• -J /x^// »; University of California. < ; I i<'r OF I 1 j ' 1 TI /57 . ! ! 5 7- i Simte 4 IN BEHALF OF THE of Mem -York. r ^a^/rr^< 3 CATALOG UK NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY, 18 8 2. FIEST SUPPLEMEN^r S TJ B J K C T - I TS^ D K X GENERAL LIBRARY FOR TEN YEARS. 1872-1882. ALBANY : WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY. 1882. \^. M^ :^&¥y/ TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS OF THE NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EX- OFFICIO. HENRF R. PIERSON, LL.D., Chancellor of the University. GEORGE W. CLINTON, LL.D., Vice-Chancellor. ALONZO B. CORNELL, Governor, "j GEORGE G. HOSKINS, Lieutenant-Governor, I JOSEPH B. CARR, Secretary of State, j ^*^" ^•^'''^' NEIL GILMOUR, Supt. of Public Instruction. J Other Members in the Order of their Appointment. LORENZO BURROWS, WILLIAM L. BOSTWICK, ELIAS W. LEAVENWORTH, LL.D., CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW, J. CARSON BREVOORT, LL.D., CHARLES E. FITCH, GEORGE W. CURTIS, LL.D., REV. ORRIS H. WARREN, D. D., FRANCIS KERNAN, LL.D., LESLIE W. RUSSELL, JOHN L. LEWIS, WHITELAW REID, MARTIN I. TOWNSEND, LL.D., WILLIAM H. WATSON, M. D., REV. ANSON J. UPSON, D.D., LL.D., HENRY E. TURNER. (Vacancy). DAVID liURRi^, 14.. D., Secretary/. DANIEL J. PRATT, Ph.D., Assistant-Secretary. Library Committee, 1882. REV. DR. UPSON, MR. BREVOORT, THE CHANCELLOR, MR. CURTIS, THE GOVERNOR, MR. FITCH, MR. REID. Officers of the Library. HENRY A. HOMES, LL.D., Librarian of the General Library . STEPHEN B. GRISWOLD, Librarian of the Laiv Library. GEORGE R. HOWELL, Assistant Librarian. FRANKLIN OLCOTT, Assistant Librarian. H. E. GRISWOLD, Assistant in the Law Library. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofnewyoOOnewyrich PREFACE The Trustees of the New York State Library have deemed it proper, in view of the acknowledged utility of the Subject-Index Catalogue which they published in 1872, and because it appeared to be sufficient to respond to the necessities of the large majority of the readers in the Library, to publish a Supplement to it. The present volume, therefore, as the First Supplement to the Subject-Index of 1872, will be found to contain an ab- breviated catalogue of the books and pamphlets added to the Library during the last ten years, arranged under an alphabetical dictionary of subjects. It also contains, in addition, all such references, as could con- veniently be given consistently with the opportunities of the small work- ing force in the Library to aid in the work, to books previously in the Library which treated of subjects not indicated upon their title pages, and which were frequently more full or more important to be referred to than books which named the subject on their titles. The amount of the extension given to this new volume in carrying out this principle will be readily seen in considering the fact that while the Subject-Index of the Library printod in 1872, and covering all the books in the Library re- ceived up to that date during a period of fifty years, filled only a volume of six hundred and fifty pages, this Supplement, covering only ten years, or a fifth of that period, is made to fill a volume of four hundred pages. This shows that if the same degree of analysis and classification could have been applied to the contents of the Library as it was in 1872, that Subject- Index would h^ve made a volume of two thousand pages. The justification, for the application of this extra amount of labor to enlarge so far as possible the number of references to subjects treated of in books, is found in the universal feeling among educated men that every- thing which can be done to save labor and long searches, in discovering the place where any information sought for is buried, is of the greatest importance to ihe student. It has been the intention to act still further in the line with this principle by introducing into this catalogue, under the head of Index Volumes in the Alphabet of Subjects, a list of all the volumes in the Library which were discovered at the time to be devoted principally to references to subjects and topics, and names of persons treated of in the works to which they belonged. Without doubt some index volumes in the Library did not occur to our minds, and have been iv PREFACE. omitted in the list; yet the number of such Subject-Index volumes so enumerated is found to be over one hundred and forty. 'L'he same general plan has been pursued in preparing this volume as in preparing the previous one, and with more success in carrying out the purpose with regard to each book entered in it, that this catalogue should contain at least four facts with regard to each book mentioned, its subject, its author's name, a portion of the title, and date of publication. Not unfrequently it mentions also the place of publication, the size and num- ber of volumes. During the last two years the Librarian has been greatly assisted in the preparation of this catalogue by Mr. George R. Howell, and especially by Mr. F. Olcott, who has devoted a large part of his time to the work. As the Librarian and a single assistant for the greater part of the ten years, and a second assistant for the last two years, have constituted the whole working force of the Library for all purposes, bibliographical minuteness has necessarily and regretfully been neglected. But much has been done by them in developing and rendering more full many topics in behalf of the general student, as will be discovered by those interested in the use of the catalogue without any further allusion. The number of volumes in the State Library in 1872 was 86,000; at present it is 118,000 volumes, of which 84,000 are in the Law department of the Library, which contains besides legal publications, all state, legis- lative and parliamentary documents. A list of abbreviations used in the Subject-Index in referring to peri- odicals, society publications, etc., follows the preface; and a synopsis un- der a general classification of the principal topics, adopted for headings in both catalogues, will be found in the volume for 1872. ABBREVIA'riONS USED IN THE SUBJECT-INDEX In Referring to the Publications of Societies, to Reviews, and Various Collections of Books. Ala. H. T. — Alabama Historical Society, Transactions. Al. I. T. — Albany Institute, Transactions. A. A. A. & S. — Am. Ac. of A. &Sc. — American Academy of Arts and Sciences. A. A. S. — Am. A. S. — Am. Ant. Soc. — American Antiquarian Society. A. A. Adv. of Sci. — American Association for the Advancement of Science. Am. Eel. Med. Rev. — American Eclectic Medical Review. Am. Etlin. Trans. — American Ethnological Society, Transactions. Am. Ge. S. B. — American Geographical Society, Bulletin. Am. Ge. S. J.— " '' " Journal. Am. Ge. S. P. — " " " Proceedings. Am. Ge. Soc. Coll. — American Geological Society, Collections. A. J. of S. — American Journal of Science. Am. Mon. — American Monitor. Amer. Nat., Sup. — American Naturalist, Supplement. Am. O. S. J. — Am. Or. S J. — American Oriental Society, Journal. Am. Pub. Circ. — American Publishers' Circular. A. Q. R. — American Quarterly Register. Amer. Soc. Sci. Ass. J. — American Social Science Association, Journal. Am. Tr. Soc. — American Tract Society. Ann. Reg. — Annual Register, Lond. Ant. Rep. — Antiquarian Repertory. Ba. — Barcia, Historiadores de las Indias Occidentales, 1749. fo. Bibliog. Misc. — Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscellany. B. S. N. H.-- Boston Society of Natural History. Bry, Ind. Oc. — Bry, Perigrinationes in Indiam Occidentalem. Bry, Ind. Or. — " '' '• Indiam Orientalem. Buf. H. S. P. — Buffalo Historical Society, Publications. Cam. Soc. — Camden Society, Publications. Cayuga H. C. — Cayuga County Historical Society, Collections. Cham. Misc. — Chamber's Miscellany. Chic. H. S.— Chicago Historical Society. See Fergus. Chron. G. B. — Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain. Cg. d. Am. — Congres International des Americanistes. C. H. S. — Ct. Hist. Soc. — Connecticut Historical Society, Collections. E. I. B.— Essex Institute, Bulletin. E. I. C— " Collections. E. I. Cm. — " Communications. E. I. P. — " Proceedings. Eth. Soc. Tr. — Ethnological Society, Transactions. Fergus H. S. — Fergus Historical Series, Chicago. F. L. P. — Fireland's Historical Society, Fireland's Pioneer. vi ABBREVIATIONS. Fortn. Rev, — Fortnightly Review. Frank. Jour, — Journal of Franklin Institute. Fug. P. — Fugitive Pieces on Various Subjects. G-. H, S. C. — Ga. Hist, Soc, — Georgia Historical Society, Collections. Gr, — Gry, — Grynajus, Novus Orbis, 1555. fo. H. M. — H. Misc. — Harleian Miscellany. H. S. Mon, C. — Mon. H. C. — Historical Society of Montana, Collections. H, & P, S, Oh. — Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. H. P. B, — Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Bulletin, H. P. C— " " Collections. H. P. M.— " " Memoirs. Ins. H. do Bra. — Instituto Historico e Geographico do Brasil. Inst. Mem. — Institute de France, Memoirs. J. of S, P. — Jour, of Spec. Phil. — Journal of Speculative Philosophy, St, Louis. K, Akad, v. Wet., Lettk. — Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Letter- kunde. K. Akad. V. Wet., Ntk.— " '' Natuurkunde. K. Akad. v. Wet., Verhand. '' " Verhandlingen. K. Bay. A. A. — K. Bay. A. S. — KOnigliche Bayerische Akademie der Wissen- schaften, Sitzungsberichte. Kon. No. Old. Sel. — Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift Selskab, Kon. Zool. Genootsch, — Koninklijke Zoologisch Genootschap. Lit, & Hist. Soc. de Quebec. — Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Lit. & Phil. Soc. of N. Y. — Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. Lit. Ver. Niirn. — Album des Literarischen Vereins in Niirnburg. • Liv. Lit. & P. S. P. — Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society, Proceedings. L. I. II. M. — Long Island Historical Society, Memoirs. Mag. Am. Hist. — Magazine of American History. M. H. C. — M. H. S. — Me. H. S. — Maine Historical Society, Collections. M. Valley Hist. .Soc, — Mahoning Valley Historical Society. M. Club.— Mait. CI.— Maitland Club Publications. Mait. CI. Misc. — Maitland Club, Miscellany. Md. H. F.— Md. H, S, F. P.— Maryland Historical Society, Fund Publications. Md, H, S. R.— " " " Reports & Addresses. Mass. H. Soc. Coll. — Ms. H. C. — Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, Series 1-5. Ms, H, P,— Ms. H, S. P.— " " " Proceedings. Ms. Hort. Soc. — Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Transactions. Min. H. C. — Minnesota Historical Society, Collections. Miscel. Scot. — Miscellanea Scotica. Morg. Phoenix. — Morgan's Phaniix Britannicus, N. A. P. Soc. Sci. — National Association for Promotion of Social Science, Transactions. N. E, Hist. Gen, Soc — New England Historic & Genealogical Society, Register. N. H. H. 8. — New Hampshire Historical Society, Collections. N. Hav. Soc. — New Haven Historical Society, Papers, N. J. H. C— New Jersey Historical Society, Collections. N. J. H. P.— '' " *• Proceedings. N. Y. 8. Agr. Soc— New York State Agricultural Society, Transactions. N. Y. H. S. C— New York Historical Societv. Collections. N. Y. n. P.— " '' '' * Proceedings. N. Y. H. S. P. fund " *' '' ' Publication fund. Nic. III.— Nichols's Illustrations of the Literary History of the 18th Century. Nic. Lit. Anec. — Nichols's Literary Anecdotes of the 18th Century. Ninet. Cent. — Nineteenth Century, Monthly. N. A. R. — Noith American Iteview. N. Brit. Rev.— North British Review. Oh. V. H. M. — Ohio Valley Historical Series, Miscellaneous. 0. T. F.— Oriental Translation Fund, Publications. Peck's Desid. Cur.— Peck's Desiderata Curiosa. Penna. Mag. of H. — Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Philolog. Soc. Proc— Philological Society, Proceedings. Lond. AHBREVIATIONS. vii Philol. Soc, Tr. — Philolt)gical Society, Transactions. Pmtr. — Pamphleteer. 39 v. Pop. Sci. M. — Popular Science Monthly. Prot. Ep. H. S. — Protestant Episcopal Historical Society, Collections. Ra. — Ramus io, Raccolte delle Navigationi et Viao'gi. 3 v. fo. Rep. Men. — Savage's Representative Men. R. I. H, C. — Rh. Is. Hist. Soc. — Rhode Island Historical Society, Collections. Rob. Mon. — Robertus Monachus, Miscellanea, fo. Sci. Am. Supp. — Scientific American, Supplement. Smith. Contr. — Smithsonian Institution, Contributions. Smit. 3Iis. Coll. — " " Miscellaneous Collections. Smit. Rep.— " " Reports. Soc. de Geog. — Societe de Geographic, Recueil. 4°. Soc. de Geog. B.— " '' Bulletin. S. A. N. Y. — Society for the Promotion of Agriculture and Arts and Manufac- tures in the State of New York. Soc. Ant. — Society of Antiquaries, London. Archseologia. Soc. Mont. — Societe Montyon et Franklin. S. C. H. C. — South Carolina Historical Society, Collections. Tern. Comp. — Ternaux-Compans, Voyages. 22 v. U. H. C. — Ulster Plistorical Society, Collections. U. S. Ed. Circ. — United States Bureau of Education, Circulars. U. S. Ed., Misc. Pub. — " " " Miscellaneous Publications. U. S. Ins. Gaz. — United States Insurance Gazette. Univ. Hist. Anct. — Universal History, Ancient. Univ. Hist. Mod. — " " Modern. Vt. H. C. — Vermont Historical Society, Collections. Vt. H. S. R.— " '^ " Reports and Papers. Va., Leg. Docs. — Virginia, Legislative Documents. Va. H. C. — Virginia Historical Society, Collections. Va. H. R. — Virginia Historical Register. W. H. C. — Wis. Hist. Coll. — Wisconsin Historical Society, Collections. Wise. S. Hort. Soc. — Wisconsin State Horticultural Society. OTHER ABBREVIATIONS. The abbreviations most frequently occurring have the following significations: B. — Boston. B. C. — Bleecker Collection. Cat. — Catalogue. Fo.— Folio. Imp. — Imperfect series. L. — London. L. L. — L. Lib. — Law Library. Newsp., Collect, of. — Volumes of Miscellaneous Newspapers. P., Pam. — Pamphlets. S. — Series. T.— Tome. v., v.. Vol. — Volume. The very frequent abbreviations, like " U. S." for United States, " Gr. Br." for Great Britain, ''Conv." for Convention, etc., it is believed, will be usually un- derstood from the connection in wiiich they occur. The figures at tiie end of titles are eitlier the date of the edition or editions, or indicate the period em- braced in the book. Sometimes both are given. The figures after "P." refer to the number of the volume in the Library collection of pamphlets, in which the publication may be found. Under many subjects cross-references are given to topics with other names, containing titles cognate to the one in which the reader is interested. Cross-references are also frequently made from topics under one name, to the name of the same general meaning adopted by the editor. H. A. H. NEW YORK STATK LlBRx\RY. SUB JE CT-INDEX OF THE GENERAL LIBRARY. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Abailard, P. Ouvrages inedits (Cousin). ." EpistoUe, Op., 1616. Cousin, v., Memoire sur le Sic et uon. Inst, mem., 2 ser,, vol. 1, 1837. Abbot, A. Flint, J., Di.scourse on, 1828. P. 1917. Abbot, F. E. Dinner to, B. 1880. Abbot, S. Atherton, C. H., Memoir of. N. H. H., 6. Abbott, Rev. B. Life of. Ph. 1802. Abbott, B. Everett, E., Exeter, 1838. W. V. 2. Abbreviations. Smithsonian Report, 1867, p. 486, '7 '8. Abeei, D. Wyckoff, J. N., Fun. address, 1846. Abeel, J. N. 2004. Gunn, A., Disc, on, 1812. P Abelard. P. See Abailard, P. Abercrombie, J. Memorial, 1864. P. 2007. Aberdeen, Scotland. Aberdeen Almanack, 1800. Registrum Episc, Aberd., Mait CI., 77, 78. Abington, Conn. Smith, II. IJ., Centennial Disc, 1853. Abington, Mass. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 2, V. 7, History of. Abolition. See Slavery, Anti. Aborigines. See Indians ; Antiquities. Abortion. Hodge, H. L., Foeticide, 1869. P. 2564. See Marriage. Abrac. Fort, G. F., Hist, of Freemasonrv, 1877. Abreo, C. de. Biog de. Ins. H. do Bra., 33. Abreu, J. de. Biog. de. Ins. H. do Bra., 31. Absenteeism. Gardiner, H., Considered, 1826. Pmtr., 27. Abyssinia. (Appleyard, E. S.), Eastern Churches, 1850. David, King, Lettei-e, Ra., 1. Ethiopic Didascalia. 0. T. F., 1834. Krapf, Eastern Africa, 1860. Markham, C. R., Brit. Exped. to, 1869. Parkyns, M., Life in, 1856. Revue des deux Mondes, v. 8, 1850 : v. 74, 1868. Robertus Mon., De legat. regis ^thiop. Sharpe, S., Egypt Illustrated, 1862. Stanley, H. M., Magdala Campaign, 1874. Univ. Hist. Mod., v. 15. Views in (Veitch), 1868. See Egypt ; Africa. Academies. Burr & Burton Sam., Vt., Catalogues, 1840, 43, 51, 66, 73. Lawrence Ac, Groton, Mass., 1859-77. Monson Ac, Monson, Catalogue, 1852, 64 74 76. Phillips Ac, Andover, Mass., 1848-1878, imp. Phillips-Exeter, N. H., Cat., 1843, 58, 70-77 ■ 1783-1839. Troy Conference Ac, Poultney, Vt., 1851- 1877, imp. Williston Seminarv, E. Hampton, Mass., Catalogues, 1849, 55, 68, 77. See Education ; Scientific Soc. Academies, Female. Albany Fern. Ac. Cat., 1850-75. " Reports; 1845-62. " AlumnjG Exercises, 1843-77. Bradford Ac, Mass., Semi-centen. Cat., 1863. Buffalo Fem. Ac, Cat., 1851-75. Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, 1868-1877. SUBJECT-INDEX. Academies, Female (continued). Cherry Valley Fern. Ac, 1849, 54, 57-60. Elmira Fern. Coll., Cat., 1855-76. Hamilton Fern. Sem., Madison Co., N. Y., Cat., 1841-1881, imp. Maplewood Young Ladies' Inst., Pittsfield, 1842-1871. * Milwaukee Fern. Coll., Wis., Cat., 1854-1871, imp. Mt. Holyoke Fern. Sem., Cat., 1847-77. North Granville Ladies' Sem., Cat., 1855-69. Ontario Fern. Sem., Cat., 1850-71. Packer Coll. Inst., Brooklyn, Cat., 1856-77. Pittsburgh Fem. Coll., 1864, 5, 6, 73, 76. Rockland Fem. Inst., Nyack, 1860-74. Rutgers Fem. Coll., Circ. 1843, 67, 72, 76. " H. M. Pierce's address, 1867. St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N. J., 1840-63. Smith College, Northampton, Mass., Inaug. Add., 1875. Temple Grove Sem., Saratoga Sp., 1860-78. Troy Fem. Sem., Cat., 1845-71. Vassar College, Po'keepsie, N. Y., Cat. 1865- 76. " Proceed, of Trustees, 1861. " Course of Study, 1873. Wellesley College, Mass., acct of. Harpers' Monthly, v. 53. Wells College, Aurora, Cat., 1870-78. See Colleges. The series of years are rarely complete. Academies of New York. Adelphi Ac, Brooklyn, Cat., 1860, 77. Albany Ac, Cat., 1851-66. " Statutes, etc, 1816, 19, 34, 43. " Semi-centen. Celeb., 1863. Albany Free Ac, Merit roll, 1868-73. Amenia Sem., Cat., 1841, 75. Brockport Coll. Inst., Cat., 1842, 68. Cambridge Wash. Ac, Cat., 1839, 68. Canandaigua Ac, Cat., 1847, 76. Cary Sem., Oakfield, 1846, 72. Cazenovia, Seminary, Cat., 1845, 77. Claverack Coll., Cat., 1856, 76. Cortland Ac, Homer, Cat., 1849, 68. Delaware Lit. Inst., Cat., 1844, 73. Fairfield Sem., Cat., 1842, 69. Falley Seminary, Cat., 1849, 70. Fredonia Ac, Cat., 1841, 59. Genesee Wesl. Sem., Cat., 1844, 74. Gouverneur Wesl. Sem., Cat., 1841, 68. Hudson R. Inst. See Claverack. Ithaca Ac, Cat., 1841, 72. Le Roy Ac. Inst., Cat., 1865, 71. Macedon Ac, Cat., 1861, 73. Mechanicvillo Ac, Cat., 1862, 77. Middlebury Ac, Wyoming, Cat., 1854, 75. Academies of New York (continued). Munro Coll. Inst., Cat., 1854, 74. N. Y. Conference Sem., Charlottesville, 1850, 64. Peekskill Ac, Circ, 1874, 78. Penn Yan Ac, Cat., 1863, 76. Perry Ac, N. Y., Cat., 1843, 66. Sandlake Colleg. Inst., Cat., 1853-68. . Starkey Seminary, Eddytown, Cat., 1855-71. Whitestown, Sem., Oneida Co., 1868-77. The dates with a comma between indicate the earliest and latest years in the vol- umes ; with a hyphen a continuous series. Achilli, Dr. G. Life, 1852. P. 2538. Acoustics. Bartlett, W. 11. C, Elem. of Nat. Phil., 1852. See Ear ; Sound. Acrites. See Zoophytes. Adams, Abigail. Famil. Letters, 1876. Adams, Eliashib. Autobiog., 1871. Adams, Eliphalet. Caulkins, F. M., Memoir of. Ms. H. C, s. 4 v. 1. Adams, Mrs. Eliz. P. Memorial, 1867. Adams, Israel. Life, 1842. P. 91. Adams, John, Pres. Adams, C. F., Memoir of. Ms. H. P., v. 1. Adams, J., Eulogies on and Jefferson, 1826. Coll. of Eul. on. " Corresp. Bost. Patriot, 1809. Cheetham, J., Narrative, 1802. Collect, of State Papers, L., 1782. Parker, T., Hist. Americans, 1870. Reply to Hamilton, 1800. P. 1928. Sanderson, Biog. of Signers, 1820. Sergeant, J., Oration on, 1826. Shaw, J,, Eul. on A. and Jefferson, 1826. Stanford, J., Disc on, 1826. Ware, H., Disc, on, 1826. Wirt, W., Eulogy on, 1826. Adams, J. Q., Pres. Adams, The reign of the, 1828. Memoirs and Diary, 1795-1848 (1877.) Life of (Upham, C. W.) " Poems, with Life, 1848. " Pamphlets relating to. " ]*oHtical character of, 1828. A. Pub. Sketchof life of, 1828. A. Pub. Everett, E., Eulogy, 1848, W. v. 2. Hawks, S. W., Serm. on, 1848. P. 2078. Hosmer, G. W., Disc, on death of, 1848. King, C, Eulogy, 1848. P. 2001. Magoon, E. L., Di.sc on, 1848. Mass. Legis., on death of, 1848. Maury, S. M., Statesmen of Am., 1847. SUPPLEMENT. Adams, J. Q., Pres. (continued), N.Y. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1848. Sharp, Rev. D., Tribute to, 1848. U. S. Cong. Addr. on death of, 1848. Van Santvoord, C, Discourse, 1856. Waterston, R. C, Eulogy on, 1848. Winthrop, R. C, Ann. of death, 1848. W. V. 1. Adams, Samuel. Frothingham, R. S., A. regiments in Boston, 1863. Adams's, Seth, Will, 1872. P. 2191. Adams, W., of Dedham. Caulkins, F. M., Memoir, 1849. P. 2001. Adams, Rev. Z. Devens's Sketches, 1838. Adams Co., 111. History of, 1879. Adams Co., Penna. Rupp, History of, 1846. Addison, J. Works and Life. L. 1854. Peabody, W. B. 0., Lit. Remains, 1850. Addison County, Vt. Atlas, Beers, 1871. Addresses. See Agricultural, Historical, Law, Literary, Medical, National, Ora- tions July 4, Political. Aden, Arabia. History of, 1848. Adirondack Mts. Colvin, V., Report on Survey, 1872, 74r-79. Murray, W. H. H., Adventures in, 1869. N. Y. Map of Racket River, I860.' Stoddard, S. R., The A. Illustrated, 1874^79. Street, A. B., Woods and Waters, 1860. Sylvester, N. B., Hist, of N. New York, 1877. Todd, J., Long Lake, 1845. Wallace, E. R., Guide to, 1876. Adolphus, J. Henderson, E., Life of, 1871. Adrian, Mich. Millard, A. L., Sketch of, 1876. Adulterations. Chandler, C. F., Dangerous Cosmetics, 1870. P. 2053. Dudley, J. G., Alcohol, Adult., 1874. P. 2568. Lacour, P., Liquors without Distill., 1853. See Wines. Adultery. Burnap, W. E., Lectures, 1838. Cap. Punishment for, 1675. H. M., 8. Letter of Advice, 1696. H. M., 10. N. Y. Law to Punish, Report, 1843. P. 2151. Phillips, Guthrie v. Sterne, 1816. Pmtr., 7. See Marriage. Advent. See Christ. Adventures. Reynard, J., Deliv. from Turks. H. M , 3. Wilkins, P., Life of, 1846. See Shipwrecks. Advertisements. Am. Adv. Directory, 1831. Aeronautics. See Balloons. Esthetics. See Taste. Afghanistan. Constable, A. G., Relat, of, to Eng. and Russia. Am. Ge. S. B., 1879. Ferrier, J. P., Caravan Journeys, 1857. Neamet, Hist, of Afghans. 0. T. F. Africa. Ass'n for Discov., 1791. Braun, S., Nav. quinque, 1625. Bry, Ind Or., Pt. 1. Cadamosto, A. da, Navig. de. R., 1. Cameron, V. L., Across Africa, 1877. Daly, Addr. 1878, Am. Ge. S., 10. Edrisi, Geographic, 1180. Soc. de G6og., 5, 6. Evliya, Travels, 1670. 0. T. F. Ibn Batuta, Travels. 0. T. F. Leo, J., De totius Af. Descriptio, 1556. " Geog. Historic of, 1600. Linschoten, J. H., Navig. in, 1599. Bry Ind Or. Pt. 2. Mas'udi, Hist. Cyclopedia, 1841. 0. T. F. Ogilby, J., Africa, 1670. Petermann, Expl. in. Am. Ge. S. J., 7. Ramusio, 1, Navig. d'un pilot Port. Soc. de GeOg., 2, Relatione de Ghanat. Spring, L., Negro at Home, 1868. Univ. Hist., Mod. v. 14, 15, 16, 17. See Cape of Good Hope, Dahomy, Egypt, Nile. Africa, Central. Baker, S. W., Expedit. to, 1875. Daly, Civilization of, Am. Ge. S. J., 9. Livingstone, D., Last Journal, 1875. Long, C. C, Exped. to Victoria Niam- Niam, 1877. " Ugunda and White Nile. Am. Ge. S. J., 8. Schweinfurth, Travels, 1868-71. Southworth, A. S., The Soudan. Am. Ge. S. J., 5. Stanley, H. M., The Dark Continent, 1878. The Rufiji. Am. Ge. S. J., 7. Africa, East. Alvares, P., Navigatione. Ra., 1. Barbosa, E., Libro. Ra., 1. Burton's Zanzibar, 1872. Lopez, T., Navigatione. Ra., 1. Stanley, H. M., Search for Livingstone, 1872. Varthema, L., Itinerario. Ra., 1. See Abyssinia, Egypt, Africa. Africa, North. Delaporte, Reponse aux Questions. Soc. de G^og., 2. Duprat, Races d' Afrique, 1845. Joseph, Rabbi, Chronicles. 0. T. F., 1836. Leo, J., Descrittione. Ra., 1. Lindley, A., After Ophir, 1870. Paris, Expos, de 1867. Rap. du Jury, 8. Rohlfs, G., Expl. of Libyan Desert. Am. Ge. S. J., 7. SUBJECT-INDEX. Africa, North (continued). Shaw, T., Travels in, 1808. Slave Trade in. Pmtr., 7. Travels in. Misc. Trans., 0. T. F. Univ. Hist., vol. 18. See Algiers ; Morocco ; Tripoli ; Tunis ; Slavery. Africa, Soath* Babe, J. L., Diamond Fields in, 1872. Blackwood's Mag., March, 1879. Boyle, F., To the Cape for Diamonds, 1873. Cathcart, G., Mil. Operations, 1857. Drummond, W. H., Nat. Hist, of, 1875. Fortnightly Rev., March, 1879. Froude, From a Journal, Essays, III. Gillmore, P., Great Thirst Land, 1877. Lindley, Capt. A., After Ophir, 1870. Livingstone, D., Ascent of the Shire. Am. Ge. S.J.,2. " Discov. in. Am. Ge. S. B., 1. Morton, W. J., S. A. Diamond Fields. Am. Ge. S. B., 1876-7. Nineteenth Cent., Mar., 1879. Rehef of Settlers, 1824. Pmtr., 23. Robertson, H., Life with the Zulus, 1866. Russell, The Republics of. Am. Ge. S. J., 8. Sarrman, A., Voyage, 1772-6. Scribner's Monthly, Aug. and Sep., 1878. Trollope, A., Hist, and Descr., 1878. See Cape of Good Hope. Africa, West. Baikie, W. B., Explor. of Niger and Tsadda, 1856. Brackenbury, H., Ashanti War, 1874. Bushnell, L W., Equat. A. Am. Ge. S. P., 1862. " Equat. A. Am. Ge., S. J., 3. Bry, Ind. Or. Pt. 6. Guinea, 1604. Bryson, Diseases of, 1847. Cadamosto, A., Navig. ad terras incog. Gr. 1. Caswell's Life of Leacock, 1857. Dupuis, Residence in Ashantee, 1824. Fr. Col. Expos, de Paris, 1867. Lopez, Vera Desc. Congi, 1698. Bry, Ind. Or., Pt. 1. Mouteiro, J. J., Angola and Congo r., 1876. Moore, F., Travels up the Gambia, 1738. Roberts, G., Voyages, 1726. Roger, R^sultat des Questions. Soc. de G6og., 2. Snelgrave, Acct. of Guinea, 17?4. Stanley, H. M., Coomassie Campaign, 1874. See Liberia; Sierra Leone. African Colonization* Sm Colonization ; Negro races. African Islands. Univ. Hist. Mod., v. 14. African Languages. See Bibliography; Language. Agassiz, L. Agaasiz at I'enikesc (Tribune), 1874. Agassiz, L. (continued). Favre, F., Biog. of. Smi. Rep., 1878. Whipple, E. P., Character, 1868. Agincourt. Nicolas, Hist, of Battles, 1832. Agnosticism. Clarke, J. F., Orthodoxy, Truths and Errors. Hamilton, Sir W., Metaph. lect., 1859. Lewes, G. H., Problems of Life, 1874. Mansel, H. L., Limits of Relig. Thought, 1859. Martineau, J., Essays, 1866. Spencer, H., First Principles, 1870. Winchell, A., Thoughts on Causality, 1875. P. 2171. See Philosophy. Agricultural Addresses. Brownell, Theory . of Ag., S. A. N. Y., 4. De Witt. S., Albany, 1799. S. A. N. Y., 1801. Everett, E., Mass. Soc, 1833. W. v. 1. " Boston,. 1852. W. v. 3. " N. Y. State Soc, 1857. W. v. 3. " Hampden Co., Soc, 1858. W. v. 4. Union Soc, N. Y., 1861. W. v. 4. Kent, J., New York, 1796. S. A. N. Y., 1, 1801. Livmgston, R. R., New York. S. A. N. Y., 1. Mitchill, S. L., New York, 1792. S. A. N. Y., 1. Agricultural Periodicals and Alma- nacs. American Agricultural Annual, 1869. American Agriculturist, N. Y., 1849-51. Biblioth^que Universelle(Britan.), 1796-1815. Central New Yorker, 1842-44. Cultivator, The, Albany, 1834^-53. Cultivator and Country Gentleman, 1866-80. Cultivator Almanac, 1841. Farmer's Companion, Detroit, 1853. Farmer's Magazine, Lond., 1844-46. Farmer's Mo. Visitor, New Hamp., 1862. Gardener's Chronicle, Lon., 1852-62. Genesee Farmer, 1831-39, 45-65. Goodsell's Genesee Farmer, 1833, 4, 40. Horticulturalist, The, 1860-63. Horticul. Reg. and Gard. Mag., 1835. lUust. Annual Register, Alb. 1856, 62, 69, 78. Museum Rusticum, Lon., 1764r-66. New Eng. Farmer, 1856-59. New Genesee Farmer, v. 1-8, 1840-42. New York Farmer, 1838, 5-7. Ohio Cultivator, 1847-48. Rural Carolinian, 1869-70. Southern Agriculturist, 1841, 42, 48. Southern Cabinet, 1840. U. S. Agr. Soc, Journal, 1854, 55. Agricultural Societies. California St. Ag. Soc Trans., 1858, 59, 60, 64, 66, *i^, 70, 72. Essex Agr. Soc Exhib., 1852, 64, 66, 69. P. 2598. SUPPLEMENT. Agricultural Societies (continued). Essex. Agr. Soc, Trans., 18G1-69. Iowa St. Agr. S. Rep., 1879. N. Y. S. Agr. Soc. Fairs, 1869-80. Entries at Fairs, 1869-71. " Premiums, 1845-72, imp. " Reports, &c., 1873-78. Ohio Board of Agric. Rept., 1879. Penna. St. Agric Soc. Trans., 1872. Queens Co. Agric. Soc. Reports, 1866-72. Royal Hawaiian Agric. Soc. Trans., 1850, 55. Vermont Dairymen's Assoc' n Reports, 1870- 73. Warren Co. Agr. Soc. Rep., 1867, 69. Washington Co. Agr. Soc, 1873-75, 77. Wisconsin Agr. Soc. Trans., 1868, 69. Agriculture, European. Hessischer Ge- werbverein, 1879. Italy, Statistica, 1873-76. " Econ. Expos, de Paris, 1867. Landwirthsch. Vereinedes...Hessen. 1868-71. Livingston, R. R., Letters on French A. S. A. N. Y., 2, 1807. Musgrave, G. M., Excursion (in France), 1849. Paris Expos., 1851. Tome 3. Pt. 2. Paris Expos., 1867. Rap. 'du Jury, 1. 6, 8, 12, 13. Plath, Landwirthschaft derChinesen, K. Bay. A. S. p. p. c. 3. Rogers, J. E. T., History of, in England, 1866, Tucker, L. H., Glimpses of, in Gr. Br., 1860. Turkey, Expos, de Paris, 1867. ' U. S., Rep. on Paris Exp., 1867, 1. Vienna Exhb., 1873, 1. " Vienna Exh., 1876. Waring, G. E., The Census for 1850. Am. Ge. S. B., 2. Agricultural lustruments. Allen, A. B., Catalogue, 1846. P. 2118. Allen, R. H. & Co., Cat. Illust., 1867. P. 2017. N. Y. S. Agri. Works, Albany^ 1876. P. 2120. Agriculture. Banks, Sir J., Wheat, Mildew, 1816. Pmtr., 8. Bland, T. A., As a Profession, 1870. P. 2593. Bordley, J. B., Writings Collected. Phila., 1792-98. Connecticut Rep., 1869, 71-73, 78, 79. Copeland, R. M., Handbook of, 1859. Eaton, Agr. Chemistry, 1847. Farmer, M. G., Cultiv. of Corn. E. I. P., V. 2. Goessman, C. A., Commercial Fertilizers. 1873. P. 2573. Greeley, H., What I Know of Farming, 1871" Hirzel, The Rural Socrates. Hall., Me., 1800. Ibn el Awam, De Agricultura, 1802. Johnston, Catech. of Agr. Chem., 1845. Kansas, Board of A., Trans., 1873. Agriculture (continued). Knight, T. A., Disease in corn, 1815. Pmtr. 6. Lathrop, L. E., Farmers' Library, 1828. London Exhb. of 1851, Rept. of Juries. Maine Board of. Rep., 1867-73. Malthus, T., Cultiv. of Peat Bogs, 1816. Pmtr., 9. Maryland Rep., 1854, 56, 58. Mass. Reports, 1853, 67-70. Mich. Rep., 1872, 74^79. Missouri, Rept. of Board, 1874, 75, 78. Mortimer, J., Art of Husbandry, 1721. Nebraska, 3d, 4th Report, 1871, 1873. New Hamp., Rep., 1873. Nicholson, J., Farmer's Ass't, 1814. Ohio Rep., 1847, 78. Ontario, Canada, Rep., 1868-71. Pam. vol. 2593. Paris Expos, de 1855. Rap. du Jury. Paris Expos, de 1867. Rap. du Jury, 6, 8, 12. Preston, R., Ruined Condition of, 1816. Pmtr., 7. Rodgers, M. M., Sci. Agr., 1848. Roosevelt, R. B., Five acres too much, 1869. Ruggles, S. B., Agric. Prog, of the U. S., 1880. Products, 1840-70, in U. S. A. Tennessee, Rep., 1856, 57. Thomas, J. J., Rural Affairs, 1876-78. U. S. Rept. of the Commr. for, 1879. Varlo, C, Essence of, 1792. Wisconsin Agr. Soc. Trans., 1879-80. See Entomology ; Fruit ; Horticulture ; Ma- nures ; Cattle ; Bibliography. Aiken, S. C, described, 1868. P, 2087. Air. Churchman, W. H., Air we Breathe, 1871. P. 2139. Fox, C. B., Ozone and Antiozone, 1873. Moffet, T., Health's Improvement, 1746. Pettenkofer, Von, Luftwechsel. K. Bay. S. B. m. p. c. V. 8, 1878. Priestley. J., Different kinds of, 1775. P. 48. See Natural Philosophy ; Health ; Ventila- tion. Aix, France. Bonard, Essai'Hist. sur, 1831. Akenside, M. Poet. Works with Mem., 1857. Alabama. Alabama, Gov. Messages, 1859, 66, 71. P. 1932. " Finau. Reports, 1859, 60. P. 1932. Alabama Hist. Soc, Trans., 1851-5. Brewer, W., History of, 1872. Garrett, W., PubUc Men of, 1872. Shaver, L. A., 6th regiment, 1867. See Tuskaloosa. Alabama Ship, Cushing, C, Treaty of Washington, 1873. Dwindle, J. W., Opinions, 1870. P. 2168. 6 SUBJECT-INDEX. Alaska. Hale, C. R., Innocent, Apostle of, 1877. P. 2140. Meares, J., Voyages, 1788-9. Raymond, C. W.> Yukon river. Am. Geo. S. J., 3. U. S. Reports, 1868, 70, 75, 76. Albania. Hobhouse, J. C, Travels, 1858. Wingfield, W. F., Tour in, 1850. See Slavonia ; Turkey ; Greece. Albany, N. Y. Albany Atlas, Hopkins, 1876. •' Alb. Board of Trade, Review, 1861-69. Ampere, Tour, 1853. Canadien N. v. 96. Ayer's Land Sale. P. 2119. Beck, T. R., Meteor. Obs. at, 1833. P. 1902. Bonney, Mrs., Hist. Gleanings, 1875. Gould, P., Zouave Cadets, Tour, 1873. Kent, W., Recollections, 1854. Mass. H. S. C, 8. 3. v. 5, Congress at, 1754. Mitchill, S. L., Bell of S. Dutch Ch., S. A. N. y., 4. Munsell, J., Men and Things in. P. 2119. Murray, D., Proposed Park for. Al. I. 4. Palmer, R., Hist. Disc, Cong. Ch., 1865. Pam. vol. 2540. Phelps, H. P., Albany Handbook, 1880. Pulpit Sketches, 1845. Pam. v. 65. St. Paul's Church, Semi-centen., 1877. St. Peter's Church Reports, 1830-36, 1870-72. " Letters and Answers, 1816, 49, 68, 69. «' Orphan's Home Reports, 1866-70. Selkirk, E., Hist, of Trin. Ch., 1870. Shanks, C. G., The Old Capitol, 1879. Wadsworth's Journal, 1694. Ms. H. S. C, s. 4v. 1. Wyckoff, L N., Serm., 25th year, 1861. " Anniv. Serm., 1862, 69. See Newspapers ; Academies ; Prisons ; Edu- cation. Albany Basin. Memorial, 1827. P. 2119. " Commr's Rep., 1842. P. 2119. «' Report of Comm., 1847. P. 2119. Albany County, N. Y. Hist, of, 1683-1867. P. 2119. AtlaM, Beers, 1866. Medical Soc. Fest., 1867. P. 2119. Albany St., N. Y. See Tnnity Ch., v. 5. Albert, Prince, of England. Martin, T., Life of, 1875. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. Corn- wallis, His Travels in U. S. A., I860. Albertns MaKnus. Hauber, Bib. Mairica, B. 1. Albro, J. A. 25th Anniv. and Memorial, 1807. Alchemy. Duvall, E., Secret of, 1874. Uockethorn, Secret Societies, 1876. Alchemy (continued). Mackay, Pop. Delusions, v. 3. Magnaha Natural, 1680. H. M., 8. Wilder, A., Platonism and Al., 1869. See Delusions. Alcock, ]V. Life of, 1780. P. 1230. Alcohol. Fortnightly, Rev., Stimulants (Bur- ney), v. 21. Hammond, Effects of (Tribune), 1874. L' Hommedieu, Spirits from Potatoes. S. A. N. Y., 1, 1801. Loftus, Spirit Merchant, 1860. Love, W. D., Divine Law, 1859. P. 1925. Marshall. T. F., Address, N. Y., 1842. P. 1925. Michigan Health Rep., Hitchcock's Ess., 1875- Miller, J., A., its Place, 1868. Richardson, B. W., Diseases of modern Life, 1876. Trail, R. T., Relations to Man, 1845. P. 3408. U. S. Rep. on Paris Exh., 1867, 5. See Temperance ; Wine ; Distillation. Alden, J. Tompkins, L, Disc, on, 1818. P. 1919. Alembert, J. le Rond de. Du Deffand, Mme, Letters. Frederick 11, of Prussia, (Euvres, 1788. Grimm, F. M., Corresp. Iitt6r. Aleppo. Du Bocage, Descr. de. Soc. de G^og., 2. Alet, Fr. Lancelot, C, Tour to, 1816. Aleutian Islands. Dall, W. H., Cave Relics. Smith. Cont., 22. Alexander the Great. Freeman, E. A., Hist. Essays, 1873. Lauth, A. in /Egypten. K. Bay. Abh. p. p. c. 14, 1878. Perkins, J., Notice of. Am. Or. S. J., 4. Alexander I, of Russia. Jovneville, Life of, 1875. Alexander VI, Pope. Gordon, A., Leeven van, li'd'i. Alexander VII, Pope. Somers Tracts, 8, Life of, 1667. Alexander VIII, Pope. Somers Tr.. 12, Coronation of, 1689. Alexander, Rev. A. Van Zandt, A. B., Ser- mon on, 1852. Va. H. R., 5, Notice of. Alexander, Sir W., Earl of Stirling. Life, etc. Prince Society, 1873. Alexandria, Va. Washington Directory, 1875, 77. Alexandria Bay, N. Y. Desc, 1873. P. 2087. Alfred, King. Works. 1858. Hughes, T., Life of, 1869. AlgBB. See Botany. SUPPLEMENT. Algeria, Algiers. Algiers, Short Acct of, Phila., 1794. Croker, Christ. Slavery at, 1816. Farine, C, A travers la Kabylie, 1865. " Pirates au 16^ Siecle, 1869. Foss, J., Captiyity in, 1798. Fr. Col., Expos, de Paris, 1867. Univ. Hist. Mcwi., v. 18. Winfield, L., Under the Palms, 1868. See Africa, North. Aliens. Addison, A., On the Alien Act, 1799. See Emigration ; Naturalization. Ali Hazin. Life of. 0. T. F., 1831. Alison, A. Irish Quar. Review, 1855, 57, 58. Allegan Co., Mich. Hist. of. Phil., 1880. Allegany Co., N. Y. Directory, 1875. History of, 1879. Allegheny, Pa. Thurston, Guide to, 1876. Allegheny Co., Pa. Durant, S. W., Hist. of, 1876. 4. Allegiance. Hay, G., On Expatriation, 1814. Pinckney, C, Three Letters, 1799. See Aliens ; Authority ; Oaths of Allegiance. Allegories. Arnot, W., Voyage of Life, 1854. P. 2574. Beloe, W., Orient. Apologues, 1795. Bryant, W. M., Voyage of Life, 1859. Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress. Cheever, Reel in a Bottle, 1856. Evangelical Corrector, 1858. P. 2576. More, H., Parley the Porter. Allen, J. C. Remarks on, 1853. P. 1899. Allen, Jolley. Sufferings, 1772-6. Ms. H. S. P. 1878. Allen, P. Todd, J., Sermon on, 1860. Allen, Rev. Th. Nic. HI., 3. Allen, W., D. D. Sprague, W. B., Disc, on, 1868. Allen, Pa. Clyde, J. C, Hist, of Presb. Ch. in. Allen Co., Ind. Hist, and Atlas, 1880. Allerton, I. Bacon, L., Memoir of, 1838. Ms. H. S. C, s. 3, V. 7. Alleyne, J. Nic. HI., v. 5. Allston, W. Albro, J. A., Sermon on, 1843. Sweetser, M. F., Biog. of, 1879. Alliance. See Christian Union. AUouez, C. Margry, Decouvertes des Fr., V. 1. Allyn, J. Mass. H. S. C, s. 3, v. 5, Memoir of. Almagro, D. de. Castro, C. Vacca de, Rebelion de, 1541. Spain, Cartas de Indias. Almanacs, American. Affleck's Southern .Rural Almanac, 1851. American Aim. (Spofford), 1881. Ames and His Almanacs, E. L B., v. 3. Argus Almanac, Albany, 1874-78. Atlantic Almanac, Bost., 1868-71. Ayers' for 1881, in 8 languages. Boston Almanac for 1679. Democratic Almanac, 1867, 68. Essex Inst. Coll., 14, Hist. of. Evening Journal Al., 1858-80. Fitts, Hist, of Thomas's Al. Methodist Al., 1852-72. N. Y. Eve. Express States Ann., 1879, .80. N. Y. Herald Al., 1873-76. N. Y. Observer Al., 1871, 2. Presbyt. Year Book, 1879. Public Ledger Al., Ph., 1870, 75, 77, 78. Sticknev, M. A., Authors of. E. I. C, v. 8, •14. Thomas's Almanacs, Hist., E. I. C, v. 12. Tribune Almanac, 1872-80. University, The, Almanac, 1870, 72, 74, 75. World Almanac, 1868-7cS. Almanacs, British. Appleton, J., A, in reign of Q. Anne. Ms. H. Soc. P., 1.S63-4. Brit. Aim. and Comp., 1872-81. Finan. Reform Aim., L., 1880. Ladies' Diary, 1767-90, 1796-1807. Nautical Aim., L., 1875-83. Whitaker's Almanac, L., 1872-79. See Registers; Great Britain. Almanacs, European. Almanach de Gotha. 1813-1852, 1872-81. See. Registers ; Chronologv. Alpena Co., Mich. Boulton, W., Hist, of, 1876. Alphabets. Am. Orient. Soc. J., 1, Himyar- itic A. Bagster, Bible of every Land. Fournier, Man. Typog., 1764-6. Gatterer, Ars Diplomat., 1765. Hutton, J., Science of. Vol. 2, 1794. Mason, F., Talaing lang. Am, Or. S. J., 4. Massey, W., Orig. of Letters, 1763, Persian Cuneiform A. Am. Or. S. J., 1. Rousseau, Caract. Arabes. Soc. de Geog.,2, Silbermann, Album Typog., 1840. Spraat, A, S., Universal Alp., 1857. Whitney, W. D., Lepsius's Standard A. Am. 0. S. J., 7. See Writing ; Typography. Alps Mts. Beaumont, A., Travels, Tyrol, 1792. Beaumont, A.. Italy to Lyons, 1795. Brockedou, The Passes of, 1829. Brugui^re, L., Orog. de 1' Europe. Soc. de Geog., 3. SUBJECT-INDEX. Alps Mts (continued). Caraboeuf, Hauteur des Alpes. Soc. deG^og., 2. Headley, J. T., Alps and Rhine, 1845. Saussure, H. B. De, Voyages dans, 1779-96. Tyodall, J., Hours in the A., 1871. See Switzerland. Altars* Perceval, A. P., Lights upon, 1850. P. 1502. Altruism. See Benevolence. Alta Vela Claim. 1860. P. 2021. Alnm. Beck, T. R., Memoir on. S. A. N. Y., 4. Alvarenga, M. I. da Silva. Ins. H. do Bra., 3, Biog. de. Amazon River. Am. Ge. S. J., 7, Hydrogr. report on. Angelis, De la Navegacion, 1857. P. 192g. Bates, H. W., Naturalist on, 1875. Hartt, C. F., The Valley of. Am. Ge. S. J., 3. Ins. II. do Bra., 13, O Rio Branco. " 2, 3, Thesouro descoberto. Keller, F., Am. R., ls75. Maw, H. L., Descent of, 1829. Myers, Life in the Tropics, 1871. Smith, H. II., Travels, 1879. See Brazil; South America. Amazons. Ins. H. do Bra., 18. Oviedo, G. F. de, Hist, de las Indias. Amboyna. Valentyn, Oud en niew Oost Indien, 1724. Amenia, N". Y. Reed, N., Hist, of, 1875. America. Am. Antiq. Soc, 1820-36, 1853-77. SchoepflF, Climate and diseases of, 1875. Spencer, II., Descr. Sociology, 1878. America, Discovery in. Adam, L., Dn Fou Sang. Cg. d. Am., s. 1,T. 1. Anderson, R. R., Not discov. by Columbus. 1874. Angbieru, P. M. d', De ins. nuper reper. Gry. " Sommario. Ra., 3. Banvard, J,, First Explorers, 1874. Beaiivois, M. E., D6couv. par les Irlaiidais. Cg. d. Am., S. 1, T. 1. Bccher, Landfall of Columbus, 1856. Belknap, J., Discourse on, 1792. Boston Pub. Lib. Bull., 87. Pre-Columb. visits. Bost. Pub. Lib. Bull., 38, 89, 40, 41, 42, Lit- erature of 1500 1660. Bourne, Engl. Seamen, 1485 1608. Bowon, B. F., Disc, by Welsh, Ls76. Brevoort, J. C, Notes on Verrazano, l,s74. Bry, Le Moyno's Narrative, 1875. Bunler, (!., The \Vol<;h Indians, 1797. Cardeiro, L., L* Am. et lc8 Portuirais. Cir d. Am., 8. 1, T. 1. * ^ America, Discovery in (continued). Champlain's voyages. Prince Soc. Columbus, C, De ins. nuper reper. Rob. Mon. Columbi Navigatio. Gry. Columbus, F., Hist, del Almirante. Ba. Coronado, F. V. de, Relatione. Ra., v. 3. Costa, B. F. de, Northmen in. Am. Ge. S. J., 2. Dermer, T., Me. to Va., 1619. N. Y. H. S., s. 2, v. 1. Gaffarel, P., Ph6niciens en. Cg. d. Am. s. 1, T. 1. Gomara, F. L. de. Hist, de las Indias. Ba. Gravier, G., D6couvei'tes par les Normands, 1873. " D6couvertes de La Salle, 1870. Groendal, B., D6couv. ante columbienne. Cg. d. Am. s. 1, T. 1. Grynaeus, Die Newe Welt, 1534. Hakluyt, R., Western planting, 1584. Hale, E. E., Early maps of, 1874. Herrera, Descr. Ind. Occ, 1624. Brv, I. Oc. 12. Humboldt, A. v., Examen critique, 1839. Ins. H. do. Bra., 15, Descob. de Brazil. Juet, R., Voy, of the Half Moon, 1609. N. Y. H. S.," s. 2, V. 1. Kohl, J. G., Pop. Hist, of, 1862. Hist, of Discov., 990-1578. Me. H. C, s. 2, V. 1. Kong. No. Old. Sel., Scriptahist. Islandorum, 1828-46. Laet, De, Beschrij. v. W^. Indien, 1630. " Nouveau Monde, 1640. Major, R. H., Life of Pr. Henry (Naming of A.), 1868. " Zeno brothers voy., 14th cent. P. 2140. Margry, P., Orig. trans-atlantiques, 1868. " D6couvertes des Franqais, 1876-8. Nufiez, A., Relatione. Ra., 3, " Naufragios y relacion. Ba. '* Commentarios. Ba. Oviedo, G. F. de, Hist. gen. de las Indias, 1851-55. Purchas his Pilgrimes, 1625. Rafn, C. C, Mem. sobrc o descob. Ins. H. do Bra., 2. Rafn, C. C, Northmen in. Am. -Ge. S. J., 1. Robinson, C, Discov. in the West, 1S48. Schmidt, Oratiuncula, 1602. Simpson, J. H., E.xplor. of Coronado. Am. Ge. S. B., 1873-4. Shifter's Northmen's voyages. Prince Soc. Spain, Cartas do Indias, 1502-85. Sumner, C, Prophetic Voices, 1874. Univ. Hist. Mod., v. 88. Verrazano, J. de, Voyage, 1524. N. Y. II. S., 8. 2. v. 1. SUPPLEMENT. 9 America, Discovery in (continued). Vespucci, A., Voyages, Notes of, Varnhagen, 1870. Wagener, First Discov. of, 1863, /S6« Cabot; Columbus; Discoveries; Hudson; Smith, J.; Stevens, H., Verazano; Vespucci ; Voyages. America, History, Travels, &c. Hare R., Mem. of a Tour., 1774, H. P. C. LinschotA Hevrera Navig., 1619. MOser, J. J., N. Am. nach 1783. Ogilby, J., America, 1671. Oviedo, G. F. de, Hist, de las ludias. .Pam., vol. 2140. Soc. H. de Montreal, M6ms. and Docs., 1875. See North America ; Central America ; South America ; United States ; Florida ; West Indies ; Voyages, etc. ; Histori- cal Societies ; United States ; Political Pam., etc, American Antiquities. See Antiquities; Aborigines. American Books, Catalogues, Authors, Libraries. See Bibliography. American Colonies. See British, French, Dutch and Spanish Colonies. American Geographical, Pam., v. 2087. American Indians. See Indians ; Antiqui- ties. American Party, Politics, See Emigi-ation ; U, S. American Politics. See United States, American Wars. See Civil War, 1861- 1866 ; French War in America, 1745-63 ; Mexican war ; Revolutionary war ; War of 1812. Americanisms. See Language, English. Ames, F. Adams, J. Q., Am. Principles, 1809, Pub. Ames, F., Works and Life, B, 1809, 1854. Vind. of, agst, J, Q. Adams, 1809. Amherst, Gen. Sir J. Prestwich, Respub- lica, 1787. Amner, Rev. R. Nic. HI., 5. Ampere, A. M. Story of, 1873. Amphitheatres. Maffei, De' amphiteatri, V. 10, 11, 20, " Hist, of Ancient A., 1730. Amsterdam Is. Scherzer, Voyage, 1866, Mortimer, Voyage, 1791. Amsterdam, N. Y. Goodale, M, S., Hist, disc, 1851. Review of 20 years, 1857. Amusements. American fistiana, Ellis, E,, Cock Fighting, 1660. H. M., 7, Internat, Match at Creedmoor, 1874. 2 Amusements (continued). Meade, Bp., Baptismal Vows, 1855. National Rifle Assoc'n, Hist., 1860. P. 1368. Pam. V. 2096. Remington, American rifles . and riflemen, 1876. See Chess ; Games ; Drama, treatises on. Anabaptists. Warning against, 1642. H. M., 5. See Baptists. Anatomy. Bossange, Catalogue of books, 1870. Cat. 86. Cruveilhier, Anat., ed. Pattisou, 1844. Fau & Knox, A. of extern, forms of man, 1849. Forster, T., Sketch of the new. Pmtr., 5. Gamgee, Anat. of Domes. Animals, 1862. Hawkins, Human and Animal Frame, 1860. Jordan & Beck, N. Y. Museum of. P. 2531. Lizars, An. of the Brain, 1860. ;S', Cruelty to. . Gamguc, Anut. of Doni. Animals, 1S62. Grimk6, F., Reason in (Works), 1871. Animals (continued). Jones, W., Clean and Unclean A., 1771. P. 769. Macaulay, J., On Mercy to, 1875. Perthes (Boucher de). Association chez, T. 3. Pettigrew, J. Bell, A. Locomotion, 1874. Soc. d'Acclimatation, 1872-77. See Zoology ; Cattle ; Ornithology ; Ento- mology, etc. Anne, Queen of Eng. Boyer, Annals of, 1713. Marlborough, Duchess of, Corresp., 1838. Montgomery, Steele's Life, 1865. Wyon, F. W., Hist, of reign of, 1876. See England. Annie Laurie, Yacht. Green way's Cruise, 1874. Annuals. See Registers ; Almanacs ; Maga- zines. Annuities. See Insurance. Anonymous Books. See Bibliography. Anselm, St. Church, R. W., Life of, 1870. Anstis, J. Corresp. Nic. 111., 4. Ant. DuChaillu, Ashango land, 1867. Lubbock, Sir J., Habits of Ants. Pop. Sci. M. 11, 1877. McCook, The Ant of Texas, 1879. Anthon, C. Drisler, Disc, on, 1868. P. 1878. Anthon, Rev. H. Eastburn, M., Tributes to, 1862. Anthony, S. Hopkins, S., Life of, 1796. Antietam. Anderson, E. F., Addresses, 1870. P. 2182. See Civil war, 1861-65. Anti-Masonry. See Masonry, Free. Antinomians. Display of God's Grace, 1742. Rutherford, S., Serv. of Antichrist, 1648. Antiquities. 1862. Annuaire de I'arch^ologue, Archffiol. Mus., Edinb., 1856. Ashmolean Soc, 3 papers, 1836, 8. Breeks, J. W., Tribes of the Nilagiris (India), 1873. Campana, Musieo Catal., 1850. Ceci, Bronzi del Mus. Borbonico, 1854. Cluny, Mus6e de, 1851. Congr^s Internationale, 1869. 1*. 1063. Crystal Palace, Fine Arts Courts, L., 1854. Fairholt, F. W., Miscel. Graphica. Fergusson, J., Rude Stone Monuments, 1872. Gulick, L. H., The Ruins on I'onape. Am. Ge. S. J., 1. Kornerup, Kongehoiene i Jellinge, 1875. Pownall, T., The Study of, 1782. Redding, M. W., Antiq. of the Orient, 1874. SUPPLEMENT. 11 Antiquities (continued). Rich, Diet, of Rom. and Gr. Antiq., 1860. Taylor, I., Etruscan Researches. Van Lennep, Trav. in Asia Minor, 1870. See France ; Bibliography ; Pre-historic times ; Moabite Stone. Antiquities, American. Alden, T., A. of W. Penna., 1820. A. A. S., 1. Am, Ethnolog. Soc. Trans., 1860--61. Atwater, C, A. of Ohio, 1820. A. A. S., 1. Baldwin, J. D., Anc't America, 1872. Bancroft, H. H., Ant. of Pacific coast, 1875. Barber, E. A., Anciens pueblos. Cg. d. Am. S. 2, T. 1. Barry, W., A. of Wis. W. H. C, 3. Brasseur deBourbourg, Hist, des Nations du Mexique, 1857. " 4 lettres sur le Mexique, 1868. Butler, J, D., Pre-hist. Wisconsin. W. H. C. 7. Catherwood, Anc. Mon. in Central America, 1844. Cherry, Grave Creek Mound, 1877. Clarke, H., Pre-hist. ArchjBol., 1875. Gomara, F. L. de. Hist, de las Ind. Ba. Harrisse, H., Newark Inscr. Cg. d. Am., S. 1, T. 2. Heath, E. R., Tr. in Peru. Sci. Am. Supp., 152. Ins. H. do Bra., 1, Inscr. da Gavia. Jones, C. C, Jr., Ant. of Indians, 1873. " Remains in Georgia, 1861. Jones, I., Remains in Tennessee, 1876. Lapham, I. A., A. of Wisconsin. Smiths. Contr. , V. 7. Larrainzar, M., America, sus ruinas y antig,, 1878. Leeraans, Antiq. Amei'icaines. Cg. d. Am,, S, 2, T. 2. Long, R, C.,Anc. Architect. N. Y, H. P. 1849. Masselin, L. M., Canada Prehist. Cg. d. Am., s. 1, T. 2. Mueller, J. G., Am. Urreligionen, 1855. Ohio, Centen. report, 1876, Putnam, F. W., Anct. Fort on Wabash. E. I. B., V. 3. Rau, C, Archffiol. Coll., CJ, S. Nat. Mus., 1876. Smiths. Contr. 22. Reiss, W., Necropolis, Peru, 1880. Rosny, Archives paleographiques, 1870. Salisbury, S., Discov. in Yucatan. Am. Ge. S. J,, 9. Schcebel, Ant. Am. k St. Petersburg. Cg. d. Am,, S. 1, T. 2. Arch6ol. Am. Cg. d. Am., S. 2, T. 2. Schoolcraft, Vases in Florida. N. Y. H. P., 1846. Simms, J. R , Cat. of Cabinet, 1869. Stevens, E. F., Flint Chips, 1870. Walker, J. B., Address, 1859. F, L. P., 1. Antiquities, American (continued). Warden, D, B., Descr. de Palenque. Soc. de Ge"g., 2. ** Ant, des Etats Unis. Soc. de G6og., 2. Western Reserve Hist. Soc, Pub. Whittlesey, C, Ancient Works in Ohio. Smiths, Cont,, v, 3, Cuyahoga Valley, 1871. Wise. Hist. Coll., V. 8. See Mound Builders. Antiquities, Great Britain. See Great Britain; England. Antiquities, Greek and Roman. Cesnola, L. di, Cyprus, Researches in, 1878. Clgrisseau, C. L., Monuments de Nismes. Cory, J. P., Ancient Fragments. Maffei, S,, Amphitheatres, 1730. Report on Elgin Marbles, 1816. Pmtr., 8. Schliemann, H., Mycense, 1880. " Troy and its Remains, 1875. Smith, C. R., Coll. Antiqua, 1848-68, in Gr, Brit, Soc. of Ant., Archaeologia, v. 34-45. See Classical ; Herculaneum, etc. Anti-Rent, N. Y. Gould, G., Opinions in cases, 1858. P. 2144. Harrington, H, F., Sermon, 1844. P. 1920. Young, J., Dinner to, 1851. P. 1907. Antonius von Padua. Andachtsbtlchlein, 1861. P. 2537. Antrim, Ir. Dubourdieu, Survey of, 1812. Antrim, N. Hamp. Whiton, Hist, of, 1852. Whiton, J. M., Notices of. N. H. H., 4. Antwerp, Neth. Lacroix, Guide in, 1839. Aphorisms. See Maxims. Apocrypha. Am. Orient. S. J., 8. Revela- tion of St. Paul. Corpus Ignatianum. 0. T, F., 1849, Enoch, Trans, of, Lawrence, Oxf. 1838. Haldane, R.,.On Br. and For. Bib. Soc., 1826. P. 1264. Home, T. H., Supp. pages, 1846. P. 2033, Apocrypha, Old Testament. Dutch, See Bible, Dutch, 1744, fo. English. See Bible, EngUsh, Phila., 1798, fo. Bible, English, N. Y., 1817, fol.B. C. ; Bible, Eng., Albany, 1816, 8° B. C; Bible, Eng., CoUins's ed., 4°. French. See Bible, French, Amsterdam. 1712, 4°. Greek. See Bible, Greek, N. T., Montanus, 1609. Ecclesiasticus, Lat. See Bible, Ps., Col., 1630, 24°; Bible, Psalms (Kenrick), Bait., 1859, Wisdom of Solomon, Gr,, Arm. and Lat., 24°. " Lat. See Bible, Ps. Col., 1630, 24°. See Bible, Psalms (Kenrick), Bait., 1857. Book of Jasher, N, Y,, 1840. 8°. 12 SUBJECT-INDEX. Apocrypha, New Testament. English, Boston, 1832. Legends of Infancy of jftus, 1863. P. 1572. Nicodemi Evangeliura, 1470. Apollonins, Tyaneus. Philostratus, Life of, 1809. Apostle's Creed. Remarks on, 1852. P. 2071. Apostolical Canons. Const, of the Apos- tles, Chase, 1848. Apostolic Constitutions. Ethiopic Didas- kalia (Piatt). 0. T. F. Zonara, Coram., Gr. et Lat., 1618. fo. Apostolical Succession. Williams, D., Success asserted, 1721. P. 1886. See Episcopacy j Church of England. Appanoose Co., Iowa. Hist, of, 1878. Apparitions. Aubrey, J,, Miscellanies, 1857. Green, J., Flying Dutchman. S. A. N. Y., 4. Hauber, Bib. Magica. B. 1. Haunted School-house, 1873. Savile, B. W., Narratives, 1874. Stilling, Pneumatology, 1851. Treat, on Second Sight. Miscel. Scot., 3. See Delusions. Appleton, John. Memoir of. Ms. H. S. P., 1876-7. Appleton. N. Everett, E., Death of. W. V. 4. Winthrop, R. C, Tribute to, 1866. W. v. 2. Appleton, Sam. Will of, 1853. P. 2191. Jewett, L A., Memoir, 1850. Lothrop, S. K., Memoir of. Ms. H. S. C, S. 4, V. 3. Appleton, Wm. Memoir of. Ms, H. Soc. P., 1862-8. Winthrop, R. C, Tribute to, 1862. W. v. 2. Apprentices. Origin of Laws on. Pmtr., 3. Petition of London A., 1642. H. M., 5. Apthorp, East. Writings, 1763-76. Hoppiu, N., Hist. Disc, 1858. Aquaria. Expos. Univ. Illust. Aquarium du Havre. Thomas, J. J., Rural Affairs, 1876-78. Aqueducts. Frontinus, Sur les A. de Rome, 1820. 6'w Bridges; Water; Engineering. Aquinas, Thomas. Thomas, A., Entrcticn sur, 1874. P. 2052. Unirersitfi Laval. 6« coutenaire, 1874. P. 2052. Arahia. Barbosa, E., Libro. Ra., 1. Bcke, C, Discoveries, 1878. Burton, R. F., Mines of Midian, 1878. Clark, E. L., Arabs and Turks, 1876. Grova, M. de, Relacion. Ba. Irwin, E., Voyage, 1780. Arabia (continued). Mohammed Edib, Itin6raire, 1682. Soc. de G6og., 2. Mueller, M. J., Gesch. der West. Araber, 1866- 78. (In Arabic.) Univ. Hist. Mod., v. 1, 2, 3. Varthema, L., Itinerarium. " Itinerario. Ra., 1. See Syria ; Egypt ; Mohammed. Arabic. See Bibliography ; Grammars ; Lan- guage; Oriental. Arabic Authors. Ebn el Awara, de Agri- cultura, 1802. Extrait des Mss., Petitot, Michaud. Ghazzali, Alchem. of Happiness, 1873. Khallikan, Ibn, Biog. Diet. Trans., 1862-71. 0. T. F. Makamat of Hariri. 0. T. F., 1850. Makrizi, Hist, of Egypt, Trans. 0. T. F. " Mohammedans in Spain. 0. T. F. Mas'udi, Hist. Encyclopicdia. 0. T. F. Mohammed ben Musa, Algebra. 0. T. F. Perron, Lettre sur Tarafah et Al-Moutalam- mis. Tohf ut ul Mujahideen, Trans. 0. T. F. Utbi, Kitab-i Yamani. 0. T. F. See Language. Arabs. Farine, C, Deux pirates au 16^ sificle, 1869. Aracan. Comstock, G. S., Notes on. Am. Or. S. J. 1. Arachnides, See Spiders. Arago, F« CEuvres completes. 1854-9. Arblay, Mme. d'. Delany, Mrs., Letters, 1700-88. Archaeology. See Antiquities ; Pre-historic. Archery. Ascham, R., Toxophilus, 1545 (1868). Archimedes. CEuvres. Paris, 1808. Winthrop, R. C, Franklin and. W. v. 2. Architecture. Am. Inst, of Architects, Proc, 1867, 70, 72. Barry, Sir R., Great Halls of Europe. Biddle, 0., Carpenter's Asst., 1810. Chambers, Sir W., Civil Arc, 1825. Chase, C. T., School-houses for the South, 1868. D6gen, Constru. en briques, 1864. '* Constru. en bois, 1. Elraes, .!., Letter to T. Hope. Pmtr., 8. Gailhabaud, Cahiers d' instruction, 1846. " Archit. du Vme. au XVII sidcle, 1858. Gr. Br. Pari. Papers, 1870. National Gallery. Hunt, R. M., Gateways of Cent. Park, 1866. India, Illust. of Kashmir, 1869. Lefebre, Marvels of, 1872. SUPPLEMENT. 13 Architecture (continued), Loudon, Suburban gardener, 1838. Nat. A. P. Soc. Sci. Trans., 1876, 78, 79, Street archi. Ram Raz, Arch, of the Hindoos, 1834. 0. T. F. Randall, G. P., Plans of construe, 1866. P. 1996. Richman, T., Styles in England, 1825. Rondelet. Art de batir, 1847. Ruskin, J., Lectures on, 1854. Thomas, J. J., Rural affairs, 1876-78. U. S. Architect, Supervisor's rep., 1868, 69. P. 1996. U. S, Rep. on Vienna Exh., 1873, 4, 6. Vitruvius, Civil archit., 1812. Warren, S. E., Geom. symbolism, 1873. Willis, R., Middle ages and Italy, 1835. Wotton, Sir H., Reliquiie, 1672. Wren, SirC, Engr. of. Works of. Zahn, Ornamens de Pompei. See Bibliography ; Church ; Decoration. Architecture, Capitols. Illinois, Rep. of commrs., 1870, 1876. P. 2075. Iowa, Laying of corner-stone, 1871. P. 1996. Mass. Reports, 1867. P. 1996. " State house expenses, 1869. Michigan, Corner-stone of, 1873. N. Y., New cap.. Instructions, 1866. P. 1119. " Reports and misc. pam. collected, 1864-77. Tennessee, Descrip. of. P. 610, 1016. Vermont, Supt's rep., 1857. P. 493. Debates on, 1857. " Message on, 1859. P. 1652. Walker, G. E., Ohio capitol, 1855. P. 1996. Architecture, Church. Antiq. Repertory, Lon., 1807-9, 4 v., 4°. Antiq. and topog. cab., Lon., 1817-19. Belle Assemblee, 1844-8. Boisserfie, Cathedralede Cologne, Plans, 1842. Cath^d. de Cologne, Descr., 1843. Cottle, J., St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton, 1845. Dodsworth's Salisbury Cathedral, 1814. Lichfield cathedral, 1823. Luebke, W., Eccl. art in Germany, 1873. Meth. Ep. Ch., Rept. of ch. extension, 1867*- 76. Mueller, F. H., St. Katherinen Kirche, Op- penheim, 1853. Storer, Cathed. of Gr. Brit., 1819. Walcott, Minsters and Abbeys, 1860. Winkle's French cathedrals, 1837. " English cathedrals. Woolnoth, Canterbury cathedral, 1816. Architecture, Domestic. Bardwell, W., Healthy houses, 1854. See Building. Arctic Travels. Burton, W. F., Wild North land, 1874. Schrenk, Reise nach dem N. 0. Eur. Russ- lands, 1854. See Voyages (Arctic) ; Russia ; North Amer- ica. Arenas, Joaquim. Conspiracion de, 1828. Argentine Confederation. Latham, W., The La Plata, 1868. Napp, Description of, 1876. S. Am., Expos, de Paris, 1867. See La Plata ; Paraguay ; Buenos Ay res. Argyll Family. Argyll, Letters to, 1520- 1685. M. Club, 61. Arians. Taylor, H., Apol. of Ben Mordecai, 1784. See Unitarians. Aristocracy. See Dignities ; Rank. Aristophanes. Caravella;, Index, 1822. Sanxay, Lexicon, 1811. Aristotle. Grote, G., Philos. of, 1872. Mill, J. S., On Grote's A. Diss. v. V. Jourdain, C, De I'influence d', 1861. P. 2188. Arithmetics. Babcock, T. H., N. Y., 1829. Bennett, J., American Ar., 1835. Burdick, T., New guide, 1831. Dilworth, T., Schoolmaster's asst., 1783. Penning, D., Am. youth's instructor, 1795. Hassler, F. R., Elem. of, 1826. Hilton, N. T., Pract. arith., 1807. Hodder, Jas., Boston, 1719. Leavitt, D., Scholar's review, 1811. Taylor, T., Trans, of Gr. and Lat. authors on, 1816. Ware, W. P., Eqi\a. of payments. /S^e Mathematics ; Tables; Numbers, 1872. Arizona. Bell, W. A., New tracks, 1870. Cozzens, 3 years in, 1874. Hinton, R. J., Hand book to, 1878. Mowry, S., G6og. of. Am. Ge. S. Jour., 1. U. S. Engineer's report, 1876. Geog. Sur- vey. Wheeler, G. M., Explorations, 1871 (1872.) Arkansas. Gov. Messages, 1854, 64, 66. P. 1932. Finan. reports, 1864, 66. P. 1932. Armada. Losses, 1588. H. M., 2. Marten, A., Def. agst. invasion, 1588. H. M., 2. Orders to D. of Medina, 1588. H. M., 2. Spanish lyes, 1588. H. M., 2. Ubaldino, Sp. fleet overthrown, 1590. H. M., 2. Armenia and Armenians. Appleyard, E. S., Eastern churches, 1850. Berat of Selim III. Am. Or. S. J., 1. Catalogue of kings of. 0. T. F., Misc. trans. 14 SUBJECT-INDEX. Armenia and Armeniai^ (continued). Chinese and Arm. transl. 0. T. F., 1831. Eliseus, Hist, of Vartan, 0. T. F., 1830. Topin, Man with the iron mask, 1870. Univ. History, vol. 9. Vahran's chronicle (Neumann). 0. T. F. Vaillant, Assacidarum hist., 1728. See Turkey ; Language ; Grammars. Armiuianism. Heylin, P., Church of Engl, on the 5 points, 1681. Prynne, W., Church of England's old anti- thesis, 1629. " God no impostor, 1629. " Auti-Arminianism, 1630. See Methodists. Armor. Meyrick, Ancient armor, 1824. Arms, Coats of. Hartland, Chart of royal houses of Europe. Prang's, of the diff. States, 1876. Willis, A., U. S. Govt., 1868. See Heraldry. Arms of War. See Military. Army. SeeUnhary; United States; Great Britain ; France. Army, Standing. Graham, J. J., Military ends, 1864. Inconsist. with free govm't, 1807. Pmtr., 1. Arnauld, R. M6moires, 1610-56 (P6titot). Arnold von Brescia. Giesebrecht, v., Vortrag ueber. K. Bay. A. S. p. p. c. 8. Arnold, B. Arnold, I. N., Life of, 1880. Hubbell, H., Arnold, a tragedy, 1847. Incursion of 1781, V'a. H. R., 4. Watson's Lake Champlain. See Andre, J. Arnold, Matt. Swinburne, A. C, Essays, 1876. Arnold, Thomas. Bates's Lectui'e. Am. Inst, of Instr., 1853. Robinson, H. C, Diary and Corresp., 1869. Arnpryor Family. Account of. Misc. Scot., 4. Aroostock, Me. 1889. Holmes, C, Survey of. Arrianus. Opera, Lemgovia?, 1792. Art, See Fine Arts; Painting; Taste; En- graving; Music; Sculpture. Artesian Wells. