^¥«rv r ry . •■ '' M.. . ■' ■m / i^:^ :/^'^ •* *mr^jO^^ ^ "^.jpH 1^ .1 1 p' F' m Sfc^ .f ** ^5.. ^■^*^ ^ .*5t4 ;«*• "5f» ^: ii "^0^. ^^m. -JOHN -FRYER* CHINESE- LIBRARY- si h«K/C)fH A LEXILOGUS OF TOM l^NGLlSe, MALAY, AND CHINESE LANGUAGES; COMPREHEN DING THE YRIJNACULAR IDIOMS OF THE LAST IN THK IIOK-KEEN AND CWi'ON DIAl.ECI •I'RiNTED AT THE ANGLO-CHINESE COLLEGE PRESS MALACCA. * 1841, Main Lib. lOHM FRYER CHINESE LIBRARY PREFACE ^ HE groundwork of the following volume is a collection of English and Malay Phrases published, in the end of last year, by Mr North of the American Mission, Sinijapore. On receiv- ings a Copv of that Colieciion, it occurred to the Editor that its usefulness would be considera- bly inrri rised by the addition of the Cliinese vernacular in one or more of the Dialects spoken in the Straits. He had acrordinijly translated a considerable part ol it into the vernacular Canton, when he was induced and enabled by the assistance of the Rev. Mr. Brown, of the Morrison Education Society, to extend the idan, so as to enibrace at on<;e a v« rsion into good Chinese, wirh the correspondinij vernacular in two diaie< ts in Roman Character. The Editor trusts that the Chinese will be found at once faithful to the original, and suffi- ciently idiomatic. If is the work <»f a Chinaman of considerable acquirements both in his own lanijuau'e and in Enjriish. The harshness, which may be discovered in some of the phra- ses, is princioally to be attributed to their insulation. The Editor was struck with this, while the sheets were coinu through the press. He and some other foreign students ob- jected to Some expressions, as beioij only Eniilish in a Chinese dres**; and more than one Socn-Shanif objected reii:n students are in dans^er, indeed, of rejcctins: many expressions, which are really Chin se, from their corresjK)ndin 4 with idionis of th- ir own languas^e, with which they are already familiar. There is to l>e sure a greater danger on the other hand of their falling into an nnidiomatic style; but he must be a bold man, who will pronounce ajjainst an expression, emanatiiiii from a native Chinese, becauseit seems to savour of another language. The Canton verna<"ular is the production of the sanae individual, and was taken down from his dictation by the Rev. Mr Brown, according to the orthography adopted in Mr Bridgman's Chrestomathy. There may be a diflVrencc in tbe initial sounds of some of the words, as the- Chinaman rfferred to is not from Canton city, but from a village, about fifty le in the interior. This however is not of very great importance, as these differences seem to interpose no ob- struction to his fluent intercourse with natives of Canton. In preparing the H')k-keen vernacular, considerable assistance was dierived from the Rev. Mr Abeel, of the American Board for foreign Missions, and from bis teacher, a Chinaman of the rank of Sew-Tsae. It was attempted at first to conform it to the same orthography, as the Canton; but the endeavour was soon abandoned, from its requiring the introduction of several new vowol and dipththong sounds into a system, already surely sufficiently complicated. The orthography adopted will he found to correspond nearly with that empioyed in Mr. Dyer's Vocabulary of the Hok-keen Dialect. The Editor, however, is of opinion that it would have been an improvement bad he adhered to the dipththong-.sounds employed by Mr. Medhurst, and also to his orthography of ch'h and ch for the sounds denoted respectively in this volume by ch and tsh, and in Mr. Dyer's Vocabulary b\ c'h and tsh. The distinction between these sounds is deserving particular attentio*, and dUght lobe carefully caught up by a foreign student from the lips of the natives. It is not deemed necessary to subjoin a table of this orthography, because it harmonizes with the powers belonging to the vowels and consonants in English. The Editor has in conclusion to request the indulgence of scholars, better acquainted with tile Chinese langtiage than himself, to the m^ny errors which they will discover in the work. He particularly reerets the wrong orthography of Chid-S,y instead of TshidSy, which extends through nearly a third part of the volume, also of tshayh tor cheyh, and bogyh lor boeyh. He trusts notwithstanding these things that the book will be fotrnd serviceablre in Schools, for which it is principally got up, and to those who are beginning toUsp their ideas in Chinese- 747742 TABLE OF VOWEL AND DIPTHTHONG SOUNDS EMPLOYED IN THF MALAY. a as in father, sraduh. a with the mark u over it shows that the accent is not on that syllable. c * as in they, merah, nieja. As in den, when in a syllable ending with a conso^ nant, as pendek. i as in machine, tipu, hilang. As in pin, when in a syllable ending with a consonant, as pintu. E as in pen, and i as in pin, are always follwed by two consonants, except in the last syllable, o as in pole, kotor, tong. n as in full, tukans:, tutup. u as in but, nugri, kiirja. It occurs only in accented syllable, prefixes excepted, ei as in height, sampei, heiran. a as in what, kwat. This sound seldom occurs. Words of three syllables, when not marked, are accented on the second syllable. Thns : Siilasei is accented on the first, panchahd on the third. Table of Orthography Employed in the Canton Dialect. Vowels and Diphthongs. 1. a pronounced as short u in tun, pun. This is a sound sui generis, and must be learned from a native. 2. d pronounced as in calm, balm, father. 3. € pronounced as a in ?nay, lay, and as ei in neigh. Ki pronounced short as in pin, sin, sing. l i pronounced long as in machine, marine, police. 5, 6 pronounced as in lord, as aw in awful, and as a in all, tall. 6. d pronounced as in no. so ; or as ow in snow, U^w, glow. _ Cm pronounced as in hull, pull; or as oo in foot, book. X^L pronounced as in rule ; or oo in school, fool. 8. ii pronounced as in Vune ; the French sound. Q « ai pronounced as in aisle ; as ie in tie ; or as i in life, but closer. I di pronounced nearly like the word aye. ^ au pronounced as ou in plough, our ; or as ow in cow, brow, but closer. i dw pronounced like the precediuij, with the a long. 11. i,u pronounced with both letters distinct, resembling the colloquial contraction say* em, 12. i^ pronounced as ew in pew. but more onen or lengthened. 13. oi pronounced as in oil; or oy in joy, alloy. 14. ui pronounced nearly as in fluid, ruined, but more open. 15. Hi pronounced like the preceding with m long. Consonants. 16. ch prononuced as in chair, cheap. 17. / pronounced as in fine, fair , face. 18. h pronounced as in he, home, house. 19. k pronounced as in kith, key, king. 20. kw pronounced as qu in quite, quash. 21. I pronounced as in lane, lay, low, long. 22. m pronounced as in may, man, much. 23. n pronounced as in nay, new, no. 24. ng pronounced as in singing; as an initial sound it may be represented by sounding the word hanging, omitting the first two letters. 25. p pronounced as in pay, pomp, pound. 26. s pronounced as in son, sea, say 27. sh pronounced as in shall, she, show. 28. sz' pronounced with a strontj emission of breath, as if iollowed by i half supp ressed. 29. / pronounced as in time, tune, tent. 30. ts pronounced as in ivits, bits. 3f. tsz' pronounced like sz\ with only the addition of a t, 32. w pronounced as in wind, woe, will. 33. y pronounced as in young, your, youth. LEXILOGUS OF THE ENGLISH, MALAY, AND CHINESE LANGUAGES. ENGLISH. MALAY. What's that? ^ Apa itu J ^ Bestim Diam. Take care. Ingat baik baik. ^ "^ Stand np. Bur-diri. Sit still. Duduk tatap tatap. ^ ^Com/here. Mari disini. Speak louder. Kata kwat kwat. What for? Apa subab ? ^ Who are you. Siapa angkau ? I am sick. Sahaya sakit. Who is that? Siapa itu ? Why not? Mangapa tidak. Wait a little. Nanti sabiintar. ^ This is mine. Ini sahaya punya. ('i-eJt. ■ . . What news ? Apa kabar ? 'Ctt<>Cte\' ') ." ; ■ : :''^^.' Don't do so. Jangan buat bagitu / Are yoa well ? Ada baik-kah J ' Where is he ? Manadiya? Go to bed. Piirgi tidor. Z i-K^HC . . '^ V I.doii't care. Sahaya tidak padnli ^- Readlouder. Bacha kwat kwat. Bring a light. Bawa api. rU<* Un. CHINESE. :>^ (Ej Hf^ f^ ^1^ Teum teiitn. sM(jfc ch'ut shing. ^ ;Jn ^/^ ; - Say je-say je. Tsz' saiV 'T* ^'^^^5? ' • >\ K'hca k'h^ l^e. J^'i'jU "shaar -^ ^ "N^ Tsheng tsheng tsbay. Ts'ing'ts'ing'tso'lok. ^^ ^ J£^ >^ La^ tshid-^y uy. ^^ioijiLcM.*' "^L^yC-i^^ K'h&h twa se"a k6n<,^ " Tai^shing kon^/ "7^ rE7 ^S^ S"a soo a. Warnaat y^.V*^ y^ ^''tLi??^ Lc se tshuy a. M'hafmat shui. ?»<. 'l7]\ i^' J^ ^f^ Gwdoopeys. Ngoyau'pingr |^ ^ :^r E se tshuy a, Kb kb hai mat shui.^/x^-^gj >fCT f^Jf ^ S»as6ou'°. AVafmat ye radr .^^ Jf ^^/?^ T6ng haou teup a kdo. TM&ha/ -3^ ^y-r^ Tshay se gwa ay. Ni^b hai ngb ke. /^ t^/^ fgj f^;^ ^ xj|^^ 6o s»a me"sh sin bun. Yau mat §iUi man. '^^ W %/^ ^^ / u™ t'hang an-n6y tsho. Mok k]jm yjjpig^t^sb. ^ ^ i^p- "{^^ H6u«. Niho'd. -ff;'^^ E tw5 te ta Idh uy. Kii Isj^l pm cii'a. ri-v i ^ ^^^ ^ ^ K'h6 k'hwun. Hu shiii. ^ji^^r .' Never niind. Help me. ^ ^ Open the door. r, ^ Take tlbis away. FUt this away. : This is the best. ' What do you want T What are you doing ? What is the matter ? ^ What is your name? ilow old are you? Z'^'i^ H^^njt- Kp^c-y T'-^-tna This is the one. This is ^ Here it is. {after Here it is. (presenting it) Nah. I don't know. l( hf ■ ■■ ■ ' ■ '^■ Carry this back. /it/.e'-ii ■■: ' ' ( • , That will do. That is right. Jtlngan jatuh. Tidak mangapa. Tulung siima sabaya* Buka pintu' Lalu-kan ini* Simpan ini. ^/^ Ini-lah yang baik. Apa mahu ? Apa angkau buat? Apa kurang? Apa nama angkau. Brapa umur angkau ? Ini-lah diya. Ini-lah diya. mm n /Xy mn Antah-lah. Palang-kan ini. Itu-pun bttlib. Itu b&tul. «*4 1 HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. u™ t'hang k'h6 tang chew. Gv\a a^ chid- ay. u™ t'hang pw^h. u™ sae. Pang tshan gwa. K'hwuy mooi''s . T'h^yh chid-ay k'h^. Chid-ay t'hayhsewk'Jife. Chid-&y k'hah hd. L6 Sih s°a mg°sh. Le tshb s"a-m^"§h. S"a-m^''5h soo. Le s"a-me"sh me"i. Le Iwa tshay hb^y. Chid-ay tshew se. Te chid-i. T'hayh k'h6 laft. Gvva u™ tshae. T'hayh chid-ay tiin k'h6. Sy tshb tit. Hid- ay tedh. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. fMfL Mok fcwig shauj Ngblaniko. Mok tit to^ *M shai . Pong ch6*'ng6i Hoi mun. Nim nl tik hii. Ts'ai^mai ni k6. Nikbchflib. Ni iu^mat y6. Ni kam tsb mat y^. Mat y^ sz' kpn^ Ni klu mat ming. Ni yau ki to suj. «% Ni kb tsaa bai. Tsoi ni chu. Nd. Ngb 'ra chi. (i" Nim ni kb fdn hii.' Ho lok. K6m cMuk lok. t^ "^ fg ^^ ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. , , , This is wron^. Ini salah ^ Bring it here. Buwa disirvi. WKose book is this ? Kitab siapa ini ? i Speak plain. ' Tutur trus trus, TfTmi^t^n ^ He strock me. Diya pukui sahiya. 'ifll^^'^R/' Light the lamps. Fasang palita. ^^jTil^^ . This is good for notbiag. Ini tidak biir-guna. |H'3jIC ffl q Who says so ^ Siapa kata bagitii ? ""tt^P iTl ^^^ :,<.:. dj- /***-i t^ f^ >r . 1 suppose so? Sahaya kira baiiitu. J^ ^T'"ff^>^tl IlT /, Ton wz/s? do it. T'a bulib tiduk biiat. VxTjI/v &» /i Get up, quick: Bangun, lakas. ^^^g^AJA /5 Put on your jacket. Pakei baju. '> ^Jc:l^A\a tJU /(, What boy is this? Budak mana ini ? ji^L/j^~l ^^'^^ . . What tree is this? Pukok apa ini .5» itf^-^'/nT ISJ' // Do it now. , Buat sakarang juga. Jv^^^>f "TT/^ ^ '> Where did you get that? Diniana dapatitu? ^^>teT^-Mt"y^ ' " Where do you live ? D^r.ana angkau tinggal ? T^'S^yJ^Ypfyy" / 1, I don't like this. Sahaya t'a suka ini. ||;p /^ Jlt| JB*"^^ ^ '^ When will you come ? Bila bulih datang ? YTST ^fcl R^ ^^|^ ^ ^ / i Call the boys. Panggil budak budak. [TO H^ "nT Al? . X ^\^^x\ catx you do it ? B-ila bulih habis ? 79^(51 HdF'H^>fT ^ 7 , HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. -th f*^ :^^ Chid&y a™ te^b. Kbm ' m QUak.l/n P^ ^ ^ L6 kdng b6ng b6ng. Mdri'm^rMidng. '^ 'f;^ ^^- u" se an n6y. *M hai kom y^ung^ : jiJ | >|^ "^ ^"^ T'h^yh hid dy la^. Nimtoi ni ch u. fc& ^f^ ^^-^ / Cliid-ay se s"a iii^"?h l^ag Sy tsb^yb. Ni pii^bai mat shui k6 shiL /i^- E p'hah gwa. K'ii tV ngd. K'h6 tedm teng. A ' Tim tang. Chid-4y b6 yung. Ni ko mo yung tik.W^/^A- Tshuy d liong an n^j. Mat shui k6m y6ung k6ng. Gwa se an n^y seo^s. Ngo kti hai Vhm-^ •± Come, go with me. Mari sama saraa sahaya. /IX \w Has your father got well ? Bapa-mu sudah baik ? Y^'^ P^ ^Jj^/^ M Come, let's play. Mari kita main. aIA j|_m Jjp^ ^/ What is this ^a'de Q^f Deri apa di-buat ini ? lU/ L/J YdT^lSi 1, ^- l^>x. If you want to go, go. They are both good. You caa|t catch me. I 'm veryfi^d. Can he read ? Don't hurt hiit^ I have a sore finger.i Get out of the way. How do you know ? "^-^I Kcidua-nya baik. '^^^^t'\P^ Tidak bulih angkau kajar^^ ~ sahaya. Sahaya tarlalu panat. iffe"^^ /A Diya tabu bacha? ArA Xttt^^k ^^ Jangan buat apa apa ^^•/7l\^^/ yd ma diya. "74 Pf 1t!i Jari sahaya sakit. ^Ixij^** H 7R9 Lalu. Bagimana angkau tabu ? VhTWiJ^^^^ L What are you looking for ? Apa chari ? .-^^ P 9 HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. Kam seS. T'h^yh 6 la6. E s^ Iraou. Gvva 00 soo, 1^ teng haou. Gwa yaoa, L^ chbng peeii boey. Gwi hik tshew seep. GwA u'" ken^ tshayh, Lii^ tang gwa k'h^. hi ncA"? pey lio boey La6 I'hit t'hd. Ctiid-^y se yung s"a-me'^h tsho, L^ a6 k'h^, tshew k'hd. No dy chb po6 h6. L^ jek gwa lay tedb. Gwa tsbln tshae yea. E 5y t'hak mb. u™ t'hang ha^ e. Gwa ch^ng t'liSlou-a t'he:"a. Chaou pe"S. Kc'*4 k'hwuy. L6 an-tshona tshae. L6 tsLoey s°a roi"?h. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. To is ^ ' cimn JcC ^r/ Nino ch^ung.i loi. Kusz'M-/v^^ Tang ha ngb yau sz' k^Q. Ng^Vu'ngd.^ Ni^ts'ai pr'm ts'ang. '7^^- 1- Ngo ngaQ fan. Ngb ' m kin 14i4 ngb tik shii. — yn) LoiJ,'ung ngb h'ii.^ Ni Hli fd^ts'an pmng hoMru /n^u* .>vm Loi fan \6h. Ni kin^hai mat ye tsb ke. 7*-^- Ni yeufe id h'ii tsau h'u. ^"^ Leung kb to hb. Ni ' m chuk tak ngb tb^ N^b shat shau ^m^tC K'ii-Q^ (uk shii mj. 7k- Mok b(y k'a.^-^ Ngb ke shau chi tung^ Hang hoi. ' Ni tirai tstfc chl. *J ; Ni,t^K;pa mat y^. > © 10 ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. I have not a single pice. 8a'x7 I^E He has gone to Malacca. Diya sudah piirgi Malaka. -tHJ f" ^ ^"t Ji&>^ \ T tl HOK KEEN COLLOQUIAL Cx\NTON COLLOQUIAL. Gwk 16 tig 1)6 chit-^y tshfi«g- L6 t'hang mooS"g kay koi^a. Bo h€ Icaou. Bd y6\v leaou. Bd Id bd te tit. GwA boey bat k'hooa kfe"?. E Ivdojj s»a m^"&h. u™ t'hang kod t^ng haoa. u"» t'hang jcang. Yaoii k'htem teup i. L6 ti k'h^. L6 ay .s"ci te ta l^h. K'h^ say ch^w fi™ t'hang p'hun to'*5. E u" k'hdii Ia3. Kb^ tshc^h pool"5- L6 u™ t'hang huau jeaou gvrd. T'lirijh chid S.y hoe gwa. Koh chb. Khe pang tshlEn e. Bd ke»a. E k'he Md-lah-k&h. Ngb yat kb ts'i'n t^.mb. ^gftn^ cli^ung mtin. lit^^n Ma^yat ts'uog to mo \{n.Uf^ ...... sin shang ' m tsoi ka. Ngb ' ni ts'ang kin. K'u kbng mat y6. ^^o Mok tang^nof.^ Mokjs'b Ml tak kau7 Ni ji'ii pill ch'fi.^ m^L. Ni ttk sham tsb(^ pin ch'fl.^ yx^ Sui shau. Moklaa'tS'^ >* K'ii ' m hang loL fiu.shik f£a. Mok wan cbeiing ngb' Pikbkvtdngb. Tsoi sbi yat shi 2lr Be a good boy. Tin-aWah a«skau baik>^>gp>^Xqrr2l These are not good to eat. Irri tidak baik di-makan. Irj/ J|>^ t|| -^Q*" Where did you eome from T Dcrimana aBgkau datang ?V^^^U>f rtTyMTT Son^e of them are good, Ada yang balk, ada yang "J-^ 'Jif/ JLz — ^Jz^ • some bad. tidak. ^ 3nT^ A^T^ How many eggs are there Ada bra-pa biji t3lur ini ? \\a/ IFS* vfct'^^^y l> IvTM here? V^m'^'^O^^"'^ Don't spill it. Jangan tumpah. ^^^fllu ift /> -^ What did yon strike him Mangapa angkau P"!^"! >]^iL/Z7 for ? siima diya ? tHCx M It rained hard last night. Sa'malara hnjan iSbat. H't A^ fV IJlH This is hard work. Kurja ini tarMu kra». Im^'^P JpE—L May! take this, Sir ? ^"'''^ sahaya ambil ini, "^^^^^ Pf Kltltf^-^A Carrv that bench down Bawa bangku itu turun. -^^^ 4^^^^ I v ^rf& stairs. ^m:5fc hM /> These two look alike. Ini dua sa'rnpa. ' -^^>F-~*rl~f /I /I — ^^mVA How much did you give Brapa angkau bili ini ? Vf tT\ >t^ ^t\/^^x^EIi ^J^ for this ? Where have you been > '^;-- -=""- -<""■ >^'g f j;,' I can't understand. Sahaya t'a miing-arti. ^J^y^^ HkfUc This milk is half water. Susu ini satungah avar. J^M^w l^ I /^^ Do it yourself. Buat sindlri. iy\ \ I >5lHf>w**' Put it down here. Latak-kan disini, Jn^ V^yXiJj^^ HOK KEEN COLLOQUIAL. E ay tied"? pey t\v5 te Le-a. B 00 no tshe^b Ley. Cbid-dy gw^ bo^yh hay te td uy i. I46 sifa .SQu an ndy tsb(>> L^ I "^h tsbb bo ke»d. Chay u™ ho tshe^h. L€ t'ban te td uy In6. 60 &y ha, 60 ky u™ hd. Chay uy 60 lw5 tshiy noof°8. u"» l*hang l3ou chut. L6 s"a soo p'bah e. Tsh& mfiys twS hoe. Chay sji kan k'iid kang. Gwd t'ban g tTi4yh chid-% vL^. L^ t'b4yh hid-^y 6 tc&oi| I^h l&ou ?}y. No ay chin tsb^a"?. Chay \€ Ivta tsbay tshfi"? k'hS b^y. L6 t'han te la k'hfe. Gvva ISy beaou tit. Chay leng 00 chit po"i tsh6y. L6 ka le tsbb. Pa,ng hay chid ^y uy. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. K'u k6 16\t'au chu tsoi Ll-o^ K'ii 5enng 16ung.chek ma. Ng?> tsoi pin cb^u^rdnoj'ni ka»^ ^^^ K{ wai Jn^ t.^6 kom k6. ^^-t- A. ' Ki tl'k'mh6sbikJL^i Ni tsfil pin cb'ii loi. z^-^- Yau tik ho yau tik *m ho^ Tsoi ni ch'ii yau ki t6 kai taa. liJok lau ch'ut loi. >^ Waih« lift/ k'u. ^x- A Tsok n>an ho tdi J(\i. /^-^ Ni tik hai san iu kung fd, *^ Tsuii kai nj>o nim ni ko XA' - ' ' • if' Nim na tMlLUg tajig iok lau. ^^ K'iia(6ang ko S tsz' xaljeung. Ni tik III matftflki to ts'in. Ni b'ii pin ch'ii loi. cO Ngo'mlnd^tak. Ni tik ngau J^ii yaa yat pdn shui. j^^jj^U^^ Ni t>z' ki tso. Fong Iok ni ch'ii. ^ts, 14 ENGLISH. MAL.\Y. CHINESE. / Put on your shoes. Pakei kasut. ^^^^■«-n3J~' >^ /t Go and change this dollar. Piirgi tukar ini ringgit. "~;^ <^BL mK ^^^ ^{^ ;y ^ Is'nt this right ? Ini batul bukan ? IpK "^^ J[\^S'i^ z. Why did'nt you come be- Mangapa angkau t'a (id-Yrr^^PWt^l^'iul /v>^JA ^ lore? tan.dahulu? /^yLMT^^ ' "J >I^>1^ S He has'nt done this right. Diya buat ini tidak batul. |j1jy1'^ pp ^^f J t JnL- ^^7C J 7 /, The salt is almost gone. Garain hampir ha^is. He is an impudent fellow. Diya muka tabal. ^. ^ uB>^iiU^^ilt>^/V ^' I am not sure. Sahaya balum tahu tiintu. JjA^^'H^tFu ^^ » I will go this evening. Ini patang-lah suhaya TT7^ ^/V ffffi j^ jj]!l iC That is the worst of all. Itu jahatderipadasamoa. ^ iJSr^^ Jp^'rM--^A> ...* Come some other time. Datang lain kali. vl^ LjI >tv jby See this butterfly. Lihat ini kupukupu. W W ^a iTl $5iH fiK /^6 Take all but one. , Ambil samoa, tinggal-kan tl^ *>(l9Ef *.I^I^ satu. 4iu4, \m^ JIhI ^ji^ lU Here is the place for it. Disini-lah tampat-nya. V^'^'^^/yX^^E.