UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA ALIEN PLANTS GROWING WITHOUT CULTIVATION IN CALIFORNIA W. W. ROBBINS BULLETIN 637 July, 1940 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 3 Naiadaceae 16 Alismaceae 16 Gramineae 16 Cyperaceae ' 34 Pontederiaceae 35 Liliaceae 35 Urticaceae 35 Polygonaceae 36 Chenopodiaceae 38 Amaranthaceae 43 Phytolaccaceae 44 Aizoaceae 44 Portulacaceae 45 Caryophyllaceae 45 Ranunculaceae 48 Papaveraceae 49 Fumariaceae 49 Capparidaceae 49 Cruciferae 49 Rosaceae 57 Leguminosae 58 Linaceae 61 Oxalidaceae 62 Geraniaceae 62 Euphorbiaceae 65 Zygophyllaceae 66 Rutaceae 67 Simarubaceae 67 Anacardaceae 68 PAGE Malvaceae 68 Hypericaceae 70 Tamaricaceae 71 Cistaceae 72 Resedaceae 72 Passifloraceae 72 Lythraceae 72 Onagraceae 73 Umbelliferae 73 Primulaceae 75 Plumbaginaceae 76 Apocynaceae 76 Asclepiadaceae 76 Convolvulaceae 76 Boraginaceae 78 Verbenaceae 78 Labiatae 79 Solanaceae 81 Scrophulariaceae 84 Martyniaceae 86 Plantaginaceae 86 Rubiaceae 87 Caprifoliaceae 87 Dipsaceae 87 Valerianaceae 88 Compositae 88 Acknowledgments 105 Literature cited 106 Index to plant names 115 [2] ALIEN PLANTS GROWING WITHOUT CULTIVATION IN CALIFORNIA 1 W. W. BOBBINS 2 INTRODUCTION The alien-plant population of a state situated like California is of interest to the plant ecologist, the plant geographer, and, above all, the agriculturist. The introduction and migration of species, the agencies causing and facilitating their movement, the behavior of the migrants in the new environment and their influence upon it, the interaction be- tween them and the native species, and finally the effect upon agri- culture — these are among the chief considerations in a study of alien plants. As Jepson (1893) 3 has well expressed it: "The behavior of for- eigners on our soil should in all cases be carefully observed and will form a distinct contribution to the botanical history of the state." Studies of the kind indicated above, if they did nothing more than emphasize the potential harm in incipient infestations of specific weed aliens, would serve a good purpose. This paper devotes special attention to such aliens. Although man's conquest of the state has greatly changed its vege- tative covering, there are still several areas, relatively natural and un- molested, wherein one can sketch the picture of California's pre-mission plant associations. Pertinent literature on this subject will be briefly considered in the following paragraphs. The settlement of California has been rapid. Numerous species of foreign plants have been introduced consciously — plants of garden, orchard, field, and woodland; cereals, forage and pasture plants, root crops, vines, orchard fruits, bush fruits, and vegetables; a long list of ornamental trees, shrubs, and herbs; some drug plants, and certain plants useful for their fibers. According to the Bureau of the Census there were in California, in 1934, 6,578,724 acres of harvested land; 459,505 acres of crop-failure land; 1,625,097 acres of cropland, idle or fallow; 2,967,526 acres of plowable pasture; 16,532,240 acres of wood- land or other pasture; and 1,584,496 acres of all other land in farms. 1 Eeceived for publication June 20, 1939. 2 Professor of Botany and Botanist in the Experiment Station. 3 See "Literature Cited" at the end of this paper for complete data on citations, which are referred to in the text by author and date of publication. References to in- dividuals not accompanied by date, in parentheses, pertain to personal correspond- ence, or to herbarium specimens. [3] 4 University op California — Experiment Station This is a total of 29,747,588 acres of land disturbed by man for the purpose of growing introduced and useful species or utilized for graz- ing. This acreage does not include the forest or grazing lands publicly owned. The establishment of these alien crop plants greatly modified, and in certain areas almost completely destroyed, the original plant covering. Further, with the development of the livestock industry, there followed major changes in the vegetation of the extensive areas grazed by domestic animals. Most of the useful agricultural crop plants introduced by man have stayed within the limits prescribed. A few, escaping, have become what we choose to call weeds — notably Johnson grass, 4 certain species of Medicago, artichoke thistle, and common hemp. By various well-known agencies the majority of the alien plants of California have been introduced unwittingly ; and many have become highly undesirable, constituting our worst weeds. There are approxi- mately 526 species of them growing uncultivated within our borders. Of these, some 125 species have become weeds of agricultural significance. Many aliens, however, although introduced long ago, have not proved capable of establishing themselves here over any considerable extent of territory; numerous species of "weeds," so-called, have but little eco- nomic significance. Others, especially certain grasses and the erodiums, have proved valuable as forage plants. Some immigrants, however, have spread with alarming rapidity and become of primary importance as weeds, notably Johnson grass, Klamath weed, hoary cress, 5 puncture vine, Napa thistle, yellow star thistle, Russian knapweed, Russian thistle, mustards (Brassica spp.), Bermuda grass, camel thorn, and wild morn- ing-glory. The invasion of California by alien plants has usually been regarded as starting with the first missions. In the words of Parish (1920) : It will be safe, then, to assume a very definite date for the beginning of that for- eign invasion which since has so greatly modified the plant population of the state. For it must have been a virgin flora that greeted the eyes of Fr. Serra and his com- panions, when, on the 14th day of May, 1769, they reached the bay at San Diego, to begin the conquest of Alta California for Holy Church and the Spanish Crown. The few previous explorers had arrived by sea, and had made but transient landings, but the followers of Saint Francis brought with them flocks and herds, and in the careful preparations for their expedition they had been particularly charged to provide them- selves with a store of seeds of useful plants. Step by step, the long chain of missions 4 The index to plant names gives a complete alphabetical list of the common plant names with scientific names in parentheses, and of scientific names with common names in parenthesis. A number of species have no well-established common names. 5 In the western states the name "hoary cress" is applied to several closely related species in the mustard family. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 5 was stretched northward along the coast, until, in 1823, the last was founded, in honor of San Francisco de Solano, near the site of the present town of Sonoma. Everywhere, one of the first proceedings was the planting of gardens, and the sowing of fields; and the neophytes, as they gathered in, were taught to be farmers and herdsmen, so that each mission speedily became a hive of industry, based on its wide acres and countless herds. Eventually a considerable secular immigration came from Mexico by way of Lower California and of Sonora; the last passing through the present Arizona and the Colorado Desert ; and a scanty commerce, licit and illicit, visited the ports. Since Parish wrote these words, Hendry (1931) and Hendry and Bellue (1925, 1936) have made admirable studies of the seeds found in adobe bricks from the walls of old buildings, including missions, whose construction dates are known. The seeds in most instances are fairly well preserved and capable of positive identification. According to these studies red-stem filaree, curly dock, and prickly sow thistle had a wide distribution before the establishment of the first missions — that is, be- fore 1769. During the Spanish or Mission Period (1769-1824), there is evidence of the introduction into Alta California of such important aliens as common foxtail, lamb's-quarters, black mustard, bur clover, Napa thistle, Italian ryegrass, annual bluegrass, wild oat, nettle-leaf goosefoot, rough pigweed, creeping buttercup, annual yellow sweet- clover, cheese-weed, wild carrot, and Chilean tarweed. These are now widespread in the state, though not all have become troublesome as weeds. Famous early botanists, visiting California, make scant reference to alien plants. In 1831-32 David Douglas traveled extensively on the Pacific Coast, and in 1836 Thomas Nuttall journeyed along our south coast ; they made extensive collections, but included no mention of aliens. During 1843-44 John C. Fremont coursed the state from one end to the other, but records only one such plant, red-stem filaree. Howell (1937c) was privileged to examine a collection of California plants made by the Russian- American Company in 1840-41, chiefly in Sonoma County. Among the 346 specimens, representing 214 species and varieties, were several aliens — definite evidence that certain species had occurred even at that early date. The following are included : red-stem filaree, white-stem filaree, annual bluegrass, windmill pink, wild radish, red pimpernel, tomatillo, yellow oxalis, black nightshade, selfheal, and a Malva species (seedling) . The Gold Rush days undoubtedly witnessed the introduction of many weeds now infesting California. As Parish (1920) has pointed out, how- ever, the considerable body of botanical literature available for this period is "disappointing when searched for information concerning the weed flora"; apparently "these botanists, like most collectors in new 6 University of California — Experiment Station fields, gave their attention mainly to the many unfamiliar plants whose novelty attracted them, to the neglect of the common weeds they knew so well at home." The first extensive botanical collections in California were made by Brewer from 1861 to 1864; and during 1866 and 1867 Bolander made a thorough botanical exploration of portions of the Sierra Nevada and also of the coast ranges north of San Francisco Bay. An account of these collections appears in Brewer and Watson's Geological Survey of Cali- fornia: Botany, issued in 1876; and additions and corrections to vol- ume I appeared in volume II, issued in 1880. Sereno Watson, botanist of the Fortieth Parallel Survey, made the necessary revision of the Poly- petalae previously prepared by Brewer. Relying upon the studies of Hendry and Bellue (1925, 1936) and upon the Russian collection of 1840-41, together with annotated lists of Brewer and Watson, we may safely conclude that the following im- portant alien species were fairly well established in California, at least locally, by 1860. Important Alien Species Established in California by I860 8 Gramineae Polygonaceae Arundo Donax Polygonum aviculare Avena fatua Polygonum Convolvulus Bromus racemosus Polygonum Persicaria Bromus rigidus Rumex Acetosella Bromus rubens Rumex conglomeratus Bromus secalinus Rumex crispus Cynodon Dactylon Rumex pulcher Chenopodiaceae Digitaria sanguinalis Echinochloa Crusgalli Festuca Myuros Chenopodium album Holcus lanatus Chenopodium ambrosioides Hordeum murinum Chenopodium Botrys Lamarckia aurea Chenopodium murale Lolium multiflorum Amaranthaceae Lolium perenne Amaranthus blitoides Lolium temulentum Amaranthus graecizans Panicum capillare Amaranthus retroflexus Poa annua Polypogon monspeliensis Aizoaceae Setaria lutescens Mollugo verticillata Urticaceae Portulacaceae Urtica urens Portulaca oleracea 6 In this list and in those following, the genera within a family are arranged al- phabetically ; the families follow the usual systematic order. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation Caryophyllaceae Cerastium viscosum Cerastium vulgatum Silene gallica Spergula arvensis Stellaria media Ranunculaceae Ranunculus repens Cruciferae Brassiea arvensis Brassica campestris Brassiea nigra Capsella Bursa-pastoris Raphanus sativus Sisymbrium officinale Leguminosae Medicago hispida Medicago lupulina Melilotus alba Melilotus indica Vicia sativa Oxalidaceae Oxalis corniculata Geraniaceae Erodium Botrys Erodium cicutarium Erodium moschatum Malvaceae Malva parviflora Umbelli ferae Apium graveolens Conium maculatum Daucus Carota Foeniculum vulgare Pastinaca sativa Torilis nodosa Primulaceae Anagallis arvensis Convolvulaceae Convolvulus arvensis Labiatae Marrubium vulgare Prunella vulgaris Solanaceae Physalis ixocarpa Solanum nigrum Scrophulariaceae Verbascum Blattaria Verbascum Thapsus Plantaginaceae Plantago lanceolata Plantago major Dipsaceae Dipsacus fullonum Compositae Anthemis Cotula Bidens pilosa Centaurea melitensis Centaurea solstitialis Cirsium arvensc Girsium lanceolatum Cotula australis Cotula coronopif olia Erigeron canadensis Hypochoeris glabra Madia sativa Silybum Marianum Sonchus asper Xanthium canadense Xanthium spinosum During the decade 1890-1900 numerous notes and papers added to our knowledge of California's immigrant flora. Chief of these are the writings of A. Davidson, appearing in Erythea and West America Sci- entist, of J. B. Davy in Erythea, of L. H. Dewey in Erythea, of Alice Eastwood in Erythea and Zoe, of E. W. Hilgard (1890) in the Uni- versity of California Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station, of W. L. Jepson in Erythea, of E. L. Greene in Zoe, and of S. B. Parish in Zoe. These enable us to judge the changes in our alien-plant popula- tion during the forty years between 1860 and 1900. The important spe- cies introduced during this period are given below. University of California — Experiment Station Important Alien Species Introduced Between 1860 and 1900 Gramineae Bromus mollis Bromus tectorurn Festuca elatior Hordeum Gussoneanum Sorghum halepense Cyperaceae Cyperus rotundus Chenopodiaceae Salsola Kali var. tenuif olia Caryophyllaceae Agrostemma Githago Cruciferae Lepidium pubescens Leguminosae Ulex europaeu3 Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris Umtelli ferae Scandix Pecten-veneris Solanaceae Solanum elaeagnif olium Solanum rostratum Compositae Cichorium Intybus Hypochoeris radicata Lactuca scariola Lactuca scariola var. integrate Picris echioides Senecio vulgaris Sonchus arvensis Parish (1890-91), in summarizing his discussion of the naturalized plants of southern California, mentions having found 26 species not listed by Brewer and Watson. He remarks : That nearly one quarter of the naturalized flora of the region should have been added in this short time is a notable fact, but quite in harmony with the great in- crease of population and the wonderful industrial development. . . . Sixty-two species of the entire 78, including all the Cruciferae and all but one of the grasses, are of European origin and the same proportion holds if the commoner plants only are con- sidered. Fourteen are natives of other parts of America, 12 of them coming from the south and two from the north, a preponderance agreeing with the derivation of the native flora. Asia and Africa supply two species each, and Australia one. Hilgard (1890) discussed the principal weeds of California, par- ticularly their distribution and agricultural importance. He does not mention such present-day pernicious weeds as camel thorn, Russian knapweed, purple star thistle, Russian thistle, hoary cress, puncture vine, and Klamath weed. Apparently, therefore, these aliens were less widely spread than at present, and their introduction was relatively recent. Davidson (1893), discussing the immigrant plants of Los Angeles County, notes not less that 22 species that were not known to occur any- where in California when the State Survey volumes were issued from 1876 to 1880. Since 1900, a number of aliens have come into California, the prin- cipal ones being shown in the following list. It is of interest to note that a number of them have already become weeds of great agricultural im- portance. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation Principal Amen Species Introduced Since 1900 Gramineae fseguminosae Aegilops triuncialis Alhagi camelorum Holcus mollis Oxalidaceae Pholiuris incurvus Oxalis cernua Setaria viridis Euphorbiaceae Fumariaceae Euphorbia esula Fumaria officinalis Verbenaceae Cruciferae Verbena bonariensis Eruca sativa Solanaceae Hymenophysa pubescens Lycium halirnif olium Lepidium Draba Salpichroa rhomboidea Lepidium Draba var. repens Compositae Radicula austriaca Centaurea Cyanus Sisymbrium altissimum Centaurea iberica Sisymbrium Irio Centaurea sicula Sisymbrium Sophia Helianthus ciliaris Numerous studies indicate the great changes produced in the original plant covering of California by man's conquest — by grazing, burning, cultivation, and the building of roads, ditches, towns, and cities. Davy (1902), describing the stock ranges of northwestern California, emphasizes the aliens that have replaced much of the native grassland. In Mendocino County numerous mountain valleys occur on either side of Walker Mountain, the watershed that separates the Russian River and the Eel River drainage basins. From Sherwood Valley, a typical one north of the divide, he gained an approximate idea of the early na- tive flora. When this valley was first settled in 1853, California oatgrass was the dominant and most valued grass of the hillside and valley floor. In 1902 the prevalent grasses were upright chess and velvet grass, both naturalized from Europe. Associated with them were soft chess, silver hairgrass, Mediterranean barley, and rat's-tail fescue, all introduced species, except silver hairgrass. The "upland ranges" of northwestern California have suffered a sim- ilar fate. In 1902 the prevailing grasses were rat's-tail fescue, Mediter- ranean barley, and upright chess. Other adventive and weedy species of these upland ranges were Napa thistle, silver hairgrass, smooth cat's-ear, small quaking grass, ripgut grass, buckhorn plantain, and sheep sorrel. Besides, the Mediterranean species, red-stem filaree and white-stem fila- ree, had come to compose a significant part of the range feed. Davy presents evidence that the primitive forage plants of the north- western ranges, composed chiefly of "bunch grasses," together with an- nual and perennial clovers, largely disappeared with overstocking; wild 10 University of California — Experiment Station oat and red-stem filaree "took possession of the country." These immi- grants increased until the native species diminished in quantity to the point where animals began grazing the introduced species. These, in turn, began to disappear and to be replaced by Mediterranean barley, rat's-tail fescue, and upright chess, the three chief range grasses in 1902. Davy described, in 1902, a third immigration : white-stem filaree, ripgut grass, common foxtail, Napa thistle, smooth cat's-ear, bur clover, and other weeds were "establishing themselves along the roadsides and around ranch houses." Bauer (1930), studying the vegetation of the Tehachapi Mountains, finds that on the floor of the San Joaquin Valley, at the base of the Te- hachapis on the north, prominent grasses are red brome, ripgut grass, common foxtail, beardless wild-rye, and alkali sacaton. He recognizes five distinct types of vegetation: (1) desert; (2) woodland — blue oak and valley oak; (3) conifer forest — yellow pine, and the like; (4) grass- land; and (5) chaparral. Characteristic of the grassland are red brome, Australian chess, ripgut grass, soft chess, common foxtail, wild oat, scratchgrass, and needle-and-thread. Bauer states : Adventive species of the Tehachapis constitute a notable part of the present flora. Seventeen per cent of all plants encountered during the course of this investigation are in this class. About two thirds of these introduced plants are natives of Europe, while the remainder are from widely scattered parts of the world. . . . Extensive areas of burned-over grassland can be found in some part of the region every year. It is re- ported that in aboriginal days the natives intentionally burned the rank herbaceous vegetation yearly. For many years thereafter the custom among ranchers was for the last man bringing his stock down from the mountains in the autumn to start a fire; indeed, to do this was considered a duty. The purpose was to improve grazing conditions in succeeding years, and to protect the larger forest trees by destroying the brush and debris beneath them, thus, as it was supposed, lessening the probability of very destructive fires. The effect upon the plant communities has been an im- portant factor in bringing a good part of the vegetation to its present condition. The large number of introduced species, 17 per cent of all encountered, presumably was greatly aided in their invasion by the repeated burnings. Piemeisel (1932) briefly discusses weedy abandoned lands of the Mo- jave Desert. According to him, the dominant vegetation is the creosote bush and desert saltbush. Here, recently abandoned farm lands or neg- lected fallow lands are infested with Russian thistle. Land denuded of brush, where there has been no plowing, is grown up principally to red- stem filaree, red brome and species of Amsinckia, Plantago, Thelypo- dum, Sophia, and Lepidium. In discussing the southern San Joaquin Valley he points to the abandoned lands with a high water table and high salt content as being covered with saltgrass, Dondia, and annual Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 11 species of Atriplex. The west side of the San Joaquin, once a desert sage type of vegetation and now greatly denuded, is covered with filarees and red brome, associated with "pepper grass, lupines, borages, and several annual composites." Because of overgrazing and erosion, the original plant covering has little opportunity to return. In the southern San Joaquin Valley, Russian thistle particularly abounds on lands for- merly occupied by bunch grass — that is, above the desert sage plains — and on recently abandoned lands in the irrigated districts. Piemeisel and Lawson (1937), in their study of the San Joaquin Val- ley, include the following plant formations and their associations or units of original vegetation : 1. Broad sclerophyll formation : Tree savanna, Quercus agrifolia — Q. lobata association. 2. Grassland formation : Pacific grassland, Stipa-Poa association. 3. Southern desert shrub or creosote bush formation : Desert salt- bush, Atriplex polycarpa association. 4. Salt desert shrub formation : Spinescale, Atriplex spinifera asso- ciation; pickleweed, Allenrolfea association; seepweed, Dondia associa- tion; saltgrass, Distichlis association; alkali heath, Frankenia associa- tion. The original vegetation of these various native associations has been markedly modified by man, chiefly through overgrazing and disturb- ance of the soil in the development of farming. In the tree savanna, "the perennial cover among the oaks has been replaced by an annual cover of grasses and herbs," chiefly wild oat, red- stem filaree, broad-leaf filaree, white-stem filaree, and common foxtail. The principal species invading fallow lands and neglected farm lands are fiddleneck (Amsinckia spp.), black mustard, common yellow mus- tard, wild mustard, some Russian thistle, and annual saltbushes. The Pacific grassland was originally dominated by purple needle- grass; associated with it were the needle-and- thread, Junegrass, pine bluegrass, melic grass, squirrel-tail grass, beardless wild-rye, and spe- cies of Danthonia, Bromus, and Festuca. Much of the original Pacific grassland of the San Joaquin has been plowed or heavily grazed. The overgrazed areas are now occupied by such annuals as wild oat, Hor- deum species, red brome, red-stem filaree, broad-leaf filaree, common peppergrass, erect plantain, Hemizonia species, vinegar weed, and Rus- sian thistle, the most widely distributed being red brome and the Ero- dium species. Besides these annual invaders there are such perennials as California matchweed and Isocoma veneta var. vernonioides. Now that the desert saltbush association has been modified by farming 12 University of California — Experiment Station and overgrazing, the ground cover on the overgrazed areas is chiefly red- stem filaree, common peppergrass, red brome, erect plantain, six-weeks fescue, and Isocoma veneta var. vernonioides; and on the abandoned farm lands chiefly Russian thistle, common spikeweed, horseweed, red brome, common foxtail, common peppergrass, red-stem filaree, and fid- dleneck (Amsinckia spp. ) . The spiny saltbush association has been less disturbed than others of the valley; but after clearing and cultivation the principal invaders are common peppergrass and dwarf peppergrass, Baeria gracilis, B. uligi- nosa, Isocoma veneta var. vernonioides, bractscale, fog-weed, five-hook bassia, common sunflower, red brome, common foxtail, red-stem filaree, and white-stem filaree. Piemeisel and Lawson (1932) group the four as- sociations — pickleweed, seepweed, saltgrass, and alkali heath — under the heading "lowland types." These occupy portions of the valley having a high water table, soils of the heavier type, and considerable accumula- tions of soluble salts. These lowland types have been cultivated or grazed and in certain instances drained and irrigated. On the grazed areas the following species dominate : jackass clover, dwarf peppergrass, common peppergrass, Baeria gracilis, B. uliginosa, and Isocoma veneta var. ver- nonioides. On the abandoned farm lands of these lowland types have come in, chiefly, bractscale, fog- weed, five-hook bassia, jackass clover, common spikeweed, common foxtail, dwarf peppergrass, common pep- pergrass, and the three Er odium species. According to an analysis of the present vegetation in the San Joaquin Valley on lands whose original plant covering has been destroyed or greatly modified by grazing, much of the stand is composed of intro- duced species, whereas many native species have assumed the role of weeds. As Piemeisel and Lawson point out, when the original vegetation is destroyed by plowing and by subsequent abandonment for one to three years, summer annuals come in and dominate the land; and, when the original plant covering is destroyed by excessive and continued grazing, there will first appear a sparse stand of summer annuals with winter annuals, then a short stand of winter annuals, then unpalatable range weeds or poisonous plants with a sparse stand of winter annuals, and finally, if excessive grazing continues, a bare or nearly bare soil. Talbot, Biswell and Hormay (1939) present valuable data concerning California's annual-plant communities. Some 25,000,000 acres of Cali- fornia range land is dominated by annual plants. The areas referred to include valley and foothill grasslands, the open woodlands, and chaparral. They call attention to the "great extent to which the native vegetation over vast areas in California has been replaced by plants Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 13 introduced from the Old World." As an example, in the San Joaquin Valley introduced plants, mostly annuals, constitute 63 per cent of the herbaceous vegetation in the grassland types, 66 per cent in the wood- land, and 54 per cent in the chaparral. They cite the most important introduced species from the standpoint of abundance as follows : "Ero- dium cicutarium (20 per cent of total herbaceous cover) and E. botrys (14 per cent), Bromus hordeaceus {B. mollis) (9 per cent), B. rubens (9 per cent), B. arenarius (2 per cent), Avena barbata (2 per cent), Bromus rigidus (1 per cent), and Medicago hispida (1 per cent). Hor- deum murinum, H. gussoneanum, Avena fatua, Festuca myuros, and other minor or rare species comprise an additional 1 per cent." They farther call attention to the marked fluctuations in the composition and yield of this annual-plant cover from season to season, and the influence upon it of grazing and rodents. Changes in the original plant covering have been equally marked in other sections where man has carried on his various operations. In all instances, the way has been left open for alien species. Every year sees the appearance of new introductions. It is our duty to detect these, to observe their behavior, and, if need be, to exterminate the incipient in- festations. If the Russian thistle first observed around 1895 had been stamped out and the importation of the seed strictly prohibited, Cali- fornia would have arrested a weed alien which, since 1895, has cost many millions of dollars and will, in the future, cause losses of many millions more. The same might be said of numerous other weeds. At present a number of plant immigrants, recognized in other parts of the world as bad weeds and manifesting the same tendencies under our conditions, have a relatively limited distribution here : quackgrass, Medusa-head, Austrian field cress, hoary cress, leafy spurge, white horse nettle, Texas blueweed, spiny clotbur, camel thorn, artichoke thistle, and Canada thistle. With respect to several of these weeds, the State Department of Agriculture and County Agricultural Commissioners are actively at- tempting extermination or control. It is interesting to note the geographical sources of the alien plants growing without cultivation in California. Approximately 360 species or 72 per cent of the total number are from Europe and Western Asia, and fully 15 per cent of these are from the Mediterranean region. East- ern Asia, South Africa, and Australia have contributed about 10 per cent; South America approximately 10 per cent; and the United States, east of California, about 8 per cent. Apparently the introduction has been largely determined by the movements of peoples. Naturally, in view of Europe's great contribution to our human population, a large 14 University of California — Experiment Station proportion of our weeds are European. Usually, aliens have reached us not directly from Europe but by way of the eastern United States. As lines of travel were established with other countries — Eastern Asia, Australia, and South America — there naturally resulted the introduc- tion of alien species, by one agency or another, their establishment de- termined by their fitness to the environment. The rapid spread of several Mediterranean species is natural in view of the great similarity of cli- matic conditions in the two regions. The greatest number of aliens is in the grass family (Gramineae) , with 111 species; ranking second is the sunflower family (Compositae), with 96 species. Also well represented are the mustard family (Cruciferae), 43 species; pea family (Leguminosae), 28 species; pink family (Caryo- phyllaceae), 23 species; saltbush family (Chenopodiaceae), 17 species; potato family (Solanaceae), 15 species; buckwheat family (Polygona- ceae), 17 species; mint family (Labiatae), 14 species; geranium family (Geraniaceae) , 12 species ; carrot family (Umbelliferae) , 11 species ; and figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), 13 species. Not all aliens are undesirable. Indeed certain immigrants, especially those invading the range lands, are of recognized value for forage. The principal ones are given in the following list, and notes on their forage value are given under the discussion of individual species. Immigrant Plants Having Forage Value Agrostis alba Lolium multiflorum Arrhenatherum elatius Lolium perenne Avena barbata Lolium temulentum Avena sativa Poa annua Bromus brizaef ormis Poa compressa Bromus catharticus Poa pratensis Bromus inermis Medicago hispida Bromus mollis Erodium Botrys Bromus secalinus Erodium cicutarium Bromus teetorum Erodium moschatum Hordeum murinum Whereas introduced species constitute our worst California weeds, numerous natives behave as weeds in disturbed soil — especially bracken fern, horsetail, saltgrass, sandbur, chufa, wild licorice, turkey-mullein, alkali mallow, buckthorn or fiddleneck (Amsinckia spp.), alkali helio- trope, common spikeweed, common madia, poverty weed, telegraph plant, pignut, burweed (Franseria spp.), and western ragweed. In the list of California plants given herein and designated as alien or immigrant, a few species are doubtfully included. This paper will not, Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 15 however, undertake a critical discussion of these cases. Their inclusion indicates that they are regarded as aliens by those botanists who have given most attention to the matter. Under the term "alien" would be included introduced crop plants, ornamentals of all sorts, and many weeds. But not all introduced species can long maintain themselves without the care and attention of man; that is, they cannot persist without cultivation. On the other hand, cer- tain introduced species may escape from cultivation or from the area where first they gained a foothold and may, with varying rapidity, be- come distributed over a larger area, growing independently of man's care. Certain introductions are designated herein as "naturalized." These have been within our borders for a long period, are rather widely dis- tributed, multiply readily, may compete more or less favorably with native species, and behave much as in their own natural geographical range. Other species, described as "adventive," are relatively recent in- troductions, less widely distributed than naturalized species and not so firmly established. Still others are "waifs" — a few chance escapes from gardens and other cultivated areas, even less firmly established than adventives and likely to disappear after a few years. The criteria in judging a plant an alien are as follows : (1) its natural geographic range; (2) its prevalence about habitations, along highways, railroads, and in gardens and fields; (3) the presence of its seeds in imported crop seeds; and (4) its ability to compete successfully in native plant communities. For many of our aliens there is definite his- torical evidence as to dates and places of introduction. To illustrate application of the criteria, we will cite a specific weed. The widespread lamb's-quarters was fairly abundant when the pioneer settlers came to California. Accordingly, one might surmise that the species was indige- nous, especially considering the lack of definite knowledge regarding the date and manner of its introduction. The earliest botanical collectors in the eastern United States, as well as in California, however, pro- nounced lamb's-quarters as immigrant because they found it growing about dwellings, along roadsides, in gardens and fields, and in other situations where man played a role, and not growing among native plants, competing favorably with them, or behaving like a native. These were good reasons for believing that the species was brought there by man and did not invade his gardens and fields from adjacent native hab- itats. Moreover, the seeds of lamb's-quarters were observed among those of crop plants from Europe, where the species is known to have a natural geographic range. There is therefore ample evidence that lamb's-quar- 16 University of California — Experiment Station ters is an alien. This species, however, is more definitely established as an immigrant than are many others. In each individual case we need bring forth various evidence of the kind indicated above. NAIADACEAE 7 POTAMOGETON Munz (1935) records Potamoget on crispus L. (curled-leaved pondweed) from the Santa Ana River near Corona. An early collection was made there in 1918. It is a native of Europe. ALISMACEAE SAGITTARIA Sagittaria montevidensis Cham. & Schlecht. (arrowhead), a native of Argentina, has been introduced at Stockton and Penryn. GRAMINEAE AEGILOPS There are three species of Aegilops in California, all introductions from Europe : A. triuncialis L. (barb goatgrass) , now a troublesome, mechan- ically injurious weed on range and cultivated lands; A. ovata L. (ovate goatgrass), a weed in fields, reported from Mendocino County in the vicinity of Twin Rocks ; and A. cylindrica Host, (jointed goatgrass) , col- lected in August, 1939, in Siskiyou County. Specimens of Aegilops triuncialis were collected in 1917 near Clarks- ville in the Sierra foothills; here, according to Kennedy (1928), "it was noticed for the first time about three years ago (in 1914) where some cattle from Mexico had been pastured. This season it is said to have prac- tically destroyed a crop of wheat." The extent of the Calaveras infes- tation is indicated by Kennedy (1928) : "According to Mr. Leonard of Calaveras County, it occurs first as scattered plants rapidly making solid patches, there being about 60 acres of thoroughly established gen- eral heavy infestation and an additional 200 acres of scattered infesta- tion. It is troublesome on the grazing lands and slowly spreading to cultivated areas." Jacobsen (1929) gave its distribution: From the upper reaches of Deer Creek, where this stream is crossed by the state highway to Placerville, westward to Clarksville in El Dorado County, thence spot- tedly south along Deer Creek and across the hills to Sloughhouse on the Consumnes 7 The following annotated list of alien species attempts to give the earliest dates and places of occurrence and the geographical range of each species in California at the present time. For widely distributed species there seems little point, considering the main purposes of this paper, in indicating all localities where they have been collected, as recorded in herbarium specimens. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 17 Biver. There appears to be ... a gap between . . . infestations until Calaveras County is reached, where it is found abundantly in spots throughout its southwestern por- tion, extending over into eastern San Joaquin County and northwestern Stanislaus County. In 1921, collections were taken in Yuba County. Although cattle avoid this plant on range lands, they can eat it with no ill effects and, if held on an infested area, will greatly reduce the infestation. AGROPYRON Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. (quackgrass), from Eurasia, is excep- tionally troublesome in the central northern states. Thousands of acres of the richest soils there are so overrun with quackgrass as to be scarcely worth cultivating. In California, thus far, it has very limited distribu- tion and, although introduced early, appears unlikely to attain the im- portance it has in eastern United States. Brewer and Watson (1876) record it at San Francisco and elsewhere. Collections have been taken from Soquel in Santa Cruz County; Tehachapi Peak (altitude 6,000- 8,000 feet), in 1895; Tulare County, in 1897; Funston's Meadows in the region of Kaweah Peaks, in 1897; the lower end of Donner Lake, in 1903 ; Del Norte County, in 1931; and at San Francisco. Agropyron junceum (L.) Beauv. (rushlike wheatgrass), a Mediter- ranean species, was, according to Howell (1935a), first collected about 1885 at the outlet of Lake Merced by J. W. Congdon, "the only specimen heretofore known from California." In 1893 it was collected at Tocaloma in Marin County; in 1935, re-collected by Mrs. H. E. Tilden on the coastal sand dunes between the Cliff House and Lake Merced. Appar- ently this species is not spreading with any rapidity. AGROSTIS Agrostis alba L. (redtop), a native of Europe, was found at San Ber- nardino as early as 1892. Later collections were made at Los Angeles, and elsewhere in the state. A. verticillata Vill. (water bent) , naturalized from Europe, is fairly well represented in Mendocino, Mariposa, and Inyo counties, south to southern California. A. retrofractaWilld. (hairy- flowered bentgrass) is an Australian species which has been found near Stockton. AIRA Aira caryophyllea (L.) Nash, (silver hairgrass), naturalized from Eu- rope, is common throughout the state. A. capillaris (Host.) Hitchc, also an introduction from Europe, has been found in Sonoma and Humboldt counties. 