HILDEGARDES HARVEST BY- LAURA- E RICHARDS EDDC1TIOH IIBB. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Education GIFT OF Louise Farrow Barr HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. EDUCATION LIBBi " Queen Hildegarde " Series. By Laura E* Richards, HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. Thej^/jfA volume of the Hildegarde Series. Illustrated with eight full-page cuts. Square i6mo, cloth, $1.25. A new volume in the " Hildegarde" series, some of the best and most deservedly popular books for girls issued in recent years. This new volume is fully equal to its predecessors in point of interest, and is sure to renew the popularity of the entire series. HILDEGARDE'S NEIGHBORS. Fourth volume. Illustrated from original designs. Illus- trated by L. J. Bridgman. Square i6mo, cloth, $1.25. HILDEGARDE'S HOME. Third volume. Illustrated with original designs by Merrill. Square i6mo, cloth, $1.25. HILDEGARDE'S HOLIDAY. Second volume. Illustrated with full-page plates by Cope- land. Square i6mo, cloth, $1.25. QUEEN HILDEGARDE. First volume. Illustrated from original designs by Garrett (292 pp.). Square i6mo, cloth, $1.25. "We would like to see the sensible, heroine-loving girl in her early teens who would not like this book. Not to Tike it would simply argue a screw loose somewhere." Boston Post. THE HILDEGARDE SERIES. as above. 5 vols., square i6mo, put up in a neat box, $6.25. *** Next to Miss Alcott's famous " LITTLE WOMEN " series they easily rank, and no books that have appeared in recent times may be more safely put into the hands of a bright, intelli- gent girl than these five "Queen Hildegarde " books. Estcs & Lauriat, Publishers, Boston* HILDEGARDE DANCED THE VIRGINIA REEL WITH THE COLONEL." EDUC.- HlLDEGARDE'S HARVEST BY LAURA E. RICHARDS AUTHOR OF "CAPTAIN JANUARY," " HlLDEGARDE'S NEIGHBOURS," "QUEEN HILDEGARDE," ETC. CUustratrt BOSTON DANA ESTES & COMPANY PUBLISHERS Copyright, 1897, BY ESTES AND LAUKIAT, Education Colonial Electrotyped and Printed by C. H. Simonds & Co. Boston, Mass., U.S.A. CONTENTS. CHAPTER 317 PAGE I. THE MORNING MAIL ... II. THE CHRISTMAS DRAWER . 21 III. AUNT EMILY . .41 IV. GREETINGS . . . 59 V. AT THE EXCHANGE . 73 VI. MORE GREETINGS . 96 VII. MERRY WEATHER SIGNS . - 117 VIII. CHRISTMASING . 137 IX. AN EVENING HOUR . 162 X. DIE EDLE MUSICA ... .176 XI. THE BOYS .... .196 XII. JIMMY'S POND . . 217 XIII. MERRY CHRISTMAS . 238 XIV. BELLEROPHON . . 257 XV. AT LAST . 279 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE " HlLDEGARDE DANCED THE VIRGINIA REEL WITH THE COLONEL " Frontispiece BELL'S LETTER 14 "MRS. DELANSING SCRUTINISED HER AS SHE CAME THROUGH THE LONG ROOM " . . . .50 " ' HlLDEGARDE GRAHAME, IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT'S WONDERFUL ! '" 91 " ' CONSIDER THE BEAUTY OF YOUR OFFSPRING ' " . 140 DlE EDLE MUSICA 177 ON JIMMY'S POND 223 " A LITTLE FIGURE . . . STOOD OUT CLEAR AGAINST THE DARK FIRS " . 274 HILDEGAKDE'S HARVEST. CHAPTER I. THE MORNING MAIL. HILDEGARDE was walking home from the village, whither she had gone to get the mail. She usually rode the three miles on her bicycle, but she had met a tack on the road the day before, and must now wait a day or two till the injured tire could be mended. Save for missing the sensation of flying, which she found one of the most delightful things in the world, she was hardly sorry to have the walk. One could not see so much from the wheel, unless one rode slowly; and Hildegarde could not ride slowly, the joy of flying was too great. It was good to look at 10 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. everything as she went along, to recognise the knots on the trees, and stop for a friendly word with any young sapling that looked as if it needed encouragement. Also, the leaves had fallen, and what could be pleasanter than to walk through them, stirring them up, and hear- ing the crisp, clean crackle of them under her feet? Also, and this was the most potent reason, after all, she could read her letters as she walked, and she had good letters to-day. The first that she opened was addressed in a round, childish hand to " Mis' Hilda," the " Grahame " being added in a different hand. The letter itself was written in pencil, and read as follows : "MY DEER, " I hop you are well. I am well. Aunt Wealthy is well. Martha is well. Dokta jonSon is well; these are all the peple that is well. Germya has the roomatiks so bad he sase he thinks he is gon this time for sure. I don't think he is gon, he has had them wers before. Aunt Wealthy gave me a bantim cock and hens, his nam is Goliath of Gath, and there nams is Buty and Topknot. The children has gon away from Joyus Gard; they were all well and they went home to scool. I miss them ; I go to scool, but I don't lik it, THE MORNING MAIL. 11 but I am gone to have tee with Mista Peny pakr tonite, Aunt