LIBRARY OF THE University of/California. Class I ft 4- Zbc tlubor ^Facsimile ^eyts €\iz %hxtz Jabka of Jontrnn By R. W. 1584 Date of first known edition, 1584 [British Museitm, C. 34, b. 30] Reproduced in Facsimile, 191 1 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER %\it fbm faMa 0f fontron If By R. W. 1584 m Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXI tTbe Zbxcc Xabies of Xonbon. By R. W. 1584 The first known edition of " The Three Ladies of London " is that of 1584, now reproduced in facsimile from the British Museum copy. Another edition appeared in 1592. The D.N.B. notice of Robert Wilson (q.v,) seems to take it for granted that Wilson was the author of this play, and (conse- quently) also of " The Three Lords and Three Ladies of London,'^ the second being practically a continuation. The writer had no doubt of this ascription, made by Collier, and adds that Hazlitfs suggestion of Wilmot is out of the question. Other plays more certainly credited to Wilson are "The Cobler's Prophecie " and " The Pedler's Prophesie,'' together with " Cataline " (a lost play). All the above-mentioned dramas, except " Cataline " are in preparation for this series. Mr. J. A. Herbert, of the MS. Department, British Museum, reports that this reproduction from the original is " among the best in the series, and that is high praise. But for occasional failures to print in exactly the right strength there is hardly a fault to be found. ^' JOHN S. FARMER. 221362 TH A right excellent 2S andfamousComa'dy called iJ^'^ the three Ladies of London. ^'^^'^'^ WHEREIN IS NOTA- BLIH D^XLARED AND SbT foorthjhow by tlicmcancs of Lucar,Loiic anO Conscience IS fo fo;rapfcD,tt?at the one is married to Diili- '«^' mulation,thc otVicr fraught ivithall abhomina> cion. fA PERFECT PATTERNE FOR. ALL Eftatcs to lookc into , and a worke right wor- ihictobcmaikcd. Written by R,\V. as ic bath bcciic pubhqucly pi ij^^, J£g) AT LONDON, ^Printed by Ro^W- 2;er Waide. dweliinp:neere MWW nolburi'c ConciJit ♦ at tlic liene felT*} (c** J ofiheTaJbot. 15S4. "^ .^S^^^.M 7j,«iJ }>, c ]*»i>^r >ii3? JS^ rhcProlopuc. T£> (Jt on l50nc!?tf r«.itc,tt t'sf a loftte reach, Co fxiic to^L pjnifc bv making b?flg0,ofttmf0 6ot^ get a bjeacb. 5X>c lift not noctir roirling ):sachc0,tb ^'c mean to fct no guinincnng glaimce bcfojc vour cuttcouje eiciB. 3^Pc icavcy not ^itu-^sr pfn^ue ptt,n8; raft of iimbo lafec : TOeti!S net fbcio? cf tc-srfihc f.iit)t,30 IwojD enQ Iljicit) to ftiahe. P?e fpcaK; ne: of t\,t po®er0 lifmnc,nc vet ef furieim fpyitcff : ax>cr.o n:.t feHs J;;s*) ^tUcfl to ciimbc,noj talKe of !ouc0 Otlig^tjBf. V^t DO) not ?)£et c i>;cri);tt to V3«,t];e tl)5ica:,ar Saitl) t)tjB flarle : i)5c fcco t: e bcfc f!:crrre ^co mt b;ii»g t'oc };riCban?in^iu,tc loppc antJ toppc toftlj fUilf. Tl>c p!ap Hot \)ccvc t};c (Bftviincrc partjto planr, to fct anli fowc : 2 ju maruell thcR lajljat ftuffe t^c l^aue t j furnid) nut our fboice. )> our patience pet Sioccrauea iubilctill ire Ijaac trimU our ftill; (i ifovo Q}i\il icDC abjiDgc lucl) tatcs,n0 licapctl) tp ont painc?' ^13 iLucat na«) t!):U ttjlcfl tr^c rout,ti0 I^c la oU w all: £>1) Courcicnce,3B tedre, jB fcarc a Bay, ((an, /St)ac 'i»c bp ^CP nn'i \)fiinc,il)alt qattc be cad naa^. Confci. 3in Dee9 ;j fcare tt^e iJ>sjfl:,fo j eucric man Datl) tiwjc, 3no cjmc0 tcomcnii«eL»w ftcaungcaimfarre^oibwto ^aueabewc. t» 3lllcl)0U3l) tl)ci? ou3i;t to ixiM tVM Jloiie anD Coafcicncc cicate : "i&at iLJuedttDC9uraenc(;fcep i»mnc. iiS,\)at ioc pcDjc iLaDic0 map Qgb to fee, our ftatcfl tbufiturncU anb toffj IHno isojte an^ i»ojf? u5 IiSe to bc,''a)herc titcat riUes tbe raft. Conici. •yoRffli.'tljetrut^jV^t i!elLttcarbjn3tDviuwr,l}ccbcartiDitbbcabIpfpi2!;t. - ^n'i grant sD t0oo t^^at Houc be founb m Cttic, (Eoionc,anD Cantr^, LOUC. 3;5j;,„.'_, canretl) feealtb anb peace abaimb,nnt) pieafetlj ;i5ob almi^i)tit. Fame. liSutlLa^iea.tftvourpIcafure.totDolIwnb^icabatDbUe, 2pab recreate pour fcluefi iaitl) mc.u'urc pour fojroweo to beguile. , Coofci* ^'"^'^ ^'^ 3^"^^ :f anif ,votiv (leppco ba fr^me,on pou toe toill attenl», * ^l^nb p;ap to (£;a&«t^at Ij9lb0 tl}c rob,our Hatca io} t9 bcfenb, c 'xcunr* Thcfccond A£lc. f Entci Di(nnnilation,ljauidg on a Rumen long a cappe .and his powle aad beard painted motley. l^itfim. N ^p na IcfTc t!)Crt p. -f 8rmar,a rigbt boned man, ^nt mv tcong can not (lap me to to tell t»l)at 3! amr fi'iap iDbo 10 It tl^at UnoS.vc0 me nJt bp mp partiecolourcb i)Cadc* Sljcg map 5»gil tl?mttet^a:faf tnc,mp ^oncftie 10 fte^. -';^iii««Jl£(SAil» ofthc three Ladles of London^ Ctt!^ a fi3SC fo? !)onea«,tut let tijat gof t ^it^ mcH,a)9men,aiir) cl)iiojeu nip name anU Dom^cs^ t)3 fcnolttf; iJl^gname 10 5Diiri!niUatijn,aMttnD bafemmoe 31 bcnre, ■flo}. mp outioarte effected mp intoatD ^ cale coc Declare: 5oj men D jc DiCTf mble ^itl) tl)cir toiue0,f t!)Eic "oomza S»ttl^ tijcm flssin, ^0 t!)atm t})2 lic.ittcaf of ttjem 3 ali»apcfi( vcnvipne: f^ljcct)il5e5:il'embtcs jdUJ) t)i0 cat;l)er,cl)c fittei; iuitlj Ijtobjtotljir, /^^e mapaerx ojitl; t)et iniftre0,attb tl)e vounj t»a» toitf) Ijia loucr: C^ece 10 IDtnTitn tlacion bettoeene neighbour nn^t neisl;bout> :JFf iC»D and ^Fttenli one i»itl? an oeljer. :i5sti»eenec^e rei:4aiinta! b:aQncire,ilc toioarbeo iLnnbon as fad 90 3 can, Co sec cntectammcnteUne ot'tl;et^}celLaDU0,Ubean t)dne(t man. Eater SiftU'licitic ly kc a Miller all mealy with a waa(jeiahtshan(l. ' C!)C^ Tap tl)it t^cre t0 {i^cferment in HonDon to Ijaar, ^10 anb tbcrc be tic be palftng anb b;auc: XOl)^ 31 le be no tnoje a niillcr,becaure t\)t »iapl(cii0 call me bu(lt> P3lf> i^ £)He t|?uinpe0 me on tt)c uccljc,anb an otljcr ftriUe0 me on tljc note: \ ainT)^dufes3|amal)inroine fello'tomarlictlje compoifenaimceof -^aitl)i!c33eTccHparabucnture0,anbbeafcratng:c;catutc.(mgftatttfC« jn'^*"^ lt>l)itl)cr atoap gooD fcllou? 31 pjap tljcc Declare. ionium. ^ary tie dare t^)ce,to iLonDoH,'u)otilD tl)oti DiDft goc t||ere. Symph, IVljat if 1| DID, i»oulD It be tfjc better foj tl^eci' ^ Diflim. 31 mar? {b^ulD it) fejt 3! louc Ijoneft company. "^ - Sunpli. ^3rceD;tl)crc 10 a bargen,biit irljat fljali 31 call tfjcer' Djflitti. C aufc tljou arte an ^oncfl: man ile tell tl)ce,mp n une it Ajimplicitic. simpli. ^ n:ime agreeing to t^? nature^bnt ftapii)ere cotne0 Rio;e compoiue. Diirim, Enter Fraud with a Swori and a Buckler like a RufFian. . . II>tt(reo«ceaIofteanDif3l mapl)itintljenf!)tl)a^ne, . y^\)zvz 31 map beguile cafe Ip ^itboiit ant> great pa]?ne: • f"""* 3! ioill ttaiwt it anD b?aue it after tl)C lullp firad), ."Jle Deceiuc t^ouranDc0,'uj!)at care 3i S»'od I?c in rl)e laSje. ^ J)?!)at:fprauDi»clImct,i»^Ul)ertraucllcfltljout!)i0 5»apV. Dillim, Co S. ontJ3« to get cntcrtaincmcnt tl^cre if H map, Fraud, ©f tfeet';4jce ilaDpjs, ilucar, Jloue, anD Confcicncc: 3 care not x»!)ome 31 fcrL;eCtl)e iDeuill) fa 3] map get f tncc, jO rfrauD 3! Y\mm tbcefoi a Dcceitfnll Hnaiic, SirapH, 3nD art tbou gotten fo baniacion aiiD b?aue: 3 }inc\» t^ee «)!)cn ti)ou DivclIeDft at a place callcD ©raneff^mD, Sn^ t\)c gijeSc0 Une q tljr c too, becaufc tboti feaft not t!?cir friend: iro3i^hcntl)ou njoulDllbiingrectianing totl)e guc(lc0, ^l)au tooalD, bit t'joifc fo miicl),anD lloeare it coS: tiju Dsmc no icCTe, ^0 tijou Dibit bee cittt tl^em, anD tbp bamc t»t Apkhic an^plcafant Comoedie 35 nt) bccaufe tijcv fp^cn tl)v bnaucr^,ajrap tJicu Wtft go. CJjcn tt)Ou tn^a go mto !^8«fo?iI>irrjto a piece caiicB 3^t?arf, 55 n!) bccaufs ijcjf c» ft J3l) at Ijap fa? a pr np a nigljt tJjctc, ^0 ti)c5t tJ)OH csiuca sctnotbi«3t-)«itfein^ of ioap, Cljou Utoft grcuic tljc ^53,fcfl tati),ti)at ttjcp fbouin not fatcljap^ 5 Ct)cn U)Ott "ojcultft icli tl)e riBcr t;i0 l^ojfc no liaic iroulD eatc. (J^^ Ci)nit^c man ^oul5fav»5i««l>""f^'"f other Hm^of'ttteatc. )A-v ^tr,fi)aU3] giuel)im£)tc0,:Jfitcbt%^cafc,':5arIv,o?,13Ka?), ^ U5ut ^x/ijat cie t»pu gaucft tiim, ti)ou iiclcft t\)^^ quattcrst toljcnbe^atf 3! wt> noil? 11)011 ait fo piouD iritl) tJjp filcljing * ccDfentng art, (inbrti 2i5ut 3! tljinHc owe T>aj> tbeu tt)ilt not be pjotiiic of tts i^t'pc anb tbc Cart, 'JEaUc a 5»rrc felloa:c0 cauniell jrrauuclfauc tb^ cafcntng anb 6lcbms. Fraudc. Cbou bijjfon ra'.call fa'aD a4aunr,ilcbatt5 ttjce fo; t^v biaulmg, ^o«) Darcft tbou Delaine a (35e«tlenian tbat batb fc fsrsc a iiuragr* Simpli. :Kl gffiblv o^entleman £>ftkr,3 tbinfeenoncof aJirouioilbeleue^im. , Praudc. 3R?l;at a clincijpape bjubge w t^iff r3I can fojbcare l)im na moie. Let Fraude make as though he would ftrikc him,but let Diflimulition ftcp bctwcnc theiDi r;. Diflim. fl^^ gcob freenU :f raube rcfraine,9nb care not tbcrefoje, I /Eifl ^impltcttic tbat patcb,be Unotcctb not gcoD from ba^. ^ I 3tnb t J ftanD m cantention ioitb bi"^3i i»oulD tbmUc rou toerc tnftt>, aSuttellmc 5fraiibfeliUic,l)aft tboubcencan £DO:ler in tb*^ bmc;8.-* Fiaudc» '^"t 31 bane pjoucD an bunDjcb fucb xoaiw: i^' ^0^ S»bcn 31 coulb notabjun b^ all otbcr trabe;Bf, J became ci Squire to toaitet;pon 3! sbc0. ibut tben toas! tbenjantt now 10 noio,but let tbat pafTc, 31 am 33 tboti f«eft mc,\»bat care 3! tbe beuili iobat 31 ^a^f* Diflxm. -j^ou Tap pou go to iioniDon,in faitb baue ^ub po" tben, Simpli. /]^av conic ant) rro iritb itie gcot) boned man, ^o}> if tbou go Sritb b»K)be ^lU tcacb tboe all btfl fenauetp, ''Sbcrc IS none toill go iuitb btm,tbat batb a»'P boncftiC' 3 bottcs on tb? motlcv bcarD,3! fenowc tboe,tbou cit IDiCTimuIattoir, Ttn^i baft tbou got an b^ueft manff coar,to fnnble ttjis falbian. 3Hetclltbo; S»bar>tbou toilt cncnfcmbleanb cog S»itb tbme oant fat!;cr, ai couple offalfc knaac0 togtti)cr,a ^bafcanb a^;iofecr. • ,t»e toetc fcnatte0 all tijjiae* ^Eaicr Symoaie and Vrcric hand io hand. Sy mo. ^y ^^^ (Jiifrrtcl t^infee toe are feel! nearc at out iou»nctc0 cnb: „ - 'JBtit Uuoweft tb9ui»b«mc 31 baueeftfiebf Sym. '^fraUb our great, freenb. V'ury. ^nD 3 f e^ an otbcr tbat i? nocD come into mp remembrance. Sym. a^bot0t'rfatr Vmry, ^arp jSV} ,Danp jDiirim'4lat1on,a gcoB i;elpcr,?{ oni; olb arquotntanre. I \ of the three Ladies of London, /I^)a)?sntl)cCar9camt^eft9cKaw Bclteabottt, «• ,,n' l^\)i cauvc fcaauea in a clutter comctf ruS'Img out. snnpix, Wi)sit 5f rauD anD iDUfimalation ^appiip foBnT) oat, « 35 meruaiieTi»|)atpeeceai»o>!iepoutii)og8cab9at. ^y™* jfa«l)ai:i»em2tb?cl)34nce,inDt3i».5c6esiLonb3narebcBt;, « . .•3|liibtolLoni)3ni»et)peiti0ourcl)te'cftmtcnt, "*""• Co iceif i»e caagct entertainment of tbc iLa^ica o? no. Vfcrjr. 311a;) fo^t^eftlfe fame matter euentbitljerSDcgoe. Diflim. (El)e» toe arc lucfeclp i»ell met, ant> fcetng toe toitbe all fe> Ot|« t^ins, cvm 3 a)3UlD i»e our willes shU toiOjing migbt ioinnc. ^ * '))e0 tbcp i»ill be fure to winnc tbc T:>tmU anb aU, cjmnUi £)jel0tt)i:plemabeamant8fpciDO»tbisf8all: aimp«| £>.) tbat btibe ^rcr^,be ient mp fatber a litcte mmt^y an) fo} b^attins i|e tdobe t^e fer-ample of biff tpitfe anb milt quite au>ap: (one bag 3inO pet be b9;^ro'a)ea not balfe a quarter fo mucb as it cod, ai^ut J cbtn^e tf be bab bab but a ibilling it bab bene !o(l: ^9 ))9 ftilb mi? fatber ioitb fo;r3i», anb bnboeb me qntte, 3^nb?0!