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rup. du Jury, 8. Wetherill, Nature of, 1859. See Wells. T Arts. Buvan, Brit, industries, 1876. Felkiu, W., Hist, of hosiery and luce, 1867. (Jfinio industrial, Paris, 1861-70. Gernmny, Expos, do PariB, 1867. Arts (continued). Hessischer Gewerbverein, 1842-79. Lafolie, C. J., Fonte de la statue de Henri IV, 1819. Lovis, Burnettizing, 1859. P. 2075. Lutschaunig, Hall marks for goldsmiths, 1872. Mowbrav, G. M., Tri-nitro glycerine, 1871. P." 2053. Museum Rusticum, Lond., 1763-66. Pam., vol. 2074, 2075, 2580. Paris Expos., 1851, State of, Tome 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Phillips, W., Lost arts, Tribune, Dec. 11, 1872. Society of Arts, Journal, London, 1872-80. Soulages, Cat. of coll. of decorative art, 1856. South Kensington museum guide, 1871. Squier, E. G., Tropical fibres, 1861. Timmins, Indust. of Birmingham, 1866. U. S, Paris Expos., 1867. Barnard's rep. Urbino, Art recreations, 1871. Waring, Masterpieces of Exliib. of 1862. Wiseman, Artisan and Artist, 1869. See Inventions; Patents; Scientific; Engi- neering ; Exhibitions ; Mech. Insti- tutes; Hydraulics; Machinery; Fine Arts; Cements. Articulata. See Entomology ; Mollusks ; Zoophytes. Aryans. Bunsen, God in history. Johnson, S., Oriental religions, 1872. Keary's Dawn of history, 1879. Pictet, A., Aryas primitifs, 1859, 63. arrabee, A. and coadjutors, Death of, 1651. H. M., 6. Epistolsc iv, lib., 1703. Asbury. F. 1853. Ascham, A. Ascham, R. Asgill, Capt. Graham, J. J., Memoir, 1779, 1801. Ashland Co., Oh. Hill, G. W., Hist, of, 1880. Ashmole, E. Life of, 1774. Ashmun, J. H. Story, J., Disc, on, 1833. Ashtabula Co., Oh. Williams, W. W., Hist, of, 1878. Asia. Asiatic Jour., Lond., 1830-40. Asiatic Policv of England and Russia, 1825. Pmtr.,* 25. Campbell, D., Overland journey, 1801. Daly, C. P., Addr., 1878. Am. Ge., S. 10. Edrisi, G6ographie, 1180. Soc. de G6og., 5, 6. Evliya, Travels, 17th cent., 0. T. F. Ibn Batuta, Travels. 0. T. F. Journal Asiaticjue, Paris, 1822-67. Masudi's Hist. Cyclopaedia, 1841. O. T. F. Oderico, Viaggio. Ra., 2. Ogilby, J., Asia, 1678. Univ. Hist., vol. 20. Varthema, L., Itinerario. Ra. 1, Gry. SUPPLEMENT. 15 Asia, Central. Evliya, Trav., 17th cent. 0. T. F. Hayton, De Tartaris liber. Giy. " Historia. Ra., 2. MacGahan, J. A., Khiva, Am. Ge. S. B., 1873-4. Polo, xM.. Viaggi. Ra., 2. " De region, orient. Gry. Rawlinson, Sir H., Pol. and geog. condition of, 1875. Taylor, B., Travels in. Am. Ge. S. P., 1863-4. Utbi, Kitab i-Yamini. 0. T. F., 1858. See Persia; Affghanistan ; Tibet. Asia, Southern. Field, H. M., Egypt to Japan, 1877. Polo, M., Book of, Yule, 1875. Varthema, L., Itinerario. Ra., 1, Gr. iSe* India; China; Voyages. Asia, Western. Evliya, Travels. 0. T. F. Jackson, J., Journey, 1799, Jordanus, Mirab. descr., 1330. Soc, de G6og, Mohemmed Edib, Itinerario, 1682, Soc, de G6og., 4. Mengous, P., Narr. manners in, 1830. Polo, M., Book of (Yule), 1875, Univ. Hist., V. 4, 10, 11, Vaillant, Parthorum Hist., 1728. Van Lennep, H. J., Trav. in, 1870. See Turkey ; Armenia ; Syria, Asiatic Languages. See Bibliography; Oriental ; Arabic ; Languages, Asphyxia. See Cholera; Drowning. Aspinwall Papers. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1871. Assam. Brown, N,, Naga, lang. of. Am. Or. S. J., 2. Assassins. Hammer, von. History of the, 1835. Associate Presb. Ch. of N. A. Disci- pline of, 1840. P. 2586, Assoc. Ref. Church. Bishop, R. H., Tribute (Biog.), 1837. P, 2030, Associate Ref. Presbytery. Johnstone, W. 0., Case of Kensington, 1854. P. 2062. Assoc. Ref. Synod. Draught of doc- trines, 1787. Associate Synod of N. A. Case of Bul- lions, 1835. P. 2063. Minutes, 1853. P. 2586. Reasons of protest, 1835. P. 2063, Assyria. Univ, Hist., v. 2, 4. See Chaldea ; Mesopotamia ; Nineveh ; Mosul; Tigris. Astle, T. Nic. 111., v. 5. Astor, J. J. Parton, J., Life of, 1865. Astor,W. B. Dix, M., Addr. Trinitv Ch., 1877. Astor Place Riot. Account of, 1849. P. 2090. Astoria, N. Y. See Long Island directory, 1865-73. Astrology. Picus, De Astrologia, 1572. Soc. of Ant., Archseologia, v. 35, 1851. See Almanacs ; Delusions. Astronomy. Adams, J. Q., Oration, Cincin., 1843. Alexandei;, S., Solar eclipse, 1832. Al. I, T. 2. " Elements of S. eclipse, 1831. Al. I, T. 1. " Astron. obs.,1831. Al. I, T. 2. " Harmony of solar system, 1874, Smiths. Contr., 21, Am. Or. S. J., 6, Surya- Siddhanta. Asiatic Researches, v. 8. Bouvier, H. M., Familiar Astron., 1855. Brahe, T., Astron. instau, progvinimsniata, 1602, Brit. Col., Expos, de Paris, 1867. Cape of Good Hope Obs., 1859, 69, 75, 76. Chauvenet, Spher. and pract. astron., 1863. Davis's, J., Heliotellus, 1869. P. 2580. De Quincey, T., Writings, v. 9, 1858. De Witt, S., Functions of moon. Al. L T. Dudley Observatory, Annals, II, 1871. Edinb. Roy. Obs. Trans., 1871. Everett, E., On the uses of, discourse, 1856. Flammarion, Stories of infinity, 1873. Great Britain, Greenwich Obs,, obs., 1876-78. Gummere, Elem. treatise, 1851. Gumpach, J. von.. Baby worlds, 1863. Hassler, F. R., Syst.of Universe. 1828. Hough, G. W., Machine for cat. stars. Al. I., T. 4. " Total eclipse of 1869, Al. I., T. 6. " Printing chronograph. Al. I., T. 7. Hugo, L., Sur la cinematique, 1876. Humboldt, Cosmos., v. 3, 4, 1851. Huygens, Celest. worlds discovered, 1722. Ins. H. do Brazil, I, Eclipse do sol, 1839, Jones, W,, Descr. of orrery, 1799. La Lande, Hist, de, 1781-1802. Lockyer, Solar physics, 1874. London Exhib. of 1851, Rept. of Juries. Loomis, E., Practical astr., 1863, Maps, vol. 24, Fixed stars to 1878. Seller & Halley. Maury, M. F,, Nat, observatory. Va. H. R., 2. Melbourne Observatory, 1863-5. Mercator, Sphere c61este, 1555 (1875). Nasmyth, J., The moon, 1874. Newcomb, S., Orbit of Neptune. Smiths. Contr., 15. " Pop. astron., 1878. " Orbit of Uranus. Smiths. Contr., 19. 16 SUBJECT-INDEX. Astronomy (continued). New S. Wales Roy. Soc. Jour,, v. 10. Observ. roy. de Bruxelles. Annates, 1867-70. Olmsted, D., Compend. of, 1839. Ormathwaite, Astron. and geol, compared, 1872. Paris, Exhib. de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 2. Flayfair, J., A. of Brahmins, Works, 3. Proctor, R. A., Border-land of science, 1874. " Other worlds than ourS; 1870. " Essays on, 1872. *• Saturn and its system, 1865. " Universe and coming transits, 1874. " The orbs around us, 1872. " Lectures, N. Y. Tribune. '• Transits of Venus, 1874. " Our place among the infinities, 1876. " The expanse of heaven, 1877. Qu^telet, A., Papers collected, 1863-72. Rafinesque, C. S., Celestial wonders, 1838. Schio, A. de, Due astrolabi, 1880. Secchi, A., Le Soleil, 1875-7. Smyth, W. H., ^des Hartwelliana>, 1851. Todhunter, Hist, of theories of attraction, 1873. U. S. Naval observatory, Observ., 1861-78. ♦' Report, 1880. Publ. coUec, 1873-8. Whiston, W., Jupiter's planets, 1738. White, C. J., Elements of, 1869. Whitney, W. D., Hind, and Chin. syst. of a.sterisms. Am. Or. S. J., 8. See Mathematics ; Earth ; Comets. Athabasca. Butler, W. F., Wild north land, 1874. Atheism. AUin, T., A. refuted, 1833. P. 2026. Eenens, Le paradis terrestre, 1860. Lamartine, A. de, A. among the people, 1850. Phillips, J. T., De atheismo, 1716. See Natural Religion ; Infidelity. Athens, Greece. Barker, H. A., Panorama, 1818. P. 1905. Boeckh, A., Pub. Econ. of, 1857. Bulwer-Lytton, Athens, rise and fall, 1837. Churton, W. R., Time of Pericles, 1824. P. 2150. Dyer, T. H., Ancient A., 1873. Freeman, E., A., Hist, essays, 1878. Prantl, von, Topog. des alten A. K. Bay. A. S. p. c. 4. Soc. of Dilettanti. Antiquities, 1817. Tweddell, J., Remains, 1816. Universal History, v. 7. Wilkin.H, W., Topog. of A., 1816. Young, SirW., Hist of, 1804. .SVr (Irueco. Athol, Ms, Athol in tlie Rebellion, 1866. Atkinson, Pf. Hamp. Morse, C. F., Cong, ch. centen., 1875. Atlanta, Ga. Directory, 1870, 71. Atlantic. Benjanjin, S. G. W., World's par- adises. Atonement. Cleaveland, Rev. J., An essav. Bost., 1763. Shedd, W. G. T., Discourses, 1862. See Unitarians ; Christ ; Trinity. Atlases. See Bibliography ; Maps ; Geog. Attleborough, Mass. Daggett, J., Hist, of, 1834. Aubrey, J. Miscellanies, with life, 1857. Auburn, Me. Directory. xS«« Lewiston. Auburn, N. Y, Directory and hist, of (Brigham), 1863. Fowler, H., History of the churches in, 1867. Hawley, C, Hist. 1st Presb. ch., 1869. P. 2030. Hist, of 1st Presb. Ch., 1876. Audubon, J. J. Webber, Hunter naturalist. Augsburg Confession. Krauth, C. P., Bibliography of. Pam. v. 2132. Augusta, Ga, Directory, 1870. Augusta, Me. Allen, J., Mortality in, 1865. Me. H. S., 5. Aulnay, Sieur d'. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 4, V. 4, Notice of, 1857. Auburn and A. director' Scribner's Monthly, Aurora, N. Y. 1863. Au Sable Chasm. VIIl. Austin, S. Tenney, C. J., Fun. Ser., 1831. P. 2078. Australasia. Daly, Geog. work in, 1875. Am. Ge., S. J., 7. Fairfax, W., Handbook to, 1859. Australia. Brit. Col., Expos, de Paris, 1867. Eyre, E. J., Journals in Central A., 1845. Fairfax, Handbook to Western A., 1859. . France, Trav. de la Comm. 1, 2, P. Expos, de Lond., 1851. Jackman, W., Aust. captive, 1859. Leichard, L. Overland journey, 1847. " Travels with, 1859. Melbourne Exhib., 1866. Neumayer, On exploration of, 1868. P. 2171. O'Connell, J. F., Resid. in N. Holland, 1836. Paris exposition, 1851. T. 1, p. 2. Ridley, W., Lang, and customs, 1875. Scherzer, Reise der f. Novara, 1866. Stamer, W., Gentleman emigrant, 1874. Stuart, J. McD., Explorations in, 1864. Train, G. F., Young America abroad. Univ. Hist. Mod., v. 11. SUPPLEMENT. 17 Australia (continued). Vincent, Through the tropics, 1876. Warburton, P. E., Journey across Western, 1876. Wheeler, D., Letters, 1840. Young, J., Journey across, 1874. Am, Ge. S. J., 10. Austria. Austria, Expos, de Paris, 1867. Hozier, H. M., Seven weeks' war, 1871. Italy, Rap., Expos, de London, 1868, v. 3. Metternich, Memoirs, 1880. Newman, F. W., Crimes of, 1853. Rolt, Life of Earl Crauford, 1753. Vienna Exhib., Gen. catalogue, 1873. " Gewerbe Gesch. Oesterreicher Cat., 1873. Authority, Cliurch. 0' Conner, C, Appeal to Pius VII, 1824. Pmtr., 23. See Toleration ; Conformity ; Dissent ; Church of Eng. Authority, Civil. Allen, W., Killing no murder, 1689. H. M., 9. Heylin, P., Kingly power, 1681. Hobbes, T., Behemoth. Maseres Tr., 2. Jones, T., Sermon, 1750. P. 2034. Kirk, J., Rom. Cath. principles, 1680. Pmtr., 13. Law's power over a king, 1643. H. M., 5. Orig. of Magistracy. H. M., 1. Passive obedience disproved, 1689. H. M., 9. Prynue, W., Seasonable vindication, 1660. Rebel's catechism, 1643. H. M., 5. Smith, King's prerogative, 1641, H. M., 5. Submission to supreme, 1688. H. M., 9. Treatise of monarchy, 1689. H. M., 9. Autobiography. Adams, E., 1871, Berry, Misses, Corresp., 1769-1852. Bodley, Sir T., 1647. H, M., 6. Boyle, Mary, C'tssof Warwick. Percy Soc, 22. De Quincey, T,, Confessions, W., 1851-4. Schopenhauer, Johanna, 1847. Seward, W, H., A., life and letters, 1801-46. Shepard, E. H., St. Louis, 1869. Struggles for life, Phila., 1854. Timur, Memoirs, 0. T. F., 1830. Walpole, H., Letters, 1735-97. Webster, D,, Priv. corresp,, 1857. Whiston, W., Memoirs, 1753. Woolman, J., Memoirs, 1794. See Diaries ; Letters. Autographs, Fac similes of. Album cos- mopolite, Vattemare. Amer. Antiquarian, 1870-74, Argyll family letters, 1520-1685. M. Club, 61. Cassin, E., Morceaux fac similes, 1837. Granger, J., Letters, 1805. Hill, R., Dipl. corresp., 1703—6 fac sim. 3 Autographs, Fac similes of (continued). James VI, Letters. M. Club, 43, Linnseus, Correspondence. Lon., 1821. Morton, W. T. G., Testimonial to, 1860, Munn, L, C, Appendix to orator, 1856, Sinclair, Sir J,, Correspondence. 1831. Soc. of Antiquaries, Vetusta monumenta. Spain, Cartas de Indias, v. 2. Turner, D., Guide to fac similes, 1846. Autographs, Catalogues of. Bangs & Co.'s sale catalogues, 1865-78. P. 2121. Sales, 1859-68. P. 1997. Brotherhead's catalogue, 1860. P. 1997, Brunet, J, C, Cat. des A., 1868. P. 1998. Burns, C. DeF., Catalogues of, 1873-77, P. 2121. Charavay, G., Catalogues, Paris, 1867-70. P. 1998, Corner, W, H., Sale of, N. Y. Cat., 101. Huth's Catalogue, v, 5, 1880, Labussi^re, C, Catalogues. P. 1998. Laverdet, A., Catalogues, 1859-60. P. 1998. Leavitt & Co., Sales, 1867, Cat. v. 101. Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co., Sales of, 1867, 69. P, 1997, Naylor, F., Catalogues, Lon,, 1876-7. P. 2121. Pam. V. 1997, 1998, 2121. Puttick & Sampson, Sale, London, 1857. P. 1998. Smets, A. A., Catalogue, 1861. Stargardt, Katal., Berlin, 1859. P. 1119. Upcott, W., Catalogue, Lon., 1846, P, 1998. Waller, J., Catal., Lond., 1861-71. P. 2121. Ayen, Duchesse d'. Lasteyrie, Life of, 1872. Ayer, James C. Cowlev, S., Reminiscences of, 1879. Ayer, Mass. Cowley, S., Rem. of J. C. Ayer, 1879. Ayershire, Scotland. Pont, T., Topog. acct., 1600. M. Club, 95, Azeglio, M. d'. Recollections ot, 1868. Tuckerman, H. T., Biog. essays, 1857. Azores, Is. Linschot & Herrera, Navig,, 1619. Russell, Cryptogamic veg. of. E. I. P., v, 2. Aztec children. Warren, J, M., Account of. 1851. P. 1908. B. Babylon. Herodotus, Rawlinson's ed., v. 2. Porter, Sir R. K., Travels, 1822. Rawlinson, G., Five great monarchies, 1862. Universal Hist., v. 3, 4. Bach, J. A. Harles, T. C, De vitis philol., 1764. Bache, A. D. Gould, B. A., Address com- mem., 1868. P. 1877. 18 SUBJECT-INDEX Bache, F. Wood, G. B., Biog. memoir. Backus, C. Strong. N., Serm. on, 1804. Bacon, Francis. Aubrey, J., Lives, 1813. Bacon, F., Works, L., 1824. " Letters and life (Speddmg), 1861-69. Barnes, A., Essays, 1, 1855. Lewes, G., Biog. hist, of phil. Macaulay, T. B., Essays, 2. Bacon, Gen. F. Fuller, S., Disc, on, 1849. P. 2078. Bacon, J, Cecil, R., Memoir of, 1802. Bacon, Nathaniel. Force's Tracts, v. 1. Mass. H. S. Coll. S. 4, v. 9, Aspinwall papers, 1676. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1866. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., S. 2, v. 1, Rebellion of 1676. Va. H., R. 3, Rebellion, 1676. Bacon, Sir Nich. Campbell, Liv^es of L. Chancellors. Bacon, W. H. Memorial of, 1865. Baden, Germany. Expos, de Paris, 1867. Badger, G. E. Graham, W. A., Disc, on, 1866. Badger, Rev. J., of Ohio. Memoir, 1851. Badger, Hon. J. Memoir. N. H. H., 6. Badger, Rev. Milton. Coe, D. B., Sketch of, 1875. Badger's, Mrs. S., Will. 1824. P. 2191. Bagdad. Buckingham, J. S., Travels in Mesopotamia, 1827. See Mesopotamia. Bagehot, W. Fortn. Rev., 1877, v. 20. Bahama Is. Bacot, A sketch. 1869. Bahama almanac, 1837. Letters from, 1827. See Florida. Baillet, Adrien. Jugemens, Viede, T.»l. Baillie, J. Poetical works. Ph. 1832. B. C. Baird, H. S. Ellis, E. H., Memoir of. W. H. C, 7. The Granite Ladd, W., Annals of. Baker's River, N, H Monthly, v. 2, 1878. Bakerstown, Me. Me. H., 2. Balboa, v. N. de. Gomara. F. L. de. Hist, de las Indias. Ba. Oviedo. G. E. de, Hist, de las Indias, 2, 3. Balch, Wm. Notice of. E. L C, v. 4. Baldwin, C, C. Davi.s, J., Notice of, 1835. A. A. S., 2. Baldwin, R. S. Dutton, S. W. S., Address on, 1863. Baldwin, S. Dutton. S. W. S., Address on, isr.i. Baldwin, W. Rehquiae, 1843. Bale, Bp. J. The Vocacvon of, 1553. H. M., 1. Baleares Is. Taylor, B., Byeways, 1869. Balfour, W. Eddy, A., Remarks on, 1831. P. 2071. Ballads. Ainsworth, W. H., Ballads, 1873. Ballad Society, Lond., 1868. Chambers, R., Origin of the Scotch B., 1859. P. 2018. Hazlitt, W. C. Early pop. poetry, 1866. Motherwell, W., Minstrelsy, Anc. and mod- ern, 1846. Old book collector's misc., 1871. Ritson, Robin Hood ballads, 1843. Rodd, T., Trans, of Spanish B., 1872. Smith, J. R., Catalogue of old B., 1856. Tilt, Julia, Poems and B., 1850. See Songs ; Poetry. Ballard, G. Corresp., 1730-43. Nic. HI., 4. Balloons. Blanchard, 45th ascension, 1793. P. 1902. Genet, E. C, Upward forces of fluids, 1825. Ins. H. do Bra., 12, Machinas ?erostaticas. Marion, F., Wonderful ascents, 1870. Mason, M., London to Weilburg, 1837. P. 926. Pettigrew, Animal locomotion, 1874. Proctor, Borderland of Science (flying ma- chines), 1874. Seguin, Navig. aerienne, 1866. P. 1902. Smithson. Rep., 1863, p. 331. Ballot. See Suffrage. Ballou, Rev. H. Ballon, M. M., Life of, 1852. Whittemore, T., Life of. Pam. 1985: Ballston, N. Y. Atlae, 1876. See Saratoga. Bulkeley, Sketch of, 1874. P. 2589. Meade, W., Exper. inquiry, 1817. Seaman, Sar. and B. waters, 1809. Stone, W. L., Reminis, of, 1875. See Mineral Springs ; Saratoga. Baltimore, Lord. Morris, J. G., Sketches, 1874. Md. H. F. 1. Baltimore, Md. Baltimore almanac, 1846. Bait. Ordinances, Reports, etc., 1842-45. Baltimore Directories, 1817, 1822, 4, 7, 36, 40, 5, 58, 67, 70, 71, 74, 77. Baltimore guide, 1872. Canton Company Rep., 1852, 5, 8, 9, 63. P. 2146. Gobright's guide book, 1858. Hickman, Soldiers of, 1812. Murphy's Merc, calendar, 1846. Peabody Inst., Docs, coll., 1857, 68-79. Review of Congr. report, 1826. P. 1929. St. Peter's Ch., Case of, 1817. P. 1887. SUPPLEMENT. 19 Baltimore 9 Md. (continued). Scharf, Chronicles of, 1874. Stiles, etal.. Claims memorial, 1833. Un. St., Claims for war of 1812. P. 1929. See Maryland ; Railroads. Bancroft, A. Hill, A., Discourse on, 1839. Bangor, Me. Centenn. exerc, 1869. P. 2015. Pond, E., Hist, of Theol. Semin., 1870. Bangs, H. Autobiography, 1874. Bangs, Rev. J. Autobiography, 1846. Banim, J. Irish Quar. Review, 1854, 55, 56. Bank of England. Newland's Life, 1808. Payne, D. B., Management of, 1816, Pmtr., 7. Bank of Maryland. EUicott, T., Conspir- acy, 1839. P. 2122. Johnson, R., Reply, 1834. P. 2122. Bank of U. S. Gallatin's Works, 1879. Perkins, T. H., Branch at Boston. Ms. H. S. C, s. 3, V. 1. Bankruptcy. Fane, C, Reform in, 1838. P. 2044. Obs. on credit, 1819. Pmtr., 13. Pam. 2086, Laws on. Banks, IV. P. Thayer, W. M., Life of, 1863. Banks and Banking. Bankers' Almanac, 1856-65, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76. Homans. Beaumont, B., Provident banks, 1816. Pmtr., 7. Delisch, People's banks, 1870. P. 2076. Gouge, W. M., Of dispensing with, 1837. Greene, W. B., Mutual banking, 1870. P. 2067. " Socialistic fragments, 1875. Hankey, T., Principles of, 1876. Hooper, S., Specie in banks, 1860. P. 2076. Howe, J. B., Bank reserve, 1873. P. 2122. Ital. Econ., Expos, de Paris, 1867. Joplin, T., Practice of, 1824. Pmtr., 24. Macleod, H. D., Theory of. Loud., 1876. Manhattan Comp., 1840. P. 2122. Merchants. See Bankers' Almanac. New Hampshire Reports, 1854, 7, 9, 60, 63, 64, 65. N. Y. Reports of Supt., 1878-80. Pam., vol. 2076. Poor, H. v., Money and its laws, 1877. Purdy, W., London B. life, 1876. Richardson, H. W., The national banks, 1880. Saul, J., Letter. . .bank of La., 1828.P. 1877. Spaulding, E. G., 100 years' progress in, 1876. P. 2122. U. S. Fin. Report on currency, 1867-72. Whitney, D. R., Hist, of Suffolk B., 1878. See Financial; Currency; Finance; Paper money. Banks, Savings. See Savings Banks. Banneker, B. Latrobe, J. H., Memoirs of. Md. H. R., 1. Norris, J. S., Sketch of. Md. H. R,, 2. Baptism. Armstrong, G. D., Doctrine of, 1857. Burgess, A., B., Mode and subjects, 1837. Chase, I., Design of, 1829, 1851. P. 2556. Cooke, P., Hints on, 1842. P. 2556. Goodwin, T., Works, v. 4, 1697. Ingham, R., Handbook of, 1868. P. 2042. Lathrop, J., Sermons on mode and subjects, 1803. Leslie, C, Theol, works, v. 2, 1721. Mather, I., Discourse concerning, 1675, " First principles of N. E,, 1675. Morer, T., Lay baptism, 1702, Pam., V. 2042, 2556. Porter, D., Dissert, on, 1809, Ripley, H. J., Exclusiveness of baptists, 1857. P. 2556. Wardlaw, R., On Rom., iv, 9-25. Baptism, Infant. Burder, H. F., Right of, 1820. P. 2556. Miller, A. W., Baptized child, 1860. V. 2042. Pond, E., Subjects of B., 1819. West, S., Infant baptism, 1794. Baptismal regeneration. Book C. Prayer as it is, 1871. P. 1886. Gorham case (Moore), 1852. Baptist Churches, history, &c. Allen, J. M., Trienn. Register, 1836. Bapt. Miss. Conv. of N. Y., Annual, 1870, 75-81. Cummings, E. E,, Ch. of N. Hampshire, 1836. Edwards, M., Hist, of, in R. Is. R. I. H. C, 6. Halsey, L., Hist, of Seneca B. Assoc, N. Y 1879. New London Bapt. Assoc, Hist., 1851. See under various towns ; Anabaptists. Barbadoes Is. Orderson, Incidents in, 1842. Recueil de divers voyages, 1674. Rochefort, Hist, of, 1666. See West Indies. Barbarossa (Khair-ed-din). Farini, C Histoire, 1869. ' Barbary States. See Africa, North; Al- giers ; Morocco ; Tunis ; Tripoli. Barbauld, A. L. Works and Memoir. N. Y., 1826. B. C. Barber, Jedediah. Memorial of, 1876. Barbers. Irish Quar. Rev., 1859. Barbour, P. P. Story, J., Sketch of. xMisc. Barclays of IJrie, Barden, Rev. S. sketch. Geneal. acct., 1812. E. L C, V. 7. Biog. Barents, William. Veer, G. de, Voy. to arctic reg., 1594-96. Hak. Soc, 1876. 20 SUBJECT-INDEX Baring, Thos. Everett, E., Remarks, 1852. W. V. 3. Barker. D. Willey, I., Memoir of. N. H. H., 4. Barker, Jacob. Ward, R. R. et al., Memo- rial. P. 1907. Barker, Jos. Biog. of freethinkers, 1877. Barlow, F. C. Services, 1865. V. 2005. Barlow, Joel. Works, cat. of. Norton's Adv., 2, s. V. 2, 96. Hill, W., Family, 1879. Barnard, D. D. Everett, E., "Remarks, 1861. W. V. 4. Newsp., V. 157, Reviews of his writings, Barnard, Rev. John. Autobiog. Ms. H. S. Coll., s. 3, v. 5. Barnard, Rev. T., Engl. Memoir of. Nic. 111., 1, 1817. Barnard, Rev. T., Mass. Prince. J., Disc. <.n, 1814. 1'. 1917. Barnard, W. F. In memoriam, 1864. Barneveld, John de. Motley, J. L., Life of, 1874. Barnstable Co., Mass. Mass. U. Soc. Coll., s. 1, v. 8. Descr. of. Mcllen, Topog. of. Ms. H. C, s. 1, v. 3. Barnstcad, N. Ilamp. Jewett, J. P., Hist. of, 1872. Barnuni, E. S. Barber, E., Notice of. F. L. P., 5. Barre, (^ol. I. Folsom, G., Hist, disc, 1866. Barrett, Rev. S. Menioir and sermons, 1867. Barrington, Judge D. Nic. 111., v. 5. Barrington, Bp. S. Nic. 111. v. 5. Barrington, Rh. Is. Bicknell, Centen. addr., 1870. Barron, J. Va. U. R., 3, Sketch of. Barron, 8. Va. H. R., 1, Biog. notice of. Barron Co., Wis. Dewev, A., Hist, of, 1876. P. 2181. Barry, Rev. J. S. Memoir of. Ms. H. S. P., 1873-5. Barry Co., IWich. Hist. «»f, Phila., 1880. Barstow, Ciov. W , A. Hunter, E. M.,Life of. W. 11. C, G. Bartholomew, O. Knox, W. E., Disc, 1H64. P. 1878. Bartholomew Co., Indiana. Atla.s, lopog., stutis., 1879. Bartholomew (air. Morley, Memoirs, 1874. Bartlett, Edwin* Memoir, 186R. Bnrtlett, Hon. Josiah. Frothingham, K.. M.'nu.iri.f. .Ms. M. P., 1791-1H35. Bartlett, U. F. Pulfioy, Memoir of, l,s79. Barton Family, (iuiieulogy of. Bait. Basil of Caesarea. Life of. Pam. 2126. Bass, Rev. E. Prot. Ep. H. S. Coll., v. 2, Notice of. Bass rock. Cricbton, A., Blackader's me- moir, 1823. Miller, H., Geol. and Hist. of. Scott, W., Prov. antiq., 1826. Bassompierre, Mar. de. M6moires, 1579- 1640. Michaud, Petitot. Bass's Straits. Nixon, Cruise of the Bea- con. Bastille. Linguet, M6moires, 1783. P. 780. BastAvick, Dr. Prynne, Speeches, trial of, 1638. Batavia. France, Trav. de la Comm., 1, 2, P., Expos, de Lond., 1851. Bates, Rev. J. Sprague, W. B., Disc, on, 1853. Bath, Eng. Guidott, T., Obs. at, 1674. H. M., 4. Venner, T., Baths of Bath, 1628. H. M., 4. Bath, Me. Bartlett, W. S., Hist. of. Me. H. C, 3. Sewall, J., Hist. of. Mc H. C, v. 2. Bath, N. Hamp. Sutherland, D., Geog. of, 1814. Ms. H. C, s. 2, V. 3. Bathing. Coffin, J. G., Cold and warm, 1818. Miles, M. M., Boston vapor baths, 1850. P. 2531. Miller, E. P., How to bathe, 1860. P. 2592. Pownall, T., Roman B. at Badenweiler, 1784. Wilson, E., Thermo-therapeia, 1860. P. 2531. Batterly, Dr. John. Nic. 111., 4. Battle Creek, Mich. Dibble, L. I)., Hist, addr., 1876. P. 2154. Battles, Benburb battle. Hist, of aflf. in Irel., 1641-52. Harl. M. 4, B. of Lutzen, 1633. St'i' Naval Battles; War; Sieges; Bunker Hill; Waterloo. Baumeister, C. F. Harles, T. C, De vitis philol., 1764. Bavaria. Bavaria, Expos, de Paris, 1867. K. Bay. Abb. h. c 14, Documente ueber, 1879. Topog. statis. Handbuch, 1868. Baxter, R. Orme, W., Life of, v. 2. Stephen, J., Misc. essays, i860. Whittier, .1. (}., Old portraits, 1850. Bayard, Chev. P. dn T. Story of. M^moires sur. Petitot, Michaud. La Tiomoille. Panegyric Michaud. Bayard, G. D. Bayard, S. J., Life of, 1874. Bayard, L. P. Memorial of, 1841. Bay City, Mich. History of, 1875. Bayle, P. Crousa/, Exam, du Pviiiionisme, 1733. SUPPLEMENT. 21 Beach, A. C. Calkins, Life of, 1868. Beasley, F. Wood, G. B., Biog. memoir, 1872. Beatty, J. Citizen soldier, 1879. Beaumarchais, P. A. Caroii de. (Euvres, 1837. Deane's narrative. Seventy-six Soc. papers. Beaumont, Sir F. Works, 1640. Beaut V. Beaumont, Sir F., Crito. Fug. Pieces, I, 1765. Sharpe, W., Evol. of phys. beauty, 1879. .S''. Taste. Beck, C. Newell, W.,l)isc. on, 1866. Beck, T. R. Memorial. 1863. P. 2007. Becket, T. A. Freeman, E. A., Hist, essays, I860, 72. Stanley, A. P., Hist, of Canterbury, 1875. Bede, Ven. Southev, R., Letters to Butler, 1826. Bedell, Bp. Wm. Life of. Cam. Soc. Mason, H. J. M., Life of, 1843. Bedford, N. Hamp. Barnes, L 0., Hist, add., 1850. Savage, T., Hist, of, 1841. Tyson, J. C, Centen. H. disc, 1876. Woodburv, P. P., Topog. and hist. of. N. H.H., 1. ^ Bedford, N. Y. Heroy, P. B., Hist. Presb. Cli. in, 1874. P. 2100. Bedford Co., Penn. Kupp, Hist, of, 1846. Bedford level, Eng. Wells, S., Drainage of, 1830. Bedfordshire, Eugr. Directory, 1850, Lysous, Mag. Brit., v. 1. Si'i' Cambridgeshire directory, 1864. Beecher, H. W. Trial, 1875. P. 1061. Marshall, C. F., Hist, of case, 1875. Williamson, F. P., B. and his accusers, 1874. Beecher, L. Trial of, 1835. Tuttle, J. F., Sketch of, 1863. Beekinan, J. W. Delancey, E. F., Mem. of, 1877. P. 2123. Bees. Brougham, Dissertations, 1839. Clarke, G. H., Union bee-hive, 1857. P. 2117. Cottage bee-keeper, 1851. Howison, J., Management of. S. A. N. Y., 4. Humble bees. E. I. P. Cm. 4. Ins. H. do Bra., 20, Abelhos no Piahuy. Langstroth, Treatise on, 1859. Paris Expos, de 1867. Rap. du Jury, 12. Smith, J. V. C, Cultiv. of, 1831. Van Schaick, G, W., Worm destructive to. S. A. N. Y., 4. Beer. Beer and the traffic, 1874. P. 2090. Hargreaves, Malt liquors, 1870. P. 2070. Beer (continued). See Temperance ; Brewing. Behaim, M. Maury, M., Notice of. Am. Ge. S. J., 4. Belden, E. Hitchcock, R., Disc, on, 1786. P. 1917. Belfast, Ir. Directory, 1819. Belfast, Me. Williamson, J., Hist, of, 1877. Belgium. Ac. roy. des sci. Notices biog- raphiques, 1875. Belgium, Expos, de Paris, 1867. Duflf, M. E. G., Eur. politics, 1866. Hei'ckenrode, Tombes de la Hesbaye, 1845. Italy, Rap., Expos, di Londra, 1862^ 3. Juste, Mem. of Leopold I. M'Gregor, Simeon's letters, 1854. Morgan's Prog, in, 1657-8. Morg. Phcenix. Murray's Handbook, 1852. Rabutin, Guerres dans, 1551-1558. Petitot, Midland. See Mons ; Tournay ; Rhine ; Netherlands ; Bibliograpbyl Belief. /S'^e Opinions; Creeds; Reason. Belknap, Rev. J. Life and corresp., 1849. Kirkland, Disc, on, 1798. P. v. 1. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 1, v. 6, Life of. " s. 5, V. 2, B. Papers. Bell, L. V. Ellis, G. E., Memoir of. Ms. H. S. P., 1863. Ray, I., Dfscourse on, 1863. P. 1877. Bellamy, J. Benedict, N., Disc, on, 1790. P. 1917, 2000. Belles-lettres. See Literature ; Poetry ; Drama, etc. Bellingham, Ms. Fisher, A., Jr., Hist. disc, 1822. Bellomont, Richard, Earl of. De Peys- ter, F., Addr. N. Y. Hist. Soc, 1879. Bells. Gibson, W. S., Essays, Church B., 1858. Meneely, E. A. and G. R., Hist., 1873. See Clocks. Belmont, A. Letters and speeches, 1870. Belzoni, G. B. Annales Biog. 1, Biog. de. Beman, N. S. S. Vincent, M. R., Disc, on, 1872. P. 2005. Bemis, G. Memoir of. Ms. H. S. P., 1878. Benedict XIV. Ganganelli, Lettere, 1823. Benedict, Piatt. Notice of. F. L. P., 8, 1867. Benevolence. Branagan, Beauties of phil- anthropy, 1808. Clark, S. D., Systemat. Ben., 1853. Gurley, P. D., Of giving. P. 2536. Hopkins, M., Law of love, 1869. 22 SUBJECT-INDEX Benevolence (continued). Spencer, H., Prin. of Psychol., v. 2. Wright, H. C, Self-abnegationism, 1863. Benevolent Societies. See Humane Insti- tutions; Charities. Bennett, Rev. A. Harvey, H., Discourse, 1851. P. 1878. Bennett, James G. Life of, 1844. Memoirs, N. Y., 1855. Bennington, Vt. Mass. Hist. S. C, S.l, V. 2, Baum' s defeat. Coburn, F. W., Hist, of battle, 1877. Hall, B. H., Battle of, 1877. Bennington Co., Vt. Atlas, Beers, 1860. Benson, E, Street's Coun. of Rev., 1859. Bentham, J. Works, ed. 1843. Godwin, P., Out of the past, 1870. Mill, J. S., Diss., V. I, 1864. Bentinck, Lord G. Irish Quar. Review, II. Bentley, R. Works. L., 1836. " Corresp., 1842. DeQuincey, T., Writings, v. 13, 1854. Bentley, Rev. W. Smith, C. G., Memoir of. Ms. H. S. P., V. 1. Benton Co., Iowa. Hist, of, 1878. Benton Co., Mri. Lay, J. H., Hist, of, 1876. Berdan, D. Seward, W. H., Eulogy. W. V. 3. Bergen Co., N. J. Records of. N. J. H. P., 2, s. 3. Berkeley, Bp. G. Works and life, 1843. " Life and letters, 1871. Berkley, Sir John. Memoirs. Maseres Tracts, 1. Berkley, Mass. Sanford, E., Hist, of, 1872. Berkshire, Eng. Ly son's Mag. Brit., 1822. Berkshire Co., Jllass. Berk. Ass'n of Oong. Min. Centeun., 1864. Berkshire Co. Atlas, Beers, 1876. Resorts of Southern B., 1875. P. 2589. Shaw, L., Addr. to bar of, 1830. P. 2148. Smith, J. E. A., Taghconic, 1879. See Pittsftcld. Berlin, Oh. Phillips, Dr. X., Memoir of. F. L. P., 1. Bermuda Is. Herrera, De Bermuda, 1624. Bry, Ind. Or. Pt. 18. Kohl, .1. O.. Hist, of discov., 9lK)-1578. Ms. H. S., 2 V. 2. Lefroy, Memorials of, 1515-1685, 1878, 79. Bernard, St. Opera, Ven., 1781. 4°. Bernarden, Diogo. Bouterwek, P., Hist, of Port, lit., 1823. Berri, Duchess of. Dermoncourt, Narra- tive, 1833. Berrien Co., Mich. Hist, of, 1880. Bertie Family. Five generations, 1845. Berwick, Due de. Memoires, 1685-1734. Petitot, Michaud. Be-ssac, J. W. Park, G., Biog. of, 1863. Bethlehem, Penna. Ogden, J. C, Excur- sion, 1800. Register of Moravian Ch., 1873. Bethune, Rev. G. W. Ferris, I., Disc, on, 1862. Taylor, W. J. R., Disc, on, 1862. Thompson, A. R., Tribute to, 1862. P. 2005. Beverages. Lacour, P., Manufac. of, 1853. Beverly, Mass. Mass. H. S. C, s. 3, v. 7, account of. Thayer, C. T., Farewell disc, 1858. " Centenn. address, 1867. Bible, Polyglots. Heb., Chal., Gra>c. et Lat., Antwerpiie, 1569-72. 6 v. fo. (Pentateuch), Heb., Chal., Gra\, Lat., Ger., Sax., Hutter. Noribergse, 1599, fol. N. T., Syr., Ebra., Gra?., Lat., Germ., Bohem., Ital., Hisp., Gall., Angl., Dan., Pol., Hutteri. Noribergae, 1599, fo. N. T., Gra3., Lat., Lusit., Angl., Gall., Ital., Hisp., Ger., Syr., Bagster, L., 1829. Bible and parts thereof. The volumes in the library are mentioned in the alpha- betical order of the language in which the whole or any part is found there. Albanian, N. T. in mod. Gr. and Skipetar. Corfu, 1827, 8°. Amharic, N. T. Londini, 1852, 8°. Evangelia, Piatt, 1824. See Ethio- pic. Anglo-Saxon, N. T. Ed. by B. Thorpe. Lond., 1842, 12°. Arabic. 0. and N. T. London, 1844, 8°. " Psalms. See Bible, N. T., Ethiopic. " Four Gospels. See Bible, Coptic. Armenian Ancient, 0. T. Psalms. Venice, 1842, 18°. N. T., Bapt, Miss. Press. Calcutta, 1889, 8°. N. T., Paris, 1825. 8°. " N. T., Modern. Smyrna, 1852, 24°. " N. T. in Anc and Ararat Arm. Constantinople, 1850. 8". See Turkish in Arm. letters. Arrawack. Acts of the Apost., trans. b\ T. Shultz. N. Y., Am. B. Soc, 1850, 'l8°. Assamese, N. T. Serampore, 1820, 8°. Benga, W. Africa, N. T., Matthew. N. Y., 1858, 12°. Bengali, N. T., Bapt. Miss. Press. Calcutta, 1889, 8°. Bohemian, O. and N. T. Beriin, 1813, 8°. N. T. See Bible, Polyglot, 1599. SUPPLEMENT. 23 Bible and parts thereof (continued). Breton, N. T., Angoleni, 18'J7, 12°. Bulgarian, N. T., Hilarion's trans. Smyrna, 1850, 8°. Burmese, 0. and N. T. Maulmain, 1840, 4°. Chaldee, Bible. See Bible, Polyglots. " Pentateuch. See Bible, Polyglots. Cherokee, See Bible, Indian. Chinese, N. T. Pr. in China. 4 v., 8°. N. T. A. & F. B. Soc. Macao, 1853, 8°. Cree, 0. and N. T. See Bible, Indian. Coptic, Psalms. See Bible, N. T., Ethiopic. " Job, Trans. Tattam. London, 1846, 8°. Coptic and Arabic, Four Gospels. London, 1829, Sm. 4°. Danish, 0. and N. T., A. B. S., 1858. N. T. Christiana, 1844, 12°. " See Bible, Polyglot, 1599. Dutch, 0. and N. T., Dordr., 1841, withApoc. Dordr., 1744, fo. Amst. 1789-96, 13 v., 8°. Amst., 1797, 18°. ' B. C. London, 1817, 8°, B. C. Amst., 1822. 8°, B. C. Leiden, 1818-25, 6 v., 4°. 0. T., Leyden, 1827, 8°, B. C. Lon., B. & F. B. Soc, 1817, 8°. " Pentateuch, Heb. and Dutch, with Aantek., Polak. Amst., 1841- 43, 9 v., 8°. " Josua, Regt., Sam., en Kon., Amst., 1841, 18°. N. T. Dordr., 1718, 12°, B. C. N. T. Dordr., 1719, 18°, B. C. " " and Psalms. Dordrecht, 1750, 12°. B. C. " " and Psalms. Dordrecht, 1758, 18°. " " Van der Palm. Leyd.. 1830, 8°. B.C. " " Gemeyne lat. Bruss., 1837, 12°. B. C. " With the English. N. Y., 1856. 12°. English, 0. and N. T., Coverdale's, 1553; Bagster's reprint, 1838, 4°. " Barker's, Breeches Bible. Lon., 1608, 4°. " Barker' s,<613, sm., 4°. Lond., 1776, 24°. Wilson's notes. , Bath, 1785, 3 v., 4°. Trans. Geddes. Lond., 1792-7, 3 v, 4°. WithApoc. Phila., 1798, 2v., fo. (Collins). New York, 1807, 4°. From the Greek. 0. T. Sept. by C. Thomson. Phila., 1808, 4 v., 8°. Phila., 1810, 12°, B. C. Albany, 1816, Collin's ed., 8°, B. C. Bible and parts thereof (continued). English, 0. and N. T. Comment., by A. Clarke. London, 1817-25, 8 v., 4°. N. Y., Collins, 1817, fol., B. C. " Edinb., 1818, and Ps. Scot., imp. " X. Y., Am. Bib. Soc, 1820, 12°. B. C. " Edinburgh, 1827, 4°. " From Lat. Vulgate (Douay). N. York, 1833, 8°, B. C. " Amend., by N. Webster. N. Ha- ven, 1833, 8°. " Knight's ed., Pict. London, 1836- 8, 3 v., roy. 8°. Oxford, 1841, 8°. " With comm. by Patrick, &c., 1844 4 v., 8°. Am. and For. Bib. Soc Phila., 1844, 8°. " New York, Am. and For. Bib. Soc, 1844, 8°. N. Y., Am. and For. Bib. Soc, 1844, 12°. " ' N. Y. Am. and For. Bib. Soc, 1845, 18°. " D'Oyly and Maut., Soc. Prop. Chr. Kn. London, 1856, 3 v., 8°. " N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1856, fo. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1857, roy. 8°. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1857, 8°. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1858, 12°. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1858, 24°. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1858, 18°. •* Oxford, 1877 (Caxton memorial Bible), sm. 4°. " Text and com. Lange's, 1865-80. " Genesis. Ed. Blackader. P. v. 1064. " Ecclesiastes. See Higgins, N. , " Isaiah. New trans, by R. Lowth. Albany, 1794, 12°, B. C. " Jer. and Lam. New trans, by Blaney. Oxford, 1784, 4°. Job. Trans. J. M. Good. Trans, by S. Le?, Lond., 1837, 8°. " " Rev. by Jenour. Lond., 1841, 8°, V. 769. " Poetical parts of the 0. T. trans., by W. Green. Cambridge, Eng., 178], 4°. " Psalms. London, 1623, sm. 4°. " " Sternhold & Hopkins, Lon- don, 1752, 4°. P. V. 1043. " " Cottle's vers., 1801. N. Y., 1842, 18°. For the Mind. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1850, 4°. *' " From Peshito vers. Oliver, N. Y., 1867, 12°. " " Barlow's, Buchanan's, Bar- nard's, D wight's, Johns- ton's, Ref. Prot. Dutch Church and Scotch met- rical versions. 24 STJBJEOT-INDEX Bible and parts thereof (continued). English, Wisd. and Cant., Kenrick. Bait., 1857, 8°. " Prophets Isa. to Mai. New trans, by Noyes. Boston, 1868, 2 v., 12°. • " Later Prophets. Hebrew poets. Trans. L. A. Sawyer, v. 2, 3. Boston, 1861-2. " Proverbs, Heb., King James' and revi. vers., Conant. N. Y., 1872, 4°. " Song of Songs, Trans. J. M. Good. * Lond., 1803, 8°. See also, Brightman, T. ; Withington, L. English, N. T., Wickliflfe's trans, fr. Lat. 1378. Repr. Lond., 1731, fo. Tyndal's version, 1526, with ver. of Coverdale, Ac. Andover, 1837, 8". Geneva, 1557, Reprint, Lond., Bag- ster, 12°, of Coverdale, &c. Andover, 1837. Out of Lat. Vulg.,byEng. Coll. of Rheims, 1582. 'N. Y., 1834, 8". See Bible, Polyglot, 1599. Received version of N. T. Cooperstown, N. Y., 1817, 12°. See Bible, French, N. T., 1817. Goodrich's ed., Albany, 1825, 12°. See Bible, Polyglot, N. T., Bagster, 1829. Paraphrase of. See Doddridge, P. With comm., by A. Clarke. N. Y., 1830, 2 v., roy. 8°. B. C. In paragraphs, bv Nourse. Boston, 1834, 12°. With notes by Cummings. Boston, 1836, 12°. A. & F. B. S. New York, 1844, 18°. With the Psalms, A. & F. B. S. N. Y.,.1844, 8°. ,Se« Bible, French N. T. N.Y.,1854. See Dutch, N. T. N. Y , 1856, 12°. And Psalms. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1857, 8°. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1858, 12°. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1858, 24°. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 32°. With readings from the three oldest MSS., Tischendorf. Leipzig, 1869, 18°. Other translations of N. T. Liberal trans., by Harwood. Lon- don, 1768, 2 v., 8°. New vers, on Newcome's trans. Lou., 1808, 18°. Impr. vers, on Newcome's trans. Boston, 1809, 8°. B. C. Wakefield's trans. Cambridge, Majis., 1820, 8°. B. C. Bible and parts thereof (continued). English, Rec. version conformed to Gries- bach's text. Boston, 1828, 8°. B. C. " Trans. G. Campbell, Bethany, Va. 1828, 12°. B. C. " New vers., Dickinson. Boston, 1833, 8°. " Critical revision by G. Penn. Lon., 1836, 8°. •, With Webster's amendments. N. Haven, 1839, 12°. " Trans, from the Syr. Peshito ver- sion, by J. Murdock. N. Y., 1851, 8°. " Trans, by L. A. Sawyer. Boston, 1858, 12°. Am. Bib. Union. N. Y., 1864, 18.° Parts of the N. T. " Four Gospels. {Trans, by Camp- bell, 1799, 4°. B. C. Mat. See Bib., Heb. and Mat. Ed. Caddick. " Mat. and Rom. Trans, by T. S. Green. P. 1269. " John. Gr. and Eng., Friederici. N. Y., 1830, 12°. B. C. " Epistles. Trans, and com., J. Mac Knight. Edinb., 1795, 3 v., 4°. B. C. " Paul's Epistles. Trans. T. Belsham. Lon., 1822, 4 v., 8°. B. C. " Paul's Ep. to Eph. (Lawyer tr.), 1856. P. 2033. Paul's Epist. to Gal. New Bedford, 1855. P. 2071. " Epist. of Jas. and Pet. Lon. P. 1572. " Rev. of St. John. See Lawyer, J. D. Eskimo, N. T., B. & F. B. S., 1822, 8°. Mat., Mar. and Luke. B. & F. B. Soc, 1813, 18°. Ethiopic Psalter. Lond., B. & F. B. Soc, 1815, 4°. " N. T. Evang. Saneta. B. & F. B. Soc, 1826, 4°. French, 0. and N. T., with Apoc, Amst., 1712, 4°. •' Rev. parS. Martin. Paris, 1820, 8°. " Sur la. Vulg. par de Sacy. Paris, 1822, 8°. " Rev. per Martin. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1856, 12°. '• 0. T. Eccl6s. de Salomon. Paris, 1663, 12°. " Pseaulmes, Pro v. et Eccl. Paris, 1552, 18°. Sagesse. Paris, 1663, 12°. N. T. 56« Bible, Polyglot, fo., 1599. " " Sur la Vulg., de Sacy. Paris, 1816, 8°. B. C. " Fr. and Eng. Lond., 1817, 8°. " " See Bible, Polyglot, N. T., Bagster' s, 1829. SUPPLEMENT. 25 Bible and parts thereof (continued). French N. T. Rev. par Ostervald. With the Eng. K Y., A. B. Soc, 1854, 12'. " Rev. par J. P. Ostervald. N. Y., 1854, 24°. Gaelic, 0. and N. T. See Bible, Irish. " Edinb.,B. &F.B. S.,1826,12°. N. T. Edin., B. & P. B. Soc, 1813, 12». German, 0. and N. T., des Lutheri (Osiander). Luneberg, 1650, fo. Luther's (Ed. Ulrich). Basel, 1728, fo. " London, B. & F. B. Soc, 1827, 8". Luther's, Phila., 1830. B. C, 8°. Luther's. A. & P. B. Soc, Frank- fort, 1838, 8°. '• Pentateuch. See Bible, Polyglots. " Der Psalter. Germantaun, Pa., 1790, 18°. N. T. See Bible, Polyglot, 1599. Bible, Polyglot, N. T., Bag- ster, 1829. " " Luther's. Hamburg, 1840, 18'. ^ " " Luther's. Hamburg, 1843, 24°. Grebo. Genesis, Trans, by J. Payne. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1851, 18°. The Acts, Trans, by J. Payne. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1851, 18°. Greek, 0. and N. T. See Bible, Polyglots. " 0. T. Grabe's ed. Oxon., 1707, 4 v., fo. " Pentateuch. See Bible, Polyglots. " Psalt., Grse. et Lat. Basiliae, 1546, 24°. " Psalmorum Liber, 1616, 32°. " Sapien. Salom. In Gr., Arm. and Lat. Yen., 1827, 24°. " N. T., J. Crispini. Lipsiae, 1595, 2 v., 12°. " "See Bible, Polyglot, 1599. " Lugd., Bat., 1601, 24°. " " Cum Vulg. Lat., Montani, 1609, fo. " " Cum lect. var., J. Millii. Rotterd., 1710, fo. " " Cod., Alex., Mus. Brit., ed. Woide, 1786, fo. " " Var. J. Millii. Lond., 1787, 12°. B. C. " " Cum vers. Lat., Montani. Leusden ed. Lond., 1794, 12°. B. C. " " Ed. Griesbach. Cantab., Nov. Angl., 1807, 8°. " " Ed. Griesbach. L., 1818, 2 v., 8°. " " Cum vers. Lat. Montani. Leusden ed. N. Y., 1824, 12°. B. C. Bible and parts thereof (continued). Greek, N. T. Lond., B. & F. B. Soc 1827, 8°, See Bible, N. T., Polyglot. Bagster, 1829. Ed. S. T. Bloomfield. Lon- don, 1836, 2 v., 8°. With com. by Alford. Vol. 1, Gospels'. N. Y., 1859, 8°. Cod. Vaticanus. Ed. Mains. N. Y., 1859, 8°. Cod. Alex. Mus. Brit., ed. Cowper. Lon., 1860, 8°. John, Gr. and Eng. Fried- erici. N. Y., 1830, 12°. B. C. " Modern, 0. T. Lond., B. & F. B. S., 1840, 8°. " Modern and ancient N. T. Lond., B. & F. B. S., 1830, 8°. Modern, N. T. See Bible, Greek, N. T., 1827, 12°. " " N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1842, 12°. " " Athenais, 1844, 8°. " See Bible, Albanian. Guzerati, N. T. Serampore, 1820. See Bible, Multani. Hawaiian, N. T. Oahu, 1835, 12°, Haw. and Eng. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1857, 8°. Hebrew, 0. T., and Lat., Montanus, 1609, fo. " See Bible, Polyglots. " Ed. J. H. Michaelis. Halte, 1720 roy. 8°. " Ed. Leusden. London, 1825, 8°. " And Hebrew-Spanish, Trans, by Schauffler. Vienna, 1840. 2 v 4°. " Pentateuch. See Bible, Polyglots. " Pentateuch. Chaldee trans, of Onkelos, with Sol. Song, Ruth, Esth., &c. Mantua, 1588, 18°.' " Pentateuch, H. and Dutch. Met Aan- tekening, &c., Polak. Amst.. 1841-43, 9 v., 8°. N. T. See Bible, Polyglot, 1599. " Matthew, Heb. and Eng. Ed. R. Caddick. Lond., 1806, 16°. Hindustani, N. T. Trans, by H. Martyn and rev. London, B. & F. B. Soc 1819, 8°. " Bapt. Miss. Press, Calcutta, 1839, 8°. Hungarian, 0. and N. T. KOszegen, (1840?), 8 . Indian, American, Languages. Cherokee, 0. T., Gen. and Exod., 1853. 56 18°. N. T., A. B. S., N. Y., 1860, 12°. " Gospels and Epist. Park Hill, 1844- 48, 18°. Chippewa (Ojibwa), N.T,, A. B. S., N. Y., 1856 12°. N. T. Albany, 1833, 12°. Acts, A. B, C. P. M., Bost., 1838. 26 SUBJECT-INDEX Bible and parts thereof (continued). Choctaw, Josh., Jud. and Ruth. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1852, 12°. N. T., N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1848, 12°. Cree, 0. and N. T. Lon., 1861, 2, 8°. Delaware, Ep. of John. See Dencke. Massachusetts, 0. and N. T., Eliot. Camb., 1685, 4°. Mohawk, N. T., except Mark and Luke. Trans. A. Hill. N.Y., 1836, 12°. John. N. Y., A. B. S., 1818, 18°. Seneca, N. T. Trans, by A. Wright. N. Y., A. B. S.,1874, 12°. «' Four Gospels. N. Y., A. B. S., 1874. Indo-Portuguese, N. T. Lon., 1826, 8°. Irish, 0. and N. T. Lon., B. and F. B. Soc, 1817, 8°. N. T. Lon., B. & F. B. Soc, 1824, 12°. " In Ir. character. Trans, by Dom- hnuill. Lon., B. & P. B. Soc, 1844, 12°. " See Bible, Gaelic Italian, 0. and N. T., Vulg. Martini, L., 1821. " Salmi with Lat. Lon., 1822, 8°. " N. T. See Bible, Polyglot, 1599. «« " Bible, Polyglot, Bagster, 1829. Trad, da Diodati. N. Y., A. B. S., 1856, 18°. Japanese, N. T. Gravenhage, fo. Karelian, N. T., Matt. St. Petersburgh, 1820, 8°. Latin, 0. and N. T. Vulg. ed., 1487, fo. Black letter. " 0. and N. T. Vulg. et Erasmi vers. Novi. Test. Lips., 1544, fol. B. C. *« Vulg. ed. Parisiis, 1678, fol. " See Bible, Polyglots. " 56« Bible, Heb., Montanus, 1609. '♦ Vulg. ed. Paris, 1664, 2 v., 12°. " Vulg. ed., 1674, 12°. " Vulg. ed., Clement VIII, 1692, fol. '* Pentateuch. See Bible, Polyglots. *' Psal. et Prov. See Bible, French, 1552. " Psalt. et Lib. Sap. Coloniao, 1630, 82*. " Psal. 5«« Bible, Italian. Lon., 1822. " See Bible, Syriac, Jer. and Ezek., 1787. " Sapientia Salom. In Greek, Ar- menian and Lat. Ven., 1827. 24*. " Solomon's Song. iS** Johnston, A. " Selectffl e Vet. Test. hist. Phila., 1787, 18*. B. C. " Excerpta in versibus. Lon., 1828, 8*. P. 1964. «' N. T. 8m Bible, Polyglot, 1599. •♦ Vulg. 8m Bible, Greek, N. T., .Mod., .1609. Bible and parts thereof (continued). Latin N. T. ^ee Bible, Greek, N. T. Leus- den ed. " " Sebast. Castalion. Lon., 1762, 18°. ''See Bible, Polyglot, N. T. Bagster, 1829. *' Mat., Mar., Luc, Jo., S. J. C. Roto- magi, 1695, 2 v., 12°. Malay, 0. T. Ed. J. Willmet. Harlemi, 1822-4, 2 v., 8°. N. T. Harlemi, 1820, 8°. Harlem, 1828, 8°. Manks, 0. and N. T. Lon., B. & F. B. S., 1819, 8°. Marathi, N. T. Am. Miss. Press. Bombay, 1851, 8°. Mpongwe, Africa. John, N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1852, 12°. Multani, N. T. Serampore, 1820, 8°. Oriya, N. T. A. & F. B. Soc. Cuttack, Ind., 1840, 8°. Persian, 0. and N. T. T. from Heb., by W. Glen. Edinburgh, 1845-6, 3 v., 8°. " Psalms. B. & F. B. Soc London, 1830, 18°. N. T. Trans. H. Martyn. A. & F. B. Soc. Calcutta, 1841, 8°. Pohsh, 0. and N. T. Berlin, 1810, 8°. N. T. See Bible, Polyglot, 1599. " *' Leipsig, 1832, 12°. Portuguese, 0. and N. T. J. Ferreira D' Almeida. Lon., 1819, 8°. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1857, 12°. N. T. Londres, 1818. 12°. ''See Bible, Polyglot, N. T., Bag- ster, 1829. " N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1858, 18'. See Bible, Indo-Portuguese: Roumani, N. T. Smyrne, 1847, 8°. Russian, N. T. Leipsic, 1850, 12°. Sanscrit, N. T. Bapt. Miss. Press. Calcutta, 1841, 8°. Saxon, old. (Pentateuch). See Bible, Poly- glots. Siamese, Math, and Acts. C. Robinson. Bangkok, 1849, 8°. Singhalese, 0. T. Colombo. Col. Aux. B. Soc, 1819-20, 3 V. 4°. Spanish, 0. and N. T. De la Lat. Vulg., 1824, 8°. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1856, 8'. " 0. T. See Bible, Hebrew-Spanish. " N. T. See Bible, Polyglot, 1599. See Bible, Polyglot, N. T., Bagster, 1829. Eng. and S. N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1856, 12°. " " N. Y., A. B. Soc, 1857, 18°. Swedish, 0. and N. T. Stockholm, 1846, 8°. N. T. Stockholm, 1846, 12°. Syriac, 0. and N. T. Ed. S. Lee. Lond., 1816, 4*. SUPPLEMENT. 27 Bible and parts thereof (continued). Syriac, 0. and N. T. London, Sm. 4°. " Jeremiah and Ezekiel. S. and Lat. Lond., 1787, 4°. N. T. See Bible, English, Mur- dock's trans. ;56eBible, Polyglot, 1599. " " See Bible, Polyglot, Bagster, 1829. " N. T. Peschito. Lon,. Bagster. See Lee, S. " The Gospels. Cureton's ed. Lon., 1858, 4°. Syro-Chaldaic, N. T. Orooniiah, Am. Miss., 1855, 8°. Tamil, 0. and N. T. B. & F. B. Soc. Madras, 1850, 8°. " Luke, in T. and Eng., 1845, 12°. Turkish, 0. and N. T., with Armenian let- ters. Smyrna, 1841-3, 3 v., 12°. " 0. T., with Greek letters. Athens, 1840, 8°. " Matthew, with Armenian letters. Smyrna, 1851, 8°. Vikanera, N. T. See Bible, Multani, 1820. Wallachian. See Roumani. Welsh, 0. and N. T. Llundain, 1769, 8°. B. &. F. B. Soc, 1808, 12°. Llundain, B. & F. B. Soc, 1820, 8°. . " " N. Y., Am. Bib. Soc, 1858, 12°. " N. T. Caer Gruant, 1846, 12°. Wendish, N. T., von G. Fabricio. Cottbus, 1821, 8°. Bible : Miscellaneous writings on. Arnold, M., Literature and dogma, 1872. God and the Bible, 1876. Begin, La sainte ecriture, 1874. Donaldson, Jashar, Fragmenta, 1854. Ess. Inst., Bull., Plants of Scripture. Hall, John, The only rule, 1842. P. 2571. Jour, of Sac. Lit. Lon., 1852, 63. Letter from a Jew, 1820. Pmtr. 16. Letter on All's Turkish N. T. P. 2033. Lewis, T., and P. Ludden, Prot. and Catholic Bible, Albany, 1874. Moriarty, J. J., B. and the Catholic Ch., 1871. P. 2077. Pam., vol. 2077. Pay son, E., Oracles of God, 1824. P. 2077. P6tavel, Bible en France, 1864. Polyanthea, Sir W. Jones' opinion of. Torshell, S., Harmony of the book. Phoenix I, 1707. Upson, A. J., Sermon, 1872. P. 2077. Van Lennep, H. J., Bible lands, 1875. Woolley, M., Science of the Bible, 1877. See Apocrypha ; Cosmogony : Christ, evid. ; Bibliography ; Geology and Scripture. Bible : Commentaries on, Critical and Practical. Bible, contents of the chapters, 1851. P. 2570. Bunting, H., Itin. scripturse, 1614. Cecil, R., On various passages, 1848. . Clarke, A., Comm., 1817-25. Coleman, L., Text-book and Atlas. " Essays and Diss., N. Y., 1829. Hieronymus, Opera, 1623. Lange, J. P., Comm. on: Trans, and ed. by Schaff. N. Y., 1865-77, 16 v., 8°. Pam., vol. 2033. Whowell, T., Analysis of 0. and N. T., 1843. See Bible; Theology; Revelation of St. John. Bible : Commentaries, etc., on the Old Testament : Various Books. Barnes, A., Notes on Daniel, 1853. " Notes on Isaiah, 1847. " Notes on Job, 1844. Bloomfield's Greek N. test., 1836. Colenso, " New Bible Comm.," 1871. *' Lect. on Pentateuch, 1873. Durham, Expos. Song of Sol., 1723. Harl. Misc., 5, Inq. into Jer. 8:7. Hengstenberg, Anal, of Is., ch. 45-66. P. 2527. Mather, S., Figures and types of, 1705. Michaelis, In Jer. vat. et Threnos, 1793. Plumer, W. S., Studies in Psalms, 1866. P. 1064. Rose, H. J., Notices of the Mosaic laws, 1831. Stuart, M., on Proverbs, 1852. Bible: Commentaries, etc., on the New Testament. Barnes' Notes on Revelation, 1852. Davidson, S., Introduction to, 1849. Griesbach, Symbolse criticse, 1793. Huyshe, On John, v. 7, 8. Jarvis, S. F., Harmony of Gospels, 1845. Reader, T., On John, v. 7. P. 2033. Seiss, J. A., Lect. on Apocalypse, 1865, 6. Storr, G. C, On hist, sense of, 1817. P. 2578. Whiston, W., Citations from the 0. T., 1722. Winstanley, C, Vind. of certain passages, N. T., 1819. P. 2077. Bible Concordances. Bible Index, Bag- ster. Lond., 24°. Hudson, Greek Concordance to N. T., 1871. Bible : Dictionaries. Brown, J., Diet. hist, geog., 1807. Calmet, A., Diet., 1812-17, 5 v., 4°. Hard Bible words, 1848. P. 2033. Bible, Educational use of. Cincinnati, educ. Opinion of court, 1873. P. 2011. Durant, H. F., Defence of, in schools, 1859. P. 2011. Fulton, J. D., Disc, 1872. P. 2130. M'Quaid, Christ, free schools, 1871. SUBJECT-INDEX Bible, Educational nse of (continued). Mayo, A. D., Relig. in schools, 1869. " Bible in schools, 1872. Pam. vol. 2011, 2180. See Education. Bible : History of, and Introductions. Gould, S. B., Legends of, from the Talmud, 1871. Robinson, T., Scripture characters, 1815. Simon, Crit. enquiries, 1684. Townsend, H., Codex Sinaiticus. Al. I, T. 5. Bible: English Translation. Ellicott, C. J., Revision of, 1871. Morton, J. W., Translation of, 1859. P. 20^3. Notes on mistranslations, 1804. O'Connor, M., Cath. and Prot. versions, 1859. Revision of auth. version. Pmtr., 13. Schaeffer, C, Marg. readings of, 1869. P. 2033. Schaff, Revision of Engl. N. T., 1873. Todd, H. J., Vindication agt. Bellamy, 1819. Trench, R. C, On revision of N. T., 1858. Turton, T., The University text, 1833. Bible, Inspiration and Genuineness of. See Christianity, evidences of. Bible Societies : American. Albany Co. Bib. Soc, 1814, 1837-39, 70-80. Am. and For. Bib. Soc, N. Y. Rep., 1856-77. Am. Bib. Soc, Rep., lst-5th, 8th-19th, 21st; 55th-66th, 1871-1881. Am. Bible Union, Reports, 1878, 4, 6. " Quarterly papers, 1866-68. " Misc. publications, 1859-76. Long Is. Bib. S. Rep., 1850-76, imp. N. Hamp. B. S. Rep., 1868, 69, 73, 74. N. Y. B. S. Rep., 1851-77. N. Y. Fern. Aux. B. S., Rep., 1826-77. Bible Societies : British. Brit, and For. Bib, Soc Reports, 1805-77, imp. Danberry, C, Churchman's oppo. to. Pmtr., 5. Greenfield, W., Negro-English text, 1830. P. 1264. Hughes, J., Prayer and tests, 1832. P. 2077. King, J., Claims of, 1882. P. 2077. Piatt, T. P., Versions pub. by, 1827. Pmtr., 28. Trans. Brit, and For., 1815. Pmtr., 6. Bibles. Conway, M. I)., Sacred Anthology, 1874. Bibliography. Ambrican Auction Salbs. See Auctions. Ambrican Books, Authors, ktc. Catalgques. American Bibliopolist, Sabin, 1869-77. Amcr. Bookneller's guide, 1874, 76. Bangs, Merwin k Co., Sales, 1867-78. Cat., V. 100-104. Bibliography : American Books, Authors, ETC., Catalogues (continued). Brinley, G., Cat., parts I, II, 1879, 80. Clarke, R., & Co., Cincinn., Cat., 1876. Coolidge, Hist, and descr. of N. Eng., 1859. Dexter, H. M., Cong. Churches, Bibliog. of, 1880. > S , Drake, S. G., Semi-annual sale, catal., 1867-75. " Library cat., auct., 1876. Finotti, Bib. Cath. Americana, 1872. Gowans, Cat., No. 1-28, N. Y., 1850-70. Harrisse, Bibliol. Am. vetust., Supp., 1872. Leclerc, C, Bibl. Americana, 1878. Leypoldt, Am. Cat. of books m print, au- thors, 1876-80. " Subject-Index, 1876-80. Literary world, period., Bost., 1870-80. Medlicott, W. G., Sold, N. Y., 1878. Publishers' circular, Leypoldt, 1872-80. Puttick & Simpson, Sales, Lon., 1859, 68, 72. (H. Stevens, 1861.) Stevens, H., Am. Bibliographer, 1854. " 2000 Hist, nuggets, 1870. " Hist. Coll. on America, Sale, July, 1881. Sparks, J., Cat. of library of, 1871. Thompson, P. C, Bibliog. of Ohio, 1880. Uniform trade list, Leypoldt, 1873, 74, 80. American History, etc.. Books on. Bangs, Merwin & Co., Sale, 1865, 73. Cat. 100, 98. Clarke, R. & C, Bibl. Amer., 1875. Cooley, J. E., Book sales, 1865-69, Cat. v. 99. Hubbard, Sales, Cincin., 1867, 8. Cat. v. 101. Leavitt & Co., Book sales, 1866-73. Cat. v. 101-104. Literary world, v. 3, 1860. Perkins, F. B., List of town histories, 1876. Angling. Cooley, J. E., Book sale, Cat. 100. Anontmous Books. Barbier, Dictionnaire, 8* 4d., 1872. Drake, Diet, of Am. biog., 1872. Harris, C. F., Index to his. coll. of Am. poetry, 1874. Arabic Authors. Khalfa, Lexicon bibliog., 1858. 0. T. F. Architbcturk. Lacroix, Catal., 1866. Cat., V. 86. Aembnian. Dwight, H. G. 0., Cat. of A. books. Am. Or. J. 8, 8. Arts. U. S. Rep. on Paris Expos., 1867, 1. Astronomy. La Lande, Bibl. astron., 1808. Auction Sales, American. Alexander, J H., Lib., 1868. Cat., v. 102. Alofsen, S., Library, N. Y., 1877. Appleton A Co., 1872. C, 104. Arnold, H. V., Library, 1879. Bancker, C. N., Lib., 1869. C. 108. SUPPLEMENT. 29 Bibliography : Auction Sales, American (continued). Bangs, Merwin & Co., 1867-73. Cat. v. 98-100. Beck, T. R., Lib., 1856. C. 99. Bradley, C. W., Lib., 1865. C. 100. Brittle J, G., Cat. of Lib. sold, 1879-80. Buchanan, R., Lib., 1872. C. 104. Carroll, C, Lib., 1864. C. 99. Catalogues collected, vols. 99-104. Charles's sale. Am. Pub. Circ, 11, 303. Choules, J. 0., Lib., 1855. C. 99. Cooley, J. E. N. Y., 1865. Cat. v. 100. Corner, W. H., Lib., 1866. C. 101. Davis, W. J., Lib., 1865. C. 100. Deeth, S. G., Lib. C. 100. Dickeson, M. W., Lib., 1867 C. 101. Drake, S. G., Library of , auct., 1876. Elliot, G. A., Lib., 1867. C. 102. Finotti, J. M., Libr., 1872. C. 102. Fisher, J. B., Lib., 1866, 67. C. 100. Fleming, A., Lib., N. Y., 1866. C. 101. Frederickson, C. W., Lib., 1871. C. 104. French, E., Lib., N. Y., 1868. C. 102. Gould, A. A., Lib., 1867. C. 102. Gowans, W., Auct. sale, 1871-2. Gurley & Hill, N. Y., Nov. 18. C. 98. Hastie & Tracy, N. Y., 1877. Holliday, G., Lib., 1870. C. 103. Hosack, D., Lib:, 1867. C. 101. Hubbard, S. G., Cincin., Ap., 1867. C. 85 : 1867, 68. C. 101. Hunt, W. See Marcy, W. Johnson, W. L., Lib., C. 99. Jones, W. A., Lib., 1860. C. 99. Kelley, W. H., Bookseller. C. 99. Leavitt & Co., etc., 1866-73. C. 99-104. Leavitt, S. & Co., Oakwood, N J., 1868. C. 72. Leonard & Co., 1867. Bost. C. 101. Lyle, J. K., Lib., 1867. C. 101. Marcy, W. L., Lib., 1871. C. 104. Mayer, B., Lib., 1870. C. 103. Medlicott, W. G., Lib. of, 1878. Menzies, W., Lib., 1869. Odell, A. J., Libr'y., N. Y., 1878-80. Parker, T., Lib., 1859. C. 99. Plumb, J. B., Lib., Albany. C. 99. Poole, H. W., Lib., 1871. .C. 104. Pratt, G. W., Lib., 1868. C. 102. Rickey, J. J., Lib., 1872. C. 104. Sabin, J., Lib. of amateur, 1877. Smets, A. A., Lib., Savannah, 1860 : N. Y., 1868. C. 102. Sprague, W. B., Lib., 1870. C. 103. Squier, E. G., Library, 1876. Suydam, J. A., Lib., 1865. C. 100. Taylor, J., Lib., 1865. C. 100. Thompson, Jos. P., Lib., 1872. C. 104. Bibliography : Auction Sales, American (continued). Tuckerman, H. T., Lib., 1872. C. 104. Vethake, H., Lib., 1872. C. 104. White, R. G., Lib., 1870. C. 103. Whitman, W. A., Lib., Cat. 101. Auction Sales, Dutch. Alofsen, S., Biblioth., Utrecht, 1876. Auction Sales, English. Bliss, P., Library, Aug. 9, Lond. Harward, J., Library, Lond., 1858. Hodgson, Jan. 4, 1865. Puttick & Simpson, Lond., 1858-72. Robinson, T., Library, Lond. Robinson, T. H., Library, Lon. Baptist. Bapt. Hist. Soc, Phila., Cat., 1872. P. 2149. Bible (Editions of the). Stevens, H., Bible in the Caxton exhibition, 1877. Taylor, J., Paris B. at Cam. Nic. Lit. Anec, 1. Bibliographical Books, Catalogues of. Bangs, Merwin & Co., Sale, 1866. C. 101. Denis, Bibliog. Universelle, 1857. Bibliographical Dictionaries. ^S^ee Dictiona- ries. Bibliographical Miscellanies. Boston pub- lic library. Bulletins, 1867-79. Harvard Coll. Lib., Bulletins, 1877-80. Bibliography. See Booksellers; Fifteenth Century ; Rare Books ; Libraries. Booksellers' Catalogues, American. Am. Lit. Gazette, 1864-72. Amer. Publishers' Circular, 1863, 64. Amer. Pub. and Bookseller, N. Y., 1868-70. Publishers' Weekly, Leypoldt, 1872-80. Publishers' trade list, annual, N. Y., 1880. Booksellers' Catalogues, English. Book- seller, 1870-79. Bookseller, Christmas number, 1869, 70, 72. Macmillan & Co., 1878. Publishers' Circular, S. Low. Lond., 1871-78. Quaritch, Catalogues, Lond., 1874; 1877, pp. 1672, 4\ Sotheran's Price Current or Cat., 1868-80. Sotheran, H. & Co., Cat. of books for the lib., 1877. TrUbner & Co., Monthly list, 1877-80. Whitaker, J., Reference Cat., 1874, 76, 77. Brazil. Denis, F., Biblioth. nat. de Rio de Jan. Cg. d. Am., s. 2, T. 2. Broadsides. Smith, J. R., Cat. of Anc. broad- side ballads. L., 1856. Soc. of Ant., Lond., Cat. of, 1866. BuNYAN, J., Lenox Lib. Contr. No, 4, edit, of Pilgrim's Prog., 1879. Canada. British museum, books on, 1866. 30 SUBJECT-INDEX Bibliography : Canada (continued). Harrisse, Bibliog. de la Nouvelle France, 1872. Morgan, H. J., Manual of literature of, 1867. Ontario, Library, Cat. of, 1872. Quebec, Bib. de la I6gis. 1873. Canals. Davis' Report, 1867, On ship canal. Cataloguing. Cutter, C. A., Harvard Coll., Cat., N. A. R., 1869. U. S. Libraries, C. A. Cutter's Rules, 1876. Catalogues. Cat. of sales, vols. 98-104. Caxton, W., Caxton loan exhib., 1877. Henry VII, Statutes, 1489, Repr., 1869. Civil War, U. S., 1861-65. Bartlett, J. R., Lit. of the rebellion, 1866. Boyd, A., Lincoln bibliography, 1870. European list of Pam., 1860-65. Cat., v. 98. Classification of Books. See Classification. Clocks. Clockmakers's Comp., Cat. of library, 1875. Devil. Bibliotheca diabolica, N. Y., 1874. Dictionaries op Bibliographt. Brunet, J. C, Man. du libraire, supp., 1878-80. Denis, F., Nouveau man. de bibliog., 1857. Ebert, F. A., AUgem. Bibliog. Lexicon. 