18 University of California — Experiment Station ALOPECURUS Alopecurus pratensis L. (meadow foxtail), a native of Europe, is spar- ingly naturalized in California. AMMOPHILA Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link. (European beachgrass), a native of Europe, was brought to the seacoast and sand dunes early as a sand- binder. It has well established itself in such habitats and has spread ex- tensively. ANDROPOGON Andropogon virginicus L. (broomsedge) is apparently well established near Oroville. Agnes Chase writes in 1939 j "A specimen of this was received a short time ago, the first in California. I surmise it has been recently introduced in some way." It is a native from Massachusetts to Texas, Mexico, and Central America. ANTHOXANTHTJM Anthoxanthum odoratum L. (sweet vernalgrass), introduced from Eurasia, was listed by Brewer and Watson (1876), was collected by Davidson (18956) at Los Angeles in 1895, and is described by Jepson (1923-25) as distributed in Humboldt and Del Norte counties. ARRHENATHERUM Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Mert. & Koch, (tall oatgrass), introduced from Europe, is rare in California, being recorded by Jepson (1923-25) as adventive near Berkeley and at Jackson in Amador County. It has not become established to any extent on our range lands. ARUNDO Arundo Donax L. (reed grass), native to the warm regions of the Old World, occurs along irrigating ditches in central and southern Cali- fornia. According to Parish (1890-91), "an aged Mexican informed Mr. Lyon that as early as 1820 it was so plentiful along the Los Angeles River that it was gathered for roofing material, for which it was pre- ferred to the tules commonly used." It was probably introduced during the Mission Period. It was collected at Los Angeles, 1889; near Red- lands, 1894; and San Gabriel River, 1918. AVENA Avena fatua L. (wild oat) is regarded as an introduction from Europe. Although widespread in the United States, it is most troublesome as a Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 19 weed in the Northwest, along the Pacific Coast, and in the prairie prov- inces of western Canada. In California, however, it ranks as an impor- tant range plant, although in certain crops it may be a serious weed. From a study of the seeds found in adobe bricks from old buildings whose construction dates are known, Hendry and Bellue (1925) have evidence that Avena fatua was among the many plants growing in Alta California during the Spanish or Mission Period (1769-1824). Their studies lead them to conclude : "We have scant evidence of wild oat in California until after 1800, but subsequent to this date we find Avena fatua abundantly in some of the San Francisco Bay region buildings." Brewer and Watson (1876) say that wild oat is common in fields. Parish (1890-91) writes as follows : The wild oat (Avena fatua), although possessing an objectionable awned seed that is capable of boring into the flesh and causing much annoyance and damage, yet has sufficient value to overbalance its evil qualities. In places it covers hundreds of acres with self-sown grain. It forms a luxuriant pasture, starting up with the first rains and requiring less moisture than the cultivated grains. . . . Cut early, it makes a hay . . . much relished by horses and mules. Although present ... in all Calif ornian grain fields, it is not often injurious to them, unless very foul seed has been used. In what are called "volunteer crops" — that is, self-sown ones — it is frequently so abundant that they must be cut for hay. Although so valued by us, it has acquired a bad reputation in some of the older states. . . . Thus, having been accidentally in- troduced some years ago in . . . Wisconsin, it is said to have soon taken possession of the land, effectually running out any other crop, and becoming the worst pest of the region. ... To the plant-eradicating sheep, which have wrought such destruction to our native flora, . . . California owes the introduction of its most valuable and abun- dant forage plants, namely alfileria, bur -clover, and wild oat. Hilgard (1890) says: The wild oat (Avena fatua) is so generally diffused . . . that it is commonly con- sidered indigenous, since it is mentioned by the early explorers as covering the hill- sides of the coast ranges as well as Sierra foothills. While an unwelcome guest in the grain fields, it is highly esteemed for hay, despite its hirsute glumes that, when too ripe, sometimes give trouble in "choking" cattle not used to it. Davy (1902), studying the stock ranges of northwestern California, writes concerning the influence of wild oat on that territory, always rated among the superior natural ranges of California : Few residents of this region are sufficiently familiar with plants to define the ac- tual changes — over a period of years. Some, however, have noticed the change in composition of the range feed. Mr. Bell, Mr. Joseph H. Clarke, and others state that danthonia and other "bunch grasses," wild oats, alfilerilla, clovers, wild-pea vines (Lathyrus sp.), and wild sunflower (Wyethia sp.) were formerly the most abundant plants on the ranges. All these, they state, have been materially reduced, . . . and in their places squirrel tail, small barley grass, and soft chess have become established since they settled in the county. . . . Menefee, writing in 1873, says of this section 20 University of California — Experiment Station of Mendocino County, "The soil is . . . covered with a rich growth of clover, wild oat, bunch grass, and rosin weed or wild sunflower." All of the above-named plants are now relatively scarce. Wild oats and alfilerilla were not, however, the primitive forage plants, . . . their introduction . . . probably dating from the Spanish occupation. Being adventive, they too must have replaced other plants which were probably native, . . . since we have no records of immigration earlier than that of the Mission Fathers. . . . On account of their wide distribution in the State, and their abundance and preva- lence in the fifties, many persons have refused to believe that wild oats and alfilerilla could be other than native to the soil; even Bolander, writing in the early sixties, was inclined to believe that they must be native alike in southern Europe and Cali- fornia. To anyone who has watched the rapid spread of alien weeds in the rich soil and favorable climate of this state, and has observed one alien gradually give place to others, the century and a quarter . . . since the Spanish occupation will appear none too short to witness the occupation of the whole state by such prolific plants as wild oats and alfilerilla, and the later appearance of one or both of them by over- stocking. . . . Col. Eedick McKee, United States Indian agent, with a military party, passed over the plateau region from Santa Eosa to Humboldt Bay in the fall of 1851. Mr. George Gibbs, who kept the official diary of the party, mentions that wild oats were very abundant on the slopes of the lower foothills from Santa Eosa northward. Before reaching Feliz Valley, the most northerly Spanish ranch in the Eussian Eiver Valley, he notes: "The hills passed today were covered with bunch grass, the wild oats hav- ing disappeared." Wild oats were again observed on what is now known as Walker Mountain, but were not noted from any place to the northward, though bunch grasses are frequently mentioned. There is no mention of alfilerilla. Col. McKee's party seems to have been only the second white party to make the overland trip. As late as 1913, Parish (1913) states that after two explorations of the Imperial Valley he found no Avena fatua as well as no specimens of several other weed species. Again (1920) he remarks, "The wild oats must have been among the earliest introductions of the Mission era, and being well suited to the conditions, have spread with rapidity." Newberry (1857) says that in 1855, throughout central and southern California, wherever the ground was not occupied by forests, wild oat "covered surfaces of many hundreds of miles in extent as completely as the grasses cover the prairies of Illinois." He was inclined to regard it as indigenous. The report indicates that at this early date it was even more abundant than today, the increase of cultivation having curtailed its area. Wild oat is frequent in cultivated grounds, especially as "volunteer" in grain fields, but it occupies great tracts of hills and plains. It affords good pasturage and in early years was extensively reaped for hay. By way of California, doubtless, the wild oat has reached other parts of the United States. Clements (1920) suggests that the Great Valley of California, from Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 21 Bakersfield to Mount Shasta and from the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Mountains, through and over much of the Coast Range was originally a grassland of the bunch-grass type, with Stipa as the most dominant species, and that this has been almost entirely replaced by the introduced annual grasses (Avena fatua and A. barbata). Cooper (1922), on the basis of assumed relicts, believes that the chaparral was the climax vegetative covering the edges of the Great Valley, a suppo- sition which does not exclude the possibility of a climatic grassland over much of the Great Valley itself. Aldous and Shantz (1924) describe briefly 102 "vegetation types" of the semiarid portion of the United States, including the "weed grass" type, as . . . limited chiefly to California where it is the principal type on the valley floors and lower foothills on lands containing little alkali. It consists of a more or less even stand of annuals or short-lived grasses, chief among which are three species of brome grass (Bromus species), wild oats (Avena fatua), and filaree, also known as alfilaria (Erodium cicutarium) . ... It indicates land from which the original vegetation has been driven out by overgrazing. In California this was done during early Spanish days. ... It supplies practically all the feed in the unimproved pastures and ranges in the valleys and lower foothills of California. According to Bauer (1930), Avena fatua is a characteristic plant of the grasslands of the Tehachapi Mountains. Piemeisel and Lawson (1937) , studying the San Joaquin Valley, state that in the tree savanna the perennial cover among the oaks has been replaced by an annual cover of grasses and herbs, chief of which are Avena fatua and other alien plants. The Pacific grassland, originally dominated by perennial grasses, has been overgrazed, and such areas are now occupied by annuals, with Avenu fatua dominant. Avena barbata Brot. (slender oat) is also regarded as an introduction from Europe. Although first reported from California by Vasey (1885) , it is generally believed to have been introduced much earlier. Parish (1899) writes as follows : Although it is only within recent years that this species has been reported from California, it has evidently been established, at least in the southern counties, from very early times, but has been confused with A. fatua, and it is probable that many specimens in herbaria under the latter name will be found really to belong to this species. Both occur throughout the intramontane region. In San Bernardino and Riverside counties A. fatua is the more common, but in many parts of San Diego County (Santa Ysabel, Julian, Pensaquitas Ranch, Poway, etc.) A. ~barbata is much more abundant, and often over large areas the exclusive species. Avena sativa L., the cultivated oat, a native of Europe, is an occa- sional escape. 22 University of California — Experiment Station BRACHYPODIUM Br achy podium distachyon (L.) Beauv., an adventive from Europe, was collected by R. D. Roseberry on June 10, 1935, 2y 2 miles northwest of Golden Gate Hill, Calaveras County, at an elevation of 1,300 feet. It was associated with slender oat, soft chess, red brome, and bur clover. BRIZA The three species of Briza in California are European introductions. Briza minor L. (small quaking grass) is becoming fairly common in central California; and Munz (1935) records it at the San Diego River. B. maxima L. (large quaking grass), an ornamental garden plant, has sparingly escaped. Davy (1898d) reports it near Healdsburg. B. media L. (medium quaking grass) has been collected in Sonoma County. BROMUS Bromus arenarius Labill. (Australian chess), an occasional weed in central and southern California, is an introduction from Australia. Parish (1920) states that a few plants were first collected in Waterman Canyon, San Bernardino, in 1905. Other early collections were at Sara- toga in 1910; at Shoestring Mine and Tejon Pass, in 1914; near Barstow and "The Cave" in a remote part of the Ivanpah Mountains in 1915; and at Red Hill, near Uplands, in 1917. Bromus orizaeformis Fisch. & Mey. (rattlesnake chess), also an in- troduction from Europe, is occasionally cultivated as an ornamental. It is infrequently found in northern California. It grows sparsely in the foothills, the young plants being grazed by livestock with some relish. It was collected at Gazelle in Siskiyou County in 1905 and at Massock in Plumas County in 1913. Bromus catharticus Vahl. (rescue grass) is probably a native of South America. It is grown in the southern states for winter forage. It has occasionally escaped from cultivation, especially in southern Califor- nia, where it is rare in waste places, fields, and sometimes on the desert. Parish (1913) states that it is "common in cultivated fields, in gardens, about houses, and by roadsides; in like places in the Mojave Desert, at Barstow, and in Panamint Valley." It has some value as a forage plant. Bromus commutatus Scrad. (hairy chess), from Europe, occurs in fields and waste places at lower altitudes throughout the state. It is spar- ingly found on the range. It was collected at San Francisco in 1880, at San Bernardino in 1891, and at Redlands and Orange in 1902. Bromus inermis Leyss. (smooth brome) is a native of the Hungarian Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 23 plains and the Russian steppes. About 1880, the California Agricul- tural Experiment Station introduced it into the United States, where it was planted extensively as a pasture and hay crop. It has occasionally escaped from cultivation and may grow in a volunteer fashion on ranges. Bromus japonicus Thunb. (Japanese chess) is occasionally found as a weed in California. Munz (1935) records it as a waif in the San Ja- cinto Mountains. It is a native of the Old World. Bromus madritensis L. (compact chess) is a European species col- lected, according to Parish (1920) at Fort Tejon in 1887, "the first re- ported collection in the United States." Other early records are from San Emigdio Canyon in Kern County in 1896, San Jose in 1896, near Ten Mile House in Mendocino County in 1896, and Santiago Peak in Orange County in 1904. It is also found at Antioch, and in Amador County. Bromus mollis L. (soft chess) has become widely scattered in Califor- nia in waste places, on cultivated soils, and on ranges, especially in the coastal region. It is naturalized from Europe. Parish (1890-91) states : "B. mollis has been sent me by Dr. H. E. Hasse, who collected it in May of the present year at Santa Monica, under conditions which made evi- dent its recent intrusion. There is no record of its having- been found previously in the state." Hilgard (1890) reports it as common on road- sides and in neglected fields, evidently referring to northern California. Jepson (1893) records it from Napa Valley. According to Davidson (1896) it was not common at Los Angeles in 1896; but was abundant at Santa Ysabel and Oceanside. Davy (1902) reports it as a prevalent grass on the ranges of northwestern California. In some localities it has taken possession of depleted range lands. As a pasture grass it is the best of the annual bromes. Bromus rigidus Roth, and its variety Gussonii (Pari.) Coss. and Dur. (ripgut grass), weedy grasses naturalized from Europe, have become very common throughout the state, the species relatively abundant in the southern half, the variety more common than the species in the central and northern half. Brewer and Watson (1876) record the species from San Francisco, where Eastwood also collected it in 1898. Parish (1890- 91), who first observed it in 1888 in the foothills of San Bernardino, re- marks that "the earliest collection in the state was in a cultivated field at Mission Dolores, San Francisco, in 1862." Other early records are for Lake Tahoe, 1899 ; Orange and Lytle Creek in the San Antonio Moun- tains, 1900 ; Castroville, 1901; and the Mojave Desert, 1915. Davy (1902) states that the variety Gussonii is a dominant plant of the ranges in northwestern California. 24 University of California — Experiment Station Bromus rubcns L. (red brome), naturalized from southern Europe, is common throughout California at lower altitudes. It is, in fact, one of the most obnoxious weeds, especially in southern California, having come to replace much of the native vegetation. Brewer and Watson (1876) record it. An early collection was in Plumas County in 1880. Parish (1909) first noticed this species (with B. rigidus var. Gussonii) along the sides of the San Bernardino Valley in 1888, being introduced in foul grain seed. Two years after, the weeds had spread for a mile along the roadsides of the two canyons in which they first appeared. Parish states : "The diffusion of both bromes continued with increasing rapidity, and in a very few years large patches of either could be found in all parts. . . . They are now among the most widespread, abundant and well-established grasses of the region. By roadsides and in waste places, in pastures and in cultivated fields, on dry mesas and hillsides these pestiferous grasses abound." Other early collections were at Palm Springs in 1913 and in the Mojave Desert in 1915. Bromus scoparius L. (broom bromegrass) in California is a rare, in- troduced European plant found at Santa Barbara and Mariposa. Bromus secalinus L. (chess) native of Europe, has not yet become a common weed in grain fields of California, as it has elsewhere. It is some- times a weed on range lands, although in winter and early spring it fur- nishes some forage. Brewer and Watson (1876) record the species. Ac- cording to Parish (1890-91), it had not been detected up to that date in southern California. In 1893, however, it was collected at Glendale and Los Angeles. Munz (1935) reports it as an "occasional waif." Bromus sterilis L. (barren brome), a Mediterranean species, occurs sparingly in waste places. Bolander (1870) records it from near San Francisco. It was collected in 1897 at Matilija in Ventura County, and in 1916 along the Eel River from South Fork to Scotia. Bromus tectorum L. (downy chess) and its variety nudus Klett & Richt. are common escapes throughout California, especially above 3,000 feet elevation on the east side of the Sierras. They are introductions from the Mediterranean. According to Parish (1920) early collections were made at Yosemite in 1900, Klamath River in 1901, Sisson in 1902, Yreka in 1904, Santa Barbara in 1910, and Upland, 1918. Although one of the less palatable alien bromes, before it matures it supplies considerable forage on many ranges. Bromus Trinii Desv. (Chilean chess) occurs from Siskiyou County southward, especially in the desert regions. It was introduced from Chile. B. molliformis Lloyd and B. racemosus L. (upright chess), both introduced from Europe, are infrequently weeds within our borders. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 25 CENCHRUS In October, 1937, Gander (1937) collected Cenchrus echinatus L. (bur- grass) at La Mesa in San Diego County. This is a common weed in tropical America. CHLORIS There are three introduced species of Clitoris in California. Chloris distichophylla Lag., from South America, occasionally escapes from cultivation in the southern part of the state. Gander (1937) reports several collections from near San Diego. C. Gay ana Kunth (Rhodes grass), introduced from Africa and cultivated somewhat as a forage plant, is occasionally an escape, being recorded by Gander (1937) at one locality in southwestern San Diego County. C. verticillata Nutt. (windmill grass), a native of Texas, is adventive at Berkeley. CRYPSIS Crypsis aculeata (L.) Ait. (sharp-leaved crypsis) occurs on the over- flowed lands of the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys. It is a native of Europe. CUTANDIA An introduction from the Mediterranean region, Cntandia memphitica (Spreng.) Richt. is adventive in the San Bernardino Mountains. CYNODON Cynodon Dactylon (L.) Pers. (Bermuda grass) ranks among the worst weed pests of California. A native of the warmer parts of the Old World, it is now widely distributed in California in regions where the winters are not severe enough to kill roots and rootstocks. It is of interest to note that William C. Walker, a nurseryman of San Francisco, listed Ber- muda grass in his catalog of 1858, at $5.00 a flat. Brewer and Watson (1876) report it near San Bernardino and San Jose. Bolander (1870) finds it near San Francisco. Hilgard (1890), however, does not list it among the weeds of California. Parish (1890-91) records it from the southern counties, and Davy (18985) from Calaveras County. Parish (1913) found it in the Colorado Desert, frequent in fields and about houses. Parish (1920) states: "Although now so abundant, it probably was not a very early introduction, at least in the south. At San Ber- nardino it was still rare about 1880, and I have found no early record of its presence in the state." A form of this species (called Cynodon maritimus), coarser and 26 University of California — Experiment Station ranker than the typical form, is common in the Imperial Valley, and has also been found at West Anaheim in 1934, at Yorba Linda in 1935, and at Chino in 1939. CYNOSURUS There are two species of this genus in California, both adventive from Europe. Cynosurus crisiatus L. (crested dogtail) occurs at Los Angeles. C. echinatus L. (dogtail grass) has been found there and also in Marin County. DACTYLIS Dactylis glomerata L. (orchard grass), a European species, often cul- tivated, has occasionally escaped from cultivation, as at San Bernar- dino, 1886; San Francisco, 1898; Claremont and Pomona, 1918. It may be found along roadsides and in waste places throughout the state at moderate elevations. DIGITARIA Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop, (hairy crabgrass), a common nat- uralized weed from Europe, is listed by Brewer and Watson (1876). Parish (1890-91) notes that in the southern counties crabgrass "is abundant in cultivated districts, as ... in most of the warmer regions of the world. ... It is especially prevalent in orchards, corn fields, and gardens." Parish (1920) calls it "a common and long-established weed in cultivated grounds, as abundant thirty-five years ago as now." Today crabgrass has become a troublesome weed of lawns throughout the state, along roadsides, in waste moist places, and on levees. Digitaria Ischaemum (Schreb.) Muhl. (smooth crabgrass) is reported from Pasadena, and from San Diego County. According to Ball (1936), it is becoming increasingly frequent, especially in lawns near Petaluma. It is a native of Europe. ECHINOCHLOA Echinochloa Crusgalli (L.) Beauv. (watergrass), an introduction from Europe, is now found in almost all agricultural sections of California. Torrey (1856) collected it "on the Sacramento" in 1838-42. Brewer and Watson (1876) find it "common in rich ground." Bolander (1870) notes it near San Francisco. Parish (1920) calls it "long-established; at San Bernardino as abundant in 1880 as at present." Echinochloa colona (L.) Link (jungle-rice), a native of the Old World, is occasionally found in southern California, where Brewer and Watson (1876) list it from San Diego County. According to Parish (1920), Congdon collected it at Visalia in 1881. Parish (1920) found it an abundant weed in the cultivated parts of the Salton Sea in 1913. It has also been collected at Orange, Riverside, and Upland. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 27 ELEUSINE Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. (goosegrass) has been found sparingly at Los Angeles and San Diego, where it was supposedly introduced in clover seed of lawn-grass mixtures. It is a native of the Old World. ELYMUS Elymus Caput -Medusae L. (Medusa-head), from Europe, is spreading in certain northern coastal counties. It occurs at Yreka, at Klamathon in Siskiyou County, near Ruth in Trinity County, near Hunter's Point in Lake County, at Ukiah, and at Los Gatos. Recently specimens have been taken on range lands in Placer County, where it is reported as spreading at a very rapid rate. A recent letter (June 15, 1939) from L. L. Cooper, Ukiah, states that his "entire range is covered with this grass, which is useless from a livestock pasturage point of view." He claims that his sheep are starving on this feed, and further states that rotation grazing has been of no value as the grass thrives equally well on pastured or nonpastured range. Since, as stockmen report, animals will not eat this grass, it threatens to become a range weed of major im- portance. ^ ERAGROSTIS Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Link (stinkgrass) is common at lower alti- tudes throughout California. Brewer and Watson (1876) record it from San Francisco and Monterey. It is also reported from Tehama County, Butte County, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, West Riverside, Mecca, and elsewhere. It is a native of the Old World. E. Barrelieri Daveau., from southern Europe, is cited by Hitchcock (1935) from Fresno. E. pilosa (L.) Beauv. (India lovegrass) is an introduction from Europe, found by Parish (1890-91) "in 1882 growing along the embankment of an irrigating canal, near Santa Ana, Orange County"; by Kennedy (1923) "occurring abundantly in the laterals in the rice-growing sec- tions, where it impedes the flow of water." E. poaeoides (L.) Beauv., (low eragrostis), also from Europe, was collected at Larkens, San Diego County, in 1875, and in Amador County in 1896. ERIOCHLOA Eriochloa contracta Hitchc. (prairie cupgrass) is a native from Kansas to Louisiana and New Mexico. Recently specimens have been received from Merced, its first occurrence in California. FESTUCA There are three introduced species of Festuca, all natives of Europe. Festuca Myuros L. (rat's-tail fescue) was collected by Torrey (1856) at 28 University of California — Experiment Station San Francisco as early as 1838-42, and recorded by Brewer and Watson (1876) at Monterey in 1861. According to Parish (1920), it was abun- dant at San Bernardino in 1882. Other early collections are as follows : Elsinore, 1888; Jackson and Berkeley, 1892; San Diego, 1894; Eureka, 1896; Pomona and Tulare, 1897; Ukiah, 1899; Pine Ridge in Fresno County, 1900; St. Helena, 1902; Riverside, 1903; Pasadena, 1905; and Fort Seward, 1914. Davy (1902) cites this among the prevalent grasses of the northwestern California ranges. Festuca elatior L. (meadow fescue), cultivated to some extent, has in- frequently escaped into waste places and fields. It was collected at Los Angeles and Santa Monica in 1892, at Pasadena in 1895. F. dertonensis (All.) Aschers. & Graebn. is only occasional in California. GASTRIDIUM Gastridium ventricosum (Gouan) Schinz & Thell. (nitgrass) is becom- ing common in the coast counties. Brewer and Watson (1876) report it from San Francisco and San Diego, stating that late in the season it covers the dry hills everywhere. Parish (1920) reported a few plants at San Bernardino in 1907. Nitgrass is a European species. HOLCUS Holcus lanatus L. (velvet grass), introduced from Europe and used somewhat as a meadow grass, has occasionally escaped from cultivation. Brewer and Watson (1876) remark that it is "introduced and natural- ized around settlements in various parts of the state." Bolander (1870) records it near San Francisco. Other early collections were at Pasadena, in the Cuyamaca Mountains, in 1894, and at San Jacinto in 1895. We have specimens from Placerville, Stockton, and Fort Seward. H. mollis L. (creeping velvet grass), another European species, has been collected at Santa Rosa in 1902, Eureka in 1914, and Mendocino Pine Barrens in 1931. HORDEUM Hordeum murinum L. (common foxtail), a European species, is a com- mon and abundant weed in California. It is one of the most widely dis- tributed grasses in overgrazed range and pasture lands. Seeds were found in adobe bricks from missions constructed in 1775 and in 1780. Brewer and Watson (1876) report it from San Diego and San Fran- cisco. As early as 1890 Hilgard (1890) described it as a "fearful nui- sance" in central California. Davy (1902) reports it as rapidly coming in on the ranges of northwestern California. Hordeum Gussoneanum Pari. (Mediterranean barley), also intro- Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 29 duced from Europe, has become fairly common, especially in northern California. Davy (1902), studying the ranges of northwestern Califor- nia, finds it among the prevailing grasses on valley floors and on "upland ranges." In southern California it is recorded from Warner's Ranch, and from Shoestring Mine in the Antelope Valley, and from Arrowhead Lake. LAGURUS Jepson (1923-25) records Lagurus ovatus L. (hare's-tail grass), a Eu- ropean native, as sparingly escaped from cultivation along the coast only at San Francisco, Berkeley, and Monterey. LAMARCKIA Lamar chia aurea (L.) Moench. (golden-top), a native of the Medi- terranean region, is sometimes cultivated as an ornamental. Having escaped from cultivation, it is now common in waste places, particularly at lower altitudes in southern California. Parish (1890-91) says : "First collected in the United States by Parry and Lemmon in 1875, a few plants only, at the mouth of Mill Creek, San Bernardino Mountains, but probably already established about Los Angeles, where found in great abundance by Parry in 1881, although at that date it was still rare about San Bernardino." It was collected at San Luis Obispo in 1889 and at San Jacinto in 1891. In central California the earliest collection, ac- cording to Parish (1920) , was by Davy in 1893 at Edendale, Santa Clara Valley. Other localities are Betteravia, Table Top Mountain in Cala- veras County, San Diego, Moorpark in Ventura County, and Monterey and Santa Cruz counties. LEPTURUS Lepturus cylinclricus (Willd.) Trin. (thintail) occurs in mudflats and salt marshes from San Francisco Bay to San Diego. Collections have been made at Oceanside, 1897 ; Ballona, 1901 ; Mesmer, 1902 ; La Jolla, 1917; Colegrove, 1915; and later at San Francisco and Stockton. The species is of European origin. LOLIUM The four adventive species of Lolium in California are natives of Europe. Lolium multiflorum Lam. (Italian ryegrass), a common lawn grass, has occasionally escaped from cultivation, extending on to certain range lands. It also occurs along roadsides and in fields and waste places. Seeds were found in adobe bricks of Santo Domingo Mission, constructed in 1775. It was collected at San Bernardino in 1891, at Ojai in 1896. Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass), although relatively rare in 30 University of California — Experiment Station California, occurs on some ranges. Brewer and Watson (1876) report it from San Francisco; Jepson (1923-25) from Mt. Shasta, Ferndale, Mendocino County, and Fresno County. Lolium tcmulentum L. (darnel) is common, being recorded by Brewer and Watson (1876) from San Francisco, Walnut Creek, and San Diego. Other localities given by Jepson (1909-36) are Hupa Valley, Norman, Yosemite Valley, Ojai Valley, Inglewood, Pasadena, San Bernardino, and The Needles. We have specimens also from Fort Seward. L. subu- latum Vis. (narrow-spiked ryegrass) has been found at West Berkeley. OBYZOPSIS Oryzopsis miliacea (L.) Benth. & Hook, (rice grass) occurs sparingly in waste places at Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Monrovia, and Colito in Mendocino County. Early collections were at Los Angeles in 1896, at Santa Barbara and Monrovia in 1916. It is naturalized from the Mediterranean region. PANICUM Panicum capillare L. (witchgrass), probably from the eastern United States, is rare with us. Bolander (1870) reports it from San Francisco. It has been found at Upland, along the Santa Ana River, at Pine Grove in Amador County, and about Davis in Yolo County. P. dichotomiflorum Michx. (fall panicum) is occasionally found in cultivated soil at Fresno and southward. It is a native of eastern United States. P. miliaceum L. (hog millet), an Old World species, has escaped here and there from cultivation. It was collected at Riverside in 1910 and 1918, at Upland in 1917, and is also known from Kenwood and Sacramento. PASPALTJM Paspalum dilatatum Poir. (Dallis grass), a native of South America, is now occasionally grown as a pasture grass. It has escaped from cultiva- tion at Los Angeles, Redlands, Whittier, Santa Cruz, San Jose, and in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys. P. Urvillei Steud. (Vasey grass), also South American, has been found in irrigation ditches at Berry Creek in Butte County and at Palm Springs Station in 1913. PENNISETUM Of Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. (Kikuyu grass), Ball (1935) writes as follows : Kikuyu grass, although not new to California, became prominent . . . the past year. An inspection was made of this plant growing in avocado and orange groves in San Diego County, where it had been planted to prevent soil erosion The extremely favorable conditions for its growth made excessive competition for the trees, the Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 31 result being death or definite disorder. A state survey was made. It was learned that kikuyu grass was imported about fifteen years ago from Africa, propagated, and distributed to several coastal counties. Other than San Diego County, it was found in Orange, Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo, and reported to be in Los Angeles and Monterey counties. It is used both for lawns and to prevent soil erosion. Its use for the latter purpose so far has been confined to controlled test plantings. Most plants in California bear staminate flowers only, but complete flowers were first observed at Santa Ana, January, 1938, and seedlings at Yorba Linda, September, 1938. Pennisetum Buppellii Steud. (fountain grass), from Africa, is culti- vated for ornament. Gander (1937) reports it as an escape at San Diego. P. villosum E.Br, (feathertop), also African, is sometimes cultivated as an ornamental. It has been found as an escape in the hills near Santa Barbara in 1908 and 1916, and at Ventura in 1916 and also at San Diego. PHALARIS The following five species of Phalaris are native to the Mediterranean. Phalaris brachystachys Link, (short-spiked canary grass) has been found in waste ground at Nelson, Butte County. It is a rice-crop weed of some importance. Phalaris canariensis L. (canary grass), an occasional waif in Califor- nia, is recorded by Brewer and Watson (1876) and is also known from Yreka, San Diego, Pasadena, Berkeley, and Monterey. Phalaris caroliniana Walt. (Carolina canary grass) was collected in 1901 at Palms in Los Angeles County, and in 1903 at San Diego and Ojai. Phalaris minor Retz (Mediterranean canary grass) was collected at San Bernardino in 1882 and at Playa del Rey in 1918. It is also recorded from San Diego, El Monte, Claremont, and La Jolla. Its usual range in California is the central and southern portions. In rice fields it is a common weed. Phalaris paradoxa L. var. praemorsa (Lam.) Coss & Dur. (gnawed canary grass), according to Davy (1898d), was found in abundance near Princeton, Colusa County. It was collected at San Diego in 1902 and at La Brea Ranch in 1916. It is rather widely distributed today, especially in grain fields, including rice. Phalaris tuber osa L. var. stenoptera Hack. (Hitchc.) (Harding grass) is an Australian species, collected four miles north of Loleta in 1937. Specimens were recently sent in from El Cajon, where it has been grow- ing under dry-land conditions for over ten years, but without spreading to any extent. 32 University of California — Experiment Station PHLEUM The common hay plant, Phleum pratense L. (timothy), from the Old World, has escaped in many parts of the state. According to Vasey and Rose (1890), as early as 1888 it was collected at Victorville. Later collec- tions were in 1917 at Riverside, and in 1918 at Santa Monica and Clare- mont. Munz (1935) records it at Cuyamaca, Hemet Valley, Bluff Lake, and elsewhere. PHOLIURUS Pholiurus incurvus (L.) Schinz & Thell. (sickle grass), a naturalized species from Europe, occurs along the seacoast from Marin County to San Diego. Early collections were made at San Diego in 1902, Pebble Beach in 1916, Ventura in 1910, and Santa Barbara. POA The Poa species introduced into California are all European. Poa annua L. (annual bluegrass) was brought in very early, for seeds were found in adobe bricks of San Juan Bautista, constructed in 1797. The Russian collection in Sonoma County (1840-41) contained this species. Tor- rey (1856) reports that in 1838-42 it was very common in California. Brewer and Watson (1876) collected it in the 60's, and Bolander (1870) noted it near San Francisco. Other early collections were in the Cuya- maca Mountains, 1893; in the San Antonio Mountains, 1900; at Big Meadows, in San Bernardino County and the Mojave Desert in 1906; and at Granite Wells in 1915. It now occurs throughout the state in open ground, in lawns, pastures, range lands, open woods, and waste places. Poa compressa L. (Canada bluegrass), though infrequent as an es- cape, is sometimes troublesome. Parish (1920) states it was infrequent in the streets of Los Angeles in 1918. P. pratensis L. (Kentucky blue- grass) is extensively cultivated and some forms of it have escaped, espe- cially at lower altitudes. P. trivialis L. (rough bluegrass) has been found in Humboldt County. POLYPOGON Polypogon monspeliensis Desf. (rabbitfoot grass) is a European weed common throughout California at moderate altitudes. Bolander (1870) lists it near San Francisco. Parish (1890-91), referring to the southern counties, says: "It is a common grass throughout all this region, but not 'chiefly in the mountains,' as Dr. Thurber supposed It mostly abounds in the meadows and pastures of lower altitudes, and especially . . . where the soil contains a taint of alkali." It has also been recorded from Furnace Creek, 1891; Antelope Valley, 1893; Surprise Canyon, Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 33 1908; Mecca, 1913; and Post Office Spring, 1915. Kennedy (1923) lists it as an important weed of rice fields, especially aggressive on overflowed areas, where the water becomes stagnant for the want of an outlet or from underdrainage. P. lutosus (Poir.) Hitchc. (ditch beardgrass), a European introduction, occurs from Siskiyou County to San Diego County. P. maritimus Willd. (maritime beardgrass), also naturalized from Europe, is found in central California. PUCCINELLIA Munz (1935) reports Puccinellia disians (L.) Pari, (spreading meadow- grass), a native of Europe, as introduced in wet places, at San Diego. P. maritima (Huds.) Pari, is a European species collected on the flood plain of Little Panoche Creek in western Fresno County and at Hay- ward in Alameda County. SCHISMUS Schismus barbatus (L.) Chase, a native of southern Europe, India, and Africa, has been introduced into southern Arizona. Hoover (1935) found specimens five miles south of Huron in Fresno County. SETARIA The species of Setaria growing without cultivation in California are all of European origin. Setaria lutescens (Weigel) F. T. Hubb (yellow bristlegrass) was introduced early, Torrey (1856) collecting it on the Sacramento in 1838-42. Brewer and Watson (1876) report it from Sac- ramento and elsewhere. According to Hilgard (1890), it is "a terrible pest in the irrigated alfalfa fields of the foothills." It was collected at Los Angeles in 1892, at Riverside in 1897, at San Bernardino in 1907, at Santa Barbara in 1916. Hitchcock (1935) records specimens from Chico, and Jepson (1909-36) adds Fresno and Three Rivers. Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv. (green bristlegrass) occurs in southern California and in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys. Parish (1920) reports it from San Bernardino in 1916; Munz (1935) from Los Angeles, Rialto, and Oceanside. Kennedy (1923) finds it as frequent in the rice fields of northern California; and Bellue (1938) in the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin valleys. S. verticillata (L.) Beauv. (bur bristle- grass) occurs chiefly in southern California. It has been collected at Upland, and a few infestations are reported from San Joaquin County. SORGHUM Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (Johnson grass), a native of southern Europe and Asia, was introduced from Turkey into South Carolina by 34 University of California — Experiment Station Governor Means about 1830. About ten years later, seed from these plants was sown by Col. William Johnson on his plantation in the fertile bottom lands of the Alabama River, near Salem. Long used for forage throughout the South, the plant has become thoroughly naturalized. It has spread as far north as New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Iowa, and Kansas; and along the west coast through California to Oregon and Washington. Although originating in a warm climate, it has apparently adapted itself to a wide range of conditions. The introduction of Johnson grass into California (about 1884) was probably for forage, but the seed also arrived as an impurity in com- mercial seeds. Parish (1890-91) states: A plant with an unusual number of popular aliases was introduced to cultivation in California under the name of Evergreen Millet some six years ago, and with such high laudation that farmers very generally experimented with it. The results were not satisfactory, . . . and its culture is entirely abandoned. It remains, however, as a naturalized plant, ... at least in the San Bernardino Valley, by stream banks, road- sides, and sometimes as a troublesome weed in arable lands. Hilgard (1890) says that Johnson grass "has in some sandy soils proved an almost ineradicable pest." For several years it has been a common impurity in shipments of other seeds; the data on the presence of noxious weed seeds in Sudan grass manifest the increase of Johnson- grass infestation. It is now extensively distributed in nearly all farming sections of the warmer parts of California, where it is designated as a "primary noxious weed." TRICHOLAENA Tricholaena rosea Nees. (Natal grass), naturalized from South Africa, is sometimes cultivated as a meadow grass in sandy soil. Gander (1937) reports it as an escape at three localities in San Diego County. TRISETUM Trisetum flavescens (L.) Beauv. (yellow false oat), an introduction from Europe, is recorded by Jepson (1923-25) from Blue Lake in Hum- boldt County. CYPERACEAE CYPERUS Cyperus rotundus L. (nutgrass) , an introduced species from the tropics and from Europe, was long considered local in southern California, but is now known in scattered localities northward. It is particularly ob- noxious in lawns, in gardens, and in fields of the Delta region. It was collected at Colton in 1891, at Upland and Riverside in 1918. Its close relative, C. esculentus L. (chufa), also known as nutgrass, is a native Bui* 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 35 species. C. alternifolius L. (papyrus), a Madagascar species, is reported by Munz (1935) as an occasional escape in Liveoak Canyon, San Gabriel Mountains. C. difformis L., a native of the Old World tropics, occurs in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys as a common weed of rice fields. It has also been collected south of Napa. KYLLINGA Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. is reported by Wiggins (1933) as collected in San Diego by L. W. Nuttall (July 21, 1932) . It is from the American tropics. PONTEDERIACEAE EICHORNIA Water hyacinth, Eichornia crassipes Solms., a native of tropical Amer- ica, known in the South as "million dollar weed," has spread so rapidly in the streams of certain Gulf states as to hamper navigation. Thus far it has become established in only a few California localities : near Clarks- burg in Yolo County, along branches of the Kings River near Center- ville, on Warner Creek in San Bernardino County; on the Los Angeles River, near Hynes, collected in 1904, and on the San Gabriel River, col- lected in 1907. LILIACEAE ASPARAGUS Asparagus officinalis L. (asparagus) , a European field and garden plant, has occasionally escaped from cultivation about Alameda, San Bernar- dino, and Los Angeles. ASPH0DELUS Asphodelus fistulosus L., a native of the Mediterranean region, is called by Parish (1920) "a waif, escaped from cultivation at a Mexican settle- ment, Bryn Mawr, near Redlands, in 1909." URTICACEAE CANNABIS Cannabis sativa L. (common hemp or marihuana), native to central and western Asia, has been found in many widely separated localities in California. Many plants are doubtless the result of artificial rather than natural seeding, for the sake of their narcotic properties. It was probably introduced into California by Mexicans. HELXINE Helxine Soleirolii Req., a Corsican species, has been reported recently from Pacific Grove as infesting lawns and gardens. It also occurs in greenhouses and lathhouses, often becoming objectionable. 