^^^ I <>' The cat has caught a Kuching tangkap tikus- X^iftf^jt^ \ ^^BB.^^^ mouse. padi. JWJAtJ "^ >UV I 6 You may go home to-day, Ini hari angkau bulih pn- Jj^ U '^/-tT ttF Itlf -^^ ^v^ I have cut my finger. Jari sahaya tijr-potung. #ti^/ ^| | >B^|V 15 HOKKEEN COLLOQUIAL. K'h^ chcng &y. K*h6 d"5 chid-dy gin. Cha> k'h^ u"* te(5lh. h6 (5e san s^a soo u™ I&e. E tshb k'h6 u« 1)6. Ye^in cha put to bo^yh w^n leion. Ese u™ wuy seaou lAy ky lang. Gwd bd tek k'huk tshSc. Gwk ra^y"S booing ae k'hi. Hid- ay se kaou u™ hd. rdt.^6 tsbg'^&la^. L^ tshe"a k*b6"k chid-ay boey ycdlh. Laou chit-ke"a. Ion;? tshoug thdiyh k'h6, Chay ^e e ay s6 tsbac. Neaou ka chit tshet^b neaou tsh6. Kin a jit le I'bang tiiii k'bfe. Gwa kwah teob gwa ay cbeivg tbaou a. C(iid-^y gusi bat k'h6''k kh^s. Hay e toh teag. Te hid-ay chew h^-chit pe"^, u" t'hang p hah la sam 16 ay tshiyh. Keo lang t'bdiyh tshuy la^. CANTON COLLOQUIAJU H'u^hi^'nl ko ngan ts'in. Kona *^ip hai chdufe. Ibk.^w i/aIi' /v- 'r^-'- Wa4-h4- ot sIi44H»gHiVH-*-nHoi i. ^l/ftri- v^k:. /^ ^- Ni tik k'tt^li^ tso ts^c cfi^uk. t. V Jm sh6ung M m^iXfC '^ f ~ . Ngo ' ra chi tak chaq. Ngo k^ man lu ITu.^ ' ]fjffk6chi''mh6tlfc^ _ Tui 1 i)(Q %iii^ loi. T'ai'ko chek d tip 6. L lu ha yat kd^ yat ts'ung mm h'ii iok. ■. /' Ni ch'u hai k'ii kejllfdng, r/ ■/- ,"^ Mad chuk tlSi yat chek Ibshii/^ Ni kaiu yat ii'ii tak kwai Iok. Ngo chit c}i«t)^ ng5 tik sh?ui chu Ng6 SLD shi kin' kwd ni k5. p ^j^^ ^^'^ Fdno; tsoi^toi sh^ung.' Lyu t-^ Tsoi naif^ shii r6 i^in. Mok ching 6.tsjo ni k^ shiij/^ Km kdn tim niin tik shui loL . - Do it as w^U as you can. Baat-Iah sa-tahu angka«. Which is the best, this or Yans? mana baik, ini kah, /ZTT that? atanitu? J'^J ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. What day of the month Brdpu hari bulan ini T ^-W ^ P iTtl H "Hi Whatday of the week is it? Hari apa ini ? ./^ J >E)llM^ This is too large. lui tarialu basar. ifV iv /l That is too small. Hu tarlalu kachil. YjlcyC/J^ The other is just right. Yang lain itu batul^sakali. 3J ^4 !i| lU ^r^^^T" What is the price of this ? Brapa harga ini ? \\- / JJH An\ VF^ Are you not ashamed ?' Angkau t'a main*? ^/jT X\ ^ ~7^"~l The other one is better. Lain yang baik. ^K'' IAI ralf lljf?' Are you married ? Angkau ada bini ? 'VJt^^ "j^ ^^ X^ * €arrytliisnotetoMr.*»*. Buwa snrat ini suma ;03H 1 14/>/=^ ^^^ > I think so too. Sahaya-pun tikir bagitn. 3RA>7|vJ^0 Ifll ^^ C j^ Don't play in the sun. Jangan main di-panas. y^l ^t /v He has got a new jacket. Diya ada baju bhani. ■■A Tuan * * * kata bulih Angkau kanal suma diya? ^^gpj^^jjtJ-^ Diya sudah pulang. l|jj |EJ^< j Ini yang sahaya suka. jH^;^ ^^^Oig* Mr. ♦ * * said I might go. Do you know him ? He has gone home. 1 like this best. Mind your own business. Ingat pu-kiirja-an sindiri. y Fikir-an sahaya bokan "XfT P=t ^V^ xirv rill. 1 don't believe it. Itu sahaya t'aparchaya. JfYiA\ I don't think so. PI 17 r HOK KEEN COLLOQUIAL. Chin lat k'hfe tshd. Chay no ^y, Ic chit ky k'hih h6- Kin a jit te sS. Kin a jit pae k\v6y. Chid-&y t'hae twS. Hid- ay th e siy. H6 chid-ay tshe"2l hap sit. Chid-Sy s"ii ni^nsh kfey tsli6"S. 1,6 u" tshae seaon liy Q™. Y4ou chit-ay k'liSh hd. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Tsiin «(! lik ts5. ^ Pin kd cM hb.n^^ Kana yat hai mat y6 yat%z*. Kara yat hai lai pai kS. o^'^- Ni kbi^^iSiV k^l^^.^ Nak6<^sai; /^^^T^^ ' K5 ko chilBg^hop shik. rU trk-- s Ni ko'raat ka^tsln.^-*^ Nl * in jkiVch'au vsMx^ Na yat ko kang hb. Nitlu^lA^'WmUs'ang. L6 chwa boe b6ey. Tvv5 chid-Sy phay sin k'hfe h5e b<5 bd sin sey"r. Tijiii fung sun h'li * * sin shang ch'ii. Gwa yed sc an nfty se6"g. u» t'hang k'b^ h6 jit 1^ t'hit t*hA. E f>o chit ke"a sin s^a. B6 bd sin sey"S kong gwa I'haag k'hi. L6 kap e seo bat u" . E tooi''s Iv'li^ ciiob. Ciiid-ay k'liah t^ng gw4j^ sSo. L6 ka tc leaon 'd i ay soo. Gwa ^y e soo-u™ s>S un B^y- G\^a u"" >lia. N' b to hai k5m^s6ung. k Mok tsoi jit t'au ch'ii Hin.' K'ii yau yat kin san sbatn. ,*- sin shang wi ngb hid h'ik. Ni shik k'u m|(. ,|/.. rvc- K'uTJMrkim'W^ Nc;b cbi Chung i ni kd. ^^ NI ta ii tsz' ki U6 sz' k6n.i'^ Ni^b * ni hai kpjn sdun». No *in suni 18 ENGLISH. It is almost dark. Is this for me ? MALAY. llari hampir glap. Ini bhagi-an sahaya ? Whatare yon laughing at? Apa siibab angkau tarta- CHINESE. Mr wa ? ij-^ n Any thing will do. Baring apa-pnn jadi. >f\ qM f PfiM^'B' PJ Lock the doors. K(inchi-kan piiitu Samoa, nn^ 0M Buwa budak ini ka-dalum. Itu lajii tidak baik. "^ iH;4^TA4 Carry this child in. That is stili worse. I have never seen him. Bdium piirnah sahaya li- hat diya. There are but few left. Tiniigal lagi sadikit saha- He was here just now-, Diya ada disini sabiin- y/iJU — jiT ^^i'^TT ii4/ tar ini. Ivl JJW%VL.)PU It is not yet finished. Balum habis. /i\/./^^ /rri* I -^_-- | ' Handak-kah angkau sa- haya tuluDg ? Mata sahaya kabur. ''J2::f 19 HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. T'ht"g bo^) h ^m. Chid- ay se gwa fty u" s5- L6 tsbebs^a soo A. Chla chde do. tshew b6» S6 raool^s. P'ho thid-ay siy ke-'d jip k'h6. Hid-ay koh k'hah u» h6. Gwa boey bat kii"S e. Tok tok 60 sin che&ou ch5<5. E 100 too te chid la. Tsho boey ho. Pkng k'hwiiy kwuy le'ep. Ldng tsbdng cheng th^ou tshd E je6ng koo u khan p6"?h6. Ho kh6"i L6 u™ t'hang t'sbap hid-&y soo. SeS.ng se^ng se an n^y. E 00 twS seang hkn ky i-ey^s. E 60 tang dy saou pe}°?. L6 a6 gwa pang t'shan li u". Gv\d bak tshew bd cheng sin hi kap s^a m^osh l&ng tshb kang. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Shdung ha hak lok. Nl k6 hai ngo k€ *m hai. n-^ Ni sfu mat j^.<^^*W' Fong un tik. i^ Yat^ts'ung tsb'^kwo^ ci^- ^^^^ K'ii to hai sin shi k6m ' m h<5. Hb t'ai. M \\b k^kb tik. ^Sh^un^shi (^ hai kom y^ung."^ K'ii yau tai^slieung fung. K'ii shap fun kjit. Nl m nj;b por^ Xii.^n^ Ngo ngan mo ts'ingshan. Ni tsoi mat yan ch^u^ ii kung. U ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. ; Don't trouble me now. Jfin2;an bising sakarang. "^-^ ^Jt^ ^A^l ^ What is the meaning ot .Brairt*, apa arti-nya? ||ii^^-^ ^~^^ - /rtT"!— t otak? /^W"T^7£|"J^& /A' / —A -ff^t iH/'^-nr* ^ badtu. ^^vi^fi^^MirL>lj , Come, let's go and take Mari lah kita piirgi ambil — ^AlA fH^B^ ^X"T* N the air. angin. P^^>»j^ H '^ I'm afraid to tell. Sahaya takut kabar-kan. JiA tg^ ^T ^L' t W ake haste back. L ikas balik. 3i^3i^ I EJ >T^ •J. "What are you going to do? Apa angkau handak ^*"^t' yATTnT | Rl Jp^ What sort of a man is he? Apa macham orang itii ? '|'lT|"jS"iP| /v nft ., May I have a plalbtain, Minta-lah sa'hiji p I sir? tnan. v^j She has three children. Ada tiga anak-nya. This is different from that. Ini lain, itu lain. iH^JEniL /|S^ A\ frt ^^ He is a clever boy. Bndak itu chiirdik. Ytll :^f^'^ir^3 "P* \s, It is very hat to-day. Ini hari panas tarik. J^-^ tJ g^>S|f- yV^What do you think of Bagimana angkau fikir? 'V-ft fftltrt \^\i is of no great use. Tidak banyak guna-nya. 1I I I ~fr~' rH i I have forgotten. Sahayasuduh lupa. "xB' LL'Hfl fc^ ^ Ui^rrC J ^«^Stay here while lam gane. Nanti disinl sampei saha- ~tA iLf/^Jbifc^ t^ yadatang. /^^Md^^|tlJ . ^ So much the better. Itu lagi baik. >^tf ftf^"^^^'''!/ ^\When does he sail ? Bila diya bur-layar ? Ajj /rtft|t"^rp^ "i^ \^ He comes here some Diya d;ttang juga sa'k.ili / rj _jl^ .j_^ __f_. b i^ "^ Don't be so careless. Jan an kuri;\ ch^mwAV ~~W" \*.f hy^r^ dL'>0.^&} S ch6 taou, tdng hSou gwa ttin I&e. An n6y kek hd. E te s6 ad kh6 sin. " E 00 s6 a Ide ch6 taon. ii°» t'hang an n^y s6 p6, L^ a6 yung Iwa koo. CANTON COLLOQUIAL, Yii kam mok fan ngb. Brains yau mat y^ LI?!*' Ni * m koi kbm y^ang tsoi ^ J^yUn, ngb ^ft^u hang. A«. Ngo g'd kdng." y- Fii (dt fin loi. £/ Ki' i'Xi/ /!^^^ ^ How long shall you be Brapa lama balik ? v gone ? |_ ^ Hav|nt you got this done Balum habis lagi ? Vfr^lJ^ir' R/ "x "*r ' ^^ Do it just as I tell you. Biiat bagiraana sahaya y/V|J^K*y^VYw^^al"3J^ -^ Had'nt you better take Bukan-kah balk ambil ^^f tfr^^ /u fffjft the other? yang lain itu ? ^^^-^^^=3^— J--^^ ^ Don't mind what he says. Januan paduli diva kata /^y/flffll_M_ ^^^^^ itu. C^Mli^VN tH _^ I have been taking physic. Sahaya sudahraakan pan- 14/' // -^S^Q*" I ^&& chal.a. ^^>V ^Jli^ J $^^ tmetiraes I work in the Sa'kali su'k garden. ja kal)un f Sometimes I work in the Sa'kali su'kali sahaya kiir- 3iA>Q H-p/rH f^ UA >(~T I "''" ''::i xv^''" '" ik^^^^^^V^M ,0 When you are rea( me know. tahu sahaya. ^W> 'fc-t I ■ . I >.- i/ Come next day after to- Datanglusa. A7^ M // >tV morrow. i-^'V _ ^^ l^ What gentleman is that.^ Itu tuan mana? YjRy H /vvKaff /£ Do you smoke? Angkau minum rokok? yTT ''^^ nt^^ y^^ /A Have you seen my slate ? Ada an<:k?iu lihat papan >/X. H m^; Z^ Pftj ^x batu s.hny.? iJ^Xj'f^^ lwit=^ /T He is only pretending. Diya buat buat sahaia. //lli /. '^P.'^/t^/f-^ /(^ He did it on purpose. Diya buat dungan sang- iVjj j^ ~1^'^^'^ y' y' What is his business ? Apa pu-kurja-an nya.^* itll^lPlPT^B-^^ / ^ Is it high water,.or low ? Ayar pasang-kah, surut ? "TlC >^fflj >^^CH/ ^ Givehira as much as heBri-krin sa-brapa diya tl^ /,JU tJl^^i^A^^y I '^^yb ^^ Two and five make hx)w Dua dunj^an lima judi 4jrf -i:^ //r ifc-ZEl many? brapa? '/iM _//.J p^jQ I ^' The bait is all used up. Uuipan sudah habis. -^l Of what nation are you? Apa bangsa-mu ? Y^-S-YpT I™ "^ Vl 28 HOK KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. E an tsh6"a k(>^y jit. K 'ii tem yeung l:^'5Sit. Gwa ka te bo^yli ieSou le hid-4y soo Ngb tsz' k{ m ta h' kd kt'n'szC L^ Ijo^} h k'h6 Iw5 koo. Ni *u ki noi chii^ laa loi. :.^ 4;c , Le tsho seSag boey h6. Ni chung'^mAso b{ ni kia sz'. rr}^ Le t'han gwd kap 16 kong, an n^y k'hib tshd. Chtu n go vva nt chi kidm y^ung ts6.'* T'htiyh h^ chid-^y S™ k'hSlh ho. Ning ^iC kb otem§ ' m h6.'^ /^^-x^^' u™' t'han g t*he"a e &y \\S. Mok t'lng k'u \\h^ Gwi tshe<4h lc;iou ye^b. Ngd^ijtl^yduk.^^ Gwd b^ Cbeaou e ae Iwa tsbSy hoe e. K'ii oi kora {bpi ko n lb k'ii. /a Je kay "oe tsbo Iwa tsbay. Leung kdftd *n^kd k{ t^. h^ Je a yung chin baon. Xui yat ts'ung tin h'fi. ?v<^ ^-m^ -^^:!r -^'^^ L6 se s^a m^^sb kok ay l&ng. Ni b ai jiin kwok k^ j an» ':?»* — 24 ENGLISH. MAL\Y. CHINESE. Where have you been so Dimana aogkau sa-Iama- z^^^y/l >/JL"^i~* AtT Ion-? ini? ffryv/^iinMj baik. l^-r-' jL^^L^ Siapa punya salah } ^^ihlr He is a respectable man. Itu orang baik baik. He keeps his horse well. Diya piara kuda-nya baik Alfj 3^^fim jal baik. i . Ilii ira Pli^>^ *»^^ Who is to blame T That is not my fault. I^u bukan sabaya punya lU/d b^fiL:^ salah. IHj^P CJ ^f^ It won't last long. T'a bulih tahanlama. "jf^ HS^J yv That is his look out. Itu diya punya tahu. -Y/y ^^ 'nw-^&' This boy is all for play, ^udak ini ingat main sa- iH^/ K^^^^ JS-j He looks out well for him- Diya chari untang sindiri At, -l^q^^jHH >-i j — I self. sahaja. ILi t=$ 1^3i^ Lu Go and find out what Purgilihat apaitu. . rj - that is. -^ Take these eggs out one Kaluar-kan talur ini sati by one. satu. i-*^ _— »-• She is out of sight. Kapal itu t'ada tampak 3JkJ|J1^^§' />. B | Pick up these pins, every Pungut paniti ini samoa. i: S. Ir ^-^'l «■ ^@ ^^A ^R AlA How came this plate brok- Basimana bulih pechah I ■' />hJ ^-Yttl -^-SiJhS^^ en ? piring ini ? / b^ Ul^J^-^ Att He cares for nothing but Ingat an- nya v;ang saha- 41 JdoK Hlj^@>I®i^K'^^ money. ja This cloth cost me seven Kain ini sahaya bili tnjuh rupees. rupin -fc Take good care of that. Jaga baik baik itu. >/|^J! i\PP'^il We move to-morrow. Esuk kita pindah. pH H 5(/ > ' ^i^^-j£" What can be the rieason Apa juga subab-nya ? ^ ^ uf~i7^1 "f He is always finding fault. Sa-lalu diya chari salah V|lf*^*:^£7 A ">^ "*P|jbp» orang. IBi ftt ^^/^>W:UEi>^V Is your new house doie ? Rumnh bharu angkau su- vA* "v^ SXt ^3* )5^*-tP "T^ dah habis ? /^>C-'iy| >^^/C>lV He asks too much for it. Diya mahu tarlalu mahal. 4|fl-^^ yC i^ i 25 MOKKEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. L^ heSh koo twS td I^h. Nt tsoi pin ch'u kAia uoL'^'^^^^ E tslie pd e ay bdy. K'u y^ung k'ii ic6 md h5. /Uj. '..^' f^^ j a-^i^ fa,-^^ ^f_ Tshuy d &y tshoey. Mat shui k^ Jsui.^ '^i-x^ E se 60 t'hey been ^y lang. K'u hai yau tjai vci^ k6 yan. ^ Chay u'» se gwd &y tshoey. K6 tik ' m hai ugo k6 tsai.'' <^^^^ Bay ay kaou kdo. Pat nan|t<^^u. /^i, jttT ia^ -?».4c^ Hid-^y kwan hey e ay s5a. Kd lik kwan k'ii ke szT Chid-&y sky ke"d chooi"g s6 a6 t'hit l'h6. Nt ko sai man tsai {s'ung hii k^fi'lin.'^ cJ^^ E kbe ka te ho. K'U kd'tsz' kili^. t/^ L6 k'h6 kho"a hid-iiy se s"a ni^"sh. H;u tai'kd tik hai mat y^. a^ (heanor chid-ay nooi"5, le^p le^p, kay t'hayh Pd ni tik tanjat chck chek nfm ch'ut loii.^ chut lae. Hid-dy chiin kho^k u°» ke"sledoii, K^ chek shun Vai -m kin Uui Cheang chid-ay cheem, tak ke, kay k'heSii k'h6 Pd nf tik £ham ^huklTun nTTn hi' loi'^t- Ide. ^ — Chid-dy t'he^h d an tsha"a p'hwa. Ni chekjip tim y^ung td tak idn. on~^ E bd yit tt'fih pat in^"sh, yit te6h gin. K'u m6 pit yeung kd tuk ktj'ngan./^i^ |i 1 /^ /^' / . ^ Gwd chay p'hit pc»o t.shit tdti tsh6"5 l>dy. NX £>at pit^ng6''maimil ts'at tait ts'i'a. ^4s? A^ Seaoa sim chedou k5e hid-dy m^ngh. ^^' ^-t^ H^\Jift ta If kd kin sz'. (>h^-±^h^ Min-d-tshae gwa bfiiyh poM k'h^ pat uy. Mjiu| yat ngd tik g6n uk. Hdy se s°a m^°Kh ye6n koe. v^^ Mat y^Jin ku^ni d. E ke tshoey Idng ay u"* te^h. K'u shi^ung sbi-t^^t^ yan kd tsjo ch'ii. ^e- L6 dy sin chbo k'hd hd boey. Ni k^^an uk hi ho mt ts'ang ^>''^ Eke k^y t'hde kwdn. K'u oi tak t'dfkb k£ts'io.^^ , 26 ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. I I shall go in a month. Lasi sa'bulansahayapur- „ W -y/ >f'»3i>'-?J> il I bathe twice a day. Sa'hari dua kali sahaya ». jlf ^vV^^il^^ ^fi^/ -A 6 He is worth ten thousand Sa'hiksa riuggitdiyapun- Ajn}^^^ *^-JHtt iBlV' U- Do this first, afterwards Buai ini dahulu, kiimdian -'^p/^ l|V-^^ ' . Zf I *. — I — ' v>-^$. ^^ - — y-i LJ * " *% • . 5" I have just found oat Bharu-lah sahaya muriij- Jt\^ J~t T|yS^;^l^y^_HL ^ what it means. arti. \t -^t 1^ A— k* ;^% ^ ^^^ L What have you been about Apa anirkau huat sa hari- ///'op^' l-j iHl ^^ all day ? an ini ? > f i.r-| ■ i^ ■— • > ^. J What o'clock do you sup- Kira kira pukul brapa ? Y^^^^^ 'ttiy^^f PjB^ A pose it is ? V/^^l-P- /— Trf-tlA^ ^*' e When shall we settle our Bila kita bulih stilaseiki- T^C^J^ iSTB^Jfl- accouiits ? Ta kira } Jk/i rt5 A Comb your hair. Sikat-lah raaibu,t-mu. , 4/ICr^;^ . '^ Who did this ? Siapa buat ini t §BE^^ IHj / I Who made this ? Siapa buat ioi ? 3nF |--» >pt I KA /I I can't help it. Apa bulih buat? ^f^ Jf^^^P 1^ I never said so. Sahaya t'a purnah kat'a -W^^J^^^**"^^ lE-T/ bauitu. nXl>^~W t=t \Hd j C| That is not for me to say. Itu bukan sahaya pnnya ^Hty' Jfy' n y >f>if^ ~f^ / C^ Whom are you making Siapa punyaangkau buat vA'^-V'YirFr A >M-lH^ this for? ini? l^lvl^^J/VTPi^U 1^ Where were you born ? Aiijjkau anak mana ? YnC iF^ ^vt^ 1^1/7 ( ^ Where vvas he brought up ? Diy a basardi-nugri mana ?>|W-fe^^^^>^>/^ Jj |B/ He got there late. Diya lambat sarapei ka- JiU zilL^^ \W:i Sana. 1vf:Z^1^ >^ fP You need nt do it. Tausah-lah buat. v/r /^ -^ g Ytj^ ;^ I It has already been done. Sudah di-buat. pJ ^^>^fe ^ Vs Who knows? Siapa tabu ? ^1^4fllT^ W Who can tell 7 Siapa bulih kata? ^^"B^'S 27 HOK KEEN COLLOQUIAL Chit go^jli aou gwa I o^yh k'hfe. Chit jit gwd say no kwuy sin. E 00 chit ban jiJa. San tsho chid-^y, je6n aou tsho hi(l-4y. Gwa too too i tshday leoli c ay ^ soo. L6 chooK jit tsh6 s*a n)i''8h. L6 seo"B hiien tshSe b*a m^"«h s6. Ldn bolyh te s^ sool"g st^ott. Sey thaou m^. Tshuy i seang k66y an n6y. Tshuy a tsh^ng chid-lly. Gw4 bd tae tit \v5. Gw4 boey bat kdiig chid-&y wS. Gwd bSy Sy clioo ^. Le th6y s"a ni^^sh l&ng tsh5 chid-Ay. L6 s^a ni^"8h uy chut sh. £ te ta uy tshe twS, E hSu kaou htd-Hy uy. hi ii'" sa6 tsho. 6 keng tsho teaou. Tshuy a tshge. Tsh&y i 3y kong. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Yat kb at t^ai,ngb iu h'u. i^A Ngo yat yat sai leung piV shan. K'ii yau yat m4n ngS^ Tsd ni kb sin hau ch|*^b ko kd. Ngb 4sau cliing^ts'am cheak'k'u k$ i'sz Ni shing yat tsd mat y^. ^y^^ Ni s:e>a»g nl cMa ki t^ tim chang tit. Ngb t£k ki shi sun sh5. ni^ .Sh^t'aul^ Mat shui ts6 ni tik. Mat shui chiag ni kiV>b»€(t. -Ti-t, Ngo mb noi,^ ^ jbs Ngb ts'jtrng rai yau kdm kdng. e^ Kd tIk ngd ' m ls5 tak chiii. fi^, Nl toi mat yan cbing ni kiii.4^- Ni tsoi piVch'ii ch'ut shai. ^ K*a tsoi i)in ch'u y^ung tat k^* K'uh'utak.ch'i. Ni ' m shai tsb. L^ I king ts6 un lid. .. Mat shui cht. ry^ Mat shui 6( kong. o-i^ if '28 ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. "^ I am suprised at that. Sahaya heiran siibab itu. ■^ \& this for sale ? J He is often here. ^ Is it true? ^~ He has just gone. r=r Di-jual-kah ini ■? if'^^ Sa-lalu diya di.ini. j^^^J^^ 1^ Itu banar? Bharu juga sabuntar dlyr >^ 1=1 ^ purgi. Is it right for us to do so ? Patut-kah kita buat ba< ''mMn^7 m^mm\i 7 What do you waat with Apa mahu suma sahaya ? -^/J-^^^^h^-^^ me ? '^"^hat's not true. Itu tidak banar. ^K-^:- /^ IM^ / Do you like the durian ? An^^kaa saka makan du- ^V/ -/#/ >{^v-^-'|>/J^-vifc'lfe3r"*E- Did you call me, sir ? Tuan panggiLsiiraa sa- -^t^:^^ & \tCtk:^XX^^^ / What noise is that? Apagaduh itu? 3Jt?_HL>fcT ^5*3121 ^ Every body knows it. Samoa orang tahu. f A J^^-Ji^ "^ It is as plain as €an be. Sudah nyatasakali. »Ll/-tZt PIH *A> X4 ^ He is an honest man. Diya orang batul. -^Whathadwe better do ? Apa akal kita sakaranj? ? ^flpr / He has gone on shore. ,Diya sudah naik ka-darat, JtXi L M4 —^ Q*M #T«ft7 7 He has gone on board. Diya sudah turun ka-pra- hu. ' ^ It is sunset. Mata hari sudah masuk. 'f Come early to-morrow Datang-lah esuk pagi Cttj |-| ^ . r . » morning. pagi. H/J Jj .^^^j^ ^^ He has gone up the river. Diya sudah mudik. /I* f ^V-ir m_^— r^ ^^ Thatwasnotmy meaning. Itu bukan arti pur-kata- ^Wf — ^ « -^f > "^V-- {=1 an sahaya. ^Hy{^:S^>&>^ ^-^ Smell this rose. Chiura bunga mawar ini, ^i 0^ » U/t/tI:!^ i L [OK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. Hid-^y soo gwa ke k'hwiLe. Chay a& bay k u". E che^p che^p se chid-&y uy. Se chin a u"*. E too too k'hfe leiou. Gwdn an n6y k^'a, tUdh u™. L6 afe swa s"a soo. Hid-ay u"" se chin, L^ &h tsheah lew-leenr ml^. * — ^ ' ^ L6 keb gwi iyn. Hid-A.y se s«a m^"gh se"a yim. L§,Dg l&ng tshae. f* Chid-ay kaou bftng pek. E se laou sit l&ng. L^n an tsh6"a tsb^ che"a ho. E cheong ho"a ledou. E l^h chCin leaou. T^ajitl^h. Min atshae chalfle. E cheo"? h6 k'h^ leaou. Hid&y u" se gvvd h soo- L6 chfe p'he"g chid-iiy che6"? b6 hwa. llAx- CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Ngo kin k6 fdn gz' kd Wai?