THE READER S HANDBOOK OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION; 1761-1783. JUSTIN WINSOR, LIBRARIAN OP HARVARD UNIVERSITY ; PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION; FORMERLY SUPERINTENDENT OF THE * BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. BOSTON: HOUGHTON, OSGOOD AND COMPANY. Cfje Ktoerstte Prees, Camfertirge* 1880. Copyright, 1879, BY JUSTIN WINSOR. ^- 3 3 S J~ All rights reserved. RIVERSIDE, CAMBRIDGE : STEREOTYPED AND PRINTED BY H. 0. H00GHTON AND COMPANY. A PREFACE. I WISH the user of this Handbook to under stand its purpose and limitations. It is like a continuous foot-note to all histories of the Amer ican Revolution. It points out sources, but it in cludes also the second-hand authorities, though not all of them. Its references are made because the books referred to are_the- best ; or because for some reason they are significant above others, though perhaps in minor details ; and sometimes simply because of their greater accessibility. Any one disposed to follow its guidance will find that, with the more common books at his com mand, the course of events can be understood ; while with the larger resources of our greater public libraries within reach, he can compass the subject much more thoroughly. Complete guidance to all details would have been possible by much more extensive subdivision and much iv PREFACE. greater -analyzing of the books. The work seems large enough for the purpose, as it is. I could hardly have named more of the smaller general histories and other books, but slightly connected with the subject, except by swelling the volume without proportionate gain. The special student will, however, find here his starting-point. The ordinary reader can survey the field and follow as many paths as he likes. I began the making of these notes when the first fervor of the centennial period impelled a good many readers at the Public Library of Bos ton which at that time was in my charge to follow the history of our Revolutionary struggle. To aid that impulse some portions of this Hand book, in a less perfect state, were printed in the Bulletins of that Library. I believe it a part of the duty of a public librarian to induce reading and gently to guide it, as far as he can, because I know that as a rule there is much need of such inducement and of such guidance. I am no great advocate of courses of reading. It often matters little what the line of one s reading is, provided it is pursued, as sciences are most satisfactorily pursued, in a comparative way. The reciprocal influences, the broadening effect, the quickened PREFACE. v interest arising from a comparison of sources and authorities, I hold to be marked benefits from such a habit of reading. It is at once wholesome and instructive, gratifying in the pursuit, and sat isfactory in the results. It is intended, if the system of this Handbook proves practically useful, to follow this initial vol ume, with others covering themes of History, Biography, Travel, Philosophy, Science, Litera ture, and Art. JUSTIN WINSOR. HARVARD UNIVERSITY, GORE HALL, Sept. 1879. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1761-1775. In Massachusetts, 1761-1765. "Writs of Assistance. SHORTLY after the close of the French war, when the British government was no longer de pendent on the friendly assistance of the colonies, and revenue was to be got from enforcing the acts of trade, the application of the agents of govern ment for " writs of assistance " was met by James Otis in his plea against the grant. Tudor s Life of Otis makes that patriot the centre of interest at this period, and the legal aspects of the case can be studied in Horace Gray s Appendix to the Reports of Cases in the Massachusetts Superior Court, 1761-1772, by Josiah Quincy. The third volume of Hutchinson s History of Massachusetts, 1750-1774, gives the governmental view, while in Minot s History of Massachusetts, 1748-1765, the patriot side is sustained, and this view is repre sented in the Lives of Josiah Quincy, John Adams, and Samuel Adams. In its broad relations, as in- i 2 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1761- dicating the temper of the people, it is discussed by Bancroft in his History of the United States ; by Hildreth in his History ; by Frothinghain in his Rise of the Republic ; by Barry in his History of Massachusetts, etc. There are delineations of the causes of the Revolution in many popular and lesser histories, like Ridpath s, p. 285, etc. The same ground is gone over in McCartney s Origin and Progress of the United States, and better in G. W. Greene s Historical View of the American Revolution. A statement of the grounds and mo tives is in J. P. Thompson s United States as a Nation. There are several contemporary publica tions on the existing political condition of the colonies, like Almon s publication, London, 1775, on the Charters of the British Colonies in Amer ica, and Anthony Stokes s Constitutions of the British Colonies, London, 1783 ; also see William Griffith s Historical Notes of the American Colo nies and the Revolution, 1754-1775. Political tracts of this period are numerous. Of the many tracts preceding the commotion of 1765, that of James Otis on the Rights of the British Colonies asserted and proved, published at Boston, 1764, is typical of the best of them. On the general subject of taxing the colonies, see the Parliamentary History, the Speeches of Chatham and Burke, May s Constitutional His tory of England, ii. 576, and the whig and tory views as shown respectively in Massey s and Adol- phus s Histories of England. 1766.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 3 In the South, 1761-1765. For the progress of events and illustrations of the spirit of the people, see David Ramsay s Rev olution in South Carolina ; Moultrie s American Revolution ; R. W. Gibbs s Documentary History of the American Revolution, 1764-1776; Dray- ton s Memoirs of the American Revolution in South Carolina (ending in 1776), and later histo ries of that State like Simms s ; Jones s Defence of the Revolutionary History of North Carolina ; W. D. Cooke s Revolutionary History of North Carolina; Foote s Sketches of North Carolina; Martin s History of North Carolina ; Caruthers s Life of Dr. Caldwell ; R. Purviance s Baltimore town during the Revolutionary War. Illustrative details will be found in the Bland Papers, edited by C. Campbell ; and in later rec ords like Wirt s Patrick Henry, etc. Stamp Act, 1765-1766. To the general authorities named in preced ing sections may be added, for local coloring, the chapters in the histories of Boston by Drake and by Snow, and in Lossing s Field-Book of the Revo lution. See also Tudor s Life of Otis, ch. 14 ; ex tracts from Josiah Quincy s Diary in the Proceed ings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, April, 1858. In the same Proceedings, June, 1872, there is a fac-simile of Andrew Oliver s oath declining 4 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1765- the stamp office. There are letters of the Stamp Act times in the Historical Magazine, May, 1862. Cf . also files of the Boston newspapers of the day, like the Boston Gazette and Evening Post. The Examination of Franklin relative to the repeal of the act was published in full, and in this connection consult the Lives of him by Sparks, Parton, Bigelow, etc., the latter reprinting the Examination of 1767. The Annual Register and the monthly maga zines in London, like the Gentleman s, reflect the phases of English public opinion about the oppo sition in the colonies. The histories of England for that period (typical among the later ones may be taken the Pictorial History, Massey s, and Earl Stanhope s), together with the lives and corre spondence of the prominent political actors of the day, throw light from that side. Cf. Rockingham and his Contemporaries, i. 250 ; Fitzmaurice s Life of Lord Shelburne, i. 319, and-ch. 7 for the repeal of the act, and Protests of the Lords, ed. by J. E. T. Rogers, ii. 77. For the effect of the Stamp Act in Connecticut, see Stuart s Life of Jonathan Trumbull. . For the effect of the Stamp Act in New York and Virginia, see the Magazine of American His tory, June, 1877, and the Pennsylvania Magazine of History, ii. 296. Consult also the Memoirs of General Samuel Lamb ; and the histories of New York City and State. Almon s Collection of 1766.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 5 Tracts, London, 1773, gives in vol. i. the proceed ings of a Congress held in New York, in answer to a call from Massachusetts, which was also printed separately in New York in 1845. Con siderable light on the way in which New York was forced into opposition to Great Britain is thrown in the Collections of the New York His torical Society for 1876. A large number of political and controversial tracts were printed at this time, both in the colo nies and in England. Those in America will be found set down in Haven s pre-r evolutionary Bib liography of the American press, which is ap pended to the American Antiquarian Society s edition of Thomas s History of Printing. The English ones are mostly enumerated from month to month in the monthly magazines of the time, published in London. Some part of all these are to be found in the catalogue of the Sparks Col lection, now in Cornell University library ; in that of the library of Parliament, Toronto, p. 1421 ; the catalogue of George Brinley s library, 1879, No. 181, etc., 2116, etc. ; those of the library of Congress, New York Historical Society, Massa chusetts Historical Society, etc. Regulators in North Carolina, 1768-1771. Beside the general histories, see Rev. Dr. Hawks s Battle of Alamance and the War of the Regulation, in W. D. Cooke s Revolutionary 6 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1767- History of North Carolina. See also Caruthers s Life of Dr. Caldwell ; Foote s Sketches of North Carolina; Martin s History of North Carolina; The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Jan. 1871; Lossing s Field-Book of the Revolution, ii. There is a tale, " The Alamance," by C. H. Wiley. In General, 1767-1775. This period and its patriotic movements, so far as relates to Massachusetts, are made the special theme of Frothingham s Warren and his Times ; and in the same author s Rise of the Republic, the action of the patriots is viewed as tending to form the national spirit. A chapter in Tudor s Otis is given to characterizing the people of Bos ton at this time, and in the collection of contem