(bealef!)tt^ })mUtfiigQt (I) alt anbe btm a knauefnU effpfg!)t« 9nb ^pmonp H sCe 31 , ^b^tnon^ too be t0 a ftnauc fe^ t^e nonce, l^e loues to baue ttioent^ Ituinseff at once, 9nb if be let an b^neft man 30 ll am to baue on<, l^ele let it fo beare tb^t be {balHe bnbonc: 3Lnb be feeHes ta get ^atfonff itnmseff into I)t0 banb, 3Lnb P't^ff tns obb ounce tbat to bp0 payment iottl ftsnbs ^ 3 if tbc parfonsse be tDOjtb fojtp o> fif tp pounb a t>eare, i^e tolli seue one tioentte noblcff to mumble ferutce once a mont^ t^&x» Symony and Vfuric both. XOW rafcall t0be tbat fpealtetb b^ b0 fuc^ billon?. &ir0bet»a0 atb0sarexDiiiUe tco, itiffno matter, tt tier a (hnpUfonlf nifCn^ callebS)im#licit(e. ^*"'"^ Entei Loueanj Confdtnce. IButbere comet^o of tbe Habpeff tljerefo;^ mabc teabte, 5i5ut t»bicb of b0 all tballfiia b;ealie tbe matter. Fiaud. ' ^arp let ^pmonp bo it, foj be finclp can flatter, Difllm. H^ap ttr« becaufc none of bs Iball banc pjebeminence abeae ot^et: vferv «>e toil J ttng in fellotofbiU togetber lifec blotter anb b>ot1?CT. J^* il>ftr3tbagrcebmpmatfter0ietitbcfo, ^._ ii^ag anb t^cp an3,ile On j ta. ^>^' TheSong. > Good Ladycs take pittic ao<^ graunt our defire, Confcience repl?. Spcakc boldly and tell mc what ift you require, , Cl?eirreplp. Vour fcrdicc good Ladvcs,rs wc doc cuuc. ::r w, • ^j^evtcplp. . Wc like not,aor lift not iu&h tcruauntcs to haae. A pithicandplcafaunt Cotnoc(Jic» . , €l)eirrcpUe. If you cnteitaine vs/vctruftyc will be? But if you rcfriine vs, then moftc rn^apy? . Wc will comcjwc will runnc,wc will bend ar your beck: ^ VVewillplv€,wcw«llhyc,forfcarcofyoui chcik, J j^crrcplp. Ycu doc fayne,ycB doc doc lycyon doc pratp, You will ftcal!",you will Robbc,y 'U will kill ia yourhatc^ ■ ' 1 dtnic you, I defic yon, ibcBlcafccf your talking: i rcfraiac you,l diIdaincyou,iheifore get you -/valkfiig. 3X>!>«»t :JFra«D,1Di(rimuIatien,flftrf ,nnD ^j^mortf, Confci ^ ^^ ^^^^ VOii fo? Q)a»tic\me fo boulfilp. ^omci. 30oj^cctJ Qjcoj paur fclucfl before iioucatiD Confcience, Srlat pcalcmg pour lewn liuc0 firft to repcntauncf : 'Kt^mkc pja not tl^ot (J5oUiuil I plague poa fo> pour iotchcD pj,actitt0, yf mou mtrnD not to atncnH pour totlifie Imco fo amtflet' '•EtjmkcpouHot (©Ob huoxcco pour tb3U3^tc0,toojG0,anDto«jbc0, 3ntj totjat fccrct inifcbierw m tljc tjcnrtcs of pou Jurfeefl?* '^hen bou) bare po« to offe nb his bwuenip maicttie, TPitf) your btirembUnBbcccitc,pour flattcrtc anb poutKcrp, J. J '^\xt rjr0, Cccmg llaltc C onfcicnce i0 fo fcrippolou0,. rraud, hpj v,jf „oj fpeafef to bfr, foj 3 fee it 10 frmolou0: 2l3ut xobat fap pou laisp iL oue,totII pou graunt \>0 tomux^ 1 0111. 3 'P "0 f^t^Jjc fcruaunrr0,fo iH of bcbauiour: • ^truauntcs «tio?c fttrrr foj iucar tben liowe, 3nb bappic arc tbcv feljicb rcframc f 0? to pjauc: ^baniclcirc,pittilcrfc,5racclc(rc,nnb quite paftboPffti'f, (JEbentobJ or goob cenfctcnf e,but feiil bate pour conipanic* Vlcrv. l^creiofcripn!ou0Cotifcicncc,ap.biJtcciloucmbcebc, •rj- 'i: €«lb If tl)tv toiiiuotorbfr iDiU, 31 Uno«>toeQ)aH^pcc^e. ^ y : 2i5at llabt' 3].ftant> fhll bcbtnbc,foj 1 am none of tl;etr cowpamr, • i^onict. j^j^j,^ c^y^^ gj.j jjjQ^.-o^^ -J ijnoQ, iijcu art ^implic itic, 5impi!. ^ f^^jij^ ^ g„^ ^implicitie, nnb Sjooulb fapnc ferae p»» Confci. flJ,J ma:' baucnof0oif0tobu:cH5D'.tbine. Simplj. 53?hp,tbcnli.3bpllonct»iiIpoubaucmct^an, Xouc. y, fijnuplinttetb^tttbaltbcmpman. Simpii. feut Iballllbcponrgoobman:' lou«. 1^ mp goob msn mbfccc. Simolt ^butlliooulbbcpourgoobinan,an^rn3apbpafecbt)MgS»it!)gM^ lone ' ii^o, aauetti.ivnornnrnrinanprafcfeitb^'mpltcitie, (fptclJ^ IPut if tbeu imit fcruc Kte , iic reccauc tbec Ssillinsip, ^»b if tbo I ^tlt not,iubat rcmcbic. *' ,. •pe0ii9»jiifErucrc,butSriiIpougoetKtobinncrfc;3IS!mb«"5tr» ^'W^' <£ .„tte fiabic Conrcxencf, plca:"ctb vo» to uialfec b3»««? f^cm tb^o cont* Louc. jx>itbri3bt goobajUlfcjiti)ciTfisl;tfflf pica ictb not mc. (vm^r" ^oiuc;. Ei-ciinr, Ta'Jv Lour and Canfcicncc, -fra-ib Iff tbc cIo*.b(tt) U:i3uc,anb ^fcrp tbc barb barteb bnauc: fraud. ':tn^ 'SjijuouDtliebpamonbatnticbnaue, 3fni JpilTtmulatioH tbcfpitcfalUuaac of ^pabc, ^ Cotne oftfictliree Ladles of London^ Come t%ttt an? moe bnmiejBf,come tl^ere an? moe: 3 Tee (own knaaeu ftsnd in a rotve. Let FraudtuDRc at him,and let Simplicitie nionc in,anit COOK out againe (Iraight* 9ba? 1D}ut»ge be gone qatcbelv. Pi^ua. ' 3 S»owai oae t9)u(ltut m^ e^cis wttl^ a laDp. Sirapfk Exit Sfm^^Iicitie* ^tb ^ott encr Tee <5cntlemen fo rateD at befo;e> vrem l^at it f \siliesi mt,Ji hope one t)e? to tume tl^em botl) out of bo^e, X^e fveve arrantl? ftou>tei},vaplcb at,8nt> fboft in our kinbc, «_„. i^bat fame Cenfctence ia a bttb tectonr to man0 minbe: ^ yetfattb 31 care not,fo} 9 bane bo^ne tnanp mo^c tbcn tbefe, jfOlftn 3 "o)aa cmueriaunt ^tt^ tbe Clergy beponb tbe ^easr: ^nb be tbat i»tfl liisc tu tbttf ivo^lb muft not care &>bat fuel) fap, iPo;i tbep are blolTome^ blotvn boa)n,net to be founb after iS^a?. iPattb care-tbat care totil, fo> 31 care not a popnt, Pnuit It \)m: a)ift It bttbetto, inb iobileft 3 line 3 ioiu ieoberb a io^nt: ^ nt) at mv bcatb 31 ivill leauemp tnbcritoar bcbtnbe, &\)At Qialbe of tbe rigbt ftampe to foUoa; mr tninbe: Cbcrcfo^e ict tbem pjatc till tbcit bcatteo aHc,flnb fpit ont t^ttr etiiU> ^be cannot quaile me if %e came m IikcnciTcof tbe great l>emil. fl^affeJprautttbouballabouebtJebcartto maheabangmanoff, niff^m. ^n tbou baft goob f bill to bclpc ntcn from t?jc ccffc: umim, vut toe tocre arrantlf iloQ)tci>> \'ct 39 tbougbt (be bab not bnoti^n me » OBut y perceiue tbongb IDtffimulatto bo bilgnire \)Lm,€ onfctencc can fee, XO\)tit tbougb Confcience pcrCciue tt,»II tbe too^Ibe cannot bcHbC:* Cu% tbcre be a tboufnnb placc0 i»I)erc xdc our fclucfl map p^ouibe: ^nt l9obeQr0 bere cotnmccn a Uifttc Habp to»;arbr0 b« tn ^attt, 3i^Kt fpeabe to ^er if pou toill,tbat S»e ma^ be all plafte. Enter Lac}y Lucar. 3[pia^ tbee b«,foj tben att tbe Itbeltctt to fpeebc. Vfery* tPbv then tie tout tottboftomacbe in b>)pe of goob fpeebe. OiiTim. jf a;re ILabp, al ? ^ iW of goob fdlorolbp biTc pc ( JI feoitlb fa? Wine ft, d;ou art bf^pplcafantf fwl of tbp ropcripe cjl i»oal5 fap IRctojicb; Lucar. iLa^ie fon to3bc me at tbe toojfie,3] bcfcccbe pou tbcrcfejc. Difllim^ ttonari)onm^bD'.»lbnc(rc,offcnT)i«g nontoxic. 3X?c 90 the mnttttie not areat.biitirljat woulbeft tJijoiil^aue:' tucij ^o« {ball 31 call tbce,anft wbat ift t?)oa Docft craue:* 3B am cailco lDi(rtmulatton,anb inp carncft rcqacft, DiflTim. 350 rocra'tcmtcrtammcntfojiKcanu the reft: wbofe nahnc0 arc ir rautj,tai fcrp an3 ^ pmcnp, 0rcar carfr0 fo;i pour bealtb/ii3calt!),f.ni6 pjofpcritp. :f raiTj,?Dt(rimnlation,ultfcrp,anD ^pniDnie, tucari ^ocD truelp 3 tbanfec pou foji «;i3fcting pour feruice to mei y oa are all l^artii? S»eUome,anb 31 Soill appoint ftraigl;t i»a 3l^i. Wberc %li)C ^pithicandpIeafauntComcecfie' • W'^en ed)^ one in %iM oStce in sveit Ijononr fi)a\\ fta^: ^v t cameat^outntJ U«« 21 Ur^ b? ILucat ina^ Ime in great glo;p. vfi-rv llt}nuc5ftcnt)carttp9nr200l>graimijmotl)ettcII, '^ ^ ™* i5S})at iTje Ijao in Cnjlanls a ?au8l)tn:,tofeicl) J)et fane ^i^ ofceH: 3nt) tJjat englan^ toaji fucfjc a place fo; tuwr to bi^, %a 'ajas nat in Cnrope anD tlje toboie "ixojiD bcfibe: <£;l)cn mamg grcaUr to f« i>ou,tijc counticv,anTJ Sje beinj ncslb, Lu«t 1 «»a^« i)^i*e « "f«e oucr to fcrue yon in t)cr ttcai^. (Snm*rcie^fnrie,ar.b 3 Doubt »UJtbut ttjat vou fljfll Uue Ijirc atfpit* 3 cnt) ylecifaa-.uer ta),;t U map be, but j&imonie Cram i»i;cnce (fantlp> came vCjitll me. . . .^ ... . .« Sym. 5ay p bii tl;,nurferic,anb bjtngtng top l)it]}erto,l}at!) bene :ti!3omr,t^at auncicnt'ileligioimCittic: i©n a ti.wcjt^e fi^;onfc«i anO Jf n?CT0 ma^c a bant^rt, SpJjercunto i^t^ Witii certain* ot^ct fomc CnsUI^ fleercTjaunteft S»^tcl)C briibc Srert of their tamiliaritie. ^ . . ^ ^ ^ , ^0 taifcina of nmnp mattetjff^amansft itber0,pne began ta^bate, St the aboiwwnt fabttiuncc Oill bxougljt to ti;«t (lam iS)3mc faib tJje encreafeof tijtir fubllaimce flnj^^<«lt^» Came from otbcr ^jrtnctf ,anB bjougjit ebetljcr bp ftealtt). IBut the df nat0 a5 i9ontoa(,i»it^ all tlje ancient coinpan?, «>aitttbatitf'.rftcame,aHbi0ni»»)>pl?oli)enbpm8i©ptnonp: Sbicbttbe a^erc^ante* gauc cart to:tb«n t^ep flattercb Jthttte- nSenlm^^ax^ioi abuatage,i»be incriaft itboti) tutcb.CW tmOt^ 21 ntt being a fljwbour^ mer?,antt ouircomt Srttl) j^tniic on a ba^, k7t ^mae fenieb, tDe^ »>ovft ^^y ^^ ^^^f^t me ijwp: 3nb Unijmg Retell ^tarb miwljat gwat eftimation pouSwtf, ABaBe boibe to rour lioiiour to mafee m^ tcpam. luar. , ^ liTcll Spinome 31 tbanUc tt^ec, but a0 fo> iPwttbanb IDiflTimttlatfotf,. 11 UnoTU tbetr l Jng cintinuance anb after tot)at fainion: Shcrefoje 5>i'atmulQtia«,pMi Q)albc mv »tex»arb^ 3ln office tt)at eucr^ mans cafe bp yon wuft be Vlf^l' 5n!) rou 5f raub Uialf be m? rent^ gatherer, mp Jeater of ilcafeg anb m»- Durcbaftrot JCanb. .^ .. •. f nb kf^ene becaufe 3Kn3a}epftufae traOie, pott fljaU- bent)? fiEc^Sfamoti^.cafl^erc^sntftf, tobargen "ni^c^aunge wonc^. 3nb Svmonv bccaufe poS area Uie feilow^nij^aaeponrtonsue Ubtrd„ li toill ia:c /au aac r fuel) mattcr0 as arc €cc!eOaftica». 3nT) thDugj? '^ appoint funt.?p ofFtcc0 febtrc nor.) roti ate jn, ^et toSp /mJan^ to bfe pou togetbcr oft tir.tea in one tt)ing: 13U ilabr S»e reft at pour c:mti«<'.unb in ougljt Ire can o> map. Xucar. Cbcrt ^iPaiacr iDaup to mp ^all30 feaftetljee aaaic, ■ 35inaiaicMlwCantteE«awcttipa5utlettomQSercabie,, ^f the three Ladies orLotK^on."" CliebeS ffitc i(ntnttUti9n,3 m? fclfe ivtll go Sviti; t%tt ^zHtltmcn JU soe befsie, but pM? ^n anp caft: Sl^i l99at 99 ge ^(eafcveioite to mp y lace. £xeunt>DifIim. Jc Luear» 31 ioarraitt; t>sn ila^tc,^e ieotll K9t Ions abfent be, "^ SymeJ :f dloip ^pmome ti^uf fell outpatt^fo ^doell atf ijeari: conib $9i{^, Vkry. 390e are cunitms 9ngler)ff,^: ])auc caugt^f ti)e fatteft fii^. ^ ' 2ptrceauetc tfftrnetbat ^er si^sunbmott^ectotilb, ere t0 gooo to be bsn?, bp bfc of filuo: and goalo: ' 9nb Qtb 31 am fo xazX fctleD m tljitf Coantrcp, 31 ivtl pincl^e al, ncbe anb poo>c tbat come to me. 9nbarraiz)l^en II ioasat iSomcanb bcoeltint^e fxiwciZi ^jai> Cb<^ tDoulD talk bow Cnstanb ?carl^ fcnt cuer a great mafTe of mmic: 3ln^tbattJji0 little Jjlanb tra0 mojc to3?r!) to tbe^opc, ^bentbjeebiggct l5ealme)Bf,to^tcl) Ijan a grc.itbcalcmojefcapr. :f 0} bei^c ^ne imobe pence,^etee penccan^ p3a}!e pence to be patbfi 3l5eabC)S mttcbe otber monep tbat to tl)e f^opc^ bfe ivajBf mabe: SX>^p 1 1 tjs but Iatelv> 6nce tb^ ^opc recei ueb t\)\s fine, ^ot mucl^e mo;iet^en z6.^eares,te S»8« in £lueene ^arieier time. VdAtJi tbtntie Cnslanb bab neuev bnoxone tol^at tbt0 seare l^ab menty 3f ^ner 3uften fr^m tbe ^ope bab not t>itber bene fent: •fof. tbe ^ope beanng ii to be a little 31 lanb, fent ^im S»(t^ fl s^eat nrmie oaee. 3nbi2)tnnm3t|ebicto}?, ^eelanbeb abQUt IS^, ^anbtctc^ o^tDoucr. Ci^cn %t erccteb ft ai»e0,^aaing tl^e people in fnbiection, ^0 i6% t\}z moQ: part, d^nglanb batb paibc tribute fo lettg: 3 bearing of tbe 9*'eat fto;ie,anb ivealtb in tbe Countrte> Coulb not cbaUr but peefixAbe m? felfe tbe people loiieb ^pmontt, DSut fim ponr talte till fome ot^er time,ive forget m^ ftabie. Vfery.. ^i troth vou (at> tme:fo^ (be bab b0 mahe boQe, Symo. ®uc m^ talbe me tl^ongt^t fauoureb ivell, anb ^ab a goob tafte. LxcuRt ambo* i^ MeiQU Enter Mcrcadore like an Italian Merchant. H iabffe in mp minbe a bat me be not bare fate HFrom b 3 place Subcre bwclfl m^ ilabp ftucar: a^ttt l;e com can l^entlr mane a foe t)e boe. Enter Difsimulation. &bentlcw3n,7! Pitaic ^ou b^Jtrttl^ let me fpcflftc^ott, ^;ar ^ou boc pou not fenoto a tbcntleman bat att^ boe call?* , ■)?eBmarpboc3l,'|[8mbe,anbfel)atS»onltivouSx)iti)aII:' DifTirn. (KoDba mp frcnb #aiftcr 1Daup,beIp rce H pjap r^a bartilr> Mcrca, cf d) a fum ma acquamtaimce a Svttl; jS^abona Hucar pour ilabv: .^.U. ^iv X ^-'^'' A pithic and plcafaunt Comoe jie ' ^^at on me anD mp rcll3u?c0 poa muft largely br ftjw. IPocfc names arc :^raut), 51licrp, ant) ^^mp men of gwat creDiteantk ^ttD to set mp HaDiefi gooD i»ill anto tljeirfi It 10 WD fnwIJ tbmgcCcaUittr ^ CB^ut teii me can poa be content to iomne JLucar bp IDiCTunalatiCK:' Mcrca. ^ ggo^ a j^jp ^y j^^^ ^,Qg g^5 mp jy, (i^yQ, a quellton, :;^oj \)z oat irill Imc m tl)e %Do;H),muft be of tfjc fea^lt) furr, ^nd 9e ivo}ld iviU Une \)\ii oa7n,fo long ajar t^e ^0}\D m^ure. Enter Lucar. DifTiin. 