--'^- -" — rM WEAD Contributions to the History of Musical Scales J ?. I. krvi^i'^i. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE HISTORY OF MUSICAL SCALES. BY CHARLES KASSON WEAD, Examiner, U. S. Patent Office. Prom the Report of the United States National Museum for 1900, pages 417-462 with ten plates. L^Hl'i^f^?: I I j •Ihso f ste])s to th(^ octave, is eml)()died on the neck of a guitar or mandolin: here it is obvious that the successive stopi)ing points as HISTORY OF MUSICAL SCALES 423 marked by frets get cloiser and closer together us the pitch rises. All musicians know that this number of notes, twelve, is found confus- ingly great for ordinar\^ playing, and know the principles by which the player selects certain notes for any tune. But this inidtiplicity of notes has an important bearing on all studies on nonharmonic nuisic made b}' harmonic musicians. For every sound within the compass of the instrument comes very near to some one of the twelve notes and may readily be represented thereby, owing to the difficulty the hearer has in estimating deviations from the familiar series and in noting them down. The results of this approximation are to mask all deviations from the twelve-tone piano scale, whether intentionally or accidentally made, and to make it appear to musicians, first, that nearly all the music of the world is performed substantially in our scale; and second, that any other theoretical scales, such as those found among Orientals, or described b}^ our European ancestors, are merely niathematical jug- glery and of as little significance as proposals for a change that occa- sionallv appear in modern musical or scientific journals. It is the purpose of this paper first to describe several types and forms of instruments widely used, each emljodying a i)rinciple of scale building distinctly unlike ours, though sometimes giving a result that seems surprising!}- familiar. Nearly all these instruments, it will be noted, belong to what was called above the second or barbarous stage, though a few of them come from countries where musicians have reached the third and fourth stages. A second purpose is to present a new and generic principle of primitive scale-building applicable to the various types of instruments discussed. But before going further it must be recognized that the word "'scale'' has many meanings. Perhaps the lowest and loosest is — the series of sounds used in any musical performance, arranged in order of pitch. The one that will most closely fit the present needs is — the series of sounds produced upon a particular instrument; while the most exact definition, but one applicable only where musical principles are well developed is this: A scale is an indepeiidently reproducible series of sounds arranged in order of j^iicK recognized as a standard and iitted for musical purposes. While the last two definitions implv an instrument in which tne scales are embodied, the limitation is in appearance only, for there is no evidence that any musicians do have a standard series of tones, unless they have one or more instruments embodying it, and have learned the series directly or indirectly from such an instrument. 424 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1900. II. STRINGED INSTRUMENTS. Ill shiirp coiiti-u.st to that widrly used division of a string which we know on the guitar, showing decreasing distances between the frets as the pitch rises, we find many instiinces of a uniform spacing of the frets through a considerable distance. Instances from four countries may here be cited: 1. The well-known arcliitect, YioUet-le-Duc,^ gives a figure (tig. 1) of a mandolin from the end of the sixteenth century which shows frets for the first seven semitones pretty uniformly spaced; the frets for the next five to complete the octave are again imiform, though closer than be- fore, and the following five are also uniformly spaced and still closer. Figures in other books ^ of European lutes, viols, etc., very often show a similar equal spacing. These are too numerous to be lighth' treated as artists' blunders. Two instruments in the United States National Museum are illustrated in Plate 1. ^. Among the Greek rules given by Ptolemy is one for the division called Diatoncm, homalon^ in which the whole string being twelve units long the points for stopping would be at 11, 10, y, and S, giving C, a note between Dj^ and D, Ej?, F, and G. Here it will be noticed the inter- vals get larger and larger as the pitch rises. Again, Carl Engel ^ refers to Drieberg's drawing of the ancient Greek guitar in the Berlin Museum, which has "seven frets at equal dis- tances," but objects to it as it does not give a diatonic scale. The tracing of this drawing furnished by Professor Howard, of Harvard, adds to Eiigel's data the fact that the whole compass of the six intervals is slightly more than an octave (fig. 2). 3. Among the instruments described in the Arabic treatise of the \ Fig. 1. EUROPEAN MANDOLIN. Alter Vio!Iet-le-Duc. Fig. 2. GREEK GI'ITAR. After Drieberg. Plates V, fig. 8; vi, Rome, 177(>. Plates ' Dictionnaire raisonn^ du niobilier franc^aip, II, 1871, ])I. m. ■''M. Priotoriup, Syntajrina Mnsicuui, II, ItilS. Reprint, 1894 fig. 1; XVI, fig. 1; xvii, fig. 4; xx, figs. 1, 3. Bonanni, DcscTiptinu de.s instruments harinoniques. LM. ^'^\. LII, l.VII, I,X, LXXI. J. Ruliliiiann, (iesehichte diT Bogeninstrumente, 1882. I'lati-s ix, figs. 2, 5, 0, 13; X, fig. 1*>; XIII, figs. 3, 8. 'Music of tin- M(^st Ancient Nations, 1864, p. 205, HISTORY OF MUSICAL SCALES. 425 famous Al Fanibi,^ who died 950 A. D., is the short-necked tanhmr of Bao-dad, usually having- two strings: on this a fret was first placed at one-eighth the length of the string from the upper end, and this space then divided into five equal parts. As the compass on each string was but little over a whole tone, each step was about a quarter-tone. These ligatures or frets are called "heathen '' or "pagan," and the tunes played on them "heathen airs," clearl}" indicating that there was a scale native to the people whom the Mohammedan armies had con- quered, a scale utterly different from either that of the lute or the tmiboiir of Khorassan, with their resemblances to Greek scales. Three hundred years later, or about 1250 A. D., Safi-ed-din,^ a famous musi- cian of Bagdad, wrote for his pupil, the son of the Vizier, a Treatise on Musical Ratios. He based them on string lengths, and in discussing instruments gives a figure of the frets on the neck of the lute, and it is noteworthy that these are equally spaced over a distance of a quarter length of the string. Further, he explains how of the ten frets in this short distance, located by various rules, five were fixed by arithmetical bisection or halving of the space between two frets already fixed; one of these, midway between what we should call D and E, if the open string gives C, was called the "Persian middle," and was very much in use in his time. Safi-ed-din'^ further describes, in two connections, a division of the Fourth, like the Greek one already quoted, where the string lengths are 12, 11, 10, 9, saying it is consonant and much used; in fact it is preferred to one that is substantially like the theoretical diatonic scale; still it should be added that when he comes to arrange intervals to make up two octaves he puts our arrangement along with the most agreeable half dozen genera. 