porary documents called Niles s Principles and Acts of the Revolution, the spirit of the people can be read in their own words. A file of Papers relating to public events in Massachusetts, 1765- 1774, was printed a few years ago by the Seventy- six Society, the originals of which are now in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Cabinet. See their Proceedings, Jan. 1878. Alden Bradford s Massachusetts State Papers, 1765-1775, gives the addresses of the Executive during this period. What is known as Almon s Collection of Papers also gives public documents, 1764-1775. Mercy Warren was a sister of James Otis, and in her 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 7 History of the American Revolution we have the characters of the most distinguished of the patriots drawn by one who knew them closely. Her estimate of John Adams in this work was not satisfactory to Adams, and the letters that passed between them thereupon are given in the Massa chusetts Historical Society s Collections, 5th se ries, vol. iv. Eddis s Letters from America, 1769- 1777, London, 1792, reflect the feelings of the col onists. The influence of the press is traced in the third era of Hudson s History of American Journalism, in J. T. Buckingham s Specimens of Newspaper Literature, and the aspects can be studied in the files of the five newspapers published in Boston at that time : Fleet s Evening Post, patronized both by the whigs and the government. The Boston Newsletter, the only paper which continued to be published during the siege. The Massachusetts Gazette, the chief organ of the government. The Boston Gazette, devoted to the patriots. The Massachusetts Spy, devoted to the patriots. The most important journal in Massachusetts, out of Boston, was the Essex Gazette. For the influence of the clergy, see Thornton s Pulpit of the Revolution, and the Patriot Preach ers of the Revolution, 1860. As before, the lives of leading patriots must be 8 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1767- consulted: Wells s Life of Samuel Adams; the Life and Diaries of John Adams ; Quincy s Life of Josiah Quincy ; Austin s Life of Elbridge Gerry ; Stuart s Life of Jonathan Trumbull ; Bigelow s Life of Franklin, from his own writ ings, and other Lives of Franklin by Sparks and Parton ; and the general histories, like those of the United States by Bancroft and Hildreth, and those of Massachusetts by Minot and Barry, etc. The third volume of Hutchinson s Massachusetts Bay still gives the tory view, and the later Brit ish estimates of the period are found in Mahon s (Stanhope s) and Massey s Histories of England. See also the paper on Col. Barre* and his Times in Macmillan s Magazine, Dec. 1876 ; or Living Age, No. 1699 ; and the Lives of Chatham and other parliamentary defenders of the colonists. For the local associations of the Province House, Green Dragon Tavern, etc., see Shurtleff s De scription of Boston, and Drake s Old Landmarks and Historic Personages of Boston. Some letters on the condition of things in Bos ton, sent to the ministry by Bernard, Gen. Gage, and Com. Hood, between Jan. 1768, and July, 1769, were printed in London, and drew out from Samuel Adams a Vindication of the Town of Bos ton, 1770. Cf . Wells s Life of Samuel Adams ; but this tract has sometimes been ascribed to James Otis. See Proceedings of the Massachusetts His torical Society, i. 485. 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 9 Kearsley s American Gazette, London, 1768, il lustrates the condition of affairs in Boston, and gives a journal of transactions there. Letters describing the state of feeling in Boston were written by Gov. Hutchinson and Lt. Gov. Oliver to friends in England, and these rinding their way into Franklin s hands were transmitted, in Dec. 1772, to the patriots in Boston, and were made to support an address to the King for the removal of the Governor and Lt. Governor, as persons who were using their position to increase the discontent. These letters, with the proceed ings thereon, were printed in Boston, 1773, and in London, 1774. See papers on their history in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Proceed ings, 1878, p. 42. There is a synopsis of these letters in Parton s Franklin, i. 560. See also Campbell s Lives of the Chancellors, vi. 105 ; Massey s England, ii. ; Adolphus s England, ii. 34, for English views. Franklin s own account of his connection with these letters was first printed in W. T. Franklin s edition of Franklin s works, 1817, and is reprinted in Bigelow s Franklin, ii. 206 ; but see also pp. 130, 161, 193, 200. John Dickinson of Philadelphia represented at this time the responsive sympathy of the Middle Colonies, and his tracts need to be considered : Address to the Committee of Correspondence in Barbadoes, defending the Northern Colonies, 1766 ; Farmer s Letters to the Inhabitants of the 10 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1767- British Colonies, 1767, arguing against the right of taxation ; and his Essay on the constitutional power of Great Britain over her colonies, 1774. Cf. Bancroft s United States, viii. The condition of affairs in New York is seen in Gov. Tryon s and Lt. Gov. Colden s letters to Lord Dartmouth, printed in Documents relative to the Colonial History of New York, viii., and in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. with notes, pp. 468, 502 ; and p. 506 begins a reprint of a very rare volume, Proceedings of the last Provincial Assembly of New York, Jan. 10 to April 3, 1775. Cf. Sparks s Life of Morris, and documents in Force s Archives. Parton, Life of Jefferson, de picts the condition of affairs in Virginia at this time. Cf. also Wirt s Patrick Henry. The feeling of antipathy in the whigs against the tories is well shown in Trumbull s Hudibras- tic epic, McFingal, of which there is an annotated edition by B. J. Lossing. On the origin of the poem, see the Historical Magazine, Jan. 1868. For the loyalist feeling of New York, see Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, published by the New York Historical Society, 1879, and the Life of Peter Van Schaack. The aspects of southern toryism can be traced in Jonathan Bou cher s Views of the American Revolution, a series of discourses preached during this interval in Vir ginia, and which, when subsequently published, he dedicated to Washington. 1770.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 11 Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770. Frothingham, in his articles in the Atlantic Monthly, June and Aug. 1862, and Nov. 1863, on the " Sam Adams Regiments," traces carefully the progress of events from Oct. 1768, which cul minated in the massacre in March, 1770, and this matter is epitomized in his Life of Warren, ch. 6. Bancroft treats it in all its relations, in ch. 43 of his sixth volume ; and it is the subject of a special monograph, The Boston Massacre, by Frederic Kidder, and is described in the introduc tion to Loring s Hundred Boston Orators. A con temporary Short Narrative, with an appendix of depositions and a folding plate of State Street at the time, was printed by order of the town in Bos ton and also in London in 1770. It was reprinted in New York in 1849. A Fair Account published in London, 1770, supplements the Short Narrative. Isaiah Thomas s Massachusetts Kalendar for 1772 had a woodcut representation of the massacre. Gapt. Preston, the royal officer who commanded the soldiers, was defended at his trial by John Adams and Josiah Quincy, and the Lives of these patriots treat of their defense. John Adams s brief, used at the trial, is in the Boston Public Library. A report of the trial, taken in short hand, by John Hodgson, was printed in Boston the same year. Accounts of the trial are found in the histories and in P. W. Chandler s Amer- 12 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1770- ican Criminal Trials, vol. i. The plan of the ground used at the trial is in the possession of Judge M. Chamberlain, of Chelsea. The collection of orations delivered on succeed ing anniversaries is necessary to a full under standing of the event. The earliest collection of these orations is that made by Peter Edes in 1785, which passed to a second edition in 1807. Some of these orations and other contemporary accounts can be found in Niles s Principles and Acts of the Revolution,. Other documents are in the Histori- "caT Magazine, June, 1861. Cf. titles in the Brin- ley Catalogue, Nos. 16551665. See also Snow s History of Boston, the Lives of Otis, Samuel Adams, etc., and the general histo ries. There is a descriptive letter by Win. Pal frey, addressed to John Wilkes, in the Proceed ings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, March, 1863, where will also be found a letter of Gov. Hutchinson. Crispus Attucks, one of the slain, usually called a mulatto, is held to have been a half-breed In dian, in the American Historical Record, Dec. 1872. There was published in Boston the same year the Proceedings of his Majesty s Council of the Province concerning what passed in consequence of the unhappy affair of March 5th. 1773.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 13 Khode Island. There is a History of the destruction of the schooner Gaspee in Narragansett Bay, June 10, 1.772, by John R. Bartlett, Providence, 1861 ; and a documentary history of the event was compiled in 1845 for the Providence Journal, by W. R. Staples. See also the histories of Rhode Island, and Parton s Life of Jefferson, ch. 14 and 15. This was one of the earliest acts of violent resist ance. The Tea Party, December, 1773. Frothingham, in his Life of Warren, ch. 9, has given the details, and in his Rise of the Republic, ch. 8, has shown its political significance, and has again taken a general survey in his Centennial paper, in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Dec. 1873. See also under Oct. 1877, for a diary of this time and also the Collections of this Society, 4th series, vol. iii. In ch. 2 of Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, and in Sparks s Washington, the relations of the patriots of Boston to those of the other colonies at this time can be studied. Bancroft gives to it ch. 50 of his sixth volume ; and Barry, ch. 15 of his second volume. Geo. R. T. Hewes, an actor in the scenes, has given an account of it in his Traits of the Tea Party ; and there is a paper, " Information of Hugh Wil liamson," among the Sparks MSS. in Harvard 14 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1773- College Library. There are illustrative docu ments iu Force s American Archives, vol. i. ; in Niles s Principles and Acts of the Revolution ; and the contemporary account and records have been reprinted from the Boston Gazette of Dec. 6, 1773, by Poole, in one of the Massachusetts State Registers. See, further, Tudor s Life of Otis, ch. 21 ; Snow s Boston ; Niles s Register, 1827, vol. xxxiii. p. 75, from Flint s Western Monthly Review for July, 1827 ; Lossing in Harper s Monthly, vol. iv., and also in his Field-Book of the Revolution, i. A letter about the punch bowl, used by the pa triots before going to the wharf, is given in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical So ciety, Dec. 1871. Mrs. Caroline Howard Oilman printed, in 1874, an account of a private centennial celebra tion of the Tea Party in Cambridge. There is a chapter on the Boston Tea Ships in Fitzmaurice s Life of Lord Shelburne, vol. ii. For debates in Parliament, see The Parliamen tary History ; and later views in May s Constitu tional History of England, ii. 521 ; Massey s Eng land, ii. ch. 18. The first accounts received in England are given in the Gentleman s Magazine, 1774, p. 26, and are quoted in Carlyle s Frederick the Great, vi. 524. Tory views of the events of this period are given in Peters s History of Connecticut, and in V; 1774.