z UC-NRLF B 3 T2b M57 I *V^ . o . ^>Uri^VV^ , -■—}. mm A Plan for the Classification of Military Books on the Decimal System Prepared by direction of the Superintendent^ U. S. M. A. BY EDWARD S. HOLDEN WEST POINT United States MiKtary Academy Press 1904 iwf^yiSJI A Plan for the Classification of Military Books on the Decimal System Prepared by direction of the Superintendent, U. S. M. A. BY EDWARD S. HOLDEN WEST POINT United States Military Academy Press 1904 >^ ^^ CLASSIFICATION OF MILITARY BOOKS. The following pages represent a scheme of classification of military books on the Decimal System of Dr. Dewey. Of part I. only so much is printed as is necessary to exhibit the plan followed. The Index in part II. is practically complete. This scheme was completed in MS. in February, and a few copies of part I. were printed in August, 1902. It was sub- mitted to Dr. Dewey, State Librarian of New York, at Al- bany, for criticism, early in 1903. It has been revised and tested since that date at West Point and has been submitted to various officers for criticism— Major Wisser, Captains Willcox and Hero among the number. It will be adopted at West Point so soon as the scheme has been thoroughly re- vised. It is now printed for convenience in use and in order that it may be submitted to librarians, especially to those in charge of extensive military collections, for criticism. EDWARD S. HOLDEN, Librarian, U. IS. M. A. West Point, N. Y., August 28, 1904. 254073 PART I.— SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE. 027.5736 Post Libraries (U. S. A.) 09L9 Military Manuscripts. 262.1 Chaplains (U. S. A.) (See also 354.) 267.367 Y. M. C. A. in U. S. M. A. 312.736 Vital Statistics, U. S. Army (for vital statistics of foreign armies divide 312 like armies of the nations 354.30 to 99). .736 Casualties (U. S. Army). 313.736 Military Statistics, U. S. Army (except vital statis- tics) (for those of foreign armies divide like armies of the nations 354.30 to .99). 323. Censorship of Newspapers — of correspondents during war. 324.1 Voting of soldiers and sailors. 328. Public documents. .426 Blue Books (British Army). .427 (British Navy). .436 Blue Books (German Army). .437 (German Navy). .73 Blue Books (U. S.) (in general). .736 Blue Books (U. S. Army). .737 (U.S. Navy). .736 Military Committees of Congress (U. S.) 336. Funds — public. .736 Military Budgets (U. S. A.) .737 Naval Budgets (U. S. N.) .7361 Appropriation Bills (U. S. M. A.) (See 378.D). 341. International Law. 341.2 Treaties of Peace. 5 6 341.3 Laws of War. .3 Armistice. .3 Prisoners of War. .3 Property of the Enemy — public and private. .3 Privateers (law). 342.73 Aliens (to U. S.) .73 Bearing Arms (the right of) (U. S.) 343. Treason (law). .736 Crimes and Punishments (U. S. Army). 347.1 Habeas Corpus. 344. Martial Law. 344. Military Laws and Regulations. 344. Regulations — military. .736 (U.S. Army). .737 (U.S. Navy). .736 Articles of War. .736 Field Service Regulations (U. S. A.) .736 Army Orders (U.S.A.) See354.73671 and 354.73681. .7361 Military Courts (U. S.) 351.2 Blue Books (civil officers) (foreign countries). .273 Official Register (U. S.) .3 Examinations of Officers for first commissions; for promotion. .5 Military Pensions. .726 Accounts (money) of Army Officers. .7261 Property accounts. .74 Military Constabularv. .86 Administration of Military Affairs by the Central Government. .87 Naval affairs. .86 Standing Army (U. S.) — Relation of the Army to the Central Government. 351.86 Army Lists (U. S.) Registers. Rosters. 353.03 President of the U. S. (Commander-in-Chief.) .04 Departments (U. S. Government). .056 Secretary of War. .0561 Assistant Secretary of War. .6 War Department. .61 Bureaux of the War Department. .611 Reports to War Department. .611 " of Secretary of War. .612 " " General Officers and of the Gen. Stafe. .613 " " Officers of Adjutant General's Depart. .614 " " " " Inspector .615 " " " " J. A. .616 " " " " Q. M. .617 " " " " Subsistence Department. .618 " " " " Medical .619 " " " " Pay .620 " " " " Engineer Corps. .621 • " " " " Ordnance Department. .622 " " " " Signal Corps. .623 " " " " Artillery Corps. .624 " " Joint Army and Navy Board. .625 " " Infantry Board (U. S. A.) .626 " " Cavalry Board (U. S. A.) .627 " " Ordnance and Fortification Board. .628 Other Officers. (For U. S. M. A. see 378). .629 Civilians. .63 History of Regiments of the Regular Army (for their history in the Civil War period see 973. 741 ) . .7 U. S. Navy Department. .71 Navy Department Bureaux, U. S. N. .9 History of State Regiments (for their history in the Civil War period see 973.744). 354.306 Armies of the Nations (organization and admin- to .996 istration). ^ 8 354.307 Navies of the Nations (organization and adminis- to .997 tration.) 354.736 Army of the U. S. (its history as a whole. See 356.2, 357.2,358.2). .7362 Avmy of the U. S. — its component parts. .7363 Militia (U. S.) See 355.731. .7363 State Troops — National Guard— Organized Militia. .7364 Personnel — commissioned (U. S. Army). .7365 Personnel — enlisted. > .7366 Civilian Employes, U. S. A., and Camp Followers. .7366 Newspaper Correspondents in War. (See also Censorship 323). .7367 Organization and administration of U. S. Army. (Military Divisions, Districts, Departments.) .73671 Organization and administration of U. S. Army — in the field. (Armies, Corps, etc. Also G. O.) .73672 Army Posts — organization and administration of (U. S.) .73672 Post Exchanges (U. S. A.) .73672 West Point Army Mess (officers). .7368-9 Staff Departments (U. S. A.) and their work. .7368 General Staff (U. S. A.) .73681 Adjutant-General's Department (U. S. A.)— and its work; office of Military Secretary; Record and Pension office; G. 0. of A. G. O. ; Musters; Records; Rosters (see 351.86). .73682 Inspector General's Department (U. S. A.) — and its work. .73683 Judge-Advocate General's Department (U. S. A.) — and its work. .73683 Records of G. C. M., etc. (U. S. A.) .73684 Medical Department (U. S. A.) — and its work. .73684 Supply Departments (U. S. A.) .73685 Quartermaster General's Department (U. S. A.) 354.73686 Subsistence Department (U. S. A.) 354.73687 Pay Department (U. S. A.) .73088 Engineer Department (U. S. A.) .73()89 Ordnance Department (U. S. A.) .73691 Signal Corps (U. S. A.) Telegraph Troops. Balloon .73692 Special Troops (U. S. A.) .73693 Provost Marshal's Department (U. S. A.) .73693 Military Prisons (administration of) . (See also 365) . .73694 Secret Service (U. S. A.) .737 U. S. Navy. Divide like 354.736. .7374 Personnel — commissioned (U. S. Navy). .7375 Personnel— enlisted (U. S. Navy). .73742 Army of the Confederate States of America (1861-65) — administration. [D. C. number.] .73757 Navy of the Confederate States of America (1861-65) — administration. [D. C. number.] .73772 Shore Stations U. S. N. 355. Military Science and Art. .016 Military bibliography. .02 Hand-books (military) (in general). See 356.02, 357.02, 358.02. .03 Military Encyclopasdias and Dictionaries. See 903 and 909. .04 Military Essays. .07 Text-books — military science. .07 Military Schools and Education. .071 for officers (U. S. A.) .072 " " (foreign). .073 " non-commissioned ofiScers (U. S. A.) .074 " " " (foreign). .075 " soldiers (U. S. A.) .076 " " (foreign). .077 " cadets (U. S. A.) 355.078 " " (foreign). 10 355.079 College details (U. S. A.) See 371.43. .08 Military Collections (books). .09 Military Antiquities— Military Museums. Arms and armor (ancient). .11 Pay of officers (U. S. A.) .12 Pay of enlisted men (U. S. A.) .13 Pay of civilian employes (U. S. A.) .15 Pay of officers (foreign). .16 Pay of men ( " ). .17 Pay of civilians ( " ). .18 Mileage. .2 Uniforms, U. S. A. (for special articles of clothing, see also 646). .25 Uniforms (foreign). .3 Camp and Garrison Equipage (U. S. A.) .35 " " " " (foreign). .4 Camps and Barracks (U. S. A.) .45 " " " (foreign). See Castrametation 623.14. See Hospitals 362.1 .5 Transportation (military) by land (U. S. A.) .55 " " " " (foreign). .59 Army Transport Service (U. S. A.) .595 " " " (foreign). 355.6 Art of War. .61 Strategy— Military Geography. .618 Campaigns (special studies). See also Military History. .619 Battles (special studies) . See also Military History. .62 Grand Tactics. .63 Tactics — Manoeuvres. .64 Minor Tactics and Service of Security and In- formation — Reconnaissance. 355.65 Military Map-Making. 11 355.7 Military Science and Art; organization and ad- ministration in g:eneral. (For Armies of the Nations, see 354.30 to .99. N. B. Divide like 354.736 omitting the figures 3 and 6.) .71 Mobilization. (See also 355.61.) .711 (U.S.) .712 " (foreign). .72 Conscription. .721 (U. S.) .722 " (foreign). .723 Volunteers. .724 (U. S.) .725 " (foreign). .726 Irregular Troops. .727 " (U.S.) .728 " (foreign). .729 Porto Rican, Philippine Troops, etc. (U. S.) .73 Militia (in general). .731 " (U. S.) .732 " (foreign). .74 Special Troops (in general). .741 (U.S.) See 354.73692. .742 (foreign). .75 Army Service Corps (in general). .751 " (U.S.) .752 " (foreign). 