36 University of California — Experiment Station URTICA Urtica urens L. (small nettle) now occurs in the south coast ranges and along the coast of southern California. Torrey (1859) found it in 1859 in the streets of Monterey. Parish (1920) states that Brewer collected it at Ventura as early as 1861. It is an introduction from Europe. POLYGONACEAE EMEX Two species of this genus have been found in California, Emex spinosa Campd. and E. australis Steinh. The former, according to Munz (1935), has been collected at Limoneira Ranch, Fillmore, Ventura County. E. Johnson, in correspondence, reports its occurrence at Villa Park, Orange County, as early as 1925. The seed was doubtless included as an impurity in imported fenugreek seed. It is an Old World species. Goodman (1932) states that he found in the Pomona College herbarium a specimen of E. australis collected by Marcus E. Jones at San Francisco in 1881. Greene (1891) collected it still earlier — "on a railway embankment at South Vallejo in 1874." Stacey (1933) collected it about 1915, at Bene- cia, Solano County. This species is chiefly South African. FAGOPYRUM Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. (buckwheat) is a native of Eurasia and, according to Parish (1920) was, in 1918, a roadside casual at La Verne, in Los Angeles County. LASTARRIAEA Lastarriaea chilensis Remy, regarded by Jepson (1909-36) as a nat- uralized species from Chile, occurs from Contra Costa and Monterey counties to southern California and thence north to Mono County. POLYGONUM According to Bellue (1934&), Polygonum argyrocoleon Steud. (silver- sheathed knotweed) appeared in 1921 in alfalfa seed produced in the Imperial Valley, probably having been introduced some twenty years earlier as an impurity in imported Turkestan alfalfa. Regarding its present status in California, she says : Until 1933 we believed this new knotweed limited to south of the Tehachapi, most prevalent in and spreading from the Imperial Valley. . . . Seeds from southern Cali- fornia carrying this weed had been sold almost throughout the state, yet we were unable to learn of any instance where the plant had established itself northward. However, in October, 1933, Donald M. Smith, county agent of Tehama County, sub- Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 37 mitted a plant for identification. The specimen lacked the exuberant growth and prolific flower spikes exhibited by the southern California plants, but it was unmis- takably the same species. . . . The Tehama County plant was taken from a small alfalfa field in the northern part of the county. . . . Since its presence was first noted in 1922, the consistent increase and spread of silver-sheathed knotweed are well brought out by examination of the seed lots submitted for purity tests from the Imperial Valley alfalfa-seed-producing section. In 1927 only 72 lots contained seed of this weed, with very few to the pound. In 1929 it was found in 79 lots. In 1931, 112 lots carried the impurity, in one instance at the rate of 9,180 knotweed seeds to one pound of alfalfa. In 1932 the records show 189 lots. In 1933 practically every lot of the 403 received from the southern section contained the knotweed seed. It has become a dependable earmark indicating the source of seed in which it occurs. Ball (1936) reports an infestation near Stockton. Polygonum aviculare L. (knotweed), an abundant and widely dis- tributed European species, is regarded by Hendry and Bellue (1925) as a post-mission period introduction. Torrey (1856) cites it from the val- ley of Sacramento in 1838-42; Brewer and Watson (1876) as "very widely naturalized, growing about yards and roadsides, apparently not yet common in California." Polygonum Convolvulus L. (black bindweed) occurs sparingly in California. Brewer and Watson (1876) call it "an introduced weed from Europe, to be expected in California." K. Brandegee (1892a) reported it as becoming common at San Francisco in 1891; it was collected at Pasadena in 1894; Jepson (1923-25) cites collections at Sisson, Fort Bidwell, Yosemite, and San Francisco. Specimens have been received from alfalfa fields near Riverside and from Honey Lake Valley. Polygonum exsertum Small (long-fruited knotweed) has been col- lected just north of San Francisco Bay and in a salt marsh at Cutting Wharf on the Napa River. It is native in eastern United States. P. lapa- thifolium L. (pale smartweed) from Europe, is fairly widely distributed in California, Jepson (1909-36) citing it from Yreka, Howell Moun- tain, the lower Sacramento River, lone, West Berkeley, Alvarado, the Los Buellis Hills in Santa Clara County, Bakersfield, Lone Pine, Los Angeles, Ramona, and Calexico. It has also been collected at Kenwood in Sonoma County. P. pennsylvanicum L. (Pennsylvania smartweed) is reported by Howell (1933a) just west of Kenwood, Sonoma County. It is native in eastern United States. P. Persicaria L. (lady's thumb), a native of Europe, reported by Brewer and Watson (1876) near Hum- boldt Bay, is now widely distributed in California. According to E. Johnson, in correspondence, P. Sieboldii DeVriese (Siebold's smart- weed), native ornamental from Japan, is a consistent escape from gar- dens at Hueneme, Ventura County. 38 University of California — Experiment Station EUMEX Of the twelve species of Rumex in California, five are introduced from Europe: R. crispus L. (curly dock), R. conglomeratus Murr. (green dock), R. pulcher L. (fiddle dock), R. obtusifolius L. (bitter dock), and R. Acetosella L. (sheep sorrel). Hendry and Bellue (1925), finding the seeds of Rumex crispus in the adobe bricks from the walls of old Spanish buildings, conclude that this species was introduced before 1769. Brewer and Watson (1876) list all the species mentioned above. Concerning R. crispus they say : "It has been collected at Oakland, Monterey, and elsewhere, and will doubtless become common"; concerning R. conglomeratus: "collected at various localities through the entire length of the state" ; concerning R. pulcher: "a species of the Mediterranean region, sparingly introduced ; Alameda County, Kellogg"; and concerning R. Acetosella: "a lively plant at Santa Cruz, both in irrigated lawns and in fields that are quite beyond the reach of water in summer. Single plants of it seen by me in 1883 on the narrow-gauge railroad, a third or half mile from the town station." Hilgard (1890) reports Rumex crispus, R. pulcher, and R. Acetosella as common California weeds. Greene (1891), speaking of the San Fran- cisco Bay region, states that all of the five species of Rumex given above except R. obtusifolius are common. The latter is rather sparingly nat- uralized and occurs in lowlands only ; Parish (1920) does not mention it as occurring in southern California. R. Acetosella was collected at Pasa- dena in 1890, at Long Beach in 1891, in Honey Lake Valley in 1898; it was abundant at Santa Barbara in 1916, and common in yards and by roadsides at Claremont and Pomona in 1918. Parish (1920) described it as "apparently recently naturalized in the south, where it is increas- ingly frequent in the coastal region." According to him, R. pulcher was sparingly introduced at Inglewood, Los Angeles County, about 1904, "the only southern report." However, it was a common weed much earlier than this in northern California. R. conglomeratus was probably an early adventive. CHENOPODIACEAE ATRIPLEX Abrams (1933), in 1932, collected Atriplex hortensis L. (garden orache) on the road between Kedwood City and San Mateo. It is an Asiatic species. According to Standley (1916), A. Lindleyi Moq. (Lindley's orache), a native of Australia, is "adventive, or escaped from cultiva- tion in San Diego County"; Munz (1935) cites it from near El Nido. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 39 A. rosea L. (redscale) a native of Europe, lias become naturalized in fields and waysides in widely separated localities in California. In 1902, it was collected at Ballona; in 1916, at Woodland; subsequently along the Los Angeles coast, in the Mojave Desert, and along the bay shore road of the Peninsula. Eastwood (1901) wrote as follows of Atriplex semibaccata R.Br. (Australian sal tbush) : This species of Atriplex has been introduced in California through the California Agricultural Experiment Station. Prof. E. W. Hilgard, the head of the Agricultural College, has for years been trying to find plants that could be used as forage plants and which could be cultivated in the alkaline lands of this state. Through the kind- ness of Dr. Fred, von Mueller, seeds of several species of Atriplex were received from Australia, of which this proved to be the best. It was particularly successful at the station at Tulare, and seeds raised there were distributed throughout California. There is a specimen in the herbarium of the California Academy of Sciences received from Mr. A. B. Leckenby, who was at that time attached to the Kern County Land Company's Experiment Station at Bakersfield, and who raised the plants from seed received from the Station at Tulare. In August of the present year, the author found this plant growing on the edge of the salt marsh not far from Larkspur and apparently flourishing. How it came there is not known, but as it may eventually become widely spread along the marsh lands of Marin County, this first record of its appearance is of interest. Parish (1920) observed Australian saltbush at San Bernardino in 1905; at San Diego in 1916 as "a most abundant weed"; in the Imperial Valley in 1913, "abundant in towns and along roads." Munz (1935) records it as occurring "commonly along the coast, San Miguel, San Clemente and Catalina Islands; sparingly inland at Upland, Rincon, Temecula, Imperial." In recent years many specimens have been sent in from Suisun Valley. It also occurs in the Salinas Valley. BASSIA Bassia hyssopifolia (Pall.) Kuntze (five-hook bassia), a native of the Caspian Sea region, has become established in a few localities in the western states. Munz (1935) reports it from the mouth of the Santa Ana River, in Orange County. Piemeisel and Lawson (1937) find it, with several other invaders, in the spiny saltbush and mixed lowland asso- ciations in the San Joaquin Valley on areas that have been cleared, cul- tivated, and then abandoned. It is now fairly abundant from Bishop to Lancaster in the Owens Valley, in the Santa Ana Valley, the Imperial Valley, the Coachella Valley and the Palo Verde Valley. In 1921 Ken- nedy (1927) collected it in the western San Joaquin Valley and reported it as "something new" to him. There is a specimen in the U. S. National Herbarium collected at Los Banos, Merced County, in 1921. Johnson 40 University of California — Experiment Station (1939) believes that it was probably introduced into this country from Argentina, since the federal seed laboratory reported its presence in 40 to 50 per cent of the alfalfa seed from that source. The plant is eaten by livestock and compares favorably with alfalfa as a forage. BETA Beta maritima L. (wild beet) is referred to by Carsner (1928) as "an intruder whose objectionable characteristics make it an important weed in sugar-beet-growing areas." According to him it was discovered by J. B. Norton of the office of the County Agricultural Commissioner in Imperial County. Other infestations occur near Milpitas, Oxnard, Chino, Gardena, Compton, Willowbrook, Watts, Santa Ana, and Hunt- ington Beach. These wild beets are apparently descendants of crosses between the ancestral wild beets and sugar beets. Possibly shipments of sugar-beet seed from Europe contained seed of wild beets or of wild- beet hybrids. B. vulgaris L. (beet) has escaped from cultivation in cer- tain localities — Santa Barbara, Mesmer, San Bernardino, Corona, and elsewhere. It is a native of Eurasia. CHENOPODITJM The introduced species of Chenopodium occurring in California are as follows : C. album L. (lamb's-quarters) ; C. Botrys L. (Jerusalem oak) ; C. ambrosioides L. (Mexican tea) ; C. Murale L. (nettle-leaf goosefoot) ; C. carinatum R. Br. (Australian goosefoot) ; C. anthelmint- icum L. (wormseed) ; C. rubrum L. (red goosefoot) ; and C. vagans Standley. C. ambrosioides and C. anthelminticum are introductions from tropical America, C. vagans from Chile, C. carinatum from Au- stralia, and the remaining species from Europe. Several species of Chenopodium were undoubtedly early representa- tives of our weed flora, as is attested by seeds found in the adobe bricks of old buildings by Hendry and Bellue (1925). C. album seeds were found in such bricks of La Soledad at Soledad, constructed in 1793-97, and in those of Rancho La Natividad near Salinas, 1837; seeds of C. murale in San Fernando Rey de Espana at San Fernando, constructed in 1797, and in San Juan Bautista at San Juan Bautista, founded in 1797; seeds of C. Botrys in San Jose de Guadalupe, Mission San Jose, established in 1797; and seeds of an unidentified Chenopodium species in Rancho El Sansal, Salinas, constructed in 1834. Torrey (1856) collected Chenopodium album on the lower Sacra- mento in 1838-42. Brewer and "Watson (1876) report several species of Chenopodium : C. album, "a common weed, introduced everywhere" ; Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 41 C. muralc, "introduced ; chiefly near the Coast, from San Francisco to San Diego"; C. Botrys, "sparingly introduced on the Pacific Coast"; and C. ambrosioides, "in salt marshes and waste places about San Fran- cisco and southward to San Diego; Lake Tahoe, Lemmon." Torrey (1856) collected C. ambrosioides on the Salinas River before 1856. C. carinatum is recorded by Jepson (1909-36) from Humboldt County, east Shasta County, Oroville, West Branch in Butte County, lone,' Jackson, Upland, and Ontario. It was collected at Pasadena in 1906 ; at Upland and Ontario in 1918 ; also at Paradise and Greenville. C. rub- rum is reported from the lower Sacramento River, Alvarado, from Nig- ger Slough and Ballona in Los Angeles County, from Elsinore, and Baldwin Lake. C. vagans is adventive along roadsides in San Joaquin and Sacramento counties. ROUBIEVA Roubieva multifida (L.) Moq. (cut-leaved goosefoot) is naturalized from South America. Brewer and Watson (1876) report it as very sparingly introduced in Plumas County. K. Brandegee (1891) calls it "abundant" at San Francisco. Jepson (1891) finds it naturalized at Vacaville and also in the San Francisco sandhills. It was collected at Compton in 1895, at Pasadena in 1904, at Riverside and Upland in 1906, and at Ontario in 1918. SALSOLA The weed pest, Salsola Kali L. var. tenuifolia G. F. W. Mey. (Russian thistle) , was introduced into the United States in 1886 in flax seed from Russia sown near Scotland, South Dakota. It continued gradually to cover new territory and by 1888 had infested most of the counties be- tween the Missouri and James rivers in South Dakota and Missouri. By 1895, it is reported that sixteen states and thirteen Canadian provinces had been infested; and in that year the Pacific Coast states were warned of the approaching danger. By the close of the decade (1884^1894) it had reached Oregon. Brewer and Watson (1876), Bolander (1870), Hil- gard (1890), and Parish (1890-91) do not mention it in California. A letter dated January 25, 1895, from L. A. Dewey, Botanist in the United States Department of Agriculture, and addressed to Professor E. W. Hilgard, then Director of the California Agricultural Experi- ment Station, referred to "two specimens of the Russian thistle from Lancaster, Los Angeles County, California. ... It is said to be distrib- uted over an area of about 10 miles long and 4 or 5 miles wide in the desert near Lancaster, and to be most abundant about the station of Lancaster where there is water." Shinn (1895), having visited the Lancaster Valley in April, 1895, 42 University of California — Experiment Station reported later : "It first appeared in the streets of the town near the railroad track, several years ago, probably brought in by cattle cars, as there is very little immigration by wagon across that district." He fur- ther states : "There is a strong probability that the thistle has already been carried southward along the line of the railroad into San Fernando Valley, and the branch railroad from that point affords easy access to Ventura and Santa Barbara. ... In fact, it has already crossed the Te- hachapi range, and has made its appearance in Kern County." G. F. Weeks of Bakersfield wrote Mr. Shinn : "It is growing here, from seed evidently scattered from cars that have come through Nebraska or some other infested section, as at present it is only found along the railroad tracks." Shinn, however, seems to think that it may have reached Kern County by way of the Tejon Pass. Davidson (1895a) reports, among other weed plants, the Russian thistle, introduced into the Antelope Valley about 1891 : There is no doubt of its existence now over a considerable area of the desert lands. It grows freely in the streets of Lancaster, or in any ground where the surface is occasionally disturbed and is thus more likely to prove a pest in cultivated fields than in orchards or in open ground. . . . Ten miles to the southwest it is also well established, and the local authorities, by way of exterminating the pest, have de- stroyed all of the old and already fruited plants, and have left those of this season's growth to mature at will. Eastwood (18965) reports finding in June, 1895, a single Russian thistle plant "along the railroad track between Lathrop and the San Joaquin bridge." She further wisely remarks, "It is to be expected along our railroads and ought to be destroyed." In the Dudley Herbarium at Stanford University the three earliest collections of Russian thistle are as follows: (1) Vicinity of San Ber- nardino, August 15, 1901, collected by Parish, who wrote on the sheet "first appearance"; (2) Cajon Pass, August, 1901, collected by Abrams; and (3) Pajaro River, Watsonville, September, 1909, collected by W. R. Dudley. Davy (1902), discussing the stock ranges of northwestern California, says nothing about Russian thistle. Parish (1913) found none in the Imperial Valley. Today this weed is abundant in southern California, throughout por- tions of the Sacramento Valley, and on the Carisa Plain in San Luis Obispo County ; it occurs also locally at Alturas and at Long Valley in Lassen County. Piemeisel and Lawson (1937) emphasize its importance in the San Joaquin Valley. It is among the principal species that have come in on fallow lands and neglected farm lands in the "tree savanna," Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 43 the overgrazed areas of the Pacific grassland, and the abandoned farm lands of the desert saltbush. It is, however, of no importance on the cultivated or overgrazed lands of the spiny saltbush association or the associations of the "lowland types." On early spring ranges it is rated as fair forage for all classes of livestock. AMARANTHACEAE ACHYRANTHES A native of Mexico, Achyranthes repens L. was collected at Los Angeles in 1884, in the same locality in 1892, at Oceanside in 1925, and at Santa Paula in 1928. AMARANTHUS Of the nine species of amaranths occurring in California, five are intro- ductions : Amaranthus retroflexus L. (rough pigweed) A. hybridus L. (green amaranth), A graecizans L. (tumbling pigweed), A. blitoides Wats, (prostrate pigweed), and A. deflexus L. (low amaranth). The first three mentioned are introduced from tropical America; A. blitoides is introduced in California, probably from adjoining states, being na- tive to the drier regions of western North America; and A. deflexus is naturalized from Europe. According to Hendry and Bellue (1925) , Amaranthus retroflexus was introduced before or during the Mission Period (1769-1824). Brewer and Watson (1876) record the occurrence of A. retroflexus, A. blitoides, and A. graecizans; regarding the last they are erroneous in stating "it is doubtless indigenous." Apparently A. retroflexus was the first amaranth to invade California, and today it is the most widely spread and abun- dant of all. A. graecizans, well established by the sixties, is today also very widespread. Hilgard (1890) cites both A. retroflexus and A. graeci- zans. Other early records for A. graecizans are as follows : San Jacinto Mountains, 1901; Mojave Desert, Panamint Mountains, 1891; summit of Mount Hamilton, 1893; lower Sacramento Valley, 1893; Victorville and Mecca, 1913. A. blitoides, also probably well established in the early sixties, was collected at Santa Monica in 1892, at Lancaster in 1897, and at Ontario in 1918. Other localities are San Jacinto, La Jolla, Upland, Claremont, El Monte, Adelanto, Palm Springs, Rialto, Suisun, Niles, Yreka, and Modoc County. Today it is less abundant in California than either A. retroflexus or A. graecizans. The first record of A. deflexus in the state is that of Eastwood (1898), San Francisco. According to Parish (1920) it was noted, in 1902, at Los Angeles; in 1916, as "abundantly naturalized in the streets of Santa Barbara and adventive farther south"; in 1917, at Ontario; and at Pomona in 1918. According to Parish 44 University of California — Experiment Station (1920) it was "an abundant street weed in the Monterey and San Fran- cisco regions, whence it probably reached the south." Today it is a com- mon street weed in Sacramento. Parish (1913) lists A. hybridus and A. graecizans as among the weeds apparently not present in 1913 in the Imperial Valley. PHYTOLACCACBAE PHYTOLACCA Phytolacca decandra L. (pokeweed), a native of the eastern United States, is reported by Parish (1890-91) near Santa Monica. T. Brande- gee (1893) states that the species "recently recorded from Los Angeles County, was observed by Frank H. Vaslit on Cow Mountain, in the northern part of Lake County, in 1885. It is very abundant along the California and Oregon Railway in the Siskiyou Mountains; Blue Lakes, Lake County, . . ." Jepson (1923-25) reports it as occurring from Blue Lakes to Ukiah. It has also been collected at Chula Vista. AIZOACEAE CYPSELEA Cypselea humifusa Turp., an immigrant from the West Indies, is rare in California, having been found thus far in lowlands along the lower San Joaquin River and at Aptos in Santa Cruz County. GLINUS Glinus lotoides Loefl., the only species of this genus occurring in Cali- fornia, was introduced from Europe and thus far has become established at Lathrop, Chico, and Lakeport. ME SEMBR YANTHEMUM Several species of Mesembryanthemum occur in California, and there has been some question as to whether certain of them are indigenous or introduced. By some, M. nodiflorum L., M. crystallinum L. (ice plant), and M. aequilaterale Haw. (sea-fig) are regarded as indigenous; and Jepson (1909-36) so treats them in A Flora of California. Munz (1935), on the other hand, regards the first two of these as naturalized. M. cord- ifolium L. (dew plant), M. pugioniforme L., and M. edide L. (Hotten- tot-fig) are regarded as introductions without question. M . cordifolium, a native of South Africa, cultivated in California for more than 45 years, has sometimes escaped from cultivation. K. Brandegee (1891) re- ports it from San Francisco. It is also naturalized about La Jolla and San Diego. M. pugioniforme, a more recent introduction, is found in only a few localities, namely on the Cliff House sand dunes at San Fran- Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 45 cisco, and at Pacific Grove. M. edide, a native of South Africa, planted as a sand binder, has occasionally escaped along the southern coast. An early collection was at Playa del Rey in 1918. MOLLUGO Mollugo verticillata L. (carpet- weed) from the Old World tropics, en- tered California by way of Mexico. Torrey (1856), from 1838 to 1842, collected it along the upper Sacramento River; Brewer and Watson (1876) in Eagle Creek Canyon, Modoc County, in 1862. It is also re- corded from Stillwater, Shasta County, and from Princeton, Healds- burg, Russian River, Visalia, Los Angeles, Laguna Beach, Anderson, and Beaumont. It was introduced into the Delta region many years ago, but apparently is not spreading there. M. Cerviana (L.) Ser., a native of the Old World, was collected in 1929 from the Thomas Valley in the San Jacinto Mountains. TETRAGONIA Tetragonia expansa Murr. (New Zealand spinach), a native of Aus- tralia, is cultivated to some extent in California as summer "greens." It has become sparingly established on seabeaches. Greene (1891) re- ports it from Marin and Alameda counties; K. Brandegee (1891) from South San Francisco and Port Point. Other localities are Pacific Grove, Canada del Refugio, Santa Barbara, Monterey, Imperial Beach, Ocean- side, Laguna, Hermosa Beach, Carlsbad, and Del Mar. PORTULACACEAE PORTULACA A well-known weed in Europe, whence it was introduced into the United States, is Portulaca oleracea L. (purslane). It is widespread in Cali- fornia, whither it was probably brought during the pioneer period. Ac- cording to Brewer and Watson (1876) it was naturalized as a weed in gardens and cultivated grounds. CARYOPHYLLACEAE AGROSTEMMA Agrostemma Githago L. (corn cockle), a weed of European origin, is occasionally found in grain fields in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys and in the valleys of the Coast Range. It was reported from Berkeley in 1891. Other collections have been made at College City in 1906, Liveoak, and St. Helena in 1908, and San Bernardino in 1912. ARENARIA Arenaria serpyllifolia L. (sandwort) , a native of Europe, is rare in Cali- fornia. It has been reported in lawns at Claremont in 1918, at Colby's 46 University of California — Experiment Station Ranch, the San Gabriel Mountains, and in stream beds in Humboldt County (Willow Creek, Trinity River, and Klamath River). CERASTIUM The common weed of fields and roadsides, Cerastium viscosum L. (an- nual mouse-ear chickweed), is naturalized from Europe. Brewer and Watson (1876) record it from Auburn, Placer County. It was collected in 1884 at San Diego, in 1893 at Santa Monica and Los Angeles, and in 1898 at Witch Creek and Temecula. C. vulgatum L. (perennial mouse- ear chickweed), also from Europe, is a common weed of lawns through- out the state. Brewer and Watson (1876) report it from Plumas County. HERNIARIA Herniaria cinerea DC. is sparingly naturalized in the foothills on either side of the lower San Joaquin Valley and in a few localities in southern California. It has been collected at Oakdale in 1896, Wawona in 1897, Escalon in 1905, Stockton and Tracy in 1907, and also San Diego and Claremont. It is a native of Europe. PARONYCHIA An introduction from Chile, Paronychia franciscana Eastw. (whitlow- wort) is now found from San Francisco to Sonoma County. K. Brande- gee (1891) reports it as abundant in the western part of San Francisco from the Presidio at least as far as the southern end of Lake Merced. The earliest herbarium specimen is labeled in the handwriting of the first observer: "Presidio, San Francisco, April 21, 1887; E. L. Greene." POLYCARPON Poly car pon tetraphyllum L. (four-leaved all-seed), a native of Europe, has a very limited distribution in California. It grows in beaten gravelly places and in the crevices of brick walks. Jepson (1909-36) records it from Vallejo in 1892, St. Helena in 1897, and Berkeley in 1903; Munz (1935), from Santa Barbara. It is also found in lawns in Alhambra. SAGINA Sagina apetala Ard. (dwarf pearlwort), naturalized from Europe, has been collected at Jackson in 1892, in Tehama County in 1899, and at Pasadena in 1917. SAPONARIA Saponaria officinalis L. (bouncing bet) is a garden plant sparingly nat- uralized from Europe. According to Jepson (1909-36), it is "spontane- ous on sandbars of the Sacramento River below Delta." Bul, 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 47 SCLERANTHUS Scleranthus annuus L. (knawel) is sparingly naturalized from Europe. It has been collected near Placerville and at Pala. SILENE Silene gallica L. (windmill pink) was early established and is now a common weed at low altitudes. It is of European origin. Seeds of an un- identified Silene species — probably S. gallica — were found in the adobe bricks of Rancho La Natividad, Salinas, laid in 1837. Specimens were among the Russian collection made in Sonoma County from 1840 to 1841 (Howell, 1937c). Brewer and Watson (1876) report it from many localities near the coast; Bolander (1870), from near San Francisco; Davy (18986), from Calaveras County. Silene latifolia (Mill.) Britten & Rendle (bladder campion) is a Eurasian species; it is reported by Munz (1935) from Anaheim. E. Johnson, in correspondence, reports in 1937 that in this locality the species is adventive in an orange grove and persists under cultivation. Near Santa Rosa it is scattered over about five acres, where it has oc- curred for approximately six years. It also occurs in San Francisco and at Sisson in Siskiyou County. S. nocti flora L. (night-blooming catchfly ) , a native of Europe, was collected in 1908 in lawns at Alhambra. S. antir- rhina L. (sleepy catchfly) , a native of the Old World, is becoming fairly common throughout California. SPERGULA Spergula arvensis L. (corn spurry), an introduced European weed, has become naturalized chiefly in fields and orchards near the coast. Brewer and Watson (1876) record it from Mt. Diablo in 1862; Bolander (1870), near San Francisco. Other early collections were made at Berkeley in 1886; Pasadena, 1892; San Diego, 1901; Monterey, 1908; lone, 1904; Eureka, 1909 ; and Santa Barbara, 1916. Specimens have also been taken at Farmington in the San Joaquin Valley. SPERGULARIA Spergularia rubra J. & C. Presl. var. perennans Rob. (sand spurry), also from Europe, is gradually spreading, having been collected at Eu- reka, Shasta Springs, Redding, Bear Valley in Nevada County, Denver- ton, upper Napa Valley, Mt. Eden, Upland, Claremont, Pasadena, and San Diego County. STELLAEIA Stellaria media (L.) Cyrill (common chickweed), from Europe, has become common in gardens, cultivated fields, vineyards and orchards. 48 University of California — Experiment Station shady lawns, shrubbery, fencerows, and ditches. Occasionally it occurs on the range, where it is considered fairly good forage for cattle and sheep. Bolander (1870) records it near San Francisco, while Brewer and Watson (1876) call it "common." S. graminea L. (grassy star- wort), a native of Eurasia, found by Munz (1935) in lawns at Clare- mont, La Verne, and San Gabriel, is also reported from Lodi. TUNICA Tunica prolifera (L.) Scop., an Old World species, was collected in May, 1933, northeast of the Spencerville Koad at Indian Springs. VACCAKXA Vaccaria vulgaris Host, (cow cockle) is chiefly a grain-field weed, and a native of Europe. Brewer and Watson (1876) record it from Butte County. It was collected at San Diego in 1884, near San Bernardino and in Plumas County in 1891, at Berkeley and Dulzura in 1898, College City in 1906, Sierra Madre in 1908 at 4,000 feet altitude. Parish (1920) observed a single plant near Baxter in the Mojave Desert in 1915. VELEZIA Velezia rigida L. is an introduced species from the Mediterranean re- gion now locally established on dry foothills at La Grange in Stanislaus County and in the Hupa Valley of Humboldt County. RANUNCULACEAE RANUNCULUS In California there are four adventive European species of Ranunculus growing without cultivation. Ranunculus muricatus L. (spiny-fruited crowfoot) is scattered widely in northern and central California, being cited by Jepson (1909-36) from Eureka, Hamilton City, Sonoma Val- ley, Angel Island, San Francisco, Donner Canyon on Mt. Diablo, Mil- pitas, Saratoga, Knight's Ferry, Quartz in Tuolumne County, and New York Ravine in El Dorado County. We have specimens from Redding and Auburn. Ranunculus repens L. (creeping buttercup) is sparingly naturalized in marshes along the north coast. Jepson (1909-36) records it from Berkeley, Bear Valley in Marin County, and Humboldt Bay; Keck (1933) finds it well established in a meadow at Quincy. R. arvensis L. (corn crowfoot) has been collected from Mt. Bullion in Mariposa County. R. bulhosus L. (bulbous buttercup) has thus far been found only as an escape at Fortuna in Humboldt County. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 49 PAPAVERACEAE GLAUCIUM Glaucium flavum Crantz (yellow sea poppy) is a European species re- ported by Munz (1935) as naturalized at Elsinore. FUMARIACEAE FUMARIA Fumaria officinalis L. (fumitory) , a native of Europe, has become estab- lished in some orchards at Ontario, Upland, Banning-, and San Luis Obispo and in sugar-beet fields at Woodland. Early collections were made at San Luis Obispo in 1909, at Ontario and Upland in 1917. CAPPARIDACEAE WIZLIZENIA Wizlizenia refract a Engelm. (jackass clover), although a native of southeastern California eastward to New Mexico, has spread northward and become abundant in the San Joaquin Valley. Greene (1891) reports it as "common at Lathrop and near Sacramento; also at the south." Pie- meisel and Lawson (1937) find it as one of the dominants on the over- grazed areas and abandoned farms of the "lowland types" of vegetation in the San Joaquin Valley. Jepson (1909-36) states : In the San Joaquin Valley, Wislizenia refracta . . . was probably introduced dur- ing the early decades of the American occupation, since it had been noted as occurring there for a long period. A. L. Winchel, a local historical authority in Fresno, remem- bers the plant as growing in Fresno County on the west side of the San Joaquin Eiver previous to 1870. Others recall the plant in that district for thirty years past. H. W. Shafer, an engineer of Selma, first observed the plant on Poso Creek east of Formosa in 1886, and also near Traver ; he believes it to be an immigrant. From Goshen it was sent to us in 1900. In 1928 we noted it along the railway lines in Tulare County and observed its behavior on the alkali plains west of Fresno where it is very common. As observed north of Kerman, the plant seemed as, if it had the habit of appearing initially along the roadways, thence spreading into the fields, especially moist ones broken by the plow. On the Fresno-Mendota road it continued ... on the plain as far west as the road station called Lone Willows. . . . This species is undoubtedly an in- troduction into the Great Valley from the southwards. In 1901 it was thought to be more common in the lower San Joaquin Valley than it had been formerly. It was not collected by Brewer, Bolander, or any of the other early day collectors in the San Joaquin Valley. So conspicuous a plant could not well have been missed. CRUCIFERAE ALYSSUM Alyssum alyssoides L. (small alyssum), a European garden plant, has became naturalized in Siskiyou County. According to Jepson (1909-36) 50 University of California — Experiment Station it was at one time adventive in the San Francisco Bay region. A. mariti- mum Lam. (sweet alyssum), also a European garden plant, is a common escape in the coastal region from San Diego to San Francisco. BRASSICA Brassica alba Boiss. (white mustard), a naturalized European weed, is much less common than the following. Bolander (1870) records it near San Francisco, the earliest collection in the state. Parish (1890-91) lists it from southern California counties. Brassica arvensis (L.) B.S.P. (wild mustard), also a native of Eu- rope, was apparently introduced later than either B. campestris or B. nigra. Munz (1935) reports it as an "occasional weed, Claremont, Up- land, Moreno, Beaumont, Coachella, etc."; and Jepson (1909-36) cites it from Eureka, Napa, Vacaville, Berkeley, San Francisco, and Alviso. As Piemeisel and Lawson (1937) point out, it ranks among the principal species on fallow lands and neglected farm lands of the tree savanna and abandoned farm lands of the San Joaquin Valley. In the Sacramento Valley it is a common grain-field weed. Brassica campestris L. (common yellow mustard), naturalized from Europe, has become very abundant. Brewer and Watson (1876) cite it as much less troublesome than B. nigra, but rather common in fields near San Francisco Bay and occasionally met with elsewhere. Parish (1890- 91) speaks of it mainly as a wayside weed, somewhat less common than B. nigra in Los Angeles County, but "in my neighborhood increasing of late years." Since the nineties it has spread rather rapidly in orchards, fields, and waste places, till today it may be listed among the common mustards of our state, one of the principal species of Brassica that has come in on fallow lands and neglected farm lands of the tree savanna and Pacific grassland of the San Joaquin Valley. Brassica incana Meigen. (short-podded mustard) is also an introduc- tion from Europe. The earliest collection in California was by Parish (1920) in 1895 at San Bernardino. Other early collections were Los An- geles in 1909, San Bernardino in 1914, and Kedlands in 1918. About 1915 it was first observed at Berkeley. Other localities are St. Helena, Oakdale, and the lower Sacramento River. Munz (1935) reports it as "becoming common as a weed in waste places." Jepson (1909-36), com- paring it with B. nigra and B. campestris, notes that it "spreads freely over dry, unbroken ground and flourishes chiefly during the arid sum- mer season," so that it is "evidently destined to be the more abundant species and is already a serious agricultural pest." Gander (1937) has collected it at several stations in San Diego County. Ball (1936) reports : Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 51 "dense, vigorous stands were noted in fields bordering the highway in the northern part of the state, and numerous plants for identification were received from the south with reports of increasing prevalence." Brassica juncea (L.) Cosson. (Indian mustard), a native of Asia, is reported by Munz (1935) from the San Bernardino Valley, has been collected near Santa Barbara, and according to Ball (1936) is abun- dantly established in the grain fields of the Tule Lake region, Siskiyou County. Brassica Napus L. (rape), a rare, naturalized plant from Europe, is reported by Munz (1935) as an "orchard weed between Ontario and Pomona." Brassica nigra Koch (black mustard) was apparently the first alien Brassica to become established in California. Hendry and Bellue (1925) have definite evidence of its occurrence during the Mission Period. Ac- cording to Jepson (1909-36) : "Folk legends have come down which picture the friars dropping the seed at intervals on the flats and in the passes, while threading the unknown coastal valleys . . . northwards towards the later San Francisco, in order that the expedition might, by the growing plants, easily find its way back again . . . the next year." Brewer and Watson (1876) call it "a troublesome weed and difficult to eradicate, covering large areas, particularly in the more fertile valleys of the southern half of the state, sometimes forming a dense growth." Evidently, black mustard was established in the more settled parts of California by 1850, as is attested by early pioneers. Parish (1890) says of Los Angeles County, "Hardly a grain field is entirely free from B. nigra, and on the rich adobe lands it is exceedingly luxuriant and abun- dant, in places taking entire possession of the soil and overtopping horse and rider." Jepson (1909-36) emphasizes the abundance of B. nigra in an early period : In pioneer days B. nigra was generally of ranker growth than at present, forming thickets 8 to 12 feet high which became, except for cattle paths, as impenetrable as brushwood. In the early eighties of the last century such thickets existed for many leagues all about the settlement of mainly adobe houses known as Los Angeles. Chil- dren were warned not to wander into the black mustard "groves," since they fre- quently became lost. Birds nested in the branches of these "trees" and, eating the seeds, diseminated widely the mustard pest. Today Brassica nigra is widely spread at low altitudes throughout the state, except in the deserts, and particularly abounds in grain fields of the interior valleys. Piemeisel and Lawson (1937) mention it as a prin- cipal species on fallow lands and neglected farm lands of the tree savanna of the San Joaquin Valley. 52 University of California — Experiment Station CAMELINA Camelina sativa Crantz (large-seeded false flax) is an Old World species occasionally found in California. Greene (1891) says, "Not well estab- lished in California at least in our part, but found in a field at Berkeley by Mr. Chestnut in 1887." K. Brandegee (1891) reports it as abundant in fields and by the wayside near the Klamath River in Siskiyou County. According to Parish (1920), it was collected by McClatchie in a grain field at Redondo in 1897, "the only southern record." Munz (1935) cites it from Redondo and the Little Bernardino Mountains. C. microcarpa Andrz. (small-seeded false flax), a native of Europe, is reported by Munz (1935) from Swartout Valley. CAPSELLA Capsella Bur sa-past oris (L.) Medic, (shepherd's purse), an Old World weed, is abundant throughout California, up to 6,000 feet elevation, in orchards, vineyards, pastures, and waste places. According to Piemeisel and Lawson (1937) , it is common in overgrazed areas of the tree savanna and Pacific grassland of the San Joaquin Valley, and also in all aban- doned farm lands of that valley. Undoubtedly it was introduced very early. CONRINGIA Conringia orientalis (L.) Dum. (hare's ear mustard) first appeared in California in 1918 as a waif at Upland in the San Bernardino Valley. It is native to the east Mediterranean region. C. perfoliata Link., also from Europe, is reported by Stacey (1933) as a waif at Santa Rosa. CORONOPUS Coronopus didymus Smith (wart cress), from South America, has been collected as a weed at San Bernardino, Pasadena, Los Angeles, San Di- ego, San Francisco, Berkeley, Montezuma Hills in Solano County, Dry- town in Amador County, Healdsburg, Dyerville, Hydesville, Holland Land Tract, and Manning Creek on the lower Van Duzen River. It is common about Sacramento. Jepson (1893) reports it as "established in the grain fields of the Montezuma Hills near Birds Landing." C. pro- cumbens Gilib. (swine cress), a native of Europe, is adventive at San Francisco. DIPLOTAXIS Diplotaxis tenuifolia DC. (wall rocket) , a European species, has become established in the coastal region of southern California. An early collec- tion was from Los Angeles in 1895; a few years later, specimens were Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation • 53 taken at Pasadena. In 1929 E. Johnson reports, in correspondence, that it is "scattered over about 200 acres between Santa Ana and Tustin, in- troduced about ten years since. 