/*r^ Ni kiri tnjag sai hai mdi k^ nas^ ^j ^ k-^i^i ^r K'u ho^ta shi tsoi nt ch'ii. ^^ Hai cjia . O- ke m^.h^i '♦^-^ K'u tsau chii*^ h'u^iai. ^'L Ngb tik kogi^yeung tso^ch6uk i^.>K fi^^^fwA ^^ Ni loi ngb ch'u id mat y6. r^c Kb tik ' m chan . A^ Ni h6 shik lau-lin m^.^ vtx K'ii sb6ung ngdnl^.' K'u lok shiin h'd. ^ Yat t'au lok kong> Ming chlu tsb'lai. 4^ K'ii sheung hoi h'ii 'ii^lM.^ j^k k6 'm hai'ng^ \^i^. 1]^ ^Man ha niJ[o m6i kwai fa^ H 30 ENGLISH. / Say it in English. MALAY. CHINESE. Tutur bhasa Inggris. ^^=^^~Ji5"l^3^"=^^'^3!2^ t It is not good witbont Tidak baik kaUa tidak Anf. Bfife — W^'lft salt. bur-garaiTi. imjSyf'^^SJ V^ Don't let it get wet. Jangan kuiia kuna ayar. — F^ TtT*'^— ^ l^ When are yon going ? Biia maha purgi ? >VJL Arrrtdb. \L^ — f^ He is coming this evening. Ini patang diya datang. - A Which shall I take ? ^ /Take yonr choice* Pilih yang mana suka. >Ctl>fflS ^^'' Whose daughter are you ? Anak siapa angkau ? vA*_^i^3^ A "^ fm' \ Don't touch that. Jangau jamah itvi. Does your watch keep Harloji-mu batul j>lan- ^KT _J^ fft' l^^J^feJffc 7t good time? nya? /K>C-rP^jtPC^^W The clock has stopped. Jam sudah biir-henti ? !:f;if7 1 forgot to wind op the Sahaya sudah lupa kasih ^v-f*-^ I rtdb. [zzr AjV^—l^ . clock. tali jam. Hn6^ei>_IlMTjtPCM>W Where did you leave it ? Dimana sudah tinsgal- ^/i^J^A. I . -f-K AzT rfe ik.>.n,a„^J^^V^^g^ > Who gave you leave to Siapa sudah briithin buat^;/p> do this ? ini. P Handle it carefully. Patfanir baik baik ros;ik kau ' Does he live there still ? Diya tinngal disona-kah lajji ? . What makes you think so? Apa kuna angkau fikir bai^riu ? ifPutitdown anywhere. L'Uak-kan dimana-pun bmk. Jl >f — ^1 /jUi^ >lliV ^It is no such thing. Bukan nya bagitu sa-ka- 'TZ-^^-'utt XrV JYj It is as light as a cork. Ringan-nya sapiirtigabns 'Jj}\^Sc~'~\'^ ®.=^ There is not lii^ht enous^h Kurang trang disini. Al> \-}^ . »|/. y ^ D l+l here. iH^ k«t ^LM^ /vC/n ?.7 We think well of him. Kita fikir diya-nya baik. ^f)- jlW l/) Yllj'^'fr^ HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL, CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Kdng kag mA v\ S. B6 kgSm u** ho. Q« t'hang p'hXh t&na. L6 te s6 bd^yh k'h^. E mfty"! hooi^s tshew l&e. Gwd ^e t'h^yh te chid-&y, che«^ tSdh. K6 16 k&n. L6 Be tshuy JL ^y tshiou k. u" t'hang bongr. # L6 iy s6 sin peaon chdn u" . S6 cheng bA ke"ft. Gwi bSy k6 tit cheo"^ leen. Le pang hSy ta i6h. Tshuy k hoe 1^ an nfty tsh6» Siy je gim. £ oo seiCng te hid-Ia k'hea md. L6 s"a soo an n^y s*e6"R. PAng te id lAh \6 ch:"a ho. L6ng u"» se an n^y. Chin tsbto°g t'hat-'a heih k'hin. Chi('-dy so tsbSe k'hah u" kooi°s. Lin seo°s e se ho. K6ng ying-kat-li w&* Mb im*' mhd.'y^t^ » M hp jn k'tt §hai^ l^^!?- A^ Ni ki shf 16 h'ii, -^-^ K'ii ^jju ni4n lai. ^VA^ Ngd koi nitn pifl'xat 1^" >^»'l- ^Ts^ui pin? ^^ K i hai mat yan k6 nu,'' ^^^^ Mok tmkd tik. /^o Ni k^shi^shan gftf^heuk 'm^henk. >*^ l/^ Shi shan chung 'm hdng liu. Ngb m6ng ki'sh6ung''lin|shi shan chnng. Nf lau'lok pin ch'ii lai. ^h^ Mat sbui chuB n{ tsA nd ktn %7^» Sft ^am chA clvu.'^ ^^ K 'unhung** tsoi Vb ch'ii chii m#._f»2. NI wai mat je kbin j^ung siting. "»'»'^ Fong lok |jin ch'ii 1 6 bd. c**- *M hai koin y^uag. A-t ^/^«^ Jfac Hitsz' tsuiLchal k ^tn hiktiig A-c- Ni ch'ii kwdtig ^ ' m kan shai* '0 M^ N^o tik seung k'ii hai L^. ^^^ '^ 32 ENGLISH. MALAY. , CHINESE. ' There can be no donbt Itu sudah tuntu. of it. ^ Any body can do that. Sa-baran^ orang bulih buat itu. ^ Put this in the sun to dry. Jamur-kan jni. Z / It is exactly twelve Batul pukul dua bias. o'clock. ^^ This is very useful. Banyak gunanya ini. ^^ It is a quarter past eight. Pukul dilapan lalu sa'su- jl / H. 7f y It wants a quarter of Pukul tujuh tiga suku. yt '^' eight. ^ ^» ^ Help him down. Tulung turun-kan suma ^^/vhTV-^Jt B2::.aha<.at. ^^^^ Inichukup? itkil^'^ Makin lebih, makin baik 9 That's the custom. ^^' Is this elioifgh.' // The more, the better. h_ Is this pencil yours ? Angkau punya pensil iui? jH^JBL\^^g^^ ^S I can't lift this. /-^/ Tou don't read right. Where has he gone 7 Sahayat'a bulih angkatini ^hf^ Jfv H^^F^*^ /i Angkau bacha t*a batul. Ka-mana diya purgi? Diya bbaru da.an,. ^(^Jg^ff ^J^^ A /O Did you say so? la-ktih angkau kata ba- >/JL~;fc'-/#|-t ilJ/^fl^"^^ ^ . Situ ? |3^^ ^" iHjt^i^ -^ ^ Did you tell him S9 ? la-kah angkau kata ba- "^J^-fittxW^Ji^ gitu suma diya ? 1-^^^ jW^i=l / r Will you have some more? Mahu lagi ? //' Can you swim ? Angkau tahu biicnai ^ '^ He is a new comer. ^ / What shall I do next ? Kalau itu sudah habis, I U/ -^f Jfe ^JffHi'>fcT>l^ apa sahaya buat la^i? i^U^^nXiPI^^V^) ^^ Who is to go next ? Gilir an siapa patut pur- gi sakarang ? T^HAM* 33 HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. Bd teup a twa t'han* hoe 1 ^''^ Kdm t© kau'm^, lit \6 lit ha. Ni Qhi pat hai ni kd xs^.k/»^ Gu Ngo ' m ning_t_ak ni tik hj. A^ Nt tok ' m ching ^ ct, K'ii h'ii pin ch|ii7 ^^-^ Nim tik t'lmm^ygt^ Ni^au t_afc ghxii m^. -^-^^ K'ii haf §aB loi k^.y-**-*-"^ ^ Ni yau kom wi mo^ ■,?'«-v- Ni wa k'ii chi kom'y^ung v^.A^ 2:i::^'^-- Tsb un ni ko, ngd ts<^ mat y6 h^. >t^ Tai 1 piiQ ]^ ^ koi h^ii. ^^.^ 94 ENGLISH. '^ Who will go next ? MALAY. CHINESE. ^. The next may read. GHir-an^siapa p«r,i sa- -\^^^)^:^ Bacha orang yang dakat "^vT*-^^ ttf rri itu pula. tA^^^^J rI^. ^ His shop is next to mine. Kadei-nya di-sa*blah ka- H 9^m vfij 'xfi'KwH.M'' deisahaya. ^myk^^WEl 4 Put it back again. Taruh-fcan kambali. iS^Tx iH llS* ^^ That won't do. T'a bulih bagitu. Jf\ RJ Wy ^ His manners are coarse. Ka-laku*annya kasar. H HlA IM ' Jadikah bagini ? ^JJ itfc^T'^ Bila mahu piirgi ? 7 Will this do? '^^ When do you go ? P What do you say ? R >r /ra '^ '''^ It will do you good. ' It must be so. ^•^ It can't be so. . ^ ^ It must be true. 'Apa angkau kata? Itu jadi-kan baik. Pusti ada bagitu. Piisti tidak bagitu. Piisti itu banar. / -^ It can't be true. ^i^^YovL read too loud. Piisti itu tidak banar. Angkau bacha tarlalu Vfo'zr'^ t^^^TT* .1^^ kwat. (^^^^{^'^ // It must be you that di4 Piisti juga angkau-lah ^p^\^ ~^^ AIaCuIVA Diamjuga!bunyiapaitu?R^^ >Jg^>fpf|[|^ Itu-kah sahaja ? ^ ij: ^^^ Goyang loching. ^ItB^S Isi-kan panuh panuh. ^Qul kr^ Panjangamatchakap-mu. V Isi-kan sa'tungah sahaja. r^pjvit"^ fi^^?. it. //Hark! what's that? // Is that all ? ^/ Ring the bell. -^^ Fill it up. '' You talk too much. -^-^ Fill it half fuU. w [OK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL^ Tay je kw(iy tshuy d ah k'h^. T5y je lae fhak. E ay te^m kap gwa ay keyh peih. iP^ng hay gwan uy. Hid-ay bay tshd tit. E ky ye6"g tshoe sut. An n^y ho u™. h6 te s6 bo^yh k'h6. Le an tsho^a kdng. §y tit 16 ho. Pit te^h an ndy. Bay ay an ndy. An n6y tek k'hak tshin. An nAy tek k'hak u'" tshin. L^ t'hak chcyh t'b^ie twa sc"a. Tsh6 chid-dy tek t'hak se U, Yed the»k kh6"a hay se 6"a ni^^Bh. Tok tok an n^y n5 te^i ye6 tsheng. . j^^ Te°« kaou te°g. h6 kdng tshay w3. Tshit-p6oa te=g tshew hd^ ss CANTON COLLOQUIAL. ?»-^ Tai S pin pin ko 16 h'U. ?■> Taifk6^^cl^ K'u k6 p6 t'au t'ung ngd kdkji. ^ Koi/yeung ' m tsh tak. A^^ K'ii k^.hang waf ts 'o Ihl Kbm' y 6ung tsb tak mV >^ NiMshi^Hr ^-^ Ni w^inat y^..^ K'u shai ni hb^^ PitftTkdray^ung. cj^^^^ 'M tak k6my dung. ;^ ^^^ Ptt tinghai chap. i4 ^^ ' M tak chan. /v<7 ISii tuk tdi sht'ng kw Is It time for us toga? Patut-kah wiiktu ini ki- lJ4/tli: y^Sl:^£ -tl^FC tapuroi? J;^LM>r P PI Tr-At=t ^ Won't you take less for- Bulih kuranglagi.^ yT^* >f\~H^<^j$ ^i/-^ _9 lam too v/eak to walk Sabaya t'a kwasa jalan Jrl/TTC ^^ >f\ Hi/ >f~r^tl itl so far. bagitu jauh. tU/^-C^^V^ ^ ^^ . ^ V This tea is too weak. A'yar teh ini karang tuah. jPu^^^J^^*^ \ J^ ^/ It is hard as a roCk'. Kras-nya sapufti batu. aVJ^'W )^^^^^ . - wslAp^in biir-tiiip tarlalu itf^^J^'fof ^|^^ ^ ^ How hard the wind IjIo ^$ He is a hard man to deal Payah bur-jai^i. dungan •^^ Don't play too hard. Jangan mainkasarkasar. //^-j^^ y^-, j - -t ^c^ Are they your own ? Itu angkau punyasindiri? .U'Li >t ^^ J^^ iJ^ \ — f ^ ^^ No, they are my wife's. Bukan, binisahayapunya. ^ ~'^ZA~^^i]^^ ^/ Who owns this land ? Siapa punya tanah ini ? it'^/^HJl^^'gff /^ Tie it in a hard knot. Simpul-kan mati mati. SS^tfrt k^ 'J^ A bow knot will be easier Sirapul senti-.k lagi sa- ^OZT^-*-' — V~ to untie. nang di-buka. ^ ^ ^f^ ^""^'^li ^^ He has been gone all day. Sa hari hari-an ini diya '^lllx^p^ M "y^- | '^'^ What is that to you Apa anglcau paduli itu? JtH^^'mf"! •^^ . When can yon get it done ? Bila bulih habis-kan ? l^'fBTH^'Hk -^^i^ ^.\A HOK-KEEN COLLOQUFAL. Pang body k'h^ seo. Tshay s"a u™ hap g\v^ clieng. Tshay y6\v u"^ ho tedm. Ldn kaou tshuy a t'hak. E ^y bak tshew lam sek. Bay kaou ay tsh^"?. T"a hap gwan k'hh u". L6 k'hia k'hSlh tsheo u-" . Gwa bd lat, bay ke"& heUh hool"?. Tshid-ay t^y t'hae poh. Chin tsheons tshe^h heah gney ■?. Hde k\ Tshay hoEg tshin tshe"a twS. E se u" ho kaou kwan dy ]S,ng. u™ t'hang Ishoe kwun. Tshay se M ay, u"*. u™ se, se gwd &y boe-dy. Tshid-ay t3y tshay i ay. Kat km. Wiih kat k'bah k'hwae t'haoa. E tshooi"? jit k'lie leaoo. Kap 16 s"a nie"sh seang kan. L6 te s^ tsh6 ay ho. ^•«7 ' CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Shid k'u. A' Ni'kin sham 'm cheuk ng6 obeuk. ygf Ni tik^au ' ra-^hM t^ A^J^ J k^ Lun> to^ pm ko.tuk. vfe -*— K'u kd ngWjam k^. ^ Mailed kaii kd i§-i^f ;«^--^ ^ /^' m-t^ Ngb tik ch6u|y sh{ hau^h'ii mi ts'ang. Nt 'm hang kam tik ^.^ O-u^-^ Ngbjt]4i.jiiiNy6uk (^ nang hang kpm iin. Ni tik ch4 t'ai t'am. Ho tsz shek kaai ngang^ ^ ^-*^ Ai d ni t'a^i kb tik fung k£ mang. _£«- K'u hai^nan kdn yik k^ yan. 9^-^ ' 4 Mbk fdn tj^^^s:^ Nt tik hai m tsz* ki ke mi|.' 'Mhai;ngb lopbk^. Ni f^i ti hai mat yan k6 T'a^sz' lU. Shanjj Ut kang^k^j^u -^^ K'ii^shing yat h^ii l|(i.^"7e^ irtl ni yau mat sejuig kon. ^^2^. 1^^^^ -«*--9-»^ >»-*-- Nt ki'shi' tso tak Un. ^" 38 ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. \This meat is not done. Daging inibalum iimpok, Irj/ j AI-J^^H ,YWhat do you call this ? Apa nama-nya ini? VA'J^if Ilt Yol !L Keep out of the sun. Jangan ka-panas. //it ^~Vl—ir^ uM-"^ lF»* ^^Who sent you here ? Siapa suruh datang disini? =i'Cr>i ra Yjut >^>1A ^9 Don't comehere any more. Jangan datang disini l^g*/^^^tt;A \p My feet are cold. Kaki sahaya sajuk. 5{/^ff/ ^. Itis hot; wait tillit gets Banyak panasini; nanti dbj* cold. kan sajuk. >. / ^\\ ^ You must*nt do so. Jangan sakali buat bagi Sudah tuntu siima angkau Are you sure of it? basitu ? A v^N Mangapabiir-henti? pur-yg^/jf^Y^ 1 1-^'^ ttif >Go and put this back, ^'''''^ ^^"^ ^^'*^™P^^':^ W^Jj^^ ^'oWhy do you stop ? go on. Bawa balik ka-tampat nya. ^. He has gone back. Diya sudak balik. «|El*T s^Run and call him back, ^^v^^ P'°^^" ^'^^ ^^"^ ball. .-^TT /. 11 yi X 1 . .^ , Diya jatuh batul talun. - He fell flat on his back. "' tang. ^ _^ . _ ^ CBack your cart up to the Paling blakang kreta itu iUfl^^lSl^A^tt^&Q I"! itX door. ka-pintu. #JP^;»E^|Wn M 5^4 v^You must stay at home Tingjral-lah di-rumah to-day. hari. ttl^PWJtiil -iti..if.i. m,...,. ''i;;,".r"''""""""^*JB-3gM: ^^rop up this fence. Sokong-kan pagar ini. ^I am very glad of that. ^^^"7^ ''^"^^^ 1"''* «^- JO huh itii ^ bab itu. I have a pain in my foot. Kaki saliaya ada sSngal. mm His mind is not on his Oiya lidak ingat kurja/til Y * ' tfa — t-l ' A ' «ork. „,a. ^ 1tE^liM^^^#- HOK-KEEi\ COLLOQUIAL, CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Tshid-ay bSh bosy s^k. Nitik y^ukjni shuk.^yU Le keb tshid-ay s^a inHIi iiie»&. Ni ki^ni ti|^s6 ma,t y^/^i- u'" thang he jit 1^. ^ok h^'jt t'au ch'S^i^ Tsbuy d s^e I^ lae tshe taou. Malshui shai n{ loi ni ch*u> ^o^^ u" t'hang koh ]4e tshid-ay uy. Mok tsoi loi ni ch^^ .^^ Gvvi k'ha l^ng. Ng^ k6iik tung^ Jwdh, t^ng haou e 16ng. * ^It ; tang k'ii tung^ Iti. tek k'hak u™ t'hang an n^y tshb. Ni pit ' m h^ kbm tsb. L^ tek. k'hak tshae u"> . Ni chj takshat mi. cC L6 s"a soo t'hang pbe, kena. Tso mat y^^tJi&f teuk ; hang lbb>/ / /--- «v Tshid-ay k'hfe hSy gwan Qy. Hu (<5^ (^a ni tjfc. ; ^^ ^. r ^^<^^v- -^-5 E too/"g k'h6 ledou. . K'ii f^n h'Q li^./W t Tshaou k'h6 ked e tooins I^e. TsaH ^ 5 k.(*i It u feu loi. Pan cheb pw^h t6. ^ K'ii Ji gong -^ tit ih. S^^ Tsheang chi^'a t'hey Sou tiiv mooi"? k'haou lal. Ti'u ebuii-eh4~^tif4i4»n^-fn4ii-4ifttt44l =1^^ r^^o^^yC Ijd kin a jit twa te choo ISe. Ni kam yat pft lu tsoi uk ^ssjo^^bar. oCx: jfe^/C E t"a b6 k'hea tshid-^y uy. K'ii ii kam ' m' tsoi hi chji chu. -i^^ E ky bde se gwa ay koe. K'u ke Ib-pb hai'ngb k^^fei" ^^ K'\\h t'h^yng k'h6 tshid-dy 16 pa. Tini^chu ni 4^ li pd. /^ Hid-^y soo gwa tshln tshae h6"a h^. Ngb shap (an luLQ-hj na kin sz'.-^"^ Gwd ay k'ha t'he"k. Ngb k6 keuk ilxmg/^ E ay sira a™ tshwan e 4y soo. K'u mb sara tsb kung lu. ^ ■4 m ENGLISH. MALAY. CHLNESE. / It may be so, or may not. B'^»'an5fkali ba?itu, ba- ^ "^ ranj>kali tidak. He wants to play all the Diya malm main sahaja time. sa-lalii. ^^ H e was born deaf and Deri jadi-nya ada tuli lagi bisii. /t/u^^bhn-' dumb. > XVhat .ore can I do > ^J^ ->aya '''■"" ^f^fg^fj^^ ^ You may go home once £ulih pulang satu juraaat s..an. ^^^ik^UM ^ I want some of each kind. ^""^^^"^ "^^^« ^"^"^^ ^''^'' kit. / He has not been here to- day. WmW:^ (^ Ini hari diya tidak datang.Yjm ^/W tj ^t/lA iH/ ^ What more do you want? Apa mahu lagi? Vl&''l~f ^S-YHI^Mf jy How long have you been o- . i j- • 0^7/ t — /ir" . I l> *^f*^ u„-p ? Brapalamaangkaudlslnl?V/»^|— I jCl- lrl/J^%K». lA ^ / Whom did id you give it to! Siima si»paa«gkau kasil,-^|^^J^| /^— When shall you come back? Bila mahu balik ka-mari? '^ S That is not half so good Itu sparu kurang baik-nya>^ , as this. dcri ini. /■y^ I shall come back in a Nanti sa'tahun sahaya ba- year. lik ka-mari. '''^^ This well is very deep. Prigi ini tarlalu dalam. Wr^tniit-^^if /(, I am not well. / N AlA / /■ I want it done well. Badan sahaya t'adasadap/ Sahayamahu buat-an-nyar!lX5L'flnS"-^f^ |-f^— "[^ baik baik. WL^^WUZ^ ''/ Howdoyoawantitdonel'^^^'r- -"» "'''""'^^^^^^n^lg ^ / ^^ What is this good for ? Apa guna ini ? How much do you want? Brapa banyak mahu ? That is just what he isKurja itu-Iah sahaja yano good for. diya tahu. . , 4t HOK KEEN COLLOQUIAL. T'heum tsh4e se an n6y, yei u" s5. Stkns st e ae t'bit t'hd. E scj"« clie^a €y kiou chiton he l&ng. Yiou s"a mi^fa ra^sh bo^yh hoe gwi tsh5. Chit jit lae \t t'hang ttia k'h^ tshit kwiiy. Gwi tak hSng ie kw6y leip. Kin a jit e boey lie t^>hid-I£. L6 y&oij a^ s'a mi"sh. L^ te tshid-^ Iwa kdo. Te tshid-i \6 t^ng hSou gw& tooi"8 I&e. Le hoe tshiiy &. L6 s^a in^"sl) s6 bo^yh t6n l&e. Hid-&y bA tshid-ay tshit pd"^ hd. Tshit- nfe"K 6 Son gw4 bolyh tiin l^e. Tshid-liy ch6y°B tsbin tshle chim. GwA u" k'h6"a wdh. Tshid-Ay ni^^sh gwa ac tshb kh^ h6. K6"a k'hwuy, bd tsh4h gwa &y loe. L6 afc an tsho°a yeo^R tshb. Tihid'&y 00 s"a m^8h yung. L6 afe hva tshaj\ H6 k6°S soo che°k hap e tshb- CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Wik ch6 kbm y^ung, wdk ch6 *m hai K'tt ^ ^rshf fin. K'a shang ch*ut loi yau Jung yau ^ ^ Nj-d chk itu ? iiB'jjfl* ^ How came you to be so Mangapa jadi bagini lam-. /ii> P t. ikUHi^^^MM y Itu-luh sahaja ingat-an nya. <^ That is all he cares for. S He does'nt care what he says. ^' Have you done with this? Sudah habis pakei ini? "J Iiii-lah kutika baik kita ^tfeSBiP* / Now is the time to do it. / It is all new to me. buat. BlKiru sa^kali ini sahaya diinsar. 9 They are all the same. Saraoa-nya sania. 71?'^ ^^ Don't take up so much Jangan pakei bagitu luas room. tampat. ^/ This room i p s too small. Bilik ini larlalu kachil. Iry -^^ / V ^^^T Uli\ /'■d What do you want me to Apa mahu suruh sahaya^>JJ^>rL*^^li>^y--^ #j^> do? buat? IP^VJ^ASLVV " •7 He is a man of his word. Diya t'a tahu bohung. #*liW^A ^^^ That is not at all like this. Itu lain sakali deri ini. ^)j?^&~>fv^^ iH^ ' ^' Tnere is nothing there. Satu-pun t'ada disana. ^^&Jvjt[Jt\^ iH^ / / Trv, now, with all your „, , . , ,, . ,., ■ -Vij . f » ^=^-y *- rr^LXi ^ .. ^ Chubajuga sa-buhhbulih.IB^— rf^^fl^ >^^^QC might. ^y 7 w\ w\ /J Who taught you this? Siapa sudah ajar buat ini ?'^np l/j iH^'^T'y^ / ^ Pull up these bushes. Chabut-kau samak ini, "t^-ip ll4/^^ >f>w4:it /> - Rock the cradle. Goyong buayan. /;r.^ Lend me two pice. ,;^asih pinjam siima saha- A- * ya dua duit. Do you speak English? Tahu tutur loggris? /'t-V ^ ^ HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. To b6 pat yung. L6 s"a soo ae tsliid-ay. Le s"a soo heah ban. i*>if| E tok kbe hid^y soo. E s5 \km sam kdag wa ay lang. Le yung ledou boey. Tshid-^y s6 tdo h<5 lae tsho. Gvva t"a che^a t'he^a k6"S. Long tshong seo tang. u™ t'liang yung hid-dy heah k'hvvih. Tshid-4y p^ng t'hae ^yh. L6 ae gwa tshb s"a m^"?h.. E se laou sit ay lang. Tshid &y che°a se gwa s6y ae. Hid-ay long u" chin t&heo^s chid-ay B6 me-'&h te tshid-la. Tshin lat ch^ k'hona. Tshuy a an n6y ka 16. P^yh k'h6 tshid chang seo chew a. Yeo teaou chft'^s. Tshe^h gwa no ay tsh6°s. Le ay kong ^ng mo vva bay. % f CANTON COLLOQUIAL. "^^^^"^'-^ MoCoit v6ung yimg- ch'ii* ^ ^ eg* Nt oi^'u ts6 mat ye. a^ Ni wai mat y^ koai .^h'i. t*^ <^ K'ii tuk k\x>g^ kin sz'. ^Hu^ K'u pat li k'ii kong mat y6 « a.^ ^^^ Ni shai iin rat ts'ang. >»^ ii kam Jiop^shi hau tso. ^^«^ Ng6 ii kam chi»^^an^|ei3^ ch^. Yat ts'ung ib hai yat y6ung> ^^^ Mok t)a"kbnii6 ti fdng- Nikdnfdngt'drch'ak. „' Nf i ch^u^md mat yd. ;^ -'^ Tsun;iik sh^x^^:^^:^ tsr Mat shui kiu ni kd. ^^^-i- ■^ Mang hi ni tik shii tsai. ^ ^„ Ju ko ch^ung tm.chong. Ts^l^ung kcKts'in kwo ng6.'^ Ni iif Icdng ying-kat li wa mdl' -^^c ,I4 l.^n ? * H ENGLISH. ^AjLAY. CHINESE. ^ What have you been doing' A pa sudah buat ini ? "V^lSh 1 1\^ P v^'TtYBT^^' ^ Do you want any thing Mahu apa apa lain lagi. 'f^^^^jsSfty^^^^Jfs S Which side are you on ? Angkau di-sa'blah niana r /XT /WIhI ^< He has got into trouble. Diya sudah dapat susah. jfJil^ W^/^Ml^ /^" " ^: What has he to do with that? >^/ Apa diya mahu paduli itu '^^^jJ ^f^:^ |^ ^-f Pf ^^ That is nothing to me. Apa sahaya paduli itu ? '^^-jf^#jJ6>T^ TH 1^ I have a great deal to do. Sahaya ada banyak kurja.J4^>^ UV^^ ^^fl You have made it too wide Sudah buat tarlalu lebar. 4 Hi/ v^ kc^ 7^7^^ This is not the kind I waDt."""": " "" • "'""' jlt^yf»J§;^J^J?