prin Un Sch Lock- port 67-91; d Lockport 24 S 91 *JOSEPH N FAIRCHILD; 56-7; b 35; fr Honesdale Pa; ord W Troy 5 N 57; p W Troy 57-9; d W Troy 17 F 59 SILAS HOFFMAN LARUE; 56-8; PrU 61; b Mil ford NJ 6 O 34; prep GS; fr Stockton NJ; prin Mauch Chunk HS, Pa; t Allentown S; Pa Mil Acad; prin pd ULg; man- ufacturer sch furniture Allentown 68-?; bus Trenton NJ *CHARLES F NASH; 57-8; fr Hamilton *EDWARD PAYSON PAYNE; 55-8; fr Hamilton; t Eaton 62; merchant Tabor la 62- 7;d Tabor 10 S 67 *CHARLES HERBERT RICHARDSON; 56-8; AB AmC 60; b Saxtons River Vt 20 O 33; fr Townshend; NTI 60-2; ord Massena NY 7 Ja 63; p Massena 62-4; chaplain 92d regiment and 98th regiment NY volunteers 64-5 ; p Felchville Vt 65-70 ; Pitts- field NH 70-1; Northville Mich 71-4; Rome 74-8; Marshall Minn 78-80; res Sioux City la 80-03; d Sioux City n My 03 *ALONZO LAWRESTER SEWARD; 58-9; AB DU 59; b Cincinnati O; fr Cincinnati ; RTS 59-61 ; p Moores Hill Ind 67; Oquawka 111 74-5 ROBERT F STOBO; 56-7; fr Elmira DAVID STONE; 56-7; prep GS; fr Utica Mo DANIEL H THICKSTUN; 56-9; fr Plainfield NJ *CHARLES J TUCKER; 55-8; b Holmesville 29 Jl 29; prep Holmesville; fr Berlin; t and bus Norwich 58-87; ord Port Crane 23 Ag 87; p Port Crane 87-8; Dickinson 88-9; d Norwich 9 Jl 91 1861 *FRANK ADKINS; AB; AM; RTS 66; b Marietta O 21 N 41 ; fr Marietta; Marietta C 57-9; t 61-3; s 63-4; ord Akron 23 Ja 67; p Akron 66-9; miss work 69-70; p Iowa City la 70-6; prof Greek Central U, Pella 76-8; p Elyria O 78-84; Tecumseh Mich 85-90; res Tecumseh 90-2; Granville O 92-8; educational sec for Oof O Bapt Education Society, DU, and Shepardson C 97-8; d Hiawatha Park, Mt Ver- non, 1 8 Ag 98 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1861 95 'WILLIAM STOKES APSEY; AB; DD 85; bWimborne, Dorsetshire, England 22 My 36; prep GS; fr Hudson; ord Preston Hollow 3 S 61 ; p Preston Hollow 61-2; Bennington Vt 62-8 ; Cambridge Mass 68-95 I Reading 95-9 ; ret Cambridge 99-? ; W Somerville 7-04; d W Somerville 14 F 04 *SIDNEY SMITH BABCOCK; AB; b S New Berlin 42; prep GS; fr S New Berlin; studied law Hamilton 61-2; clerk US Treasury Dept, Washington DC 63-4; prac law Quincy 111 64-6; d Quincy 30 Ag 66 JONATHAN BASTOW; AB; AM; s 64; b Bradford, Yorkshire, England 22 D 35; prep GS; fr Bradford Eng; p Halifax 62-3; ord Winona Minn D 66; ss Brockville Can, Winona Minn, Port Chester NY, Mansfield O, Arlington Mass, Jamaica Plain, Brookline, Boston, New York, Brooklyn, Hamilton, Indianapolis Ind, Terre Haute 64-83; p Ogdensburg NY 83-7; Natick Mass 87-92; New York 93-9; Peter- boro Ont 99-04; Renfrew 04-7; ss New York 07-8; p Woodside 08-11; sup res Woodside 11-2; p Port Washington 12-; ad Port Washington, NY WILLIAM FLOYD BENEDICT; AB; b Walton 31 Jl 36; fr Walton; ord Braman Corners 16 O 61; p Braman Corners 61-3; Sloanesville 63-5; Bath 65~9;Broadal- bin 69-72; Long Island City 72-4; Homer 74-7; Little Falls 7 7-9 ;Belmont 79-83; Dundee 83-5; Greene 85-7; Brewster 87-8; Unionville 88-92; Altay 92-5; Pratts- burg 95-02; Great Valley 02-?; we New Hartford ?-o6; p NBrookfieldo6~9; sup res Hamilton 09-; ad Hamilton, NY *JOHN SPENCER BLANDEN; AB; AM; b Gouverneur 16031; prep Gouverneur; fr Gouverneur; prin Ft Covington Acad 62-3; ord Three Mile Bay 19 O 64; p Three Mile Bay 64-7 ; Frewsburg 68-9 ; Newark 72 ; inv 72-8 ; p Memphis 79-82 ; miss work Syracuse 82; p Syracuse 83-91 ; Frewsburg 91-5; Clymer 95-7; Brocton 97-03; Perry 03-5; d Sherman 2 Ag 05 KNUT OSCAR BROADY; AB; DD 77; b Sweden, Europe; prep GS; fr New York; in US army 61-4; capt 6ist NY volunteers in 61; lieut-col; brevet col US volun- teers 64; ord Ilion 16 F 65; p Mohawk and Ilion 64-6; pres Bethel S, Stockholm Sweden 66-06; prof 06-; ad Engelbrektagatan 18, Stockholm, Sweden *ARTHUR LEIGHTON BROOKS; AB; b Harmony 4 Jl 43; fr Hamilton; U of Wis 57-9; capt 6ist NY volunteers 61 ; major 62; d Yorktown Va 13 My 62 CHRISTIE WHEELER BURNHAM; BP; s 63; AM 72; b Bow NH 19 S 32; prep Manchester HS; fr Manchester; ord Hopkinton 14 O 63; p Hopkinton' 63-71; Valley Falls RI 71-4; Hinsdale NH 74-6; Stanton Mich 76-7; sup 77; p Pontiac 77-80; Manistique 80-2; Pawtuxet RI 82-96; sup Queen's River 96; p New Bos- ton NH 96-00; Norwood RI 00-10; Point Judith 10-; ad 81 Irving Ave, Provi- dence, RI *WILLIAM NEWTON CLARKE; AB; AM; s 63; DD 78; DD Yale oo; DD UChic 01 ; b Cazenovia 2041; prep Cazenovia S; fr Cazenovia; ord Keene NH 14 Ja 64; p Keene 63-9; Newton Center Mass 69-80; Montreal Can 80-3; prof NT inter- pretation Toronto Bapt C 83-7 ;p Hamilton NY 87-90; prof Christian theology CU 90-08; prof ethics and apologetics 08-12; travelled in Europe 01-2; member Corpn 83-92; d DeLand Fla 14 Ja 12 * WALTER ROBARTS GILLETTE; AB; AM; MD Columbia U 63; b Philadelphia Pa 1 6 Ja 40; prep GS; fr New York; acting asst surgeon US army 63-5; prac med New York 65-08; med director Mutual Life Insurance Co, New York 71-85; gen manager 85-03; vice-pres 03-8; consulting phys to Bellevue, Charity, St Francis and Maternity hospitals, New York; d New York 7 N 08 96 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1 86 1 SILAS PAUL KCONTS; AB; b Duanesburg 32; prep GS; fr Duanesburg; ord Salisbury 8 Ja 62; p Salisbury 61-5; d Salisbury 15 S 65 *WILLIAM McINTYRE; AB; b Ireland 28; prep GS; fr New York; ist lieut 6ist NY inf 61-2 ; killed at battle of Fair Oaks, Va i Je 62 *NCRMAN CLARK MALLORY; AB; AM; s 63; DD 86; b Ripley 23 S 37; prep GS; fr Castile; ord Morrisville 20 Ag 63; p Morrisville 62-6; Manchester NH 66-70; Lowell Mass 70-4; Detroit Mich 74-8; Lynn Mass 78-80; Lowell 81-5; Aurora 111 85-9; Chicago 90-2; Aberdeen SD 92-7; Detroit Mich 97-01; sup Warren- ville 111 01-3; d Warrenville 7 N 03 ORSON ERSKINE MALLORY; AB; AM; b Ripley 15 Jl 35; prep GS; fr Castile; ord Westfield 8 Ja 62; p Westfield 61-5; Batavia 65-75; Lowell Mass 75-98; Worcester 99-11 ; ret Worcester n-; ad 14 Mason St, Worcester, Mass *PERRY GREEN PACKER; AB; b Wallingford Vt 4 Mr 40; prep GS; fr Wailing- ford Vt; studied law Marshall Mich 61-4; adm to bar, Mich 64; in US army 64-6; d Fort Randall Dak N 66 CHARLES GORDON ALLEN PATTERSON; AB; LLB Albany LS 63; b Middle- town NJ Mr 41 ; prep GS; fr Middletown NJ; Albany LS, NY 61-3; adm to bar, NJ 63; prac law Paterson 63-4; d Newark 12 F 64 RCBERT PICKARD; AB; b Esquessing Ont 12 Ap 35; prep GS; fr Hornby CW; t 61-2; studied theology Woodstock Ont 63-4; ord Wellington Square (now Bur- lington), O 64; p Wellington Square and Bronte 64-5; Hanover 65-9; inv Toronto 69-04; d Toronto 22 Ap 04 *JEPTH A CARVER PRALL ; AB ; b 36 ; prep GS ; fr Elmira ; inv 6 1-2 ; d Elmira 30 S 62 *JOHN DAVID PULIS; AB; b New York 25 D 33; prep GS; fr New York; ord New York 3 1 Jl 62 ; p Russell Mass 62-3 ; Pawpaw 111 63 ; Princeton 65-9 ; Lake Geneva Wis 70-4; editor Lake Geneva Herald 72-4; p Benton Harbor Mich 74-9; Battle Creek 79-?; Detroit ?-8s; New York 85-7; Kearney Neb, Grand Island, Columbus, and N Platte 87-02; ret Grand Island 02-3; Oakland Cal 03-8?; d Berkeley 13 N 08 WILLIAM EDWIN STANTON; AB; AM; s 65; b New London Ct 12 F 39; prep GS; fr Voluntown Ct; ord Lowell Mass 2 N 65; p Lowell 65-9; miss Palatka Fla, Pemria, San Mateo, and Fruitland 69-94; P Lemon City 94-01; Miami 01-9; d Miami 26 O 09 SAMUEL DOUGLASS WADSWORTH; AB; AM; MD Columbia U 63; b Catlin 16 Mr 34; prep GS; fr N Fairfield O; studied med Columbia U 61-3; prac med New York 63-74; phys Belleville hospital 63-5; asst surgeon 9th congressional district, New York 63-5; asst sanitary inspector, New York; phys Central Dis- pensary, New York; inv Cal 74-5; d San Bernardino 19 Ja 75 HARDIN WHEAT; AB; b Franklin i N 35; prep Franklin; fr Franklin; ord Eaton 30 O 61; p Eaton 61-2; Norristown Pa 63-71; Broadalbin NY 72-3; Pal- myra 73-6; d Palmyra 4 Ap 76 CHARLES ENT WILSON; AB; UTS 64; LLB Columbia U 76; b Haddonfield NJ 30 Mr 41 ; prep GS; fr Holmdel NJ; ord Holmdel D 65; p Cape May 65-7; Newark 67-9; Cape Island 69-after 71 ; adm to bar New York My 76; prac law New York 76-; ad i Liberty St, New York ELA CHILDS BARDWELL; 60-1 ; AB DU 90 (in attendance 56-9, 89-90) ; fr Columbus O; d Ida Grove la 28 Ag 99 COLLEGE ALUMNI : l86l 97 JEROME PAINE BATES; 57-9; RTS 72; AB UR 73; b Dudley Mass 6 My 37; fr Thomp- son Ct; ord Woodstock 60; p Woodstock 60-3; in US army 62-3; 2d lieut; p E Marion NY 63-5; Hastings 65-6; Groton 66-8; Weedsport 68-9; Janesville Wis 73-6; editorial work The Standard, Chicago Evening Journal and other papers Chicago 111 76-89; in US custom house Chicago 89-93; re s Chicago 93-00; inv Cal oo-; ad 427 E ist St, Long Beach, Cal *LYMAN WALWORTH BATES; 57-8, 59-60; prep GS; fr Cherry Valley SEYMOUR D CARPENTER; || 60-1; AB Union 62; MD u; b Bellevue Mich 24 N 41; fr Clifton Park NY; in US army 63-5; druggist New York 65-? THOMAS CULL; 57-60; AM; s 63; AB UR 61; b Southrope England 5 My 35; prep GS; fr Troy; ord Malone 8 S 63; p Malone 63-6; Adams 66-8; Albany 68-70; Stillwater 70-4; Middletown O 74-80; Greenwich NY 80-95; miss Vt State Conv 95-8; p W Pawlet 98-05; Cambridge NY 05-; ad Cambridge, NY *NOAH REED EVERTS; 57-9; b McLean 3 Ap 38; prep Norwich Acad; fr Preston; ord Coventry 13 Mr 61; p Coventry 61; Cincinnatus 62; Sennett 63-7; Little Falls 67-72; Utica 72-8; Sing Sing (Opining) 78-86; Albany 86-8; Wakefield Mass 88-00; Plymouth 02-8; Westport NY 08; d Westport 27 D 08 CLINTON EMMONS FORD; || 59-60; fr Oneonta JAMES THOMAS HOPKINS; || 59-60; fr Binghamton LEANDER JAMES HOUSE; 57-8; prep GS; fr Smyrna; studied Union (x62) JOHN LYMAN HYDE; 59-60; fr Newark NJ DAVID LINCOLN; || 59-60; fr Rensselaerville REUBEN H ROBERTSON; 56-8; fr Burlington la * WILLIAM HENRY RUNYON; 57-9; AB ULg 61; AM; fr Millington NJ; ord Union- ville NY 15 Mr 64; d 81 *CHARLES HOWARD SAVAGE; 57-8; AB UR 61; b 36; prep Rochester; fr Kendall; capt i3th NY volunteers 62; killed in battle of Manassas 30 Ag 62 HENRY S SEAMAN; 58-9; fr Cleveland O *CHARLES EDWARD SIMMONS; 57-9; Hartford TS, Ct 70; b Worcester Mass 13 O 34; prep GS; fr Worcester Mass; in US army, isth and 2ist Mass regiments 61-5; ord Southwick 30 My 71 ; p Southwick 71-6; S Windsor Ct 78-83; became blind; res Worcester Mass 83-12; chaplain Worcester co jail and house of correction 88- 12; chaplain Worcester Home Farm; d Worcester 5 My 12 BENJAMIN R SKINNER; 57-8; fr Greenport JOHN TRENAMAN; || 59-60; s 62; b St John NB 27; prep GS; fr Blenheim Ont; ord Yarmouth F 64; p Yarmouth 64-7; Peru Ind 67-71; Goodland 71-?; Clarkston Mich in 79; became PE DARWIN WOOD; 57-9; fr China THEODORE STERLING WOODIN; || 60-1; s 63; b Pawling 17 Jl 35; prep NY Conf S, .Charlotteville; fr Beekman; ord Troy Mich 3 F 64; p Troy 63-6; Romeo 66-71; Cassopolis 71-5; Rochester 75-81; Weston 81-92; Oxford 92-8; Hastings 98-02; Parshallville 02-9; ret Weston 09-; ad Weston, Mich 1862 NEWTON LLOYD ANDREWS; AB; AM; s 64; PhD HamC 78; LLD UChic 83; b Fabius 14 Ag 41; prep Newark HS, NJ; fr Newark; prin GS 64-9; prof Latin 98 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1862 65-8; Greek lang and lit 68-; lecturer on history of art 96-; libn 68-80; dean of c fac 80-95; studied philology and classical archaeology abroad 79-80; history of art in Europe, Egypt and Asia Minor 95-6, spring and summer 03, 09-10; ad Hamilton, NY THOMAS ALLEN BATSON; BP; s 75; b Westfield 28 S 37; prep Wayland U, Beaver Dam Wis; fr Metomen; ord Chaseville NY 23 D 63; p Chaseville 63-4; Milford Center 65-7; Omro Wis 68-74; Brookfield NY 75-80; Turners Falls Mass 81-9; Phenix RI 90; d Phenix 20 F 90 *EDWIN I BENNETT; BP; s 64; b Bainbridge 6 D 32; fr Bainbridge; p Walled Lake Mich 64-5; Davidsonville 65-70; Salem 70-1; Plymouth 71-2; New Lisbon NY 73-4; Garrattsville 74-6; ret Bainbridge 77-8; d Bainbridge 4 Ag 78 *WTLLIAM PENDLETON BURDICK; AB; AM; b Willurgsburg Pa 8 My 38; fr Forest City NY; t Port Byron; Jordan; Brunswick Mo; Bowling Green; Salis- bury; Liberty; in i49th NY volunteers 62; lieut io2d NY volunteers; in army of Potomac; army of Cumberland; with Sherman to Atlanta; prin HS Marshall- town la in 73; supt instruction Fargo Dak in 86; d 87 SAMUEL KING DEXTER; AB; b Providence RI 6 S 37; prep Peekskill Acad, NY; fr Pawtucket RI; s 62-3; NTI 63-4; ord Sheldon ville 2 N 64; p Sheldon ville 64-5; Windsor Vt 65-8; Bennington 68-71 ; Warren RI 71-83; Keyport NJ 83-9; Vallejo Cal 89-92; Ceres 92-4; Alhambra 94-7; sup 97-03; p Escondidoo3-4;Henemeo4~ 6; ret 06-; ad Palms, Cal *JOHN DONNELLY; AB; AM; s6 4 ; DD 88; b Troy n Je 36; prep GS; fr Clifton Park; ord Unadilla Forks 8 O 63; p Port Huron Mich 64-73; Omaha Neb 73-4; Chicago 111 74-7; Ionia Mich 77-82; Coldwater 82-4; Owosso 84-9; Grand Rapids 89-90; d Grand Rapids 17 F 90 LEMAN QUINTILIAN GALPIN; AB; AM; s 64; b Mecca O 23 N 37; prep Falls Church Va; fr Fall? Church; ord Colosse NY 25 Ag 65; p Colosse 64-6; Pawpaw Mich 67-9; Charlotte 70; Naples NY 71-3; Navarino 74-7; Dansville 78-83; we Canandaigua 83-5; p Phelps 85-9; bus Canandaigua 89-12; Rochester 12-; ad 772 Garson Av, Rochester, NY ZELOTES GRENELL; AB; AM ; s 64; DD 82 ; b New York 25 F 41 ; prep GS; fr Port Jervis; ord Kingston 24 O 64; p Kingston 64-73; Bay City Mich 73-9; Detroit 79-95; Chicago 95-8; assoc editor Mich Christian Herald 76-99; Mich correspon- dent The Examiner 9 years; assoc editor Bapt Teacher 7 years; travelled Egypt, Palestine, Turkey and Greece 91; ad LaGrange, 111 "CHARLES HOMER JOHNSON; AB; AM; s 64; b Norwich 15 Ag 3 7; fr Norwich; ord Westmoreland 9 F 65; p Westmoreland 64-6; Franklin Springs 67-71; Ma- drid 72-4; Camden NJ 74-6; Seaville 76-9; Wappingers Falls NY 79-80; d Wap- pingers Falls 4 D 80 *JOHN PEDDIE; AB; AM; s 65; DD 74; b Ancaster Ont 24 My 38; fr Onondaga CW 7 ; ord Watertown NY 5 O 65; p Watertown 65-8; Albany 68-71; Philadelphia Pa 71-8; Chicago 111 78-80; New York 80-2; Philadelphia Pa 82-91; d Philadel- phia 5 Ja 91 PHILANDER REYNOLDS; AB; AM; b Troupsburg 14 O 33; prep Troupsburg Acad; fr Troupsburg; ord Charleston Pa O 63; p Charleston 62-5; Flushing Mich 66-8; Allegan 68-72; Wellsboro Pa 72-6; Addison NY 76-9; Knoxville Pa 79-84; Hinckley 111 85-6; Greenville 86-90; Clinton 91-4; Lamed Ks 94-8; Wichita COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1862 99 98-00; Springfield Pa 00-2; Gillett 02-6; S Hannibal NY 06-12; ret Plattsmouth Neb 12-; ad Plattsmouth, Neb * WILLIAM HENRY RUGG; AB; AM; s 65; b S Londonderry Vt 9 Ap 38; prep Leland S, Townshend; fr S Londonderry; ord Shaftsbury 30 My 66; p Shaftsbury 66 ~73J Perkinsville 73-82; ret Perkinsville 82-96; d Perkinsville 29 Je 96 JAMES HAMMOND SAGE; AB; AM; b Norwich 5 Ja 37; prep Norwich Acad; fr Norwich; ord Springfield 27 Ag 62; p Springfield 62-3; with Christian Commission in US army 63-4; p Willett 64-7; Marathon 67-70; Greene 70-9; Marathon 79-81 ; Gilbertsville 81-4; Waterville 84-5; Athens Pa 85-6; Georgetown NY 86-9; Groton 89-90; Williamsville 90-5; Wilson 95-8; Pitcher 98-9; inv Groton 99-; ad Groton, NY ASHER STARKWEATHER; AB; b Worcester 20 Je 38; prep GS; fr Worcester; in US army 8 months; horticulturalist Manchester NJ; t NJ; NY; truant officer Pittsfield Mass 97-; ad 40 Kellogg St, Pittsfield, Mass *FRANK WARREN TOWLE; AB; AM; s 64; PhD 80; b New London NH 21 N 35; fr New London; ord Claremont 15 N 64; p Claremont 64-73; member NH legislature 69; prin CA 73-82; p N Attleboro Mass 82-5; farmer Concord 85-91; d Concord 30 Mr 91 CHARLES WAGER UNDERHILL; AB; AM; b Bedford 27 D 39; fr Tarrytown; Troy U 58-60; in US army 62-5; ist lieut Co G ii4th regiment NY volunteers 62-3; capt Co G 63-5; judge advocate ist division igth army corps 63; studied law Hamilton 65-7; adm to bar, Binghamton 67; prac law Hamilton 67-; ad Ham- ilton, NY *EDGAR WESTCOTT; AB; b Lewis 22 F 32; prep privately; fr Lewis; asst in Cleveland PO, O 64-71 ; ret Lewis NY 71-5; Westport 75-08; d Westport 8 Ag 08 *MONSON ALVA WILLCOX; AB; DD 85; b Afton 12 Ag 41; prep GS; fr New- town; studied law New York 62-3; NTI 64-5; UTS 65-7; ord Burlington Vt 25 Ap 67; p Burlington 67-81; OswegoNY8i~7; pres KalC 87-91; p Holyoke Mass 92-02; d Holyoke 12 N 02 HENRY HARDON ANDERSON; 59-60; fr Nevada Mo JAMES IRVING BURNS; 58-60; AM; AB Union 62; LLB ColU 66; b Biddeford Me 10 Ag 41; prep GS; fr Yonkers; clerk Treasury Dept, Washington DC; adm to bar 14 Je 66; prac law Washington 66-74; New York 74-80; Yonkers 80-; alderman 83-4; member assembly 87, 88, 89, 90, 95; state senator 96-8; water commissioner New York 90-5, 09-12; ad 181 Warburton Ave, Yonkers, NY * AUGUSTUS FREEMAN; 58-61; AB Ac 62; b Harmony NS 31; prep GS; fr Harmony NS; t NS 62-?; lumber bus White Rock; prin Wolfville HS 75-80?; ord Upper St Mary's 80; p Advocate 80-3; Newport 83-9; Montague PEI 89-93; Maugerville NB 93-8; Newcastle 99-00; Banning Cal oo; inv Cal 00-3; d Long Beach 31 Ag 03 *CHARLES EDGAR HARRIS; 60- 1; AB Ac 62; MD Bellevue Hospital NY; b Port Williams NS; fr Cornwallis; d New York *JOHN RALPH HASKINS; 58-9; b Belvidere 111 37; fr Georgetown NY; ord Shutes- bury Mass 12 O 61 ; p Shutesbury 61-2; s 62-4; p Georgetown NY 63-6; Fenton Mich 66-9; Bellows Falls Vt 69-76; W Somerville Mass 76-8; W Acton 78-83; 100 COLLEGE ALUMNI ! 1862 Merrimac 83-4; miss NH State Conv 84-5; sup res Northampton Mass 85-96; p Grafton Vt 96-00; d Grafton 30 Ap oo *OSCAR FERDINAND HEWITT; 58-60; fr New London Ct; on staff of Globe, Hartford 62-5; Telegram, New London 65-75; Judge police and city courts, New London; on staff of Journal, Providence RI 79-80; Advertiser and Evening Star, Norwich Ct; d New London 13 F 88 *JOHN EDWARD P HOPPER; 60-1 ; AB Ac 62; AM 70; DD BUTS 82; b Salisbury NB 18 D 41; fr Salisbury; studied Regent's Park C, London England 62-3; p Shediac NB, Petitcodiac, Sussex 64-5; St Stephen 69-72; Burlington la 72-8; editor and publ The Chiistian Visitor 78-85; p St John NB 80-7; Sacramento Cal 88; prin Un Bapt S, St Martins 89-91 ; inv St John 91-5; d St John 12 Ja 95 *ANDREW JACKSON MORSE; 58-60; b Wallingford Ct 23 Je 34; prep GS; fr Walling- ford Ct; p Waverly NY 60-1 ; PE rector 61-2 ; d Ct 27 Ag 62 J H NASON; |j 61-2; fr Homer JAMES MELBOURNE PARKER; 60- 1; AB Ac 62; b Nictaux NS; studied theology Ac 62-3; p Springfield 64-6; Wilmot Mountain 66-70; Port Medway 70-2; Digby 72-4; Clements 74-85; Salisbury NB 85-8; River Hebert NS 88-05; ret River Hebert 05-; ad River Hebert, NS *JAMES WALLACE PARKHURST; 59-60; b Scriba 1 7 My 31 ; fr Fulton; in US army 61-4; capt Co C 1 84th NY inf; ord Ceresco Mich 3 My 77; p Ceresco 77-8; Hickory Corners 78-81; Prairieville 81-5; Augusta 85-6; Ceresco 86-7; d Ceresco 16 Ja 87 *DELOS ROCKWELL; 58-9; b Troy Pa 28 Ag 37 ; prep ULg; fr Troy; studied law Cherry Valley NY; Rochester LS; adm to bar Tonawanda 60; prac law Troy Pa 60-0 1; state senator 74; d Troy 24 F 01 JOSEPH WARD STONE; 58-9; MD U of Buffalo 69; b Fonthill, Welland co, Ont 18 Mr 34; prep GS; fr Beamsville Ont; ord Queenston 19 F 63; p Queenston 62-4; pr and farmer 64-70; p E Aurora NY 70-4; Fenton Mich 74-6; pr and farmer 76-9; p St Johns 79-81; Novi 81-7; Ludington 87-8; Richmond Ind 88-90; ev 90-1; p Clinton Mich 91-4; Milan 94-6; Aurelius 96-00; Rollin 00-3; Byron 03-5; ret Kalamazoo 05-; ad 509 Pearl St, Kalamazoo, Mich *HENRY H TURNER; 59-60; b Rushville la 6 Mr 36; prep Trenton Mo; fr Trenton; capt in US army 62-4; ord Chillicothe 26 Jl 66; p Shelburn and Alpha 66-73; N Union and Rural Dale 73-8; Edinburg and Jamesport 78-84; financial agent Grand River C 85-6; p Bethany Ks 87-91; Colby 91-7; Delaware 97-01; ret Colby oi-i i ; d Colby 6 O 1 1 EDWIN R WARRINER; 57-8, 60-1; b Smyrna 22 Jl 38; fr South Valley; t New Berlin Acad; Verona Un Sch I86 3 "JAMES MADISON BERRY; AB; b Lexington Ky 1 1 O 35; prep GS; fr Washing- ton Ind; ord Middlefield NY 18 F 64; p Middlefield 63-5; Westfield 65-7; Green Valley 111 67-9; Metamora 69-73; Dekalb 73-7; N Brookfield NY 77-81; S New Berlin 81-3; Richmondville 83-9; Masonville 89-95; Mexico 95-6; Otego 96-8; Stillwater 98-05; d Stillwater 5 Mr 05 * JONATHAN BUSH CHILD; AB; AM; s 65; b Fitchburg Mass i Jl 35; prep New London NH; fr Manchester; ord Cazenovia NY 29 S 65; p Cazenovia 65-8; Gouv- erneur 68-71; Pawtuxet RI 71-82; Ludlow Vt 82-4; Amherst Mass 84-92: E Brookfield 93-01 ; ret Flushing NY oi-i i ; d Flushing 16 N 1 1 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1863 * JOSEPH HAMMITT; BP; b Philadelphia Pa 5 D 44: .prep pd'CqlUjfr Cape May Court House NJ; with Philadelphia Petroleum Journal. 1^6-i; stoned RJai locate/ Journal and Petroleum Review (now Real Estate Record) ftew York/ proprietor,' editor and publ 65-7; street car advertising bus New York 67-78; with Scientific American, New York 78-84; NE manager Howard Lockwood's publications 84-8; gen advertising 88-95; inv Brooklyn NY 95-03; d Brooklyn 27 Ag 03 *WILLIAM E LOCKHART; BP; s 65; AM 71 ; b Moncton NB 1 1 D 32; fr Boston Mass; ord Unadilla Forks NY 30 My 66; p Unadilla Forks 65-8; Camillus 68-72; d Moncton NB 28 S 72 CHARLES HENRY NASH; AB; b Granville 6 D 35; prep TroyConfS, Poultney Vt; fr N Granville NY; s 64-4; ord Westport 18 Ja 65; p Westport 64-8; Glens Falls 68-79; Concordia Ks 79-83; Ocala Fla 83-92; Bartow 92-8; Sanford 99-01 ; Tampa 01-7; W Thonotosassa 07-; ad W Thonotosassa, Fla *RICHARD VAN WYCKE SNOW; AB; AM; b New York 16 O 41; prep GS; f Brooklyn; s 63-5; UTS 65-6; ord Hamilton O 19 Je 66; p Hamilton 66-8; d Orange NJ 25 Je 68 FRANK BENNETT SPEAR; AB; AM; b Hamilton 16 S 42; prep GS; fr Hamilton; studied law Detroit Mich 63-4; wholesale merchant and agent for transportation cos Marquette 64-; alderman Marquette 83; mayor Marquette 84-5; coal deal- er, manufacturing and mining; ad Marquette, Mich *WILLIAM FERDINAND THOMPSON; AB; prep GS; fr Washington Ind; prac law Washington *SAMUEL VANTON; BP; fr Huguenot; res Frankfort Ind; d Frankfort about 95 OWEN A WILLIAMS; AB; s 65; DD Central U, la; b Wales, GB 25 Mr 37; prep GS; fr Carnarvonshire, Wales; ord Mt Vernon NY O 65; pMtVernon 65-74; Ne- braska City Neb 75-81; Galesburg 111 81-6; Lincoln Neb 86-94; supt of miss and district sec ABHMS in upper Miss district, res Minneapolis Minn 94-08 ; sup Ks, Neb and Minn 08-; ad 1236 Louisiana St, Lawrence, Ks EBER ARTHUR WOODS; AB; AM; s 65; DD 85; b Homer O 24 Jl 39; fr Morrison 111; DU 59-61; ord Little Falls NY 30 Ag 65; p Little Falls 65-6; Flemington NJ 66-71 ; Saratoga Springs NY 71-6; Providence RI 76-80; Paterson NJ 80-6; Cleve- land O 86-90; Williamsport Pa 90-6; Portland Ore 96-8; San Francisco Cal 98-02; Somerville NJ 02-9 ; instructor in systematic theology Pacific Coast Bapt TS, Berkeley Cal 10-; ad 2604 College Av, Berkeley, Cal *JOHN LEAVENS BENEDICT; 59-60; b Clyde 2 F 38; prep GS; fr Clifton Park; ord New York 8 F 62; p New York 61-4; Matteawan 64-6; Belvidere 111 66-8; Macomb 68-70; Rozetta 70-1; Sherburne NY 71-2; Grapeville 72-3; W Troy 73-4; Rich- burg 74-5; Albany 75-7; Petersburg 77-9; ev New York 80-92; d New York 2 N 92 MORRIS J BLAKEMAN;) | 61-2 ; b Hamilton 28 Ja 38; prep GS; fr Hamilton; in US army, 1 1 4th NY volunteers 62-5; farmer Gobleville Mich 65-00; Paw Paw oo-; ad Paw Paw, Mich *SILAS CLARKE BURDICK; 59-60; b Alfred Center (now Alfred) 12 Mr 38; prep Al- fred Acad; fr Alfred Center; merchant Alfred 60-90; member Alfred Clay Co 96- 05; d New York 20 Mr 05 THEOPHILUS CHAVES; 59-60; prep GS; fr Albuquerque NMex * ALEXANDER TAYLOR COMPTON; 60-2; AM; AB Union 63; LLB U of City of New 100 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1862 Merrimac 83-4; miss NH State Conv 84-5; sup res Northampton Mass 85-96; p Grafton Vt 96-00; d Grafton 30 Ap oo *OSCAR FERDINAND HEWITT; 58-60; fr New London Ct; on staff of Globe, Hartford 62-5; Telegram, New London 65-75; judge police and city courts, New London; on staff of Journal, Providence RI 79-80; Advertiser and Evening Star, Norwich Ct; d New London 13 F 88 *JOHN EDWARD P HOPPER; 60-1 ; AB Ac 62; AM 70; DD BUTS 82; b Salisbury NB 1 8 D 41; fr Salisbury; studied Regent's Park C, London England 62-3; p Shediac NB, Petitcodiac, Sussex 64-5; St Stephen 69-72; Burlington la 72-8; editor and publ The Chiistian Visitor 78-85; p St John NB 80-7; Sacramento Cal 88; prin Un Bapt S, St Martins 89-91 ; inv St John 91-5; d St John 12 Ja 95 * ANDREW JACKSON MORSE; 58-60; b Wallingford Ct 23 Je 34; prep GS; fr Walling- ford Ct; p Waverly NY 60-1 ; PE rector 61-2 ; d Ct 27 Ag 62 J H NASON; || 61-2; fr Homer JAMES MELBOURNE PARKER; 60- 1; AB Ac 62; b Nictaux NS; studied theology Ac 62-3; p Springfield 64-6; Wilmot Mountain 66-70; Port Medway 70-2; Digby 72-4; Clements 74-85; Salisbury NB 85-8; River Hebert NS 88-05; ret River Hebert 05-; ad River Hebert, NS * JAMES WALLACE PARKHURST; 59-60; b Scriba 1 7 My 31 ; fr Fulton; in US army 61-4; capt Co C 1 84th NY inf; ord Ceresco Mich 3 My 77; p Ceresco 77-8; Hickory Corners 78-81; Prairieville 81-5; Augusta 85-6; Ceresco 86-7; d Ceresco 16 Ja 87 *DELOS ROCKWELL; 58-9 ; b Troy Pa 28 Ag 37 ; prep ULg; fr Troy; studied law Cherry Valley NY; Rochester LS; adm to bar Tonawanda 60; prac law Troy Pa 60-01; state senator 74; d Troy 24 F 01 JOSEPH WARD STONE; 58-9; MD U of Buffalo 69; b Fonthill, Welland co, Ont 18 Mr 34; prep GS; fr Beamsville Ont; ord Queenston 19 F 63; p Queenston 62-4; pr and farmer 64-70; p E Aurora NY 70-4; Fenton Mich 74-6; pr and farmer 76-9; p St Johns 79-81; Novi 81-7; Ludington 87-8; Richmond Ind 88-90; ev 90-1; p Clinton Mich 91-4; Milan 94-6; Aurelius 96-00; Rollin 00-3; Byron 03-5; ret Kalamazoo 05-; ad 509 Pearl St, Kalamazoo, Mich *HENRY H TURNER; 59-60; b Rushville la 6 Mr 36; prep Trenton Mo; fr Trenton; capt in US army 62-4; ord Chillicothe 26 Jl 66; p Shelburn and Alpha 66-73; N Union and Rural Dale 73-8; Edinburg and Jamesport 78-84; financial agent Grand River C 85-6; p Bethany Ks 87-91; Colby 91-7; Delaware 97-01; ret Colby oi-n; d Colby 6 O 11 EDWIN R WARRINER; 57-8, 60-1 ; b Smyrna 22 Jl 38; fr South Valley; t New Berlin Acad: Verona Un Sch 1863 *JAMES MADISON BERRY; AB; b Lexington Ky 1 1 O 35; prep GS; fr Washing- ton Ind; ord Middlefield NY 18 F 64; p Middlefield 63-5; Westfield 65-7; Green Valley 111 67-9; Metamora 69-73; Dekalb 73-7; N Brookfield NY 77-81; S New Berlin 81-3; Richmondville 83-9; Masonville 89-95; Mexico 95-6; Otego 96-8; Stillwater 98-05; d Stillwater 5 Mr 05 * JONATHAN BUSH CHILD; AB; AM; s 65; b Fitchburg Mass i Jl 35; prep New London NH; fr Manchester; ord Cazenovia NY 29 S 65; p Cazenovia 65-8; Gouv- erneur 68-71; Pawtuxet RI 71-82; Ludlow Vt 82-4; Amherst Mass 84-92: E Brookfield 93-01 ; ret Flushing NY 01-11 ; d Flushing 16 N i r COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1863 "JOSEPH HAMMITT; BP; b Philadelphia Pa 5 D 44:*>rep pd CqlU;fr Cape May Court House NJ; with Philadelphia Petroleum Journal, 1^,6^; signed ^aiKajtete; Journal and Petroleum Review (now Real Estate Record) New York/ proprietor \ editor and publ 65-7 ; street car advertising bus New York 67-78 ; with Scientific American, New York 78-84; NE manager Howard Lockwood's publications 84-8; gen advertising 88-95; inv Brooklyn NY 95-03; d Brooklyn 27 Ag 03 *WILLIAM E LOCKHART; BP; s 65; AM 71; b Moncton NB 11 D 32; fr Boston Mass; ord Unadilla Forks NY 30 My 66; p Unadilla Forks 65-8; Camillus 68-72; d Moncton NB 28 S 72 CHARLES HENRY NASH; AB; b Granville 6 D 35; prep TroyConfS, Poultney Vt; fr N Granville NY; s 64-4; ord Westport 18 Ja 65; p Westport 64-8; Glens Falls 68-79; Concordia Ks 79-83; Ocala Fla 83-92; Bartow 92-8; Sanford 99-01 ; Tampa 01-7; W Thonotosassa 07-; ad W Thonotosassa, Fla *RICHARD VAN WYCKE SNOW; AB; AM; b New York 16 O 41; prep GS; f Brooklyn; s 63-5; UTS 65-6; ord Hamilton O 19 Je 66; p Hamilton 66-8; d Orange NJ 25 Je 68 FRANK BENNETT SPEAR; AB; AM; b Hamilton 16 S 42; prep GS; fr Hamilton; studied law Detroit Mich 63-4; wholesale merchant and agent for transportation cos Marquette 64-; alderman Marquette 83; mayor Marquette 84-5; coal deal- er, manufacturing and mining; ad Marquette, Mich * WILLIAM FERDINAND THOMPSON; AB; prep GS; fr Washington Ind; prac law Washington *SAMUEL VANTON; BP; fr Huguenot; res Frankfort Ind; d Frankfort about 95 OWEN A WILLIAMS; AB; s 65; DD Central U, la; b Wales, GB 25 Mr 37; prep GS; fr Carnarvonshire, Wales; ord Mt Vernon NY O 65; pMtVernon 65-74; Ne- braska City Neb 75-81; Galesburg 111 81-6; Lincoln Neb 86-94; supt of miss and district sec ABHMS in upper Miss district, res Minneapolis Minn 94-08 ; sup Ks, Neb and Minn 08-; ad 1236 Louisiana St, Lawrence, Ks EBER ARTHUR WOODS; AB; AM; s 65; DD 85; b Homer O 24 Jl 39; fr Morrison 111; DU 59-61; ord Little Falls NY 30 Ag 65; p Little Falls 65-6; Flemington NJ 66-71 ; Saratoga Springs NY 71-6; Providence RI 76-80; Paterson NJ 80-6; Cleve- land O 86-90; Williamsport Pa 90-6; Portland Ore 96-8; San Francisco Cal 98-02; Somerville N J 02-9 ; instructor in systematic theology Pacific Coast Bapt TS, Berkeley Cal 10-; ad 2604 College Av, Berkeley, Cal *JOHN LEAVENS BENEDICT; 59-60; b Clyde 2 F 38; prep GS; fr Clifton Park; ord New York 8 F 62; p New York 61-4; Matteawan 64-6; Belvidere 111 66-8; Macomb 68-70; Rozetta 70-1; Sherburne NY 71-2; Grapeville 72-3; W Troy 73-4; Rich- burg 74-5; Albany 75-7; Petersburg 77-9; ev New York 80-92; d New York 2 N 92 MORRIS J BLAKEMAN;|| 61-2; b Hamilton 28 Ja 38; prep GS; fr Hamilton; in US army, 1 1 4th NY volunteers 62-5; farmer Gobleville Mich 65-00; Paw Paw oo-; ad Paw Paw, Mich *SILAS CLARKE BURDICK; 59-60; b Alfred Center (now Alfred) 12 Mr 38; prep Al- fred Acad; fr Alfred Center; merchant Alfred 60-90; member Alfred Clay Co 96- 05 ; d New York 20 Mr 05 'THEOPHILUS CHAVES; 59-60; prep GS; fr Albuquerque NMex *ALEXANDER TAYLOR COMPTON; 60-2; AM; AB Union 63; LLB U of City of New j.02 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1863 York* 64 ib. Newark NJ-i* My 42; prep Newark HS; fr Newark; studied law U of Cif yVt#*^W;^orli $^ t dm to bar, NY 19 Je 66; adm to bar, NJ 66; prac law New- ark 66-9; New York 69-02; sec Pettier and Slymus Manufacturing Co 69-72; pres US Regulation Arms Co 72-83; sec US Steamship Co 77-82; pres Keith Electric Co 82-3 ; d New York 30 Ja 02 *HENRY PETTIT CORBIN; 59-62; b Logansport Ind 24 Ja 41; prep GS; fr Fabius; in US army 62-3; 2d lieut H4th NY inf; killed at Port Hudson 14 Je 63 THOMAS TREADWELL EATON; 60-1; AB Washington and Lee U 67; DD 80; LLD^ Southwestern Bapt U 90; b Murfreesboro Tenn 16 N 45; prep Union U, Murfrees- boro; fr Murfreesboro; in Confederate army, 7th Tenn cavalry; prof Union U, Murfreesboro 67-72; ord Murfreesboro F 70; p Lebanon 70-2; Chattanooga 72-5;: Petersburg Va 75-81; Louisville Ky 81-07; editor Western Recorder 87-07; d Grand Junction 6 Jl 07 *DANIEL GANG GILLETTE; 59-61; prep GS; fr New York *ERi BAKER HULBERT; 59-62; AM; s 65; AB Union 63; AM 66; DD BUTS 88; LLD> BuU 98; b Chicago 111 16 Jl 41 ; prep GS; fr Hamilton; with Christian Commission 64-5; ord Manchester Vt O 65; p Manchester 65-8; Chicago 111 68-9 ;St Paul Minn 69-71 ; San Francisco Cal 71-6; Chicago 111 76-81 ; prof ch history BUTS 81-92;; prof and head dept ch history and dean of DS UChic 92-07; d Chicago 17 F 07 THADDEUS INGERSOLL; 59-60; fr Evans *MELVILLE DELANCY LANDON (Eli Perkins); 59-60; AM Union 62; b Eaton 7 839;: prep GS; fr Eaton; in US Treasury Dept, Washington DC 62-5 ; author, journalist and lecturer 65-10; d Yonkers NY 16 D 10 *LORENZO STRONG LAPHAM; 59-62; fr Lagrange; Albany LS 62-3; adm to bar, NY 63 ; insurance adjuster Ky and Tenn 64-7 ; adm to bar, la 67 ; prac law Cou ncil Bluffs 67-9 ;supt McQueen Manufacturing Co, Nev 69-72; gen agent Bessemer Steel and Iron Co, Pittsburg Pa 72-3; sec and treasurer Empire Mining Co, III 74-7; agent in Ariz 78-9; pres St Louis Manganese Co, Mo 80- 1; gen manager mines, Ark 82-3; pres Iron Clad Mining Co, and gen manager Aztec Mining Co NMex 86-91; d Ja9i *AUGUSTUS FRANCKE HERMANN MASON; 59-61; AM 76; DD u; b Clock ville N 39; fr Chelsea Mass; ord Barnstable 27 Je 61; p Barnstable 61-2; sup Canton 62; p- Meriden Ct 63-4; New York 64-5; bus New York 65-74; p Leominster Mass 74-6; Washington DC 76-81; Milwaukee Wis 81-4; bus 84-6; manager Simplex Electri- cal Co, Boston Mass 86-91; in Europe 93; inv Brookline Mass 94-03; d Prouts Neck Me 13 Ag 03 WILLIAM HENRY MOORE; 57-9, 60-3; fr Cape May NJ; manufacturer Brooklyn NY 84-? CHARLES FREDERIC NICHOLSON; 59-61; fr Nantucket Mass; ord Con way 10 Jl 61;. pConway6i-2; Millbury 62-3; Salem Mich in 73; Norton Mass 80; New Bed- ford 82-3; Charlestown 83-4 DAVID COLBURN OATMAN; 59-60; b Hartford 1 1 S 40; fr Angola; gen merchant An- gola 61-77; co clerk, Erie co 77-9; commissioner of city and co hall, Buffalo 80-6;. broker and wholesale commission merchant Buffalo 80-; ad 48 W Market St, Buff- alo, NY *FRANKLIN KITTREDGE PADDOCK; |j 61-2; AM WmsC 73; MD Berkshire MS. Mass 64; b Hamilton 41; prep Hamilton Acad; prac med Pittsfield Mass 64-01; rneddi- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1863 103 rector Berkshire Life Insurance Co 68-0 1 ; state med examiner 80-0 1 ; pres Berk- shire Loan and Trust 0095-7; consulting surgeon House of Mercy Hospital, Pittsfield; d Pittsfield 01 *CHARLES DELoss PLATT; 59-61; fr Binghamton; d Binghamton 61 or 62 MERRITT ALBERT POTTER; 59-62; AB Union 63; b Waterford 10 S 42; prep GS; fr W Troy; Albany Med C 63-4; manufacturer petroleum, Mariner Harbor 65-7; studied law New York 67-9; adm to bar 20 D 69; prac law New York 70-92; asst reporter US circuit court, New York 92-; ad 16 Exchange Place, New York J HENRY SMITH; || 62-3; fr Newark NJ; bus Elizabeth 70-1 or later *CHARLES YORK SWAN; 59-60; DD u; b Oxford 5 Ag 40; prep GS; fr New London Ct; p S Ashford 63-4; ord Norwalk 10 D 66; p Norwalk 65-7; Cornwall Hollow; N Stonington ?; Gloversville NY ?-69; Northampton Mass 70-2; Boston 72-5; New- ark NJ 75-80; d New London Ct 14 Ag 80 SPAFFORD TRYON; 59-62; fr York i 1864 HENRY HEATH BAWDEN; AB; AM; s 66; b Totnes, Devonshire, England 17 Ja 39 ; fr New Durham NJ ; New York Free C 60-3 ; ord New Durham NJ Ap 63 ; p Elyria O 66-74; Oberlin 74-8; Dayton 78-86; Champaign 111 86-9; district miss O State Conv 90-01; p Green Bay Wis o i -3 ;E Liverpool O 03-7; Cambridge 07-9; N Fairfield 09-11; acting p Elyria 12; res Granville 12-; ad Granville, O JOHN CROCKER FOOTE; AB; b Hamilton 20 S 41 ; prep GS; fr Hamilton; drug bus Hamilton 65-9; Belvidere 111 69-; ad Belvidere, 111 BENJAMIN F GIFFORD; AB; AM; ad Chatham, Mass THOMAS ALEXANDER THOMPSON HANNA; AB; AM; s 66; b Coleraine, Derry, Ireland 6 Ag 42; prep GS; fr New York; ord Williamsburg 6 S 66; p Will- iamsburg 66-75; Plantsville Ct 75-80; sec Ct State Conv 77-84; sup New York andTarrytown 84-6; p Philadelphia Pa 87-92; Pottsville and StClair 92-6 ; Shel- ton Ct 96-04; ad Richland Center, Pa *JOHN SCOTT McKEEN; BP; s 67; b Mabou NS 27 My 36; fr Middleboro Mass; sup Springfield NY; Lowville; Rowley Mass; d Dansville i F 69 "GEORGE WESLEY MASON; AB; b Medfield Mass 26 Mr 38; prep New Hamp- ton Institute, Fairfax Vt; fr Medfield Mass; prin s, Brandon Vt 64-6; prin HS Stone- ham Mass 66-7; gen insurance agent Troy NY 68-70; Rochester 70-6; editor Rec- ord, Olean 77; editor and publ Cattaraugus Co Record, Salamanca 78-9; Herald, Nunda 82-3; travelled for Mutual Reserve Fund Life Assoc 83-6; manager in Buffalo 86-7; gen agent Life and Reserve Assoc of Buffalo 87-90; broker, invest- ment securities, Pittsburg Pa and Philadelphia 90-8; commercial traveller 98-06; d Philadelphia 30 Ap 06 AUSTIN SHERWIN MERRIFIELD; AB; AM; s 66; DD Grand Island C, Neb 01 ; b Newfane Vt i Ap 37; prep Leland S, Townshend; fr Brookline; ord Sherman NY O 66; p Sherman 66-9; Morris 111 69-70; Sublette 70-7; Newton Ks 77-82; gen miss for Ks 82-5; p Burlington 85-8; Eldorado 88-9; financial sec OttU 89-93; P Council Grove 93-5; financial sec Grand Island C, Neb 95-06; agent Grand Is- land C 06-7; ret Kansas City Mo 07-; ad 2763 Holmes St, Kansas City, Mo .ASA EDWARD REYNOLDS; AB; AM; s 66; b Granville 4 N 40; prep Hebron Acad; fr Whitehall ; ord E Jaffrey NH 6 S 66; p E Jaffrey 66-9; Natick Mass 69-83; 104 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1864 Wallingford Ct 83-90; Cambridge Mass 90-5; N Tewksbury 95-9; inv 99-00; act- ing p Fitchburg oo; sup res N Cambridge 00-8 ; p Ipswich 08 ; sup Chicago 111 09-1 1 ; p Chicago ii-; ad 2969 Vernon Av, Chicago, 111 *BENJAMIN FRANKLIN WILLIAMS; BP; s 75; b Cardiff, Wales 25 S 37; prep Whitestown S, NY; fr Wyoming; ord Franklin 20 F 66; p Franklin 66-9; Milford Center 69-74; New Berlin 75-8; Adams Center 78-81; Ft Edward 81-6; Oxford 86-7; Wayne 87-90; Salisbury 90-3; Berlin 93-00; Shushan 00-8; ret Hamilton 08-10; d Hamilton 18 Ag 10 *DON CARLOS BABCOCK; 60-2; b Westford Vt 43; prep Gouverneur S, NY; fr Gouver- neur; in US army 62-?; adm to bar Appleton Wis about 77; prac law Appleton 77-88; clerk of court Appleton; d Monico 4 F 88 WILLIAM WALLACE BACON; 60-2; b Leyden 9 D 42; prep GS; fr Boonville; farmer Boonville 62-; ad R F D i, Boonville, NY CHARLES JACOBS BALDWIN; 60-3; RTS 63; DD DU oo; DD UR; b Charleston 10 Ag 41 ; prep GS; fr Troy; in US army 63-5; ord Chelsea Mass 29 S 68; p Chelsea 68-74; Rochester NY 74-86; Granville 6 86-; ad Granville, O *DEWiTT CLINTON BATES; 60-2; prep GS; fr Cherry Valley D H BOGGS; 61-2; fr Harlem BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BOWEN; 61-3; b Swansea, Wales 3 Ap 40 ;frPittston Pa Chap- lain 84th colored regiment 63-5; in 8th NJ volunteers 65; miss ABHMS Almont Mich 67; p Salem O 69-70; Oshkosh Wis; Cold Springs NY in 73; newspaper work NY; res Cleveland O in 86 DUANE VINTON BOWEN; 61-3; b S Otselic 23 Jl 40; prep Cazenovia S; fr Oran; Mead- ville TS, Pa 70-2; ord Unit Chelmsford Mass 72; p 72-80; ord New Church (Swed- enborgian) 8 Ap 80; p Boston; Los Angeles Cal;San Francisco; Cambridge Mass; Yarmouthport ?-; ad Yarmouthport, Mass FRANK FLETCHER; || 62-3; fr New York; ord New York 19 F 63; p Newmarket NJ; Dunellen; Paterson in 79; Tremont NY in 85 WILLIAM HENRY HAKES; 60-3; fr Grafton JOHN WALTON HARTLEY; 6o-i;b Bradford ^England ; prep GS; fr Auburn; in civil war; t; lecturer America and England ANDREW JACKSON HELLWIG; 60- 1 ; fr Gloversville; res Gloversville *GEORGE HENRY HULBERT; 60-3; AB BU 64; AM; b Chicago 111 15 Ja 44; prep GS;: fr Chicago 111; studied law Chicago; grain dealer, Chicago Board of Trade 68- 90; operator Chicago Board of Trade 90-06; d Chicago 7 Ja 06 *CHARLES A JOHNSON; || 62-3; fr Hamilton; ord Cohoes 22 Jl 68; p Greenwich ?-77U Granville; Batavia 82-?; W Hoboken NJ 86-?; d Lefferts Park NY 24 Jl 07 EDWARD JUDSON; 59-62; DD 82; AB BU 65; AM; b Moulmein Burma 27 D 44; prep GS; fr Hamilton; prin Townshend Acad, Vt 65-7 ; s 67-8 ; instructor in langs 67-8; prof Latin and modern langs 68-74; or d Orange NJ 75; p Orange 75- 81; New York 81-; instructor in pastoral theology 97-00; prof horn UChic 04-5; prof pastoral theology CU 05-; member Corpn 01-6; ad 53 S Washington Sq,. New York *MARTIN LUTHER LAWS; 63-4; AB BU 64; AM; b Accomac co Va 21 Ag 42; prep GS; fr Modesttown Va; res Philadelphia Pa, New York and Va 64-6; in copper mines on. COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1864 105 Lake Superior; druggist Mt Pleasant la and Ottawa Ks 66-70; t Saline co Mo 70; ord Rehoboth 70; p Glasgow 71-3; St Louis 73-4; travelled for Central Bapt 74; p Boonville 74-7; editor newspaper Ks 77;SS sec state of Mo 77-81 ;pDecatur 111 81-2; d Decatur 3 My 82 *JOHN JAMES LEWIS; 60-3; AM; AB HamC 64; LLD ULg 84; b Utica 25 D 33; prep GS; fr Utica; t belles lettres and elocution Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute 64-6; ord Utica 28 Je 67; p Syracuse 66-8; prof English lit 68-84; d Hamilton 3 D 84 *EDWARD TUCK LYFORD; 60-1 ; b St Albans Me 6 My 37; prep Colby Acad, New Lon- don NH; fr Brentwood; ord Deerfield 6 My 62; p Deerfield 62-3; chaplain nth NH volunteers 63-5; p Seabrook 65-7; Rowley Mass 68-70; representative in legislature from Rowley 70-2 ; p Georgetown 74-8 ; Billerica 79-83 ; Goffstown NH 8 3~5; representative in legislature from Goffstown 86-8; ret Goffstown 88-92; Georgetown Mass 92-03; d Georgetown 7 D 03 * WILLIAM MULDER; 60-4; b Holland Jl 33; fr New York Mills; ord Cong Laings- burg Mich 5 Je 67 ; p Victor and Laingsburg 66-75 " Leslie 75-8 ; farmer Victor 78-82 ; d Victor 25 Ag 82 SERENO ELISHA PAYNE; 60-2; LLD 02; AB UR 64; LLD 03; b Hamilton 26 Je 43; prep Auburn; fr Auburn; studied law Auburn 64-6; adm to bar, NY 66; prac law Auburn 66-; city clerk Auburn 68-71; district attorney, Cayuga co 73-9; MC 8 3~7 89-; chairman ways and means committee 99-13; member British- Ameri- can Joint High Commission, appointed Ja 99 ; author Payne Tariff Bill 09 ; ad n James St, Auburn, NY WILLIAM JAY RUSSELL; 59-62; AB BU 64; AM 67; b Lebanon n Jl 44; prep GS; fr Hamilton; copper mining, Lake Superior 64-6; shipping and grain bus, Buffalo NY 67-74; a sst auditor New York PO 75-9 ; gen supt 6th (registry) division 80-90; auditor Standard Oil Co 91-5; auditor in charge of Japan, Asia, Netherland col- onies, Philippines and Australia 96-02; acting comptroller Fla East Coast Rail- way and Fla East Coast Hotel Co 03-; ad St Augustine, Fla WILLIAM HENRY SPENCER; 60-1 ; AB BU 66; NTI 69; DD BU 90; b Knox 2 S 38; prep GS; fr Brooklyn; in US army 61-2; 2d lieut, ist lieut, capt and major 6ist NY volunteers; ord Foxboro Mass 16 S 69; p Foxboro 69-79; Waterville Me 79-99; Skowhegan 99-04; ret Cambridge Mass 04-; ad 63 Dana St, Cambridge, Mass ADDISON R WHITMORE; || 62-3; fr Georgetown *HUDSON ADOLPHUS WOOD; 60-1 ; AB UMich 66; AM 69; PhD New Windsor C, Md 95; b Smyrna 10 My 41; prep GS; fr Smyrna; in 6ist NY inf 61-3; prin Milton Acad, Del 66-8; Middletown Acad 68-76; prof math State NS, Kutz- town Pa 76-9 ; prof Case Sch of Applied Sci, Cleveland O 79-82 ; t Dwight Sen, New York 82-8; t Stevens Sch, Hoboken NJ 88-98; ret 98-03; d Mt Vernon NY 28 S 03 SAMUEL STOKES YOUNG; 60-1; pr GS; fr Chatham Mass I86 5 * JOSEPH BARTLETT BARRY; AB; AM; s 67; LLB Columbia U 74; b 36; fr New York; ord Port Jefferson 26 S 67; p Port Jefferson 67-71 ; New London Ct 71-2; Eureka Miss 72-4; Hardy Station 74-6; Hastings NY 76-9; New York 80-3; ret Cal 83?-9; d Vallejo 12 Ag 89 WILLIAM FREDERICK BASTEN; AB; RTS 68; b Marbletown 5 Mr 38; prep 1 06 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1 8 65 GS; fr Stone Ridge; ord Leroy 12 Ag 68; p Leroy 68-70; Cleveland O 70-4; Roads- town NJ 74-84; Mansfield Mass 84-90; Troy Pa 90-3; Adams NY 93-5; Amenia 96-04; Passumpsic Vt 04-5; Mahopac Falls NY 06-9; ret Walden 09 ; ad Wai- den, NY *PETER JAMES CROFOOT; BP; b W Turin 25 839; prep Lowville Acad ; fr Con- stableville; t Belleville Acad 65-6; engineer in la 67; t Antwerp NY 67-8; Turin HS 69-70; commerical bus Constableville 70-5; t Lowville Acad 75-8; agri- cultural bus W Turin 78-80; t Constableville HS 80; mercantile and agricultural bus W Turin 80-10; ret W Turin 10-12; d W Turin 3 Ja 12 ADONIRAM JUDSON FROST; AB; AM; s 67; DD Cal C 79; b Parishville 12 S 37; prep St Lawrence Acad; fr Parishville; ord Syracuse 30 O 67; p Syracuse 67-9; Bay City Mich 69-?; Chicago 111; San Jose Cal in 78; Sacramento 84-8; San Bernard- ino 89-91; Los Angeles; Desarc Ark; Denver Col; Minneapolis Minn *WILLIAM CAMPBELL GUNN; BP; 567; AM 87; bCaitness Scotland 23 Ap 38; fr Pictou NS; ord Springfield NY 7 N 67; p Clinton Mich 67-9; Leslie 70-1 ; dist- rict sec ABMU la 71-3; chaplain state penitentiary Ft Madison 73-00; d Ft Madison 2 1 F oo JOHN WILLIAM HENRY; BP; s 67; AM; b Tiarei, Tahiti, Society Islands 10 N 41 ; prep New Hampton Institution, Fairfax Vt; fr Tahiti, Society Islands; ord Mans- field Pa D 67; p Mansfield 67-8; Clayton NY 68-71; Rome Mich 71-3; miss to Tahiti, Society Islands 74-6; p Williamstown Mich 76-84; Santa Clara Cal 84-7; miss ABHMS Wadsworth Nev 87-92; p San Pablo Cal 93-5; Blue Rapids Ks 95-7; miss to Tahiti, Society Islands 98-04; res San Francisco Cal 04-?; Berkeley ?-; ad 2909 Pine Av, Elmwood Park, Berkeley, Cal *LEWIS PATTON HORNBERGER; AB; AM; DD 83; b Philadelphia Pa 25 O 41 ; prep GS; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord Philadelphia 65; p Philadelphia 65-84; d Phila- delphia 27 Mr 84 *HENRY WILLIAM JONES; AB; AM; s 68; DD DU 92; b Fabius 13 F 42; prep GS; fr Rondout; ord Ilion 65; p Ilion 65-6; Valley Falls RI 68-70; asst sec ABHMS and miss in Brooklyn NY 70-2; p Elizabeth NJ 72-6; Bordentown 77-80; Phila- delphia Pa 80-7; Norwalk O 87-92; cor sec O Bapt Education Society 92-6; d Mer- chantville NJ 29 D 96 ADONIRAM JUDSON LYON; AB; AM; s 67; b Napoli 30 Ag 37; prep Hamilton Acad; fr Wynn Parish La; ord Delaware O, 67; p Delaware 67-70; Lancaster 67-70; Greenfield Mass 70-4; Rockport 74-6; Owasco NY 76-9; Marcellus 79-84; Trux- ton 84-8; New Berlin 88-92; bus Jersey City NJ 92-01; asst p New York 01-3; p Huntington O 03-? HENRY HARRISON PEABODY; BP; s 67; AM 72; DD 83; b Melrose Mass 16 S- 42; prep Mendon HS; fr Wenham; ord Brattleboro Vt 4 Mr 68; p Brattleboro 68- 70; Buffalo NY 70-1; Rome 71-05; ret Rome 05-; in England 09-10; member Corpn 97-; ad Rome NY ISAAC FRANCIS PORTER; BP; Meadville DS 68; b Wenham Mass 29 Je 39; prep Dummer Acad; fr Wenham; ord Unit Princeton 111 69; p Princeton 68-9; Peterboro NH 70-2; Chicopee Mass 72-81; Petersham 83-7; Bolton and Berlin 87-9; Presque Isle Me 90-2; Littleton Mass 93-8; Bath NH 01-3; Sherborn Mass 03-; ad Sherborn, Mass L LOUIS SETTLE; BP; fr Newark Valley COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1865 107 *PRESTON KING SHELDON; BP; b Lisbon 3 O 37; prep Odgensburg Acad; fr Lisbon; ord Russell 23 N 65; p Russell 65-9; Hermon 69-72; Evans Mills and Great Bend 72-3; Smith ville and Henderson 73-80; Georgetown 80-5; Watkins 85-95; Mecklenburg 96-9; Altay 99-03; bus Watkins 03-6; p Montour Falls 06-8; ret Watkins 08-12; d Watkins 7 N 12 *DANIEL WEBSTER SKINNER; AB; AM; s 67; b Farmersville 29 S 37; prep GS;fr Hamilton; in 6istNY volunteers 61-2; farmer Hamilton 67-11; sup Mad- ison 67-8; Canastota 68-9; member Corpn 83-11; d Hamilton 8 Mr n *BUEL A SMITH; AB; b Gouverneur 3 Je 37; fr Gouverneur; prin acad and sup Belleville 65-7; d Dewitt 8 Mr 67 "LEONARD SMITH; AB; b Rensselaerville 8 Je 33; prep GS; fr Rensselaerville; s 65-6; ord Preston Hollow i Ag 66; p Preston Hollow 66-72; Franklin 72-7; ev 77-8; p Braman Corners 78-86; sup res Catskill 86-8 ; p Middlefield 88-90; Spring- field Center 90-3 ; New Baltimore 93-8 ; d New Baltimore 30 O 98 'CHARLES ROBERT SPEAR; AB; b Hamilton 25 Ap 44; prep GS; fr Hamilton; clerk Oswego 65-6; Syracuse 66-7; commission merchant Negaunee Mich 67-70; in Ark for health 72-4; res Cheboygan Mich 74-6; d Cheboygan 20 O 76 "HUBERT C WOODS; AB; AM; s 67; DD UChic 82; b Homer O 11 Jl 42; fr Morri- son 111; DU 61-2; ord Fayetteville NY 26 S 67; p Fayetteville 67-72; Greeley Col 73-4; Minneapolis Minn 74-83; St Paul 83-7; supt miss for ABHMS, res Lincoln Neb 87-92; dist sec ABHMS, rocky mountain division 92-9; res Colorado Springs Col 92-?; Pasadena Cal ?~99; d Pasadena 6 F 99 WILLIAM B ARNOLD; 60-3; prep GS; fr Burnthills ^GEORGE ATWELL ATWATER; 61-2; b Farmington Ct 26 Ja 42; prep GS; fr Meriden Ct; t Clinton NJ; Glen Gardner; Slatington Pa 69-71 ; office work New York 7 1-2; prin public sch No 3 Bayonne NJ 72-; ad Bayonne, NJ *JOHN JACOB BROUNER; 61-3; AM 73; b New York 2 S 39; prep GS; fr New York; in US army 63; with Freedmen's Bureau; ord New York 17 N 64; p Mariner Har- bor 64-^8; New York 69-95; cor sec New York Bapt Miss Society 95-02 ;d New York 24 S 02 LEWIS D BURDICK; 61-3; fr McDonough JOSEPH C BUTLER; 61-2; fr New York; in US navy 62-5; acting master mate 62; mate 65 ; ord Albany 30 D 67 MINER RUDD DEMING; 61-2; AB BU 65; AM; NTI 68; b Carthage 111 11 D 44; prep GS; fr Danbury Ct; ord Marlboro Mass 28 Je 68; p Marlboro 68-71; acting p New York 71-2; p Brooklyn 72-3; gen sec YMCA Boston Mass 73-7; p Boston 87-92; founder Boston Institute Seashore Home 87; sec New York Bapt City Miss Society 92-4; miss work New York, Brooklyn and Boston Mass 94-6; assoc p Bos- ton 97-9; with Boston Institute Seashore Home 99-04; p Boston 04-7; supt Bos- ton Institute Seashore Home, now Boston Lakeshore Home 07-; ad Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass *MARIS GIBSON; 61-4; MD Philadelphia Pa 70 ;MDU of Pa 83; b Buckingham Pa 31 O 41; prep Crozer Institute, Chester; fr New Britain; ord Gwynedd Ja 65; p ' Gwynedd 65-?; Pottstown; Guthrieville in 71; prac med Wilkesbarre 71-11; stu- died med U of Pa 80-3 ; d Wilkesbarre 20 Je 1 1 108 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1865 *SABIN TILLOTSON GOODELL; 61-3; AB BU 68; NTI 71; b Norway 22 My 36; prep GS; fr Lowville; in i5Jth NY volunteers 63-4; 2d lieut 2ist colored troops 64-5; ist lieut 65-6; ord 71; miss ABMU to Karens, Bassein Burma 71-7; d Rangoon 16 N 77 *JOHN W HORNER; 62-3; b Baptistown NJ 27 F 37; prep GS; fr Baptistovvn: prin Mauch Chunk HS, Pa 63-5; prac law Denver Col 65?-?; d Cripple Creek i N oo JOHN M HUNTER; 62-3; fr Lisbon CRAMMOND KENNEDY; 61-3; LLB Columbia U78;b North Berwick, Scotland 29 D 42; prep Phil Institution, Edinburgh; fr New York; ord New York 20 S 63; chaplain 79th NY regiment 63-4; brevet major NY volunteers; lecturer in England and Scotland 64-5; with Freedmen's Commission 65-7; lit work and lecturer 67-9; editor and proprietor Church Union 69; aided in establishing Chiistian Union 69; managing editor Christian Union 70; real estate bus, chiefly development of the palisades, NJ 70-8; adm to bar New York 78; prac law New York 78-86; Washington DC 86-; member firm of Coudert Bros; ad Bond Building, Wash- ington, DC DAVID M LEWIS; 61-3; fr Port-au-Prince, Haiti JAMES PARKER; 62-5; AM 78; b Walsoken, Norfolk, England 9 O 34; prep Biggies- wade, Bedfordhire; fr Wisbeck; ord Lebanon NY 22 S 64;pSalendineNook, Hud- dersfield, Yorkshire, England 65-70; Halifax, Yorkshire 70-91; Ilford, London 92- 03; Chadwell Heath, Essex 03-12; ad Elgin House, Richmond Road, Ilford, Es- sex, England *GILBERT NELSON SEARS; 61-3; AB UR 65; b Sandisfield Mass i Ja 39; fr Leroy- NY; ord Scipio 17 Ja 66; p Scipio 65-8; Manlius 68-71 ; Redwood 71-5; Leyden 75-8; Walworth; Shelby; E Carleton; d Cleveland O 22 Ja 93 WILLIAM H SHEPARD; 61-3; fr E Lyme Ct JABEZ THOMAS SUNDERLAND; 63-4; AB UChic 67; AM 69; BD UTS 70; b Howarth, Yorkshire, England 11 F 42; prep Burlington Collegiate Institute, la; fr Straw- berry Point; in 5th NY artillery 64-5; ord Omaha Neb 70; p Omaha 70-1; Mil- waukee Wis 71-2; p Unit Northfield Mass 73-6; Chicago 111 76-8; Ann Arbor Mich 78-98; Oakland Cal 98-9; London England 99-00; Toronto Can 01-6; Hartford Ct 06-1 1 ; Ottawa Can 12-; editor The Unit Monthly 86-96; ad Ottawa, Can GILBERT F TABER; || 64-5; fr Pawling *EDWIN AUGUSTUS TAFT; 61-4; AB UR 67; RTS 69; b Smithfield RI i D 37; prer> GS, fr N Oxford Mass; ord Elmira NY 21 S 64; chaplain i79th NY volunteers 64-5; p Cleveland O 69-73 5 mv Greeley Col 73-4 ; p Colorado Springs 74-5 ; inv Colora- do Springs 75-7; d Colorado Springs n Ja 77 1866 JOSEPH CHANDLER BUCHANAN; AB; AM: DD BuU 92; b Ringoes NJ 27 Mr 41 ; prep Clinton Acad; fr Clinton; ord Scotch Plains i O 67; p Scotch Plains 67-78; Pemberton 78-06; sec NJ Bapt State Conv 84-93; re t Plainfield 06-; ad 43 Duer St, Plainfield, NJ *CHARLES T EATON; BP; b Sherburne 7 D 46; fr Hamilton; studied law Ann Ar- bor Mich and Grand Rapids 66-8; d Grand Rapids 6 Ap 68 *GEORGE LEDLIE CARSON HANNA; AB; b Coleraine Ireland i N 40; prep- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1866 109 New York; fr New York; ord Philadelphia Pa 66; p Philadelphia 66-75; Halfmoon NY 75-7; we Hammonton NJ 77-9; p Brooklyn NY 79-81; Salem NJ and Ches- terfield 81-6; ret Frankford Pa 86-97; d Frankford 3 Ja 97 *ELISH A PUTNAM HICKOK; AB; AM; b Troy Pa n D 35; prep pd Burling- ton U, la; fr Guilford Mo; in NY heavy artillery, Co E 64-5; ord Burlington la 29 Ag 66; prof ancient langs Burlington Collegiate Institute 66-7; math and natural sci 67-8; pres Olive-Street S, Leaven worth Ks 69-70; clerk Cowley co 70-2; supt public instruction Cowley co 71-2; p Winfield 71-3; pres Red Bluff Town Co, Protection 84-9 ; sup and lecturer, res Winfield 89-09 ; member city coun- cil Winfield 91-4; pres council 92; d Winfield 5 My 09 * WILLIAM TODD LOWRY; AB; AM; s 68; b Wheatland 3 Mr 40; prep Middle- bury Acad; fr Wyoming; p Minneapolis Minn 68-71 ; Cold water Mich 71-81 ; coal and insurance bus Coldwater 81-08; d Cold water 10 Ja 08 WILLIAM SETH MITCHELL; AB; AM; MD Columbia U 71 ; b Montrose Pa 15 S 44; prep GS; fr Montrose Pa; studied med Columbia U 68-71; druggist Sus- quehanna Pa 71-; ad 413 W Main St, Susquehanna, Pa *WILLIAM H PEASE; AB; AM; s 68; b New York 29 Mr 41 ; prep GS; fr Verona NJ; ord Coldspring NY 7 Jl 69; p Coldspring 69-70; Jay 70-?; French town NJ in 75; Croton NY; Jordan; Johnson Creek; Somerset Mass; Block Island RI; res Boston Mass; d Portland Me 23 Ja 04 *WILLE MAXSON ROBINSON; AB 68; s 68; b Leonardsville 4 N 40; prep GS; fr Leonardsville; p Toms River NJ 69-70; ord Waterloo NY 27 S 71 ; p Waterloo 71-5; Rockton 111 75-6; gen miss Wis 77; inv many years; res Rogers Ark in 96; sup Little Rock 96; Columbus Ks 98; Sedan 99; res Clayville NY 99-04; d Clay- ville 1 6 N 04 'ROBERT GILLIN SEYMOUR; AB;AM;i; DD UChic 85; b New York 27 F 41; prep GS; fr New York; lieut in US army 63-4; ord New Orleans La D 64; p New Orleans 64-6; Great Falls NH 66-9; Boston Mass 69-88; Auburn NY 89-91 ; district sec ABMU 91-3; p Lowell Mass 93-5; miss and Bible sec ABPS Philadel- phia Pa 95-12; member Corpn 98-12; d Narberth 20 S 12 HARVEY ROGERS TRAVER; AB; AM; s 68; b Schodack 18 Ag 43; prep GS; fr Clifton Park; ord Ft Edward 6 Ja 69; p Ft Edward 68-9; N Bennington Vt 70- 3; Oswego NY 73-7; Saratoga 78-82; pres Leland U, New Orleans La 82-6; prin Bible and Normal Institute, Memphis Tenn 87-97; p W Hartford Ct 00-4; bus Hartford 04-; ad 26 State St. Hartford, Ct *WILLIAM GEORGE WALKER; AB; AM; s 68; b Whitesboro 3 Jl 42; prep Yates Acad; fr Johnson Creek; ord St Albans Vt 27 Ja 69; p St Albans 69-71; Fox Lake Wis 71-9; financial sec BUTS 79-80; p Monmouth 111 80-2; pres and gen manager Prouty Power Printing Press Co, Madison Wis 80-10; sec and treasurer King and Walker Steam Heating Co, Madison 87-10; proprietor foundry and ma- chine shops; d Madison 17 Jl 10 ALVIN FREEMAN BAILEY; 63-4; Mead ville TS 67; b Winchester 111 25 My 40; fr Etna NY; NY Central C, McGrawville 56-8; Oneida Conf S, Cazenovia 58-9; sergeant Co H 23d NY inf 61-2; ord Unit Union Springs 24 O 67; p Union Springs 67-9; Canastota 69-74; Indianapolis Ind 75-8; Barre Mass 79-08; p em 08-; member Mass legislature 07; ad PO Box 247, Barre, Mass no COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1866 JAMES EUGENE COOPER; 62-3; MD Columbia U 67; b Red Bank NJ 24 Je 44; prep GS; fr Red Bank NJ; prac med Shrewsbury 67-; ad Sycamore Av, Shrewsbury, NJ HERVEY EDWARDS EATON; 62-4; AM 73 ; b Fayetteville 26 N 43 ; prep GS; fr Fayette- ville; in 2d NY cavalry 64-5; brevet 2d lieut; in drug store Binghamton 65-6; joint proprietor drug bus Fayetteville 67-9; proprietor drug store Syracuse 70-86; res Eaton 86-; ad Eaton, NY EDWARD AUGUSTUS FIELD; 62-3; US Naval Acad 69; fr New London Ct; AmC 63- 5; in US navy 69-? WILLIAM WILSON JOHNSTON; 62-3 ; b Sullivan co 12 S 42 ; prep GS; fr Lacka waxen Pa; studied WmsC (x66); editor News, Edinburg Pa 71 ; adm to bar, Wayne co 72; prac law Pa 72-94; editor Republican Despatch, Pittsburg 83; prac law Augusta Wis 94-; city clerk Augusta; ad Augusta, Wis JENKYN JONES; 63-4 ;b Wales GB9N38;prep Delaware Lit Institute, Franklin NY; fr Jackson Valley Pa; p EBloomfield la 65; Walton NY 67-8 ; Morris 68-9; ord Morris 14 Ja 69 ; p E Worcester 69-74; Afton 74-80; Big Flats 80-5; Himrods 85-6; Bennettsburg 86-90; Ulysses Pa 90-4; E Smithfield 94-8; ret E Smithfield 98-; ad E Smithfield, Pa *GEORGE WASHINGTON KERSHAW; 63-4; prep GS; fr New York; studied med Colum- bia U 64-?; prac med New York ?~7o; d New York 70 OSCAR R McCLEAN; || 64-6; b Moundsville Va 30 My 47; fr New Orleans La; foun- dry bus New Orleans *THOMS B ODELL; 62-3; b New York 28 F 42; prep GS; fr New York; in US army 63-7; 2d lieut 8th regiment negro volunteers; aide; ordnance officer; asst adju- tant; mustered out with rank major; adm to bar N 67; prac law New York 67-?; d Knox 12 Jl 02 JOHN VANLEUVEN OSTERHOUT; 62-5; AB BU66; AM 69; NTI69; b Lackawack2 Ja 37 ; prep GS ; fr Lackawack ; ord Webster Mass 98 69 ; p Webster 69-73 New York 73-5; Peekskill 75-7; Castile 77-81; Providence RI 81-07; Brooklyn NY 07-9; sup Providence RI 09-; ad 78 America St, Providence, RI A MANLY PERSONS; 62-3; prep GS; fr Cassadaga ALBERT E REYNOLDS; 63-4; fr Olcott ALFRED S TARGETT; 62-5; prep GS; fr Danbury Ct LUTHER GUITEAU TURNER; 62-4; b New London Ct 8 Je 45; prep New London HS; fr New London; asst cashier ist Natl Bank New London 64-5; receiving clerk US custom house New Orleans La 65-6; manufacturer Torrington Ct 66-70; sales- man and sec Turner and Seymour Manufacturing Co, New York 70-92; treas- urer and gen manager, Torrington Ct 92-00; pres 00-10; pres and treasurer 10-; ad 2ioMiglon Av, Torrington, Ct SAMUEL H WEAVER; 62-3; prep GS; fr Philadelphia Pa 1867 *CHARLES ELI BECKER; AB; CTS 70; b Bennettsburg 15 S 39; prep GS; fr Ben- nettsburg; s 67-9; ord Amenia 68; p Amenia 69-72; E Lyme Ct 72-5; Medina NY 75-6; Bennettsburg 76-80; Belleville 80-1; pres Benedict C, Columbia SC 81-95; res Fitzgerald Ga 95-02; p Fitzgerald 97-8; d Fitzgerald 7 Mr 02 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1867 in DAVID BENJAMIN JUTTEN; AB; AM; s 70; DD 97; b New York 7 Ja 44; prep GS; fr New York; ord Howell NJ F 66; p Howell 66-8; Gilbertsville NY 69-70; Washington DC 70-3; New York 73-83; Boston Mass 84-93; Fall River 93-09; ret Dorchester Mass 09-; ad 29 Bradlee St, Dorchester, Mass GEORGE KEELY; BP; fr Saco Me; s 67-8 "HORTON GEORGE MILLER; AB; AM; b Red Creek 29 Ag 34; prep Auburn; fr Red Creek; prin Wilson Collegiate Institute 67-70; Macedon Acad 70-1 ; ord ME deacon Rome 23 Ap 71, elder 74; p Villa Point 71-3; Philadelphia 73-4; Lowell 74-6; Floyd 76-8; Hay City Ks 78-80; Smith Center 81-4; superannuated farmer Smith Center 84-6; d Smith Center 8 Ag 86 ALBERT MELVILLE PRENTICE ;AB; AM ;s 69; b Norwich 2 Jl 48; prep Nor- wich Acad; fr Hamilton; ord Rhinebeck 9 S 69; p Rhinebeck 69-73; Brockport 74-6; sup Ilion 77; p W Troy 77-91 ; Ogdensburg 91-03; miss Hudson River North Assoc 03-; res Troy 03-4; Mechanicville 04-13; Troy 13-; ad 55 Ford Av, Troy, NY 'EDWARD CHAPMAN ROMINErAB; AM; s 69; b Stockton NJ 19 Je 42; prep GS; fr Stockton NJ; ord Marlboro 26 N 69; p Philadelphia Pa 70; Hopewell NJ 71-3; Philadelphia Pa 73-80; Downington 83-4; Fair Hill 84-6; ev Philadelphia 86-1 1 ; d Sandy Ridge NJ 1 1 D 1 1 *DANIEL B RYDER; AB; AM; b Sing Sing (Ossming) 15 Jl 45; fr Sing Sing;t Sing Sing 67-82; bookkeper Sing Sing 82-92; inv Poughkeepsie 92-4; d Pough- keepsie 23 Mr 94 CHARLES CARROLL SMITH; AB; AM; s 69; b Piscataway NJ 13 D 38; prep GS; fr New Brunswick; ord Cooperstown NY 10 F 70; p Cooperstown 69-74 ; Hannibal 74-6; Branford Ct 77-85; Hempstead NY 86-92; sup Boston Mass 93; p Rhine- beck NY 94-8; Waterbury Ct 98-08; Philadelphia Pa 08-?; resFreeport NY ?-; ad Care Dr Smith, Freeport, NY JAMES MORFORD TAYLOR; AB; AM; s 69; LLD WJC 91 1 b Holmdel NJ 15 S 43; prep GS; fr Holmdel NJ; instructor in math 68-70; prin GS 69-73; prof math 70-; travelled Europe 92; US and Japan 03-4; ad Hamilton, NY *HERVEY EDWARD WILLIAMS; AB; b Saratoga 25 My 47; prep GS; fr Fayette- ville; d Greensboro Md 8 N 67 *ALBERT ALLIN ARNOLD; 65-6; b Corfu, Greece 17 Ja 46; prep Roxbury Latin Sch, Mass; fr Hamilton NY; with C B and Q Railway Co; d Cranston RI F 04 LEONARD ALVAH BROCKETT; 63-4; b Salisbury 16 D 26; prep Fairfield S; fr Hamil- ton; farmer Salisbury 65-; ad R F D i, Little Falls, NY IRA ELVERTON CHAPIN; 63-7; fr Oneida; farmer Oneida 86-; ad Oneida, NY *ALBERT JAMES DAVIS; 61-7; b Cardiff 20 Ag 44; f r S Butler; studied law Syracuse 69-70; adm to bar, NY 70; prac law Syracuse 70-8; member firm Munro and Davis 75-8; clerk board of supervisors 2 terms; clerk to canal commissioner Stroud 72-5; d Syracuse n N 78 EGBERT D DOOLITTLE; 63-4; prep GS; fr Wappingers Falls JUDSON WADE HARRIS; 63-5; AB UR 67; RTS 70; DD Stetson U, Fla 12; b Beck- et Mass 18 Je 45; prep GS; fr Burma, Asia; ord Weedsport NY 16 F 71; p Weedsport 69-76; Perry 77-80; Omaha Neb 80-6; real estate and banking bus Om- 112 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1867 aha 86-92 ;dist sec ABPS Chicago 111 92-6; bus Omaha Neb 96-01 ; p Omaha 97-9; St Petersburg Fla 01-; ad St Petersburg, Fla ISBAN HESS; 63-4; AB BU 67; prep GS; fr Preston Hollow; prac law Albany; ad ii Douw's Building, Albany, NY MILTON F HOAG; 63-4; fr Amenia *JOSEPH BROWN LEWIS; 63-6; b 8 My 45; fr Red Bank NJ; farmer Red Bank 66- 73 ;d Red Bank 24 Jl 73 *JOHN GAMBLE SKELLY; || 65-6; b Dromara, Ireland 8 D 38; prep GS; fr Dromara Ireland; miss p Larne, co Antrim 68-70; p Ballygawley, co Tyrone 70-1 ; Ra- hue, co Westmeath 71-4; Queenstown and Cork 74-6 ;Knockconny and Mullycar, co Tyrone 76-83; res Nantwich, Cheshire, England 83-4; p Woodstock 84-7; Eye, Suffolk 87-91; Brimpton, Berkshire 91-02; ret High Easter, Chelmsford, Essex 02-3; d High Easter 18 N 03 ISAAC \V THOMPSON; 63-4; prep GS; fr New London Ct FRANK WHITMORE; 63-4; fr Lebanon 1868 *JAMES HENRY ANDREWS; AB; AM; s 70; b Brooklyn 24 O 45; prep GS; fr Brooklyn; ord Ilion 30 Ag 70; p Ilion 70-2; Englewood NJ 72-5; Demarest 75; d Demarest 17 O 75 JEFFERSON HERMON AUSTERMELL; AB; s 68; b Philadelphia Pa 30 N 38; fr St Louis Mo; ShC 64-6; ord North Bay NY 2 Jl 67; p S Nantucket Mass 68; Ft Covington NY 68-9; Etna 69-71 ; Hyde Park Pa 72; N Alton 111 72-4; city miss Kansas City Mo 74; miss S Wyandotte Ks; p Rossville; Silver Lake; Dover; res Cal 86-; sup Palms 87; p Banning; sup Los Angeles 97-9; miss Richmond 01 ; also sup El Monte and vie; ad 937 Orange St, Los Angeles, Cal EDGAR BARNES; AB; AM; b Versailles Ky 48; prep GS; fr Versailles Ky; studied law Versailles 68-?; t Brockport NY 78-84; prin Castile Acad 88; Murray Insti- tute, Ky 92-8; prof Latin and German Clinton C ?-; ad Clinton, Ky EMORY DEAN CRAFT; AB; b Carmel 28 O 40; prep Drewville Acad; fr Carmel; s 68-9; ord Addison Vt 25 Ja 70; p Addison and W Haven 70-8; SS worker Ks 78- 04; editor Downs Times 88-92; real estate bus Los Angeles Cal 04-; ad 1554 E 23d St, Los Angeles, Cal GEORGE D JEWETT; BP; fr Jewett Mills Wis *MOUNG KYAW; BP; b Rangoon Burma 5 Mr 43; fr Moulmein; s 68-9; miss worker in Burma 70-83; d Henthada Je 83 "CLAYTON MORE PARKE; AB; AM; b Clifton Park 2 D 47; prep GS; fr Glovers- ville; studied law Troy 68-9; adm to bar Albany 9 D 69; legal writing Albany 69- 71; prac law Gloversville 71-04; district attorney Fulton co 2 terms; d Glovers- ville 10 O 04 * JOSEPH FRANKLIN SHOARDS; AB; AM; s 70; b New York i Ja 45; fr New York; in 1 2th regiment NY volunteers; inv 70-2; sec Board of Managers ABHMS, New York 72-7; inv 77-8; d New York 28 Je 78 *ABRAM PULLING SPRAGUE; AB; b E Fishkill 27 Ag 47; fr E Fishkill; studied law Hamilton 68-9; Johnstown 69-71; adm to bar 71; prac law Troy 71-?; New York 7-83; d Brooklyn 27 Ap 83 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1868 113 DAVID RONALD WATSON; AB; AM; RTS 71; b Stonefield Scotland i Ap 41; prep Whitestown S, NY; fr Whitestown; s 68-9; ord Lowville 18 O 71 ; p Lowville 71-6; Brandon Vt 76-81; sup Laramie Wyo 81; p Sioux City la 81-5; Penn Yan NY 85-8; sup Clayton 88; p Groton 88-93; Dundee 93-6; bu; and sup, res Geneva 96-; ad 469 S Main St, Geneva, NY AUGUSTUS C BALLOU; 65-7; fr Newburyport Mass JOHN BRANCH; 63-5; b Barton 26 N 37; prep GS; fr Hamilton; p Center Lisle; Newark Valley; Painted Post; Elmira 74-? ''CHARLES HENRY BROOKS; 64-5; b Ashville 13 My 45; prep GS; fr Hamilton; d Hamilton 22 O 65 ONCKEN WILLARD COLE; 64-5; b Carmel 27 Ag 46; prep GS; fr Carmel; bus of various kinds 65-88; ice manufacturer Brunswick Ga 88-; ad Brunswick, Ga WILLIAM JAMES CONKLIN; 63-5; MD U of City of New York 70; b Cornwall 28 Ja 46; prep GS; fr Cornwall; prac med and surgery Fishkill 70-; consulting phys Highland Hospital, Matteawan; vice-pres and director Fishkill Electric Railroad Co; treasurer and director Southern Dutchess Gas and Electric Co of Maine; ad Fishkill, NY WILLIAM T NOCK; 64-5; prep GS; fr Modesttown Va JUDSON HOWELL PALMER; || 66-8; b Fenner; prep Geneseo Acad; fr Moscow; ord E Hamilton i Je 70; p Vernon 70-5; Canastota 4 years; Yates 4 years; Cedar Springs Mich 3 years; Bowling Green O 4 years; Seville 4 years; Punxsutawney Pa 4 years; Sykesville; Monroeville O THEODORE TRUED TRUVE; || 66-8; DD 09; b in south of Sweden 6 Ja 38; prep Stockholm; fr Gothenburg; ord Gothenburg 63; miss ABMU to Sweden 68; p Gothenburg 68-10; editor 4 papers, one for 32 years; d Gothenburg 3 F 10 GEORGE GRIFFIN WILLIS; 64-6; fr Swanzey NH; res Omaha Neb; p Columbia Ga ?-8o; architect and real estate bus New Haven Ct in 85 1869 EDWARD KINGSFORD CHANDLER; AB; AM; BUTS 71; DD McMinnville C, Ore 83; b Indianapolis Ind 21 Ag 42; prep Willamette U, Ore; fr McMinnville; ord Indianapolis Ind S 71 ; p Indianapolis 71-3; Rockford 111 73-9; Saco Me 79-82; Cambiidge Mass 82-9; W T arren RI 89-93; P re s Clinton C, Ky 93-6; prof theology Bishop C, Marshall Tex 96-01; prof history and economics OttU 01-9; libn 09-; ad 819 S Main St, Ottawa, Ks WILLIAM COLGATE EATON; AB; AM; PhD 82; US Naval Acad 74; b Hamilton 4 F 51; prep GS; fr Hamilton; graduate student c 69-70; in engineering corps US navy 74-98; detailed as prof engineering 88-91; chief engineer US navy 95-8; lieut commander Line of Navy 98-07; captain 07-8; ret as commodore 08, con- tinuing on duty till 09; res Hamilton NY 09-; appointed examiner engineering graduates Chinese Navy, Imperial University, Tientsin, China 92; chief engineer US steamer Amphitrite during Spanish war; fleet engineer Pacific Squadron 99- oo; head dept engineering navy yard, Pensacola Fla 04; inspector engineering material and ordnance Brooklyn NY 05-9; ad Hamilton, NY n6 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1870 Ks 88-9; Leadville Col 89-91; Paterson NJ 94-7; Brandon 97-00; Troy NH oo-?; Petersham Mass 04; d N Dana 29 D 04 *GOULD JEFFERSON TRAVIS; AB; AM; s 76; PhD UChic 86; b 41; fr Lake Mahopac; ord Hartwick 26 O 70; p Hartwick 70-2; Parma Mich 72-5; Iowa Falls la 76-9; Wayne Neb 79-84; St Paul 84-7; Fallbrook Cal 87-90; Eugene Ore 90-3; d Eugene 21 O 93 FRANCIS MARION BEEBE; 66-9; s 75; b Georgetown 26 Ap 41; prep GS; fr Erie- ville; ord Coventry 13 Ap 70; p Coventry 69-70; Rulo Neb and N Platte 70-2; Chittenango NY 72-3; Waterloo 76-8; inv 78-82; p Camden Del 82-4; E New- market Md 84-6; Lake Como Fla 86-91; Memphis NY 91-3; Genoa 93-5; inv Washington DC 95-04; p Fernwood NY 04-6; inv Canastota 06-; ad Canastota, NY J N HARRIS; 66-7; fr Des Moines la; t Lansing NY 69-? *WILLIAM A KINGSBURY; 66-7; DD Wake Forest C, NC; PhD NC U; b Kingston Can 12 Ap 46; prep GS; fr Newburn NC; ord St Clair Mich 69; p St Clair 69?-^; res Mt Clemens 72-3; p Mt Clemens 73-5; res Mt Clemens 75-9; p Dansville 79-80; Ganges 80-2; Kinderhook 82-3; Ortonville 83-7; Berrien Springs 87; Wolcottville Ind 87-90; agent Children's Home and Aid Society 96-8; d Chicago 111 30 Jl 98 HENRY CURTIS LEACH; 66-8; b Ten Mile River 11 O 42; prep GS; fr Harpursville ; p Newark Valley 68-9; ord Cannonsville 9 Je 70; p Cannonsville 69-71; Hancock 72-5; S Otselic 75-84; t Concord Va 84-6; p Afton NY 86-9; E Worcester 89-91 ; Hancock 91-7; Port Dickinson 97-00; Locke 00-2; sup res Hancock 02-7; p East Branch 07-; ad East Branch, NY *WILLIS WAYLAND PATTENGILL; 65-6, 67-9; AB UR 70; RTS 73; bNew Lisbon 21 D 45; prep Cortland Acad, Homer; fr W Winfield; ord Saginaw Mich i Jl 73; p Sagi- naw 73-81; Marshall 81-4; Fond du Lac Wis 84-90; Beaver Dam 90-7; financial agent for Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam 98; p Atlanta 111 99-02; Hampton la 02-4; res Osage 04-5 ; p Ellendale Minn and Blooming Prairie 05 ; d Osage la 6 D 05 W T ALDO B SMITH; 66-7; fr Portland Me E A WORMWOOD; || 69-70; fr Portland Me 1871 GEORGE FRANCIS ARNOLD; AB; AM; b Corfu, Greece 7 F 48; prep Roxbury Latin Sch, Mass; fr Hamilton NY; t GS 71-3; studied U Bonn 73-6; private t 76-8; asst in Harv lib 78-82; ret 82-; ad 60 Davis Av, Brookline, Mass *WARDWELL BEACH; AB; AM; b Victory 24 Ag 46; prep GS; fr Hamilton; studied law Hamilton and Syracuse 71-4; adm to bar Binghamton S 74; prac law Hamilton 74-5; Syracuse 75-81; prac law and farmer Syracuse and E Syracuse 8 1 -08 ; d E Syracuse 1 1 O 08 *WOODLEY WILLIAMSON CAMPBELL; AB; AM; s 73; b Busti 31 Jl 43; prep GS; fr Busti; ord Busti 22 O 73; miss to Telugus, India 73-88; res Ongole 74-5; Secunderabad 75-88; in US 81-2; p Waverly la 90-2; inv Cedar Falls 92-3; d Cedar Falls 2 N 93 GATES SAMUEL COMSTOCK; BP; MD Hahnemann Med C, Philadelphia Pa COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1871 117 74; b S Hamilton 16 Ag 49; prep GS; fr S Hamilton; prac med Johnstown 74- 5; Norwalk Ct 75-85; Blairsville Pa 85-7; Grover 87-; ad Grover, Pa "LEONARD JOHN DEAN; AB; AM; DD 01; NTI 74; b Morrisville 24 Jl 48; prep Morrisville Un Sch; fr Morrisville; ord E Jaffrey NH 15 D 75; p E Jaffrey 75-9; Milford 80-2; Randolph Mass 82-4; prin Un Acad, Belleville NY 84; p Water- town 84-9; Little Falls 89-92; Hudson 93-8; Troy 98-10; Saratoga Springs 10- i ; d Saratoga Springs 5 Jl 1 1 ALEXANDER PELOUBET; AB; s 73; prep GS; fr Newark NJ; ord Westerlo NY 2 9 O 73; p Westerlo 73-4; Rensselaerville 74-9; Worcester 80-2; Charlotteville 83-93; Hurley ville 94-6 *CHARLES BOD WELL PERKINS; AB; AM; s 73; DD Alfred U 99; b Newbury- port Mass 12 O 45; prep GS; fr Newburyport Mass; ord Trenton NJ 16 O 73; p Trenton 73-8; Binghamton NY 78-80; Amsterdam 80-8; Corning 88-93; Wells- ville 93-02; Watervliet 02-7; Plattsburg 08-10; d Plattsburg 9 Ja 10 DANIEL ROGERS; AB; AM; s 73; DD Indian U 89; b Pittsburg NH 13 Ap 44; prep Derby Acad, Vt; fr Stewartstown NH; ord Huntington Mass 4 F 74; p Hunt- ington 73-5; miss and t under ABHMS in IT 75-6; miss to Cherokees 76-8; gen miss for IT 78-88; editor The Indian Missionary 85-6; p S Omaha Neb 88-9; Morrison 111 89-93; Vinton la 94-6; Tahlequah IT 96-8; miss ABHMS in IT 98- oo ; p Atoka oo-i; Johnstown O and Kirkersville 01-3; sup res Gran ville 03-6; p Butler 06-9; Adamsville 09-11; Pleasant Valley 10-1; sup res Gran ville n-; ad Granville, O *PHILO WILLIAM SACKETT; AB; b Mt Morris 17 Mr 50; prep GS; fr Burdette; d Hamilton 22 My 71 E FAYETTE SMITH; AB; MD Columbia U 76; prep GS; fr Hamilton; t HS, Newark NJ 72-3; studied med Columbia U 73-6; prac med Newark NJ 76-; visiting phys St Barnabas hospital 87-; ad Morristown, NJ WILLIAM LEE CHURCH; 67-8; CE Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 72; b Hamilton 25 Mr 50; prep GS; fr Hamilton; instructor Lehigh U, Pa 72-4; supt Ludlow Valve Manufacturing Co, Troy NY 74-6; engineer Buckeye Engine Co, New York 76- 82; engineer W^estinghouse Machine Co, New York 82-4; Pittsburg Pa 84-8; vice-pres Westinghouse, Church, Kerr and Co, Pittsburg 88-90; Boston Mass 90-6; res Boston 96-00; member Lockwood, Greene and Co, Boston oo-4;pres Ambursen Hydraulic Construction Co, Boston 04-; ad 88 Pearl St, Boston, Mass; res 31 Chase St, Newton Centre MARCELLUS AUSTIN CHURCHILL; 67-8; AB UR 71; RTS 74; b Buffalo 9 Jl 45; prep GS; fr Buffalo; ord Buffalo 18 S 74; miss Ningpo China 74-7; p Northville Mich 78-9; miss worker Buffalo NY 79-80; p Mt Clemens Mich 80-4; sup res Chicago 111 84-9; bus Buffalo NY 95-; ad 45 Ketchum Place, Buffalo, NY *ALBERT VINTON CLARK; 67-9; b Tolland Ct 4 845; fr To Hand; BU 7 1-2; NTI 72- 4; ord W Royalston 26 Ag 74; p W Royalston 74-8; E Hardwick Vt 78-81; inv Tolland Ct 81; d Tolland 15 N 81 * WILLIAM WEBER EASTMAN; || 69-70; b Yates 17 My 39; prep GS; fr Meadville Pa; life insurance solicitor 111 70; sup 111 70-5; merchant Mansfield 75-80; life insur- ance solicitor Dak 80; asst to US surveyor gen Dak 81-5; land attorney and clerk 1 1 8 COLLEGE ALUMNI 11871 Huron 85-7; t Dak 87; bus Omaha Neb 92-12; co justice, Omaha 03-12; d Hot Springs SD 15 Ag 12 *DWARD ELLIS; 67-9; AM 83; BUTS 73; b Bala Wales 16 Ap 43; prep GS; fr Beaver Dam Wis; in US army 62-5; ord Portage 17 Ja 69; p Portage 69-70; Warrenville 111 70; miss ABHMS Oconomowoc Wis 72; p Englewood 111 73-4; Milwaukee Wis 74-80; gen miss ABHMS, Dak 80-6; dist sec ABHMS for O, Mich and Ind 86- 9; bus SD 89-92 ; p Milwaukee Wis 92 ; d Hudson 6 O 92 ALFRED FREE; 67-8; PhD U of Pa 80; b Lagrange 2 Ap 49; prep GS; fr Amenia; ord Charlerront Mass 2 Mr 69; p Norwich Ct 70-3; Philadelphia Pa 73-81; Toms River NJ 81-8; with American Unit Assoc Boston Mass 88-9; p Unit Turners Falls 89-97; Florence 97-09; miss Morgantown WVa 09-10; p Winchendon Mass io-; ad Winchendon, Mass JAMES BENJAMIN GRANT; || 69-70; s 78; b Franklin 28 Jl 45; prep GS; fr Hamilton; ord Westville 13 Mr 72; p Westville 71-3; S Otselic 73-6; book bus Hamilton 78-11; ret Hamilton u-; ad Hamilton, NY WILLIAM B HURD; 67-8; AB NY U 72; LLD St Lawrence U io; b Birmingham Ct 9 F 51; prep GS; fr Brooklyn; studied law Brooklyn 72-4; prac law Brooklyn 74- 96, 02-; co judge, Kings co 96-02; ad 423 Washington Av, Brooklyn, NY *JAMES A MITCHELL; || 69-71; b Chateaugay; prep New Hampton Institution, Fairfax Vt; fr Hamilton NY; miss ABHMS Elk Horn Valley Neb 71-2; ord Oak Grove Minn Je 72; miss ABHMS Anoka co 72-4; Spring Valley 74-7; Fairview la 77-81; northwestern la 81-2; p Fredericksburg 82-4; bus Minneapolis Minn 84- 91 ; colporter ABPS 91-03; sup res Seattle Wash 03-? ISAAC HILL MUNRO; 67-70; fr Camillus; farmer Camillus 70-02; res Syracuse 02-; member Corpn 07-; ad 813 W Genesee St, Syracuse, NY EUCLID BEAUCLERC ROGERS; 68-70; DD ShC oo; b Norwich i Mr 52; prep Norwich Acad; fr Norwich; studied law Norwich and Binghamton 72-6; editor Sentinel, Norwich 72-4; adm to bar Albany 76; prac law Norwich 77-82; ord Norwich 13 N 83; p Owasco 83-4; s 84-5; p Weedsport 85-7; Franklin Pa 87-9; Burlington la 90-2; Springfield 111 92-09; Champaign 09-11; lyceumand chautauqua lec- turer, res Springfield 1 1-; ad 536 S State St, Springfield, 111 * ALFRED BENNETT TUCKER; 68-9; LLB UMich 68; AB UChic 71 ; b Racine Wis 17 S 47; fr Logansport Ind; editor Daily Sun, Logansport 71-2; ord Aurora 111 7 N 73; p Aurora 73 ; d Aurora 2 1 N 73 THOMAS HOUGHTON TUSON; 67-8; b Preston England 22 My 46; prep GS; fr Man- chester NH; printer Manchester 73-; ad 36 Appleton St, Manchester, NH 1872 ADONIRAM JUDSON CHANDLER; AB; NTI 75; b Chester Vt 12 Mr 45; prep GS: fr Chester Vt; in US army, 9th Vt volunteers 64-5; ord N Troy i D 75; p N Troy 75-7; Shaftsbury 78-81; Clinton Ct 81-5; Old Mystic 85-95; sup Mont- ville 96; bus and sup, res New London 96-; ad 16 Squire St, New London, Ct DAVID READ COE; AB; b Peterboro 28 My 46; fr Oneida; NTI 72-3; dep clerk US circuit court, northern district NY 77-83; travelled 83-4; travelled and admin- istrator of an estate 84-90; hard ware merchant Oneida 90-02; res Oneida 02-5; Christian Science practitioner Oneida 05-; ad 33 > Broad St, Oneida, NY HENRY ALLAN CORNELL; AB; AM; s 74; b Sing Sing (Ossining) 31 Ja 51 ; prep COLLEGE ALUMNI '.1872 119 GS; fr Sing Sing; ord Sing Sing N 74; p Madrid 74-6; Rutherford NJ 76-8; Hart- ford NY 78-80; Wappingers Falls 80-7; editor Wappingers Chronicle 84-6; p* Athens 87-91 ; Keeseville 91-3; Chelmsford Mass 93-7; Merrimac 97-00; Shannock RI 00-7; Lowell Mass 07-10; Groton 10-2; res Providence RI 12-; ad 30 Cong- don St, Providence, RI KAHCHUR; AB; fr Shwegyin, Burma; miss worker Shwegyin 72-; ad Shwegyin,, Burma JOHN ELI AS McLALLEN; AB; fr Trumansburg; s 72-3; p Ovid Village 74-5; ord Altay 24 Ja 77; p Altay 76-8; Springfield Pa 79-80; E Lansing NY 81-6; we Trumansburg 88-; ad Trumansburg, NY MARCUS CLARK MASON; AB; AM; s 74; DD 06; b Wales 6 Je 44; prep GS; fr Strykersville; ord Strykersville 29 Jl 74; miss ABMU (ABFMS) in Garo Hills, Assam 74-; res Goalpara 74-88; Tura 88-; ad Tura, Assam ROSS MATTHEWES; AB; AM; s 76; b Ireland 5 Jl 41 ; prep GS; fr New York; NTI 73-4; ord Port Byron NY 22 N 76 ;j> Port Byron 76-7; Lancaster Pa 77-80; Fab- ius NY 81-3; Lonsdale RI 83-6; Boonville NY 86-9; Wilson 89-91 ; Marengo 111 91-5; Paw Paw Mich 96-01; Salem O 01-4; Castile NY 04-9; Westport 09-; ad Westport, NY JUDSON ORREN PERKINS; AB; AM; s 74; PhD SyrU 89; b Cazenovia 10 O 47; prep Cazenovia S; fr Cazenovia; ord North Bay 30 D 73; p North Bay 73-5; Copenhagen 75-86; prin Perkins Acad, Copenhagen 79-86; p Chittenango 86-94; Adams Center 94-9; farmer and lit work Cazenovia 99-; ad Cazenovia, NY ELNATHAN GOODING PHILLIPS; AB; AM; s 74; DD 06; b E Bloomfield 6 D 45; prep GS; fr Bristol; ord Bristol 8 Jl 74; miss ABMU (ABFMS) in Garo Hills, Assam 74-; res Goalpara 74-8; Tura 78-; ad Tura Assam *CHARLES ALBERT PIDDOCK; AB; b Lorraine 25 Jl 49; prep Mexico Acad ; fr Brooklyn; s 72-3; ord Claremont NH 30 Mr 74; p Claremont 74-8; W Springfield Mass 78-81; Middletown Ct 81-8; editor Christian Secretary, Hartford 88-07; d Hartford 23 Ap 07 * JOSEPH WHITE ROBINSON; AB; AM; s 74; fr Stamford; ord Lebanon Springs i S 74; p Lebanon Springs 74-5; invCal 75-8; p Stamford NY 78-9; d Stamford i5 Je 79 HUGH OWAIN ROWLANDS; AB; AM; 574; DD 88 ; b W T aukesha Wis i O 45; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam; fr Waukesha; ord S New Berlin NY 13 Je 72; p Whitesboro 74-9; Oshkosh Wis 79-84; Elgin 111 84-90; Chicago 90-5; Lincoln Neb 95-03; Davenport la 03-12; sup 12-3 ;p Newark O 13-; ad Newark, O MY AT SAN; AB; CTS 74; prep GS; fr Bassein Burma; s 72-4; ord Plainfield NJ 29 Jl 74; t Rangoon Burma; Bassein Sgau Karen Normal and Industrial Institute many years; editor first Karen weekly paper 80-90; p Bassein Sgau Karen Bapt ch oo-; editor Karen Natl News; ad Bassein, Burma CYRUS STEWART SHERMAN; AB; AM; b E Dover Vt 17 Ja 48; prep Leland and Gray S, Townshend; fr Dover; s 72-4; ord Andover Vt 74; p Andover 74-9; Guilford 79-92; E Dover 92-02; we E Dover 02-; ad E Dover, Vt HENRY THOMPSON; AB; LLB U of City of New York 74; b Binghamton 14 O 49; prep Danville Pa; fr Alexandria Va; adm to bar, NY 74; prac law New York 74-; member Corpn 06-; ad 2 Wall St. New York ALBERT EDWARD WAFFLE; AB; DD 91; b Troupsburg 14 N 46; fr Andover; 120 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1872 Alfred U 68-9; s 72-3 ; ord New Brunswick NJ 29 My 73 ; p New Brunswick 73-80; prof rhetoric, logic and oratory Ball 80-5; p Lewisbarg 80-3; Bay City Mich 85-8 ; Jamestown N Y 88-95; Albion 95-05; Woodstock Ont 05-8; lit work and sup, res Albion NY 08-; acting p Newark NJ, Troy NY, Pittsburgh Pa; ad Albion, NY *AMARIAH KALLOCK BATCHELDER; 68-9; graduate Fairfax C; b Prospect Me 13041; fr Hancock; ord New Lisbon NY 3 Mr 69; p New Lisbon 68-71; Croghan 71-3; Schenevus 73-5; Broadalbin 75-7; Burnthills 77-83; Sherburne 83-6; Delaware O 86-90; d Amsterdam NY i Ap go *HORATIO BROTHERTON; 68-71 ; b Attica 4 Ag 50; prep GS; fr Batavia; ord Worces- ter 20 S 71 ; p Worcester 71-4; Oneonta 74-80; Cleveland O 80-03; d Cleveland 28 Oo 3 GEORGE THOMAS DOWLING; 68-9; AM 75; DD 87; b New York 2 Je 49; prep GS; fr New York; CTS 69-70; ord Fellowship NJ 70; p Fellowship 70-2; Providence RI 72-4; Syracuse 74-8; Cleveland O 78-90; p Reformed Dutch ch Albany NY 90- 3; res Boston Mass 93-5; ord PE Boston 22 D 95; rector Toledo O 95-9; Los Angeles Cal 99-05; Brooklyn NY 05-8; res abroad 08-; ad Farmers' Loan and Trust Co, Paris, France E LANSON DUNKLEE; 67-9; b Campbell 4 O 43; prep GS; fr Coopers Plains; travel- ling salesman 69-73; farmer Wyalusing Pa 73-5; bank clerk and insurance agent Wyalusing 75-80; insurance and real estate agent Wyalusing 80-90; ret Wyalu- sing 90-; ad Wyalusing, Pa * ALFRED GEORGE DUNSFORD; 67-9; b Nottingham England 12 D 45; prep GS; fr Watertown; RTS 69-71; ord Avon 12 D 72; p Avon 72-3; Waterford 73-5 ; Adrian Mich 75-8; inv 78-80; p Stillwater NY 81-5; Marengo 111 85-91; ret Avon NY 91-00; d Rochester 8 Ap oo * JOSEPH BILLINGS MANN; || 70-1 ; RTS 75; b Georgetown 8 Je 49; prep GS; fr New Woodstock; ord Detroit Mich 2 Je 75; p Ishpeming 75-6; Baraboo 76; inv 76-7; d New Woodstock NY 20 My 77 JOHN HENRY SCHULTZ; 68-70; b Brooklyn 8 Ag 47; -prep GS; fr Brooklyn; sup and miss Brooklyn, LI and New York, res Brooklyn 70-99; insurance agent Brook- lyn 99-04; with Standard Gas Light Co New York 04-; ad 677 Quincy St, Brooklyn, NY NAPOLEON BONAPARTE THOMPSON; 68-70; prep GS; fr Brooklyn; ord Nyack 16 Jl 731 P Nyack 73-5; Melrose Mass 75-7; Brooklyn NY 77-8; Newport RI 78-80; acting p Cong Brockton Mass 89-93; re s Brooklyn NY *PELEG EDWARD TINKLEPAUGH; 68-70; b Rensselaerville 16 Mr 50; prep GS; fr Rensselaerville; merchant Rensselaerville 70-1; d Rensselaerville 21 D 71 *HENRY WILLIS WAGNER; 67-70; farmer Dayton Mo; d Dayton, O 93 1873 *SAMUEL HENRY ARCHIBALD; AB; AM; b Dubuque la 10 N 48; prep Fairfax Acad, Townshend Vt; fr Bristol; s 73-4; ord W Pawlet Vt 10 N 74; p W Pawlet 74-6; Wallingford 76-98; financial representative Vermont Acad 98-02; p N Springfield 02-4; d N Springfield 23 Ja 04 COLLEGE ALUMNI 11873 121 BARTLETT WALTERS BARKER; AB; AM; b Coldbrook 25 O 48; prep Fairfield S; fr Fairfax Vt; prin city schs Fort Howard Wis 73-4; prof Leland U, New Orleans La 74-6; commercial traveller 80-; ad 942 Manton Av, Providence, RI WESLEY EVERADE BATES; AB; AM; s 75; b Champion 20 Ap 43; prep GS; fr Hamilton; ord Lanark 111 28 S 75; p Lanark 75-8; Ft Dodge la 78-80; Crawfords- ville Ind 80-4; Eldorado Ks 84-8; Denver Col 89-90; farmer 91-5; p Washington Ks 95-7; Kirkwood Mo 97-01; Independence Ks 02-4; Girard 04-8; Howard 08-10 ; ret Eldorado 12-; ad Eldorado, Ks *EDWIN HORATIO BRONSON; AB; b Dexter Mich 14 S 47; fr Jersey City NJ; ord Haddam Ct 21 Ja 75; p Haddam 74-6; Aurora 111 76-80; Westfield NJ 80-2; Philadelphia Pa 82-9; d Perth Amboy NJ 9 Je 89 FRED EMERSON BROOKS; AB; b Waverly 5 D 50; prep GS; fr Waverly; poet and public reader; res San Francisco Cal 73-80; Tombstone Ariz 80-4; San Fran- cisco Cal 84-90; New York 90-11; San Francisco Cal 11-3; Berkeley 13-; ad 2 53 5 Hillegas Av, Berkeley, Cal *DELAZON CONLEY; AB; prep GS; fr Trumansburg; s 73-5; ord Fleming 16 Ap 74; p Fleming 74-7; d Trumansburg 25 Mr 78 *ALBERT TEELE DUNN; AB: AM; DD Central U, la 89; b Fairfax Vt 6 My 50; prep GS; fr Fairfax Vt; ord E Poultney 30 Jl 73 ; p E Poultney 73-4; W Haven 74-5 ; NTI 75-7; p W Harwich Mass 77-9; Boston 79-85; Portland Me 85-9; cor sec Me Bapt Miss Conv, res Waterville 89-03 ; d Waterville 9 Ap 03 LODIRE JUDSON DYKE; BP; s 73; b Milford NJ 16 Jl 40; prep GS; fr Northeast Pa; ord Springfield D 73; p Springfield 73-9; Chester O 79-84; Parsons Ks 84-6; Coffeyville 86-90; gen miss for Okla and IT 90-01 ; miss to Wichita and Caddo Indians 01-4; agent and supt Murrow Indian Orphans' Home Atoka IT 05-7; city miss and SS work Oklahoma City Okla 07-; ad R R 1 1 , Oklahoma City, Okla *DANIEL CHASE EASTON; AB; AM; b Nantucket Mass 10 Mr 44; prep GS; fr New York; ord Brewster Mass Ag 73; p Brewster 73-5 ; Orange and Wendell 75-9; Valley Falls RI 79-84; N Stonington Ct 84-90; Lakeport NH 90-8; Penacook 98-9; financial sec Colby Acad 99-00; res Boston Mass 01-4; p Rockport 04-7; d Chicopee 20 Ja 07 FEARGUS O'CONNOR EKINGS; AB; fr Mt Holly NJ; ord Vincentown 73; p Vincentown 73-4; inv Mt Holly several years; ad Mt Holly, NJ JAMES WILLIAM FORD; AB; AM; PhD 84; b Lowell Mass 20 D 46; prep Lowell HS; fr Lowell; s 73-4; t Latin and sci Colby Acad, New London NH 74-5: Cook Acad, Montour Falls NY 75-6; t CA 76-82: prin CA 82-8; treasurer here 88-9; prin Pillsbury Acad, Owatonna Minn 89-03; financial sec 03-4; treasurer Pratt- Ford Greenhouse Co, Anoka 04-5; pres ist Natl Bank Fosston 05; prin S Jersey Institute, Bridgeton NJ 05-7; res Portland Ore 07-8; res fruit ranch Eugene 08-; member Corpn 89-90; ad Eugene, Ore EDWARD DENISON GARDINER; AB; AM; b Hamilton 13 D 50; prep GS; fr Hamilton; prac as dentist Warsaw 73-99; Toledo O 99-05; ret Toledo 05-; ad 2334 Maplewood Av, Toledo, O CHARLES IRVING GORDON; AB; b 5 Je 52; prep GS; fr Red Bank NJ; studied law Red Bank 73-6; adm to bar, NJ Je 76; prac law Red Bank 76-93; res Ham- ilton NY 93; Kansas City Mo 93-; ad 307 Independence Av, Kansas City, Mo JOHN GREENE; AB; AM; s 79; PhD 85; b Edmeston 8 Je 50; prep GS; fr Edmes- 122 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1873 ton; t CA 73-6; ord Waterford 5 S 79; p Waterford 79-82; prin Peddle Institute, Hightstown NJ 82-9; prin CA 89-93; P r f Latin 93-; acting dean and assoc dean c fac 08-9, IO-; studied Rome 01-2; ad Hamilton, NY SAMUEL HARRISON GREENE; AB; AM; s 75; DD 91 ; DD Norwich U 83; DD UR 91 ; LLD ColU 95; b Enosburg Vt 25 D 45; prep GS; fr Montgomery Center Vt; ord Cazenovia NY Je 75; p Cazenovia 75-9; Washington DC 79-; acting pres ColU 94-5, 00-2; ad 1320 Q St NW, Washington, DC JOHN LORENZO HEFFRON; AB; AM; ScD 09; MD SyrU 81 ; b New Woodstock 29 N 51; prep GS; fr Fabius; t Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ 73-5 ; HS, Newark 75-8; studied med C of Phys and Surgeons, New York 78-9; SyrU 79-81 ; gradu- ate student in med U Heidelberg and Vienna 81-2; prac med Syracuse NY 82-; instructor in histology C of Med SyrU 82-7; prof materia medica 87-95; prof clini- cal med 95-; dean 08-; consulting phys to Women's and Children's Hospital 88-; phys to House of the Good Shepherd 94-; ad 582 S Salina St, Syracuse, NY ALVAH SABIN HOBART; AB; AM; s 75; DD DU 85; b 7 Mr 47; prep New Hamp- ton Institute, Fairfax Vt; fr Fairfax; ord Morris NY 30 Je 75; p Morris 75-9; Cin- cinnati O 79-85; Toledo 85-8; Yonkers NY 88-00; prof NT interp CTS oo-; ad Chester, Pa "CHARLES FIRMAN HULL; BP; DD Taylor U, Ind 96; b New York 28 Ap 42; prep GS;fr Beekman; ord Beekman 9 069; p Beekman 69-72 ; s 72-3: pBeekman 73-5; Mariner Harbor 75-7; p ME Mt Hope NJ 77; Woodrow NY 78-81; Otis- ville 81; RocklandLake 82-5; Bayonne NJ 85~8;Rahway 88-91; TottenvilleNY 91-4; Jersey City NJ94-7; Paterson 98-00; Harrison oi-?;d Woodbridge 7Ago6 JAMES WHITTIER HURN; BP; b Wallingford England 23 D 47; prep GS; fr New York; t Franco-American Institute New York 73-5; bus Hamilton 75-; ad Hamilton, NY EDGAR BURTON HUTCHINS; AB; b Ellenburg 9 N 46; fr Cazenovia Mich; s 73-4; ord Mexico NY 3 D 74; p Mexico 74-8; Forestville 76-8; RTS 78-9; p N Parma (now Hilton) 79-82; RTS 82-3; p Cherry Creek 83-5; Westville and West- ford 85-7; Whiting Ks 87-8; Holton 88-90; Morrill 90-1; pres Morrill C 90-2; p Bailey ville and Woodlawn 92-5; Wetmore 96-7; we Ottawa 97-? ROBERT TAYLOR JONES; AB; AM; s 75; DD 98; b Blakeney England 4 Jl 48; prep GS; fr Brooklyn; ord Ballston Springs 24 Je 75; p Ballston Springs 75-9; Ithaca 80-; ad Ithaca, NY CEYLON HARRIS LEWIS; AB; AM; b Tully 6 D 49; prep GS; fr Fabius; studied law Syracuse; adm to bar Syracuse Ja 77; prac law Syracuse 77-; asst district attorney 81-3; district attorney 84-6; lecturer law dept SyrU 87-; state tax com- missioner 06; member Corpn 01-; ad 20 White Memorial Building, Syracuse, NY DAVID THOMAS MacCLYMONT; AB; AM; fr Roselle; s 73-4; ord Still water i O 74; p Stillwater 74-7; Hackensack NJ 77-82; Olean 83-5; Williamsport Pa 85- 90; N Newark NJ 90-7; graduate student NY U 2 years; p Fairport NY 97-01; Stonington Ct 01-5; N Tonawanda NY 05-1 3; Friendship 13-; ad Friendship, NY CYRUS HOWLAND MERRILL; AB; AM; s 75; b Champion 23 Ag 44; prep GS; fr Hamilton; ord Carthage 7 J175; p Carthage 75-80; Marion 80-6; Johnstown 86- 09; supt Syracuse district NY Anti-saloon League 09-10; p Plattsburg 10-2; Gloversville 12-; ad 75 2d Av, Gloversville, NY FRANK HENRY NEWTON; BP; s 75; b Sherburne 23 Mr 43; prep GS; fr Maple COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1873 123 Grove Minn ; ord Durhamville NY 6 My 73 ; p Zumbrota Minn 75-8 ; Brookings Dak and Fountain 78-82; Egan and Flandreau 82-7; Hurley SD 87-94; Ka- sota Minn 94-6; sup res Mankato 96-08; Minneapolis 08-; ad 2415 Riverside Av, Minneapolis, Minn *PHILO FRISBE OGDEN; BP; s 75; b Sennett 29 My 50; prep GS; fr Sennett; ord Williamson NY Ag 76; p Williamson 75-7; Paw Paw Mich 80-1; Monroe 81-4; Clinton 84-6; Addison Vt 87-90; Romulus NY 90-4; Ovid Center 95-8; res Lyons 98-02; sup Clyde 98-9; ret Newark 02-9; d Newark 28 My 09 WILLIAM LEROY PADDOCK; AB; b Hamilton 19 Ag 50; fr Hamilton; studied med C of Phys and Surgeons, New York 73-6; prac med and surgery Pittsfield Mass 76-; ad Pittsfield, Mass PAHKAUTOO; AB; AM; s 75; b Shwegyin Burma 15 Ag 50; prep GS; fr Shweg- yin Burma; t Rangoon Bapt C 76-81; Pegu Karen HS, Rangoon 82-91; ABMU Karen sch, Moulmein 92; Pegu Karen HS, Rangoon 93-03; ret Rangoon 03-; ad Ahlone Quarter, Rangoon, Burma *JAMES ANDRUS PIERCE; AB; b Marysville 19 My 49; prep GS; fr Norway; ord Poultney Vt 29 Jl 73; p Poultney 73-9; Johnson 79-83; Randolph 83-90; Bel- videre 111 90-7; Windsor Park, Chicago 97-9; South Haven Mich 99-03; Sterling 111 03-7; d Battle Creek Mich 19 Ja 07 DANIEL COLLINS POTTER; AB; AM; DD 87; b Stonington Ct 16 Mr 50; prep GS; fr Jersey City NJ; ord New York 30 O 73; p and bus New York 73-; chief ex- aminer of accounts charitable institutions financial dept New York 02-3, 04-9; director board of ambulance service 10-; ad 1606 Caton Av, Brooklyn, NY ALBERT SMITH SHELDON; AB; AM; b Hamilton 20 S 55; prep GS; fr Hamilton; studied law 73-7; adm to bar, NY N 77; prac law Hamilton 77-; ad Hamilton, NY *FREDER1C PALMER SUTHERLAND; AB; AM; MD Atlanta Med C 95; b New York 51 ; fr New York; ord Waterloo 4 Je 74; p Waterloo 74-7 ; Butternuts 77- 8; Gilbertsville 78-80; White Plains 80-6; miss ABMU to Burma 86-07; in US 93-5; d Sagaing 24 Jl 07 HERMON FRANKLIN TITUS; AB; AM; s 76; MD Harv 90; b Pepperell Mass 12 Ja 52; prep Lawrence Acad, Groton Mass; fr New York; ord Ithaca 31 Ag 76; p Ithaca 76-80; Newton Mass 81-8; prac med Seattle Wash 92-; editor The Socialist, {Seattle oo-i i ; ad 304 Oriental Building, 606 2d Av, Seattle, Wash CHARLES AUGUSTUS TOWNE; AB; AM; s 75; b Peabody Mass 8 Je 42; pred DU; fr Peabody Mass; ord Dover NH 30 S 75; p Dover 75-81; Salem 81-90; Auburn Me 90-7; Gardner Mass 97-04; Plaistow NH 04-12; ad Plaistow, NH GEORGE BEDELL VOSBURGH; BP; s 74; AM UChic 83; PhD 84J.DD ShC 92; b Stockport 19 N 49; prep Albany NS; fr Stuyvesant Falls; ord Cooperstown 23 Je 74; p Cooperstown 74-7; Jersey City NJ 77-8; Dak 78-9; Chicago 111 80-3; Decatur 83-90; Elgin 90-3; Boston Mass 93-7; Denver Col 97-10; travelled in the Orient 10-2; sup and lecturer, res Denver 12-; ad 1337 High St, Denver, Col CHARLES HENRY WATSON; AB; AM; s 75; DD 96; b New York i Ja 47; prep GS; fr Rahway NJ; ord Oswego NY 30 Mr 76; p Oswego 75-81; Arlington Mass 81-09; sup res Belmont 09-; ad 60 Clark St, Belmont, Mass *GEORGE EDGAR WEEKS; AB; AM; s 75; b Norwalk Ct 19 N 51 ; prep Hunting- ton Un Sch, NY; fr Huntington; ord Belmont 30 Ag 75; p Belmont 75-9; Watkins 79-81; Newark Valley 82-3; Troy 83-6; Plymouth Meeting Pa 87-9; Cold Point 89-92; Bloomsburg 92-6; res Lewisburg 96; d Lewisburg 19 N 96 124 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1873 *BYRON ALLEN WOODS; AB; AM; s 75; DD 93; b Licking co O, 51; fr Morri- son 111; ord New London Ct 28 S 75; p New London 75-82; Toledo O 82-5; Phila- delphia Pa 85-97; d Hamilton NY 3 S 97 SPRAGUE NELSON BOSTWICK; 69-72; b Rochester 8 Ap 51 ; prep Canandaigua Acad; fr Buffalo; railway clerk Chicago 111 73-80; San Francisco 80-97; asst gen freight agent Southern Pacific Railway, San Francisco 97-; ad 721 Post St, San Francis- co, Cal *SOLTAN FREDERICK CALHOUN; 69-70; AM 90; DD u; prep GS; fr Hamilton; p LI 71 ; ord 72; p Cong; prac med Stockton Cal 98?-o8; d Stockton 10 Ag 08 *JOHN HENRY COPELAND; 69-73; fr Glens Falls; soap manufacturer Brooklyn 73- 84; d Brooklyn 84 *JOEL PARKER COTTRELL; 69-71 ; fr Turkey NJ; inv Turkey 71-2 ; d Turkey 28 Mr 72 *W DANA HALL; 69-71; fr Springfield Vt; res Springfield in72;p Whitingham72-?; Bristol in 80 *ASA WALTER JAYNE; 69-71 ; MD C of Phys and Surgeons, New York 75; b Danville Va 7 Jl 51; prep GS; fr Hamilton; prac med Syracuse 75-9; Sherburne 79-83; N Tonawanda 84-08; city phys N Tonawanda 95-7; d N Tonawanda 16 N 08 *THOMAS HILL MUNRO; 69-73; b Camillus 29 O 50; fr Camillus; farmer Camillus 73-05; d Camillus 3 N 05 DANIEL RHODES; 69-70; AB BU 73; AM; b Pawtuxet RI 4 Ag 42; prep U GS, Providence; fr Pawtuxet; CornU 70-2; RTS 74-5; t Central U and Pella HS, la 76-8; SS miss in Col 79-80; civil engineer Col; pres Col Cattle Insurance Co 81-2; PM La Plata NMex 83-4; a?sorter money orders, PO Dept, Washington DC 84-6; clerk gen land office Washington 86-94; special examiner, Bureau of Pensions 94-; ad Bureau of Pensions, Washington, DC YA BA TOLO; 68-72; fr Bassein Burma; t Bassein Sgau Karen Normal and Industrial Institute about 20 years; life insurance agent ?-; editor Karen Natl Weekly; ad Bassein, Burma WATSON P TUTTLE; 69-71; fr Morristown NJ JOHN CLARENCE WEBB; 69-71 ; b Genesee Wis; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam; fr Waukesha; p Melrose 71-2; ord Bloomington. 8 O 73; p Bloomington 72-4; Lake Mills 74-5; t Keysville Va 76-7; p Louisville Ky 77-8; SBTS 77-8; bus at various places 78-87; p Healdsburg Cal 87-9; Ceres 89-91 ; Lompoc 91-3; Herrick 93-4; Los Angeles 94-5; asst sec YMCA Los Angeles 94-00; army and navy sec YMCA PI 00-2 ; with Southern Pacific Railway 02-3 ; humane officer Los Angeles Cal 04-?; sec YMCA Manila PI ?-; ad Manila, PI ASA JUDSON WILCOX; 69-71; b 13 F 43; prep GS; fr Orange NJ; ord Newport Vt Je .71; p Newport 71-2; Orange NJ 72-3; Toms River 73-4; Stepney Ct 74-5; Ticonderoga NY 75-7; St Johns NB 77-80; Norwich Cl 80-2; E Lyme 82-3; Noank; Broadalbin NY; Water ford Ct: E Lyme 93-4; sup res New London; New Haven; Uncasville; ad Uncasville, Ct 1874 JOHN CLARENCE ALLEN; AB; AM; DD American Temperance U, Tenn 95; b Wallingford Vt 28 Jl 48; prep GS; fr Cavendish Vt; s 74-5; ord Newark NJ 26 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1874 125 My 76; p Newark 75-80; Elizabeth 80-5; Brooklyn NY 85-93; sup New York 94; prof civics American Temperance U, Harriman Tenn 94-5; p Jersey City NJ 95-01 ; inv res Brooklyn NY 01-; sup; ad 680 Macon St, Brooklyn, NY JEHU PATTERSON APPLEGATE; AB; b Middletown NJ 21 D 53; prep Red Bank; fr Red Bank; studied law Red Bank 74-7; adm to bar attorney at law 77; counsellor at law 80; prac law Matawan 77-94; auditor of NJ 85-90; prac law Red Bank 94-; ad Red Bank, NJ JAMES HOYT BEEBEE; AB; AM; b Hamilton 7 O 52; prep GS; fr Hamilton; studied dentistry Morrisville 76-9; prac as dentist DeRuyter 79-82; Brockport 82-4; Rochester 84-; ad 913' Chamber of Commerce Building, Rochester, NY; res 327 Meigs St THOMAS MARCUS BLAKESLEE; BP; PhD Yale 80; b Harpursville 12 D 54; prep GS; fr Hamilton; prof math DMC 80-9; acting prof math U of SD 89-90; studied U Goettingen 90-1; prof math and astronomy DMC 91-05; ret Ames 05-; ad Ames, la *GEORGE WASHINGTON BLISS; AB; fr Norwich ;ord Tioga i Mr 76; p Tioga 76-7; Killawog 77-?; McLean in 79; became Advent ARTHUR WAKEFIELD CADY; AB; AM; s 76; b New York; prep GS; fr But- ternuts; ord Clayton 20 Jl 76; p Clayton 76-8; Cambridge 78-80; N Benning- ton Vt 80-4; Newark NY 84-9; Madison 89-92; Ilion 93; Boonville 94-07; Sidney 07-11; Cobleskill 11-; ad Cobleskill, NY *CLINTON PRESCOTT CHAMBERLAIN; BP; fr Barnes Corners; inv Dans- ville 74; d Mexico 9 D 74 ANDREW WILLIS CLARK; AB; AM; s 76; b Gilbertsville 4 N 51; prep GS; fr Gilbertsville ; ord Hartwick 24 Ja 78; p Hartwick 77-81; res Gilbertsville 81-2; p Giibertsville 82-5; Cincinnati O 85-8; res Gilbertsville 88-90; Oneonta 90-1; p Wells Bridge; Winsted Ct 91-7; res Oneonta 97-03; Schenectady 03-; ad Sche- nectady, NY ANDREW VAN BUREN CRUMB; AB; AM; s 76; b Brookfield 28 Ja 45; -prep GS; fr Brookfield; ord Brookfield 26 Ag 76; miss ABMU (ABFMS) to Karens in Burma, res Toungoo 76-; ad Toungoo, Burma WILLIAM ALEXANDER GRANGER; AB; AM; DD 97; b Cottenham, Cam- bridgeshire, England 22 Mr 50; prep Amsterdam Acad, NY; fr Broadalbin; studied UTS; ord Long Island City 9 F 76; p Long Island City 74-85; Brewster *5~9; Owego 89-94; Mt Vernon 94-08; pres Bapt Miss Conv of State of NY, res Mt Vernon 08-; member Corpn 04-; ad 70 N Fulton Av, Mt Vernon, NY LOUIS JEREMY GROSS; AB; b Rochester 15 S 46; prep GS; fr Interlaken; UTS 74-5; ord Romulus 6 Mr 76; p Romulus 76-81; Wilson 82-7; W Somerset 87-; ad Barker, NY WILLIAM THOMAS HENRY; AB; AM; s 76; DD 87; DD UChic 86; b New York 16 Ja 49; prep GS; fr New York; ord Elmira 26 Ap 77; p Elmira 77-; member Corpn 94-; ad 1 14 W Gray St, Elmira, NY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LIEPSNER; AB; AM; PhD u; b Harlem; prep GS; fr Newburgh; ord Newburgh 28 N 74; p Red Bank NJ; Philadelphia Pa; ret Phila- delphia ?-; ad 1906 Arch St, Philadelphia, Pa ^ABRAHAM GRAY MILLER; AB; AM; b New Berlin 10 Ag 50; prep Ft Edward Institute; fr New Beilin; t New Berlin Acad 74-5; Morris 75-7; sch commissioner 126 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1874 Otsego co 79-81; sch supt and prin Whitehall 82-7; t Herkimer 87-96; salesman Springfield Mass 96-06; d Buffalo NY 16 Ag 06 LEWIS HACKALIAH MILLER; AB; AM; MD Columbia U 80; b Bedford 16 Mr 52; prep Bedford Acad; fr Bedford; t 74-80; prac med Patterson 80- 1; Brewster 81-92; throat, nose and ear specialist Brooklyn 92-; acting laryngologist and rhinologist Long Island City Hospital dispensary and Polhemus Memorial Cli- nic 93-; instructor in Long Island C MS 02-; ad 109 Halsey St, Brooklyn, NY *ALFRED CHARLES NICHOLS; AB; b Athenstown Vt 24 Ag 45; prep GS; fr Townshend Vt; ev 74-81 ; ord W Union la 6 Jl 81 ; p W Union 81-3; Plainfield 83-4; Riceville 84-6; Zion 86?~7?; Leclaire 87-90; Buda 111 90-2; ret Osage la 92-about 03 ; Ames about 03-5 ; d Ames 4 Mr 05 *SAMUEL WHITNEY NICHOLS; AB; AM; b Burlington Vt 12 N 46; prep GS; fr Burlington Vt; s 74-5, 76-7; RTS 74-5; ord Essex 26 S 77; p Essex and Brook- field 77-8; miss ABMU Madras India 78-80; d Madras 8 D 80 GEORGE RIDGWAY ROBBINS; AB; AM; s 76; DD 02; b Trenton NJ 3 O 50; prep GS; fr Hamilton Sq NJ; ord Hoosick Falls NY 21 S 76; p Hoosick Falls 76- 88; Cincinnati O 88-; ad 2085 Harrison Av, Cincinnati, O WILLIAM RANDALL ROWLANDS; BP; AM; b Hamilton 23 Ja 53; prep GS; fr Hamilton; t Medina Acad 74-5; Hamilton Un Sch 75~8o; graduate student Yale 80-1 ; bus Utica NY 81-9; treasurer CU 89-96; bus New York 96-; ad 423 West- minster Road, Brooklyn, NY GEORGE ALEXANDER SMITH; AB; AM; s 76; b Enosburg Vt 21 Je 46; prep GS; fr Montgomery Center Vt; ord Saratoga Springs NY 20 Jl 76; p Saratoga Springs 76-86; St Albans Vt 87-90; Providence RI 90-7; sup and lecturer 97-08; sec and lecturer for American Society of Colonial Families 08-; res Melrose Mass; ad 17 Beverly St, Melrose, Mass 'ARCHIBALD CYRUS WHEATON; AB; AM; s 77; b Johnstown 14 Ja 51; prep GS; fr Gloversville; ord Cincinnati O 20 D 77; p Cincinnati 77-81; W Plattsburg NY 81-5; Little Falls 85-9; S Norwalk Ct 85-93; Mystic 93-00; Jackson Mich 00-2; d Jackson 13 D 02 *ELISHA WILDMAN; AB; AM; b Pitcher 50; fr Pitcher; s 74-5; ord Port Byron 17 D 74; p Port Byron 74-5; Cassville 75-7; Caatesville Pa 77~8o; d Coatesville 23 Je 80 JOSEPH HURLBURT BIDDLE; || 71-3; fr Morristown NJ THOMAS W DAY; 70-1; prep GS; fr Athens FRED LUTHER; |! 71-3; fr Syracuse FLORIAN BURSE MAXIM; 70-2; fr Paris Hill Me; bus Boston Mass; res Quincy *GEORGE MILTON SHAW; 70-3; b Albuqerque NMex 52; fr Santa Fe; with Popular Sci Monthly several years; with Panama Railway Co, Aspinwall in 80; res Socorro NMex 8 1 -8; supt schs Socorro 84-8; d Socorro 12 Ja 88 *TRISTRAM TUPPER; 70-2; fr Washington Ga; real estate bus Richmond Va 72-97; d 25 N 97 1875 JUDSON CLARENCE BARBER; AB; AM; s 83; b Java Village 17 Je 52; prep E COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1875 127 Aurora Acad; fr Java Village; ord Mt Upton 5 D 83; p Mt Upton 83-5; E Wor- cester 85-9; Sherburne 89-95; Greene 95-02; Whitesboro 02-9; Black River 09-; ad Black River, NY THOMAS BICKFORD; AB; AM; b Chelsea Mass 30 D 52; prep GS; fr Chelsea Mass; ord Taberg NY 27 Ja 76; p Taberg 75-6; Lowville 76-8; Troy 78-81 ; Cam- bridge Mass 81-9; p Cong Branford Ct 89-92; Yale D3 89-91; p Springfield Vt 92-00; Hinsdale III 00-2; Stoughton Mass 02-6; principal Sea Pines Sch for Girls, E Brewster 06-; ad Sea Pines, E Brewster, Mass BREWER GEORGE BOARDMAN; AB; AM; s 78; b Keeseville 8 O 52; prep GS; fr Keeseville; ord Waverly 2 Jl 78; p Waverly 78-80; Hope Valley RI 80-4; Hamp- ton la 84-5; Montour Falls NY 85-6; Cooperstown 86-91 ; Geneva 91-6; Newport RI 96-03; Elberton Ga 03-7; Waterford Ct 08-; ad Water ford, Ct EDWIN JULIUS BROWNSON; AB; NTI 89; b Afton 17 N 52; prep GS; fr Mason- ville; ord Masonville 5 Ag 79; p Yankton Dak 79-81; chaplain Dak legislature 79-80; p Quincy Mich 81-2; Napoleon 82-4; Brainerd Minn 84-9; W Duluth 8 9~93- graduate student UChic 93-4; p Sand Beach Mich 95-6; Warsaw Ind 96-8; Belleville 111 98-04; Centralia 04-8; Boone la 08-10; dist supt Anti-saloon League la io-; ad 512 E Lack Court, Cedar Rapids, la *AMOS DARWIN CLARK; AB; b Italy 2 N 49; prep GS; fr Prattsburg; ord Italy Hollow 23 Ag 76; p Italy Hollow 76-8; Bennettsburg 78-81; Mecklenburg 81-3; Barrington 83-7; Oswego 87-9; Pownal Vt 89-96; Poultney 96-02; Reading Cen- ter NY 03-7; d Penn Yan 29 N 07 JAMES ALBERT CUBBERLEY; AB; AM; s 78; b Hamilton Sq NJ 9 Ja 50; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown; fr Hamilton Sq; ord Vernon NY 27 Je 78; p Vernon 78-82; Bath 82-5; Newmarket NJ 85-93; Toledo O 93-5; S Plainfield NJ 95-06; Worcester NYo6-io; Burrsville NJ 10-1; ret Plainfield n-;ad R F D 2, Plain- field, NJ CHARLES PITTMAN PEACHEY FOX; AB; s 83; b Pittsgrove NJ i Ja 51 ; prep GS; fr Pittsgrove NJ; ord Moriah NY i My 77; p Mannsville 83-5; Washington Ks 85-9; Concordia 89-91 ; Long Branch NJ 91-3; Port Norris 93-7; Morris NY 97-03; Cold Spring 03-6; Camden NJ 06-8; Westmont 08 -; ad Westmont, NJ 'STERLING GARDINER; AB; fr Augusta Ga; t Richmond Institute for Freed- men Va 75-6; Augusta Institute, Ga 76-7; d Augusta 8 D 77 GEORGE EDWARD HENDERSON; AB; AM; DD oo; fr Falmouth, Jamaica, WI; ord Bethtephil Je 75; miss Brown's Town, Jamaica 76-; editor the Chris- tian Helper, and The Baptist Reporter; ad The Chapel, Brown's Town, Jamaica, WI GILES HUMISTON HUBBARD; AB; AM; s 78; DD 94; b Preston Hollow 24 Jl 50; prep Delaware Lit Institute, Franklin; fr Preston Hollow; ord Madison io Jl 78; p Madison 78-80; Waverly 80-1; Preston Hollow 81-4; Camillus 84-91; Au- burn 92-03; Palmyra 03-8; Preston Hollow 09-11; sup res Coopers Plains 11-; ad Coopers Plains, NY DAVID HENRY JONES; AB; AM; s 78; prep GS; fr Utica; p Freedom; Youngs- town O; res Oshkosh Wis; ad Oshkosh, Wis FRANK LEWIS KNAPP; AB; AM; s 78; b Edwardsburg Mich 2 O 50; prep GS; fr Fayetteville; ord Lowville 18 D 78; p Lowville 78-83; Danielson Ct 84-92; Mil- ford NH 92-03; Lebanon 03-12; Leville O 12-; ad Leville, O 128 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1875 "JOSEPH SPENCER LAWRENCE; AB; AM; LLB U of City of New York 77; b Brooklyn 54; prep GS; fr Brooklyn; studied law U of City of New York 75-7; adm to bar 77; prac law Herkimer co 77-81 ; adm to bar, la 81 ; prac law Sioux City 81-09; judge city courts, Sioux City 86-?; state senator 87-91 ; d Sioux City 8 Ja 09 *HENRY CORBIN LYON; AB; b New Woodstock i D 47; prep GS; fr New Wood- stock; ord Westport 3 My. 77; p Westport75-8o; hotel bus Lake Placid 80-7; with Raymond and Whitcomb, excursion managers, Boston Mass 87-07; d Boston 27 Mr 07 MOSES JASPER MARTIN; AB; AM; fr Claremont NH; s 75-7; p Long Prairie Minn 78-9; Watertown 111 79-?; auditor Todd co Minn 81-? MALCOLM MARCELLUS MILLS; AB; AM; s 78; b Pittsford Vt 13 Mr 45; prep GS; fr Pittsford Vt; ord Greenville Ct 28 My 78; p Greenville 78-9; Pittsford Vt 79-81; W Haven 81-3; Sand Lake NY 83-8; Delhi 88-91; S Otselic 91-6; Hart- wick 96-9; farmer Walton 99-04; p Trout Creek 04-5; farmer Walton 05-; ad R F D 2, Walton, NY *FRANK ROBERTSON MOORE; AB; AM; bManlius n Je 53; prep StarkeyS; fr Manlius; prin Essex Un Sch 75-6; Yates Acad, Chittenango 77-81; Paterson HS, NJ 81-2; GS 34, Brooklyn NY 82-97; studied law 86-7; collector internal revenue for ist district NY 97-01 ; member Richardson, Smith and Co, publs, New York 01-2; prin Commercial HS Brooklyn 02-9 ; ret Los Angeles Cal 09- 13; d San Francisco 8 Ja 13 CHARLES LUCIEN OSBORN; BP; b Hamilton 9 O 52; prep GS; fr Hamilton; farmer Hamilton 75-86; Oneida Castle 86-7; Rose 87-00; in office of Clyde Farmers Exchange 00-7; farmer Rose 07-12; proprietor The Rose Inn, Rose 12-; ad Rose, NY DAVID EVANDER POST; AB; AM; s 78; b New York i Ja 52; prep GS; fr New York; ord N Granville 3 Je 78; p N Granville 78-80; Brandon Vt 80-5; Warwick NY 85-91; New York 91-4; Sandy Creek 94-7; Westport 97-00; Suffern oo-i ; Gilbertsville 01-5; Treadwell 05-7; Cobleskill 07-10; Lagrange 10-; ad R D 36, Pavilion, NY *SEWARD ROBSON; AB; AM; s 81; b Italy 17 S 49; prep GS; fr Italy Hollow; t 75-6; ord Reading Center 7 D 76; p Reading Center 76-8; RTS 78-80; p Carthage 81-3; Seneca Falls 83-8; editor Rochester News 88; p Hoosick 89-92; Randolph Vt 92-6; inv Fruithurst Ala 96-8; d Fruithurst 17 N 98 *ADONIRAM JUDSON RUE; AB; AM; b Dutchneck NJ 20 N 50; prep Peddie In- stitute, Hightstown; fr Hightstown; adm to bar 78; prac law Trenton 78-00; mem- ber legislature 84-6; d Philadelphia Pa 24 Ja oo ORISON CLARK SARGENT; AB; AM; s 78; b Pittsford Vt i O 49; prep GS; fr Pittsford Vt; ord Jewett City Ct 24 Jl 78; p Jewett City 78-84; Randolph Mass 84-8; New York 88-9; Claremont NH 89-01; gen sec NH Bapt Conv or-; res Manchester 01-3; Concord 03-; ad 101 Center St, Concord, NH ARTHUR WILLIAM STOCKWIN; AB; AM; fr England; s 75-7; p New Balti- more 78-81; Albany 81-?; ad Rosamond Villa, South Gate Road, Wood Green, London, England ERNEST THOMPSON; AB; b Gillette NJ; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown; fr Passaic Valley; ord Mt Salem 25 Jl 77; p Mt Salem 77-8; Newton 79-81; Lake- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1875 129 wood 82-91; S Plainneld 91-4; Palms Cal 95; Dividing Creek NJ 97-01; Burrs- ville 02-6; Ardena 06-; ad R F D 2, Freehold, NJ ROBERT NELSON VAN DOREN; AB; AM; s 78; DD 04; b Fredon NJ 22 D 47; prep GS; fr Fredon NJ; ord Bath NY 26 S 78; p Bath 78-83; Oak Park 111 83-8; Vernrlion SD 90-7; Port Huron Mich 97-01; editor The Standard, Chicago 111 01-12; supt Central Bapt Children's Home 13-; ad 4457 Berkeley Av, Chicago, 111 ROBERT WALLACE; AB; AM; s 78; b Antrim co, Ireland 42; prep GS; fr Cam- bridge; ord Lanark 111 D 78; p Lanark 78-82; Princeton 82-5; Sandwich 85-9; Dekalb 89-92; Aurora 92-3; Delavan 93-00; Minonk 00-6; Utica 06-9; Amboy 09-11; ret Delavan 12-; ad Delavan, 111 *SAMUEL MORSE WHEELER; AB; AM; s 78; prep GS; fr Auburn; ord Atlantic la 19 D 78; p Atlantic 78-?; Scotia NY; Stamford; Kingsbury; Mexico; Parish- ville in 92 CHARLES EDGAR ALLEN; 71-3; fr Hamilton * WILLIS HENRY COOK; || 73-4; b Worcester 31 O 54; prep GS; fr Worcester; farmer Worcester 74-87; d Worcester 4 Ja 87 *EDWARD JOHN EVANS; || 73-4; fr Newark NJ; d Hamilton NY 22 Je 74 * JAMES STEWART FERGUSON; 71-2; prep GS; fr Brooklyn; d Brooklyn 7 Jl 72 *MELVIN LIONEL Fox; sp 71-4; b Franklin Vt 48; fr Montgomery Center; ord West- ford 30 Je 75; sup W Dummerston 74-6; Westford 76-7; d Westford 12 Je 77 *PRICE ALPHEUS LEFTWICH; 71-2; Howard U 75; b Liberty Va 48; prep GS; fr New- ark NJ; ord Newark 20 S 75; Western TS, Pa 78-80; NTI 80-1 ; res Newark NJ 8i;d Newark 81 WILLIAM CHARLES MCALLESTER; 71-4; AM 83; DD Olivet C, Mich 95; b Lewis 19 Je 49; prep GS; fr Keeseville; p Moriah 73-6; ord Moriah 10 S 74; p Morrison ville; Plattsburg 76-87; Manchester NH 8 7-99; Randolph Mass 99-06; Waverley 06-9 ; Westminster 09-; ad Westminster, Mass *C VENTON PATTERSON; 71-4; s 79; AM 86; b Adams i Je 52; prep GS; fr Rossie; ord Almond 22 D 74; p NY 74-85; Greece 83-5; founder Cosmopolitan Magazine 85, and editor 85-6; editor Pulpit of Today 87-8; publ 89-91; p New York 92-4; ret New York 94-08 ; d New York 20 N 08 DAVID SAMUEL THOMAS; 71-3; AM ULg 85; b Pembrokeshire, S Wales 45; prep GS; fr Pittston Pa; ord Summit Hill 26 O 73 ;p Summit Hill and Lansford 73-80 ;Lans- ford and St Clair 80-2; Shenandoah 82-90; Edwardsdale 90-2; self sustaining miss Penbro WVa 92-00; p Shenandoah Pa 01-; ad 9 S Jardin St, Shenandoah, Pa HENRY BERNHARD WARRING; sp 71-2; b Emden Germany 29 Je 42 ; fr Brooklyn NY; ord Camillus 10 O 72; p Camillus 72-3; Brooklyn 73-6; Mahopac Falls 76-9; Glens Falls 79-83; Newark NJ 83-90; Amenia NY 90-6; Carmel 96-03; VinelandNJ 03-6; Marlton 06-; ad Marlton, NJ 1876 ALVAH WAYLAND BOURNE; AB; AM; DD 98; b Harpursville 20 Ja 50; prep GS; fr Cherry Valley; ord Newark NJ 18 Ap 77; p Newark 76-84; New York 84-7; Gloversville 87-03; Auburn 04-; ad Auburn, NY 130 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1876 WILLIAM BAMFORD BURROWS; BP; b Otego i Ag 57; prep Sherburne; fr Sherburne; studied Gen TS, New York; ord PE deacon Albany 8 Je 79, presbyter Little Rock Ark 10 O 82; asst rector Boston Mass 80-1 ; rector Helena Ark 81-4; Nevada Mo and Butler 84-8; chaplain Wolfe Hall, Denver Col 89; rector Pomona Cal 89-91; Santa Ana 91-6 or after *EVAN DAVIS; AB; CTS 78; b St Fagons Wales i Jl 45; fr Newburgh NY; sup Coatesville Pa; ord Burlington NJ 30 N 78; p Burlington 78-82; Oakland Cal 82-3; Keeseville NY 83-6; inv Coatesville Pa 86-90; d Coatesville 26 Ap 90 GILBERT ELIJAH FARR ; BP ; PhM ; b Newton Mass 1 8 Je 47 ; prep GS ; fr Jamaica Vt; s 76-8 ; ord Westmoreland Mr 77 ; p S Bartlett 78-9 ; Oneida 79-82 ; Adams 82-5; Perry 85-6 ; S Bend Ind 86-9 ; Dubuque la 89-9 1 ; Grinnell 91-4; Pella 94-7 ; Streator 111 97-9; Portage Wis 99-01 ; res Chicago 111 01-6; ev work Tex, Col, Cal, and 111 06-8; sup Hortonville Wis 09; p Fairwater 10-; ad Fairwater, Wis EUGENE STARK GARDINER; AB; AM; b Norwich Ct 20 Mr 49; prep Mystic Valley Institute, Mystic Bridge; fr Norwich; CTS 76-7; ord Morrisville NY 21 Ap 80; p Morrisville 79-83; CTS 83-4; p Plantsville Ct 84-6; Medfield Mass 86-9; Franklin Ind 89-97; instructor in French FC 89-90; prof English 97-05; prof hist- ory and Latin Cal C, Oakland 05-10; prof English McMinnville C, McMinnville Ore lo-; ad McMinnville C, McMinnville, Ore *DAVID HOADLEY HALL; AB; fr Pinckney; t S Jersey Institute, NJ 76-7; d Bridgeton 20 Je 77 *CHARLES EDWIN HARRIS; AB; AM; s 79; b Plattsburg 11 N 48; prep GS; fr Plattsburg; ord Jackson Mich 8 O 79; p Jackson 79-80; Port Huron 81-7; Pasadean Cal 88-94; d Pasadena 25 S 94 *CHARLES FRANCIS JAMES; BP; Columbia U LS 79; b Hamilton 12 J155; prep New York; fr New York; studied C of City of New York; adm to bar New York 79; prac law and banker New York 79-03; attorney for commissioners of immigra- tion NY state; asst US attorney for southern district NY; aide-de-camp on staff of Gov Morton; d 19 F 03 JOSEPH ENDOM JONES; AB; AM; DD Selma U, Ala 88; b Lynchburg Va; prep GS; fr Lynchburg Va; ord Lynchburg 7 Je 77; educational work 76-; prof Rich- mond Institute, editor African Missions 85-92; editor Va Bapt 8 years; associate editor Bapt Companion; ad 520 St James St, Richmond, Va WILLIAM LEGGETT KOLB; AB; AM; s 79; b New York 17051; prep GS; fr New York; assoc p Philadelphia Pa 79-80; p Bordentown NJ 80-4; asst rector PE Philadelphia Pa 85-7; rector Bristol 87-91; ret New Haven Ct 91-7; Bristol Pa 97-; ad Bristol, Pa *THOMAS JARMAN MIDDLEDITCH; AB; b Red Bank NJ 29 N 54; prep Fair- child Institute, Flushing NY; fr Flushing; studied law Columbia U; law printing bus Mew York about 78-95; treasurer Livingston Middleditch Co; d Brooklyn 2 N 95 PITT HOLLAND MOORE; AB; AM; s 79; b Akyab Burma 4 D 53; fr Ontario 111; KnC 72-4; UChic 74-5; ord Ontario 23 Jl 79; miss ABMU (ABFMS) Nowgong, Assam 79-; ad Nowgong, Assam 'ARMSTRONG MASON NEWMAN; BP; fr New Orleans La; ord New Orleans 73; p New Orleans 73-9 or later; d Stanford Ky 18 Mr 98 CHARLES ALVORD NICHOLS; AB; AM; s 79; DD 02; b Greenfield Ct 16 Ag 53; COLLEGE ALUMNI 11876 131 prep GS; fr Ridgefield Ct; ord Norwalk 19 Ag 79; miss ABMU (ABFMS) Bas- sein Burma 79-; supt Bassein Sgau Karen HS and Sgau Karen miss in Bassein and Myanugrny districts; ad Bassein, Burma STEPHEN ABBOTT NORTHROP; AB 79; AM; DD FCgs; LLD U of Mo 04; b Granville O 7 Ap 53; prep Granville Acad; fr Monroe Mich; RTS 76-7; ord Fen- ton Mich O 77; p Fenton 77-82; Fort Wayne Ind 82-95; Cincinnati O 95-6; Kansas City Mo 96-06; Los Angeles Cal 06-8; Kansas City Ks 09-; chautauqua and YMCA lecturer; ad 1019 Orville Av, Kansas City, Ks WILLIAM JOSIAH QUINCY; AB; AM; s 79; b Hemington England 9 O 47; prep GS; fr Unadilla NY; ord Morris 13 N 79; p Morris 79-83; Broadalbin 83-6; Hud- son 86-92; Troy 93-07; Schenectady 07-; ad 1405 State St, Schenectady, NY JOHN RAY SIMMONS; BP; s 76 ;b Camden 18 D 47; fr Fulton; CornU 69-70; ord Taberg 27 D 76; p Taberg 76-82; E Durham 82-4; Edmeston 84-5; prof Jackson C, Miss 85-7; p Sennett NY 87-9; asst p New York 89-91; p Gilbertsville 91-7; Mt Vision 97-05; Pulteney 05-9; Rosendale 09-; ad Rosendale, NY ALFRED HOMES STOCK; AB; AM;* 80; b Fremont Ind 14 F 53; fr Chicago 111; studied HillsdaleC, Mich; UChic; ord Ft Covington NY 20 O 80; p Ft Coving- ton 80- 1 ; Essex 82-5; Preston Hollow 85-8; Bangall 88-9; Richland 90-4; book bus Hamilton 94-03; p E Cornwall Ct 03-9?; ret 09?