1 ' D. mitral is (L.) DC. (sand rocket), also a native of Europe, is adventive at San Bernardino, where Parish (1920) reports it in 1914 as well established. DRABA Draba verna L. (shad-flower), an introduction from Europe, is re- ported by Jepson (1909-36) from Kelseyville, Potter Valley, Mendo- cino County, Carlotta on the Van Duzen River, Shasta River hills in Siskiyou County, and Yreka. ERUCA Regarding the history of Eruca sativa Mill, (garden rocket) in Califor- nia, Bellue (1936a) writes as follows : During the past three years we have had an increasing number of specimens of a certain mustard-like plant submitted for identification. Practically always it comes from flax-producing sections. The weed is garden rocket, sometimes called rocket salad. So closely does this plant resemble the common mustards . . . that it has be- come well established in some localities before its identity was recognized. Garden rocket is a native of Eurasia, and is a common impurity in commercial seed from that region. The general opinion is that this weed is a newcomer to California. This is not the case, as the plant is listed by Kennedy in 1917 as introduced in alfalfa fields in San Luis Obispo County. With the recent rapid growth of the flax industry, much seed flax carrying this impurity has been imported from India and China. Thus, dur- ing the past three years, garden rocket has assumed a new importance here. The weed has taken a strong hold in the flax fields in Imperial Valley, whole stands in that re- gion being yellowed by its bloom. This year several hundred acres in the Merced region are heavily infested. Hand-pulling . . . had to be given up owing to the ex- cessive labor cost. Munz (1935) reports it as "rare, in waste places, San Bernardino." Jep- son (1909-36) cites it near Yreka, from newly seeded alfalfa fields in San Luis Obispo County in 1909, and from San Bernardino in 1923. ERYSIMUM Erysimum cheiranthoides L. (wormseed mustard) is found thus far only along railroads in Placer County. E. rapandum L. (treacle mus- tard) has become troublesome in alfalfa fields in Modoc County, thus far the only known locality in California. Because of its tumbling habit, it is sometimes erroneously called Russian thistle. Like E. cheiranthoides L., it is of European origin. HYMENOPHYSA Hymenophysa pubescens C. A. Mey. (hoary cress) is a native of the Altai Region of Central Asia. It was first collected in Los Angeles in 54 University op California — Experiment Station 1910. According to Bellue (1933a), "during 1932 and 1933 we have ob- served it in the field throughout the state and it is frequently submitted for identification from scattered infestations." Munz (1935) cites it from Wintersburg in Orange County. B. Johnson writes that he has records of its occurrence at Westminster, Orange County; Walnut Park, Los Angeles County ; and Camarillo, Ventura County. IONOPSIDIUM Ionopsidium acaule (Desf.) Reichb., a native of Portugal, is adventive at Ferndale in Humboldt County. ISATIS Isatis tinctoria L. (dyer's woad) has become established in Siskiyou County; in Scott Valley, particularly, it is troublesome in grain fields. It is spreading north and south of Siskiyou County, in the coastal coun- ties, its migration aided by shipments of grain. It is adventive from Europe. LEPIDIUM Lepidium Draba L. (hoary cress) , an adventive from Europe, is rapidly becoming one of our most pernicious perennial weeds. Brewer and Wat- son (1876) report it "near Yreka in a field long uncultivated." Jepson (1893) collected it as an occasional at Oak Knoll in the Napa Valley. Since the early 1890's it has spread rapidly, collections having been made at Menlo Park, Chino, Huntington Beach, Pomona, Santa Ana, and Watsonville; in Siskiyou County, near Gilroy, on the Bolsa towards Hollister, in the region of Paicines, about Los Banos, near Firebaugh, and near San Gregorio. In the last eight years it has become increasingly abundant in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys and in San Luis Obispo County. It has also been collected at Mission Valley in San Diego County, and E. Johnson, in correspondence, reports it from Oceanside, Lemon Grove, and San Ysidro in this county. He also has record of its presence at Westminster, Wintersburg, Smeltzer, Tustin, and Buena Park in Orange County, at Chino in Riverside County, at Big Bear Lakes in San Bernardino County, at numerous localities in Los Angeles County and Ventura County, and at Lompoc, Solvang, and Guadalupe in Santa Barbara County. Lepidium Draba L. var. repens Thell. (hoary cress), a native of Af- ghanistan, has been recorded in the last few years at numerous widely scattered stations in California. An early collection was at Chino in 1918. Lepidium pubescens Desv. (wayside peppergrass), regarded as an Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 55 introduction from Chile, is widespread in the coast ranges, from Hum- boldt County to San Luis Obispo County, in the Sierra Nevada foothills, in the northern Sacramento Valley, and southward to the northern bor- ders of the San Joaquin Valley. According to Jepson (1909-36), "the earliest collections known to us are as follows : San Francisco, Vasey in 1875; Hupa Valley, Rattan in 1878; liveoaks of the Mokelumne River, Rattan in 1878; Petaluma, Congdon in 1880. It does not appear to occur in southern California even at the present day." Lepidium perfoliatum L. (shield cress) is introduced from Europe. Though seldom abundant in California, it has a wide distribution, hav- ing been collected at Hollywood in 1910, Orange and Point Loma in 1913, Antelope Valley in 1917, and at later dates at Redman in western Mojave Desert, Firebaugh in Fresno County, Hollister, Summit Rock in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Sonoma, Truckee River at Lake Tahoe, and Yreka. Lepidium campestre R.B r - (poor-man's pepper) European in origin, has been collected at Deer Park Inn, in Placer County, and at Donner Lake. Lepidium ruderale L. (roadside peppergrass) is reported by Munz from Smeltzer, Orange County. It is naturalized from Europe. Lepidium latifolium L. (slender perennial peppergrass) is a Euro- pean species well established in parts of Mexico, and along the New England Coast. Recently it was reported from Montana. Within the last few years, it has made its appearance in Stanislaus County, about one mile from Oakdale, and also in San Joaquin County. LUNARIA Howell (1933a) cites the European moonwort, Lunaria annua L., as a garden escape on moist, shaded slopes of the Point Reyes Peninsula near Inverness in Marin County. MATTHIOLA Matthiola incana (L.) R.Br, (garden stock), a European species, is re- corded by Parish (1920) as an escape along the bluffs at Laguna Beach in 1916. It is now known from scattered localities in the state. RADICULA Badicula austriaca (Crantz) Small (Austrian field cress), a European weed, has become exceedingly troublesome in the hay meadows south of Alturas in Modoc County. Although first reported there in 1933, it was undoubtedly introduced some years prior. A pernicious perennial, it should be vigorously stamped out. 56 University of California — Experiment Station RAPHANUS Raphanus Raphanistrum L. (jointed wild radish) is a European intro- duction, which was noted by Bolander (1870) near San Francisco. Col- lections were made at San Diego in 1891, Los Angeles in 1902, Pacific Grove in 1917; also at Berkeley, Elk Grove, and Yosemite. It is often abundant in grain fields on the east side of the San Joaquin Valley. Raphanus sativus L. (wild radish), a naturalized European weed, widespread and abundant, is especially troublesome in grain fields of the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys. It appears in the collection of the Russian- American colony made in Sonoma County in 1840-41 (Howell, 1937c); and according to Brewer and Watson (1876) was common in fields in various parts of the state. Accordingly, it is an early introduction, at least to northern California. Parish (1920) states that it was infrequent at San Bernardino as late as 1896. RAPISTRUM Howell (1935a) cites the collection of Rapistrum rugosum (L.) All., from Europe, "as a sidewalk weed" on Lower Terrace, San Francisco, in the summer of 1930. SISYMBRIUM The introduced species of Sisymbrium, are all European in origin. S. altissimum L. (tumbling mustard) is generally distributed at eleva- tions below 5,000 feet. Parish (1920) records collections at several loca- tions in southern California between 1910 and 1918. It is now estab- lished in the Tule Lake area grain fields. Sisymbrium Irioh. (London rocket) is cited by Parish (1920) as well established in some orange orchards at Upland by 1918. Munz (1935) reports it as becoming common, in orchards and elsewhere, in Los An- geles to Riverside counties. It has also been observed at several localities in San Diego County. Hoover (1935) collected it along a railway at Modesto; and Ball (1937) reports a vigorous infestation in Glenn County. Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop, (hedge mustard) is occasional throughout California. According to Parish (1920), it is "a common weed of roadsides and waste places ; ascending the San Bernardino and San Antonio Mountains to 5,000 feet altitude. It first appeared at San Bernardino about 1885." Bolander (1870) records it from San Fran- cisco; Davy (18986) from Calaveras County; Gander from numerous localities in San Diego County. Sisymbrium Sophia L. (flixweed) is mainly introduced in Siskiyou Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 57 and Modoc counties. Howell (1933&) collected it "on the sandy open of the Mojave Desert, eleven miles south of Mojave, Kern County. . . . This seems to be the first record of the plant in southern California." It is reported by Jepson (1909-36) from Truckee; Warner Mountains, 1925; Alturas, 1910; Yreka, 1908; and Monolith in the Tehachapi Val- ley, 1927; and by Munz (1935) from Darwin in Inyo County. It was collected in the Antelope Valley in 1928. Ball (1937) found it well es- tablished in southwestern Tehama County; and Keck (1933) reports it at Quincy. Sisymbrium, Thalianum J. Gay. (thale cress), from Europe, occurs in open ground in Alameda, Lake, and Trinity counties. Jepson (1909- 36) collected it in 1892, finding it from Knoxville Grade to Lower Lake. In 1917 it was observed spreading over the University of California botanical gardens as a weed; and elsewhere about Berkeley it occurs in protected places. In 1927, collections were made at Oregon Gulch Moun- tain in Trinity County. THLASPI Thlaspi arvense L. (penny cress) is a European weed found at Pasa- dena, Henniger Flats in the San Gabriel Mountains in 1918, Adin, Tule Lake, Alturas, and San Diego. In the middle western states it is a weed of importance, although not so thus far in California. ROSACEAE ALCHEMILLA Alchemilla arvensis (L.) Scop, (lady's mantle), a species from Europe, is common on low hills and plains throughout California. DUCHESNEA Duchesnea indica Focke. (Indian strawberry) is a native of south Asia. In April, 1939, specimens were sent from Richardson Springs with a note that the plant was very abundant in the hills near that resort. As far as is known, this is the first record from California. ROSA Rosa rubiginosa L. (sweetbriar), a native of Europe, has become nat- uralized in Humboldt and Siskiyou counties, where it is found chiefly along roadsides. SANGUISOBBA Sanguisorba minor Scop, (garden burnet) , a native of Europe, has been found on Thompson Creek near La Verne in Los Angeles County. 58 University of California — Experiment Station LEGUMINOSAE ALHAGI Alhagi camelorum Fisch. (camel thorn). This most unusual legume be- came established in twelve counties of California early in this century. It grows wild throughout the date-producing sections of North Africa, in Turkestan, and also in European Russia, particularly in the high- lands along the Volga. In its native land it is grazed and used for forage. Camel thorn probably gained entrance into California in two ways : in early shipments of Turkestan alfalfa seed and in the packing around date offshoots. The former is undoubtedly the chief source. Much of the alfalfa planted in the San Joaquin Valley was Turkestan, the seed of which was imported. The plant does not spread rapidly by seed, prob- ably because the seedlings have difficulty in becoming established ; it can spread rapidly vegetatively. Many original infestations had an almost circular form, varying in size from less than one acre to several acres. These areas maintained their circular form and rapidly increased in diameter. The outlying plants originated from rootstocks. Browsing animals were a factor in disseminating camel thorn. On the dry lands of Kern County, in the areas infested with the weed, one could find large numbers of viable seed in the droppings of horses and cattle. Without question these animals aided the spread of the pest, inasmuch as it was the custom to move them from one large ranch to another. The date of its first introduction in California, although not known, is prior to 1915. According to Parish (1920) , K. Brandegee reported camel thorn at Mecca in 1915, and apparently it was troublesome at Brawley in 1920. During the last few years an eradication campaign, instituted cooper- atively by the State Department of Agriculture and the several counties where infestations occur, has resulted in almost complete control. CYTISUS Cytisus scoparius Link. (Scotch broom), a native of Europe, is com- monly planted as an ornamental. It has escaped from cultivation and become a serious pest near Georgetown in Placer County. It is also found at Millbrae in San Mateo County, and at scattered points in Amador, Eldorado, and Nevada counties. Cytisus monspessulanus L. (Spanish broom), a Mediterranean spe- cies, has escaped and become naturalized in several localities: Santa Cruz Mountains, Oakland, Eureka, and elsewhere. Cytisus canariensis Ktze., from the Canary Islands, is occasionally an escape. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 59 LATHYRUS Lathyrus Aphaca L., a Eurasian species, has been reported by Howell (1940a) from Fort Bragg, where it was collected during the summer of 1938. It has become naturalized in middle and southern Oregon west of the Cascade Range. LOTUS Lotus angustissimus L., an Old World immigrant, is reported by Howell (19396) from the Sonoma County coast 1% miles north of Fort Ross, 1937; Wright's Beach, Sonoma County, 1938; and near Stillwater Cove, Sonoma County, 1938. MEDICAGO Medicago apiculata Willd., a naturalized European medick, is widely distributed, although nowhere very abundant. Jepson (1909-36) re- cords it from Crescent City, Redding, Eureka, Norman in Glenn County, Rio Linda in Sacramento County, near lone, Knights Ferry, Sonoma Valley, near Berkeley, San Francisco, New Almaden, and Garvanza, Los Angeles; whereas Munz (1935) cites it from Los Angeles, Pasadena, Claremont, and Yuma. Medicago arabica All. (spotted medick), also naturalized from Eu- rope, occurs along the coast from Eureka to San Francisco Bay and is apparently spreading. Medicago hispida Gaertn. (bur clover) is described by Jepson (1909- 36) as "a rare instance of an aggressive immigrant herb having a high economic value." It is a European plant that has become well established throughout California. Hendry and Bellue (1925) have shown it was present during the Mission Period. Torrey (1859) reported it as abun- dant throughout California. Brewer and Watson (1876) call it "com- mon," and Bolander (1870) lists it near San Francisco. Hilgard (1890) pronounces it "generally obnoxious to farmers." Davy (1898&) mentions it and also M . apiculata as occurring in Calaveras County. Davy (1902) refers to M. hispida as among the plants then invading the stock ranges of northwestern California, replacing small barley grass, squirrel tail, and soft chess. As Piemeisel and Lawson (1937) point out, M. hispida var. denticulata (California bur clover) abounds on overgrazed areas of the tree savanna and Pacific grassland of the San Joaquin Valley, but is playing no part on recently abandoned farm lands. Medicago lupulina L. (black medick), listed by Brewer and Watson (1876), is a native of Europe, collected early at Los Angeles in 1891, San Francisco in 1898, Redlands in 1906, and Santa Monica in 1918. It is now widely distributed, usually in lawns and waste places. The culti- 60 University of California — Experiment Station vated Asiatic plant, M. sativa L. (alfalfa), sometimes escapes and grows somewhat spontaneously in moist places. Davidson (1893) doubted whether it would survive in California if cultivation were stopped. It was first raised here about 1854. MELILOTUS Melilotus alba Desr. (white sweetclover), naturalized from Europe, is sometimes cultivated for forage, but not infrequently occurs in waste places as a weed. Early collections were at Buckman's Spring in San Diego and at San Bernardino in 1890, at Los Angeles and San Francisco in 1891, at Clear Lake in 1892, in the lower Sacramento River region in 1893, and in Calaveras County, 1895. Melilotus indica All. (annual yellow sweetclover), also from Europe, is commonly cultivated in California as a green-manure crop, and has frequently escaped. Hendry and Bellue (1925) have evidence of its in- troduction during the Mission Period. Torrey (1856) reports it from Los Angeles. Brewer and Watson (1876) list M. indica, but not M. alba. M. officinalis Lam. (yellow sweetclover), an introduction from Eurasia, is reported by Munz (1935) from Death Valley. TRIFOLIUM The adventive species of Trifolium in California are all from Europe. Trifolium dubium Sibth. (shamrock) is fairly well distributed, being found in Del Norte, Humboldt, Nevada, and Calaveras counties, and also in the San Francisco Bay region. T. hybridum L. (alsike clover) sometimes cultivated as a forage and pasture crop, has frequently es- caped. It occurs in the mountain meadows of the Sierras and in Hum- boldt and Siskiyou counties. T. incarnatum L. (crimson clover) is found at Healdsburg. T. pratense L. (red clover), a valued forage plant, has become naturalized in mountain meadows throughout the state, and also is in the Delta region. T. procumbens L. (hop clover) has become estab- lished sparingly. Parish (1920) lists it as a plant "well established (in 1894) along the banks of a stream in Potato Canyon, altitude 3,000 feet in the San Bernardino Mountains." It was collected between Eureka and Areata in 1902 and between Korbel and Angels Ranch in Humboldt County in 1914. T. repens L. (white clover), escaping from cultivation in pastures and lawns, is widely distributed in the state : the coastal re- gion, the lower Sacramento River, the Sierra Nevada, and Inyo County. T. fragiferum L. (strawberry clover) , a widespread species from central Europe south to the Mediterranean region, is recently recorded in Siski- you County, where it is said to be establishing itself. Probably the seed was introduced in pasture mixtures. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 61 ULEX Vlex europaeus L. (gorse) is an introduced ornamental from Europe. In the coastal counties, from Marin to Humboldt, it has escaped and in places forms dense thickets, becoming a pest in open areas. K. Brandegee (1892Z>) reported it as covering many acres at San Francisco. It was collected in 1911 along the bluff at PJaya del Rey; and later at San Ra- fael, Bodega, and Eureka. viClA Vicia sativa L. (common vetch) is a native of Europe and a common for- age and covercrop plant in many parts of the world. In California it occasionally escapes from cultivation and, in the Delta region, becomes troublesome in grain fields. The earliest collections, according to Parish (1920), were at Sonoma in 1862, at Los Angeles in 1890, at Pomona in 1896, and at San Bernardino in 1906. Vicia villosa Roth (hairy vetch), also a European species, is an occa- sional fugitive. In 1918 it was collected at Fontana near Rialto. Accord- ing to Wiggins (1933) , "in the vicnity of Humboldt Bay ... it competes successfully with the native and introduced grasses on open hillsides and inner sand dunes." It is well established in many localities from Santa Cruz to Washington. Vicia Cracca L. (bird vetch) , a native of Europe and the northeastern United States, has become naturalized in northern Modoc County. V. Faba L. (broad bean), an Asiatic species extensively cultivated in Cali- fornia is, according to Jepson (1909-36), "sometimes a transient es- cape." V. hirsuta S. F. Gray (tiny vetch), from Europe, has become naturalized in California, occurring in the coastal region and the Sierra Nevada foothills. V. tetrasperma Moench. (slender tare), introduced from Europe, is, according to Jepson (1909-36), "locally and sparingly naturalized, 10 to 1,000 feet : coastal districts." The occurrence of V. atropurpurea Desf. (purple vetch) is reported at Point Reyes, at Hydesville, and in Monterey County, whereas V. pannonica Crantz (Hungarian vetch) is reported from Rincon Valley, Sonoma County. LINACEAE LINUM Linum angustifolium Huds. (narrow-leaved flax), a native of regions about the Mediterranean, is reported by Howell (1939a) as having be- come a permanent element in the indigenous vegetation along the Cali- fornia coast as far south as San Mateo County. He cites collections from Fort Bragg, 1921; near Bodega Bay, 1939; and Montara Point, San Mateo County, 1903. 62 University of California — Experiment Station OXALIDACEAB OXALIS Oxalis cernua Thunb. (Bermuda buttercup) has been found in truck gardens in the San Francisco Bay Peninsula and in southern Califor- nia. It is a native of South Africa. It was collected in 1928 in a walnut grove near San Juan Capistrano, where it is reported to cover the ground as if sown for a covercrop. Eastwood (1932&) states: "It has become very common near Colma, San Mateo County. Some cabbage fields are golden when it is in flower, suggesting the inaccurate common name, Bermuda buttercup." Munz (1935), who records it from Clare- mont, San Bernardino, Highland, Tustin, Oceanside, San Diego, and Catalina Island, calls it a common weed of the walnut and orange groves in southern California. Oxalis corniculata L. (yellow oxalis), a native of Europe, is distrib- uted throughout the state, especially in lawns, greenhouses, and gardens. Hendry and Bellue (1925) found the seeds in adobe bricks of Rancho La Natividad, Salinas, constructed in 1837. Specimens are among the Russian collection made in Sonoma County, 1840-41 (Howell, 1937c). Bolander (1870) records it from the Bay region. It was collected at San Bernardino in 1900, San Diego in 1903, and Santa Barbara in 1908. Hil- gard (1890) reports it as locally a very persistent weed. Oxalis hirta L., a native of the Cape Province, is reported by Rose (1933) from Montebello, Los Angeles County, and from near Salinas. Concerning O. laxa Hook. & Arn., Rose (1933) states that the only col- lection (by Howell) known from North America was made in California 7^2 miles from San Andreas on the road to Valley Springs, Calaveras County. It is a native of central and southern Chile. O. stricta L. (up- right yellow oxalis), a native of the eastern United States, was first re- corded by Bolander (1870) from the Bay region. GERANIACEAE ERODIUM The introduced species of Erodium within our borders are E. Botrys Bertol. (broad-leaf filaree), E. moschatum L'Her. (white-stem filaree), E. cicutarium L'Her. (red-stem filaree), E. malachoides (L.) Willd., and E. cygnorum Nees. Judging from the investigations of Hendry and Bellue (1925) Ero- dium cicutarium was widely distributed here before California was colonized by Europeans — that is, before 1769. In 1844, reports Fremont (1845), E. cicutarium "covered the ground like a sward" in the Sacra- Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 63 mento Valley; as he passed through the lower San Joaquin Valley he found "instead of grass, the whole surface of the country closely covered with it." Torrey (1859) states that in 1856 it was "common in New Mexico and throughout Sonora and California." Brewer and Watson (1876) say regarding E. cicut avium: "Very common. ... It has been generally considered an introduced species, but is more decidedly and widely at home throughout the interior than any other introduced plant, and according to much testimony it was as common throughout Cali- fornia early in the present century as now." E. moschatum they report from "Los Angeles (Antisell), Santa Inez Valley and northward, as well as southward in Mexico. Doubtless introduced from Europe." Of E. Botvys they write: "Sacramento Valley, E. S. Greene, introduced from Europe." Bolander (1870) finds E. cicutavium near San Fran- cisco. Greene (1891) mentions it and also E. moschatum as common near the San Francisco Bay : "Though well established in California from a very early period, neither of them is with reason believed to be in- digenous." Parish (1890-91) states: Every western collector from the Mexican to the Dominion line finds E. cicutarium in abundance. Indeed, Brewer and Watson incline to regard it as a native, and in his Bibliographical Index Dr. Watson prints it in ordinary type as an indigenous species. Dr. Trelease, the latest monographer of the order, has no hesitation in pro- nouncing it an introduction. . . . The seed is adapted for conveyance in the fleece of sheep. Indeed, it rather would have been strange had it not been brought over by the Spanish flocks, or carried wherever their successors have wandered. But E. moschatum, which has a seed essentially the same, has not established itself as widely as its companion. It does not appear to have been found by the botanists of the Mexican boundary, but first appears in the collection of the Pacific Eailroad Survey (1856). The Botany of California returns it only from Los Angeles and Santa Inez Valley. Dr. Palmer got it below our boundary on Guadalupe Island and on the adjacent mainland, at San Quintin Bay. Professor Greene has also collected it at the former station, and on San Miguel Island in the Santa Barbara channel. Professor Brewer does not even enumerate it in his exhaustive account of the Foreign Plants of the United States for the tenth census. These reports indicate that it is mostly confined to the southern extremity of the state. Dr. Trelease indeed calls it a mere "roadside weed." On the red-clay foothills of the San Bernardino Valley it, however, grows in great abundance, and so luxuriant as sometimes to be cut for hay. On these hills it is much commoner than its congener. On black adobe soil it is much less abun- dant, and on sandy very scarce. E. cicutarium nearly reverses this distribution, but its preferences of soil are less pronounced, and this may have aided in its wider dif- fusion since it appears to be able to thrive under a greater variety of conditions To the plant-eradicating sheep, which have wrought such destruction to our native flora, . . . California probably owes the introduction of its most valuable and abun- dant forage plants, namely, alfileria, bur clover and wild oats. . . . All are of Mediter- ranean origin. 64 University of California — Experiment Station On many stock ranges of California, Erodium cicutarium and E. moschatum are dominant species. On the northwestern ranges, accord- ing to Davy (1902), with the advent of white settlers and their domestic animals, the primitive forage plants (chiefly "bunch-grasses") were supplanted by wild oat and E. cicutarium; then followed an invasion by common foxtail, squirrel-tail grass, and soft chess; and then (in 1902) a third immigration, with E. moschatum playing an important role. Piemeisel (1932), discussing the abandoned areas of the Mojave Des- ert, points out that land denuded of brush, where there has been no plowing, is grown up principally with Erodium cicutarium and Bromus rub ens. The west side of the San Joaquin, once a desert-sage type of vegetation but now greatly denuded, is clothed with a variety of intro- duced plants, including a high percentage of the filarees. In the tree savanna of the San Joaquin, as Piemeisel and Lawson (1937) show, the primitive perennial cover among the oaks has been replaced by an an- nual cover of grasses and herbs, including E. cicutarium, E. moschatum, and E. Botrys. Overgrazed areas of the Pacific grassland are occupied by numerous annuals, including E. cicutarium and E. Botrys, the most widely distributed being B. rubens and Erodium species. E. cicutarium is also an important invader of overgrazed areas and abandoned farm lands of the "desert salt-bush" association, and all three species of Ero- dium named above invade cleared and cultivated areas in the "spiny salt-bush association" and in the "lowland types" of vegetation. Erodium malachoides (L.) Willd. has been collected on the Berkeley campus, at Mt. Diablo, and at several points in the northern Sacramento Valley. E. cygnorum, a native of Australia, is reported by Parish (1920) as locally established at a single station near San Diego, where it was collected in 1916; also it is reported by Munz (1935) at Corona. The first three species cited above are widely distributed throughout the state. GERANIUM Geranium carolinianum L. (Carolina geranium), naturalized from the eastern United States, although infrequent, is widely distributed in Cal- ifornia. Geranium dissectum L. (cut-leaved geranium), an introduction from Europe, occurs chiefly in the coast ranges and in Amador County. It has been collected at Carmel, Alviso, Palo Alto, Mt. Davidson, Mt. Diablo, near lone, Alderney in Marin County, Hopland, Fort Bragg, Eureka, the Palomar Mountains, and Fairfield. Geranium molle L. (doves-foot geranium), also from Europe, occurs infrequently in the coastal region from San Francisco to Del Norte Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 65 County and at a few localities in southern California. Collections have been made at San Francisco, Mt. Tamalpais, Humboldt Bay, Hydes- ville, Korbel to Angel's Camp in Humboldt County, Gilbert Creek in Del Norte County, Claremont, San Bernardino, Sawtelle, and Rose Can- yon in San Diego County. Geranium pilosum Forst. (traveler's geranium), an Australasian species, is sparingly naturalized along the coast, having been collected at Trinidad Station in Humboldt County, at Inverness, Mt. Tamalpais, and Berkeley. G. pyrenaicum Burm., a European species, was reported in 1905 from Mt. San Gorgonio, 7,000 feet elevation. G. sibiricum L. (Siberian crane's-bill), native to Siberia, is adventive at Olema in Marin County. PELARGONIUM Parish (1920) reports Pelargonium clandestinum L'Her., a native of Europe, as an escape in a neglected lawn at Santa Ana in 1904; and P. zonale L'Her., a native of South Africa, as a fugitive in the hillside chap- arral at Oceanside, in 1897. EUPHORBIACEAE EUPHORBIA Euphorbia exigua L. (dwarf spurge), a European species, has been found in Santa Clara County, according to Norton (1900). Euphorbia helioscopia L. (water weed) is reported by Munz (1935) as "naturalized from Europe near El Monte (Wheeler)." It has been collected and reported as a pest in fields at Elk, Mendocino County. Euphorbia Lathy rus L. (caper spurge), also from Europe, has been found as an escape at Myer's Ranch in Humboldt County, West Berke- ley, Skylonda in San Mateo County, Jolon, Morro, Lompoc, Seven Oaks in the San Gabriel Mountains, the San Jose Hills, and the San Jacinto River. Euphorbia maculata L. (spotted spurge), introduced from the east- ern United States, occurs sparingly as a street and lawn weed. Parish (1920) reports it as a recent introduction at Pasadena. It has been col- lected at Marysville, Bear Valley in Nevada County, lone, Berkeley, Jolon in Monterey County, San Miguel, Pasadena, San Bernardino, San Diego, Ventura, El Monte, and elsewhere. Euphorbia Peplus L. (petty spurge), from Europe, is frequently found in moist shady places. Leeds (1891) in 1883 observed it at Santa Cruz. Parish (1920) says it was rare at San Bernardino in 1885, abun- dant at San Diego in 1914. It has also been collected at Eureka, Stew- art's Point in Sonoma County, Berkeley, Monterey, and Upland. 66 University of California — Experiment Station Of Euphorbia esula L. (leafy spurge), a European species, Kellue (1936d) remarks : On June 5, 1936, F. IT. Taylor, Agricultural Commissioner of Lassen County, sub- mitted for identification a specimen of leafy spurge collected on the B. A. Cliace Eanch in Lassen County. Because of the noxious character of this weed, and the fact that it is not known to be established elsewhere within our boundaries, a further survey of the infestation was promptly made. This revealed seven patches confined to about three acres. The area is bounded by lands utilized for range and the pro- duction of oat hay. According to Mrs. Chace, the infestation had existed without appreciable spread for at least forty years because of shallowness of the soil. The first authentic record of occurrence in this state is a specimen in the herbarium of the University of California bearing the label, "Collected by F. C. Chace, Adin, Modoc County, June 1916." This now is known to represent the same site as that recently surveyed, Chace Valley being situated in Lassen County about four miles east and two miles south of Adin, Modoc County. The only other collection from California is a cultivated specimen from the Leonard Coates Nursery in San Jose. Jepson (1909-36) records a collection by W. T. Davidson, about 1917, in Scott Valley, Siskiyou County. The species has also been observed at Gazelle. MERCURIALIS Mercurialis annua L. (herb mercury), a European weed, has been nat- uralized locally in San Mateo County, where it abounds in the artichoke fields. EICINUS Ricinus communis L. (castor bean), grown as an ornamental, sometimes escapes, chiefly in coastal southern California. It is native to the warmer parts of Asia and Africa. ZYGOPHYLLACEAE KALLSTROEMIA Kallstroemia parviflora Norton, according to Gander, is well established in a small area near Walnut Hot Springs, where it was collected in Oc- tober, 1936. It is native from Mississippi to Arizona and Mexico. TRIBULUS Tribulus terrestris L. (puncture vine) is chiefly a native of the Medi- terranean region. The earliest reported collection of this species in Cali- fornia was that of Davidson (1903) from Port Los Angeles. Parish (1909 and 1920) reports that it was abundant at Colton in 1908, and that a few plants were found at San Bernardino the same year. He states that it was collected at Bakersfield in 1905. According to Johnson (1932), "Charles F. Collins, formerly Tulare County Horticultural Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 67 Commissioner, recalls having first seen the plant at Dinuba in 1901; and some of the older ranchers in Kern and Tulare counties claim to have known it for about forty years." About 1912, puncture vine began to attract much attention and was recognized as a plant which might become a serious agricultural pest. Essig (1914) cites the occurrence of the weed in Placer and Glenn counties and from the coast side of the mountains west of the San Joaquin Valley. By 1920, according to John- son (1920), the plant was spread "over a large area in the upper San Joaquin Valley, and is found in a nearly unbroken line along the rail- roads northward to San Joaquin County. In the Sacramento Valley it has been found at Woodland, Durham, and Marysville, and is reported as widespread along the railroads of Tehama County. South of Teha- chapi the puncture vine is found from the Mexican border through the Imperial and Coachella valleys to the coastward valleys of Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Orange counties." By 1925 it had reached Glen Ellen in Sonoma County and Lone Pine in Inyo County. ZYGOPHYLLUM Zygophyllum Fdbago L. var. brachycarpa Boiss. (Syrian bean caper) is an introduction from southwestern Asia. Eastwood (1932c) quotes from a letter from Mrs. Hutchinson, as follows : "Z. Fdbago has* for some time been growing just outside of a ranch near the dry lake in the Muroc region of the Mojave Desert." Munz (1935) reports it as occasional in the Antelope Valley. The State Department of Agriculture has received specimens from Stanislaus County. RTJTACEAE RUTA Ruta chalpensis L., a native of Africa, is reported by Parish (1920) as "an escape or fugitive from Mexican gardens, where cultivated as a medicinal herb." Collections have been made at El Monte in 1894, Mont- erey in 1917, Ventura in 1918, and Kingston in the Mojave Desert. B. graveolens L. (common rue) , a southern European species, was found by Munz in 1933 growing without cultivation at Garden Grove in Orange Countv. SIMARUBACEAE AILANTHUS Ailanthus altissima Swingle (tree-of -heaven), now a pest in some locali- ties, was introduced from China. Planted as an ornamental and shade tree, it has occasionally escaped from cultivation. It is fairly abundant in Pleasant Valley, Solano County, and is recorded from Berkeley, Vac- 68 University of California — Experiment Station aville, Petaluma, San Andreas, Angels Camp, La Panza, Grass Valley, Yuba City, and Columbia. Jepson (1909-36) gives us the following historical note : The Chinese miners, immigrants in California in gold days, brought with them from China seed of Ailanthus altissima, the Tree of Heaven of their temple grounds at home. This seed they planted about the placer mining camps in the Sierra Nevada foothills. The species spread, spontaneously in many places, and its colonies are now a feature of the foothill region, especially about such old-time mining camps as Mor- mon Bar (Mariposa County), Columbia, Valley Springs (Calaveras County), Angels Camp, San Andreas, and Grass Valley. Frequently used as a dooryard ornamental or shade tree, it has also run wild in the Coast Eanges about Parkfield (Monterey County), Berkeley, Petaluma, St. Helena, Vacaville, and Fruto (western Glenn County). This species is obviously continuing to spread locally. It is, thus far, the only exotic arboreous species in California which is aggressively spontaneous. In some deciduous fruit orchards, as in Pleasant Valley, northwestern Solano County, it is a pest, the seedlings and shoots, in spite of cultivation, standing thickly after the manner in which Pteris aquilina displays itself on a hillslope that has been cleared of woody cover. ANACAKDACEAE SCHINUS Schinus Molle L. (Peruvian pepper), according to Munz (1935), has occasionally become naturalized in washes, canyons, and the like. It was introduced from Europe. MALVACEAE ABUTILON Abutilon indicum Sweet (country mallow), an introduction from the Hawaiian Islands, occurs as an escape in cities and towns. A. Theophra- sti Medic (velvetleaf ), from Asia, occasionally escapes in southern Cali- fornia and north to Yuba County. Parish (1920) states that in 1917 it was collected in an orange orchard at Riverside, the only reported collec- tion from the state at that date. Recently specimens have been taken at Stockton and Modesto. ANODA Anoda cristata (L.) Schlecht. is reported (Howell, 1935&) as an abun- dant and persistent garden weed at Placerville by Ivan W. Lilley. It has also been collected near Stockton. It is a native of Mexico. HIBISCUS Hibiscus Trionum L. (flower-of-an-hour) is reported by Parish (1920) as "a waif in an orange orchard at Riverside," being collected there in 1917. Stacey (1933) collected it at Stockton. It was introduced from southern Europe. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 69 LAVATERA Lavatera assurgentiflora Kell. (tree mallow) is a native of the Santa Barbara Islands; as early as 1853 it was brought to the gardens on the mainland, where it has been used as a hedge windbreak along the coast from Mendocino County to San Diego. In places, apparently, it has es- caped from cultivation. Lavatera cretica L. (Cretan mallow) is a native of the Mediterranean region. According to Howell (1935a), "at present it is one of the com- monest weeds in vacant lots on the Marina, and its extension southward down the San Francisco Peninsula along the Bayshore Highway has been noted. This is perhaps the first occurrence of the plant to be noted in the United States." It was collected, however, in San Francisco as early as 1912. MALVA The malvas growing in California without cultivation are of European origin. Malva borealis Wallm. (bull mallow) was reported by Parish (1890-91) from Old San Bernardino and collected by Abrams (1904) near Mesmer, Los Angeles County. Jepson (1909-36) reports it from Willows, Stockton, Berkeley, Alviso, and San Bernardino Mission. It is very common about Davis. Malva parvi flora L. (cheese-weed) is the most common malva in Cali- fornia. Seeds were found in adobe bricks of La Soledad, Soledad, con- structed in 1791; of San Fernando Rey de Espana, constructed in 1797; and of San Jose de Guadalupe, Mission San Jose, constructed in 1797. A very early collection, according to Parish (1920) was from San Diego in 1862. Hilgard (1890) says : "Of the Malvaceae, almost the only mem- ber . . . really a weed is Malva parviflora" Jepson (1893) lists it among the riparian plants of the lower Sacramento. Malva rotundifolia L. (dwarf mallow) is found occasionally within our borders in gardens, farmyards, waste places, and — sometimes — in cultivated grounds and new lawns. Brewer and Watson (1876) say that this weed "may appear in California." Bolander (1870) finds it, how- ever, near San Francisco. Jepson (1909-36) cites it from Yreka, Little Hot Springs, Modoc County, Surprise Valley, Modoc County, Meadow Valley, Plumas County, Fort Ross, San Francisco, Berkeley, and Mari- posa. M. sylvestris L. (high mallow) has been collected at San Francisco, Guerneville, Rawhide in Tuolumne County, and Redlands. It is spar- ingly escaped from gardens. M . pusilla Smith occurs at Alton in Hum- boldt County and at several stations in the southern counties. Eastwood (1898) collected it in San Francisco. 