3} comment pour toit ^ir,b«t ^frccomc0 mp iaup. Mcrca. furcIpmmvmmt)eti)eC5cntlcmaH'0icojttjie, \ Luar ^° ^^ "^^'^ tbousl;t onfo; i)ia l;bcr.T5U'.e,bou:;-.{c.i grc«t care te feeft pea. ■KM ' i©fntlcmanvouarebarti?'t»elccme,^ox:5earevou ciilci), lIpjapvoM 7^ j2^a:iona,vnc be a fl^rOjant anb be calb frtuoj flpcrUa^t ju^, (Uli9$i: LuciT. -j^jjj. J pjappoutellme^flotjatCauntriman, Mcrca. ja9e be j^^abona an Italian, liucar. ')>etlft me trouble pe,38 bcfeec^epetoljencecame^e:' Mcrcji. ;^o; farua tontra boungrace ,me come from 'iturh»e. Lucai . ©ramcrcie,bat feniojt i^ercabo;e bare poii net ro t nbcrtaUf , il)ccretlic to conuep goob commobmc0 ont of tt)l0 conntrcp f0)m^ fa!w:^ Lucar £9abona,ineboefojioucofpouttRCfcnopainetainuU?, ' ■ * 3 nb to boeanp ting fojpoa me iutll not groib: :fll9c will a fojfafec a mp iPaber, flpober, ltiing,Cotmtrcp a» woje %tn Ut. . £^ : toil ! !tc anb fo;f a^eare me fclfc fo^ a quarter fo muc^ a0 mp bat. Xt^bat 10 5at foi loue of iLacar me tare oi totU not bor: iS^e care not fe» all tl)e io^i^x^,t^)t great 1Deuti!,Hap make mp (Bit angr? fo;t pou. you far toell 3Werc9bo?tt0,pet Incar bp tHi0 i0 not tljo^toxolp tooime, /i.,r., ^»f S^ae ca«^c anb H toill Q)ew, to!jat bp tbee muft be lone: **^^^' /^beu muft carrp oner n:?!)e*tc,^eaie,15arlp, ©ate0, and fitc})t8 Wi al I ^in^e of gratne, ^^ 3r>^:c{)ct0 iotll foulb beponT)fea,anDb)ing fac^e ^crcljaunte? greae gaine. « " ' C ben tbou muft carie1)eabe t eatl)er, «allorD,liBeefe,ll5acon,115eimrtteiI anb eucrr tbmg. ^ , ^ ^ 3nb fe? tbc'e soott commobitteja, triflesr to Cnglanbe t^ou mut bipng. 30 ^^ii?!c0 to mafee bable0,colo»reb b3nc0,gla(rf,beabe0,to mahe bjacea lettcs^oltba!!: ,^ > , ^ a ^c^ :Sroi ctierp bap c ?iouur 'omrcfl ant) ttitrcl)anl.!5t a^ra:, ;)?ou mutt lap ^cotfciitabe tp a ftratsc,3tnbtr tDifUtta&c one fat, Cojrall fei!! k«.Kc p^lc S»1)C» pou b« Cwfe^anD C^jftailtoilftaimcl; bUol). ^•7 irith Ipu«rr,ti«ttct;ng.,anb filclinn von tnuSt bttcr pout ^j-arf, 3Jln5 touft^ciU QJinwe mc la vc-rfeilijirpou can tcccurtjllp ftucsrc. Cmfec ^v nut T>at me Ijauc cavrtib cutr co?nc;iLcl)ar,^eeft owb Chacon Mero«. teo all tifif ixxbilc: ^n^ b?oygbt bsbartnanvbafclcff bcfccuntrpmcntobegaik:' 5)ejDr,Q;nl! tr.c tell v^n £l;)abona,we e^o mp cuntrtmans banc ftnt oner, bcU mcftcll (o; maKe opmaRC*,rca anD o^bmautc it fdfc bcUtc, 5Dat mi' cuittrp/jn cK? cantrctsf b« lo SDeUfttrIu^ltas »>i;& cur.trt>, an«J ba^ iscuci: beenc I^iDc. ijtjoiu 31 rcrccitic 'j>c!» loiie me,anb if j^oa continue in tbts (hH, Lucar. ^'^u fbali nst &n£lv beS2}Ubnic,but ccnimanb me ivbenf Ssbcre voaioil. IL3Dv,f-5? to to all i5i0,Qnb mojc io;i>o«)tnebt cement: Mcrca. 2But 3t tinUefomcffeall Kn«nc will put a bill m ba ^atlawtnt. ^ojbatfutbfltin50rt)aiInotbcb>oti.Bbtbn:e. ^ Cufl) !39ctcabou,3B toarrantt^jatjtbounabiftttctto feare : Lucir. 3X)bat an:i one bortljcrc is fame otter Svtll flatter anb fap, (El^ei? ba no batt to tbc cuntrp,anb tottba acigbt fctcb tbat blH woo^i* 3nb tt tbe? bo n9tfo,tbat bp acte of 0erlamnit it be paft, j^ Hnoru vo^ Js^crcbanttf baucmanpafleigbtaubfubtiiUofi:* «^o tbat t'ou totll b^ ftealtb b^m^ouer great fto;e: 3lnb lap It ivaisr in fbc ISealme a long ttme befc;f . Hpo) baling fo manv o£t1)fCcmflc;0f be^rea^ tbcrc are at tbts bap, Tou may» mcrcafe tbcm ajplcafure,t»befi yoa fmb oucv tea. 3ln:) bo h!it smr tbe frarcbcr a« obbc bttbe m bi« banu, 3 iuAtrant po;? be iutUttt pcu fct'pe rcunblp 'buth fucg tl^ingtf in anb otit ^ut iben»D? iJi^cvcabOie,'^ p;ap p;ii icRlfet in toitb nu', (tbe lanTi SJlnb as Ji bnb pea bine tj m r,fo jH fanour pe. fl^e tanfcic mv gna 4ab;',^i't )Sj).1Dtir{muIatioB,bOErci0 fojpout Merca. ftUca^cSj iFrai;3c,U'.uri?,3:;b *>pmc.npjanb fap me giuc it bcm. lixeuct Lucir aad Macadoie. 3! marp ^tr,tbf ^t b7ibco ?;r,nc b^nc, f FntcrArtifcxan Artificcr- 3 bcfcf c?) pou-gocib^ifRwa?stfoi:,bf '"renb a pa^ie man, erb mv late going t;i beo, ^ • • • ».tis^, 3j» K AplcliicandpIeafimtComocJie Jit rc!Rt able to finD m? felfe,totfe anD t\)ilt)}in ijie ifot^ it9i c:)»e be fuel) 3(d^t of (Ivdunscrfl m t^i« cantr^> 9ni> t'4it T3i\)itt^ in lUg9:,and i«me0 18 t\)t tit ivell, j^Mll ianettiita a pusce at gooD taii^z be p^gffrred to fc!U ^i-no aur engttll) mcH be groome fo fuliQ) ano nice, rxr '^^''^ ^^^? wiil n:)c Qitte a pen-^ nb^uc tqe 9;bittanep^t(e* yiuim. -jf ait^ J cwinac l)clpc ttj»,tisJ mp ftJUo) jf rauiir muftpleaftttet^si; ^ttcQumi^ mg feUaa> J- (a4D,ipeaUe co i^im^iiad tie 93 to^t J con, ^Eneer Fraude* Artif. r. 31 befixcl) ^ou be gcob tJnta me rigbt Ijoncft ®e«tlemaii« Fraudc. xv\)^ ann ^^erctJr ivl^atSvoulbeft tbou ^aueme OOt' Amfex, Cl)a(mppcD^eel^atepoui»iUromucljp;crar: 90 to gee m2 to b,: a o) j^ftman to Eal)p iLucar. ^rd ^:r'3J DotrUtnotbuttopIcaicpouroivellfoi^ourpsinr; Ct^at p J u u;al tb i?ibc jcrv tocU of mc,if 3I itt 1)cr unriitce rematne. Diflltn. (©cob fclivto :f raioc Do fo mucb,fo> 31 fee be i* bcrr toillmg to Vat, T^nn fom; v^C( of i:)9;fte to tbee fo) tlfia paincfl be ivill giuc. Fioud ^eJi ^PJ" t^*it conoition 3( toUI,biit 3 car* Hot fo tnucb foj Mi0 oirtf, 3^0 tbic be ^»(ii b^ mp »f me orctare boi» be came b^ ^iji great t^^ttf. :ain^ tbac be i2)ill ittie oat in euerp kittb oftbing, Ci)3t 5f rait) ttf a goob bufbanb,anb great profit botf) b)iiig« '3:b:tcfo;e tl)c riC^t p«ce of i»Mb« tbat tijou boeft make, Urt me fee ^.au9 {»eceit(uU tl^ou tvtit bo it fo; m? fa^e. ; Artifcr. •JPcsQr H tDiUaF,cftb«tb«r)Ottfart, . 3le bono; poar !umt,^brte life botb enbore. * Fraud jpellotuiftauo,b«rccomctfaCm3tna0 3b(!eme. J Fraudc. St^it wt^er a iLawia:,©^ iomt pettp fogger ^e bat^ i«w<. f Enter a Lawyer, Lxm-er <15ent!emc«,mr> wmctt fuitc !0 to bcOre pel, "^ • tlljat bnto I'oiir ilabica feruicc pou isoulb betpe meet 5foj^ aman 3ftt32nepoftbcliaw,a«^pl«berattl)e7P«, %n\i bi»e a great buQre to pleab foj iLabte tucar. 3 baue b eene carnett ^ :r,a0 i9 nabtuU in fucb « cave, HFo? fcarc an otbet come bsfoj? me.anb obtame mp place. "a biu?t)lcaQ8^ f9i ILoue anb Ctfnfcience tiil H t»a0 toeatie, I bi^ manic C'T>ant0,?inb manic mattcr0,tl;at mabe mp parte ligUtt, am Ct^cn tl)ou O^aic f^cuo tb? fritc 'tou^tW to i»m fia^ Hucar. ^ bcnfoje t e 1 1 tK e I f^oK can anl) tciil do it oy no . 5)f rou 00 it,be func to fltt inv Hattcs gcotifeill ere pau got. ■2B^ m^ Ijancftic tccll rct?icttib?rti,3! Ijad qtutc fojgot, Cts about tl)at,a fojmts^t ago fell out i\it matter 31 loot. Cut^ j&irjj tatt uiafecbiacUe 'coljiicanD 'ii)t)itc biacHc agalne, Cut I)c t'o^f feiilqc a iLaa3pn:,mt{ft Ijaac a fc5)o>;fan6 i»atc;i ta fainfi 3nl» manit times ire llax:E)trr0 Do one bcfr a n^ an otbtr, ^tWxUt KOJO tmuevt ftip,tut toe agree iiHe bjctljcr anb b?8tl)er. 3X7}>p ^ir ixjJjat (ftail let bjs to fejicft ano turnc tire iLau? ao &t Ii0^ i£>cpins ice ^ae tljcm p^inteb m tbe palKuo of our fift. CbcrcrojiwbDubtpounot,butmabeboIbrcoo;t, djat 3 cati.canbiDilcleabt^eirUltsurem gcoDUmboffo^t* iDHvotl) \)0-x i.Uttt t\)du tijtfifeHotc TDiffimulatioK:' iQ^arp j! U^bun Sx>tl,lje.i9 a cunning Ciarlie,anD encof ouryjorcfTid, I^M come ^ tt go tottb b« anb wt i»il p;eftr ? on. .;f rauDreinembfrm*. *ea'« cbr o*attns,3D i»(ii 35 tcit tl)« <15cbb fl9 IDiirtmulation tljinhe b» m !* d)ou art to nnpo;itmiateanbgrceme. Come after DUiner,o) fome otbcr time to^en S»e are at lifUxte* Dfflim Fraud.aod Lawyer exeunt. C owe a'trr binner o> fome otber ttnte,3I tbtnfei fo tnbetb, ^9} full luie bo tbe^ tbinbe of a pa>c tnans tueo. Cbefe fel{ou}C0 toil I bo notbina fbi ptttte anb lane, 9nb tb^ife bappp are tbei;> tbat batq bo ncib tbrm to p;onr. . begbp tbe feay* ftbcre'ia}e tie to no tbe moft botb,tbe fetreft Oiall laugb nie to rco;ne, 9nb bea fdloQ) aiuongfttab teUottc^ to b(ib bp ^. tuitu ^9iat. ' fEmerSi^fipl^^ijeaBiiSfccemie. €?ttb rooflhi i^mplicttie bo fotnefob^t fo; tne/ T>esr fattb CfloiTen ^inccritie.tle bo anp tbi»S fo> tbet. »bat SxM)u»bft fa; me be fUj tbee canft tell tbotf ^a»3i cannot teilSvbat Ibouibabof6}me,t):cepttb0tt%90ttlbftstot me an etc bat. 3IU0 3f am not cble to giuf tbcc a ncto. "^hv 5nian;e!Jtbcnboj»tboubotftbtit IDoeft tbou get t^p Iiwng amongft besgar0 from bcojetobecjt^ 3lnbaeb cooffcn ,^iRccTittr,35 bob tbcugbt tbcu toaftnotfo pajte. il5ar> coofTen ^tttiplicuic,3n;ot m^ iiiiing barbl^?, but ret 3C bope ftift, jj^g^y^ 1 9nb fcitb goib Conrcicncc ta3>altbo:igb^ am rcfiratneb from mp tail. ' OiBut thyi0 ieit coo(rcn^tmplicutr,3! Sroulb requeft routa bo tcjme: 2!bicb i0,to get llabv iLoue,anb !Lab^ Ccnfctencc b«mb to a letter: m^t bp tbcit meane0 3E map get feme 2!;encfice to ma&e met iiuetbr better. ^. c» Jtg 3 U BOf fp mBtb fo> tb « caoffcn,bnt baft tbou ««t ^^^f^ ^ SimpU. Stflcer. SjmpH* Sincer. Sirapli I! A pitWc and pleafant ComocHie 3,bc^9ltJ,t!)Cg are reaB? b?a-a)nc,if aflRnctt tl^cy S»ere. ^L«tSinipli:itie make as though he read it,ancl lookc quit! oixer,meane while lee Confciencc cater. S>mpli, let me f« coi(ren,fej 3! can tcaie: ^aa ti0 hjauclp Da)nr,t)ir)Q: t^ ju it in ftscDer' J3^tftra0 CJurc;;;MC;,3l i;aiic a imtut to bequcft potttco. Coofcf. XPijdciifc.'j^ bj ibcsutbattisfamevjo.iethmgtfitbefojipotf," Simpli. fll^ ift* my ccoTen nc(:TCiiC;i»3D bcUre t3 icfi'jc ttK^ep:ipcr« b^f, CMit be iifai' te; f&nje pif r»n:um,but J know n:t i^obcre. Confci. ^« tbe'.c t?cur Ictt we .-• »Dbaf iDoulD pou baue mc ^JCpart^ bow Qji^l 3 f>^ Siicer. 3^a^p,mpnameu^ ^tnccntte. • (V^^f Conki ^^'^ tr9!ri w:)rncccamc vt"?r 4' _ ' 3if-^>ncfrom::?,cfoji»:butmCamb?ib5c3l, •ijcc. |^3mngnat!):nj,tTjoyfiht (jcoDit 3i ciulDjtom.iHf better mi?ft2tc. ^utif Jl baotnftjk;De'ot1!>ntnitie,ti)" & iaic,3!iiro,rmte,;?xlr(Ji3g?f,* ^biQJ:i..oni!c,?Oa:uncaue,$rJtomctiS<,*.o3icfcf,ul^u(ii;U',?2>j;iacivC;!jj anp iticb fbms, baB tiDt DjutJteb tbc:t>bat tobaue bas fvunc better Iminj. .It IDtiiica tbat p;cact) t be toojs of (Sou Oiice rclj anD trul?, ^re lu tbcfe hn-pta ittic p? notb^ng at a I \ct b*,n €f 3b grant tbe sa:) »2)?Mcb ;tff bt nat MH:n a'j3aj> foj our bntbanH-Tirnejflf, Cbcrc to 13 ticuer nio^epjcacbirg ant> leffciolloa?in3,tbc pc:.pic Hue fo atmrTe : 15 »t S» )3t ii9f be f ms; n3t on tbc fabatb bav atteab ta be^re <©3b0 feajb:* !:^.it I»c toil ratbcr nmue t^^ bou}Icfl,fic at tb^ alv*b Jurctbcn oneb^^i^^ «f^ Ccl!i;tgatalcof la Jbtnboobe/utmgatCarDcfl^plapmaat (fcojbs h€ttrl0,o; clo fome otbcr l9a>nc tbwa: 'KrMC 31 f;are (Soaaf tengeanceanourbcabcaittoillbjinff, 3iimptegalrct»;Dilncarb^i»:)at?cmav. Simpli. ja^ lij tnp W)iTf » cm lao b»a booUe u)cll,ll I)ab not tb3«2bt «> l^cfa- iOo;tf)v to batic a 15cnCv ce,anT) ttisili b't. Confci. oD bcbl-racb iS>;ncccuir,f-'jtbe goDD coro'ojt 3 ba'^Jcart^ae; "I iuuiilo tt l.iv r.i ^j3 tD pleafure fucb bclxue me. 3t 15 Htcir ibat batb bpugbc b0 poojc Oaica fe law. :^ 051 "bf bJuc f >ul^ otjr b Juftjixjc are bjaugbt fo p»;e; 3nb fcsrc bi? bcr ib.'jtlp CO be Ibut our o^ticDjic. ■^Jct to fvbrcribe our name weix)illi»itb all our bavt, ^cTcbaunc: fox our faiiea fome tbtn^i tbc 'jjill imp wt. €n:nebHbcc^tmpUcttie,lrtmci3);itcotitbvb*cbe. •Simpli. ^ere w iberisbt picture of tbat feilow tbatGW mtbe Mjner. ^Entcr Hofpitalitic vrkilc Ihc is a writing. Hofpi. fL?iTip,tti?tbz Suu^ mc, but if vou plcafe fo m«cl) m !>ct behalf 3! fed' Hofpt 3 p;nvc l)artiiv,anD it (l)all fuffife tt}e tt:rne5»cll inow: (^. Confci» ^imp!'