Wealthy sade I mite. He has made a new hous and it is nise. " So goodbi from " BENNY." Hildegarde laughed a good deal over this letter, and then wiped away a tear or two that certainly had no business in her happy eyes. " Dear little Benny ! " she said. " Dear little boy ! But when is the precious lamb going to learn to spell ? This is really dreadful ! I suppose ' Germya ' is Jeremiah, though it looks more like some new kind of porridge. And Mr. Pennypacker with a new house! This is astonishing ! I must see what Cousin Wealthy says about it." The next letter, bearing the same postmark, of Bywood, and written in a delicate and tremu- lous hand, was from Miss Bond herself. It told Hildegarde in detail the news that Benny had outlined ; described the happy departure of the children, who had spent their convales- cence at the pleasant summer home, all rosy- cheeked, and shouting over the joy they had had. Then she went on to dilate on the won- 12 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. derful qualities of her adopted son Benny, who, it appeared, was making progress in every branch of education. "I may be prejudiced, my dear," the good old lady wrote, "but I am bound to say that Martha agrees with me in thinking him a most remarkable child." Miss Bond further told of the event of the neighbourhood, the building of Mr. Galusha Pennypacker's new house. The neighbourhood of so many little children, his friendship with Benny, "but more than all, his remembrance of you, my dear Hildegarde," had, it appeared, wrought a marvellous change in the old hermit. The kindly neighbours had met him half-way in his advances, and were full of good-will and helpfulness ; and when, by good fortune, his miserable old shanty had burned down one summer night, the whole neighbourhood had turned out and built him a snug cottage which would keep him comfortable for the rest of his days. " Mr. Pennypacker came here yesterday to invite Benny to drink tea with him (I employ the current expression, my THE MORNING MAIL. 13 dear, though of course the child drinks nothing but milk at his tender age; I have always considered tea a beverage for the aged, or those who are not robust), and in the course of conversation, he begged me most earnestly to convey to you the assurance that, in his opinion, the comfort which sur- rounds his later days is owing entirely to you. His actual expression, though not refined, was forcible, and Martha thinks you would like to hear it: " ' I was a-livin' a hog's life, an' I should ha' died a hog's death if it hadn't been for that gal.' " I trust your dear mother will not think it coarse to have repeated these words. There is something in the very men- tion of swine that is repugnant to ears polite, but Martha was of the opinion that you would prefer to have the message in his own words. And I am bound to say that Galusha Pennypacker, though undoubtedly an eccentric, is a thoroughly well-intentioned person." " Dear Cousin Wealthy ! " said Hildegarde, as she folded the delicate sheet and put it back into its pearl-gray envelope with the silver seal. " It must have cost her an effort to repeat Mr. Penny packer's words. Poor old man ! I am glad he is comfortable. I must send him a little box at Christmas, some little things to trim up his new house and prettify it. Oh ! and now, Bell, now for your letter ! I have kept it for the last, my dear, as if it 14 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. were raisins or chocolate, only it is better than either." The fat square envelope that she now opened contained several sheets of paper, closely cov- ered, every page filled from top to bottom with a small, firm handwriting, but no line of cross- ing. The Merryweathers were not allowed to cross their letters, under penalty of being con- demned to write entirely on postal cards. Let us peep over Hildegarde's shoulder, and see what Bell has to say. " DEAREST HILDEGARDE : " It is two full weeks since I have written, and I am ashamed ; but it is simply because they have been full weeks, very full! There is so much to tell you, I hardly know where to begin. A week ago to-night our play came off, ' The Mouse Trap.' It went beautifully, not a hitch any- where, though we had only had five rehearsals. I was Willis, as I told you. I wore my ulster without the cape, and really looked quite masculine, I think. I had a curly, dark-brown wig (my hair tucked down my neck, it didn't show at all !) and the prettiest little moustache ! Marion Wilson was Amy, and she screamed most delightfully. In fact, they all screamed in such a natural and heartfelt way, that some of the ladies in the audience seemed to feel quite uncomfortable, and I am sure I saw Madame Mirabelle tuck her skirts close BELL S LETTER. THE MORNING MAIL. 15 around her feet, and put her feet up on the bench in front of