355.77 Organization of Armies (in general). See 354.306 to .996. .78 Staff Organization (in general). .781 (U.S.) .782 (foreign). .783 .784 355.99 Military Miscellanies. 12 356.0 Infantry (in general). .01 officers of. .011 enlisted men. .02 Infantry — Hand Books (all armies). .021 Organization and administration. .022 Special equipment. .023 " armament. .024 " drill; and drill regulations (foreign), .025 Light Infantry; riflemen. .026 Heavy " of the line. .027 Mounted Infantry and rifles. .028 For officers. .029 For enlisted men. 356.1 Infantry (U. S. A.) .11 Organization and administration. .12 Equipment. .13 Armament. .14 Drill and Drill Regulations (U. S. A.) .15 Light Infantry; riflemen. .16 Heavy " of the line. .17 Mounted Infantry and rifles. .18 Officers. .19 Men. 356.2 Infantry (U. S. A.)— history. (1775 to date.) .21 Infantry, 1775 to 1789. .22 1st to 10th Infantry regiments, 1789 to date. .23 nth to 20th " .24 21st to 30th " 356.3 Infantry Tactics (in general) (See also 355.(54). .31 " " (U. S.) .32 " " (foreign). .4 Training of Infantry (in general). .41 " " " (U.S.A.) .42 " " " (foreign). 356.5 Infantry Fire (in general) 13 356.51 Infantry Five (U. S.) .52 " " (foreign). .7 Mounted Infantry (in general). .71 " " (U. S.) .72 " " (foreign). .99 Infantry— miscellanies. 357.00 Cavalry. (Divided in general like 356.) .01 officers of. .011 enlisted men. .02 Cavalry— Hand Books (all armies). .021 Organization and administration. .022 Special equipment. .023 " armament. 024 " drill; and drill regulations (foreign] .025 Dragoons; mounted rifles. .026 Lancers; uhlans; hussars. .027 Heavy cavalry; cuirassiers. .028 For officers. .029 For enlisted men. 357.1 Cavalry (U. S. A.) .11 Organization and administration. .12 Equipment and horses. .13 Armament. .14 Drill and Drill Regulations (U. S. A.) .15 Dragoons; mounted rifles. .16 Light cavalry. .17 .18 Officers. .19 Men. 357.2 Cavalry (U. S. A.)— history. (1775 to date.) .21 1775 to 1789. .22 1st to 5th regiments, 1789 to date. .23 6th to 10th .24 nth to 15th " 357.3 Cavalry Tactics. 14 357.4 Training of Cavalry. .8 Cavalry — horses. .99 Cavalry — miscellanies. 358.00 Artillery. (Divided in general like 357.) N. B. The technical parts of the subject — i.e. Manufacture of guns, ordnance, etc. — are given under 623 in the D. C. (For Gunnery, see 623.5) . .01 Officers of artillery. .011 Enlisted men. .02 Artillery — Hand Books (all armies). .021 Organization and administration. .022 Special equipment. .023 " armament. ,024 " drill; and drill regulations (foreign). .025 Mountain artillery. .026 Horse batteries; field batteries ; light artillery. .027 Siege artillery; heavy artillery. .028 Sea-coast artillery. .029 Mortar batteries. .0291 Pneumatic (dynamite) guns. .0294 Electric appliances; searchlights. .0295 Range finding. .0298 For officers. .0299 For enlisted men. 358.1 Artillery (U. S. A.) .11 Organization and administration. .12 Equipment and horses. .13 Armament. .14 Drill and drill regulations (U. S. A.) .15 Mountain artillery. .16 Light artillery. .17 Heavy artillery. .18 Sea-coast artillery. .191 Officers. 358.192 Enlisted men. 15 358.2 Artillery (U. S. A.)— history. (1775 to date.) .21 Artillerists; Corps, etc. (1775-1821.) .22 1st artillery regt., 1821 to date. .23 2d " .24 3d " .25 4tli " " " " .26 5tli " " 1861 " .27 6th and 7th artillery regt., 1898 to date. .28 Artillery corps since 1901. 358.3 Artillery Tactics. A Training of artillery. .5 Artillery Fire. .65 Artillery — mountain. .66 Field Artillery— in general. .661 Horse Artillery. .662 Horses— artillery. .67 Foot Artillery. .67 Artillery — siege. .68 Position-guns (artillery). .68 Artillery— coast defence — floating batteries (U.S. A) (See also 623.3 Coast Defence -engineering.) 358.7- Torpedoes and Mines (coast defence)— Torpedo Vessels — Sub-marines . .8 Artillery Ammunition and Projectiles. (See Gunnery 623.5.) .99 Artillery— miscellanies. 359. Naval Science and Art. Divide like 355. 361. The International Red Cross Society. 362.1 Military Hospitals. .8 Soldier's Homes. (See also 355.4.) 365. Prisons. (See also 354.73693.) 367.9 Army and Navy Clubs in Cities. (See 354.73672 for officers' mess clubs.) 368.3 Military Life Insurance. 369. Military Societies. 16 371.43 Military Organizations in Non-military Schools. .73 Military Gymnastics. .81 Honor (student). .82 Hazing (student life). at U. S. M. A. .89 Customs of Cadets, U. S. M. A. 372.9 Schools for Soldiers. 378.B. Visitors to U. S. M. A. (Boards of) Reports. C. Supt., U. S. M. A. Reports. D. Finances, U. S. M. A. Treasurer. Annual Appro- priations. E. U. S. M. A.— history. EE. Newspaper clippings. F. U. S. M. A.— necrology. H. ■ Cadet Registers (annual) U. S. M. A. I. U. S. M. A. Guide Books — circulars — information for candidates. K. U. S. M. A. Addresses, Sermons, etc. to Cadets. L. U. S. M. A. Memorabilia; Programmes, Tickets, Hop-Cards. M. U. S. M. A. Academic Board. N. U. S. M. A. Lectures; Examination Questions; MS. Lecture Notes, etc. O. U. S. M. A. Orations by Students; 4th of July Ad- dresses. P. U. S. M. A. Publications by Cadets; 100th Night Books; Class Annuals. R. Dialectic Society, U. S. M. A. Cadet publications. S. U. S. M. A. Cadet Songs; Miscellanies; Athletics. T. U. S. M. A. Association of Graduates; Annuals, etc. U. U. S. M. A. Class Histories, Reunions, etc. V. U. S. M. A. Class Albums; Portraits, etc. 378. W. U. S. M. A. Buildings and Grounds; maps and plans of; projects. 17 393.9 Military Funerals. 394.98 Military Customs and Ceremonies. .99 Customs of the Service— Navy. 399. Customs of War (savage tribes). 525.37 Projectiles (deviation of by earth's rotation). (See Gunnery 623.5) 526.99 Military Surveying. .99 Naval Surveys and Surveying— Hydrography. 531.8 Military Machines. 533.6 Aeronautics (military). 537.8 Electricity (in military affairs). .6 Anthropometry of Soldiers. 613.11 Acclimation of soldiers. .21 Food (for soldiers). (See also 643.) .21 Ration — proper constituents of. .48 Clothing of Soldiers— hygiene of, etc. .56 Hospitals (military)— hygiene. .67 Military Hygiene. .68 Naval Hygiene. .72 Physical Education. 614.88 First Aid to the Injured. .94 Animals — care of— hygiene of. .96 Transportation of Animals. 617.145 Gunshot Wounds. .99 Military Surgery. 619.1 Hippology; Veterinary Art. 623.0 Military Engineering. .1 Fortifications (in general j. .11 Fortifications (field). .13 Fortifications (semi-permanent). .17 Fortification (permanent). .2 Siege Operations. .3 Defensive Operations. .31 Defense of Fortified Places. 623.32 Defense of Field Works. 18 623.33 Defense of Entrenched Lines. A Ordnance (manufacture of). (The technics of Artillery. ) .411 Fabrication of Small Arms. .412 Manufacture of Cannon. .413 Machine Guns (manufacture, etc.) .415 Guns — field (manufacture, etc.) .415 Siege Guns (manufacture, etc.) .416 Cannon (sea-coast) (manufacture, etc.) .417 Artillery (naval) (manufacture, etc.) .42 Gun Carriages. .426 Disappearing Gun Carriages. .43 Ammunition. (See explosives 662.) .44 Projectiles (ordnance). .48 Arsenals. .49 Ordnance — miscellanies. 623.50 Gunnery (in general). .51 Interior Ballistics. .52 Exterior .53 Range Finding. .54 Gun Sights. .55 Penetration of Projectiles. .56 .57 .58 .59 Gunnery — miscellanies. 623.6 Military Roads. .64 Military Railways. .65 Military Bridges. (See 624.) .66 Ponton-bridges. 623.71 Signals (military). .72 Signals (naval). .75 Telegraphs and Telephones (military). .751 Wireless Telegraphy. 623.78 Ballooning— military. 19 623.79 Ballooning— naval. (See also 533.6) .8 Naval Engineering?. .95 Torpedoes (naval). Torpedo Vessels (U.S.N.) Sub-marines. 628.8 Ventilation of Barracks, etc. 633. Forage. (See 357.8.) 636.1 Horses. .11 Asses. .12 Mules. (See 355.5.) .2 Cattle (beef). 641. Cookery— military. (See also 355.3.) 643. Food of Soldiers. (See 613.21.) 652. Military (and naval) Telegraphic Codes. 654. Military Telegraphs. .4 Military Telegraph and Telephone Lines (construc- tion and equipment of). .5^ Military Telegraphic Cables. .6 Military Telephones. 657. Accounts (form of, military). 662. Explosives (manufacture). (614.8.31 safe storage of.) .1 Pyrotechny (military). 682.1 Horseshoeing. 685. Horse Equipments (manufacture). Cavalry. Artillery. Transportation . 687. Military Tailoring and Tailors. 699. Warships (construction of). 711. Reservations (military). 719. National Cemeteries (U. S.) 725.18 Barracks (architecture of). 730. Iconography (military). 778. Photography (military). 779. Collections of Military Photographs. 