1821, 30. Fabricius, Bibl. Lat. Mediae, 1734-46. Graesse, Tr6sor de livres rares, 1859. Sup- plement, 1869. Qu6rard, J. M., Livres perd. et exemp. uniques, 1872. Sabin, J., Diet, of Am. books from 1592. N. y., 1868-81. Dramatic Authors. Cooley, J. E,, Book sale, 1865. C. 100. Edin. Select Libr'y, Authors of Eng. plays. Hazlitt, W., Handbook of dr. Lit., 1867. Dutch. Nijhoflf, Bibliot. historica Neerlandica, 1871. Earlt Editions. See Fifteenth Century Edi- tions. Educational. Barnard, List of works on. Barnes, A. S. & Co., Publications of, 1876. Paris, Expos, de, 1878. Cat. du min. de I'instr. pub. • Elzevir Editions. Willems, Annales typog., 1880. Enginberino. Dunod, Annales des Ponts et chau8s6es, 1868. Cat 86. Lacroix, Bibliog. des ing6nieurs, 1859. Cat. 86. English Books and Authors. Bangs, Mer- win & Co., Sale, 1868. C. 102. Hazlitt, W. C, Handbook of poet, and dram, lit.. 1867. LeavittA Co., Sales, N. Y., 1872. Cat., v. 104. Medlicott, W. G., Library sold, 1878. Odell, A. J., Auct. sale, 1878, 80. Bibliography (continued). Explosives. See Gunpowder. Fiction. Brooklyn Merc. Lib., List of, 1873. Merc. Lib. of N. Y., Cat., 1876. Fifteenth Century Editions. Am. Pub. Circ, Union Theol. Sem., 2, 323. Fifteenth Century Editions in the Library. Albertus Magnus, Sermones, Ulm., 1478, fo. " Liber secretorum. Augsb., 1486, 4°. Averroes. (IbnRoshd.) De Substantia orbis, 1482. See Aristot. Bible, Vulg. Lat. Basil., 1487, fo. Garsias, P., Contra J. P. Mirandulam, 1489. Gerson, J., De Simonia, 1470, fo. Guilevile, Pilgrimage of the sowle, 1483. Repr. Henry VII, Statutes, Caxton, 1489. Repr. 1869. Janua, J. de, Dictionarius. Catholicon. Venet., 1497, fo. Nicodemi evangelium, Augs., 1470, 4°. Paulus de Sancta Maria, Scrutinium Scrip- tarum, 1478, fo. Platina, VitiB pontificum, Nur., 1481, fo. Fine Arts. Univ. Cat. of books on (first proofs), 1869-70. French Books and Authors. Bossange, G., Books pub., 1870-71. Loreuz, Librairie fran^aise. Catalogue, 1840- 1880. Plon, H., Librairie, 1870. Cat. 86. Qu6rard, Le Qu6rard, 1855, 56. •' Supercheries Litt6raires, 1869-70. Friends. Smith, J., Bible anti-quakeriana, 1873. Geographical. Brit. Museum, Cat. of Amer, Maps in, 1866. Deschamps, Dictionn. de g6og. du libraire, 1870. Royal Geog. Soc, Cat. of library, 1871. Stevens, H., Bibliot. geog., 1872. " The same, with 348 photog. of titles, etc. Studii bibl. in Italia, 1875. German Books and Authors. Engel, S., Cat. librorum, 1743. Hinrichs, Verzeichniss, 1853, 69-80. Norton's Lit. Gaz., 3, 203. Humboldt's works. Rosenthal, Catal., 1870-73. Cat. 68. Steiger, E., Cat., N. Y., 1871-74. Gunpowder. Van Nostrand's Monthly Rec- ord, 1875, etc. Historical. Salva, Cat. d. 1. Bibliot., 1872. HuLsius's Voyages. Lenox Library, Contr. 1, 1877. Icelandic. Norton's Lit. Gaz., v. 1, 216, 828. Bibliog. hod. Is. SUPPLEMENT. 31 Bibliography ('continued) . Indian (American) Languages. Field, T. W., Essay towards, 1873. Cat. of Lib. sold, 1875. Odedo, Gr. F. de. Hist, de las Indias, 4, Illuminated MSS. HoUiday, Book sale, N. Y., 1870. Cat., V. 103. Italian Books. Studii bibliog., 1875. Jesuits. Caravon, Catalogue des ouvrages relatifs'a, 1864. Jesuits, Relatiqns. Lenox library, 1879, Contr. No. 2, Collection of, Latin Authors of Middle Ages. Fabricius, Bibliotheca, v. 6. Law. Cooper, P., Library of, 1857. Hartwell House, Cat. of Law Lib., 1865. Stev^ens and Haynes, Bibliot. Legum, 1870. Libraries, Administration of, Architecture OF, ETC Edwards, Memoirs of libra- ries, Tol. 2, 1859. France, Sur la service de la Bibliotb^que. 1876. Homes, H. A., Future develop, of N. Y. S. Lib., 1878. Hosking, W., Reading room of Brit, mus., 1858. Library Journal, N. Y., 1877-80. Peabody Inst., of Baltimore, An. rep., 1868- 79, and docs. U. S., Public Libraries, reports, 1876. Libraries, History of, Berlin Roy. Lib. Norton's Lit. Gaz., 32, v. 1. Brazil at the U. S. Exhib., 1876. Draper, L. C, The Westover Library. Va. H. R,, 4. Edwards, E., Lib. and founders, 1865. Manchester Lib., Norton's Adv. s. 2, v, 1, 359. Nic. 111., 5, Gough's typog. lib. Quarterly Review, vol. 72, 1843. Spanish Lib. Norton's Lit. Gaz., s. 2, v. 1. St. Petersburgh Lib. Norton's Lit. Gaz., s. 2, V. 1. 1. Wheatland, H., Hist, of Salem lib. E. I. C, V. 4, Libraries in America, Catalogues of. Al. bany Institute, 1793-1855. Albany Library, 1811, 21, 28. Am. Geog. Soc, 1857. Am. Philos. Soc, Cat. 1863, 7, 8. Apprentices Lib., N. Y., Cat. 1874. Astor Library, Reports, 1850-80. Boston Library Reports, 1852-79. Bulletins, 1867-75. Boston Athenteum, A— S., 1876-80. " Duplicates. C. 99. Brighton, Ms., Holton, 1872. Brookline, Ms., Cat., 1873. Brooklyn Merc, lib., 1877. Pt. 3, 1880. Century Club, N. Y., 1879. Bibliography : Libraries in America) Cat- alogues OF (continued). Charlestown, Ms., Pub. lib., 1872. Reports, 1861-73. Chicago Pub. lib., rept., 1873-80. Cincinnati Pub. Lib., Bulletin for 1879, 80. College of the city of N. Y., Cat. of Lib., 1877, 78. Columbia Coll., Cat., 1874. Cooper Union, N. Y., Reports, 1861-72. Evansville, Ind., Pub. Lib., Cat., 1876. Franklin Inst., Phila., Cat,, 1876. Hampton Lib., Bridgehampton, L, I,, 1877. Hartford Y. M. Inst., Cat., 1844, 1873. " Reports to 1880, Harvard College, Library, Bulletins, 1878-80. " Reports, 1878- 80. Haverhill Pub. Lib., Cat., 1878. Illinois State Lib., Cat., 1880. Indiana State Library, Cat., 1872. Indianapolis Library, Cat., 1873. Iowa State Lib., 1872. Kansas State Lib., 1873. Library Company of Philadelphia, 1859-76. Louisiana State Lib., Cat., 1877. Manchester city, N. H., Reports, Cat., 1865- 76. Maryland State Lib., Cat,, 1874. Mass. State Lib., Cat., 1880. " Reports, 1860-77. Mass. Hist. Soc, Dowse Library Cat., 1870, Merc. Lib., Phila., Repts., 1837, 45, 47, 73-77. Merc. Library Asso'n, Brooklyn, Reports, 1860-72. Merc. Lib. Ass'n of San Francisco, Reports, 1853-79. Michigan State Lib., Cat., 1873, 75, 80. Mississippi State Lib., Cat., 1872, 77. New Bedford Free Pub. lib., Reports, 1859-74. Newburgh, N. Y., Cat., 1877. Ohio State Lib., Cat., 1875. *' Reports, 1860-72. Ontario, Parliament library, 1881. " Pam., V. 457. Peabody Institute, Bait., Reports, 1857-79. Pennsylvania State Lib., Cat., 1873, 78. Pittsfield Athenaeum, 1872. Portland, Or., Assoc' n, Cat., 1878. Quincy, Mass., Cat., 1875. St. Louis, Pub. School Lib., Cat., 1872. " Reports, 1870-9. St. Louis Merc. Library, Cat., 1874. Springfield, Ms., Lib. Asso'n, Cat., 1871. • Taunton, Ms., Pub. Lib., 1878. Tennessee, Library, Cat. of law, 1871. U. S., Lib. of Congress, Additions, annual, 1859-65. '< Reports, 1866-79. " History of, by Wveth, 1868. 32 SUBJECT-INDEX Bibliography: Libraries in America, Cat- alogues OF (continued), • U. S. Naval Ac, Cat. of Lib., Annap., 1860. U. S. Surg. Genl's Office, Cat. of Lib., v, 1, 1880. Vermont State Lib., 1872. Virginia State Lib., 1877. Wappinger's Falls, N. Y., Cat. of Cir. Lib. 18^9. Wilmington Institute, Del., Reports, 1861-77. JBV^isconsin State Hist. Soc, Cat. Lib., 1873. Yale, Linonian & Brothers' Soc. Cat., 1851, 73. Young Mens' Assoc, Alb., Cat., 1880. Young Mens' Assoc, Buffalo, Reports, 1869- 78. Libraries, American, Private. Allan, John, Catalogue, N. Y., 1864. Brinley, Auct. Cat., P. I, II, 1879, 80. Brown, John C, Cat. Bibliot., 1482-1601. 2ded. Corning, E., Books of, Albany, 1874. Drake, S. G., Cat. of L. sold, 1876. Greene, A. G., Cat. of L. sold, 1869. Humphrey, H. B., Cat. of L. sold, 1871. Medlicott, W. G., Longmeadow, Ms., 1878. Menzies, W., Lib. of, N. Y., 1875. Probasco, H., Cat., Cmcin., 1873. Rice, J. A., Lib. sold, Chicago, 1870. Sparks, J., Cat. of Lib. of, 1871. Tovvnsend, R., Lib., Albany, sold, 1866. Wynne, J., Priv. Lib. in N. Y., 1860. Libraries in England and Scotland, Cata- logues OF. Abbotsford Lib., 1838. Mait. Club, 53. Admiralty Library, Cat., 1875. Advocates' Library, Edin., Supp., 1879. Geolog. Soc, of London, Cat., 1881. Gray's Inn, Lond., Cat. of Lib., 1872. Huth, H., Library of, 1880. London Library, Cat., 1861-75. Maitland Club 29, Inventory of, 1850. Manchester: Reports, 1865-71. Royal Society, Cat., 1825. Signet Library, Edinb., 1871. Victoria: Reports, 1870-5. Libraries, European. Bavaria, Royal Lib., Heb. MSS., 1875. Libraries in France, Catalogues of. Em- mery, Bibliot. de Lorraine, 1849. Paris, Expos, de, 1878, Cat. du min. instr. pub. Literature. Petzholdt, Bibliot. Bibliog., 1866. Salva, Cat. d. 1. Bibliot., 1872. Sm French ; English, etc. LiTUEOiBS. Stewart, C. J., Sale catalogue of, 1874. London. Lists of Booksellers, 1881. P. 1287. Stationers' company's registers, 1654-1640, 4 v.. 4*. Bibliography: London (continued). Whi taker, J., Reference cat. of curr. lit., 1874, 75, 77. See Libraries, England. Long Is., N. Y. Furman, Antiq. of, 1875. Magic. Hauber, Bibl. magica, 1739-45. Horst, Zauber Bibliothek, 1826. Manuscripts in Libraries, Cat., &c. De Lisle, L., Inventaire des MSS. fran. de la Bib. nationale, Theol., Paris, 1876. Glasgow cathed., Invent. 1432. Mait. Club, 13. Gray's Inn, MSS., 1869. Lambecius, Bibliot. codicum bibliot. Vindo- bonae, 1712. Maitland Club, Notices of, in Lib., 67. Norton's Lit. Gaz., s. 2, v. 2, 191, Ms. of Ximenes, Turner, D., Cat. of Lib. of, 1859. Maps. See Geographical. Mathematical. Dublin Review, vol. 21, 1846. Medical. Bossange, Cat. of Anatomy, 1870. Cat. 88. Chadwick, J. R., On Med. lib. of Boston, 1876. P. 2596. Hosack, D., Library sold, 1867. Cat. 101. N. Y. Hospital, catalogue, 1818. P. 2149. Pharmac. Jour., Advertiser, 1870-74. Purple, S. S., Addr. on med. lib., 1877. U. S., Bibliog. on cholera, Woodworth, 1875. U. S., Surgeoii-Genl's, Cat of Library, 1873. " Index catal., v. 1, A. Ber., 1880. Mexico. Brit, museum, Mexican books in. 1856. Kingsborough's Mexico. Norton's Lit. Gaz., 3. Poole, Sale of books on, 1871. Cat., v. 104. Military. Guernsey's Mil. Biog., 1876. Minnesota. Williams, P., Bibliog. of. Minn., H. C, 3. Newspapers, History of. Griffin, J., Press of Maine, 1872. Rowell, Newsp. directory, N. Y., 1869, 70, 78, 79. Steiger, Period, lit., U. S. A., 1878. See Periodicals. Oriental. Crit. essay on Ms. works on Asia and Europe. 0. T. P. Garcin de Tassy, Bibliothdque de, 1879. Khalfa, Lexicon Bibliog. 0. T. F. TrUbner's Or. Lit. Record, 1867-75. Pamphlets. Am. Pub. Circ. 1, Binding of . Dissertation on. Morgan's Phoenix. Patois. Burgaud, Bibliot. patoise, 1878. Periodicals. Book-buyer, Scribner, N. Y.. 1867-73. Bookseller, The, L., 1870, 80. Chasseur bibliographe, 1862. SUPPLEMENT. 33 Bibliography : Periodicals (continued). Literary Journal Monthly, 1875-80. Norton's Lit, Gaz., s. 2, v. 2, 236. Mission- ary Herald, Publishers' Weekly, N, Y,, 1872-80. Steiger, Per. lit, of U. S. A., 1873. Stevens, H., List of Am., Lond., 1873. Philippine Is. Leclerc, Bibliot, Am., 1878. PHiLbLOGiCAL. Alexander, J. H., Cat., 1868. Bailie t, A., Jugemens, T, 2, 1730, Rosenthal, Catal., 1872. Cat. 68. Photobibliography. Stevens, H., Printed card catalogues, 1878. Poetry. Hazlitt, W. C, Handbook of early poe. lit., 1867. Leavitt & Co., Auct. Sales, N. Y., 1871. Cat. 104. Political Economy, Blanqui, Principaux ouvrages, 1860. Portuguese. Adamson, Memoirs of Camoens, V, 2, Boston pub. lib.. Cat. of Ticknor coll., 1879, Salva, Cat, de la Bibliot., 1872. Prices of Books. Allan. J., Sale Cat., N. Y., 1865. Am. Pub. Circ, 1, 215, 33, 303. Bangs, M. & Co., July, 1876. Brinley, G., Sale, P. I, II, N. Y., 1879, 80. Cat., vol. 98. Field, T. W., Library sale, 1875. Gurley & Hill, Sale, N. Y. Harward, J., Lib., Lond., 1858. Leavitt & Co., Feb. 19, 1873. Libri, G., Cat., 5 parts, Sale, L., 1859-62. " Vente, Paris, 1847. Norton's Lit. Gaz., s. 2, v. 2, 33. P, of Eng, books. V. 1, 27, 132, 408-410, 494. V. 2, 1851, 212. " V. 3, 83. Puttick & Simpson, L., 1858, 59. Robinson, T., Lib. sold, Lond., C. v. 98. Robinson, T. H., Lib. sold, Lond., C. v. 98. Roche, Sale, N. Y., 1867. Somerby, G. A., Cat. of lib., 1869. Proverbs. Salva, Catalogue, 1872. Rare Books Noticed. Collier, J. P., Acct. of rarest Engl, books, 1866. Graesse, Tresor des livres rares, 1859-69. Quaritch, B., Gen. Cat. and index, pp. 1889, 1874 ; 1877, pp. 1672. Qu6rard, J. M., Livres perdus et exemp. uniques, 1872. Salva, Cat. d. 1. Bibliot., 1872. Roman Catholic Finotti, Bib. Cath. Ameri- cana, 1872. Book sale, 1872. Cat. v. 104. Rosenthal, L., Cat. theol. cath., 1880. Cat. 68. 5 Bibliography (continued). Scientific. Amer. Philos. Soc, Catalogue of, 1863-78. Dawson, Geol. of Canada, etc., 1870. Cat. 79. Gould, A. A., Sale of books of, 1867. P. 102. Lacroix, Cat, Paris, 1866. Cat. 86. Norton's Lit. Gaz., s. 2, v. 2, 53. Vest, of Creation. Scudder, Sci. serials of all countries, 1879. U. S., Ed. Circ, List of pub. of Scient. Socie- ties, 1873. Vethake, H.. Sale of library, 1872. Cat., v. 104. Wisconsin Ac. of A. & S., Bibl. of Wis., 1872. ZoOl. Soc. of Lond., Lib. Cat., 1872. Scotland. Notices of MSS., Westminster, Mait. Club, 67. Registrum Metellanum, 1831. Mait. Club, 11. Shakespeare, W, Lenox Library, N. Y., 1830. Collation of editions. White, R. G., Library of, 1870. Cat., v. 103. Spanish. Boston pub. lib.. Cat. of Ticknor' s coll., 1879. Salva, Cat. de la Bibliot., 1872. Subject-Indexes. See Indexes. Temperance. Marsh, J., Address,1851. P. 292. Theology. Hartwell House, Catalogue, 1855. Lowndes, W. T., British Librarian, 1839. Topographical. Upcott, Works on Engl, topog., 1818. Victoria. Public Library reports, 1870-76. Voyages. Hakluyt, in Norton's Lit. Gaz., v. 1, 272, 384. Hennepin, in Hist. Mag., 1, 2, 3. Hulsius's Coll. of Voy., Lenox Library, N. Y., editions of, 1877. Smith's J., Voy. anal. Norton's Lit. Gaz., s. 2, V. 1, 134, 218. Thevenot's Coll. of voy. Lenox Library, N. Y., editions of, 1879. Note. —For other sources, see Literary History; Typography. Bicycles. Pratt, C. E., Am. bicycle, 1879. Biddermann , J. T. Harles, T. C, De vitis philol., 1764. Bidwell, M. S. Bar Proc, N. Y., 1872. Bigelow, Jacob. Ellis, G. E., Memoir of, 1880. Bigelow, Col. Tim. Monument to, 1861, " Journal, 1803, and life, 1876. " Diary, 1815. Bost., 1880. Bigelow, T. B. Memorial of, 1869. Big Tree Treaty. U. S. Statutes at Large, V. 7. Billerica, Ms* Nason, E., Centen, disc, 1876. 34 SUBJECT-INDEX. Billiards. Mardon, E. R., B. at Brighton, 1844. Roberts, J., On billiards, 1869. Bi-metallism. ^e^ Silver; Currency. Binghamton, N. Y. Directory, 1871. Binuey, H. Grigsby, H. B., Letter. Ms. H. S. P., 1875-6. Phila. contributorship, memorial, 1875. P. 2079. Strong, W. Eulogium on, 1876. P. 2079. Biography, General and Miscellaneous. Barnard, F. A., Biog. hist, of Michigan. 1878. Bayle, P., Diet. hist, et crit,, Fr. and Engl., 1740. Biog. des hommes de Flaudres, 1843. Biog. Universelle, Michaud, 1843-65. Biog. of freethinkers, 1877. Bryan, Diet, of recent painters, Ottley, 1866. Burton, R., 9 worthies of the world, 1769. P. 2562. Chaufepi6, J. G. de. Diet. Suppl. k Bayle, 1756. Chesney, Mil. Biog., 1874. Collin de Plancy, Diet, des reliques, 1821-22. De Quincey, T., Writings, v. 2, 1851. Eccentric biography, 1825. Edwards, B. B., Biog. of self-taught men, 1846. Field, M. B . Memories, 1874. Gilfillan's Gallery, 1856. Goodwin. W., Lives of the necromancers, 1834. Harles, T. C, De vitis philol., 1764. Hill, M. D., Our exemplars, Lond., 1861. Index Soc, I. of obit, notices for 1878, 1st report, 1879. Ins. H. e G. do Brazil. Biographies, 1856-64. Jal, A., Diet, critique, 1872. Khallikan, Mohammedan authors, 1871. 0. T. F. Knight, C, English cycl. of biog., 1858. McCarthy, J., Modern leaders, 1872. Men of the time, 6th ed., 1865; 8th, 1872; 10th, 1879. Ouseley, Mem. of Pers. poets. 0. T. F. Pam., V. 2541, 2557. Plutarch, Lives, Clough, 1863. Spain, Cartas de Indias, 1877. P. II. Volateranus, Commentarii, Anthropologia, 1552. Woodward, Encyc. of chron. and biog., 1872. See AuTOBioQUAPHY, and under the names of individuals ; Sermons, Funeral ; Eulo. gies. Biography. tSet Painting; Architecture; Autobiography ; Dramatic, etc. Biography, American. Abbott, J. S. C, Lives of the Presidents, 1867. Allen, F., Early lawyers in Me. Me. 11. S., 6. Biography, American (continued). Armor, W. C, Lives of Govern, of Penna., 1872. Arnold, S. G., Distin. Jerseymen, 1845. Batterson, Amer. episcopate, 1878. Biog. encyc, of Ohio, 1876. Biog. sketches of Chicago, 1868. Boyle, E., Dist. Marylanders, 1877. Brown, W. W., Rising son, 1874. Child, L. M., Freedmen's book, 1865. Colenvvorthy, D. C, School is out, 1876. Corwin, E. T., Manual of the Reformed Church, 1879. CuUum, G. W., Reg. U. S. Mil. Acad., 1867. Drake, F. S., Dictionary of, 1872. DriscoU's Canadian ministry, 1866. Forney, Anec. of publ. men, 1874. Gregory, J., Resources of Wise, 1872. Hamersly, Living officers of U. S. N., 1878, Hough, F. B., Am. Biog. notes, 1875. Ingersoll, L. D., Hist, of war dep't., 1879. Kansas Biog. Diet., 1879, 4°. McBride, Pioneer Biog. of Ohio, 1871. Macedo, Brazilian biography, 1876. Missouri Biog. diet., 1878, 4°. Mattox, A. H., Hist, of the Cincinnati Soc, 1880. Marques, M. E. de A, Apont. de S. Paulo,1879. Nevin, A., Biog, of Cumberland vail., Penna., 1876. N. E, Hist. Gen. Soc, Memorial biog. of. Vol. 1, 1845-52. Our representatives abroad, Rogers. A. C, 1874. Pamphlets, vol., 1857, 1858, 1877, 1878. 2000-2008, 2078-9, Rogers, A. C, Representative men, 1872. Sketches in Louisiana, 1847. P. 1897. Sketches of men of mark, 1871. Sullivan, W,, Familiar letters, 1834. U. S. Biog. diet, of IlUnois, 1876. " Biog. diet. Wisconsin vol., 1877. " Biog. diet. Missouri, 1878. Wilkie, F. B., The Chicago bar, 1871. Willard, J., Addr. Worcester Co. Bar, 1830. P. 1877. Yale College, Obituaries, 1860-74. See Genealogies; American ; New York Biog- raphies; Town and county histories. Biography, British. Birch, T., Illust. pers. of Gr. Brit., 1818. Brydges, Sir E., Mem. of Peers, during James I, 1802, " Imaginative biog,, 1884. Caulheld, J., Port, of remarkable persons, 1688-1761. Chambers, R., Biog. diet of Scotsmen, Supp., 1855. Clarke, S., Martyrologie, 1652. Conolly, M, T,, Fifiana, 1869. SUPPLEMENT. 35 Biography, British (continued). D' Alton, J., King James' Armv list, 1689, 1861. De Quincey, T., Works, v. 2, 1851. Grant, J., Public characters, 1841. Hall, S. C, Book of memories, 1871. Hardwick, Ann. Biog. for 1856. Historical portraits, 1876. Howie, J., Biog. Scoticana, 1836. Index Soc. Rep., 1880. Index of obit, no- tices for 1879. Lives and char, of persons died in 1712. Lloyd, D., State worthies, 1540-1688. Lockhart, Peter's Letters. Lower, Worthies of Sussex, 1865. Macaulay and others. New biog., 1857. Martineau, H., Biog. sketches, 1876. Pam., vol. 2037, 2577. Ryan, R., Biog. Hibernica, 1822. Smiles, Industrial biog., 1876. Smith, T., Vitce illust. virorum, 1707. Strickland, A., Queens of Scotland, 1854-68. The Seven Bishops of 1688. Taylor, W. C, Biog. of age of Elizabeth, 1842. Whitty, E. M., Polit. portraits, 1854. Williams, R., Biog. of em. Welchmen, 1836. Willis, J., Hist, and lives of Irishmen. Wodrow's Biog. Coll. M. Club, 39, 40. WoQd, Athenae Oxon, Bliss, 1820. See Scientific. Biography, European. Amat, Escritores Catalanes, 1836. Gautier, T., Famous French authors, 1879. Lauzac, Galerie dul9 si^cle, e^e vol., 1872. Men of the 2d empire, 1872. Men of the third republic, 1873. Pam., vol. 2009. Society Montyon et Franklin, Biog. des hommes utiles, 6 v. TroUope, T. A., Decade of Ital. women, 1859. Biography of Physicians. Bronson, H. Med. Biog., N. Hav., Soc. 2. Eliot, E., Phys. of Boston, Ms. H. S. P., 1863. Francis, S. W., Livmg N. Y. Phys., 1867. Mem. of Dr. V. Mott, 1865. " Living N. Y. Surgeons, 1866. Heysham, Dr., Lonsdale, Life of, 1870. Knight, J., Lect., 1838, Conn. Med. Soc. P. 1877. Pearson's J., W. Hey, L., 1827. U. S. Educ. Bureau,/ misc., 1874, 77. Webster, W., Army medical staff, 1865. P. 2058. Biography of Printers, Booksellers. See Typography. Biography, Religious, Individual. Bridgman, E. C, Life of, 1864. Biography, Religious, Individual (con- tinued). Burke, Wm., Memoir, 1837. Caldwell, M., Chr. tested bv eminent men, 1852. Charlevoix, Vie de Marie de 1' Incarnation, 1862. Coleman, Seth, 1817. Coulombe, Adeie, Vie de, Montreal, 1863. Fraser, D., Collection of, N. Y., 1798. Gaddis, M. P., Footprints, 1856. Hamilton, E. J., Uncle John, 1867. Janeway, J., Token for children, 1771. Merrill, D., Autobiog., 1833. P. 2557. Osborn, E., Life and ministry of, 1847, 50. Pam., vol. 2557. Preble, Jed., Life of, 1830. Bedford, G., Mem. of E. Brown, 1821. P. 2557. Vassar, John, Life of, 1879. Young Ladies' mirror. Trans. 18°. See Autobiography. Biography, Scientific. Galton, F., Eng. men of Sci., 1874. Geikie, Sir R. Murchison's Life, 1875. Herschel, Caroline, Mem. and corres., 1876. Pam., vol. 2007. Ray, J., Remains and life, 1760. Smithsonian Reports, 1860-1880. Sotheby, Of sci. men honored by the crown, 1861. Traill, W., Life of R. Simson, 1872. Biography, Theatrical. See Individual names ; Dram. Lit. and Biography. Biography, Women. Bacon, D. F., Mem. of pious W., 1833. Hays, M., Female biography, 1803. Pam., vol. 2008. Wharton, Queens of society, 1867. See Woman. Biology. See\j\ie; Man; Physiology; Pop- ulation. Birds. Aviary and bird breeder, 1830. P. 2593. Battel of starlings, 1422. Morg., Phoenix. Ober, F. A., Camp in the Carribbees, 1880. ^ee Ornithology ; Poultry. Birch, Col. J. Memoirs, 164, Cam. Soc. Birniah. See Burmah. Birmingham, Eng. of, 1864. Smith, T., Memorials Timmins, Resources and indust. of, 1866. Birmingham, Oh. Hawley, U., Memoir of, F. L. P., 2. Biscay, Spain. Manifiesto hist., 1795. Bishops. Heylin, P., Right of peerage, 1681. Prynne, W., Newes from Ipswich, 1636. " Looking-glasse for, 1636. 3C SUBJECT-INDEX. Bishops (continued). Prynne, W., Breviate of the prelates, 1687. " Outcry against prelates, 1641. " Antipathic of prelacie, 1641. 5e€ English ; Great Britain ; Bibli- ography. British Colonies in America. Bollan, Continued corruptions, 1768. Carrying on war in, 1702. H. M., 10. Considerations relative, 1765. P. 2050. Hist, of colonization, 1777. Lovell's Gazetteer, 1873. McGregor, J., Sketches of, in America, 1832. Ray, N., Importance of, 1766. Univ. Hist. Mod., v. 39, 4^, 41. See United States ; Canada ; New England ; West Indies ; North America, British ; Virginia. British Columbia. Grant, G. M., Ocean to ocean, 1877. Horetzky, Canada on the Pacific, 1874. Langevin, Offic. report on, 1872. Lord, J. K., Naturalist in, 1866. Macfie, M., History of, 1865. Weare's Letter, 1765. Ms. H. S., 1. See Vancouver's Island. British India. See India. British Museum. Great Britain, Report of Pari, commiss., 1836, fo. Nichols, T., Handy book of, 1870. See Bibliography ; Law Library. British North America. /S^e« North Amer- ica ; British Columbia ; Hudson's Bay ; Canada; Arctic, etc. Brittany, France. Bromfield, J., Travels in, 1863. Hawkes, W. W., Celt, monms. in. Am. Ge S. J. 10. Livingston, R. R., Letter to S. De Witt S A. N. Y., 2, 1807. Miorc^, Langue des Gaulois, 1821. Musgrave, Ramble in, 1870. Broaddus. A. Jeter, J. B., Disc, on, 1849 P. 2079. Brock, Gen. Smart, W., Sermon on, 1812. Brodhead, J. Van Santvoord, C, Dis- course, 1856. Bromfield, J. Reminiscences, 1852. Bronchorst, Everhard. Cunaeus, Ora- tiones, 1735. Bronson, Ol. Sermons and life of, 1861. Bronson, Oh. Kellogg, M., Memoir of. F. L. P., 1, 3, 6. Brooke, J. C. Nic 111., 6. 42 SUBJECT-INDEX. Brook Farm. Frothingham, 0. B., Trans- cend, in N. England, p. 157. Harbinger, The, period., 1845, 6. Nordhoff, C, Commun. Soc, 1875. Noyes, J. H., Am. Socialisms, 1870. Brookfield, Mass. Fiske, N., Hist, disc, 1775. Ms. H. Soc, Coll., 1, Settlement of. Brookhaven, N. Y. Record of, to 1800. Smith, E. T., Hist, of, 1876. Brookline, Ms. Brooklinc town hall dedi- cation, 1873. " Directory and hist., 1875. Muddy River, Records from 1634. Pierce, J., Hist, of, 1805. Ms. H. S. C, s. 2, V. 2. " Hist, discourse, 1806. Woods, H. F., Hist, of, 1874. Brooklyn, N. Y. Bailey, J. T., Historical sketch of, 1840. Brooklyn: Comptroller's rep., 1879. Brooklyn manual, 1853-71, 72, 73. " Directories, 1833, 45, 72, 75-79. Campaign of 1776 at, (L. I. Hist. Soc.) Drowne, T. S., Hist, disc. Holy Trinity Ch., 1868. Farm line atlas, 1874. Fulton ferry history, 1879. Furman, G., Hist, notes, 1865. niust. Annual, N. Y. and B. churches, 1875. Lewis, W. H., Serm. Ch. Holy Trinity, 1860. P. 2085. Mulrenan, Hist, of Cath. church in, 1871. St. Thomas's church, statement, 1853. P. 1887. Thompson, N. L., Hist, of Plymouth Ch., 1878. Brooks, P. C. Everett, E., Memoir. W. V. 3. Brooksville, Me. Wheeler, G. A., Hist, of, 1875. Broome Co., N. Y. Burr, G., Hist, addr., 1876. Directory, 1872. Brown, C. B. Dana, R. H., On Novels of. Brown's, G. Recoil, of life, 1866. Brown, John. Drew, T., His invasion and trial, 1860. Hale, N., Sermon on, 1859. Sanborn, F. B., Memoirs of, 1878. Smith, G.. Letter on, 1867. P. 1119. Brown, J., D. P. 2176. D. Trial. Edin., 1845. Brown, Moses. Woods, L., Serm. on, 1827. Brown, Sol. Address to Litchfield Co., Ct.. 181H. Brown, W. W. Rising Son (Life of), 1874. French, Mrs., Hist, of. Brown Co., Wise. 1876. Brown University. See Colleges. Browne, Be nj. F. Memoir of. E. LC.,13. Browne, C. F. Hingston, E. P., Artemus Ward, 1870. BroAvne, Elder John. E. I. C, v. 8, No- tice of. Browne, Sir T. Works and life. L. 1836, and 1852. Bulvver, E., Misc. prose, 1868. Browning, Mrs. E. B, Poems, N. Y., 1858. Letters to R. H. Home, 1877. Scribner's Monthly, VIL Brownists. Edwards, T., Gangraena, 1646. See Congregationalists. Brownsville, Oh. Sander, C, Hist, of, 1876. Brownsville, Texas, Haynes, J. L., Hist. of, 1876. Bruce, J. Head, F. B., Life of, 1830. Murray, A., Life of, 1808. Bruen, M. Cox, S. H., Disc, on, 1829. P. 2004. Skinner, T. H., Disc, 1829. P. 2005. Brummell, W. Jesse, Life of, 1844. Brunei, I. Brunei, L K., Life of, 1870. Brunson, Rev. A. Autobiography, 1872. Brunswick, Me. Wheeler, G. A., Hist, of, 1878. Brunswick-IiUnenburg. Gibbon, E., An- tiquities of, 1796. Miscel., 13, Brussels, Belg. Legare, Writings, Diary. Bryant, W. C. Bryant, Vase presenta- tion, 1876. Sketches from N.' Y. E. Post, 1878. Century Club, Mem. Meeting, 1878. Goethe Club, Memorial, 1870. * N. Y. E. Post, Memorial, 1878. Tuckerman, H. T., Thoughts on the poets, 1862. Waterston, R. C, Tribute to, 1878. Ms. H. S. P., 1878. Wilkinson, W. C, A free lance, 1874. Buccaneers, Chinese hist, of the pirates. 0. T. F. Felt, J. B., On piracy, 1852. E. I. C, v. 4. Parker, L., Capture of the Eliza Ann, 1826. Pirate's own book, 1859. St. Louis Newspapers, 1820-24. Newsj). v. 4. See Privateers ; Voyages. , Buclian, David, Earl of. Nic. 111., 6. Buchanan, G. Poemata; vita, 1676. Account of. Misc. Scot., 4, 1819. SUPPLEMENT. 43 Buchanan, James, Pres. Seine Grund- satze, 1856. P. 1931. Clingman, T. L., Speeches, 1877. Jones, J. G., Remarks on, 1856. P. 2177. Buchanan, James, Br« Consul. Church of God and Life of. L,, 1845. Buchanan Family. Account of, Misc. Scot. 4, 1810. Buch, H. M. Trebutien,Vie de. Soc. Mont. 2. Bucke ridge. Rev. T. Nic. 111., 6. Buckingham, G. Villiers, Duke of. Eglisham, G., Forerunner of revenge, 1641. H. M., 4. Life of. H. M., 8. Wotton, Sir H., Life of, 1642. H. M., 5. Wotton's Reliquiae, 1672, Buckingham, J. S. Brit, and For. Inst. Trans., 1843-5. Buckingham, W. A. Memoir of, 1875. Buckingham, Pa. Watson, J., Settlement of. H. P. M., 1. Buckinghamshire, Eng. Langley, T., of Desborough, 1797. Light shining in B., 1648, 1649. Lysons, Magna Britannia, v. 1, 1822. Buckle, H. T. Misc. works, 1. Life, 1872. Glennie, Pilgrim memories, 1875. Huth, A. H., Life and writings of, 1880, Nat. Quar. Rev., 1861, Fallacies of. Buckminster, J, S, Works and Life. B., 1839: Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 5, v. 2, Memoir of. Buck's Co, Penna. Davis, W. W. II., Hist, of, 1876. Budaeus, G. Erasmus, Epistolae, 1521. Buddhism. Am. Orient. S. J., 4, Genesis of, in Ind. " 3, Life of Gaudama. Apastamba Gautama. Mueller, Sac, B, E,, V, 2. Arnold, E., The light of Asia, 1879. Burnouf, E., Histoire du Buddhisme. Bib, Internationale, Paris, 1876, Catechism, Chinese and Armenian transla- tions, 0. T. F., 1831. Cong. d. Am., 1, 3, T. 1., B. en Amer. Cunningham, History of the Sikhs, 1853, Fergusson, J., Tree and serpent worship, 1873. r Hardy, R. S., Legends and Theories of, 1866. Johnson, S., Oriental religions, 1872. Kalpa Sutra, Jain religion, 1848, 0. T. F. Kriskna's last days. Misc. Trans., 0. T. F. Mahavanso (Tm-nour), 1837. Mueller, F. K, On B. Nihilism, 1869. P. 2188. On Nihilism, 1874. " Origin of religion, 1878. Buddhism (continued). Mueller, F, M., Sacred books of the East, v. 10, 11. L. 1881. Oupanichat, Trans. 0. T. F. Rig-veda-Sauhita, Rosen. 0. T. F, Rig Veda ; trad, de Langlois, 1870, Ritual of. Misc. Trans. 0. T. F. Salisbury, E. E., Mem. on. Am. Or. S. J. 1. Sangermano, Hist, of the Burm. emp. O. T. F., 1833. Sankhya karika. Sans, and Engl. 0. T. F. Shu-king. Mueller, Sac. B. E., v. 3. Summer, Mrs., Histoire du Bouddli"l874. Upham, Sacred books of Ceylon, 1833. Wheeler, J. T., Buddhist revival, 1874. Whitney, W. D., Oriental studies, 1873. iS'e^ Hindoos; India. Budington, W. I. In memoriam, 1880. Buell, S. Daggett, H., Disc, on, 1799. Buenos Ayres. Bonelli, Travels, 1854. Buenos Ayres Immigracion, 1874. Funes, G., Historia del., 1817. Schmiedel, U., Relation de, 1534. Tern. Comp., 4. Sewelch, Campanha de, 1827. Ins. H do Bra., 37, 1 P. See La Plata ; Argentine Confed. Buffalo, IV. Y. Buffalo Trade and com- merce, 1853, 74. " Commer. and resources, 1880. Buffalo Hist. Soc. papers, 1863-64. Hosmer, G. W., Physiog. of, 1864. Ketchum, W., Name of. Buf. H. S. P., 1. Lord, J. C, Hist. Cent. Presb. Ch., 1860. North Presb. Ch., manual, 1853. P. 2030. Salisbury, G. H., B. in 1836 and 1862. Buf. H, S. C. Stillman, T., Hist, of Presb. of, 1867. P. 2030. Wilkeson, J., Mnfs. of iron in. Bu^. H. S. C. Buffaloes. Harvard Coll. Mus., American bison. J, A. Allen, 1876. Buffalo Valley, Penna. Linn, J. B., Annals of, 1877, Building. Anderson, J., Strength of mate- rials, 1872. Bridges, L., Ready made houses, 1870. P. 2580. Campbell Brick and Tile Co., Designs, 1875. Delafield, R., On foundations, 1868. P. 1996. France, Expos, de Lond., 1851. Trav. de la Comm., 7. Godwin, G., Another blow for life, 1864. Hosking, W., Regulation of, 1848. Langley, Builder's Ass't, 1740. Loudon, Suburban gardener, 1838. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 10, 18. Robison, Joinery of roofs, 1859. Rondelet, Art de b^tir, 1847. 44 SUBJECT-INDEX. Building (continued). Scott, F. J., The palaces of America, 1869. P. 1996. U. S. Rep. on Vienna Exh., 1873, 4. Building Associations. N. Y. Report on, in N. Y. city, 1856. P. 2146. Quincy, J., Plea for, 1875. P. 2146. See Mutual Aid. Building Stone* Am. Artifi. St. Company, 1855. P. 2120. Gilmore, Q. A., Report on, 1874. P. 1996. " ^ Report, 1875. U. S. Eng'r^ rep. Hall, T, Report on, 1868. P. 1996. •Hull, On building stones, 1872. Porter, C. H., Paper on, 1868. P. 1996. Rondelet, Art de batir, 1847. U. S., Rept. on Paris Exp., 1867, Artificial, 4. Bulfinch, Mrs. S. P. 1917. Gary, S., Disc, on, 1820. Freeman, J., Disc, on, 1820. P. 1917. Bulgaria. Clark, E. L., Races of Turkey, 1878. Current discussions. Forbes' s essay, 1879. Dwight, H. 0., Turks in war time, 1881. Mackenzie, Gr. W., Trav. Slavon. prov,, 1866. St. Clair, S. G. B.^ 12 years in, 1877. Univ. Hist., Anc, y. 19. See Turkey. Bulkley, J. Sprague, W. B., Sermon. Serms., y. 3. Bull, Bp. G. Nelson, R., Life of, 1713. Bull, Rev. N. Lord, J. C, Serm. on, 1847. Bunker Hill. Baker, P. C, Oration on, 1853. P. 2089. Bancroft's, Col. narr. See Worcester, L. T. B. H. Mon. Assn., Display of flags, 1861. " Centen. celeb., 1876. " Proc, 1862 to 1879. Clarke, J., Impartial narr. of, 1775. Davies, C, Addr. U. S. Mil. Acad., 1875. Dearborn, H., Acct. of, 1818. Portfolio, Devens, C, Jr., Oration, 1875. Cent. Or. Drake, S. A., Letters from Bnt. officers, 1875. Ellis, G. E., Hist, of battle, 1875. Frothingham, R., Cent, battle of, 1875. N. Hamp. men at. Granite Monthly, v. 2. Nicolas, Hist. Roy. marines, 1845. Prescott, W., Account of. Ms. H. S. P., 1875-6. Putnam, D., Letter, 1825. Conn. H. S. C, 1. Warren, G. W., Hist, of the Mon. Ass'n, 1877. See Charlestown, Mass. Bunting, J. Bunting, T. P., Life of, 1859. Bunyan, J. Works. N. Hav., 1830. B. C. Froude, J. A., Life and writings of, 1880. Bunyan, J. (continued). Horn, E. T., On Pilgrims' Prog., 1869. P. 2018. Lenox Lib. Contrib., No. 4, Ed's of Pilgrim's Progress, 1879. Whittier, J. G., Old portraits, 1850. Buoys. Paris Expos., 1867. Rap. du Jury, Burch, F. van der. Vie de. Soc. Mont., 5. Burckhardt, J. L. Life and travels. Cham. Misc. 15. Bureau Co., 111. Hist, andbiog. of, 1877. Burgersdicins, F. Cunaeus, Orationes, 1735. Burgess, Bp. G. Diary, 1866. Burgoyne, Gen. J. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, Oct., 1877. Surrender of. Burgoyne, J., Letter to, 1779. Lamentations of, in verse. Supp. to Exped., 1780. Campaign. B. P. L. Bull, 40, 41, Lit. of 1777. Curtis, G. W., Centen. oration, 1877. De Peyster, J. W., Address on his campaign, 1777. Ellis, G., B. in Boston. Ms. H. S. P., 1875-6. Fonblanque, Pol. and mil. episodes, 1770- 1800. Hall, B. H., Battle Summer, 1777. Mass. H. S. Proc, 1855. Campaign. Obs. on Short hist, of opposition, 1779. Oriskany battle centennial, 1878. Saratoga Mon. Assn. Centenn. celeb., 1877. " Collection on celeb., 1877. " Address of, 1874. P. 2090. Stevens, J. A., Addr. Bemis heights, 1877. Stone, W. L., Campaign of, 1877. " Centen. celeb., 1878. Street, A. B., Poem on, 1877. Vt. H. C, vol. I., Invasion of 1777. View of the evidence, 1779. Burials and Burial Customs. See Ceme- teries ; Cremation ; Funerals ; Inter- ments. Burke, E. Works, 1806, 1855. Adams, W. H. D., Eng. party leaders, 1878. Maurice, F. D., Lecture on, 1874. Burleigh Family. Burleigh, C, Geneal. of. 1880. Burlesque. See Humor. Burlingame, A. N. Y. banquet to, 1868. N. Y. Cham, of Com., Tribute to, 1870. Misc. Pub. Burlington, N. J. Browif H. A., Centen.. orat., 1877. Hills, G. M., Hist, of church in, 1876. Burlington Co., N. J. Directory, 1876. SUPPLEMENT. 45 Recoil, of old pioneer, Brunson, A., Memoir of. Burmah. Am. Bapt. Union Conv., at Maul- main, 1853. Malcom, H., Mason, H. M., Memoir of, 1851. Sangermano, Hist. of. 0. T. F., 1833. Symes, Embassy to Ava, 1795. Vincent, F., Land of elephant, 1874. ** Two months in. Am. Ge. S. J., 8, ;Se^ India; China; Asia (South). Burmann, P. Harles, T. C, De vitisphilol., 1764. Burnett, P. H. 1880. Burnett, T. P. W. H. C, 2 Burnham, W. A. Wickham, J. D., Disc, on, 1860. Burns, Ant. Clarke, J. F., Story of, 1854. Burns, R. Works and life, L., 1845, 1868. Works and life, Ph., 1823. B. C. " Poems and life by Rev. H. Paul, Air, 1819. Celebration, N. Y., 1869. P. 2018. Cat. of MSS. of, 1861. Contemporaries of, 1840. Festival, Savannah, 1859. P. 1241. Life of, by Carlyle, N. Y., 1869. Burr, A. Adams, J. Q., Report on J. Smith, 1808. Burr, A., Priv. Journal, 1808-16. Cheetham, J., Nine letters, 1803. " Letters, 1809. Clemens, J., The rivals, 1860. Fict. Coleman, W., Docts., death of Hamilton, 1804. Examination of J;he various charges. Ari- stides, 2d ed., 1804. Hayes, D. A., Portrait of. N. J. H. P., 10. Smith, J., Queries and answers, 1807. P. 1907. Warren, Antidote, 1802. Wilkinson, J., Burr's conspiracy exposed, 1811. " Mem. of own times, 1816. Burt, F. French, J., Memoir of. N. H. H.,3. Burton, Rev. G. Corresp. Nic. 111., 3, 6. Burton, Rev. J. Manning, Memoir of . Nic. 111., 1. Burton, John, M. D. Nic. 111., 3, 4, 5, Notice and corresp. Bushnell, Rev. H. Writings, coll., 1835-69. " Life and letters of, 1880. Porter, N., Serm. on, 1876. P. 2078. Butler, Ann C. Wells, E. M. P., Sermon on. Butler, B. F., of Mass. American cyclops, 1868. Bland, T. A., Life of, 1879. Butler, B. F., At home, 1865. Butler, B. F., of Mass. (continued). Butler, B. F., Corresp. with Gov. Andrew, 1862. " Reception, Lowell, 1865. " Speeches, 1863-78. Dana, R. H., Jr., Speech on, 1868. Gordon, G. H., Speech, on, 1868. Kilpatrick, Gen., Speech on, 1868. Butler, B. F., of N. Y. Proc. death of, 1859. P. 1858. Butler, C. White, J. B., Strictures on Book of the church, 1826. Butler, J. Stephen, L., EngUsh thought, 1876. Butler, P. Schott, Statement, 1844. P. 2025. Butler, S. Works and life, Lon. B. C. Butler, Bp. S. Works and life. Cam., 1827. Butterfield, J. Memorial, 1869. P. 1878. Buxton, Me. Marshall, J. M., Centen. celeb., 1874. Narraganset, No. 1, records, 1871. Williams, N. W., Ceutenn. addr., 1850. Byles, Rev. M. Prot. Epis. Ch. Coll., 2, Notice of. Byng, Adm. Candid examination, 1757. P. 807. Byrd, Capt. W. Letters, 1683-4. Va. H. R., 1. Byrd, Col. W. Acct. of, 1851. Va. H, R., 4. Byron, G. M., Lord. Works and life. N. Y., 1840. Byron, Lady, Vindication of, 1871. Byron, Maj. G..G., Works ed. by, N. Y., 1849. Pam. 2018. Castelar, Life of, 1876. Elze, K., Biog. of, 1872. Gamba, Narr. of journey to Greece, 1825. Gordon, Sir C, Genius of, 1824. Pmtr., 24. Hobhouse, J., Illust. of Childe Harold, 1818. Kennedy, J., Conv. on religion with, 1833. Letter to, 1822. Pmtr., 19. Moore, T., Prose and verse, 1878. Peabody, W. B. 0., Lit. remains, 1850. Swinburne, A. C, Essays, 1876. Byzantine Empire. Clark, E. L., Races of Eur. Turkey, 1878. Freeman, E. A., Essays, Series 3. See Constantinople ; Rome ; Greece. 0. Cabala. Franck, A., Kabbale, 1843. Reuchlin, De arte cabalistica. Schauffler, W. G., Shabbathai Zevi. Am. Or. S. J., 2. 46 SUBJECT-INDEX Cabell, W. Cabell, N. F., Notice of. Cabeza de Vaca. See Nunez, A., Cabeza de Vaca. Cabot, G. Lodge, H. S. C, Life of. Cabot, J. and S. Avezac D', Letters on. Me. H. S., s. 2, V. 1, Stevens, H., The Cabots, 1870. Caccia, J. F., Comte, Fossati, Vie de. Soc. Mont., 6. Cadamosto, A,, da, Navigationi. Ra., 1*. Cady, D. Fisher, J. P., Disc, on, 1859. P. 2004. Caesar, Julius* DeQuincey, T., The Caesars. W. V. 4, 1851. Cahoone, Rev. W. Knox, J., Serm. on, I84y. Calais, Me, Knowlton, Annals of. 1875. Calculatiug Machines: France. Expos, de Lond., 1851. Trav. de la Comm., 3, 2, P. U. S., Kept, on Paris Exp., 1867, 3. Calcutta. East India sketch book, 1836. Train, G. F.. Young America abroad, 1857. Caldas, D. B* Ins, H. do Bra., 14, Biog de. Caldas, P. de Sonsa. Ins H. do Bra., 5, Biog. de. Calder, Rev. John. Nic. 111., 8, Notice of. Caldwell, A, Nic. 111., 8, Memoir of. Caldwell, Rev. D. Caruthcrs, Life of, 1842. Caldwell, James. Murray, N., Memoir of. N. J., H. P., 3. Caldwell, Jos, Anderson, W., Orat. on, 1835. P. 2079. Calendars, aS«^ Almanacs ; Flowers; Chro- nology. Calhoun, J. C. Works. N. Y., 1853-5. Bates, Miss M., Private life of, 1852. P. 1999. Coit, J. C, Eulog. on, 1850. P. 1999. New Orleans, Proc, 1853. Rush, R., Character of. Slaughter, Reminis., 1878. Winthrop, R. C, Death of, 1850. W. v. 1. Calhoun Co., Mich, Pierce, H. B., Hist. of, 1877. California, Bancroft's travel, guide, 1872. P. 2589. Beadle's West, 1873. Bell, W. A., New tracks, 1870. Borthwick, J. H., 8 years in, 1857. Burnett, P. H., Recoil, of pioneer, 1880. California, Geol. Surv., Yosemito book, 1868. " Adj. -Gen's report, 1805. " Commer., etc., interests of, 1877. •* Public lands of, 1866. " Statistics. 1869. P. 1879. California (continued). California Immigrant Union, 1870. P. 1879. California Mail bag, 1871-2. Carmany, Review of mines, 1866. P. 2080. Cone, Mary, Two years in, 1876. Cooke, P. St. G., Conquest of, 1878. Delano, A., Life on the plains, 1854. De Quincey, T., Writings, v. 14. Dixon, W. H., White conquest, 1876. Duncan, J., Fremont gold mines, 1852. P. 1879. Farnham, Eliza W., C, in doors and out, 1856. Fisher, L. P., Descrip. of towns, 1870. P. 2596. Haussman, Voyage en C. Soc. de Geog. B., 1850. Helper, H. R., Land of gold, 1855. Hunt, T. D., Account of. Am. Ge. S. J., 1. Hutchings, J. M., Scenes in, 1860. Indians of. E. I. B., v. 2. King, T. B., Report on, 1850. P. 1879. Lawrence, Gems of scenery, 1866. P. 2560. Leese, J. P., Hist, of lower Cal., 1865. P. 2080. Lower Cal., its geog., 1868. P. 1879. McGarrahan claim, 1868. P. 1879. Montemont, A., L' Oregon et la C. Soc. de Geog. B„ 1846. Nordhofif, C. Travels in, 1873. Northern Cal., 1874. Overland Monthly, 1868-74. Pam., V. 1879, 2080. Peabody, A., Early days of. E. I. C, v. 12. Powei's, S., Afoot and alone, 1872. Railroad Gazetteer, 1871. Read, J. M., Speech on, 1850. P. 1829. Remy, J., Journey to Salt lake. 1861. Resources of valleys, 1868. Roquette, Cotes de C. et Oregon. Soc. de Geog. B., 1850, Saxon, I., Five years in, 1868. Sherwood, J. E., Resources of, 1848. P. 2080. Soc. de Geog., B. 1850. Portes de. " B. 1850. Description de. Stillman, J, D, B,, Pioneer life, 1877. Sumner, C. A., Addresses on, 1878-79. Taylor, A. S., First voy. to, in 1542-8. U. S. Engineer's report, 1876, 1878. Upham, S. C, Voyage to, in 1849-50. Washburne, E. H., Address, Pioneers, 1862, P, 1879. Willey, S. H., 30 years in, 1879. California, Local Histories. See Santa Cruz; Sacramento; Stockton; Marys- ville ; San Bernardino ; Yuba Co. California Compromise. Buckner, A. Speech H. of R., 1849. P. 1879. Buel, A. W., Speech, 1851. SUPPLEMENT. 47 California Compromise (continued). Fowler, 0., Speech, H. of R., 1850. P. 1879. McDowell, J., Speech, 1849. P. 1879. Webster, D., Speech, Mar. 7, 1850. July 17, 1850. P. 1879. Callender, J. Elton, R., Memoir of. R. I. H. C, 4. Calumet Co., VVis. Cammuck, T., Sketch of. W. H. C, 1. Calvert, Sir G. Mayer, B., Discourse on, 1852. Hist. Soc. of Penna. Coll., 1852. Neill, E. D., Terra Marian, Phil., 1867. SirG. C, Baronof Bait., Bait., 1869. " The founders of Maryland, Albany, 1876. Calvin, J. Fisher, S. W., Address on, 1856. Full length portrait, N. Y., 1809. Guizot, Great Christians, 1869. Tomline, G., Refutation of, 1811. Calvinism. Are you a Christian. Bost., 1815. P. 2176. C. and Arminianism, 1824. P. 2176. Calvin's common prayer. Phenix, 2, 1708. Trial, The, E. Prentiss. P. 2535. See Theology. Cambodia. D'Abain, J. G. G., Report on. Am. Ge. S. J., 7. Univ. Hist. Mod., v. 7. Vincent, F., Ruins of. Am. Ge. S. J. 10. Travels, 1871-2. Cambridge, Ms. Cambridge directory, 1850, 51, 53, 56, 57, 59. 60, 63. Cambridge Soldiers' Monum., 1870. Fiske, T., Hist, disc, 1809. P. 2089. Handbook for, 1858. P. 2589. Holmes, A., Anniv. disc, 1829. " Controversy of 1st Parish, 1829. Hoppin, N., Hist. disc, on Christ church, 1858. Newell, W., Serm., 25th year, 1855. Paige, L.R., Hist, of, 1877. Peabody, A. P., Centen. orat., 1875. Revolut. memorial, 1870. P. 2015. See Harvard University ; Mt. Auburn. Cambridge, N. Y. Centennial, 1874. Cambridgeport, Mass. Stearns, W. A., Farewell disc, 1855. Cambridgeshire, Eng. Directory, 1850. See Bedfordshii-e. " Directory, 1864. " For 1855, See Huntingdonshire, Lysons, Magna Britannia, 1822. Cambridge University, JEng. Bristed, C. A., Five years in, 1873. Cam. Calendar, 1874. '• Ordinance regulating, 1643. H. M.,5. " Regulations, 1870. Cambridge University, E!ng. (continued). Dyer, G., Academic Unity, 1827. Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, 1824. Gunning, H., Reminiscences of, 1855. Marsh, H., Addr. to Senate of. Pmtr., 1. Petition, 1642. H. M., 51. Potts, R., Aids to students, 1855. " Competition papers, 1866. Ryves, Mercurius rusticus, 1685. Camden, N. Y. Cong. Ch. Manual, 1876. Clement, J., Revolu. Camden Co., N. J remin., 1876. Mickle, Reminis., 1845. Cam'elford, Lord. Nic 111., v. 6. Cameron, Jenny. Arbuthnot, Life of, 1746. Cameron, S. Banquet to, 1862. P. 1999. Cameron Family of Scotland. Mait. Club, 69. Cameron Co., Texas. Haynes, J. L., Hist, of, 1876. Camisards. Chambers Misc. v. 13. Camoens, L. de. Bouterwek, F., Hist, of Port, lit., 1828. Greatrake, L., Lights and P. 952. Campbell, Alex. shades, 183i Campbell, D. Palmer, R., Address, 1851. Sprague's S., v. 2. Campbell, J. W. Biog. sketches, 1838. Campbell, Dr. Tlios. Nic. HI., 7, Memoir of. Jones, M. K., Hist, of, Campbell Co., Ky. 1876. Campbellites. See Disciples of Christ. Campion, E. Confessions of, Morgan's Phoenix. Camp-Meetings. Apology for, 1810. Canada : History and Politics. Atche- son, N., Am. encroachments, 1808. Pmtr., 6. Bibaud, Diet, des hommes illust., 1857. Bolton, E. C, Confed. of Br. N. Am., 1866. Charlevoix, Hist, and descr. of New France, 1872. Chaumonot, Pere P., Autobiographic, 1869. Current discussions, Smith, G., Polit. destiny of. Essay, 1879. Davin, N. F., The Irishman in. L., 1877. Day, C. M., Eastern towns pioneers, 1863. DriscoU. The Canadian ministry, 1866. Duane, W., Cont. Congress and C. H. P. C. Elgin, Letters and Journ., 1872. Faillon, Hist, de la colonic franqaise, 1866. Ferland, Obs. sur M. Brasseur, 1853. " Cours d' hist., 1663-1759. Gray, J. H., Hist, of the Confed., 1872. Gr. Br., Defence of, (Jervis), 1864. 48 SUBJECT-INDEX. Canada: History and Politics (continued) Hincks, Sir F., Pol. hist, of, 1840-55. Jenkins, E., The great dominion, 1875. " Can. immigration, 1876. Journal, 1775-6 (Lit. & H. Soc. de Quebec.) Journal des J6suites, Quebec, 1871. Kaye, Corresp. of Lord Metcalf, 1854, Labrie, J., Obs. sur la constit., 1827. P. 2052. Laval, Bp. F. de, Vie de, 1874. Leggo, W., Dufferin's administration, 1878. Lescarbot, Muses de la nouvelle France, 1612, Poetry. Lesperance, J., The Bastonnais. Fict. of 1775, 1877. Lit. and Hist. Soc. of Quebec, 1866-75. McGee, T. D., Speeches on Br. Am. Union, 1865. M6moires.... 1748-60. Soc. lit. de Quebec, 1873. Miles, H. H., History of, 1872. Military defenses of, 1862. P. 2052. O'Neill, Gen. J., Invasion of, 1870. Pam., vol. 2052. Parkman, F., The old r6gime in, 1874. Savage, T., Exped. agst., 1690. Smith, Goldwin, Destiny of, 1878. Soc. Hist, de Montreal, M6m. et doc, 1880. Stewart, G. J., Admm. of Dufferin, 1878. Sutherland, T. J., Letter to the queen, 1841. Tach6, J. C, 200e anniv. de Laval, 1859. P. 2052. Thayer, Invasion, 1775. lib. Is. Hist. Soc. Turcotte, C. sous 1' union, 1841-67. Verreau. Abb6, Invasion du, (1775), 1873. Ward, E., Speeches on treaty, 1877. Watson, S. J., Const, hist, of, 1874. White, T., Jr., Canadian polit. hist., 1874. " Protestant minority in Quebec. Wilson, F. A., Britain redeemed, 1850. i5e« Jesuit Missions ; North America; British Colonies; Nova Scotia; United States. Canada : Registers and Statistics. Can- ada, Accounts, 1853-70. " Cadastres des seigneuries du Bas Canada, 1863, 8 v. fo. " Census, 1870-71. Militia reports, 1868, '70, 71. Post-offices, 187L ** Trade and navigation, 1851-70. Canada Educ. directory, 1876. Clerical guide, 1877. Drapeau, S., Colon, du Bas. C, 1851-Gl. Ga/etteer of the dominion, Lovell's, 1878. Morgan's Pari. Companion: Biog., etc., 1874,75. Presbyterian year book, 1879. Year book, 1868, 1871. See Montreal; Quebec; Toronto; New Brunswick; Ontario. Canada : Travels and Descriptions. Adams, A. L., Rambles in East Canada, 1873. Amer. memoranda, 1844. Butler, W. F., Wild north land, 1874. Canada: Advantages of settler, 1845. P. 2044. Canada, County maps of, 1853. Canada Illustrated News, 1873. Carroll, C, Journal to, 1776. Cartier, J., Relationi. Ra., 3. Dawson, Ae. M., N. W. Territory, 1870. Geike, C, Life in the woods, 1873. Hare, R., Mem. of a tour, 1774. H. P. 6. Horetzky, C. on the Pacific, 1884. Hurlbert, J. B., Physical atlas of, 1880. Lact, De, Beschry. v. W. Indien, 1630. " Novus Orbis, 1633. " Nouveau Monde, 1640. McDonald, M., Hudson Bay to Pacific, 1872. Margry, D6couv. des Franqais, 1876-8. Moodie, Mrs., Life in the clearings, 1854. New England Soc. L., 1840-66. Norton, C. L., Canoeing in Kanuckia, 1878. Ogden, J. C, Tour through, 1800. Patterson, W. J,, Water highways of, 1874. " Two letters, commerce of, 1876. Shofepac recollections, (W. March), 1856. Spence, T., Saskatchewan country, 1877. Stamer, W., Gentleman emigrant, 1874. Strickland, S., 27 years in C. west, 1853. Traill, C. P., Afar in the forest, 1869. White, J., Sketches, 1870. White, T., Jr., Our great west, 1873. See Geology. Canals. Baxter, W., Steam on, 1874. P. 2124. Canada, Report of Chf. Engineer, 1880. *' Welland canal invest., 1836. Chesebrough, Heating in winter, 1873. P. 2124. Commer. Union of N. Y., 1870. P. 2124. Dobbins, Rep. on steam trips, 1873. P. 2124. Illinois, Commr's rep., 1870, 72. Maclaren, C, R. R. comp. with, 1825. Pmtr., 26. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 2, v. 8, Cape Cod C, 1776. Mills, R., Of inland nav., 1820. Penna., Reports on sale of, 1854. P. 1906. Scott, F. J., National works. U. S. Report, routes to seaboard. 1874. See Ship Canals ; Suez Canal. Canals of New York. Coldon, Memoir of completion, 1825. Rusted, J. W., On free C, 1877. P. 2124. N. Y., Investigation of canals, 1876. " Auditor's rep. on tolls, etc., 1851-79. " Engineer's rep., 1870-80. SUPPLEMENT. 49 Canals of New York (continued). N. Y., Fund commr's report, 1844, 47-50. Public Works, Supt. rep., 1879. " • Report on steam on, 1873. P. 2124. Ruggles, S. B., Memorial, defense of the lakes, 1862. Walker, E. H., On tolls, 1873. P. 2124. Wells, D. A., Report on tolls, 1878. Wright, Report on Del. and Hud. C, 1824 P. 5. B. C. See Erie Canal. Canary Is. Avezac, D', Exp^d. de Bethen- court. Soc. de Geog. B., 1846. Benzoni, G,, Descriptio, 1596. Bry, Ind. Oc. Pt. 6. Berthelot, S., Carte de T^neriflfe. Soc. de Geog. B., 1847. Borda, Voy. aux C. Soc. de Geog. B., 1847, Bontier, Conquest of, 1402. Hakluyt Soc. Gomara, F. L. de, Hist, de las Inds. Ba. Linschot & Herrera, Navig., 1619. Murray, E., Travels, 1859. Ogier, Account of, 1871. Ogilby, J., Africa, 1670. Roberts, G., Voyages, 1726. Spry, Cruise of Challenger, 1877. Cancer. Blake, G. T., C. cured, 1857. P. 2564. Candia Is. Appeal to U. S., 1867. P. 1885. Benjamin, S., Turk and Greek, 1867. Cartwright, J., Insurrection in, 1866. P. 1885. Howe, S. G., Cretan refugees, 1868. Phillips, W., Speech for, 1867. P. 1885. Stillman, W. J., Insurrect. of, 1867-8. Un. St. and Turkey, 1868. P. 1885. See Greece. Canning, George, Adams, W. H. D., En- glish party leaders, 1878. Bulwer, H. L., Hist, char., 1868. Canning, Rev. R. Nic. HI., 6. Canoes. Bishop, N. H., Voy. of paper can.. 1878. ^ F F Canopus Stone. Scribner's Monthly, May, 1873. •" •^' See Hieroglyphics. Canterbury, Eng., Cathed. Ch. Christ Ch., Letters, 1334-1510. Cam. Soc. Stanley, A. P., Hist. mem. of, 1875. Woolnoth, Cant, cathedral, 1816. Canterbury, New Hamp. Patrick, W., Sketches of. N. H. H., 4. Canton, Mass. Centennial, 1876. " Comm. on town seal, Rep., 1881. Cape Ann, Mass. Centenn. Almanac, 1876 Cape Breton. Account of the Mickmackis, 1758. Cape Breton, (continued). Auchmutv, R., Importance of, 1774. Ms. H. S. t;., s. 1, V. 5. Mass. H. S. Coll., I., i, Expedition agst. Mem. of principal transactions, 1757. Two letters cone, 1746. Cape Cod. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 1, v. 8, Mourt's Journal, 1620. Nordhoff, C, C. C. and all along shore, 1868- See Barnstable. Cape of Good Hope. Burchell, W. J., Emig. to, 1820. Pmtr., 17. Cham. Misc., 20, Four months in. Sarrmau, A., Voyage to, 1785. Valentyn, Oud en niew Oost Indien, 1724. See Africa, South. Capell, Edward. Memoirs of. Nic. 111., 1. Capital Punishment. Bradford, W., If necessary in Penna., 1793, 95. P. 1852, 2081. Briggs, F,, Letters from prison, 1792. P. 1880. Bullock, A. H., Addr., case of Green, 1865. P. 1880. Chidley, S., A crying sin, 1652. H. M., 6. Dergan's, B., Life, 1869. P. 1880. Great Britain, Pari, debate, 1869. P. 1880. Green, Ed., Shall we suffocate? 1864. P. 2081. Hall, A., Life of, 1849. P. 1880. Hull, M. N. B., Remarks on, 1821. P. 1880. Irish Quar. Rev., 1857. Letters to C. Strong (Whelpley),1818. Levi, Annals of Brit. Legis., 1866. Mass., Report on, 1836. P. 2081. News from the dead, 1650. Morg. Phoenix. N. Y., Report on abolition, 1832. P. 1880. O'Donnell, B., Life of, 1849. P. 1880. Pam., V. 1880, 2081. Polidori, J. W., P. of death, 1816. Pmtr., 8. Powers, M., Life of, 1820. Rantoul, Report, speech, letters, 1863. Report on laws, 1821. Pmtr., 15. Rogers, John, Execut. of. P. 1880. Shaftesbury's, G., Life, 1856. P. 1880. Tallack, W., Dignity of law dimin. by, 1871. P. 1880. Wrightson, T., On pun. of death, 1833. P. 155. See Prisons ; Crime. Capital Punishments : Sermons at Exe- cutions. Channing, H., Exec, of Hannah Ocuish, 1786. P. 1880. Fisher, N., Exec, of H. Blackburn, 1796. P. 1880. Fobes, P., Exec, of J. Dixson, 1784. P. 1880. Going, J., Ex. of H. Carter, 1825. P. 1880. Graham, C, Exec, of Gillespie, 1759. 50 SUBJECT-INDEX. Capital Punishments : Sermons at Exe- cutions (continued), Griggs, L., Exec, of J. W. Webster, 1850. P. 1880. Hamilton, W. T., Ex. of C. R. S. Boynton, 1835. P. 1880. Huntington, E., Ex. of T. Starr, 1797. P.1880. Lowell, C, Exec, of H. P. S. Davis, 1817. P. 1880. Maccarty, T., Exec, of four men, Worcester, 1778. Exec, of W. Linsey, 1770. P. 1880. Marsh, J., Exec, of Lydia Beadle, 1782. P. 1880. Merriam, M., Exec, of J. Abbot, 1792. P. 1880. Occam, S., for M. Paul, 1771. Winfield, A. B., Murder by W. Freeman, 1846. P. 1880. Cappello, B. Trollope's decade, 1859. Capitols. See Architecture. Capri, Italy. Taylor, B., Byeways, 1869. Carausius, M. A. V. Stukeley, Palseog. Britann., 1752. Medall. hist, of, 1757. Carbeth Family. Account of. Misc. Scot, 4. Carbolic Acid. 1869. P. 2117. Carbon Co., Pa. Laciar, J. D., C. Co. in war, 1861-65. 1867. Rupp., Hist, of, 1845. Carbonari. Heckethorn, C. W., Secret socs., 1875. See Secret Societies. Carbondale Directory. 1875. See Pittston. Card, S, Leland, J., Serm. on, 1732. Cardiff Giant. Am. J. of Sci., July, 1871. Am. Orient. Soc. Proc, Oct., 1874. CardiflE G., description, 1869. Vol. 2, The Am. Goliah, 1869. Galaxy, July, 1872. New Englander, vol. 84, p. 759. N. Y. Tribune, Jan. 24, 1878, Hull's Colorado Giant. Cards, Playing. Coruna, Fab. en la N. Esp., 1582. Spain, Cartas de Indias, 1877. Fry, D. P., Technology of manf. of. Philol. Soc. Trans., 1867. New game of cards, an almanack, 1795. See New Fortune. Paris, Expos, de, 1855. Calligraphic. See Engraving j Typography., Carew, Lord G. Letters, 1615-17. Cum. Soc. Carew, Sir P. Life of, 1867. Carey* Arthur. Case of, 1848. Duer, J., Speech on, 1848. Tyng, S. H., Letter on, 1848. Caribee Is. Congrgs des Am^ricanistes, I, 411. Ober, F. A., Camps in, 1880. Recueil de divers voyages, 1674. Rochefort, C. C. de, Hist, of, 1666 (Davies). See West Indies. Caricature. Visser, Atlas d'estampes, vente, 1881. Wright, T., History of, under H. of -Hanover. L., 1865. Carlisle, Eng. Guide, 1842. White, Walt., Northumberland, 1859. Carlyle, T. Bayne, P., Lessons from, 1879. Boston Pub. Lib., Bull., Apr., 1881, Bibliog. and notices. Carlyle, T., Reminiscences, Froude, L., 1881. Greg, W, R., Lit. and soc. judgments, 1877. Sterling, J., Essays and tales, 1848. Taine, H. A., Hist, of Eng. literature, 1871. Carnot, L. N. M. Memorial of. Pmtr., 5. Carolan, T. Anecdotes of. Nic. HI., 7. Caroline, Queen of England. Mather, S., Sermon on, 1738. Caroline of Brunswick, Queen. Cob- bett, W., Queen's answer, 1821. P. 2028. English traveller, Journ. of, 1817. Pmtr., 10. Genuine, The, Book, 1813. Lees, Harcourt, Publications, 1820. Pam., vol. 709. Caroline Is. O'Connell, J. F., Residence in, 1836. Caron, R. E. Turcotte, Biog. de, 1878. Carpenter, A. T. Cong. memo. 1877. Carpenter, F. B. Perkins, F. B., Picture of Lincoln and cabinet. 1867. Carpenter, P. P. Carpenter, R. L., Mem. of, 1880. Carpenter, Prof. S. H. W. H. Coll., v. 8, In memoriara. Carpenter's Hall, Phila. Brown, H. A., Centen. orat., 1874. Carpentry. See Architecture ; Arts ; Build- ing. Carrel, A. Mill, J. S., Diss., v. I, 1864. Carriages. France, Trav. de la Comm., 3, 1, P. 1, s. Expos, de Lond., 1851. Lewis, T., On C. Comstock, buckboard in- ventor, R. S. Hale's letter, 1881. Livingston, R. R., On springs of. S. A. N. Y:, 2, 1807. London, Exhib. of 1862. Of. 111. Cat., 1. *' Exhib. of 1862. Rept. of Juries. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 9. Carrington, Col.C. Va. H. R., 2, Notice of. Carroll, C. Mayer, B., Memoir of. Md. H. R. 1. SUPPLEMENT. 51 Carroll, Abp. C. Wharton, C. H., Answer to, 1817. Carroll Co., Indiana. Stewart, J. H., Recollections, 1872. Carron, G. Vie de. Soc. Mont., 1. Carstares, W. Life, and State papers, 1689- 1711. Story, R. H., Career of. L., 1874. Carte, T. Letters. Nic. 111., 5. Carter, Mrs. E. Letters, 1756-99.* " Chapone, Mrs., Works, 1818. Carter, John. Mills, F. J., Life of, 1868. Carthage, Af. Univ. Hist., v. 17, 18. Carthagena. Pointes's expedition, 1677. Exped. against, 1740. Ms. H. S. P. 1880. Cartier, G. E. Turcotte, Biog. de, 1873. Cartier, J. Relationi. Ra., 3. Cartwright. T. Brook, B., Life of, 1845. Carver, J. Durrie, D. S., Account of. W. H. C, 6. Carver, Mass. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 2, v. 4, Descr. of, 1815. Cary, R., Duke of Monmouth. J., Letters, 1813. Aubrey, Casaubon, I. Pattison, M., Life of, 1875. Cashmere. Adams, A. L., Wanderings, 1867. India, Illust. of Kashmir, 1869. Knight, W. H., Diary in, 1863. See Himalaya Mts. Caspian Sea. Galitzen, E., Exped. vers les bords. Soc. de Ge., 1851. Cass, Gen. L. Newsp., vol. 57, The recruit. 1848. Wis. H. C, 5, C. at St. Marie, 1820. Cass Co., 111. Shaw, J. H., Hist, of, 1776. Cass Co., Ind. Hist. Atlas of, 1878. Cass Co., Iowa. Young, L., Hist, of, 1877. Caste. Muir, J., Orig. Sanskrit texts on, 1874. Castelnau, M. de. Memoires, 1529-69. Michaud, Petitot. Castine, Me. Wheeler, G. A., Hist, of, 1875. Castleton, N. Y. St. Paul's Ch., Reply, 1849. P. 1887. Castorland. Appletou, J., Journal de, 1864. P. 976. Hough, F. B., Hist, of Jefferson Co. See Chassanis. Casuistry. Pascal, B., Lettres, Lat. and Eng. Catacombs. Kip, Cat. of Rome, 1854. Lepsius, Denkmaeler aus Egypten, 1842-5. Rossi, Roma Sotteranea, 1864, 7. See Egypt. Catalogues of Academies. See Acade- mies. Catalogues of Books. See Bibliography. Catalogues of Colleges. See Colleges. Catechisms. Barclay, C. C, C. on the Ni- cene creed, 1861. P. 2533. Barclay, R., C. and confess., 1878. Beavan, J., Help to (Anthon). P. 2533, Bentham, J., Church of Englandism, 1818, Croswell, H., Young Churchman's guide, 1838. P. 2533. ' Eliot, J., The Indian primmer, 1880. Floyd, W, F., C. on evid. of the Bible. P. 2533. Hobart, J. H., Catech. P. 2533. " C. of morning service, Ch. of Eng., 1841. Pam. 2595. Nast, W., Larger cat., Ger. Meth. Ch. P. 3404. Nisard, Hist. d. livres populaires, 1854. Pam., vol. 3405. Pike, S., On Assembly's Cat., 1768. Prot. Ep. Ch., Cat., Nos. 1, 2. P. 2533. Cathedrals. Kerfoot, S. H., On Bp. White- house, 1860. P. 1887. See Archit. Eccl. Catherine of Aragon. Green, Letters of i-oy. and ill. ladies, 1846. Catherine II. Cham. Misc. v. 9, Story of. Menzies, S., Royal favorites, 1865. Catherine, St., of Siena. TroUope, Dec- ade, 1859. Catlin, J. Brayley, A. B., Memoirs, W. H. C.,7. Cats, J. Dichterlijke Werken, 1720. disc, 1875. Topog. of, 1803. Ms. H. C, s. 1, v. 9. Catskill Mts. Catskill guide, 1876. Catskill Mts. desc, 1864. P. 2087. Irving, W., Legend of, 1869. P. 2018. Van Loan's guide, 1879. See Hudson River. Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Cattaraugus Co., Atlas, Beers, 1859. " Centennial, 1876. " Directory, 1874. " History of. Phila., 1879, Manley, J., Hist, of, 1857. Cattell, T. W. Brauns, T. W., Disc, on, 1868. P. 2079. Cattle. American Dairymen's Assoc'n, 1865, 66. G. Brit., Cat. Paris Exhib., 1867. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 12. Thomson, R. D., Fattening of, 1846. See Animals. 