-; ad Cannon Station, Ct THOMAS JEFFERSON WHITAKER; AB; AM; b Deposit 2 Je 44; prep GS; fr Hamilton; in US army 62-5; ord Deposit 19 N 74; sup Preston Corners 74-7; p Franklin 77-80; Hornellsville 80-8; Brooklyn 88-; ad 1119 Jefferson Av, Brooklyn, NY *DELOS DERNIER BROWN; sp 72-3; s 75; b Jefferson co 21 F 41 ; fr Earlville; ord Ply- mouth 20 F 66; p Plymouth; Earlville; Tully; Sherburne; Camillus in 74; Batavia 75-?; Olean; Trumansburg; Holley; Webster in 91; d Rochester 17 Ja 92 THEODORE STUART LEONARD; 72-4; RTS 82; b Montour Falls 14 N 49; prep GS; fr Brooklyn; ord Northeast Pa 14 Jl 75; p Northeast 75-6; Stockton NY 76-9; Owos- so Mich 82-4; Charlotte 84-7; miss to Minn, Ks and Mont 87-8; p Hastings Minn 88-9; Beatrice Neb 89-91; Friendship NY 91-3; New York 93-5; Beatrice Neb 95-6; Oswego NY 96-8; Binghamton 98-00; Nunda 01-3; ss Sherburne 03-4; p Fort Ann 05-10; ss Pittsburgh Pa and Cold Spring NY 10; p Athens-on-Hudson ii-; ad Athens-on-Hudson, NY DAVID BERGE POPE; sp 72-3; s 75; b Edmeston 12 Ja 41 ; prep GS; fr Edmeston; ord Sherburne 15 S 74; p Jordan 75-8; Burlington Flats 78-80; Lake Placid 80-4; Prairieville Mich and Hickory Corners 84-92; res Hickory Corners 92-; book sales- man 92-7; sup 97-; ad Hickory Corners, Mich OLNEY JAY ROSE; 72-4; fr Lebanon Springs; s 74-5; ord Smethport Pa 9 Mr 76; p Smethport 76-8; Port Allegany 79-81; Locke NY; Ovid Center; Gorham; Will- iamstown Mass 95-9; ret Williamstown 99-; ad Williamstown, Mass CHARLES ALBERT RUSSELL; 72-4; prep GS; fr Vineland NJ; studied Boston LS, Mass in 77 WILLIAM SMITH MIKELS RYDER; 72-3; fr Sing Sing (Ossining) CHARLES MALCOMB WICKWIRE; || 74-5; b Hamilton 23 My 57; prep Hamilton Un Sen; fr Hamilton; adm to bar, NY 5 S 79; prac law Water ville 79-; ad Waterville, -NY 132 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1876 *WILLIAM SHUBAEL WILKINSON; 72-4; b Vernon Mich 10 Ag 42; fr Hamilton NY; in US army 61-2; ord N Branch Mich 7 O 74; p N Branch 74-5; Atlas 75-7; Hast- ings 77-80; Cedar Springs 80-3; Bellevue 83-7; Bloomingdale 87-8; d Bloom - ingdale 7 F 88 JOHN CHESTER WRIGHT; || 74-5; fr Hamilton; bus Col 1877 TRUMAN GAYLORD BROWNSON; AB; DD 01 ; BD BUTS 83; DD McMinnville C, Ore 98; b Afton 2 Ap 51 ; prep GS; fr Masonville; s 77-9; ord Three Rivers Mich 17 S 79; p Three Rivers 79-82; Albany Ore 83-5; pres McMinnville C 86-95; pres Cal C 96-07; p Fall River Mass 10-; ad 149 Foster St, Fall River, Mass *DAVID FORRESTER CALL; AB; AM; PhD 85; b Hartsville 18 Mr 56; prep Cedar Valley S, la; fr Hampton; t Cedar Valley S 77-81; pres DMC 81-2; prof Greek la State U 82-5; d Iowa City 23 Ag 85 LEONARD WOOLSEY CRONKHITE; AB; AM; s 81 ; DD 04; b Sandy Hill 15 F 56; prep GS; fr Sandy Hill; acting p Greenwich 79-80; ord Sandy Hill 13881; miss ABMU (ABFMS) to Ka Chins, Bhamo Upper Burma 81-4; to Pwo Karens, Bassein Burma 84-; in US 02-9; instructor in practical miss 03-4; ad Bassein, Burma *DELAVAN DANIEL DEAN; AB; AM; s 80; b Morrisville 6 Ag 50; prep GS; fr Morrisville; ord Philadelphia 13 O 80; p Philadelphia 80-4; Lowville 84-06; d Morrisville 1 1 O 06 FREDERIC MAINE DEAN; AB; AM; LLB Columbia U 80; b Wyoming 29 Ag 57 ; fr Rochester; UR 73-5 ; adm to bar, NY 80; prac law New York 80-7 ; newspaper writer and editor, with New York Press, Herald, Commercial Advertiser, World, and Daily News, in New York, London and Paris 87-03; res New York 77-97; Rochester 97-8; New York 98-; pres Dean Syndicate New York 03-; dramatic, musical, art and lit editor New York Commercial 04-9 ; lecturer on history of mus- ic; special writer for Sunday Tribune, Sun, Herald, Press, and Times; ad Liberty Tower, 55 Liberty St, New York EDWARD WILLIS DOUGLAS; AB; AM; b Stephentown 27 Ja 56; prep GS; fr Stephentown; studied law Troy 77-9; adm to bar 79; prac law Troy 79-; ad 207 Pawling Av, Troy, NY; res 105 i2th St *WILLIAM DWIGHT EL WELL; AB; AM; s 80; b Lakeville Mich 3 O 45; prepGS; fr Bay City Mich; ord McDonough NY 22 Ag 77; p Mt Morris Mich 80-1 ; Romeo 8i-3;Keota la 83-4; Westchester 85-6; Sedan Ks 86-8; Marysville 88-90; Albion Neb 90-3; Columbus 93-4; Ashland 94-8; Palestine 98-02; Bancroft la 02-3; in prohibition work, res Ames 03-10; d Ames 5 Je 10 DANIEL SHELDON FLETCHER; AB; CTS 79; b Virgil 5 Mr 43; prep GS; fr Homer; ord Beverly NJ 17 Je 79; p Beverly 79-80; Halfmoon NY and Clifton Park 80-3; Wolcottville Ind 83-6 ; Rushford Minn 86-93 ; Wolcottville Ind 93-6; ord elder Christian Catholic Church in Zion 2 O 98; p Wolcottville 98-01; res Zion City 111 01-12; Portland Ore 12-; ad R D 2, Milwaukee, Ore ALBERT CLARK HILL; AB; AM; PhD 87; b Clayton 6 S 52; prepUn Acad, Belle- ville; fr Belleville; t math Cook Acad 77-9; prin 80-94; with State Education Dept 94-; inspector special schs; ad 14 Chestnut St, Albany, NY ELIJAH BROWN JONES; AB; DD Defiance C, O 98; b Jay 22 Mr 52; prep GS; fr Jay; ord Ticonderoga 13 D 77; p Ticonderoga 77-80; Brewster 80-4; Cincinnati COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1877 133 O 84-7; Toledo 87-9; Nawark 8^-95; Owatonna Minn 95-02; Marshaltown la 02-07; lyceum lecturer and chautauqua manager 02-7; p Cedar Falls 07-; ad 714 Clay St, Cedar Falls, la EDWIN LOUCKS; BP; fr Sloansville; adm to bar, NY 5 S 79; acting p Atlantic Highlands NJ in 90; p Brooklyn NY 97-9 CHARLES OTIS MORGAN; BP; AM 84; b Smithfield 7 My 54; prep GS; fr Earl- ville; studied law Morrisville 79-82; adm to bar Albany 23 N 82; prac law Huron SD 83-94; dep register of deeds, Huron 83-6; dep co treasurer 87-8; co auditor 89-90; prac law Los Angeles Cal 94-9; judge city courts, Los Angeles 99-03; prac law Los Angeles 03-; ad 1010 California Building, Cor 2d and Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal; res 5545 Virginia Av *WILLIAM JOHNSON SMITH; AB; b Hopkinton Mass 12 F 48; prep Appleton Acad, New Ipswich NH; fr Marlboro; s 78-80; ord Sharon Vt 13 Je 82; p Sharon 82; we 83-6; p Middletown Springs 86-7; E Washington NH 88-9; farmer Stratton Vt 89-93 ; P Ashburnham Mass 93-4; farmer Stratton Vt 94-00; miss worker, West- ford Bapt Miss, Mass 00-5; inv Athol 05-1 1 ; d Athol 21 D 1 1 WILLIAM ALMOR SPINNEY; AB; NTI 80; b Annapolis co NS 12 Je 52; prep GS; fr Boston Mass; ord N Scituate 25 Mr 80; p N Scituate 80-2; Duluth Minn 82-4; Owatonna 84-8; Elyria O 88-92; Cleveland 92-6; Beloit Wis 96-8; Mil- waukee 98-02; with NJ State Conv, res Newark 02-4; p Wallingford Ct 04-10; graduate student Yale 08-10; p Philadelphia Pa 11-; ad 4124 Girard Av, Phil- adelphia, Pa "HENRY BOLTON STEELMAN; AB; AM; s 80; b Norway 15 N 55; prep GS; fr Burlington; ord Orange NJ 21 D 80; assoc p Orange and New York 80-3; p Troy 83-9; Jersey City NJ 89-91 ; Salt Lake City Utah 91-01 ; St Paul Minn 01-4; Osage la 04-7; Caldwell Id 08-12; d Caldwell 13 Ap 12 WILLIAM NELSON THOMAS; AB; AM; s 81; PhD Ewing C, 111 08 ; b Cincinnati O 29 Mr 56; fr Dayton; DU 73-6; ord Walton NY 23 Ag 81; p Walton 81-5; Mor- risonville 85-8; Penacook NH 88-90; New London Ct 90-2; Everett Mass 92-4; Lewiston Me 95-9; Lansingburg NY 99-01 ; Canandaigua 02-3; sup res Jamestown 04-5; p Cincinnati O 05-6; acting p Toledo, Cleveland, and other places 06-12; prin Wilson Sch, Fishkill-on-Hudson, NY 12-; ad Fishkill-on-Hudson, NY WILLIAM PATERSON THOMSON; AB; AM; LLB HamC 80; fr Fayetteville; t Essex 78-80; prin Rahway HS, NJ 80-1 ; naval officer port New York 81-4; t Phillips Acad, Andover Mass 84-6; prin Auburn HS, NY 86-96; Egbert's HS, Co- hoes 98-?; t Wallingford Ct; registrar Wells C, Aurora NY 08-; ad Wells C, Aurora, NY DAVID NATHANIEL VASSAR; AB; AM; DD Shaw U, NC 92; b Bedford co Va 5 D 47; prep GS; fr Lynchburg; ord Lynchburg 10 Je 78; t Richmond Institute, Richmond TS and Va Un U 77-02 ; gen miss for Va 02-; ad 619 8th St, Lynchburg, Va *ADONIRAM JUDSON WALRATH; AB; AM; b Pamelia 7 Ap 51; prep GS; fr Evans Mills; s 77-9, 82-4; ord Lafargeville 12 Mr 78; p Madison 79-86; Homer 86-91 ; Troy 91-2; Penn Yan 92-7; d Penn Yan 25 Ap 97 :SHELDON EDGAR WILCOX; AB; AM; s 80; DD DMC 05; b Ripley 9 My 50; prep GS; fr Waupaca Wis; ord Homer NY 16 S 80; p Homer 80-4; Muscatine la 84-91; Omaha Neb 91-2; Osage la 93-9; Boone 99-02; gen supt miss, la State Conv 02-; ad 1024 W roth St, Des Moines, la 134 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1877 *WILLIAM JOHN WILLIAMS ;BP;bN Wales 24 Ag 43; fr New York; 577-8 ;orcT Cleveland O 25 N 77; p Cleveland 77-81; Church Hill 8 1-7; Girard 87-92; Min- eral Ridge 92-05; Shawnee 05-7; ret Girard 07-11 ; d Girard 22 My n *!RA JAY BAILEY; 73-5; b Morris 16 Je 53; prep New Berlin HS; fr S New Berlin; p Mt Upton 75-6; ord 22 Je 76; p New Lisbon 76-7; Garrattsville 77-8; Worcester 78-9; Mt Upton 80-2; s 81-2; p Madison ville O 83-5; Columbus 85-6; d Morris NY 26 N 86 *REUBEN EMERSON BARTLETT; sp 73-5; b Shutesbury Mass 25 My 43; prep GS; fr Lowell Mass; ord Wilmington Del 16 Mr 76; p Wilmington 76-7; inv 77-82; with Watchman, Boston Mass, and Standard, Chicago 111 82-5; p Sabetha Ks 85-6; Deerfield NH 87-8; Dickinson Dak 88-9; miss ABHMS in Dak and Mont 89; p Lebanon Ct 90-1 ; Norwich 92-3; E Hempstead NH 96-00; Haverhill Mass 00-4; Montague 04-5; Jackson Summit Pa 05-10; res Pacific Grove Cal 10-2; d Pacific Grove 6 Ag 12 WELCOME ELLIOTT BATES; sp 73-5; b Thompson Ct 7 My 49; prep GS; fr Thompson Ct; ord Norwich 8 F 76; p Norwich 75-8; Waterford 78-83; Concord NH 83-7; ; Haverhill Mass 87-97; Amherst NS 98-04; Mystic Ct 04-; ad Mystic, Ct WAYLAND EVERETT BENJAMIN; 74-5; AB BU 77; AM 79; LLB Boston U 79; b 16 S 54; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ; fr Boston Mass; adm to bar, Mass 79; instructor Boston U LS 79-81; prac law New York 83-; ad 1 60 Broad way, New York; res Plainfield, NJ JUDSON SUDBOROUGH HILL; 73-4; prep GS; fr Trenton NJ CLARENCE CHARLES HOBART; || 74-7; LLB la State U 81 ; b Westford Vt 30 S 56; prep GS; fr Westford Vt; t Westford and Middletown O 80- 1 ; adm to bar Iowa City la 81; supt paper mill, and sec and treasurer Middletown electric light plant, O 82-5 ; sec and treasurer Parent Paper Co and Hobart Electric Co 86-9 ; pres Hobart Electric Manufacturing Co 89-05 ; pres The American Fixture and Manufacturing Co 05-; res Troy 97-; ad Water St, Troy, O WILLIAM DENISON JONES; 73-5; prep GS; fr Harrisburg ELDON HERBERT LOVETT; 73-5; s 85; DD OttU oo; b Lincoln Center Me 24 Mr 52; prep ShC: fr Anoka Minn; ord S Rutland NY 8- Ag 77; p Richville 78-82; Walton 82-5; Long Island City 85-7; Oswego 87-92; Davenport la 92-9; field sec OttU 99-02 ; Colby Acad, New London NH 03 ; CU 03-5 ; S Jersey Institute, Bridgeton NJ 05-7; NJ Children's Home Society 07; KalC 07-9; DMC 09; Grand Island C, Neb 09-10; ATS; bus New York 10-2; p Brooklyn 12-; ad 146 S Portland Av, Brooklyn, NY BRADFORD PIERCE MARKHAM; 73-5; fr E Long Meadow Mass; res E Long Meadow in 92 MARTIN LEBARON RUGG; || 75-7; s 80; DD Ewing C, 111 03; b Chester Vt 5 S 49; prep GS; fr Grafton; ord Gouverneur 17 S 80; p Gouverneur 80-4; Salem Ore 84-7 ; Victoria BC 87-91; Seattle Wash 91-3; Oregon City Ore 94-8; Urbana 11198-04; Vancouver BC 04-5 ; New Westminster 05-8 ; we Columbus O 08-9 ; p Columbus 09-11; sup res Oberlin 11-; ad 125 Woodland Av, Oberlin, O LEVI L RURY; sp 74-5; b Decatur 1 1 Ap 44; prep CA; fr E Worcester; s 75-7; ord Schuyler Lake 18 D 77; p Schuyler Lake and Richfield 77-81; Edmeston 81-4; Cassville 84-5; Middlefield 85-8; Cobleskill 88-90; Afton 90-3; Schenevus 93-4;. COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1877 135 sup Westford 93-6; mercantile bus 94-02; p Charlotteville 02-5 ; ret Charlotteville 05-; ad Charlotteville, NY * WILLIAM EDGAR WRIGHT; 73-5; fr Newark NJ; studied UR; U of City of New York; ord Middletown 26 Mr 79; p Norwalk Ct; rector PE NJ; Towanda Pa; Elmira NY 88-00; d Elmira 18 My oo 1878 HENRY DENISON BALDWIN; AB; AM; s 81; b Pitcher 15 Ja 52; prep Caze- novia S; fr Pitcher; ord Flushing Mich 27 S 81 ; p Flushing 81-2; Croton NY 82-3; Belmont 83-6; Big Flats 86-9; Sayre Pa 89-90; Holland Patent NY 91-5; Euclid 95-7; Venice 99-10; res Clifton Springs 10-; ad Clifton Springs, NY JOSEPH BUTTER WORTH; AB; AM; b Trenton NJ 8 Ja 51 ; prep CA 74; fr Tren- ton NJ; s 78-80; ord Colchester Ct 10 N 80; p Colchester 80-2; Hamilton Square NJ 82-6; Chester Ct 87-90; N Kingston RI 90-2; Providence 92-6; Fall River Mass 96-; ad 201 Harrison St, Fall River, Mass THADDEUS GUILFORD CASS; AB; AM; b Decatur 17 N 50; prep CA 74; fr Albany; NTI 78-80; ord Maiden Mass Je 79; p Maplewood 78-83; Claremont NH 83-5; Bridgeton NJ 85-90; Norwich NY 90-6; Malone 96-01; Olean 01-6; res Dayarmon PR; ad Dayarmon, PR *CORNELIUS JED CLARK; AB; b Philadelphia 16 Jl 57; prep Mexico Acad; fr Carthage; merchant miller Carthage 78-99; member assembly 3 terms 96-8; d Car- thage 31 My 99 FENNIMORE HOFFMAN COOPER; AB; AM; s 82; b Chemung 13 Ag 49; fr Candor; ord Addison 12 Mr 79; p Preston Ct 82-5; E Marion NY 85-9; Newton NH 89-92; Edgartown Mass 92-5; Norfolk Neb 96-7; sup 97-00; p Poquonock Bridge Ct 00-4; Canton 04-9; Andover 10-; ad Andover, Ct *JUDSON KINCAID FOLWELL; AB ; AM ; s 82 ; MD N Y Homoeopathic Med C 03 ; b Lahaska Pa 5 N 54; prep CA; fr Brooklyn; ord Lakewood NJ 21 Mr 81; p Lakewood 80-1; Athens Pa 82-4; Westfield NJ 84-93; ss Demarest 93-6 ;p Hackensack 96-00; p and prac med Port Washington NY 00-6; d Port Washing- ton 2 N 06 SMITH THOMAS FORD; AB; AM; s 81 ; DD oo; b Camden 51 ; prep Whitestown S; fr Camden; ord Greene i My 79; p Waverly 81-4; Albany 84-6; Syracuse 86-96; Loweli Mass 96-05; Chicago 111 05-; ad 432 W 6ist Place, Chicago, 111 FRANCIS WYMAN FOSTER; AB; AM; b Trenton NJ 29 F 4 8;prepHightstown; fr Trenton; s 78-80; ord Danlap la O 80; p Dimlap 80- 1 ; Dow City 81-2; Dekaib 111 82-4; Dundee 84-7; Omaha Neb 87-97; special agent Penn Mutual Life In- surance Co in Omaha 97-; ad 620 Bee Building, O naha. Neb; res 2007 Pinkney St *J S DUANE HOPKINS; AB; b Cirthaje 13 Je 57; prep Cartha?e HS; frCarthage; studied law Topeka Ks 78-80; adm to bar Topeka 80; prac law Topeka 80-1; mining Durango Col 81-01 ; mining and gen merchant Hesperus 01-?; d Hesperus ALLEN ALBERT JONES; BP; s 81 ; b Bristol 30 Ja 50; prep CA; fr Hamilton; ord NGranville 5 S8i; p NGranville 81-4; Panama 84-7 ; Conneaut O and W Spring- field Pa 89-91; Pentwater Mich 92-4; Huntington Ind 94-7; Toledo O 98-9; sup res Toledo 00-2; with American Bridge Co Toledo 02-6; sup Wauseon 06-7; Stryker 07; with Toledo Bridge and Crane Co 07-; sup S wanton 09-10; Toledo - ii-; ad 1326 Woodland Av, Toledo, O 136 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1878 JAMES HASWELL MASON; AB; LLB ColU 80; LLM 81 ; b Chelsea Mass 3 N 54; prep CA 74; fr Chelsea Mass; adm to bar Washing ton DC 81; government service- Washington 81-7 ; sec The Simplex Electrical Co, Boston Mass 88-92 ; gen manager 92-; ad 201 Devonshire St, Boston, Mass *BRENETT JASPER MIX; AB; b Alba Pa 25 F 49; prep CA; fr Binghamton; ord Vernon 2 My 77; s 78-9; miss to Shans, Toungoo Burma 79-81; d Liverpool England 13 S 81 WARREN GRAHAM PARTRIDGE; AB; AM; s 82; DD 98; b Portland Me 54; prep CA 74; fr Rumford Center Me; ord Cooperstown NY 82 ; p Cooperstown 82-6; Norwich 86-90; Scranton Pa 90-5; Cincinnati O 95-03; Pittsburg Pa 03-11; Troy NY 1 1- ; ad 9 Myrtle Av, Troy, NY *ALFRED TAYLOR SANFORD; AB; b Hamilton 27 My 58; fr Syracuse; SyrU 74-7; studied Germany 78; s 78-9; drowned in Onondaga Lake 21 Je 79 WILLIAM FRANKLIN SLOCUM; AB; AM; NTI 83; b Eaton 5 Jl 53; prep CA; fr Lowell Mass; sup and t W Royalston 78-80; ord Wooster O 30 Ag 83; p Wooster 83-7; graduate student Wooster U 84-6; p Logansport Ind 87-90; Orange Mass 90-5; Urbana O 95-6; Montour Falls NY 96-01; t Cook Acad 96-00; manufac- turer 02-3; agent Minn Mutual Life Insurance Co 03-5; with US Express Co, New York 06-12: t New York 12-; ad 39 W 12 8th St, New York *WILLIAM WITHERMAN STAPLES; AB; b Woolwich England 6 N 51; fr Day ton O;DU 73-6; ord Lawrence ville NY 16 My 77; p and t Lawrenceville 77- 8; s 78-9; p Niantic Ct 79-80; N Stonington 80; d N Stonington 28 O 80 BENJAMIN STUYTES TERRY; AB; AM; s 8i;LLD 03; PhD U Freiburg 92; b St Paul Minn 9 Ap 57; prep St Paul HS; fr St Paul; RTS 79-80; ord Perry 30 Ag 81; p Perry 81-3; Fairport 83-5; prof history 85-92; studied U Freiburg 91-2; U Goettingen 92; prof mediaeval and English history UChic 92-10; English history io-; dean senior cs 95-00; ad The U of Chicago, Chicago, 111 CHARLES A VERY BABCOCK; 74-5; b Copenhagen 13 N 50; prep CA; fr Albany; p Schenevus 72-3; sup Greenbush 73-4; res Greenbush 75-8; ord Milburn 78; CTS 78-80; p Westfield NY8o-i; RTS 81-2; p Parma 81-4; Canton Pa 84-7; Coopers Plains NY 87-8; Canton Pa 88-91; Damascus 91-2 CHARLES FREMONT BONNEY; 74-6; b Eaton 23 My 55; prep CA; fr Hamilton; stud- ied law Hamilton 76; clerk PO New York 78-9; San Francisco Cal 80-1; with Plankington and Armour Kansas City Mo 82; insurance bus Chicago 111 82-; managir factory dept Continental Casualty Co of Chicago oo-; manager C F" Bonney and son, brokers 09-; ad 105 W Monroe St, Chicago, 111 JUDSON COLLINS BROWN; 74-6; prep CA 74; fr Masonville; farmer Masonville 76-;. ad Masonville, NY Louis HART CHAMBERLAIN; sp 74-5; fr Livonia HENRY AUGUSTUS DAVIS; 74-5; b Albany 8 F 50; prep Rome Acad; fr Rome; ac- countant Rome 76-7; Utica 78-86; bus Utica 87-; adm to bar Syracuse 29 Ap 92;: ad 75 Genesee St, Utica, NY WILLIAM SMITH GARNSEY; 74-6 ;MD New York Homoeopathic Med C 80; b Ballston Lake 9 F 55; prep CA 74; fr S Ballston; prac med Gloversville 80-; ad 93 N Main. St, Gloversville, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1878 137 : *CLAYTON EATON GREGORY; 74-8; LLB la C 79; b New Lisbon 51; fr Garrattsville; adm to bar Des Moines la 23 Je 79; BUTS 80-1; ord Welcome NY 21 D 81; p Welcome 81-3; Mt Vision 83-7; Cannonsville 87-8; d Cannonsville 13 O 88 .ELMER GARDINER KERN; || 76-8; MD Hahnemann Med C, Philadelphia Pa 81; b Pine Woods 2 Mr 55; prep CA; fr Hamilton; prac med W Eaton 81-2; Herkimer 82-; ad Herkimer, NY EDWARD MILES; 74-6; b Waverly Pa 10 Ap 54; prep CA 74; fr Dalton Pa; adm to bar Wilkesbarre Jl 80; prac law Scranton 80-; ad 112 Maryland Av, NE, Washington, DC *EDWARD SNODGRASS MILLER; 74-5; fr Poultney Vt; prac law Rutland; Poultney ?-88; d Poultney 15 Je 88 ARTHUR DANIEL NEWELL; sp 74-5; b Jay 19 Mr 52; prep Westport; fr Westport; t 75-90; farmer and nursery bus 90-; ad Westport, NY JULIUS B SOUTHWORTH; || 76-7; fr Montpelier Vt 1879 EDMUND TURNEY ALLEN; AB; AM; MD Cleveland Homoeopathic Med C, O8i; PhD Indian U, Tahlequah IT 92; b Tavoy Burma 2 D 56; prep Cooper S, Dayton O; fr Dayton; prac med Dayton 81-3; t Indian U, Tahlequah IT 83-6; studied Hahnemann Med C, 'Philadelphia Pa 86; studied Postgraduate MS, New York 86; prac as oculist Omaha Neb 86-94; ec Neb state board of health 91-3; prac Chicago 111 94-02; res De Land Fla 02-7, prac Denver Col 07-9; Chicago 111 09-; ad 32 N State St, Chicago, 111 RUFUS NUMON BACKUS; BP; b Groton 16 Ag 56; prep CA 76; fr Palmyra; farmer and t Palmyra 79-03; sch commissioner Wayne co 97-03; agent Dodd, Mead and Co, res Palmyra 03-4; hardware, carriage and produce bus Palmyra 04-8; supervisor Palmyra 05-8; bus Palmyra 08-12; with Standard Stores Co, Syracuse 12-; ad 414 Dillaye Building, Syracuse, NY "JOSEPH CLINTON BARNEY; BP; AM 84; b Cincinnati O 7 O 37; prep pri- vately; fr Granville; t Granville; Warren; Cincinnati; Willoughby 85-95; ret Delaware 95-08; Cleveland 08-11; d Cleveland 7 Jl n JOSEPH BEAL; AB; b Hamilton 10 Ja 56; prep CA 75; fr Hamilton; studied law Gloversville, Hamilton and Oneida 79-81; adm to bar 81; prac law Oneida 81-; ad Oneida, NY ALBERT PERRY BRIGHAM; AB; AM; s 82; AM Harv 92; b Perry 12 Je 55; prep Perry Acad; fr Perry; ord Stillwater 6 S 82; p Stillwater 82-5; Utica 85-91 ; gradu- ate student Harv 91-2; prof geology and natural history CU 92-07; geology 07-; instructor Harv summer sch 91, 95, 96, oo; prof geology summer sessions CornU 01, '02, 03, 04; travelled and studied Europe 99, 08; prof geography summer ses- sion U of Wis 06; lecturer Oxford U Sch of Geography 08; examiner in geography NY Education Dept; ad Hamilton, NY GEORGE CAMPBELL; AB; BD BUTS 82; b St Charles 111 9 Je 58; prep pd ShC; fr Delavan; ord Colfax Wash Ag 82; p Colfax 82-4; Spangle and Rockford 84-5; Tecumseh Neb 85-7; miss ABMU Kia-ying China 87-01; city miss Seattle Wash 01-3; supt Chinese miss on Pacific coast under ABHMS 03-5; publ American Oriental; p Waterville Wash 06; Dryad 07-8; miss ABFMS Kia-ying China 09-; ad Kia-ying, via Swatow, China 138 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1879 JOHN CYRUS DUNCANSON; AB; AM; s 82; b Horton NS; prep CA 74; fr Corn- wallis NS; ord Jordanville NY 29 My 84; p Jordan ville 82-5; Canastota 85-90 p Wakefield RI 90-6; Plainville Ct 96-03; Spencer Mass 03-5; E Brookfield 05-; graduate student Yale; ad E Brookfield, Mass ANDREW KING FULLER; AB; AM; s 82; DD 04; b Masonville 3 Mr 55; prep CA 75; fr Masonville; ord Rondout 6 S 82; p Rondout 82-9; Sioux Falls SD 89-92; Newburgh NY 92-07; Scranton Pa 07-; ad 1548 Monsey Av, Scranton, Pa IRA DAVID HALL; AB; AM; s 82; b Springfield Ind 19 Ag 36; prep pd DU; fr Wooster; ord Eaton Rapids Mich 3 O 82; p Eaton Rapids 82-3; Piqua O 84-5; Evansville Ind 85-7; Sturgis Mich 87-8; Jefferson O 88-90; Citra Fla 90-2; Madison NY 93-5; res Hamilton 96-7; p Cleveland O 97-9; Coldwater Mich 00-2 ; Cleveland O 02-5; miss work San Luis Valley, Col 05; p Pueblo 06; Golden 07- 12; Fallen Nev 13-; ad Fallon, Nev MYRON WILBUR HAYNES; AB; DD ShC 93; b Lunenburg Mass i Ja 55; prep CA 75; fr Royalston Mass; ord Frankfort NY 5 S 79; p Frankfort 79-82; Marble- head Mass 82-4; Kalamazoo Mich 84-8; Chicago 111 88-05; Seattle Wash 05-7; St Louis Mo 07-8; endowment sec Central C, la 08-10; FC n-; ad Franklin College, Franklin, Ind ARTHUR CECIL HEATH; AB; b McKeesport Pa 12 Ja 57; prep Wyoming In- stitute, Del; fr Wyoming; t Wyoming 79-80; Monticello Minn 80-3; adm to bar St Paul 83; t Buffalo 84-5; dep auditor Wright co 86-91; auditor 91-3; loan bus Seattle Wash 93-5; abstractor of titles Wright co Minn 96-; ad Buffalo, Minn WILLIAM DRAYTON HENDERSON; AB; prep CA 75; fr Falmouth, Jamaica, WI; ord i O 79; p Oraca Bessa, Jamaica 79-?; res Brown's Town ?-; ad Brown's Town, Jamaica, WI LERWICK LAPEER KNEELAND; AB; AM; s 82; b Masonville n O 54; prep CA 75; fr Masonville; ord Kankakee 111 21 N 82; p Kankakee 82-4; Darlington Wis 84-5; acting p Hudson 86; p Leadville Col 87-9; Sterling 90; Sterling and Holyoke 91; travelled in Wyo 92; p Denver Col 93-4; bus and miss work Palmer Lake 95-01 ; p Tacoma Wash 02; sup Seattle 02-3; p Idaho Falls Id 03-4; Hamil- ton Mont 04-7; on fruit ranch 08-10; t n; on ranch Hamilton 12-; ad Hamilton,. Mont *THOMAS MORTON; AB; UTS 89; b Salem Mass 8 Je 51; prep CA 75; fr Salem. Mass; p Westford in 80; ord Sloansville NY 21 Jl 81 ; p Sloansville 81-2; RTS 82-3; p Hamlin 83; CTS 83-4; p Philadelphia 84; t New York in 86; ord Reformed. Church 17 Ap 88; ss Spotswood NJ 90-1 ; p New Salem NY 92-3; Glenville 93-5; in Europe 95-6 EMANUEL NORTHUP; AB; AM; BD BUTS 83; b W Oneonta 13 Jl 51 ; prep CA 75; fr W Oneonta; ord Lakemills Wis D 79; p Lakemills 79-80; farmer W Oneonta NY 83-5; p W Oneonta 85-8; prof Greek and math McMinnville C, Ore. 88- 10 ; math 10-; dean 96-; treasurer 06; mayor McMinnville 03-5; ad 912 S B- St, McMinnville, Ore *DELEVAN DANIEL ODELL; AB; AM; BD BUTS 86; PhD ShC 99; b Erie- ville 10 My 53; prep CA 74; fr Brookfield; ord Springfield Center 5 N 79; p Spring- field Center 79-81; S Chicago 111 83-4; Aurora 85-9; Peoria 89-93; Omaha Neb- 93-5; Lansing Mich 95-7; Joliet 111 97-02; d Joliet 2 Ap 02 'WILLIAM CAREY PHILLIPS; AB; b Lima 25 My 52; prep CA 75; fr Norwich; s 78-80; ord Russell 18 Je 80; p Russell 80-2; Canton 82-3; RTS 83-6; p Mason. COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1879 139 Mich 86-8; Tawas City 88-90; Nunda NY 90-8; Oswego 98-9; d Clifton Springs i 099 WILLIAM WOODBURY PRATT; AB; DD 05; UTS 82; b Waukon la 5 Je 53; prep Cedar Valley S, Osage; fr Fredericksburg; ord Minneapolis Minn Ap 83; p Min- neapolis 82-5; Roadstown NJ 85-8; Brooklyn NY 88-91 ; Passaic NJ 91-05; assoc p Philadelphia Pa 05-7; district sec ABPS New York 07-; ad 23 E 26th St, New York; res mi Putnam A v, Plainfield, NJ WILLARD DURANT RICHARDSON; AB; AM; b Georgetown 28 Ag 58; prep CA 75; fr Eaton; prin Chattanooga HS, Tenn 79-80; t New York 80-1; Great Neck 82-3; t private sch Minneapolis Minn 84-9; supt pressed brick works N Balti- more O 89-93; gen manager Paving Brick Co, Cleveland 93-6; gen manager O Mining and Manufacturing Co, Shawnee 96-00; gen manager Building Brick Works, Cleveland 01-2; consulting ceramic engineer Columbus 02-11; gen man- ager O Mining and Manufacturing Co, Shawnee 1 1-; ad Shawnee, O ELBRIDGE WILLIAM WHITE; AB; AM; s 82; DD Gale C, Wis 01; b Grafton Vt 23 Je 50; prep CA 75; fr Grafton Vt; ord Castile NY 30 Ag 82; p Castile 82-6; Jackson Mich 86-91; Milwaukee Wis 91-8; chaplain 3ist Mich volunteers 98-9; ev res Jackson 99-; ad 333 W Franklin St, Jackson, Mich *MARCUS CLYDE ALLEN; || 77-8; b Sandy Hilln Ap59; prepCA 77; fr Sandy Hill; bus (Wedge and Allen) Hamilton 79-92 ; paper and pulp manufacturer Sandy Hill 92-10; sec Allen Bros Co 84-10; sec Alice Falls Co 92-10; contractor; d Rock Ledge Fla 20 Ja 10 *WILLIAM JAY ALLYN; || 77-9; b Copenhagen 10 My 53; prep Ives S, Antwerp; fr Copenhagen; t public schs Lewis and Jefferson cos 79-09; d Lowville 27 My 09 *WILLIAM KNIGHT DENNIS; sp 75-7; b London England 51; fr Brooklyn NY; ord Bradford 111 My 78; p Bradford 77-8; St Charles Minn 79-80; Sauk Center 80-2; Lake City 82-5; Muncie Ind 85-6; Hamilton 86-90; Avon 90-5; W Cleveland O 95-6; Colebrook 97-9; Meadville Pa 99-03; d Wayland 23 Ag 03 JAMES FISHER; sp 75-6; b Walpole NH 19 Ag 31 ; fr Brooklyn NY; s 76-8; ord Moore- ville Mich 21 Ja79; p Mooreville 78-81; Clayton 81-2; Mt Vernon82~4; York 85- 9; Corunna 89-90; Laingsburg 91-3; Corunna 93-5; Chesaning 96; ret Corunna 96-; ad Corunna, Mich JARED SPALDING NASMITH; 75-6; s 80; b Union Wis 15 My 53; prep CA 75; fr Platt- ville Wis; ord Brooklyn Center Minn 27 S 76; p Brooklyn Center 76-7; asst p Albany NY 80-1; p Mannsville 81-3; Massena 83-4; Clyde Ks 85-9; N Wichita 89-90; Guthrie Okla 90-1; Beloit Ks 91-2; Marysville 93-4; Newton la 94-6; Alabama NY 96-9; Clayton 99-01; Ontario Wis 01-3; Wolcott NY 03-5; Canton 05-12; Phelps and Orleans 12-; ad Phelps, NY JOHN NEWTON SHIPMAN; || 76-9; b Townshend Vt 4 N 50; prep CA; fr Brattleboro Vt; ord Plainfield Ct 30 S 79; p Plainfield 79-85; Peabody 85-90; Dorchester 90-5; Athol 95-9; acting p Brookville oo-?; poultry bus and sup Randolph ?-; ad Randolph, Mass ALANSON DEVILLO SMITH; sp 73-6; s 80; b Madison 12 Ag 48; prep Whitestown S; fr Madison; ord Martindale 7 O 80; p Martindale 80-2; Vernon 82-4; S Otselic - 84-7 ; Garfield Cal 88-91 ; Sonora 91-2 ; Malaga 93-6; t and miss work, res Oleander 96-01; miss work Fresno and vicoi-i2;pMalagai2-;ad32iGlennAv,Fresno, Cal 1 40 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1879 EDWIN HORTON TEALL; sp 75-6; b Knoxville Pa 20 O 50; prep KalC; fr Hastings; s 76-7; ord Farmington Mich 3 O 78; p Farmington 78-?; Charlotte in 82; Oak- field; Pentwater; Mitchell SD; Jamestown ND 88-?; McPherson Ks; Lamed; Oberlin 04-7; Norton 07-11; Superior Neb 11-; ad Superior, Neb LEVI DANIEL TEMPLE; 75-8; AB UChic 83; BD BUTS 85; b Granville 18 N 58; prep CA 75; fr Granville; studied law Granville 78-80; adm to bar Ithaca 81; prac law Granville, and Omaha Neb 81-2; ord Lake Geneva Wis 21 My 83; p Aurora 111 84-6; Flint Mich 86-8; New York 88-90; Lansing Mich 90-5; Brattleboro Vt95~ 8; Flemington NJ 98-04; manager European travel Watertown Mass 04-7; ret Upland Cal 07-; ad Upland, Cal * WASHINGTON DURANDO UNDERBILL; 75-6; fr Chattanooga Tenn; prin Chatta- nooga HS 76-8; d Chattanooga 17 O 78 1880 LEWIS ANSON EATON; AB; AM; b Seabrook NH 4 Je 55; prep CA 76; fr Salem Mass; NTI 80-2; ord Salem 28 Je 82; miss ABMU Bangkok, Siam 82-95; we Mebane NC 96-7 ; p and t Swepsonville 97-00; p Campton NH 00-3 ; W Townsend Mass 03-5; Westwood 05-8; Stamford Vt 08-9; Cheshire Mass 09-12; Raynham and N Middleboro 12-; ad Raynham Center, Mass THOMAS FRANKLIN HAMBLIN; AB; AM; PhD Alfred U, NY 09; b Winona Minn 4 D 56; prep Cedar Valley S, Osage la; fr Osage; prof Latin and history DMC 80-2; prof Latin and elocution OttU 82-7; travelled and studied in Europe 87-8; t Bucknell Acad, Lewisburg Pa 88-92; prof Greek BuU 92-; ad Lewisburg, Pa PETER VERDIER HAZEL; BP; b Charleston SC 20 Mr 56; prep Avery Insti- tute; fr Charleston; t 81-2; ord Charleston Ag 82; SS miss ABPS Mo 82-4; p Evanston 111 84; t SC 85-6; Va 86-7; t Temperance and Industrial Institute, Claremont 88; t NC 89-96; t Beaufort 96; Charleston SC 97; Sumter 98; t SC 98- 04; t Taft; bus Kingstree 04-7; t and sup eastern NC 07-; ad Kinston, NC WELLAND HENDRICK; AB; AM; b Elmira 28 Ag 58; prep Cook Acad; fr Ha- vana; prin Greene UnSch 82-9 ; Saratoga Springs HS 89-91; t Cortland NS 91-3; member institute fac, State Dept of Public Instruction, Albany 93-8; first asst New York Training Sch for Ts 98-; ad 356 W i45th St, New York HARRY WILFRED REED; AB; AM Gale C, Wis 99; PhD 99; b New York 7 My 55; prep Adelphi Acad, Brooklyn; fr Brooklyn; UTS 80-1; s 81-2; ord Wyoming i N 82; p Wyoming 82-5; Belvidere 111 85-90; Waukegan 90-6; La Crosse Wis 96-00; with BYPUA 00-2; p Rock Island 111 02-; ad 310 isth St, Rock Island, 111 LELAND JAY SILCOX; AB; s 83 ;b Venice 14 My 56; prep CA 76; fr Locke; ord Morris 22 Ag 83 ; p Morris 83-5; Red Creek 85-7; Meridian 87-90; Waterville 90-5; Remsen 95-8; Parish ville 98-08; Mexico 08-9; Camillus 09-; ad Camillus, NY GEORGE IRVING SKINNER; AB; b Sherburne 20 F 58; prep CA 76; fr Hamilton; t Norwich 80-2 ; Smithville Flats 82-5 ; studied law Norwich 85-7 ; adm to bar Syra- cuse Ja 87; prac law Bainbridge 87-02; PM Bainbridge 90-4; bank examiner 97; chief of building, loan and foreign corporation bureau of NY State Banking Dept 97-02; second dep supt of banks, Albany 02-3; first dep 03-; acting supt of banks 07; ad State Banking Dept, Albany, NY ALBERT JUDSON STEELMAN; AB; AM; BD UChic 05; PhD 05; b Sheakley- ville Pa 27057; prep CA 74; fr Hamilton; s 80-2; ord Clinton 26jl8i;p COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1880 141 Newark NJ 82-7; gen miss and managing editor La Luz, City of Mexico, Mex 88-93; graduate student UChic 93-6, 05; p Ottawa 96-04; chaplain Joliet prison 05-10; supt Society for Friendless, state of Wash 10-3; sup p Bremerton 10-1; acting p Seattle 11-12; p Seattle 12-; ad First Bapt Ch, Seattle, Wash 'GEORGE BUTLER TURNBULL; AB; AM; b Colchester NH 22 Jl 57; prep CA 76; fr Pitcher NY; t Smithfield Flats 80-2; CA 82-9; prin Garfield Sch, Colorado Springs Col 89 ; Colorado Springs HS 90-9 ; d Colorado Springs 6 O 99 EDWARD FOOTE WAITE; AB; LLB ColU 83; LLM 84; b Norwich 15 Ja 60; prep Norwich Acad; fr Norwich; examiner and special examiner US Pension Bureau, Washington DC 80-7; studied law ColU 80-1, 82-4; adm to bar DC 84; Minn 88; examiner US Pension Bureau Minneapolis 88-97; P rac l aw Minneapolis 97-; asst city attorney, Minneapolis 01-2; supt police, Minneapolis 02; municipal judge, Minneapolis 04-11; district judge, Minneapolis n-; ad 2009 Queen Av, S, Minneapolis, Minn GEORGE ABNER WILLIAMS; AB; AM; PhD 90; b Westmoreland (now Bart- lett) 10 Jl 53; prep Whitestown S; fr Bartlett; prin Hamilton UnSch 80-2; tCook Acad 82-9; prin Vt Acad, Saxtons River 89-95; graduate student BU 95-8; in- structor in Greek BU 95-8; t Phillips Acad, Exeter NH 00-2; prof Greek KalC 02-; ad 136 Thompson St, Kalamazoo, Mich HENRY CHAUNCEY WRIGHT; AB; b Hubbardsville 5 My 60; prep CA 76; fr Hamilton; civil engineer in west 80-; chief engineer various cos; ad 3342 Tejon St, Denver, Col CHARLES WASHINGTON BOOTH; 76-7; s 86; b Flint Mich 22 Ja 50; prep CA; fr Leroy; ord Forest City Minn 5 S 82; p Forest City 81-2; New Hartford NY 86-90; Maine 90-2; Braman Corners 92-6; Johnson Creek 96-7; Salamanca 97-00; Panama 00-2; Locke 02-6; Hartwick 06-9; Mt Upton 09-12; Masonville 12-; ad Mason- ville, NY GEORGE ARTHUR HAMLIN; 76-9; b Gouverneur 28 Ja 55; prep CA 76; fr Gouverneur; studied law Boston U, Mass 80- 1 ; adm to bar Northampton F 82 ; clerk of criminal court Hampshire co 82-3; prac law De Land Fla 83-95; gen attorney Fla East Coast Railway Co, and Fla East Coast Steamship Co, Jacksonville 95-after 04; officer and attorney many related cos CHARLES EVANS HUGHES; 76-8; LLD 08; AB BU 81; AM 84; LLB Columbia U 84; LLD BU 06; LLD Columbia U 07; LLD KnC 07; LLD Lafayette C 07; LLD Union 08; LLD George Washington U 09; LLD WmsC 10; LLD Harv 10; LLD U of Pa 10 ; b Glens Falls 1 1 Ap 62 ; prep New York public schs; fr Brooklyn; Colum- bia U LS 81-4; prize fellow Columbia U 84-7; adm to bar New York 84; prac law New York 84-91, 93-06; prof law CornU 91-3; special lecturer CornU 93-5; special lecturer New York LS 93-00; counsel Stevens gas commission NY legislature 05; counsel Armstrong insurance commission NY legislature 05-6; special asst to US attorney-gen coal investigation 06; gov NY 07-10; assoc justice supreme court US 10- ; ad 2100 1 6th St, NW, Washington, DC WILLIAM JOSEPH LEONARD; 76-7; LLB Columbia U 88; b Leonardsville NJ 8 Jl 58; prep CA 76; fr Leonardsville NJ; farmer and studied law Red Bank 77-86; ColumbiaU LS 86-8; adm to NJ bar Trenton F 89; prac law Atlantic Highlands 89-; made counsellor at law Trenton F 92; editor Monmouth Press 92; Seabright Sentinel 98-; adm to practice in US courts 99; ad Atlantic Highlands, NJ 142 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1880 *PETER LINDSAY; sp 76-8; AM 90; DD Temple C, Pa 99; b Roxboroughshire Scot- land 31 My 51 ; prep Whitestown S, NY; s 78-9; AubTS 79~8i ; ord Cong Seneca Falls 13 D 81 ; p Seneca Falls 81-3; p Presb Rochester 84-07; d Rochester 22 D 07 WRIGHT GILBERT MEADE; 76-8; b Kent i Ag 50; prep CA 76; fr Farmers Mills; pri- vate student and writer; ad Kent Cliffs, Meades Corners, NY MOSEFH JUDSON PIERSON; 76-9; b Pittstown NJ 31 My 54; prep CA 76; fr Plain- field NJ; ord Jordanville NY 1 1 Mr 79; p Jordanville 79-81 ; Woodbury NJ 81-93; Bridgeton 93-5; d Bridgeton 18 Ja 95 WILLIAM HENRY RANDALL; 76-7; b New York 13 Ap 53; prep CA; fr St Paul Minn; p S Glens Falls 78-9; ord Bird Island Minn 23 N 79; p Bird Island 79-80; Jamesville NY 80-5; Leesville 85-90; Petersburg 90-5; Schuylerville 95-02; gen insurance bus Schuylerville 02-8; p Parish ville 08-?; Andover ?-; ad Andover, NY 1881 *KARL ADOLPHUS BLIESMER; AB; AM; s 84; prep CA 76; fr Hamburg Germany; ord Groton NY 16 Jl 84; p Groton 84-7; Newport 87-9; t Wayland S, Washington DC 89-92; d Washington 19 Mr 92 GEORGE FOX CLAPP; BP; b Ballston Spa i Mr 60; prep CA; fr Ballston; clerk Central Natl Bank, New York 81-3; purser steamer Dean Richmond (People's Line) 83-?; purser Hudson River night line steamers ?-; ad Ballston Spa, NY "LUCIUS ASA CUMMINS; AB; AM; s 87; b Marshall Wis 28 Ap 51 ; prep pd ShC; fr Boscobel Wis; ord Reading Center NY 20 O 81 ; p Reading Center 81-2; Naples 82-4; Centerville Dak 87-9; Bancroft la 89-91; sup 92; p Halfmoon NY 92-5; Stephentown 95-05; Ft Covington 05-7; Scriba 07-8; Cincinnatus 08-9; d Cin- cinnatus 28 Je 09 HAMILTON ALONZO FRASER; AB; AM; s 84; b Onslow NS 12 Ag 59; prep Rox- bury Latin Sch, Boston Mass; fr Boston; ord Boon ville NY 20 Je 84; p Boonville 84-6; Frankfort Ind 86; Owasco NY 86; miss ABMU Bangkok Siam 86-8; p Sag- inaw Mich 88-92 ; Caro 92-7 ; on editorial staff Mich Christian Herald 98-9 ; sup Badaxe 99-00; dairy farmer Caro 00-5; p Medina 05-; ad Medina, Mich CHARLES FRANKLIN HAHN; AB; AM; s 86.; b Philadelphia Pa 15 My 57; prep CA 77; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord Independence la 27 Ag 82; p Independence 82-?; Point Morris NJ; t Piedmont HS, WVa 90-9; member WVa legislature 97-8; co supt Mineral co 95-9; p Newport NJ 99-07; Chadds Ford Pa 07-12; Kane 12-; ad Kane, Pa EDWARD NORMAN HARRIS; AB; AM; CTS 86; b Rangoon Burma 27 Ap 60; prep CA 76; fr Hamilton; studied U Berlin 82; ord Philadelphia Pa Je 86; p Sioux Falls Dak 86-8; Council Bluffs la 88-91; Omaha Neb 91-3; miss ABMU (ABFMS) to Karens, Shwegyin Burma 93-; in US 06-8; ad Shwegyin, Burma WILLIAM HENRY JACOX; BP; b Butternuts 14 Ag 56; prepS New Berlin UnSch; fr S New Berlin; t and farmer 81-6; fanner and carpenter 86-; ad S New Berlin, NY "FREDERICK OSBORN LLOYD; AB; AM; MD U Med C, New York 85; b Salisbury 21 My 61; prep Waverly HS; fr Hamilton; s 81-2; Me Med C 82-3; U Med C, New York 83-5; graduate work 85-6; house phys Newark city hospital, NJ 86-7; travelled and studied in Europe 87; prac med New York 87-92; Colo- rado Springs Col 92-3; Hamilton NY 93-9; inv 99-00; d Hamilton 19 D oo COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1881 143 DONALD DRUMMOND MacLAURIN; AB; DD KalC 97; b St Vincent Ont 15 D 50; prep CA 77; fr Binghamton; s 81-3; ord Eaton D 81 ; p Minneapolis Minn 83-90; New York 90-2; Detroit Mich 92-01; Rochester NY 01-5; Brooklyn 05-7; Chicago 111 07-10; Spokane Wash 10-1; Walla Walla 11-; ad Walla Walla, Wash 'FREDERICK AUGUSTUS POTTER; AB; AM; s 84; b Copenhagen 31 Ja 53; prep CA 77; fr Carthage; ord Whitesboro 22 O 84; p Whitesboro 84-6; d Whites- boro 17 O 86 CHARLES RANSOM POWERS; AB; b Panama 2 F 52; prep CA; fr Panama; ord W Brattleboro Vt 20 S 81; p W Brattleboro 81-5; Marlboro Mass 86-92; miss work and sup Boston 92-5; p Boston 95-05; farmer and sup 05-9; acting p Bridge- water 09-10; farmer and sup, res Randolph n-; ad Randolph, Mass BURTON ORVILLE ROCKWELL; AB; AM; s 83; b Otsego co 13 Ag 53; prep CA 77; fr Hartwick; ord Kendallville Ind 18 Je 84; p Kendallville 83-6; Bronson Mich 86-8; Litchfield 88-91; Bellevue 91-4; Bloomingdale 94-7; farmer Bloomingdale 97-; ad Bloomingdale, Mich *CHARLES WILSON SHELDON; AB; AM; b Madison 8 My 58; prep CA 77; fr Hamilton; t Towanda Pa 81-6; Blairstown NJ 86-7; CA 87-93; d New York 22 Mr 93 *DAVID SMITH; AB; AM; s 84; b S Danbury 2 My 48; prep CA 76; fr Cortland; miss Shwegyin Burma 84-8; ret Hamilton NY 88-96; d Hamilton 7 My 96 FRANK PERRY STODDARD; BP; s 84; b Busti 17 O 54; prep Jamestown; fr Busti; ord Carthage 24 Je 84; p Carthage 84-8 ; Amsterdam 89-94; Brooklyn 94- 03 ; Newburgh 03-; ad Newburgh, NY *ALBERT KING SUTTON; AB; b Shelburne Vt 8 Ap 50; prep Fairfax; fr Holland Patent NY; t Fairfield S 81-2; merchant Grand Junction la 83-90; bookkeeper 90-00; fire insurance inspector Topeka Ks 01-13; d Topeka 9 Mr 13 CHARLES FRANKLIN BRASSEE; || 79-80; fr N Franklin *NORMAN MILLINGTON CLAFLIN; 77-9; b Stockholm 2o Ap 58; prep Ft Edward Collegiate Institute; fr Lawrenceville; t Lawrenceville Acad 79-80; Albany LS 80-1; adm to bar Albany Ja 81; prac law Norwood 81-98; asst district attorney St Lawrence co 81-7; attorney Norwood and Montreal Railway 86-98; d Nor- wood 29 My 98 LEONARD TOWNSEND COLE; sp 77-80; PhB 111 Wesleyan U 97 ; AM 03 ; b Pulaski Mich 22 Ja 55; prep State Normal and Training Sch, Brockport NY; fr Leroy; t Con- stableville 80-2; in US railway mail service 83; t Port Leyden 83-4; sch commission- er Lewis co 85-7; p Cong and ME Crary Mills and S Canton 88-93; t Canton 88- 90; ord ME Malone 23 Ap 93; p Harrisville and Natural Bridge 93-5; p Presb and Cong Brasher Falls and Winthrop 95-01; prin Lawrenceville Acad 98- oo ; p Cong and Presb Crary Mills and Hannawa Falls 01-3; p Presb Evans Mills 03-; prin UnSch Evans Mills 04-6; prin Hamilton HS, ND 06-10; supt schs of Lamoille Un, res Morrisville Vt 10-; ad Morrisville, Vt HOWARD TAYLOR ELY; || 79-80; fr Holmdel NJ; res Holmdel; ad Holmdel, NJ THOMAS PETTIBONE KINGSFORD; || 79-80; b Oswego 24 D 58; prep CA 79; fr Oswego; manufacturer Oswego 80-; member Corpn 94-; ad 34 W Oneida St, Oswego, NY *DAVID MALCOLM KINMONTH; sp 76-9; b W Newton Mass 28 N 58; prep CA; fr Hamilton; res Hamilton; Lowville; d Lowville 27 Ja 86 1 44 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1 8 8 1 CORNELIUS WELLES PENDLETON; 77-8; AB BU 81 ; b Brooklyn 4 Ja 59; fr New York; t and studied law Salinas Cal 81-4; adm to bar 84; prac law San Francisco 84-5; Los Angeles 85-; pres Pendleton Williams Abstract Co 89-; member legislature 93; ad 1310 St Andrews Place, Los Angeles, Cal *GEORGE WILSON SCHUYLER; 77-9; b Little Falls 22 Je 58; prep CA 77; fr Little Falls; bus Little Falls 79; d Little Falls 14 Jl 79 1882 *EMMET HENRY ALLEN; AB; prep CA 78; fr Plank Road; s 83-4; d Plank Road 16 S 84 *WILLIAM RYAL ALLEN; AB; b NY 15 Je 59; prep CA 78; confectionery and baking bus St Paul Minn 83-09; d Pomona Cal 2 My 09 MEGERDICH ATTARIAN; AB; AM; s 85; MD U of City of New York 85; b Diar- bekir, Armenia 26 My 52; prep CA 78; fr Diarbekir, Armenia; prac med Brooklyn NY 86-; ad 49 Bainbridge St, Brooklyn, NY ALBERT WILLARD BEMIS; AB; b Mayfield 21 Mr 59; prep CA 78; fr Glovers- ville; studied law Gloversville 82-4; adm to bar Saratoga S 84; prac law Glovers- ville 84-after 04 MARTIN GREEN BENEDICT; AB; AM; PhD Allegheny C, Pa 94; b Meredith 7 N 56; prep Delaware Acad, Delhi; fr Meredith; res Binghamton 82-3; super- vising prin public schs Towanda Pa 83-92 ; adm to bar Towanda 885; prin Edin- boro State NS 92-6; prin pd and prof pedagogy Pa State C 96-00; prin New Britain HS, Ct 00-3; prin Utica Free Acad, NY 03-4; supt public schs Utica 04- 9; prin St Johnsbury Acad, Vt 09-; member Corpn 06-; ad St Johnsbury, Vt *DAVID WILMARTH BROWN; AB; AM; b Lathrop Pa 17 Ap 56; prep Keystone Acad, Factoryville; fr Hopbottom; studied law Montrose 82-? ; prac law Montrose ?-89; prin Keystone Acad, Factoryville 89-92; prac law Scranton 92-8; d Dalton 9 D 98 SIDNEY CLARKE; BP; b Tiverton England 31 My 54; prep CA 78; fr Brooklyn; with ist Natl Bank Crookston Minn 82-5; cashier ist Natl Bank Park River ND 85-90; vice-pres state bank Milton 89-; cashier Union Natl Bank Grand Forks 90-; ad 505 S 6th St, Grand Forks, ND FREDERICK WELTON COLEGROVE; AB; AM; DD UR 93; PhD Clark U 98; b Clinton 17 D 55; prep CA 78; fr Clinton; s 82-4; prin Marion Collegiate Insti- tute 84-9; studied Leipzig and Heidelberg 89; prof Latin 89-92; pres OttU 92-6; prof phil U of Wash 96-03; real estate and loan bus Seattle 03-; ad 424 Bailey Building, Seattle, Wash JOHN WILLIAM DUFFY; AB; s 84; fr Brooklyn; ord Perry 16 Jl 84; p Perry 84-5; Orange Valley NJ 85-91; Woodside NY *FREDERICK SAMUEL FULTON; AB; AM; MD NY Homoeopathic Med C 85; b Tecumseh Mich 17 S 57; fr Norwich NY; studied med NY Homoeopathic Med C 82-5; phys Hahnemann Hospital New York 85-6; surgeon Laura Franklin Hospital 86-8; inv Norwich 88-9; d Norwich 26 Mr 89 CLARENCE EVERETT HAWORTH; BP; AB 90; AM; MD Starling Med C, O 85; b Portland O 10 My 60; prep CA 78; fr Ravenswood WVa; prac med Hunting- ton 85-90; t Northwestern Mil Acad, 111 90-3; prac med Huntington WVa 93- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1882 145 5; editor and proprietor Huntington Daily Herald 95-07; vice-pres and lecturer on English lit Marshall C, Huntington 07-; ad 418 nth St, Huntington, WVa LUCIUS FRANCOIS HIPPOLYTE; AB; AM; NTI 86; b Port-au-Prince, Haiti 29 Ja 57; prep CA 78; fr Port-au-Prince, Haiti; ord New Haven Ct 16 Je 84; studied Paris France 84-9; p Bapt ch and prin Bapt primary sch Port-au-Prince, Haiti 90-; prof English Lycee National, Port-au-Prince; ad 65 Champ de Mar, Port- au-Prince, Haiti FRANCIS ALBEMARLE DELBRETSON LAUNT; AB; AM 90; STD Griswold; DCL Kings C, NS; b Cleveland O 13 Je 62; prep CA 78; fr Akron O; studied St Andrews DS; Oxford U; ord PE Syracuse NY 85; rector Auburn; Philadelphia Pa 90-; ad 154 Krams Av, Philadelphia, Pa WILLIAM BLEECKER MATTESON; AB; AM; DD 05; BD BUTS 88; b Water- town 17 S 62; prep CA 78; fr Hamilton; t Troy Acad 82-3; s 83-4; sup Hoosick 84-6; ord Clinton la 6 My 88; p Clinton 88-90; Chicago 111 90-3; Owosso Mich 93-7; Red Bank NJ 97-11; sec Bapt Ministers' Home Society of NY 11-; ad 24 Urban St, Mt Vernon, NY WATSON JAMES MOSIER; AB; AM; UTS 86; b Dickinson 8 My 59; prep CA 78; fr Dickinson; s 83-4; ord New York 8 Jl 86; p New York 86-9; Brooklyn 89-93; P independent ch 93-04; real estate bus Demarest NJ 04-; ad Demarest, NJ CHELLIS EVERETT NICHOLS; AB; s 84; b Weston Ct 24 Mr 60; prep CA 78; fr Weston Ct; ord Genoa NY i Jl 84; p Genoa 83-5; Skaneateles 85-92; Coopers- town 92-02 ; Albany 02-1 1 ; White Plains 1 1-; ad 187 Martin Av, White Plains, NY HENRY HERBERT PARRY; AB; AM; s 85; b Holyhead, N Wales 6 Ag 54; prep CA 78; fr Brooklyn; ord Poultney Vt 20 Ag 85; p Poultney 85-9; Minneapolis Minn 89-90 ; Hastings 91-2; Caldwell NJ 94-7 ; bus Brooklyn NY 97-02 ; lecturer for New York Board of Education, res Brooklyn 03-; ad 1 250 Halsey St, Brooklyn, NY GEORGE POWELL PERRY; AB; AM; s 86; DD 03; b Remsen; prep CA 78; fr Remsen; ord Westerly RI 30 Ag 86; p Westerly 86-8 ; Central Falls 88-98; Troy NY 98-11; Ossining n-; ad Ossining, NY ELLISON DAVID WHIPPLE PETTEYS; AB; AM; b Greenwich 29 Ag 56; prep Greenwich Un Sch; fr Greenwich; asst editor Glens Falls Republican 82; editor and publ Weekly, Keyport NJ 82-06; PM Keyport 03-12; stationery bus Keyport 1 2-; ad 1 8 Osborn St, Keyport, NJ EUGENE MADISON POPE; AB; b St Paul Minn 17 O 59; fr Tully NY; Colby 78-9; Northwestern U C of Law, 111 86-7 ;adm to bar Chicago 87; prac law and editor Chicago 87-; ad Times Building, Chicago, 111 VAN GAASBEEK SHAFFER; AB; AM; s 85; b Andes 26 My 53; prep CA 78; fr Arena; ord Smith ville 29 S 85; p Smithville 85-90; Redwood 90-09; S Livonia 09-; ad S Livonia, NY WELLS BRADFORD SIZER; BP; b Rome 19 N 55; prep CA 78; fr W Los Animos Col; merchant Harbert Mich 82-12; agricultural engineer for La Delta Farms Co, Lockport La 1 2-; ad Lockport, La I NEWTON STEELMAN; AB; AM; b Sheakleyville Pa 16 N 59; prep CA 78; fr Hamilton; BUTS 82-4; ord Atlantic City NJ 29 085; p Honesdale Pa 85-7; Scranton 87-9; Poultney Vt 89-90; Pulaski 90-2; miss SBC to Mex 92-6; sup 96- oo; p Sidney NY 00-2; p Cong Lakewood 02-5; Berkshire 05-7 ; Crown Point 07- 9; Saugerties 09-11; p Presb Cairo n-; ad Cairo, NY 146 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1882 JAMES HALL BENEDICT; sp 78-9; b Skaneateles i N 54; prep CA; fr Hamilton; s 79-81 ; ord Jordan 2; F 82; p Jordan 81-5; Cassville 85-90; Unadilla Forks 93-6; Manlius 96-8; livery, express and horse bus Utica 99-10; supt Stevens-Swan Humane So- ciety, Oneida co, res Utica 10-; ad 219 Jefferson Av, Utica, NY NORTON EVERETT CHAPMAN; 78-9; AB UChic 85; BD BUTS 85 ; AM DU 88; b Byron Mich 27 S 58; prep CA 78; fr Hamilton; ord Waterville Minn 2 Mr 86; p Water- ville and Morristown 85-9; Stillwater 89-91; t Cedar Valley S, Osage la 91-2; prof Greek and Latin Grand Island C, Neb 92-3; p Shellrock la 93-5; farmer Shell- rock 95-8; p Marble Rock 98-00; fanner Shellrock 00-2; p Blooming Prairie Minn and Ellendale 02-3; ret Owatonna 03-8; lecturer on poultry and horticulture, res Owatonna 08-10; poultry expert Agricultural C, Uof Minn 10-; state poultryman 1 2-; ad Extension Division, University Farm, St Paul, Minn; res 2316 Pierce Av, St Anthony Park AUGUSTUS BURT COOLIDGE; 78-81; MD Howard U, DC 84; b Bouckville 17 S 57; prep CA 78; fr Madison; studied med Howard U, Washington DC 8 1-4; clerk US Bureau of Pensions 82-4; prac med Washington 84-; med examiner in US Bureau of Pensions 89-; ad 1614 Kilbourne Place, Washington, DC DANIEL JAMES ELLISON; 78-9; RTS 84; DD FC 97; b Brooklyn 14 Ja 59; fr Brooklyn; UR 80-1 ; ord Jersey City NJ 18 S 84; p Jersey City 84-93; Indianapolis Ind 93-8; we Brooklyn 98-9; editor The Traveller Magazine, New York 99-06; lit work; res abroad; res Italy 07-8; Liberty NY 08-; ad Liberty, NY JOSEPH THIBAUT DIDIEN FISCHER; || 80-1 ; PhB SyrU 84; MD 95; b Thaun Germany 27 F 55; Prep Yates Un Sch, Chittenango NY; fr Thaun Germany; t Union NY 84-5; prin Fulton Acad 85-6; instructor in modern langs SyrU 86-92; prac med Syracuse 95-; studied Berlin and Vienna 99; ad 910 N Salina St, Syracuse, NY *DARIUS BEARDSLEY GRANT; 78-80; s 83; b Delhi 17 O 40; prep CA 78; fr Delhi; ord McGrawville 29 Ag 83; p McGrawville 83-6; Spencer 86-7; Chemung 87-8; West- ville 88-98; Barrington and Lake Keuka 98-01; Penn Yan 01-2; Solon 02-6; Lansing and Groton 06-10; d E Lansing 5 Mr 10 SETH KETCHAM HOWES; 78-9; b Hastings Minn 19 Ja 60; prep CA 78; fr Hastings Minn; AmC 79-81 ; wholesale grocer St Paul Minn 81-9; real estate agent St Paul 89-? ; ad Care W T alker Manufacturing Co, Denver, .Col JESSE AVERY HUNGATE; sp 78-80; s 85; b Louisville 111 20 My 57; prep Blair HS, Neb, fr Blair; ord Albion 4 N 80; p Dundee NY 85-90; Hornellsville 90-4; Homer 94-9; Shelburne Falls Mass 99-03; Holyoke 03-8; Colton Cal 08-1 1 ; editor Colton Sen- tinel 10-1; asst p Riverside n-; ad Riverside, Cal FREDERICK CLINTON KANE; 78-9; prep CA 77; fr Hamilton JOSEPH SPENCER KENNARD; 78-80; AM 92; LHD 06 ;LLB North west ernU 82 ;LLB UChic 82; PhD 83; DCL DMC oo; LittDU Paris 04; Doctor of the Sorbonne, Paris; b Bridgeton NJ 20 My 59; prep CA 78; fr Boston Mass; studied law Co- lumbia U 80-1; Un C of Law Chicago 111 81-2; adm to bar 111 82, NY 88, US Supreme Court 88, Pa 93; studied UChic 82-3; prac law 83-; res Philadel- phia; in Europe most of time since 95; studied U of Paris, 83-86, 03-4; The Sorbonne, Paris 91, 93-4; studied art Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Florence Italy 96-8; US commissioner Paris Exposition oo; artist; author; lecturer; ad 8 Highland St, Cambridge, Mass ARTHUR THOMAS LA WTON; 78-9 ;AB BU82; AM 85; b Griswold Ct i 055; prep Ct Lit Institute, Suffield; fr Jewett City; t Macedonia O 82-3; Montville Ct 83-4; COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1882 147 studied law Providence RI 84-5; farmer Jewett City Ct 85-9; inv MidcUetown 89-07; Norwich 07-; ad Norwich State Hospital, Norwich, Ct CHARLES EDWARD MCKINNEY; 78-9 ;b Ulster Pa 16 Mr 58; prep CA 78; fr Smith- ' field Pa; studied law UMich 79-80; banker Sioux Falls SD 80-; railway commission- er state of SD 90-2 ; US mint commissioner 02 ; ad Sioux Falls, SD MAMES STAFFORD; || 80-1; MD U of Vt 85; MD Columbia U 86; b Essex 25 Ja 6 1 ; prep Yates Acad, Chittenango; fr Whallonsburg; prac med New York 86-98; on house staff Bellevue Hospital 86-8 ; res Perth Amboy N J 98-09 ; capt and asst surgeon 7ist NY volunteers, Spanish- American war; d Perth Amboy NJ 3 Ag 09 *JOHN CHARLES WILLIS; 78-81; b Masonville 20 Ap 55; prep CA 78; fr Masonville; studied law Albany LS 82-3; adm to bar Syracuse Ja 85; prac law Masonville 85-04; d Masonville 29 F 04 I88 3 JOTHAM POWERS ALLDS; AB; AM; b Claremont NH i F 65; prep CA 79; fr Hamilton; t Cornwall 83-4; adm to bar n Ja 86; prac law Norwich 86-; dep col- lector US internal revenue 93-5 ; member assembly 96-03 ; majority leader on floor and chairman ways and means committee 99-03; state senator 03-10; ad Norwich, NY HENRY ALDEN BUZZELL; AB; s 86; b Fairfax Vt 20 N 53; prep CA; fr St Al- bans Vt; ord Elkhorn Wis 25 My 86; p Elkhorn 85-91; Rhinelander 91-4; Battle Creek 94-05; Montpelier Vt 06-8; state ev NJ Bapt Conv,res Belleville 08-; ad 586 Washington Av, Belleville, NJ ALBERT B COATS; AB; AM; s 86; DD 05; b Greenburg O 27 S 49; prep Cedar Valley S, Osage, la; fr W Mitchell; ord W Mitchell 10 Ap 77; p Oneonta NY 86- 90; Beverly Mass 90-8; Akron O 00-6; state ev Ct BaptConv, res Hartford 06-8; sec and supt miss Ct Bapt Conv, res Hartford 08-; ad 722 Asylum Av, Hartford, Ct CHARLES DOLAN; AB; AM; LLB State U of la 95; b Smithville 55; prep CA; fr McDonough; supt schs Wayne Mich 83-6; studied UMich in 87; supt schs Mis- hawaka Ind 87-9; Ligonier 89-91; Redwing Minn 92-3; prac law Charles City la 95-09; on ranch Olathe Col 09-; ad Olathe, Col FRANK WADSWORTH DOOLITTLE; AB; AM; b 10 Ag 60; prep Glenwood In- stitute, Matawan NJ; fr Matawan; t Troy Acad, NY 83-7; reporter New York Daily News 87-8; bus 88-93 ; editor and publ The Caterer, New York 93-02 ; with Ward and Gow, advertising 02-; ad 50 Union Sq, New York *BENJAMIN RANDALL DOW; BP; s 83; b 56; prep CA 78; fr Boscawen NH; ord Fulton NY 3 O 83; p Fulton 83-4; W Medway Mass 84-7; studied Boston Sch of Oratory 87-9; d Manchester NH 28 Jl 90 CHARLES ARTHUR FULTON ; AB ; AM ; s 86 ; DD 03 ; b Tecumseh Mich 2 2 D 60 ; prep Norwich NY; fr Norwich; ord Norwich 13 Jl 86; p Camden SC 86-8; Norris- town Pa 88-91; Baltimore Md 91-6; Detroit Mich 96-01; Syracuse NY 01-10; Boston Mass 10-; ad 140 Townsend St, Roxbury, Boston, Mass *EVERETT CHARLES HARDING; AB; fr Uniondale Pa; studied law Scranton 83-4; prac law Scranton 84-7; d Scranton 87 *GEORGE ELIJAH HUBBARD; BP; MD NY U 83; b Carthage 27 F 57; fr Car- 148 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1883 thage; studied med Albany, and NY U 79-83; prac med New York 83-93; d New York 24 Mr 93 ELMER HOWARD LOOMIS; AB; ScD 10; PhD U Strassburg 93; b Vermilion 24 My 6 1 ; prep Mexico Acad ; fr Mexico ; t CA 83-90 ; U Strassburg 90-3 ; instruct- or in physics PrU 94-7; prof physics 97-; ad 302 Nassau St, Princeton, NJ *ARTHUR KYAHNYO MYATTWAY; AB; AM; BD BUTS 86; b Rangoon Burma 13 Ja 57; prep CA 79; fr Rangoon Burma ; s 83-5 ; ord Wahoo Neb 10 Mr 87; p Wahoo 86-9; Clarinda la 89-91; Lamonte Mo 91-3; Tabor la 93-6; Albany Mo 96-8; Pattonsburg 98-00; Falls City Neb 01-3; Hebron 03-4; Alexandria 04-5; lecturer on Burma 05-9; d Akron O 19 Ag 09 CAREY JOSEPH POPE; AB; BUTS 86; AM ShC 01 ; b Brownhelm O 23 Ja 58; prep CA 79; fr Rockford 111; s 83-4; ord Valparaiso Ind Je 86; p Valparaiso 86-9; Osage la 89-93; Ottawa Ks 93-7; Ft Madison la 98-00; Downers Grove 111 00-3; Grand Island Neb 03-6; supt Neb state miss 06-9; res Lincoln 09-; ad 2818 P St, Lincoln, Neb FRANK IRVING ROSCOE; AB; AM; s 86; b Bristol Vt 15 Je 54; prep Bristol Acad; fr Bristol; ord Schenevus NY 28 Jl 86; p Schenevus and Chaseville 86-7; Horse- heads 88-9; New Woodstock 89-92; Dover Plains 92-04; inv Stamford Ct 04-5; ret Hamilton NY 05-; ad Hamilton, NY HERBERT ELLSWORTH SLAUGHT; AB; AM; ScD n; PhD UChic 98; b Wat- kins 21 Jl 6 1 ; prep CA 79; fr Hamilton; t Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ 83-9; prin 89-92; fellow in math UChic 92-4; reader 94-5; asst 95-6; assoc 96-7; in- structor 97-00; asst prof 00-8; assoc prof 08-; travelled and studied in Europe 02-3; editor American Math Monthly 08-; ad 5535 Monroe Av, Chicago, 111 *HARDY CRITTENDEN STONE; AB; b Kansas City Mo 5 Ja 61; prep CA; fr Cazenovia; prin Dakota Collegiate Institute, Sioux Falls Dak 83-5; d Sioux Falls ioF8 5 RALPH WILMER THOMAS; AB; AM; b Cornwallis NS u Je 63; prep CA 79; fr Hamilton; studied law Albany 83-5; t Albany Acad 83-8; adm to bar 8 My 85; English examiner U of State of NY 88-9; chief examiner 89-92; registrar CU 92- 05; prof rhetoric and public speaking 93-10; rhetoric 10-; state senator 10-; member state board of charities 03-10; prac law Hamilton 12-; ad Hamilton, NY FRANK PALMER WATERS; AB; AM; fr Norwich ;t Groton 83-?; res Water- bury Ct in 92 ; p Cong Watertown NY ?-O5 ; Rocky Hill Ct 05-; ad Rocky Hill, Ct SAMUEL D WIGHT ARMS; 79-81; AB HamC 83; AM 86; b Rockdale 5 F 56; prep Cazenovia S; fr Rockdale; t private sch Brooklyn 83-4; prof Longmont C, Col 84- 8; prin Gilbertsville Acad, NY 88-91; Deposit HS 91-4; Palmyra Classical HS 94-8 ; inspector U of the State of NY 98-; ad 782 Ostrom Av, Syracuse, NY WILLIS GILBERT BABCOCK; 79-80; MD SyrU 84; b Constantia 28 Ag 55; prep CA 77; fr W Monroe; SyrU MS 81-4; prac med Constantia 84-?; Cleveland ?-; ad Cleve- land, NY WILLIAM NEAL CLEVELAND; 79-80; b Southampton 3 D 60; prep CA; fr New York; contractor for steel bridge work Columbus O ?-; ad i234Bryden Road, Colum- bus, O WALTER COOK; 79-83; Prep CA 79; fr Brooklyn; bookkeeper Boston Mass 82-?; with ist Natl Bank, Detroit Mich ?-; ad ist Natl Bank, Detroit, Mich COLLEGE ALUMNI 11883 149 LORENZO PAUL DAVISON; 79-80; b Lowell Wis 13 N 59; fr Waterloo la; West Point Mil Acad 81-5; 2d lieut 7th cavalry US army 85-6; 2d lieut nth inf 86-90; ist lieut nth inf 90-8; capt 5th inf 98-9; major Porto Rican regiment volunteers 99; honorably discharged from volunteers i D 99; on duty in Mont and Dak 85-7; NY 87-91; student US Engineering Sch of Application, Willetts Point 88-90; on duty Ariz 91-6; with Apache Indian scouts 91-4; on duty Ark 96-7; student optics UChic 97-8; in Spanish- American war 98; brigade and district quarter- master PR 98; on duty PR 98-9; Washington DC 99-00; Fort Sheridan 111 oo; PI 00-2; inv US 02-4; ret rank major 04; on duty with natl guard Id and Neb 5~9" n sch and c duty 09-; ad O Wesleyan U, Delaware, O EDSON JOSEPH FARLEY; 79-82; s 85; b Kingsbury 8 F 56; prep CA 79; fr Hamilton; ord S New Berlin 16 S 85; p S New Berlin 84-6; Stillwater 86-93; Malone 93-6; Oneonta 96-; ad Oneonta, NY *DGAR GOODRICH HARLOW; sp 79-81 ; b Pawlet Vt 27 F 57; prep CA; fr Fair Haven Vt; s 81-3 ; p Otego 82-3 ; d Otego 9 Ap 83 WILLIS EDGAR HEATON; sp 79-80; b Cicero 15 S 61; prep Mexico Acad; fr Mexico; Albany LS 82-3; adm to bar Albany 26 Ja 83; prac law Hoosick Falls 83-02; sur- rogate Rensselaer co 02-; ad Hoosick Falls, NY EDWARD NEWTON JONES; 79-80; AB HamC 83; AM 86; PhD 93; b Western 2 Ja 54; prep Whitestown S; fr Rome; prin Saratoga Springs HS 83-5; supt schs Saratoga Springs 85-92; prin Plattsburg NS 92-8; t New York Training Sch for Ts98-04; prin 04-; ad i Midland Av, White Plains, NY *LEWIS LOOMOUNG MYATTWAY; 79-80; prep CA 79; fr Rangoon Burma; miss t Rangoon 80-95; d Rangoon 95 JOHN WALTER PHILLIPS; sp 78-81; DD Central U, la 96; PhD U of London oo; b Milton England i N 55; prep CA 78; fr Oswego; s 81-2; ord Scipio 31 Ag 82; p Scipio 82-4; E Aurora 84-6; S New Berlin 86-9; Cohoes 89-96; Binghamton 96-1 1 ; Mobile Ala n-; ad 305 St Francis St, Mobile, Ala EDWIN SIMON VAN NESS; sp 79-82; CTS 88; prep CA 79; fr Orange NJ; reporter New York 82-5; ord Richfield Minn D 88; p Richfield 88-93; Anoka 93-6; Min- neapolis 96-8; Winona 98-06; Stockton Cal 06-11; Newark NJ 11-; ad 94 Broad St, Newark, NJ ANSON JOSEPH WEBB; 79-81 ; b Rodman 22 S 57; prep CA 79; fr Adams Center; NE Conservatory of Music, Boston Mass 81-2; NTI 82-3; res Rodman NY 83-4; private student Maiden Mass 8.J.-8; res Lexington 88-92; t music Maiden 92-7; Lexington 97-; ad Lexington, Mass 1884 MARION LORENZO BROWN; AB; AM; s 87; b Shaftsbury Vt 14 D 56; prep CA; fr Shaftsbury Vt; ord Bedford O 11 O 87; p Bedford 87-8; Antigo Wis 88-91; Waupaca 91 ; t Indian U, IT 91-7; t Shushan NY 98-00; t and p Middletown 01-4; res Cuba winters 04-6; sup W Hoosick NY 04-6; p W Hoosick 06-8; in charge of Indian schools Tuscarora reservation, and miss work, res Lewiston 08-; ad R F D 1 8, Lewiston, NY THEODORE BYRON CALDWELL; AB; AM; s 87; b Pitcairn i Je 55; prep CA 79; fr Diana; ord Milwaukee Wis 30 Je 87; p Milwaukee 87-93; Detroit Mich 93-7; Zanesville O 97-07; Syracuse NY 07-11; Manlius 11-; ad Manlius, NY 150 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1884 AARON HODGMAN COLE; AB; AM; b Greenwich 21 O 56; prep CA 80; fr Green- wich; t Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ 84-8; lecturer CU 88-92; studied Johns Hopkins U 89; HS t Chicago 111 92-06; instructor in zoology Cold Spring Har- bor Biological Laboratory 93; studied UChic 93,96, 98; lecturer in biology UChic, extension division 95-06; instructor UChic 01 ; instructor in biology Chicago Nor- mal C 06-; inventor; lecturer on biology and bacteriology; discovered in 08 method laboratory culture of amoeba has been maintained continuously since that time; ad 342 N Normal Parkway, Chicago, 111 JAMES COLBY COLGATE; AB; LLB Columbia U 87; b Yonkers 23 My 63; prep CA 80; fr Yonkers; clerk New York 84-5; adm to bar Poughkeepsie My 87; prac law New York 87-90; broker and banker New York 91-; member Corpn 88-; ad 36 Wall St, New York AMBROSE BURNSIDE DEAN; AB; b New York 14 Ap 62; prep CA; fr Sing Sing (Ossining); drug bus Sing Sing 84-7; S Pittsburg Tenn 87-9; editor The Standard, S Pittsburg 88; engine bus Omaha Neb 89-93; engine and steam power equipment bus Pittsburg Pa 93-00; engineering and contracting for complete steam power plants, New York oo-; ad Room 1878, 50 Church St, New York; res Passaic, NJ ERNEST WENTWORTH D3W; AB; PnD M:Cuna C, Louisiana Mo 93; BD NTI 1 1 ; b Campton NH 12 Ap 56; prep CA 80; fr Campton NH; prin DeRuyter Acad, NY 83-4; Knoxboro UnSch 84-6; pres Pike C, Bowling Green Mo 86-91; Tice-pres Lexington Female C 91-2; pres McCune C, Louisiana 92-4; ord Louis- iana 28 F 94; p Troy NH 94-7; Cottage City Mass 97-9; pres Pierce City Bapt C, Mo 99-03; pres South West Bapt C, Bolivar 03-5; p Osceola 04-6; Long Plain and Perry Hill, Mass 09-11; W Medway n-; ad Box 297, W Medway, Mass *ALBION MORRIS DYER; AB; b Hamilton O 16 Ja 58; prep Cooper Acad, Day- ton; fr Dayton; reporter, editor and special correspondent for New York Daily News, Mail and Expiess, and World 85-98; with Buffalo Courier 98-01; member editorial staff St Louis Globe Democrat, Mo 01-4; editor official daily program to the World's Fair, St Louis 04; curator and libn Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland O 04-12; d Cleveland 18 My 12 HERBERT HARTWELL GIBBS; AB; b Sherburne Four Corners 59; prep CA 79; fr Catskill; asstprin DeLand Acad, Fla 84-5; JDurrtalist 86; adm to bar Fla 86; NY 90; prac law New York 91-; ad 76 William St, New York; res Yonkers EDWARD MARSHALL GROUT; AB; LLD 02; b New York 27 O 61 ; prep CA 80; fr Brooklyn; prac law New York 85-93; Brooklyn 93-; candidate for mayor Brooklyn 95; elected prea borough of Brooklyn 97; comptroller New York 01-5; member Corpn 95-; ad 860 Carroll St, Brooklyn, NY SAMUEL CARLISLE JOHNSTON; AB; AM; b Newburgh 24 F 59; prep Sus- quehanna Collegiate Institute, Towanda Pa; fr Athens; t Susquehanna Colleg- iate Institute, Towanda Pa 84-5; prin Putnam Institute, Cambridge NY 85-7; t Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, Towanda Pa 87-9; Cook Acad, NY 89-91; prin Colby Acad, New London NH 9i~3;asst prin Ct Lit Institution, Suffield93- 6; graduate student (U scholar) Columbia U 96-8; graduate student UChic 98- oo ; fellow; instructor in Greek UChic and in South Side Acad, Chicago 00-3; student Halle- Wittenberg U 02-3; studied Greece 03; instructor in Greek, U HS UChic 03-10; instructor in Greek and Latin the Boyesen Sch, Chicago n-; ad 912 E 62d St, Chicago, 111 ABRAM HERBERT MANEE; AB; AM; s 87; b New York 30 Mr 58; prep COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1884 151 Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ; fr Brooklyn NY; ord Brooklyn Jl 87; p Col- chester Ct 87-9; Stepney 89-91; inv Stepney 91-2; res Saugerties NY 92-3; sup Catskill 93; p N Egremont Mass 93-5; Belchertown 95-00; Northville Ct 00-4 ; we Southern Pines NC 04-5 ; sup Southern Pines 05-6 ; entomologist South- ern Pines 05-; summer sup Southern Pines 11-2; ad Southern Pines, NC DUEY LORENZO MARTIN; AB; AM; s 87; b Busti 27 N 58; prep Jamestown Collegiate Institute; fr Busti; ord Castile i S 87; p Castile 87-91; Leroy 91-00; Ionia Mich 00-5 ; Busti NY 05-9 ; assoc miss Oil Creek Bapt Assoc, Pa, res Corry 09-; ad Corry, Pa JOHN GRIFFIN PATTERSON; AB; s 90 ;b Theresa 26 F 57; prep CA 79; fr Ham- ilton; ord Stamford 2 Je 90; p Stamford 90-7; farmer Hamilton 97-; ad Hamil- ton, NY WARREN WALTER RICH; AB; b Hamilton 18 S 63; prep CA 80; fr Hamilton; prin public sch De Land Fla 85 ; studied law Utica NY 86-8 ; adm to bar Binghamton 21 S 87; with H H Warner and Co Rochester 88-90; clerk US Treasury Dept, Washington DC 90-07 ; vice and dep consul and US inspector of customs Salina Cruz Mex 07-; ad Salina Cruz, Estado Oaxaca, Mex *EUGENE ANDREWS ROWLAND ; AB ; AM ; b Boonville 29 F 64 ; prep Rome Free Acad; fr Rome; studied law Rome 84-7; adm to bar 87; prac law Rome 87-11; asst district attorney Oneida co 93-4; US commissioner northern district 00-2; member Corpn 03-11; d Trenton Falls 19 Je n JOHN DAVIES RUMSEY; AB; AM; s 88; b S Wales GB 2 F 60; prep CA 80; fr Mt Morris; ord River Falls Wis 88 ;p River Falls 88~9o;Redlands Cal 9O~3;Fari- bault Minn 93-6; Leroy 96-01 ; Sac City la 01-3; Vinton 03-5; Manchester 05-7; Princeton 111 07-10; Girard 11-; ad Girard, 111 EDWARD OTHEMAN SMITH; AB; b Belfast Me 14 S 57; prep Worcester Acad, Mass; fr Chelsea; s 84-6; ord Wauwatosa Wis 5 My 87; p Wauwatosa 86-90; Cold- water Mich 90-4; Detroit 94-5; Cleveland O 95-01; Geneva 02-5; Cleveland 05-6; Buffalo NY 06-8; Still water 08-; ad Stillwater, NY WILLIAM LEWIS SWAN; AB; AM; s 87; b Cassville 23 Mr 57; prep CA; fr Cass- ville; ord Noank Ct 19 Jl 87; p Noank 87-93; Auburn NY 94-7; Westerly RI 97- 10; Providence 10-; ad 171 Westminster St, Providence, RI ^ALBERT JAY TRUESDELL; AB; b Rockdale 2 D 62; prep Pillsbury Acad, Owa- tonna Minn; fr Owatonna; editor Salida Semi- Weekly Mail, Col 85-7; director and sec Edison Electric Light Co 87-8; real estate agent Churchs Ferry ND 88-90; bus manager Grand Forks Daily Plaindealer 90-4; d Battle Creek Mich 14 Ap 94 CHARLES CLARK VAN KIRK; AB; b Greenwich 21 S 62; prep Greenwich HS; fr Greenwich; t Troy 84-7; studied law Greenwich 87-8; adm to bar 4 My 88; prac law Greenwich and Albany 88-05; justice Supreme Court from 4th judicial dis- trict, res Greenwich 06-; ad Greenwich, NY SAMUEL HODGDON WHITE; AB; AM; s 87; b Houlton Me 28 Ja 56; prep CA 79; fr Hamilton; ord McGrawville 19 O 87; p McGrawville 87-9; Seneca Falls 89-91; Ticonderoga 91-4; Ludingtonville 94-9; Adams Center 99-02; Hamburg NJ 02-4; bus Utica NY 04-; ad 110 Miller St, Utica, NY CLARENCE LA VERNE BUTLER; sp 80-1; fr Hamilton; t painting Hamilton Female S 1 52 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1 884 75-85; artist New York 85-92; studied Paris France 92-04; artist Framingham Mass 05-; ad 80 Main St, Framingham, Mass GEORGE MARSHALL HARRIS; 80-1; prep CA; fr New York; broker Denver Col 82; prac law Denver 83-?; res New York ?-; ad 52 Broadway, New York IRVING ISAAC KERN; sp 80-2; fr Hamilton; journalist; broker Lincoln Neb in 83; res Omaha in 90; Astoria Ore GEORGE EDMOND SOPER; sp 80-1 ; s 84; AM 91 ; DD Kingfisher C, Okla 1 1 ; b Freeman Me i Ag 57 ; prep CA; fr Rockport Mass; ord Cong Madison NY 10 Jl 84; p Roches- ter 87-92; Alexandria Minn 92-8; St Paul 98-00; Danbury Ct 00-3; Pomona Cal 03-9; Nashua NH 09-; ad 6 Summer St, Nashua, NH ROLLIN JOHN THOMPSON; sp 80- 1 ; s 84; b Pawlet Vt 28 Ap 52; prep CA; fr Cohoes; ord Brookfield 15 Ag 83; p Brookfield 82-8; Carthage 88-93; Stillwater 93-5; Adams 95-05; Cazenovia 05-10; Fort Ann 10-; ad Fort Ann, NY THOMAS CORNELIUS WILBER; 79-80, 81-2; AB UR 84; AM 87; Cortland NS 87; b Homer 18 Je 56; prep Homer Ac ad; fr Cortland; prin sch Belfast 84-6; Sandy Creek 87-9; Sidney 89-90; Waterloo 91-01; Fairport 01-3; Dolgeville 03-6; Ti- conderoga 06-9; Lake George 10-1; Ft Edward n-; ad Ft Edward, NY JOHN COLGATE WILLIAMS; sp 80-2; s 85; b Freedom 20 F 53; prep CA 80; fr Free- dom; ord Richland Center Wis 31 Mr 86; p Richland Center 85-8; assoc p New York 88-9; p Rockville Center 90-3; Scotia 93-9; Augusta Wis 99-04; Baraboo 04-6; Juda 06-8; Alma Neb 08-11; Tekamah n-; ad Tekamah, Neb 1885 WILLIAM BIGLOW; AB; b Brooklyn 2 Ap 62; prep CA 81 ; fr New York; invest- ments (W Biglow and Co) Seattle Wash 85-; ad 1308 Summit Av, Seattle, Wash SENECA BARTON BURCtf ARD; AB; b Hamilton 3 Mr 63 ; prep CA; fr Hamilton; bus Minneapolis Minn 86-; ad 311 Jackson St, St Paul, Minn; res 2540 Harriet Av, Minneapolis .LINWOLD BUSHNELL CURTIS; AB; AM; s 88; b Winthrop Ct 4 Ja 59; prep CA 81; fr Winthrop Ct; ord Suffield 5 D 88; p Sufifield 88-95; S Windsor 95-9; Townshend Vt 99-01 ; N Grafton Mass 01-3 ; Clinton Ct 04-7 ; S Woodstock 07-1 1 ; Stafford n-; ad Stafford, Ct CHARLES HENRY DOUGLAS; AB; AM; b Liberty; prep CA 81; fr Schenevus; t Delaware Acad, Delhi 85-6; Suffield Acad, Ct 86-8; prin Keene HS, NH 88-93; Hartford Ct 93-5; editor in chief and asst sec D C Heath and Co, Publs, Boston Mass 95-; ad 120 Boylston St, Boston, Mass; res 130 Franklin St, Newton CHAUNCEY EUGENE DUNKLEBERGER; AB; b Royalton 12 S 62; prep CA 81; fr W Shelby; prac law Lockport 87-06; surrogate Niagara co 89-95; P rac law Tacoma Wash 06-; ad 1002 Fidelity Building, Tacoma, Wash ROBERT EDWARDS FARRIER; AB; DD 11; UTS 89; b Red Bank NJ 3 S 58; prep CA 81; fr Hamilton; studied Europe 89; ord New Rochelle NY 27 N 89; p New Rochelle 89-93 ; Poughkeapsie 93-05; Passaic NJ 05-; ad 125 Park Place, Passaic, NJ WILLIAM GEORGE FENNELL; AB; AM; DD 08; b Goshen Ct 15 N 59; prep Ct Lit Institution, Suffield; fr E Cornwall; s 85-7; ord Middletown Ct 26 Ap 87; p Middletown 87-91; graduate student Wesleyan U 89; studied Yale DS 90; p COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1885 153 Meriden 92-9 ; Newark NJ 00-8 ; graduate student U of New York 01-3 ; p Hartford Ct 08-; instructor Hartford TS u; lecturer; ad 908 Asylum Av, Hartford, Ct JOHN SOREN FESTERSON; AB; AM; AB Harv 94; AM 95; b Horsens Den- mark 21 Mr 58; prep Cedar Valley S, Osage la; fr Webster City; s 86-7; ord Brown Valley Minn 19 My 87; p Brown Valley 87-8; Red Wing 88-90; Nora Springs la 90-3; Harv 93-5; prof English Ripon C, Wis 95-6; student and asst in English CornU 96-7 ; prin Arlington HS, Minn 97-9 ; supt schs Pine Island 99-03 ; t Clarksburg C, Mo; New York 04-8; editor 08-; ad 369 Ocean Av, Brooklyn, NY DEWITT DANIEL FORWARD; AB; AM; SETS 92; b Bouckville; prep CA 81; fr Bouckville; s 85-6; ord Burlington la 10 Je 88; p Salt Lake City Utah 89-91; Homer NY 92-4; Shelby ville 94-9; Pueblo Col 99-06; Greely 07-12; we New York 12-; ad 601 W i84th St, New York CHARLES JOSIAH GALPIN; AB; AM; AM Harv 95; b Hamilton 1 6 Mr 64; prep CA8i ; fr Dansville; t Un Acad, Belleville 85-8; prof history and English KalC 88- 91; prin Un Acad, Belleville NY 91-00; bus Delavan Wis 00-4; U p for Bapts of Uof Wis, Madison 05-12; lecturer U of Wis 11-2; lecturer summer sen of relig- ion Madison 09-12; prof in dept of agricultural economics U of Wis 12-; ad 209 W Oilman St, Madison, Wis FRANK ARTHUR HEATH; AB; AM; s 88; b Boston Mass 20 Mr 60; prep Boston Latin Sch; fr Boston; NTI 86-7; ord W Acton 7 Je 88; p W Acton 88-91 ; Bing- hamton NY 91-3 ; Middletown 93-02 ; assoc p Boston Mass 02-3 ; p Norwood 03-4; Seattle Wash 04-9; St Louis Mo 09-; ad 2115 E Grand Av, St Louis, Mo FRED MANVILLE LOOMIS; AB; AM; b Vermilion 8 Ja 63; prep Mexico Acad; fr Mexico; t S Jersey Institute, BridgetonNJ 85-7 ; Kenwood Acad, Oneida NY 87-91 ; studied U Strassburg and U Munich 91-2; t Keystone Acad, Factory ville Pa 92-6; Scranton HS 96-; ad 816 Richmond St, Scranton, Pa *ERWIN JOHN McKENNA; AB; b Goshen Vt 10 F 55; prep Brandon; fr Brandon; p Sidney Center NY 84-9; s 86-7; ord Sidney Center F 87; p Westport 89-93; Somerville Mass 93-5; inv Thompson Ridge NY 95-9; d Thompson Ridge 25 Jl 99 GEORGE WESLEY PARKS; AB; b Sand Lake 4 Mr 58; prep CA 80; fr Sand Lake; s 85-7; gen sec YMCA Ithaca 87-91; Lincoln Neb 91-3; Jersey City NJ 93-5; res Brooklyn NY 95-; life insurance agent 95-9; distributing agent for book publs 99-02; with Dodd, Mead and Co, New York 02-7; New York manager W C Blodgett and Co of Boston 07-; ad 156 5th Av, New York; res 185 Macon St, Brooklyn 'FRANK DEE PENNEY; AB; AM; s 88; b Adams 26 Ap57; prep CA 81 ; fr Bridge- water; ord Auburn 25 Jl 88; p Auburn 88-93; N Adams Mass 93-7; Worcester 97-02; Burlington Vt 02-11; Schenectady NY 11-2; d Schenectady 3 F 12 ARTEMUS WARD REYNOLDS; AB; AM;s 88; PhDYale 9 3; bSpringwater 22 Mr 58; prep CA 81 ; fr Elmira; BUTS 85-6; ord Corry Pa 27 S 88; p Corry 88-90; graduate student in Semitics Yale 90-3 ; prof Hebrew and cognate langs CTS 93-9 ; p Salem NJ 01-5; Philadelphia Pa 06-; ad 1615 Fairmount Av, Philadelphia, Pa HENRY MERRITT RICHMOND; AB; AM; b Adams Mass 14 Ap 61; prep CA 80; fr Adams Mass; prin Eurasian Boys' Sch, Rangoon Burma 85-7; prin Bridg- ton HS, Me 88-9; Marion Collegiate Institute, NY 89-90; t St Joseph HS, Mo 90-3; asst prof WJC 93-7; prof geology and biology 97-12; geology 12-; ad 35 Arthur St, Liberty, Mo 154 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1885 RILEY ADELBERT VOSE; AB; AM; s 89; DD 10; b Spencer 21 Je 59; prep CA 81; fr Hamilton; ord Syracuse 7 S 86; p Kingston 89-91; Utica 92-6; Cambridge Mass 96-9; Owego NY 99-12; Newark NJ 12-; ad 173 Quitman St, Newark, NJ WILLIAM EUGENE WEBSTER; AB; AM; s 88; b Greene 7 Jl 60; prep CA 81; fr Mt Vision; ord 19 Jl 88; miss p Newbargh 88-9; p Whitesboro 89-95; Hoo- sick Falls 95-09; W Winfield and Unadilla Forks 10-; ad W Winfield, NY LINN EDSON WHEELER; BP; s 82; b Morris 8 J156; prep CA; frS New Berlin; ord Bainbridge 13 O 82; p Cincinnati O 83-6; Waverly JY 89-94; New Bruns- wick NJ 94-06; in Europe 06-7; sup Danbury Ct 07; editor New Brunswick Daily Times, NJ 08-9; lit work, res S New Berlin NY 10-; ad S New Berlin, NY *HAMBLIN G ALLABEN: sp 81-2; s 85; b 52; fr Margaretville; ord Lebanon 15 O 85; p Lebanon 85-6; d Lebanon 3 O 86 CASTLE BREWER; sp 81-3; DD Selma U, Ala n;b near Charleston SC 250 54; prep Worcester Acad, Mass; fr Babylon NY; s 83-4; ord Charleston SC 21 Je 85; p Columbia 84-7; Society Hill 87-92; Sanford Fla 92-; ad 813 Pine Av, Sanford Fla THOMAS BROXHOLM; sp 81-2; s 84; b Horncastle England 10 D 49; prep CA; fr New York; ord Stamford 19 Ag 84; p Stamford 84-7; Parishville 87-92; Pittsford Vt 93-5; Scriba NY 95-7; Hunt 97-02; Whitesville 02-5; Middlefield 06-8; Char- lotteville 08-11; Westford 12-; ad Westford, NY GEORGE W CHURCH; 81-2; AB SyrU 89; prep CA; fr Hamilton; prin Dickinson Cen- ter UnSch 89-90; publ Northern Observer, Massena 90-2; solicitor for Economic Fuel and Gas Co, Chicago 111 92-4; life insurance solicitor Chicago 94-? SHERBORNE SAMUEL CLARKE; sp 81-2; s 87; b E China Mich 23 Ap 59; prep CA; fr Detroit Mich; ord Springlake 25 O 83; p Care 87-8; Big Rapids 88-91; Muncie Ind 91-5; Flushing Mich 95-6; Alpena 96-07; Milwaukee Wis 07-?; res Detroit Mich ?-; ad 1171 Brooklyn Av, Detroit, Mich BEN.'AMIN WILLIS GARR; sp 81-3; fr Sutton Neb GEORGE STEVENS GRAVES; 81-2; b Newport 17 Jl 63; prep Cooper Acad, Dayton O; fr Middleville NY; orange grower Fla 82-95; surveyor Newport NY 98-; ad Newport, NY FRANK MILLER HASWELL; sp 81-3; b Moulmein Burma 15 My 61; prep CA 81; fr Hamilton; clerk real estate office 83-5; railway agent and telegraph operator Gar field Ark 85-8; PM 89-93; t 93-8; railway agent and telegraph operator 98-; ad Garfield, Ark JESSE S KELSEY; sp 81-3; fr Dayton O; tile manufacturer Centerville 83-? JOHN STANLEY LYON; sp 81-2; AB NY U 86; DD 09; b Windham Vt 28 Ja 61 ; prep Black River Acad, Ludlow; fr S Londonderry; t Friends' S, New York 86-91; vice-prin 90-1 ; ord Fair Haven Vt 26 F 91 ; p Fair Haven 91-4; Bristol Ct 94-01 ; Holyoke Mass 01-; ad 235 Oak St, Holyoke, Mass * WILLIAM HENRY MANCHESTER ; 8 1 -2 ; b Hamilton 9 Ap 63 ; prep C A 80 ; fr Hamilton ; t Lackawanna co Pa 82-4; prin Smith ville Un Sch, Smithville Flats NY 84-6; studied law Hamilton 86-9; clerk Madison co surrogate court Morrisville 89-99; adm to bar Morrisville 99; prac law Morrisville 99-00; New York (Stapleton and Manchester) 00-7; d New York 24 D 07 FRED VAN METER; sp 81-2; fr New York; BU 79-81 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1 886 1 55 1886 *JOHN FREMONT AMES; AB; RTS 90; b DeRuyter 13 My 58; prep CA8a; fr DeRuyter; ord Genoa 9 D 86; p Genoa 86-8; AubTS 87-8; p Madison SD 90-2; Phoenix Ariz 92; d Phoenix 12 Ag 92 STERLING GLEN ANDRUS; AB; b 17 O 63; prep Ann Arbor HS, Mich; fr High- land; studied law Syracuse NY 86-8; with Union Bridge Co, Buffalo 88-9; news- paper work Chicago 111 89-10; adm to bar Springfield 24 Mr 94; railroad editorial writer Record-Herald; sec and manager Chamber of Commerce of Sacramento, Sacramento Cal n-; ad Chamber of Commerce, Sacramento, Cal ALBERTO ADELLMAN BENNETT; AB; AM;s 89 ;b Bainbridge 17 Jl 59; prep Bainbridge Acad; fr Bainbridge; ord Whitehall 30 Jl 89; p Whitehall 89-92; Sch of Expression, Boston Mass 92-3 ; p Maiden 93-02 ; Jefferson Me 02-; ad Jefferson, Me *CHARLES JAMES BUTLER; AB; b Greene 3 Mr 61 ; prep CA 81 ; fr Hamilton; s 86-7; d Hamilton 10 Ag 87 WARREN AYER CLAPP; AB; AM; b Wappingers Falls 24 N 65; prep Mountain Institute, Haverstraw; fr Yonkers; t Tarry town 86-7; studied Eastman's Business C, Poughkeepsie 87-8; prin Wappingers Falls UnSch 88-91 ;t Plainfield NJ 91-3; E Orange HS 93-12; sec E Orange board of education 07-; ad 354 William St, E Orange, NJ FREDERICK D H COBB; AB; AM; b Fort Edward 8 Jl 66; prep Fairport Classical and Un Sch ; fr Fairport ; studied law Rochester 86-9 ; adm to bar Rochester 4 Jl 89; prac law Rochester 89-; member Cobb and Davis 96-; treasurer and manager Cobb Preserving Co 91-; vice-pres Sanitary Can Co, Fairport 07-; ad 37 El wood Building, Rochester, NY ROBERT ALLEN CRAIG; AB; b New Orleans La 7 Ja 67; prep U of La; fr New Orleans; stenographer 86-?; res New Orleans OTIS ARUNAH DIKE; AB; AM; s 91; prep CA 81; fr Diana; ord Sherburne 19 My 87; p Sherburne 87-9; Port Dickinson 89-91; Warsaw 91-4; Treadwell 94-8; Lake Placid 98- ; ad Lake Placid, NY THOMAS COX ELY; BP; AM 91 ; MD U of Pa 87; b Holmdel NJ 29 Jl 63; prep CA 81; fr Holmdel; studied med U of Pa 84-7; prac med Philadelphia 87-; ad 2041 Green St, Philadelphia, Pa LEWIS FITZ SIMMONS; BP; MD Long Island C Hospital 90; b Savona 13 D 56; prep Haverling Free Acad, Bath; fr Savona; prac med Savona 90; S Pulteney 90-9; Pulteney 99-; ad Pulteney, NY *EDWIN NEWTON FLETCHER; AB; AM; s 92; b Newton Center Mass 23 Ap 66; prep Colby Acad, New London NH; fr New London; ord Sidney Center NY 21 Je 92; miss ABMU China 92-5; p Fairfield Me 96-8; miss ABMU China 98-9 ;d Ningpo 14 Jl 99 *LOUIS AGASSIZ GOODENOUGH; AB; AM; b Saratoga Springs 25 N 64; prep CA 82; fr Hamilton; t Ghent 86-7; Nyack 87-8; Scotch Plains NJ 88-94; Jersey City 94-01; supt schs Paterson 01-4; d Belleville NY 5 Ag 04 ALBERT JOHN KIMMEL; AB; AM; b Kendallville Ind 26 F 60; prep Kendall- ville; studied DU; t Salina IT 86-7; Elk Point SD 87-90; Pierre 90-1 ; Lead 91-03: with Homestake Gold Mining Co in Golden Star Stamp Mill 03-6; foreman Golden Star Stamp Mill 06- ; ad Lead, SD 156 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1886 WILLIAM PHARCELLUS KNEELAND; AB; b Mason ville 22 My 60; prep CA 82; fr Masonville; t Ft Edward Collegiate Institute 86-7; bus Leadville Col 87- 9; Denver 89-01; Portland Ore 01-; ad Route i, Box 142, Lents, Ore FRED VOLNEY LESTER; AB; AM; PhD 111 Wesleyan U 04; b E Venice 16 S 56; prep CA; fr E Venice; graduate student 111 Wesleyan U; prin Westport HS, NY 86- 96; sch commissioner 2d district Essex co 97-00; supt schs Ticonderoga 99-04; student Teachers C Columbia U 04-5 ; prin Oyster Bay NS 05-7 ; prof math Talladega C, Ala 07-9; prin t Shaw U, Raleigh NC 09-10; hardware bus Bain- bridge NY 10-2; dean Talladega C, Ala 12-; ad Talladega C, Talladega, Ala SEDGWICK MATHER; AB; AM; fr Belleville; graduate student UMich 86-7; t Poughkeepsie NY 87-8; Coldspring 88-91; Stratford Ct 91-2; Wilkesbarre Pa 92-4; graduate student UChic 94-5; t HS, Brooklyn NY 95; HS, Passaic NJ 95-7; agent for Allyn and Bacon 98-?;phys Philadelphia Pa ?-; ad Witherspon Building, Philadelphia, Pa *ANDREW RICHARDSON MOORE; AB;b NS 22 Mr 60; prep CA82; fr N Cam- bridge Mass; ord Hoosick NY 12 O 86; p Hoosick 86-7; Earl ville 87-90; s 87-9; p Westerly RI 90-1; Somerville Mass 91-4; Jersey City NJ 94-6; d Jersey City 2 Ja 96 *WILLIAM JAMES MOORE; AB; fr Newark NJ; t Newark 86-8; CTS 88-9; d Newark NJ 28 My 89 JAMES EDWARD NEWELL; AB; b 22 O 59; prep CA 82; fr Davenport; studied law Syracuse 86-9; adm to bar Utica 89; prac law Syracuse 89-; corporation coun- sel of Syracuse 97-00; ad 324 Ostrum Av, Syracuse, NY ALBERT ERNEST SEAGRAVE; AB; CTS 89; b Denison la 6 S 61 ; prep DMC; fr Denison; s 86-7; ord Philadelphia Pa 13 Je 89; miss ABMU (ABFMS) to Sgau Karens, Rangoon Burma 89-; ad Rangoon, Burma "CHARLES GILBERT SIMMONS; BP; s 90; b Hamilton 6 Jl 63; prep Worcester HS, Mass; fr Worcester; ord Charlemont 17 S 90; p Rowe and Charlemont 90-2 ; New Woodstock NY 92-8; Northboro Mass 98-02; d Boston 8 S 02 FRED JAMES TURNBULL; AB; AM; b Colchester 23 N 59; prep Cazenovia S; fr Hamilton; prin Bainbridge HS 86-91; Oil City HS, Pa 91-; ad 714 North St Oil City, Pa HOMER JEROME VOSBURGH; AB; AM; DD 07; b Stockport 18 F 63; prep Troy Conference Acad, Poultney Vt; fr Stuyvesant Falls NY; instructor in Latin and Greek Sioux Falls U, SD 86-7; t Pillsbury Acad, Owatonna Minn 87-9; ord Lincoln 111 19 S 89; p Lincoln 89-92; prin Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis 92-4; graduate student UChic 94-6; p Chicago 94-6; prin Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis 96-01; p Oakland Cal oi-n; Camden NJ n-; ad 526 Linden St, Camden, NJ WILLIAM EDWARD WEED; AB; AM 09; b Parma 1 6 Mr 65; prep Baldwins- vilie Free Acad; fr Baldwinsville; reporter and city editor Utica Morning Herald 86-00; city editor Utica Herald-Despatch oo-i ; managing editor 01-; ad Utica, NY EDWARD EVERETT WHITFORD; AB; AM; b Brookfield 31 Ja 65; prep Brook- field Acad; fr Brookfield; t Colby Acad, New London NH 86-91 ; Keystone Acad, Factory ville Pa 91-8; bank cashier Brookfield NY 98-00; t Brookfield HS 00-2; Shamokin HS, Pa 02; Commercial HS, Brooklyn NY 02-4; graduate student Columbia U 04-12 ;t math C of City of New York 05-; ad 180 Claremont Av, New York COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1886 157 WILLIAM CALVIN WHITFORD; AB; AM; UTS 92; DD Alfred U 07; b Brook- field 31 Ja 65; prep Brookfield Acad; fr Brookfield; bank cashier Brookfield 86-9; ord Seventh Day Bapt Brookfield 25 My 92; p Berlin 92-3; prof Bibl langs and lit Alfred U 93-; prof Bibl langs and lit Alfred TS 01-; ad Alfred, NY JOHN SHULTUS CLEVELAND; sp 82-3; s 86; b Worcester 16 Ag 56; prep CA; fr Wor- cester; ord Columbus O 9 S 85; p Columbus 85-9; Geneva 89-94; Buffalo NY 94-7; Johnstown Pa 97-00; Mt Gilead O 00-3; Franklin 03-9; Erie Pa 09-; ad Erie, Pa CHARLES HASTINGS DODD; 82-5; s 89; DD George Washington U, DC 05 ;b Almond 30 My 59; prep Yates Free Acad, Chittenango; fr Coudersport Pa; ord Weedsport NY 14 Mr 89; p Weedsport 88-90; Mt Vernon 90-4; Newark NJ 94-05; Balti- more Md 05-; ad 124 Maryland Av, Baltimore, Md *FREDERICK CHAUNCEY GRAVES; 82-4; MD New York U 88 ;b Bainbridge 30 Ja 63; prep Bainbridge Acad; fr Bainbridge; interne Bridgeport hospital, Ct 88; prac med Bridgeport 88-10; d Bridgeport 26 Jl 10 JAMES MORRIS HUTCHINSON; 82-3:5 86; bRichford28 Je 55; prep CA 79;fr Hamil- ton; ord Burlington Flats 13 Ap 81; p Waterville 86-90; Utica 90-5; Newburgk 95-9; Amsterdam 99-07; Rochester 07-; ad 378 Genesee St, Rochester, NY JUSTUS VINTON LOCKE; 82-3; prep CA 82; fr New York; bus New York 83-; ad 218 W 8 4 th St, New York; res Great Neck * WILLIAM JACKSON McGuiRE; 82-3; fr North Western; bus Rome 83; HamC 83-7; d Clinton 10 S 87 RICHARD J MANNING; sp 82-4; b Lenox Pa 24 Ag 60; prep Keystone Acad, Factory- ville; fr Lenox; studied St Laurent C, PQ; t short time; adm to bar Montrose Pa 22 Ja 87; prac law Scranton 87-; ad 312 Mears Building, Scranton, Pa HENRY BURNHAM MAURER; sp 82-4; b New York 26 S 58; prep CA; fr Bloomfield NJ; real estate bus Brooklyn NY 84-; ad 44 Court St, Brooklyn, NY JAMES LEONARD MOTT; 82-4; b Hoosick 30 My 58; prep CA; fr Greenwich; ord Greenwich 25 Mr 84; p Lexington SC 84-5; Ridge Spring 86-7; Edgefield 88-92; Saratoga NY 92-4; Pontiac Mich 94-6; Grand Rapids 96-7; Johnstown NY 98-00; Saratoga Springs 00-7; Pontiac Mich 07-10; Saratoga Springs NY 10-2; res Amsterdam 12-; ad Amsterdam, NY MARTIN REMINGTON NELSON; 82-5; b Gorham 28 Jl 63; prep Canandaigua Acad; fr Canandaigua; railroad bus 85-; chief clerk gen passenger dept Northern Steam- ship Co ?-; chief clerk gen passenger dept Great Northern Railway ?-; sec In- ternational Water Lines Passenger Assoc ?-; ad 1184 Broadway, New York; res 641 Ridge St, Newark, NJ WILLIAM OSBORN; sp 82-3; fr Hamilton FREDERICK LESLIE SANBORN; 82-3; fr Claremont NH; BU 81-2; res S Pueblo Col WILLIAM CARLETON TIF^T; 82-5; AB UR 86; AM 94; b Sandy Creek 29 S 58; prep Munro Collegiate Institute, Elbridge; fr Memphis; t Norwalk Ct 86-7; State C, Pa 87-8; Poultney Vt 88-91; Sandy Creek NY 91-4; Marion 94-01; Cohoes 01- 5; gen agent Maryland Casualty Co for eastern NY, res Troy 05-; ad 502 Natl Bank Building, Troy, NY GEORGE MONROE WHITTEMORE; sp 82-3; s 87; b Vienna 28 Je 55; prep Whitestown S; fr Taberg; ord Spencer 17 N 87; p Spencer 87-; ad Spencer, NY 158 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1886 RALPH KEMPSHALL WING; sp 82-3; b Newark O 10 Ap 63; prep CA; fr Brooklyn; studied UR; bus manager Railway and Engineering Journal; travelling salesman; railway representative National Lead Co; author; ad 817 E 15th St, Brooklyn, NY 1887 *OWEN CASSIDY; AB; b Hector 25 D 62; fr Havana; studied law Havana 87-8: Rochester 88-9; adm to bar Rochester 89; prac law Rochester 89-90; Havana 90-01 ; Montour Falls 01-7 ; Watkins 07-1 1 ; state senator 04-9 ; d Watkins 1 5 Ja 1 1 WILLIAM EDWARD COOPER; AB; NTI 90; b Middletown NJ 23 F 62; prep CA; fr Keyport NJ ; sup Haddcn Comer 90-1 ; p Montana 91-2 ; sup Haddon Corner 92 ; sup Roselle and vie 93-6; p Waverly Park (Newark) 97-02; also miss workTrem- ley and Garwood; sup Kenilworth and Tremley 02-4; inv NJ State Hospital 04-11; miss work Keansburg n; New York n-; ad 634 Hudson St, New York WILLIAM HENRY COSSUM; AB; AM; 390; b New York n F 63; prep CA 83; fr Poughkeepsie; travelling sec student volunteer movement 90-1 ; ord Poughkeepsie 18 S 91; miss AEMU Ningpo China 91-7; independent miss China 97-01; ord Christian Catholic Chicago 111 i S 01 ; t Zion C and pr 01-6; pr Cincinnati O 06-1 1 ; agent Provident Life and Trust Co of Philadelphia, res Norwood 1 1-; ad 2535 Mel- rose Av, Norwood, O WILLIAM HENRY CRAWSHAW; AB; AM; LittD UR 09; LLD SyrU 10; b New- burgh 6 N 61 ; prep CA 83; fr Philadelphia Pa; instructor and prof English lit 87-; dean of c fac 97-; acting pres 97-9,07-8; pres pro tempore 08-9; student Oxford U oo-i; travelled and studied Europe 94, oo-i, 04, 10-1; ad Hamilton, NY MATTHEW WILLIAM GILBERT; AB; AM; DD Guadalupe C, Tex 99; BD UTS 07; b Mechanicsville SC 25 Jl 62; prep Benedict Institute, Columbia; fr Sumter; ord Camden Je 82 ;p Nashville Tenn 87-90; Jacksonville Flago-i; prof Bapt C, Fla 91-4; p Savannah Ga 94-6; prof Colored State C, SC 96-8; gen miss SC State Conv 98-9; p Charleston 99-02; prof Benedict C, Columbia 02-4; editor SC Standard 02-4; p New York 04-11 ; graduate student UTS 09-10; pres Selma U, Ala ii-; ad Selma, Ala EDWARD MARSHALL JEFFERS; AB; AM; s 90; b Mecklenburg 27 Jl 58; prep Cook Acad; fr Mecklenburg; ord Sandusky O 24 F 91; p Sandusky 90-6; Ionia Mich 96-9; miss ABHMS Chadron Neb oo-i; graduate student in ch history UChic 01-2; p Morrison 111 02-3; North wood la 03-5; Minneapolis Minn 05-7; ev work eastern Minn 07; p Mitchell SD 07-10; graduate student SETS n; p Eutuque la 12-; ad 200 W nth St, Dubuque, la WILLIAM FRANKLIN LANGWORTHY; AB; AM; b W Edmeston 4 My 64; prep Brookfield Acad; fr W Edmeston; t Keystone Acad, Factory ville Pa 87-90; t sci CA 90-12; asst prof biology CU 12-; ad Hamilton, NY IRVING BURGESS LEWIS; AB; b Knowlesville 20 N 61; prep Palmyra Classical Un Sch; fr Wai worth; grain bus Ihlen Minn 89-99; Cotton wood 99-00; St Ansgar la oo-i; coal bus Despatch NY 02-6; treasurer TheBrainerd Manufacturing Co- E Rochester 06-; ad E Rochester, NY KOMER CHILD LYMAN; AB; AM; s 90; DD 12; b Southampton Mass 21 Ja 61 ; prep CA 83; fr N Adams Mass; ord Cincinnati O 9 S 90; p Cincinnati 90-4; Bucyrus 95-00; Delaware 00-5; manager BYPUA, res Chicago 111 05-6; dean divinity dept COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1887 159 Benedict C, Columbia SC 07-1 1 ; supt work among negroes for American SS Assoc ii-; ad Hamilton, NY OSCAR REED McKAY; AB; AM; s 90; b Mason 111 i N 61; prep DMC; fr Des Moines; ord Sayre Pa 4 Ag 90; p Sayre 90-1; t American Bapt Miss C, Ongole India 91-4; p Warsaw NY 94-01 ; Lafayette Ind 01-; ad 224 Tinkler St, Lafayette, Ind JAMES HAMILTON MERCHANT; AB; b Pownal Vt 5 D 64; prep CA 83; fr Pownal Vt; druggist Omaha Neb 88-; ad 1601 Howard St, Omaha, Neb FREDERICK WILLIAM ROWE; AB; AM; b Wappingers Falls 63; prep DeGarmo Institute, Rhinebeck; fr Wappingers Falls; adm to bar, NY 89; prac law New York 89-; sec and manager the Eastern Parkway Co; pres Manhattan Bridge three cent line; ad 1370 Union St, Brooklyn, NY WILLIAM ANDRUS ST JOHN; BP; b Highland Mich 28 Mr 64; prep pd KalC; fr Highland; insurance bus Hamilton* NY 87-02; US civil service Hamilton 02-; ad Hamilton, NY EDGAR ALLAN SHEPARD; BP; b New York 18 F 68; prep CA; fr New York; asst supt artificial stone manufacturing Binghamton 87-92 ; photo-engraving New York 92-00; supervising chemist Merchantville NJ oo-; ad Merchantville, NJ HENRY WARREN SHEPARD; BP; b Cincinnati O i Mr 66; prep CA; fr New York; chemist US Chemical Co of Camden NJ 87-95; vice-pres and gen man- ager Atlas Cereal Manufacturing Co Merchantville 95-10; grower citrus fruits National City Cal 10-; ad National City, Cal IRVING EUGENE USHER; AB; b Uxbridge Mass 20 Jl 59; prep Worcester Acad; fr W Peterboro NH; ord Charleston NY 10 Ag 87; p Charleston 87-9; s 88-9; p McGrawville 89-91; Hingham Mass 91-4; Newport NY94-oi;Poultney Vtoi~7; Bristol 07-?; Rupert Id; Tekoa Wash ?-; ad Tekoa, Wash WILLIAM ANDREW WILSON; AB; AM; b Greenwich 6 N 61; prep CA 83; fr Greenwich; prin Granville Un Sch 87-8; supt Children's Aid Society, Brooklyn 88-9; private sec BF Jacobs Chicago 111 89-90; t Aurora HS 90-1; supt State Sch for Blind, Talladega Ala 91-3; prin Marinette HS, Wis 93-5; Highland Park HS, 111 95-05; supt schs Milton Pa 05-; ad 642 Broadway, Milton, Pa *\VILLIAM DAVID BARBER; 83-4; MD u; b Pompey 25 F 66; prep CA; fr Fayetteville; res Kansas City Ks; Coolidge; passed Ks examination as druggist; in drug store Newton; proprietor drug store Walton; studied med Kansas City; asst phys in- sane asylum Topeka; prac med Kansas City; Maple Hill; Chicago 111; E Las Ve- gas NMex 02; d E Las Vegas 23 Ag 02 GLEN CARLTON CONE; 83-4; b Ontario 18 D 62; prep Palmyra UnSch; farmer On- tario 84-; clerk board of supervisors 86-9; ad Ontario, NY JOSEPH NEWBOLD FOLWELL; 83-4; LLB U of City of New York 89; b Easton Pa n Ag 64; prep CA 83; fr Bayonne NJ; adm to bar, Ks 89; prac law Hays City 89; Westfie Id N J 89-9 1 ; adm to bar, N Y 1 4 My 9 1 ; prac law Brooklyn 91-4; adm to bar, Fla 94; prac law De Land 94-5; Boise City Id 95; Brooklyn NY 95-04; New York 04-; ad 56 William St, New York EMIL JOHN MILLER; sp 83-5; s 88; b Lautenburg, W Prussia, Germany 8 Jl 58; prep Brockport NS, NY; fr New York; ord New York 18 Jl 88; p Buffalo; miss ABMU Burma 6 years; supt miss press Rangoon; bus Brooklyn NY 1 60 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1887 ELI HARRIS PATTERSON; 83-4; AB Fremont NS, Neb 09; b New York i My 60; prep CA; fr Hamilton; t Hastings Neb 84-?; Omaha 3 years; Portland Ore i year; Grand Island Neb 10 years; ad 3616 Seward St, Omaha, Neb EDWARD ALEXANDER ROGERS; sp 83-5; s 87; b Brooklyn 5 Ja 59; prep CA; fr Brook- lyn; ord Memphis 4 N 87; p Memphis 84-8; Jordan 88-98; Schenevus 98-04; Canisteo 04-10; Pulaski 10-; ad Pulaski, NY FLOYD AMBROSE TAFT; 83-5; prep CA 83; fr Greene; prac as dentist Dayton O 88-; ad 1151 N Main St, Dayton, O 1888 FRANK CLAUSON BARRETT; AB; AM; s 92; b Napoli 23 Mr 60; prep CA; fr E Randolph; ord Durhamville 6 S 88; p S New Berlin 92-4; Franklin 94-8; Sidney 98-01 ; Camillas 01-4; Ansley Neb and Endell 04-8; Riverton Wyo 08-; ad River- ton, Wyo *HIRAM LINCOLN BENTON ; AB ; AM ; b Sherburne 3 N 60 ; prep C A ; fr Earlville ; prin Waterford HS 88-91; Parish HS 91-2; GS No 4, Saratoga 92-3; supt schs Thomaston Ct 93-6; t Female S, Taswell Va 96-7; d Taswell 24 Je 97 *ROBERT DOUGLASS BRIGGS; BP; b Macedon 14 D 62 ; prep Canandaigua Acad; fr Lansing Mich; spt schs Grand Ledge 89-91; Williamston 92-4; Howell 95-9; Monroe 00-6; shoe bus Flushing 06-8; d Flushing 23 N 08 *HENRY STEPHEN BROWNSON; BP; fr Elizabethtown; drug clerk Elizabeth- town 88; Elmira 88; registered pharmacist Neb 88; drug clerk Wahoo 89; d Wahoo 12 Je 89 WILLIAM SOLYMAN COONS; AB; AM; s 91 ; b Charlton 14 My 63; prep Ballston Un Sch; fr Ballston; ord Wappingers Falls 24 N 91 ; p Wappingers Falls 91-3; Me- chanicville 93-4; Athens 94-6; sup Sanford Fla 97; p Vernon NY 97-01 ; Hoosick 01-8; with Troy Cold Storage Co 08-12; ad 160 ist St, Troy, NY OSCAR KING DAVIS; AB; AM; b Baldwinsville 13 Ja 66; prep CA 84; fr Wahoo Neb; newspaper work Wahoo 88-9; Omaha 89-90; on editorial staff New York Sun 90-03; special correspondent in PI and China 98-00; in Mex 01-2; special correspondent New York Herald with Japanese army in Manchuria 04; magazine writer and special correspondent 04-; sec Progressive Natl Committee 12-; ad Munsey Building, Washington, DC OEORGE WILLIAM DOUGLAS ; AB ; AM ; b Liberty 8 Ap 63 ; prep CA 84 ; fr Qneon- ta; reporter Brooklyn Citizen 88-91 ; Brooklyn Eagle 91 ; Albany legislative corre- spondent Brooklyn Eagle 92 ; assoc editor and editorial writer Brooklyn Eagle 92- 02; assoc editor Youth's Companion, Boston Mass 02-; member Corpn 96-; ad 201 Columbus Av, Boston, Mass 'IRVING ALONZO DOUGLAS ; AB ; AM ; b Naples 5 Ja 65 ; prep CA 84 ; fr Oneont a ; reporter and asst city editor New York Tribune 88-92; d 23 Ap 92 CLAYTON GRINNELL; AB; AM; BD BUTS 92; b Broadalbin 28 Je 64; prep CA 84; fr Broadalbin; p Omro Wis 88-9; s 89-91; ord Broadalbin 23 Je 92; pDurango Col 92-5; Newark NJ 95-7; Williams Bridge, New York 97-03; Ossining 03-10; Altoona Pa 10-; ad 1108 isth St, Alto 311, Pa GEORGE BENEDICT LAWSON; AB; AM; DD 12; b Brooklyn n Ag 67; prep Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute; fr Boston Mass; s 88-9; studied UTS; U Bonn; COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1888 161 ord Delhi NY Ag 91; p Delhi 91-3; Long Branch NJ 94-5 ; Bennington Vt 95-01; Worcester Mass 01-2; Brattleboro Vt 02-8; prin Vt Acad, Saxtons River 08-; ad Saxtons River, Vt * JAMES FRANK LEMON; AB; b Troy 21 S 66; prep pd Ripon C, Wis; fr Gardner Mass; Harv 88-90; d Asheville NC 27 N 90 SHERMAN HARRISON MARCY; BP; s 91 ; b Russia 23 F 65; prep Cazenovia S; fr Russia; ord St Paul Minn 22 D 91; p St Paul 91-2; UTS 92-3; p Hempstead 93-09; P Presb Newark NJ 09-; ad 48 Mapes Av, Newark, NJ FRANK BEECHER MOORE; AB; b Russia 10 D 66; prep Utica Free Acad; fr Russia; with First Natl Bank Kansas City Mo 88-; ad First Natl Bank, Kansas City, Mo CHARLES CLARK PIERCE; AB; AM; s 91; DD 09; b Meredith 24 Ja 58; prep Albany NS; fr Walton; ord Oneonta 29 S 91 ; p Oneonta 91-6; Chelsea Mass 96-8; Los Angeles Cal 98-1 1 ; bus and lit work Los Angeles 1 1-; ad 810 S Flower St, Los Angeles, Cal; res 216 W 23d St^ *FRANK BURCHARD PIERCE ;*AB; b Hamilton 28 F 68; prep CA 84; fr Hamilton; d Hamilton 4 Ja 92 *FENTON CRAIG ROWELL; AB; AM; b Middlegrove 14 O 66; prep CA 84; fr Rock City Falls; t Keystone Acad, Factoryville Pa 88-9; s 89-90; studied law Al- bany LS 89-90; t Keystone Acad, Factoryville Pa 90-3; prin Marion Institute NY 93-4; t Gilbertsville 94-5; Saxtons River Vt 95-6; d Middlegrove NY 10 D 96 EDWARD BYRNE SHALLOW; AB; AM; ScD 12; b Hamilton 3 F 62; prep CA 84; fr Randallsville; prin GS, E Orange NJ 88-9; Rahway HS 89-93; studied law New York LS 92; adm to bar Brooklyn D 93; prin GS, Brooklyn 93-8; assoc supt schs Brooklyn 99-01; district supt schs New York 01-6; assoc city supt schs New York 06-; ad 1090 Dean St, Brooklyn, NY HERBERT J SMITH; AB; AM; s 91 ; b Port Byron 9 S 63; prep Oswego HS; fr Os- wego; instructor in NT Greek and asst libn 91-4; student Oswego NS 94-6; libn U of Vt 96-8; student Oswego NS, NY 98-9; t Oswego NS 99-; ad 139 E 3d St, Oswego, NY ERNEST GIBSON TREAT; AB; b S Butler 7 F 67; prep Weedsport HS; fr Weeds- port; banker Weedsport 88-; member legislature 00-3; ad Weedsport, NY WILLIAM LEMUEL BATES; sp 84-5; s 88; b Cortland 3 My 59; prep Cortland NS; fr Cortland; ord Moravia 12 S 88; p Moravia 88-00; Deposit 00-6; Nunda 06-9; Union 09-; ad Union, NY SAMUEL RAY HOXSIE; 84-5; prep CA 84; fr Hamilton; res Wood River Junction RI ANDREW DELOS KNEELAND; 84-5; b Binghamton 6 My 63; prep CA 84; fr Augusta; studied law Rome 85-8; adm to bar, NY 88; prac law Rome 88-02; city attorney Rome 91-5; adm to US supreme court oo; prac law New York 02-; ad 1 15 Broad- way, New York; res 220 W 98th St EPHRAIM DANIEL MCKENNA; 84-6; MD U of Vt 87; b Goshen Vt 8 Ap 60; prep CA 84; fr Brandon Vt; prac med and surgery Hamden NY 87-93; Walton 93-04; Al- bany 04-; ad 531 Central Av, Albany, NY CLARENCE EMORY MAXFIELD; sp 84-5; b Fort Ann 20 Jl 57; prep CA; fr New Berlin; 1 62 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1 888 s 85-6; ord Ilion 4 Ap 87; sup Ilion 86-8; Bergen Point NJ 88-9; p Watertown NY 84-94; ev 94-5; p Detroit Mich 95-7; Bay City 97-9; Benton Harbor 00-2; Detroit 02-7; Belding 07-9; Oakland Cal 09-1 1 ; Dinuba 1 1-; ad Dinuba, Cal SAMUEL BASTIN NOBBS; sp 84-5; s 88; b Charlton, Kings Gloucestershire, England i Jl 62; prep Gloucester; fr Prattsburg NY; ord Newport Vt 27 Je 88; p Newport 88-9; Groton 89-91; Salem Mass 91-4: Gloucester 94-9; Salem 99-04; N Abing- ton 04-9; sec No-license League Lynn 09; sup res Island Creek 10-1 ; p Unit Rock- land ii-; ad Rockland, Mass WILLIAM CHARLES OWEN; sp 84-5; s 89; fr Montclair NJ; ord Gilbertsville 18 S 89; p Gilbertsville 89-91?; miss ABMU (ABFMS) Allur, S India 91-; ad Allur, S In- dia PHILIP CLARE PAYNE; 84-7; prep CA; fr Hamilton; studied law New York in 89; lit work; ad Room 905, Stock Exchange Building, Chicago, 111 ST CLAIR GRIFFIN REED; 84-6: b Franklin La 26 Mr 67; prep CA 84; fr Edgefield Court House, SC; t Victoria HS, Tex 86-7; clerk in dry goods store, Victoria 87-8; with NY, Tex and Mex Railway, Victoria 88-05 ; chief clerk in office of gen freight and passenger agent; division freight and passenger agent Southern Pacific in La, res Lake Charles 05-6; division freight agent Houston and Tex Central Railway, res Dallas 06-9; asst gen freight agent 09-12; asst gen freight and passenger agent Southern Pacific lines in Tex and La, res Dallas Tex 12-; ad 1207 Main St, Dallas, Tex EDWARD MITCHELL SAUNIER; sp 84-5; s 88; DD Potomac U 10; b Flushing 9 F 62; prep Flushing HS; fr Flushing; ord Penn Yan 1 1 Jl 88; p Penn Yan 88-92 ; Nyack 92-00; Yonkers 00-3; Worcester Mass 03-; ad 160 Lincoln St, Worcester, Mass HORACE HOMER SOUTHWICK; 84-7; AB Lafayette C, Ind 89; AM 92; bMiddletown Springs Vt 15 Ag 64; prep CA 84; fr Hoosick Falls; t Canandaigua HS 89-90; Montclair Mil Acad, NJ 90-2; prin Ballston Spa public schs, NY 92-7; t Platts- burg NS 97-02; supt schs Ogdensburg 02-; ad 74 Washington St, Ogdensburg, NY ARTHUR MASON WILLCOX; 86-7; AB U of Vt 88; b Newton 25 Ap 66; prep Burling- ton HS, Vt; fr Oswego NY; studied law UMich 89-90; editor Tramway and Rail- way World, London England 93-; ad Amberley House, 12 Norfolk St, London WC, England 1889 FRANK HENRY BENNETT; AB;' AM; AB Harv 01 ; b Danbury Ct 25 S 63; prep CA 85; fr Danbury Ct; t Ct Lit Institute, Sufneld 89-90; Sch of the Lackawanna, Scranton Pa 90-1; Hoosick Falls HS, NY 91-3; supt Danbury HS, Ct 93-00; prof Sullins C 02-3 ; prin Brewster HS, NY 03-12; Cherry Valley HS 12-; ad Cherry Valley, NY ROBERT BRUCE; AB; AM; s 92; b Duquoin 111 14 My 57; prep CA 8s;fr Ottawa Ks; ord New Hartford la 30 Mr 93 ; p New Hartford 92-4; Waterloo 94-5; Waukon 96-8; sup Aurora 111 and vie 99-00; p Pittsfield 00-2; Galway NY 02-3; Peters- burg 04-7; Dykemans 07-; ad Dykemans, NY GEORGE THOMAS CULL; AB; prep CA 85; fr Greenwich; prin Schaghticoke Acad 90-5; supt schs Union co NJ 95-6; studied med Albany Med C. NY 96-8; writer for newspapers 98-; ad Poultney, Vt COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1889 163 PETER BUEL GUERNSEY; AB; AM; s 92; b Staceyville la 30 N 59; prep CA 85; fr Elmira; ord Elmira 29 Je 92; miss ABMU Madras India 92-5; prof Greek Bene- dict C, Columbia SC 95-6; t Cook Acad, NY 96-7; p Owego 97-9; pres Roger Williams U, Nashville Tenn 99-07 ; office manager Presb Board of Foreign Miss, New York 07-; ad 156 5th Av, New York ORTHELLO SIDNEY LANG WORTHY; AB; MD Uof City of New York 91 ;b W Edmeston 26 N 65; prep CA 85; fr W Edmeston; prac med Hamilton 91-; ad Hamilton, NY HORACE GRANT McKEAN; AB; AM; b Hammonton NJ 13 D 64; prep CA 85; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord Philadelphia i6Mr9o;p Philadelphia 90-2; Cape MayNJ 92-3; Arlington 93-5; prof English Pa Mil C.Chester 95-9;prinColby Acad, New London NH 99-05; prof rhetoric and public speaking Union 05-; ad Union C, Schenectady, NY IRVING NEWTON MERRIFIELD; AB; b Sherman 23 Ap 68; fr Burlington Ks; OttU 85-7; UTS 89-90; BUTS 90-2; studied med New York, and Chicago 111; ord Sublette 13 N 91 ; p Arkansas City Ks 93-6; asst p New York; p Syracuse Neb; bus Kansas City Mo oo-; gen^manager S American Colonization Co; pres and treasurer Cooperative Commonwealth Co; pres Consolidated Light and Fuel Co; gen manager Pan-American Land and Investment Co; pres United Fruit Assoc; gen manager International Orchard Co; gen manager General Supply Co; pres United States Bond and Bank Assoc; ad 4342 Central Av, Kansas City, Mo GEORGE HENRY MEYER; AB; AM; b Higginsville 25 D 65; prep CA 85; fr Hamilton; t Lyons HS 89-90; W Des Moines HS, la 90-2; Lake Forest Acad, 111 93-7; instructor in German U of 111 97-00; asst prof German lang and lit oo-; asst dean c of lit and arts 08-; student U of Berlin 04-5; U of Jena 05-6; ad 1 104 W Illinois St, Urbana, 111 FRED SMITH RETAN; AB; AM; BD BUTS 92; b Owosso Mich 22 S 62; prep Owosso HS; fr Owosso; s 89-91 ; ord Niles Mich O 92; p Niles 92-3; Detroit 93-9; Parkersburg WVa 99-01; manager Home Life Insurance Co, Albany NY 01-4; Vt state manager Equitable Life Insurance Co 04-9; manager NE dept Home Life Insurance Co, res Boston Mass 09-; ad Tremont Building, Boston, Mass WILLIAM JESSUP SHOLAR; AB; AM; s 92; b Fayetteville NC 4 Ap 64; prep Ra- leigh HS; fr Raleigh; ord Chattanooga Tenn 19 My 91 ; p Brooklyn NY 92-7; Bay- onne NJ 97-9; Westerly RI 99-03; YMCA sec Norfolk co, Mass 03-6; lecturer on salesmanship Sheldon Sch, Chicago 111 06-8; proprietor The Scholar Sales- manship Service, Boston Mass 08-; sec Boston Rotary Club 12-; ad 178 Devon- shire St, Boston, Mass; res Auburndale GEORGE KERR SMITH; AB; b Newburgh 3 D 66; prep CA 85; fr Newburgh; studied med Columbia U 89-90; wholesale groceiy Newburgh 91-02; manufacturer plush Newburgh 02-; ad Stroock Plush Co, Newburgh, NY WILLIAM ARTHUR ST ANTON; AB; AM; s 92; DD 10; b Lowell Mass 5 D 67; prep San Mateo Institute, Fla; fr San Mateo; ord Hamilton NY 15 S 92; miss ABMU (ABFMS) India 92-; res Bapatla 92-4; Kurnool 94-; instructor in prac- tical miss 01-2; ad Kurnool, Madras Presidsn^y, India CREIGHTON RICHARD STOREY; BP; b Aughrin Ireland 12 D 62; prep Ire- and; fr Owosso Mich; ord Syracuse NY 22 Je 88; p Syracuse 88-92; s 89-90; p Kingston 92-7; Buffalo 97-03; Albany 03-11 ; founder and supt Albany Industrial Brotherhood 05; ord PE 12; vicar Albany 12-; ad 15 Leonard Place, Albany, NY 1 64 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1889 EDWARD MARSHALL VAN KIRK; AB; AM; b Greenwich i Ja66; prep Green- wich HS; fr Greenwich; t Belleville Acad 89-90; Ct Lit Institution, Suffield 90-2; Montclair Mil Acad, NJ 92-4; Browning Sch, New York 94-9: 2d vice-pres Pease Piano Co, supt of factory, New York 99-; ad 1047 FaileSt, The Bronx, New York "JOHN SHERREAF WATERS; AB; MD Columbia U 96; b Lewistown Pa; prep CA; fr Lewistown Pa; t Adelphi C, Brooklyn NY 89-92; studied med Columbia U 92-6; prac med New York 96-? D WIGHT BREWSTER WILLIAMS; AB; AM; b Franklin 14 Jl 67; prep Ft Ed- ward Collegiate Institute; fr Ft Edward; t Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ 89-92; prin Lake View Acad, Lexington Mich 92-3; Morrisville HS, NY 93-4; E Bloom- field HS 94-00; Fayetteville HS 00-9; supervising prin Waterloo public schs 09-; ad Waterloo, NY ALFRED WESLEY WISH ART; AB; b New York 9 S 65; prep CA 85; fr Hamilton; ord Greene 25 Je 89; p Greene 89-90; Troy 90-2; UChic DS 92-5; fellow in ch his- tory 94-5; p Trenton NJ 95-06; Grand Rapids Mich 06-; ad 38 Terrace Av, Grand Rapids, Mich FRANCIS OSCAR BROADY; sp 85-7; MD Physio-Med C of Ind 90; b Hamilton 28 F 63; prep CA 85; fr Stockholm Sweden; prac med Chicago 111 90-5; Dallas Tex 95-8; Des Moines la 98-02; Kelley 02-4; prac med and fruit growing Hart Mich 04-6; prac med Mario w Okla 06-9; Hess 09-; ad Hess, Okla GEORGE AUGUSTUS BROADY; 85-7; MD Physio-Med C of Ind 91 ; b Mohawk 25 O 64; prep Stockholm Sweden; fr Stockholm; studied med Warrensville Pa 87-8; in hospital Worcester Mass 88-9; prac med Chicago 111 90-4; prof Chicago Physio- Med C 93-4; prac med Hebron la and travelled for health 94-01 ; prac med Spauld- ing 01-3; Nevinville 03-7; Randolph Ks 07-; ad Randolph, Ks CHARLES SPENCER DANIELS; sp 85-7: s 91; b N Adams Mass 3 Ap 60; prep CA; fr N Adams Mass; ord New Durham NJ 31 D 91 ; p New Durham 91-2; Union 92-3; W Hoboken 93-4; acting p Hasbrouck Heights 05-6; p Heartwellville Vt 06-11; Nicholville NY n-; ad Nicholville, NY JAMES JAY FINN; 85-7; MD Physio-Med C of Ind 90; b Greenfield Pa 25 F 62; prep CA 85; fr Findley Lake; studied med New York U 87-9; prac med Findley Lake 90-; ad Findley Lake, NY JOHN CUSHMAN FORD; sp 85-6; prep CA; fr Adams- Mass ALVIN ALLEN FRIES; 85-6; b Clifton Springs 12 Je 56; prep Cook Acad; fr Clifton Springs; s 86-8; ord Tuscola Mich 29 Je 88; p Tuscola 88-9; Clinton 90-1 ; Spring Lake 92; miss ABHMS western Neb 92-9; central Col 99-00; p Hesperia Mich 01 ; res Mendon 02-; p Mendon; Wakeshma; Orangeville; sup Wasipi; ad Mendon, Mich FRANCIS MARION HUNGATE; 85-9; RTS 93; b Tekamah Neb 23 Mr 62; prep CA 85; fr McPherson Ks; ord Cleveland 631 O 94; miss p Cleveland 94-5; p Columbus 95-9; Painesville 99-02; farmer Stoneville 02-?; res Riverside Cal ?