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 15 the appendix by McCormick to the reprint of it, to be taken throughout with caution. Cf . the article " Lying as a Fine Art " in Scribner s Maga zine, June, 1878. See a foreign estimate in Hil- liard d Auberteuil s Essais historiques, 1782. Boston Port Bill, 1774. General Gage arrived in Boston in May, to put the provisions of this bill in force, June 12th. Its political bearings can be traced in Bancroft, and in Frothinghain s Warren, ch. 10, and in his Rise of the Republic ; and the military sequel in Frothingharn s Siege of Boston. See also Tudor s Otis ; Wells s Samuel Adams ; Life of John Adams ; Life of Josiah Quincy ; Pitkin s United States, i. App. 15 ; Grahame s United States, iv. 358. Illustrative documents will be found in Force s American Archives, vol. ii. See the diary of Thomas Newell, in Boston, Nov. 1773 to Dec. 1774, in Proceedings of Massachusetts Historical Society, Feb. 1859, and in their Collections, 4th series, vol. i. The correspondence of the Boston Donation Committee, relative to the supplies sent to the embargoed town from other places, is given in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Collec tions, 4th series, vol. iv. Col. A. H. Hoyt has given, in the New England Historical and Gene alogical Register, July, 1876, an account of these donations during the period 1774-1777. This tract was also printed separately. 16 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1774- For correspondence of the Boston patriots with those of the other colonies, see Frothingham s Rise of the Republic ; Reed s Life of Joseph Reed. The Suffolk Resolves, passed at Milton, Sept. 9, 1774, can be found in the Appendix to Frothing ham s Warren. The Provincial Assembly of Massachusetts met at Salem, Oct. 5, 1774, and A. C. Goodell deliv ered an address at the centennial celebration of the event. Josiah Quincy, Jr., and others discussed the political bearings in published tracts. Quincy s is reprinted in his Life by his son. For its effects in New York, see Lives of Jay by Jay, i. 24, and by Flanders ; Force s Archives, 4th series, i. ; for results in Connecticut, Hollis- ter s History, ii. ch. 6. For the feeling in the South at this time, com pare the general histories ; McRee s Life of Ire- dell ; Thaddeus Allen s Origination of the Amer ican Union ; McSherry s Maryland, ch. 7 ; Read s Life of George Read, pp. 86, 101 ; Rives s Madison, ch. 3 ; Life of R. H. Lee, i. 97 ; Randall s Jeffer son, i. 85; Parton s Jefferson, 130. Continental Congress, 1774. This was held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5th-Oct. 26th, to devise plans for a redress of grievances, and for the restoration of harmony. The idea of a Continental Congress is said to have originated 1774-1 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 17 with Franklin. Sparks s Franklin, i. 850. Cf. Bancroft, vi. 508 ; vii. 40, 63. Brief notes of the debates were kept by John Adams. Cf. Works, ii. 366, 370, 382, 387, 393. Also Adams s Life by C. F. Adams, Works, i. 150; ii. 340, his Diary ; ix. 339, 343, Letters ; and his Correspondence with Mercy Warren, Massachu setts Historical Society s Collections, 5th series, iv. 348. Histories of the United States by Bancroft, vii. 127 ; Grahame, iv. 373 ; Hildreth, iii. ; Pitkin, i. ch. 8. Frothingham s Rise of bhe Republic, 335. Histories of Massachusetts by Barry ; of New York by Dunlap, i. ch. 29 and 31 ; of Pennsyl vania by Gordon, ch. 20 ; of New Jersey by Mul- ford, p. 389. Biographies of Samuel Adams, by Wells, ii. 218 ; of Patrick Henry by Wirt, p. 105; of R. H. Lee by Lee, i. 106 ; of Washington by Marshall, and by Irving, i. ch. 35 ; of Jefferson, by Tucker, i. ch. 3, and by Parton, ch. 17 ; of Elbridge Gerry by Austin, ch. 5 ; of William Livingston by Sedgwick, ch. 5 ; of George Read by Read, 93 ; of John Jay by Jay, and by Flanders in his Chief Justices, and also in the latter the Life of Rutledge, ch. 5 and 6 ; of Josiah Quincy by Quincy. Documents will also be found in Force s Amer ican Archives. The instructions to the Virginia delegates are in Jefferson s, Writings, i. 122. The 18 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1774- relations of the Congress to the Provincial Con gress of Massachusetts are set forth in Frothing- ham s Joseph Warren, ch. 12. John Adams s Diary gives glimpses of the state of society in Philadelphia at the time. The Declaration of Rights which the Congress put forth is given in John Adams s Works, ii. 535, with the original draft also. On the 28th of Sept. Joseph Galloway intro duced his plan of adjustment, embracing a union between Great Britain and her colonies. It was printed in a pamphlet, and later, in 1779, in his Rise and Progress of the American Rebellion. Cf. the Lives of Washington by Marshall and Sparks ; of John Adams by C. F. Adams, ii. 387 ; of Samuel Adams by Wells, ii. 218 ; of Jay by Flanders, 100 ; of Patrick Henry by Wirt. Also cf. Franklin s Works, viii. 144, and Frothingham s Rise of the Republic. Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, edited by De Lancey, i. ch. 2, depicts the relations of the loyalists to the Congress; also pp. 438, 449, 477, 490 for notes. R. H. Lee drafted the Address to the People of Great Britain, adopted by the Congress. Cf. Lee s Life of R. H. Lee, i. 119 ; Pitkin s United States, i. App. 17 ; and Jay s Life of John Jay, i. App. John Dickinson wrote the petition to the King, agreed upon in the Congress. Cf. American Quar- 1774.1 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 19 terly Review, i. 413 ; John Adams s Works, i. 159. This paper was signed in duplicate, one copy is in the State Paper Office, London ; the other is mentioned in Henry Stevens s Bibliotheca Histor- ica, p. 87. Franklin printed it in the App. to his Account of the Proceedings of the Congress, London, Jan. 1775. The Proceedings of the Congress were printed in Philadelphia, by order of Congress, and at once reprinted in Boston. The Congress was attacked in two tracts, Free Thoughts on the Proceedings, and Congress Can vassed by a West Chester Farmer, both by Seabury, a loyalist, subsequently Bishop of Con necticut. Alexander Hamilton, who was practic ing his pen in criticism on the Ministry in Holt s Journal, replied in A Full Vindication, 1774. This was replied to in a View of the Controversy, and again answered by Hamilton, in The Farmer Refuted, 1775. Cf. J. C. Hamilton s Republic of the United States, i. 65. Political Agitation. On the tory side, a writer in the Massachusetts Gazette, signing Massachusettensis, now known to have been Daniel Leonard, but generally sup posed at the time to be Jonathan Sewall, pre sented the strongest front. These papers were reprinted in a pamphlet in Boston, again by Riv- ington in New York, and in 1776, again in Bos ton during the siege. 20 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1774- John Adams answered in the Boston Gazette, signing Novanglus. Almon abridged these papers and printed them in his Remembrancer as a His tory of the Dispute with America. They were twice reprinted before they were given at length in Adams s Works. In 1819 both of these controversial series ap peared in Boston, in one volume, with a preface by John Adams, in which he supposed -his op ponent to be Sewall. See Quincy s Life of Quincy, p. 381. Fr-othingham in his Rise of the Republic says they present accurate views of the arguments as the Revolution reached the stage of physical force. There has been some controversy about the origin of the Committees of Correspondence, a de vice for the interchange of information and en couragement, and for mutual assistance between the various colonies. Cf . Frothingham s Rise . of the Republic, pp. 284, 312, 327; Wirt s Patrick Henry, controverted in the North American Re view, March, 1818 ; Randall s Jefferson, i. &0 ; Tucker s Jefferson, i. 52 ; Kennedy s Memoir of Wirt ; Life of R. H. Lee, i. 89 ; Wells s Life of Samuel Adams, i. 509, ii. 62 ; Grahame s United States, iv. 338. The general political movement all through the colonies at this time is depicted, drawing largely upon fche newspapers of the day, in Frothingham s Rise of the Republic, p. 396. For the feeling in 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 21 Massachusetts, see the histories of that State by Bradford and Barry ; Lincoln s History of Worcester, ch. 6 to 9 ; Gordon s Thanksgiving Sermon in Thornton s Pulpit of the Revolution ; Hancock s Oration on the Anniversary of the Boston Massacre, which Wells, in the Life of Samuel Adams, ii. 138, says was largely composed by that patriot. Cf. Loring s Hundred Boston Orators. For the feeling in New York, see the reports Governor Tryon made to the home government, and other documents from the British Archives, given in the Documents relative to the Colonial History of New York, viii. For sentiments prevailing in Virginia and the South, see Rives s Madison, i. ; Randall s Jeffer son, i. ch. 3 ; Wirt s Patrick Henry ; and various papers in Force s American Archives. Effects and Movements in Great Britain, 1767-1775. The debates in Parliament are the best expo nents of feeling at this time. Read s Life of George Read, p. 