20 • 784.4 National Airs (songs). 788-789 Military Music. 796. Military Athletics (in general). 798. Horsemanship. 912. Maps and Charts (military)— see also Military His- tory. of West Point 378. W. 929. Military and Naval Heraldry. 930-999 Military History (foreign). 944.04 French Revolution. 1 Assembly, 1789-92. 2 First Republic, 1792-99. 3 Convention, 1792-95. 1 War of 1st Coalition np to establishment of Directory, 1795. Valmy, Toulon, Fleurns. 7 Wars in the Vendee. 4 Reign of Terror, 1793-94. Destruction of Lyons. 5 Directory, 1795-99. 1 Napoleon in Italy, 1796-97. 2 Campaign against Austro-Piedmontese — Millesimo, Mon- dovi. 3 Campaign against Austrians — Lodi, Areola, Eivoli. 4 Mantua, (July '96-Feb.; '97). 5 Passage of the Alps. 6 Jourdan and Moreau in Germany, 1796 — Wiirzburg, Etlingen. 7 Napoleon, (Kl^ber and Menou) in Egypt, 1798-1801. 8 Nile, 1798. 9 Kl^ber and Menou, 1800-1801. 6 Consulate, 1799-1804. 1 War of 2d coalition, 1799-1801. 2 Campaigns of 1799. 3 On the Rhine and Danube — Stockach. 4 In Switzerland — Zurich. 5 In Italy — Novi. 6 In Holland — Bergen. 7 Campaigns of 1800. 8 In Italy— Campaign of Massena, Marengo (Napoleon). 9 In Germany — Hohenlinden. 21 Works dealing with 944.04 and 943.05 together, should be put under 944.05. 944.05 First Empire. 1 War of 3d coalition, 1805. 1 Campaign against the Austrians— Ulni. 2 Trafalgar. 3 Campaign against Russians— Diernstein. 4 Campaign against Austro-Russians — Austerlitz. 2 War of 4th coalition, 1806-07. 1 Campaign of 1806 against Prussians— Jena and Auerstadt. 2 Campaign of 1807 against Russians and Prussians— Dantzig. 3 Winter campaign— Eyiau. 4 Spring campaign — Friedland. 3 Peninsular War, 1808-1814. Corunna (Sir John Moore), Salamanca, Talavera, Albuera, Vittoria, Toulouse. 4 War with Austria, 1809. Eckmuhl, Raab, Aspen and Essling, Wagram. 5 War with Russia, 1812. 1 Invasion— Moskowa (Borodino and Moshaisk), Burning of Moscow. 2 Retreat — Passage of Berezina. 6 War of ("Liberation") 5th coalition, 1813-14. 1 Campaign of 1813. 2 Pt.l, to armistice of Poischwitz (June-August), Liitzen, Bautzen. 3 Pt.2, to end of 1813— Dresden, Leipzig. 4 Campaign of 1814 (Invasion of France)— La Rothiere, Laon, Montereau, Fere-Campanoise. 5 Entrance into Paris. 6 Army of Lyons. 7 Army of Italy. 7 Restoration of Louis XVIII. , 1814-15. 8 Hundred days, March- June, 1815. Ligny, Quatre-Bras. 9 Waterloo (June 18,1815). For special studies of battle of this date. 22 944.081 Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71. 1 Operations in Alsace — Woerth. 2 Operations in Lorraine — Saarbruchen, Spicheren. 3 Operations about Metz— Resonville,Gravelotte,SaintPrivat. 4 Operations of Army of Chalons— Sedan, 5 Operations on the Loire— Beaune-la-Rolande, Leigny- poupry, Orleans. 6 Operations of 2d army of the Loire — Le Mans. 7 Operations in the East — H6ricourt. 8 Operations in Normandy and the North— Amiens, Saint Quentin. 9 Operations about Paris— Champigny, Buzenval. 8551-8600 Collected Biography. 8601-9500 Military Biography. 8601-9500 Biography — individual. A Records, U. S. M. A. C Congressional Documents. D Duplicates (in Tower Room). F Fiction in English. G- Books lent by Association of Graduates. L Books in Librarian's Office. M Books in Officers' Study. P300 to P499 Military Periodicals. R Books in Reading Room. RR Books reserved from circulation. PART II.— INDEX. 354.7364 A. A. C. S. .7364 A. A. Q. M. 623.114 Abattis. 613.11 Acclimation of Soldiers. 351.726 Accountability of Officers. 657. Accounts (form of, mili- tary). 351.726 Accounts (money) of Army Officers. .7261 Property accounts. 351.728 Accounts (money) of Naval Officers. 355.3 Accoutrements (military). 354.73671 Active Army (U. S. A.) .7364 Adjutant. 355.781 Adjt. Gen's. Dept.— in gen- eral. 354.7364 Adjutants— general, (U.S.) .73681 Adjutant-General's Depart- ment (U. S. A.) — and its work; and office of Mili- tary Secretary; G. O. A. G, O., &c.. Musters, Records, and Record and Pension Office. 353.613 Adjt. Gen.'sReports(U.S.) 355.7 Administration (military) — in general. 347.6 Administration — Councils of (U. S. A.) 351.86 Administration of Military Affairs by the Central Government. 354.737 Administration, U. S. N. .7367 Administration, Organiza- tion and of U. S. A. (Military Div., Districts, Depts.) .73671 Administration, Organiza- tion and of the U. S. Array in the field. (Ar- mies, Corps, etc.) — G.O. troops in the field. 23 .7374 .427 355.64 533.6 354.7364 355.2 533.6 341.3 342.73 355.12 .18 378.T 614.881 623.43 357.13 356.13 .5 623.432 356.5 358.18 .8 623.431 354.306 614.94 573.6 355.09 354.7365 .7364 353.03 623.22 336.7361 .736 .737 Admirals, (U. S. N.) Admiralty, (Gt. Britain). Advance Guards. Aeronautics (military). Aides-de-camp (U. S.) Aiguillettes (U. S. A.) Air-ships (military). Alabama — privateer, C.S.N Aliens (to U. S.) Allotments of pay— by en- listed men (U. S.) Allowances (military) Alumni Association, U. S. M. A. Ambulances. Ammunition. (See explo- sives 662) Ammunition— Cavalry. " — Infantry. " Supply of, in battle. Ammunition (artillery) Ammunition carts (Int.) Ammunition Parks. Ammunition-trains. Ammunition (small arms) Ancient Armies. Animals— care of — hygiene of. Anthropometr3' of Soldiers. Antiquities — military. Apothecaries, U. S. A. Appointment of Officers, U. S. A. A ppoi ntments(Presidential ) Approaches, Parallels and Trenches. Appropriation Bills (U. S. M. A. See 378. D) Bills (U. S. A.) Bills (U. S. N.) 24 623.8 Architecture (naval) (See 699) 341.6 Arbitration (law). 623.4 Armament of forts and of troops. 354.7286 Armies of Central America. .4016 to 4056 Armies of Mediaeval Europe. 354.306 to 354.996 Armies of the Nations (organization and administration). Armor (individual, ancient) Armored Cruisers. Fronts. R. R. Trains. Turrets. Vessels (construction of). Armorers (U. S.) Armories. 354.73689 Armories, U. S. A. (ad- ministration of) Arms and armor (ancient) (modern) See 356.13, 357.13, 358.13. Arms (the right to bear) (U. S.) Army and Navy Board (U. S.) 367.9 Army and Navy Clubs in Cities. (See 354.73672 for officers' mess clubs.) 362.1 Army and Navy General Hospital U. S.) 354.73742 Army of the Confederate States of America (1861- 65). .73671 Army Corps, organization and administration, U. S. A. .4366 Army Lists (Austro-Hun- gary) . 355.09 359.8 613.184 355.5 623.185 699. 354.7365 623.48 355.09 342.73 353.631 .716 .446 .436 .426 .726 .476 -(Canada) -(France) -(Germany) -(Great Britain) -(Mexico) -(Russia) 351.86 Army Lists (U. S.) Registers. Rosters. 355.63 Army Manoeuvres. .071 Army Medical Schoo (U. S. A.) 354.636 Army of Abyssinia. .826 Army of Argentine Repub lie. .43466 Army of Baden. .4366 Army of Austria-Hungarj^ .936 Army of Australasia. .4336 Army of Bavaria.' .4976 Army of Bulgaria. .4936 Army of Belgium. .846 Army of Bolivia. .816 Army of Brazil. .716 Army of Canada. .836 Army of Chile. .516 Army of China. .866 Army of [U. S.] Columbia .73742 Army of the C. S. A. .866 Army of Ecuador. .606 Army of Egypt (modern). .446 Army of France. .4.36 Army of Germany. .426 Army of Great Britain. .386 Army of Ancient Greece. .386 Army of (modern) Greece .43916 Army of Hungary. .546 Army of India (British). .456 Army of Italy. .526 Army of Japan. .726 Army of Mexico. .4926 Army of the Netherlands. .7361 Army of the North Ameri can Colonies before 1775 .486 Army of Norway. .896 Army of Paraguay. .4386 Army of Poland. .856 Arnij' of Peru. .4316 Army of Prussia. .376 Army of Ancient Rome. .4986 Army of Roumania. .476 Army of Russia, 25 354.4326 Army of Saxony. .4976 Army of Servia. .466 Army of Spain. .486 Army of Sweden. .4946 Army of Switzerland. .4966 Army of Turkey. .736 Army of the U. S. (history) . See 356.2, 357.2, 358.2. .7362 Army of the U. S. — its component parts. 353.63 Army of the U. S. History ofRegimentsof the Regu- lar Army (for their his- torj' in the Civil War period see 973,741.) 354.736 Army of the U. S. (organ- ization and administra- tion.) .896 Army of Uruguay. .876 Army of Venezuela. .4346 Army of Wurttemburg. .73672 Army Posts — organization and administration of (U. S.) Army Registers (U. S.) Lists. Army Regulations (U.S.A.) Army Relief Society (U. S.) Army Reserve (U. S.) Army Service Corps (in general). Army Service Corps (foreign). Army Service Corps (Great Britain). See 355.752. Army Service Corps (U. S. A.) See 355.751. Army Transport Service by Sea (foreign). Army Transport Service by Sea (U. S.) ArmyWarCollege(U.S.A.) Arsenals U. S. A. (admin- istration of). See 623.48. Art of War. Articles of War. Artificers (U. S.) 351.86 344.736 369. 354.7367 355.75 .752 354.426 .73685 355.595 .59 .071 354.73689 355.6 344.736 354.7365 *The technical parts of the subject— i. e. Manufacture of guns, ordnance, etc. under 623. (For Gunnery, see 623.5.) 