4. In India there has been in modern times a curious reversion from an elaborate historical scale of twent^'^-two steps to the octave, of which no modern Hindu or European knows the theory, to an equal linear division;* one-half of the string on the sitar is bisected; the first or end quarter-length is then divided into nine parts, each marked by a fret, and the second quarter-length into thirteen parts similarly marked. Out of the twenty-three tones within the octave the player selects a limited number, five, six, or seven, rarelv eight, for any par- ticular tune. Most of the notes used are found on calculation to be deceptively close to the notes of our chromatic scale, and so may be easily confounded with them by European hearers. 5. This arithmetical division has been advocated by European ' Land's translation in Travaux de la 6*^ session du Congres internationale des Orien- talistes a Leide, 1883, pp. 107-114. ^Carra de Vaux's translation in Journal Asiatique, XVIII, 1891, p. 330. ^Idem, pp. 308-317. * Tagore, Musical Scales of the Hindus, Calcutta, 1884, supplement. Partly quoted by C. R. Day, Music ... of Southern India, 1891, and Ellis, Journal Society of Arts, XXXIII, 1885, p. 502. NAT MUS 1900 30 426 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, li»00. tliforists, iis l»_v Jiiiinu'd' in ti treatise of ITo!). a copv of which is in the Lrnox Library. New York: and Fetis" in his brief account of this author refers to others who maintained siniihir views. III. INSTRUMENTS OF THE FLUTE TYPE. The sinipU' Hutes arc instruint'nts of a type more primitive and more widely distributed than fretted strinoed instruments. These instru- Ujcnts arc sometimes si(U'-bU)wn, as is the case with the modern tiute; or ^'u^\ bh)\vn. as one ]>iows into a key or pan's pipe; or bk)wn with a whisth" mouthpiece, like the Hatj;e<)let; or l)lown with a weak reed, as tlic oboe. For the purposes of this discussion the mode of excitintr the vibration is inunaterial. All of them (Mubody the law that the fre(|ueiiev of vibration of a column of air in a tube depends mainh'on its IcnLTth. and the variation in length of the air column so as to produce several sounds from one tuV)e is produced by opening holes in the sides of the tube. In practice these hoh\s never can open so freely to the outside^ air that the portion of the tube beyond them may be con- sidered as icmoved (the possi))ility or necessity of cross-tingering proves this to th(> })layer). so the proper location and diameter of the holes to produce the notes of our scale of even quality are fixed, not t)y a simple law as the frets on the guitar are located, but by laborious exi)erimenting to get a standard instrument which is then reproduced with Chinese hdelity. Now. as one looks over a collection of wind instruments, like the splendid one in the U. S. National Museum, or examines flutes figured in books, it will l)e easy to recognize that there are two principal types — (A) those having the holes spaced at sensibly equal distances, and {l^) those having- two groups each of three equally spaced holes, the interval l)etween the nearest holes of the two groups being" obvi- ou>ly greater than that between the holes of each group. As the eonunoii primitive method of making the holes is by burning, the holes are generally more uniform in diameter than those on European f1ut<'s of a centuiT ago. Illustrations of flutes of type A are found in Fngers Musical Instruments, some of which are copied on Plate '2. Dr. Wilson's paper on Prehistoric Art'' has many more illustrations, as the figures of bone flutes from Costa Rica and British (niiana, of pottery flutes from Mexico and the Zuni Indians, of tubes with a simple reed from Egypt and Palestin*'. of wooden llutes brought from Thibet by Mr. Rockhill, and a woodi-n (lute from the Kiowa Indians. Fetis* has a cut of the -t iL'-horn flute from the .stone age with three e(|uidistant holes, referred '.Taiimnl, Kccherchcs siir la Theorie »elli' ^toirt' gciu'iak' di- la iiiUi^iipK-, I, p. l'G. I HISTORY OF MUSICAL SCALES. 427 to ))Y Wilson (p. 526). So far as is known not one of the peoples from whom these instruments have come has any musical theory, but some of them do have a principle of instrument construction; for a parth' educated young- Kiowa Indian, in Washington a few years ago, in a party under charge of Mr. James Moone}", showed the writer how the holes on a flute on which he played were located by measuring three finger-breadths from the lower end to the lower hole, and then taking shorter ])ut equal spaces for the succeeding holes. The inter- preter added that he had seen the holes spaced by cutting a short stick as a measure. The late Mr. F. H. Cushing has furnished the addi- tional fact that measurement b}^ finger-breadths is very common among Indians; and Dr. Fewkes^ gives a figure to show how the prayer sticks, used by the Hopi Indians in the Snake ceremonials at Walpi, are measured off into seven parts by the distances from creases on the hand to the tip of the finger. On the Kiowa flute (Plate 4, No. 2) the distance between the centers of the holes is 32 mm., which is two medium finger-breadths. Some instruments of this type belonging to the U. S. National Museum are show^n in Plates 3 and 4. But it is not only among primitive and prehistoric peoples that such a succession of holes is found. The common military fife has it. The bagpiper recently seen on the streets of Washington used a chaunter (oboe), the holes of which were at sensibly equal distances, so conforming to the well-known fact that the bagpipe scale is inten- tionally unlike the harp scale. A Japanese Fouye with 7 holes figured in the