^ Bukan ini niacham sahay^ iLI/-Jl^B mahu. That is a bad one; try a- Itu fa baik, chuba yan?3BK_H ~Y"-ta!l^^^:;t^ W||/|5f uother. lainsatu. ^^l^A^lst'^^ Whom does this land be- „. ^ long to? Siapapunyatanaim? y\iJ^U^/^ p % I have not been able to Sahaya balum bulih siim-^fj'.il'^J^ tSj'^ ' finish it. pathi-biskan. ^V^y[<^UWk<^ How much land do you . . , jj^jj p Ada brapa tanah angkan ? How many children have Brapa orang ada anak-> you ? mu ? , That is out of the tion. jad.. Pour some water into this Tnang-kan ayar ka-dalan^i' ^ tub. toug ini. /, l5j'>^^ He is clever at that busi- ^. ' iVp3£^»lflK ques-Itu sa-kali kali fa bulil.39K^^^&~jC>^^^ >s ness. He is the one to do it. Diya pandei kurja itu. Diya lah tukanj-nya. J^fflj^^Sl There are two reasons for ^da dna subab-ny,. iH^^IUM! HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. Le te tshid a 60 tsbo s"a m^"&h soo. Le ^e koh s"a meg^h. L6 seuk tshuy a. E cheng teoh 60 hwSn 16 ^y soo. T'] kap hid-ay soo Sna m|ngh seang kau Gwa tshoflg u™ k"atshb an n6y. Hid-ay bo kvvan gwd soo. Gwa 00 tshay tsliay soo. E se 60 tsh^ne lang. Gwa b6 po^a sut sin e. Le tshb seo"? k'hvvSb. Tshid-ay k'hw4n u» hap gwa ^. Hid-ay u™ ho, ch^ kho"a pat S.y. Tshid-ay tay tshuy a ay. Gwa tshb boey h6. h6 00 Iwa tshay chkn. Le 00 haoti sey"S tsbaou^a Iwa tshSy. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. -■^^ r rf*-^^ Ni tsorni ch^''tsbMiiat y6. o-^^^ Ni chun^oi lik nial:-y6 t'ltn m^ Ni pong pia yat ptiv ^-^ K'u yii cj^f&t^o^^fc?^^*^^ ^ K'ii kung ko kfn sz' yau mat s^iin^ kbiL . ^yt^ Ngba^in/'m tsb kbm ke sz'. kp /^-^ Kb tik 'in kwan ngd s»'^ :^ Ngo vau lb ta sz' kbn 16 tsb. U "^^ K'u jSMVyX^ yau »u k^ lok. Ng(i yat ku ^hat wAo 'm suiiJ^ A*- Ni ^^^ tak t^^'fdti^ ^ Ni yeun^ *m bafngb qi"k6. o- K6 k^ 'm h^/ shj ha tai i kb- Uu Ni (^ trhai mat shui k6. Ngb rarS^ tak h^. Ni yau ki te mau \i^ Ni yau ki tb tsai nu. a^ Hid-ay soo tshong bay ay tshe'^a, u"" sae kdng.^Kb ^ sz' ^g^jng Jplt^^t'au ^^^ Tb tshit chuy a tshdy hay tshid-ay t'hdng iae. Tg^tik shui lok ni kd t'ung. ^^ .^9—l^ C*^^ E gaou tshb hid ay soo. Se e g^oa tshd tshid-&y soo. Tshdy 00 no ke^S kbe soo. K'ii shin tsing tsb kb kia sz' kc. ^/i^ t/a^K'iJL chisig^ tso tak ni kin sz'./^ Yau 16ung kb lin kti. "^ M 46 ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. ^Help me to twist this Tulung pintal-kan tuliini. string. He is blind of one eye. Diya btita sa'blah. n 31^^ ^i^.. 7 Sahaya ada tuli sadikit. J4a_H— ^^3 /\ :sp w Tliere are thousands of Ada ba-ribu. them, I am a little deaf. Does this chintz fade ? Turnn-kah wiirna chita I have the tooth-ache. Siihaya sakit gigi. ^ijCi\A jWt He died of the small pox. Diya mati kiina chachar. ^-m Where was this book Dimana di-chapkitab ini? ||4/^&~fer/fjn^ fi* l^ll l4/f printed? l»|lW4t1"J kt R W This book is out of print. T'ada lagi kitab yang ba- I r ^^& Jfv Tu? Fll I irini di>iiial. ^ * — f ' •_' ' '^ He is a stingy fellow Itu orang kikir. "^ikm^i^iL a I assure you it is not so. B^tul sahaya kata bukan bagitu. -^ - --tr 1j_^' I have read this book Sudah habis sahaya bacha "J4/. I — • — ^ ~T - Ir '^ throagh. kitab i„i. L^ « S^^jS This dollar is a bad one. Ini ringgit t'a laku. IH^ ^=^ ^St J[\1j^ Spread this out on the Biintang-kan ini di-rura- S&B3 I tl ^Jml ^'^^S ~tm He has lost all his pro- Harta nya samoa sudah yfm-^^ | ^^^3r^^^ perty. hilan"-. ILU^^_J — L.-^v>^V You have done this very Sudah buatinitarlalubaik. lhKyil5ri >Tp>^S:-B^^& well. He is a hard man to Banyak chareviret-nya o please. rang itu. y ^^J-f It is a tolerably good one. Sadang buik-nya ini. - Ih^Ixm'S'T* This is his favorite child. Ini-lah anak nya yang di- »L|/ kasih'i. i^y" _ ^ , He has sprained his an- Matakaki-nya salah urat. >|Hii^fjf -^^B|*[?HB iS* I have never had any Sahaya t'a piirnah taruh 5l/ -i^^^&>fe* Hi I other. Iain. ^^ /^>F " ^^/ This is not done well. Buat'an-nya ini t'a baik. Itf >ft>«: Jt^'f^ ^^A «OK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. I^ pan*; %\sk naon kin tshid-4y so!i a. E t6"a bak. 00 chan bSn ay tshay l&n>;. Gwa oo le^h ledli cli^ou he lang. Tshid-ay hwa poe 5y th^y sek A bd. Gwa k'he t'he"A. E yin chut tshoo s6. Tshid-^y cheyh te ta yin ay. Tshid-&y chSyh tna b6 l&og yin- E se kefim sc6p &y Ian?. Gwa sit sit kap 1^ kong u"» se an n^y. Tshid-ay chSyh gwa 60 t'hak ledou. Tshid ko gin bSy ske tit. m CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Pong ng5 nau. mai ni.h'u shing c cx^ K'u tan^ngin.'' ^^ Kong ts'in shd k^m ih. ^ Ng6 yau 9lH]Sc^s}rf4^''jung./^ ^VL kaip m6 yan yah kbm k6 shii mdCt./ c K'u hat h^alttn ke yan./^' Ngbvshat tsoi wa ni' chi 'm hai kbm y6\ing, /«^ ^^^ Ng6.tuk un nt pu shu. /.,v^^ . ' <^ E ay key bd6y 16ng tshong leaou. K'ii shatlfft yat ts'ungjyjts'oi. U. ^W ^^Ah^'i^ Ni tsd tak ni tik shap ftin hd. ^ Shap Jjuivnan chuno k*u k^ T. Nitikkthb.'^ Tshid-ay soo le tshb k'h6 tshap hwun hd Hid-&y lang tshin oh tfeng e ay h. Tshid-ay k'hah \\6. Tshay se e choey se5h &y ke"a. E dou teoh k'ha b^k kwut. Gw^ bciey bat 60 pat ^y. Tshay tshb k'h^ u™ ho. Ni k6 hai k'u k^ chroik^ tslaif /^ K'u nau eh^tik k'U k6 k^k ngan.^A:^ Ngbx^tsung^mryau^it kb". Ni tik tsb tak 'm hb. ± 48 ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. ^^^^Pf Don't throw away a sin- Su'biji-pun jangan b«an gle kernel. I » j>-^_j» • . V^T^tT Don't waste a bit of it. Sadikit-pun jangan- tur- AE~J ^^ vJ^yT^ Pj Jm buang. 12 >>X 1^ >fS4^li--> Fix it to suit yourself. Batul-kan bagimanasuka, y^W (yS I — I I^Ll fil^l^ r -^ Go and help to weigh that Piirgi tulung timhang gu- ""aC 4^0 rM// 44^~>" sugar. laitu. qjr/-^- f -^ . That was a great mistake. Itu salah basar. /| M-^O'^^]^^ ^^ I can't afford it. Sahay^t'a bulih balanja ii^^y^\ H^^gl^^ra ^^ This tree has begun to Ini pukok suluBg bur- JJ^T^M MT^^y J mtl bear. buah. ^Ff^jBl — jT^-^ii/A^ "y^ 1 can't bear it any longer. Sahaya tidak bulih tahan "*XXi r4 >n^ K'^-^Q^ J Did you ever see a bear T Ada purnah lihatbruang? |^^ y\ xLu ^Pl y^^ \ — \ This one is rather better. Ini lebih baik sadikit J^U ^5cM SC- yvT I would rather not go. Sahaya lagi suka tin^'gal. *X^'J^ He is a large man. He is a great man. Itu orang basar bad an- nya. Itu orang basar. That's very strange. Itu tarlalu heiran. think so! Don't be in such a hurry. Jangan bagitu gopoh. Strange that you could Heiran bagimana fikir-an :^&> ^LlV^ B ^Pv B iRj^^i That will never be. T 'a'kan jadi bagitu. Wk J\^ ^"wiv^ I am in partnership with Sahaya sa'modal dungan *HR^-5^ itll'^Cl J""! him. diya. >>-A' "^^^^ -V -Jr— S^ You gave too much for it. Angkau sudah bili tarlalu \^. ^1 ^_^^. A^ ^i mahal. , jhP^W^ ^^^^-^ Fry some, and boil the Goring sparu, laiti-nva 7»y^^^-Rp p[^^1S) j /^^ rest. rabus-kan. i*:'.' ::fl> "TTir^J?^^^ /J \ How much ought I to pay Brapa palut sahaya bayar *x)C PJ " tSfe ^^ j^ for it? harga-nya ? Who keeps money to Dimana tampat bulili pin - pi lend? jam wang ? mmmM. 49 ^^kjyiy^'' HOK KEEN' COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Tshit le^p hwut ySa u™ t'haog k'hedh kak k*h6. Yat jvat to *m hb H^ h'u.^ yA-'' Tshed tshed yed u" t'hang he hwuy. Tik kbm tb t^ 'ra lib sMi. ^^=r /^ ^ Tsheaou 16 fiy h soo k'he chdng. Ching k'ii hop ni tsz' ki k6 pitii ^^^^ K'h^ seo pang cbia hid-&y Hhh'^f-. H'ii pong cbing k5 tik t'oag. ^ Hid-&y tw5 u« te^h. Kb tik f Ai' t£6* ^^^ Hid&y gwa bd tsh&e tefoa. Ngd 'm ch'ut tak \a.ke^^^ /^ Tshiy chew tshe^a tshe"a keit tsh€, N{ tjfii shii ching cU^<$ /at kw<5 (^ Bo^yh tsbae koh, gwi tbng bay teaoa. Ngb tsoi^'m taitak chtt IW. Him 16 bat khfina k^^K ii". Ni yau kin kwojiung m6. IC'^>^ o^--^t^- ^y^-- Tshid-fty peng k'hah h<5. Ni k^ kang' ho tik. Gw^ l^ng k'h<5 u™ ae k'h^. Ngc^ing un 'ra h'ii. ""W E se pwdy twa iy l&tig. K'ii hai k^ tai k6 yan. ^ E se se twa Sy lang. K'ii hai tsJon kwai k6 yan» >L^ Hid&y tshap hwun k^ kv^ie. Kb tik.shat ahau^l kwdu A^ '^ Hae 4! 16 an nfiy seong tshe"a kfe kwae. Ni tim yeung s6ung tak kbm y6uiig^ ch'ut u" t'hang heahk'hwae. ' M ho kbnj fk\ i^ 6ng bay ay an n^y. Chung pat nang kbra y-u L«5 se6"ff hid-ay tat IvvS tshay tsh6"?. Ni s^iymg^k'ii^cbik tak ki id, ? Gwa bay ay chut het^h tshay. Ngo ' m pi tak kom \h, h^ Hd, 16 bo^yh chut Iwa tshay. Hd, ni pi ki t6. o^i^ E hoe laiig hwdt tshit ko gin. K'u/at^^^at k6 ngan ts'in ch'nt h'ii. Tshid-ay so"a tshin tshSe y6w. Ni ti'ti sin shap fun y^arf sai.^ ^ '^ Tsheang tshid-ay cheet ydw. ffs^dm sui ni tik. -^-^ Tshid-dy ho kho"^. Ni tik hb t'ai. ^ Gwan tshdog bay kena hidfi,y s6o. Ngb tik cliung_pat nang tsb ^kin sz*. ^>w ^* ^ Saou k'h6 tshid-^y te too se. Shdjh^^iii' tik chi Q.hii mong. Uu E tdk go^yh 00 hva tshay kang tshfi''?. K'ii mtii'iit tak ki t^kung ts'in. /^: Tshdy b6 Sim hd. 'M hai shap fun hb.^^ K'hwa^ k'h^; u-" khwafe k'h^, teup a koo QllLk^^s. Fai^laiJ ' m hai; nl ' m tak tb^ ;; - '^ Tshid 4y pang u™ p^ys. Nf lai'pan 'm p'ing. A^ L^ bo^yh te s^ Wh tshftn. Ni ki shi lu lok shiin.^-^ ^kJi, ht^ "-^^^ E choc so&y ta l^h. K'ii tsoi pin ch'ii ii^kii. ^ . E ka te khea do chbo. K'ii chii tsz' ki ke ok. i E seang seang p'hah u™ ke''K to a. K'ii sh^ung shi ' m kin tfl.tsai.5'* An n^y k'hah hd. Tsuu tsoi k^m chingho. /^- v,,c. .. ,. /P-*Vi.^ i. ^iv u 52 ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. He looks like his brother. Rupa-nya saputi sauda- ra nya. It is none the worse for Bukan-nya rosak subab that. itu. His children have their Diya banyak bri hati a- ownway, nak-nya. / He says he is not willing. Kata-nya diya t'a handak. He cares for nobody. Diya tidak paduli-kan orang. I should rather have the Sahaya lebih suka yang other. lain itu. It is a pretty good one. Sadang baik-nya ini. That is a pretty child. Auak itu bagus. I am not qaite ready. Sadikit lagi, sahaya bu- iih sadid. He deserves a good flogg- Patut diya kuna pukul ing. banyak. He knows what he is a- Diya taha apa diya buat. bout. It grows better and better. Biir-tambah tarabah lagi baik-nya. 1 amof adiflFerentopinion. Fikir-an sahaya lain deri itu. It grows worse and worse. Alakin kurang baik-nya. I don't want any thing Sahaya tidak mahu suruh more of you. buat apa lagi. Tlii^ind is not very com- Ini macbamjarangdapat. tnon. Thettts none of your bu- Bukan angkau punya siness. kurja itu. ^KTiich of them is most to Siapa yang lebih salah- blame ? nya? I am taller than you. Sahaya tinggi deri angkau. No, I am the tallest. Tidak,saha*y»yangtinggi. This tree appears to be Kupa-nya pukok ini ma- dying, hu mati. It is better than it was Lebih baik ini deripada before. dahulu. SJ^i lit rflj^H^ St ^ <^z mm 53 MOK KEEN COLLOQUIAL. E 'Xy bin mSou chin tsheo"? e 'ky u" he''a. u"" se yin ^wuy hid-^y k'hah u" h6. E ky say ke^i ka tS tshbo h. E kong u™ k'lian. E u" wiiy s"a ra^"2h i&nnr. Gwa l^ng k'h<5 ae hid-fty k'hSh ho. Tshid-&y k'hah h<5. Hid ky sky ke^S sey^B tsho hd. Gwd boey cbdng pecn. E kae tang p'hah. E tshae ka (e tsh6 Ay soo. Na kdo na ho. Gwi ^ soo u" seo t&ng. Wat koo vvat u™ ho. T»a gwa u"" ae le koh tshd gwa ky soo. Tshid-ay yeo"R hwuy seS,ng. Hid&y hd kwan \6 &y soo. Tshuy a k'hSh 60 tslioey. GwdkMiSh kw&n le. u^^ se, gwa k'hah kwan. Tshid-4y chew chin tshe6"g boilyh s6. P6 tie san k'h&h hd. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. K'u kd mm hau ts'z' k'ii k^ hing tai. /±i *M hai yati kom 'm hb. ^ \ii'L>y)w"^ ^ "" K'ii ts'ung t&ai nu. /^ A^-t ^ K'ii wd k'ii 'm hang. A-"^ K'ii * ra p'4 yan./^s" Ng6 k^ajig' chung i t\k kb. Nt Vh ^ ho. ' ^!^ ^' Ni kb sal man tsai hb hdn^ -/kt^ Ng6 mi tak ts'ai pi; a> K'ii yiug chang'ta.' c^" /!UA K'Q chi tsz' k{ k6 sz'- >Cl^ Shlshfkahd. Ngbk^J kin 'mt'ting. Xr- .iitat'mhd. Ngo ' m id ni tsd mat yi t'ira. Ni yeung ' m hai sha^'-ftih p'ing sh6ung. i^ y/"^ Ko tik 'm kixAfllni k6 sz'.^^- Pin kbjchr* ra cheuk, •hi Ngd kang kb kwd ni. ^ *M hai, n<;6 kang kd. Ki I'i^ fchu hb ts'x' iii\siSV ^ Kang \\h \.\\6 kau^sht. ^ 54 ENGLrSH. MALAY. This is just like the olher. Sama jujra ini diingnn »L yani; lain itn. *^ CMINKSE p "^^""'"^'fEj^^Si^ It is all the better for be- Siibab lauia- ing old. baik. ^^ Come qui(k, here is a Muriiaka^^,adaularbasar. ^Sh ^OX t|4/^^ ^—L^JL^ I will think of it. Nanti dahalu sahaya fikir. - ^A^^I^^T^Bd^ I have heard nothing of it. Satu pun sahaya t'ada ^^fp-jil^i^ P3 M dungar deri itu, *^yU^V ^ P^/^^ I see no difference be- SaJiaya I'a lihiit apa lain- rffX 1^ >6lll^l4^ iLf/— */ tlifc .ween then.. „,a. MX^MW.)fZZ^m This is the only one I Ini satu sahaja ada siima ^^ffT'^jfEJyfer ilj/ v have. sahaya. ^jXiT®! Il Wu That is no easy matter. Itu bukan gampang, yjR^&~7v J@i>f"T"JTf What is the matter with Apa ki5«a-nya ini ? ^ this ? ><£:, Have you any more? Ada-kah lagi siima ang- >/-f^>(^^^l^X>^ kau ? I" 8 t=t F^ Will this kind suit you ? Ini raacham angkau suka ? Irp^^l^ R-^ 7^ ^ ^^ I have no more. * T'ada lagi sunia sahaya. ^JiAi^aiJJlb^^^H^ | You have spoiled it; Aniikau sndah rosak-kan >V / 7~| -fjofi— *^ •sakali. /3\ C« ^i^X-^ 1 am not acquainted with Sahaya t'a kanal siima ^^Xl^^\if /til iT^-tO— ^1^ i,in,. diya. ^3^1t!iyW^5HS What is the date of his Apa hcjrat sural kirim- _g_/|^r:i/i i-t letter? an-nya itu ? ^%|Ff '^"^ >. m6^ I can do that with ease. Sanang sahaya bulih buat -+f^'Mj^ BP/S^''>^ itu. ^iXiBl^^Aif^/C^ Ihavethoughtsoallalong. Siang siang sahaya fikir JB'|hl^^ytj*'^^-S->4^tI it '^>f*ff ©nee there was a house Dahulu ada rum here. Don't leave the door open. Jangan di-biar-kan tiir- //ity^ Bfl /J HS bnka pintu ^ ^f » ^ ^^WA Do you want this any Mahu pakei lagilamaini .' '^r/jr'nir^-^5. llF x^ Ion -er? i^ \f^i:^K l^U X=i 1 bave been stung by a Sahaya sudah di-sangat 34/ ^?^lP~S^$!^^T wasp. tabuan. ^ - IZ^4>r>»'^ * ^^J llecareslittleaboutdress. Diya tidak paduli pakei baik baik. wr^^mmi <^^^^ /«-*>>.' 66 HOKKEKN COLLOQUIAL. CJANTON dOLLOQUlAL. Tshid-&y kap hid-ay tshe"a seo t^ng;. Ni kb^t'ung na kb yat yeung^ fifi Ltr Tsiiew se koo, yea k'iia:> hd. Tsau hai kau^, ching ho./.V, k^^i^Z i^ ^ii^ <^M~ i^ K'hwae l&e, tshid-ay uy 60 tshitbo^y IwS ch>va. Fai loi, ni ch'u yau^t'iii tdf sbd^. T'hae g.\vd soo ne6"S. N Gwa k'ho"a e t^ng bd koU yeo"?. Ngb km m6 (jttn^pit. ^ '^ GwA tok tok 60 tshid-ay na te"a. Ngb.tuk yau ni yat kb. ^^ Hid&y soo b6 heXh k'hwae tshi. ^ kin sz' ' in hai yung i f^ ^A Tshid &y s^a soo an n^y. Ni tij^ wai'mat sz' kdn. '^ ^*'^-«- L6 yaou 60 bA. Ni chung yaUj^mo'. 5-^ Tshiy yeo"s t^ng I^ 6 u™ . Ni }^ung" chun^ ni k6 i m^ '?'"^ Gudydoubdd. Ngb nib IW.^'^ IVhid-Ay nil«*gh !e p'hah u"» hd, Nt ching \varlt6^ f Giva kap e u"» seo bat. Ngb ' m shik k'u. ^^^ E ay p'hay s"a m^°fih s6 tshSyh sed. K'ii k6 shii sun ki shi s^'kiv^^ Tshid-Sy gwa k'hwae \>\\h. Ko tik ngoJ'iMso tak. Gwa se^ng s^ to se an n6y se6"&. Ngo hating loi i^ bai kbra sdang. P^ .*>i^ Tae san 60 tshit kan cb6o te tsbid-&y uy. Kau' shi yau y^i* M." !^ *soi ni ch'd, u™ t'hang laou moot"? bd koi^a. M«^ ta. hoI mun. A^ L6 yaoii afe koh yung tshid-ay m|ngh. Ne.chung^oTni tik mdi-H^ Gwa hoe wooing p'hang t^ng teoh. Ngb pj^ wdng fung tfng^ch^uk. / "^ Ese u"» a6 t"4 p5n &y lang. K'ii 'm tdff chun cheuk. j^ ^A^..> ^y^. 56 ENGLISH, MALAY. CHINESE. He is always well dressed. Sa-lalu diya pakei chan- tik. This hoase wants repair- Rumah ini minta baik'i. ing. He gets drunk every day. Diya mabuk sa-hari hari. I don't know much abont Sahaya t*a tahu itu baik it. baik. That I ean't think of do- Sa kali kali sahaya t'a ing:. mahu buat. Which of these is it best Yansj mana baik sahaya to take ? amhil ini ? Those are better made Buai'an itu baik deri ini. than these. Whose business is it to Siapa punya bhagi-an see to this ? kiirja ini ? What makes this horse Apa kiina kuda ini buat do so ? bagitu ? Do as you think best. Buat lah bagimana fikir- au patut. Ton ought to have done Putut angkau boat ini this before. dahuln. I have seen nothing of Lama sahaya t'a lihatsu- him lately. ma diya. That is all wron^ ; begin Itu samoa s^^lah ; buat sa- again. mula. It is too loose J tie it tight- Banyuk longgar ; ikat {&- er. rik tarik. » ' < He thinks about it just Sama fikir-an-nya dfin- as you do. pan angkau. I shall be more careful Liin kali sahaya bulih next time. ingat baik baik. This is good for the tooth Ini ubat sakit gigi. ache. These hens are not full Ayam ini balum habis bit- grown, sar-nya. It is past four o'clock. Pukul ampat lalu. It is halfpast four o'clock. A'?a pukul tiingah lima. Go and get this mended. Piirgi suruh baik'i ini. #0 Bwm flHC- • 6l^- )>i^ /mv 57 HOK KEEX COLLOQUIAL E seang s^ t"a pan k'h^ ho kh6"a. Tshay choo ae sew tsh6ng. E jit jit tshe4h tsh^w tshuy. Gwa b6 sIm tshae hid-dy soo- Hid-dy soo gwa Idng b6 se6"K k'hh tslib- Gwd bo^yh t'hdyh (e tshid-ay k'h&h ho, Hid-dy p^ tshid-ay tsho k'h&h hd. Tiihiiy d kae ]6 tshid-iy soo. Tshid-^y b6y s^a soo an n6y. Tshekou 1^ seo»B hap tshb, tshew tshd. Tshid-fiy soo le tae san tshew te^h tsh6. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. K'ii^sh^ung shi V^pia^ tak hh./t^" Ni kin ok 16 sau chingf t^^L^"- i^^S^^TU'^ K 'ii yat yat tp yam^rii) A^ K6 tun sz*^ngd *m #chi. ii /t^ K6 tun 32'ngb..ts'ung 'm s6ungftsb'^ ie.^-. Nim p^ yat k6 kang hb' >t^ K6 tik ching tak kang hb kwo ni tik. t^ Mat shui kot h' n{ kin'szV -h^ A Wai mat y^ n{ chek ma k^tn y^ung. <^^ Ni s6ung''tim y6ung^ hb, tsau kbm y^ung Ni sh^ung sin ying koi ts^ j^d ni kfn saVM^^ Tshay kwuy jit gwa tshdng bd kho"a kfe»K e. Kan y it ng6 ts^ingr^^'m k^n k'ii. A« Tshid-ay long tshdng u™ hd, kdh tsh6ng t'haou Kb tik yat ts'ung 'in ch6uk, hi shau tsb tshb. K'hah k hd"a, \h pak k'bah k/n. E yed se le say se6"S. aou kwiiy gwa k'hSh lew sim. Tshid-dy te chuy k'h^ t'he"a. Tshid-&y kay twa boey kaou getib. Sb te6m tsheng ko^y leaoii. T»a s6 te6m p6"a tsheng. Tshid-ay t'h^yh k'hfe hoe l&ng p6e. T'aiYdim)6ng;kan'tik. A yt^ti-^^ K'ii ^^q hai'nt kdm s6ung/ ^k^ Tai t p^ti" ngb kang tsz' sai.'' i^ ^"^ I r>, .. k-. ^chi^ga t^ung; ^^ Ni tik k^ mi tb tau^ /^' Sz' titacjiung kjffi^IiaJb t^ Sz' tjfra ji6a chango ^ ni'u pdVan ni tiko ^ ^- 56 ENGLISH. The sun sets an the west. Who set this clock a-go- inanyak barta How much is this worth ? He denies that be did it. 