76, gives a synopsis of arguments for and against taxation of the colonies. The Cavendish debates of the House of Commons, May, 1768, to June, 1774, give reports taken at the time by a member, and edited by John Wright in 1841. Cf. reports in that collection under Nov. 1768 ; Jan. and Feb. 1769 ; March and May, 1770. Debates are also given in the 22 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1767- Parliamentary History ; and scantily in the Gen tleman s Magazine and other periodicals. Sum maries are in the Annual Register. Contempo rary impression and hearsay accounts, tinged with positive whiggism, can be found in Walpole s George the Third, edited by Le Marchant, and in his Last Journals, edited by Doran. Pictures of the contestants in these debates, with a tory coloring, are drawn in Adolphus s History of England, ii. ch. 24, and the strong ministerial sympathy which pervades Adolphus can be offset by Massey s History of England, a later work, with opposition views. Cf. also Camp bell s Life of Loughborough, in his Chancellors. Burke as a speaker is depicted in Wraxall s His torical Memoirs, ii. 35 ; and in the Lives of Burke, by Bisset, Prior, and Macknight. For other accounts of the opposition leaders and pol icy, see Rockingham and his Contemporaries; Russell s Memoir and Correspondence of Charles James Fox, book iii., and his Life and Times of Fox, ch. 4. The culmination of the Tory argument can be traced in Dr. Johnson s tract, Taxation no Tyr anny. Moore s Life of Sheridan, ch. 3, gives the outline of an intended answer to Johnson. In Dean Tucker s writings, we have the advanced liberal views. Macknight s Life of Burke, ii. 115. The writers on the American controversy are characterized at some length in Grahame s United 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 23 States, iv. 320. The book-lists in the current numbers of the Gentleman s and other magazines, chronicle the numerous political tracts as they ap peared. Dr. Franklin was at this time maintaining in London the side of the colonists. See his letters on the Boston Resolutions of 1768 in Sparks s Franklin, vii. 375. In vol. iv. Sparks gives Franklin s different writings as they came con secutively out. In 1772 the Boston Resolutions against the bill for paying the salaries of the judges by the Crown were reprinted in London by Franklin, with a preface on the condition of the colonies, which is given in Sparks s Franklin, i. 350. The news of the Tea Party in Boston had reached London, Jan. 19, 1774, and the accounts were printed in the London papers, Jan. 21st. Lord North, on March 14th, brought in a bill to remove the government from Boston to Salem, and to close the port of Boston ; on the 31st it received the royal assent. Cf. Parliamentary History, xvii. 1163 ; Donne s Correspondence of George III. and Lord North, i. 174; Annual Register, xvii. 1159; Protests of the Lords, edited by J. E. T. Rogers, ii. 141 ; Adolphus s History of England, ii. 59 ; Massey s History of England, ii. ; Pictorial History of England, Reign of George III. i. 159 ; Russell s Life and Times of Fox, ch. 5; Life of Lord Shelburne, ii. 302; Chatham 24 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1767- Correspondence, iv. 342; Rockingham Memoirs, ii. 238 ; Macknight s Burke, ii. 50. In 1774 General Gage was impressing on the King his disbelief in the colonists earnestness. Cf . Donne s Letters of George III. and Lord North, i. 164, and the Parliamentary History, xviii. for the speeches. In July Governor Hutchinson held an interview with the King, and an account of what passed is in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Proceed ings, Oct. 1877. Cf. Donne s Correspondence of George III. and Lord North, i. 194. The King dissolved Parliament Sept. 30th, and after elections a new Parliament assembled Nov. 30th. Meanwhile Franklin was maintaining inter course with Chatham and trying to arrange a plan of pacification. Cf. Lives of Franklin by Sparks, Bigelow, and Parton. He had deferred returning to America until the results of the Con gress of 1774 were known, and it devolved on him to present its petition to the King. Cf. Sparks s Franklin, 372 ; Quincy s Life of Quincy ; Bancroft s United States, vii. 186. Walpole in his Last Journals, i. 439, describes the effect of this Congress upon the parties in England. Josiah Quincy made notes of speeches he heard in Parliament, Jan. 20, 1775, by Chatham, Cam- den, and others. Cf. Quincy s Life of Quincy, 318, 335. Also see Gordon s American Revolution, i. 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 25 298 ; Force s Archives, 4th series, i. 1494 ; Wai- pole s Last Journals, i. Before leaving London Franklin wrote some articles for the Public Advertiser on the Rise and Progress of the Difference between Great Britain and her American Colonies, which are reprinted in Sparks, iv. 526. In March, 1775, Franklin left England, and on his voyage home he wrote out for his son an Ac count of the recent negotiations with the British Government for a reconciliation, which is printed in Sparks, v. 1, and in Bigelow s Franklin, i. 256. January March, 1775. For the interval before the actual hostilities at Concord, still follow Frothingham s Siege of Bos ton, ch. 2, and consult for illustrative documents Force s American Archives, vol. i., where will be found De Berniere s narrative of his explorations towards Worcester to get information for General Gage. For particulars of Leslie s expedition to Salem, in March, see C. M. Endicott s article in the Pro ceedings of the Essex Institute, vol. i., with a con temporary letter, also published separately ; the Life of Timothy Pickering, vol. i. ; George B. Lor- ing s Speech and other addresses at the centennial celebration, 1875. The contemporary evidence relative to the ex pedition to Marshfield can be found in Force s American Archives. 26 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. E. E. Hale s popular summary, One Hundred Years Ago, begins with these preliminaries of war. Lexington and Concord, April, 1775. The best eclectic account is that in Frothing- ham s Siege of Boston, and in his Appendix will be found a chronological list of the principal au thorities. Paul Revere s expedition on the night of the 18th, to give notice of the morrow s march, which is the subject of Longfellow s poem, was narrated by himself, and appears in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1st series, vol. v., and more accurately in the Proceedings, Nov. 1878. There has been some controversy as to the tower from which the lantern, which was the sig nal to Revere, was shown, and on this point see the pamphlet, Paul Revere s Signal, by John Lee Watson, with remarks by C. Deane (see Pro ceedings Massachusetts Historical Society, Nov. 1876) ; and one entitled Alarm of April 18, 1775, by Richard Frothingham. The question is also discussed by W. W. Wheildon, in his History of Paul Revere s Signal Lanterns, 1878, and in H. W. Holland s William Dawes and his Ride with Paul Revere, vindicating Dawes s claim to be considered one of the two who roused the country. See, in this connection, on the escape of Hancock and Adams, Loring s Hundred Boston Orators, and General Sumner in the New England Histor ical and Genealogical Register, vol. viii. p. 188. 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 27 The narrative and depositions ordered by the Provincial Congress were printed in the Journal of the third Provincial Congress, 1775, in the London Chronicle, and in various Boston newspa pers ; and the whole reappeared in a pamphlet, is sued at Worcester, in 1775, by Isaiah Thomas, and entitled A Narrative of the Incursions and Rav ages of the King s Troops on the Nineteenth of April ; and they are given in Force s American Archives, 4th series, vol. ii. ; Shattuck s History of Concord, p. 342; and portions are given in Froth- ingham s Siege of Boston ; Remembrancer, 1775, vol. i., etc. The original depositions were signed in several copies, and some of them are in the Lee Papers in Harvard College library. See the Cal endar of the Lee Papers, published in the Bulletin of Harvard College library. Other originals are among the Lee Papers in the library of the Uni versity of Virginia. Cf. Sparks s Washington, iii. 35. This matter constituted the account sent by the Congress to England, with the Essex Gazette, which was the chief newspaper narrative, and which reached London eleven days ahead of Gen eral Gage s messenger ; and in this connection, see the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, April, 1858. Other accounts and depo sitions can also be found in Dawson s Battles of the United States ; in Frank Moore s Diary of the Revolution. See an account of the expresses sent 28 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. South in Christopher Marshall s Diary, p. 18. In the New England Historical and Genealogical Reg ister, Oct. 1873, p. 434, is the dispatch sent April 19th, from Watertown, conveying tidings of the conflict, to which are appended the indorsements of the authorities of the towns through which the express passed. An original of one of these dis patches is in the Pennsylvania Historical Society s library. Some of the contemporary accounts are given in Niles s Principles and Acts of the Revolu tion. A fragment of a diary by Dr. McClure is given in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Proceedings, April, 1878. Cf. Military Journals of two private soldiers, 1758-1775, Poughkeepsie, 1855. The Rev. William Gordon, May 17, 1775, pre pared An Account of the Commencement of Hos tilities, which is in Force, and this, with addi tions and abridgments, forms part of his History of the Revolution. A contemporary letter, prob ably by Dr. Foster of Charlestown, is given in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical So ciety, April, 1870. The Rev. Jonas Clark delivered a discourse in Lexington on the first anniversary in 1776, and appended to it a narrative of events, which was reprinted in 1875. A brief account was also pre pared by the Rev. William Emerson of Concord, a witness of the events at Concord, and this was printed in R. W. Emerson s Commemorative Dis- 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 29 course in 1835, which has been printed separately, and in the American Historical Magazine, New Haven, 1836. Other anniversary sermons were delivered in Lexington, in 1777 by Samuel Cooke, and in 1782 by Phillips Payson, both of which are in the Boston Public Library. Of the