.citic,oncc mD;c tl)V ^^^^^ ^c bow?. 31 ttjmHe3! (baJlfftuetobeatoanjingblccfecfo^VOU. 3^ouli)D:: itro>t'oU}but3I am attaii* tenter bo^fviiltttocbc me. ^o3ISrarranttljtt. l^cre take tt)f letter^ ^incenttc,anT) f istfi) t\)tm p^oftiCTOUiBt to t%e^, 3 ^ceifi ^ou mcft barttc t^anttjV m^ goet ILaftte. I^sdic C oHrctettcc,pieafeti) tt ^tu te iraibe petite to ^inncvfottV ukt* 3S gcue vou tbanHinB m? 8®^ trattt) ^^ofpttalttte. ^ut J p^ap pou(lr,^8ue t)ou inuttct) to t inner am) flratinsert' i3o iurc^nsne bat fta)^ ilotie,ant) 3 .o; 4.1)oncu netgt^bojjf, iSil^sS tnr Haftte 10 gatten to Dinner alreaDte, 3 bclosne a)C rofe at ten a cloclie Ibe tier fo ^tmgrtt. S^bat anD '3l Q)ou\t come to l)mner,ba(l t!;ott ante sooD t^axt^ 3D i)aue b^eaD anD beare,one iomt of meat,an& Sveiccnte tl)^ bcft fare. 44?l)^,art ti)Ou ciIIcD l^oft)italitte>anii i}oft no better cl)e8re tiycn t))at;' 3Eje tell t^c^if tl^on ^aft no m»;e meat (o%io man(c,t^ctle neie be fat.< WW if mp coo(ren,nar 31 mp fclfe alone,to tinner ftoulb comet' sphere (bouin m^ tat^ anib t1)< reft ttner-fa> Ji cauU eite Icp euerv cram. no^f^ofiae? face, t^atisxailcD ^otofe:" 59? fraenbCjl^olpttalttte totlj not conCfte in great fsre anb banquning, Hofpk IBut in bcoins gaob Dntot^e )&co^, anb to vetlbe tijrtnfomc refreO^tnji. Cljerefoje if rl^ou ant ^incrrttte s>tH ccnte anb tattc part, ibuc^ 89 3; i)8ue 3!e gtne rau Svit^ a fre^ anb ^tiling l^rt* Ezeuct Hofpitalitie and Confcicnce* l^e fpeabes feell ccofTenJetaf oo to blnner 5»ttb Ijiw. SimpB. f i)eoibcmanniaIlnett^inbebutiDefetHtJleafnre!)im. Jjait b bWiitg^t Ijauc richer f ellowejBr,tl)en »e to take %i0 part, aput lie 0)811 netiet I^ane bitter eating feltorwfl (f ))« Ssealbefrcettt W l^crc be t^cm S»tU eateS»ttl| tlje p^nbeft of «iem. 31 am ftirc mp mcttjer faib 31 cotilb eate fo mucl^ a^ fluemew. iBav 3 hmt agtftfo? eatmg J teU^ee. 5Fo? our fl^atbuB i»onlt wener beUeucJH put all t^e meate in mt Ullit, aBut 31 Ijaae fptbc a 3&tt3ue,mv itabte Ifucartf cogging man, .dPeuc me ?otir letterji cojffen,Ue p?efar fe if 31 can, f Emer DUTimuIatlon.. ^(flimulatiottjont bpon Ijn mp part. ' l^ears ^ iir> J »ohio bcqueft to lMnt\)i9 Itutti ®o pour gcoD tpi^gUlomc mUlti^e il«l)ie liucar« DifTim ^i)Cte:iaOitti;ouuteUincT' Simoli* ^atw of mg Cdoitcn ^muvitie, Difiim* ^^^J? 31 ''*"*' not\)\ni to 03 m it,tisr ttat to me tljou t^outdft come, 3 ^ftue not to 50C «if ;:^incciiH{;8 uwttcr^ , Uia mj? feiloojc ;g)pinanie« i;a)me. ^ioceri. er,tI)oa iCDilt feco nothing Svtti^otit a fc^ 'J5jWt^ou,5ft* ;Jc,iiiiunc,nojyct^?aionie,(^amitn9tl?mafo?mc, Sno t-tji^u )»tlt do ic Da it;&ud C90U (oilt not ctyulf, ty^«(|)tlj««iiO t^cir Dcdlm j i i;ate an3 retufr. Diffim ^DMn^3lsionJtbjunD(ot|;/;fofdtrea0knaursof, ' 3lRDtMeret's}etnoei{)itcottt)9BnOtbpccDircnt^erett^^lctterifbe* }Pl;«t,tl)inlie(t ti)ou b? capti9U0 ivo^M to maHr me ooo tt;* . llett^cinMhttet^oti(JLe(terj0tI)«tt)tt^a(l9macbctott. Simpli. ^Kti) cooa«a ^(0 (ttct) a trftscn tun p^ouo (cmbiing Unaut, C^at ii^ele 00 noti^tnjlcs fome b^tbenc tje tjane. tmpltcttte,fo}fl8tterer0n9tecan«e0> ^ ILtue(l5nitlemc«=lUif,anOioitl)p;Qtingget«atfe. i Lucat . fi>it,3 haue rcab tlje tenure of ^ow leiteT,tobcmtt 5 finbe, ^ ,^^ _ I Cbat at tl)e tetmeft of ILoae an^ Ctnfcience J ftjoiilb fteco tuv felt Bm> ^iiH bcftowmg fame fptritxal! liamg on re,pdrfonage,03i ll5cnefice, % f(El«e0 It ttanW gtf ativ in n»be,a0 appeerc0 bv tW- ^ :2li ttb tnift me H too« lb bo to? r o»>b»t ** *« W not in m«, 5r o> :^ l)a ac reteircb oil Cue!) matrer0 to mv, fcraant ^ wtome. •)>ou muft fpeaUc to l)im,anb if ^du can get W goob i»iU, Ct)cnbe(ureofmine,tl)eirmtnbi(tofttlfin. Since. ilnbic^n QiaU ncucr scrl)ffl gabfetll,befaarc3i 5»antobiUtif, fo} \)e iiiiUbo notl)nj e?;ccpt 3B bjing monte. ^ub if t>»ttx;tauttt it Kat,tneRti0 paft all boabt, ' 11 f^linll be nencc tl;e b?ttcr,tJtjt go q.itte S»itl)oat. DilTun ♦ ;fl3abam;3i can tell su^at |?ott ma*? giue. J ofthe three Ladies of London* /jriot^ttttfng four fclfcS»!jctcb)?!)e map Ilw. '• 35f tofolloxte mp mmT)c pouarcante&ljttbent. ^;aptl)etS»l;at Iff Ur fojt^oiilaioacaSw^iiffojtJjrir^oufr 35 am in tuar* burgainmg, ^nt) tt be neucr fo littlr^lD muftfcctne to tofome t))ins* VOii^Mue not v<>i* tbeparfsnoae of S>.iBti)U tobeftotpe^ DUHtn. 3f vou giae ^im t)jat,^f monte (^all neuer luiovpe^ 3]nTJ«dt!)0ufaicfttrue:l?aj»eKttteifemcfntJe, Lucit. Eoc,fo^ tljetr faii^ji 31 Svtll beftoxve fratiWp on ^tt» 3Ie9iuetbcct{)c^arfoHaacofife.i^ii)a,topUaruretY)emiDtt^I, ^nlf fuc{) an oti^et: to tt,tf t^tuSvatO) ttii ttfall. ;Sl^f HaDica^es^oiitolien^onSvtUtakesioflreatonof^&or^^fjfntt Simpli. icnD ti)e reft ot t^e monsj^. X^Ijat are t^e^ fo l^aftteVoelibe t^e^ (|»tnt (t mcril^. Xuar. ^mti) no,f8} t%CTi SoonlB eate it if t^e? twin get it,S»^eK tljct; in a Simple ^unqrie. ^ut? dUttia^li(l|)8p|ir,fo} tou^ancfpttSvelite Mf^ (fpcakingta ^tnccrttie. ^ou ma^ tbanki <^o% anb gfl»b eotnpanit t^t ^en came tfjiu %uf» Cben i)Dl)cre 10 1^ C^urcl)>o^ anp 25eile0 fo} ta rmgf C^pd bnberftanbeft l^er tiot,Q)i S»a0 fet fo) to fioufe, 31 tl)Oug!)t comming in tijetr name0 31 i^ouib go i»tt1)ont* . !tt>l)cntoubab gotten preferment of II near to liur. ]^^. / H^nb 31 trtift ton Soili remember taw pcD?c caiTen ^fmpliritif, / / 5>fiu U«9W to iLabp Canfciewce anb crp bobie 31 btb fpeabefoj tWv // (I5a)b^tmpliattebolbetbtPtace,mvftatei0trtnattgbt, ^^ Snceti 3! Srill Ijeipe tbeefure,if cuer 31 get ougljt. %ut beere come0 gjtr ^icbofaa ^tmt,to }jUn 3| toill go, 2llnbf«iffo;t^etrfoUf0^eiDtUaBtt!)msbcftow4 J I O I V 'ou are toelcome te me fo; tljeir fal$e0,anb fo> tour oxone nama* 3nb fe? tbcir fabes to« tt)a''I foe iobat 35 toiU bo fojt ton, 3X)it!)out 1Dt(rtmnlation,:lFrauTje,^fnne,c;i ^Jvwonie; :fo% tlbcp ^ill bo nottjtng feitf)out fomc Umb ot" gaine,^ iS>ucb canbercb corruption in tlictr Ijartg betb remalne. iPHt Mine in to binnc r 5»iii) mc;anb ioijcn to» ijaue binbc, . '-i^st^-i-.t.-iiiiii; Sincerf, Simpli. Since. Siiipli. Sinccri. Smipli. A pithic and plcaf^iiit Comoecfie jOllGjallljSUe. PrcfcntW^aout. y ott u;dii 93Uf,bat S»^at »• a Uaia^ t^at ia bloaae o june mth the i!5tw cfljITen Wfmembw ppur ft«n!)flf,feemgft»o Intingtf ^Jau l,aue, £nefi?attt;is manpj3miS,3«oas otljcc tljai Has? iucar aauel ^l^ao poBlbcaijllp rain,anu poo I^sDtbjce 9? fouvc raojc, *«j5b£3 apace caoltcndno j»e S)aU get grcar ftoje, l^ot^ou gCTi'amciiw^c U«ctflF;an»iic aet ty^m fcnbeB of jgRiftria louc •iioc£8nlci«ifc, "-^v** ^-. M» JnD i»aif 33 bfs Uuingtf tijgtt!)CT,torie bf s no fmallpencc. ^ou? ia Kit C4J94 CfloiTeii iOi:Kcrme,>»iu oa fa micb, j||tx»ecanlpw»craircaiiDrcmi)ls,'a2a)alijsp!a3T.encl). (p»b iJumpliane caareac to», 3 aw neocr tbe better foi t!)i;J, 3 muft 9t to;ce Icaue oar,foj J uv i;ou) ba;B8 it 10. 31 boote0 not ^mcentieto lae foj mtjefe, j^Q feo? regarD tt^ar tu me 10 a grsete. 4E^itf ujajBtjiiubolaa jj^»etobefab. , , , -: Co.ue lct0 so ta Dianet ccolTen, fa? tbc (0entlem«i 3 tijtnB ^atg almaa. bmbc. 15vic antj 1 fct tiitt»l0 en3rj3b,3 Warrant vatt 3 toiH not be bc^inlif . IPi)atiff!|3ucanftnftgcti:,t!)ent)3a)toilttbottene/ ^^ ^ ^ jg^ iiV on tbi0 faq?i3n,t»ui^ botlj ^anbe0 at once,pe ^all f« w^en j get meate. , , XV')T l)i0nime S»«0 ij^em^ja;:^ jl^etna bath no heini. ^ be I :euc cooffcK po.t be not liutt3ne,tt)at pau ftanb pjatinj , ^aul; lie go 03 btm a plr.fuvctccaufc be l)atbW3cDr, ,, , ^ JftJOi) aua l;e ojill no^^ts bau; b'.0 mcate eate^a n)aUf« ^8xp u« l«if « 3 bfl xuc be iDiUnatbiOmc come asatne to bitttj ^i0 onD Ve 09,a l^all &i«> a Ullcw t^at ^a0 bwf eating. EzeuQcambo* Enter Vfuiy lacJ Confcicucc. tatjv ConrctBnce,i« tljcwanp botte ^itfjirt pout ftMffCf « P^n tell* Chereuinabooieatallbepefure,! bnotDCcrtamlpwell. T? J'l Unau) w)t?cn one c jme0 to talie patTeffion af ame p«c« ot fianp, Cbetemjanatbeeanctoubin, fo> agamft tbe o;i^ct ot ILawe it botlj eber!?oK J tbousbt S^o^ to aftesau , but 3 PJa^e PW tbinfec not /flS^crou, an^almoCaUatVcr0fenoxw0, t^ata»olDecttftome ©f the three Ladies of London,' JD Jabt ro« not, tJjcre 10 neit'gef mart; toitnan If 91 cbilw, tfaaj »iU o> (IjaU^inDerpoa. «>^l» tipcit 3 ioUI be bdttld ta enter, ^ - . »)boitfitt8>ebottJfit1>e»®fetpt9'bcnt«:' ^ ,, ^t maitw^ ci)e matcec Daanaetoutf 5»l)et:c is no nccttc at all, conia. n- Ca5ut ^c tl)tnUe0 it not penlions tt kckt euerie mana fai!: O^otl^ ^t ana ftacar l^at^ fs pinel^t \39,Sa>e Hnoa? not is^ac to bar, yvtte it not fo> i^orpitai(t»,ioe bnewr not Su^Hber t9 soe» ^ccat t0 tlpe miferie tbat tee pao^e fttbtCjGr abitie, 31^ nD macb mo>e i8 tb^cnteltie of ILttcar anb Sllferie beSbe. £> Confcience tbou art nat accampceb 0f,€> fi,3ue tbou art little fot\) nmr' t3 batb Hucar crept into the bofome of maR,ioom8n,an)cbilde, i^at euer? onebotb PMCttfebi0 bears frienb to beguile. ^ut <]5db graant ^afpttalitiebenot bp t^tm ouer p^j^, lln Svbome all our ftate anb cbiefeft comfort botb reft: ^ut ^fer? bate0 S^orpitalitie^b cannot l)im abibe, ai5ecaafe be fi} tbc poo^ anb cotnfo^leCTe botb ppuiBc. i$erebecomc0,tbat batb bnbone man^ an boned man, 3nb bail]? iedie0 to be(h:uf ,defiace,anb b;fns to rutnc if be can. J^ 9w Uv, baue roa taben polCc (fion of ^our beare ilabH Sotlb rctw Eater Vfiiric, 31 b«We bone (be 5a>oulb not b^ l^er SviII> J^iint ^Bwnjit Conrctence to bwcU in bciUnb. ^^bcrefo^c II ioonlb foifh pon to pioaibe re, ^apelbonibfauecbargef.fotaittrebowiemapffnie. .. 3B pjkip poa bartii^' le: b0 ftatc tbcre,awB toe i»il be content confa., ^0 geue If ox tCH pnant a f'eareftobtcb 10 tbe olbe rent. €ennt ponnb a peare, tbat ^ere a ttalc icaft: Vfciy. Ji f H (bonlfe tatte tbe olbe rent to follono pout rcQucft, iiBc^ after fo^tie pounbe a ^carr, i:>on (Hail baue it fa; a quarter: ^nb pou map tbtnHe toi,^ greatlv befrteno re in tbi0 matter: l]5at no longer tben fo? a qnarter to pon tie fet itj :f o^perbap0mp ftabie (ball fell tt> o;el0 to fomeotbertoillUtiU: Well.Ctb Soe are b?t«cn to tbt0 barb air^ bitter bjift, Coofrf. XVc accept, it anb are conrmtcb to tnaUcbare anb bartj (i)iH, Cbcn get pou gone, anb fee at a l>ap pouif rent be reabif . VJun'e. :)X>e:nuftbauepaciencepa;fo^feeiiistberei0no remebie* Coaku Exit ConicicnCc "mntd foole featf J , it tepentcff me 3f baue Tct it fn reafonablf, Vfwy. • 3f mijjljt fo njcll bawc l>?b after t^iukm,^ fuc^c a trifle: A ptthic and piealaant Ccittioecfif -^w fedttS tl)et> tocre t)ifltc(rei),t^e^ 5Boold !)(mc5eufn largely 5"5»a« a Sfil;* wtjS>«^ ^« *>« ouerf eene no mo;* bcicwc m«. EnUr Mcrcadorc, Mcru. 3ll^mnoo^aftien&attw(ftcr®Lfetie>bcmrttatroHbcljeri?toclf ^T&5?)Cbe^«imns>)nto?OttfojrottiBOOTi.^U,m?beinrottP ai5Jfainct8fee«?wri?aytfoi«ttc^a5ai«ftafcallicolwc^m^ SD^fSS^fefasiinarou, antfa^e^ va» bjinj geo. ^^HtU mentobea^ v/;,^,- ?rthknke«>it,Bithcf9eafecfttAeniinofitim»i?«i nowfap;? Y/ury. '^f,2ScmjK^,S^|SeC^Koms^ifmyft^ lotet Luar* Lutir. VJery -ji ©f the three Ladic5 of LoncfonJ l^aueinSnttc numbers in fiention t!)3t mp ioanttiotl; fappl^. 43eGoeinlBjift3^jil^o;tJ)l^'i-"pto",ii^o?a?iclj,«>cfcl;eftcr,Cauntct*utt, 5C)Oi*cr,^iintia)icb)iiiic,^ojcI)m juitj.fMtminocl^^anD manp mo?, ^-« CJjtit great rentes bpon little roomc uoc beftow. *" y 20 3i warrant pou,anO traelr 31 ma-^ tbanUe tl^e ftrannscrs foj tljtior, Cb3t t'^cp ^auc mat>e Ijoufeisto oeare,^bcrcby 33 liuetn bltffe. 215ut rcruo^i idi^ercauoji, tare ^&u to trautll bnSertafee: ^3ti 5oeam3ngcatbc^a3;r4,CurIiC£f,nnt)^3g:ansfojmp fahc;' ^i^aoona^meDiiieasuetooe (^m.