'Jft-'^ 9=f ^ W mmm'sm Brapa patwl barga ini ? vXi^ iM^^'^ :=^ He confesses thai be did it. Is this the one y0« want? I can't keep up with you. He is said to be rich. How many are there, in all? Carry it this side up. There is too little to be of any use. 1 shall {TO to-morrow or next day^ Which of these do you prefer ? It became .so of itself. He has been a great tra- vel fer. They hate each other. England is at war with China. They don't live together. Diya tidak-kan diy abiiat. ^ | Jr\ 'i^\Z\ Diyamaug.afcudiyab,.at ^^gg, ^^^ In^kah diya yang angltau ^^"{f/^^^^f- Sahaya I'a bulih ikut bag^i tu cbapat. Kabar-nya konua diya /Cm yfef'S* "^^ kaya. rUi R Ada brapa ini, samoa ? B.iU baik angkat, jangan ^]^^^±^^ Kapa'iang-an sabaja ini. h '^^li J[\ Q^ rHT/^ Vans; mana angkan suka >f|;j| ini ? " -'* Diya miia-jadi sindiri ba- B inyak nuj?ri diya sudah AM f~~*^ ^=-^-m _ m^A Di'oran? birr binchi bin 4m .y^^hBf^ jalau'i. chi-an. -pg A^-tt* Inesrris ada bur-prang •vt'^r ~9v dunsan Ciiina. ^*^ A^ ^ V Diya tidak tinggal sa'ru- mah. W^ They are our neighbors. Di'orancrsa'karapungdvin- ''^H'-^£-S-^Jrr|^^ /I gan kita. ^ "^ >^W^yCiI^^/ > (ft 99 HOK-KKEN COLLOQUIAL, Jit Idh sae pCS. Tshuy d chbng tshid-&y s6 sin tsheng ke"&. £ Ay sim k&»^4 yit teofi hwat tsh6°K. Koe kaou kS hid tshe&h te. E oo h\-S p^o. Tshid-dy tat tshfe"« IvrS tshay. E u"> jin oo t^5hb iiid-ay soo. E j!n 60 tsho bid-ay soa. Tshay se l€ sdy ae yea u" se. Gvra bay 5y kaou 16 ao n^y heSh k'hw^e. E 00 hwat tsh^^g ky me"^ se^a. Long tshong 60 IvvS tshay. Tsheant? tsliid-fty tsl)«6««« bin k'b6"3L tsha6"« t'h^yh k'h^. K'hSh tsheo b6 kaou yung. Min a tshSe hek Sou jit gwA bo^yb k'bi. Te tshid-ay k'hah l^ng U h. Seyng tsheng se an n^y- "C//;1 Tshid-ay lang te ta ]6h \6ng tsbdng bat kaou. E no 14(1 g seo wan hwun. T»a &ng na6 kok kap teung kok seo t'hue. £ tshcah ay l&ng b6 tsho p6o twa, 16 tsheah ^y lang se gwa &y choc pe»*. ^ CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Yat t'au lok sai pin; u^ Mat shui ching^ni k^.shi shan chung ban^..^ ^ K'ii k6 sam s^ung tak f6'kwai^ ^ "^^ ^ / lb chek kau h'u ngad kb chek cha. 'j^ K'ii yau ki to ngan. -^ <-- Ni tik cbik tak ki to ts'i'u. ->»*- K'ii wA k'tt mo tsb* A^ K'u ying k'u yau ts6 Uu. -^ ^^ Ni yat kb hai ni iu k6 mfi^tt «-»- £t. Ngb 'in tak ni kbm fai."^ a- K'a yau f6^kwai*k€ ming. /i-o Yat ts'ung yau ki to. H^ung ni pin sb^ung nim h'ii. ^^ Til sh{d, 'm ytwg tak.y^^ Ngb ming yat, wak bau yat h'iL kian. Pinuh-nya sampei mii- lempah. Tidak bulih di-harap lagi diya hidup. Di-romah kita tarlalu ban- yak tikus. B&lum sampei umur-nya. Adatkita tidor siang siang. Ada-kah apa apa guna- nya ini? Kiirja itu raiing-hilang- kan wiiktu. Siima sahaya tidak apa lain-nya. Ada-kah jadi korma di- niigri ini ? Deri nugri mana datang afyun ? Bulih-kah dapat kuntang disini ? Changkul ini sanang pa- kei deri ita. CHINESE. ^^ISfeMCB) M^jm ^m^ -vmB n MS T 61 HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. Le lew-ken tsh^ng chut bo'y. Tshid-dy le che"atshit k'hek k<5o laekhd'»d tshit ko^y. Tshid-ay uy tshtiy kaou Sm Sy chim. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Ni ke HutWhsWat iSl.ngi mi ts'astg. rv^ Noi pat noi t'ai ba ni tik. z4^ taP}t^^ Ni ch'u yau n^Jiavp'^ kora sham shoij E tek khak 60 je tshap gwa hofey. No"4 t'h^e 60 k'ha bAk chim. Hid-Sy tshuy 60 l^ng gwa chim. Tshb p^o se seo"g kirn. E twa t^ tuy bin hd k'hea k'h^. E seng ii*" k'han h5y ye6h. Tshit t"a Ian tsheah &y. Sees le"? laou chut Ue. E bay ay lit k'hah hd, Gwa ch6o ISe tshln se neaou ch6. E nfe"R bo£y kaou chwa boo. Gwan tsheah ay l^ng ae tsha k'hwun. Tshid-ay 60 yung b6. B6 eng t'bang kaou heah kdo. Gwabay jIn tit te tshid-ay se. Tshid-ay tay hong 60 b6 hwa ko chew bd. A p'he^n than te ta lae. Tshid-dy uy 5o ho Ian tsh^ b6. Tshid-ay t'h6 t'haou k'hah h<5 yung hid-ay. 0^3^ K'ii £ij yau'i^shap surhi'^t'au. m ti^^ Yau keuk ngan kbm sham pan."^ /^ K'fl ch'ii shui sham kwo lii k6 t'au.^^ ^"*^^^ yat t^'uii»^hai cbi kam k^. K'ii tsoi ho ra& pin chii^ £t, Xshang t'aik'u 'm hang'lok yduk. ^^ Yau yat t4mjing kbm to t^. M(in kwi^t'ao lauch'ut loi. <^ K'u'mtakhd'im.*^ Ngo tik tf ok m 16 shu/;^. K'iin|n ki'i^t4C ' Ng6 ti^ kw^n tsb'jon; ^ Nt tik yau yung ke mb^'^^^ / P, . K'u yprig FdrfS^yat tsz' fai ts^ k'ii. / Ngb ' m (un, tak k'ii hoi. Ni ch'ii yaujud fa kwoTshii md. "-^ , A- p'i^n ^au pin ch'ii loi. Nt ch'ii yau hd-Jan.shii mb. - L^ Ni pa'^ts'o^t'au kang h6 shai kw<^ nf pa> /^^ ^*2 ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. She is a handsome woman Parampuan itu chantik. Hang this up. Gantung-kan ini. There is nothing to hang T 'ada tampat bulih di- it on. gautmif!^. It is up hill all the way. Jalan-nya mun-daki bu kit sahaja. How thick the mosqui- Nyamok ini banyak s m- toes are ! g;it ! Can you cure this ^ Tuih-kah sambuh-kan i- ni? Tbat hat is old fashioned. Chapiau itu macham da- hiilu kala. One of the spoons is miss- Siinduk kurang satu. ing. y He is a great gambler. Diya kwat biir-judi. Have you found yonr Sudah dapat siinduk-uui spoon? itu? How much will this bold T Brapa bulih nraat ini ? Hold this horse a moment. Pagan. Le boejh sM me"sh sd tsho k'h6. Lan tsheah ay laiig k^«g e p'hti^a. E bay k'b6 twa t'han. Le t'h^yh ta k'hfe. E kin a jit bdsim song k'hvvae. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. K'ii haijbp y^un^kd nii yan. X^ Kwa^hi nL tik. ^^ ^ Mb ch'o'ho kwa. /^ Yat hi hii lib to hai shdung shan I^, Ai a n{ t-ai/W t^ niaji. / . / Ni ilf i ni y^ung^ping ni^./ Kb km mo'liai ku. M'kd. Yat chek^shz kang 'm km l#. ^/'^^ K'Q hai lan\to^ke yan. Ni wan cheuk ni'ke shi kans: rnfan^' N^ ko chdng tak ki lb. Hin chii ni chek mi yat chan, ^ Tsoi ch'ong tai hA. 4»-^ /t^ Mi'kau pdn^ts'in. a. Ngb tik m^ mai''li&. ^ Mat shui k^ 'ra ho ts'oi. ^^ Ngb 'm chi tak ti'm ydung ts^ hb- Ni' ki shi hoi shau. '>— Ngb tik pi k'iiUjngJi^ shau k6uk. K'u mai tak^aryairri?s. H^/^^^- ^- ^'^ /^^;:z^. Ni niri»k'ii lai tsb M mat y6. * K'u kani yat yau shiti shid ping. A^ 64 ENGLISH. MALAY. Turn it bottom upwards. Taliintang-kan ini. CHINESE. amz < Don't let it barn ; stir it. Jangan hangas ; Icacliau- i^iAi^X J3l---;5H -/A* ilU t h-fr We have only enough for Ada chukup siima kita ~ft . t L ytt* ^^Jt f^ Pfl ourselves. sahaja. pif j^l . R XJ^ pj ^^ J | J Sell it for what it will Sa-brapabulihlaku, jual- "TC^^^^^J ^"^^--V Turn it up side down. Tiarap-kan ini. Turn it inside out. Balik-kan dalam-nya ka- ^^^)]]^{0 fetch. He is used to it. lah. ^i 'MrtD^>^>^, Diya sudah biasa dalam /lfn«|@''i{fri |t-(/ This coffee is not burnt Kahwa ini kurang goring. |o^SPdip35^-Tt-'^^fe^^^@.^^S enough. '^^S^^^ ^ >nV/>C l^^>^ How much does it all a- Brapa jadihitnng-nyasa- kI^^_B-::^^/^|^ mount to ? moa ita ? ^-^ I K2& f^^^^^ I will help you all I can. Sahaya bulih tulung sa- T4#.il^-^ft' ~rf RtI'Vw bulih bulih. 31k /L t jJ Give him two thirds of it. Tiga bhagi-an kasih diya ^I^ 4m ^ >^^Z/^ ' This is made exactly to Buat-an ini ba^ei di-hati. Irl/ iJ/ ^/& r ll >^^Sl~fc my mind. Mlj WCI^JLEl^P Pf >E I want a little more. Sahaya raahu lebih sadi- TJ#*^r~^J^UL I^cl #|>v 1 don't want quite so, Sahaya raahu kurang sa- 14/, Jfv much. dikit. *XKi^^ I don't want so much. Sahaya t'a mahu sa-ban- yak itu. I have taken great pains Diingan susah susah sa- ■witb this. haya buat ini. #-«-# it-it- _i_^ " ' ' ' — ^ ^ ^— - They have come for their Di'orang datang minta ^fir^d&X A ImT* I ^^ f |H^ pay. upah-nya yT. W^y^^y^-^^)^ ^ Wi He is careful of his horse. ^. Diya jaga kada nya baik ^t!i/J^JU^ggHS: %\\\i He is able to undersell US. Diya bulih jual murahde- -iW ry. J^> =^^ ^^ >i^§:^S^i I Consider this matter well. Fikir-kan ini baik baik. 'RW ^f' Ir ^ ^ ( ^a It doesn't seem so to me. Imat sahaya bukan bagi- — - - tu. - Empty this box. Kosong-kan pSti ini. %%mwm. n\ ^^*fxS 65 HOK KEEN COLLOQUIAL Pin tay ko^y lae. Pan bin koey lie. Pan lae bin chut lae. Tsheep t&hecp la, u* t'hang hoe e h66y seo. Gvvan tsheah &y lang too too kaou yiing. u™ lun key tshco, bay k'h6. E kwkn se an n6y. Tshid-ay ko-fe cba boey t'haoa. Lonj; tshoiig Ivva tshSy. Gwi bo^yh tshln lat tshan 1^. S°a hwiin hoe e no hwun. Tshid-^y lsh6 lae tshin hap gwa fe soo. Gwa hvvlin a^ teup a. Gw4 u™ ^e hgah tshSy, tshed teup L Gwa u™ ae hsah tshay. Gwa yung hva tw5 sim lAt tsho tshid-ay. E he&h ay lang lae t'h^yh karg tsh^"?. E 16 w sim tsheaou koe e-ky b^y. E p6 gwan bay k'hah pan gS. L^w sim se6"S tshid-&y soo. Gwd u™ seo°8 se an n^y. Tsheang tsbid-ay seo»6 k'h6 po^a k'hang. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. l^a^'chUn tai sh^ungf'loi. 4*' To chUn k'u. Fan M min' ch'ut loi. McSj^ k'u nung ; kajfi hi k'ii. Ngd tik tuk yau'kau'ts^ kl k^ ytirtg^ >/ A^iKi to, lb &ft raai k'ft. K'u kwan kom yeung. Ni tik ka-fi mi sh^u tak t'au. Yat ts'ung hai ki t6. Ngd tsun lik gdn^ ni. Pi sim fun i^kw<5 k'u. Ni tik tsb tak shap fnn hop ngb u Ngb f6'tjk_to_t^m. Ngb *ra shai td'kau'kdm th. Ng6'rai'iikbm*tb. Ng6 yung^^ hd tb sam ki t&d ni tik» K'ii tik loi atbitii kung ts'tn. K'u t^i ku k'ii chek ma hb. K'ii mil tak kang p'ing kwo ngd tik. H6 hb s^ung ni kin S2*. Ng6 kin k'ii 'm hai k6ra yeung, Ptin hung ni ko seung. m ENGLISH MALAY. CHINESE. This must be well looked Ini patut dijaga baik- ilJ/ i|/ ^Bf >Iv iY ~tE'H\ to. baik V^fJu'^^^4^^U>^^ Lookout, or vou '11 get Insrat baik baik, nan ti kii- ^^dft") ra ir^A^-fr>//L .^V -/J Lookout, or you '11 get Ingat baik baik, nanti kii- ^S^ |§ *v hurt na apa apa. ^f^ l>^>'| •^i'i This table is war ped. Mojainisudah liingkong. Jp /^ ^^&^|^ upporthirn- Bagimana dapat ka-hi- y/V 'f X^YFtT"^^ rt dup-an nya ? uiif F I HI ^ M ^Kv How does he s sell? dup-an-ny Translate this in to Malay. Salin-kan ini dalam bha- jJ^ iH/^H^SSUBP!^^ th saMalayu. Wl^P:ft#"i^^^ They are "SOi allofaslae. Samoa-nya sama basar- nya. That is^all idle talk. Itututurtahi lll^± It has all come to nothing. Itu sudah jadichumaohu- ^.^^ ^^~f^/^^£QX^ fiAst ma sahaja. M^S^m/J^ J^'WJ He is a middle aged man. Ittu orang tiingah umur. '|'|T|~^p:^ M-l ^^'I^ /\^ He owes more than he is Hutang-nya lebih deri yflJk/^^ ll ■4^^^^!!^^~jb/^h^ - 1.-^ -:Aforth. harta-nya. ^V^^S^^'^^^^ ^ >V^ The greater part of them Ka-banyak'an yangbaik- are good. nya. You don't come to* the T 'a kiina jawab. point. i Ic is not paid lor. Harga-nya balum lagi tiir-bayar. , .^ , ^_^ Send me word how it is. Kirim kabar-nya suma. AvS /V iy|_BLi ^5-^^-*-tf>' sahaya. ^ tt H I Jh-S ^ To-morrow is payday, Esuk Raluar gaji. pH VA "^r" iji > ^wT^ B This is better than no- Beripada tidak, jadi-lah »Ll/ ri^-/#!^~^A-^ilf / ±^^1^^ •^i^^* >ti* m thing. ini. When does it beeoraedue.? Bila janji di-bayar? >Ba He is making money fast. Diya banyak dapat ^".Am j/W1^>^— It— * l~f~l^ tung. vSi^ W7vM4 Don't putitoff any longer. Jangan biir-tang^guh tang- y l~lf 411-^3 guh lagi. ^^ "J - ^1 ^ They have exchanged Di'orang sudah biir-tukar ^^^i"^i^~ "R"^ra tl horses. kuda. J/ tH^^ R ^>a> v»^ ' It is a pity to lose all Sayang hilang panat sa- |-|l jhifc K^^ i^ ^=v4*^^^ .X — ^ this trouble. ; whos) 'one? haja. apa I ini? At whose expense is this Siapa punya balanja buat "Sflp M-l /&a ^pC\ if- / 07 HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. Tshid-&y pit teoh seaou sim k'ho"a k^c. Kin sin; u«> ki'n sin, 1^ pit sew seang. Tshid-ay toh k'heaou t'han. E an tsho"a t'han tshe>-^ <^ *^^ K'ii hai chung nin k6 yan. K'ii ke t^» muk fc^ kvvd ^BSJ*, id< Tai pdn^hai hb kd. Ni '#ls^J«i>g^Ulichung2 / Mt yau k«bi ka. Shai_ yan wi ngo chi tun y^ung. Ming yat hai ch'ut leung k6 yat k'l. Ni kb hd kvvo tnb» Kfi shii^^wan. K'u ii kam chan'ho to ngan. it M(* tsoi>SJ€lai. ^^^^^tM^ K'ii tik 6n'# md. Hb sik fai^^'kbm ih sam ku Mat sbni ch'ut ts'in tsb ni kin sz:'. 68 ENGLISH. It is expensivelivinghere. I will see to it presently. His pronunciation is bad. It is well worth the trou- ble. It is not worth the trou- ble. How is it that they are so dear? 1 will send for it. MALAY. Banyak basarbalanja di- sini. Nanti sabuntar lagi saha- ya buat. Bunyi pur-kata-an-nya '- telor. Guna-nyabasar dcripada ^ snsah-nya. 1^ Basar susah-nya deripa- da guna-nya. Apa siibab jadi bagitu -j^ nialial ? V— CHINESE. mz.^^%^^^^ mm^A^m Nanti sahaya suruh da- tang ambil. It is good as far as it goes. Bulk juga, 'tapi t'a chu Bunuh lipas itu. ^?T^5l^ * Oranij handak sumbilih lurnbu. Kapal kita mahu singgah di-Rlan.. I am tired of pine-apples. Sahaya sudah jamu ma- kan nanas. Kill that Gockroach, They are going to kill a- cow. We are to touch at Riau. ,>ts^ I have a bad memory. Sahaya sa-lalu pii-lupa. re "What are you doing now- a-days? I am a stranger here. Don't be discouraged. His trial takes place to- day. What use do you make of this ? He is an excellent man. I mustchange my clothes. I said so only in jest. Whose fault is it ? Apa ada piin-chari-an sa- karang ? Sahaya orang dagang di- ,sini. Janganjddi tawar hati. Ini hari '^i-buka bichara- nya. Apa guna-nya ini ? ^m m #^ fkMiiMM Baik-nyabukankapalang. ^jflj^j^-j^^fe^ K Sahaya mahu tukar pa- ."^fX >/ -pigr I .. kei-an. Sahaya kata itu buat buat main sahaja. Siapa punya salah ? (m^ ti**"* ,^^' » ..„**'*''* HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. Twa tshid-ay uy hwiiy yun tshe"a. Yin tsWd-ay teoh bwd u"* se p'hah sd'g. Yin-tshid-fty te'oh bwa se p'bih sd°8. S^a soo heSlh kw&Q k6y. Gwd bo^yh sae l&ng lie t'httyb. Ho, tok bocy kaou gedh. P'hah s^ hid-ay ka tshwSh. He&h &y I^ng bo^yh t'b&e g6o. Gw'An bo^yh jip Le-a cbe"4 p'h6'«a l^t-iy» Ong lae gvva tshe^h yea leaou. Gw a u" ho k^ sey"g. L6 t"a jit jit tsho s"a mft^sh s6o. Gwd tsh6 taou tshd^ lang k'heyb. u"" t'hang sit tsh^. E kin i jit sew si'm-. Le yung tshid-dy ts'hd S"a m^sh. E tshiu tshSe se bd l&ng. Gwd teoh o^a s°a. Gva tshid-iy w5 put kb se kdng cheb. Se tsbuy a u™ te^h. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Tsoi ni cb'u'chu'shai yung tH. /vo Ngd.tsau loi t'ai k'u. ui K'ii kf^g; wi^'m ching^ a^ $hair Un kbm tiifl^Jd^tp hai tai^k^. $hau K|i k6ui t6^^J5, 'm \^~ ^ai mat sz' kom:kwai^ v'C'Ngbkitf;yanlail<5.'^^L l^ ■'J^- Hd tan tuk mt kaa. Ti sz*^ chek^kat.chit. K'ii tik t6 Von^ngau. Ng6tikt$.malM^Li.b. 4- -^x A^^^'^/x-tt-' Ngb yak inTUa fiirlo. /6/R Ngb 'm hb krsjng> Nt ii kam yat yat ts6 uiat y^. Ng5 tsoi ni ch*ii tsb hak.4»*^ Milk Vuf shuk. (1.1a 1 1? ^ K'u kam yat shau sb^m^ Ni yung ni tik tsb mat y^» K'u hai shap fun hd. yan. Ngb lu dn sham. Ng6 k6m kdag pat kvrd bai kdng stii ch6v Mat shui k^ tsui. T© ENGLISH. Let it be just as it is. Is this house to ]«t ? Is this gun loaded ? MALAY. CHINESE. Biar-kan sapurti yang hit 1^ ft^'-V adaini. O^J ^^^^ Ini rumah scwa-an ? Ir *, JE^ /-H ^^fe^^xON Ini snapang ada biir-isi ? jj; j^^^j^ y^^^^ He looks as if he were a Riipa-nya bngei orang =^^JJaI\A Wintty^ ti This coin doesn't pass Ini macham here. ku disini '^^"^ " " )^i:fmti^z^ How do you pronounce Chuba bunyi-kan pur-ka- |[- />fcT^^ |t# this word ? ta-an ini. >^U | "J "T^tlir Mix these two together. Champur kadua-nya ini. -JBh iH^ y^kJ^Wl/^ Do you remember how it Ada-kah ingat bagimana V^'m^^H ~H~^-^ht /— r ^ ' was? itu? l3CflitiL::^3cMlBj They say he is married. Orang kata diya sudah / ^ft'/Alf h3 ^S^ T kahwin. /ywLxyiLx^'j^ J ^^ Save this for to-morrow. Ini simpan-kan esuk. 3E)| |\ ifcr ^^^MH Pf "/^ IjJ How do you sell these? Brapa mahu jual ini ? Ip /^^* rSl 1^3 She is economical. Diya imat balanja-nya. jt ♦">&' HJl rfl t/^ Tfw' Can you spare me one? Bulih bha^i-kan satu sii- >/JL"^^-^m? ttHi^tH Tn^~^r* He is an opium eater. Diya pu-madat. dflJ-©^-''^^?© L"* >^ A He has spent all his mo- Wang-nya tadalagi. *■ ^— * --- — ' - - ney. © How do you say that m Bagimana kataituchara -l-A. rtfPn4i>5»h-l-»^=i- #. » - Mala,' Malayu? M^^wW^W^ Have you any work for Ada-kah satu me, sir ? kiirja, tuan ? apa apa ^^ pf ;^X^^ (.^ He has the fever and ague. Diya dumam kura. >llit>BrKl&/^^»&^^--V That is a first rate one- Itu-lah kapala sakali. ^B? S ^ ^^ . -^T -X^ This cock is no match for A yam ini bukan padan i Lf/-^^ A^ "^f^ "7^ -^if;* 'that. dunganitu. i^^^A^/K^wC These cocks are well Iniayamsamapadan-nya. |Ll/ :^^^ — IT" /V H^fc HA* matched. IRj ^UA^yTW^ n eOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. Tsheaou an n6y hSy. Tshid-^y chbo 60 soSy lang boey, Tshid-Sj ch^ng 00 jip yeoh h6. Kho^i e chin tshe6»g Boo-git lang. Tsh6 taon b6 sae hid-4y tsh6°s. Tshid-&y s"a ni^°Kh je. Tshiy no ke'^ k'h^ seo tsham. L^ 5y kfe tit an t?fh6°a y'ioH u«. Ling kong c 60 chwa bde leaon. Sin tsbid'&y laou hSy min a tshie yung. Tshiy s°a in^'5h k6y tsh^«?. E se tsheet yung ky hoo-jin. L6 ay neo°5 tshil-ay hoe gwa bd. E se tshedh a p'hein iy ling. E &y tsh^°K long tshdng sio leiou. Boo-lae-yew wa an tsh6"i kdng. ^o kang hoc t'hang hoe gwd tshb bd. S6oko"& jwahay pey°s. Tshid-ly yit t6ng hd. Tshid-&y kay khah soo hid-iy kay. Tshay no 5ly se seo tuy tek ay kay. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Jf aii tak k'i khm y^ung. Ni kdn 6k^ch'ut yanTm^ ^/?J, <^w ^' en/tA' . ■Vi^c- Nfham chjeung. yap M y6uk mlaogv 'i->^ T'ai k'u^^l*^yat ko Md-gi yaa. Ni ch'ii 'm shai kbm y6ung ke ts'fn. Ni ko mat yh tsz'.'' L6ung y^ung k'au^wan Vii. NI U'tak k*a ttm y6ung. ^ Yan wd k'ii tsji* Itji \h p6^^%, ^ ) .u/^U^ ^i^L^^^ ,J[iau ch'ut ni tik raing yat. N« tik id k{ t5 ka ts'in. K'tt hai^fcln^^ke uU yan. Ni g^^t^ yat k5 kwd ngd m^f «/ K'ii hafr^shikiL p'£n^kie yan. K'ii shai'sai'^k'ti k6 ngan. 4 Ma-ljbjfrft^ tira iva. Hv*^ -t -v SJ6^ t'au yau kung fil pi ngd tsb md. n^ K'ajitUngfatit. Kb tik tai yat hb. id, -tuk ,L^Ld.U Ni chek kai kung 'm tdng tak no chck. Ni l^uug chek kai kung shap fun s6ttng tui. " 95 EXGXrSH. MALAY. CHINESE. Gockfighting is mean and Munyabnng ho hina lag! cruel. bungis. a-|v 57E ( Here is a dose of physic. Nah, ubat sakallmakan. |b''-]& ^^^fl^K That is contrary to law. Ito larang^an. 3J 4^Bl~7v^^^/t He is a well bred man. Itu orang bhasa baik. Ah l-j^lD^.^^T/^ A^ Don't swallow the stones. Jangan tSlan biji-nya. ^yTt'^S^ikt^ He is an ill bred fellow. Itu orang bhasa kasar. Mi -S-^tt lljSi']V^ ^^ Is this pure silver T Perak baik ini ?• Ir ^-&*\^^'^ft^^Fv He is a very bad man. B'akan lagi jfihat-nya. A^ i _B^-^^ rS '~/^ /t He has a broken arm. Tangan-nyasadahpatah. "Wiy^^ *^ ~l JTT I He has pat his wrist out S-undi lungan-nya sudah H ^^^X^ tlB vXBLBB lLI -^^fe " ^ of joint. .ursalah. ::fr^R^WPw W ill J Were you at the auction Anjjkau pur^i di-le!ong >j4r J^ CJ >&' /l-'tlV/fcfej^ to-day? inihari? l3^^ P ^ ^lXW>7j^ }t is a shame lo him. Itu satu malu siima diya. AjM A |r ^"TZ'U^ mf \ Y^^ He is ashamed of it, Diya main .subab itu. 4414 A it ^ ^ ^^^HB That was a great while Itu lama sudah. ago. You are mistaken. Salah fikir-ma ita. YaT' You have done wrong. Angkau sudah boat salah. ^/ftA~X^^^!^^ He is a Javanese, not a Bukan-nya orang Malayu, I don't sell on credit. Sahuya t'a maha jual bri ^B^^^~7^ttAfc iX^Jt\~i l>ri hutang. *tJ6,^ yi'^K^ Vi^^|jL|' He has cheated me out of Diya sudah tipu sahaya AVi ff« |^ ^ff^ ^^ >feH a dollar. sa'ringgit. ftji^ J *xJ6 '^S|PC He is left banded. Itu orang kidal. A dollar is the fixed price. Mali harga sa'ringgit. What are you v;aiti«g for ? Apa lagi di-nanti ? ■ 151 " ' HOK KEENf COLLOQUIAL CANTON COLLOQUIAL. r. T^ou kay se hay tsheen tshan jim fiy soo* ^^ kai hai shap fug bdUaag ^il^^^^ttfc-^JOfe^.v^^H^ r^ < Tshit t'heep ye(5ih, le tshe^h. Hid-ay soo gek h.\vat. E se b&n 1^ dy Jfing. Hwut u" t'haiij; t'hun. ' E se bd bClQ le ay l&Qg. Tshdy gin 60 tsheuk cheng L6. E tshin tshae p'lide"* dy ISng. E 60 tshit ch^w tsh^i^ leaou. E &y ch6\v bak kvvut de chut k'hOo leiou. Na, nj wlai y6uk. ^/4.