(Vn This recruiting party without doubt, took (he horses to head quarters. Humphrey Pinscnt, renting the fairs and markets at this time, was evidently accountant to " the seven men, " and as a deduction hung on the contingency of war, made an entry accordingly ; it runs thus, " allow- ance which I crave in time of war, one pound ten shillings." Nothing of importance occurred from the ter- mination of the civil war, to disturb the tranquility of our town ; indeed it seems to have preserved a peaceful character throughout all its generations, even when fierce and bloody contests raged around and beyond, the monster evil of wholesale murder, came not once within this lovely vale. Here are no ruins of ivy covered battlements, marking where lie the brave and noble ! no clarion calling to warfare, has ever sent its shrill echoes through our peaceful woods ! here is no battle field, " where the spade, the plough, disturb our ancestors." It may be interesting to turn again to the records, as developing the anxious and unceasing Ji HISTORY OF concern manifested by " the seven men, " and others for the welfare of the parish. The Rev. Robert Woolcombe already mention- ed in the registers, succeeded his father, Benedict Woolcombe, and was instituted to the vicarage of Chudleigh, in the year one thousand six hundred ; in his latter years, being by age and infirmities, unable to discharge the duties of the parish, he was aided by a curate of the name of Charles Wills. " The seven men" agreed to pay him ten pounds yearly, " to be no precedent for the future." Robert Woolcombe died January the twenty-second, one thousand six hundred and fifty-four. After his death the parish was without a vicar, there being several entries at this time, of sums paid for occasional supplies. The civil and religious strife that so long distracted the country, had no doubt the effect of thinning the ranks of theological students in the colleges, for instead of there being a host of applicants, not even one came forward to apply for the vacant benefice. At the time of this vacancy, the living was at the disposal of William Putt, and James, CHUDLE1GH. 45 and Thomas Eastchurch ; they with " the seven men" convened a meeting. The interesting particulars of the resolutions then passed are well worth being quoted in full ; " having this day " met and conferred together touching the pro- " curing of, and provision to be made for an " orthodox and settled minister here in this our " parish, have thereupon resolved as follows, Mr. " Giles Inglett, one of ' tbe seven men,' be " directed forthwith to write away to Oxford, to " such of his acquaintance as he shall think fitt, " for the purpose aforsaid : that when such a " man as shall be thought fitt, shall be pitcht on ; '* ' the seven men' according to the power to " them given, doe cause such moneys belonging to " the parish, as shall be requisite to be paid " over and disbursed towards his journey and *' preparation tbereof hither, that after his com- " ing hither, he staying here half a year upon " tryall, shall be payed after the rate of eighty " pounds, paid out of the tythes of the said parish, " and an augmentation out of the fayers and " markets ; thai what charges Mr. Inglett shall 4G HISTORY OF " be at in entering a caveat above, or any other " means in order to the said moneys belonging to " the parish, and also for his paynes and trouble, " in and about the same." After thus deputing Mr. Giles Inglett to the important office of getting an orthodox minister, " the seven men " with all diligence, " requested Richard Manley and Humphrey Shapter, to enquire after and view the surplisses, organ pipes, and seats, and to certify howe they shall find the same, at the next meeting of ' the seven men,' and that the churchwardens be spoken to, that they take orders for the repairs of the clock, much in decay." Mr. Giles Inglett was most successful in his application for a sound orthodox divine, for we read another entry to the purport that Humphrey Shapter be ordered to pay out of his receipts, unto Mr. Giles Inglett, forty shillings, to discharge a note of disburse- ments for the parish, amounting to twenty-one shillings, and the residue is a gratitude (gratuity) to him and his son, for their paynes and care in procuring Mr. Bloy, as well as for other services." CHUDLE1GH. 47 On the tenth of May, one thousand six hundred and fifty-eight, the parishioners and " the seven men" met for the purpose of making arrangements for the new minister, Mr. Bloy, who was come from Oxford on trial ; forty shillings was immedi- ately paid towards his journey hither. All necessary repairs as well as the cleansing and renovating the interior of the church, were effect- ed before his arrival. " The seven men " and the influential parishioners again met ( none joined these consultations but the wealthy and respecta- ble ) they proceeded most judiciously, observing the strictest economy. In October it is further entered, that Mr. Bloy is to have besides the vicarage and premises, twenty pounds per annum, to be paid quarterly, and twenty marks towards his procuring the great seal for his induction. There was gre^t anxiety, that all necessary pre- liminaries for his being in full possession should be completed if possible before Easter, as the following entry proves ; " that he ( Mr. Bloy ) " will procure himself ordained a minister, before " the twenty-fifth day of March, or so soone as 413 HISTORY OF *' convenientlye he canne, and that the payment " of the twenty pounds yearly, not to commence, " until he be inducted to the said vicarage, and " ordained a minister before the twenty-fifth day " of March next ; then to have ten pounds for "that half yeare": Mr. Bloy was regularly inducted hefore Easter. The gown and surplices, after a careful examination, were found alto- gether the worse for wear and keeping, and an item is accordingly entered " paid for a new gown, four pounds," and the surplices repaired, which in those days were made of dowlas. This worthy vicar, obtained under such interesting circumstances, gave great satisfaction during the fifteen years of his ministerial labours, and at his decease, left a donation to the parish of thirty pounds. Charles the Second ascended the throne under circumstances the most propitious, but he destroy- ed his own wellbeing and the prosperity of the nation, by profligate extravagance and an inordi- nate love of pleasure. The interesting fact that one of his prime ministers was born at Ugbrooke, CHUDLEIGH. 49 naturally directs our attention to a few leading particulars relative to the Clifford family. * As before stated ; they became possessed of their beautiful domain at the time of the Reformation. Although their descent was noble, yet when first located in our parish, they simply ranked with the neighbouring gentry, as to wealth and influ- ence. The name of Anthony Clifford first occurs in the parish records, in one thousand five hun- dred and seventy-seven. Thomas his son, baptized at Chudleigh, the first of June, one thousand five hundred and seventy-two, ( afterwards Dr. Clifford,) was a singular character, he had served in the army in the Netherlands, and had accom- panied Robert, Earl of Essex, in his naval expedi- tion to Cadiz. He applied himself to the study of theology at Oxford and took the degree of Doctor of Divinity. " On the second of March, one thousand six hundred and thirteen, he was ap- pointed afternoon lecturer in the Cathedral of Exeter, by the mayor and chamber, with a salary of fifty pounds per annum, and which was subsc- * See description of Paintings, p. 152. F 50 HISTORY OF quently increased by the addition of ten pounds for the rent of his house. For three years he filled this office. On the twenty-sixth of Novem- ber, one thousand six hundred and twenty-five, bishop Valentine Cary collated him to a prebend in the cathedral, and in the same year he was made a justice of the peace, for the county of Devon." After this he preached without emolu- ment, " to show others " as he himself expressed it, " the way of avoiding those rocks whereon he in his youth had sometimes run." During his latter days he resided chiefly at Lower Bramble, which lies at the extremity of the parish of Ashton, between Chudleigh and Trusham. This estate was possessed by Dr. Clifford in right of his wife, one of the ancient family of Staplehill, in memory of whom there are some curious old monuments in Trusham church. He died one thousand six hundred and thirty-four, aged sixty-two, and was buried in our chancel, where there is a grave-stone to his memory. His son Hugh Thomas, married Mary, eldest daughter of Sir George Chudleigh, of Ashton, Bart. He was a colonel in the army of Charles the First, CHUDLEIGH. 51 and served in his expedition against the Scots. His name frequently occurs in the records, as he appears to have been deeply interested in the welfare of the parish, having undertaken the management of the erection of the alms houses, a source of anxiety to " the seven men." After his death, the records give us the particulars of an interview, on the twenty-first of September, one thousand six hundred and fifty-eight, between his widow, who was also his executrix, and " the seven men," which shews that colonel Clifford's engagements with the parish, were altogether unsettled at the time of his decease ; the same record adds that though Thomas his son, was " no way liable as concerned his fa ther's transactions," yet he was most anxious to unite with his mother, in the final adjustment of the affair. This son, Thomas Clifford, was born at Ugbrooke, one thousand six hundred and thirty. After a suitable education, he was sent to Oxford, and was admitted a commoner of Exeter college : leaving the university, he entered the middle temple, and afterwards travelled. In April one 52 HISTORY OP thousand six hundred and sixty, he was elected a burgess for Totnes, and was knighted, and re-elected the ensuing year. He distinguished himself by his gallantry in the Dutch war, and was conspicuous as diplomatist at the courts of Sweden and Denmark, as well as deeply involved in the intrigues carried on between Charles the Second, and Louis the Fourteenth. His talents and eloquence were altogether of a superior order. We read in Ciiffordiana, " that on the eighth of November, one thousand six hundred and sixty- six, his majesty delivered to him the white staff of comptroller of his household, and within a month later, named him a privy councillor. On the thirteenth of June, one thousand six hundred and sixty-eight, he gave him the appointment of treasurer to the household ; and on the eighth of the following April, declared him a Lord Commissioner of the Treasury. During lord Arlington's absence in Holland, Sir Thomas Clifford was directed to execute the duties of his office as principal secretary of state. On the twenty-second of April, one thousand six hundred CHUDLEIGH. 63 and seventy-two, the king raised him to the peerage, by the style and title of Baron of Chudleigh, and lastly by special recommendation of his royal highness James, Duke of York, he was advanced to the most profitable office in the kingdom, viz. : that of Lord Treasurer, " so quickly did one preferment follow another. He was at the head of the government whose initials form the word " Cabal," a term somewhat expres- sive of their general policy and maladministrati- on, their names were Clifford, Arlington, Bucking- ham, Ashley, and Lauderdale. Lord Clifford was finally made Lord High Treasurer of England, but did not long enjoy this new dignity ; he died the following year, at the age of forty-three, and was interred in Ugbrooke chapel. To him are his descendants indebted for their high position as peers of the realm, with a large amount of property ; for we read in Cliffordiana, " that on the fifteenth of July, one thousand six hundred and seventy- two, the king granted him Cannington Priory, with its manor and rectory ; also the manor of Fitzpain and the hundred of Cannington, with 54 HISTORY OF the free chapel of Piddlewaldeston. On the eighteenth of June, one thousand six hundred and seventy-three, he conveyed to him the perpetuity of the Craslow pastures, near Aylesbury ; the lease of which for a term of sixty years, he had granted him about two years before." The records during the reign of James the Second, present nothing of importance regarding the affairs of the parish. A unanimous invitation was sent in consequence of James' misrule, to William, Prince of Orange, to occupy the throne of these realms. He landed at Brixham on the fifth of November, one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight, and slept in Chudleigh on the second night at the mansion of the Cholwichs in the centre of the town. He from one of the windows harangued the inhabitants in broken English, if not to their edification, at least to their satisfaction, for he was universally hailed as the deliverer of the country, from religious persecu- tion, anarchy, and oppression. About this period, the family of Woolcombe were resident in Chudleigh, and their name is CHUDLEIGH. 55 of frequent occurrence in the parish register. Robert Woolcombe, M. A., was a remarkable character, and a few particulars concerning him cannot but prove interesting. He was presented to the living of Moreton, by one of the Courtenay family, and ordained at Dartmouth, one thousand six hundred and fifty-seven ; " he was a hard stu- dent, a great philosopher, a sound solid preacher, and a courageous advocate of non-conformity ; for this he lost not only a good benefice, but a good estate, being ejected from his living in one thousand six hundred and sixty-two, and his father disinherited him, making his son, his heir; and charging in his will that he should not have the educating of him." Mr. Woolcombe on his ejectment, was followed by a few of his hearers, and became the founder of the presbyterian church at Moreton ; he had with his congregation to endure severe persecution, he was by the five- mile-act expelled from the town, and on his return to visit his little flock, was seized and committed to prison. This persecution lasted till one thou- sand six hundred and eighty-seven, when Mr. 66 HISTORY OF Woolconibe and eleven others procured a license, dated at Whitehall signed Sunderland ; for'this a considerable sum was extorted. This license became useless almost immediately after, by the passing of the Toleration Act ; "amidst all these conflicts and persecutions, Mr. Woolcombe found a good conscience a continual feast, living con- tentedly, and dying at peace in his house at Chudleigh, in one thousand six hundred and ninety-two." The records from tins period being simply parish accounts, no longer furnish matters of local interest ; " the seven men " continued to be elect- ed even towards the close of the eighteenth century, and a majority of their names were to be seen attached to notices, relating to parish affairs in conjunction with the overseers and churchwar- dens. The woollen trade, so long a source of profitable industry to the inhabitants of Chudleigh and the neighbourhood, gradually declined. The loss of a flourisbing manufacture for which nothing could compensate, was soon felt in the waning prosperity of the middle and working CHUDLE1GH. 57 classes, and a continued diminution of the tolls of the fairs and markets, which have finally be- come but of little value. AVestcote describes Chudleigh as " an ancient market town, frequented with great resort of neighbour parisbes every Saturday." Tbe fairs were also considerable ; they were held on Easter Tuesday, and the third Thursday and Friday in June, which was a large sheep and lamb fair ; and the second day was noted for the sale of scythes, reaping hooks, and implements of hus- bandry. The third fair was on the second of October. The Easter is the only one of the three that retains its importance, and there is still a considerable show of cattle in the play- park. The market, so important, is now sunk into comparative insignificance, and the town having lost its trade is no longer a " resort for neighbour parisbes." 5IJ HISTORY OF CHAPTER IV. | HE Bishop's Palace was situated south of the town, within a few paces of the romantic rock, on an eminence united to its summit, which extended across the vale. It was surround- ed by rich pastures, stretching from the church to the parish boundary of the Teign. On the east lay the dell with its woody copse, and imme- diately beyond, Ugbrooke Park ; the last formed a portion of the ecclesiastical property, and the Precentor was permitted to reside in it for the convenience of collecting the manorial dues. The palace was reached by a gradual ascent, and although thus elevated, was sheltered on all sides but the south-west. Most of our baronial and princely structures, even when crumbling into CHUDLE1GH. 59 dust, have still left some walls to define their ex- tent or some distinct features, to shew by their style of architecture, the different stages of their advancement. Here on the contrary, the merciless hand of time and the avarice of man, have left but a few fragments of what for centuries adorned the neighbourhood, and must have been a grand and imposing structure. The palace and the chapel dedicated to St. Michael, extended nearly the whole width of what is now an orchard. All that remains of the palace are some stone steps, and portions of three apartments arched over, witb their original heavy stone work. These are now thatched, and con- verted into cellars for the use of tbe farm. Tra- dition says that beneath the ruins there are some dismal vaults or dungeons; if such there be, they were alike common to all palaces and castles built at the same period, and were the necessary strong holds for thieves and malefactors, as the punishment of evil doers was vested in the Lords of manors. In a line with the palace, and separated from it by an open area, lay the t>0 HISTORY OF chapel ; these buildings appeared to have been connected on the west, by a high wall that enclosed the area. The palace evidently faced the hanging woods of the romantic and beautiful dell. A coin of the wall of some height and immense thickness is all that now remains of the chapel. The most perfect of the ruins are the boundary walls, that, towards the south-west has in it arched loop holes of highly finished masonry, these command an extensive view of the country south, and are placed at regular distances, simi- lar to those met with on fortified walls, often with the addition of towers. Adjoining this boundary, was probably situated the portcullis gate, by which the palace area was entered. The accumulation of soil in which these ruins are concealed is immense, it hides more than half the western wall, and most probably belonged to a stately " plaisaunce " with parterres and ter- races extending without doubt to the summit of the rock, such as were generally found surround- ing all the palaces, and religious houses of the catholics. Men shutting themselves up from CHUDLEIGH. 