70 University of California — Experiment Station MODIOLA Modiola caroliniana G. Don. (bristly mallow), from tropical America, has been found at Ferndale in Humboldt County, Auburn, Los Baiios, Claremont, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Basset, Riverside, and the Swift Ranch in Madera County. An early collection, according to Par- ish (1920) in Los Angeles County, was in 1892. Ball (1936) reports it from Calaveras and Sacramento counties, particularly where Ladino and white clover plantings have been made. Only recently it has at- tracted attention as a lawn weed in the San Francisco Bay region. HYPERICACEAE HYPERICUM Hypericum perforatum L. (Klamath weed or St. Johnswort), today in- fests about 100,000 acres of land, chiefly in the northwest counties. It is regarded as a range weed of major importance, not only because it has crowded out desirable forage species, and thus reduced the carrying ca- pacity of the range, but because it is somewhat poisonous to livestock. Its relatively recent introduction and its rapid spread are of especial significance. Hilgard (1890), discussing the principal weeds of Califor- nia, does not list Klamath weed. Davy (1902) does not mention it in the area covered by his thorough range studies, which included counties now heavily infested. In a letter dated in July, 1938, he says : "If this plant had been common in the region when I carried out my study of those ranges, I should certainly have mentioned the fact. When I first began to study the flora of California, in 1893, and for some years there- after, I paid particular attention to the alien flora, being attracted by the plants with which I had been familiar in Britain." T. Howell (1903) , however, referring to the territory north of California, west of Utah, and south of British Columbia, says of H. perforatum: "Very common in fields and along roadsides." Oddly enough, in view of this report, Piper states in 1906 that Vancouver is the only locality where he has observed it in the Northwest. The species was early reported in the United States : in 1793 from Lancaster, Pennsylvania; in 1814 from the same state; later, in many eastern localities. Some believe that Chinese miners in the fifties brought the seed of Hypericum perforatum into Humboldt County with packing material, since it was first discovered near their dwellings; and others that the early white men who mined in the region sowed the seed in the hope of securing forage for their burros. Most plausible, however, is the story Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 71 that it was introduced from the northeastern states into Oregon, prob- ably the Willamette Valley, by the Oregon Trail pioneers of the forties and fifties, and spread southward into the northwest counties of Califor- nia. The following statement in a letter from E. D. Merrill supports this view: We have given considerable attention to the Klamath weed matter, i.e. through a direct comparison of numerous specimens of Hypericum perforatum from various parts of the world, including Europe, North Africa, Asia, eastern and western North America, in the hope that we might find some slight but constant differences between the forms from various parts of the species' extensive range ; we fail to note any such differences, the plants being rather remarkably uniform. The species is a native of Europe, and I suspect may be introduced in northern Asia and in China, as it is in the United States and Canada. It was introduced into eastern America apparently in the colonial period, and is now very widely distrib- uted. It does not seem to be a very bad pest in the more humid regions, and I suspect that its perniciousness in California is a response to climatic conditions, in that it finds less competition from native and other introduced plants and tends to become dominant because of its vigor and adaptability. I, personally, do not think that it was an introduction from China into California, but consider it more probable that it reached the west coast in packing material from the East. My reason is simply this. It is not a very widely distributed plant in China, judging from extant collections, and does not appear to be a dominant weed there, at least in those regions associated with commerce with the United States. It is re- corded from China only from a very few provinces, these older records supplemented by recent collections giving its occurrence in Shantung, Kiangsi, Shensi, Yunnan, Szechuan, and Kweichow ; with the exception of Shantung, these are all interior prov- inces. It is unknown from Kwangtung and Fukien, whence many of the Chinese in California came, and is also unknown from the provinces near Shanghai and Tientsin, the two other great export ports. The likelihood of its having been used by the Chinese in China for packing purposes is hence very remote, unless such shipments originated far in the interior ; and, even in such case, all types of supplies would be repacked for export at the port of shipment to the United States. Gander states that Hypericum perforatum was collected in June, 1938, by T. 0. Brodeur, % m ^ e west of Wynola in San Diego County. This is its first reported occurrence in southern California. It has also been found near Mt. Hamilton in Santa Clara County. TAMARICACEAE TAMARIX Tamarix gallica L. (French tamarisk) is used extensively in California as a windbreak and an ornamental. Escaping from cultivation, it now occurs in widely scattered localities. It is a Mediterranean species. Par- ish (1920) reports that in 1915 in Death Valley it abundantly bordered Furnace Creek, spreading from a planting at the head of the stream. Its occurrence as an escape is also recorded for San Gabriel River, Wilming- 72 University of California — Experiment Station ton, Ontario, Salton Sea, Thousand Palms, Sulphur Creek in southwest Colusa County, Warm Springs in Alameda County, White Sulphur Creek in Napa Valley, and Cache Creek on the Tehachapi Pass. Tama- rix parviflora DC. (small-flowered tamarisk), a south European spe- cies, has escaped in a few localities, as in the San Benito river bed, San Benito County, and Mission Valley in San Diego County. CISTACEAE HELIANTHEMTJM Helianthemum guttatum Miller, an Old World species, has been col- lected at two points in Calaveras County : near Buena Vista and at Lan- cha Plana. Collections were first made in 1936. RESEDACEAE RESEDA The species of Reseda adventive in California and growing there with- out cultivation are all European. Eeseda alba L. (white cut-leaved mignonette) is adventive in southern California, at San Bernardino, Glendora, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Pasadena, Ojai, and near Pala in San Diego County. An early collection was in 1893 at Pasadena. In Orange County, E. Johnson, in correspondence, states that it is scat- tered for about one mile on the Pacific Electric right-of-way. B. lutea L. (yellow mignonette), according to Gander, is a garden escape about Los Angeles and near Poway in San Diego County. B. Luteola L. (dyer's rocket) is reported by Gander from near Poway in San Diego County, where it was collected in 1936. B. odorata L. (common mignonette), an occasional escape in Marin County, has also been collected by Gander at San Diego and Ocean Beach. PASSIFLORACEAE PASSIFLORA Passi flora incarnata L. (passion-flower) , native of eastern United States from Virginia to Missouri and southward, is well established in or- chards near Newcastle, Placer County. LYTHRACEAE LYTHRUM Of Lythrum tribracteatum Salsm., J. T. Howell (1931) states : "In the vicinity of Elmira, Solano County, the beds of summer-dried rain-pools are enlivened with brightly flowered mats of this annual which is ad- ventive from lands around the Mediterranean Sea." Bul. C37] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 73 ONAGRACEAE GAURA Of Gaura sinuata Nutt. (wavy-leaved gaura), a native of the plains of the United States, Gander (1937) says: "It was first reported in July, 1930, when W. V. Shear collected specimens at Carlsbad. It was found growing along the highway two miles north of Lake Hodges on March 6, 1934, and was thoroughly established in a field at Santa Ysabel on July 10, 1935." Today it is fairly common in central and southern Cali- fornia. According to Ball (1936) it has become established in Wheeler Canyon, Ventura County, and E. Johnson reports, in correspondence, its occurrence at Yorba Linda in Orange County, at Corona in River- side County, at Van Nuys, Redondo, Puente, Pomona, and Baldwin Hills in Los Angeles County, and at Camarillo, Santa Paula, Balcom Grade, and Cone jo in Ventura County. OENOTHERA Oenothera speciosa Nutt. (evening primrose), also a native of the plains region of the United States, is an occasional escape at Pomona, Chino, and Hawthorne. E. Johnson reports in 1939 the variety Childsii (Mexican evening primrose) as persistent in an avocado orchard at Escondido in San Diego County. UMBELLIFERAE AMMI Ammi majus L. (Bishop's weed), a native of Europe, has thus far be- come naturalized only in the Napa Valley. Jepson (1909-36) records collections at Union Station, 1917; Salvador School, 1920, and Yount- ville, 1893. A. Visnaga Lam. (toothpick weed), also European, has been found in the Santa Clara Valley and at Long Beach. It was probably first collected at Saratoga in 1893. ANETHUM Anethum graveolens L. (dill), a garden plant from the Old World, has occasionally escaped from cultivation. Parish (1890-91) observed it "in great abundance by roadsides and in fields in some of the environs of San Bernardino, so that it may be regarded as fully established." It is also recorded from Long Beach, Los Angeles, and Oakland. ANTHRISCUS Anthriscus vulgaris (L.) Pers. (bur chervil), a European species thus far rare in California, is reported by Jepson (1909-36) from Clover- dale, St. Helena, and Jolon. The earliest collection was at St. Helena in 1908. 74 University of California — Experiment Station APIUM Apium Ammi Urban, native to the southern states and tropical regions, has become established at Lompoc. There is a specimen in the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Of Apium graveolens L. (common celery), a common European gar- den plant that frequently escapes from cultivation, Brewer and Watson (1876) say : "Rare in California, but has been collected in salt marshes from Santa Barbara to San Diego, and also at Fort Tejon." Davidson (1893), reporting on the immigrant plants of Los Angeles, remarks: "Of all the Umbelliferae this is the most firmly naturalized and must have been introduced at an early period." There have been additional collections at Ramona, Riverside, San Bernardino, Claremont, Carmel River, South Berkeley, Suisun Marshes, Ballona, Arlington, Chino, La- guna, Otay, Downey, Pomona, and San Jacinto. CONIUM Conium maculatum L. (poison hemlock), a native of Europe, is now widespread throughout California at low altitudes. According to Brewer and Watson (1876), it was sparingly introduced in waste places in the neighborhood of the older towns. Bolander (1870), however, does not mention it as occurring near San Francisco Bay. It was collected at Truckee in 1892. Greene (1891) records it as "rather rare in Califor- nia." Davy (1898&) finds it established at Angel's Camp. Collections were made at Pasadena and Los Angeles in 1894. Parish (1920) reports it as introduced at San Bernardino about 1905. Besides these localities, it is recorded from Oak Glen, El Monte, Long Beach, San Andreas, Yreka, Falks Mill on the South Fork of the Elk River, Greenwood in Mendocino County, Drakes Bay, Lake Merced, Alviso, Carmel, San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande, and Lytle Creek in the San Gabriel Mountains. CORIANDRUM Coriandrum sativum L. (coriander), from the Mediterranean, occa- tionally escapes from cultivation. According to Parish (1920), it was collected in 1888 at Los Angeles, in 1894 at San Diego. It is also cited from Anaheim and Truckee. DAUCUS Daucus Carota L. (wild carrot) has escaped from gardens and become widespread as a weed in California. It is a European species. Hendry and Bellue (1925) list it among the plants introduced during the Mis- sion Period. It is not mentioned, however, by Brewer and Watson (1876). Hilgard (1890) refers to it; and Parish (1890-91), upon find- Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 75 ing several dozen plants in a meadow at St. Elmo, remarks : "This is the first recorded appearance of this plague in California, although it is probably to be found in other parts of the state." It was collected at Riviera in 1892, at Los Angeles in 1896, and at Claremont in 1897. Other localities, recorded by Jepson (1909-36) are Bodega in Sonoma County, Sonoma, Alameda, Alvarado, Monterey, San Bernardino, and Smarts- ville in Yuba County. FOENICULUM Foeniculum vulgar e Hill (fennel), another European garden plant, has become a widely naturalized weed in California. It is not listed by Brewer and Watson (1876). Hilgard (1890) reports it as conspicuous in the Bay region; Parish (1890-91) , as rare in 1890 at San Bernardino. Collections were made at Los Angeles in 1898, at Ballona in 1902, and at Claremont and Elsinore in 1918. Jepson (1909-36) records it from Whitmore in Shasta County, Lake County, Sacramento, Batavia in So- lano County, Vacaville, St. Helena, Benicia, Berryessa in Santa Clara County, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino. PASTINACA Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip) has escaped from cultivation and become locally naturalized. It is a European garden plant. It is not re- corded by Brewer and Watson (1876). Parish (1890-91) states : "First collected this plant in 1882 in Edgar Canyon, near the San Gorgonio Pass. . . . About five years ago it began to appear by the roadside near San Bernardino, and is yearly becoming more abundant." Other locali- ties are Redlands, Cold Water Canyon in the San Gabriel Mountains, Cienega near Los Angeles, Boulder Creek in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Scott Valley in Lake County, Comptche in Mendocino County, and Sacramento. PRIMULACEAE ANAGALLIS Anagallis arvensis L. (red pimpernel) is a common naturalized Euro- pean plant in California. It occurs chiefly near the coast, but also fre- quently in the interior valleys. Specimens are in the Russian collection made in Sonoma County in 1840^1 (J. T. Howell, 1937c). Torrey (1856) records it from San Gabriel and San Bernardino; Brewer and Watson (1876) from Santa Barbara and Ventura in 1871; Bolander (1870) from the vicinity of San Francisco. Parish (1890-91) says that it was then becoming increasingly common. A. arvensis L. var. coerulea Ledeb. (blue pimpernel) was collected at Fallbrook in 1884, at Los An- geles in 1918. Jepson (1923-25) records the variety from Mt. Diablo. 7G University of California — Experiment Station LYSIMACHIA Lysimachia Nummularia L. (moneywort), a European species natural- ized in the eastern United States, is well established in the American Valley near Quincy, where, according to Keck (1933), it was collected in 1914. According to Keck, a hanging basket of Lysimachia brought across the plains from Kansas in a covered wagon "was the ancestor of the very numerous colonies . . . that now spot the meadow of American Valley and which, we were told, have spread to some extent, at least, into the surrounding woods." PLUMBAGINACEAE LIMONIUM Limonium sinuatum Mill., from the Mediterranean region, has been col- lected by Gander as an escape about San Diego. APOCYNACEAE VINCA Tinea major L. (periwinkle) , a native of Europe, has escaped from gar- dens, especially near the San Francisco Bay, and grows without cultiva- tion along water courses in protected places. ASCLEPIADACEAE ARAUJIA According to Parish (1920) , Araujia sericifera Brot., a native of Persia, occasionally cultivated, was a fugitive at Riverside in 1914 and was in- creasing in 1918. It is not otherwise known from the state. CONVOLVULACEAE CONVOLVULUS Jepson (1923-25) describes fourteen different species of Convolvulus as occurring in California. Most of these are natives, but three, Convol- vulus arvensis L. (wild morning-glory), C. pentapetaloides L. (small- flowered wild morning-glory), and C. sepium L. (hedge bindweed), are European species. Convolvulus arvensis, the only species of major significance within our borders, is generally distributed at lower altitudes throughout the state; a large portion of the cultivated lands are infested. Bolander (1870) lists it as occurring near San Francisco; Brewer and Watson (1876) as naturalized there. Parish (1920) reports morning-glory at San Bernardino in 1890, and at Descanso in 1897. Hilgard (1890) brands Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 77 the species as "the most dreaded of the perennial weeds." Jepson (1893) lists C. arvensis from the lower Sacramento River. This pest was un- doubtedly introduced into California several years before 1870, but up to 1890 it probably did not attract serious attention. It has spread rap- idly, however, since the beginning of the century and is today one of the most widespread and troublesome weeds of orchards, vineyards, and cul- tivated fields. Convolvulus pentapetaloides is relatively unimportant in California, being found in grain fields in the lower San Joaquin Valley and south to San Diego. Greene (1894) records it as "common in fields along the eastern base of the Mt. Diablo Range." According to Parish (1890-91), the species was collected in 1884 by Cleveland, who found it in abun- dance "along and near a stony road in the Sweetwater Valley, ten miles from San Diego." It was collected at San Diego in 1902, at La Jolla in 1914, at Redondo in 1902, and at San Pedro in 1903. Convolvulus septum, although a pernicious weed in the eastern United States, is not widespread in California; it occurs chiefly in swamp lands in the southern part of the state, principally about Los Angeles and San Bernardino. CUSCUTA Cuscuta planiflora Tenore (small-seeded alfalfa dodder), an introduc- tion from Europe, occurs here and there in California. C. racemosa Martius var. Chiliana Engelm. (Chilean dodder), from Chile, also oc- curs within our borders, infesting alfalfa. DICHONDRA Dichondra repens Forst., naturalized from the tropics, is fairly common in certain sections of the state, occurring in the Eldorado County foot- hills, at San Francisco, Del Mar, and San Diego. IPOMOEA Ipomoea hirsutula Jacq., a garden plant from tropical America, has become naturalized in coastal southern California. In 1915 a few plants were found in an orange grove at Riverside, and in 1938 E. Johnson, in correspondence, reports its collection in Palo Verde Valley. Later collec- tions have been made at Los Angeles and at San Diego. Of I. purpurea (L.) Lam. (morning-glory), also a native of tropical America, Parish (1890-91) comments as follows: The morning-glory is reported in the synoptical flora from San Diego, collected by Mr. Cleveland, and Dr. Gray suggests that it may be indigenous there, a con- jecture that is repeated in the Botany of California. It is now, however, well-founded, 78 University of California — Experiment Station the plant in the southern counties being too often a very troublesome weed in or- chards, vineyards, or gardens. As such it has long had a bad reputation among horti- culturists, who find it nearly impossible to eradicate it from grounds in which it has once become established. It is especially troublesome in vineyards, which can only be cultivated early in the season, and where the clambering stems can easily overrun the low stocks to which the grape is pruned. Mr. Lyon tells me of a forty-acre vine- yard near Los Angeles entirely ruined by this climber. BORAGINACEAE ECHIUM Gander (1937) finds Echium plantagineumh. (purple viper's-bugloss) growing abundantly in a meadow and around a spring by the roadside near De Luz, San Diego County, May 1, 1935. It is a native of Europe. LAPPULA Lappula echinata Gilib. (stickseed), native to Eurasia, occurred as an adventive at Santa Monica in 1906 and at Upland in 1924, according to Munz (1935). LYCOPSIS Lycopsis arvensis L. (small bugloss) , a native of Europe, has been found at Upland in the San Bernardino Valley in 1917 and 1918, the only known occurrence in the state. MYOSOTIS Myosotis sylvatica Hoffm. (forget-me-not), sparingly naturalized from Europe, has been found at San Anselmo, Mill Valley, Berkeley, and San Francisco. M. versicolor (Pers.) J. E. Smith (yellow and blue scorpion- grass), also an adventive from Europe, has been collected at Quincy and Eureka. SYMPHYTUM Symphytum asperrimum L. (rough comfrey), a native of Europe, is adventive at Areata. VERBENACEAE LIPPIA Lippia filiformis Schrad. is listed by Munz (1935) as probably an es- cape from cultivation, occurring at San Diego, Los Angeles, and central California. It is a native of South America. The common lippias in Cali- fornia, L. nodi flora Michx. (mat-grass) and L. lanceolata Michx. (fog- fruit) are both natives. VERBENA Verbena bonariensis L. is reported by Eastwood (1932d) as follows: "This verbena from Argentina has appeared in several localities in Cali- Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 79 fornia. It was first noted by Mr. J. W. Stacy between Alto and Mill Valley, in Marin County. ... It has been collected also at Collinsville, Solano County, by Miss C. E. Smith, and along the Merced River be- tween Snelling' and the bridge, Merced County, by J. T. Howell." V. hastata L. (blue vervain), a native of the eastern states and the Missis- sippi Valley, has been found sparingly on the islands of the lower Sacra- mento River. V. lit oralis HBK., from the American tropics, was collected at Clinton, Amador County, 1896, and on Bouldin Island, 1903. V. offi- cinalis L. (European vervain), is an introduction from Europe and has been collected in the southern counties of California : at San Diego in 1884, at Oneonta in 1902, and at Riverside in 1917. LABIATAE LEONOTIS Leonotis Leonurus R. Br. (lion's ear), a native of Africa, is reported by Munz (1935) as an "occasional escape from cultivation, as at Cardiff." LAMIUM Lamium amplexicaule L. (dead nettle), from Europe, is occasionally found in California as a weed of gardens and cultivated fields. Greene (1894) records it from Sonoma County; Parish (1920) collected it from Claremont in 1918. Other localities are Riverside, San Bernardino, Ven- tura, Fort Bragg, St. Helena, Mt. Eden, Little Arthur Creek near Gil- roy, and Columbia in Tuolumne County. MARRUBIUM Marrubium vulgar e L. (horehound), a European species, is recorded by Brewer and Watson (1876) and Bolander (1870) without discussion of its prevalence. Parish (1890-91), however, says that it "infests every roadside throughout the settled valleys of the southern counties, and extends well up the slopes of arid foothills." Jepson (1893) lists it from the lower Sacramento River; Davy (1898&) from Calaveras County. Today horehound is one of the commonest weeds in the state, found even in remote mountain pastures where few other introduced plants have yet arrived. MELISSA Melissa officinalis L. (garden balm), a European introduction some- times cultivated as a culinary herb, has been found as an escape in Marin County, at Santa Rosa, and at Guerneville. MENTHA The introduced species of Mentha growing without cultivation in Cali- fornia are European. Mentha citrata Ehrb. (bergamot mint) was found 80 University of California — Experiment Station near San Bernardino in 1903, at Mecca in 1913, and on the banks of the Santa Ana River in 1907. Greene (1894) also reports it from Berkeley. M . piperita L. (peppermint) , occasionally found in moist places, was re- ported by Davidson (1893) from Los Angeles and by Greene (1894) at Santa Rosa and on the islands of the lower San Joaquin, and it was noted by Davy (1896Z>) "as exceedingly abundant about Russian River Sta- tion and on both sides of the river at Guerneville." Munz (1935) cites it from Mesa Grande. M. rotundifolia L. (round-leaf mint) is local in the San Bernardino Valley and in the Los Angeles River bed. Early collec- tions were made in 1896, at Los Angeles. M. spicata L. (spearmint) is fairly common in wet places about Berkeley, in the Napa Valley, and in Lake County. Parish (1890-91) reports it at San Bernardino: "It is beginning to be frequent by the side of ditches and on damp banks." Today it is plentiful in Scott Valley and in Napa Valley. M . Pulegium L. (pennyroyal) , occurs in the lower San Joaquin Valley and in Sonoma and Marin counties. Davy (1896&) reported it as abundant at Russian River Station and on both sides of the river at Guerneville. MOLUCCELLA Moluccella laevis L. (shell-flower) , adventive from Europe, thus far has been found only in the foothills of west Colusa County. Of this plant Dewey (1899) writes as follows : In July of this year Mr. H. H. Chapman of Ashland, Oregon, sent to the U. S. D. A. a plant which was becoming a troublesome weed in that locality. He stated that it was first observed there about four years ago, and now it has taken possession of about 100 acres of the range. Stock do not eat it, and therefore it grows and produces seeds unmolested, while the nutritious grasses and other plants are kept down by grazing. NEPETA Nepeta Cat aria L. (catnip), a native of Europe, is now fairly common in California. Parish (1890-91) reports that he first saw this plant in 1872, "growing abundantly near an old farmhouse at Edgar Canyon, in the San Bernardino Mountains." Other early collections were at Ager in 1887, Piru Creek in 1899, Scott Valley in 1892, and Lone Pine in the San Antonio Mountains, 1895. It is also recorded from the Russian River Valley, Lake County, Modoc County, Lake Glen, Riverside, and Clare- mont. N. hederacea (L.) Trev. (ground ivy), also an adventive from Eu- rope, occurs on Bouldin Island along the lower Sacramento River. PRUNELLA Prunella vulgaris L. (self heal) occurs sparingly in lawns throughout the state. The variety lanceolata Fer., the one common in California, is Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 81 recorded in the Russian collection from Sonoma County made in 1840- 41 (Howell, 1937c). Brewer and Watson (1876) report it as abundant in Humboldt County. Self-heal is a native of Europe. STACHYS Howell (1935c) reports Stachys arvensis L. (hedge nettle) as a "well- established garden weed" in Ross, Marin County. It is a native of Eu- rope. SOLANACEAE DATURA Specimens of Datura in the University of California herbarium labeled D. Stramonium are, according to Blakeslee, who has examined them, "almost certainly D. ferox, or hybrids of D. Stramonium and D. ferox." These were taken at Stockton, at Lathrop, and near lone. An early col- lection was at Stockton in 1890, a later one at Colusa in 1925, more re- cent ones in Tehama County in 1938, near Bryte, Yolo County, and south of Cranmore in Sutter County, in 1939. The species is introduced from Southern Europe. Datura Stramonium L. (Jimsonweed), a naturalized tropical plant of the Old World, although widely spread in the warmer parts of the state, is nowhere very abundant. Parish (1890-91) reports it as "re- cently introduced" at Santa Monica, and collected by Davidson in 1896 at Playa del Rey and Ballona. Datura Tatula L. (purple thorn apple), a native of South America, is widely distributed but not abundant. Brewer and Watson (1876) re- port it from Siskiyou County. Parish (1890-91) traces its introduction "to the estimation in which its leaves are held as a remedy for asthma. More than twenty years ago a sufferer from this disease planted the seed near KehFs Mill, and the plant still continues to propagate itself at that place. In that length of time it has spread over only about an acre of ground, and does not seem disposed to extend its limits, although the adjoining land is equally adapted to its growth." According to T. S. Brandegee (1893), D. Tatula is abundant in Lake County, especially about Upper Lake, and is not uncommon in Marin County. Munz (1935) records it near Claremont, and in San Dimas Canyon. LYCIUM Lycium halimifolium Mill, (matrimony vine), a European ornamental, frequently escapes from cultivation. It has been reported as noxious in scattered locations from Modoc to San Diego counties. In 1903 it was collected at Beckwith in Sierra County, and Parish (1920) cites it as 82 University of California — Experiment Station an infrequent escape in the streets of San Bernardino in 1910 and 1919. Gander noticed it in 1934 in the bed of the Tijuana River about two miles from the mouth. L. chinense Mill., an east Asian species, is re- ported by Ball (1937) as an escape in Solano County. NICOTIANA Nicotiana glauca Graham (tree tobacco), according to Parish (1890- 91), was probably introduced from Argentina into California during the Mission Period. In 1913 he observed plants at Mecca and at Calexico. It is not listed, however, by Brewer and Watson (1876). Today it is widespread in the warmer parts of the state. PHYSALIS Physalis ixocarpa Brot. (tomatillo) is an orchard weed, native to Mex- ico, which occurs especially in central and southern California. Parish (1920) regards it as "an early immigrant naturalized in gardens and orchards, less abundant now than formerly." The Russian collection made in Sonoma County in 1840 and 1841 (Howell, 1937c) contains this species. It is found in San Benito County and the Ojai Valley; at Po- mona, San Bernardino, Winchester, and elsewhere in the southern coun- ties. P. neomexicana Rydb. (New Mexico husk tomato), a native of New Mexico and Colorado, has been collected at Elsinore. P. pubescens L. (husk tomato), an introduction from the southeastern United States, is less abundant in California than tomatillo. It has been collected at Needles, Fort Yuma, San Diego, and Visalia. SALPICHROA Salpichroa rhomb oidea Meirs. (lily-of-the-valley vine) came originally from South America. In April, 1930, it was collected in San Luis Obispo County. According to Bellue (19355), "during the past two years this weed has been submitted for identification from San Diego, Sacramento, San Joaquin, and San Francisco counties." Ball (1937) reports it from Santa Cruz, Kern, and Los Angeles counties. E. Johnson reports it from Orange, 1936; Garden Grove, 1939; Talbert, 1939; Burbank, 1937; and from Ventura. Recently it has been abundant in Golden Gate Park, where it is spreading rapidly. SOLANUM The following introduced solanums occur in California : Solanum ni- grum L. (black nightshade), S. rostratum Dunal (buffalo bur), S. vil- losum Willd. (hairy nightshade), S. elaeagnifolium Cav. (white horse nettle), S. triflorum Nutt. (cut-leaved nightshade), S. sisymbriifolium Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 83 Lam. (viscid nightshade), S. carolinense L. (Carolina horse nettle). Of these, 8. elaeagnifolium, introduced from the Great Plains, promises to be of the greatest importance. Although none of these species are listed by Brewer and Watson (1876), S. nigrum is in the Russian collection made in 1840-41 (Howell, 1937c), and is cited by Bolander (1870) near San Francisco. Torrey (1856) found it about San Francisco Bay in 1832-41. Parish (1890-91) says that it occurred at Santa Monica but was "not abundant," adding "This is the second station in Los Angeles and in the state, and marks its gradual increase." Black nightshade is naturalized from Europe. It was found at Riverside in 1906, Santa Ana in 1914, and at El Monte, Upland, and Laguna Canyon in 1918. Munz (1935) cites other localities: San Bernardino and Cushenbury. Today, though occurring here and there in the warmer parts of the state, it is nowhere very abundant. Solatium elaeagnifolium is first mentioned by Davy (1896a) in a re- port on specimens from James E. Hughes of Fresno, on whose ranch the weed was introduced "some eight years ago, during which it has spread over five acres of land, and is now beyond control." Davy received an- other specimen from Traver, Tulare County, the sender explaining "It seems to have started from seed swept from a grain car at one of our warehouses here, where it is growing and spreading considerably." Davy adds that the California Academy of Sciences possesses a specimen col- lected by D. Waitt near Riverside, in May, 1884. According to Parish (1890-91) this species is "well established by the roadsides at South Riverside." By 1897 it had become fairly common along railroad tracks in southern Calif ornia, at Corona, Compton, San Pedro, Riverside, Ocean- side, and Ventura. Parish (1913) records the species in the Imperial Valley, but makes no mention of S. rostratum. Infestations were re- ported at Niland, 1913; Chino, 1918; and San Diego, 1919. Today, 8. elaeagnifolium is distributed throughout the San Joaquin Valley, with rather heavy infestations in Kern County particularly, and with small and scattered infestations in San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles, San Ber- nardino, Riverside, and Ventura counties and in the Sacramento Valley. Parish (1890-91) reports that Solarium rostratum "has obtained at least a start at the salt works in Los Angeles County where it was col- lected some six years ago." It is gradually extending its range in the state, although nowhere abundant. Since its introduction about 1884, S. rostratum has been noted as a casual at Mentone in 1911, and at Up- land in 1918. Today it may be found locally in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys and Yreka. This solanum is introduced from the Great Plains. S. villosum, which closely resembles S. nigrum, has been found 84 University of California — Experiment Station at Santa Monica, Oxnard, Los Angeles, Claremont, and Upland. It is adventive from Europe. 8. triflorum, from the eastern United States, has been found at Claremont. 8. sisymbrii folium, a native of tropical America, was collected, according to Munz (1935) , "at San Marcos Pass, Santa Barbara County, by C. Dudley, in 1930." E. Johnson reports find- ing S. carolinense L., a native of the southern states, in 1927 at Center School in Ventura County, and in 1935 Munz collected it in Orange County. E. Johnson collected specimens on the Bonanza Ranch in Yuba County in 1924, the Irvine Ranch in Orange County in 1935, and Ball (1937) cites an infestation near Marysville. SCROPHULARIACEAE ANTIRRHINUM Antirrhinum Orontium L., (lesser snapdragon), a plant which behaves as a weed in Eurasia and Mediterranean regions, is reported by Howell (1940b) as occurring about ten miles north of Santa Cruz. BELLARDIA Bellardia Trixago All. is a naturalized plant from Europe which Jepson (1923-25) reports in old fields near Pacheco, East Oakland, Berkeley, and Napa; it has also been collected on Mt. Diablo. DIGITALIS Digitalis purpurea L. (foxglove), a European garden plant, is natural- ized on the Humboldt and Mendocino coasts. LIN ARIA Linaria Elatine (L.) Miller (sharp-pointed toadflax), an Old World species, is reported by Munz (1935) from Wintersberg, Orange County. Specimens have been sent in from near Wheatland, where it is infesting alfalfa, and from Yolo, Napa, Solano, and Placer counties. Concerning Linaria reticulata' Desf. var. aurea-purpurea, Eastwood (1899) reports: The students in the high school at Santa Maria, have sent to the herbarium of the Academy of Sciences, specimens They found this showy species abundant in the cultivated fields around Santa Maria and apparently spreading rapidly. This marks probably the introduction of a new weed, a native of Portugal, and perhaps an escape from the garden of some Portuguese. Linaria spuria Mill, (rough-leaved toadflax), an adventive from Eu- rope, occurs sparingly in California, chiefly in the south. It has been found at Menlo Park, near Coulterville, Mariposa County, and at Ojai. Linaria vulgaris Mill, (butter-and-eggs), from Europe, was early col- lected in Sonoma County in 1884 and also at Upland in 1916. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 85 PARENTUCELLIA Parentucellia viscosa (L.) Cav., from southern Europe, is reported by Jepson (1923-25) as occurring in valley lands from Areata to Blue Lakes in Humboldt County. VERBASCUM There are three species of Verbascum in California, all introductions from Europe: Verbascum Thapsus L. (common mullein), V. virgatum Stokes (virgate mullein) , and V. Blattaria L. (moth mullein) . According to Parish (1890-91), "Verbascum virgatum not elsewhere known in the United States, occupies a limited region near Pasadena. ... It is to be found at the old Dalton Ranch and in abundance under open groves of oaks on the hills about Lamanda Park, where it often attains a height of six feet. Its introduction was probably by way of Mexico, and during Mexican rule." Parish further reports that this spe- cies was collected by Cleveland in Lake County, 1882, and along the Sacramento River by Baker and Nutting in 1894. K. Brandegee (1901) says : "V. virgatum I saw first near Pasadena in the year 1885, but I had observed V. Blattaria L. not far from Stockton in 1876." It is recorded by Jepson (1923-25) near Los Angeles at Alhambra, Eagle Rock, Po- mona, Sierra Madre, and El Monte. Verbascum Thapsus, according to Parish (1920) is reported from near Colton in 1906 and from Riverside in 1918. K. Brandegee (1901) records : The great or woolly mullein, V. Thapsus L., noted in Bot. Cal. ii, 472, as having been found in Siskiyou County by Mr. Greene, has been known to me since 1854. It was then sufficiently common in fields of Sacramento County near the prosperous mining town of Prairie City, of which no vestige now remains. In the year 1859, it covered a tract several hundred feet in length along the American Eiver, between Folsom and the place where the Branch State Prison now stands. Today it is common in the Sierra Nevada pine belt and in the north coast ranges. T. S. Brandegee (1893) states : Verbascum Blattaria L. has long been abundant in California. It is found in the foothills above Sacramento; along the San Joaquin, especially about Eobert's Is- land; in Lake County, and even on Eedwood Peak, back of Oakland. Specimens are also in the herbarium of the Academy of Sciences from Sisson, collected by Dr. Palmer, and from Big Meadows, collected by J. G. Lemmon, in 1880. VERONICA Two introduced species of Veronica, both from Europe, are growing without cultivation in California. Veronica arvensis L. (corn speedwell) , 86 University of California — Experiment Station an escape from gardens, now occurs in Humboldt County, Siskiyou County, and in several localities in southern California. V. Buxbaumii Tenore (Byzantine speedwell), another escape, is found occasionally in lawns in southern California; also in the Eel River Valley, at Wood- land, and at Davis. Parish (1920) cites an early collection at Los An- geles in 1896. MAKTYNIACEAE PROBOSCIDEA Proboscidea louisiana Woot. & Stand, (unicorn plant), native of the Mississippi Valley, south to New Mexico, was early collected in 1914 at Chico; later records are from Porterville, Soquel in Santa Cruz County, Martinez, Elsinore near Palm Springs, Keene in Kern County, Meinert in Ignacio Valley, Sacramento Valley, and at Otai Mesa in San Diego County. In the last-named location it is usually associated with Texas blueweed (Helianthus ciliaris). PLANTAGINACEAE PliANTAGO In California there are six introduced species of Plantago, as follows : Plantago major L. (common plantain), P. lanceolata L. (buckhorn plantain), P. Coronopus L. (crowfoot plantain), P. Psyllium L. (flax- seed plantain), P. pusilla Nutt. (slender plantain), and P. arenaria Waldst. & Kit. (sand plantain). Brewer and Watson (1876) say that P. major is found from "San Diego to Oregon; apparently sparingly naturalized in California"; and of P. lanceolata in "dry fields, near San Francisco; introduced from Europe; apparently not widely es- tablished." According to Parish (1899), P. lanceolata was first seen at San Bernardino in 1881. Davidson (1893) reports it from Los Angeles. Hilgard (1890), having mentioned that P. major gives "some trouble in lawns and irrigated grounds, but cannot be considered troublesome," goes on to say : "It was quite otherwise with P. lanceolata, which in com- pany with Setaria glauca, is the most formidable enemy of the irrigated grounds and pastures in the foothills of the Sierra, and more or less in the adjacent portions of the Sacramento Valley. This plantain fre- quently shares the ground evenly with grain, and, in company with Setaria, forms steadily increasing patches in alfalfa fields, until the whole ground is taken." Eastwood (1898) cites both P. major and P. lanceolata from San Francisco. The latter is mentioned by Davy (18985 ) as one of the introduced plants around Murphy's Camp in Calaveras County. P. Coronopus was reported collected on Catalina Island in 1895, and at Pebble Beach in 1916. Munz (1935) reports P. Psyllium Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 87 as an adventive at Claremont and the San Bernardino Mountains, P. pusilla, found in western San Diego County, is considered an introduc- tion from the Atlantic Coast. P. arenaria, an adventive from central Europe and Asia Minor, common in limited areas in Ohio and Pennsyl- vania, has been collected at Berkeley and San Francisco in 1935, and at Riverside in 1937. RUBIACEAE GALIUM Galium Aparine L. (bedstraw), supposedly an introduction from Eu- rope, is fairly well distributed throughout the state from 100 to 4,500 feet elevation. G. parisiense L. (wall galium), native to Europe, has been introduced into Sonoma, Humboldt, and El Dorado counties. G. murale DC, an introduction, probably from Spain, was collected by Stacey (1933) about two miles from Stanford University. G. tricorne Stokes (corn galium), also European, occurs in grain fields of Sonoma and Mariposa counties. SHERARDIA Sherardia arvensis L. (field madder), certainly European, has become naturalized in pasture lands near the coast, chiefly from Marin County to San Mateo County. Greene (1891) notes of it : "Vicinity of Berkeley; first found by Blake in 1889." Parish (1920) records it in San Bernar- dino in 1913 but adds that it is not persisting. It was collected at Los Angeles in 1914. Other localities are Eureka, 1899; Redwood Ridge in Alameda County, Rutherford, Mendocino, 1898; Hydesville, Pilarcitos Lake and Canyon in San Mateo County, 1893 ; Inverness, and in Ala- meda County, 1893 ; and San Gabriel. CAPRIFOLIACEAE LONXCERA Parish (1920) reports Lonicera japonica Thunb. (Japanese honey- suckle), a native of Japan, as "an occasional fugitive, and as becoming naturalized, in damp thickets" in the San Bernardino Valley, in 1910. DIPSACEAE DIPSACUS Dipsacus fullonum L. (fuller's teasel), a European plant, has become established in California, especially near the coast, in low waste places, vacant lots, and pasture lands. As long ago as 1876, according to Parish (1920), Cleveland collected the species in the Cajon Valley, San Diego County, where it is still growing. In 1890 and 1893 it was collected at Los Angeles. Hilgard (1890) lists it. 88 University of California — Experiment Station Dipsacus sylvestris Huds. (wild teasel) was first reported by K. Bran- degee (1892a) as a naturalized plant of San Francisco growing near the Presidio, where it still flourishes but has not spread. It was also collected at Sisson, Shasta County, in 1912. It is a native of Europe. SCABIOSA Scabiosa atropurpurea L. (sweet scabious) , native to the Mediterranean region, is now found in the Sacramento and Napa valleys, in Alameda County, and in San Bernardino County. Vaslit (1890) notes it was "becoming naturalized in the mountains north of Pescadero, also in low- lands along the San Joaquin." Jepson (1893) reports it as spontaneous in uncultivated places near Fairfield. 