-aC0/:&)^£D;es, ^a^anfisan) mojetco, 2X>b3t o^e >Ke care ani tne go et9 Da great tcttiU foji poita ComtnaunD a me a5aT)Dam,ani) goti tl^ali fee plaine, S>ata (oj. vout fafee me rcfufc a no painc. Cben fcnioj flJ^ercauoje H »'" fo?tbu3itI) to fcnD ^e :^rom Ijencc, to fearcb fo> foinc new togesf m li^arbarp oj CHtfc?, ^Mt^ trtScfl as pou tl)mfee ioiUpIeafe toanton? bcft: :fi J ^ou fenow in tbto Countrep ti0 tbcir cbiefcft rcQUcft , 'T^'nDeche tie ©eBtlewomans bere bup fe mucb batne top cjff, 5>at mc ftraimgerslaugb a to ti::be i»berfm ba^ b'^»e tbcir 3lot»ei3f: if apt )39a!)onamctoiU fcarrbc all t»a ftraunge couHtreps me can tcli, '35ut mz S»iH baue fucb tinges nat pleafe bcfe ^i5entlcu)amanfl bcU, XVl)^ t\)tn let b0;pjoiubc tbinj^cs rcabie to bnfte ^ou aojap. ^ boutro commaunbamcnto jSi^abona me oba^. Excnnt» Mcrcii, Luar. Merca* Lucjr. Meica* tcr Symooy zni Peter plcafe man like a Parfon. -■ ■ jfoaiai^ y«agg g i ) B t ' t»tet! yon: f no ^a^ninerfttie trwei^: €MiU ^m Symo» Pctcr» Petcf. Syhio» P«ter. Symo. rctcr« Symo, Peter. Sy!no» Peter. A pithicandpicafaunt ComoccJie i^ar? 31 !)S«c gone to fcl)0olf in aCoIUDgc, S»liere 3 !)auc ftu^feft two oja tlj?ee places otlDinmitie: , Slltij ail vo; ila^p Hucatff faHe,er pountay ftcatifaftlv bclcne me, ^ymo. ^;)ip3|j oeicucrc>b:Uof\»l)citrcUgtonarcroHMHrctcn:' I'ctcr. <^ari>Ocof allreiigianSjjB fenoirnot my fclfeVJerpijJcH. ^7"!. ■)>juav: a ^£>j3teftant n3a3,anl» H tl)itvHs tnljatvotiluiil grantit. Peter. "SitDcj^c ji ijaaebcneaCatI)oUc&c, matgnoBjefojtljcmollpartft gSjoteJlant. , , , . %i\t ano It mp feraicc map picafe JjKjl^ariic m rout care fir, 3 iyanantvoumpBcUgionfljaUnotoffcnUijcr. s^mo •)?;5urajijDeH,t>-wtifllljelpcvoiitofucl)earcatp;efarmcnt, '*' "^^' XDaulT) poll be 5»i Un3, ttjat to; m? paine 31 n;all t; we pearclp Ijalc t^r gaine. 5r»:3nti0rcnron^osjfenotD,t:)atiflI Ijclppoutoaliaing, Itbat vou iljoulo Imto me be fcime&batbei^oIDmjj. ? ctcr, 3D tix aiiti reafon gooT), 3! Ic 'jc .t0 pour waiftctl^ip pleaft. 31carcttatiDl3atvow^^f»fo31'^*'»Vlt»C'^ffa^f'. , Symo. €i;eu ti)ij« man i0! aanfwcrcDi^ir peter plcafeman , come t» 2l^nb tie njcferre re (Iralabt 5»ap to rap ILa^te. ?«it:r. gj^ ^x % tbankc ^e. Exeunt, ^ Enter Simplicitic,with a basket on his Arme. ^>^, Simpli. •)T9»tbtnT?e 39 am going to market to bap roftmeat^ope^etif '> -^ I ^'" n^'tlX'^ 30tn3 to tbe lIBatcbera to bw ^^hW^!^^^^^^ ^ 4ut3|ams9m2totbIoufifttCher,anB*)!)oi;SttTfiBt^3»en bdc tutnrpott out of Ba»f v Enter Difsitnulatioti, tUTum. .5)impltcitie, now of mplj^nedie berp !)C Jttilp ^cH met. Simpli. Si)at%emblacion fweare not, Ui t^au fwear eft bp tbat t^ou coulbft ^hIou|Jucl)3nefHcnaxwj tljp ?;iricftic i^ 2^^*^5on« Xl?^p booj canft tl>->u baue b3neatc,^f en « ^<''« "° ^,7/ "f/,^^^^ 31 i»3rraatib:mUciott: ^ee tljat b^ I^^Te Ijoneftie tbcn tbon map beae SSLhm baft b unsafe arreuer?ncc,conie out i)oggc,^bcte art tbeu: «^Oi'aith tho:i maft qm m; cpe ioitb boneftic,an^tbottbaba tt i)M:e, of the tlircc Ladies of London, P^vs t^^ l^tte p}aUn% ^iinpUcitic,snT> tell me io^at tf)Od ^tt tlftrt f DilTim; «>^f ,tt!Bf nothing fej tb«,t!)Ott Ooeft not Deale 5»tt!) fuc^ UmU of S»atc . simpli, ^x%i9, ct^ere tjS no beceite in a basse t)nbOing:,tj0 (bere r'no} in a plaine "^ puDbmstl^: But tbere iis beceite ant bnaoerie too in tbp fcHoiDe t!)at is call^b llferie. i&iwa 3teteli tb«>3l toonnot tclUbe5„nnD tn H le tell tl^acjnowe 31 member me tco: Canft tcU,o} ^oonlbll: tboaknorve isbitfjev iDitl>tbtjS tiarlament 31 go^ ^aif b eucn to rucbfaill tbp fci low St turp 31 pijh fcnt, / !t>itb mp lladie Heue? SA l.i^'^ Confctcncc too, fcj a quartetjS rent, DifTinfc. 9la;Sp^^ilabietoHe,arttlyiub^iiicnfolovcc:' ^ ^ome little pittance on tbee 3Ie bc&os'e. Isolde ^tmpUcitie,carr(e bee tb;o^ 0^ f3urc IDncbat? from me, 3^»bcommn»bmetobetcucnbcric 5?mir. ir aDuclie e3'8CU,^ejs 3lle carrte am,nii!) t ivcvc ais manp ajf tW Soonlbc ^/"P"' i^olbe: • p^.fl- Cnfl) tbeafeno»ett not%)l?8t 31 meanejtaHetl^0,ttjEr solbe. t'.*"'"' ffl9a0 tt0 golbc in b«be,S»^^,i»i!t ien!>e awaie tbp golbCjbaft no moje Simpu. n«be;r 31 tbinlie ti^an art groame plagmc rictj ^\t\) tbp bifTcmblinrj trabe, »at ile Carrie mv CaBp tbe s9lbc,foj tb^fl 5»ill nmUc bcv \»ril apatbe. 9nb (rcra^carne ilabp n ouejs gotDne ba Ae agame > fo> mv f cilotDC DKTinu 311furie ^ball not^aue ber gowne,^ am fore fo mocb be feill befranb mee. «:„,-i; 1I5ati»btt1b«llConrciencegoroneba), (ball 3 carriet^atbaclieagalne J^^ il5ap,letneanbrwntoflfttneso, (toot* i^"""** 3 1 no bobp car€i»^C»9 Confcience mo^c tben 3B > Cb 55 nb f ^be0 b^ all meanc0 polllblc foil to bcrcauc me of b?catb . 3i cannot reft in ante place,but be bunt0 anb faHoweo me cucrie io^ere, ^bat 31 ftnow no place to abibc,3! iiu e fo nmcb in feare. CQ^ttt 9()t aifl0,l^erc comes ^ tl^at Ssill f^ojitcn mp baie0» ^ Enter Viuric 3D* C>ljatte ■-^MfflfliwiBTB\ammtiii>;|arjjjpii. i A pithic and pleafant Comoetfic ^^ *^^^'^ £> fjaue J caugljt jettr oltt svar beam, roa ^ t\)e man io^ome tftr $)€dpIefopiatfc: you arc a franlie *i5cRtlcman,sn^ full ef !iber(rirtte, 5oiU Jilc 5>iJ)aiCi ^i)«t iri'U ^ou Hill n J.-' xrfrA;* i3j,3lkli3nctl}msbutfuttl}pt})?ioat. Hofp. ^ Enter Confcicrrcc running apace • Confct. yp'^g j latt,^ ntrtble crtf ^afii (1)« K !)cart oiw ma&e;' Holpi. ^ lLat)icC«nfnftu:€,nott)ejincu£rl>cIpems. Coulcu irb?,i»I)at 'ujilc tljuu Do ix)itlj i;un SUfUTW:' Vfcrv. 3»t)Jt i»ill 3; D3 iuitl) Ijimjinarp cut lji0 Jt;8at,aiibt^mnomcjg. Confci. © aocft:i)ouiiotconfiZ)C!:tJ)aaboi»*«lt^a«lp3nftocrcfo;l^a£ffi« t»littett)ntgoo?iaiemb«r,t?fraitwiub«efojc. , , Yfcry. iSeframcme»otefMinina,KO>anfa)Ci:et««naanrwrmg, ,. i^tbrmattet 10 anfu)m^i»ellew)ugl) in rtji»fc^ir.g. . , ,^ , Confci. jf oi Cdod» fake fpare ]imMi^^^^ ^«fc* ^l»*** bwn/oj pitic QOU !#arr S)»m/o^ acu« fake fpatt !nm,fo> Confciwci fate foibeare Jim. Vfury. lit cuntrp,oitnc,aou«4tonfcitnce,8n6 ail ge i»rsf|ert at ing i«lfe> l^e iball biccJiKj pe f«bletoKtcl),l!l«»>«ff<5 V« t^ «^ *^^^- Coofd. ^utT'ctUkncjCaafiwrtbelsmcntthUnfitoftJjepc^K?^^^ :foj lacUg of l^ofpualitie,fatlK«W cbUbjen arf turned out «|?^ ConCber as rtpcni aifuricjltaw l^ofpuaUtw,anb fejmercu at tb^ *oibe»b*nye Vfiinr. i cauc p^ing Confclcncctboa canff npr mollifie mp bart> !!?c (ball in fpite iif tbffi anb all otbcr f«U b»)8 bcablp fmatt. npcf^Ie not commit tbcjmirbftopcnir, ^iitijalc tl>e billaine mto a coj»cr,anb fo lull btnj tecrctl?. ConieveimicrablcD}ubic,anbrccciuft^Vbwtb. Hale mm in, Hcfri. l^cU>c goDb flftbif ,bclpe,b« foiU ftop «ii? b;tat^. Confer 2Jla3 3jiD9uJbbeIpctl)05,butlIl)aaenottbtp9a)er. -_^„„^ Hj?»l :f '^«»cn Habtc € onfnenec, pou n;aU U«u« i^ofpitalttie in ionbon no* Coaftt. ^^lpc,Jjciyc,Vfll'C>fome2*bbobit. ^Entcr Diflimulation and Simplicitic haftily. DifTitn. 5rboi0tb«ttbatC9lIf0f8?bfTpcrob?iailrr . Confci. £PutaUffrt)vf»;ilou)e2iXfuricb"bhillfbl'?3Ur:faIit!r. ^ ^ ^ SunplL iBou) (SobflbicTing onbuf bart^tobptajQxrtKnrtbaJbcwa^bcab, '^ ^e'i»a0 an oJbc cburlf,i»itb ncuer a goob tujtb m W bcab. 31 nb ^c newfcept rw jJOb c!^}?w tl;at 3 co»(b f«; 'iii^fiiftiiwWMiitf iiiiiiAliiiiiriilliiM^'li II 'ililfBiiini- of the three Ladies of LoRdonJ :f 0? if one %al nu tomt at^itmcv tim , It^ec Q}ouirit%awi jsionc tiXX)s^ ;3 couianeuerg^t mv^Iiicfallofth^ate; He i)ao noti^ms bat be^fe^b^eaMn^ ci^eefe fe? tnc to eatf , /j')o£ut ^ bg^io ^aue>^) fmne )£>r(fi?>o» baggc vabbin^/r S»it^ great iumpts ottut: l^ut Ji 'a>atrant ?e ^e bib btepe titp mtuth ^cil enong^ from tl)^. ^aitl) anb ^e be bcab be 10 b«sbc,ict !pim go to tbe beutU,8nb i^e MU, 3£)Mf be ^lU not 30 t^it^,Ii(^im cacn tie tlpcrc (hll. 3i le nerc malbc iDamencation fc^ an olbe c!)ttiribr, 3^o]i ^a^ ^aj? b»ne a great iot)iic,anb sao^e ti^ time cijat (a Iscre out of t\)i &>9}Ibe. Enter Lucar. 3:)(%itCon{itienee,f^aii1ooh«llU!ieQpoo^pibseonpnlo of late, 3^"T'; aa>bat iLucar,tbou looftcft Ube a iotjojc full of bcaulf bate. Conici. ^laf' Conftieiico^ irm •Ktefntbce,but 31 »imot issue. Lucat. Sl80 ft ucar 3 am fiiUeflncb(Ml)at tboo c.inft no i^enefttc t((epe» Cooici* IBut fucb a0 tt)OH art,fucb are tbv attenDcris on d)ce> 90 At)peare0 b^ t^p fcruaURt 3l&trie>t)jat ^atli fctUeb tbat 8»bincinbet i^ofpitaUtie. :f aitlt; l^orjsitaltttc ts !ii^e^,8tlb b^tb tnabe bier %tnll, Simptt. 3nb bat^ giuen IDKTtmuidUoit tb;eD trees bpon an 1)1x1) bill. Comeljtn^f t ?Cxttrouiation,anb ^tcroti bcnce To fait 00 von trnvt Lucai. 3tnb bripe ttir fell3u;e ^HUum ta comt iir bimfetfe out of tbe ioap. iPurtber, 'c{li»fll fLucar,Auaeo,?ttacco,3C fecanbravnotbmg: Conf« 1l5ut 3! ffnrctbcplaftncof (J^obentbv bcat>tt i*?'" bjing. ^cpb ilat):ear^«ntt!)ftt floucbcpourtoaitmsSi^aitie, Diflina. ^0; 7C ttjmke b jeiitg b^^oasbt fo lou5e,flic feillbc ivcll apaibe. S>pe3hfft tbou !u eco jb carnc(l,ojb5cft tbou bat biifcmble:" Lucar. 31 fenciue not boto to banc tbcj.tbau art fo bariabfc. iabtr,tl)8ug^) ittv name bee IDidimulation, pet 31 fpeafee bona fiba Diflim. novuf, 35 f it plcafe pou mp petitions to allotDC. Enter Symony, ft>tauT)br,3'lcanra:frctl)5r ancn.'»?l)atnt«jc0^i,'»»^^n!f, ^"car. ^^mgcfi tbou cf tbp fciioU'C yUruric.-* xipaxif £1|; auam ficcb neuicief ; fo> Slfurte liejtf dofe . Symo. A pirflie and pleafant Comocc?i c Wa if 0? taifane m t!ji0 cuntttc t)atJ) twm^ a goolJ fteente* _ ^nD Iflte 31 faioe t^ofpitalirtc came© to borping. 4.ucar. 3pjapit>eetcllm«ji»ipi»cretl5eptt)atfbUoa)etljittt;' iy Qio. c^cre i»cte man? of t))c C IcargiCjan^ ma»^ of t\)t ^obiMtify ^nD tivinp ngljtfeijjQjipfultmb Cttiscnsf, ^ui)liatiiiall,3racwus,an^ Ijcrie toclttjie fenrtms, 215ut to fee Ijouj tt)e pcejf folbwcD Ijtmittoaaa ^otiDcr, iieucr pet a( ajip, burpall 3l tjauc fe^nt fncl) a »utnb«r. '-ucar. ^BSmwljatfapttic people of t^emurtjerf ^jm. fli^anparefajtcanafaptisfitcatpitictljatljetoasraatne, . a^ut i» i)o be t^ep.-ttjc pooje bcggarlp people t^et fo complmnct 3l« foj tfje otl)er,tJjep fap tojap a cruell bk»bltfact, 2l5ui;3l perceiuenonciDill Ijtnbcr tbc»»urtieterfo3iti)i0crueUact. Ii:cir. CisF xDea,3 dttigtab of it^nottxIDtainmiattonif potttansetllotKiBr goob i»i(i, . . . . 3iaittcontcntcbft)ttl?aIlm^ ^atttogwittttttbertbiitiU. rifTim. ' 3Itl)a(ihe)7on goobtabie7aab3lboub(notbutfl}( ^Ufjl a iitle tntreatte iDtU t^emoagvK. Simpli. Bowe 3f Imae tt itt-tttpb;eet)ejBf,fo? "J canttll, ^ Cijat 3f anb mp lante iottl) mifttuTe *.ucat Qjall tvoiU^ 25u( tf 3! be l)cr fcruittg fe{iou>e,anb tnosU t^re, 3 mua learne to cog,l;e,fo(ft anb imtexe, ^nr) iute '$ djall netier !eaene,ma(iranb ttcert to tie a beb all baf,, 3! Unouj to t^at fttnb of fitting 31 can giue a goob f a^. ^% ifti^cre to eate onetf meate,tt)cn J ftncco Svijat 31 ^b to bo: ^ow fap ^ Qrra^cArt 31 not,il« be bjiubge bp^oOi* lucah i'^o^J t'3 pou little mottfe,b(b3 not tell pou before, ® Oat 3! O^oulb ere txoerc fong totne poo botb out of b»jet^ l^oxD mp pou p^ette foule^ift come to paire,pea Of not* 3 tbinH? 3! b^^f pulb pour pcacocbea plttmc0iomc5»bat lawr. ^«bvctpo:ibcroftouta0t^oug?;penfeltnogricfc, Ii5nt31 bnowerelt be long poawtU come puhng to mcfojwUefe. ■ Conki it^ellHucar tt>€U,pouftnoj»p>ibc'u)ilitlaueafall: JtJ.'jat auauKtan[ct!j it tljej to fein rt)Ci»a>lb.anb lofc tbp fouleSuit^alli? Jet better it tar to hue ix)it^ ltt!e,anb b^pe a confctence clean, XO'm:'<) 13 to (5ob a a)acrifice,anb accouHteb of moft beare. l«ir ii^^?>C3nrctence,anbpou^beba)fcit!j3imeaneto'eauepe, * 3no the coIbgrranbtTC'Mtifottpottr feet 31 bcqucatbpe. ,. , ^ : t^*nfee pou beemg fo ba?pelp l«ameb,map bo toell to feeepe a ic^ooie, 3PI;p,3 tjaucfcgnc fo cunning a Clarfee in time ta pjauc a fcole. Exeunt Lucar and Symony. Simpli. ft)inra,if tijou Hioulbft marrp n\f iLabp thou %oou!bft betpe l^et bjaue, ^Ji3I £T)ti»KenosD tbr.t artaplasu!6ric!)hn-rrte. Diflim. iSich | a!n,but aa fp;tHn3uc ^.aepc to tljv fclfe, Come giuc me mv tabirff goxune tljou afTc !j€aT»cb elfe. Simpli. . 3^i)p lie go toitl) t^»>fi:wi 3j mud bx»c!l ^ttl) mp Habie. Di^icn. ^^ ^f »ce awj)?, 3fa^e ID'f umii intirtaiWJHent, l^c will none of the three Ladies of London* C^ere Sx)a0 no boDte to btD a tios t>jimkc,o^ ^o cljaansc a ntnn a \ oufe, OCnt Ha^ieCenfctenceCnap iol)oc tJSxrrXcrstc^ t^at name atpa^, « ^0 Q^t a IL'at)v tl)8t tier ^tne^ ou( Qf 9li tjer berap:> 5&0 notbecalD noinojciLal>tc,attii if ^ou be ioifc, :^o; cRcne boBit Sotll mcc^ ^ou , aniiiis^ ^du be not iooojt^ tSvoo butterflies. 