358.00 *Artillery. 358.8 Artillery Ammunition and Projectiles. .68 Artillery— Coast Defence — Floating Batteries U.S.A. See also 623.3, Coast Defence — Engineering) . .28 Artillery Corps U. S. A. .14 Artillery -Drill and Drill Regulations (U. S.) .5 Artillery Fire. (See Gun- nery 623.5.) .67 Artiller}' Garrison. .02 Artillery— Hand Books (all armies). .66 Artillery— light. .65 Artillery — mountain. 623.417 Artillery (naval) (manu- facture of). 358.4 Artillerv' (polygons of in- struction). .67 Artillery — siege. 623.52 Artillery Ranges. 358.61 Artillerj- Reserve. 355.071 Artillery School (U. S. A.) 358.68 Artillery — sea coast. .024 Artillery— special drill and drill regulations (foreign). .3 Artillery Tactics. .2 Artillery (U. S. A.) (1775 to date). 354.7365 Artisans. 359.6 Art of Naval Warfare. .61 Naval Strategy. .62 " Grand Tactics. .63 " Tactics. .64 " Minor Tactics. 355.6 Art of War. 623.26 Assaults (on fortified places). 353.0561 Assistant Secretary of War (U. S. A.) 378. T Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A. 796. Athletics. 378.8 U. S. M. A. 26 354.7364 Attaches— military (U. S.) 355.016 356.3 Attack formations (Inf.) 359.016 351.726 Audits (military accounts) 623.413 Automatic Guns. 796. 355.5 Automobiles (military) 355.4 369.145 Aztec Club of 1847. 8551-8600 355.2 Badges of Regiments and 8601-9500 Corps. 355.4 355.5 Baggage — military. 354.7365 355.3 Bakeries — military. (See also 640.) 355.072 354.7365 Bakers, U. S. A. 623.52 Ballistics (exterior) .3 .51 (interior) 662.2 623.78 Ballooning — military. 341.3 .79 naval. (See also 533.6.) 623.21 533.6 Balloons— military. .13 614.88 Bandages. 355.2 354.7362 Bands— military (U. S. A.) 351.2 929.9 Banners. 725.18 Barracks (architecture of). 328.426 .427 .436 355.45 (foreign). .2 shoes. .4 U. S. .437 .73 .736 .737 '^ri4 7'^fi8S 613.67 hygiene of. 623.114 Barricades. 355.61 Base of Operations (war) 623.18 Bastion System. OtJT . 1 tJUOO 354.73688 Battalion of Engineers, U. .737 S. A. 358.1 Batteries, Artillery (U. S.) 353.62 623.23 Batteries— Siege(the works, not the guns.) 354.73689 719. Battle Ground Cemeteries. 756. Battles — Paintings of. 353.627 359.8 Battleships. 355.639 Battles — Special Studies. 344.7362 See also Military History. 373.B. 796. Bayonet Exercise. See also 356. 355.64 623.411 Bayonets. 358.21 342.73 Bearing Arms (the right of) 623.25 U. S. .23 341.3 Belligerents (rights of) 336.736 355.2 Belt-plates. 657. .2 Belts. 354.456 Bersaglieri (Italy) 355.2 Bibliography (military) Bibliography of Naval Sci- ence. Bicycling — military. Billeting of Troops. Biography— collected. military. Bivouacs. Blacksmiths, U. S. A. Blacksmiths, U. S. A. Training School at Fort Riley, Kansas. Blankets. Blasting Powder. Blockades. (in sieges) Block Houses. Blouses. Blue Books (civil officers) (foreign countries). (British Army.) (British Navy.) (German Army.) (German Navy.) (U. S.) (in general.) (U. S. Army.) (U. S. Navy.) Boards of Engineers (U. S. A.) Board of Navy Commis- sioners (U. S. N.) Boards of Officers, Reports, etc., of (U. S.) Board of Ordnance and Fortification (U. S. A.) Board of Ordnance and Fortification — Reports. Boards of Survey (U.S.A.) Boards of Visitors (U. S. M. A.)— Reports. Body Guards. Bombardiers (U. S. A.) Bombardment (in sieges) Bomb-Proofs. Bonds (of ofiicers) (U.S.A.) Book -Keeping (military) (forms of accounts). Boots (military). 27 341.3 Booty. 355.14 Bounties (military) (in gen- eral). 353.64 Bounties (U. S. A.) 355.2 Brassards (uniform). 623.25 Breaching of Walls. (See 358.5). 641. Bread (cookery). 683. Breech -Loading Small Arms (manufacture of) (non-militarv) . See 623.411. 623.412 Breech Mechanism (can- non). .411 Breech Mechanism (small arms). 354.7364 Brevets. 623.66 Bridge Equipage (ponton). .65 Bridges (military). See 624. 354.73688 Bridge, Train Troops, etc., (U. S.) See 355.741. 357.8 Bridles. 343. Brigands (law). 354.426 British Army. .427 British Navy. 351.725 Budget ( annual ) Armv. See 336. 336.736 Military Budgets (U. S. A.) .737 Naval Budgets (U. S. N.). 788.4 Bugle Calls. 623.49 Bullet Proof Clothing. 623.441 Bullets (small arms). 355.781 Bureau of Military Infor- mation (in general). 353.73681 Bureau of Rolls A. G. 0. (U. S.) .61 Bureaux of the War De- partment (U. S.) 355.2 Buttons (military). 654.5 Cables (submarine) (mili- tary ) . 371.8 Cadet life and Customs (U. S.) 355.078 Cadets at Military Schools (foreign). 354.7364 Cadets (medical) (U.S.A.) 355.2 Cadet Tniforms. 636.9 Camels (means of trans- port) . 929.799 355.619 .35 .3 929.9 354.7366 355.45 .4 613.67 623.14 355.63 .2 623.442 .54 355.3 354.7367; 355.2 341.3 355.2 354.7364 341.3 623.411 .42 636.6 912. 623.432 .431 355.5 623.186 355.63 312.736 355.017 636.2 357.00 .1 355.71 Campaign Medals (U. S.) Campaigns (special stud- ies). See Military Histor>'. Camp and Garrison Equip- age (foreign). Camp and Garrison Equip- age (U. S.) Camp Colors. Camp-Followers. Camps and Barracks (for- eign). Camps and Barracks (U.S.) Camps (hygiene of). Camps (intrenched). Camps of Instruction. Candidates Stripes. Canister (artillery). Cannon Sights. Canteens (accoutrements). Canteens (Post Exchanges) (U. S. A.) Canvas Clothing. Capitulations. Caps. Captains (U. S. A.) Captured Property. Carbines. Carriages for Guns. Carrier Pigeons (in war). Cartography. See 355.65. Cartridges (cannon). Cartridges (small arms). Carts (military). Casemates. C a s t r a m e t a t i o n . See 623.14. Casualties (U. S. A.) Catalogues of Military Li- braries. Cattle (beef). Cavalry (in general). Cavalrj' (U. S. A.) Cavalry (U. S. A.) historj^ (1775-date). Cavalrv and Field Artillery School (U. S. A.) Fort Riley, Kansas). 28 353.626 Cavalry Board (U. S.) 357.14 Cavalry — Drill and Drill Regulations (U. S.) 357.02 Cavalry— Hand Books (all armies). .8 Cavalry — horses. 357.4 Cavalry — marching. .8 Remounts. .024 Special Drill , and Drill Regulations (foreign). .3 Tactics. (See also 355.64). .4 Training. 719. Cemeteries— battle ground. 323. Censorship of Newspapers — of correspondents dur- ing war. 357.8 Census of Horses. 394.98 Ceremonies (military.) 355.2 Chapeaux. 354.7364 Chaplains, U. S. A. (See also 262.1.) 356.025 Chasseurs. 354.446 d'Afrique (France). 371.89 Cheers— college. 355.2 Chevrons. 354.7365 Chief Musician (U. S.) 358.01 of Artillery, U. S. A. 354.73688 of Engineers, U. S. A. .73689 of Ordnance, U. S. A. .7368 of Staff, U. S. A. ,73691 Signal Officer, U. S. A. .7365 Trumpeter (U. S.) 369.137 Children of the American Revolution. .131 Cincinnati — Society of the 652. Cipher Codes (military.) 313.736 Citizens Liable to Military- Duty (U. S.) 342.73 Citizens (who are?) (U.S.) 354.7366 Civilian Employes, U.S.A., and Camp Followers. .7366 Civil i:mployment (of Officers and Soldiers, U. S. A.) 355.17 Civilians, Pay of.. (foreign) .13 (U. S.) 351.1 369.17 .15 378.V 354.7366 .7365 613.11 355.2 613.48 359.61 358.18 .68 .7 68 355.2 .2 652. 344.736 393.19 779. 371.89 355.079 .08 779. 354.7364 .7361 369.126 355.729 929.9 354.7364 Civil Service Appointments, etc. (U. S.) (civil em- ployes—War Dept.) Civil War Associations- Confederate. Northern. Class Albums, U. S. M. A. Clerks — civilian— U. S. A. Clerks (military) (enlisted men ) Climate, its effect on Soldiers Clothing— military ( u n i- form.) Clothing of Soldiers— hy- giene, etc. Coaling Stations (U. S. N.) Coast (and harbor) De- fence Vessels. Coast Artillery (U. S.) Coast Batteries (in general) Coast Defence (in general) Coast Defence (U. S. A.) Artillery (See also 623.3 Coast Defence — Engi- neering) . Coats. Cockades (military). Codes — cipher. Codes of Military (U. S.) Coffins for Soldiers. Collections of Military gravings. College Cheers. College Details (U. S. See 371.42. Collections (military books) Collections of Military Photographs. Colonels, U. S. Colonial Army before 1775. Colonial Order of the Acorn ColonialTroops— See Great Britain, France, Italy, &c. Colonial Troops (U. S.) Colors (flags.) Commander-in-Chief (the President.) See 353.03. Law. En- A.) A. (America) 29 354.7364 Command of Troops (the right to.) .7368(> Commissary Department (u. s. a:) .73G4 Commissaries, U. S. A. .7365 Commissary-Sergeants. 344.7361 Commissions — Mi litarv, (i. e. courts.) (U. S.) 354.7364 Commissioned Officers. .7364 Commissions of Officers, U.S. A. 355.61 Communications (strategy) .18 Commutation of Military Allowances — rations, etc. 371.279 Competitive Examinations (entrance to U. S. M. A. 378N) 355.61-62 Concentration of Troops (strategic) 328.736 Congress— (Military Com- mittees of) (U. S. A.) 355.72 Conscription (in general). .722 (foreign). 357.8 of horses. 355.721 (U. S.) 354.7362 Conscription (U. S. A.) 344.736 Constitution of the U. S. (as affecting the army). 614.4 Contagious and infectious diseases (U. S. A.) 354.73611 Continental Army (Amer- ican War of Independ- ence). 