-; ad 145 Cridge St, Riverside, Cal WALTER ALONZO KING; 85-7; s 93; BD Temple C, Pa 1 1 ; b W Winfield loO 66; prep CA 85; fr Hamilton; ord Frankfort 16 Mr 93; p Frankfort 93-5; Walton 95-6; Boston Mass 96-7; graduate student in history of phil Harv 96; p Millerton NY 97-01; bus New York 01-2; p Sherman 02-4; Ashtabula O 04-10; Martins Ferry 10-1; Marion 11-; ad 410 S State St, Marion, O COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1889 165 *OGDEN JOSEPH KINGSBURY; sp 85-6; s 89; b Autumn Leaves Pa 31 My 58; prep CA; fr Masonville; ord Milford Center 8 Ag 89; p Milford Center 89-95; Cobles- kill 95-8; Sandlake 98-02; Broadalbin 03-6; d Broadalbin i Ja 06 CHARLES EPHRAIM RATCLIFFE; sp 85-6; prep CA; fr Troy IRA THOMPSON STRADLING; 85-6; b Madison 3 F 67; prep CA 85; fr Hamilton; op- erating creamery Skidmore Mo 88; Quitman 90; manager Sedgwick Butter and Cream Co, Ks 91-5; operating creamery Wilsey 96; with Rhinehart Churn Co Herington 97-9; bus N Norwich NY 99-; ad N Norwich, NY 1890 JOHN COLBY BROOKINS; AB; s 94; b Norwich 15 Ag 69; prep Norwich Acad; fr Norwich; prin Eaton Un Sch 90-1 ; ord Norwich 17 My 94; p Whitehall 94-8; Auburn 98-05; Newark 05-11; Syracuse n-; ad 127 E Brighton Av, Syracuse, NY PRANK ARTHUR BUTLER; AB} b Greene 25 Ag 66; prep CA 86; fr Hamilton; .studied law Brooklyn, and Columbia U LS 90-2; adm to bar Brooklyn 15 S 92; prac law New York (Perkins and Butler) 92-; dep attorney gen New York 96-7; ad 38 Park Row, New York; res 49 Cottage Place, Ridgewood, NJ CHARLES DILLINGHAM; BS; b Ogdensburg 27 N 66; prep Ogdensburg Free Acad; fr Ogdensburg; coal dealer, and maufacturer patent wall plaster Ogdensburg 90-; ad 27 Ford St, Ogdensburg, NY BURROUGHS ELDRIDGE; BS; CTS 95; b Westville NJ 20 Ja6i; prep S Jersey Institute, Bridget on; fr Woodbury; ord Hammonton 22 D 91 ; p Hammonton 91-4; Hatbaro Pa 95-03; Washington NI 03-4; Hin^ock NY oj.-8; Milesburg Pa 09-1 1 ; Lewistown 11-; ad 37 Chestnut St, Lewistown, Pa EDWARD ELLERY; AB; AM; ScD 12; PhD U Heidslberg 95; b Albany 24 Jl 68; prep Albany HS; fr Albany; instructor in chemistry 90-1 ; t Vt Acad, Saxtons River 91-4; studied U Heidelberg 94-6; t Worcester Acad, Mass 96-7; prin Vt Acad, Saxtons River 97-04; prof chemistry Union 04-; ad Schenectady, NY WILLIAM JOSEPH EYLES; AB; BD UChic 03 ; b Newark NJ 22 O 66; prep Newark HS; fr St Paul Minn; p Lake Benton 90-1; BUTS 91-2; p Marion la 92-3; ord Red Bluff Cal 13 N 94; p Red Bluff 93-6; Niles Mich 97-00; Savanna 111 03-9; Clyde 09-11; Tampico n-; ad Tampico, 111 'WILLIAM FORDYCE FARGO; AB; AM; b Lakemills Wis 19 Ja 61; prep Sioux Falls C, SD; fr Dell Rapids; t natural sci McMinnville C, Ore 90-6; graduate student in sci UChic 94, 96-8; prin public sch Bandon Ore 99-00; supt public schs Brownsville 00-2; acting prof natural sci McMinnville C 02-3; prof geology and biology 03-6; t Pendleton HS 06-8; head dept sci Monmouth NS 08-9; t Salem HS 09-; studied U Berlin 09; Harv MS 10; lecturer Ore Agricultural C, Cor- vallis summer 10, n; ad 1153 State St, Salem, Ore WILLIAM JOHN FORD; AB; s 93; AM 97; DD 12; PhD Taylor U, Ind 01; b Camden 17 My 63; prep Cook Acad; fr Camden; ord Scranton Pa 6 Jl 93; p Scran- ton 93-02; Jamestown NY 02-10; Reading Pa 10-; ad 221 S 5th St, Reading, Pa FRANK AMNER GALLUP; AB; AM; b Cassville 13 S 63; prep CA 83; fr Sparta Tenn; t CA 90-02; graduate student UChic 95-6; studied in Italy oo-i ; director classical dept The Packer Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn NY 02-4; editor Water- 1 66 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1890 town Standard 04-7; editor Yonkers Daily News 07-8; prin Egbert's HS, Cohoes 08-10 ; prin Albany HS 10-; ad 266 Partridge St, Albany, NY LEVI TUPPER GIFFIN; BS ad eundem; s 89; BS Collegiate Dept Northern Ind U 81 ; b Forestlake Pa 27 Ap 58; prep Mitchell S, Mitch ell ville la; fr Montrose Pa; ord Oxford NY 30 Jl 89; p Oxford 89-92; Long Island City 92-5; Granville 95-02; res Windsor 02; p Port Richmond 03-10; Croton Falls io~; ad Croton Falls, NY *RO WLAND TAYLOR GUERNSEY ; AB ; AM ; s 93 ; b Woodhull 1 3 Ja 59 ; P^P C A ; fr Woodhull; ord Coudersport Pa 6 O 93; p Coudersport 93-6; Ripley NY 96-8; Bismarck ND 98-01; Lewiston Id 01-4; Idaho Falls 04-7; Loup City Neb 07; Wymore 07-?; res Minn; d Minn Mr 12 *HENRY JOHN CULLER; AB; AM; s 93; b Bavaria Germany 17 Jl 62; prep CA; fr N Gage; ord Brooklyn 13 S 93; p Brooklyn 93-00; d Brooklyn 18 S oo GEORGE LEONARD HIBBARD; AB; s 93; b Southbridge Mass 28 Ap 65; prep- Southbridge HS; fr Southbridge; ord Southbridge 31 Jl 93; p Fiskdale 93-7; Graf- ton 97-11; Worcester n-; ad 57 Richmond Av, Worcester, Mass HENRY PATRICK HYLAND; AB; AM; b Columbus 20 My 64; prep CA; fr Pool- ville; adm to bar Brooklyn 15 S 92; graduate student Niagara U ?-95; ord Roman Catholic Rochester 17 D 98; asst priest Rochester 99-00; Cazenovia oo; Utiea oo-; ad 619 Columbia St, Utica, NY HARVEY MILLER IVES; BS; s 93; b Meriden Ct 3 Mr 59; prep Colby Acad, New London NH; fr Meriden Ct; ord W Pawlet Vt 94; p W Pawlet 94-6; Chester Ct 97-8; Fairfield Me 98-04; Livermore Falls 04-7; Eastport 07-; ad Eastport, Me GEORGE FRANK JOHNSON; AB; AM; s 93; b Norwich 9 O 63; prep Norwich Acad ; fr Norwich ; ord Norwich 9 Je 93 ; p Colbeskill 93-4; Second Milo (Penn Yan) 94-04; Fayetteville 04-6; assoc miss Chautauqua Assoc, res Mayville 06-; ad Mayville, NY ALVAH EDWARD KNAPP; AB; BD 99; b Pierrepont 17 Ag 63; prep KalC; fr Marblehead Mass; ord Central Square NY 4 S 89; p San Diego Cal 91-8; New York 99-07; Amsterdam 08-; ad 31 K Stewart St, Amsterdam, NY ELMER ELI AS KNAPP; AB; AM; s 93; b Georgetown 25 Mr 62; prep CA 86; fr Hamilton; ord New York i Jl 91 ; p Elyria O 93-02; Fairport NY 02-7; Great Falls Mont 07-9; Rochester NY 10-; ad 179 Baldwin St, Rochester, NY *WALTER SCOTT LATTIMER; AB; AM; b Plymouth 3 F 64; prep Whitestown S; fr N Norwich; prin Morrisville Un Sch 90-3; Jordan Acad 93-4; t math New Paltz NS 94-6; d Sherburne 23 Ag 96 DAVID ADAMS MacMURRAY; AB; UTS 93; b Cumber Clandy Ireland 15 N 65; prep CA 86; fr Hamilton; s 90-1 ; ord New York 28 F 94; p New York 93-00; asst p New York 00-3; studied New York U 02-?; p Brooklyn 03-; ad 234 Linden Av, Brooklyn, NY HERVEY FOSTER MALLORY; AB; b Earl ville 18 O 66; prep Lowell HS, Massr fr Lowell; t St John's Mil Sch, Sing Sing (Ossining) NY 90-2; graduate student in Semitics UChic 92-7; t Chicago Acad 92-3; fellow in Semitics UChic 93-6; sec pres 96-7; t Kenwood Institute, Chicago 97-9; sec Correspondence Study Dept UChic 98-; asst 98-00; assoc 00-2; instructor 02-8; asst prof 08- 12; assoc prof 12-; ad The U of Chicago, Chicago, 111 WILLIAM P MANGUSE; AB; b Central Square u Je 64; prep CA 86; fr Central Square; t S Jersey Institute, Bridgeton NJ 90-4; Atlanta BaptC, Ga 94-6; The COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1890 167 Hamilton Sch, Philadelphia Pa 96-00; The Dewitt Clinton HS, New York 00-2; The HS of Commerce, New York 02-; ad 541 W i2.j.th St, New York * WILLIAM LUTHER MAYNARD; AB; AM; b Fort Covington 15 F 65; prep CA; fr Hamilton; t Mt Pleasant Acad, Pa 90-2; Louisville Ky 92-4; d Louisville 27 Mr 94 HOWLAND CYRUS MERRILL; AB; AM; RTS 98; b Champion 16 Ja 68; prep Marion Collegiate Institute; fr Johnstown; s 90-1; acting p Williamson 91-3; prof history and economics OttU 93-6; ord Pittsford NY 20 S 98; p Pittsford 97-00; Afton 00-2; Oneida 02-4; prof Latin and history ShC 04-8; prof Latin FC 08-12; classical langs 12-; registrar n-; ad 898 E Jefferson St, Franklin, Ind ISAAC DAVIS MOORE; AB; AM ; CTS 93 ; b Shiloh NJ 9 My 63; fr Millville; ULg 84-5; ord Plamyra NJ 24 My 93; p Palmyra 93-7; Meredith NY 97-02; Colum- bus NJ 02-12; sup res Hartford 12-; ad Hartford, NJ JOHN WILLIAM ROBERTS; AB; AM Harv 92; bMarcy 7 Mr 6 v s;prep CA 86;fr Marcy; graduate student Harv 90-4; ord AyerMass O 94 ;p Ayer 94-02; assoc editor International Monthly of Universal Religion, Tacoma Wash and Seattle 02-4; p Fox Lake Wis 04-; ad Fox Lake, Wis WALTER DEMING ST JOHN; AB; AM; b Albany 26 Je 60; prep CA 86; fr Al- bany; ord Pine City 26 Ag 90; p Pine City 90-3; Elmira 94-7; Farmer 97-00; miss State Conv Hemlock 00-2; p Truth ville 02-12; Comstock 05-12; Clayton 12-; ad Clayton, NY CHARLES EDWIN SPENCER; AB; AM; b Schroeppel i S 65; prep Phoenix UnSch; fr Euclid; studied law Syracuse 90-3 ;adm to bar Syracuse 21 N 93; prac law Syracuse 93-; ad 917 Onondaga Co Savings Bank Building, Syracuse, NY CLARENCE NELSON SQUIRES; AB; b Hamilton 5 Jl 65; prep CA 86; fr Hamil- ton; clerk Tiffany and Co, New York 90-; ad 7i2"Jewett Av, W New Brighton, NY KIRK WILLIAM THOMPSON; AB; AM; AM Harv oo; b Brookfield 20 Ap 67; prep CA 86; fr Brookfield; chemist at experiment station Geneva 90-1; t Arms Acad, Shelburne Falls Mass 91-3; prin 93-4; prin Franklin HS, Franklin Falls NH 94-5; t Beverly HS, Mass 95-9; graduate student in chemistry Harv 99-00; t Beverly 00-6; asst t eastern district HS Brooklyn NY 06-10; asst t Jamaica HS lo-; ad 54 Columbia Av, Woodhaven, NY ULYSSES GRANT WEATHERLY; AB; LittD 10; PhD CornU 94; b W Newton Ind 21 Ap 65; prep Pillsbury Acad, Owatonna Minn; fr Owatonna; t Marathon NY 90-1 ; graduate student CornU 91-3; U Heidelberg and U Leipzig 93-4; t Central HS, Philadelphia Pa 94-5; asst prof history U of Ind 95-8; assoc prof 98-9; prof economics and social sci 99-; graduate student Columbia U 99-00; prof sociol- ogy U of Col summer 08; Columbia U summer 12; ad 527 E 3d St, Bloomington, Ind 'WILLIAM HENRY WHALEN; AB; b Hamilton 67; prep CA; fr Hamilton; in state experiment station Geneva 90-2; asst chemist State Agricultural C, Fargo ND 92-5; d Fargo 27 Ja 95 GEORGE FOSTER WOODBURY; AB; RTS 94; b Bridgewater 25 My 61; prep Cook Acad; fr N Winfield; ord Canastota 30 Ap 90; s 90-1 ; p Ripley 91-3; Troy 94-9; graduate student CornU 99-02 ; p Enfield Center 99-02 ; Franklin 03-4; col- porter miss ABPS 03-10; colporter miss of State Conv for the Adirondack*, res Elizabethtown 04-8; p S Giens Falls 08-10; Unadilla 10-2; ad Unadilla. NY 1 68 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1890 WALLACE BARDEEN; sp 86-8; DDS Boston Dental C, Mass 90; b Hamilton 22 D> 66; prep CA; fr Hamilton; prac as dentist Hamilton 90-; ad Hamilton, NY DANIEL SMITH BRUSH; } 86-8; fr Elizabethtown ROBERT HENRY CAREY; 86-8; b Salem Mass 17 D 60; prep Colby Acad, New Lon- don NH; fr Salem Mass; s 88-9; ord N Troy Vt 6 Mr 90; p N Troy and Jay 89-91 : Cromwell Ct 91-3; Dover NH 93-5 ; Greenfield Mass 95-8; E Longmeadow 99-02; Chicopee 02-5; Littleton 05-8; Weymouth 08-10; Warren Me 10-; ad Warren, Me FERRIS ELMER CHAFFEE; 86-9; b Potterville Pa 19 Mr 66; prep CA 86; fr Athens Pa; merchant Athens 89-; ad Athens, Pa *FRITZ CHARLES GLEICHMAN; sp 86-7; s 90; b Copenhagen Denmark 13 N 55; fr Wakefield Mass; ord Wakefield 28 Ag 90; miss ABMU Leopoldville, Congo Africa 90-3; d Leopoldville 17 Je 93 ARTHUR ERASTUS HOLMES; sp 86-7; s 90; b Oneonta 13 My 60; prep CA; fr Hamilton; ord Meridian 30 Jl 90; p Meridian 90-3; Massena 93-4; Scipio 94-8; Angelica 98-9; Masonville 00-10; real estate bus Unadilla 10-; ad Unadilla, NY GEORGE WESLEY KNOX; J 86-8; b Knoxboro 23 Ap 67; prep Oneida HS; fr Bouck- ville; studied law Oneida 88-91; adm to bar Binghamton F 91; prac law Niagara Falls 92-; ad Gluck Building, Niagara Falls, NY PATRICK JOHN LYONS; sp 86-90; b Jordan n Ja 65; prep CA; fr Hamilton; studied law Syracuse 90-1; Hamilton 91-2; t St Joseph Institute, Westchester 93-08; city sch No 47 Manhattan 09- ; ad 956 Ogden Av, The Bronx, New York *RICHARD BENTLEY ROLLA MALLERY; J 86-7; s 91; b Saratoga 15 862; prep CA 86;: fr Saratoga Springs; YMCA sec Lansingburg 86-8; Ottawa Ks 88-90; ord Mum- ford NY 5 My 92; p Mumford 92-3; Westfield 93-4; Ticonderoga 94-6; d Ti- conderoga 20 Mr 96 EDWIN DREW MORGAN; 86-7; fr Phelps; t 87-91 ; travelled 9 1-4; newspaper work and special correspondent 94-00; editor Vigilant, Chicago 111 oo-? JOHN HOWARD MORSE; 86-8; b Essex Ct 16 My 67; prep CA;fr New York; res Hart- ford Ct 88-07; member common council Hartford 96-7; member board of charity commissioners Hartford 00-7; pres board 02-7; res Europe 07-; ad Care Credit Lyonnais, Paris, France LEE HADLEY MOSIER; sp 86-7; s 90; b Maple Valley 2 Jl 55; prep Worcester HS; fr Worcester; ord Worcester 6 Je 90; miss ABMU (ABFMS) Mandalay Burma 90-3; Prorr.e 93-04; Shwegyin 06-7; Pyinmana 07-; in US 98-9; 04-6; ad Pyin- mana, Burma DAVID CHRISTIE PRESTON; 86-7; b Middletown 28 My 60; prep CA 86; fr Middle- town; travelled in northern NY 87-9; clerk Middletown PO 89-91; t Ennis HS Tex 91 ; stationary engineer Oakland Cal 92-4; Pacific TS 95-6; U of Cal, Berkeley 96-7; t Selborne Sch, San Rafael 97; student San Jose NS 97; in co F 8th Cal regi- ment US volunteers in war with Spain 98-9; res Middletown NY 99-; money order and registry clerk Middletown FO 01-8; letter carrier Middletown 08-; ad 1 1 William St, Middletown, NY *AUGUSTUS EPHRAIM RELYEA; sp 86-7; graduate Oberlin C; CTS; b Ulster co 57; fr Newburgh; p Condon O; Wellston; Cyclone; Huntington; Liberty NY ?-97; d Liberty 19 D 97 *FRED HERBERT RICHARDSON; J 86-7; s 95; b Lowell Mass i N 65; prep CA; fr Brook- field; ord Great Bend 16 Mr 87; p Three Mile Bay 88-91 ; Sherburne 95-7; Three,- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1890 169 Mile Bay 97-02; Huron SD 02-5; res Deming NMex 05; d Deming 29 N 05 *JOHN JUSTIN SHELDON; J 86-7; b Hamilton 15 Mr 68; prep CA; fr Hamilton; inv Ccl 87-8; d Hamilton NY 19 Ja 88 ALLEN SHERIDAN SMITH; 86-7; prep CA 86; fr Norway MERVIN J SPAID; t 86-8; b Hillsdale 25 Ag 67; prep Hudson River Institute; fr Mar- tindale; t New York 88-97; studied New York U LS 91-2; bookkeeper, cashier, sec, treasurer, public accountant New York 97-06; studied New York U Sch of Commerce 99-00; real estate broker and builder New York 06-; ad 606 W i9ist St, New York ALBERT CHARLES WHEAT; | 86-9; BL UMich 90; b Wheaton 111 1 1 O 67; prep Racine HS, Wis; fr Racine; t Plainfield 111 90-3; Los Angeles Cal 94-7; San Rafael 97-8; Alhambra 98-07; aset supt schs Los Angeles co, res Alhambra 07-; adAlhambra, Cal HERBERT JUDSON WHITE; sp 86-7; DD McMinnville C, Ore 08; b Leominster Mass 27 Ag 64; prep Hyde Park HS; fr Wakefield; Mass State C, Amherst 84-6; YMCA work Racine Wis 88; sec and supt Bapt City Miss Society, Chicago 111 89; ord Joliet 5 D 90; p Joliet 90-5; Boston Mass 95-9; NTI 96-7; p Beverly 99-05; Ta- coma Wash 05-9; Hartford Ct 09-; ad 145 Vine St, Hartford, Ct 1891 GEORGE DURWARD ADAMS; AB; AM; s 94; BD 98; DD Temple C, Philadel- phia Pa 01 ; b Sherburne 15 Ag 65; prep CA 87; fr Randallsville; ord Sherburne 9 S 93; p Amsterdam 94-8; Kalamazoo Mich 99-00; pres DMC 01-2; p Brooklyn NY 02-7; Baltimore Md 07-9; Philadelphia Pa 09-; ad 4405 Osage Av, Philadelphia, Pa AUGUSTUS NICHOLS ALLEN; AB; PhB CDlumbia U 96; b Ticonderoga 19 Jl 71; prep Cook Acad; fr Gilbertsville; studied architecture Columbia U 91-6; archi- tect New York 97-; ad 2 W 45th St, New York WILLIAM MARVIN BENNETT; AB; AM; b Davidsonville Mich 8 My 66; prep Bainbridge Acad, NY; fr Bainbridge; t Nashville Tenn9i-3; prinNew Berlin Un Sch, NY 93-4; t Canandaigua HS 94-7; Erie HS, Pa 97-00; Rochester HS, NY 00-10; prin West HS, Rochester 10-; ad 18 Warwick Av, Rochester, NY CHARLES FLETCHER BRAMAN; BS; b Mt Morris 25 D 66; prep Cook Acad; fr Mt Morris; banking Mt Morris 91-; ad Mt Morris, NY *HERBERT MORSE BURCHARD; AB; AM; PhD UChic oo; b Hamilton 16 Jl 69; prep CA 87; fr Hamilton; t Ives S 91-2; Cook Acad 92-4; prin Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis 94-6; fellow in Greek UChic 96-9; instructor in Greek SyrU 99- oo ; assoc prof Greek 00-2; prof Greek 02-11; d Syracuse 21 Ag n CARL DELOS CASE ; AB ; DD 1 1 ; BD UChic 98 ; PhD 99 ; b Plainview Minn 1 1 Mr 68; fr Butte ND; U of Minn 87-8; ord Sleepyeye 29 S 91 ; p Sleepyeye 91-2; fellow in theology UChic 95-6; p South Bend Ind 96-00; Terre Haute 00-2; Mont- clair NJ 02-4; Brooklyn NY 04-8; Buffalo 08-; ad 965 Delaware Av, Buffalo, NY CHARLES RUSSELL CLAPP; PhB;b BallstonSpas Mr 67; prep CA 86; fr Ball- ston; studied law Ballston Spa 91-3; adm to bar 93; prac law Ballston Spa 93-6; adm to bar O, 96; prac law Toledo 98-08; member Taber and Clapp; sec and treasurer The National Supply Co, oil and gas well supplies, Toledo 08-; ad 136 Huron St, Toledo, O 170 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1891 EDWARD GLENN COOK; PhB; fr Wilmington Del; clerk Wilmington 91-4: studied law privately Wilmington 94-6; adm to bar Wilmington 96; prac law Wilmington 96-; ad 847 Market St, Wilmington, Del FRANK HENRY DIVINE; AB; AM; s 94; b Binghamton 19 Mr 65; prep CA 87: fr Binghamton; ord Binghamton 18 Jl 94; p Watervliet 94-7; miss Hudson River N Assoc 97-02; supt miss Ct State Conv 02-8; sec State Conv 03-8; district sec ABHMS, res New York 08-; ad 594 6th St, Brooklyn, NY JOHN BERNARD EKELE.Y; AB; AM; ScD n; PhD U Freiburg 02; b Orebro Sweden i Ja 69; prep CA 87; fr Wahoo Neb; asst in chemistry 91-3; t St Paul's Sch, Garden City 93-00; student U Freiburg 00-2; prof chemistry U of Col 02-; state chemist Col n-; collaborating chemist for Col, US bureau of chemistry ii-; student Sorbonne, Paris 09; U Berlin 10; ad 525 Highland Av, Boulder, Col JOHN V ELLSON; PhB; UTS 94; b Spotswood NJ 12 O 68; prep Brooklyn HS NY; fr Brooklyn; ord Matteawan u O 94; p Matteawan 94-9; Elizabeth NJ 99- ad 255 Marshall St, Elizabeth, NJ ERWIN CHARLES HARMON; AB; AM; s 94; BD 97; b Edwards 20 My 64; prep Gouverneur Wesley an S; fr Edwards; prof Greek lang and lit OttU 94-01; gen agent Prudential Insurance Co, Utica NY 01-2; Syracuse 02-5; prin Ricker Classical Institute, Houlton Me 05-6; vice-prin National Park S, Forest Glen Md 06-; ad National Park S, Forest Glen, Md ADONI JUDSON HARTNESS; AB; b Lisbon Center 16 Jl 63; prep CA 87; fr N Gage; studied med U of New York 91-2; travelled for New York Pharmacal Assoc 92-6; inv Whitesboro 96-; ad New York Mills, NY JAMES JEROLOMAN HIGGINS; AB; b Flemington NJ 22 Mr 64; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown; .fr Flemington; farmer Flemington 92-; ad Flemington, NJ NEWTON CLARK HOLD RIDGE; AB; AM; CTS 94; b Smithville 16 O 63; prep S Jersey Institute, NJ; fr Elm; supervising prin of schs Hammonton 94-; prin Hammonton HS; ad Hammonton, NJ GOVE GRIFFITH JOHNSON; AB; AM; s 94; BD 95; DD 10; b St Louis Mo 20 S 69; prep CA 87; fr Burlington la; ord Ballston NY Je 94; p Ballston 94-9; Pittsfield Mass 00-2; Buffalo NY 02-10; New York 10-; ad 338 E Hist St, New York GEORGE DICKER KNIGHTS; AB; AM; RTS oo; DD ShC 08; b Grant 3 Mr 64; prep CA 87; fr Russia; t The Hamilton Sch, Philadelphia Pa 91-7; graduate student U of Pa 94-7; ord E Aurora NY 3 Jl oo; p E Aurora 99-05; Upper Al- ton 111 05-9; prof English lit U of Redlands, Redlands Cal 09-12; vice-pres 11-2; p Long Beach 12-; ad Long Beach, Cal *ALBERT EDWIN LOCKHART; AB; AM; b Camillus 29 Mr 69; prep Newark UnSch; fr Newark; graduate student C9I-2; student U Strassburg and U Heidel- berg 92-5 ; d at sea, wreck of Elbe, 30 Ja 95 *DAVID FRANKLIN OSGOOD; PhB; b Verona 6 D 66; fr Verona; d Utica 14 Ap 91 ARTHUR BARLOW POTTER; PhB; s 97; b Alpena Mich 28 N 68; prep Alpena HS; fr Alpena; with Potter Bros, hardware, Alpena 91-2; gen sec YMCA Alpena 92-4; ord Middlebury Vt 3 S 97; p Middlebury 97-9; Hudson NY 99-02; Ogdensburg 02-6; Ballston Spa 06-1 1 ; Cortland n-; ad Cortland, NY ERNEST ETHAN RACE; AB; AM; PhB NY State Normal C, Albany 93; b Greene 25 O 68; prep Greene HS; fr Greene; telegraph editor, Binghamton 91-2; NY State COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1891 171 Normal C, Albany 92-3; prin Crown Point A:ad 93-5; student U Goettingen 95-6; t Evansville Ind 96-7; graduate student UMich 97-8; prin Aspen HS, Col 98-00; t Shamokin HS, Pa 03-9; head sci dept Md State N3, Baltimore 09-; ad 1530 Harlem Av, Baltimore, Md .WILLIS LOCKE ROWLANDS; BS; b Madison 27 A? 68; prep Utica; fr Utica; reporter Brooklyn Citizen 91-2; t New York Mills 92-4; prin Canton HS, Pa 95- 02; prin public sch No 6, Richmond Borough, New York 02-; ad 423 Westminster Road, Brooklyn, NY ELMER WILLIAM SMITH; AB; AM; b GDuvernsur 22 Ja 68; prep Gouverneur Wesleyan S; fr Gouverneur; asst in elocution 91-2:5 91-2; t Pinkerton Acad, Derry NH 92-3; graduate student in English UChic 93; t CA 93-08; graduate student in English Harv 97-8; assoc prof English CU 08-10; prof public speaking, and assoc prof English lit 10-; ad Hamilton, NY HENRY JOSEPH WHALEN; AB; AM; DD FC oo; b Salisbury Ct 2 My 65; prep Cook Acad, NY; fr Hamilton; ord Mt Upton 30 Jl 91 ; s 91-2 ; UTS 92-3 ; p Walton 93; Matawan NJ 94-7; Homesdale Pa 98-9; Carbondale 99-08; New Castle 08-; ad 414 Winter Av, New Castle, Pa HOMER FENTON YALE; AB; AM; s 94; b Guilford 22 S 64; prep CA 87; fr Bainbridge; t Neff C of Oratory, Philadelphia Pa 94-6; Temple C, Philadelphia 96-7; ord E Durham NY 28 Jl 98; p E Durham 98-9; graduate student s 99-00; p Athens Pa oo-i; t Benedict C, Columbia SC 01-2; p Strykersville NY 03-4; Westfield 04-6; Burlington Wis 06-7; Albany 07-8; farmer E Durham NY 08-9; creamery bus E Durham 09-10; t E Durham 10-1 ; W Chazy 1 1-; ad W Chazy, NY FRANK LESLIE BLOWERS; 87-8; SETS 92; b Troupsburg 10 S 59; prep CA 87; fr Troupsburg; ord Hemlock 17 Jl 89; p Hemlock 88-90; Dayton O 92-3; Eaton Col 03-5; Monte Vista 05-10; Madera Cal 10-; ad Madera, Cal HUBERT MORGAN BROWN; 87-9; fr S Brookfield; ad Fairport, NY EDWARD COOPER; 87-9; fr Troy; ord Schodack 23 Je 90; p Ft Edward ?-o6; Peters- burg 06-?; ad Ft Edward, NY MAXWELL HENRY CUSICK; sp 87-8; b Hamlin 9 My 62; prep Pillsbury Acad, Owa- tonna Minn; fr Owatonna; ord St Charles 24 Ap 89; p St Charles 89; Granite Falls 90; UR 90-1; p Wai worth 91-2; Rose 92-5; farmer Clarkson 96-03; Ful- lerton Cal 03-8; Trail Ore 08-; ad Trail, Ore ALBERT HENRY DEWEY; sp 87-8; prep CA; fr N Gage ARTHUR ELIJAH DOUGLASS; t 87-9; b Poolville 30 D 66; prep CA 87; fr Poolville; ord Dimock Pa 8 Jl 89; p Dimock 89-93; Auburn 89-92; Rush i 92~3; Clarks Green 93-6; Pleasantville NJ 96-9; Vineland 99-? WALTER SIMON HOWARD; 87-8; AB UR 91; Western TS, Chicago 111 96; b Port Huron Mich 10 N 66; prep CA 87; fr Port Huron Mich; p Detroit 91-3; ord PE Chicago 111 15 F 96; rector Edgewater 96; Omaha Neb 96-9; dean Trinity Ca- thedral, Michigan City Ind 99-02; rector. Plymouth 02-9; South Bend 09-1 2; St Paul Minn 12-; ad Christ Ch, St Paul, Minn WILLIAM ODELL LAY; J 88-9; CE Union 91 ; b Quaker Street 26 Ap 69; prep Middle- burg Acad; fr Middleburg; asst astronomer Dudley observatory, Albany 91-3; civil engineer 93-; engineer and contractor Owego; ad Owego, NY 172 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1891 HENRY CLAY MCLEAN; J 87-8; b Red Bank NJ 5 Ja 68; prep S Jersey Institute, Bridgeton; fr Red Bank; farmer and fruit grower Red Bank 88-; ad Red Bank, NJ FRANK CARRETON PERCIVAL; J 86-9; fr Castile FRANK THOMAS SWEET; 87-8; BS UR 91 ; b Saratoga 10 O 63; prep CA 86; fr Deans Corners; p Univ Nunda 91-4; ord Nunda 93; p Gardner Mass 95-9; editor Wor- cester North Universalist 97-8; inv Westminster 99-02; civil engineer Gardner 02-; ad Room 5, Rosenberg Block, Gardner, Mass; res 31 Abbott St HENRY MARSH WARREN; sp 87-8; UTS 91 ; DD U of Tenn 98; b Hudson NH 19 Ap 67; prep CA; fr Chester NH; s 88-90; ord Yonkers 5 N 91 ; p Yonkers 91-3; Salem Mass 94-5; New York 96-03; student Oxford U and U Heidelberg 03; founder Society of the Parish of All-Strangers, New York 02; p Bayonne NJ n-; ad 47 W 33d St, Bayonne, NJ NEWELL ALONZO WOOD; 87-8; b Boston Mass 21 F 62; prep Antwerp S, NY; fr Antwerp; ord Chatham Mass 14 Ja 92; p Chatham 91-2; S Londonderry Vt 92-9; W Brattleboro 99-05; Essex Junction 05-9; Rumney NH 09-; ad Rumney, NH 1892 ARTHUR MOSELEY ALLEN; AB; b Georgetown 22 Ag 67; prep CA 87; fr Ham- ilton; fellow in English UChic 92-3; bookseller New York 93-9; Troy 99-; ad 454 Fulton St, Troy, NY GEORGE SHELDON BECKWITH; AB; AM; BD 95; b Catskill 6 Mr 69; prep Schenectady UnSch; fr Schenectady;ord Newport 10 Jl 95; p Newport 95; Herki- mer 95-00; t Benedict C, Columbia SC oo-i; sup 01-2; p Granville NY 02-; ad Granville, NY LOUIS CARL HUESTIS BIGGS; AB; AM; BD 95; b Fredericton NB 21 S 62; prep CA 88; fr Boston Mass; t Benedict C, Columbia SC 95-7; Biltmore Estate Ashe- ville NC 97-8; ord Rochdale Mass 14 D 98; p Rochdale 98-04; SS miss for Neb with ABPS Omaha 04-?; res Brooklyn NY ?-; ad 58 Doscher St, Brooklyn, NY DANIEL SHELDON CARPENTER ;AB;PdB Albany Normal C96; b Westport 14 D 68; prep Westport HS; fr Westport ; private tutor 92-4 ; t Chatham NY 96-7; Paterson NJ 98; Peekskill Mil Acad, NY 99; studied Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy oo; CornU summer 01, 02; electrical engineer with Gen Electric Co, Schenectady 02-9; advertising dept Gen Electric Co 09-; ad 1312 Albany St, Schenectady, NY EMMET INMAN CASE; AB; AM; b Newton NJ 5 F 66; prep CA 88; fr Plainfield NJ; s 92-4; SBTS 94-5; ord Edmond Okla 8 Ap 96; p Edmond 95-8; South River NJ 98-03; Florence 03-; ad Florence, NJ HARVEY WILLIAM CHOLLAR; AB; AM; BD 95; b Homer 4 My 68; prep Homer Acad; fr Homer; ord Bainbridge 20 Ag 95; p Bainbridge 95-7; Stillwater 97-03; Oak Lane, Philadelphia Pa 03-1 1 ; Trenton NJ 1 1-; ad 622 W State St, Trenton, NJ HUGH GILMORE GREGG; AB; AM; BD 96; b Rodman 15 O 60; prep Un Acad r Belleville; fr Barnes Corners; ord Mahopac Falls 3 Mr 97; p Mahopac Falls 96-02; Adams Center 02-3; Black River 04-6; Newport 06-10; farmer Elbridge 10-; ad Elbridge, NY CHARLES WITCRAFT HAINES; AB; AM; CTS 95; b Mt Laurel NJ 8 F 68; prep Friends' HS, Philadelphia Pa; fr Philadelphia; ord Washington NJ 95; p Wash- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1892 173 ington 95-8; Palmer Mass 99-01; Mt Pleasant Pa 01-9; Philadelphia 09-12; Doylestown 12-; ad Doylestown, Pa FRED HOWARD KING; AB; s 95; b Oswego 30 Je 66; prep CA 88; fr Oswego; ord Northville 26 S 95; p Northvilb 95-8; Unionville 98-32; Parksville 02-10; Sid- ney Center 10-; ad Sidney Center ARCHIBALD SMITH KNIGHT; AB; AM; b Mexico 22 S 68; prep Mexico Acad; fr Mexico; t Hartford Ct 92-5; Morrisville NY 95-7; Sidney 97-02; graduate student Columbia U 02-3 ; supervising prin schs Greenwich Ct 03-7 ; prin central sens, Montclair NJ 07-; ad 202 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ CHARLES AUGUSTUS LEMON; AB; BD UChic 97; b Attica 5 N 66; prep CA 88 ; fr Attica; asst p Chicago 111 92-6; ord Marion la 5 Mr 97; p Marion 96-8; Wayne Neb 98-9; Sibley la 99-01; Delphi Ind 02-5; Warsaw 05-?; Ludington Mich ?-; ad 210 E Loomis St, Ludington, Mich *BURTON HENRY MARENES; AB; AM; BD 95; b Norwich 69; prep Norwich HS; fr Norwich; ord Norwich" 26 Je 95; p Frankfort 95-9; Newburgh 99-03; d Newburgh 27 F 03 HOWARD WILLIAM MURPHY; PhB; PhM; MD Albany Med C 95; b Albany 8 Jl 69; prep Albany HS; fr Albany; studied med Albany Med C 92-5; prac med Amsterdam 96-; phys to Amsterdam City Hospital; phys to Children's Home; ad 75 Division St, Amsterdam, NY FRANKLIN HAZEN POTTER; AB; AM; b Carthage 5 Jl 69; prep CA 87; fr Carthage; prof Latin OttU 92-5; instructor in Latin U of la 95-7; asst prof Latin 97-02; graduate student UChic summer 94., 95, 96, 98, 01-2; prof Latin U of la 02-; ad Iowa City, la HENRY STERLING POTTER; AB; AM; BD 95; STD Temple U, Philadelphia Pa 05; b Carthage 28 Ap 66; prep CA 88; fr Carthage; ord Albany 15 O 95; p Albany 95-02; Scranton Pa 02-7; Blaomfisld NJ 07-; ad 424 Franklin St, Bloom- field, NJ JOHN HERMAN RANDALL; AB; b St Paul Minn 27 Ap 71 ; prep St Paul HS; fr St Paul; UChic DS 93-6; ord St Paul Minn 16 Je 96; p Minneapolis 96-7; Grand Rapids Mich 97-06; New York 06-; ad 28 W i27th St, New York ELMER HUNTINGTON STEVENS; AB; BD UChic 98; b Kentville NS 2 i Je67; prep CA 88; fr Cochituate Mass; t Pillsbury Acad, Owatonna Minn 92-5; UChic DS 95-8 ; ord De Land Fla F 99 ;p De Land 98-01; Wyoming O 01-4 ;Middletown 04-7; Sioux City la 07-; ad 910 Jennings St, Sioux City, la JAMES VERNE STURGES; AB; AM; b Otselic 65; prep CA 88; fr N Norwich; t Cattaraugus 92-4; prin Rahway HS, NJ 94-5; t Pratt Institute HS, Brooklyn NY 95-02; supervising prin Washington Irving HS, Tarrytown 02-5; prin State NS, Geneseo 05-; ad Geneseo, NY ARCHIBALD HEYER SUTPHIN; AB; s 94; b Bradevelt NJ 6 S 60; prep CA 87; fr Holmdel NJ;ord SW Oswego NY 15 My95;p SW Oswego 94-9; Jackson Mich 99-02; Holmdel NJ 02-3; New Monmouth 03-; ad New Monmouth, NJ *ARTHUR GRANT TAYLOR; PhB; b Cape May NJ 27 F 69; fr Waverly Pa; graduate student U of Pa 92-3; t U of Pa 94-5; prac med Waverly 96; d Waverly Mr 96 CHARLES HENRY ADAMS WAGER; AB; LittD 10; PhD Yale 95; b Cohoes 20 D 69; prep CA 88; fr Cohoes; instructor in Latin 92-3; student Yale 93-5; 174 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1892 prof English Centre C, Danville Ky 95-7; Kenyon C, Gambier O 97-00; prof English and head dept Oberlin C oo-; ad 292 W College St, Oberlin, O JAMES FOSDICK BALDWIN; 89-91; AB DU 93; PhD UChic 97; b Chelsea Mass 71; prep CA 88; fr Granville O; instructor DU 93-4; graduate student UChic 94-7; fellow in history 95-7; instructor VasC 97-02; assoc prof history 02-6; prof his- tory 06- ; ad 289 Mill St, Poughkeepsie, NY JOHN ALBERT BARNES; 88-9; MD Albany Med C 98; b Troy 13 S 66; prep CA 88; fr Troy; bus 89-98; prac med Troy 98-; ad 228 Pawling Av, Troy, NY CHARLES SIMEON BENTON; J 88-90; AB Union 92; fr ^herburne; res Albany WILLIAM ADELBERT BILLINGS; sp 88-9; b Broome 13 My 64; prep CA; fr Yonkers; gospel singer and ev 90-3; ord Addison i F 94; p Addison 94-8; Angelica 98-9; Marengo 111 99-03 ; Dixon 04-6 ; Waukesha Wis 06-11 ; Lacrosse n-; ad 117 N 8th St, Lacrosse, Wis .HARRY MERIOTT BROWER; sp 88-9; b Gloversville 27 Je 68; prep CA 88; fr Gloversville; asst treasurer Milligan and Higgins Glue Co, Gloversville 89-; ad Gloversville, NY ROBERT CRAIG; sp 88-9; fr Harpersfield WILLIAM WALTER DESAUTELS; sp 88-9; s 93; b Detroit Mich i Mr 63; fr Detroit; KalC 86-8; ord W Bainbridge NY 8 S 92; p Cadillac Mich 93-4; Atlas and Goodrich 94-6; Cassopolis 96-8; Pentwater 98-00; Laingsburg 00-3; Detroit 3 - 9 Salt Lake City Utah 09-10; Plymouth Mich n-; ad Plymouth, Mich JOHN THOMAS GREENE; 88-9 ;b Tonawanda 24 S 64; prep Cook Acad; fr Buffalo; ord Wells 2 D 90; p Wells 89-91; BUTS 91-2; p Blodgetts Mills NY 93-4; miss work W Superior Wis 95-7 ; Lake Benton Minn 97-8 ; p Summerhill NY and McLean 97-8; Rosendale 98-00; New Hartford 00-2; N Hector 02-4; conducted apiaries Interlaken 04-; ad Interlaken, NY JACOB GEORGE HALAPLIAN; 88-91; fr Aintab, Armenia; ad 313 loth St, Toledo,O EDWIN CARLETON HOWARD; sp 88-9; BS Mass Agricultural C 93; BS Boston U 93; b Wilbraham Mass n N 69; prep Wesleyan Acad, Wilbraham; fr Wilbraham; t N Prescott 94; Westport 94-6; New Hartford Ct 97-01; prin Central GS, Northampton Mass 01-5; Ames GS, Dedham 05-6; submaster Lawrence GS, Boston 06-12; Oliver Hazard Perry GS, Boston 12-; ad 10 Church Place, E Milton, Mass CHARLES EDGAR LOVEJOY; I 87-9; b Madison 3 D 59; prep CA; fr Madison; in creamery 89-92; railway mail clerk 93-06; farmer Madison 06-; ad Madison, NY W T SHERMAN LUMBAR; sp 88-9; CTS 92; b Monona la 24 Ja 64; prep Provi- dence HS, RI; fr Algona la; ord Kingsbury Ind 6 S 87; s 89-90; p Moorestown NJ 90-03; Newark 03-? ALBERT COOK MacGREGORY; J 88-90; PhD U Strassburg 93; b Wilbraham Mass 6 S 68; prep Springfield HS; fr Springfield; student U Heidelberg 90-1 ; U Strass- burg 91-3; t Northeast Manual Training Sch, Philadelphia Pa 94; acting prof physics CU 94-6; t Westfield NS, Mass 96-7; Brockton HS 97-; head sci dept; prin evening HS; ad 31 Silver Road, Brockton, Mass CASBAR HAGOP MALLARIAN; sp 89-91; fr Marsovan Armenia COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1892 175 EDWARD ALLEN MERRIAM; f 88-90; b Clifford 12 Jl 68; prep Fulton HS; fr Clif- ford; studied law Syracuse 90-2; book publ Springfield Mass 93-; ad 1 1 1 Prince- ton St, Springfield, Mass LEWIS WILLARD MINCH; 88-9; CTS 93; b Bridgeton NJ 9 S 64; prep S Jersey In- stitute; fr Bridgeton; ord Camden 9 Ap 94; p S Gloucester; Bethany Pa; Fox Chase, Philadelphia; Meredith NY; Delhi; real estate bus Bridgeton NJ 02-; ad 189 Atlantic St, Bridgeton, NJ EUGENE DEMING MONTGOMERY; sp 88-90; b Rochester 18 Ja 67; prep CA; fr Rochester; furniture bus Rochester 90-; manager and buyer furniture dept Sibley, Lindsay and Curr Co; ad 29 Thayer St, Rochester, NY PIERREPONT BURT NOYES; 88-90; b Kenwood 18 Ag 70; prep CA; fr Community; manufacturer Kenwood 90-; gen manager Oneida Community 97-; pres 10-; ad Kenwood, NY VICTOR EMANUEL SOUTHWORTH; sp 88-90; b N Walton 4 F 67; prep Cook Acad; fr Walton; s 90-1 ; ord Unit Ware Mass 92; p Ware 92-4; Janesville Wis 94-7; res Denver Col 97-10; on rancrf Crawford 10-; ad Crawford, Col CHARLES MAURICE STEBBINS; sp 88-91; AM AmC 03; b Oswego co 14 Ap 71; prep Oneida HS; fr Oneida; t Portsmouth HS, O 92-3; Salt Lake City HS, Utah 93-9 ; private student 99-02 ; t Boys' HS, Brooklyn NY 02-; studied Colum- bia U 03-5, 1 2-; lecturer CornU summer 06-9; ad 1247 Union St, Brooklyn, NY HENRY NICHOLAS STOOS; 88-90; MD in Indianapolis Ind 93; b Rollingstone Minn 31 O 64; prep Pillsbury Acad, Owatonna; fr Faribault; prac med Des Moines I a 93-9 ; studied osteopathy Milwaukee Wis 99-00 ; prac med Milwaukee oo-? WILLIAM AUGUSTUS WOOD; sp 88-9; s 97; b Manchester NJ 7 Ap 64; prep CA; fr Newark NJ; ord Durham ville NY 9 Jl 95; p S Glens Falls 97-00; with Glens Falls Times 00-2; with New York Life Insurance Co, S Glens Falls 02; studied law Glens Falls 03-6; admitted to Unit ministry O 06; p Wilton NH 07-9; W Upton Mass 09-; ad W Upton, Mass 1893 WALTER VALENTINE BACON; AB; RTS 01; b Leyden 2 Ap 69; prep CA; fr Leyden; s 93-4; ord S Glens Falls 6 Je 94; p S Glens Falls 94-6; Corinth 96-9; Center White Creek and Hoosick 01-3; Lancaster 03-9; Cherry Creek and Leon io-; ad Cherry Creek, NY FRANK ORSON BELDEN; BS; s 96; b Castile 15 Ap 64; prep CA; fr Castile; p Unadilla 93-8; ord Unadilla 21 Ag 96; p Carthage 98-03; Binghamton 03-; ad 80 Chestnut St, Binghamton, NY *GEORGE BRAKER; AB; AM; BD UChic 96; b New York n Mr 69; prep privately; fr Brooklyn; ord Mason City la My 96; p Mason City 96-8; Stam- ford Ct 98-03; Brooklyn NY 03-4; d Brooklyn 23 D 04 *LE WIS ELLSWORTH BROKAW; AB; AM; s 96; b Springfield NJ i 4 Ap62; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown; fr Newmarket; CTS 93-5; sup E Nassau NY 96; d E Nassau 7 O 96 THOMAS JOSEPH BRYAN; AB; AM; BD 97; PhD U Freiburg 01; b Long- ford, Foleshill Parish, Warwickshire, England 26 S 69; prep CA 89; fr Boston Mass; asst in chemistry 97-9; asst in chemistry Wesleyan U, Ct 01-2; instruct- I? 6 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1893 or in chemistry WmsC 02-3; instructor in chemistry U of 111 03-5; state anal- yst of 111 05-; ad 1605 Manhattan Building, Chicago, 111 FRED EUGENE COBURN; AB; CTS 96; b Lowell Mass 15 Ag 68; prepCA 89; fr Lowell Mass; ord Lowell 21 Jl 96; p Florida 96-8; Windsor Vt 98-01 ; S Lon- donderry 01-6; Bernardston Mass 06-8; Yalesville Ct 08-10; Chester 10-; ad Chester, Ct ADOLPH FREDERICK ERDMANN; AB; MD Long Island C Hospital 97; b Brooklyn 27 D 67; prep CA 89; fr Brooklyn; sup Erieville 93-4; studied med Long Island C Hospital 94-7 res phys Dr Skene's private hospital 97-00; prac med, limited to anesthesia, Brooklyn oo-; instructor in anesthesia Long Island C Hospital; ad 458 9th St, Brooklyn, NY EVERETT HENRY FITCH; AB; AM; b Noank Ct 2 Ag 69; prep Mystic Val- ley Institute; fr Noank; t Gouverneur HS, NY 93-5; prof Latin OttU 95-05; graduate student Yale 05-; t Hopkins GS, New Haven 05-; ad 245 Winthrop Av, New Haven, Ct DWIGHT DANA HARMON; AB; AM; BD 98; b Lawrenceville 23 Jl 70; prep Franklin Acad, Malone; fr Lawrenceville; t Keystone Acad, Factory ville Pa 93-5; ord Lacey ville 14 Je 99; p Lacey ville 99-01; Tully NY 01-3; Moravia 03-6; Cortland 06-9; Montrose Pa 09-; ad Montrose, Pa JUDSON COOPER HENDRICKSON; AB; b Mt Pleasant 4 Mr 70; prep Mexico Acad; fr Mexico; p Carroll la 93-4; Tottenville NY 94-01 ; ord Tottenville 18 Ap 95; p Middletown 01-7; Lestershire 07-9; Cohoes 09-; ad 153 Mohawk St, Co- hoes, NY SHERMAN LORENZO HOWE; AB; AM 95 ;b E Dover Vt 16 Ag 68; prep Brattle- boro HS; fr E Dover; t math Stetson U, De Land Fla 93-4; t Clinton Sch, Peeks- kill NY 95-6; prin Stamford S and Un Sch 96-02 ; with Remington Martin Co, Wat- ertown 02-4; prin HS and supt Carthage 04-; ad Carthage, NY GEORGE WELLS LANG; AB; AM;fr Skaneateles; prin DeRuyter UnSch 93-5; t Johnstown 96-?; Colby Acad, New London NH in oo JAMES SIDNEY LEONARD; PhB; b Hamilton 6 My 70; prep CA; fr Hamilton; claim agent M and St L Railway Minneapolis Minn 97; editor Monrovia Messen- ger, Cal 98; member editorial staff San Francisco -Chronicle; The Bulletin; Los Angeles Times 03-4; asst supt beet sugar factory Fremont O 05; supt beet sugar factories Mex and Utah; member ethnological expedition under Leipzig Museum exploring prehistoric ruins Mex and southwestern US 08-9; on editorial staff Los Angeles Times, Cal; editor San Francisco; with Los Angeles Evening Daily News; correspondent syndicate English newspapers; district agent English syndicate land and oil development Mex ?-; ad Monrovia, Cal ROBERT INGLIS MacLELLAN; AB; AM; s 97; b Tesmahagow, Lanarkshire, Scotland 25 Ja 61 ; prep CA 89; fr Glasgow Scotland; ord Johnson Vt 3 N 97; p Johnson 97-9; Coudersport Pa 99-02; Meredith NY 03-5; real estate, invest- ments and loans Herkimer 05-; ad Herkimer, NY; res 10 Prospect Av, Ilion WALTER BERGEN PARSONS; BS; b Red Bank NJ 18 Jl 70; prep CA 89; fr Red Bank; real estate broker New York 93-; ad 7 E 42d St, New York BENJAMIN HIRAM PETTES; AB; b Neath Pa 3 Jl 65; prep Susquehanna Col- legiate Institute, Towanda; fr Towanda; studied law Towanda 93-4; adm to bar COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1893 177 To\vanda F 94; adm to bar Pittsburg Mr 95; prac law (Pettes and McAllister) Pitts- burg 95-; ad 400 Frick Building, Pittsburg, Pa PRESTON HOPKINS SMITH; PhB; b Hamilton 17 My 71 ; prep CA 89; fr Ham- ilton ; t Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ 93-8; prin Rahway 0898-9; Bayonne HS 99-; ad 809 W 5th St, Plainfield, NJ WILL BERTRAND SMITH; AB; b Georgia Vt 29 Jl 69; prep Brattleboro HS; fr Brattleboro; agent Vt Acad 93-4; reporter Vt Phoenix, and telegrapher Brattle- boro 94-6; reporter Springfield Republican, Mass 96-7 ; NE news editor 97-04; asst to manager E L Hildreth and Co, printers, Brattleboro Vt 04-; ad 18 Oak St, Brattleboro, Vt *WILLIAM FRANK WHITE;AB;AM; BD96;PhDUof Denver, Col 04; b Wat- kins 21 Ag 71 ; prep Corning Free Acad; fr Corning; prof Greek, ethics and peda- gogics Benedict C, Columbia SC, and prin academic dept 96-7; t New Paltz NS, NY 97-08; on leave of absence 03-5; studied U of Denver, Col 03-4; d New Paltz 29 N 08 IDELL HARTSON WOOD; AB; NTI 98; b Ann Arbor Mich 30 Je 72; prep Boon- ton HS, NJ; fr Boonton; asst sec YMCA Philadelphia Pa 93-5; ord Philadelphia 14 Je 98; p Kearney Neb 98-01; Fairbury 01-4; Pawnee City 04-8; Saskatoon Saskatchewan Can 08- 1 1 ; Bremerton Wash 11-; ad 610 Concord St, Bremerton, Wash JOHN ANDREW BLACK; sp 89-90; fr Westkill; ord Plymouth 17 Jl 95 JOHN GALLUP BRIGGS; 89-91; AB U of Minn 94; AM 95; BD UChic 99; b Dodge Center Minn 13 Jl 67; prep Pillsbury Acad, Owatonna; fr Cheney; studied U Ber- lin and U Leipzig 99-00; ord Waukegan 111 31 My oo: p Waukegan 00-7; Owatonna Minn 07-; ad Owatonna, Minn THOMAS CAIN; sp 89-91; NTI 96; b Portadown Ireland 23 S 67; prep Brattleboro Vt; fr Brattleboro; ord Newton Mass 19 Je 66; SS miss Chelsea 96-7; p W Swan- zey NH 97-01; Windsor Vt 01-5; Laconia NH 05-10; Kennebunkport Me 10-; ad Kennebunkport, Me ARTHUR DEVER CARPENTER; sp 89-90; CTS 93; b Napoli 13 S 66; prep CA; fr Ran- dolph; ord Dover Del 16 N 93; p Dover 93-5: Plattsburg NY 95-7; Durango Co 97-9; Denver 00-4; Tacoma Wash 04-7; city miss Tacoma 07-11; editor and publ Northwest Church Life, Seattle n-;ad 1711 E Republican St, Seattle, Wash GEORGE WEBB CRAM; sp 89-90; fr Traverse City Mich HARRISON PARKER CREGO; 89-91; AB UMich 93; BD CTS 05; b Napoleon Mich 21 Ap 69; prep CA 89; fr Jackson Mich; ord Peabody Ks27 D 93 ;p Peabody 93-7; Salina 97-9; Cedarvale 99-00; Hewins 00-2; p Cape May NJ 05-8; miss Perry Assoc, Okla 08-9; p Blackwell 09-11; prof history and education Okla Bapt C 09-11; prof history and education Carey C, Oklahoma City 11-2; d^ai and prof history and education Southwest Bapt C, Mangum 12-; ad Mangum, Okla FREDERICK HALL DEWEY; sp 89-91; fr Mexico; res New York DANIEL CHAMBERLAIN DOUGLAS; sp 89-90; b Brooklyn 22 N 71 ; prep CA; fr Hamil- ton; manager real estate Theresa 90-4; treasurer and vice-pres Standard Publ Co, Watertown 94-03; pres 03-11; manager real estate Watertown n-; ad 325 Flower Av, W, Watertown, NY GEORGE SHELDON ELLIS; J 89-90; PhB BU 94; b Allegany 28 Je 65; prep CA 89; 178 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1893 fr Allegany; prin sch Allegany 90-1 ; supt schs Somerset Ky 94-5; graduate student U of Pa 95; prin sch Valley Falls NY 96-8; spt schs Roselle NJ 98-04; graduate student CornU 98; Columbia U 02; insurance agent Phoenix Mutual Life Des Moines la 04-5; prin Canajoharie HS, NY 05-7; supt schs Whitehall 07-12; as- soc manager for Me for Phoenix Mutual Insurance Co 12-; ad Casco Bank Block, Portland, Me; res 22 Colonial Road FRANCIS WAYLAND FLETCHER; 88-90, 91-2; b Southin^ton Ct 10 D 66; prep CA 88; fr Pleasantville Ct; s 92-3 ; t Westbrook Ct 93-5; prin sch Oakville 95-03 ; ord Oak- ville 8 Mr 99 ; p Un ch Oakville 99-02 ; p Cong Morris 03-1 1 ; prin Gregory Normal Institute, Wilmington NC n-; ad Gregory Normal Institute, Wilmington, NC IRVING ROSELLE GARDINIER; t 89-90; b Danube 28 Mr 69; prep Little Falls Acad; fr Little Falls; merchant, agricultural implements, Little Falls 90-7; with Charles H Child and Co, Utica 98-08; dept manager; motor car dealer Utica 08-; ad 117 Kemble St, Utica, NY; res Oneida St and Clinton Place ROLAND PALMER GRAY; 89-91 ; AB Columbia U 93; AM UR 08; b New York 6F68; prep CA 89; fr New York; t Marmaduke Mil Acad, Sweetrprings Mo 93-4; in- structor in English U of Neb 94-5 ; instructor in rhetoric and English lang and lit UR 95-02; graduate student in English Harv 97; Yale 99; Oxford U 99; asst prof English UR 02-5; prof English lang and lit Ac 05-8; asst prof English Ind U 08-9; prof English and head dept U of Me 09-; ad U of Me, Orono, Me ARTHUR ERNEST HARRIMAN; sp 89-90; NTI 95; PhB la Christian C 06; b N Adams Mass 2 D 69; fr N Adams; ord Sterling i Ja 95; p Colchester Ct 95-6; Leominster Mass 97-01 ; Lynn 01-9; Middlebury Vt 09-10; Lynn Mass 10-; ad 37 Breed St, Lynn, Mass EMMOTT HOWD; 89-91; MD Albany Med C 98; b Schenectady 5 Ap 72; prep Un Classical Institute; fr Schenectady; prac med Troy 98-; ad 1825 7th Av, Troy, NY * EDWIN HOWARD JOHNSON; 89-90; b Poland Me 14 Ag 70; prep CA 87; fr Brewster Mass; t Olive Ga 91; Middletown Springs Vt 92-5; Essex Junction 95-8; prin and supt chs Woodbury Ct 98-00; supt ?chs Stamford oo-i; Chester Mass 01-2; d Chester 3 1 Mr 02 *DANIEL GARABED KAPRELIAN; 89-90; s 85; fr Constantinople Turkey; ord New York 20 O 85; res Constantinople Turkey 85-?; d 94 JUDSON DEFOE LOUDERBACK; J 89-90; fr Valparaiso Ind; bus Chicago 111; manager dept automobile manufacturing; ad 6912 Eggleston Av, Chicago, 111 HARRY JAMES MCALLISTER; 89-91 ; AB Lafayette C, Pa 93; AM 96; b Merryall Pa 28 Ja 68; prep Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, Towanda; fr Towanda; t 93-4; studied law Towanda 94-5; adm to Bradford co bar Ap 95, Allegheny co S 95; prac law (Pettes and McAllister) Pittsburg 95-; ad 400 Frick Building, Pittsburg, Pa ARCHIBALD MacARTHUR; 89-90; fr Sioux Falls SD; res Sioux Falls FRANK HEATH MASON; 89-90; LLB Columbia U 97; fr Greenwich; BU 90-3; prac law Greenwich NY 97-?; res Denver Col ?-; ad 806 Marion St, Denver, Col MORTIMER REYNOLDS MILLER; sp 89-90; b Rochester 31 My 69; prep Rochester Free Acad; fr Rochester; gen agent Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co, Rochester and Buffalo 90- ; ad 501 Wilder Building, Rochester, NY WILLIAM JUSTUS MOREY; sp 89-91 ; s 94; b Burnt Hills i My 62; prep CA; fr Burnt Hills; ord Union ville 18 O 94; p Unionville 94-7; inv Burnt Hills 97-00; sup Charl- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1893 179 ton oo- 1 ; p Preston Hollow 01-4; Schenectady 04-9; res Schenectady 09-; ad 171 Furman St, Schenectady, NY ENOCH POWELL; sp 89-91 ; fr Troy; 391-4; ord Delphi 18 Ap 94; p Delphi; Schenec- tady 94-5; Morrisville; Burnt Hills; Edmeston 7-09; res Scotia 09-; ad Scotia, NY GEORGE EDWIN RINES; sp 89-90; s 93; b Maitland NS 30 N 58; prep Brooklyn HS, NY; fr Brooklyn; ord Port Dickinson 29 D 91; p Ridgewood NJ 93-6; lit work 96-; managing editor Encyclopedia Americana, New York; editor several series of books; ad Hohokus, NJ FRANK MAYNARD SPOONER; sp 89-91; s 99; b Solsville 22 N 64; prep CA; fr Sols- ville; ord Madison 26 Jl 93; p Richmondville 93-5; Mt Upton 95-9; Weston Mich 00-5; Ludington 05-8; Toledo O 08-12; El Paso 111 12-; ad El Paso, 111 EDWARD LEONARD TUPPER; 89-92; AB UChic 93; fr Raleigh NC; bus Chicopee Falls Mass; Philadelphia Pa ?-; ad 134 Delaware Av, Philadelphia, Pa JAY EDMUND WHITING; 89-91 ; AB Yale 94; LLB New York U 95; b Pawlet Vt 18 Ag 68; prep Troy Conf Acad, Poultney; fr Granville NY; adm to bar, NY Ja 97; prac law New York 97-; member A very and Whiting; ad 5 Nassau St, New York 1894 CYRUS ALDRICH; AB; b Sundown 25 Mr 65; prep CA 90; fr Hamilton; ord Pitcher 7 O 94; p Pitcher 94-8; Sloansville 98-01 ; Springfield Center 01-3; Clifton Park 03-7; Clark Summit Pa 07-10; Sherman NY 10-; ad Sherman, NY FREDERICK CURTISS BECKER; AB; b Niantic Ct 8 Ja 73; prep CA 90; fr Columbia SC; travelling salesman 94-7; partner Fox and Becker, Middletown Ct 97-01 ; vice-pres and treasurer Fox-Becker Granite Co, Middletown Ct and Barre Vt, res Middletown Ct 01-5; vice-pres and gen manager San Claudio Land Co, Havana Cuba 05-9; pres F C Becker Realty Co, New York 09-; treasurer River Edge Heights Co 09-; pres Commonwealth Building Co 12-; ad 50 Church St, New York; res 309 W 99th St MERRILL JAY BLANDEN; AB; b Belleville 3 F 71; prep Un Acad, Belleville; fr Belleville; t Ives S, Antwerp 94-5; Un Acad, Belleville 95-8; graduate student UMich 98-9; prin Theresa HS, NY 99-02; inv 02-4; prin Benson Mines HS 04-5; Sinclairville HS 05-10; Allegany HS 10-1; Sherman HS n-; ad Sherman, NY GEORGE ALBERT BRIGGS; AB; BD 97; b Deposit 12 S 66; prep CA 90; fr Ham- ilton; ord Deposit 23 Je 97 ;p Canton Pa 97-03; Waverly NY 03-10; Buffalo 10-; ad 2582 Main St, Buffalo, NY CLARK TINKHAM BROWNELL; AB; BD oo; b Cambridge 16 Ag 71 ; prep Cook Acad; fr Cambridge; t Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis 94-7; ord Center White Creek NY 26 Je oo; p Bridgeton NJ 00-5; Glens Falls NY 05-8; Newark NJ 08-; ad 29 Walnut St, Newark, NJ SAMUEL TORREY REED CHENEY; AB; b Brattleboro Vt 10 Ap 67; prep Glen- wood Classical S; fr Jamaica; studied Westfield NS, Mass 95-6; t Riverview Acad, Poughkeepsie NY 96-; ad Riverview Acad, Poughkeepsie, NY WAYLAND MORGAN CHESTER; AB;AM 96; b Noank Ct 10 Mr 70; prep Mys- tic Valley Institute, Mystic; fr Noank; instructor and prof biology 94-; graduate student Harv 09-10; asst director Bermuda Biological Station for Research sum- mer 10 ; ad Hamilton, NY GEORGE WATSON COBB; AB; b Brooklyn 6 S 71; pr CA 90; fr Fairport; vice- i8o COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1894 pres Cobb Preserving Co, Fairport 94-09; vice-pres Sanitary Can Co, New York 09-; asst gen manager sales American Can Co; ad 447 W i4th St, New York; res 146 Lloyd Road, Montclair, NJ BERT HENRY EDDY; AB; BD 97; b Manchester Vt 3 Ja 67; prep Glenwood Clas- sical S; fr W Brattleboro; ord Locke NY 9 N 97; p Locke 97-8; t Ulysses Pa 98-9; p Westfield oo-i; Harrison Valley 01-4; sup 04-5; p Charleston 05-9; Wellsburg NY 09-11; Westfield Pa 11-; ad Westfield, Pa JAMES ROMULUS EDWARDS; AB; BD 97 ;b Marleys Mills NC 16 Je 62; prep Wake Forest C; fr Mt Vernon Springs; ord Norwich NY 9 S 97; p Norwich 9 7- 01 ; Brooklyn 01-3; Oil City Pa 03-7; Washington DC 07-12; Birmingham Ala 1 2-; ad E Lake Station, Birmingham, Ala FREDERIC TOWER GALPIN; AB; BD UChic 03: b Naples 14 F 73; fr Canan- daigua; UR 90-1; t Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis 94-6; p Waupun 96-00; graduate student UChic 96-04; ord Chicago 18 Ja 98; p Chicago 00-4; Madison Wis 04-8; Detroit Mich 08-12; Pittsburg Pa 12-; ad 4343 Schenley Farms Ter- race, Pittsburg, Pa WILLIAM DEAN GODDARD; AB; AM ColUoi; b Ningpo China 11 O 72; fr Hamilton NY; BU 90-1; studied law Harv 94-5; asst Harv lib 95-9; asst Lib of Congress, Washington DC 99-08; libn Naval War C, Newport RI 08-; ad Naval War C, Newport, RI WILLIAM HUNTER; PhB; s 97; b Syracuse 15 Je 70; prep CA; fr Ilion; NTI 95-6; ord Port Jefferson NY 18 My 98; p Port Jefferson 97-03; Croton Falls 03-10; Provi- dence RI io-; ad 283 Friendship St, Providence, RI ALBERT EDWIN LARKIN; PhB; MD SyrU 97; b Camillus 18 N 71 ; prep Syracuse HS; fr Camillus; studied med Syr U 94-7; in St Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse 97- 8; studied Berlin, Vienna, London 98;prac med Syracuse NY 99-; prof clinical med SyrU Med C; visiting phys to Syracuse Hospital for Women and Children, and St Joseph's Hospital; ad 501 S Crouse Av, Syracuse, NY JOHN HOPKIN LEETE; AB; ScD 09; AB Harv 95; b Detroit Mich 6 N 68; prep Detroit HS; fr Detroit; Harv 94-5; instructor in math Pa State C 95-8; asst prof math 98-01; assoc prof math 01-7; sec, registrar 01-7; registrar Carnegie Techni- cal Schs, Pittsburg 07-; dean Sch of Applied Sci; ad 1006 Farragut St, Pittsburg. Pa HERBERT EUGENE MARTIN; AB; b Yalding, co Kent, England, 5 Ja 64; prep CA 90; fr Homer; ord E Lyme Ct 23 Ja 95; p E Lyme 94-8; t E Lyme 96-7; p Hartwick NY 99-03; Morris 03-8; became PE; rector Hobart 08-9; Whitehall 09-11; Watervliet n-; ad Trinity Rectory.. Watervliet, NY *FRANK RICHARD MORRIS; AB; BD 97; b Portlandville 8871; prep CA 90; fr Portlandville; ord Albany 23 F 98; p Albany 97-01; Bennington Vt 01-9; inv Oneonta NY 09-12; d Oneonta 28 Ag 12 HARRY EMORY NEWELL; PhB; LLB CornU 98; b Davenport 11 Ag 70; prep CA 90; fr Davenport; t Vt Acad, Saxtons River 94-6; studied law CornU 96-8; adm to bar Albany 15 N 98; prac law Syracuse 98-; ad 741 Onondaga Co Savings Bank Building. Syracuse, NY HARRY EDWARD PURINTON; AB; BD UChic 97; b Cuba 23 D 67; prep CA 90; fr Buffalo; BU 90-1 ; ord Buffalo NY 16 Ag 97; p Denver Col 97-9; Marquette Mich 00-2; on editorial staff Mich Christian Herald 03; p Presb Victor Col 04- 7; Denver 07-; ad 1372 Franklin St, Denver, Col COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1894 181 ADNA WOOD RISLEY; AB; b Hamilton 27 Mr 72; prep Syracuse HS; fr Syra- cuse;! Denver HS, Col 94-7 ; graduate student in history UChic 97-00; fellow 97-9 ; t Denver HS, Col 00-5; instructor and prof history CU 05-9; prof history NY State Normal C, Albany 09-; prof history U of Col summer 10; ad 246 Partridge St,. Albany, NY ALFRED WILLIAM ROGERS; AB; b Brantford Ont 19 Ap 68; prep Oneida HS. NY; fr Oneida; ord Buffalo 18 D 94; p Schuylerville 94-5; RTS 95-7; p Gouverneur 97-03; Troy 03-5; Schenectady 05-; ad 1106 State St, Schenectady, NY EMANUEL SCHMIDT; AB; BD UChic 98; PhD 02; b Hudiksvall Sweden 28 Ap 68; prep CA 90; fr Hudiksvall Sweden; s 94-6; editor Hemmets Van, Chicago 111 02-4; pres Adelphia C, Seattle Wash 05-; ad Adelphia C, Seattle, Wash CLIFFORD STARK; AB; b Nivern Pa 3 F 70; prep CA 90; fr Waverly; t Cook Acad 94-6; sec YMCA Chambersburg Pa 96-7; prin Morrisville ES, NY 97-01; representative American Book Co 01-9; bus Rochester 09-; ad Livingston Build- ing, Rochester, NY WILLIAM BERGEN STELLE; AB; BD Yale 97; AM 10; b Jersey City NJ 28 F 66; prep CA 90; fr Jersey City NJ; s 94-6; ord Cong Jersey City NJ D 97; miss American Board Peking China 97-; ad American Board Miss, Peking, China WILLIAM MAHLON STRONG; AB;BPd Albany State Normal C 98 ; b Terrytown Pa 7 N 68; prep Keystone Acad, Factory ville ; fr Factoryville; t Rutgers C pd, NJ 94-6; s 96-7; t Erasmus Hall HS Brooklyn 98-; ad 324 Rugby Road, Brooklyn, NY HERBERT VAN KIRK; AB; b Greenwich i Ja 72; prep Greenwich HS; fr Green- wich; prac law Greenwich 95-; ad Greenwich, NY FRANK GRENELL WILLCOX; AB; b Burlington Vt 7 Ag 72; fr Holyoke Mass; U of City of New York 90-2; bus 94-9; NY State Lib Sen, Albany 99-00; libn Holyoke public lib, Mass oo-; ad 29 Myrtle Av, Holyoke, Mass VINTON ALBERT CLARK; t 90-1; BS U of Vt 98; b Tolland Ct 18 Ag 72; prep CA 89; fr Hamilton; asst editor US Dept of Agriculture 98-01 ; beet sugar bus Col 01-2 ; bookkeeper ist Natl Bank Greeley 02; first asst horticulturist NY agricultural experiment station, Geneva 02-4; horticulturist Ariz agricultural experiment sta- tion, Phoenix 04-?; res Lewiston Id ?-; ad Lewiston, Id DWIGHT HEMAN COLEGROVE; 90-3; AB HamC 94; b Clinton 15 Mr 69; prep Marion Collegiate Institute; fr Clinton; adm to bar Albany Jl 97; prac law Utica 97-; member Colegrove and Baker n-; special city judge 10-; ad 314 Arcade Build- ing, Utica, NY MILLER MOORE FOGG; 90-3; AB BU 94; AM 95; AM Harv 01 ; b Kingwood NJ 15 Ja 68; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown; fr Palermo; graduate student in Eng- lish BU 94-5; instructor in rhetoric and oratory 95-00; graduate student Harv oo- 1 ; instructor in English U of Neb 01-2; asst prof English 02-4; assoc prof rhetoric 04-5; prof rhetoric 05-; ad U of Neb, Lincoln, Neb JOSEPH YOUNG IRWIN; sp 90-2; s 95; STD Temple C, Philadelphia Pa 09; b co Londonderry Ireland 22 S 64; prep CA; fr New York; ord Toms River NJ 8 O 95; p Toms River 95-9; Matawan 99-03; S Amboy 03-10; Port Jervis NY 10-; ad 15 Catherine St, Port Jervis, NY 1 82 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1894 LOZETTA DELOSON JOHNSON; sp 90-1; b Hancock Mass 7 S 65; prep CA; fr Pitts- field Mass; clerk in grocery store Hamilton NY 92-3; contractor and real estate bus Hamilton 93-; ad Hamilton, NY JAMES WARREN MANY; sp 90-4; s 97; b New York 31 D 60; prep CA; fr Mt Vernon; ord Washington DC 10 N 97; p Washington 97-; ad Station H, R D 2, Washing- ton, DC JAMES ANDREW METS; 90-2; fr Somerville NJ; studied electrical engineering La- fayette C, Pa 92-?; res Somerville NJ; ad James St, Somerville, NJ EDWIN MORGAN; 90-1 ; fr E Stroudsburg Pa GEORGE ALSON NORTON; sp 90-1; fr Oneida JOHN WAYLAND PEDDIE; sp 90-3; LLB Yale 95; b Philadelphia Pa 23 Ap 73; prep Eastburn Acad, Philadelphia; fr Philadelphia; adm to bar, Ct Je 95, NY Ja 97; prac law and corporate work New York 97-; with Peyton and Co, investment brokers, and Burroughs Co 04-6; with Lincoln Trust Co 06-8; with Garfield Natl Bank 08-; ad Dunellen, NJ CHARLES HOWARD PHELPS; 90-1; AB BU 93; AM CornU 94; b Central Bridge 7 S 63; prep CA; fr Central Bridge; t 94-09; prin Conway HS, Mass; bus Melrose Ct 09-; ad Melrose, Ct GEORGE LAFAYETTE RIFENBURGH; t 90-2; PhB BU 94; b Worcester 14 Ja 68; prep CA 90; fr Charlotteville; adm to bar Albany i Mr 98; prac law Oak Hill 99-10; Albany 10-; ad 50 State St, Albany, NY ULYSSES GRANT ROBINSON; sp 90-1 ; b Roundgrove Mo 4 Mr 68; prep CA; fr Rock- ford 111; ord Fulton 8 Ap 91 ; p Fulton 91 ; Reynolds 92 ; UChic 92-4; with Ks State Temperance Un 95-8 ; with American Anti-saloon League 99-08 ; editor National Issue, res St Louis Mo 09-; ad 3801 Sullivan Av, St Louis, Mo GEORGE WILLARD ROCKWELL; sp 90-2; UTS 95; b Delavan Wis 9 Ag 67; prep Jer- sey City HS, NJ; fr Jersey City; ord Lexington NY n O 95; p Lexington 95-8; Cobleskill 98-01; Catskill 01-6; Troy 06-11; Penn Yan n-; ad 322 Liberty St, Penn Yan, NY JAY HUNTINGTON SCOTT; sp 90-2; b Hamlin 22 D 69; prep Albion HS, Mich; fr Albion; Albion C 88-90; ord Cedar Springs 2 Je 96; p Cedar Springs 95-7; Fuller- ton Cal 97-00; sec for southern Cal of Cal Anti-saloon League oo-; ad 512 French St, Santa Ana, Cal HUGH THOMAS STEVENSON; 90-2 ; s 01 ; AB ColU 96; AM 97 ; b Albany 9 My 69; prep CA; fr Albany; asst p Chicago 111 92-3; ord Chicago u Jl 93; p Washington DC 93-8; Edmeston NY 98-02; sup Jordanville 03-5; p Washington DC 05-; ad 157 U St, NW, Washington, DC BENJAMIN FRANKLIN WELTON; f 90-1 ; BS DartC 94; b Hamilton 10 O 73; prep CA; fr Hamilton; examining engineer, commissioner of accounts, New York 94-; ad 280 Broadway, New York *CHARLES CARL WILSON; 90-4; fr Decatur 111; d 26 F 94 JAMES ERWIN WILSON; sp 90-1 ; b Orange 15 Mr 60; prep Dundee Preparatory Sch; fr Dundee; ord Townsend i Je 92; p Townsend and Montgomery 91-4; Avoca 94-7; Bennettsburg 97-00; Gorham 00-4; Montour Falls 04-5; ev Watkins 05-; ad 321 S Franklyn St, Watkins, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1895 183 1895 JOHN STILWELL APPLEGATE; AB; LLB Harv 98; b Red Bank NJ 22 Je 72; prep Elizabeth; fr Red Bank; adm to bar, as attorney NJ, N 98, as counsellor N 01 ; prac law Red Bank (John S Applegate and Son) 01-; member Monmouth co board of taxation 06-8; prosecutor of pleas Monmouth co 08-; ad Red Bank, NJ *EMERY ARTHUR BACON; AB; s 93; b Leyden 10 Ja 64; prep CA 86; fr New Lebanon; ord Shushan 7 F 89; p New Berlin 94-03; Stockton 04-6; Wellston O 06-7; inv N Girard Pa 07-8; d N Girard 27 Ja 08 *BYRON ARTHUR BOWN; AB; MD U of Buffalo 96; b Fairport 6 My 73; prep Fairport Un and Classical Sch; fr Fairport; U of Buffalo 94-6; phys in hospital Buffalo 96-7; d Buffalo 7 Mr 97 GEORGE HENRY CARR; AB; BD 98; b Clarence Center 14 My 65; prep CA 91 ; fr Clarence Center; p E Charlotte Vt 98-05; ord E Charlotte 20 My 03; p Ulysses Pa 05-; ad Ulysses, Pa "HOWARD ELDRIDGE CHESTER; AB; b Gaines 8 D 72; prep Albion HS; fr Albion; prof Latin Benedict C, Columbia SC 95-7; prin pd 97-9; d Albion NY 16 N 99 DANIEL HUNT CLARE; AB; BD 98; DD 10; b Coventry England 5 N 65; prep CA 91; fr Newark NJ; ord Waverly NY 26 Jl 98; p Waverly 98-03; Hamilton 03-10; E Orange NJ 10-; ad 18 S Maple Av, E Orange, NJ HOWARD WILLIAM CRYDENWISE; BS; b Milford 23 Ap 69; fr Norwich; journalism 967; editor and proprietor Broome Co Herald, Chenango Forks 97-9; ord PE Syracuse 13 Mr 02; rector Copenhagen 01-3; Susquehanna Pa 03-4; Wa- verly NY 04-7; Clinton 07-; ad Clinton. NY JESSE BUTTRICK DAVIS; AB; AM 1 1 ; b Chicago 111 2 Mr 71 ; prep Detroit HS, Mich; fr Detroit; prin nth grade Detroit HS 95-07; prin Central HS, Grand Rapids 07-; ad 354 Fountain St, Grand Rapids, Mich ELMER DANIEL GRANT; AB; AM UChic 97; b Delhi 25 F 73; prep CA 91; fr Westville; graduate student in math UChic 95-9; t Lewis Institute, Chicago 96-00; Ascham Hall, Chicago 97-00; instructor in math and physics Mich Cof Mines, Hough ton 00-4; asst prof math and physics 04-; ad 124 Hubbell Av, Houghton, Mich JOHN WILLIAM GRIFFITH; AB; b 28 S 69; prep Keystone Acad, Factoryville Pa; fr Nanticoke; res Nanticoke 95-; supt schs Nanticoke in 97; ad Nanticoke, Pa FREDERICK WILLIAM HATCH; AB; RTS 98; b Washington DC 23 F 73; prep Washington HS; fr Washington; ord Saugerties NY 26 Jl 98; p Saugerties 98-01; Eau Claire Wis 01-5; Beloit 05-; ad 548 E Grand Av, Beloit, Wis J ARTHUR HILTON; PhB; b Cohoes 25 D 72; fr Brooklyn; studied law New York 95-7; adm to bar New York i Jl 97; prac law New York 97-; ad 34 Rugby Road, Brooklyn, NY FAYETTE SMITH MUNRO; AB; LLB Harv 99; b Camillus 8 Je 74; prep CA; fr Camillus; t 95-6; prac law Chicago 111 99-; gen attorney Chicago and Milwaukee Electric Railway; ad Highland Park, 111 PHILIP ALLEN MUNRO; AB; b Camillus 26 Mr 76; prep CA; fr Camillus; farmer Camillus 95-00; lumber bus (Carter, Munro and Co) Chicago 111 01-2; farmer Camillus 03-; ad Camillus, NY 1 84 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1895 HERBERT EDWARD NIMS; AB; AM 97; b Shelburne Mass 18 S 72; prep Deca- tur HS, 111; fr Decatur; asst in chemistry 95-8; chemist for The Fiberloid Co, Newburyport and Indian Orchard Mass 98-; ad 166 Princeton St, Springfield, Mass EDWARD HOWARD SHELDON; PhB; b Haverhill Mass 14 Jl 67; prep CA; fr Wakefield Mass; s 97-8; photographer Boston Mass ?-; ad 194 Mt Vernon St, Maiden, Mass LOUIS ALMON SQUIRES; PhB; DDS U of Buffalo 98; b Cortland 24 N 71; fr Cortland; BU 91-3; studied dentistry U of Buffalo, NY 95-8; prac as dentist Buffalo 98-; ad 2337 Main St, Buffalo, NY MARKHAM WINSLOW STACKPOLE; AB; AB Harv 96; BD AndTS 99; b Westboro Mass 5 Je 73; prep CA 91; fr Hamilton; Harv DS 96-7; p Cong Mag- nolia 99-04; ord Magnolia 29 Ap 02; assoc p Boston 04-7; sch minister and in- structor in English Bible Phillips Acad, Andover 07-; ad Andover, Mass JAMES PADDOCK TAYLOR; AB; b Hamilton 9 S 73; prep CA 89; fr Hamil- ton; t CA 95-6; graduate student Harv 96-7; Columbia U 97-8; t CA 99-07; Vt Acad, Saxtons River 08-12; sec Greater Vt Assoc, res Burlington 12-; ad Hotel Vermont, Burlington, Vt *JAMES OLIN TURNER; AB; b Durham Ct 4 Ja 72; prep Ct Lit Institution, Suffield; fr Middletown; sec YMCA Middletown 96; t Ct Lit Institution, Suf- field 96-7; mine supt Shultz Ariz 97-8; instructor in math U of Ariz, Tucson 98-9; d Middletown Ct 15 N 99 ABBOTT REVERE WALKER; AB; MD Howard U, DC 02; b Washington DC 12 D 70; prep Washington HS; fr Washington; in US PO Dept, Washington 95-02; prac med Halls Md 02-6; Frostburg 06-; ad 39 Broadway, Frostburg, Md FRANK MARTIN WILLIAMS; AB; SyrU LS 97; b Durhamville u Ap 73; P^P Oneida HS; fr Durhamville; studied law Oneida 95-6; adm to bar, NY 97; civil engineer 98-; with state engineering dept 00-8; consulting engineer Oneida 08-9; state engineer and surveyor 09-11; chairman barge canal terminal commission 10-1; chief engineer Coleman du Pont road, Del, and consulting engineer Goshen NY ii-; ad Goshen, NY GEORGE DAVID WILLIAMS; AB; b Durhamville 10 Ja 75; prep Oneida Acad; fr Durhamville; Syracuse C of Engineering 99-06; civil engineer oo-; with state engineering dept on highway work, res Syracuse 04-6; with Syracuse intercepting sewer commission 07-8; division engineer state engineer's dept, Albany 09-10; general engineering and contracting NY 1 1-; ad Goshen, NY HERBERT DANIEL WINTERS; AB; AM 06; b Dundee 7 Ap 71 ; prep Starkey S, Eddytown; fr Dundee; t Dundee HS 95-8; graduate student Harv 98-9; farmer 99-03; t Cook Acad, NY 03-7; Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ 07-; ad Peddie Institute, Hightstown, NJ WALTER PAYNE WINTERS; AB; MD New York Homoeopathic Med C and Hospital 06; b Wellsboro Pa 11 S 70; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ; fr DeLand Fla; inv 95-9; studied med New York Homoeopathic Med C and Hospi- tal 00-6; asst phys Geneva Hygienic Institute 06-8; phys in charge Geneva Hy- gienic Institute 08-10; prac med San Diego Cal 10-; ad 832 5th St, San Diego, Cal CHARLES ANDREWS ALDEN; 90-2; fr Hoosick Falls; ord Richmondville 27 Ap 92; p Richmondville 92-3; p Cong Schenectady 93-6; with charities dept, New York COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1895 185 CHARLES BOWMAN BACON; sp 91-3; MD U of Buffalo 97; b New Lebanon 12 Jl 69; prep Cook Acad; fr New Lebanon; interne Kings co Hospital Brooklyn 98; dep supt Kings co hospital 99-02; supt Cumberland St hospital 02-9; med supt New York City Hospital, Blackwell's Island 09-; lecturer on anatomy LI Med C, Brooklyn 00-9; ad New York City Hospital, Blackwell's Island, New York *LMER STELLE BLACKFORD; 91-2; fr Newmarket NJ; real estate and insurance bus Brooklyn NY WILL EDWIN BOGART; 91-4; b Masonville 31 Jl 64; prep CA 91; fr Masonville; farmer Masonville 94-00; furniture and undertaking bus Masonville 00-7; Endi- cott 07-9; factory work Endicott 09-; ad Endicott, NY ORVILLE MILTON BUCKLIN; 91-2; prep CA 91; fr Kankakee 111; res Morris WILLIAM WALTER BUSTARD; 91-2; AB BU 95; NTI 98; b Paterson NJ 20 Ag 71; fr Paterson; ord Amesbury Mass 30 Je 98; p Amesbury 98-00; Boston 00-9; Cleveland O 09-; ad 1877 E 9oth St, Cleveland, O ARTHUR SMITH CHITTENDEN; sp 91-3; AB Yale 96; AM 99; MD John Hopkins U oo ; b Binghamton 27 Je 72; prepCA; fr Binghamton; res house surgeon New York Hospital 00-2; prac med New York 02-?; Binghamton ?-; ad 109 Oak St, Bing- hamton, NY JAMES LCooTE; sp 91-2; s 95; b Gourock Scotland 20 Je 60; prep Gourock; fr Brooklyn NY; ord Durham ville 4 Ag 92; p Central Square 95-6; Trenton NJ 96- oo ; Keyport 00-9; Jamaica NY 09-; ad 143 Grove St, Jamaica, NY RICHARD FALLS DANA; 91-2; AB ArnC 95; prep CA; fr Newcastle Pa; studied law Newcastle 95-7; adm to bar Newcastle 97; prac law Newcastle 97-; ad Newcastle, Pa EVERETT LEROY FREEMAN; sp 91-2; fr New Brunswick NJ; with Pa Railway, New Brunswick; ? ad New Brunswick, NJ GEORGE ALBERT FRISBIE; sp 91-2; b Camden 14 N 72; prep CA 91; fr Camden; clerk Camden 93-6; manufacturer knit goods Utica 96-; ad 445 Genesee St, Utica, NY HARVEY ALEXANDER HANKS; sp 91-4; b Cossayuna 4 Ag 65; prep Salem Acad; fr Cossayuna; musician, travelled in Europe and Australia 94-; ad Cossayuna, NY KENNETH CLARK HICKS; sp 91-4; b Canandaigua 16 F 75; prep Canandaigua Acad; fr Canandaigua; clerk A and SE Railway, EP and SW Railway, CYR and P Railway Naco Ariz 94-? CLAUDE EVERETT KEENEY; sp 91-2; DDS O C of Dental Surgery 97; b Ravenswood WVa 14 S 72; prep CA; fr Ravenswood WVa; dentist Ravenswood 97-; ad Ravens- wood, WVa CHARLES BLAKESLEE LAW; J 91-2; BS AmC 95; b Hannibal 5 F 72; prep CA 91; fr Bartlett; adm to bar Rochester N 97; prac law Brooklyn 97-; MC 04-10; sheriff Kings co u-; ad 46 Jerome St, Brooklyn, NY *WALTER MACLAY; 91-3; b Fleetville Pa 1 1 D 68; prep Keystone Acad, Factoryville; fr Fleetvilie, d Fleetville 25 Ag 93 *HARRY SAMUEL MOLYNEUX; t 91-4; b Millview Pa 23 S 66; prep Susquehanna ColLgiate Institute; fr Millview; d Millview i F 94 W T ILLIAM LEE PATTERSON; sp 91-2; fr Newcastle Pa; manufacturer Newcastle; ad Newcastle, Pa ROSCOE SARGENT; 91-3; LLB SyrU 98; b Sandy Creek 20 O 73; prep Sandy Creek 1 86 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1895 HS; fr Sandy Creek; prin public schs Williamstown 93-4; mercantile bus Sandy Creek 94-5; studied law Sandy Creek 95-7; adm to bar, NY Je 98; law clerk Syracuse 98; prac law Sandy Creek 99-; also prac law Syracuse (Sargent and Sargent); ad Sandy Creek, NY IRVING SMITH SEARS; sp 91-2; b Preble 30 My 67; prep CA 91 ; fr Delhi; t E Homer, and Truxton 92-5; prin DeRuyter HS 95-01; merchant Sheds 02-5; sch commis- sioner, re* DaRuyter 05-1 1 ; district supt schs, res Hamilton 1 1-; ad Hamilton, NY ARTHUR HENRY SIMPSON; sp 91-3; BS UR 95; RTS 98; b Wolverton England 28 F 69; prep CA; fr Wolverton England; ord Syracuse NY 29 S 98; p Syracuse 98- 02; Cazenovia 02-4; Mansfield Pa 05-7; West Chester 07-; ad 514 S Walnut St, West Chester, Pa FRANCIS HENRY SPENCER; f 91-2; b Sheffield Ct i S 70; prep Vt Acad, Saxtons River; fr Deep River Ct; merchant Deep River 92-6; carman Hartford 96-02; member common council Hartford 99-00; pres oo-i; alderman Hartford 01-2; pres board aldermen 02; clerk Aetna Insurance Co Hartford 02-12; chief clerk southern dept Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Co, Mass 12-; ad 415 Sumner Av, Springfield, Mass ROBERT RHEA THOMPSON; 91-2; CTS 96; b Lincroft NJ 26 F 71; prep S Jersey Institute, Bridgeton; fr Red Bank; ord Red Bank 12 Jl 96; p Wyoming Pa 96-9; Dalton 99-07; ClariDn 07-10; S-inbury 10-; ad S^nbary, Pa *EZRA IRVING VREDENBURGH; 91-3; MD Cleveland O 96; b Meredith Pa 20 Ap 72; prep Oil City HS; fr Oil City; prac med Wooster O in 97; resChino Cal sev- eral years; d Chino 5 Je 09 EDGAR POE WALLEN; sp 91-2; fr W Brattleboro Vt; ad 29 Grove St, Greenfield, Mass WILLIAM PARMELEE WATERHOUSE; f 91-4; b Beaufort SC 9 D 71; prep CA 91; fr Beaufort SC; cotton factor (Wm P Waterhouse and Co) Beaufort 94-06; editor Beaufort Gazette 00-6; bus Philadelphia Pa and MDntclair NJ 06-9; bus New- ark (Waterhouse Manufacturing Co) 09-; ad 84 S Clinton St, E Orange, NJ ARTHUR CHARLES WATKINS; 91-2; AB Johns Hopkins U 95; BD UTS oo; b Sandy Creek 30 N 73; prep Un Acad, Belleville; fr Sandy Creek; ord Hannibal 13 Ag 95; p Hannibal 95-6; Auburn 96-7; Fogg scholar Yale 97-8; merit scholar UTS 99-00; graduate merit scholar oo-i; p Presb New York 00-4; director U press, U of the South, Sewanee Tenn 04.-6; lit and ch work New York 06-10; p Rock- ville Center 10-; ad 99 Davison Av, Rockville Center, NY ERNEST HALL WOODRUFF; 91-3; b Chenango Forks 29 O 74; prep Waverly HS; fr Waverly; gardener 93; clerk co clerk's office Little Valley 93-5; law clerk 95-8: adm to bar, NY 22 N 98; prac law Little Valley 98-09; Olean 09-; ad 413 Laurens St, Olean, NY 1896 ABRAHAM LINCOLN ABERCROMBIE; AB; b New York 8 My 67; fr Pomona Fla; t Bellport NY 96-7; Stamford S and Un Free Sch 97-9; U Preparatory Sch, Portland Me oo-i ; prin Jefferson Un Free Sch, NY 01-3; ord Stamford 25 My 04; p Stamford 03-8; Daytona Fia 08-; ad 25 N Palmetto St, Daytona, Fla JOHN BENJAMIN ANDERSON; AB; s 98; BD 99; b Wisbech England 28 D 69; prep CA 89; fr Minneapolis Minn; ord Camillus NY 3 O 98; p Camillus 98-00; COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1896 187 instructor in ecclesiology and English Bible 00-6; acting prof 06-8; prof 08-; studied Europe 06-7; ad Hamilton, NY IRA WILCOX BINGHAM; PhB; s oo; b Spencer 3 O 70; prep Spencer Acad; fr Spencer; ord Spencer 12 Jl oo; p Sayre Pa 00-5; Norwich NY 06-; ad Norwich, NY WILLIAM HENRY BROWN ; PhB ; s 99 ; b Moravia 22 Jl 67 ; prep Moravia Un Sch ; fr Dresserville; ord Walesville 27 S 99; p Morrisville oo-i; Dansville oi-n; Lyons n-; ad 17 Sisson St, Lyons, NY DENNIS JOSEPH BUSTIN; AB; b Sheshequin Pa 18 Je 69; prep Susquehanna Collegiate Institute; fr Towanda; St Bernard's S, Rochester NY 94-00; ord Ro- man Catholic Rochester 10 Mr oo; asst p Rochester oo-i; Binghamton 01-7; p Waterville 07-; diocesan examiner of schs Syracuse deanery 02-7; Utica deanery 08-11; ad Waterville, NY JOHN PILLSBURY CARTER; AB; b Concord NH 24 O 72; prep Concord HS; fr Concord; s 97-9; ord Cornwall 26 S oo; p Cornwall 00-2; became PE; t San An- tonio Tex JOSEPH BERTRAM CRANDALL; AB; LLB New York LS 01; b Brooklyn 21 N 74; prep CA 92; fr Brooklyn; with Philadelphia Press, Pa 96-7; with Laffan News Bureau, New York 97-01 ; studied law New York LS 99-01 ; adm to bar Brooklyn Je 01 ; prac law (Crandall, Cook and Bishop) New York 01-3; with The Sun, New York 01-9; with The Evening World, New York 09-10; night city editor New York Times 10-; ad The New York Times, New York; res 660 W iSoth St BURT BUDINGTON GRENELL; AB; b Kingston 13 F 73; prep Detroit HS, Mich; fr Detroit; clerk Chapman and Smith Co, Chicago 111 96-7; buyer 97-01 ; treasurer 01-6; gen manager and treasurer 06-; ad 1017 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, 111; res 123 N Warola Av, Lagrange, 111 WALTER LINCOLN HUGHES; PhB; UTS 99; b New York 15 F 68; prep CA; fr Brooklyn; sup 99-00; ord Brooklyn 12 N oo; assoc p Brooklyn oo-i ; p Sloansville 01-3; Hartwick 03-5; Franklin 05-9; Amenia 09-; ad Amenia, NY WALTER ADNAH LEONARD; AB; MD Albany Med C 99; b Hoosick Falls 23 Jl 72 ; fr Hoosick Falls; studied med Albany Med C 96-9; prac med Shushan 99-08; Cambridge 08-; ad Cambridge, NY FREDERICK CROSBY LOVETT; AB; RTS 99; b Norwich Vt 12 Je 72; prep CA 92 ; fr Brandon Vt; ord Park Rapids Minn 4 Ja oo; p Park Rapids 99-01 ; Wheaton 01-6; Grants Pass Ore 06-? *CYRUS WILLIAM NEGUS; AB; BD 99; b Newport 23 My 62; prep CA 92; fr Penn Yan; ord Homer 22 N 99; p Homer 99-06; Cooperstown 06-9; d Coopers- town 13 Ja 09 ARTHUR CHASE ROWE; AB; b Wappingers Falls 23 F 73; prep CA 92; fr Wap- pingers Falls; studied law New York LS 96-8; adm to bar New York 98; prac law New York 98-; ad 1445 Union St, Brooklyn, NY CHARLES RUN YON; BS; b Stelton NJ 2 Ap 67; prep Rutgers C Preparatory Sch; fr Stelton; t Cascadilla Sch, Ithaca NY 96-8; Middletown HS 98-9; tutor and t public schs Wyo 99-03; prin Highland Park Sch, NJ 03-4; supervising prin Raritan township schs 04-; ad Highland Park, New Brunswick, NJ FRANCIS ABNER SMITH; AB; b Philadelphia Pa 24 O 74; fr Meredith NY; t Canandaigua 96-8; Bourne Mass 98-9; Chelsea 99-00; Grafton 00-3; Rockland 1 88 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1896 03-7; Boston 07-; graduate student Clark U 01, 02; Harv 03, 09, 12; ad 33 Pel- ton St, W Roxbury, Mass *ELMER LE ROY STEEN; AB; RTS 99; b Owego 20 Mr 74; prep Owego Free Acad; fr Owego; sup Netherwood, and Kent oo; ord Owego 18 S 01 ; p Copenhagen 01-2; farmer Owego 02-6; d Owego 28 Ap 06 JOHN CLARK TIBBITS; PhB; RTS 99; b Utica 30 Jl 70; prep CA; fr Utica; ord Baldwinsville 19 S 99; p Baldwinsville 99-00; Trumansburg 00-5; bus Utica 05-7; p Chester Ct 07-10; Ipswich 10-2; Astoria Ore 12-; ad Astoria, Ore WILLIAM LOUIS WHEELER; BS; MD Columbia U oo; b Richford Vt 4 N 74; prep CA; fr Hamilton; prac med New York oo-; ad 36 W 23d St, New York; res 334 W 22d St FOSTER HAMILTON WHITE; AB; PhG NY C of Pharmacy 98; b Magee 12 D 71 ; prep Cook Acad; fr Seneca Falls; farmer and fruit grower Seneca Falls 98-; ad R D i, Seneca Falls, NY WILLIAM HOADLEY WINEGAR; AB; AM n; b Amsterdam 30 Mr 73 ; prep CA 92; fr Amsterdam; studied law Saratoga Springs 96-8; adm to bar, NY 98; prac law Saiatoga Springs 98-00; adm to bar, la oo; prac law (Giddings and Winegar) Perry 00-9; adm to US courts 01 ; dep co attorney Dallas co 01-2; solicitor Perry 03-7; co attorney Dallas co 08-; prac law Perry 09-; ad Suite 209, Wimmer Build- ing, Perry, la * ARCHIBALD BEEBE; sp 92-3; b Sherburne 72;fr Sherburne; studied Columbia U; broker New York; d D 03 *WILLIAM EDWARD BRADFORD; { 92-5; b Sidney 27 My 72 ; prep Rochester HS, Minn; fr Owatonna; with Field, Schlick and Co, St Paul 95; t Minneapolis 95-6; insur- ance agent Minneapolis 96; typewriter agent Minneapolis 96-9; d Minneapolis 19 Je 99 Kozo SAMURU CHIBA; sp 92-3; b 21 Ja 73; fr Tokio Japan; studied CornU *REES OLIVER DA VIES; f 92-3; AB in law Leland Stanford Junior U, Cal 99; b Neath Pa 12 Jl 68; prep CA 92; fr Neath Pa; res Duluth Minn; real estate bus Poteau Okla 99-1 1 ; d Poteau Ap 1 1 *FRANK ERNEST FORD; 92-4; b Camden 8 Ag 71; prep Cook Acad; fr Camden; d Utica 1 8 S 94 CHARLES AUGUSTUS MacCALL; 92-3; b Newark NJ 3 N 75; prep Newark HS; fr Newark; clerk board of education Newark 93-01; supervisor of attendance, board of education 02-; ad 59 Washington Av, Newark, NJ LIVINGSTON McKiNLEY; sp 92-4; b 4 S 72; prep Oil City HS, Pa; fr Oil City; res Oil City; ad 15 Bissell Av, Oil City, Pa HARRY ADAMS NORTON; sp 92-3; b New York 18 S 60; fr Hamilton; studied AmC JAMES SMITH PARSONS; 92-3; b 71 ; prep Gensseo NS; fr Oxford; ad Earlville, NY HERMON HARRISON SEVERN; 92-3; AB DU 96; b Hucknall Torkard, Nottingham- shire, England 10 F 71; prep CA; fr Ogden City Utah; graduate student UChic 96-7; t Burlington Instutute, la 97-8; Ogden HS, Utah 98-01; graduate student UChic 01-3; prof Greek Central C, Pella la 03-5; student U Berlin 05-6; prof Greek and dean Central C, la 06-; graduate student UChic 12-3; ad Pella, la *FLOYD G SHUFELT; sp 92-3; b Malone 10 Ag 71; prep Franklin Acad, Malone; fr COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1896 189 Malone; insurance bus Malone 93-6; dep collector US customs Malone 96-10; d Malone 18 N 10 DELOS EVERETT SPRAGUE; sp 92-3; s 96; b Penn Yan 19 O 69; prep Penn Yan Acad; fr Penn Yan; CornU 90-2; ord Penn Yan 21 Je 96; p Dundee 96-10; Buffalo 10-3; Salamanca 13-; ad Salamanca, NY PIERPONT LANGLEY STACKPOLE; 92-5; AB Harv 97; LLB oo; b Brookline Mass 16 F 75 ; prep CA 92 ; fr Hamilton; adm to bar Boston Mass S oo; prac law Boston oo-; ad 84 State St, Boston, Mass; res 5 Mt Vernon Place CHARLES WESLEY STEWART; { 93-4; BS UChic 96; MD U of Denver, Col oo; b Her- rickville Pa 29 Jl 73; fr Herrickville; Wesleyan U, Ct 92-3; prac med Denver Col oo ; Kimball Neb 01-2; Salt Lake City Utah 02-; ad 1984 S nth East St, Salt Lake City, Utah HARRY ENGLISH TAYLOR; 92-4; b Englishtown NJ 8 Ag 74; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown; fr Englishtown; BU 94-5; proprietor flour mill (Taylor and Co) Eng- lishtown NJ 96-?; flour and feed merchant Freehold ?-; ad Freehold, NJ JOHN ELLISON VASSAR; sp 92-4; s 97; b Oberlin O 23 Ap 67; prep CA; fr Poughkeep- sie; ord Bainbridge 27 Ag 96; p Bainbridge 97-9; Chelsea Mass 99-04; Syracuse NY 04-7; Niagara Falls 07-; ad 618 4th St, Niagara Falls, NY SUMNER RED WAY VINTON; 92-4; AB BU 96; NTI oo; BD 06; b Rangoon Burma 31 O 74; prep CA; fr Hamilton; travelling sec student volunteer movement 98-9; ord Charlestown Mass 20 Je oo; miss ABMU to Sgau Karens, Rangoon Burma oo- 5, 06-8; founder and editor Karen Recorder, and The Children's Friend; lecturer Vinton's Pagoda Land Lectures, res Newton Centre Mass 08-; ad 31 Tarleton Road, Newton Centre, Mass WILFRED MILO WILCOXEN; 92-3; AB UR 99; b Macedon 13 S 70; prep Geneseo NS; fr Macedon; prof math Wagner C, Rochester 99-01 ; graduate student UR 01-3; prin Marion HS 03-; ad Macedon, NY HARRY SUNDERLAND WINTERS; 90-2, 94-5; AB Stetson U, Fla 96; b Wellsboro Pa 13 N 71; prep Stetson U pd, Fla; fr San Mateo; prin Melbourne HS 96-9; vice- pres Old Dominion C, Va 99-00; US dep collector internal revenue Jacksonville Fla 00-10; with Fla Paper Co, Jacksonville 10-; ad 1951 Oak St, Jacksonville, Fla 1897 S ESMOND BARTON BEARDSLEE; AB; b Little Meadows Pa 6 O 72 ; prep Owego Free Acad, NY; fr Little Meadows Pa; t Little Meadows 97-8; Leraysville 98-00; graduate student in history and education Columbia U oo-i ; t Towanda Pa 01-2; Tarrytown NY 02-4; Brooklyn 04-8; Montgomery 08-; ad Montgomery, NY; res Little Meadows, Pa JOSHUA GREGORY BOOMHOWER; AB; AM UChic 08; b Delhi 10 F 73; prep Delaware Acad; fr Delhi; Oneonta NS 97-8; t Stamford S 98-9; Hiawatha Acad. Ks 99-00; graduate student in sci UChic oo-i; t Lenox C, Hopkinton la 01-2; graduate student in sci UChic 02-3; t sci Huron C, SD 03-4; t sci Meredith C, Ra- leigh NC 04-; dean 11-; ad 518 E Lane St, Raleigh, NC CHARLES WHITMAN BRIGGS; AB; BD oo; b Deposit 17 Jl 74; Prep Deposit Acad; fr Deposit; ord Deposit 29 Je oo; miss ABMU PI, res Iloilo 00-10; in US 02-3; p Ballston Spa NY n-; ad Ballston Spa, NY L JAY CALDWELL; PhB; b Ephratah 19 Je 71; prep CA; fr Marlboro Mass; t 190 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1897 Amsterdam HS, NY 97-00; Blees Mil Acad, Macon Mo 00-2; E Orange HS, NJ 02-; head dept math 10-; ad 38 Overlook Av, W Orange, NJ NELSON LEONARD COLEMAN; AB; b Victory 3 Ap 72; prep Cook Acad; fr 'Red Creek; prin Elizabethtown HS 97-9; Schuylerville HS 99-02; studied law Troy 02; insurance agent S Glens Falls 03-4; agency director New York Life In- surance Co, Troy 04-5; vice-prin Binghamton HS 07-8; prin HS dept Potsdam NS 09-10; head deptmath RedlandsHS, Cal 10-; director San Diego Construc- tion Co; ad 220 4th St, Redlands, Cal JOHN BARBER CREIGHTON; PhB; b Malone 15 N 71; prep Franklin Acad, Malone; fr Malone; studied NY State Lib Sch, Albany 98; in US volunteers 99; senior examiner U of State of NY 99-02; sec Brooklyn League 02-10; sec bor- ough pres Brooklyn 10-; ad 1809 Av K and Borough Hall, Brooklyn, NY JOHN WELLINGTON FINCH; AB; AM 98; b Earlville 3 N 73; prep CA 91 ; fr Earlville; graduate student c 97-8; fellow in geology UChi 09 8-9; instructor 99; asst in geological survey in IT for CRI and P Railway 99 ; consulting geologist Woods Investment Co, Col oo-; state geologist Col 01-3; consulting geologist and en- gineer Guggenheim Exploration Co, Amalgamated Copper Co, and other mining cos 03-; with US Dept of Justice, investigation of mining pro HDtiDns 11-2; ad 730 Symes Building, Denver, Col WARWICK STEPHEN FORD; AB; b Camden 12 Ag 70; prep CA 93; fr Camden; graduate student UChic 97-8; t Ishpeming Mich 98-9; Chicago 111 oo-; ad 7511 Eggleston Av, Chicago, 111 FRANCIS WAYLAND GODDARD; AB; MD Jefferson Med C, Pa 01 ; b Ningpo China 20 Ja 77; prep CA 93; fr Hamilton; s 97-8; interne Samaritan hospital, Troy 01-2; miss ABMU (ABFMS) Shaohsing, China 03-; ad Shaohsing, China HENRY DAVID GRAY; PhB; AM Columbia U 98; PhD 04; b Plainfield NJ 6 N 73; prep Auburn HS, NY; fr Auburn; travelling tutor 99; instructor American Acad of Dramatic Arts 99-00; writer 00-3; instructor in English U of Tex 03-5; asst prof English Leland Stanford Junior U, Cal 03-; lecturer Columbia U summer 05; lecturer U of Ore summer 10; lecturer U of 111 summer 12; ad Stanford U, Palo Alto, Cal GLEN ARNOLD GROVE; AB; AM Columbia U 01; b Fayetteville 31 Ja 69; prep CA 93; fr Fayetteville; t Vt Acad, Saxtons River 97-00; graduate student in En- glish Columbia U oo-i; t The Packard Commercial Sch, New York 01-; traveller and lecturer; ad 253 Lexington Av, New York; res 550 W I44th St WILLIAM GUILLAN; AB; BD oo; b Brooklyn 3 Mr 69; prep CA; fr Brooklyn; ord Valley Stream 20 Je oo; p Valley Stream 00-10; Wayne 10-; ad Wayne, NY ARTHUR JOHN HAGGETT; AB; RTS oo; b Somerset England 18 O 69; prep CA 93; ord Hiawatha Ks 18 S oo; p Hiawatha 00-4; Des Moines la 04-7; Atchison Ks 07-; ad 115 N 9th St, Atchison, Ks" LAMONT FOSTER HODGE; AB; b Rainbow Ct 25 Ja 74; prep Ct Lit Institution. Suffield; fr Reading Pa; t Mexico Acad and HS, NY 97-9; Franklin Acad, Malone 99-01; prin 01-11; supt schs Malone 08-11; asst supt schs Yonkers n-; ad The Belfort, 96 Hamilton Av, Yonkers, NY WILLIAM THOMAS HUDSON; PhB; MD Union 99; b Auburn 6 Jl 74; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn; prac med Auburn 99-; ad 20 William St, Auburn, NY EDGAR RHUEL HYDE; AB; BD oo; b Owego 5 F 71 ; prep Mt Hermon Sch, Mass; COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1897 191 fr Groton NY; ord Owego n S oo; p Turners Falls Mass 00-2; Clinton 02-9; Middletown Ct 10-; ad 47 Main St, Middletown, Ct EDGAR SHUGERT INGRAHAM; AB; PhD U of Pa 03; b Tidioute Pa 7 Ag 76; prep Oil City HS; fr Oil City; instructor in French and German 97-9; graduate student in Romance langs, U scholar Columbia 1)99-00; student U Freiburg oo; U Paris oo-i; U scholar Columbia U 01-2; U fellow in Romance langs U of Pa O2~3;asst prof Romance langs O State U o3-8;assoc prof 08-; sec C of Arts, Phil and Sci 11-; ad O State U, Columbus, O WILLIAM BAXTER KELSEY; PhB; AM Yale n; b Flushing 2 D 72; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn; fr Brooklyn; s 97-8; prin and prof math Benedict C, Columbia SC 98-01; ord Lakewood NJ 14 S oo; t math and sci Peekskill Mil Acad, NY 01-2; supervising prin Rhinebeck high and grammar schs 02-4; supervising prin Ponckhockie high and grammar schs Kingston 04-7; supervising prin Walter- ville Sch, Bridgeport Ct 07-10; supt and prin HS Stratford 10-; ad Stratford, Ct CLARENCE DARWIN KINGSLEY; BS; AM Columbia U 04; b Syracuse 12 JI 74; prep Syracuse HS; fr Syracuse; asst in math 98-02; graduate student Colum- bia 1102-3; with New York Charity Organization Society 03-4; t Manual Train- ing HS Brooklyn 04-12; agent Mass State Board of Education, res Boston 12-; ad State Board of Education, Ford Building, Boston, Mass ZALMON CHASE LARIEW; AB; b 25 O 75; prep Waverly HS; fr Waverly; bus Philadelphia Pa 97-?; res St Louis Mo *ERNEST NEAL LYON; AB; b Greenfield Mass 26 O 73; prep CA 93; fr East- branch; t English Marion Mil Institute, Ala 97-00; Mt Hermon Sch, Mass 00-2; writer 02-5 ; t Manual Training HS, Brooklyn NY 05-7 ; d Pasadena Cal 26 N 07 CHARLES ELMENDORF MILLS; AB; b Castleton 9 Mr 74; fr Dennysville Me; t St John's Mil Acad, Manlius NY 97-00; graduate student Yale oo-i ; t Phillips Acad, Andover Mass 01-?; W Hartford Ct in 09; ad Limerick, Me RAYMOND PARSONS ROBERTS; BS; b Perth Amboy NJ 30 Mr 77; fr Perth Amboy; clerk Continental Insurance Co New York 97-00; t Flushing HS oo; Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute oo-i; International Correspondence Schs of Scranton Pa 01-4; real estate bus New York 04-10; on editorial staff Globe and Commercial Advertiser, New York 10-1; real estate editor Record and Guide, New York 11-2; building manager American Real Estate Co, New York 12-; ad 527 5th Av, New York; res 672 St Nicholas Av ROBERT GILLIN SEYMOUR; AB; b Boston Mass 19 F 76; prep Central HS, Philadelphia Pa; fr Philadelphia; studied law U of Pa 97-9; t Colorado Springs HS Col 99 ; newspaper reporter and editor Rocky Mountain News, and Denver Times 99-04; news editor Denver Evening Times 04-6; news editor Rocky Mountain News, Denver 06-12; news editor Denver Evening Post 12-; ad The Post, Den- ver, Col DILL BRONSON SMITH; AB; AM 98; b Hamilton 19 O 74; prep CA 93; fr Ham- ilton; graduate student c 97-8; t Dundee HS 98-01 ; prin 01-3; prin Skaneateles HS 03-4; with Pittsburg and Conneaut Dock Co, Conneaut O 04-; ad 526 San- dusky St, Conneaut, O KENDALL PROCTOR SMITH; AB; b Ontario 13 N 73; prep CA 93; fr W Win- field; t H Thane Miller Sch, Cincinnati O 97-8; Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis 98-9; Delaware Lit Institute, Franklin NY 00-2; with The Home Correspondence 1 92 COLLEGE ALUMNI 11897 Sch, Springfield Mass 02-3; t Perry NY 03-7; with The Perry Knitting Co 07-; ad Perry, NY EDWIN CYRUS TANNER; AB; b Sennett 18 Mr 71; prep CA; fr Sennett; farmer Sennett 97-02; on ranch Alberta, Manitoba Can 02-11; res Portland Ore 11-2; Id 12; ad Sennett, NY WALTER HAMMOND WILEY; PhB; b Ballston Spa 7 F 76; prep Ballston Spa HS; fr Ballston Spa; junior member firm A N Wiley and Son Ballston Spa 97-09; owner department store of A N Wiley and Son 09-; ad Ballston Spa, NY GEORGE CYRUS WILSON; AB; b Rome 11 Ap 70; prep CA 93; fr Fenner; asst sec YMCA Concord NH97; Keene 97-9; gen sec YMCA Brattleboro Vt 99-03; Kalamazoo Mich 03-9; San Jose Cal 09-; ad San Jose, Cal HOWELL ROLAND WOOD; BS; AM Columbia U 02; b Venice 16 Jl 74; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn; t Flushing HS 97-; ad 129 Union St, Flushing, NY ARTHUR BURNETT ALDRICH; sp 93-5; s 98; b Venice 18 N 68; prep Moravia Un Sch; fr Moravia; ord Mannsville 13 O 98; p Mannsville 98-03; Cassville 03-6; Water- loo 06-; ad Waterloo, NY WILLIAM ORVILLE ALLEN; 92-4; AB SyrU 97; AM 99; STB Boston U, Mass 02 ; PhD 05; b Waddington 26 F 72; prep CA; fr Hamilton; graduate student SyrU 98-9; ord ME St Albans Vt 7 Ap 02 ; p Springfield 03 ; Jacob Sleeper fellow Boston U, Mass, studying U Leipzig 04; graduate student Boston U, Mass 05; prof phil and psychology Tabor C, la 05-7; prof psychology and education Cornell C, Mt Vernon 07-9; prof phil and education Drury C, Springfield Mo 09-; ad 1362 Benton Av, Springfield, Mo WILLIAM EDWARD BABCOCK; sp 93-6; b Constantia 9 Je 70; fr Constantia; p Han- cock 97-01; ord Painted Post 26 Ap 01; p Painted Post 01-6; Eau Claire Wis 06-1 1 ; Utica NY 1 1-; ad 6 Miller St, Utica, NY EDWARD THOMAS BROWN; f 93-5; PhB UMich 97; b Martville 3 Ag 70; prep Fair- haven S; fr Martville; graduate student UMich 97-8; CornU 98-9; adm to bar, NY 99; prac law Wolcott 99-; ad Wolcott, NY OTIS HENRY DARBY; 93-4; b Cortland 9 Ja 67; prep CA; fr Homer; ord Lakeridge 19 D 94; sup and ev with NY State Conv Lakeridge, Port Dickinson, and Dor- renceton Pa 94-8; p Jay NY 98-01 ; Rowe Mass and Charlemont 01-4; miss p and sup Wyoming Assoc, Pa, res Pittston 04-; ad 226 Parke St, Pittston, Pa WALTER CARL KLOTZ; f 93-4; MD Columbia U 98; b New York 29 Jl 75; prep C of City of New York; fr New York; house surgeon City Hospital, New York 98-9; studied Frankfurt and Paris 99-00; prac med New York 00-9; director Vt Sanatorium for Tuberculosis, Pittsford 09-12; prac med Douglas Ariz 12-; ad Douglas, Ariz WILLIAM CONSIDER LAW; 93-4; b Dix 3 Je 71; prep Rome Free Acad; fr Dix; t Westmoreland 94-07; PM and freight agent Bartlett 08-; ad Bartlett, NY FRANK JONATHAN MILMAN; 93-4; PhD u; b 27 O 70; prep Lackawanna Pa; fr Scran- ton; student Merivale C, Ky in 96; p Presb Newark NJ ?-; ad 607 Summer Av, Newark, NJ JOSEPH ADDISON MOTT; sp 93-4; b Hamilton 10 S 72; prep CA; fr Hamilton; with Lincoln Natl Bank, New York 94-00; res Hamilton 00-4; with J H Sheehan and Co, Utica 04-5; grocery bus Hamilton 05; res Hamilton 05-; ad Hamilton, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1897 193 BEAUMAN LOWE NEWKIRK; f 93-5; CTS 99; b Kingston 30 O 72; prep CA 93; fr Broadalbin; ord Rhinebeck 16 Je 99; p Rhinebeck 99-00; Germantown, Phila- delphia Pa oo-; ad 173 Queen Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa FRANK HERRICK NEWLAND; sp 93-7; MD Cleveland Homoeopathic Med C, O 02; b Canandaigua 13 D 73; prep Cook Acad; fr Clifton Springs; prac med Clifton Springs 02-; ad Clifton Springs, NY JOHN MILTON OAKSFORD; 93-6; UR 97; b Worcester England 6 Ja 66; prep CA 93; fr Gloversville; UTS 97-8; CTS 98-00; ord Brooklyn NY 226 oo;p Brooklyn oo- 2; Indian Lake 02-3; Sanborn 03-4; became PE; rector NJ WILLIAM SEYMOUR PEEK; sp 93-4; s 97; b Scotch Church 3 My 70; prep CA; fr Am- sterdam; ord Amsterdam 5 N 97; sup Syracuse 97; Plantsville Ct 97-8; p Platts- burg NY 99-03; sup Jay 03; sec Plattsburg NS 03-7; clerk with NY, NH and H Railway Readville Mass 07-; ad E Dedham, Mass HERMAN ARTHUR PRICE; sp 93-4; RTS German Dept 92; b Albany n Ag 70; fr Albany; UR 92-3; ord Pekin 111 7 Ag 95; p Pekin 94-8; Tariffville Ct 99-03; Stepney 03-4; Blossburg Pa 04-6; merchant Albany NY 06-; ad Ten Eycke Park, i Cuyler Av, Albany, NY HENRY BAILEY RATHBONE; f 93-5; b Merrick 3 Jl 71 ; prep CA; fr New York; news- paper work New York and Chicago 11195-; sporting expert Associated Press 9 5-6; field editor Standard News Assoc 96-7; NY state editor Associated Press 97-8; sporting editor New York Journal 98-9; supt Hearst News Syndicate 99-01 ; news editor Chicago American 01-3; news editor New York Evening Journal 03-; ad 332 Montclair Av, Newark, NJ JAMES ARTHUR ROLFE; sp 93-6; b N Manlius 19 Jl 69; prep Yates Acad, Chittenango; fr N Manlius; res N Manlius 96-8; studied law Syracuse 98-01; adm to bar Ro- chester My 01 ; prac law Clifton Springs 02-; ad Clifton Springs, NY CHARLES SCHWEIKERT; sp 93-5; NTI 98; b New York 17 Jl 70; prep CA; fr New York; ord New York 1 1 N 98; p New York 98-01 ; New Brighton 01-8; Paterson NJ 08-; ad 409 Union Av, Paterson, NJ GEORGE EDMUND TRAVER STEVENSON; 93-4; BD 99; AB ColU 96; AM 97; BD UChic 99 ;b Green Island i Mr 73; prep CA;fr Schaghticoke;ord Washington DC 10 N 95; p Washington 94-7; student Howard U, Washington 96-7; in Co H ist 111 inf during Santiago campaign; p Cortland NY 99-02; Pittsburg Pa 02-6; chaplain US navy 07-; on USS Virginia in cruise around world 07-10; on duty US naval home and US navy yard, Philadelphia Pa 10-; lecturer; ad Care Navy Dept, Washington, DC WESLEY EVERETT WOODS; 1 93-4; b Springfield Mass i Ag 74; prep Colorado Springs HS, Col; fr Collinsville Ct; bookkeeper Bridgeport 94-8; bookkeeper and treasurer Star Hygeia Ice Co Yonkers NY 99-; ad 65 Waring Place, Yonkers, NY 1898 ULYSSES FAYETTE AXTELL; AB; b Barbourville 3 Ap 74; prep Deposit UnSch; fr Barbourville; t Whitman 98; Sanford 99; prin Patterson UnSch 99-02; Tuxedo UnSch 02-9; head English dept Cortland NS 09-; graduate student Columbia U summer 10; ad 35 Prospect St, Cortland, NY IRVING BACON; BS; b Cayuga co 7 Ap 73; prep Red Creek Acad; fr El Cajon Cal; law clerk Auburn NY 98-01; adm to bar 23 Jl 01; prac law (Bacon and 194 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1898 Whelan) Auburn 02-9; (Bacon and Hoxie) 09-; ad Auburn Savings Bank Building, Auburn, NY FRANKLIN LUTHER BARKER; AB; EM Col State Sch of Mines 06; b Homer 18 F 71; prep CA; fr Homer; t Morgan Hall Sch for Boys, Minneapolis Minn 98-9; Marshalltown HS, la 99-00; graduate student U of Minn oo-i; t Duluth Central HS 01-3; chemist and assay er Duluth 03-4; student Col State Sch of Mines 04- 6; mining engineer Leadville 06-8; prof mining U of Ore, Eugene 08-; ad U of Ore, Eugene, Ore WILLIAM WALKER BARKER; AB; s 02; b Fredonia 6 N 73; prep Fredonia NS; fr Fredonia; ord Allegheny City Pa i D 02; assoc p Allegheny City 02-3; p Frank- fort NY 03-7; Pawling 07-; ad Pawling, NY "THEODORE FRENCH BROOKINS; BS; b 7 Je 74; prep Norwich HS; fr Nor- wich; prin Ausable Forks Un Sch 98-00; d Norwich 1 1 Ap oo JOSEPH FINTON BULLOCK; BS; b Barrington 7 Jl 73; prep Keuka Institute, Keuka Park; fr Crosby; t The U Sch, Norwalk Ct 98-9; prin E Bloomfield HS, NY oo-i; Shortsville HS 01-3; bus Penn Yan 03-7; fruit farming Penn Yan 07-12; district supt schs Yates co, res Penn Yan 12-; ad Penn Yan, NY JOHN GOODING CARPENTER; PhB; LLB Buffalo LS oo; b Westport 15 S 74: prep Westport Un Sch; fr Westport; adm to bar Rochester Je oo; prac law Avon oo-; ad Avon, NY *STEPHEN JUDSON EARLY; AB; b Sydenham England 26 N 62; prep Pillsbury Acad, Owatonna Minn; fr Owatonna; s 98-00; d Hamilton 21 N oo FREDERICK VALENTINE EMERSON; AB; PhD UChic 07; b Tillotson Pa 14 F 71 ; prep Union City HS; fr Tillotson; t Warren HS 98-9; Steelton HS 99-02; Ardmore HS 02-3; asst in geology CornU 03-4; U scholar in geology Harv 04-5; U fellow in geography and geology UChic 05-6; instructor in geology U of Mo, Columbia 06-; member of US soil survey 10-; ad Columbia, Mo FRED PRATT ERNSBERGER; BS; b Auburn 9 Jl 75; prep Auburn HS; fr Au- burn; photographer Auburn 98-; ad 146 North St, Auburn, NY H LOREN FASSETT; AB; b Golden Hill Pa 29 N 72; prep Keystone Acad, Fac- toryville; fr Scottsville; t Keystone Acad, Factoryville 98-03; CA 03-6; prin Keystone Acad, Factoryville Pa 06-10; pres ist Natl Bank Factoryville 08-10; sec and treasurer Medina chamber of commerce, NY 10-; ad 507 Main St, Me- dina, NY SPENCER JAMES FORD; PhB; s 01 ; b Ford 21 N 66; prep CA; fr Camden; ord Norwich 2 Jl 01; p Norwich 01-5; New York 05-; ad Astoria Place, Astoria, LI City, NY HOWARD MARVIN GAYLORD; PhB; AM 07; b Burlington Ct 8 O 76; prep Bristol HS; fr Bristol; graduate student in English UChic 98-9; clerk internal revenue office Washington DC 99-00; telegraph editor The Evening Mail, Colo- rado Springs Col 01; sec to MC F E Brooks Washington DC 03-4; clerk board on improvement of navy yards 04; clerk Postoffice Dept 04-5; clerk internal revenue bureau 05-; ad 1331 E Capitol St, Washington, DC 'WILLIAM WALTER GRANT; AB; b Delhi i F 71; prep Oneonta NS; fr Delhi; t public schs New York 98-05; d Delhi 3 S 05 ASA ZADEL HALL; AB; MD Cleveland Homoeopathic Med C 03; b Granville O 15 D 75; prep CA 94; fr Madison; ord Cleveland O 30 N 98; p Cleveland 98-00; COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1898 195 acting p Cleveland 01; asst p Cleveland 02; member house staff Cleveland City Hospital, and Cleveland Tuberculosis Sanitarium 03-4; med advisor for San Luis Valley Health Ranch, Crestone Col 04; p Saguache Col 05; med miss Ningyuen Fu W China 06-8; p Saguache Col 09; supt Bapt City Miss Society Saguache 10-1 ; p Denver n-; ad 3307 E i4th Av, Denver, Col HARRY HERBERT HAYS; BS; b Dundee 31 My 73; prep Cook Acad; fr Dundee; studied law Elmira 98-00; adm to bar Albany N oo; prac law Elmira oo-; ad 112 Lake St, Elmira, NY FREDERICK CHARLES HICKS; PhB; LLB Georgetown U, Washington DC 01; AM BU 07; b Auburn 14 O 75; prep Auburn; fr Auburn; asst chief map division Lib of Congress, Washington DC 98-04; prac law Auburn NY 04-5; libn US Naval War C, Newport RI 05-8; asst libn Brooklyn public lib, NY 08-9; supt reading rooms Columbia U 10-1; asst libn n-; ad Columbia U Lib, New York STEPHEN SANBORN HUSE; AB; NTI 01 ; b Amesbury Mass 29 D 72; prep Brad- ford HS; fr Newton Junction NH; s 98-9; ord Bellingham Mass 19 Je 01; miss ABMU PI 01-3; p Bellingham Mass 03; miss ABHMS Mex 04-7; pMeriden NH 08-10; Nashua 10-; ad 105 Allds St, Nashua, NH MATTHEW FRANCIS HYLAND; PhB; b Hamilton 13 Mr 72; prep CA; fr Ham- ilton; with Gen Electric Co, Schenectady 00-10; dept manager Brown-Lipe- Chapin Co, Syracuse 10-; ad 202 Tennyson Av, Syracuse, NY FREDERICK BIRD JONES; AB; AM Columbia U 99; b Auburn 29 S 77; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn; U scholar Columbia U 98-9; t The Lakewood Sch, Lake- wood 99-00; graduate student and asst in Latin SyrU oo-i ; prin E Bloomfield HS 01-5; Dundee HS 05-8; t Binghamton HS 08-9; t Latin Boys HS, Brooklyn 09-; graduate student New York U 1 1-; ad 135 Warwick St, Brooklyn, NY EDGAR ALEXANDER LEWIS; PhB; b Smithville 8 N 69; prep Union Acad; fr Belleville; prin Broadalbin Un Sch 99-03 ; t Wayland 03-; prin HS; ad Wayland, NY CLAYTON GASTON MABEY; BS; MS oo; b Fleming 30 D 72 ; prep Auburn HS; fr Fleming; graduate student c 98-9; t Unadilla oo-i; prin Morrisville HS 01-4; Nunda HS 04-8; supervising prin Sidney public schs 08-; ad Sidney, NY ERNEST ARTHUR PRENTICE; AB; b Little Falls 1 8 Mr 76; prep Little Falls HS; fr Little Falls; t Murray Ky 98; Manheim NY 99-00; Danube oo-i; Scott- dale Pa 01-2; mill and office work with American Sheet and Tin Plate Co, Scott- dale 02-4; drafting and math work with H C Frick Coke Co, Scottdale 04-; ad 506 Eleanor Av, Scottdale, Pa EDWIN MERRILL RANDOLPH; AB; b Chicago 111 27 Jl 72; prep CA 94; fr St Louis Mo; t W Winfield HS, NY 98-9; prin 99-00; t NY Mil Acad, Cornwall oo-i ; prin Middleport HS 01-3; N Tonawanda HS 03-4; treasurer and gen manager Silverease Co, Boston Mass 04-9; t French in English HS Boston 09-12; junior master modern lang dept 12-; graduate student Harv summer 09; student France and Germany summer 12; ad 63 Stanton St, Dorchester Center Station, Boston, Mass ALPHAEUS BRUCE REYNOLDS; AB; b Victory 27 Ja 73; prep Red Creek Un Sch; fr Victory; t Clinton Liberal Institute, Fort Plain 98-9; Howe Sch, Lima Ind 99-00; t Latin and Spanish U of Notre Dame 00-6; with G and P Railway sur- vey Junction Id 09-? CHARLES HATCH SEARS; AB; AM Columbia U oo; BD UTS 01; b Preble 21 196 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1898 N 70; prep CA 94; fr Delphi; ord New York 23 My 02; assoc p New York 01-3; p 03-4; executive sec and supt New York City Bapt Miss Society 04-; graduate student New York U; ad 2462 DeVoe Terrace, New York HARRY MEEKER SHELDON; PhB; b Westport 12 Jl 73; prep Westport HS; fr Westport; t Franklin 98-9; Washington DC 99-00; clerk in US census office Wash- ington 00-2; private sec MC L N Littauer Washington 03-4; clerk US navy yard New York 04-7; junior engineer dept of subways public service commission New York 07-; ad 142 6th Av, Brooklyn, NY EDWARDS HARGRAVE SMITH; PhB; LLB U of Neb oo; b Beaver Dam Wis 26 My 76; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam; fr Omaha Neb: adm to bar, Neb Je oo, Wis S oo ; prac law Milwaukee oo-i ; Colorado Springs Col 01-3; engaged in production of crude petroleum Independence Ks 03-6; real estate bus and farmer San Benito Tex 06-; ad San Benito, Tex LAWRENCE BRADLEY STEVENS: AB; AM U of Denver, Col 08; PdM State Teachers' C, Col 09; b Bloomfield 111 9 F 62; prep S 111 NS; fr Greenville; insur- ance bus NY 99; Denver Col 99-00; SS miss Greeley 00-2; student Col State Teachers' C, Greeley 00-2 ; t Telluride and Durango 02-5 ; prin Central Sch Lead- ville 05-10; student State Teachers' C, Greeley summer 05-10; supt Fruita Un HS and affiliated schs 10-; ad Fruita, Col JOHN MOORE STILES; AB;b Deposit 20 My 72; prep DapDsit HS; fr Deposit; s 98-9; physical director YMCA Rahway NJ 01-2; director boys club Hamilton House, New York 02-3; asst head worker Union Settlement New York 03-4; associated with Francis W Parker Sch Chicago 111 05; inv Deposit NY 05-; ad Deposit, NY MERTON ERNEST STUBBS; PhB; b Colorado Springs Col 17 F 76; prep Colo- rado Springs HS; fr Colorado Springs; mining Colorado Springs 98-; dep co clerk El Paso co 00-5 ; clerk of courts Colorado Springs 05-; sec Savings Building and Loan Assoc 11-; ad 524 N Tejon St, Colorado Springs, Col JEREMIAH McKAY THOMPSON; PhB; AM 09; b 21 Jl 69; prep CA; fr Dundee ; prin Dundee HS in 99; Penn Yan HS ?-os; with State Education Dept 05-9; prin Potsdam NS 09-; ad Potsdam, NY FREDERICK WILLIAM TOMLINSON; AB; soi ; b Wales Center 24 My 72; prep CA 94; fr Wales Center; UTS 99-00; ord Wales Center 1 1 Jl 01 ; p Madison 01-9; Elbridge 09-; ad Elbridge, NY JOHN CASPAR AVAKIAN; 94-5; CE Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy 02; b Harpoto Armenia i Mi 75; prep Cook Acad, NY: fr Troy; lecturer 95-7; commer- cial traveler NE 97-8; draftsman for Lehigh Valley Railway 02; asst engineer Buffalo, Dunkirk and Western Railway 03 ; asst engineer US reclamation service, Los Angeles Cal 03-; ad 631 Central Building, Los Angeles, Cal *MYRON EDWIN BAILEY; 94-6; b St Paul Minn 9 D 72; prep Pillsbury Acad, Owaton- na; fr Minneapolis ; s 96-8; ord S Hamilton 2 D 96; p Stevensville Mont 98-00; Beveridge Minn oo-i ; Plainfield Wis 01-2; Whitewater 02-3; res Whitewater 03-4; pupt manual training Aitoona Pa 04-5; dir ctor dept manual art? Allegany co HS, Cumberland 05-7; t Seattle Wash 07-12; d Seattle 10 N 12 ABRAHAM LINCOLN BOYNTON; sp 94-6; b Peru 3 My 65; prep CA; fr Ausable Forks; NTI 96-9; ord Johnson Vt 17 O 99; p Johnson 99-01 ; Richville NY 01-8; Andover 08-10 ; Madison 10-; ad Madison, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1898 197 ARTHUR WARREN COLLARD; 94-5; AB UR 99; b Newburgh 17 D 72; prep S Jersey institute, Bridgeton NJ; fr Paterson; t S Jersey Institute, Bridgeton 99-00; Dover HS 00-2; Chapin Collegiate Sch, New York 02-; ad Paterson, NJ FRANCIS ALBERT CUNNINGHAM; sp 94-6; b Sunderland England n F 70; prep CA; fr Brooklyn; s 96-7; p Springfield Center 96-00; ord Springfield Center n O 99; p Bangall 00-8; Rowayton Ct 08-; ad Rowayton, Ct *MILTON SQUIRES DEAN; 94-5; b 73; prep Binghamton HS; fr Binghamton; d Bing- hamton N 95 CHARLES LAMOTT DOUGLASS; sp 94-7; b 69; prep CA; fr Poolville RICHARD DWIGHT HUDSON; f 94-7; b Auburn 18 O 74; prep Auburn HS; ir Auburn; with D M Osborne and Co, Auburn 98; t and editor Citizen, George Junior Re- public, Freeville 99; with D M Osborne and Co, Auburn oo-i; private sec T M Osborne and manager Osborne Home, Auburn 02; with D M Osborne and Co, Auburn 03-4; sec Osborne Relief Assoc and manager employment bureau D M Osborne and Co, Auburn 34-6; wjth Gen Chemical Co New York 06-8; with L E Waterman Co of New York 08-; ad 5354 Frink St, Chicago, 111 WILLIAM GANSEVOORT MACK; sp 94-6; MD Albany Med C oo; b Butler 4 Ag 68; prep CA; fr Wolcott; interne St Peter's Hospital, Albany oo-i; asst phys Bing- ham Hall Hospital for Insane, Canandaigua 01-?; res Auburn ?