61 the business of the world, took refuge in their gardens, and on them bestowed much time and energy. It is probable from the early mention of the palace, in the records of the Cathedral church of Exeter, that it was erected about the year eleven hundred. This and the following century ( as is well known ) are styled the age of architecture ; a vast number of religious edifices were then built throughout the kingdom, and in consequence, a great improvement was observable in their style. The burying ground, one of the important appendages to the chapel, lay in the eastern corner of the orchard, as here some skeletons were dug up when the road to the quarry was recently widened. The ancient flour mill was connected with the " plaisaunce," by a narrow pathway and wall, a part of which was also standing until of late. The flour mill was the necessary accompaniment to ecclesiastical estab- lishments, as the early bishops and abbots had frequently to supply the wants of the poor, as well as to provide for their own numerous retinue. G 62 HISTORY OF A well and spring in the vicinity of the palace, still retain the names of Bishop's well, and St. Mary's spring. The principal entrance to this domain from the western road, was through a noble gothic arched gateway, about the site of the garden now belonging to the palace cottage. This gateway was taken down within the memory of some of the present inhabitants, its demolition must be a source of some regret, to all who were admirers of interesting relics of by-gone days. The space between this entrance and the palace was considerable, and was probably adorned with groves and alleys. The present site of the modern cottage may have been that of the offices, and sta- bles. An antiquarian aided in his investigation of these ruins on removing the soil, by which they are covered, might unravel much that concerned their original grandeur and extent, and portray them more minutely. No description of what the palace and chapel were in their palmy days, is extant. The few records of historians, only refer to their utter ruin and desolation. Risdon thus writes, " the bishops of this diocese had a CHUDLEIGH. 63 sumptuous seat here, with the manor thereunto belonging, part of which structure yet standeth, which only numbereth what large possessions once they had, and how little they now enjoy in this place." Lysons writes, " at Chudleigh are several walls and arches, which belonged to the bishops of Exeter, at that place"; such are the sole remains of this once magnificent abode of priestly grandeur. Its massive arches, marble pillars, and the materials which composed the walls were sold, and used for different purposes, some were thrown into the adjoining kiln and converted into lime. According to Dr. Oliver, this palace was a favourite residence of the early bishops, it must have strikingly contrasted in beauty of situation and elegance of structure, with their dull abode at Exeter, but how is the scene changed ? The lovely " plaisaunce," with its parterres and terraces, are no longer decked with choice flowers. The apartments in which an anxious audience once listened to the precepts, hung on the consolations, or awaited the com- mands of their priestly lords, are now desolate, 64 HISTORY OF its literal and pretended foundation on a rock has not prevented its fall. Within the walls of the chapel dedicated to St. Michael, there must have been enjoyed many seasons of rapt devotion in the celebration of high mass, and the awe inspiring ceremonies of the church of Rome. Many expensive obits and solemn requiems have been there chanted for the souls of the departed. Many ordinations have there added the sons of the wealthy and noble to the catholic priesthood. Imagination may lend an ear to the chanted matin, rising with morning's dawn, and the " Ave-Maria, " mingling with the shades of evening. In the silent hour of midnight the rock itself has witnessed without doubt the infliction of many a severe penance, and the sustentation of many a lengthened vigil. With the death of bishop Lacy, in the year one thousand four hundred and fifty-five, and the departure of his remains from the palace, it appeared as though " Ichabod " were inscribed on its walls; no further mention is made of it, until sold by bishop Veysey^at the reformation. CHUDLEIGH. 65 From the occasional residence of the bishops of Exeter at the palace, the town was indebted for a supply of running water obtained from a distance ; a few particulars concerning the interesting fact, will next claim attention. Chudleigh by its natural position, was deprived of this important essential to cleanliness and comfort. It is true that it had brooks, but they flowed in the vallies, and were only available by steep ascents and descents. We have no record as to the period, in which this great boon was obtained, or any particulars concerning its accomplishment. Tra- dition ascribes it to bishop Lacy, who according to Izacke, "well governed the church thirty-five years from one thousand four hundred and twenty." It has always been considered to have been effected for the accommodation of the palace, at the same time, giving the inhabitants a partici- pation in its advantages. The source of the spring was found under Haldon, in a dingle now belonging to M. E. N. Parker, esquire. Before diverted by a weir, it flowed towards Bramble- brook, which falls into the Teign, at Crocombe GG HISTORY OF bridge. The new channel marked out for this little stream, was ably and judiciously executed. It flows nearly parallel with the new Exeter road as far as Heathfield Cottage : but here it was on an eminence east of Chudleigh, and had therefore after being carried across the old road, to pursue a winding and retrograde course, until brought to a right level, for again being turned towards Chudleigh ; it was then made to flow on to a pleasant path-field, situated at the top of Exeter- street ; here it may be considered as waiting disposal for the good of the town. For nearly two centuries it poured a part of its treasures ( on its way to the palace,) into a large stone trough, at the bottom of Culver-street. In the year one thousand six hundred and one, from an entry in the parochial register, we find that " the seven men " made a new " shoute " for the accommo- dation of the west end of the town, the expenses of which are thus summed up, " workmens wages and theer dyett as appeareth from theer books in pticular four pounds thirteen shillings and four- pence." To supply this " shoute," a part of the CHUDLETGH. (57 stream was diverted from meadows still called Shute-lands, as wending its way to the Bishop's palace, where it evidently formed a fish-pond, which was often found in connection with the early catholic establishments. Another entry shews, that the Pot-water as it is called, claimed the particular attention of " the seven men," item " pd. for redding of the towne leate from the hedd wear unto the newe shoute at the west end of the towne, twice this two years, fourteen shillings and eightpence." This stream is now under the control of a committee appointed by the parish, yearly, on the twenty-second day of May. Instead of pouring its treasures into a stone trough, they now flow through a conduit connected with the granite pillar in the centre of the town, and are otherwise so guided and distributed, as to afford a supply to all the inhabitants. The source under Haldon is about three miles distance, which is considerably in- creased by its winding course, as it is carried through more than twenty fields, and crosses in its way five different roads. The work considering 68 HISTORY OF the early period of its accomplishment, was one of considerable skill and labour. While the palace itself has decayed, and the name even of the bene- factor who originated and completed this impor- tant work, is in obscurity, the stream drawing on nature's exhaustless treasury, has for nearly five centuries pursued its quiet way, refreshing man and beast, with one of the essentials of natural life. The Woollen Trade once entensively carried on, and intimately connected for centuries with our ancient town, requires a few remarks, and naturally induces a few observations as to the cause of its final abandonment. Tbe rapid progress made in modern discoveries, of which machinery is the crowning point, and the application of this most important branch of mechanism, has its particular bearing on the subject. The ability of applying and equally distributing force by human hands without the operation of machinery, is very limited, and in all our works of art, it is found necessary in the present age, to call in the aid of mechanical power of one kind or another ; CHUDLEIGH. 69 those who have taken the lead in reducing to practice the modern improvements in manufac- turing science, have not only been themselves rewarded by the accumulation of wealth, but have conferred on their immediate localities a great amount of good, by their encouragement of an enlightened and concentrated industry : as an instance of this, the application of spindles and shuttles driven without hands, have secured for the enterprising inhabitants of Yorkshire, the transfer of a trade that once had its principal seats amid the rural scenes of Devon. It is true that a particular branch of the trade still exists at Buckfastleigh, Ashburton, and a few other towns, but even at these places, where experienced hands, and considerable capital are employed, the trade flags, and every year sees rather a diminu- tion than an increase. There can be no hesitation in ascribing to Chudleigh, an early and important share of this trade. All the middle and labouring classes, as well as many of the wealthy farmers belonging to neigbbouring parishes, were in one way or 70 HISTORY OF another connected with it. No public or private local record exists, respecting the particular sort of flannel or serge manufactured, but it was well known to merchants formerly carrying on the trade in Devon, that its ancient fabrics were of a peculiar and excellent kind, and bore the name of " Chudleighs," not only at the time, but long after they had ceased to be made at that place where they had originated and been brought to perfection. There are still a few of the aged inhabitants, who recollect when processions of woolcombers clothed in woollen caps and gowns, paraded the town on particular days, the elder of the fraternity being equipped as Bishop Blaize, (the patron saint of the trade), with a mitre on his head ; so completely is the scene changed, that the past appears rather as a dream tban reality. The slight information that oral tradition supplies, refers altogether to the days of its decline and final abandonment. Mr. Moore, in his history of Devon, has ably traced out the origin, rise, and decline of the woollen trade ; a few short extracts will throw much light on the CHUDLEIGH. 71 subject, and cannot but prove highly interesting. " The manufacture of woollen cloth in Devon, as well as England in general, appears to have been derived from Flanders, and the Low Countries. No mention is made of fulling mills in this county, in the Doomsday survey ; but from their being noticed in the records of Edward the First, who granted charters to foreign merchants and manufacturers, for the purpose of settling in the kingdom, it is evident that cloth was made in Exeter and Chudleigh," here we see Chudleigh is mentioned in connection with Exeter, as manu- facturing cloths at this early period. " Edward the Third, also by the measures he adopted for the encouragement of manufactories, contributed greatly towards laying the foundation of our national superiority ; he gave great encourage- ment to weavers of woollen cloths, as well as dyers and fullers from the continent, who came to London, and afterwards settled in different parts of the kingdom. It is known that a wool-staple existed in Exeter, in one thousand three hundred and fifty-four ; from this period the trade gra- 72 HISTORY OF dually increased in importance throughout the county, and many eminent clothiers were not long after to be found in the principal towns." Exeter rose to be the greatest wool market in England, " its ordinary sales of wool on Fridays, amounted to the value of ten thousand pounds sterling." Westcote clearly describes the state of the trade in his days, and after tracing its progress, and the description of goods then manu- factured, adds, " first the gentleman farmer, or " husbandman, sends his wool to the market, " which is bought either by the comber or spin- " ster, and they, the next week bring it thither " again in yarn, which the weaver buys ; and " on the market following, brings it thither again " in cloth ; where it is sold either to the clothier, " (who sends it to London,) or to the merchant, " who ( after it hath passed the fuller's mill, and " sometimes the dyer's vat, ) transports it. The " large quantities whereof cannot be well guessed " at, but best known to the custom-book where- " unto it yields no small commodity, and this " is continued all the year throughout." The CHUDLEIGH. 73 great increase of the woollen manufacture in the seventeenth century, ( Mr. Moore again ob- serves, ) " was occasioned by tbe revival or extension of the sale of English cloth in Italy, Turkey, and the Levant." Morrison, who was in Turkey in one thousand five hundred ;in7 ** on the sixth of November, one thousand two " hundred and fifty-nine." It consists of a nave, chancel,* a south aisle supported by eight granite pillars, and a north transept commonly called Hunt's Aisle. It measures in length one hun- dred and ten feet, and fifty-six at its greatest breadth. Many of the old pews were for a considerable number of years in a dilapidated state, and formed a most unsightly assemblage of irregular unseemly boxes of various heights, inclinations, and dimensions ; containing with the galleries accommodation for six hundred and forty-eight persons, and the condition of the * There is an entry in the parish records, " paid for taking down the altar stone," in the year 15G3. — "paid for making of the timber -work about the newe commandements," in 1578 ; and also " paid (he paynter for making of the X. commande- ments " : it further appeareth that the functionaries were very slow in executing the commands issued by the Lord Bishop, for they were cited to appear in court in 1579, by the following item, " paid for that defaulte was found for lack of the Tenne Commandements and other things in the church; — paid charges of appearing before the Lord Bishop in visitation ; — paid the sumler (summer) that assyted (cited) us to appear ; — paid charges when we brought in our answers at the visitation; — paid Ifees of the court." K 98 HISTORY OF interior was any thing but creditable to the parishioners. In the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, however, they were fully awakened to the necessity of rendering the house of God, more convenient and more in accordance with its high and holy purposes, and proceeded to the goodly work with energy and zeal. Eight hun- dred pounds was borrowed of the public works commissioners, on a mortgage of tbe rates, to which the dissenters of all denominations liberally consented, and the subscription lists soon swelled to a considerable amount, and the total outlay on the works has reached near one thousand seven hundred pounds ; and tbe church in lieu of being a reproach to the parish, is now one of the most beautiful in the diocess. It has been newly pewed throughout, the galleries have been rebuilt, the fine old screen restored, and the chancel and its fittings entirely remodelled. The principal entrance to tbe church was originally on the north side, tbis has been blocked up, and by the uniform arrangement of the pews, the sittings CHUDLEIGH. 99 have been increased to seven hundred and fifty- three, of which two hundred and fifty are free and unappropriated. The chief entrance to the church is now by a handsome gothic archway in the tower. The first object that strikes the spectator on entering the building, is the splendid east window of stained glass. This beautiful ornament of the church was placed there at the sole cost of John Williams, esquire, as a memorial to his esteemed friend the late Rev. Gilbert Burrington, for fifty- five years the vicar of the parish. It is of the decorated style of English Architecture, and consists of five lights. The centre represents our Saviour crowned, beneath which is the cruci- fixion ; on the right are the figures of St. Peter, and St. Paul ; above whom in medallions are representations of the Nativity, and our Lord's Baptism, and under them The Agony in the Gar- den, and Christ bearing his Cross : on the left side are figures of St. James, and St. John ; above are medallions uniform with the right side, descriptive of our Saviour washing his disciples 100 HISTORY OF feet, and the Last Supper, and beneath them the Resurrection, and the Ascension : in the upper corner on the right is a figure of St. Martin, dividing his cloak with a beggar ; and on the left the iigure of the Virgin Mary, who are as before stated, the patron saints of the church : the head of the window is filled with devices, emblematic of the Trinity, and Crucifixion, and at the base is the following inscription ; " In honorem Dei et " in piam memoriam Gilberti Burrington lv. an- " nos hujus parochia? Vicarii dedicat Johannes " Williams, anno sacro mdcccxlvii. " The east end of the southern aisle* has lately been adorned by an elegant stained window, representing the Transfiguration. It contains three lights ; the centre having the figure of our Saviour ; the right that of Moses ; the left that * In the south aisle stood formerly the altar of the Virgin Mary, before which Thomas Taylor, a canon of Crediton church, desired by his last will and testament to be buried. Fur the use of the said altar he bequeathed a silver chalice. The will, proved the fifteenth of December, one thousand four hundred and fifty-two, may be seen in Bishop Lacy's register. CHUDLE1GII. 101 of Elias ; and on the base the figures of Peter, James, and John, are vividly portrayed. This beautiful addition to the church, was made by Admiral Sir David Dunn, in memory of the late Lady Dunn, whose estimable qualities were appreciated by all who knew her. The following is the inscription : " in pious memory of Louisa Henrietta Dunn, died a.d. mdcccxlix." The principal contributors to the restoration of the. church, were Mrs. Parker, Mr. Parker, Mr. Williams, Mr. Yarde, the Rev. W. H. Palk the vicar, and the Rev. Chas. M. Edward Collins. The monuments in the church deserving notice are but few. That erected to the memory of James Eastchurch in the south aisle, and that to Sir Pierce Courtenay and his lady in the chancel, are the most striking, and are more fully described hereafter. The former has been recently restored to its original condition ; but the latter still needs the hand of the skilful artificer. In the north aisle there is an old portrait belonging to one of the Hunt family, it bears date one thousand six hundred and one, it has been lately restored at the 102 HISTORY OF expense of Mr. Parker. This aisle was probably appropriated to the Hunts, from their first resi- dence in the parish, and still retains their name. In removing some of the old pews from the screen, some curious paintings were discovered, twenty in number, representing the apostles and prophets, each having a Latin inscription, ( the English translation is added for the general reader) in the following order : — 1. Petrus. Credo in Deum Patrem omnipoten- tem Creatorem coeli et terra 3 . Peter. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth ; 2. Jeremias. Patrem invocabitis qui fecit coelum et terram. Jeremiah. Ye shall call me my Father who made heaven and earth. 3. Andreas. Et in Jesum Christum Filium ejus unicum Dominum nostrum. Andrew. Aad in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord, 4. Paulus. Deus dixit ad me filius meus es tu ego hodie genui te. Paul. God has said unto me thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee. CHUDLEIGH. 103 5. Jacobus Major. Qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto natus ex Maria Vir- gine. James the elder. Who was conceived by the Holy- Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, 6. Ysaias. Ecce Virgo concipiet et pariet filium. Isaiah. Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son. 7. Johnes Evangl. Passus sub Poutio Pilato crucifixus mortuus et se- pultus. John the Evangelist. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, ■was crucified dead and buried. 8. Zacharias. Aspicient illi eum qui crucifixe- runt. Zechariah. They shall look on Him whom they have crucified. 9. Thomas. Descendit ad inferos tertia die re- surget. Thomas. He descended into hell, and the third day he shall rise again. 10. Oseas. O mors ero mors tua morsus tuus ero inferus. Hosea. O death I will be thy plague, O grave I will be thy destruction. 104 HISTORY OF 11. Jacobus. Ascendit ad coelos sedet ad dexter- am Patris. Jacob. He hath ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God. 12. Amos. Qui adaedificat in coelo ascensionem suam. Amos. Who builds his ascent in heaven. 13. Philipp. Inde venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos. Philip. Who shall judge the quick and dead. 14. Malachii. Ascendam ad vos in judicio et ero vobis iesus. Malachi. / will come to you in judgment and be a Saviour to you. 15. Bartholomeus. Credo in spiritura sanctum. Bartholomew. I believe in the Holy Ghost. 16. Joel. Effundam de spiritu meo super omnem carnem. Joel. I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh. 17. Mattheus. Sanctam ecclesiam catholicam sanc- torum communionem. Matthew. The holy catholic church, the communion of saints. 18. Sophonias. Invocabunt eum omnes et servent ei. Zephaniah. They shall call upon and shall serve him. CHUDLEIGH. 105 19. Simon. Remissionem peccatorum. Simon. The remission of sins. 20. Mychias. Deponet dominus omnes iniquita- tes vestras. Micah. The Lord shall take away all your iniquities. The screen without doubt anciently extended across the south aisle, and within there was an altar, as can be seen by referring to the note in page 100. By the removal of this part of the screen, the creed is not finished, it would how- ever be so by the addition of two panels, and thus the words : — " Carnis resurrectionem " Resurrection of the body, " Vitam aeternam. Amen." And the life everlasting. Amen. would render it complete. " On the north-side of the chancel, the before mentioned monument to Sir Pierce Courtenay, is " ornamented with pilasters, coats of arms, &c. " On the top are the arms of the Courtenay " family, with a crescent for difference, impaling " those of Shilston. Above the pilaster, on the 106 HISTORY OF " right side, are the arms of Clifford, with a " crescent charged with a mullet, impaling those of " Staplehill. Above the left pilaster are the " arms of Clifford, with a crescent charged with a " mullet, signifying that he was the third son of " the second house. Below the centre coat " of arms is the following inscription : "S: r Pierce Courtnay mailed Elizabeth y e daughter of " Robert Shilston, who 1«ed issue vn children. Carew, Ed- " ward, and James, sonns ; also daughters Katharine, mar " to Kempthorn ; Dorothy, mar. to Cowlinge ; Anne, ma' to "Clifford; and Joan, maried to Tremayne. " Then follows a Greek inscription, signifying that this monument was erected by Thomas Clifford, in memory of his ancestors. Below the Greek : " Ecclus. 4. Strive for the truth unto death, and defend " justice for thy life, and the Lord God shall fighte for thee." " Beneath this inscription is the figure of a " man in armour, in a kneeling posture at a desk, " with a book open before him. Over his head " are the arms of Courtenay painted on the wall." " Psal. 112. She hath distributed, and given to the poore, " her righteousness remaynetk for ever." " Beneath this inscription is a figure of a wo- CHUDLEIGH. 107 " man in a kneeling posture at a desk, with a " book open before her. Over her head are the " arms of Shilston painted on the wall. Beneath, " on an altar-stone, is the following inscription ; " Here lieth the body of S: r Pierce Courtney, knight, " sonne to S. r Wil: m Courtney of Powdra, knight, who died " Ano: Do: 1552, May 20, and also the body of Dame " Elizabeth his wife, sole daughter and heire to Robert Shil- ' ston of Bridstowe, esquire, who died the 8 th of No: Ano: " Do: 1605." Other tablets and ancient floor-stones, are in the chancel, but these we leave, to describe another conspicuous monument in the south-aisle, to the " memory of James Eastchurch," before referred to : " his effigies as low as the waist, " are fixed in a niche in the wall.* He is repre- " sented in the act of praying, a velvet cushion " before him ; his hair straightly combed on his " forehead, a single curl round his neck and a " large ruff; a black gown, full at the sleeves, * In the wall where this monument is fixed, there are the remains of the stone steps that led to the rood-loft ; the por- tion of the screen that is deficient, was no doubt taken down when it was removed. 108 HISTORY OF " and a crimson waistcoat. Under is the follow- " ing inscription : " Memoriae sacrum Jacobi Eastchurch parva corporis minore animi, imbecillitate, 85 feliciter complevit annos qui prolem liabuit tres Alios, Richardu Henr & Rober. Ut autem inter Angelos feliciorem agat .... apud Prasdium suum Lawell C° D . . . . Decemb. A° D 1 1631, libenf ob . . " Blest pilgrime Eastchurch, long thou'st travell'd, and At length with joy attain'd the Holy Land. Thou'st left this militant and ta'en thy way To Heaven's triumphant church to live for aye ; ( As thy forefathers did ) rest thou with them For ever in the New Jerusalem." On a black marble below : " Secus hoc marmor recumbit corpus Jacobi Eastchurch de Lawell generosi die x Decembris sepultum Anno Domini, 1662." " Also Shilston the wife of James Eastechurch, gent., daughter of the Right Reverend & Worshipfull Thomas Clifford, doctor in divinitie, was buried the first day of March, 1685." In the rural districts of England and Wales, churchyards have ever claimed attention, and ever have been objects of great interest, and some- times they contain the sole memorial of families long extinct. Few, if any, possess a site more CHUDLEIGH. 109 beautiful than ours : occupying as it does the south-western extremity of the eminence on which the town stands ; it is considerably elevated above the road, and with the church and tower, presents a pleasing and conspicuous object. The trees that adorn the yard are of long standing and noble growth, upon them the rooks annually build their nests, their monotonous cawing well harmo- nises with the solemnity of the place. The fresh breezes that play over the green sward, and the picturesque views it commands, strikingly contrast with the confined burial places of our crowded cities. Some of the old inhabitants re- member the ancient lich gateway, through which the yard was formerly entered, as well as ano- ther entrance by a steep flight of steps imme- diately opposite the tower. There were also before the fire three old cottages built on the church-yard wall, their windows overlooking the yard, and thus destroying its calm and seclusive aspect. The present iron gates and handsome stone pillars are in good taste, and well accord with the recent alterations and improvements of 110 HISTORY OF the church. The boundary walls and ancient tomb- stones were lately re-erected and repaired, the un- even surface of the ground levelled and the paths newly arranged. The expenses of these various improvements were considerable, and were defray- ed by the benevolence of two liberal contributors to the principal charities of the town, independent of the sums raised for the repairs of the church. From the external of the grave-yard, the mind involuntarily turns to death, which so intimately concerns us all. It is a theme on which poets and moralists have expatiated in strains of ten- derness, and to it the preacher alludes in words of deep pathos and earnest admonition. Here the great equaliser reigns, and around us are the graves over which sorrowing relatives come and weep. It is a scene which solemnly impresses all, whether they confess it or not. Here the pinions of the gay droop — the uplifted head of the proud is lowered — the grasp of the covetous, and the strong hold of the avaricious are loosened — the energy that rivets our fond affections to earth is checked — the tide of life recedes — the prize n CHUDLEIGH. Ill becomes a blank — here tbe oppressed beholds a tyrant that conquers the oppressor — here the poor become rich if heirs of heaven, and without a hope beyond the grave the rich are poor indeed — mere bankrupts in the prospect of eternity. " Here too the spirit is urged forward through the valley and shadow of death, and from the dark empire of the grave, onward to the everlasting future." Though thus stern be the aspect of death and the grave, yet to the enlightened eyes of the christian they are vanquished. The dust of countless generations are here held, but in a moment the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised " incorruptible." The tomb-stones are numerous, but the limits of this work will only admit of our giving two or three of the most striking ; as a whole, they teach the oft repeated lesson, that no age is exempl from death, his trophies are the young and robust, as well as the old and iufirm, " who so artful as to put it by." On the first grave-stone that claims attention, Robert Woolcombe is said to have been vicar of this parish sixty-three years. 11*2 HISTORY OF He was instituted in the year one thousand six hundred, and died one thousand six hundred and fifty-four. This contradiction can be explained by it being known that he laboured as a curate to his father Benedict, and the whole of his ministry was here included. " Here lyeth the body of Robert Woolcombe, vicar of this " church threescore and three years, who died the 19th day " of January, 1654. And here resteth under hope of resur- " rection to eternal life." The first three lines of the following poetical ef- fusion, were the production of two aspiring natives who were lost in their grand object, the praises of the departed, when they attempted a description of Haldon, however, a third came to their rescue, and the last two lines gave a finished composition. " Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Ambrose Wilkins, " who departed this life the 15th day of May, 1774, in the " 85th year of his age. Master of the Grammar-school in " this parish." " The dreary wild, the dreadful storm To him were trifling cares ; Who did endure, Serv'd Ashcombe cure * For more than 50 years." * It may be curious to some of our readers to remark, the singularity of the above epitaph in honor of this old " gymna- siarch," so styled by Dr. Fraser Halle ; it becomes doubly interesting when we call to mind that our present vicar whose CHUDLEIGH. t - The inscription to John Tothill on the south side of the church-yard, is a touching composition. It is from the pen of Mr. Matthews, a solicitor of this place. Mr. Tothill was a self taught philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician of no ordinary merit, although his talents led to no important results, yet they were highly esteemed, and his virtues were long cherished by a large circle of friends and relatives. " Sacred to the memory of John Tothill, son of Nicholas " and Ann Tothill of this parish, who died the 24th day of "July 1760." "Strangers or Friends, if learn'dor good, draw near, For such as you this tomb demands a tear : For lo ! the dust inclosed was once endued With every talent to be wise and good. Learn'd, tho' untaught, in all that schools cou'd teach, That judgment could improve, or genius reach : Yet knew no pride, a soul above disguise, That nothing wish'd to be but good and wise : He liv'd a blessing on mankind bestow'd, And died at last an offering fit for God ! " The advowson of the parish of Chudleigh is in the gift of the parishioners, who purchased it of residence is at Ashcombe, has the same journey to perform ; we cannot but rejoice that although the wilds of Haldon are alike dreary, yet "dreadful storms" have no longer to be encountered, the winters having become more like the mild close of autumn than the deep snowy seasons of past ages. 114 HISTORY OF John Hunt of Hams Barton, on the nineteenth of April, one thousand six hundred and eighty- three, for the sum of one hundred and sixty pounds, ( to be ) taken from the parish chest. By a deed bearing the same date, the benefice was conveyed to certain persons in trust or confidence, requiring them to give on two several sabbaths, within four months after the avoidance of the vicarage, notice for a meeting of the parishioners holding lands rated at five pounds per annum. At this meeting it was further ordered, that the majority should choose and nominate their future Vicar. Accordingly the first election took place on the tenth of February, one thousand six hun- dred and eighty-eight, when Nicholas Battersby, as will be seen by the subjoined list of vicars, ( taken from Dr. Oliver's Ecclesiastical History ) was chosen and nominated. The living of Chudleigh is valued at five hun- dred and fifty pounds per annum, when therefore ( in times like the present ) a vacancy occurs by the death, or removal of the vicars of Chudleigh, and advertisements give publicity to the fact, it CHUDLE1GH. 116 brings into the field a host of candidates. These have each an opportunity of preaching on the several sabbaths, during the period of four months prior to the election. Their testimonials are also laid before the voters and the town at large, for their careful perusal. Chudleigh is thus in posses- sion of a privilege, enjoyed but by few episcopal congregations in England, and which gives the parishioners ( unless they unguardedly promise their votes ) first, perfect freedom in the choice of their minister ; secondly, a great number to choose from. The judicious exercise of religious liberty, without any local influence whatever, was evidently the grand object that our pious ancestors contemplated and provided for, when they made a considerable effort to purchase and place, at the entire disposal of the landed rate- payers, the advowson of the vicarage. The real value of what Chudleigh thus possesses, can perhaps be better estimated and understood, by a careful examination of the important religious movement that took place in Scotland, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three. 116 HISTORY OF The present trustees are Lord Exmoutb, Sir Lawrence Palk, Major General Taylor, Mr. Par- ker, Major Fortescue, and Mr. Burrington. The following is the list of Vicars before re- ferred to : — Nicholas is the first name that I have met with : and I believe is the Vicar who bequeathed in 1303, to the Fabric of Exeter Cathedral vis. viiic?. John Fitz Hugh occurs Vicar the 29th of September, 1317. Nicholas Coffin, instituted the 20th of June, 1337. Thomas de Marston, the 23rd of March, 1348. Thomas Walsh : he exchanged for Axminster with Richard de Hatheleseye, 23rd of March, 1352. Philip Bossayon, instituted the 14th of July, 1353 : he also exchanged for the Vicarage of Dunsford, with Robert Brugge, 28th of March, 1387. John Basyngham de Melton : he exchanged for Lup- pit with Vincent Hille, the 22nd of January, 1402. This Vicar resigning, Ralph Colle succeeded, the 13th of January, 1422. N.B. Colle exchanged for Lustleigh with John Burleigh, the 21st of November, 1428. Michael occurs Vicar the 14th of February, 1449. Stephen Colyn . on whose death Edward Stephynson followed the 16th of October, 1499. N.B. He exchanged for a Prebend in St. Probus' Corn- wall, with Edward Carr, (alias George) the 23rd of July, 1505 Robert Weston ; on whose resignation CHUDLEIGH. 117 Ralph Holland, instituted the 18th of September, 1508. Stephen Vernay, on Holland's resignation, the 27th of June, 1516. William Leveson, N.B. King Henry VIII. in his Writ to Bishop Veysey, dated the 20th of July, 1536, required of his Lordship, under a Penalty of £500, a return of the value of all Ecclesiastical preferments in the Diocese of Exeter, with the names of every Incumbent, from the 1st of January, 1535, the said Valuation to be delivered in the Court of Chancery under the Episcopal Seal, by 3rd of November, 1536. In this Valuation I read " Vicaria de Chudlegh, ubi Willelmus Leveson est Vicarius, valet £xxi. John Blaxton succeeded on Leveson's resignation. George Chudlcigh collated the 27th of August, 1541 : he was made a Canon of Exeter Cathedral, the 9th of March, 1546. John More, 1559. Benedict Woolcombe the 16th of January, 1571. His will dated the 4th of October, 1599, was proved the 25th of January following. (Patroness, Christina Chudleigh.) Robert Woolcombe, son of Benedict, the 18th of January, 1600, Patrons hac vice William Putt, James and Thomas Eastchurch. This Vicar died on the 19th of January, 1654. Stephen Bloy, May the 10th, 1658 : on whose death, Edward Isorthmore succeeded the 30th of December, 1673, Patron John Hunt, Gent. Mr. Northmore died the 2nd of October, 1687. Nicholas Battersby, the 10th of February, following, on the presentation of John Coysh, John Cholwich, Giles Inglett, Christopher Hellier, John Langley, and James Iiennell, Trustees of the Advowson. 118 HISTORY OF John Ellis, on Battersby's death, admitted the 4th of January, 1689. Presented by 6 Trustees : ob. 2nd of March, 1709, set, G3. Nicholas Tripe, admitted the 30th of June, 1710. Patrons as before. John Sergeant, admitted on Tripe's death, the 16th October, 1718. Jo/m Bayly, admitted on Sergeant's death, the 12th of June, 1 736. Patrons as before. William Staplin, admitted on Bayly's death, 10th of Septem- ber, 1751. Patrons as before. Gilbert Burrington, admitted on Staplin's death, 12th of June, 1752. Patrons as before. This worthy Vicar died 23rd of February, 1785, set. 63. Gilbert Burrington, admitted on his father's death, 28th of June, 1785. Patrons as before. WUmot Henry Palk, admitted on Burringlon's death, 24th of June, 1841. Presented by the Trustees. The Presbyterian Chapel was founded in the year one thousand seven hundred and ten. There were formerly connected with it some of the most wealthy and influential inhabitants of the parish ; one of these, Mr. Causley of Ranscombe, endow- ed it with twenty pounds per annum which is still paid out of some land purchased by the late Lord Clifford, subject to this annual payment. The last of the Presbyterian ministers was the Rev. B. Peckford, a learned man and profound Hebrew CHUDLElGIf. 119 scholar. After the fire the chapel was for some years, without a settled minister, being difficult to obtain one from among the Presbyterians, it was thought advisable to apply to Mr. Wilson, a wealthy patron of the Independent academy at Hoxton, he accordingly sent a popular preacher, the Rev. James Davison. On his resignation a succession of the same denomination continuing to serve this church, it was finally changed from Presbyterian to Independent. In the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty, this chapel was rebuilt on a larger scale, under the direction of the Rev. J. Allen* the present minister and with consent of the trustees; it will seat about three hundred and fifty. There have at different periods been added a vestry, schoolrooms, and burying ground : there is also belonging to it, a Sunday school, ( the first established in the town,) a girls day school, and vestry library. It con- tains a fine and powerful organ, the gift of the * The Kcv. J. Allen is the author of the Daily Monitor, and Daily Companion in two vols., which have passed through several editions. 