^^^^ sz*'*m hop ^ / K'u hai lai »Qld k^ yan. M«k I'un wat. A K'ii hai rad lai ifi^ k^ yan. Ki tik hai tsiag ngan v)l%'^'>-<^ *^ a-«»-u K'ii bai shap fun ^n hb yan. K'ii yau yat chek shau chitttllh -r^ K'ii nau'ra4 1*6 k'ii k^ shau ngda kwat. i xsili^7i^ Kin d jit 16 60 k'h^ k'h6"a 14ng kdng lay -long b6. Kara yat h'u^t'a K'u tsd iv^vKto sz^siwrt tlalmin: E tsh6 b6 t'h^y been fiy soo. E yin wuy tshid-S,y soo tsh3e sedou liy. Hid-ay soo ko^y k*h6 kdo leaou. L6 an n^y seo°s cba leaou. L^ an n^y tshd u" te6b. E se Jaou-a ?&ng, a™ se Boo lae-yew. G\v4 ae been bdy ii" sea. E p'he^n gwa tshit ko !;5n. E se i^ae to ch^w &y Idng. Tshit ko g!n se sit k^y. L6 t^nii haou s^a m^°gh. K'u yan wai nd kin sz' kin s^j^^vki (m^ Ndkin sz'k\v6 !t6 hdnoi>^^ Ni s^ung'ts;^.'^ /trA Ni tsb 'm^cbeuk. K'ii hai Ja- \\ i yan, 'ra hai Ma-ld yAif JBL4ffPrtH~^ A pWakut. ivii:^j^i^jf^/\ Heisagoodnatiuedlook- Ayar niuka-nya manis. ^hjT*^g*//jJk_0^>/H^ ^^-^ K ingman. ^XjC^*^ ll!i7E!JllL:7f^ I have not* beeif well for Sa'bulan sudah t*a sadap ^fr^^yAt /^^fa ^ Q —V a month. ' ' badan sahaya. ^XX 'Pl R^^3% /J /^ This is not equal to the Ini t'a sama diingan itu Iri/ jC A>/tl? f ./t\. r^ other. baikdya. ^^^^ ' ^^ V^ Take which you please. Aiiibil yang mana suka. /AirJTf^ j^^ ^IjLj^^ TaVe.as many as you Ambil-lah brapa suka. 02 vA* ffP^>^:^^/^ I ^Ht/— JU please. "MiKfyivA^J^il^^ There is to be a, ni\ii hung lai hari ada orang ban J^ O >A| / it^ Pfl FFf to-day. ^ dak di-gantung. f M H >^>/|g 1^5] TV Which of these tvilUfear Yang mana ini bulib t^- YqI. '^Ef^T^^ fi3 loTigest? ban lama*?/ rjJ 3C ^J ^ V/T| I don't wanC this any Sahaya t'a niabu ini !agi. 5l/'~~?v -Sfr-S? IH^ longer. *X>S^ ^'Pf ^^i^L^ You know better than I. Anykanlebih tahu itu de- Come, let's take a dfive. iHari-lah kita bur-kreta /lA Uj jpTT H^ R ~ f^ ' You are certainly wrong. Sudah liintu fikir-an ang- "V *. kau itu salah. ^e on the look out for it. Lihat lihat-kan kalau da- •' He has been gone a great Lama sudah diya purgi. ^iHj—J—.'^yl T^. while. » / 5|5 ^rr-^'>i I Howmany can you spare? Brapa bulih bhagi-kan VyQf Hl^ —"^^^^ /^ sumasaliavaf -^»^_^^|^::^_j- I can't keep it out of ray Tur ingat-rinsat juga sa- mind. haya sa-lalu. .. -f^^ >» _^_|_ _t \A%. \ ' ' This coffee is not well Kahwa ini bSlum duduk If K^^lP IS t ^^ ^ rVlL Jfi^ settled. balk baik. I \a "^* f~t IV t~t t" ~^ He promised to come to- Janji-nyadatangini hari. •jfflr^^^^r^ LI V V It is better than it seems Baik-nya lebib deri rupa- -^;^j^ mj Ji\ Jxj^^ JaJ It seems to be better than Baik-nya kurang deri ru- —HLA^K^rrtf tt'^ W^ f/jj it is. pa-nya. >^ - ^ » /\^ 4 \ ^^ \ 4 You must leave off doing Jangan buat itu lagi. that. Who keeps iron for sale? Dimana tampat orang iu 2nE^^ hBsL hvi aibasi? ^ =J p^ Ri^W ^ iOK-KEEN COLLOQUiAL. CANTON COLLOQtJlX^, K'ii hai mp tarn k^ yan. Tai k'ii hai wanvf^aM^ke yan. E se bd l"a dy l^ng. Gvvd kh6"a e se wun jSvv &y 14ng. Gwd&y sin tshit ko gfi^yh k(5o um k'ii6''a w^b. Ngo pai{t{6yat ko iit kbm'noi, "^^ Tshid-&y b6 kaou bid sly be5h ho. Ni ko 'm t'ung tak ifekd. Tsheaou 16 siiy peen t'h^^ Ng6 'm tsof^u ni tik tti. ^(?^ Ni chi tak kang rai'ng pak kvvo ngb. Lai, ngb tik hVi f^bd'ra^ ch^. Ni pit hai 'm cbduk. T'ai chu k'u. K'u h'u^nidkau.' Ni yfeun^tak k{ to. kt'k'u, f^ Ngo pa'jfTi^ Ni tik ka-ft cha mi^k'ing./^^:^ K'iiwa kam yat lai. T'ai ft^in%,^m hb. E &y gwa bin b6 kaou lae bin ^y sit. E ay gwa bin k'hab ho lae bin ay sit. y^ K'ii ts'z' kok kang ho, L6 tek t'bak u™ t'hang an n6y koh tsbd. Ni pit 16 tun tsiit ko tik sz' kba. Tshuy a 60 i*iie'» ae bSy. Mat shui yau t'it miL 76 EISTGLISIT. MALAY. JDon't be so long about it. Jangan bagitu lama buat. >^Y "^M Bid you hear ttie bell ring? Ada angkau diingarbun- VrT* yi Inching? JL^ Are yon coming back a- Angkau nanti balik ka- >/ CHINi:SE. i.Ai J gain ? s-ini laiji? How much longer do you Brapa lama lagi mahu di- wantit? pakci? Get it done before I come Habis kan dahulu deri sa- back. hriya balik. He was taken sick on the Uiya dapat sakit di-jalan. way. This is very much like Hampir hampir ini sama the other. dungan itu. This is the one we had be- Ini-lah yang ada suma ki- fore. ta dahulu. . ^ ^i-iv* '^ You may take either of Ambil-lah dalam dua sa- J?v^wYm *^^/4t tlF rD/'^ .hem. kh .a.a. ^M V/ C I S Z^^ What else can it be for? M ana bulih lain guna-nya? S-E |^[ IrpBll RI ipT I am not it) want of it at Sahayatidak mahu itu sa- ::f/^XFf /I — iT^ ttft — J'^ present. • karanjr. ^^^^^"^ A^^'C^ ' "When do yon expect him ? Angkau kira bila diva da - ^/l -iM^-tf- /-Trr-+- A j - 1 bought this at auction. Sahaya bili ini dWelong. JB" P ti JtS* "^ ^^B |U//t^ Where shall we go ? Dimana baik kita purgi ? JR ' ^^^ /jTT nr| ;;^~n' Take your own time for it Biiat-Iah barang bila-pun \t /^rr+' /^^ -J^ This has been ot great Ini sudah banyak guna use to me. suma sahaya. I have done my best to Sahaya sudah chuba ajar teach him. diya sabulih bulih. Give each of these boys Kasih sa'orangbudak bu teach him. diya sabulih bulih. a plantain. dak ini sa biji p^san^^ ^^ Ih^^^^jT l^y/V' I want it made in this way Sahaya mahu suruh ang rit^'fflff' ,L|/4^ l-p'-'V kau buat bagim. " ^^^^^^)^/^ He told me all about it. Diya sudah brl tahu.stima » | .sahaya habis habis hal Xift Keep on just as you are Buat-lah jusasapartian?- tVI> t. > doing. kau ada buat sakaranu W/r ^ I won't have any thing to Sahaya t'a mahu champur rT[\ — ^ sa-kali kali dalam par- ^r)0y1^ kara itu. fS do with it. a^P 7^ CANTON COLLOOtriAk Mok ts6 kbm noi. EIOK KEEN COLLOQUIAL, L^ ■5"' t'hang tsbo heah kdo. L6 60 thena k^"g chcng tan b6. L6 boeyh tun lae u"". 1j6 ae key yung Iwa k6o,, Gwd boey ttin lac, 16 tek te(5h seen tsbb- E loe tsbe6"& tit pey.°&. Tshid-^y tshap hwuncbin tsbe6"g bid-ay. Tsbid-ay se gwan tsb^n jit s6y 60 ay. u'" lun an tsbo"a yeo"g, le t'bang t'h(tyh tshit-Ay. Ni niirtpln kb td ts6 tak. u™ se yin wuy an n^y, se yin wuy an tshona ye6"K. 'M hai, wai mat y^. Gwa been kirn u™ ae. Ngb ii kam *m id k'a. Le boSyh kh6»a e te s6 lae. Ni mong^k'u ki sbi loi.-rw^ Lang kong ley-long, gwa bay tsbid-^y m^^eh. Ng6 t'au t^'ni tik. Jcui/t^ Ni^nian cbun£b<5ung mi^^^v^ Ni ill fsLQ lai ni^.V*^ N^ ^iia^^/ifKy^oii-^feS ki k^». .>z-^ Ts6*uQ k'ti sj^n kvvd ngo fdu loi. K'ii tsoi lo sheung tak piang. Ni kb shat shau tsz' iwkd. Nt k6 tsaubai ngb tik sfn sbf ko kd. ^ L^n te td k'he tshena b<5. L^ kan peen k'be tsbb- Tsbid-^y 60 tSe ydw ek e gwa. Qtssk 00 tsbln lat ka e. Hoe sky kend tsbit lang tsbit le^p tsheo- Gvv^e tsbid-^y yeo^s tsbe^a bo. E Mng tshong kap gwd kong. Tsheaou an nfiy bd keng ^k k'hd tsbb. GwA u" ^e tshap hid-&y soo. Ngb tik b'u pin cb'u hb. Ni ki sbi tsd t^i bb. Stn shi ngb'ktn ni Vb sbat sbau bo^haif Ngb yJNJi^sun f<5ng fat kaii k'u. Pf ni tik sal man tsal yat yan yat chek cbiti. Ng6 lu k6m y^ung tso. K'u.tsuI^ ti kong'icwo ngd chi' Tsau hai kbm\6ung ts6 lok h'ii. Ngb 'ra fth;^ ko k{n sz. E^GLfSH. MALA.Y. CHINESE. Have you any objection Ada tampak apa apa yang to it ? t'a patot-nya ? Show me how you did it. Tunjiik siima sahaya ba- (jimanu an<;kuu bunt. I like this more and more. Makin lama, makin lebih sahaya snka iiii. 1 can't reach so high. Sahiya tidak bulih sain- ^{^^ pei bagitu tinjrjii. Did you hear him say so ? la-kah anuknu diingar di- va Jc a tu baoitu ? I have spoken to him a- Sahaya sudah biir-chakap bout it. suMia diya dcri hal itu. Be there exactly at the Itiiiat l)aik baikjansiansa- ~7V^ time. lah wiiktti sampeidisana. li ^'^':H/Ja^H^ '{^^Mi\ Don't get into a habit of Janv^an jadi biasa dulam doing so pii-kiirja an itu. He was to do it in a month. Dlyi^ janji handak buat- kan itu sa'bnian. He is fond of fine clothes. Diya banyak suka pakei- an yang ba^ns bagiis. "Will you make me a pen, Tuan tulunu-luh ran- sir? chung-kan kahun. Vkhom do the Chinese Gi-anu China miinyTwnbah j^I I ^^b^jj^BTt { ^ worship? *=un.asiapa? y'prf X VTj^Pp'T'H /^ If I can't see how it is done. Sahaya tidak miinir-arti ba(i di-buat-n>a. It is too late to do it now. Sudah lambat, t'a bulih buat sakarang. , . . , ^, , He had some, but has Ada suma dija dahulu, >/yY--iat|^^yjMri W^>/-W4fh^EL mr 5b4«f^«j?'J-« none. now. We have no room for it. sakarang t'uda T'adatampatyangkosong handak taruh itu. Have an eye to these coo- Buanir buang mata siima lies to-day. kuli itn, ini Imri.- 1 have no time for this^ Sahaya t'a sanang bulih novv. buat-kan itu sakaran;;. Feel this, how soft it U. Chuba rasa ini, bagimana luji;but-nya. 1 feel better to-day. Sahaya rasD badan sahaya adabaik sadikitini hari. It is dark ; we must feel Adaglap; patut di raba our way. jalan kita. Where shall I find him ? Dimana bulih da pat saha- ya chari siima diya ? ?i6 MmMt. \»\mW i 79 HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Tshid-gly soo le keo hd u™. Hoe gwa kho"a \6 an tsho"a tshb. Gwa na kdo na teng h tsiiid ay. Gwa ay chew chun bay hcSh kw^n. Le do the"a kd^e e an n6y kong bA. Gwa 60 tuy e kong Icaou. L6 yeak ky st, tek k'hak teoh te tit. Le u"« t'bang t'heSou t'heaou an ndy. E guan yeak tshit go^yh tshevv ho. E ke t^a pan chin chej°g. Che"a sin sey"g t'hey gwa seah tshit ke gd pit. Sin shang, ts'ing J:*ung ng^ p'ai yat chf pat. Chung ni Tni*^ Pi ng6 t'ix'ijhi li'm yeung tsb. Ng^ lit noi {it chung i ni tik. . Ng6 'm lo'tak kbm k^. Ni man k'ii kbm wa mb' ?^<- Ng6 t'ung k'ii kbng kwd kb ti/i sz' kon. Ching eiM«* kb chan shi, ni pitJttfcSBt^ /?' ^^ Mok kw^ni^k brn y6ung ts6^ ^ • y/t't- ^ i^^l^ yat k6 ut tsb^hi.' ^ K'ii hp^p'aivCh'eung. Gwa u*" bat an tsho"a. tshc"a hdi Tft"g lang ijae tshuy a. Tna t'bae hSn, bay tsh6 tit, E tshan jit 00, t6k t°a bd. Gwan bd te ta uy t'hang pang. Ngo *m hi'd tak lim y^ung tsb k4n ^p h'u.^u Gvv^ k'he^m \i Iwa tsbSy. N^o htm^nt kf io.-n^ Bd l&ng tshae e te fa iiy iae. Md yan chi k'ii hai p/ii ch'a lai k^. Tshid-&y sooi"g hwat, gwa t'hdk w&a leaou. Ng6 bok iin sun'^jat. L6 seang oo tshid^ay me"5h bo. N^ chung'^yau'ni ydung t3^^s^m6. <>yi V 92 ENGLISH. MALAY. I can't do it at this time Sahaya tidak bnlih buat of day. hai^ini hari. If you '11 go, I will. Kitui un«>kau pursi, sa- hiiya-ptiii bulih purui. I shall sjo, whether you do Anirk;Hi piiriri, t'a purgi, or not. salirtya purai jnya. I can't keep up with you. Saluiya t'a kwasa ikut ba- L'itii chSpat. His father set him up in B ipa-nya mum l»ri modal business m isuk pu-kurja-an. It i« well for you that you B tik jusa untun^; angkau staid. fid.ik pur<.'i. He is the worst man 1 Tiilak s-th lya t:»hn oransr know of. ^'4^ yanjr lel)ili jahatderidiya This is the only one lever Inisatu silnj i van*; sa- saw. hiya jsuHah lihat. It is high time for us to go. LSkas-Uh ! sndah (arl im- ^^ ^' ' |ian di-ri wuktti kita bur- b:i|ik. 1 can do nothing more for Sahaya tiduk biilih tulun<; you. nnyk'in lai.i. He does well for so small Jadi-lah itn, kiirna diya a boy. JTtlviiC Ik. ki^rhil la^i. This is a poor soil. Tanah ini kurano; baik biirtanam-an. I wish I had more of this Sah lya snka kolau ada kind. ' iai>i ini ntachrim. Help him to some rice. Tnlung-iah bri sadikit na- ^^^^ si .'^Ui»a diya. I never find. him at home. Tiduk purnuh sahaya da- ^"^ ^ " - y;. .,; '^ pat diya di-rumah. The doctor has bled him Tukanjr nbat sndah bnanu twice. z^^Uv/t d,irali-nya dita kali. He makes too JD0j;b of Diyn tarlalu banyak.opak that boy. t*<. rUi. a^-w hudak itn. I can make nothing of it. Sahaya tidak miing-arti ^ itu .^^akali. I don't know whai^ to Sahjya I ainm tahu pa- make of him. Ivurti-iiya. I make nothing on it. Salmya ii(l;»k dapat Un- /^Y?,t^ '^^^'v- tuns: deii hari:a itn. Don't soil that map., ^ Puta nii^ri itn jawgan ko- ' tor-kiui. He has gone out for the BLi^j^a sndah purgi diluar, a'n hid-&y tay le t6e. E chut k'he tihit jit \A\Z^'k oo ttin lae. N^b tsoi 'm gdn^^tuk lii. Man^ w a^kdni sai kd sai man tsai, tb sun tsb tak hb. Ni tarliai sau'tf. Nfid chung {.fr^yau kang to kdm y6un» k^ Sfeeaari.-v^^ ^i."I»«ia tik r^n^kwok'u.^ N^b ts'ung 'ni kin k'u tsoi Vk. i shangjon^i^ k-ii leung pin hiit. K u kwd tJUing^oi^ko ko sai man tsai. J^go t^jin^ ni niing j ak. N; b 'ni ( lii to k'u hui mat y^ yan g^aa* Ni lik ngd Hid chan^^ Wok ching^t^ »^ k (i^jvt'o* K'ii ch'ut htt44 yat yat chfng fan loi. 84 ENGLISH. I am now out of debt. Paper can be made out of straw. They live in high style. I can't do this alone. I s^e no objection to it. His horse ran away with him. ^ I am stjll of the same opinion. ' J ^^-^ I owe him for a day's V A- *-:u Wt'TK. ] liave paid off all my men. I h:u'e ordered one from Ben*J*. ^^ 83 HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. T»a gwa ay tsh^y hla cheng leaou. Ng6 u kam^wan^s^ing chdi^ft^ -O^ Tew chdou Sy tshi tit tshvva. W<5 ts'6 eSo^gf tak chi ch'ut. E hfeSh ay se chea hwa kft6y jit. K'ii tik^an ^k kw6 yat.-<^'' Gwd tshit l^n^ bay an n^y. Ngo yat yan 'm tsb tak ni k^n sz'. a> G\v^ kho^a b6 ta uy hwan pak. Ng6 kin mo yau pat^hop \i( E &y b6y lam f&m tshaou k'hd. K'Q k^ ma p'au l^li'u litt. Gwi dy k. soo seang se an n6y. Ng\chung hai kbm s^nng. Gwa k'hefem e tshit jit 4y kang tsh6°8. Ngoji^ k'a yat yat kung >«?ift. Gwa ay kang tsh^"? t'b^h k'li6 leiou, e ftng Nij;<> ^^ §ai\ung yan. -i^^ Gwa 60 kea to»a k'h& Bong-k&h-Id t'hayh tshit Ng<^ ||«Jfing^'u Mdng-ng4 la Id yat kb. ^r** -^ Teng hwa leao u. Tang sH ii^ ^^ Gwd tsba mSy"s long tshong Q™ hd k'hw&n. T^ man ngb ts'ang 'm ffln^tak. Gwk pkng hay hoe so"rt hid-la. Ngo lafAiu ngb k6 ii'che- ^^ E ay chbo kap gwd ^y mool^s tiiy bin. K'ii k6 ak tsoi ngo k6 tui mt'n. E se gaou ho"g key soo Sy hoo jin. K'ii hai shat shau' d'fli* ka k6 nu yan. Gwan tshit gd^yh lae bay ay k'hfe sin. Nub tik chi shfu ih id yat at t'im, chis^ h'ii tak. L§ tshid-S.y b^y p'hah k'h6 t'hae kin. Ni k6n tak ni chek md fai kwd t'au. Gwd 16 (shid-ay se bay tthb tit. Mb k'u ng6 'ni tso tak. Gwdn fa tshin lea^s l&e tshd. ^%,^'o^ tik pit^« A«. ^ /^ Gwd sea tshid-^y je tshe"a ii™ . N<>6 sd tak ni k6 tsz' cheuk m4<^^^J**^ '^ Ld t'hang p^yh p^|h tit e. Ni 'm shai ts'i'n tak Jii k'ii.' i E t'hit t'hd ay m fe^sh 16 u"^ t'hang t'hayh k'h^. Mok nim k'u K^ kd yd. w 86 ENGLrSII. MALAY. Come, let's se^\vlio is the M;5ri kita biir-kwat kwat stron'^est. y^ >a-<^» an. This rice is not well boiled. Nasi iui barati laui. I did'nt know that before. I am just goiUjj to shave. He outbid me. You have outdone me. I can outrun you. What is sneezing a sign of } ■ ■■> rC^ '^.o Dumb people talk by siuHfl. He made si^ns to me to keep still. fa. >^v*<* - J; ^^MM_ * L^- Sign this paper. /«,.. ' -,^-«' -^ , . Call at leasts twenty cjpo- lies. '■• '> ■- Is it s^^fc to keep money here ? It is'nt safe to live there. I will raise your wages next month. Begin where you left off. This is not the key j it doesn't fit. Don't i;kali ada susah. Ltin btilan sibava biiMh naik k tn 'jfaji ariL'kiiu. Mula-ituiitanj manaang- ka>i bilrhenti. Ini bukan kunchi-nya ; ti- dak sa'tuju. Jangan piir seani; luje. Tshid- dv t^ sin tsheng 60 k\\ uy ieqj k'heep. Ni ko shi shan chung yau tik wai^5tjitr^m^ \A choey gwa dy se ts!i5yh, '^wa b5 te ch6j. Ni' fanf n,'6 ka shi ngd in tsoi ka. E se ke"a pe6a tay k6\v ay lang. K'a fiiiiu iV'^^i hang kw6*''B& ti''k'au> Itk. 88 ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESI^. 'T" ^(y'it'%^ Can you find put how this Bulih-kah anskau chari is made ?' '*^-::r*<^'^ ''*^ ba^iinana akal oraug (, buatnni? He believes in signs. Dij a parchaya-kan ala- mat. Don't wake up the baby, Janjjan biiat ?adnh,nanti V < _ t ii r- k Sj ti t a n a k ad a tid o r . He is very particular a- Diya tidak niahii biar-kan bout that. sadikit-pun salah deri hal itn. Do the Malays manufac- Ada-kah orang Mala}U tunjclotli? ot^A>L buatkaiu? Is it offd, or even ? GSiiap-kah itu, atau gan- j'l ? This is not good ; it has a Ini tidak haik; ada cha- flaw in it. chat-nya. We have warm weather Disini panas sa-panjang all the year round. tahun. Arc you at wjj^jj: l)y the Angkau biir-gaji hari, a- day, or by the job^^^ ^ tau burmig ? There is no hope -bl' his Tidak bohh harap lagi di- getting well. ,. , y^ sumbuh. Do you know ^^hatisgood Tahu-kah apaubat salis- for a cold ? ■ •nia ? He is cousin to me by his Diya sa'pnpu sahaya sa'- mother's side\-! ^^ /„. / blah niak. How many kinds of Ada-brapa jSnis limau? oranges are there ? This is the one I told you Ini lah yang sahaya kata about, Ihe other day. itu hari. The more you do it, the Makin di buat,raakin ma- more vou niay. / , h»u What is the difference be-' Apa lain-nya ini diingan tween this and that? itu ? These boys look as if they Budak ini rupa-nya bur- were twills. kiimbar. Do you know any thing Tahu-kah sata apa deri about this? hal ini? Whatr have you been a- Apa sudah buat sa-lama bout, all this time? iui ? He has-run throujih all Harta-nya samoa sudah his property. -v^t.«.'X^ ^ habis There is not a good one Samoa ini sata-'pun tidak among them. baik. His income is a thousand Diya dapat sa'ribu ring- dollars a month. git sa'bulan. pi / / tt n 69 IIOK KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Tshid-^y in^n^h \i ay seo°gchut an tahond tshi'na N{ t^S>^ takjclieuk k'ii tim ygjpjl!^ fang, jilt i)d. ts6 k6 m^.O'v E sin chae t'haou K'li gjirTchiii^t'alt/ Q" t'hanji: p'hS,h chey"S say ke^d. Mok gj^M.s{n§^ kb kb sai man tsai. E t^h&i) hvvun lew siai tsh6 hid-ay soo. K'ii shat shau yung sam tso ko ken sz'. Boo-lae-yew l&ng do tshit pbe b6. Ma-la-yti y an chile pu^nirQ^^M- Se seang yea se t6"a. ^'ft<^ Sh6un^ting tafi. '^*>-^ Tshid-ay oo pit sAn u-" hd. Nf kb 'm hd, yau^^ cWvu A Tshid-&y so tshae t'he"g s6 tshooi"? n6"s se Ni ch'u chau nin to hai it t'in shi. jvvith. Lesesooi"5jittshokang, yti^seootshbookang. Nilun yat tsd kung, ting bai {fell kdngj. T^a gw4 b6 kh6°a e ay hd k'lie lae. 'M mdng'k'u tak hbc. •<^/^ L6 bat s"a mg^sh ye<5h te seang hong. Ni chi tjj^ sheiing fung mat y^ y^uk hd. n((, * -J. K4» (J^Ua /'' ENGLISH. Make the most of this ; there is no more. The Bugis are great chevv- ers of tobacco. How long is it before the dnrian season ? They are not on good terras with each other. Next week there is to be a great wedding. ,/ ^y^- , When you have done with it, bring it back. He is in the right, and they are in the wrong. I have made it as good t- as it was before. Take carjp, you'll upset the carriage. If you do so, what will people think ? He thinks a great deal of his horses. He thinks nothing of get- ting dead drunk. There are not more than fifty at most. MALAY. Imat imat-kan ini ; t'ada lagi. Orang Bugis kwat makan timbakau. Brapa lama lagi musim durian } Diya tidak biir-baik satu suma lain. Jiimaat datang ada kah- win bSsar. Habis pakei, bawa pulang ka-sini. CHINESE. Diyabatul, di orang salah. Ytjl J^ftjfe jf^^ J^ Sahayasudah pulang-kan S^(^ "f^^i^^^P^S bharu. > ^ _^| E' -^izT /Xtlpfc* nuat baik baik, tiir-balik/jNj|j^^^^_p^>jJ|j|[^ (M o /, You can't take your pick ; ■"J ^^*^^' take them as they come. Look these over, and pick out the bad ones. Shall I come to-night, or in the morning ? He is deeply in debt, and likely to fail. " '^^^ .