her. Well, we all did our best, though Clarice Hamrrfond was the best ; she is a born actress ! and the audience was very cordial, and we were called before the curtain five times ; and altogether it was a great success. I enclose a flower from a bouquet that was thrown at me. It was a beauty, and it struck me right on the head. I thought it was for Clarice, and was going to hand it to her, but somebody in the audi- ence cried out, < Why don't you speak for yourself, Willis ? ' and everybody laughed, and they said it was really for me, so I kept it, and was pleased and proud. I have pressed two or three flowers in my blue-print book, with the pictures of the play. I am going to send you some as soon as I can print some more. The girls snatched all the first batch, so that I have not a single one left. " Let me see ! What comes next ? Oh, next you must hear about my surprise party. I was in my room one evening, grinding hard at my Greek (do you think your mother would object to grinding ? ' It is such old, respectable college slang, mamma allows it once in a while), when I heard whispering and giggling in the hall outside. I don't mind telling you, my dear, that my heart sank, for I had a good lot of Pindar to do, and there is no sense in shirking one's lessons. But I went to the door with as good a grace as I could, and there was our dear Gerty, and Clara Lyndon, and three or four other girls from Miss Russell's school. They said they had double permission, from Miss Russell at that end, and Mrs. Tower at this, to come and give me a surprise party ; and here they were, and they were coming in whether I liked it or not. 16 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. Of course I did like it after the first minute, for they were all so dear and jolly. They had borrowed chairs as they came along through the hall, and one had her pocket full of spoons, and another had a basket, oh, but I am getting on too fast. Well, Gerty and I sat on the bed, and the others on the chairs, and we chattered away, and I heard all the school news. Then presently Mabel Norton opened a basket, and took out oh, Hilda! the most beautiful, beautiful rose-bush, simply covered with blossoms. It was for me, with a card from Miss Russell and the whole school ; and when I asked what it all meant, why, it seems that this was the anniversary of the day last year when I pulled a little girl out of the river, down near the mill-dam. It was the simplest thing in the world to do, for any one who was strong and knew how to tread water ; but these dear people had remembered the date, and had done this lovely thing to well, Hilda, I didn't cry that evening, but somehow I want to now, when I come to tell you about it. You will understand ! It is so lovely to have such dear, kind friends, that I cannot help it. Well, then out of another basket came a most wonderful cream tart, with my initials on it in caramel, and a whole lot, dozens and dozens, of the little sponge-cakes that I am so fond of. They cannot make them anywhere in the world, I think, except at Miss Russell's, and dear good Miss Gary, the housekeeper, remembered that I was fond of them. Oh, and a huge box of marshmallows ; and we all knew what that meant. Marshmallows are the what shall I say ? the un- official emblem of Miss Russell's school; and soon two or three were toasting over the gas on hat-pins, and I was cut- THE MOKNING MAIL. IT ting the tart, and Gerty was handing round the sponge- cakes, and we were all as happy as possible. I ran and asked the girls along the hall to come in, and as many of them did come as could get in the 4 door, and the rest sat in a semicircle on the floor in the hall, and we sang every- thing we could think of. All of a sudden we heard a knock- ing at the window. I ran and looked out, and there was something hanging and bobbing against the glass. I opened the window, and drew in a basket, full of all kinds of things, oranges and bananas and candy, with a card, Compliments of the Third Floor ! ' So of course I was running up to thank them, and say how sorry we were that there was not room for them, when I almost ran plump into Mrs. Tower, who was coming along the entry, very stately and superb. She had heard all about it, and she came to say that, if we liked, we might dance for half an hour in the parlour. You can imagine no, you cannot, for you never were at college ! the wild rush down those stairs. We called the third floor (they are mostly freshmen), and they came careering down like a herd of ponies ; and the first floor came out of their studies when they heard the music, and we had the wildest, merriest, most enchanting dance for just half an hour. Then it was hurry-scurry off, for Miss Russell's girls were on the very edge of their time allowance, and had to run most of the way home (it is only a very little