13P!)at rcmcatc ^imtjUcttic: 31 cann«t ua Ssitjall, Con feu ^nt S»^at (I;aUi»e go hOyO} tDl)creto Qjaiiise faiU* 3X>l)p to ottt^ittaUc0,3I lvnott)notl?mgcl0&el)fluetoDo, Simpli. 3nt> matbe tf 31 cannot cate ticefttie'ttnlejS as fn^cl) aisr pou. 3f 31 go lit m an 31nne,3l Q)aU be fo^e graueB to fee, CoDrd* C^e t>eceit of tlje ^ftler^ttje powimg of t^e ^apScTjas tn tnoft %ou{tft of lodging t^ei? be, 3f in a liB^cwtvB l^onfe, at t^e ouer ylentie of ft^ater^ant) fcarccnc;Bf of ^ tnault 3 Qjottin greeue, 3;)!7I)6reb^ to enrtcl)t^emfeiue)Bi,aUoti)erSott^l)nraao;tetlHnn(^)in^ tlje^Decftne. 3f in a €anncr0 l^ouftjVoitifW great deceit in ranntng, 3Ctna ^eanena(:^onfe,iotti) ^ great ceofentng iniseauing.' jf tna Baber0iboure,ii)itb Iigi)t b^f^^^aoD Iser^f ntUfoa>;Etng: 3|f in a C1)aunt>Ier0,^it^ Deccitftill $vais1)t0,falfe ntcafurc^^ftlltng fo) is^al€epenp>tl)at uaricant itnt^ 8fart|)ing. 31nt) if in an '^ Iei)Oufe,&itI; t!;e great refect of poo^e \>nt\)iittcffi t^Bt Smti^ fssearingatt^eCatDcf cottfnntet^cir itues, i^lig^grcdtrr tviig^tto fpetm a Aniitns tljat tear, tl)en a groat at ^ome to fufiaine t|)cir neefiie d)ilDicn antt Ssiue0. Hjf 09 ioljicl) 31 tB^ge it beS fo^ me to get foinc foiitaric place, ;, iV])tve 31 mat> init^ pattencc t%i0 m^ ^eauie croOe cmb^cr* 9m^ leamcto feebe bjome, te^creb? to get mp Ituing, mong tljat 90 a quiet meanc to iMepe mp felfc from brgginsr* 3)[7betef8;e ^mpliotie if t1i)0uS»iItD8 tljc iibc, i&ettje tl^p fetfe to it,aii( ^itt» tmc iabwr t\^f ituing ^ feefce. Exit Coiiiuence. ^ofaiti>mitlar0Confcienrr,3II(tiot,fo}an^3f^oifIt)fa&eb;ffitnc9 SixnpU C^e !S9aiDe0 iooul) coofTen me to campetuall^ tetti) tbcir oiDe (boone* 3nii too 31 cannot S»a^,anD t>ou isonlD l)ang mee ostof t^e 5bat>, :^o; te})en 31 i9a0 a ttttl!er,n>ili iib grinD tbe mealc^^ile 31 lit) plap, ' djerefojie 3}ie^aa<80 eaOe an occupation b0 31 ^ati tel^en mp iPatt^er Sx>a0 aiiue, ^ait^ 3!le 30 encn a beggtng,te1^p ti0 a goo)) tr8^f,a man Qjall bee fure ta m%mt. :ff 0? 31 am fure m^ p;3per0 5»tH get bjeaD ant c!jeerc,anli mp Onging feifl getmctjinhc, Cljen [ball not 3 We better tl?en fl^iilarf Confciencc :' teU tne^ a0 ro'i tl)inbe. Cbcrefoje dPob fSianne in tI;cSitcI)m,anl> dEJoi ^ottc m t^ebuttcric, C^ine am rcfift uie^t^at 3 tnav ^ng ^it!) tlje meje melioatie. 3D49. agut J A pitfiicand plcaftunt Comocdie ®« 8wr m«fec mp cairfcD countcnaunce Soljen U begin, W^p rtoa m 8 foole caaft not tlpoa beepe tbp ♦naatlj fttatt toget1)cr:' * S ? 5^^" *^ S^"*^' ^"^P at It w mp fat^erisf Hogg? i»ot> ooe as a liuor, 3out ipou art fo grceDie, ^iCfiat tJl^u t^uUteS to (ate it bcfo^ it corn* npe ti;«. SimplKitic fingcs- Aimplicitic tin%tt itfitiX^ tpcmncc uotb pjtoue, ii^o btdoig m ionson fo;i ConCci«i« snD fiouc. TbcCouDcrey luthnopcarr, where Confcicnce comes not once a yeaic: And Louc fo welcome to cuery towoc, as wis Je tlut blowci the honfcs downc. Siogdoivnt adowue, dowoc, dowac, dowac. i&mtpUciticaBBfjrit««) fpfrtencrtjot!) p^fiiie, ^ j!5«_p«>eUm3to HoRtttn, no biumg m iton^.nfo; Cenfticnce finfe Soue, Simpli. jB'^^fera^altcatcntopmpfansr'anDte^iw^ffl^ailMtcnomo^e lu oap, ^o; euerp bo^ mjp fee vonr bellp ifl groconc bigger fottly rating bp out I^e Ijafl fitb Ijitf l! moncv iuoufb (ecnie tbe countrcp to fojimx: you ^nccD 30 tern rou tt»o tboufanTt burhctf fo^ tb;ee ntontbes (pace, 3r.d earc ct)e time came fou got on otbcr tboufanb bp flittenc and pott( fmjotbfacc. ^9 te^en tt)c timecamt t!)at ^ (botiti) baue receaurfe mp monep, ^ouSoerc nat to be founfi but u)aB ficD out of ttjc countrcv: 2)ur(I|> if wc tbat belitwca Qioulb ocale fo one lout) ait otber> Wc ftjOHlD not be tru^co agamc or oar otvnc b;ott)cr: 7l5ut m inp of pw Cb;i(tutn0 make no conCacnee to (iaUtfie pour faptb anD b^ecibe pour Dap. 3 (boulo i>aae bene paibe at ti)e montbctf enb, anb no» it iff ttoo prate pou !)3uc bene nu;np. XVtH 31 am aInT) pou be come ugaine to €tnrbp,notD "J truft H fl)all tea rciue tljc mteieft 6t pou fo well as t\)t p::ncipali. 9 goob a maifter (I5cronto p^a l)arttp bare a me a ItttleSobtIc/ 31nb mc (bail pap re all vncb'^ut anp oeceire o} guiic: aa^t tfnutA mucb bufineite fo> bp pKtp Unnc^es to fenn to (Cnglanb, (S>p'^ -> *^t boreaisefoure ot ftue oaiejffjmelc bifpatcb i^our roonep oQt of i^cntof Mcrca. .tfcifi^^t- «:■ ^■'> Getin* Mcrca* Gcron^ of the three Ladies of Loncfbir, aea^pow (l?o«rtflra?cQOjap ««bfo?gftro!fanf mpmenr«itt|,i,ii>-. _ ma \)a V t\v fcce itnb a no fiict, ting mv gooa fncnttamt! ^ - Mcrca. well Jlc tahc rour {out; nn^ trof I) once nicictlc fntft j«»otrt'i>ft4tf<^» r- yoa pleafwrc a me Qx fc{;at mc incanc a knblv -M^fJ^n mr gooD frmu mc tanHc pen moft ijanip altoatr. m„^, «mS^ cnDanatlJitimereafijaU Ccroa. Conicgoe 5»e Oomc tol^rre out comtooiiitic0 poa map at pleafttw fee. Enter Confcicncc with broomes at he r back Gag-. ingasiolloweth. il5eJ»bjoomctf,grgcnel?oomcif,toinvoobpant», , ■ Comcmapi)cn0,ttmcqmcblp,kttnftafccapcnp, Mv broomes arc not ftccpcd^ but very well bouBcfc My broomes be not crooked, but fmoorh cut and round, I wifliit/houldplcafeyou, to buy of my broomc: Then would it well ca(c me, ifpiarket were done. Hiuc you any oldc bootcfy oranyoldc/hoonc: Powch-ripocs oi Buskins, to cope fot new broome. If fo you hauc may dens, I pray you bring htthcr: Thatyouaodlfrcotily, may bargen togeihet. ^^S« ^'^"^^f ^'^"^"- b?oomejGf,&i« pou bnp anp: Come^apOfn0,com?^UIcBIp,ic{mft8feC8pcn^ Confcf^ .rr,..i^;M?^'n;ry A pithieand pleafaunt Comoedle ' Confciencc fpeakcth* C^tttf atnjl t^fttets to mshf a bert^se af neceSltte 9no fefitta d^aaimigiatie u>m t^uc it fo,3i tittk;sKit t^anUfall];: Ctjat.t^e pa3K people, fe^le n Jt ti^c Ufte penun^ an) fmwt: 1^3t ^ferie Ulmi^z toileratite itn^nstt Cl^jtftiartis af a necelTav^ t^ins* 5^9 c^ac sotns &e^9»D ci^e Uin:^^ of oar iacD}t^|? cpto^e^anT) mani» to IBiic if we O^ui^ faH3» ^9^ bRO i»e I^ottlD not vecesue abdoe tlyat ivce Un^. - . if$l a wt Un^ foj rea)s;-^,^rD can m fa^ 5»e are out neiabbJUi mtnbaf 4> i)ja> blels) q^iil £i)a: mrnba tliat ItnTxtf ivitboucabttCs: H^uc f^iift iUAcii'i 2) ill iic be that cpreatl? coaets bfe; ^o> t;e tiiuci^n^iit nacbliniaciatctji bi)> mmbe> ^ > ttfii u pcnuric anD etuelticbc bolp Wf t«c!tii;)e: ^ JPi^etecoit^ tij«? f nc uppjalt tbe poo^ bp biurta funbj? »at?ef , »7^ic^t m>kw tbMicr? biieat^toiibiaftijtencutti^patetfbaKtf: fjuU callet^ tl>cm t])ZiMB tb«( Mitb not gcue tbt nertte of tbcit ttojt, aD tbj'.fc accuf ft arc t Ijcp tbat take one ptnn? ftom tbe pooje: 115ttt a)ljile 31 itanO reafoninj tbW 3 f»>«« "»)? ««?*' '^*^"'» »no atb 3 am to Wc tbc wtane. Sing-agayne. Hmcye anyoldcn»ocJ,orhgucys aoy boocc»,haytye any buskincf,or will vcbuyany bromc. Wbo birgcn or chop with cooliwn«e,wh»i will no cullomct corned Enter Vfcrw. Vfary. Coofci* Vlury. Confci. Luor. Vfcry. Lucir. Confc Lucir. Coofci. Luar« Wb3 ifif it tb3t crtc0 bjomf 0,^bat conf . fcHmg bjomej* aboat ^ ftt«t/ XO\)n ^lftric,it!0 srcatpi:vetl)0u artbnbaiisebpct. ajt5e(f.:emeConfcttncc,u groeiwB Jiic tl> tongtie,t^oo l^atft Hcpt t^^ frtcnb, an^ not !)Sttt ^si& UiU) irytnocw.*ncc: 5j5ut j»ot(tft tl) btntc of fpo^t. ^ I Otnkc f oa lea!) tt;e too^itc in a Unng, (o> cucrp bc^^ iallmtfi vya. -. f. . 2i»'i (it]) eixtxv one T>ftij it, Srbr mar "ot 35 boc it too, venio. Hf p; tl)at IP fee rout tree i^8rt,anu great hberaiune: 5 Kittraell not tbat all people are fo S^iflmg to loJlou) ^e. Cbenfupeeteioa^cmarfee^iint 31 tjT^uliibajctbceboefejnte, Cbat u to uccfec "ov f bv pac?c C cttaftc bftHfoihd^: Lucac 3nD foj tl^ar purpose "}! b"' c tie tbotHantrc Crou?Kc;5 in ftojr, %ntt ajben it •b t c ir ipojt: ' ^o^rbe tDeb Mtie,Cunftab«r,(tnd(piteiulinetgbbcur8 Boefpf,p}^,anD evrabuutmrbonre; Cbar 3! r»^rc t;ot be once nterric 5»itb'•«^ but f iil tnvit lifer a moufe. iSS)v go0D ILabtc Hucar 3! S&iil fult I vo tr uunBe m euer^ hmbcof tbtn?.. Confd* ig>}!t\iatv3u{h£lbe Welcome at all ^ourc0 S»}}cn e foeticr pn boe br»n§: •afnt) a'l tht boggeiBf in tbe toane fbaH not barfee pt ytiux beinfio 3 trcxp, •^oifvax ailoietcnreanft intent 3 boctbJo^cbJr hncvoi Cueu ^0 "^»cll as if rou baU ofiencir tt)£ bet)' ieirarc» ot f oi:r be ait: * ^n ©^ <"nc 3P iJiubt not bat to rett m pour iauohr bv w? bciart: 3l3ut berc cwmc0 rour man Cllfene. Fn»-er Vfcric, '5'e fen% bim bP^e fft:t ti;e monrp, Iticari Cllertc fiippcm mh bjing me tbe b:pz o'all abljominatfantVat (fanbctf tnttetjin^ou}: 3^t ia lit' ic aao rounb paintcb x»itb )tuer0 colours anb ig picttic to tbo Ibofo . i^y >vn is thne anp rnperfcriptiin tberc o?i fjone. Luar. 5vf Ji mp Asenc^e 31 boiibtiujf bm o»r picaiure;9 fl;ail (j:itV, Cu fteing A plthic anci ptcafaant Comcedie - M^ ^in% t])iU %iiti sot a c Tinvc fit Wjnt (ttx> netgbbonv^ bsDtif. 9it9 ti)f ? ire of tt}C poa^cA I'^^te io) l^tc!;) fitji oar curne Co rigijt: 5«c«»fet?»«p Otjretwi: tpeafe: ajainaow fpojtetf ano rojcttefieltobt," 3«i if tijig BjjuidCaUa t^ctr i»ojOC0)w&alo nought atal be wapb* Enter Vfcrie with a payntcd boxc of inckciakyshaQd. * « r "^' J^iiwm 3lbeeme tlje fame be (f , fo fwre ajef ^ can sefTe. S&ttt Sl^fcne 31 tbtn^t SDidimihtion Od(^ notfecaevou dnu j?oat comnung b^tne: oa can. V istj. 1^^ jjj^^ comnuumb me to auenb a( bco^b to be ^ijb( man. £x*t vfcrie. j Hcrclcc Lucar open the boxc and dip her finger in itj aud fpotte Coafcicnce face, laying * fts foUoweth. > local l^wlb ^crc mp r:4)frte,aKb t\tem euet to fR if anp toant, ' ^l)e mo^e y lue beboi>) tl)t0 face^be mo;e m? minbe b9t^ baimt: Hl\)i0 face :0 a: fauo;,tt)eic c^tehts are r ebbp anb ix>t)Ue, C^efe ltp0 are cberrp r(b,anb full of beepe bclisbt. ^lutcbe r J vims cve0,ber tfmple0 t)PSl)>anb fo>bcab ^Ijitc 00 fnocp^ Her epC'b;oo)e0 fcemel^ fetin frAme,ix)Ub bimpleo cbtnne below: iO bott) brautte ijati) abo^ueb tbee iiottb euerp (eemel^ b»Oi 3ln limtne0,in«la)iie0,a)ttb all tbereft, p;t)po^tton becpm^ bero: ^ttrc 3! ^ue not feene a finer foulc in eueri? binbc of part, 3 can not cl)t»re biu btlTe cbec wtt^ mp lipped tl^it loue t^ee isit^ tn? iliart. Cooi 31 bauetoalb t^e crotpncK anb l^ere areiitft ^ msn? a0 pon ts me bin lav. Lucar. ^i)en &)^eo thstt Ssilt t^on ntoift beparti a.nb ^otne tbarbeier tabe t^ ivap. 3nb 31 p^a^ tbee ma^ bafte in beclttn^ of tly? rome, ^bat 31 md^ finbe tbp labatng finc,i»b'«« «>itb mp ftienb J come. Conf ci 3 ^ tna'«5f fpcjbc,»nb 5»V«e 3I t^aue mt^ bjaowetf oft timed bene ronuna: 31 mcanc ^cttccfbojtl; not U be r«nc,bttt Ctte to toatc^e ponr coma Exit Confcicncc* Lucar. £)botDiot>?unmav3! bCjtbatfucfjfacceffebocfinbe, jlpjo marucll/oj poutrtic anb bearc of iucar bos fojcc tijem follow wg iJ5ow of the three Ladies ofXondofl^ ,m WHi^ Ji tci6vct in full contenmiov^ I _J)«ftaiJ raartp tonciMU!) ©iiTimulatton: 3 nD iiaue fpottce Confcicctciait^ aRab!)otnmfirtojr, IButji f0?Sf t n»P fcItc,foj 3! niufr to tljt vocUMng, ^QtfyijifmixiQll^ anl) flau»ipui2ir>alf^eu5i) 3g ]^d no biWns* £xitLucar« Enter Dirsimulatlon and Coggin hys tt\to, and Symooy. Coo ^fr Qltl?o*J3l| pen be mp tiiaiiJcr jD toonlftenot Ijane i»w to *pbjaon bfc fl)e rigf^t ffeUI anl) title of tfecfamc: H[s);.in^» ncmc uj neitbcr fnggmjmo^ fcraggmg, but auncient Coggfng: fTn^ vo^r ^f If' avf of u!p ncirc bmne. -, , . 3Iii:)ce>)c t!jou fa , ft r rae ftj CoRgtn tt a Wnfntan to IDiflRmttiatton, Diflmu S3'Jttc?imc^8uct:'juta&cntI)etk:tnc90ttl)9SUtficji^ 'Vcalir. Cog. £et me ^etrr after ^Ijiat faQ)ieii. Dtflim* The names of the gucftcs toldc by Coggin, C!)cre is firft an^ ft»jmoft matter ^c^gctf ,tnb maifle? iflatterfr, Ccnif ^aifler ^crtKrte m) maifter 3 nmne: iS^atfter CracItic>ano matfter ^idianc^matftcr li^^berf anb marSct ^ixcberte: ^atScr lX>mcbe at iDpn3,8nb ma^ftrr l^ea^ftrenf >imftTf0 pxinic €!)crt ^HDmatfter beepe 1Decetc,tnatRcr 3b!)i:minanon,ant>ma)ftcr5Po;intc^i;;e tn tl;c tnib^iift, ent) ti^e men al cctje cnb: ^a wu ffe,t!)cre flrcfiFt'»ne,ct?f n fir mwv 00 feell nearciji able Co Dine in tht fommcrtiarlojat t^c pl.i^^ncr tab e: ?Bc5bc mp t 5;'raul),an?