British accounts, Col. Smith s report will be found in the Appendix to Mahon s (Stan hope s) England, vol. vi. Various English ac counts are given in Force, and in The Detail and Conduct of the American War. General Gage sent to Governor Trumbull, a "Circumstantial Account," which is printed in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections, 2d series, vol. ii., while in vol. iv. will be found a reprint of a pam phlet entitled General Gage s Instructions, etc., originally printed, in 1779, from a manuscript left in Boston by a British officer, which gives Gage s instructions to Brown and De Berniere, Feb. 22, 1775, with an account of their journey to Worces ter and Concord, and a narrative of the " Trans actions " on the 19th of April. A contemporary account is given in The Rise, Progress, and Pres ent State of the Dispute, published at London, in 1775. In a work published at Dublin, 1779-1785, in three volumes, entitled History of the War in America, there is a large folded sheet of the num bers of the killed, etc., of the British forces at Concord, Lexington, and Bunker Hill. An en graved likeness of Earl Percy, is given in An- 30 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. drews s History of the War. The third report of the Commissioners on Historical MSS., in Eng land, 1872, cites various papers of the Percy fam ily touching the events, etc., of the American War, 1775-1777. Stedman, in his American War, and the other British writers claim that the provincials fired first at Lexington ; and Pitcairn s side of the story is given from Stiles s Diary in Frothingham, and in Irving s Washington. Late in the day General Heath exercised a gen eral command over the provincials, and his mem oirs can be consulted. Colonel Timothy Picker ing s Essex Regiment was charged with dilatori- ness in coming up, and this question is discussed in the Life of Pickering, ch. 5, by his son. The semi-centennial period renewed the inter est in the matter, and the question, whether the provincials returned the fire of the British troops at Lexington, was discussed with some spirit. This having been denied, a committee of the town of Lexington authorized Elias Phinney to publish, in 1825, an account of The Battle of Lexington, to which was appended depositions (taken in 1822) of survivors to establish the point. This led the Rev. Ezra Ripley and others, of Concord, in 1827, to publish The Fight at Concord, claim ing the credit of first returning the fire for Con cord, and this was reissued in 1832. In 1835 the story was again told in the interest of Concord, 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 31 in Lemuel Shattuck s History of Concord, which was examined in the North American Review, vol. xlii. In this account, as well as in that by Ripley and others, it was claimed that the part borne by Captain Davis of Acton was not fairly repre sented, and Josiah Adams, in his centennial ad dress at Acton, in 1835, and again in a letter to Shattuck in 1850, presented the merits of Davis, and gave depositions of survivors. In 1851 James Trask Woodbury made a speech in the Massachu setts legislature on the question of appropriating money to erect a monument to Davis and his fel lows, which was printed by the town of Acton. The parts borne by other towns have also been commemorated : for Danvers, by D. P. King, in 1835 ; for Cambridge, by Rev. A. McKenzie, in 1870 ; and also see S. A. Smith s West Cambridge on the 19th of April, 1T75, Boston, 1864. At Lexington, Edward Everett delivered an ad dress in 1835 ; but see also his Mount Vernon Pa pers, No. 47. There is an account of the celebra tion in Niles s Register, vol. xlviii. A plan of the Lexington field can be found in Josiah Adams s letter, and in Moore s Ballad History of the Rev olution, part 1. Compare Hudson s History of Lexington, ch. 6, of which he published an ab stract in 1876 ; a popular narrative in Harper s Monthly, vol. xx. ; accounts in association with landmarks in Lossing s Field-Book, and in Drake s Historic Fields and Mansions of Middlesex. See 32 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. also R. H. Dana s address in 1875 ; the centennial Souvenir of 1775, and A. B. Muzzey s paper, The Battle of Lexington, with personal recollections of men engaged in it, in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Oct. 1877, and subse quently printed separately. At Concord, Edward Everett delivered an ad dress in 1825, and much of interest in connection with this anniversary was printed in the newspa pers of that day ; and Lossing in his Field-Book, and Drake in his Middlesex, should be consulted for much illustrative of the events of 1775. Pop ular narratives can be found in Frederic Hudson s illustrated paper in Harper s Monthly, May, 1875, and the article by G. Reynolds in the Unitarian Review for April, 1875. Read George W. Cur- tis s oration in 1875, and James R. Lowell s ode, in Atlantic Monthly, June, 1875. Also the Rev. Henry Westcott s Centennial Sermons, 1875. The town of Concord, in 1875, printed an ac count of the Centennial Celebration, giving a fac simile of pages from Rev. William Emerson s con temporary diary of these events, and having for an Appendix an account of the literature of the subject, by James L. Whitney, which was printed separately. The events of the 19th of April also form im portant chapters in Bancroft s United States, vol. vii. ; in Elliott s New England, vol ii. ; in Barry s Massachusetts, vol. iii. ; and in other general works 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 33 on the Revolutionary period. Consult Dawson a Battles of the United States; E. E. Hale s One Hundred Years Ago ; and Potter s American Monthly, April, 1875. The events of the day make part of the story of Hawthorne s Septimius Felton. Amos Doolittle s contemporary engravings are reproduced in a new edition of Clark s narrative. See also Moore s Ballad History, part 1 ; and Pot ter s American Monthly, April, 1875. There is a view of Concord taken in 1776, in the Massachu setts Magazine, July, 1794, which is fac-similed in the separate issue of J. L. Whitney s Literature of the Nineteenth of April. An account of Jonathan Harrington, the last survivor of the fight, is given in Potter s American Monthly, July, 1875. Compare Lossing s Field- Book and De Lancey s note to Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 552. There is in the Historical Magazine, July, 1860, an account of a musket captured from a British soldier at Lexing ton, which belonged to Theodore Parker, and now hangs in the Senate chamber of the State House at Boston. Claims have been raised for other places as hav ing been those where blood was first shed in the war, for which see Potter s American Monthly, April, 1875. Dawson gave a paper on the affair at Golden Hill, in New York City, Jan. 19-20, 1770, in the Historical Magazine, iv. 233, and 34 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. more at length in the number for Jan. 1869. See page 5 for the battle of the Alamance, and the war of the Regulators in North Carolina. There is an account of the Westminster Massacre in Vermont, March, 1775, in the Historical Magazine, May, 1859. Mecklenburg Declaration, May 20, 1775. Whether the declaration of independence passed by an assembly in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, is supported by credible evidence has been a mat ter of controversy. It was denied by Jefferson, and J. S. Jones published a Defence of the Revo lutionary History of North Carolina against the aspersions of Jefferson. The alleged resolutions of May 20th would seem to be the uncertain rec ollection, twenty years later, of some that were passed May 31st, a wrong date given them, and alterations made under the influence of the conti nental declaration of July 4th. Cf. Frothingham s Rise of The Republic, p. 422 ; Randall s Jeffer son, iii. App. 2 ; North Carolina University Maga zine, May, 1853 ; J. C. Welling in North Amer- cian Review, April, 1874 ; Hawks s Lecture in W. D. Cooke s Revolutionary History of North Carolina ; and passages in the general histories. May and June, 1775. The events of the interval between Concord and Bunker Hill can best be studied in Frothingham s Siege of Boston, and in his Life of Joseph Warren, 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 35 ch. 15. Particularly on the affair at Noddle s Isl and, May 27, 1775, see Force s American Ar chives, Humphreys s and Tarbox s Lives of Put nam, Sumner s History of East Boston; and a chapter in Dawson s Battles of the United States. Letters written from Boston in May are in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical So ciety, June, 1873. Com. F. H. Parker, in the Magazine of Ameri can History, i. 209, gives an account of the cap ture of the Margaretta at Machias in June. The effects of Lexington and Concord on the other colonies are depicted in Stuart s Life of Jonathan Trumbull, and generally in the standard histories. The news was received in New York April 23d. Cf. Jones s New York in the Revolu tionary War, i. 39, 487; Documents relative to the Colonial History of New York, viii. 571. A letter of Joseph Warren to his wife on the day before the battle of Bunker Hill is given in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, April, 1871. Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Frothingham, in an Appendix to his Siege of Boston, enumerates in a chronological order the chief authoritative statements regarding the bat tle. Dawson devoted the whole of the June, 1868, double number of the Historical Magazine, to a collation of nearly all the printed accounts, au- 36 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. thoritative and compiled, and from his foot-notes can be gleaned a full list of articles and books which at that time had been published. Earliest Accounts. The affairs of the 19th of April had among other results precipitated the removal of the newspapers published in Boston to other places, and the number for April 24th was the last of the Evening Post published in Boston. Edes s Boston Gazette, which was thus removed to Watertown, the seat of the Provincial Con gress, gave in its issue for June 19th the earliest account of the battle which appeared in print. The Massachusetts Spy, which had been removed to Worcester in May, had its first account in its number for June 21st. That same day the Connec ticut Journal had its first intelligence, and though it was several days later before the New York pa pers published accounts, on this same 21st a hand bill with the news was circulated in New York. In F. Moore s Diary of the American Revolution, there will be found a list of the contemporary newspapers publishing these accounts, and from which he derives in part the matter of his book which begins Jan. 1, 1775. Many of these ac counts will be found reprinted in Dawson s His torical Magazine article ; and some of them have been reproduced in fac-simile in the centennial memorials of 1776. Frothingham reprints that of the Massachusetts Spy in his condensed narra tive of the battle, and it is in fac-simile in the Centennial Graphic. 