-; ad 34 Lewis St, Auburn, NY 'SAMUEL McMiNis; sp 94-5; CTS 98; b Edenordinary, Banbridge, co Down, Ire- land 28 F 61; prep Pillsbury Acad, Owatonna Minn; fr Banbridge Ireland; ord W T Concord Minn 16 Ag 98; p W Concord 98-02; Pipestone 02-?; res Salem Ore ?-;ad R F D 9, Salem, Ore .ANTONIO MANGANO; 94-5; AB BU 99; BD UTS 03; AM Columbia U 03; b Acri Italy 7 D 69 ; prep CA 94; fr Hempstead; in Europe 99-00; ord New York 3 My 04; gen miss ABHMS to Italians 03-4; p Brooklyn 04-7; professor in charge Italian Dept s Brooklyn 07-; ad 18 Jackson St, Brooklyn, NY EDWARD ALLISON MEAD; sp 94-5; b Warrensburg; prep CA; fr New York; private sec to Peter Conlin, chief of police, New York 95-7 ; private sec to James W Pin- chot, New York 97-07; student New York LS 06-9; adm to bar, NY 09; prac law New York 09-; dramatic reader; ad 60 Broadway, New York .ALLEN LAPP METZ; 94-6; b Williamsville 4 O 74; prep Buffalo NS; fr Williamsville; t 96-00; salesman for D R Rooney, Buffalo 01-3; for Natl Biscuit Co at Niagara Fall's 03-4; manager branch Natl Biscuit Co Dunkirk 04-11; travelling salesman for R B Davis Co of Hoboken NJ 1 1-; ad 60 Lisbon St, Buffalo, NY HENRY BEAUMONT MORRELL; sp 94-5; b 74; prep Phillips Exeter Acad, NH; fr Lake- wood NJ THEODORE OSOL; sp 94-5 ; b 62 ; fr Boston Mass Louis ALVAH PICKETT; sp 94-5; s 98; b Ridgeway 22 Ag 66; prep CA; fr Kenyonville; ord Triangle 16 S 98 ; p Triangle 98-01 ; Mt Upton 01-3 ; Weedsport 03-1 1 ; Wauke- sha Wis ii-; ad Waukesha, Wis .ARTHUR FREEMAN RHINEHART; | 94-5; b Ellenburg i Ja 75; prep Franklin Acad; fr W T estville Center; t 95-6; machinist Chicopee Falls Mass 96-7; res Westville Cen- ter NY 97-01; machinist Manchester NHoi-4; in charge of Hampden Co Golf Club grounds, Chicopee Falls Mass 04-7; machinist Syracuse NY 07-; ad 1423 * Grape St, Syracuse, NY 198 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1898 DAYTON FULLER SMITH; t 94-6; LLB Union 01 ; b Randallsville 12 Je 74; prep CA; fr Hamilton; prac law Hamilton 01-10; Syracuse 10-; ad 3d Natl Bank Building, Syracuse, NY; res 206 E Colvin St Louis ABLEMAN STREMPLE; sp 94-5; b Albany 12 Mr 71 ; prep Albany; fr Albany; t singing and vocalist Albany 95-; organizer and director Mendelssohn Chorus, Shenectady 02-4; instructor Union Glee Club, Schenectady 02-3; director Albany male chorus 10; t solo singers Clover Side Sch for Girls, Washington DC 11-2; pro- fessional singer; Christian Sci practitioner; ad 300 Washington Av, Albany, NY JULIUS TUCKERMAN; 94-6; b 74; prep Vt Acad, Saxtons River; fr Saxtons River; studied Breslau; Yale 95-?; t Springfield HS, Mass EDWIN THEODORE WELCH; f 94-7; b 75; prep Oil City HS, Pa; fr Oil City; with Standard Oil Co, Oil City 98-; ad Oil City, Pa THOMAS DAMMES WESLEY; 94-5; AB BU 98; BD UTS 01; b New York 6 Mr 73;. prep Mt Hermon Mass;fr New York;RTS 98-9 ; graduate student UTS oi-2;ord New York 6 Ap 02 ; p Hasbrouck Heights NJ 02-3 ; p and t Westwood 03-4 ; prin Livingston HS 04-5; p Etna 04-6; prin Oradell HS 05-6; p Pluckemin 06-1 1 ; miss White Cloud Ks 11-2; p Sharps Va and Weems 12-; ad Sharps, Va *MICHAEL ELLSWORTH WHEELER; sp 94-5; b 73; fr Blackrock Md; d Hamilton NY 9 N 95 MORGAN JAMES WHITE; sp 94-6; b Hamilton 22 F 76; prep CA; fr Hamilton; studied law Hamilton 98-01 ; adm to bar Catskill 02; prac law Hamilton 02-; ad Hamilton, NY GEORGE WILSON-JONES; sp 94-6; b Utica 22 Ag 72; prep CA; fr Utica; t C of Com- merce, Utica 96-7; Utica Bus C 97-8; stenographer Utica 98-9; stenographer and bookkkeeper Utica 99-01; sec Retail Lumber Dealers Assoc of NY, Utica 01-2; sec and treasurer 02-10; sec 111 lumber and builders' supply dealers assoc, Chicago io-; acting sec American lumber trades' congress 10-; acting sec lumber sees bu- reau of information IO-; ad 1509 Manhattan Building, 431 S Dearborn St, Chicago,. Ill ; res 306 Forest Av, Oak Park 1899 THOMAS ALLEN; AB; b Belchertown Mass 29 Mr 70; prep CA 95; frBelchertown- Mass; t Marlboro NH 99-02; Bernardston Mass 02-7; real estate and insurance Montague 07-; ad Montague, Mass LOUIS EDMUND BIRD; PhB;b Sterling 25 Mr 75; prep FairhavenHS; fr Vic- tory; t Herkimer HS 99-02; prin 02-3; Newport HS 03-5; Phelps Un and Classi- cal Sch 05-; ad Phelps, NY RALPH POTTER BLISS ;PhB;b Syracuse 7 Ag 75; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn;: t W Winfield HS 99-00; Betts Acad, Stamford Ct oo; graduate student Columbia U oo ; t Morristown HS, NJ 01-4; Commercial HS, Brooklyn NY 04-; ad 101 Hawthorne St, Brooklyn, NY WILLIAM WALLACE BULLOCK; PhB; b Barrington 7 Je 75; prep KalC; fr Crosby NY; office work New York 99; t Yates co oo; Middlesex 01-2; prin N Cohocton and Atlanta HS 03-5; Cuba HS 05-6; Palmyra Classical HS 06-12; supt Hastings-on-Hudson public schs 12-: graduate student Columbia U 12-; ad Hastings-on-Hudson, NY ARTHUR COWAN CADY; AB; b Washington la 28 S 72; prep Wayland Acad,. COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1899 199 Beaver Dam Wis; fr Rozetta 111; t Lake Forest Acad 99-02; mail carrier Chicago 02-; ad 4046 Congress St, Chicago, 111 JOHN DABOLL WEBSTER CHESTER; AB;b Noank Ct 21 F 76; prep Bulkley Sch New London; fr Noank; t Sedgwick Institute, Great Barrington Mass 99-00; Ct Lit Institution, Suffield oo-i; prin Uxbridge HS, Mass 01-3; Turners Falls HS 03-7; Maynard HS 07-; ad Maynard, Mass HERBERT ASHER COOK; BS; b 13 N 72; prep Pillsbury Acad, Owatonna Minn; fr Minneapolis; lumber bus Minneapolis 99-00; Ashland Wis 00-3; San Fran- cisco Cal and Oakland 03-; ad Care Overland Lumber Co, San Pablo Av and 4Oth St, Oakland, Cat FRANK FERRIS DUNHAM; AB; b Flint Mich 15 Ap 69; prep Oneonta NS, NY; fr Owego; t Waterloo HS 99-01; Franklin Acad, Malone 01-2; prin Canisteo HS 02-7; Madison Sch, Syracuse 07-; ad 1203 Harrison St, Syracuse, NY GEORGE EVERETT ELDRED; PhB; b Clayville 17 F 76; prep CA 95; fr Hamil- ton; testing dept Gen Electric Co, Schenectady oo; rodman dept of yards and docks, New York navy yard 01 ; inspector Pressed Steel Car Co Pittsburg Pa 02; testing dept Gen Electric Co, Lynn Mass 02-3; statistician Yale gymnasium 04-6; with Isthmian Canal Commission, New York summer 05; graduate student in statistics Harv 06-7; statistician Schenectady NY 07-; ad 916 Delamont Av, Schenectady, NY :NAT TERRY FRAME; AB; b Dapauville 25 F 77; prep Un Acad, Belleville; fr Belleville; prin Black River Un Sch 99-00; asst supt George Junior Republic, Freeville 00-2; t Catskill HS 02; with Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Co New York 02-3; with Clarion Construction Co of Baltimore Md 04-5; with American Horticultural Distributing Co of Martinsburg WVa 06-9; sec, treasurer and gen manager Hart-Clohan Co, Martinsburg 10-; ad Martinsburg, WVa BERTON ANSON GARRETT; PhB; b Ballston 30 S 76; prep Ballston Spa HS; fr Ballston Spa; with Gen Electric Co Schenectady 99-; asst accounting dept 99; libn engineering dept 99-00; draftsman 00-2; designer 02-3; testing dept 03-4; drafting dept, Curtis steam turbine section 04-6; mechanical engineer in turbine engineering dept, 06-; ad 55 Pleasant St, Ballston Spa, NY HARRY SHREVE HIGGINS; AB; RTS 02; b Bordentown NJ 14 F 71 ; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown; fr Bordentown; ord Alma Mich 10 F 03; p Alma 03-6; graduate student RTS 06-7; p Olney, Philadelphia, Pa 08-1 1 "STEPHEN HOLDEN; AB; LLB New York LS 01 ; b Sherburne 13 Ag 78; prep CA; fr Sherburne; adm to bar My 01; prac law New York 01-3; White Plains 03-; Mt Vernon 09-; ad 17 Myrtle St, White Plains, NY FRANCIS ULYSSES KOHLER; AB; RTS 02; b Pittsford 4 Jl 74; prep Cook Acad; fr Fair port; ord Fair port 6 N 02; p Fairport 02-4; Bellevue Pa 04-8; Boon vi lie NY 08-12; Buffalo 12-; ad 134 Woodlawn Av, Buffalo, NY ELBERT HILLES LOYD; AB; LLB ColU 04; b Gloversville 5 F 76; prep Glovers- ville HS; fr Gloversville; t and tutor New York and travelled in south 99-00; in census office, Washington DC 00-3; statistical expert bureau of statistics, dept of commerce, Washington 03-5; special agent census bureau 05; adm to bar, DC 04, Mo 05; prac law St Joseph 05-; ad 812 Corby-Forsee Building, St Joseph, Mo -WALTER CLARK MASON; AB; AM 11 ; RTS 02; b Goalpara Assam 26 Jl 75; prep 200 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1899 Cook Acad, NY; fr Hamilton; ord Rochester 20 Je 02; miss ABMU (ABFMS)> Tura Assam 02-; ad Tura, Assam FREDERICK JOHN NEVINGER; BS; b Johnsonburg 14 Ja 76; prep Attica HS: fr Johnsonburg; t Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis 99-07; Geneseo NS, NY 07-8; farmer Johnsonburg 08-10; t Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis oo-; ad Beaver Dam, Wis CHARLES McKENZIE NEWTON; AB; b Bangor Wis 17 My 75; prep Wayiand Acad, Beaver Dam; fr Bangor; res Bangor 99-00; prof history Gale C, Galesville oo-i; studied law U of Minn 01-2; Bangor Wis 02-3; in legal dept Pa Railway, Pittsburg Pa 03-4; adm to bar, Wis 04; res Bangor 04-; ad Bangor, Wis CHARLES HERBERT OLIVER; AB; s 02; BD 05; b Boston Ont 30 Mr 72; prep CA 95; fr Boston Ont; ord Buffalo NY 12 Je 02; p Canton SD 02-4; we Hamilton NY 04-5; p Holland 06-12; farmer Chafee 12-; ad R F D, Chafee, NY HOMER LOCK WOOD POST; AB; b Fleming 12 Ap 74; prep Auburn HS; fr Owasco Lake; studied law 99-01; t George Junior Republic, Freeville 01; bus New York 01-2; adm to bar New York 18 Ja 02; prac law New York 02-4; Auburn 04-5; t Asotin co, Wash 06-7; co clerk, res AsDtin 07-; ad Asotin, Wash CORNELIUS EDWARD SCHAIBLE; AB; s 03; AM 12; BD NTI 04; b New Yortc 27 D 73; prep CA 95; fr Brooklyn; t CA oo-i ; NTI 01-2; fellow 03-4; ord Somers- worth NH 27 Jl 04; p Somersworth 04-5; prof Greek interpretation and ch history Va Un U, Richmond 06-; ad Va Un U, Richmond, Va *GEORGE WILLIAM STROBEL; PhB;b Ohio 20 My 70; prep CA; fr Ohio; t W Aurora HS, 111 oo-i ; Joliet HS 02; inv Raybrook NY 02-3; tSt Louis HS, Mo 04: inv Raybrook NY 05; El Paso Tex 05-6; newspaper and magazine work Los Ange- les Cal 06-8; real estate and insurance bus Glendale 08-12; d Glendale 15 Jl 12 STUART ROOT TREAT; PhB; b Auburn 6 Ja 77; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn, studied law Auburn 99-02 ; adm to bar, NY 1 1 Mr 02 ; clerk surrogate's court Cay- uga co, res Auburn 02-9; prac law Auburn 09-; ad Auburn, NY CHARLES EARL WALTERS; PhB; b Oakfield Wis 2 Je 76; prep Wayland Acad; Beaver Dam; fr Beaver Dam; advertisement writer; with Clark Helme Loomis Co, Chicago 111 oo-i ; with Gove Advertising Agency, Providence RI 01 ; with Marshall Field and Co, Chicago 111 01-2; asst advertising manager Mandel Bros, Chicago 02-3; advertising manager Boston Store, Milwaukee Wis 03-5; advertising manager Dayton Dry Goods Co, Minneapolis Minn 05-7; sec and treasurer The Hall-Taylor Co, Milwaukee Wis 07-12; sec and treasurer The Taylor- Walters Co, advertising agency, Milwaukee 12-; ad 36 Hathaway Building, Milwaukee. Wis; res 702 38th St SEYMOUR BENNETT WELLER; PhB; b Montour Falls 19 F 77; prep Cook Acad;fr Montour Falls ; manager coal office New York 99-00; clerk in actuarial dept Mutual Life Insurance Co, New York 00-6; member Williams, Fryer and Co,. fire insurance, New York 06-9; special agent Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co 09-10; special agent Equitable Life Assurance Society 10-1; cashier Cross and Brown Co, real estate and insurance, New York u-; ad Care Cross and Brown Co, 358 5th Av, New York; res 515 W i39th St LESTER WELLS BOARDMAN; 95-7; AB BU 99; AM 02; b 5 Ap 78; prep Geneva Clas- sical and UnSch; fr Geneva; graduate student in English UChic 99-00; t Cook. COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1899 2OI Acad, NY oo-i; t The U Sch, Providence R I 01-4; graduate student in English BU 01-2; t English Baltimore City C, Md 04-9; head English dept 09-12; head English dept RI State C, Kingston 12-; graduate student in education Columbia U summer 06, 07; ad Kingston, RI Louis THOMAS FOREMAN; 95-7; AB UChic 99; BD oo; b 71; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis; fr Chicago 111; ord Sparta Wis 13 N oo; p Sparta 00-2; Chicago 111 02-8; Osage la 08-; ad Osage, la FRANK CHESTER FRISBIE; f 95-6; prep Oneonta NS; fr Amsterdam GEORGE KIRKPATRICK HAMILTON; 95-6; b Toronto Ont 26 S 71; prep Cook Acad, NY; fr Buffalo; ord Belfast 27 Ap 97: p Belfast 96-8; N Hector 98-02; Troy 02-5; Groton 05-9; Castile 09-; ad Castile, NY ELMER PUTNAM HARRINGTON; t 95-6; b 76; prep Sherman Collegiate Institute; fr Moriah Center JAMES GEORGE HARRIS; 96-7; fr Boston Mass; BU 95-6, 97-8 FRANK ALVORD JENNINGS; f 95-8; PhB BU 99; b Auburn 5 F 76; prep Auburn HS; fr Hamilton; art bus Auburn 99-; ad 220 W Genesee St, Auburn, NY ROBERT MacDoNALD KIRKLAND; 95-7; AB UChic 99; AM U of Pa 08; b Columbia Pa 4 D 76; prep CA 95; fr New Berlin; t Lower Merion HS, Ardmore Pa 99-00; Hoosick Sch, Hoosick NY 00-2; Stamford Ct 02-6; instructor Ursinus C 06-7; graduate student U of Pa 07-10; instructor PrU 10-2; prof Lebanon Valley C, Annville Pa 12-; ad Annville, Pa FRANK BENNETT LANE; sp 95-7; b New Brunswick NJ i Je 75; prep Rutgers Pre- paratory Sch, New Brunswick; fr New Brunswick; proprietor undertaking bus T^few Brunswick 97-00; CTS 00-2; ord Medford NJ 18 Je 02; p Medford 02-5; Vineland 05-; ad 834 Elmer St, Vineland, NJ CLAUDE CARL LYTLE; f 95-7; MD SyrU oo; b Westbury 14 Ap 74; prep Wolcott Un Sch; fr Wolcott; prac med Geneva oo-; ad 431 Main St, Geneva, NY ALBERT RYERSON MILLS; sp 95-7; s 02 ; b New York 17 Ja 67; prep CA; fr New York; ord Middlefield 16 Ja 95; p Turners Falls Mass 02-4; Preston Hollow NY 04-8; Wyoming 08-12; Nunda 12-; ad Nunda, NY MERRILL JOSEPH OBER; J 95-8; BL UMich oo; b Fort Edward 28 O 76; prep Sandy Hill HS; fr Sandy Hill; t Lebanon NH 01-3; in government service Somerville Mass 03-5; Maiden 05-; ad 8 Gellineau St, Maiden, Mass EVERETT JOSEPH PARSONS; 95-7; AB UChic 99; BD 02; b Berlin Wis 74; prep Way- land Acad, Beaver Dam; fr Berlin; ord Barron 02; p Barren 02-3; Eau Claire 03-5; Green Bay 05-7; Aberdeen SD 07-?; Chicago 111 ?-; ad Ogden Park Bapt Ch, Chi- cago, 111 CHARLES ALEXANDER SCHENCK; 95-6; PhG NY C of Pharmacy 01; Doctor of Phar- macy Columbia U 07; b Mt Vernon 6 Mr 73; prep CA 95; fr Hamilton; pharmacist Mt Vernon 96-06; student chemistry New York Cof Pharmacy 03; student chem- istry, bacteriology and toxicology Columbia U 06-7; pharmacist New York 07-; ad 1966 Valentine Av, Bronx, New York WILLIAM FLOYD SEARS; 1 95-7; b 78; prep CA; fr Sherburne; res Sherburne; interpre- ter and guide in India WILLIS DEVER SHULER; sp 95-6; b McGraw 13 S 66; prep CA; fr Hamilton; s 96-7; farmer McGraw 97-; ad McGraw, NY 202 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1 899 FRANK STRADLING; 95-6; MD Columbia U oo; b Hamilton 29 Mr 75; prep CA 95;: fr Hamilton; prac med Rah way NJ 00-2; Earlville NY 02-; ad Earlville, NY *CLYDE HERWOOD SUNDERLAND; f 95-6; b Ottumwa la 31 O 76; prep Oakland HS, Cal ; fr Oakland ; U of Cal 96-7 ; editorial staff Oakland Tribune and San Francisco Post 98; district manager NE Mutual Life Insurance Co 98-00; manager NY Life Insurance Co, Oakland 00-2; d Oakland 14 My 02 Po MYA TAYNAW; sp 95-7; b Bassein Burma 18 F 75; prep CA; fr Hamilton; t Bassein Sgau Karen HS 97-; ad Sgau Karen HS, Bassein, Burma Louis CLARK TINKER; 95-7; AB Columbia U oo; b Corry Pa 8 N 73; prep Hall Institute; fr Sharon; with Whitehead and Hoag Manufacturing Co, Newark NJ oo ; bookkeeper Prudential Insurance Co, Newark 00-3; salesman 03-6; manager for New York Telephone Co 06-9; clerk Prudential Insurance Co, Newark 09-; ad 39 Whittier St, E Orange, NJ GEORGE BURWELL UTLEY; f 95-6; PhB BU 99; b Hartford Ct 3 D 76; prep Vt Acad r Saxtons River; fr Hartford Ct; asst libn Watkinson Lib, Hartford 99-01; libn Md Diocesan Lib, Baltimore 01-5; libn public lib Jacksonville Fla 05-11; sec and executive officer American Lib Assoc, Chicago 111 n-; ad 78 E Washington St,. Chicago, 111 IQOO OSWALD THEODORE AVERY; AB; MD Columbia U 04; b Halifax NS 21 O 78; prep CA 96; fr New York; interne City Hospital New York 04-12; assoc direct- or dept of bacteriology Hoagland Laboratory, Brooklyn 12-; ad 335 Henry St, Brooklyn, NY GEORGE LIONEL BENNETT; AB; b Clayton u Je 74; prep CA; fr Clayton; prin W Winfield HS 00-2; Hamilton HS 02-9; Hackensack HS,. NJ 09-; graduate student New York U Sch of Education 09-10; graduate student Columbia U Sen of Education 10-; ad 341 Park St, Hackensack, NJ THOMAS EDWARD BOS WELL; AB; b Shelby ville Ky i O 74; prep Shelby ville Latin Sch; fr Shelbyville; prin Bedford Private Acad, Ky oo-i ; prof modern langs- Grand Island C, Neb 01-5; graduate student UChic 04, 05; head German dept S Omaha HS, Neb 05-; ad 722 N 22d St, S Omaha Neb HENRY ELTINGE BREED; BS; b Cornwall 23 Ap 77; prep Trinity Chapel Sch, New York ; fr Cornwall ; mechanical engineer Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co, Va oo-i ; civil engineer NY state engineering corps 01-5; asst engineer 05-8; auditor dept state engineer 09-10; asst engineer NY state highway com- mission ii ; asst chief engineer Coleman du Pont Road, Del n-; ad Room 976^ du Pont Building, Wilmington, Del ARETUS P BURROUGHS; BS; b New Albion 6 Je 70; prep Buffalo NS; fr New Al- bion; prin Ontario HS 00-2; Allegany HS 02-3; E Aurora HS 03-4; Salamanca HS 04-8 ; representative Dodd, Mead and Co in western NY, res Buffalo 08-9; supervising prin Suffern HS 09-; graduate student Columbia U summer 03, 05 06; ad Suffern, NY ROBERT W BURROUGHS; AB; LLB Brooklyn LS 03; Master Patent Law George Washington U, DC 05; b New Albion 20 Ap 75; prep Cattaraugus HS; fr New Albion; prin Sodus Un Free Sch oo-i; t Hefftey Sch Brooklyn 01; typewriter salesman 02 ; adm to bar Je 03 ; with law dept Title Guarantee and Trust Co, COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1900 203 Brooklyn 03-4; examiner pension bureau, Washington DC 04-7; legal reviewer pension bureau 07-; ad Pension Bareau, Washington, DC DANIEL WEBSTER CHESTER; AB; AM Harv 08; b Noank Ct 31 O 76; prep Ct Lit Institution, Suffield; fr Noank; t Colby Acad, New London NH 00-2; grad- uate student in biology Harv 02-3; instructor in biology Colby 03-5; assoc prof biology 05-7; graduate student in biology Harv 07-8; prof biology Colby 08-; ad 14 Winter St, Waterville, Me WALTER CONCEMORE CRAMP; AB; MD Columbia U 04; b Hamilton 12 Ap 78; prep Oneida HS; fr Oneida; prac med New York 04-; visiting surgeon Bellevue hospital; instructor in surgery Bellevue MS; ad 349 West End Av, New York HENRY RAYMOND DALRYMPLE; AB; b Nashua NH 4 Je 74; prep Worcester Acad, Mass; fr Worcester; asst supt Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, Washington DC oo-i; t Cook Acad, NY 01-3; Ulster Acad, Kingston 03-5; student Boston, Kirksville Mo, Chicago 111 04-7; salesman Allyn and Bacon Chicago 07-10; sales- man HS dept American Book Co, Columbus O 10-; ad Box 52, Columbus, O WILLIAM MASON DENISON; AB; b Montrose Pa 18 Ja 75; prep Keystone Acad, Factory ville; fr Montrose; prin public schs Lanesboro 00-3; prin Troy graded and HS 03-12; state inspector of schs 12-; ad Dept of Public Instruction, Har- risburg, Pa; res Camp Hill GEORGE CHARLES EMBODY; BS; MS oi;PhD CornU io;b Auburn 23 N 76; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn; graduate student c oo-i; t Delaware Lit Institute, Franklin 01-2; t sci Bradford HS, Pa 02-3; prof natural sci Bethel C, Russell ville Ky 03-6; graduate student Johns Hopkins U, Md 06-7; prof biology Randolph- Macon C, Arhland Va 07-8; graduate student CornU 08-10; instructor in verte- brate zoology 09-10; prof biology JButler C, Indianapolis Ind 10-1; instructor in agriculture CornU 11-2; asst prof in agriculture 12-; ad 86 Ithaca Road, Ithaca, NY LELAND DELOS FOSBURY; AB;MD Albany Med C 94 ;b Bainbridge 13 Ap 76; prep Sidney HS; fr Sidney; prac med Endicott 04-; ad 69 Monroe St, Endicott, NY HARRY EMERSON FOSDICK; AB; BD UTS 04; AM Columbia U O7;DD Wake Forest C, NC 12; b Buffalo 24 My 78; prep Buffalo HS; fr Buffalo; s oo-i; ord New York 18 N 03; p Montclair NJ 04-; lecturer and instructor UTS 09-; ad 83 Park St, Montclair, NJ HARRY SCHUYLER FOSTER; PhB; RTS 03; b Scarboro (Ossining) 22 Ag 68; prep CA 96; fr Sing Sing (Ossining) ; ord Somerset Mass 23 S 03; p Somerset 03- 7; Passaic NJ 07-9; Willimansett Mass 09-11; Winsted Ct n-; ad Winsted, Ct JAMES EDWARD GRANT; BS; MD Columbia U oo; MD ,U of State of NY oo; b Westville 31 Mr 73; prep CA 93; fr Hamilton; prac med New York oo-?; phys- ical director 2d Av YMCA; editor and publ Health and Recreation, New York 04-?; res Northville ?-; ad North ville, NY HERBERT ERNEST HATCHMAN; AB; RTS 03; b Troy 4 Ag 72; prep CA; fr Troy; ord Columbia O 13 O 03; p Columbia 03-5; Tiverton RI 06-11; Oak Lawn ii-; ad Oak Lawn, RI CHARLES HENRY HERRICK; PhB; b Canton 26 Ag 78; prep Canton HS; fr Canton; prin Manchester HS 00-6; student Albany LS 06-7; adm to bar 07; prac law Newark 08-; ad Hankinson Block, Newark, NY 204 COLLEGE ALUMNI; 1900 JAMES DAVID HOWLETT; AB; b PEI Can 24 F 75; prep Coburn Classical In- stitute, Waterville Me; fr Lewiston; s 00-2; acting prin Coburn Classical Insti- tute, Me 02-3; submaster Quincy HS, Mass 03-4; head master Farmington HS, NH 04-5; head master Plymouth HS, Mass 05-10; head master Quincy HS 10-2; head master Medford HS 12-; ad Medford, Mass EDWARD DAVID MITCHELL; AB; LLB U of Pa 04; b Philadelphia Pa 7 My 75; prep Bucknell Acad, Lewisburg; fr Philadelphia; bricklayer Philadelphia 00-4; studied law U of Pa 01-4; adm to bar Philadelphia 16 Je 04; prac law Philadelphia 04-; adm to supreme court Pa 3 Ja 05; ad 1217 Betz Building, Philadelphia, Pa WILLIAM MORE PARKE; AB; LLB New York LS 02; b 2 Jl 78; prep CA 96; fr Gloversville; studied law New York LS 00-2 ; adm to bar New York Jl 02 ; prac law New York 02-; ad 5 Nassau St, New York WILLIAM LORD ROOT; BS; b 10 N 77; prep CA; fr Hamilton; with J H Dun- ham and Co New York oo-i ; with Sweetser, Pembrook and Co New York 01-3; with J C Batcheller and Co New York 02-10; with Benjamin and Johnes New York io-; ad 1182 Broadway, New York; res Locust Av, Freeport FRANK SHIELDS RULAND; b Sidney 27 Ja 77; prep Sidney HS; fr Sidney; clerk Western Electric Co New York oo-; ad Care Western Electric Co, 463 W T est St r New York JUDSON SMITH RUMSEY; AB; LLB U of Buffalo 02; b Cattaraugus 21 S 77; prep Cattaraugus HS; fr Cattaraugus; adm to bar Rochester Je 02; prac law Cat- taraugus 02-4; Buffalo 04-; instructor Buffalo LS 08-; ad 904 Morgan Building, Buffalo, NY JOHN MANVILLE SAYLES; AB; PdB NY State Normal C 02; b Mexico 17 Je 77; prep Keystone Acad, Factory ville Pa; fr Mexico NY; prin Richmondville UnSch 02-5; proprietor Star Lake Inn 02-; prin Glens Falls HS 05-6; prin model sch NY State Normal C, Albany 06-7; prin HS dept NY State Normal C 07-; ad 705 Hud- son Av, Albany, NY PHILIP TOMPKINS SMITH; PhB; b Hamilton 5 Ag 78; prep CA 96; fr Hamilton; graduate student c oo-i ; with Benedict and Burnham Manufacturing Co Water- bury Ct 01-5 ; caster's apprentice 01-2 ; foreman of casting shop 02-3 ; supt wire mill 04; supt tube mill 04-5; supt sheet mill Rome Brass and Copper Co, Rome NY 06 ; gen supt Rome Brass and Copper Co, Rome Tube Co, and Rome Metal Co- O7;pres Buffalo Tube Co, Buffalo 07-12 ;pres Erie-Buffalo Tube Co, Erie Pa 12-; ad Care Erie-Buffalo Tube Co, Erie, Pa FRANK SEYMOUtf SQUYER; AB; RTS 03; b Auburn 13 Je 77; prep Auburn HS;, fr Auburn; crd Friendship 26 My 03; p Friendship 03-10; Cooperstown io-; ad Cooperstown, NY WILLIAM TOWER THAYER; AB; RTS 03; BD NTI 06; b Clarks Green Pa 3 Ag 76; prep Cortland NS N Y ; fr Cortland ; s oo-i ; ord Cobleskill i D 03; p Coble- skill 03-5; Ashland Mass 05-7; graduate student Harv 06-7; p Norwich Ct 07-10; Wallingford io-; ad 39 Curtis Av, Wallingford, Ct HENRY RUSSELL WESTCOTT; AB; UTS 03; b Bath 23 My 78; prep Albany HS; fr Albany; ord Brewster 9 F 04; p Brewster 03-; ad Brewster, NY HAROLD ORVILLE WHITNALL; PhB; AM 09; b Morristown NJ 3 Ag 79; prep CA; fr Syracuse; graduate student c oo-i; Harv 01-2; instructor in geology and biology CU 02-9; asst and assoc prof mineralogy and economic geology 09-; asst Harv summer 03; field asst NY geological survey 05-; ad Hamilton, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1 900 205 EDWARD AUGUSTUS BINGHAM; | 96-7; b Spencer n O 74; prep Spencer Acad; fr Spencer; res Spencer 97-9; Cortland NS 99-02; t Georgetown 02-3; Newton NJ 03-4; Troy Pa 04-5; prin Newport HS, NY 06-7; t Constableville 07-9; prin Van Etten HS 09-; ad R F D i, Van Etten, NY FREDERIC WALLACE BLAKESLEE; sp 96-8; NTI 02; b Bristol Ct n S 70; prep Ct Lit Institution, Suffield; fr Bridgeport; ord New York 29 O 02; p Methuen Mass 02-4; New York 04-9; Fall River Mass 09-; ad 95 June St, Fall River, Mass CHARLES JEWELL BURTON; sp 96-7; s 01 ; b Westville 21 Je 69; fr Westville; ord Bris- ben 27 Je 01; p Brisben 00-2; Manlius 02-6; Catskill 06-13; Boston Mass 13-; ad Stoughton St Bapt Ch, Boston, Mass *HARVEY DUNHAM CADMUS; 96-7; prep CA 96; fr Newark NJ; d Newark 5 D 97 THOMAS WILLIAM CARTER; sp 96-7; s oo; b Newton, Abbot, Devonshire, England 13 Ap 71; prep CA; fr Hamilton; ord McLean 22 Ag oo; p McLean 00-5; Wells- burg 05-9; Bath 09-; ad 10 Robie St, Bath, NY WALTER BOROUGH COLE; sp 96-7; b^Camden NJ 13 N 74; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown; fr Cramer Hill; contractor and builder Camden 97-07; res Pasadena Cal 07-11; p ME Los Angeles 11-: student McClay C of Theology, U S Cal; ad 817 W 79th St, Los Angeles, Cal EMRY JAY DUNKLEE; 96-9; b Coopers Plains 4 Ap 75; prep Keystone Acad, Factory- ville Pa; fr Wyalusing; with American Woolen Co, New York 99-; ad Care Ameri- can Woolen Co, 225 4th Av, New York WILLIAM HENRY JONES; 96-8; AB UChic oo; BD 03; b Liverpool England 17 D 74; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis; fr Chicago 111; ord Chicago 7 N 01 ; p Ham- mond Ind 02-7; Belvidere 111 07-10; Oshkosh Wis 10-; ad Oshkosh, Wis HERBERT PAUL KING; 96-7; BSA CornU oo; b Trumansburg 1 7 Ap 72; prepOneonta NS; fr Trumansburg; in charge fruit farm Trumansburg oo-; ad Trumansburg, NY JOHN VEEDER KING; f 96-7; b Johnstown 16 O 76; prep CA; fr Johnstown; supt tanning dept Charles King's leather tannery, Johnstown 97-; ad 460 N Perry St, Johnstown, NY FREDERIC CHARLES WESBY PARKER; 96-8; AB BU oo; b Worcester Mass 8 My 72; prep CA 96; fr New York; UChic DS 00-4; ord Chicago 26 O 02; asst p Boston Mass 04 ; assoc p 04-8 ; sec Ore Bapt State Conv, res Portland 08-1 2 ; vocational sec central YMCA Chicago 111 12-; ad Room 301, Association Building, 19 S LaSalle St, Chicago, 111 JAMES H PORTER; 96-7; b 73; fr Mexico HENRY HYDE PRATT; J 96-7; b New York 8 Ag 77; prep CA; fr Hamilton; studied physical education 98-01; physical director Plymouth Men's Club, Buffalo 02; BRC Club, Buffalo 03; bus Buffalo 03-; physical director Morgan Park Acad, 111 04-6; manager athletic dept retail store Buffalo NY 06-; ad 134 Hoyt St, Buf- falo, NY CHARLES EUGENE Ross; sp 96-7; AB UR 01 ; RTS 06; b Maine 8 Ap 67; prep Oneon- ta NS; fr Maine; s 95-6; commercial traveller, res Syracuse 01-3; ord Naples 28 Je 06; p Naples 06-8; Poultney Vt 08-12; graduate student RTS 12-; ad 84 Harvard St, Rochester, NY ARTHUR WILLIAM SMITH; I 96-7; b Oneida Castle 31 D 75; prep Oneida HS; frOneida ' Castle; with New York state engineering dept?-; ad 402 W Court St, Rome, NY 206 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1 900 LEWIS JEROME SMITH; J 96-9; b 22 Mr 76; prep Sandy Hill Un Sch; fr Sandy Hill; collector for Trow Directory Co, New York 99 ; clothing salesman New York 99-01 ; studied law New York Evening LS 99-01 ; New York LS 01-2; adm to bar, NY O 02 ; prac law New York 02-? LEWIS HARMON WATKINS; t 95~7> 98-9; b Havana 22 Ap 76; prep Cook Acad; fr Montour Falls; adm to bar Albany N 06; attorney Watkins 06-; ad Watkins.NY CLAUDE J WHEELER; f 96-7 ; b Frankfort 30 My 72; prep Red Creek Un Sch; fr Wol- cott; dealer in green and evaporated fruits Genoa 99-08 ; manufacturer fruit pro- ducts Genoa 09-1 1 ; dealer in green and evaporated apples, coal, lumber and farm produce Genoa 11-; ad Genoa, NY WILLIAM WIRT WILSON; { 96-7; b Rockford Mich 18 Je 76; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis; fr Wausau; salesman, sales agent, and district sales manager Burroughs Adding Machine Co 97-; res Chicago 111 97-09; St Louis Mo 09-12; Memphis Tenn 12-; ad Business Men's Club, Memphis, Tenn IQOI JOHN ATANASOFF; PhB; b 24 D 75; prep CA; fr Omarchovo, Bulgaria; farmer Hamilton NY 01-? GEORGE LEROY BUCK;PhB;b SugarhilU S 77; prep Keuka Institute ;fr Sugar- hill; t Watkins HS oo-i ; t Bryant and Syratton Bus C, Buffalo 01-2; with People's Bank Buffalo 02-3; asst treasurer Silver, Burdett and Co, Chicago 11103-; ad Care Silver, Burdett and Co, 623 S Wabash Av, Chicago, 111 FRANK PORES BUSSELL; AB; b Abilene Ks 3 S 78; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis; fr Sparland 111; t Geneva HS, NY 01-3; graduate student in phil CornU 03-4; t history and Greek Central HS, St Paul Minn 04-5^ Alameda HS Cal 05- 6; graduate student UChico6-7; bus San Francisco Cal and Klamoth Falls Ore 07-9; farmer and stockman Sparland 111 09-; ad Lacon, 111 GEORGE CALVIN DAPSON; AB; b Oneida 13 My 78; prep Oneida HS; fr Oneida; with Armour Packing Co Shreveport La, and Memphis Tenn or-; ad Care Armour Packing Co, Memphis, Tenn ERNEST LAMOTT ELLIOTT; AB; b Brookfield 29 Ap 69; prep Cortland NS; fr Brookfield; acting prin Hamilton HS 01-2; prin Afton HS 02-5; editor and publ Claremont Advocate, Claremont NH 06-; ad Claremont, NH WALTER DALTON ESTES; AB; BS in mining engineering Mass Institute of Tech- nology 04; b Vergennes Vt 22 Jl 81 ; prep CA 97; fr Hamilton; Mo Sch of Mines 01-2; Mass Institute of Technology 02-4; mining and engineering work NS 04-5; on Pacific coast 05-8; chemical work Chicago 111 08-; ad Chicago, 111 ARTHUR JAY EVANS; AB; b Farmersville 2 My 75; prep Buffalo NS; fr Elton; t Elton 92-3; prin Sandusky HS 93-4; Farmersville Station HS 95-6; t Western Reserve Acad, Hudson O 01-2; supt public schs Newton Falls 02-3; supt Greene township public schs, Inland 03-5; t math Beaver Falls Pa 05-7; mercantile bus Buffalo NY 07-9; head dept math S Omaha HS,Neb 09-12 ;t math Helena HS, Ark 1 2-; ad 412 Poplar St, Helena, Ark FREDERIC REYNOLDS FORD; BS; MD Johns Hopkins U 05; b Belfast 3 Mr 79; prep Elmira Free Acad; fr Elmira; res house phys Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore Md 05-6; res surgeon St Luke's Hospital, Utica NY 06-7; dep health COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1901 207 officer Utica 08-10, 12-; pathologist to St Luke's. Hospital and General Hospital; ad Clarendon Building, Utica, NY NELSON LEWIS GREENE; AB;AM PrU 11; b Waterford8 Jl 81; prep CA 97; fr Hamilton; clerk Western Electric Co, New York 01-4; t Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ 04-; vice-prin 07-9; ad Peddie Institute, Hightstown, NJ ERNEST ARTHUR HALL; AB; b Euclid i O 78; prep Phoenix HS; fr Euclid; travelling salesman 01-3; wholesale fruit and produce bus Pittsburg Pa 03-; mem- ber Hall and Tosh; ad 53 i8th St, Pittsburg, Pa; res 632 Maryland Av JONATHAN HOLDEN; AB; b Sherburne 16 S 81 ; prep Sherburne HS; fr Sherburne; studied law Sherburne; New York LS; adm to bar Je 03; prac law Sherburne 03; New York 03-5; White Plains 05-10; Pleasant ville and White Plains 10-; ad Pleas- antville, NY; and 15 Court St, White Plains LEWIS PATTON HORNBERGER; BS; b Philadelphia Pa 29 S 78; prep CA; fr Philadelphia Pa ; mining engineer Victor Col 01-2; mining Erie BC 02-3; pres and treasurer Fidelity Abstract Co Spokane Wash 03-6; member state legislature 07; member Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition Commission of State of Wash 07-9; resident commissioner 09; res Seattle 08-; investment broker Seattle 09-; ad Alas- ka Building, Seattle, Wash CHARLES ABEL HOWLAND; PhB; MD Baltimore Med C, Md 08; b E Worces- ter 25 F 77; prep Drury Acad, N Adams Mass; fr Blackinton; t PI 01-3; invest- ment broker N Adams Mass 03-4; prac med Fall River 08-; pathologist and mem- ber med staff Union Hospital; ad 954 Plymouth Av, Fall River, Mass FOREST PRESTON HUNTER; AB; BD UTS 04; b Townville Pa 8 My 71 ; prep CA 97; fr Kenmore; ord Mt Vernon 17 Ja 05; p Mt Vernon 04-8; MiddletownoS-; ad 44 Washington St, Middletown, NY MANFORD MONROE JENKINS; AB; b Adams Center 21 N 75; prep Adams Collegiate Institute; fr Adams Center ; t Freeport 01-3 ; public sch 123 Brooklyn 03- ii ; Girls HS n-; ad 120 Warwick St, Brooklyn, NY SHERMAN JONES; AB; b Newburgh 8 O 79; prep CA 97; fr Hamilton; studied electrical engineering CornU 01-3; with Gen Electric Co Schenectady 03-5; right of way engineer with New York Telephone Co, New York 05-; ad 15 Dey St, New York; res 623 Highland Av, Newark, NJ "HERBERT WHEELER MAREAN ; AB ; b Washington DC 26 D 78; prep Wash- ington HS; fr Brookland; asst in soil survey US Dept of Agriculture 01-5; asst en- gineer US reclamation service 05-7; real estate bus Fallen Nev 07-9; supt ir- rigation US reclamation service, res Fallon 09-13; d Fallon Ja 13 *EMMETT CARPENTER MILLER; AB; b Vetran 22 S 76; prep Cook Acad; fr Horseheads; prin DeRuyter HS 01-3 ; St Johnsville HS 03-6; d St Johnsville 2 Ja 06 JOHN MOOSHIE; PhB; b Urmia Persia 24 S 73; prep CA 97; fr Urmia Persia; s 01-2; supt Presb miss schs Urmia Persia 03-; editor The Star, Urmia 06-; as- soc editor The Rays of Light, Urmia 09-; ad Urmia, Persia EDWIN KNAPP MUNRO; BS; b Camillus 20 N 79; prep Syracuse HS; fr Camillus; ad Camillus, NY CHARLES BELDING PHIPPS; BS; AM Columbia U 06; b Brooklyn 13 N 78; prep CA;fr E Rocka way: graduate student in chemistry Columbia U 05-6; chem- ist dept of water supply, gas and electricity, City of New York 06-; ad E Rock- away, NY 208 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1 90 1 JARVIS ALEXANDER ROOT; PhB; b 19 My 80; prep CA; fr Hamilton; with J H Dunham and Co, New York 01-2; with S Frothingham and Co, New York 02- 7; with Moore and Wyckoff, New York 07-; ad 546 sth Av, New York OBADIAH MARTIN RULAND; AB; b Jefferson 26 O 75; prep Sidney HS; fr Sid- ney; with Western Electric Co, New York 01-2; salesman dept store Sidney 02- 4 ; railway clerk motive power dept N Y O and W, and D and H Cos, Sidney 04- 5; vice-prin Pulaski HS and Acad 05-6; prin S New Berlin Un Sch 06-9; prin Af- ton HS 09-12; Marcellus HS 12-; ad Marcellus, NY NORMAN FELT SHELTON RUSSELL; AB; b Jersey City NJ 29 S 80; prep CA; fr Hamilton; clerk Colgate Hoyt and Co, bankers and brokers New York 01-?; res Philadelphia Pa ?-; ad 1421 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa HERBERT LEWIS STUBBS; PhB; b Colorado Springs Col 23 My 78 ; prep Colorado Springs HS; fr Colorado Springs; clerk Western Electric Co, New York 01-5; clerk Colorado Springs Electric Co, Col 05-6; cashier Colorado Springs and Inter- urban Railway Co 06-; ad 524 N Tejon St, Colorado Springs, Col EARL VINCENT SWEET; AB: MD CornU 10; b Phoenix 23 Ja 79; prep Phoenix HS;fr Phoenix ;t Colby Acad, New London NH 01-3; studied med CornU 03-4; t Phoenix HS 04-5; studied med Corn U 05-6; sci work Mont 06-7; t CornU Med C 07-8: studied med CornU in New York 08-10; interne New York Hospital, New York 10-2; instructor in histology and embryology SyrU and prac med Syracuse 1 2-; ad 827 Euclid Av, Syracuse, NY BYRON WARREN VALENTINE; AB; s 06; b Cambridge 17 F 66; fr Hoosick Falls; UR 89-91; ord Hoosick Falls 24 Jl 06; t Benedict C, Columbia SC 06-8; prin 08-11; pres 11-; ad Benedict C, Columbia, SC LEON MASTERS WAITE; AB; b Belleville 25 Mr 77; prep Brockport NS; fr Belleville; hotel bus Narragansett Pier RI 01; prin George Junior Republic sch, Freeville NY 02; hotel bus Narragansett Pier RI 02-; hotel bus Daytona Fla, Despland Hotel 06-; ad Despland Hotel, Daytona, Fla; and Narragansett Pier, RI *FRED CURTIS WHITFIELD; BS; b Ilion 13 S 76; prep CA; fr Oneida; chemist New York 02-3; with Edison Portland Cement Co, Newcastle NJ 03; d Stocker- town Pa 22 Ag 03 JOHN AMBLER WILLIAMS; PhB; b Bridgeport Pa 7 My 81; prep Norristown HS; fr Norristown; studied law U of Pa 01-4; prac law Norristown 04-; ad Strassburger Building, DeKalb and Penn Sts, Norristown, Pa GEORGE HENRY YOUNG; AB; AM 04 ;s 04;bButtercrombe England 21 Ja 75; prep Springfield HS, Mass; fr Red worth England; ord Springfield Mass 2 D 03; p Beaver Dam Wis 04-7; Superior 07-10; Oswego NY 10-2; instructor in rhet- oric and public speaking CU 12-; ad Hamilton, NY DELOS ELBERT ABRAMS; sp 97-8; s 01; b Northampton 25 Ja 70; prep Cook Acad; fr Madison; ord Galway 12 Jl 94; p Sennett 01-2; Montour Falls 02-4; Nunda 04-6; Broadalbin 06-10; Carthage 10-3; Elmira 13; ad 323 South Av, Elmira, NY CHARLES WALTER BATES; 97-8; b Addison 23 D 73; prep Norwich HS; fr Hamilton; Cortland NS 01-2; t Triangle 02-?; ad Norwich, NY CLAUDE MILTON CHESTER; t 97-8; b Noank Ct 15 Jl 79; prep Bulkeley Sch, New London; fr New London; bus Noank 98-; ad Noank, Ct COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1 90 1 209 ANDREW GORDON DYE; f 97-8; b Waldo Wis.io Ja 76; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam; fr Waldo; State Normal C, Ypsilanti Mich 99-00; prin Hesperia HS oo-i; co commissioner of schs, Newaygo 01-3; with New York Life Insurance Co, Canandaigua NY 03-5 ; in train service with Rochester and Eastern Rapid Rail- ways, Rochester 05-8; train despatcher 08-; ad 722 Garson Av, Rochester, NY HERBERT FRANCIS EVANS; f 97-00; AB Leland Stanford Junior U 02; BD UChic 07; PhD 09; b Highland Park 111 24 My 78; prep Evanston HS; fr Highland Park; res Reno Nev 02-4 ; fellow in systematic theology and religious education UChic 07-9 ; ord Chicago Je 07 ; director religious education 2d Bapt Ch St Louis Mo 09-12 ; writer SS lesson helps 10-; ad 14 ist St, Highland Park, 111 *JOHN GARVIN FOOTE; f 97-00; b Belvidere 111 7 F 77; prep Belvidere HS; fr Bel- videre; studied banking oo; with Merchants' Loan and Trust Co Bank, Chicago oo-i ; res Phoenix Ariz 01-3; d Belvidere 111 17 My 03 BENJAMIN CALVIN HARVEY; sp 97-9; BS Harv 03; b Linlithgo 25 Jl 75; prep New Paltz NS; fr Burden; insurance bus 99-00; real estate salesman 03-4; with Law- yers' Title Insurance Co, New York 04; bond broker New York 04-11; manager collection dept with Stephen Holden Mt Vernon 12-; ad ist Natl Bank Building, Mt Vernon, NY; res 705 W i79th St, New York *WILLIAM THOMAS HENRY; 96-7, 98-01 ; b Elmira 25 Mr 79; prep Elmira Free Acad; fr Elmira; on editorial staff Elmira Gazette; bank clerk Elmira 01-2; studied law Elmira 02; d Elmira 10 D 02 BURRITT BYRON JOHNSON; sp 97-8; b Camden 27 Jl 74; prep Cazenovia S; fr Camden; law clerk Camden 98-01; adm to bar Rochester N 01; prac law Camden (Davies, Johnson and Corillo) 01-3; Antwerp (Johnson, Corillo and Moon) 03-; ad Ant- werp, NY JOHN M LINDEN; 97-8; AB BU 01 ; BD UChic 03; b Chicago 111 6 O 70; prep Way- land Acad, Beaver Dam Wis; fr Chicago 111; ord Chicago 27 O 02; p Michigan City Ind 02-4; Chicago 111 04-6; Oregon City Ore 06-9; ev 09-10; p Everett Wash 10-1 ; Pueblo Col 1 2-; ad 905 Grand Av, Pueblo, Col DUNCAN MARTIN LUTHER McPHAiL; sp 97-8; AB BU 02; b 22 Je 75; prep CA; fr Waltham Mass; p Groton 02-4; Sacramento Cal; res Portland Ore; ad Portland, Ore *CLAUDIUS ANDREW MARSH; 97-8; b N Brookfield 23 Ja 79; prep CA 97; f r N Brookfield; d Hamilton 18 O 98 GEORGE SAUTER MEIDT; f 96-8; b Jersey City NJ 7 My 77; prep C of City of New York; fr New York; with Mutual Life Insurance Co, New York 98-; ad 511 W 1 57th St, New York CHARLES LEWIS OWENS; 97-8; b 16 D 71; prep Ct Lit Institution, Suffield; fr Meri- den; studied KalC HORACE W B SMITH; 97-9; AB SyrU 01; LLB 08; b Phoenix 27 D 76; prep Phoe- nix HS; fr Phoenix; prin Chateaugay HS 01-3; Fonda HS 03-4; supervising prin Susquehanna public schs, Pa 04-6; student SyrU LS 06-8; adm to bar Roches- ter 24 Jl 08; prac law Fulton 08-9; Seattle Wash 09-; ad 509 Hoge Building, Seat- tle, Wash HARRY BRYAN STOVER; t 97-8; b Valley Falls 7 S 78; prep Sandy Hill HS; fr Sandy Hill; studied modern langs in Europe; UMich; res Valley Falls NY; t Altoona Pa 07-? 210 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1 90 1 CHARLES HENRY STRONG; 98-9; b Hartford Ct 6 Ag 78; prep Hartford HS; fr Hart- ford ; Richmond C, Va 97-8 ; fire insurance bus Hartford Ct 99-02 ; with Commercial Un Assurance Co New York 02-4; with P and F Corbin Manufacturing Co New Britain Ct 04-6; with U T Hungerford Brass and Copper Company New York 06-8; with Ct Fire Insurance Co Hartford Ct 08-; ad 18 Greenfield Extension, Hartford, Ct THOMAS LANGLAND THOMPSON; 97-00; AB PrlJ 01; LLB NY LS 03; LLM 05; b Christiania Norway 16 Ap 68; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis; fr Alpena Mich; adm to bar, NY Je 04; prac law New York 04-; member Thompson and Ballantine; ad 2 Rector St, New York ALBERT LINCOLN WYMAN; 97-8; b 26 My 77; prep Ct Lit Institution, Suffield; fr Fall River Mass; Columbia U 98-? 1902 SAMUEL HOWARD ARCHER; AB; b Chesterfield co Va 23 D 70; prep Way- land S, Washington DC; fr Petersburg Va; t Roger Williams U, Nashville Tenn 02-5; Atlanta Bapt C, Atlanta Ga 05-; ad Atlanta Bapt C, Atlanta, Ga ELMER ELLSWORTH ARNOLD; AB; b Edmeston 6 Je 72; prep Oneonta NS; fr Edmeston; t Shamokin HS, Pa 02-3; mining engineer with Pa Railway, Sham- okin 03-4; mining engineer with Susquehanna Coal Co 04-6; prin Shamokin HS 06-9; t math New Paltz NS, NY 09-11; inspector in math inspection division NY State Education Dept, res Albany n-; ad 23 S Main Av, Albany, NY GEORGE LLEWELLYN BARDEN; AB; b New Haven Ct 26 Jl 81; prep Penn Yan Acad, NY; fr Gage; bus Gage 02-5; coal bus Penn Yan 05-11; pres Barden and Robeson, basket manufacturers, Penn Yan 10-; ad 218 MainSt, Penn Yan, NY EMERY ANDREW BAUER; BS; BPE International YMCA C, Mass 08; b Fort Plain 20 Ag 81; prep Herkimer HS; fr Herkimer; t Hornellsville HS 02-4; Pills- bury Acad, Owatonna Minn 04-5; student SyrU summer 04; student Internation- al YMCA C, Springfield Mass 06-8; physical director YMCA Elmira NY 08-9; asst physical director O State U, Columbus 09-12; student Harv summer sch of physical education 12; director physical training U of Wooster, O 12-; ad U of Wooster, Wooster, O FRED WAHN BEAL; PhB; AM 05; PhD PrU n; b Hamilton 18 Jl 79; prep CA 98; fr Hamilton; with Benedict and Burnham, brass manufacturers, Waterbury Ct 02-4 ; graduate student c 04-5 ; instructor Pa State C 05-8 ; graduate scholar PrU 08-9; J S K fellow 09-10; instructor BU 10-1; instructor U of Pa n-; ad College Hall, U of Pa, Philadelphia, Pa IVAN HOWLAND BENEDICT; PhB; AM 05; s 05; b Winsted Ct 7 Jl 77; prep Ct Lit Institution, Suffield; fr Waterbury; graduate student UChic 04-5; ord Iowa City la 30 Ja 06; p Iowa City 05-7; Southfield and Montville Mass 09-12; Mont- pelier Vt 12-; ad Montpelier, Vt LEWIS JAY BINGHAM; PhB; DO American Sch of Osteopathy, Mo 10; b Spen- cer 20 Jl 76; prep CA; fr Spencer; t King's Acad Stamford Ct 02-3; Summit Acad, NJ 03-5; football coach O State U, Columbus 05; physical director and coach O Wesleyan U, Delaware 06; physical director and coach Shadyside Acad, Pittsburg Pa 06-7; student American Sch of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo 07-10; prac osteopathy Ithaca NY io-; ad 133 E State St, Ithaca, NY; res 505 E Sen- eca St COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1 902 211 ROSCOE DAVID BROWNELL; AB; b Fly Summit 25 Je 77; prep CA 98; fr Fruit Valley ; s 02-3 ; lumber bus Winokur Ga 03-5 ; s 05-7 ; p Lake City Col 09 ; Olathe 09-: ad Olathe, Col CHARLES FRANK BULLOCK; AB; graduate dental dept U of Buffalo 05; b Barrington n S 80; prep Keuka Institute; fr Crosby; prac as dentist Geneva 05-; ad 64 Castle St, Geneva, NY IRVING ROCHE BUNDY; AB; b St Ansgar la 27 D 78; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis; fr Osage la; t Minn 02; Cedar Valley S, Osage la 03-4; travell- ed Germany 04; student U of Wis 05; t Beloit HS 05-6; Osage HS, la 06-8; t shorthand Chicago 111 09-1 1 ; student NY State Lib Sch, Albany 1 1-2 ; libn Leaven- worth public lib, Ks 12-; ad Public Lib, Leavenworth, Ks ALFRED SPENCER DAVIS; PhB; s 05; b Troy i Ag 71 ; prep CA; fr Lansingburg; ord N Bennington Vt O 05; p N Bennington 05-7; gen sec YMCA Bennington 07-10; with Cooper Manufacturing Co, advertising and sales dept, Bennington io-; ad 221 Weeks St, Bennington, Vt CLARENCE EDWIN FORD; AB; bCamden 19 N 78; prep Cazenovia S; fr Cam- den; t Un Acad, Belleville 02-3; head t NY State Sch for the Blind, Batavia 03-6; inspector NY state board of charities 06-; ad Wolcott, NY LINDOL ELMER FRENCH; PhB; b W Medford Mass 7 My 78; prep Worcester HS; fr Worcester; prin Sutton HS 02-4; t Quincy HS 04-5; prin Wrentham HS 05-8: Pawtucket HS, RI 08-10; graduate student BU 08-10; prin Troy HS, NY io-; ad 2347 1 5th St, Troy, NY ALBERT HENRY GAGE; AB; s 05; AM 06; b Worcester 8 Ag 78; prep CA; fr Worcester; ord Worcester 22 Ag 05; p St Johnsbury Vt 05-9; Bridgeton NJ 09-12 ; with ABFMS Boston Mass 12-; ad Ford Building, Boston, Mass ROBERT JUDSON GOFF; BS; b Cazenovia 25 N 77; prep CA; fr Cazenovia; clerk Cazenovia Natl Bank 02-; ad Cazenovia, NY SAMUEL MONROE GRAVES; AB; AM Harv 12; b Redfield 11 S 78; prep Adams Collegiate Institute; fr Rices; US t Sumag PI 02-3; supervising t Bago 04-7; acting division supt schs San Jose 08; prin normal institutes for teachers Bacolod N and D 06, 07, 08; prin provincial HS Bacolod 09; division supt schs San Jose 09-10; division supt schs Malolos 10-1; student division of education Harv ii-; student Munich Germany summer 12; ad 25 Divinity Hall, Cambridge, Mass; and 712 Ackerman Av, Syracuse, NY ERIC VIELE GREENFIELD; AB; AM Harv 08; b Williamstown 30 Ja 82; prep Oneida HS; fr Durhamville; t Mt Pleasant Pa 02-6; graduate student Harv 06-8; instructor in German Purdue U, Lafayette Ind 08-; ad 1204 Columbia St, La- fayette, Ind ALTON LAWRENCE HALL; AB;bGranvilleO 19 Jl 73; prep CA 93; fr Hamilton; ord Salisbury 23 S 98 ; s 98-9 ; supervising t Pontevedra PI 02-8; Bacolod 08-9 ; prin San Jose HS 09-10; acting division supt San Jose 10-1; t San Jose HS n-; ad San Jose, Antique, PI HUBERT WINFIELD HESS; AB; b Masonville 23 Je 69; prep Oneonta NS; fr Masonville; t Fostoria HS, O 02-3; head dept sci Glens Falls HS 03-; ad 29 Ful- ton St, Glens Falls, NY GEORGE BURTON MARSTON; PhB; NTI 05; BD io; b Lagrange Me 31 Jl 71 ; prep CA 98; fr Albany; ord New Baltimore 29 Ja 06; p New Baltimore 06-7; " Stonington Ct 07-; ad 9 Church St, Stonington, Ct 212 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1902 JAMES EDGAR MILLER; AB; b Eaton 8 My 79; prep CA; fr Eaton; with Bene- dict and Burnham Brass and Copper Manufacturing Co, Waterbury Ct 02-7; supt Rome Tube Co, Rome NY 07-?; res Los Angeles Cal ?-; ad Athens on the Hill, Cor Olympia BDulevard and Arcadia Place, Los Angeles, Cal EZRA MINOR MORSE; AB; BD RTS 06; b Watkins 21 Ap 73; prep CA 98; fr Watkins; prin Andover HS 02-3; ord S Livonia 12 Ag 06; p S Livonia 06-9; res Belmont 09-10; prin Somerville Industrial Sch for Boys, Mass 10-; ad 34 Ware St, Somerville, Mass JOHN LEONARD OAKES; AB; b Randallsville 19 Je 78; prep CA 98; fr Randalls- ville; student Albany Bus C 02-3; office work McConnellsville 03-4; bus Canastota 04-11; manufacturer Oneida n-; ad 4 Park Av, Oneida, NY EDWARD ALBERT PARKER; PhB; b Suffield Ct 21 My 87; prep Springfield HS, Mass; fr Springfield; inspector of sch music, division of La Union, San Fer- nando PI 02-6; t history and music Manila HS 06-8; supt schs Berlin Ct 09-11; supervising agent state board of education Ct 09-1 1 ; musical director (theatrical) for orchestral conductor n-; ad Care Gus Hill, 47th St and Broadway, New York WILSON NEWTON PERKINS; AB; b Copenhagen 25 Je 79; prep CA 98; fr Adams Center; t Chittenango Station 03-4; Deansboro 04-5; Turin 05-7; Rouses Point 07-; ad Rouses Point, NY EUGENE CHRISTOPHER PLATNER; AB; s 05; b Cherry Valley 16 Jl 75; prep CA; fr Cherry Valley; ord Vernon 25 Jl 05; p Vernon 05-10; Broadalbin 10-; ad Broadalbin, NY FRANK DONALD PORTER; AB; CE Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 06; b Boonville 20 My 80; prep Boonville HS; fr Boonville; with NY state engineer's office 04-5; instrument man Jamaica 06-7; instrument man with Soloman-Nor- cross Co of Atlanta Ga 07-8; instrument man with Hudson and Manhattan Railroad Co on Hudson tunnels 08-9; asst engineer with state of NY 09-; ad Conservation Commission, Albany, NY ERNEST LEVERE SANFORD; AB; b Island Pond Pa n O 76; prep A M Chese- broughS,N Chili NY; fr Island Pond Pa; head t NY State Sch for Blind, Ba- tavia 02-3; t Elmira Free Acad 03-4; W Denver-HS, Col 04-; ad W Denver HS, Denver, Col LEBBEUS SMITH SHUMAKER; AB; b Deanville Pa 19 Mr 71; fr Deanville; Hillsdale C, Mich 90-2; ord E Troy Pa 17 F 95; t Cayuga HS, Ind 02-3; p Lan- caster NY 03; New Bethlehem Pa 03-5; Corry 05-9; Paris 111 09-; ad 503 Marshall St, Paris, 111 GEORGE HENRY SMITH; BS (degree voted D 01); LLB Albany LS 04; b Ran- dallsville 29 S 78; prep CA; fr Hamilton; prac law Hamilton 04; Buffalo (Lincoln and Smith) 04-; ad 714 Ellicott Sq, Buffalo, NY; res 96 Inwood Place CHARLES SLEEPER STERLING; PhB; b Watkins 29 Ag 78; piep Cook Acad; fr Millport; t Mercersburg Acad, Pa 02-3; rodman Cambria and Clearfield division Pa Railway, Cresson 03-6; tax and industrial agent Lehigh Valley Railroad Co 07 ; civil engineer J R Potter Construction Co 07 ; civil engineer Juruagua Iron Co, Santiago Cuba 08; engineer for barge canal terminal commission, NY 09-10? master sci and math Morristown Sch, Morristown NJ 12-; ad Morristown Sch, Morristown, NJ HARRY EUGENE STUBBS; AB; b Colorado Springs Col 18 Ag 80; prep Colorado COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1902 213 Springs HS; fr Colorado Springs; with Western Electric Co, New York 02-5; travelling auditor Col Telephone Co, res Denver 05-; ad Col Telephone Co,. Denver, Col DANIEL JOSEPH SWEENEY; AB; b Hamilton 4 S 79; prep CA 98; fr Hamilton r. head sci dept Mercersburg Acad, Pa 02-; ad Mercersburg, Pa NELSON ERVIN THOMAS; AB; b Hamilton 23 S 80; prep Coburn Classical Institute, W T aterville Me; fr Lewiston; t Canandaigua HS, NY 02-3; E Aurora HS 03-4; NS E Stroudsburg Pa 04-6; Hillsboro O 06-8; McMinnville Ore 08-12; Greenfield O 12-; ad Greenfield, O ROBERT HUNTINGTON BREED; t 98-00; MD Columbia U 04; b Cornwall 21 D 79; prep Cornwall HS; fr Cornwall; phys and surgeon Wappingers Falls 04-; visiting phys and surgeon Highland Hospital, Matteawan; consulting surgeon Matteawan State Hospital; ad Wappingers Falls, NY ROBERT MERLE DOUGALL; f 98-9; b Phoenix 29 N 80; prep Phoenix HS; fr Phoenix; Oberlin C O, 99-00; travelling salesman oo-; ad 5459 Hays St, Pittsburg, Pa ROBERT LEONARD GURNEY; sp 98-00; s 01; b Chicago 111 20 F 66; prep Kirk wood HS, Mo; fr St Louis; gen sec St Louis SS Un 01-2; asst sec Hamilton Trust Co, St Louis 02-3 ; cashier Vandeventer Bank, St Louis 03-5 ; manager savings dept Commonwealth Trust Co, St Louis 05-; ad Commonwealth Trust Co, St Louis, Mo *HALSTEAD HOWE LEGGETT; 98-9; b 24 Je 80; prep Gouverneur HS; fr Gouverneur; d Gouverneur 6 My 99 HUGH Ross MacMiLLAN; sp 98-00; s 03; b Maple Lake Station Ont 4 Mr 71 ; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis; fr Maple Lake Station Ont; ord Massena NY 20 Jl 03; p Massena 03-7; Portage Wis 07-; ad 302 E Conant St, Portage, Wis AVON CHARLES REMINGTON; 98-9; b Richmondville 29 N 76; prep Gilbert Sch, Winsted Ct; fr Winsted; merchant Delta Col 99-04; Berkeley Cal 04-5; Delta Col 05-; ad Delta, Col GEORGE BREWSTER SWAN; f 98-00; b Beaver Dam Wis 4 Je 78; prep Shattuck Mil Sch, Faribault Minn; fr Beaver Dam Wis; studied law LS, Madison 00-3; adm to bar Madison Je 03; prac law Beaver Dam 03-; ad Beaver Dam, Wis MYRON REED WALKER; sp 98-9; b 25 N 80; prep CA; fr Milwaukee Wis; res Mil- waukee; student Mich C of Mines in 01 1903 FRED WILLIAM AINSLIE; AB; s 06; b Hartwick 4 D 77; prep W Winfield HS; fr Burlington Flats; ord Bay City Mich 9 Mr 07; p Bay City 06-9; Escanaba 09-; ad 404 S Fannie St, Escanaba, Mich AUSTIN LEWIS BABCOCK; PhB; b Oriskany Falls 31 Ja 81; prep CA 99; fr Madison; with American Real Estate Co, New York 03-4; Hartford Ct 04-9; asst treasurer and director New York 10-; ad 527 5th Av, New York GEORGE MURRAY BEAL; PhB; LLB New York LS 1 1 ; b Hamilton 24 S 81 ; prep CA 99; fr Hamilton; with Tacks Paste Co Utica 03-5; in cashier's dept New York Life Insurance Co, Syracuse 05; Buffalo 05; Cleveland O 05; reporter Cleveland Leader 06; with New York Telephone Co, NY 06-; adm to bar, NY n; ad Uni- versity Club, Buffalo, NY 214 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1903 EVERETT HARLOW BO WEN; AB; MS U of Me 05; LLB U of Me C of Law 12; b Lowville 5 Je 80; prep Lowville Acad; fr Lowville; instructor in physics U of NMe, Orono 03-5 ; computer Carnegie Institution Washington DC 05-7 ; computer US coast and geodetic survey 07-10; editor in chief Me Law Review 11-2; ad 53 1 5th St, Bangor, Me HUGH BRYAN; AB; b Columbus 7 Ap 82; prep Sherburne HS; fr Sherburne; with Norwich Pharmacal Co 03-4; with Flatbush Trust Co, Brooklyn 04-5; with Sher- burne Natl Bank 05-; ad Sherburne, NY HARRY CHARLES BUCK; PhB; b Watkins 4 N 78; prep Cook Acad; fr Sugarhill; prin Clayville HS 03-9; adm to bar Rochester S 09; sch commissioner Oneida co 09-12; district supt schs Oneida co 12-; ad Clayville, NY CARL COLVIN BURT; AB; b N Bingham Pa 24 Ag 83; prep Ulysses graded sch; fr Ulysses; t math and physics Jenner's Preparatory Sch, Syracuse 03-6; engineer- ing work and drafting Syracuse 06-7 ; computer, chief computer, and office engi- neei city engineer's office, Salt Lake City Utah 07-10; asst city engineer Salt Lake City 10-2; construction engineer Salt Lake City 12-; ad 1066 E 6th South St, Salt Lake City, Utah HARRY THOMAS COLLINGS; AB; AM 06; PhD Yale 10; b Troy 25 Mr 80; prep Eaton Un Sch; fr Eaton; t Oneida HS 03-4; asst in modern langs CU 04-6; t modern langs CA 06-8; graduate student Marburg U 07; instructor in German Yale 09-; ad 17 College St, New Haven, Ct ROBERT WALLACE CRAINE; AB; b Brookfield 26 Je 77; prep CA; fr Brookfield; t St John's Mil Acad, Manlius 03-10; bus Hamilton 10-; ad Hamilton, NY ROBERT B CROWELL; PhB; b Wallkill 2 S 77; prep New Paltz NS; fr Wallkill; fruit grower and dealer Wallkill 03-10; prin Patterson HS 09-11; graduate stu- dent Columbia U summer 10; asst treasurer Mutual Drug Co Cleveland O ii-; ad Mutual Drug Co, Cleveland, O WILLIAM EDWIN DARROW; AB; s 92; EdB Peru State NS, Neb 1 1 ; b New York 2 S 64; prep Cook Acad; fr Hamilton; ord Fort Plain 28 Je 92; p Fort Plain 92-4; Mechanicville 94-6; Reading Center 96-9; New Hartford 02-6; Elbridge 06-9; Peru Neb 09-12; Mount Ayr la 12-; ad Mount Ayr', la "WILLIAM EDWARD DIMORIER; AB; b Afton 30 Ag 71; prep CA; fr Afton; t English Keuka C and Institute 03-4; t English Cook Acad 04-6; Erie HS, Pa 06-; manager Erie teachers bureau 08-; graduate student SyrU; ad 507 Masonic Temple, Erie, Pa; res 224 W nth St SAMUEL DEYO DOLSON; PhB; b Highland 6 D 79; prep New Paltz NS; fr Liberty ville; t New York schs at New Brighton 03-; ad 712 Jewett Av, W New Brighton, NY CURTIS CLINTON EDGETT; BS; b Freehold 23 Ap 77; prep Fairhaven UnSch; fr Hamilton; t Edmeston HS 03-7; prin Medina HS O7~9;tdept of sci Genesee Wesleyan S, Lima 09-; temporary examiner NY Dept of Education 09-12; ad Lima, NY GLENN BLACKMER EWELL; AB; RTS 11; BD 12; b Warsaw 26 F 80; prep Leroy HS; fr Pavilion; clerk registrar's office CU 03; state manager for Mont- gomery Co, publs' gen agents:, Rochester 04-7; ord Pavilion 3 My 11; graduate scholar RTS, student lib administration Columbia U, UTS, Yale, and else- where 11-2; asst libn RTS 12-3; libn 13-; ad 300 Alexander St, Rochester, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1 903 215 IRVING CHARLES GALUSHA; AB; b Wilton 16 N 77; prep Amsterdam HS; fr Amsterdam; travelling representative American Newspaper Assoc 03; correspon- dent Syracuse Herald, Fulton 04; travelling correspondent State Desk Supply, and assoc manager Auburn branch Syracuse Herald 04; special correspondent Syra- cuse Herald, Fulton 04-1 2; editor and proprietor Fulton Times 12-; ad 30 ist St,. Fulton, NY FLOYD TOMPKINS GOODIER; AB;AM Columbia U 09; b Clayville 8 Ap 81; prep W Winfield HS; fr Cedarlake; t Aurora C, 111 03-4; E Batavia HS 04-6; Bloomington HS 06-8; graduate student Columbia U 08-9; prin township HS, Savanna 111 09-; ad Savanna, 111 ARTHUR MUNGER GRIFFEN; BS; b Newark NJ 22 Je 79; prep Montclair HS; fr Verona; field asst bureau of soils, US Dept of Agriculture 03-6; with H B Smith Co, manufacturers heating apparatus, New York 06-; ad 39 E Houston St, New York; res Fairview Av, Verona, NJ GEORGE LEWIS HAYES; AB; b Danville Va 16 F 76; prep Wayland S, Washing- ton DC; fr Danville Va; t city sens Indianapolis Ind 03-5; prin city sch 05-8; sup- ervising prin 08-; graduate student UMich summer 05; Harv summer 07; U of Wis summer 09; ad 819 N California St, Indianapolis, Ind JOHN WALTER LARKIN; PhB; b Syracuse 25 Ja 81; prep Solvay HS; fr Solvay; with civil engineering corps Solvay Process Co 03-; ad 415 Tompkins St, Syracuse, NY ORMA NEIL MARSH; PhB; b Brookfield 10 D 80; prep CA; fr Hamilton; t Gun- nery Sch, Washington Ct 03-5; St John's Sch, Manlius NY 05-7; t French Jacob Tome Institute, Port Deposit Md 07-8; t math and director athletics St John's Sch, Manlius NY 08-11; with Sherwin-Williams Co Chicago 111 n-; ad Care The Sherwin-Williams Co, Pullman Station, Chicago, 111 RALPH THOMAS NORRIS; PhB; b Himrod n Ja 79; prep Cook Acad; fr Him- rod; bus Himrod 03-; ad Himrod, NY FLOYD JEROME OLDS; AB; b Lorraine 29 F 80; prep Adams Collegiate Insti- tute; fr Adams; prof modern langs Eureka C, 111 03-4; t Prin Somes 's Sch, Aurora NY 04-5 ;t modern langs Miami Mil Institute, Germantown O 05-; registrar 10-; ad Miami Mil Institute, Germantown, O; and Pierrepont Manor, NY FRED WELLINGTON REED; PhB; b S Granville 20 Ag 77; prep Sandy Hill HS; fr N Hebron; prin Cleveland HS 03-4; t Perth Amboy HS, NJ 04-5; S Jersey Acad, Bridgeton 05-6; Dobbs Ferry HS, NY 06-8; Success Shorthand Sch, New York 08-9; with Faulkner, Page and Co, and Natl Civic Federation 09-10; manager readers' service with Doubleday, Page and Co 10-; student New York U 06-7, ii-; ad 2148 7th Av, New York GEORGE BYRON ROORBACH; AB; b Utica 8 D 78; prep CA 99; fr Fort Plain; prin DeRuyter HS 03-5; sci master Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ 05-8; Jo- siah Dwight Whitney scholar Harv 08; Austin scholar 08-9; instructor in geog- raphy U of Pa 09-; ad Logan Hall, U of Pa, Philadelphia, Pa EDWARD BINGHAM SHERWOOD; BS; b Buffalo 29 N 80; prep Cook Acad; fr Camillus; manufacturer Camillus 03-; ad Camillus, NY GEORGE HERBERT STEWART; AB; b Moores Pa 19 Je 81; fr Hamilton NY; BuU 99-02 ; student engineering U of Pa 03-5 ; engineering dept P and R Railway Philadelphia 05 ; maintenance of way and structures dept Pa Railway 05-; ad Box 192, Clayton, Del 216 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1903 WALLACE TEALL STOCK; AB; AM 06; b Ft Covington 8 Mr 81 ; prep CA 99; fr Hamilton;! BridgetonNJo3-4;asst in rhetoric and public speaking CU 04-6; in- structor in English 06-8; in charge work in rhetoric and public speaking 07-8; t English Commerical HS, Brooklyn 08-; coach debating team CU 09, n, 12; adm to bar New York 12; ad 1433 E i/th St, Brooklyn, NY MORRIS MOTT SWEENEY; BS; MD Columbia U 10; b Hamilton 6 My 77; prep CA; fr Hamilton; t Notre Dame Preparatory Sch, Notre Dame Ind 03-5; Newman Sch, Hackensack NJ 05-6; res surgeon Bellevue Hospital 10-; ad 321 W 55th St, New York ALBERT TERRY TAMBLYN; AB; UTS 06; b Liberty 24 F 79; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn; fr New York; graduate student Columbia U o6;ord Cong Morristown NJ Je 06; p New York 07-13; Hartford Ct 13-; ad Hartford, Ct GEORGE OLVER TAMBLYN; AB; UTS 06; b Farmingdale 31 Jl 77; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn; fr Allentown Pa; ord Pres b Leonia NJ 06; p Leonia 06-9 ; chaplain Sailors' Snug Harbor, New Brighton NY 10-; ad Sailors' Snug Harbor, New Brighton, NY RALPH HOWARD TIBBALS; AB; s 06; BD 10; AM 12; b Milford Ct 25 Je 78: prep CA; fr Cornwall Bridge Ct; ord E Cornwall 13 Jl 05; p S Londonderry Vt oS-; ad S Londonderry, Vt "LUCIAN STOWELL TUTTLE; b Alabama 2 O 79; prep CA; fr Alabama; t Rhinebeck HS 03-4; t Cornwall 04-5; Chappaqua Mt Institute 05-6; bus Buffalo 06-1 1 ; d Buffalo 25011 MAURICE WILLIAM WILLIAMS; BS; b Durhamville 24 Jl 80; prep Oneida HS; fr Durhamville; civil engineer in dept of state engineer 03-5; student C of Civil Engineering CornU 05-6; civil engineer in dept of state engineer 06-; in charge of construction barge canal contract 29 09-; ad 211 Paul Building, Utica, NY ROY BURNETT SMITH; MS; BS UMich 99; b Jackson Mich 25 Mr 75; student chemistry U Heidelberg 95-6; instructor in chemistry, asst and assoc prof chemis- try CU 99-; student U Goettingen 12-3; ad Hamilton, NY WILLIAM ALMON ANDREWS; 99-00; AB Columbia U 09; bElba 20 S 68 ; prep Buffalo NS; fr Elba; prin Lake Placid HS 01-3; Allegany HS 03-7; bus Can 07-8; sup- ervising prin Ballston Spa public schs, NY 09-; ad Ballston Spa, NY HARRIS BINGHAM COOK; f 99-01 ; b Camillus 21 D 80; prep Cook Acad; fr Camillus; with Liebstadter Millinery Co, Kansas City Mo 02-3 ; tagger in bureau of animal industry, US Dept of Agriculture, Boston Mass 03-4; bus Kansas City Mo 04-1 1 ; travelling salesman Ks, res Kansas City Mo 1 1-; ad 204 Baird Building, Kansas City, Mo LEE SHERMAN DAVIS; f 99-00; b New Berlin i Mr 77; prep Sidney HS; fr Sidney; farmer Sidney oo-; ad Sidney, NY CARROLL HAMILTON DAWLEY; 99-01; b Hamilton 6 Ap 80; prep Minneapolis Cen- tral HS, Minn; fr Minneapolis; U of Minn LS 01-2; inspector of construction work Great Northern Railway 02; railroad construction work Tacoma Wash 03; U of Minn LS 03-4; clerk land dept Southern Pacific Railway, San Francisco Cal 04- 6; real estate bus Syracuse NY 07-; ad 620 University Block, Syracuse, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1903 217 FRANK LAFAYETTE FOSTER ; sp 99-00 ; b Volney Center 6 Ag 65 ; prep CA ; fr Hamilton ; ord Conklin 28 Ag 89; s 89-90; p Jordan 04-? HENRY THERON HOLTON; sp 99-01 ; b Farmer 1 1 O 73; prep CA; fr Fanner; stair and cabinet work Farmer oi-4;Rockaway Beach 04-; ad 28 N Pleasant Av, Rockaway Beach, NY EDWARD LEONARD JAMES; 99-00; AB UR 03; BD RTS 06; b Rushford 28 My 73; prep CA 99; fr Rushford; ord Hartford 27 Je 06; p Hartford 06-10; Auburn 10-; ad 136^ E Genesee St, Auburn, NY ALBERT THOMAS JENNINGS; t 99-01 ; PhB SyrlJ 04; LLB SyrU C of Law 06; b Clay- ville 17 F 80; prep CA; fr Earlville; bus Earlville 04; adm to bar Rochester 12 Jl 06; prac law Fulton 06-; ad 316 Academy St, Fulton, NY GEORGE VICTOR MCALLISTER; sp 99-01 ; b Springhill Pa 21 N 74; prep Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, Towanda; fr Hamilton NY; p ME S Danby 02-4; Lockwood 05-6; Apalachin 07-; ord Plymouth Pa 24 Mr 09; ad Apalachin, NY LAWRENCE BREINARD MCKELVEY; f 99-01; LLB Union 04; b Utica 6 Ap 80; prep Waterford HS; fr Waterford; adrrfto bar Albany 04; prac law Saratoga Springs 04-; district attorney Saratoga co; ad 378 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY WALTER RATCLIFFE RANDALL; 98-00, 01-2 ; b Troy 26 Ap 77; prep Troy HS; fr Troy; with Sikes Chair Co, Buffalo 02-? JAMES WALTER ROGERS; 99-00 ;b 4 Jl 78; prep Sidney HS;fr Slanesville W Va; res Sidney NY TILSTON DWIGHT SPRING; | 99-00; b 1 6 Ap 80; prep Elmira Free Acad; fr Elmira DANIEL RICHARD SULLIVAN; 99-00; b Towanda Pa i D 75; prep Susquehanna Col- legiate Institute, Towanda; fr Myersburg; with Wilkesbarre Traction Co 00-2; Niagara U, NY 02-3; res Towanda Pa 03-4 ;St Bernard's S, Rochester NY 04-9; ord Roman Catholic Rochester 12 Je 09; curate Wilmington Del 09-10; Pittsburg Pa 10-1; chaplain St Joseph Acad, Greensburg n-; ad St Joseph Acad, Greens- burg, Pa WILLIAM HUNTING WAITE; 99-00; b Belleville 6 Mr 79; prepUn Acad, Belleville; fr Belleville; plumber Belleville 00-6; stock clerk The Hunting Co, plumbing man- ufacturers, Watertown 06-10; purchasing agent 10-; ad 22 58 Rutland St, Water- town, NY LA VERNE AUSTIN WALKER; 99-00; b Oxford 15 S 79; prep CA 99; fr Greene; t Spring- field Center 00-2; Glen 02-4; Brook Haven 04-6; Bay port 06-9; Islip 09-10; bus Bay Shore io-; ad Box 135, Bay Shore, NY ROBERT EDWARD WILLIAMS; J 99-00; b Erie 111 21 Ja 76; prep CA; fr Cohoes; U of Pa oi-?; prac med Des Moines la 08-? ARTHUR EDWARD WOOD; f 99-00; b Morris 18 Je 78; prep Sidney HS; fr Sidney; in office Sidney Mill and Lumber Co oo-; ad Lock Box 489, Sidney, NY 1904 WILLIAM HALL ALEXANDER; AB; b Cossayuna 24 My 80; prep CA oo; fr Cossayuna; State Lib Sch, Albany 04-6; withCU lib 05; with State Law Lib 05-6; asst libn Assoc of the Bar of City NY 06-; ad 15 Union Av, Mt Vernon, NY LESTER JAY BACKUS; AB; b Palmyra 14 Je 81; prep Palmyra HS; fr Palmyra; t Clifton Springs 04-5 ; Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute o6~7;Tappan Zee HS, Pier- mont 07-1 1 ; ad Piermont, NY 2 1 8 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1 904 WALTER SCOTT BENNETT; AB; MD Johns Hopkins U n;b Glens Falls 20 O 76; prep New Paltz NS; fr Glens Falls; t Chappaqua Mt Institute 04-5; Mer- cersburg Acad, Pa 06; Atlantic City HS, NJ 06-7; interne Norwegian Hospital, Brooklyn NY 11-3; res phys Seton Hospital New York 13-; ad Seton Hospital, New York CHARLES WALTER BILLINGS; AB; ME SyrU 10; b Smyrna 23 Jl 80; prep CA; fr Hamilton; t Bulletin Correspondence Sch, Syracuse 04-; draftsman H H Franklin Manufacturing Co Syracuse 10; draftsman Brown-Lipe-Chapin Co Syracuse n-; ad 314 Kellogg St, Syracuse, NY *JOHN DIXON BILLINGS; BS; b 26 Je 78; prep CA; fr Hamilton; chemist with Solvay Process Co, Syracuse 04-6; chemist Mechanicville Paper Mill 06-? ; chem- ist Syracuse 7-09; d Syracuse 22 S 09 EUGENE BENJAMIN CALLAHAN; BS; b 17 Ja 74; prep CA; fr Richfield Springs; prin Little Falls HS 04-7; t math Erasmus Hall HS, Brooklyn 07-8; supt Little Falls public schs 08-10; supt Hebrew Technical Sch, New York 10-1; with The MacMillan Co, publs, Boston Mass 11-; ad 120 Boylston St, Boston, Mass HARRY JAMES COLLESTER; AB; b Madison 28 F 80; prep CA; fr Madison; vice-prin Thetford Acad, Vt 0^-5; prin Madison HS, NY 05-6; Poultney HS, Vt 06-8 ; t Latin Clifton HS, NJ 08-; ad 183 Union Av, Clifton, NJ ROLLIN ADAMS DALRYMPLE; AB; b Nashua NH 8 Jl 78; prep Worcester Acad, Mass; fr Worcester; with American Steel and Wire Co, Waukegan 111 04-7; book- keeper Hicks Locomotive and Car Co, Chicago 07-12? HARRY NELSON EATON; AB; AM Harv 06; PhD U of Pittsburg 12; b Eaton n Ja 80; prep Eaton UnSch;fr Eaton; graduate student in geology Harv 04-5; in- structor in geology Harv 05-5; t Radcliffe C 06-7; instructor in mineralogy U of NC 07-10; instructor in geology U of Pittsburg, Pa 10-2; asst prof geology Pa State C 1 2-; ad Pa State C, State College, Pa GEORGE EMERSON EDDY; AB; b 16 Mr 76; prep CA oo; fr Macedon Center; t Robert C, Constantinople, Turkey 04-6; t English East HS Rochester NY 06-9; head geography dept 09-; ad 33 Thayer St, Rochester, NY GEORGE JOHN FALKINBURG; AB; LLB New York LS 09; b New York 4 Mr 82; prep Flushing HS; fr Flushing; civil engineer New York 04-5; student Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute 05-7; adm to bar New York 09; prac law New York 09-; ad 10 Wall St, New York EDMUND CLARK FORSYTH; AB; BD CTS 09; ThM 10; AM U of Pa 10; b Carlisle England 17 D 79; fr Little Falls NY; Keuka C 00-3; sup Canaan NH 04; p Gilboa 05-6; graduate student CTS and U of Pa 09-10 FREDERICK WILLIAM HARDING; AB; s 07; b Leeds, Yorkshire, England 7 Je 78; prep Mt Hermon Sch, Mass; fr Brooklyn NY; ord Brooklyn 9 S 07; miss ABMU (ABFMS) Tura Assam 07-; ad Tura, Assam WILLIS EDWARD HINMAN; BS; b Kendall 27 Jl 79; prep Albany NS; fr Still- water; prin public schs, Patterson 04-9^ math Poughkeepsie HS 09-1 2; student engineering Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute 12-; ad Lima, NY JOHN WILLIAMS KERN; AB; AM SyrU 10; b Hamilton 21 Je 80; prep CA; fr Hcmiltcn; t physics and chemistry Friends' Sch, Wilmington Del 04-5 ; studied electro-chemist; y U of Pa 05; t sci Urbana HS, O 05-7; student CornU 07; t chemistry and bblogy Mansfield State NS, Pa 07-9; graduate student in chem- COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1904 219 istry SyrlJ 09-10; t dept chemistry Elmira Free Acad 10-; ad 960 Walnut St, Elmira, NY FRED GRAY LEARY; AB; BS DartC 09; b Meridian 16 S 82; prep CA; fr Hamil- ton; t Irving Sch, Tarrytown 04-5; Plainfield NJ 05-7; studied civil engineering DartC 07-9 ; asst engineer in constructing pipe line, water dept City of Portland Ore 09-11; with Pacific Bridge Co Portland 12-; ad 560 E Taylor St, Portland, Ore ARTHUR CLYDE LEWIS; AB; b Madison i Ja 79; prep CA; fr Madison; t Ithaca HS 04-6; t math St Johns Acad, Manlius 06-7; Morris HS, New York 07-; ad 1024 Boston Road, New York HARRIS WARD LEWIS; AB; b Norwich 12 S 73; prep Norwich HS; fr Norwich; YMCA sec for Cattaraugus co 04-5 ; prin Leland and Gray S, Townshend Vt 05-8 ; supt Randolph District Un Schs 08-; ad Highland Av, Randolph, Vt ROBERT ERNEST LEWIS; AB; b Madison 7 Jl 80; prep CA 99; fr Madison; t Waterville HS 04-7; Rutgers Preparatory Sch, New Brunswick NJ 07-11; The Mackenzie Sch, Dobbs Ferry NY 11-; ad The Mackenzie Sch, Dobbs Ferry, NY EARL GARFIELD LINSLEY; AB; MS U of Cal 08; b Fremont co Col 19 Je 82; prep Mt Hermon Sch, Mass; fr Suffield Ct; prof Greek and Latin Cal C, Oakland 04-6; head sci depts 06-8; instructor in Greek U of Cal, Berkeley 08-1 1 ; asst and graduate student Harv 11-2; research asst Blue Hill meteorological observatory Hyde Park 12; acting prof geology and astronomy Mills C, Cal 12-; ad Mills Col- lege PO, Cal DAVID BE VAN LISLE; AB; b Troy 15 N 80; prep Troy HS; fr Troy; prin Holland Patent HS 04-9; adm to bar Rochester 30 N 10; prac law Utica 10-; ad Lisle and Sloan, 88 Utica City Natl Bank Building, Utica, NY; res Holland Patent THOMAS D'ARCY LUCUS; AB (degree voted D 03); MD U and Bellevue Hos- pital Med C 04; b Stratford Ont S 74; prep Stratford Collegiate Institute; fr New York; interne Bellevue Hospital, New York 04-6; prac med New York 06-; asst visiting Bellevue Hospital 08-; ad 253 W 7ist St, New York JAMES PATRICK MacFARLAN; AB; b Amsterdam 14 Mr 80; prep Amsterdam HS; fr Amsterdam; clerk Model Heating Co, Philadelphia Pa 04-5; studied me- chanics Drexel Institute 04-5 ; clerk Model Heating Co, New York 05-6 ; division sales manager New York 06- 10; office manager Natl Employment Exchange, New York 10-1; sales manager soft fibre Columbian Rope Co, Auburn n-; ad 148 Hooper Av, Auburn, NY T A MOORE; BS; b 26 Ap 80; prep Keuka Preparatory Sch; fr Manlius; with traf- fic dept NY and NJ Telephone Co, New York 08-; ad 185 Lefferts Place, Brooklyn, NY EDWARD PAUL MURRAY; BS; b Moreau 13 Ag 81; prep CA; fr Albany; topo- graphical draftsman, bureau of topography, Borough of Queens, New York 05- 6; transit man aqueduct commission 06-7; computer topographical bureau, Borough of Queens 08-; ad Jasmine St, Kissena Park, Flushing, NY AUGUSTUS INGLESBE NASMITH; AB; s 07; BD UTS 08; b Massena 18 F 84; prep CA oo ; fr Clayton; graduate student UTS 07-9; t Essex Fells NJ and New York 09-10; Howard Acad, Washington DC 10-1; ord Hyattsville Md 8 F n: p Hyattsville 10-2; m ABFMS China 12-; ad Nanking, China CHARLES ROY NASMITH; AB; b Mannsville 18 Jl 82; prep CA oo; fr Clayton: 220 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1904 t Union Acad, Belleville 04-5; S Jersey Institute, Bridgeton NJ 05-6; studied law Harv 06; vice and dep consul Limoges France 07-11; vice and dep consul gen Brussels Belgium 1 1-; ad American Consulate General, Brussels, Belgium FLOYD DEFOREST PALMER; BS; b Earlville 6 Ja 84; prep Earlville HS; fr Earl- ville; t Jamestown HS 04-6; Lockport 06-7; Perry 08; Conneaut O 09; Oklahoma City Okla 09-10; Kingston NY 10-; ad 135 Elmendorf St, Kingston, NY EARL ASHMORE PARTRIDGE; AB; b Potsdam 22 Ag 79; prep Potsdam NS; fr Hamilton ;t Oneida HS 04-6; East HS Rochester 06-; graduate student UR n-; ad 95 Middlesex Road, Rochester, NY WAKEMAN RIDER; AB; b Clayville 16 Ag 75; prep CA; fr Cedar Lake; instructor Benedict C, Columbia SC 04-5; t Dover HS, NJ 05-6; instructor of apprentices Gen Electric Co, Schenectady NY 06-; ad 134 Furman St, Schenectady, NY WILLIAM FOX ROANTREE; AB; b Vienna 29 Ap 76; prep Canajoharie HS; fr Canajoharie; t math and sci Sachs Collegiate Institute, New York 04-6; t Stevens Sch, Hoboken NJ 06-7; t math Horace Mann Sch, New York 07-8; t math and methods NY Training Sch for Teachers, New York 08-; instructor in math Teach- ers' C, New York 10-2; student phil of education Teachers' C 08-12; ad 407 W 1 23d St, New York CLAYTON BYRON SIMMONS; AB; b Oil City Pa n O 76; prep Oil City HS; fr Oil City; physical and athletic director Ithaca HS, NY 04-6; prof physical edu- cation la State Teachers C, Cedar Falls 06-10; head dept physical education Kirks- ville State NS, Mo 10-; studied Battle Creek Normal Szh of Physical Education, Mich; ad 315 S Marion St, Kirksville, Mo CARL HERRING SMITH; BS; LLB New York U 1 1 ; b Gouverneur 18 N 80; prep CA; fr Gouverneur; physical director Mackenzie Sch, Dobbs Ferry 04-10; gym- nasium director St Johns Mil Acad, Delafield Wis 11-2; physical director HS, Portland Ore 12-; ad 120 E isth St, Portland, Ore CLAUDE MORTIMER STONE; AB; LLB New York LS 10; b Mansfield Pa 15 Ja 82; prep CA; fr Canton Pa; graduate student in English Columbia U 04-5; t English Waterman Sch, Mt Vernon 05-7; Hoboken Acad, NJ 07-8; Collegiate Sch, New York 08-9; adm to bar Denver Col 10; prac law Paonia 10-; ad Pa- onia, Col LEMUEL WASHINGTON VAN SCHAIK; AB; b Sandy Hill 25 Ja 79; prep Le- land and Gray S, Townshend Vt; fr Sandy Hill NY; t Hoosick Falls HS 04-6; prin 06-10; supervising prin Scarsdale Un Sch 10-; graduate student Columbia U 10-; ad Scarsdale, NY FREDERICK ALPHEUS WOODWARD; AB; b Manistee Mich 27 S 78; prep Cort- land NS, NY; fr Tully; asst prin Mexico Acad 04-5; prin 05-8; supervising prin Fairport public schs 08-12; with Cobb Preserving Co, Fairport 12-3; with Morris Canning Co Lambertville NJ 13-; ad Lambertville, NJ CHARLES HENRY BENNETT; oo-i ; AB SyrU 04; BD Drew TS 06; b Troy 2 Jl 79; prep Schuylerville HS; fr Schuylerville; p ME Marion 03-4; E Moriches 04-5; Gar- nerville 05-6; North Creek 06-8; ord deacon 22 Ap 06, elder 19 Ap 08; p Long Lake 08-1 1 ; Stillwater 1 1-; ad Stillwater, NY GILBERT LEVI BERRY; J oo-i; b N Winfield 16 Je 78; prep W Winfield HS; fr W Winfield; currier W Winfield 02-3; rancher Squirrel Id 04-; ad Squirrel, Id COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1904 221 ARCHIE STANLEY HINMAN; f 00-2; CE Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 08 ;b Ken- dall 29 Ag 81; prep Stillwater; fr Stillwater; bookkeeper and timekeeper, John C Fuller, Stillwater 02-3; Ferris Brick Co, Mechanicville 03-4; engineering drafts- man with NY water supply commission 08-9; asst engineer New York board of water supply, Ashokan dam 09-11; civil engineer and draftsman quartermaster- gen office, Washington DC 11-2; asst engineer NY state highway deptLima 12-; ad Lima, NY GEORGE SCOTT HUNTER; sp oo-i ; b 31 D 78; prep Park Av Institute; fr Hartford Ct THOMAS JERMAIN KIRKWOOD; sp 00-3; AubTS 06; b W Troy 6 My 77; prep CA; fr Watervliet; PTS 03-4; ord Presb Watervliet NY 19 Ap 07; p Johnsonville 07-11 ; Valatie 11-; ad Valatie, NY CHARLES STOWELL SMITH; { oo-i ; AB UMich 05; MFS 12; b Jackson Mich 24 F 82; prep Ann Arbor HS; fr Jackson; asst district forester, forest service, San Francisco Cal 05-; ad Forest Service, ist Natl Bank Building, San Francisco, Cal FRANK WALLACE STANTON; sp 00-2^5 05; b German 12 F 77; prep CA; fr Utica; ord Sidney Center 23 Je 04; p Bismarck ND 05-7; chaplain house of representatives 06; p Syracuse NY 07-; ad 331 Hawley Av, Syracuse, NY EDWIN ALONZO HARTSHORN STEVENSON; 00-3 ;b Watervliet 24 S 8i;prep Lansing- burg Acad; fr Lansingburg; reporter Pittsburg Post, Pa 03-9; bus manager In- surance World 09-1 1 ; agency manager American Central Life, Spokane Wash 1 1~; ad Lock Box 1979, Spokane, Wash HENRY WILLIAM TAYLOR; f 99-03; U of Cal Engineering C 06; b Hamilton 16 My 80; prep CA; fr Hamilton; U of Col Engineering C 03-4; with US bureau of agri- culture, irrigation and drainage investigation Tex 06; asst city engineer Rochester NY 06-7; asst engineer state dept of health, Albany 08; sanitary engineer, state architect's office, Albany 08-12; consulting engineer Oneonta, Troy Pa, Canton; hydraulic and sanitary engineer Albany NY 12-; ad 100 State St, Albany, NY DAVID WILLIAM THOMAS; 01-2; b 12 Ag 76; prep Bucknell Acad, Pa; fr Pontardu- lais. Wales HERMAN HENRY VAN HORN; oo-i; AB Yale 04; b Boylston 16 N 78; prep CA; fr Sandy Creek; studied med Mo State U, Tulane 08-9; t sci Buena Vista C, Storm Lake la 09-10; student med and asst in anatomy 10-2; studied med Columbia U ?-; ad C of Phys and Surgeons, 357 W 59th St, New York JOHN CROSBY VOSE; 00-3; b Ashburnham Mass 5 Je 81; prep CA; fr Ashburnham Mass; manager Blenio Fireproofing Co New York 05-; ad 545 W 22d St, New York; res 66 W io9th St GEORGE KAVENEY WARREN; sp oo-i ; AB SyrU 04; RTS 07; BD 09; bCodnor, Derby, England 26 F 70; prep CA; fr Codnor England; ord Rochester NY 25 F 08; asst p Rochester 08-9; p Syracuse 10-; ad 802 Court St, Syracuse, NY JOHN BROWN WATSON; } oo-i ; PhB BU 04; b Tyler Tex 28 D 72; prep Bishop Acad; fr Tahlequah IT; instructor in sci Atlanta Bapt C, Ga 04-; graduate student UChic 05; sec international committee YMCA in Atlanta; ad 140 Henry St, Atlanta, Ga SHERMAN MORSE WHITE; sp 00-2; s oo; b Bath 21 O 55; prep Folts Institute, Herkimer; fr Bath; ord Akron 20 Ag 02; p Akron 02-4; res San Jose Cal 04-5; p Mountainview 05-6 ; Hunt NY 07-8 ; Ocean Park Cal 09 ; ev work Brownsville Tex 09-10; Dallas 10; p Hondo 10-1; Jourdanton 11-2; Sanborn NV 12-; ad - Sanborn, NY 222 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1904 CORYDON HENRY WOLCOTT; oo-i; b Holland Patent 22 F 80; prep Cobleskill HS; fr Cobleskill; Philadelphia Dental C, Pa 01-4; prac as dentist Albany NY 04-6; Sche- nectady 06^; ad 3 Elm St, Schenectady, NY 1905 HERMAN THEODOR RENDTORFF AUDE; BS; MS 07; b Herning Denmark 20 My 80; prep Herkimer HS, NY; fr Herkimer; graduate student c 05-6; t CA 05- 6; asst in math (engineering) CU 06-7; asst instructor in math Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburg Pa 07-8; instructor 08-11; asst prof u-; ad Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburg, Pa JAMES GARFIELD BAILEY; AB; BD UTS 09; b Scranton Pa 22 F 82; prep Keystone Acad, Factoryville; fr Scranton; s 05-6; graduate student Columbia U 07-8; ord Presb Brooklyn 28 N 09; asst p Brooklyn 09-11; p Englewood NJ 11-; graduate student UTS 1 1-2 ; ad Palisade Av, Englewood, NJ KENNETH IRA BALCOM; AB; MD Harv 10; b Lawrencetown NS 25 Je 83; prep Northboro HS, Mass; fr Northboro; florist Northboro 05-6; surgeon Newton city hospital 10-1; prac med Boylston n-; ad Boylston Center, Mass EVERETT JACOB BEERS; BS; b Dolgeville 21 O 82; prep CA 01; fr Dolgeville; t sci dept Geneva HS 05-7; Ky Mil Institute, Lyndon 07-9; prin Oak Grove S, Vassalboro Me 09-11; receiver Washington Manufacturing and Mining Co, Myers Ky 11-2; t chemistry Plainfield HS, NJ 12; partner Ratliff and Beers, wholesale grocers, Carlisle Ky 12-; ad Carlisle, Ky FRANCIS GORHAM BRIGHAM; BS; MD Harv 09; b Flushing 27 S 82; prep Flushing HS; fr Flushing; in Mass Gen Hospital, Boston 09-10; Free Hospital for Women, Brookline 10; Boston Lying in Hospital n;prac med Boston n-; ad 416 Marlborough St, Boston, Mass LEWIS W BURDICK; BS; MD Albany Med C 09; b W Davenport 10 N 81 ; prep Oneonta HS; fr Oneonta; interne Samaritan Hospital, Troy 09-10; on staff Lying in Hospital, New York 10; prac med Maryland 10-; ad Maryland, NY EDWARD LEROY CAMPBELL; BS; b Traer la 71; prep CA; fr Lockwood NY; t sci Wellsville 05-?; res Lakewood NJ ?-i2; Elmira NY 12-; ad 628 Winsor Av, Elmira, NY LINN SANFORD CHAPEL; AB; b Hamilton 19 N 81; prep Sherburne HS; fr Sherburne; t Kalamazoo HS, Mich 05-6; feed bus Earlville 07; coal bus Elmira Heights 08-9; insurance bus Elmira 09-; ad 112 Lake St, Elmira, NY CLARENCE SHEPHERD COBB; AB; b Fairport 21 F 82; prep Bradstreet Sch, Rochester; fr Fairport; sec Cobb Preserving Co, Fairport 05-; ad Fairport, NY FRANK RIBERA DEMING; AB; b Corry Pa 5 Ag 81; prep Sewickley HS; fr Corry; mining engineer Zeigler 111 05-9; travelling salesman 09-10; prin North East public schs, Pa 10-; ad North East, Pa RCSCOE CONKLIN DORN; AB; b Sloansville 17 D 77; prep Starkey S; fr Sloans- ville; representing Underwood and Underwood of New York, res Elmira 05-9; representing Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, res Elmira 09-; ad 913 Davis St, Elmira, NY EDGAR GROVE EVANS; BS; b Maesteg S Wales 30 Ap 84; prep Flushing HS, NY; fr Port Chester; student U Goettingen 05-?; res Boston Mass; in sani- tarium in south COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1905 22J SHELDON EDWARD FORD; AB; b Camden 11 Jl 77; prep Camden HS; fr Cam- den; t Syracuse Classical Sch 05-6; Overlook Mil Acad, Norwalk Ct 06-7; Ky Mil Institute, Lyndon 07-; ad Lyndon, Ky FLOYD PARMELEE HARTSON; AB; s 08; b Maple View i Ja 82; prep Mexico HS; fr Union Square; ord Cedar Rapids Neb 5 Mr 09; p Cedar Rapids 08-10; Richville NY 10-; ad Richville, NY LEWIS CLARK HASKELL; AB; b Elmer Pa 2 Ja 83; prep CA; fr Ulysses Pa; lumber and pulp bus Can, res Murray Bay PQ and Montreal 05-: sec and treasurer South Shore Power and Paper Co; ad 909 Eastern Townships Bank Building, Montreal, Can ; res 2 Winchester Av, Westmont, Montreal STEWART RUSSELL HOLMES; AB; b Silver Creek 15 D 82; prep Silver Creek HS; fr Silver Creek; transitman B and R Transit Co, Buffalo 05; L V Railway Sayre Pa 06; Niagara Power Co 06-7; draftsman Pa Steel Co, Steelton 07-10; asst engineer U R and E Co, Baltimore Md 10-1 ; asst engineer and chief draftsman United Railways and Electric Co, Baltimore 11-; ad 1509 Continental Trust Building, Baltimore, Md FLOYD MORSE HUBBARD; AB; b Preston Hollow 15 Mr 82; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn; t English and German Perkiomen S, Pennsburg Pa 05-6; t Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ 06-7 ;CA o7-i2;Peekskill Mil Acad, Peekskill 12-; ad Peekskill, NY JAMES HOWARD HUTCHINSON; AB; AM Columbia U 09; b Hamilton 7 F 83; prep CA 01 ; fr Amsterdam; prin schs E Bloomfield 05-8; graduate student Colum- bia U 08-9; prin schs Pocantico Hills 09-12; with bureau of municipal research, New York 12-; ad Bureau of Municipal Research, 261 Broadway, New York EVERETT BOOKER JONES; AB; b Tallahassee Fla 7 Ag 76; prep CA; fr Long- wood Fla; instructor in natural sci Fla H and M C, Tallahassee 05-7 ; prof chemistry and biology 07-; ad Fla H and M C, Tallahassee, Fla ELLIS WILLARD LEAVENWORTH; AB; LLB Columbia U 08; b Eaton 9 O 83; prep CA; fr Eaton; adm to bar New York 07; prac law New York 08-; ad 49 Wall St, New York CHARLES LEBER; AB; b Scranton Pa 31 Ag 74; prep Keystone Acad, Factory- ville; fr Scranton; t German Technical HS, Scranton 05-7; head modern lang dept 07-12; head German dept 12-; ad 916 W Elm St, Scranton, Pa FRANCIS PATRICK LYONS; AB; PhM Catholic U of America, Washington DC 07 ; JCB 12 ; St Thomas C, Washington DC 12 ; b Syracuse 23 D 84; prep CA 01 ; fr Hamilton; instructor in modern langs Army and Navy Preparatory Sch, Wash- ington DC 05-8; graduate student Catholic U of America 06-7, 11-2; ord Roman Catholic New York 24 My 12; prof phil St Thomas C, Washington DC 12-; ad St Thomas C, Brookland, DC JULIUS ADOLPHUS MIGEL; AB; b Santiago Chili 5 Ja 80; prep CA; fr New York ; manager Erie Silk Mills, Erie Pa 05-7 ; sec Erie Silk Mills, associated with M C Migel and Co 07-12; member M C Migel and Co 13-; ad 251 4th Av, New York HARRY MANNING ROOT; AB; b Buffalo 19 My 83; prep Misten Park HS, Buffalo; fr Buffalo; repairs clerk gen agency Int^rnatb vil rti.-yistar C> ) t" America, Buffalo 05-9; cashier gen agency Richmond Va 09-?; res Buffalo NY ?-; ad 273 Richmond Av, Buffalo, NY 224 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1905 WAYNE ADDISON ROOT; BS; b Hamilton 20 D 81; prep Westerleigh Collegi- ate Institute, SI; fr Hamilton; with New York Wire Cloth Co, New York 05-7; sec and treasurer 07-; ad 102 Chambers St, New York; res Prince George Hotel, 28th St and 5th Av, New York LESTER GEORGE SIMON; AB; s 08; b Chichester 16 Ag 81; prep CA 01; fr Poughkeepsie; ord Lowville 26 Je 07; p Lowville 07-11; Albany n-; ad 9 Ten Broeck St, Albany, NY SAMUEL BUELL SISSON; AB; b Hamilton 13 F 83; prep CA 01; fr Hamilton; lumber bus N Tonawanda 05-6; New York 06-8; Syracuse 09-; ad 211 Wilkinson St, Syracuse, NY SQUIRE HURLBURT SNELL; BS; b Natural Bridge n Jl 81; prep Carthage HS; fr Carthage; vice-prin Whitesboro HS 05-6; prin 06-8; prin Lewis HS, South- ington Ct 08-10; vice-prin Olean HS, NY 10-2; prin Henry W Longfellow Sch, No 36, Rochester 12-; ad 7 Nelson St, Rochester, NY FRANK STANBRO; AB; b Brookfield 26 N 68; prep State Normal C, Albany; fr Hamilton; prin Afton HS 05-9; Unadilla HS 09-; ad Unadilla, NY FRANKLIN STRONG; AB; b Terrytown Pa 5 N 79; prep Keystone Acad, Factory ville; fr Jenningsville; t Towanda 05-6; Rah way NJ 06-10; prin schs Pine Plains NY 10-; ad Pine Plains, NY MORGAN PATRICK SWEENEY ; AB ; AM 06 ; b Hamilton 30 Ag 83 ; prep CA o i ; fr Hamilton; graduate student c 05-6; chemist NY agricultural experiment station, Geneva 07-; ad NY Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY ALLAN LUSH THOMPSON; AB; b Westerly RI 3 F 81; prep Mt Hermon Mass; fr Westerly RI; receiving teller Industrial Trust Co, Westerly 05-; ad Westerly, RI JOHN MELVIN THURBER; AB; b Guilford Vt 13 Mr 82; prep Brattleboro HS; fr Brattleboro; s 05-6; farmer Sherburne 06-12; physical director and instructor in English FC 12-; ad Franklin C, Franklin, Ind WILLIAM HIRAM WHEATLEY; AB; BD 09; b Carbon Run Pa 8 Mr 79; prep CA 01 ; fr Canton Pa; ord Canton 8 Jl 09; p Whitehall NY 09-; ad Whitehall, NY FRANK KELLEY YORK; AB;b Smithville i. F 82; prep Un Acad, Belleville;fr Smith ville; salesman The Red Cross Co, Boston Mass 05-6; salesman and special representative The Scarborough Co, Hamilton Can 06-7; t Smithville NY and vie 08-12; salesman The Scargorough Co, Boston Mass 12-; ad Smithville. NY WILLIAM ANDREW AKIN; J 01-3; b Cohoes 13 D 80; prep Stillwater HS; fr Troy; clerk and cashier Troy 03-4; Boston and Maine Railroad construction work, Hudson Valley Railway construction work, and paper machine work WVa Pulp and Paper Co, Mechanicville 04-5; sewing machine machinist knitting mill Mechanicville 05-8; asst PM Stillwater 08-10; proprietor news and cigar store Stillwater 10-; ad Stillwater, NY *GEORGE RICHARDS COREY; 01-3; b Northboro Mass 26 Jl 82; prep Northboro HS; fr Northboro; d Hamilton NY 3 O 03 CHARLES WATTS CRAMP; J 01-2; fr Oneida; ad 601 Albina Av, Portland, Ore WILLIAM RAY CUMMINGS; sp 01-2; b Buffalo 16 Mr 78; prep Buffalo; fr Buffalo; reporter Buffalo Commercial 02-3 ; special editorial writer New York News 03-4 ; advertising writer N W Ayer advertising agency Philadelphia Pa 04-?; ad 229 Vermont St, Buffalo, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1905 225 FRANK JOSEPH DRESSLER; sp 01-3; s 06; b Berlin Germany 23 Ag 77; prep Amster- dam HS, NY; fr Amsterdam; ord Amsterdam 18 My 05; p Jamaica Vt 06-8; res Amsterdam NY 08-; ad 72 Glen Av, Amsterdam, NY IRVING DWIGHT EDGARTON; f 01-3; b Bouckville 25 Jl 79; prep CA 01; fr Bouck- ville; farmer Brookfield 03-12; E Hamilton 12-; ad E Hamilton, NY WARREN LLEWELLYN EDWARDS; 01-2; b Freetown 28 My 78; prep Sherburne HS; fr Glen Haven; t Ceylon 02-3; Scott 03-6; N Rose 06-8; Brewerton 08-10; prin N Rose Un Sch 10-; ad N Rose, NY RAYMOND ELAINE FOSDICK; 01-2; AB PrU 05; AM 06; b Buffalo 9 Je 83; prep Masten Park HS, Buffalo; fr Buffalo; Boudinot fellow PrU 05-6; student New York LS; prac law New York; asst corporation counsel New York 09; commissioner of accounts of City of New York 10-2; vice-pres and treasurer Lozier Automobile Co 12-; studying police conditions Europe 13; ad 14 E 28th St, New York RANDOLPH FROTHINGHAM; 01-2; AB Yale 05; LLB Harv 08; b Scranton Pa 24 N 83; prep Scranton HS; fr Scranton; adm to Suffolk bar Boston Mass 20 Ag 07; with Tyler and Young, attorneys at law; Boston 08-10; member Channing and Fro- thingham, attorneys at law, Boston 10-; director Industrial Natl Bank, Boston; ad 137 Peterborough St, Boston, Mass ROBERT STEERE GASKELL; 01-3; AB DU 05; b New York 25 Jl 85; prep CA 01 ; fr Hamilton; t Latin Mt Pleasant Pa 05-6; prin E Springfield HS, NY 06-8; gen sec YMCA Norwich 08-11; Johnstown 11-; ad YMCA, Johnstown, NY FORD MORRIS HOUSE; $ 01-3; b Orleans Four Corners 9 Ag 80; prep Theresa HS; fr Theresa; bookkeeper Syracuse; proofreader Watertown Daily Times in 06; bookkeeper Antwerp 09-; ad Antwerp, NY FRED STILLMAN MERRILL; 01-3; b St Elmo Col 13 Ap 82; prep Carthage HS, NY; fr Carthage; newspaper work Carthage 03-9; passenger dept New York Central lines Carthage 09-10; ticket office asst Watertown and Rochester 10-1; ticket agent Carthage n-; ad 21 N James St, Carthage, NY RICHARD DAVID NEWMAN; J 01-2; US Mil Acad, West Point 08; b Bayside 30 Jl 83; prep Flushing HS;fr Bayside ;2d lieut i3th US cavalry FortMyer Vao8~9; Batangas PI 09-1 1 ; Fort William McKinley, Manila 1 1 ; detached service Japan, China, Malay Settlements, India, Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland and England 11; 2d lieut i3th cavalry Fort Riley Ks 11-2; instructor in French US Mil Acad, West Point NY 12-; ad West Point, NY WILLARD LESLIE PRATT; t 01-2; PhB BU 05; BD NTI 08; b Parsbra NS 14 N 78; prep Everett HS, Mass; fr Everett; ord Brewer Me 22 S 08; p Brewer 08-; ad Brew- er, Me ALLEN MEAD RUGGLES; f 01-3; AB U of Wis 06; AM Columbia U n; b Norwich 28 Ja 8 1 ; prep CA; fr Norwich; prin McDonough graded sch 03-4; asst in physics U of Wis 06-7 ; instructor in sci Bellevue C, Bellevue Neb 07-9 ; graduate student Columbia U 09-11; prof education Simpson C, Indianola la n-; ad N B St, Indianola, la SANFORD EMERY STANTON; { 01-2 ; b Buffalo 28 Je 83; prep Masten Park HS, Buffalo; fr Buffalo; reporter Evening News Buffalo 02-3; city editor Erie Post-Despatch, Erie Pa 03; reporter and special writer with New York Morning and Sunday World 04-; editor Metropolitan Section; ad The New York World, Park Row, " New York 226 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1905 ALBERT MASON STEVENS; 01-3; AB Yale 05; AB Oxford U 08; b Prome Burma 22 Jl 84; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn NY; fr Brooklyn; Rhodes scholar Oxford U 05-8; t Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville Ct 08-11; studied med Columbia U u-; ad 2273 Willoughby Av, Brooklyn, NY FREDERICK AUSTIN TORRANCE; t 01-2; LLB Union 08; b Jay n Ja]j8;prep Ausable Forks Un Sch; fr Jay; t Jay; adm to bar New York 09; prac law Ausable Forks 09-; ad Ausable Forks, NY RAYMOND EUGENE VAN CISE; sp 01-2 ; b Masonville 7 Ja 80; prep CA; fr Mt Upton; clerk Borden's Condensed Milk Co Edmeston 02-3; foreman 03-5; supt Otego 05-11; in New York office ii-;ad Borden's Condensed Milk Co, 108 Hudson St, New York; res 160 Wadsworth Av BORDEN SMITH VEEDER; J 01-3; MD U of Pa 07; b Caughnawaga 21 Ag 83; prep CA 01 ; fr Wilkesbarre Pa; student Berlin 08-9; demonstrator in pathology U of Pa 09-11; instructor in pediatrics Washington U MS, St Louis Mo n-2;assocphys in charge pediatric dept 12-; ad Washington U MS, 1806 Locust St, St Louis, Mo LYON WEYBURN; 01-2; AB Yale 05; LLB Harv 08; b Denver Col 10 O 82; prep Scranton HS, Pa; fr Scranton; with Warner, Warner and Stackpole, attorneys, Boston Mass 08-10; member Allen and Weyburn, attorneys, Boston 10-; ad 64 Hemenway St, Boston, Mass ROSWELL BROWN WHITMAN; sp 01-3; s 06; b Masonville 5 Ja 73; prep CA; fr Mason- ville; ord Masonville 13 Je 06; p Toms River NJ 06-11 ; Potsdam NY 11-; ad 32 Elm St, Potsdam, NY 1906 FREDERICK LESLIE ANDERSON; AB; BD 09; AM 10; b New York i F 81; prep New Rochelle HS; fr Pelham: ord Jordan 24 Je 09; p Jordan 09-; ad Jordan, NY GEORGE PITT BEERS; AB; BD 10; b Emporia Fla 4 Ap 83; prep Chambersburg HS, Pa; fr Emporia Fla; ord Waterville NY Je 06; p Utica 09-12; Baltimore Md 1 2-; ad 5016 Bellville Av, Arlington, Md WAYNE GILBERT BENEDICT; AB; b Lebanon 21 F 81; prep Norwich HS; fr Lebanon; prin Brookfield HS 06-7; t CA 07-12; prin Norwich HS 12-; ad Nor- wich, NY RAYMOND ERNEST BROOKS; AB; b Waverly 29 Ja 83; prep Waverly HS; fr Waverly; member Abbey-Brooks Co Newark NJ 06-; ad 514 Essex Building, Newark, NJ; res 49 Wilcox Av, E Orange ROBERT OSTRANDER BRUNDIGE; AB; b Wolcott 6 S 79; prep Wolcott HS; fr Wolcott; prin Williamson HS 06-10; Weedsport HS 10-1; district supt schs Wayne co, res Ontario 12-; ad Ontario, NY MARTIN SYLVESTER BRYANT; AB; AM 09; s 09; b Warsaw 28 O 79; prep Warsaw HS; fr Warsaw; ord Indian Lake 18 Ag 09; p Indian Lake 09-10; stu- dent sec Bapt miss boards 10-1 ; p Belvidere 111 11-2; U p U of 111, Champaign 12-; ad 408 E Healey St, Champaign, 111 GEORGE AUGUSTUS BURTON; AB; b Madison 22 F 80; prep CA 02; fr Solsville; prin Central Square HS 06-9; GS, Utica 09-12; supervising prin Fairport public schs 1 2-; ad Fairport, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1906 227 GEORGE PARDEE CADY; BS; b Burlington 1 7 My 82 ; prep CooperstownHS; fr Edmeston; t Pa Mil C, Chester 06-7; with Hazard Manufacturing Co Wilkes- barre and salesman Chicago 111 07-; ad 552 W Adams St, Chicago, 111 ALLAN MURRAY CARTTER; AB; b Phoenix 23 O 84; prep Phoenix HS; fr Phoenix; t Wilmington Conf Acad, Dover Del 06-7; Betts Acad, Stamford Ct 07-8; Lake Placid Sch, NY, and Miami Fla 08-9; with American Bank Note Co New York 09; with New York Telephone Co New York 10; Syracuse 10-; ad 321 Montgomery St, Syracuse, NY; res Phoenix FRANK RILEY CASTLEMAN; BS; b Tracy Creek 17 Mr 77; prep CA; fr Union; physical director and director of athletics U of Col, Boulder 06-12; student Yale summer 06; Chautauqua NY summer 09; track and field coach O State U, Colum- bus 12-; ad O State U, Columbus, O EDWARD JUDSON COLEMAN; BS; b Victory 27 Je 84; prep CA; fr Red Creek; prin Kendall HS 06-9; farmer Victory 09-; ad Red Creek, NY FLOYD NELSON DARLING; AB; BD 08; b Preston 4 Jl 80; prep CA 02; fr Nor- wich; ord Norwich 21 Je 07; p New Berlin 08-10; Cazenovia io-;adCazenovia,NY GEORGE CLINTON DODGE; AB; b Great Bend 4 Mr 84; prep Cook Acad; fr Great Bend ; member Abbey-Dodge-Brooks Concrete Co New York 06-8 ; Fredens- burg and Lounsburg New York 08-10; Dodge and Dodge New York 10-; ad 1133 Broadway, New York FRANK REESE GREENE; AB; LLB New York LS 08; b Hightstown NJ 6 D 85; prep CA 02; fr Hamilton; adm to bar Kings co, O 08; employed in law offices of Edward M Grout and Paul Grout New York 06-11; Reed and Pallister n-; also prac law New York n-; ad 280 Broadway, New York; res 232 W 76th St FRANCIS VINCENT GRIFFITH; AB; b Unadilla Forks 6 Ap 82; prep W Win- field HS; fr Unadilla Forks; farmer Unadilla Forks 06?-; ad R F D 3, Unadilla Forks, NY CHARLES WESLEY HADDEN; AB; AM Dickinson C 08; b Peterboro 26 Ag 83; prep CA 02; fr Hamilton; head dept German and French and director athletics Conway Hall, Carlisle Pa 07-9; head dept modern langs Swarthmore Preparatory Sch 09-11; head German dept Blake Sch for Boys, Minneapolis Minn n-; ad 1803 Hennepin Av, Minneapolis, Minn JOHN BROWN HARRIS; BS;b Granby 14 Ap 78; prep CA; fr Brookfield;t Port Leyden 06-8; prin Brookfield HS 08-12; travelling salesman Eaton Roller Mills, res Brookfield 12-; ad Brookfield, NY HERBERT SAMUEL HOPKINS; AB; b Randallsville 23 O 83; prep Norwich HS; fr N Norwich; editor Norwich Sun 06-10; telegraph editor Newark Evening Star, NJ lo- 1 ; asst news editor Philadelphia Evening Times, Pa 11-2; news editor New- ark Evening Star, NJ 12-; ad 202 Hillside Av, Newark, NJ ASA MALCOLM HUGHES; AB; AM n; b Penn Yan 6 N 83; prep Skaneateles HS; fr Boston Mass; assistant in Greek and Latin CU 06-11; prin Park Sch, La Junta Col 1 1-2 ; first asst master Boys' Collegiate Sch, Pittsburg Pa 1 2-; ad Hamil- ton, NY GORDON HILL KELLOGG; AB; b Fairport 26 D 84; prep Fairport HS; fr Fair- port; real estate bus Rochester 06-7; manager Sanitary Can Co Fairport 07-; ad Fairport, NY CLARENCE WELLS LEACH; AB; b Eaton n Ja 86; prep Eaton HS; fr Eaton; 228 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1906 with Pa Railway Pittsburg Pa 06-9; Oil City 09-12; Philadelphia 12-; ad 919 Farragut Terrace, Philadelphia, Pa JOSEPH SEWALL McKEG; BS; b Havana i Jl 80; prep Cook Acad; fr Montour Falls; mercantile bus Montour Falls 06-; ad Montour Falls, NY GROVER CLEVELAND MANCE; BS; b Pine Bush 5 F 83; prep Walden HS; fr Pine Bush; instructor in natural sci Rochester C, Ind 06-?; t Blue Island 111 ?- 12; graduate student c 12-3; ad Hamilton, NY WALTER CURTIS NICHOLSON; AB; b New York 31 Ag 81; prep Williston S, Easthampton Mass; fr Mt Vernon NY; asst sec Holyoke YMCA, Mass 06-7; in- structor Davis-Elkins C 07-8; t Greenwich HS, Ct 08-9; prin Greenwich Acad 09-12; real estate bus New York 12-; ad Greenwich, Ct MILTON AUGUSTUS PARKER; AB; b Amherst Va 1 1 F 77; prep Port Jervis NY; fr Lynchburg Va; ord Free Methodist Alexandria 22 S 01 ; ev 06-7; p White Haven Pa 07-9; E Liverpool O 09-12; Perry NY 12-; ad Perry, NY HERMANN GEORGE PATT; AB; BD NTI 10; b London England 6 Je 82; prep Dorchester HS, Mass; fr Randolph; t Alderson Acad WVa 06-7; p Granville and Southwick Mass 09-; ord Dorchester 26 My 10; ad Granville, Mass FRANK FENO PELLETT; AB; b Watkins 8 S 84; prep Cook Acad; fr Watkins; bus Newark NJ 06-; ad 514 Essex Building, Newark, NJ MORRIS NEWTON PORTER; AB; b Morrisville 12 Mr 80; prep CA 03; fr Leb- anon; t and coach S Jersey Institute, Bridgeton NJ 06-7; t Swarthmore Preparatory Sch, Pa 07-10; La Junta HS, Col 10-2; Pueblo Centennial HS 12-; ad Congress Hotel, Pueblo, Col WALTER RUNGE; BS; PhD U Goettingen 09; b Brooklyn 2 S 84; prep Flushing HS; fr Flushing; prof chemistry U of Col, Boulder 09-10; chemist with E I du Pont de Nemours Powder Co, Chester Pa io-;ad 24th St, Park Place, Chester, Pa EDWARD BURNSIDE SIMMONS; BS;s 09; b Worcester Mass 8 F 82;prep Wor- cester English HS; fr Worcester; ord Worcester 9 S 07; studied med Columbia U 09-; asst p New York 09-; ad Hotel Judson, 53 Washington Sq S, New York WARREN RICHARDS SISSON; AB; MD Johns Hopkins U 12; b Hamilton 13 Ap 85; prep CA 02; fr Hamilton; t chemistry and biology CA 06-8; student U Munich 10; Heidelberg U n; house officer children's med dept Mass Gen Hospi- tal, Boston Mass 123; med interne Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston 13-; ad Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, Mass KENNETH OSBORN SMITH; AB (degree voted D 05); b Morrisville 25 Ag 82; prep CA; fr Morrisville; newspaper work with New York Sun, New York 06-; ad The Sun, NeW York CHELSEA LEPERE STORMS; AB; DDS U of Buffalo 09; b Buffalo 4 Mr 79; prep CA; fr Hamilton; prac as dentist Buffalo 09-; instructor in Dental C, Uof Buffalo 09-10; ad 153 E Utica St, Buffalo, NY ROBERT SHERMAN STRINGER; BS; b Munnsville 30 O 83; prep Cook Acad; fr Hamilton; with Natl Brass and Copper Tube Co, Hastings-on-Hudson 06-9; sec Standard Brass and Copper Tube Co, New London Ct 09-11; treasurer 11-; ad 49 Huntington St, New London, Ct DERWOOD JOHN TEW; AB; b Georgetown 6 S 85; prep Hamilton HS; fr Hamil- ton; prin Smithville Flats Un Sch 06-7; prin Liverpool HS 07-9; supervising prin Fayetteville public schs 09-; ad Fayetteville, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1906 229 DANFORTH ROGER THOMAS; AB; b Holland Patent 8 Je 80; prep Holland Patent HS; fr Westernville; t Latin Kalamazoo HS, Mich 06-7; graduate student CornlJ 07; prin Portage St HS, Kalamazoo Mich 07-12; farmer Stittville NY 12-; ad Stittville, NY ROBERT CALVIN WARD; AB; AM 10; b Pavilion 16 My 81 ; prep Leroy HS; fr Pavilion Center; t German Kiski Springs Sch, Saltsburg Pa 06-8; asst in modern langs CU 08-10 ; t German and French Stamford Preparatory Sch, Stamford Ct 10-1 ; Irving Sch, Tarrytown NY 1 1-; ad Irving Sch, Tarrytown, NY GEORGE SNYDER ALCOTT; t 02-3; fr Hudson HENRY HERMON ALEXANDER; 01-6; b Oswego 24 O 82; prep Oswego NS; fr Oswego; with Oswego Times 06-; ad 14 Bronson St, Oswego, NY WILLIAM GOULD BARTHOLOMEW; sp 02-5; fr Liberty Falls; ad Groton, N Y GEORGE FRANKLIN BOWER; f 02-3; b Chatham NJ 14 F 84; prep Morristown HS; fr Morristown; clerk New York 03-9; agent Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co of Newark NJ 09-; ad 750 Broad St, Newark, NJ; res 219 Main St, Madison WILLIAM DODD CLOUGH; sp 02-4; s 07; b Boston Mass 18 O 78; prep Vt Acad, Sax- tons River; fr Charlestown Mass; p Sharon Springs NY 07-9; Painted Post 09; Holland Patent 09-11; Candor 11-; ad Candor, NY WILLIAM IRA DURFEE; sp 02-4; s 07; b New Woodstock n O 76; prep CA; fr New Woodstock; ord New Woodstock 28 Je 07; p Whitehall 07-9; farmer New Wood- stock 09; ad New Woodstock, NY JOHN FERGUSON; 02-4; AB BU 06; b Inverary Scotland 21 Mr 82; prep Westerly HS, RI; fr Westerly; studied law New York; ad 54 Wall St, New York WARNER EMERY GILBERT; 02-3; b Pike 15 F 75; prep Pike S; fr Hamilton; railway mail service 07-; ad 105 Comstock Place, Syracuse, NY HOWARD PENDLETON GRANT; sp 02-3; fr Norwich; farmer Poolville 08-; ad Pool- ville, NY *FREDERIC GOTTLIEB KIMMICH; 02-5; b Elmira 26 Mr 84; prep Horseheads HS; fr Horseheads; d Hamilton 21 D 05 EDMUND HARRIS LEWIS ; f 02-3 ; AB Yale 07 ; LLB SyrU 09 ;b Syracuse 30 Ag 84 ; prep CA; fr Syracuse; adm to bar, NY 09; attorney and counsellor at law, member Lewis and Lewis, and Lewis, Meatyard and Lewis Syracuse 09-; ad 20 White Memorial Building, Syracuse, NY; res Robineau Road DANIEL ANDREW LOUPE; J 02-3, 04-6; b Grangerville 19 Ap 83; prep Schuy- lerville HS; fr Bacon Hill; inspector sewer construction Norwich 06; freight clerk N Y O and W Railway Norwich 06-10; bookkeeper, head bookkeeper, and pay- master with Borden's Condensed Milk Co Norwich 10-; ad 8 Sheldon St, Norwich, NY THOMAS BENJAMIN POWELL; 02-3; AB Bull 06; BD Yale D5 09; b Scranton Pa i O 79; prep Keystone Acad, Factory ville; fr Scranton; ord Cong New Haven Ct 29 S 09; p New Haven 09-10; Livingston MDnt 10-1 ; Meriden Ct 1 1-; ad 630 Broad St, Meriden, Ct NEIL STRONG RHODES; 02-4; b Phoenix 2 Jl 83; prep Phoenix HS; fr Phoenix; prin sch Valois 04-5; Chestertown 05-?; res Syracuse ?-; ad 1 19 Fitch St, Syra- cuse, NY 230 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1906 RAY WESLEY SHERMAN; f 02-3; PhB SyrU 07; b Onondaga 28 84; prep Solvay HS; fr Solvay; reporter Syracuse Post-Standard 03-10; publicity man Franklin Automobile Co Syracuse 10-1; reporter Syracuse Post-Standard 11-2; reporter and special writer The Motor World, New York 12-; ad 536 W isSthSt, New York CLINTON BLOODGOOD SMITH; | 02-3; LLB New York LS 07; b Flushing 23 Ap 84; prep Flushing HS; fr Flushing; adm to bar Brooklyn 25 O 07; prac law Flushing 07-; ad 137 Maple Av, Flushing, NY WILLIAM HENRY STRINGER; J 01-4; b Munnsville 28 D 78; prep CA; fr Hamilton; with Benedict and Burnham, Waterbury Ct 04-5 ; with Rome Brass and Copper Co, Rome NY 05-7; farmer Randallsville 08-; ad R F D, Hamilton, NY *RAY MACKEY TREAD WELL; 02-4; b 82; fr Cobleskill; d Washington DC 8 Jl 1 1 HENRY KEMPENFELT VYE; sp 02-4; s 08; b NB Can 3 Mr 78; prep Mt Hermon Sen, Mass; fr Boston; ord White Creek NY i D 08; p Eagle Bridge 08-9; Arcade 09- 10 ; Lanesboro Mass 10-1 ; Pawtuxet RI 1 1-; ad 284 Broadway, Providence, RI *LELAND JAMES WHITTAKER; { 02-5; BS St Lawrence U 06; b S Fallsburg 8 Jl 84;, fr S Fallsburg; agent US Express Co Fulton 06-10; d Fulton 28 Ap 10 1907 ALFRED GLOVER ALDERMAN; AB; SETS 09; b Louisville Ky 26 Mr 87; prep- Yonkers HS, NY; fr Yonkers; ord Potsdam 5 S 09; p Potsdam 09-10; Albion Neb 10-2; Louisville Ky 12-; ad 615 N 29th St, Louisville, Ky DANIEL JOHN BLOXHAM; AB; b Derby 14 Ja 84; prep CA; fr Derby; sec or- ganized charities society New Rochelle 07-8; s 08-10; p Manlius 09-11; graduate student CornU 11; prin Ovid HS n-; ad Ovid, NY ARTHUR MONTROSE COTTRELL; AB; b Ashaway RI 8 Ja 86; prep Alfred Acad, NY; fr Leonardsville ; t Latin and athletics Williamsport-Dickinson S, Williamsport Pa 07-9; athletic director Western Md C, Westminster Md 09- 10; Millersville NS n; travelling salesman, res. Alfred NY n-; graduate student Alfred U; ad Alfred, NY JAMES THOMAS CUSICK; BS; b Owego 26 N 82; prep Owego Free Acad; fr Owe- go; analytical chemist NY agricultural experiment station, Geneva 07-12; state food laboratory, Ithaca 12-; graduate student Yale 10-1; ad State Food Labora- tory, Ithaca, NY EDSON SCOTT FARLEY; AB; RTS 10; b Hamilton 8 D 85 ; prep Oneonta HS; fr Oneonta; ord Herkimer 30 S 10; p Herkimer 10-; ad 513 Church St, Herkimer, NY URIDGE WHIFFEN FORD; AB; b Camden 30 O 83; prep Sandy Creek HS; fr Sandy Creek; t English and public speaking Ky Mil Institute, Lyndon 07-8;. Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ 08-10; t history 10-; travelled Europe 11: ad Peddie Institute, Hightstown, NJ 'ROBERT ADAIR GRIFFIN; BS; b Clinton 9 Je 84; prepUtica Free Acad; fr Utica; engineering work with Consolidated Water Co Utica 07; d Utica 4 D 07 OSCAR GULEKE; AB; b New City 14 Ag 68; prep CA 03; fr Hjaverstraw; Kan- sas City TS, Ks 07-8; s 08-9; ord Brookfield 15 F 10; p Brookfield 09-12; Pa- lermo NJ 1 2-; ad Palermo, NJ COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1907 231 EMIL HANKE; AB; German dept RTS 03; b Buffalo 30 Ag 80; prep German- American Acad Rochester; fr Buffalo; director gymnasium Collegiate Sch, New York 07-8; head German dept and director gymnasium 08-11; prin Western Pa Classical and Sci Institute, Mount Pleasant Pa 11-; ad Mount Pleasant, Pa "CHARLES FRANCIS HATCH; AB; b Washington DC 9 Jl 83; prep Central HS, Washington; fr Washington; with The Washington Times; with US land office; with US bureau of corporations; expert forest service US Dept of Agriculture. Chicago 111 09-12; d Washington DC 26 Mr 12 ELMER WILSON JOHNSON; AB; AM 10; s 10; b Naponee Neb 20 Ag 84; prep Bradford HS, Pa; fr Bradford; ord Scranton 10 O 10; p Scranton 10-1; Portland ii-; ad Portland, Pa .AUSTIN CULVER KING; BS; b Valois 22 O 82; prep Cook Acad; fr Watkins; t Brunswick Sch, Greenwich Ct in 09; res Newark NJ ?