52 SUBJECT-INDEX. Cattle Plague. Cagnola Fond., Rapporto, 1856. Fleming, G., Animal Plagues, 1871. Gamgee, Reports of Congresses, 1863, 65. Gr. Brit., Reports on, 1865. Ann, Reg. Un. St., Agr. commr's rep., 1871. " Diseases of swine, 1879. " Contagious diseases of C, 1880. Caucasus. Ditson, G. L., The inhabitants of. Al. I. T., V. 6. Kennan, Mountaineers of. Am. Ge. S. J., 5. Saint-Martin, V. de. Hist. geog. de. Soc. de GL, 1849. /S^^ Russia; Armenians; Circassia; Persia. Caughey, Rev. J. Mem. andvind., 1847. Cavalry. See Military. Caves. Adams, B., C. in Indiana, 1818. Am. A. S., 1. Binkerd's guide to Mammoth C, 1869. Farnham, J., Desc. of Mammoth C. Am. A. S. 1. Green, J., C. near Bennington, Vt. S. A. N. Y., 4. " C. in Saratoga Co., N. Y. S. A. N. Y., 4. Hartwig, G., Subterran. world, 1871. Ins. H. do Bra., 4, Gruta do Inferno. " 12, Gruta das Oncas. Mammoth cave, Rambles, 1845. Packard, Mammoth C. and its inhabitants, 1872. Suite, B., Melanges, 1876. Cavonr, Count C. Mazade, C, de, Life of, 1877. Caxton, W. Blades, W., Life of, 1861, See Bibliography ; Typography. Cayenne. Seroude, Escape from, 1857. P. 2015. See Guiana. Caylus, A. C. P., Comte de. Vie de. Soc. Mont., 4. Caylus, Mme. M. Souvenirs, Petitot. Mi- chaud. Cayuga, N. Y. Auburn and C. directory, 1863. Cecil, Sir R. Letters, 1600-2. Cam. Soc. Cecil, R. Works and life. Cecil, W., Lord Burleigh. Peck's Desid. Cur., 1779. Cedar Co., Iowa. Hist, of, 1878. Celebes Is. Mueller, S., Reizen, 1828-86. Verhoeff, Nav. desc, 1612. Bry, Ind. Or. Pt.9. Celtic Nations. Davies, C, C. researches, 1804. Hawkes, W. W., Monuments of Brittany. Am. Ge. S., 10. Massy, R. T., Analy. ethnology, 1865. Celtic Nations (continued). Rowlands, H., Mona antiqua, 1766. SeeBrmdB; Language; Ethnology. Cements. Gillmore, Q. A., Treatise on, 1872. Smeaton, Directions for Pozzolan, v. 4. Union Akron C. Co., 1870. P. 1996. Cemeteries. Albany rural, 1873. P. 2128. Borlase, W. C, Sepulch. of Cornwall, 1872. Gray, Mrs., Sepulchres of Etruria, 1840. Gyraldus, De Sepulchris, 1539. Haden, F, S., Change in burials, 1875. Hartwig, G., Subterran. world, 1871. Hildeburn, St. Peters' church, Phila., 1878. Hollywood, C, Richmond, Va., 1869. Jewitt, L., Grave mounds in G. Brit.,. 1870. Living and the dead, 1841. P. 1662. Loaring, H. J., Obsequies of nations, 1873. Magnolia Park C, Charleston, 1857. P. 2125. Mount Auburn guide, 1839. " Dearborn's guide, 1851. P. 2125. Reports of, 1872, 6, 8. P. 2125. Mt. Hope cem., Dorchester, 1852. P. 2125. Pamphlets on, vol. 2125. PuUeyn, W., Churchyard gleanings, L. 1826. Rossi, Roma Sotteranea, 1864, 67. Ruggles, S. B., Law of burial, 1856. Southey, Mrs., Chapters on churchyards. Spring Grove Cem., Rep., 1867. Cin. Stearns, J., Address, Newbury port, 1842. Tuckerman, H. T., The criterion, 1866. Walker, G. A., Gatherings from graveyards, 1839. " Metrop. graveyards, 1847. White, D. A., Address at, 1840. Wolcott, S., Address at, 1853. P. 2125. Wright, T., Early inhab. of Britain, 1875. See Antiquities ; Catacombs ; Egypt ; Epi- taphs ; Monuments. Censuses. See Statistics ; Population. Centennial, 1876, at Phila. See Exhibi- tions. Central America. Am. Ant. Soc. Proc, 1876. Baldwin, J. D., Anct. America, 1872. Benzoni, G., Novi orbis hist., 1595. Bry, Ind. Oc. Pt., 5. " Hist, new world. Hakluyt Soc. Dunham, J., Voyages, 1851. Flachat, Fleuve du Darien, 1866. France, Expos, de Lend., 1851. Trav. d. 1. Comm., I. Galindo, J., Ruins of Copan, 1835. A. A. S., 2. Gomara, F. L. de. Hist, de las Indias. Herrera, Desc. Ind. Occid. 1624. Bry, Ind. Oc. Pt. 12. Larrainzar, M., America, sus ruines y an tig. 1879. Linschot, J. H. van, Voyages, 1598. SUPPLEMENT. 53 Central America (continued). Linschot & Herrera, Navig., 1619. Oviedo, G. F. de, Hist, de las Indias, 3. Rau, C. Palenque tablet, 1879. Smi'n Contr., 22. Schoebel, C, Archaeolog. Am. Cg. d. Am., s. 2, T. 2. Vedia, E. de, Hist, primi. de Indias, 1852. See Guatemala ; Honduras ; Greytown ; Nic- aragua; New Granada. Cervantes, M. Cronica de las Cervantestas, Mainez, 1872. Ceylon. Colombo Rail Road, 1867. P. 1815. De Quincey, T., Writings, 14, 1854. Haafner, Travels in, 1821. P. 1485. Narr. of events, 1815. P. 772. Solimbergo, G., Nav. alle Indie Or., 1877. Valentyn, Oud en niew Oost Indien, 1726. See India ; Voyages, India, Chaderton, W. Peck's Desid. Cur., 1779. Chadwick's, Sir A, Estate. P. 2191. Chaldsea. Cory, I. P., Anct. fragments. Deutscb, E., Lit. remains, 1874. See Mesopotamia. Chaleur Bay. Smethurst's escape, 1774. Chalkley's, T. Life, 1751. Works. Ph., 1754. Chalmers, T. Cunningham, W., Disc, on, 1848. Nairne, C. M., Oratory of, 1857. Sharp, D., Disc, on, 1847. Van Santvoord, C, Discourse, 1856. Chambersburg, Penna. Schneck, Burn- ing of, 1864. Champaign Co., 111. Hist, of, 1878, fo. Champaign Co., Oh. History of, 1881. Antrim, J., History of, 1872. Champe, John. Va. H, R., 3, Notice. Champion, E. Vie de. Soc. Mont. 1. Champlain, Sam. de. Brown, J. M., His Maine voyages, 1875. Champlain' s voyages and mem. Prince Soc. Drapeau, S., D6couverte du tombeau de, 1866-67. Ledyard, L. W., Lost point in history., 1879. Le Moine's Quebec, 1876. Mag. of Am. Hist., II, Exped. of 1615. Marshall, 0. H., C. in Onondaga valley. N. Y. H. P., 1849. Champlain, Lake. Palmer. P. S., Battle of Valcour, 1876. Chance. See Probabilities. Chandler, Z. Memorial of, 1880. Channing, W. E. Works. B., 1846. " Corresp. with L, Aikin, 1874. Channing, W. E. (continued). Dewey, 0., Disc, on, 1843. Parker, T., Tribute to, 1842. Chapone, Mrs. Works and life. N. Y., 1818. B. C. Chapin, Rev. C. Tucker, M., Fun. Ser., 1851. P. 2078. Chaplains. Morris, B. F., Civil inst. of the U. S., 1864. f Chaplin, B. Avery, D., Sermons on, 1796, Welch, M. C, Sermon on, 1795. Chaplin, Rev. J. Pattison, R. E., DisC' on, 1843, P, 2003. Chappel, Bp. W. Peck, Desid. Cur., 1779. Character. Bliss, P., Cat. of books on. Bishop, An untrue, 1641. Morg. Phoenix. Chesterfield's works, Cleveland, J., Works, 1687. Coffee-house wit. A, 1573. H. M., 8. Courtier, A Disbanded, 1681. H, M., 8. EngUshman, An, 1680. Morg. Phoenix, Fanatic, A, 1675, H, M, 8. Foster, J., Essay, Decision of C. Friswell, H., The gentle life, 1864. Greeley, H., Formation of. La Bruyere, Characters, Trans. 1776. Overbury, Sir T., Works, 1856. Oxford, An, incendiary, 1643. H. M., 5 ; Morg. Phoenix. Parliament-man, An honest. H. M., 12. Prelatical, A, man. Morg. Phoenix. Prince, A. Morg. Phoenix. Sneaker, A, 1705. H. M., 11. Theophrastus, Characters, La Bruyere. Walker, A., Physiog. and physiol., 1834. Whipple, E. P., Essays on, 1868. Charities and Charit. Societies. Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc, Conferenc3of char., 1875-79. Am. Fern. Guardian Soc, Rep., N. Y., 1853- 77. Assoc char, of Boston, 1879-81. Assoc, for aged and indig. females, 1855-65. Bennett, S. R. I., Woman's work among the lowly, 1877. Boston directory of char, inst,, 1880. Boston Dispensary, Reports, 1829, 56, 68, 71. Bowles, W. L., Vindicise Wykhamicae, 1819. Pmtr., 13. Brace, C. L., Dangerous classes, 1872. Brazil at the U. S. Exhib., 1876. Brougham, H., Abuses of, 1818. Pmtr., 13. Brown, F. H., Med. Reg. of Mass., 1873, 75. Cammann, Ch. of N. Y. city, 1868. Children's Aid Soc. N. Y., Ann. rep., 1873-75, 78-80, Collins, I., List of char, of Phila., 1859. P. 1881. 54 SUBJECT-INDEX. Charities and Charit. Societies (con tinued). Fry, H., London char., 1866. Girard Coll. for orphans, 1856-62. Hobhouse, A., The dead hand, 1880. Harrison, G. L., Chapters on State char., 1877. Home for aged men, Albany, 1878, 9. Home for the aged, Boston, 1861-75. House of the good Samaritan, 1864-79. Humane Soc. of Mass., Acct. of, 1880. Hlinois, Report of board of, 1871. Irish Quart. Review, 1859, Cath. view of. Italy, Statistica, 1871, 80. Knowles, T., Charity Schools, 1772. P. 1030. Lefebvre, Etab. char, de Rome, 1860. London Char, directory, 1878. Magdalen Soc. of N. Y., 1873. P. 1881. Marsh, H., Serm., char, schools, 1811. Mass. Board of Ch., Reports, 1868-70. Metrop. char., London, Directory, 1878. Michigan, Reports, 1876-7. Missing link, London poor, 1860. New York State, Board of char.. Rep. to 1880. " Rep. dispensary (abuses), 1872. P. 1881. " Rep. of examining agent, 1879. N. Y. City, Charities, Reports, 1860-68. N. Y. City Char, directory, 1860-74. N. Y. Ass'n for the poor, 1845-70. N. Y. Cath. Protectory, Rep., 1874:-81. N. Y. Infant Asylum, Rep., 1873-7. N. Y. Juv. Asylum, Rep., 1866-74. N. Y. Soc, ruptured, Rep., 1864, 66, 68-77. N. Y. Soc. for prevention of cruelty to Child., 1877-80. Pamphlets, voL 1881. Penna., Reports, 1871, 72. Potts, R., Endowments at Camb. Univ., 1855. Pratt, S. J., Harvest home, 1805. Sanborn, F. B., C. of Mass. to 1876. Sheltering arms, 1866. P. 2534. Soc. for Rom. Cath. child. N. Y., 1871-74. Soc. of St. Vincent de Paul. Proc, 1865. U. S., Rep. of Com. of Ed., 1878,* Char, schools in U. S. Victoria, Reports of Commission on, 1871, 74. Warren St. Chapel, Boston, 1838-73. Wisconsin, Board of C, Rep., 1871-78, 80. See Humane Societies; Orphans; Dispensa- ries; Hospitals; Benevolent; indus- trial Schools ; Children. Charlemagne 1869. Bulfinch, T., Legends of, De Quincey, T., Writings, v. 16, 1864. Charles I, of England. Ashmole, E., Life of, 1774. Berkley, Sir J., Memoir, 1699 (Mas6re8 Tracts, v.l). Bromley, Letters of, 1787. Charles I, of England (continued). Cattermole's Civil war, v. I, II. Charles I, Burial of. H. M., 7. " Eikon basilike, 1649. " Letters, 1646, Cam. Soc. Procl. for trial of, 1648. Triumph of, 1641. H. M., 5. " View of the reign of. H. M., 12. Coke, R., Detection of the Court, 1696. Collection of all remonstrances. 1642. Cook, J., K. Charles' case, 1649 C. I., Pari. Prop. Copley's picture. Pam., 2134. Cornwallis, Sir C, Span, marriages. H. M., 3. Dexter, F. B., On Whalley k Goflfe, N. Hav. H. 2. ^ Downes, J., Death of, Ms. H. S. C, s. i. v. 2. Fairfax corresp., 1625-1700. Forde, T., Virtus rediviva, 1661. Gardiner, S. R., First two Stuarts, 1876. Gr. Brit., ParUament Humbletiesires, 1644. Halford, H., Opening tomb of, 1813. Hamilton papers. Cam. Soc, 1880. Herbert, Sir T., Mem. of last two years, 1815. Heylin, Obs. on history of, 1656. Knell, P., Serm. for, 1648. Lilly, W., Obs. on the life of, Maseres Tracts, 1. Lit. & Ant. Soc. of Perth, Life of, 1827. Nic. Lit. Anec. 1. Eikon basilike. Nuntius amortuis, 1659. H. M., 6. Parsons, Bev. R., Several speeches, 1648. Peck's Desid. Cur., 1779. Prynne, N., Popish roy. favorite, 1643. " Plain expedient, 1647. " Charge agst., 1648. " Exam, of, 1648. " Speech on, 1648. *' Prjmn vs. Prinn, 1649. " Vind. of Ps. 105 : 15. Sanderson, W., Hist, of, 1658. Stoughton, Serm. on, 1709. Symmons, E., Vind. of, (1648) 1693. Vox populi, 1642. H. M., 5. Walker, E., Hist, discourses, 1705. Wordsworth, C, Who wrote Eikon basilike? 1824. Charles II. Bromley, Letters of, 1787. Brown, T., Miscel. aulica, 1702. Charles II, Secret history, 1792. " Copies of papers by. H. M., 9. England's joy, 1660. H. M., 7. Escape from Worcester, 1651 H. M., 6. Jones, D., Secret hist, of Whitehall, 1717. Price,* J., Hist, of restoration, Maseres Tracts, 2. Protestantism of, Phenix 1, 1707. Vane, J., Sermon, May 29, 1888. P. 1064. See England, History of. SUPPLEMENT. 55 Charles V, of France. T., 5, 6. Memoires, Petitot, Me- Charles VI, of France. Des Ursins, moires, 1380-1422. Michaud. Journal d'un bourgeois, 1408-44. Michaud. Charles V, of Germany. Voyage to Ar- gier, 1542. H. M., 1. Charles III, of Spain. Carayon, A., C. Ill et les jesuites, 1868. Sandoval, Hist, de la Geor- Charles V, of Spain. vida, 1681. Charles Edward Stuart, Prince. gian Era, L., 1834. Johnstone, De, Mem. of Rebellion, L., 1821. Maxwell, J., Exped. of 1745, M. Club, 63. Review of two Rebellions, 1747. Scott, Sir W., Waverley, a novel. Charleston, S. C. Baldwin, S., Diary, 1780. N. J. H. P., 2. Campbell, J. B., Corresp,, St. Phillips Ch. 1858. P. 1887. Charleston Courier, 1803-05, fo. Charleston directory, 1859. Dana, W. C, Hist, disc, Central Presb. Ch., 1857. P. 2030. Gilman, C, Inscrip., cemetery of Unit. Ch., 1880. King, Newspapers of, 1872. St. Michael's Ch. Sisters of Char. P. 1887. Charlestown, Mass. Ms. H. S. C, s. Bartlett, J. 2, V. 2. Hist. of. Boston, Records, third report, 1878. Burning of the convent at, 1877. Charlestown directory, 1874. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 3, v. 1, Church affairs of. Stetson, C, Sermon on convent at, 1834. P. 1920. Wyman, T. B., Geneal. and estates of, 1629- 1818 (1879). Charlestown, IV. Hamp. nals of. N. H. H.. 4. Crosby, J., An- Crosby, J., Hist, disc, 1860. P. 1919. Labaree, Hist, address, 1870. P. 2015. Saunderson, H. H., Hist, of, 1876. Memoirs 1876. Charlotte, Princess of Wales. of, 1818. Charlotte, N. Y. Centen. celeb., Charlton, L. Nic. HI., Sketch of . Charter House, Eng. Chronicles of, 1847. Chartreuse, France. Lancelot, Tour to, 1816. Musgrave, Visit to, 1857. Chase, Irah. Tribute to, 1865. Chase, Mrs. M. M. Life and poems, 1855. Chase, S. P. Evarts, W. M., Eulogy on, 1874. Savage, J., Repr. men, 1861. Chase, S. P. (continued). Warden, R. B., Life of, 1874. Chassanis Association. For 600,000 acres in N. Y. Paris, 4\ Hough, F. B., Addr. Pion. A. of Cent. N. Y., 1878. Chastellux, Marq. de. Brissot, Exam, of travels of, 1788. Chateaubriand, F. R. de. Greg, W. R., Lit. and Soc. judgments, L. 1877. Chatham, Mass. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 1, V. 8, Descr. of, 1802. Chatterton, T. Poetical works and life. Cam., 1842. Nic. 111., 7, Corresp. on. Chaucer, G. Morley's English writers, 1867. Todd, H. J., Life and writings, 1810. Chaumonot, P. Autobiographie, 1869. Carayon, Vie de, et pieces, 1869. Chauncy, Pres. C. Life of, 1768. Ms. H. S. C, s. 1, V. 10. Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Directory, 1874. Young, A. W., Hist, of, 1875. Cheboygan Co., Mich. Ware, W. H., Hist. of, 1876. Cheetham, James. Writings, N.Y., 1800-07 Cheever. Ez. Conn. H. S. Coll., 1, Trial of, 1649. Mass. H. S. C, s. 2, v. 7. Mather, C, Corderius Americanus, 1708, 1828. P. 1913. Cheever, G. B, P. 1064. Charge of ignorance, 1833. Cheke, Sir J. Strype, J., Life of, 1821. Chelsea, Eng. 1829. Faulkner, T., History of. Chelsea, Mass. Roll of honor, 1861-65, 1864. " Roll of honor, 1880. •' School reports, 1858-61, 65, 66, 77-79. Directories, 1850, 2, 4, 60, 64, 70, 76. Cheltenham, Eng. Griffith, Hist, of, 1826. Chemistry. Accum, System of, 1814, 17. Apjohn, Man. of the metalloids, 1864. Chaptal, G. A., Elem. of, 1806. Colvin, v.. New phenom. Alb. I. P., 7. Cooke, J. P., Prin. of ch. Philos., 1872. " The new chemistry, 1874. Cooley, L. C, Report on, 1871. Al. I. T., 7. Cooper, T., Introd. lecture, 1812. Dossie, J., The elaboratory, 1768. Eaton, A., Agr. Chem., 1847. Fresenius, Qualitative analysis, 1872, " Quanitative analysis, 1873. Gibbs, 0. W., Syst. of chem. Classif., 1845, P. 2053. 56 SUBJECT-INDEX. Chemistry (continued). Hunt, T. S., Chem. of the Earth. Smith. Rep., 1869. " Ch. and geol. essays, 1875. Kemp, T. L., Phases of matter, 1855. Liebig, J., Fam. letters on, 1848. P. 2588. London, Exhib. of 1851. Kept, of Juries. '* Exhib. of 1862. Of. 111. cat., 1, 3, 4. Exhib. of 1862. Kept, of Juries. Mowbray, G. M., Tri-nitro-glycerin, 1872. Muspratt, Chem. applied to arts, 1860. Paris, Expos, de 1855. Rap. du Jury. " Expos, de 1867. Rap. du Jury, 7. Pettus, Sir J., Laws of nature, 1686. Queen & Co.'s apparatus, Phila., 1878. . Reid, D. B., Elem. of, 1849. Silliman, B., jr.. First principles, 1866. Tillman, S. D., New chem. nomenclature, 1866. P. 2053. U. S. Rep. on Paris Exh., 1867. 2. U. S. Rep. on Vienna Exh., 1873. 1, 2. Watts, H., Diet, of, Supp., 1872. " 2d Supp., L. 1875. Youmans, E. L., Chem. atlas, 1855. See Natural Philosophy; Agriculture; Dye- ing ; Photography, etc. Chemung Co. Elmira Dir., 1868, Hist. of. Chenango Co., N. Y. Atlas, Nichols, 1875. Chenier, J. Oeuvres. Brux., 1816. Cherokees. See Indians. Cherry Valley. Campbell, D., Massacre in 1778. Chesapeake, Ship. Gr. Br. America, Papers, 1809. Cheshire, Conn. Beardsley, E. E., Hist. Disc, 1839. Cheshire, Eng. Earwaker's East Cheshire, 1877, 78, 4". Lyson's Mag. Brit., 1822. Ormerod, G., History of, 1876. Chess. H. M., 8, Letter concerning, 1680. Palam^de Franqais, Sept., 1854. P. 2137. Philidor, Introd. to, Phila., 1817. Chester, Eng. Pennant, T., Journey from Chester, 1811. Chester, Pa. Coates, G. T., Hist, addr., 1876. Chester Co., Pa. Darlington, W., Chester's mother. H. P. C. Chesterville, Me. Sewall, 0., Hist, of, 1875. Cheverus, L. de, Cardinal. TrSbutien, G. S., Vie de. Soc. Mont., 8. Cheyenne, Wyo. Triggs, J. H., Hist, of, 1876. Cheyne, J. Henry, J., Strictures, 1860 Chiapa, Diocese of. Constituciones del 1702. Chicago, 111. Biog. sketches of, 1868. Blauchard, R., Disc, of N. W. and Hist, of C, 1880. Bross, W., Hist, of, 1876. Calumet Club Reception, 1879. Chamberlin, E., Descr. of, 1874. Chicago Hist. Soc, I. N. Arnold's Addr., 1868. Chicago Trade reports, 1859-66, 71. Chicago directory, 1871, 1859-60, 71, 76, 77. Hyde, J. N., Early Med. C. Fergus Hist. S., 11. Narr. of massacre, 1812. P. 872, N. Y. Chamber of Comm., Relief, 1871. North West. Soldiers fair, 1864. Wentworth, J., Early C, 1881. Fergus Hist. S., 16. Wilkie, F. B., The bar of, 1871. " Walks about, 1869. Chichester, Eng. Abingdon, Antiq. of cathedral, 1723. Archaeol. Inst., Trans, at, 1856. Hay, A., History of, 1804. Children. Abbott, J. S. C, Mother at home, 1833. Assoc. Char, of Boston, Rep., 1879-81. Baillet, A., Jugemens, T. 6, 1730. Boston, Health of, 1876. P. 2139. Empl. of, as sweeps, 1817. Pmtr., 10, 22. Jalaly, Philos. of Mohammedans. 0. T. F., 1839. Lincoln, Countess of. Nursery, 1622. H. M., 3. Mass., Report, Labor of, 1875. P. 2145. Paris, Expos, de 1867. Rap. du Jury, 13. See Education of Children; Industrial Schools; Orphans ; Charities. Chili, Chili Manifest i;«. Spain, 1866. P. 1922. Chili: Estadis. comercial, 1873. Cochrane, H. C , The Misti. Am. Ge. S. B., 1873-4. France: Expos, de Lond., 1851. Travaux d. 1. Comm., I. Magee, B., Journal, 1792. Ms. H. S. C, s. 1, V. 4. Rambles in, 1851. P. 1922. ^ S. America, Expos, de Paris, 1867. See South America. Chillingworth, W. Aubrey, J., Lives, 1813. China. Am. Or. S. J., 1, Pop. & Trade of, 1849. Assey, C, The trade to, 1819. Pmtr., 14. Bonney, Mrs., Hist, gleanings, 1875. Boston banquet to embassy, 1868. Bridgman, Hev. E. C, Life of, 1864. Brown, S. R., C. culture, Am. Or. S. J., 2. Bry, T. de. Per. Ind. Or. Pt. 12, 1628. Chesnfty's Essays, 1874. " Mil. Biog. Tai-piug rebell., 1874. Chinese translations. 0. T. F., 1831. SUPPLEMENT, 57 China (continued). Cooke, G. W., China in 1857-58. Cunynghame, A,, Opium war, 1845. De Quincey, T., Susp. de profun., 1873. Devay, F., Voyage en, 1867. Doolittle, J., Social life in, 1868. Elgin, Lord, Letters and Journals, 1872. Emperor's gardens. Fug. Pieces, 1, 1765. Fishbourne, E. G., Impressions of, 1855. France, Expos, de Lend., 1851. Travaux d. 1. comm. I. Galitzin, E., Voy. de Baikofif en C. Soc. de G6. B., 1851. Gragg, Cruise of the Mississippi, 1857-60. Grosier, Description de la, 1820. Herbelot, Bibl. Orient., 1774, v. 4. Holmes, S., Journal with Macartney, 1798. James, J. A., Missions in, 1858. P. 2022. Johnson, S., Oriental religions, 1877. Jones, W. P., Up the Pearl river. Am. Ge. S. P., 1863-4. Julien, Livre des recompenses, 0. T. F., 1835. Litterae annuse, 1602, 03. Linschot, J. H., Navig. in orient., 1599, 1601. (Bry, Ind. Or.,Tt. 2, 3.) London, Exhib. of 1851. Off. cat. 3. Maury, A., Voy. des Arabes et Persans. Soc. de Geog., B., 1846. Morrison, R., Mem. of an Emb. to, 1816. Pmtr., 15. Michie, A., Overland route from Pekin, 1864. Moges, Gros's embassy, 1860. Paris, Expos. 1851. Tom. 1, Pt. 3, Statistics. Plath, Barb. Stamme im alt. C. K. Bay. A. S. , p. p. c, 4. *' Kriegswesen der alt Chinesen. K. Bay. A. S., p. p. h., 3. Pumpelly, R., Geolog. researches in, 1866. Smi'n Contr. XV. Sainte-Th^cle, Sectes relig. de. Jour. Asiat., 2, 1823. Shaw, R., Visits to High Tartary, 1871. Simpson, W., Meeting the Sun, 1877. Ti-ping Tien-kwoh, Hist, of the revolution, 1866. Train, G. F., Y. America abroad, Lon., 1857. *• Am. merchant in., N. Y., 1857. U. S,, Ed. Circ. No. 1, Education in. Univ. Hist. Mod., v. 7, 8. Upton, E., Armies of Asia and Europe, 1878. Vivien, Voy. des Arabes et Persans. Soc. de Geog., B., 1846. Wathen, J., Voyage, 1811-12. Williams, W., People of. Am. Ge. S. J., 8. See Asia, Southern. Chinese Emigration. Comm., 1878. California, Report of Cg. Guimet, E., Les chiuois en Californie. d. Am., s. 2, T. 1. Stout,-A. B., Essay on, 1862. P. 1956. 8 Chinese Lansruage. See Language. Chinese LiteratuKe. Chinese Romance. (Davis), 0. T. F. Confucius, Works. Chinese and English. Hist, of the Pirates. 0. T. F. Han-koong tsew. Tragedy (Davis). 0. T. F. Hoei-lan-ki. Drama (Julien). 0. T. F. Julien, Livre des recompenses. 0. T. F. Yew Yah Chung Ling. History of : See Con- fucius. Chipman family. Lineage of. E. L C, v. 11. Chippewa valley, Wis. Randall, T. E., Hist, of, 1875. Chirography. See Writing. Chisholm, Mrs. C. J, France : Expos, de Lond. 1851. Trav. d. 1. Comm. I. Chittenden Co., Vt. Atlas, Beers, 1869. Chivalry. Ballad Society. B. from Mss., v. 2, 1873. Bath, Knights of, 1661. H. M., 7. Bosquet, A., Annals of, 1818. Pmtr., 12. Bulfinch, Age of C. Carlisle, N., Foreign orders of K'thood, 1839. Digby, K. H., Broad stone of honor, 1846. Maffei, Scienza cavalleresca, v. 13. See Crusaders ; Knights. Chloroform. See Etherization. Choate, R. Everett, E., Remarks on, 1859. W. V. 4. Mass. H. S. P., 1858-60, Notice of. Choiseul, E. F., Due de. Du Deffand, Mme., Lettres. Cholera. Ackland, [H. W., C. at Oxford. 1854. Buckler, T. H., Hist, in Baltimore, 1851. Gibbs, 0. C, On epidemics. P. 1352. Macnamara, C, Hist, of, 1876. Noble, M., Thanksgiving sermon, 1832. P 1916. Paine, H. M., Manual, 1866. P. 2016. Pettigrew, T. J., Obs. on, 1831. P. 2043. U. S., Cholera epidemic of 1873. " Hist, of travels of cholera. See Medicine ; Contagion. Cholera Infantum. Mann, J., Disser. on 1804. P. 1900. Christ. Beecher, C, The divine sorrow, 1866 P. 2570. Brown, J., Christ the way, 1738. Christ's birth defined. Phenix 1, 1707. Ferguson, R., Justification, etc., 1608. Hospinian, Concordia discors, 1607. Jarvis, S. F., Dates of life, 1845. Millard, D., The true Messiah, 1837. ** Proofs Messiah has come, I860, P 3400, 58 SUBJECT-INDEX Christ (continued). Taylor, H., Generation of, 1111, 1784. See Trinity. Christ: Atonement of. Essay on, N. Y., 1811. P. 2570. Wines, E. C, Adam and Christ, 1855. P. 2572. Christ : Divinity of, Liddon, Exam, of his lect. on, 1872. Nottingham, Answer to Whiston, 1791. Prim. Chri'y vindicated, 1712. P. 1934. Stephens, W., Sermons, 1719, 22. Whiston, W., Letter to Nottingham, 1721. P. 1933. " Preface to Hist. Chr'y, 1711. Christ, Resurrection of. Bush, G., Res. of Christ, 1845. Cook, G., Evidence of. P. 3404. Jones, R., Sermon on, 1619. Phenix, 2. Scribner's Monthly, VII (Blauvelt). Christ: Second advent. See Millennium. Christian Co., III. History of, 1880. Christian Denominations. See United States; Religions. Christianity. Abbott, J. S. C, Hist, of, 1877. Belsham, T., Source of corruption, 1794. P. 2034. Coquerel, A., First transformations, 1867. Davison, G., A catholic, 1876. De Quincey, T., Writings, v. 15, 1854. Firmin, G., Real christian, 1742. Glennie, J. Stuart, Law of origin of, 1873. Gould, S. B., Orig. of relig. belief, 1870. Guizot, Meditations on, 2d series, 1867. Herbelot, Bibliot. Orientale, 1779. Hellenbroeck, Spec, of divine truth, 1765. Hopkins, J., Chris. Instructor, 1833. Jones, J., Development of remark, events., 1800. Origines, Contra Marcionitas, 1674. Palmer, W., Epitome of, 1831. P. 2573. Pam. vol. 2077. Porter, N., C. as life, 1872. P. 2572. Wilson, T., Essay.... instruct, of Indians, 1740. See Church ; Church Hist. ; Theology. Christianity, Evidences and Defences of. Athenagoras, Apolugeticks, 1714. Athenagoras, Legatio, 1742. Augustmus, >S'., City of God. Backus, C, Five discourses, 1797. Blackwell, T., Platform of Nat. and reveal. rel., Bost., 1774. Christ rejected, a trial, 1882. Clarke, A., Summary of. P. 2535. Correspondent, The, N. Y., 1827-29. Crit. exam, of Essays and Reviews, 1861. P. Christianity, Evidences and Defences of (continued). Davis, H. E., Reply to Gibbon, 1778. Dupin, Trial of Jesus, 1839. Felix, M. M., Octavius, A. D. 230, in Engl. Few thoughts, N. Haven, 1836. P. 2536. Fuller, A., Gospel its own witness. Hermias, Irrisio philosophorum, 1742. Historic certainties, 1851. Jamieson, Use of sacred history, 1810. Justin Martyr, Apology by, 1710. King, T. S., Patriotism and other papers, 1864. Mather, I., Only true religion, 1702. Minutius Felix, Defence of Christians, 1703. Priestley, J., Discourses, Phil., 1796. Reeves, Early apologists, 1716. Rogers, H., Eclipse of faith, 1853. Tatianus, Oratio, 1742. Tennent, G., 23 sermons, 1744. TertuUianus, Defence of. Tholuck, A., Credibility of, 1844. P. 2033. Whately, R., Doubts on Napoleon I. Whiston, W., Astron. principles, 1717. See Miracles; Warburton; Prophecy; Nat- ural Theology. Christian life. Woolton, Bp. John, Chr. Manual, 1851. Christian Union. Evang. Alliance, 1846. P. 1119. Evang. Alliance, Conference, 1866. P. 1064. N. Y., 1873. Evangel. Christendom, 1869. P. 1064. Schmucker, S. S , Appeal on, 1839. Union of churches, Bost., 1860. P. 2071. Whittingham, W. R., Corresp., 1852. P. 1887. Christine De Pisan. M6moires, Petitot. Christmas. Belgrave annual, Braddon. P. 480. Christmas carols. Bibliog. Misc., 1813. Christmas Songster, 1857. P. 2099. Dickens, C, Christmas carols. Flohr, A., German Chr. eve, 1846. On the cards, Chr. annual, Routledge, 1867. P. 480. Percy Society, vol. 4. Carols. Chronology. Alofsen, Pocket calendar. N. J. H. P. 10. Art de v6rifier les dates, 1788. Bedford, A., Animad. on Newton, 1728. Brady, J., Clavis calend., 1815. Chronology, New Englander, 1848. P. 1891. Clarke, A., Bibliog. Miscellany, v. 2. Eras. Clemente, C, Tables chronol., 1689. Ewald, The Last century, 1868. Ilampson, R. T., Mediiajvikalendarium, 1841. llawes, The black year (1871). P. 2582. La Croze, Hist, grammar, 1808. StJPPLEMENT. 59 Chronology (continued). Las Cases (Le Sage), Geneal. atlas of Europe, 1820. Lauth, Schaltage des Ptol. Evergetes I. K. Bay. A. S. p, p. c. 4. Lee, N., Christ, and Gregorian calen., 1879. Lloyd, W., Chronol. Olympiadum, etc., 1700, Peabody, E. P., Polish Am. system, 1852. Shimeall, R. C, Bible Chronol., 1859. Steuart, J., Remarks on Newton's, 1805, v. 6. Times Register for 1877. Univ. Hist., Tables, v. 21. Ussher, J., Annales v. et n. testamenti, 1722. Woodward, Encyc. of, 1872. Worcester, J. E., Hist. Atlas, 1828. See Registers; Almanacs; History; Statis- tics; Calendars. Chronometers. See Clocks. Church. Apthorp, E., Constitution of, 1761. Arnold, M,, Last essays on, 1877. James, H., C. not an ecclesiasticism. P. 2527. Palmer, W., Treatise on, 1839. See Authority ; Christianity. Church and State. Anderson, W., The lame restored, 1832. P. 2565. Atterbury, F., Eng. convocations, 1701. Cotton, J., Letter to R. WiUiams, 1644. Evan. Alliance, N. Y., 1873. Graham, W"., Eccl. estab. in Europe, 1808. Mill, J. S., Church property. Diss. v. I. Stanley, A. P., Essays on, 1870. Thompson, J. P., C. and S. in the Un. States, 1873. Williams, R., Reply to Cotton, 1644. See Tithes ; Authority of Church. Church Architecture and Furniture. See Architecture. Church Articles. Turgis, Religious articles, 1865. P. 1905. Church Authority, Hickeringill, Ess. on High church, 1707. Prynne, W., Diotrephes catechised, 1646. ' " Vindicat. of King's eccl. jurisd., 1665, 70. /S'e« Authority; Government. Church Councils. Baluzius, Nova collec. concil., 1683. Boyle, I., Hist, of C. of Nice, 1836. Ethiopic didascaha. 0. T. F., 1834. Field, R.. Of the Church, 1847. Fulton, J., Undisputed councils, Gr. and Eng., 1872. Geddes, M., Coun. of Sardica, 1714. Labbeus, Sacrosan. conciUa, 1671-2, 17 v. fo. Mather, L, Disquis. on councils, 1716. Odespun, Concilia Gallise, 1646. Sirmond, Concilia Gallise, 1629, fo. Zonaras, Cone. Chalc. const., etc., 1618. Church Courts. Hickeringill, Test of spirit- ual courts, 1707. Church Extension.' See Missions, Home. Church Fathers : Apology for the holy dead. P. 1886. Barnabas, Epist., See Ignatius. Ignatius, Epistolse, 1646. " Corpus epist., 1849 (Cureton). Origines, Writings of. Phenix 1, 1709. See Bibliography. Church Government. Buchanan, J., Order in a church, 1845. Dering, Sir E., Speeches of, 1642. Goodwin, T., Works, v. 4, 1697. Lee, L., Church polity, 1850. >S«e Church of England ; Presbyterian; Church of Scotland ; Congregational. Church History. Field, R., Of the Church, 1847. Geddes, M., Council of Sardica, 1714. Gieseler, Compendium of, 1855. Haweis, Hist, from the Reformation, 1803. Ignatius, Corpus Epist,, (Cureton). 0. T, P. Littre, Etudes sur les barbares, 1869. M6ray, A., Libres precheurs, 1878. Milner, Hist, of Ch. of Christ, 1809. Sandys, E., State of relig. in Europe, 1687. View of relig. and mil. orders. Pmtr., 5. See Great Britain, Church History ; Martyrs ; Protestantism. Church Law. White, J. W., Otho's consti- tution, 1844. P. 2190. Church Membership. Moase, C, Church fellowship, 1844. P. 2577. More, H., The beggarly boy. P. 2577. See Communion. Church of England : Clergy. Brief mar- tyrology of, 1661. H. M., 7. Clergy directory, 1875. Clergy hst, 1858, 1872. Crockford's Cler. Directory, 1868. Curates' conference, 1641. H. M., 4. Eustace, J. C, Ans. to Bp. of Lincoln. Pmtr., 2. Le Neve, Fasti Ecc. Angl. (List of Clerffv) 1716. ^^'' Letter to, 1781. P. 2573. Newton, W., Pastoral advice, 1812, P. 2575. Pinnock, W. H., Clerical papers, 1852. P. 695. Prynne, W., Breviate of the prelates, 1637. Rogers, J., Of Queen Anne's bounty, 1837. P. 695, Secular jurisdic, of, 1679. H. M., 8. Tomline, Bp. G,, Charge, 1812. Pmtr., 1. Treatise of Archbishops, 1641. Morgan's Phoenix. See Apostolic Succession. 60 StJBJECT-INDEX Church of England, Colonial. Colon. Ch. and School Soc, Chaplains, 1860. P. 1886. Church of England, Convocation. At- terbury, F., Rights, etc., of, 1701. Comedy of convocation, 1868. Kennett, W., Jurisdic. of, 1730. Church of England, Historical, Polem- ical, etc. Atterbury, F., Eng. convo- cations, 1701. Ball, J., Friendly triall, 1640. Barlow, W., Confer, at Hampton court, 1603. Phenix, 1, 1707. Bethell, C, On C. of E. defence soc, 1857. P. 1886. Brodrick, CoUec. of judgments, 1865. Davids, Annals of nonconformity, Essex, 1863. Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, 1846. Exeter Synod, 1851. Fuller, T., History of, to 1648. Gorham case (Moore), 1852. Heylin, P., Hist, and Misc. tracts, 1681. " C. of E. justified, 1681. Impropriations purchased, 1648. Morg. Phoenix, 1732. Interests of, 1821. Pmtr., 19. Jones, D. R. F., Eng. Ch. Union, 1871. P. 1886. Letters from a min. to dissenting parishioners, 1733. McMasters, S. Y., Nag's head story, 1842. Marvell, A., Rehearsal transposed, 1672. Mailer, T. W., On Pusey's sermon, 1843. P. 2190. Newcourt, R., Hist, of dioc. of London, 1708-10. Pari. ord. agst. images, 1644. H. M., 5. Pole, R., Life of. Price, T., Hist, of Non-conformity, 1838. Protestant Reconciler, 1683. Rathband, W., Confutat. of Brownists, 1644. Small and simple reasons. H. M., 4. Spirit, courts epitomised, 1641. H. M., 4. Tenison, Disc, on Eccl. commission, 1689. Three letters to Prot. Reconciler, 1683. Walker, J., Sufferings of clergy, 1714. White, J. W., Eccles. law. The constitutions of Otho, 1236. Pam. v. 2190. Winthrop, R. C, C. of E. in Mass. Ms. H. S. P., 1880. See Tractarianism ; Hampden; Dissenters; Church History; Ritualism; Rubrics. Church of England, Liturgy. Ebury, Revision of 18G0. P. 1866. Exclusion of the Queen from, 1821. Pmtr., 18. Letter to Rev. H. Marsh, 1812. Pmtr., 1. Nelson, R., Festivals and fasts of, 1833. Palmer, Origines Liturgicsc, 1836. Prynne, W., Survey of Cozens' devotions, 1628. Church of England, Liturgy (continued). Prynne, W., 59 exceptions, 1644. Troubles, The, at Frankfort, 1554, Phenix, 2. Whiston, W., Memoirs, 1753. /S'ee Liturgies ; Prayer. Church of England: Reform. Bentham, J., C. of Englandism, 1818. Church of Ireland. /See Irish Churches. Church of Scotland. Baillie, R., Letters and journals, 1637-62. Burden, The, of Issachar, 1646. Phenix, 2. Burns, R., Gairloch heresy tried 1830. P. 2565. Church of Scotland, Acts and proc, 1560- 1618. M. Club, 57-60. " Annals, 1739-66, 1840. " Reg. of ministers, 1576. M. Club, 5. " Rep. of parishes, 1627. M. Club, 42. Elect, of Prof. Leslie, 1806. Course of conformity, 1622. De Quincey, T., Writings, 16, 1854. Durham, Dying man's testament to, 1740. Glasgow Synod, 1687-90. M. Club, 32. Gordon, J. F. S., Scotichronicon, 1867. " Monasticon, 1867. Hope, J., Letter on claims of, 1839. Maitland Club Misc., 29-32. Pam. V. 2565. Pith of the controversy, 1842. P. 1415. Row, J.. Historic of, 1558-1639. M. Club, 65, 66. Simpson, R., Trad, of the covenanters, 1867. Solemne league, 1643. P. 2555. Spalding, J., Troubles in Scot., 1624-45. M. Club, 23, 24. Stanley, A. P., History of, 1872. Winzet, N., Certane tractatis, 1562-63. M. Club, 41. Wodrow, R., Analecta, 1701-31. M. Club, 70-73. See Presbyterian ; Scotland ; Church Patron- age. Church Patronage. Letters on non-intru- sion. Church, Primitive. Coleman, L., Anc.cbris- tianity, 1869. Whiston, W., Prim. Chr. revived, 1711. Church Union. Baxter, R., Moral prognos- tication, 1680. See Christian Union. Churchill, C. Poet, works. Edinb., 1855. Wilkes, J., Corresp., 3, 1805. Cibber, C. Apol. for the life of, 1822. Cibola* Alarcon, F., Relatione, Ra., 8. Castafteda de Nagera, P. de. Relation de, 1540. Tern-Comp., 9. Coronado, F. "V. de, Relatione, Ra., 8. Jaramillo, J., Rel. de voy. k. Tern-Comp., 9. SUPPLEMENT. 61 Cibola (continued). Morgan, L. H., 7 cities of N. A. R. Nizza, M. de, Relatione, Ra., 3. Simpson, J. H., Coronado's march to. Smit. Rep., 1869. See Mexico. Cicero, M. T. De Quincey, T., "Writings, 12, 1853. Forsyth, W., Life of, 1869. Cider. Johnson, J, B., On making, C. S. A. N. Y., 2, 1807. Cigna, J. F. Soc. Mont, et Frank. 5, Vie de. Cincinnati, O. Cin. Anniv., 45th year, 1834. P. 1891. Cin. B. of Trade, 1875. Cin. Ch. of Commerce Rep., 1867, 72. Cin. directory, 1819. History. Cin. Indust. Expos., 2nd rept., 1871. " 4th rept., list of, 1873. Cin. Soc. Blue book, 1879. Mattox, A. H., Officers of civil war, 1861-5. Miller, F. W., C.'s beginnings, 1880. Random recoil. (Worth), 1851. Smith's Annual Statement, 1856, 61, 64, 65. Taft, A., On the University of, 1872, Cincinnati, Society of the. Drake, F. S., Memorials of Mass. Soc, 1873. Humphreys, D., Discourse, Conn., 1804. Johnston, A., Account of. H. P. M., 6. Lewis, G., Oration, 1799. P. 2024. Livingston, R. R., Oration, N. Y., 1787. Observations on its prosperity, 1783. Order, The, in N. H. N, H. H. S., v. 6. Soc. of Cin., General, Journal, 1784. H. P. M., 6. Soc. of Cin. of N, J. to 1866. Webb, A. S., Addr., 1873. WiUett, M., Addr., 1774. Cinque Ports. Brayley, E. W., Hist, of, 1818. Cipher. See Cypher; Monograms; Writ- ing; Short Hand; Alphabets. Circassia. Mounsey, Journey through, 1872. Oliphant, L., Travels in, 1860. Thielmann, Jour, in Caucasus, 1875. Ussher, J., Jour, to Persepolis, 1865. See Caucasus ; Russia. Cities. Clark, R. W., The great evil, 1860. Eliot, S., Functions of, 1868. P. 2162. Tappan, H. P., Growth of. Am. Ge. S. Pub. Vine, J. S., Engl, municipalities, 1879. See Police ; Social Science. Citizen. See Officers, Civil ; Government ; Rights. Civil Authority. See Authority. Civil Engineering. See Engineering; Bridges; Railroads, etc. Civil Service. Adams, H. B., C. S. reform, 1869. Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1876. (Eaton.) Andrews, C. C, Civ. Ser. in Sweden, 1877, P. 2161, Canada, Pari. rep. Civ. S. Comm., 1881. L. L. Eaton, D, B., Report on, to the Pres., 1874. C. S. in Gr. Br., 1880. " The spoils system and C. S., 1881, Gr. Br., C. S. Examin., 1880.; Jenckes, Speech, 1868. P. 1904. Levi, Annals of Brit. Legislation, 1851-63, 66, 68. Merit v. Patronage, 1858. P. 800. Parker, C. S., Compet. exam. N. A. P. Soc. Sci. Tr., 1877. Parton, J., The spoils system. Quebec, Reports on Civ. Ser., 1870. P, 2161. Skinner, 0., Issues of Am. politics, 1873. U. S. : Civ. S. report of rules, 1873. P. 1975. Victoria : Reports of evidence, 1873. /See Examinations; Officers. Civil War in the United States, 1861- 1865, General Histories. Abbott, J. S. C, Hist, of, 1877. 2 v., roy. 8°. Crafts, W. A., 1861-2, 1867, 2 v., 4°. Davis, Jeff., 1861-65, 1881. 2 v., 8°. Draper, J. W., 1861-65, 1870. 3 v., 8". Greeley, H., 1861-65, 1866. 2 v., roy. 8°. Headley, J. T., 1861-65, 1866. 2 v., 8 vo. Kettell, T. P., 1861-65, 1866. 1 v., 8°. Lossing, B., 1861-65, 1868. 3 v., roy. 8°. Louis, Comte de Paris, 1861-65. 2 v., 8°. Mahan, A., 1860-65, 1877, 1 v,, 8°. Moore, J., 1860-65, 1875. 1 v., 8°. Pollard, E. A., 1860-65, 1869. 3 v., 8°, Stephens, A. H., 1860-65, 1870. 2 v., 8°, Tenney, W. J., 1860-65, 1870, 1 v., 8°. Tomes, R., 1860-65, 1865. 3 v., 4°. Victor, 0. J., 1861-3, 1863. 2 v., roy, 8°. Civil War in the U. S., 1861-5, Par- tial Histories, etc. Adams, F. C, Siege of Washington, sm. 4°. Adams, F. C, Story of a trooper, 1864. Alcott, Miss L. M., Hospital sketches, 1863. Allan, W., Campaign of T. J. Jackson, 1861- 62. Andrews, C. C, Campaign of Mobile, 1867. Anticipations of the future, 1860. Letters to Lon. Times. Army life, 1863. Dutch Church Pub. Athol, Ms., in the rebellion, 1866. Barbiere, J., Scraps from prison table, 1868. Barker, Jacob, Its consequences, 1866. Barnet, J., Martyrs of, 1865. Bartlett, N., Mil. record of Louisiana, 1875. Bates, S. P., Deeds of Penna., 1876. Bayard, S. J., Life of G. D. Bayard, 1874. Beatty, J,, Citizen soldier, 1879. 62 StJBJEOT-INDEX Civil War in the U, S., 1861-5, Par- tial Histories, etc. (continued). Beecher, H. W., Raising old flag, Ft. Sumter, 1865. Belmont, A., Letters and speeches, 1870. Bennett, L. G., Hist, of 36th regt. of Illinois, 1876. Bernard, M., Hist, of neutrality of Gr. Br., 1870. Biddle, C, Battle of Gettysburg, 1880. Bill, L., Pen pictures, 1866. Bingham's, L. M., Life, 1863. Dutch Church Pub. Blakeslee, B. F., 16th regt., Conn., 1875. Bovnton, C. B., English and French neu- trality, 1864. Boynton, H. V., Sherman's raid, 1875. Brearley, East Tenn. campaign, 1871. Brents, J. A., Guerillas of Tenn. and Ky., 1863. Brockett, L. P., Lights and shadows of, 1866. Brown Univ. in, 1868. Browne, J. H., 4 years in Secessia, 1865. Bucklin, S. E., In hospital and camp, 1869. Bugle, The, call, 1871. Bullard, E. F., The nation's trial, 1873. Burnett, A., Incidents of, 1863. Burns, J. R., Batt. of Williamsburgh, 1865. Byers, 16 months in prison, 1868. Cadwell, C. K., Sixth regt.. Conn., record, 1875. Cairnes, J. E., Lecture on, 1862. P. 2551. Califlf, 7th regt., U. S. colored troops, 1863-6. Camper, C, Hist. 1st regt., Md., 1871. Carpenter, S. D,, Logic of history, 1864. Chamberlin, W. H., 81st Ohio infantry, 1865. Chase, J. J., Mine at Petersburg, 1864. Chesney, C. C, Essays, 1874. Clack, Louise, Our refugee household, 1866. Clark, E. H, G., The Trojan mob, 1863. Clark, W. H., 34th Mass. infantry, 1871. Clary's, F. A., biog., 1861. Clingman, T. L., Speeches, 1877. CoflBn, C. C, Four years fighting, 1866. Congressional speeches, 1860.61. P. 2046. Conn., Adj. -Gen's, rep., 1862. Conyngham, D. P., The Irish brigade, 1867. Crotty, D. G., Four years in army of Poto- mac, 1874. Cudworth, W. F., Ist Mass. infantry, 1866. Gumming, Cath., Hospital life in Tenn., 1866. Davenport, A., 5th N. Y. vol. inf., 1879. Dean, H. C, Crimes of, 1869. Denison, F., 1st Rh. Is. cav., 1876. Dennison, M. A., Lieut. Messinger's life. De Peyster, J. W., Decisive conflicts. No. 1, 2. " Army of the Potomac, 1872, 74. •' "Anchor" papers, 1870-71, N. Y. Cit. Dicey , Six months in the U. S., 1863. Civil War in the U, S., 1861-5, Par- tial Histories, etc. (continued). Dodge, W. S., 2d div., army of Cumberland, 1864. Doubleday, A., Sumter and Moultrie, 1860-61. Dudley, D., OflScers of army and navy, Lives, 1862. Duganne, The fighting quakers, 1866. Duke, B. W., Hist, of Morgan's cavalry, 1867. Duryea, J. T., Alumni of Coll. of N. J., in, 1866. Early, Gen. J. A., Last year of, 1869. Edmands, S. Emma, Nurse and spy, 1865. Edwards, J.N., Shelby and his men, 1867. " Noted guerillas, 1877. Eggleston, G. C, A rebel's recollections, 1875. Ellis, D., Adventures of, 1867. Estabrooks, H. L., Adrift in Dixie, 1866. Everett, E., Remarks at Roxbury, 1861, v. 4. " The Irish regm't, 1862. W. v. 4. Ewing, E. E., Story of the 91st Oh., 1868. Experience in, by sold. 81st 111., 1879. Eye-Witness, 1865. Faehtz, Ceremonies, graves of soldiers, 1869. Fiske, S,, Experiences in the army, 1866. Fleharty, 102d Illinois inf., 1865. Fort Lafayette life, 1863-4, Lond., 1865. Franklin, Gen. W. B., Reply to Committee, 1863. Gasparin, A. de, Les Etats-Unis en 1861. " Am6rique devant 1' Europe, 1862. Gates, T. B., "Ulster Guard" and, 1879. Glazier, W., Three years in cavalry, 1870. " Battles for the union, 1878. Goodman, T. M., ThrilUng record, 1868. Gracey, S. L., Ann. of 6th Pa. cav., 1868. Grand Army N. Y., Proc, 1872, 74. Grant, U. S., Report, 1864-5. Great Britain, Correspondence, 1862. Great West. Sanitary Fair, History of, 1864. Gregg, Rev. J. C, Life in the army, 1868. Gurowski, A., Diary, v. 3, 1863-4. Hadley, J. V., 7 months a pris., 1868. Hale, E. E., Stories of the war, 1879. . Hall, Rev. N., To St. Louis, 1870. Hanaford, Mrs. P. A., Field, gunboat, etc., 1866. Handy, Rev. I. W. K., U. S. Bonds, Fort Delaware, 1874. Harris, A., Review of conflict, 1876. Harris, W. C, Richmond prison, 1862. Hayward, Poet, pen-pictures of, 1863. Henry, G. 0., Civil appointments in the army, 1873. Henshaw. S. E., Hist, of North West San. Comm., 1868. Hewes, G» W., Ballads of the war, 1762. Higginson, T. W., A black regiment, 1870. Hill, A. F., Expr. in army of Potomac, 1864. Hills, A. C, Macpherson, the blower, 1864. SUPPLEMENT. 63 Civil War in the U. S., 1861-5, Par- tial Histories, etc. (continued.) Hitchcock's Chronol. record of, 1860-1865, 1866. Hoffman, W., Obs. in two wars, 1877. Hoge, Mrs. A. H., Boys in blue, 1867. Holton, W. C, Cruise of the Hartford, 1863. P. 2048. Hooper, A., Bridgewater in the, 1880. Horton, R. G., Hist, of, 1867. Hospital life, 1863. Dutch Church pub. Ide, G. B., Battle echoes, 1866. Hiinois, Adj. Gen. Rep. for 1861-2. Indiana : In the war, 1869. Irby, R., Hist, of Nottaway Grays, 1878. Johns, H. T., With 49th Mass. vol., 1864. Joinville, Prince de, Campagne du Potomac, 1863. Jordan, Forrest's campaign, 1868. Kelley, D. G., Rebel prisons, 1866. P. 2551. Kentucky, Adj. Gen. Rep., 1862, 3. Kirke, E., Patriot boys, 1866. " On the border, 1867. Kirkland, F., Book of anecdotes, 1866. Knox, T. W., Southern adventures, 1865. Kreutzer, 4 years with 98th N. Y. Vols. Laciar, J. D., Carbon Co., Pa., 1861-65, 1867. Ladd, L. C, First martyr, 1862. Leavitt, W. S., Capture of Richmond. P. 2167. Leftwich, Martyrdom in Missouri, 1870. Levi, Annals of Brit. Legislation, 1861-68. Lincoln, A., Letters, 1863. Locke, D. R., Moral history of, 1872. Locke, E. W., Three years in camp, 1870. Locke, W. H., Story of the 11th Penna., 1872. Lothian, La question Am6ricaine, 1865. Lyle, Rev. W. W., Army life, 1865. McElroy, J., Andersonville prison, 1879. McKenzie, C. D., Drummer boy's life, 1861. Dutch Church pub. Macnamara, Irish 9th, 1867. Boston. Magill, Mary T., Chron. of late war, 1871. Marietta College in the war, 1878. Marshall, J. A., American Bastile, 1869. Massie, J. W., America's conflict, Lon., 1864. Mattox, A. H., Cmcinnati war officers, 1861-5, Meacham's, H. H., Life in army, 1865. Meade, Gen., Report, 1868. P. 2587. Merrell, W. H., Five months in rebeldom, 1862. Metropol. fair, N. Y., Record of, 1867. Michigan, Adj. Gen. Rep., 1863. Mill, J. S., Diss. V. I, 1864; IV, 1867. Milliroux, Les inst. et mceurs des Am., 1862. Missouri, Reports of Adj. Gen., 1862, 63, 65. " Official Reg. of troops for 1862. Montalembert, C. F., La victoire du Nord, 1865. Civil War in the U. S., 1861-5, Par- tial Histories, etc. (continued). Moore, F., Women of the war, 1866. Morse, S. E., Geog. view of rebellion, 1863. P. 2172. Moss, L., Annals U. S. Chris. Comm., 1868. Motley, J. L., Corres. with Holt, 1861. Murdoch, J. E., Patriotism in prose, 1864. Murphy, T, G., 1st Del. vol. inf., 1866. New Jersey, Adfj. Gen. Rep., 1861. N. Y. Vol. 162d regt. hist., 1867. North West, soldiers' fair, Chicago, 1864. Noyes, G. F., Oration, 1862. Ohio, Adj. Gen.'s Rep., 1861-4. Ohio boys in Dixie, 1863. Onward, 1870, Chancellorsville, by Depeyster. Opening of the Mississippi, 1864. Penn. Third Cavalry, History, 1878. Pepper, G. W., Sherman's campaigns, 1866. Pike, J., Scout at the South, 1865. Pike, J. S., First blows of, 1879. Pollard, E. A., Obs. in the North, 1865. " Lee and his lieutenants, 1867. Pope, Gen., Report of, 1863. Rebel brag — British bluster, 1865. Reed, W. H., Hospital life, 1866. Roach, A. C, Prisoner of war, 1865. Roberts, E., Home scenes during, 1875. Rollins, E. E., Record of Greensboro, Vt., 1868. Salm-Salm, Princess F., 10 years of my life, 1877. Sanderson, J, M., My record in rebeldom, 1865. Sarmiento, F. L., Pauline Cushman, 1865. Scott, J., Life with Mosby, 1867. Scott, K. M., 105th regmt. Pa. vol., 1879. Senour, F., Morgan and his captors, 1865. Sheridan, P. H., With Gen., S. in Lee's last campaign, 1866. Smith, C. H., Bill Arp's peace papers, 1873. Smith, E. P., Incidents, U. S. Chr. Comm., 1869. Soc. Army of Cumberland, meetings, 1868, 69-72, 74-76. Southboro, Mass., Record of, 1867. Stephens, A. H., Reviewers reviewed, 1872. Stevenson, R. R., Andersonville, 1876. Stuart, A. A., Iowa regiments, 1865. Taylor, B. . F., Mission Ridge and Lookout, 1872. ' Taylor, Jer., E. H. Brewer's life, 1863. Taylor, R., Reconstruction, 1879. Thompson, E. P., Hist. 1st. Kentucky brig- ade, 1868. Toombs, S., N. J. vols, in, 1878. Tousey, S., Indices of pub. opinion, 1860-70. Townsend. G. A., Campaigns of a non-com- batant, 1866. Trowbridge, J. T., Tour of the South, 1866. 64 SUBJECT-INDEX Civil War in the U. S., 1861-5, Par- tial Histories, etc. (continued). Truesdale, J., The blue coats, 1867. " The desolated states, 1868. " Ku klux consp., Report, 1872. U. S. Army, Med. and Surg. hist.. Barnes, 1870. " Report comm. of 33, 1861. P. 2046. " Navy Rep., 1865-66. " Report on Florida exped., 1864. P. 2168. " Report on seizures, 1863. P. 2168. " Roll of honor, 1865-69. In 10 v. U. S. Army and Naval Journal, 1863-4, U. S. Battle list, 1775-1865, N. A. Strait, 1878. U. S. Chr. Comm., Record of federal dead, Libby, &c., 1864, 65. " " Publications. P. 2551. U. S. San. Comm., Ordronaux, J., Relief for disabled soldiers, 1864. " '* Flint on diseases, 1867. «* ** In the Mississippi, 1871. "Van Home, Hist, army of Cumberland, 1875. Vermilyea, L. H., The slaver and the war, 1867. Waite, 0., New Hamp. in, 1870. Walke, H., Naval scenes of, 1877. Webb, N. B., East Maine Conference Sem. record, 1877. Wheelock, Miss J. S., Washington hospitals, 1870. Whiting, W., Mil. govmt. of host, territory, 1864. Wilkinson, J., The blockade runner, 1877. Wilson, T. L., SuflEerings for free gov't, 1864. Winder, W. H., American Bastile, 1863. Woods, J. T., Steedman and his men at Chickamauga, 1876. Worsley, P., The spy of the Shenandoah. Young, W. H., Excursion, James river, in 1865. See Confederate States ; Slavery. Civil War Confiscation. Allen, W., Speech, 1862. P. 2167. Pam., V. 1882, 1883. Rogers, A. J., Speech, 1864. P. 1883. Smith, G. C, Speech, 1864. P. 1888. Stevens, T., Speech, 1864. P. 1888. Civil War in the United States, 1861- 1865, Pamphlets. Amer. Destiny, 1864. P. 1883. Blancs et les noira en Am6rique, 1862. Bliss, G., Speech, Causes of, 1864. P. 1882. Border States (Kennedy), 1860. P. 2066. Bourgeois, J., La question d' AmSrique en 1864. Buck, E., Drift of the war, 1861. P. 1882. Carey, J. P., Record of, 1865. P. 1883. Carpenter, S. D., What's the matter, 1864. P. 2066. Civil War in the U. S., 1861-5, Pam- phlets (continued). Demond, C, Addr. Williams Coll., 1865. P. 1883. Dougherty, D., Address, Union Coll., 1865. P. 1882. Fessenden, S. C, Speech, Jan. 20, 1862. P. 1882. Funk, Speech, 111. Leg., 1863. Gasparin, A., line parole de paix, 1862. Grandquillet, A., La reconnaissance du sud, 1862. Grattan, T. C, Engl, and the disrupted States, 1861. P. 1593. Grimes, J. W,, Naval victories. Speech, Mar. 13, '62. P. 1882. Haut, M. De, La crise Am6ricaine, 1862. Hodge, C, Reply to, 1861. Holt, J., Letter on policy, 1861. P. 1882. Letter to an Engl, friend, 1862. P. 2066. Letter to Gov. of Mass., 1861. P. 1898. Lieber, F., Argum. of secess., 1863. " Amendments to the const., 1865. Loyal Nat. League, Organiz. 1863. P. 1882. Moody, L., Destruc. of republic, 1863. P. 1882. " Plain statement, 1868. P. 2551. Morford, H., Nat. allegory. P. 2552. Old South Soc, Bost., May 1, 1861. Pamphlets, vol. 2065, 2066, 2167, 2168, 2182, 2551, 2587. Pelletan, Addr. to King Cotton, 1863. P. 1882. Picard, A., Le conflit Am6ricain, 1862. Pleasanton, A. J., Home guard of Phila., 1864. P. 1883. Prospect, by Mountaineer, 1862. P. 2066. Revolution, La, Am^r. d6voilee, 1861. Sargent, F. W., Engl., U. S. and South, con- fed., 1863. P. 2065. Schobert, Paix k I'Am^rique, 1862. S6cession aux Etats Unis, 1861. Segar, J., Speech, 1861. Slocum, W. N., How to end the war, 1861. P. 2168. Smith, Goldwin, Letter to a Whig, 1864. P. 2551. " Address, 1866. " Slave owner and Turk, (Current dis- cussions), 1879. Soret, H., Hist, du conflit Am6r., 1868. South Carolina, Report on Georgia, 1860. P. 1982. Stevens, T., Speech, May 2, 1864. P. 1882. Townsend, S. P., Speech on the war, 1864. P. 2178. Townsend, T. S., Nat. record, 1872. P. 1061. Train, G. F., Speeches, 1862. Union as it was, 1862. P. 1882. Union Congr. Comm., A few plain words, 1861. P. 1888. SUPPLEMENT. 65 Civil War in the U. S., 1861-5, Pam- phlets (continued). Wedgwood, W. B., A democ. empire advo- cated, 1861. P. 2065. Wilcox, A. G., Remedies of the Const., 1862, P. 2177. Civil War in the United States, 1861- 1865 : Sermons on. Atkinson, T., Westport, Conn., 1861. P. 2106. Barrows, W., Reading, Ms., 1863. P. 1920. Beecher, H. W., Freedom discourses, 1863. Beman, N. S. S., Troy, 1861, 62. Berry, J. R., Jersey city, 1864. P. 2106. Bingham, J. F., Buffalo, 1864. P. 2106. Bosworth, G. W., Portland, Me., 1861. P. 2106. Brauns, F. W., Baltimore, Md., 1861. P. 2106. Breckinridge, R. J., Sermons, 1861. Brown, W. G., Washington, D. C, 1862. P. 2106. Clapp, A. H., Providence, R. I., 1861. P. 2106. Clark, F. G., N. Y., 1862. P. 2106. Colton, Chauncy, Baltimore, 1861. P. 2182. Cutler, C, Francestown, N. Hamp., 1863. P. 2106. Cutter, G., Worcester, Ms., 1861. P. 1920. Davidson, R., N. Y. city, 1861. P. 2106. Duryea, J. T., Troy, 1861. P. 1920. Eels, W. W., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1863. P. 2100. Ellinwood, F. F., Rochester, N. Y., 1865. P. 1920. Evans, J., Hagerstown, Md., 1863. P. 2106. Ewer, F. C, N. Y. city, 1861. P. 2106. Foggs, E. A., Philadelphia, 1861. P. 2106. Folwell, J. N., Easton, Pa., 1863. P. 2106. Ford, W., Brandon, Vt., 1861. P. 1920, Foster, E. B., West Springfield, Ms., 1862. P. 2106. Giesy, S. H., Philadelphia, 1865. P. 2106. Handy, I. W. K., Portsmouth, Va. P. 2106. Haskell, A. M., Salem, Ms,, 1863. P. 1920. Hawks, T. H., Cleveland, Oh., 1861, P. 2106. Heermance, E. L., Castleton, N. Y., 1864. P. 2106. Hoge, Wm. J., N. Y. city, 1861. P. 2182. Holmes, J. M., Brooklyn, N. C, 1862. P. 2106. Howard, W. D., Johnstown, Pa., 18G3. P. 2106. McGinley, W. A., Shrewsbury, Ms., 1862. P. 1920. Manning, J. M., Serm., Ms. 43d regt., 1862. P. 1920. Miller, S., Phila., 1862. P. 2106. Newton, R., Phila., 1863. P. 2106. Pamphlets of sermons on, v. 1920, 2106, 2182. Purington, L, M., Burnt Hills, N. Y., 1864. P, 2106. Shedd, W. G. T., N. Y. city, 1862, P. 2106. Skinner, T. H., Stapleton, N. Y., 1862. P. 2106. Smyth, E. C, Brunswick, Me,, 1861. P. 1920. 9 Civil War in the U. S.. 1861-5, Ser- mons on (continued). Spear, S. T., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1865. P. 1920. Stewart, W. B., Pottstown, Pa., 1862. P. 2106. Stockton, T. H., Washington, .1861. P. 1920. Street, T., York, Pa., 1863. P. 2106. Trumbull, H. C, St. Augustine, 1864. P. 1920. Tyler, G. P., Brattleborough, Vt., 1862. P. 2106. Tyng, D. A., Phila.^ Pa., 1856. P. 2106. Wadsworth, C, Phila,, 1861. P. 2106. Watkins,W. H., Natchez, Miss., 1861. P. 2182. Willson, C. B., Salem, Ms., 1863. Civilization. Allen, F. A., Orig. de, en Am Cg. d. Am., s, 1, T. 2. Lubbock, J., Origin of, 1870. Mill, J, S., Diss. V. I, 1864. Morgan, L. H., Ancient society, 1878. Rawlinson, G., Origin of nations, 1878. Tylor, E. B., Early hist, of man, 1870. See Progress; Society; Pre-historic ; Re- form ; Social Science. Clagett, T. J. Nic. 111., v. 5. Clagett, W. Atherton, C. H., Memoir of. N. H. H., 3, Clans. Scotland, feuds of. Misc. Scot., 1. 2. 1818. Stuart, Costume of the clans, 1845,- fo. Clap, Rev. N. Callender, Rev. J., Disc, on, 1746. Clapp, D. Ellis, R., Disc, on, 1868. Clare, J. De Quincey, T., Writings, v. 7, 1851. Clare mont, N. Hamp. Granite Monthly, V. 3, 1880. Waite, 0. F. R., War history of, 1868. Clarendon, E. Hyde, Earl of. Humble petition. H. M., 7. Ellis, G. A., Character of, 1827. Clarendon, H. Hyde, Earl of. Corresp., 1676-1705. Clark, Maj. J. Letters. H. P, B, Clark, J. V. H. Sketch of, 1869. P, 2090. Clark, Malcolm. Van Cleve, Mrs. C. 0,, Sketch of, Mn. H, C, 1. Clark, Rev. Peter. Biog. of, E, I. C, v, 1. Clark, Rev. S. Doddridge, P., Disc, on, 1751. P, 2037. Clark Co., Oh. History of, 1881. Clarke, D. C. Clarke papers, 1878, Clarke, Rev. James F. 70th year celeb, 1880. Clarke, Rev. John. Nic. ill., 1. Zouch, T., Memoir of. Clarke, John. Mass. H. Soc. Col,, s, 1, v, 6, Life of. 66 SUBJEOT-INDEX. Clarke, Mrs. M. A. Life of, 1809. Rival, The, princes, 1810. Clarke, Sam. Works, L. 1738, fo. Clarke, Step. Clarke papers, 1878. Clarke, Walter. Memorial, 1871. P. 1061. Clarksfield, Oh. Memoir of. F. L. P. Clarkson, D. Life and works, 1846. Clarkson, T. Elmes,«J., Monograph, 1854. Clary, F. A. Life of, 1864. Classical Literature. Bowcn, F., Classical studies, 1867. P. 2147. Bueuger, C, Theopompea. Diss., 1874. P. 2147. Campbell's, T., Lect. on Gr. Poe. reviewed. See Review, B., 1841. Christ, W. v., Die griech. Chorges^nge, K. Bay. Abh. p. p. c. 14, 1878. Gibbon, E., Crit. obs. on the JEneid, 1796. Misc. 3. Gladstone, W. E., Juventus mundi, 1870. Halm, von., ^schines gegen Ktesiphon. K. Bay. A. S. 1, 1875. Hauteroche, A. de, Sapho d'Eresos. Jour. Asiat. Kennedy, C. R., Greek and Latin verses. Kon. Akad. v. Wet., Lit. k. 11, d., Questiones Homericse, 1877. Prentice, W. P., Philos. opin. of Virgil. P. 2005. Richter, P., Particularum exclamitavarum, 1874. P. 2147. Woolsey, T. D., Advice, 1867. P. 1895. A^ee Antiquities ; Greek; Latin; Bibliography; Cicero ; Homer, etc. Classical Studies. Atkinson, W. P., Lib. ed. of 19th cent., 1873. Bigelow, J., Remarks on, 1867. P. 2084. Gardiner, W. H., Am. ed. in C. studies, 1834. P. 2195. Gates, M. E., Greek in prep, schs., 1873. Hammond, C, N. Eng. Acad., 1877. Inquiry on, 1769. P. 863. Lewis, T., Idea of lib. education. Martin, B. N., Essay on, 1867. P. 2041. ^ Potter, H., Address, 1875. Sears, P. H., Class, s. and acad. ed., 1866. P. 2195. Vincent, M. R., CI. in edu., 1858. See Education ; University Education. Classification of Books and Knowledge. Cutter's system. Lib. Jour., v. 4. Dewey's system. Lib. Jour., v. 4. Lesley's plan. Smithsonian rep., 1862. Lindsay's plan. Schwarz's system. Lib. Jour., v. 4. U. S. Libraries' Report, vol. II, 187<'>. See Bibliography, elementary ; Catalogues ; Libraries, 'scientific. Classifications. Spencer, H., Biology, v. 1, chap. xl. Recent discussions, 1871. Clausing, L. Life of, 1836. Clay, C. M. Writings and memoir, N. Y., 1848. Clay, H., Eulogies on, &c. Bellamy, D., Newark, N. J., 1852. Brown, S. G., Hanover, iV. Hamp., 1852. Clingman's, T. L., Writings, 1877. Gallatin, A., Corresp. with. Works. Jenkins, C. J., Augusta, Ga., 1853. Krauth, C. P., Gettysburg, 1852. Leakin, G. A., Baltimore, 1852. New Orleans, Proc, 1852. N. Y. State Mon. Ass'n, 1853. Sargent, E., Life of, 1844. P. 1877. Seward, W. H., Eulogy. W. v. 3. Slaughter, Remininisc, 1878. Van Santvoord, C, Disc, 1856. Van Zand, A. B., Serm. on, 1852. Winans, W., Woodville, Msppi. Clay, Rev, J. Clay, W. L., Life of, 1861. Clayton Family. AveUng memorials, 1867. Clear Creek Co., Col. Clear Creek and Boulder valleys. Col., 1880. Cleaveland, Rev. E. L. Memorial of, 1866. Cleaveland, Rev. John. Cleaveland, N., Account of. E. I. C, 12. Cleaveland, J. Parish, E., Sermon on, 1799. Cleaveland, P. Woods, L., Jr., Life of, 1860. Woods, L., Eulogy, 1859. Me. H. S., 6. Cleaveland, Mrs. S. H. Clarke, C, Ser- mon on, 1844. Clement, XIV, Pope. Cr6tineau-Joly, Defense de, 1847. Clergy. Barruel, Hist, of, in the French Rev., 1794. Beggars' petition agamst, 1588. H. M., 1. Boardman, H. A., Sermon on priests, 1855. Case of conscience, 1649. H. M., 6. Colets sermon, 1511. Phenix, 2. Fleetwood's Charge, 1710. P. 2575. Gisborne, T., Duties of men, 1824. Hickeringill, Hist, of priestcraft, 1707. Jeaffreson, J. C, Book about the C, 1870. Las Casas, B., Cartas. Spain, Cartas de In- dias, 1877. Lectures on non-intrusion, 1840. P. 2665. Miller, S., Orders of, contin. of letters, 1809. Pam., vol. 2126. Plea for the ministers of N. Eng., 1724. P. 25G9. Prince, T., Serm., ordination, 1718. SUPPLEMENT. 67 Clergy (contiuiied). Prvnne, W., Antipathie of prelacie, 1V41. " A legal resolution, 1656. Recollections of parish minis., 1847. P. 2536. Streeter, G. L., Salem's C. during Rev. E. LP., 2. Tuckerman, H. T., The Criterion, 1866. See Apostolical Succession ; Church of Eng- land Clergy ; Theological Education ; Sermons. Clergy, Marriage of, Southev, R., Letters to Butler, 1826. Cleveland, Benj. Cleveland, H. J., Geneal. of, 1879. Cleveland's, C. Birth day, 1852. Cleveland, J. Aubrey, J., Lives, 1813. Clifford, J. H. Mass. Hist. S. P., 1876-7, Memoir of. Climate. Beck, L. C, Mississippi valley. A. L T., 1. Brown, J. C, Forests and moisture, 1877. Falconer, N., Influence of, 1781. Leigh, R., Change of . Lit. and Philos. Soc. of Liv., P., V. 33. N. S. Wales, Roy. Soc. Jour., v. 10. Schoepfif, Climate of America, 1875. Silliman's Journal, S. 1, v. 47. Soc. d'acclimatation, 1870-79. iSee Meteorology ; Trees. Clinton, DeW. Life (Campbell), and writ- ings, 1849. Epaminondas, Addr., 1819. P. v. 50. Marcus, Letters of. P. v. 197. Pleasures of hope, 1820. P. 874. Proudfit, A., Disc, on, 1828. Street's Conn, of Rev., Biog. of, 1859. Warren, Antidote, 1802. Clinton, Gov. G. P. 57. Clinton's legacy, 1809, Clinton's corresp. with Lansing, 1809. Nevvsp. Danvers, J. B., Picture of Jefferson, 1808. P. V. 34. Hamilton, A., To the electors, 1789. " Second address, 1789. Stone, W. L., Memoir of. Mag. Am. Hist., 1. Street's Conn, of revision, Biog. of, 1859. Clinton, G. W. Writings collected, 1842- 1880. Clinton, Conn. 1868. Cong, church centenn.. Clinton, N. Y. Clinton Presb. Church, Layinff corner stone, 1877. Clinton Presb. Ch. ded., 1878. Clinton Co., Ind. Hist. Atlas of, 1878. Clinton Co., Iowa. Hist, of, 1879. Clinton Co., N. Y. Hist, of, Phila., 1880. Clinton Co., Penna. Directory, 1867. See William sport. Clive, Lord. France, Expos. de.Lond., 1851. Trav. de la Comm., 1, 4. P. Clocks. American Clock Co., 1873. P. 2120. Amer. Horological Journal, 1869-70. BadoUet, Watches, Switz., 1876. P. 2120. Elgin Watch Co., 1871, 75. P. 2074. France, Expos, de Lond., 1851. Trav. de la Comm., 3, 2. P. Jerome, C, Hist of Am. Clocks, 1860. London, Exhib. of 1862. Of. & HI. cat., 2. 1851, 1862. Report of Juries. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 3. Reid, T., Treatise, clock making, 1832. Seth Thomas Clock Co., 1870, 71. P. 2580; 1873, P. 2121. Soc. Ant. Archaeologia, v. 34, 1851. Strasburg clock fac simile. P. 2120. U. S. Rept. on Vienna Exh., 1873, 2. Verdun, Voyage pour verifier, 1771-2. Wood, E. J., Curiosities of, 1866. Clopton, A. W. Jeter, Mem. of. 1837. Clubs. Albany Club, 1869. P. 2520. Bellows, H. W., Hist, of Union league club, 1879. Brown, J., Sixty years gleanings, 1869. Century, The, Reports, 1875-9. N. Y. Emerson, R. W., Society and solitude, 1870. Esquiros, English at home, 1862. Fairfield, F. G., Clubs of N. Y., 1873. Fort Orange Club, Alb., 1880. Galaxy, N. Y., 1868. Kit-cat club. Memoirs, L., 1821, fo. Pam., vol. 2520. Scribner's Monthly, Nov., 1871. Timbs, J., Clubs of London, 1872. Union Club, N. Y. P. 2520. Union league club, Reports, 1858-79. Coal. Auerbach, Anthracen properties, 1877_ Brit. Col. : Expos, de Paris, 1867. Chase, H. W., Avondale colliery disaster, 1869. P. 2015. Daddow, S. H., Coal, iron and oil, 1866. Eaton, A. C, Formation of, in N. Y. Al. I. T., 1. Hazard, E., Introd. of anthracite. H. P. M., 2. Italy: Rap., Expos, di Londra, 1862, 4. James, T. C, Discov. of Anthracite. II. P. M., 1. Jevons, J. S., Coal exhaustion, 1866. Macan mines, N. Scotia, 1863. Macfarlane, J., C. regions of America, 1873. Pam. V. 2127. Coal Co's. Paris, Expos, de 1867. Rap. du Jury, 1. Penna., 2d Geog. Survey Report, 1874-76. " 2d Geog. Survey: on Coke. Road, The, a review, Phil., 1875-7. 68 SUBJECT-INDEX. Coal (continued). Rutherford, J., C. fields of N. Scotia, 1871. U. S., Report on Paris exp., 1867, 2, 3, 5. Coal Oils. iSee Oils ; Petroleum. Coast Survey. Daussv, P., Recon. de cotes. Soc. de Geog., B., 1851. Daussy, Rap. de Bache. Soc. de Geog., B., 1851. S6dillot, Notice hist. sur. Soc. de G^og., B., 1851. See U. S. Coast Survey. Cobbett, Wm. Bulwer, H. L., Hist, char., 1868. Forsyth, W., Essays, 1874. Huish, Memoirs of, 1836. Roaster, or a check, 1796. P. 1928. Rub from Snub, 1795. P. 1928. Smith, E., Biog. of, 1878. Cobham, Lord. Gaspey, T., Life of, 1844. Cobleskill, N. Y. Shank, D., Methodism in, 1863. P. 2186. Cochin, J. D. Vie de. Soc. Mont., 4. Cochin China. France, Expos, de Lond., 1851. Trav. d. 1. Comm., 1. 4 P. France: Col., Expos, de Paris, 1867. Le Poivre, Travels, 1769. P. 647. Veuillot, Le pays de, 1859. Vincent, Travels, 1871-2. See China ; Siam ; Asia, Southern. Cochran, Dr. J. Penn. Mag. of H., Ill, 241. Cochrane, A. Cochrane corresp., 1745-6. Mait. CI., 45. Cockburn,H. Journal, 1831-54. 1874. Cockfield, J. Nic. 111., v. 5. Codman, Rev. John. Tribute to. Ms. H. Soc. P., 1860-2. Cceur, Jacques. Du Rozoir, Ch., Vie de. Soc. Mont, et Frank., 2. Coffee. Paris, Expos, de 1867. Rap. du Jury, 11. Coffin, Levi. Reminiscences, 1880. Coffin, P. Woodman, C, Memoir of. M. H. C, 4. Cogswell, J. Strong, N., Sermon on, 1807. Cogswell, Mrs. J. Page, J., Sermon on, 1859. Cogswell, W. Kelly, J., Disc, on, 1831. N. Hamp. H., 5, Biog. notice of. Cohasset, Mass. Flint, J., Hist, of, 1821. Ms. H. S. C, H. 8, v. 2. Cohoes, N. Y. Masten, Hist, of, 1877. Cohoes directory, 1872. See Troy. Coins and Medals. See Currency ; Numis- matics. Cointet, Rev. F. Life of, 1856. Colbert, J. B. Villenave, Vie de. Soc. Mont, et Frank., 6. Colby, A. Life and works, 1875. Colby, J. K. Memorial of, 1867. Colchester, Eng. St. Peter's ch. trusts, 1863. Cold. See Meteorology. Colden, Gov. C. Papers, 1760-65. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Pub., 1876. Cole, Rev. Wm. Nic. Lit. Anec, 1. Cole Co., Mri. Minor, J. L., Hist, of, 1876. Colebrooke, H. T. Mueller, F. M., Life of. (Chips, iv), 1875. Coleman, Seth. Memoir, 1817. Coleridge, Sir J. D. Political portraits, 1873. Coleridge, S. T. Works, N. Y., 1854. De Quincey, T., Writings, 6, 1851. Mill, J. S., Diss., V. n. Robinson, H. C, Diary and corresp., 1869. Swinburne, A. C, Essays, 1876. Coleridge, Sara. Mem. and letters, 1874. Colet, J. Erasmus, Life of. Phenix, 2, 1708. Colfax, S. Oration, 1876. See Cattaraugus County. Colfax, W. Nelson, W., Biog. sketch of. N. J. H. P., 2, 34. Coligni, J. Clarke, S., Life of, 1652. Collamer, J. Addresses on death of, 1866. Collections. See Pamphlets. College of New Jersey. Alexander, Biog. of founder of, 1845. Alexander, S., Observatory addr., 1867. Alexander, S. D., Hist, of Princeton Coll., 1872. Cameron, H. C, Hist, disc, 1880. Coll. of N. J., Cat., 1840, 41, 3, 9, 51, 58, 60- 68,^72, 74. *' Trien! Cat., 1848. Hist, of, 1844. P. 1061. " Centennial, 1849. " Hist, sketch, 1859. Duryea, Students in the war, 1861-5. Hart, J. S., Addr. alumni assocn., 1863. McCosh's inauguration, 1868. McLean's inauguration, 1854. Notices of, 175S-1808. N. J. H. P., 6. Colleges. Cameron, H. C, Hist. disc, on, 1880. College Directory, 1871, 73, from Old and New. • «* Prot. Epis., 1878, by J. Rue. Fanner, J., List of graduates of coll. of N. Y. and N. J., 1838. Porter, N., Amer. colleges, 1870. SUPPLEMENT. 69 Colleges (continued) U. S. Report of commr. of Ed. Statistics of, 1878. " Ed. Circ, 3, 1873. Commence- ments, 1873. U. S. school and coll. directory, 1874, 75. See Scientific Schools. Colleges of United States : Catalogues, &C. [For colleges of New York State, See below.] Albion Col., Albion, Mich., Cat., 1866-8, 73, 4. Allegheny C, Meadville, Cat., 1846, 60, 1, 5, 6, 8, 74. Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., Catal., 1824, 31, 42-46, 61-68, 70-7^, 76-78, 80. Triennial catalogues, 1869, 75, 78. " Corner stone of church celeb., 1870. Walker Hall celebrations, 1868, 70. " Semi-centennial celeb., 1871. " Semi-centennial catalogue, 1872. " Alumni and graduates in the war, 1861-65. " Obituary record, 1871, 72. •' Class of 1836, biog., 1857. " Amherst Olio, 1871, 73. Tyler, W. S., Hist, of, 1873. Antioch College, Ohio, Mann's Inaug. addr., 1854. " Allen's Hist, of suspension, 1858. " Rejoinder to Allen's Hist., 1859. " Claims of Bost., 1865. Catalogues, 1855, 64, 69. Arkansas Industrial University, Fayetteville, 1874. Beloit Col., Beloit, Wis., Cat., 1849, 50, 54, 57-66, 68, 69, 71-75, 78. Trien. Cat., 1863, 66. Boston University year book, 1871-75, 78-80. " President's report, 1880. Calendar of College of Music, 1881. Bowdoin C, Brunswick, Me., Cat., 1867. . Trien. cat., 1837, 46, 49. " Med. Coll., opening, 1862. " Packard, A. S., Addr. Alumni, 1858. P. 2015. Brown Univ., Prov., R. I., Cat., 1837, 1839-76. Trien. Cat., 1852-60, 66, 73. " Centennial celeb., 1864. B. U. in the civil war, 1868. Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minn., Catal., 1873-78. History of, by M. M. Dana, 1879. Colby Univ., Waterville, Me., Cat., 1853, 6, 64, 66, 68, 76, 79. " Laws, 1867. Trien. Cat., 1863, 69, 75. College of New Jersey. See College of New Jersey, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Cat., 1862-67. Colleges of United States : Catalogues, &c. (continued). Columbia College, N. Y. See Columbia Col- lege. Columbian University, Washington, Catal., 1857, 9, 60, 61, 7, 9, 73, 74. Cornell University, N. Y. See Cornell Univ. Cumberland Univ., Lebanon, Tenn., Cat., 1855, 7, 8, 9,71. " Law school announce., 1856. Dartmouth Coll., Hanover, N.H.,Cat., 1834-79. Trien. Cat., 1840, 49, 55, 61. " N. Hamp. H. 3, Graduates in 1769. " Biog. notes of classes of 1811, 13, 70. " Chapman, Gr. T., Biog. of alumni, 1867. Delaware Coll., Newark, Del., Cat., 1839, 47, 57, 72, 74. Dickinson Coll., Carlisle, Pa., Cat., 1843, 6, 50, 9, 64, 6, 8, 72. Trien. Cat., 1864. " Narr. of proc. of trustees, 1821-30. Doane Coll., Crete, Nebraska, Catal., 1877-79. Drury Coll., Springfield, Mri., Cat., 1873, 74, 96-79. *' Nat. Congr. Council, visit to, 1880. Franklin and Marshall C, Lancaster, Pa., Cat., 1847, 65, 7, 8. General cat., 1863. Georgetown C, D. C, Cat., 1853, 4, 5, 71, 4. Hamilton College. See under Hamilton. Hanover C, Hanover, Ind., Cat., 1849, 60, 6, 8, 9, 70. Harvard College, Ms. See Harvard College. Haverford C, Haverford, Pa., Report, 1833, 35, 60, 67-9. " Catal., 1864-68, 72. Hiram Coll., Hiram, Oh., Cat., 1874. Howard Univ., Washington, Cat., 1868, 9, 70, 4. " Second anniversary, 1869. niinois C, Jacksonville, Hist, sketch, 1832. ** Quarter cent, celeb., 1855. " Cat., 1836, 64, 6, 71, 3, 4. Hlinois Industrial Univ., Urbana, Rep., 1868- 1878. Cat., 1868. 9, 71, 76, 78, 80. Illinois So,uthern Normal Univ., Carbondale, Catal., 1874. " Rep. of trustees, 1874, 76-78. Illinois State Normal Univ., Cat., 1870. Rep. of B. of Edu. on, 1876. Illinois State Univ., Springfield., Cat., 1866. Illinois Wesley an Univ., Bloomington, Cat., 1865, 6, 9, 70, 71, 3. Indiana Asbury Univ., Greencastle, Catal., 1864, 66, 67, 73. Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Rep. and cat. 1846, 55, 57, 59, 63-67, 71, 73. Iowa College, Grinnell, Cat., 1855, 67, 68, 73- 75, 77, 78. Inaug. of Pres. G, F. Magoun, 1865. 70 SUBJECT-INDEX. Colleges of United States: Catalogues, &c. (continued). Iowa State, Univ. Cat., Iowa city, 1856-79- " Rep. of President, 1871. Jefferson College. See Washington and Jef- ferson Coll., below. Johns Hopkins Univ., Bait., Register. 1878. Circular No. 7, Dec, 1880. " Inaug. of Pres. Gilman, 1876. " Syst. of fellowships, 1880. Kentucky Univ., Lexington, Cat., 1867, 68. '• Report of the regent, 1868. Kenyon Coll., Gambler, Ohio, Reports and Cat., 1843-72. Knox C, Galesburg, 111., Cat., 1854, 63, 5, 6, 7,8. «* Triennial cat., 1866. " Inaug. of Pres. Bateman, 1875. Lafayette Coll., Easton, Pa., Cat., 1841, 52, 54-79. ♦« Hist, sketches of, 1876. ** Inaug. and other addresses, 1841-73. «' Coffin, S. J., The men of, 1877- Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis., Cat, 1856, 8, 61, 6, 8, 77, 8. Lehigh Univ., South Bethlehem, Pa., Regis- ter, 1869, 72, 73. Lincoln Univ., Lower Oxford, Pa., Cat., 1866, 7, 8, 79. " Pres. Carter's instal., 1857. " W. D. Johnson's address on, 1867. " Inaug. of professors, 1874. Louisiaua State Univ., Baton Rouge, Off. reg., 1866-68, 70-72, 77. *• Report of board, 1865, 66, 70, 1878. McKendree C, Lebanon, 111., Cat., 1859, 60, 1, 8, 71. " Triennial cat., 1858, 64. " Educational convention, 1868. Marietta C, Marietta, Oh., Cat., 1845,58-60, 64, 67, 68, 74, 79. " Twenty-fifth anniv., 1860. " Hist, sketch of, 1876. " Marietta Coll. in the war, 1861-5. Miami Univ., Oxford, Oh., Catal., 1849, 65, 67, 68. McBride, .)., Sketch of. H. & P. S., v. 1, 1888. Middlebury C, Vt., Cat., 1822, 26, 28, 32, 85, 50, 64-66, 68, 70, 74, 77. " Trien. cat., 1844, 47, 56, 62, 68. '• Semi-centen. address of Dr. Bates, 1850. " Inaug. and other addresses. " Necrolog. reports, 1868, 72-74. ** Corner stone of new edifice, 1860. Mississippi Coll., Clinton, Miss., Cat., 1854, 66, 70, 72. " Meeting of trustees, 1870. Missouri State Univ., Columbia, Cat., 1846, 02-75, 09-78. '• Report and addresses, 1870-76. Colleges of United States, Catalogues, &c. (continued). Monmouth C, Monmouth, 111., Cat., 1859, 60, 2, 4, 8, 71, 4. " Ihang. of Pres. Wallace, 1857. Newark Coll. See Delaware Coll. North Western Un., Evanston and Chicago, Cat., 1860, 1, 6, 8, 73. Oakland C, Claiborne Co., Miss., Cat., 1845, 50, 52, 55. " Addresses, Southern education, 1854. Oberlin Coll., Oberlin, Oh., Cat., 1852, 61, 63- 66, 68. Trien. cat., 1860, 63, 66. " J. H. Fairchild, on origin of Ob. Coll., 1860. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Oh., Cat., 1861, 4, 5, 6, 8. Triennial Cat., 1862, 65. Pennsylvania C, Gettysburg, Cat., 1838, 46, 8, 9, 50, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 60, 62-8. " Inaug. of Pres. Valentine, 1868. Racine C, Racine, Wis., Cat., 1856, 9, 62, 4, 6, 7, 8, 74, 78. Rutgers C, New Brunswick, N. J., Cat., 1834, 53, 5, 7, 66, 68-70, 73. " General cat., 1770-1855. " Centen. celebration, 1870. " Scientific school, 14th report, 1878. St. John's C, Annapolis, Md., Hist, notice of, 1835. " Cat., 1855, with Pres. Humphrey's addr. St. Joseph's C, Bardstown, Ky., Cat., 1854, 56, 8, 60. St. Louis University, Mri., Cat., 1855, 64, 78-80. Shurtleff C, Upper Alton, HI., Cat., 1858, 64, 6, 7, 74; Gen. cat., 1834-64. Smith College, Northampton, Mass., Inaug. of Pres. Seelye, 1875. Offic. circular, 6, 7, 1879, 80. Straight Univ., New Orleans, La., Catal., 1869, 70, 77, 78. Trinity C, Hartford, Ct., Cat., 1845, 7, 57, 8, 60, 4, 6, 7, 70-2, 74, 76. " Trien. Cat., 1828, 55, 71, 72. Tufts C, Charlestown, Ms., Cat., 1856, 64-70, 72-80. Trien. Cat., 1877, 1880. " Inaug. addresses, 1862, 65. Union College, Sch., N. Y. See Union Univ. Univ. of California, Oakland, Cal., Cat., 1866, 7, 74, 5. University of Chicago, Cat., 1859, 60, 64, 71, 74. Univ. of Georgia, Athens, Cat., 1872, 74. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Hist, sketch of, by C. K. Adams, 1876. Cat., 1848, 7, 8. 57, 9, 66-71, 78, 4, 6, 7. Uuiversitv of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Re- ports, 1868, 72, 74. SUPPLEMENT. 71 Colleges of United States, Catalogues, &c. (continued). University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Calen- dar, 1874, 80. " Univ. Almanac, 1871, 73. Univ. of Nashville, Tenn., Cat,, 1850, 76, 80. Univ. of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill, Cat., 1849- 69. Univ. of Notre Dame, Indiana, Cat., 1855, 7, 63, 4, 5, 6, 7, 71. Guide to, 1865. Univ. of Penna., Phila., Cat.. 1845, 9, 51, 3, 4. 5, 7, 8, 64, 6. Gen. Cat., 1849. " Report on Engl. Univ., 1834. " Dept. of Arts, reorganization, 1853. " Inaug. of arts and sci. building' Univ. of S. Carolina, Columbia, Cat., 1838, 43, 6, 8, 67. Trienn., 1864. Univ. of the South, Sewanee, Address, 1858. Report, 1860, 69, 70, 71. Univ. of Vermont, Burlington, Catalogues, 1834, 7, 51, 64, 5, 66, 9, 70, 1 ,3-7. Trien. Cat. 1867. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Cat., 1837, 8, 44, 9, 50, 6, 66, 9, 67, 8, 72. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Cat., 1864-67, 70, 1, 3, 4, 78-80. " Rep. of Regents, 1851, 5, 6, 8, 60, 74, 79. Wabash C, Crawfordsville, Ind., Cat., 1847, 59, 60, 1, 3, 4, 8. " Origin and growth of, by J. F. Tut- tle, 1876. Washington and Jefferson C, Washington, Penn., Washington Coll. Cat., 47, 56, 59, 60, 63. " Semi-centen. celeb., 1856. " Reunion class of 1844, 1869. " Jefferson Coll., Cat., 1849, 50, 64. Wash, and Jcflf. Cat., 1865, 6, 7. •' Inaug. of J. Edwards, Pres., 1866. Washington and Lee Univ., Lexington, Va., Cat., 1867, 70, 71. Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mri., Inaug. of, April, 1857. Catal. of, 1868. " Eliot, W. G., Lect. on, Feb., 1875. Waterville Coll. See Colby University, above. Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Ct., Cat., 1840, 50, 1, 9, 60, 62, 64-68, 70, 1, 3, 4, 5, 8. " Trien. Cat., 1862, 66. " Alumni records, 1863-69. " Inaug. of C. D. Foss, Pres., 1876. " Museum curator's rep., 1877, 79. Western Reserve C, Hudson, Oh., Cat., 1837, 42-7, 9, 50, 1, 64, 8. Gen. Cat., 1842, 60, 5. Western Univ. of Penna., Pittsburgh, Cat., 1865, 67, 68. Colleges of United States, Catalogues, &c» (continued). Western Univ. of Penna, Pittsburgh, Upfold, G., Address, commenc, 1842. Westminster Coll., Fulton, Mri., Cat., 1859, 60. Westminster Coll., New Wilmington, Penn., Cat., 1866. West-Va. Univ., Morgantown, Cat. and Rep., 1873. WilUam and Mary's C, Williamsburg, Va., Cat., 1837, 39, 55. " Gen. Cat., 1859. Account of. Va. H. R., 3. Hist, of, 1874. Williams College, WilUamstown, Mass., Cat., 1823, 7, 31, 8, 43, 55, 65-71, 78, 4, 6, 80. Trien. Cat., 1814, 17, 23, 62, 68. General Catalogue, 1880. Cat. of 1859-60, by class of '62. " Inaug. of Pres. Chadbourne, 1872. Philologian Soc. Cat., 1873. Obituary record, 1865-67, 73, 75, 77. " Bed. of Miss'y monument, 1867. " Sketches of classes, 1825, 57, 69. " Gulielmensian, No. 14, 1871. Sketch of, 1793. Ms. H. S. C, s. 1, V. 8. Wisconsin, Hist, sketch of colleges of, 1876. Wittenberg College, Springfield, Oh., Cat., 1855, 65, 68, 74. Yale College. See Yale College, New Haven. See Education and University ed. Colleges of New York State.' Alfred Univ., Alfred, N. Y., Cat., 1858, 63, 68, 72. Gen. Cat., 1876. Columbia College. See Columbia College. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., Rep. ou organization, 1860. Circulars, 1867, 8. Cat., 1868-76, 78, 80. Ten-year book, 1868-78. " Proc. laying corner stone of Sage Coll. C. Univ., What it is, 1872. The Cornelian, 1872. De Veaux Coll., Suspension bridge, Ann. rep., 1858. Register for 1873-76. Elmira Female C, Elmira, Cat., 1855, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 4, 6, 7. 8, 76. " Pres. Cowles's inaug., 1856. Genesee C, Lima, Cat., 1850, 54-6, 61, 4, 5, 6, 8, 70, 1, 2. Geneva C. See Hobart College. Hamilton C, Clinton, Cat., 1871-79. Trien. Cat., 1840, 46, 49, 68, 74. Inaug. of Pres. Fisher, 1858. " Inaug. of Pres. Brown, 1867. Hist, of P. H. Smith Library Hall, 1872. 72 SUBJECT-INDEX. Colleges of New York State (continued). Hamilton Coll., Clinton, Class of 1865. 1877. The Hamiltonian, 1875, 76. ' ' Hamilton Literary Monthly, 1877-80. Hobart C, Geneva, Cat., 1838, 9, 42, 60, 63- 75, 77, 79. Trien. Cat., 1879. " Semi-centen. celebra., 1876. Ingham Univ., Le Roy, Hist, sketch of, 1856. Cat., 1851, 2, 7, 8, 61-3, 65-9, 73, 5. Inaug. of Dr. S. H. Cox, Pres., 1856. Madison Univ., Hamilton, Cat., 1832, 41, 52, 7, 62, 5, 7, 9, 71-8. N. Y., University of the State, Annual Rep. of Board, 1870-80. " Annual Convocation proc, 1869-79. " Manual of the Regents, 1871. N. Y. Central C, McGrawville, 'Origin, de- sign and operation of, 1849. " . Annual reports, 1850, 2-4. Cat. 1851, 3, 5. N. Y. State Agric. Coll., Ovid, Charter and regulations, 1859, 61. " Rep. to N. Y. Legislat., 1863. '* Proc. of subscribers, 1865. N. Y. City, College of the city, Reports of the trustees, 1866-79. " Annual Register, 1874-80. «* Merit roll, 1876, 79. '• Examination papers, 1871. '' Larremore's remarks on the pro- posed change, 1869. " N. Y. Rep. of Supervisors on . taxes, 1873. " Address of the Alumni, 1869. Rutgers Female C, N. Y. city. Cat., 1843, 4, 7, 8, 50, 2, 5, 67, 72, 76, 78, 81. ** Inaug. of the College, 1867. *' Baccalaureate address, 1867. St. Francis Xavier's C, N. Y. city. Cat., 1856-58, 1860, 62-72, 74, 75-80. St. John's C, Fordham, Catal., 1849, 55, 57, 8, 60, 61, 63-69, 71-73, 75, 77, 78. St. Lawrence Univ., Canton, Charter. ♦♦ Catal., 1864, 9, 72-79. St. Stephen's C, Annandale, Cat., 1868, 65- 76, 78, 80. Sands, N., Communication on College of N. Y., 1869. P. 1895. Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, Announcement, 1871. Annual cat., 1872-74, 76, 78, 79. '* College of fine arts, 1874, 75. " Inaug. of Pres. Winchell, 1873. ** Annual report, 1874. '« Announ. of C. of Physic, 1872. Union College. See Union University. University of Rochester, Rep. on plan of in- struction, 1850. Cat. 1850, 1, 3-6, 8, 9, 00, 1, 4^9, 70, 4, 5, 8, 9. Colleges of New York State (contined). Univ. of the City of New York, Cat., 1865-72. " Inaug. of H. Crosby, 1870. " Addresses, 1855, 61. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, Trustees' pro- ceedings, 1861. " Foundation, aims, etc., 1873. " Communication by founder, 1869. Cat., 1865-7, 9, 71-76. Wells College, Aurora, Cat., 1873, 75, 78. Colleges: Foreign. Central Turkey Coll., Aintab, 1874, 75. Colegio "Vargas" en Curazao, Anales, 1868. Dalhousie Coll., Halifax, Macdonald's inaug. addr., 1870. Deutsches Akademisches Jahrbuch. ..Univer- sitaten. Leipzig, 1875. Educational year book for 1879, London. France : Annuaire de I'univ., 1850. " Enseignement des Lycees, 1852. " Statist, de I'enseig. super., 1868. King's College, London, Eng., Calendar, 1864. Rep. and Prosp., 1861. King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia, Cal- endar, 1860-63, 71, 73. Account of, by T. B. Akins, 1865. Koen. Bayerische Universitaten, Satzungen fttr die Stud., 1854. London University, Calendar, 1861-72. Regulation?, 1831, 39. P. 1318, 1574. Lou vain, Universite de. A:mnaire, 1863, 64, 68. Malta Protest. Coll., Rep. 1853. New Coll., Lond. (Congregational), Rep., 1853. Queen's Coll., Birmingham, Prospectus. Queen's Coll., Belfast, Prospectus, 1866. Queen's Univ. and Coll., Kingston, Canada, Calendar, 1865, 67. Robert College, Constantinople, Turkev, Statement, 1869, 74. Syrian Protest. Coll., Prospectus, 1874, 75. Univercidad de Chile, Santiago, Anales, 1854. Univ. Regia Fred. Christiania, Norway, Be- schreib., 1849, 4'. yEdes descr. Hoist, 1852. Univ. de Lidge, 1869. Le Roy, Liberjmemo- rialis, 1869, roy. 8°. Universit6 Laval, Quebec, Annuaire, 1857-80. " Ouverture des cours, 1877. " Const, et R6gl., 1874. " Programme du bacc, 1873. P. 2581. " Pastoral, on the estab. of, 1868, 4°. P. 1062. " M^moire sur, Quebec, 1862, 4*. " Casault, L. J., Souvenir de, 1868. P. 2052. University Laval h Montreal, Inaug. d. I. fac. de droit, 1878. " Discours, ouverture de r6cole de M6d., 1878. " Questions sur la succui'sale, 1881. SUPPLEMENT. 73 Colleges, Foreign (continued). University Coll., Toronto, Calendar, 1868. " Lit. and Sci. Soc, Trans., 1857. Univ. of Mexico, Constituciones, Mex., l775,fo. Univ. of Otago, IVew Zealand, Prospectus, 1872. Univ. of Sidney, N. S. W., 1851. P. 1318. University of Toronto, Rapports et des coll. du Haut Can., 1856. " Exam, papers, 1858, 60. Univ. of Trinity College, Torofito, McMurray, W., mission to Engl., 1869. Upsal Univ., Catal. forver terminen, 1847, 48. Wellington Coll., Roll of, 1861. See Cambridge ; Donblin ; Edinburgh ; Glas- gow ; Oxford ; Universities. Colleges : Medical. See Medical. CoUes, C. Knickerbocker gallerj^ 1855. Mag. of Am. Hist., 1878. P. 340. O'Reilly, H., Letter on, 1869. Collier, A. Benson, R., Mem. of, and fam- ily, 1837. Collins, Rev. E. Nic. 111. 3, Sketch of. Collins, Rev. John. Nic. 111., 3, Sketch of. Collins, Wm. Poetical works and life. See Goldsmith, 0. Colman, B. Tiirell, E., Life of, 1749. Colman, H. Thompson, J. W., Disc, on, Colnbrook, Eng. Cologne, Germ. 1842. Gyll, Hist, of, 1862. Boisser6e, Cathedral de. Colomb, C. See Columbus, C. Colombia. 5'e6 New Granada; Venezuela. Colonization. Bannister, S., Brit, coloni- zation, 1S38. Curley, E. A., On Nebraska, 1876. History of, 1777. Neill, E. D,, Colon, in 17th cent, of Amer., 1871. Netherlands, Expos, de Paris, 1867. Smith, A., Wealth of nations. B. IV. See British ; France ; Great Britain ; Nether- lands; Spanish. Colonization of People of Color. Amer. Colon. Soc, Rep., 1865-1880. Amer. Colon. Soc, Addresses before. Wash., 1873, 75, 77, 79, 80. Dewees, J., Future of Am. and Africa, 1854. Doolittle, J. R., Speech, U. S. Sen., 1862. Inducements to emigr., to Guiana, 1840. P. Maryland Col. Journal, 1849-57. Mitchell, J., Necessity of. Wash., 1862. N. Y. State Colon. Soc, Rep., 1846, 61, 72, 73. '• Statement of differ, with A. C. S., 1870. P. " Exposition of errors of, 1870, P. 10 Colonization of People of Color (con- tinued). Smith, Ger., Addr. to 3000 colon, on land in N. Y., 1846. Stuart, C, Letter on prejudice, 1832. U. S., Kennedy's report, 1843. See Color ; Negro Races ; Slavery. Colonna, V, TroUope's Decade, 1859. Colorado* Am. Ge. S. J., Expedition to, y. 1. Bell, W. A., New tracks, 1870. Bowles, S., Amer, Switzerland, 1869. Clear Creek and Boulder valleys, 1880. Colorado : Official information, 1872. " Resources and advantages of, 1873 Colorado directory, 1876. • Col. Indust. Assn., 1874. P. 2082. Colorado resources, 1872. P. 2082. Fossett, F., Hist, of, 1876. " Its mines, farms, Ac, 1879. Hayes, A. A., Jr., New Col. Santa Fe trail, 1880. Hollister, 0. J., Mines of, 1867. Ives, J. C, Report on Col. river, 1861. Pam., V. 2082. Patten, W. L., C. in 1878. Powers, S., Afoot and alone, 1872. Rocky Mt. Gazetteer, 1870. Smart, S. F., C. miner, Ac, 1879. Southworth, A. S., The new State, Am, Ge. S. J., 6. Tenney, E. P., The new west, 1878. U. S., Engr's Rep., 1878. Part 3. ** Geol. and Geog. survey, 1873 (Hay- den). Wheeler, G, M., Explorations. Am. Ge. S. J., 6, Whitney, J. P,, Schedule of ores at Paris Expos,, 1867. Why not to be admitted, 1866, See Boulder; Denver; Rocky Mountains. Color, People of. Bannister, S , Coloured tribes, 1838. Davis, Rev. N., Life of, 1859. Hammon, J., Evening's improvement, 1777. Henson, J., Life of, 1849. Hughes, B. F., Oration, 1827. P. v. 27. Cat. of 1855. Jackson, A., of Ky., Life of, 1847. Stearns, C, Black man of the South, 1872. Voorhis, R., Life, as hermit, 1829. Wheatley, Phillis, Letters, 1864. " Letters of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1864. iS^e Negro races ; Colonization of. Colors. Chateau, Couleurs d' aniline, 1818. Fearn, J., Laws of vision, 1818. Pmtr., 12. Genet, E. C, Notes on. S, A. N. Y., 3, 1804. Hoffman, F. R., Hist, of aniline, 1863. P. 2053. 74 SUBJECT-INDEX. Colors (continued). (El-Farben Mahlerey, 1719. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 7. Pleasanton, A. J., Of the blue ray and life, 1876. Smithson. Rep., 1863, On purple, p. 383. See Dyeing ; Eye. Colquhoun, P. Life of, 1818. Colter, John. Mn. H. C, 1, Adventures of. Columbia, District of. Comptroller's re- port, 1872, 3. P. 2113. " Report of public works, 1873. P. 2113. Report finan., 1874, 75. ' Toner, J. M., Orat. Med. Soc. of, 1869. P. 2113. U. S., Educ. Spec. Report, 1871. Washington directory, 1862-67, 75, 77. Sc-e Georgetown ; Washington City. Columbia. See British Columbia. Columbia College, N. Y. Anthon, G. C, Letter to G. T. Strong, 1864. Betts, W., Inaug. addr., 1858. Columbia C, Charter of, 1754. Cat., Acad. Dep., 1855, 6, 8, 70-78. Cat., Law Dep., 1859, 69, 76, 77. Cat., Med. Dep., 1860, 77, 78. Cat., S. of Mines, 1864, 66-68, 72, 74, 76. Cat., trien., 1815, 26, 36, 44, 64, 67. Alumni, ann. reports and proceed- ings, etc., 1837-73. Alumni, constitution of, 1859. Handbook of, 1878. Law dep.. Exam, questions, 1862. President's repts., 1865, 66, 69, 70, 71, 81. Semi-centennial anniv., 1837. Senate's rept. on affairs of, 1853. Statutes of, 1785, 1811, 1816, 21, 51. Treasurer's repts., 1859, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66. " Trustees' rept. on removal, 1854. Clinton, DeW., Addr. to alumni, 1827. Davies, C, Inaug. addr., 1858. Dwight, T. W., Inaug. addr., 1858. Gibbs' testimonials, 1854. Jones, W. A., First century of, 1863. Joy, C. A., Inaug. addr., 1858. King, The, and his cabinet, 1849. Lieber, F., Inaug, addr., 1858. Marsh, G. P., Inaug. addr., 1858. Nairne, C. M,, Inaug. addr., 1858. Ogden, G. M., Defence of, 1854. Van Buren, J. D., Letter to the trustees. 1868. Columbia, Conn 1867. Cong. Ch. centennial, Columbia Co., N. If. Atlas, Beers, 1878. Columbia Co., N. Y. (continued). Directory, 1871-2. Hist, of, 1878, 4°. Hogeboom, J. T., Hist, orat., 1876. Terry, E. C, Civil list, 1876. Columbia Co., Wis. History of, 1880. Columbia River. See Oregon. Columbiana Co., Oh. Mack, H., Hist, of. Phil., 1879. Columbus, C. Anghiera, Sommario. Ra., a. Becher, The landfall of, 1856. Belloy, His Discov. illustrated, 1878. Bernaldes, A., Hist, of Ferd. and Isabella. Ms. H. S. C, s. 3, v. 8. Castaing, Un reve de. Cg. d. Am. s. 1, T. 2. Chambers Misc., v. 11, Life of. Columbus, C, Letters, Spain, Cartas de Indias, 1877. Letters. Ms. H. S. P., 1878. Everett, E., Remarks, 1853. W. v. 3. Gibbs, G., His Landfall. N. Y. H. P., 1846. Gomara, F. L. de. Hist, de las Indias. Ba. Goodrich, A., Hist, of, 1874. Grynaeus, Novus orbis, 1555, Navigatio. Jomard, Son portrait, Soc. de G6og., B., 1845. Oviedo, G. F. de. Hist, de las Indias, 1. Rin^k, Portrait, de. Cg. d. Am., s. 2, T. 2. Robbins, E., Am. history, N. T., 1829. Studj Bibliog., Roma, 1875. See America, Discovery in. Columbus, D. Oviedo, G. F. de. Hist, de las Indias. Oviedo, G. F. de. Hist, dell Indie, Ra., 3. Columbus, F. Harrisse, Ensayo critico, 1871. Columbus, L. Oviedo, G. F. de. Hist, do las Indias, 1. Columbus, Ohio. Columbus Directory, 1843. Studer, History of, 1873. Colver, Nath. Smith, J. A., Memoir of. 1873. Comets. Cole, W., Obs. on, 1777. Flammarion, C, Hist!)ry of a C, 1873. Gumpach, J. von. Baby-worlds, 1688. Humboldt, Cosmos, vol. 4, 1852. Mather, I., Discourse concerning, 1683, and history. Comines, P. de. Mfimoires. Petitot. Mi- ch aud. Commentaries. iSe^ Bible. Commerce. Bolles, J. K., New London a seaport, 1877. Browne, S. H., Acct. of articles of, 1871. Bruce, J., Speech on Ind. affairs. Pmtr., 2. Chotteau, L., Speech at San Francisco, 1879. SUPPLEMENT. 75 Commerce (continued). Cin. C. of Com., Bridging Oh. and Miss. rivers, 1868. Commercial and Finan. Chron., N. Y., 1871-80. Dun & Co., Reference book of U. S., 1876. East Ind. Co., Charter of. Pmtr., 2. Eighty years' progress, U. S., 1870. Foote, J. P., Mem. of, S. E. Foote, 1860. Gilbert, J. W., Lectures, 1865. Hill, H. A., Am. shipping, B.^ 1869. " Bus. men and nat. legis., B. 1870. " Com. associations, B., 1869. Ins. Hist, do Bra., 1, Francia e o Brazil. Ital. Econ., Expos, de Paris, 1867. Justice, Treatise of monies, 1707. King, C, Disc, N. Y. Chamb. of Com., 1848. N. Y. H. S., s. 2, V. 2. Lindsay, W. S., Hist, of ancient C, 1876. Lockyer, C, Trade in India, 1711, 8'. Manufacturers' Nat. Conv., Proc, 1867. Maritime Assoc, of N. Y., 1S79-81. Martin, F., Hist, of Lloyd's, Lond., 1876. Montague, L., Office of addresses, 1645. H. M., 6. National Board of Trade Conv., 1868-71. N. Y. Produce Exchange reports, 1873-80. Principles of export, 1818, Pmtr., 12. Rel. com. prog, of N. Y. and Phil., 1859. Roach, J., Am. carrying trade, N. Y., 1881. S. Francisco C. of Com., Rept. on Franco- Am. treaty, 1879. Sermon to tradesmen, 1770. P. 2535. Simmonds, P. L., Science and comm., 1872. Solimbergo, G., Nav. e com. alle Indie Or., 1877. S. America, Expos, de Paris, 1867. South. Com., Conv. Proc, 1870. Spencer, H., Morals of trade (Ess. Mor.). Tudor, F., The ice trade, 1849. Ms. H. S. P., 1855-8. U. S., An. report on, 1870-79. " Rep. Routes to the seaboard, 1871. Statistics of trade, 1878. " 12th an. list of mer. vessels of U. S., 1880. Univ. Hist. Mod. v. 9, 11. Veitia, Spanish rule of trade, 1702. Yeats, J., Manual of recent, 1872. " Technical history of, 1871. Hist, of, 1500-1789, 1872. " Hist, of raw materials of, 1876. See Finance ; Tariff ; Free Trade ; Political * Economy ; Navigation ; Sugar ; Neu- trals. Commissions. Smith, J. T., Govt, by, 1849. Common Place Books. Buckle, H. T., Misc. works, II, III, 1872. See Maxims : Quotations. Common Schools. See Education. Communion. Barksdale, Disruption, 1653. Bosanquet, Objections to Pusey, 1843. P. . 2176. Bouchier, B., Dialogue, 1845. P. 2575. Campbell, J., Sacr. commem., 1840. P. 2575. Chauncy, C, Five sermons, 1772. Goodwin, T., Works, v. 4, 1697. Hall, R., Terms of, 1816. P. 2042. Hemmenway, D., Disc, on admission to, 1792. Horneck, A., Fire of the altar, 1694. P. 2535. Hospinian, Concordia discors., 1607. Letter on sacramental tests, 1709. P. 1064. Mather, I., First principles of N. Eng., 1675. Prynne, W., A quench-coale, 1637. Vind. of 4 questions, 1645. Suspention suspended, 1646. A new discovery, 1656. A legal resolution, 1656. Vind. of free admission, 1656. Lord's supper vindicated, 1658. Pusey, E. B., The holy eucharist, 1843. Turin: Miracolo dell ss. Sacramento, 1753. P. 1064. See Church Members ; Hoadly ; Baptists ; Transubstantiation. Communism. Heckethorn, Secret societies, 1875. James, Com. in America, 1879. Leighton, J., Paris under the C, 1871. Meriac, Paris sons le C, 1871. Skidmore, T., Rights to property, 1829. Woolsey, T. D., History of, 1880. See Social Science. Comoro Is. Hall, B., Fragments of voyages, 1852. Comparative Anatomy and Zoologys See Zoology. Composition. Bigsby, B., Elem. of Eng. lang., 1874. See Rhetoric. Compromise of 1850. Pam., vol. 2177. Speeches. iSe^ Missouri ; United States, Politics. Compton, Rh. Is. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 1, V. 9. Notes on, 1803. Comstock, C. Lewis, T. , Sketch, Univ. N. Y., Convo., 1875. Comstock, J. Hist. o*f my life, 1822. Comte, A. (Euvres, 1830-42. " Philosophy of, condensed. Martineau. Atkinson, H. G., Laws of man's nature, 1851. Edger, H., Positive community, 1864. P. 2026. Fortnightly Review, L., 1865-80. Mill, J. S. Godwin, P., Out of the past, 1870. Huxley, T. H., Lay sermons, 1870. Lewes, G. H., Problems of life and mind, 1875. 76 StTBJEOT-mDEX Comte, A. (continued). McCosh, Chris, and Positivism, 1871. Mackall, L., Comments on Positivism, 1858. Martineau, H,, Autobiography, B. 1877. Martineau, J,, Essays philos. and theol. Host., 1866. Spencer, H., Recent discussions, 1871. Couceicao J* M. da. Gama, J. S. de, Biog. de. Ins. H. do Bra., 31, P. 2. Conchology. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Jour- nals, 1834-47. See Crustacea ; MoUusks. Concord, Mass. Alcott, A. B., Concord days, 1872. Concord, Docts., 1854r-69. " Centenn., 1876. " Directory, 1844, 50, 64. Mass. H. Soc, Coll. 1, Topog. of. Concord, Mass,, Battle. Adams, J., On I. Davis in the fight of 1775. P. 2089. " Addr.. Centen. of Acton, 1835. Curtis, G. W., Orat., 1875. Cent. Or. Reynolds, G,, Concord fight, 1775. P. 2089. See Lexington. Concord, N. Hamp. Bouton, N., Hist, discourses, 1850, 62. Concord Directory, 1844, 50. Granite Monthly, 1879-80. Moore, J. B., Sketch of. N. H. H., 1. Concordance. *S«« Bible; Indexes, verbal. Conde, Princes of. Aumale, Historv of, 1872. Memoires, 1559-64. Michaud. Condorcet, J. A. N. C. CEuvres, 1847. Arago, Biog. of. Smithsonian Rept., 1878. Confederate States : History, etc. Avi- rett, J. B., Lives of Ashby, Ac, 1867. Ball, Mrs. C. A., The jacket of grey, 1876. Bennett, W. W., Revival in S. armies, 1868. Bevier, R. S., Hist, of 1st and 2d Mo. Con. brigades, 1879. Caldwell, J. F. J., Hist. McGowan's brigade, 1866. Confed. St., Constitution, 1861. P. 2066. " Gen. orders. Adj. -Gen., 1862-64. " Gen. orders, Trans. -Miss. Dept., 1863-64. " Navy register, to Jan., 1864. Rules H. of R., 1862, 64. P. 2551. Confederate States Almanac, 1864. Cooke, J. E., Hammer & Rapier, 1870. " Wearing of the gray, 1867. «' Last days of Lee, 18G9. Davis, J,, Rise and fall of C. govmt. N. Y., 1881. Echoes from the South, 1866. Edwards, J. E., Sketches of G. H. and B. W. Harris, 1868. Edwards, J. N., Shelby and his men, 1867. Confederate States : History, etc. (con. tinued). Farrar, J. R., Johny Reb., 1866. " Fort Lafayette life. L. 1865. Gilmor, H., Four years in saddle, 1866. Griers' Southern almanac, 1862-63. Harrison, W., Pickett's men, 1870. Hodgson, J., Cradle of the confederacy, 1876. Hollywood Cemetery, Register of Confed. dead, 1869. Hundley, D. R., Prison echoes, 1874. Irby, R., Hist, of Nottaway Grays, 1878. Jackson, T. J., Old Jack, 1864. ' Johnson, J. L., Univ. of Va., biog. memo- rial, 1871. Johnston, Gen. J. E., Narr. of mil. opera- tions, 1874. Jones, J. B., War clerk's diary, 1866. Jordan, Campaigns of Forrest, 1868. Keeler's Miss. Almanac, 1858-61. Keiley, A. M., Federal prisons, 1866. Leftwich, W. M., Martyrdom in Missouri, 1870. Letters of the Southern Spy, 1861. Louisiana, Adj. Gen.'s Report, 1861. Marginalia. . . .By Personne, 1864. Mason, Emily V., Southern war poems, 1874. Mercer, C. F., Gov't of the U. S., 1863. Old Capitol's inmates, 1867. Pam. V. 1665. Pollard, Lee and his lieutenants, 1867. «' The lost cause, 1866. Richardson's Va. and N. C. Almanac, 1863, 64, 66. Richmond in the war, 1867. Russell, W. H., Pictures of southern life, 1861. P. 2066. Semmes, R., Service afloat , 1869. Shaver, L. A., 60th Alabama regt., 1867. Sigillologia, Seal of Confed., 1873. P. 2066. Southern Hist. Soc. Pajiors, vols. 1-5, 1876-78. Thompson, E. P., Hist. 1st Kent'y brigade, 1868. Walker, CD., Memorial of Va. Mil. Insti- tute, 1875. Warrock's Va. and N. C. Almanac, 1864, 65. Wise, G., Hist. 17th Va. regt., 1870. /See Civil War, 1861-65. Confederate States : Sermons. Elliott, S., Savannah, 1802. Gadsden, C. P., Charleston, 1860. P. 1920. Confessional. Adams, W., Lett, to Dr. DeKoven, 1874. P. 2085. Dausch, M., Lectures, 1878. Confirmation. Clark, S. A., The rite of, 1867. P. 2595. Watson, A., Four lectures on, 1848. P. 2595. See Church of England. Confiscation. if^M Civil War: Confisc. SUPPLEMENT. 77 Conformity. Baxter, R., Defence of non- conformity, 1681. Course of, 1622. Davids, T. W., Hist, of, in Essex. L. 1863. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 2, v. 4, Non-conform- ists' oath. Price, T., Hist, of non-conf. in Engl., 1838. /Se^ Church of Engl. ; Dissenters; Toleration. Confucius. She Ring. Sze Shoo, Writings of, in Chinese. " Life of. Phenix, Gowan's, 1835. Tela, Life and morals of, 1818. Congo River. Stanley, H. M., The dark continent, 1878. Congregational Churches. Amer. Congr. Union, Addresses, 1854, 55. Amer. Congr. Union, Reports, 1866-73. Manual, 1870-74. Bouton, N., Disc, 50th Anniv., N. H. Gen. As'n, 1859. Clarke, D., Orthod. Congregationalism, 1871. Congregational Churches, National council Proc, 1865. Cambridge platform of 1648. Testimony and advice, 1743. Connecticut conference minutes, 1868-72. Conn., Saybrook platform. Illinois, Association minutes, 1858, 60, 61, 72. " Historical papers, 1869. Maine, General conference minutes, 1843-81. " Mission Soc. Anniv., 1843-79. Massachusetts, Ass'n minutes, 1868- 73. " Gen. conference min- utes, 1860-67. " Declaration, 1742. N. Hamp., H. C. 4, Convention in N. H., 1761. " Gen. Ass'n minutes, 1829-36, 50-74. Rhode Is. Ass'n Min., 1872-80. Vermont Gen. Conv, min., 1827, 37, 50-55, 57-75. Congregational Order. TheJPlatforms and Discipline, Middletown, 1843. Defence of answer of Synod, 1664. Dexter, H. M., Congreg. of 300 years, 1880. Display of God's grace, 1742. First Cong. Ch., Albany, 1868. P. 2119. First Parish, Scituate, Mass., 1845. P. 2553. Fisk, Mrs., Plea for council, 1782. Goodwin, T., Works, v. 4, 1697. Hawley, Z. K., Congregationalism and Meth- odism, 1846. Mather, C, Ratio disciplinse. Pam., vol. 2542. Prynne, W., A full reply. 1644. Congregational Churches (continued). Prynne, W., Truth triumphing, 1645. '' A fresh discovery, 1645. Rathband, W., Confut. of Brownists, 1644. Rowland, D. S., Serm., Minist, necessity, 1776. P. 1914. Scottish Cong. Ch. Jubilee, 1849. Springfield Ch. on Hampshire Narr., 1737. Stoddard, S., Instituted churches, 1700. Worcester, T., Letter to S. Payson, 1815. See Church Government ; New England ; Puritans. Congregational Churches, £ng. Ed- wards, T., Gangraena, 1646. Fletcher, J., Hist, of Independency, 1847. Goodwin, Rev. J., Sion coUedg visited, 1648. Goodwin, Rev. T., Works, v. 4, 1697. " Apologetical narr., 1643. Waddington, J., History of, 1700-1800. Walker, C, Relat. and obs., 1648. Wilson, Josh., Calumnies refuted, 1863. Congress. Albany, 1754. Ms. H. Soc. Coll., s. 3, V. 5. Congressional Speeches. 1860-61. Pam. v., 2046. See United States. Congreve, Wm, Dram., Works and biog. See Wycherley. Conkling, R. Speeches collected, 18. U. S. H. of R., Rep. on Fry, 1866. P. 1904. Connecticut. Blue laws of Conn., «&c., 1838. Brief decent remarks, 1782. Conn. Public records, 1706-62. " Adj.-Gen.'s rep., 1866. " Rep. of Board of Agric, 1880-1. " Rept. of State House Commrs., 1875. Conn. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 2, 1870. Davis. S., Tour to, 1789. Ms. H. S. P. 1869-70. Fowler, W. C, Local law in, 1872. Goodwin, W., Stat, of Sen. and H. of Rep. 1848, 50-52; 56-58, 61, 67, 68. Hazard's State papers, 1794. Homes on the Sound, 1875. P. 258^. Howard, M,, Despotic doctrines in U. S. Sen., 1863. Lambert, Hist, of N. Haven Col, 1858. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 1, v. 7, Queries resp., 1774. ^ Trumbull, J. H., Notes on constitutions of, 1639-1818. Winthrop, R. C, Worthies of, 1857. W. v. 2. See Pennsylvania. Connecticut in Civil War. Conn. Adj.- Gen'ls rept., 1861-5. Conn., 22d regt. hist., 1863. Huntington, E. B , Stamford soldiers, 1869. Ray, B. C, Our old battle flags, 1879. 78 SUBJECT-INDEX. Connecticut in Civil War (continued). Sheldon, W. D., Hist. 27th regt., 1866. Sprague, H. B., Hist. 13th regt., 1867. Walker, E, A., Address to 1st regt. artil., 1862. Connecticut : Local History. See Abing- ton; Bristol; Clinton; Cromwell; Do- ver; East Hartford; Fairfield; Frank- lin; Glastonbury; Greenfield; Green's Farms ; Greenwich ; Jewett City ; Leb- anon; Milford; New London; New London Co. ; North Branf ord ; Nor- walk ; Plymouth ; Pomfret ; Redding ; Rockville; Saybrook; Seymour; Sha- ron; Tolland; Torringford; Torring- ton; Winchester; Windham; Wolcott. Connecticut River. U. S. Engr.'sRep., 1878. Conscience. See Moral Philosophy. Constable, C. Nic. HI., v. 5. Constantinople. Dallaway, J., C, anc. and modern, 1797. Evliya, Travels, 17th cent. 0. T. F. Noyes, J. 0., Roumania, etc., 1857. Russell, W. H., Diary in the East, 1869. Sad-ud-Din, Capture of, in 1453. Univ. Hist., vols. 16, 17. Valenciennes, Fondat. de 1' empire latin. Michaud. Ville Hardouin, Conqu^te de, 1198-1207. Petitot. See Turkey. Constitutions. See Great Britain; United States Government. Construction. See Architecture; Bridges; Engineering ; Railroads ; Hydraulics, etc. Consuls. Belgium: Instructions, 1838. P. 1119. Parks, n.. Powers of, 1850. P. 2098. U. S., Opinion on act of 1855. P. 2177. See Diplomacy. Consumption. Beddoes, T., Obs. on, 1803. Bowditch, H. I., Is it contagious? 1864. P. 1900. Churchill, J. F., Treatise on, 1861. P. 2185. Fitch, S. H., Almanac, 1851. P. 2564. Howe, J. M., C. curable, 1856. P. 2531. Contagion. Assoc, of tallow chandlers, N. Y., 1797. P. 2139. Drysdale, J. J., Germ theories of. Lit. and Philos. Soc. of Li v., P., v. 33. Hosack, Laws of. Lit. and Phil. Soc. N. Y., 1815. Maclean, C, Causes of the plague, 1821. Pmtr., 16. jSi^e Yellow fever ; Cholera; Medicine; Plague; Quarantine. Convents* 8«e Nunneries. Convicts. Irish Qu. Rev. V, VI, 1855, 6. Maconochie, Con. management, 1888. /See Punishment ; Prison ; Crime. Conyngham, Hon. W. B. Nic. 111., v. 6. Cook, Capt. James. Cham. Mis., v. 5, Life of. Cook, S. H. Sprague, W. B., Sermon on, S. V, 5. Cooke, G. Professional experience, 1852. Cooke, Harriet B. Autobiog., 1858. Cooke, J. W. Corresp. with Bp. Henshaw, 1847. P. 1887. Cookery. Art of Cookery (Poem), 1773. Irish Quar. Review, v. 8. U. S.: Ed. Circ. — Training schools for. Warner, R., Culinary affairs of the old Eng- lish, 1791, 4°. See Domestic Economy. Cookman, Rev. A. Ridgaway, Life of, 1873. Cooley, J. E. Gliddon, G. R., Refutation of, 1862. Cooper, A. A. See Shaftesbury, Earl of. Cooper, Peter. Arcadian Club reception, 1874. Cooper, Thos., Pres. of S. Car. Coll. Reply to Burke, 1793. The case of, 1831. Cooperation. Cairnes, Polit. Econ., 1874. Holyoake, Hist, of, 1875, 9. Richter, E., Co«p. stores, 1867. Thornton, W. T., On labor, 1870. See Labor ; Trades. Cooperstovirn, N. Y. Coffin, R. B., Home of Cooper, 1872. P. 2004. Copley, J. S. Memoir of. Ms. H. S. P., 1871-3. Copper. Kerl, Metallurgy of, 1869. Copper Companies. Phenix Min. Co., Simsbury, 1831. Coptic Church. [Appleyard, E. S.], East- ern churches, 1850. Copyright. Capen, N., Memorial, 1844. P. 1895. Carey, H. C, Letters on, 1868.' Hotten, J. C, Seven letters, 1871. Internat. c. r. Ass'n meeting, 1868. P. 1895. See Literary Property. Coral Is. Cooper, H. C, Coral lands, 1880. Dana, J. D., Corals and C. L, 1872. Coram, J. Brownlow, J., Memoranda, 1847. Coram, T. Vie de. Soc. Mont. 1. Corday, Charlotte de. Proems, 1861. Corea. Grinnell, W., Journey through. Am. Ge. S. J., 3. Klaproth, Aperqu g6n., 1832. " Trois royaumes, 1835. 0. T. F. Corfu Is. Tuckerman, C. K., Greeks of to- day, 1872. SUPPLEMENT. 79 Corfu Is. (continued.). See Ionian Islands ; Greece. Cork, Ir. Smith, C, Anc. and pres. state, 1774. Corn. U. S., Paris Expos., 1867, On cereals. Nicholson, J., Culture of Indian. S. A. N. Y., 4. Corn Laws. See Free Trade ; Tariff. Cornbury, Lady. Sharp, J., Sermon, N. Y., 1706. Corneille, P. (Euvres, 1838. Cornelius, E. Hawes, J., Disc, on, 1832. Cornell, E. Writings collected, 1862-64. Cornell University. Sage college corner stone proceedings, 1875. Register, 1873-5, 7. Gray, J. C, Remarks on. Ms. H. S. P., 1869-70. Scribner's Monthly, VI, Sketch of. Cornwall, Conn. Gold, T. S., Hist, of, 1877. Cornwall, Eug. Borlase, W. C, Sepulchres of, 1872. Carew's Survey of, 1805. Lyons, Magna Britannia, 1822. Oliver, G., Monasticon dioec. Exoniensis, 1846. Polwhele, R., History of, 1803-6. " Reminiscences, 1836. Cornwall, N. Y. Beach, L., Hist., 1873. Cornwall Co. Visitation. See Harleian Soc. Coronado, F. V. de. Relatione. Ra., 3. Simpson, J. H., Explor. of. Am. Ge. S. B,, 1873-4. " Ruins in N. Mexico. Am. Ge. S. J., 5. Coronations. Coron. of Charles II, Scot., 1651. Phenix, 1, 1707. Douglas, R., Cor. of Charles II. P. 1621. George IV, Order of, 1821. P. 1621, 721. Letter on coron. oath, 1833. P. 155. Prynne, W., Loyalty to kings, 1660. Serm. on coron. of George IV, 1821. Pmtr., 19. Taylor, A., Glory of regality, 1820. Thoms, R., Book of the court, 1844. Times (London), The, C. of Queen Victoria, 1838. Newsp., v. 3. Corpulence. Banting, W., Letter on, 1864. P. 15] 9. Townsend, H., Food and its digestion. Al. L T., 5. ^ Correa, S. de Sa e B. Ins. H. do Bra., 3, Biog. de. Correspondence. See Letters. Corruption. Bollan, Continued corruptions, 1768. U. S., Corruption cases, reports, 1857,9. " Covode investigation, 1860. ^S'ee Officers; Bribeiy. Cortes, F. Carta, 1542. 1854. " Cartas. Barcia. " Cartas y relaciones. Par. 1866. Helps, A., Life of, 1871. Hist, de Mejico. Lorenzana. N. Y., 1828. " Narratio. Gr. '' Relationi. Ba., 3. Oviedo, G. F. de. Hist, de las Indias, 3. Ulloa, F., Relatione. Ra., 3. Cortlandttown, N. 'Y. Rodman, E. M., Hist, of, 1867. Coshocton Co., O. Hunt, W. E., Hist, of, 1876. Cosmogony. Averroes, De substantia orbis, 1482. Browne, R. G. S., The mosaic cosm., 1864. God's first sally out of Himself. Phenix, 1. Haeckel, Hist, of creation, 1876. Prelim, treat, on repulsion, 1853. P. 1888. Presumptions, by N. B. Y., 1850. P. 2026. Relics from a former world, 1847. P. 1888. Smith, G., Chaldean acct. of Genesis, 1876. Spencer, H., Nebular hypothesis, 1865. Univ. Hist., v. 1. Whiston, W., Theory of the earth, 1722. See Geology and Scripture ; Nature ; Science and Religion. Costa, C. M. da. Ins. H. do Bra., 12, Biog. de. Costa Rica. Atlant. and Pacif. R. R., 1870. P. 1815. Boyle, F., A ride across, 1868. See Central America. Coster, L. J. De Vinne, Early printing, 1878. Linde, The Haarlem legend, 1871. See Harlem ; Typography. Costumes. Follet, Le, Paris, 1856-67, 1870. Genin, Hist, of the hat, 1848. P. 2580. Griswold, Repub. court, 1853. Lady's Magazine, 1806, 7. London, Exhib. of 1851. Off. and descr. cat., 2. Exhib. of 1862." Off. and 111. cat., 2, 3. Exhib. of 1862. Report of Juries. Paris, Expos, de 1855. Rap. du Jury. Expos, de 1867. Rap. du Jury, 13. Strutt, J., Regal and eccl. aptiq., 1842, 4°, Vigne, F. de, C. du moyen ^ge, 1840. See Manners and Customs. Cottolengo, G. Vie de. Soc. Mont., 3. Cotton, A. J, Keepsake (Autobiog.), 1858. 80 SUBJECT-INDEX. Cotton. Baines, E., Hist, of Lancaster, v. 2, app., 1870. Croom, J., Hist. of. Ala. H. C. Daly, Culture of. Am. Ge. S. P., 1863-4. Dudley, J. G., Memoir on. Am. Ge. S. B., 1. London, Exhib. of 1851. Of. and descr. cat., 2. Paris, Expos, de 1855. Rap. du Jury. Parrott, W. W., Introd. of. Ms. H. S. P., 1855-8. Say's Hemiptera, 1831. Seabrook, W. B., Memoir of, 1844. Wheeler, J. T., Cotton cult, in India, 1866. See Manufactures ; Tariff. Councils. See Church Councils. Counterfeiting. Mayer, G., Contrefaqon de marques, 1879.* Ormsby, W. L., Statistics of. Am. Ge. S. P., 1863^. Stuart, W., Life of, 1854. See Engraving. Coups d'etat. Naude, G., Science des princes, 1752. Courayer, Dr. P. F. Nic. HI., v. 5. CourceUes, Remy de. Margry, Decouv. des Franqais, 1876, v. 1. Continho, J. P. R. de Azeredo. Ins. H. do Bra., 2, Biog. de. Coutts, T. Life of. P. 1228. Covell, A. L. Welch, B. T., Sermon on, 1837. P. 1917. Coventry, Eng. Sharp, T., Of the pageants at, 1825. Covington, A. Winans, W., Disc, on, 1849. Covode Investigation. Debate, June 1, 2, 1860. P. 1907. U. S. Report, 1860. Cowley, A. Life and select works, 1777. Cowper, W. Works and life by Southey. L., 1853-4. " Works and life by Hayley. L., 1847. Cheever, G. B., Lectures on, 1856. Coxe, D. W. Girod, Reply on land claim, 1820. Crabbe, G. Poet, works aud life. \l,., 1847. Leadbeater papers, 1862. Cranbrook, Eng. Tarbutt, W., Annals of, 1870. Cranbury, N. J. Symmes, J. G., Hist. Presb. Church, 1869. P. 2030. Crane, Jon. Memorial, 1870. Cranmer, T. Life of, by H. F. Lee. Todd, H. J., Vindication of, 1826. Craven Co., 8. C. Hist. Sketch of, 1852. Crawford, Col. W. Butterfield, Life of, 1878. Crawford, Wm. H. Clark, J., Considera- tions on, 1819. Crawford Co., Oh. Hist, of, 1881. Crawford Co., Pa. Directory, 1874. Credit. >S'ee Debt; Financial. Credit Mobilier. Martin, E. W., Behind the scenes, C. Mobilier, 1873. Scribner's Monthly, VII. U. S. Reports, H. of R., 1873. Creeds. Athanasius, On creed of. H. M., 12. Usher, J., De symbolis (Annales), 1722. jSee Opinions ; Tolerations; Various Churches and Religions. Cremation. Blind, K., Fire-burial, 1875. P. 2125. Eassie, W., Essay on, 1875. Haweis, H. R., Ashes to ashes, 1875. Thompson, Sir H., Treatment after death, 1875. Yarrow, H. C, Mort. customs of N. Am. In- dians, 1880. Cresap, M. Mayer, B., Logan and C. Md. H. R., 1. Crespel-Dellisse, L. F. Vie de. Soc. Mont,, 2. Cresson, W. Key of David, 1852. Crete. See Candia. Cretinism. SeeGoiivQ; Idiots. Crichton, J. Tytler, R. F., Life of, 1819. Crichton Castle. Scott, Sir W., Prov. Antiq., 1826. Crime. Aldrich, P. E., Prevalence of. Am. Ant. Soc, 1873. Baden, Strafrechtspflege, 1866-70, 72-79. Beccaria, C. and punishment, 1787. Bowles, W. L., Increase of, 1819. Pmtr., 15. Gaol, The chaplain, 1848. Harris, T. L., Disc, on, in N. Y., 1850. P. 2031. Irish quarterly Rev., Ill, 1853 ; IV, 1854. Lieber, F., Educ. and crime, 1835. Macfarlane, Lives of robbers, 1853. Monroe, A. F., Life and writings, 1857. Nat. A. P. Soc. Sci., T., 1876-79, Repression of. N. Y., Reports of, Statistics, 1858-66. " Reports of pardons, &c., 1857, 59, 69, / ^ 70, 78. Report on, in N. Y. City, 1876. P. 2129. Pam., V. 2129. Pike, L. 0., Hist, of, in England, 1878. Pinkerton, A., The detective, 1875. Reformed criminals, 1874. P. 2081. Soc. for prev. of, 1st and 4th an. repts, 1877, 80. Wilmot, Sir E. E., Increase of, 1827. Pmtr., 29. Sm Punishments. SUPPLEMENT. 81 Crimea, Proctor, A Russian journey, 1873. 5'6e Russia; Circassia. Crimean War. Armand, A., Hist, chirurgi- cale, 1858. Kinglake, Invasion of, v. V. 1875. Layard, A., l""*^ campaigne de, 1855. Macleod, G., Surgery of, 1862, Reminiscences of, 1860. Russell, W. H., Todleben's defence, 1865. St. Arnaud, J. A., Lettres, 1831-54. Criticism. a^€^ Rhetoric ; Dramatic; Literary Criticism ; Literary History ; Classical Literature. Crittenden, J. J. Life of, 1871. Winthrop, R. C, Tribute to, 1863. W. v. 2. Crocker, A. Memorial. SeeRice, J. B. Croft, Sir H. Nic. HI. v. 5. Croghau, Geo. Letters. Ms. H, S. C, s. 4, V. 9. Aspinwall papers, 1761. " Journal, 1763. P. 2091. " Journal, 1765, Olden Time, p. 404. Cromwell, O. Atkinson, T., Hist, address, 1855. P. 1891. Bruce, J., His quarrel with Earl of Manches- ter, Camden Soc. Cowley, A., Vision concern., 1661. H. M., 7. Cromwell, 0., Life of, 1820. Fairfax corresp., 1625-1700. Green, G. S., Hist, play and life of, 1752. P. 1303. Harl. Misc., 5, Anger of. " 6, Complaint of. " 7, Life of, 1663. " 7, World's mistake in, 1668. Headley, J. T., Life of, 1850. Irish Archseol. Soc, Hist. Ireland, 1641-52, Prestwich, Respublica, 1787. Cromwell, R. Le Grice, C. V., Disc, on, 1795. B, 2147. Cromwell, Ct. Dudley, M. S., History of' 1880. Croquet. Fellow, R., Game of, 1868. Cross, Mrs. M. Wilkinson, W. C, Free lance, 1874. Crown Point, N. Y. Spaulding, S. S., Hist, of, 1874, Croydon, Eng. Steinman, G. S,, Hist of. Croydon, New Hamp. Cooper, J., Hist. sketch, 1852. Cooper, L. P., Sketch of. N. H. H., 6. Crusades. Chamber's Misc., v. 19. Jacobs, Carte gen. des: Soc. deG6og., B.,1846 France. Docts. ined. Architec. des crois6s. Grant, Voyage de Hierusalem, 1522. Robertus Monachus, Historia, 1533. See Chivalry ; Jerusalem ; Knights. 11 Crustacea. Dana, J., U. S. Explor. Exped. Atlas, 1855. Eights, J., New specimens. Al. I. T., 2. Harvard Coll. Mus. of Comp. ZoOl., Bulletin, 1880. Trilobites (Walcott). Tryon, Am. marine conchology, 1873. See Mollusks. Crystal Palace. See Exhibition. Crystallography. Hugo, L., Cristalloides complexes, 1872. " Geometric des cristalloides, 1873. See Mineralogy. Cuba. Abbott, J. S. C, South and North 1860. Aguilera, Notes about, 1872. P. 2083. Benzoni, G., Novi orbis hist., 1592-5. Bry, Ind. Oc. Pt. 4, 5. Berthelot, S., Essai hist. sur. Soc. de G6og., B. 1846. Couto, Independence of, 1872. P. 2083. Gallenga, A., Pearl of the Antilles, 1873. Gomara, F. L. de. Hist, de las Indias. Ba. Humboldt, Essai politique sur., 1826, Lavallee, F., Nouv. hist, et g6og. Soc. de g6og,, B , 1844. Macias, C. in revolution, 1871. P. 2083. O'Kelly, J. J., Mambi land, 1874, 12°. Oviedo, G. F. de, Sommario. Ra., 3. Pam., V. 2083. Phillippo, Travels in, 1847. Pichardo, Diccionario. . .vozes Cubanas, 1862. Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. phys. pol. et nat., 1839-57. Saco, Incorporacion de. ..1849. P. 2083. U. S. Ostend conference, 1855. P. 2083. Verdad, La, Papers from, 1849. P. 2083. Walker, J. M., Fry's life, 1875. See West Indies. Culdees. Chalmers's Caledonia, v. I. McCallum, History of, 1855. Culture. Arnold, M., Cul. and anarchy, 1869. See Self-culture. Cumberland, Md. Lowdermilk, Hist, of, 1878. Cumberland Co., Eng. Hutchinson, W., History of, 1794. Lyons, Magna Brittann., 1822. Mackay, C, Scenery of the lakes, 1846. Wright, T., History of, 1860. Cumberland Co., Me, Hist, of, Phila., 1880. Cumberland Co., IV. J. Elmer, L. Q. C, History of, 1869. Shourds, Hist, of Fenwick's colony, 1876. Cumberland Ca., Peun. Rupp, Hist, of 1846. Cumberland Frigate. Acct. of reception 1862. P. 2551. 82 SUBJECT-INDEX. Cumberland Presb. Lowry, L. A., Letters to, 1851. P. 2586. Cumming, H. Plagiarism, 1817. P. 1895. Cummington, Mass. Porter, J., Account of. Ms. H. C, s. 2, V. 10. Cuneiform. ^SV*; Inscriptions. Cunha Barbosa, J. da. Santarem, Vie de. Soc. de Geog., B., 1847. Cunningham, A. De Quincey, T. Writ- ings, V. 7, 1851. Cunningham, Rev. P. Nic. 111., v. 6. Cunningham, W. Account of. Va. H. R., 6. Cunningham, Scot. Pont'sacct. of. Mait. C, 95. Curiosities. Dresser coll. of Japan Cur., 1879. Loan collections, catalogues, 1870-80. Sypher & Co., Catalogue, N. Y., 1875. P. 2074. See Antiquities ; Museums. Curran, J. P. Croly, G., Sketches, 1842. Currency. Am. Bankers' Assoc. Conv., Proc, 187g, 77, 79. Am. Bankers' Assoc, Exec. Coun., 1st rept., 1877. " South, and West. Ex. Council, Proc, 1878. Anti-greenbackers, Resumpt. of Sp. pav., 1866. P. V. 2197. Baldwin, L., Thoughts on, 1809. P. 2061. Barton. S., Our nat. finances, 1867. P. v. 2197. Butler, G. B., Cur. quest, strict, on Gallatin, 1864. P. V, 2197. Sup. of small bills, 1880. P. v. 2197. Clarke, F. W., Money of all nations, 1879. Cobden Club essays, 1872. Cooper, P., Letter on, 1875. P. 2197. Cowdin, E. C, Hist, of C. and finance, 1876. Dillaye, S. D., Assignats and mandats, 1877. P. V. 2197. Evans, W. See Walker, R. J. Ewing and Woodford, Joint discuss, on fin., 1876. Field, M. W., Cur. quest., plea forgr.-backs, 1868. P. V. 2197. Forbes, J. N., Exam, of, 1874. P. v. 2197. Gallatin, A., Considerations, 1831. Gallatin, J., Nat. finan. and the cur., 1862. P. V. 2197. Giffen, Essays (Bi-metallism), 1880. Har. Misc., 2, Summarie of reasons, 1560. Harvey, J., Paper money, 1877. Hazard, E., Thoughts on C. and fin., 1868. P. V. 2197. Hodge, W. L., The pub. debt and the cur., 1867. P. V. 2197. Honest Money League, Chicago, Publica. (5), 1878. Currency (continued). Hubbell, W. W., Leg. tend, act of Congr., • 1862. P. V. 2197. Internat. Monetary conference, 1878, 79. Johnston, J., Addr., the currency, 1878. P. V. 2197. Klaproth, Orig. du papier-monnaie. Jour. Asiat., 1, 1822. Kline, V. P., Dem. party and the cur. quest., P. V. 2197. Knox, [J. J., Rep. to W. H. Bliss, 1879. P. V. 2197. Lanier, J. F. D., Finan. cond. of the U. S., 1865. P. V. 2197. Lewis, J. J., Let. on Nat. cur., 1865. P. v. 2197. Lindeman, H. R., Legal tender in U. S., 1877. Lord, E., Letters on, 1861-63. P. 2559. Mann, C. A., Paper money, root of evil, 1872. Meyer, A., Address, 1869.' P. 1931. National cur., what is needed, 1863. P. v. 2197. Newton, Sir I., Report on the coinage of G. B., 1717. (Univ. Merch., 4°.) N. Y. Bd. of Cur., Rept. 'on the cur., 1859. P. V. 2197. Nichol, T. M.. Honest money, 1878. P. v. 2197. Notes on American C. E. I. C, v. 1, 2, 8. Our Nat. finances, 1862. P. v. 2197. Paine, N., Remarks on Mass. C. Am. Ant. Soc. Proc, 1866. Pam., V. 1833. Pike, J. S., Restoration of, 1868. P. 2110. Poor, H. V!, History of, in U. S., 1877. ** Silver question, 1878. Reed, S. R., Cur. and finances, 1866. P. v. 2197. Ruggles, A. G., Nat. syst. of fin., 1862. P. 2197. Schuckers, J. W., Panics and Sp. pay., 1874. P. 2197. The cur. conflict, 1876. P. v. 2197. Smith, T., The new coinage, Lond., 1816. Pmtr., 10. Spooner, New system of paper, 1861. P. 2076. Stearns, G. L., Cur. and banking, 1864. P. v. 2197. Townsend, M. I., Speech on resumption, 1878. Townsend, S. P. The finan. sit., 1865. P. V. 2197. U. S. Report on Silver Coins, 1881. P. 2086. Wainwright, J. H., Gold currency, 1864. P. ignt 27. 192 Walker. G., Suppress, of Nat. Banks, 1867. P. V. 2197. Walker, R. J., Am. fin. and resources, I, II, III, 1863. Winsor, H., Our currency, 1871. P. v. 2197. Wolcott, A., Our nat. cur., 1866. P. v. 2197. /Sw Banking; Finance; Numismatics; Dec- imal: Paper money m the U. S. ; Polit- ical Economy ; U. S. Financial. SUPPLEMENT. 83 Curtis, B. R. Robbins, C, Memoir of. Ms. H. S. P., 1878. Cushiug, Caleb. Memorial, 1879. Cushing, Charles. Mayo, A. D., Fun. disc, 1862. Cushing, T. P. Will, 1855. P. 2191. Cushing, Z. Johnson, 0. W., Memoir, 1865. P. 1878. Cnshman Family. Celeb., 1853. Cushman, Mrs. C. Stebbins, E., Life of, 1878. Cushman, Pauline. Sarmieuto, Life of, 1865. Custer, Gen. G. A. Victor, F. F., 11 yrs. in Rocky Mts., 1877. Customs-duties. Langham, Tables of, 1752. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 3, v. 7, Instructions to E. Randolph, 1678. U. S. revenue moieties, 1874. See Tariff ; Free Trade. Customs of People. See Costumes; Eti- quette; Manners. Cutler, B. C. Gray, H., Memoirs of, 1865. Cutler, Dr. M. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1873. Poole, W. F., Ordin. of. 1787, 1876. Cutlery. London, Exhib. of, 1862. Of. and 111. Cat., 2. " Rept. of Juries. Cuvier, G. L. F. C. D. Bourdon, J., Vie de. Soc. Mont., 3. Flourens, Memoir. Smit. Rep., 1868. Cuyahoga Co., Oh. Johnson, C, Hist, of, Phila., 1879. Cuyahoga Falls, Oh. Fairchild, T. B., Hist, of, 1866. Cuyler, C. C, Jones, J. H., Disc, on, 1850. P. 2562. Cypher. Carstares, W., State papers, 1874. Dictionary of, Hartford, 1805. P. 1693. JFalconer, Art of decyphering, 1685. Smith, F. 0. J., Secret vocabulary, 1845. S'ee Brazil; New Granada; Peru. Eddy, D. C. Remembrances of, 1871. Eddy, Col. J. Porter, J, W,, Memoir of, 1877. Eden, Garden. Soc, de Geog., B,, 1849, Com, on Genesis by W. A, C, Edgar, J. A. Clark, S. A,, Serm, on, 1867. P. 2079. Edgar Co., 111. Hist, of, 1879. Edinburgh. Chambers, R,, Traditions of, . Edinburgh Registers, 1561-88, M. Club, 30. Maitland, W., Hist, of, 1753, Maitland Club publications. Miller, H., E,, its geol, and hist., 1869, Modern Athens, Mudie, 1825, Scott, Sir W,, Pro v. Antiq., 1826, fo. See Scotland. Edinburgh University. Bower, A,, Stu- dents' guide, 1824, Edin, Univer. calendar, 1878. Garbit, F, J. Memoir of. Edison, T. A. 1878, Edisto Is., S. C. Seabrook, E. M,, Hist. Epis. ch, in, 1853. P. 2085. Editors. See Newspapers, Edrisi, G6ographie, 1180, Soc, de Geog., 5, 6. Education : Addresses on. Adams, J. Q., Braintree, 1839, Bancroft, C, F. P., Colleges and secondary schools, 1874. P. 2195. Bateman, N., Inaug. addr., 1875, P, 2195. Caldwell, E. W,, Young men, 1870, P. 2195, Castleton, T,, Aurora, N, Y,, 1843, P, 77, Cooke, S. G,, Township syst. of schs., 1879, Curtis, G, W., Union Univ,, 1877, Cushman, R. W., Elements of success, 1848, P. 2195. Gardiner, W, H., Ed. in class, learning, 1834, P. 2195. Hart, J, S,, Mistakes of ed. men, 1862, Kerfoot, J, B,, Addr,, Coll. of St, James, 1846-8, P. 2195, Lothrop, G, V. N,, Ed, as pub. duty, 1878. P. 2195, Mann, H., Inaug., Antioch coll., 1854. Marble, A, P,, Kearneyism in E,, 1880. Mason, C, Univ, of City of N. Y,, 1847. Miles, W. P., Ed, the def, of a nation, 1878, P. 2195. Moffat, J. C, Liberal ed,, 1856. Pam,, vol. 2130. 