336.736 Contingent Funds (U.S.A.) 355.12 Continuous Service Pay. 341.3 Contraband of War. 347.4 Contracts (law). 351.726 Contracts (military U.S.A.) 354.7364 Contract Surgeons (U.S. A.) 341.3 Conventions (military). .343. Convicts (military). 641. Cookery (military). See also 355.3. 354.7365 Cooks (U. S. A). .7366 Coolies. 355.2 Cork Helmets. .7365 Corporals (U. S.) 354.7366 Correspondents of News- papers in War. See also 323. Censorship. 355.64 Cossack Posts. 347.6 Councils of Administration (U. S. A.) 354.73671 Councils of War (U. S. A.) .7365 Couriers (military). 344.7361 Courts Martial (U. S. A.) 394.8 Courts of Honor (military) . 344.7361 Courts of Inquiry (U.S.A.) 343.736 Crimes and punishments (U. S. A.) 343. Criminal Law. 623.66 Crossing of Streams (mili- tary). 623.9 Cruisers (Navy) See 359.8. 354.446 Cuirassiers (France). 623.185 Cupolas (military). 354.73693 Customs— Guards. 371.89 Customs of Cadets, U. S. M. A. 394.98 Customs of the Service- army. 399. Customs of War (savage tribes). .355.74 Cyclists (military). 355.03 Cyclopfedias (military). 652. Cypher Writing (U. S. A). 312.7.36 Deaths (U. S. A.) Statistics. 354.73681 Deceased Soldiers. 341.3 Declarations of War. 929.7 Decorations and orders (heraldry). 356.32 Defense of Field Works. 623.31 Defense of Fortified Places. 355.64 Defense of Rivers. 358.7 Defense of Sea Coasts. 662.4 Delay Fuses. 623.114 Demolitions (military). 354.7364 Dental Surgeons (U. S. A.) 353.04 Departments (U. S. Gov't) . 354.7367 Departments (military) (U. S. A.) 355.12 Deposits (enlisted men). 354.73681 Descriptive Lists (of en- listed men). 30 354.73681 Desertions (military), U. S. A. (For statistics see 313.7367.) 354.7365 Despatch-riders. .7364 Details of Officers, U. S. A. to Staff Depts., etc. 662.4 Detonators. 355.5 De-training Troops. 378. R. Dialectic Society, U.S. M. A. publications. 355.03 Dictionaries — military. 623.426 Disappearing Gun Carri- ages. 354.7364 Disbursing OfHcers, U.S.A. .73681 Discharges ( from the Army) .355.07 Discipline (military). 365. of Prisoners. 614.4 Diseases— Contagious and Infectious (U. S. A.). 619. Diseases of Animals. 614.48 Disinfection — of Barracks, Camps, Ships, etc. 354.73681 Dismissals (from the Army) 628.3 Disposal of Sewage, etc. 354.7367 Districts — military, U.S.A. 353.61 Division of Insular Affairs, (U. S.). 354 . 7368 Division of Military Infor- mation (U. S. A.). .7367 Divisions— military, U.S. A. 328. Documents— Public. 636.7 Dogs in War. 614.91 Domestic Animals — Infec- tious Diseases. 354.7362 Drafts (inU. S.). .357.15 Dragoons (U. S.). 614.77 Drainage of Camps, etc. 744. Drawing — (Engineering). 526.98 Topographical. 614.88 Dressing Packets (individ- ual)— First Aid to the injured. .355.2 Dress Uniforms. Drill and Drill Regulations 358.14 Artillery, (U. S.). 357.14 Cavalry, (U. S.). 356.14 Infantry, (U. S.). 358.024 Drill Regulations— Art il- lery (foreign) . Cavalry (foreign). Infantry (foreign). Drill Sheds. Drum Calls. Drum Majors, U. S. A. Drummers. Drunkeness (crim. law). Duelling (military). Dynamite (614.833 storage of). Dynamite Gun Carriages. Dynamite Guns. Earth Works. Education (military). Effect of Bullets. Efficiencv Reports of Officers (U. S. A.) Effigies (monumental) Electrician Sergeants. Electricity (in military af- fairs). Electric Motors. Electric Search-Lights. See 358.0294. Electro-Ballistic Machines. Emblems (military). Emergency Ration. Encyclopaedias (military). Engagements (combats). Engineer Department (U. S. A.) 623.0 Engineering — militar}' (in general). 354.7364 Engineer Officers (U.S.A.) 355.071 Engineer School (U.S.A.) 354.73688 Engineers (Corps of — U. S. A.) 355.74 Engineer Troops (in gen- eral). 354.7365 Enlisted Men (U. S.) .73681 Enlistments (of recruits). 929.9 Ensigns (military). 623.114 Entanglements. 355.5 Entraining Troops. .62 Entrenched Camps. 357. 024 356.024 355. 4 789. 1 354. 7365 7365 343. 394. 8 662. 2 623. ,429 ,419 13 355, ,07 617, .145 354, ,7364 718, 354 ,7365 537 .8 621 .34 537 .83 623 .52 929 643 355 .03 358.5 354 .73688 31 355.3 2 .35 .3 .3 359.3 355.3 798. 354.436 355.5 .64 .04 395.9 351.3 354.73681 .7365 371.27 354.7364 341.3 354 . 73672 344.736 358.5 356.5 351.726 .7261 623.441 662.2 662. 355.12 623.411 355.2 354-7365 Entrenching Tools. Epaulets. Equipage, Camp and (iar- rison (foreign). Equipage. Camp ami (Har- rison (U. S.) Equipment (armv). See 623.4. pAjnipment (navy). Equipment for Horses. Equitation. Ersatz* Reserve (German army). Escort Wagons (U. S. A.) Espionage (military). Essays (military). Etiquette (official). Examination of Officers (U. S. A.) for promotion. See 354.7364. Examination of Recruits. Examinations of Enlisted Men (U. S. A.) for pro- motion. Examinations (schools). Exchange Officer (U.S.A.) Exchange of Prisoners. Exchanges— post (U.S.A.) Exemption (from military service) . Expenditure of Ammuni- tion (Artillery) . See 358.8. Expenditure of Ammuni- tion (Infantry). Expenditures of Funds (army). of Property (army). Explosive Bullets (small arms). Explosives. manufacture of. (614.831 safe storage of) . Extra Duty Pay (enlisted men). Fabrication of Small Arms. Facings (uniform). Farriers (U. S.) 355.072 Farriers (U. S. A.) Train- ing School at Fort Riley, Kansas. 2 Fatigue Uniforms (U. S.) 354 . 7366 Female Hospital Nurses (U. S. A.) 796. Fencing. 623.67 Ferries (military). 354.73671 Field Army (U.' S. A.) 358.66 Field Artillery (in general) . 623.111 Field Fortifications (gen- eral works). .112 description of special works. .112 practical processes. 535.83 Field Classes (military). 623.423 Field Gun Carriages. .415 Field Guns. 362.1 Field Hospitals. 623.11 Field Intrenchments. 355.3 Field Kit (U. S.) 355.3 Field Kitchens (U. S.) 354.7362 Field Musicians (U. S. A.) .7364 Field Officers (U. S.) 3.55.3 Field Ovens (U. S.) 613.21 Field Ration (U. S. A.) 355 . 7 Field Service. 623.11 Field Works. 354.7365 Fifers (U. S.) 613.35 Filters (military) 614.51 Filth Diseases (public health). 354 . 7368^ ( Final Statements (U.S.A.) 356.5 Fire of Infantry. 623.52 Fire Tables (artillery). 662.1 Fireworks (chem. tech). 614.88 First Aid to the Injured. 623.431 Fixed Ammunition (small arms). 929.9 Flags. 341.3 Flags of Truce. 623.52 Flight of Projectiles. 358.68 Floating Batteries (U. S.) See 623.9. 623.66 Folding Boats (military). 613.21 Food (for soldiers). 358.67 Foot Artillery. 32 797. Foot Ball. 355.2 Foot Gear— military (U.S.) 633. Forage. See 357.8. 354.7365 Forage Masters (U. S.) 357.8 Forage Ration (for cavalry) 355.64 Foraging. 354.446 Foreign Legion (France). .73693 Forestry Guards (U.S.A.) 355.1 Forfeitures of Pay, etc. 358 . 62 Forges— field ( for artillery) . 623.11 Fortifications (field). .1 Fortifications (in general). .111 Fortification— field (general works on). 623.17 Fortification (permanent). .171 (permanent). Gener- al works on. .172 (permanent). Descrip- tion of Special Forts — Practical Works on. .131 (semi-permanent) — General Works on. 635. 358. 344. 354. 623. 354. 344. 362. 354, .132 Description of Special Works. .r6bi. .1 Fortified Positions. 358.68 Fortress (Artillery). 623.182 Fortresses. .7369; .13 Forts. 354.73672 Administration of (U. S.). 355.071 623.24 354.446 361. Fougasses. Francs-tireurs. Freedman's Bureau (U.S.) 354.7368 353.612 621.5 Freezing Machines. 662.4 Friction Primers. 361. 354.73693 Frontier-Guards, U.S.A. 355.61 Frontiers — Military. 355.61 336.736 Funds (military). .2 336. Funds— public. 354.7364 393.9 Funerals (military). 369.151 644. Fuel (U. S. A.)."' 662.4 Fulminates. 355.62 355.2 354 73681 Fur Clothing for Soldiers (U.S.). Furloughs. .14 623.442 662.4 Fuses. 355.14 Gardens (soldiers) (U. S.) (See 354.73672). 67 Garrison Artillery. 7361 Garrison Courts Martial (U. S. A.). 355.85 Garrison Equipage, Camp and (foreign). .3 Garrison Equipage, Camp and (U. S.). 73672 Garrisons (U. S. A.)— Or- ganization and adminis- tration. 413 Gatling Guns. 446 Gendarmerie (France). 7361 General Courts-martial (U. S. A.) 1 General Hospitals. 7364 General-in-Chief. General ( and special ) Orders. See 354 .7 under the special armv, i. e.(U.S.) 354.73681, also 344.736. 354.7364 General Officers, U. S. A. G. O. Troops in the Field — Organization and Admin- istration of U. S. Army in the Field (Armies, Corps, etc.) See 344.736. 3693 General Prisoners U. S. A. (See also 365.) General Service and Staff College, Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas. General Staff (U. S. A.). General Staff — Reports of General Officers and of the (The) Geneva Convention of 1864. Geography, Military. Gloves (U. S. A.). Grades of Rank (U.S.A.) Grand Armv of the Repub- lic (U. S.'). Grand Tactics. Grants of Money (to soldiers). See 351.5. Grape (artillery). Gratuities (to soldiers). 33 354.7366 Grooms (military). 