^/ 1 am near sighted. * This is not good for you ; don't eat it. As long as you do so, you will be sick. He is now very rich, but was once poor. What shall 1 do with it? I kreta. Kalau angkau huat bagi tu, apa nanti fikir-an Diya banyak suka-kan "^^ \ yj]^ tl **^V ^ ^Ci> Sa banyak banyak-nyati- '^ 1^. /v5H|-^~f^ (^ dak dapat lebih deri li- -H.^yyl^/tSt // . I ^ j-r . i — jr^lz^ J-rt; |_|j —V Lihatinisamoa,pilihyang ^ff^l|pj ItK >i\^J 39? Qj tT^ t'abaik-nya. W /tJ.>^UXP >^^ /^^i^V HM ^V-r Sahaya datang ini patang- Diya sudah sarat dungan Am ^T "7^ f^ H 1 W>H T$ll hutang, hampir jatuh. ^^^ ^^ M gry2^ JS^ Mata sahaya kabur, ma- - V/^/T TfiBnU ( A'X'^ ^ hu lihal dakat. -^yUXJir/lVU^VV ^ M ^y^^ Diya tarlalu kaya, (a.api ^|h;^^W^tE'^>0i dahulp diya miskin. Apa mahu suruh sahaya Liiat dungan ini? PI Ahh\ m 91 frOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Tsliln tsbi(l-&y yung: ydoa bdeyh koh bd. ^Tsun tf'tso'; t;^ md l«t Bdo-git 14ng g&ou tshedh Jaou-a hwun. Bu-gi yan hb\tsiA*shuk 5QW:a*jai?. -iW -iU^^ L6 na yung u", sfty s^ twa tooi-'g l&e. N{ shai'tin, nim Jj4fl.loL A E tedh, e heSh dy u"" te(5h. K'ii^cb^uk, k'u W\ 'm ^h^uk, Gwa 60 seang koey hvvfta tshe^a, hwftn tshe«>a. Ngo chint On fi^ijtf^kau shi fe^"*i^-pi:M^^*— 7" Say je, say je ; ke'-a bey chea td leiou. Siui'sam, hdag^p'Jl'ma qI^^^Im^ Ld na an n6y ke"&, lang boeyh an tshonA Ni y^dk k6ra y6ung ts5 yan yan tt'ni y€ung se6»K le. s^nng. -i»»^ E tshap hwun kho"a kbe e 4y b€y. K'ii shap fun chung i k'ttiffift^i. ^ E tsh6w tshi!fy put te theen tay. K'ii 'm p'a yam^'tsui.'' -^ri. Ke e tshSy bA koey goe tshotp. Chi^tfl, pat kwd 'ng shap. L6 utnt'hang kan, suy ch6w t'h^yh k*h&. Ni 'ra kan tak, tsui*shajajiing.^£^ Tshid-ay 16 kho"aj 60 u™ hok^n chut lae* Yat ts'ung t'ai kwd nt tik, 'm hb k6 k^B '""'^^^ ch'ut loi. Gwa tc^h m6y"& hool"? lAe y2a min d tsha. Ng6 kaiB^an'lai, yik wik ming t^^" ^ I, ^.^^ E k'heem Mng tsh^y tsh3y chin tshe6»g to te^ra K'ii jmn^yan hb t6chii*>^M * I — :t aboutthis '•»y».d<^"halpark„r»ini.;j^3fitj^,gr^^ /^Ipl He IS the most polite man Tidak sahaya taha oranR yangbaik. ^1^>^_I^^J^__^ | »| '|-| lam acquainted with, hadibbasa-njaderidija. ^fK^I^a Ft ttr a^ M-l4Jf|_BL Gan 1 do any thing to help T'ada-kah satu apa saha- ^- - -^* - - - - It-^^'^tr rb. you ya bulih bu}»t tulunsj suma angkau ? The morel see of him, the Sa-Iaui sahaya bur-l;anal less 1 like him. kanul-an dungan diya, makiD/0fl all at once. miiriam sariimbak sa'kali m We have it still on hand. Ada lagi dangan-an \\n sania sahaya >tlW T"*"^ "jlLT I W/ ^ \~\ J - j orang sampei sakarang. ^^ I P J ' ■"' - J^M ' pJ ^Vy He is SO stupid, he will ne- Satu-pun diya tidak bnlih -frP — "s::* />-?- :2rA -|- A. V^/^ — iF^./VB biir-ajar, siibab bod oh- nya. ^^ It is a fine thing to have Tarlalu bagus kalau ada plenty of nioiiey. banyak wang. I can't go now ; it rains ; Sahaya tidak bnlih purgi sakarang ; besides, I'm busy. hojan •, lagi-pun tidak sanang. ver learn any thin^. Be doesn't manage his bu- Diyat'ada paduli-kan kur- y/jjj jc/tj: "j^T ^ -Ift /^'jj^'j^ sinesswell. ja-nva baik baikj^ IIBT/Jt'^^ ^^ "V ^ r5 "^^ Th€re is not more than two thirds as Tidak lebih dua bhagi-an 4 XQUch as there was before. tiga bhagi-an dahala. HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Gwan boSyh k'hea b^y k'hSh ho, k6"a loe k'hSh N;b tik^ ma h'u, ting hai hang 16 h'u h5. 'hA. Le ay heaon tslib tshay kang k!io6y bay. Ni hm tak tso ni y6ung kung lu mijy 'h^'^'^**-' ke^ hid-ay gin, na sit loe, M tshew gwd t'hoj Kfkd tik ngan/^i shat/liii ^ai ngb' shi^ man." Gvva yung s°a m^^sh k'h^ tsh6. Ngb pi mat y6 lai tsb k'u./w^--w Tshid-ay chbo k'he leaou je tshap n^^s. Ni katLUl? Wfiiit i shap nfn. k^fy^-y^f^ hcl^^ Le uni I'hang kea e h6ah tshay gin. N{ 'tn .J.*ok , tak k'ii kcim to ngan. Gvva kap e fty e soo seo"s tshid-ay soo u™ t^ng. Ng6 kung k'ii k6 rkijj 'm t'ung. ^ Gwa seo bat &y lang e se seang bfin le, .Ngb s eung shik k6 yan, k'ii hai chf yau lai, L6 60 s°a m^nsh t'hang hoe gwd tshb. Ngb gdiig tak ni m^.^^ E hid-&y lang \vk kdo gwa nk u*" ae. Ngo iit fai Ut 'ra chung i k'Q. Gwd peng b6 g6 kaou e. Ngo ts'ung m^k'ii. Tshid-fiy yung pho^a Itiaou ; te^h OnS sin Sy. Ni tik shai kau 1^ pit 6i^saja k6.U^ L6 eng kae k'hah k'hwny ay uy p'h6"a te°5. Ni^koi p'au hai tik. ^ L6 nS u"* tsha ban gwa, gwd boeyh le^h le Niyj6iik.'ra tsb wdn ng6 ngd pitjChai ni yap k'h6 k'hoo. kam* L6 kd a6 yung u)5. Ni chan m k'ii, ''^ ''"-^^ E heah dy yk tshay pang leaou goe tshap K'ii tik j_at.^ts'ai shiu/li6 'ng shapjibm MS^ mooi°? twS cheng. ^M.^ '^ T"a sedng te. ii kam chung*hai ni ch'ii. E se ham ban ; ti!v h5ng b3y hedou tft. K'ii kbra tun^k'ii i^j^^^l^ hok tak mat yd 60 gin tsbSy se hd. Yau ngan to hai h6. Tna l^h hoe, gwa bSy ay k'h^ ; gwa yaou 60 soo. ii kam lok u ; ngb *m h'u tak, ngo yaJJ E pan soo u™ hd. K'ii mo jl^ho''pan'*sz'^ P6 tshin jit s^a hwun, tsh£°ci 00 no hwiin. ^yv^^ t^kwd sin shi sdm ftfn 1. z 94 ENGLISH. Nothing can be raised on this land without manure. 1 shall be ready by the time you are. 1 have been offered a thou- sand dollars for it. There are several kinds of plantains.- I have more tlxan 1 know what to do with, 1/^ / It always has been so, and -^ always will be. MALAY. Tidak balih jadi satu apa tanam-an di tanah ini, kalau tidak baja. Sahaya nanti sadia sama sama angkau. Sarihu rinujiitsudahoranf!; niahu hiiiinisiima sahaya. Ada macham m'acham pi- sanij. Ada siima sahaya lebih de- ri yan^ sahaya pakei. Sa ialii sndali ha^itu, nan- ti sa-laluj>agitu juga. CHINESE. This kind is apt to break. Jni macham lakas patah. He is so sick that he can't Piinyakit yanjjbagitii kras live long. t'a lama bidup-n^a. This kind of wood is so heavj that it Ini janis kayo suhab brat-nva bulili sinks in waten tangglam dalam ajar. This ship has been four Kapal ioisudahampatka- voyages to England. li piirgi niigri Inggris. I have been all over town sahaya »adah pnrgi kalilidg pasar after flannel. chari kab panas. He was covered with mud, Diva sudah tiir-pSrchik from head to fodt. lumpur dcri kaki sam- pci kapala. I am not afraid to trust Sahaya bulih parchaya him. siima diya. There is nobody to blame T'acli orang lain yang punya salah but yourself. «">. ""alaln-kan angkau juga. I have been there many Sahaya karap piirgi ka- a time- sana. "We must take up with Kita pakei juga yang ma- what we can get. na^bulih dapat. . That boy has got the up- Biidak itu tidak padnli- Li4r'*M^ per hand of his father. kaf» hiikum bapa-nya. Makesoreofthis,AvKateverTiinty-kan iuidahulu, ilu becomes of the other. barang apa jadi-nya. He is always in naischief. Diyasa-lalu buatchilaka. It woy't keep more than Tidak bulih di-simpan le- a day or two. bih deri sa'hari dua hari. Do this to-morrow morn- Buat iili mula mula esuk ing the first thing. ' pagi.' 1 carry this cane to keep Sahaya bawa tongkat ini off the dogs. subabhalau-kanrfnjing. m'^mmm (mat it^T^-mta-- H m^^i^it (Z.% m HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Tshid dy tay b6 pwdiy bay hwat. Ni tat ti mo Hlri; m^^ii^shang tak, ''>»-*'^'^>^ . Le na chbn? peen gvva yea pisen. Ni ts'ai pt, ko shi ngo to ts'ai pi, ^^l Tshid ay m^"gh 60 l^ng chut gwa tshit chan Yau tik jh' l^W^ yat ts'in ngan, ngo^inhang, /?v-.^^ gin. Tsheo 60 kvvtiy tsh6ng. Chiu yau ki y^ung. <^^^ Gvva 00 tsheah ay, yung bay ay leaou. Ngb yau kom to, 'm yung tak sai" Tshdn se an n^y, isheang lae yiid se an n^y. Yat Ijjpljai kbm yeung, ts'eung loi yau hai koni yeung. ,,<^^ Tshay yeo"? k'hvvae phd"a. Ni yi^ung i ian. E ay pey"S tang, w^h bo kdo ledou, K'ii piang tak kbm chung' k'ii pat nang shang tak Iwka. h^ ^v-^* Tshid-ay chd ay le6m tshdy. Ni y6ung rank korachung^cbi to ts'am shui. » Tshid-ay tsbiin 00 k'h^ Eng-keet-le kok sh Ni cbek shiin h'ii kw5 Ying-kat-li kwok kvTuy. sz' shui. Gwd 60 peen se"a, choey yti6"S m6 pbe. N/y ^ Toicurs gushed out like rain. This is worth V great deal more than it cost. I pray you to come quick- ly- He is a late riser. He gets up by day break. He ^eta up before day break. He gets up before sunrise You must leaj;n this by heart. /el 41^^-^ -'-'■■ Ask him ; he knows all about it. Of all I)ad things, that is the worst. Can you get me one like that? What is there to delay this longer. u* % MALAY. Sahaya chari ramu-an, di- ya chari tukang. Jangan salah-kan siima diya ; diya sudah buat sa-buiih biilih. Kurja kita sudah bur-lam- bat-an. Sia pa-pun baik kata bagi- tu, sahaya t'a parchaya. Kalau roakan janis btiah "'oi, ada-kah iiiun-jadi pi^akit ? Bagini panya ktfrja diya tidak bnlih bnat baik b-aik t'lidaakal-nya. Biar-kan duhulu, di-tam- pat yang ada ini. Biar-lah diya buat ; diya t'ada apa lain kurja. Ada chondong sadikit ba- tul-kan. Patut murah harga ini, ta- tapi sudah dibili ban- yak mahal. Ayer mata biir-panchar sepcrti hujan. Bisar LMina-nya ini deri hartja-nya. Minta tuan lakas datang. Adat-nya ban^un tinggi^ hiiri. Adat-nya bangun trang tanah. Adat-nya bangun dini hari. Adat-nya bangun sa-!ja- lum mata hari turbit. Bacha ini baik baik, sam- peijangan Inpa lai;i. Tanya suma diya; diya tahu itu baik baik. !Di-antara sagala pa-kurja-an jahat, itu-lah kapala jahat. Bulih-kah chari siima sah a ya satu bagitu macham ? Apa-tah lagi yang di-pur- lambat ini. CHI?^'ESE. f HOK-KEf^N COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Gwd chut clia leaou, e chut kang tsh^ns. N,'6 ch'at^s'oi lii'O k'ii ch'ul kuug^^lfct-. u'" t'han^: me y"= e, e oo tshin tsh^ng tshb. Mok chaS k'ii, k'ii tsun Ilk tso 16k. Gwan ^y kang klio^y tshb k'hfe ban. Ngb tik ke kun^ fd ch'i mdn> u'» iDn sna nie"Sh lan^; kong, tshay gwd u*» sin. Mat shui \va, nga t^i 'in sun. Tshiday koey tshe tshii^h laug ho ii'n . Ni tik kvvd tsz,' yau \\kmo . Km k'ii ^6 k'ii v^'^^Si^tfK.^z^ ^i-^-^ ^4 _ k'ii i^ Hid-ay li-oh a sea, k'h^ ke^h e tshe°a. JTs'c^s'e tik, ^hu^diini'k'u. Siiy Q"' tdt t.^he^s, bdy Ids tsh^^J tshSy. Nl tik 'm chik tak Hi to, tan mai hiu hb tb ts'in. LHou bak chae chin tshe5"S l^h hoc. Lu lok.^ii^ii.* Tshay u"» nS heah ay tsh^"S, hwan oo k'hah key. N{ tik 'ra chichik kbtn to ts'in, chik tak hb to t'lm. Chena-tshnn key k'hwae lae. Ts'iiig R^^J^4i4i:kLJih /;Av^ /*wC ^^^^^ ^^ E s6 o"a k'h6 ay lang. t K'ii hai hj'Jii^shan k^ yan. E knan s^ t'he"5 kooi"" tshew k'he !^e. K'u kv\an]/jn ^j^l^fc^kxvg hi shan. E kwan se jh boey chut tshew k'he la-^. K'ii kwan t'/n na^ s,kK^\>i:a^§ In, shan. E kwan se t'hc"S boey kooi"? tshew k*h6 lae. K'ii kwan/hi shanysW^^ it t'au ch*ut. ^^^^ L6 tshid-ay t'hdk kaou ay Icem tit. Ni pi't id tuk to^mm tak ch'ut. Mooi"fJ c; e long tshong tshae. Man k'u k'u chi ib &A\} ^ ^^ u'" bb k6 tcurig, hid-ay oo k'hah ii™ h<5. K6 km hai ta/ yat 'm hb ke sz'. ^ L6 ay t'h^y gwa choey tshit-ay chin tsheo"S Ni t^*ng^ wan tak yat kb kb n vj|3Nl^ k6 hid-ay. m^. '^yX^ S^a soo kbh yeSn wan, (\f^l^^^'Ef3'"2ti3. <^^ '-h^^^t^^/y^ -^ Jt^e^^ ^.^ -^w. A a ' 98 ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. I can't do two things at Sahaya tidak bulih buat once. dua parkara sa'kali. Nobody thinks so but you. T 'ada orang yang fikir bagitu ma- lainkan angkau sabaja. I can do it as well as not. Satu-apa t'ada susah sa- haya buat ini. I advise you to accept his offer. What is the market price of beef? They live from hand to mouth. I go to see him now and then. I long to see a little rain. He is too strong for you. I leave that for you to do. Singapore is a free port. It must be done somehow or other. You may do it any how. It is hardly worth while. He has no right to it. What right have you to this land ? When was he to bring it ? Let's do it at a venture. Keep it to yourself. V44. V^'^ Have you gained or Igsi by it ? ^-^- • '^ ^"^^ If you'll doit, I'll bear all the blame. - You *Il neVer get it done at this rate. Pada bicbara sahaya, bafcan balib ta- rima tawar-an-nya itu I Brapa harga daging liim- bu dipasar ? Di'orang dapat pagi makan pagi, pa- tang makan pataog. Ada sabaya purgi bar-jnmpah dun- gan diya sa'kali sa'kali. Sahaya tarlalu suka ka- lau ada sadikit hujan. Angkau tidak bulih nia- nang siima diya. Sahaya tinggal-kan itu angkau punya bhagi-an buat. Di-Singapura t'ada bayar chukei dagang-an. Mahu-lah di-buat itu ba- gimana yang bulih. Bagimana-pun baik, buat- lah. Sahaya kira lebih baik jangan. Tidak patut itu diya pun- ya. Apa tanda tanah ini ang- kau punya ? Biia diya janji mahu ba- wa itu .'* Mari kita buat ini untung tauukal. Jangan p&chah-kan babar ini. Ada untung-kah, rngi- kah? Kalau angkau buat, apa yang datang sahaya bulih langgung. Kalau bagitu lambat, ti- dak 'kan babis. ^fe "JSP AC* ma)ii,m%mjs,t. 99 HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Gwa tshit sin bay tshd tit no kc°a soo. Ngd yat shan 'fl[j^^^ {ak )(\y^ U.^^ y^^ /t*^^^^_^-^ Bo lang: chin tslie6°g an n6y s^6"s, tdk J6 Mb yan kiUB yeung seung, tok hafni.' Gw4 boeyh tshd tshid-dy, e j6 hwan tsheang. Ng6 ts5 tak miTjAt^^^nan ch'ii* Gwa k'hook"? le tc^h t'ban e. Ngb hjjr? nl ying^hiHg k'ii. Heen tshae che tsh€5»K gdo bah tshit kin Iwa Ngau yuk ii kam mal mat ye ka ts'ia. tshay tsh6"&. E beah iy tshln kho"^ cb6w le t'htiLn tshe^h. K'ii tik shau \^ hau shik. i^ h^i-p^ li^iLE^ kau ng6 b'ji^t^^ha k'a Ngb shap fun seungflok tik u.' K'ii lik ta.r*, ni 'ra tOUS ^^ ^'ii chii. ^i^^ M K.b kin sx' ngd y^ung'kwo ni tsb. Sun-chau-Ai mb kwdn siiir' liiL- ^ Tfrn y^ung tg hd, ts'ung id tsb hi k'u. Ni ti'm y^ung tsd to bd. *M bom tsb. *^ A^yu-^y' qS^^ /jU^^y^ ^ 7' Gwa 00 s^ a ISe k'b^ t'bkm k'b6"k e* Gwa sIm ae l^h kwuy leep h5e. E ay lat twrt, \k t6ng boy tiiaoa. Hid-^y soo gwa neo"? 16 k'h^ tshb. Sin-tsbew-b6o bo tshew kay. u» liin an tsbb^a, le tek k'hak Ktb\\ tshd. Jim 16 an tslo^a k'hfe tshb. An n6y tsho sb ke p'hah sd"8kang. Tshcaou tay e b6 tshid-^y m^"i?h, /U^k *M ying hai k'ii k^. L6 yin s"a m^^sh yin pe"? oo tshid-ay ch^n. E yeak te s6 t'h^yh lae. Lae, lan lae bdng chfe kh6"a. Le u™ t'hang kap pat lang kbng. Tshid-ld 16 t'ban tsh6°? yifa s6 se^* pun. Le na k'ban tshb, 6o soo gwa p6 nif^a. Le &n n6y tshb bd &k t'hang ho. '/H ii^ Kbm y6ung, Bi^-€feiil>fe''m ts6 tak^«hi^/^ u^ Nl Xiia yin" yau ni tat ti. y K'ii tUrf.ting^ki shi nim loi. ^■^-A.^ Jgp, ngb lik tevt^^k$^ts^i^/4^ 4^"^ (^^ Mok p< iM^yan chi. Aw Ni tik ni chan"\ts'in ting^shit pdQ,'>*-t- N t I^Jians tso'', ngb tam t^&«tgL43f ^-^^^^ .10» ENGLISH. WALAY. C11L\ESE. n^^i^^ ^'%. ii/.y jryOU want to get it done, Sahaya iWak bulih kata sakarang, >/; v.'V'T^ you must SticVtiOLJl; ' - nantisahajamaha likirdahulu. Thijt boy ha,s been well Biidak iiu inasuk di-ajar. brought np'. I can't tell you now; I Salmja tidak bulih kata sakarang, " ^f y /V — W^ '^\^ f\ ' X/" '^l\ T/ must take time to pliuk. l naatl sahaja mahufikirdahulu. ^jCiit yA^ H^ |X» yXr^TX^^l^i af^iF^itT;^^ His wound is healed. Sumboh'lah laka-nva B- I am going to have this Kain ini sahaya mah clothmadenpintojackcts. ruh buat bajusam ITyou lose by it, I will Kalau angkau rujii dalam make up your loss. ini, sahaya bulih bayar. Her complexion was.a Warna-nya putih kuning. light yellow. Come, makeup your mind Lakas-lah, tuntu-k what you'll do. huti-mu apa mah Make out your bill, and Tulis-kan bil-nyaitu,nan- I '11 pay you. ti sahaya bayar. It inaj be better for a short time, but Baik jtiga satn'iilara iui, tatapi t'a bu- ■ not in Ihe lonjc rxxa- lih tiiigpral lama. buk. Runnin;; separately in all Masinm: masin^ ber-lari- dircctious. an kasana kamari. Thelontrervou keep wine, • • • .• VlTtf H i T >'/l HSTP FltrrT/%L " - ^ ' var aug«:ur,makin jadi {V^ mj /VifmjW* flfT the better it-^s. u..i ^ fV=^^l^^y>^!/P^j\^^y^4 When it is done, 1 will let you know. Sver since I came herC^ Saimmjak sahaya datang ka-raari 1 have b;eu unwell. hari hari dangan sakit sahlija. The hearts of the pe(»ple Clicn-deronJs^' — iT" A/-lr rumah dungan api ini. f*:^ UEL A\7^y^ house on fire. He xvrites u good hand. Tulis-an-nya baik. .^y-i If he behave§ well, I will Kalaa parangei-nja baik. sahaja.bj- kecp him. , lih taruh suma diva. '* nm >f — He injure.s himself by Diya buatchilak chewing tobacco. subabmakan m -= Mmmsii mmz ks^ HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTCItN^COLf^Qtlt^iijd; L6 nd a^ ho pit teoh kwan situ. N{ ot tsb hi k'ii, pit iuiji^fi^ sham t^Bsl^. cd^'^ t^^ Hid-ay say ke^a ho key k^ou. K6 kb sai-man-tsai h6 ka ka^." Gwd t"a boey 5y kap 16 kong, t^ng hdou gwd Ngd i ka *m \va tak kwd ni chi, ngd p{t id seo"K lay. sfun^kwo^^ C-U^"^ Pe^ E ay seang ho leaou. K'ii k6 s^ung hau ho lid. Gwa bocyh yung tshid-ay pbe tshb s»a. Ng6 ni'm ni faTpu^lai k*n sham. L6 na yin w6y an n6y se'' pdn, gwa p6 le. Ni hai^shi't pdii^ ngdwt'in faiD.^^v-^ -^'^v- E ay bin sek 60 kwa wool°8. K'u k6 mirf^^t^m\wong.x/^^ K'hwae, \€ te^h tshbo \ an tsho''a yeo"« kl2"a. Ni ta'sh^t ohxixid tim yeung tsd. ^ -'hx. L6 sed t6"a hoe gwa, tshek hoe 1^ gin. HoLtan, ngo tsau\jvia nganjii. ^ i^ uk Tshcem s6 t'heum tshde k'hah ho, tdk bay kaou Tsdm^shi wak ch^ kaug f|p, tan *m tak noi» koo. S60 loe p'hun san. Sz' 16 pa&^sM ^^ ^^^ -^^ Tsh^w k'hu"s na kdo nd hd. Tsau (it t^ai tak noi^ ut hb. Tshb ho ay s^ tshayh gwa tshew kap \i kdng. Tsb^i/ffu ngd tsau'wini £lj/. Gwd tshoo kaou tshid-ay sd tshde 6 ISe, sin Ng6 tsz* loi to^ni ch'ii, kbnJ noi, ngb shan^^ t'hey b6 tek kde. Isz'^p 'm hd. Tshcung lang ay sim ho^a h^ t'han e. T^n^yan staojKJkJ^ilKktkk'ii. ^-^rn^ J f^U v^ ry^ -U*. h. I have been wailing for Sahayanm-nanti-kan ang you two hours. kau dua jam. ^ He writes a good hand. Tuli;s-an nya baik. He is a good hand at this Diya pandei kurja ini. business. Come now, all together, Sakarane, samoa orang up with it ! sakali, anukat ! Perhaps I shrill go to Riau Baramkiili sahnya purgi to live. lingual di-Riau. I can't sit up so late. Sahaya t'a kwasa jaga sampei jauh nialam. It must be done by this Sahaya kira pusii sudah time. We are up till twelve. ^i;^^ -ftba 43^ HE ±. V^ What's the page? Do you know this hand- writins; ? habis sukarang. Sampei pnkul dua bias malam kila ada jaga. Muka sural yan*; brapa ki- ta baclia sakarang ? Bulili kata siapa punya bakas fan«;an ini ? ii^^^ I can't put up with it any Sahaj a t'abulih tiir-tahan- lii^'Tfjr — ^-^1^ 7J7 TElX '~^ longer. kau kalaku'uu itu biyi H^^^vf'^ Bb>lL^|TlH J They are all so, wilhont Samoa- nya bagitu, t'uda " ' " ' ' — ' " " ~ exception. kuchuali iasji How far is it to Penang? Brapa jauh deri sini ka- Pulau Pi'-nang ? He is determined to go to Tunggang hati nya han- Bengal. dak ka-Bcn<>gala. 1 took it for a rupee. Kutika sahaya tarima, sa- haya kira itu rupia, He makes a good teacher. Chukup juga pandei-nya bulih diya jadi gum. I went with him all the Sahaya tamau-kan diya way home. sampei karuniah. If you find it bad, I'll take Kalau ada charhat-nya, ^ it back. bawa pulang kambali. «, It spoils the teeth to file Kalau gigi itu di-kikir, them. "^ "* nanti habis rosak. W^ F=r tt#=ff»« (JDK. 411 this is for want of a lai samoa sudah jadi su- \\X^\A^ — i^ A V —^ ^JH* little care. -- babkurangsadikitjaga- ^PQ'jpf y fe ^^^l'^^tf^AO^?