catalogue of the Kraus collection at Florence shows to the eye holes at nearly equal spaces, and has, as reported, the steps of the scale increasing in length as the pitch rises. From Egypt' there have come twenty-five 3- and 4-hole ancient flutes, or more exactly, oboes, and a few of 5, 6, and more holes. One of the 4-holed instru- ments from a tomb of about 1100 B. C. shows the holes 35 mm. apart and the lowest hole twice this distance from the bottom. Villoteau's^ plates of modern Egyptian instruments show various types of tubes with equally spaced holes. Flutes of the second or B type with two groups of equal-spaced holes were sold in quantities at the Java village at the World's Fair held in Chicago in 1893 (Plate 0, No. 1). No two of the instruments seemed to have the same length or location of holes, but this group- ing was unmistakable. Of this type is also a curious ancient Chinese instrument, the Tche, described by Amiot,* closed at both ends with ^Journal of American Ethnology and Archaeology, IV, 1894, p, 25-26. ^Loret, Journal Asiatique, 8th ser., XIV, 1889, pp. Ill, 197. Musical Times, Lon- don, XXXI, 1890, pp. 585, 713. •^ Description de 1' Egypt, Etat moderne, II, 1809, plate cc. ^Memoires concernant I'histoire .... des Chinois, VI, 1780, p. 76, pi. vi, tig. 42. Mahillon, Brussels Conservatory Catalogue I, No. 865. 428 KEPoKr OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, liX)0. an rmhouclicn' at the iiiiddlf and holes .syminetrically placed on each side dividing'- the whoh' UMi«:th into thirds. (juartei>, and sixths; so. if th(>\\h()h' length is called 12, the mouth hole is at 6 and the tinger holes at 2, 8, 4, 8, '.♦. and 1(». Mahillon copied the instrument, but did not close th«> ends, and reports the scale as a chromatic one from E to A #. Most of the old European wood wind instruments fig-ured by Pneto- rius' (Itils) are conspicuously of this type, as the appended Plate 5 shows without necessity of description, and v'arious similar instru- ments of the Museum collections are ligured in Plate <>. IV. INSTRUMENTS OF THE RESONATOR TYPE. I . The next group includes a variety of instruments of the resonator tvpc. a type that is widely distributed and conforms to a law hitherto unrecognized as capable of furnishing a scale; though Sondhaus in lsr>() stated the law and tried a few rough experiments. The mathema- ticians" have provi'd that a mass of air in a contined space with a ver}^ small nearly circular opening, as a short-necked bottle or a whistle, has a frequency of vibration proportional to the square root of the fraction which expresses the diameter of the hole divided b}' the volume of the cavity; and if there are two such openings so placed that the flow of air through one does not interfere with that through the other, the numerator of the fraction will be the sum of the two diameters. Now extend the same principle, and one may have a series of sounds rising in pitch as on(» after another of several holes in the wall is opened; and ])rovided the character of the vibration is not essentially changed, the freijueiRy of vibration of these notes W'ill increase as the scpiare root of the sum of the diameters of the holes opened. Suppose, for examph'. that a vessel has one mouth-hole of diameter 2 and several properly placed finger-holes of diameter 1; then on successively open- ing these a scale may b(» jiroduced having vibration frequencies in the ratio of the s(|uare roots of 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. A moment's consideration will show that in such a scale the intervals between successive sounds become less and less as the pitch rises, instead of l)ecoming greater as is the ca.-e with strings or flutes Avhere the spacing of frets or holes is unifoini. I 111' iiio-t elaborate and beautiful illustrations of instruments of this type a IV tioiii graves in Central and South America. (See Plate 7.) 1 li«' I iiitrd States National Museum lias many whistles f rom Chiriqui ill Colombia, most of tliciu giving but a single high note; these differ substantially, it will be noticed, from stopped organ pipes, since in the latter the month extends the full width of the tube. Whistles with one or two tinger-holes have come from ^lexico and San Salvador, but the most coni])!.!.- and perfect are from Costa Rica. Of these the one 1 S\ iiiauiiiji Musicuni, yils. ix and x. Kayli-ijrh, Tlii'ory <-f Sdund, II, ]S78, Chai.. ■'^"^J- HISTOEY OF MUSICAL SCALES. 429 bearing- tho catalogue number 50970 (Plate T, tig. 1) has served as the type specimen, and is the instrument which led to this investigation. It has a globular body with bird's head, a mouthpiece about in the position of a bird's tail, and four finger-holes on the back symmetri- cally placed; these holes seem to be precisely equal in diameter, and equivalent in musical effect, so the order of lingering is a matter of indifference, and all the tones are clear and distinct; in Dr. Wilson's paper,^ Mr. Upham, who is a violinist, notes them as F, A, C, D, E. On measurement the volume was found to be 36.0 cc, the equivalent diameter of the trapezoidal mouth hole 1 cm., and the diameter of the linger holes .65 cm.; these diameters, however, need a correction on account of the thickness of the walls, since the air can not pass freely through the rather thick wall. The tinal result of the calculation is to give, with all iinger-holes closed, the note F on the highest line of the treble staff", to within half a semitone, and on opening the finger- holes in iinj order to give the succession of intervals 4, 3, 2, and 2 equal semitones, with a mean error of only one-eighth E. S. Accord- ing to the theory the series of intervals depends only on the ratio between the diameters of the holes and the mouth hole, in this case 1 to 1.62; so the series of tones has vibration frequencies approximately as the square roots of 1.6, 2.6, 3.6, 4.6, 5.6, or of 1, 1.62, 2.24, 2.86, 3.48; but the pitch of all depends on the quotient of the radius of the mouth-hole by the volume. Although the theoretical correction for thickness of wall can not be quite precise, it affects all the holes to nearly the same extent, and the greatest probable error that can be assumed will not change the whole compass more than half a semitone; so the calculated scale would still be substantially what the ear con- firms — F, A, C, D, E, or in syllables do, mi, sol, la, si. The Museum has several other Costa Rican instruments also of pottery quite similar in appearance to this, but not capable of giv- ing such