355.64 Guard Dnty. 357.3 Guard Dntv— Cavalry (In- fantry 35(5.3) (See 355. G4) 341.3 Guerilla Warfare (law). 378.1. GuideBook.sto U.S.M. A. 354.7366 Guides (civil emplov6s, U. S. A.). 929.9 Guidons. 623.42 Gun Carriages. 662.2 Gun Cotton. 683. Gun Making (small arms) (non-military). (See 623.411. 623.42 Gun Mounts. 354.7365 Gunners (U. S. A.). 623.50 Gunnery (in general^. 662.3 Gunpowder (manufacture of). .3 Gunpowder— sporting. 358.6 Guns (Artillery). 623.415 Guns— field (manufacture) 358.62 Gun-sheds. 623.187 Gun-shields. 617.145 Gunshot Wounds. 623.54 Gun Sights (small arras). .51 Guns— (strains in). 355.4 Gymnasiums (military). 796. Gymnastics (military). 371.73 Gymnastics (schools). 347.1 Habeas Corpus. 355.02 Hand-books (military) (general) (all armies). for Infantry Hand-books see 356.02. for Cavalry see 357.02 for Artillery see 358 .02 357.8 Haras (military). 357.022 Harness— Cavalry. 358.12 Artillery. 359.8 Harbor Defence Vessels. (See 358.68, 358.7, 623.9). 358.662 Harness (artillery horse). 685. Harness-making. 355.2 Hats (U. S. A.). .3 Haversacks (U. S. A.). 371.82 Hazing (student life). at U. S. M. A. 355.64 Headquarter-guards. 354.7.367 Headquarters (U. S. A.). 628.8 Heating of Barracks, etc., (apparatus 697). 358.67 Heavy Artillery. 355.2 Helmets (U. S.). 929. Heraldry (military). 369. Hereditary and Patriotic Societies (U. S.). 353.63 History of Regiments of the Regular Army (for their history in the Civil War period see 973.741). .9 History of State Regiments (for their history in the Civil War period see 973.744). 378. E. History, U. S. M. A. 619.1 Hippology; Veterinary Art 394.9 Holidays— national . 394.8 Honor (military). .98 Honors — military. 371.81 Honor (student). 358.661 Horse Artillery, .661 Horse Batteries. 685. Horse Equipments(m'f'g) . 357.12 Cavalry. 358.12 Artillery. 355.5 Transportation service 798. Horsemanship. 636.1 Horses. 358.662 Horses— artillery. 357.8 Horses— census of. .8 Horses — conscription of. .8 Horses— cavalry. 357.8 Horse-shoes. 357.4 Horse Training (military). 613.56 Hospitals (military) —hy- giene. 354.7365 Hospital Attendants, U. S. A. 354.7368J [ Hospital Corps (U. S. A.). 362.1 Hospital Railway Cars. .1 Ships. .1 Military. 354.7365 Stewards (U. S. A). 341.3 Hostages. 34 357.8 623.415 354.446 613.67 .68 .72 .57 730. 621.5 355.3 .741 419.1 8601 to 355.071 353.625 356.14 .5 .52 .51 .02 .0 .4 .71 .72 .024 .3 .32 .31 .42 .4 .41 .1 .2 Housings. (See 355.3). Howitzers. Hussars (France). Hygiene— military. Naval. of Athletics. of Prisons. Iconography (military). Ice Machines (military). Implements (Engineers). Indian Scouts (U. S. A.) Indian Sign Language. 9500 Individual Biography. Infantrv and Cavalry School (U. S. A.) Infantry Board (U. S.) Infantry Drill Regulations (U. S.) Infantry Fire (in general). Infantry Fire (foreign). Infantry Fire (U. S.) Infantry— Hand Books (all armies) . Infantry (in general). Infantry Marching. Infantry — mounted ( in general) . Infantry— mounted (U.S.) Infantry — mounted (for- eign). Infantry— special drill and drill regulations (foreign armies). Infantry Tactics (in gen- eral). See also 355.64. Infantry Tactics (foreign). See also 355.64. Infantry Tactics (U. S.) See also 355.64. Infantry— training of (for- eign). Infantry — training of (in general). Infantry — training of (U.S.) Infantry (U. S. A.) Infantry (U. S. A.) history (1775 to date.) 356.3 Infantrv Tactics. See also 355.64. 355.64 Information and Security — service of. 344.7361 Inquiry— courts of (U.S. A.) 362.2 Insane Hospitals (military) 354.73681 Insane Soldiers (U. S. A.) 355.2 Insignia (military). 354.73682 Inspections (U. S. A.) .73682 Inspector General's De- partment (U. S. A.) and its work. 358.01 Inspector of Artillery. 356.4 Instruction of Soldiers- Infantry. 357.4 Cavalry. 358.4 Artillery. 368.3 Insurance (military). 355.61 Intelligence (military). See also 354.7368. .75 Intendence — military ( in general). 341. International Law. 361. (The) International Red Cross Society. 354.7366 Interpreters— military (U. S.) 344 . 736 Intoxicating Drinks (regu- lations for sale to soldiers U. S. A.) 623.14 Intrenched Camps. 355.3 Intrenching Tools (U. S.) 623.113 Intrenchments. 354.73611 Invalids (corps of) (U.S. A ) .73685 Inventories (U. S. A.) 623.114 Inundations (military) See 627.4. 355.726 Irregular Troops (ingen'l). .728 Irregular Troops (foreign). .727 Irregular Troops (U. S.) 623.9 Iron Clad Vessels. 353.624 Joint Army and Navv Board (U. S.) 354.73683 Judge-Advocate General's Department (U. S. A.) and its work. 355.2 Khaki Uniforms (U. S.) 35 312.736 Killed in Battle (U. S. A.) statistics. 30.T.3 Kit— a soldier's (U. S.) .3 Kitchens— military (U. S.) See also 640. 533.6 Kites (for military uses). 355.3 Knapsacks (U. S. A.) .99 Kriegspiel. 354.7365 Lance Corporal (U. S. A.) 357.16 Lancers. 623.411 Lances. 354.436 Landwehr (German army) 628.45 Latrines. 354.7366 Laundresses, U. S. A. 344. Law — military. Martial. 341. Law of Nations. 354.7364 Leavesof Absence(U.S.A.) .7364 Leaves— sick. 355.2 Leggings (U. S. A.). 354.7362 Levies (military). .7362 Liability to Military Ser- vice. (For statistics of, see 313.736). 378. Library— U. S. M. A. 378. C. Reports of Librarian. . I . Library Catalogues and Lists. .W. Library Building. 341.3 Licenses to Trade(in War) 354.7364 Line Officers (U. S. A.). 355.61 Lines of Communication (military). 355.61 Lines of Operations (strat- egy)- 354.7365 Litter Bearers (U. S. A.). 614.881 Litters— military. 355.11 Longevitv Pay— to Officers (U. S. A.). 341.3 Loot. 312.736 Losses in Battle (U. S. A.) (statistics). 369.152 Loval Legion, Military Order (U. S.). 374.3 Lyceums (military). 623.421 Machine Gun Carriages. ,411 Magazine Guns (small ^rms). 358.62 Magazines. 623.23 Magazines— siege. 538.8 Magnetic Machines (mili- tary). 614.53 Malarial Fevers. 355.63 MancBUvres (in general). 354.63 Manoeuvres \J. S. A. 356.14 Manuals of Arms, Infan- try (U. S.). .024 Manuals of Arms (foreign) 623.412 Manufacture of Cannon. 662.3 Manufacture of Gunpower. 623.411 Manufactureof Small Arms 091.9 Manuscripts— military. 355.65 Map-making — military. 912. Maps and Charts (mili- tary) — arranged by countries. 378. W. Maps and Plans of U. S. M. A. 356.4 Marches— Infantry. 357.4 Cavalry. 358.4 Artillerj'. 354.7372 Marine Corps (U. S. N.). 359.792 Marines (in general). 371.26 Marking System in Schools. 929.799 Marksman's Badges (U.S.) 344. Martial Law. Military Laws and Regulations. 356.022 Material — Infantry (in general). 357.022 Cavalry (in general). 358.022 Artillery (in general). 354.7365 Mechanics — enlisted men (U. S.) 929.799 Medal of Honor (U. S.) See 369.114. 355.784 Medical Departments (in general) organization and administration. 354.73684 Medical Department (U.S. A.) and its work, .7364 Medical Officers (U. S. A.) .73684 Medical Supplv Depart- ment (U, S. A.) 355.16 Men— pay of (foreign). .3 Mess Chests. 36 354.73672 Mess Halls (at military posts) . 641. Messing of Troops. 355.3 Mess Outfits (military). .18 Mileage to Officers. 929. Military and Naval Heraldry. 652. Military (and naval) Tele- graphic Codes. 355.09 Military Antiquities (arras and armor — ancient). 796. Athletics (in general). 354.7364 Attaches. 355.5 Baggage (U. S.) 533.6 Balloons (theory). 623.78 Ballooning. .79 Naval Ballooning. 354.7362 Military Bands (U. S. A.) 355.016 Bibliography. 796. Bicycling. 344.7362 Boards (U. S.) 353.6 Reports. 623.65 — — ^ Bridges. See624. pon- toons 623.66. 336. Budgets — of the na- tions (divided like 930- 999). 336.736 Budgets (U.S.A.) 355.4 Buildings— in general (except fortifications and hospitals). 323. Censorship of tele- grams, etc. 394.98 Ceremonies. 354.7364 Chaplains. 355.08 Collections (books, etc). 344.7361 Commissions — i. e. Courts (U.S.) 328.73 Committees of Con- gress ru. s.) 351.74 Constabulary. 341.3 Conventions. 344.7361 Courts (U. S.). 394.98 Customs and Cere- monies. 354.7367 Departments, U.S.A. 355.03 Dictionaries. 354.7367 Militan,' Districts, U. S. A. .7367 Divisions, U. S. A. 355.077 Education at U. S. M. A. .03 Encyclopaedias and Dictionaries. 537.83 Electric Lights. 623.0 Engineering. 393.9 Funerals. 354.73672 Garrisons, U. S. A. 355.61 Geography. 371.73 Gymnastics. See 796. 355.02 Hand-books (in gen.) 351.86 Hierarchy. 930 to 999 History. See the Civil History of the Countries involved. The number to assign is, usually, that of the countrv invaded. See also 355.619. 362.1 Hospitals. Soldier's Homes 362.8. (See also 355.4.) 613.67 Hygiene. 355.781 Information (in gen.) 354.7368 " (U. S.) 355.75 Intendence (in gen.). 354.7366 Interpreters. 344 . 736 Jurisdiction (in the U. S.). .736 Justice U. S. A. 344. Laws and Regulations Martial Law. 355.017 Libraries — Catalogues of. 368.3 Life Insurance. 614.881 Litters. 531.8 Machines. 091.9 Manuscripts. 