way, and one of the maids had come with them, and waited for them). And we all thanked Mrs. Tower as prettily as we knew how, and she said pleasant things, and then some of the girls helped me to take back the chairs and straighten things up generally. So the great 18 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. frolic was over, and most delightful it was ; but, my dear, I had to get up at five o'clock to finish my Greek next morning, and the ground floor was not much better off with its phi- losophy. And now there are no more gaieties, for the exam- inations are on,' and we must buckle to our work in good earnest. I don't expect to have much trouble, as I have kept up pretty well ; but there is enough for any one to do, no matter how well up she is. So this is the last letter you will have, my dear, before the happy day that brings us all out to the beloved Pumpkin House. Oh, what a glorious time we shall have, all together once more ! Roger is still out West, but hopes to get back -for the last part of the holidays, at least; and Phil's and Jerry's vacation begins two days before Gerty's and mine. Altogether, the prospect is en- chanting, and one of the very best parts of it is the seeing you again, dear Hilda. Only three weeks more! Gerty paints a star on her screen for every day that is gone. Funny little Gerty ! Give my love to your mother, please, and be- lieve me always, dear Hilda, " Your affectionate " ISABEL MERRYWEATHER." Hildegarde gave a half-sigh, as she finished this letter, and walked N on in silence, thinking many things. Bell's life seemed very free and full and joyous; it suited her exactly, the strong, sensible, merry girl ; and oh, how much she was learning ! This letter said little about studies, THE MORNING MAIL. 19 but Hildegarde knew from former ones how much faithful work was going on, and how firm a foundation of scholarship and thorough- ness her friend was laying. " Whereas I," she said aloud, " am as igno- rant as a hedge-sparrow." As she spoke, a sparrow hopped upon a twig close by her, and cocked his bright eye at her expressively. " I beg your pardon ! " said Hildegarde, hum- bly. " No doubt you are right, and I am a hundred times more ignorant. I could not even imagine how to build a nest ; but neither can you crack a nut ask Mr. Emerson ! or play the piano." The sparrow chirped defiance, flirted his tail saucily, and was gone. " And all girls cannot be students ! " said Hil- degarde, stopping to address a young maple that looked strong-minded. " Everybody cannot go to college ; there must be some who are to be just girls, plain girls, and stay at home. As for a girl going to college when there is only herself to to help make a home 20 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. why, she might as well be Nero, and done with it." She nodded at the maple-tree, as if she had settled it entirely, and walked on more quickly ; the cloud it was a slight one, but still a cloud vanished from her brow, leaving it clear and sunny. " The place one is in," she said, " is the place to be happy in. Of course I do miss them all ; of course I do ! but if ever any girl ought to be thankful on her knees all day long for blessings and happinesses, Hildegarde Grahame, why, you know who she is, and that she does not spell her name Tompkins." CHAPTER II. THE CHRISTMAS DRAWER. CHRISTMAS was coming. Christmas was only three weeks off. Oh, how the time was flying ! " How shall I ever get ready ? " cried Hilde- garde, quickening her pace as she spoke, as if the holiday season were chasing her along the road. " One is always busy, of course ; but it does seem as if I were going to be about five times as busy as I ever was before. Naturally ! there are so many more people that I want to make presents for. Last Christmas, there was Mam- mina, and Col. Ferrers and Hugh, and the box to send to Jack, dear Jack ! and Auntie, and Mrs. Lankton and the children, and, well, of course, Cousin Wealthy and Benny, and all the dear people at Bywood, why, there were a good many, after all, weren't there ? But now I have all my Merryweathers hi addition, you 22 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. see. Of course I needn't give anything to the boys, or to any of them, for that matter, but I do want to, so very much ; if only there were a little more time ! I will go up this min- ute, if Mammina does not want me, and look over my drawer. I really haven't looked at it thoroughly, that is for three days ! Hilda Grahame, what a goose you are ! " By this time she had arrived at Braeside, the pretty house where she and her mother passed their happy, quiet life. Running lightly up the steps, and into the house, the girl peeped into the sitting-room and parlour, and finding both empty, went on up the stairs. She paused to listen at her mother's door ; there was no sound from within, and Hildegarde hoped that her mother was sleeping off the headache, which had made the morning heavy for her. Kiss- ing her hand to the door, she went on to her own room, which always greeted her as a friend, no matter how many times a day she entered it. She looked round at books and pictures with a little sigh of contentment, and sank down for a moment in the low rocking-chair. "Just to THE CHRISTMAS DRAWER. 