clear tones, or quite so perfect in the equality of the holes. If the holes are unequal in diameter, in thickness of wall, or in loca- tion with reference to the vibrating mass of air, the order of pitch will depend on which holes are opened instead of merel}^ on how many; with five holes sixteen combinations are possible; but of the eleven instruments in the Museum eight give only five notes each, two give seven notes, and one gives nine notes. If the finger-holes are small relatively to the mouth hole, the compass is small, so one high-pitched whistle has a compass of only six semitones — G to C# — and another runs from B to E; three have a compass of seven E. S., that is, a musical fifth, and two each have, respectively, eight, nine, and eleven semitones. Still other National Museum instruments, similar in principle, but ruder in workmanship and more grotesque in form, have come from Chiriqui, Columbia, and are figured in Dr. Wilson's report, pages 628 1 Report of United States National Museum for 1896, p. 617. 4:m) REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, ]i«)0. to (>4<>. In othoi- iim^cuuis similar iiistniinciits are to be found. A h'W from C'liiri(iui were biicHy desoi'il)ed forty yoai's ag-o as belonging to tlie American Ethnological Society/ III tlic Amci'ican Museum of Natural History in New York, as icpoitcd l»v Prof. F. W. Putnam, half a dozen .such three- and four- hole whistles from the i-egion of Santa Marta, Colombia, are to be .seen: while under his charge at Caml»ridg-e, Ma.s.s., there are a number from the I'loa ^'alley. Central America;"^ of those tigured, three have three tinger-holes and are .said to give five notes each. In the Brussels Con.servatory Collection'' there are twenty-five terra cotta insti-uments fi-om Mexico: two of them are clearly of this resonator tvi)e. giving five notes and having a compass, respectively, of eight and eleven E, 8. (tig. 3). Lastly, a similar instrument described and tigured by Dr. Walter Hough, in the Report on the Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid. 1892-1893, has the small com- pass of six E. S. The point should again be empha- siztxl that with these instruments the notes get closer and closer together as the pitch rises; for instance, on the type instrument the successive intervals are in whole numbers4, 3, 2. 2. E. S. ; on the Brussels instru- ments, 3, 2, 2, 1, and 4, 3, 2, 2; on the Madrid speci- men, 2, 2, 1, 1. A chart (Plate 10) will show more, accurately what the four intervals are with any speci- fied ratio of holes, and whether there is appreear ])ipes, «'tc., and similar forms on the organ. These things liave all gone out of use along with the other delicate and weak-toned instru- ments of theii" times. 'I'o-day nmsicians demaiid tones more powerful and richer in harmonics than instruments of this t3'pe can give. But a curious sni-\i\iilor re\i\alof this earlier type occurred in the middle of thi> century, which is told of in Groves's Dictionary of Musi(\ A blind peasant. nam«'d Bicco, gave pul)lic perforiuances in London on a i »' t I i-i>ruii>j (Ut .\frikaiiischen Kulturen, 1898, p. 150. •' Anhivii) ]kt L' Antropold^'ia e la Etnoloiria, XVII, 1887, pp. 35-41, fig. 5. Syutaf^ina Miisicuin II, pp. 44, 4H, 85. Fig. 7. GLOBULAR WHISTLE. At'tor Kiiiiis. HISTOKY OF MUSICAL SCALES. 433 flageolet 2 inches long and having only three holes. U.v partially or wholly closing the end of the tube with his hand he made use of the resonator principle to lower the pitch of his notes; so he obtained a compass of more than two octaves. The instrument is similar to Pr»torius's sclnoeigeV except that it is shorter, and the accuracy of the notes performed would depend almost wholly on the performer. Later a traveling troupe appeared in European cities with seven instruments called ocarinas. These are familiar to us, being on sale everywhere. They are properly resonators, but the holes are more numerous than in the instruments already considered and vary widely in size. The scale, Avhich the instruments furnish with more or less precision, is not dependent on any simple principle, but is adjusted by the maker by varying the sizes of the holes so as to conform to a scale fixed on other instruments. V. THE INFLUENCE OF THE HAND. All the instruments of the three groups now discussed are ' ' fingered;" that is, the acoustical dimensions of the vibrating string or mass of air are varied as the player manipulates the fingers of one or both hands. These instruments therefore involve a feature not associated with drums and other*instruments of percussion, or with primitive harps. Instead of using the hand as a whole, the more delicate fingers are utilized separately; so the simple instrument becomes in a peculiar sense a part of the plaj^er's means of self-expression and is specially responsive to his own moods, as many legends of the power of music testify. But leaving to the musical writers such compari- sons between instruments, it is important to the phj^sicist to recognize that the dimensions of the human hand have fixed absolutely some dimensions of these instruments. The first thing to strike one, considering the hand from this point of view, IS the fact that onh' with difficulty can the five digits be brought into line, so the thumb is not used on primitive instruments for finger- ing, so far as observed. In the more highly developed flutes there may be a hole for it on the back side, while on our own flutes, clari- nets, etc., it governs one or more keys. Similarly, the little finger does not readily fall in line with the three longer ones, and, besides, is much weaker. The remaining three fingers on a hand of medium size can be brought into a space of about 1 cm., or spread to span perhaps 12 cm. (5 inches). To fix one's ideas before comparing these limits with measures on some actual instruments, it will be convenient to recall that on piano keyboards the distance between key-centers an octave apart is 165 nmi. (6^ inches), the same as on a spinet of 1602; but on the physiologically designed Janko ke^^board, with the octave distance * Syntagma Musicum, p. 39, pi. ix. 484 REPOKT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1900. 140 mm. (r).V inclu's). :iii ordinarv Imndciin readily span an octave and a Fiftli, because the lingers are not forced into line. Exatninin*,'' lirst some string- instruments, it is found that on a guitar of New York make (No. 55<)9U, IT.S.N.M.) the distance between frets ranges from '.V.