120 HISTORY OF late benevolent Mrs. Davison, to whose memory and her excellent partner, there is on the north wall a neat tablet, as also near the pulpit another to Mr. Petherick and grandson ; the inscriptions are as follows : " Beneath are deposited the mortal remains of James Davi- " son, Minister of the gospel in this place ; who departed this " life to be with Christ, August 5th, 1841. Also of Eliza- " beth, his wife, who fell asleep in Jesus, March 6th, 1847." " Peace be within this sacred place, And joy a constant guest ! With holy gifts and heavenly grace, Be her attendants blest." " In this chapel are deposited the mortal remains of John " Petherick, who died the 12th of June, 1836, aged 55 years. " Also John P. Allen, grandson of the above, ob. 17th Jan., " 1834. ML 5 years & 6 mo." "Cease, friendship, cease to weep ! God takes but what he gives ; And while the relics sleep, The immortal spirit lives. Mourner retire, and kiss the afflictive rod, To thee their exit calls, ' Prepare to meet thy God.' " The Wesleyan Cbapel, situated in Mill Lane, was built in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven. It belongs to the Teignmouth circuit and is regularly supplied by the ministers CHUDLE1GH. 121 and local preachers on the Conference plan. The scriptural doctrines and form of church govern- ment of the Wesleyan Methodists are well known. Brookfield Chapel ; or, the United Christian Church of the Baptist persuasion, was erected near this town in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty, by the generous efforts of W. Rouse, Esq. " It is a neat and commodious building and presents a substantial and plain elevation, the interior is marked by the same regard to simplicity and comfort, the pulpit is a model of neatness, constructed as also the seats of a kind of wood lately introduced into this country from New Zealand." There belongs to it a large and flourishing sabbath-school. The burying ground adjoins the chapel. The baptistery is at the residence of W. Rouse, Esq., who fills the pastoral office to this church. Boys, girls, and infant day-schools, are supported by the same generous individual ; their duties being sustained by trained superintendents on the " British System," under the able inspection of Mrs. Rouse. 122 HISTORY OF The various gifts to the poor which when bestowed were considerable, are from the relative value of money and other causes at present but of trifling consideration. The parish lands and tenements have been leased out on long terms, and are scarcely worth enumerating. * We also find in the report of the Commissioners, that there were many charities once belonging to the parish, under the head of " Lost Gifts." Of the annual annuities, the following are the principal. By Sir John Acland in bread, fifty-two shil- lings. It is not bestowed weekly according to the donor's direction, but is given together with Clarke's gift every quarter, when a baker is directed to furnish forty sixpenny loaves. The tickets for the disposal of this bread are at the discretion of the churchwardens. The distribu- tion at the Easter quarter, is greater by four loaves, in order to exhaust the whole sum of four pounds two shillings. Clarke's gift is paid * The whole amount raised from parish lands ( markets ex- cepted ) is £10 13s. 8d. per annum. When the present leases have expired, they will return about £80, according to the calculation of the Commissioners. CHUDLEIGH. 123 out of two closes of land called Reeve Oaks, and Veversham, in the parish of Trusham. Soper's gift pays forty shillings per annum out of houses near the church, which the parish leased out on a long term of years. This gift was to be laid out in the purchase of linen cloth for shirting, which was ordered to be given away by tbe churchwardens, " to such poor labourers of the parish as have poor families, each indi- vidual receiving sufficient to make a shirt ; when the report of tbe charities was published, the churchwardens were enabled to supply ten poor labourers annually." William Stidson, esquire, who died the thir- teenth of April, one thousand eigbt hundred and eighteen, gave one hundred pounds to the poor of tbe parish for ever, the interest four pounds per annum, to be laid out half-yearly in bread at tbe discretion of the churchwardens, for the use and benefit of the poor and industrious not receiving alms. Stephen Bloy by will bearing date the eleventh of June, one thousand six hundred and seventy- 1*24 HISTORY OF two, gave to the poor of the parish of Chudleigh, twenty-five pounds to remain as a stock ; the interest of which being yearly thirty shillings, one half to be distributed to such persons as should be in sickness ; preferring the most religious and sober, as well as had no relief from tbe parish ; to be given in sums not exceeding three shillings to any in one or the same sickness. The other half was to be distributed to poor passengers and travellers in distress. This gift of Stephen Bloy was included in a sum of one hundred and forty pounds, with which the old workhouse was purchased by the parish of Nicholas Stuckie of Ashcombe, in the year one thousand six hundred and seventy-five. The workhouse was rebuilt by the parish (as before stated ), and finally repurchased by Mr. Williams,* subject to this annuity of thirty shil- * This building has been converted into a National school, and contains spacious boys, girls, and infant school-rooms, with a committee room, and accommodation for the residence of the female teacher. The alteration was made at the sole expense of Mr. Williams, who keeps the entire building in repair, and presents it to the school committee free from any expense whatever. Such liberality needs no comment. CHUDLEIGH. 125 lings per annum. It is necessary while on the charities to correct an error made by the writer in the preceding ancient history referring to the fairs and markets. The different amounts men- tioned in the parish records, were paid to Hunt on account of Thomas Bridges, as the following short extract will show. " By indenture bearing " date the first of May, one thousand five hundred " and ninety-seven, between Thomas Bridges on " one part and Henry Clifford and twenty-two, " on the other part ; for the consideration of one " hundred and fifty pounds : the market and fairs " as also a sporting or playing place then esti- " mated at three acres, should ever remain for " the use of the said parish." Among the charities enumerated by the Com- missioners, we find the church-house, the upper part of which has for centuries been used as a parish school-room. It is the most ancient educational building in the town, and is men- tioned in a deed bearing date one thousand five hundred ninety-seven, where it is included with other parish lands held in trust. The masters 126 HISTORY OF have of late years been elected at a general vestry meeting, and are permitted to occupy the pre- mises rent free, as also the sexton who resides under the same roof. The first notice concerning this school in the parochial register, refers to the year one thousand six hundred and five, and again in one thousand six hundred and fifty-seven, when " the seven men " and the parishioners at a meeting held for the purpose, took into consider- ation " the great want of an able paynful school " master and agreed with one Mr. Pollexfen to " come to keepe school here, in Chudleigh. " They promised to give him thirteen pounds six "' shillings and eightpence for the first year, and " to repayer the school-house and chamber " adjoining in convenyent manner." Mr. Pollex- fen on his part promised to be very careful and diligent in teaching those scholars, which should be sent to him, and for the consideration afore- said, to " teach and instruct in the best manner " he could, six poor men's children of the psh. ; " such as the seven or any five of them should " appoint." The masters of late years have in addition to the day-school admitted boarders. CHUDLEIGH. 127 At the time that Mr. Bond filled the important office, this school became one of the best of the description in the county. He was a clever and practical arithmetician and good astronomer for his day ; he had a most pleasing method of imparting knowledge ; his mild and amiable temper greatly endeared him to his numerous pupils, many of whom were in after life distin- guished for their abilities in their various call- ings, ever recollecting their youthful sojourn here with much delight. To Mr. Bond is the town indebted for the erection of several com- modious and respectable houses. Mr. George Flood, the present estimable master of the school, teaches nine children who are appointed by the minister and churchwardens, in reading, writing, and arithmetic, under Eastchurch's gift, which after deducting the land tax, amounts to four pounds twelve shillings and sixpence per annum. This gift is paid out of Chatteshall or Catshole, now the property of Sir Lawrence Palk. The will of Richard Eastchurch the donor of this charity, bears date the fourteenth of March, one thousand 128 HISTORY OF six hundred and ninety-two. One half of this yearly hequest, was to have been expended in bibles and good books, and the other half to such person or persons, as should diligently teach four poor children to read and write. Of late years it has been thought advisable to devote the whole to education. The Free Grammar School is the principal charity of the town, and was founded by John Pynsent, esquire, who was born and educated in Chudleigh. On a tablet in front of the old school-house is the following inscription, " John Pynsent, of Lincolns Inn, esquire, born in this parish, hath erected this for a Free School, and endowed it with thirty pounds per annum for ever, one thousand six hundred and sixty-eight." In consideration of eight pounds paid to " the seven men," an acre of ground taken from the Play-park was conveyed to him, and he agreed with them, " at his costs, to build a house thereupon for keeping a school, and for the habi- tation of a master, and to enclose the rest of the ground with a wall, for a garden and orchard." CHIDLETGH. 129 Mr. Pynsent died on the twenty-ninth of August, one thousand six hundred and sixty-eight, before the school-house was completed, and although he left sufficient property to defray all legacies and charitable bequests, yet so backward were his Executors in fulfilling the requirements of his will, that an application in consequence was made to the court of chancery, and after a full investigation of the affair, it was decreed, that the school-house should be completed, a master ap- pointed, and a salary of thirty pounds per annum be paid to him half yearly, free from all deduc- tions, out of his estate at Combe, in the parish of Croydon, Surry. The school was to be free for the inhabitants of Chudleigh, and to be called, " Pynsent's Free School." Sir Thomas Clifford was one of the trustees then appointed. Their full number being eleven. The majority have the power to elect a master. Mr. Pynsent directed that the schoolmaster should be of good name, manners and teaching, and conformable to the doctrines and discipline of the Church of England. For a short time after the death of the founder, 130 HISTORY OF some exhibitions appear to have been attached to tbe school. According to the Commissioners account of tins charity ; he gave an hundred pounds for apprenticing twenty poor children of Croydon aod Chudleigh, and to each of them that could read, a bible, also to five poor boys of Chudleigh, three pounds each yearly, for five years, towards buying books and clothes, and to be taught at the "Free School" in Chudleigh ; but he directed that this exhibition should cease to such of the said boys, as should not diligently attend their schooling, and frequent the church every Lord's day ; and to three of the said boys that should be thought fit for the university, he gave five pounds each, for four years, for their maintenance at the University of Cambridge. It does not appear that there was any fund granted for the continuance of these exhibitions, nor any regulations for the future appointment of more boys, to succeed the three chosen by his executors. Had Mr. Pynsent lived, there is every reason to suppose, that this "Free School" would have been made by him a superior establish- CHUDLEIGH. 131 ment. From the salary being left in money instead of land, it has not augmented. The entire cessation of the exhibitions was doubtless also a great disadvantage to the prosperity of the foun- dation and the advancement of the pupils, by depriving them of that emulation which when once aroused, impels the ardour of youth onward, through the by no means royal road to the ac- quirement of knowledge, however, no such induce- ment can now be held out, and the original intentions of the founder in reference to his native place, do not appear to have met with the success he intended, for comparatively few of the children of the town or parish are educated in this " Free Grammar School." However, as a classical boarding school, it has at different periods attained considerable celebrity ; it is at present in high repute, having steadily increased after the election of the Rev. C. M. Edward Col- lins to the mastership, on whose resignation two years since, it was presented to the Rev. George .Moyle, and is still advancing in the estimation of the public. 132 HISTORY OF Among the many excellent clergymen, who have from time to time been elected to fill the situation of head master to this school, ( as a native of the town ) we would notice the Rev. William Pulling, who however filled the impor- tant office hut for a short period, preferring his literary circle of friends in the University of Cambridge, where he has distinguished himself as a linguist of no ordinary merit. His lectures on the derivation and classification of the various modern languages, were highly approved of by men of eminence in that important branch of learning. Mr. Pulling published a translation of sermons from the Danish, and is the author of a volume of Sonnets, dedicated to the Duke of Wellington, he is now the rector of Dym- church, Kent, where he resides. Invalids will find in Chudleigh a variety of excellent accommodation, in the way of lodgings and houses. The Clifford Arms for many years ( prior to the opening of the South Devon Rail- way ) kept by Mr. Petherick in the best possible style, is still open and occupied by its proprietor, CHUDLEIGH. 133 Mrs. Cartwright ; here families can obtain board and lodging on a large scale, as the apartments belonging to this spacious house are most com- modious and convenient. There are also many excellent shops of every description, which are well stocked with goods; thus enabling tbe inhabitants and visitors to obtain an immediate supply of all they may require. The Chudleigh Literary Society, instituted in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty- eight, has in connection with it, a Reading-Room well supplied with daily and other papers, and an increasing Library. Lectures on different sub- jects are delivered by the members of the society, as well as by others who are occasionally engaged for the general benefit of the town. N 134 HISTORY OF CHAPTER VI. HE extensive domain of Ugbrooke, as it regards its own exquisite scenery, and the prominent part it takes in that of Chudleigh, deserves a pen far better skilled in the art of description than the writer's. It is situated about a mile east of the town, and occupies in conjunction with some well cultivated farms, a vale of considerable extent. The Park itself covers an area of six hundred acres, and is stocked with about the same number of Deer. Enclosed on all sides, save one ( towards the South Hams, ) by its own richly clothed eminen- ces, it takes no aid from surrounding prospects, until the heights that thus encircle it are as- cended ; the rural and varied charms which CHUDLEIGH. 135 distinguish it are therefore its own. Ugbrooke before possessed by the present noble family, was no doubt in a comparatively rude and uncultivated state, with every capability by its mild tempera- ture and peculiar undulations, of rising under the plasticlc hand of man, into a region of calm seclusion not to be easily surpassed. The stream from which its name was derived, is no longer characteristic of the Saxon wog broca, " crooked brook," as by expansion, it altogether conceals its rude and winding channel, and now forms three small lakes. These are altogether free from symmetrical formality, too often the accompani- ment of such artificial adornments, on the con- trary they are here truly beautiful. The first adjoins the Ashwell gate, now one of the principal approaches to the house, it has been considerably enlarged and improved by the present Baron, lying beneath a high and thickly wooded bank, the mansion is completely hidden though so near. This expanse of water with its rustic boat house, has a wild and seclusive aspect, and leaves the mind unprepared for the many different attrac- J 36 HISTORY OF lions that cluster round the one always desig- nated the pond, which is skirted on the east by the lovely and verdant lawn on which the house stands, beyond, are eminences gently rising, adorned with trees of great beauty. On the west are presented to the view, undulations of more abrupt and varied character, which unite with the woody heights that form the boundary, that separates the Park from the Chudleigh vale. The banks that immediately skirt the pond, are planted with white and red hawthorn interspersed with chestnuts and other trees, that overhang and dip their graceful branches into its placid surface. This placidity is only comparative, from the current through the vale, it is generally agitated by a gentle ripple that gives a pleasing animation to the scene. Visitors are accommodated with a seat under a noble oak at the edge of the water, this vividly reflects the house, library and chapel, thus giving a double image of their unpretend- ing beauty. The features of this landscape are peculiarly harmonious and sylvan, and cannot but h'il the mind with the calm enjoyment such CHUDLE1G1I. 137 scenes are calculated to inspire. Within a few- paces of this seat on the right, there rises a mass of lime rock with an old quarry and kiln concealed by trees, and fringed by the forked roots of others partly laid bare by the excavations beneath : these still flourish in leafy verdure with each returning spring. Beneath this rock wells up a spring of water clear as crystal, called Pit Well, which after flowing on calmly a little way, dashes over a bank were some stones are placed, so as to form a cascade. Immediately below is the third and last expanse of water, called the lower pond, this like the first is rude and sequestered, at its termi- nation a decoy has been made for wild fowl ; the Uses: here resumes its natural and diminished course, and flowing a little below the hamlet of Gappah, at a distance of about two miles, is lost in the Teign. Belonging to this Park, are nume- rous roads, skirting the water or winding through the extensive plantations of limes, chestnuts, and a rich variety of flowering shrubs. On the Newton turnpike road is situated the grand triple avenue. In the height of summer it 138 HISTORY OF uprears its gothic arches of grateful shade, re- pelling every ray of the sun's fierce heat. This avenue is constituted triple by presenting as entered through a handsome gateway, two side avenues, that run parallel with the Newton road. In addition to the rock already described, there are other masses jutting up amid the trees, these are adorned with Howers and festooned with the wild bramble and ivy, beautifully contrasting with the smooth and verdant pastures around. The perfection to which this park has arrived, has been the gradual development in the luxuriant growth of timber or forest trees ; they are of all descriptions and worthy more than a passing notice, if the limits of this sketch did not forbid their being particularized ; some of them are im- mense, being the growth of centuries. Prince who lived in the time of the second Baron, men- tions his planting chestnuts and other trees exten- sively. The grand masses of oaks, and groups of beech, are of still more ancient growth, and may be considered as indigenous, although time has worn out the strength of many, they are still CHUDLETGH. 