23 breathe, you know ! " she said. " One must breathe to live." Involuntarily her hand moved towards the low table close by, on which lay a tempting pile of books. Just one chapter of " The Fortunes of Nigel," while she was get- ting her breath ? " No," she said, replying to herself with sever- ity, " nothing of the kind. You can rest just as well while you are looking over the drawer. I am surprised, or rather, I wish I were sur- prised at you, Hilda Grahame. You are a hard case ! " Exchanging a glance of mutual sympathy and understanding with Sir Walter Scott, who looked down on her benignly from the wall, Hildegarde now drew her chair up beside a tall chest of drawers, and proceeded to open the lowest drawer, which was as deep and wide as the whole of some modern bureaus. It was half filled with small objects, which she now took out one by one, looking them over care- fully before laying them back. First came a small table-cover of heavy buff linen, beautifully embroidered with nasturtiums in the brilliant 24 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. natural colors. It was really a thing of beauty, and the girl looked at it first with natural pride, then went over it carefully, examining the work- manship of each bud and blossom. " It will pass muster ! " she said, finally. " It is well done, if I do say it ; the Beloved Per- fecter will be satisfied, I think." This was for her mother, of course ; and she laid it back, rolled smoothly round a pasteboard tube, and covered with white tissue paper, be- fore she went on to another article. Next came a shawl, like an elaborate collection of snow- flakes that had flitted together, yet kept their exquisite shapes of star and wheel and triangle. Cousin Wealthy would be pleased with this ! Hildegarde felt the same pleasant assurance of success. " There ought to be a bit of pearl- coloured satin ribbon somewhere ! Oh, here it is ! A bit of ribbon gives a finish that nothing else can. There ! now that is ready, and that makes two. Now, Benny, my blessed lamb, where are you?" She drew out a truly splendid scrap-book, bound in heavy cardboard, and marked " Benny's THE CHRISTMAS DRAWER. 25 Book/' with many flourishes and curlicues. Within were pictures of every imaginable kind, the coloured ones on white, the black and white on scarlet cardboard. Under every picture was a legend in Hildegarde's hand, in prose or verse. For example, under a fine portrait of an impos- ing black cat was written : " Is this Benny's pillow-cat ? No ! it is not half so fat ! No ! it is not half so fair, So it mews in sad despair, Feeling that it has not any Chance for to belong to Benny." Hildegarde had spent many loving hours over this book ; her verses were not remarkable, but Benny would like them none the less for that, she thought, and she laid the book back with a contented mind. Then there was a noble apron for Martha, with more pockets than any one else in the world could use ; and a pin- cushion for Mrs. Brett, and a carved tobacco- stopper for Jeremiah. Beside the tobacco-stopper lay a pipe, also carved neatly, and Hildegarde took this up with a sigh. " I don't like to part 26 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. with it ! " she said. " Papa brought it from Berne, all those years ago, and I am so used to it ; but after all, I am not likely to smoke a pipe, even if I have succumbed to the bicycle, and I do want to send some little thing to dear Mr. Hartley. Dear old soul ! how I should like to see him and Marm Lucy ! We really must make a pilgrimage to Hartley's Glen next sum- mer, if it is a possible thing. Marm Lucy will like this little blue jug, I know. We have the same taste in blue jugs, and she will not care a bit about its only costing fifteen cents. Ah ! if everything one wanted to buy cost fifteen cents, one would not be so distracted ; but I do want to get ' Robin Hood ' for Hugh, and where am I to get the three dollars, I ask you?" She addressed William the Silent ; the hero drew her attention, in his quiet way, to his own sober dress and simple ruff, and seemed to think that Hugh would be just as well off with- out the record of a ruffling knave who wore Lincoln green, and was not particular how he came by it. THE CHRISTMAS DRAWER. 