*^ .^ 108 HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. 60 tshit ho koey tsh6 kiJo tshb mi mang-ko b6. Yan yjit y^unj kvvd ts?', ki6 tsb ma m6ng k\\6 nib. -n^ L^iing kwan kau'ts'in? N"b tangrlMni letirii? Ura'chuns, Xfe^ng kwun kaou tsl)g^n. Gwd tfenjj h«ou \6 no s6 k<5o. E60 tshU pit ay ho je. E g^oti pan tshid-ay soo. L^e tae key yit tshay ketih k'h6 l&e. Gwa t'hevim tshaebojyh k*h6 Ic^a k'h«?a- Gwi bay ay kaou m6y"s hei'i chim b6 k'hwiin. Ng6 'm tso tak kbm y6^ G\v4 seong le t^a tek tsho ho leaou. Gw^Q tshap je tc6m tsheng tsheni k'hwan. Tdy kwCly p'hecn. L6 tshde tshsiy je se tshiiy 4 pit tshek, Tshdy gvv^ bay tshde 16:1 tit. "-^ K'ii se'yal gat hb isz\ K'ii hai io'shau tso ni ktn av/. h\\, yatjis'ai, kti^hi k'ii. Wak che ngo h'ii Li b chii," Ni chan shi pit tin^^^in Vil/K' Ngo tikjijiiif tb^shapf tim chung, cbii^ Tai ki e;inf Ni chilli tik hai mat shui k iC^tx*^ -A-^ ur/i-^ K'ii tsb tak sin shang lok. Ngb t'ung k'ii yat l^^h^fe'^ kwai. Hai 'm \\h ngb tsau ntoa ikw Viii^ur^ Tsjo^nga, tsaif di wai^ngji. Ni tik ts'ung hai .yi yata m^ si'd sham.5:4C 104 ENGLISH. MALAY. CHNESE. He lives this side of the Diya tin^gal di-sa'blah mosque. sana musjid. I must have this tooth out. Sahaya mahn suruh cha- but-kah gigi ini. He lives beyond the Diya tinggal di-sa'blah church. sana greja. Don't drive too fast down Jangan lari-kan koda dras hill. dras miin-urun bukit. How the mosquitoes bite? Bagimana padih-nya di gigit nya-mok ini ! It takes three to make a Sa-kurang kurang-nya ti- row. ga sa'deret. It takes more cloth to Kalau buat bagitu, ban- make it in that way. yak makan kain. He has never seen much Diya banyak bsllum ten- of the world. gok hal dunya lagi. "When you see me, put me Bila biir-jumpah, ingat- ^ ^,t^' in mind of it. kan sahaya. I got up this morning be- Pagi ini sahaya bangun fore day break. lagi glap.' He let it fall, and broke Diya sudah }atub-kan ba- it all to pieces. bis pachah. You won't catch me in Sahaya sudah s&rik buat such a scrape again. itu. This is just what I expect- Bagimana sahaya ingat ed. ^;^^, dahulu, bagitu-lah sa- karang jadi-nya. If it is only good, never Asal baik, jangan paduli mind the price. harga-nya. lean do it now as well Inijuga sahaya bulih buat. as any time. Your servant is como Haraba-mu datangdaripa- from the east-ward. da mata-hari idup. Divide this into five equal Bhagi-kan lima, biar sa- parts. ma banyak-nya. I see now that I was mis- Bharu sahaya sSidar saha- taken. ya sudah tur-salah. You have overpaid me a Angkau sudah bayar tur- dollar. lebih satu ringgit. Come, let us know all a- Chnba kata sakarang ba- bout it. gimana charita-nya. At whose risk is the mo- Kalau di-kinm-kan wang ini, datang ney sent ? •ata sata, siapa taDggang 7 Don't you see into it yet? BSlum-kah angkau bulih muug-arti lagi ? 'ikc^m^ f05 CANTON COLLOQUIAL. K'u tsoi^i tsz' miu^ni pin chii. HOK KEEN COLLOQUFAL E te hw% hwfty bed tshay pe"S k'hea. Gvvd pit boeyh p^yh chut tshid-ay g6y k'ht^. Ni chek n^a tt^b pft lYt tsfe^:3gbJ^. ^Z" -^^ E te lay p^e ({i"o na pe"? k'hea. K'u tsoi lai pa^ tong nW pin chu. Loh so»a u™ t'hang tshaou t'liae kin. ^ Tedh yung s"a ^y tsho yu hang. Pit 5a* sam k6'tsd"yat4ioni;. T'han e hid-&y yco"g te^i yung p^e k'hah tshay. i8;j^6ung tsd'^yire^ pd'kang^tii. E boey bat sh soo ^y lang. K'u mijtfi hlu''shari^.^«*:^ ^ Vii '7^^ h6 khona ke"S gwa, t'e'^h kong k'h6 hid-iy soo. Ni kin tfg|li tsau^t'ai hi ngo/ /v-^ M6>"« tshd t'he"s boey feooi"g gwa k*h€ sin. Kara tsb t'in mi ofct^tj^sipij^ ngb hi^shan. u^t. E p'hah ka la^uh, p*h\va leaou. K'u tit h^ lok tC t/ldri'JWt ^ Sou jit 1^ b6 koh k'ho"a gwa hSra chin tsheo°s Ngd (shbu^tsai 'm ts6kbra k6 sz'. -i-trk^ tshid-ay soo. ^ ^v^ Ng6'^l^i^k u hai kotn k6 ]jl^ Tuk iu ho, 'm lun ka ts'in^w . Ngb a kain tsd^^qCH^ tak>A#rshi tso yau tak. Nt ke4)ok i^tisdap*- Umg |iiii lai. Fun p'ing k'u tso *ng fun^ Ngo ii kam chi to ng6 sin shi ts^oTii^ Ni vvdn to yat kb ngan ts'i'n two ngo. ^it- Loijk^ng^sai kwd ngb chi. ^^^ Ki\6 tik ngan, yeuk hai shat l$$i,^wai pin kb .i^ Ni' chung^'mi^raing pak. ^ Tshdy put chut gwa sa) leSou. fi"» luu kwCiy tsho"a i5!v ae bay h<5. Gwa t°a ay tshd, s^a soo tcng hSou pdt sA. Pok tshoo tang l^e. Tsheang tshid ^y pun tshb gSe hwun. Gwd t°a tshae tshan say leaou u"* tcdh, Le key hoe gwd tshit ko gin. <3h€"a wiiy gwan kong b^ng pek. Kea gin, na ii'" ke"?, boeyh mooi"S tshuy a. Le scang boey heaou tit. c c 103 ENGLISH. MALAY. CHINESE. I came across it in the Sah^i market. I have been bnsy helpinjj Sahava banyak kurja, b'lat ill! buat him off. i*"' tiiluHi; diya baiidak bur-layar. I am betiinning to s;ro\v a Blisirii \i\\\ puUli sad little better. bidan sahayn ::;:r:::-i-';::;:'Mr^|ETfr±fffiMt#^ V >^ — I lound them scattered Sahava d;ip .t bur-sema -^f^-^fflL ~>^ ■-^/-~^^V^^^ P^ I—' all along the road. sa-pan;:jciu^' jalan "^X.'^iAOl ^^-w-*'^^'^ >^^ Jlt^jl^ __l_^ i'1 Have you kept an account Sndah augkan tarnh kira of these things all along? kirtl)arcing barang itu sa-lulu? He meant to do right, but K -handak-nyamah he was mistaken. baik, tatapi .Huduh sulah. This was meant for a horse, Oranj^ mu-lukis ini bandak bur-bnat but it louks like an ass. kuda, tatapi ropanyakabei. @ The rich have trouble as Bukan orani; niiskin sa- well as the poor. haja susi)h,oran ikaya pun ada suscth juga. Near his bowse a road Adadakatrumah-nya s.itn jrH"_H_. turns off to the right. sempang sa'blah kanan. I am afraid that boy Sahaya takut budak itu won't turn out well. t'a bulih miin-jadi buik. We must take turns in Pada malam ini kita bur- watching to-night. gilir gilir biir jaga. D(.n*t mix these up; keep J^ngan <^h »mpnr-kan ; a- each by itself. singasing-kan satu satu. The lots on that street are Tanah tanah di-lorona: itu all taken up. samoa-nya sudah di- ambil orang. %ik. (Km m Jl^,y (2S ( He thinks more of eatins; Diva ingat mukan sahaja, Hf .ffi _a^-^t^ |Sl fH- liffe"/^ ( JIL than of any thing else, lebih deripuda yang lain. ( MOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. 6w4 te cite tsh§5R k'ii.s^Jw^yat lo t6ctmv^'^>>- t£_ Li tshan I&e 60 jit jit tsbeo"^ s^aou bo. Ni'^t^senc^fiiM yau yat yat Hw^Wf^mo. «?l E do sim boeyb tshb ho, tok tok chok goe ledou. K'u seung tsb hd, tan k'u tsp4i^.tV>< E 4y 6 s3o i,e \v5 b^y, w§ leaou chin tshe6"s Id. K'u s^unij^dk mi, tan k'u ke ma hd tsz' yat chek Iti. 'k-*-^^ -iji-,^-^..^ do tsh^»« ISng 4y kan khde cbin tsiie6"s s6ng Fii yan yik yau kii^nan, h6 tszl^k'ang yan heung ISng. yat y6ung. Biiayb kaou e ay chdo, 60 tshit teAju loe wat Kan* k'ii k^ uk yau yat^t'id 16 chun*'kw0^ y^w peng. yau^pin k6. Gwd ke°d bid-dy say ke»a pt!;°s phaCS. Ngb pa ko kb sai m^n tsai tsim^'tsiin'tsd *ai hb yan. ty/i^ Lan kinj mdyoe ICin l^w k'h^n s4v¥^. Ng6 tik kam man pit lYilunMau hbn shau.c-^''^^^ u'» t'hang tsham tsbap tshid ay ; tak yeo"S leng Mok tsaiu^tsap ni tik, ^^ y^ung^fong^ hoi. hay. H6 teftou key &y chtio tay long tshdng bay K6 t'lu kai k6 ut >v::ai yat tsungl^S^yjCH::^:^ leaou. mai^k^*. t<>^ Hwan soo e seen koe pak toe pd. Y6ung sa' k'u sin k6 t'b pdti. ^ 104 ENGLISH. MALAY. CIINESE. You onuht to take better Pantnnii baik baik; kalau care of your health. ))iiLini, naiiti >i«Lit. It is a «ooti time now to W^uktu iui baik tanani ^ tran^plcirit trees. nak anak piikok. I have a cliarye ao;ainst Dalam kira kiia sahaya angkau you Ot leu iKjliars. hutang suma Sahara 10 ringgit. Make him do it over and over ^gain, Sufuh d till he gets it right. itu, sauipei jadi batul. v/ - i^ The Malays dou prove; ihey are alway about the same. ^ ' rJE It makes no difference T'adaapalaln-nyasumasahaj'a, buat with me which you do. lab apa-pun baik. If the best are so bad, Sudany;-kan yan^baikla- what mu«t theothers be? gi jadi baifini, apa lagi yaug jahat-nya? juga sa-lalu. They are in use, now, all Oranir pikei itu, sakarang, /}^^^^~TC~~r^ >^3 Rpf— V over the world kuliling dunya. -^ g i * J^ ^U^ JT} j/^^ I have been here upwards Sahayadudok dulam niirri "^JV -jp|-* fj^ _i^>&y%. ^V- ^/-^ of thirty year*. initiua puloh tahun lebih. ■>j'j(^/pt;2ltfv ^^ | 'g^-tp-^i I have paid yon up to the Salwya sudah jalas kira J4>' I — ■ ;^"^T" V^^ "^M. 'r^ "y^ m^ end of last year. kira siiina an^kau sampei ^>^ *— ^ *%**- f fj }^^ \ Km^^/s- pung-habis-an tahunlaiu. / tf JlBlV/J* If you do 30 any more, I Kalau angkaubuat bajritii yifrz^2t"im:>f'X>7tI-ffi:-3t/ 0|| shall beat you. lagi, sahaya nanti pukul. *^^^^ "TT I 4 P\^ AX:^^M^-,4 >,.,^_ *-/^ mmm (A Stay about here to-day; Nanti di-rumah ini hari ; A^ O ifeTlU/ /A ' ^ ' ^i ' don't gooff. jangan ka-mana maua. ^ M 'ft: iRjZtl^J ^^ ^J You beat me in readin2:,bllt^"!?''^" ''"'''' kalah-kansahavadalam YkJt i n-iM Ko.»f x,.xn I'n wr:..Mr^„r haoh:i-an, ta.tapi saliava bulih kalali- J OV 1 can beat you in Wirtmg. kan angkaa dalam tulis-an. *-^^ We had to beat in. Kita sudah masuk biir prei prei. 105 HOK-KEEN COLLOQULiL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL, » Ld teoli key pwuy pd sin. Ne'koi kaflj* i^ ji2 chuiag slum t'ai. Tshay sS tsliSyh tshe"a iu> swa tshac chew Nl chan shi iiS^cJilmj^hbrijjs^pshU^miik,/^^ bak. ^ ^ /,x Tsh«aon sool°« !e khe^m ^wa tsiiap ko gin. C h tYi'' sho '^n t hi tn^n go shap kb ngaats'in. K'eb e tshoo say tsliie hok kaou tc6h, Ki?i k'ii ts(i 'fcft^ y^^ttKtt^ k w f >^ tmts^4i%•ts^ ta^/g^^^^ ^:^ Gua bo cheet yaou Id tsho an tsh6°a. Ngb *m lun, nt tsb pin ko, to hb. Kaon ho y«a se boey ho, ke e k'hd te u« sae Chi lib ke tb te^ 'm hd, pft-fik '%dl£5uN3(K&»w kdng. / ,/ Boo-laciew lano: ho p^"^ k'hah ho; sc&ng Ma-la-yau yan mo hing hi. shi shi cha pat scftng cha put to tshh yc6"S. tb jrat y6uug> To.., U. .he", ay f..„„, yflng .shid-Sy. N.' tik tt I=a,n ^,i. hi «^s^t»*8. ^^. .^ Gwa te tshid-la s°a tshap g%\4 n^^s. 'i^^^o tsoi nt ch'u sam shap nm yau tb. Gvt4 6o Cheng hwan \i koo n^"g ^y s'eaou Ngb wan ts^ingj^ ni kaiqjin k6 si^o^»6^ Ji Pj^K^ ^ >£5^ f^ JiCt's see who can throw Mari kita chuba chuba ^JX^Tj |P\ SH<^H p|f'/E the farthest. mii-lcnipar, siapa jauh. y' -^^ -^^ ^i^ti. He won't ?et over it for Lama diya t'a bulih pu- /4lj^fc/^ "7^'H^^f^ ISf a long time. lanj? sa-mula lagi. IlliSTx >y^> Pli^^/>|\ It will do very well as it is ; don't be Sadikit lebih kurang, sudah-Iah ; jan- too particniar about it. gan banjak charewet. There is so little, there Alans: kapalanj? ini, baik ■>(^f*-/#|-|_0^ >|>^ H|7-/#|-f4iFP lli inightaswcllbenoneatall. jan^an ada sakali. ^^ P\"^^£^J K |J p("^j^'tlfi Look again; it must be about here TenjTok lasji balk baik; tiin->^JL^^5^-^^-' U |V • ^1^ I If* # ' somewhere or other. tu ada di-slni sini j Us.'a. /^'^-pT'^^5^3>>r >Iu^4UL1 y\jy^_Jl, This is the way you do Ini-bdiangkau punyakur- ^^J^ JU|-| Jg|^>^~l~r" "t^ / /. • your work, is it ! ja yang baik, ia ! Jl5C ^" >El T — ^ J ' * ^TJ No matter /to It; VOU do it, Tidak maugapa basiinana-pan boat- Y^^^^ 'HW ^ t\\ ^/'TT'^^i^ ^^^ A^ if you only rfo it. lah, asal man-jadi. ^^ pfffl ^ ^' I ^J /^7ffiJ>^T F \Vhat interest are you {jet- Wang-rauitu brapabunga->\iL^^R| 4frt"^ll-^(^>Ci<*. i "^^ ting for your money ? nya ans.'kau dapat ? /^\^l^/#M x|^'J /vC /^J' ^ /^^ He saw it, but took no Diya sudah lihat, tatapi jtAi Bl --V jl^ >(lii"~7^xffl--V notice of it. diya tidak piir-ati-kan. |lil<>^w^C«^ I |t ||i«.y'| •^T^^./w^ This cinnamon is not lui kayu manis ba!um lu- iLj/ I ? ^^t. J-:^^Mj^3t^^VM.TC^^ pounded fine enough. mat baik baik. i^U IE T-jbyiVlS^ |lf 1*^ Don't bring that here; Jan^an bawa itudisini; y^/f /^^"/^ TSA In^^^^Jt.'y^ away with it ! bawa purgi ! ^>V fM /C-*'>n^ M. ■^^l^Z^/C.-r' Don 'ttakethe whole; leave Janganambilsamoa-nya;tinggal-kan ^>^/ TTTl*. '^'j/V /w«^>^\ j f ^/^il part of it for him. sparu sama diya. ^» V^ /H^ /%Vi He must be a large boy Piisti budak itu jadi ba- by this time. sar sampei sakarani; HoTv .ongdoes it take you Brapa lama anukau bulih to ma ^e one of these? buatsatuini? What is li'i better than I? Apa lebih nya diya deri sahaya.^ Put them side by side, not Taruh-kan dakat dakat, one upon another. jangan susun satu dia tas satu. m riOK KEEN COLLOQUIAL. Tshid-a y cheiig s"u sod patig hay taa. Tshea 00 u'" ke"?f, gwa tshe"a mooK 16. GwH t"atshe»^ ay heaou tit. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Wai^ mat sz' lu chi niv/ ch%au'q *m hfeUn*^ Ni tik yeuk hai ahatH^, ngo man^ni Id. Ngo u. kaai chii^ hlu tak. Lan lie che kh6»a tshtiy a tsh^h k'hah 11001"*-'. Ngd tik shi sji^i^ Tai^pin yat kb p'm'/tak tin.' E k'hah kdo yea bay gwan tshSe. An n6y ay tshb sit, u™ sae koli an tsho"a yeo"n Chin tshe5"S tshid-ay tsh€>; pit ting tsoijo^ sheun^iia. Ni liai korn ts6 kung Ku ke 'm ha/ a. *M luji lira yenng,'^ tuk idMsb^ N^ ke^ngan fonjg^ki to f^n sik. fi^ K'u k^n, tan k'ii 'm li. Ni tik^uk kvvai ^mi change tak suiT f^-f '/i^ Mok nim loi ni ch'u nimh'ii. /*t7c' ^th^ Vi^ t'hang tsho poo t'hayh k'h6 ; laou kwd hay Mok ni'iu sai^aujaJi tik kw^" k'ii. L a^ lioe e. Gvva seo"?; hid-uy say ke"a fa twd ban leaou. Kb kb sai man tsai ii kam shi pit chdun g'tai)^ te^ Tshit-ay tsho hvS kdo IsKena ay hd. Ni kt noi chiiig.chins^ tak yat kb hi. o^^ E p6 gvva an tsh6"a k'hSh ho. K'ii tim y^ung hd kwb ngb. "H^ TshJt ay tshit ay pde k'hwuy, ii" t'hang t'heq) Yat kb kb^p^hoi, mok^tap ht. k'h^. ^^~~ 108 ENGLISH. MALAY. < MINESE. w L Don'ttradewith that man; Jangan mu-niaj^ he will be sure to take oran^ itu ; piis you in. kau nanti kiina tipu. . ..„ '(nm^K^^\M^ What is that fellow skulk- Mangapa diya tur-hun- ^ ji/ Vy^jPj ^ffclt|^^2E^ ing about here lor? dap hiindap disini? i^PQBI9>>>>i^ He knows nei nor Malay. ther English Diya tahu Inggris-pun ti- jtJiy^^H^^;^ ^ \^ j)\\ J\\ dak, Malayu-pun lidak. The English are always tjet- Sa-laln orans Inguris ka "JET ting up something new. hiar kan parkara parka- ^\. ra yang bharn. '^^^""^Mvoim Don't call him off frqjn Jangan panjygil suma d his worj^ again. ya dew kurja-nya lagi The price of butter has Ini biilan harga mantega doubled ihe last month. dua kali gandalebihde- ^—^ r ri bulan IcUu. rx f^A \ There was hardly any bo- Sadikit orang sahaja di- dy there. saiia. We can never make much Kita t'a bulih jadi-kan di- of him. ya pandei. I told you- to do this long Lama sahaya sudah suruh ago. boat ini suma angkau. O ^^^ >f- Wiiatever you do, I am Angkau piirgijjaikf tidak-"~jF"3>^>)JL JP-— jy" -f- ^^^ pun, baik ; sahaya ma- yl'^plfll iK^ ^"^Zjl^^^V fdr going. hu purgi juga. 'S-m^'^^N You have got your jacket Baju-mu tur-balik. V/ t « |~T -r^-r f ' > I • r - oninsideout. ^^^R^WtB^R Put every thing to rights Kamas-kan baik baik par- ^-f-t> ' ' -- - - before you go to bed. kakas ini samoa; kum- ]^% dian piirgi tidor. . ■ He finds fault with every Diya buat suraa sahaya S^ J UaJm ^T iffi^T^ thing I do. surbasalah. -^ ^ » ■# *^^^ ^^ 10^ HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. u« t'banff kap hid-ay lang kaou kwan, e se yed Mok t'un» ko kb yan kad^ikTlt'ii gityi sea ay lang. iiiEiB^* Hid ay l^ng wuy sna soo te tshid-la sle^m lae K6 ko yan ts^mat y6 yiina shim shuk shak seem k'h^. tsoi ni sic^:sM. di-^ -^^ E u"* bat ang m6 wa, yea u'" bat Boo-lae-yew. K'ii ying-kat-li wa kttna:^ m«-la.w^^ wd to 'm hiu,' 4»^ iing m6 l^ng se^ng sS tsli^ chat sin yeo"? ay Ying-kat-li yan shi shi chftfeif cU'ut san soo. y^ung'^ye.'^ Le u™ t'bang koh ke6 e, hwuy e ay kang k'hofey, Mok tsoi kiu k'ii, tso k'u k6 kung fit. T"a dy p6o leng y^w pe tsh^n go^yh bay t^ng ii kam ngau yi^^^^^ t^ sia kA iit b^s^JO^^^i^ poey kwuy. plti|vk4jt^^n. Cha-put-to b6 l&ng te hid-la. Cha pat Xb mo yan tsoi k^ ch'ii. Gwan tshdng bay ay ka e s6ng kong. Ngo^eteafg 'm kd(i_tak k'ii shing kung. ^ l^^^^ Gwd keb 16 tshb tshid-dy, koo leaou. Ngd w^^>df^t>^iu ni ts6 ni tik, ho kau ftm liift 16 k'h^ ii'" k'h^, gwa ae k'h^, Ni h'ii 'm h'u ngb to i(i h'ii./ti' L6^y Sna pdn lae bin chut lae. Ni ke sam fan chiin ch6uk, /p^ An te kok ml"gh t'ho tbng, tshe^a t'hang k'h^ Chaiho aai^yis^fchiBg^^^sjiC^/tc" /^ / k'hwun. Hwan gwa tsho ay soo e ae choey gwa um ho. Ngb tsb y6ung y6ung sz', k'ii to i"mf that lot, and try to get sa'kuping tanah itu sam- hold of it by and by. pel kita bulih dapat. (^mMmmt, His price yesterday was Kalamarindiyamahusa^alohringglt; LJ^GT LI AUfi Q^ — I ^^ '^R' >^^W ten dollars; to-day he ini bari sudah jatuh harga-nya dila- H F* W ll^-^% i S^^i^J^ 7^ has come down to eight. p^» ""ggit. It is as much as I fan 'dp to attend to Kurja sahaya juga sahaya t'a turknr- my own basiness, without meddling ja-kan ; apa sahaya paduli kurja with other people's, orang lain ? m ( H «MAfl Ill HOK-KEEN COLLOQUIAL. CANTON COLLOQUIAL. Tshay tshit-&y gwaseang seing bay tshit ko. Ngb sh^ung shi maC'yat kb ngan ts'{n yat Gvviin 16vv sira kh6°a hid-ay tay, aou lae t'hedtn Ngd tik pit iwchuYkb taJt ti, mao^mdn w4k tshae ay bay. ch^mai'tak to^ Tsha jtt e ae tsh^p ko gin, kin a jit tbk ae Ts(5k yat k'ii {6 vt\6i shap ko ngan ts'tn, pSyh ko. kam yat k'ii kaffl^td' pit Ivd. <^/C Gwatoktokay leaoul^ka te «y soo, s^a soo Ngd kajikan tso tak i]5g^ tsz' k^ sz\ *m M k'h^ tshap pat lang ay soo. takjjit yan k6 sz', CrA^ f , vTBmniMJ'isasss^aimstiiamik THIS EOOE IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPEg^|.|,^ , ^ AN INITIAL FII^igF|f5|Cto WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO R^URN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. MAY 5 1944 REC'D MAY 6 1944 NOV 18*65-11 AM LOAN DEPT> kJ»v z-r ftU6~T©7(rr^ A-t^ :^3 SENfT ON ILL FEB 2 7 190 -^s^ '57 BR ^-^^^ U. C. BHRKHLEY DEC G 1957 VI. FEB > - ^-003 '^fl/V G 1958 5Fe'58WJ MOV 23 1965 -nr^ '-■ 1 Vp LD 21-100to-7,'40(6936n ^4'-?~i^V UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY w^ ii -'%:: %• ■**.■ Wd if^ ' r^ t^i '.'^*! ' .. ii.--L^ .^ ^ -^.^ .<|. i^'f%