139 beautiful in old age and decay. The woods says Polwhele, " sweep wildly round, pursuing the " course of the valley, presenting the finest " features of extensive lawn, smooth and verdant," between groups of trees, others again appear : " The same object assumes a different aspect by a " successive change of view. " On the high ground towards Chudleigh, is the Danish cir- cular encampment before mentioned, it is formed by a deep trench, in some places double ; the trees with which it has from time to time been planted, must have tended greatly to its preservation. The walk through the encampment on the brow of the hill, is rich in prospect ; on the one hand, the iinest features of the park, noble eminences " with their magnificent masses of shadow " ; on the other, the Chudleigh vale with its cheerful town, noble rock, and all the attractions that encircle it. This landscape cannot be well surpassed. The park on the southern extremity, is closed in by thick plantations of fine trees. The vale termi- nates in a barren tract of country, called the sands, which with about fifteen acres of the 140 HISTORY OF park, are in the adjoining parish of Kingsteignton. After the death of the Lord Treasurer, in one thousand six hundred and seventy-three, the family secluded themselves at Ugbrooke, far away from the stormy arena of politics ; the Test Act having severed them from offices and emoluments. Unless when called to the battle field for their country's good. The extension and adornment of this their noble park, claimed their constant and undivided attention. Several of the representa- tives of this family possessed enthusiasm in a religion, distinguished by a sensitive attention to the effect of externals on the mind, they were also evidently close observers as well as warm admirers of nature. Roman Catholics however vast their undertak- ings in buildings, or the laying out of parks, or gardens, seldom err or do violence to the simple but little understood element of refined taste. The embellishments of Ugbrooke are in perfect accordance with nature, its various undulations are clothed as they should be, to form an endless, variety, and the variety, a grand whole. CHUDLEIGH. 141 A grove in the Park towards the Newton road, known as Dryden's walk, is pointed out as having been a favourite resort of this great man, on his visits to the Lord Treasurer, his friend and patron. One year only was the difference in the respective ages of these extraordinary public characters. They were also alike tossed about, by the fierce and uncertain political and religious events of the period in which they lived. After the death of the Lord Treasurer, a warm friend- ship arose between the Poet and Hugh, the second Baron, the youthful son of his lamented friend. Dryden's visits to Ugbrooke appear to have been continued to the end of his days, and if tradition be correct, he there completed his translation of Virgil. His many solitary pa- cings to and fro beneath the deep shade of the beechen groves, united to the wild and romantic scenery which the Park then presented, could not but have been favourable to those flights of imagi- nation, and have also tended to kindle those poetic raptures, the force and harmony of which have been seldom equalled. The subject of the 142 HISTORY OF Eclogues, was also somewhat in accordance with the rural character of all around. The dedication to Dryden's translation of the Pastorals, (of which a short extract is given) was addressed to Lord Clifford ; it is a specimen of the laudatory style of such compositions in an age when, poetic genius, that has never been surpassed, had to obtain by flattery the patronage of the great. The praise here bestowed, was doubtless sincere and well merited, and can therefore be read with pleasure. " My Lord, I know to whom I dedicate : and " could not have been induced by any motive, to " put this part of Virgil, or any other into un- " learned hands. You have read him with " pleasure, and I daresay with admiration, in the " Latin, of which you are a master. You have " added to your natural endowments, which, " without flattery, are eminent, the superstruc- " tures of study, and the knowledge of good " authors. Courage, probity, and humanity are " inherent in you. These virtues have ever been " habitual to the ancient house of Cumberland, " from whence, you are descended." CHUDLE1GH. 143 And again, as though the poet felt keenly his noble friend's separation by the Test Act, from a life of political importance and activity, he adds, " rural recreations abroad, and books at home, " are the innocent pleasures of a man who is " early wise ; and gives fortune no more hold of " him, than of necessity he must. It is good, on " some occasions, to think beforehand as little as " we can ; to enjoy as much of the present as will " not endanger our futurity, and to provide our- " selves with the virtuoso's saddle, which will be " sure to amble, when the world is upon the " hardest trot." Before bringing the description of the park to a close, we may remark that the ponds are well stocked with fine Carp, Dace, Perch, Pike, Eel and Trout. The Rabbit warrens contain an unlimited number of these little animals, and tbey afford no small amusement to the visitors, as they are seen on the approach of footsteps, darting to their countless holes : while the herds of Deer if disturbed, bound across the emi- nences, or dash through the water with swiftness, 144 HISTORY OF elegance and grace, that must greatly delight the beholder. Having described the Park, we next proceed to give some account of the house, as also a few particulars relative to the succession of the different Barons, as given by Dr. Oliver in his Cliffordiana. The house when occupied by the Precentors before the Reformation, was doubtless a dull and inconvenient abode, * for we read of no important improvements effected on it, until the time of the Lord Treasurer, when besides the chapel, he began the erection of a new mansion, leaving two thousand pounds at his death for its completion. The peerage and estates came to his eldest surviving son Hugh, in his tenth year. He possessed the title fifty-seven years and well supported the character of a benevolent hospitable and patriotic English nobleman. The Park and its plantations claimed his principal attention. He married in the year one thousand six hundred * Not only did Dr. Clifford as before stated, reside at Bramble, but the Colonel also ; this old residence has been burnt down. CHUDLEIGH. 145 eighty-five, Ami, the daughter of Sir Thomas Preston, of Furness, in the eounty of Lancashire, Bart. This lady brought him considerable pro- perty in Warwickshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire and Westmoreland. By her he had issue nine sons and six daughters. The third Baron of Chudleigh was the seventh son. He married Elizabeth Blount, who brought him a fortune of four thousand pounds paid at the marriage, and two thousand pounds more on the decease of her mother. His father was violently opposed to this marriage, but may have altered his opinion, when he saw the Duke of Norfolk united to her sister. During the short period that he possessed the peerage, nothing memorable is recorded of him. He died in the year one thousand seven hundred and thirty-two. Hugh, fourth Baron, was born Michaelmas day one thousand seven hundred and twenty-six. He married Lady Ann Lee, fifth daughter of (George Henry Lee, second Earl of Lichfield, by whom he had eight children. To this nobleman his family indebted, for the erection of thi o 14G HISTORY OF present house. The former mansion projected by the Lord Treasurer, was by all accounts, a long straggling and inconvenient habitation. After mature consideration, as to whether he was able to complete the building, without injury to his fortune and family, he began the work by pulling down a part of the old house, about the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty. The fabric gradually advanced under the direction of the celebrated Adam. By a judicious system of economy, he was prepared at the end of a few years, to remove into a comfortable and well proportioned dwelling. His principle was " pay as you go," he was firmly convinced, that nothing can be honorable, that is not strictly just. Of all men, he was the most punctual, in acting up to the full extent of every obligation. Reverenced, honored and beloved, he died peaceably in the arms of his family, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, recommending to them with his last breath, concord and mutual affection. In Hugh, the fifth Lord, were combined CHUDLEIGH. 147 extraordinary beauty of person, and fascinating urbanity of manners. In one thousand seven hundred and eighty, he married Appollonia, daughter and co-heiress of Marmaduke, the fifth Lord Langdale, but left no issue. After a long and lingering illness, he expired in the bloom of life in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three. Charles, sixth Lord .Clifford, was born in Jermyn-street, London, on the twenty-eighth of November, one thousand seven hundred and fifty- nine, and was educated partly in the Colleges of Donay, St. Omer's, Bruges and Liege. He married the daughter of Henry, the eighth Lord Arundell, by whom he had a large family. He succeeded to the title and estates, the fifteenth of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety- three ; he was distinguished by his warm patron- age of the Arts, and every thing connected with literature and philosophy, as also by the pro- minent part he took in the county business, and also in the training of the volunteers, which was considered an important and useful work daring 148 HISTORY OF the long war. His services were highly appre- ciated, and fully portrayed on a piece of plate presented to his lordship in the year one thousand eight hundred and two, by the commanding officers of the Yeomanry and Volunteer Corps. The present Lord Hugh Charles, was born one thousand seven hundred and ninety, and married Mary Lucy Weld, only daughter of Cardinal Weld of Lulworth, he succeeded to the title in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. Lord Clifford has issue, six sons and two daughters. Six only survive. Lady Clifford died at Rome, the fifteenth of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty- one, where she was interred. Ugbrooke House is an extensive modern structure, distinguished by great simplicity ; quadrangular in form, with four turrets, and the whole finished with battlements. There is how- ever one deviation from this form, which is a distinct wing, composed of the library and chapel, in a line with which there are ( in the back area ) a few remnants of the old house, a striking con- CHUDLEIGH. 149 trast with the present mansion. Though the site of the house may appear low when compared with the neighbouring elevations, yet in reality, it com- mands fine views of the splendid scenery around, and is situated very dry and pleasant. The annexed list of paintings, with their respective positions, will convey some general idea of the principal suite of apartments, which are remark- able for their simple elegance and comfort. The library may be considered one of the most delightful rooms in the building, and has an internal communication with the chapel which (as before stated) was built by the Lord Treasurer, and though improved at different periods, it was left for the present Baron to add considerably to its size and adornment ; all these improvements have been conceived and executed in good taste : as a whole it presents a solemn and hallowed simplicity in this age of church decoration, and no description can convey an adequate idea of its beauty. The form of the building is oblong, and lighted from windows situated in the vaulted roof. In the centre is suspended a lamp, which as in 150 HISTORY OF other Catholic chapels is always kept burning : here amid the light of day it sheds a clear and extraordinary radiance, which arises from the position of the windows. The altar piece to which are attached the usual decorations, is very hand- some ; it occupies the upper end of the chapel, which is semi-circular ; the walls of the sanctuary are cased with polished marble, and in its centre is a painting representing the resurrection. On either side there are marble niches, containing full length statues of Joseph, and Mary. The pulpit occupies a recess in the wall, and can be wound out and in at pleasure. Opposite is a similar seat, perhaps intended for a bishop or other dignitary. There are two side galleries facing each other, one contains a fine organ of powerful tone; the other gallery or tribune is occasionally used by visitors, and have their fronts decorated with " basso-relievos." The subjects they represent are Adam and Eve driven out of Paradise ; the shepherds worshipping in the stable at Bethlehem ; Christ at his daily occupa- tion ; and the angels attending Christ. The CHUDLEIGH. 151 tribune at the end for the accommodation of the family, in which are several busts, communicates with the library. The body of the chapel is furnished with seats, that reach from the aisle under the side galleries. In addition to the main entrance to the chapel from the park, there are many others communicating with the pleasure garden and premises, thus rendering it accessible to the family in every direction. The mural tablets that were in the chapel to the memory of the Lord Treasurer, and the fourth Baron, have been removed, but are to be replaced. The baptismal-font, which is of marble, occu- pies an extremely small and quite a distinct apartment. The walls of which are covered with polished calcarious spar, from Chudleigh Rock, Pieces of sculpture representing the baptism of Christ, and an angel with a child stand in an elevated position, between which and the font, are vases filled with artificial flowers. Under- neath the chapel is the burying place of the family ; this is a neat arched apartment with a chequered marble floor, and contains a fine 152 HISTORY OF piece of statuary, " the three women at the foot of the cross," in front of which are two cande- labras, that when lighted shew the tablets around, on which are various inscriptions ; the most conspicuous is one erected by the present Lord, to the memory of his two infant children. The pleasure gardens adjoining the house, are. spacious and kept in excellent order ; they are filled with choice trees, shrubs, flowers and fountains. DESCRIPTION OF THE PICTURES. Ferdinand II. Grand Duke of Tuscany, and an intimate friend of the Lord Treasurer Clifford, was, I believe, the donor of the choicest pictures in the Ugbrooke collection. Formerly this collection was much more considerable than at present : aboxit thirty perished in the flames which consumed Mr. Anderson's premises in Covent Garden, London. Many of these I take to have been the Hunting Pieces mentioned by Evelyn in his memoirs, p. 438, vol. 1. " 18th Aug. 1673, My " Lord Clifford being about this time returned from Tunbridge, " and preparing for Devonshire, I went to take my leave of "him at Wallingford House; he was packing up pictures, " most of which were hunting wild beasts, and vast pieces of "bull-baiting, bear-baiting, &c, &c." HALL. 1. Charles, 6th Lord Clifford, in the uniform of the Yeomanry. Ramsey. CHUDLE1GH. 153 2 & 3. Colonel Taylor and J. Beaumont Sivete, Esq. also in uniform. Ramsey. 4. Lord Ebrington now Earl Fortescue. Ramsey. 5. Sir Thomas Ackland. Ramsey. 6. Huyh Charles, the present Lord Clifford. Ramsey. DINING-ROOM. 1. Sir Thomas Clifford (afterwards Lord Treasurer) as Comptroller of King Charles the Second's Household. This eminent Statesman died at Ugbrooke 17th Oct. 1673, 0. S. and was buried two days after in his chapel vault. The picture must have been painted about the year 1G67, by Sir Peter Lely. N. B. Sir P. Lely died in 1680, aged 63. 2. A Farm Yard near Antwerp. The painter's name "John Sibericks 1661," is legible on the cart. This great Flemish painter died in 1703, aged 78. In the Journals of the Lords, 20th March, 1679 we read, " Ordered that John Siberchts, a Dutchman and Limner of Pictures, who, being a papist, ought to remove out of the cities of London and Westminster, may have liberty to stay in town for some time for the recovery of some debts owing to him, before his removal out of this kingdom." N. 13. Six months were allowed him. 3. Elizabeth, daughter and co-heiress of William Martyn, of Lindiidgc, esq., and wife of the above-mentioned Sir Thos. Clifford. Her Ladyship died at Ugbrooke 21st Sept. 1709, and lies in the chapel vault near her husband. — Painter Sir Peter Lely. 1. Catharine of Portugal, married to K. Charles II. in May 1662. She remained in England about 30 years, and returning to Lisbon, died there 31st Dec. 1705, aged 67. Sir P. Lely has given her the characteristic emblems of St. Catharine of Alexandria, the wheel and palm. 154 HISTORY OF 5. James, Duke of York, afterwards K. James II. This unfortunate Prince and Sovereign died at St. Germaine, near Paris, 16th Sept. 1701, aged 68. Sir P. Lely. 6. Her R. H. Anne, Duchess of York, and 1st wife of James above-mentioned. She was daughter to Edw. Hyde, Earl of Clarendon. Dying March 31, 1671, aged 34, her Highness was interred in Westminster Abbey. Sir P. Lely. 7. K. Charles II. in his State Robes. Died Feb. 6, 1685, aged 55. Sir P. Lely. 8. Hugh, 2nd. Lord Clifford, Baron of Chudleigh, in a Court Dress. 9. Fruit and Fish Piece. On the rim of the Table we read " /. B. Schonier 1628." 10. Thomas, eldest Son of the Lord Treasurer Clifford. He died at Florence March 29, 1671, aged 19, and his remains were brought over in an English frigate, and deposit- ed in the Ugbrooke vault July 28 that year. Sir P. Lely. DRAWING-ROOM. 1. Rev. Thomas Clifford, D. D., Grandfather of the Lord Treasurer. Cornelius Jansens. 2. The Woman taken in Adultery, 8th chapter of St. John. Titian, died 1576, aged 99. 3. St. Mary of Egypt, an illustrious penitent of the 5th century. By Titian also. 4. Virgin and Child. Rubens. This great Painter died at Antwerp in 1640, aged 63. 5. Christ blessing little Children. Mark, 10 ch. 16 v. The inscription is "Peter Fan Lint, 1643." 6. Christ presented by Pilate to the Multitude. John, 19 ch. 5 v. A coarse specimen of the low Dutch School. CHUDLEIGH. 155 7. St. Mary Magdalene. Guido Rheni : he died at Bo- logna 1642, aged 67. 8. Tribute Money. 24th ch. Mat. Sir Anthony Vandyke, •who died in London 1641, aged 42. 9. Holy Family, by Gentileschi. Died 1647, aged 84. For an account of this Picture see p. 247 of Pilkington's " Lives of Painters." 10. Lord Treasurer Clifford in his Study. Sir P. Lely. ANTI-ROOM. 1 . Valley of Ice in Switzerland. By Francis Towne, of London. Died July 17, 1816, aged 76, and buried in Heavi- tree Church. 2. Hugh, bth Lord Clifford, who died at Munich, Jan. 15, 1793, aged 37. By Downman, 1780. 3 & 4. Highly finished Drawings by Payne, in 1802. 5. The late Lady Clifford and her Sister ( Mother to the late Lord Arundell ) when children. 6. Hugh, 4th Lord Clifford, who died Sept. 1, 1783, aged 57. Downman 1781. 7. Tivoli and Metcllus' Tomb, by Ducroc. 8. Appollonia, hth Lady Clifford. Died Dec. 31, 1815, aged 60, and lies at Hazlewood. Downman. SECOND DRAWING ROOM. 1. Over the fire-place, Anne, Uh Lady Clifford, and Mother to the late Charles Lord Clifford. Miss Rcid. 2. Chudleigh Lime Rock, by Varley. 1810. 3. A Drawing by Prout. 4. View of the Simplon, by Nicholson. 5. View of Snoudon, by Varley. 