27 " Ah ! but that is all you know, dear sir ! " said Hildegarde. " We all have our limitations, and if you had only known Robin, you would see how right I am." And then Hildegarde fell a-dreaming, and imagined a tea-party that she might give, to which should come William of Orange and Robin Hood, Alan Breck Stuart and Jim Hawkins. " And who else ? let me see ! Hugh, of course, and Jack, if he were here, and the boys and and Captain Roger; only I am afraid he would think it nonsense. But Bell would love it, and I would invite Dundee, just to show her how wrong she is about him. And oh, none of the King Arthur knights, because they had no sense of humour, and Alan would be at their throats in five minutes ; but why, I have left out David Balfour himself, Roger would love David, anyhow, and Robin might bring Little John and Will Scarlet and Allan- a-Dale. We would have tea out on the veranda, of course, and Auntie would make one of her wonderful chicken pies, and 28 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. I would ask Robin whether it was not just as good as a venison pasty. Alan would have his hand at his sword, ready to leap up if it was denied ; but jolly Robin would make me a courtly bow, and say with his own merry smile Come in! oh! what is it?" Rudely awakened from her pleasant dream by a knock at the door, Hildegarde looked -up, half expecting to see one of her heroes standing cap in hand before her. Instead, there stood, ducking and sidling, the Widow Lankton. " How do you do, Mrs. Lankton ? " said Hildegarde, with an effort. It was a sudden change, indeed, from Robin Hood and Alan Breck, to this forlorn little body, with her dingy black dress and crumpled bonnet ; but Hildegarde tried to " look pleasant," and waited patiently for the outpouring that she knew she must expect. " 6r0o raced across the lawn and through the hedged and were soon in Hildegarde's room. Bell looked round her with a sigh, half admira- tion, half regret. " Hilda, there is no room but this ! " she said. " How do you make it so so well, your own portrait in a way ? If I were to be shown into this room in the furthest corner of the Soudan CHR1STMASING. 153 I should say, ' And is Hildegarde in, or shall I wait for her?'" Hildegarde laughed, and looked about her, her eyes resting lovingly on this or the other treasure of picture or book. " Dear room ! " she said. " I am glad you like it, for I love it very much. And if it looks like j> me " You must be pretty good-looking ! " cried Gertrude. " Is that what you were going to say, Hilda?" " No, you absurd child, it was not. But well, girls, of course it is different when people have two or three places, in town and country, and move about as you do, to and from school and college, and all that. But this, you see, is my home, my only home and abiding-place ; and so my own things grow to be very real to me, and very much a part of my life. I suppose that is it. I know you will understand what I mean, Bell whenever I go out of this room, it seems as if one part of me stayed here, and was ready to greet me when I came back. But that is enough about me," she added, lightly. 154 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. " Here is the box ! Now we shall see how nicely all Bell's prettinesses will fit into the corners ! " This is Mamma's present for Cousin Ursula. A nice, fat down puff, for her feet in winter ; it is very cold there, and she is not strong, poor dear. And I trimmed this hat for Mary, the daughter. Rather pretty, do you think ? " " Rather pretty ! " cried both girls. " Hilda, it is a perfect beauty ! Oh, how did you learn to do these things ? Will you trim all our hats for us, for the rest of our lives ? " " I should be delighted," said Hildegarde, laughing. " I learned all I know from my mother. She is clever, if you will. I cannot compare with her in skill. Yet I was once offered a position as assistant to a milliner. These things underneath are things we have worn, but they are all good." " This has never been worn ! " exclaimed Bell, lifting a pretty gray silk blouse, trimmed with knots of cherry-coloured ribbon. " This is just out of the box, Hildegarde. Oh, what a pretty, dainty thing ! " Hildegarde laughed. " I am proud of that ! " CHRISTMASING. 155 she said. " I made that out of an old under- skirt of Mamma's. Yes, I did ! " as the girls exclaimed with one accord. " It was good silk to begin with, you see. I washed it, and pressed it, and made it up on the other side ; and it really does look very nice, I think. The ribbon is some that Mamma had had put away ever since the last time they wore cherry colour, twenty- five years, she says. Lovely ribbon ! Well, and I knew that Mary, the daughter, is just my age, so I had to ' run for luck,' and make it to fit me. I do hope she will like it ! " " Like it ! " exclaimed Bell. " If she does not like it, she deserves to wear brown gingham all her life. It is as pretty a blouse as I ever saw." " What is the matter with brown