\ to 14 mm. The greatest distance noticed between frets is on the large Siamese Km Chapj^ce (No. 27810, U.S.N.M.), where there are three spaces, respectively, of 71, 73, and 77 mm. A similar instrument examined at the World's Fair held in ( 'hicago had the corresponding spaces 60, 60, and 67 nnn. The string lengths to the lii-st frets were, respectively, 878 and 740 mm. The smallest dis- tance observed between frets is the above-cited 14 mm., except that the Syrian lute, Blzug (No. 95144, ILS.N.M.), has two spaces of li' and 18 mm. On most instruments the frets cease w'hen the limit of 20 to 2;") nun. is reached. It is obvious that these and similar data for fi'etted instruments are not of much importance unless one can know that the hand was not shifted from one fret to another. With our i ustruments shifting is notorious!}' common, but the histories of the \ ioliii report that two or three centuries ago it was a notable thing f ( ir a })layer to shift. The usual theory of the old manj^-stringed instru- ments, of which the Arab lute is a particularly good example, required the strings to be tuned in Fourths, and the stririg lengths Avere not too gn^at for the four lingers to govern all the frets within this range — that is. in a <|uarter-length of the string — so a shift would be unnecessary. On the Aral) lute ' there were sometimes ten very unequally spaced frets in this space, but for any one tune onl}^ a few of them were used, and in the principal modes, '' OcJukj and Rast^ one fret each for the index and ring lingers sufficed to give substantially our diatonic scale. With sinq)le wind instruments the ease is quite different, for sev- eral lingers nuist ])e used sinndtaneously to cover holes, so the hand can not be shifted. In the Kiowa flute referred to above the uniform distanc*^ ])etween holes is 82 mm.; in the stone whistle from Mex- ico. 20 n)m.: in the four Egyptian flageolets and oboes flgured by Villoteau (his Plate v c) the intervals are, respectively, 12, 15, 15, and 36 mm. These distances re(iuire only a convenient spread of the Angers, Many otiui- measures can readily be obtained from the accompanying flgures with their appended scales. If the nuisician has a theory demanding that the holes ])e so near together or so tar apart as to make direct Angering inconvenient or impossible, keys with longer short levers are added, as on modern flutes and clarinets, while among the Romans extra holes Avere bored to provide for sev<'ral genera, the holes not needed for any tune lieing closed by i)lngs oi- rotating i-ings. In a Ifw <;is.'s wind insti-unieiits are found so long that the player's M-m.l. Ti.i\;mx .If la ti' Cniiu'ivH .lis Oriciitalistc's, 1883, i)p. 107-114, or Ellis, .Itiurrial ..i tin- Si.cifty of Arts, XXXIII. lss.->, j.. o02. HISTORY OF MUSICAL SCALES. 435 arm is too short to reach the lower end. Then, necessarily, the holes to be fingered are located at the middle or upper end of the tube, but the holes are so small that the pitch of the resulting notes is much lower than the position of the holes would suggest, so the discrepancy to the ear is not as great as to the e^^e. In other cases the leugth is misleading, for the holes are bored obliqueh" or holes are bored in the tube below the holes to be fingered, thereby raising and adjusting the pitch of the lowest note, as Mahillon shoAvs in the Brussels catalogue (Nos. 830, 1039, 1117, 1119, and 1123) and Villoteau shows on his Plate c c, No. 1. This is a possible explanation of the superfluous holes in the flute on the statue from the ruins of Susa (Plate 2, fig. 1), if the figure be accepted as archa?ologically correct. In modern instru- ments, as is Avell known, the distant holes are controlled by covers at the ends of long levers. The relation of the instruments of the resonator type to the hand is too obvious to need discussion; the objects must be of such size and shape as to be held by the hand or by two hands while the fingers are manipulated, and the holes must be conveniently located and small enough to be closed by the tips of the fingers, or in the Chinese hiuen also by the thumbs. It is rather surprising to see how little the thumb is used in plaj^ing upon the instruments under consideration. Although from its anatom- ical structure the thumb has a peculiar independence in its movements, yet most of its services are rendered by cooperation with the other fin- gers; and the natural training of these, as in grasping, sewing, weav- ing, or the most delicate savage industries, appears likewise to call for their cooperation, not for independent action. It is only in playing instruments like the lyre and harp (whose tuning depends on princi- ples outside the instrument, and so they do not belong to the present discussion) that one sees a grasping action requiring two or more fin- gers at once. But in the guitars, flutes, etc., under consideration, the thumb is constantly occupied in merely supporting the instrument, so any variation in the pitch of the sound can come only as the other fin- gers become independent in action. When we remember how" diflicult it is for a civilized piano-player or typewriter to-day to acquire a sat- isfactory independence in movement of all the fingers, especially of the third and fourth, and recall that the early instruction-books for the harpsichord required the use of but tw o fingers on each hand, we shall have a higher respect for the technique of primitive musicians, and shall not wonder that primitive wind instruments have so few holes. Presumabh' the index finger first gained independence, and then it marked a long advance when two fingers could act independently of one another. So the four-hole flute or resonator, requiring the action of two fingers from each hand, and giving a scale of five tones, is a monument commemorating an important stage both in the development of the hand and in the extension of musical resources. 43«> REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, U>(H>. VI. COMPOSITE INSTRUMENTS. Eiii-h of the instruments thus fur exuniiued is capable of furnishing several notes of approximately eonstant pitch. ))ut the general princi- ])!(• Ix'fore us may 1h> eml)o(lied in composite in.struments, where each note has its own vil)rating Ixxly; thus I. Various forms of harps and dulcimers show strings of regularly decreasing h'ngth; here, of course, difference of tension may nullify the scale due to the lengths. One form is shown on Plate 8. ■2. Pan's pipes arc sometimes seen with regularly decreasing lengths; it is true that this regularity is not very common, but it is the only principle of scale building (except the Chinese cycle of fifths) yet I'ecog- nizable in these primitive instru- ments. (Phite 0.) 