156 HISTORY OF STATE BED-ROOM. This Miracle of Art was finished from the designs and under the direction of Mary ( Blount ) who married Edward, 9th Duke of Norfolk, on 6th Nov. 1727. Her Grace intended it as a present for her Nephew Edward Howard, but on his untimely death, she gave it to her other Nephew, Hugh, the 4th Lord Clifford. This bed is beautifully described in the Poem of Ugbrooke Park. A considerable part of the bed was destroyed in the dreadful fire at Worksop Manor, in Oct. 1761. The damage on that occasion was estimated at £ 100,000. See the Gents. Mag. for that year pp. 477—531. Over the fire-place in the Library is a Picture after Van- dyke, of most of K. Charles the First's Children, viz. Charles II., James II., Henry Duke of Gloucester, as an infant, who died Sept. 13, 1660, aged 20, Mary, who married William Prince of Orange, and Elizabeth, who died in Prison Sep. 8. 1650. BILLIARD-ROOM. Six Pictures by Peter Roestrate, a Dutch Painter, who died in London 1698, aged 71, viz. An Old Man Smoking and his Wife spinning, A couple feasting on Oysters, A Cooler whistling at his work, A Surgeon coolly dressing the Leg of a Peasant writhing in pain, A Woman holding a Pluck, a Lady at her Toilette. Two noble Views of Chudleigh Rock, by W. Tomkins, in 1779. Died 1792, aged 62. Two of Ugbrooke Park, by Towne before mentioned. Over the chimney-piece, A favourite Dog. Anne Clifford, Countess of Dorset and Pembroke, taken in 1670, aged 80. She is placed between her parents, George the 3rd Earl of Cumberland, and Margaret ( Russell. ) An Engagement with Banditti. CHUDLE1GH. 157 In the Gallery between the Library and Billiard-Room, is a portrait of Hugh, the 4th Lord Clifford, by Keenan, and of the late Lord, by Pickersgill. In a Sitting-room, there are a variety of family portraits ; among these, the most striking is that of the Duchess of Nor- folk. A Mastiff -wounded by a thorn in his foot, painted by Schniders or Sneyders, the friend of Rubens ; also in the Staircase, Interior of the House of Lords at the passing of the Catholic Emancipation bill. Ramsey. 158 HISTORY OF CHAPTER VII. HE entrance of Chudleigh parish from the Ashburton road is by a bridge over the Teign, about a mile from the town. Stokelake house and grounds belonging to the parish of Hennock, claim our notice from their immediate vicinity. Stokelake has frequently changed owners : at the commencement of the present century, it was purchased of a Mr. Harper, by the Rev. W. F. Bayley, who built the present house, which is a pleasant villa, situated on the brow of a hill directly above the bridge, and commands a fine view of the rocks and woods on the opposite side. Stokelake is now the property and residence of A. Chiches- ter, esquire, one of our county magistrates, who has greatly improved its grounds and adjoining CHUDLEIGH. 159 farm. The trees belonging to it form a striking termination to the vale of Chudleigh, which here unfolds itself in a scene of surpassing beauty. Rocklands, an elegant villa, stands on an emi- nence opposite the bridge, it was built in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, by Captain Kerr, and purchased a few years since by Admiral Sir David Dunn ; its planta- tions that skirt the road a considerable way towards Chudleigh are rising into great beauty. Heightly Cottage lies on the right, embosomed in trees the growth of centuries, among which there is a fine specimen of the cedar of Lebanon ; this cottage is surrounded by a garden-lawn, and commands picturesque views of the rocks and the Hiding Parks, which it adjoins. Before the Reformation, it was included in the church lands, but after becoming the inheritance of Eastchurch, it was called the manor of Heightly, having a residence more ancient than Lawell. This calm and lovely retreat reverts to Lord Clifford on the expiration of the present lease. Lawell House is situated on the east, about 1150 HISTORY OF midway between the bridge and the town. In the year one thousand seven hundred and twenty-two, Sir James Sheppard, sergeant at law, purchased this beautiful domain including the surrounding property, of the executors of James Eastchurch : and the father of the late Lord Clifford, the fourth Baron, purchased the reversion of the same after the death of Frances, widow of James Sheppard, esquire, in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight. Lawell House was at one time the most beautiful mansion in the parish. The sash windows were numerous and high, the rooms lofty and convenient. The entrance hall presented an elegant mahogany staircase, and the dining-room was a superb apartment. It was approached from the Plymouth road through a noble avenue of trees. Though desolation has been the fate of Lawell, three or four of these noble elms are still standing, as if to mourn over (he relic of former greatness. It is now a melancholy object, every effort to deface this once handsome residence has been successfully accomplished, what remains is covered with ivy, when this plant is CHUDLEIGH. Itil united with ruins on which time has laid his hand, it not only preserves the tottering fabric, but invests it with a double interest, here on the contrary it gives a desolate and neglected appear- ance to this once pleasant abode. Chudleigh Rock, situated in Lawell Park, is the southern extremity * of a stratum of mountain limestone, for which our neighbourhood has been long celebrated. The quarries are most ancient ; their lime enriching its own and neighbouring pa- rishes. The varieties of marble they afford, have also been much in request for ornamental pur- poses. That of Chudleigh Rock is principally black, with large veins of white spar crossing it in different directions, and has also a small golden vein frequently running through it ; there is no limestone harder or that burns to a whiter calx. When this rock was united to the palace, the verdant and beautiful summit was not disturbed ; but of late years the excavations have been im- mense, and so rapidly carried on as to leave a mere shell in comparison to its original bulk. * Southern extremity is only used here, as a relative term. 162 HISTORY OF Had not these lime works been abandoned, they must have altogether destroyed this magnificent rock, or have left it a mere wreck. It is however satisfactory to every lover of nature, to know that the more beautiful part of it will be now preserved uninjured, to be still enjoyed. Numerous views of it, and the surrounding scenery, are to be met with in public as well as private collections of paintings. A new house has been recently built on the site of the old lime-kiln, being a sad encroachment on the romantic spot, and decidedly interfering with its native grandeur. This far-famed rock is spoken of by Polwhele as one of the most striking of our island, he also thus graphically describes its romantic dell, " from the south-east a hollow opens to the view, with a stream rushing im- petuously at the bottom of it, here and there checked in its progress by a great quantity of rude stones " ; this hollow we would add is a deep recess or ravine, and evidently appears to have been formed by some fearful convulsion of nature, which rent these rocks asunder. The CHUDLE1GH. 163 opposite mass is called Black Rock, but instead of frowning on each other, as they are sometimes said to do in the figurative language of poetry,* they here repose amid rich verdure, and agree to heighten each others charms as they unfold the treasures of their kindred masses, and guard the entrance to the dell below. From the Plymouth road, Chudleigh Rock presents a circular form of grey unbroken marble of considerable bulk and elevation, shrubs and variegated foliage hanging from its summit and concealing its base. This front has an indentation, each part round- ed in a tower like form, and at the first glance, conveying the idea of the remains of a grand baronial castle. It is impossible adequately to impart an idea of the many interesting objects belonging to this romantic spot, it must be explored to be rightly appreciated, visited and revisited before its secret nooks, its caverns, its hermit's chair and all its varied attractions become * Even prose, " the stupendous tors of Dartmoor and Haytor, frown on each other with sublime grandeur, above the intervening vales." Moore. 104 HISTORY OF familiar. When on the summit, the landscape on the north takes in Hahlon and Chudleigh, that on the west embraces Canonteign, Hennock, and Botter ; on the south, Hay tor towering in the distance. In the more immediate neighbourhood, there are villas, verdant meads, the Teign and the Elizabethan Mansion of Pitt, with its Saxon tower. A small battery on the point of the rock that overlooks La well, was erected by James Shep- pard, Esq., for the purpose of planting a few pieces of ordnance, from which for his amusement he oc- casionally fired salutes. Before disturbed by the band of man, the summit of this rock was reached by a continuous sward stretching from the garden of the old Bishop's Palace, this path now winds round the quarry. An opening on the left when entered, presents a most lovely view ; Black Rock is immediately opposite, covered with hanging woods ; beneath, lies the deep ravine, and at the northern extremity the animating scene of the Palace quarry, which has of late been extensively worked. There still remains a con- siderable portion of the rock unbroken, and dull CHUDLETGH. 165 must be the mind that feels no glow of delight, no rapt enjoyment while wandering on its summit. Around are variety, beauty and extent, " above, the canopy of the heavens, directing the spirit ( thus concentrated ) from tbe visible to the invisible." Beneath is spread a carpet soft and verdant, springing out of and nourished by the once living atoms of nature, commencing with the lichen, then the moss, then the tiny seed dropped by the bird, or wafted by the breeze, adapted to the scanty soil, and when all is ma- tured by nature's unerring process, there arise the herb and flowering shrub, that adorn each rocky nook, and massive ridge with vegetation. And is it for man that these many wonders are displayed ? it is, and man alone can " look from nature up to nature's God." " The glories of whose mind Leave all our soaring thoughts behind." An old writer quaintly but correctly observes, on the subject of nature's many wonders, " whoso " gazes through these with the eye of his soul, " feels the littleness of man in the greatness of all " around." 166 HISTORY OF The upper part of the grounds belonging to Lawell known as the Riding Parks, lie east of the dell and stretch towards the hamlet of Gappah. These extensive glades are covered with rich pasture, and an abundant variety of wild flowers. The hanging woods that surround them on all sides, beautifully harmonize with the scenery of Ugbrooke Park, from which they are separated by a terrace-like road, where splendid views of the country towards the south ( already described ) can be enjoyed, with the addition of Chudleigh Rock, situated immediately below. From these glades various paths wind through the copse to the edge of the dell. Black Rock, before named, is a point of pre-eminent beauty, and assumes a turret-like form, hanging over the ravine below, from which the deep murmur of the stream steals on the ear : ridges of rock jutting from beneath the short turf that covers its summit, afford seats for the numbers who visit it during the summer months ; and who have here the privilege of enjoying one of the most magnificent views in the kingdom. CHUDLEIGH. 167 The Riding Parks terminate at a point called Mount Pleasant, where there anciently stood an Inn or resting place for travellers, and to which tradition has always given a bad character, and related concerning it many absurd tales of horror and superstition. These appear to have had their origin in mysterious deeds of darkness, which received confirmation of their having been perpe- trated, from the fact, that in a fissure belonging to the adjoining Palace quarry, there were found some years since several human skeletons. The cavity in which they were deposited was thirty feet below the surface, and to which there could have been no access but from above ; though thus hidden and private it was doubtless well known to the rangers of these woods, and by them used as a place of concealment. These skeletons were probably those of wayfaring men or sailors on their route to Plymouth, plundered and murdered at the house before mentioned, while sleeping in unconscious security. The deep recess between Chudleigh and Black Rock, with propriety styled a Dell, is about a 168 HISTORY OF quarter of a mile in length. The scene at the Palace quarry where it commences, is highly picturesque and animating ; the dell itself is one of the most beautifully secluded and romantic spots belonging to our vale. The thick woods that enclose it on either side, extend to its very depth, and are full of attractions, abounding with wild flowers and having many labyrinth like paths that conduct from one lovely scene to another : although there are many different ways by which the adventurous can reach the dell, yet the most easy descent is by a path from the copse, adjoin- ing the Riding Parks. The stream* as it forces its way over the rugged channel, forms a cascade not very considerable, unless after heavy rain, but always a pleasing object, as seen between the trees foaming and dashing over the huge stones. The graceful branches of the hazel and other trees, as they are flung across the stream, form a striking contrast to the rude moss covered stones that are variously grouped in their narrow chan- nel. As a whole, it sets all description at de- fiance, especially when the scene is illumined by CHUDLE1GH. 169 a meridian sun, which gives to it a golden hue that can only he accounted for by the rays of light penetrating the deep recess amongst the trees, reflected by the sparkling and dashing stream. The attractions of the dell may be judged of from the fact, that through the months of summer and autumn, artists are from day to day employed amid its solitude, in endeavouring to portray its striking and peculiar features. The stream that Hows through the dell is called Kate- brook, it rises on Haldon, its course is east of the town, receiving in its progress the limpid springs of AV addon. Above the town it is diverted from its na- tural channel to work three successive flour mills. Imagination pictures it on entering the dell, as revelling in enjoyment at its restoration to liberty ; however, it has again to be dammed up by a weir to supply the Chudleigh Bridge Mill, when after crossing the Newton road, it falls into the Teign. The Pixies Hole, as it is commonly called, from its being the supposed habitation of a dimi- nutive race of fairies, that are said to delight in Q 170 HISTORY OF solitary places, such as pathless woods and mountain streams. Dancing in a ring has always been described as their chief amusement, and they are also accused of playing off mischiev- ous tricks on man and beast. The reader may obtain from Mrs. Bray's " Legends of Devon," further information concerning these tiny elves, and the opinions entertained of them by the peasantry of our rural districts. We would simply suggest that our Pixies Hole, from its magnitude and importance, may be considered a kind of royal habitation of the Elfin King, and his high court of sovereignty. The Chudleigh Cavern is thus noticed by Risdon, " there is a cave hereabouts, which creepeth far under the ground, of which many marvellous matters are spoken." The entrance, almost concealed by trees, is midway down the rock, and is reached by a steep and irregular pathway ; it is arched and is ten feet high, and twelve feet wide, with a passage, the extreme length of which is a hundred and thirty-five feet, terminating in a spacious cavity, CHUDLEIGH. 171 formed within the bowels of the rock. At the distance of about sixty feet from tbe entrance, an almost abrupt termination seemed till lately to have presented itself, and it was with some difficulty and in a creeping position that the explorer could proceed further : however, this inconvenience no longer exists, the hole being considerably enlarged by the removal of the alluvial soil which lay beneath a thick calcarious incrustation, and the entire length of tins natural tunnel can now be traversed in an erect position till the large apartment just named is reached; this is an irregularly shaped space, its length be- ing thirty-nine feet, its greatest height about fifty feet, and the breadth twelve feet, not cheered even by a single ray of light ; fragments of rock lie promiscuously scattered about, and great caution must be used in passing between them, and it will be thus seen that lights are absolutely necessary, for tbe exploration of this noble cavern. From this principal cavity another branches off, of greater regularity and more vaulted appearance ; this second passage is nine feet in breadth, eleven feet 172 HISTORY OF in height, and seventy-two feet in length ; and is called the Pixies Parlour; * the bottom of which is level ; on its left at the end of another passage, a few rays of light are admitted through a fissure, sufficiently large for an individual to pass, with some little difficulty. At the end of the Pixies Parlour, on the right, there is a passage-like fissure about three feet wide, gradually narrow- ing to about one foot to the length of thirty ; further on through this narrow aperture some individuals have passed and reached the opposite * A Fete was held here on the 27th day of July, 1840, in honour of the Honourable Mr. Clifford, who had at- tained the age of maturity ; the splendid cavern was illumi- nated by a number of fairy lanterns, whose twinkling lights were most enchanting; the interior was also decorated with laurel and oak branches, interspersed with choice flowers. The visitors were accommodated with rustic seats and also a plentiful supply of viands and rich delicacies, on rustic tables erected for the purpose. A Glee of Lord Mornington's was sung, " Here in cool grot and mossy cell, where rural Fays and Fairies dwell." On the fairy shades being instantane- ously removed from the lanterns, a bright blaze of splendid light shone forth illuminating every dark recess. The nume- rous visitors were purposely intercepted and conducted to the fairy cave by an individual attired in green with artificial wings, representing "Ariel," the leading character of the enchanting scene. CHUDLEIGH. 173 side of the rock into the old quarry. This fissure appears to go through the hulk of the rock from side to side, as it is quite visible in the northern exterior. Opposite the entrance within the principal cavity by creeping through a narrow archway, another large recess presents itself, and there is no doubt from the many fissures that may be seen around, that many other subterranean passages of even still greater extent may belong to this rock that the foot of man has never yet trod. In traversing these dreary inroads into an appa- rently solid rock, on looking up, huge pieces of stone naturally suspended overhead, seem from their gloomy aspect and ponderous weight to strike the mind with terror, while on the other hand it is somewhat relieved by the fantastic incrustations with which the sides, especially of the large apartment, are covered ; one of these depositions demands particular attention, as it used, and is now by a few, to some extent, regarded, as the guardian idol of the cavern, it is situated on the left at the entrance a few feet 174 HISTORY OF above the ground, presenting the rude outline of the human head, and is vulgarly called the " Pope's Head " ; it is soft and porous being the inorganic deposit of the decomposed rock, brought down by the continual droppings, that are always traversing through the veins of this natural massive structure. In order to be pro- tected from the tricks which the wicked little inhabitants would play the visitors of this gloomy region, it was formerly deemed absolutely neces- sary to stick pins into the Pope's Head, and even now the custom is not altogether obsolete ; now and then a wag of more temerity than veneration, would strip the shrine of its offerings, and risk the heavy penalties that might be inflicted by the vengeful and mysterious occupants of this dreary abode. By the permission of Lord Clifford, Professor Buckland and Mr. Northmore commenced an examination of this cavern, on the twelfth of April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty- five, when in the alluvial soil that was deposited beneath the calcarious incrustation, their research CHUDLEIGH. 