355.65 Map Making. .08 Maxims. .99 Miscellanies. 623.35 Mines — sub-marine. .24 Mining (in sieges). 355.09 Museums. 788-789 Music. 354.73681 Secretary, Oflice of (U. S. A.). 37 623. 7 369.25 355. 7 371. 43 365. 351. ,5 354. ,73693 ,73693 .73693 343 .736 623.6 .64 355 .64 .07 355. .08 354.73681 .7362 369. 313.736 617.99 526.99 687. 356.5 654. .4 .5 .6 Military (or Naval) Signals and Signaling. Order of the Dragon (U.S.). Organization, Admin- istration in general. Organizations in Non- military Schools. Penal Colonies. Pensions. Police U. S. A. Postal-service U. S. A. Prisons (administra- tion of). (See also 365.) Punishments. Roads. Railways. Reconnaissance. Schools and Educa- tion. Science and Art. Science and Art: Or- ganization and adminis- tration in general. (For Armies of the Nations, see 354.30 to 99.) N. B. Divide like 354.736 omit- ting the figures 3 and 6. Scrap Books. Secretary (U. S.). Service (U. S.) (liabil- ity to). Societies. Statistics, U. S- A. (except vital statistics) (for those of foreign ar- mies divided like armies of the nations 354.30 to .99). Surgery. Surveying. Tailoring and Tailors. Targets. Telegraphs. Telegraph and Tele- phone Lines (construc- tion and equipment of). Telegraphic Cables. Telephones. See 623.75 355.6.5 .55 .5 355.73 .732 .731 354.7362 623.24 358.7 623.35 .24 354.73688 355.64 312.736 355.2 .71 .71^ 359.71 355.711 .64 623.9 718. 355.02 623.418 .25 .428 355 . 5 621.34 355.2 358.65 623.442 .413 358.66 356.7 .72 Military Topography. See 526.99. Transportation by land (foreign). Transportation by land (U. S.). Militia (in general). Militia (foreign). Militia (U. S.) Militia — organized (State Troops, National Guard) Mine Tactics (in sieges). Mines— coast defence (U. S. A.) Mines — military (subma- rine) . Mines (siege operations). Mining Corps (U. S.) Minor Tactics and Service of Security and Infor- mation(reconnaissance) . Missing in Battle (U.S.A.) statistics. Mittens (U. S. A.) Mobilization. See also 355.61. Mobilization (foreign). Mobilization (naval). Mobilization (U. S.) Mobs (tactics against). Monitors (iron clads). Monuments (cemeteries) . Moral Education of the Soldier. Mortars. Mortars (in sieges). Mortar Carriages. Motor Carriages (military) . Motors (electric). Mottoes of Regiments, etc. Mountain Artillery. Mountain Gun Carriages. Mountain Guns. Mounted Batteries (in gen- eral) . Mounted Infantry (in gen- eral). Mounted Infantry (foreign) 38 356.71 Mounted Infantry (U. S.) 359.63 357. Mounted Troops (Cavalry) . .08 623.42 Mounts for Guns. .99 355.5 Mules. See also 636. 351.5 623.4 Munitions of War. 354.7373 355.09 Museums — military. 358.72 788-789 Music— military. 623.72 354.7365 Musicians— military (IT. S. A.). 359.06 355.076 Musketry Schools (foreign) 359. 623.411 Muskets. 354.73681 Muster-rolls (U. S. A.). 313.737 347.736 .737 784.4 369.146 Mutiny (U. S. Army). (U. S. Navy). National Airs (songs). National Association of Veterans of the Mexican War. 354.7375 359.2 369. 354.307 to 354. 997 719. National Cemeteries (U.S.) 353.7 354.7362 National Guard — State Troops — Organized Militia. 368.3 394.9 National Holidays. 351.87 711. National Parks (U. S.) 354.7362 Native Troops (U. S.). .73711 623.8 Naval Architecture. (See 699). 354.827 .9 Naval Armored Vessels. 336.737 Naval Budgets (U. S.). . 4367 394.99 359.08 Naval Ceremonies. Naval Collections (books). .817 .7287 353.71 Navy Dept. Bureaux, U. S. N. .837 359.07 Naval Education and Schools. .517 .73757 .077 At U. S. N. A., Annap- olis. At Mass. Inst. Tech., etc. .079 .447 .437 .03 Naval Encyclopa'dies and Dictionaries. .457 .527 623.8 Naval Engineering. 727 359.04 Naval Essays. • .857 393.9 Naval Funerals. .477 623.427 Naval Gun Carriages. .467 359.02 Naval Hand-books. .4967 613.68 Naval Hygiene. .73712 Naval Manoeuvres. Naval Maxims. Naval Miscellanies. Naval Pensions. Naval Reserves (U. S.). Naval Reserves — in general Naval Signals and Signal- ling. Naval Societies. Naval Science and Art. Divide like 355. Naval Statistics (not vital) (U. S.). Naval Troops. Naval Uniforms. Naval Warfare (art of). Navies of the Nations. Navy Department (U. S.) divided like 353.67. Navy Mutual Aid Associ- ation. Navy Lists. Registers. Navv of the American Revolution (1775 to 1789). Navy of Argentine Re- public. Navy of Austria. Navy of Brazil. Navy of Central American States (of any such state) Navy of Chile. Navy of China. Navy of the Confederate States of America (1861- 65). Navy of France. Navy of Germany. Navy of Italy. Navy of Japan. Navy of Mexico. Navy of Peru. Navy of Russia. Navy of Spain. Navy of Turkey. Navv of the U. S. (1789 to 1818) . 39 354.7:57 Navy of I^ S. (organization and administration). .877 Navy of Venezuela. 351.87 Navy Registers. 344.737 Navy Regulations (U. S.) 341.3 Neutrals (international 354 . 736G Newspaper Correspond- ents in War. See also Censorship 323) . 341.3 Non-Combatants. 354.7365 Non- Commissioned Offi- cers (U. S.) 354.7366 Nurses— female (U. S. A.) 354.7365 Nurses — male (U. S. A.) 355.61 Objectives (strategy). 623.114 Obstacles (militar>-). 358.7 Obstructions (coast de- fence). 351.273 Official Register (U. S.) .3 Officers' Appointments (U. S. A.) See a54.7364. 353.63 Officers (boards of reports, etc.) 354.73672 : Officers' Clubs— at militarv posts (U. S. A.) .7364 Officers — commissioned (U. S.) .7364 Officers (how selected). 358.01 Officers of Artillery. 354.7364 Officers of Staff Depart- ments (U. S. A.) 355.15 Officers — pay of (foreign). .11 Officers— pay of (U. S.) 355.079 Officers (U. S. A.) In- structors at Colleges and Schools. See also 371.43. 354.7374 Officers U. S. Navy. .73689 Ordnance Department (U. S. A.) 973.3 Orderly Books of the Amer- ican Revolution. See military history. 354.7365 Orderlies (U. S.). 929.7 Orders and Decorations. 623.4 Ordnance. .49 Ordnance (miscellanies). 354.7364 Ordnance Officers (U.S.A.) 355.07 Ordnance School, Sandv Hook, N. Y. 354.736.5 Ordnance Sergeants (U.S.) .7365 Ordnance Store-Keepers (U. S.) 623.4 Ordnance Stores. 354.7367 Organization and Admin- istration of U. 8. A. (al.so military divisions, dis- tricts, departments). .73671 Organization and Admin- istration of U. S. A. in the field (armies, corps, etc.) O. 0. troops in the field. 355.7 Organization — military (in general. 354.737 Organization (U. S. N.) .7362- Organized Militia (U. S.) 355.64 Outposts. 623.183 Outworks. 355.3 Ovens— field (U. S.) .2 Overcoats (U. S. A.) .2 Overshoes (U, S. A.) .3 Packs — for enlisted men (U. S.) .5 Pack Trains (U. S.). 756. Paintings of Battles, etc. 757. Paintings ( portraits ) of Military and Naval Offi- cers. 623.114 Palisades. 354.4566 Papal Troops. 394.98 Parades (military). 623.22 Parallels (siege operations) 341.3 Pardons. 358.66 Parks (Artillery). 341.3 Paroles. 354.7362 Partisans (U. S. A.) 355.64 Partisan Warfare. .64 Passage of Rivers. 369. Patriotic and Hereditary Societies (U. S.) a55.64 Patrols. 354.7368; ■ Pay Department (U.S.A.) .7364 Paymasters (U. S. A.) 355.13 Pay of Civilian Emplo3'ees (U. S.) 40 355.17 Pay of Civilians (foreign). .12 Pay of Enlisted Men (U.S.) .16 Pay of Men (foreign). .15 Pay of Officers (foreign). .11 Pay of Officers (U. S.) .1 Pay of the Army. 359.1 Pay of the Navy. 354.73687 Pay Rolls (U. S. A.) 355.11 Pay (stoppages of). 526.99 Pedometers. 365. Penal Colonies. 623.55 Penetration of Projectiles. 351.5 Pensions (military). 662.4 Percussion Caps. 354.7364 Personnel — commissioned (U. S. A.) .7365 Personnel — enlisted (U. S. A ^ .7374 A.) Personnel — commissioned (U. S. N.) .7375 Personnel — enlisted (U. S. N.) 623.24 Petards. 355.729 Philippine Troops (U. S.) 778. Photography (military). 623.52 Photography of Projectiles in motion. 613.72 Physical Education. 796. Physical Training of Sol- diers. 355.64 Pickets. 636.6 Pigeons (carrier). 354.73688 Pioneers (U. S. A.) 623.411 Pistols. 378. W. Plans and Maps of U. S. M. A. 912. Plans of Cities and Har- bors (charts — maps). 623.419 Pneumatic Guns. 351.77 Police Measures— sanitary. 354.73693 Police Troops (U. S. A.). 623.181 Polygonal System. 358.4 Polygons of Instruction (Artillery). 623.413 Pompons. 354.73688 Pontoniers (U. S. A.). 355.2 Ponchos (U. S. A.). 623.66 Ponton-bridges. 355.729 Porto Rican, Philippine, etc., Troops (U. S.). 378. V. Portraits of Cadets, U. S. M. A. 623.53 Position-finders. 358.68 Position-guns (artillery). 354.73693 Postal Service (military). .73672 Post Councils (U. S. A.). .73672 Exchanges (U. S. A.) .73672 Gardens (U. S. A.). See 635. 027.5736 Libraries (U. S. A.). 354.7365 N. C. Staff. 355.075 Schools (enlisted men) U. S. A. .071 Schools (officers) U. S. A. 354.7366 Traders. 623.48 Powder Depots. 662.3 Powder (for guns). 623.48 Powder Magazines. 356.4 PracticeMarches— Infantry 357.4 Cavalry. 358.4 Artillery. 