8. Instruments of the bar type are found frequently in our orchestras and l>ands imder various names, as wyJaplume; they are familiar in children's toys and are widely dis- tri])uted in savage and half -civilized lands under the names of marlmha^ h(th(fong^ harmontcon, etc. (Plate 8 and fig. 8.) The law of the uni- form bar is that the frequencies of vibration of a series of bars of the same material are proportional to the quotients of the thickness divid- ed by the square of the length; the breadth is immaterial if it is uni- form. So if one takes a series of vniform bars of tiie sauKi thickness and i-egularly decreasing length he may obtain a scries of ascending notes. Thus, let the first bar be 24 units long (for exam[)le 24 cm,), the successive bars decreasing by one unit: the eighth bar will ])c 17 units long, and tlu; fifteenth bar 10 units; the scries of t'i(M|iicncies would then ])e as the reciprocals of the .s(juares (.f 24, 28, etc., so giving to the ear a series of increasing inter- \als; with these proportions bar No. 8 would give the Octave of the lirst. luit l)ai' No. !"> would give the Twelfth of bar No. 8. The sim- jdicily of tlic rule, howi'ver, fre(iuently disappears, either because of variations in the thickness, as when a savage splits a bamboo stem and then cuts his bars so that the shorter ones are also thinner, or because of the attachment of lumps of wax or day to the bars to tune them to some other insti-unient; or 1)ecause of the hollowing of the center, as is done by modern Japanese; so :il pi'csent one can not affirm that this Fig. s. XYI.()l'II()NE.,'tltlon of elonenU similar- to the eye; the size, nirmher^ and location of these elements heing depeiidevt m, the size of 111, Jill nil II ml til, illgltal expertness of the prrformer. This principle shows itself in the occasional equal spaces on the neck HISTORY OF MUSICAL SCALES. 439 or table of a stringed instrument, and conspicuously in the series of holes on flutes and primitive oboes, while a sense of balance and s} m- metr}' added to the repetition appears in the two groups of holes on the flutes, etc., and especially in the resonators, and appears in a dift'erent way in the trapezoidal forms of dulcimers. Pan's pipes, and marimbas. The pitch-determining- elements are therefore primarily decorative. In fact no one can examine any collection of primitive wind instru- ments, or drawings of them, without being struck b}' the way in which the holes often cooperate in the decoration; while they are not found interfering wnth the artistic design (see fig. 8, page -iSO; Plate 2, figs. 1 andi>; Plate 3, fig. .2). Simple decoration involving only repetition and symmetrical placing or grouping of similar parts is not only found among living primitiAC peoples everywhere that musical instruments emliodying a scale can be found, but is prehistoric. The prehistoric flutes are believed to come from the neolithic age, and the potter}- from this age shows a nuiltitude of geometrical designs, some of which are collected in Wil- son's Plates 19 and 20. The paleolithic age has furnished few geomet- rical designs and no flutes or many-holed resonators. In applying such decoration to the hollow^ bones of animals or human enemies, to the hol- low reeds that Lucretius says whistle in the wind, or to gourds and sim- ple pottery, nothing can be more natural than sometimes to perforate the walls and to get a several-toned musical instrument as the result. So although no conclusions regarding the mental operations of prehistoric man can be absolutely certain, one feels a strong conviction that, as with immature minds among us, art appealed first to the eye and later to the ear; that beauty of material form incidentalh" furnished series of sounds that could be repeated, and could give to the ear and the mind the idea of the definite leaps or steps that Aristoxenus, countless ages afterward, called the characteristic of music. (Of course rhythm in movement and in sound are independent of the structure of an instrument.) An}^ influence that ma}" have been exerted on the estali- lishment of scales by the songs of birds, by the recognition of over- tones in the sounds of the human voice, or by the production of har- monics on the horn must have been limited and trivial. The principle here presented is at any rate a vera ccmsa, and explains facts hitherto unexplained; further, (1) it is extremely simple both in theory and practice; (2) it is flexible, allowing of multifarious results in prac- tice; (3) it is suggested by prehistoric instruments, supported l)y the instruments of many living primitive peoples and repeatedly con- firmed by its survival in several instruments of peoples in an advanced stage of musical culture. It only remains to add, in order to prevent misunderstanding, that the principle here set forth never appears as the dominating one among peoples who are known to have had a theory of the scale. The Greek 440 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, IJKK). theoretical scales, diatonic and iioiidiatonic, arc doubtless its direct descendants, though at present it is not known what the influence was that so. transformed them and made them depend on ratios, not on dif- ference of lenoths. Possibly the theory' of luimbers bewitched musi- cians then as it has sometimes since, thougfh the converse speculation is a plausible one — that the recognized musical ratios gave a mj^stical meaning- to numbers. It is curious to note that Aristoxenus had some- how got far enough to complain that flutes distort most of the inter- vals (p. 42, Mb.), and if his lost treatise on boring flutes should, be found it might throw light on this history. The Arab *" step by step " method is apparently a late descendant of the equal linear divisions, appearing after men had lejirned to recognize the equality of intervals as well as of spaces. But the Chinese cycle of lif ths must be explained and determined on entirely difl:erent physical principles, and the vari- ous European scales as detined by theorists or rendered by the best violinists or fixed by good tuners, when properl}^ examined, reveal elements as diverse as the elements of our language or our population. The principle in question is therefore presented only as the simplest, earliest, and most primitive principle of scale-building. HISTORY OF MUSICAL SCALES. 