-; ad 330 Belleville Av, New- ark, NJ ORVILLE TOWNSEND KING: S; b Valois 22 O 82; prep Cook Acad; fr Watkins; t Chappaqua Mt Institute 07-8; Blair Acad, Blairstown NJ 08-12; Leal's Sch, Plainfield 12-; ad Truell Court, Plainfield, NJ CHARLES SAHLER KROM; BS; b High Falls 15 Ap 84; prep CA; fr High Falls; with Edwin C Burt Shoe Co, Brooklyn 07-8; with Moorland Hotel Co Gloucester Mass summer 08-; with Fla East Coast Hotel Co Palm Beach Fla winter 08-; ad High Falls, NY .ASA KING LEONARD; BS; MS 09; b Ovid 24 Mr 84; prep Cook Acad; fr Fanner; director athletics Md State C 08 ; graduate student c 08-9 ; chemist W Barrington RI 09-11; asst director gymnasium CU n-; ad Hamilton, NY WARREN ERSKINE LISLE; AB; b Troy 9 D 84; prep Troy HS;fr Troy;t Latin and Greek Drury HS, N Adams Mass 07 ; salesman NE for H Holmes and Son of Troy NY 08-1 1 ; insurance bus Troy NY 1 1-; ad 16 ist St, Troy, NY; res 2162 i3th St RALPH DIMMICK MONTGOMERY; AB; b Plymouth 28 D 81; prep Norwich HS; fr Plymouth; t PR 07-8; internal revenue agent PR 08-9; t Plymouth NY 09-10; prin Oriskany Falls HS 10-1; Livingston Manor HS n-; ad Livingston Manor, NY CARLETON CHASE MURDOCK; BS; AM CornU 10; b Cooperstown 29 Jl 84; prep Cooperstown HS; fr Cooperstown; asst in physics U of Me, Orono 07-8; graduate student CornU 08-9; instructor in physics 09-; ad 804 E Seneca St, Ithaca, NY .ALBERT ERNEST NICHOLS; AB; b Bassein Burma 27 N 84; prep CA 03; fr Hamilton; graduate student Harv 07-8; t Des Moines la 08-?; Lenox C, Hop- kinton la ?-i2; ad Solsville, NY FRANK CLARK PARSONS; BS; b Earlville 10 Mr 81; prep CA; fr Earlville; asst to supervisor on B and A V and low grade divisions Pa Railway 07-9; engineer Strong, Carlisle and Hammond Co, designing furnaces for treatment of metals, Cleveland O 09-; ad 202 N Lockwood, E C, Cleveland, O HOWARD MORTON PHIPPS; AB; MD Columbia U n; b Brooklyn 20 Ja 86; ,prep Wesleyan Acad, Wilbraham Mass; fr E Rockaway NY; phys and surgeon Hempstead n-; ad Hempstead, NY VERETT DUDLEY PLASS; AB; MD Johns Hopkins U, Md 11; b Poughkeepsie 232 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1907 6 My 86; prep CA; fr Poughkeepsie ; interne Un Protestant Infirmary,. Balti- more Md 1 1 ; resident house officer Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore 11-2; asst resident obstetrician Johns Hopkins Hospital and asst in obstetrics Johns Hop- kins MS 1 2-; ad Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md FREDERICK WILLIAM REIMHERR; AB; b Waterford 19 N 84; prep Water- ford HS; fr Waterford; prin Waterbury HS, Vt 07-; ad Waterbury, Vt ROBERT McKEE SHERMAN; BS; b W Rupert Vt 28 N 83; prep CA 03; fr W Rupert Vt; with Isthmian Canal Commission, Canal Zone, Panama 07-9; with Imperial Wall Paper Co Glens Falls NY 09-; ad 6X Fulton St, Glens Falls, NY GEORGE HENRY SIMONS; AB; BD 10; b Troy 21 Jl 78; prep Troy HS; fr Troy; ord Troy 10 Ja n; p Vernon 10-; ad Vernon, NY WILLIAM LEE SOPER; AB; BD 09; b Hammond 18 N 77; prep Gouverneur HS; fr Hammond; ord Hamilton 2 Ag 09; miss ABFMS Bassein Burma 09-; ad Care American Bapt Miss, Bassein, Burma WESLEY ADDISON STEVENS; BS; b Madison 26 Ap 83; prep CA 03; fr Hamil- ton; head math dept Va Un U, Richmond 07-12; member King and Stevens, elec- trical contractors, Bainbridge NY 12-; ad Bainbridge, NY GEORGE LEIGH STEVENSON; BS; b Toronto Ont 12 My 81; prep CA; fr An- gola; supervising t province Bohol PI 07-11; student NY State C of Agriculture, Ithaca 11-2; ad Angola, NY DAVID DUDLEY STOWELL; AB; MD Columbia U n; b Worcester Mass 18 S 86; prep CA O3;fr New York; in The Presbyterian Hospital New York ii-;ad Presbyterian Hospital, 41 E 7oth St, New York PERCY NORTHRUP STURTEVANT; BS; b Albany 26 N 84; prep Vt Acad, Sax- tons River; fr Albany NY; prin Catauduanes sub-provincial sch, PI 07-9; super- vising t southern Catauduanes 09-11; head t Catauduanes 12-; ad Virac, Catau- duanes, PI FRANK FULLER SUTTON; BS; b Orange Pa 15 Mr 82; prep Keystone Acad, Factory ville; fr Orange; vice-prin Gouverneur HS 07-9; t math Utica Free Acad 09-10; prin Glen Ridge HS, NJ 10-2; with educational dept D Appleton and Co, res Utica NY 12-; ad 4 West St, Utica, NY WARREN CYRIL TAYLOR; AB; b Jay 12 Mr 88; prep Plattsburg NS; fr Jay; s 67-9; ord Jay 22 Je 02; p Frankfort 09-12; Owego 12-; ad 228 Main St, Owego,. NY GEORGE DAVIS TERRY; BS; b Montgomery 3 D 83; prep Walden HS; fr Wai- den; electrical engineering dept Wallkill River Light, Heat and Power Co Walden 08-10; electrical engineering dept LI Railway, res Brooklyn io-;ad 718 Nostrand Av, Brooklyn, NY ARTHUR HENRY THOMPSON; BS; b Brookfield 23 S 85; prep CA; fr Brookfield; t Freeport HS 07-8 ;Le Moyne Institute, Memphis Tenn 08-9; Palm Beach HS, W Palm Beach Fla 09-12; graduate student Columbia U 12-; ad 19 Steuben St, Utica, NY CHARLES HOUGHTON TILDEN; AB; BD 09; b Worcester Mass 9 My 78; prep CA; fr Worcester Mass; ord Worcester Ag 09; miss ABFMS Jorhat Christian sens, Jorhat Assam 10-; ad Jorhat, Assam, India HOWARD ROBERT VOSE; AB; b Syracuse 19 My 87; prep Owego Free Acad:. COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1907 233 fr Owego; concrete foreman Owego 07-10; travelling material inspector for C R I and P Railway, res Chicago 10-; ad 6050 Prairie Av, Chicago, 111 JOHN CLARENCE WALES; AB;b Swanton O 4 Mr 76; prep Lawrence U Pre- paratory Sch, Appleton Wis; fr Detroit Mich; t Latin, French and German Cuba HS, NY 07; prin Monte Vista HS, Col 07-8; ranchman Oak Creek 08-; ad Oak- Creek, Col ERNEST HENRY WHITNEY; BS; b Pella la 29 Ag 83; prep Plainfield HS, NJ; fr Plainfield; salesman res Plainfield 07-; ad 825 W 4th St, Plainfield, NJ CLAYTON JOHN WRATTEN; AB; b Brookfield 10 My 95; prep CA; fr Brookfield; prin Little York HS, 111 08; Morrisville HS, NY 09; supervising prin schs Forty Fort Pa 10-1; student agricultural work CornU 12; student U Berlin; co supt schs, res DeRuyter NY 12-; ad DeRuyter, NY WILLIAM HOTCHKISS YOCUM; BS; b Jackson Mich 7 My 83; prep Jackson HS; fr Jackson; with Cook and Feldher Co, dry goods, Jackson 07-; ad 117 Lydia St, Jackson, Mich GEORGE MORELL YORK; AB; b Brookfield 7 Ja 82; prep CA; fr Brookfield; t commercial subjects Waterloo HS 07-9; commerical text book representative Ginn and Co 09-1 1 ; director dept commerce Ithaca public schs 1 1-; ad 214 E Rail- road Av, Ithaca, NY EARL FRANKLIN BAILEY; 03-5; b Troy 12 Ja 83; prep Troy Acad; fr Troy; p W Hoo- sick 05-7; bookkeeper and accountant New York 07-; ad 318 E 3ist St, Brooklyn, NY .AUGUST CHARLES BLINZINGER; sp 03-7; s 10; b Weinsberg, Wuertenberg, Germany 10 Ag 77; prep Amsterdam Acad, NY; fr Amsterdam; ord Pagosa Springs Col 4 S 10; p Pagosa Springs 10-2; colporter ABPS Col, res Kersey 12-; ad Kersey, Col JOHN LEONARD BROTHERS; sp 03-5; b Buffalo 3 O 82; prep Masten Park HS, Buf- falo; fr Buffalo; art student Buffalo 05-7; New York, art students league 08-9; draftsman Erricson Telephone Manufacturing Co, Buffalo 10-; ad 250 Prospect Av, Buffalo, NY ALLEN DANN CHURCHILL; 1 03-4; b Fairport 7 Mr 86; prep Fairport HS; fr Fairport; US railway mail service, res Fairport 04-; ad Fairport, NY MAURICE GEORGE ELLENBOGEN; 03-4; AB Columbia U 07; LLB Harv 10; b Troy 21 Ap 84; prep Troy HS; fr Troy; adm to bar, Mass F 09, NY D 10; prac law Rochester 10-; ad 20 Trust Building, Rochester, NY HARRY COVERT ENGLAND; 03-6; b Afton 2 Nov 84; prep Afton HS; fr Afton; ad Delhi, NY ARCHIBALD CARL HELLER; t 03-5; BS U of Pa 09; fr Factory ville Pa; reporter Phila- delphia Press 09-10; reporter Philadelphia Evening Telegraph 10-2; established The Local News, Factory ville, editor and proprietor 12-; ad Factoryville, Pa ROWLAND GEORGE HILL; 03-4; b Phillipsburg Pa 6 Je 85; prepWWinfieldHS,NY; fr S New Berlin; printer Afton and Syracuse 04-11; publ The Afton Enterprise ii-; ad Afton, NY FRANK CHARLES LOEGLER; | 03-5; AB CornU 07; b Buffalo 12 D 81; prep Masten Park HS, Buffalo; fr Buffalo; with Loegler and Ladd Buffalo 07-; ad Care Loegler and Ladd, 104 Terrace, Buffalo, NY; res 598 Ashland Av 234 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1907 AUSTIN COOK MERRILL; t 02-6; AB Yale 08; LLB WVa U 10; b DeKalb Junction- 15 Ja 84; prep Carthage HS; fr Carthage; football coach Broaddus Institute, Philippi WVa, Bethany C, Bethany, and WVa U, Morgantown; prac law Fair- mount; Philippi ?-; ad Philippi, WVa HAROLD ARTHUR PRESCOTT; 03-5; b Haverhill Mass 26 Ag 84; prep Colby Acad,. New London NH; fr Bradford Mass; ord Cong Lisbon NY 06; p Lisbon 06-7; prin Logan Consolidated Sch, Fergus ND 07-8; miss work Mont 08-9; mercantile bus Choteau 09-; ad Choteau, Mont PAUL WALLINGFORD SMITH; 03-5; fr Waverley Mass JAMES BERCHMANS WALLACE; 03-5; b Troy 21 F 84; prep Troy HS; fr Troy ; reporter Troy Budget 05-6; reporter Troy Daily Press, and correspondent other dailies 06-11; in charge Watervliet section Troy Record 12-; ad 2114 6th Av, Troy, NY FREDERICK LOCKWOOD WHEELER; sp 03-5; b Briarcliff 20 Ja 83; prep Poughkeepsie- HS; fr Lagrangeville; law dept NYC and H R Railroad Co New York 05-; adm to bar, second judicial dept NY 28 N 1 1 ; ad 24 Linden Av, Ossining, NY WALTER TORRE Y AIKEN; AB; BD 12; b Norwalk Ct i Ja 84; prep Wesleyan. Acad, Wilbraham Mass; fr Norwalk Ct;ord Noank 4 Je 12 ;p Noank 12-; ad Box 201, Noank, Ct WALTER SAMUEL ARCHIBALD; AB; b Wallingford Vt 14 Je8s;prepVt Acad,. Saxtons River; fr Syracuse NY; student Albany LS 09-10; law clerk Albany 10-2; adm to bar Albany My 12; prac law Albany 12-; ad 93 State St, Albany, NY; res 17 Philip St LESTER DAVID BEERS; BS; b Hubbardsville 19 Je 85; prep Dolgeville HS; fr Dolgeville; instructor in sci Keuka C, Keuka Park 08-10; t chemistry Mercers- burg Acad, Mercersburg Pa 10-1; t sci N Tonawanda HS, NY 11-2; Plainfield HS, NJ 12-; ad 935 Union St, Plainfield, NJ CLARENCE DUDLEY BELL; BS; b Portland 26 O 85; prep Westfield HS; fr Portland; t Wellsville 08-? HARRY ADELBERT BETTINGER; AB; b Sandy Creek 29 Jl 85; prep Adams HSr fr Adams; prin Wyoming HS 08-9; head Latin dept Friendship HS 10; bus Ad- ams TO-; ad Adams, NY WILLIAM ELMER BLAKE; AB; BD NTI 11; b Haverhill Mass 14 Ag 84; prep- Haverhill HS; fr Haverhill; p Mendon io-i;ord Haverhill 31 My n;pGrafton ii-; ad Box 74, Grafton, Mass RALPH DECATUR BUNNELL; AB; b Scranton Pa 26 Mr 86: prep Scranton HS; fr Scranton; private sec John Markle, pres G B Markle Coal Co, Scranton 08-; ad 916 Price St, Scranton, Pa FREDERICK ARTHUR BURT; BS; b Saratoga Spa 17 My 85; prep Bennington HS, Vt; fr Bennington ;t biology and geology Juniata C, Huntingdon Pa 08-9; in- structor in geology and zoology Mich Agricultural C, E Lansing 09-; graduate student UChic summer n, 12; ad Box 68, E Lansing, Mich CASSIUS FOLTS BUTTERFIELD; BS; b Ashford 23 D 85; prep Hornell HS; fr Hornellsville ; mercantile and lumber bus Cameron 08-; ad Cameron, NY ARTHUR LEMAN CLARK; BS; b Watervale 31 Mr 83; prep CA; fr Watervale;, COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1908 235 student law office Pittsburg Pa 08-10; real estate and insurance New Westminster BC ID-; ad 1520 6th Av, New Westminster, BC GEORGE EDWARD CLARK; AB; b Watervale 12 S 80; prep CA; fr Watervale; with Silver, Burdett and Co of Chicago 111 08-; res Chicago; representative in la; ad 1730 W yth St, Des Moines, la CHARLES MONROE COBB; AB; RTS 1 1 ; b Vermillion 28 Ag 81 ; prep Fredonia NS; fr Jamestown; miss work res Greybull Wyo 11-2; ord Greybull 9 Ja 12; p Enterprise Ore 12-3; Cottage Grove 13-; ad Cottage Grove, Ore ALBERT AUGUSTINE COLLINGS; AB;b Troy 5 Je 86; prep CA o 4 ;fr Eaton; representative American Real Estate Co of New York 08-; manager Hartford branch, Ct; ad 435 Ct Mutual Building, Hartford, Ct ORVILLE CLARK CONE; AB; AM Gallaudet C, Washington DC 09; b Clymer 29 N 83; prep Westfield HS; fr Clymer; instructor Gallaudet C, Washington DC 08-9; prin Kinderhook HS, NY 05-11; Middlebury HS n-; ad Middlebury, NY RICHARD ALOYSIUS CUMMINS; BS; LLB New York U 10; b New York 3 S 84; prep DeWitt Clinton HS, New York; fr New York; with district attorney Jerome New York 09-10; managing clerk appeal bureau office district attorney Whitman 10-1 ; adm to bar New York Mr 1 1 ; sec to surrogate Fowler New York 1 1-; ad 203 E 6ist St, New York PAUL CORNELL DUNNING; BS; b Auburn 11 Jl 85; prep Auburn HS; fr Au- burn; shoe manufacturing and selling 08-; ad 10 Fort St, Auburn, NY LEON EATON ELDRIDGE; BS; b Oriskany Falls 29 O 84; prep CA 04; fr Hamil- ton; cashier N Y O and W Railway Norwich 10; bookkeeper Borden's Condensed Milk Co Norwich 10- ; ad 18 Birdsall St, Norwich, NY CLARENCE LUCIUS FOSTER; AB; AM n; b Plymouth 5 F 78; prep CA 04; fr Hamilton; t CA 08-10; miss ABFMS Suifu, W China 10-; ad 26 Range Road, Shanghai, China; and Suifu, W China EDSON ALMERON FREEMAN; AB; b Morristown NJ 7 O 86; prep Morristown HS; fr Morristown; with Cordley and Hayes, wholesale fibre ware, New York 08-10; student Rush Med C, Chicago 111 io-;on staff John Crerar Lib n-;ad 200 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, 111 . JOSEPH KARL GAYLORD; AB; b Belleville 18 S 82; prep Un Acad, Belleville; fr Hamilton; student sanitary sci New York 08-9; hardware and plumbing bus Hamilton 09-; ad Hamilton, NY WARREN ALONZO GOODIER; AB; b Clayville 14 Je 84; prep CA; fr Hamilton; t Bloomington HS, 111 08-12; prin Normal HS, Normal 12-; ad ion S Center St, Bloomington, 111 MELVIN LEROY GREENFIELD; AB; b Durhamville 14 Mr 86; prep Oneida HS; fr Durhamville; prin Penacook Grammar HS, NH 08-9; t Latin and Greek Drury HS, N Adams Mass 09-10; student Mass Agricultural C, Amherst 10-1; t Latin and Greek Williamstown HS 11-2; Latin and German 12-; ad 153 Main St, Williamstown, Mass; summer R F D, E Pepperell WILLIAM RIGHTMIRE HAYDEN; BS; b Owego 16 F 85; prep Newark Valley HS; fr Berkshire; ad Berkshire, NY WILLIAM LYNN HOUSEMAN; BS; b Oneida 13 F 87; prep CA; fr Stockbridge; t sci Cortland HS 08-9; vice-prin 09-10; supt schs Hope ND 10-; ad Hope, ND OSCAR FREDERICK HOWARD; BS; b Syracuse 8 O 87; prep Syracuse HS; fr 236 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1908 Syracuse; student art students league New York 09-11; reporter New York Evening Sun 10-1; newspaper and magazine illustrator New York 12-; Sunday magazine drawings New York Morning Telegraph ; ad Care Art Students League, 2I 5 W 57th St, New York; and 516 Wyoming St, Syracuse RALPH WALDO KNAPP; BS; bWaverly 22 S 83; prep Waverly HS; fr Waverly; supt steel construction for Grant, Smith and Co in Pacific northwest and Can 08-; ad Care Grant, Smith and Co, Seattle, W'ash ROBERT MILES NORTHUP; AB; b Glenburn Pa 7 F 84; prep Keystone Acad, Factoryville ; fr Scranton; t math Franklin Acad, Malone NY 08-9; t math Hor- ace Mann Sch, New York 09-10; prin Franklin Acad, Malone 10-1; supt schs Malone n-; graduate student Columbia U 09-10, summer n; ad Malone, NY MELVILLE CANBY PECK; AB; b Hazelton Ks 18 O 85; prep Hiawatha; fr Wichita; chemist with Tex Oil Co, Port Arthur Tex 08-11; Lockport 111 n-; ad Lockport, 111 ROBERT SAMUEL PRICHARD; BS; MS Pa State C n; b Wake Forest NC 16 Ap 85; prep Scranton HS, Pa; fr Scranton; instructor in qualitative analysis (chemistry) Pa State C 08-; ad Stat3 College, Pa MILTON DAVID PROCTOR; BS; b Cassville 17 Jl 87; prep Clayville HS; fr Cassville; t sci Watertown HS 09-1 1 ; White Plains HS 12-; ad 5 Grant Av, White Plains, NY JOSEPH CEPHAS RAWSON; AB; s 10; b Pennsboro WVa 24 S 74; prep Doane Acad, Granville O; fr Yonkers NY; ord Central Square 22 Jl 10; p Central Square io-; ad Central Square, NY NEWELL WELLS ROBERTS; BS; b Utica 14 N 85; prep Utica Free Acad; fr Utica; mining bus Salt Lake City Utah 08-9; asst engineer Daly West Mine Park City 09-?; res Chattanooga Tenn ?-; ad Box 67, Chattanooga, Tenn ROLLA EMERSON SHAVER; BS; b Northville Pa n Mr 86; prep Masten Park HS, Buffalo NY; fr Angola; with Pittsburg Steamship Co 089; with Sherwin Williams Co Cleveland O 09; with American Locomotive Co Dunkirk NY 10-1; studied med U of Buffalo 12-; ad 422 Dove St, Dunkirk, NY BRADFORD PALMER SMITH; BS; b Springfield Mass 20 My 84; prep Betts Acad, Stamford Ct; fr Springfield Mass; with Cuba-Ct Tobacco Co of New York, operating tobacco plantations in Ct valley 08-; ad Feeding Hills, Mass SUMNER MORRIS SMITH; AB; b Phoenix 13 Ag 84; prep Phoenix HS; fr Phoe- nix; salesman res Elmhurst 08-12; farm foreman in charge of stock 12-; ad 9 Clinton Av, Corona, NY ALLAN BEECHER STEARNS; AB; b Cazenovia 22 Ap 87; prep Glens Falls, HS; fr Glens Falls; with Springfield Union, Springfield Mass 08-; ad Care Spring- field Union, Springfield, Mass HUGH WARD TALBOT; BS; b Edmeston 8 Ag 83; prep Edmeston HS; fr Edmes- ton; graduate student CornU 08-10; t biology State Sch of Mines Rapid City SD ii~; ad Rapid City, SD ROLLIN WALTON THOMPSON; AB; b Brookfield 27 My 87; prep Adams HS; fr Adams; t Brown Sch of Tutoring New York 08-9; prin E Bloomfield HS 09-10; t Latin and Greek Perkiomen S, Pennsburg Pa io-; ad Perkiomen S, Pennsburg, Pa GEORGE LORING THURLOW; AB; BD NTI n; b Lynn Mass 25 My 86; prep- COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1908 237 Somerville Latin Sch; fr Somerville; ord N Scituate 31 O n; p N Scituate 11-; ad N Scituate, Mass RICHARD FRANCIS TOBIN; BS; b Tioga 15 Ja 86; prep Owego Free Acad; fr Owego; chemist with Chicago and Northwestern Railway, Chicago 111 RAYMOND VAN WIE; AB; b Elk Creek 3 Jl 86; prep Schenevus HS; fr Schenevus; t modern langs Westerleigh Collegiate Institute, New Brighton 08; Chamberlain Mil Institute, Randolph 09; head master 10-; ad Randolph, NY HAROLD TAFT WHITTEMORE; BS; b Taberg 24 Ap 86; prep Spencer HS; fr Spencer; mercantile bus Spencer 08-9; asst prin Utica Preparatory Sch 09-11; district supt schs Tioga co, res Nichols 12-; ad Nichols, NY THEODORE VOLNEY WITTER; AB; AM Harv 10; BD NTI 12; b Kohima Assam India 6 D 86; prep Boston Latin Sch, Mass; fr Boston; t Latin and history Vt Acad, Saxtons River 09; graduate student Harv 10-2; student Harv DS 10-2; Andover TS 1 1 ; miss ABFMS Bishopville, Vepery, Madras, India 12-; ad Bishop- ville, Vepery, Madras, India WARREN TAMPA ACKER; sp 04-6; b Scranton Pa 9 F 84; prep Sch of Lackawanna, Scranton ; fr Scranton ; gen manager for R W Luce and Son, gen brokers, Scranton 06-; ad Mears Building, Scranton, Pa GEORGE PARKER AMES; sp 04-5; b Brooklyn 6 S 85; prep Flushing HS; fr Flushing; Columbia U 03-4; surveyor Jamaica 05-6; with NY state engineering dept 06- 10; automobile bus Brooklyn 10-2; automobile salesman Schenectady 12-; ad 136 Barrett St, Schenectady, NY *JOHN MILLARD BLAIR; 04-6; b Lebanon 25 Ap 82; prep CA; fr Lebanon; CornU 06-7; d Ithaca 27 Ja 07 LLEWELLYN GERALD BLANDIN; sp 04-5; b Hermon 5 Ap 88; prep Hermon HS; fr Hermon; in training class Gouverneur 05-?; prin Hailesboro HSo8-?; Smyrna HS; Cairo HS ?-; ad Cairo, NY HOMER DEMPSTER BROCKETT; 04-6; LLB Albany LS 09; b Bouckville 25 S 85; prep CA 04; fr Bouckville; prac law Little Falls 09-12; Syracuse 12-; ad Syracuse, NY ARTHUR BANFIELD CAPRON; 04-7; b Newton Centre Mass i S 85; prep Mt Vernon HS, NY; fr Mt Vernon; salesman Anatomik Shoe Co of New York 07-9; purchase auditor National Cloak and Suit Co New York 10-2; manager Bay Shore Auto Co, Bay Shore 12-; ad Bay Shore, NY ETHAN MacPHERSON CLARK; 04-5; DDS U of Buffalo 12; b Belmont 24 N 85; prep CA; fr Wellsville; prac as dentist Rochester 12-; ad 174 East Av, Rochester, NY LEON ABEL CONGDON; { 04-5; BS SyrU 08; b Owego 8 My 85; prep Owego Free Acad; fr Owego; asst chemist NJ state experiment station, New Brunswick 09- 10 ; asst chemist and chief food inspector of ND, res Fargo 10-; ad ND State Ex- periment Station, Fargo, ND JOHN WOLCOTT CRIPPEN; sp 04-6; s 09; ord Schenectady 27 N 09; p Schenectady 09-11; Dansville n-; ad 16 Van Campen St, Dansville, NY HENRY EMERSON DAVIS; J 04-5; ME CornU 09; b Utica 21 Mr 85; prep Utica Free Acad; fr Utica; electrical dept Syracuse Rapid Transit Railway Co 09-10; meter in- spector Syracuse Rapid Transit Railway, Utica and Mohawk Valley Railway and 238 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1908 Oneida Railway 10-2; New York State Railways 12-; res Syracuse 09-10 ;Utica io-; ad 10 Sunset Place, Utica, NY *ROBERT GILLESPIE DEAN; 04-6; b Lowville 24 N 85; prep Lowville Acad; fr Low- ville; d Lowville 9 Ap 07 ALBERT YOUNG DEMPSEY; I 04-6; b Brooklyn io N 84; prep Flushing HS; fr Flush- ing; ad i Wilson Av, Flushing, NY HOWARD ELAINE EYNON; J 04-6; BS in chemical engineering U of Pa io; b Scran ton Pa 21 N 85; prep Scranton HS; fr Scranton; research chemist for Natl Carbon Co Cleveland O io-; ad 1568 Alameda Av, Lakewood, O HAROLD ELLSWORTH FRITTS; sp 04-6; LLB Union 09; b Hudson 1 1 Ja 85; prep CA; fr Hudson; adm to bar Hudson Ja 11; prac law Hudson 11-; ad 542 Warren St, Hudson, NY; res 445 Warren St JOHN RAYMOND GLENNIE; sp 04-5; b Lawrence Mass 26 Ap 83; prep CA; fr North- ampton Mass; with civil engineering corps Lockport Niagara and Ontario Power Co, NY 05-; ad 204 Richmond Av, Buffalo, NY CARL VERMILYA GOODWIN; J 04-5; b Owego 24 D 84; prep Owego Free Acad; fr Owego; with King Harness Co Owego 05; in office Champion Wagon Co Owego 05-?; railroad freight clerk Owego in io; ad Owego, NY TAYLOR LOOMIS HARRIS; J 04-6; b Port Huron Mich 5 Ja 87; prep Cook Acad, NY; fr Manlius; clerk Pasadena Cal 06-; ad 459 Lincoln Av, Pasadena, Cal ADDISON LEROY HILL; J 04-6; BS UR 08; vice-prin Canajoharie HS 08-9; prin Mid- dleburg HS 09-10; Norwich HS 10-2; t math Elmira Free Acad 12-; ad 605 W 4th St, Elmira, NY BURTON ARTHUR HILLS; sp 04-7; b Hamilton 22 N 86; prep CA; fr Hamilton; engi- neering dept Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co 07-; ad 100 Elton St, Brooklyn, NY GEDDES LEROY HOUGH; | 04-5; b Westfield 30 My 85; prep Westfield HS; fr West- field; Case Sch of Applied Sci Cleveland O 05-6; railway mail service 06-; ad 1240 W T 1 1 2th St, Cleveland, O ALBERT WILLIAM HOWLAND; sp 04-7; b Lancaster Pa 25 Je 85; prep Central Manual Training Sch, Philadelphia; fr Philadelphia; clerk New York 07-9; advertising representative The Penton Publishing Co in NE 09-; ad Norwood, Pa EDWARD NORTON HURLBURT; sp 04-7; b Utica 16 Jl 85; prep Utica Free Acad; fr Utica; ad 2 Rutger St, Utica, NY HENRY JAMES KEOUGH; J 04-5; b Richfield Springs i Ja 83; preft Richfield Springs HS; fr Richfield Springs; SyrU 05-?; ad Richfield Springs, NY JOSEPH GREGORY LAWLER; J 04-6; b Scranton Pa 21 D 85; prep Mt Vernon HS, NY; fr Mt Vernon FREDERICK WOODSOME LEWIS; t 04-5; b Lynbrook 4 S 85; prep E Rockaway Un Free Sch ; frERockaway; oyster bus 05-; sec, treasurer and manager The Lewis Oyster Co, Greenport; ad Greenport, NY RICHARD LAWRENCE MacDowELL; 04-5; b Bath 21 S 84; prep Cook Acad; fr Mon- tour Falls; civil engineer Lehigh Valley Railway Easton Pa and Jersey City NJ 05-10; structural engineer draftsman with Seneca Engineering Co Montour Falls NY 10-1; with Truesdell-Fox Co New York 11-2; with Post and McCord New York 1 2-; ad 1447 Pacific St, Brooklyn, NY MARK STEPHEN MAZANY; sp 04-7; BS Mo Sch of Mines 09; b Dunkirk io S 86; prep COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1908 239 Dunkirk HS; fr Dunkirk; copper smelter and assay work with American Smelting and Refining Co Gar field Utah 09-12; gen foreman copper smelter Hayden Ariz 1 2-; ad American Smelting and Refining Co, Hayden, Ariz BERGEN STELLE MERRILL; J 04-5; ScB Rutgers C 08; b Stelton NJ 6 S 86; prep Ches- ter HS, Pa; fr Moore; structural draftsman Plainfield NJo8; with Hay Foundry and Iron works Newark, and Post and McCord New York 09-10; with Lackawanna Bridge Co Buffalo 10; asst engineer Buffalo 10-; ad 600 Ashland Av, Buffalo, NY EARLE WARD PARMELEE; J 04-6; b Chicago 111 17 Mr 82; prep Brockport NS, NY; fr Taylor Cal; prin New York Mills Un Sch, NY 06; in Remington typewriter shop 06-7; t Jordanville 07-8; bookkeeper ist Natl Bank Richfield Springs 09-; ad Richfield Springs, NY S LEWIS PORTER; | 04-5; b Camberlain SD 27 Jl 85; prep Carthage HS, NY; fr Carthage; in employ Agricultural Insurance Co Watertown 05-; ad 15 Paddock St, Watertown, NY DON CHAUNCEY RISLEY; sp 04-7; b- Adams 17 Ap 86; prep Clinton HS; fr Clinton; res Clinton; ad Clinton, NY STEPHEN DOUGLAS SANDERS; { 04-6; b Camillus 20 O 85; prep Camillus Un Sch; fr Camillus; ad Camillus, NY MATTHEW JACOB SCHOLTES; sp 04-5; b Dunkirk 3 F 85; prep Dunkirk HS; fr Dun- kirk; Case Sch of Applied Sci Cleveland O 05; merchant tailoring, cutter, Dun- kirk NY 05-; ad 49 E 3 d St, Dunkirk, NY HARRY AARON SEELY; 04-5; b Spencer 4 D 86; prep Spencer HS; fr Spencer; rail- road signalman Buffalo 05?-; ad 187 Franklin St, Buffalo, NY DAVID BENNETT SHERWOOD; I 04-6; b Buffalo 16 S 85; prep Cook Acad; fr Camillus; grocery bus Pasadena Cal 06; clothing bus Syracuse 06-?; res Canandaigua ?-;ad Orchard Grove, Canandaigua, NY SHELDON SPENCER SWASEY; t 04-5; b Evanstown 111 10 D 86; prep Vt Acad, Sax- tons River; fr Cowansville PQ; with Marshall Field Chicago 111 05; with Hughes Engineering Co Chicago 06; with Creamery Package Manufacturing Co Dekalb 06-; ad 315 Augusta Av, Dekalb, 111 HARMON CHARLES WELCH; { 04-6; fr Owego; res Binghamton; ad i Frederick St, Binghamton, NY BENJAMIN LEWIS WILES; { 04-5; PhB SyrU 08; LLB 10; b Van Hornesville 3 Ja 86; prep Richfield Springs HS; fr Van Hornesville; adm to bar Rochester O 10; prac law Utica and Herkimer 10-1 ; manager Craftsman Magazine, Morris Plains NJ ii-; ad Morris Plains, NJ 1909 IRVING BAKER; AB; b Kingston 23 Ap 87; prep Poughkeepsie HS; fr Poughkeep- sie; with Curtis Publishing Co, Philadelphia Pa 09; with Evening Telegraph. Phila- delphia 09-10; with United Gas Improvement Co, Philadelphia 10; with N W Ayer and Son, Philadelphia 10-1; shirt bus Poughkeepsie NY n-;ad 26 Holmes St, Poughkeepsie, NY MARK ALPHONSO BAUER; AB; b Northeast Pa 19 S 79; prep Fredonia NS, NY; fr Findley Lake; asst manager Bankers Life Insurance Co, Detroit Mich 10-1 ; ag- ency supt Toledo Life Insurance Co, res Detroit 12-; ad 507 Majestic Building, Detroit, Mich 240 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1909 EVAN DAVIS BOARDMAN; BS; b Willsboro 30 Ag 84; prep CA 05; fr Essex; t Ky Mil Institute, Lyndon 09-1 1 ; Camuy PR 12; internal revenue service PR 12-; ad Essex, NY STEPHEN JASON BOTSFORD; AB; b Penn Yan 15 O 87; prep Keuka Institute; fr Keuka; t English and history Cook Acad, Montour Falls 09-10; in charge sum- mer sen Cook Acad 10; t English and history Friends' Acad, Locust Valley 10-; ad Locust Valley, NY LEON CROSS BOWMAN; AB; b Gouverneur ip Je 87; prep Gouverneur HS; fr Gouverneur; t Hempstead 09-12; Peekskill Mil Acad 12-; ad Peekskill Mil Acad, Peekskill, NY WALDO SYLVENUS BUTLER; BS; RTS 12; b Gainesville 16 Ja 70; prep CA; fr Wyoming; ord Nunda 6 Je 12; ad Nunda, NY RAY HENRY CARTON; BS; b Massena 21 S 86; prep Massena HS; fr Massena; ad 602 Union St, Schenectady, NY LAWRENCE SEWARD CHASE; BS; b Whitesville 26 Ap 85; prep CA; fr Whites- ville; prin Morrisville HS 09-10; t and director athletics GS Montclair NJ io-; graduate student Columbia U 1 1-2 ; ad 95 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ HERBERT FRANCIS CLARK; AB; b Watervale 27 Ja 86; prep Manlius HS; fr Manlius with Silver, Burdett and Co, publs, Chicago 111 09-; ad 623 S Wabash Av, Chicago, 111 WILLIAM SYLVESTER CONLON; BS; b Owego 30 D 82; prep Owego Free Acad; fr Owego; signal dept Erie Railway 10-1 ; t Owego 12-; ad 116 Green St, Owego, NY DAVID BARNES COOLEY; BS; b Auburn 3 Mr 84; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn; med student and asst in chemistry New York Homoeopathic Med Cog-; ad Flower Hospital, E 63d St and East Boulevard, New York HERBERT AUBREY COSTER; BS; b Springfield Mass 30 Jl 86; prep Flushing HS, NY; fr Flushing; with Columbia Phonograph Co Philadelphia Pa 09-11 ; with Kankakee Gas and Electric Co, 111 1 1 ; with Elkhart Gas and Fuel Co, Ind 1 1-2 ; with Utah Gas and Coke Co, Salt Lake City Utah 12-; ad Whitehall, 30 S State St, Salt Lake City, Utah ARTHUR BROUGHTON CRONKHITE; AB; b Bassein Burma 24 Mr 85; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ; fr Greenwich NY; t English and ancient his- tory Gunnery Sch, Washington Ct 09-; ad Washington, Ct STEPHEN H CUNLIFFE; AB; s 12; b Harrison NJ i O 82; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown; fr Kearny; ord Newark 20 Ap n; p Castorland NY 12-; ad Cas- torland, NY JOHN ELBERT DAY; BS;b Spencer 20 Je 84; prep Binghamton HS;frLestershire; chief clerk traffic dept Hudson River Telephone Co, Albany 09-10; travelling ser- vice inspector 10-2; asst district traffic chief New York Telephone Co, res King- ston 1 2-; ad 114 O'Neil St, Kingston, NY VINCENT COLUMBUS DECARLO; AB; b Calitri Italy 28 O 87; prep French- American Acad, Springfield Mass; fr New York; ad 186 Cortland St, N Tarrytown, NY CLARENCE GEORGE DURKEE; AB; b Augusta 29 N 87; prep CA; fr Augusta; t Oneonta HS 09-10; Roselle HS, NJ io-; ad 129 Walnut St, Roselle, NJ THOMAS IRVING GORTON; AB; b Waterville 18 Ja 87; prep Syracuse Classical COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1909 241 Sch; fr Waterville; with American Banknote Co New York 09-10; with Remington Typewriter Co New York 10; with New Telephone Co Newark NJ 10-; ad 281 Washington St, Newark, NJ GEORGE ARTHUR GREEN; AB; b S Brookfield 31 Mr 87; prep Waterville HS; fr Hubbardsville; t math Franklin Acad, Malone 09-10; Binghamton Central HS i o-i; Cleveland Central HS, O 11-; graduate student UChic n;ad 58 14 Haw- thorne Av, Cleveland, O MAURICE EDWIN HAMMOND; BS; b Stockbridge 22 F 80; prep Oneida HS; fr Stockbridge; t Allegany Co Acad, Cumberland Md 09-?; res McKeesport Pa ?-; ad McKeesport, Pa LEMUEL SERRELL HILLMAN; BS;bMt Vernon 28 Ag 86; prep CA; fr Mt Ver- non; with Peerless Rubber Manufacturing Co New York 09-10; with Goodall Rubber Co Philadelphia Pa 10-1; with Kelsey, Brewer and Co, securities dept, Grand Rapids Mich 11-; ad 320 E Fulton St, Grand Rapids, Mich OSCAR DEWITTE HOLLENBECK; BS; MS 10; b W Winfield 25 Jl 85; prep W Winfield HS; fr W Winfield; graduate student c 09-10; physical director and in charge of athletics Westminster C, New Wilmington Pa 10-1; compounding chemist with B F Goodrich Rubber Co Akron O n-; ad 398 E Buchtel Av, Ak- ron, O ADRIAN AUGUSTUS HOLTZ; AB; PhM UChic 10; BD n; b Troy u Ap 84; prep CA; fr Brooklyn; graduate student in education and sociology UChic n-; ad 133 S Divinity Hall, U of Chicago, Chicago, 111 BURTON ALONZO HOWE; AB; b Fairport 16 Ja 86; prep CA; fr Fairport; bus manager Red Wing Gas and Electric Co, Red Wing Minn 09 ; manager bond dept Kelsey, Brewer and Co, Grand Rapids Mich 09-12; member Howe, Corrigan and Co, dealers in unlisted securities, Grand Rapids 12-; ad 533 Mich Trust Building, Grand Rapids, Mich GILES MUNRO HUBBARD; AB; b Camillus 30 Mr 87; prep Auburn HS; fr Pal- myra; t Auburn HS 09-?; with Howe, Corrigan and Co, investment securities, Grand Rapids Mich ?-; ad 339 Mich Trust Building, Grand Rapids, Mich; res 239 Cherry St, SE FREDERICK MASON JONES; BS; b Worcester 6 My 86; prep Oneonta NS; fr Oneonta; t German and French Roselle HS, NJ 09-10; asst and instructor in Ro- manic langs CU io-; ad Hamilton, NY WILLIAM JOSIAH KLOPP; BS; b Mt Etna Pa 23 Je 83; prep Mercersburg Acad; fr Reading; prin Palatine Bridge Un Sch, NY 09-1 2; ad 504 Wilder Building, Roch- ester, NY GEORGE HENRY KRUG; BS; b Utica 2 Ja 87; prep Utica Free Acad; fr Utica ; t sci and math Penn Yan 09-1 1 ; Keuka C, Keuka Park 11-2; prin Albion HS 12-; ad io Clinton St, Albion, NY JOHN AUGUSTUS LAHEY; BS; MS io; b Ft Covington 13 Ja 84; prep Massena HS; fr Massena; graduate student c 09-10; asst and instructor in chemistry io-; ad Hamilton, NY FREDERICK AMES McCOLLUM; AB; b Hermon 6 Je 84; prep Hermon HS; fr Hamilton; prin Hartford HS, White River Junction Vt 09-10; graduate student c io ; t Mt Hermon Sch for Boys, Mass 11-2; Montpelier S, Vt 12-; ad Montpelier, Vt 242 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1909 JOHN WILSON McKEARIN; BS; b Hoosick Falls 25 N 85; prep CA; fr Hoosick Falls; vice-pres George S McKearin Inc, gen insurance, Glens Falls 09-; ad 136^ Bay St, Glens Falls, NY DANIEL DEXTER MONTGOMERY; BS; b Plymouth 19 N 84; prep Norwich HS; fr Plymouth; farmer Kirk 09-; ad Kirk, NY FRANK THOMAS MORAN; AB; b Hamilton 25 Je 87; prep CA 05; fr Hamilton; asst prin Milton HS, Pa 09; coke and coal inspector US Steel Corporation Gary WVa lo-i ; with 111 Steel Co Joliet 111 1 1-2; battery foreman and asst gun foreman TCI and R R Co Corey Ala 12-; ad Corey, Ala *ERNEST LINTON PAIGE; BS; b Sylvan Beach 3 Jl 8i;prep CA;fr Hamilton ;t Anglo-Chinese C, Foo Chow China 09-10; d Foo Chow 10 MOTT MARSH PALMER; BS; b Brookfield 21 S 84; prep CA; fr Brookfield; t math and football coach Castle Heights Sen Lebanon' Tenn 09-10; civil engineer state of NY 10-; ad Stillwater, NY EDWARD A PARKS; BS; b E Davenport 28 Jl 81 ; prep Oneonta NS; fr Oneonta; dept manager Buckley Bros Co New York 09-10; cashier Morse International Advertising Agency New York 10-1 ; asst sales manager Detroit district for Alumi- num Cooking Co of New Kensington Pa, res Detroit Mich n-; ad 112 W Buena Vista Av, Detroit, Mich HENRY STANLEY RICHARDS; BS; b Plainfield 6 Ap 82; prep W Winfield HS; fr Plainfield Center; t higher math Oneida HS 09-11; prin Newark HS n-; ad 21 ^W Miller St, Newark, NY CLINTON EUGENE RISLEY; BS; b Hamilton 28 Ag 84; prep CA; fr Hamilton; t French and German Pillsbury Acad, Owatonna Minn 09-10; t French, German and ancient history Rutgers Preparatory Sch, New Brunswick NJ 10-; ad The Trap, New Brunswick, NJ CARL ALLAN RUNDLETT; BS; b Danvers Mass 23 Ag 83; prep Mt Hermon Sch; fr Danvers; t Pittsburg Pa 09-10; Sayre HS 10-1; Elmira NY 11-2; prin Palatine Bridge HS 12-; ad Palatine Bridge. NY GEORGE GOEWEY SAUNDERS; AB; b Oneonta 15 D 85; prep Rutherford HS.- NJ; fr Rutherford; s 09-10; asst and instructor in physics 10-; ad Hamilton, NY EDWIN CLYTUS SHEPARD; BS; MSF UMich 1 1 ; b Stone Mills 9 O 85; prep Watertown HS; fr Watertown; field officer US forest service, investigative work, Id and Utah 11-; ad Forest Service, Ogden, Utah HENRY JOHN SMITH; AB; b Pittsford 6 F 78; prep CA 05; fr Gaines; ord Gil- bertsville 24 Mr 09; p Gilbertsville 09-12; Willamsbridge, New York 12-; ad 3718 Willett Av, Williamsbridge, New York RAY MOSHER SMITH; BS; b Geneva 20 Ap 88; prep Spencer HS; fr Spencer; with Titan Steel Casting Co Newark NJ 09-1 1 ; with Gould Coupler Co, Depew NY 11-2; with Union Tank Line Co New York 12-; ad Care Union Tank Line Co, 26 Broadway, New York RALPH HAROLD SPICER; AB; b Adams 2 Ag 86; prep Adams HS; fr Adams; prin Three Mile Bay HS 09-1 1 ; Fort Ann HS 1 1-; ad Fort Ann, NY HENRY JEROME STRINGER; BS; b Munnsville 6 F 87; prep CA; fr Munnsville; t math U Preparatory Sch Ithaca 09-10; t chemistry and math Warren HS, O 10-1; in office Harris Automatic Press Co Niles 11-2; purchasing agent 12-; ad 10 Monroe St, Warren, O COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1909 243 CLAUDE FULLER SWITZER; AB; b Bradford 8 My 84; prep CA; fr Bradford; prin Bradford HS 09-10; religious work sec YMCA Grand Rapids Mich 10-1; t Junior HS Grand Rapids u-; ad 516 Giddings Av, Grand Rapids, Mich ARTHUR EDWARD THURBER; AB; b Guilford Vt 26 Ag 85; prep Brattleboro HS; fr Brattleboro; t Tarry town NY 09-10; Dunkirk 10-1; Port Chester n-; ad 148 Ponningoe St, Port Chester, NY WILLIAM GEORGE TO WART; AB; b Glasgow Scotland i Ja 80; prep CA 05; fr N Adams Mass; assoc sec New York Bapt City Miss Society 09-; UTS 09-; graduate student Columbia U 09-; ad 162 2d Av, New York DAVID ORIN TRUE; AB; b Randolph Wis 15 N 85; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam; fr Portage; UChic DS 09-1 1 ; sec and treasurer Clear water Timber Holding Co, Chicago n-; ad 520 Stock Exchange Building, 30 N LaSalle St, Chicago, 111 ERIE ALBERT TUCKER; BS; b Dolgeville 8 N 87; prep Dolgeville HS; fr Dolge- ville; bus Buffalo 09-10; t Ridgefield Sch, Ridgefield Ct 10-; ad N Salem, NY GEORGE WASHINGTON VAN VLECK; BS; b Wolcott 22 F 83 ; prep Wolcott HS ; fr Wolcott; t English and history S Jersey Acad, Bridget on 09-10; t history Brook- lyn Polytechnic Preparatory Sch, NY io-;ad 99 Livingston St, Brooklyn, NY; res 157 Joralemon St STEWART JEROME VEACH; AB; s 12; b Poughkeepsie 14 S 84; prep CA; fr Poughkeepsie; ord Blossburg Pa n S 12; p Blossburg 12-; ad Blossburg, Pa ROBERT JEROME WHELAN;BS;b Syracuse 28 Mr 86; prep Jenner's Prepara- tory Sch, Syracuse; fr New York; athletic -instructor St John's Mil Acad, Manlius 09; salesman New York 10; Pittsburg Pa 10; Syracuse NY 10; athletic instructor St John's Mil Acad, Manlius 10; salesman Syracuse n; New York n; manager United Cigar Stores Co Philadelphia Pa u-; ad i3th and Chestnut Sts, Philadel- phia, Pa; res 5412 Lansdowne Av EUGENE PATRICK WHITE; AB; b Pinckney 5 Je 83; prep Belleville Un Acad; fr Copenhagen; ad 17 Phillip St, Albany, NY EDWIN MINER WRIGHT; AB; b Weedsport 18 Ap 87; prep Johnstown HS; fr Johnstown; t Latin East HS Rochester 09-; ad 5 Brighton St, Rochester, NY FRANK BARNES; t 05-6; fr Norwich; ad Care B E Barnes, Norwich, NY FRED GREY BENTON; J 05-7; b Berkshire 19 N 86; prep Newark Valley HS; fr Berk- shire; student SyrU MS 08-?; ad 421 S Crouse Av, Syracuse, NY PERCY VERE CROWELL; J 04-5, 06-7; BS UMich 10; b Brattleboro Vt 21 Ja 84; prep Brattleboro HS; fr Brattleboro; gold mining southern Ariz 10-3; chef Brattleboro Vt 13-; ad Brattleboro, Vt JOSEPH THOMAS CUMMINS; t 05-6; b New York 18 N 86; prep CA; fr New York; student engineering U of Col 06-7 ; student mining engineering Col Sch of Mines 07-10; engineering work in Id and PR 10-; asst engineer on construction of Carite dam for PR irrigation service; ad Guayama (Care Riego), PR WILLIAM FLETCHER CURTIS; sp 05-6; b Rome 9 Ag 84; prep CA; fr Rome; learning electric railway bus with Syracuse Rapid Transit Co 08-; ad 141 W Ostrander St, Syracuse, NY CUTLER LEONARD DAVIS; t 05-6; b Greenwood 12 S 83; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn; chauffeur Auburn 06-? 244 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1909 *RALPH OLIVER DODGE; % 05-7; b Great Bend 19 N 86; prep Carthage HS; fr Great Bend; d Great Bend 29 Jl 07 JAMES LEWIS DOYLE; % 05-7; fr Manlius; res Canajoharie; civil engineer Manlius 09-?; junior engineer ist district public service commission, New York?-; ad 157 E 72d St, New York LEON WATERBURY FISK; sp 05-7; BSE UMich 10; b Newark 29 Jl 88; prep Newark HS; fr Newark; landscape gardener Chicago 111 10-; ad Care O C Simonds and Co, 1 1 01 Buena Av, Chicago, 111; rei 4616 Winthrop Av *GEORGE CLIFFORD GATES; 05-8; b Nyack i Mr 87; prep Nyack HS; fr Nyack; d Madison 30 My 08 JAMES IRVING HIMES; I 05-6; b Oswego 2 Ap 87; prep Lyon Falls HS; fr Glenfield; travelling salesman Oswego in 10; res Albany; ad 88 Morris St, Albany, NY LYNDON HOLT LANDON; % 05-6; MD U of Pa 10; b Pierrepont 28 Mr 87; prep Gouver- neur HS; fr DeKalb Junction; res surgeon U Hospital Philadelphia Pa 10-2; asst surgeon 12-; instructor in surgery U of Pa; ad 320 S i6th St, Philadelphia, Pa HOWARD TRACY LANGWORTHY; % 05-7; MD Columbia U 11; b S Brookfield 29 My 85; prep CA 05; fr S Brookfield; member house staff ME Hospital Brooklyn 1 1-3; asst to Dr Russell Fowler Brooklyn 13-; asst German Hospital Brooklyn 13-; ad 301 DeKalb Av, Brooklyn, NY KENNETH BREWSTER LOUDON; 04-6; b Winsted Ct 6 O 85; prep CA; fr Mt Vernon; solicitor Westchester Lighting Co Mt Vernon 06-7; salesman Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co New York 08; clerk Underwriters Salvage Co New York 09-10; clerk Gen Electric Co Erie Pa 10-; ad 718 Poplar St, Erie, Pa WALTER LEWIS MCFADDEN; % 04-5, 06-7; b Portland 2 N 83; prep Westfield HS; fr Westfield; grape farming Westfield 05-6, 07-; ad Westfield, NY CLARENCE MATHEWSON; \ 05-6; b Rochester Minn 3 Ag 87; prep Central HS, Minneapolis; fr Minneapolis; clerk Minneapolis 06-8; bookkeeper Minneapolis 08-10; salesman Pioner Steel Elevator Co Minneapolis 10-; ad 3 124 Portland Av, Minneapolis, Minn YALE OLDKNOW MILLINGTON; 05-8; b Stephentown 10 O 87; prep Halifax Acad; fr Lestershire; t English Dallas HS, Tex 09-? HARLAND DEBENHAM MUNGER; 05-6; b Geneva 5 O 87; prep Corning Free Acad; fr Corning; asst claim agent U and M V Railway Utica 06-7; sec and office manager Munger Candy Co Corning 07-10; claim dept Gen Electric Co Schenectady u-; ad 40 Glen wood Boulevard, Schenectady, NY; and Corning DAMON FOSTER NEWINS; sp 05-7; CE New York U 09; b Islip 3 S 87; prep Islip HS; fr Islip; automobile supplies New York 09-?; res Islip; ad Islip, NY ALBERT THOMAS O'NEILL; 05-6; b Manlius 15 Ja 85; prep Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter NH; fr Manlius NY; ad Care J F O'Neill, Manlius, NY RUEL BERTRAM PAIGE; I 05-6; b Munnsville 58 86; prep CAo4; fr Hamilton ;CornU 06-7; farmer Newburgh and Monroe 07-8; milk tester Holstein-Friesian Assoc 08-10 ; farmer Earlville 10-; ad Earlville, NY GERRITT ALBERT RICE; % 05-7; b Hamilton 6 Ag 85; prep CA; fr Hamilton; ad Hamilton, NY *HAROLD EDWARD ROGERS; % 05-7; b Monson Mass 21 F 86; prep Brattleboro HS, COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1909 245 Vt; fr W Dummerston; with Loring Farnum Engineering Co of Boston Mass 07-9; d Brattleboro Vt 20 Ap 09 BERTRAM E SHELL; J 05-6; b Little Falls 7 Ap 85; prep Little Falls HS; fr Little Falls; cableway engineer Gatun, Canal Zone, Panama 09-; ad Gatun, Canal Zone, Panama JOHN MORGAN SILL; sp 05-7; b Watertown 19 Ag 87; prep Watertown HS; fr Watertown; student CornU in 10; ad 140 Park Av, Watertown, NY CLAUDE RANDOLPH SIMPSON; } 05-6; b Cambridge Mass 29 S 85; prep Mil ford HS; fr Milford; ad Care John Moore, Milford, Mass CARLOS DIMMICK SMITH; sp 05-6; b Earlville 15 Ap 87; prep CA 05; fr Bernardston Mass; piivate student drafting Bernardston o5; with Mt Claire Hotel New York 07; ad E Haverhill, Mass OSCAR FREDERIC TERRILL; { 05-7; b Corning 23 Ja 86; prep Corning Free Acad; fr Corning; cost dept Corning Glass Works 07-; ad 147 Walnut St, Corning, NY THEODORE CHARLES WELLER; | 05-6; b Horseheads 28 O 86; prep Horseheads HS; fr Horseheads; ad Horseheads, NY CHARLES ADDISON WING; sp 05-6: Mead ville TS,Pan;b Montpelier Vt 16 Jl 83; prep Montpelier S; fr Montpelier; men's clothing bus New Biitain Ct, New York and Boston Mass 06-9; student sociology London U, England, Cruft fellow of Meadville TS 11-2; ad 9 Winter St, Montpelier, Vt *HENRY RANNEY WINTER; Jo5-8;b New York 9 jl 84; prep Brattleboro HS, Vt; fr Hamilton NY; d Oneida 17 O 08 ALP,ERT ALONZO WOODRUF^; % 05-7; b Auburn 28 Je 85; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn; in bus college Auburn 07; office of Columbian Rope Co Auburn 08; office of Dunn and McCarthy, shoe manufacturers, Auburn 09 ; office of Utz and Dunn Co, shoe manufacturers, Rochester 09-; ad 113 Jefferson Av, Rochester, NY *DWIN HAROLD WRJGHT; 05-7; b Adams 7 Ap 89; prep Adams HS; fr Adams; d Amherst Mass 26 S 07 NGAN-CHAN YANG; sp 05-7; BS in economics U of Pa 10; b Changchow, Kiangsu, China i D 83; prep Ithaca HS, NY; fr Changchow, Kiangsu, China; sec to vice- roy of Hupeh, Wuchang, and asst supt Wuchang NS 10-1 ; with dept of education Peking 12- : ad West Lane, Changchow, Kiangsu. China 1910 ELMER JOSIAH ANDERSON; BS; b Boone la 28 Jl 81; prep CA; fr Worcester Mass; farmer Moose Jaw Can n; t Palmer 12-; ad Palmer, Sask, Can JESSE SWARTZ ARMSTRONG; AB; AM 12; b Schultzville Pa 9 Ap 86; prep Keystone Acad, Factory ville; fr Simon; asst in German 10-2; t German Wilkes- barre HS, Pa 12-; ad Waverly, Pa HERBERT BARTHOLOMEW; BS (degree voted D 09); b Elmira 7 D 83; prep Elmira Free Acad; fr Elmira; rodman and levelman Panama Canal 10-2; gen foreman in charge of installation of touring tracks Pedro Miguel and Miraflores locks 1 2-; ad Paraiso, CZ WILLARD WILLIAM BARTLETT; BS; b Parishville 9 Mr 84; prep Potsdam NS; fr Hamilton; gen sec YMCA C of City of New York 10-; ad 612 W i35th St, New York 246 COLLEGE ALUMNI I 1 910 EDWARD DEMARS BEZANT; AB; AM n ; b Gainesville 27 Ja 90; prep CA 06; fr Hamilton; graduate student c io-i;t classical dept West HS Rochester 11-; ad 1 8 Bartlett St, Rochester, NY HAROLD DOUGLASS BUELL; BS; b Earlville 13 Jl 85; prep CA 06; fr Earl- ville; asst in chemistry PrU 10-1; t sci Cascadilla Sch, Ithaca NY 11-2; ad Earl- ville, NY LEON ABBOTT CAMPBELL; BS; b Newport NJ 13 My 88; prep S Jersey Insti- tute, Bridgeton; fr Newport; t Mackenzie Sch, Dobbs Ferry NY 10-2; Gushing Acad, Ashburnham Mass 12-; ad Ashburnham, Mass HARRIE LEROY CASLER; BS; b Richfield 15 Ag 87; prep CA 06; fr Parish; industrial chemist Tacks Manufacturing Co Utica 10-1 ; with Continental Manu- facturing Co Philadelphia Pa n-; ad 1343 Rockland St, Philadelphia, Pa THOMAS BARTON CHAFEE; AB; b Oneida 19 Jl 85; prep Oneida HS; fr Oneida; t sci Hackensack HS, NJ 10-1; t sci and athletic coach Hill Sch, Pottstown Pa 11-2; graduate student New York U; Carnegie Institute; ad R 2, Oneida, NY ISAIAH MILBURY CHARLTON; AB; AM 12; b Port Lome NS 20 S 76; prep CA 06; fr N Windham Vt; t State Agricultural Sch Morrisville NY 10-; ad Mor- risville, NY EDWARD HIRES CLAYTON; BS; MS 11; b Asbury Park NJ 10 D 86; prep Ped- die Institute, Hightstown; fr Lincroft; graduate student c 10-1; registrar Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ 11-2; miss ABFMS Hangyang, Central China 12-; ad Care N W Brown, Nanking, China EARL HUNTER COLLESTER; BS; b Madison 6 Mr 89; prep Madison Un Sch; fr Madison; athletic director Western Md C 10-1; with coke dept 111 Steel Co Joliet 111 ii-; ad 404 S Eastern Av, Joliet, 111 HOWARD SPENCER COLWELL; BS; b Auburn 4 S 88; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn; graduate student CornU 10; studied med Johns Hopkins U, Baltimore Md io-; ad 510 N Broadway, Baltimore, Md FRANK ALONZO CORBIN; BS; b Afton io Je'89; prep Afton HS; fr Afton; clerk United Gas Improvement Co Philadelphia Pa 10-1; asst to supt meters 1 1-2; service foreman Spring Garden district 12-; ad 1323 Green St, Philadelphia, Pa ALBERT TATUM DAVIS; BS; b Saranac Lake 8 F 88; prep Saranac Lake HS; fr Saranac Lake; civil engineer and surveyor Bridgeport Ct 10-2; Saranac Lake NY 1 2-; ad Saranac Lake, NY FRANK LOUIS DEBEUKELAER; AB; b Troy 22 Je 85; prep CA 06; fr Bouck- ville; t chemistry and physics Geneseo NS io-; graduate student Columbia U 1 2-; ad Bouckville, NY RICHARD JOSEPH DOBBINS; BS; b Brooklyn 21 N 88; prep Boys HS, Brook- lyn; fr Brooklyn; engineering NY 10-1; agent The Texas Co Ogdensburg n; Watervliet 11-2; ad 916 8th Av, Brooklyn, NY HOMER LEVI DODGE; AB; MS U of la 12; b Ogdensburg 21 O 87; prep Ogdens- burg Free Acad; fr Ogdensburg; instructor in physics U of la, Iowa City io-; ad la State U, Iowa City, la JOHN WILLIAM DOUGLASS; AB; b Poolville 26 Mr 86; prep CA 06; fr Pool- ville; graduate student c 10-1; t English and history Werntz's Preparatory Sch to US Naval Acad, Annapolis Md 1 1 ; t mechanical and architectural drawing and COLLEGE ALUMNI I IQIO 247 math .St Cloud HS, Minn 11-2; t English and math Anderson Acad, Irvington Cal 1 2-; ad Anderson Acad, Irvington, Cal WILLIAM BEATTIE DUNNING; BS; b Auburn 27 N 86; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn; with Auburn water board 10; with Auburn city engineer 10; with New York Telephone Co Auburn 10-; ad 107 Genesee St, Auburn, NY; res 10 Fort St HERBERT LUZERN FRANKLIN; BS; b Verona 22 Je 88; prep Verona HS; fr Verona; ad Verona, NY FELIX FREDERICK GARTER; BS; b Clarkston Mich 9 Ja 83; prep Clarkston HS; fr Clarkston; t Stamford HS, Ct 10-1 ; HS of Commerce, Columbus O 1 1-; ad 1407 Oak St, Columbus, O RAYMOND BOWER GIBBS; BS; b Clarkston Mich 29 O 83; prep Clarkston HS; fr Clarkston; master Tome Sch, Port Deposit Md 10-; ad Tome Sch for Boys, Port Deposit, Md OTTO WASHINGTON GREENE; BS; b Hightstown NJ 30 Ap 89; prep CA 06; fr Hamilton; draftsman and designer with Overland Automobile Co 10-; res De- troit Mich; Toledo O; New Yoik; Toledo O; ad 2902 Scott word Av, Toledo, O STANLEY RIDDELL GREENE; AB; b Hamilton 16 Ag 90; prep CA 06; fr Ham- ilton; t Latin and history Mercersburg Acad, Mercersburg Pa 10-2; t Latin and Greek Montclair Acad, Montclair NJ 12-; ad Montclair Acad, Montclair, NJ MAURICE RICHARD HAMM; AB; b Warren 15 S 78; prep CA 06; fr Hamilton; s lo-; ad Hamilton, NY ALEXANDER CARSON HANNA; AB; b Philadelphia Pa 12 Jl 88; prep Ct Lit Institution, Suffield; fr Richland Center Pa; s 10-; ad Hamilton, NY CHARLES VEBER HARTSON; BS; b Maple View i Je 87; prep Mexico Acad and HS; fr Union Square; asst prin Fulton HS 10-2; prin Ontario HS 12-; ad On- tario, NY WILLIAM DANA HATCH; AB; b Olean 7 Je 88; prep Mast en Park HS, Buffalo; fr Buffalo; bus Santa Fe Argentina 10-1; export manager Janney, Steinmetz and Co of Philadelphia, manufacturers seamless steel specialties, res New York n-; ad 425 Convent Av, New York; and 2620 Main St, Buffalo CLARENCE EDMUND HOWES; AB; b Walworth 16 F 87; prep Masten Park HS, Buffalo; fr Angola; asst prin Park Av Institute, Bridgeport Ct 10-1; prin Un HS, Greenwood NY 11; t Keystone Acad, Factory ville Pa 12-; ad Keystone Acad, Factory ville, Pa; and Ransomville, NY WALLACE CLARK HULBERT; BS; b Trenton 19 N 84; prep Holland Patent HS; fr Holland Patent; civil engineer with S W Pride Trenton n; mechanical engineering and drafting Utica Knitting Co, Utica n-; ad 14 Kernan Av, Utica, NY HAROLD JONES; BS; b London England 15 Jl 87; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn NY; fr Brooklyn; asst editor Canadian Engineer Toronto Can 10-1; asst engineer on construction of Can Northern Railway Tollerton 12-; ad Camp Mile 109 C N Railway, Thornton, Alberta, Can EDWIN FOSTER KINGSBURY; BS; b Hamilton 24 D 86; prep CA 06; fr Ham- ilton; cadet gas engineer with United Gas Improvement Co of Philadelphia Pa at Point Breeze 10-; ad Nifflin Apartments, 1912 S i7th St, Philadelphia, Pa JOSEPH KARL KRONENBERG; AB; b Morristown NJ 7 N 87; prep Morris- town HS;fr Morristown; with Merrill Ruckgabe Construction Co New York 10;, 248 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1910 with Edison Co New York n-; ad Inspection and Contract Dept, New York Edison Co, 55 Duane St, New York WIRT SMALLEY LEONARD; BS; b Interlaken 20 S 87: prep Interlaken HS; fr Interlaken; rubber bus New York 12-; ad 232 W 76th St, New York DAVID LEVER; AB; b Wilna Russia 8 S 87; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn NY; fr Brooklyn; t public speaking Missoula HS, Montio-; managing editor The Inter- Mountain Educator; ad Missoula, Mont DANIEL MATTHEW LYNCH; AB; b Newport 22 S 88; prep Poland HS; fr Newport; studied law Rochester 10-1; Detroit C of law, Mich n-; ad 97 Eliza- beth St, W, Detroit, Mich ALBERT FREDERICK McCLEMENTS; AB; b New York Mills 8 Ap 88; prep Holland Patent HS; fr Marcy; t English Galahad Sch for Boys, Hudson Wis 10-1; PTS ii-; ad 402 Hodge Hall, Princeton, NJ EDWARD THOMAS MacDONNELL; AB; b Hamilton 9 Ag 86; prep CA; fr Ham- ilton; coach, athletic director and t chemistry Jefferson C, Convent La 10-; ad Jefferson C, Convent, La JOHN FRANCIS McGOUGH; AB; b Oriskany Falls 4 Ja 83; prep CA 05; fr Sols- ville; ad St Mary's, Ky WILLIAM FRANCIS McNALLY; BS; b Marcellus 9 Mr 87; prep Marcellus HS; fr Marcellus; chemist with Halcomb Steel Co Syracuse 10-; ad Marcellus, NY JAMES CAMPBELL McOWAN; BS; b Edinburgh Scotland 21 N 83; prep Cook Acad, NY; fr Jersey City NJ; ad 4 Emory St, Jersey City, NJ LESTER ROBERT MARTIN; AB; b Ashland 28 Ap 86; prep Windham HS; fr Ashland; with New York Telephone Co New York 10-; ad 3 S Elliott Place, Brooklyn, NY GEORGE ABBOT MERRILL; AB; b Stelton NJ 27 O 88; prep Chester HS, Pa; fr Moores; t English and history Ky Mil Institute, Lyndon 10-1; head dept Eng- lish and history 11-2; t history and English Hackensack HS, NJ 12-; ad 263 Union St, Hackensack, NJ JOSIAH CHARLES MERRIMAN; BS; b Byron 19 Ag 85; prep Bergen HS; fr Byron; t sci and math Chappaqua Mt Institute, Valhalla 10-1; with Suffern and Son, accountants, and Suffern and Co, exporters, New York 1 1 ; student Phila- delphia C of Osteopathy, Pa 12-; prof chemistry 12-; ad 730 Pine St, Philadelphia, Pa WILLIAM STANLEY MURRAY; BS; b Stilson's Hill Pa 4 Mr 87; prep Bradford HS; fr Bradford; chemist Utica Pipe Foundry Co, UticaNY 10-; ad 350 Genesee St, Utica, NY WALTER CATTELL NEWCOMB;AB;b Newport NJ 2 Ap 87; prep Peddie Ins- titute, Hightstown; fr Newport; studied law Harv 10-; ad 45 Eustis St, Cam- bridge, Mass SELAH ELLSWORTH NORTH WAY; BS; b Pittsford Vt 30 Jl 88; prep Marcellus HS, NY; fr Marcellus; vice-prin Cortland HS 10-; ad 35^ Charles St, Cortland, NY CHARLES AUGUSTUS OLCOTT; BS; b Montclair NJ 12 Mr 90; prep Jersey City HS; fr Jersey City; ad 441 Bergen Av, Jersey City, NJ MATTHEW RIAL PACK; AB; b Stillwater 29 O 88; prep Troy HS; fr Stillwater; t Hudson 10-; ad Hudson, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1910 249 DARIUS MITTEER RATCLIFF; AB; b Ferndale 20 O 86; prep Liberty HS; fr Hurley ville; s 10-; ad Hamilton, NY MARSHALL STAFFORD REYNOLDS; BS; b Essex i Jl 86; prep Essex HS; fr Essex; real estate bus Kansas City Mo 10-1; with education dept PR, res Im- bradillas 12; internal revenue agent treasury dept PR 12-; ad Yauco, PR WILLIAM NOEL ROBERTS; AB; b Bala, Marionethshire, N Wales 26 D 83; prep Holland Patent HS, NY; fr Holland Patent; traffic dept New York Tele- phone Co New York 10-2; traffic dept Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co Baltimore Md 12-; ad Central YMCA, Baltimore, Md ROBERT ALFRED RUNDLE; AB; b Taylor Pa 4 N 90; prep Scranton HS; fr Scranton; instructor in math Carnegie Institute of Technology Pittsburg 10-; ad Care Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburg, Pa ERNEST BERT RUSSELL; BS; b Massena 7 Mr 88; prep Massena HS; fr Massena; ad The Crescent, Lenox and i26th Sts, New York ALBERT JACOB SALATHE; AB;.AM 12; b New York i N 87; prep Flushing HS; fr College Point; athletic director and t German and math Ashtabula HS, O 10-1 ; graduate student in pure sci and asst in chemistry Columbia U 11-2; instructor in chemistry Union 12-; ad Union C, Schenectady, NY WHITNEY HART SHEPARDSON; AB; b Worcester Mass 30 O 90; prep CA 06; fr Hamilton; Rhodes Scholar Oxford U, Balliol C 10-; ad Hamilton, NY GEORGE FREDERICK SMITH; BS; b College Point 10 Mr 88; prep Flushing HS; fr College Point; with Close, Graham and Scully New York io-; gen man- ager; ad 558 2d Av, College Point, NY JOHN WILLIAMS TAYLOR; AB; b Pa 31 Ja 79; prep Millersville NS; fr Ham- ilton NY; Dickinson C 00-2; Harv 02-4; supt schs Munising and co supt schs, Mich io-; ad Munising, Mich ARTHUR NEWLON THOMAS; AB; b Adams 17 Ag 84; prep Un Acad, Belle- ville; fr Adams; t modern and ancient langs Wilson Mil Institute, Finderne NJ 10-1 ; farmer Adams NY 11-2; State Lib Sch Albany 12-; ad Adams, NY WILLIAM THOMSON; AB; b Barrow, in Furnice, England 17 S 92; prep CA; fr Gouverneur; t sci Newark HS 10-1; vice-prin Pulaski HS 11-2; prin Woodhull HS 12-; ad Woodhull, NY JOHN BENJAMIN WARNER; AB; b Franklin 28 Jl 79; prep CA; fr Franklin; monument bus Franklin io-; ad Franklin, NY EARL KELLO3G WEBB; AB; b Holland Patent i Ja 87; prep Holland Patent HS; fr Holland Patent; t ancient langs and history Chamberlain Mil Institute, Randolph io-; ad Randolph, NY HOWARD J WHITMAN; BS; b Bainbridge 13 My 86; prep CA; fr Bainbridge; with dept of state engineer and surveyor, barge canal contract No 63, Fairport io-; ad Fairport, NY ARTHUR STODDARD WHITNEY; AB; b Pella la 13 D 87; prep Plainfield HS, NJ; fr Plainfield; ad 825 W 4 th St, Plainfield, NJ DON EPHRAIM WILLIAMS ; AB ; b Theresa 1 7 N 88 ; prep Theresa HS ; fr Theresa ; with Capt W A Collings Inc Watertown io-; ad 40 Flower Building, Watertown, NY CLARENCE LEO WOODMAN; BS; b Hamilton 29 Ap 86; prep CA 06; fr Ham- ilton; t Peekskill Mil Acad io-; ad Peekskill Mil Acad, Peekskill, NY 250 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1910 HAL JOHN YORK; AB; fr W Edmeston; head English dept Montclair Acad, NJ io-; ad Montclair Acad, Montclair, NJ CARL WILLIAM ZIEGLER; BS; AM Columbia U 13; b Scranton Pa 2 S 83; prep Scranton HS; fr Scranton; t math and French Summit HS, NJ 10-2; t Eng- lish Scranton HS, Pa 12-; ad Scranton HS, Scranton, Pa ARCHIE ROY BANGS; AM; AB Bates C, Me 08; AM Harv n; b Sabattus Me 21 Ja 86; asst in modern langs 08-10; graduate student Harv 10-1; student U Berlin 11-2; instructor in German WmsC 12-; ad Sabattus, Me FRED ALLEN; sp 06-9; CTS 11; b S Wales GB 30 My 85; prep CA; fr Albany; ord Metuchen NJ 27 Ag 09; p Metuchen 09-10; Philadelphia Pa io-; ad 170 Kalos St, Philadelphia, Pa JAMES WILLIAM ANDERSON; J 06-7; b Brooklyn 4 Ja 88; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn; fr Brooklyn; ad 524 Monroe St, Brooklyn, NY PAUL BECK; 06-8; AB Columbia U 1 1 ; b New York 20 S 87; prep Boys HS, Brook- lyn; fr Brooklyn; private student 08-9; Cincinnati U, O 09-10; studied law New York LS ii-; ad 252 Rochester Av, Brooklyn, NY REGINALD GILBERT BRAY; % 06-7; b Sherbrooke PQ 15 F 87; prep Holland Patent HS, NY; fr Stittville; ad Stittville, NY EGBERT LAMONTE BURHYTE; J 06-7; b Brookfield 21 Ag 86; prep CA; fr W Ed- meston; student Buffalo MS 07-?; ad 422 Jefferson Av, Niagara Falls, NY LUMEN ARTHUR CHRISMAN; 06-7; b Ulysses Pa 23 F 84; prep CA 06; fr Auburn; ad 534 Tallman St, Syracuse, NY JAY RODENBAUGH CORNOG; % 06-8; b Mt Holly Springs Pa 19 F 83; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown NJ; fr Flemington; ad Flemington, NJ GEORGE DAVENPORT Cox; t 06-7; b Weston NS 8 Ag 78; prep Mt Hermon Sch, Mass; fr Weston NS; farmer Weston 07-; ad Weston, NS, Can CHARLES ADAM DREFS; J 06-7; BS in economics U of Pa io; U of Buffalo LS io; b Buffalo 17 Mr 85; prep Masten Park HS, Buffalo; fr Buffalo; with Horton and Grandison Buffalo io; managing clerk law firm Williams, Minard and Howell Buffalo io-; adm to bar 17 Mr 13; ad 280 Broadway, Buffalo, NY PAUL SOBIESKI EMMONS; sp 06-7; b Spencer 2 N 87; prep Ithaca HS; fr Spencer; advertising manager A S Emmons dept store Spencer 07-; ad Spencer, NY JOHN EDWARD FALVEY; 06-7; b Haverhill Mass 9 F 86; prep Haverhill HS; fr Haver- hill; ad io Dover St, Haverhill, Mass WILLIAM LAURENCE FLAVELLE; } 06-7; b Asbury Park NJ 24 F 85; prep Neptune Township HS, Ocean Grove; fr Ocean Grove; night dispatcher Va P and P Co, Richmond Va 07-8 ; real estate broker Newark NJ 09-10; Caldwell io-; ad Cor Harrison and Passaic Avs, Caldwell, NJ FLOYD HERMAN Fox; t 06-7; b Gloversville 14 D 87; prep Gloversville HS; fr Gloversville; manager grocery store Gloversville 07-; ad 102 Broad St, Glovers- ville, NY WILLIAM EARL GLANVILLE; I 06-7; b Auburn 7 F 88; prep Auburn HS;fr Auburn studied med CornU 07-?; ad 109 North St, Auburn, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1910 251 Louis BAINBRIDGE GROSS; f 06-8; b Wilson 23 O 86; prep CA; fr Barker; ad Spen- cerport, NY BION EUGENE HICKS; sp 06-8; b Eddy town 2 S 60; prep Rome Free Acad; fr Hamil- ton; prin Bristol HS, Vt 08-9; supt schs Lee Mass 09-; ad Lee, Mass MOSEPH GEORGE HICKS; 06-8 ;b Interlaken 22 N 85; prep CA; fr Hamilton; inv 08- 10; d Lee Mass 25 Ja 10 HAYS JONES; 06-7; b Newburgh 24 O 85; prep CA; fr Hamilton; with Frost Finish- ing Co New York 07-12; ad 63 Columbus Av, Mt Vernon, NY THOMAS DWYER JOSEPH KALLIGAN; 07-9; b 29 S 86; fr Oneonta; AmC 05-6; ad Oneonta, NY JOHN LAUTZ; { 06-8 ;PhB Yale, Sheffield Sci Sch io;b Buffalo 3 Mr 88; prep Masten Park HS, Buffalo; fr Buffalo; studied forestry Sheffield Sci Sch, Yale 08-10; farmer Flemington NJ 10-1; asst Cuban dept Munson Steamship Line New York n-; ad Munson Steamship Line, 82 Beaver St, New York; res 384 De Wolfe Place, Hackensack, NJ WILLIS LINN; sp 06-7; b New York 17 Ag 87; prep Mercersburg Acad, Pa; fr Roches- ter NY; studied med Baltimore Md; ad 624 Franklin St, Wilmington, Del EDWIN LAWSON LOOMIS; 06-7; b Hubbardsville 2 Jl 82; prep CA; fr Hubbardsville; student Redlands HS, Cal ?-io; t San Bernardino 10-1; Newhall 11-2; res River- side 1 2-; ad 291 New Magnolia Av, Riverside, Cal BREWSTER BRICK MORE; 06-7; b Stamford 30 Je 81; prep Oneonta HS; fr Grand Gorge; t Ridgefield Park NJ 09-11; Summit 11-2; Grand Gorge NY 13; Frank- lin Private Sch New York 13-; ad 18 W 8gth St, New York; and Grand Gorge PERRY SELIM NEWELL; J 06-7; b Little Falls 26 S 89; prep Little Falls HS; fr Little Falls; clerk Little Falls 07-?; res Springfield Mass; ad Little Falls, NY WILLIAM JOSEPH O'BRIEN; J 06-9; b Brooklyn 3 Mr 87; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn; fr Brooklyn RAY BURDETTE PALMER; 1 06-7; b Sheridan Mich 2 Je 86; prep Norwich HS, NY;fr Norwich RAY ELLIS PALMER; sp 06-7; b Little Falls 2 F 87; prep Little Falls HS; fr Little Falls; res Watertown ?-; ad Cleveland Building, Watertown, NY WILLIAM OLIER PLANT; 06-8; b St Johns PQ 22 F 86; prep CA; fr Biddleford Me; res Ithaca NY 08-? EDWARD WILLIAM RIMPO; 08-9; b Brooklyn 20 O 81 ; prep CA 06; fr Brooklyn; Co- lumbia U 07-8; p Otego 08-10; ord Otego 22 Mr 10; p Morris 10-; ad Morris, NY EVERETTE POMEROY ROSE; 06-8; b W Winfield 30 Jl 88; prep W Winfield HS; fr W Winfield; t W Winfield 08-11; Hillsdale C, Mich n-; ad W Winfield, NY CHESTER CHRISTIAN SANFORD ; J 06-7 ; b Akron O 1 8 Ap 88 ; prep Overlook Mil Acad ; fr Akron; ad Akron, O HOWARD FRANCIS SHATTUCK; 06-7; AB Yale u; b Clinton 19 D 87; prep CA 06; fr Columbus O; studied med Columbia U 1 1-; ad 124 E Maynard Av, Columbus, O HAIG SHEKERJIAN; sp 06-7; b Constantinople Turkey 13 Je 86; prep Torrington Ct; fr Torrington; ad Torrington, Ct HENRY HARRISON SLAUGHTER; sp 05-6, 07-9; b Campbell Hall 5 Ap 86; prep Wai- den HS and Acad; fr Campbell Hall; salesman stocks and bonds, res Walden 10; automobile salesman 10-; ad 249 Grand St, Newburgh, NY; res Walden 252 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1910 DAVID GROSVENOR SMALL; 06-7 ; EM Mich C of Mines, Houghton 1 1 ; BS 1 1 ; b Buf- falo 9 S 87; prep Masten Park HS, Buffalo; fr Buffalo; studied mining engineering Mich C of Mines, Houghton 0710; mining engineer with Moose Mountain Lim- ited, Ssllwood Ont 1 1 ; mining en^inser with Cortez Associated Mines, Jacala, Hidal- go, Mex 12-; ad 311 Hudson St, Buffalo, NY FRANCIS AUGUSTUS STOCK; 05-10; b Preston Hollow 30 My 87; prep CA 05; fr Litch- field Ct; t Phillips Sch, Paterson NJ 10-1; Ridgefield Sch, Ridgefield Ct 11-2; Yale 12-; ad Cannon Station, Ct HOWARD TRACY TAPPAN; sp 06-7 ; b Baldwinsville 31 D 86; prep Jenner's Preparatory Sch, Syracuse; fr Baldwinsville; UChic 07; bank clerk Spokane Wash 09-12; pro- duce bus Baldwinsville NY 12-; ad Baldwinsville, NY GEORGE GOUVERNEUR VOLOVICK; | 06-7; b Moscow Russia 27 O 88; prep Neptune HS, NJ; fr Asbury Park; studied med Albany MS; ad Albany Med Sch, Albany, NY GEORGE FRANCIS WHELAN; sp 06-10; b Syracuse 6 S 88; prep Fordham Preparatory Sch; fr Mt Vernon; ad Mt Vernon, NY CLYDE LOOMIS WILLIAMSON; J 06-7; b Earlville 18 N 87; prep CA 06; fr Earlville; salesman Earlville 07-; ad Earlville, NY I9II ROY EDWIN ABBEY; BS; b Hubbardsville 27 F 89; prep Hamilton HS; fr Ham- ilton; t sci and math Leroy HS 11-2; t physical geography Schenectady HS 12-; ad HS, Mott Terrace, Schenectady, NY EDGAR STEWART BARNES; AB; b Newburgh 25 S 90; prep Newburgh Free Acad; fr Newburgh; prin HS dept Geneseo NS 1 1-; ad Geneseo, NY RALPH FLEMING BATES; AB; b Hiverhill Mass 3 Jl 88; prep Mystic HS, Ct; fr Mystic; prof history Benedict C, Columbia SC n-; ad Benedict C, Columbia, SC BYRON LEE BIXBY; B3; b Bainbridge 16 Ja 73; prep CA 07; fr Hamilton; s 11-; ad Hamilton, NY LESLIE EDGAR BLISS; AB; b Poland 26 Mr 89; prep Newport HS;fr Newport; State Lib S:h Albany ir-; ad 8 Chestnut St, Albany, NY EARL VAN DUSEN BURDICK; AB; b Earlville 19 N 89; prep Hamilton HS; fr Hamilton; t French and German Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Mass n-; stu- dent psychology and pedagogy Clark U 12-; ad Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass CHARLES WILLIS CLARK; BS; b Brooklyn 31 O 86; prep Manual Training HS, BroDklyn; fr BroDklyn; ad 391 Palisade Av, W Hoboken, NJ FRANK JOHN DAVIS; AB; b Mendon 10 Mr 88; prep Victor HS; fr W Bloomfield; t Latin Millersburg Mil Institute, Millersburg Ky n-; ad Millersburg Mil Insti- tute, Millersburg, Ky ERNEST AMBROSE DOCKSTADER; AB; b Elmira 29 Mr 90; prep Elmira Free A cad ; fr St Johnsville; athletic director Mont State C, Bozeman 1 1-; graduate stu- dent U of Wis 12; ad Bozeman, Mont DONALD SAWIN DOUGLASS; AB; b Westfield 19 F 88; prep Omaha HS, Neb; fr Omaha; graduate student c 11-2; s 12-; ad Hamilton, NY COLLEGE ALUMNI I 191 1 253 CHARLES RALPH ENDERS; BS; b New York 3 D 87; prep Ridgefield Park HS, NJ; fr Ridgefield Park; ad Grand Av, Ridgefield Park, NJ CHARLES FOSTER FERRY; B3; b Masonville 27 S 82; prep Unadilla HS; fr Masonville; t math St Matthews Sch, Burlingame Cal 11-2; ad Masonville, NY GEORGE EDISON FISHER; AB; b Smithton Pa 9 S 82; prep Mt Pleasant Insti- tute, Mt Pleasant Pa; fr Smithton; s 11-; ad Hamilton, NY EUGENE FRANCIS FLAHERTY; AB; b Hamilton 8 O 90; prep CA 07; fr Ham- ilton; t Great Barrington Vt 1 1-2; t French, Greek and gymnastics St Jerome's C, Berlin Ont 12-; ad St Jerome's C, Berlin, Ont JOHN LEO FOLEY; AB; b S Manchester Ct 4 S 88; prep New Britain HS; fr New Britain; t history Ilion HS, NY 1 1-; ad Box 392, Ilion, NY; and 16 Beaver St, New Britain, Ct HERBERT HOWARD FOSTER; AB; b Erie Pa 17 Ap 90; prep ErieHS;fr Erie; t Edinburg State NS 11-2; head dept sci Dunmore HS 12-; ad 302 N Blakeley St, Dunmore, Pa MARSH CAREY FOSTER; BS; b Auburn 9 Ja 87; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn; chemist for Borden's Condensed Milk Co New York n;manager dry goods store J H Foster estate Auburn 11-; ad 23 Court St, Auburn, NY CLIFFORD MARSDEN GOODIER; AB; b Cedar Lake 16 Ap 88; prep W Winfield HS; fr Clayville; t S Byron 1 1-; ad S Byron, NY JOSEPH HERBERT HASSMER; BS; b New York 24 Je 89; prep Boys HS, Brook- lyn; fr Brooklyn; real estate broker New York n-; ad i Wall St, New York; res 453 3S Plainfield NJ 11-; ad S Plainfield, NJ VANCE KENNETH AUXIER; t 07-9; b Goodland Ks 27 Ag 86; prep Bismarck HS, ND; fr Bismarck ROBERT MURRAY BARTO; } 07-8; b Brooklyn 20 D 87; prep Richmond Hill HS; fr Brooklyn; ad 438 5th St, Brooklyn, NY WILLIAM THOMAS BOULT; sp 07-8; b Carricknahorna Ireland 14 F 86; prep CA; fr Eaton; Lafayette C, Pa 04-5; ord Cong Eaton NY 16 Ja 08; p Eaton 07-8; Spring Valley 08-; UTS 10-; ad Box 225, Spring Valley, NY ALFRED HUBBARD BOUTWELL; sp 07-8; b Milford Ct 30 Ap 83 ; prep Suffield Acad; fr S Norwalk; p Stepney 09; ord Bridgeport 15 Ap 10; p Bridgeport 10-; ad 991 Howard Av, Bridgeport, Ct LEWIS MOORE BROWNING; J 07-9; b New London Ct 16 090; prep BelmontHS, NY; fr Belmont; CornU 09?-; ad Belmont, NY ROCK LIVINGSTON COMSTOCK; { 07-8; BS Mass Institute of Technology, Mass 13; b Andover 8 Jl 89; prep Wellsville HS; fr Wellsville; ad Wellsville, NY HAROLD JONES CORNISH; t 07-8; b Rome 19 Ja 88; prep Rome Free Acad; fr Rome; prin Bombay HS 08-9; travelling salesman for Heath and Milligan Manufacturing Co of Chicago 111 in Md, Va, NC and SC 09-; ad 1810 Granby St, Norfolk, Va GEORGE WARREN DAVIS; sp 07-8; b N Adams Mass 18 O 86; prep Drury HS; fr N Adams; ad 21 Meadow St, N Adams, Mass WILLIAM HENRY DAVIS; { 07-8; b Brooklyn 31 My 88; prep Manual Training HS, Brooklyn; fr Brooklyn; ad 753 President St, Brooklyn, NY OLIVER FRANKFORD DECKER; sp 07-8; b Little Falls 7 Mr 85; prep Little Falls HS; fr Little Falls; travelling salesman, res Mohawk 08-; ad 71 Columbia St, Mohawk, NY CHARLES FIELD DERBY; sp 07-8; b Essex 24 Ag 85; prep Essex HS; fr Essex; asst manager Boquet Electric Power Co Essex 08-; ad Essex, NY EARL CHARLES DEXTER; 07-8; b Morrisville 8 S 89; prep CA; fr Morrisville; PrU 08-11; ad Morrisville, NY IRVING WILLIAM FERN; 07-8; BS Columbia U 12; b Russia 13 My 89; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn NY; fr Brooklyn; clerk New York 08-9 ; with B Altman and Co New York 12-; ad 277 Pennsylvania Av, Brooklyn, NY 256 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1911 *THOMAS ROGERS FINCH; J 07-10; b Andover SD 10 F 88; prep Gloversville HS, NY; fr Broadalbin; d Amsterdam 3 Je 10 LESTER MELVIN HAYES; 07-10; b St Johnsville 23 D 87; prep St Johnsville HS; fr St Johnsville; studied agriculture CornU 10-1 ; managing dairy farm St Johnsville 1 2-; ad St Johnsville, NY JOHN MILTON HAYWOOD; 07-8; b Brainard 6 O 88; prep Troy Conf Acad; fr Brain- ard; draftsman Hanford Cal o8?-io; Hoquiam Wash 10-?; ad Brainard, NY FALKNER HEARD; J 07-9; b Fort Clark Tex 15089; prep New Rochelle HS, NY; fr Highland Falls; US Mil Acad West Point 09-; ad Des Moines, la GEORGE PARKS HITCHCOCK; J 07-9; b Glens Falls 22 O 88; prep Sandy Hill HS; fr Sandy Hill; ad 259 Glen St, Glens Falls, NY ROBERT FLOYD HUMPHREY; } 07-8; b Roxbury 29 Ag 90; prep Roxbury HS; fr Rox- bury; CornU 08-11; agent and promoter New York and New Orleans La 11-2; t public schs Tampa Fla 12-; ad 105 Moody Av, Tampa, Fla ROY WILLIAM HURLBUT; t 07-9; b Dekalb 3 Jl 87; prep Gouverneur HS; fr Gouver- neur; ad 106 Rowley St, Gouverneur, NY BYRON BYRD JOHNSTON; J 07-8; b SanduskyO6 D 87; prep Oberlin HS; fr Oberlin; ad Box 13, Oberlin, O ABRAHAM HAGOP KAPRIELIAN; } 07-8; b Arapkir Turkey 2 Je 81 ; prep CA; fr Whit- insville Mass; grower of raisins Fresno Cal 08-; ad R F D 2, Fresno, Cal CLAUDE WALDO KEEGAN; t 07-10; b Palmyra 12 O 85; prep Wayland Acad, Beaver Dam Wis; fr Evansville; ad E 35th St and Av F, Brooklyn, NY EDWARD LUDLOW KELLOGG; t 07-8; fr Albany FRANKLIN LEROY KENYON; J 07-8; b Barrington 20 Ja 86; prep Dundee HS; fr Penn Yan; t Dundee 08-; ad Dundee, NY JOHN NATHAN KENYON; 06-7, 08-9; b Columbia Crossroads Pa 27 Ag 86; prep Troy HS; fr Columbia Crossroads; ad Columbia Crossroads, Pa FRANK LYMAN Mix; 07-8; b Watertown 5 S 87; prep CA; fr Watertown; ad 82 Mill St, Watertown, NY WILLIAM HAVENS MOORE; sp 07-8; b Clinton 25 Ag 85; prep Clinton HS; fr Clinton; Albany Bus C 08-9; manager Chamberlain Metal Weather Strip Co Utica 09-?; ad 80 State St, Albany, NY CHARLES ANDRUS MOSHER; 07-8; b Syracuse 1 1 Mr 88; prep Masten Park HS, Buf- falo; fr Oberlin O; asst manager Park Hotel Oberlin 08-; ad 538 E College St, Ober- lin, O GEORGE RUDOLPH RANKIN; | 07-8; b Little Falls 15 S 90; prep Little Falls HS; fr Little Falls; barge canal work with state engineer's dept, res Little Falls 09-; ad Box 373, Little Falls, NY LEMUEL MITCHELL ROCKWELL; J 07-9; b Wellsville 26 Jl 87; prep Wellsville HS; fr Wellsville; with Rockwll Bros and Co, dry goods, Wellsville 09-1 1 ; in charge book store Wellsville 11-; ad 262 W State St, Wellsville, NY THEODORE MASON SPRAGUE; 07-9; BS CornU 12; b North East Pa 9 Ap 88; prep Cook Acad, NY; fr North East Pa; farmer North East 12-; ad North East, Pa BENJAMIN TEITELBAUM; 07-8; b Rahway NJ 15 Ag 88; prep Rahway HS; fr Rahway; with Central Railroad of NJ Elizabeth 08-10; with Tide Water Oil Co of Bayonne IO-; ad 5 Cherry St, Rahway, NJ COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1911 257 WILLIAM NICHOLAS TOBIN; sp 07-8; b [Syracuse 10 Ap 87; prep Syracuse HS; fr Syracuse; travelling special agent Lumbermen's Underwriting Alliance Kansas City Mo 08-12; travelling special agent Willcox, Peck and Hughes, insurance brokers, New York 12-; ad 3 S William St, New York EARL FRED TRAIN; | 07-8; b Pawlet Vt 21 Jl 86; prep Sandy Hill HS, NY; fr Sandy Hill; ad 24 Coleman Av, Hudson Falls, NY ANDREW STAGEY VAN EMAN; t 07-9; b Leavenworth Ks 23 Ag 90; prep CA 07; fr Hamilton; ad 322 4th Av, Leavenworth, Ks HAROLD WADE; f 07-8; b Wrentham Mass 16 Ag 90; prep Wrentham HS; fr Wren- tham; ad Dedham St, Wrentham, Mass NORMAN BONNELL WARDLAW; J 08- 1 1 ; b Brooklyn 1 1 N 89; prep U of NC; fr Brook- lyn NY; ad Care C B W Wardlaw, 73 6th Av, Brooklyn, NY WILLIAM WOOLFENDEN; t 07-8; b Philadelphia Pa 12 Ap 88; prep Rix Preparatory Sch, Utica NY; fr Utica; travelling salesman and sales manager for Farbwerke- Hoechst Co New York 08-; also manager Woolfenden Chemical Co Utica; ad Box 84, Utica, NY NORTON DENORVILLE YORK; } 07-8; b Allentown 10 Mr 84; prep Wellsville HS; fr W T ellsville; commercial printer Wellsville 08-; ad 30 E Genesee St, Wellsville, NY 1912 MAURICE ELWYN ALCORN; BS; b Atlantic City NJ n F 90; prep Atlantic City HS; fr Atlantic City; chemist with Du Pont Powder Co Chester Pa 12-; ad 403 E 1 3th St, Chester, Pa; and 7 N Ohio St. Atlantic City, NJ JULIUS HOUSEMAN AMBERG; AB; b Grand Rapids Mich 27 F 90; prep Grand Rapids HS; fr Grand Rapids; studied law Harv 12-; ad 505 College Av, S, Grand Rapids, Mich SAMUEL D WIGHT ARMS; AB; b Deposit 4 S 91; prep CA 08; fr Palmyra; with Sanitary Can Co Fairport 12-; ad Fairport, NY ERNEST HAMLIN BAKER; AB; b Essex 5 My 89; prep CA; fr Poughkeepsie: political cartooning Poughkeepsie and art study New York art schs 12-; ad 507 Main St, Poughkeepsie, NY ROBERT ELAINE BAKER; BS; b Earlville 3 O 87; prep CA 07; fr Earlville; ad Earlville, NY PHILIP SIDNEY BALDWIN; BS; b Florence Italy 19 N 89; prep Binghamton HS, NY; fr Great Bend Pa; student Europe 12; ad Great Bend, Pa STANLEY EVERETT BALDWIN; AB; b Bloomfield NJ 24 O 85; prep Peddie Institute, Hightstown; fr Newark; s 12-; ad Hamilton, NY GODFREY LAMBERT BERGMAN; AB; AB ShC 10; b Chicago 111 29 Ag 83; fr Chicago; t Cairo HS 10-1; s 12-; ad Hamilton, NY HENRY JAY BIGELOW; BS; b Chateaugay 24 Ap 86; prep Franklin Acad, Ma- lone; fr Chateaugay; with Swift and Co, Union Stock Yards, Chicago 111 12-; ad 5548 Monroe Av, Chicago, 111 VICTOR WINFRED BLACKNEY; AB; b Angola 11 Je 90; prep Angola HS; fr Angola; ad Angola, NY WAYLAND HOYT BLANDING; AB; b Gouverneur 19 Mr 86; prep Gouverneur HS; fr Gouverneur; t Lansingburg 12-; ad 510 2d Av, Lansingburg, NY 258 COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1912 FREDERICK WILLIAM BONAWITZ; AB; b Brooklyn 25 D 88; prep Manual Training HS, Brooklyn; fr Brooklyn; prin Hillsdale HS 12-; ad Hillsdale, NY CHARLES KNUTE BURGEDAHL; BS; b Brooklyn 14 Ja 90; piep Manual Training HS, Brooklyn; fr Brooklyn; with actuary dept Mutual Life Insurance Co New York 12-; ad 403 2oth St, Brooklyn, NY CARLISLE LLOYD CAIN; BS; b Bayside 29 O 90; prap Flushing HS; fr Bayside; with Frank A Mun^ey Publishing Co New York 12-; ad Bell Av, Bayside, NY WILLIAM FRANCIS CARNEY; BS; b Vermontville 14 My 84; prep Saranac Lake HS; fr Bloomingdale; t Fiench and German and football and track coach Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester Mass 12-; ad Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Woi center, Mass CLARENCE A CASTIMORE; AB; b Waverly 10 Mr 88; prep Waverly HS; fr Waverly; s 12-3; with lib of congress, Washington D3 13-; ad 611 M St, NW, Washington, DC CLYDE LEARY CHAMBERLAIN; BS; b Franklin 20 Jl 91; prep Delaware Lit Institute, Franklin; fr Franklin; with Condensite Co of America Glen Ridge NJ 1 2-; ad 19 Essex Av, Orange, NJ AMBROSE AUGUSTINE CLEGG; BS; b Brooklyn 12 Ag 89; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn; fr Brooklyn; asst in sci Geneseo NS 12-; ad Geneseo, NY; and 181 Lewis Av, Brooklyn HARRY FRANCIS COLLINS; BS; b Astoria 19 F 89; prep Flushing HS; fr Flush- ing; with Monopol Tobacco Co New York 12-; ad 98 Central Av, Flushing NY SHERMAN HAROLD CONRAD; AB; b New York 19 Ap 90; prep Atlantic City HS, NJ; fr Atlantic City; UChic DS 12-; ad 133 S Divinity Hall, U of Chicago, Chicago, 111 MARK DEC RAFF; AB; b Towlesville 16 Mr 90; prep Newburgh Acad; fr Roch- ester; ad Care E E DeGraff, 1301 E Main St, Rochester, NY CLARENCE SHELDON DIKE; AB; b Hamilton 2 Ag 90; prep CA; fr Lake Pla- cid; t English Perkiomen S, Pennsburg Pa 12-; ad Perkiomen S, Pennsburg, Pa MAURICE JONAH DINNERSTEIN; BS; b Illia, Vilna, Russia 12 O 88; prep Erasmus Hall HS, Brooklyn NY; fr Brooklyn; ad Care A J Dinnerstein, 539 Ralph Av, Brooklyn, NY MAURICE H ESSER; AB; b Brooklyn 7 Ja 90; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn; fr Brooklyn; t English Barceloneta PR 12-; ad Barceloneta, PR MATTHEW PAGE GAFFNEY; BS; b Sodus Center 26 Je 91; prep Williamson HS; fr Williamson; prin Williamson HS 12-; ad Williamson, NY SHERRILL BENJAMIN GREENE; BS; b Warren O 19 Je 88; prep Warren HS; fr Warren; asst chemist Gen Chemical Co Laurel Hill NY 12-; ad 68 1 Greene Av, Brooklyn, NY CARLE Y WATSON HALSEY; AB; b New York 9 Je 89; prep C of City of New York; fr New York; s 12-; ad Hamilton, NY WILLIAM EDGAR HEWITT; BS; b Little Chicago Pa 22 N 87; prep Pitts- burg Central HS; fr Pittsburg; t physics, chemistry and algebra Malone HS, NY 1 2-; ad 49 Morton St, Malone, NY WILLIAM GRISWOLD HURLBERT; BS; b Hartington Neb 3 N 89; prep Warren HS, O; fr Warren; with The Bostwick Steel Lath Co Niles 12-; ad 420 High St, Warren, O COLLEGE ALUMNI I IQI2 259 ROBERT FREDERICK ISHAM; AB; b Saranac Lake 17 Ap 91; prep CA; fr Lake Placid; ad 364 W ssth St, New York HARRY SPENCER JONES; BS; b Trenton 28 Ap 90; prep Holland Patent HS; fr Barneveld; master in sci dept Ridgefield Sch, Ridgefield Ct 12-; ad Tren- ton, NY NORDEN REGINALD JONES; BS; b Floyd 8 Ja 88; prep Holland Patent HS; fr Stittville; chemist Utica Gas and Electric Co Utica 12-; ad Care Utica Gas and Electric Co, Ft Washington St, Utica, NY SAMUEL KAPLAN; AB; b New York 4 D 90; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn; fr Brook- lyn; prof math and athletic director Waynesburg C, Waynesburg Pa 12-; ad 192 Osborn St, Brooklyn, NY RALPH JOHN KELLY; BS; b Sandy Hill i Jl 88; prep Sandy Hill HS; fr Sandy Hill; studied law Columbia U 12-; ad 419 W n8th St, New York FRED WHITING LADUE; BS; b Stillwater 27 Jl 86; prep Stillwater HS; fr Sche- nectady; Union 09-11; with Weber and Heilbroner Co New York 12-; ad 30 7th Av, New York GEORGE McLAREN LATTIMER; AB; b Morrisville is S 91; prep CA; fr New- port; t English Mechanics Institute Rochester 12-; ad 159 y Plymouth Av, S, Rochester, NY GEORGE WASHINGTON LEITH; BS; b New York 20 F 89; prep Bryant HS, LI City; fr Woodside; ad Franklin, NY DANIEL JOSEPH SUPPLE LENIHAN; BS; b LI City 28 Ap 89; prep Bryant HS, LI City; fr Laurel Hill; ad 199 Montgomery Av, Laurel Hill, NY EDWARD WALKER LEONARD; AB; b Auburn 25 Je 90; prep Auburn HS; fr Auburn; prin Otego HS 12-; ad Otego, NY JOHN TYNDALL LOEBER; BS; b Brooklyn 19 Ja 85; prep Gushing Acad, N Adams Mass; fr N Adams; t physics and chemistry Kingsley Sch, Essex Fells NJ 12- ; ad Kingsley Sch, Essex Fells, NJ RICHARD THURMAN McCOY; AB; b Geneva 27 Mr 91; prep Pennington S, NJ; fr Pennington; standard oil representative Shanghai China 12-; ad Care Standard Oil Co, Shanghai, China HIRAM WARD McGRAW; AB; b Hamilton 7 My 91; prep Hamilton HS; fr Hamilton; graduate student c 12-; ad Hamilton, NY FREEMAN ARTHUR MacINTYRE; AB; b Hoosick Falls 29 D 86; prep CA; fr Argyle; asst in history 12-; ad Hamilton, NY WALTER LEONARD MARSHALL; BS; b Stamford Ct 24 D 89; prep Port Chester HS, NY; fr Port Chester; with Standard Oil Co New York 12-; ad 62 Glen Av, Port Chester, NY FRANK ELBERT MIDKIFF; AB; b Anna 111 15 N 87; prep Stonington HS; fr Stonington; ShC 05-8; t English and football coach Peddie Institute, Hights- town NJ 1 2-; ad Hightstown, NJ MORRIS EZRA MIDKIFF; BS; b Nokomis 111 7 Ag 89; prep Stonington HS; fr Stonington; t sci Madison HS, SD 12-; ad 1303 E 6th St, Madison, SD ELMER WILLIAMS MOORE; BS; b Flushing 24 D 91; prep Flushing HS; fr Flushing; student Columbia U 12-; ad 155 Bowne Av, Flushing, NY FREDERICK SCHAUFFLER OSTERHELD; BS; b Stoughton Wis 21 O 88; prep Stoughton HS; fr Stoughton; s 12-; ad Hamilton, NY 26o COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1912 PHILO WOODWORTH PARKER; BS; b Georgetown 13 Ap 91; prep Oneida HS; fr Morrisville; representative Standard Oil Co Hong Kong China 12-; ad Care Standard Oil Co, Hong Kong, China GEORGE LESLIE EVERETT PARRY; AB; b Waterford 12 N 83; prep CA 08; fr Waterford; s 12-; ad Hamilton, NY HARRY PAUL PIPER; BS; b Morristown NJ 19 My 88; prep Morristown HS; fr Morristown; chemist New York 12-; ad 85 Early St, Morristown, NJ ARTHUR JOHN RIDER; BS; b Kirkwood 22 Je 77; prep OneontaNS;fr Ham- ilton; asst in chemistry 12-; ad Hamilton, NY JAMES WARREN ROTHWELL; AB; b Fairmount 26 N 90; prep Solvay HS; fr Fairmount; with Rome Manufacturing Co, Rome 12; clerk with Rome Brass and Copper Co 12-; ad 2 YMCA Building, Rome, NY HARRY JOHN ROWE; AB; b Utica 24 N 87; prep Utica Free Acad; fr Utica; asst manager Milton Bradley Co, sch supplies, San Francisco Cal 12-; ad Milton Bradley Co, 575 Market St, San Francisco, Cal JOHN NEEJER SARVAY; AB; b Towanda Pa 8 Ag 91; prep Cortland HS, NY; fr Cortland; clerk with Sarvay Shoe Co Cortland 12-; ad 21 Madison St, Cort- land, NY EMIL SCHRADIECK; BS; b Hamburg Germany 5 S 89; prep Erasmus Hall HS, Brooklyn NY; fr Brooklyn; representative Standard Oil Co Manila PI; ad Care Standard Oil Co, Manila, PI CLINE LEWIS SMITH; AB; b Lassellsville 16 Je 90; prep St Johnsville HS; fr Lassellsville; t Va Un U, Richmond 12-; ad Va Un U, Richmond, Va; and Lassells- ville, NY EDGAR CHARLES SMITH; AB; b Troy 24 S 90; prep Troy HS; fr Troy; s 12-; ad Hamilton, NY LEE BROWN SMITH; BS; b Berkshire 4 D 89; prep Newark Valley HS; fr New- ark Valley; graduate student c 12-; ad Hamilton, NY ERNEST WENT WORTH SPENCER; AB; b Hudson Falls 20 My 86; prep Hud- son Falls HS; fr Sandy Hill; t Latin and asst prin Ovid HS 12-; ad Ovid, NY ALBERT EDWARD STONE; AB; b Boston Mass 10 Ag 86; prep Mt Hermon Sch; fr Roxbury; t English Mt Hermon Sch 12-; ad Mt Hermon Sch, Mt Hermon, Mass; and Matapan WILLIAM JAMES THOMPSON; BS; b Rensselaer 18 Jl 90; prep Rensselaer HS; fr Rensselaer; in laboratory Norwich Pharmacal Co, Norwich 12-; ad Norwich Pharmacal Co, Norwich, NY CLARENCE HOWE THURBER; AB; b Guilford Vt 19 S 88; prep Brattleboro HS; fr Brattleboro; t English and asst football and track coach Phillips Acad, Andover Mass 12-; ad Phillips Acad, Andover, Mass MARION ERNEST TOWNSEND; AB; b Hammondsport 16 My 89; prep Ham- mondsport HS; fr Hammondsport; prin and supt schs Lyndon ville 12-; ad Lyn- donville, NY GEORGE FREDERIC TURNBULL; AB; b Bainbridge 20 My 90; prep Oil City HS, Pa; fr Oil City; ad 714 North St, Oil City, Pa FREDERICK JOHN TWOGOOD; BS; b Raymertown 9 Jl 89; prep Oneida HS; fr Oneida; representative Standard Oil Co Shanghai China 12-; ad Care Standard Oil Co, Shanghai, China COLLEGE ALUMNI : IQI2 26 1 LEONARD MARSHALL VINCENT; BS; b Three Mile Bay 21 D 91; prep Three Mile Bay Senior Sen; fr Three Mile Bay; ad 364 W 55th St, New York EARL MARTIN WASHBURN; BS; b Hartford 22 Je 87; prep Hudson Falls HS; fr Hartford; t sci and math Huntington HS 12-; ad Dewey Av, Huntington, NY GEORGE STANLEY WEAVER; AB; b Blomidon NS 9 S 82; prep Acadia Acad, Wolfville; fr Sydney; Ac 05-8; s 10-; ad Hamilton, NY WALTER ELWOOD WILCOX; AB; b Mystic Ct 30 S 88; prep CA; fr Mystic Ct; t math Institute for the Blind New York 12-; ad Institute for the Blind, 34th St and 9th Av, New York; and Box 418, Mystic, Ct WILLIAM ELGIN WILKINSON; BS; b Henderson 14 Jl 90; prep Watertown HS; fr Hamilton; with Stesie and Kendrick, real estate, San Francisco Cal 12-; ad YMCA, San Francisco, Cal ALBERT ALLEN WITSON; BS; b New York 27 Jl 88; prep DeWitt Clinton HS, New York;fr Brooklyn; vice-prin Riverhead HS 12-; ad Box 167, Riverhead, NY CLAUDE KNAPP WOOD; BS; b^N Urbana 2 Ap 86; prep Hammondsport HS; fr Hammondsport; t sci Athens Pa 12-; ad Athens, Pa ROY EDMUND McGOWN; AM; AB Boston U, Mass 04; b Lubec Me 4 D 80; t Latin and Greek Morgan Sch, Clinton Ct 04-7 ; t Latin and French Montpelier S, Montpelier Vt 07-8 ;t French and German CA 08-12; ad 152 Central St, Somer- ville, Mass ROBERT WINFIELD ALLEN; J 08-9; b Auburn Mass 12 O 89; prep Wrentham HS; fr Wrentham; machinist with United Shoe Machinery Co Beverly 10-1; transit- man with state highway commission, res Wrentham 12-; ad Wrentham, Mass RONALD PHILLIPS BARNUM; 08-12; b Omaha Neb 22 Ag 90; prep Manual Training HS, Brooklyn NY; fr Brooklyn CARL PERCY BOWLES; 08-10; b Cherryfield Me 24 Jl 83; prep Vt Acad, Saxtons River; fr Cherryfield Me; t State Sch for Deaf and Blind Colorado Springs Col 10-2; Suisun Cal 12-; ad Suisun, Cal GUY GROVER BRIDGES; J 08-1 1 ; b Massena 29 My 87; prep Massena HS; fr Massena; real estate bus Massena n-; ad Massena, NY ROBERT ALLANSON BURROWS; 06-10; b Inskip England 10 F 88; prep Vt Acad, Saxtons River; fr E Westmoreland NH; junior sec YMCA Manchester England 10-2; Manchester U 12-; ad Brighton Grove C, Manchester, England CLAUDE AUGUSTUS BUSH; J 08-9; b Perry 26 Ag 86; prep Warsaw HS; fr Warsaw; t Desplaines 111 13-; ad Desplaines, 111 WILLIAM DAVID BYARD; t 08-10; b Warren O i Je 88; prep Doane Acad; fr W r arren; asst supt Winfield Manufacturing Co Warren 10-; ad 35 Washington Av, Warren,O ROSCOE GADDIS CAMPBELL; sp 08-10; b Newark NJ 12 F 88; prep Newark Acad; fr Newark; with Monarch Vacuum Cleaner Co New York 10-2; with New Point Comfort Beach Co Keansburg NJ 12; salesman New York 12-; ad 575 W i59th St, New York ALBERT FRANCIS CASEY; sp 08-9; b Philadelphia Pa 31 D 90; prep Atlantic City HS, NJ; fr Atlantic City; ad 105 N Massachusetts Av, Atlantic City, NJ 262 COLLEGE ALUMNI: 1912 FRANK WEBB CHAPMAN; J 08-9; b N Bristol O 3 Ja 89; prep Warren HS; fr Warren; ad 10022 Cedar Av, Cleveland, O; and Bristolville ORVILLE WARREN COLLINS; 07-8, 09-10; b Fort Ann 15 Jl 86; prep Fort Ann Un Sch; fr Fort Ann; engineer Comstock 07-9; stationary engineer Fort Ann 09-; ad Fort Ann, NY FREDERICK WILLIAM CONNOLLY; \ 09-11; b Scranton Pa 8 My 88; prep Sch of the Lackawanna, Scranton; fr Scranton; with Title Guaranty and Surety Co Scranton n~; ad 1509 N Washington Av, Scranton, Pa JOSEPH EDELBLUM; 08-9; b Brooklyn 27 Ap 90; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn; fr Brook- lyn BENJAMIN FISCHLER; J 08-9; BS New York If 12; b New York n Ap 90; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn; fr Brooklyn; asst advertising manager Paper Trade Journal and American Stationer, res Brooklyn 12-; ad 312 Bradford St, Brooklyn, NY EMANUEL MAYER FLEISCHER; 08-10; AB Columbia U n; AM in phil 12; AM Teachers C 12; t English Manual Training HS Brooklyn n-; ad 129 Clermont Av, Brooklyn, NY CARL HENRY GLASER; sp 08-9; BS Case Sch of Applied Sci, Cleveland O 12; b- Warren O i Mr 90; prep Warren HS; fr Warren; mechanical engineer with John F Byers Machine Co Ravenna 12-; ad 318 Washington Av, Warren, O HOWARD EDWARDS HAWKINSON; sp 08-9; b Minneapolis Minn 30 O 87; prep Syra- cuse Central HS, NY; fr Syracuse; chemist Solvay Process Co Syracuse 09-; ad 123 Lincoln Av, Syracuse, NY CHARLES WILLERD HIESTER; I 08-9; b Reading Pa 29 O 90; prep Reading HS; fr Reading CHARLES STEWART HOBEN; sp 08-9; b Adrian Mich 4 O 86; prep Adrian HS; fr Adrian; with sales dept Ford Motor Co of Can Winnipeg Can 09-12; manager Saskatoon branch 12-; ad Saskatoon, Sask, Can *RUFUS ELNATHAN IVES; J 08-11 ; b Guilford 26 Ja 89; prep Sidney HS; fr Guilford; d Hamilton 24 Mr n PERCY CLARK JOY; J 09-11 ; b Atlantic City NJ 26 N 90; prep Atlantic City HS; fr Atlantic City; ad 1920 Pacific Av, Atlantic City, NJ EDWIN EUGENE JUDD; % 08-1 1 ; b Grand Rapids Mich 22 Ap 90; prep Grand Rapids Central HS; fr Grand Rapids; editor in division of consular reports, bureau of foreign and domestic commerce, US Dept of Commerce and Labor, Washington DC ii-; George Washington U n-; ad 15 Todd Place, NE, Washington, DC RAY HOPKINS KELLAM; | 08-10; b Binghamton 2 Ja 89; prep Binghamton HS; fr Binghamton; bookkeeper Binghamton Ice Cream Co, Binghamton 10; in ad- vertising dept Endicott, Johnson and Co, Endicott 10-1 ; architectural drafts- man with J T Livesone and Co Spokane Wash n-; ad W 624 i7th Av, Spokane, Wash BERNARD EUGENE KELLEY; 07-9, 10-1 ; b Hamilton 22 D 87; prep CA 07; fr Hamil- ton; with Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co Akron O 11-3; Boston Mass 13-; ad ; Hamilton, NY ALFRED FOSTER KING; sp 08-10; b Flushing 24 S 90; prep Staunton Mil Acad, Staunton Va; fr Flushing NY; reporter Staunton Daily News, Staunton Va 10-; ad 156 N Coalter St, Staunton, Va IRVING CLARENCE KING; \ 08-11; b Orleans 3 My 90; prep Clifton Springs HS; fr COLLEGE ALUMNI : 1912 263 Clifton Springs; retail grocery bus Geneva n-; ad 68 N Genesee St, Geneva, NY FRANK NEWKIRK LEFEVRE; t 08-10; b Rensselaer 15 D 89; prep Rensselaer HS; fr Rensselaer; ad 1727 4th St, Rensselaer, NY KARL WAGER LEWIS; 08-9; b Addison Can 3 Jl 90; prep Lansingburg HS, NY; fr Albany; res Albany 09-12; merchant Binghamton 12-; ad 167 Washington St, Binghamton, NY HARRY HUNT LOOMIS; 08-9; b Victor 16 My 89; prep Victor HS; fr Victor; WmsC 09-11; in employ L G Loomis and Son, wholesale produce, Victor NY n-; ad Victor, NY JAMES FRANCIS MCCARTHY; J 08-9; b New York 27 Jl 89; prep Fordham HS; fr New York ; ad Care Margaret E McCarthy, 5737 Broadway, Kingsbridge, New York THOMAS NORTON MANLEY; sp 09-10; b St Louis Mo 18 My 86; prep CA; fr Hamil- ton; on ranch Bridgeford, Sask, Can n-; ad Bridgeford, Sask, Can HERBERT ALEXANDER MARTIN; t 08-10; b Hartford Ct i N 88; prep Tilton S, Tilton NH; fr Meriden Ct; Rollinp C, Fla 10-1 ; bus New York n-; ad Beta Theta Pi Club, i Gramercy Park, New York MAURICE MILMAN; t 08-9; b Germany 10 Jl 88; prep DeWitt Clinton HS, New York; fr Kenilworth NJ HARRY DANIEL NUFFER; | 08-9; b Beaver Falls 29 Je 88; prep Carthage HS; fr Beaver Falls; res St Paul Minn 09-; ad 2089 Carter Av, St Paul, Minn CHARLES WHITFIELD ORTON; sp 08-9; b Atlanta Ga 30 N 88; prep Fordham C HS, NY; fr New York; ad Care George M Orton, 1090 St Nicholas Av, New York KENDRICK LUCIEN OSBORN; 06-10; b Oneida 25 My 83; prep CA; fr Clyde; vege- table growing Rose 10-; ad Rose, NY CLARENCE EUGENE REYNOLDS; J 08-9; b Vernon Center 23 My 87; prep Vernon HS; fr Vernon Center; head bookkeeper and in charge office Curtice Brothers Co Vernon 10-; ad Vernon, NY JAMES FLANDERS ROBERTS; 1 08-9; b Claremont NH 28 Mr 89; prep Morristown HS, NJ; fr Morristown; student CornU ?-i2; with Swift and Co Chicago 111 12-; ad Care Swift and Co, Chicago, 111 HAROLD MORTON SAMPSON; t 08-9; b Newtonville Mass 6 Ja 89; prep Morris HS, NY; fr Newtonville Mass; UChic 09-10; Harv 10-; ad 957 Washington St, New- tonville, Mass JAMES PARKER SMITH; J 07-11 ; b Springfield Mass 17 S 86; prep Betts Acad, Stam- ford Ct; fr Springfield Mass; member Goldthwaite, Hubbard and Smith, real estate brokers, Springfield 12-; ad 75 Mulberry St, Springfield, Mass CEORGE STEPHENSON; f 08-10; b Homer 28 Jl 88; prep Syracuse HS; fr Hamilton; ad 204 Dudley St, Syracuse, NY DEANE HAMMOND WAITE; sp 08-9; b Collinwood O 11 Mr 87; prep Oberlin HS; fr Oberlin; ad 24 South St, Oberlin, O HOWARD PRESTON WHALEN; sp 08-9; b Massena 28 S 89; prep Massena HS; fr Massena; ad Massena, NY HOWARD JOHN WHELAN; sp 08-10; b Syracuse 5 O 90; prep Fordham C; fr Mt Vernon; with The American Tobacco Co New York 10-; ad 182 Park Av, Mt Vernon, NY JOSEPH ZIERLER; 08-12; b Russia 14 Ja 90; prep Boys HS, Brooklyn NY; fr Brooklyn ALUMNI THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 1822 MASON COR WIN; b Franklin Ct Jl 91; fr Cazenovia NY; ord Cazenovia i O 22; p Deposit 23-5; Penfield 25-9; Webster 29-31; Earlville 31-8; Bridgewater 38- 40; Augusta 40-2; Clinton 42-4; Webster 45-6; Belleville 111 48-9; Washington 49-53; with ABU Ind, 111, la, Mo, Ky 53-60; d Washington 111 15 My 60 *EUGENIO KINCAID; DD ULg 58; b Wethersfield Ct Ja 97; fr Potsdam NY; ord Westmoreland 10 Jl 22 ; p Galway 22-6; miss Milton Pa 26-30; miss ABMU Burma 30-65; worked at Moulmein, Rangoon, Ava, Mergui, Prome, Ummerapoora, Akyab in Aracan; in US 42-50; Burman envoy to US 56-7; ret Girard Ks 65-83; d Girard 3 Ap 83 *JOHN GLAZIER STEARNS; b Acworth NH 22 N 95; fr Rutland NY; ord Wat- erville 13 Je 22; p Waterville 22-?; Syracuse; E Avon 34-8; Paris ?~38; Gorham 38-52; Clymer 52-6; Dewittville 56-7; Clinton 57-62; New Hartford 66-7; ret Clinton 67-74; d Clinton 16 Ja 74 "JONATHAN WADE; DD 52; b Otsego io,D 98; fr Hartford; studied Burmaa lang 22-3; ord Broadalbin 23 F 23; miss ABMU to Karens, Burma 23-72; d Rangoon 10 Je 72 "VAN RENSSELAER WALL; fr Norwich; ord Locke 23; p Locke 23-?; Romulus ?-43; Republic O 43-5; W Lodi 45-50; Reed 50-?; d Taylorville 111 12 S 66 *LUTHER SEXTON; 19-21; b 01; fr Sherburne *WILLIAM WATKINS; 18-21; b England 93; p Hannibalville NY 28-31; d Hanni- balville 29 Mr 31 1823 *JOHN B BALLARD; b Dudley Mass 25 O 95; fr Thompson Ct; ord Mason ville NY 13 N 23; p Masonville 23-4; Dudley (now Webster) Mass 26-8; Bloomneld Ct 28-37; agent ASSU NC, Ky, Ct 37-50; tract colporter New York 50-6; d Brooklyn 29 Je 56 *JOHN NEWTON BROWN; AM Colby 38; DD ULg 54; b New London Ct Je 03; fr Hudson NY; ord Buffalo 23 Je 24; miss RI 24-7; p Maiden Mass 27-9; Exeter NH 29-38; t theology and pastoral relations New Hampton Institution 38-44; p Lexington Va 45-9; editorial sec ABPS 49-59; ret 59-68; author The New Hamp- shire Confession; d Germantown Pa 14 My 68 'PARLEY BROWN; b Granville 4 D 89; fr Lorraine; ord Lorraine 6 My 24; p Lor- raine 24-31; Lowville and Denmark 34-6; farmer and sup Clayton 36-44; p Red- wood 44-7; sup and ev 47-70; d Philadelphia 17 Mr 70 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1823 265 DELIAS JOHNSON; b Deerfield 21 F 97; fr Cazenovia; ord evRoyalston Mass 29 S 25; p N Sunderland 25-?; Cummington; Princeton 28; sup near Fredonia NY; dentist Fredonia; res Fredonia in 71 *FRANCIS H JOHNSON; b S 95; fr Delaware O; ord; p short time; p Oswego NY in 24 'GRIFFITH JONES; b Gain, Carnarvonshire, Wales Jl 94; fr Gain; ord Holland Patent NY 10 Je 24; p Holland Patent; Vienna; S Trenton; sup western NY; d Rochester long before 70 "CHARLES H LA HATT; b Otsego co F 96; fr New Lisbon; p short time; prin Kingsville Acad, O *ELEAZER SAVAGE; b Middletown Ct 22 Jl oo; fr Pompey NY; ord Rochester 24 Mr 24; p Rochester 23-6; sup Whitesboro 26; t Bath 26; SS worker Steuben co 27; tract colporter western NY 28; t Hammondsport 28; p Medina 29-33; Oswego 33- 6; SS worker Monroe co 36; p Kendall 37; miss journey O 38; sup Covington Ky 39; p Albany NY 39; York 40-2; Sup Chili 42-3; tour of exploration Ind 43; agent ABHMS, CW 44-50; p Kendall NY 51-3; sup Holly 53; Carlton 54-6; pr and organized ch Hamlin 56-8; sup Brockport 59; sec RTS 59-61; sup Webster 61; Bath 64-5; asst p and miss Cleveland O 66-7; pr and organized ch Livonia NY 67-8; sup Oyster Bay 68; p McGrawville 68-9; Fairport 69-72; asst p and miss Rochester 73-5; d Rochester 16 Jl 86 *REUBENWINCHELL;b Turkey Hill (EGranby) Ct2oAg89; p Avon NY 24-5; Lockport 25-8; Wethersfield Ct 28-9; Lockport NY 29-?; SS miss Kalamazoo Mich; res Lockport NY 31-?; p Tully 33-5; Queenstown Can 35-?; agent ABHMS 7-42; farmer Lockport NY 42-8; res Tully 48-50; d Tully 5 Ja 50 *PHILIP SLOCUM; 20-3; b 99; fr Kingsbury; p short time *SETH SPENCER WHITMAN; 20-3; AB HamC 25; AM BU 28; NTI 28; b Fairfield Vt 5 F 02; ord Hamilton NY 18 Ag 29; prof Hebrew and Bibl criticism 29-35; P Belvidere 111 36-46; inv Rockford 46-51; p Madison Wis 51-2; d Madison 2 Ja 52 1824 *JOHN BEAVER; b Middlebury 23 Jl 96; fr Middlebury; p Gerry 32; farmer Aurora 111 50-?; res Cal many years *PHARCELLUS CHURCH ; DD 47 ; AM Colby 32 ; b Seneca (now Geneva) 1 1 S 01 ; fr Palmyra; ord Poultney Vt Je 25; p Poultney 25-8; Providence RI 28-34; m iss work New Orleans La 34-5; p Rochester NY 35-48; Boston Mass 48-51; asst editor The Watchman and Reflector 48-51 ; p Montreal Can and Williamsburg NY 51-5; editor and proprietor NY Chronicle 55-65; a proprietor The Examiner and Chronicle 65-86; member Corpn 46-51 ; d Tarry town 5 Je 86 * WILLIAM B CURTIS; b Fort Ann 10 My 96; fr Whitesboro; ord Je 24; p Ashta- bula O 24-6; Richfield NY 26-32; Norway 32-6; Broadalbin 36-40; Milton 40-6; E Avon 46-50; Newport 50-6; ret 56-65; d Utica 19 O 65 *FRANCIS WHITEFIELD EMMONS; AM BU 28; Metropolitan Med C, NY 55; b Clarendon Vt 24 F 02; fr Swanton; ColU 24-?; ord Providence RI 21 My 29; p Eastport Me 29-30; t Killingworth Ct 30-1 ; p Wellsburg WVa 31-2; t New Lis- bon O 32-3; Wellsburg WVa 33; p Noblesville Ind; PM Noblesville 38-41 ; farmer Sturbridge Mass 42-81; travelled Europe 50; d Worcester Mass 26 S 81 266 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1824 *EDWARD HODGE; b Rumney NH 18 S 98; fr Onondaga NY; ord Ogdensburg 25; p Farmersville and Spafford 24-5; Ovid 25-6; Scotts Corners 26-36; miss Bear Creek Mich 36-?; p Fairfield NY, Seneca and vie 20 years; in Ks 59; d Fairfield NY 16 F 61 'WILLIAM HUTCHINSON; AM 50; b Ballemony, Antrim, Ireland 16 Ag 95; fr Cazenovia NY'; ord Cazenovia 24; miss Ireland 24-7; p Brandon Vt 27-?; Oswego- NY 7-35; Fayetteville 35-7; Amsterdam; Sandy Hill; Leroy in 42 ; Bustleton Pa 52-6; ret Sandy Hill NY 59-73; d Sandy Hill 6 N 73 * JACOB KNAPP; b Otsego co 7 D 99; fr Butternuts; ord Springfield 24 Ag 25; p Springfield 24-30; Watertown 30-3; ev 33-72; res Hamilton 35-49; Rockford 111 49-72; inv Rockford 72-4; d Rockford 2 Mr 74 *BERIAH N LEACH; AM 52; DD 59; b Middletown Vt 28 Ap 01 ; fr Middletown; tutor 24-5; ord Cornwall Vt O 26; p Cornwall 26-?; Middlebury; Parishville NY ?-32; Wyoming 32-6; Fredonia 36-8; Hamilton; Middletown Ct 49-52; Brook- lyn NY; prin Wyoming Acad; cor sec BES Hamilton 53-6; ret Middletown Ct 66-9; d Middletown 23 Ja 69 *EBER TUCKER; b Nassau 12 Ja 99; fr Nassau; ord Milton 13 F 25; p Milton 25-?;, Camillus and Canaan; miss to Creek Indians 43-5; d Newark Mo 22 O 58 *HOLLAND TURNER; b Walpole NH 9 N 98; fr Elizabethtown NY; ord Hamilton 20 Jl 24; p Rouse Point; Plattsburg; Brookfield in 42; Otselic; ret Otselic ?-69;. d Otselic N 69 *EBENEZER S HUBBELL; 20-3; b Mr 98; fr Butternuts; became Campbellite; d in few years *GIDEON R PERRY; 21-2; DD u; LLD u; b 03; fr Brookfield; p Stonington Ct; New Bedford Mass 26-8; Philadelphia Pa; Cleveland O ?~58;PE rector Natchez Miss- 58-66 1825 *JARED DOOLITTLE; b S 98; fr Mt Holly Vt; not p "CHANCELLOR HARTSHORN; b Exeter 16 Ja 01 ; fr Otsego; ord Hamilton 25; tutor 25-7; p Leyden 28-31 ; Parma 32; Waterville 33-7; Franklin 37-43; Delphi 43-5; Madison 45-9; res Adams 49-51; p Waterville 51-5; Mexico 55-6; Sardinia 69; res Ann Arbor Mich 69-72; d Ann Arbor 9 My 72 *JOHN C HOLT; b 25 N 96; fr Waterford Ct; ord; p DeRuyter NY 30-4 ; E Galway 35; Fleming 35-6; Onondaga; Stillwater; Moreau; p in Tenn; d Shelby ville 12 F 60- *JOEL PECK; b Ct 14 F 91 ; fr Jay NY; oid Jay ; p Jay; Canton; Thompson O and Lyme 33-8; Mendon 111 38-9; d Mendon 8 S 39 *ASAHEL PELTON; c graduate; fr Westmoreland; miss to negroes Washington DC 25; d Washington 25 *DANIEL PLATT; b Rensselaerville 13 Jl 98; fr Vestal; ord Tioga Pa 27 Ja 31; miss NY and Pa 25-43; m O 43~ 6 ; m Allegan co Mich 46-67; d Allegan 18 S 67 * WILLIAM WEST; b Whitesboro 5 S 95; fr Chenango; ord Castle Creek Ag 26; p Killawog 27-30; p Presb Castle Creek; t Castle Creek; farmer and pr Fond du Lac co Wis 47-73; d Ladoga 17 F 73 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1825 267 *DAVID COR WIN; 22-4; b Damascus Pa 15 N 96; fr Damascus; ord Edinburg NY 20 S 25; p Edinburg 24-8; miss Mahawk valley 28-31; p Westerlo 31-9; Glovers- ville 39-54; Cohoes; Duanesburg ?-6o; sup 60-2; p Rensselaer; res Gloversville; Worcester 68-72; agent and miss NY State Conv; d Detroit Mich 17 Ap 79 *JOHN I FULTON; 22-4; b Pictou NS 23 S 98; fr North East NY; ord Earlville Ag 24; p Great Barrington Mass 24-7?; Earlville NY 27-8; Vernon 31-4; Mendon 34-6; Brooklyn Mich (also pr in Napoleon) 36-?; Manchester; Mendon; Tecumseh 44-6; vStony Creek; Mt Clemens 48-50; Saline; Stillwater NY 56-9; agent ABU; d Tecum- seh Mich 10 N 67 *REUBEN SAWYER; in 22; b Monkton Vt 1 1 Mr 98; fr Brandon; ord Westhaven 24; p Westhaven 24-38; New London NH 38-47; Chester Vt 47-54; Leyden NY 54-8; Panton Vt 59-63; Hinesburg 63-7; res Leyden NY 67-9; d Leyden 29 Je 69 1826 *MARVIN ALLEN; bFabius 4 N oo ; frFabius; ord Williamson 28; p Williamson 27-31; Manchester 31-4; Canandaigua 34-7; Adrian Mich 37-44; gen agent Mich State Conv 40-4 ; p Ann Arbor 44-6; res Ann Arbor 46-8 ; editor Mich Christian Herald 48-61 ; d Detroit 13 Je 61 *NORMAN BENTLEY; b Berlin 22 O 99; fr New Lebanon; ord Guilford 18 Ja 27; p Guilford; Penfield; Geneva 31-4; Rush; Otselic; res Rome; d Rome 13 My 44 *AMASA CLARK; b Westfield Mass 94; fr Westfield; ord Russell; p Russell 26-32; Mantua O 32-3; Nelson 33-4; Hiram 34-6; Troy; res Mantua; d Mantua 56 *JIRAH DELANO COLE; AM ShC 52; DD DU 58; b Catskill 14 Ja 02; fr Catskill; p Greenville 26-7; ord Ogden 1 1 S 27; p Ogden 27-31 ; Fredonia 31-4; sup Roches- ter 34; Parma Corners 35; p Fabius 35-7; agent ABMU NY, O, Ind, 111, Mo 37-41 ; p Ithaca NY 41-3; agent ABHMS Me, NH, Vt 43; p Whitesboro NY 43-8; Nunda 48-50; agent ABMU Chicago 111 50-8; p Delavan Wis 58-60; Barry 111 60-1; Valparaiso Ind 61-2; Galva 111 62-5; Cordova 65-70; Atlanta 70-2; Lock- port 72-3; we Highland Park 73-8; p Rozetta 78-80; Neponset 80-1; ret Chi- cago 81-3; d Chicago 27 Mr 83 * WILLIAM COLLINS; b Enfield Ct 24 S 99 ; fr Chardon O; ord Chardon 26 O 26 ; p Chardon 26-8; farmer and pr Chardon 28-60; d Chardon 6 Je 60 * JESSE ELLIOTT; b Mason NH 24 D 99; fr Mason; ord pr and t Oneida Indians 29 Ag 26; miss to Oneida Indians NY 26-7; p Henderson 27-31; Pulaski 31-5; La- grange 35-41; Wyoming 41-9; Almon 49-52; agent AFBS 52-3; p Mayville 53-7; Stockton 57-9; Poland 60-4; Bethany 64-8 ; Church ville 68-74; ret Bethany 74-80; d Perry 24 Mr 80 * JACOB FISK; b 30 My 96; fr Royalton O; ord; p Lodi NY; Springport; William- son 32-3; res Rochester; d Rochester 36 *JAIRUS HANDY; b Brookfield 03; fr Fredonia; p Mayville; Dunkirk; ord Buffalo; p Buffalo 7-30; Fredonia 30-1 ; d Fredonia 7 N 31 *WAKEMAN G JOHNSON; b Frankfort 7 F 97; fr Lorraine; ord Pittsford Vt Je 27; p Pittsford 26-30?; Pownal 30-2; Stamford; Lanesboro Mass 32-6; Whiting Vt 36-40; Hinesburg 41-4; Ravenna O; Bedford; Yorkville Mich 51-3; White Pigeon 53-6; Morris 111 56-7; Clinton 57-9; Princeton 59; Geneseo 60-4; Maumee City O; res Rochester NY; d Rochester 23 N 75 268 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1826 *FARNHAM KNOWLTON; b Amenia 8 S 99; fr Greenbush; ord Stamford Ct 20 Mr 28; p Stamford 28-30; Wallingford 30-1; farmer and sup res Greenwich 31-?; miss in Ct; ret Stamford 68-80; d Stamford 80 *PETER LATIMER; b Waterford Ct 2 Mr oo; fr Waterford; ord Brookfield NY 31 My 27; p Brookfield 26-33; Norwalk O 33-?; farmer Norwalk; sold railway se- curities 50-?; bus Ks; d Ks *WILLIAM GEORGE MILLER; b Halifax NS 25 Ap 03; fr New York; ord New York 26?; p New York 26-40; Essex Ct 40-5; d New York 13 Ap 45 *SILAS PRATT; b Willsboro 9 Jl 02; fr Edwards; ord ev Madrid S 27; p Hopldnton. , 26-38; Nicholville 40-4; Champion; Rodman; Stockholm; Lawrenceville; Madrid; Canton; Ogdensburg; Richville; Edwards; res Nicholville; d Nicholville n Ap 81 *PETER SIMONSON; b Blenheim 9 Ap 01; fr Rush; ord; miss NJ State Conv; p Catskill NY 30?-2; agent Bapt Gen Tract Society 32-3; agent RI State Conv 33-4; p Providence 34-7; miss NJ State Conv 37-8; asst p Cohansey 38-9 ;d Shiloh 9 J*39 *SETH SMALLEY; b 10 F 99;fr Stephen town; ord New York; p New York; Ams- terdam; Watertown 27?-8?; Pitcher; became Presb; res Ks in 71 *THOMAS A WARNER; b Claremont NH 4 My 99; fr Claremont; ord Copenhagem NY 25 S 26; p Copenhagen; Lowville; Denmark; Leroy, agent BES 5 years; p La- fargeville; Cass O; Lost Creek ?~45; d Lost Creek 19 N 45 *!SAAC D HOSFORD; 23-4; b Charlotte Vt 7 Ja 99; fr Cornwall; ord Italy NY 10027; p Italy 27-8; Butler 28-33; Lyons 33-5; Grass Lake Mich 35-?; Door Village Incf 2 years; in Jackson and Washtenaw cos Mich; inv Parma 62-5; d Parma 31 Jl 63 *BENJAMIN ST JOHN; in 24; b 92 ; fr Greenfield; p Corinth 26-30; Sheldon; China; New Lyme O; d Rock Creek *RICHARD C SHIMEALL; 23-5; b 01; fr New York; ord Cairo 16 D 25; p Cairo and Greenville 25-6; Westerlo 26-?; became Presb ;PE; Dutch Reformed p New York in 7 1 *DAVID TOWER; 23-4; b 99; fr Bristol 1827 *EZRA W CLARK; b Milton 18 S oo; fr Auburn; ord Greece 4 Je 28; p Greece 28-?; McLean and Nunda 7-38; Genoa O 38-?; agent Granv; FC; ABMU; p Sidney O; miss Upper Miami Assoc; p Republic in 56; agent ABPS; AFBS; miss Seneca Assoc; d Tiffin 19 O 71 "HENRY DAVIS; AM 47; DD DU 57; b Charlton 23 Ap oo; fr New York; ord Bridgewater 8 Je 27 ; miss NY State Conv Detroit Mich 27-8 ; p Pembroke NY 28-9 ; Brockport 29-36; Palmyra 36-8; Jordan 38-42; New York 42-9; Rochester 49-50;. agent ABHMS western NY 51-3; p Columbus O 7-57; New Corydon Ind 58-68;. Rock Island 111 68-70; d Danville 21 Ag 70 *ZELORA EATON; b Fairfield 29 Ap 97; fr Fairfield; ord Newport 31 O 27; p New- port 27-32; Cassville 32-7; Troy O 38; sup res Troy 38-59; d Troy 25 O 59 * ADRIAN FOOTE; b Pittsfield Mass 2 Ap 87; fr Butternuts NY; ord Butternuts 20;. miss NY and Pa several years; p Farmersville NY; sup Franklin ville; p Ellicott- ville; Jefferson O; Madison; Laporte Ind; ret Marmont; Rochester 70-86; d Roches- ter 19 Jl 86 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1827 269 "CHARLES MORTON; AM 51; b Augusta 10 Je 98; fr Fredonia; p Manlius Square; Fayetteville; Erie Pa 34-6; Ashtabula O 36-40; Wooster 40-?; Newark NJ; collecting agent ABHMS 46-50 ;p Owego 50; cor sec BES 51-359 Penn Yan 53-5; Corning ?-6i; collecting agent ABHMS 58-61; p Ashtabula O 61-6; Huntington Ind 66-7; Palestine O 67-8; res Chicago 111 68-?; p Dundee; d Colorado Springs Col 3 Mr 74 "BENJAMIN RUSH SKINNER; b Killingworth Ct 7 Ja 03; fr Ashford; ord New Ipswich NH 19 N 27; miss to Monrovia, Africa 30-1 ; d at sea 5 Mr 31 *LEMUEL STANNARD; b Dorset Vt2i N oo;fr Dorset; in charge of Oneida miss, NY27-8;dAg28 *JABEZ SMITH SWAN ; b Stonington Ct 23 F oo ; fr E Haddam; ord Stonington 20 Je 27; p Stonington 27-30; Norwich NY 30-7; Preston 37-9; Oxford, and itiner- ant miss 39-43; p New London Ct 43-8; Albany NY 48-9; New London Ct 49-60; miss Ct State Conv 60-4; p Waterford 64-72; sup res New London 72-84; d New London 19 N 84 *HENRY CARRIER VOGELL; AM 42; AM Hobart C; DD Union; b New York i Je 06; inv 27-31 ; ord Vernon 27 Ap 31 ; p Groton 31-3; Seneca Falls 33-6; Elmira 36-8; Rome 38-59; asst surgeon ist regiment NY volunteers 64-5; chaplain 6ist regiment NY volunteers 65 ; chaplain Fortress Monroe 65-6; supt education for NC, Freedmen's Bureau 66-70; p Oyster Bay NY 70-4; res Brooklyn 74-87; member Corpn 50-62 ; d Brooklyn 3 Je 87 "ROBERT Z WILLIAMS; b Barmouth Wales 13 O 99: fr Steuben NY; ord Holland Patent 13 F 28 ; p Holland Patent 28-42 ; Floyd in 42 ; Augusta; Red ford Mich ; Clin- ton; Batavia 111; North Bay NY 69-75; Vernon 75-83; d Vernon 12 O 83 MOSEPH ALDEN; 24-5; AB Union 29; AM; AM PrU 32; AM WmsC 37; DD Un- ion 39; LLD Columbia U 57; b 07; fr Cairo; tutor PrU 30-2; ord Unit Mass 34; prof rhetoric, political economy and history WmsC 35-52; metaphysics and moral phil Lafayette C, Pa 52~7;pres Jefferson C 57-67; prin Albany NS, NY 67-83; ret 83-5; d 20 Ag 85 *JAMES BERRY; 24-6; b O 98; fr Perry; p Gran ville and McKean 27-34; d Granville 28 J134 * JAMES BLOODGOOD; 24-7; b Columbia 5 Ja 01; t and farmer Springville 27-86;d Springville Ag 6 *AVERY CASE; 23-6; b Burlington Ct Mr 03; fr Burlington; d Hamilton NY 28 N 26 *GEORGE B DAVIS; 24-5; b Md 18 D 90; fr Peterboro NY; p Peterboro 24-6; Col- osse 26-7 ; agent ABS 27-3 1 ; p Yates 3 1-4 ; agent ABS in 111 34-40 ; agent ShC 40-? ; p Bunker Hill; agent Indian Miss ASSDC in Tenn and Ala; d Bunker Hill 111 29 Ag 52 *HEMAN H HAFF; 24-5; AB Union 24; AM; b Nassau 8 O 02; fr Schenectady; ord Stillwater i F 32; p Stillwater 32-4; Middlebury Vt 34-5; Greenfield NY; Augusta in 42; Springfield 43-5; W Schuyler 45-9; Seneca Falls 49-50; Mendon 50-2; Da- rien in 53; Henrietta ?; agent ABPS; t Pawpaw 111 54-8; miss la and 111 58-68; d Grundy Center la i S 68 *CONANT SAWYER; 24-6; AM 54; DD 69; b Monkton Vt 23 My 05; fr Addison; ord KeeseviUe NY 30 D 29; p Keeseville; Jay; Maiden Mass 33-6; Randolph 36-?; Schenectady NY'; Keeseville in 42; Jay; Gouverneur 51-2; Lowville 53-6; Canton 56-9; Gloversville 59-67; Bedford 67-75; ret Albion 75-90; d Albion 14 Mr 90 270 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1827 *STEPHEN WILKINS; 24-6; b Vt 99; fr Italy NY; p Galway; Albany 43-4; Fentonville Mich; Ind; New York; Ct; d Brooklyn NY n F 78 1828 "ORSAMUS ALLEN; b Westfield Mass 8 N 04; fr Westfield; ord Seneca Falls NY 28; p Seneca Falls 28-32; p another ch in NY; Bristol Ct many years; bus Colum- bus O about 48-70; d Columbus 19 My 70 *HENRY F BALDWIN; b Bridport Vt 3 Ja oo; fr Bridport; ord Bennington 17 D 28; p Bennington 28-?; N Adams Mass; Hartford NY n years; inv; p Arcadia 44-5; d Arcadia 20 S 45 *VERAMLS BEMIS; b Marlboro NH 9 D 02; fr Malone NY; ord Newfield 6 My 29; p Newfield; Angelica 42-?; Almond; inv; p Clear Creek in 53; Ashville 54-6; d Ashville 5 O 56 "JOSEPH H CHAMBERLAIN; b Thetford Vt 25 F oo; fr Geneseo NY; ord S New Berlin 23 Jl 28; p S New Berlin 28-50; agent BES 51-4; p New Lisbon (now Wel- come) 52-63; Edmeston 63-6; New Berlin 63-7; S New Berlin 67-71; res S New Berlin; d Holmesville 24 Mr 80 "DANIEL ELDRIDGE; AM ColU 45; b Camden 21 Jl oo; fr Salem; ord Madison 7 Je 28; p Hamilton 28-30; Perry 30-3; Brockport 33-5; Wheatland 35-8; Utica 38-41; Perry 41-3; Columbus O 43-6; Elyria 46-9; res Salem NY 50-5; Afton Wis 55-76; sup Clinton 55-6; Beloit ?