353.03 President of the U.S. (Com- mander in Chief, U.S.A.) 354.7364 Press Censor, U. S. A. See also 323. 662.4 Primers (artillery). 354.7365 Principal Musician. 365. Prison Discipline (U.S.A.) 341.3 Prisoners (exchange of). 613.57 Prison Hygiene. 365. Prisons. See also 354.73693. 613.57 Prisons — military (hy- giene) . 354.73693 Prisons— military (U.S.A.) administration. See also 365. .7365 Private Soldiers (U. S. A.) 623.442 Projectiles (cannon). .441 (small arms). 525.37 Projectiles (deviation of by earth's rotation). See Gunnerv 623.5. .52 Projectiles in Motion (pho- tography of) . 41 623.55 Projectiles(penetration of) . 351.5 Prize Money (military). 354.7364 Promotion of Officers (U. S. A.) See 351.3. 351.7261 Property — accountability for (U. S. A.) 354.73685 Property-returns (U.S.A.) 623.52 Proving Grounds (artillery) .433 Proving of Gunpowder. 354.73693 Provost Guards. .73693 Provost Marshal's Depart- ment (U. S. A.) .7364 Provost Marshal (U. S. A.) 328. Public Documents (U. S.) 343.736 Punishments — military (U. S. A.) 355.2 Puttees (U. S.) 662.1 Pyrotechny (military). 354.73685 Quartermaster General's Department (U. S. A.) 355.785 Quartermaster's Depart- ments (in general). 354.7365 Quartermaster Sergeants. .7364 Quartermasters (U. S. A.) 355.4 Quarters (for officers) (U. S.). 358.663 Quick-fire Guns. 355.62 Raids. 656. Railroad Time Tables. 614.881 Railway Ambulances. 355.74 Corps (military) in general. .61 in War (strategy). 623.64 Military. .53 Range-finders. .53 Finding (gunnery). 354.7364 Officer (U. S. A.). .7367 Rank and Command. 623.432 Rapid Fire Ammunition (cannon) . 358.663 Rapid Fire Guns. 643. Rations. Ration (emergency). 613.21 Ration (proper constitu- ents of) . 027.5736 Reading Rooms (U. S. A.) 355.64 Rear-guards. 354.7364 Recognition by Congress of Gallant Services of Officers, U. S. A. 355.64 Reconnaissance. 353.61 Record and Pension Office (U. S.). 354.73681 Records (U. S. A.). See 353.611. .73683 Records of General Courts- Martial and Courts of In- quiry. Officers, U. S. A. 354. (foreign). (Under the special country). .73783 U. S. N. Records U. S. Army 1775- 89. See also under 973. 344. .73681 Recruiting. .73681 Recruits. 361. Red Cross Society. 623.13 Redoubts. 355.5 Regimental Trains (U. S.) 353.9 Regiments of States— his- tory of. 351.86 Registers, Army. 354.73681 Regulations for Recruiting 344.736 Regulations (U. S. A.). .737 (U. S. N.). 357.8 Remounts. Cavalry. 354.7364 Removals (U. S. A.). 353.627 Reports of Board of Ord- nance and Fortification. 378. B. Boards of Visitors, U. S. M. A. 353.626 .625 .624 .612 .623 .620 .611 U etc. ,of Cavalry Board, S. A. — etc. , of Infantry Board U. S. A. — etc., of Joint Army and Navy Board (U. S.) — of General Officers and of the General Staff. — of Officers of Artillery Corps. — of Officers of Engi- neers (U. S. A.). — of Secretary of War, U. S. A. 42 378. C. Reports of Supt., U.S.M.A. 685. Saddles — manufacture of .D. Treasurer, U. S. M. A. (military). 353.624 etc., of Boards of 341.3 Safe Conducts. Officers. 656. Sailing Directions. 344.736 Requisitions (military). 359.1 Sailors' Pay (U. S. N.) 354.73671 Reserve (U. S.) 394.98 Salutes (military). 358.61 Reserve of Artillery. 354.7364 Sanitary Officers (U.S.A.) 711. Reservations (military). .73684 Sanitary Troops. See 354.7364 Resignations of Officers (U. 351.77. S. A.) 613.67 Sanitation (military). .7365 Retired Enlisted Men (U. 354.73688 Sappers and Miners (U, S. A.) S. A.) .7364 Retired Officers (U. S. A.) 623.22 Saps (siege operations). 355.64 Retreats (Tactics of) . 355.2 Sashes— uniform (U. S.) 354.73681 Returns (military). .073 School for Electrician Ser- .73685 Returns (of property). geants (U. S. A.) medical (U. S. A.) .072 Schools for Enlisted Men 1775-89. See also 973.376. (U. S. A.) 394.98 Reviews (military). Training School for Far- 623.188 Revetments. riers and Blacksmiths(U. S. A.) established 1902 623.411 Revolvers. at Fort Riley, Kansas. 351.5 Rewards (money) to sol- .071 School of Submarine De- diers. fense, Fort Totten, N. Y. 725.88 Riding Halls (architecture) See U,S. Torpedo School. 355.4 Riding Halls (military). .07 Schools (military). 358.664 Rifled Howitzers. 354.7366 School Teachers (U. S.) 358.69 Rifled Mortars. See 623.418. .7362 Scouts— Indian (U. S. A.) 356.5 Rifle Practice (Infantry). 355.08 Scrap Books (military). .5 Rifle Ranges. 353.056 Secretarv of War. 623.411 Rifles (small arms). 354 . 73694 Secret Service Departments 799. Rifle Shooting (civilian). (U. S. A.) 341.3 (The) Right of Search. 355.02 Soldier's Hand-books. 355.64 Riots (tactics in). 358.68 Seacoast Artillery. 623.6 Roads (military). .7 Defence. (See 623.4), 358.665 Rocket Batteries. 623.425 Gun Carriages (bar- 623.442 Rockets (war). bette) . 354.73681 Rolls (military). .68 Guns, (See 623.416), (U. S. A.) See also 929.8 Seals (heraldry). 973.344. 656. Seamanship. .73681 Rosters of Troops (U. S.) 537.83 Search-lights. (U.S.A.) 1775-89. See 354.73694 Secret Service (U. S. A.). also 973.344. 355.64 Security and Information 796. Sabre Exercise. (service of). 623.411 Sabres, 354.7364 Selection of Officers (U.S.) 354.7365 Saddlers (U. S. A.) 355.64 Sentinels. 357.8 Saddles. 354.7365 Sergeants (U. S.). .7365 Servants (military). 43 355.2 Service Chevrons (U. S.)- 354 7362 (militarv) liability to in U. S. 355.64 of Security and Infor- mation. 623.442 Shell (artillery). .113 Shelter-trenches. .187 Shields for Guns. 699. Ship-building. 355.2 Shirts (soldiers) U. S. .2 Shoes (military) U. S. 623.49 Shops (Ordnance, etc.). 354.73772 Shore Stations (U. S. N.). 355.2 Shoulder knots (U. S.). .2 Shoulder Straps (U. S.). 623.442 Shrapnel. 354.7364 Sick Leaves of Absence (U. S.). 358.67 Siege Artillery. 623.22 Galleries and Shafts. .424 Gun Carriages. .25 Guns. (See 358.67.) .2 Operations. 358.67 Train. (See 623.25.) 623.54 Sights (cannon sights and small arms). 355.74 Signal Corps— in general. 354.73691 (U. S. A.). Telegraph Troops. Balloon Troops. 623.7 Signaling (military and naval.) 354.7364 Signal Officers (U. S. A.). 723.71 Signals and Signaling (mil- itary) . .72 (naval). 354.7365 Signal Sergeant (U. S. A.) 419.1 Sign Language (Indian). 628.45 Sinks (military). 623.114 Slashings (military). 358.62 Sling-carts (artillery). 355.64 Skirmishing (tactics). 623.411 Small Arms-fabrication of. 356.023 Infantry. 357.023 Cavalry. 358.023 Artillery. 683. Small Arms (not military) (manufacture of). (See 623.411.) 356.5 ■- Practice— Infantry, 662.3 Smokeless Powder, 369. Societies— military. .118 Society of American Wars, .159 of the Army of the Cumberland. .22 of the Army of the Philippines. .158 of the Army of the Potomac. .21 of the Army of Santi- ago (1898). 324.1 Soldiers' (and sailors') Votes. 719. Soldiers' Cemeteries. 355.02 Hand-books. .4 Homes. See also 362. S 354.73681 (administration of). (See also 355.4). 355.12 Pay. 623.442 Solid Shot (artillery. 354.446 Spahis (France). 355.74 Special Troops (in general ) . .742 Special Troops (foreign). .741 Special Troops (U.S.) See 354.73692. 341.3 Spies (international law). 354.73694 : Spies (U. S. A.) 355.3 Spurs. .4 Stables (military). 728.945 architecture of. 614.94 Stables (sanitation). 355.78 Staff Corps and Depart- ments (in general). 354.7368-9 Staff Departments (U. S. A.) and their work. See 355.741. 354.7364 Staff Details of Officers (U. S. A,) .7364 Staff Officers (U. S.) See 355.781. 355 . 78 Staff Organization (in gen- eral). ,782 Staff Organization (for- eign). 44 355.781 Staff Organization (U. S.) 354.7364 StaffOrganization(U.S.A.) 929.9 Standards (colors). 354.7362 Standing Army (U. S. A.) 351.86 Standing Army (U. S.) Relation of the Army to the Central Government. 313.736 Statistics U. S. Army (ex- cept vital statistics) . 354.7363 State Troops— National Guard— Organized Mil- itia (U. S.). 735. Statues of Military Men. Naval Men. 354.7364 of Officers (U. S.). 623.114 Stockades. 355.11 Stoppages of Pay (U. S.). 644. Stoves (U. S. Army). (See also 355.3). 354.73693 Stragglers (U. S. A.). 623.51 Strains in Guns. 355.61 Strategic Points. .61 Railways. .61 Strategy and Military Ge- ography. 614.881 Stretchers (military). 355.2 Stripes (trousers) (U. S.). 357.8 Stud Farms (military). 358.7 Sub-marine Boats (Coast Defence). See 623.95. 623.35 Mines. See 358.7. 358.7 Vessels (U. S. A.). 623.95 (U. S. N.). 354 73686 1 Subsistence Department (U. S. A.). 344.7361 Summary Courts-Martial (U. S. A.). 355.784 Supply Departments — in general. .783 (U. S. A.). See 354.73684. 354.7364 Surgeons — Contract (U.S.) 378. C. Supt., U. S. M. A. Reports. 354.7364 Surgeons (U. S. A.). 617.99 Surgery— military. 354.73684 Surgical Corps (U. S. A.). 344.7362 Survey — boards of (U. S. A.) 526.99 Surveying (military). 354.7366 Sutlers (U. S.) 796. Swimming (military). 623.411 Sword Bayonets. 796. Sword Exercise. 623.411 Swords. 355.2 !