gingham ? " asked Hildegarde. " One of my pet dresses, a year or two, was a brown gingham." " Oh, but not like our brown gingham ! " said Bell. " You see well, it is treasonable, I know, Gerty, but Hildegarde is almost like our- selves. You see, our blessed Mammy (this was long ago, when Toots was a baby, and the boys still in kilts) got tired of all our clothes, and 156 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. felt as if she could not bear to think about them for a while. So she got a whole piece of brown check gingham, forty mortal yards, and had it all made up into clothes for us. Oh, dear ! Shall I ever forget those clothes ? It was a small check, rather coarse, stout gingham, be- cause she thought that would wear better than the Scotch. It did ! I had four frocks of it, and the boys each had three kilt suits, and even the baby wore brown slips. You cannot remem- ber it, Toots?" Gertrude shook her head. " I remember the effect on the family mind," she said, laughing. "Yes," said Bell. "I don't know whether you have ever noticed, Hildegarde, that none of us ever wear brown ? Well, we never do ! Pater will never see it. He did not realise for some time what had been done. But one day, oh, you ought to hear the Mammy tell about this ! I can't begin to make it as funny as she does. One day he came home, and the twinnies were playing in the front yard. He stood and looked at them for a while. CHRISTMASING. 157 " ' Are you making mud pies, boys ? ' " ' No, Papa ! ' " ' Then why have you on these clothes ? ' " The boys didn't know much about their clothes ; he looked at them a little more, and then he came into the house. There was I, in my brown gingham, playing with my doll. " ' Great Caesar ! ' says Papa. ' Here's an- other ! Been making mud pies, Pussy ? ' " ' No, Papa ! I am playing with my dolly/ " ' Do you get dirty, playing with your dolly ? ' " ' Why, no, Papa ! ' " ' Then why do you wear such things as this?' " I was just going to tell him that ' this ' was the dress I was wearing every day and all day, when dear Mammy came out of the sitting-room with the baby. And, Hilda, the baby wore a brown gingham slip, and Mammy had on a long, brown gingham apron. " ' Napoleon Bonaparte ! ' said Papa. ' Here's two more of 'em.' Then he sat down on the stairs, and looked from one to the other. Then he went to the door and called the boys ; and he 158 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. took us all into the sitting-room, and stood us in a row, and sat and looked at us. " ' Miranda,' he said, ' What have you been doing here ? ' " ' Doing, my dear Miles ? ' said Mamma. ' What should I have been doing ? Dressing baby after her afternoon nap, to be sure.' " ' Dressing her ! ' says Pater. ' Dressing her ! ' Then he broke off, Mammy says, and put his hand to his forehead, as if he were in a kind of dream. " ' Miranda,' he said, ' I have been greatly occupied for the last few weeks, and have not fully realised what was going on. I have been dimly aware that, when I came home, the whole world seemed to turn brown and dingy. At first I thought it was the weather; then I thought it was the condition of business ; at last I began to think that my sight must be failing, and cataracts forming, or something of the kind, so that I could see nothing without a brownish tinge over it. Now, I I realise what the matter is ; and I ask what what is this stuff in which my family is masquerading ? ' CHRISTMASING. 159 " ' Masquerading, Miles ? I don't understand you. This is brown gingham, a most excellent material, inexpensive, durable, and neat. I bought forty yards of it, so that the children might all be dressed alike, and without all this fuss and expense of different materials. You know you said we must economise this summer, andl- " ' Yes/ said Pater. < Yes, I understand now. Miranda, you are a good woman, but you have your limitations.' " He would not say another word, but went off into the garden to smoke. We forgot all about what he said, all but Mammy, and she thought he would get used to the brown gingham in time, and, anyhow, she had meant to do the best, dear darling. " Hildegarde, the next morning, when we all came to dress, our clothes were gone." " Gone ! " repeated Hildegarde. " Gone, vanished ; frock and kilt, slip and apron. Not an atom of brown gingham was to be found in the house. And the rest of the piece, which Mammy had meant to make into a gown 160 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. for herself, was gone, too. Mammy looked everywhere, but in a few minutes she understood how it was. She didn't say a word, but just put on our old dresses, such as were left of them. They were pretty well outworn and out- grown, but we were glad to get into them. We hardly knew how we had hated the brown ging- ham ourselves, till we got out of it. Well, that