-68; Columbus 68-9; d Afton 12 S 76 *MICHAEL FREDERICK; b Florida 8 S 94; fr Macedon; p Great Bend Pa and Binghamton NY; Deposit 32-4; Reading 34-?; Bridgeton NJ ?~37; d Bridgeton 13 N 37 *CHARLES H HUBBARD; b Sandisfield Mass 18 My oo; fr Sandisfield; p Bethany Pa; Damascus; t Miss; res Ind; d Ind *LEVI KNEELAND; b Masonville 7 N 03; fr Masonville; ord Packerville Ct 8 O 28; p Packerville 28-34; d Packerville 23 Ag 34 "HORATIO PRATT; b 21 Jl 01; fr Greenwich; p Jamestown 28-9; d Jamestown Mr 29 "WILLIAM WALLACE SMITH; b Sangerfieid 10 Ag 02; fr Sangerfield; sup Aurora 28-9; ord Aurora Mr 29; p Wheatland 29-?; Bethany; Batavia; Geneva; Camden NJ; Bridgeport Ct; Jersey City NJ; Broadalbin NY; Berlin 51-5; Oxford 111 55-8; Cambridge 58-62; Newark 62-7; Wheaton 67-9; bus Chicago 69-78; d Chicago 9 Je78 *LEVI WALKER; b Whiting Vt 4 Mr 02; fr Whiting; ord Hubbardton 24 S 29; p Hubbardton 29-31; Hebron NY 31-3; Unity NH 4 years; Campton 41-3; He- bron NY 43-7; Clarion 111 47-9; Lamoille 49; Perkins Grove 49-54; sup res Men- dota 54-68; Lamoille 68-9; d Lamoille 16 N 69 "WASHINGTON KINGSLEY; 25-7; b Lyme Ct 18 Ap oo; fr Whitestown NY; ord W Meredith 24 O 27; p W Meredith 27-33; Oxford 33-6; ev; res Taylor; ret Cincin- natus; d Cincinnatus 15 N 72 "PAUL S RICHARDS; 24-8; b Jericho Vt 15 D 98; fr ElizabethtownNY;t and pr Will- iamsville 28-?; p Aurora 7-31; Forestville 31-3; Macedon; Kingsville O 33-7; Jeff- SEMINARY ALUMNI I 1828 271 eison 37-9; Garrettsville 39-40; Andover 41-7; farmer Johnson Creek Wis 47-70; d Johnson Creek 16 S 70 *ZACCHEUS TRIPP; 24-7 or after; b oo; fr Abington Pa; d 28 1829 "CALEB BROWN; b Sudbury Mass 4 D 91; fr Rockingham Ct; ord; p Townsend Mass 32-3; W Royalston and Warwick 34-6; Barre 36-7; Westminster 37-8; Scit- uate 39-41 ; chaplain NH state prison; d Concord 30 O 74 *SOLOMON CLOUGH; b Mass 21 Ag 96; fr Madison NY; p Perrysburg O 29-32; d Perrysburg 28 My 32 "JOSHUA FLETCHER; DD 66; b Kingsbury 27 Ap 04; fr Kingsbury; ord Saratoga Springs 29 S 29 ;p Saratoga Springs 29-47; Trenton NJ 48-50; Amenia NY 50-7; Southington Ct 57-66; member Christian Commission 61-5; p Cambridge NY 66-9; Wallingford Vt 69-73; W Troy NY 73-6; res E Wallingford Vt 76-7; ret 77-82; d Wallingford 8 My 82 'EDMUND GOODENOUGH; b Rochester Vt i My 02; fr Rochester; ord Orwel 30; p Orwell, and New Haven NY 30-5; agent ABPS 35-7; p Attica O 37-42; inv Bloom viUe 42-64; d Bloom ville 30 Ap 64 *ABSALOM MINER; AM 47; b Brookfield 7 Ja 06; fr Grafton Vt; ord Friendship NY D 27; p Friendship 27-30; Rushford 30-42; Prairieville (now Waukesha) Wis 42-5 ; state miss ABHMS la and Wis 46-8 ; exploring agent ABHMS 48-9 ; res Wau- kesha 49-67; pres Waukesha co bank 54-66; ret Charles City la 67-78; Madison Wis 78-90; Philadelphia Pa 90-1; d Philadelphia 27 Mr 91 *DYER AYLESWORTH NICHOLS; b E Greenwich RI 13 My 03; fr E Greenwich; ord Auburn NY 30; p Auburn; miss Harrisburg Pa 30-1; pRoxboro 31-7; Phoenix- ville 37-43; Valley Forge; E Nantmeal and Carnarvon 45-51; Bethesda and Dan- ville 51-2; Dover Del 52-?; sup 7-67; d Philadelphia Pa 6 N 67 "ISRAEL ROBORDS; b 14 Je 99; fr Amsterdam; ord Milford 4 Jl 29; p Milford 29- 31; Penfield 31-2; New York 33-4; Hudson 34-5; Galway 35-8; New Haven Ct 38-40; d Mo long before 70 "HENRY C SKINNER; b Braintrim Pa 13 D 02; fr Braintrim; ord Sandisfield Mass 27 Ja 30; p Sandisfield 29-31; Greenfield NY; Fenner; Cleveland O in 37; Berlin Heights; Lagrange; Wellington; Perrysburg; Fremont; Maumee; Hunting- ton Ind 50-2; Logansport; Wabash 54-60; chaplain penitentiary, Michigan City Ind 65-7; d Michigan City 10 N 67 "ORSON SPENCER; AB Union 24; AM; fr W Stockbridge Mass; p Deep River Ct 29-35; Danbury 35; Middlefield Mass 35-41; became Mormon 41; Mormon agent in Europe 47-9, 52-3; chancellor Deseret U, Salt Lake City Utah 50-2; member legislative council Utah 52; editor Millenial Star; d St Louis Mo 17 S 55 "CULLEN B TOWNSEND; p Middlefield Mass 32-3; d Plainfield 111 7 O 37 "LEVI TUCKER; DD u; b Broome 4 Jl 04; fr Fredonia; p Deposit 29-31 ; W Phil- adelphia Pa 31-5; Cleveland O 35-42; Buffalo NY 42-8; Boston Mass 48-53; trav- elled Europe and Egypt 52 ; d Cincinnatus NY 20 Ag 53 "RUDOLPHUS L WILSON; b Eaton 26 Ja 99; fr Eaton; ord Somerset 30; p Som- erset 29-39; inv Somerset 39-80; d Somerset 14 Ag 80 272 SEMINARY ALUMNI.* 1829 *MADORE BEAUBIEN; 26-8 or after; b 15 Jl 08; fr Carey Miss Station, Mich Ter; an Ottawa Indian * JOSEPH BORASSEAU; 26-8 or after ;b 14 N 08; fr Carey Miss Station, Mich Ter; an Ottawa Indian *MARTIN LUTHER FULLER; 26-8; b Grafton Vt 7 F 03; fr Grafton; p Crown Point NY 28-32 ; ord Crown Point 13 Je 31 ; p Weston Vt 32-5; Rupert; Galway NY 37; inv 37-41 ; p Westville 41-2; Hillsdale; miss Rensselaer co i year; p Grafton; miss NY and Can 50-2; agent ABU 52-7; sup Woodford co 111 57-60; p Waupaca Wis 60-5; Peoria 111 65-8; sup and prac med Kickapoo 65-85?; res Washington 85?-8; d Wash- ington 24 My 88 *RUSSELL JENNINGS; 25-7; NTI 35; b Weston (later Easton) Ct 12 F oo; fr Stratford; ord 27; miss Ct State Conv, res Winthrop 27-9; p Saybrook 29-31 ; Meriden 31-2; Waterbury 36-9; Norwich 39-40; Deep River 40-3; bus Deep River 43-88; d Deep River 8 Mr 88 *JOHN TECUMSEH JONES; 26-8 or after; b 12; fr Carey Miss StatiDn, Mich Ter; a Chippewa Indian; Bapt pr. res Ottawa Ks ?-/2; d Ottawa 16 A? 72 *JOHN LALEME; 26-8 or after; b 12 ; fr Carey Miss Station, Mich Ter; a Chippewa In- dian *HERVEY LITTLE; 26-7; b 6 Ja 03; fr Brownville; d Brownville 26 Ap 28 *PETER LONGLOIS; 26-8 or after; b 04; fr Carey Miss Station, Mich Ter; a Miami In- dian; farmer Lafayette Ind ?-ji or later; inv many years *NUCKO (also called ANDREW FULLER); 26-8 or after; b 08; fr Carey Miss Station, Mich Ter; a Potawatomie Indian *THOMAS J PILGRIM; 24-7 or after; b E Haddam Ct 29 D 05; fr E Haddam; t Mex 28- ?; Tex; d Gonzales 29 O 77 *LUTHER RICE; 26-8 or after; b 08; fr Carey Miss Station, Mich Ter; a Chippewa Indian; t the Indian sch at Carey Miss Station 32-3 *JOSEPH WYCKOFF; 26-7; fr Auburn; d a few years after 27 1830 *JULIUS C BARLOW; b Kent Ct 22 Ap 98; ord Hubbardton Vt 31 Ag 31; p Hub- bard ton 31-2; Crown Point NY; Streetsboro O; miss O; d Fredonia 3 My 43 *NORMAN G CHASE; b Guilford Vt 6 My 02; fr New Haven Ct; ord Frankfort NY 14 Je 30; p Frankfort 30-2; Smith ville 32-3; Boonville 34-5; Michigan City Ind 36-7; Napoleon Mich 38-41; agent Mich State Temperance Society 40-1; p Howell 42-4; bus Smyrna 44-63; ret Smyrna 63-84; d Smyrna 24 Je 84 *JOHN DOTY; b oo; ord Smithfield Pa 32; p Smithfield 31-9; farmer and t, res Smith- field 39-67; d Smithfield 17 My 67 * WILLIAM DROWN; b 26 O 93; fr Foster RI *JOEL H GREEN; b Wallingford Vt 18 S 06; ord Pittsford 8 F 31 ; p Pittsford 31-2 ; Weybridge 32-3; Parishville NY 33-40; Belleville 40-5; Salisbury 45-8 ; Lagrange 48-50; Hunt's Hollow 50-4; Belfast 54-6; Franklinville 56-64; inv Castile 64-72; Franklinville 72-3; d Franklinville 22 Jl 73 "JOHN GREEN; b Belchertown Mass 17 Je 01; ord S Leicester 30; p S Leicester 30-42; Shutesbury 42-5; Bernardston 45-8; Florida 48-52; Huntington 52-4; N Leverett 61-3; Montague 63-5; d Montague 12 O 65 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1830 273 "CHARLES RANDALL; b Bridgewater 17 Ag 05; fr Vernon; ord Arlington Vt 30; p Arlington 30-?; miss NY State Conv 2 years; agent ABPS 52-7; ABHMS 57-63; ABU in Mich 67-? *JOHN WILDER; b Lancaster Mass 15 Je 96; p Becket 30-3; Sandisfield 33-9; Spencer NY 2 years; Philadelphia; Henderson 2 years; Canton 4 years; Potsdam i year; Stockholm i year; Oneida 111 55-?; Lockport; Newark 3 years; Plainfield 4 years; Lasalle 5 years; res Williamson NY a few years b afore 78; d Williamson 27 My 78 *JEROME S ANDERSON; 27-?; b 29 N 05; fr New York; p Stonington Ct 32-about 42; d Ct 51 *JOHN O BIRDSALL; 27-9?; ord Plainfield Ct 7 N 29; p Plainfield 29-32; Coventry NY 32-5?; Monroe Mich 35-6; Perrysburg O 39-43 ; res Perrysburg 43-4.; d Perrys- burg ii Je 44 *ANTHONY CASE; 26-9; b Island of Prudence RI i O 03; ord Heath Mass 19 Ja 31; p Heath 3 1-2 ; Salem NY 32-3 ; Cornwall Vt 33-6; Malone NY 36-45 ; Ogdensburg 46-8; Wilmington Vt 49-51; Berlin Wis 5 1-2; Fox Lake 53-7; Garden City Minn 57-?; Santa Rosa Cal 93-8; d Santa Rosa Je 98 *WHEELER I CRANE; 27-9?; b Richmond NH 13 F 06; fr Richfield NY; p Summerhill 29; ord Mr 30; p Fabius 30-2?; Marion 32-3; Leroy 34-6; Springville 36; Palmyra 37; Hartland 7-42; Watertown 42-4; Copenahgen 44-6; Pulaski 46-51; Adrian Mich 51-4; Cassville NY 55-8; Middlebury; Warsaw 6^-5; Pike 65-7; E Pembroke 68-70; ret Bergen 70-80; d Bergen 16 D 80 *ABNER GOODELL; 27-?; b Westminster Vt 9 F 05; fr Rockingham; p Mayville NY and Ripley 32-?; Avon; Somersworth NH 34-6; Paris Ky 3 7-8; Newcastle ^rank- fort; Georgetown; Hamburg Miss; d Hamburg i O 58 *JACOB GRANTS; 27-?; ord Burlington 23 Ja 33; p Burlington 33-5; Waterville 35- 8; Westville 38-41 ; Delphi 41-2; Westville 42-4; Litchfield 4^-6; Frankfart 46-9; Waterville 49-50; Hartwick 50-2 * ANSEL GRIFFITH; 27-? *EBENEZER HOPKINS; 27-8?; b 28 D 08; fr Edmeston *STEPHEN HUTCHINS; 27-8?; b Springfield 4 Jl 03; fr Springfield; ord Springfield 29; p Exeter 29-33; Schuyler 33-6; miss NY State Conv 36-7; p Bennington Vt 37- 42; Cooperstown NY 42-3; d Cooperstown 31 Ja 43 *AARON PARKER; 27-8; b Coventry i D 01; ord Guilford S 28; p Guilford 28-30; Coventry 30-5; N Norwich 35-8;Fenner 37-40; Coventry 40-60 ;inv Coventry and Greene 60-91 ; d Greene 17 Jl 91 *SHELDON NEWTON SMITH; 27-8; b Augusta 2 Ap 08; prep Augusta; fr Augusta; ord Reading Center; p Reading Center; Villenovia; Lodi; Nelson; Rochester Minn 66-72; res Madison NY 72-3; d Madison n Je 73 *REUBEN WINEGAR; 27-30; AM; b Rensselaerville 70 05 ; ord Williston Vt 14 Je3i; miss p Williston 31-2; p Coxsackie NY 33-5; agent Tract Society 35-6; p Rensse- laerville 36-46; Gallupville and Knox 46-7; Wester lo 47-51; Baldwinsville 51-2; - agent BES 52-4; p Morrisville 54-6; Amsterdam 56-62; Clifton Park 62-73; ret 73-87; d Amsterdam 8 D 87 274 SEMINARY ALUMNI I 1831 1831 *ALVIN BAILEY; b Westminster Vt 9 D 02; fr Coventry; ord Coventry 29 Je 31 ; miss ABHMS Madison 111 32-3; Alton to Carrollton 33-4; gen miss ABHMS 111 35-6; p Winchester 40-1 ; Canton 41-3; Jacksonville 43-7; publ Voice of Truth, and The Western Star, Jacksonville; inv NY 47-?; p E Lansing; Belfast ?~53; Carrollton 111 53-4; Kane 54-5; McGrawville NY 55-61; Dryden 61-7; d Etna 16 My 67 *GARDNER BARTLETT; b Thetford Vt 27 Ap 99; ord Coventry 29 Je 31 ; p Leb- anon 111 31-2; Winchester 32-3; miss ABHMS Knox co 33-5 ;p Canton ;Knoxville 36-41 ; Monmouth 41-?; Oxford; travelling agent Western Christian, res Chicago 48-50; p Hobart Ind 50-65; res Lebanon 111 65; d Lebanon 4 N 65 *WILLIAM CHAFEE; b Ashford Ct 22 Ap 01 ; fr Ashford; ord Ashford 831; miss O; p Lima 34-48; also t; res Hartford Ind 48-67; miss ABHMS Hartford 50-2; Hartford and New Corydon 52-3 ; d Indianapolis 4 Mr 67 *MOSES FIELD; b Chester Vt 1 1 My 05; ord Manchester Vt 16 Ag 31 ; p Manches- ter 31-4; Kinderhook NY 34-6; Hudson 36-8; Cavendish Vt 39-40; Brattleboro 40-2 ; Coxsackie NY 43-5 ; West Haven Vt 45-53 ; sup 53-62 ; member Vt legis- lature from West Haven 61-3; p West Haven 62-70; d West Haven Mr 70 *JOHN WAGENER McDONALD; b Princeton 20 O oi;fr Duanesburg; ord W Springfield Mass 14 My 31; p W Springfield 31-?; Fitchburg ?~36; Gaines NY; Avcn; Leicester; Eaton 7-52; prac med; res Depauville; Binghamton; d Ilion 10 Ap 81 *JOHN L MOORE; AM Granv 46; DD DU59; b Turin 17 F 03; fr Turin; ord Wa- tertown 9 Je 31 ; miss work in NY and O 31-2; p JPiqua O 32-8; Troy 34-8; Day- ton 38-40; gen agent O State Conv 41-8; p Springfield 48-50; agent Fairmount Theological Institution; ev work; exploring miss O State Conv 55-6; sup O 63- 70; ret Topeka Ks 70-8; d Topeka 23 Ja 78 *ISAAC D NEWELL; b Tinmouth Vt N 99; p Winfield NY 31-6; Rushville 111 36-7; Bloomington 38-40; Canton 41-3; Peoria and Tremont 43-6; agent ShC 46-51; p Batavia 51-2; Aurora 52-4; collecting agent ch edifice fund 54; inv 54-7; d Carrollton 18 Ag 57 *SAMUEL READ *AENERPWEEB;bFloyd2 9 Fo 4 ; fr Watertown;NTI 31-2; ord Watertown iS 32 ; miss ABMU Rangoon Burma 32-5; Ava 35-8; p Belleville NY 39-41 ; Washing- ton DC 41-3; t Wateitown NY 47-8; sup Bloomingdale Mich 60-3; p Ganges 68; Base Line in 69; Albany NY; we E Oakland Cal 80-91 ; d E Oakland 12 F 91 *J T WHITMORE *ELIHU BARBER; 28-?; became Presb *SAMUEL R CLARK; 27-31 ; b Granville 16 My 05; fr Granville; ord Pitcher My 31 ; p Pitcher 31-2; miss Jefferson and Oswego cos 32-?; Miami Valley O 34-5 ; d Day ton Ag35 *JAMES M COOLEY; 28-?; b Cazenovia; ord Charlemont Mass; p Randolph 33-5; Binghamton NY; Albany; Carmel 45-9; Norwich Ct 49-53?; Oswego NY 53-6; druggist and sup Wellsburg 56-61; druggist Waverly; res New York 61-?; ret Auburn 111 before 71-? SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1831 275 *NOAH FULLER; 28-?; b Dorset Vt 07; t O and Va many years; res Joyfield Mich 63-4; d Joyfield 2 D 64 *ALFRED GATES; 27-31 ; b E Granville Mass 22 S 03; ord Willimantic Ct 20 Ja 31 ; p Willimantic 31; Norwich 31-3; Preston 33-5; Homer NY 35-49; South wick Mass 49-51 ; other chs in Ct; res Norwich; d Montville 30 Ja 75 *CHAUNCEY HAWLEY; 28-?; d Colebrook Ct S 31 *EDWARD MACOMBER; 28-?; b Saratoga co 12 N 99; pr Pa; p Cherry Valley O; Arm- strong co Pa 35?~4i?; sup Cook co 111; ev; d 55 *BRADLEY MINER; 28-30; AM; b N Stonington Ct 18 Jl 08; ord Fall River Mass 14 Jl 30; p Fall River 30-3; Pawtucket RI 33-4; Woonsocket 34-7; Dorchester Mass 37-46; Pittsfield 46-50; Providence RI 50-4; d Providence 28 O 54 *CHARLES ROBINSON; 28-? *DANIEL M ROOT; 27-3 1 ; b Columbia co 99 ; ord Chenango Forks 5 O 3 1 ; p Chenango Forks 31-?; Troy Pa; Howard; Nichols; Montrose; S Bainbridge NY in 42; Har- rington; Cuba 45-6; Amity Pa; Strawberry Point la; Delhi 56-7; res Eldora about 70-?; d Minneapolis Minn 31 Mr 89 *NATHAN EMERY SHAILER; 28-9; fr Ct; ord New Britain 29; p New Britain 29-32; Chesterfield 32-4; Voluntown 34-5; Preston 35-43; miss Ct State Conv 41-71; res Deep River 70-9; member Ct legislature; d Deep River 10 Jl 79 *ANDREW M SMITH; 28-30?; b 05; ord Westfield Mass Ja 31 ;p Westfield3i-4;N Lyme Ct 34-6; Colchester; we; p Northeast NY 3 years; ret Hartford Ct many years; d Hartford 28 Je 72 *JOHN TEASDALE; 27-31 ; AM 52; b Wantage NJ 12 N 06; p Hamburg and Newton 31-?; Schooleys Mountain and Newton; agent ASSU inVa?-36;pFredericksburg 36-40; agent Va Bapt Publication and SS Society 40-2; p Schooleys Mountain NJ 42-51; agent AFBS 51-2; agent ShC 52-?; p St Louis Mo 54-5; d Jefferson City i N 55 *THOMAS Cox TEASDALE; 28-30; AM ColU 44; DD Union 52; b Wantage NJ 2 D 08; ord Hamburg 16 D 30; p Bennington Vt 30-2; city miss Philadelphia Pa 32-5; p Camden NJ 35-6; Newton 36-40; New Haven Ct 40-5; Pittsburg Pa 45-50; Springfield 111 50-2; Washington DC 52-8; Columbus Miss 58-63; chap- lain CSA 63-6; conducted asylum for orphans of Confederate soldiers 65-9; sec SS board SBC 69-71; editor Kind Words, Memphis Tenn; ev 71-87; d Col- umbus Miss 4 Ap 91 *MELANCTHON S TURNER; 27-30 or 31 ; b 17 O 01 ; fr Granville; d Hamilton 30 or 31 *DANIEL WIERS; 28-?; p; d O long before 70 *ABRAHAM WOODWARD; 28-9?; p Schroon in 32; Pawlet Vt in 35; Chardon O; res Illyria la 1832 [Owing to the extension of the course no class was graduated in this year.] *GERSHOM B DAY; 27-32 ; b Cazenovia 28 O 02 ; ord Middletown Vt 33 ; p Middletown 32-6; miss southwestern Mich 36-51 ; Niles 46; miss Cal 5 1-2 ; d Cal 13052 *ABRAM DUNN GILLETTE; 28-31; DD 56; AM Union 42; b Cambridge 8 S 07; ord 276 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1832 Schenectady 29 S 31; p Schenectady 3 1-5; student Union 31-4; p Philadelphia Pa 35-42; New York 42-64; Washington 0064-9; pres Theological Institute (later Wayland S); p New York 70-4; Sing Sing (Ossining) 74-8; New York 78-80; inv 80-2 ; d Bluff Point 24 Ag 82 *JUSTIN ROLPH LOOMIS; 28-31 ; AB BU 35; AM WC 38; PhD ULg 54; LLD UR 58 ; b Bennington 21 Ag 20; t Pawtuxet RI 35-6; tutor in chemistry and natural his- tory WC 36-8; prof natural sci 38-52; on sci tour in Bolivia, Peru and Chili 52-4; prof natural sci ULg 54-8; pres and prof phil and ethics 5 8-79; chaplain co A Pa volunteer regiment 62; ret Lewisburg 79-98; d Lewisburg 22 Je 98 *REUBEN MOREY; 28-31; AB BU 35; b Fabius 21 F 05; ord Lime Rock RI 35; p Madison Ind 36-8; Louisville Ky 38-9; N Attleboro Mass 39-47 ; Homer NY 47-9; Wyoming 49-56; Arcade 56-8; res Wyoming 58-65; p Del evan 111 65-8; Tonica 68-70; Merton Wis 70-4; ret Waukesha 74-80; d Waukesha 17 My 80 1833 *GROVER S COMSTOCK; AB HamC 27; AM; b Ulysses Pa 24 Mr 09; fr Roches- ter NY; prac law Rochester; ord Rochester 12 Mr 34; miss Aracan Burma 34-44; d Akyab, Aracan 25 Ap 44 'WILLIAM DEAN; DD UR 51; b Morrisville 21 Je 07; fr Eaton; ord Hamilton 6 Je 33; miss to Chinese, Bangkok Siam, and Hong Kong China 34-84; in US 45-7, 54-64. 84-95; d San Diego Cal i Ag 95 *ALLEN B FREEMAN; b 06; fr Westfield O; ord Hamilton NY 6 Je 33; miss ABHMS Chicago 111 33-4 ; founded First Bapt Ch 33 ; d Chicago 1 5 D 34 *HOSE A HOWARD; AM; bW Springfield Mass 02; fr W Springfield ; ordW Spring- field 3 Ap 34; miss Rangoon and Moulmein Burma 34-50; res NY; Springfield Mass; Palmyra Mo; Bloomington 111; studied med New York; prac med;d Bloomington 111 14 Jl 68 *LEWIS RANSTED; AM; b Weathersfield Vt 14 S 06; fr Weathersfield; ord Frank- fort NY ii S 33; p Frankfort 33-6; Macedon 36-7; Canandaigua 37-40; Ovid 40-2; Groton 42-4; Fulton 44-9; Warren O 49-53; Elyria 53-4; Montrose Pa 54- 8; Deposit NY' 58-9; agent AFBS and BES; res Trumansburg; d Trumansburg 7 Mr 67 *JUDAH L RICHMOND; AM; b Greene 17 Ap 07; fr Milford; ord Hamilton 6 Je 33; p Cleveland O 33-4; Jefferson 35-6; Conneaut 37-8; Fredonia NY and For- estville 39-45; Warsaw 45-8; Fairport 48-50; agent Pa State Conv 50-4; AFBS 54-5; financial agent Granv 55-6; p New London O 56-7; Mt Vernon 57-9; Lagrange; Madison; d Kingsville 14 My 68 *VERNON SMITH; AB AmC 29; b Sturbridge Mass 02; fr Sturbridge; t Va; d Va 3 3 *JOSEPH WANTON TAGGART; DD u; b Newport RI 20 Ag 05; fr Newport; ord Fayetteville NY 2 Jl 33; p Fayetteville 32-5; Homer 35-41; Syracuse 41-7; New York 47-57; Detroit Mich 57-61; we 61-6; p Wheeling WVa 66-8; Manlius NY 69-73; Euclid 77-80; inv Syracuse 83-93; d Syracuse 3 S 93 * JUSTUS HATCH VINTON; DD u; b Willington Ct 17 F 06; fr Willington; ord Willington Je 34; miss Moulmein and Rangoon Burma 34-58; in US 47-50; d Rangoon Burma 31 Mr 58 *ALONZO WHEELOCK; AM 46; DD 57; b 7 F 04; fr Panton Vt; ord Delphi NY; SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1833 277 p Delphi; graduate student s 35-6; p Owego; Norwich 38-40; New York 40-50; Elbridge 50-3, 54-7; Fredonia 57-63; Piqua O 63-4; p? Fredonia NY 64-73; mem- ber Corpn 46-50; d Fredonia 25 F 73 *RICHARD S WITHERELL; b 29 Ag 06; fr Hartford; ord Hartford 19 N 33; p Hartford 33-4; travelled for health 34-8; d Dcor Prairie Ind N 38 *JAMES J WOOLSEY; b Austerlitz i Dec 06; fr Austerlitz; ord Pike 28 My 34; p Pike 34-5; Philadelphia 35-40; Norwalk Ct 40-8; agent AFBS 48-53; p Norwalk Ct 53-5; financial sec AFBS; with Freedmen's Relief Assoc; res Stamford Ct; d San Gabriel Cal 3 Mr 88 *WILLIAM T BOYNTON; 29-?; ord Gilbertsville 6 D 32; p Gilb2rtsville 32-?; Middle- town O 38-44; Franklin 44-6; d Franklin i Ja 46 *WILLIAM DENISON; 29-31; b Winthrop Ct 2 Je 06; ord Winthrop 2 F 31 ;p Say- brook 31-4; Weston (later Easton) 34-7; miss Ct State Conv 47-52; prin Winthrop Institute 52-62 ; sup Saybrook 52-63 ; Ct state miss 64-8 ; p Saybrook 68-72 ; Water- ford 72-7; d Waterford 26 O 77 *SIDNEY A ESTEE; 29-31; b Salem 08; prep Cambridge Acad; p Salem 31-4; ord Westport 34; p Westport 34; Ticonderoga 34?-8?; Salem; Batavia 40-2; Holley 42-?; York; Belvidere 111; ev; res Aurora 547-72; d Aurora 7 D 72 *LEVI FOSTER; 29-? *JOHN C KEENE; 29-? *LEVi M MACK; 29-30; b Lebanon 29 Ja 10; ord Harford Pa 14 S 31; p Harford and Lenox 30-4; miss work O 34-8; Ind; O; p Lodi ?~46; miss work Mich 46-50; p Patterson NY 50-2; Providence; Rosendale; miss work Wis 56-64; la 64-70; Mo 70-?; res Rural Dale in 72; d Sioux City la 15 Mr 85 *DAVIS TYLER SHAILER; 29-30; NTI 37; b Haddam Ct 18 Mr 02; ord Haddam 10 N 31 ; p Branford 37-44; N Dorchester Mass 44-7; N Becket 48-57; sup Somonauk 111 59-62; p Haddam Ct 62-71 ; we Haddam 71-86; d Haddam 15 O 86 *R SLAYTON; 29-?; d Otsego co soon after leaving "LORENZO STRONG; 29-?; d Hamilton while student THOMAS THAYER; 29-?; p Northmoreland Pa and Exeter in 32 * ASHLEY VAUGHN; 29-30?; p W Troy in 31; miss ABHMS Washington Miss 33; founded a c; organized Miss State Conv; edited a religious newspaper; d Nat- chez 29 Mr 39 *ORRIN VAUGHN; 29-? *GEORGE WALKER; 29-?; b Savoy Mass 29 D 98; farmer and pr Dexter Mich 35-76; p Linden; miss in state; d Dexter 25 F 76 1834 [Owing to the extension of the course no class was graduated in this year.l *HOLMES BECKWITH; 30-? *SAMUEL BECKWITH; 30-? * WILLIAM BECKWITH; 30-? 278 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1834 *ROBERT BRISBAIN; 30-?; became PE rector *CLEMENT HAVEN; 30-1 ; b Brookfield Vt 16 Ja 04; ord Morristown NY S 31 ; p Mor- ristown 31-4; Gouverneur 34-?; Canton; Denmark; Leyden; Boonville; New London Ct; Groton; Noank; Huntington Ind 62-?; Mich; res Sandusky O 74-81; p Bloomfield; d Sandusky 30 Jl 81 *TRUMAN HENDRYX; 30-2?; ord Chester; p Chester 32-?; pr under NY Miss Conv in Towanda Pa, Monroe, and Bradford co 35-6; p French Creek NY in 42; Spartans- burg Pa ?-66; d Pa or NY soon after 66 *ALVIN KINGSLEY; 30-1 ; b Chester Mass 30 Jl 07; pr but not ord; d Galena 111 21 Ag 4i *SILAS MORSE; 30-?; b 16; fr Grove or Portage; ord Grove or Portage 19 Ja 36; p Grove and Portage 36?-?; Walled Lake Mich in 55; d Oakland 12 N 75 THOMAS E PURINTON; 30-?; b Colerain Mass 15 Jl 1 1 ; inv; d Onalaska Wis 55 *G SIMMONS; 30-? * JONATHAN P SIMMONS; 30-2 ; b Madison 1 1 F 10; ord Lairdsville 23 Ag 32 ; p Lairds- ville 32-3; Clinton 34-5; Bridgewater 35-7; Vernon 37-40; Cortland 40-51; Fulton 51-7; Baldwinsville 57-60; Clay 60-4; Sterling 64-78; ret 78-91; d Trav- erse City Mich 3 My 91 *ALEXANDER SMITH; 30-? 1837 [Owing to the introduction of the collegiate course no class was graduated in the years 1835101837.! *EDMUND W DICKINSON; 35-6; c 35 "WILLIAM E LOCKE; 35-6; c 35 1838 * JAMES NATHANIEL GRANGER; c 35 *ALANSON PORTER MASON; c 36 *PHILETUS B PECK; c 36 *RALPH M PRENTICE; c 36 *JOHN HOWARD RAYMOND; c 36 *PHILETUS BENNETT SPEAR; c 36 *RUFUS KING BELLAMY; 36-7; Middlebury C, Vt 36; b Kingston 16; fr Kingsbury; ord Clyde i N 38; p Groton 39-41; Medina 41-3; Rondout 43-4; Danbury Ct 44-8; Chicopee Falls Mass 48-82; ret Chicopee Falls 82-6; d Brooklyn NY 16 N 86 * WILLIAM BROWN; 36-7; c 36 *WILLIAM CAREY CRANE; 36-7; c 36 *LUCIAN HAYDEN; 36-7; c 36 *FREDERICK KETCHAM; 36-7; c 36 *JAMES ORLEY MASON; 36-7; c 36 *DEXTER P SMITH; 36-7; c 36 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1838 279 *NORMAN NELSON WOOD; 36-7; Middlebury C, Vt 35; DD Granv 51 ; b Fairfax Vt i My 08; fr Fairfax; prin Black River Acad 35-6; ord Lebanon Springs NY 27 Je 38; p Lebanon Springs 38-42; Vicksburg Miss 42-5; ZanesvilleO45-5o; presShC 50-5 ;p Palmyra Mo 60-1; chaplain US army 6 1-5; prof intellectual phil Jackson- ville S, 111 65-74; d Jacksonville 20 Ja 74 1839 "JEREMIAH CHAPLIN; AB WC 33; DD 57; b Danvers Mass; fr Willington Ct; t New Hampton NH 39-41 ; p Bangor Me 41-6; Providence RI; Norwalk Ct 47-50; W Dedham Mass 51-8; E Abington 59-62; Newton 62-5; t Institute for Colored Ts and Prs New Orleans La 65-8; res Boston Mass; d New Utrecht NY 5 Mr 86 *JUSTIN OLIN EDMUNDS; c 37 *WILLIAM WALLACE EVERTS; c 37 *VELONA ROUNDY HOTCHKISS; c 37 *JOSIAH FREDERICK JONES; c 37 'WILLIAM MOODY PRATT; c 37 *ELISHA E L TAYLOR; c 37 *WILBUR TILLINGHAST; AM Br 36; b Norway 12 F 10; fr Norway; ord Frank- linville 14 N 38; p Franklinville; Evans Mills in 42; Antwerp; Wilmington Vt; La- fayette O; prof math Central C, McGrawville NY 51-?; d Bloomer Wis 13 Mr 84 *RUFUS F BUELL; 37-8; c 35 *ADAMS CLEGHORN; 37-8; c 37 *!RA CORWIN; 37-8; c 37 *GEORGE W T DORRANCE; 37-8; c 37 *GEORGE RIPLEY BLISS; c 38 'ALFRED A CONSTANTINE; c 38 *LUKE DAVIS; c 38 *EDWARD ELY; c 38 *EARL P SALISBURY; c 38 *HARVEY SILLIMAN; c 38 'EDMUND TURNEY; c 38 1840 *HENRY BILLINGS; 38-40; c 38 *WILLIAM DICKENS; 38-9; c 38 *THOMAS HOLMAN; 39-40; c 38 *RANSOM M SAWYER; 38-9; c 38 *SAMUEL SILLSBEE; 38-40; AB BdC 37; b Alfred Me 30 Ap 17; fr Bangor; t E Ma- chias and Calais 40-2 ; d Jackson 22 O 42 280 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1841 1841 *LEROY CHURCH; c 39 *PETER COLEGROVE; c 39 *PETER CONRAD; c 39 *EDMUND BURKE CROSS; c 39 *ELEAZER CARLL EAGER; c 38 *LAWSON MUZZY; c 39 *JOHN TAYLOR SEELEY; c 39 *HENRY J TALBIRD; c 39 *ANDREW TEN BROOK; c 39 "CHARLES W WATROUS; c 39 *ELIJAH B GALUSHA; 39-40; c 39 *ABRAHAM P HOWELL; 39-40; c 39 *EDWARD LATHROP; 39-40; c 39 *ALFRED H TAYLOR; 39-40; c 39 1842 ^SEYMOUR WEBSTER ADAMS; AB HamC 39; AM; DD Granv 55; b Vernon i Ag 15; fr Vernon; sup Durham ville 42-3; ord Vernon F 43; sup Johnstown 43-4; p Vernon 44-6; Cleveland O 46-64; with Christian Commission 64; d Cleveland 2 4 S6 4 * JOSEPH ALLEN BULLARD; c x 4 i *EBENEZER S DAVIS; c 40 *HENRY L GRAVES; graduate U of NC; DD u; b Yanceville NC 22 F 18; fr Social Circle Ga; ord N 37; pres Baylor U, Tex 46-51 ; p Independence 47-9; pres Female C, Fairfield 61-5 ; pres Baylor Female C 74-5 ; p Brenham 76-8 1 ; d Brenham 4 N 8 1 *GEORGE WASHINGTON HARRIS; c 40 *LUTHER HUMPHREY; AB AmC 36; b Glover Vt 19 Ago 9 ;frSmethport Pa; t 37-40; ord Lorraine NY; p Lorraine; Sodus; Ft Covington; Massena; t Ft Cov- ington 55-8; p Mazomanie Wis 58-65; Augusta 65-8; ret Augusta 68-76; d Au- gusta 17 Ag 76 *CHARLES T JOHNSON; c 40 *THOMAS G LAMB; c 40 *MYLON MERRIAM; AB WC 39; b Brandon Vt 5 Jl n ; fr Brandon; ord Grafton, O 42; p Grafton 42-6; Derby 46-7; W Waterville Me 47-8; New Gloucester 50-1; in south 51; p Sharon Mass 52-8; Newport NH 58-9; Cavendish Vt 59-60; Shaftsbury 60-2; New Hartford Ct; farmer Warwick RI 62-77; P E Providence 78-81; Colerain Mass 82-7; Hampden 88-9; d Boston 31 My 90 *ROBERT RAIKES RAYMOND; c X36 *HUMPHREY RICHARDS; b Rowley Mass 17 S 16; fr Rowley; BU 33-6; ord Springfield Mass 10 My 43; p Springfield 43-6; Dorchester 46-54; d Rowley 4 S 54 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1842 281 'EDWARD SAVAGE; c 40 'SAMUEL R SHOTWELL; c 40 *PERLEY WORK; b Williamstown Vt 11 S 13; fr Hinesburg; student Oneida In- stitute, NY; ord Lansing Mich 28 S 42; p Lansing 42-7; miss ABHMS Sheboygan Wis 47-56; farmer 56-7; p Omro 57-60; Fairwater 60; Sheboygan 60-4; Ripon 64- 8; Oshkosh 68-9; sup res Ripon 69-74; P Oshkosh 74-7; d Oshkosh n Ag 77 'THOMAS GODDARD WRIGHT; AM 46; AB WC 39; AM HamC 41; b West- field Mass 1 8 Ja 20; fr Westfield; sup Avon Springs NY 43; ord Lyons 7 Ag 44; p Lyons 44-7; Claremont NH 47-51 ; Sandisfield Mass 51-3; Newark NJ 53-5; West- port NY 55-7; Wappingers Falls 57-60; Roadstown NJ 60-71; supt city miss Philadelphia Pa 71 ; p Westerly RI 72-4; Newfane NY 74-5; Watkins 75-7; Media Pa 78-81; Hoosick NY 81-4; Hartford 84-5; Hopewell NJ 85-9; Windsor Ct 90-2; sup Bloomfield, res Hartford 92-7; asst city miss and sup Hartford 97-06; d Providence RI n N 06 *LEVI PARMELY; 40-1 ; c 40 *RUFUS SEARS; 40-2; c 40 1844 'GEORGE COLFAX BALDWIN; c 42 'OTIS HACKETT; c 42 'NORMAN HARRIS; c 42 'ORRIN BISHOP JUDD; c 41 'JOHN ANSON NASH; c 42 'WHEELOCK HENDEE PARMLY; DD 67; AB Columbia U 42; AM; b Brain- tree Vt 27 Jl 16; fr New York; ord Clinton La 19 Ap 46; asst p Clinton 45-7; p Shelburne Falls Mass 47-9; Burlington NJ 50-4; Jersey City 54-90; p em 90-4; d Jersey City i Ag 94 'NEHEMIAH M PERKINS; c 41 'ROSWELL RANDALL PRENTICE; c 41 'ZEBINA SMITH; c 42 'GEORGE V TEN BROOK; c 42 'SIDNEY WILDER; c 41 'WILLIAM BRANCH; 41-3; c 41 'HENRY K EVERTS; 42-3; c 42 'SAMUEL STILLMAN KINGSLEY; 42-3; c 42 1845 'SPENCER SETH AINSWORTH; c 43 'JOHN CURTIS BURROUGHS; LLD 69; AB Yale 42; AM; DD UR 58; b Stam- ford 2 D 18; fr Hamilton; ord Waterford 3 Je 46; p Waterford 45-7; W Troy 47- 52; Chicago 111 52-5; pres ShC 55-7; pres UChic 57-73; chancellor 73-8; member board education Chicago 73-83 ; asst sup schs Chicago 83-92 ; d Chicago 2 F 92 282 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1845 *ADONIRAM JUDSON CHAPLIN; AB ColU 38; AM 43; DD u; b NY 17; fr Hamilton; p Conway Mass 58-9; Castle Creek NY 65-8; Candor 68-9; Conway Mass 69-73; Mansfield Center Ct 74-84; we Andover Mass 84-5; p Colerain 87-8; Ithaca NY 89-92; d Ithaca 31 Ja 92 *PETER CARPENTER DAYFOOT; c 43 * JOSEPH A DIXSON; c 43 *JOELWFISH;c 4 3 *STILLMAN BAILEY GRANT; c 43 "JOSEPH ORLANDO METCALF; AB HamC 42; AM; b Lebanon Ct 12 Mr 15; fr Clinton NY; t Richland Ky 42-3; ord Clinton NY 21 Ag 45; p Knoxville III 45-6; Perry; p and t Payson; p Macomb 60-6; Avon 67-9; Leland 69-71 ; W Lyons 72-6; station agent C B and Q Railway Lagrange 76-84; ret Watertown NY 84-6; Macomb III 86-00; d Macomb 20 O oo *WILLIAM S MIKELS; c 43 * WILLIAM F PURINGTON; c 43 * WILLIAM RONEY; c 43 *DANIEL FRANKLIN TWISS; c 43 *OSGOOD CHURCH WHEELER; c 43 *CANTINE GARRISON; 43-5; AM; b 21; fr Holley; ord Holley 25 Je 45; p Holley 45-?; Carlton Center 47; Hartland in 48; Rantoul Ill;Mt Pleasant; d Burlington Wis O 87 *EDWARD THURSTON Hiscox; 43-4; c 43 1846 *GEORGE WASHINGTON ANDERSON; c 44 *JOHN SYDNEY BEECHER; c 44 *EGBERT BOEKENOOGEN; graduate U Amsterdam; b Harlem Holland 4 My 09 ; fr Hamilton NY; ord Philadelphia Pa n N 46; p Muncy 46-7; Rockford 111; Mus- catine la; res Pella 53-62; d Pella 8 Jl 62 'BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BRONSON; c 44 *SAMUEL JENNINGS BRONSON; c 44 * WILLIAM CECIL DUNCAN; AB Columbia U 43; AM; STD 57; b New York 24 Ja 24; fr Grenada Miss; studied law New York 43-5; ord New Orleans La 2 Ja 48; editor Southwestern Bapt Chronicle, New Orleans 47-50; prof ancient langsUof La 51-4; p New Orleans 53-62; inv 62-4; d New Orleans i My 64 *SAMUEL GRAVES; c 44 *EDWARD C LORD; c 44 *LINUS MEAD PECK; AB HamC 41; b Cazenovia 3 F 18; fr Cazenovia; studied law Hudson 42-3 ; p Lebanon 46-7 ; sup Hamilton 47 ; d Cazenovia 4 O 47 *WILLIAM SHELTON; AB U of Nashville, Tenn 43; AM 46; DD Baylor U, Tex 66; LLD Ewing C, 111 80; b Smith co Tenn 4 Jl 24; prep Big Springs Acad; fr Smith co; ord Clarksville 46; p Clarksville 46-50; prof Greek and Hebrew Un U, Murfrees- boro 50-5 ; p Murfreesboro 50-5 ; pres Brownsville Female C 55-65 ; p Brownsville SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1846 283 55-65 ; pres W Term C, Jackson 65-9 ; pres Southwestern Bapt U 76-8 ; pres Ewing C , 111 78-84; p Ewing 78-84; pres Los Angeles U, Cal 84-94; P re s Stanford Female C, Ky 94-10; d Stanford 21 D 10 *CYRUS SHOOK; fr Red Hook NJ; studied some c; ord Saugerties NY 42; p Sau- gerties 42-4; Kingston after 46; Napanoch; d N 88 *THOMAS SWAIM; c 44 *GEORGE W HOLBROOK; 44-6; c 44 *CLESSON P SHELDON; 44-5; c 44 I8 47 *APPLETON HOWE DANFORTH; c 45 *HEZEKIAH HARVEY; c 45 'SAMUEL HASKELL; DD 67; AB BU 45; b NBridgetonMe 20 Mr 18; fr Rock- ford 111; ord Suffield Ct 4 Ag 47; p Detroit Mich 47-52; Kalamazoo 52-71 ; Ann Ar- bor 71-88; asst editor Christian Herald, Detroit 88-00; instructor dept Bibl instruction KalC 91-2; prof 92-8; res Kalamazoo 98-00; d Kalamazoo 4 Jl oo *REUBEN JEFFERY; c 45 'ELISHA W PIERCE; c 45 *JOHN WESLEY SARLES; c 45 IRA JOY STODDARD; c 45; ad 825 W 4 th St, Plainfield, NJ * JONATHAN BROOKS TOMBES; c 45 * WILLIAM RILEY WEBB; c 40 "JOSEPH RANDALL MANTON; 45-7; AM BU 42; b Providence RI 28 S 21; fr Provi- dence; ord Gloucester Mass 14 F 49; p Gloucester 48-50; Clarksville Tenn 50-7; Quincy 111 57-60; Minneapolis Minn 60-5; St Joseph Mo 65-8; Richfield Minn 68-?; res Richfield ?-i2; inv 99-12; d Richfield 16 Ja 12 1848 'ADONIRAM JUDSON BINGHAM; c 46 'CHARLES ALVAH BUCKBEE; c 46 'HARVEY MONTGOMERY CAMPBELL; c 42 *JOHN DUER; c 46 *BARNEY BARZILLAI GIBBS; c 46 'LEONARD ILSLEY; c 46 *GEORGE JAMES JOHNSON; c 46 'SOLOMON B JOHNSON; c 46 *IRA EVERETTS KENNEY; c 46 'CALVIN COWING MOORE; c 46 'DAVID ABIJAH PECK; c 46 'SOLOMON S RELYEA; AB NY U; fr New Paltz; ord Harlem 1 1 Ja 49; p Harlem 284 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1848 48-52; Kingston 52-6; Liberty Miss 65-?; pres Silliman Institute, La; on editorial staff The Southern Bapt; res Miss several years; d McComb 77 *MILTON SMITH SHIRK; c 48 *SAMUEL JONES SMITH; c 46 "JACOB BEVERLY STITELER; c x$6 *HENRY LAFAYETTE VAN METER; AB U of Pa; b Philadelphia Pa 21 S 24; fr Philadelphia; ord Philadelphia 28 S 48; miss ABMU to Pwo Karens, Burma 48- 70; res Sandoway 48-52; Bassein 52-8, 61-9; in US 58-61 ; d Mottville NY 18 Ag 70 *GEORGE WASHINGTON YOUNG; c 46 JOHN L APPLETON; 46-7; c 46 *BENJAMIN GRIFFITH; 46-7 ; c 46 *SHUBAEL STILES PARKER; 46-7; c 46 * WILLIAM WILDER; 46-7; c 46 * WILLIAM H WINES; 46-8; c 46 1849 * ALEXANDER McWHORTER BEEBEE; c 47 *WILLAMC BROWN; AM ; fr Guernsey co O *GEORGE WHITFORD GORHAM; c 47 LEVI OSBORN CRENELLE; c 47; ad 423 E 3d Av, Roselle, NJ *ELIHUGUNN;c47 *HARVEY ELIHU KNAPP; c 47 JOHN DAVIDSON MEESON; c 47 * JAMES HERVEY PRATT; c 47 *BOWLES COLGATE TOWNSEND; c 47 *TERRY BRADLEY; 47-9; c 47 *WILLIAM CORNELL; 47-8; c 47 MOSIAH MULFORD HEDGES; 47-9; c 47 *SILAS HEMMINGWAY; 48-9; c X49 JOSEPH KUHNS HORNISH; 47-8; c 47 *JUDSON GUITTEAU LYMAN; 47-8; AB WmsC 47; fr New Hartford Ct; ord; d 79 *LUCIEN M OSBORN; 47-8; '47 1850 *AARON HALE BURLINGHAM; c 48 *JOHN STORY GOODMAN; c 49 *JOHN STANFORD HOLME; c 48 * ALEXANDER McGREGOR HOPPER; c 48 * ALBERT HARRISON MIXER; c 48 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1850 285 *AARON POTTER; AB Union 42; AM; b Ft Edward 9 Ap 20; fr W Troy; UTS 47- 8; ord Albion Mich Ja 51; p Albion 50-4; Clarkston 54-6; Centerville 56-8; sup Lockport and Three Rivers 58-9; p Sheboygan Wis 59-61; Lamartine 61-2; agent AFBS Darien 63-4; res Wai worth 64-8; Champaign 111 68-73; d Iowa Center la 22073 *EMANUEL HENGSTENBERG SCARFF; AB Granv 47; AM 50; DD DU 75; b Luray Va 1 1 F 2 1 ; fr New Carlisle O ; prin W Jefferson Acad 47-8 ; ord New Carlisle 1 8 Jl 50; prin Judson C, Jefferson 50-3; p Gallipolis 53-4; Delphi Ind 54; pres Cen- tral U, Pella la 54-68; p Pella 54-66; prof math Central U 68-78; prof em 78-04; inv 78-04; res Salida Col; d Salida n Jl 04 *HENRY ALLEN TUPPER; c 49 *WILLIAM WARD; c 48 *JOHN GRAVES BOWEN; 48-9; c 48 * JAMES STOKES DICKERSON; 48-9; ^48 *JOHN D L GREENE; 48-50; c 48 *LAMAR WELLS HAYHURST; 48-9; c 48 * WILLIAM LEET; 48-9; c 48 1851 * WILLIAM THOMAS BIDDLE; c 49 "JOSEPH BURNETT; c 49 *ERASTUS HAMILTON BURR; 49-50; c 49 *PETER IRVING; 49-50; c 49 *CHARLES KEYSER; 49-50; c 49 J C PHELPS; 49-50; fr Buffalo *HENRY MCQUEEN RICHARDSON; 49-50; c 49 WILLIAM WALLACE SAWYER; 49-50; c 49; ad Milford, O *DAVID SWAYZEE SNODGRASS; 49-50; Oakland C 47; RTS 52; b Rodney Miss 5 D 26; fr Rodney; ord St Joseph La Ap 53; p St Joseph 53-5; Vicksburg Miss 56-69; chaplain 2ist Miss regiment; book bus Jefferson Tex 69-70; p Sulphur Springs 70-2; Longview 73-4; Huntsville 74-7; Willis 77-8; Columbus 79; Montgom- ery 80-1; Navasota 82; Millican and Courtney 82-5; Victoria 86-91; Sweet Home 91-5; Pleasanton 91-2; Salem 95-6; ret San Antonio 96-01 ; Houston 01-9; d Hous- ton 24 Ag 09 1852 THOMAS ALLEN; c 50 * WILLIAM CARPENTER; c 50 *WILLIAM JEFFERSON PARKHURST; c 50 *DARIUS HAINES PAUL; c 50 >ABRAM TAYLOR ROSE; c 50 286 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1852 "JOHN COOPER WARD; c 50 JACOB GERRITT MILLER; graduate student 51-2; AB WmsC 48; AubTS 51?; DD Maryville C, Tenn 79; fr Sand Lake; p N Topeka Ks in 80; la in 87 1853 *GEORGE HOWE BRIGHAM; b Eaton 13 Ag 23; fr Madison; ord Scipio i N 53; p Scipio 53-6; Manlius 56-9; Homer 59-66; dist sec ABMU in O, Ind and WVa 66-9; p Groton NY 69-73; dist sec ABMU in NY 73-93; ret Cortland 93-10; d Cortland 5 S 10 *LUMAN B CHAMBERLIN; c x$i *MILES J KNOWLTON; c 51 *HIRAM ALMERON MORGAN; c 52 *EMMONS PALEY BOND; 51-2; AB BU 51; b Canterbury Ct 6 S 24; fr Hartford; ord New Britain 2 D 52; p New Britain 52-65; chaplain i4th Ct volunteers 64-5; prin Ct Lit Institute, Suffield 65-70; p Agawam Mass 70-3; t Peddie Institute, Hights- town NJ 73-7; lit editor Christian Secretary, Hartford Ct 78-94; p Wethers- field 79-93; ret 94-9; d Suffield 28 F 99 1854 *COURTLAND W ANABLE; AM; AB Union 46; DD u; b Bethlehem Pa 28 Jl 25; fr Philadelphia; travelled vie of Lake Superior 46-7; studied law Philadelphia Pa 47-50; adm to bar Philadelphia 50; prac law Philadelphia 50-3; ord Germantown 1 F 55 J P Germantown 54-63; Cambridge Mass 63-71; N Adams 72-7; Spring- field 77-82; Adams 83-90; ret New Brighton NY 90-8; d New Brighton 28 Ag 98 * JOSEPH JULIAND BABCOCK; c X53 *PETER FRANKLIN JONES; c 54 *HENRY STEELMAN; c 52 *MMETT DEWrrr CRAIG; 52-3; c X52 *!SAAC THOMPSON WHITTEMORE; 52-3; c 52 1855 HARMON DYKE; sh; fr Diana; ord Pitcairn 17 O 55 *JOSEPH WILLIAM HAMMOND; c 53 'GEORGE EDGAR HATCH; sh; b Hinsdale 13 F 29; fr Rice; ord Kingsville O 27 S 55; p Kingsville 55-64; Colebrook 64-8; res Cherry Valley 68-70; p Cherry Valley 70-84; ret Cherry Valley 84-9; d Cherry Valley 26 0^89 'ELLIOTT PLYMPTON MERRIFIELD; c 53 *HENRY LIVINGSTON SIMPSON; c 53 SEMINARY ALUMNI I 1856 287 1856 'JONAS HOLLAND BROWN; c 54 *DEWITT CLINTON CRONK; c 54 *SILAS BELDEN GREGORY; c 54 *JAY HUNTINGTON; c 54 *THOMAS MESSITER IND; c 54 JOHN LAGRANGE; c xs 4 *JEROME BONAPARTE MORSE; b Haverhill Mass 14 Ap 30; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord N Orange NJ 5 N 57; p Orange 57-?; in Cal in 60; organized ch in San Fran- cisco; in San Pablo; in Napa; p Charlestown Mass 64-5; Essex Ct 67-70; White Plains NY; Cassopolis Mich in 79; ord deacon PE 19 D 79, priest 12 Je 81; asst rector Tarytown; miss Blackwell's Island ?-86; d Tarrytown i N 86 * WILLIAM BOWDOIN SMITH; c 56 CHARLES JAMES THOMPSON; ^Annapolis Md 19 S 30; fr Baltimore; ord Balti- more, O 56; p Bridgeport Pa 56-61 ; Port Jervis NY 62-4; chaplain isth NY engi- neers in US army 64-5; p Mt Morris 65-70; Medina 70-2; Homer 72-4; Peoria 111 74-80; Flint Mich 80-3; Burlington la 84-7; Colton Cal 87-90; Santa Clara 90-4; ret San Jose 94-07; Oakland 07-10; Los Angeles 10-2; Athens 12-; ad R F D 4, Los Angeles, Cal * WALTER NEWTON WYETH; c 54 *DERWIN WELTON SMARTS; 54-5; c 54 1857 * JAMES LADD ANDRUS; c 55 ALANSON H BLISS; c 55; ad Neodesha, Ks *EDWIN PIERSON BRIGHAM; c 55 * WILLIAM TERRILL POTTER; c 55 RICHARD MONTGOMERY RHOADES; AM; AB WJC 55; b Saline co Mo 10 Jl 33; fr Petra; ord Palmyra 27 Mr 59; prof math Bethel C, Palmyra 58-9; pres 59-60; prof math 60-1 ; t private schs Marion co, res Palmyra 61-4; pres Bethel C, Palmyra 64-70; publ Missouri Bapt Journal, Palmyra 66-7; t private sch Forest City and p chs in Holt co, res Forest City 70-3 ; p chs in Holt and Atchison cos, res Fairfax 73-01; surveyor of Atchinson co 85-9; ret Fairfax 01-; ad Fairfax, Mo *KELSEY WALLING; c 55 *FREEMAN PARKER LANG; 55-6; c 55 * WILLIAM ELY LYON; 55-6; c 55 *LANSON STEWARD; 55-6; c 55 WILLIAM STEWART; 55-6; c 55; ad 1249 Main St, Quincy, 111 288 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1858 1858 *ROBERT ATKINSON; c 56 *PUTNAM PETER BISHOP; AM; LLD Furman U 85; fr Cleveland O; ord Bur- lington la 58; p Burlington 58-61; Auburn NY 61-8; gen miss ABHMS Fla 68- 72; state senator 74-8; lit work 78-96; d Citra n D 96 *SIMEON P BROWN; c 57 *JAMES RODOLPHUS EATON; c 56 THOMAS ROSLING HOWLETT; c 56 *HORACE GROVER HUBBARD; AM 74; b Champion 17 Ag 29; fr Meriden Ct; sup Norwich; Northwood NH; ord Milford Mass 22 S 58; p Milford 58-9; Bristol R I 59-63; Chatham Mass 63-6; Brentwood NH 66-8 ;E Washington 68-71; Mer- iden 71-6; S Lyndeboro 78-80; Plaistow 81-6; Sanbornton 89; Campton 89-94; inv Campton 94-7; d Campton 29 D 97 HINTON SUMMERFIELD LLOYD; c 56; ad Hamilton, NY WILLIAM HALE MAYNARD; DD 73; AB HamC 54; b Waterville 2 S 35; fr Clinton; ord Cohoes 15 D 58; p Cohoes 58-65; Ft Covington 65-7; Malone 67-9; Auburn 69-75; P r f ecclesiastical history 75-; ad Hamilton, NY ABRAHAM COLES OSBORN; c 55; ad 344 Main St, N Adams, Mass 'ROBERT ADAMS PATERSON; AM;DD u;b St Andrews Scotland nN2 9 ;fr Schenectady NY; student Edinburgh TS; UR; ord Norwich 21 Mr 59; p Norwich 58-60; Chelsea Mass 60-1; Plymouth 62-3; Newburyport 63-5; St Paul Minn 66-?; Somerville NJ 8i-2;S Norwalk Ct;New Rochelle NY; ev; pres Binghamton Female C before 88-?; p Homer in 89; res Chicago 111; Binghamton NY; d Bloom- field 1 6 Ap 04 *JOHN B THOMAS PATTERSON; c x$6 *ISAAC NEWTON PEASE; c 56 CYRUS FISHER TOLMAN; c 56; ad 531 Douglas Place, Chicago, 111 *JOHN WYATT WARD; Georgetown C, Ky 56.; b Nansemond co Va 22 Ja 27; fr Suffolk; ord Portsmouth Ag 58; p Mill Swamp, Moores Swamp and 2 other chs 58-77; Moores Swamp and 2 other chs 77-80; Antioch and other chs in vie 80- oo ; ret Bobs 00-5; d Bobs i Je 05 MILAN LESTER WARD; c 55; ad 703 S Poplar St, Ottawa, Ks *EBENEZER EDWARDS; 56-7; "OLIVER WOLCOTT GATES; 56-7; C 56 *ELI BLAKESLEE LAW; 56-7; c 56 JOHN DEMING POPE; 56-7; c 56; ad 5 Cabbet Place, Lynn, Mass 1859 JOHN ROSS BAUMES; c 57; ad Box 82, Station H, Cincinnati, O *EDWIN DANIEL BENTLEY; c 57 *EDWIN CONSTANT CADY; c 57 HORACE MERWIN CARR; c 56; ad 1519 Grand Av, Parsons, Ks SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1859 289 GORDON ALEXANDER DAUGHARTY; c 57; ad Leamington, Ont, Can *WILLIAM DUNBAR; c 57 *JAMES RUSSELL HASWELL; c 57 *WILBER MORGAN INGERSOLL; c 57 *HORACE JENKINS; c 57 GEORGE WILLIAM LASHER; c 57; ad 422 Elm St, Cincinnati, O *LEVI J LINCOLN; sh; b 35; fr Charlotteville; res Summit 60; Worcester 61; p Milford 62; ord Milford 19 N 62; d Milford 1 1 D 62 'WILLIAM LEDYARD PALMER; c 56 *SAMUEL STYLES UTTER; c 57 *EDMUND PENDLETON WEED; c 57 *REUBEN HOUGH WEEKS; c 57 *MORTIMER V WILSON; b Somerset 32; fr Somerset; ord Colosse 15 F 60; p Colosse 59-64; Pulaski 64-73; Newark 73-9; Manchester 79-87; Penfield 87-03; d Sodus Point 22 My 03 "LEONARD BRADFORD HATCH; 57-9; b Bristol RI 23 S 32; fr Bristol; ord Haverhill Mass 59; p Haverhill 59-61 ; Brentwood NH 61-3; Manchester Mass 63-70; Edgar- town 70-8; Avon 78-85; Lexington 85-92; Braintree 92-9; Mattapan 99-05; N Easton 05-10; d Vineland NJ 10 O 10 *EDMUND OTIS HOVEY; 57-8; c 57 * ALBERT MARTIN; 57-8; b Colesville 22 F 30; fr Colesville; ord Roseboom 13 Jl 58; p Cherry Valley 58-63; Westford and Westville 63-5; Maryland and Schenevus 65-72; Harpursville 73-7; Vestal Center 77-8; Conklin Center 78-81; N Brook- field 81-3; Benton Center 83-5; Reading Center 85-8; Avoca 88-92; Wayne 92- 6; Millport 96-9; ret Horseheads 99-12; visiting chs in interest of Bapt Ministers Home Society of NY State; d Horseheads 19 Ja 12 *DAVID MORSE; 57-8; c x$7 1860 *STILLMAN SPAULDING BIDWELL; c 58 *SAMUEL BISHOP; c 58 * JOSHUA BUTTS DAVIS; c X57 SAMUEL JOSEPH DOUGLASS; c 58; ad Clinton, NY *WILLIAM WALLACE FERRIS; c 58 *JOHN CURTIS FOSTER; b Lebanon Ct 3 N 22; fr Lebanon; ord Edmeston NY 15 Ja 61; p Edmeston 60-?; S New Berlin; New London Ct before 71-85; Stoning- ton 86-8; New London 89-98; d Augustua Ga 99 ISAAC EDWIN GATES; c 58; ad 15 W 8ist St, New York *AARON CLEMENT LYON; c x$6 JOHN MATHEWS; c 58; ad Royal Oak, Mich *LEONARD JEROME MATTESON; c 58 "JUSTUS EDWARD MAYNARD; c 58 290 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1860 *FRANK EMERY MILLER; b Wallingford Ct 7 F 34; fr Wallingford; ord Water- loo la 61 ; p Waterloo 60-1 ; sup Wethersfield Ct and vie 61-2 ; p Nashville NY 62-4; bus Forestville 64-? *DAVID OTHO PARKER; c 58 *IRA ORLANDO PIERCE; c 58 *FREDERICK GEORGE REINEMAN; c 58 *MORTIMER SHELDON RIDDELL; DD 67; b E Hamilton 8 My 27; fr Water- town,; ord New Brunswick NJ 60?; p New Brunswick 60-8; Chicago 111 68-9; Ottawa Ks 69-70; d Ottawa i F 70 *EDWARD PAYSON SCOTT; graduate KnC; b Greensboro Vt 32; fr Lyndon 111; miss ABMU to Mikirs in Assam 62-9 ; d Nowgong 1 8 My 69 *CHARLES WESLEY CLARK; 58-9; c x$8 *DAVID EDWARD HOLMES; 58-9; c 58 DARWIN NORMAN MASON; 58-9; b Door Prairie Ind 9 F36; fr Brockton NY; ord Rochester Minn My 61 ; p Rochester 61-7; Cedarfalls la 67-8; prin DMC 68-9; p Indianola 69-73; Boonesboro 73-4; Marshalltown 74-5; Marion 75-80; supt schs Marion 80-5; p Independence 85-7; Waukon 87-93; Brookings SD 93-00; ret Albia la 00-7; Orange Cal 07-; ad Orange, Cal *HIRAM WARREN; 58-9; c 58 1861 ADONIRAM JUDSON ALLEN; c 59; ad West Park, NY *JOSIAH B CONYERS; AM 61 ; MD Transylvania U, Lexington Ky 40; b Bath co Ky 4 Mr 12; fr Zanesville O; prac med Quincy 111 40-7; Piqua O 47-53; ord St Marys 53; p St Marys, Delphos and Zanesville 53-9; studied Princeton NJ 61-2; p Oneida 111 63-6; Berwick 66-8; farmer Oneida 69-70; d Tabo Mo 6 Ag 70 *HENRY AUGUSTUS CORDO; c 59 *SOLOMON CULVER; c 59 "HENRY S DAY; c 59 GEORGE DARIUS DOWNEY; c 59; ad 80 1 N Ainsworth St, Tacoma, Wash *DAVID THOMAS JAMES; c 59 FRANKLIN JOHNSON; DD U Jena 69; LLD OttU 98; b Frankfort O 2 N 36; fr Oregon City Ore; ord Portsmouth Mich 61; p Bay City 61-3; Lambertville NJ 64-6 ; Passaic 66-72 ; Newark 72-4 ; Cambridge Mass 74-88 ; editor Watchman 76-7 ; lit work 88-90; pres OttU 90-2; prof ch history and horn UChic 92-08; prof em 08-; ad 5531 Washington Av, Chicago, 111 *GEORGE ROSS PIERCE; c 59 GEORGE A BISHOP; 59-60; c 59; ad 25 Honore Av, Chicago, 111 SAMUEL SHERRILL CHASE; 59-61 ; c 59; ad 1718 3d Av, Los Angeles, Cal THOMAS PHILIP COULSTON; 59-60; AB ULg 59; AM; DD BuU 88; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord Philadelphia 62?; p Frankford (Philadelphia) 62-90; ret Philadelphia 90-02; d Philadelphia 31 Mr 02 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1 86 1 291 *MILTON E FISK; 59-61; c 59 GEORGE MARVIN STONE; 59-60; c 59; ad 22 Townley St, Hartford, Ct 1862 "HENRY DAY BURDICK; c 60 WILFRED DEAN; b England 29; fr Meriden Ct; ord Tolland 62; p Tolland 62-?; NH; Southbridge Mass; became PE 68; rector Kinsman O in 71 ; Clayton NY *MOSES JUDSON GOFF; c 60 WILLIAM JAMES; c 60 *ANDREW LINDSAY; c 58 "JOHN ATKINSON PICKARD; c 60 *SAMUEL HANLY SAYLER; c 60 JOHN TRENAMAN; c x6i *CHARLES EDWIN TUCKER; AB KnC 59; b Laporte Ind2 Jl 4 i; fr Logansport ; capt 1 1 4th NY volunteers 62-3; killed at Port Hudson 14 Je 63 *AUGUSTUS ARMAGNAC; 61-2; c x6o *WAYLAND HOYT; 60- 1; c X59 *CHARLES H JAMES; 60- 1; b Gloucestershire England 19 Ap 31; fr Rochester NY, ord Belmont 18 N 57; p Belmont 57-60; Deposit 61-3; Attica 63-6; Alden 66-72; Battle Creek Mich 72-5; Schenevus NY 76; Skaneateles 76-81; Franklin 81-8; Attica 88-92; ret Clifton Springs 92-05; d Clifton Springs 13 Je 05 *MATTHEW CHAPMAN KEMPSEY; 60- 1; c 60 I86 3 *WILLIAM ALLEN BRIGGS; AM; AB WmsC 60; b Pittsfield Mass 12 Jl 34; fr Pittsfield; ord S Adams 10 S 63; p S Adams 63-70; Homer NY' 70-3; Blue Rapids Ks 73-80; Niantic RI and Oaklawn 80-98; d Oaklawn 12 Ja 98 CHRISTIE WHEELER BURNHAM; c 61; ad 81 Irving Av, Providence, RI * WILLIAM NEWTON CLARKE; c 61 THOMAS CULL; c x6i; ad Cambridge, NY *NORMAN CLARK MALLORY; c 61 *WILLIAM WARRINER MERRIAM; AM; AB WmsC 61 ; RTS 70; b Springfield Mass 12 F 37; fr Springfield; NTI 68-9; t Brockport NY 71; Jamesport; East- port; Manorville; Springs; d Springs 30 Ja 89 *ETHAN BENJAMIN PALMER; c 60 *THOMAS PATTISON; c 56 THEODORE STERLING WOODIN; c x6i; ad Weston, Mich EDWIN SEABURY WHEELER; 61-2; b Groton Ct 4 Ag 36; fr Groton; ord Port Chester NY 5 S 60; chaplain US army 63-4; p Willimantic Ct 65-7; Wakefield RI 67-70; Rahway NJ 71-4; Valley Falls RI 74-9; E Greenwich 79-81 ; Greenport NY 81-4; 292 SEMINARY ALUMNI I 1863 S Framingham Mass 84-90; S Boston 90-5; Boston 95-00; on editorial staff Bos- ton Standard, and American Citizen 95-6; asst p Boston 01-2; miss NJ State Conv 02-6; p Woodville Ma?s 06-; ad Woodville, Mass 1864 NEWTON LLOYD ANDREWS; c 62; ad Hamilton, NY JONATHAN BASTOW; c 61; ad Port Washington, NY *EDWIN I BENNETT ;c 62 *JOHN DONNELLY; c 62 EDWARD BENNETT EDMUNDS; c 60; ad Beaver Dam, Wis LEMAN QUINTILIAN GALPIN; c 62; ad 772 Garson Av, Rochester, NY ZELOTES GRENELL; c 62; ad LaGrange, 111 'CHARLES HOMER JOHNSON; c 62 *SYLVESTER JEREMIAH LUSK; b Walworth 27 Je 35; fr Walworth; ord E Avon 1 6 Mr 65; p E Avon 64-5; Orleans 66-9; Towanda Pa 69-75; Howard NY 75-9; Reading Center 79-80; inv 80-2; d Penn Yan 11 N 82 *FRANK WARREN TOWLE; c 62 JAMES DEWEY TUCKER; AM ; AB WmsC 61 ; b E Hamilton 5 Mr 37 ; fr Madison; ord McGrawville 22 F 65; p McGrawville 64-5; Vernon 66-7; miss Troy 67-9; p Ft Edward 70-2; Wappingers Falls 72-6; Nunda 76-80; Perry 80-7; res West Haven Ct 88-; temperance work 88-90; with Winchester Av Railway Co 90-8; clerk office Utah and Eastern Copper Mining Co 98-04; ad 382 Elm St, West Haven, Ct SAMUEL KING DEXTER; 62-3; c 62; ad Palms, Cal *JOHN RALPH HASKINS; 62-4; c x62 1865 JOEL EVANS BITTING; b Hilltown Pa 23 Ag 31; fr New Britain; ord W Green- wich NY 10 Ja 66; p W Greenwich; Euclid O; Romeo Mich; Imlay City 72-4: Sault Ste Marie 82-? *EDWARD MONTROSE BLANCH ARD; AM 68; b Charlestown Mass 15 S 35; fr Beaver Dam Wis; ord Morris NY 67; p Morris 65-8; Marathon 68-71; Bain- bridge 71-4; St Clair Mich 75-6; Flushing 76-81; Litchfield and Aurelius 81-5; Detroit 85-8; Williamstown 88-92; St Johns 94-8; Vernon and Plymouth 98-01; St Louis 01-8; d Holly 16 F 08 * JONATHAN BUSH CHILD; c 63 *ERI BAKER HULBERT; c x6 3 * WILLIAM E LOCKHART; c 63 *JOHN PEDDIE; c 62 * WILLIAM HENRY RUGG; c 62 *WILLIAM EDWIN STANTON; c 61 JOHN WAGGONER TERRY; AM; AB ShC 61 ; b Otterville 111 12 O 36; fr Jersey- SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1865 293 ville; pr Taylorville and Polo 61-2; ord Otterville 62; ist lieut i24th 111 inf 62-3; p Centralia 65-6; Madison Ind 66-8; in Europe 68-9; miss ABMU to Spain 70-1 ; prac law Carlinville 111 71-2 ; adm to bar Indianapolis Ind 72 ; prac law and banker Trinidad Col 73-9; real estate bus Kansas City Mo 79-81; banking and real . estate bus Socorro NMex 81-; ad Socorro, NMex OWEN A WILLIAMS; c 63; ad 1236 Louisiana St, Lawrence, Ks EBER ARTHUR WOODS; c 63; ad 2604 College Av, Berkeley, Cal *FRANK ADKINS; 63-4; c 61 W WESTEL HUNTINGTON; 63-4; graduate KalC; fr Kalamazoo Mich *JOHN KINGDOM; 64-5; graduate Columbia U; fr Baltimore Md; RTS 65-6; ord NJ 67; p several chs; p Paris Ky 70-1; with US Treasury Dept, Washington DC 71-06; d Rockville Md 8 N 06 CHARLES HENRY NASH; 63-4; c 63; ad W Thonotosassa, Fla THOMAS W POWELL; 63-4; AB DU 63; AM 66; DD 90; b Chesterville O; fr Gran- ville; ord Lancaster 23 Jl 64; p Tiffin 65-8; Davenport la 68-71; Minneapolis Minn 71-4; Davenport la 75-9; Milwaukee Wis 80-4; travelled for health Cal and Col 84-6; p Chicago 111 86-90; Winona Minn 90-8; we 98-01; p Chicago 111 01-7; ch ev and acting p, res Chicago 07-; ad 2235 Giddings St, Chicago, 111 STEPHEN O RHODES; 63-4; b Lansing n Je 28; fr Lansing; p Berwick Pa 68-?; Reading 87-92 *RICHARD VAN WYCKE SNOW; 63-5; c 63 1866 HENRY HEATH BAWDEN; c 64; ad Granville, O GEORGE COOPER; AM; AB Toronto U Can; DD ULg 84; b Edingburgh Scot- land 10 D 40; fr Aylmer CW; ord N Attleboro Mass i Je 66; p N Attleboro 66-9; Gloversville NY 69-73; Philadelphia Pa 73-80; Williamsport 80-5; Richmond Va 85-04; Media Pa 04-5; Jenkintown, Philadelphia 05-; ad 506 West Av, Jenkin- town, Philadelphia, Pa THOMAS ALEXANDER THOMPSON HANNA; c 64; ad Richland Center, Pa AUSTIN SHERWIN MERRIFIELD; c 64; ad 2763 Holmes St, Kansas City, Mo MASKIN CLARK BAKER OAKLEY'; AM; AB UR 64; b New York 10 D 40; fr Bound Brook NJ; RTS 64-5; ord Philadelphia Pa 18 O 66; p Philadelphia 66-9; Lower Merion 69-74; Brooklyn NY 74-5; Huntington 75-82; Port Jefferson 82-6; Athens 86; res Northport 86-; ad Northport, NY ASA EDWARD REYNOLDS; c 64; ad 2969 Vernon Av, Chicago, 111 THOMAS THOMPSON; sh; AM; MD Columbia U 63; AM Lafayette C, Pa 76; DD Washington C, Tenn 91 ; b Delhi 26 Ap 38; fr Delhi; asst surgeon 92d NY inf 63-5; ord Presb Coventry 17 O 66; p New Berlin 66-7; Chateaugay 68-9; Laurens SC 70-1; Doerun Pa 71-6; Morrisdale Mines 76-80; pres Las Animas C, Mesilla NMex 80-2; p McAllesterville Pa 83-4; Lancaster 85-93; Manorville NY 94-8; Washington DC 99-; ad 1247 N Capitol St, Washington, DC *LYSANDER LUROY WELLMAN; sh; AM; AB DU 64; b western NY 20 D 33; fr Two Rivers Wis; ord Masonville NY; miss Deposit Assoc 67-8; p Masonville 294 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1 866 67-9; ss Brookfield Mo 70; agent ABPS St Louis 71 ; p Grove Hill 73-81 ; Linnaeus several years after 81; d Brookfield 94 *SAFFORD DARWIN MOXLEY; 64-5; b Plattsburg 18 S 40; fr Canton; sup Chateaugay 67-8; ord Chateaugay 29 Ja 68; p Keeseville 68-76; Bath Me 76-8; Mt Morris NY 79-85; Nunda 85-90; sup Windsor Vt 90-1 ; p Bristol RI 91-8; inv 98-03; d Mel- rose Mass 29 Ap 03 1867 * JOSEPH BARTLETT BARRY; c 65 ADONIRAM JUDSON FROST; c 65 * WILLIAM CAMPBELL GUNN; c 65 JOHN WILLIAM HENRY; c 65; ad 2909 Pine Av, Elmwood Park, Berkeley, Cat ADONIRAM JUDSON LYON; c 65 *JOHN SCOTT McKEEN; c 64 HENRY HARRISON PEABODY; c 65; ad Rome, NY *DANIEL WEBSTER SKINNER; c 65 "HUBERT C WOODS; c 65 LAMBERT LYSANDER WOODS; AM; AB U of Vt 65 ;b Southboro Mass 20 Je 40; fr Southboro; ord Ogdensburg NY n S 67; p Ogdensburg 67-70; Lawrence Mass 70-3; Boston 73-80; Peabody 80-2; Helena Mont 82-6; Salt Lake City Utah 86-7; bus 87-96; p Los Gatos Cal 96-9; bus 99-00; p Cong Seattle Wash 00-6; Nome Alaska 06-9; Snohomish Wash 10-; ad Snohomish. Wash *JOHN ALEXIS EDGREN; 65-6; BD BUTS 72; DD UChic 80; b Sweden Europe 20 F 39; fr Stockholm; PTS 63-4; ord New York 66; miss ABMU to Sweden, res Stockholm and Upsala 66-70; p Chicago 111 70-2; instructor and prof Scandi- navian dept BUTS 71-84; prin Central Bible S, Stromsburg Neb 84-7; lit work, res Los Angeles Cal 87-8; Red Bluff 88-9; Oakland 89-08; editor Zion's Watch- man, and Evangelical Monthly (both Swedish) Chicago 111 several years; d. Oakland Cal 26 Ja 08 "LEONARD SMITH; 65-6; c 65 1868 JEFFERSON HERMON AUSTERMELL; c 68; ad 937 Orange St, Los Angeles, Cal, *HENRY WILLIAM JONES; c 65 *WILLIAM TODD LOWRY; c 66 *WILLIAM H PEASE; c 66 *WILLE MAXSON ROBINSON; c 66 HARVEY ROGERS TRAVER; c 66; ad 26 State St, Hartford, Ct *WILLIAM GEORGE WALKER; c 66 SEMINARY ALUMNI I 1869 295 1869 ALBERT HORTON BALL; AB AmC 66; DD Beloit C, Wis 91 ; b Amherst Mass 10 Mr 43; fr Amherst; ord Greenfield Mass 10 Ag 70; p Greenfield 70-3; Windsor Vt 73-6; New Haven Ct 76-82; Springfield 111 82-5; p Cong Elgin 85-92; Anderson Ind 92-8; Passaic NJ 98-07; Westfield Mass 07-; ad Westfield, Mass ALBERT MELVILLE PRENTICE; c 67; ad 55 Ford Av, Troy, NY *EDWARD CHAPMAN ROMINE; c 67 CHARLES CARROLL SMITH; c 67; ad Care Dr Smith, Freeport, NY JAMES MORFORD TAYLOR; c 67; ad Hamilton, NY EDWARD JUDSON; 67-8; c x64; ad 53 S Washington Sq, New York GEORGE KEELY; 67-8; c 67 1870 * JAMES HENRY ANDREWS; c 68 *PERRY C BENTLEY; AM 72; b Westford 42; fr Westford; ord New Woodstock i D 70; p New Woodstock 70-?; Seward; Richmondville; Mt Vernon; Mt Vision; Bricksburg NJ; t South Valley NY and vie several years; p Beekman ?~77; d South Valley 17 My 77 DAVID BENJAMIN JUTTEN; c 67; ad 29 Bradlee St, Dorchester, Mass JOHN LOVE; AM; AB UR 68; DD Temple C, Pa 96; b New York 5 My 47; fr New York; ord New York 5 Ag 70; p New York 70-2; Albany 72-5; Chelsea Mass 75- 83; Philadelphia Pa 83-97; prof pastoral theology Temple C 95-6; ss Philadelphia 98-02; instructor Bapt Training Sch Philadelphia 98-02; p Asbury Park NJ 02-6; Philadelphia Pa 06-12; gen sec YMCA Asbury Park NJ 12-; ad YMCA, As- bury Park, NJ *JOSEPH FRANKLIN SHOARDS; c 68 *CHARLES ELI BECKER; 67-9; c 67 EMORY DEAN CRAFT; 68-9; c 68; ad 1554 E 23d St, Los Angeles, Cal *MOUNG KYAW; 68-9; c 68 DAVID RONALD WATSON; 68-9; c 68; ad 469 S Main St, Geneva, NY 1871 WILLIAM HAMMOND DOR WARD; b Little Hampton, Sussex co, England 21 My 38; fr Belvidere la; student ShC; ord N Greenbush NY 26 S 71 ; p N Greenbush 71; Wilson 72-4; Freeport 111 74-8; Pontiac 78-9; Danville 78-81; inv 81-2; p Mapleton la 82; Oskaloosa 83; Sheldon 84; financial agent Central U 85-90; p Algona 90-4; Corvallis Ore 94-6; travelled in Cal 96-9; real esate bus San Diego 99-02 ; on ranch Ceres 02-3 ; p Modesto 02-4 ; Biggs 06 ; Modesto 07 ; ret Modesto 08-; ad Modesto, Cal WILLIAM MANGAM LAWRENCE; c 70; ad Hamilton, NY 296 SEMINARY ALUMNI I 1 87 1 *HALSEY MOORE; DD 87; b New York 12 Ap 44; fr New York; ord Coldspring Harbor 23 N 65; p Coldspring Harbor 65-6; Bangall 66-9?; New York 7 1-89; district sec ABHMS for NY and NJ 89-96; d Roseville NJ 15 My 96 RUDOLPH ROMEO RIDDELL; AM; DD UChic 84; b Hamilton n F 47; fr Sing Sing (Ossining); ord Palmer Mass 21 F 72; p Palmer 71-3; S Berwick Me 73-8; Wakefield Mass 78-82; St Paul Minn 82-5; insurance bus Hamilton NY 85-05; chief bureau of land, labor and immigration, dept of agriculture, Albany 05-;. ad Hamilton, NY *GEORGE OLIVER WHITNEY; c 69 1872 GEORGE KLOTZ ALLEN; c 70; ad Marlborough, NY CORYDON GRAIN; c 70; ad i Lamartine Sq, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass NATHAN HEDGES DIMON; c 70; ad R F D 2, Clay Center, Ks * JAMES S HEATH; fr Preston; ord Preston 27 Je 72; p Farmington Me 72-5; Mountain 75-6; S China 77-8; Benton Falls 78-9; Thorndike Station 79-81 ; Ap- pleton 82; North Haven 83; Franklin 84; Waltham 85; E Auburn 86-7; Auburn 88-9; Lewiston 90-2; d Auburn 10 Ag 93 GEORGE RERFORD HUNTER; fr Hamilton; p Perth Amboy NJ 72-3 JOHN GORDON MAVER; b Aberdeen Scotland 14 O 41; fr Columbus Ks; ord Boulder Col 17 O 72; p Boulder 72-4; Greenwood Mo 74-7; Silver Lake Ks and Rossville 77-9; Manhattan 79-83; Anoka Minn 84; Baraboo Wis 85; Edgerton 86; Rossville Ks 87-90; miss work Rossville and vie 90-6; p Rossville 96-; ad To- peka, Ks HERBERT HENRY MILLS; fr New York JOHN FRANCIS MURPHY; c 70; ad Bridgeport, Ct JAMES W PUTNAM; b Canada 6 N 44; fr Philadelphia Pa; ord Muhlenburg 70; p Gouverntur NY 72-4; Watertcwn 74-81; Cortland 81-6; Philadelphia Pa 87- 94; New York 94-05; ret New York 05-; travelled in Europe and Africa 86-7; ad 131 W 79th St, New York "JAMES JOSEPH TOWNSEND; c 70 IRVING CHANNING FORTE; 70-1; b Cazenovia 20 Ap 44; fr Cazenovia; editor Caze- novia Republican 72-5; Clyde Times 76-7; ord Schuylerville 13 D 77; p Schuyler- ville 77-88; Plattsburg 88; Ft Edward Village 88-09; miss Saratoga and Washing- ton Union Assocs 09-; ad Shushan, NY *HuGH OWEN PENTECOST; 70-1 ; b New Harmony Ind 30 S 48; fr Brooklyn NY; ord Rockville Center 21 S 71 ; p Rockville 71-5; Westerly RI 75-8; Hartford Ct 78-81 ;. Brooklyn NY 81-3; New York 83-5; p Cong Newark NJ 85-7; studied law New York 88-92 ; adm to bar New York D 92 ; prac law New York 92-07 ; d New York 2 F 07 1873 *JOHN WESLEY AINSWORTH ; b 46 ; fr Hamlin ; ord Hartwick 9 D 73 ; p Hartwick 73-7; Milford Center 77-9; S Rutland 82; Tryone 83-5; Leslie Mich 85-7; Milford. 87-?; Union City; ret Ann Arbor several years; d Ann Arbor 19 Mr 06 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1873 297 *WOODLEY WILLIAMSON CAMPBELL; c 71 LODIRE JUDSON DYKE; c 73; ad R R n, Oklahoma City, Okla *MYRON JUDSON JOSLYN; b Hartwick 8 D 36; fr Westford; ord Leesville 7 Ja 74; p Leesville 73-9; Preston Hollow 79-81; Otego 81-5; Saratoga 5 years; Cherry vale Ks 2 years; Bible colporter, res Binghamton NY 90-06; d Binghamton 06 ALPHONZO LEROY; AM; b Paris France 10 N 33; fr London England; ord Pitcher NY 1 8 Ag 70; p Pitcher 70-2; Little Falls 74-5; sup Syracuse 76; chaplain state prison, Auburn 76^7; p Boonville 79-80; Chardon O 81-3; Dunkirk NY 84-5; Forestville 86-7; Astoria Ore 88-9; Brownsville 89-90; Lagrande 90-2; PM La- grande 4 years; lecturer; sup res Portland; supt Ore Information Bureau, Port- land 03-; ad 617 Vancouver Av, Portland, Ore JAMES HENRY McGAHEN; b Granby 18 Je 43; fr Auburn; ord S Hamilton 27 Mr 72; p Exeter and Richfield 73-6; Mexico 76-81; Westerlo 81-3; Martindale 83-7; Hartland 87-9; Eaton 90-2; Tully 93-7; Chittenango 97-01 ; Bartlett 01-5; sup res Tully 05-; ad Tully, NY > *ALEXANDER PELOUBET; c 71 "CHARLES BOD WELL PERKINS; c 71 *LEVI R REYNOLDS; b Glenville 24 Mr 23; fr Owasco; ord Montezuma 13 Jl 70; p Oswego; Montezuma; Sodus Center; S Butler; S Hannibal Mich; Red Creek; Reading Center NY ?-75; Saranac 75-5; Smyrna 76-7; ret Montezuma 77-96; d Montezuma 19 D 96 DANIEL ROGERS; c 71; ad Granville, O *REUEL WALKER ARNOLD; 71-2; b 27 S 35; fr Keaseville; res St Paul Minn ?-87; p Kansas City Ks 87-94; farmer Chanute 94-00; d Chanute i Ap oo AUGUSTUS CARTWRIGHT SWAIN; 71-3; b Nantucket Mass 16 O 43; fr Nantucket; ord Cong Needham 73; p Needham 73-5; W Warren; Hardwick; Groveland; Atkinson NH; Barton Vt; real estate bus Boston Mass 96-; ad 40 Arlington St, N Cambridge, Mass I8 74 HENRY ALLAN CORNELL; c 72; ad 30 Congdon St, Providence, RI DWIGHT DUNHAM; sh; fr Milford; p Cong Columbus MARCUS CLARK MASON; c 72; ad Tura, Assam *OGDEN P MEEKS; AM; AB DU 68; b Covington Ky 4 Ap 42; fr Covington; pr Ky 68-70; ord Lawrenceburg Ind 71; p Lawrenceburg 70-1; Bethlehem Pa 74-6; Wolcott NY 77-8; S Butler 79-80; Clayton and Lafargeville 80-4; Cornwall 84-7; Lamberton NC 87-9; Clinton, Warsaw and Magnolia 89-97; vie of Clinton 97-00; Rowland, Ashpole and Rennert 00-6; Fayetteville 06-11; d Charlotte 25 Ja 1 1 *LAFAYETTE MOORE; b New York 12 Ap 44; fr Stanford; ord Stanford 8 F 70; p Flatbush 74; Flushing 75-81; Leadville Col 81-2; Oxford NY 82-5; E Dur- ham 89-91 ; Denver Col 91-2; E Durham NY 92-6; d E Durham 27 O 96 'FRANCIS JOHN PARRY; AM; AB ULg 72; DD BuU 95; b Philadelphia Pa 6 Mr 47; fr Philadelphia; ord Philadelphia 22 D 74; p Philadelphia; Cincinnati O 74-5; 298 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1874 Cooperstown NY 77-82; Burlington Vt 82-7; Brattleboro 87-95; New York 95~7^ Waterbury Ct 97-02; d Waterbury 17 Jl 02 JUDSON ORREN PERKINS; c 72; ad Cazenovia, NY ELNATHAN GOODING PHILLIPS; c 72; ad Tura, Assam JOHN LAFAYETTE RAY; sh; AM 88; b Beaver Meadow 30 My 46; fr New Berlin; p Bath 74-7; Germantown Pa 77-85; Cincinnati O 85-9; Brooklyn NY 89-99; Germantown Pa 99-01; Norwich NY 01-11; we Norwich u-; ad Nor- wich, NY * JOSEPH WHITE ROBINSON; c 72 HUGH OWAIN ROWLANDS; c 72; ad Newark, O GEORGE BEDELL VOSBURGH; c 73; ad 1337 High St, Denver, Col *CHARLES FIRMAN HULL; 72-3; c 73 JOHN ELI AS MCLALLEN; 72-3; c 72; ad Trumansburg, NY *DANIEL D OWEN; 66-7, 72-3; b Palermo 12 Je 37; fr Pulaski; t Pulaski Acacf 60-6; ist lieut Co E i Sgth NY volunteers 64-5; ord Romulus (now Kendaia) 10 S 67; p Romulus 67-72; Central Square 72-84; Pulaski 84-90; Ludlow Vt 90-8: sup Central Square NY 98-9; p Essex Junction Vt 99-02; ret Central Square NY 02-5 ; d Central Square 3 My 05 *CHARLES ALBERT PIDDOCK; 72-3; c 72 MYAT SAN; 72-4; c 72; ad Bassein, Burma CYRUS STEWART SHERMAN; 72-4; c 72; ad E Dover, Vt CHARLES SHERWOOD; sh 72-4; fr Franklin; ord Barnes Corners 27 Ag 74; p Barnes Corners 74-6; Colosse 76-8; Waterford Mich 78-85; Parshallville 85-7; Durand 87-?; Walled Lake ?~9o; Sebewa 90-2; Woodbury 92-3; Waterford 94-7; Rives- Junction 97-8; Entrican 98-? ALBERT EDWARD WAFFLE; 72-3; c 72; ad Albion, NY 1875 WESLEY EVERADE BATES; c 73; ad Eldorado, Ks *THOMAS ALLEN BATSON; c 62 *WILLIAM HENRY BATSON; AM 78; b Westville 2 My 44; fr St Charles Minn;. p Waukau Wis 67-9 ; ord Waukau 69 ; p Plattville 69-70 ; res Plainview Minn 70-2 ; p St Charles 72-3; Marion NY 75-9; Decatur 111 79-81; Geneseo NY 82-3; On- tario 84; ev Mass State Conv 85-6; farmer, ev and sup, res Fairport NY 87-93; d Fairport 8 Jl 93 FRANCIS MARION BEEBE; c X7o; ad Canastota, NY *DELOS DERNIER BROWN; c X76 SAMUEL HARRISON GREENE; c 73; ad 1320 Q St N W, Washington, DC ALVAH SABIN HOBART; c 73; ad Chester, Pa JOSEPH RAW r SON HUTCHINS; sh; graduate full course 76; b Fulton 18 My 42; fr S Richland; ord Hermitage 21 F 77; p Hermitage 76-80; Millport 80-2; Him- rods 82-5; fruit farmer Fernwood 85-; ad Fernwood, NY JACOB ARTHUR JONES; AB HamC 73; AM; DD 95; b S Trenton 20 Mr 50; fr SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1875 299 S Trenton; ord Waterford 29 O 75; p Waterford 75-9; Newburgh 79-91; prof hom 91-; ad Hamilton, NY ROBERT TAYLOR JONES; c 73; ad Ithaca, NY CYRUS ROWLAND MERRILL; c 73; ad 75 2d Av, Gloversville, NY FRANK HENRY NEWTON; c 73; ad 2415 Riverside Av, Minneapolis, Minn *PHILO FRISBE OGDEN; c 73 PAHKAUTOO; c 73; ad Ahlone Quarter, Rangoon, Burma DAVID BERGE POPE; c X76; ad Hickory Corners, Mich JOHN ADAMS RICH; b Gloucester Mass 14 S 41 ; fr Pondville Vt; ord Hinsdale NH 17 Ja 72; p Unadilla Forks NY 75-9; Maine 79-81 ; Truxton 81-3; Mahopac Falls 83-6; Wyoming 86-7; Preston Hollow 87-91; Mt Vision 91-3; Cortland 93-4; Covert 94-01; Thornhill 02-?; Bangall; ad R R i, Sharon Springs, NY CHARLES AUGUSTUS TOWNE;^c 73; ad Plaistow, NH CHARLES HENRY WATSON; c 73; ad 60 Clark St, Belmont, Mass *GEORGE EDGAR WEEKS; c 73 *BENJAMIN FRANKLIN WILLIAMS; c 64 *BYRON ALLEN WOODS; c 73 *SAMUEL HENRY ARCHIBALD; 73-4; c 73 *DELAZON CONLEY; 73-5; c 73 JAMES WILLIAM FORD; 73-4; c 73; ad Eugene, Ore EDGAR BURTON HUTCHINS; 73-4; c 73 DAVID THOMAS MacCLYMONT; sh 73-4; c 73; ad Friendship, NY JOSEPH JOSHUA PHELPS; sh 73-5; b S New Berlin 12 D 41 ; fr S New Berlin; studied Albany LS; adm to bar Binghamton Je 67; ord Triangle 19 Ja 76; p Triangle 75-7; Trumansburg 77-82; Pembroke 82-4; Rockton 111 84-6; Grass Lake Mich 86-9; Ionia 89-93; ass t adjutant gen GAR, dept of Mich 93-4; p Sturgis 94-8; North- ville 98-00; Covert NY 01-5; ad Covert, NY 1876 *GEORGE ROBERT BURNSIDE; b Edmeston 3 Je 37; fr Earlville; ord West- ville 10 O 60; p Westville 60-1; Mt Vision 61-71; Oneonta 71-4; Earlville and Sherburne 74-7; Sherburne and Smyrna 77-82; Buffalo 82-95; SU P Buffalo 95-8; p Buffalo 98; d Buffalo 5 N 98 ARTHUR WAKEFIELD CADY; c 74; ad Cobleskill, NY ANDREW WILLIS CLARK; c 74; ad Schenectady, NY ANDREW VAN BUREN CRUMB; c 74; ad Toungoo, Burma WILLIAM THOMAS HENRY; c 74; ad 114 W Gray St, Elmira, NY ROSS MATTHEWES; c 72; ad Westport, NY .GEORGE RIDGWAY ROBBINS; c 74; ad 2085 Harrison Av, Cincinnati, O JOHN RAY SIMMONS; c 76; ad Rosendale, NY GEORGE ALEXANDER SMITH; c 74; ad 17 Beverly St, Melrose, Mass 300 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1876 HERMON FRANKLIN TITUS; c 73; ad 304 Oriental Building, 606 2d Av, Seattle, Wash *GOULD JEFFERSON TRAVIS; c 70 JOHN CLARENCE ALLEN; 74-5; c 74; ad 680 Macon St, Brooklyn, NY FREDERICK KRATZ; sh 73-5; fr Crossover OLNEY JAY ROSE; sh 74-5; c X76; ad Williamstown, Mass *ELISHA WILDMAN; 74-5; c 74 1877 *ARCHIBALD CYRUS WHEATON; c 74 *!SAAC PRUDAMES BIELBY; sh 75-6; b Oriskany n Mr 47; fr Whitestown; in i4th NY heavy artillery during civil war; studied law Rome; adm to bar Buffalo 5 Je 75; prac law Utica 76-12; attorney for sheriffs 76-12; local attorney for state ex- cise dept 98; with Dennison and Dennison 98-01; libn 5th judicial district 01-12; d Oriskany 8 D 12 *SAMUEL WHITNEY NICHOLS; 74-5, 76-7; c 74 LEVI L RURY; sh 75-7; c X77; ad Charlotteville, NY 1878 BREWER GEORGE BOARDMAN; c 75; ad Waterford, Ct WAYNE BREWSTER; b Wright 20 F 50; fr Worcester; ord Elizabethtown 10 O 78; p Elizabethtown 78-80; Westport 80-1; New Baltimore 81-4; Vernon 84-9; Sec- ond Milo 89-91; Andover 91-6; S Hannibal 96-7; W Oneonta 97-00; Brookton 00-4; Westville 04-9; Castle Creek 09-11; sup n-; ad Brooklyn Bapt Orphanage, Coney Island Av, Brooklyn, NY *ELI D CLOUGH; b Coxsackie 6 Ap 39; fr Middlefield; ord Middlefield 18 Je 72; p Middlefield 71-5?; Fort Ann 78-83; Oneonta 83-6; Orange NJ 86-92; Franklin Falls NH 92-6; d Franklin Falls 24 Ag 96 JAMES ALBERT CUBBERLEY; c 75; ad R F D 2, Plainfield, NJ JAMES BENJAMIN GRANT; c X7i; ad Hamilton, NY GILES HUMISTON HUBBARD; c 75; ad Coopers Plains, NY DAVID HENRY JONES; c 75; ad Oshkosh, Wis FRANK LEWIS KNAPP; c 75; ad Leville, O MALCOLM MARCELLUS MILLS; c 75; ad R F D 2, Walton, NY DAVID EVANDER POST; c 75; ad R D 36, Pavilion, NY ORISON CLARK SARGENT; c 75; ad 101 Center St, Concord, NH ROBERT NELSON VAN DOREN; c 75; ad 4457 Berkeley Av, Chicago, 111 ROBERT WALLACE; c 75; ad Delavan, 111 *SAMUEL MORSE WHEELER; c 75 JAMES FISHER; sh 76-8; c X79; ad Corunna, Mich SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1878 301 MOSES JASPER MARTIN; 75-7; c 75 *GEORGE HERBERT MELOTTE; sh 76-7; b Watertown 6 Ap 43; fr Utica; ord S Rich- land 5 F 78; p S Richland; Plank Road (now N Syracuse); Gillette Pa; Columbia; Wells; E Nantmeal; supt miss work Philadelphia; ev; p Bethesda 7-03; d Nor- wich 25 N 03 ARTHUR WILLIAM STOCKWIN; 75-7; c 75; ad Rosamond Villa, South Gate Road, Wood Green, London, England EDWIN HORTON TEALL; sh 76-7; c X79; ad Superior, Neb I8 79 JOHN GREENE; c 73; ad Hamilton, NY 'CHARLES EDWIN HARRIS; c 76 WILLIAM LEGGETT KOLB; c 76; ad Bristol, Pa PITT HOLLAND MOORE; c 76; ad Nowgong, Assam CHARLES ALVORD NICHOLS; c 76; ad Bassein, Burma *C VENTON PATTERSON; c X75 LUTHER BOUTEL PLUMER; fr Boston Mass; p Detroit Mich 79-81 ; Jamestown NY 8 1-?; DeLand Fla 7-89; Detroit Mich 89; Jacksonville Fla 89-?;Niantic Ct; Somerville Mass in 93 ; res New York WILLIAM JOSIAH QUINCY; c 76; ad 1405 State St, Schenectady, NY *GEORGE BYRON SIMONS; b Troy 18 Ja 48; fr New York; ord Lebanon 20 S 77; p Eaton 79-80; Greenbush 80-3; Albion Mich 83-5; Highland Park 111 85-6; Co- lumbus O 86-90; Zanesville 90-3; Benton Harbor Mich 93-9; Rock Island 111 99-02; Indianola la 02-?; Burlington 7-09; res Benton Harbor Mich 09-11; d Benton Harbor 12811 GILBERT ELIJAH FARR; 76-8; c 76; ad Fairwater, Wis JOHN BICKET NAIRN; sh 77-9; b Kil winning, Ayrshire, Scotland 8 Jl 45; fr Phila- delphia Pa; ord Ft Covington NY 26 S 79; p Ft Covington 79-80; YMCA sec and city miss New York 80-1; p Dover Plains 81-7; Troy 87-06; Rochester 06-11; ev and special ch helper 11-; ad 257 Park Av, Rochester, NY I880 WILLIAM WALLACE DAWLEY; DD 99; AB HamC 75; LLB 76; b N Wilna 20 S 50; fr Amsterdam; adm to bar Utica 76; ord Whitesboro 21 Jl 80; p Whites- boro 80-1 ; Guelph Ont 81-5; Gloversville NY 85-7; St Paul Minn 87-93; Duluth 93-6; Minneapolis 96-04; Syracuse NY 04-; ad 512 Walnut Av, Syracuse, NY *DELAVAN DANIEL DEAN; c 77 *WILLIAM DWIGHT ELWELL; c 77 *HARRISON WALTER FURBER; b Northwood NH 50; fr E North wood; AndTS 77?-9?;bus 80-97 ; p Pi ttsfield NH 97-8; ord Pittsfield 20 F 98 ; d Pittsfield - 21 My 98 JARED SPALDING NASMITH; c X7 9 ; ad Phelps, NY MARTIN LEBARON RUGG; c X77; ad 125 Woodland Av, Oberlin, O 302 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1 880 HENRY SCOTT SCHWARTZ; AM; AB ULg 76; b Buenavista Pa 2 Jl 4 8;fr In- diana; ord Adams Center NY 17 N 80; p Adams Center 80-1 ; Sandy Creek 82-4; Gouverneur 84-9; Bocnvill? 89-93; Holland Patent 93-01; Clinton 01; we 01-; in NY state excise dept; ad i Madison Av, New York ALANSON DEVILLO SMITH; c X79; ad 321 Glenn Av, Fresno, Cal *HENRY BOLTON STEELMAN; c 77 ALFRED HOMES STOCK; c 76; ad Cannon Station, Ct SHELDON EDGAR WILCOX; c 77; ad 1024 W loth St, Des Moines, la TRUMAN GAYLORD BROWNSON; 77-9; c 77; ad 149 Foster St, Fall River, Mass *WILLIAM JOHN WILLIAMS; 77-8; c 77 1881 HENRY DENISON BALDWIN; c 78; ad Clifton Springs, NY FRANK BARNETT; b Pontiac Mich 4 Ap 55; fr Rochester; ord Poultney Vt 27 Jl 81; p Poultney 81-5; Ogden Utah 85-90; gen miss for Utah 90-2 ;p Denver Col 92-4; Pontiac Mich 94-01 ; Salt Lake City Utah 01-4; Greeley Col 04-7; Weston Mich 08-; ad Weston, Mich ORVILLE COATS; b Cherry Valley 14 N 52;'fr Albany; ord Cassville 29 S 81; p Cassville 81-3; Sennett 83-7; Pittsfield Mass 87-93; Somerville 93-02; Lowell 02-5; res Phoenix Ariz 05-10; Oakland Cal 10-; t OT introduction Pacific Bapt TS, Berkeley 11-2; p Oakland 12-; ad 829 E i9th St, Oakland, Cal LEONARD WOOLSEY CRONKHITE; c 77; ad Bassein, Burma SMITH THOMAS FORD; c 78; ad 432 W 6ist Place, Chicago, 111 ALLEN ALBERT JONES; c 78; ad 1326 Woodland Av, Toledo, O *SAMUEL GIFFORD NELSON; LHD ColU 93; b Cookstown, co Tyrone, Ire- land 24 Mr 47; fr E New York; ord Rhinebeck 15 S 81 ; p Rhinebeck 81-4; Brooklyn 84-93; Mt Holly NJ 93-5; Brooklyn NY 95-03; lit editor Brooklyn Citizen 03-5; sec Brooklyn Acad of Music 03-5 ; d Brooklyn 2 1 O 05 *SEWARD ROBSON; c 75 BENJAMIN STUYTES TERRY; c 78; ad The U of Chicago, Chicago, 111 WILLIAM NELSON THOMAS; c 77; ad Fishkill-on-Hudson, NY JAMES HALLL BENEDICT; sh 79-81 ; c x82; 219 Jefferson Av, Utica, NY JOSEPH BUTTERWORTH; 78-80; c 78; ad 201 Harrison St, Fall River, Mass HENRY JEFFERSON DODGE; 78-9; fr Boston Mass FRANCIS WYMAN FOSTER; 78-80 ;c 78; ad 620 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb; res 2007 Pinkney St *PETER LINDSAY; 78-9; c x8o *BRENETT JASPER Mix; 78-9; c 78 *ALFRED TAYLOR SANFORD; 78-9; c 78 *WILLIAM JOHNSON SMITH; 78-80; c 77 *WlLLIAM WlTHERMAN STAPLES; 78-9; C 78 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1882 303 1882. ALBERT PERRY BRIGHAM; c 79; ad Hamilton, NY MERRITT HO WELL COLEMAN; b Athens Pa 4 Jl 59; fr Waverly NY; ord Salis- bury 14 Ag 82; p Salisbury 82-5; Halfmoon 85-9; Broadalbin 89-92; Farmer 92-7; Demarest NJ 97-?; ad Piermont, NY FENNIMORE HOFFMAN COOPER; c 78; ad Andover, Ct JOHN CYRUS DUNCANSON; c 79; ad E Brookfield, Mass * JUDSON KINCAID FOLWELL; c 78 ANDREW KING FULLER; c 79; ad 1548 Monsey Av, Scranton, Pa IRA DAVID HALL; c 79; ad Fallen, Nev LERWICK LAPEER KNEEL AND; c 79; ad Hamilton, Mont WARREN GRAHAM PARTRIDGE; c 78; ad 9 Myrtle Av, Troy, NY LINN EDSON WHEELER; c 85; ad S New Berlin, NY ELBRIDGE WILLIAM WHITE; ^79; ad 333 W Franklin St, Jackson, Mich WILLIAM CAREY PHILLIPS; 79-80; c 79 ALBERT JUDSON STEELMAN; sh 80-2; c 80; ad First Bapt Ch, Seattle, Wash BENJAMIN HAMPSON THOMAS; 80-1; AM; AB ULg 78; b Reidsburg Pa 4 F 53; fr Bay City Mich; CTS 78-9; ord Tawas City Mich 13 Je 82; p Tawas City 81-5; Cleveland O 85-01 ; Bay City Mich 01-; state sentaor Mich 2 terms; ad 807 Cass Av, Bay City, Mich JUDSON CLARENCE BARBER; c 75; ad- Black River, NY EBENEZER MONROE BLISS; b Stratford 29 Ag 46; fr Pike; ord Aberdeen Dak 30 O 83; p Aberdeen 83-7; Augusta Wis 87-9; Whatcom Wash 89-92; Shehalis 93-5; Tacoma 95-8; Portland Ore 98-07; Visalia Cal 07-; ad Visalia, Cal JOHN CHARLES BREAKER; b Southampton England 4 F s6;fr Detroit Mich; ord Schenectady NY 5 S 82; p Schenectady 82-4; Fulton 84-90; Southington Ct 91-8; Northampton Mass 99-12; Worcester 12-; ad 140 ElmSt, Worcester, Mass DAVID HART COOPER; AM; AB Carson Newman C, Tenn 75;DD 96 ;b Jacks- boro Tenn 26 Ag 56; fr Knoxvillf ; ord Westville NY 18 Ap 78; p Waterford 82-4; Waverly 85-8; Lockport 89-93; P r t Huron Mich 93-6; Peru Ind 96-03; South Bend 03-6; Detroit Mich 06-; ad 166 Commonwealth Av, Detroit, Mich *BENJAMIN RANDALL DOW; c 83 CHARLES PITTMAN PEACHEY FOX; c 75; ad Westmont, NJ *DARIUS BEARDSLEY GRANT; c x8 2 LACASSARD L HOBBS; fr Fentonville Mich; ord Romeo 20 N 83; p Fairhaven Vt in 89; Chicopee Falls Mass 90-2; Kenduskeag Me 92-?; bicycle bus Worcester Mass; hardware bus Neb; farmer Auburn Mass; ad Worcester, Mass THOMAS EDWARD JEPSON; b Utica 26 S 48; fr Utica; ord Taberg 20 N 83; p Taberg 83-5; W Winfield 85-7; Carbondale Pa 87-99; Pittsburg 00-4; Herkimer NY 04-10; Bloomsburg Pa 10-; ad Bloomsburg, Pa 304 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1883 BURTON ORVILLE ROCKWELL; c 81; ad Bloomingdale, Mich LELAND JAY SILCOX; c 80; ad Camillus, NY JOSEPH CHURCHILL; 80-2; fr W Vienna JAMES LAFAYETE ENGLAND; 80-1; AB HamC 80; AM; fr Carrollton Mo *EDGAR GOODRICH HARLOW; sh 81-3; c x83 CHARLES FREEMAN HOPKINS; 82-3 ; AB AmC 80; b Mt Vernon NH 20 F 55 ; fr Roches- ter NY ; RTS 80-2 ; studied law Fargo Dak 83-5 ; adm to bar Fargo 85 ; prac law Fargo 85-7; Duluth Minn 87-; ad 509 Torrey Building, Duluth, Minn JOHN WALTER PHILLIPS; sh 81-2; c x83; ad 305 St Francis St, Mobile, Ala HARRY WILFRED REED; 81-2; c 80; ad 310 i5th St, Rock Island, 111 ALBERT ROLAND WILSON; 81-2; fr Red Bank NJ 1884 *KARL ADOLPHUS BLIESMER; c 81 THOMAS BROXHOLM; c x8 5 ; ad Westford, NY JOHN WILLIAM DUFFY; c 82 HAMILTON ALONZO FRASER; c 81; ad Medina, Mich EDWARD HOLYOKE; DD o 4 ;AB KnC 81; AM;b Galesburg 111 7 O 58;fr Gales- burg; ord Pittsfield Mass S 84; p Pittsfield 84-7; Providence RI 87-; ad 179 Al- bert Av, Edgewood, Providence, RI EDWIN WINTER HUSTED; b Brooklyn 24 Jl 59; fr Brooklyn ; ord Montrose Pa 26 Ag 84; p Montrose 84-9; New London Ct 89-90; Meriden 90-9; Tarry town NY 99-08; Danbury Ct 08-; ad 2 Terrace Place, Danbury, Ct CHARLES MASON JONES; fr Wilkesbarre Pa; student ULg (x78) ; ord W Danby NY 22 Je 76; p Worcester 84-7; Albany 87-9; Hartwick; district miss NY State Conv, res Oneonta 90-1 1 ; ad Oneonta, NY JAMES PORTER McCULLOUGH; AB UR 79; fr Parma ;p Cohoes 84-9; Newton Mass 89-90; Nyack NY 90-4; Clinton Mo 94-8; rector PE Tyler Tex 98-? CHELLIS EVERETT NICHOLS; c 82; ad 187 Martin Av, White Plains, NY 'FREDERICK AUGUSTUS POTTER; c 81 *DAVID SMITH; c 81 GEORGE EDMOND SOPER; c x84; ad 6 Summer St, Nashua, NH CHARLES FREDERICK STANLEY; sh; b Victory Mills 17 Ap 54; fr Lansing- burg; ord Lansingburg 16 F 82; p Lansingburg 8 1-99; Newark NJ 99-; ad 335 Summer Av, Newark, NJ FRANK PERRY STODDARD; c 81; ad Newburgh, NY ROLLIN JOHN THOMPSON; c x8 4 ; ad Fort Ann, NY *!RA JAY BAILEY; 81-2 ; c X77 *WILLIAM T GALLOWAY; 81-3; fr Mt Pleasant Pa; studied ULg (x82); p Protestant Methodist; p Bapt Copenhagen NY; Hamilton Square NJ 95-03; d Worth ville NY 03 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1884 305 ENSIGN DATUS HAMMOND; 81-2; b Hunters Land 10 Ja 54; fr LaGrange O; Un Chris- tian C, Ind 71-2; Oberlin C, O, 74; Christian Bibl Institute 75-6; ord Christian Medway NY My 77; p 77-; prof Starkey S i year; p Marion; Danville 111 ?-o9; Olney 09-; ad 603 N Fair St, Olney, 111 ^FREDERICK OSBORN LLOYD; 81-2; c 81 DONALD DRUMMOND MacLAURiN; 81-3; c 81; ad Walla Walla, Wash EDMOND PERRY SMALLIDGE; 81-3; b Bath 3 My 54; fr Fox Lake Wis; Downer C, Fox Lake 75-7; Beloit C 78-9; ord Adirondack NY 23 Je 83; miss in Lake George Assoc 83-4; p Northville 84-7; Lyons 87-9; Ovid Mich 89-90; Sturgis 90-4; Cadil- lac 94-6; Grand Rapids 96-8; Fowlerville 98-02; Bellevue 02-4; Grass Lake 04- 6; res Battle Creek 06-; p Ceresco 07-12; solicitor and organizer in industrial peace movement 07-; ad 106 Academy St, Battle Creek, Mich I88 5 *HAMBLIN G ALLABEN; c x8 MEGERDICH ATTARIAN; c 82; ad 49 Bainbridge St, Brooklyn, NY "HORACE J BALDWIN; b Findlay O 10 Jl 57; fr Findlay; ord W Danby NY 23 Je 8i;pCatskill 85-9;invWalesville 89-90 ;p Catskill 90-2; Clayton 92-8 ;d Ilion 28 Mr 98 GEORGE EDWARD BURDICK; AM; AB HamC 82; AM ad eundem 111 Wesley- an U 85; AM Western U of Pa 86; PhD 86; PhD Mercer 'U 86; b Schaghticoke 6 Mr 52; fr Saratoga Springs; t Muskogee IT 86-7; ord Great Bend Ks 16 F 88; p Ks and Mo 88-94;CossayunaNY,Utica, Three Mile Bay and other NY chs 94- 06; gen sec NY state BYPU 96-9; with Gen Electric works Schenectady 06-; ad 233 Liberty St, Schenectady, NY EDSON JOSEPH FARLEY; c x8 3 ; ad Oneonta, NY JAY A FORD; fr McLean; ord McLean i Je 82; p McLean 82-3; Frankfort 85-8; Battle Creek Mich 88-? JESSE AVERY HUNGATE; c x82; ad Riverside, Cal *DANIEL GARABED KAPRELIAN; c X93 ELDON HERBERT LOVETT; c X77; ad 146 S Portland Av, Brooklyn, NY * WILLIAM HENRY MERRIMAN; AM; AB Bates C, Me 76 ;b Stamford Ct8 Ap 62 ; fr Harpswell Me ; p Three Mile Bay NY 85-8 ; Mannsville 88-90 ; d Sprague- ville 1 6 D 90 HENRY HERBERT PARRY; c 82; ad 1250 Halsey St, Brooklyn, NY VAN GAASBEEK SHAFFER; c 82; ad S Livonia, NY JOHN COLGATE WILLIAMS; c x84; ad Tekamah, Neb HENRY ALDEN BUZZELL; sh 83-5; c 83; ad 586 Washington Av, Belleville, NJ SAMUEL E CARR; sh 83-5; b Hamden 13 D 52; fr Walton; ord Meredith 19 Ag 85; p Meredith 84-8; Starrucca Pa 88-90; Waterf ord Ct 90-2; Sidney Center NY 92-6; E Branch 96-04; Newfield 04-10; Cannonsville 10-2; we Cannonsville 12-; ad Cannonsville, NY FREDERICK WELTON COLEGROVE; 82-4; c 82; ad 424 Bailey Building, Seattle, Wash *SAMUEL JOHNSON NUNN; 82-3; b Fernwick Ont 58; fr Fernwick; studied Lebanon 306 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1885 Valley C, Annville Pa; ord Mapes Dak 84; miss Dak 83-4; p Cheyenne Wyo 85 ; Spring Valley Minn 86-7; Los Gatos Cal 88; Eureka 89-90 ;ev and miss work in Cal and Ore 91-4; p Santa Paula Cal 95-6; manager Ministerial Life 97-8; p Stock- ton 99; Fort Bragg oo; d San Francisco 25 Je 01 EDWIN W SAPHORE; 82-4; Pa State C 82; fr Philadelphia Pa; p Fayetteville NY; rec- tor PE Watertown ; Syracuse ?-o8 ; ad Syracuse, NY' *ADONIRAM JUDSON WALRATH; 77-9, 82-4; c 77 1886 CHARLES WASHINGTON BOOTH; c x8o; ad Masonville, NY JOHN SHULTUS CLEVELAND; c x86; ad Erie, Pa ALBERT B COATS; c 83; ad 722 Asylum Av, Hartford, Ct CHARLES ARTHUR FULTON; c 83; ad 140 Townsend St, Roxbury, Boston, Mass CHARLES FRANKLIN HAHN; c 81; ad Kane, Pa JAMES MORRIS HUTCHINSON; c x86; ad 378 Genesee St, Rochester, NY GEORGE POWELL PERRY; c 82; ad Ossining, NY FRANK IRVING ROSCOE; c 83; ad Hamilton, NY *EMMET HENRY ALLEN; 83-4; c 82 CASTLE BREWEJ?; 83-4; c x8s; ad 813 Pine Av, Sanford, Fla JAKOB JAKOBSON BYSTROM; 83-4; Bethel S, Stockholm Sweden 82; b Skorped Swe- den 15 My 57; fr Stockholm; ord Eskilstuna 84; p Eskilstuna 84-9; editor Wecko Posten, organ of the Swedish Bapts, Stockholm 89-; member Swedish Parliament 96-; pres annual conference Swedish Bapts 02-; Knight of the Royal Order of Wasa 10 ; ad 8 Tegnergatan, Stockholm, Sweden WILLIAM BLEECKER MATTESON; 83-4; c 82; ad 24 Urban St, Mt Vernon, NY WATSON JAMES MOSIER; 83-4; c 82; ad Demarest, NJ *ARTHUR KYAHNYO MYATTWAY; 83-5; c 83 HENRY HERBERT PAYNE; 83-4; fr Brooklyn CAREY JOSEPH POPE; 83-4; c 83; ad 2818 P St, Lincoln, Neb 1887 MARION LORENZO BROWN; c 84; ad R F D 18, Lewiston, NY THEOECRE BYRON CALDWELL; c 84; ad Manlius, NY SHEREORNE SAMUEL CLARKE; c x8s; ad] 1171 Brooklyn Av, Detroit, Mich "LUCIUS ASA CUMMINS; c 81 HENRY MARSHALL DOUGLAS; b SRichland (now Fern wood) 15 S 4 6;fr Har- pursville; ord Harpursville 9 F 83; p Middle Falls 86-9; Putney Vt 89-93; St Johnsbury 93-8; West Haven 98-io;Bernardston Mass io-;adBernardston, Mass WILLIAM ARTHUR HUNTINGTON; b Walton 5 My 60; fr McGrawville; ord Euclid 8 S 85; p Euclid 85-7; N Manlius 88-9; Hunts 90; Strykersville 91-2; Sci- pio 93 ; Prattsburg 94-5 ; Truxton 96-7 ; Delphi 97-8 ; res Canastota 98-03 ; p Fen- ner 99-01; editor and publ Clarion Press, Canastota oo; p Unadilla Forks 01-2; SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1887 307 Mecklenburg 03-5; E Bethany 05-6; Buffalo 07-8; Canastota 08-9; W Walworth 09-10; Monterey 10-2 ; with George Junior Republic, Freeville 12-; ad Freeville, NY GEORGE HENRY JACKSON; AM Shaw U 91; BD Yale 91; MD 92; b Natick Mass 28 F 63; fr Natick; ord Natick 29 Je 87; p New Haven Ct 87-93; studied Yale, C, DS and MS 87-93; rned miss and surgeon Lukunga, Congo Free State 93-5; prac med and asst instructor in clinical med Yale 95-7; US consul Cognac, France 97; La Rochelle 98-; ad Villa Sunnyside, La Rochelle, France ROBERT McWILLIAMS; b Ireland 20 My 59; fr Lake NY; ord Cossayuna 12 Ja 86; p Marcellus 87-8; Sloansville 88-92; Ft Edward 92-6; E Poestenkill 96-7; farmer Vineland NJ 97-; ad Vineland, NJ WILLIAM HOLLOWAY MAIN; b Adams Center 7 Ag 62; fr Lansingburg; ord Waterford 10 S 85; p Waterford 84-7; Buffalo 90-7; Syracuse 97-03; Hartford Ct 03-7; Philadelphia Pa 07-; ad 1623 N isth St, Philadelphia, Pa ABRAM HERBERT MANEE; c 84; ad Southern Pines, NC DUEY LORENZO MARTIN; c 84; ad Corry, Pa EDWARD ALEXANDER ROGERS; c x87; ad Pulaski, NY NATHANIEL SCHMIDT; AM; b Hudiksvall Sweden 22 My 62; fr Stockholm;ord New York 23 Mr 88; p New York 87-8; prof Semitic langs 88-96; prof Semitic langs and lits CornU 96-; director American Sch of Oriental Research in Pales- tine, Jerusalem 04-5; ad Ithaca, NY WILLIAM LEWIS SWAN; c 84; ad 171 Westminster St, Providence, RI ALFRED GEORGE WALL; b Greece 10 Je 51; fr Greece; ord Canton i Jl 88; p Canton 88-9; Wellington O 90-00; Clarence NY 01-; ad Clarence, NY SAMUEL HODGDON WHITE; c 84; ad no Miller St, Utica, NY GEORGE MONROE WHITTEMORE; c x86; ad Spencer, NY SYLVANUS A WORDEN; sh; b Prospect 9 N s6;fr S Edmeston; ord Cong Colum- bus 82: p; journalist; ad 203 Huestis St, Ithaca, NY WILLIAM JAMES DAY; 84-6; b Ipswich England 6 Ja 59; fr Albany NY; ord Croton 19 F 86; p Croton 86-92; Somerville Mas392-03;Rockland Me 03-; ad Rockland, Me CARTER JAY GREENWOOD; 84-6; AM Central U, la 92; b Cortland 30 Ja 59; fr Cort- land; ord Meridian i S 86; p Meridian 86-7; Washington la 87-91; Iowa Falls 91-5; Utica NY 95-8; Taylorville 111 98-00; Meriden Ct 00-3; Westfield NJ 03-; ad 164 Elm St, Westfield, NJ CHARLES H HAAS; 83-6; fr Taberg; p Portage Wis 77-8; ord Thornhill NY 24 Je 85; p Marcellus 86-7; Reed City Mich 89-90; Delaware O 90-1; res Brooklyn, NY; ad Thonotosassa, Fla EUCLID BEAUCLERC ROGERS; 84-5; c x7i; ad 536 S State St, Springfield, 111 EDWARD OTHEMAN SMITH; 84-6; c 84; ad Stillwater, NY HENRY M TEFFT; sh 86-7; fr Norwich; ord Owasco 17 D 84; p Mt Morris 87-?; ad Norwich, NY FRANCIS TOFT; sh 85-6; fr Paterson NJ 1888 WILLIAM LEMUEL BATES; c x88; ad Union, NY 308 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1888 *ALEXANDER M BEGGS; b Paterson NJ 28 Je 57; fr Paterson; ord Morrisville NY 26 Ap 88; p Morrisville 88-90; Ilion 90-2; d Ilion 21 Ag 92 LIN WOLD BUSHNELL CURTIS; c 85; ad Stafford, Ct FRANK ARTHUR HEATH; c 85; ad 2115 E Grand Av, St Louis, Mo WINFIELD GROVER HUBBARD; MD Union 84; b Bristol RI 25 S 61 ; fr Plaistow NH; ord Sayre Pa 4 S 88; p Sanbornton NH 88-9; sup and music t, res Campton Village 90-2; p Campton Village 92-6; Wilton 96-02; Oakland Me 02-4; E Wash- ington NH 05-12; Lyme Center 12-; ad Lyme Center. NH ROBERT HENRY MIDDLEDITCH; AB New York U 85; b Red Bank NJ 12 Jl 6 1 ; fr Brooklyn NY; UTS 85-6; NTI 86-7; ord Brooklyn NY 22 N 88; acting p Camden NJ 88-9; asst editor Christian Inquirer 89-92; p Ridley Park Pa 93-04; sec Middleditch Co 04-; ad 65 Duane St, New York EMIL JOHN MILLER; c x87 SAMUEL BASTIN NOBBS; graduate 89; c x88; ad Rockland, Mass CAREY V NORTHROP; b Monroe Mich 20 My 60; fr Fort Wayne Ind; ord Wash- ington Court House O 21 S 88; p Washington Court House 88-90; Goshen Ind 90-2; Bellefontaine O 92-3; Zanesville 93-7; Owosso Mich 97-00; inv oo-i; p Boonville Mo 01-3; Sedalia 03-4; we Kansas City 04-6; Highland Park Mich 06-; ad Highland Park, Mich WILLIAM WHITE ONDERDONK; b New York 2 D 56; fr Fairview; student Berean Bible C, New York 3 years; ord Cedar Falls la 7 O 85; p Cedar Falls and Hudson 85-6; Dow City 87-8; Euclid NY 8 8-9; Sidney Center 89-91; Burlington Flats and Burlington Green 91-3; Shushan 93-6; Averill Park 96-8; Clifton Park 99-03; Sloansville 03-7; Sandy Creek 07-10; Adams Center 10-2; Redwood NJ 1 2-; ad Redwood, NJ *FRANK DEE PENNEY; c 85 ARTEMUS WARD REYNOLDS; c 85; ad 1615 Fairmount Av, Philadelphia, Pa JOHN DAVIES RUMSEY; c 84; ad Girard, 111 EDWARD MITCHELJL SAUNIER; c x88; ad 160 Lincoln St, Worcester, Mass WILLIAM EUGENE WEBSTER; c 85; ad W Winfield, NY WILLIAM GEORGE FENNELL; 85-7; c 85; ad 908 Asylum Av, Hartford, Ct JOHN SOREN FESTERSON; sh 86-7: c 85; ad 369 Ocean Av, Brooklyn, NY DEWITT DANIEL FORWARD; 85-6; c 85; ad 601 W i84th St, New York ALVIN ALLEN FRIES; sh 86-8; c xSg; ad Mendon, Mich *ERWIN JOHN MCKENNA; sh 86-7; c 85 CLARENCE EMORY MAXFIELD; 85-6; c x88; ad Dinuba, Cal GEORGE WESLEY PARKS; 85-7; c 85; ad 156 5th Av, New York; res 185 Macon St, Brooklyn NATHANIEL A POTTS; 85-6; fr Tahlequah IT JOSHUA ROBILLARD; sh 86-7; fr Claremont Ont JOHN GEORGE SCHLIEMANN; 85-6; BD BUTS 90 ;b Galesburg Ill;fr Princeton; KnC 81-2; ord St Louis Mo 89; p Pittsfield 111 89-91; Sabetha Ks 93-6; Phillipsburg SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1 888 309 97-8; chaplain 2oth Ks volunteers PI 98-9; p Holton Ks 00-3; Hennessey Okla 03-; ad Hennessey, Okla 1889 ALBERTO ADELLMAN BENNETT; c 86; ad Jefferson, Me NORMAN SMITH BURD; b Buenwista 17 Mr 60: fr Hornellsville ; ord Herkimer 24 Jl 89; p Herkimer 89-90; Lagrange 90-2; McGrawville 92-8; Nunda 98-00; Franklinville 00-5; Auburn 05-7; Canastota 07-12; New Berlin 12-; ad New Berlin, NY CHARLES HASTINGS DODD; c x86; ad 124 Maryland Av, Baltimore, Md LEVI TUPPER GIFFIN; c 90; ad Croton Falls, NY *OGDEN JOSEPH KINGSBURY; c x8 9 WILLIAM CHARLES OWEN; c'x88; ad Allur, S India JAMES SHEPPARD; b Undz, near Newport, Monmouthshire, England 12 D 57; fr Hamilton NY; p Frankfort 81; Stratford 82-5; ord Stratford 21 D83;p Broken Bow Neb 89-92; Blair 92-6; sup Chadron 96-7; inv 97-01 ; p Eaton Col 01-4; on mail route Eaton 04-6; town clerk Eaton 06-; police magistrate 09-; ad Eaton, Col RILEY ADELBERT VOSE; c 85; ad 173 Quitman St, Newark, NJ *CHARLES JAMES BUTLER; 86-7; c 86 JOSEPH A FISHER; sh 87-9; fr New York; student Allegheny C; res Manistee Mich in 92 CHARLES ELBERT HAMILTON; 86-7; AB SyrU 86; AM 89; Drew TS 89;DDSyrU 01 ; b Delphi 26 Jl 65; fr Eaton; p ME Leona Pa 89; ord Oneida NY O 90; p Cort- land 90-5; Geneva 96; Rochester 96-05; Albany 05-8; Syracuse 08-; ad 1207 Harrison St, Syracuse, NY CLINTON IRVING JONES; 86-8; fr Groton; miss worker New York; res Brooklyn in 94 *ANDREW RICHARDSON MOORE; sh 87-9; c 86 ALBERT ERNEST SEAGRAVE; 86-7; c 86; ad Rangoon, Burma 1890 WILLIAM HENRY COSSUM; c 87; ad 2535 Melrose Av, Norwood, O *FRITZ CHARLES GLEICHMAN; c x 9 o OLA HANSON; LittD 09; b Ahus, district of Kristianstad, Sweden 25 Je 64; fr Min- neapolis Minn; student Swedish TS St Paul, and Stromsburg Neb; ord Minneapo- lis Minn 23 Je 90; miss ABMU (ABFMS) to Kachins, Bhamo Burma 90-; wrote and translated many works in theKachin langjad Namhkow.via Bhamo, Burma. ARTHUR ERASTUS HOLMES; g; c x 9 o; ad Unadilla, NY EDWARD MARSHALL JEFFERS; c 87; ad 200 W nth St, Dubuque, la BENJAMIN HERBERT JOHNSON; b Gelham, Welland co, Ont 14 S 65; fr Buf- falo NY; ord Wyoming 27 Ag 90; p Wyoming 90-2; Throopsville 92-6; AubTS 94-5; p Hartford 96-00; Fort Ann 00-5; Athens Me 05-7; Cambridge 07-8; Athens 08-; ad Athens, Me 3io SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1890 HOMER CHILD LYMAN; c 87; ad Hamilton, NY OSCAR REED McKAY; c 87; ad 224 Tinkler St, Lafayette, Ind LEE HADLEY MOSIER; c XQO; ad Pyinmana, Burma DAVID BENNETT PATTERSON; e; b Toledo O 7 Mr 68; fr Toledo; student DU; ord Halfmoon NY 2 Jl 90; p Halfmoon 90-1 ; Skaneateles 91-7; Elizabeth NJ 97-9; Massena NY 99-03; asst rector PE Potsdam 03-5; Norwood 05-7; rec- tor Massena 07-12; Duanesburg 12-; ad The Rectory, Delanson, NY JOHN GRIFFIN PATTERSON; c 84; ad Hamilton, NY CHARLES STANTON PENDLETON; AB Bates C 87; DD 08; b Oxford 25 Ap 63; fr Norwich; ord Free Bapt Columbus 24 Je 90; p Columbus 90-6; Oneonta 96-; ad 293 Main St, Oneonta, NY NELSON REYNOLDS; b Pittsfield Mass 8 Ja 60; fr Pittsfield; WmsC 79-82; ord Matteawan NY 4 D 90; p Matteawan 90-4; Friendship 94-03; Fulton 03-6; Sco- tia 06-; ad 128 James St, Scotia, NY EDWIN RICHMOND; b Niagara Falls Ont 4 D 57; fr Eaton NY; Toronto U 82-3; ord Hermon NY 17 Mr 85; p Hermon 84-7; Sennett 90-4; Camillus 94-8; Jamaica 98-08; Rockville Center 08-; ad Rockville Center, NY *CHARLES GILBERT SIMMONS; c 86 ROBERT HENRY CAREY; sh 88-9; c X9o; ad Warren, Me EUGENE H KEATOR; sh 88-9; fr Rosendale WILLIAM H SHEARMAN; 87-8; AB Carson C 84; fr Mouse Creek Tenn 1891 EDWIN MOORE ALDEN; AB Rutgers C 88; fr Hoosick Falls; ord Meredith 26 Ag 91; p Meredith 91-2; Hoosick 92-3; Granville 93-4; res Montague Mass; Mil- lers Falls CHARLES ERIC BENANDER; DD 12; Bethel S, Stockholm Sweden 87; b Gryt- nas, Prov of Dalecarlia, Sweden 4 Mr 61; fr Stockholm; ord Hamilton NY 19 Je 91 ; t Biblical langs Bethel S, Stockholm Sweden 91-06; pres and prof Bibl interp '06-; ad Bethel S, Engelbrekstgatan 18, Stockholm, Sweden ARTHUR LEWIS CANDEE; b Easton Ct 2 Ag 59; fr Easton; ord Crossriver NY 12 Ja 87; p Fulton 91-2; Faribault Minn 92-3; Lake Crystal 93-4; Independence la 94-8; Waverly 98-9; Durango Col 99-00; Golden oo-i ; t Buffalo Park 02; fruit farmer Golden 02-8; p Ralston 03-6; Emerson la 08-9; fruit farmer Golden Col 09-1 1 ; p Central City Neb 1 1-; ad Central City, Neb; and Golden, Col ROBERT JAMES CHURCH; e; b Reading, Berkshire, England 24 F 62; fr Smyr- na NY; ord Stratford 10 Jl 88; p Burlington la 91-2; Roseville 111 92-6; Carroll- ton 111 96-01; Carrollton Mo 01-4; Kansas City K? 04-9; Vinita Okla 09-10; Paola Ks 10-3; Sabetha 13-; ad Sabetha, Ks WILLIAM SOLYMAN COONS; c 88; ad 160 ist St, Troy, NY CHARLES SPENCER DANIELS; g; c x8g; ad Nicholville, NY OTIS ARUNAH DIKE; c 86; ad Lake Placid, NY EVAN MONA JONES; e; bCity Dulas, Anglesey, N Wales 22 N 52; fr Earlville NY; Haverford West Bapt C 76-9; ord Penuel Rhymney, S Wales 10 Ag 79; p Swansea SEMINARY ALMUNi: 1891 311 79-82; Constableville NY 83-4; Edirestbn 84-6; Earlville 86-9; St James Minn 89-91; Johnstown Pa 91-3; Pittsburg 93-5; Freeport NY 95-6; Brooklyn 96-9; Charlotteyille oo-i; Pittsburg Pa 01-5; New Castle, New South Wales 05-; ad Bapt Tabernacle, New Castle, New South Wales *RICHARD BENTLEY ROLLA MALLERY; c x 9 o SHERMAN HARRISON MARCY; c 88; ad 48 Mapes Av, Newark, NJ CHARLES CLARK PIERCE; c 88; ad 810 S Flower St, Los Angeles, Cal; res 216 W 23d St *ROBERT SCOTT; b Jedburgh Scotland i N 60; fr Sennett NY; ord Franklinville 1 6 Jl 91; p Franklinville 91-3; Buffalo 93-09; d Sennett 30 Ap 10 HERBERT J SMITH; c 88; ad 139 E 3 d St, Oswego, NY ISAAC CHARLES TAYLOR; e; b Westerly RI 8 Ag 60; fr Westerly; ord Scipio NY 14 Jl 91 ; p Scipio 91-3; Lagrange 93-9; Buffalo 99-03; Eden 03-4; Elba 04-9; Pittsburg Pa 09-; ad mi Mover St, Pittsburg, Pa DWIGHT CARPENTER TOWNSEND; AM; AB Central U, la 87; b Tabor la 30 55; fr Tabor; ord Bailey ville Ks 87; p Grafton Vt 91-3; financial agent Cen- tral U, la 94-7; p Churdan 97-9; Yorkville 111 99-00; merchant 00-2; p Mcln- tire la 02-4; fruit raising Paonia Col 04-?; ad Cedaredge, Col FRANK LAFAYETTE FOSTER; e 89-90; c xo3 DANA BRADBURY HARLOW; 90-1; b Buckfield Me 54; fr Buckfield; t and pr 91-; res Buckfield; Boston Mass; ad Buckfield, Me GEORGE BENEDICT LAWSON; 88-9; c 88; ad Saxton? River, Vt JAMES ALEXANDER THOMS; 88-90; RTS 92; MD U of Louisville 09; b Glasgow Scot- land 7 Ja 63; fr N Plymouth Mass; U of Glasgow 8 1-2; Samson Bible C, New York 85-8; ord New York 4 Ja 89; student UChic 92-4; ev NY State Conv 94-5; p Clyde 95-6; Topeka Ks 97-8; editor Saving Health Monthly, Topeka 97-8; p Centerville Mich 99-01 ; Alto 02-3; Dansville 03-4; Tyngsboro Mass 05-6; student Clark U 05-6; p Andover Vt 06-7; Tremont Me 07-9; Mt Sterling NY (inde- pendent ch) and med miss Lakeville 09; p Hermon and Russell 10-2; editor Hermon News 11-2; p Jay 12-; ad Jay, NY IRVING EUGENE USHER; 88-9; c 87; ad Tekoa, Wash HENRY MARSH WARREN; e 88-90; c X9i ; ad 47 W 33d St, Bayonne, NJ 1892 FRANK CLAUSON BARRETT; c 88; ad Riverton, Wyo ROBERT BRUCE; c 89; ad Dykemans, NY WILLIAM EDWIN DARROW; c 03; ad Mount Ayr, la *EDWIN NEWTON FLETCHER; c 86 PETER BUEL GUERNSEY; c 89; ad 156 5th Av, New York JEPTHA MONTROSE OLMSTED; b Novi Mich 27 Ja 59; fr Lake City la; ord W Townsend Mass 93; p W Townsend 93-5; Avon 95-00; Harv 95-8; p Suncook NH 00-6; Pittsfield and New Rye 07-8; Old Mystic Ct 09-11; Bloomingdale NJ 1 2-; ad Bloomingdale, NJ WILLIAM JUDSON PASKO; g; b S W Oswego 13 S 59; fr Oswego; ord Union 3 1 2 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1 892 Springs 27 Jl 92; p Union Springs 92-9; Scotia 99-05 ; Wolcott 05-10; sup res Syra- cuse io-; ad 119 Page Av, Syracuse, NY WILLIAM JESSUP SHOLAR; c 89; ad 178 Devonshire St, Boston, Mass; res Au- burndale WILLIAM ARTHUR STANTON; c 89; ad Kurnool, Madras Presidency, India CHARLIE Ross BAKER; g 88-90; DD U of Id 03 ; DD McMinnville C, Ore 04; b Frank- fort 1 1 Ag 59; fr Kalamazoo Mich; ord Fenton S 90; p Fenton 90-1 ; Allegan 91-3; Lapeer 93-9; Boise Id 99-06; Spokane Wash 06-10; Opelika Ala io-; ad Opelika, Ala WEBSTER SWAN DAVIS; e 89-91; b Navesink NJ io N 63; fr Atlantic Highlands; ord E Otto NY 24 Je 91 ; p E Otto 91-2; miss ABMU (ABFMS) in India 92-; ad Allur, Nellore District, S India CHARLES DE WOODY; g 89-91 ; b Franklin Pa 18 Ag 66; fr Franklin; BuU 86-9; ord Coudersport 3 D 91; p Coudersport 91-3; Waverly NY 93-7 ; Geneva 97-03 ; Utica 03-6; Woodbury NJ 08-?; ad Franklin, Pa JOHN WILSON ELY; e 89-90; b Washington Court House O 15 F 63; fr Columbus; DU 83-5; ord Richmondale 8 Ag 90; p Richmondale 90-2; New Philadelphia 92-5; Ashtabula 95-8; Conneaut 98-04; Zanesville 04-9; Madison 09-; ad Madison, O Lucius MILLER GATES; 89-90; b Montour Falls 6 N 62; f r Havana jpNewfield 8 1-2; ord Enfield Center 3 Ja 83 ; p Enfield Center 82-7 ; Georgetown 87-90; BUTS 90-1 ; p Sterling; Arcade NY; Mansfield Pa; Brooklyn NY; ad Bradford, NY CLAYTON GRINNELL; 89-91; c 88; ad 1108 isth St, Altoona, Pa W T SHERMAN LUMBAR; 89-90; c X92 CHARLES WILLIAM PRITCHARD; e 88-92; b Philadelphia Pa 8 Ja 58; fr Memphis Tenn ; res Scotia NY; painter and decorator Schenectady 08-; ad 639 Chapel St, Sche- nectady, NY FRED SMITH RET AN; 89-91; c 89; ad Tremont Building, Boston, Mass *FENTON CRAIG ROWELL; 89-90; c 88 LOREN ALLEN ROWLEY; e 89-91; b Broadalbin 22 Ag 58; fr Troy ; ord Earl ville 17 D 91 ; p Earlville 91-6; E Marion 96-04; Binghamton 04-; ad 70 Hayes St, Bing- hamton, NY CREIGHTON RICHARD STOREY; e 89-90; c 89; ad 15 Leonard Place, Albany, NY 1893 *EMERY ARTHUR BACON; c 95 THOMAS EDGAR COVINGTON; e; fr Fort Wayne Ind; ord Fort Wayne 18 O 93; miss Chickasaw IT 93-5; p Lagrange Ind 95-?; ad Fort Wayne, Ind WILLIAM WALTER DESAUTELS; c x 9 2; ad Plymouth, Mteh ELTON CYRUS DEYO; e; b Wyoming 2 Jl 51 ; fr Rochester; ord Rochester 31 Ag 93; miss to Comanche Indians, Comanche Reservation, Okla 93~;adTaupa,Okla ARCHIBALD ISAAC EHLE; g; b Caroga n Ja 63; fr Johnstown; ord Johnstown 29 Je 93 ; p Center White Creek 93-00; Philadelphia 00-3 ; Pulaski 03-10; Macedon io-; ad Macedon, NY WILLIAM JOHN FORD; c 90; ad 221 S 5th St, Reading, Pa SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1893 313 WILLIAM MOORE GRAY; e; b Carlyle 111 24 Mr 60; fr Leadville Col; ord Brew- ster NY 2 My 95; p Brewster 95-7; Fond du Lac Wis 98; Chanute Ks 98-; ad 222 W Main St, Chanute, Ks 'ROWLAND TAYLOR GUERNSEY; c 90 *HENRY JOHN GULLER; c 90 GEORGE LEONARD HIBBARD; c 90; ad 57 Richmond Av, Worcester, Mass 'SAMUEL CLINTON HOOD; AM; AB Mercer U,Ga 89; b Cherokee co NC 25 D 60; fr Cobbs; ord Cobbs 87; p Elloree SC and Corinth 93-4; Griffin Ga 94-5; assoc pres Orangeburg Collegiate Institute, SC 95-6; vice-pres Stephens C and Conser- vatory of Music, Mo 96-8 ; pres Monroe Female C, Forsyth Ga 98-9 ; prof Eng- lish 99-00; p Covington and Social Circle 01-2; d Boulder Col 18 O 02 HARVEY MILLER IVES; c 90; ad Eastport, Me GEORGE FRANK JOHNSON; c 90; ad Mayville, NY WALTER ALONZO KING; c x8g; ad 410 S State St,' Marion, O ELMER ELI AS KNAPP; c 90; ad 179 Baldwin St, Rochester, NY WILLIAM LANGDON NASH; AM; AB WJC 91; b Pembrokeshire Wales 29 Ja 65; fr St Louis Mo; ord St Louis 20 Jl 90; p Tarkio 93-6; Fairfax 96-8; Maple- wood 98-; ad 7249 Rule Av, Maplewood, Mo GEORGE EDWIN RINES; c X9 3 ; ad Hohokus, NJ JACOB SANFORD; g; b Woolhampton England 17 F 61; fr Elyria O; ord Sandy Creek NY i Je 93 ; p Sandy Creek 93-4; Madison O 95-9; Jefferson 99-01 ; Vander- grift Pa 01-3; Litchfield O 03-4; Jamestown 04-5; district supt O Anti-saloon League, res Toledo 05-; ad 226 Kenilworth Av, Toledo, O DAVID FREDERICK KELLY; g 90-1 ; MD New York U 92; AB Columbia U oo; b Bell- aghy, co Derry, Ireland 3 N 65; fr Cooperstown NY; Trinity C, Dublin 85-7; prac med New York 92-; t HS 06-; ad 215 E 238th St, New York DAVID ADAMS MacMuRRAY; 90-1 ; c 90; ad 234 Linden Av, Brooklyn, NY HOWLAND CYRUS MERRILL; 90-1; c 90; ad 898 E Jefferson St, Franklin, Ind VICTOR EMANUEL SOUTHWORTH; 90-1; c X92; ad Crawford, Col GEORGE FOSTER WOODBURY; 90-1; c 90; ad Unadilla, NY 1894 GEORGE DURWARD ADAMS; BD 98; c 91; ad 4405 Osage Av, Philadelphia, Pa JOHN COLBY BRO3KINS; c 90; ad 127 E Brighton Av, Syracuse, NY 'SAMUEL COLGATE; AM; AB Yale 91 ; b Orange NJ 12 D 68; fr Orange; student Berlin 94-6; miss work New York 96-7; inv and travelled on Pacific coast 97-9; ord Presb E Aurora NY 19 S 99; p E Aurora 99-02; d Sea Gate 16 Jl 02 FRANK HENRY DIVINE; c 91; ad 594 6th St, Brooklyn, NY LUCIUS EUGENE FORD; e; b Akron 10 My 62; fr Akron; UR 89-91 ; ord E Pem- broke ii N 91; p Williamsville 94-8; Buffalo 98-08; Brockport 08-; ad Brock- port, NY ERWIN CHARLES HARMON; BD 97; c 91 ; ad National Park S, Forest Glen, Md GOVE GRIFFITH JOHNSON; BD 95; c 91 ; ad 338 E I4ist St, New York 314 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1894 WILLIAM JUSTUS MOREY; g; c X93; ad 171 Furman St, Schenectady, NY *EZRA TERRY SANFORD; e; b Warwick 26 F 65; fr Warwick ;CornU 83-4; ord 15 My 94 ;p Cornwall 94-7; student UTS 94; p Port Jervis 97-00; Hackensack NJ 00-5; New York 05-12; d Chester 23 Ag 12 ALBERT HATCHER SMITH; e; DD McMinnville C, Ore 09; b Hamilton Va 16 Mr 70; fr Hamilton; student Swarthnore C, Pa 87-9; Natl Sch of Oratory, Philadelphia; Neff C of Oratory, Philadelphia P-gi; ord Berwick 25 My 94; p Berwick 94-01; Scran ton 01-5; Pasadena Cal 05-; ad 1071 Garfield Av, Pasa- dena, Cal ARCHIBALD HEYER SUTPHIN; e; c 92; ad New Monmouth, NJ WILLIAM ORISON VALENTINE; g; fr Waverly; ord Waverly 29 Je 94; p Phila- delphia 94; supt normal dept Bapt C, Rangoon Burma 95-9; prin ABMU HS, Man- dalay 99-02; res Waverly NY 02-3; district miss Jaro, Iloilo, PI 04-5; prin Jaro Industrial Sch Republic 05-; ad Iloilo, PI HOMER FENTON YALE; c 91 ; ad W Chazy, NY * DAVID EVANS; g 91-3; fr Wales GB; student Trevecca C; Llangollen C; p Dolgelly, and Llangefni before 91; Blaenconin ?-o5; d Blaenconin Mr 05 JEFFREY LIVINGSTON JAMES; g 91-3; BS Shaw U 91; fr Wilmington NC; inv CHARLES HENRY MURCH; e 91-3; b Boston Mass 28 Ag 64; fr Chicago 111; ord Burlington Flats NY i S 93; p Burlington Flats 93-4; Warrensburg 95-7; New York 97-8; Clarence 98-01 ; Remsen 01-4; Utica 04-5; res Albany JOHN JESSUP PHILLIMORE; e 91-3; b Thorold Ont 10 O 62; fr Buffalo NY; ord Buffalo 29 Je 93; lumber bus and gardening Port Dalhousie, Ont 93-01 ; with The Maple Leaf Rubber Co Limited, Port Dalhousie 01-3; locktender New Welland Canal, Port Dalhousie 04-; ad Port Dalhousie, Ont, Can ENOCH POWELL; g 91-4; c X93; ad Scotia, NY ELMER WILLIAM SMITH; 91-2; c 91; ad Hamilton, NY HENRY JOSEPH WHALEN; 91-2; c 91 ; ad 414 Winter Av, New Castle, Pa 1895 GEORGE SHELDON BECKWITH; BD; c 92; ad Granville, NY LOUIS CARL HUESTIS BIGGS; BD; c 92; ad 58 Doscher St, Brooklyn, NY- HARVEY WILLIAM CHOLLAR; BD; c 92; ad 622 W State St, Trenton, NJ JAMES L COOTE; g; c x 95 ; ad 143 Grove St, Jamaica, NY GEORGE LYMAN FORD; e; b Syracuse 13 My 70; fr Syracuse; ord Syracuse 25 Je 95; p Demarest NJ 96-7; Port Byron NY 98-9; with Syracuse Journal oo; p Baldwinsville 01-; ad Baldwinsville, NY JOSEPH YOUNG IRWIN; c x 94 ; ad 15 Catherine St, Port Jervis, NY GEORGE COLLINS JEFFERS; e; b Hector 16 Mr 56; fr Cortland; ord Philadel- phia 30 Jl 95; p Philadelphia 95-00; Alliance Neb 01-8; Mecklenburg NY 09-12; ad 459 1 2th St, Niagara Falls, NY FRED HOWARD KING; c 92; ad Sidney Center, NY DANIEL WOODBURY LYMAN; g; b Rz>yalton Vt 24 Jl 69; fr Windsor; ord Mid- SEMINARY ALUMNI I 1895 315 dlebury 12 Ag 95; p Middlebury 95-7; Cavendish 97-00; Athol Mass 00-3; Aga- wam 04-6; bus Agawam 06-8; p Chicopee Falls 08-; ad 64 Belcher -St, Chicopee Falls, Mass GEORGE WILSON McPHERSON; e; b Margaree NS 15 Je 65; fr Leadville Col; ord Mahopac Falls NY 29 O 95; p Mahopac Falls 95; Brooklyn 96-8; Greenport 99-00; Nyack 00-3; Yonkers 03-4; ev; supt gospel tent work New York; ad 34 St Andrews Place, Yonkers, NY *BURTON HENRY MARENES; BD; c 92 HENRY STERLING POTTER; BD; c 92; ad 424 Franklin St, Bloomfield, NJ FRANK D PROCTOR; e; b Redford Mich 15 D 64; fr Bay City; ord Westport NY 3 D 95 ; p Westport 95-7 ; Edmeston 97-8 ; inv W Burlington 98-07 ; bus Hacken- sack NJ 07-9; inv Hackensack 09-; ad 125 Coles Av, Hackensack, NJ *FRED HERBERT RICHARDSON; g; c x 9 o EMMET INMAN CASE; 92-4; c 92; ad Florence, NJ CHARLES HENRY COLEGROVE; g 92-3; b Clinton 28 N 67; fr Clinton; CTS 93-5; ord Ohiopyle 28 My 96; p Ohiopyle 95-8; Unadilla Forks NY 98-00; Brookfield 00-9; Afton 09-; ad Afton, NY FRANCIS WAYLAND FLETCHER; g 92-3; c X93; ad Gregory Normal Institute, Wilming- ton, NC GEORGE WILLIAM IRWIN; e 72-3; fr Cookbury GEORGE THOMAS LEEDS; e 92-4; MD New York Homoeopathic C of Med and Sur- gery 97 ; MD Cleveland U of Med and Surgery, O, 97 ; American Sch of Osteo- pathy, Kirksville Mo 06; b Hannibal Mo 3 O 63; fr Yonkers NY; ord Yonkers 11 S 95; postgraduate work in surgery New York 97; med miss ABMU Hsipaw Burma 98-05; prac osteopathy Yonkers NY 06-; ad 87 N Broadway, Yonkers, NY GEORGE SHERMAN MILLS; 92-3; AB DartC 90; BD AndTS 95;bCopake 24 F 68;fr Hamilton; ord Cong Belfast Me Jl 95; p Belfast 95-04; Bennington Vt 04-; ad Bennington, Vt 1896 FRANK ORSON BELDEN; e; c 93; ad 80 Chestnut St, Binghamton, NY *LEWIS ELLSWORTH BROKAW; g; c 93 CHARLES LANE BUCKINGHAM; e; b Clinton Ct 22 O 65; fr Clinton; ord S Windham Vt 29 Je 97; p S Windham 96-9; Kenduskeag Me 00-3; N Sedgwick 03-4; Friendship 04-5; N Egremont Mass 05-6; Plainville Ct 06-12; Mont- gomery Center Vt 12-; ad Montgomery Center, Vt JOHN WAYLAND DA VIES; BD; PhB KalC 89; AB 92; b Mason City WVa; fr St Thomas ND; ord Oldtown WVa 89; p Cassville NY 96-7; Fort Ann 97-00; Hartford WVa 01-; ad Mason, WVa WILLIAM ANTHONY DAVISON; g;DD Middlebury C, Vt 05 ;b Ireland 15 S 66; fr Lonsdale RI ; BU 9 1-2 ; ord Utica NY 29 Je 94 ; p Montpelier Vt 96-9 ; sec and supt miss Vt State Con v oo-; ad 291 Shelburne Road, Burlington, Vt HUGH GILMORE GREGG; BD; c 92; ad Elbridge, NY ANDREW HELLINGER KNIGHT; g; b Salem NJ 28 Mr 62; fr Dunmore Pa; UR 316 SEMINARY ALUNMI : 1896 89-91 ; ord Dunmore Pa 3 D 91 ; miss p Dunmore 91-3; p S Otselic NY 96-9; Ad- ams Center 99-03 ; Gorham 04-9; Cincinnatus 09-?; Hartford; ad Hartford, NY *MAURICE BLANCHARD RUSSELL; e; b Bowdoinham Me i Ja 66; fr North- ville NY; UR ?