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 37 Prof. Winthrop, June 2lst, sent a brief account to John Adams, then in Philadelphia, which is given in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections 5th series, iv. 292. The Rev. Mr. Thacher was a spectator of the action from the north side of the Mystic River, and within a fortnight afterwards, depending in some measure upon Prescott s assistance, prepared an account, the manuscript of which is now pre served in the American Antiquarian Society s collection at Worcester. This had been used by Frothingham and others, but was never printed in full with all its corrections indicated, till Dawson included it in his Appendix in 1868. This narra tive of Thacher s was made the basis of that which the Committee of Safety prepared for transmission to England, and this latter narrative is given with much other matter in The Journal of the Third Provincial Congress, 1775, and has been reprinted by Ellis (in 1843), Frothingham, Swett, Dawson, etc. Force s American Archives, vol. iv., is an other repository of these and various other con temporary accounts, several of which are copied by Dawson in his Battles of the United States, as well as in his Historical Magazine article ; and by F. Moore in his Ballad History of the American Revolution, part 2. Colonel Prescott s own account is contained in a letter dated August 25, 1775, and addressed to John Adams, and this can be seen in Frothingham, 38 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. where it was first published, and in Dawson. What is called the Prescott manuscript, which is said to have been prepared in the family of the colonel, and in part with his approval, was first printed in full in Butler s History of Groton, p. 337, etc., and it has been reprinted by Dawson, p. 437. Frothingham and Sparks had the use of the manu script known as Judge Prescott s (son of the colonel) memoir of the battle ; but it was never printed in full till it appeared in Frothingham s centennial narrative, 1876. Contemporary feelings will be found expressed in the letters which passed during the war be tween John Adams and his wife Abigail Adams, which, having been some years ago published sepa rately, were reprinted in one series by their grand son, Charles Francis Adams, in 1876. President Stiles, then of Newport, kept a diary of events at this time, which js preserved at Yale College. He first heard the news on the 18th, and began his account on that day, to which he added from day to day, as further corrected ti dings reached him. This was printed at length for the first time in Dawson, but has been used by Sparks, Frothingham, Bancroft, etc. This diary also copies the letter of Peter Brown, dated June 25th, to his mother, which is considered by Froth ingham, who gives it, as the most noteworthy de scription written by a private soldier engaged in the battle, and is printed from the original in 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 39 Potter s American Monthly, July, 1875. Another letter, of date June 21st, is given in the Proceed ings of the Masachusetts Historical Society, Feb. 1870 ; under Oct. 1876, p. 108, will be found a brief account from Fenno s orderly-book ; and un der March, 1877, another from Thomas Boynton s Journal. Colonel Scammans s account of his court-mar tial is given in the New England Chronicle, Feb. 29, 1776, and is reprinted in Dawson, p. 400. Governor Trumbull in a letter, Aug. 31, 1779, gave a sketch of the action, and it is printed in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections, vol. vi. See also Stuart s Life of Jonathan Trum bull, ch. 16. Colonel John Trumbull, who after wards painted the well-known picture of the battle, was not in it, but saw the smoke of it from the Roxbury lines, and in his autobiography, pub lished in 1841, has an outline narrative. General Heath s memoirs, published in 1798, have a brief account. The narrative in Thacher s Military Journal is entered as having been written in July, 1775. The Memoirs of General James Wilkinson, printed in 1816, give in ch. 19 a "rapid sketch," embodying his own knowledge and other evidence which had reached him at first hand, as he went over the field in March, 1776, with Stark and Reed, and conferred with Major Caleb Stark. Other testimony of eye-witnesses was gathered too long after the battle to be wholly trustworthy, 40 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. in 1818, at the time of the Dearborn controversy, later to be mentioned ; and numerous depositions were taken from survivors attending the semi centennial celebration, which are preserved in three large volumes, but are considered by those who have examined them as of little or no value. The recital of the Adventures of Israel R. Potter, who was a participator in the battle, and who pub lished the first edition of his narrative at Provi dence, in 1824, was put into literary shape by Her man Melville. There is a long account in the Columbian Centinel of December, 1824, and Janu ary, 1825. An account by Oliver Morsman, a revo lutionary soldier, was published at Sackett s Har bor in 1830; and Mr. Charles Coffin published at Portland, in 1835, an account compiled from the narratives of Generals Heath, Lee, Wilkinson, and Dearborn. Mr. Needham Maynard contrib uted the recollections of a survivor, which were printed in a Boston newspaper as late as 1843. . British Accounts. Of the British accounts, the entries in Howe s orderly-book are given in Ellis s sketch (edition of 1843). The Gentleman s Mag azine (London) of the same year gave an account with a somewhat erroneous plan of the redoubt, which has been reproduced in Frothingham s mon ographs. General Gage s official report was printed in Almon s Remembrancer, accompanied with strict ures upon it, and it has been reprinted by Ellis (edition of 1843 with the strictures), Force, Swett, 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 41 Frothingham ; by Dawson, in his Historical Mag azine and in his Battles ; in Frank Moore s Bal lad History, etc. Burgoyne saw the action from Copp s Hill, and his letter to Lord Stanley, dated June 25, 1775, has also been given in Fonblanque s Life of Burgoyne ; in Dawson ; in Ellis, edition of 1843; in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, April, 1857 ; in an appen dix to Pulsifer s Sketch of the battle, and is also given in Samuel A. Drake s Bunker Hill, the Story told in Letters from the Battle-field, in which also will be found, together with various other minor British accounts, the Impartial and Authentic Narration, originally London, 1775, by John Clarke, " a first lieutenant of marines," who gives what purports to be a speech of Howe to his troops previous to the advance, which with much else in this somewhat extended narrative is considered rather apocryphal. This narrative by Clarke was reprinted privately in 1868. The compiled account in the Annual Register has been thought to have been written by Burke. Cf. Wil liam Carter s Genuine Detail of the Royal and American Armies, with a plan of the works on Bunker s Hill, London, 1784. Carter was a lieu tenant of the Fortieth Foot, and there is a note on the curious details connected with the book, in the Brinley Catalogue, No. 1789. Force, Ellis (edi tion of 1843), and Dawson, gather various contem porary royalist accounts, and some particulars can 42 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. be found in the separate historic records detail ing the careers of some of the roy^l regiments in the action, like the Fourth, Fifth, Tenth Foot, etc. Moorsom s Fifty-second Regiment gives a brief account of its share in the battle, with plates of their uniform at the time. See also Lushington s Life of General Lord Harris, pp. 54-56 ; Sergeant Lamb s (Welsh Fusileers) Journal of Occurrences during the late American War ; and the Detail and Conduct of the American War, for a letter from Boston, July 5, 1775, with other English reports. The British accounts first took regular shape in Stedman s History of the American War, published in 1794. Howe s conduct of the bat tle is criticised in Lee s Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department. Mahon s (Stanhope s) History of England, vol. vi., represents in an ac count, otherwise fair, that the Americans then and since have considered the battle a victory; but, when called upon to substantiate such an as sertion, relied chiefly (see his Appendix) on the reports of British tourists of a subsequent day. A loyalist s statement of Howe s obstinacy in at tacking in front, is in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 52. See a French narrative in Hilliard d Auber- teuil s Essais historiques, 1782. Later Special Accounts. In 1858 Mr. Henry B. Dawson published a popular account of the Battles of the United States, giving a chapter, 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 43 based on the ordinary authorities, to Bunker Hill. In 1868, in th^.