96 SUBJECT-INDEX Education : Addresses on (continued). Paterson, M. C, Primary ed., 1840. P. 2195- Sears, P. H., Class, stud, in acad. ed., 1866. P. 2195. Seymour, H., Wells Coll., Aurora, 1880. Tuttle, J. F., Whv are you hereV 1865. P. 2195. Vincent, M. R.. Classics in, 1858. Vinton, A. H., Strength and weakness of youth, 1862. P. 2195. Education : Africa, Asia. Egypt, Etat .statistique. 1873. P. 1062. Fresnel, F., E. chez les Chinois. Jour. Asiat.. 1823, v. 3. Japan, Third ann. report, 1875. Japanese dept. of, 1876. U. S. B. of Ed., Circ, 1877-80, Pub. instr. in China, 1877. Circ, 1873-74, Schools in Brit. India, 1874. " Misc. Pub. Coll., Prog, of west. ed. in China, etc., 1880. See China ; India ; Great Britain, Colonies. Education : Biography. Lewis, T., Com- stock's, C, life, 1875. Pierce, C, May, S. J., Memoir of. Quick, R. H., Ed. reformers, 1874. Education: Canada. Am. Ge. S. .Jour., 1, Statistics, 1842-56. Lower Canada, Sup. Pub. Ins'tr., Rept., 1865. Ontario, Report, World statistics, 1877. Quebec, Rep. of Supt., 1870, 71, 75-79. Seminairede Quebec, M6moire, 1864. P. 1062. Upper Canada, Norm, and Gram. Schools, 1860, 67. Education, Children. Dictionariolum Ger.-Lat., 1722. 5000 cuts. Dwight, T., Jr., Father's book, 1835. Genlis, Mme. de. New methods for, 1800. Hoffman, H., Kindergarten toys, 1874. Neef, J., Instr. of children-, 1813. Parent's Monitor (Bullard), 1829. Peabodv, E. P., Froebel's Kindergarten, 1869. Wiseman's Artisan and Artist. Ronge, Kindergarten system, 1859. P. 784. Soc. for eth. culture, Workingmen's school, Ac, 1880. Steiger, E., Kindergarten, 1871. U. S., Rep. on Vienna Exh., 1878, 2. ♦• B. of Ed., 1872, The Kindergarten. Vindication of object teaching, 1863. P. 968. Warren, Mrs., How to manage, 1866. Williams, U., Lectures, 1789. Wright, H. C, Empire of the mother, 1863. Ste Children. Education, Classical. 8m Classical Stud- Education,- Compulsory. A., Report, 1874. Hawkins. D. Education, Compulsory (continued). N. Y., Special Report, 1867. Northrop, B. G., Essays, 1873. " Preven. of illiteracy, 1875. P. 2084. Paul., V. 2010. U. S., B. of Ed., 1872, On comp. ed., 1871. Education, Essays on Method, etc. Abbott, Jac, The Teacher, 184t;. Adams, C. F., Jr., New departure in Quincv, 1879. Am. Inst, of Instruction, Lectures, 1851-61. American Lyceum, Boston, 1831. Anderson, M. B., Voluntaryism in ed., 1877. Atkinson, W. P., Lib. ed, of the 19th cent., 1873. Barrow, W., Essays on, 1825. Bascom, J., The Common School, 1878. Bell, A., Experiment at Madras, 1807. P. 48. Benedict, E. C, Writings, 1841-64. Bersot, Questions actuelles, 1862. Brooks, C, For a national system, 1869. P. 2130. Brougham, H., Addr., Uniy. of Glasgow, 1825. Bullard, A., Parent's Monitor, 1829. Burton, W., The district school, 1852. Carderera, Pedagogia pratica, 1874. Chesterfield, Earl of. Letters, 1845. Copley, E., Home education, 1840. Dickson, 1)., Serm., Ed. of the poor, 1806. P. 2035. Dwight, B. W., Higher Christ, ed., 1859. Edgeworth, R. L., On professional ed., 1809. Ensor, G., National ed., 1811. Fagging as discipline. L., 1847. Goodrich, W. H., Pleas for, 1852. P. 1916. Harris, W. T., German reform in Am. ed., 1872. P. 2017. Henderson, J. C, Our national system, 1879. Irish Quar. Review, 1857, National ed. Joyce, P. W., Of school management, 1868. Lancaster's system, 1812. Lewis, T., The true idea of lib. ed. Lend., Exhib. of 1862. Off. and ill. cat., 2, " Rept. of juries. More, H., Hints towards, 1805. Morgan, H. H., On high schools, 1878. Nat. As'n, Pro. Soc. Sci., Trans., 1876-79. Neef, J., Place of, 1808. Northrop, B. G., High schools, 1880. Writ- ings Coll., V. 2. Orcutt, H., Hints to com. sch. teachers, 1859. Partridge, J. A., Secularists in teaching, 1878. Paterson, M. C, Addr., primary ed., 1840. Peabody, E. P., Alcott's school, 1874. Priestley, J., Misc. obs., 1780. Richter, J. P., Levana, 1848. Royce, S., Race education, 1878. SUPPLEMENT. 97 Education, Essays on Method, etc. (continued). Sheridan, T., Brit, education, 1756. Some observations, Bost., 1865. P. 2581. Todhunter, I., Conflict of studies, etc., 1873. Underwood, F. H., Eng. Literature in ed., 1879. U. S., B. of Ed., Circ, 1872, Rel. of ed. to labor, 1872. '* School discipline, 1871. " 1875, Ed. exhib. at Centenn. Ex., 1876. Waste of labor in, 1875. " Theory of ed. in U. S., Misc. Pub. Coll. Weld, T. D., Rep., Soc. manual labor, 1833. Western Lit. Inst., Trans., 1837. P. 2045. Williams, D., Lectures, v. 1-3, 1789. Wordsworth, Wm., Letters (Works, v. I), 1876. Wyman, M., Discipline, 1867. P. 2084. Education, European. Bott, A., German system of. Al. Ins., T., 6. Bradley, J. E., Rep. on Paris Expos., 1879. Bulletin de I'lnstr. pub., Paris, 1864, 69. Grossherzoglich Gymnasium zu Eisenach, 1861-4. P. 991. Grossherzoglich Gym. zu WeimaL 1860-63. P. 1059. ' • Italy, Econ., Expos, de Paris, 1867. Kong. Frederiks Uniy. Christiania, Index Scholarum, 1862, 66. P. 1059. London. Exhib. of 1862. Of. and III Cut., 4. Mann's, H.,7th Rep., on Prussia. Napoleon I, System of, for King of Rome, 1820. Northrop, B. G., Ed. abroad, 1873. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 2, 13. Stowe, C. E., Report on, 1837. P. 2046. Tappan, H. P., Growth of cities. Am, Ge. S. Pub. U. S., B. of Ed., Circ, 1872. Germ, and For. Uniyersities, 1872. Circ, 1877-80, Pub. instr. in Fin- land, &c. " Rep., 1870, 4, 7, 8, on France. " Circ, 1873, 74, Second, instr. in Germany, 1874. *• Circ, 1875, Systems in Belgium, Russia, &c. Circ, 1873-74, Systems of ed. in Spain and Port., 1873. " Circ, 1877-80, Train, of teachers in Germ., 1878. " Rep. on Paris Expos., 1867. " Report on Vienna Exh., 1873, 2. Wilhelm-Ernstische Gymnasiuum zu Wei- mar, Jahres Bericht, 1860-66. P. 1059. See University Education. Education, Female. Blackwell, Laws of life, 1852. 13 Eliz., Education, Female (continued). " Med. a prof, for women, 1860. P. 2194. Boardman, G. N., F. education, 1867. P. 2194. Brackett, A. C, Ed. of Amer. girls, 1874. Broadhurst, F., Female schools, 1827. Pmtr., 27. Chapone, Mrs., Letters, Impr. of mind, 1818. Clark, E. H., Sex in education, 1874. Cooke, H. B., Autobiog., 1858. Duffield, G., Disc, on F. E., 1867. P. 2194. Fairchild, J. H., Ed. arrange, at Oberlin, 1866. P. 2194. " Coeducation of sexes, 1867. P. 2194. Field, T. W.. The schoolmistress, 1874. P. 2194. Fisher, S. W., Address on, 1869. Howe, J. W., Sex and education, 1875. Hutter, E. W., Addr, bef. Susq. F. Coll., 1859. P. 2194. Perrv, A. F., Addr. bef. Esther Inst., 1857. P. 2194. Phelps, Mrs. A. H. L , Female student, 1836. Pierce, H. M., Bac addr., Rutgers F. Coll., 1870. P. 2194. Portsmouth Lyceum, Prospectus, 1828. P. 2194. Rush, B., Thoughts on, 1789. P. 864. Seelye, L. C, Coll. ed. for women, 1874. P. 2194. Spalding, J. R,, Addr. bef. Pittstield Y. La- dies' Inst., 1855. P. 2194. Sprague, W. B,, Letters to a daughter, 1831. Thalheimer, M. E., E. for girls, 1867. P. 2194. Willard, Mrs. J. H., ^sth. cult, in Troy F. Sem., 1869. P. 2194. Education. Great Britain. Abingdon free grammar school, 1830. Ackland, T. D,, Exam, in arts at Oxford, 1858. Bentham, J,, Ch, of Englandism, 1818. Bristol Baptis^ College, Rep., 1839, 4I. Brougham, H., E. of the poor, 1820. Pmtr.. 16. Cheltenham grammar school. Rep., 1853, 54. Donaldson, J. W., Centen. addr.. King Ed- ward's school, 1850. Educational year book, 1879. Fry, H., Our schools and colleges, 1867. Goulburn, E. M., Rugby School, 1856. Grammar schools considered, 1820. Pmtr 16. Gr. Brit. Coun. of Ed,, Minutes, 1853. P 2116, Reports, 1853-57. " Ed, in Ireland, 1854-60, " Eraser's Report, 1866. Paris Exhib,, 1867. Harl. Misc, 10, Reform of, 1704, Hartlib, S., Advance of learning, 1643, H M,. 6. 98 SUBJECT-INDEX. Education, Great Britain (continued). Ireland, Com. of nat. Ed., rept., 1854. Italy : Rapp. Expos, di Londra, 1862, v. 2. Knox, v., Pub. schools, 1821. Pmtr., 19. Mansfield, R. B., Winchester college life, 1866. Merchant Taylor's school, Statist., 1849. Milton, John, Plan of. Pmtr., 17. Misc. of the Maitland Club, 30, Schools in Scot., 1496-1646. Murphy, J. N., Convents of Gr. Br., 1873. Myers, T., Course of, 1818. Pmtr., 12. Nat. Soc. Report, 1813. Pmtr., 2. New Coll. Lond., Rep., 1857. Pascoe, Principal schools of, 1877. Potter, J. P., Proposed systems, 1828. Pmtr., 29. Public, The schools, Eton, etc., 1867. Restoring decayed schools, 1818. Pmtr., 13. St. Paul's School, Apposition., 1845, 54. *' Prolusiones litterariye, 1840, 54. Thoughts on acad. ed., 1822. Pmtr., 20. U. S. B. of Ed., Circ, 1877-80, Element, ed. in London, 1878. Rep. on Paris Exp., 1867, 6. Whitehead, W. B., Pari, provision for, 1820. Pmtt., 16. See University Education ; Cambridge ; Eton ; Oxford; Wmchester. Education, Great Britain, Colonies. New S. Wales, Report for 1877, 78. *' Coun. of E., Reports, 1879. U. S. B. of Ed., Circ, 1872, Ed. in Brit. W. Indies, 1872. " Circ, 1873-74, Schools in Brit. India, 1873. Victoria: Reports of board, 1861-76. See Canada ; India. Education, History of. Baker, A. J., Early schools of Minnesota. Chauveau, P., lustru. pub. au Canada, 1876. Emerson, G. B., Hist, of, in Mass., 1869. Nelson, W., Schools of Paterson, N. J., 1877. Philobiblius, History of ed., 1866. Pratt, D. J., Annals of, in N. Y., 1626-1746. Randall, S. S., Comm. Sch. Syst. in N. Y., 1851. Whitford, W. D., Hist, of, in Wisconsin. W. H. C, 5. Education, Massachusetts. Boston, School committee rules, 1827, 77. Brighton, Sch. Com., Report, 1873. Cambridge Sup. of schools. Report, 1879. Charlestown, Sch. Com. An. rept., 1870, 72, 78. " Sch. Com. Rules, etc., 1871. Chelaea, Rep. of Com., 1869-62, 66, 67, 77, 79, 80. Dan vers, Sch. Com., An. rept., 1855, 78. Education, Massachusetts (continued). Gloucester, Sch. Com., An. rept., 1879. Groton, Ms., Rep., 1860-78. Hammond, C, N. Eug. Academies, 1877. Lowell, Sch. Com., Rept., 1870. Lynn, Sch, Com. Reports, 1851, 53, 57, 5s, 60, 72. Mass. Bd. of E., Report, 1855-6. P. 2196: Reports, 1868, 69, 72, 73. Mattapoisett, Sch. Com., Rept., 1861-62. Newton, Sch. Com., Rep., 1880. Norfolk Co., State Bd. of E., Exam, of schools, 1880. Plymouth, Ms., Colony. M. H. S. C, s. 2, v. 4. Salem, Sch. Com., An. rept., 1870, 72, 75. Springfield, Sup., Rep., 1879, newsp. slips. " Sch. Com., Rept., 1875, 78. Stackpole, J. L., Argt. bef. Leg. Com. on, 1880. Worcester, Report of schools, 1867, 73, 75, 76, 80. Education, New York. Albany, Rep. of Board, 1869-79. Albany, Proceed., 1866-70, 1877-79. Auburn, Reports, 1869, 71-6. Bardeen, C. W., School year-book, 1880. Batavia, JJn. Free school. Hist, acct., 1876. Binghaniton, Act. rel. to schools in, 1881. Brooklyn, Educ. reports, 1859-76, 79, 80. Buffalo, Sup. P. Sch., An. rept., 1867. Cohoes, Bd. of E., Manual, 1873. Easlchester, Bd. of E., An. rept., 1867. Elmira, Bd. of E., Proc, 1877-78. Hornellsville, Bd. of E., Rules, etc., 1873. Kingston, Bd. of E., Act of incorp., etc., 1863. Bd. of Ed., Au. rept., 1863,64,69, 70. N. Y. Cat. and rep. of Normal School, Albany, 1864-81. N. Y. city. Rep. of Bd. of Ed., 1S66. Rep. of Supts. of Schools, 1862-5, 70, 80. Manual of Bd. of Ed., 1868-72, 76, 78-81. Directory of Bd. of Ed., 1872, 76, 77, 78-81. " Rep. on Corporal punishment, 1877. " Normal college, reports, 1870-71. " " Dedication of, 1873. " Misc. Rep. and papers, coll. 1851-73. Oswego, Board of Ed., Rep.. 1861-77. Pratt, D. J., Annals of, in N. Y., 1626-1746. Randall, S. S., Com. sch. syst. and hist, of, 1851. System of, in N. Y. Am. Ge. S. B., 2. Rochester, Bd. of Ed., Reports, 1858-75. Saratoga Spr., Bd. of E., An. rept., 1874-6. Syracuse, Board of Ed., Rep., 1852, 76, 78. Troy, Manual of, 1873. SUPPLEMENT. 99 Edncation, New York (continued). j University of N. Y., Regents' reports, 1872-80. Utica, Reports, 1868, 71, 77, 79, 80. Vance, S. B. H., Rept. on sjsts. of pub. ed., 1878. Watertown, Sup. of Schs., Rept., 1871-72. Yonkers, Bd. of E., Rept., 1877, 78. Bd. of E., Manual, 1872. See Colleges of N. Y. Education, Pamphlets. Pam. vol. 2045, 2084, 2130 (Addresses), 2581. Education, Periodicals. Am, Annals of Education, 1830. Ain. Ed. Monthly, v. 5-8, 1868-71, 74, 76. Connec. Com. Sch. Journal, 1856-60, 1861- 63, imp. Journal de I'instr. publique, Quebec, 1866-75. Journ. of Chr. Educ. (Prot. Epi.s.), 1839-41. Journal of Education, Montreal, 1866-73. Massachusetts Teacher, 1848-62. New England Jour, of Education, 1875-79. N. Y. State Edu. Journal, 1872-75. Rhode Is. Educ. Mag., 1852-3. School-bulletin and N. Y. Ed. Journal, Syra- cuse, 1874-7. Education, School houses. See Archi- tecture. Education, Sectarian. Clarke, R. W,, Question of the hour, 1870. P. 2581. Hagans, Judge, Opinion on bible in: Cincin., 1870. P. 2084. Ludden, Father, Our public schools, Alb. 1875. P. 2084. Mueller, M., Public school ed., 1872, N6cessit6 de la religion dans T education, 1874. P. 2084. N. Y. city. Report on bible, 1859. Ryersou, Schools in Canada, 1857, P. 2084. Wilbur, H., Address, 1814. See Bible, Educational use of. Education, Teachers and Normal Schools. Am. Norm. School Ass'n, Proc, 1860. Clark, L, H., Addr, State aid for ed. of, 1876. P. 2196. Conn., S. Norm. Sch., Trustees' rept., 1859. P. 2196. Cortland N. S. Controversy, 1880, P. 2196. Delaware State Normal Union, Wilmington, Rep., 1867, 70. P. 2196. " Advocate, v. 5, No, 1, 1871. P. 2196. Edwards, R., Norm, Schs. in U. S. P. 2196, Essex Co,, N, Y,, Teachers' Inst,, Minutes, 1868, P. 2196. Everett, E., Camb, High S,, 1850. W. v, 3, Field, T. W,, The Schoolmistress, 1874. P. 2194. Framingham, Centenn. celeb, of N. Schs., 1864. P. 2196. Germ. Am. Teachers' Assoc, Conv., 1872. Education, Teachers and Normal Schools (continued). Hampton Normal Inst., Cat., 1871. " Report of Comm. on, 1869. Hoose, J. H., School supervision, 1879. Howe, T, 0,, Addr,, bef. State Teachers' Assoc, 1865, P. 2196. Jenkins, J. L., Addr., Berkshire Teachers' Assoc, 1879. P. 2195. Mass., S. Bd. of E., Rept., 1855-6. P. 2196. " Framingham S. Norm. S., Course of study. P. 2196. " Salem, S. Norm. Sch., Reg. and Circ, 1857-66, 75. P. 2196. West Newton, S. N. Sch., Cat., 1850. P. 2196. " Worcester, S. N. S., Cat. and circ, 1878. P. 2196. Minnesota, St. Norm. Sch. Bd., Rept., 1872. P. 2196. National Tea. Ass'n, Proc, 1858-60. " Hoyt's Report, 1865. Neb. Teachers' Ass'n, Proceed., 1858-60. " Hoyt's Report, 1865. N. Hamp., S, Norm. Sch., Rept., 1874. P. 2196. N. J., St. Nor. Sch., Rep., 1866.70, 72, 75-78, 80. N. York, Legis. Rep. on Norm. Schs., 1879. P. 2196. 5, 6. Oneida Co., Teachers' Inst., Circular, 1873. Onondaga, Teachers' Inst., Cat., 1851. P. 2196. Russell, W., Duties of teachers, 1850. P. 2196. Schoharie Co, Teachers' Inst., List of mbrs., 1874. P. 2196, Scott, D. B., Where do we stand, 1855, P. 2196. Wash. Co, Teachers' Inst., Proc and cat., 1857. P. 2196. West. Lit. Inst., Proc, 1833. P. 2196. Wise, Regents' Rept. on Norm, schs., 1878-9, " Nor. Sch., Whitewater, An. cat., 1868-9. P. 2196. Education, United States. Alabama, Re- ports on, 1873-76. Am. Ed. Cyclopaedia, v. 1, 1875. Arkansas, Reports, 1872, 73. Baltimore, Reports, 1873. Beecher, C. E., Ed. reminiscenses, 1874. Board of Nat. Pop. Ed., Rep., 1848-53, 55, 56. Bond, T. E., Dickinson Inst., Carlisle, 1837. Bouton, N., Disc, E. in N. H., 1833. N. H. H., 4. California, Report, 1871. Chicago, Rep., 1856-9, 1860-65, 72, 77, 79. Cincinnati, Report, 1879. Citizens, To the, 1833. P. 969. 100 SUBJECT-INDEX Education, United States (continued). Cleveland, Ohio, Rep., 1866-73, 75, 76, 77. Colorado, Rep., 1873, 75. P. 2082; 1875. Columbia, Dist. of, 1st Rep., 1875. Concord, N. H., Rep., 1857-74, 76. Conn., Bd. of E., Rep., 1862, 66-72, 75, 76. Coram, R., Plan for U. schools, 1791. Dayton, Oh., Bd. of Ed., Report, 1872, 77, 79, Eaton, J., National aid to Ed., 1877. U. S. B. of Ed., Misc. Pub. Coll. " Needs of Bur. Ed., 1879. U. S. B. of Ed., Misc., Pub. Coll. Emerson, G. B., Mass. Hist. Soc, Lect., 1869. Florida, Report, 1871-76. Fort Wayne, Ind., Bd. of E., Rept., 1866, 75. Garfield, J. A., Estbmt. of Nat. B. of "Ed., 1866. U. S. B. of Ed., Circ, 1872. Germ. Am. Teachers' Assoc, Conv., 1872. Hammond, C, N. Eng. Academies, 1877. Harris, H., Speech, N. Y. Sen., 1879. Hartford Bd. of Sch. visitors, An. rept., 1875, 76-7. Illinois, Rep., 1864, 66, 67, 69, 75-80. Indiana, Reports, 1860-65. Indianapolis, Sch. Com. Rep., 1879. Iowa, Rep., 1858, 61, 68, 72, 74. Jennings, L. J., 30 years of Rep. Govmt., 1868, Chap. 10. Kansas, Rep., 1871-75, 76, 77. Kentucky, Rep., 1872, 78. Knox, S., Ed. in Maryland, 1808. Leavenworth, 1872. See Kansas. Letters to Congress, 1829. P. 2581. Kiddle, Year book for 1878. Little Rock, Ark., Supt's Rept., 1876. Louisiana, Rep., 1867, 8, 9, 70, 74. Madison, Wis., Rep., 1861-73, 78, 79. Maine, Rep., 1848, 70, 71, 72, 75. Manchester, N. H., Rep., 1856-7, 70, 75. Massachusetts. Se^ Education, Massachu- setts. Maryland, Rep., 1868 ; 1872. P. v. 853. Memphis, Sch. visitors' Rep., 1865-6. Michigan, An. Rept., 1874, 78, 79. " Ed. system, chart, 1876. Milwaukee, Bd. of Sch. Com., An. Rept., 1861-2. " By-laws, 1859. Minnesota, Rep., 1870-78, 77, 78. Mississippi, Rep., 1871, 78, 74, 75. Missouri, Rep., 1870, 71. Nashua, N. H., An. Sch. rept., 1869, 74. Nat. Ed. Assoc. Proc, U. S. B. of Ed. Circ, 1878-76, 77-80. " An Amer. University, 1871. Nebraska, Rep., 1878. Nevada, Sup. P. Instr., Rept., 1871-74. Newark, N. J., Bd. of Ed., An. rept., 1871. Education, United States (continued). New Hampshire, Rep., 1854, 67-70. " Digest of laws rel. to, 1850. New Jersey, Rep., 1872, 73. Norm. Sch., Rept., 1880. New Orleans, Pub. Sch. Rept., 1859, 68. Normal Sch., 7th rept., 1869. Newport, R. I., Sch. Com. Rept., 1868-9, 1872, 73. Niles, W. A., Pub. schools assailed, 1880. North Carolina, Rep., 1873, 74, 76. Ohio, Rep., 1867-70, 71, 78, 79, 80. Omaha, Bd. of E., An. rept., 1878. Oregon, Reports, 1874, 78. Orr, G. J., Needs of ed. in the south, 1879. U. S. B. of Ed., Misc. Pub. Coll. Pam., vol. 2045, 2130. Peabody Edu. fund, Proc, 1870-75. Penna., Reports, 1838, 41-44, 47, 50, 53, 57. School laws, 1870, 73. Exhib. on Ed. at Phila., 1876. Portland, Me., Rep., 1873, 76, 77, 78. Portland, Oregon, Rep., 1881. Providence, Rh. I., Sch. Com., An. rept., 1866. Rhode Island, Rep., 1873, 74. St. Louis, Rep., 1850, 69-79. • " Jahres-Bericht, 1871. St. Paul, Min., Sch. syst. and Bd. of Ed. of, 1859. San Francisco, Cal., Rep., 1867, 72. South CaroUna, Rep., 1871, 73, 74, 75, 77. Tenn., Sup. of P. I., Rept., 1871, 72, 73, 78. U. S., Bureau of Ed., Commr.'s rep., 1871, 73, 78, 79. " Statistics of academies and col- leges, 1871, 79. Circ, 1, 2, 7, 1881. ** Circ, 1872, Am. ed. at Vienna Exp., 1872. " Circ, 1875, Const, pro vis. regard to Ed., 1875. " Ed. Convs. and anniversaries, 1876. " Hist, of the bureau, 1875. Misc. pub. Circ, 1872, Ed. Land policy of U. S. " Circ, 1877-80, Fr. Commrs. on Am. Ed., 1879. ** Internat. conf. on ed., 1876. Misc. pub. " Circ, 1872, On academies. " Circ, Respecting reps, and docs., 1868. Theory of, in U. S., 1874. U. S. B. of Ed., Misc. Pub. Coll. Circ, 1877-80, Val. of com. schs. to labor, 1879. Exhib. of Ed., Paris Exp., 1878. U. S. School and coll. directory, 1874, 75. Vermont, Rep., 1864-70, 78, 80. Washington, D. C, An. rept., 1867. SUPPLEMENT. 101 Education, United States (continued). Western Coll., Plymouth, Rep., 1853. West Virginia, Rep., 1872, 3, 4, 5, 6. Wisconsin, Report, 1873, 78, 80. Worcester, Ms., Rep., 1868-79. See Academies ; Children ; Colleges ; Military Ed.; Object Lessons; Theological Ed'; Self-culture; University Ed. Edward, The Black Prince. Had. Misc., 8, Life of, 1678. Stanley, A. P., Hist, of Canterbury, 1875. Edward I. Hist, sketch of, 1860. Edward I, of England. Prvnne, W., Hist. of, 1670. Edward II, of England. Life of. H.M.,1. Edward III, of England. Freeman, E. A., Hist, essays, 1869. Edward IV, of England. Chronicles of the white rose of York, 1845. Edward V, of England. Life of. Kennett. More, Sir T., Edward, Duke of Kent. Life of, 1870. Edwards, Pres. Jon. Works, N. Y., 1844. Hopkins, S., Memoirs, Lond., 1815. Eggs. See Poultry ; Natural History. Egypt. Adams, A. L., Notes of a naturalist, 1870. .'Egvptische Monumenten, Leemans, 1842- 6, fo. Ariosto, A., Viaggio, 1475-8, 1878. Baker, S. W., Ismailia, 1875. Barker, J., Egypt under 5 Sultans, 1876. Beke, C, Discov. in, 1878. Brit. Aim., 1881, E. in liquidation. Brugsch, H., Hist, of, under the Pharaohs, 1881. Colston, R. E., Deserts of. Am. Ge. S. B., 1879. Cory, Ancient fragments. Denou, V.. Travels in, 1802. Dicey, Future of, Curr. disc, 1879. Eg. fragments. Phenix, Gowans, 1835. Egypt, Statistique de, 1873. 410 p. 8\ " Statistique des 6coles, 1873. P. 1062. Figari, Voy. geol. a Gebel Zeyt. Soc. de Geog., B., 1846. Irwin, E., Voyage, 1780. Jomard, Vov. de Combes. Soc. de G6og., 'B., 1848. Lauth, Altaegyptische Lehrsprtiche. K. ^y. A. S. p. p. c. 2. Papyrus Abbott. K. Bay. A. S. p. p. c. 1. " Schalttage des PtoL Evergetes I. K. Bay. A. S. p. p. c. 4. " Die aegypt. Tetraeteris. K. Bay. S. B. p. p. h. c, 1878. Egypt (continued). Leemans, C, Ond-iEgypt. Handschriften. K. Akad. v. Wet. Letk. 2 R. 5 D., 187.6 Letronne, Dom. des Grecs et Romains, 1823. Lieblein, Chronol. egyptienne, 1873. " Denkmaler in St. Petersburg. London Exhib. of 1851. Off. and descr. cat., 3. Louvre, Monuments 6gypt. dans, 1860. Makrizi, Hist, of Sultans of. 0. T. F., 1845. Perry, C, View of the Levant, 1743. Pharaoh's daughter. Drama with notes, 1874. Pickering, C, Chronological Hist, of plants, 1879. Relations de Madagascar, &c., 1651. Russell, W. H., Diary in the East, 1869. Sharpe, S., E. illustrated, 1862. Smyth, W. H., ^des Hartwellianae, 1851. Travaux publics d'. Soc. de G6og. B., 1847. Uniy. Hist., Anc. v. 1, 29. Univ. Hist., Mod., v. 14. SeeTurkej; Africa; Nile; Pyramids; Papy- rus; Antiquities. Eichstadt, 1790. Bay. Strauss, Viri insignes, Elections. See Predestination ; Will. Evening Journal Almanac, 1858- P. Elections. 77. Fisher, J. F., Our represen. syst., ]{ 1904. Greeley, H., Letter to S. J. Tilden, 1877. Mischiefs of legis. caucuses, 1879. P. 1050. N. Y. State, Report on registration, 1857. " Instructions for holding, 1865. Registry law of 1859. P. 1975. " Report on soldiers' voting, 1863. P. 1975. " Instruc. for soldier's vote, P. 1975. N. Y. county. Canvasses in detail for 1865-67. Maps, pp. 1900. " Canvasses for 1868, Maps, pp. 900. " Poll list, of represent, elect., 1761, 68, 69. 1880, 3 v., 4°. Canvass of Nov., 1862. " Official canvass, March and Nov., 1864, 66. Raymond, J. H., Const, amendments. N. Y. H. P., 1848. Tribune almanac, 1856-1881. See Suffrage ; Officers ; Law Library. Elections, Contested. Beck, Speech on Brown's seat, 1868. P. 1884. Birch, J. H., On King's seat, 1862-64. P. 1884. Blair, F. P., On King's seat, 1862. P. 1884. Brooks, J., On Dodge's seat, 1865. P. 1884. Clever, C. P., Statement, 1867. P. 1864. Fillmore, N. Jersey case, 1840. P. 1576. Harison, R., et al., Otsego Co. votes, 1792 102 SUBJECT-INDEX. Elections, Contested (continued). Harris, B. G., On Bruce' s seat, 1864. P. 1884. Kansas contested el., 1856. McHenry, On Yeaman's seat, 1864. P. 1884. New Jersey case, 1840. " Stockton's case, 1865. P. 2159. N. Y,, Elect., On Niven'sseat, 1865. P. 1884. Rep., 2d Albany Dist., 1865. Pam., vol. 1884. Stevenson, J. E., On Van Wyck's seat, 1870. P. 1884. Upson, C, On Loan's seat, 1864- P. 1884. Washburn, I., Speech on Kansas, 1856. P. 1884. Yulee, Sen. fr. Florida, 1851. U. S. Elect., Rep. on Blakey's seat, 1867. P. 1884. " Proc. on J. D. Bright, 1858. P. 2161. " Rep. on J. Y. Brown's seat, 1868. P. 1884. " Rep, on Kansas, 1856. " Rep. on N. Jersey case, 1840. " Report on Yeaman's seat, 1864. Electric Light. Ayrton, W. C, Incandes- cence. Journ. of Sci., L., v. 16, 1879. Briggs, R., Absolute econ. of. Frank. Jour., 3 s. V. 80. Douglass, J. N., Lighthouse ilium, bv., Jour, of Sci., V. 16, 1879. Exper. on Victoria embankment, Lond., Frank. Jour., 3 s. v. 78, Iron, Period, Lon., 1879, 80, fo. Outerbridge, A. E., The Edison e. 1., Frank. Jour., 3 8. v. 19. Sawyer's e. I., Frank. Jour., 3 s. v. 80. Scientific American, Period, N. Y., 1879, 80, 81, fo. Williams, W. M., Contrib. to hist, of. Jour, of Sci., V. 16, L., 1879. Electric Tele^^raph. See Telegraph. Electricity. Allen, Z., Mechanics of nature, 1852. Batchelder, J., Report. E. I. P., v. 2. 1 Brown, T,, Med. electricity, 1817, Caplin, J. L, Elec. chemical bath, 1856. P. 2531, Davis, D,, Med. applicat. of, 1846. P. 2531. Faraday, M., Researches, v. 3, 1855. Forbes, R. B,, Shipwreck by lightning, 1858. Henry, J,, Elect, magn. apparatus, 1827. Al. LT., 1. Hough, G. W., Galv. battery. A. L T., 6. Jenkin, F,, Elect, and magnetism, 1874. Lovett, R., Philos. essays, 1766. Lyon, L., Lightning conductors, 1855. MaflFei. Fulmini, v. 8, 1790. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap, du Jury, 2, 10, S6guin, Causes et effeta de, 1865, P. 1902. Thomson. Sir W,, Papers on electrostatics and magn., 1872, Electricity (continued), Tyndall, J., Lectures, 1873. U, S,, Rep. on Paris Exp., 1867, 3. " Rep. on Vienna Exp., 1873, 2. Wells, W. R., New theory of med. el., 1869. See Natural Philosophy ; Magnetism. Electrotyping. Electrotyper, The, quar- terly, Chicago, 1873-76. See Arts. Elgin, T. Bruce, Earl of. Tweddle's, J., Remarks, 1816. Elgin, James, 8th Earl. Letters and jour- nals, 1872. Elephants. Falconer, Paleont. memoirs, 1868. Eliot, Rev. A. Letters to T. HoUis, 1766- . 71. M. H. S. C, s. 4, v. 4. Thacher, P., Disc, on, 1778. Eliot, Rev. John. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 1, v. 3, Acct. of. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 2, v. 1, Memoir of. Young, A., Disc, ord. of J. W. Thompson, 1830, - Elisabeth de France, Madame. Viede. Soc. Mont., 3. Elizabeth, Queen of England. Ballad Soc, B. from MSS. Morfill, v. 2, 1873. Buckle, H. T., Miscel, works, 3. Devereux, E, of Essex, Life and letters, 1504- 1646, • Elizabeth, Queen, Letters, 1582-1603, Cam. Soc Speech, 1593, H. M., 2. Golden speech, 1601. H. M,, 2. England's mourning garment, H. M., 2. James VI, of Scotland, Corresp. Camd. Soc. Melvil's Memoirs. M6moires secrets, 1765. Peck's Desid. Cur., 1779. Review of Prescott's Ferd. and Isabella. Wright, T., Letters of her times, 1838. Elizabeth of Hungary. Kingsley, C, Saint's tragedy. Montalembert, Life of, 1863. Elizabeth, New J. Directory, 1872. Magie, D., 4th ann. Presb. ch., 1860. P. 2030, Morris, L,, Letter to the people of, 1698. N. J. H. P., 2, s. 4. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1869, Settlement of. Whitehead, W, A.. Settlement of. N. J. H. R., 2, s. 1. Elkhart Co., Ind. History of, lS6l. Ellicott's Mills. Tvson, M. E., Settlement of, 1870. Md.llist, Soc. Tyson, M. E., Hist, of, 1871. Elliot, Sir G. Life and letters, 1751-1806. Elliot, J. G. Newell, F. R,, Disc on, 1855. P. 1918. SUPPLEMENT. 103 Ellis Family. Ellis, W. S., Notice of, 1866. Ellis, Albert G. Recollections. W. H. C, 7. Ellis, John. Prid-aux, H., Letters, 1674- 1722. Cam. Soc. Ellsworth, E. E. Monument to, 1874. Ellsworth monument, 1875. Ellwood, T, Whittier, J. G., Old portraits, 1850. Elmira, TV. Y. Directory, 1868, 69, 71. Ms. Hist. Soc. C, s. 1, V. 9, Newtown. Elocution. Amer. Inst, of Instruction, 1836, 7. Art of speaking, Danbury, Ct., 1795. Barber, J., Grammar of, 1834. Cazalet, W. W., Management of the voice, 1855. Emerson, B. D., Acad. Speaker, 1831. * Emerson, R. W., Society, 1870, Enfield, W., The Speaker, 1789, 1808. Fowle, W. B., The new Speaker, Boston, 1829. Fowler, J. A., Anal, of dram, and orator, expression, 1853. Magoon, E. L., Oration, 1846. Mandeville, H., Elem. of oratory, 1851. Munn, L. C, American orator, 1855. Russell, W., Am. elocutionist, 1854. Sheridan, T., Brit, education, 1756. Southern reader and Speaker, 1860. Stearns, J. N., Temp. Speaker, 1870. Tappan, H. P., Expression of passion, lS4b. P. 2093. Thelwall, J., Lectures and selections, 1802-5. See Language ; Rhetoric ; Speeches. Eltham, Kent. Soc. Ant., Archaeologia, v. 34, 1851. Elwood, G. de W. Hastings, S. D, Memoir of. W. H. C, 6. Ely, Mrs. N. Fay, W., Sermon on, 1812. Emanuel, K. of Portugal. Epist. ad Leonem X. Gry. , Embargo of 1808-12. See United States; War of 1812. Emblems. Emblems of mortality, 1846. Green, H., Shakespeare and the E. writers, 1870. See Proverbs ; Dance of Death. Emerson, Mrs. E. Writings and life, 1809. Emerson, Jos. Emerson, R., Life of, 1834. Emerson, Rev. R. Haven, J., Disc, 1863. Emerson, R. AV. Alcott, Concord days, 1872. GilfiUan's Gallery, 1836. Lowell, J. R., My study windows, 1871. Emigration. Adams, S., Amend, of natural- ization laws, 1856. Ahem, S. J., Westward, Ho, -1880. Emigration (continued). Am. G. S. J., 1. Im. into the U. S. Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Journ., 1879. Wil- liams. Anderson, M. B., Pauper emig. to the U. S., 1876. Binney, H., The alienigente of the U. S., 1853. Brazil at the U. S. Exhib., 1876. Busey, S. C, Immig., its evils, &c., 1856. Byrne, S., Irish emig. to the U. S., 1873. Canada, L'emig. europfeenne, 1870. P. 2012. Canada, Rept. on immig., &c., 1868, 69. Franklin, B., Memoirs reviewed. L., 1790. Hale, E. E., On Irish emigration, 1852. Handbook for immig. to the U. S., 1871. Hill, H. A., Freedom of imm. at Boston, 1871. " Imm. into the U. S. Am. So. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1875-79. Horner, J. M., The modern emigrant, 1833. Irish Quar. Review, 1854. Kapp, F., Immigration, 1870. Kingsbury, H., The Immigrant's good Samar- itan. 1848. Lang, J. D., Emig. to N. S. Wales, 1833. P. 2012, N. Y., Assemb. rept. on frauds on emigrants, 1847. " Commissioner's Reports, 1858-75, 78. •* Rept. on charges agst. Com. of Em., 1859. " Rept. on manag. of Com. of Em., 1852. Ocean plague, 1842. Pam., vol. 2012. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. duJury, 1. Patterson, Emig. to Canada, 1876. Phillips, B. T.. The benefits of, 1854. Poor, J. A., Maine, a field for immig., 1861. Rupp, I. D., 30,000 names of Germ., etc., imm. in Penna., 1876. Sanborn, F. B., Protection of immig. Am. So. Sci. Asso. Jour., 1875-79. Smith, T., Emig. Guide to U. S., 1818. Stowe, C. E., Education of. West. Lit. Inst., 1835. Union league club, report, 1864. U. S., Amend, of naturalization laws, 1874. " Report of Commerce, 1870-77. Spec, rep., 1870. P. 2012. Williams, J., Letter to P. Cooper, 1864. Woodworth, J. M., Migrants and sailors, 1875. P. 1635. Workman, J., Polit. essays, 1801. Young, E., Inform, for Immigrants, 1873, See American Party ; Aliens ; Chinese ; Nat- uralization. Emmet, R. Castlereagh, M. of London- derry, Corresp., v. 4. Emmet, T. A. Story, J., Sketch of. Misc. Works. 104 SUBJECT-INDEX. Emmons, Nath. Blake, M., Address, 1846. P. 2002. Smith, H. B., Essays, 1877. Emory, Bp. J. Matthias, J. J., Sermuu on, 183(5. P. 2115. Encyclopedias. Aiuericun Cyclopaedia, 2d ed., 1873-70. Chomel. N., Diet. (Economlque, 1732, 40, 4 v., fo. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1870-81. English Cyclopiedia (Knight), 1850. Nat. History. Biography. Herzog, Prot. Theol. Encyc, 1800. Johnson, A. J. & Son, New Universal. ..1878. Khalfa, Lexicon bibliog. et encyc. 0. T. F. See Dictionaries of Sci., Hist., etc. ; Sci- ences ; Arts ; History. Endicott, Gov. J. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, 1873. Essex Inst. Centenn. celeb., 1878. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 4, v. 6, The Winthrop papers. Endowments. Mill, J. E., Diss., v. V. Hobhouse, A., The dead hand, 1880. Pfuyn, J. V. L., Vol. E. of colleges, 1807. N. Hamp. H. Enfield, N. Hamp. Topog. descr. of. Engineering, Civil. Anderson, J., Strength of structures, 1872. Corps of R. Engineers, Papers, 1855-9. Delafield, R., Memoir on foundations, 1808. P. 1996. Or. Britain, Cat. Paris Exhib., 1807. Gurley, Manual of instruments, 1808. Mowbray, G. M., Hoosac tunnel. Al. I. T., 7. London, Exhib. of 1802. Of. and HI. Cat., 2. " Rep. of Juries. MitHin, S. W., Railway curves, 1850. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 10. Pole, W., Life of W. Pairbaern, 1877. Smiles, Lives of Engineers, 1808. Spon's Dictionary of, 1870-74. Stevenson, D., Sketch of U. S. A., 1838. Student Measurer of Works, Lon., 1848. Trautwine, J. C, C. E.'s pocket-book, 1876. " Contents of excavations, 1851. U. S. Engineer's Rep., 1869-78, 79. •' Rept. on the Paris Expos., 1867, 1, 4. Vienna Exh., 1878, 3. Van Bureu, J. D., Jr., Strength of steam machinery, 1869. Van Nostrand's Elect. Eng. Mag., 1869-74. iSe< Railways ; Bridges; Steam Engine; Ma- chinery ; .Military Sciencs ; Croton Aijueduct ; Cements ; Drawing ; Hy- draulics. England, Antiqnities* aS'm Great Britain ; Antiquities. England, Church of. See Church of Eng. England, Government. See Great Britain ; Government. England : History : General. Barnard, E., Complete hist., 1783. Buckle, H. T., Misc. works, L Coke, R., Detection of the State of, 1690. De Quincev, T., Falsification of. W. v. 19, 1854'. Green, J. R., Hi.^t. of Eng. people, 4 v., 1879. Hallam, Con.st. Hist, to Geo. IL Thompson, J., Eng. Municipal hist., 1867. See Great Britain ; Bibliography. England, Early Chronicles to Henry VHI. Ballad Soc, B. from MSS. Furnivall, v. 1, 1868. Britain under Rom. Emp. H. M. 10. ' Camden Soc, Chronicle of, 1485-1557. Chronicles of the white rose of York, 1845. Chronicon de Lanercost, 1201-1346. Mait. Club, 54. Edward II, Hist. of. H.M.I. Freeman, E. A., Hist, essays, 1872. Myth, elem. " Hist, of Norman conquest, 1871. French way of manag. treaties. H. M. 12. Froissart, J., Chron. of Engl., L., 1839. Gray, T., Chron. of Eng. and Scotland, 1066- 1362. M. Club, 48. Guerres avee France, 1076-1580. Petitot. Hall's Chron., Henry TV to Henry VIII, 1809. Harl. Misc., 5, The Bloody, pari., 1643. Havward, J., Lives of three Norm. Kings. " H. M., 3. Kong. N^ord. Old. Sel., Scripta hist, island- orum, 1828-40. Layamon's Brut. (Madden), 1847. Neele, H., Romance of, 1829. Oldcastle, H., Remarks on, 1743 Ranke, L. v.. Hist, of, 1875. Rastell, J., 1529. Pastime of people, 1811. Reign of H. VIII, 1627. Morg. Phoenix. Sax^jn chronicle dissected, 1830. Smith, W. Description of, 1688, 1879. Three 15th century chron. Cam. Soc. N. S. 28, 1880. Towle, Y. M., Hist, of Henry V. N. Y., 1866. Wriothesley's Chronicle, 1485-1559. Camden Soc. See Great Britain ; PaFliament ; Names of the Sovereigns. England : History, Hepry VIII to 1688. Ballad Soc, B. from MSS. MorfiU, V. 2, 1878. Berkley, Sir J., Memoirs. Maseres Tracts, 1. Birch, T., Negotiations, 1592-1617. Bisset, A., Struggle for pari, govt., 187^. Burton's Diary, 1654-1659. Cham. Mis. v. 15, The Roman conquest. CharleB I, Letters. Cam. Soc. SUPPLEMENT. 105 England : History, Henry VIH to 1688 (continued). Corderj, B. M., Hist, of rebellion, 1640-60. " Epochs of, 1603-88. Cotton, Sir J., Records, Tower of London, 1679. Cromwell, 0., Dec.l agst. the Stuarts, 1655. H. M., 6. Cromwell, R., Speech, 1658. H. M., 1. Deane's life of Gen. Deane, 1870. Defence agst. mvasion, 1642. H. M. 5. Dudley, R., E. of Leycester, Letters, 1585-6. Cam. Soc. Dugdale, Sir W., View of troubles, 1681. Elizabeth, Queen, Declaration of war, 1562. H. M., 1. England's joy, 1661. H. M., 7. Fairfax Corresp., 1625-1700. Gardner, S. R., Hist, of, 1603-1628 (1863). Gondomar's negotiations, 1659. Morg. Phoe- nix. Hamilton Papers, 1880. Cam. Soc. Howell, J., England's Tears, 1644. Index Soc. : I. of royalists, 1640-56. Lathom-House siege. L., 1823. Light shining in Buckinghamshire, 1648. . Lilly, W., Obs. on the life of Charles 1, 1651. Maseres Tracts, 1. Lloyd, D., State worthies, 1540-1688. Mackintosh, J., Hist, of the revolution. May, T., Hist, of pari., 1655. Maseres Tracts, 1. Milton, J., Reflections on the civil war. Maseres Tracts, 2. Monk, Lord, Letters to, 1660. H. M., 7. Morgan's Phoenix, Def. of Low Countries, 1575. Pam., vol. 596, 1642 to 1646. Prynne, W., VIII queries, 1647. Restauration, The. Maseres Tracts, 2. Ryves, Mercurius rusticus, 1685. Second narr. of late pari., 1658. Morg. Phoenix. Sprigge, J., Anglia rediviva, 1647. Strutt, J., Regal and eccles. antiquities of, 1842, 4°. Symonds' Diary, 1644, 45. Camden Soc. Vox Regis, 1603-9. H. M., 1. Walker, C, Relat. and obs., 1648. Walker, J., Sufferings of the clergy, 1714. [Yonge, C], Cameos from Eng. Hist., 1869. See Names of the Sovereigns ; Armada. England, History of, 1688 to present time. Addr. of pari, on Fr. war, 1689. H. M., 1. Amos, S., Fifty years of E. Const., 1880. Boyer, A., Annals of Q. Anne, 1703-13. Chesterfield, Earl of. Letters, 1712-72. England aud France, 1832. George III, Reign of, to 1770. 14 England, History of, 1688 to present ' time (continued). Greville's Journals (George IV, Wm. IV,). 1875. Lecky, W. E. H., E. in the 18th century, 1878. McAUester, 0., Letters, invasion from France in 1759. McCarthy, J., Hist, of our own times, 1879, 80. Fr. Sq. Lib. Molesworth, W. N , Hist., 1830 to 74. Ridpath, G., Border hist, of, 1776. Russell, J., D. of Bedford, Corresp., 1742-70. Walpole, S., Hist, from 1815, 1878. England, Manners and Customs. Am- ory, T. C, Our Engl, ancestors, 1872. Arblay, Mme. D', Diary, 1778-1813. Beeverell, Delices de la Gr. Br., 1707. Boyd, M., Reminiscences, 1871. Brand's Popular antiquities of Gr. Br., 1849. Carey, W., Present state of E., 1627. H. M., 3. Daniel, G., Olden time in, 1841. " Merrie England of old, 1873. Delany, Mrs., Letters, 1700-88. Dyer, T. F. T., Brit, popular customs, 1876. Folk lore, 1878. Escott, T. H. S., Her people, polity and pur- suits, 1880. Esquiros, English at Home, 2d, 3d series, 1862, 63. Evils of England, social and econ., 1865. Harl. Misc., v. 8, Four for a penny, 1678. " V. 3, Pennyless pari., 1608. " V. 5. St. Hilary, tears of, 1642. " V. 3, Tom Tell Troath. Hughes, T., Scouring of the white horse, 1859. Knight, C, Old England, 1845-6. Mirabeau, H. G. R., Letters from Eng., 1832. Paston Letters, 1435-83. Pepys's Diary, 1659-67. Pictorial hist, of Eng., 1849. Pratt, S. J., Gleanings, 1795. Private letters from an American, 1769. Shillingford, J., Letters, 1447-50. Cam. Soc. Somers Tracts, v. 3, 7. Southey, R.,Espriella's letters, 1808. Strickland, A., Old friends, 1864. Wheatley, H. B., Pepys and the world he lived in, 1880. White, Josh. E., Letters on, 1816. England, Political Pamphlets. Collec- tion of Tracts (Debrett), 1788. England's remembrancer, 1645. P. 2555. Ewing, T., Lecture on, 1866. P. 1885. •Marshall, S., Peace offering, 1641. P. 2556 Pamphleteer, 1813-28. Prynne, W., A word to, 1649. " Soveraign antidote, 1642. 106 SUBJECT-INDEX. England, Political Pamphlets (con- tinued). Prynne, W., Vind, of secluded members, 1649. " Full vindication, 1649. " Nine queries, 1647. " IX proposals, 1647. " New Presb. light, 1647. " Narrative of pari., 1648. " Legal vindication, 1649. '• A short. . . .prescription, 1659. *« Full declaration, 1660. " Conscientious queries, 1660. See Great Britain. England : Registers and Almanacs. Chamberlayne, E., Present state of, 1669, 1670, 1673, 1674, 1687, 1707, 1723, 1727, 1737. Royal Blue Book, 1860. See Great Britain ; Registers. England : Religion, Coit, T. W., Hist, of in, 1860. Merle d'Aubign6, Hist, of reformation, 1879. Schomberg, J. D., Theocratic philosophy of, 1842. Stephen, L., Hist. English thought in 18th cent., 1876. Stoughton, J., R. in E. under Q. Anne and the Georges, 1878. See Church of England. England, Topographical, Travels, etc. Anderson, J. P., Cat. of top. works in Brit, mus., 1881. Carew's Survey of Cornwall,. Eng., 1805. Dugdale, T., Eng. and Wales delineated, 1804. Earwaker, J. P., East Cheshire, 1877, 8'. Esquiros, A., English at home, 1862. Gr. Br., Rep. of boundary comm'rs, 1868, fo. Hentzner's journey into. Fug. P. 2. Langdale, T., Topog. diet, of Yorkshire, 1809, 22. Langley, T., Hist, of Desborough, 1797. Leigh, Road book, 1831. Lysons, Magna Britannia, 1813-22. Meason, Great Western R. R. guide, 1860. Palmer, Mrs. R., Four years in the old world, 1866. Paterson, D., Descr. of all the roads, 1808, 1840. Pecchio, Count, Obser. of an exile in, 1838. Pennant, T., Journey from Chester, 1811. Perry, W. S., Summer days abroad, 1880. Radcliffe, A., Tour to the lakes, 1794. Smith, W., Description of, 1588, 1879. Stael-Holstein, A. do, Letters on, 1830. Taine, H. A., Notes on, 1872. Timbs, J., Abbeys, castles and anct. haHs of, 1872. Topographer, The, 1789, 1790. Upoott, Aoct. of works ou Engl, topog., 1818. England, Topographical, Travels, etc. (continued). Walcott, Minsters and abbeys, 1860. See also the following : Bedford level ; Blyth ; Chichester; Cinque Ports; Cohibrook ; Croydon; Dorsetshire; Dover; East- bourne; Favresham ; Fulham; Ham- mersmith ; Hampshire ; Hampstead ; Horton; Ilfracorabe; Islington; Lan- caster; Lichfield; Maidstone; Naseby ; Newcastle; Newforest; Norfolk; North- umberland; Pontefract; Poole; Ports- mouth; Rochester; Rugby; St. Al- bans; Scarborough; Somerset; Sur- rey; Tenby; Thanet; Tiverton; Twick- enham ; Warwickshire ; Whitef ord ; Winchester; Worcestershire; Wrays- bury. English Authors, Books and Libraries. See Bibliography. English Dictionaries. See Dictionaries. English Education. See Education. English Government. See Great Britain. English Grammar. See Grammars, En- glish. English Language. ^S^^ Language, English. English Literature. See Literature. English Naval History. See Great Britain. English Politics, See Great Britain. English Readers. See Language, English. English Universities. See Universities ; Edinburgh ; Glasgow ; Oxford ; Cam- bridge. Engraved Gems. Baierus, Gemm. Sculp. thesaurus, 1722. Gorlaeus, A., Dactyliothecae, 1707. Kings, C. W., Antique gems, 1872. Poniatowski, Descr. of his gems, with poet. illust., 1841. Soc. Ant., Archaeologia, v. 33, 1849. See Gems. Engravings, History of, etc. Baker, S. W., Amer. engravers, 1875. Bewick, T., Hist, of Quadrupeds, 1791. Hamerton, P. G., Etcher's handbook, 1871. Heaton, Life of Durer, 1870. Historical portraits, 1876. Jackson, J., Orig. and prog, of f . arts, 1839. P. V. 1631. Lossing, B. J., Anderson's, A., Life, 1872. Pamphlets relating to, and catalogues, vols. 1060, 1905. Paris, Expos, de, 1855, Calligraphic. " Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du jury, 1, 2. White, G. M., Copperplate engr. E. I. B., v. 6. Winkles, B., French cathedrals, 1887. " Cathed. of Engl, and Wales, 1836, 88. 8m Cards ; Typography ; Fine Arts ; Bibli- ography. SUPPLEMENT. 107 Enlistments. U. S. conesp. with Gr. Br., 1856. P. 2136. Enthusiasm. Gibson, E., Pastoral letter, 1742. See Revivals ; Moral Philosophy. Entomology. Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist., Memoirs, 1866-78. Curtis, W., Brown-tailed moth, 1782. P. 1063. Denny, On the Pselaphus, 1825. Drapiez, Description de nouvelles especes, 1826. P. 2049. Drury, D., Exotic Entom. (Westwood), 1837. Edwards, W. H., Butterflies of N. Amer., 1874. Entomol. Soc. of Phila., Proc, 1861-67. Episodes of insect life, 3d series, 1837. Eversmann, Noctuelites de Russie. Soc. I. des Nat., 1856. Lib. of Entertain. Knowl. Insects. Lintner, J. A., Entomol. writings, 1869-76. P. 2049. wss Ml Merian, Maria S., Surinaamsche insecten, 1730, fo. " Europische insecten, 1730, fo. Missouri, Rep. on msects of, 1876. Ordway, H. L., Canker worms. E. I. P., v. 3. Packard, A, S., jr., Record of Am. entomol., 1871-3. " Saltwater insects. E. I. Com., v. 6. Peck, W. D., Slug worm. Ms. H. S. C, s. 1, V. 5. Perkins, G., Papers on, 1877, 8. Preudhomme de Borre, Extraits des annales, 1868-73. P. 2049. Ramon de la Sagra, Hist, de Cuba, 1837. Ross, A., Butterflies and moths of Canada, 1873. Ruschenberger, Elements of, 1845. Saussure, H. de, American wasps, 1875. " Melanges orthopt^rologiques, V^ fasc, 1877. Say's Hemiptera, 1831. Scudder, S. H., Butterflies of N. Eng. E. I. P., V. 3. Shaw, G., Naturalist's Miscellany, 1790. Shurtlefif, C. A., Army worm. E. I. P., v. 3. Spry, W., British coleoptera, 1861. Strecker, H.. Lepidoptera rhopaloceres and heteroceres, 1876. Swammerdam, Ephemeri vita, 1681. U. S. Agric. Report, 1879. " Geol. Surv., Packard, geometric moths, 1876. Wilkinson, S. J., British tortrices, 1859. Wood, W., Index entomol. (lepidopterous), 1854. Zom. Soc. Lond., Trans., v. 10, 1879. " Proceedings, 1878-9. Entomology (continued). Zoological Miscellany. Nodder, v. 3, 1817. See Bees ; Insects ; Zoology ; ZoOphytes. Ephesus. Falkner, E., Descr. of, 1862. Epicurus. Tela, J., Life and morals of, 1818. Epidemics. Bowron, On celestial influences, 1850. P. 1900. Forster, T., Causes of pest from fever, 1824. Pmtr., 24. Maclean, C, Epidem. and pest, diseases, 1817. Pmtr., 10. " View of Brown's Science of Life, 1801. AS'ee Cattle ; Diphtheria; Cholera; Medicine; Plague ; Yellow Fever. Epigrams. Ausonius, Opera, 1580. De Quincey, T., Dryden's hexastich. W. v. 19, 1854. Dodd, H. P., The epigrammatists, 1870. Harl. Misc., 4, Anat. of a woman's tongue, 1838. Palmer, S., Epitaphs and epigr., 1869. PuUeyn, W., Churchyard gleanings, 1826. See Epitaphs ; Maxims ; Proverbs ; Poetry. Episcopacy. Barksdale, Disputation, 1653 Beecher, T. K., Lecture on, 1870. P. 2534. Bible unity, 1867. P. 2534. Bowden, J., Letters, 2d ser., to Dr. Miller, 1831. Buel, S., Apost. syst. defended, 1844. P. 2594. Checkley, J., Discourse, 1728. Colton, C, Reasons for preferring, 1836. Dering, Sir E., Speeches of, 1642. Episcopacy considered, 1820. Pmtr., 16. Evergreen, The, N. Y., 1844-53. Biog. Heylin, P., Hist. Tracts, 1681. Hoyt, N., Confirmation, 1860. P. 2595. Olds, G. S., Sermons on, 1815. Pamphlets, vols. 2533, 2534, 2594, 2595. Randall, G. M., Why I am a Churchman, 1858. P. 2534. , Rice, J. H., Review of Ravenscroft, 1827. Welles, N., Vind. of Presb. ordination, 1767. Williams, D., Succession asserted, 1721. P. 1886. See Authority ; Church of England ; Church Government; Apostolical Succession; Presbyterianism. Episcopal Church, England. ^See Church of England. Episcopal Church, Ireland. See Irish Church. Episcopal Church, Scotland, Reg. Epis. Aberd., 1150-1600, Mait. C, 77, 8. Episcopal Church, United States. Al- len, B., 2d letter to Hobart, 1827. P. 1892. Am. Ch. Union, Addr. P. 1886. 108 SUBJECT-INDEX. Episcopal Church, United States (con- tinued). Apthorp, E., Review of Mayhew, 1765. Ballard, E., E. Church in Maine. Me. H. S., 6. Batterson, H. G., Am. Episcopate, 1878. Burgess, G., List of deacons in, 1786-1857. Catechisms, Pam. v. 2533, 2534. Christian Journal, N". Y., 1808. Churchman's year book, 1870, 71. Conn., Epis. Controversy in. Ms. Hs. C, s. 2, V. 2. Cornwall, N. E., Hist. disc, on Conn., 1851. Davenport, J., E. in Conn., 1722. Ms. H. C, s. 2, V. 4. Dehon, Bp. T., Public means of grace. Evergreen, The, Period, N. Y., 1844-53. Hills, G. M., Jn. Talbot, first Bp. in N. Am., 1879. Jarvis, S. F., Reply to Milner, 1847. Jones, Rev. Cave. See Jones, C. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 1, v. 7, Pet. resp. Bishops. Meade, W., Recollections, 1855. Our estabUshed church, 1870. Pam. vol., 1866. 2085, 2534. Papers on the proposal of the 9 Bishops, 1871. P. 2534. Perry, W. S., Hist. Coll. on Ch. in Penna., 1870. " On Ch. in Virginia, 1871. Potter, H., His Past, letter reviewed, 1865. P. 1886. Proposed reform, 1855. P. 1886. Prot. Epis. Church, Jour, of Conv., 1735- 1835. Repr., Perry. " Gen. Conv. Journal, 1855, G5, 69, 71, 74. " Conv. debates, 1864. «* Digest of Canons, 1872. " Division of diocese. P. 1886. •' Albany diocese Conv. Jour., 1868, 9, 72, 3, 5. " Central N. Y. diocese Conv. Jour., 1869-75. ** Conn, diocese. Doc. History, Perry, 1863-64. " Long Is. diocese. Journals, 1868, 69, 70. " Maine, Dioc. Journals, 1883, 43, 53, 60, 68. " Maryland, Rep. on division of, 1859. P. 1887. " Mass. Dioc. Journals, 1849-68. New York, Dioc. Journals, 1834-68. " Ohio, Conventions, 1818-21, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65. •' Vermont, Dioc. Journal.s, 1839, 48, 00-68, 73-77. *• Western, N. Y., Dioc. Journals, 1841-62. Prot. Epis. Ch., Hist. Coll., 1851-2. Rockland Co., N. Y., Proc, 1848. P. 1887. Episcopal Church, United Slates (con- tinued). Serious call, N. Y., 1817. P. 1892. Sharp, G., Am. Bishops, 1785. Ms. H. S. C, s. 1, V. 3. Sword's Eccl. Reg., 1812, 13. 14, 1828, 1833, 34, 43, 44, 45, 52, 55. Tyng, D. A., Serm., Prospects of, 1854. P. 1886. Tyng, S. H., Letter to Bp. Potter, 1865. See Bishops in America; Trinity Church; Hobart, J. H. ; Onderdonk. Episcopal Church, U. S., Liturgy. Bp. White Prayer book Soc, 1845-59. Bradford Praver book, 1710. Account of, Phila., 1870. Brief directory, 1872. P. 1064. German services, 1869. P. 2534. Epitaphs. Ausonius, Opera, 1580. Cansick, F. T., From Saint Pancras, Lond. Collection of, 1834. Epit. and epigrams, Lon., 1869. Gale, Winchester cathedral, 1723. Green, S. A., From Groton, Ms., 1878. Hackett, J., Select ep., 1757. Herckenrode, Tombes....delaHesbaye, 1845.' Hildeburn, St. Peter's churchyard, Phila., 1879. Lichfield cathedral, 1823. Loaring, H. J., E. curious and elegant, 1873. Palliser, Mottoes for monuments, 1872. Palmer, S., Epitaphs, curious, 1869. Parr, S., Works, v. 4, 8, 1828. Peck's Desid. cur., 1779. Pulleyn, W., Churchyard gleanings, 1826. Rochester cathedral, 1723. Tissiugton, Collect, of all ages, 1857. Whitmore, Copp's Hill, Boston, 1878. Worcester cathedral. Wordsworth, Wm., Essays on (Works, II). See Inscriptions. Epizootic. See Cattle Plague. Epsom, Eng. Epsom history, 1825. Equador. See Ecuador. Equality. Light shining in Buckingham- shire, 1648. Prynne. W., Levellers levelled, 1647. See Rights ; Liberty. Erasmus, D. Drummond, R. B., Life of, 1873. Ericsson, J. Horsford, E. N., Address on, 1866. Erie Canal. Serious (A) appeal (Pell), 1816. Pam. 9 B. C. Colden, C. D., Memoir of completion, 1825. Colles, C, Proposals, N. Y., 1785. Geddes, G., Orig. and hist. of. Buf. H. S. C, 1866. See Canals, N. Y. SUPPLEMENT. 109 Erie Co., N. Y. Johnson, C, Hist, of, 1876. Erie Co., Ohio. Pollock, W. W., Fire lands reminiscences. F. L. P., 1. Erie Co., Pa. Directory, 1873. Erie (Lake) Battle. Calvert, G. H., Addr., Newport, R. I., 1854. P. 1891. Parsons, U., Disc, on, ]853. Proc. of Mon. Assn., 1858. Silliman, A. E., A gallop, etc., 1843. See Perry, Comm. Erskine, E. 3404. Representation by, 1*1 Eskimo. Hooper, W. H., 10 mos. with the Tuski, 1853. Rink, Pays primitif. Cg. d'Am., s. 2, v. 2. See Greenland ; Langilage ; Voyages, Arctic. Esopus, N. Y. Schuyler, G. W., Among the Dutch, 1680. Essays. Bulwer, Sir E. L., Caxtoniana, 1864. Clarke, D., Fugitives, 1864. Coleridge, S. T., Friend, 1850. Common sense (Molloy), 1738. Ensor, G., The independent man, 1806. Fiske, J., The unseen world, etc., 1876. Forsyth, W., Essays critical, 1874. Godwin, W., The enquirer, 1823. Hazlitt, W., Round table, 1817. Hume, D., Essays, Moral, 1742. Hunt, L., The Indicator, 1819-21. Huxley, T. H., Lay sermons, 1870. King, T. S., Patriotism and papers, 1864. Kingsley, C, Health and education, 1874. McKinnon, C, Essays, 1785. Maclaurin, J., Works, 1798. Mill, J. S., Diss., vol. 5, 1876. Milnes, R. M., Monographs, 1873. Percival, J. G., Clio I, Imagination, 1822. " " Magnanimity, 1822. Seeley, J. R., Essays, 1870. Spencer, H., E., moral, political and aest., 1865. Stephen, L., E. on freethinking, 1877. Tator, H. H., Essays, 1849. P. 1895. Taylor, Isaac, Essays, Lond., 1859. Essenes. De Quincev, T., Writings, v. XI. 1853. Essex, Earl of. (A. Capel). Braddon, Re- ply to Burnet, 1725. Essex, Devereux, Earl of. Ballad Soc, B. from MSS. Morfill, v. 2. 1873. Wotton, Reliquiae, 1672. Essex, J. Nic. 111., v. 6. Essex, Eng. Davids's Annals of noncomfor- mity in, 1863. Morant, P., History of, 1768, fo. Essex Co., Mass. Directory and history, 1870, 73. Essex I. C, 7, 8, Court records of. Goodell, A. C, Biog. of officers of pro- bate, E. I. C, V. 2. N. Y. S. Agr., Soc, Suppl., 1853. W. C. Essex Co., N. Y. Trans., 1852. Watson. Redfield, W. C, Visit to, 1838. P. 2090. See Adirondacks ; Champlain, Lake. Essex, Vt, Butler, L. C, Record of, 1866. Etherization. Bowditch, Hist, of Mass. Gen. Hosp., 1851. Bowditch, H. P., On anaesthesia, 1874. P. 2131. Morton, W. T. G., Admin, of ether, 1847. " Memoranda, 1871. Pam., V. 2131. Smith, T., Who discovered it? 1864. P. 2131. Stearns, H. P., Disc, of anaesthesia, 1876. Tracy, S. J., Apparatus for, 1847. P. 2043. U. S], C. T. Jackson's claims. P. 2131. Ethiopia. Harris, W. C, Highlands of, 1844. Sharpe, S., Egypt and E. illust., 1862. Trumpp, E., Jilthiop. Taufbuch. K. Bay. Abh., p. p. c. 14, 1878. Univ. Hist., vol. 18. See Abyssinia ; Egypt ; Nubia. Ethnology. Am. Ethn. Soc, Bull., 1860-61. Bachman, J., Exam, of Agassiz, 1855. P. 1888. Bartlett, J. R., Progress of, N. Y. H. P., 1843, 1846. Bretton, De, Orig. des peuples de I'Am. Cg. d. Am., s. 1, T. 1. Broca, P. de. Cranes Columbiens. Cg. d. Am., s. 1, T. 1. Caldwell, R., Comp. gram, of Dravidian lang., 1875. Clarke, H., Orig. des Am§ricains. Cg. d. Am., s. 2, T. 1. Cornilliac, J. J. J., Anthrop. des Antilles. Cg.d. Am., s. 1, T. 2. Cox, G. W., Myth, of Aryans, 1870. Cox, S. S., Speech, Amalgamation, 1864. P. 1889. Daly, Addr., 1878. Am. Gc S., 10. Davies, E., Celtic researches, 1804. Duprat, Races d'Afrique septen., 1845. Ethnol. Soc. of Loud,, Trans., 1848-68. Freeman, E. A., Essays, s. Z. Gilman, H., T6moignages osteologiques. Cg. d. Am., s. 2, t 1. Hawkins, D. A., Anglo-saxon race, 1875. P. 2093. Heming, T., Progress, colonization, 1816. P. 1888, Hearn, W. E., Aryan household, 1879. Hunt, J., Addresses, Anthrop. Soc, 1868-67. P. 1888. 110 SUBJECT-INDEX. Ethnology (continued). Ins. H. do Bra., 12, Diss, ethnog. " 21, Ethnog. indigena. Jomard, Coll. ethnog, Soc. de G6og., B., 1845. Magalhses, J. V., Conte de, Ensaio de Anthrop. Ins. H. do Bra., 36. P. 2. Meigs, J. A., flints to craniographers, 1858- P. 1888. Morton, S. G., Abor. race of America, 2d ed., 1844. Muir, J., Origin of the Hindus, 1873. Obermayr, J. N., Germ. Gall, und Gothischer Vdlker, 1843. P. 156. Orton, H. S., Develop, of races, 1869. Pam., vol. 1888. Peschel, Races of man, 1876. Petitot, L' Immigration asiatique. Cg. d. Am., s. 1, T. 2. Pictet, A., Les origines indo-europ6ennes, 1859, 63. Quatrefages, Prussian race, 1869. Rath, C, Noticia ethnol. Ins. H. do Bra., 34. P. 1. Rawlinson, G., Origin of nations, 1878. Sharpe, W., Cause of color, 1879. Short, N., Americans, ancient, 1880. Six, The, species of men, N. Y., 1866. Smith, A., Oration, N. Haven, 1849. P. 1888. Smithsonian Reports, 1862, etc. Th^baud, The Irish race, 1873. Thompson, G. A., Theory of the hemispheres. Pmtr., 5. Thompson, W. W., Nat. physique. Am. Ge. S. P., 1862. U. S. Geog. Survey, Ethnol. of California, 1877. " Tribes of the N. West. *' Tribes of Oregon and Washington. Wells, W. C, Color and form of whites and negroes, 1878. Williamson, T. S., The first men. Min. H. C, 1. Winchell, A., Preadamites, 1880. See Philology ; Indians (American). Etiquette. Chesterfield, Principles of polite- ness, N. Y., 1795. Churton's amanuensis, 1841. Pretty, The, gentleman. Fug. P., 1, 1765. Thoms, W. J., Book of the court, 1844. See Customs ; Gentleman ; Manners. Eton College. Lyte, H., Hist, of, 1875. See Education, Great Britain. Etruria. Campana, Musco, 1850. Gray, H., Hist, of, 1844. Taylor, I., Etrus. researches, 1874. Univ. Hist., vol. 16. See Tuscany. Etymology. /8'« Language ; Philology. Eucharist. Communion. Eulogies. Ernesti, A. G., Opuscula, 1794. See Adams, J. ; Adams, J. Q. ; Clay, H. ; Funeral Sermons; Garfield, J. A. ; Harrison, W. H. ; Lincoln, A. ; Wash- ington ; Webster, D. Euphrates River. Chesney, Expedition, 1835-37. See Syria ; Turkey ; Mesopotamia. Europe, History. Arlington, Earl of, Let- ters, 1665-70. Dillon, J. T., Sacred Roman empire, 1782. Elliot, Sir G., Life and letters, 1751-1806. Fitzgerald, M. S., Kings of Europe, 1870. Frost, J., Monarchs and people of, 1852. Hautefort, Memoirs, 1763. Hertslet, E., Map of, by treaty, 1814^1875, 3 vols. Hill, R., Dipl. corresp., 1703-6. Joseph, Rabbi, Chronicles. 0. T. F., 1836. Jovius, sP., Bp., Hist, sui temporis, 1483- 1552. Le Sage, Chronol. atlas of. Mackenzie, R., The 19th century, 1880. Malcolm, J. P., Anecd. of manners, 1600-1714. Mercure hist, et pol., La Haye, 1687-1714. Period. Mercure Hollandois, Amst., 1672-78. Period. Pam., V. 2183. Praet, Von, Polit. hist, of, 15-l7th cent., 1868- Puffendorf, S., In trod, to hist., 1700. Schloezer, Briefvvechsel, 1775-82. Stockman, Baron, Memoirs, 1872. Sybel, Von, Hist, during French revol., 1869. Univ. Hist. Mod., v. 42, 43. Walpole, H., Letters, 1735-92. See the Several Countries. Europe « Politics of. Carnot, Memorial of. Pmtr., 3. Castlereagh, M. 'of Londonderry, Corresp., 1799-1822. Chateaubriand, F. A. de, Buonaparte and the Bourbons. Pmtr., 3. Duff, M. E. G., Studies of, 1866. England, France and Netherlands, 1828. Pmtr., 29. England and France, 1832. Girardin, E. de, L'impuissance de la presse, 1879. Goldsmith, L., Appt. of Canning, 1823. Pmtr., 22. Harl. Misc., 11, Europe a slave, 1718. " 8, Mod. affairs of, 1680. *' 8, Present state of Christendom, 1677. Laing, S., Soc. and ])ol. state in 1848, 9. Lexington Papers, 1694-98. Mercure historiquo. La Haye, 1687-1757. Mercure Hollandois, 1672-78. Musgrave, T. M., Bal. of power. Pmtr., 3. SUPPLEMENT. Ill Europe, Politics of (continued). Pam., V. 1885, 1978. Pradt, Abbe de, Eng. and Russia comp., 1824. Pmtr., 24. Prussia and Saxony. Pmtr., 5. Royal Gamesters, 1706. H. M., 11. Ward, J. W., Earl Dudley's letters, 1814-23. See Diplomacy; Great Britain; France; Spain. Europe, Registers, etc. Almanach de Gotha, 1813-25, 1873-81. Am. Ge. S. J., 1, Element, stat. of. Annual Register, L., 1872-80. Berg, F. T., Etat. de la population, 1875. Martin, .Statesman's year book, 1872-80. Whitaker's almanac, 1869-79. Europe, Travels iu. Alexander, J. W., Letters, 1860. Berry, Miss, Corresp., 1769-1852. Evliya, Travels, 1670. 0. T. F. Field, H. M., to the Golden Horn, 1877. Fiske, S., Dunn Browne's experiences, 1857. Forney, J. W., Centenn. comm'r in E., 1876. Granger, Rev. J., Letters, 1805. Howell, J., Epist. Ho-Elianae, 1645. Pam., vol. 2088, Reresby, Sir J., Memoirs of travels, 1654-62. Sprague, W. B., Letters from, 1828. Tappan, H. P., Step from new world, 1852. Trafton, A., American girl abroad, 1879. Tupper, M. F,, Diary of trav., 1856. Urbino, Mrs., Am. woman in, 1869. Walpole, H., Letters, 1735-97, Ward, J. W., Earl Dudley, Letters, 1814-23. Warner, CD., Saunterings, 1872. Wikoff, H., Reminiscences, 1880. See Travels in the several countries of. Eustace, T. Adventures of, 1820, Eustis, W. Gray, T., Disc, on, 1825. P. 1917. Evangelical Alliance. Documents, 1870, 71. P. 2013. Proceedings, 1846. P. 2013. Tilden, W. P., Discourse on, 1846. P. 1915. See Christian Union. Evangelical Lutheran Church. See Lu- theran. Evangelicals. See Dissenters; Church of England. Evans, F. B. Trial, 1872. P. 1119. Everett, E. Am. Antiq. Soc. Proc, 1865. Bartol, C. A., Sermon, 1865. Ellis, R., Sermon, 1865, Hale, E. E., Sermon, 1865. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1865. New Eng. Hist. Gen. Soc, 1865. South. Quar. Rev,, 1851. Everett, E. (continued). Thursday eve, club, Proc Todd, J, E.. Sermon, 1865. Whipple, E. P,, Character of, 1868. Wiley, C, Disc, on, 1865. P. 2001, Winthrop, R. C, Death of, 1865. W. v. 2, Everett, M. Harris, T. M., Sermon on, 1813. Evidence. Finch, A. E., Pursuit of truth, 1873. See Christianity ; Bible. Evil, Origin of. Brougham, H., Disserta- tations, 1839. Davis, A. J,, History of, 1863. P. 2173. Murray, J., Serm. on, 1785. Proclus, Treatise on, 1833. See Sin. Evolution. Bagehot, Physics and politics, 1873. Carpenter, S. H., Philos. of, 1874. P. 2026. Gazelles, Outlines of, }875. Cook, J., Boston lectures, 1877. Cope, E. D., Essay, (Half hours). Fiske, J., Cosmic philos., 1875. Force, M. F., Darwinism, 1873. Fortnightly Review, 1877, v. 21, 22. Freke, H., Origin of species, 1861. Gray, A., Darwiniana, 1876. Haeckel, Hist, of creation, 1876. Hakewill, G., Apol. for Providence, 1630. Henslow, Theory of, 1873. Hickok, L. P., E. from force, 1878. P. 2188. Hodge, C, What is Darwinism? 1874. Mackall, L., Darwinism refuted, 1873. Marsh, 0. C, Succession of vertebrate life, 1877. Mivart, St. G., Lessons from nature, 1876. Mueller, F., Facts for Darwin, 18G9. Ormathwaite, Astr. and geol. compared, 1872. Pam., vol. 2026. Schmidt, 0., Doctrine of descent, 1875. Sedgwick, A., Discourse, 1850. Spencer, H., Development, illust, " Principles of biology. Stephen, L., Essays, 1877. Wallace, A. R., Theory of natu. selection, 1871. White, C, Regular gradation, 1799. Wilson, D., Caliban, 1874. Wilson, W. D., A few words, 1871. P. 2026. Winchell, A., The doctrine of, 1874. Examination Papers in Schools and Colleges. Ackland, T. D., Acct. of, at Oxford, 1858. Balfour, A. J., Indian c, s. exam., Fort, Rev., V. 22. Bristed, C. A., Five years in university, 1873. Brooklyn Rep., 1877. Cambr. Univ., Eng., Questions, 1801-1820. 112 SUBJECT-INDEX. Examination Papers in Schools and Colleges (continued). Farrer, T. H., Rep. of c. s. comm., Fort. Rev., V. 17. Great Britain, Civil service examin., 1880. " Pari, papers, 1877. L. L. Griffin, L., Indian c. s. exam., Fort. Rev., v. 17. Latham, H., On the action of, 1877. Murray, D., Abuse of, 1880. N. Y., Univ. of the State, Advanced ex. pa- pers, Feb., 1881. " Report on ex. and degrees, Haven and Upson, 1880. " The Regents' questions, 1866-78, Com- piled by D. J. Pratt, 1876, 78. N. Y. State Colls., On Pub. E. for, 1858. North, E., On Regents' higher ex., 1878. Pluck exam, papers, Oxf., 1836. P. 677. Potts, Camb. Univ. Exhib. and exam., 1866. Yale col., Sheffield sch., 1880. See Civil Service. Exchange. Blake, W., Principles of, 1810. Fenn's compendium, regulations, 1872. Justice, Treatise of money, and E., 1707. Rates on Hamburg, 1819. Pmtr., 15. Tate, Modern cambest., 1852. See Finance; Currency; Banking. Excise. Beaumont, J. T. B., Pub. H. licens- ing, 1817. Pmtr., 9. Harl. Misc., 6, The brewers' plea, 1647. N, Y., Rep. of Bd. of Excise, Metrop. dist., 1866-69. " Laws rel. to metrop. bd. of, 1866-7. , Prynne, W., Declar. against, 1654. Pub. house licensing, 1816. Pmtr., 7. See Taxation ; Customs ; Temperance. Exeter, Eng. Jenkins, A., Hist, and desc. of, 1806. Shillingford's letters, 1447-50. Camden See. Exeter Co., Eng. Risdon, T., Survey of, 1714. Exeter, N. Hamp. Bell, C. H., E. in 1776. Granite, The, Monthly, 3, 1880. Tenney, S., Topog. of. Ms. H. S. C, s. 1, v. 4. Exhibitions of Industry. American Insti- tute, Annual fair, 1870, 72, 75, 78. Brazil, Phila. Cent., cat. for, 1876. Buffalo Mech. Inst., Exh., 1871. Cincinnati Indust., Expos., 2d report, 1871. " List of the 4th, 1873. Colorado Indust. Ass'n, 1874. P. 2082. Cowdin, E. C, Expos, of 1867, Paris. Franklin Inst., Exh.of 1858, 1876. G. Britain, Cat. for Paris Exhib., 1867. Off. cat., 1-8, for Phila., 1876. •* Colonies, for Phila, 1876. " Paris Ex., 1878, Offic. cat. for. Exhibitions of Industry (continued). Hayes, J. L., Claims of exhibitors at Phila., 1876. Hoyt, J. W., Exhib., 1862, Lond., 1869. Exhib., 1867, Paris, 1869. Ingram, J. S., Cent. Exh. described, 1876. Italy, Expos, de Paris, 1867, Attiufficiali. Kansas, Report Board of Agric. for 1876. Leslie, F., Hist, of U. S. Cent. Exh., 1876. Lester, C. E., U. S. Exh., 1876. London Internat. Exhib. of 1862, awards of juries. Mass., Rep. on Vienna, Ex. of 1873. Mass. Char. Mech. Ass'n, Exhib., Bost., 1878. Melbourne, N. S. W. Exh., 1866, Catalogues, awards, etc. Internat. Exhib., 1875, 76. • New Jersey, Rep. on Phila. Ex., 1876. N. Y., Rept. of Commrs. on Phila. Exh., 1876. N. Y., Exhib. of, 1854. See 1853, 1st ed. Ohio, Rep. on Phila. Exh., 1876. Pam., vol. 1063. Paris, Expos, de, 1867, Cat. G6n. Paris, Expos, de, 1867, Cat. in Eng. Paris, Expos, de, 1867, illustree. Paris, Expos, de, 1867, Guide Almanac. Pennsylvania, Reports on Phila. Ex., 1876. Phila., Centenn. Exhib., 1876, Guide. " Catalogues (4), coll. Phila. Comm. to Vienna, Report, 1873. Phila. & Reading R. R., min. and agr. prod. Phillips, S., Guide to Sydenham palace, 1859. Portugal, Cat. for Phil. Exh., 1876. Salem, Ms., Char. Mech. Ass'n, Exh., 1849. San Francisco Mech. Inst. Exh., 1869. U. S., Rept. on Paris Exp., 1867, 6 vols. On Phila. Exh., 1875. " Navy dept., catalogue, 1876. ** Official catalogue, Paris Expos., 1878. " Off. cat., Paris Expos, of 1778. " Exhib. of Education, Paris Expos., 1878. •' Vienna Exhib., Reports of commrs., 1876. Victoria Exhib., 1861, Cat. " at Lond. exhib., 1873, Cat. and Rep. " at Phila. exhib., 1876., Cat. " Report on, 1877. Vienna Exhib., Gen. Cat., 1873. " Gewerbe Gesch. Oesterreiches, cat., 1873. Waring, J. B., Masterpieces, exh. of 1862. Yearbook of facts, 1851, Extra vol., Lon., 1851. See Arts; Mechanics' Institutes and each countrv by name; United States Cen- tennial. Extracts. See Quotations. SUPPLEMENT. 113 Eye. Archives of ophthalmology, N. Y., 1869- 74. Clarke, E. H., Visions; false sight, 1878. Fearn, J., Laws of vision, 1818. Pratr., 12. Hinton, J., Physiol, for pract. use, 1874. Mill, J. S., Theory of vision. Diss., v. II. Pam., vol. 1359. Renwick, Miss McEvoy's case, 1820. Wells, W. C, Single vision, 1818. See Optics ; Medicine ; Color. F. Fables. Abr6g6 de la Fable, 1821. -. Book of fate. Misc. Trans., 0. T. F. Gilman, C, Poetic fate book, 1874. Napoleon's Book of fate, 1825. New Fortune book, 1795. Fort Wayne, Oh. Knapp, H. S., Hist, of Maumee valley, 0. Forward, O. Sheldon, J., Life of, 1875. Fossils. See Paleontology. Foster, John. Clark, R. W., Essay on, 1848. De Quincey, T., Writings, v. 10, 1853. Foster, Rob. Fairbanks, G. G., Disc, on, 1860. P. 1918. Fothergill, John. Vie de. Soc. Mont. 1. Fothergill, Rev. M. Nic. HI., 3. FoundHngs. B:-ownIow, J., Found. Hosp. Lond., 1847. 16 Foundlings (continued). Considerations on hospital, 1759. P. 2029. N. Y. City Poor, Rep. on hosp. for, 1857. P. 1881. Fountain Co., Indiana. Beckwith, H. W., Hist, of, 1881. Davidson, T. F., Hist, of, 1881. See Beck- with' s Montgomery. Fountains. Frontin, Aqueducs de Rome. Paris, 1821, fo. Gaucherel, Decorations interieures, fo. Humphrey's Rome, 4". Tyler-Davidson fountain, by Probasco. Cin., 1872. Wey's, F., Rome, 1875, fo. Fourier, J. Cousin, V., Vie de. Soc. Mont., 4. Fournet, A. H. Vie de. Soc. Mont., 1. Fowler, Wm. Memorial, 1875. Fowls. See Poultry. Fox, Charles James. Adams, W. H. D., English party leaders, 1878. Fox's martyrs, 1784. Hevwood, S., Vind. of his hist, of James II, 1811. Jackson, W., Thoughts.... Westm. scrutiny 1784. Trevelyan's Early Hist, of, 1881. Walpole, B. C, Recoil, of, 1807. Fox, G. Last will and testament, 1688. H. M., 9. Quaker veracity, Morgan's Phoenix. Spurgeon, C. H., Addr. on, 1866. P. v. 1633. Williams, R., G. F. digg'd out, 1676. Fox, John. Papers of. Camd. Soc, 1860. Fox, M. Kane's Love life, 1866. Fox, Sir S. Life of, 1717. Fox Hunting. Nimrod's Northern tour, 1838. France. Baecker, L. de. La noblesse flamande de 1859. Bigelow, J., F. and Hered. monarchy, 1871. Genet, E. C, Corresp. with off. of the U. S.. 1793. Pam. vol. 2136. Paris, Expos, univ. de 1867, illustree. Scottish archers in, 1612. Mait. Club, 44. Sermond, Concilia Galliae, 1629, 30, fo. TCSottBi.Vaiiey,-^ist. of, Phila., 1879. Franklin Co., N. Y. Hist, of, Phila., 1880. Franklin Co., Penn. Rupp, Hist, of, 1846. Franke, H. A. Vie de. Soc. Mont., 5. Frederick II, of Germany, Freeman, E. A., Hist. Essays, 1872. Kington, T. L., Hist, of, 1862. Frederick II, of Prussia. Kapp, F., F. und die Verein. St. v. America, 1871. Frederick, Md. Steiner, L, H., Diary, 1862. Free Church of Scotland. Buchanan, R. Speech, 1848. P. 2565. Chalmers, T., Remarks, present position of, 1839. P. 1550. ♦* Appeal to, 1847. P. 1415. " Corresp., 1853. Cunningham, W,, Pamphlets (8), 1837-42. Free Ch. of Scot., Non-intrusion committee, 1839-42. P. 1550. Free Church sustent. com., 1846. P. 1992. Hamilton, J., Farewell to Egypt, 1844. P. 2565. Letter to the peers by a peer's son, 1842. P. 1550. ^ Lome, Letter toTlhalmers, 1842. P. 1550. Lowe's Edinb. Mag., 1846-48. Pamphlets, vols. 1550, 1991, 1992, 1993. Perthshire Free Ch., Address, 1847. P. 1550. Freedmen* Am. Freedman's Commission. Period. 1866-9. Amer. Union Commission, 1865. P. 1889. Armstrong, Hampton and its songs, 1874. Campbell, B., Speech to col'd voters, 1867. P. 1897. Child, L. M., Freedmen's book, 1865. Colyer, V., Services of, in N. Car., 1864. P. 18S9. Friends' Assoc, of Phila. for, 3d rept., 1866. P. V. 1633. Hoar, G. F., Remarks on Gen. Howard, 1871. P. 1489. National F. ReUef Ass'n, Journal, 1865, 6. New Eng. Freed. Aid Soc, 1864. P. 1889. N. Y., Branch Freedman's Union Comm., 1867. P. 1889. N. Y. Nat. Freedman's ReUef Ass'n Rep., 1866. P. 1889. Pam., vol. 1889. Price, H., Speech, condition of, 1864. P. 1889. Prot. Epis. Freedman's Comm., 1866. P. 1889. Rollin, Life of Maj. Delany, 1868. Soldiers' Memorial Soc, Boston, 1866, 68. P. 1889. Un. St. Freedman's Bureau Reports, 1866-70. 124 SUBJECT-INDEX. Freedmen (continued). U. S. Report on Gen. Howard, 1870. P. 1889. See Civil War ; Negro Races ; Slavery. Freeman, Rev. James. Memoir of. Ms. H. S. C, s. 3, V. 5. Greenwood, F. W. P., Sermon on, 1835. Freeman, Rev. John. Smith, S. R., Mem. of, Utica, 1835. ■ - Free masonry. See Masonry. Freeport, Me. Nason, R., Topog. of, 1815. Ms. H. S. C, s. 2, V. 4. Free Soil. /S'e« U.'S. Territories; Slavery. Free Thinking, /See Natural Religion ; Deism. Free Trade. Atkinson, E., Essays, 1861, 67, 71. P. 2061. Brace, C. L., F. T. promoting peace, 1879.. Bradford, S. D., Letters, 1846. P. 1890. Clay, J., Free trade, 1820. Pmtr., 17. Cobden Club publications, 1871-79. " History of F. T, in Tuscany, 1876. Fallacy of, 1864. P. 2069. Fawcett, H., F. T. and protection, 1878. Grosvenor, Does protection protect? 1871. Hayes, J. L., Puotec. a boon, 1867. Hinton, J. W., Writings, 1880. Letters relating to, E. L Comp. Lond., 1754. P. 1909. Phillips, Willard, Proposiflons, 1850. Scanlan, J. F., Why Ireland is poor, 1880. Slagg, J., F. T. and tariffs, 1881. Sumner, W. G., Hist, of protection in U. S., 1877. " Protection and revenue. Econ. Monog., 8. Traut, W., Six speeches, 1874. Wells, D. A., Why we trade, 1878. " Report on customs laws, 1867. ** Robinson Crusoe's money, 1876. Yeats, J., Recent commerce, L., 1872. See Tariff ; Corn Laws ; Monopoly ; Com merce; Polit. Econ. Free Will. See Necessity ; Will. Fremont. J. C. Blair, F., Speech on, 1862. P. 2167. Carvalho, Adventures with, 1857. Colfax, S., Speech on, 1862. P. 2167. Peckham, J., Gen. Lyou and Mri. in 1861. Savage, J., Representative men, 1860. Shanks, J. P. C, Vindication, 1862. P. 2167. Fremont Co., Iowa. History of, 1881. French Discoveries, etc., in East In- dies. Univ. Hist., Mod. v. 11. French Prophets. Myers, T . , Prize essay, 1833. P. 1508. French Protestant Refueecs. Full dis- covery of slander, N. Y., 1708, pp. 6, fo. Ms. H. S. Aspinwall s. 3, V. 6 ; French Protestant Refugees (continued). Report of a Fr. Prot. Ref., 1687. See Protestant Churches in France. French Spoliations. Causten, J. H., On Pierce's message, 1855. P. 2021. Causten, J, H., Sketch of claims, 1800 (1871). P. 2136. Sketch of the claims, 1836. P. 1885. U. S., Livingston's rep., 1831. P. 2136. /See France, Hist., 1789-1830; Neutrals. French Wars in America. Church, B., Expeditions, 1689-1704. Cleaveland, Rev. John, Journal, 1738. E. L C, 12, 13. Clough, G., Journal, 1759-60. E. L C, 3. Craft, E., Journal at Louisbourg, 1745. E. L C, 6. Gist's journal on the Ohio, 1753. C, 8. 3, V. 5. Mass. H. S. C, s. 4, v. 9, 10, papers, 1761. Niles, S., Hist. of. Ms. H. S. C, 8. 4, V. 5. Norton, J., Capture of Fort Massachusetts. Reason humbly offered, 1756. P. 136. Reflections upon the present state, 1755. P. 1402. Shute, Rev. D., Journal, 1758. E. L C, v. 12. Voice of the people, L. 1756. P. 136. Wolcott, R., Siege of Louisbourg. Conn. H. S. C, 1. French Wars in America. 1744-63. Sermons on, Jiallantme, J., Ser- mon, Westfield, 1756. P. 1913. Maccarty, T., Serm., exped. agt. Canada* 1759. Mayhew, J,, Thanksgiv. serm., Oct. 9, 1760. Pollen, T., Sermon, Newport, 1755. Prince, T., Serm., taking of Louisbourg, 1745. " Serm., Destr. of Fr. fleet, 1746. Webster, S., To Bagley's compan3% Salis- bury, 1756. Woodward, S., Serm., conq. of Canada, 1760. Freire, J. Ins. H. do Bra., 19, Biog. de. Freneau, P. Poet, works, Phil., 1788, 1795, 1815. L., 1861. Frere, J, H. Works and life, 1874. Freshets. Harl. Misc., 8, God's warning to His people, 1607. Hildreth, S. P., Floods in Oh. R. H. and P. S. Oh., V. 1, p. 1. Rowell, G. A., Floods' effect on health, 1866. P. 2139. See Rivers; Hydrodynamics. Frey Family. Frey, S. C, Record of, 1870. Friel, J. H. Dawson, Ae. M., Papers, 1870. Friendly Societies. Gerando, Visitor of the poor, 1838. Hardwick, History of, 1869. SUPPLEMENT. 125 Friendly Societies (continued). Walford, Insur. Cyclop., 1876. See Building Societies; Mutual Aid Societies. Frieads, The Society of. Adamson, Epist. to J. Taylor, 1758. P. v. 1633. Addr. to the Soc. of Friends. P. v. 1633. Bayly, W., A vindication, 1675. P. 2555. Brown, E., Fs' claim on hist, and lit., 1868. P. V. 1633. Chalkley, T., Life of, 1751. Estaugh, J., A call to professors, 1744. Fell and Fox, Trial of, 1664. H. M., 7. Friends, Society of, Yearly meetings, Proc, Lond., 1857-76. ** Yearly meet., for civil, of Inds., 1805. " Appeal for colored races, 1859. P. v. 1633. " Pet. to incorporate Oh. yearly meeting, 1831. P. V. 1633. " N. Eng. Yearly meet., Minutes, 1850, 52, 54, 58, 59. ** Phil, yearly meet., efforts to impr. In- dians, 1866. P. V. 1633. ** Assoc, of Phil, for rel. of col. f reed- men, 3d an. rept., 1866. P. v. 1633. Gough, J., Hist, of Quakers, 1790. Griffith, J., Life and travels,, 1780. Gvvin, T., Letter to, 1796. Harl. Misc., 9, Remonstrance of, to pari., 1689. Hat honor, Harrisburg, 1874. Hazard's Am. state papers, 1794. Hicks, E., Letters, 1813-30, 1834. " Two discourses, 1824. P. v. 1633. " Serms. and prayer, 1830. P. v. 1633. Hodgson, W., S. of F. in the 19th cent. Is it calumnv, or is it truth? 1846. P. v. 1633. Keith, G., Journal, 1706. P. E. H. S. C, 1. Kersey, On doct. of Chr. religion, 1818. Leslie, C, Theol. works, vol. 2, 1721, ** Defence of "Snakein the grass," 1700-02. Markham, Imprisonment of, at York, 1799. Men and| women Fs., Yearly meet., N. Y., - 1870. Norris, J. S., Early friends in Md. Md. H. R. 2. Penington, I., Exam, of grounds, 1660. " Letters, 1796. Penn, G. M., Exercises from childhood, 1848. P. V. 1633. Penn, Wm., Prim. Christianity, 1783. " Select works, 1825. Trial of, 1670. Phenix 1, 1707. Progr. Fs., Penna., Yearly meeting, Proc, 1858, 60, Prynne, W., Quakers unmasked, 1655. " New discovery, 1656. Review of Trenton decis., 1833. P. v. 1633. Friends, The Society of (continued). Sharp rebuke to H. Sacheverell, 1715. P. v. 1633. Smith, J., Bibliot. Anti-quakeriana, 1873. Smith, S., Papers. N. J. H. P., 8. Spurgeon, C. H., Addr. on G. Fox, 1866. P. V. 1633. Stephenson, M., Sufferings in N. Eng., 1659. Waring, W., Call to the fountain, 1873. Whittier's King's missive. Ms, H. S. P., 1880. Williams, R., Foxdigg'd out of his burrows. 1676. Willis & Murray vs. Friends of N. Y., 1833. P. V. 1633. Wormall et al.. Prisoner's defence, 1795. P. V. 1633. Friendship. Churchyard, T., Spark of, 1588. H. M., 2. Williams, D., Lectures, v. 3, 1789. Frisbie, Prof. L. Norton, A., Addr. on, 1822. P. 2078. Fritchie's, B. Story, 1875. P. 2140. Froissart, J. Kervyn, Etude litt,, 1857. Frommann, E. A. Harles, T. C, De vitis philol., 1764. Frontenac, L., Comte de. Margry, De- couv. des Franqais, 1876, v. 1. Frothingham, N. L. Hedge, F. H., Me- moir of. Ms. H. S. P., 1869-70. Froude, J. A. Burke, T. N., Ireland's case, 1873. Kingsley, C, His hist, reviewed. Meliue, Mary, Queen, 1871. Fruits. Field, T. W., Pear culture, 1858. Knight, T. A., Preservation of. S. A. N. Y., 4. Blights on. S. A. N. Y., 4. Michigan Pomological Soc. Reports, 1870-77. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 11, 12. Roger, Limoniers du lac de Garda. Soc. de G^og., B., 1844. See Agriculture ; Horticulture. Fry, EHzabeth. Jarry de Mancy, A., Vie de. Soc. Mont., 1. Fry, Capt.. J. Walker, J. M., Life of, 1875, Fry, J, B. Letter to Riddle, 1866. P. 2168. Fryeburg, Me. Coffin, P., Ride totPigg- wacket, 1768. Me. H. C, 4. Fuel. Italy, Rap. Expos, di Londra, 1862-4. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 5. Schultz, J. S., Spent tan, 1876. P. 2074. See Ventilation ; Warming, Fulford, Bp. F. Taylor, F,, Life of, 1870. Fulham, Eng. Faulkner, Hist, of, 1813. Fuller, A. Newman, W,, Disc, on, 1815. P. 2037. Fuller, T. Rogers, H., Reason and faith, 1853. ne STJBJECT-INDEX. Fulton, R. Clinton, DeW., Disc, Oct., 1816. Fulton, R., Memorial to legis., 1814. Peale, R., Letter on. H. P. C. See Steam. Fulton Co, 111. Hist, of Peoria, 1879. Fulton Co., N. Y. Atlas, Nichols, 1868. " Directory, 1862-3. See Oswego. See Montgomery Co. Atlas, 1868. Funeral Sermons. See Sermons; Eulo- gies. Funerals. Duties of consolation, 1825. P. 2527. Tegg, W., The last act, 1876. See Cemeteries. Fungi. See Botany ; Microscope ; Mildew : Mushrooms. Furguson, C. Sketches of, 1869. Furman, R. Brantly, W. T., Disc, on, 1825. P. 1999. Furniture. London Exhib. of 1851. Of. and descr. cat., 3. London, Exhib. of 1851. Rept. of Juries. Exhib. of 1862. Of. and 111. cat., 2. " Exhib. of 1862. Rept. of Juries. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 3. U. S., Rep. on Paris Expos., 1867. See Architecture ; Domestic Economy ; Dec- oration. Furs : Fur Trade. France, Trav. de la Comm., 5. Expos, de Lond., 1851. London, Exhib. of 1851. Of. and descr. cat., 2. " Exhib. of 1852. Of. and 111. cat., 2. " Exh. of 1862. Rept. of Juries. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 6. U. S. Geol. Surv., Fur bearing animals, Coues, 1877. Wise. Hist, Soc, r. 7, at Green Bay. See Hudson Bay Co. Future Life and State. Balfour, W., Re- ply to Sabine. 1825. " Reply to Whitman, 1834. " Three inquiries, 1854, Ballou, H., Doctrine of, 1834. Brewster, D., More worlds than one, 1870. ClJ«"ke, J. F., Orthodoxy, its truths, 1866. Dick, T., The philos. of f. s,, 1833, Folleu, C, Works, v, 5. B. C. Internat. Rel. Scient. S., 8, Vision of the fu- ture, 1878. King, T. S., On Plato's immortality, 1864. Mann, C, Serm., future pun., 1818. P, 1915. Maurice, F, D., Theol. essays, Cam,, 1858. Meray, A., Libres prficheurs, 1878. Nodier, C, Paling6u6sie, (Euvres, 1885. Parker, J,, Doct. of retribution, 1862. P. 2109. Ricbter, J. P., Campaner Thai., 1864. Future Life and State (continued). Sheppard, J., Autumn dream, 1837. Stephen, Sir J., Misc. essays, 1860. " Endless misery, 1861. P. 2180. Thacher, P., Punish, eternal, 1783. Wood, Ja., Future punishment, 1819. P. 2180. See Universalism. G. Gaillard, Jos. Century Club, Mem. notice, 1875. Gaimard, P. Vie de. Soc. Mont., 3. Gaines, N". Y. First Presb. Ch., hist., 1874. P. 2090. Gale, G. Durrie, D. S., Memoir of. W. H. C, 7. Gallatin, A. Works, 3 v., 1879. Adams, H., Life of. Gallison, J. Memoir of, 1821. Gallitzin, Rev. D. A. Heyden, Disc, on, 1848. Galloway, Scot. Mackenzie, W., Hist, of, 1841. Gait, J. Laurie Todd, or the settlers, 1849. Galusha, Gov. J. White, P. H., Paper on, 1866. Galveston, Texas. Monroe, J., Mess. rel. to Amelia Island, 1817. Gama, J. B. da. Ins. H. do Bra,, 1, Biog. de. Gama, Yasco da. Ra., 1, Navigatione. Gambling. Harl. Misc., 7, The nicker nicked, 1669. Modest defence of. Fug. Pieces, 1, 1765. Moore, C, Inquiry into, 1790. Morris, J., Wanderings, 1873. Mumford, E., Repeal of laws, 1750. P. 744. N. Y. Ass'n for supp., 1851. P. 2023. Snelhng, W. J., Expos6, 1833. P. 2028. Game Laws. Chitty, J,, Obs. on, 1816. Pmtr,, 9. Elford, Sir W., Obnoxious parts of, 1817. Pmtr., 10. Fur, fin and feather, 1870. P. 2187. Letters on, 1818. Pmtr., 11. Pamphlets, v. 799. Witherings, J., Laws of swans, 1664. H. M., 7. Games. Albany and Renss. Cricket club, 1858. Base ball guide, 1869. Beadle's cricket, 1866. Beers, Lacrosse game of Canada, 1869. Blackbridge, Poker player, 1875. SUPPLEMENT. 127 Games (continued). Champion Base Ball club, Albany, Rules, 1860. Cricket player, 1860. Encyc. methodique, Jeux, 1800, 4°.. Halliwell, J. 0., Pop. rhymes, etc., 1849. Hoyle, Treatises, 1745. Hoyle's Games, Frere's ed., 1861. Pam., V. 2137. iSee Amusements ; Chess ; Cards. Ganges R. Rennell, J., Memoir on, 1785. Gannett, E. S. Memoir of, 1875. Gansevoort, H. S. Memorial of, 1875. Gardening, ^'^e Horticulture ; Agriculture; Fruits. Gardiner, Col. J. Doddridge, P., Life of, 1795. Gardiner, Lion. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 3, V. 10, Account of. ■Gardiner, S. Prot. Ep. H. Coll., 2, Notice of. Gardiner Is. Description of, 1875. P. 2090. Gardner, Mass. Glazier, L., Hist, of, 1860. Garfield, James A., Pres. Gilmore, J. R., Life of, 1880. Garfield, J. A., Speeches at home, 1880. Hay den, A. S.. Hist, of Disci, of Christ in West. Reserve, 1876. Hinsdale, B. A., Repub. text-book, 1880. McCabe, From farm to Pres. chair. Thayer, W. M., From log cab. to White H., 1881. Trowbridge, J. T., Life of, 1880. Garfield, J. A., Pres., Eulogies on. Andrews, C, Syracuse, N. Y., v. 1. Bellows, H. R., New York city, v. 1. Bradlee, C. D., Boston, Ms., v. 1. Dansville, N. Y., Memorial services, v. 1. Dickinson, C. A., Portland, Me., v. 1. Doane, Bp. W. C, Albany, N. Y., v. 1. Errett, I., Cleveland, Oh., v. 1. Foust, Geo. D., North Wales, Penn., v. 1. Howard, G. A., Catskill, N. Y., v. 1. Irvin, W., Troy, N. Y., v. 1. Jenkins, J. L., Pittsfield, Mass., v. 1. McCarty, J. H. /S'ee Andrews. Macnaughtan, J., Newburg, N. Y., v. 1. Moxon, P. S., Cleveland, Oh., v. 1. Reed, A. C, Manchester, Vt., v. 1. Smart, W. S., Albany, N. Y., v. 1. Stokes, J. D., East Hampton, L. L, v. 1. Storrs, R. S., Brooklyn, N. Y., v. 1. Sunderland, B., Catskill, N. Y., v. 1. Taylor, F. M. S., Kingston, N. Y., v. 1. Taylor, W. M., New York city, v. 1. Thompson, J. B., Catskill, N. Y., v. 1. Tuttle, J. F., Crawfordsville, Ind., 1881. Garfield, J. A., Pres., Eulogies on (continued). Walker, G. L., Hartford, Conn., v. 1. Wortman, D., Fort Plain, N. Y., v. 1. Garibaldi, G. M'Grigor, Visit to Caprera, 1866. Garnet, C. Mass. H. S. Coll., s. 2, v. 8, Character of. Garnet, H. H. Life of, 1865. Garret, J. B. L. de Almeida. Ins. H. do Bra., 18. Garrison, John. Autobiog., F. L. P., 6. Garrison, W. L. Lyman, T., Garrison mob, 1870. P. 1921. Johnson, 0., Life of. 1880. Gas. Chandler, C. F., Gas nuisance of N. Y., 1870. P. 2054. McDonald, G. engineer's manual, 1879. McDonald & Co., Pocket manual for 1881. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 8. Underground machines, 1871. P. 2580. Gascoigne, G. Whetstone, G., Life of, 1868. Gass, P. Jacob, J. G., Life of, 1859. Gassaway, Rev. S. G. Memoir, 1854. Gaston, J. B., due d' Orleans. M6- moires, 1608-36. Petitot, Michaud. Gauging. Ganger's hand book, N. Y., 1855. Gaultier, L. E. C. Vie de.. Soc. M.ont,, 1. Gay, E. Shute, D., Disc, on, 1787. P. v. a Gay, John. Letters. Swift's Works, 16-18 Gazetteers. See Geography; Dictionaries of Geography ; Typography. Geary, J. W. Memorial to, 1873. Geauga Co., Oh. Hist, of, 1878. Gebauer, G. C. Harles, T. 0., De vitis philol., 1764. Gems. Mawe, J,, Travels in Brazil, 1816. Melbourne Exhib., 1866. Roset, H., Jewelry and prec. stones, 1856. Soc. of Antiq., Archseologia, 45, 1880. Sm Engraved Gems. Genealogical. Anderson, W., Gen. and surnames, 1865. Popular Genealogists, 1865. Genealogies, American. Alexander fam.. Temple's Hist, of Northfield, Ms., 1875. Alger, Thos., family, 1876. Allen family, 1872. Allen, S., of Conn., 1876. Andrews, J. and M., Geneal. hist, of, 1872. Angell, T., family, 1872. Am. Historian and geneal. record. 1875-6. Schenectady, 4 Nos. Ammidown family, 1877. 128 SUBJECT-INDEX Genealogies, American (continued). Annin celebration, 1866. Avon, N. Y., families, 1871. Aylsvvorth family, 1840. Bacon, N. A., family, 1845. Bailey, R. (Poor's Reg.) Baldwin, W., Descendants, 1871. Baldwin geneal., 1881, Baldwin, C. C. Bangs family (Dudley), 1854, sheet. ' Bangs, E. (1623), 1854. Bangs, J., Autobiog., 1846. Barlow. See Hill family, 1879. Bartlett, L., Geneal. sketches, 1876. Bartow geneal.. Bait., 1879. Beal, J., of Hingham, 186.5. Benson family, 1872. Bergen family, 1876. Bergen, T. G., Register of Kings Co., N. Y., 1881. Bisbee family, 1876. Boardman family (Schroeder), 1849. Boltwood, Hadley genealogies, 1863. Booge family. See Baldwin. Booth Association, 1868. Boothe, R., Descendants, 1642 (1869?) Bordley family (Gibson), 1865. Bourne, R., descendants. See Baldwin. Bower, J: (Baldwin, C. C.) Bower, R. (Kilbourn, J.), 1856. Bowles Pedigree (Thornton), 1854, sheet. Boyd's Winchester, Conn., 1873. Bradford, W., Gov., Descendants (Fessen- den), 1850. Bradford, W., Printer, family, (Purple)^873 4'. ■ Brewster, William, sheet. Briggs family Archives, 1880. Briggs, W., Descendants, 1878, 4°. Brown, A., West. Simsbury geneal., 1856. Brown Association, 1868. Buckingham family, 1872. Buell family (Welles, A.), 1881,* 4°. Bulkely family (Chapman), 1875. Burleigh family, 1880. Burr family (Todd), 1878. Caldwell records, 1873. Carpenter family of Pa. See Lloyd. Carpenter, W., of Conn., Descen., 1877. Chapman, R., Descendants, 1876. Chase pedigree, 1864, sheet. Chase, Joseph, Fall River, 1874. Chase, N., Descendants, 1878. Chester, Descendants, 1868. Child and Childs fam. (Child), 1881. Chipinuu lineage, 1872. Chronotype, The, vol. I, 1878, 74. Clapp. See Wells of Southold. Clapp, E., Ddsceadants, 1876. Genealogies, American (continued). Clapp family meeting, 1870. Clark, D., family, 1857. Clarke, G., In voyage of, 1703. Cleveland, B., Geneal., 1879. Cleveland, M., Register, 1881. Clyde, J. C, G. of " Irish settlement," 1879. Coffin family, 1870. Coghill family, 1879. Cogswell, W. (Kelly, J.), 1831. Coit family, 1874. Colden family (Purple), 1873, 4°. Cole family, N. Y., 1876. Colton, G., Descendants of, Ms. and copy. Congar, S. H., Settlers of Newark, N. J. N. J. H., 6. Conkling. See Wells of Southold. Coombs. See White, T. Cope family, 1861. Corliss family, 1875. Corwin, E. T,, geneal., 1872. Crosby family, 1877. Cutter family, SuppL, 1875. Dane family. P. 492. Davenport family, to 1876. Dawes, W., and family, 1878. Dawson families, 1874. Dean family, E. I. C, v. 13. Derby family. E. I. C, 3. Dickenson, Temple's History of Northfield, 1875. Dod. D., of Bradford, Conn., 1864. Douglas family, 1879. Drowne, T., Journal and geneal. Dubois, J., Descendants of. Chart. Dubois family, 1876, Reunion, New Paltz. Dumaresq family, 1863. Dwight, J., Descendants, 1874. Eaton, Geneal. Hist, of Reading, Ms., 1874. Eddy family. Genealogy of (Eddy), 1881. Edson's of Bridge water, 1864. Ewell genealogy, 1878. Ewing, T., Record, 1858. Farwell, Ances. memorial, 1879. Holton. Faxon family, 1880. Fenton family, 1867. Field family, 1878. Field, Temple's Hist, of Northfield, 1875. Flanders family (Prescott), 1870. Fletcher family, 1878. Follansbee Assoc' n, 1865. Folsom family, 1876. Foster family, 1872. Fowler, Ambrose and Wm., Descen., 1857. Frary family. See Mor.se. Freeman geneal., 1S75. Frey family record, 1870. Frost family of Maine, 1852. SUPPLEMENT. 129 Genealogies, American (continued). Gaillard, W„ Pedigree of, 1875. Gallatin, A., Works, v. 3, 1879. Gibbs family, 1879, by J. W. Gibbs. Gibbs, W., family, Lexington, Ms. Gibson Association (C. Smith), 1867. Gillson family (Jillson), 1876. Gleuville, N. York, Am. Historian, 1876. Goss family. See Lawrence, J., 1881. Gould, Z., Ancestry (B. A. Gould), 1872. Grant, U. S., family. ASe^Buellf am., Welles. Green, P. & E., Descend., 1876. Griffin family gathering, 1863. Hale, T. (R. S. Hale), Descendants, 1877. Hallock ancestry, 2d ed., 1866. Hapgood family. See Morse. Harding family (Morse), 1864. Haring, Jan (Burdge), 1878. Harnden, Harradon. Sm Morse. Harris, James, Descend., 1878. Harris, L. M., family. /Se^ Baldwin, 1871. Hart family (Andrews), 1879. Haskell family. See White, T. Hatch, T., Descendants (Fletcher), 1879. Hathaway, J,, Narrative, 1869. Hawthorne, N., ancestry. E. L B., v. 3. Hayes. See Wells of Southold, N. Y. Heineke, A., geueal., 1869. Hemenway, Gen. record, 1880. * Hewins. See Morse. Higginson family. E. I. C, v. 5. Hill, W.. family (Hill), 1879. Hills, Darwin T., Golden wedding of, 1878. Historical record, Schen., 1872, 4Nos. Holbrook, S., Descendants, 1851. Holmes, J., geneal., 1865. Holton family. Temple's Hist, of Northfield, 1875. Holyoke family. E. I. C, v. 3. Horton family gathering, 1876. Horton geneal. of Long Is., 1876 ; with Ad- denda, 1879. Hosmer family, Hartford, 1861. Houghton Association, 1847, 69, 69, 3 Nos. Howe family (Nason, E.), 1871. Hubbard, G., Descendants, 1600-1872. Hubbard. Stanstead Co. families, Canada, 1874. Hughes and allied families, 1879. Hull family (0. Hull), 1863. " Notes on. E. I. C, v. 8. Hunter, J., Suffolk emigrants. Ms. 1^. C, s. 3, V. 10. Hurlbut family (Hurlbut), 1861. Hutchinson faniily (Derby), 1870. IngersoU. See Wells of Southold, N. Y. Innis Association, 1871. Ins. H. do Brazil, 32, 33, 34, 35. Nobiliar- chia Paulistana. 17 Genealogies, American (continued). Ireland family, 1644^1880. Jackson family, Penna., 1878. Jacobs, Geo. E. I. C, v. 1. Janes, Temple's Hist, of Northfield, 1875. Jarvis family (Jarvis), 1879. Jennens, etc., pedigrees. Lon., sheet,No3.1, 2. Jennings Assoc' n (C. Smith), 1868. Jewell register (T. Jewell), 1860. Jillson. See Gillson. Johnson, D., Descendants, 1876. JolUff family (0. P. Jolliff ), 1878. Keyes, R. and S., Descendants of, 1880. Kidder family, 1876. King families of Raynham, 1866. Kinsman family (L. W. Stickney), 1876. Kip family, 1871, 1877, 8° and 4°. Kip. See Wells of Southold. Kirk family (C. H. Stubbs), 1872. Kitchel family, 1604-1879. Lambert geneal., In Hist, of N. Haven, 1838. Lang family. E. I. C, v. 6. Lapham family, 1873. Lawrence, Isaac, 1853. Lawrence, J., Boston, 1856. Lawrence, John, family, Watertown, 1869. Lawrence, John, 1876. Lawrence, John, family, AL, 1881. Leavenworth family (E. W. Leavenworth). 1873. Lee, J., of Farmington (S. M. Lee), 1878. Lee, T., family, of Conn. (Hill), 1851. Lefferts family (T. G. Bergen), 1878. Leisler, Gov. J., family (Purple), 1877, 4". Leonard family (Deane), 1851. Levering family, of Pa. (H. G. Jones), 1858. Lincoln. Noah (Bobbins, C), 1856: Lithgow family. M. H., 5. Littell, Passaic vail, geneal., 1851. Little, G., Descendants, 1877. Lloyd fam. of Pa. (C. P. Smith), 1870, 4°. Logan, J., Log. Lib. Supp. Long Island families. See Bergen. Loomis, J., Descendants of, 1875. " Female branches, 1880. Lowndes, of S. Carolina (G. B. Chase), 1876. Ludlow family, Hull's Powell, 1829. Ludwig, J., family, 1866. Lyman. Temple's Hist, of Northfield. Lyman family anniv., 1871. Lyman family (Coleman), 1872. McDonald family, edition B. (McDonald), 1876, ob. to. McDonald family, Del. (MoDonald), 1879, 4'. Maine genealogist, v.], 1875-6. Makepeace families, 1858. Marstons of Salem (J. C. Watson), 1873. Mason of Conn. (Schroeder's Boardman), 1849. 130 SUBJECT-INDEX. Genealogies, American (continued). I May, J., Descendants, 1878. Morris, A., Descendants, 1853. Morse, A., Brigham, Cutler, Frary, Gould- ing, Grout, Hapgood, Harding, Harn- den, Harradon, Pettee, Richards, Willis families, 1859-67, 4 vols. Mowry, N., Descendants, 1878. Mowry, R., Descendants, 1878. Munroe genealogy (T. G. Locke), 1858. Munsell geneal., 1880. Munsell fam. Temple's Hist, of Northfield, 1875. Neal family, 1856. Newcomb family, 1874. New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg., 1872-80. N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Record, 1870-80, 10 v., 8°. Noble, T., family hist. (Boltwood), 1878. Norton, C, Guilford, Conn., Descend., 1856. Odiorne family, 1875. Olcott family (Goodwin), 1874. Oxnard, Martha Preble, Descendants, 1754- 1824. Packard genealogies (Packard), 1871. Page family (Prescott), 1870. Paine family records (H. D. Paine), 1880, 81. Paine Geneal., Ipswich (A. W. Paine), 1881. Paine family, Southold (H. M. Paine), 1872. Paine. See, also, Payne. Painter, E. «& H., family, 1869. Pamphlets, vol. 2191. Parry family, Phila., 1877. Parsons, S., Descendants (Howell), 1879. Payne and Gore families, 1875. See Paine. Pearson, J., Geneal., Settlers of Albany Co., N. Y., 1872. «« Settlers of Schenectady, 1873. Pease family, 1869. Peck, W., Descendants, 1877. Peele family. E. I. C, v. 13. Peirce family, 1870. See Pierce, E. W. Peirce genealogy (T. C. Peirce), 1880. Peirce, E. W., Contributions, genealog. (Ply- mouth col.), 1874. Penn Pedigree (Coleman), 1871. Pennypacker family, 1877. Perkins family of Ipswich, 1872. Perkins family. E. I. C, v. 15. Peter genealogy (McDonald), 1880, fo. Pettee family. See Morse. Phelps, 0. S., Letters, 1878. Ped. of, 1875, sheet. Phoenix fam. pedigree, of N. Y., 1879. Pierce, F. C, History of Grafton, Ms., 1879. Pierson, gen. records (Piersou), 1878. Pocahontas, Quoen, Descendants of, sheet. Pomeroy fam. Temple's Hist, of North- field, 1875. Genealogies, American (continued). Pond, D., Descendants of (Harris), 1873. Pond family (D. S. Pond), 1875. Powell family, Hull's tribute. Prentice family (Binney), 1852. Prince, R., Descendants. E. I. C, v. 15. Provoost family (Purple), 1875, 4*. Randall family, 1666-1879. Rawlins families (Rollins), 1874. Rawson family (Crane), 1875. Reynolds. See Runnels. Rhode Is. fam. Potter's Narraganset. Rich geneal., 1877. Richards family. See Morse. Richardson memorial, 1876. Ricker, G. & M., Descendants, 1877. Ridlou's Harrison, Me., 1877. Roberts, M. L., G. of Carpenter family, 1877. Rollins fam. See Rawlins. Ropes family. E. I. C, v. 7, 8. Rose, Jonathan, descendants (Thrall), 1862. Runnells and Reynolds families, 1873. Sage record, 1878. Schenck families, Ms. Schuyler family (Munsell), 1874. Seaman, John, of Hempstead, 1860, gr. 4". Sewall family. Ms. H. C, s. 5, v. 5. Seymour pedigree (Howell), 1879, 1 sheet, fo. Sharpe family, 1874. Sheldon family. Parts 3, 4, 1857. Shuey family in Pa., 1876. Sibley. See Wells of Southold. Sizer. See Wells of Southold. Slosson genealogy. N. Y. Gen. Rec, 3. Smiths of Burlington, N. J., 1877, 4°. Southwood family. E. I. C, v. 14. Spalding, Ed., of Mass., 1872. Sprague family of Hingham, 1828. Sprague family (Soule), 1847. Stamford, Conn., Genealogies, 1874. Starr family, 1879. Stearns, E. S., Rindge, N. Hamp. families, 1875. Stebbins family. Temple's Hist, of North- field, 1875. Stebbins family (A. S. Wheeler), 1880. Stetson family, 1634-1847. I. S. Barry. Stilwell family, N. Y., 1878. Stoddard, A., Descendants, 1865, 1873. Stoddard, J., Descendants, 1873. Stoddard, Ralph, Descondants, 1872. Stratton. Temple's Hist, of Northfield, 1875. Sumner, W., Descendants (Appleton), 1879. Symmes memorial (Vinton), 1873. Taintor family, 1647. Talcott pedigree, 1876. Tanguay, C, Diet. g6n6al., des fam. Canadi- ennes, 1871. SUPPLEMENT. 131 Genealogies, American (continued). Tenney, D., family, 1875. Thomas family of Md., 1877, 4°. Thomas family, Supplement, 1878, 4°. Thurston genealogies, 1880. Tilley family, 1878. Todd, C. B., Hist, of Redding, Ct., 1880. Tompkins of Va. (Garnett), 1870. Townsend family, 1877. Trowbridge family (Chapman), 1872. Tuthill, J., Family meeting, 1867. Tyngsboro, Ms., record, 1876. Usher family (Whitmore), 1876. Valentine family, 1874. Van Hocsen famih' sketch of, fo. sheet. Very family. E. I. C, v. 1, 2. Vickers family. See Baldwin. Vilas, P., Descendants, 1875. Vinton. memorial, 1858, 2d ed. Ward family. E. I. C, v. 5. Warren, Richard, 1874. Washington, G., family (Welles), 1879. " Herald and Genealogist, v. 4. Watbon, J., Descendants, 1865. Webster family, 1876, 4°. Welles fam. in Engl. (A. Welles), 1876. Wells fam. of Maine (C. K. Wells), 1874. Wells, W., of Southold (Hayes), 1878. Wentworth, J., Geueal., 1870. Wentworth geneal., 2d ed., 1878. West Boylston, Ms. (Keyes), 1861. Wharton family, 1880. Wheatland, H., Higginson family. E. I, C, V. 5. Wheeler, E., Hist, of Newport, N. H., 1879. Whipple. (McDonald), 1881 ; se* Wells of Southold. White, T. (Derby), 1872. White, T., of Md., Descendants, 1879, 4°. Whiting, S., Descendants, 1873. Whiting of Conn., Schroeder's Boardman. Whitlock family, 1880. Whitney family of Conn., 1878, 3 vols., 4°. Wilkinson family, 1869. Willis family. See Morse. Wilson Assoc'n (H. 0. Smith), 1866. Winslow memorial (Holton), 1879. Witter family. See MXqu. Woodman fam. of Me., 1874. Weodward, Gen. of, Chester Co., Pa., 1879. Worden, 0. N., of Rh. Is., 1868. Wright family, 1848. Wright. Temple's Hist, of Northfield, 1875. Wyman, T. B., Geneal. of Charlestown, Ms., 1629-1818. Wynkoop family, 2d ed., 1878. See also tho town histories. Genealogical, British. Alexander, Earl of Stirling. Humphrey's Narr., L. L. Allen fam. (Prestwich respub.) Ashburner pedigree, 1872. Baird, W., of Auchmedden, etc.. Collections, 1870. Barker of Salop, pedigree, 1876. Bray family, 1870, 4°. ^ Brodrick family, 1872, 4°. Burke, Sir B., Geneal. Diet, of Brit, empire, 1876. " Geneal. Diet, of peerage and bar- onetage, 1879. Chambers, R., Index to heirs at law, 1872. Chichele, T., Stemmata, 1765, 4\ Chichester fam., 1871. Cole genealogy, 1870, 4°. Collins, A., Proc. concerning baronies, 1736, fo. Colquhoun of Luss pedigree, 1877, 4°. Cranmer family, 1870, 4°. Denhamsof Westshield. Mait. Club, 68. Ellis, W. S., No. 1, Ellis family, 1866. " Ellis families, 1868. Erskine of Dun., Wodrow's Biog. Mait. CI., 39. Finch pedigree, 1872, 4°. Foster, J., Pedigrees of Lancashire, 1878, 4°. " Visitations of Yorkshire, 1584-1612. Fox, F., Geneal acct., 1872, 4°. Hales, Sir C, Pedigree, 1870,4". Hanmer. See Jennens. Harleian Society of Lond. Visitations of Cornwall, "^Leicester, London, Notting- ham, Oxford, Rutland, Somerset and Warwick shires, 1869. Harris, Earl of Malmesbury, Ped. Ms., sheet fo. Herald and Genealogist, 1863-74. Nichols. Hervey, W., Visitation of Suffolk Co., 1561. Heskayeths, Hesketh family, 1869, 4°. Heywood family, 1827. History of affairs in Ireland, 1641-52. Howard, J. J., visitation of Surrey, 1623. " Miscel. geneal. et heral., 1868-74. Howard papers, H. K. Causton, 1863. Jennens & Hanmer fam. ped., 1869. Nos. 1, 2. Kennedy family (Pitcairn), 1830, 4°. Le Neve, Pedigrees of knights, 1660-1714. Harleian Soc. Lennox, Cartularium de Levenax. M. Club, 28. Long of Wilts and Somerset Cos., Pedigrees. Long of Wraxall, Ped., 1878. Lygon Pedigree. See Jennens & Hanmer. Maitland fam., 1869, 4°. Marshall, G. W., Geneal. Guide, 1879. Mass. Hist. Soc. C, s. 3, v. 10, Emigrants from Suffolk. Mildmay family, 1871, 4'. 132 SUBJECT-INDEX. Geneaological, British (continued). Mure of Caldwell. Mait. Club, 87. Nicholas, T., Families of Wales, 1872. Nott family memorials, 1879, 4°. O'Hart, Irish pedigrees, 1880. O'Neill, Geneal. Hist, of affs in Irel., 1. Ormerod Parentalia. (Arderne, Crompton, Johnson, Latham, Norris, Nuttall, Ormerod, Wareing), 1851. Palmer Pedigree, 1867, 4°. Penn Pedigree, 1871. Polit. state of G. B., v. 34. Royal fam., H. of Brunswick and Hanover, 1727. Prestwich, Respublica, 1787. Raleigh pedigree, 1869, 4°. Rogers family (J. L. Chester). Ms. H. S. Pr., 1860-2. Rogers of Dowdeswell, pedigree, 1869, 4°. Row pedigree. Mait. Club, 65. Scott families of Roxburgh, 1786. Scott fam. of Stokoe (Scot), 1852, 4°. Segar, Sir W. & W. Penson, Pedigree, 1870. Setoun, Seaton, Seytoun family (Mait. CI.), 1829, 30, 2d ed, 4°. Sidney, Sir P., Pedigree, 1869, 4°. Skippon family, 1868? 4°. Smyth, W. H., Aedes Hartwell. Lee. Stewart pedigree. Mait. Club, 68. Stodart, R. R., Scottish arms, 1881, 2 v., fo. Taylor family of Ongar, 1867. Thoresby, Leeds and Yorkshire, 1715. Tomes family pedigree, 1879, 4°. Tufton family (Pocock), 1800. Turner family, 1871, 4°. Urquhart pedigree. Mait. Club, 37. Victoria, Queen, Gen. of. P. 2191. Westminster Abbey Registers. Harleian Society, 10, 1876. Wilson of High Wray and Kendal, 1871. See Domesday books. Genealogical, Canada. Hubbard, B. F., Stanstead couuty families, 1874. Tanguay, Families Canadiennes, 1871. Genealogical, European. Ferwerda, A., Wapen-boek van de zeven provincien, 1760-81, 3 v., fo. Halsey, C. S., Chart of rulers of Gr. Brit., France, Germany and Spain. Hauterive, Annuaire dc la noblesse de la France, 1869, 71-2. Herckenrode, Blasons.. . .de la Hesbaye, Beige, 1845. Siebmacher, J., AUgemeine Wappen-buch, 1865-1881, 10 v., 4°. See Heraldry. Genesee Country in 1792. Doc. Hist, of N. Y., v. 2. Voyage au Kentoukey, Par., 1821. Genesee Co., Mich. Hist, of, Phila., 1879. Genesee Co., N. Y. Seymour, N., Addr. Pioneer Ass' n, 1878. Geneseo, 111. 1866. Roy, J. E., Addr., 30th anniv. Geneseo, N. Y. N. Y. Evangelist, To the, 1854. P. 2100. Genet, Ed. C. Actes et M6moires, 1809. " Knick. Magazine, v. 35. U. S., Corresp. Phila., 1793. " U. S., Corresp., French originals, 1793. P. 1984. Geneva, N. Y. Conover, G. S., Early hist, of, 1879. " Addr,, Waterloo, Dec, 1879. Winslow, H., Hist, of Presb. Ch. in, 1859. Geneva, Switz. Calvin, John, Letters, 1528-45. Geneva Guide, 1873. P. 2590. Le Mercier, A., Church hist, of, 173^. McFarlan, P., Evang. relig. in, 1845. P. 2578. Pattison, M., Casaubon's life, 1875. Saussure, Hist, naturelle de, 1796. Univ.^Hist., Mod., v. 37. Geneva, Wise. Simmons, J., Hist of, 1875. Genghis Khan. Univ. Hist., Mod., v. 5. Genius. Exposition of the false medium, 1833. Genoa, Italy. Univ. Hist., Mod., v. 28. Gentleman. Fug. Pieces, 1, The Polite phi- losopher, 1765. " The Pretty gentleman, 1765. Gisborne, T., Duties of men, 1824. See Etiquette ; Young Men. Geodesy. See Surveying ; Coast Surveys ; Geography ; Clocks ; Mathematics. Geography. Abulfeda, Geog. analy. Soc. de G6., B. 1841. Am. Geog. and Statist. Soc. Journ., v. 4-10, 1873-78. «« Bulletin of proc, 1878-79. Apianus, P., Cosmographia, 1584. Berthelot, G6orama dc Gu6rin. Soc. de G6og. B., 1844. ChaiX, P., G6og. ancienne. Soc. de G6og. B., 1847. Cortambert Orthog. g6og. Soc. de G6og. B., 1846. Daly, C. P., Geog. work in 1872-5. Am. Gc. S. J., 4, 5. Daussy, Cat. de posit. g6og. de Littrow. Soc. de G6og., B., 1846. Dempsey, Our ocean highways, 1872. Descharaps, Dictionn. du Libraire, 1870. Edrisi, G6ographie, 1180. Soc. de G6og., Rec, 6, 6. Figari, Voy. g6ol. ^ Gebcl Zeyt. Soc. de G6og., B., 1846. Fiske, D. W., Progress of marine G. Am. Ge. S. J.. 1. 2. r ^P Geography (continued). H Gilman, D. C, Geog. workers. Am. Ge. S. m J., V. 3, 4. H Gilpin, W., Mission of the N. Americans, K 1873. m Guyot, Geog. Series Xo. II, 1866. B Heylyn, P., Mikrokosmos, 1629. ■ Jomard, Introd. a I'atlas, 1879. Kais.-Kon. Geog. Gesell., Mittheilungen, v. 19-20, 1876-77. Leake, Disputed questions, 1857. Lelewel, J., G6og. du moyen age, 1852. Margry, Navigations franqaises, 1400-1600. Mas'udi, Hist. encyclop6die. 0. T. F. Morse, J., Geog. easy, 1811. Veumayer, G., Erforschung d. siid-Polar- 6ebietes, 1872. Pampb., vol. 1051, 2087, 2088, 2590. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 13. Ptolemaeus, Geog., Venet., 1562. Reclus, E., The earth, 1873. Rochelle, R. de. Premier meridian. Soc. de Geog., B., 1845. Royal Geog. Soc, Proc, 1870-80. Sddik, Geog. works. 0. T. F., 1832. Saint Martin, V., La Lazique de Procope. Soc. de Geog., B., 1847. S6dillot, G6og. du moyen age. Soc. de G6og., B., 1851. Seutter, M., Atlas. ..totius orbis, 1745, 2v., fo. I SomerviUe, M., Phys. Geog., 1853. I Spain, Cartas de Indias, 1502-86. P. II. I Studij bibliog. geog. in Italia, 1875. Thompson, G. A., New theory of hemi- spheres. Pmtr., 5.' U. S., War dept. engineers Prof, papers, Tables, 1873. Volaterranus, Commentariiurbanorum, 1552. Zurla, Mappa mondo di Fra Mauro, 1806, fo. " Di Polo e viaggiatori Veneziani, 1818. See Earth ; Geodesy ; Maps ; Bibliography ; Voyages; Mountains. Geography, Atlases of Maps. See Par- ticular countries; also N. Y. Cata- logue of Maps in the Library. Geography, Biblical. See Bible^ Pales- tine. Geography, Dictionaries. See History ; U. States and the Several States, etc. ; Dictionaries of Geog. Geography, Discovery. See Voyages; America, Discovery of. Geography, Elementary. Monteith, J., N. Y., 1875, 4°. Paine, J., Univ. Geog., v. 1, N, Y. Parker, R. G., Questions in, 1847. Pinnock, G. made easy, 1845. P. 2590. " Catechism of Geog., 1855. Van Waters, Poet, geography, 1851. Warren, D. M., Phila., 1870, 4°. SUPPLEMENT. 133 Geographical Surveys. France, Cartes topographiques, 1833-77. India, Trigonomet, Survey, 1870, 1876. Mass., Geol. survey, 1808-53. " Report on geol. sur., Crosby, 1876. N. Y. State survey, rep., 1877-80. Rafinesque, C. S., Circular on, 1857. P. 1119. Geology, Elementary Treatises. Daw- son, J. W., Earth and man, 1878. Dawson, J. W., Life's dawn, 1875. Emmons, E., Manual of, 1860. Hitchcock, E., Geol. elem., 1847. Lyell, Sir C, Elem. of, 1871. " Principles, 12th ed., 1875. Page, D., Elements of, 1849. Portlook, J. E., Rudim. geol., 1849. Geology, Europe. Adam, W., Gem of the Peak, 1838. Cocchi, Roches de la Toscane, 1856. P. 790. Gemellaro, Montag. di Sicilia, 1828. P. 1866. - George, Overland glaciers, 1866. Grouner, G. S,, Glaciers de Suisse, 1770. Heer, Primeval Switzerland, 1876. Hennah, Lime rocks of Plymouth, Eng. Italy, Rap. Expos, di Londra, 1862, v, 4. Kais-K., Geol., Reichsanstalt, Geol., Karte des Kohlenbeckens im BOhmen, 1880. " Verh&ndlungen, 1867-70. Lees, E., Nature around Malvern, 1856. Miller, Hugh, Edinburgh's geol., 1869. Murchison, Geol. of Russia, 1845. Phillips, J., Geol. of Yorkshire, 1875. Shelley, Mrs. M. W., Glaciers of Chamouni, 1817. Symonds, W. S., Worcester valley, 1857. Tyndall, J., Hours in the Alps, 1873. Woodward, H. B., Geol. of Eng. and Wales, 1876. Geology, Miscellaneous. Agassiz, Sur les glaciers, 1840. Boub6e, N., Structure min6rale du globe, 1850. " Tableaux g6ol., 1875.' " Cartes g^ologiques, 1875. Brit. CoL, Expos, de Paris, 1867. Buckland, W., G6ol. et min. (Agassiz), 1839. Carpenter, P. P., Pleistocene fossils, 1866. Clarke, W. B., Strata of N. S. Wales, 1878. Costa, Nat. Hist, of fossils, 1757. CroU, J., Climate and time, 1875. Darwin, C, Geol. obs. in South America, 1846. Eirich, P., Das Hexameron, 1878. Forbes' s, J. B., Life, 1873. Geikie, J., Great ice age, 1874. " Sir R. Murchison' B life, 1876. 134 SUBJECT-INDEX. Geology, Miscellaneous (continued). Geol. Record for 1874, 75. Greenwood, G., Rain and rivers, 1876. Hartt, C. F., G. of Brazil. Am. Ge. S. J., 2. Hunt, T. S., Chem. and geol. essays, 1875. Ormathwaite, Astron. and G. compared, 1872. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 2. Peschel, 0., Erdkunde, 1878. Raspe, Vole, and basalts, 1776. Reclus, E., The earth (Glaciers), 1873. Spencer, H., Illogical G., lllust. Victoria, Report of prog., 1873-76. " Palaeontology of, 1874-76. Whewell, Hist, of indue, sciences. Williamson, W. C, Succession of life on the earth, 1876. See Cosmogony ; Bibliography ; Mineralogy ; Earthquakes; Paleontology; Volca- noes. Geology of North America. Alabama, Geol. sur., 1875, 76. Brit. N. A. Comra., Rep. on tert. lignite, 49th parallel, 1874. California, vol. I, Whitney, 1865. Canada, 1844r-72. " Figures of remains, 1858-65. Progress, 1871-73, 1877-8, 1879. " Fossils of lower carboniferous, 1872. «* Billings on Anticosti, 1866. Conn. Ac. of Arts, Geol. of New Haven, Dana. Crosby, W. 0., G. of East. Mass. Bost. " Surv. of N. Hamp., 1880. Currey, R. 0., G. of Tennessee, 1857. D wight, W. B., Wappinger valley, N. Y., 1879-80. Eights, J., Geol. of Albany. Al. I., T., 2.' Emmons, E., Am. geol., P. VI, 1857. Essex Co., Ms. E. I. B., v. 8. Foster, J. W., Geol. of Lake Superior, reg., 1865. Geddes, J., Ontario Valley. Al. I., T. 1. Gregory, Geol. of Marblehead. E. I. P., v. 2. Hilgard, E. W., Geol. of lower Louisiana. Sm. Cont., V. 23. Hobbs, B. C, Geol. of Parke Co., Ind., 1872. Hunt, T. S., Laurentian limestones, 1867. Indiana, Geol. survey Rep., 1871, 80. Kentucky, Geol. surv., 1876. " General acct. of, 1876. Kimball, J. P., Reports on grahamite, 1876. " Iron ores of Marquette. ' Mackenzie, S. S., G. of Topsfield. E. I. P., v. 8. Mass., CroBby's Rep. on geol. map, 1876. Michigan, Geol. sur., 1869-78, 79. Minnesota, Rep., 1872-76, 78. Missouri Atlas of coal fields, 1878, fo. Geology of North America (continued.) Missouri, Ge. Sur. Iron and coal, Pumpelly 1872. Mortson, 0. C, G. of Montana. H. S. Mon. C. Nevada, Bien. rept., 1872, 73, 74. New Hamp., Phys. Geog. of, 1874. " GeoL Sur. rep., 1869, 71. N. Jersey, Rept. of State geologist, 1869, 70, 71, 74-80. " Survey, Stoneware clay, 1878. N. York, Geol. survey of. Paleontology, v. 5, 1879. Niles, J. H., Geol. of the Firelands. F. L. P., 7. North Carolina, Rept., 1875. Ohio, Geol. Surv., 1878, 1878. Pam., vol., 1958. Penna., Geol. Survey, repts., 1874-6. " Second Survey, 1875-80, 19 v. " Hist, of survey, Lesley. Prime, F., Cat. of geol. surveys of N. A., 1879. Texas, 1st An. report, 1874. Texas Almanac, 1859. U. S. Geog. Surv., Powell, Uinta Mts., 1877. *♦ " Powell, Utah plateau, 1879, 80. " «' Powell, Black Hills of Da- kota, 1879. U. S. Geol. surv., 1-3 reports, Hayden, 1867- 9, 73, 77. " *♦ Hayden on Wyoming, 1872. " " «' Nebraska, 1872. " " ♦• Montana, 1872. " " " Territories, 1874-6. '* " Ninth ann. report, 1877. " Expl. 40th parallel, Zirkel, Micros, petrography, 1876. " " Expl., 40th parallel, 4°. '♦ " Plates, gr. fo. " " Santa Fe to Colorado, 1876. " •« West of 100 merid. (Whee- ler), 1875. Whittlesey, C, Rocks of Ohio and N. Y. Wisconsin, Report, 1877, 78, 79. Chamberlin. Geol. Sur,, vol. Ill, 1878-79. See Gold ; Iron ; Mining, etc . Geology and Scripture. Hitchcock, Ed., Religion of Geol., 1854. See Bible ; Christianity ; Cosmogony ; Sci- ence and Religion. Geology, Periodicals, Societies. Edinb., Geol. Soc, Trans., 1870, 74. Geological Record for 1874, L., 1875. Geol. Soc. of Dublin, Jour., 1867-70. Geol. Soc. of Lond., Jour., 1869-79. Kais. KOn. Geol. Reichsanstalt, Verhandlun- gen, 1875-8. Geometry. Barrow, I., Lectionesgeom., 1674. See Mathematics. SUPPLEMENT. 135 George II ^of England. mon on, Bost., 1761. Caner, H., Ser- Cooper, S., Sermon on, 1761. George III of England. Hist, of reign of, 1770. Fitzgerald, P., Life of, 1878, 4°. Wright, T., Hist, of caricature under, 1865. George IV of England. Banvard, J., Pri- vate life of, 1875. Greville, Journal of the reign of, 1875. Huish, R., Memoirs of, 1830. Rock, Capt., Letters to, 1828. See England, History of. George I-IV. Bradlaugh, Impeachment of House of Brunswick, 1875. Thackeray, W. M., The four Georges, 1869. George, Lake. Benjamin, S. G. W., World's paradises, 1880. Lemoine, Fort G. massacre, Maple [leaves, 2. Newsp. V. 57, Albany Relig. Spectator, 1845. Stoddard, S. R., L. G. Hlustrated, 1873-79. Georgetown, D. C. Balch, T. B., Remi- niscences, 1859. Jackson, R. P., Chronicles of, 1878. Washington directory, 1875, 77. Georgetown, Me. Mass. Hist. So. Coll. 1. Topog. of. Georgia. Derby, J. T., Georgia Guide, 1878. Drake, S. G., Early hist, of, 1872. Georgia, Gov. mess., 1859, 68, 69, 70, 72. Georgia directory, 1871. Ga. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1840-48. " Discourses, 1843-58 (King, Talmage, Elliott, Charlton, Church, Ward). Jones, C. C, Jr., Antiq. of Indians of, 1873. " De Soto's march through, 1880. " Addr., Ga. Hist. Soc, 1881. Nordhoff, C, The cotton states in 1875. Pam., vol. 247. Urlsperger, 13 ««» Nachrichten, 1747, 49. " Amer. Ackerwerk, 1754, 1755. See Atlanta ; Florida. Georgia, Asia. See Russia; Circassia; Turkey. Geral-Milco. Payne, A. M., Brazilian val- ley, 1852. Gerard, J. W. Memorial, 1874. German Books, Authors, Libraries. See Bibliography. German Catholic Church. See Ronge; Treves. German Language. See Language; Gram- mar ; Dictionaries. German Reformed Church. Harbaugh, H., Christology, 1864. P. 2571. Heiner, E., Centen. disc, 1860. P. 2562. Germantown, Pa. H. P. C, Records of. Germantown, Battle of. N. Jer. H. P., 9. German Typographical History. See Augsburg ; Bamberg ; Beuerberg ; Br- ian gen : Mayence; Nuremberg; under Typography. Germans in America. See Emigration. Germany, History, etc. Adler, F., The anti-Jew agit. in, 1881. Collyer, R., The new German crusade, 1881. Desjardins, Lettre. Soc. de Geog., B., 1847. Dillon, J. T., Sacred Roman empire, 1782. Forbes, A., Experiences of the war, 1871. Germany, Reichs-Verfassungen u. R., Wahl- gesetze, 1849. " Expos, de Paris, 1867. Goldast, M. H., Rerum Alannicarum Scrip- tores, 1661. Gould, S. Baring, G., present and past, 1879. Italy, Rap., Expos, di Londra, 1862, v. 3. McCabe, Geschichte des Krieges, 1871. Mascou, Hist, of ancient Germans, 1738. Rtlstow, War for Rhine frontier, 1870. Univ. Hist., Mod., v. 29, 30, 42, 48. Zeller, J., Vie de Htitten, 1500-23. Germany, Travels, etc. Baedeker's North- ern G., 1870. Browne, J. R., Amer. family in, 1867. Freytag, G., Pictures of German life, 15-19 cent., 1863. Harl. Misc., 11, Trav. of three Engl, gent., 1734. Matthison, F., Letters, 1799. Patin, C, Travels in, 1696. Pratt, S. J., Gleanings, 1795. Prussia and claims of Saxony. Pmtr., 5. Robinson, H. C, Diary and corresp., 1869. Stolberg, Travels, 1797, 5 v. ■See Prussia ; Austria ; Saxony. Gerrish, Benj. E. I. C, v. 5, Notice, Gesenius, W, Robinson, E., Biog. of. Bib. Sac, 1843. Gerson, J. C. de. Vie de. Soc Mont., 6. Gettysburg, Pa. Bachelder, J. B., Descr. of paint, of battle, 1870. P. 2065. " Tourist's guide, 1873. Bates, S. P., Battle of, 1875. Cross, A. B., Battle of. P. 2065. Penna., Cemetery at, 1864, Penna., Report on cemetery, 1867. Rawle, The right flank at, 1878. Rothermel's picture, 1871. P. 2134. Souder, E. A., Battlefield of, 1864. See Civil War. Geysers of California. Scribner's Monthly, VL Giannone, P. Difesa, Prof, di fede, 1750. Gibbon, £. Misc. works and life. Dub., 1796. " Life and corresp., 1839. 136 SUBJECT-INDEX. Gibbon, £. (continued). Davis, H.E., Exam, of 15th and 16th chap- ters, 1778. Morrison, J. C, Sketch of, 1879. Gibbons, J. K. Buell, P. L., Memoir, 1868. Gibbs Family. Gibbs, J. W., Memoir, 1879. Gibraltar*. Huth, Narr. of siege. P. 770. Duncan, Hist, of roy. artillery, 1879. Gibson's, H. B., Will, 1863. P. 2191. Giddings, Joshua R. Remembrances of, 1812. F. L. P., 1, Giflford, Rev. R. Nic. 111., v. 5. Gifford, W. Nic. 111., v. 6. Gilbert, Abbe. Lettre k I'ev^que d' HaUa, 1879. P. 2537. Gilbert, Benj. Captivity of, 1875. Gilbert, Mrs. D. S. Griggs, L., Serm. on, 1849. Gilbert, T. Fulton, J. D., Memoir, 1866. Giles, John. Memoirs of, 1736. 1869. Am. criticism on Huss's P. 1895. Gillett, E. H. life, 1866. Gillingwater, E. Nic. 111., v. 6. Gilmanton, N. Hamp. Granite Monthly, 3, 1880. Gilpin, H. D, Everett, E., Remarks, 1860. W. V. 4. Gilpin Co., Col. Clear Creek and Boulder valleys, 1880. Ginseng. Conine, Hist, of, 1851. P. 2564. Gipsy. See Gypsy. Giraffe. Holme, F., Early notices of. Girard, N. Vie de. Soc. Mont., 1. Girard College, Phila. Wood, G. B., Hist. Memoirs. Girardin, E. Castelar's Byron, etc., 1875. Glaciers. See Geology ; Europe : Miscella- neous. Gladding. See Wells of Southold, 1878. Gladstone, W. E. Political portraits, 1873. Lucy, U. W., Biog. sketch of, 1880. Smith, G. B., Life of, N. Y., 1880. Glasgow, Scotland. Cochrane, Corresp., 1745, 6. Mait. CI., 45. Glasgow cathedral. Invent., 1432. M. C, 13. «♦ Lit. Hist, of, 1700-1800. M. C, 14. " Memorabilia index, 1587-1750. M. C, 47. " Registrum Epis., Ch. M. C, 74, 75. " Regis. Eccl. B. V. Mar., 1547. M. C., 80. " Records, 1578-7. . M. C, 16. Glasgow, Scotland (continued). Keddie, Highland tours, 1868. P. 2088. Munimenta Frat. Pred. de., 1244-1559. Mait. Club, 80. Glasgow University. Calendar, 1868-78. " Deeds of scholarship, M. C, 84. " Munimenta, 1451-1527. M. C, 90- 93. Glass. Bevan, Brit, indust., 1876. Eggleston, On La Bastie glass, 1875. P. 2120. France. Expos, de Lond., 1851. Trav. de la Comm., 6, Italy, Rep. Expos, di Londra, 1862, v. 3. London, Exhib. of 1851. Rept. of Juries. " Exhib. of 1862. Rept. of Juries. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 3. Timmins, Birmingham, descr., 1866. Glastenbury, Ct, Centenn. Celeb., 1858. Glencoe. Massacre of. Mait. CL, 79. '* Misc. Scot., 1, 3. Glencove, N, Y. See Long Is. directory, 1865-7. Glen's Falls, N. Y. Centennial, 1876. Directory, 1874. Memorial of D. 0. Brown and others, 1865. P. 2004. Glenville, N. Y. Amer. Historian, 1876. Histor. Record, 1877. Gloucester, Ms. Cape Ann almanac, 1876, Directory, 1870, 75. Procter, G. H., Fishermen's memorial, 1873. Gloucester Co., N. J. Mickle, Reminisc, 1845. Glover, Gen. J. Upham, W. P., Memoir of, 1863. Glover, Vt. 'Perkins, S., semi-centen. disc, 1867. Gnostics. King, C. W., Remains of, 1864. Tittman, No traces of in N. Test, essays, 1829. Goa. Fedrici, C. D., Viuggio. Ra., v. 3. God. Calderwood, H., Philos. of the infinite, 1872. Dix, M., Impersonality of, 1864. Sedgwick, A., Di-scourse, 1S50. iSt'fc' Natural Tlieology; Theology; Trinity; Christ; Holy tSpirit. God Save the King. Clark, R., Acct. of, 1822. Godfrey, T. Life and Poems, 1765. Watson, J. F., Notice of. H. P. C. Godinot, J. Vie de. Soc. Mont., 8. Godwin. W. De Quincey, T., Works, v. 6, 1851. Paul, C. K., Life of, 1676. SUPPLEMENT. 137 Goethe, J. W. von. Calvert, G. H., His life. 1872. Diezmann, Weimar album, 1860. Godwin, P., Out of the past, 1870. Lewes, G. H., Life of, 1873. Mendelssohn, F. B., Letters from Italy, 1863. Robinson, H. C, Diary and corresp., 1869. Schmidt, H. I., Discourse, N. Y., 1848. P. 2017. • Goffe, W. See Regicides. Goitre, Blackie, G. S., Cretinism, 1855. P. 2U1. Guggenbilhl, Reports, Switzerland, 1845, 53. P. 2141. McClelland' s Geology, 1835. Gold. Boggs V. Merced. Co., Mariposa, 1859. P. 1879. Cary, T. G., Lecture on, 1856. P. 1879. Giffen, Essays, depreciation of, 1880. Homans, J. S., Product of. Am. Ge. S. P., 1862-3. Humboldt, Fluctuations of. P. 17. Lindley, After Ophir, South Africa, 1870. Mariposa Co., Proceedings, 1868. P. 1879. History of, 1863. P. 1879. " Mariposa estate, Browne's report, 1868. Nova Scotia, Commrs. reports, 1870, 71. " Waverly gold district, 1869. " Sherbrooke district, 1872. Pamphlets, vol. 1802, U. S., Rep. on Paris Expos., 1867. 