-gi ; ord North ville i D 91 ; p North ville 91-5; Brooklyn 96-9; Troy 99-01 ; d North ville 22 O 01 DELOS EVERETT SPRAGUE; e; c x 9 6; ad Salamanca, NY * WILLIAM FRANK WHITE; BD; c 93 WALTER VALENTINE BACON; 93-4; c 93; ad Cherry Creek, NY ARIEL BERECHIA BELLONDI; sp 93-5; U of Florence 92; b Stradella Italy 2 S 71; fr Venice; prof Latin and Greek Italy 92-3; RTS 95-7; miss ABHMS to Italians in New York and NE 97-09; in Italy 09-10; gen miss in Mass of Mass Bapt Miss Society 10-; ad 501 Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass *ELMER FENTON CHARLES; e 93-4; b Newport 13 D 69; fr Newport; ss Schenevus 94-6; p Bath (now Rensselaer) 96-01; ord Bath 12 Ap oo; p Millerton 01-6; Walton 06-10 ; d Newport 6 Je n VERNON LEGRAND EGGLESTON; sp 93-4; AM ShC 01; b Franklin 3 Mr 76; fr New Berlin; p New Berlin 91-4; ord New Berlin 24 My 93; p Rensselaer 94-6; Andover 96-01; ShC 01-3; supt Allegany co Hospital, NY 04-6; auditor New York 06-; ad 15 E Newell Av, Rutherford, NJ LEWIS CLARK EVELAND; e 93-4; b Wayne i O 60; fr Penn Yan; ord Millport 17 Ap 95; p Millport and Moreland 94-6; Wayne 96-02; Avoca 02; Bennettsburg 03-4; fruit, farming and dairying Dundee 04-; ad R D 16, Dundee, NY ABRAHAM CHESTER JONES; g 93-4; LLB Vanderbilt U 89; fr Little Rock Ark 1897 ALFRED DAVIES BENNETT; e; b Chowbent, Lancashire, England 9 F 72; fr Brooklyn NY; student UR; ord Brooklyn 27 Ap 98; p West Creek NJ 98-9; sup and clerical work New York 99-01; p Brooklyn 01-?; Ridgewood NJ 09-?; ad Box 20, Hoboken, NJ GEORGE ALBERT BRIGGS; BD; c 94; ad 2582 Main St, Buffalo, NY THOMAS JOSEPH BRYAN; BD; c 93; ad 1605 Manhattan Building, Chicago, III BERT HENRY EDDY; BD; c 94; ad Westfield, Pa JAMES ROMULUS EDWARDS; BD; c 94; ad E Lake Station, Birmingham, Ala WILLIAM HUNTER; g; c 94; ad 283 Friendship St, Providence, RI EDW T ARD BURNARD McLATCHY; graduate 01; BD 01; AB Ac 91; b Hills- boro NB 2 N 62; fr Hillsboro; ord Hillsboro Je 91; p Morden Man 91-4; Cou- dersport Pa 97-9 ; Albany NY 99-01; Sackville NB 01-5; Moncton 05-; ad 117 Highfield St, Moncton, NB, Can ROBERT INGLIS MacLELLAN; g; c 93; ad Herkimer, NY; res 10 Prospect Av, I lion JAMES WARREN MANY; c X94; ad Station H, R D 2, Washington, DC *FRANK RICHARD MORRIS; BD; c 94 WILLIAM SEYMOUR PEEK; e; c x 97 ; ad E Dedham, Mass SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1897 3 1 / ARTHUR BARLOW POTTER; g; c 91; ad Cortland, NY YONAN HOORMUZ SHAHBAZ; AB Urmia C, Persia 88; b 16 Ja 70; fr Urmia; ord New York 12 N 97; miss Urmia Persia 98-; ad Urmia, Persia ROBERT GLADSTONE SIBLEY; e; b Jamaica WI 2 Jl 69; fr Sidney NY; ord Sid- ney 3 Je 97; p Stamford 97-9; res Hunter 99; in island of Cuba oo; fruit raising Clermont NY oo-i ; res Port Ewen 01-; selling pictures 01-3; t Port Ewen 03-4; photographer Kingston 04-; ad 29 E Strand, Kingston, NY CHARLES EDGAR VAN SCHAICK; e;b Sandy Hill 10 O 60; fr S Windham Vt; ord Utica 23 S 97; p Utica 97; Ulysses Pa 97-06; colpoiter miss for Vt 06; p Pownal 07-9; Fairfax 09-11; Barnstable Mass 11-2; Schuylerville NY 12-; ad Middle Falls, NY JOHN ELLISON VASSAR; e; c xg6; ad 618 4 th St, Niagara Falls, NY WILLIAM AUGUSTUS WOOD; g; c x 9 2; ad W Upton, Mass Louis BERNARD HARDY; e 94-5; b.Ypsilanti Mich 3 S 67; fr Dickinson ND; ord Wheaton Minn 14 My 90; p Dickinson ND 95-6; Hamilton and Bathgate 96-7; Jamestown 97-00; t Northwestern Bus C, Spokane Wash oo-i; p Harrison Id 01-2; Moscow 02-4; Livingston Mont 04-10; miss western Mercer co and eastern Dunn co ND 10-; ad Broncho, ND ERNEST FREDERIC JONES; c 94-5; b London England 18 N 64; fr Epworth la; ord Delia 27 D 92; p Delia and Epworth 92-3; CTS 95-6; p, farmer and editor 96-; res Pa 96-00; Okla 00-7; editor Kaufman Co News, Kemp Tex 07-8; res Ks 09-; editor The Goff Advance, Goff; ad Goff, Ks DAVID LIVINGSTONE PARKER; sp 94-5; AB Ac 94; b Liverpool NS 19 Ap 69; student UChic; RTS 96; ord Oneida SD 22 Ja 96; p SD; Ks; Cal; with ABHMS Sandpoint Id ?-o6; p Mt Union la, Beulah and Yarmouth 06; Yorkville 111 06-?; student UChic 06-? BACILE L SARMAST; sp 94-5; AB Urmia C, Persia 90; AM Asbury C, Wilmore Ky 99; b Zinig Persia 10 Je 69; fr Urmia; Asbury C, Wilmore Ky 95-9; miss work ME 98-?; ad Urmia, Persia EMANUEL SCHMIDT; 94-6; c 94; ad Adelphia C, Seattle, Wash WILLIAM HENRY So WELL; e 94-5; b Kershaw SC 8 My 68; fr Kershaw; student Georgetown C, Ky; ord Mt Pisgah SC 22 Ap 88; p Mt Pisgah 87-8; Antioch 88; miss p in Tex 88-95 1 P Dalton Pa 95-8 ; Newton Center and Bethel 98-01 ; Crockett Tex 01-3; Benson Ariz 04-?; Sanger Cal 08-?; ad Clovis, Cal WILLIAM BERGEN STELLE; 94-6; c 94; ad American Board Miss, Peking, China HENRY CHARLES SWEET; 94-6; CTS 97; b Exeter Ont 3 Je 66; fr Morden Man; Manitoba U 91-3; ord Chester Pa 4 Je 97; p Moose Jaw, Assiniboia 97-9; Long- burn Man 99-02; religious field work 02-6; p Emerson 06-11; prin File Hills Industrial Indian Sch, and miss for Indian colony, Balcarres Sask u-; ad Bal- carres, Sask, Can WALTER BROWNSON VASSAR; sp 94-7; b Poughkeepsie 25 O 55; fr Saybrook Ct; ord Mt Vernon 111 Ap 80; p Mt Vernon 80-2; asst p New Haven Ct 82-3; p E Corn- wall 83-5; Wallingford 85-7; Saybrook 87-92; we Hamilton NY 97-; ad Hamil- ton, NY THOMAS DECOURSEY WARE; sp 96-7; b Newport Ky 26 F 53; fr Newport; George- 318 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1897 town C 74-6; ord Licking Valley 30 My 75; p Cincinnati O 83-4; SETS 84-7; p Helena Ark 87-8; W Lafayette Ind 88-91; Chicago 111 91-2; Indianapolis Ind 94-5; Frankfort 95-7; Smethport Pa 99-01; UChic DS 02-4; p Smethport Pa; sup res Chicago; ad 5714 Kimbark Av, Chicago, 111 1898 ARTHUR BURNETT ALDRICH; g; c X97; ad Waterloo, NY JOHN BENJAMIN ANDERSON; BD 99; c 96; ad Hamilton, NY GEORGE BENJAMIN BRADLEY; e; b Brimpton, Berkshire, England 21 My 64; fr New Brunswick NJ; ord DeRuyter NY My 98; p Utica 98-00; Nanuet 00-4; Adams Center 04-7; Gouverneur 07-1 1 ; Durhamville 1 1-; ad Durhamville, NY GEORGE HENRY CARR; BD; c 95; ad Ulysses, Pa GEORGE LINCOLN CASLER; b Manlius 25 Jl 68; fr Manlius; ord Unadilla 2 Ag 99; p Unadilla 99-01 ; iron moulder Syracuse 02-; ad 216 E Colvin St, Syracuse, NY DANIEL HUNT CLARE; BD; c 95; ad 18 S Maple Av, E Orange, NJ ELBERT HENRY CONRAD; e; b Farmersville 19 D 61; fr Reading Mich; KalC 8 3~5 86-8, 91-2; ord Reading 1 1 O 88; p Watervliet NY 98-00; Arcade oo-i ; New- ark 01-4; Syracuse 04-7; farmer Bridgeport 07-8; p Manlius 08-9; acting p Bing- hamton 09-10; field sec Cook Acad 10-; ad 171 Chapin St, Binghamton, NY JONAS LEMUEL DUESLER; e; b Braman Corners 28 Ja 59; fr Braman Corners; res Braman Corners 98-9; ord E Lansing 21 Je 01; p E Lansing 99-04; Spring- field Center 04-12; Hartford 12-; ad Hartford, NY DWIGHT DANA HARMON; BD; c 93; ad Montrose, Pa WILLIAM ARTHUR KELLAM; e; b Savannah O 25 Mr 62; fr Mt Vernon; stu- dent Oberlin C 2 years; SBTS; ord Mt Vernon O 12 S 97; p Mt Vernon 98-01 LOUIS ALVAH PICKETT; g; c X98; ad Waukesha, Wis MAYNARD RUFUS THOMPSON; g; b Story co la 15 Jl 67; fr Philadelphia Pa; AmC 93-5; ord Eatontown NJ 7 D 98; p Eatontown 98-9; Jermyn Pa 99-02; Charleroi 02-4; Connellsville 04-5; Bellingham Wash 05-8; Davenport 08-9; Independence Ore 09-10; Heppner 10-1; LaGrande 11-; ad Alicel, Ore GEORGE ALFRED WICKWIRE; e; b Hamilton 29 O 70; fi Hamilton; ord Cong Duluth Minn 22 My oo; p Aitkin 99-01 ; Winthrop 01-2; Larchwood la 02-4; Mo- ville 04-5; p Presb Cleghorn 05-7; Columbus Junction 07-10; New London n-; ad New London, la CHARLES HICKS ELLICOTT; e 95-7; fr Amenia; ME p in England WELLINGTON HERBERT JENKINS; 95-7; AB Ac 89; b Codys NB 9 O 60; fr Granville Ferry NS; ord Advocate 89; p Advocate 89-90; Brandon Man 90-3; Granville Ferry NS 93-5; Chester 97-01; Onslow 01-6; Hantsport 06-10; Gibson NB 10-; ad Gibson, NB ARTHUR THOMAS ROBINSON; 95-6; AB U of Man 94; AM 97; b Niagara 16 Ap 69; fr Portage la Prairie Man; miss work Qu'Appelle Assiniboia and Moosomin 94- 5; editorial work Brandon Man 96; miss work in BC 97; student UChic 98; miss work Regina Assiniboia oo-i; ord Regina 4 O 01; p Sackville NB 01-4; founder SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1898 319 industrial guild of the great commission 03; ad 2502 S 4th St, Santa Monica^. Ocean Park, Cal CHARLES EUGENE Ross; e 95-6; c xoo; ad 84 Harvard St, Rochester, NY GEORGE DAVIS TAYLOR; e 95-6; b Middlefield 7 F 62; fr Johnstown; with Kin?, Rich- ardson and Co, Springfield Mass; ad 17 S Lowry St, Springfield, O WILLIAM PETER TODD; g 95-6; AB Lincoln U 95; RTS 98; b Lexington Va 10 S 68 ; fr Lexington; instructor State U, Louisville Ky 98-9; t Lexington HS, Va 99-02; prin Salisbury Grammar and Indastrial Sch, Md 02-5; t manual training southern industrial classes Hampton Va 05-8; prin sch No 62 Indianapolis Ind 08-12; t manual training Indianapolis public schs 12-; ad 809 Fayette St, Indianapolis, Ind 1899 WILLIAM HENRY BROWN; c 96; ad 17 Sisson St, Lyons, NY HENRYZDAVIS; BD; AB KnC 92 rb Green Lake Wis 20 Ap 64; fr Sharon Springs NY; ord N Platte Neb 6 S 92; p N Platte 92-3; Hooper 93-4; Sharon Springs NY 94-6; Union Spiings 99-01; Kingsley Mich 02-4; Portland 04-7; Union 07-?; Morenci ?-; ad Morenci, Mich JOSHUA BURNETTE GANONG; BD; AB Ac 92; b Collina NB 25 Ja 69; fr S New Berlin NY; ord Aylesford NS 8 Je 92; p Rapid City Man 92-3; S New Berlin NY 95-8; Earlville 98-02; graduate student 599-00; p Hillsboro NB 02-4; Sussex 04-10; Havelock 10-; ad Havelock, NB ALVAH EDWARD KNAPP; BD; c 90; ad 31 # Stewart St, Amsterdam, NY *CYRUS WILLIAM NEGUS; BD; c 96 HARRY TRAVEIS PROCTOR; e; b Washington DC 20 Jl 69; fr Washington; stu- dent ColU before 96; ord Waupaca Wis 13 Mr oo; p Waupaca 00-2; Spirit Lake la 02-5; Atlantic 05-8; real estate bus Grover CD! 09-?; ad 29 Iron Building, Denver, Col FRANK MAYNARD SPOONER; g; c x 9 3; ad El Paso, 111 GEORGE EDMUND TRAVER STEVENSON; BD; c x 9 7;ad Care Navy Dept, Washington, DC FREDERICK EUGENE TAYLOR; e; b Newark NJ 8 S 67; fr Newark; ord St Louis Mo 14 Je 95; p Brooklyn NY 99-03; ev 03-6; p Indianapolis Ind 06-; ad J 935 N Meridian St, Indianapolis, Ind WILLIAM MUNSON TOMPKINS; e; b Newsarum Ont 22 N 54; fr Salisbury NY; Woodstock C 2 years; BUTS; ord Athens Mich i My 89; p Georgetown NY 99-01 ; Chemainus BC 01-?; Lansing and Groton NY ?-; ad R D 12, Groton, NY FRANCIS VERNON ATKINSON; e 98-0; b England 24 Je 70; fr RowaytonCt; ord Row- ayton 16 My 95; student CTS; p Masonville NY .95-?; Watkins ?-os; Adams 05-7; Ridgewood NJ 07-8; Bridgeport Ct 08 *MYRON EDWIN BAILEY; sp 96-8; c xg8 HENRY THOMAS COLESTOCK; 96-7; AB BuU 96; BD UChic 9};PhD3iUoi;b Ports- mouth Va 28 D 68; fr Crooked Creek Pa; ord Knoxville 20 A 5 95; p Midisoi Wh - 99-01; t history State NS, Minefield Pa 02-4.; prof hi.-tory BiU o^-; ad Lewis- burg, Pa 320 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1899 ROBERT THOMAS CRAIG; e 96-8; b Urbana 22 N 69; fr Wallingford Ct; ord Water- ville NY 29 Mr 98; p Waterville 97-9; Paterson NJ 99-04; Jersey City 04-; ad 575 Summit Av, Jersey City, NJ FRANCIS ALBERT CUNNINGHAM; g 96-7; c X98; ad Rowayton, Ct CHARLES EMMETT DRAKE; sp 96-8; b Watkins 8 Ap 55; fr Belfast; adm to bar Ithaca 5 My 83; ord Wellsburg 21 Mr 89; p S New Berlin 98-02; Big Flats 02-5; Knox- ville Pa 05-7; Mansfield 07-10; Elmira NY 10-2; Reading Center 12-; ad Read- ing Center, NY EDGAR LAURENS HAMILTON; g 96-8; b New York 23 Jl 72; fr Great Bend; Lafayette C 89-91, and in 95; ord Great Bend NY 20 O 95; p Franklin 98-02 ; Wenham Mass 03; Kingston 03-11; Hudson n-; ad 50 Church St, Hudson, Mass WILLIS DEVER SHULER; e 96-7; c X99; ad McGraw, NY GEORGE ROBERT STAIR; e 96-9; b E Cambridge Mass 3 My 70; fr Mt Vernon NY; asst p New York 99-00; p Brooklyn 00-4; Middlebury VtO4~9; ev 09-11 ; p Eau Claire Wis 11-; ad 410 4th Av, Eau Claire, Wis WILLIAM MAHLON STRONG; 96-7; c 94; ad 324 Rugby Road, Brooklyn, NY IQOO FRANK WESLEY ASQUITH; e; b Germantown Pa 16 D 68; fr Germantown; BU 95-6; CTS 96-7; ord Montgomery WVa 7 O 97; p Montgomery and Dego 97-8; McDonough NY and E Pharsalia 99-03; Fleming 03-5; EastonPa o5~7;Susque- hanna 07-; ad 504 Jackson Av, Susquehanna, Pa ABRAM STERLING EARNER; BD; AB BuU 97; b Towanda Pa 9 S67;frTo- wanda; ord Utica NY 22 Je oo; p Utica 00-4 ;E Orange NJ 04-6; Brooklyn NY 06-9; Whitman Mass 09-?; Los Angeles Cal ?-; ad Memorial Bapt Ch, Los Angeles, Cal IRA WILCOX BINGHAM; g; c 96; ad Norwich, NY CHARLES WHITMAN BRIGGS; BD; c 97; ad Ballston Spa, NY CLARK TINKHAM BROWNELL; BD; c 94; ad 29 Walnut St, Newark, NJ THOMAS WILLIAM CARTER; e; c xoo; ad 10 Robie St, Bath, NY WILLARD FOX DOWD; BD; AB KalC 97; b Hartford Mich 12 Ag 70; fr Hartford; ord Kalamazoo 7 O oo; miss ABMU to Naga tribes, Impur Assam 01-8; studied med UMich 08-9; miss work Ariz 10-1 ; t Van Nuys Cal 12-; ad Van Nuys, Cal FRANCIS DEWEY EHLE; g; b Oxford co Ont 15 Ap 68; fr Byron Mich; KalC 89-90, 92-4; Olivet C 90-2; ord Almont 4 O 94; p Bellevue 00-2; Otsego 02-3; Gaylord 03-5; Three Oaks 05-7; Oxford 07-9; Charlevoix 09-12; Detroit 12-; ad 1 01 8 4th Av, Detroit, Mich ERNEST ELLIOTT FORD; PhB KalC 97; b Newark Valley 27 Ag 65; fr Kalama- zoo Mich; ord Kalamazoo 18 Jl 97; p Manlius NY 98-01 ; Interlaken 01-6; assoc p San Diego Cal 06-7; Oklahoma City Okla 07-9; state sec BYPU Okla 09-11; p Escondido Cal n-; ad Escondido, Cal WILLIAM GUILLAN; BD; c 97; ad Wayne, NY IRA HOTALING; BD; AB Union 97; AM oo; b Guilderland 18 Jl 75; fr Albany; ord Sharon Springs 8 Ag oo; p Sharon Springs 00-2; Bath 02-6; Sayre Pa 06-9; Wells- ville NY 09-; ad 260 N Main St, Wellsville, NY EDGAR RHUEL HYDE; BD; c 97; ad 47 Main St, Middletown, Ct SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1900 321 EDMUND CLAY JENKINS; e; b Johnson NB 3 Ap 70; fr Johnson; ord Upper Queensbury 5 Ja 95; p Sheboygan Wis oo-i ; UChic DS 01 -2; p Salina Ks 02-5; Starkeys NB 05-6; St John 06-?; ad Pratt, Ks ROSCOE CONKLING PENNEY; e; b Bridgewater 4 F 67; fr Sidney Center; ord Springfield Center 19 D 93; p Springfield Center 93-6; Sidney Center 96-9; Mt Upton 99-01 ; Fair Haven Vt 01-5; supt miss for Del Un Bapt Assoc 05-6; p Malone NY 06-10; assoc miss St Lawrence and Black River Assocs 10-2; p Schenectady 1 2-; ad 128 Elmer Av, Schenectady, NY OMER EDWIN STEEVES; g; b Hillsboro NB 17 N 64; fr Hillsboro; Ac 2 years; ord Keswick Bridge NB 27 S 93; p Advocate NS 00-3; Newcastle NB 03-5; Victor- ia 05-9; Clementsvale NS 09-12; ad Nictaux Falls, NS SHERMAN MORSE WHITE; e; c xo 4 ; ad Sanborn, NY JOHN PILLSBURY CARTER; 97-9; c 96 FRANCIS WAYLAND GODDARD; sp 97-8 ;x: 97 ; ad Shaohsing, China WILLIAM BAXTER KELSEY; g 97-8; c 97; ad Stratford, Ct CHESTER DAVIS MOSES; e 97-8; EE CornU 97; MD Long Island Med C 02; b Wor- cester Mass 28 My 74; fr Cortland NY; prac med Buffalo 04-; ad 168 Lafay- ette Av, Buffalo, NY GEORGE W NELLIS; e 97-8; AB Chicago Correspondence U, 111 oo; b Herkimer 30 Je 65; fr Herkimsr; established and publ Herkimer Co Record, Herkimer 87-98; editor Johnstown Daily News 98-00; Daily Republican and Leader, La Crosse Wis 00-2 ; telegraph editor Milwaukee Sentinel 02-3 ; assoc editor The New Voice, Chicago 111 03-4; editor and proprietor The Chatham Republican, NY 04-12; editor Boston Mass 12-; ad 14 Westbourne St, Roslindale, Mass * JAMES REYNOLDS PIERCE; g 97-8; b Walton 31 Mr 73; fr Los Angeles Cal; U of Cal 94-5; d Hamilton NY 3 Je 98 EDWARD HOWARD SHELDON; g 97-8; c 95; ad 194 Mt Vernon St, Maiden, Mass 1901 DELOS ELBERT ABRAMS; e; c xoi ; ad 323 South Av, Elmira, NY CHARLES KNOWLES BIDWELL; AB BU 97; b Sellers Landing 111 4 F 70; fr War- ren Paper Mills NJ; RTS 9 7-9; ord Great Falls Mont 17 Jaoo;p Great Falls 99-00; Worthington Minn 01-5; Geneseo 111 05-?; t Mt Pleasant NJ ?-; ad Mt Pleasant, NJ CHARLES JEWELL BURTON; e; c xoo; ad Stoughton St Bapt Ch, Boston, Mass GEORGE MORGAN DAVIS; BD; PhB BuU 98; AM 04; PhD Grove City C, Pa 12 ;b Navesink NJ 7 N 72; fr Atlantic Highlands; ord Atlantic Highlands 2 Ag 01 ; p Eatontown 01-2; Ellwood City Pa 02-; ad Ellwood City, Pa HARRY BYRAM DICKSON; e; b Hampton NB 15 S 68; fr Hampton; ord Smyrna NY 24 Jl 01 ; miss ABMU N Lakhimpur, Assam 01-5 ; Impur 05-7 ; with laymen's miss movement 07-; sec laymen's miss movement of eastern Pa, res Philadelphia; ad Monte Vista Apartments, 63d and Oxford Sts, Philadelphia, Pa SPENCER JAMES FORD; g; c 98; ad Astoria Place, Astoria, L I City, NY ROBERT LEONARD GURNEY; e; c xo2; ad Commonwealth Trust Co, St Louis, "Mo 322 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1901 ALBERT GEORGE NEWBERRY; g; PhB KalC 98; b Stoke St Gregory, England 9 D 65 ; fr Detroit Mich ; ord Albany NY 5 My 02 ; p E Chatham 01-3 ; Sandy Creek 03-7; DeRuyter 07-8; Athens Mich 09-11; Mason 12-; ad Mason, Mich GEORGE VAIL PIXLEY; BD; AB KalC 96; b Somerset 20 Ja 66; fr Lennon Mich; ord Prairieville 10 My 94; student UChic 98; p Skaneateles NY 01-6; Orion Mich 06-8; Walled Lake 08-11; Richmond n-; ad Richmond, Mich HUGH THOMAS STEVENSON; c x 94 ; ad 157 U St, NW, Washington, DC FREDERICK WILLIAM TOMLINSON; c 98; ad Elbridge, NY HARRIE HASKELL GUSHING; e 98-9; Lebanon NH 27 O 59; fr Plaistow; in gen pas- senger dept B and M Railway, Boston Mass 00-4; manager Haight and Freese Co, Portland Me 04-5; ord Ch of Christ (Disciples) Everett Mass 25 Je 05; miss p S Framingham 05-6; p Gloversville NY 06-9; Watertown 09-11; p Bapt Adams Center n-; ad Adams Center, NY *STEPHEN JUDSON EARLY; 98-00; c 98 ELBERT JAY GRISWOLD; sp 98-00; b Hastings Center 17 D 62; fr Central Square; ord Smith ville 24 Ja 01; p Smith ville 01-4; Cincinnatus 04-7; Georgetown 08-12; Meridian 12-; ad Meridian, NY ALTON LAWRENCE HALL; g 98-9; c 02; ad San Jose, Antique, PI CHARLES W HOLLOMAN; sp 98-9; b Golconda 111; fr Haines Ore; SETS 94-5; ord Blooming Grove 12 My 95; p Oysterville Wash 95-6; Haines Ore 96-8; Lake- view 00-2; Enterprise 02-3; Grass Valley 05-7; Burns 07-12; Haines 12-; ad Haines, Ore STEPHEN SANBORN HUSE; 98-9; c 98; ad 105 Allds St, Nashua, NH RICHARD NOBLE; e 98-9; b Jamaica WI 20 D 65; fr Port Antonio, Jamaica; student Claflin U, SC JOHN MOORE STILES; 98-9; c 98; ad Deposit, NY 1902 ALFRED EDWARD ALTON; BD; AB PrU 98; b Troy 19 Jl 74; fr Troy; ord Hoi- den Mass i O 02 ; p Holden 02-5 ; Rome NY 05-1 1 ; prof Bibl lit CU 1 1-; ad Hamil- ton, NY WILLIAM WALKER BARKER; c 98; ad Pawling, NY CHARLES CHIVERS COLBY; g; b Strykersville 28 Ag 75; fr Waupaca Wis; Osh- kosh NS 95-6; ord Lodi 15 Ja 03 ; p Lodi 02-6; Augusta 06-8; Tomah 08-1 1 ; Indi- anola la 11-; ad Indianola, la JAMES ANDREW LARCOMBE; g; LLB Georgetown U, DC 88; LLM 89; b Wash- ington DC 17 F 67; fr Washington; adm to bar Washington 89; ord Washington 16 F 96; ColU 97-9; p Waterford NY 02-10; New Brighton 10-3; Woodbury NJ 13-; ad Woodbury, NJ JOSEPH WHEELER McDONIELS; e; b Pitcairn 16 S 71 ; fr Pitcairn; ord 12 Ja 03; p Rensselaer 02-5; Pavilion 05-9; Endicott 09-; ad Endicott, NY ALBERT RYERSON MILLS; e; c xgg; ad Nunda, NY CHARLES HERBERT OLIVER; c 99; ad R F D, Chafee, NY JOSEPH BAMFORD SHEPPARD; AB HamC oo; b Fairton NJ 18 Je 63: fr West SEMINARY ALUMNI I 1902 325 Creek; ord West Creek 18 S 90; p Eaton NY 00-4; Utica 04-10; bus Utica 10-; ad 87 Milgate St, Utica, NY * WILLIAM RICHARD TAMBLYN; e; b Beech Lake Pa 4 Mr 74; fr Allentown; ord elder Free Methodist Wilkesbarre 9 O 98; p Meshoppen 02-3; Brooklyn NY 03-5; inv Allentown Pa 05-6; d Allentown 31 Mr 06 *CARL CARSON WRIGHT; BD; AB OttU 99; b Elk co Ks 30 Ag 76; fr Ottawa; ord Elm Grove Ag 99; student UChic DS 02; miss ABMU Mukimvika, Angola, Africa 02-3; d Mukimvika 27 O 03 NATHANIEL ROE FEAGLES; sp 99-01; b Amity 27 Ap 67; fr Pine Island; ord E Pem- broke 27 O 01 ; p E Pembroke 01-4; Mt Vision 04-6; insurance and real estate bus Saugerties 06-; ad 18 John St, Saugerties, NY ROLVIX HARLAN; 99-00; AB ColU 99; AM; BD UChic 02; PhD 06; b Forestville Md 7 Mr 76; fr Washington DC; ord Anacostia 16 O oo; p Hynesboro Park Md oo-i ; Danvers 111 01-2; Evansville Wis 03~7;Dixon 111 07-9; prof history and economics OttU 09-10; p Kansas City Mo 10-2; dean and prof Bibl lit and sociology OttU 1 2-; ad Ottawa, Ks DAVID S LEWIS; sp 99-02; b Cassville 16 Ap 60; fr Unadilla Forks; ord Unadilla Forks 27 Mr 02; p Jasper and E Cameron 02-4; Tioga Center and Straits Corners 04-6; with May Manton Pattern Co New York 06-; ad 250 S 7th St, Newark, NJ GEORGE FLETCHER SHEPHERD; 99-00; AB SyrU 91 ; b Syracuse 6 F 68; fr Deansboro; ord ME Malone 23 Ap 93 ; p Oswego Center 93-6; miss to Japan 96-7 ; p Deansboro NY 98-02; Whitesboro 02-6; Mexico 06-12; Rome 12-; ad Rome, NY 1903 CUYLER WESLEY BACHELDOR; g; b Pownal Vt 15 Je 76; fr Clyde; student Richmond C, Va; ord North Bay NY 26 Je 03; p Mannsville 03-4; Pawling 04-6; Olean 06-10; district supt NY Anti-saloon League, res Syracuse 10-1 ; p Fabius 1 1- 3; with Griffith Investing Co of New York, res North Bay 13-; ad North Bay, NY LESTER ALEXANDER BROWN; e; DD Gale C, Wis oo; MLitt 01; LLB U of Chattanooga, Tenn; DCL 111 C of Law; b Hudson Mill Va 15 S 74; fr Hudson Mill; Shenandoah C 94-6; CTS 99-00; ord Amissville Va Je 98; p Village 03-5; iprin Funston Institute, Funston NC 05 ;p Chattanooga Tenn 05-9; Winder Ga 09-12; Dean Cox C, College Park 12-; ad Cox C, College Park, Ga JOHN BENJAMIN CHAMPION; BD; AB U of NB oo; AM Ac 03; b Greenvale PEI 1 8 Je 68; fr Alberton; ord Alberton 93; p Geneva NY 03-6; Brant ford Ont 06-1 1 ; Roxborough, Philadelphia Pa n-;ad Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa CHARLES EDWARD HEMANS; e; b Buffalo n Ja 68; fr Buffalo; ord Salamanca 1 6 My 95; p Scranton Pa 03-7; Terre Haute Ind 07-10; gen miss ND 10-; ad 709 Chestnut St, Grand Forks, ND HUGH ROSS MacMILLAN; e; c xo2; ad 302 E Conant St, Portage, Wis CORNELIUS EDWARD SCHAIBLE; c 99; ad Va Un U, Richmond, Va HARRY EMERSON FOSDICK; oo-i ; c oo; ad 83 Park St, Montclair, NJ IRVIN THEODORE GEISTWEIT; sp 00-2 ;b Schuylkill Haven Pa i2je 66;fr Waterville 324 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1903 NY; ord Philadelphia Pa 8 O 94; p Waterville NY 00-4; Chicago 111 04-7; West- field NY 07-10; Kane Pa 10-2; Muncy 12-; ad Muncy, Pa JAMES DAVID HOWLETT; 00-2; c oo; ad Medford, Mass FRANK BERTRAM JOHNSON; sp 00-2; b Lowville 28 Mr 70; fr Lowville; CTS 02-3; ord Otego NY 9 Je 03; p Otego 03-5; Gilbertsville 05-8; Port Dickinson 08-; ad 8 Bromley Av, Binghamton, NY WILLIAM TINDAL LORYMER; e oo-i ; b London England 24 Je 70; fr Peterboro Ont, student McMaster U; ord Barrie 24 Je 02; p Parry Sound, and Sawyerville PQ 02-?; WILLIAM TOWER THAYER; oo-i ; c oo; ad 39 Curtis Av, Wallingford, Ct HARVEY ARTHUR WAITE; sp oo-i; b Middleport 8 D 74; fr Dansville; ord Morris- ville 27 Je 01 ; p Morrisville 01-2; Afton 02-6; asst p Syracuse 06-9; p Perry 09-; ad 145 Main St, Perry, NY ERNEST TALLMAN WELLES; sp oo-i; b Arcade 6 O 72; fr Arcade; SETS 94-7; ord Louisville S 95; miss ABMU Banza Manteke, Congo. Africa 98-03; in US oo-i; farmer Kenneth Mich 03-9; Arcade NY 09-; ad Arcade, NY 1904 GABRIEL BAR ALEXANDER; BD; AB Urmia C, Persia 97;bHwariz Turkey spring 75; fr Baz Kurdistan ; Yale TS 99-00; addresses in US on miss work in Kur- distan 04-6; miss Urmia Persia under committee of American Bapts 06-10; under committee of English Bapts 10-; also miss work in Kurdistan; ad Urmia, Persia JAMES GREENLY CLUTTERBUCK; e; b Hamilton Can 6 Ap 72; fr Clarkston NY; Garrett Bibl Institute, 111 99-01 ; ord Ashland Mich 26 Ap 99; p Gouverneur NY 04-5; Hillsdale Mich 05-7; Detroit 07-?; Armada ?-; ad Armada, Mich FRANK DURHAM; g; b Casey 111 19 Jl 69; fr Girard Ks; OttU 98-00; ord Girard 28 S 95; p Paola 04-8; Emporia 08-12; graduate student, Jones scholar, s 12-3; ad Hamilton, NY FRANK HARE; BD; AB OttU 01 ; AM 04; b Quincy 111 14 O 73; fr Ottowa Ks; ord Galva 22 My 95 ; p lola 04-6 ; Worcester Mass 06-8 ; Huntington and Russell 08- 1 1 ; t Angier NC n-; ad Lock Box 16, Angier, NC WILLIAM WATKINS HILL; e; b Southampton co Va 16 F 69; fr Petersburg; ord Exeter NH i Jl 04; miss ABHMS Guantanamo Cuba 04-5; instructor in Latin and sci Central City C, Macon Ga 06-7 ; head theological dept and instruc- tor in Greek Guadalupe C, Seguin Tex 07-8 ;p Boston Mass 09-10; t math Clifton Forge Normal and Industrial Institute, Clifton Forge Va 11-2; ad 41 Jones St, Petersburg, Va FRANK HOLLINSHEAD; BD; AB BuU 97; b Philadelphia Pa 5 S 64; fr Philadel- phia; ord Ashland 7 S 97; p Ashland 97-01 ; Stillwater NY 04-7; Adams 07-; ad Adams, NY WILLIAM EDMUND SMITH; e; b Nashwaak Village NB 71; fr Eaton NY; stu- dent Asbury C, Ky 96; Mt Allison U, NB 97 ; p ME W Eaton NY 98-01 ; ord deacon Cazenovia oo, elder Elmira 02; p Eaton 02-3; Eaton and W Eaton 04-6; Tully 06-7; Cincinnatus 07-8; Ludlowville 08-11; conf ev, res Homer u-; ad 30 Cort- land St, Homer, NY *SCOTT VAN HORN; e; b Grove WVa 5 Ag 72; fr Tuscola Mich; DU 90-5; ord Goodells Mich 16 F 97; p Adams Center NY 04; d Adams Center 25 O 04 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1904 325 GEORGE HENRY YOUNG; g; c 01; ad Hamilton, NY WILLIAM JOHN HART; AM; graduate student 02-6; BLitt Ks Wesleyan U 96; BD Drew TS 96; PhD American U, Tenn 98; DD oo;b Cornwall England 3 Mr 66; p ME Starkville NY 96-8; ord elder Fulton 17 Ap 98; p Coldbrook 98-02; Earlville 02-9; Utica 09-; ad 35 South St, Utica, NY ELIJAH FORBES RICE; graduate student 03-4; AB Wake Forest C, NC 92; RTS 95;ThDSBTSo2;b Beaufort NC 14 O 60; p Bismarck ND 96-7 ; chaplain ND senate 97; ord Fargo D 97; p Dell Rapids SD 98-9; UChic 99-01; SETS 01-2; p Kershaw SC 04-; ad Kershaw, SC ALFRED HALSEY BAILEY; 01-2; PhB KalC 99; b Camden Mich 20 Ja 69; fr Marshall; ord Parma 6 S 93; student UChic 02; p Sturgis Mich 02-6; Fullerton Cal 06-9; conv p Southern Cal Bapt Conv 09-; ad 501 San Fernando Building, Los Angeles, Cal FRANK OTIS ERB; 01-3; AB U of NB oo; RTS 04; AM UChic 10; BD 1 1 ; b St John NB 14 Ag 78; fr St John; ord Fenner NY 2 Jl 03; p Glace Bay NS 04-9; graduate student in NT and religious education UChic 09-; p Chicago 09-10; asst p 10-; ad 5815 Drexel Av, Chicago, 111 'QuiROF HARLAN; g 01-2; BS ColU 98; BD UChic 05; b Forestville Md 31 D 73; fr Washington DC; ord Wilton 111 27 Ja 03; p Darlington Wis 04-5; Spirit Lake la 05-7; Shelbyville 111 07-?; Washington DC ?-; in US navy dept; ad 707 Shepherd St, NW, Washington, DC HOYT FREEMAN HILL; e 01-3; b Morristown Vt 7 O 67; fr W Eaton NY; ord ME deacon 11 O 96, elder 6 O 01; p Lodi 03-5; Ovid 05-9; Manchester and Shorts- ville 09-; ad Manchester, NY JOHN MOOSHIE; 01-2; c 01; ad Urmia, Persia 1905 IVAN HOWLAND BENEDICT; g; c 02; ad Montpelier, Vt GEORGE DONO BROOKES; e; b Talke England 5 F 73 ; fr Homestead Pa; Waynes- burg C 99-02; ord Huntington Mass 14 N 05; p Huntington 05-7; Williamsport Pa 07-12; Sharon 12-; ad 42 W State Street, Sharon, Pa EDWIN VAIL BUCHANAN; BD; AM 05; AB Ac 01 ; b Sussex NB 24 N 74; fr Lynn Mass; ord Smyrna NY 3 Ja 02 ;p Canning NS 05-7; Second Falls NB 07-10; Leb- anon NY 10-1; Second Falls NB 11-; ad Second Falls, NB, Can CHARLES PERCY CHRISTOPHER; g; b Hopewell Cape NB 5 O 78; fr Monc- ton; Harv oo-i; ord Remsen NY 21 Jl 04; p Remsen 04-6; Orange Mass 06-8; Worcester 08-11; Middleboro 11-; student Clark C; ad Middleboro, Mass ALFRED SPENCER DAVIS; g; c 02; ad 221 Weeks St, Bennington, Vt CHARLES SCARLETT EMERSON; e; b Woolwich England 31 Ja 69; fr Geneva NY; ord Litchfield Mich 6 Mr 06; p Litchfield and Jonesville 05-?; p NY; field sec Keuka C ?-; ad Keuka Park, NY ALBERT HENRY GAGE; c 02; ad Ford Building, Boston, Mass ALBERT CURRIE HORSMAN; BD; AM 05; AB Ac 01; b Elgin NB 21 N 74; fr 326 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1905 Elgin; ord North Bay NY 26 Je 03; p Jordan ville 05-8; Athens Pa 08-; ad 112 Center St, Athens, Pa HERBERT JUDSON PERRY; BD; AM 06; AB Ac 02; b Johnston NB 3 My 75; fr Cadys; ord S Trenton NY 28 Je 05; graduate student s 05-6; p Grand Falls NB 06-9; Cambridge 09; prof Benedict C, Columbia SC 09-; graduate student UChic DS 10; student Columbia TS, Columbia SC 1 1-2; ad Benedict C, Columbia, SC EUGENE CHRISTOPHER PLATNER; c 02; ad Broadalbin, NY FRANK WALLACE STANTON; e; c xo 4 ; ad 331 Hawley Av, Syracuse, NY JAMES CLARENCE WHITNEY; e; b Phillipston Mass 6 Jl 68; fr Oneonta NY; ord S Otselic i Ag 05; p S Otselic 03-; ad S Otselic, NY WILLIAM EDWARD WRAPP; BD; AB FC 02; b Lovett Ind 27 My 68; fr Lovett; ord Lovett 24 Ag 06; p Battle Lake Minn 05-9; miss work White Owl district SD 10-1 ; p Ord way Col 1 1-2 ; Sturgis SD 12-; ad Sturgis, SD ANDREW PETTIGREW GARRETT; 02-4; AB Wake Forest C, NC 02; BD UChic 08;: b Chapel Hill NC 2 D 77; fr Chapel Hill; ord Faribault Minn 24 Ap 05; p Fari- bault 04-6; Green Bay Wis; Cairo 111 ?-; ad Cairo, 111 JOHN HAMPTON MITCHELL; 02-3; AB Furman U, SC 02; b Laurens co SC 4 Ag- 74; fr Greenville; p Landrum 03?-; ad Landrum, SC HARRY NELSON PFEIFFER; g 03-4; AB New York U 99; BD Oberlin TS, O 06; AM DartC 09; PhD la Christian C u; b Philadelphia Pa 3 Jl 76; fr Brooklyn NY'; ord Cong Howells Depot 5 D 01; p Howells Depot 01-3; Middletown 06-7; Meriden NH 07-9; student DartC 09-10; p Brooklyn NY 10-; ad 15 Himrod St,- Brooklyn, NY CLAYTON ISAAC SWAYZE; g 02-3; AB CornU 04; b Ludlowville 23 Ja 79; fr Lake- Ridge; ord W Danby 24 Je 04; p Anthony Ks 04-5; ad R F D 9, Ludlowville, NY 1906 FRED WILLIAM AINSLIE; c 03; ad 404 S Fannie St, Escanaba, Mich- FRANK JOSEPH DRESSLER; g; c xos; ad 72 Glen Av, Amsterdam, NY VINCENT BARRETT FISK; g; AB BuU 97; AM oo; b Girard Pa 14 O 68; fr Lewisburg; house master and t Latin Keystone Acad, Factory ville 97-9; ord Erie 28 D 99; t Latin Bucknell Acad, Lewisburg 99-01 ; field sec CU 01-5; registrar of c 06-10 ; manager Albany Teachers Agency 10-; ad 41 Chapel St, Albany, NY TROWARD HARVEY MARSHALL; g; AB McMaster U, Toronto Can 08; PhD Harv 10 ; b Birmingham England 20 Ap 77; fr Toronto Can; ord Mt Vision NY 12 S 06; p Mt Vision 06-7 ; graduate student Harv o8-io;p Unit Dayton O 10-;. ad Old Orchard Av, Dayton, O RALPH HOWARD TIBBALS; BD 10; c 03; ad S Londonderry, Vt BYRON WARREN VALENTINE; c 01; ad Benedict C, Columbia, SC ROSWELL BROWN WHITMAN; e; c xos; ad 32 Elm St, Potsdam, NY FREDERICK DONOVAN; graduate student 05-6; AB Stetson U, De Land Fla99;: NTI 04; b New York 2 Ap 73; ord Sanford Fla 11 Mr 98; p Sanford 97-8 ; Ocalai SEMINARY ALUMNI I 1906 327 99; Indianapolis Ind o4~5;Wausau Wis 07-8; UChic DS 08-9 ;p Maywood 09-; ad Maywood, 111 * WILLIAM BURTON CREASMAN; g 03-4 ;AB Wake Forest C, NC 03 ;b Asheville NC 21 Mr 79; fr Asheville; ord Asheville 30 S 04; city miss work New York 04; res Asheville NC 04-11 ; p Sylva; d Asheville 3 My n GEORGE WILLIAM CROSBY; e 03-4; PhB Providence U 09; b Milford NH 25 Mr 70; fr Smyrna NY; ord ME deacon Owego 22 Ap oo, elder Wilkesbarre Pa 3 Ap 04; p Buffalo NY 95-6; sup NE conf 97-8; p N Tioga NY 99-00; Speedsville 01-2; Smyrna 03-4; N Rose 05-6; Ira and Bethel 05-6; N Rose 06-8; Fleming 08-11; Bangor n-; ad Bangor, NY CLARENCE JOHN DOTY; e 03-4; b Princeton la 23 Jl 76; fr Armour SD; Sioux Falls C, SD 01-3 ;t Armour 04-5; Corsica 05-7; student Sioux Falls C O7-9;prin public schs Erwin 09; Valley Springs 10-1 ; prin Lennox HS 1 1-; ad Trent, SD THOMAS LIVINGSTON; e 03-4; b Petersburg 18 S 70; fr Pennellville; SyrU 02; ord deacon ME Pittston Pa 14 Ap 01 ; Cong Deansboro NY 6 O 04; p Deansboro 04-; ad Deansboro, NY CHARLES NELSON THOMAS; sp 03-4; AB SyrU 02; b Elbridge 16 S 73; AubTS 02-3 1907 GEORGE HENRY BENNETT; g;BS Rutgers C o 2 ;bNew Brunswick NJ 8J178; fr New Brunswick; Reformed TS 03-4; ord Vergennes Vt i Ap 08 ; p Vergennes 07- 8; ord PE Albany NY i My 09; rector Mechanicville and Hoosick Falls 09-12; Gen TS New York 12-; ad Gen TS, Chelsea Sq, New York ALBERT CLINTON BERRIE; e; b Turtle Creek NB 8 Jl 75; fr Turtle Creek; Ac 01, 04; p Queensport 01-2; Boylston 02-4; ord Trout Creek NY 18 Jl 06; p Millinockett Me 07-11 ; Woodstock NB 12-; ad Woodstock, NB, Can BENJAMIN LEWIS BLACKWELL; g; AB Furman U, SC 03; b Kershaw SC 12 My 79; fr Camden; ord Kershaw 25 Ag 04; p New York 07-10; Timmonsville SC io-; ad Timmonsville, SC WILLIAM DODD CLOUGH; g; c xo6; ad Candor, NY WILLIAM IRA DURFEE; g; c xo6; ad New Woodstock, NY ARTHUR BYRON FAULKNER; e; b Sussex NB 28 D 73; fr New Haven Ct; ord Treadwell NY N 07; p Treadwell 07-8; E Marion 09-10; Deposit 10-2; ad Deposit, NY FREDERIC WILLIAM HARDING; c 04; ad Tura, Assam JAMES AUSTIN HUNTLEY; AM io; AB Ac oo; b Economy NS 4 F 76; fr Kings- ton; ord Amherst 13 F 01 ; asst p Amherst 00-2; Tremont 02-4; Brooklyn NY 07-; ad 216 Keap St, Brooklyn, NY HARRY BENJAMIN KILLAM; AB Ac 04; b Berwick NS 22 D 78; fr Berwick; ord Schenectady NY 3 Ja 08; p Schenectady 07-9; Edmeston 09-13; ad Ed- meston, NY .NORMAN AUGUSTUS MacNEIL; AB Ac 90; b Cansoe Cove PEI 2 F 61 ; fr Pe- titcodiac NB; ord Chester NS 16 N 90; p Chester 90-3; Tryon PEI 03-4; NTI 94-5; p Havelock NB 05-6; Hampton 96-01; Petitcodiac 01-4; Sackville 07- 9; Bridgetown NS 09-; ad Bridgetown, NS 328 SEMINARY ALUMNI: 1907 AUGUSTUS INGLESBE NASMITH; c 04; ad Nanking, China RICHARD SPURGEON OWENS; g; b Berthaville Va 28 O 80; fr Berthaville r Fredericksburg C, Va 99-00; Richmond C 00-2; ord Berthaville 25 Jl 02; p- Poolesville Md 02-3; Washington DC 07-11; Waynesboro Va n-; ad Waynes- boro, Va MARSHALL STERLING WEEKS RICHARDSON; g; AM 07; AB Ac 01; b W Jeddore NS 8 Ag 75; fr Amherst; miss NS 01-2; p Amherst 02-4; ord Canso Jt. 04; p Berlin NY 07-9; Truro NS 10-; ad Truro, NS 1908 HERMAN WESLEY CANN; g; AB Ac 03; b Ohio NS 23 D 75; fr Ohio; ord Ohio 19 S 04; miss NS 03-5; p Sackville NB 08-; ad Sackville, NB FLOYD NELSON DARLING; BD; c 06; ad Cazenovia, NY JOHN CLARK ELLIN WOOD; e; b Newark 5 S 76; fr Wolcott; p Normal 111 08-9;. Ashland ?-; ad Ashland, 111 DAVID WILLIAM GUTHRIE; g; AB DU 03; b New Concord O 4 Ja 69; fr Gran- ville; CTS 05-6; ord Brookton NY 23 S 09; p Brookton 08-10; Rensselaerville- lo-; ad Rensselaerville, NY FLOYD PARMELEE HARTSON; g; c 05; ad Richville, NY EDWARD LONG; BD 09; AB Wake Forest C, NC 05; b Goose Creek NC 17 Ap 78; fr Unionville; ord Monroe i Ag 07; p Marion 08-; ad Marion, NC DONALD JOHN MacPHERSON; AB Ac 05; b Murray Harbor Road PEI 8 My 73; fr Murray Harbor Road; p Springhill NS 08-; ad Springhill, NS GEORGE RITTENHOUSE; g; b LI City 19 My 77; fr New York; student Cooper Union, New York 92-7; Amity TS, New York 98-03; ord New York Je 07; p- Philadelphia 08-12; Elmhurst 12-; ad Elmhurst, NY WILLIAM FLETCHER ROBBINS; g; PhB OttU 05; PhM 08; b Jewell Ks 24 Jl 74; fr Ottawa; ord Overbrook i Ag 02; p Paola 08-9; Plattsburg Mo 09-10; Guide Rock Neb 10-; ad Guide Rock, Neb JAMES ROBINSON GRAVES RUSSELL; e; b Lafayette Ga 2 Ap 70; fr Dallas, Ore; Baylor U, Tex 91-3; CTS 04-6; p Vickers Okla, Harts Chapel, Prairie Hill, Hope, and Centsrville 93-8; Exeter Cal 98-9; Lakeport and Keeseville oo; Stay- ton Ore oo- 1 ; Dallas 01-3; Burning Bush Ga and Mission Ridge 03-4; Palestine- Neb 08-9; Sheldon la 09; Astoria Ore 09-10; district miss Walla Walla valley 10; p Freewater 10-1; Tulare Cal 11-2; Farmersville 12-; ad Visalia, Cal FREDERIC BERNARD SEELYE; e; b Nictau Falls NS 7 Ag 64; fr St George NB; ord New Maryland i Ag oo; p Brook field NS 08-10; Norton NB 10-; ad Nor- ton, NB LESTER GEORGE SIMON; c 05; ad 9 Ten Broeck St, Albany, NY CHARLES LITTLEBERRY STUART; g; b Spottsylvania co Va 9 O 72; fr Earl- ville NY; student Richmond C, Va; ord Brisben NY 14 My 03; p Brisben 03-4; Earl ville 04-5 ; Watertown 08-11 ; Schenectady n-;ad 292 McClellan St, Schen- ectady, NY SAMUEL HUNTINGTON TEMPLEMAN; g; AB Richmond C, Va 04; AM 05; b Warrenton Va 20 N 76; fr Warrenton; ord Lewiston Jl 03; p Richmond 08-;, ad 615 3d Av, Highland Park, Richmond, Va SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1908 329 HENRY KEMPENFELT VYE; g; c xo6; ad 284 Broadway, Providence, RI LOUIS ABEL WALKER; g; b Allen 23 My 75; fr Belfast; ord Unadilla Forks Je 02; p Plainfield 02-4; prin Un Sch Unadilla Forks 02-4; p Demarest NJ 08-11; Montrose Col 11-2; p Unit Rockland Mass 12-; ad Rockland, Mass ARTHUR WELLESLEY WARREN; AB Ac 05; b Bedeque PEI 8 My 78; fr Tyne Valley; ord Auburn NY 16 S 08; p Auburn 08-10; Hoosick Falls 10-; ad 86 Main St, Hoosick Falls, NY THEODORE BECK; e 06-7; b Philadelphia Pa 10 Je 78; fr Philadelphia; Temple C, Philadelphia 00-3; CTS 03-5; ord Philadelphia 27 S 05; p Girdletree Md and Stockton 07-8; Williamsport Pa 08-; ad 317 Almond St, Williamsport, Pa WILLIAM HOLLAND BELFRY; e 06-7; b Toronto Can 17 Ag 76; fr Detroit Mich; ord Alexandria Ind 23 F 98; p Warren 99; Hickory Corners Mich 99-01; Howard City 01-2; SETS 02-4; p Oscoda Mich 04; Hadley 04-6; AubTS 07-8; p Sennett 08-?; Waukon la ?-; ad Waukon, la ROSCOE DAVID BROWNELL; 02-3, 05-7; c 02; ad Olathe, Col RALPH MC!NTOSH; e 05-6; b Niagara Falls Ont 4 O 79; fr Buffalo NY; sec to asst supt of motive power NYC and H R Railroad Albany 06-10; sec to supt of motive power L S and M S Railway Cleveland O 10-; ad 11410 Itaska Av, Cleve- land, O PEARL DAMON MANGUM; g 05-7; RTS 08; AB Ewing C, 111 09; b Petra Mills NC 12 Ag 80; fr Durham; Wake Forest C 00-4; ord W Durham 8 S 04; p and t Castalia 04-5; p Newport Tenn 08-9; Glasgow Mo 09-11; Belleville 111 n-; ad 118 W Jackson St, Belleville, 111 ELDRIDGE SMITH; 05-6; AB SyrU 04; fr Athens Ont JULIAN HARTRIDGE STRONG; g 05-6; AB Furman U, SC 04; RTS 08; b Calhoun co Ga 27 S 76; fr Ulmers SC; ord Greenville 4 Ja 02; t and pr Perry; p Richmond Mo 08-?; res SC JOHN MELVIN THURBER; 05-6; c 05; ad Franklin C, Franklin, Ind GEORGE OLIVER VAN NOY; g 05-6; BD UChic 10; b Walnut Hill Va 24 Ja 78; fr Osawatomie Ks; ord Norwood Mo 18 F 98; WJC 01, 02-3, 06-?; Baylor U, Tex 02; ShC 03-4; OttU 04-5; p Centralia Mo; Chicago 111 13-; ad Lombard St Ch, Chicago, 111 1909 FREDERICK LESLIE ANDERSON; BD; c 06; ad Jordan, NY FREDERICK ANDREW BOWER; BD; AB Ac 06; b Shelburne NS 13 D 81; fr Shelburne; ord Trout Creek NY 27 N 08; p Albany 09-; ad 511 Clinton Av, Al- bany, NY MARTIN SYLVESTER BRYANT; g; c 06; ad 408 E Healey St, Champaign, 111 JOHN WOLCOTT CRIPPEN; g; c xo8; ad 16 Van Campen St, Dansville, NY HENRY VAUGHAN DA VIES; BD; AB Ac 05; b St John NB 29 N 70; fr St Mar- tins; ord Salisbury 4 N 02; p Canso NS 09-; ad Canso, NS JOHN IRWIN FLICK; e; b Gleneeg NS 16 S 73; fr Halifax; Ac 04-5; p Insket 05-6; ord Lebanon NY 24 F 09; p Milton NS 09-1 1 ; Waterville 1 1-2 ; ad 78 West St, Halifax, NS 330 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1909 BENJAMIN DONALD GAW; g; AM 09; AB Ewing C, III 07; b Waynesboro Va 20 Ag 79; fr Richmond; Richmond C 00-3 ;p Manchester 01-3; Richmond 03-6; ord Richmond 8 F 05; p Washington DC 09-; ad 1527 3ist St, NW, Washing- ton, DC FRANK HALLIE HAYES; g; AB Ewing C, 111 08; b Petersburg Va 18 N 79; fr Petersburg; Richmond C 02-6; p Portland Ore 09-; ad E Tacoma and nth Sts, Portland, Ore HINSON VERNON HOWLETT; AB Temple C, Pa 06; b Annandale PEI 25 Ap 80; fr Annandale; BU 01-4; ord Taunton Mass 25 Je 08; p Cooperstown NY 09- 10; Washington DC 10-; ad 738 4th St, SE, Washington, DC FRANK GILYARD LAVENDER; BD; AB Furman U, SC 06; b Gaffney SC 25 O 79; fr Blacksburg; ord Blacksburg 25 O 05; p Westminster 09-12; Fork Union Va 12-; t Fork Union Acad 12-; ad Fork Union, Va JABEZ ERNEST REYNOLDS; e; b Northampton England 27 Je 76; fr Zanes- ville O; p Oldham SD and Arlington 95-7; ord Oldham 11 O 97; ShC 98-00; p Zanesville O 01-4; sup Minneapolis Minn 09; ad Lennox, SD STEPHEN WALTER SCHURMAN; g; AM 09; AB Ac 03; b Amherst NS 14 F 74; fr Amherst; ord Lunenburg 19 S 03; p Lunenburg 03-6; Middletown 09-10; Campbellton NB 10-?; Lockport NS ?-; ad Lockport, NS EDWARD BURNSIDE SIMMONS; g; c o5; ad Hotel Judson, 53 Washington Sq S, New York WILLIAM LEE SOPER; c 07; ad Care American Bapt Miss, Bassein, Burma CHARLES HOUGHTON TILDEN; BD; c 07; ad Jorhat, Assam, India MYRON NELSON WESCOTT; g; c n; ad 5 E Main St, Leroy, NY WILLIAM HIRAM WHEATLEY; BD; c 05; ad Whitehall, NY HENRY KIRBY WILLIAMS; 06-7; AB Furman U, SC 06; b Spartanburg SC 2 S 78; fr Arkwright; ord Arkwright 6 Mr 04; p Williamstown 04-6; Cedar Shoals 05-6; Cedar Grove 06; Bethany 06; Pelzer 07-?; Manning ?-; ad Manning, SC 1910 GEORGE PITT BEERS; BD; c 06; ad 5016 Bellville Av, Arlington, Md AUGUST CHARLES BLINZINGER; g; c xo 7 ; ad Kersey, Col JOSEPH DAVID BREHAUT; g; AB Ac 07; b Goldenville NS 27 My 81 ; fr Golden- ville; ord Tusket 26 Je 07; p Warwick NY 10-; ad Warwick, NY SAMUEL GLADSTONE HARWOOD; BD 12; AB Richmond C, Va 06; AM 07; b Pamplins Va 1 1 S 85; fr Pamplins; ord Pamplins 5 Ap 08; p Jarratt 1 1-; ad Jar- ratt, Va ELMER WILSON JOHNSON; g; c 07; ad Portland, Pa JAMES HUDSON MACHEN; g; b Princeton SC 15 My 80; fr Princeton; U of SC 01-3; Furman U 05-7; ord Princeton 29 Ap 06; p Fountain Inn 10-; ad Fountain Inn, SC WALDO CARSON MACHUM; AB U of NB 07; b St Marys NB 20 D 85; fr St. Marys; ord Sussex 15 Jl 10; p Hantsport NS 11-; ad Hantsport, NS, Can HARRY MELBOURNE MANZER; g; AM 10; AB U of NB 06; b Nashwaak NB SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1 9 1 331 22 My 71 ; fr Millville; ord St John 9 O 05; p Baillie 06-7; Port Medway NS 10-; ad Port Medway, NS, Can "MALCOLM LEWIS ORCHARD; AM 10; BD 12; AB U of NB 07; b Jemseg NB 29 O 8 1 ; fr Fredericton ; ord Woodstock 1 1 Jl 07 ; miss Foreign Miss Board of Mari- time Provinces Bobbili India 10-; ad Bobbili, Vizagapatam District, India JOHN CARRITTE PEACOCK; g; AB Ac 07; b Cape Tormentine NB 16 Ap 76; fr Port Elgin; p O'Leary Station PEI 10-; ad O'Leary Station, PEI, Can JOSEPH CEPHAS RAWSON; c 08; ad Central Square, NY FREDERICK GEORGE REYNOLDS; e; b Bristol England 8 Jl 72; fr W Winfield NY; ord Ira 8 Ag 95; p Ira 95-00; Macedon 00-3; W Winfield 04-9; Whitesboro 09-; ad Whitesboro, NY GEORGE HENRY SIMONS; BD; c 07; ad Vernon, NY JOHN GRAVES WILSON; AB Furman U, SC 07; b Homer Ga 18 Jl 79; fr Green- ville SC; ord Princeton 29 Ap o6; v p Barrington and Lake Keuka NY 10-1; Fork Shoals SC, Standing Springs and Unity n-; ad Fountain Inn, SC LEWIS DOYLE MORSE; graduate student 08-10; Jones fellow 08-9; AB Ac 88; NTI 91; bNictaux NSi4 Ja 64; ord Nictaux 9 Je 91; miss Foreign Miss Board of Maritime Provinces Bimlipatam India 91-00; acting p Halifax NS 01-2; p Ber- wick 02-4; Wolfville 04-8; instructor in practical miss CU 08-9; p Earlville 09-; adEarlville, NY W T ESTON EVANS; g 07-9; AB Clark C, Mass 06; b W Townsend Mass 26 Ag 82; fr Holden; t history Windham HS, Willimantic Ct 06-7; Yale TS 09-?; ad Holden, Mass WARREN CYRIL TAYLOR; 07-9; c 07; ad 228 Main St, Owego, NY EARL VANDORN BABB; g; AB Furman U, SC 08; b Owings SC 30 Ap 84; fr Owings; ord Laurens 19 S 09; p Easley 12-; ad Easley, SC GEORGE CLARENCE DURKEE; g; AB Ac 03; b Lake George NS 26 F 74; fr Beaver River; ord Lower Woods Harbor Ag 03 ; p Lower Woods Harbor 03-8; McGrays n-; ad McGrays, NS FRANK HOWARD EATON; BD; AB Ac 07; AM 10; b Lower Canard NS 7 Mr 87; fr Lower Canard; p Port Hawkesbury 07-8; ord Wells Bridge NY 6 D 10; p Freeport NS n-; ad Freeport, NS, Can FREDERICK PERKINS FREEMAN; g; b Kempt NS 18 My 81; fr Kempt; Ac 05-6; Cobb DS, Me 07-8; ord N Syracuse NY 9 S 09; district miss ABHMS San Juan district PR 11-; ad San Juan, PR 'CHARLES HENRY FRY; e; b Williamsville 10 My 76; fr Williamsville; supt C J Hamlin experimental farm Snyder 1 1-; ad Williamsville, NY FRANK BENJAMIN FRY; e; b Williamsville 20 N 72; fr Williamsville; ad Will- iamsville, NY JOSHUA CHARLES JENSEN; g; AM 1 1 ; AB U of Id 07; b Hand SD i N 85; fr Moscow Id; ord Garfield Wash 25 O 07; p Garfield 07-8; miss ABFMS China ii-; ad Care Roy D Stafford, 26 Range Road, Shanghai, China 332 SEMINARY ALUMNI : 1911 ALMERON HENRY MERRILL; e; b Castle Creek 17 Ag 73; fr Rochester; ord Stephentown 19 My 11; p Stephentown 11-2; Lestershire 12-; ad 12 Baldwin St, Lestershire, NY FREDERICK ARTHUR PECK; e; b Burlington Flats 19 Mr 72; fr Unadilla Forks; ord'Schuyler Lake 6 Jl 04; p Chittenango 11-2; ad Chittenango, NY JOHN HENDERSON SEELY; e; b Cannonsville i O 78; fr China; CTS 07-8; ord Addison 12 D 11; p Addison n-; ad Addison, NY HIRAM EDGAR SHADE; e; b Verona Pa 13 Je 83; fr Verona; DU 06-7; ord Ply- mouth NY 6 Je ii ; p Paterson NJ n-; ad 1047 Madison Av, Paterson, NJ PAUL BERRY WATLINGTON; g; AM n; AB Ewing C, 111 09; b Level Run Va 1 8 Jl 82; fr Straight Stone; Richmond C 02-6; ord Green Field 30 Jl 05; p Wash- ington DC ii-; ad 912 Maryland Av, NE, Washington, DC DANIEL JOHN BLOXHAM; 08-10; c 07; ad Ovid, NY OSCAR GULEKE; 08-9; c 07; ad Palermo, NJ ROY DYER WOOD; g 08-9; AB Middlebury C, Vt 08; b Hampton 5 Je 84; fr Fair Haven Vt; p Fabius NY 09-1 1 ; ord Fabius 2 Je 10; p Elizabethtown 1 1-; ad Eliza- bethtown, NY 1912 WALTER TORREY AIKEN; BD; c 08; ad Box 201, Noank, Ct ROBERT FREEMAN ALLEN; g; AB Ac 08; b River John NS 8 My 79; fr River John; p Annapolis Royal 12-; ad Annapolis Royal, NS WILLIAM MADISON BLACK; g; AM 12; AB Richmond C, Va 12; b Kerr's Creek, Va 6 Ag 72; fr Kerr's Creek; ord Kerr's Creek 31 Mr 07 ;p Winns 06-9 ;S Norfolk 1 2-; ad S Norfolk, Va STEPHEN H CUNLIFFE; g; c 09; ad Castorland, NY FRED FOWLER FOSHAY; AB Ac 09; b Windsor NS 14 My 83; fr Wolfville; stu- dent theological dept Ac 09-10; ord Aylesford 12; p Aylesford 12-; ad Aylesford, NS, Can HERBERT NEWTON LAWS; g; b Millwood Va i My 85; fr Front Royal; stu- dent U of Chattanooga, Tenn; ord Front Royal Va 29 Je ii; p Buffalo NY 1 2-; ad 232 Dearborn St, Buffalo, NY SAMUEL PARKINSON LOUGH; e; b Maguiresbridge Ireland 23 Je 8i;fr New York; ord New York 2 Je 12; miss work Winnepeg Can 12-; ad Care Mrs Hughes, Winnipeg, Man, Can JOHN VAUGHN AXTELL; graduate student 11-2; AubTS 06; b Oneonta 6 O 75; Juniata C 99, 02-3; ord Presb Athens Pa 22 My 06; miss work in Adiron- dack region NY 06-7; Wanakena 07-8; p Cong Hamilton 08-; ad Hamilton, NY GEORGE GOEWEY SAUNDERS; sp 09-10; c 09; ad Hamilton, NY SEMINARY ALUMNI I ITALIAN DEPARTMENT 333 ITALIAN DEPARTMENT IQIO ALFONSO CORBO; b Calabritte Italy 6 Ap 84; fr Newark NJ; p Orange 10-; ord Orange 15 N 12; ad 125 Newark St, Newark, NJ FRANCESCO DELELLIS; b Mirabello Sannitico Italy 15 Je 84; fr Amsterdam NY; miss work Pittsburg Pa 10-1; studied law Amsterdam NY n-; miss work and t Amsterdam; ad 28 Mechanic St, Amsterdam, NY ROLANDO GIUFFRIDA; b Italy 8 Ag 87; fr Washington DC; student Italy; stud- ied law one year; ad Meriden, Ct PIETRO EDDY SALTARELLI; b Italy n Je 79; fr Buffalo NY; student Inter- national C, Springfield Mass 3 years; p Brooklyn NY 10-; ad 18 Jackson St, Brook- lyn, NY CARLO SOMAINI; 07-9; res South America IQII *GAETANO BARBAROSSA; b S Caterina Villarmora Italy 28 N 88; fr Uniontown Pa SALVATORE FLORENA; 08-9; b S Stefano Camastra Sicily 7 Je 76; fr New York; p Camden NJ 09-; ad 314 Line St, Camden, NJ VITTORIO PUTERI; 08-9; b Italy 22 Ja 90; fr Greensburg Pa; ad Pittsburg, Pa CARMELO SCORDO; 08-10; b Italy 7 F 84; fr Sharpsburg Pa; ad New York NUNZIO VECERE; 08-9; fr Philadelphia Pa; ad Trenton, NJ 1912 PASCAL ARPAIO; b Cava Dei Tirreni, Salerno, Italy 26 Je 82; fr Mt Vernon GIUSTINO BASILE; b Soveria, Mannelli, Italy 9 Ja 86; fr Passaic NJ; ord Glens Falls NY 3 Mr 13; p Glens Falls 13-; ad 48 Lawrence St, Glens Falls, NY VITO CORDO; b Filadelfia Catanzaro, Italy 9 O 86; fr Brooklyn NY; ord Tren- ton NJ 17 F 13; p Trenton 12-; ad 26 Ashmore Av, Trenton, NJ ANTONIO PERROTTA; b S Felice a Cancello, Italy 10 O 88; fr New Haven Ct; ord UticaNY 19 S 12; miss work Utica 12-; ad 57 > Bacon St, Utica, NY AMEDEO PASCIUTA; 10-1; b Palermo Italy 23 Mr 77; fr Uniontown Pa; miss ABHMS Uniontown 1 1 ; Gloversville NY 12-; ord Gloversville 23 N 12; ad 30 Bleecker St, Gloversville, NY ALUMNI HONORARY [This list includes only those who are not in the preceding alumni lists.] 1846 *R M RICHARDSON; AM *MARSENA STONE; AM; ord 37; p Mendon 37-40; Mt Morris 40-5; sup Eaton, and agent BES 45-7; p Norwich 47-52; sup Dayton O 52-3; prof English dept Fairmount TS 53-6; p Lebanon 56-61; prin Young Ladies' Institute Granville and prof theology DU 61-8; conducted ministers' institutes O and vie 68-9; p Marietta 69-72; t ABHMS among freedmen of south 72-6; pres Leland U, New Orleans La 76-8; ret Lebanon O and Omaha Neb 78-94; d Omaha 23 F 94 1847 *NEHEMIAH WISNER BENEDICT; AM; DD UR 70; p; prin Rochester Col- legiate Institute 50-3; Rochester Free Acad 65-83; priv sch, Rochester 83-7; d Fredonia 19 Ag 95 *DANIEL GRIFFIN COREY; AM; DD UR 59; ord Georgetown 5 Mr 35; p George- town 34-7; Smyrna 37-41 ; Utica 42-90; d Utica 20 F 90 *ZENAS FREEMAN; AM; p Rochester; d Rochester 26 Ja 59 * JEREMIAH HALL; AM; NTI 30; DD ShC 54; ord Westford Vt 3 F 31 ; p Fair- fax and Westford 31-2; Bennington 32-5; Kalamazoo Mich 35-42; Akron O 43-5; prin Norwalk Institute and p Norwalk 45-50'; p Granville 5 1-3; pres DU 53-63; p Fredericktown 63-5; Kalamazoo Mich; Chillicothe Mo; Shellrock la; Wav- erly; ret Port Huron Mich 78-81 ; d Port Huron 30 My 81 "CHARLES WALTON SANDERS; AM; t Homer and Cortland 21-38; lecturer; author sch books 38-89; d New York 5 Jl 89 1848 "CHARLES BAKER ADAMS; AM; AB AmC 34; AM Middlebury C, Vt 39; AndTS 34-6; tutor AmC 3 6-7; prof chemistry and natural history Middlebury C, Vt 38-47; made scientific expeditions to Panama and WI 44-51; state geologist of Vt 45-8 ; prof zoology and astronomy AmC 47-53 ; d St Thomas WI 19 Ja 53 *JAY S BACKUS; AM; AM UR 51 ; DD 59; ord Groton 30 Ap 34; p Groton 33-9 ; Auburn 39-46; New York 47-57; Syracuse 57-62; cor sec ABHMS 63-73; ret Brooklyn 73-8; Groton 78-9; assoc editor New York Chronicle; d Groton 3 Jl 79 "JOHN LANSING BURROWS; AM; DD 54; ord Poughkeepsie 35; asstp New York 35-6; t Shelbyville Ky and Elizabethtown 36-9; p Owensboro 39-40; Philadel- phia Pa 40-54; Richmond Va 54-74; Louisville Ky 74-81; Norfolk Va 82-91; ret Augusta Ga 91-3; d Augusta 2 Ja 93 *WILLIAM L DENNIS; AM; ord Barnstable Mass 3 Ja 38 ;p Barnstable and Or- leans 38-40; Earlville NY in 42 HONORARY ALUMNI 335 *IRA HARRIS; LLD; AB Union 24; studied law Albany; adm to bar, NY 28; prac law Albany 28-75; representative in assembly 44-6; member constitutional conv 46, 67; state senator 46-7; jud^e supreme court 48-60; US senator 61-7; prof equity, jurisprudence and practice Albany LS more than 20 years; member Corpn 46-50; d Albany 2075 *GEORGE BARTON IDE; DD; Middlebury C, Vt 30; ord 30; p Brandon Vt 32-4; Albany NY 34-5; Boston Mass 36-8; Philadelphia Pa 38-52; Springfield Mass 53-72 ; d Springfield 16 Ap 72 *THOMAS PRICE; LLD; DD BdC 36; ord London England 24; p London 24-36; editor Eclectic Review 19 years; d London 29 My 67 *ELISHA TUCKER; DD; p Fredonia 22-31; Buffalo 31-?; Rochester; New York ?~48 ; Chicago 111 48-5 1 ; inv 51-3; member Corpn 46-5 1 ; d Cumberland Md 29 D 53 1849 *SILAS BAILEY; DD; AM BU 34; LLD FC 71; prin Worcester Acad,Mass 34-9; ord Worcester 18 N 38; p Thompson Ct 39-42 ; agent ABMU for NY 42-5; p West- boro Mass 45-7 ; pres Granv 47-52 ; pres FC 52-62 ; p Lafayette 63-6 ; prof meta- physics and theology KalC 66-9; res Lafayette Ind 69-73; m Europe 74; d Paris France 30 Je 74 *DAVID BELLAMY; AM; merchant Skaneateles 7-36; p Skaneateles; Manlius; New York in 42; Newark NJ; Mt Morris NY; Rome 59-64; d Rome i O 64 *JAMES SMITH DOUGLAS; AM; PhD 70; MD Fairfield Med C, NY 25; prac med Vernon ; Oswego ; Hamilton ; Milwaukee Wis 48-78 ; prof materia medica, pathol- ogy and diagnosis Homoeopathic Med C, Cleveland O 55 ; d McComb City Miss 21 J178 'ZWINGLIUS CALVIN GRAVES; AM; LLD u; t Ash tabula O, and prin Kingsville Acad 37-50; pres Mary Sharpe Female C, Winchester Tenn 50-89 *ROBERT LUSK; LLD; res England *THOMAS USTICK WALTER; AM; PhD ULg 53; LLD Harv 57; studied archi- tecture Philadelphia Pa 28-30; architect Philadelphia 30-48; architect of US gov- ernment Washington DC 48-62 ; architect Philadelphia Pa 62-87 ; lecturer on archi- tecture; d Philadelphia 30 O 87 1850 *THOMAS ARMITAGE; AM; DD Georgetown C, Ky 53; LLD u; came to Ameri- ca from England 38; p ME Albany NY and vie 38-48; ord Albany 15 Je 48; p New York 48-88; ret Yonkers 88-96; d Yonkers 20 Ja 96 'ALBERT GALLATIN PALMER; AM; DD 63; ord Westerly RI 37; p Westerly 37-43; Stonington Ct 43-52; Syracuse NY 52-5; Bridgeport Ct 55-8; Wakefield RI 58-61 ; Stonington Ct 61-91 ; d Stonington 30 Je 91 1851 *SAMUEL DICKINSON BURCHARD; DD; Centre C, Danville Ky 36; lecturer on temperance, slavery and religion Ky 36-7; ord Presb New York 38; p New ' York 38-after 80; chancellor Ingham U; pres Rutgers Female C; d Saratoga Springs 25 S 91 336 HONORARY ALUMNI "JONATHAN G COLLOM: AM; ord Phoenixville Pa 33; p Phoenixville 33-6; Danbury Ct 36-9; Pemberton NJ 39-45; Cohansey 45-50; Wilmington Del 50-3; agent ABHMS, res Mt Holly NJ 53-6; d Mt Holly 27 D 56 *AMOS CROCKER; AM; AB Yale 34; prac law Hamilton 38-43; student AndTS 44-?; bus Hamilton NY; p Presb St Vincent; Northville 11 years; Coventry 10 years; d Hamilton 13 My 91 "JAMES LAWRENCE HODGE; DD; AM Colby 45; ord Hartford Ct 35; p Hart- ford 35-?; Brooklyn NY; Newark NJ; Albany NY; New York 64-?; d Brooklyn 19 Jl 98 *HENRY VALENTINE JONES; AM; ord Williamson 8 Ap 35; p Palmyra; Bridge- port; Fabius in 42; Newark NJ 43-?; Piscataway; Rondout NY; W Troy; Noank Ct; Princeton NJ; district sec ABHMS; p Milan NY; Fabius; ret New Brunswick NJ; d New Brunswick 17 Je 78 *JOHN NELSON MURDOCK; AM; LLD 88; DD UR 54; ord Waterville My 42; p Waterville 42-6; Albion 46-8; Hartford Ct 48-56; on editorial staff Christian Review 53-6; p Boston Mass 58-62 ; sec ABMU 63-88 ; h sec 88-97 ; d Clifton Springs NY 16 F 97 *ROBERT TURNBULL; DD; graduate student Glasgow U; p Scotland 7-33; Danbury Ct 33-5; Detroit Mich 35-7; Hartford Ct 37-9; Boston Mass 39-45; Hartford Ct 45-69; sup 69-72; sec Ct State Conv 72-7; d Hartford 20 N 77 1852 *ALEXANDER McWHORTER BEEBEE; LLD; AB Columbia U 02; prac law New York 7-07; Skaneateles 07-22; editor Bapt Register, Utica 25-56; d Utica N 56 *WILLIAM HENRY BURLEIGH; AM; editor Lit Journal, Schenectady 32-7; Christian Witness, Pittsburg Pa 37-43; Charter Oak, and Washington Banner, Hartford Ct 43-50; gen agent and lecturer for NY state temperance society, and editor Prohibitionist 50-5; harbor-master and port- warden New York, and lec- turer 55-71; anti-slavery lecturer; d Brooklyn 18 Mr 71 *THOMAS FORD CALDICOTT; DD; ord Lockport 34; p Lockport 34-8; Boston Mass 39-48; Charlestown 50-3; Boston 53-8; Williamsburg (now Brooklyn) NY 58-60; Toronto Can 60-9; d Toronto 9 Jl 69 *DUNCAN R CAMPBELL; LLD; p Presb Nottingham England; miss London ;p Bapt Richmond Va 42-5 ; Georgetown Ky 45-9 ; prof Hebrew and Bibl lit TS at Covington 49-52; pres Georgetown C 52-65; d Covington 16 Ag 65 *CALVIN GREEN CARPENTER; AM; ord Fairfield 28 F 21; p Fairfield; with State Conv, pr Salisbury, Norway, Whitesboro, Little Falls 24-31?; cor sec and financial agent State Conv 27-35; P Little Falls 31-?; Ithaca 35-?; Utica; Romu- lus; Phelps; Geneva; Elbridge; gen agent State Conv 49-54; helped establish NY Bapt Register and acted as agent; ret Phelps 73-93; d Phelps 19 Ja 93 * WILLIAM CLARKE; AM; p N Brookfield 30-6; Cazenovia 36-51; Whitesboro 51-4; Cazenovia 54-64; Waterville 64-71; member Corpn 59-71; d 6 Mr 71 *G R DAVIS; LLD; res NY *SIMEON J DRAKE; AM; ord Rahway NJ 36; p Rahway 35-8; Plainfield 38-62: d Plainfield 13 Ap 62 HONORARY ALUMNI 337 "HERMAN J EDDY; AM; DD ShC; ord Marion 34; p Scipio 34-42; Jordan 42-9; New York 49-56; Bloomington 111 56-61; founded 111 Bapt (now the Standard); chaplain 33d regiment 111 volunteers 61-3; p Belvidere 63-9; Syracuse NY 69-73; ret New York 73-90; d New York 15 My 90 * JOSEPH T EVANS; AM *RICHARD GIRARD; AM *BENJAMIN M HILL; DD; p Leicester Mass 16-8; ord Stafford Ct 18; p Stafford; with Ct Bapt Miss Society; p New Haven 21-30; Troy NY 30-40; sec ABHMS 40- 62; p New Haven Ct 65-81?; d New Haven 81 *DANIEL TREMBLEY HILL; AM; p Plattekill NY; Plainfield NJ 28-39; Beek- man NY 39-42; Plainfield NJ 42-52; Carmel NY 53-8; Glens Falls 59-60; Wan- tage NJ 65-9; Pawling NY 69-74; Beekman 74-7; Cornwall 77-85; res Syracuse Neb 85-7; d Syracuse 5 Mr 87 "HARVEY HUBBARD; AM "CHARLES MASON; LLD; studied law Watertown; prac law Hamilton 38-70; district attorney Madison co 45-7; justice supreme court, sixth district 47-68; judge NY court of appeals 68-70; prac law Utica 70-9; clerk US circuit court 70-9; member Corpn 55-79; d Utica 31 My 79 *JAMES PYPER; DD; ord Napoleon Mich; p Unadilla 39-?; Dexter; Adrian; Toronto Can in 52; Unadilla Mich; ret Unadilla 76-84; d Unadilla 25 F 84 * WILLIAM TRACY; AM 1853 ^SYLVESTER ABEL; AM *D C BATES; AM *JESSE CLEMENT; AM; poet and essayist; editor Western Lit Messenger Buffalo 43-58; Daily Times Dubuque la 58-68; insurance bus, editor Inter-Ocean, and editor biographical dictionaries Chicago 111 68-83; d Butler Mo 25 D 83 *CHARLES TAYLOR HARRIS; AM; MD u; prac med Ballston Spa *DWIGHT IVES; DD; AB BU 35; ord Springfield Mass 35; p Springfield 35-6; Alton 111 36-9; Suffield Ct 39-74; Conway Mass 74-5; d Conway 22 D 75 *MORVEN MOORE JONES; AM; AM HamC 76; adm to bar, NY 40; prac law Utica 40-86; d Utica 22 N 86 *FREDERIC KIDDER; AM; clerk Boston Mass; bus in south 8 years; bus Bos- ton Mass; in southern commission bus 40-6; bus New York 54-7; Boston Mass 57-69; Melrose 69-85; historical writer; d Melrose 19 D 85 "LEWIS LEONARD; DD; ord Plymouth Mass 12 Jl 09; p Plymouth 09-10; Pough- keepsie NY 12-21 ; Albany 21-7; Cazenovia 27-35; agent State Conv 35-45; agent ABMU 45-?; d Cazenovia 21 N 56 *D HENRY MILLER; AM; Wesleyan Institution, Concord Mass 45; DD ULg 66; ord N Stonington Ct 15 D 47; p N Stonington 47-9; Yonkers NY 49-57; Meriden Ct 57-61 ; chaplain 1 5th regiment Ct volunteers 61-3; p Trenton NJ 63- 7; Elizabeth 67-72 ; Lowell Mass 72-3 ; New York 73-5 ; Brooklyn 75-84?; edi- tor Bapt Memorial several years; d Mystic Ct 7 N 96 "EDWARD OLNEY; AM; LLD KalC 74; prof math KalC 53-63; UMich 63-87; d Ann Arbor 16 Ja 87 33$ HONORARY ALUMNI *DAN STEEL PARMELEE; AM; AM UR 53; ord 37; p Halfmoon 36-46; Pember- ton NJ 46-51 ; New York 56-62; Freehold NJ 62-75; Philadelphia Pa 75-6; Man- asquan NJ 77-84; ret 85-90; d Chester Pa 29 Jl 90 *JOHN D POST; AM 'FREDERICK SAUNDERS; AM; came from London England to New York in 37; established publ house New York 37; city editor New York Evening Post sev- eral years; asst libn Astor Lib New York 59-76; libn 76-96; ret 96-02; d Brooklyn 12 D 02 *WILLIAM SHADRACH; DD; b Wales GB; ord Mt Pleasant Pa 10 D 28; p Mt Pleasant 28-30; Loyalhanna 30-5; Western TS, Allegheny 30-5; p Allegheny 35-8; Philadelphia 38-41; sec State Miss Society 41-3; p Pittsburg 43-4; Philadelphia 44-7; financial agent ULg 47-53; cor sec ABPS Philadelphia 53-6; agent 57-61 ; financial agent ULg 62-3 ; p Hollidaysburg 64-7 ; Altoona 68-73 : Indiana 73-84 ; Everett 84-6; gen miss in Indiana co Assoc 86-8; ret Indiana 88-90; d Indiana i O 90 *CHARLES G SOMERS; DD; b London England; came to US 08; res Philadelphia Pa;p New York more than 30 years; cor sec ABS 6 years; cor sec AFBS; d New York 19 D 68 *J H STONE; AM *JAMES A B STONE; DD; LLD u; Middlebury C, Vt 34; AndTS 41 ; tutor Middle- bury C, Vt 34-?; prin Hinesburg Acad; t NTI; p Gloucester Harbor 41-2; Kala- mazoo Mich, and prin branch UMich at Kalamazoo 43-55; pres KalC 55-63; res Kalamazoo 63-88; editor and publ Kalamazoo Telegraph; PM Kalamazoo four years; travelled in Europe and Asia; d Detroit Mich 19 My 88 *BENJAMIN FRANKLIN TEFFT; LLD;AB Wesleyan U,Ct 35 ;DD OWesleyan U46;tMeWesleyan S, Kents Hill Me 35-9; p ME Bangor 39-41; t E Greenwich RI 41-2; p Boston Mass 42-3; prof Greek and Hebrew Ind Asbury U (now De Pauw) 43-6; editor for Methodist Book Concern, Cincinnati O 46-51 ; pres Genesee C, Lima NY' 51-4; p Bangor Me 58-61; US consul Stockholm Sweden 62; com- missioner of immigration for Me in N Europe 64; p Portland Me 66-?; editor The Northern Border, Bangor 73-8; d Brewer 16 S 85 'JOHN LIGHTFOOT WALLER; LLD; editor Bapt Banner, Ky 35-?; editor Bapt Banner and Western Pioneer, Louisville; ord 40; gen agent Gen Assoc of Bapts in Ky 41-3?; p Glen's Creek 43-?; editor Western Bapt Review (later Christian Repository) 45-54; member Ky constitutional conv 49; d Louisville 10 O 54 1854 *WILLIAM CATHCART; AB; DD ULg 73; studied U Glasgow Scotland ; Horton (now Rawdon) C, Yorkshire England; ord Barnsley, near Sheffield 50 ;p Barnsley 50-3; Mystic River Ct 53-7; Philadelphia Pa 57-84; ret Hilltown 84-6; Hoyt 86-8; author The Baptist Encyclopedia; d Hoyt 8 Jl 08 *CHARLES COLBURN; AM *HENRY C GOODWIN; AM; adm to bar, NY 46; prac law Hamilton 46-60; dis- trict attorney Madison co 47-50; MC 54-5; d Hamilton 12 N 60 *SYLVANUS DRYDEN PHELPS; DD; AM BU 44; Yale DS 47; AM Yale 48; p New Haven Ct 46-73; Providence RI 74-6; editor Christian Secretary, Hartford Ct 76-88; d New Haven 23 N 95 HONORARY ALUMNI 339 *LEMUEL PORTER; DD; AB WC 34; ord Sidney Me 16 D 30; p Sidney 30-2; NTI 34-5; p Lowell 35-5H Pittsfield 51-61; Bloomington 111 61-3; district sec American Tract Society; d Chicago 17 O 64? *SAMUEL TAYLOR; AM; p W Walworth in 42 * JONATHAN NEWTON WEBB; AM; DD DMC 80; ord Smithville My 35; p Smithville 34-9; Mannsville 35-9; Carthage 39-44; Gouverneur 44-8 ; Ogdensburg 48-52; Ft Covington 52-64; sup Madrid 64-6; p Titusville Pa 67-70; gen miss ABHMS in Neb, and district sec 70-9; p in Mich 80-91 ; p Jackson in 89; North Star; Breckenridge; Fostoria O 92-5; ret St Louis Mich 95-7; d St Louis 25 D 97 *AC WHEAT; AM; MD u; phys; p Pa; d Sunbury 25 Mr 81 * WILLIAM WILKINSON; AM *R J WILSON; AM; res Elmira *W H WOODBURY; AM 1855 *JOHN QUINCY ADAMS; AM; ord Caldwell NJ 31 Ja 49; p Caldwell and Bloom- field 49-55; Keyport 55-6; New York 56-73; Newburgh 73-7; New York 77?-8i; d New York 27 Jl 81 *D G BARBER; AM HENRY CARVER; AM * WILLIAM WALLACE CHUBBUCK; AM; t; journalist; libn NY assembly; d Utica 13 Ag 6 1 ALBAN JASPER CONANT; AM; AM U of Mo; curator U of Mo 80-8; portrait painter; archaeologist; ad 51 W loth St, New York *CYRENUS M FULLER; AM; ord. Dorset Vt i8;pDorset i8-27;Elbridge NY 27- 39; Pike 39-43; with ABHMS 43-62; res Wis 57-65; d Darien 6 Je 65 N P HENDERSON; AM THEODORIC ROMEYN PALMER; AM; AB UMich 47; Kalamazoo TS 52; DD FC 73; ord Climax Mich 51; p Climax 50-2; prof KalC 52-3; p Castile NY 53-4; prof KalC 59-61 ; lieut col i3th Mich inf 63; p Madison Ind 68-73; P rof Aurora C 73-4; prof FC 74-6; p Zanesville O 77-9; Boulder Col 79-82; prof in Col 85-6; ret 86-; ad National City, Cal S E SHEPERD; AM; MD u *JOHN HYATT SMITH; AM; ord Poughkeepsie 26 Ap 48; p Poughkeepsie; Cleve- land O; Buffalo NY; Philadelphia Pa; Brooklyn NY; MC 81-3; p Cong Brooklyn; d 7 D 86 1856 *LEVI BARTLETT BARKER; AM; prin Fairfield S 50-67; ord Salisbury 25 Mr 58; p Norway 57-63; Jordanville 67-70; pres New Hampton Institution, Fairfax Vt 70-3; pres Leland U, New Orleans La 74-6 ;t and sup, res Holland Patent NY 76- 83; sup res Oneida Castle 83-5; res Des Moines la and Grand Junction 85-9; Grand Junction 89-97; d Grand Junction 28 Ja 97 "ISRAEL C BOURN; AM; MD (h) NY Med C 52; studied med Hamilton 37-9; prac med Masonville 39-88; ret Masonville 88-94; d Masonville 11 Mr 94 340 HONORARY ALUMNI *ANSON G CHESTER; AM; lit work; lecturer; editor Chicago 111 many yeais; d about 75 "CHARLES A CLARK ; AM ; ord Medina O 1 2 Mr 40 ; p Medina ; New York ; Homer ; district sec AFBS for central NY 51-3; district sec ABHMS 53-6; work for freed- men 62-8 ; p Mich ; d Dexter 23 N 96 *WILLIAM S FRANKLIN; AM; AubTS 42; ord Presb Five Corners D 42; p Cong Five Corners 42-64; p Presb Camden 64-6; Marcellus 67-9; res Danforth 70-82; p Ludlowville i year; Jamesville 4 years; Oneida Lake 2 years; gen sec YMCA Syracuse 2 years; d Danforth 6 Mr 82 CALEB GREENE; AM; MD u *SILAS NATHANIEL KENDRICK; AM; machinist Poultney Vt 33-7; bus Detroit Mich 37-59; d Detroit 14 Ja 59 *THOMAS OLIVER LINCOLN; DD; AB Yale 28; NTI 34; studied law Boston Mass 28-31; ord Kennebunk Me 10 D 34; p Kennebunk 34-6; Portland 36-41; Philadelphia Pa 41-?; Mt Holly NJ; Manchester NH 46-9; Utica NY 50-61; Elmira; Williamsport Pa; Roadstown NJ 71-3; ret Bridgeton 73-7; d Bridgeton 20 Ja 77 1857 *WILLIAM STANTON CURTIS; DD; AB U of 111 38; AM; Yale DS 38-41; p Presb Rockford 111 42-3; ord Ann Arbor Mich 26 O 43; p Ann Arbor 43-55; prof moral phil and C p HamC 55-63; pres Knox C, 111 63-8; p Rockford 69-75; we 75-85; d Rockford 30 My 85 *EDMUND BURKE FAIRFIELD; LLD; AB Oberlin C 42; AM 45; DD DU 63; DD Ind U 63; DCL Hillsdale C 92; tutor in Latin and Greek Oberlin C, O 42-5; ord Je 45; p Boston Mass 45-8; pres Mich Central C, Spring Arbor 48-53; fi- nancial agent Hillsdale C 53-5; pres 55-69; in Mich senate 56-8; lieut gov 58-60; travelled in Europe, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Turkey 61-3; p Cong Mansfield O 70-5; prin Pa NS 75-6; chancellor U of Neb 76-82; p Manistee Mich 82-9; US consul Lyons France 89-93; financial agent Oberlin C, O 93-6; p Mansfield 96-00; res Oberlin 00-4; d Oberlin 18 N 04 *GEORGE N HARRIS; AM; t Syracuse 42-60; bus Syracuse 60-88; d Syracuse 23 My 88 *STEPHEN PRESCOTT HILL; DD; AB BU 29; NTI 32; ord Haverhill Mass 2 O 32; p Haverhill 32-4; Baltimore Md 34-51; Washington DC 51-61; we 61-84; d Washington 15 S 84 *FRANK REMINGTON; AM; ord Jefferson O F 51; p Jefferson 50-6; Lawrence Mass 56-62; New York 62-4; Atchison Ks 64; Quincy 111; bus 6 years; p Cleve- land O; agent ABU NE and O 4 years; sec ABPS NY 4 years; d Cleveland O 23 Ap 83 *JAMES COOKE VAN BENSCHOTEN; AM; AM HamC 55; LLD UR 75; t Oxford Collegiate Institute 55-6; Susquehanna S, Binghamton 56-7; prin Oxford Collegiate Institute 57-8; studied Berlin, Bonn, Goettingen, Athens 58-61; prin Lyons HS, NY 61-2; t Oneida (now Central NY) Conf S, Cazenovia 62-3; prof Greek Wesleyan U, Ct 63-02 ; instructor in modem langs 63-73 ; director American Sch at Athens 84-5; d Middletown Ct 17 Ja 02 HONORARY ALUMNI 341 1858 'GEORGE SMITH BOARDMAN; DD; AB Union 16; PTS 19; miss O and Ky 19-21 ; ord Presb NY 26 Jl 21 ; p Watertown 21-37; Rochester 37-42; ss Colum- bus O 42; Philadelphia Pa 42-3; p Rome NY 43-7; Cherry Valley 47-50; Caze- novia 50-65; ss Rome 68; Ogdensburg 69; Little Falls 70; d Cazenovia 7 F 77 E F CARTER; AM "JOHN JOHNSON FOOTE; AM; hardware bus Hamilton 39-46; druggist Hamil- ton 46-65; state senator 59-60; auditor New York PO; ret Belvidere 111 65-05; d Belvidere 15 Ap 05 *ROBERT ALEXANDER FYFE; DD; NTI 42; ord Brookline Mass 25 Ag 42; p Perth Can 42-3; pres Bapt C, Montreal 43; p Toronto 44-8; Perth 48-9; Warren RI 49-53; Milwaukee Wis 53-5; Toronto Can 55-60; prin and t theology Can Lit Institute 60-78; d Toronto 4-8 78 *CHARLES J HOPKINS; AM; ord Camden NJ 24; p Camden 24-5; Jacobstown 2 years; Salem 29-35; Bridgeton 35-40; New York 43-59?; Salem NJ 59-61; res Williamsburg NY 61-3; d Salem NJ 14 Jl 63 *WILLIAM BLISS MAXSON; DD; ord Seventh Day Bapt Hopkinton RI Ap 19; p Scott NY 20-1 ; Brookfield 22-32; Newmarket NJ 32-8; in Jewish miss New York 38-40; p Brookfield 40-5; Berlin 45-7; Brookfield 47-56; New York, res Plain- field NJ, 56-63; d Bridgewater NY O 63 *ROBERT THOMAS MIDDLEDITCH; AM; DD 65; ord Lyons Farms NJ S 48; p Lyons Farms 48-50; Red Bank 50-67; Nyack NY 68-70; Flushing 70-4; res Brooklyn; editorial work with Bapt Weekly, Gospel Age, Christian Enquirer, and Examiner; d Brooklyn 24 F 07 'BENJAMIN THOMAS; AM; DD u; LLD u; ord O, 46; p Mansfield; Monroe- ville; Zanesville; Brookfield; Newark; western sec ABU, res Bloomington 111; brevet col in US army; pres Jusdon U, Ark 64-?; d Little Rock 3 Mr 84 *P G WILLIAMS; AM *WILLIAM H WYCKOFF; LLD; AB Union 28; prin classical dept in schs New York; founder Bapt Advocate, and editor 39-46; p New York 46-?; cor sec AFBS 46-50; sec ABU 50-77; d New York 2 N 77 1859 H H BOONE; AM J L BUCKLEY; AM *H G BURLINGAME; AM; t Brockport NS W M COOK; DD; p England *DANIEL DAVIES; DD; student c for blind Liverpool England 14-6; p Welsh Methodist Merthys 1 7-9 ; p Welsh Bapt London 20-5 ; Swansea 25-55 > Cardigan 55- 61; sup res Cwmafon, Glamorganshire 61-73; ret Llanelly, Carmarthenshire 73-6; d Llanelly 19 F 76 JAMES ALMERIUS DELKE; AM; AB Wake Forest C, NC 41 ; LLD u; t NC 35 years; Va 3 years; Tenn 12 years; t Murfreesboro Institute NC in 81 ; prof Female C, Highpoint *HIRAM DENIO; LLD; studied law 16-21; adm to bar, NY' 2i;prac law Rome 21- 342 HONORARY ALUMNI 6; district attorney 25-34; P rac law Utica 26-71; judge 5th circuit 34-8; judge NY court of appeals 53-66; d Utica 5 N 71 H DOANE; AM *DANIEL CLARKE EDDY; DD; AM Harv 55; ord Lowell Mass 29 Ja 46; p Lowell 46-56; speaker house representatives 54; p Boston 56-62; Philadelphia Pa 62-4; Boston Mass 65-71; Fall River 71-3; Boston 73-7; Hyde Park 78-80; Brooklyn NY 81-96; d Brooklyn 26 Jl 96 *GEORGE JACKSON FISHER; AM; MD U of City of New York 49; prac med Mecklenburg 49-51 ; Sing Sing (Ossining) 51793; Phys and surgeon of state prison Sing Sing several years from 53; US examining surgeon in pension bureau 20 years; d Sing Sing 3 F 93 W D HUNTLEY; AM *TIMOTHY JENKINS; LLD; adm to bar, NY 24; prac law Oneida Castle 24-?; district attorney Oneida co 39-45; MC 45-9, 51-3; d Martinsburg 24 D 59 *A McDOUGAL; AM; p; d Ransom ville 26 S 61 JOSEPH MASON; AM; studied law Hamilton; adm to bar, NY 49; prac law Ham- ilton 49-; judge Madison co 63-7; collector internal revenue 22d NY district 71-6; MC 79-83; ad Hamilton, NY *GEORGE PIERCE; AM; ord 46; p Pawtucket RI; Manchester NH; Warren O; miss p Harrisburg Pa 4 years; p Great Valley 73-83; d Faribault Minn 21 S 90 *WARREN RANDOLPH; AM; AB BU 51; DD ColU 64;ord 51; p Pawtucket RI 51-?; Providence ?~57; Germantown Pa 57-63; Boston Mass 63-7; Philadelphia Pa 67-70; in Europe and Orient 70-1; SS sec ABPS 71-7; p Indianapolis Ind 77-9; Newport RI 79-99; d Newpart 13 D 99 *HENRY JOHNSTON SHERRILL; AM; State Normal C, Albany 46; t Eaton 46-50; Chautauqua co 50-4; bus Hamilton Qnt 54-7; t Hamilton NY 57~ 66 ; Belvidere 111 66-84; co suptBDone co, res Belvidere 84-91; ret Belvidere 91-8; d Belvidere 16 Agg8 'GEORGE W SMITH; AM ; *SAMUEL WILLIAMS; AM; ord Pa 24?; p Pittsburg 27-55; Akron O 55-63- Springfield 63?-?; Newcastle Pa; Pittsburg; res Brooklyn N^; d BroDklyn 14 S 87 1860 *CHARLES F ABBOTT; AM; student UL?; ord Pittsburg; p several chs; chaplain in US army 61-5; res Philadelphia most of his life; d Philadelphia 20 Jl 97 *HORACE FLETCHER; DD; AB DartC 17; prac law Cavendish Vt 15 years; ord Townshend Ja 44; p Townshend 44-71; state senator; d Townshend 26 N 71 *DAVID McFARLAND; AM; ord Victory 14 Je 37; p Victory 37-41; Sennett 41-5; Mexico 45-50; Belleville 50-4; Oswego 54-9; Camillus 59-65; chaplain ist NY volunteer inf 62-3; p Oneida 65-72; Fairport 72-9; Port Byron 79-85; Hannibal 85-91; ret Oswego 91-8; d Oswego 5 Jl 98 *THOMAS RAMBAUT; LLD; AM Mercer U, Ga; DD WJC 73; Trinity C, Dublin Ireland 37-40; ord Barnwell Court House Ga 9 Je 43; p Robertsville SC 44-9; Savannah Ga 49-55; prof Latin and Greek Cherokee Bapt C, Cassville 55-8; pres 58-61; prof history Ga State Mil Institute, Marietta 61-2; p Louisville Ky 62-7; HONORARY ALUMNI 343 pres WJC 67-74; P Brooklyn NY 74-8; Newark NJ 78-82; Albany NY 82-4; Franklin Pa 85-6; ret Brooklyn 87-8; Hamilton 88-90; d Hamilton 15 O 90 JOSIAH RANDALL; LLD; res Pa *JOHN VAN VOORHIS; AM ; studied law Rochester; adm to bar Rochester 52 ; prac law Rochester 54-05; city attorney 59; MC 79-83, 93-5; d Rochester 20 O 05 1861 E G BUSH; AM; MD u *SAMUEL J CRESWELL; AM; DD 64; bus Philadelphia Pa; pr in many chs Philadelphia and vie; d Philadelphia 29 Ag 77 D W C GROVE; AM 'BRADFORD HEMAN LINCOLN; AM; AB ColU 47; AM 59; NTI 50; ord S Framinghsm Mass 21 N 50; pjB Framingham 54-6; New Rochelle NY; Essex Ct 60-1; d Meriden 3 My 62 *DANIEL ULLMAN; LLD; Gale C 29; prac law New York; master in chancery New York 39-44; candidate for gov NY' 54; col 78th NY inf 62; brigadier-gen of volunteers 63; brevet major-gen of volunteers 65; d 20 S 92 *W C VAN METER; AM; ShC 37-8; Granv 38-43; t and pr Ky and 111 43-54; with Five Points Miss, New York 54-77; founded Home for Little Wanderers, New York 61; miss ABPS Rome Italy 77-8; miss Italian Bible and SS Miss Rome 78-?; miss worker New York; d Rome Italy 31 O 88 AMOS A WHITE; AM 1862 *GEORGE HARVEY BALL; AM; DD Bates C, Me 68; studied law; studied Cobb DS, Me; prin Geauga S, O 48-50; p Free Bapt Buffalo NY 50-5; Providence RI 55-7; Buffalo NY 57-61; editor Bapt Un, New York 71-7; p Buffalo 77-90; founder Keuka C, and pres 92-07 ; d Clifton Springs 20 F 07 *SAMUEL GORMAN; AM; Granv 37-42; ord Keene 24 My 42; p Keene 42-3; W Jefferson 43-5; Urbana 45-7; student Western Bapt TS, Covington Ky 47-8; Lane TS, Cincinnati O 48; p Dayton 48-52; miss ABHMS Laguna NMex 52-9; Santa Fe 59-62; p Canton O 62-9; financial agent DU 69-70; p Sparta Wis 70- 4; Monroe 74-5; Columbus 75-9; Mauston 79-80; Sparta 80-3; Las Vegas NMex 84-7; miss ABHMS Aguas Calientes Mex 87; p Albert Lea Minn 88-90; Leroy 90-2 ; ret Dayton O 92-08 ; d Dayton 8 F 08 J E JONES; AM 'WILLIAM HENRY PENDLETON; AM; DD u; ord Oakland Cal My 55; p New York 59-75; Deep River Ct 75-8; Wakefield RI 78-82; San Francisco Cal 82-6;. Los Angeles 86-95 '> Rivera 95-7 ; d Rivera 26 Jl 97 W P ROBINSON; AM I86 3 *GEORGE W DEMERS; AM; ord Sand Lake 28 S 63; p Sand Lake 63-5; d Albany 24 My 70 S M OSTRANDER; AM THOMAS RICHARDSON; AM 344 HONORARY ALUMNI 1864 *GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS; LLD; AM UR 52; AM BU 54; LLD Harv 81; LLD BU 82; LHD Columbia U 87; clerk New York 38-40; res Brook Farm, W Roxbury Mass 42-4; Concord 44-6; in Europe 46-50; editorial staff New York Tribune 51; editor Putnam's Monthly, New York 52-67; Harper's Magazine, New York 53-92 ; Harper's Weekly, New York 57-92 ; d Brighton 31 Ag 92 JOHN HEBB; LLD; pres Heddingley C, England in 64 "TITUS MOONEY MERRIMAN; AM; McMaster Hall TS, Toronto Can 44; student McGill Mil C, Montreal; ord Montreal 30 D 44; p Potter; Effingham NH; Parsonsfield Me; Newport Vt; Troy 45-55; Johnson 55-62; S Centerville Mich 62; Lansingburg NY 63-4; with Christian Commission 63-5; p Beverly Mass 65-6; Kingston 67-70; Petersham 72-3; Fiskdale 73-5; E Stoughton 75-?; Meredith NH 79; W Dedham Mass 79-83; Hudson NH 84-6; Santa Cruz Cal 86-8; Kingston RI 89-91; Salem Ct 91-2; ret 92-12; d Somerville Mass 8 Mr 12 *SAMSON TALBOT ; DD ; AB Granv 5 1 ; NTI 55 ; tutor Granv 51-2; asst instructor in Heb NTI 55-6; ord Dayton O, 56; p Dayton 56-63; pres DU 63-73; d Newton Center Mass 29 Je 73 *AMBROSE FRANKLIN WILLEY; AM; AB UR 58; RTS 60; ord Burlington la 60; p Burlington 60-4; Marshalltown 64-6; inv Mo 66-7; p Oskaloosa la 67-8; d Oskaloosa 2 Ap 68 *LEO MILLER WOODRUFF; AM; DD LaGrange C, Mo 79; ord Malone 54; p Malone 54-61; Saratoga 63-70; Detroit Mich 70-2; Elgin 111 72-80; lecturer 80- 98; d 10 S 98 I86 5 *JOHN MILTON GREGORY; LLD; AB Union 46; studied law 46-8; p in east 48-52; prin classical sch Detroit Mich 52-3; editor Mich Journal of Education 53-8; supt public instruction Mich 58-64; pres KalC 64-7; pres 111 Industrial U 67-80; member US civil service commission 82-5; d Washington DC 19 O 98 ROGER HENRY LYON; AM; Harv LS 62; adm to bar Cambridge Mass 3 Ja 62; Bridgeport Ct 20 Mr 62; New York 3 D 64; US circuit court, and US district court southern district of NY 27 Mr 67; US supreme court Washington DC 25 O 76; prac law Bridgeport Ct 62-4; New York 64-; prof med jurisprudence NY Homoeopathic Med C and Hospital several years to 04; em prof 04-; ad 873 Cauldwell Av, Bronx, New York *ALFRED SPENCER PATTON; DD; DD ColU 56; ord Philadelphia Pa 2 Mr 48; p Westchester 48-51; Haddonfield NJ 51-4; Hoboken 54-9; Boston Mass 59-61; Watertown 61-4; Utica NY 64-72; editor and publ American Bapt (later Bapt Weekly) 72-88; d Brooklyn 12 Ja 88 DANIEL STEELE; AM; Wesley an U, Ct 48; DD 68; tutor Wesley an U, Ct 48-50; p ME Fitchburg Mass 50; Leominster 51-2; Lynn 53-4; Dorchester 55; Boston 56-7; Maiden 58-9; Springfield 60-1; Holliston 62; prof ancient langs Genesee C, NY 62-9; acting pres 69-71; vice-pres SyrU 71-2; acting chancellor 72; p Boston Mass 72; Auburndale 73-4; Lynn 75-7; Salem 78-9; Peabody 80- 1; prof doc- trinal theology Boston U 84-93; ret 93-? A J SWAIN; AM HONORARY ALUMNI 345 *GEORGE]WILSON; AM; with New York chamber of commerce 58-68; sec 68-08; d New York'oS 1866 EDWARD HAAS; AM; res NJ in 66 JAMES HENDERSON; AM; res 111 in 66 EDWARD DALE JONES; AM; bank cashier Pittsburg Pa ?-6o; bank cashier and pres St Louis Mo 60-77 ; insurance manager 86-? ; res Glasgow Scotland *THEODORE RUGGLES TIMBEY; AM; SD U of Worcester, Troy 82: LLD Wesleyan U, la 91; inventor; invented the floating dry-dock 36; the revolving turret, now used on war ships 41; American turbine water-wheel 44; a device for raising sunken vessels 46; device for firing heavy guns by electricity, now gener- ally used 62 ; d Brooklyn 9 N 09 1867 *JOHN STOCK; LLD; student U C, London England 2 years; p Chatham 42-8; Salendine Nook 48-57; Morice Square, Devonport 57-72; travelled in US 67; p Salendine Nook England 72-83 ; d Mill Hill Station 3 My 84 *THURLOW WEED; LLD; founder and publ The Agriculturist, Norwich 19-21; founder and publ Onondaga Co Republican, Manlius 21-2; employed Rochester 22-5; on staff Telegraph, Rochester 25-6; editor Anti-Masonic Enquirer, Ro- chester 26-7; member NY assembly 26-30; established The Evening Journal, Albany, and editor 30-62; res New York 65-82; editor Commercial Advertiser, New York 67-8; d New York 22 N 82 1868 "JAMES COOPER; DD; studied theology Bradford England; came to Can 43; p Woodstock Ont 53; res London in 68; p London England 70-81 ; d Kelso Scotland 16 Ja 81 "JOSEPH NEWBOLD FOLWELL; AM; student ULg (x5 3 ); ord Roadstown NJ 25 N 50; p Roadstown 50-1; Philadelphia Pa 52-3; Honesdale 55-8; New York 60-3; Ithaca 65-9; Brooklyn 70-81; cor sec AFBS 79-81; p Bayonne NJ 82-5; Camden 92-7 ; supervising prin S Brunswick public schs ?-o9 ; d Kingston 1 3 N 09 *JOSEPH FREEMAN; DD; ord Ludlow Vt u Je 26; p Ludlow; NTI 27-8; p Con- cord NH 31-2; Cavendish Vt 32-6; Saxtons River 36-40; Newport NH 43-6; New Hampton 46; Cavendish Vt 50-1; Balaton Spa NY 52-4; Vergennes Vt 69-70; San Francisco Cal 72-4; Charleston Mich in 82; Newport Vt and Whiting 84; Colchester 87; Charlotte 87-8; Shaftsbury 90; Addison 91-2; d Proctors- ville 4 N 94 FRANCIS E OSBORNE; AM; New Hampton Lit and TS, Fairfax Vt 64; ord Chat- eaugay, O 64; p Chateaugay 3 years; Canton 2 years; Belleville 3 years; Melrose (New York) 3 years; W Hoboken NJ n years; Newark 4 years; Millburn 13 years; ad 15 Hollywood Av, E Orange, NJ 1869 *SAMUEL WIGHTMAN CULVER; AM; DD u; ord Ontario 11 Ag 53; p Ontario 346 HONORARY ALUMNI Center; Rhinebeck; Vernon 9 years; Holland Patent in69;Lowville;Mumford; W Henrietta; Geneseo 76-81; pres Bishop C, Tex 81-91; sup Vernon NY 91-4; ret Buffalo 94-06; d Buffalo 14 Je 06 *T EVAN JAMES; AM; p Glyn Neath, Glamorgan, S Wales; d Glyn Neath 21 Je 70 1870 GEORGE FREDERICK PENTECOST; AM; DD Lafayette C, Pa; LLD U of Ky; student Georgetown U; in US army 62-4; p Greencastle Ind 64; Evansville 66-7; Covington Ky 67-8; Brooklyn NY 68-71; Boston Mass 71-80; p Presb Brooklyn NY 80-7; ev work in Scotland 87-8; special miss to English-speaking Brahmins in India 89-91 ; p London England 91-7; Yonkers NY 97-02; ev Japan, China, PI 02-3; sup 03-; sup Boston Mass 04; New York 05; ad Darien, Ct LANSING BURROWS; AM; Wake Forest C, NC 62; AM PrU 71; DD Bethel C, Ky 83; ord Stanford Ky 7 Jl 67; p Stanford 67-8; Lexington Mo 68-70; Borden- town NJ 71-6; Newark 76-9; Lexington Ky 79-83; Augusta Ga 83-00; Nash- ville Tenn 00-9; res Americus Ga 09-; ad Americus, Ga T A KINNEY; AM 1872 *JACOB GARDINER; AM; p Chesterfield Ct; Easton; Moodus; Lyme; Plain- field; Jefferson co NY; Cambridge and Center White Creek 70-85; d Cambridge 19 Ag 85 *SAMUEL THURSTON HILLMAN; AM; publ and printer New York (Lange, Hillman and Lange); ret several years; d De Land Fla 30 Ap 95 1873 *LYMAN WRIGHT; DD; ord n F 38; p Westford 37-8; Exeter 38-41; Clock- ville 41-5; Fayetteville 45-53; agent ABMU 53-4; p Norwich 54-8; Trenton NJ 59-61; cor sec BES 61-5; p Newburgh 64-8; Binghamton 69-79; d Binghamton 2 Ap 79 1874 *JOSEPH NELSON ADAMS; AM; ord Hartwick 42; p Gilbertsville 46-55; Croton 55-66; Deposit 66-76; Unionville 76-86; d Unionville 31 D 86 EUGENE PARDON SISSON; AM ; prin Hamilton Un Sch 68-74 ;t math C A 74-1 2; acting prin 88-9, 95-6; asst prof math CU 12-; ad Hamilton, NY ALEXANDER STEWART WALSH; AM (ad eundem); AB Oberlin C, O 66; AM 69; DD Hillsdale C, Mich 79; ord Cong Norwalk O Mr 68 ;p Norwalk 68; Kokomo Ind 69; Jamaica NY 70-2; p Bapt Brooklyn 72-7; New York 77-84; builder Brooklyn 84-; ad 643 Madison St, Brooklyn, NY 1875 "JOSEPH FREEMAN ELDER; DD; AB WC 6o;RTS 67;prin Hebron Acad Me HONORARY ALUMNI 347 60- 1 ; private tutor Middletown O 62-4; ord N Orange NJ i My 67; p N Orange 67-70; New York 70-90; Albany 90-02; res New York 02-10; sup Poughkeepsie 05-6; d New York 25 My 10 1876 ALBERT GALLATIN LAWSON; AM; DD 83; ord Perth Amboy NJ 12 Je 62; p Perth Amboy 62-6; Poughkeepsie NY 66-7; Brooklyn 67-84; sec ABMU, Boston Mass 84-90; p Camden NJ 90-02; Newark 02-5; sup 05-6; sec CU 06-9; p Water- bury Ct 09-12; Woodside NY 12-; ad 175 Lexington Av, Woodside, NY I8 77 *ROSCOE CONKLING; LLD; studied law 46-50; adm to bar, NY 50; prac law Utica 50-9; district attorney Oneida co 50; mayor Utica 58; in political life res Utica 59-81; MC 59-62, 64-7; US senator 67-81; prac law New York 81-8; d New York 18 Ap 88 *DAVID CHARLES HUGHES; AM; DD Temple C, Pa 07; Wesleyan U, Ct 58- 60; ord Glens Falls NY 27 N 60; p Glens Falls 60-3; Sandy Hill 61-6; Oswego 66-9; Newark NJ 69-74; Brooklyn NY 74-84; Jersey City NJ 84-6; New York 86-9; Scranton Pa 89-95; res New York 95-09; d Albany 15 D 09 TIMOTHY H ROBERTS; AM; t W Winfield in 77 WARRINGTON SOMERS; AM; AB DartC 77; prin Greenwich Un Sch 71-82; t Auburn HS 83-; ad Auburn, NY 1878 J C EMERY; AM; p Haverhill Mass 72-4; Athol 74-6; Amsterdam NY in 78; Lowell Mass 80-4; Hartford Ct 87 *WOODLIEF THOMAS; AM; Wirt C, Tenn 47; Union U, Tenn 54; ord Tuscum- bia Ala D 54; t and pr; p Austin Tex 57-60; vice-pres Concrete C; representative in Tex legislature 79; d Cotulla 12 My 88 BARNEY WHITNEY; AM; AM Middlebury C, Vt 90; t country and village schs 51-61; t Lawrenceville Acad 61-4; sch commissioner 3d district St Lawrence co 64-76; prin Lawrenceville Acad 76-81; supt schs Ogdensburg 81-02; also prin Ogdensburg Free Acad 82-7; ret Lawrenceville 02-; ad Lawrenceville NY I8 79 E M ALLEN; AM; t Newton NJ in 79 LUCIUS MANLIUS SARGENT HAYNES; DD; NTI 58-60; ord Augusta Me 27 S 60; p Augusta 60- 1 ; senior ist lieut 4th Me light artillery 61-2; p Oswego NY 62-7; Watertown 67-73; Norwich 73-80; Binghamton 80-6; Troy 86-97; assoc p New York 97-8; p Binghamton 98-02 ; res Binghamton 02-; ad Binghamton, NY * JOSEPH SPENCER KENNARD; DD; AB ULg 53; AM 54; PTS 54-6; agent ASSU in Can 56; ord Philadelphia Pa 17 D 56; p Philadelphia 56-9; Washington DC 59-62; W T oburn Mass 62-5; Albany NY 65-7; Philadelphia Pa 67-71; New York 72-7; Boston Mass 78-82; Chicago 111 82-7; ev 87-94; P Chicago 94-6; ret Pittsburg Pa 96-9; d Philadelphia 16 O 99 348 HONORARY ALUMNI EVERETT TITSWORTH TOMLINSON; AM; PhD 88; AM WmsC 83; LittD Bull 06; prin Auburn HS; head master pd Rutgers C, NJ; author many book's for boys; res Elizabeth NJ; ad Elizabeth, NJ 1880 ELIJAH PRENTISS BAILEY; AM; LLD St John's C, Fordham; city editor Utica Observer 53-67; proprietor and managing editor 67-83; editor in chief 83-; PM Utica; pres NY civil service commission 92-4; ad Observer, Utica, NY; res 336 Genesee St *THOMAS HARWOOD PATTISON; DD; AB Regents Park C, England 62; DD BU 92; DD WmsC 93; p Middleton in Teesdale, Durham, England 62-5; Newcastle on Tyne 65-75; New Haven Ct 75-8; Albany NY 78-81 ; prof horn and pastoral theology RTS 81-04; d Rochester 13 F 04 *CYRUS DAN PRESCOTT; AM; studied law Utica and Rome; adm to bar, NY 59; prac law Rome 59-02; member NY assembly 78; MC 79-83; d Rome 23 O 02 1881 *ALBERT KNIGHT POTTER; DD; AM BU 59; NTI 59-60; ord S Berwick Me 27 S 60; p S Berwick 60-4; Springfield Mass 64-83; Boston 83-7; d Springfield 3 N 87 *JOHN ROWLANDS; DD; Pontypool C 48-51; ord Cwmavon, Glamorganshire, Wales 51 ; p Cwmavon 51-73; Llanelly, Carmarthenshire 73-09; ret Llanelly 08-9; d Llanelly 16 F 09 JAMES D WARNER; AM 1882 *JOHN EVANS; AM; ord Wales; came to US '67; p Scranton Pa; Leicester; Chester Ct; Westerly RI 75-83; Brooklyn NY 83-92; New York; Westerly RI 92-7; d Westerly 22 Mr 97 W FERGUSON; AM; p St Louis Mo in 82 THOMAS EDWIN VASSAR; DD; ord Poughkeepsie 29 Ja 57; p S Poughkeepsie 56-7; Amenia 57-65; Lynn Mass 65-72; Flemington NJ 72-80; Newark 80-8; Kansas City Mo 88-96; Lyons Far.n; NJ 93-03; ret Elizabeth oo-; ad Elizabeth NJ 1883 DAVID JAYNE HILL; LLD; AB UL-? 74; AM; LLD Union 02; LLD U of Pa 02; Docteur en Lettres U of Geneva 05; student Berlin and Paris; pres BuU 79-88; UR 88-96; student public law in Europe 96-8; asst sec of state US 98-03; prof European diplomacy ColU; US envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotenti- ary to Switzerland 03-5; to the Netherlands 05-9; ambassador to Germany 08- ii ; ad 5 Avenue d'Antin, Paris, France THOMAS LEMUEL JAMES; LLD; AM HamC 63; LLD St John's C, Fordham 84; LLD St Francis Xavier's C 86; newspaper publ Hamilton 51-61; collector canal tolls 54-5; inspector of customs New York 61-4; weigher 64-70; dep collector HONORARY ALUMNI 349 of customs 70-3; PM New York 73-81; PM Gen US 81-2; pres Lincoln Natl Bank New York 82-12; chairman executive committee 12-; mayor Tenafly NJ 96; ad 32 E 42d St, New York "HOSMER HALE KEITH; AM; Albany LS 70; adm to bar Albany Je 70; prac law Hamilton 71-83; Sioux Falls SD 83-10; adm to prac US supreme court Mr 90; judge circuit court 2d district 86-?; speaker house of representatives 89; member Corpn 72-03; d Sioux Falls 22 Jl 10 ST CLAIR McKELWAY; AM; DCL St Lawrence U 78; LLD SyrU 91; LHD Union 97; LLD PrU oo; LLD U of Mo oo; journalist on New York World 66-70; Brooklyn Eagle 70-8; Albany Argus 78-84; editor Brooklyn Eagle 84-; member state board of regents 83-; ad Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn, NY 1884 GALUSHA ANDERSON; LLD; AB UR 54; RTS 56; AM UR 57; DD 66; LLD 84; ord Janesville Wis O 56; p Janesville 56-8; St Louis Mo 58-66; prof sacred rhetoric and pastoral duties NTI 66-70; ch polity, horn and pastoral duties 70-3; p Brook- lyn NY 73-6; Chicago 111 76-8; pres UChic 78-85; p Salem Mass 85-6; pres DU 87-90; prof horn, ch polity and pastoral duties BUTS 90-2; prof and head dept of horn UChic DS 92-04; em 04-; ad Newton Centre, Mass SMITH BAKER; AM; prac med Whitestown ?-87; prac neurology and psychiatry Utica 87-; ad 296 Rutgers St, Utica, NY LYMAN BEACH BLAKEMAN; AM; t Eaton 71-6; prin Brookfield Un Sch 76-84; sch commissioner ist district Madison co 85-8; prin Mechanicville HS 88-97; supt public schs Mechanicville 97-12; clerk board of education and libn Mechanic- ville 1 2-; ad 215 N 2d Av, Mechanicville, NY WILLIS ELLARD FORD; AM; MD U of City of New York 72; interne City Hos- pital New York 72-3; asst phys State Hospital Utica 73-8; prac med Utica 78-; med director St Luke's Hospital Utica; prof med dept U of City of New York; prof U of Buffalo; member Corpn 95-; ad 266 Genesee St, Utica, NY I88 5 *JAMES MOLLISON MILNE; PhD; AB UR 80; student Heidelberg; t Cortland NS 80-9; prin Oneonta NS 89-98; educational lecturer, res Cortland 98-03; adm to bar, NY 01 ; d Waterville 7 N 03 1886 *DWIGHT SPENCER; AM; DD Ewing C, 111 94; bus Brooklyn 51-61 ; sup Flush- ing 61-3; ev 63-9; ord Brooklyn 3 My 66; p Fair Haven Vt 69-80; miss ABHMS Utah 80-2; gen miss Rocky Mountain district 82-90; district sec Wabash district, res Indianapolis Ind 90-6; NY district, res New York 96-00; p N Sutton NH oo- 6; Cheshire Mass 06-?; ret N Adams ?-io; d N Adams 16 S 10 1887 *FRANK SUMNER CAPEN; PhD; AB UR 68; AM 71 ; in US army 63-4; t James- town Un Sch and Collegiate Institute 68-9; Cortland NS 69-84; prof Colby 84-6; supt schs and prin acad, Norwich NY 86-8; prin New Paltz NS 89-99; d Buffalo 6 Je oo 350 HONORARY ALUMNI ORLINOTTMAN FLETCHER; AM ; AB UChic 8 3 ;BD BUTS 83; DD ShC 88; p Ottawa 111; Aurora; Springfield; asst field sec ABMU 92-3; district sec ABMU, res Ithaca NY 93-9; p Suffield Ct 99-04; Chicopee Falls Mass 04-8; prof phil Furman U, Greenville SC 08-; ad University Av, Greenville, SC *ROLAND DWIGHT GRANT; AM; DD Colfax C, Wash 94: ord Johnstown 11 S 77; p Johnstown 75-8; Broadalbin 78-81; Poughkeepsie 81-3; Wakefield Mass 83-8; Beverly 88-9; Boston 89-92; Portland Ore 92-7; sup Concord NH 97-8; traveller, lecturer and sup 98-00; p Vancouver BC 00-4; lecturer, res Van- couver 04-6; Waterloo NH 06-12; d Waterloo 21 Ag 12 MARTIN JAMES LABELL; AM; MD U of Vt 79; DVS Laval U, Montreal 92; prac med and surgery Lewis 79-09; Elizabethtown 09-; graduate student in med and surgery New York U 89; McGill U 11-; ad Elizabethtown, NY *EDWARD NORTH; LLD; AB HamC 41; AM; AM BU 44; LHD U of State of NY 69; prin Clinton GS 41-2; private tutor Paterson NJ 42-3; Dexter prof Greek and Latin HamC 43-62; prof Greek lang and lit 62-02; acting pres 91-2; prof em 02-3; d Clinton 13 S 03 1888 *HEZEKIAH BUTTER WORTH; AM; asst editor Youth's Companion, Boston Mass 70-94: lecturer and lit work 94-05; d Warren RI 5 S 05 "THOMAS JEFFERSON BRADNER HOUSE; AM; ord Sedgwick Me 14 Jl 59; p Sedgwick 59-60; New Gloucester 60-2; Brunswick 62-4; Waverly NY 64-7; Port Jervis 67-9; Boston Mass 70-2; Mt Holly NJ 73; Lowell Mass 74-7; Methuen 77-83; with Bapt Social Un Boston, and sec Bapt board for introduction of ministers 83-00; p Everett 00-2; d Dorchester 5 Ag 02 *EZRA B KNAPP; AM;sch commissioner 2d district Onondaga co 6 years; writer on geology; res Skaneateles in 88 JOHN MASON TYLER; PhD; AB AmC 73; AM 76; UTS 74-6; student U Goettin- gen and U Leipzig 76-9; prof biology AmC 79-; ad Amherst, Mass i 1889 SAMUEL HOUSTON ALBRO; PhD; AB BU 66; prin Lewis Acad, Southington Ct 66-8; Jamestown HS, NY 69-76; t Norwich 76-83; Fredonia NS 83-5; in in- stitute work 85-7, 88-92; US supt Indian schs 87-8; t Mansfield NS, Pa 92-00; pres board of managers Fredonia NS 08-; ad Woodside, Central Av, Fredonia, NY *EZEKIEL HANSON COOK; PhD; AB BdC 66; AM 69; PhD St Lawrence U, NY 89; prin Wilton Acad, Me 66-8; t Woodstock Ct 68-70; NS, Westchester Pa 70; prin Columbus HS, O 71-81; Potsdam NS, NY 84-9; head master Rutgers C preparatory sch, NJ 89-90; supt public schs, Flushing NY 91-3; on editorial staff Educational Review, New York; mining Denver Col; d Madison Wis 8 N 07 1890 *ANDREW SLOAN DRAPER; LLD; LLB Albany LS 71; LLD Columbia U 03; LLD U of 111 05; LLD Western Reserve U 10; t Albany and vie 66-70; prac law (Draper and Chester) Albany 71-86; judge US court of Alabama claims 84-6; state supt of public instruction 86-92; supt instruction public schs Cleveland O HONORARY ALUMNI 351 92-4; pres U of 111 94-04; commissioner of education NY 01-13 ; chairman dept of education of international congresses St Louis Exposition 04; member US board of Indian commissioners 02-13; chairman board; d Albany 27 Ap 13 1891 JOHN HOWARD HARRIS; LLD; AB ULg 69; AM; PhD Lafayette C 84; LLD Dickinson C 91; founder Keystone Acad, Factory ville Pa, and prin 69-89; pres BuU 89-; ad Lewisburg, Pa LOUIS EDWIN MARTIN; AM; PhB KalC 88; instructor in English Shimmachi Japan 88-9; Nagasaki 89-91; prin American Bapt Miss C, Ongole India 91-00; instructor in Latin KalC oo-i; prin American Bapt Miss C, Ongole India 01-; instructor in practical miss CU 09-10; ad Ongole, S India 1892 CHARLES RUFUS BROWN; DDfuS Naval Acad 69; AB Harv 77; NTI 79; UTS 79; PhD Colby 87; in US navy 69-75; student U Berlin 79-80; U Leipzig 80-1 ; ord Franklin Falls NH 30 D 81 ; p Franklin Falls 81-3; assoc prof Bibl interp OT NTI 83-6; prof Hebrew and cognate langs 86-; res director American Sch of Oriental Research Jerusalem Pal 10-1 ; ad 73 Parker St, Newton Centre, Mass * JAMES ARCHER SPURGEON; DD; student Regent's Park C, England; p Southampton 59-63; Cornwall Road, Bayswater 63-8; W Croydon 68-99?; as- soc p with Charles H Spurgeon, London 68-92; d London 22 Ap 99 1893 JOHN PRIEST GREENE; LLD; AB LaGrange C, Mo 72; SBTS 79; DD WJC 90; LLD Wake Forest C, NC 94; ord Dover Mo 72; student Leipzig; p Louisville Ky 79-82; St Louis Mo 82-92; pres WJC 92-; ad Liberty, Mo I8 94 *CHARLES CARROLL BONNEY; LLD; t Hamilton Acad 48-50; studied law Peoria 111 50-2; adm to bar Peoria 52; prac law Peoria 52-60; Chicago 60-03; adm to prac US supreme court 66; judge 111 supreme court 66; d Chicago 24 Ag 03 *ELIJAH EYNON CHIVERS; DD; student Haverford West, S Wales; p Water- ford NY 70-2; Buffalo 72-94; district sec ABMU 94-7; gen sec BYPU, and edi- tor Bapt Un, Chicago 111 97-01 ; p Brooklyn NY 01-3; field sec ABHMS, New York 03-7 ; d Ridgewood NJ 2 D 07 1895 OWEN DAVIES; DD; Llangollen C Wales 62-5; ord Holy well N Wales 65; p Llan- gollen 66-76; Carnarvon 76-05; sup res Carnarvon 05-; lecturer on horn Bonigor Bapt C 96-; editor Y Greal, a Welsh Bapt monthly, more than forty years; ad Cefnfaes,, Carnarvon, N Wales CHARLES RUFUS SKINNER; LLD; AM HamC 89; LittD Tufts C, Mass; bus New York 67-70; manager Watertown Daily Times 70-4; member assembly 77- 8 1 ; MC 81-5; dept state supt public instruction 86-92 ; supervisor teachers training 352 HONORARY ALUMNI classes and institutes 92-5; state supt public instruction 95-04; asst appraiser port of New York 07-1 1 ; ad Watertown, NY *ANSON JUDD UPSON; LHD; AB HamC 43; AM 46; DD 70; LLD Union 80; studied law Utica; tutor HamC 45-9; prof rhetoric and moral phil 49-53; prof rhetoric 53-70; ord Presb 70; p Albany 70-80; prof sacred rhetoric AubTS 80-7; prof em 87-02 ; vice-chancellor U of State of NY 90-2 ; chancellor 92-02 ; d Glens Falls 15 Je 02 1897 "JAMES BUCHANAN; LLD; AM ULg 75; studied law Albany LS; adm to bar, NJ 64; prac law Trenton 64-00; law judge Mercer co 74-9; member common council Trenton 83-5; MC 85-93; d Trenton 30 O oo 1899 *GEORGE A HARDIN; LLD; AB Union 54; adm to bar, NY 54; prac law Little Falls 54-84; state senator 61; justice supreme court, res Little Falls 84-99; res Little Falls oo-i ; pres Natl Herkimer Co Bank 01 ; d Little Falls 01 I9OI JACOB SLOAT FASSETT; LLD; AB UR 75; studied law Elmira 75-7; adm to bar, NY 78; prac law Elmira 78-; studied law and political economy Heidelberg 80- 1; district attorney Chemung co, NY 78-80; proprietor Elmira Daily Advertiser 79-; state senator 84-91; candidate for gov NY 91; vice-pres 2d Natl Bank, Elmira; collector port of New York 91; pres BES 97-05; MC 05-11; ad Elmira, NY RUSH RHEES; DD; AB AmC 83; Hartford TS 88; AM AmC 97; LLD oo; instructor in math AmC 83-5; p Portsmouth NH 89-92; assoc prof NT interp NTI 92-4; prof 94-00; pres UR oo-; ad 440 University Av, Rochester, NY 1903 GEORGE HILL; DD; AM Oxford U; p Oxford England 70-5; Derby 75-7; Leeds 77-93; Nottingham 93-; ad Hamilton Drive, Nottingham, England HENDRICK S HOLDEN; AM; banker Syracuse 68-; state senator 10-1; ad 1000 James St, Syracuse, NY 1904 JEAN CHARLEMAGNE BRACQ; LittD; McGill U, Can 81; LLD 12; NTI 81-3; ord Burlington Vt 15 Je 83; student Edinburgh 83-4; Paris 84-5; representative sec American McCall Assoc, Philadelphia Pa 85-91; assoc prof modern langs VasC 91-2 ; prof 92-; ad Poughkeepsie, NY *JOHN RUFUS VAN WORMER; AM; telegrapher with Western Un Telegraph Co Rochester, Troy, Oswego and Utica 68-9; t Hungerford Collegiate Institute, Adams 69-72; with Western Union Telegraph Co, Oswego 72-3; Albany 73-6; private sec George B Sloan speaker of assembly 76-7; private sec Roscoe Conkling, and clerk committee on commerce US senate, Washington DC 77-8; correspond- HONORARY ALUMNI 353 ing sec Thomas L James in New York PO 78-81; chief clerk PO dept, Washing- ton DC 81-2; teller Lincoln Natl Bank, New York 82-3; gen manager Lincoln Safe Deposit and Warehouse Co, New York 83-09 ;p res New York Athletic Club 00-9; d New York 27 O 09 1905 ALBERT SMITH BICKMORE; LLD; AB DartC 60; AM; PhD 69; student natural history Lawrence Sci Sch Harv and asst in museum 60-4; collecting specimens Bermuda 62 ; with 44th Mass volunteers in NC 62-3 ; sci ti avels East Indies, China, Japan, Korea, Siberia, and Russia 65-8; prof natural history CU 68-72; supt American Museum of Natural History New York 69-84; prof in charge dept of public instruction American Museum of Natural History 84-; ad 130 W 8oth St, New York GEORGE WASHINGTON RAY; LLD; private and brigade clerk in US army; adm to bar Binghamton 17 N 67;"prac law Norwich 67-02; MC 83-5, 91-02; US district judge northern district of NY 02-; ad Norwich, NY 1906 JOHN CLIFFORD; LLD; ScB London U, England 62; AM 64; LLB 66; DD Bates C, Me 83; LLD MacMaster U, Can 10; student Bapt C, Nottingham England; University C, London; Royal Sch of Mines; p London 58-; pres Bapt Union 88, 99; pres Bapt World Alliance 05-11 ; travelled around the world 97; ad 25 Sunder- land Terrace, Westbourne Park, W, London, England ALMET FRANCIS JENKS; LLD; AB Yale 75; LLB Columbia U 77; adm to bar NY 77; asst district attorney Kings co 84-6; corporation counsel Brooklyn 86-93; judge advocate gen NY 91-5; member constitutional conv 95; asst corporation counsel New York, in charge Brooklyn office 98; justice supreme court of NY 98-; appellate division oo-; presiding justice 1 1-; ad 8 Pierrepont St, Brooklyn, NY 1907 WILLIAM JAY GAYNOR; LLD; studied law and newspaper work New York and Brooklyn 73-5; adm to bar 75; prac law Brooklyn 75-93; judge supreme court NY 93-09; mayor New York 09-; ad 20 8th Av, Brooklyn, NY WILLIAM BOARDMAN WALLACE; DD; AB Ac 90; RTS 93; ord Oswego 28 Je 93; p Oswego 93-6; Utica 96-07; Cleveland O 07-11; Brooklyn NY u-; ad 91 Midwood St, Brooklyn, NY 1908 *WILLIAM ELDRIDGE HATCHER; LHD; AB Richmond C, Va 58; DD; LLD DU; p Manchester Va 58-67; Baltimore Md 67-8; Petersburg Va 68-75; Rich- mond 75-01; ev; financial representative Richmond C; founder and pres Fork Union Mil Acad, editor Religious Herald; Baltimore Bapt; Bapt Argus; d Fork Union Va 24 Ag 12 CORNELIUS SAMUEL SAVAGE; DD; AB BU 78; RTS 81: AM BU 90; DD 08; ord Hannibal Mo 2 F 82; p Hannibal 82-6; Ogdensburg NY 87-91; Hamilton QI-OO; Oswego oo-; ad Oswego, NY 13 354 HONORARY ALUMNI FREDERICK AUGUSTUS VOGT; AM; AM DartC 12; prin GS Buffalo 82-92; prin Central HS 92-; ad 69 Berkeley Place, Buffalo, NY 1909 ERNEST FOX NICHOLS; LLD; ScB Ks Agricultural C 88; ScM CornU 93; ScD 97; ScD DartC 03; LLD Clark U, Mass 09; LLD Wesleyan U, Ct 09; LLD U of Vt ii ; graduate student in physics CornU 89-92; prof physics CU 92-8; graduate student U of Berlin 94-6; prof physics DartC 98-03; prof experimental physics Columbia U 03-9; graduate student Cambridge U 04-5; pres DartC 09-; received Rumford medal of American Acad of Arts and Scis 05 ; ad Hanover, NH FREDERICK TOWNE PROCTOR; AM; mercantile and manufacturing bus Boston Mass 75-90; Utica NY 90-; director 2d Natl Bank Utica; pres St Luke's Home and Hospital ; ad 3 1 8 Genesee St, Utica, NY [Degrees conferred at inauguration of President Bryan, Octob2r 20th.] HERMANN CARL GEORGE BRANDT; LHD; AB HamC 72; AM 75; PhD 93; student U Goettingen; Freiburg; Strassburg; instructor HamC 74-6; assoc prof German Johns Hopkins U 76-82; prof German HamC 83-; ad Clinton, NY JOHN MASON CLARKE; ScD; AB AmC 77; AM 82; PhD Marburg 98; LLD AmC 02; student U Goettingen 82-4; prof geology and mineralogy Smith C, Mass 81-4; lecturer on geology Mass State Agricultural C, Amherst 85-6; asst NY state paleontologist 86; prof geology and mineralogy Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy 94-; asst state geologist 94; state paleontologist 98-04; state geologist and paleontologist and director state museum and sci division dept of education NY 04-; received Hayden gold medal 08; Spindiaroff prize international congress of geologists Stockholm Sweden 10; ad State Hall, Albany, NY FREDERICK CARLOS FERRY; ScD; AB WmsC 91 ; AM 94; AM Harv 95; PhD Clark U, Mass 98; fellow in math Clark U, Mass 95-8; student U of Christiania 98-9; Berlin, Leipzig and Goettingen 99; instructor in Latin, Greek and math WmsC 91-4; asst prof math 99-02 ; prof math 02-; dean 02-; ad Williamstown, Mass FRANK ALBERT FETTER; LLD; AB Ind U 91 ; PhM CornU 92; PhD Halle 94; bookseller Peru Ind 83-90; student The Sorbonne, and Ecole de Droit Paris 92-3; Halle 93-4; instructor in political economy CornU 94-5; prof Ind U 95-8; Leland Stanford Junior U, Cal 98-00; prof political economy and finance CornU 01-10; economics and distribution 10-1; prof economics and head dept history and economics PrU n-; commissioner NY state board of charities 10-1; ad Prince- ton, NJ GEORGE MATHER FORBES; LLD; AB UR 78; AM 81 ; assoc prin Genesee and Wyoming S, Alexander 72-3; prin Arcade Un Sch and Acad 73-6; student Luisen- Staedtischen Realschule Berlin 74-5; assoc prin Overhiser Sch Brooklyn NY 78-81 ; prof Greek UR 81-90; phil and pedagogy 90-; ad 259 Alexander St, Roches- ter, NY ALBERT GRANGER HARKNESS; LHD; AB BU 79; AM 82; LittD 09; student Berlin, Leipzig and Bonn 79-83 ; prof Latin and the modern langs 83-9 ; assoc prof Latin BU 89-93; P r f Roman history and lit 93-; annual director American Sch for Classical Studies Rome Italy 02-3 ; ad 7 Cooke St, Providence, RI HONORARY ALUMNI 355 FRANK SM ALLEY; LLD; AB SyrU 74; AM 76; PhD 91 ; LLD Union 09; instruc- tor in geology, zoology and botany SyrU 74-7; adjunct prof Latin 77-81; prof Latin lang and lit 81-93; Gardner Baker prof Latin lang and lit 93-; registrar 94-00; lecturer on Roman law C of Law 95-02; dean C of Liberal Arts oo-; acting chancelor summer 03, 08-9; ad 607 University Av, Syracuse, NY JAMES ALBERT WOODBURN; LLD; AB Ind U 76; AM 85; PhD Johns Hop- kins U 90; prof American history Ind U 90-; ad Bloomington, Ind IQIO NELSON APPLETON MILES; LLD; LLD Harv 96; LLD BU 01; first lieut 22d Mass inf 61-2; lieut-col 6ist NY inf 62; col 62-4; brigadier-gen of volun- teers 64-5; major-gen 65-6; col 4Oth US inf 66-80; brigadier-gen USA 80-90; major- gen 90-00; lieut-gen 00-3; senior officer commanding USA 95-03; ret 03-; repre- sentative of US at Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee 97; ad Washington, DC CHESTER FAIRMAN RALSTON; DD; PhB Oberlin C, O 92; AM 94; Oberlin TS, O 93-4; ord Fredericktown 22 N 94; sup Fredericktown 94-5; p Monroe- ville 95-8; Warren 98-04; GloverSville NY 04-9; Yonkers 09-; ad 29 Ashburtori Av, Yonkers, NY EVERETT EDWIN RISLEY; AM; AB WmsC oo; adm to bar Rochester 14 N 05; prac law Utica 05-9; dep attorney-gen NY 09-11; prac law Utica u-; ad Utica, NY; res New Hartford JOHN BURROUGHS; LHD; LittD Yale 10; t 56-64; treasury clerk 64-73; natl bank examiner 73-84; lit and fruit culture 74-; ad West Park, NY GEORGE BARTON CUTTEN; DD; AB Ac 96; AM; AB Yale 97; BD 03; PhD 04; ord Montowese Ct Ag 97; p Montowese 97-9; New Haven 99-04; Corning NY 04-7; Columbus O 07-10; pres Ac 10-; ad Wolfville, NS ALEXANDER HAMILTON ROGERS; DD; AB Hobart C 57; Gen TS New York 57-8; DeLancey DS Geneva 61; ord PE Syracuse 20 Ag 61; rector Moravia 64-9; Three Rivers Mich 3 years; Candor NY and vie 78-86; Greene 86-97; Hamilton 97-; ad Hamilton, NY FRANK ARTHUR VANDERLIP; LLD; AM U of 111 05; student U of 111; UChic; reporter and financial editor Chicago Tribune 89-94 ;assoc editor Economist, Chicago 94-7; private sec to US sec of treasury Lymanjudson Gage 97 ;asst sec of treasury 97-01; vice-pres Natl City Bank New York 01-9; pres 09-; ad Natl City Bank, New York; res Beech wood, Scarborough-on-Hudson 1912 THOMAS EDWARD FINEGAN; LLD; State Normal C 89; AM HamC 94; PdB State Normal C 09; prin public sch W Fulton 89-90; sch commissioner Schoharie co 91-2; supervisor of examinations state dept of public instruction 92-04 ;asst in examinations division education dept 04 ; chief law division education dept 04-8 ; asst commissioner of education, in charge of elementary education in state, and state normal schs 08-; trustee State Normal C; ad State Education Dept, Albany, NY PERLEY OAKLAND PLACE; LittD; AB DartC 93; AB Harv 94; AM DartC 96; t Greek and Latin Little Rock Acad, Little Rock Ark 94-7; graduate student 356 HONORARY ALUMNI Harv 97-8; classical master Brookline HS, Mass 98-00; with American Book Co New York oo-i; instructor in Latin SyrU 01-3; asst prof Latin 04-5; assoc prof Latin 05-8; prof Latin 08-; ad 1204 E Adams St, Syracuse, NY LUCY MAYNARD SALMON; LHD; AB UMich 76; AM 83; prin McGregor HS, la 76-81 ; t history Ind State NS 83-6; fellow in history Bryn Mawr U, Pa 86-7; assoc prof history VasC 87-9; prof 89-; student Paris and Florence 98-00; ad Poughkeepsie, NY FRANCIS LYNDE STETSON; LLD; student WmsC; adm to bar, NY' 69; prac law New York; member Stetson, Jennings and Russell 94-; gen counsel Southern Railroad Co, US Rubber Co, US Steel Corporation, International Mercantile Marine Co, N P Railroad Co; pres N P Railroad Co; director many cos; ad 15 Broad St, New York; res 4 E 74th St SUMMARY SUMMARY BY CLASSES: COLLEGE STUDENTS LIVING Matriculated Graduated Graduates Non-Graduates 1835 18 8 1836 37 22 1837 26 12 1838 79 38 1839 27 16 . 1840 44 24 1841 27 14 1842 33 25 1843 45 29 1844 37 17 1845 41 20 3 ii 1846 51 26 3 10 1847 38 17 4 13 1848 39 18 I 8 1849 55 22 2 10 1850 52 30 17 1851 28 4 8 1852 28 7 I 6 1853 21 9 24 1854 26 15 5 1855 34 20 77 1856 50 28 10 10 1857 34 21 63 1858 53 23 7 16 1859 35 22 99 1860 32 15 38 1861 44 24 6 14 1862 33 18 86 1863 33 ii 49 1864 33 9 6 15 1865 36 18 7 12 1866 26 ii 3 13 358 COLGATE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS LIVING Matriculated Graduated Graduates Non-Graduates. 