8. stellata L. (scabiosa), also na- tive to the Mediterranean, was collected, according to Parish (1920), at Altadena by McClatchie in 1893. It is a rare escape. VALEKTANACEAE CENTRANTHUS Munz (1935) reports Centranthus ruber DC. (red valerian), a Euro- pean garden plant, as an escape at San Dimas. Ewan (1939) cites the collection of this species in the vicinity of lone, Amador County, June, 1904. He ventures the opinion that "it seems to belong to the consider- able group of adventives which cannot persist long in the competitive ranks and will, accordingly, never become a pestiferous weed." VALERIANELLA Valerianella carinata Loiseleur, an Old World species, was collected in 1938, on the banks of Jackson Creek, three miles northeast of Jackson. V. olitoria (L.) Dufr. (corn salad), also from the Old World, was col- lected in 1932, on the banks of the Consumnes River, from lone to Latrobe, Amador County; and on Jackson Creek in 1938. It has also been found in Siskiyou County. COMPOSITAE ANTHEMIS There are two species of Anthemis in California, Anthemis Cotula L. (mayweed) and A. nobilis L. (garden camomile), both European intro- ductions. Although Brewer and Watson (1876) report A. Cotula "as sparingly found along roadsides; introduced but not yet common," the species was apparently a very early introduction, and fairly abun- dant from the sixties on. K. Brandegee (1891) recalls "going to school through blossoming fields of such a robust growth as almost in turns of Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 89 the pathway to hide me from my companions. This was in 1854 at the village of Prairie City near the eastern line of Sacramento County." Parish (1890-91) reports the species as rare at San Bernardino in 1880, but abundant at the time of his report. Hilgard (1890) first saw the plant along the roadsides between Oakland and Berkeley in 1880; it was "not yet widely diffused" in the Bay region in 1890. According to Parish (1890-91) it entered the coast regions as early as 1882, and by 1890 was abundant on the hill pasture lands. Today mayweed is widely distrib- uted at lower altitudes. A. nobilis is thus far found as an escape only at Fort Bragg. ARCTIUM Arctium Lappa L. (great burdock) , a native of Europe, is sparingly in- troduced in California — at Livermore, Niles, Aromas in San Benito County, Carmel Valley, and Riverside, where, according to Parish (1920), Reed reported it in 1907 as establishing itself near a deserted garden. It was collected near Ferndale in 1899. A. minus Schk. (common burdock), a native of Europe, is found on the bottom lands of the Eel River near Humboldt Bay, in Kings County, and at San Francisco. ARCTOTIS Arctotis stoechadifolia Berg. (African daisy) is a native of South Africa, and common in flower gardens. Gander, in correspondence, reports it as spreading near San Diego. ■ ARTEMISIA Artemisia biennis Willd. (biennial wormwood), a European introduc- tion, is reported by Parish (1890-91) from near Santa Ana in 1882. Col- lections were made at Los Angeles in 1893; at Santa Barbara in 1896; and at Victorville in 1915. Jepson (1923-25) gives its distribution as the lower Sacramento River, West Berkeley, Palo Alto, and Laguna in Orange County. BELLIS The only alien of this genus occurring in California is Bellis perennis L. (English daisy), a native of Europe, grown as an ornamental, which now and then escapes. Davidson (1893) reports it at Los Angeles in 1892; and Greene (1894) records it in the San Francisco Bay region, "escaped from gardens, and naturalized in the seaboard counties from at least Marin northward." Drew (1889) reports it as naturalized about Areata. BIDENS The introduced species of Bidens in California are Bidens frondosa L. (beggar-ticks), from the eastern United States, and B. pilosa L. (hairy 90 University of California — Experiment Station bur marigold), a native of the tropics. Brewer and Watson (1876) say of B. pilosa: "Santa Barbara to Los Angeles, near water courses, etc. A weed widely diffused over the warmer coasts, especially of the Pacific; if correctly identified with B. pilosa, doubtless introduced with cattle into California." Although Parish (1890-91) lists it among the nat- uralized plants of the four southern counties, a survey of the Imperial Valley in 1913 showed it absent. Hilgard (1890) does not report either species. Today B. pilosa occurs in coastal southern California north to San Luis Obispo County. B. frondosa was collected in 1916 and 1917 at Los Angeles and at Lake Arrowhead, where it is now sparingly distrib- uted. Today it is found mainly in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys. CARTHAMUS Carthamus lanatus L. (distaff thistle), a native of the Mediterranean region, adventive at San Francisco and Stockton, is reported by Ball (1937) as occurring near Santa Ana and as "displaying vigorous and spreading habit in a canyon near San Luis Obispo." E. Johnson, in cor- respondence, reports its occurrence in 1937 at Olinda in Orange County. C. nitidus Boiss., from Syria, has been collected at San Luis Obispo and at Sonora and Jacksonville in Tuolumne County. C. tinctorius L. (saf- flower) , native to those parts of Asia and Africa bordering the Mediter- ranean, was found, according to Munz (1935) in the Antelope Valley in 1929. It occurs as an escape in Kings, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Tulare, and San Benito counties. CENTAUREA There occur in California the following species of Centaarea, all natives of the Old World : Centaurea melitensis L. (Napa thistle), C. solstitialis L. (yellow star thistle), C. Calcitrapa L. (purple star thistle), C. sal- mantica L. (escobilla), C. sicula L. (Sicilian thistle), C. Cyanus L. (cornflower), C. iberica Trevir (Iberian thistle), and C. repens L. (Rus- sian knapweed). The most widespread of the species of Centaurea in California are C. melitensis, C. solstitialis, C. Calcitrapa, and C. repens. The first two are annuals; the last two perennials. Hendry and Bellue (1925) show that C. melitensis occurred in Alta California during the Mission Period. Seeds were found in the adobe bricks of buildings as follows : San Fernando Rey de Espano, San Fer- nando (1797), and Rancho La Natividad, Salinas (1837). These early records refute the common statement that the weed was first introduced at Napa. It was apparently the first star thistle to invade the state. Although Parish (1920) names, as the earliest collection, that of F. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 91 Guirardo in 1861, Torrey (1856) collected it at San Rafael between 1838-1842. Brewer and Watson (1876) say of C. melitensis, "Old fields and waste grounds; common on the western borders of the state"; and of C. solstitialis, "Fields, Oakland (Bolander), San Diego (Palmer), and probably elsewhere along the coast. Bolander (1870) records both of these species near San Francisco. Hilgard (1890) says: "Broadly speaking, there are six chief introduced species that give serious trouble, to wit : First, and worst of all, are C. melitensis and C. solstitialis, intro- duced from Southern Europe, and almost universally diffused under a variety of names." Parish (1890-91), who reports C. solstitialis at San Diego, pronounces it "common and probably destined to become as uni- versally diffused as its ally C. melitensis. " Davidson (1893) refers to C. melitensis in Los Angeles County as threatening to become an injur- ious weed. Greene (1893a) found both species on the summit of Mount Hamilton. Jepson (1893) lists C. melitensis in the lower Sacramento re- gion. According to a note in Erythea (1897), Mr. W. R. Mumma writes that C. solstitialis was first seen near Grand Island, Colusa County, about 1879, but that he could not learn whence or how it came there. Davy (1898c) reports that C. solstitialis has found its way into Alameda County. E. Johnson, in correspondence, reports it from a number of localities in San Diego, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los An- geles, and Ventura counties. Davy (1902) finds C. melitensis common and troublesome on ranges near Ukiah. On the stock ranges of north- western California, after invasion of the native grassland associations by wild oat, by Erodium, and then by barley grass, squirreltail, and soft chess, he sees a third immigration taking place, among the invaders being C. melitensis, "destined to cause irreparable injury to the ranges unless kept in check and prevented from becoming firmly established." This prophecy of Davy has been abundantly fulfilled. With regard to the purple star thistle, Centaurea Calcitrapa, Parish (1890-91) states that "in 1886, Professor Greene detected near Vaca- ville one of the Old World star thistles, C. Calcitrapa. It has since spread a short distance along country roads and over uncultivated plots of ground. It is not known from any other station in North America except as a ballast weed at Atlantic seaports." It was collected by Jepson at Vacaville in August, 1887. Eastwood (1896g) mentions finding it not far from San Mateo, on the road to Crystal Springs Lake : "At pres- ent there are but two or three plants, but it is likely to spread, as C. melitensis and C. solstitialis have done." Today purple star thistle is particularly abundant in Solano County, the probable seat of its first introduction, and is gradually spreading along lines of travel, encroach- 92 University of California — Experiment Station ing laterally in uncultivated lands. Besides occurring about San Jose and in San Mateo and Yolo counties, it has recently been found in San Luis Obispo County and as far south as San Diego. Centaur ea salmantica thus far has a very limited distribution, having been found only near Healdsburg. C. sicula occurs only at Alder Creek near Folsom, where it was first noticed in 1923. C. Cyanus, reported by Parish (1920) in 1904 as a garden escape at Los Angeles, now grows in Orange County, Scott Valley in Siskiyou County, Holmes Flat on the Eel River, Oakland, and Quincy. Centaurea ib erica, native to Asia Minor, is now established in three widely separated localities in California. It was first noted in 1923 by E. Johnson near Solvang, Santa Ynez Canyon, Santa Barbara County. In 1929 it was collected near Santa Rosa, where, by 1932, it covered about 20 acres. In 1932, two infestations were reported in San Diego County, one approximately 80 acres in extent. Centaurea repens, the Russian knapweed, now regarded as a major noxious weed of California, has become well established throughout the warmer sections — in cultivated fields, in orchards, and along roadsides and ditchbanks. It was introduced between 1910 and 1914 in impure Turkestan alfalfa seed and also probably in sugar-beet seed. Parish (1920) reports "a few scattering plants in 1919 in a field of sugar beets on the farm of Mr. A. Decker, at Artesia, Los Angeles County, 2-3 feet high, and seeding abundantly. It is already spreading in both cultivated and uncultivated ground and proves difficult to eradicate by reason of its perennial rootstocks. Not elsewhere reported from the United States." E. Johnson, in correspondence, gives records of its occurrence now in a number of localities in Imperial, San Diego, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties. Its present spread here is probably due to movements of seeds, feedstuffs, and the like, inasmuch as no Turkestan alfalfa seed has been imported into California from foreign countries since 1914. CHRYSANTHEMUM Chrysanthemum carinatum L. (tricolor chrysanthemum), a native of Morocco, is reported by Munz (1935) as growing uncultivated near San Diego. Chrysanthemum coronarium L. (garland chrysanthemum), a native of the Mediterranean, is, according to Parish (1920), a recent introduc- tion "naturalized along railway tracks and elsewhere in San Diego. . . , Not elsewhere known from the state." Later it was collected three miles west of Hawthorne in Los Angeles County. Bul . •**?] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 93 Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum L. (oxeye daisy), also a native of Europe, is recorded by Jepson (1923-25) at Eureka, Sisson, and Cres- cent City, and by Keck (1933) at Quincy. Chrysanthemum Parthenium (L.) Pers. (feverfew), an Old World species, is described by Keck (1933) as "sparingly established north of Spanish Creek, near Quincy, well away from human habitations." It also has been collected in Diablo Canyon, in San Luis Obispo County, on the north side of Mt. Shasta, and at the Alta Loma Ranch, Napa County. Chrysanthemum segetum L. (corn chrysanthemum), a naturalized plant from Europe, is reported by Jepson (1923-25) from Berkeley, Caspar, and Mendocino City. Collections have also been made at Santa Rosa, Fort Bragg, and Hydesville. In pasture lands it is becoming a pest. CICHORIUM Cichorium Intybus L. (chicory), a garden plant, introduced from Eu- rope, has become naturalized throughout the state at lower altitudes. Though not listed by Bolander (1870) among the plants about San Francisco, it is reported by Brewer and Watson (1876) from Santa Barbara. Hilgard (1890) records it. According to Leeds (1891), chicory "last year appeared upon the footways of the Alameda, . . . the broad drive connecting Santa Clara and San Jose, and this summer I find a group of it just beyond the northwest corner of Santa Clara, on the San Francisco road." It was recorded at San Bernardino, 1895 ; at Sherman, 1902; at San Diego, 1904; at Riverside, 1905; at Rialto, 1906; and at Up- land, 1918. Today the species is widespread in the Sacramento and Napa valleys, besides occurring at Eureka and in the localities cited above. CIRSIUM Dewey states that Cirsium arvense Scop. (Canada thistle) "is reported to have been found about the residences of French missionaries in Can- ada early in the seventeenth century. There is a tradition that it was purposely introduced into Canada by the French for feeding swine; but there appears to be no just ground for this tradition. ... It is said to have been introduced into eastern New York with the hay and camp equipage of Burgoyne's army in 1777." The earliest record in California is that of Rattan (1879a), at Hum- boldt Bay. Drew (1889) states that the weed was "introduced at Areata some six years ago and has become firmly established." The chief infes- tations today are in the northwest counties. The first California act aimed at any noxious weed — that of March 2, 94 University op California — Experiment Station 1872 — applied to Canada thistle in Humboldt, Siskiyou, Del Norte, and Alameda counties. Probably, therefore, the spread from the first infestations started during the decade 1870-1880 and proceeded so rapidly as to alarm the land owners. The act made it unlawful "to per- mit seed to ripen or to be scattered abroad, or to knowingly sell any seed or grain containing thistle seed." K. Brandegee (1892a) collected the weed at San Francisco in 1892. Parish (1920) states that it was locally well established in the peat lands about Wintersberg, Orange County, in 1917. That same year Newman (1917&) records infestations in Hum- boldt, Lake, and Orange counties : "The state commission of horticulture has been directing attention to one of these areas of infestation for the last two years ; the other two have only recently been reported." Leeds (1891), Hilgard (1890), and Davy (1902) do not mention Canada this- tle. Jepson (1923-25) gives its present distribution as "lower Eel River at Ferndale; Yreka; Quincy; Truckee; Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Orange counties." Infestations also occur in Lassen, Siskiyou, and Sacramento counties. Cirsium fontinale (Greene) Jepson, thus far collected only at Crystal Springs in San Mateo County, is regarded by Jepson (1923-25) as a probable introduction. Cirsium lanceolatum (L.) Hill (bull thistle), native to Europe and Asia, is fairly common at lower altitudes in California, especially in the northern part. Jepson (1923-25) records it from Berkeley, Stockton, Suisun, lone, Quincy, Prattville, Eureka, and Yreka; Munz (1935) from Hidden Valley in Ventura County; and E. Johnson, in correspondence, from Artesia, East Long Beach, and Bellflower in Los Angeles County, and from Potrero Valley in Ventura County. Cirsium py otocephalus L. (Italian thistle) is erroneously referred to by Howell (1932) as C. neglectus. He says that it was "first found in 1912 at Fort Bragg by Miss Eastwood, and later on the Marina, San Francisco, by Dr. E. Goodman in 1920, and by Miss Eastwood in 1922. In 1930, collections were made from a flourishing stand in the Berkeley Hills by Mr. J. T. Howell." In this latter situation the weed is spreading rapidly. It also occurs in Sonoma County. Very recently rather exten- sive infestations have been found in Marin County. It is a native of the Mediterranean region. Cirsium tenuiflorus Curt., according to Howell (1939c), is a species distinct from C. pycnocephalus, with which it has been formerly con- fused. It is widespread through central Europe, and now occurs as an introduction in Humboldt, Mendocino, Marin, San Francisco, San Ma- teo, Santa Clara, Contra Costa, Alameda, and San Benito counties. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 95 CNICUS Cnicus benedictus L. (blessed thistle), naturalized from Europe, is be- coming distributed throughout the Sacramento Valley and at certain points in the hills bordering. Brewer and Watson (1876) list it as com- mon near Healdsburg. According to Davidson (1893) , it is casual in Los Angeles. Jepson (1923-25) records it from Petaluma, Lathrop, Buena Vista in Nevada County, and Oroville. Specimens have also come from Bakersfield, from Rosemead, and — in San Diego County — from Enci- nitas, Jamacha, and Glen Lonely. COREOPSIS Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. (golden coreopsis), a garden plant of the cen- tral United States, occurs as an escape at Redding and Kaweah. COTULA The two species of Cotula in California are both aliens : Cotula australis Hook. (Australian brass buttons) and C. coronopifolia L. (common brass buttons) from South Africa. Brewer and Watson (1876) cite both species : C. australis, "waste places. . . . Probably a waif from Australia or New Zealand, where it abounds"; and C. coronopifolia, "wet places around San Francisco Bay." Bolander (1870) lists the latter species only in the vicinity of San Francisco; and Behr (1891) states in his Botanical Reminiscences that it appeared there first between 1851-1854. C. australis was collected at San Diego in 1882; Los Angeles and Pasa- dena in 1905; San Bernardino, 1911; Ontario, 1918. Today it occurs chiefly in the streets of towns and cities from San Diego to Eureka. C. coronopifolia has approximately the same geographical distribution. CREPIS Crepis bursifolia L., a native of southern France and Italy, occurs in lawns and waste places. It is well established on the campus of the Uni- versity of California at Berkeley. Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr. (smooth hawksbeard), an adventive from southern and middle Europe, is gradually enlarging its area. Davidson (1896) lists it from Big Rock Creek, San Gabriel Mountains; Parish (1920) as a naturalized plant in the streets of Santa Barbara; Jepson (1923-25) from Eureka, Berkeley, and Hetch-Hetchy. Crepis rubra L., also native to Italy and the Balkans is reported only once from California — at Belvedere, Marin County. Crepis vesicaria L. subsp. taraxacifolia (Thuill.) Thell., a native of 96 University of California — Experiment Station western Europe and northwestern Africa, occurs on the Mendocino coast and at Berkeley; also near Los Angeles, where it was collected in 1893. CYNARA Cynara Cardunculus L. (artichoke thistle) was introduced near Benicia about 1880, probably from southern Europe, where it is used as a food. Escaping from gardens, it spread over some 70,000 acres in and around Benicia and Cordelia. The heaviest infestation, 4,000 acres, was in the hills near Benicia. Scatterings also occur in Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Alameda, Orange, and San Bernardino counties. Parish (1899) calls it "abundant and well established over a hillside pasture at Trujil- lo's Ranch, on the road from Rincon to Smith's Mountains, San Diego County, June, 1897." A program of eradication instituted several years ago by Napa County and the State Department of Agriculture has greatly reduced the area infested in that county. Cynara Scolymus L. (artichoke), another European garden plant, occasionally escapes from cultivation. Parish (1920) reports it as "abun- dant over a hillside pasture near Rincon, San Diego County" in 1897; and in 1889 he found a few plants by a roadside at San Bernardino. It also was collected at Laguna, Murrieta, and Orange in 1918. ECLIPTA Eclipta alba Hassk. (false daisy), introduced from tropical America, has been found on the shores of islands in the lower Sacramento River, at Imperial, El Centro, and Laguna Ranch south of Los Angeles, and, according to Munz (1935) at Puddingstone Dam near San Dimas. It has been collected at Chula Vista. Parish (1913) described it as among the commonest weeds of the Imperial Valley, which it entered through the irrigation system. ERECHTITES Erechtites arguta DC. (New Zealand fireweed), from New Zealand or Australia, has been found in redwood forests from Mendocino County to Del Norte. E. prenanthoides DC. (Australian fireweed), also a native of Australia, was brought into Humboldt County in 1918 and has since spread rapidly. ERIGKERON Erigeron linifolius Willd. (flax-leaved fleabane), naturalized from the American tropics, is found chiefly in southern California and a few lo- calities farther north. Eastwood (1896c) reports collecting it at Bakers- field in 1893, at Santa Barbara in 1896 ; it then was regarded as a new weed in the Bay region. Jepson (1923-25) records it from Oakland, Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 97 Pasadena, Redlands, and San Diego. It is also known at Riverside and is common near Patterson in the San Joaquin Valley. Gander has collec- tions from several localities in San Diego County. Erigeron annuus Pers. (annual fleabane), from the eastern United States, is found sparingly in Humboldt County. E. canadensis L. (horse- weed), a common native of the eastern states, was probably an early im- migrant, judging from its present wide distribution in the state along roadsides, ditchbanks, in cultivated fields, and waste places. It is cited by Brewer and Watson (1876); also by Hilgard (1890) and Davy (1898a) at Honey Lake. Erigeron ramosus (Walt.) B.S.P. (daisy fleabane), also naturalized from the eastern United States, has been found in Humboldt and Plu- mas counties and in the Yosemite Valley. * EUPATOEIUM A native of Mexico, Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng. (white thor- oughwort) is recorded by Munz (1935) as a "rare escape in canyons (Monrovia, Pasadena, Santa Barbara) ; Berkeley." It has been collected at Sweetwater Dam in San Diego County by Gander. FILAGO Filago gallica L., naturalized from Europe, occurs, according to Jepson (1923-25) in the Napa Range; at Hydesville in Humboldt County; and at lone, Milton, and Whiteside in Mariposa County. GALINSOGA An introduction from South America, Galinsoga parviflora Cav. (galin- soga) occurs sparingly in southern California, where it was collected at Vernon in 1902. Other collections have been made at The Laguna in the Laguna Mountains, at San Gabriel, Pomona, Altadena, and Mon- rovia. GNAPHALIUM Gnaphalium spathulatum Lam. (spathulate cudweed), an Old World species, is a common weed in southern California, where, according to Munz (1935), it has been found at Upland, Claremont, and San Diego. J. T. Howell (1937a) reports three additional adventive species of Gnaphalium in California. Of the first, Gnaphalium luteo-album L., he says, "Observations have shown it to be one of the common weeds of the San Francisco Peninsula in Santa Clara, San Mateo, and San Fran- cisco counties." Collections have also come from the San Joaquin Valley, where it has been found in alfalfa fields and along irrigation ditches; 98 University of California — Experiment Station and also from southern California — the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Gar- den in Orange County. The second species, G. japonicum Thunb., has been collected at several stations in Humboldt County and as far east as Sharber Slough on the Trinity River. The earliest recorded collection in the state was in 1915. It is an Australasian species from Tasmania and New Zealand to Japan. The third species, G. collinum Labill., from Aus- tralia, has become established in northwestern California. It was found as long ago as 1904 at Eureka and has since been collected northward along the coast to southern Del Norte County and eastward to the vi- cinity of Korbel, Humboldt County. HEDYPNOIS Hedypnois cretica Willd., a native of Asia Minor, has been reported from a few California localities — Penn Valley, hills between Santa Rosa and Calistoga, Nevada County, the Oroville foothills, Atwater, Hornitos, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Eastwood (1900a) found it in abundance in Sonoma County, "growing along the roadside, in the fields and near the flume that brings water to the Sanitarium. This was in April of the present year. ... I have been told that where the Sanitarium now stands there was at one time a large garden worked by the Italians. It was doubtless through them that the weed was introduced." It was collected at Mariposa in 1895, Los Angeles in 1905, and San Diego in 1906. HELIANTHUS The introduced species of Helianthus in California are Helianthus an- nuus L. (common sunflower), and H. ciliaris DC. (Texas blueweed). The former, now common throughout the state, was introduced from the Great Plains; the latter from the southwest — western Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, and southward. Helianthus annuus is mentioned by Brewer and Watson (1876) and by Hilgard (1890) , and has subsequently been collected at many widely scattered localities. Helianthus ciliaris in California was first noticed at Monterey Park, Los Angeles County, in 1932. In 1933 an infestation was discovered in Tehama County on the Southern Pacific right-of-way 3% miles south of Red Bluff. In 1934 a third site was recorded from San Luis Obispo County; and in July, 1936, it had gained a foothold in Wheeler Canyon in Ventura County. Later, in December, 1936, an infestation was re- ported in an orange orchard near Brea, Orange County. In addition to the above locations, E. Johnson reports in 1938 infestations at Loftus in Orange County, at Chino in San Bernardino County, and at Santa Fe Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 99 Springs in Los Angeles County, at El Segundo in 1932, at Monterey Park and Otterbein in 1936, and at Ventura and Santa Paul a in Ven- tura County (date not given). HYPOCHOERIS Hypochoeris glabra L. (smooth eat's-ear), an introduced European weed, is widely distributed in cultivated fields and pasture lands. Brewer and Watson (1876) report it in fields near San Francisco and Santa Cruz; Bolander (1870) also near San Francisco. Greene (1894) says it is very common in all open grounds in the Bay region. It was collected at Garvanza in 1904, at Redlands in 1905, at San Diego in 1914, and near Upland in 1917. Hypochoeris radicata L. (hairy cat's-ear), another European intro- duction, abounds from Humboldt County to Monterey County and is also noted by Munz (1935) at Santa Barbara and Pasadena. Greene (1894) reports it as "common in shady, grassy ground at Berkeley, where it began to appear only a few years ago." According to Parish (1920), it was a roadside weed at Santa Barbara in 1907. Other early collections were at Dutch Flat in 1889, Pasadena in 1893, Mendocino in 1898, and Camp Grant in Humboldt County, 1899. LACTUCA There are five introduced species of Lactuca within our borders : Lac- tuca scariola L. (prickly lettuce), a naturalized European weed; L. canadensis L. (tall lettuce), a native of the eastern United States; L. ludoviciana DC. (western lettuce), also an introduction from the East; L. saligna L. (willow lettuce), naturalized from Europe; and L. virosa L. (acrid lettuce), also naturalized from Europe. A variety of L. scari- ola in California, integrata Gren. & Godr. (prickly lettuce) occurs with the species. There is no evidence that any of these species were introduced in California during the Mission Period, nor do Bolander (1870) and Brewer and Watson (1876) list any species of Lactuca; even as late as 1890 Hilgard (1890) makes no mention of the species in his Weeds of California. The earliest record is that of K. Brandegee (1891), who states that Lactuca scariola is "becoming established at Berkeley." Two years later T. S. Brandegee (1893) states that it "was becoming common about Lake and upper Napa counties, and about the Sacramento River." Variety integrata was collected at Pasadena in 1895 ; was established in a few places in San Bernardino in 1895, according to Parish (1909-10) ; and was reported in 1896 as troublesome in places at Compton. Parish 100 University of California — Experiment Station (1909-10) further states that two plants were collected at Los Angeles in 1896 by Davidson, who in 1907 called it "one of the most troublesome weeds in the Los Angeles district, even invading the black mustard." Jepson (1893) cites L. scariola in the lower Sacramento Valley. Accord- ing to Hall (1907), the typical scariola has apparently not yet arrived in southern California; earlier collections there reported as L. scariola are really the variety integrata. The other species of Lactuca in California are undoubtedly much later introductions than Lactuca scariola or its variety integrata. L. canadensis is reported from only a few localities: Sisson, Fall River Lake in Shasta County, and Sierra Valley; L. ludoviciana only from Fall River Lake; L. virosa from the vicinity of Berkeley, where it is well established; but L. saligna from much of central California. Specimens of the latter have been taken in 1928 at Kelseyville, where it is a com- mon field weed; at a point four miles west of Rio Vista Junction in So- lano County; in Strawberry Canyon in the Berkeley Hills; and in the hills above Millbrae in San Mateo County. LAPSANA Lapsana communis L. (nipplewort) thus far has been found only at Areata, Humboldt County. It is a European species. LEONTODON In August, 1936, the Old World species, Leontodon autumnalis (L.) Banks (fall dandelion), was collected near Carlotta, Humboldt County. L. nudicaulis (L.) Banks (rough hawkbit) is also from the Old World. The subspecies L. nudicaulis taraxicoides (Vill.) Schinz & Thell. was collected in 1889, at Mendocino; in 1909, in the immediate vicinity of Eureka; in 1933, around Humboldt Bay; and again, in 1936, near Car- lotta; in 1889, at Dutch Flat in Placer County; and in 1934 on the lawn near Jordan Hall, Stanford University. This subspecies is also common on the University of California campus at Berkeley, where the subspe- cies L. nudicaulis Bothii (Ball) Schinz & Thell. also occurs. An early collection there was in 1907. MADIA Madia sativa Molina (Chilean tarweed), regarded as an introduction from Chile, has become naturalized throughout much of California. MELAMPODIUM Melampodium perfoliatum H.B.K., from Mexico, has thus far been found only in waste places about Los Angeles. According to Parish Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 101 (1890-91), who first reported, it there as plentiful in damp grounds and along ditches, "the extent to which it has established itself indicates that it was an early introduction." PICRIS Picris echioides L. (bristly oxtongue) is naturalized from Europe. Leeds (1891) says, "It is a conspicuous object on the main roads from Alviso to Santa Clara and San Jose, and spreads laterally some distance from these toward the east and west sides of the valley." It was collected at Huntington Beach, 1909; Santa Monica, 1913; Dominguez Junction, 1914; Mesmer, 1917; Santa Ana, 1919, where it was reported as a "re- cent introduction"; and San Bernardino, 1917, where Parish (1920) called it "a very recent introduction." Today it is common in fields, va- cant lots, and waste places over the range covered by these localities and has also been collected at Cape Mendocino and Mt. Diablo. RTJDBECKIA Rudbeckia hirta L. (black-eyed Susan) has been introduced from the eastern United States in the meadows of the Sierra Nevada from Mari- posa County to Amador County, and also occasionally along irrigating ditches in Stanislaus County. SCOLYMUS Scolymus hispanicus L. (golden thistle), introduced from southern Eu- rope, thus far has been found at one locality in this state, namely Los Gatos, where it was abundant as early as 1893 (Eastwood, lS96d) . SCORZONERA By 1900, according to Eastwood ( 1900& ) , Scorzonera hispanica L. (black salsify) "has become naturalized around Calistoga and in Knight's Val- ley. It can be found along the roadside, growing where the ground is wet. This has undoubtedly escaped from cultivation, as it is sometimes culti- vated for its roots, which are eaten as those of tragopogon or salsify." Today it is found in the upper Napa Valley, Knight's Valley, and Ukiah Valley. It is a native of central and southern Europe. SENECIO Senecio Cineraria DC. (dusty miller), native to the Mediterranean re- gion, is locally common on the coastal bluffs at Santa Cruz. 8. elegans L. (purple ragwort), a garden plant from South Africa, is adventive at San Francisco. Eastwood first collected, it in October, 1912, at Lands End. In the same year she also found 8. Jacobaea L. (tansy ragwort) at Fort Bragg, Mendocino County, where it is now abundant on the coastal flats. It is a European species. 8. sylvaticus L. (wood groundsel) , 102 University of California — Experiment Station naturalized from Europe, is distributed, says Jepson (1923-25) in the woods of Mendocino and Humboldt counties. According to Parish (1920) it was collected along the waterfront at San Diego in 1901, and near Riverside in 1909. A very common European weed throughout California is 8. vulgaris L. (common groundsel), early collected at Los Angeles in 1892 and at San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Claremont in 1916. 8. mikanoides Otto (German ivy), a naturalized species from South Africa, is found along the coast from Berkeley to San Luis Obispo. SILYBUM The earliest record in California of Silybum Marianum Gaertn. (milk thistle), an alien from the Mediterranean region, is that of Behr (1891) , whose Botanical Reminiscences mentions seeing in 1854, between San Francisco and the Presidio, "luxuriant masses of the milk thistle" which had not been there a year earlier. K. Brandegee (1891) found it abun- dant in 1854 at Prairie City near the eastern line of Sacramento County. It was collected at Knight's Ferry in 1857, by Bolander (1870) about San Francisco, and by Brewer and Watson (1876) at "San Luis Obispo, on rocky hills, and probably elsewhere." Parish (1890-91) says: "Ten years ago I first noticed a half-dozen of these thistles by the South- ern Pacific Railway in the San Mateo Canyon. Their introduction was doubtless due to the railroad. A few years later a single plant appeared near Kehls Mills, a mile or two south of San Bernardino." E. Johnson, in 1918, cites it, in correspondence, as a serious pest in pastures near Ontario. Today milk thistle is common throughout the agricultural sec- tions of California. SOLIVA Soliva sessilis Ruis & Pavon, probably naturalized from Chile, has be- come established at scattered points along the coast. Brewer and Wat- son (1876) report it from Santa Barbara. Early collections were at Oakland Hills, 1879; Berkeley, 1883; San Diego, 1884; San Simeon, 1888; Arroya Grande, 1895; and Contra Costa County, 1898. Collections have also been made at lone, Berkeley, Hupa in Mendocino County, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, Humboldt Bay, Eureka, the foothills west of Saratoga, Howell Mountain, the Santa Cruz Mountains, and New York Ravine in El Dorado County. Ball (1936) reports it as an objec- tionable lawn weed in Santa Cruz and Sacramento counties. SONCHUS In California there are four species of sow thistles, all naturalized from Europe and all weedy. The two most abundant ones, and the most seri- Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 103 ous from the weed standpoint, are Sonchus oleraceus L. (common sow thistle) and 8. asper (L.) Hill (prickly sow thistle). 8. tenerrimus L. (slender sow thistle) and 8. arvensis L. (perennial sow thistle) are rela- tively rare in California; the former occurs in west San Diego County, at Point Loma, in the Santa Barbara Islands, and south to Lower Cali- fornia; the latter in Orange County, near Wintersburg, where it was be- lieved to have been introduced in celery seed about 1903. Sonchus asper was probably the first sow thistle brought into Califor- nia, for its seeds have been found in adobe bricks of certain old buildings with construction dates as follows : San Antonio de Padua, 1771 ; Jolon in California, Santo Domingo, 1775; San Jose de Guadalupe, 1797; Mis- sion San Jose; San Francisco de Solano, Sonoma, 1824; and Rancho El Sansal, 1834, and Rancho La Natividad, 1837, both at Salinas. It is doubtful whether the other Sonchus species found their way into Cali- fornia until long after the Mission Period. Torrey (1856) reports that from 1838 to 1842 S. asper was observed from San Francisco and the lower Sacramento River. Brewer and Watson (1876) state that it occurs in "waste places, not only around towns but also far in the interior." According to them, 8. tenerrimus occurs around San Diego, was col- lected there in 1836 by Nuttall, and was doubtless introduced from the south of Europe. As for S. oleraceus, no specimens had yet been seen. In their Additions and Corrections to Volume 1 (1880), however, they list 8. oleraceus at Santa Barbara and San Diego. Bolander (1870) records the occurrence of both 8. asper and S. oleraceus from near San Francisco Bay. Hilgard (1890), who cites 8. oleraceus as a minor California weed, does not mention 8. asper. Leeds (1891), who observed 8. asper and .8. oleraceus in Santa Cruz, reports that both are very prevalent at Santa Clara and perhaps well established all over the state. Parish (1890-91) includes S. asper, S. oleraceus, and 8. tenerrimus among the naturalized plants of the four southern counties. According to Jepson (1893), 8. asper and 8. oleraceus formed a part of the riparian flora of the lower Sacramento. TAGETES Tagetes minuta L., a native of South America, is reported by Munz (1935) as naturalized at Riverside, being collected there in 1921. TANACETUM Tanacetum vulgar e L. (tansy) is a European species well established at Quincy, where it was collected in 1902 by Hall (1907) and in 1933 by Keck (1933). According to Hall (1907), it was common in waste places all through the "American Valley." It has also become naturalized in Humboldt County along the road between Fortuna and Fernbridge. 104 University op California — Experiment Station TARAXACUM We should surmise from the wide distribution of Taraxacum vulgare (Lam.) Schrank. (common dandelion) in California today that it was an early introduction. Yet Brewer and Watson (1876) state: "There are some indications of the dandelion as an introduced plant; but it is as yet very local." Rattan (1879a) reported it as common about Hum- boldt Bay in that year. Davidson (1893), discussing the immigrant plants in Los Angeles County, remarks of the dandelion, "Solitary plants may be frequently observed in the lawns, but show no disposi- tion either to multiply or to extend their range." According to Parish (1920), it was "occasional along streets" at Pasadena in 1895 and he reports that year at San Bernardino "a few plants in a single lawn." Further, in 1918, the weed was "still infrequent" at Upland but at El Monte "abundant and injurious in pastures." In the southern counties, apparently, the dandelion was rare even as late as 1900. In the San Fran- cisco Bay region, Hilgard (1890) does not list it, and Greene (1894) re- ports it as "accidentally introduced and scarcely naturalized." As late as 1898 it was apparently so rare near the Bay that Davy (1898c) re- cords two exact places where it could be found in Oakland. Today the dandelion is a common weed in lawns throughout the state, and is not infrequently found in pasture land. It also occurs in meadows of range lands, where it is often regarded as an important forage plant, being eaten by all classes of livestock, especially sheep. Taraxacum laevigatum (Willd.) DC. (red-seeded dandelion), an in- troduction from Europe, occurs in the San Francisco Bay region espe- cially, according to Jepson (1923-1925), in old gardens and low places. TRAGOPOGON Three introduced species of Tragopogon have been found in California. The most common of these is T. porrifolius L. (salsify) . This is a native of the Mediterranean and was first reported here by Leeds (1891). He states that "Single specimens of purple salsify are to be seen at a number of points along roadsides, in this vicinity (Santa Clara), evidencing re- cent establishment." K. Brandegee (1891) calls it "now very freely nat- uralized in the northern part of the State." Parish (1920) reports it as frequent in streets and waste places at Santa Monica in 1916; and in 1903 collected it at Los Angeles. It is also recorded from Yreka, Fort Bidwell, Honey Lake Valley, Berkeley, and Ross Valley. T. pratensis L. (meadow salsify) was collected at Loyalton, Sierra County, in 1918; and T. dubius Scop, at Weed, Siskiyou County, in 1936. Both are natives of Europe. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 105 VERBESINA Verbesina encelioides Gray var. exauriculata Rob. & Greenm. (crown- beard) has been introduced into California from the eastern United States. It is found from the San Fernando Valley to Riverside County and has been collected along the Salinas River, at Glendale, Cahuenga Pass, and Riverside. Parish (1920) collected it at El Monte in 1882 and near Colton in 1897. XANTHITJM There are two introduced species of Xanthium in California : Xanthium spinosum L. (spiny clotbur), probably a native of South America, com- ing to us by way of Europe; and X. canadense Mill, (cocklebur), a na- tive of eastern North America. Bolander (1870) cites both X. spinosum and X. strumarium (canadense) near San Francisco. Brewer and Wat- son (1876) report X. spinosum from "sea coast, San Juan, etc. ; also in foot hills, Calaveras County," and X. canadense, "waste grounds near dwellings, etc.; also on the sea coast." Hilgard (1890) lists both species. Parish (1890-91), referring to southern California, says that "X. cana- dense is a common pest, especially of pastures and the borders of high- ways. X. spinosum is as yet fortunately rather rare, but is seen here and there by the roadside and is slowly increasing." Both species are listed by Jepson (1893) as part of the riparian vegetation of the lower Sacra- mento. Parish (1913) cites these species among those missing in the Im- perial Valley flora. Today X. spinosum is spreading in the Great Valley and assuming major importance, and Jepson (1923-1925) states that it is "everywhere a common summer tenant of barnyards and neglected fields." ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In preparing this manuscript the writer received valuable data from Professor LeRoy Abrams, Stanford University; Mr. Walter S. Ball, California State Department of Agriculture; Mrs. Margaret K. Bellue, California State Department of Agriculture; Dr. Mary L. Bowerman, University of California; Miss Alice Eastwood, California Academy of Sciences; Mr. Frank E. Gander, San Diego Museum of Natural History; Mr. J. T. Howell, California Academy of Sciences; Mr. Ethelbert John- son, California State Department of Agriculture; Professor H. L. Mason, University of California; and Professor P. A. Munz, Pomona College. In addition, Professor Mason and Miss Ethel Crum, both of the herbarium of the University of California, have checked the lists of plant names as to synonomy and authors. 106 University op California — Experiment Station LITERATURE CITED Abrams, LeRoy. 1904. Flora of Los Angeles and vicinity. 474 p. Stanford Univ. Press, Palo Alto, Calif. 1923. An illustrated flora of the Pacific States. 557 p. Stanford Univ. Press, Palo Alto, Calif. 1933. Two introduced species of Atriplex in the San Francisco Bay region. Leaf- lets West. Bot. 1:44. Aldous, A. E., and H. L. Shantz. 1924. Types of vegetation in the semi-arid portion of the United States and their economic significance. Jour. Agr. Eesearch 28:99-128. Babcock, E. B., and G. L. Stebbins, Jr. 1938. The American species of Crepis. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. 504:1-99. Ball, Walter S. 1933. Artichoke thistle. California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bui. 22:269-72. 1935. Sixteenth annual report, California Dept. Agr. Bui. 24:530-35. 1936. Seventeenth annual report. California Dept. Agr. Bui. 25:609-16. 1937. Eighteenth annual report. California Dept. Agr. Bui. 26:565-70. Ball, Walter S., and W. W. Bobbins. 1931. Russian knapweed. California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bui. 20:666-68. 1934. Klamath weed. California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bui. 23:103-08. Ball, Walter S., W. W. Bobbins, and Margaret K. Bellue. 1933. The star thistles. California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bui. 22:294-98. Bauer, H. L. 1930. Vegetation of the Tehachapi Mountains, California. Ecology 11:263-80. Behr, H. H. 1888. Flora of the vicinity of San Francisco. 364 p. San Francisco. 1891. Botanical reminiscences. Zoe 1:2-6. Bellue, Margaret K. 1933a. New weeds confused with hoary cress. California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bui. 22:288-93. 1933&. Austrian field cress — new and noxious (Roripa austriaca). California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bui. 22:385-86. 1934a. Carduus neglectus Ten., Italian thistle. California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bui. 23:195. 1934&. Silver-sheathed knotweed as a pest in southwestern alfalfa (Polygonum argyrocolon Steud.). California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bui. 24:238-41. 1935a. Again — Italian thistle, Carduus neglectus Ten. California Dept. Agr. Bui. 24:300. 1935&. Lily-of-the-valley vine (Salpichroa rhomboidea Meirs.) is difficult to eradi- cate. California Dept. Agr. Bui. 24:345. 1936a. Garden rocket, Eruca sativa Mill., a new flax weed. California Dept. Agr. Bui. 25:280. 1936&. Lepidium latifolium L., a new perennial peppergrass. California Dept. Agr. Bui. 25:359. 1936c. A new and spiny nightshade, Solanum pyracanthus Jacq. California Dept. Agr. Bui. 25:377. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 107 1936a\ Leafy spurge, Euphorbia esula L. California Dept. Agr. Bul. 25:384-87. 1937a. Bladder campion, Silene latifolia Britton and Rend, established near Santa Rosa. California Dept. Agr. Bul. 26:176. 1937b. Blueweed, Helianthus ciliaris DC, is established in five counties. California Dept. Agr. Bul. 26:247-52. 1937c. Matrimony vine, Lycium halimi folium Mill, forms spiny thickets in neg- lected areas. California Dept. Agr. Bul. 26:293. 1937a\ Lily-of-the-valley vine, Salpichroa rhomboidea Miers., frequent garden es- cape. California Dept. Agr. Bul. 26:310. 1938. The bristlegrasses, Setaria spp., in California. California Dept. Agr. Bul. 27:210-14. Bentham, G. 1844. The botany of the voyage of H. M. S. Sulphur under the command of Capt. Sir E. Belcher during the years 1836-42. 195 p. Smith, Elder & Co., London. Bolander, Henry N. 1870. A catalog of the plants growing in the vicinity of San Francisco. 43 p. A. Roman & Co., San Francisco. Bottel, A. E. 1933. Introduction and control of camel thorn. California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bul. 22:261-63. Brandegee, K. 1891. Contribution to the knowledge of West American plants. I. Zoe 2:75-83. 1892a. Catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns growing spontaneously in the city of San Francisco. Zoe 2:334-86. 1892ft. Additions to the catalog of San Francisco plants. Zoe 3:49-50. 1893. Flora of Bouldin Island. Zoe 4:211-18. 1901. Verbascum in California. Zoe 5:138. Brandegee, T. S. 1890. Lavatera — is it an introduced plant? Zoe 1:188-90. 1893. New localities for California plants. Zoe 4:148-59. Brewer, W. H., and Sereno Watson. 1876. Geological survey of California botany. Vol. 1, 622 p. ; vol. 2, 559 p. John Wilson & Son, Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass. Cantelow, E. Dales. 1937. The dyer's woad in California. Leaflets West Bot. 2:31-32. Carsner, Eubanks. 1928. The wild beet in California. Facts About Sugar 23:1120-21. Clements, F. E. 1920. Plant indicators: the relation of plant communities to process and practice. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. 290:388. Cooper, Wm. S. 1922. The broad-sclerophyll vegetation of California, an ecological study of the chaparral and its related communities. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. 319:124. Crum, E. 1939. New records of alien plants in San Diego, California. Madrono 5 : 79. Dayton, W. A., et al. 1937. Range plant handbook. (Looseleaf.) Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 108 University of California — Experiment Station Davidson, A. 1893. Immigrant plants of Los Angeles County. Erythea 1:56-61, 98-104. 1895a. Botanical excursion to Antelope Valley. Erythea 3:153-58. 18956. Immigrant plants of Los Angeles County. West. Amer. Scientist 4:66-68. 1896. Catalog of the plants of Los Angeles County. South. California Acad. Sci. Proc. 1:4. 1903. New plant records for Los Angeles County, Part II. South. California Acad. Sci. Bui. 2:43. 1910. The changes in our weeds. South. California Acad. Sci. Bui. 9:11-12. 1913. Another mustard pest. South. California Acad. Sci. Bui. 12:11. Davy, Joseph Burtt. 1894. Contribution to the history of Achyrodes aureum. Erythea 2:113-19. 1896a. Solanum eleagnifolium in California. Erythea 4:125. 1896b. Mentha pulegium. Erythea 4:145. 1896c. Eecent introductions into California. Erythea 4:175-77. 1897. Centaurea solstitialis in Colusa County. Erythea 5:129. 1898a. Notes on the flora of Honey Lake Valley. Erythea 6:1-11. 1898ft. Introduced plants in Calaveras County. Erythea 6:17—19. 1898c. Notes on introduced weeds. Erythea 6:26. 1898a*. Stapfia, a new genus of Meliceae and other noteworthy grasses. Erythea 6 : 109-13. 1902. Stock ranges of northwestern California. U. S. Bur. Plant. Indus. Bui. 12: 1-81. Dewey, L. H. 1897. The genus Avena on the Pacific Coast. Erythea 5:29. 1899. A new weed on western ranges. Erythea 7:10-11. Drew, Elmer R. 1889. Notes on the botany of Humboldt County, California. Torrey Bot. Club. Bui. 16:147-52. Dyal, Sarah C. 1938. Valerienella in North America. Rhodora 40:185-212. Eastwood, A. 1896a. Pelargonium anceps Ait. Erythea 4:34. 1896ft. New localities for two introduced plants. Erythea 4:35. 1896c. New station for two introduced plants. Erythea 4:99. 1896o\ Scolymus Mspanicus L. Erythea 4:145. 1896c. Geranium parviflorum L. Erythea 4:145. 1896/. New station for two plants. Erythea 4:151. 1896#. Centaurea Calcitrapa L. Erythea 4:175. 1898. The plant inhabitants of Knob Hill, San Francisco. Erythea 6:61-67. 1899. Another introduced plant. Erythea 7:176. 1900a. On the occurrence of Bhagadiolus hedypnois All. in North America. Zoe 5 : 35-36. 1900ft. Scorzonera hispanica L. Zoe 5:37. 1901. Atriplex semibaccata R. Br. in Marin County. Zoe 5:136-37. 1902. A flora of the South Fork of the Kings River. Sierra Club Pub. 27:1-96. 1932a. Zygophyllum Fabago L. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:8. 1932ft. Oxalis cernua Thunb. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:8. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 109 1932c. Another station for Zygophyllum Fa~bago L. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:16. 1932a". Verbena Bonariensis L. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:21. Essig, E. O. 1910. Russian thistle in Ventura County. Ventura Co. Hort. Comn. Bul. 1:1-16. 1914. The caltrop or ground bur-nut. California Comn. Hort. Monthly Bul. 3 : 78. 1918. Two interesting weeds. California Comn. Hort. Monthly Bul. 7:39. Ewan, Joseph. 1939. Centranthus : a new immigrant genus to California. Leaflets West Bot. 2: 195. Fremont, J. C. 1845. Eeport of the exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the years 1843-44. 693 p. Gales and Seaton, Printers, Washington, D. C. Gander, Frank F. 1937. Notes on the flora of San Diego County, California. Madrono 4:33-34. Goodman, George J. 1932. A collection of Emex from California. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:21. Greene, Edward L. 1891. Flora Franciscana, an attempt to classify and describe the vascular plants of Middle California. 480 p. Cubery & Co. ; Doxey & Co., San Francisco. 1893a. The vegetation of the summit of Mount Hamilton. Erythea 1:77-97. 1893&. The vegetation of the summit of Mount Diablo. Erythea 1:166-79. 1893c. On the distribution of some western plants. Erythea 1:181-84. 1894. Manual of the botany of the region of San Francisco Bay. 328 p. Cubery & Co., San Francisco. Hall, H. M. 1902. A botanical survey of San Jacinto Mountain. California Univ. Pubs. Bot. 1:1-140. 1907. Compositae of southern California. California Univ. Pubs. Bot. 3:1-302. Hendry, George W. 1931. The adobe brick as a historical source. Agr. Hist. 5(3) : 110-27. 1934. The source literature of early plant introduction into Spanish America. Agr. Hist. 8(2): 64-71. Hendry, George W., and M. K. Bellue. 1925. The plant content of adobe bricks. California Hist. Soc. Quart. 4:361-73. 1936. An approach to southwestern agricultural history through adobe brick an- alysis, p. 1-8. Paper presented at Symposium on Prehistoric Agriculture, Flagstaff, Arizona. University Press, Albuquerque, New Mex. Hickman, J. B. 1917. The Russian thistle, its control and eradication. California Hort. Comn. Monthly Bul. 6:442-43. Hilgard, E. W. 1890. The weeds of California. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Rept. 1890:238-52. Hitchcock, A. S. 1935. Manual of the grasses of the United States. U. S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Pub. 200. 1040 p. Hitchcock, C. Leo. 1936. The genus Lepidium in the United States. Madrono 3:265-315. 110 University of California — Experiment Station Hooker, W. J., and W. A. Walker. 1841. The botany of Captain Beechey's voyage; comprising an account of the plants collected by Messrs. Lay and Collie, and other officers of the expedi- tion during the voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Strait, performed in His Majesty's ship Blossom, under the command of Captain F. W. Beechey in the years 1825, 1826, 1827, and 1828. p. 316-409. H. G. Bohn, London. Hoover, Robert F. 1935. Character and distribution of the primitive vegetation of the San Joaquin Valley. University of California unpublished thesis. 1936. Notes on California grasses. Madrono 3:227-30. Howell, J. T. 1930. Plantae occidentalis. I. Madrono 2:1-15. 1931. Plantae occidentalis. II. Madrono 2:18-23. 1932. Plants worthy of note. II. Leaflets West. Bot. 1 : 22-23. 1933a. New plants from old fields. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:36-38. 1933b. Plants worthy of note. III. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:39. 1933c. Adventive senecios. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:56. 1934a. Cyperus difformis L. in California. Leaflets West. Bot. 1: 104. 1934b. A name for a weed. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:142-44. 1935a. Field days in San Francisco. II. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:172-74. 1935b. Anoda cristata in California. Leaflets West Bot. 1:176. 1935c. A weedy mint. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:184. 1937a. Three species of Gnaphalium adventive in California. Leaflets West. Bot. 2:10-12. 1937b. Dipsacus sylvestris Huds. Leaflets West. Bot. 2:16. 1937c. A Eussian collection of Calif ornian plants. Leaflets West. Bot. 2:17-20. 1938. Two tragopogons. Leaflets West. Bot. 2 : 89. 1939a. Linum angustifolium Huds. Leaflets West. Bot. 2:207-08. 1939b. Lotus angustissimus L. Leaflets West. Bot. 2:208. 1939c. Carduus in California. Leaflets West. Bot. 2:212-13. 1940a. Lathyrus Aphaca L. Leaflets West. Bot. 2:218. 1940b. Antirrhinum Orontium L. Leaflets West. Bot. 2:225. Howell, Thomas. 1903. A flora of northwest America, containing brief description of all the known indigenous and naturalized plants growing without cultivation north of California, west of Utah, and south of British Columbia. 792 p. Published by the author, Portland, Oregon. Jacobsen, W. C. 1929. Goat grass — a weed pest of the range. California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bui. 18:37-41. Jepson, W. L. 1891. Botany of the Marysville Buttes, Sacramento Valley. Torrey Bot. Club. Bui. 18:317-27. 1893. The riparian botany of the lower Sacramento. Erythea 1 : 238-46. 1909-36. A Flora of California. Vol 1, parts 1-7, 1909-22; vol. 2, parts 1-3, 1936. 1923-25. A manual of the flowering plants of California. 1238 p. Associated Stu- dents Store, University of California, Berkeley, California. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 111 Johnson, E. 1920. The spread of puncture vine in California. California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bul. 9:330-32. 1932. The puncture vine in California. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 528:1-42. 1939. Five-hook bassia, Bassia hyssopifolia (Pall.) Kuntze, a host of Say's plant bug, Chlorochroa sayi Stal. California Dept. Agr. Bul. 28:139-41. Keck, David D. 1933. Plant aliens at Quincy. Madrono 2:93-95. Kennedy, P. B. 1922. Identification and control of California weeds. California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bul. 11:11-17. 1923. Observations on some rice weeds in California. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 356:467-94. 1927. An alkali forage weed — Bassia hyssopifolia. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 19 : 750-52. 1928. Goat grass or wild wheat (Aegilops triuncialis) . Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 20:1292-96. Kennedy, P. B., and Adeline Frederick. 1927. Old World weed introductions. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 19:569-73. Knowlton, K. S. 1915. The weeds of Kern County. California Comn. Hort. Monthly Bul. 4:159-60. Leeds, B. F. 1891. Notes on the introduced plants of Santa Clara. Zoe 2:124-26. Moxley, George L. 1917. Bidens frondosa. Lorquinia 2:21. Munz, P. A. 1924. Southern California plant notes II. South. California Acad. Sci. Bul. 23 (part 4): 1-6. 1935. A manual of southern California botany. 642 p. J. "W. Stacey, Inc., Dis- tributor, San Francisco. Newberry, J. S. 1857. Pacific B, B. Survey. Part 6:3-13. War Department, Washington, D. C. Newman, O. W. 1915. Weed notes from county commissioners. California Comn. Hort. Monthly Bul. 4:275-76. 1917a. The yellow star thistle. California Comn. Hort. Monthly Bul. 6:27-29. 1917&. Canada thistle. California Comn. Hort. Monthly Bul. 6:48-51. Norton, J. B. S. 1900. A revision of the American species of Euphorbia of the section Tithymalus occurring north of Mexico. Missouri Bot. Gard. Ann. Bept., 11:84-144. Orcutt, C. F. 1901. Botany of southern California. A check -list of the flowering plants, ferns, marine algae, etc., known to occur in San Diego, Biverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles counties, California, and North Baja California, with notes and descriptions of many species. 66 p. Published by the author, San Diego, Calif. Pammel, L. H. 1916. Notes on the weeds of California. Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc. 23 : 489-93. 112 University of California — Experiment Station Parish, S. B. 1890-91. Notes on the naturalized plants of southern California. Zoe 1:7-10, 56-59, 123-26, 182-88, 205-10, 261-65, 300-03; 2:26-34. 1899. New or little-known plants of southern California. II. Erythea 7 : 89-97. 1909. Notes on some introduced plants of southern California. Muhlenbergia 5: 109-15, 121-28. 1909-10. A bibliography of the southern California flora. South. California Acad. Sci. Bui. 8(2) : 71-75; 9(1) : 57-62. 1913. Plants introduced into a desert valley as a result of irrigation. Plant World 16:275-80. 1920. The immigrant plants of southern California. South. California Acad. Sci. Bui. 19 (4): 3-30. Perry, Lily M. 1933. A revision of the North American species of Verbena. Missouri Bot. Gard. Ann. 20:239-362. PlEMEISEL, E. L. 1932. Weedy abandoned lands and the weed hosts of the beet leafhopper. U. S. Dept.Agr.Cir. 229:1-23. Piemeisel, E. L., and F. E. Lawson. 1937. Types of vegetation in the San Joaquin Valley of California and their rela- tion to the beet leafhopper. U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bui. 557:1-28. Eattan, Volney. 1879a. Through the northwestern counties. California Horticulturist 9:333-35. 1879&. A popular California flora, or manual of botany for beginners, containing descriptions of exogenous plants growing in central California, and west- ward to the ocean. 106 p. A. L. Bancroft & Co., San Francisco. Eose, Lewis S. 1933. Western species of Oxalis. II. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:58-60. Sampson, Arthur W., and Agnes Chase. 1927. Eange grasses of California. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 430:1-94. Shinn, Charles H. 1895. The Eussian thistle in California. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 107:1-16. Smiley, F. J. 1922. Weeds of California. California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bui. 11 :120. Stacey, J. W. 1933. Notes on some plant introductions, mostly Californian. Leaflets West. Bot. 1:69-71. Standley, P. C. 1916. Chenopodiales. North American Flora 21:1-93. Storer, Tracy I. 1930. A partial bibliography on the natural history of California. California Libraries News Notes 25:1-22. Talbot, M. W., and L. S. Smith. 1930. The goat grass situation in California. California Dept. Agr. Monthly Bui. 19:40-46. Talbot, M. W., H. H. Biswell, and A. L. Hormay. 1939. Fluctuations in the annual vegetation of California. Ecology 20 : 394-402. Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 113 Thurber, G. 1860. Graminae. In: U. S. Engin. Dept. reports upon the Colorado Eiver of the West, explored in 1857 and 1858 by Lieut. Joseph C. Ives. . . . Part 4:30. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Torrey, John 1854. Plantae Fremontianae. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge 6:1-24. 1856. Botanical report. In : U. S. War. Dept. reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi Eiver to the Pacific Ocean. . . . 7 (part 3)9. War Department (A. O. P. Niebolsen, printer), Washington, D. C. 1859. United States and Mexican Boundary, Botany of the Boundary, p. 41. War Department, Washington, D. C. Vasey, G. 1885. Descriptive catalog of grasses of the United States, p. 56. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Vasey, G., and J. N. Eose, 1890. U. S. Natl. Mus. Contrib. U. S. Natl. (Herbarium) 1:8. Government Print- ing Office, Washington, D< C. Vaslit, F. H. 1890. Escapes in the Coast Eange. Zoe 1:86. Wiggins, Ira L. 1933. Notes on the introduced flora of California. Madrono 2:100-01. INDEX OF PLANT NAMES (Entries under the scientific name may indicate pages where the common name only is given, and vice versa.) Abutilon indicvm (country mallow) , 68 Theophrasti (velvetleaf ), 68 Achyranthes repens, 43 Acrid lettuce (Lactuca virosa), 99, 100 Aegilops cylindrica (jointed goatgrass), 16 ovata (ovate goatgrass), 16 triuncialis (barb goatgrass), 9, 16 African daisy (Arctotis stoechadifolia), 89 Agropyron junceum ( rushlike wheatgrass), 17 repens (quackgrass), 17 Agrostemma Githago (corn cockle), 8, 45 Agrostis alba (redtop), 14, 17 retrofracta (hairy-flowered bentgrass), 17 verticillata (water bent), 17 Ailanthus altissima (tree-of-heaven), 67, 68 Air a capillaris, 17 caryophyllea (silver hairgrass), 17 Alchemilla arvensis (lady's mantle), 57 Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) , 60 Alhagi camelorum (camel thorn), 4, 8, 9, 13, 58 Alkali heath (Frankenia), 11, 12 Alkali heliotrope (Heliotropium curassa- vicum), 14 Alkali mallow (Sida hederacea) , 14 Alkali sacaton (Sporobolus airoides) , 10 Allenrolfea (pickleweed), 11 All-seed, four -leaved (Polycarpon tetraphyl- lum), 46 Alopecurus pratensis (meadow foxtail), 18 Alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum), 60 Alyssum alyssoides (small alyssum), 49 maritimum (sweet alyssum), 50 Alyssum, small (Alyssum alyssoides) , 49 sweet (Alyssum maritimum), 50 Amaranth, green (Amaranthus hybridus) , 43, 44 low (Amaranthus deflexus), 43 Amaranthus blitoides (prostrate pigweed), 6, 43 deflexus (low amaranth), 43 graecizans (tumbling pigweed), 6, 43, 44 hybridus (green amaranth), 43, 44 retroflexus (rough pigweed), 6, 43 Ambrosia psilostachya (western ragweed), 14 Ammimajus (Bishop's weed), 73 Yisnaga (toothpick weed), 73 Ammophila arenaria (European beach- grass), 18 Anagallis arvensis (red pimpernel), 7, 75 arvensis var. coerulea (blue pimpernel), 75 Andropogon virginicus (broomsedge), 18 Anethum graveolens (dill), 73 Annual bluegrass (Poa annua), 5, 6, 14, 32 Annual fleabane (Erigeron annuus), 97 mouse-ear chickweed (Cerastium visco- sum), 7, 46 Annual yellow sweetclover (Melilotus in- dica), 5, 7, 60 Anoda cristata, 68 Anthemis Cotula (mayweed), 7, 88 nobilis (garden camomile), 88, 89 Anthoxanthum odoratum (sweet vernal- grass), 18 Anthriscus vulgaris (bur chervil), 73 Antirrhinum Orontium (lesser snapdragon), 84 Apium Ammi, 74 graveolens (common celery), 7, 74 Apple, purple thorn (Datura Tatula), 81 Araujia sericifera, 76 Arctium Lappa (great burdock), 89 minus (common burdock) , 89 Arctotis stoechadifolia (African daisy), 89 Arenaria serpyllifolia (sandwort), 45 Arrhenatherum elatius (tall oatgrass), 14, 18 Arrowhead (Sagittaria montevidensis) , 16 Artemisia biennis (biennial worm wood), 89 Artichoke (Gynara Scolymus), 96 Artichoke thistle (Cynara Gardunculus) , 4, 13, 96 Arundo Donax (reed grass), 6, 18 Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), 35 Asparagus officinalis (asparagus), 35 Asphodelus fistulosus, 35 Atriplex bracteosa (bractscale), 12 expansa (fog-weed), 12 hortensis (garden orache), 38 Lindleyi (Lindley's orache), 38 poly car pa (desert saltbush), 11 rosea (redscale), 39 semibaccata (Australian saltbush), 39 spinifera (spinescale), 11 Australian brass buttons (Cotula australis), 7, 95 Australian chess (Bromus arenarius) , 10, 13, 22 Australian fireweed (Erechtites prenanth- oides), 96 Australian goosefoot (Chenopodium cari- natum), 40 Australian saltbush (Atriplex semibaccata), 39 Austrian field cress (Radicula austriaca), 9, 13, 55 Avena barbata (slender oat), 13, 14, 21 fatua (wild oat), 6, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21 sativa (cultivated oat), 14, 21 Baeria gracilis, 12 uliginosa, 12 Balm, garden (Melissa officinalis) , 79 Barb goatgrass (Aegilops triuncialis) , 9, 16 Barley, Mediterranean (Hordeum Gussonea- num), 8, 9, 10, 13, 28 Barren brome (Bromus sterilis), 24 Bassia hyssopifolia (five-hook bassia), 12, 39 Beachgrass, European (Ammophila arena- ria), 18 Bean, broad (Vicia Faba), 61 castor (Ricinus communis), 66 Bean caper, Syrian (Zygophyllum Fabago var. brachycarpa), 67 Beardgrass, ditch (Polypogon lutosus), 33 maritime (Polypogom maritimus), 33 [115] 116 University of California — Experiment Station Beardless wild-rye (Elymus triticoides) ,10 ,11 Bedstraw (Galium Aparine), 87 Beet (Beta vulgaris), 40 Beet, wild (Beta maritima) , 40 Beggar-ticks (Bidens frondosa), 89 Bellardia Trixago, 84 Bellis perennis (English daisy), 89 Bentgrass, hairy-flowered (Agrostis retro- fracta), 17 Bergamot mint (Mentha citrata) , 79 Bermuda buttercup (Oxalis cernua), 9, 62 Bermuda grass (Cynodon Dactylon), 4, 6, 25 Beta maritima (wild beet), 40 vulgaris L. (beet), 40 Bidens frondosa (beggar-ticks), 89, 90 pilosa (hairy bur marigold), 7, 89, 90 Biennial wormwood (Artemisia biennis), 89 Bindweed, black (Polygonum Convolvulus) , 6, 37 hedge (Convolvulus sepium), 76, 77 Bird vetch (Vicia Cracca), 61 Bishop's weed (Ammimajus), 73 Bitter dock (Rumex obtusif olius) , 38 Black bindweed (Polygonum Convolvulus), 6, 37 Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) , 101 Black medick (Medicago lupulina), 7, 59 Black mustard (Brassica nigra) , 5, 7, 11, 50, 51, 100 Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum), 5, 7, 82, 83 Black salsify (Scorzo-nera hispanica), 101 Bladder campion (Silene latifolia), 47 Blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus), 95 Bluegrass, annual (Poa annua), 5, 6, 14, 32 Canada (Poa compressa) , 14, 32 Kentucky (Poa pratensis), 14, 32 pine (Poa scabrella) , 11 rough (Poa trivialis) , 32 Blue oak (Quercus Douglasii), 10 Blue pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis var. coe- rulea), 75 Blue vervain (Verbena hastata), 79 Blueweed, Texas (Helianthus ciliaris), 9, 13, 86, 98 Bouncing bet (Saponaria officinalis) , 46 Brachypodium distachyon, 22 Bracken fern (Pteris aquilina and P. agui- Zwta var. lanuginosa), 14 Bractscale (Atriplex bracteosa), 12 Brass buttons, Australian (Cotula austra- lis), 7, 95 common (Cotula cor onopifolia) , 7, 95 Brassica alba (white mustard), 50 arvensis (wild mustard), 7, 50 campestris (common yellow mustard), 7, 50 incana (short-podded mustard), 50 juncea (Indian mustard), 51 Napus (rape), 51 nigra (black mustard), 7, 50, 51 Bristlegrass, bur (Setaria verticillata) , 33 green (Setaria viridis) , 9, 33 yellow (Setaria lutescens), 6, 33 Bristly mallow (Modiola caroliniana); 70 Bristly oxtongue (Picris echioides), 8, 101 Briza maxima (large quaking grass), 22 media (medium quaking grass), 22 minor (small quaking grass), 22 Broad bean (Vicia Faba), 61 Broad-leaf filaree (Erodium Botrys), 7, 11, 13, 14, 62 Brome, barren (Bromus sterilis) , 24 red (Bromus rubens), 10, 11, 12, 24 smooth (Bromus inermis), 14, 22 Bromus arenarius (Australian chess), 13, 22 brizaeformis (rattlesnake chess), 14, 22 catharticus (rescue grass), 14, 22 commutatus (hairy chess), 22 hordeaceus (soft chess), 13 inermis (smooth brome), 13, 14, 22 japonicus (Japanese chess), 23 madritensis (compact chess), 23 molliformis, 24 mollis (soft chess), 8, 14, 23 racemosus (upright chess), 6, 24 rigidus (ripgut grass), 6, 13, 23 rigidus var. Gussonii (ripgut grass), 6, 13, 23, 24 rubens (red brome), 6, 13, 24 scoparius (broom bromegrass), 24 secalinus (chess), 6, 14, 24 sterilis (barren brome), 24 tectorum (downy chess), 8, 14, 24 tectorum var. nudus (downy chess), 24 Trinii (Chilean chess), 24 unioloides (see B. catharticus) Broom bromegrass (Bromus scoparius) , 24 Broom, Scotch (Cytisus scoparius), 58 Broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus), 18 Buckhorn plantain (Plantago lancelata), 7, 9, 86 Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) , 36 Buffalo bur (Solanum rostratum) , 8, 82, 83 Bugloss, small (Lycopsis arvensis), 78 Bulbous buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) , 48 Bull mallow (Malva borealis), 69 Bull thistle (Cirsium lanceolatum) , 7, 94 Bur bristlegrass (Setaria verticillata), 33 Bur, buffalo (Solanum rostratum) , 8, 82, 83 Bur chervil (Anthriscus vulgaris) , 73 Bur clover (Medicago hispida), 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 19, 22, 59 California (Medicago hispida var, denti- culata), 59 Burdock, common (Arctium minus), 89 great (Arctium Lappa), 89 Bur-grass (Cenchrus echinatus) , 25 Bur marigold, hairy (Bidens pilosa), 7, 89 Burnet, garden ( Sanguis orb a minor) , 57 Burweed (Franseria), 14 Butter-and-eggs (Linaria vulgaris) , 84 Buttercup, Bermuda (Oxalis cernua), 9, 62 bulbous (Ranunculus bulbosus), 48 creeping (Ranunculus repens), 5, 48 Byzantine speedwell (Veronica Buxbaumii), 86 California bur clover (Medicago hispida var. denticulata) , 59 California match weed (Gutierrezia calif or- nica), 11 California oatgrass (Danthonia calif ornica) , 9 Camel thorn (Alhagi camelorum) , 4, 8, 9, 13, 58 Camelina microcarpa (small-seeded false flax), 52 sativa (large-seeded false flax), 52 Camomile, garden (Anthemis nobilis), 88 Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 117 Campion, bladder (Silene latifolia), 47 Canada bluegrass {Poa compressa) , 14, 32 Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), 7, 13, 93 Canary grass {Phalaris canariensis) , 31 Canary grass, Carolina (Phalaris carolini- ana), 31 gnawed {Phalaris paradoxa var. prae- morsa.) , 31 Mediterranean {Phalaris minor) , 31 short-spiked {Phalaris brachystachys) , 31 Cannabis sativa (common hemp or mari- huana), 35 Caper spurge {Euphorbia Lathyrus), 65 Caper, Syrian bean {Zygophyllum Fabago var. brachycarpa), 67 Capsella Bursa-jiastoris (shepherd's purse), 7, 52 Carolina canary grass {Phalaris carolini- ana), 31 Carolina geranium {Geranium carolini- anum), 64 Carolina horse nettle {Solanum carolinense) , 83, 84 Carpet-weed {Hollugo verticillata), 6, 45 Carrot, wild {Daucus Carota), 5, 7, 74 Carthamus lanatus (distaff thistle), 90 nitidus (smooth distaff thistle), 90 tinct'orius (safflower), 90 Castor bean {Bicinus communis), 66 Catchfly, night-blooming {Silene noctiflora) , 47 sleepy {Silene antirrhina), 47 Catnip {Nepeta Gataria), 80 Cat's-ear, hairy {Hypochoeris radicata) , 8, 99 smooth {Hypochoeris glabra), 79, 10, 99 Celery, common {Apium graveolens) , 7, 74 Genchrus echinatus (bur-grass), 25 Gentaurea Galcitrapa (purple star thistle), 90, 91 Cyanus (cornflower), 9, 90, 92 iberica (Iberian thistle), 9, 90, 92 melitensis (Napa thistle), 7, 90, 91 repens (Russian knapweed), 90, 92 salmantica (escobilla), 90, 92 sicula (Sicilian thistle), 9, 90, 92 solstitialis (yellow star thistle), 7, 90, 91 Gentranthus ruber (red valerian), 88 Gentromadia pungens (common spike weed), 12, 14 Gerastium viscosum (annual mouse-ear chickweed), 7, 46 vulgatum (perennial mouse-ear chick- weed), 7, 46 Cheese-weed {Malva parviflora) , 5, 7, 69 Chenopodium album (lamb's-quarters), 6, 40 ambrosioides (Mexican tea), 6, 40, 41 anthelminticum (wormseed), 40 Botrys (Jerusalem oak), 6, 40, 41 carinaturn (Australian goosefoot), 40, 41 Murale (nettle-leaf goosefoot), 6, 40, 41 rubrum (red goosefoot), 40, 41 vagans (Chilean Mexican tea,), 40, 41 Chervil, bur {Anthriscus vulgaris), 73 Chess {Bromus secalinus), 6, 14, 24 Chess, Australian {Bromus arenarius) , 10, 13, 22 Chilean {Bromus Trinii), 24 compact {Bromus madritensis) , 23 downy {Bromus tectorum) , 8, 14, 24 downy {Bromus tectorum var. nudus), 8, 14, 24 hairy {Bromus commutatus) , 22 Japanese {Bromus japonicus) , 23 rattlesnake {Bromus brizaeformis) , 14, 22 soft {Bromus mollis), 8, 9, 10, 14, 19, 22, 23, 64 upright {Bromus racemosus) , 6, 9, 10, 24 Chickweed, annual mouse-ear {Gerastium viscosum), 7, 46 common {Stellaria media) , 7, 47 perennial mouse-ear {Gerastium vul- gatum), 7, 46 Chicory {Gichorium Intybus) , 8, 93 Chilean chess {Bromus Trinii), 24 Chilean dodder {Guscuta racemosa var. chiliana), 77 Chilean Mexican tea {Ghenopodium vagans), 6, 40, 41 Chilean tarweed {Madia sativa), 5, 7, 100 Ghloris distichophylla, 25 Gay ana (Rhodes grass), 25 verticillata (windmill grass), 25 Chrysanthemum carinaturn (tricolor chrys- anthemum), 92 Chrysanthemum, corn {Chrysanthemum segetum), 93 Chrysanthemum coronarium (garland chrysanthemum), 92 Chrysanthemum, garland {Chrysanthemum coronarium), 92 Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum (oxeye daisy), 93 Parthenium (feverfew), 93 segetum (corn chrysanthemum), 93 Chrysanthemum, tricolor {Chrysanthemum carinaturn), 92 Chufa {Gyperus esculentus) , 14, 34 Gichorium Intybus (chicory), 8, 93 Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle), 7, 93 fontinale (spring thistle), 94 lanceolatum (bull thistle), 7, 94 neglectus (see G. pycnocephalus) , 94 pycnocephalus (Italian thistle), 94 tenuiflorus, 94 Clotbur, spiny {Xanthium spinosum) , 7, 13, 105 Clover, alsike {Trifolium hybridum), 60 bur {Medicago hispida), 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 19, 22, 59 California bur {Medicago hispida var. denticulata) , 59 crimson {Trifolium incarnatum) , 60 hop {Trifolium procumbens), 60 jackass {Wizlizenia refracta) , 12, 49 red {Trifolium pratense), 60 strawberry {Trifolium fragiferum), 60 white {Trifolium repens), 60 Cnicus benedictus (blessed thistle), 95 Coast live oak {Quercus agrifolia) , 11 Cocklebur {Xanthium canadense), 7, 105 Comfrey, rough {Symphytum asperrimum) , 78 Common brass buttons {Cotula coronopi- folia), 7, 95 Common burdock {Arctium minus), 89 Conimon celery {Apium graveolens) , 7, 74 Common chickweed {Stellaria media), 7, 47 Common dandelion {Taraxacum vulgar e) , 104 Common foxtail {Hordeum murinum) , 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28, 64 118 University of California — Experiment Station Common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris), 8, 102 Common hemp (Cannabis -saliva), 4, 35 Common madia {Madia elegans), 14 Common mignonette (Reseda, odorata), 72 Common mullein (V erba scum, Thapsus), 7, 85 Common peppergrass (Lepidium nitidum) , 11, 12 Common plantain (Plantago major), 7, 86 Common rue (Ruta graveolens), 67 Common sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) , 103 Common spikeweed (Gentromadia pungens) , 12, 14 Common sunflower (Helianthus annuus), 12, 98 Common vetch (Yicia saliva), 7, 61 Common yellow mustard (Brassica camp- estris), 7, 11, 50 Compact chess (Bromus madritensis ) , 23 Conium maculatum (poison hemlock), 7, 74 Conringia orientalis (hare's ear mustard), 52 perfoliata, 52 Convolvulus arvensis (wild morning-glory), 7, 76, 77 pentapetaloides (small-flowered wild morning-glory), 76, 77 sepium (hedge bindweed), 76, 77 Coreopsis tinctoria (golden coreopsis), 95 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum), 74 Coriandrum sativum (coriander), 74 Corn chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum segetum), 93 Corn cockle (Agrostemma Githago), 7, 45 Corn crowfoot (Ranunculus arvensis) , 48 Cornflower (Gentaurea Cyanus) , 9, 90, 92 Corn galium (Galium tricorne), 87 Corn salad (Yalerianella olitoria), 88 Corn speedwell (Veronica arvensis), 85 Corn spurry (Spergula arvensis), 7, 47 Coronopus didymus (wart cress), 52 procumbens (swine cress), 52 Cotula australis (Australian brass buttons), 7, 95 coronopifolia (common brass buttons), 7,95 Country mallow (Abutilon indicum), 68 Cow cockle (Vaccaria vulgaris), 48 Crabgrass, hairy (Digitaria sanguinalis) , 6, 26 smooth (Digitaria Ischaemum), 26 Crane's-bill, Siberian (Geranium sibiri- cum), 65 Creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens), 5, 48 Creeping velvet grass (Holcus mollis), 9, 28 Creosote bush (Larrea tridentata var. glutinosa), 10, 11 Crepis bursifolia, 95 capillaris (smooth hawksbeard), 95 rubra, 95 vesicaria subsp. taraxacifolia (rough hawksbeard), 95 Cress, Austrian field (Radicula austriaca) , 9, 31, 55 hoary (Lepidium Draba and L. Draba var. repens), 4, 8, 13, 53, 54, 55 penny (Thlaspi arvense), 57 shield (Lepidium perfoliatum), 55 swine (Coronopus procumbens) , 52 thale (Sisymbrium Thalianum) , 57 wart (Coronopus didymus) , 52 Crested dogtail (Cynosurus cristatus), 26 Cretan mallow (Lavatera cretica), 69 Crimson clover (Trifolivm incarnatum) , 60 Crowfoot, corn (Ranunculus arvensis) , 48 Crowfoot plantain (Plantain Coronopus), 86 Crowfoot, spiny-fruited (Ranunculus muri- catus), 48 Crownbeard (Yerbesina encelioides var. exauriculata) , 105 Crypsis aculeata (sharp-leaved crypsis), 25 Cudweed, spathulate (Gnaphalium spathu- latum), 97 Cultivated oat (Avena sativa) , 14, 24 Cupgrass, prairie (Eriochloa contracta) , 27 Curled-leaved pondweed (Potamogeton crisjnis) , 16 Curly dock (Rumex crispus), 5, 6, 38 Cuscuta planiflora (small-seeded alfalfa dodder), 77 racemosa var. chiliana (Chilean dodder), 77 Gutandia memphitica, 25 Cut-leaved geranium (Geranium dis- sectum), 64 Cut-leaved goosefoot (Roubieva multifida) , 41 Cut-leaved mignonette, white (Reseda alba), 72 Cut-leaved nightshade (Solanum triflorum) , 82, 84 Gynara Gardunculus (artichoke thistle), 96 Scolymus (artichoke), 96 Cynodon Dactylon (Bermuda grass), 6, 25 var. 7uaritimus, 25 Cynosurus cristatus (crested dogtail), 26 echinatus (dogtail grass), 26 Cyperus alternifoiius (papyrus),- 35 difformis, 35 esculentus (chufa), 34 rotundus (nutgrass), 8, 34 Cypselea humifusa (cypselea), 44 Gytisus canariensis , 58 monspessulanus (Spanish broom), 58 scoparlus (Scotch broom), 58 Dactylis glomerata (orchard grass), 26 Daisy, African (Arctotis stoechadifolia), 89 English (Bellis perennis), 89 false (Eclipta alba), 96 fleabane (Erigeron ramosus), 97 oxeye (Chrysanthemum Leucanthe- mum), 93 Dallis grass (Paspalum dilatatum), 30 Dandelion, common (Taraxacum vulgar e), 104 fall (Leontodon autumnalis) , 100 red-seeded (Taraxacum laevigatum), 104 Danthonia calif ornica (California oatgrass), 9 Darnel (Lolium temulentum) , 6, 14, 30 Datura ferox, 81 Stramonium ( Jimsonweed), 81 Tatula (purple thorn apple), 81 Daucus Carota (wild carrot), 7, 74 Dead nettle (Lamium amplexicaule) , 79 Desert saltbush (Atriplex polycarpa), 10, 11, 43 Dew plant (Mesembryanthemum cordi- folium), 4:4: Dichondra repens, 11 Digitalis purpurea (foxglove), 84 Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 119 Digitaria Tschaemum (smooth crabgrass), 20 sanguinalis (hairy crabgrass), 6, 26 Pill (Anethum graveolens), 73 Diplotaxis muralis (sand rocket), 53 tenuifolia (wall rocket), 52 Dipsacus fullonum (fuller's teasel), 7, 87 sylvestris (wild teasel), 88 Distaff thistle (Carthamus lanatus), 90 smooth (Carthamus nitidus), 90 Distichlis spicata (saltgrass), 11 Ditch beardgrass (Polypogon lutosus), 33 Dock, bitter (Rumex obtusif olius) , 38 curly {Rumex crispus) , 5, 6, 38 fiddle (Rumex pulcher) , 6, 38 green (Rumex conglomeratus) , 6, 38 Dodder, Chilean (Cuscuta racemosa var. chiliana), 77 small-seeded alfalfa (Cuscuta planiflora), 77 Dogtail, crested (Gynosurus cristatus), 26 Dogtail grass (Cynosurus echinatus) , 26 Dondia (seep weed), 10, 11 Doves-foot geranium (Geranium molle) , 64 Downy chess (Bromus teetotum, and B. tec- torum var. nudus) , 8, 14, 24 Draba verna (shad-flower), 53 Duchesnea indica (Indian strawberry), 57 Dusty miller (Senecio Cineraria) , 101 Dwarf mallow (Malva rotundifolia), 69 Dwarf pearlwort (Sagina apetala), 46 Dwarf peppergrass (Lepidium latipes), 12 Dwarf spurge (Euphorbia exigua) , 65 Dyer's rocket (Reseda Luteola), 72 Dyer's woad (Isatis tinctoria), 54 Echinochloa colona (jungle-rice), 26 Crusgalli (watergrass), 6, 26 Echium plantagineum (purple viper's- bugloss), 78 Eclipta alba (false daisy), 96 Eichomia crassipes (water hyacinth), 35 Eleusine indica (goosegrass), 27 Elymus Caput-Medusae (medusa-head), 27 triticoides (beardless wild-rye), 10, 11 Emex australis, 36 spinosa, 36 English daisy (Bellis perennis) , 89 Equisetum (horsetail), 14 Eragrostis Barrelieri, 27 cilianensis (stinkgrass), 27 Eragrostis, low (Eragrostis poaeoides), 27 Eragrostis pilosa B eauv. ( India lovegrass ) , 2 7 poaeoides Beauv. (low eragrostis), 27 Erechtites arguta (New Zealand fir eweed), 96 prenanthoides (Australian fireweed), 96 Erect plantain (Plantago erecta), 11, 12 Eremocarpus setigerus (turkey-mullein), 14 Erigeron annuus (annual fleabane), 97 canadensis (horseweed), 7, 97 linif olius (flax-leaved fleabane), 96 ramosus (daisy fleabane), 97 Eriochloa contracta (prairie cupgrass), 27 Erodium Botrys (broad-leaf filaree), 7, 13, 14, 62, 63, 64 cicutarium (red-stem filaree), 7, 13, 14, 21, 62, 63, 64 cygnorum, 62, 64 malachoides, 62, 64 moschalum (white-stem filaree), 7, 14, 62, 63, 64 Eruca sativa (garden rocket), 9, 53 Erysimum cheiranthoides (wormsend mus- tard), 5 3 rapandum (treacle mustard), r>:> Escobilla (Centaurea salmantica) , 90, 92 Eupatorium adenophorum (white thorough- wort), 97 Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge), 66 exigua (dwarf spurge), 65 helioscopia (water weed), 65 Lathyrus (caper spurge), 65 maculata (spotted spurge), 65 Peplus (petty spurge), 65 virgata, 9 European beachgrass (Ammophila aren- aria), 18 European moonwort (Lunaria annua), 55 European vervain (Verbena officinalis), 79 Evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa), 73 Evening primrose, Mexican (Oenothera speciosa var. Childsii) , 73 Fagopyrum esculentum (buckwheat), 36 Fall dandelion (Leontodon autumnalis) , 100 Fall panicum (Panicum dichotomiflorum) , 30 False daisy (Eclipta alba), 96 False flax, large-seeded (Camelina sativa) , 52 False flax, small-seeded (Camelina micro- carpa), 52 False oat, yellow (Trisetum flavescens) , 34 Feathertop (Pennisetum villosum) , 31 Fennel (Foeniculum vulgar e), 7, 75 Fern, bracken (Pteris aquilina and P. aquil- ina var. lanuginosa) , 14 Fescue, meadow (Festuca elatior), 8, 28 rat's-tail (Festuca Myuros), 6, 9, 10, 13, 27 six-weeks (Festuca octo flora), 12 Festuca dert onensis , 28 elatior (meadow fescue), 8, 28 Myuros (rat's-tail fescue), 6, 13, 27 octo flora (six- weeks fescue), 12 Feverfew (Chrysanthemum Parthenium), 93 Fiddle dock (Rumex pulcher), 6, 38 Field cress, Austrian (Radicula austriaca) , 3, 9, 55 Field madder (Sherardia arvensis) , 87 Filago gallica, 97 Filaree, broad-leaf (Erodium Botrys), 7, 11, 13, 14, 62 red-stem (Erodium cicutarium), 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 62 white-stem (Erodium moschatum) , 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 62 Fireweed, Australian (Erechtites pren- anthoides), 96 New Zealand (Erechtites arguta), 96 Five-hook bassia (Bassia hyssopifolia), 12, 39 Flax, large-seeded false (Camelina sativa) ,52 narrow-leaved (Linum angustifolium) , 61 small-seeded false (Camelina microcarpa) , 52 Flax-leaved fleabane (Erigeron linif olius),. 