175 was rewarded by a variety of fossil bones, * belonging to beasts of prey, similar to those found in Kirkdale and Kents Hole ; it was in conse- quence of these researches that a more convenient entrance was obtained. Dr. Buckland discovered what appeared to him to be a British kitchen, charcoal, pottery, flint knives, &c. Mr. North- more also found in the interior of the cavern, a great quantity of mud, at some parts two or three feet deep, at others he sounded six or eight feet without reaching the bottom. He also discovered what he considered to be an oxide of manganese, lying about three or four feet below the surface, and continuing nearly through the whole length of the cavern. These learned gentlemen were highly pleased with their discoveries, however they differed widely in their geological theories, each considering tbat his own scientific deduc- tions were illustrated and confirmed by what was here presented. Here during the summer months parties regale * Fossil bones of mammiferous animals are still found under the stalagmitic floors of these caverns, and indeed, in many caverns in the limestone ranges of South Devon. 176 HISTORY OF themselves, and fires are sometimes lighted ; the effect is striking, as the flames play about the dark recesses of this gloomy abode. In bringing this sketch of the Pixies Hole to a close, it appears necessary to observe that it cannot be rightly appreciated without being visited. Its awful shades, lengthened caverns, rudely ornamented sides, venerable rocks, woods and dell, to which it belongs, make it altogether superior to that which we have by dimensions and divisions attempted to describe. Banditti might have chosen it as a proper place to have held their revels, and there can be no doubt of its having been used as a resort or hiding place, by the Aborigines in times of danger ; though there are no traces whatever of its having been appropriated for religious purposes, yet it might have been thus used, as it admirably accorded with the gloomy superstition of the Druids. On descending into the quarry near where the old lime-kiln formerly stood, another object well worthy investigation presents itself. It is one of those chasms that are, as well as larger cavities, CHUDLE1GH. 177 frequently met with, and natural to limestone for- mations ; the one here is altogether different from the Pixies Hole, and is of considerable length, about four feet in width, and twelve feet in height ; the water finds its way from above, and by the process of crystallization, columns resembling the vaulted aisles of a cathedral cover its sides ; these incrustations follow in uniform succession, and preserve throughout the most artistic effect. In addition to these richly adorned sides, when first discovered, this cavity had transparent alabaster-like stalactites, hanging from its pointed roof; these from their brittle nature, and the desire of visitors to possess them, have nearly all disappeared. " It seems an " established law according to Geologists, that " these stalactites must live and increase by the " process of their first formation, or else in " becoming quiescent and stationary, the adhe- " sion ceases and they crumble to powder." The process of crystallization in this chasm, appears to be still going forward. 178 HISTORY OF CHAPTER VIII. HE North-east division of this parish, to which we now invite the reader's attention, is fraught with interest, from its having been occupied by some of the most ancient and influen- tial families of the neighbourhood, it is also distinguished for many natural advantages and rural beauty. To its ancient names of Harcombe, Waddon, and Hams, many others of more modern origin have been added. The Teign- mouth road divides it from the Ugbrooke Vale, and on the west it is bounded by the highway to Plymouth. It is completely sheltered from the north and east winds by Haldon, which rises immediately above, and is a tract of land of con- siderable extent, whose varied features are some- CHUDLEIGH. 179 what difficult to describe. In addition to the stratum of mountain lime rock, that traverses it from Chudleigh to Haldon, there are massive ridges of considerable elevation that rise towards the west. The smaller fragments of rocks are scattered in endless variety in the back ground ; some clothed with ivy and various plants, others altogether bare, while others again sink beneath the verdant sod. These rocky heights are planted with apple trees, whose growth is not so large as those in the clay soils, but they bear plentifully. The air of this upland region is dry and elastic, yet genial. Springs of water clear as crystal are here abundant, welling up beneath the lime rocks, irrigating the meadows that stretch towards the vale, and supplying the farms and cottages on their way, We now proceed to particularize a few of the most interesting localities. Hams Barton first claims our attention, which is soon reached by crossing Kate-brook and tben proceeding either by road or path fields. The house is inclosed in a court and is marked by a few chestnuts trees. 180 HISTORY OF It is thus noticed by Polwhele, " Hams was for- merly the seat of the family of Hunt, situated about three quarters of a mile from Chudleigh." " In this parish " says Risdon " Hunt have their habitation where they have inheritances." Hams was an estate of very considerable extent when in possession of the Hunts ; " it afterwards be- longed to the Ingletts, now the Fortescue family, of whom, what remained, was bought by one Beech, who sold it to Sir Robert Palk," and it was finally purchased by Lord Clifford. A portion only of the old mansion is standing, what remains is in good repair, and occupied as a farm. Its style is early gothic ; the principal doorway with several others, are granite arched, the door itself massive and altogether antique, the ceilings of some of the rooms are unplastered, being of oak exactly smoothed and jointed, as was common with these ancient residences. The windows anciently were of stained glass, but have been displaced for others, or blocked up, and now some of them are modern sash win- dows. To the old house an addition was made CHUDLEIGH. 181 of a servants hall, and a banquetting room, in the year one thousand sis hundred and twenty-one. It has a vaulted ceiling enriched in compartments rising above a deep cornice. The arms of Hunt are over the chimney-piece, * and the royal arms at the upper end of the room ; these were for- merly no doubt emblazoned and painted ; the decorations are in a good state of preservation, but disfigured by whitewash. The pedigree of this family is traced by the Herald's Visitation,, to the year one thousand sis hundred and twenty, they are mentioned as belonging to Exeter and Chudleigh ; Thomas Hunt was mayor of Exeter in one thousand five hundred and seventeen, and another of the same name in one thousand five hundred and thirty-seven. There are various entries in the parish register of this family, from one thousand five hundred and sisty-four, to one thousand seven hundred and thirty, when the last entry was made. * Az., on a bend between two water bougets, or., thre< leopard's faces, gules. Crest. On a mount, V., a hound selant, or., collared, G., chained to a pikestaff, S., the head per pale, or. and argent. 182 HISTORY OF Upcott is situated north-east, not far from Hams Barton, with it the rocky district com- mences, the farm house was built by the Rev. G. Burrington, (father of the late vicar) about a cen- tury ago. It commands fine views towards the south, and is sheltered by the lime rocks. Upcott cannot but be regarded with deep interest, when it is known to be the birthplace of Major James Rennell, whose family classed with the respect- able yeomanry of the neighbourhood. Their ancient inheritance still stands and is known as Rennell's farm, which is situated at Waddon a short distance from Upcott, and to which place the parents of the Major must have removed not long before his birth. The name of Rennell is of frequent occurrence in the parish register, also amongst " the seven men " : talents of no ordinary kind was the birthright of this ancient family. The descendants from another branch who resided at Fishwick, in the parish of Kingsteignton, were distinguished even to a late date by superior taste in sculpture and painting ; belonging to the Chudleigh Rennells we would direct attention, CHUDLEIGH. 183 not only to Major James, but also to Thomas, who was born ia the year one thousand seven hundred and eighteen ; he was a painter of con- siderable merit, his works ( amongst many others ) gained him the patronage of the Duke and Duchess of Kingston ; * but every favour and ad- vantage conferred on him, was wholly lost by his indolence and improvidence ; his scientific know- ledge and inventive powers were considerable, he was an excellent chemist for that day, preparing his own colours, and is said to have acquired the art of fixing the most fading. Many of his early productions were in the town before the fire, two or three are still in existence. He is said to have excelled in the drapery of his portraits. He resided many years at Plymouth, and from thence removed to Dartmouth, where he lived in great poverty ; however, about two years before his death, he enjoyed a comfortable home through the bounty of J. Seale, esquire. His death took * The Duchess of Kingston as it is perhaps well known, was the beautiful Miss Chudleigh of Ashton. A town in Russia named Chudleigh was called after her as the writer has been informed. 184 HISTORY OF place October the nineteenth, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight. Major James Rennell was born one thousand seven hundred and forty-two, at Upcott, in this parish, and at an early age attended a writing school at Chudleigh. It is probable that the wonders of the then busy town, contrasting with the quiet of his rural home, elicited his genius and aroused his power of close observation and exact delineation, which raised him to the greatest eminence At an early age he took, a map of the town, which was a performance of sufficient merit to attract the attention of the Rev. Gilbert Bur- rington, through whose interest he was made a midshipman at the age of fifteen, he quitted it for the army when about twenty-four, and was sent on active service to India, where he soon distin- guished himself by his various charts of the Indian coast, and his observations on the bank and current of Cape Lagullas. He may be said to have commenced altogether a new era in geography, and is considered as the first cosmo- grapher of his own or indeed of any age, his CHUDLEIGH. 185 discoveries being most valuable to the navigator, and the world at large. His laborious researches were not confined to modern geography alone, for his treatises &c. are now the highest authorities to which the classical student can appeal. * His kindness and integrity were also bright accom- paniments to his superior talents. The valuable assistance he rendered Mungo Park, in preparing his travels in Africa for publication, made it one of the most interesting and popular works of its day. He died on the twenty-ninth of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, univer- sally respected and regretted ; his remains were interred in Westminster Abbey. The name of Rennell was lost to the parish with the parents of Major James : the Fishwick branch in the male line is also extinct. Upcott just mentioned, may be considered to occupy a central position amidst the surrounding lime rocks, and its quarry has been extensively * He published illustrations of the "Expedition of the younger Cyrus and the retreat of the ten thousand Greeks," " Observations on the topography of the Plain of Troy," also on the " Topography of Ancient Babylon." 186 HISTORY OF worked ; in the centre of its rock there are imbedded in sand, marine fossil shells of perfect form, and classed by Professor Phillips as " Murchisonia Spinosa." The ancient Waddene Rock and its immediate vicinity, are now known by the more inelegant name of Porcombe. The rock is situated in a copse adjoining Upcott, and the extensive exca- vations that have been here carried on have left only a broken ridge of some length, plainly indi- cating that it was once the most magnificent development of mountain lime rock in the parish. In connection with this quarry, stood the ancient "Waddene" hamlet, the ruins of which were well known to some of the old inhabitants of the neighbourhood, and were taken down by the late Lord Clifford in consequence of their being a haunt for vagrants and smugglers. By a straight path through the copse the old quarry is soon reached, and it presents a scene of rural beauty and unusual stillness, where all was once bustle and activity. The old lime-kiln is deep and cavernous, shrouded with various plants, while a CHUDLETGH. 187 tree of some size grows from its very centre. Amongst many other trees that surround and adorn this favoured spot, there are two large beeches which are splendid specimens of the order to which they belong ; their extended branches and close foliage, so peculiar to their growth and the position they occupy, strikingly contrast with the clustered underwood that here and there intersperse and adorn the verdant undulations around. The extensive recesses formed by excavators, have altogether lost their rocky character, except where the rude outline of the broken ridge rises above the tangled wreaths woven by the spontaneous operations of nature. Every hollow and every crevice is covered with vegetation ; ivy, clematis, wild rose, underwood and the trailing bramble, all here revel in uninterrupted but graceful luxuriance. Fragments of rock that form hillocks around the kiln-head, are covered with thyme, lotus, and a variety of wild flowers : and it appears as if nature had hastened to hide and repair the shat- tered remains of its former grandeur, by clothing 138 HISTORY OF it with extra beauty and fertility; however, the southern aspect, the warm recesses, and light soil, so peculiar to limestone deposits, are the attrac- tions for the early and fragrant violet and all the lovely flowers that adorn the remains of the ancient " Waddene Rock." Modern Waddcn, ( being a portion of the ancient district ) is about a quarter of a mile south-east of Porcombe, it is an estate of some extent, with a respectable farm house and several cottages, also a rock but of far less beauty than those towards the west. This estate was evidently at one period divided between the Rennells and the Hellyers ; the name of the latter although not before mentioned, is of frequent occurrence in the parish register and amongst " the seven men" ; the representatives of this family were in succession baptized Christopher. Mr. Hellyer the last of that name, sold an extensive inheri- tance at Waddon to the late Lord Clifford. There is a gravestone in the church, to the memory of several individuals of this ancient family. CHUDLEIGH. 189 On the west of the rocky district already described, is situated Kerswell, purchased a few years since of Sir Lawrence Palk, by Mr. Rich- ards : since it has been in his possession, he has greatly improved the surrounding neighbourhood, by making a new road from Kerswell to Haldou, and also by building on it a neat and commodious house, that commands fine views towards the south, and is adorned with gardens, shrubberies, and plantations. Kerswell Rock is one of the most conspicuous of the western ridges, and having an easy access, it is frequently visited by parties, during the summer months. The scenery from its summit is remarkably fine and extensive, exciting general admiration : it has in its own neighbourhood the attraction of kindred quarries, a romantic old warren and woody dell ; several farms and villas enliven the scene, but towards Chudleigh the eye is especially attracted, where its rocks and deep ravine are displayed to ad- vantage : while beyond the vale and Knighton Heath, the striking objects of many different parishes may be distinctly traced, backed by the 190 HISTORY OF wild downs and tors of Dartmoor. The morning mists and summer haze, that are frequently seen hanging above the valley, which are the admi- ration of landscape painters, here especially charm the beholder ; indeed none but an artist, can rightly appreciate the exquisite loveliness of this extensive view. It appears here necessary to observe, that though Lord Clifford possesses nearly the whole of the Waddon district, still there is on the north, an estate of some extent, belonging to J. H. Ley, Esq., known as Higher Upcott. Harcombe is situated about three miles north- east of Chudleigh, it was here that the ancient families of Stawell and Balle had inheritances ; from the pedigree of the Stawells it is seen that the last of the family who belonged to this parish, was baptized in the year one thousand five hun- dred and seventy-eight, from whom Sir John Stawell, of Bovey-Tracey, was a descendant, although born at Bickington. The Balles, of Higher Harcombe, were among the most wealthy and influential of the ancient CHUDLE1GH. 191 families of the parish, and from them the Mam- head branch ( so well known in the history of the county ) descended. On the side of the glen, immediately opposite their old heritage at Har- combe, a mansion was began to be built by the last of the Balles, this accidentally took fire, which not only stopped the progress of the building, but caused the design of its erection to be altogether relinquished ; some of the old walls are still standing, such of the materials as were worth removing were taken to Mamhead, to form part of a mansion there. It is well known, that Thomas Balle purchased the manor of Ashcombe of Edward Blount, esquire. No entry occurs in the parish register of the Harcombe Balles, later than one thousand six hundred and seventy-three, but in Ashcombe church-yard there are many grave-stones to the memory of Balles, yeomen, and Balles of Mamhead, from one thousand six hundred and ninety-three to one thousand seven hundred and fifty-five. The estate of Higher Harcombe was included in the purchase of Mamhead, and Lower Har- 192 HISTORY OF combe was bought by Sir Robert Newman and Mr. Parker, of the executors of the Rev. J. Templer, of Lindridge. Higher Harcombe is now a farm of consider- able extent, adjoining and comprising a portion of Haldon, it was considered one of the poorest farms in the neighbourhood, having been greatly neglected for a long time ; however, about seven years ago T. Newman, Esq., considered that this tract of land was a good field for the introduction of the modern system of agriculture, accordingly a most substantial and convenient farm house was erected, and from that period to the present, under the management of his Bailiff and the direct superintendence of himself, a thorough system of draining has been carried on, coupled with the