1867 22 10 5 8 1868 19 10 57 1869 14 10 52 1870 19 12 75 1871 23 10 5 1872 26 16 14 4 1873 50 38 27 6 1874 28 22 15 4 1875 37 27 19 4 1876 28 19 13 7 1877 33 21 14 9 1878 29 17 ii 10 1879 30 20 16 6 1880 20 12 ii 6 1881 24 16 95 1882 37 23 19 ii 1883 30 17 12 ii 1884 28 21 18 7 1885 32 20 18 10 1886 41 26 19 13 1887 24 17 16 6 1888 31 19 12 12 1889 28 17 16 10 1890 53 33 28 15 1891 38 25 22 13 1892 43 21 19 22 1893 47 20 17 25 1894 4 6 27 26 18 1895 53 25 21 24 1896 39 20 18 14 1897 49 30 29 19 1898 58 33 30 22 1899 46 25 24 20 1900 48 29 29 18 1901 50 31 28 16 1902 42 34 34 7 1903 53 35 34 l8 1904 52 36 35 1 6 1905 57 35 35 21 SUMMARY 359 STUDENTS LIVING Matriculated Graduated Graduates Non-Graduates 37 17 39 H 43 36 45 29 70 39 48 41 74 44 1906 57 37 1907 55 4i 1908 81 43 1909 89 55 1910 no 70 1911 90 48 1912 119 74 1822 7 5 1823 ii 9 1824 12 10 1825 IO 7 1826 2O 16 1827 18 IO 1828 H n 1829 24 12 1830 20 8 1831 27 10 1832 4 1833 25 12 1834 12 1837 2 1838 H 6 1839 12 8 1840 12 7 1841 H IO 1842 17 15 1844 H n 1845 15 13 1846 H 12 1847 IO 9 1848 22 17 1849 16 9 1850 14 9 3223 1840 1193 883 SUMMARY BY CLASSES: SEMINARY I I 2 I 360 COLGATE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS LIVING Matriculated Graduated Graduates Non-Graduates 1851 9 2 1852 7 7 1853 5 4 1854 6 4 1855 5 5 1856 ii 10 1857 10 6 1858 16 15 1859 20 16 1860 21 17 1861 14 9 1862 13 9 1863 10 9 1864 13 ii 1865 18 ii 1866 9 8 1867 12 10 1868 7 7 1869 7 5 1870 9 5 1871 5 5 1872 12 10 1873 12 10 1874 2O 12 1875 27 21 1876 15 II 1877 4 I 1878 19 14 1879 ii 9 1880 13 II 1881 19 IO 1882 i;4 II 1883 18 II 1884 21 15 1885 19 13 1886 16 8 1887 25 18 1888 25 15 1889 M 8 5 I 4 3 i 3 3 3 3 i 6 i 4 4 7 5 2 4 2 3 2 3 8 i 4 i 8 5 14 4 9 3 i 13 4 6 2 7 i 8 4 10 3 9 6 12 3 9 4 8 6 17 7 13 9 7 4 SUMMARY 361 1890 18 1891 21 1892 21 1893 23 1894 2O 1895 20 1896 16 1897 27 1898 19 1899 20 1900 23 1901 19 1902 14 1903 14 1904 16 1905 17 1906 13 1907 13 1908 26 1909 18 1910 21 1911 20 1912 14 STUDENTS Matriculated Graduated 15 15 9 18 13 H 10 17 13 10 16 ii 10 6 ii 13 8 13 17 17 18 13 12 LIVING Graduates Non-Graduates 13 13 8 14 II 12 7 16 13 9 16 ii 8 6 10 13 8 13 17 17 18 12 12 3 6 ii 5 6 6 5 10 6 9 6 7 4 8 5 4 4 9 i 3 7 2 1344 918 503 215 TOTALS Matriculated: College Seminary . . Honorary -.3223 1344 - 275 Alumni (less 694 names repeated). Living alumni: College and Seminary Honorary ,4148 ,2419 , 104 Total living alumni 2523 362 COLGATE UNIVERSITY SUMMARY BY OCCUPATIONS [In the table below column I includes those who were students in both college and seminary : column II those in college alone: column III those in seminary alone. This table is only approximately complete. For the earlier years especially, it has been impossible to secure full data: death has eliminated not a few from this classsification: many of" the alumni have been engaged in various pursuits; and, in such cases, the only occupation here recog- nized is the one judged to be distinctive.] I II III Total Business 13 424 15 452 Chemists i 22 23 Dentists i 10 n Editors. . 6 33 4 43 Engineers 48 48 Evangelists 2 i 2 5 Farmers 8 67 12 87 Graduate students i 41 42 Lawyers . i 184 3 188 Authors 2 9 1 1 Missionaries, foreign 42 28 19 89- Missionaries, home 8 13 18 39 Pastors 538 568 462 1568 Physicians , 8 92 3 103 Presidents and professors in colleges and theological seminaries 28 97 18 143. Secretaries and agents of denomina- tional and philanthropic societies ... .10 ii 5 26 Teachers 20 378 1 1 409. INDEX OF NAMES [This index includes all names in this catalogue, and gives every occurrence of each name. The names of members? of the Governing Bodies and Faculties are indexed by pages: the names of all alumni are indexed by years, except those of the Italian Department which are indexed by page: the names of alumni which appears in other lists have page number following year. In this index c indicates college, s seminary, and h honorary.] Abbey Roy Edwin, c n Abbott Charles F, h 60 Elisha Litchfield, c 138 Abel Sylvester, h 53 Aber Daniel Garrison, c X47 Abercrombie Abraham Lincoln, c 96 Abrams Delos Elbert, c xoi, s 01 Acker Warren Tampa, c xo8 Adams Charles Baker, h 48 George Durward, c 91, s 94 John Quincy, h 55 Joseph Nelson, h 74 Nathaniel A, c 57 O, c 42 Seymour Webster, s 42 William M, p 8 Adkins Frank, c 61, s x6s Adler William Charles, c xn Ager Charles, c 56 Aiken Walter Torrey, c 08, s 12 Ainslie Fred William, c 03, s 06 Ainsworth John Wesley, s 73 Spencer Seth, c 43, s 45 Akin William Andrew, c xos Albro Samuel Houston, h 89 Alcorn Maurice Elwyn, c 12 Alcott George Snyder, c xo6 Alden Charles Andrews, c 195 Edwin Moore, s 91 Joseph, s X27 Alderman Alfred Glover, c 07 Edward Sinclair, p 8 Aldrich Arthur Burnett, c 197, s 98 Cyrus, c 94 Samuel S, c 138 Alexander Augustus Washington, c 55 Gabriel Bar, s 04 Henry Hermon, c xo6 William Hall, c 04 Allaben Hamblin G, c x8s, s 85 Allds Jotham Powers, c 83 Allegri Giovanni, p 20 Allen Adoniram Judson, c 59, s 61 Arthur Moseley, c 92 Augustus Nichols, c 91 Charles Edgar, c 175 E M,- h 79 Edmund Turney, c 79 Elbridge Cutler, c 144 Emmet Henry, c 82, s x86 Fred, c xio Freeman Harlow, p 20 George Klotz, c 70, s 72 John Clarence, c 74, s xj6 Joseph James, c xn Loren, p 7 Marcus Clyde, c 179 Marinus Newton, c 56 Marvin, s 26 Orsamus, s 28 Phineas Fletcher, c S9 Robert Freeman, s 12 Robert Winfield, c xia Thomas, c 50, s 52 Thomas, c 99 William Orville, c X97 William Ryal, c 82 Allison William Henry, p 20 Allyn William Jay, c x?9 Alton Alfred Edward, s 02, p 8, 21 Amberg Julius Houseman, c 12. Ambler John V, c X38 Ames George Parker, c xo8 John Fremont, c 86 Lucius Fuller, c X5i Amory Rufus K, p s Anable Courtland W, s 54 Anderson Charles Frederick, c XS7 Elmer Josiah, c 10 Frederick Leslie, c 06, s 09 Galusha, h 84 George Washington, c 44, s 46 Henry Hardon, c x62 James William, c xio Jerome S, s X3O John Benjamin, c 96, s 98, P 19 Thomas Davis, p 10 William Henry, c X38 Andrews George H, p 5, ro James Henry, c 68, s 70 Newton Lloyd, c 62, s 64, P 15 Rufus Freeman, p 10 William Almon, c xoa Andrus James Ladd, c 55, s 57 Sterling Glen, c 86 Antisdel Clarence Baumes, p 19 Josiah Fuller, c X44 Applegate Jehu Patterson, c 74 John Stilwell, c 58 John Stilwell, c 95 Appleton John L, c 46, s 148 Apsey William Stokes, c 61 Archer Samuel Howard, c 02 Archibald Samuel Henry, c 73. s 175, P 7 Walter Samuel, c 08 Armagnac Augustus, c x6o, s x62 Armitage Thomas, h 50 Arms Samuel Dwight, c x83 Samuel Dwight, c 12 Armstrong Andrew, c 45 Henry S, p 10 Jesse, p 4, 10 Jesse Swartz, c 10, p 21 Arnold Albert Allin, c *6j Albert Nicholas, p 15 Anson R, c xss Elmer Ellsworth, c 02 George Francis, c 71 Reuel Walker, s X73 William B, c x6s Arpaio Pascal, page 333 Arrowsmith George, c 59 Asquith Frank Wesley, s oo Atanasoff John, c 01 Atkinson Francis Vernon, s X99 George O, c 158 Robert, c 56, s 58 Attarian Megerdich, c 82, s 85 Atwater George Atwell, c 165 Aude Herman Theodor Rend- torff, c 05, p 10 Austen Edward, p n Austermell Jefferson Hermon, c 68, s 68 Auxier Vance Kenneth, c xn Avakian John Caspar, c 198 Avery Oswald Theodore, c 364 COLGATE UNIVERSITY Axtell John Vaughn, s 12 (gradu- ate student) Ulysses Fayette, c 98 Ayer Charles, c 49, P 6 Babb Earle Vandorn, s 1 1 Babcock Austin Lewis, c 03 Charles, p 2 Charles Avery, c x?8 Don Carlos, c x64 Joseph Juliand, c XS3, s 54 Linn, c XS9 Sidney Smith, c 61 William Edward, c X97 Willis Gilbert, c x83 Bacheldor Cuyler Wesley, s 03 Backus Jay S, h 48, p 4 Lester Jay, c 04 Rufus Numon, c 79 Bacon Charles Bowman, c X95 Charles L, c 38 Emery Arthur, c 95, s 93 Irving, c 98 Joel Smith, p 13 Walter Valentine, c 93, s X96 William Wallace, c x64 Bailey Alfred Halsey, s xo4 Alvin, s 31 Alvin Freeman, c x66 Earl Franklyn, c xo? Edward Lucas, c XS2 Edwin H, c 42 Eli Stillman, c X49 Elijah Prentiss, h 80 Ira Jay, c x?7, s x84 James Garfield, c 05 Myron Edwin, c X98, s X99 Silas, h 49 Bainbridge Samuel M, c 41 Baker Charlie Ross, s X92 Ernest Hamlin, c 12 Irving, c 09 John H, c X3S Lucius S, c X38 Robert Elaine, c 12 Smith, h 84 Solomon, p 6 Balcom Kenneth Ira, c 05 Baldwin Charles Jacobs, c 164 Daniel Pratt, c 56, p n George Col fax, c 42, s 44, p's Henry Denison, c 78, s 81 " Henry F, s 28 Horace J, s 85 James Fosdick, c 192 Joel, c X44 Norman Bristol, c 147 Philip Sidney, c 12 Stanley Everett, c 12 Balen Peter, p 5 Ball Albert Horton, s 69 George Harvey, h 62 Ballard John B, s 23 Ballou Augustus C, c x68 Bangs Archie Roy, c 10 (graduate student), p 20 Banning George Wheelock, p 18 Barbarossa Gaetano, page 333 Barber D G, h 55 Elihu, s X3i Judson Clarence, c 75, s 83 William David, c x8y Bardeen Wallace, c xgo Barden George Llewellyn, c 02 Bardwell Ela Childs, c x6i Henry D, c 46 Barker Bartlett Walters, c 73 Cyrus, c 38 Franklin Luther, c 98 Levi Bartlett, h 56 Moses Hawkes, c 57 William Walker, c 98, s 02 Barlow Julius C, s 30 Earner Abram Sterling, s oo Barnes Edgar, c 68 Edgar Stewart, c n Frank, c xog John Albert, c X92 Barnett Frank, s 81 Barney Joseph Clinton, c 79 Barnum Ronald Phillips, c xi2 Barrelle Almond, c 59 John Judson, c 59 , Barrett . Frank Clauson, c 88, s 92 Barry Joseph Bartlett, c 65, s 67 Bartholomew Herbert, c 10 William Gould, c xo6 Bartlett Gardner, 331 Reuben Emerson, c x?7 Willard William, c 10 Barto H D, c X44 Robert Murray, c xn Barton David R, p 4, 10 Basil e Giustino, page 333 Basten William Frederick, c 65 Bastow Jonathan, c 61, s 64 Batchelder Amariah Kallock, c x?2 Bates Charles Walter, c xoi D C, h 53 DeWitt Clinton, c x64 Edward Rutledge, c 54 Jerome Paine, c x6i Lyman Wai worth, c x6i Ralph Fleming, c 1 1 Welcome Elliott, c X77 Wesley Everade, c 73, s 75 William Lemuel, c x88, s 88 Batson Thomas Allen, c 62, s 75 William Henry, s 75 Bauer Emery Andrew, c 02 Mark Alphonso, c 09 Baumes John Ross, c 57, s 59 Baush Adam, c X45 Bawden Henry Heath, c 64, s 66 Beach Wardwell, c 71 Beal Fred Wahn, c 02 George Murray, c 03 Joseph, c 79 Bean E, p 6 Beardslee S Esmond Barton, c 97 Beaubien Madore, s X29 Beaver John, s 24 Beck Paul, c xio Theodore, s xo8 Becker Charles Eli, c 67, s x?o Frederick Curtiss, c 94 Beckwith George Sheldon, c 92, s 95 Holmes, s X34 Samuel, s X34 William, s X34 Beebe Archibald, c X96 Francis Marion, c X7O, s 7=> Beebee Alexander McWhorter, h 52, p 3 Alexander McWhorter, c 47,. s 49, P 15 James Hoyt, c 74 Beecher John Sydney, c 44, s 46 Beers Everett Jacob, c 05 George Pitt, c 06, s 10 Lester David, c 08 Beggs Alexander M, s 88 Belden Frank Orson, c 93, s 96 Joseph, c X37 Belfry William Holland, s xoS Bell Clarence Dudley, c 08 Bellamy David, h 49 Rufus King, s X38 Bellondi Ariel Berechia, s xg6 Bemis Albert Willard, c 82 Veramis, s 28 Benander Charles Eric, s 91 Benedict Frank, c x6o Ivan Howland, c 02, s 05 James Hall, c x82, s x8i John Leavens, c x63 Martin Green, c 82, p ir Nehemiah Wisner, h 47 Thomas, c X37 Wayne Gilbert, c 06 William Floyd, c 61 Benjamin Wayland Everett, c x?7 Bennett Albert Arnold, p 19 Alberto Adellman, c 86, s 8g INDEX OF NAMES 365 Alfred Davies, s 97 Asa, c 40 Charles Henry, c xo4 Edwin I, c 62, s 64 Frank Henry, c 89 George Henry, s 07 George Lionel, c oo Walter Scott, c 04 William Marvin, c 91 Bentley Edwin Daniel, c 57, s 59 Norman, s 26 Perry C, s 70 Benton Charles Simeon, c X92 Fred Grey, c xog Hiram Lincoln, c 88 Bergman Godfrey Lambert, c 12 Berrie Albert Clinton, s 07 Berry George Ricker, p 18 Gilbert Levi, c xo4 James, s X27 James Madison, c 63 Bettinger Harry Adelbert, c 08 Bezant Edward DeMars, c 10 Bickford Thomas, c 75 Bickmore Albert Smith, h 05, p n, 15 Biddle Joseph Hurlburt. c x?4 William Thomas, c 49, 551 Bidwell Charles Knowles, s 01 Stillman Spaulding, c 58, s 60 Bielby Isaac Prudames, s X77 Bigelow Hamilton, c xss Henry Jay, c 12 Biggs Louis Carl Huestis, c 92, s 95 Biglow L Horatio, p 8 Lucius H, p 6 Willliam, c 85 Billings Charles Walter, c 04 Henry, c 38, s X4O John Dixon, c 04 William Adelbert, c X92 Bingham Adoniram Judson, c 46, s 48 Edward Augustus, c xoo Ira Wilcox, c 96, s oo Lewis Jay, c 02 Bird Louis Edmund, c 99 Birdsall John O, s X30 Bishop George A, c 59, sx6i Putnam Peter, s 58 Samuel, c 58, s 60 Bitting Charles Carroll, c X52 Joel Evans, s 65 Bixby Byron Lee, c n Black John Andrew, c X93 William Madison, s 12 Blackford Elmer Stelle, c X9S Blackmer Luke, c X48 Blackney Victor Win f red. c 12 Blackwell Benjamin Lewis, s 07 Blain John, p 3 Blair John Millard, c xo8 Blake William Elmer, c 08 Blakeman Lyman Beach, h 84] Morris J, c x63 Blakeslee Frederic Wallace, c xoo Thomas Marcus, c 74 Blakesley Eliada, p 2 Blanchard Edward Montrose, s 65 Blanden John Spencer, c 61 Merrill Jay, c 94 Blandin Llewellyn Gerald, c xo8 Blanding Wayland Hoyt, c 12 Bleecker Garrat Noel, p 4, 10 Bliesmer Karl Adolphus, c 81, s 84 Blinzinger August Charles, c xo?, s 10 Bliss Alanson H, c 55, s 57 Calvin Cummings, c X49 Ebenezer Monroe, s 83 Emerson W, c 51 George Ripley, c 38, s 40, P 14 George Washington, c 74 Leslie Edgar, c u Moses Hawks, c xs? Ralph Potter, c 99 Blood good, Delavan, c 52 James, s 127 Bloomer Isaac, c 38 Blowers Frank Leslie, c X9i Bloxham Daniel John, c 07, s xn Board man Brewer George, c 75, s 78 Evan Davis, c 09 George Smith, h 58 Lester Wells, c X99 Boekenoogen Egbert, s 46 Bogart Will Edwin, c X95 H, c x64 Boise James Robinson, c X38 Bonawitz Frederick William, c 12 Bond Emmons Paley, s X53 Bonney Benjamin, p 3 Benjamin Franklin, p 6 Charles Carroll, h 94 Charles Fremont, c X78 William F, p 6 Boomhower Joshua Gregory, c 97 Boone H H, h 59 Booth Charles Washington, c x8o, s 86 Borasseau Joseph, s X29 Bostick Richard Fuller, c x6o Bostwick Jabez A, p 7 John, p i, 2 Sprague Nelson, c X73 Boswell Thomas Edward, c oo Botsford Stephen Jason, c 09 Boult William Thomas, c xn Bourn Israel C, h 56 Bourne Alvah Wayland, c 76, p 7 Boutwell Alfred Hubbard, c xn Bowen Benjamin Franklin, c x64 Duane Vinton, c x64 Everett Harlow, c 03 John Graves, c 48, s X50 Bower Frederick Andrew, s 09 George Franklin, c xo6 Bowles Carl Percy, c xi2 Bowman Leon Cross, c 09 Bowri Byron Arthur, c 95 Boynton Abraham Lincoln, c X98 William T, s X33 Bracq Jean Charlemagne, h 04 Bradbury Edward G, c X45 Bradford William Edward, c xg6 Bradley George Benjamin, s 98 Joshua, p i, 2 Terry, c 47, s X49 Braker George, c 93 Braman Charles Fletcher, c 91 Branch John, c x68 William, c 41, s X44 Brand George Byron, c xsi Brandt Hermann Carl George, h 09 Brassee Charles Franklin, c x8i Bray Reginald Gilbert, c xio Brayton Jonathan, c 41 Breaker John Charles, s 83 Breed Henry Eltinge, c oo Robert Huntington, c XO2 Brehaut Joseph David, s 10 Brewer Castle, c x8s- s x86 Brewster Wayne, s 78 Bridges Guy Grover, c xi2 Briggs Charles Whitman, C97, soo George Albert, c 94. s 97 John Gallup, c X93 Morris A, c 56 Robert Douglass, c 88 3 66 COLGATE UNIVERSITY William Allen, s 63 Brigham Albert Perry, c 79, s 82, P 7, 17 Edwin Pierson, c 55, s 57 Francis Gorham, c 05 George Howe, s 53, p 6 Bright Edward, p 3, 10 William Henry, c 70 Brisbain Robert, s X34 Broady Francis Oscar, c x8g George Augustus, c x8p Knut Oscar, c 61 Brockett Homer Dempster, c xo8 Leonard Alvah, c x6? Brockway Charles, p 3 Brokaw Lewis Ellsworth, c 93, s 96 Bromley Henry, c X38 Bronson Benjamin Franklin, c 44, s 46 Edwin Horatio, c 73 Miles, c 36 Samuel Jennings, c 44, s 46 Brookes George Dono, 305 Brookins John Colby, c 90, s 94 Theodore French, c 98 Brooks Alexander Atwood, c xso Arthur Leigh ton, c 61 Charles Henry, c x68 Fred Emerson, c 73 James Lawrence, c X48 Raymond Ernest, c 06 Walter Rollin, c X43, p 5, Q, 10, 16 Brothers John Leonard, c xo? Brotherton Horatio, c x?2 Brouner John Jacob, c x6s, p 6 Brower Harry Meriott, c X92 Brown Almiron, c 36 Caleb, s 29 Charles Edwin, c 38 Charles Rufus, h 92 Crary, c X39 David Wiln Imarth, c 82 Delos Dernier, c X76, s 75 Edward Thomas, c X97 Edwin Charles, c 38 Hubert Morgan, c X9i John Newton, s 23 Jonas Holland, c 54, s 56 Judson Collins, c x?8 Lester Alexander, s 03 Marion Lorenzo, c 84, s 87 Parley, s 23 Philip Perry, c 55, p 15 Ralph I, c X36 Russell Pitts, c xss Simeon P, c 57, s 58 Theron, p 4 Wilber Mason, c 56 William, c 36, s X38 William C, s 49 William Henry, c 96, s 99 Brownell Clark Tinkham, c 94, s oo Eli Winegar, c 47 Roscoe David, c 02, s xo8 Browning Lewis Moore, c xn Brownson Edwin Julius, c 75 Henry Stephen, c 88 Isaac Kellogg, c 38 Truman Gaylord, c 77, s xSo Broxholm Thomas, c x8s, s 84 Bruce James M, c X48 James Manning, p 15 Robert, c 89. s 92 Brundige Robert Ostrander, c 06 Brush Daniel Smith, c xgo Bryan Elmer Burritt, p 13, 20 Hugh, c 03 Julian Scott, c n (gradu- ate student) Thomas Joseph, c 93, s 97, p 18 Bryant Martin Sylvester, c 06, s 09 Buchanan Edwin Vail, s 05 James, h 97 Joseph Chandler, c 66 Buck George LeRoy, c 01 Harry Charles, c 03 Buck bee Charles Alvah, c 46, s 48 Buckingham, Charles Lane, s 96 Buckley J L, h 59 Bucklin Orville Milton, c X95 Buell Adoniram Judson, c 47 Clinton C, c 52 Harold Douglass, c 10 Ira Warner, c X53 Rufus F, c 35, s X39 Samuel, c X49 Warren J, p 6 Bullard Edwin Buxton, c X40 Joseph Allen, c X4i, s 42 Bullock Adam, c X37 Charles Frank, c 02 Joseph Finton, c 98 William Wallace, c 99 Bundy Irving Roche, c 02 Bunnell Ralph Decatur, c 08 William Bensley, c 42 Burchard Herbert Morse, c 91 Horace, c 53 Jabez, p 2 Samuel Barton, c xs? Samuel Dickinson, h 51 Samuel Dickinson, c X57 Seneca Barton, p r, 2, 3, 9 Seneca Barton, p 5 Seneca Barton, c 85 Sylvester, p 6 Theodore, p 2 Theodore Root, p 10 William Chafee, c 48 Burd Norman Smith, s 89 Burdick David M, c 39 Earl Van Dusen, c r i George Edward, s 85 Henry Day, c 60, s 62 Lewis D, c x6s Lewis W, c 05 Silas Clarke, c x63 William Pendleton, c 62 Burgedahl Charles Knute, c 12 Burhyte Egbert Lamonte, c xio Burleigh William Henry, h 52 Burlingame Alfred H, c X39 H G, h 59 Burlingham Aaron Hale, c 48, s 50. p 5 Harvey Dudley, c 54 Burnett Joseph, c 49, s 5 1 Burnham Christie Wheeler, c 61, s 63 Sylvester, p 16 Burns James Irving, c x62 Burnside George Robert, s 76 Burr B F, c X44 Erastus Hamilton, c 49, s xsi JS. P7 Burroughs Aretus P, c oo John, h 1 1 John Curtis, s 45 Robert W, c oo Burrows John Lansing, h 48 Lansing, h 7 1 Robert Allanson, c xi2 Roswell Smith, p 4, 10 William Bamford, c 76 Burt Carl Colvin, c 03 Frederick Arthur, c 08 Burton Charles Jewell, c xoo, s or George Augustus, c 06 John E, p 3 Bush Alexander, c X38 Claude Augustus, c xi2 E G, h 61 Bussell Frank Pores, c 01 Bustard William Walter, c X95 Bustin Dennis Joseph, c 96 Butler Charles James, c 86, s x89 Clarence LaVerne, c x84 Frank Arthur, c 90 Joseph C, c x6s Waldo Sylvenus, c 09 Butterfield Cassius Folts, c 08 Butterworth Hezekiah, h 88 Joseph, c 78, s x8i Butt&lph Henry Douglas, c X43 Buzzell Henry Alden, c 83, s x8s Byard William David, c xi2 Bystrom Jakob Jakobson, s x86 Cabaniss Asa Bruce, c 50 Cadmus Harvey Dunham, c xoo INDEX OF NAMES 367 Cady Arthur Cowan, c 99 Arthur Wakefield, c 74, s 76 Edgar, c 144 Edwin Constant, c 57, s 59 George Pardee, c 06 Cailhopper Francis T, c X49 Cain Carlisle Lloyd, c 12 Thomas, c 193 Caldicott Thomas Ford, h 52 Caldwell L Jay, c 97 Theodore Byron, c 84, s 87 Calhoun Sol tan Frederick, c 173 Calkins Leonard G. c xsi Melville H, c 44 Call David Forrester, c 77 Callahan Eugene Benjamin, c 04 Campbell Archibald, p 4, 10 Archibald Bryant, c X47 Duncan R, h 52 Edward LeRoy, c 05 George, c 79 Harvey Montgomery, c 42, 348 Leon Abbott, c 10 Roscoe Gaddis, c xi2 Thomas Philpot, c 50 Woodley Williamson, c 71, s 73 Candee Arthur Lewis, s 91 John Dutton, c 147 Cann Herman Wesley, s 08 Capen Frank Sumner, h 87 Capron Arthur Banfield, c xo8 Card Henry, c X43 Carey Robert Henry, c xgo, s xgo Carney William Francis, c 12 Carpenter Arthur Dever, c 193 Burton B, c 140 Calvin Green, h 52 Daniel Sheldon, c 92 John Gooding, c 98 Seymour D, c x6i Solomon, c 136 Stephen Haskins, c x$2 William, c 50, s 52 Carr Alexander Waterman, c 48 George Henry, c 95, s 98 Horace Merwin, c 56, s 59 Samuel E, s x8s Carraway Samuel S B, c 149 Carter EF,hs8 Edwin, c 140 Guy, p 3 John Pillsbury, c 96, s xoo Thomas William, cxoo, soo Carton Ray Henry, c 09 Cartter Allan Murray, c 06 Carver Henry, h 55 Case Anthony, s X30 Avery, s X2? Carl Delos, c 91, p 8 Emmet Inman, c 92, s 195 Casey Albert Francis, c xi2 Casler George Lincoln, s 98 Harrie Leroy, c 10 Cass Thaddeus Guilford, c 78 Cassels James M, p 3 Cassidy Owen, c 87 Castimore Clarence A, c 12 Castleman Frank Riley, c 06 Cathcart William, h 54 Cauldwell Ebenezer, p 10 James, p 4 Joseph^, p 10 Chafee Thomas Barton, c 10 William, s 32 Chaffee Ferris Elmer, c X9O Challiss William Lawrence, c 146 Chamberlain Clinton Prescott, c 74 Joseph H, s 28 Louis Hart, c 178 h amberlin C'lyde Leary, c 12 Luman B, c X5i, s 53 Champion John Benjamin, s 03 Chandler Adoniram Judson, c 72 Edward Kingsford, c 69 George Clinton, c X36 Chapel Linn San ford, c 05 Chapin Ira Elverton, c 167 Chaplin Adoniram Judson, s 45 Jeremiah, s 39 Chapman Edward, p 5 Frank Webb, c xi2 John Henry, c 156 Norton Everett, c x82 Charles Elmer Fenton, s 196 Charlton Isaiah Milbury, c 10 Chase George Sheppard, c 152 Lawrence Seward, c 09 Norman G, s 30 Samuel Sherrill, c 59, s x6i Truman B, p 7 Chaves Theophilus, c x63 Cheney Samuel Torrey 94 Chester Anson G, h 56 Claude Milton, c xoi Daniel Webster, c oo Howard Eldridge, c 95 John Daboll Webster, c 99 Wayland Morgan, c 94, p 18 Chiba Kozo Samuru, c 196 Child Clement Dexter, p 18 Jonathan Bush, c 63, s 65 Childs HC, p6 Joseph M, c x6o Chittenden Arthur Smith, c X9S Chivers Elijah Eynon, h 94, p 6 Chollar Harvey William, c 92, s 95 Thomas D, p 4 Chrisman Lumen Arthur, c xio Christopher Charles Percy, s 05 Chrystal James, c 55 Chubbuck William Wallace, h 55 Church George W, c x8s LeRoy, c 39, s 41 Pharcellus, s 24, p 10 Robert James, s 91 William Lee, c x/i Churchill Allen Dann, c xo? Joseph, s x83 Marcellus Austin, c x?i Claflin Norman Millington, c x8i Clapp Charles Russell, c 91 George Fox, c 81 Warren Aver, c 86 Warren Benjamin, c X48 William Stillwell, c X46, p 5 Clare Daniel Hunt, c 95, 98, p 8 Clark Albert Leffingwell, c xs8 Albert Vinton, c x?i Amasa, s 26 Amos Darwin, c 75 Andrew Willis, c 74, s 76 Arthur Leman.c 08 Charles A, h 56 Charles Wesley, c xs8, s x6o Charles Willis, c 1 1 Cornelius Jed, c 78 Ethan Macpherson, c xo8 Ezra W, s 27 George Edward, c 08 Herbert Francis, c 09 James, c X4i Joel W, p i, 2 John Mason, h 09 Nathaniel Judson, c xsi Samuel R, s 131 Vinton Albert, c X94 Watson, c 50 Wesley Plummer, p 21 Clarke Enos, c 59 Sherborne Samuel, c x8s, s 8? Sidney, c 82 William, h 52, p 5. 9. 10 William Newton, c 6i,s 63, P 7, 9, ii, i? Clayton Edward Hires, c 10 Clegg Ambrose Augustine, c 12 Cleghorn Adams, c 37, s X39, P 5 Clement Ernest Wilson, p 20 Jesse, h 53 Cleveland John Shultus, c x86, s 86 William Neal, c x83 368 COLGATE UNIVERSITY Clifford John, h 06 Clough Eli D, s 78 Solomon, s 29 William Dodd, c xo6, s 07 Clutterbuck James Greenly, s 04 Coats Albert B, c 83, s 86 Orville, s 81 Cobb Charles Monroe, c 08 Clarence Shepherd, c 05 Frederick D H, c 86 George Watson, c 94, p n William, p i, 3, 9 Coburn Fred Eugene, c 93 Coe David Read, 072 John M, c X38 Coggeshall John M, c X45 Colburn Charles, h 54 Colby Charles Chivers, s 02 Gardner, p n Cole Aaron Hodgman, c 84, p 16 Jirah Delano, s 26, p 4 Leonard Townsend, c x8i Oncken Willard, c x68 Walter Borough, c xoo Colegrove Charles Henry, s X9S Dewitt Clinton, c X45 Dwight Heman, c 194 Frederick Wei ton, c 82, s x85, p 17 Peter, c 39, s 41 Coleman Edward Judson, c 06 Merritt Howell, s 82 Nelson Leonard, c 97 Colestock Henry Thomas, s X99 Coley John Wiltse, c 60 Colgate Austen, p n Charles C, p 5 James Boorman, p 4, 9, 10 James Colby, c 84, p 9, n John Henry, c X47 Richard M, p 7 Russell, p 8 Samuel, p i, 5, 10 Samuel, s 94, p 7 Sidney M, p i, 8, 9, 12 William, p 4, 9 Collard Arthur Warren, c xg8 Collester Earl Hunter, c 10 Harry James, c 04 Collings Albert Augustine, c 08 Harry Thomas, c 03, p 19 Collins Harry Francis, c 12 John Dorsey, c X47 Nathan G, c X4O Orville Warren, c xi2 William, s 26 Collom Jonathan G, h 51 Colwell Howard Spencer, c 10 Compton Alexander Taylor, c x63 Cornelius B, c X49 Henry S, c 147 Comstock Gates Samuel, c 71 Grover S, s 33 Rock Livingston, c xn Conant Alban Jasper, h 55 Samuel Stillman, c xso Thomas Jefferson, p 14 Cone Glen Carlton, c x8? Orville Clark, c 08 Spencer Houghton, p 10 Congdon Leon Abel, c xo8 Conklin William James, c x68 Conkling Roscoe, h 77 Conley Delazon, c 73, s xjs Conlpn William Sylvester, c 09 Connolly Frederick William, c xi2 Conrad Elbert Henry, s 98 Peter, c 39, s 41 Sherman Harold, c 12 Constantine Alfred A, c 38, s 40 Conyers Josiah B, s 61 Cook E W, p 6 Edgar Leon, c 12 Edward Glenn, c 91 Ezekiel Hanson, h 89 Harris Bingham, c xo3 Herbert Asher, c 99 James P, c X44 W M, h 59 Walter, c x83 Willis Henry, c X7S Cooley David Barnes, c 09 James M, 8x31 Coolidge Augustus Burt, c x82 William, p 4 Coons William Solyman, c 88, 591 Cooper David Hart, s 83 Edward, c xgi Fennimore Hoffman, c 78, s 82 George, s 66 James, h 68 James Eugene, c x66 William Edward, c 87 Coote James L, c xgs, s 95 Copeland John Henry, c x?3 Coray E A, p 5 Corbin Frank Alonzo, page 333 Henry Pettit, c x63 Corbo Alfonso, page 333 Cordo Henry Augustus, c 59, s 61, P 6 Vito, page 333 Corey Daniel Griffin, h 47, p 4 George Richards, c xos Cornell Alfred, c 43 Henry Allan, c 72, s 74 Thomas, p n William, c 47, s X49 Cornish Harold Jones, c xn Cornog Jay Rodenbaugh, c xro Corwin David, s X2S Ira, c 37, s X39 Jason, s 22 Cossum William Henry, c 87, s 90 Coster Herbert Aubrey, c 09 Cottrell Arthur Montrose, c 07 Joel Parker, c x~3 Coulston Thomas Philip, s x6i Covey Amos Holmes, c 50 John Van Epps, c 53 Covmgton Thomas Edgar, s 93 Cownhoven John G, c X47 Cox George Davenport, c xio bamuel Lewis, c X59 Thomas, p i, 2 Craft Emory Dean, c 68, s x?o Craig Emmett DeWitt, c X52, s XS4 Robert, c X92 Robert Allen, c 86 Robert Thomas, s 199 Grain Corydon, c 70, s 72 Craine Robert Wallace, c 03 Cram George Webb, c X93 Cramp Charles Watts, c xos Walter Concemore, c oo Crandall Joseph Bertram, c 96 Joseph C, c xs6 Crane Lemuel P, c X49 Wheeler I, s X3O William Carey, c 36. s X38 Crawford John, c xs6 John H, c X54 Crawshaw William Henry, c 87, P 8, 16 Creasman William Burton, s xo6 Crego Harrison Parker, c X93 Creighton John Barber, c 97 Creswell Samuel J, h 61 Crippen John Wolcott, c xo8, s 09 Crittenden Orville L, c 43 Crocker Amos, h 51 Crofoot Peter James, c 65 Cronk Dewitt Clinton, c 54, s 56 Cronkhite Arthur Broughton, c 09 Leonard Woolsey, p 6, n Leonard Woolsey, c??, s8i, P 19 INDZX OF NAMES Crosby George William, s xo6 Cross Edmund Burke, c 39, s 41 Samuel, c 41 Crowell D M, p 5 Percy Vere, c xop Robert B, c 03 Cruikshank James, c xss Crumb Andrew Van Buren, c 74, s ?6 Crydenwise Howard William, c 95 Cubberley James Albert, c 75, s 78 Cudworth Nathaniel, c 41 Cull George Thomas, c 89 Thomas, c x6i, s 63 Culver Samuel Wightman, h 69 Solomon, c 59, s 61 Cummings William Ray, c xos Cummins Joseph Thomas, c xog Lucius Asa, c 81, s 87 Richard Aloysius, c 08 Cunhffe Stephen H, c 09, s 12 Cunningham Francis Albert, c X98 Currier Joshua, c 38 Curtis George A, c X38 George William, h 64 Lmwold Bushnell, c 85, s 88 William B, s 24 William Fletcher, c X09 William Stanton, h 57 Curtiss George, p 4, 10 George Wellington, c X49 Gushing Harrie Haskell, s xoi Cusick James Thomas, c 07 Maxwell Henry, 0x91 Custis J W, p 6 Cutten George Barton, h n Dake Jabez P, c X49 Orsamus C, c 59 Dalrymple Henry Raymond, c oo Rollin Adams, c 04 Dana Richard Falls, c X9S Dan forth Appleton Howe, c 45, s 47 Daniels Charles Spencer, c x89, s 91 Harrison, c 43 Dapson George Calvin, c 01 Darby Chauncey, c X4O Otis Henry, c X97 Darling Floyd Nelson, c 06, s 08 Wells S, c X4S Darrow William Edwin, c 03, s 92 Daugharty Gordon Alexander, c 57, s 59 Davies Daniel, h 59 Henry Vaughan, s 09 John Wayland, s 96 Owen, h 95 Rees Oliver, c xg6 Davis Albert James, c x6? Albert Tatum, c 10 Alfred Spencer, c 02, s 05 Cutler Leonard, c xog Ebenezer S, c 40, s 42, p 5 Evan, c 76 Frank John, c n G R, h 52 George B, s 127 George Morgan, s or George Warren, c xn George Washington, c X5i Henry, s 27 Henry Augustus, c x?8 Henry Emerson, c xo8 Henry Z, s 99 Jesse Buttrick, c 95 Joshua Butts, c X57, s 60 Judson, c XS2 Lee Sherman, c xos Lewis Howe, c 54 Luke, c 38, s 40 Morgan John, c X49 Oscar King, c 88 Sylvester, c 36 Webster Swan, s X92 William Henry, c xn Davison Caleb, c xso Lorenzo Paul, c x83 William Anthony, s 96 Dawley Carroll Hamilton, c xo3 William Wallace, s 80, p 8 Day Gershom B, s X32 Henry S, c 59, s 61, p 7 Howard Malcom, c X56 John Elbert, c 09 Samuel Stearns, c X36 Thomas W, c X74 William James, s x8- Dayfoot Peter Carpenter, c 43, s 45 Dean Ambrose Burnside, c 84 Delavan Daniel, c 77, s 80 Ezra, c 38 Frederic Maine, c 77 Leonard John, c 71, p 7 Milton Squires, c X98 Robert Gillespie, c xo8 Wilfred, s 62 William, s 33 DeBeukelaer Frank Louis, c 10 DeCarlo Vincent Columbus, c 09 Decker Oliver Frankford, c xn William Phillips, c xs8 DeGolyer Joseph, p 6 DeGraff Mark, c 12 DeLellis Francesco, page 333 Delke James Almerius, h 59 Demers George W, h 63 Deming Frank Ribera, c 05 Miner Rudd, c x6s Dempsey Albert Young, c xo8 Denio Hiram, h 59 Denison William, s 133 William Mason, c oo Dennis William Knight, c 179 William L. h 48 Depuy Ten Eyck, p 7 Derby Charles Field, c xir DesAutels William Walter, c 192, s 93 Dewar James, c xs8 Dewey Albert Henry, c X9J W Frederick Hall, c 193 DeWitt Jacob Vernooy, c 44 DeWoody Charles, s 192 Dexter Earl Charles, c xn Samuel King, c 62, s 164 Deyo Elton Cyrus, s 93 Dibell Edwin, c 147 Dick Robert, c 140 Dickens William, c 38, s 140 Dickerson James Stokes, c 48, s 150 Dickinson Edmund W, c 35. s 137 Dickson Harry Byram, s 01 Dike Clarence Sheldon, c 12 Otis Arunah, c 86, s 91 Dillingham Charles, c 90 Dimon Nathan Hedges, c 70, s 72 Dimorier William Edward, c 03 Dinnerstein Maurice Jonah, c 1 2 Divine Frank Henry, c 91, s 04 Dixson Joseph A, c 43, s 45 Doane H.h59 Dobbins Richard Joseph, c 10 Dockstader Ernest Ambrose, c n Dodd Bethuel, c X48 Charles Hastings, c x86, s 89 Dodge Daniel, c xs i Ebenezer, p 13, 15 George Clinton, c 06 Henry Jefferson, s x8r Homer Levi, c 10 Isaac, c X38 Ralph Oliver, c xog Thomas Augustus, c 47 Dolan Charles, c 83 Dolson Samuel Deyo, c 03 Donnelly John, c 62, s 64 Donovan Frederick, s 06 (graduate student) 370 COLGATE UNIVERSITY Doolittle Edwin A, c 1.36 Egbert D, c x6y Frank Wadsworth, c 83 Horace D, c X36 James F, c X49 Jared, s 25 Dorn Roscoe Conklin, c 05 Dorrance George W. c 37, s 139 Dorward William Hammond, 371 Doty Clarence John, s xo6 Hylan, c X4S John, s 30 Dougall Robert Merle, c X02 Dougherty George Theodore, c X53 Douglas Charles Henry, c 85 Daniel Chamberlain, c XQ3 Edward Willis, c 77 George William, c 88, p n Henry Marshall, s 87 Irving Alonzo, c 88 James Smith, h 49 Samuel Joseph, c 58, s 60 Douglass Arthur Elijah, c xpi Caleb, p 2 Charles LaMott, c xg8 Donald Sawin, c 1 1 John Loremer, c xso John William, c 10 William H, c X43 Dow Benjamin Randall, c 83, s 83 Ernest Went worth, c 84 Dowd Willard Fox, s oo Dowling George Thomas, c x?2 Downer John Rathbone, c 45 Downey George Darius, c 59, s 61 Doyle James Lewis, c X09 Drake Charles Emmett, s xgg Simeon J, h 52 Draper Andrew Sloan, h 90 Drefs Charles Adam, c xio Dressier Frank Joseph, c xos, s 06 Drown William, s 30 Dudley Carroll E I, c x6o Duer John, c 46, s 48 Duesler Jonas Lemuel, s 98 Duffy John William, c 82, s 84 Dunbar Marshall James Lee, c 55, s X57 William, c 57, s 59 Duncan Hansford Augustine, c 37 William Cecil, s 46 Duncanson John Cyrus, c 79, s 82 Dunham Dwight, s 74 Frank Ferris, c 99 Dunkleberger Chauncey Eugene, c 85 Dunklee E Lanson, c 172 Emry Jay, c xoo Dunn Albert Teele, c 73 John, c xsi Dunning Paul Cornell, c 08 William Beattie, c 10 Dunsford Alfred George, c x?2 Durfee William Ira, c xo6, s 07 Durham Frank, s 04 Durkee Clarence George, c 09 George Clarence, s 1 1 Dwindle A J, c 43 Dwinnell William, c 42 Dye Andrew Gordon, c xoi Dyer Albion Morris, c 84 John C, c X38 Dyke Harmon, s 55 Lodire Judson, c 73, s 73 Eager Eleazer Carll, c 38, s 41 Earl John Charles, c xss Early Stephen Judson, c 98, s xoi Eastman William Weber, c x?i Easton Daniel Chase, c 73 Eaton Charles T, c 66 Frank Howard, s 1 1 George Board man, c 56 George W, p 13 Harry Nelson, c 04 Hervey Edwards, c x66 James Rodolphus, c 56, s 58 Joseph H, c 37 Lewis Anson, c 80 Thomas Treadwell, c x63 William Colgate, c 69, p 16 Zelora, s 27 Eddy Bert Henry, c 94, s 97 Daniel Clarke, h 59 George Emerson, c 04 Herman J, h 52 Edelblum Joseph, c xi 2 Edgarton Irving Dwight, c xos Edgett Curtis Clinton, c 03 Edgren John Alexis, s x6? Edmunds Edward Bennett, c 60, s 64 James, p 4, 9 James, c 58 Justin Olin, c 37, s 39 Edson Ambler, c 38 Edwards Ebenezer, c xs8, s x$8 Hervey, p 3, 10 James Romulus, c 94, s 97 Warren Llewellyn, c xos Eggleston Vernon LeGrand, Ehle Archibald Isaac, s 93 Francis Dewey, s oo Ekeley John Bernard, c 91, p 17 Ekings Feargus O'Connor, c 73 Elder Joseph Freeman, h 75 Eldred George Everett, c 99 Eldridge Adelbert D, c x6o Burroughs, c 90 Daniel, s 28, p 4 James, c X35 Leon Eaton, c 08 Ellkin William Baird, p 18 Elenbogen Maurice George, c xo? Ellery Edward, c 90, p 17 Ellicott Charles Hicks, s X98 Ell in wood John Clark, s 08 Elliott Ernest Lamott, c or Jesse, s 26 Romanzo I, c X38 Ellis Edward, c x?i George Sheldon, c X93 Ellison Daniel James, c x82 Ellson John V, c 91 Elwell William Dwight, c 77, s 80 Ely Edward, c 38, s 40 Howard Taylor, c x8i John Wilson, s 192 Thomas Cox, c 86 Embody George Charles, c oo Emerson Charles Scarlett, s 05 Frederick Valentine, c 98- Emery J C, h 78 Emmons Francis Whitefield, s 24 Paul Sobieski, c xio Enders Charles Ralph, c 1 1 England Harry Covert, c xo? James Lafayette, s x83 Erb Frank Otis, s XO4 Erdmann Adolph Frederick, c 93 Ernsberger Fred Pratt, c 98 Esser Maurice H, c 12 Estee Sidney A, s X33 Estes David Foster, p 17 Walter Dalton, c or Evans Arthur Jay, c 01 Asher Benton, c x6o David, s 194 Edgar Grove, c 05 Edward John, c X75 Herbert Francis, c xoi John, h 82 Joseph T, h 52 William Weston, s xio INDEX OF NAMES 371 Eveland Lewis Clark, s xg6 Eveleth Frederick Howard, p 20 Everts Henry K, c 42, s X44 Hiram H, c 137 Noah Reed, c x6i William Wallace, c 37, s 39 Ewart Frank Carman, p 18 Ewell Glenn Blackmer, c 03 Henry Bancroft, c 36 Eyles William Joseph, c go Eynon Howard Blaine, c xo8 Fairchild Asher, p 3 Joseph N, c x6o Fairfield Edmund Burke, h 57 Falkinburg George John, c 04 Falvey John Edward, c xio Fargo William Fordyce, c 90 Farley Edson Joseph, c 183, s 85 Edson Scott, c 07 Farr Gilbert Elijah, c 76, s X79 Fawi ar Robert Edwards, c 85 Fassett H Loren, c 98 Jacob Sloat, h 01, p 17 Faulkner Arthur Byron, s 07 Feagles Nathaniel Roe, s X02 Feary Thomas, p 6 Thomas H, p 6 Fee William M, c xs8 Fellows Moses Gilbert, c 56 Fennell William George, c 85, s x88 Ferguson James Stewart, c x?s John, c xo6 W, h 82 Fern Irving William, c xn Ferris E W, c X45 William Wallace, c 58, s 60 Ferry Charles Foster, c 1 1 Frederick Carlos, h 09 P'esterson John Soren, c 85, s x88 Fetter Frank Albert, h 09 Field Edward Augustus, c x66 Moses, s 31 Finch John Wellington, c 97 Thomas Rogers, c xn Findlay Charles Walter, c n Finegan Thomas Edward, h 12 Finn James Jay, c x8g Fischer Joseph Thibaut Didien, c X82 Fischler Benjamin, c xi2 Fish Ezra Job, c XS3 Joel W, c 43, s 45 Lorenzo, c 57 Reeder M'Candless, c xso SM, P4 Fisher George Edison, c n George Jackson, h 59 James, c X7Q, s 178 Joseph A, s x8g Stillman A, c 40 Fisk Jacob, s 26 Leon Waterbury, c xog Milton E, c 59, s x6i Vincent Barrett, s 06, p 19 Fitch Everett Henry, c 93 Fitz Simmons Lewis, c 86 Flaherty Eugene Francis, c n Flavelle William Laurence, c xio Fleischer Emanuel Mayer, c xi2 Fletcher Daniel Sheldon, c 77 Edward Phineas, c 45 Edwin Newton, c 86, s 93 Francis Wayland, c X93, s X95 Frank, c x64 Horace, h 60 Joshua, s 29 Leonard, p 4 Leonard F R, c X48 Orlin Ottman, h 87 Flick John Irwin, s 09 Florena Salvatore, page 333 Fogg Miller Moore, c x 94 Folev John Leo, c n Folwell Joseph Newbold, h 68 Joseph Newbold, c x8? Judson Kincaid, c 78, s 82 Foote Adrian, s 27 Elias John, c X49 John Crocker, c 64 John Garvin, c xoi John Johnson, h 58 Forbes George Mather, h 09 Michael Phelps, c 47 Ford Clarence Edwin, c 02 Clinton Emmons, c x6i E Reed, p 4, 10 Ernest Elliott, s oo Frank Ernest, c xg6 Frederic Reynolds, c 01 George Lyman, s 95 James Bradley, c X54 James Wallace, c 69, p n James William, c 73, s X75, p 9, n, 16 Jay A, s 85 John Cushman, c x8g Lucius Eugene, s 94 Sheldon Edward, c 05 Smith Thomas, c 78, s 81, p 7 Spencer James, c 98, s or Uridge Whiffen, c 07 Warwick Stephen, c 97 William John, c 90, s 93 , Willis Ellard, h 84, p 7. n Foreman Louis Thomas, c X99 Forey Martin R, c X46 Forsyth Edmund Clark, c 04 Forte Irving Channing, s x?2 Forward Dewitt Daniel, c 85, s x88 Fosbury Leland Delos, c oo Fosdick Harry Emerson, c oo, s xoa Raymond Blaine, c xos Foshay Fred Fowler, s 12 Foster Clarence Lucius, c 08 Francis Wyman, c 78, s x8i Frank Lafayette, c 103, s xgi Harry Schuyler, c oo Herbert Howard, c n Isaac Edwin, c X49 John Curtis, s 60 Levi, s X33 Marsh Carey, c n Fowler Spencer Jared, c X49 Fox Albert R, p 10 Charles Pittman Peachey. c 75, s 83 Floyd Herman, c xio Melvin Lionel, c x?s Frame Nat Terry, c 99 Franklin Herbert Luzern, c 10 William S, h 56 Fraser Hamilton Alonzo, c 81, s 84 Fream Jacob, c 148 Freas Daniel Johnson, c 49 Frederick Michael, s 28 Free Alfred, c x?i Freeman Allen B, s 33 Andrew Longyear, c xsi Augustus, c x62 Edson Almeron, c 08 Everett Leroy, c xgs Frederick Perkins, s n Joseph, h 68 Zenas, h 47, p i, 4 French Ferdinand Courtney, pi? Lindol Elmer, c 02 Roswell D, c X43 Fries Alvin Allen, c x8g, s x88 Frink Miner, c X48 Prentiss, c 142 Frisbie Frank Chester, c X99 George Albert, c xgs, p 12 Fritts Harold Ellsworth, c xo8 Frost Adoniram Judson, c 65, s 67 Frothingham Randolph, c xos 372 COLGATE UNIVERSITY Charles Henry, s 1 1 Frank Benjamin, s n Fuller Andrew, see Nucko Andrew King, c 79, s 82 Cyrenus M, h 55 Elba, c 43 John S, c xs8 Martin Luther, s X29 Matthew, c xso Noah, s xsi Timothy, c X38 Fulton Charles Arthur, c 83, s 86 Frederick Samuel, c 82 John, c 43, P 5 John I, s X25 Furber Harrison Walter, s 80 Fyfe Robert Alexander, h 58 Gaffney Matthew Page, c 1 2 Gage Albert Henry, c 02, s 05 Lucian L, c 154 Galloway William T, s x84 Gallup Caleb Hathaway, c 56 Ezra S, c 43, p 15 Frank Amner, c 90, p 18 Galpin Charles Josiah, c 85 Frederic Tower, c 94 Leman Quintilian, c 62, s 64 Galusha Elijah B, c 39, s X4i Elon, p 3 Irving Charles, c 03 Gamble Alexander, c 45 Ganong Joshua Burnette, s 99 Gardiner Charles Alexander, p 16 Edward Denison, c 73 Eugene Stark, c 76 Hiram A, c X37 Jacob, h 72 Sterling, c 75 Gardinier Irving Roselle, c 193 Gardner M M, c X55 Garnsey William Smith, c x?8 Garr Benjamin Willis, c x8s Garrett Andrew Pettigrew, s xos Berton Anson, c 99 Garrison Cantine, s X45 Garrow Nathaniel, p 3 Garter Felix Frederick, c 10 Garthwait Daniel, c X48 Gaskell Edward Burrows, p 6 Robert Steere, c xos Gates Alfred, s 131 George Clifford, c XO9 Isaac Edwin, c 58, s 60, p n Lucius Miller, s X92 Oliver Wolcott, c 56, s xs8 Gaw Benjamin Donald, s 09 Gaylord Howard Marvin, c 98 Joseph Karl, c 08 Gaynor William Jay, h 07 Geistweit Irvin Theodore, s xo3 Gibbs Barney Barzillai, c 46, s 48 Herbert Hartwell, c 84 Oliver Wirt, c 43 Raymond Bower, c 10 Gibson Maris, c x6s Giffin Levi Tupper, c 90, s 89 Gifford Benjamin F, c 64 W H, c X53 Gilbert CA, CX48 Joshua, p 3 Matthew William, c 87 Warner Emery, c xo6 Gill William Icrin, c xs6 Gillette Abram Dunn, s X32 Daniel Gano, c x63 Daniel Holbrook, c 40 Walter Robarts, c 61 Girard Richard, h 52 Giuffrida Rolando, page 333 Glanville William Earl, c xio Glaser Carl Henry, c xi2 Glazier Frank J, c xs6 Gleichman Fritz Charles, c XQO,- s 90 Glennie John Raymond, c xo8 Goddard David, c X38 Francis Wayland, c 97, s xoo William Dean, c 94 Godden Mary E, p 20 Godfrey R B, c X56 Goff Moses Judson, c 60, s 62 Robert Judson, c 02 Gonsalves Antonio Jose, c xss Goo Peter, c X4O Goodell Abner, s X3O Sabin Tillotson, c x65 Goodenough Edmund, s 29 Louis Agassiz, c 86 Myron Melancthon, c 50 Good hue Everett Walton, p 19 Goodier Clifford Marsden, c n Floyd Tompkins, c 03 Warren Alonzo, c 08 Goodman John Story, c 49, s 50 Good now Augustus Warren, c 49 Goodrich Ezra W, c X46 James, c X45 Goodsell Sherman J, c xs8 Thomas Irving, c 09 Goodwin Carl Vermilya, c xo8 Henry C, h 54 Gordon Charles Irving, c 73 Gorham Abner Davis, c 55 George Whitford, c 47, s 49 Gorman Samuel, h 62 Gorton Orrin Nelson, c 48 P R, P Th< Gove James, p 4, 10 Granger James Nathaniel, c 35, 338 William Alexander, c 74,' P 7, 1 1 Grant Darius Beardsley, c x32, s 83 Elmer Daniel, c 95 Howard Pendleton, c xo6 James Benjamin, c X7i, s 78 James Edward, c oo Roland Dwight, h 87 Stillman Bailey, c 43, s 45, William Walter, c 98 Grants Jacob, s X30 Graves Albert Phelps, c xs8 Amos D, p 4, 10 Charles, c 41, p 5 Frederick ChaunceyJ'c x86 George Stevens, c x8s Gilbert T, p 8 Henry L, s 42 Samuel, c 44, s 46, p 14 Samuel Monroe, c 02 Zwinglius Calvin, h 49 Gray Benjamin, c xss Henry David, c 97 Roland Palmer, c X93 William Moore, s 93 Green George Arthur, c 09 Joel H, s 30 John, s 30 Greene Caleb, h 56 Frank Reese, c 06 John, c 73, s 79, P 17 John C, c xs? John D L, c 48, s xso John Priest, h 93 John Thomas, c X92 Nelson Lewis, c 01 Otto Washington, c 10 Samuel Harrison, c 73, s 75 Sherrill Benjamin, c 12 Stanley Riddell, c 10 Greenfield Eric Viele, c 02 Melvin Leroy, c 08 Greenwood Carter Jay, s x8? Hugh Gilmore, c 92, s 96 Gregory Clayton Eaton, c xy8 John Milton, h 65 Silas Belden, c 54, s 56 Truman, c X44 Grenell Burt Budington, c 96 Zelotes, c 62, s 64 Crenelle Levi Osborn, c 47, s 49 INDEX OF NAMES 373 Gridley Joel Austin, c xs8 Griffen Arthur Munger, c 03 Griffin Charles N, p 4 Robert Adair, c 07 Griff ing Richard, c X35 Griffith Ansel, s xso Benjamin, c 46, s X48 Francis Vincent, c 06 John William, c 95 Griffiths Thomas Sharp, c 143 Griggs Albert N, c xs8 I.P4 Grimes Alexander, c X53 Grimley Joseph Ingham, c xso Grinnell Clayton, c 88, s xp2 Griswold Elbert Jay, s xoi Horace, p 3 Gross Louis Bainbridge, c xio Louis Jeremy, c 74 Grout Edward Marshall, c 84, p n Grove D WC, h6i Glen Arnold, c 97 Guernsey Peter Buel, c 89, s 92 Rowland Taylor, c 90, s 93 Guillan William, c 97, s oo Guleke Oscar, c 07, s xu Culler Henry John, c 90, s 93 Gunn Elihu, c 47, s 49 William Campbell, c 65, s 67 Gurley Lewis E, p 7, n William F, p i, 7 Gurney Robert Leonard, c X02, s 01 Guthrie David William, s 08 Guy Albert, c 42 Gwathmey Richard Brooke, c x$8 Haas Charles H, s x8? Edward, h 66 Hackett Otis, c 42, s 44 Hadden Charles Wesley, c 06 Hadnett James E, c 153, p 6 Half Heman H, s X2? Haggett Arthur John, c 97 Hahn Charles Franklin, c 81, s 86 Haines Charles Witcraft, c 92 -Hakes William Henry, c x64 Halapalian Jacob George, c X92 Hall Abijah, c xss Alton Lawrence, c 02, s xoi Asa Zadel, c 98 David Hoadley, c 76 Ellis B, c X43 Ernest Arthur, c 01 Ira David, c 79, s 82 Jeremiah, h 47 W Dana, c x?3 Halsey Carley Watson, c 12 Lewis, p 7 Halstead John B, c 43 Hamblin Tkomas Franklin, c 80 Hamilton Charles Elbert, s x89 Edgar Laurens, s X99 George Kirkpatrick, c X99 Hiram, c X48 Hamlin George Arthur, c x8o Hamm ' Maurice Richard, c 10 Hammitt Joseph, c X44 Joseph, c 63 Hammond Ensign Datus, s x84 Joseph William, c S3, s 55 Maurice Edwin, c 09 Hancock Levi Shreve, c 50 John Leonard, p 21 Hand George, c X49 Handy Jairus, s 26 Hanke Emil, c 07 Hanks Harvey Alexander, c X9S Hanna Alexander Carson, c 10 George Ledlie Carson, c 66 Thomas Alexander Thomp- son, c 64, s 66 William Tough Carson, c 70 Hanson Ola, s 90 Harbottle J G, p6 Harder Jacob, c X45 Hardin George A, h 99 Harding Everett Charles, c 83 Frederic William, c 04, s 07 Hardy Louis Bernard, s X97 Hare Frank, s 04 Harkness Albert Granger, h 09, p 16 Harlan Quirof, s X04 Rolvix, s X02 Harlow Dana Bradbury, 5x91 Edgar Goodrich, c x83,sx83 Harmon Austin, c 50 Dwight Dana, c 93, s 98 Elisha, p 4 Erwin Charles, c 91, s 94 Harriman Arthur Ernest, c X93 Harrington Elmer Putnam, c X99 Harris Charles Edgar, c x62 Charles Edwin, c 76, s 79 Charles Taylor, h 53 Edward Lansing, c 43 Edward Norman, c 81 George Marshall, c x84 George N, h 57 George Washington, c 40, s 42 Ira, h 48, p 9 J M, p6 J N, c x?o James George, c X99 John Brown, c 06 John Howard, h 91 Judson Wade, c x67 Norman, c 42, s 44 Taylor Loomis, c xo8 Hart William John, s 04 (grad- uate student) Hartley John Walton, c x&4 Hartness Adoni Judson, c 91 Hartshorn Arthur A, p 8 Chancellor, s 25, p 4, 13 Chancellor, c 46 Thomas Coit, c 50 William Milton, c 56 Hartson Charles Veber, c 10 Floyd Parmelee, c 05, s 08 Hartwell Cyrus L, c 42 Harvey Benjamin Calvin, c xoi Hezekiah, c 45, s 47, P 14 Harwood Samuel Gladstone, s 10 Hascall Daniel, p i, 2, 13 James Saurin, c 36 Haskell Abel, c 38 Lewis Clark, c 05 Samuel, s 47 Haskins John Ralph, c x62, s x&4 M J N, p 4 Hassmer Joseph Herbert, c n Haswell Frank Miller; c x8s James M, c X37 James Russell, c 57, s 59 Hatch Charles Francis, c 07 Daniel, p 3 Frederick William, c 95 George Edgar, s 55 James Edwin, c 56 Leonard Bradford, s xso Silas Wright, c 69, P 6 William Dana, c 10 Hatcher William Eldridge, h 08 Hatchman Herbert Ernest, c oo Hatt Josiah, c 49 Haven Clement, s X34 Havens Nicholas M, c X44 Hawkinson Howard Edward, c xia Hawley Chauncey, 3x31 H H, p 4 Haworth Clarence Everett, c 82 Hay Joseph P, c 45 374 COLGATE UNIVERSITY Hayden Lucian, c 36, s 138 William Rightmire, c 08 Hayes Frank Hallie, s 09 George Lewis, c 03 Lester Melvin, c xn M D, c X42 Hayhurst Lamar Wells, c 48, s xso Haynes Lucius Manlius Sargent, h 79, P 6 Myron Wilbur, c 79 Sylvester, p i, 3 Hays Harry Herbert, c 98 Hay ward Hiram B, c 38 Samuel S, c 38 Haywood John Milton, c xn Hazel Peter Verdier, c 80 Hazen Henry C, c X48 Head Cotesworth Pinkney, c xs6 Heard Falkner, c xn Heath Arthur Cecil, c 79 Frank Arthur, c 85, s 88 James S, s 72 Moses, c 54 Heaton Willis Edgar, c x83 Hebb John, h 64 Hedden William Dunlop, c xsi Hedges Josiah Mulford, c 47, s X49 Heffron John Lorenzo, c 73 Heller Archibald Carl, c xo? Hellwig Andrew Jackson, c x64 Hemans Charles Edward, s 03 Hemmingway Silas, c X49, s X49 Henderson George Edward, c 75 James, h 66 N P, h 55 William Drayton, c 79 Hertdrick Joel, c xso Welland, c 80 Hendrickson Judson Cooper, c 93 Hendryx Truman, s X34 Henry John William, c 65, s 67 William Thomas, c 74, s 76, P 6, ii William Thomas, c xoi Herrick Charles Henry, c oo Elijah, p 3 Isaac Franklin, c 45 Hervey George Winifred, c X46 Russell, c X35 Hess Hubert Winfield, c 02 Isban, c x6? Hewitt Collins Ansoh, c 39 Oscar Ferdinand, c x62 William Edgar, c 12 Hibbard George Leonard, c 90, s 93 Hickok Elisha Putnam, c 66 Hicks Bion Eugene, c xio Frederick Charles, c 98 Joseph George, c xio Kenneth Clark, c X95 Hiester Charles Willerd, c xi2 Higgins Harry Shreve, c 99 James Jeroloman, c 91 John Jacob, c 46 Hill Addison Leroy, c xo8 Albert Clark, c 77 Benjamin M, h 52 Daniel Trembley, h 52 David Jayne, h 83 George, h 03 Hoyt Freeman, s xo4 Isaac Newton, c 49 Judson Sudborough, c X77 Rowland George, c xo? Stephen Prescott, h 57 William Watkins, s 04 Hillman Lemuel Serrell, c 09 Samuel Thurston, h 72, p 5 William T, p 8 Hills Burton Arthur, c xo8 Hilton J Arthur, c 95 John V, c X59 Himes James Irving, c XO9 Hinman Archie Stanley, c 104 Willis Edward, c 04 Hippolyte Lucius Francois, c 82 Hiscox Edward Thurston, c 43, s X4S Hitchcock George Parks, c xn Hoag Milton F, c x6? Hobart Alvah Sabin. c 73, s 75, p 7 Clarence Charles, c xjj Isaac Newton, p 5 Hobbs Lacassard L, s 83 Hobby Uriah, p 3 Hoben Charles Stewart, c xi2 Hodge Edward, s 24 James Lawrence, h 51 Lament Foster, c 97 Hoerrner William Henry, p 21 Holbrook George W, c 44, s 146 Holden Hendrick S, h 03 Jonathan, c 01 Stephen, c 99 Holdridge Newton Clark, c 91 Hollenbeck Oscar DeWitte, c 09 Hollinshead Frank, s 04 Holloman Charles W, s xoi Holman Thomas, c 38, s X4O Holme John Stanford, c 48, s 50 Holmes Arthur Erastus, c X90, s 90 Daniel M, p 6 David Edward, c 58, s x6o Martin W, c X46 Stewart Russell, c 05 Holrpyd William, c X38 Holt John C, s 25 Hoi ton Henry Theron, c XO3 Holtz Adrian Augustus, c 09 Holyoke Edward, s 84 Hood Samuel Clinton, s 93 Hooper Thomas C. c 146 Hope James Malcom, c X47 Hopkins Charles Freeman, s x83 Charles J, h 58 Ebenezer, s X3O Herbert Samuel, c 06 J S Duane, c 78 James Thomas, c x6i Hopper Alexander McGregor, c 48, s 50, p 5 John Edward P, c x62 Hornberger Lewis Patton, c 65 Lewis Patton, c 01 Horner John W, c x6s Hornish Joseph Kuhns, c 47, s X49 Horsman Albert Currie, s 05 Horton Calvin, c X35 George C, p 7 Hosford Isaac D, s X26 Hotaling Ira, s oo Hotchkiss Edward Payson, c xso Velona Roundy, c 37, s 39 Hough Geddes LeRoy, c xo8 Houghton Charles W, p 4 House Ford Morris, c xos Leander James, c x6i Merrit, c X38 Thomas Jefferson Bradner, h 88 Houseman William Lynn, c 08 Hovey Edmund Otis, c 57, s X59 Howard Edwin Carleton, c 192 Hosea, s 33 Johnson, c X4O Oscar Frederick, c 08 Walter Simon, c 191 Ziba, c X37 Howd Emmott, c X93 Howe Burton Alonzo, c 09 Sherman Lorenzo, c 93, P 18 INDEX OF NAMES 375 Howell Abraham P, c 39, s X4i George, c X56 Howes Clarence Edmund, c 10 Oscar, c 50, p 16 Seth Ketcham, c x82 Howland Albert William, c xo8 Charles Abel, c 01 Hewlett Hinson Vernon, s 09 James David, c oo, s X03 Thomas Rosling, c 56, s 58 Hoxsie Samuel Ray, c x88 Hoyt John C, p 6, ii Wayland, c xsp, s x62 Hubbard Alfred B, c X35 Charles H, s 28 Floyd Morse, c 05 George Elijah, c 83 Giles Humiston, c 75, s 78, P 7 Gles Munro, c 09 Harvey, h 52 Horace Grover, s 58 Winfield Grover, s 88 Hubbell Alfred Squier, c xss, p 7 Alrick, p 10 Ebenezer S, s X24 Hudson Richard Dwight, c xg8 William Thomas, c 97 Hughes Albert William, c n Asa Malcolm, c 06, p 20 Charles Evans, c x8o David Charles, h 77 Walter Lincoln, c 96 Hulbert Eri Baker, c 163, s 65 George Henry, c 164 Wallace Clark, c 10 Hull Charles Firman, c 73, s x?4 Charles W, p i, 2 Humphrey Friend, p 3, 9 Luther, s 42 Robert Floyd, c xn Theodore F, p 10 Humpstone John, p 7 Hungate Francis Marion, c x8g Jesse Avery, c x82, s 85, p 7 Hunt Henry, c XS4 Hunter Forest Preston, c 01 George Rerford, s 72 George Scott, c xo4 John M, c x6s William, c 94, s 97 Huntington Ellery Channing, p 19 Jay, c 54, s 56 W Westel, s x6s William Arthur, s 87 Huntley Byron Eugene, c X49 James Austin, s 07 Leland J, c 43 WD, h59 Hurd William B, c x?i Hurlbert William Griswold. c 12 Hurlburt Edward Norton, c xo8 Hurlbut Roy William, c xn Hurn James Whittier, c 73 Huse Stephen Sanborn, c 98, s xoi Husted Edwin Winter, s 84 William Henry, c X44 Hutchins Edgar Burton, c 73, s x?5 Harvey S, c X54 Hiram, c 40 Horace Stowell, c X54 Joseph Rawson, s 75 Lyman, c 51 Stephen, s 130 Hutchinson James Howard, c 05 James Morris, c x86, s 86 William, s 24 Hyde Edgar Rhuel, c 97, s oo John Lyman, c x6i Robert H, p 3 Hyland Henry Patrick, c 90 Matthew Francis, c 98 Ide George Barton, h 48 George Osman, c xsi Ilsley Leonard, c 46, s 48 Ind Thomas Messiter, c 54, s 56 Ingalls Lovell, c X38 Ingersoll Thaddeus, c x63 Wilber Morgan, c 57, s 59 Ingham Albert Constantine, c X48 William Smith, p 3 Ingmire Frederick W, c X49 Ingraham Edgar Shugert, c 97, p 18 Irish Grin Leach, c 1 1 Irving Peter, c 49, s xsi Irwin George William, s X95 Joseph Young, c X94, s 95 Isham Robert Frederick, c 12 Ives Dwight, h 53 Harvey Miller, c 90, s 93 Rufus Elnathan, c xi2 Jackson Harvey Wheeler, c 1 1 George Henry, s 87 Jacobs Edwin T, c X38 Jacox William Henry, c 81 Jacques Francis Granger, c xs8 James Charles Francis, c 76 Charles H, s x62 David Thomas, c 59, s 61 Edward Le9nard, c 103 Jeffrey Livingston, s X94 T Evan, h 69 Thomas Lemuel, h 83 William, c 60, s 62 Jayne Asa Walter, c x?3 Jeffers Edward Marshall, c 87, s 90 George Collins, s 95 Jeffery Reuben, c 45, s 47, P 5 Jeffries John, p 2 Jencks Erasmus Norcross, c 4S Grove Phillips, c xso Jenkins Edmund Clay, s oo Horace, c 57, s 59 Manford Monroe, c or Timothy, h 59 Wellington Herbert, s X98 Jenks Almet Francis, h 06 Jennings Albert Thomas, c XO3 Frank Alvord, c X99 Percy Dunster, c 1 1 Russell, s X29 Jensen Joshua Charles, s 11 Jepson Thomas Edward, s 83 Jewett George D, c 68 Johns John, c 38 Johnson Benjamin Herbert, s 90 Burritt Byron, c xoi Charles A, c x64 Charles Homer, c 62, s 64 Charles T. c 40, s 42 Edwin Howard, c X93 Elias, s 23 Elias, p 12 Elmer William, c 07, s 10 Francis H, s 23 Frank Bertram, s XO3 Franklin, s 61 George, c 50 George Frank, c 90, s 93 George James, c 46, s 48 Gove Griffith, c 91, s 94, P 8 Isaac, p ii Lozetta Deloson, c 194 Ralph, p 4 Richard S, c X54 Solomon B, c 46, s 48 Wakeman G, s 26 Johnston Byron Byrd, c xn Samuel Carlisle, c 84 William Wilson, c x66 Jones Abraham Chester, s 196 Allen Albert, c 78, s 81 Charles Mason, s 84 Clinton Irving, s 189 Commodore Perry, c 50 David Henry, c 75, s 78 Edward Dale, h 66 Edward Newton, c x83 Elijah Brown, c 77 Ernest Frederic, s X97 Evan Mona, s 91 Everett Booker, c 05 Frederick Bird, c 98 Frederick Mason, c 09, P 21 Griffith, s 23 Harold, c 10 Harry Spencer, c 12 Hays, c xio Henry Valentine, h 51 Henry William, c 65, s 68 J E, h 62 Jacob Arthur, s 75. P 7, i? 376 COLGATE UNIVERSITY Jenkyn, c x66 John, c X4p John Buttrick, John J, p 7, ii John Tecumseh, s X29 Joseph Endom, c 76 Josiah Frederick, c 37, s 39 Morven Moore, h 53 Norden Reginald, c 12 Peter Franklin, c 54, s 54 Robert Taylor, c 73, s 75 Sherman, c 01 T A, c X46 Thomas, c X36 William Denison, c x?7 William Henry, c xoo Joslyn Myron Judson, s 73 Joy Percy Clark, c xi2 Judd Edwin Eugene, c xi2 Orrin Bishop, c 41, s 44 Orrin R, p 2, 8 Judson Edward, c x64, s x6g, p 7, ii, 15 Jutten David Benjamin, c 67, s 70 Kahchur, c 72 Kalligan Thomas Dwyer Joseph, c xio Kane Frederick Clinton, c x82 Kaplan Samuel, c 12 Kaprelian Daniel Garabed, c X93, s 85 Kaprielian Abraham Hagop, c xu Keator Eugene H, s xgo Keegan Claude Waldo, c xu Keely George, c 67, s x6g Keen Thomas Goucher, c X37 Keene John C, s X33 Keeney Claude Everett, c xos Keith Hosmer Hale, h 83, p 9, ii Kellam Charles R, c 36 Ray Hopkins, c xi2 William Arthur, s 98 Kelley Bernard Eugene, c xi2 Chauncy Regan, c x6g Kellogg Edward Ludlow, c xu Gordon Hill, c 06 Kelly David Frederic, s X93 John Devin, c 70 Ralph John, c 12 Robert, p 10 Kelsey Jesse S, c x8s William Baxter, c 97, s xoo Kempsey Matthew Chapman, c 60, s X62 Kempton George, c 39 Kendrick Asahel Clark, p 13 Clark, p i, 3 Nathaniel, p i, 2, 9, 13 Silas Nathaniel, h 56 Kennard Joseph Spencer, h 79 Joseph Spencer, c x82 Kennedy Crammond, c x6s Kennev Ira Everetts, c 46, s 48 Kent John Hampden, c 53 Kenyon Franklin LeRoy, c xu John Nathan, c xu Keough Henry James, c xo8 Ker Matthew, c X38 Kern Elmer Gardiner, c X78 Irving Isaac, c x84 John Williams, c 04 Kershaw George Washington, c x66 Ketcham Frederick, c 36, s X38 Kevser Charles, c 49, sxsr Herbert Fred, c n Kidder Frederic, h 53 Killam Harrv Benjamin, s 07 Kimball James Edward, c 48 Kimberly Eli, c X38 Kimmel Albert John, c 86 Kimmich Frederic Gottlieb, c xo6 Kincaid Eugenic, s 22 King Alfred Foster, c xi2 Austin Culver, c 07 Fred Howard, c 92, s 95 Henrv Melville, p V Herbert Paul, c xoo Irving Clarence, c xi2 John Veeder, c xoo Lvrnan R, c 36 Orville Townsend, c 07 WaUer Alonzo, c x89, s 93 WiHiam Harvey, c X46, p 5 Kingdon John, s x65 Kinesbury Edwin Foster, c 10 Ogden Joseph, c x89, s 89 William A, c x?o Kingsford Thomas Pettibone, c x8i, p 8, ii Thomson, p 5, n Kingsley Alvin, s X34 Amos, p i, 2 Clarence Darwin, c 97, P 18 Samuel Stillman, c 42, s X44 Victor M, c X42 Washington, 5x28 Kinmonth David Malcolm, c x8i Kinne David Niles, c xs8 Kinney T A, h 71 Kirkland Robert MacDonald, c X99 Kirkwood Thomas Jermain, c xo4 Klopp William Josiah, c 09 Klotz Walter Carl, c X97 Knapp Abram, c 40 Alvah Edward, c 90, s 99 Elmer Elias, c 90, s 93 Ezra B, h 88 Frank Lewis, c 75, s 78 Harvey Elihu, c 47, s 49 Jacob, s 24 Ralph Waldo, c 08 William Ireland, c 60, p 15 Kneeland Andrew Delos, c x88 Lerwick Lapeer, c 79, s 82 Levi, s 28 William Pharcellus, c 86 Knight Andrew Hellinger, s 96 Archibald Smith, c 92 Knights George Dicker, c 91 Knowlton Farnham, s 26 Miles J, c 51, s 53 Knox George Wesley, c xgo Kohler Francis Ulysses, c 99 Kolb William Leggett, c 76, s 79 Koonts Silas Paul, c 61 Kratz Frederick, s x?6 Krom Charles Sahler, c 07 Kronenberg Joseph Karl, c 10 Krug George Henry, c 09 Kyaw Moung, c 68, s x?o La Bell Martin James, h 87 Ladd James S, c 40 Ladue Fred Whiting, c 12 LaGrange John, c X54, s 56 LaHatt Charles H, s 23 Lahey John Augustus, c 09, p 20 Lake Isaac B, c X4O Laleme John, s X29 Lamb Anthony, c 35, p 14 Thomas G, c 40, s 42 Land R H, c X46 Landon Lyndon Holt, c xoo Melville DeLancy, c x63 Lane Benjamin I, p 3 Comfort V, c X38 Frank Bennett, c X99 Lang Freeman Parker, c 55, s xs? George Wells, c 93 Langworthy Howard Tracy, c xo9 John Martin, c 58 Orthello Sidney, c 89 William Franklin, c 87, p 21 Lapham Lorenzo Strong, c x63 INDEX OF NAMES 377 Larcombe James Andrew, s 02 LaRiew Zalmon Chase, c 97 Larkin Albert Edwin, c 94 John Walter, c 03 LaRue Silas Hoffman, c x6o Lasher George William, c 57, s 59, p 2, 6 Lathrop Edward, c 39, s X4i, p n Latimer Peter, s 26 Lattimer George McLaren, c 12 Walter Scott, c 90 Launt Francis Albemarle Delbret- son, c 82 Lautz John, c xio Lavender Frank Gilyard, s 09 Law Charles Blakeslee, c X95 Eli Blakeslee, c 56, s xs8 William Consider, c 197 Lawler Joseph Gregory, c xo8 Lawrence Amos, c xs8 Joseph Spencer, c 75 William Mangam, c 70, 571, p 8, 9, ii, 21 Laws Herbert Newton, s 12 Martin Luther, c x64 Lawson Albert Gallatin, h 76 George Benedict, c 88, 3x91 James T, p 7 Justus Vint on, c xs? Lawton Arthur Thomas, c x82 George Mosse, c 45 Isaac, c X40 Joseph A, c X39 William Seabrook, c X46 Lay William Odell, c xgi Leach Beriah N, s 24, p 2, 13 Clarence Wells, c 06 Daniel F, c X43 Henry Curtis, c x?o Learning Jonathan Furman, c X44 Rush G, c 58 Leary Fred Gray, c 04 Samuel Berkley, p 8 Leavenworth Ellis Willard. c 05 Leavitt Benjamin F, c X4i Leber Charles, c 05 Leeds George Thomas, s X95 Leet William, c 48, s xso Leete John Hopkin, c 94 LeFevre Frank Newkirk, c xi2 Leftwich Price Alpheus, c X75 Leggett Halstead Howe, c xo2 Leith George Washington, c 12 Leland Marshall W, c X37 Lemon Charles Augustus, c 92 James Frank, c 88 Lenihan Daniel Joseph Supple, c 12 Lent Daniel Elliott, c X53 Leonard Asa King, c 07, p 21 Edward Walker, c 12 Frank Edward, c n James Sidney, c 93 Lewis, h 53, p 3 Richard Applegate, c X57 S R, c X42 Theodore Stuart, c x?6 Walter Adnah, c 96 William Joseph, c x8o Wirt Smalley, c 10 LeRoy Alphonzo, s 73 Lester Fred Volney, c 86 Lever David, c 10 Leverett James Walker, ess Lewis Arthur Clyde, c 04 Ceylon Harris, c 73, p n Charles Davis, c x$6 David M, c x6s David S, s X02 Edgar Alexander, c 98 Edmund Harris, c xo6 Frederick Woodsome, c xo8 Harris Ward, c 04 Irving Burgess, c 87 John James, c x64, p 15 Joseph Brown, c x6? Karl Wager, c xi2 Robert Ernest, c 04 William Allen, c 59, p 6 Liepsner Benjamin Franklin, c 74 Lillybridge Freeman, c 46 Lincoln Bradford Heman, h 61 David, c x6i Levi J, s 59 Thomas Oliver, h 56, p 5 Linden John M, c xoi Lindsay Andrew, c 58, s 62 Peter, c x8o, s x8i Linn Willis, c xio Linsley Earle Garfield, c 04 Lisle David Bevan, c 04 Herbert, c 1 1 Warren Erskine, c 07 Litchfield Andrew Fuller, c xsg Elisha, p 3 Little Hervey, s X29 Livermore Lark Southgate, c 48 Samuel Truesdell, c 50 Livingston Thomas, s xo6 Lloyd David J, c 38 Frederick Osborn, c 81,. s x84, p 7 Hinton Summerfield, c 56, s 58, p 2, 6, 16 Locke Justus Vinton, c x86 William E, c 35, s X37 Lockhart Albert Edwin, c 91 William E, c 63, s 65 Lockwood Stafford Carr, c x$8 Loeber John Tyndal, c 12 Loegler Frank Charles, c xo~ Logan John Hubbard, p 20 Long Edward, s 08 Longlois Peter, s X29 Loomis Edwin Lawson, c xio Elmer Howard, c 83 Fred Manville, c 85 Harry Hunt, c xi2 Horace Bronson, c 54 Isaac Newton, c 45 JC, PS . John Lewis, c 159 Justin Rolph, s X32 Lord Edward C, c 44, s 46 Loring Lucius, c X46 Lorymer William Tindal, s XO3 Loucks Edwin, c 77 Joseph Boyer, c 1 1 Louderback Judson Defoe, c X93 Loudon Kenneth Brewster, c X09 Lough Samuel Parkinson, s 12 Lounsbury AT, c X59 Loupe Daniel Andrew, c xo6 Love John, s 70, p 6 Lovejoy Charles Edgar, c X92 Lovett Eldon Herbert, c x?7, s 85 Frederick Crosby, c 96 Lowe Uriah Smith, c X5i Lowry William Todd, c 66, s 68 Loyd Elbert Hilles, c 99 Lucas J, P 6 Lucus Thomas D'Arcy, c 04 Lumbar W T Sherman, c xga, s X92 Lusk Robert, h 49 Sylvester Jeremiah, s 64 Luther Fred, c x?4 Lyford Edward Tuck, c x64 Lyman Daniel Woodbury, s 95 Homer Child, c 87, s 90 Judson Guitteau, s X4Q Lynch "Daniel Matthew, c 10 Lyon Aaron Clement, c X56, s 60 378 COLGATE UNIVERSITY Adoniram Judson, c 65, s 67 Ernest Neal, c 97 Franklin Smith, c 152 Henry Corbin, c 75 John Stanley, c x8s Roger Henry, h 65 William Ely, c 55, s x$7 Lyons Francis Patrick, c 05 Patrick John, c xgo Lytle Claude Carl, c XQQ Mabey Clayton Gaston, c 98 McAllester William Charles, c x?s McAllister George Victor, c xos Harry James, c X93 Mac Arthur Archibald, c X93 MacCall Charles Augustus, c xg6 McCarthy James Francis, c xi2 William Cookson, c 58 McClean Oscar R, c x66 McClements Albert Frederick, c 10 MacClymont David Thomas, c 73, s X75 McCollum Frederick Ames, c 09 McCoy Davis Haynes, c xso Richard Thurman, c 12 McCullough James Porter, s 84 McDonald John Wagener, s 31 McDoniels Joseph Wheeler, s 02 MacDonnell Edward Thomas, c 10 McDougal A, h 59 MacDowell Richard Lawrence, c xo8 McFadden Walter Lewis, c xog MacFarlan James Patrick, c 04 McFarland David, h 60 McGahen James Henry, s 73 McGough John Francis, c 10 McGown Roy Edmund, c 12 (gradu- ate student) McGraw Hiram Ward, c 12 MacGregory Albert Cook, c X92, p 18 McGregory Joseph Frank, p 16 McGuire William Jackson, c x86 Machen James Hudson, s 10 Machum Waldo Carson, s 10 Mclntire James Johnson, c X53 Mclntosh Ralph, s xo8 Maclntyre Freeman Arthur, c 12, p 21 Mclntyre William, c 61 Mack Levi M, s X33 William Gansevoort, c xg8 McKay Oscar Reed, c 87, s 90 McKean Horace Grant, c 89 McKearin John Wilson, c 09 McK.ee n John Scott, c 64, s 67 McKeg Joseph Sewall, c 06 McKelvey Lawrence Breinard, c X03 McKelway St Clair, h 83 McKendrie Edward Jackson, c XS3 McKenna Ephraim Daniel, c x88 Erwin John, c 85, s x88 McKinley Livingston, c xg6 McKinney Charles Edward, c 182 McLallen J ames, c X3 7 John Elias, c 72, s x?4 McLatchy Edward Burnard, s 97 MacLaurin Donald Drummond, c 81, s x84, p 8 Maclay Walter, c X95 McLean Henry Clay, c xgi MacLellan Robert Inglis, c 93, s 97 MacMillan Hugh Ross, c XO2, s 03 McMinis Samuel, c xg8 MacMurray David Adams, c 90, s X93 McNally William Francis, c 10 MacNeil Norman Augustus, s 07 Macomber Edward, 5x31 McOwan James Campbell, c 10 McPhail Daniel, c 38 Duncan Martin Luther, c xoi Macpherson Donald John, s 08 McPherson George Wilson, s 95 McWhorter David, p 4 McWilliams Robert, s 87 Maginnis John Sharp, p 14 Main William Holloway, s 87, p 7 Mallarian Casbar Hagop, c X92 Mallery Richard Bentley Rolla, c xgo, 591 Mallory Hervey Foster, c 90 Norman Clark, c 61, s 63 Orson Erskine, c 61 Maltby C O, p 6 Mance Grover Cleveland, c 06 Manchester William Henry, c x8s Manee Abram Herbert, c 84, s 78 Mangano Antonio, c xgS, p 20 Mangum Pearl Damon, s xo8 Manguse William P, c 90 Manley Thomas Norton, c xi2 Mann Joseph Billings, c x?2 Levi Leonard, c 46 Manning Major C, c xso Richard J, c x86 Manton Joseph Randall, s X47 Many James Warren, c X94, s 97 Manzer Harry Melbourne, s 10 Marcy Sherman Harrison, c 88, 391 William Larned, p 9 Marean Herbert Wheeler, c or Marenes Burton Henry, c 92, s 95 Markham Bradford Pierce, c 177 Marsh Asa, c 36 Claudius Andrew, c xoi Orma Neil, c 03 Marshall Benjamin DeForest, c X49 Troward Harvey, s 06 Walter Leonard, c 12 Marston George Burton, c 02 Martin Albert, s xsg Duey Lorenzo, c 84, s 87 Herbert Alexander, c xi2 Herbert Eugene, c 94 Lester Robert, c 10 Louis Edwin, h 91, p 20 Moses Jasper, c 75, s x?8 Samuel Sanford, c 43 Marvin Isaac, c 40 Maryott David P, c 42 Mason Alanson Porter, c 36, s 38 Augustus Francke Her- mann, c x63 Charles, h 52, p 10 Darwin Norman, s x6o Frank Heath, c X93 George Wesley, c 64 James Haswell, c 78 James Orley, c 36, s X38 Jerome Truman, c X48 Joseph, h 59 L, c X47 Marcus Clark, c 72, s 74, p Walter Clark, c 99 Warren, c 59 Matchett William Bramwell, c xss Mather Sedgwick, c 86 William, p 14 Mathews John, c 58, s 60 Mathewson Clarence, c xo9 INDEX OF NAMES 379 Matteson Leonard Jerome, c 58, s 60, p 2, 6 Leonard Jerome, c n William Bleecker, c 82, s x86 Matthewes Ross, c 72, s 76 Matthews Edward, c 38 Maurer Henry Burnham, c x86 Maver John Gordon, s 72 Maxfield Clarence Emory, c x88, s x88 Maxim Florian Burse, c x?4 Maxson William Bliss, h 58 Maynard Justus Edward, c 58, s 60 William Hale, s 58, p 16 William Luther, c 90 Mazany Mark Stephen, c xo8 Mead Edward Allison, c xg8 Meade Wright Gilbert, c x8o Meech William Witter, c X54 Meeks Ogden P, s 74 Meeson John Davidson, c 47, s 49 Meidt George Sauter, c xoi Melotte George Herbert, s x~8 Merchant James Hamilton, c 87 Meredith Edward Fayette, c 70 Merriam Edward Allen, c X92 Mylpn, s 42 William Warriner, s 63 Merrifield Austin Sherwin, c 64, s 66 Elliott Plympton, c 53, s 55 Irving Newton, c 89 Merrill Almeron Henry, s 1 1 Archie Shepard, c n, p 21 Austin Cook, c xo? Bergen Stelle, c xo8 Cyrus Howland, c 73, s 75 Fred Stillman, c xos George Abbot, c 10 George Edmands, p 13, 18 Howland Cyrus, c 90, s X93 Merriman Josiah Charles, c 10 Titus Mooney, h 64 William Henry, s 85 Merritt Ewan, c X48 Nathaniel, c X48 Mershon William West, c X49 Metcalf Joseph Orlando, s 45 Mets James Andrew, c X94 Metz Allen Lapp, c xg8 Meyer George Henry, c 89 Middlebrook Egbert Ralph, c 59 Middleditch Robert Henry, s 88 Robert Thomas, h 58 Thomas Jarman, c 76 Midkiff Frank Elbert, c 12 Morris Ezra, c 1 2 Migel Julius Adolphus, c 05 Mikels William S, c 43, s 45, p 5 Milbank Dunlevy, p 1 1 Miles Edward, c x?8 Nelson Appleton, h 10 Miller Abraham Gray, c 74 D Henry, h 53 Edward Snodgrass, c x?8 Emil John, c x87, s 88 Emmett Carpenter, c 01 Frank Emery, s 60 George Sayre, c n Harvey, c X38 Horton George, c 67 Jacob Gerritt, s 52 (gradu- ate student) James Edgar, c 02 Justus, p 7 Lewis Hackaliah, c 74 Mortimer Reynolds, c X93 Mott, c 1 1 William George, s 26 Millington Yale Oldknow, c xog Mills Albert Ryerson, c X99, s 02 Charles Elmendorf, c 9? Chichester, c X46 G A, c X46 George Sherman, s xgs Herbert Henry, s 72 Malcolm Marcellus, c 75, s 78 Pelatiah W, c X38 Milman Frank Jonathan, c X97 Maurice, c xi2 Milne James Mollison, h 85 Minch Lewis Willard, c X92 Miner Absalom, s 29 Bradley, 5x31 Mitchell A P, cxsi Edward David, c oo James A, c x?i John Hampton, s XO5 William Seth, c 66 Mix Brenett Jasper, c 78, s x8i Frank Lyman, c xn Mixer Albert Harrison, c 48, s 50 Molyneux Harry Samuel, c X95 Montgomery Daniel Dexter, c 09 Eugene Deming, c X92 Ralph Dimmick, c 07 William H, p 6 Moon William Parkinson, c 57 Moore Andrew Richardson, c 86, s x8 ? Calvin Cowing, c 46, s 48 Elmer Williams, c 12 Everett W, c 58 Frank Beecher, c 88 Frank Robertson, c 75 Halsey, s 71, P 7 Isaac Davis, c 90 John L, s 31 LaFayette, s 74 Pitt Holland, c 76, s 79 Robert Webber, p 17 T A, c 04 William Havens, c xn William Henry, c x63 William James, c 86 Mooshie John, c 01, s X04 Moran Frank Thomas, c 09 More Brewster Brick, c xio Morey Reuben, s X32 Warren Bingley, c 40 William Justus, c X93, s 94 Morgan Charles Otis, c 77 Edwin, c X94 Edwin Drew, c 190 Hiram Almeron, c 52, s 53 Morley Butler, c X43 John T, c X43 Morrell Henry Beaumont, c X98 Morris Frank Richard, c 94, s 97 Morrison John H, c 44 Morse Andrew Jackson, c x62 Buckley Carll, c 38 David, c XS7, s XS9 Ezra Minor, c 02 Jerome Bonaparte, s 56 John Howard, c xgo Levi, c 44 Lewis Doyle, s 10 (gradu- ate student), p 20 Silas, s X34 Zenas, p 10, 13 Morton Charles, s 27, p 2, 5 Thomas, c 79 Moseley A, p 4 Jirah Baker, 0x49 Moses Chester Davis, s xoo Mosher Charles Andrus, c xn Mosier Lee Hadley, c xgo, s 90 Watson James, c 82, s x86 Moss Joseph, p 3 Mott Charles Addison, 0x51 David Crocker, c 58 Frederick, c x$i James Leonard, c x86 Joseph Addison, c X97 Moxley Safford Darwin, s x66 Mudge Wareham, c xso Mulder William, c x64 Munger Harland DeBenham, c xog Munro David Allen, p 5, 10 Edwin Knapp, c 01 Fayette Smith, c 95 Isaac Hill, c X7i, p n John, p 3, 10 John, c 44, p 10 John S, p i, 7 Philip Allen, c 95 380 COLGATE UNIVERSITY Squire, p i, 2 Thomas Hill, c x?3 Murch Charles Henry, s xp4 Murdock Carleton Chase, c 07 John Nelson, h 51 Murphy Howard William, c 92 John Francis, c 70, s 72 John Ridgeway, c 49 Murray Edward Paul, c 04 William Stanley, c 10 Muzzy George Bacon, c xs6 Lawson, c 39, s 41 Thomas J, c X43 Myattway Arthur Kyahnyo, c 83, s x86 Lewis Loomoung, c x83 Myer Enos C, c X36 Nairn John Bicket, s x?9 Nash Charles F, c x6o Charles Henry, c 63, s x6$ John Anson, c 42, s 44 William Langdon, s 93 Nasmith Augustus Inglesbe, c 04, s 07 Charles Roy, c 04 Jared Spalding, c x?9, s 80 Nason J H, c x62 Negus Cyrus William, c 96, s 99 Nellis George W, s xoo Nelson Martin Remington, c x86 Samuel Gifford, s 81 Nevinger Frederick John, c 99 Newberry Albert George, s 01 Newcomb Walter Cattell, c 10 Newell Arthur Daniel, c x?8 Harry Emory, c 94 Isaac D, s 31 James Edward, c 86 Perry Selim, c xio Newins Damon Foster, c xog Newkirk Beauman Lowe, c X97 Newland Frank Herrick, c X97 Newman Armstrong Mason, c 76 Richard David, c xos Newton Albert Russell, c 56 Charles McKenzie, c 99 David F, c X38 Frank Henry, c 73, s 75 J M, p 6 Nice William James, c X43 Nichols Albert Ernest, c 07 Alfred Charles, c 74 Charles Alvord, c 76, s 79 Chellis Everett, c 82, s 84 Dyer Aylesworth, s 29 Ernest Fox, h 09, p 17 Lucius W, c 45 S B Hebard, c xs8 Samuel Whitney, c 74, s X77 Nicholson Charles Frederic, c x63 Walter Curtis, c 06 Nickerson James, p 4, 10 Niles Albert, c x$8 Charles Lyman, c X59 Isaac, c 42 Nims Herbert Edward, c 95, P 18 Nisbet John Rae, c 50 Nobbs Samuel Bastin, c x88, s 88 Noble Richard, s xoi Nock William T, c x68 Norris Ralph Thomas, c 03 North Edward, h 87 Northrop Carey V, s 88 Stephen Abbott, c 76 Northup Emanuel, c 79 Robert Miles, c 08 Northway Selah Ellsworth, c 10 Norton Charles Cole, c X52 David, p 2 George Alson, c X94 Harry Adams, c xg6 N Jerome, c 52 Noves Pierrepont Burt, c X92 Nucko, s X29 Nufifer Harry Daniel, c xi2 Nunn Samuel Johnson, s x8s Nye James Warren, c X35 Oakes John Leonard, c 02 Oakley Maskin Clark Baker, s 66 Oaksford John Milton, c xgy Oatman David Colburn, c x63 Ober Merrill Joseph, c X99 O'Brien William Joseph, c xio Odell Delevan Daniel, c 79 Thomas B, c x66 Ogden Philo Frisbe, c 73, s 75 Olcott Charles Augustus, c 10 Olds Floyd Jerome, c 03 Oliver Charles Herbert, c 99, s 02 Olmstead Charles, p 5 Cyrus, c xs8 Jonathan, p i, 2 Olmsted Jeptha Montrose, s 92 Olney Edward, h 53 Onderdonk James Andrew, c 60 William White, s 88 O'Neill Albert Thomas, c xog Orchard Malcolm Lewis, s :o Orton Charles Whitfield, c xi2 Harlow S, c X39 Philo Atwood, c xs8 Osborn Abraham Coles, c 55, s 58, p 6, ii Charles Lucien, c 75 David, c X47 Jedadiah Wheeler, c 43 Kendrick Lucien, c xi2 Lucien M, c 47, s X49, p 15 Luke, c 50 Thomas Ward, c 60 William, c x86 Osborne Francis E, h 68 Osgood Artemas, p 3 David Franklin, c 91 Samuel W, p i, 2 Osol Theodore, c xg8 Osterheld Frederick Schauffler, c 12 Osterhout John Vanleuven, c x66 Ostrander S M, h 63 Overton D'Alanson, c xso Owen Daniel D, s X74 William Charles, c x88, s 89 Z Hibbard, c x69 Owens Charles Lewis, c xoi Richard Spurgeon, s 07 Pack Matthew Rial, c 10 Packer Horace, c X4i Perry Green, c 6r Paddock Franklin Kittredge, c x63 Hiram Cole, c X4i Lucius H, c X52 William LeRoy, c 73 Page Emery Harkness, c X47 Morris Alfred, c 50 Pahkautoo, c 73, s 75 Paige Ernest Linton, c 09 Ruel Bertram, c xog Paine Lemuel Covell, c xso Palmer Albert Gallatin, h 50 Bela, c X40 Charles W, c X59 Ephraim, p 5 Ethan Benjamin, c 60, s 63 Floyd DeForest, c 04 Francis, c 59 Henry Elias William, c 55 Judson Howell, c x68 Miner C, p 5 Mott Marsh, c 09 Nelson, c 49 Ray Burdette, c xio Ray Ellis, c xio Rozel C, c X38 Theodoric Romeyn. h 55 William Ledyard, c 56, s 59 Park Charles Clinton, c X36 Parke Clayton More, c 68 William More, c oo INDEX OF NAMES 381 Parker Aaron, s 130 David Livingstone, s xpy David Otho, c 58, s 60 Edward Albert, c 02 Frederic Charles Wesby, c xoo Isaac S, c X45 James, c x6s James Melbourne, c x62 Milton Augustus, c 06 Philo Woodworth, c 12 Shubael Stiles, c 46, s X48 William, c X44 Parkhurst James Wallace, c x62 William Jefferson, c 50, s 52 Parks Edward A, c 09 George Wesley, c 85, s x88 Parmelee Dan Steel, h S3 Earle Ward, c xo8 Parmely Levi, c 40, s X42 Parmly Wheelock Hendee, s 44 Parry Francis John, s 74 George Leslie Everett, c 12 Henry Herbert, c 82, s 85 Parsons Everett Joseph, c xgg Frank Clark, c 07 Isaac S, c 138 James Smith, c xp6 Walter Bergen, c 91 Partridge Earl Ashmore, c 04 Warren Graham, c 78, s 82 Pasciuta Amedeo, page 333 Paskp William Judson, s 92 Patch Jerome Bonaparte, c 55 Paterson Robert Adams, s 58 Patt Hermann George, c 06 Pattengill Willis Wayland, c x?o Patterson C Venton, c X75, s 79 Charles Gordon Allen, c 61 David Bennett, s 90 Eli Harris, c x8? John B Thomas, c xs6, s 58 John Griffin, c 84, s 90 William Lee, c X95 Pattison Thomas, c 56, s 63 Thomas Harwood, h 80 Patton Alfred Spencer, h 65 John Ferris, c 55 Paul Darius Haines, c 50, s 52 Payne Charles C, p 4, 10 Charles R, p 7 Edward Payson, c x6o Elisha, p i, 2 Henry Herbert, s x86 Philip Clare, c x88 Samuel, p i, 2 Sereno Elisha, c x64 a body Henry Harrison, c 65, s 67, P ii Peacock John Carritte, s 10 Pease August H, c X44 Isaac Newton, c 56, s 58 William H, c 66, s 68 Peck Alfred Wallace, c 58 Alonzo, p 5, 10 David Abijah, c 46, s 48 Ezra Jones, 0x51 Frederick Arthur, s n Joel, s 25 John, p 2 Lewis, c 44 Linus Mead, s 46 Melville Canby, c 08 Nathan, p 2 Philetus B, c 36, s 38 Peddie John, c 62, s 65 John Wayland, c XQ4 Peek William Seymour, c X97, s 97 Peggs Richard, p 5 Pellet Frank Feno, c 06 Peloubet Alexander, c 71, s 73 Pelton - Asahel, s 25 Pendleton Charles Stanton, s 90 Cornelius Welles, c x8i Ralph, c 58 William Henry, h 62, p 5 Penney Egbert R, c X39 Frank Dee, c 85, s 88 Roscoe Conkling, s oo Pentecost George Frederick, h 70 Hugh Owen, s X72 Percival Frank Carreton, c xgi Perkins Aaron, p 3 Charles Bodwell, c 71, s 73 Charles Henry, c X58 Judson Orren, c 72, s 74 Nehemiah M, c 41, s 44, p 5 Wilson Newton, c 02 Perrotta Antonio, page 333 Perry George Powell, c 82, s 86 Gideon R, s X24 Herbert Judson, s 05 Hermon, c X49 Persons A Manly, c x66 Reuben, c X46 Petrelli Guiseppe, p 2 r Pettes Benjamin Hiram, c 93 Petteys Ellison David Whipple, c 82 Pettit George, p 3 J E, p s Ossian Columbus, c xso Pfeiffer Harry Nelson, s xos Phelps Charles Howard, c X94 J C, s x S i Joseph Joshua, s x?5 Sylvanus Dryden, h 54 Philips George, c xsi Gustavus Newman, Josiah, c X49 Philleo Calvin, p 3 Phillimore John Jessup, s X94 Phillips David, c 40 Elnathan Gooding, c 72,574 John Walter, c x83, s x8j William Carey, c 149 William Carey, c 79, s x82 Phipps Charles Belding, c 01 Howard Morton, c 07 Pickard John Atkinson, c 60, s 62 Robert, c 61 Pickett Louis Alvah, c xgS, s 98 Piddock Charles Albert, c 72, s x?4 Pierce Alvah, p 2, 9 Charles Clark, c 88, s 91 Elisha W f c 45, s 47 Francis Theophilus, c xs6. P 6, ir Frank Burchard, c 88 George, h 59 George Ross, c 59, s 61 Hallett Ray, c n Ira Orlando, c 58, s 60 J Osgood, c X47, p 4 James Andrus, c 73 James Reynolds, s xoo Philander, c X4& Pierson Franklin D, c X36 Joseph Judson, c x8o Pike Samuel, p 3 Pilgrim Thomas J. s X29 Piper Harry Paul, c 12 Pixley George Vail, s 01 Place Perley Oakland, h 12 Plant William Olier, c xio Plass Everett Dudley, c 07 Platner Eugene Christopher, c 02, s 05 Platt Abraham, c 40 Daniel, s 25 Charles DeLoss, c x63 Plumer Luther Boutel, s 79 Pope Carey Joseph, c 83, s x86 Daniel Eaton, c 59 David Berge, c x?6, s 75 Eugene Madison, c 82 J L, c X46 John Deming, c 56, s xsS, P6 Porter Frank Donald, c 02 Isaac Francis, c 65 James H, c xoo Lemuel, h 54 Morris Newton, c 06 Oliver, c 138 S Lewis, c xo8 Post Charles B, c 44 David Evander, c 75. s 78 George ^Frederick, c X4O Homer Lockwood, c 99 John D, h 53 382 COLGATE UNIVERSITY Potter Aaron, s 50 Albert Knight, h 81 Arthur Barlow, c 91, s 97 Asaph LeRoy Livingston, c 42 Daniel Collins, c 73 Franklin Hazen, c 92 Frederick Augustus, c 81, s 84 Henry Sterling, c 92, s 95 Merritt Albert, c x6a William Terrill, c 55, s 57 Potts Nathaniel A, s x88 Powell Enoch, c XQ3, s X94 Pleasant Lee, p 8 Robert, p i Thomas Benjamin, c xo6 Thomas W, s x6s Powers Charles Ransom, c 81 Ingraham, c xa8 Prall Jeptha Carver, c 61 Pratt Charles, c 69 Gilbert Edwin, c X57 Henry Hyde, c xoo Hiram Alden, c X48 Horatio, s 28 James Hervey, c 47, s 49 Silas, s 26 Willard Leslie, c xos William Moody, c 37, s 39 William Woodbury, c 79 Prentice Albert Melville, c 67, s 69, P 7 Ernest Arthur, c 98 Ralph M, c 36, s 38 Roswell Randall, c 41, s 44 Prescott Cyrus Dan, h 80 Francis, c 40 Harold Arthur, c xo? Preston Colburn, c 147 David Christie, c X9O Price Herman Arthur, c X97 Thomas, h 48 Prichard Robert Samuel, c 08 Prit-hard Charles William, s 192 Proctor Frank D, s 95 Frederick Towne, h 09 Harry Travels, s 99 Milton David, c 08 Pulis John David, c 61 Purington William F, c 43, s 45 Purnton Harry Edward, c 94 Jesse Martin, c 137 Thomas, c xsi Thomas E, s 134 Puteri Vittorio, page 333 Putnam Benjamin Porter, c X4S Daniel, p 2 James W, s 72 Joseph Elliott, c X45 Pyne John, c xs6 Pyper James, h 52 Quackenbush S, c xs8 Quackinbush John B, c X38 Quincy William Josiah, c 76, s 79 Race Ernest Ethan, c 91 Radford Charles Jesse, c X4i Ralston Chester Fair man, h 10, p 8 Rambaut Thomas, h 60 Randall Charles, p 3 Charles, s 30 John Herman, c 92 Josiah, h 60 Walter Ratcliffe, c xo3 William Harrison, c 50 William Henry, c x8o Randolph Edwin Merrill, c 98 Runyon F, c XS2 Warren, h 59 Rankin George Rudolph, c xn Ransted Lewis, s 33 Ratcliff Darius Mitteer, c to Ratcliffe Charles Ephraim, c x8g Rathbone Henrv Bailey, c X97 Isaac Turner, c X48 Rawson Joseph Cephas, c 08, s 10 Ray George Washington, h 05 John Lafayette, s 74. P 8 Raymond John Howard, c 36, s 38, D o, to, 14 Robert Raikes, c X36, < 42 Read Charles B, c xso Daniel, c X48, p 6 Hiram Walter, c X45 Melbourne Stuart, p 18 Samuel, s 31 Reed Alanson, c 35 Edwin D, c 38, p 5 Fred Wellington, c 03 Harry Wilfred, c 80, s x83 St Clair Griffin, c x88 William Ashton, c 49 John Gwilym, c n Reimherr Frederick William, c 07 Reineman Frederick George, c 58, s 60 Relyea Augustus Ephraim, c xgo Solomon S, s 48 Remington Avon Charles, c X02 C H, c X54 Frank, h 57 Retan Fred Smith, c 89, s X92 Reynolds Albert E, c x66 Alphaeus Bruce, c 98 Artemus Ward, c 85, s 88 Asa Edward, c 64, s 66 Clarence Eugene, c xi2 Frederick George, s 10 Jabez Ernest, s 09 Levi R, s 73 Marshall Stafford, c 10 Nelson, s 90 Newell Lent, c 53 Philander, c 62 Robert Jones, c xs6 Rhees Rush, h 01 Rhinehart Arthur Freeman, c xg8 Rhoades Richard Montgomery, s 57 Rhodes Daniel, c 173 Neil Strong, c xo6 Stephen O, s x6s Rice Elial Jay, c 54 Elijah Forbes, s 04 (gradu- ate student) Gerritt Albert, c X09 Lorenzo, c X38 Luther, s X29 Seth Carlos, c 157 William H, c X38 Rich John Adams, s 75 Warren Walter, c 84 Richards Henry Stanley, c 09 Humphrey, s 42 John M, c X43 Paul S, s X28 William Carey, c 40 Richardson Charles Herbert, c x6o Esquire, p 3 Fred Herbert, c xgo, s 95 Henry McQueen, c 49, 3x51 John Fram, c 35, p 14 Leonard, p 6 Marshall Sterling Weeks, s 07 R M, h 46 Thomas, h 63 Willard Durant, c 79 Richmond Charles M, c X4i Edwin, s 90 Henry Merritt, c 85 Judah L, s 33 Riddell Mortimer Sheldon, s 60 Rudolph Romeo, s 71 Riddlebarger Madison, c 53 Rider Arthur John, c 12, p 21 Isaiah, c X59 Wakeman, c 04 Rifenburgh George LaFayette, c X94 Rimpo Edward William, c xio Rines George Edwin, c X93, s 93 Risler Thomas C, c X44 Risley Adna Wood, c 94, p 19 Clinton Eugene, c 09 Don Chauncey, c xo8 Edwin H. p ii Everett Edwin, h 10 Ritchie George Gavin, c X49 Rittenhouse Abijah, c 54 George, s 08 Roantree William Fox, c 04 Robbins Benjamin, c X4i INDEX OF NAMES 383 Francis L, c 154 George Ridgway, c 74, s 76 William Fletcher, s 08 Roberts James Flanders, c xi2 John William, c 90 Malcom, c X48 Newell Wells, c 08 Raymond Parsons, c 97 Thomas Benjamin, c x$6 Timothy H, h 77 Walter F, p 8 William Noel, c 10 Robertson Reuben H, c x6i Robillard Joshua, s x88 Robinson Arthur Thomas, s xg8 Calvin, c xso Charles, 3x31 Demas, c 38 Edwin True, c xs8 Elihu, c X35 Joseph White, c 72, s 74 Leonard Dorin, c xs8 Peter, c 36 Ulysses Grant, c X94 W P. h 62 Wille Maxson, c 66, s 68 Robords Charles I, c XS2 Israel, s 29 Robson Seward, c 75, s 81 Rockwell Burton Orville, c 81, s 83 Delos, c x62 George Willard, c X94 Lemuel Mitchell, c xn Roe George N, c X40 Rogers Alexander Hamilton, h n Alfred William, c 94 Artemas, c 42 Daniel, c 71, s 73 Edward Alexander, c x87, s 87 Euclid Beauclerc, c X7i, s x87 Harold Edward, c X09 James Walter, c xo3 Orlo S, c X4O Thomas, c xs8 Rolfe James Arthur, c X97 Romine Edward Chapman, c 67, s 69 Roney William, c 43, s 45 Roorbach George Byron, c 03 Root Anson, c X37 Daniel M, s X3i Harry Manning, c 05 Jarvis Alexander, c 01 Wayne Addison, c 05 William Lord, c oo Roots Peter Philanthropus, p i, 2 Roscoe Frank Irving, c 83, s 86 Rose Abram Taylor, c 50, s 52 Everette Pomeroy, c xio Henry Arnold, c X52 Olney Jay, c x?6, s xj6 Ross Charles Eugene, c xoo, s X98 Jonathan S, c X45 Rothwell James Warren, c 12 Rowe Arthur Chase, c 96 Frederick William, c 87 Harry John, c 12 Rowell Fenton Craig, c 88, s 192 Rowland Eugene Andrews, c 84, p II Rowlands Hugh Owain, c 72, s 74, p 6 John, h 8 1 William Randall, c 74, p9 Willis Locke, c 91 Rowley Loren Allen, s X92 Royce Edward, c X43 Rue Adoniram Judson, c 75 Rugg Martin Lebaron, c X77, s 80 William Henry, c 62, s 65 Ruggles Allen Mead, c xo^ Ruland Frank Shields, c oo Obadiah Martin, c 01 Rumsey John Da vies, c 84, s 88 Judson Smith, c oo Rundle Robert Alfred, c 10 Rundlett Carl Allan, c 09 Runge Walter, c 06 Runyon Charles, c 96 William Henry, c x6i Rury Levi L, c X77, s X77 Russell Charles Albert, c x?6 Ernest Bert, c 10 George L, c X36 James Robinson Graves, s 08 Maurice Blanchard, s 96 Norman Felt Shelton, c 01 Wells C, p 5 William Jay, c x64 Ryder Daniel B, c 67 William Smith Mikels, c x?6 Sackett John Buel, c 41 Philo William, c 71 Sage James Hammond, c 62 Oren, p 4 St John Benjamin, s X26 Walter Deming, c 90 William Andrus, c 87 Salathe Albert Jacob, c 10 Salisbury Earl P, c 38, s 40 Salmon Lucy Maynard, h 12 Saltarelli Pietro Eddy, page 333 Sampson Harold Morton, c xi2 San Myat, c 72, s X74 Sanborn Frederick Leslie, c x86 Sanders Charles Walton, h 47 Henry Martin, p 7, n Stephen Douglas, c xo8 Sanford Alfred Taylor, c 78, s x8r Chester Christian, c xio Ernest LeVere, c 02 Ezra Terry, s 94 Heman Howes, c 51 Jacob, s 93 Jonathan, p 3 Saphore Edwin W, s x85 Sargent Orison Clark, c 75, s 78 Roscoe, c X95 Sarles John Wesley, c 45, s 47 Sarmast Bacile L, s X97 Sarvay John Neejer, c 12 Saunders Frederick, h 53 George Goewey, c 09,3 xia, p 21 Saunier Edward Mitchell, c x88, s 88 Savage Charles Howard, c x6i Cornelius Samuel, h 08, p 7 Edward, c 40, s 42 Eleazer, s 23 Sawin Addison A, c xso Sawyer Conant, s X27 Elisha, c 41 Ransom M, c 38, s 140 Reuben, s X2S William Wallace, c 49, s xsi Saxton Jesse Bonnel, c 45 Sayler Samuel Hanly, c 60, s 62 Sayles John Manville, c oo Scanlan Fred Fisher, c 09 Scarff Emanuel Hengstenberg, s 50 Scelfo Luigi, p 20 Schaible Cornelius Edward, c 99, s 03 Schenck Charles Alexander, c X99 Schied Alwin John, c 1 1 Schliemann John George, s x88 Schmidt Emanuel, c 94, s X97 Nathaniel, s 87, p 16 Schofield James Van Pelt, c 152 Scholtes Matthew Jacob, c xo8 Schoonmaker Thomas, c n Schradieck Emil, c 12 Schultz John Henry, c x?2 Schurman Stephen Walter, s 09 Schuyler George Wilson, c x8i Schwartz Henry Scott, s 80 Schweikert Charles, c X97 Scofield David, c X53 COLGATE UNIVERSITY Scordo Carmelo, page 333 Scott Anthony, c xss Edward Pay son, s 60 Erastus A, c xsi Ferris, c 57 Jay Huntington, c X94 John, c xss L S, c X47 Robert, s 91 Robert Knox, c 147 Scranton W H, p 6 Seagrave Albert Ernest, c 86, s x8g Seaman Henry S, c x6i Samuel B, c "56 Scans Eugene Munro, c x6p Sears Barnas, p 13 Charles Hatch, c 98 Edward G, c 37 Gilbert Nelson, c x6s Irving Smith, c XQS Rufus, c 40, s 142 William Floyd, c XQQ Seeley Jesse Nathan, c 43 John Taylor, c 39, s 41 Thaddeus Pomeroy, c 152 Seely Harry Aaron, c xo8 John Henderson, s n Seelye Frederic Bernard, s 08 Settle L Louis, c 65 Severn Hermon Harrison, c xg6 Seward Alonzo Lawrester, c x6o Sexton Ezekiel, c X35 Luther, s X22 Seymour Robert Gillin, c 66, p 7. n Robert Gillin, c 97 Shade Hiram Edgar, s n Shadrach William, h 53 Shaffer Van Gaasbeek, c 82, s 85 Shahbaz Yonan Hoormuz, s 97 Shaiier Davis Tyler, s X33 Julius Smith, c X38 Nathan Emery, 8x31 William Hosmer, c 35 Shallow Edward Byrne, c 88 Sharts Derwin Welton, c 54, s x$6 Shattuck Howard Francis, c xio Shaver Rolla Emerson, c 08 Shaw George Milton, c X74 John Milton, c 50 William, p 7 William A, c xs8 Shearman William H, s xgo Sheffield James, p 2 Shekerjian Haig, c xio Sheldon Albert Smith, c 73 Charles Wilson, c 81 Clesson P, c 44, s 146, p 4 Edward Howard, c 95, s xoo Harry Meeker, c 98 John Justin, c xgo Preston King, c 65 Smith, p 4, 10 Shell Bertram E, c XO9 Shelton William, s 46 Shepard Edgar Allan, c 87 Edwin Clytus, c 09 Henry Warren, c 87 William H, c x6s Shepardson Frank Lucius, p 9, 18 Whitney Hart, c 10 Sheperd S E, h 55 Shepherd George Fletcher, s X02 Sheppard James, s 89 Joseph Bamford, s 02 Sherman Cyrus Stewart, c 72, s 174 Ray Wesley, c xo6 Robert McKee, c 07 Shermer Henry Berean, c 50 Sherrill Henry Johnston, h 59 Sherwin Joseph H, c X39 Luke, c X46 Sherwood Charles, s 174 David Bennett, c xo8 Edward Bingham, c 03 Shimeall Richard C, S.X26 Shipman John Newton, c X79 Shires Columbus C, c 46 Shirk Milton Smith, c 48, s 48 Shoards Joseph Franklin, c 68, s 70 Sholar William Jessup, c 89, s 92 Shook Cyrus, s 46 Shotwell Samuel R, c 40, s 42 Shufelt Floyd G, c X96 Shuler Willis DeVer, c 199, s X99 Shumaker Lebbeus Smith, c 02 Shumway John Phelps, c xs8 Sibley Robert Gladstone, s 97 Silcox Leland Jay, c 80, s 83 Sill John Morgan, c xo9 Silliman Harvey, c 38, s 40 Sillsbee Samuel, s X4O Silver George, c 40 Simmons Charles Edward, c x6i Charles Gilbert, c 86, s 90 Clayton Byron, c 04 Edward Burnside, c 06, s 09 G, s X34 James Barlow, c xsi John Ray, c 76, s 76 Jonathan P, s X34 Marvin, c 40 Simon Lester George, c 05, s 08 Simons Augustus, p 4, 10 George Byron, s 79 George Henry, c 07, s 10 Simonson Peter, s 26 Simpson Arthur Henry, c X95 Claude Randolph, c xog Henry Livingston, c 53, s 55 Richard, c X44 Singleton J J, c X45 Sisson Eugene Pardon, h 74, n p~8, 17 Samuel Buell, c 05 Warren Richards, c 06 Sizer Wells Bradford, c 82 Skelly John Gamble, c \6~ Skinner Benjamin R, c x6i Benjamin Rush, s 27 Charles Rufus, h 95 Courtland Addison, c X44 Daniel Webster, c 65, s 67, p 2, 6, ii George Irving, c 80 Henry C, s 29 Henry John, p 20 Slafter Cory don H, c 38 Slater Franklin Aurelius, c 50 Slaught Herbert Ellsworth, c 83 Slaughter Henry Harrison, c xio Slaysman George Major, c X46 Slayton R, s X33 Slocum Alfred Gardiner, c X38, p 10 Philip, s X23 William Franklin, c 78 Smale Samuel, c XS7 Small David Grosvenor, c xio Smalley Frank, h 09 Seth, s 26 Smallidge Edmond Perry, s x84 Smith Alanson Devillo, c x?9, s 80 Albert G, p 3 Albert Hatcher, s 94 Alexander, s X34 Allen Sheridan, c X9O Amasa, p 2 Andrew M, s xsi Arthur Whipple, p 19 Arthur William, c xoo Bradford Palmer, c 08 Buel A, c 65 Carl Herring, c 04 Carlos Dimmick, c xog Charles Carroll, c 67, s 69 Charles Stowell, c XO4 Cline Lewis, c 12 Clinton Bloodgood, c xo6 David, c 81, s 84 INDEX OF NAMES 385 Dayton Fuller, c xg8 Dean W, c 42 Dexter P, c 36, s X38 Dill Bronson, c 97 E Fayette, c 71 Earl Eugene, c 1 1 Edgar Charles, c 12 Edward Otheman, c 84, s x8y Edwards Hargrave, c 98 Eldridge, s xo8 Elijah F, p 4 Elmer William, c 91, s X94, p 20 Francis Abner, c 96 Francisco, c X4i George Alexander, c 74. s 76 George Frederick, c 10 George Henry, c 02 George Kerr, c 89 George Messenger, c n George W, h 59 George William, p 13, 17 Henry A, p 2, 5 Henry John, c 09 Herbert J, c 88, s 91, P 17 Hezekiah L, c 147 Horace W B, c xoi J Henry, c x63 James Parker, c xi2 John Byington, c X52 John Hyatt, h 55 John Ripley, c XS2 Joseph Moss, c 70 Kendall Proctor, c 97 Kenneth Osborn, c 06 Lee Brown, c 12 Leonard, c 65, s x6? Lewis, c 46 Lewis Jerome, c xoo Morgan L, p 6, 1 1 Paul Wallingford, c xo? Philip Tompkins, c oo Preston Hopkins, c 93 Ray Mosher, c 09 Roy Burnett, c 03 (gradu- ate student), p 19 Samuel Jones, c 46, s 48 Sheldon Newton, s X3O Stanley Sherwood, c 1 1 Sumner Morris, c 08 Vernon, s 33 Waldo B, c X7Q Will Bertrand, c 93 William Augustus, c 56 William Bowdoin, c 56, s 56 William Edmund, s 04 William Johnson, c 77, s x8i William Wallace, s 28 Zebina, c 42, s 44 Smitzer John, p 3 Snape John, p 8 Snashall Jabez, c 69 Snell Squire Hurlburt, c 05 Snodgrass David Sway zee, s xsi Snow Richard Van Wycke, c 63, s x6s Robert, c X43 Somaini Carlo, page 333 Somers Charles G, h 53 Warrington, h 77 Soper George Edmond, c x84, s 84 William Lee, c 07, s 09 Sorrell Lewis Carlyle, c n Southwick Horace Homer, c x88 Southworth Julius B, c x?8 Victor Emanuel, c X92, s X93 Sowell William Henry, s X97 Spaid Meryin J, c xgo Spaulding Edward, c xso Silas, p 2 Spear Abraham, p 3 Charles Robert, c 65 Frank Bennett, c 63 Philetus Bennett, c 36, s 38, p i, 4, 9, 10, 14 Speicher Jacob, p 19 Spencer Charles Edwin, c 90 Charles Worthen, p 18 Dwight, h 86 Ernest Wentworth, c 12 Francis Henry, c 195 James Edmunds, c xsi Orson, s 29 William Henry, c 164 Spicer Ralph Harold, c 09 Spinney William Almor, c 77 Spinning Oscar Fitz Allan, c X49 Spooner Frank Maynard, c X93, s 99 Spoor Joseph W, c X38 Sprague Abram Pulling, c 68 Delos Everett, c 196, s 96 Jesse Damon, c 50 Oscar L, c 44 Theodore Mason, c xn Spratt George Main, c X37 Spring Tilston Dwight, c X03 Spurgeon James Archer, h 92 Squier James, c 38 Squires Clarence Nelson, c 90 Louis Almon, c 95 Squyer Frank Seymour, c oo Stack pole Markham Winslow, c 95 Pierpont Langley, c X96 Stanley Henry, p 7 Stafford James, c x82 Stair George Robert, s X99 Stanbro Frank, c 05 Stanley Charles Frederick, s 84 Stannard Lemuel, s 27 Stanton Frank Wallace, c 104, s 05 Sanfprd Emery, c xos William Arthur, c 89, s 92, p 19 William Edwin, c 61, s 65 Staples Moses W, c 149 William Witherman, c 78, s x8i Stark Clifford, c 94 Starks George, c 152 Starkweather Amos Holmes, c 50 Asher, c 62 John Warren, c 43 Starratt Frank Aubrey, p 20 Stearns Allan Beecher, c 08 John Glazier, s 22, p 3 William Oakman, p 8 Stebbins Charles Maurice, c X92 James H, c X42 Stedman George Lavater, p n George Woolverton, p n N V, c X47 Steele Daniel, h 65 Steel man Albert Judson, c 80, s x82 Henry, c 52, s 54 Henry Bolton, c 77. s 80 I Newton, c 82 Steen Elmer LeRoy, c 96 Steeves Omer Edwin, s oo Stelle William Bergen, c 94. s X9? Stephenson George, c xi2 Sterling Charles Sleeper, c 02 Stetson Francis Lynde, h 1 2 Stevens Albert Mason, c xos Elmer Huntington, c 92 Ezra H, p 8 Henry S, c xs6 Lawrence Bradley, c 98 Wesley Addison, c 07 Stevenson Edwin Alonzo Hartshorn, c X04 George Edmund Traver, c X97, s 99 George Leigh, c 07 Hugh Thomas, c 194, s 01 Steward Lanson, c 55, s X57 Stewart Albert Burns, p 19 Alvan, c xso Charles Wesley, c xg6 George Herbert, c 03 William, c 55, s X57 Stifler James M, p 6 Stiles John Moore, c 98, s xoi Mark D, p n Still Lewis Lawbaugh, c 149 Stillman Thomas Edgar, c 59 Stilson Lyman, c 36 Stilwell Melancthon, c 145 Stinson John H, c X49 Stiteler Jacob Beverly, c 146, s 48 Stobo Robert F, c x6o 3 86 COLGATE UNIVERSITY Stock Alfred Homes, c if), s 80 Francis Augustus, c xio John, h 67 Wallace Teall, c 03, p 19 Stockwin Arthur William, c 75, s x?8 Stoddard Clayton Rhinehart, c n Frank Perry, c 81, s 84 Ira Joy, c 45, s 47 Stokes Howard Gale, c n Stone Albert Edward, c 12 Claude Mortimer, c 04 David, c x6o Eli William, c 56, p 6, 15 George Marvin, c 59, s x6i Hardy Crittenden, c 83 J H, h 53 James A B, h 53 Joseph Ward, c x6a Marsena, h 46, p 4 Orlando Burdett, c 50 William P, p 5 Stoos Henry Nicholas, c X92 Storey Creighton Richard, c 89, s X92 Storms Chelsea Lepere, c 06 > Stover Harry Bryan, c xoi Stowell A B, c 41 David Dudley, c 07 Lucian Southwell, c X49 Stradling Frank, c X99 Ira Thompson, c x89 Stremple Louis Abjeman, 'c xg8 Stringer Henry Jerome, c 09 Robert Sherman, c 06 William Henry, c xo6 Strobel George William, c 99 Strong Charles Henry, c xoi Franklin, c 05 Julian Hartridge, s xo8 Lorenzo, s X33 William Mahlon, c 94, s X99 Stuart Charles Littleberry, s 08 Stubbs Harry Eugene, c 02 Herbert Lewis, c 01 Merton Ernest, c 98 Sturges James Verne, c 92 Sturgis Carl Jean, c 12 Sturtevant Percy Northrop, c 07 Sullivan Daniel Richard, c XO3 Sunderland Clyde Herwood, c X99 Jabez Thomas, c x6s Sutherland Frederic Palmer, c 73 Sutphin Archibald Heyer, c 92, s 94 Sutton Albert King, c 81 Frank Fuller, c 07 Nelson, c 69 Swaim Thomas, c 44, s 46 Swain A J, h 65 Augustus Cartwright, s X73 Calvin H, p 3 Leonard, c X4i Swan Charles York, c x63 George Brewster, c XO2 Jabez Smith, s 27, p 5 William Lewis, c 84, s 87 Swasey Sheldon Spencer, c xo8 Swayze Clayton Isaac, s xos Sweeney Daniel Joseph, c 02 Morgan .Patrick, c 05 Morris Mott, c 03 Sweet Earl Vincent, c 01 Frank Thomas, c X9i Henry Charles, s XOT Winfield Scott, p 21 Swift Carlos, c xs6 Switzer Claude Fuller, c 09 Taber Gilbert F, c x6s Taft Edwin Augustus, c x6s Floyd Ambrose, c x87 Taggart Joseph Wanton, s 33 Talbird Henry J, c 39, s 41 Talbot Hugh Ward, c 08 Samson, h 64 Tamblyn Albert Terry, c 03 George Olver, c 03 William Richard, s 02 Tanner Edwin Cyrus, c 97 Tappan Howard Tracy, c xio Targett Alfred S, c x66 Taylor Alfred, c 42 . . Alfred H, c 39, s X4i Arthur Grant, c 92 Benjamin Franklin, c 38 Elisha E L,. c 37, s 39 Frank Cl sson, c xo7 Frederick Eugene, s 99 George Davis, s xo8 Harry English, c 196 Henry William, c XO4 Isaac Charles, s 91 James Morford, c 67, s 69, p 16 James Paddock, c 95, p 18 Jeremiah B, c 145 John Williams, c ro Joseph, p 2 1 Samuel, h 54 Stephen William, p 3, 13, 14 Thomas R, c X4S Warren Cyril, c 07, s xio Taynaw Po Mya, c X99 Tayntor Rufus N, p '8 Teal Augustus T, c X42 Teall Edwin Horton, c X79, s x/8 Teasdale John, s X3i Thomas Cox, s X3i Teeple John J, c X42 Tefft Benjamin Franklin, h 5.5 Henry M, s x7 Teitelbaum Benjamin, c xi i Tel ford Robert, c xsi Temple Levi Daniel, c X79 Templeman Samuel Huntington, s 08 Ten Brook Andrew, c 39, s 41 George V. c 42, s 44 Terrill Oscar Frederic, c xo9 Terry Benjamin Stuytes, c 78, ,g 81, p 16 George Davis, c 07 John Waggoner, s f>s Tew Derwood John, c 06 Thatcher - Robert LeGrand, c 56 Thayer Thomas, s X33 William Tower, c oo, s XM Theall Thomas, c X46 Thiskstun Daniel H, c x6o Thomas Arthur Newlon, c 10 Benjamin, h 58 Benjamin Hampson. s 182 C W, p 5 Charles Nelson, s xo6 Danforth Roger, c 06 David Samuel, c x~5 David William, c X04 George Abraham, c 69 Jacob, c 36 John Griffith, p 20 Nelson Ervin, c 02 Ralph Wilmer, c 83, p 17 William Nelson, c 77, s .81 Woodlief, h 78 Thompson Allan Lush, c 05 Arthur Henry, c 07 Charles James, s 56 Ernest, c 75 Ernest Dunham, c 1 1 Henry, c 72, p n Isaac W, c x67 Jeremiah McKay, c 98 Kirk William, c 90 Maynard Rufus, s 98 Napoleon Bonaparte, c x?2 Robert Rhea, c X95 Rollin John, c x84, s 84 Rollin Walton, c 08 Thomas, s 66 Thomas Langland, c xoi William Ferdinand, c 63 William James, c 12 Thorns James Alexander, s X9i Thomson William, c 10 , William Paterson. c 77 Thorn John, p 1 1 Thornton George Newton, c 50 Thurber Arthur Edward, c 09 Charles Herbert, p 18 Clarence Howe, c 12 John Melvin, c 05, s xo8 INDEX OF NAMES 387 Thurlow George Lor ing, c 08 Tibbals Ralph Howard, c 03, s 06 Tibbits John Clark, c 96 Tifft William Carleton, c x86 Tilden Alanson, c 53 Charles Houghton, c 07, s 09 William Clark, c 57 Tillinghast Wilbur, s 39 Timbey Theodore Ruggles, h 66 Tinker Ezra, c 69 Louis Clark, c X99 Tinklepaugh Peleg Edward, c X72 Titus Hermon Franklin, c 73, s 76 Wicks Smith, c X44 Tobin Richard Francis, c 08 William Nicholas, c xn Todd William Peter, s X98 Toft Francis, s x8? Toles Russell Green, c 48, s X48 Tolman Cyrus Fisher, c 56, s 58 John N, c X44 Tolo Ya Ba, c x?3 Tombes Jonathan Brooks, c 45, s 47 Tomlinson Everett Titsworth, h 79 Frederick William, c 98, s 01 Tompkins Edward, c 158 William Munson, s 99 Torrance Frederick Austin, c xos Tot man Calvin S, c 138 Totten James Edward, c x69 Towart William George, c 09 Tower David, s X26 Henry, p i, 4, 9 Towle Frank Warren, c 62, s 64, p 16 Towne Charles Augustus, c 73, s 75 Townsend Bowles Colgate, c 47, s 49 Cullen B, s 29 Dwight Carpenter, s 91 James B, c X39 James Joseph, c 70, s 72 Marion Ernest, c 12 Palmer, p 3, 9 Tracy William, h 52 Train Earl Fred, c xn Traver Harvey Rogers, c 66, s 68 Travis Gould Jefferson, c 70, s 76 Tread well Ray Mackey, c xo6 Treat Ernest Gibson, c 88 Stuart Root, c 99 Trenaman John, c x6i, s 62 Trevor John B, p i i Joseph, p 4, 10 Tripp Melvin, c xs6 Zaccheus, s X28 True David Orin, c 09 Truesdell Albert Jay, c 84 Judson W, c xs8 Truve Theodore Trued, c x68 Tryon Spafford, c x63 Tucker Alfred Bennett, 0x71 Charles, c X38 Charles Edwin, s 62 Charles J, c x6o Eber, s 24 Elisha, h 48, p 4, 10 Erie Albert, c 09 James 1 " Dewey, s 64 Jireh, c 60 Levi, s 29 Silas, c X4O Tuckerman Julius, c X98 Tupper Edward Leonard, c X93 Henry Allen, c 49, s 50 Tristram, c X74 Turnbull Fred James, c 86 George Butler, c 80 George Frederic, c 12 Robert, h 51 Turner Henry H, c x62 Holland, s 24 James Olin, c 95 Luther Guiteau, c x66 Melancthon S, s X3i Turney Edmund, c 38, s 40, *p 15 Tuson Thomas Houghton, c x~r Tuttle Eliada, c 140 Lucian Stowell, c 03 Watson P, c X73 Twiss Daniel Franklin, c 43, s 45 Twogood Frederick John, c 12 Tyler Alanson M, c 41 John Mason, h 88 Ullman Daniel, h 61 Underhill Charles Wager, c 62 Washington Durando, c X79 Underwood Elias Homer, c xs6 Upson Anson Judd, h 95 Upton John, c X38 Usher Irving Eugene, c 87, s X9i Utley George Burwell, c X99 Utter Samuel Styles, c 57, s 59 Valentine Byron Warren, c or, s 06 William Orison, s 94 Van Antwerp William, p 6 Van Benschoten James Cooke, h 57 Van Cise Raymond Eugene, c xos Van Derhule Garfield Arthur, c ri Vanderlip Frank Arthur, h 1 1 Van Doren Robert Nelson, c 75, s 78 Van Eman Andrew Stacey, c xn Van Fradenburgh David, c XS9 Van Horn Burt, c X48 Herman Henry, c XO4 Scott, s 04 Van Husen Caleb, p 10 Stephen, c 38 Van Kirk Charles Clark, c 84 Edward Marshall, c 89 Herbert, c 94 Van Meter Fred, c x85 Henry LaFayette, s 48 W C, h 61 Van Ness Edwin Simon, c 183 Van Noy George Oliver, s xo8 Van Schaick Charles Edgar, s 97 Lemuel Washington, c 04 Vanton Samuel, c 63 Van Vleck George Washington, c 09 Van Voorhis John, h 60 Van Wie Raymond, c 08 Van Wormer John Rufus, h 04 Vassar David Nathaniel, c 77 John Ellison, c xg6, s 97 Thomas Edwin, h 82 Walter Brownson, s xo7 Vaughn Ashley, s X33 Orrin, s X33 Veach Stewart Jerome, c 09, s 12 Vecere Nunzio, page 333 Veeder Borden Smith, c xo<> Vilas Erastus, p 3 Vincent Leonard Marshall, c 12 Vinton Justus Brainerd, c 60 Justus Hatch, s 33 Sumner Redway, c xg6 Vogell Henry Carrier, 527, p 4, 10 Vogt Frederick Augustus, h 08 Volovick George Gouverneur, c xio Voorhees Philip, c 43 Vosburgh George Bedell, c 73, s 74 Homer Jerome, c 86 Vose Howard Robert, c 07 388 COLGATE UNIVERSITY John Crosby, c XO4 Riley Adelbert, c 85, s 89, P 7 Vredenburgh Ezra Irving, c X95 Vye Henry Kempenfelt, c xo6, s 08 Wade Harold, c xn Jonathan, s 22 Wadhams Alonzo, c X4O Wadswofth Samuel Douglass, c 61 Waffle Albert Edward, c 72, s x?4, P 7 Wager Charles Henry Adams, c 92, P 17 James, p 5 Wagner Henry Willis, c x?2 Wait Daniel, c X38 Daniel C, c xs6 Waite Deane Hammond, c xi2 Edward Foote, c 80 Harvey Arthur, s XO3 Leon Masters, c or William Hunting, c X03 Wakeley Ebenezer, p 3 Walden John Hatch, c X37 Wales John Clarence, c 07 Walker Abbott Revere, c 95 Charles, p 3, 10 George, s X33 George C, c 38 LaVerne Austin, c XO3 Levi, s 28 Louis Abel, s 08 Myron Reed, c xo2 Ransom, c 45 William George, c 66, s 68 Wall Alfred George, s 87 Van Rensselaer, s 22 Wallace James Berchmans, c xo? Robert, c 75, s 78 William Boardman, h 07, Wallen 7 Edgar Poe, c X95 Waller John Lightfoot, h 53 Walling Kelsey, c 55, s 57 Wallis Robert Scott, c n Walrath Adoniram Judson, c 77, s x8s Walsh Alexander Stewart, h 74 Walter Thomas Ustick, h 49 Walters Charles Earl, c 99 Walton Lemuel, c 49 Ward John Cooper, c 50, s 52, p 5 John Wyatt, s 58 Milan Lester, c 55, s 58 Robert Calvin, c 06, p 20 Samuel, c 43 William, c 48, s 50 Wardlaw Norman Bonnell, c xn Ware Thomas DeCoursey, s xg? Warner James D, h 81 John Benjamin, c 10 John S E, c X44 Thomas A, s 26 Warren Arthur Wellesley, s 08 George Kaveney, c X04 George W, c X35 Henry Marsh, c xgi, s xgi Hiram, c 58, s x6o Jared, c X46 John, c 43 Obed, p i, 2 Warriner Edwin R, c x62 Warring Henry Bernhard, c x?s Washburn Earl Martin, c 12 Wasson John B, c X45 Waterhouse William Parmelee, c X95 Waterman Daniel A, p 7 Waters Frank Palmer, c 83 John Sherreaf, c 89 Watkins Arthur Charles, c X95 George S, c X59 Lewis Harmon, c xoo William, s X22 Watlington Paul Berry, s n Watrous Charles W, c 39, s 41 George Henry, c x$3 George Pomeroy, c X52 Watson Charles Henry, c 73, s 75 David Ronald, c 68, s x?o John Brown, c XO4 Weatherby Jeremiah W, c 42 Weatherly Ulysses Grant, c 90 Weaver George Stanley, c 12 Samuel H, c x66 Webb Abner P. s 3 1 Anson Joseph, c x83 Archy Hile, c n Earl Kellogg, c 10 Henry L, c X43 John Clarence, c X73 Jonathan Newton, h 54 Warren Sheldon, c 49 William Riley, c 40, s 47 Webster William Eugene, c 85, s 88 Wedge Salmon, c X39 Weed Edmund Pendleton, c 57, s 59 Monroe, c 46 Thurlow, h 67 William Edward, c 86 Weeden Joseph Congdon, c xss Weeks George Edgar, c 73, s 75 Reuben Hough, c 57, s 59 Welch Bartholomew Trow, p 9 Edwin Theodore, c X98 Harmon Charles, c xo8 Weller Seymour Bennett, c 99 Theodore Charles, c xog Welles Ernest Tallman, s XO3 Wellington Charles C, c 48 Wellman Lysander Luroy, s 66 Wells Alfred, c 45 Justus Hull, c X49 William A, c X39 Welton Benjamin Franklin, c X94 Wescott Myron Nelson, c u, s 09 Wesley Thomas Dammes, c xg8 West William, s 25 William Mott, p 9 Westcott Edgar, c 62 Erastus, c X38 Henry, c 42 Henry Russell, c oo Weston David, p 1 6 Rodolphus, c 38 Weyburn Lyon, c xos Whalen Henry Joseph, c 91, s X94 Howard Preston, c xi2 William Henry, c 90 Wheat A C, h 54 Albert Charles, c xgo Hardin, c 61 Wheatley William Hiram, c 05, s 09 Wheaton Archibald Cyrus, c 74, s 77 Wheeler Claude J, c xoo Edwin Seabury, s x63 Frederick Lockwood, c xo? Henry Osborn, c 57, p n Linn Edson, c 85, s 82 Michael Ellsworth, c xg8 Osgood Church, c 43, s 45 Russell, p 5, n Samuel Morse, c 75, s 78 Samuel S, c X42 William Louis, c 96 Wheelock Alonzo, s 33, p 10 Whelan George Francis, c xio Howard JoJin, c xi2 Robert Jerome, c 09 Whipple Edward E, c X3 John G, p 5 Whitaker Daniel, c 50 Thomas Jefferson, c 76 White Amos A, h 6 1 C J, c X45 Elbridge William, c 79, s 82 Eugene Patrick, c 09 Foster Hamilton, c 96 Herbert Judson, c X9O Morgan James, c xg8 Samuel Hodgdon, c 84, s 87 Sherman Morse, c xo4, s oo William Frank, c 93, s 96 INDEX OF NAMES 389 Whitehead William Manlove, c xso Whitfield Fred Curtis, c 01 Whitford Edward Everett, c 86 William Calvin, c 86 Whiting Jay Edmund, c X93 Whitman A, c X4i Howard J, c 10 Peleg Spencer, c xa6 Roswell Brown, c xos, s 06 Seth Spencer, s X23, p 13 Whitmore Addison R, c x64 Frank, c x67 J T, s 31 Whitnall Harold Orville, c oo, p 19 Whitney Arthur Stoddard, c 10 Barney, h 78 C Carroll, c x$2 Ernest Henry, c 07 George Oliver, c 69, s 71 James Clarence, s 05 Lyman, c 40 Zenas, c 140 Whitson Samuel R, c X47 Whittaker Leland James, c xo6 Whittemore George Monroe, c x86, s 87 Harold Taft, c 08 Isaac Thompson, c 52, s XS4 Wickwire Charles Malcomb, c x?6 George Alfred, s 98 Lewis, p 5 Wiers Daniel, 3x31 Wilber Thomas Cornelius, c x84 Wilbur William Norman, c 56 Wilcox Asa Judson, c x?3 Sheldon Edgar, c 77, s 80 Walter Elwood, c 12 Wilcoxen Wilfred Milo, c X96 Wilder John, s 30 John N, p 4, 10 Lyman, c 38 Sidney, c 41, s 44 William, c 46, s X48 Wildman Elisha, c 74, s xj6 Wiles Benjamin Lewis, c xo8 Wiley Walter Hammond, c 97 Wilkins Stephen, s X27 Wilkinson William, h 54 William Elgin, c 12 William Shubael, c x?6 Willcox Arthur Mason, c x88 Frank Grenell, c 94 Monson Alva, c 62 Willey Ambrose Franklin, h 64 Elijah F, p 2 Williams Benjamin F, c X4& "Benjamin Franklin, c 64, s 75 Benjamin S, c X4O Charles Frederick, c X47 Don Ephraim, c 10 Dwight Brewster, c 89 Frank Martin, c 95 George Abner, c 80 George David, c 95 Henry Kirby, s xog Hervey Edward, c 67 John, c X49 John Ambler, c 01 John Colgate, c x84, s 85 Maurice William, c 03 Myron Brace, c X45 Owen A, c 63, s 65 P G, h 58 Robert Edward, c X03 Robert Z, s 27 Samuel, h s 59 William John, c 77, s x8o William R, p 10 Williamson Clyde Loomis, c xio Willingham Robert Josiah, c xsi Thomas Henry, c X46 Willis George Griffin, c x68 Howard, c X39 John Charles, c x82 Willsey Erastus R, c X4i Wilson Albert Roland, s x83 Charles Carl, c X94 Charles Ent, c 61 George, h 65 George Cyrus, c 97 James Erwin, c X94 John Graves, s TO Mortimer V, s 59 RJ, hs4.PS Rudolphus L, s 29 William Andrew, c 87 William Wirt, c xoo Wilson-Jones George, c xg8 Winchell Reuben, s 23 Winegar Charles Pierson, c xs? Reuben, s X30 William Hoadley, c 96 Wines William H, c 46, s X48 Wing Charles Addison, c xog Ralph Kempshall, c x86 Winsor Washington, p 2 Winston Meriwether, c 49 Winter Henry Ranney, c xog Winters Harry Sunderland, c xg6 Herbert Daniel, c 95 Walter Payne, c 95 Wishart Alfred Wesley, c 89 Wisner C H, c X52 Witherell Richard S, s 33 Witson Albert Allen, c 12 Witter Theodore Volney, c 08 Wolcott Corydon Henry, c xo4 Wood Arthur Edward, c XO3 Claude Knapp, c 12 Darwin, c x6r Howell Roland, c 97 Hudson Adolphus, c 164 Idell Hartson, c 93 Israel H, c 42 Nathan, c X4i Nathan Eusebius, p 7 Newell Alonzo, 0x91 Norman Nelson, s X38 Philander L, c 49 Roy Dyer, s xn William Augustus, c 192, s 97 Woodburn James Albert, h 09 Woodbury George Foster, c 90, s 193 W H, h 54 Woodin Theodore Sterling, c x6i s 63 Woodman Clarence Leo, c 10 Woodruff Albert Alonzo, c xog Ernest Hall, c X95 Leo Miller, h 64 Louis Harlow, c 60 Woods Byron Allen, c 73, s 75 Eber Arthur, c 63, s 65 Hubert C, c 65, s 67 Lambert Lysander, s 67 Wesley Everett, c X97 Woodward Abraham, s 131 Frederick Alpheus, c 04 Woolfenden William, c xn Woolsey James J, s 33 Woolverton Charles Edward, c X46 George A, p 7, n Wool worth C N, c x 39 Wooster Henry, c X36 Worden Sylvanus A, s 87 Work Perley, s 42 Wormwood E A, c X7o Wrapp William Edward, s 05 Wratten Clayton John, c 07 Wright Carl Carson, s 02 Edwin Harold, c xop Edwin Miner, c 09 Henry Chauncey, c 80 John Chester, c x?6 Lyman, h 73, P 2, 5 Stephen, c 42 Thomas Goddard, s 42 Wesley P, c 52 (graduate student) William A, c 46 William Carey, c 49 William Edgar, c x?7 William R, p 7 Wyckoff Joseph, s X29 William H, h 58 Wyeth Walter Newton, c 54, s 56 Wyman Albert Lincoln, c xoi Yale Homer Fenton, c 91, s 94 390 COLGATE UNIVERSITY Yang Frank Kelley, c 05 Samuel Stokes, c 164 Ngan-chan, c 109 George Morell, c 07 Yeaeer Hal J hn - c IO Ziegler George, c 149 ^JvJorton DeNorville, c xn Carl William, c 10 Yocum George Henry, c 01, s 04, Zierler William Hotchkiss, c 07 p 21 Joseph, c xi2 York George Washington, c 46, Zimmerman Charles, p 3, 10 $48 Sylvanus Arnold, c n THE REPUBLICAN PRESS HAMILTON. 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