day there came from one of the big shops a box of clothes ; an enormous box, big as a packing- case. Oh ! dresses and dresses, frocks and pina- fores and kilts, everything you can imagine, and all in the brightest colours, pink and blue, yel- low and green, a perfect flower-garden. White ones, too, three or four apiece ; and the prettiest slips for Baby, and a lovely flowered silk for Mammy. You can imagine how I danced with joy ; the boys were delighted, too, and as for old Nursey, she beamed all over like an Irish sun. When Papa came home that afternoon, we were all dressed up, the boys in little white sailor suits, I in a ruffled pink frock, and Mammy and Baby most lovely in white and flowers. He looked us all over again. ' Ha ! ' he said, CHRISTMASING. 161 ' once more I have a family, and not a shoal of mud-fish. Thank you, my dear.' And none of us has ever worn brown since that day, Hilde- garde." " Poor, dear Mrs. Merry weather ! " cried Hilde- garde, laughing. " I think it was pretty cruel, all the same. And did you ever find the brown gingham ? " " Oh, that was naughty ! " cried Gertrude. " He buried it all in the back garden. That was truly naughty of Papa. Mammy found them there a week after, when she was setting out the asters. They were all neatly laid in a box, and buried quite deep down. But Mammy took them up, and sent them to the Orphans' Home. Dear Mammy ! " CHAPTER IX. AN EVENING HOUR. "AND what shall we play this evening?" asked Mrs. Merry weather. Hildegarde and her mother had been taking tea at Pumpkin House. Hugh was there, too, and now Colonel Ferrers had come in, so the cheerful party was nearly complete. " If we only had Roger and Papa ! " sighed Bell. " Nothing seems just right without the whole clan together." " We shall have them soon," said her mother. " Meanwhile let us be merry, and honour their name. It is too soon after tea for charades, I suppose. Why not try the Alphabet Stories ? " " Alphabet Stories ? " repeated Hildegarde. " Is that a new game ? I don't seem to remem- ber it." " Brand-new ! " cried Gerald. " Mater in- AN EVENING HOUR. 163 vented it one evening, to keep us quiet when Pater had a headache. Jolly good game, too. Tell Hildegarde one or two of yours, Mater, to show how it's played." " Let me see ! Can " I remember any ? Oh, yes, here is one ! Listen, Hilda, and you will catch the idea at once. This is called ' The Actions of Alcibiades : ' Alcibiades, brilliant, careless, dashing, engaging fop, guarded Hellas in jeopardy, king-like led many nobles on. Pouncing quite rashly, stole (though unduly, violently wailing) Xerxes' s young zebra. " That is the story. You see, it must have twenty-six words, no more, no less ; each word beginning with a successive letter of the alpha- bet." "Oh! delightful! enchanting!" cried Hilde- garde. " Mammina, this is the very game for you and me. We have been longing for a new one, ever since we played ' Encyclopaedics ' to death. Tell us another, please, Mrs. Merry- weather ! " " Let me see ! Oh, but they are not all mine ! Bell made some of the best ones. I will give 164 HILDEGARDE'S HARVEST. you another, though. This is ' A Spanish Ser- enade.' Andalusian bowers, castanets, dances, enraptured Figaro. Gallant hidalgo, infuriately jealous, kittenish lady, made nocturnal orisons. ' Peri ! Queen ! Star ! ' Then, under veiled win- dows, Ximena yielded. Zounds ! " " That is extremely connotative ! " said Mrs. Grahame. " This really is an excellent game. Colonel Ferrers, shall we enter the list ? " " Not I, my dear madam. Curls my brain up into bow-knots, I assure you. Clever people, word-plays, that sort of thing always floors me completely. Delightful, you understand ! I en- joy it immensely, if I may be allowed to play the listener. Let us hear some more, hey? 6 Alcibiades ' hum, ha ! How did that go ? Quite a ring to it, hey?" " I have one," said Bell ; " but it is a good deal like Mammy's Spanish one. Still, perhaps it will pass. It is called ' An Elopement.' Ar- bitrary barber, charming daughter, engaging foreigner, graceful, handsome, insinuating. Jeal- ously kept lady. Midnight nuptials ; opposing parent. Questing, raged savage tonsor, ' Un- AN EVENING HOUR. 165 grateful ! Vamosed with Xenophon Young ? Zooks ! ' " " Oh, but that is a beauty ! " cried Hildegarde. " Where do you get your X's and Z's ? I cannot think of one." "There aren't many," said Bell. "And I rather fear we have used them all up. Try, though, Hilda, if you can make one. I am sure you can." " Give me a few minutes. I am at work, but, oh, I must have pencil and paper. How do you keep them in order in your head ? " " Habeo ! Habeo ! " cried Gerald, who had had his head buried in a sofa-pillow for the past few minutes. " Through all the flash of words I have maintained the integrity of mine intellect." (This was lofty!) "Hear, now,