> v»«« >lhu) fl^rmont*, 2Btit 31 njall^auca £rcae faitTeaf iiP' ^f^•■oa)a^fe^ie. - 'Case no care foj t'r^t, fce can:c bomcrfft^t^ar rrctt no longer, ^** l^t0 i:nbox&r«c,:..>-^f);bt3gcB,attU tJ)atb^nCo"rrfcr: 3na Cn:a,ance ije came b feniV l;c Ijau like 10 Ija^e flame gocb ncig^ boat]^oot).n':t5 liif rnlui:, Ijiao not tnt fncnblhip ftcpt bett»Cf nt fijem berr fobcnFp: li>«it Grra be 1)it trac frienbl^ip f cbc a blosD on W^t earc, C^at \z feecptjl our of all nwwJ Csljt, 3 tbmHe f jj a;amc o> foj frare. A pithic anJ pJcafaunt Comoe^ie DilTim. ^J* JJ^?*2 ^"^^^ ^^ wr a pjmie ie%W\t b« maiw true fr(en^!I)ft) ^ftfc Srmo ^"Sf ?? 't?' ^° ?J*" neigbbourbetJt fl)i>) libcralttie fo> fcarc arc fleD. 25uf cu^a- Ca3r.«,l P^P poa (joe to imite tljc geftcff, ^no tell u:h\ t iitt}t^ nccac nn oifturbe trjeir q lutKetf: T^tae^jtn rj «;»»: at Dmicr time «n9 tt Djiill fu J»fe^ Jt>ta uc 3 ttuo4? \ oe l«ij fj cartp u viit, 0331 at an,' o<»nfi i»i» ©uccjj l^tojcriae, ^i) It ije mecve oa a: tqt C I) ^rcijc tieq? e«rlp: ^j; J J>uunJt;jivwaUtueu?J3ilot3U)ja6er«t8armiitc!?» Jt w 43 dsc piD inrijr, ttff 3330 jiuitij a ija;^ bero^e (i|e OJ^e^bat iU. pa-iea oojie berojc ti)c .^«rcb. Cdg, ^it J jDiltdija Jtttaff aaA8 3ca«ljpe, HU iiiA to t^at UaiOi aolbc dtUL>iC Doc^O) l^ipooriOf , Exit Co2:» Svma ^ ^"^ ^'^'^*'''' TD'limtitatioitljotD bared «;oa marr? toitb*! '*""• nngaoljucical «» ^o> cijou Qocu nutrias ^^ bttTetitble, ttjen tV? losie mnd nee)(;S b( imall: ® ba» canft not loae bat frcm the t xtb fojtjatb, ifeure tJje «ife tb«t man tea tijc c fliall Ijijtiip be pte*arbr Dlflicn. Cu1)ta!I),p3ajrcamcrr>),'J \»irr!twr0'4 | H.tsa) &^at 3 )9« 3tnb can vealD a g j jB rcaion fo> it J ljatanftiftJj)e a)o:IbQioulDcl)ann^eanttr mucal jttherfiDej' ^t;c« mi2i)t j bp ^er mcanes ftill tn g .'OD err o^tc abibc: tl)at out sf fe len i?arDC0 ft 3lc 9nc ano a bal'c jf b Tance* l^eurueb at tb^t time tbc be.r.U m liKcnefTe of ^ainct &i;i)cnnc, ^jcb Sa;>tJ:2r toai rbnue t t^at ontot a diublet dnd a ^ap^e ot ^i;f, canftealc tgcir taifc an 3lyJV«: ^be ID ibicc ileeucs tbtes &n kts xoeve O (bo^t, Cbc ^cncctanB e^imc notb^ng neare the knee. DifTun.' €: caul) fall. ^crcemgtb^tcrQrcbtbcpjrtteto buy as much to tnalieanot^crpatre Cfjc p.irtic bi^- vet foj all t')3t be Hole a qiiaitct tbere. Dinim. ^ow i^ut; 31 ca.i l^iia ti^nUe 1^? eoulb i^ig wcupattan: '§J cftTretlircc Ladies ofX on (JoitJ '-* S^'f fenosDC ftmu ^oulb lattg;!) to ^care ene tn^ti of fuc^^ UfhiQV. lout Miovoe ^m^tit) 3fi tifinix tm Ijartiip foi companns t^ €a^i9» ttmr, T^B ^^0 ll)0tft) fat>,1ntf l(naaerte au) mt> polltcie ^iti not agree. j^gt fQ,bNC H toas (1)e iDtllinaer ta tell ti^&i becauft 3 hnoo? tt to be( actoctaU, 3nb ta ftt i)09e 9rttfitcer0 boe e^oll jf ran^, bp fo^ome t\)ec beare t^ettfailc. )15at come' et b0 teantr,8nb taike no mo^e of tl|)i)7, 3^aHr pi»li(Ctc 9»i» ber^ s®b,ano (• no boobt v)as l)i0, Exeunt. ^Bnter Mereadonis reading a tetter to birafclfey and let Gtrooius the Icwe folio we liim, and fpcakeasfolloweth; ^cni3> ^ercabo^f ,te^^ bot ?oa not pap mee^ t^inbe pon 3 fDtH bee mocHtrnti^tsto^tct* dpt0 10 1!;>» tt(M0 pen ^cflototcb met, it f«mr0 pon maketl^tcat • ip«]ite. CruHt pap mc my monrp^anb tijat rant nmt p^mtlP) iD^br mt^'otte i:$A\f:>nut 31 twtstttji iDHIfo^tbvut^a^rftptt. i^i pMP tbarr jott mc tte o^ foutc bate? , mn if me tntici; bufineire tn lyanb: ^t be trottblcb %)itl) Iettrr0 pou fee l)«;rc, bat towtst ttem C^nglanb, XuQ) tt)t0 10 not mp matier,^ l^auc n^btns tbereioiti) to bo> i|d t^ me tnt> manev O) ^ tf make pou,beft4e to poot iobgtng poH go. 2| waae ^tftcf r0 ftanb toatd^msfo) pott^io tbat pon cavnot palTebp, ^ppetetV^e p^u toerc beft to pap ni#,o; el0 in p^ifon pou (^alt lie* ^rrecr me boa iHal tmaae^marp bo anb if tbon bare, fi^e iotU not pap be onr penp^arreft me,boo,tne bo not care* S$z a>m be a ^urlie,me came bcbar fo} bat caufe, SDorefbK mr cr^re notfo} be fo mttfl) a0 t«DO QxBxotff, <$bt0 10 b4t poitr i»e>br04)fcaurepon %ooulb bvfeate me, 3 C!tnnut tijwhe poa totil fo^faite^anr fatt^ (o Itsbtlp. ^nt tmn% pou b^ue me ta boubt,! le trie pear boneftie: Gberefo^r be tere of tbt0t1 ic go about it p^cfditlp. Exit. ^srp farcsDtf I ^Hb be bangbjOtten fcalb b^unkcn 3etp« 3 fearrtnt pee me Cialbe able berp beil to pap pou. si^p ilabp I ucar baue feit me b«re bt0 iettf r, 1^»srln3 me t9 eooflen be 1 twt ft) UiH a ^er. ^aref >e mele ga to get a fame €ar&0 apparell, iDat mc map CfloOfn ba 3ea}e>anb enb bui quatrd!. Exit. JF.nter three Begc;ars,tliat is to fay^Tom Beggar, wily Wi]l,and Simplicitic finging. SytBO, GcfSSi Merca* Geioa. Merca* Gcroo*' Mcrca* tmc,t))tn m'l^f be lap Ijim Bowne to rcll. ^elimc.ts It not a lo^Dcf life m ^omtner u lovcie one ttiD^raljcBSC, 3nD tljcn Icaatng tljat g8utr,map go clepe an^ coli 1^10 id^m^zf £f}, zl0 map Svalbc to talu tbc ivbeferome ifn Ab} :a^t tu} i)ie deiigbt, XViicxt })c map tumble en tl)t 8rane,tK>u( floats fmel0. aritym mamc » p;ct;cagl)t. 3V OF^an dSmperoor fo) all btjr ivealt^ can fi4ue but !;i£r ptcAartet of lJ»rtir/o> all tt;c latngef ^.,1 tteafure. ' ^ ^ball 3 tell tbee Com l^eggari' bp t^f fattb of a pau hnoiue tt ivere not fo) me,it iootilD maftc mt> baitant mtnb mab. -f 0; noxD Srenntbcrp4P Cl^urcl) montp/ubQttrjffjfittecnciSjtcctjno^ lot. ^11 tt)epiipms0i»e pap,t0 to pap ri)e goob ale pot. Suni»Ii. 1i5u( felloicc Il5eggar0,poit ccouen me,ant take awap all tbe bcft mtit, %t\^ lca.:e me notbtna but bgtoiune b;eab,oii finnc of fifh to rate. XVi)tn pou be at t^e ^^le^enle^pon b^mbc bp tbe Srcng alr,anb gtae mei fmallbeare: yo:i tell mc trfl better tJ)cn tbe ftr£nt5,to make me Cng cleare. 3nb«;be pou tsnovo ^itb mp fingmg 3! gcj tvcxit fo maci) w pe, '^ut anb po': Irrue me ro,pou Qialt ftng pour fetuc0, aab beg alone fo) tfie^ Tom. XVe ftanu pjating b^t'e,cs)mc Ictts go to tbe gate, iSWafi y am greatlp afraitj ire arc nmc '"omeajljat tco late. ©cub gentle 139. ^3jtcr,pour rfojaru bo beUotue, ^a a pair lame man^tljat l;at^ but a pMt of leygeier to goe« sot of thethrcc Ladies orLonc!on» Jpoji t^^wtottt of (Es^ gcoft S^a0 |3o^tnr,gettf femeb^at to tbc WmD WiH. Cl^at ti)C SDa^ ta tbe H^te^oufc in t)t0 flespe cannet 6nD. iTo; t^« gwo llo}M( fabe taKe comvsfltsn on tl>€ poe^e. Toni»: f Enter Fraud with 1 basket of meat oo his atmc ^m M\x> ^tneTj^oti ate bengcauce I^aOtccan ^e not tairie:' Frauad 16ut ftanDbauUng fo at tn? i,aDie0 ftoo^e. I§ sre taHc u amonsft i?ou,ret nvorc a goo( almen o«be to geac (oa noticing, Oi3ec8ufe rott ioere To ^fti€,anft keptfttcl) a calling. 11 befeecl) ?e ttot fo £>it>fo} ioe iscte tierte ^ungrte, Tom^ Ci^at made tos fo camea,bttt ive are fo^te fve troubled fts. twix 1)39 greebie tt^ei? be,ime togia tbac fall a fnattinng, Simaif*' ^Dou iball f9 {^ 31 l^ali l^aae tije gveacea almeji^becaufc J taiu nc« ^ t^mg. ^rautte fcitexoetf me,t|)erefo^ ^cle be m^ freenti H am fure of tl^at, 4f be^ iHiRe %H}ftni but le^ne be^,ve i^aU fee 31 0)aU l^aue a peece tljat t0fifit. Raider if ranbe fou iMBte forget tnr,p|a^ Vn6 iHmr tnp (bare. iPaUi)alltj0goKe,t^ouc0incft too late,tbaHfse(laUi0 gtuentbere. Fraudn. S5p t^e ti3it^ of a 3l fatoe t>onr armef bang oat at a (^able ba^e. Simpiu 3nde^^ mp annesr are at t^e )datnter0,beUke be bung tbem ont to b^ie, Fiaudc^ 3 map tbee tell me ivbat tbc? tocre,if tbou canft tbem bcfctte. s^arp tbere ioaji neucr a rcotcbtn,but tbere ions ixtMi rampant, simpli* 9 nb tben oner tbtm lap a fotcer crc? parfant, Wit}) a man ItHc pou in a gresne fie lb penbant* Hauing a bempten baiter abaut biff nc^,Soitb > knot bnber tbf Uft (arc becattfe pou are a fotmger b^otber. ^ben jbtr,tberc (tanbt on ecb ttbe bolbing bp tbe creafe) 21 iso^tbte $)ftlerf banb in a btcb of grratc: 36eQbe0 all tbi0,OH tbe belmet ftanbff tbe bangmanff banb> IS eat)? to tame tbe Habber iDbereon vour ptrturc btb ftnnb: <£ben bnber tbe belmet bung <£8bU0 ittie cbatnc)S,anb fe; S»bat tbe? an 31 cannot beuife, ^iccrpt it be to matte i?on bang faft, tbat tbe Creoc^ mtsbt pt^^t out ronreie0. « i ^bat a fsvab i9 tblff ?' H bab botne better to baue Cent \)im to tbe bac&e FJAudei boci?c, Co baue gotten fome almeff amongft tbe reft 4f tbe pccjc: Cb9u p^atft tbott canfl: not tell i0bnt,o; el0 Art not iocil in tbv ^it| ' 3! flm fure m? annc0 arc net blR^t) fo farrc abjoab as pet. iI>ps05r,i»3urarm:0tDKChneia)ncagrfat"tBl)ilca5O, Simpli# j?^ poar doer bjotbtr IDcccttc lib giuc tbofc ntmcs too, S^ arr tbe biffernice i0 all,fcl)icb is tljc bnot ^ntcr tl)c left rarer ® be ^* inter faif0 i»bt« b« iff bang.pcu map put ont t)}t Unotfeitbont fcare. 35 am fare tbcp bcre poinr armc0,fo j t^erc S»aff &>jitttn in l^mfttn;e letterff about tb«b««P»cn collar, C^cujn A pitliic and pleafant Comoedie ' 3| (ficttcttbg t\)t S»03it!jte Valiant tapt?.inc S^aifter :f raub t^e €>ftlat. ^^309 <03l5 be iTic ve(ir,3 :i2 gst i^'C eucn dofe tdt^e bdCfeeOBjc. :^ arwjeli -^Eiwa :ieeg3ar,ani) wpJic ;^UI,3 ic Uegge i»u^ ^ou ne moje,. kxit. Tom. £>far«ocU ^fatplicitie,iDC are ber(c lato 1 5 lofc tl)^ campante. ftiudc, ii^^Jw t)c 10 gone giue taxe w mc^t^oa fopntc to be £b»ai» mea tn ctim'e UT>nt aii9 lun, 2Bn:5 can pc hye In t^ffif fojte,to goc tp unu Dotone tlje c:tmtrv a I caging i' J© La'e in;nD3 J8 ttdJ3,3B tjatt.ratiicc bacKe it o.u b^ tt^e l;ijt? i»aif a^c, UlsjCii iucb miiene anT) penr^ne ilill to a^t^e. fi) v0,ifVUU'irillb£ruHjebvmc,anD oa io^atlB nj'llfap, ^:ir bjmg vc i»t)etc i»c n)all Ijaue a notableftnc p^y. 3c us fo i^K0;tQata itll^crct)ant,one £l^eitasor^, vs commin2fro:H ^n^ u i^ RT' Habed pleafure tijat be robbeb Siaal) be, ,^l)c b'^ib f*» ^jnc tf)!it loe ib Jibe a!l iljarcta aliixe, Tom ^"^ ^i^^" ^^''^ a>'llfD me fume fucu coiii5)»'»nions as reu be te fccke, . . ' ^.^ voltaic €:aptni3e :^raaoc,voa oaue "wottnc mp nablc !)art: j^ou (|)a!I fas t) 03 m.infulij? 3 can plip mp p irt. 3! .ID ^^r(B ix)piic a?iU,afl 2«»b a fclloojc as powc !)art can toi3), C J 30 a &a7!n?( «ub a crcnH^ti^^susl) a liomDatvr, o^ to iet imetv)i%%tft Will to caret) a pan,potte,o/lun), l^e fares trjip/u H tell r^J" J aw o^« t^at toiU not seue bacbr, il^ot foi a DjabIeiT)3t ant of a blacbeHacbe. sD ur pou bjinj b0 a bcb ujhen pc talKc of tbuff t^eaw» T.,,u C.mE,a)all«3etjoi»a?tbpCapiame:'lllon3ttlltocbct^ere. T, ^H^ -soben t^c tmz feruco,}! mp felfc j>iU conbuct r«. * *^"^ it) aialiantlp fpcikcn,cojnc i»ilp I3?:»,t£P0 ppt0 of aU wcle ocitOU>(| iD.i OMt (Eapiainc co^agi^lj fwj apartms blotcr. Lzeuiic. f[ Enter the lucJge of Turkic, with Gcron- tus aiid Mcrcadorus. iu Jgc» f^t (5erontu0,bccaafc ?ott are tl^t plamttfe,yott f rft pour min^r fl)allfap, ^^ , «. ^ r»cc!arc t{;c catife pnti tiD arrcfl tbi* flJ^crchant rcft'''')ar. Ctron. Sben IcarticD 31utt3e attcnDr. €»}UB fl^crcabojui Sa >. me pou fa in I>!D b^iotretcDO tboufanH r>ocKctB of m(s»,but m a fitie toceWfpace. -S ben '^irjberojc ti;Cl.av came, Up ^ifl aattetiebe obtameb tnettjoulaatt 3 ITd p%min w« at ttoo monthc0 tnlc 1! Cb:.nlb rccetue mp ftoje: 5i3u{ bcfojtc thr tiiKC t j:(pitcb,l;e icajB clouv £e5 awsf , ^otbat 7 n.-ufrbcarbof»)imat1cifltbifit«)Qp»suffbap: Crm ac t«)'e lait 1 m« i»itb 'itm.ano tm ma\if r Cib bcmsinbe, M?J)0 iccw to »:ie .r due bncs cut),i.e ^^oa!n ?.ip m; out of ban!>. ^l}e &tie Daiefl come^aai) ti^i^ oaicfli mj;e,ti;?nanc bap ^c tcqaCiteD, of tlic three ladies of toiufou,' , '^^,^, ^^•'■^ '^ ns naa? };e C3mc0 tn < ^ <^<'g^» anD become a Sii^ai^ouict, 911 i>ctic£0 arc patDe^Uji t^c Ia 5i9n:cat>o;u0 10 t^t0trof t^at ttat caufc Me came ^eere. Cijcn it t0 but a foUte to mabo man^ ioo;be0 . ifremo>^ercaOo^ i\xi^, bjaanecre. Uni) ]?oar Ija^ b bpon ^xi ba)bc,anb Tap afrernue, JX>ub a goob iciil mp ILo?b 3ubge,wr be ail reabte. Merca. jBot fo; m.