application of the practical improvements which of late years science has pointed out, ( this of course has been attended with a considerable outlay of capital) but as may be expected, the value of the farm is enhanced tenfold, and we have now, instead of the almost waste piece of land, a first-rate model farm in a high state of CHUDLE1GH. 19*3 cultivation, producing its average crops and taking completely the lead of its neighbours. This tract of land resembles in cultivation and scenery, the well known glens of Scotland. The population of the hamlet of Harcombe comprises about sixty : the cottages are detached and solitary, from being united to a glen that belongs- to Haldon, and the character of its scenery differs essentially from the vale of Chudleigh. It is pleasing to add that private benevolence has provided for the children of Harcombe a week and sabbath school, and the aged have also the privilege of enjoying a cottage service on the sabbath. Generous christian sympathy can never be more beneficially employed than when engaged in promoting the spiritual welfare, and in provid- ing for the wants of these remote rural districts. Whiteway lies about two and a half miles north of Chudleigh at the foot of Haldon. It was the ancient inheritance of the Bennetts ; * their pedi- gree is given by Westcott, who states that * Arms. Sable, a chevron crminois between three tripled, cars of wheat, or. 194 HISTORY OF Richard Bennett, married Julyan, the daughter of William Whiteway, of Chudleigh. It is now the seat of M. E. N. Parker, * esquire, formerly member for the southern division of the county, and who was High Sheriff for Devon, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty. The present mansion stands on the site of the old residence, and is an handsome brick house, consisting of a centre and two wings ; one only of these was built when the house was erected by Lord Boringdon whose property it was, and who exchanged it for some lands belonging to his younger brother Montague. Whiteway after- wards passed into the hands of the late Mr. Parker, who added the other wing in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, and made every necessary improvement to constitute it a neat, elegant, and commodious residence. The entrance to Whiteway is by a lodge-gate from the old Exeter road, and the house is reached in about half a mile's distance by a pleasant drive * Arms. Sable, a stag's head caboshed between two flaunches, Arg. CHUDLE1GH. 195 through an extensive lawn, that commands fine views of the vales of Chudleigh and the Teign, with a wide expanse of country beyond. Mr. Parker has considerably added to his estate by recent purchases, and has introduced the modern improvements of the day in agriculture. This high state of cultivation and the extensive plan- tations have entirely altered and greatly improved the aspect of this neighbourhood. Oxencombe belonging to this estate situated east of Whiteway, is one of the largest farms in the parish, having on it several lime-kilns. The extensive preserves belonging to Whiteway are well stocked with game. Filleigh the residence and property of Major Milles, is situated about a mile from the town, and the open and extensive lawn in which the house stands is a gentle eminence, lying on tbe western side of the vale. There is belonging to it two en- trances, one from tbe old and the other from the new Exeter road, these roads bound the estate on either side ; Filleigh House faces the east, but is sheltered on tbe north by a thick copse or 196 HISTORY OF wood, and beyond, there belongs to it fine planta- tions of firs ; while it enjoys pleasant views, it is itself a great addition to the scenery as beheld on the other side of the vale, or from the road that skirts it. Oaklands the residence of T. Lane, esquire, was built by Major Milles on some coarse clay land called Filleigh farm, situated west of the old Exeter road. The reader who a few years since might have known this steril tract of land, the worst in the parish, with the exception of Haldon, would now scarcely recognise it. This great change has been effected by a judicious and experimental system of farming, under the direct superintendence of the occupier, who has literally converted this once barren waste into fruitful fields, bearing average crops. On returning from Filleigh farm to the new Exeter road, there remain to be noticed, Oakfield House, Heathfield Cottage, and Little-hill House : these modern residences are adorned with fine trees of ancient growth, their gardens and shrubberies being kept in excellent order, and well contrast with the CHUDLEIOH. 107 rich variety and luxuriance of the opposite district of W addon. Before leaving; this locality, it will be necessary to notice Culver House the present residence of T. Yarde, esquire, which within the last two years has been considerably enlarged. The gar- dens have been newly arranged and greatly improved, and to them has been added a beautiful conservatory. The Yarde family * is amongst the most ancient in the county, and as a direct descendant Mr. T. Yarde has lately come into the possession of the family estate of White way in the parish of Kingsteignton. The town must feel greatly indebted to him for his many improvements and a considerable outlay of capital. It would only weary the reader's attention, to enumerate the different estates belonging to the western division of the parish, as they present no distinct features or peculiarities ; as a whole, they may be described as well wooded, with extensive * Arms. Argent, a chevron, gules, between three water bougets, sable. 198 HISTORY OF orchards and scenery highly picturesque, the whole tract consisting of an alternation of hill and dale, with the exception of some fine marshes that adjoin the Teign. This river is reached by many romantic roads across the hills that wind by steep descents, or through the verdant meadows of Northwood. Having already traced the sinuous course of the Teign, from its granite embedded fountain head on Dartmoor, ( the birth- place of Devonshire rivers ) to its joining the Sea at Teignmouth, we must now notice the fish for which this river is remarkable ; it contains Salmon, Peel, Grilse, Sea Trout or Truff, Gravelling and Heppers, all of the species of Salmo ; Trout and Eel are also plentiful. It was lately thought necessary to protect the fish, accordingly about four years since, the " Teign- bridge Fishing Association " was formed, which now consists of upwards of seventy members of the most wealthy and influential of the neighbour- hood and elsewhere ; the fishing for the last few years, has been seriously injured by the mineral waters of the mines near Ashton, .flowing into it, CHUDLEIGH. 199 and the destruction of the fish has at times been very great : the society has however remedied the evil, by a scientific arrangement of catch pits, which collect and allow the deleterious matter held in suspension to precipitate, previous to its influx into the river, and the result is, that the Teign abounds with fish, and is the favourite resort of numberless sportsmen, who delight in the capture of its finny inhabitants. It remains for us to add, that the Teign near Crocombe, is a most beautiful clear stream murmuring over a rough and shallow bed, and at some places altogether concealed by trees. The bridge here may be considered a central point, from which, many different parishes can be reached. The hills on the western side rise to a considerable height, their rocky summits sur- mounting the woods, present a striking appear- ance, the vallies are interspersed with several farms, and the woods sweep along the banks of the river as far as Chudleigh bridge. Before concluding this brief sketch of the scenery of Chudleigh, it will be necessary to offer 200 HISTORY OF a few remarks on Haldon, which in part belongs to the parish, and forms the entire of its north and north-east boundary ; it is traversed by many roads, along which can be enjoyed the fine views and fresh breezes from the English Channel, together with the rich valley of Exminster and Exeter in the distance. Haldon presents to the an- tiquarian and geologist, many interesting features in ancient camps, barrows and roads, fossils and a variety of sands and coloured earths, while the flints themselves if selected, are a valuable ingre- dient in the manufacture of porcelain and china, as well as for repairing roads. Amongst many fertile and lovely eminences that environ Haldon, one only claims our attention, from its being the most thickly wooded grove in the neighbourhood : it is styled Box Hill, and lies above the Duns- combe vale east of Chudleigh, forming a wood crowned height to Ugbrooke Park ; while it is worthy notice, that in one of the largest fields of the parish and adjoining this plantation, the Park and its richly clad eminences forcibly present themselves. The buildings and other animating CHUDLEIGH. '201 features that are enjoyed when within its precincts being altogether hid, and the whole landscape is well backed up by the deep blue hills towards the South Hams. Geology is not like scenery confined to a certain locality, nor are its indications often visible on the surface. It is a science requiring deep research, and a wider range than Devonshire or even England afford. The following observa- tions with which the writer has been favoured, will, it is trusted prove interesting and instruc- tive. " The geological structure of the parish of Chudleigh belongs to the great Devonian forma- tion, consisting of slate covered occasionally with trappean ash, locally called dunstone, which occupy a position somewhere intermediate be- tween the silurian strata of Wales, and the old red sandstone of other countries. It contains from three to four hundred fossils peculiar to itself, with drifted fragments of trilobites, and other remains belonging to an earlier period : it is traversed by several veins of limestone, formerly 202 HISTORY OF coral reefs, made up to a great extent of zoophital remains, which commonly go under the name of madrepores ; near Chudleigh as in other parts of the county, the limestone forms a serviceable marble. The faces of the rocks exhibit the most unequivocal marks of the Sea at one time having dashed against them ; and the neighbouring deep ravine would seem to have been scooped out by an Oceanic current. After this a bed of marine alluvial matter must have been deposited in the ravine, remains of which may still be seen near to where the brook enters. By the erosive action of this brook, its channel has sunk down in the alluvial bed in some places, to a depth of forty or fifty feet. The occurrence of scattered and partially water-worn stones, the same as those we now find in the channel of the brook, would seem to indicate that the stream must formerly have flowed at a much higher level. The whole of the valley to the south-west, extend- ing from Bovey to Newton, must at one time have been covered by the Sea, which did not entirely take its departure till within the historical CHUDLEIGH. 203 period, as anchors have been found in the Bovey coal-field. That the clay and grit of this field must have been deposited by the Sea there can be little doubt ; it is also equally obvious that the trees and vegetable matter must have been washed down from the surrounding hills by tides and currents. But where such an immense thickness of wood as that which is now undergoing com- pression into coal could have been drifted from, it is very difficult to understand. We have evidence of the whole of Devon including Dart- moor, having, at a much earlier period, been covered by the Sea. The drifted fragments of rock found scattered along the south-western declivities of Dartmoor, can only be explained by reference to the action of Oceanic currents ; while in the district of Chudleigh there are bowlder stones which would seem to indicate a similar agency, if not, perhaps the action of float- ing ice." Words however well chosen, can never convey just ideas of scenery, and it must be admitted, that after every effort on the writer's part, the 204 HISTORY OF many attractions of this locality, Lave been but faintly portrayed, and in order to appreciate the rich and harmonious grandeur, that Nature has so bountifully bestowed on this favoured spot, the neighbourhood itself must be visited. [ 205 ] APPENDIX. The winter of 1813-14 was very severe throughout Europe ; particularly so in England. In January 1814, the most extra- ordinary fall of snow occurred in the west of England, that had been known in the memory of man ; and after several years nothing similar has happened. The following extracts from a " Naturalist's Calendar " kept at the time at Chudleigh, may prove interesting in reference to such an unusual pheno- menon. j. p. j. 1814, JANUARY. 1st. A fine mild day. The sun shone out quite warm, the moles are throwing up their heaps in the fields in great quan- tities, this is generally considered to be a sign of rain. " And feel at every step, Our foot half sunk in hillocks green and soft, Rais'd by the mole, the miner of the soil." A clear unclouded night, Poa Annua, (annual meadow grass), Lamium Purpureum, (Keel Dead Nettle), Leontodon Taraxa- cum, (Dandelion), Bellis Perennis, (common Daisy), Sene- cio Vulgaris, (common Groundsel). Fl. 206 APPENDIX. 2nd. Thick fog in the morning — fine day — cloudy evening. 3rd. Heavy fall of rain. 4th. Cold dreary day — occasional falls of snow. 5th. Severe frost, and heavy fall of snow several inches deep — Birds congregate. 6th. Heavy fall of snow in the morning — fine day — severe frost in the evening and very cold. 7th. Cold north wind— cloudy — severe frost — the snow covers the ground. 8th. Frost — fine clear day — the birds are become tame. 9th. Frost — fine clear day. 10th. Very severe frost — pools frozen over — wind east. 11th. During the last night and the greater part of to day the snow fell in great quantities, the wind blew very strong to the north and north-east, and drifted the snow at some places to the height of six and eight feet. Such a fall of snow was never remembered by the oldest person, it beat with such violence that it was almost impossible to leave the house, all travelling was stopped. The mail coach was several times overturned ; none of the other coaches attempted to proceed ; the march of a regiment of soldiers was prevented ; some houses could hardly be approached, all the entrances being blocked up with snow. It was certainly the most surprising snow storm ever experienced in this part of the country. It ceased snowing about 4 o'clock p.m., when the wind sub* sided, but the heavens continued very gloomy, and a little snow fell about 9 o'clock p.m.; the cold was not very in- tense. 12th. A fine clear day but very cold — severe frost — the river Teign frozen over — the snow deep in the roads, no carriages able to pass — the mails carried on horseback — APPENDIX. 207 birds feed on the vegetables in the gardens and numbers of them found dead. How find the myriads that in summer cheer The hills and Tallies with their ceaseless songs Due sustenance, or where subsist they now. Earth yields them nought ; the imprisoned worm is safe Beneath the frozen clod ; all seeds of herbs Lie covered close ; and berry bearing thorns That feed the thrush (whatever some suppose) Afford the smaller minstrels no supply. The long protracted rigour of the year Thins all their num'rous flocks. In chinks and holes Ten thousand seek an unmolested end As instinct prompts, self-buried ere they die. 13th. Fine day but severely cold— carriages are drawn through the snow with great difficulty— the mail from London did not arrive until 7 o'clock p.m., 18 hours later than the usual lime. 14th. The day was ushered in with a strong east wind and piercing cold— at 9 o'clock a.m. the snow began to fall, and continued for several hours. All the attempts which had been made to render the roads passable became useless, as the drifting of the snow again blocked up the roads. Several who attempted to pass over Haldon and in various other directions were obliged to return to the town. The coach came from Plymouth but could not proceed any further. The heaps of snow at some places reached to the roofs of the houses. I'jth. It thawed a little— cloudy and a thick fog. I walked about a mile from the town on the Exeter road to see a pass cut in the snow ; before this was effected all travelling was stopped ; snow completely filled up the road and was from eight to twelve feet in height. A sight so very unusual 208 APPENDIX. attracted many spectators, the roads having been cleared some carts passed and the mails were carried on horseback. 16th. Thaw during the day, and thick fog, a great many people who were detained by the snow, were able to leave the town — the coaches could not proceed the whole way from Plymouth to Exeter — the snow is disappearing very gradually without rain — a fortunate circumstance, as danger was appre- hended from floods. 17th. Snow disappearing gradually — a number of travellers who had been detained passed to day — it froze towards the evening, and about 8 o'clock p.m. snow began again to fall. 18th. Snow and rain. 19th. Snow with sleet and rain — the melting of the snow has again rendered the roads impassable — the coaches were forced to return to the town, being unable to pass over Haldon — A heavy fall of snow in the evening. 20th. A great drift of snow during the night, and severe frost — all travelling prevented — the coach passengers detained in the town — the streets filled with large heaps of snow. 21st, Severe frost — fine day — fall of snow in the evening— ■ the unusual severity of the weather continues in full force — the coaches and waggons are buried in the snow on Haldon — In some of the streets steps are cut in the snow to descend to the houses. 22nd. Severe frost — cold day, and occasional falls of snow — a number of people passed on horseback the only mode of travelling. 23rd. Severe frost and cold north wind. 24th. Frost — a number of labourers working on the turn- pike roads. 25th. Frost, but the wind not quite so cold. The roads APPENDIX. 209 however cleared of the snow, and many carriages passed. The mails still come in at irregular hours. 26th. Rapid thaw with rain and thick fog towards the evening. The general average depth of the snow has been about three feet. A great number of birds have died, and the hares entered the gardens near the town for the vegetables, and got entangled in the snow. 27th. Thick frost during the night— thaw with rain. 28th. Thaw — fine day — the sun shone out warm — the ground appears at some places— the snow in the streets dis- appearing gradually— the snow was drifted to the height of 18 and 20 feet at some places. 29th. Thaw — in the morning the wind was south— about noon it came round to the north-west, and blew a tremendous storm, and a little snow fell— the report that some soldiers were lost in the snow on Haldon is incorrect, a single life has not been lost anywhere— the barometer fell to 30p. below 28/n. 30th. Fine day— cold and frosty towards the evening— th< Teign has overflowed its banks. 31st. Cold dreary day — falls of snow and hail. FEBRUARY. 1st. Slight frost and cold north wind. 2nd. Cold gloomy day— rain— the snow rapidly melting away. 3rd. Severe white frost, and cold cloudy day. 4th. Fine day — the snow gradually disappearing without a flood. 5th. Rain and sleet. 6th. Cloudy— rain— violent east wind. 210 ATIENDIX, 7th, Stormy — occasional storms and thick fog in the evening. 8th. Violent east -wind — showers — a rainbow appeared — the snow has almost disappeared, except a little which has drifted under the hedges. FINIS SEABLE. PRINTER, CHUDLEIGH. 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