- Historical Magazine, an American periodical then edited by him, he gave a special study of the battle, in which the " colonists " of the earlier work became "insurgents," and the royal troops were represented as fighting " in sup port of the constitution, the laws, the king and the government, and in defence of the life of the na tion." Differing from other authorities, he rep resents that the attack along the beach of the Mystic was a preliminary attack. He has elab orately collated the various contemporary and later compiled accounts, and has appended numer ous illustrative documents by English and Amer ican writers, derived from Almon, Force, Ellis, Frothingham, and others, to which he adds sev eral printed for the first time. The fac-similes of Page s, De Berniere s, and Dearborn s maps, which are mentioned in his text as given with his ac count, were never appended to it. Of the more extended descriptions, that in Frothingham s Siege of Boston is distinctively marked for its dependence chiefly upon contempo rary accounts, and its avoidance of the mingled recollections and self-deceptions of the survivors of all grades, who in 1818 furnished so many depositions, over forty years after the conflict, to perplex the truth-lover. These confused recollec tions, added to the local jealousies of the partisans of the troops of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, 44 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. and Connecticut, and to the facts narrated by dif ferent persons as having taken place in positions so disconnected as the redoubt and the rail fence, have done much to render the sifting of evidence very necessary ; and it all gave some ground for Charles Hudson, in 1857, in his Doubts concern ing the Battle of Bunker Hill (see also Chris tian Examiner, vol. xl.) to attempt a logical vent ure somewhat after the fashion of Whateley s fa mous argument on the non-existence of Napoleon. When, later, Frothingham wrote the Life of Joseph Warren, he took occasion to summarize his longer narrative in a chapter of that book, and his whole description has again been recast in a popular form in his centennial Bunker Hill, where he has added much new matter, in letters, incidents, etc. Anniversary addresses have often rehearsed the story, occasionally adding a few details to our stock of information, and the most significant among them have been Webster s, in 1825 (see also Analectic Magazine, vol xi.), at the laying of the corner-stone of the monument ; Alexander H. Everett s, in 1836, which subsequently was in woven in his Life of Warren, in Sparks s series ; the Rev. Dr. George E. Ellis s, in 1841, which was subsequently issued in 1843, anonymously, as a sketch of the battle, with an Appendix of illus trative documents, some of which were printed for the first time, and has again, in 1875, been recast in a centennial History without the illustrative 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 45 documents (see also his account in the New York Herald, June 8, 1875) ; that by Edward Everett ; and that by Judge Devens in 1875. A succinct narrative of the battle was also once or twice printed by Alden Bradford, in connection with his studies in the history of Massachusetts. A New History of the Battle, by W. W. Wheildon, traces two separate engagements constituting the battle. Recent years have produced condensed summaries, like that of Pulsifer and S. A. Drake; that by James M. Bugbee, in Osgood s Centennial Memorial ; an article by H. E. Scudder, in the Atlantic Monthly, July, 1875 ; one by Launce Poyntz, in the Galaxy, July, 1875. The story also makes ch. 4 of E. E. Hale s One Hundred Years Ago, and is retold in the Centennial num bers of Frank Leslie s Pictorial, in the Centennial Graphic, and in various other popular memorials of 1875. It is gone over discursively in the illus trated paper, by Rev. Dr. Samuel Osgood, in the July (1875) number of Harper s Monthly. Particular reference is given to landmarks in Lossing s Field-Book of the Revolution, vol. i., which account also appeared in the first volume of Harper s Monthly; in S. A. Drake s Historic Fields and Mansions of Middlesex. Finch, in an article in Silliman s Journal, 1822, gave an ac count of the traces then existing of the works of the British and Americans in the siege of Boston, and this has been reprinted by Frothingham. The 46 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. Report of the Bunker Hill Monument Associa tion, 1876, gives a plan showing the position of the monument and the present landmarks of the neighborhood, relative to the lines of the old forti fications. See also the section below on Maps and Plans. Accounts in General Histories. The battle has necessarily given a subject to chapters in the general histories of the war and of the State. The earliest American historian of the war was Gordon (see Loring on Gordon s History in Historical Magazine, February and March, 1862), and he followed closely the account of the Committee of Safety. Ramsay s American Revolution was published in 1789. Mrs. Mercy Warren s later. Hubley s in 1805. Bancroft gives to it the 38th chapter of his seventh volume. It is described in ch. 20 of the second volume of Elliott s New England ; in the third volume of Barry s Massa chusetts ; and in ch. 15 of Carrington s Battles of the American Revolution, with an eclectic map. In Biographies. The biographers of Wash ington, like Marshall and Irving, needed to de scribe it as leading to the consolidation of the army of which he took command on the 3d of July next following. There is a brief account in Tudor s Life of Otis. The memoirs of Heath have already been mentioned, and the lives of other observers and participants will give occasional minor details, like the Journals of Samuel Shaw, Boston, 1847, r\cc &V o* 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 47 etc.; the lives of General Ward and Colonel Knowlton, in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, July, 1851, and Jan. 1861 ; the life of Deborah Sampson, called " The Female Review," by Herman Mann, 1797, edited in 1866 by J. A. Vinton. A list of officers who were in the battle, and who are named in Frothingham, is given in the New England Historical and Genea logical Register, April, 1873 ; and in the number for July, 1874, there is an English list of the Yan kee officers in the forces about Boston, June, 1775. New Hampshire Troops. For the part borne by them, see the memoirs of Stark by Caleb Stark and Edward Everett. Stark s report to the New Hampshire Congress is in the New Hampshire Historical Society s Collections, vol. ii. ; in Ellis s edition of 1843, etc. The Adjutant-General of New Hampshire, in his report for 1866, second volume, rehearses the military history of that State, and gives some details regarding the troops engaged. The manuscripts in the Adjutant-General s office (New Hampshire), containing the rosters of Stark s and Reed s regiments, have never been printed in full. C. C. Coffin, in a letter in the Boston Globe, June 23, 1875, epitomizes the serv ice of New Hampshire troops in the battle ; and details will be found in the New Hampshire Pro vincial Papers, vol. vii.; in the histories of the towns of Hollis (see New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Oct. 1873, and July, 1876, 48 - READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775 and History by S. T. Worcester, 1879, p. 146), whence came Captain Dow s company of Pres- cott s regiment ; of Manchester, by Potter, whence came Captain John Moore s company of Stark s regiment ; and of New Ipswich. See also the New England Historical and Genealogical Regis ter, vol. xxvii. p. 377, etc. ; and the account by E. H. Derby in the number for Jan. 1877. Connecticut Troops. For the part borne by them, see lives of Putnam, Stuart s Life of Jona than Trumbull, histories of Connecticut, by Hoi- lister and others; Hinman s Connecticut in the Revolution. Who Commanded? The question of the high est command in the battle has given rise to much controversy. In many of the unofficial contem porary accounts, particularly in the British ones, Warren is represented as the commander. Put nam is known to have been the adviser of the expedition in the Council of War, and in the less authoritative accounts of the time is represented, as also in engravings, as the responsible director. Gordon, in his history in 1788, was the earliest, in print, to give the command to Prescott, follow ing the Committee of Safety s account. The earliest printed direct mention of Putnam as com mander is in a note to the sermon preached at his funeral by Rev. Josiah Whitney, in 1790, where he took exception to Humphreys s statement in his Life of Putnam, 1788, published while Put- 1775.] TEE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 49 nam was still living, in which no mention is made of Putnam having commanded. Eliot, in his bio graphical dictionary, in 1809, represents Prescott as commanding in the redoubt, and Stark at the rail fence. The earliest reflection upon the con duct of Putnam in the action appeared in General Wilkinson s Memoirs, which were published in 1816, and were reviewed in the North American Review, Oct. 1817. The Analectic Magazine for Feb. and March, 1818, had articles on the bat tle, following chiefly the accounts of Thacher and Gordon, but with some important differences, and giving documents in the latter number. General Henry Dearborn, who was a captain in Stark s regiment at the rail fence, opened a con troversy, not yet ended, and which at that time soon got to have a political bearing, when he printed his communication in the Portfolio for March, 1818, in which he aimed to show that dur ing the battle Putnam remained inactive at the rear, and this paper has since been reprinted sepa rately, and twice in the Historical Magazine, Aug. 1864, and June, 1868, p. 402. A summary of this Dearborn controversy is given in G. W. War ren s History of the Bunker Hill Monument As sociation. Colonel Daniel Putnam, the son of the general, replied to Dearborn in the May number of the Portfolio, and appended numerous deposi tions, all of which have been reprinted in Daw- son s Historical Magazine, June, 1868, p. 407. 