-^ ^ctietion,but foj t ucar0 fake of mp monie. r> S)«P 3 fl9ctcat)o;«0,bo btteilp renouKct befo^rtll t^e feo>Ib,t«t Otitic t*^ j t. to mp ^;incc,nip bonoar to rap parcnt0,anb inp goob wtl to rap ctmtrp: •' "°g'' ^urtbcrmo^ 3 p;otcft anb toeare to be tnie t0t^i0 coimtvp bonng itff, Mdica. anb t^erebpon 1| fo;fabe mp C b;»(han fsttl^ . ^tap tbrre moS puiOfant Jubjc. ifremo; ^ercabO}tuv> conSbet 59Vno point bencir^me Svilt be a •SurKe '% fap, Mcrca. jO^ebcinearteef mp Cb^fte0reltgton,anbfo; batmecoraeatoap. XOtW fetma It 10 10,3 iooulb be lot^ to i^eare t^e people fap,it Soajf long Gerotu of me e'o;c t|)c Jubge^anb all t^eteo}Ib,neuer to bemannb pen? no^balfepcnp. iD S»ir ^erontn0;mr raKe a f onr p^offer,8nb tanhe pon moft l^artUp* Mercj S^ntfeneo} ^crcai)a:in0,3l trom pe iDili be a Cnrbe fb; ail tbt0. I^^dgc i&cncaj no,not fo> all Da gcob in ba SDo>lb,me fojifakc a mp C1»ift. Mt rca. 3t>bp ti)en it 10 30 tftwnit:?,onb €!jrlhan0Hn 3[«pif«c0. (Exit ®teilbcll,biit nietankc pon «>tr (I5erontn0toitbailmpbcrp^art. Mcrca ■ fi^uch acfb map it ta yt^u fir,3! repent it notfe^mp part. Ccroc ^ttt pet 3 ^ouiD not bauc this boiben poft ta feruc an eti)er fo, j&iebe topa?,^ iia^pe bap io(t^ moi,fo a gab name oiipoa S»U go, (E^it. A pitiiic and pleafant Comocc?Ie Mcrci," y^^ fap ^f ' ^^tiit ttaf me goo5,T>at me Ijaue ccoffenD ^e 3f cwe, ipaicf? 3 icDoulD mt HaBie iLttcart)e*)^Ic matter noweferwoje, XUi)at i^ D3C me ^ill not Bo fo^ f)er fcoe^te Tabr, S5ut notp me toili {iiamBe m^ tammep toq^atD dBnglann te ta^* ;^e be a viurl(e;na,it inill maUe m^ iLaBie tucar to ftmic, Wi^n ^t lun^wtfi k^w me OiB Ba fceU Hove besutle* £zic. ^Entcr Lucar > and Louc with a vifard behind^ ^^^^* fl^iftriffe Halie,^ mwrttll not a little So^at cop csnccfte W creptc int* t>onr ^eaB, 'St^at ^ou feeme fo fat> anD fo^rotofttU Qnce tl)c time rou firS Dtti ^eD, Cell me fu^eete ivenc^ ^^at t\)m apItft,anT> if 31 Mn eafc tl)^ gtiefr, J iDiU be p;ell to plcaCurc tt)ee in ^selBtng df rdicfe. ^are tljeu mafecft me foj to t!)mHefome tl)ins Ijatl^ c^atma amttTe, 31 piap tt>« tell me ioljat t\)0\i apleft,aa^ -0)1)31 tbc mattcr^ijEf, Louc. ^^ gricfr ala0 3B (^amc ta njoWjbccaufe mp baB intent, l^atli b?owgl)t on me a mil rcwarltjanB ehc a ftraunse euent. ^WIJ be counteti «.ouc.-napratl)er Ufcmious ilutt, 2l5ccauu bnto iCmTimuiation jC DiB rcpofe fucb truft. 2i5utno«) H JHone t© latejiiub bluCl) mp bap to tdl, • ^ i. S9p^ca^inm3nfttou0fojtala3,t)otbmo;eanl)mo?c(linfa)cn. .o^ucar. -jg pQ^,,y jj„j, t}jj„ fujoUcn gooD ^aaittriire lloiie,3D pja)? gou let mcue, ' iDt trotb It i0,bebolT) a face, tbat fame* to fmile on me: 3: 1 10 fatre ani> iocll fauoureb,*tDitb a countenance fmoct^ atiB gaT>, 3X>oont>en0 ttjc i»o;ft,to fee tiDO face0 in a bcoD. - Cosne let0 go,*tt)eIefinl>e fome fpojis to fparnc awai? fucb topcsf, LOUC. TfQ^f ,1; „Q( foj ILucar,fute ILoue ^aD loft Jjet iove0. Exeunt. ^ Enter Scruiccablc Dilligcncc the Conftabic, and Siraplicitic, with an Officer to whip h im^or two if you can, SimFli. Wr>butmufli; be^bipt^.Conftab^ct^BeeT):• * you map faae yaiir labourjfoj 31 baue no nccD. Di'l j, 31 "^wtt nccbca ftx tboe pun:rbcD,tbere.i.6 no rcmtDtc, Cjccept tbou iriit confcflic, an:> tf H me, , 5X>bcre tbp feHou}C0 are becoii'.e tbat DtU tbc robberic. Siiuph. 3J!tt»i^oe^.Co.i(labIc,31 i^onotHnouJCof tbeirfl-caltng, 5? oj 31 bit) net fee tbf m Once ioe u)cnt togitbtr a beggmg: Cberefojc p?ap ^e jS>ir,be mifcrable to m!;,ani! let me 50, ^Fm 3! labour to gctmr Immg^JJitb begsm? rou l^tow. ^ - ■ Dil-J. i^\)ou s»aft fccnc m tl;eir compatitc a little befcjc t^c hic^c wa« Boone, , , , Cljcrefaje it i0 maft liUcf^ tl)oubnowca 5»I)erc t^p ate become. ~~ , ".^i of t^cthrcc Ladles of londonr. 3»^pt««ifterCMifti^tetf a Qjejpcgoe nmon^lJJsIufSfallDa^f simFl'' ^^all tl)t Qiccpc be blamfie if tl^c^ ftcaic anv tl)mg ai»ap. 31 marric fl)ali l)c/o> u is a great picfampttan, ^ Dilli. Cljat hccpmg tbe;n companic t)C tsf of lifee pjofcni3n> 3l5ut Strpaiclje fir0,(lrip liun anO io^tp ijim: ^tant) not to rcafon tljc quclhotJ. 3i^5ecl)cta)Cfl5frattDfoltiDa0,tti»a0^ot^, ,, ^m t)crc ijc couiw ^;i w:eir:,aruc !jtin if 3 ipc. , Simpit. Enter Fraud, »?)!jat faieft tljou ^lillain:' 3I feouID aUtiifc tijee IjolD t!j^ tongue, Dilli. 3 fenow I)im to be a toealt^p man anD a 15urgcfl of tbc ^ocunc: ^ir mn tt plcafe i?our maianQ)iv,\)tve0 one Uanoers poj ioit^ fclbni?, 35c favtb row^ere tbcclnefcbccr ef a robbcne. ir>})atfa)c'C)Btgtrafcailf bat t'ou fenow, Fraudc* 3t fiantictb not ivtb mp crcbite to b^aulc: SBSut. gooD maiftcr C onftable fo; l;t0 naun^ertatf repo)f , ^at $ini double, anD in a zxt&ut tnatterer, ' tli^ it SDoulb not bebone finely scco;ibiBgto i^ber: :fm( Ji be ntt is^tpt laoitit crebtte it i0 not i»o;rb « pinne, Cijerf fo^e 3 pyap maifter ConOable let me be isbtpt bpon mp fbtmie. Wanton boeft t^en tl^ink tlfti^ iooulb tol)ip tbce,'? pjap t^ee beclarct' n;iiL ffibat «)ou pttttea b0 in winbe,anb tafecft fuc!) great care. ^ " 3 SMI0 afrapb poa Soralbc fymt Svo^ncout mp clot\Mr9 S»it!) tol^ips Sy mph*; • ^ *'^B« ^^ett aftensarb J (boolb goe nakeb a be^tetng. l^teenobottbtoft^at:toetoiUfa8oartbpclotbfSf, Bc^Ic ^^on l^alt iubse tl^at tfpp felfe,bp feeUng t\)tfiblowt9* >.. ~ JLcad Him once or twife about, whipping him, [and fo Exit. Enter Tudffc Nemo the chrke of the Sies,theCrier> and feruiccable Dilligcucf .the iudec and Clarke being , iett> the Oierihall found ui«e(iincs. .J 1 uJge. Clarke. Lucar. luJgc. ludjic. Confci Lucar. Clake Coiiio A pitliic and plcafant Comocdie j^efttfceaMelDt!li3eitcr,b^in3l)it1)eTfuci)p^ifonfrjS a^are inftmtmi ^? tilltseiue fl}dll lie applicD ^er? ivilhnstp. ( ftoDtfy ^leafed) tc 9ou>t1iare are but t\nit p;tfener0 1« farrr «0 'S Imoxoe, W\)ic\) arc £ucar ano Con(nence, tout) a detojmco ctzuAXt touc^ Ulu i-^or iDljereifl ibst i»j«cl) tDuUmufation:' f$e W^ tnnitd}meii ^uufeie after a ftraKnf i faf^ion. ^rauDe: x2:)!;ei;ettf ^c became i* ^e ioDAS feene m ct^e ftc«tesE waltimg tn a Cttt^etiiff {oomr. JD^at i«f becoine of 3lfimei f?e i»a0 feeae at tl)e Cicc^amse )tevt Iatelp> Ceiime.ii^^en t)aue vu^ ^caro ot^^monyf l^exoas f^ne ctjiB Da? waiKins m ^dules,l)anin8 cov^cmice an) t)it^ fomeot ti^e Clear jie. :f ecct) Hurar ant> Conrctcnce to t^e !l5arre. ^«tolO i»02,f^ic ]|uOc^e, l^e^rereao^ tlje^arc (f£ac«r LttcarAodOiafdancc. j^tanD fop^tl) : IDtlUarnce deuftie tijem a foDtiDcr.,tt)3u art mt>ueD bp tbe name ot |Lucar> <8:o l}iut committed adulter le mtt) S^etcaDo}U0 t^e ^crc^a]U,atiti CratcujSttjeiiaiDver. ^bau art alfo enbpted fo; t1^ robbrric af ^agabo^: i.aftlr,anb cbieUr>t3| tbe confcntms to t^e murber ef S^ofpitaUlK. Il)i)atldiefi;t1;e.i,artti)3ngmItieojnotintt)efecaufeg:- . iiin gmltic,toljrrc are m:ne atcwfcrtf,tr)ep ma^ lb«m« to QjttDt^ierfaK 3 toarrant pos n»nc comcfl.noj bare ta biiCremte mp name: »(CW/ 5^^ bcfpitc of tbc tcf tb of tbem t!;dt bare: 31 fpcabe m biCbaine. Ump 4benr,cinft tfjoit Denr beesea Vo manifelHp bnoame. 3lu Kmall ftanbefltrtfill: 31 fhanie not,let tbem bcfbowiw, '%r. yrinoea mw gaUjtbev Ib-'iilb fclaimber mc on tbi« fojte: 1^ he? are fame oloe canHcrtb cumO) cojrupt carles tb«t gaMcmt tQWrf^ fil^p fotif rr«.'«e TCiiengton fucb mp facteb focjBf, (P3jit aiiiQreucng;L'ment "5 toill bawc'f bobpanb foale y loft. Gbf l)J^eru}i ijcart beclarefl tt>p\»!cHeD fife, "Kti tU tA).mt)i!!r* of thp abi)onutiati«n all tuxla are rife: 5feut to^at favftt tbau € onfcjence to thv acaifatton, ('rtbotmnat(o»« 4g\)Ht MH acctifco to baite bene bavb bnto ILucar,anb fpotteb ioitb all XV\)it (bsnio J fav,nap ^t^sfvoovlt ]i fap m tVUJ our naualjti: Httinj <5 Jia C Jnfeiencc if tb»u lo4e me Cap hatbmj. 1Dilit2ence,mIrr Ijer itat to ftanb piating . LctKimputhcr aficle. W%xt Jitter f* j int\tv bofome Confcfencej'lDtlftgcnce mc^e it !)it|a:, Mike at rho Jgh Tc read it. Confcicncc fsjeahe on,Iei me beare ipbatiboa canft fap, :f oi H hnat»maiigle«e(rctbouS»iltatnm)beu;iap. ili^p gvjt^ Hojb Jt ijauc no \jjap to e^rcufc mp felfe, 4»tie bath co;r.«pte> mc bp Oattcrie.anb beratcHrlebpelfei :p?;;at tiecb furtl^tr tnaMt^ i Canfc.enw aw a tt)au((Wi5 isttmiKif, bftlic tliree LaJics of!Lomlon« II ttm^tWt but cen^etnne tjtfall in Imins tmiae, ^uci) terro;b8t^ affrtstit ntct^at liiun3,3ll ^i(b to Dff: 3lamafni;^t^n:etSin0rparKele(itfntneof(]5oD9mm?« , . Confci«ncetol)ci:e!jaiftt^otttl>i8lrtferi' ittbofotnetr^tKur. CoDftb !t9tlltn3 inc ta beepf fscret otur larciQioi0 !iuinB, j] cannot bitt cdttDemne bd all in tt)t0t1)tna. ^aw noo? ntaiiepatt ttanb von Oti in lefaicc tiwt Uigu C1pi0 letter beclarctf t^r gtitie Contticncc, l|on) fated t^n (f tt ttcft fo^ <£ell me, io);^ SanDefteW tn€ maftr fpei^ qttkblf: l^sDl^ t^o'4 tb? tensue fo !tbcraU,8nb noiDftanb to (tut^f £f Confciencc tl^ou !)aft fcrtbme,bp t1)ee 3 am •oeetb^otxme, ^ ^ 31 1 10 Ijoppte t!jat bi? ConTrence tb^ abb«m<«atioB (0 bnoomf^ * «^« 7Dbcrefo;e II p;onomue iabgrmeot againft tbee cntljur iotfe. 'udgc C^au (bait paffe Co t^e pUce «f batciuic(re,t»l)ere t|0tt l^alt l^eaxo fearfol tries. S>eepmg,%»avlmg,0n8l^m(| of teet1),tnl ttfumnt S9ttt)aat enb» S^nrnms in tbe labeof fire asb b^tmOmie beciufe tlyen canft not amenb: Tl^^erfo^e IDiilisencr conuep ber ^encr,tl^;oxe ^er ^mm to tl^e tottcft !)CU 3%>beTe tl)e tnfernall fp^ttciBi aob Mmmcl g^ilcf bo biDdl. «»bbjiB«fojt|)toue, . , Sztt Lucar ulA Dilligcnce. L et Loot make ttiiy for Loue ^uicldf} and co me with DiHigence^ IDeclara tl)e caa&Confcience at Iargc4»o« tboa cotmneft fo fpotte^ XOhtttfbn man? bptbee batb bene greatlp mfecteb: :f o^bnber tije colour of Coiifcience tboubccerocbft wanrt Cauang toem tobefile tbe te:nple of ^obMicbe tf mans bo)f : 9 cleaiie confctmce is a facrificc:«aK^ l^c spp^QTe) me i2)itbtrueltie,anb b^ouglK me to beggert: ^muing tnt out of Ijoufe anb bontfymb (n t^ enb, » ^p gowne to pap mp rent, to \)im 3I bib fcnb: ^3 b^tum to tbatcictremitte,|| baue fiUchta t^at poo UX, ^etafiteriubgementll ^9eofC>oD0mfrtp. ^ € onfciencc, flmi! cnnbereb quo^n coiniyt tlj^ beartt' lu^g* , £>% (l;a!licDant in ti)iaiootl^ caufet^Keto reele encrfntutg fnrnrtt' £> Csnfctcnce is^t a fmall time t^ baft on eartt; to line, XObF ^oeO; tl)ou not t1)en,to (Bo^ atl ^ano; geue.-* Cd!iat>crin3 t^,e tintc ia euerbtfting t^at tbon Ibalt line in bltfTr, 3it b^ t^v li^e t^ciu rift frombeat^jto tabgemcnt, ttiercp>8ttb foj;graenr0: Enter L ouc with Dilligcnce. Ibtanb aObf Conrcionct:b}in(( Eooe to tbe barre;> ■■'^4-^-nK-' ■- fr"H-''=°*''-"— ■*^*'*^*^^' ' Lone* III ^fr c. Lone. A pithicand pleafaunt Comoecfie ychit faicft tbou t9 tb^ l>efojmuie, to^aioetfr t^c caufc/ iDiO a,ucar c^nKr Tijoe fo,tl)at t>o« gaucJt t!)p fclfc oaer ^nta luft;' %no 6ii) pjooinali c?;fpcnccs caufctJjc^ in iDiftitnwlation to traUf (SI) .11 iDaft piite ( £c«!e) an'o art tv^u become a inonftcr, 150 Wetring t(9p iei.e ijpan ti)C laCci ri^ufncjB tJt iLucaii' iLouc aafiucrc foj t\)T iclfc,fpeahe mtbp defence. 3B cannot djufe but t>c?H),confonnt)tt bp (Bonidznct. 'iiTtjcniuSBcmcnt 3[ pwnounce on tJA«,becaufe ti)0ii f oHotufl) fiucar,. 33!?i;cccbj' tt)ou Ijaft foutD tbr I"oul?,to fet;U iiHc tojmcnt toitb tjer. XPhicl) tojnient0 compjcbmliCD are m tbe wo>t«e of € onfncnce, « XO\)Q rasing ftill,niaH ncrc baac cnl),a plaftu^fo? tbinc offcncf. *" Care fliall be tbv comfojtjanb (ojroo? fball t^v I'f* fuftainc, wCbou fl)alt be Dv(ng,r>ct ncucr beab,butpmug (hll m enblefl paine. 5Dilli5cnce>coniiat» tier to iLycar,lct tbat be !)(r retrard, OIBccaure bnto Ijer canhcreb tunc fl)c sauc t^cp'ujj^ole regart* 25ut a0 fo;i C onfctnice carri? tjct to pjifan,