2. Victoria, Essay on distrib. of, 1861 . See Australia ; California ; Currency ; Met- als. Goldsborough, T. A. Defence of, 1868. P. 2048. Goldsmith, O. Black, W., Sketch of, 1879. Bulwer, E., Misc. prose. De Quincey, T.y Writings, v. 10, 1853. Goldsmith, Misc. works, with life. Ph. 1839. " Poet, works and mem. N. Y., 1846. " Poetical works and life. Ed., 1856. Gomez, E. Bibliog. of. Boston Pub. Lib., Bull., 39, p. 136. Kohl, J. G., Hist, of discov., 990-1598. Me. H., s. 2, V. 1. Gonzaga, T. A. Ins. H. do Bra., 12, Biog. de. Goodenough, Bp. S. Nic. 111., v. 6. Goodhue, Jas. Obitutyy. Minn. H. C, 1850-56. Goodrich, C. Strong, N., Sermon on, 1815. Goodrich, C. A. Woolsey, T. D., Disc, on, 1860. P. 1918. Goodwin, E. S. Mass. H. S. C, s. 3, v. 5, Memoir of. 18 Goodwood, Eng. Mason, W. H., Acct. of, 1839. Goodyear, C. Peirce, B. K., Life of, 1866. Goodyear, Gov. S. Sketch of. X. Hav. H., 2. Gordon, Rev. A. Miller, A., Life of, 1846. Gore, C. Mass., H. S. C, s. 3, v. 3, Me- moir of. Gore, Sir G. Heldt, G. F., Exped. of, 1854- 6. H. S. Mon. C, 1. Gore Family. Mass. H. S. P., 1873-5. Ac- count of. Gorges, Sir F. Folsom, G., Addr., 1863. Soc. of Ant., Archseologia, v. 33, 1849. Gortchakoff, Prince. Klaczko, Sketch of, 1876. Gorton, Samuel. Staples, W. R., Notice of. R. L H. C, 2. Goshan, Col. R. Life of, 1870. Gosman, J. Memorial, 1866. P. 2004. Gosnold, B. Archer, G., Account of, 1602. Ms. H. C, s. 3, V. 8. Brereton, J., Account of voy. of, 1602. Ms. H. C, s. 3, V. 8. Goths. Univ. Hist., v. 19. Gough, Rev. R. Nic. HI., v. 5. Gould, C. Appeal, N. Y., 1864. P. 1907. Gould, Mrs. E. M. Bacon, L. W., Life of, 1879. Gould, J. Memorial, 1875. Gould, J. S. In memoriam, 1874. P. 2123. Gould, Zaccheus. E. I. C, v. 11. Gourville, J. H. de. M6moires, 1649-97. Petitot, Michaud. Gout. See Medical. Government. Adams, J. and S., Cor-espon- dence, 1802. Adams, J. Q., Ans. to T. Paine, 1793. Anthony, C, Popular sovereignty, Lond., 1880. Barnard, D. D., Phi. Beta Kappa addr., 1837. Bentham, J., Constitutional code, 1823. Pmtr., 22. Burleigh, Advice to Q. Elizabeth. H. M., 2. Campanella, T., Disc, on monarchy, 1659. Collec. of state tracts, 1688 (1705). Eddy, A. D., The christian citizen, 1843. P. 2594. Freeman, E. A., Compar. politics, 1874. Fry, R., Serm., Origin of, 1789. Harl. Misc., 1, Plea for limit, monarchy, 1660. " 9, Treatise of monarchy, 1689. Help,s A., Thoughts upon, 1872. Jenkins, D., Works, 1681. Jones, Sir W., The principles of, 1796. Lieber. F., Fragments of pol. sci., 1868. 138 SUBJECT-INDEX. Government (continued). Macaulay, Cath., Remarks on Hobbes, 1769. P. 1057. McGee, T. D., Notes on federal, 1865. Naud6, G., Science des princes, 1752. Proudhon, What is property, 1876. Rousseau, J, J., On politics, 1797. Smith, J. T., G. by commissions, 1849. Somers, J., Judgment of kingdoms, 1774. Spinoza, B. de. (Euvres, II. Stickney, A., A true republic, 1879. Todd, Parliamentary govt, in Brit, col's. 1880. Tucker, J., Treatise on, 1781. Whiting, W., Gov. in time of war, 1864. Williams, D., Lectures on political principles, 1789. WoodhuU, V. C, Origin and principles, 1871. Woolsey, T. D., Polit. science, 1878. Word, A., without doors. H. M., 1. See Officers ; Republican ; Authority ; Great Britain; U. S. Government; Utopias. Govona,R. Trgbutien, Vie de. Soc. Mont. 1. Gower, J, Todd, H. J., Life and writings, 1810. Grafton, Duke of. Belsham, Disc, on, 1811. P. 2037. Grafton, S. Grafton, J., Disc, on, 1805. P. 1917. Grafton, Ms. Pierce, F. C, Hist, of, 1879. Willson, E. B., Hist, disc, 1847. Graham, I. Mason, G. M., Disc, on, 1814. P. 2008. Graham, J., Marq. of Montrose. Exe- cution of, 1650. H. M., 6. Funerals of. 1661. H. M., 7. ** Memoirs, Misc. Scot., 8. Memorials, 1640-50. Mait. CI., 81, 82. Grahame, James, d. 1811. Poetical works. See White, H. K. Grahame, James, d. 1843. Memoir of. Ms. H. C, s. 3, v. 9. Grain. See Corn ; Wheat. Grainger, James. Nic. III., 7, Memoirs. Grammar, General. Bopp, F., Comp. gram,, 1856, Clark, T., Comp. gram., 1862. See Language. Grammars : Amharic, Isenberg, C, W., L., 1842. Ababic. Djemal-eddin, Alfiyya, with Com- ment, of DeSacy, 1833. 0. T. F. Faris, Pract. gram,, 1856, Vella, Maltese grammar, 1881. Bebbrb. Venture de Paradis, J. M. D., Gram, etdict., 1844. Soc. de G6og., Rec, 7. Grammars (continued). Bohemian. Wanek, Gram, der Bchmisch. Spra., 1838. Coptic. Clark, H., Compar, gram, of Egyp,, Coptic and Ude, 1873. Dravidian, Caldwell, R., Comp, gram, of S. Indian family, 1875. Egyptian. Clark, H., Compar, gram, of Egyp,, Coptic and Ude, 1873. Tattam, H., Gram, of Egyp. Lang., 2d ed., 1868. English. Abbott, E. A., Engl, lessons, 1872. Alden, J,, Introduction, 1874. Badgley, J., N. Y., 1875. Bain, A., N. Y., 1872. Key to, N, Y., 1872. Barnes, W., Dorset dialect, 1863, Bigsby, B,, Bost., 1874, Boltwood, H. L., Chicago, 1869, Brown, G,, Gram, of gram., 1872. Campbell, Z,, Gram, interrogator, 1830, Clark, S. W,, First lessons, 1863, Key to, N, Y., 1866, Cobb, Enos, Bost., 1821. Fowler, W, C, Abridged, N, Y,, 1858, Greene, H, R,, Its gram, principles, 1879. Greene, S. S,, Phila., 1869. Greenwood, J., 8th ed,, Lond., 1770, Harvey, T. W,, Cincin,, 1868. Helfehstein, Gram, Teuton, lang,, 1870. Lowth, R., America, 1780. Maetzner, English gram., 1874. Morris, R., Loud., 1875. Muston, C, Questions on, 1813. P. 2563. Reed, A., N. Y., 1876. Sherman, J., Philos, of lang., 1826, Trenton Falls. Swinton, W., Lang, lessons, 1873, Tancock, 0, W,, E, G. and reading book. Ox,, 1872, Weld, A. H., Portland, Me., 1859, Wells, W. H., List of authors of, 1878. P. 2147. French. Christison, J., Richmond, Va., 1863. Laporte, de, Fr. Grammar, Bos,, 1844. Larousse, Lexicologie, 1867., Gaelic, Stewart, A,, Elements, 1876. See Irish. Gothic. Skeat, W, W., Gloss, and gram,, 1868. Greek. Buttmann, P., Gram. (E, Robinson), 1839. Eton Greek grammar, 1805. Gloucester, Greek grammar, 1800. Hadley, J., For colleges, N. Y,, 1861. Lascaris, C, Gram, compend., Bas,, 1547. Wettenhall, System of, Phila,, 1813. Sm Classical, Literature. SUPPLEMENT. 139 Grammars (continued). Gypsy. Paspati, A. G., Lang, of G. Am. Or. S. J.,7. Pott, A. F., Die Zigeuner, 1844. Smart, B. C, Dialect of G., 1875. Hebrew. Johnson, S., Lond., 1771. P. 2092. Indian, American. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Gram, de la langue Quiche, 1862. Breton, Gr. Caraibe, 1877. Byington, Choctaw gram., 1870. Lacombe, Langue des Oris, 1874. Landa, Langue Maya, Brasseur. Magio, Lenguade los Baures, S. A., 1880. Matthews, Hidatsa lang., 1873. /S^e Language ; Dictionaries. Irish. Se« Gaelic. Jakut. Boehtlingk, Grammatik, Text und WOrterbuch, 1851. Japanese. Hoffman, J. J., Jap. grammar, 1876. Java. Roorda, Jav. Spraakkunst, 1835. Kurdish. Rhea, S. A., Vocab., Am. Or. S., V. 10. Latin. Rigg, E., New Am. L. G., K Y., 1807. Maltese. Vella, For the use of English, 1831. Maori or New Zealand. Williams, W., Diet, and gram., 1852. Mexican. Olmos, A. de, Gr. de langue, 1875. Polynesian. Hazlewood, Feejeean grammar, 1850. Romance. Diez, F., Gram, derrom. Sprachen, 1836. Roumanian. Alexi, J., Gram. Daco-Romana, 1826. Sanscrit. Avery, J., Verb, inflections. Am. Or. S., V. 10. Lanman, Noun inflections. Am. Or. S., v. 10. Syriac. Stoddard. D. T., Mod. Syriac. Am. Or. S. J., 5. Teutonic. Helfenstein, Gram. Teuton, lang., 1870. ^ Wallachian. See Roumanian. Welsh. Rowland, T., Gram., Bala, 1865. See Dictionaries ; Language. Gramont, A. due de. M6moires, 1622-77. Petitot, Michaud. Grand Army of the Republic. Manual for guidance, 1881. " Nat. Encmpts., An. meet., 1877-81. Rules, 1869, 70. P. 2551. " and Reg., 1880, 81. " Judge Adv. Gen., Opinions to 6th- 10th encmpts, Douglas, 1877. " Mass. An. Encmpts., 1872, 74. N. York, An. Encmpts., 1872, 74. " Decoration day, N. Y., 1879. Se« Decoration Day. Grand Traverse Co., Mich. Hatch, R., Hist, of, 1876. Granger, Rev. J. Letters, L., 1805. Granger Principles. Calhoun and Jeffer- son on paper curr., 1873. Cloud, D. C, Monopolies, 1873. Kelley, 0. H., Hist, of patrons of husbandry, 1875. ; Martin, E. W., Hist, of, 1873. Perils of the nation, 1877. Wells, J. G., Illustrated, 1874. See Currency ; Financial, Grant, Mrs. A. M. Mem. and corresp., 1803-38. " Memoirs, Albany, 1876. Grant, U. S., Pres. Abbott, J. S. C, Life of, 1868. Chesney, Mil. life of, 1874. Cudmore, P., Pres. Grant and polit. rings, N. Y., 1880. Dana, C. A., Life of, 1868. Deming, H. C, Life of, 1868. Honors to, N. Y., 1865. P. 1878. McClure, J. B., Stories and sketches of, 1879. Pierrepont, E., Speech on, 1868. P. 1931. Roberts, B. S., Services of, 1869. P. 2182. Sumner, C, The Pres. a trust. ColL speeches. V. 2. Taylor, R., Reconstruction, 1879. Van Vorst, H. C, Address on, 1868. P. 1931. Whiting, W., Address on, 1868. P. 2177. Worthington, T., Sketch, 1872. Yates, R., Speech on, 1866. P. 1931. Young, J. R., Around the world with, 1879. Grant Co., Ind. Hist. Atlas of, 1877. Granville, Ms. Jubilee, 1845. Grasses. Amer. Jour, of Sci., July, 1870. On Kansas. Bigarre, P. de la, On perrennial G. S. A. N. Y., 1, 1801. Edwards, J. T., Grass family, 1877. L'Hommedieu, E., On red clover. S. A.N. Y., 1, 1801. Livingston, R. R., Experiments on lucerne. S. A. N. Y., 1, 1801. Stillingfle(^, B., Obs. on grasses, 1811. See Agriculture ; Botany. Gratitude, Mather, S., Essay on, 1732. Grave Creek, West Va. Congres des Amgricanistes, I, p. 215. L^vy-Bing, Inscr. de. Cg. d. Am., s. 1, T. 1. Schoolcraft, H. R., Obs. on. Am. Ethn. Trans., 1. See Antiquities, American. Gray, E. Mather, S., Serm. on, 1758. Gray, Henry P, Century Club, In mem- ory of, 1878. 140 StrBJEOT-INDEX Gray, Thomas* Poetical works. /See John- son, S. Works and life. L., 1814, 16. Buhver, E., Misc. prose, 1868. Matthison, F., Letters, 1799. Gray, W. C, B, Thompson, J. P., Life of, 1866. Grayson, Col. W. Maryland papers. LXXVI Soc. papers. Great Harrington, Ms. Durfee. C, Hist. disc, 1866. Great Britain : Antiquities. Archseol. Inst., Trans, at Chichester, 1856. " Trans, at Winchester, 1845. Archaeological Journal, 1846-73, 30 v. Aubrey, J., Letters, 1813. Beauties of Engl, and Wales (Brewer), Introd., 1818. Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, 1846, 8 v. fo. Gutch, Collect, curiosa, 1781. Hearne's Journey. Aubrey, 1813. Hist, and ant. of Winchester, 1773. Jewitt, L., Grave mounds in G. B., 1870. Lingard, J., Anglo Sax. antiq., 1816. Pmtr., 7. Pennant, T., Tour, Downing to Alston, 1801, Rowlands, H., Mona antiqua, 1766. Sayers, F., Miscellanies, 1805. Smith, C. R., CoUec. antiqua., 1848-68. Soc. of antiquaries, Archaeologia to 1880. Strutt, J., Regal and eccles. antiquities, 1842, 4°. Thoresby, R., Diary and corresp., v. 8, 1677- 1724. Topographer, The, L., 1790-91. Warner, R., Ant. culinarise, 1791. Wright, T., Celt, Roman and Saxon, 1875. See Antiquities ; Druids ; England ; Pre-his- toric. Great Britain, Church History. Brook, B., Hist, of rel. liberty in, 1820. Fuller, T., Church history of, 1848. Somers, Tracts Eccles., 1658-1718, Storer, Hist, and ant. of cathedrals in, 1819. fif«« Church of England ; Church of Scotland ; Dissenters. Great Britain, Colonies. Hibbert, G., Slave registration, 1816. Pmtr., 7. Hull, Rise of the W. India, 1690. Jenkins, E., Imperial federalism, 1871. New England Co., Reports, Lond., 1840-66. Slave registration in, 1814. Pmtr., 7. Todd, A., Pari. govt, in, 1880. See America ; Canada ; West Indies ; North America; British Colonies ; Statistics. Great Britain, Commerce and Trade. Chamberlain, J., Fr. treaty and recip., 1881. Great Britain, Commerce and Trade (continued). Cross, J. K., Imports and Fr.tr., 1881. Escott, England pursuits, 1880. Great Brit., Paris Expos., 1851. Tom. 1. Pt. 1. '* Paris Exhib., 1867. Off. cat . for Phil. Exhib., 1-8, 1876. " " Of colonies. Harl. Misc., 10, Decay of, 1698. " 3, Trade's increase, 1615. Letters of Gracchus. Pmtr., 1. Letters of Probus. Pmtr., 1. London Internat. Exhib. of 1862. Awards of Juries. Maclean, C, Opening of India trade. Pmtr., 1. Open trade to India, 1813. Pmtr., 1. Titober trade, 1821. Pmtr., 18. Rept. of Comm. of E. I. Co., corresp. Pmtr., 2. Sheffield, Lord, Trade in wool. Pmtr., 4. Slagg, J., Free Trade and Tariffs, 1881. Smith, W. E., Recent depressions in, 1880. Great Britain, Financial. Annual Reg- ister, 1877-80. Bankruptcy legislation, Fortn. Rev., 25, 1879. Budget and nat. debt, Fortn. Rev. v. 1, 1867. Commercial crises, N. Brit. Rev., v. 53, 1871. City of Glasgow Bank, its lessons, Fortn. Rev., V. 24, 1878. Eliot, F. P., Letters on the situation. Pmtr., 5. Fenn on the funds, 1872. Forde, Sir E., Experimented proposals, 1666. H. M., 7. Gilbert, D., Bullion question, 1819. Pmtr., 14. Grenfell, P., Sinking fund and pub. service, 1817. Pmtr., 9. Letters on polit. and finan. situation, 1816, Pmtr., 7. Levi, Annals of Brit. Legis., 1856-65, 68, 14 v. Liquidations, Fortn. Rev., v. 22, 1877. Pellett, S., New plan of finance, 1817. Pmtr., 9. Peto, S. M., Taxation, levy and expend;, 1863. Postlethwayt, Hist, of the revenue, 1688-1753. Servero, V., Datos sob. ley. Inglesas, 1807. Tatham, E., Scarcity of money, 1816. Pmtr., 7. Vansittart, N., Budget for 1815. Pmtr., 6. Vansittart's plan, 1813. Pmtr., 1. Great Britain, Government of. An- thony, C, Pop. sovereignty, 1880. Bageshot, W., The Eng. const., 1873. Cartwright, J., Commonwealth in danger, 1795. Constant, B,, Responsibility of ministers. Pmtr., 6, Constitution de I'Angleterre, 1826. Pmtr., 27. StJPPLEMENT. 141 Great Britain, Government of (contin- ued). Creasy, Imperial and colonial constitutions, 1872. Cromwell, 0., Argt. agt. kingly, 1658. H. M., 6. Defence of the const., 1714. P. v. 596. De Lolme, Const, of England, 1816. Doleman, Succession to the crown, 1681. Dyer, G., The Engl, const., 1818. Pmtr., 2. Equality of the constitution, 1819. Pmtr., 14. Gr. Brit. Pari., Comm, of secresy, report,. 1794. " Manifestos of Burgoyne, etc., 1792, Greg, W. R., Rocks ahead, 1875. Hallam, Const. Hist, of, 1872. Hardy, T., Memoirs, 1832. Harl. Misc., Plea for limited mon., 1661. Hist. acct. of, 1688. CoUec. of tracts, 1705. Jenkins, D., Of king and parliament, 1681. Leckie, G. F., The practice of, 1817. Pmtr., 11. Letter fifth, to the people (Shebbeare), 1757. Loe, W., A still voice, 1621. Magna Charta aud the bill of rights, 1810. P. 793. Marriage of the Roy. family. Pmtr., 3. Present const, vindicated, 1714. P, 155, Sharp, G., People's nat, right, 1775. Somers, Lord John, Def. of the constitution, 1817. Pmtr,, 10, Speech on prerogative, 1767, P. 155. Stephen, L,, Hist, of Engl, thought, 1876. Stubbs, Select charters, 1870. Tucker, J., Treatise on civil govt., 1781. Vine, J. R. S., Eng. munic. institutions, 1879. /SV« Authority ; Government; G, B,, Political Pamphlets ; Oath of Allegiance, Great Britain, History of. Baillie, R,, Letters and journals, 1637-62, Black, The, Book, 1835, Brown, T,, Miscel. aulica, 1702. Callender, J. T., Polit. prog, of, 1795. Camden Soc, Diary 1644r-5, of R. Symonds. Collection of remonstrances, etc., 1641-42. Dalrymple, D,, Memoirs, reign of James I, 1766. Drake, J,, Hist, of Eng, and Scot,, to Eliza- beth, 1703. Ewald, A, C, Handbook of Pub. Records, 1873. Irving, J., Annals of, 1869, G. B., lst,-6th rep. of Royal com. on hist. MSS., 1871-77, 7 v. fo. Mudie, J., Hist, of nat. medals, 1820. Nicolson, W., Eng., Scot, and Irish hist. lib., 1736. Parkin, C, Invasion of William, 1756. P, 1037. Plowdcn, F., Hist,, 1792-93. Great Gritain, History of (continued), Polit, state of, 1711-39, 54 v, Russell, Earl, Recollections, 1813-73. Univ. Hist., Anc, vol. 19. Walker, C, Pari, of 1640. Maseres' Tracts, 1 . Wyon, F. W., Hist, reign of Q. Anne, 1876. See England; Scotland; Ireland; British Colonies and names of the Sovereigns. Great Britain, Land. Harl. * Misc., 9, Equal tax on, 1691. Winstanley, J., Letter to Lord Fairfax, 1649. H. M., 11. See Land and tenure. Great Britain, Military. Army lists, 1684, f o. Pam. 1111 ; 1760, 1864. " Manual of artillery exercises, 1862. Courts martial, 1819. Pmtr., 14. Duncan, F., Hist, of roy. artillery, 1879. Gents. Mag., Army list of 1744 and 1788, v. 15, 18. Great Britain, Drawings of the dress of yeo- men of the guards, and all regiments, in colors, 1742, 4°. Johns, MiUtary heroes of, 1872. M' Nair, Grenadier guards, colors, 1869. Mil. obedience, 1820. Pmtr., 17. Patriotic fund, 1804-5. Pymm, J., Militia of Eng., 1641. H. M., 5. Rafter, The guards, 1853. Roberts, D., Officers' benefit fund. Pmtr., 2. " Officers' salaries. Pmtr., 2. Somers Tracts, Mil. tracts, 1581-1717. Speed, J., Historie of, 1632. Stocqueler, History of the army and volun- teers, 1871. See French war in America ; Waterloo. Great Britain, Naval. Causes of miscar- ' riage, 1707. H. M., 11. Collingwood, Lord, Letters, 1829. Gr. Br., Navy hst, 1829, 31-49, 51. Johns, Naval heroes, 1872. Nicolas, P. H,, Hist, of Roy. Mar. forces, 1845. Trevor, R. S,, Taking of the St, Esprit, 1627. H. M,, 3, Stoakes, Victory agst. the Dutch, 1652. H, M., 6. Great Britain, Navigation. Atcheson, N., American encroachments, 1808. Pmtr., 6. Harl. Misc., 9, Admiralty jurisdiction, 1690. Marry at, J., Petition of ship owners, 1820, Pmtr., 17. Urquhart, T., Raising Brit, seamen, 1824. Pmtr., 24. See Gr, Br., Commerce. Great Britain : Parliament. Amos, Engl, constitution, 1830-80. 142 SUBJECT-INDEX Great Britain : Parliament (continued). Cotton, Sir R., Antiq. and dignity of, 1679. H. M., 8. " Records of, in tower of London, 1679, fo. Danger of mercenary, 1690. H. M., 9. Digby, Lord, Triennial parliaments, 1640. H. M., 4. Escott, England polity, 1880. Gr. Brit., Debates in, 1625. Camden Soc. " Pari, representation, 1832. Harl. Misc., 4, Power of peei-s and commons, 1641. " 4, Anct. customs of Eng., 1641. *' 4, Orders and privileges of, 1641. 5, Vindication, 1642. " 5, Success of former, 1642, " 5, The bloody parliament, 1643. " 6, Visitation of a sick, 1647. " 6, Narration of the late, 1657. " 7, Qualification for, 1660. " 8, Honour and carriage of, 1681. " 9, Passing bills in, 1685. " 12, Reasons for annual. Howell, J., Pedigree of, 1677. H. M., 1. Levi, Annals of Brit, legislation, 1859-66, 1868. Maseres, F., Anct. const, of, 1772. P. 1061. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 3, v. 2, Journal of long P. May, T., Breviary of the hist. of. Maseres Tracts, 1. Mellish, Obs. on Maseres, 1772. P. 1061. Milton, J., Character of the long P., 1681. H. k, 5. ^ Morgan's Phoenix, Cat. of the lords, 1658. Notes of debate, 1624-26. Cam. Soc. Palgrave, H. of commons-practice, 1869, Pauli, S. de Montfort's life, 1876. Peep at the peers, 1820. P. 1904. Proceedings for 1611. Morgan's Phoenix. Prynne, W., Opening of great scale, 1644. " Levellers levelled, 1647. " Religious demurrer, 1649. Raleigh, S. W,, Prerogative of, 1641. H. M., 4. Richard II, P. of 1641. Morg. Phoenix. Somers, Agst. annual p., 1817. P. 155. Somers, Tracts, v. 7. Vindication of right of election, 1769. P. 155. Walker, C, Relat. and obs., 1648. " P. of 1640. Maseres Tracts, 1. Wynn, C, Breach of privilege, 1810. P. 155. See Parliamentary. Great Britain : Parliamentary reform. Hawkins, H., The ruin of P. Pmtr., 1. Letter to Wm. Pitt, 1822. Pmtr., 21. Meadley, G. W., Prospects for. Pmtr., 2. Mill, J. S., Thoughts on reform, Diss., v. IV. Great Britain : Parliamentary reform (continued). On reforgi in P., 1815. Pmtr., 6. Plan for, 1816. Pmtr., 7. Reform in two parts, 1824. Pmtr., 23. Symmons, J., Without innovation, 1817. Pmtr., 9. Great Britain, Political Pamphlets. Vols. 2028, 2043, 2044. Great Britain, Political Discussions and Pamphlets to 1660. De- fence of the Low countries. Morg. Phoenix. Digby, Lord, Concern, grievances, 1641. H. M., 5. Hare, J., Anti-Normanism, 1647-8. H. M., 6. Harl. Misc., 5, Judges judgment, 1641. " 4, Atheistical politician, 1641. 6, Brit, bellman, 1648. " 7, ShuflSing and cutting, 1659. " Vox Borealis, 1641. Howell, J., Dodona's grave and England's tears, 1645. Kingdom's, The, case, 1643. P. 596. Kingdom's danger, 1628. Morg. Phoenix. Light shining in Buckinghamshire, 1648, 49. Manchester, Earl of. Report to H. Majesty, etc., 1642. H. M., 5. Maximes unfolded. P. v. 596. Peters, H., A word for the army, 1647. H. M., 6. " Serm. on Pari., 1645. Prynne, W., Moderate apology, 1644. " Vindication, 1659. Vicars, J., Sermon, 1643. 1660-1685. CoUec. of State tracts, 1785. Harl. Misc., 8, Letter to Earl of Shaftsbury, 1680. L'Estrange, Freeborn subject, 1680. Letters from a member of parliament, 1656. Mischief of misrep. H. Maj., 1681. H. M., 1. Nedham, M., Hist, of rebellion, 1661. H. M., 7. Orig. of magistracy. H. M., 1. Plea, A, for lim. monarchy, 1660. H. M., 1. Second narr. of late pari., 1688. Morg. Phoenix. Somers Tracts. Civil Tracts, 1601-1713. Hist. Tracts, 1603-1712. See Charles I, II; Authority, Church and Civil. 1689-1715. French invasion, 1692. H. M., 10. Protestant, The, interest, 1690. H. M., 1. Whiston, J., Calamities discbvered, 1696. H. M., 10. 1715-1760. Maynwaring, A., Works of, 1716. SUPPLEMENT. 143 Great Britain : Political Discussions and Pamphlets etc. (continued). Observations on the conduct of, 1729. P. 1909. Pam., vol., 1909. See Walpole, R. ; George II ; Scotland. 1760-1783. Champigny, de, Sup. au ministdre de Mr. Pitt, 1766. Junius letters, 1804. Obs. on short history of opposition, 1779. Scott, Rev. W,, Two sermons, 1774. Whisperer, The, 1770. See Revolutionary War. 1783-1820. Addr. on approaching jubilee. P. v. 1640. Atcheson, N., Am. encroachments, 1808, Pmtr., 6. Belsham, W., Exam, of appeal from new to old Whigs, 1792. P. v. 1640. Bowles, J., Proofs of French aggression, 1798. P. V. 1640. Callender, J. T., Polit. prog, of, 1795. P. V. 1909. Chalmers, G., State of Unit, kingdom, 1815. Pmtr., 17. Cobbett's Register7 1803-15. Corruption and intolerance, 2 poems, 1808. P. V. 1640. Dawes, M., Vind. of proc. of pari., on re- gency, 1789. P. V. 1640. Dissert, on the present conjuncture, &c. P. V. 1640. Eliot, F. P., On polit. state of, 1814. Pmtr., 3. 4, 5. Erskine, Lord, Defence of the whigs, 1820. Pmtr., 15. Hoare, P. R., Expediency of nat. bankruptcy, 1811. P. V. 1640. Letters on the polit. and finan. sit., 1816. Pmtr., 7. Measures of ministry, 1794. P. 1909. Musgrave, T. M., Consid. on balance of power. Pmtr., 3. Peter, W., Present crisis, 1816. Pmtr., 8. Pitt, W. M., The def. of these kingdoms. P. II, 1797 ; P. v. 1640. Plan for pari, reform, 1816. Pmtr., 7. Points to be discussed with the U. S., 1815. Pmtr., 5. Prob. effects of peace on com. interests, 1802. P. V. 1640. Smith, W. C, on the union, 1815. Pmtr., 6. See George III ; Wilkes, J. 1830-1867. Declaration agst. H. alliance, 1821. Pmtr., 18. Protestant tory refuted, 1827. Pmtr., 28. Tickell, R., Anticip. of king's speech, 1822. Pmtr., 19. Great Britain : Political Discussions and Pamphlets etc. (continued). Vindiciae Brit, 1821. Pmtr., 19. Wade, A. A., Vindic. of ministry, 1827-. Pmtr., 28. See England ; Ireland ; Church of England. 1867-1880. Adams, W. H. D., Party leaders, 1878. Battle of Dorking, 1871. " What happened after, 1871. Current discussions. Freeman, Engl., and the Russo-Turk. war, 1877, 1879. Eaton, D. B., Civil service in, 1880. Fight at Dame Europa's school. Jenkins, Lord Bantam, 1872. P^rier, France et I'Angleterre, 1860. P. 1891. Second Armada. Reply to Battle of Dork- ing, 1872. Great Britain, Registers, Almanacs and Statistics. Annual Register, Lond., 1871-1881. Battersby's Catholic Reg., 1853, 54. British Almanac, 1870-80. Chamberlayne, Present state of Eng., 1669, 70, 73, 80, 1708, 18, 19, 23, 27, 35, 37. Cronicle of yeres, 1552. Foreign office list, 1878. Martin, Statesman's year book, 1872-80. Thom'a Almanac and off. directory, 1880. Whitaker's Almanac, 1869-79. See Almanacs. Great Britain, Travels and Descrip- tions. Anderson, J. P., Cat. of topog. works in Brit, mus., 1881. Beeverell, Les delices de, 1707. Plates. Blome, R., Geog. descr., 1673. King, D., Condition of, 1696. London and N. W. R. R. Guide, 1876. Westall, W., G. B. illustrated, 1830. See England ; Scotland ; Ireland ; Wales, See also the names of Counties and Towns. Great Yarmouth, Eng. Old book collec- tors misc., 1871. Greece, Ancient. Boeckh, A.. Pub. econ- omy of the Athenians, 1857. Cox, G. W., Mythol. of Aryans, 1870. Curtius, Hist, of, 1869. De Quincey, T., G. under the Romans. W. V. 15, 1854. Freeman, E. A., Hist, essays, 1872. Guhl, Life of the Greeks, 1875. Lantier, E. F., Trav. of Antenor, 1799. Lloyd, W, W., Age of Pericles, 1875. McLennan, Primitive marriage, 1876. Mahaffy, J. P., Social life in, 1875. " Rambles in, 1876. Mill, J, S., Review of Grote. Diss., v, 3. Schliemann, Mycense, 1880. 144 SUBJECT-INDEX. Greece, Ancient (continued). Soc. de G^opr., B., 1849. Anc. colonies gr. Stanyan, T., Grecian hist., 1739. Univ. Hist., v. 6, 7, 8. See Antiquities ; Greek Authors ; Classic Lit- erature. Greece, Modern. Address, relief, 1823. P. 1885. Blaqui^re, E., G. and her claims, 1826. Pmtr., 26. Clark, E. L., Races of Turkey, 1878. Consid. sur la guerre, 1824. Pmtr., 24. De Quincey, T., Rev. in. W. v. 20, 1854. Francis, J. M,, G. as it is. Am. Ge. S. J., 6. Freeman, C. A., Essays. S. 3, 1879. Gell, W., Jour, in Morea, 1823. Gr^ce, La, en 1821-2. Pmtr., 23. Hobhouse, J. C, Travels in, 1858. Hughes, T. S., Revolution in, 1823. Pmtr., 22. Kastorches, E., Greek colonies (in Greek), 1871. Linton, W., Scenery of, 1869. Medbery, Mem. of Mrs. York, 1853. Mengons, P., Narrative of late war, 1830. Morgan, Lady, Woman and her master, 1840. Nugent, Lord, Lands, classical, 1846. Paparregopoulos, Hist, of (in Mod. Greek), 18^4. Rangabe, Her progress, 1869. Senior, N. W., Travels in, 1868. Sheridan, C. B., Gr. revolution, 1824. Pmtr., 24. Soutzo, J. A., Disc, Apropos du Zapion, 1874. ; Townshend, F. T., A cruise, 1870. Tozer, H. F., Researches, 1869. Tuckerman, C. K., Greeks of to-day, 1872. W'yse, Sir T., Impressions of, 1871. Xonos, Gr. Steam Nav. Co., 1869. See Turkey ; Ionian Islands ; Candia ; Ath- ens. (rireek Authors. Anacreon, Symposiaca, Romse, 1781, fo, Aristophanes, Comoediae, Oxon., 1810. " Comedies, Frere's trans, works, V. 3, 1874. Buenger, C, Theopompea, 1874. P. 2147. Cebes, Tabula. See Solinus, 1557. Epictetus, Quie supersunt (Upton), 1741. Fraginenta hist. Grjecorum (M(lller), 1841. IJule, T., Opuscula Mythologica, 1688. Herodotus, Hist., edit. C. H. Wheeler, 1843 " Turner's notes. Homer, Minor poems, 187'i. Menieke, Poet, comic, fragmentu, 1855, Oppianus, Ualieuticks (Jones), 1722. Pindarus, Lyrica, Gr. et Lat. (Sclimidt), 1616 Greek Authors (continued). Proclus, St., Analecta, Romse, 1630. " On Providence. Trans. Taylor. " Nature of evil. Trans. Taylor. See Antiquities ; Classical Lit. ; Bibliogra- phy ; Language, Greek. Greek Church. Appleyard, East'rn churches, 1850. Gagarin, The Russian clergy, 1872. Patriarch's letters, 1872. P. 2138. Russo-Greek Committee, N. Y., 1863. P 1886. Samuel, Patriarch, Distress of, 1715. P 1555. See Greece, Travels in. Greek Language. iSe« Languages ; Classi- cal ; Grammars ; Dictionaries. Greeley, H. Monument unveiling. P. 2123. " Letter to G. W. Blunt and others, 1867. Ingersoll, L. D., Life of, 1874. Parton, J., Das Leben, 1872. Reavis, L. U., Life of, 1872. Green, Rev. Jos. Diary of. E. I. C, 8. Green Bay, Wis. Biddle, J. W., Recollec- tions of, in 1816-17. W. H. C, 1. Crawford, W., Three disc, Pres. Ch., 1876. Gr. Bay Directory, 1872. Wis. His. C, 1, G. B. in 1726. Green Co., Wis. Bingham, H. M., Hist. of, 1877. Stewart, J. W., Hist. of. W. H. C, 3. Greenbush, N. Y. Lowrv, R., Disc, Ch of Messiah, 1858. P.' 1919. Greene, A. G. Arnold, S. G., Addr. before Rh. Is. Hist. Soc, 1869. Greene, Gen. N. Anthony. H. B., Statue of, 1872. " Greene, G. W., Exam, of Ban- croft, 1866. Greene, R. Nic. 111., v. 6. Greene Co., Ohio. Mills, W., Centenn. Addr., July 4, 1876. Greenfield, N. Y. Cronkhite, R. E., Hist. of (Saratoga Co.), 1876. Greenfield, Ohio. Simmons, C. B., Me- moirs of. F. L. P., 1. Greenland. Capel, Vorstellungen des Nor- den, 1675. Hayes, I. I., Narrative, 1871. Kerguelen Tr6marec, Voyage du nord, 1772. Kong. No. Old, Sel., Scriptahist. Islandorum, 1826-42. Rafn, C. C, Monuments hist. Soc, de Gfioir. B., 1846. * Schmidt, V,, Antiquit^s de 2 T. 2. *' Traditions de T. 2. Cg. d. Am.j 5. Cg. d. Am., s, 1, SUPPLEMENT. 145 Greenland (continued). Young, Sir A., Pandora's voy., 1879. See Voyages, Arctic. Greenport, N. Y. See Long Is. directory, 1865-73. Green's Farms, Conn. Hist, disc, 1865. Relyea, B. J., Greensboro, Vt. Rollins, E. E., Soldiers from, in rebellion 1861-65. Stone, J. P., Hist of, 1854. Greenwich, Conn. Second Cong. Church, 150th anniv., 1866. Greenwich, N. J. Fithian, E., Hist, of Presb. Ch., 1871. Greenwich, IV. Y. Thurston, E. P., Hist, of, 1876. Greenwich, Ohio. Mead, M. E., Memoirs of. F. L. P., 5. Greenwood, F, W. P. Frothingham, N. L., Serm. on, 1843, 45. Greenwood. See Cemeteries. Gregory VII, Pope. Villemain, Life of, 1874. Grenada Is. Chisholm, On fever at, 1795. Grenville, R., Earl Temple. Grenville, The, papers, 1852-53. Notes and queries, s. 2, v. 5. Grey, Lady Jane. Ballad Soc, B. from MSS. Furuivall, v. 1, 1868. Phenix, 2, 1708, Account of. Proclamation as Queen, 1-562. H. M., 1. Grey, Zachary. Nic. HI., 4. Griffin Family. Gathering, 1863. Griffith, Rev. D. Smith, W., Two ser- mons on, 1789. Griffitts, S. P. Coatel, B. H., Life of. H. P. M., 2. Grijalva, J. de. Oviedo, G. F. de. Hist, de las Indi;is. Grimes Co., Texns. Grimes, R., Hist. of. See Kilp'itricc. Griswold, A. V. Lee, H. W., Life of. 1843. Griswold, Gov. M. Rockwell, L., Disc, on, 1802. P. 2000. Grote, G. Bain. A., Estimate of. Grote, Life of, 1873. Grotius, H, Butler, Life of, 1826.. Groton, Conn. Hempstead, Monument at, 1848. Groton, Mass. Centenn. celeb., 1876. Fosdick, D., Disc, South Groton, 1861. P. 2089. Green, S. A., Hist. Addr., 1876. Early Groton, 1878. Epitaphs from, 1878. 19 Grundy Co., 111. Armstrong, P. A., Hist, of, 1876. Gruner, J. F. Harles, T. C, De vitis philol., 1764. Guadalupe Is. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Guano. Am. Ge. S. J., 1, Statistics of. Bartlett, C. L., Treatise on, 1860. P. 2135. Gibbs, Essay on, 1844. P. 2043. N. S. Wales, Roy. Soc. Jour., v. 11. Pickett, J. C, Letters, 1848. U. S., Rep. on Vienna Exh., 1873, 2. See Manures. Guatemala. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Voy- age, 1859-60. " Poesie et danse, etc Coll. IL Habel, S., Sculptures of, 1878. Smi'n contr., 22. Palacios, Description, 1876. Ternaux, 21. See Central America. Guernsey Is. Clarke, L. L., Guide, 1848. London, Exhib. of 1851. Of. and descr. cat., 2. Guest, W. H. De Peyster, F., Memoir of, 1878. Guiana. Brit. Col., Expos, de Paris, 1867. Bry. Per. Lid. Oc, Pt. 13. Caulin, A., Hist, coro-graphica, 1779, fo. Daussy, Voy. de Schomburgk. Soc. de G6og., B., 1844. Fr. Col., Expos. dePans, 1867. Harcourt, R., Voyage to, 1613. H. M., 3. Raleigh, W.. Descriptio, 1599. Bry. Lid. Oc, Pt. 8. Schomburgk, Interior of Brit. G., 1840. Waterton, C, Wanderings in S. Am., 1879. See Cayenne ; Amazon. Guides. See Self-culture ; Books. Guilford, Ct. Ruggles, T., Sketch of. Ms. H. S. C, s. 1, V. 4. Smith, R. D., Hist, of, 1877. Guinea. Bocand^, B., La G. portugaise. Soc. de G6og., B., 1849. See Africa, West. Guise, F., Due de. M6moires, 1547-63. Michaud. Guise, H. de Ii., Due de. MSmoires, 1647-48. Petitot, Michaud Guiteau, C. J. Christ's second coming, 1877. " Recent attacks on the bible, 1878. Guizot, F. P. G. Clarke, D., Life and writings of, 1875. Prantl, von, Nekrolog. K. Bay. A. S., 1, 1875. Senior, N. W., Conversations, 1878. Guidin, J. C. Ferris, Disc, on, 1863. Gulston, J. Nic IlL, 5. 146 SUBJECT-INDEX. Gums. London Exhib. of 1851, Kept. Gunpowder. Anderson, W., Manufac. of, 1862. Button, C, Force of. Tracts, 1812. Irish Quar. Review, 1859, Introduction of. Mass. Hist. Soc. * P. 1875-76. Mowbray, Q. M., Nitro-glycerine, 1871. P. 2053. Gunpowder Plot. Digby, et al., Execu- tion of, 1606. H. M., 3. History of, 1678. Harl. Misc., 8. James, I., Speech, 1605. H. M., 3. Prynne, W., Republicans anatomized, 1659. Guntou, Wm., of Engl. Life of, 1878. Gurney, J. J. Barton, B., Memorial of, 1847. Gustavns II, Adolphus, King. Cham. Mis., V. 14, G. A. and the thirty years' war. Chapman, B., History of, 1856. Harl. Misc., ,4, Battle of Lutzen, 1638. Gutta Percha. See India Rubber. Guzman, N. de. Narratione. Ra., 3. Gymnastics. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 2. Pettigrew, Animal locomotion, 1874. See Physica Training. Gypsies. Burgaud, Bibliot. patoise, 1873. Cham. Mis., v. 16, Account of. Clark, E. L., Races of Turkey, 1878. Craig, Book of the hand, Lon., 1857. Kogalnitchan, Esquisse sur, 1837. Leland, C. G., English Gs. and language, 1873. " English gypsy songs, 1875. Paspati, Language of, in Turkey. Am. Ori. Soc. Jour., 1861. " Boh6miens de Turquie, 1870. Pott, A. F., Die Zigeuner in Europa, 1845, Valachie, Code rel. aux, 1825. Jour. Asiat., S. 1. V. 7. H. Habeas Corpus. Address to the people. Lon., 1778. P. 1909. Bates, E., Susp. of writ of H. C, 1861. P. V. 1645. Binney, H., Privilege of, 1862. P. 2148. " Writ and Mr. Binney. P. 2148. NicholaK, S. S., H. C, a resp. to Mr. Binney, 1862. See Law Library Catal. Hackensack, N. J. Romeyn, T. B., Cen- tenn. disc, 1871. P. 1919. Hackett, H. B. Memorial of, 1876. Haddock, C. B. Brown, S. G., Discourse on, 1861. P. 2003. Haddonfield, N. J. Murray, G. M., Hist, of, 1876. Hadley, J. Life of. P. 1494. Haiiz-ool-Moolk. Life of. 0. T. F., 1831. Haggerty, O. Century Club, Mem., 1875. Hair. Barry, Treatise on, 1853. P. 1901. Beigel, H., Human hair, 1869. Browne, P. A., Trichologia Mammalium, 1853, 4°. Hall, R. P., Treatise on, 1866. P. 1901, 2564. Irish Quar. Review, 1857. Lovet, H. T., Treatise on, 1851. P. 2564. Prynne, W., Unloveliness of love locks, 1628. Urbino, Hair work, 1871. Haiti. Burgess, G., Diary, 1866. See Saint Domingo. Haldeman, S. S. Hart, C. H., Memoir of, 1881. Hale, Rev, John. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 3, V. 7. Memoir of. Hale, Capt, N. Everett, E., Remarks on. W. V. 4. Halifax, Ms. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 2, v. 4, Notes on. Halifax, N. S. Mss. in govt, offices, 1877. Halifax directory, 1879-80. Hall, Capt. B. Capt. H. in America, 1830. Hall, Chas. Smith, A. D., Disc, on, 1854. Hall, Rev, Edwin. Memorial, 1878. Hall, John. Whittelsey, S., Disc, on, 1730. Hall, M., L. In memor., 1875. Hall, Rob. Works and life. L., 1832, N. Y., 1833. Van Santvoord, C^ Discourse, 1856. Hall, T. M. Memoir, Phila., 1865. P. 1999. Hall marks. Lutschaunig, Book of, 1872. Hallam, H. Everett, E., Remarks, 1859. W. V. 4. Halleck, Fitz G. Cozzens, Memorial of, 1868. P. 1878. Halleck, F,, Poet, works. J^. Y., 1847. " Catal. of library of. P. 1878. '* Ded. of monument to, 1869. " Monument to, 1877. 4*. " Memorial illustrated, 1879. gr. 4". Hallette, A. Viede. Soc. Mont., 2. Hallock, G. Carroll, J. H., Memorial of, 1866. P, 1878. Hamilton, Alex, Abercrombie, J., Serm. on, 1804. Atlant. Monthly, Nov., 1865. Bingham, W., Mentor's reply to Phocion, 1764. Clemens, J., The rivals, 1860. Fict. SUPPLEMENT. 147 Hamilton, Alex, continued)). Depew, C. M., Addr., N. Y., statue of, 1880. Exam, of the late proceeding, 1793. P. 197. Hamilton, A., Works and life, 1810, 1851. Sketch of, 1804. P. 2123. Hamilton Statue, 1865, Boston. Morse, J. T. Jr., Life of, 1876. N. Am. Rev., v. 123, 1876. Otis, H. G., Eulogj on, 1804. Review of Mason's sermon, 1807. Shea, G., Life of, 1880. Sullivan, W., Famil. letters, 1834. Williams, J., Life of, 1804. Woodruff, H. N., Sermon on, 1804. Hamilton, Andrew. Whitehead, W. A., E. Jersey hist, and notes. N. J. H., 1. Hamilton, Lady Emma. Nelson, H., Lord, Letters to, 1814. Rose, G., Diary and corresp., 1860. Hamilton, J. A. Fish, H., Corresp., 1856. P. 1931. Hamilton. Sir Wm. Calderwood, H., Philos. of the infinite, 1872. De Quincey, T., Susp.de prof undis etc., 1873. Writings, V. 17, 1854. Grote, G., Minor works, 1873. Jameson, G., Review of, 1872. Princeton Rev., Oct., 1865. Smith, H. B., Essays, 1877. Hamilton Co.,Ind. Hist, and maps, 1880. Hamilton Co., Ohio. Harrison, J. S., North Bend pioneers, 1867. Hamlin, H. Life of. See Lincoln, A., Lives of. Hamline, L. L. Palmer, W. C, Life of, 1866. Hammersmith, Eng. Faulkner, Hist, of, 1839. See Faulkner's Fulham, 1813. Hammond's, W. A. Dismissal, 1864. P. 2025. Hamon, J. Vie de. Soc. Mont, et Frank., 2. Hampden, John. Fairfax corresp., 1625- 1700. Hampden Co., Mass. Conn. "Valley, hist, of, Phila., 1879. Sketches of cliurches, 1854. Hampshire, Eng, Pratt, S. J., Harvest home, 1805. Hampshire Co., Mass. Conn, valley. Hist, of, Phila., 1879. Hampstead, Eng. Park, J. J., Hist, of, 1818. Hampstead, N. Hamp. Kelly, J., Hist, of. N. H. H., 5. Hampton Court, Eng. Pyne, Royal resi- dences, 1819. Hampton, N. Hamp. Appleton, J., Hist. Disc, 1797. Hancock, Rev. J. Serm., ord. of his son, 1726. Hancock, W. S. Brisbin, J. S., Soldier's story of life of, 1880. Hancock, Gen. W. S., Corresp. with W. T. Sherman, 1871. P. 2182. Southworth, A., Life of, 1880. Hancock, N. Hamp. Bigelow, A., Hist, disc, 1876. Centen. celeb., 1879. Hancock Co., 111. Gregg, T. H., Hist, of, 1880. Hancock Co., Miss. Claiborne, J. F. H., Hist, of, 1876. Hand. See Physiognomy. Hanno. Navigatione di. Ra., 1. Hanover, N. Hamp. Coffin, P., Tour to, 1795. Me. H. C, 4. Happiness. Forbes, J., H. and work, 1851. Gros de Besplas, Causes du bonheur public, 1768, 12°. Harbors. Mass. H. Commrs., rep., 1869, 70, 72. Trudelle, N. York Harbor. Am. Ge. S., 10. U. S. engrs. report, 1874-75, 79. See New London ; Philadelphia ; Docks. Hardenbergh, J. C. Studdiford, P., Disc on, 1791. P. 2102. Hardenbergh* Lieut. J. L, Journal. Cayuga H. C, 1. Hardinge, G. Misc. works, 1818. Nichols, J., Memoirs of, 1818. Also See Nic. HI., 3, Memoir of. Hardy, T. Memoirs, 1832. Hare, A. J. C. Memorials, 1872. Harlem, N. Y. Mandeville, Hist. Dutch church, 1875. P. 2102. Riker, J., History of, N. Y., 1881. " Names of settlers. P. 2191. Harlem Plains Battle, 17T6. Jay, J., Battle of, 1876. N. Y. Hist. Soc, Commem. of, 1876. Stevens, J. A., Battle of. Mag. Am. Hist., 4. Harlem R. U. S. Engrs. rep., 1875. Harley, Brilliana. Letters, 1625-43, and memoir. Cam. Soc. Harley, Sir R. Memoir, 1854. Cam. Soc. Harmony Society. Williams, A., History of, 1866. Harney, Gen. W^ S. Reavis, L. U., Life and military services of, 1878. Harper's Ferry Invasion. Anderson's narrat. of, 1861. 148 SUBJECT-INDEX UarpsAvell, Me. Wheeler, G. A., Hist, of, 1878. Harrington, J. Works and life, L,, 1700, fo. Harrington, T. Thayer, N., Serm. on, 1796. Harris, Ira, Memorial, 1876. Harris, John. Nic. 111., v. 5. Harris's, Rev. John. Mammon exam- ined, 1837. P. 2576. Harris, John. Breck's hist. anec. of. H. P. M., 2. Harrisburgh, Pa. De Witt, W. R., Hist. disc., 1862. Harrisburg directory, 1863. See Lancaster. Orvvig, J. R., Guide to, 1876. Penrose, C. B., Addresses, insurrection at, 1838. P. 1906. Harrisse, H. Desjardins, E., Les deux ouvrages de, 1867. Athenaeum, Lon., Oct. 6, 1866. Harrison, W. H., Pres. Cox, J., Addr. on, 1871. P. 2140. Harrison Scrapbook, 1841. Harrison, W. H. : Eulogies on, 1841. Abbott, J., Salem, Ms., v. 1. Adams, W. H., Wellfleet, Ms., v. 3. Angier, J., Milton, Ms., v. 2. Baker, L., N. Haven, Conn., v. 2, Bethune, G. W., Discourse, (Orat.), 1850. Bigelow, A., Taunton, Ms., v. 2. Boardman, H. A., Philadelphia, v. 2. Carpenter, H. S., New York, v. 2. Cobb, S., Boston, v. 1. Codman, J., Dorchester, Ms., v. 1. Cooke, P., Lynn, Ms., v. 1. Cumpston, E. H., Eastville, Va., P., 104. Damon, N., West Cambridge, Ms., v. 1. Doane, G. W., Burlington, N. J., v. 2. Dorr, B., Philadelphia, v. 1. Duffield, G., Detroit, Mich., v. 1. Dyer, P., Whitehall, N. Y., v. 1. Eaton, G. W., Hamilton, N. Y., v. 2. Edwards, B. B., Andover, Ms. v. 2. Frelinghuysen, T., N. Y. Com. Coun. Goddard, W. G., Providence, Rh. L, v. 1. Hall, E. B., Prov., Rh. Is., v. 2. Halley, E., Salem, N. Y., v. 2. Henshaw, J. P. K., Baltimore, Md,, v. 8. Hewitt, N., Bridgeport, Conn., v. 2. Humphrey, H., Amherst, Mass., v. 1. Jarvis, S. F., Middletown, Conn., v. 2. Krebs, J. M., New York, v. 1. Lamson, A., Dedham, Ms., v. 1. Leeser, J., Philadelphia, v. 1. McLaren, J. F., Geneva. N. Y., v. 8. Nott, S., Jr., Wareham, Ms., P. 564. Harrison, W. H. : Eulogies on, 1841 (continued). Olmstead, J. M., Flemington, N. J., v. 1. Peabody, E., New Bedford, Ms., v. 1. Porter, C. S., New York, v. 1. Potter, H., Albany, N. Y., P., 52. Probst, J. A., Salem, Ch. Forks, Pa., v. 2. Putnam, G., Roxbury, Ms., v. 1. Richards, J., Windsor, Vt,, v. 2. Rogers, J. M., Easton, Pa., P. 214. Spencer, I. S., Brooklyn, N. Y., v. 1. Sprague, W. B., Albany, N. Y., Coll. ser., 2. Spring, G., New York, v. 2. Turnbull, R., Boston, v. 2. Upfold, G., Pittsburgh, Pa., v. 2. Upham, C. W., Salem, Ms., P., 214. Vanarsdale, C. C, Philadelphia, v. 2. Van Rensselaer, C, Washington, D. C, P. 101. West, N., North East, Erie Co., Pa., v. 1. Wheeler, J., Burlington, Yt., Coll. W. Williams, T., Harrisburgh, Pa., v. 1. Wilson, H. N., Southampton, L. I., v. 1. Wilson, J. L., Cincinnati, Oh., v. 2. Harrison, Me. Ridlou, G. T., Hist, of, 1877. Harsen, J. Memoir of, 1864. Hart, Mrs. R. Robbius, R., Disc, on, 1844. P. 1918. Hartford, Ct. Conn. H. S. C, 2, Controv. in ch. in, 1656-9. Day, T., Address. Ct.*Hist. Soc, 1843. Hartford directory, 1842, 46, 48, 49, 50, 58, 59, 63, 67, 71-73. Governor's Foot Guard, Centen. eel., 1871. Hawes, J., Hist, disc, 1st church, 1836. Second Congr. ch., 200th anniv., 1870. Hartford Convention. Dwight, Th., Hist. of, 1833. Hartford Convention, Proc, 1814. Lodge, H. C, Cabot's life, 1877. Otis, H. G., Letters in defence of, 1824. Saltonstall, L., Speech, 1840. P. 1930. Short account of, 1823. P. 2073. Hartridge, Julian. Memorial of, U. S. Cong., 1879. Hartsuft; Gen. G. L. Life of, 1875. P. 2128. Harvard, John. Everett, E., Address, 1828. W. V. 1. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Book Biog. and descr. sketches and views, 1875, 2 v., 4". Harvard University, Cambridge, Ms., Annual reports of Pres., etc., 1838-46, 7, 8, 60, 6, 8, GO, 4, 6, 9, 70-80. " Catalogue, annual, 1819, 48, 56, 65, 69, 72, 74, 75, 77. *' Cat., triennial, 1794, 1800, 6, 9-1848, 1864, 1872, 76. StTPPLEMENT. 149 Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (continued). Harvard Univ., Class of 1864, reports, 1881. " Class of 1868, report, No. 1. " Class of 1875, report, No. 1. " Class of 1875, Bacc. serm., A. P. Peabody, orat. and poem. '* Hai'vard College, Mem. concern. hist and rights, 1851. ** Harvai-d Univ., Bulletin, Nos. 7, 14, 1878-80. " Inaug. and other addresses, 1846-74. " Laws of, in 1665. Repr. 1876. " Laws and Statutes, 1860. " Librarian's reports by J. Winsor, 1878-80. " Museum of Compar. ZoOlogv, Re- ports, 1861-76. " " " Organization of, 1871. " " Publications of, 1871. " Necrology of, 1869-72. " Overseers, Proceedings, 1834, 59, 66, 74. " " Annual repts, 1871, 78. " " Report on the observa- tory, 1863. " Penikese Is. school organization, 1874. " Porcellian club, catalogue, 1839. " Roll of students in war of 1861-5. " Treasurer's rept., 1870, 1, 2, 4, 6. Mass. H. Soc. P., 1862-3, Accounts of. Sibley, Biog. of graduates to 1658. Student life at, 1876. See Cambridge, Mass. Harvey, Gov. Louis P. Atwood, D., Eu- logy on,. 1862. W. H. C, 5. Harvey, W. Life and works, L., 1847. Harwinton, Conn. Chipman, R. M., Hist. of, 1860. Harwood, Col. E. Peters, H., Life of, 1642. H.^M., 5. Haseltine, J. H. M. Butler, J., Disc, on, 1874. P. 2004. Hassan, Ouzoun, of Persia. Angioletti, Vita. Ra., 2. Hassler, F. R. Docts. on coast survey, 1835. Hastings, Warren. Lunt, G., Macaulay on, 1857. Hastings, Minn. Neill, E. D., Hist, of Da- kota Co., 1881. Hatton Family. Correspondence, 1601- 1704. Camden Society. Hauser, Caspar. Cham. Mis. v. 5. Hautefort, Marq. d'. Memoirs, 1763. Havana, Cuba. Cockings, G., War, a poem, 1762. Havana directory, 1874. Haven, N. A. J. N. H. H., % Memoir of. Haverhill, Mass. Crowell, J., Hist, of, 1877. Ms. H. Soc. Coll., s. 2, V. 4, Hist, sketch of. HaAvaii Is. Byron, R., Voyage, 1824-5. Campbell, A., Voy., 1806-12, 1819. Friend, The, Honolulu, 1845-48. Hawaiian Almanac, 1875. Hawaiian Club papers, Bost., 1868. P. 1891. Jarves, J. J., Kiana, a tradition, 1857. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 1, v. 9, Journal of a voy. to, 1802. Nordhofle, C, Sandwich Is., 1874. Paris, Expos, de, 1867. Rap. du Jury, 6. Vincent, Through the tropics, 1876. See Polynesia ; Pacific. Hawes, W. Vie de. Soc. Mont., 1. Hawkins, Col. B. Ga. Hist. Soc, v. 3, Notice of. Hawkins, Sir John. Journ. and mem. Hakluyt Soc, 1878. Soc. Ant., Archseologia, v. 33, 1849. Hawkins, Richard. Voyages, 1593. Hak- luyt Soc, 1878. Hawkins, R, C. Resignation of, 1872. P. 2059. Hawkins, William. Voyages, 1530. Hak- luyt Soc, 1878. Hawks, F. L. Memorial vol., 1867. Hawley, G. Deed to Temple, 1844. P. 2191. Pruyn, J. V. L., On life of, 1870. Haworth, Eng. White, W., Directory of, 1866. Hawthorne, N, Fields, J. T., Yesterdays with authors, 1876. James, H., Jr., Life of, 1880. Lathrop, G. P., A study of, 1876. Stephen, L., Hours in a library, 1874. Whipple, E. P., Character of, 1868. Hay Fever. Wyman, M., Autumn catarrh, 1876. Haydon, B. R. Life of, 1853. " Corresp. and memoir, 1876. Hayes, R. B., Pres. Howard, J. Q., Life of, 1876. Howells, W. D., Life of, 1876. Hayley, W. Cowper, W., Works and cor- resp., ed. Southey, 1853-5. Hayti. See San Domingo. Hazard, E. Mass. H. Soc. Coll., s. 5, v. 2. Hazleton. See Bloomsburg, Pa. Hazlitt, W. Robinson, H. C, Diary and corresp., 1869. Health, Ackland, On cholera at Oxford, 1854. 150 SUBJECT-INDEX. Health (continued). Banning Truss Co., The house you live in. Benjamin, S. G. W., World's Paradises, 1880. Boston, Board of H., 9th an. rept., 1881. '• " Circ. on scarlet fever, 1877. P. V. 1635. « " Manag. of infs. and chil- dren, 1876. P. V. 1635. <* " San. govmt. of Abattoir, 1877. P. V. 1635. City Phys., Kept., 1866, 66, 67, 68. " Stat, and ord. relat. to pub. h., 1873. Sup. of H., An. rept., 1861, 67, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81. *' San. condit.. Spec. rep. of med. comm., 1875. Bowditch, H. I., Hygiene in America, 1876. Brooklyn, N. Y., Report, 1876. Buffalo, N. Y., H. phys. rept., 1859. Catlin, G., Mal-respiration, 1865. Chicago, Bd. of H., Rept., 1874, 75. Clark, H. G., Draft of a city code, 1859. P. 1119. ** Superiority of san. meas. over quarantine, 1852. P. v. 1636. Colorado, Bd. of H., Rept., 1876. Columbia, Dist., Board's Reports, 1873, 4, 5, 6. Commission des distilleries, 1855. P. 1063. Comm. on wet docks and quarantines, Rep. to nat. quar. conv., 1860. P. v. 1636. Culverwell, J., How to be happy, 1853. P. v. 1635. Dall, Mrs., Sunshine : a lecture, 1864. Denton, J. B., Sanitary engineering, 1877. Drake, D., Northern lakes and south, inva- lids, 1842. P. V. 1635. Evans, T. W., Comm. san. des Etats-Unis, 1865. Extramural burial, Lon., 1850. P. 2125. Finlayson, R., H. of ships' crews, 1825. Pmtr., 26. Friendly advice to planters, Lon., 1684. Gardner, J., On prolong, life, 1875. Godwin, G., Another blow for life, 1864. Gr. Brit., San. condit. of laboring classes (Chadwick), 1848. Green, J. 0., Factory syst. and its hygien. relat., 1846. P. v. 1686. Griscom, J. H., Sanit. legislation, 1861. P. 2054. Hall, W. W., Guide board to, 1869. Hall's Journal of, 1866, 67, 69. Hardwicke, W., Disinfection. N. A. P. See Sci. Trans., 1878. Hawksley, T., Address. N. A. P. Soc. Sci., 1876. Health-lift company, 1876. P. 2189. Hosking, W., Regul. of building, 1848. Hough, F. B., Preserv. of h. by preserv. of trees, 1876. Health (continued). Huxley, T. H., Elements of, 1873. Indiana, San. comm., rep., 1865. P. 2055. Italy, Rap., Expos, di Londra, 1862, v. 2. Levi, Annals of Brit. Legis., 1866. Lond., Report on Cemetery, 1855. P. 2125. London, Exhib. of 1862. Rept. of Juries. Louisiana, Bd. of H., Rep., 1869, 70, 71. P. 460; 1880. Madras, Rep. of san. com'r for 1878. Mapother, Lect. on public health, 1867. Mass., Bd. of H., Reports, 1870, 73, 80, 81. Health of towns, 1876. P. v. 1635. " The pollution of streams, 1877. Memoirs of a stomach, Lond. Michigan, Report, 1874, 75, 79. Milwaukee, Health report, 1872, 76, 78. N. A. P. Soc. Sci. Trans., 1876-79. Nashville, Tenn., Report on, 1879. Nassau, N. Prov., Guide, 1879-80. N. Hav., Bd. of H., An. rept., 1875, 76. N. Jer., Spec. comm. on quarantine, Rept., 1858. P. V. 1636. " Corresp. betw. Gov. Ward and W. A. Newell, 1867. P. v. 1636. " H. Comm., Rept., 1874. N. Y. State, Report on N. Y. county, 1860. P. 2054. *' Com. of invest, on N. Y. city, Rept., 1859. *' Bd. of H., Manual of laws, 1880. " " 1st an. rept., 1880. *♦ " Nuisances of Hunter's Point, 1881. " " Sanitary code of, 1881. " Laws relat. to Metrop. Bd. of H., 1866, 67. N. Y. City, Address of comm., 1865. P. 2054. " Report of comm., 1869. P. 2054. " Board of Health rept., 1871, 74, 76. •* Defective drainage, rep., 1877. P. V. 1665. «« Pam., vol. 2054. " Quarantine laws of port of, 1867. *' Sanitary Ass'n, Rep., 1859. P. 2054. Norfolk, Va., Mayor's mess, andrepts., 1876. P. V. 1685. Ordronaux, J., Prophylaxis, 1856. Pam., V. 2054, 2139, 2546. Paris, J. A., Treatise on diet, 1826. People vs. Tompkins, Testimony, 1859. P. V. 1636. Phila., Bd. of H., Rep., 1871-76. Pittsburgh, Pa., Rep., 1874. Pub. h., the basis of san. reform, 1866. P. V. 1685. Quaran. and san. com., Baltimore, Proc, 1858. P. V. 1686. SUPPLEMENT. 161 Health (continued). Reading, Pa., Bd. of H., Rep., 1876. P. v. 1635. Rh. Island, Bd. of H., Reps., 1879, 80. Richardson, B. W., Diseases of mod. life, 1876. Ross, J. H., Hints and helps, 1852. St. Louis, Mri., Ordinance on, 1870. Salford, Eng., Rept. of health, 1869-78. Sanit. Ass'n of Lond., Interments, 1852. Shove, G. A,, Life under glass, 1874. Simon, J., Filth diseases, Bost., 1876. Smith, S., Pub. h. serv. and med. ed., 1876. P. V. 1635, Snow, E. M., Tracts for the people, 1866. P. 213. Tacuinus, De sex rebus naturalibus, 1531. Thorns, W. F., H. in country and cities, 1866. P. V. 1635. Toner, J. M., Vital statistics in U. S., 1872. P. V. 1635. " Public health questions, 1875. U. S. Array, War dept., circ. on Hygiene of, 1875, 4:". Utica, N. Y., Bd. of H., An. repts. 1878-80. Vanderpoel, S. 0., Quaran. organization, 1874. P. V. 1636. Victoria Colony, Reports, 1862-74. Viele, E. L., Topog. in its rel. to, 1875. P. V. 1635. Villanova, Schoole of Salerne, 1649. Virginia Bd. of H., Vital statistics, 1874. Waring, G. E., Earth closets, 1868. Wilder, B. G., Physiol, and hygiene, 1876. P. V. 1635. Wilkinson, J. J. G., War, cholera and health. 1855. Wisconsin, Rept. of State board, 1876, 1880, Wood worth, J. M., Migrants and sailors, 1875. P. V. 1635. See Diet ; Food ; Quarantine ; Vegetarian ; Gymnastics; Old Age. Health Drinking. Prynne, W,, Histrio- mastix, 1683. " Healthes-sickness, 1628. Hearing. See Ear. Hearne, T. Aubrey, J., Lives, 1813. Hearne, T., Letters, 1711-33. Nic. 111., 1. Heart, Da Costa, J. M., Strain of. Smit. Mis. Col., XV. Heat. Cazin, A,, Recent theories, 1867. Smit. Rep,, 1868. Draper, J. W,, Sci. memoirs, 1878. Harrington, R., New obs. on, 1798, Hutton, J., Philosophy of, 1794, Kelland, P., Theory of, 1837. Lovett, R., Phil, essays, 1766. Maxwell, J, C, Theory of, 1872. Metcalfe, S. L., Caloric, 1859. S6guin, Causes et effets de, 1865, P, 1902. Heat (continued). Stewart, B,, Treatise on, 1871. Tyndall, J,, Molecular physics regarding, 1872, U. S. Engineer's rep., P. 3, 1878, p. 1574. Williams, C. W., On heat, Lon., 1861. WiUiamson, M. J., Mod. diabolism, 1873. See Ventilation ; Warming ; Natural Phil. Heath, Gen. Wm. Papers. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., S. 6, V. 4, 1878. Heath, Mass. Miller, M., Hist, discourse, 1853. Heathen. SeeP&ga.ns; Theology; Missions. Hebrew. See Bibliography; Grammars; Languages; Dictionaries; Jews. Hebrides Is. Pennant, T., Tour, 1790. Smith, W. A., Lewsiana, 1875. Heckewelder, J. Corresp. with Du Pon- ceau. H. P. M., 12. Rawle, W., Vind. of. H. P. M., 1. Reichel, W. C, Memoir of. H. P. M., 12. Hegeman, Wm. Century Club, Mem. no- tice, 1875. Heilmann, J. D. Harles, T, C, De vitis philol., 1764. Heine, H. Arnold, M., Sketch of, 1863. P. 2582. Stigand, W., Life off 1875. Heiner, E., D. D. Memorial of, 1864. Helen, Duchess of Orleans. Schubert, Memoir of, 1862. Helfenstein, Rev. S. Bomberger, Fun. disc, 1866. Hell. Balfour, W., Words in the N. Test, translated so, 1854. See Future Life ; Universalist. Hell Gate, N. Y. U, S. Engineers, New- ton's reports, 1873, 4, 5. Hellins, Rev. J. Nic. 111., v. 6. Helm, John L. Biog. of, 1868. See Pow- ell. Heloisa. Abailard, Epistolse. Op,, 1616. Helper, H. R. Beebe, G. J., Refutation of, 1860. P. 2172. Hemans, Mrs. F. Poetical works, Phil. Hemp. Thompson, W., Cultivation of. S. A. N. y., 2, 1807. See Flax ; Agriculture. Hempstead, N. Y, Hart, S., Cent, disc, 1823. P. 1919, Onderdonk, H., Jr,, Annals of, 1878, Hemsterhuis, F. ffiuvres, et vie de, 1850. Henley, Rev. S. Biog. sketch of. Ms. H. S. P., 1876-7. Hennepin, L. Sketch of. Min,, H, C, 1. 152 SUBJECT-INDEX. Hennepin Co., Minn. Neill, E. D., Hist, of, 1881. Henry H of England. Life of. Harl, Misc., 5, Henry HI of England. Life of. Morgan's Phoenix. Prynne, W., Hist, of, 1670. Henry IV of England. Haywarde, Sir J., Life of, 1599. Henry V of England. Towle, G. M., His- tory of, N. Y., 1866. Henry VHI of England. Benger, Eliz.. 0., Mem. of A. Boleyn, 1821. Hall's Chronicle, 1811. Harpsfield on divorce of. Camden Soc. Henry H of France. Mait. CI. Misc. Henry IH of France. Harl. Misc., 2, Con- spiracies agst., 1589. Henry III, Memoirs of, 1824. Lettre d' officier, 1574. Michaud. Henry IV of France. Cham. Misc., v. 9, Life of. Cayet, Chron. novenaire, 1587-98. France Docts. in6d., Lettres, 1603-6. Lafolie, C. J., Fonte de la statue, 1819. Memoires secrets, 1765. Menzies, Royal favorites, 1865. P6r6fixe, History of, 1672. Ritter, M., Heinrich W. K. Bay. A. S., p. p. c. 1. See France, Histories of. Henry of Valois. Menzies, S., Royal fav- orites, 1865. Henry, Prince of Wales. Cornwallis, Sir E., Discourse, 1642. Peck's Dcsid. Curiosa, 1779. Henry, Prof. Joseph. Biog. of. Smith- sonian Rept., 1878. " Memorial of, 1880. Taylor, W. B., Memoir of, 1880. Henry, Patrick. Alexander, Rem, of. Va. H. R., 8. Webster, D., Priv. corresp., v. 1, 1857. Henry, T. Vie de. Soc. Mont., 6. Henry Co., 111. Hist, of, 1877. Henry Co. Ind. Pleas, Hist, of, 1871. Henry Co., Iowa. Hist, of, 1879. Henshaw, Col. W. Ms. H. S. P., 1876-7. Memoir of. Heuslow, J* S. Jenyns, Memoir of, 1872. Henson, J. Autobiog. (Stowe's Uncle Tom), 1879. Heraldry. Anstis, J., Corresp. Nic. III., 4. Arms of tlie States, Pranjr, Bo.ston, 1877. Baecker, L. de, Noblesse flamande, 1859. Barrington, A., Lectures on, 1844. Boutelle, C, U. hist, and popular, 1863. Heraldry (continued). Burke, J., Her. illustrations, 1846, 3 v. Chassant, A., Nobiliana, 1858. Collectanea topog. et geneal. (J. G, Nichols), L., 1843, 8 V. 8°. Debrett's Peerage of Gr. Brit., 1831. Fairbairn, J., Crests of families. Ferwerda, A., Wapen-Boek, van de zeven Prov., 1760-81, 3 v., fo. Foster, J., Visitations of Yorkshire, 1584- 1612. Goodwin, Arms of Goodwin and Bradbury, 1869, 4°. Guillim, J., Display of, 1679. Hampson, R. T., Origines patricise, 1846. Herald and genealogist, J. G. Nichols, L., 1863-74, 8 v., 8°. Heraldic anomalies, 1824. Hoadlev, C. J., Seal of Conn. Conn. H. S. d, 1. Pam., V. 2191. Papworth, J. W., Diet, of coats of arms, Gr. Br. and Ireland, 1874. Blanche, J. B., Heraldry founded on facts, 1873. Preble, G. H., Hist of the flag of the U. S., 1880. Prestwich, Sir J., Respublica of Cromwell, 1787. Rietstap, Armorial general de 1' Europe, 1861. Roll of Caerlaverock (Wright), 1864. Siebmacher, Allg. Wappenbuch, neue Auf- lage, NUrnb., 1880. Stodart, R. R., Scottish arms, 1881, 2 v., fo. Topographer, The, for 1789, 90, 91. L. 1789-91, 4 v. Topographer and geneal., J. G. Nichols, L., 1846-58, 3 v. See Bibliography ; Dignities ; Genealogies ; Nobility; Rank; Seals. Herbert, G. Works and life, L., 1824, 1846. Herculaneuni. <§£« Antiquities; Pompeii. Herder, J. G. von. De Qumcey, T., Writings, v. 17, 1854. Heredity. Clymer, M., Hered. genius, 1870. P. 2188. Dugdale, R. L., Hered. pauperism. Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., 1875-79. Fowler, 0. S., Hereditary descent, 1852. Galton, F., Hered. genius, 1869. Huth, A. H., Marriage of near kin, 1875. McGraw, T. A., Address, 1877. P. 2141. Nichols, J. G., Top. and geneal., 11, p. 1. Ribot, T., A study of, 1875. Heresies. Edwards, T., Gangraena, 1646. *5)eLfiMi:NT. IBl Khiva (continued). Mac Gahan, The oasis of. Am. Ge. S. J., 6. Relat. entr. la Russie et la K., 1824. Jour. Asiat., s. 1, V. 6. Khorassan. See Persia. Kidd, Capt. Wm. Coll. of Tracts, 1707, v. III. De Peyster, P., Addr., N. Y. Hist. Soc, 1879. Felt, J. B., Lecture, 1862. E. I. C, v. 4. Kimball, Rev. D. T. Jubilee disc, 1856. Kinderhook, N. Y. Collier, E. A., Hist, disc, 1866. P. 2102. King, Rev. B. Tuttle, J. F., Serm. on, 1863. Sketch of. N. J. H. P. 2, s. 2. King, D. P. Memoir of, E. I. C, v. 10. Winthrop, R. C, Death of, 1850. W. v. 1. King, Gov. J. A. Gould, J. S., Eulogium, 1867. P. 2123. King, Rufus. Considerations in favor, 1819. P. 2060. King, T. Starr. Morison, J. H., Serm. on, 1864. Whipple, E. P., Character of, 1868. King, Wm Works and memoir, L., 1776. King, W., U. S. A. To J. Monroe, 1820. P. 1907. Kings Co., N. Y. Atlas, 1873. See Long Island. Bergen, T. G., Register of families, 1881. N. Y., Doc. Hist., T. 3, 1698-1703. Kingsley, C. Greg, W. R., Lit. and Soc judgments, 1877. Kingsley, Letters and memories of, 1878. Kingston, R. L. Corresp. Nic 111., 3. Kingston, Can. Draper, W. G., Hist. of» 1862. Kingston, Mass, Centenn. celeb., 1876. Mass. H. S. C, s. 2, v. 3, Descr. of. Kingston, N. Hamp. N. Hamp. H. S., 5, Mortality in, 1725-1832. Kingston, N. Y. Brodhead, J. R., Notes on, 1860. U. H. C, 1. Kingston directory, 1877. Kingston centennial, Aug. 1, 1877. N. Y.,'Doc Hist, of N. Y., v. 4. Pratt, G. W., Vaughan's second exped., 1777. U. H. C, 1. Schuyler, G. W., Among the Dutch, in 1680. Vewsp. slips, 1880. Sharpe, G. H., Old houses of, 1875. P. 2090. Ulster H. C, 1, Epitaphs. Kip, L. W. Stryker, P., Disc, on, 1863. P. 2005. Kirby, W. Sturtevant, J. M., Disc, on, 1852. P. 1918. Kirk, E. N. Mears, D. 0., Life of, 1877. Kirkcudbright. Mackenzie, W., Hist, of Galloway, 1841. Kirkland, J. T. Young, A., Discourse on, 1840. Kirkland, S. Monument to, 1873. Kirkland, N. Y. Gridley, A. D., Hist, of, 1874. Kirkpatrick, A. Wilson, J. G., Life of. N. J. Hist. Soc, 1870. Kirkpatrick, D. Harbison, Disc on, 1869, P. 2006. Kitchel Family. Genealogy of, 1604-1879. Kitching, Col. J. H. Memorials of, 1873. Kittery, Me. Mc H. C, 4, Memorial of. Kleberg, J, Vie de. Soc Mont., 4. Klotz, C. A. Harles, T. C, De vitis philol., 1764. Knapp, Rev. J. Conduct of. Knebel, C. L. von. Robinson, H. C, Diary, 1869. Knights of Golden Circle. Authentic Exposition, 1861. P. 2587. Holt, J., Letter, 1864. P. 2168. Prescript of the K. G. C, 1865. P. 2587. See Ku Klux. Knights of Pythias, Order. Proceedings of G. L. of N. Y., 1871-79. Knights of St. John. Boisgelin, Anc and mod. Malta, 1805,2 v., 4°. See Chivalry. Knitting. Flohr, A., Directions for, 1846. Knollys, H. Brown, J. N., Momoir of. N. H. H., 5. Knowledge. Brougliam, H., Discourse on, 1827. Forbes, J., Happiness and K., 1851. Hartlib, S., Advancement of, 1648. H. M., 6. Hutton, J., Invest, of prin., 1794. Waterhouse, E., Apologie for learning, 1653. Wotton, W., Anc. and mod. learning, 1694. .