441 APPENDIX. The laws briefly stated on page 437 for the several kinds of instruments discussed in the paper may be expressed more accurately by the following formula;: Let N = number of complete vibrations per second. I = length of string or column of air or bar. a = diameter of mouth-hole of resonator, corrected for thickness of wall. h = diameter of finger-lioles of resonator, corrected for thickness of wall. ft = number of finger-holes opened on resonator. / = thickness of bar. K = constant, depending on material and units of measurement. Assuming centimeter-gram-second units and ordinary temperatures, •K^' =v Tension in dynes -^ mass in grams per cm. = velocity ; e. g., in piano strings 17,000 to 40,000 em. -sec; in violin strings from 13,000 for the covered string to 43,000 for the gut E-string; in weak primitive instru- ments probably much less. K" = 34,000 cm. -sec, the velocity of sound in air. K"' = 520,000 cm. -sec. for iron bars; 340,000 to 520,000 for wood bars supported as usual in a xylophone. K'^- = 5,500. Then, corresponding with the brief laws, (la) For strings: N = -— = - — — - v/tension -^ linear density- ni\ T? 1 f • AT ^" 17,000 (lo) liorcolumnsof air: ^ = -^j—= — fr^- (2) For bars: N = K"' L= 340,000 to 520,000 A. (3) For resonators: N = K'y ^' ^^^ of b ^ 5,500^ L/l + nl^. V volume v volume^ V a J These constants are sufticiently accurate for the general purposes of the anthro- pologist and musician. But the results should be expressed in musical terms. The French standard pitch, now adopted by the Piano Makers' Association, gives A = 435 d. v., or C = 258.7 d. v., and the ratio for'any interval of p piano semitones is 2t5. In most cases it is much more convenient to have intervals than ratios; and incomparably the most convenient unit of intervals is the piano semitone, of which 12 by definition make an octave; these can readily be grouped by anyone with slight musical knowledge into larger intervals, Thirds, etc., and the musical value of any whole numl)er of them can instantly be found on a well-tuned piano. Since the reduction of ratios to intervals can not ordinarily be done without logarithms, a short table has been calculated and is appended by the use of which the reduction may be done by inspection in most practical cases. This table gives the logarithm of every whole numlier from 1 to 40, and the product of these by 40, less one three-hundredth, together with the successive differences; these are in semitones; for the factor is so chosen that when the logarithm of the ratio 2:1 is multiplied by it the product will be 12, which is the number of semitones corre- sponding to the ratio of the octave. Much more elaborate tables, but without the column of differences, have been published by Prony and by Ellis. In using the table it is well to remember that the average uncertainty in pitch of public per- formers in Berlin was found to be about one-tenth of a semitone. NAT MUS 190U 31 440 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1000. ,he Hi,„U. .*,.,, tho ..ring being «toppe,l -cess'vely at 363, 34, . . -^^^-^ „,„n,ling .litterences in column 4 „f the 'f '^ f, "■:^^-f^-t''. To complet; the 1 • I QC V c! ns n'duired bv Tafiore s rule ^p. -i^o auuve;. -• t :;; r.lfetp!c.f #;o 48 i'"!. .x, .hviaed into 13 equal part,; substitute or the raUo :;:;ror3:^;3.:2e.anausethe«.,eagain;the<,^^^^^^^^^^^ .66. the sum being J-^'f ^;^;^:^::^'::^ :^rref:l>; the .'able is to be us«. in If the law be that i.f thf ^(iiuirc kxit. , as w ^.^i^ied bv 2: for example, in "'■'■'■'^^"- ""' T';: !.:,>;i:r.h %ta::: -^us^ thtl^^ '•"■ *"" - *; ,1„- type resonator, •• "f/^.^Zrespon.ling nun,l«,rs from column l'::r£^'^:^t i:^:^:t:L ... th- quotients to the fundamental pitch. The resulta are as follows: 10 16 22 28 34 E. S. 39.86 48.00 53.51 57.69 61.05 8.14 4.07 A + .07 E. S. 13.65 6.83 C-.17. 17.83 8.92 D - .08. • 21.19 10.60 E - .40. line corresponds to the type resonator differences are to The table may a so be used ^^^J^^J^^^ll,^'^^^^^ l.ars whose lengths are be doubled instead of halved, ^hus with a seiies o^ ^ ^ ^^^^.^^^ .^ 24, 23, etc., to 17, the compass will be 2 X [i>o.^^ -i^-"'^^ practically an octave, as stated on page 436. Table for computing musical intervals. N. Log. N. E. S. t> 7 .... H 9.... 10... n ij ... 13... II ... ir. ... If. . . . 17 ... Its . . . li> . . . •JO . . 0.0000 .3010 .4771 .0021 .fi990 . 77.H2 .8451 .9031 . gw-i 1.0000 .0414 . 0792 1139 .1461 . 1701 .2041 .2:w . 2553 . 27S.S .3010 Dif. 12.00 19.02 24.00 27. 86 31.02 33.69 36.00 :w.oi 39.8:: 41.51 43.02 44.41 45. 69 46.88 48.00 49.05 .50.04 50.98 61. hd N. 12. 00 7.02 4.98 3.86 3.16 2.67 2.31 2.04 1.82 1.65 1..51 1.39 1.28 1.19 1.12 1.05 0.99 0.94 0.88 21.. 22.. 23.. 24.. 26. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 33.. 34.. 35.. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Log. K. E. S 1. 3222 .3424 .3617 .3802 .3979 .4150 .4314 . 4472 .4624 .4771 . 4914 . 5051 . 5185 . 5315 .5441 .5563 . 5082 . 5798 .5911 . 6021 Dif. 52.70 0.84 53.51 .81 54.28 .77 55.02 .74 56.73 .71 56.41 .68 57.06 .65 57.69 .63 58.30 .61 58.88 .58 .59.45 .57 60.00 .55 60.53 .53 61.05 .52 61.55 .50 62.04 .49 62.52 .48 C2.98 .46 63.43 .45 63. 86 .43 EXPLANATION OF P.LATE 1. STRINGEU INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 1. Sm.\ll Turkish Tamboura. (Cat. No. 95312, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 2. Medium Colascioni (Italian). (Cat. No. 95307, U. S. N. M.) XoTE.— The scale shown on this and most of the following plates is 20 centimeters long. 444 -u\ Report of U. S. National Museum, 1900.— Wead. Plate 1, Stringed Instruments. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2. FLUTES WITH EQUAL-SPACED HOLES, TYPE A. Fig. 1. Pipe from Susa. Engel, 'Music of the INIost Ancient Nations, p. 77. Fig. 2. Bone Flute, about 6 inrlies long, disinterred at Truxillo, Peru. British iMuseuni. Engel, Musical Instruments, p. 64. Figs. 3, 4. Aztec Pipes, called by Mexicans pUo; usual form; scale, a, b, c#, e, f#. P^ngel, Musical Instruments, j). 62. Fig. 5. Aztec Pipe; unusual form. P^ngel, Musical Instruments, p. 62. 446 Report of U. S. National Museum, 1900.— Wead. Plate 2. i'Oi m roi Flutes with equal-spaced Holes. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3. FLUTES WITH KQUAL-SPACED HOLES, TYPE A. Kijr. 1. Double Flageolet. Mexico. (Cat. No. 19717.3, V. S. N. M. Report 1890, fig. 2.50b.) Fi^'. ~. Aztec Flageolet {pito). Mexico. (Cat. No. 172819, IT. S. N. M. Report 18%, fig. 252. ) Fig. H. Stone Flageolet. Mexico. (Cat. No. 98948, U. S. N. M.) V\oxE Flageolet. Costa Rica. (Cut. No. 18108, U. S. N. M. Report 1896, fig. 27H.) Fig. 5. BoxE Flageolet. Amazon. (Cat. No. 5719, V. S. N. M.) Fig. (>. Bamboo Whistle. Tliibet. (Cut. No. lf.716.5a, U. .S. N. M. Report 1S9G, plate 69.) Fig. 7. B.v.Miioo Whistle. Thibet. (Cut. No. l(i71Gob, U. .S. N. M. Reporl l,s%, pluto 09.) Fig. H. Shepherd's Pipe, with ueed. Arabia. (Cut. No. 936.5.5, U. S. N. M.) Fit'. '•'. lIoK.v {Sdillolorri). Finland. (Cut. No. 9.5080, r. S. N. M.) 44S I Report of U. S. National Museum, 1900.— Wead. Plate 3. Flutes with equal-spaced Holes. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4. FLUTES WITH KQUAL-SPACEI) HOLES, TYPE A. Fijr. 1. "Dtkect Flute. Peru. (Cat. No. 95901, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 2. Flute or Flageolet. Kiowa Indians. (Cat. No. 1535*4, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 3. Flute or Flageolet. Mohave Indians. (Cat. No. J07535, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 4. Flute or Flacjeolet. Dakota Indians. (Cat. No. 23724, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 5. Transverse Flute (Ti-tzu). China. (Cat. No. 13044C, U. S. N. M.) Fig. <>. Transverse Flute {Koina Fuye). Japan. (Cat. No. 93205, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 7. Oboe {Pec Chmvar). Siani. (Cat. No. 27313. U. S. N. M.) Fig. 8. Flageolet {Sopilka). Little Russia. (Cat. No. 96466, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 9. Double Flageolet. Thibet. (Cat. No. 95816, U. S. N. M.) 450 Report of U. S. National Museum, 1900.— Wead. Plate 4. Flutes with equal-spaced Holes. EXPLANATIONOFPLATE5. FLUTES WITH HOLES IX TWO GROUPS, TYPE B. Fn nil Pnetorius's Syntagma Musicum of 1618, to show tinger-holes grouped in two sets. 452 Report of U. S. National Museum, 1900 — Wead. Plate 5. Flutes with Holes in Two Groups. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6. FLUTES WITH IIOLKS IN TWO GROUPS, TYPE B. Fig. 1. Flageolet {Sonling). Java. (Cat. No. 95G69, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 2. DiKEcr Flute. Ceylon. (Cat. No. 95727, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 3. Direct Flute {Manjairah). Syria. (Cat. No. 95150, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 4. German D Flute. New York. (Cat. No. 55624, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 5. Flageolet {Soulinf/). Java. (Cat. No. 95666, U. S. N. M.) Fig. iS. Transverse Flute {Murali). BengaL (Cat. No. 92707, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 7. Transverse Flute. Manila. (Cat. No. 95061, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 8. Transverse Flute. Manila. (Cat. No. 95060, U. S. N. M.) 454 Report of U. S. National Museum, 1900.— Wead. Plate 6. Flutes with Holes in Two Groups. \. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 7. CENTRAL AMEKICAN KESONATOltS OK WHISTLES. Fig. 1. Costa Kka. (Report U. S. Nat. Mils., 1«9(;, p. til7. Scale: f, a, e, i1, c Cat. No. 59970, V. S. N. M.) Fig. 2. Costa Rka. (Report U. S. Nut. Mux., 1«9(;, fiK- 'ifW. locale: d, e, f}I, k, a. Cat. No.599G9, U. S. N. M.) F]g. 8. Costa Rica. (Report U. S. Nat. Mus., 189(5, fl;,'. 262. Scale: k\>,M, b, c, dl», d, eb, e, f. Cat. No. 28952, c . N.M.) Fig. 4. CJosta Rica. (Report U.S. Nat. Mua., 1896, fig. 269. Scale: f,g,a,Ijl', u. Cat. No. 28956, U.S. N. M.) Fig. 5. C'osta Rica. (Report U.S. Nat. Mus., 1896, p. 61 7. Scale: db,i,f^,>i\>,ht>. ('at. No. t;(HH5, U. S. N.M.) Fig. 6. Pana.via, Chikiqui. (Report U. S. Nat. Mus., 1896, figs. 304-6. Holmes, Report Bureau Ethnol., 1884-5, figs. 245-246. Scale: end closed, f, g, ab, bb; open, f#, gift, a#, b. Cat. No. 109682, U. S. N. M.) Fig. 7. C'osTA Rica. ( Report U. S. Nat. Mus., 1896, p. 614. Scale: gb, bb, cb, db, eb. Cat. No. 28954, U. S. N. M.) Fig. s. Costa Rica. (Report U.S. Nat. Mus., 1896, fig. 270. Scale: ab,bb,b,c,db,d, eb. Cat. No.6123, U. S.N. M.) 456 Report of U. S. National Museum, 1900,— Wead, Plate 7. Central American Resonators, or Whistles. NAT MUS 1900 32 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 8. COMPOSITE INSTRUMENTS. Fi-'. L Pan's Pipes. Cairo, Egypt. (Crtt.No.94()53,ir:S.N.M.) Vhj. -. K.v.NTELE. Finland. (Cat. No. 95691, U. S. N. M.) Fig.;-!. :\I(>KKiN. Japan. Two bars turned edgewise to show their form. (Cat. No. 9(5841, U. S. N. M.) Tlic i)aper scale is 20 centimeters long. 458 Report of U. S. National Museum, 1900.— Wead. Plate 8. Composite Instruments. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9. pan's pipes. Fijr. 1. Pan's Pipes (/S(f/a^/-)- Egypt. ((•at.N().94653,U.S.N.M.) Fig. 2. Pan's Pipes. Fiji Archipelago. (Report r. S. Nat. Mus., 1896, p. 5.59; Cat. No. 23942, U. 8. N. M. ) Fig. 8. Pan's Pipes {Huayra Puhura) . Peru, from an ancient grave. (Cat. No. 136869, U. S. N. M.) 4(50 Report of U. S. National Museum, 1900.— Wead. Plate 9. PAN'S Pipes. t EXPLANATION OF PLATE 10. SCALES GIVEN IJY RESONATORS. The construction of this chart has been explained in the appendix. To use it, find in the l)ase line the number which expresses the radius of the finger holes, that of the mouth hole being considered 1.0, and erect a perpendicular therefrom; the heights of the points of intersection with the successive curves, measured on the left-hand scale, give the pitch of the successive notes produced as the holes 1, 2, 3, et(^, are opened, expressed in equally tempered semitones, E. R. The dotted line corresponds to the position on the chart of the type resonator. The chart shows clearly how the successive intervals become smaller as the number of open holes increases, and how the total compass is small if tlie finger holes are relatively small. Use may be made of the chart for many ready calculations of intervals other than those due to equal differences, and by doubling the readings in K. S. the result may be applied to string ratios; e. g., find the interval corresjionding to the ratio 5 : 4, or 1+0.25; the chart gives directly 1.9; the double of wliich is 3.8 E. S. The table in the appendix gives more accurately 3.86 E. S., showing that the just Third is 0.14 E. S. flatter than the piano Third. 462 Report of U. S. National Museum, 1900.— Wead. Plate 10. zs 1 1 y y / / 11 / 1 / / ^ /^ / / / / ^ / / / / 1 \/ ^ 9 / / / A 1 ^ 7 / / 1 y ^ // ' / / 1 1 "i / // ^ 1 J^ ■^ * ■II / / 1 '// / 1 2 y X y' / y 0.0 oz O^ Tad. 0.6 Scales given by Resonators. 0.6 7.0 // ->(^ University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which It was borrowed. 1 $^ 3 1205 00507 3497 Ml^ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIB AA 000 117 9! Ill i5i4w.iil3»S. ii mm m 5ii!'a5iii