96 Flaxseed plantain (Plantago Psyllium) , 86 Fleabane, annual (Erigeron annuus), 97 daisy (Erigeron ramosus) , 97 flax-leaved (Erigeron linif olius), 96 Flixweed (Sisymbrium Sophia), 9, 56 Flower-of-an-hour (Hibiscus Trionum) , 68 Foeniculum vulgar e (fennel), 7, 75 Fog-fruit (Lippia lanceolata) , 78 120 University of California — Experiment Station Fog-weed (Atriplex expansa), 12 Forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica) , 78 Fountain grass (Pennisetum Ruppellii) , 31 Four-leaved all-seed (Polycarpon tctraphyl- lum), 46 Pour-seeded vetch (Vicia telrasperma), 61 Foxglove {Digitalis purpurea), 84 Foxtail, common (Hordeum murinum), 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28, 64 meadow (Alopecurus pratensis) , 18 Frankenia (alkali heath), 11 Franseria (burweed), 14 French tamarisk (Tamarix gallica) , 71 Fuller's teasel (Dipsacus fullonum), 7, 87 Fumaria officinalis (fumitory), 49 Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis), 49 Galinsoga (Galinsoga parviflora), 97 Galinsoga parviflora (galinsoga), 97 Galium Aparine (bedstraw), 87 Galium, corn (Galium tricorne), 87 Galium murale, 87 parisiense (wall galium), 87 tricorne (corn galium), 87 Galium, wall (Galium parisiense), 87 Garden balm (Melissa officinalis) , 79 Garden burnet (Sanguisorba minor), 57 Garden camomile (Anthemis nobilis), 88 Garden orache (Atriplex hortensis) , 38 Garden rocket (Eruca sativa), 9, 53 Garden stock (Matthiola incana) , 55 Garland chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum coronarium) , 92 Gastridium ventricosum (nitgrass), 28 Gaura sinuata (wavy-leaved gaura), 73 Gaura, wavy-leaved (Gaura sinuata), 73 Geranium, Carolina (Geranium carolini- anum), 64 Geranium carolinianum (Carolina gera- nium), 64 Geranium, cut-leaved (Geranium dissec- tum), 64 Geranium dissectum L. (cut-leaved gera- nium), 64 Geranium, doves-foot (Geranium molle) , 64 Geranium molle (doves-foot geranium), 64 pilosum (traveler's geranium), 65 jjyrenaicum, 65 sibiricum (Siberian crane's-bill), 65 Geranium, traveler's (Geranium pilosum), 65 German ivy (Senecio mikanoides) , 102 Glaucium flavum (yellow sea poppy), 49 Glinus lotoides, 44 Glycyrrhiza lepidota (wild licorice), 14 Gnaphalium collinum, 98 japonicum, 98 luteo-album, 97 spathulatum (spathulate cudweed), 97 Gnawed canary grass (Phalaris paradoxa var. praemorsa), 31 Goatgrass, barbed (Aegilops triuncialis) , 9, 16 jointed (Aegilops cylindrica), 16 ovate (Aegilops ovata), 16 Golden coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria), 95 Golden thistle (Scolymus hispanicus), 101 Golden-top (Lamarckia aurea) , 6, 29 Goosefoot, Australian (Chenopodium cari- natum), 40 cut-leaved (Roubieva multiflda) , 41 nettle-leaf (Chenopodium murale), 5, 6, 40, 41 red (Chenopodium rubrum) , 40, 41 Goosegrass (Eleusine indica), 27 Gorse (Vlex europaeus) , 8, 61 Grass, Bermuda (Cynodon Dactylon) , 4, 6, 25 canary (Phalaris canariensis) , 31 Carolina canary (Phalaris caroliniana) , 31 creeping velvet (Holcus mollis), 9, 28 Dallis (Paspalum dUatatum) , 30 dogtail (Cynosurus echinatus) , 26 fountain (Pennisetum Ruppellii) , 31 gnawed canary (Phalaris paradoxa var. praemorsa), 31 Harding (Phalaris tuberosa var. stenop- tera), 31 hare's-tail (Lagurus ovatus), 29 Johnson (Sorghum halepense), 4,8,33,34 kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) , 30, 31 large quaking (Briza maxima) , 22 Mediterranean canary (Phalaris minor) , 31 medium quaking (Briza media), 22 melic (Helica imperfecta), 11 Natal (Tricholaena rosea) , 34 orchard (Dactylis glomerata) , 26 rabbitfoot (Polypogon monspeliensis) , 6, 32 reed (Arundo Donax), 6, 18 rescue (Bromus catharticus) , 14, 22 Rhodes (Chloris Gay ana), 25 rice (Oryzopsis miliacea), 30 ripgut (Bromus rigidus and B. rigidus var. Gussonii), 6, 9, 10, 13, 23 short-spiked canary (Phalaris brachys- tachys), 31 sickle (Pholiurus incurvus), 9, 32 small quaking (Briza minor), 9, 22 squirrel-tail (Sitanion hystrix), 11, 19, 64 Vasey (Paspalum Urvillei), 30 velvet (Holcus lanatus) , 6, 9, 28 windmill (Chloris verticillata) , 25 Grassy starwort (Stellaria graminea) , 48 Great burdock (Arctium Lappa), 89 Green amaranth (Amaranthus hybridus) , 43, 44 Green bristlegrass (Setaria viridis), 9, 33 Green dock (Rumex conglomerate) , 6, 38 Ground ivy (Nepeta hederacea) , 80 Groundsel, common (S enecia vulgaris) , 8, 102 wood (Senecio sylvaticus), 101 Gutierrezia calif ornica (California match- weed), 11 Hairgrass, silver (Aira caryophyllea), 9, 17 Hairy bur marigold (Bidens pilosa), 7, 89 Hairy cat's-ear (Hypochoeris radicata), 8, 99 Hairy chess (Bromus commutatus), 22 Hairy crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis ) , 6, 26 Hairy-flowered bentgrass (Agrostis retro- fracta), 17 Hairy nightshade (Solanum villosum) , 82, 83 Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa), 61 Harding grass (Phalaris tuberosa var. stenoptera) , 31 Hare's ear mustard (Conringia orientalis) , 52 Hare's-tail grass (Lagurus ovatus), 29 Hawkbit, rough (Leontodon nudicaulis), 100 Hawksbeard, rough (Crepis vesicaria subsp. taraxacifolia), 95 Hawksbeard, smooth (Crepis capillaris) , 95 Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 121 Hedge bindweed (Convolvulus septum), 76, 77 Hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale), 56 Hedge nettle (Stachys arvensis), 81 Hedge parsley (Torilis nodosa), 7 Hedypnois cretica, 98 Helianthemum guttatum Miller, 72 Helianthus annuus (common sunflower), 98 ciliaris (Texas blueweed), 9, 86, 98 Heliotrope alkali (H eliotr opium curassavi- cum), 14 Heliotropium curassavicum (alkali helio- trope), 14 Helxine Soleirolii, 35 Hemlock, poison (Conium maculatum) , 7, 74 Hemp, common (Cannabis sativa), 4, 35 Herb mercury (Mercurialis annua), 66 Herniaria cinerea, 46 Heterotheca grandiflora (telegraph plant), 14 Hibiscus Trionum (flower-of-an-hour), 68 High mallow (Halva sylvestris), 69 Hoary cress (Hymenophysa pubescens, Lep- idium Draba, and L. Draba var. repens ) , 4, 13, 53, 54, 55, 89 Hoffmannseggia densiflora (pignut), 14 Hog millet (Panicum miliaceum) , 30 Holcus lanatus (velvet grass), 6, 28 mollis (creeping velvet grass), 9, 28 Honeysuckle, Japanese (Lonicera japonica) , ' 87 Hop clover (Trifolium procumbens) , 60 Hordeum Gussoneanum (Mediterranean barley), 8, 13, 28 murinum (common foxtail), 6, 13, 14, 28 Horehound (Marrubium vulgar e), 7, 79 Horse nettle, Carolina (Solanum caroli- nense), 83, 84 Horsetail (Equisetum), 14 Horseweed (Erigeron canadensis) , 7, 12, 97 Hottentot-fig (Mesembryanthemum edule), 44, 45 Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica), 61 Husk tomato (Physalis pubescens) , 72, 82 New Mexico (Physalis neomexicana) , Hyacinth, water (Eichornia crassipes) , 35 Hymenophysa pubescens (hoary cress), 9, 53 Hypericum perforatum (Klamath weed or St. Johnswort), 4, 8, 70, 71 Hypochoeris glabra (smooth cat's-ear), 7, 99 radicata (hairy cat's-ear), 8, 99 Iberian thistle (Centaurea iberica), 9, 90, 92 Ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallin- um), 44 India lovegrass (Eragrostis pilosa), 27 Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) , 51 Indian strawberry (Duchesnea indica) , 57 Ionopsidium acaule, 54 Ipomoea hirsutula, 77 purpurea (morning-glory), 77 Isatis tinctoria (dyer's woad), 54 Isocoma veneta var. vernonioides, 11, 12 Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), 5, 6, 14, 29 Italian thistle (Cirsium pycnocephalus) , 94 Iva axillaris (poverty weed), 14 Ivy, ground (Nepeta hederacea) , 80 Jackass clover (Wizlizenia refracta), 12, 49 Japanese chess (Bromus japonicus) , 23 Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japon- ica), 87 Jerusalem oak (Chenopodium Botrys), 6, 40, 41 Jimsonweed (Datura Stramonium), 81 Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense), 4, 8, 33, 34 Jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica), 16 Jointed wild radish (Raphanus Raphanis- trum), 56 Junegrass (Koeleria cristata), 11 Jungle-rice (Echinochloa colona), 26 Kallstroemia parviflora, 66 Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), 14, 32 Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) , 30, 31 Klamath weed (Hypericum perforatum) , 4, 8, 70, 71 Knapweed, Russian (Centaurea repens) , 4, 8, 90, 92 Knawel (Scleranthus annuus), 47 Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) , 6, 36, 37 long-fruited (Polygonum exsertum), 37 silver-sheathed (Polygonum argyroco- leon), 36 Koeleria cristata (Junegrass), 11 Kyllinga brevifolia, 35 Lactuca canadensis (tall lettuce), 99, 100 ludoviciana (western lettuce), 99, 100 saligna (willow lettuce), 99, 100 scariola (prickly lettuce), 8, 99, 100 scariola var. integrata (prickly lettuce), 8, 99, 100 virosa (acrid lettuce), 99, 100 Lady's mantle (Alchemilla arvensis), 57 Lady's thumb (Polygonum Persicaria) , 6, 37 Lagurus ovatus (hare's-tail grass), 29 Lamarckia aurea (golden-top), 6, 29 Lamb's-quarters (Chenopodium album), 5, 6, 15, 40 Lam.ium amplexicaule (dead nettle), 79 Lappula echinata (stickseed), 78 Lapsana communis (nipplewort), 100 Large quaking grass (Briza maxima), 22 Large-seeded false flax (Camelina sativa), 52 Larrea tridentata var. glutinosa (creosote bush), 11 Lastarriaea chilensis, 36 Lathyrus Aphaca, 59 Lavatera as surgenti .flora (tree mallow), 69 cretica (Cretan mallow), 69 Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), 9, 13, 66 Leonotis Leonurus (lion's ear), 79 Leontodon autumnalis (fall dandelion), 100 nudicaulis (rough hawkbit), 100 nudicaulis Rothii, 100 nudicaulis taraxicoides, 100 Lepidium campestre (poor-man's pepper), 55 Draba (hoary cress), 9, 54 Draba var. repens (hoary cress), 9, 55 latifolium (slender perennial pepper- grass), 55 latipes (dwarf peppergrass), 12 nitidum (common peppergrass), 11, 12 perfoliatum (shield cress), 55 pubescens (wayside peppergrass), 8, 54 ruderale (roadside peppergrass), 55 122 University op California — Experiment Station Lepturus cylindricus (thintail), 29 Lesser snapdragon (Antirrhinum Oron- Hum), 84 Lettuce, acrid (Lactuca virosa), 99, 100 prickly (Lactuca scariola), 8, 99 prickly (Lactuca scariola var. integrata) , 8, 99 tall (Lactuca canadensis) , 99, 100 western (Lactuca ludoviciana) , 99 willow (Lactuca saligna) , 99, 100 Licorice, wild (Glycyrrhiza lepidota), 14 Lily-of-the-valley vine (Salpichroa rhom- boidea), 9, 82 Limonium sinuatum, 76 Linaria Elatine (sharp-pointed toadflax), 84 reticulata var. aurea-purpurea, 84 spuria (rough-leaved toadflax), 84 vulgaris (butter-and-eggs), 84 Lindley's orache (Atriplex Lindleyi), 38 Linum angustifolium (narrow-leaved flax), 61 Lion's ear (Leonotis Leonurus) , 79 Lippia filiformis, 78 lanceolata (fog-fruit), 78 nodiflora (mat-grass), 78 Live oak, coast (Quercus agrifolia) , 11 Lolium multiflorum (Italian ryegrass), 6, 14, 29 perenne (perennial ryegrass), 6, 14, 29 subulatum (narrow-spiked ryegrass), 30 temulentum (darnel), 6, 14, 30 London rocket (Sisymbrium Irio), 9, 56 Long-fruited knotweed (Polygonum exsertum) , 37 Lonicera japonica (Japanese honeysuckle), 87 Lotus angustissimus, 59 Lovegrass, India (Eragrostis pilosa), 27 Low amaranth (Amaranthus deflexus), 43 Low eragrostis (Eragrostis poaeoides) , 27 Lunaria annua (European moonwort) , 55 Lycium chinense, 82 halimifolium (matrimony vine), 9, 81 Lycopsis arvensis (small bugloss), 78 Lysimachia Nummular ia (moneywort), 76 Lythrum tribracteatum, 72 Madder, field (Sherardia arvensis), 87 Madia elegans (common madia), 14 sativa (Chilean tarweed), 7, 100 Mallow, alkali (Sida hederacea) , 14 bristly (Modiola caroliniana) , 70 bull (Malva borealis), 69 country (Abutilon indicum), 68 Cretan (Lavatera cretica) , 69 dwarf (Malva rotundifolia) , 69 high (Malva sylvestris) , 69 tree (Lavatera assurgentiftora) , 69 Malva borealis (bull mallow), 69 parviflora (cheese-weed), 7, 69 pusilla, 69 rotundifolia (dwarf mallow), 69 sylvestris (high mallow), 69 Marigold, hairy bur (Bidens pilosa), 7, 89 Marihuana (Cannabis sativa), 35 Maritime beardgrass (Polypogon muri- timus), 33 Marrubium vulgar e (horehound), 7, 79 Match weed, California (Gutierrezia calx- fornica), 11 Mat-grass (Lippia nodiflora), 78 Matrimony vine (Lycium halimifolium) , 9 , 81 Matthiola incana (garden stock), 55 Mayweed (Anthemis Cotula), 7, 88 Meadow fescue (Festuca elatior), 8, 28 Meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis), 18 Meadow salsify (Tragopogon pratensis) , 104 Meadowgrass, spreading (Puccinellia dis- lans), 33 Medicago apiculata, 59 arabica (spotted medick), 59 hispida (bur clover), 7, 13, 14, 59 hispida var. denticulata (California bur clover), 59 lupulina (black medick), 7, 59 saliva (alfalfa), 60 Medick, black (Medicago lupulina), 7, 59 spotted (Medicago arabica), 59 Mediterranean barley (Hordeum Gussonea- num), 8, 9, 10, 13, 28 Mediterranean canary grass (Phalaris minor), 31 Medium quaking grass (Briza media), 22 Medusa-head (Elymus Caput-Medusae) , 13, 27 Melampodium perfoliatum, 100 Melic grass (Melica imperfecta) , 11 Melica imperfecta (melic grass), 11 Melilotus alba (white sweetclover, Bokhara clover), 7, 60 indica (annual yellow sweetclover), 7, 60 officinalis (yellow sweetclover), 60 Melissa officinalis (garden balm), 79 Mentha citrata (bergamot mint), 79 piperita (peppermint), 80 Pulegium (pennyroyal), 80 rotundifolia (round-leaf mint), 80 spicata (spearmint), 80 Mercurialis annua (herb mercury), 66 Mercury, herb (Mercurialis annua), 66 Mesembryanthemum aequilaterale (sea- fig), 44 cordifolium (dew plant), 44 crystallinum (ice plant), 44 edule (Hottentot-fig), 44, 45 nodifforum, 44 pugioniforme, 44 Mexican evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa var. Ghildsii), 73 Mexican tea (Cheno'podium ambrosioides) , 6, 40, 41 Mexican tea, Chilean (Chenopodium va- gans), 40, 41 Mignonette, common (Reseda odorafa), 72 white cut-leaved (Reseda alba), 72 yellow (Reseda lutea), 72 Milk thistle (Silybum Marianum) , 7, 102 Millet, hog (Panicum miliaceum) , 30 Mint, bergamot (Mentha citrata), 79 Modiola caroliniana (bristly mallow), 70 Mollugo Cerviana, 45 verticillata (carpet-weed), 6, 45 Moluccella laevis (shell-flower), 80 Moneywort (Lysimachia Nummularia), 76 Moonwort, European (Lunaria annua), 55 Morning-glory (Ipomoea purpurea), 77 small-flowered, wild (Convolvulus penta- petaloides), 76, 77 wild (Convolvulus arvensis), 7, 76 Moth mullein (Yerbascum Blaltaria) , 7, 85 Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 123 Mouse-ear chickweed, annual (Cerastium viseosum) , 7, 46 perennial {Cerastium vulgatum) , 7, 46 Muhlenbergia asperifolia (scratchgrass), 10 Mule-ears (Wyethia), 19 Mullein, common (Yerbascum Thapsus), 7, 85 moth (Verbascum Blattaria), 7, 85 virgate (Verbascum virgatum) , 85 Mustard, black (Brassica nigra), 5, 7, 11, 50, 51, 100 common yellow (Brassica campestris) , 7, 11, 50 hare's ear (Conringia orientalis) , 52 hedge (Sisymbrium officinale), 56 Indian (Brassica juncea), 51 short-podded (Brassica incana), 50 treacle (Erysimum rapandum,) , 53 tumbling (Sisymbrium altissimum), 9, 56 white (Brassica alba), 50 wild (Brassica arvensis) , 7, 11, 50 wormseed (Erysimum cheiranthoides) , 53 Myosotis sylvatica (forget-me-not), 78 versicolor (yellow and blue scorpion- grass), 78 Napa thistle (Centaur ea melitensis) , 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 90, 91 Narrow-leaved flax (Linum angustifolium) , 61 Narrow-spiked ryegrass (Lolium subula- tum), 30 Natal grass (Tricholaena rosea), 34 Needle-and-thread (Stipa comata), 10, 11 Needlegrass, purple (Stipa pulchra), 11 Nepeta Cataria (catnip), 80 hederacea (ground ivy), 80 Nettle, Carolina horse (Solanum caroli- nense), 83, 84 dead (Lamium ample xicaule) , 79 hedge (Stachys arvensis) , 81 small (Urtica urens), 6, 36 white horse (Solanum elaeagnifolium) , 8, 13, 82, 83 Nettle-leaf goosefoot (Chenopodium murale) , 5, 6, 40, 41 New Mexico husk tomato (Physalis neo- mexicana), 82 New Zealand fireweed (Erechtites arguta), 96 New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia expansa), 45 Nicotiana glauca (tree tobacco), 82 Night-blooming catchfly (Silene noctiflora) , 47 Nightshade, black (Solanum nigrum), 5, 7, 82, 83 cut-leaved (Solanum triflorum), 82, 84 hairy (Solanum villosum), 82, 83 viscid (Solanum sisymbriifolium) , 82, 84 Nipplewort (Lapsana communis) , 100 Nitgrass (Castridium ventricosum) , 28 Nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus), 8, 34 Oak, blue (Quercus Douglasii), 10 coast live (Quercus a grifolia), 11 Jerusalem (Chenopodium Botrys), 6, 40, 41 valley (Quercus lobata) , 11 Oat, cultivated (Avena sativa), 14, 21 slender (Avena barbata), 13, 14, 21 wild (Avena fatua), 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 64 yellow false (Trisetum flavescens) , 34 Oatgrass, California (Danthonia calif or- nica), 9 tall (Arrhenatherum elatius), 14, 18 Oenothera speciosa (evening primrose), 73 speciosa var. Childsii (Mexican evening primrose), 73 Orache, garden (Atriplex hortensis) , 38 Lindley's (Atriplex Bindley i), 38 Orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata) , 26 Oryzopsis miliacea (rice grass), 30 Ovate goatgrass (Aegilops ovata), 16 Oxalis cernua (Bermuda buttercup), 9, 62 corniculata var. atropurpurea (yellow oxalis), 7, 62 hirta, 62 laxa, 62 stricta (upright yellow oxalis), 62 Oxalis, upright yellow (Oxalis stricta), 62 yellow (Oxalis corniculata) , 5, 7, 62 Oxeye daisy (Chrysanthemum Leucanthe- mum), 93 Oxtongue, bristly (Picris echioides) , 8, 101 Pale smartweed (Polygonum lapathifo- Hum), 37 Panicum capillare (witchgrass), 6, 30 dichotomiflorum (fall panicum), 30 Panicum, fall (Panicum dichotomiflorum) , 30 Panicum miliaceum (hog millet), 30 Papyrus (Cyperus alternifolius) , 35 Parentucellia viscosa, 85 Paronychia franciscana (whitlow- wort), 46 Parsley, hedge (Torilis nodosa), 7 Parsnip, wild (Pastinaca sativa), 7, 75 Paspalum dilata>tum (Dallis grass), 30 TJrvillei (Vasey grass), 30 Passiflora incarnata (passion-flower), 72 Passion-flower (Passiflora incarnata) , 72 Pastinaca sativa (wild parsnip), 7, 75 Pearlwort, dwarf (Sagina apetala) , 46 Pelargonium clandestinum, 65 zonule, 65 Pennisetum clandestinum (Kikuyu grass), 30 Buppellii (fountain grass), 31 villosum (feathertop), 31 Pennsylvania smartweed (Polygonum pennsylvanicum) , 37 Penny cress (Thlaspi arvense), 57 Pennyroyal (Mentha Pule gium) , 80 Pepper, Peruvian (Schinus Molle), 68 poor-man's (Lepidium campestre) , 55 Peppergrass, common (Lepidium nitidum), 11, 12 dwarf (Lepidium latipes) , 12 roadside (Lepidium ruderale), 55 slender, perennial (Lepidium latifo- lium), 55 wayside (Lepidium pubescens), 8, 54 Peppermint (Mentha piperita) , 80 Perennial mouse-ear chickweed (Cerastium vulgatum) , 7, 46 Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), 6, 14, 29 Perennial sow thistle (Sonchus arvensis), 8, 103 124 University of California — Experiment Station Periwinkle (Vinca major), 76 Peruvian pepper (Schinus Molle), 68 Petty spurge (Euphorbia Peplus), 65 Phalaris brachystachys (short-spiked canary grass), 31 canariensis (canary grass), 31 caroliniana (Carolina canary grass), 31 minor (Mediterranean canary grass), 31 paradoxa var. praemorsa (gnawed canary grass), 31 tuberosa var. stenoptera (Harding grass), 31 (timothy), 32 Pholiurus incurvus (sickle grass), 9, 32 Physalis ixocarpa (tomatillo), 7, 82 neomexicana (New Mexico husk tomato), 72, 82 pubescens (husk tomato), 72, 82 Phytolacca decandra (pokeweed), 44 Pickleweed (Allenrolfea), 11, 12 Picris echioides (bristly oxtongue), 8, 101 Pignut (Hoffmannseggia densiflora), 14 Pigweed, prostrate (Amaranthus blitoides), 6, 43 rough (Amaranthus retro flexus) , 5, 6, 43 tumbling (Amaranthus graecizans) , 6, 43, 44 Pimpernel, blue (Anagallis arvensis var. coerulea), 75 red (Anagallis arvensis), 5, 7, 75 Pine bluegrass (Poa scabrella), 11 Pine, yellow (Pinus ponderosa) , 10 Pink, windmill (Silene gallica), 5, 7, 47 Pinus ponderosa (yellow pine), 10 Plantago arenaria (sand plantain), 86, 87 Coronopus (crowfoot plantain), 86 erecta (erect plantain), 11, 12 lanceolata (buckhorn plantain), 7, 86 major (common plantain), 7, 86 Psyllium (flaxseed plantain), 86 pusilla (slender plantain), 86, 87 Plantain, buckhorn (Plantago lanceolata) , 7, 9, 86 common (Plantago major), 7, 86 crowfoot (Plantago Coronopus), 86 erect (Plantago erecta), 11, 12 flaxseed (Plantago Psyllium), 86 sand (Plantago arenaria), 86, 87 slender (Plantago pusilla), 86, 87 Poa annua (annual bluegrass), 6, 14, 32 compressa (Canada bluegrass), 14, 32 pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), 14, 32 scabrella (pine bluegrass), 11 trivialis (rough bluegrass), 32 Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) , 7, 74 Pokeweed (Phytolacca decandra) , 44 Polycarpon tetraphyllum (four-leaved all- seed), 46 Polygonum argyrocoleon (silver-sheathed knotweed), 36 aviculare (knotweed), 6, 37 Convolvulus (black bindweed), 6, 37 exsertum (long-fruited knotweed), 37 lapathifolium (pale smartweed), 37 pennsylvanicum (Pennsylvania smart- weed), 37 Persicaria (lady's thumb), 6, 37 Sieboldii (Siebold's smartweed), 37 Polypogon lutosus (ditch beardgrass), 33 maritimus (maritime beardgrass), 33 monspeliensis (rabbitfoot grass), 6, 32 Pondweed, curled-leaved (Potamogeton crispus), 16 Poor-man's pepper (Lepidium campestre) , 55 Poppy, yellow sea (Glaucium flavum), 49 Portulaca oleracea (purslane), 6, 45 Potamogeton crispus (curled-leaved pond- weed), 16 Poverty weed (Iva axillaris), 14 Prairie cupgrass (Eriochloa contracta) , 27 Prickly lettuce (Lactuca scariola) , 8, 99 Prickly sow thistle (Sonchus asper), 5, 7, 103 Primrose, evening (Oenothera speciosa) , 73 Mexican evening (Oenothera speciosa var. Childsii), 73 Proboscidea louisiana (unicorn plant), 86 Prostrate pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides), 6, 43 Prunella vulgaris (selfheal), 7, 80 vulgaris var. lanceolata, 80 Pteris aquilina var. lanuginosa (bracken fern), 14, 68 Puccinellia distans (spreading meadow- grass), 33 maritirna, 33 Puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris), 4, 8, 66, 67 Purple needlegrass (Stipa pulchra), 11 Purple ragwort (Senecio elegans), 101 Purple star thistle (Centaur ea Calcitrapa) , 8, 90, 91 Purple thorn apple (Datura Tatula), 81 Purple vetch (Vicia atropurpurea) , 61 Purple viper's-bugloss (Echium plantagin- eum), 78 Purslane (Portulaca oleracea), 6, 45 Quackgrass (Agropyron repens), 13, 17 Quaking grass, large (Briza maxima), 22 medium (Briza media), 22 small (Briza minor), 9, 22 Quercus agrifolia (coast live oak), 11 Douglasii (blue oak) 10 lobata (valley oak), 11 Rabbitfoot grass (Polypogon monspeliensis), 6, 32 Radicula austriaca (Austrian field cress), 9, 55 Radish, jointed wild (Raphanus Caphanis- trum), 56 wild (Raphanus sativus), 5, 7, 56 Ragweed, western (Ambrosia psilostachy a), 14 Ragwort, purple (Senecio elegans), 101 tansy (Senecio Jacobaea), 101 Ranunculus arvensis (corn crowfoot), 48 bulbosus (bulbous buttercup), 48 muricatus (spiny-fruited crowfoot), 48 repens (creeping buttercup), 7, 48 Rape (Brassica Napus), 51 Raphanus Raphanistrum (jointed wild radish), 56 sativus (wild radish), 7, 56 Rapistrum rugosum, 56 Rat's-tail fescue (Festuca Myuros) , 6, 9, 10, 13, 27 Rattlesnake chess (Bromus brizaeformis) , 14, 22 Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 125 Red brome (Bromus rubens), 10, 11, 12, 24 Red clover (Trifolium pratense), 60 Red goosef oot (Chcnopodium rubrum), 40,41 Red pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) , 5, 7, 75 Red valerian (Centranthus ruber), 88 Red-seeded dandelion (Taraxacum laevi- gatum), 104 Red-stem filaree (Er odium cicutarium) , 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 62 Redscale (Atriplex rosea), 39 Redtop (Agrostis alba), 14, 17 Reed grass (Arundo Donax), 6, 18 Rescue grass (Bromus catharticus) , 14, 22 Reseda alba (white cut-leaved mignonette) , 72 lutea (yellow mignonette), 72 Luteola (dyer's rocket), 72 odorata (common mignonette), 72 Rhodes grass (Chloris Gayana), 25 Rice grass (Oryzopsis miliacea) , 30 Ricinus communis (castor bean), 66 Ripgut grass (Bromus rigidus and B. rigidus var. Gussonii), 6, 9, 10, 13, 23 Roadside peppergrass (Lepidium ruderale), 55 Rocket, dyer's (Reseda Luteola), 72 garden (Eruca sativa), 9, 53 London (Sisymbrium Irio), 9, 56 sand (Diplotaxis muralis), 53 wall (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) , 52 Rosa rubiginosa (sweet briar), 57 Roubieva multifida (cut-leaved goosefoot), 41 Rough bluegrass (Poa trivialis), 32 Rough comfrey (Symphytum asperrimum), 78 Rough hawkbit (Leontodon nudicaulis) , 100 Rough hawksbeard (Crepis vesicaria subsp. taraxacifolia) , 95 Rough pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) , 5, 6, 43 Rough-leaved toadflax (Linaria spuria), 84 Round-leaf mint (Mentha rotundifolia) , 80 Rudbeckia hirta (black-eyed Susan), 101 Rue, common (Ruta graveolens), 67 Rumex Acetosella (sheep sorrel), 6, 38 conglomerates (green dock), 6, 38 crispus (curly dock), 6, 38 obtusifolius (bitter dock), 38 pulcher (fiddle dock), 6, 38 Rushlike wheatgrass (Agropyron jun- ceum), 17 Russian knapweed (Centaur ea repens), 4, 8, 90, 92 Russian thistle (Salsola Kali var. tenuifolia) , 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 41, 42 Ruta chalpensis, 67 graveolens (common rue), 67 Ryegrass, Italian (Lolium multiflorum) , 5, 6, 14, 29 narrow-spiked (Lolium subulatum) , 30 perennial (Lolium perenne), 6, 14, 29 Sacaton, alkali (Sporobolus airoides), 10 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius), 90 Sagina apetala (dwarf pearlwort), 46 Sagittaria montevidensis (arrowhead), 16 St. Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum) , 4, 8, 70, 71 Salpichroa rhomboidea (lily-of-the-valley vine), 9, 82 Salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius) , 104 Salsify, black (Scorzonera hispanica) , 101 meadow (Tragopogon pratensis) , 104 Salsola Kali var. tenuifolia (Russian thistle), 8, 41 Saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) , 10, 11, 12, 14 Saltbush, Australian (Atriplex semibac- cata), 39 desert (Atriplex polycarpa) , 10, 11, 43 Sandbur, 15 Sand plantain (Plantago arenaria), 86, 87 Sand rocket (Diplotaxis muralis), 53 Sand spurry (Spergularia rubra var. per en- nans), 47 Sandwort (Arenaria serpyllifolia), 45 Sanguisorba minor (garden burnet), 57 Saponaria officinalis (bouncing bet), 46 Scabiosa (Scabiosa stellata), 88 Scabiosa atropurpurea (sweet scabious), 88 stellata (scabiosa), 88 Scandix Pecten-veneris (shepherd's needle) , 8 Schinus Molle (Peruvian pepper), 68 Schismus barbatus, 33 Scleranthus annuus (knawel), 47 Scolymus hispanicus (golden thistle), 101 Scorpion-grass, yellow and blue (Myosotis versicolor) , 78 Scorzonera hispanica (black salsify), 101 Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) , 58 Scratchgrass (Huhlenbergia asperifolia), 10 Sea poppy, yellow (Glaucium flavum), 49 Sea-fig (Mesembryanthemum aequilaterale) , 44 Seepweed (Dondia), 11, 12 Selfheal (Prunella vulgaris) , 7, 80 Senecio Cineraria (dusty miller), 101 elegans (purple ragwort), 101 Jacobaea (tansy ragwort), 101 Mikanoides (German ivy), 102 sylvaticus (wood groundsel), 101 vulgaris (common groundsel), 8, 102 Setaria glauca, 86 lutescens (yellow bristlegrass), 6, 33 verticillata (bur bristlegrass), 33 viridis (green bristlegrass), 9, 33 Shad-flower (Draba verna), 53 Shamrock (Trifolium dubium), 60 Sharp-leaved crypsis (Crypsis aculeata), 25 Sharp-pointed toadflax (Linaria Elatine), 84 Sheep sorrel (Rumex Acetosella) , 6, 9, 38 Shell-flower (Molucella laevis), 80 Shepherd's needle (Scandix Pecten-veneris) , 8 Shepherd's purse (Capsella Bursa-pastoris) , 7, 52 Sherardia arvensis (field madder), 87 Shield cress (Lepidium perfoliatum), 55 Short-podded mustard (Brassica incana) , 50 Short-spiked canary grass (Phalaris brachy- stachys), 31 Siberian crane's-bill (Geranium sibiricum), 65 Sicilian thistle (Centaurea sicula) , 9, 90, 92 Sickle grass (Pholiurus incurvus), 9, 32 Sida hederacea (alkali mallow), 14 Siebold's smartweed (Polygonum Sieboldii) , 37 Silene antirrhina (sleepy catchfly), 47 gallica (windmill pink), 7, 47 latifolia (bladder campion), 47 noctiflora (night-blooming catchfly), 47 Silver hairgrass (Air a caryophyllea) , 9, 17 126 University of California — Experiment Station Silver sheathed knotweed {Polygonum argy- rocoleon), 36 Silybum Marianum. (milk thistle), 7, 102 Sisymbrium altissimum (tumbling mus- tard), 9, 56 Irio (London rocket), 9, 56 officinale (hedge mustard), 7, 56 Sophia (flixweed), 9, 56 Thalianum (thale cress), 57 Sitanion hystrix (squirrel-tail grass), 11 Six-weeks fescue (Festuca octoflora), 12 Sleepy catchfly (Silene antirrhina) , 47 Slender oat (Avena barbata), 13, 14, 21 Slender perennial peppergrass (Lepidium latifolium) , 55 Slender plantain (Plantago pusilla) , 86, 87 Slender sow thistle (Sonchus tenerrimus) , 103 Small alyssum (Alyssum alyssoides), 49 Small bugloss (Lycopsis arvensis), 78 Small nettle (Urtica urens), 6, 36 Small quaking grass (Briza minor), 9, 22 Small-flowered tamarisk (Tamarix parvi- flora), 72 Small-flowered wild morning-glory (Convol- vulus pentapetaloides) , 76, 77 Small-seeded alfalfa dodder (Cuscuta plani- flora), 77 Small-seeded false flax (Camelina micro- car pa), 52 Smartweed, pale (Polygonum lapathifo- lium) , 37 Pennsylvania (Polygonum pennsylvani- cum), 37 Siebold's (Polygonum Sieboldii) , 37 Smooth brome (Bromus inermis), 14, 22 Smooth cat's-ear (Hyporhoeris glabra), 7, 9, 10, 99 Smooth crabgrass (Digitaria Ischaemum) , 26 Smooth distaff thistle (Carthamus nitidus) ,90 Smooth hawksbeard (Crepis capillaris), 95 Snapdragon, lesser (Antirrhinum Oron- tium), 84 Soft chess (Bromus mollis), 8, 9, 14, 19, 22, 23, 64 Solanum carolinense (Carolina horse nettle), 83, 84 elaeagnifolium (white horse nettle), 8, 82, 83 nigrum (black nightshade) 7, 82, 83 rostratum (buffalo bur), 8, 82, 83 sisymbriifolium (viscid nightshade) , 82, 84 triflorum (cut-leaved nightshade), 82, 84 villosum (hairy nightshade) 82, 83 Soliva sessilis, 102 Sonchus arvensis (perennial sow thistle), 8, 103 asper (prickly sow thistle), 7, 103 oleraceus (common sow thistle), 103 tenerrimus (slender sow thistle), 103 Sorghum halepense (Johnson grass), 8, 33 Sorrel, sheep (Rumex Acetosella) , 6, 9, 38 Sow thistle, common (Sonchus oleraceus), 103 perennial (Sonchus arvensis), 8, 103 prickly (Sonchus asper), 5, 7, 103 slender (Sonchus tenerrimus) , 103 Spanish broom (Cytisus monspessulanus) , 58 Spatulate cudweed (Gnaphalium spathu- latum), 97 Spearmint (Mentha spicata), 80 Speedwell, Byzantine (Veronica Buxbaumii) , 86 corn (Veronica arvensis) , 85 Spergula arvensis (corn spurry), 7, 47 S per gularia rubra var. perennans (sand spurry), 47 Spikeweed, common (Crnfromadia pun- gens), 12, 14 Spinach, New Zealand (Tetragonia ex- pansa), 45 Spinescale (Atriplex spinifera), 11 Spiny clotbur (Xanthium spinosum) , 7, 13, 105 Spiny-fruited crowfoot (Ranunculus muri- catus), 48 Sporobolus airoides (alkali sacaton), 10 Spotted medick (Medicago arabica), 59 Spotted spurge (Euphorbia maculata) , 65 Spreading meadowgrass (Puccinellia dis- tans), 33 Spring thistle (Cirsium fontinale), 94 Spurge, caper (Euphorbia Lathyrus) , 65 dwarf (Euphorbia exigua), 65 leafy (Euphorbia esula), 9, 13, 66 petty (Euphorbia Peplus), 65 spotted (Euphorbia maculata) , 65 Spurry, corn (Spergula arvensis), 7, 47 sand (Spergularia rubra var. perennans) , 47 Squirrel-tail grass (Sitanion hystrix), 11, 19, 64 Stachys arvensis (hedge nettle), 81 Star thistle, purple (Centaur ea Calcitrapa) , 8, 90, 91 yellow (Centaurea solstitialis) , &1 , 90, 91 Starwort, grassy (Stellaria graminea), 48 Stellaria graminea (grassy starwort), 48 media (common chickweed), 7, 47 Stickseed (Lappula echinata), 78 Stinkgrass (Eragrostis cilianensis) , 27 Stipa comata (needle-and-thread), 10, 11 pulchra (purple needlegrass), 11 Stock, garden (Matthiola incana), 55 Strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum), 60 Strawberry, Indian (Duchesnea indica) , 57 Sunflower, common (Helianthus annuus), 12, 98 Sweet alyssum (Alyssum maritimum) , 50 Sweet scabious (Scabiosa atropurpurea) , 88 Sweet vernal grass (Anthoxanthum odor- atum), 18 Sweetbriar (Rosa rubiginosa) , 57 Sweetclover, annual yellow (Melilotus in- dica), 5, 7, 60 white (Melilotus alba), 7, 60 yellow (Melilotus officinalis) , 5, 60 Swine cress (Coronopus procumbens), 52 Symphytum asperrimum (rough comfrey), 78 Syrian bean caper (Zygophyllum Fabago var. br achy car pa) , 67 Tagetes minuta, 103 Tall lettuce (Lactuca canadensis), 99, 100 Tall oatgrass (Arrhenatherum elatius), 14, 18 Tamarisk, French (Tamarix gallica), 71 small-flowered (Tamarix parviflora) , 72 Tamarix gallica (French tamarisk), 71 parviflora (small-flowered tamarisk), 72 Tanacetum, vulgar e (tansy), 103 Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), 103 Bul. 637] Alien Plants Growing without Cultivation 127 Tansy ragwort (Senecio Jacobaea), 101 Taraxacum laevigatum (red-seeded dande- lion), 104 vulgar? (common dandelion), 104 Tarweed, Chilean (Madia sativa) , 5, 7, 100 Tea, Chilean (Chenopodium vagans), 40, 41 Mexican (Chenopodium ambrosioides), 6, 40, 41 Teasel, wild (Dipsacus sylvestris), 88 fuller's (Dipsacus fullonum), 7, 87 Telegraph plant (Heterotheca grandiflora) ,14 Tetragonia expansa (New Zealand spinach), 45 Texas blueweed (Helianthus ciliaris), 9, 13, 86, 98 Thale cress (Sisymbrium Thalianum) , 57 Thintail (Lepturus cylindricus), 29 Thistle, artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) , 4, 13, 96 blessed (Cnicus benedictus), 95 bull (Cirsium lanceolatum), 7, 94 Canada (Cirsium arvense), 7, 13, 93 common sow (Sonchus oleraceus) , 103 distaff (Carthamus lanatus) , 90 golden (Scolymus his p aniens ) , 101 Iberian (Centaurea iberica), 9, 90, 92 Italian (Cirsium pycnocephalus), 94 milk (Silybum. Harianum) , 7, 102 Napa (Centaurea melitensis) , 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 90, 91 perennial sow (Sonchus arvensis) , 8, 103 prickly sow (Sonchus asper) , 5, 7, 103 purple star (Centaurea Calcitrapa) , 8, 90, 91 Russian (Salsola Kali var. tenuifolia) , 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 41, 42 Sicilian (Centaurea sicida), 9, 90, 92 smooth distaff (Carthamus nitidus) , 90 spring (Cirsimn fontinale) , 94 yellow star (Centaurea solstitialis) , 4, 7, 90, 91 Thlaspi arvense (penny cress), 57 Thorn, apple, purple (Datura Tatula), 81 Thoroughwort, white (Eupatorium adeno- phorum), 97 Timothy (Phleum pratense) , 32 Tiny vetch (Vicia hirsuta), 61 Toadflax, rough-leaved (Linaria spuria), 84 sharp-pointed (Linaria Elatine) , 84 Tobacco, tree (Nicotiana glauca), 82 Tomatillo (Physalis ixocarpa), 5, 7, 82 Tomato, husk (Physalis pubescens), 72, 82 New Mexico husk (Physalis neomexicana) , 72, 82 Toothpick weed (Ammi Visnaga), 73 Torilis nodosa (hedge parsley), 7 Tragopogon dubius, 104 porrifolius (salsify), 104 pratensis (meadow salsify), 104 Traveler's geranium (Geranium piiosum), 65 Treacle mustard (Erysimum rapandum), 53 Tree mallow (Lavatera assurgentiflora) , 69 Tree tobacco (Nicotiana glauca), 82 Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) , 67, 68 Tribulus terrestris (puncture vine), 8, 66 Tricholaena rosea (Natal grass), 34 Trichostema lanceolatum (vinegar weed), 11 Tricolor chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum carinatum), 92 Trifolium dubium (shamrock), 60 fragiferum (strawberry clover), 60 hybridum (alsikc clover), 60 incamatum (crimson clover), 60 procumbens (hop clover), 00 pratense (red clover), 60 repens (white clover), 60 Trisetum flavescens (yellow false oat), 34 Tumbling mustard (Sisymbrium altissi- mum), 9, 56 Tumbling pigweed (Amaranthus graecizans) , 6, 43, 44 Tunica prolifera, 48 Turkey-mullein (Eremocarpus setigerus) , 14 TJlex europaeus (gorse), 8, 61 Unicorn plant (Proboscidea louisiana), 86 Uprightchess (Bromus racemosus) , 6, 9, 10, 24 Upright yellow oxalis (Oxalis stricta), 62 Urtica urens (small nettle), 6, 36 Vaccaria vulgaris (cow cockle), 48 Valerian, red (Centranthus ruber), 88 Yalerianella carinata, 88 olitoria (corn salad), 88 Valley oak (Quercus lobata), 11 Vasey grass (Paspalum TJrvillei), 30 Velezia rigida, 48 Velvet grass (Holcus lanatus), 6, 9, 28 Velvet grass, creeping (Holcus mollis), 9, 28 Velvetleaf (Abutilon Theophrasti) , 68 Verbascum Blattaria (moth mullein), 7, 85 Thapsus (common mullein), 7, 85 virgatum (virgate mullein), 85 Verbena bonariensis, 9, 78 hastata (blue vervain), 79 litoralis, 79 officinalis (European vervain), 79 Verbesina encelioides var. exauriculata (crownbeard), 105 Vernal grass, sweet (Anthoxanthum odor- atum), 18 Veronica arvensis (corn speedwell), 85 Buxbaumii (Byzantine speedwell), 86 Vervain, blue (Verbena hastata), 79 European (Verbena officinalis) , 79 Vetch, bird (Vicia Cracca), 61 common (Vicia sativa), 7, 61 four-seeded (Vicia tetrasperma) , 61 hairy (Vicia villosa), 61 purple (Vicia atropur pur ea) , 61 tiny (Vicia hirsuta), 61 Vicia atropur pur ea (purple vetch), 61 Cracca (bird vetch), 61 Faba (broad bean), 61 hirsuta (tiny vetch), 61 pannonica (Hungarian vetch), 61 sativa (common vetch), 7, 61 tetrasperma (four-seeded vetch), 61 villosa (hairy vetch), 61 Vinca major (periwinkle), 76 Vinegar weed (Trichostema lanceolatum), 11 Viper's-bugloss, purple (Echium planta- gineum), 78 Virgate mullein (Verbascum virgatum) , 85 Viscid nightshade (Solanum sisymbriifo- lium), 82, 84 Wall galium (Galium parisiense), 87 Wall rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) , 52 128 University of California — Experiment Station Wart cress (Coronopus didymus), 52 Water bent (Agrostis verticillata), 17 Water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) , 35 Water weed {Euphorbia helioscopia) , 65 Watergrass (Echinochloa Crusgulli) , 6, 26 Wavy-leaved gaura (Gaura sinuata), 73 Wayside peppergrass (Lepidium pubescens) , 8, 54 Western lettuce (Lactuca ludoviciana) , 99 Western ragweed ( Ambrosia psilostachy a) ,14 Wheatgrass, rushlike (Agropyron junceum), 17 White clover (Trifolium repens), 60 White cut-leaved mignonette (Reseda alba), 72 White horse nettle (Solanum elaeagnifo- lium), 8, 13, 82, 83 White mustard (Brassica alba), 50 White sweetclover (Melilotus alba), 7, 60 White thoroughwort (Eupatorium adeno- phorum), 97 White-stem filaree (Erodium moschatum) , 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 62 Whitlow-wort (Paronychia franciscana) , 46 Wild beet (Beta maritima) , 40 Wild carrot (Daucus Carota), 5, 7, 74 Wild licorice (Glycyrrhiza lepidota), 14 Wild morning-glory (Convolvulus arvensis), 4, 7, 76 .Wild mustard (Brassica arvensis), 7, 11, 50 Wild oat (Avena fatua), 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 64 Wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) , 7, 75 Wild radish (Raphanus sativus), 5, 7, 56 Wild teasel (Dipsacus sylvestris), 88 Wild-rye, beardless (Elymus triticoides) , 10, 11 Willow lettuce (Lactuca saligna) , 99, 100 Windmill grass (Chloris verticillata) , 25 Windmill pink (Silene gallica), 5, 7, 47 Witchgrass (Panicum capillare), 6, 30 Wizlizenia refracta (jackass clover), 49 Wood groundsel (Senecio sylvaticus) , 101 Wormseed (Chenopodium anthelmintic um) , 40 Wormseed mustard (Erysimum cheiran- thoides), 53 Wormwood, biennial (Artemisia biennis), 89 Wyethia (mule-ears), 19 Xanthium canadense (cocklebur), 7, spinosum (spiny clotbur), 7, 105 strumarium, 105 105 Yellow and blue scorpion-grass (Myosotis versicolor) , 78 Yellow bristlegrass (Setaria lutescens) , 6, 33 Yellow false oat (Trisetum flavescens) , 34 Yellow mignonette (Reseda lutea), 72 Yellow mustard, common (Brassica campes- tris), 7, 11, 50 Yellow oxalis (Oxalis corniculata) , 5, 7, 62, 93 upright (Oxalis stricta) , 62 Yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa) , 10 Yellow sea poppy (Glaucium flavum), 49 Yellow star thistle (Centaur ea solstitialis), 4, 7, 90, 91 Yellow sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis) , 5, 60 Yellow sweetclover, annual (Melilotus in- dica), 5, 7, 60 Zygophyllum Fabago var. brachycarpa (Syr ian bean caper), 67 15m-12, '40(5471)