4 50 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. This reply of Daniel Putnam led General Dear born to vindicate his former statement by the pub lication, in the Boston Patriot of June 13, 1818, of various depositions and confirmations of other participants, all of which may also be found in Dawson, p. 414. At this time Daniel Webster, in the North American Review, July, 1818, vindi cated the character of Putnam, but, examining the evidence judicially, came to the conclusion that Prescott commanded the fatigue party during the night, and on the subsequent day exercised a general command over the field so far as he could, and should be considered the commanding officer, and as acting under the orders of General Ward, at Cambridge, only, and to whom he made report of the action after it was over. See also the Pro ceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society for June, 1858. Judge John Lowell next reviewed Dearborn s defense of his attack on Putnam in the Columbian Centinel for July 4 and 15, 1818, and strength ened his points with counter-depositions of actors in the struggle, all of which are again given in Dawson, p. 423. Colonel Swett now entered into the controversy in an Historical and Topograph ical Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle, which, in Oct. 1818, was appended to an edition of Humphrevs s Life of Putnam, and this sketch was subsequently published separately and with enlargements, de rived in part from conversations with the surviv- 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 51 ors who attended the semi-centennial jubilee of 1825, and this appeared in 1826, and again in 1827 (see Sparks s notice in the North American review, vol. xxii.). Meanwhile, Colonel Daniel Putnam, in 1825, recapitulated his views in a communication to the Bunker Hill Monument Association, and this document is printed in the Connecticut Historical Collections, vol. i. The account of Swett has been substantially followed in Rand, Avery & Co. s Bunker Hill Centennial. Swett s first publication was criticised by D. L. Child, in the Boston Patriot, Nov. 17, 1818, who claimed that Putnam was not in the battle, and whose article was reprinted as an Enquiry into the Conduct of General Putnam. On the other hand, Alden Bradford, in his pamphlet in 1825, claimed the command for Putnam. In 1841 Ellis in his oration, and subsequently in his History of the Battle in 1843, taking ad vantage of intercourse with Prescott s descendants, made the first extended presentation of Prescott s claims, to which Colonel Swett demurred in the Boston Advertiser, where also can be found Ellis s rejoinder. See Judge Prescott s letter to Dr. Ellis in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts His torical Society, June, 1868. Prescott is assigned the command in the narrative of Major Thompson Maxwell, who was present in the fight, which is printed in the Collections of the Essex Institute, vol. vii. See also the New England Historical 52 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. and Genealogical Register, Jan. 1868. Cf. the Report to the Massachusetts Legislature on a monument to Colonel Prescott, 1852. Again, in 1843, John Fellows, in his Veil Re moved, animadverted upon Swett s views regard ing Putnam, and reproduced Dearborn s state ment and many others which aimed to detract from Putnam s fame. When Frothingham s Siege of Boston appeared in 1849, in which the question of the command was critically examined, p. 159, etc., giving that authority to Prescott, Swett renewed the contro versy in a critique on that work in 1850, with a tract, Who was the Commander ? etc., to which Frothingham replied in a pamphlet of fifty-six pages, The Command in the Battle of Bunker Hill, substantiating his position, and pointing out the inconsistencies and seeming perversions of Swett. In 1853 Irving in his Life of Washing ton favored Prescott. In 1855 L. Grosvenor in an address before the descendants of General Put nam " exposed " (as he claimed) " the ungener ous conduct of Colonel Prescott toward General Putnam, the commander in the battle." When Bancroft in 1858 published his seventh volume, he took the ground, already foreshadowed in a lecture which he had delivered, that Prescott commanded the Provincials. In 1859 " Selah " of the Hart ford Post, favoring Putnam, had a controversy with Dawson, who held Putnam to have been a 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 53 " blusterer and swaggerer," and intimates that he was also treacherous, and this was reprinted in an unpublished quarto, called Major-General Israel Putnam. Again, in Putnam s favor, the Hon. H. C. Deming delivered a discourse before the Con necticut Historical Society on the presentation of Putnam s sword, and it was repeated, June 18, 1860, at Putnam s grave, at Pomfret, before the Putnam Phalanx. The argument, as regards the claims of Putnam, was presented by the Rev. I. N. Tarbox, in the New York Herald, June 12 and 14, 1875, and in the New Englander, April, 1875, and more at length in his Life of Putnam, 1876. S. A. Drake s General Israel Putnam the Commander at Bunker Hill argues on the basis of military rule, and summarizes the authorities. See also Hollister s History of Connecticut and Hinman s Connecticut in the Revolution. Judge Devens s Oration at Bunker Hill, 1875, favors Prescott. Wheildon s New History favors Put nam. A pamphlet, entitled Colonel William Prescott, by Francis J. Parker, issued since 1875, presents the case anew in favor of Prescott. Death of Warren. In 1825, when General W. H. Sumner was Adjutant- General of Massachu setts, and it devolved upon him to arrange for the appearance of the veterans in the celebration of that year, he collected from the recitals of some of them a few particulars regarding the appearance and death of Warren, and held some correspond- 54 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. ence with Dr. Waterhouse on the subject in the Boston Patriot, in August of that year. This matter he reproduced in a paper in the New Eng land Historical and Genealogical Register, April and July, 1858. See further the accounts in Lor- ing s Boston Orators ; in Mrs. J. B. Brown s (Warren s grand-daughter) Stories of General Warren ; in Dr. John Jeffries s (son of the royal surgeon on the field) paper in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, June 17, 1875 ; and in the Life of Dr. John Warren, brother of the general. See also the Eulogy on General Warren in 1776, by Perez Morton, and the memorial volume on the occasion of the dedication of the Warren statue, and particularly Frothinghara s Life of Warren. The history of Warren s sword is given in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Sept. 1866. There is an account of the different celebrations in Charlestown in the New York Herald for June 4, 1875 ; and of Ralph Farnham, the last survivor of the battle, in the Historical Magazine, iv. 312. There are other papers on the battle in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, and Dawson s and Frothingham s notes will indicate additional publications of small importance not mentioned here. Plans and Maps. The earliest of the plans of the action seems to have been a slight sketch, after information from Chaplain John Martin, who was 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 55 in the battle, drawn by Stiles in his diary, which is reproduced in Dawson, who also, as does Froth- in gham, gives the slight sketch, made with print ers rules, which accompanied the account in Riv- ington s Gazette, August 3, 1775. The careful plan made by Page of the British engineers, based upon Captain Montresor s survey (which closely agrees with Felton and Parker s survey of Charlestown in 1848), is much the best, and it shows the laying out of Charlestown, the position of the frigates, and the battery at Copp s Hill. The successive positions of the attacking force are indicated by a superposed sheet. This was issued in London in 1776, and the same plate, with few changes, was used in Stedman s history in 1794. The original impression was reengraved for Frothingham s Siege of Boston, and is also given in his Centennial Narrative. The plan by De Berniere, of the Tenth Royal Infantry, on much the same scale as Page s, dif fers in some points from it, is not so correct in the ground plan, and is the first plan that appeared in an American engraving, in the Analectic Maga zine, Feb. 1818, where it is represented as from a sketch found in the captured baggage of a British officer in 1775. General Dearborn made some re marks on this plan in the Portfolio, March, 1818, which are reprinted in Dawson, p. 438. Dear born s subsequent plan, as altered in red on that of De Berniere, was criticised upon the field in 56 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. June, 1818, by Governor Brooks (who acted as messenger from Fresco tt to Ward in the battle), as detailed by General Sumner in the New Eng land Historical and Genealogical Register, July, 1858. This map was made the basis of one en graved by Smith, and issued in Boston, at the time of the completion of the monument, in 1843. A map of Boston, showing Charlestown and the field, with Burgoyne s letter attached, was issued in London, and has been reproduced in fac-simile in F. Moore s Ballad History of the Revolution, part 2. There is also an English map of the eastern part of Massachusetts, dated London, Sept. 2, 1775, in which the lines of march of the troops of the different provinces are designated as they assembled to the relief of Boston. This has been reproduced in smaller size in the Centennial Graphic, and Frothingham styles it " more curi ous than valuable." In a side-sketch, of this same sheet, there is a semi-pictorial plan of the battle, with the whole of Boston, and this has been fac similed in Wheildon s, Pulsifer s, and Bngbee s sketches, and in George A. Coolidge s Centennial Memorial. There is a map of New England at this time in Hilliard d Auberteuil s Essais histor- iques, 1782. Colonel Swett made a plan of his own, based on De Berniere s, of about the size of Page s, and it was reproduced full size in Ellis s oration, 1841 ; 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 57 but the reproductions of it in Lossing s Field- Book, in Ellis s New York Herald article, June 8, 1875, and in his History and Centennial History, in Rand, Avery & Co. s Bunker Hill Centennial, in George A. Coolidge s Brochure, in the Bunker Hill Tiroes, June 17, 1875, and in Bugbee s sketch, are reduced in size. See also Tarbox s Life of Putnam. Little regard is paid in this plan to the laying out of the town of Charlestown. There is a plan in the English translation of Botta s His tory of the War of Independence ; and lesser plans are in Ridpath s United States, and are other pop ular histories. Of contemporary plans of Boston, that in the Gentleman s Magazine, Oct. 1775, p. 464, shows the peninsula, with " Charlestown in ruins." This is drawn from the same original as that in the Pennsylvania Magazine, 1775, which in the June number has a plan of Boston Harbor, with only one eminence delineated on the Charlestown pen insula, which is marked " Bunk 8 H." The houses in the town are represented as on fire, and simi larly in the plan in Murray s Impartial History of the American War. There is a plan of Boston in the Geschichte der Kriege in und aus Europa, Nuremberg, 1776. The London Magazine, April, 1774, has a chart of the coast of New England, with a plan of Boston in the corner, and this plan was inserted, enlarged, in Jeffery s Map of New England, Nov. 1774, with also a plan of Boston 58 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. Harbor, and was again copied in Jeffery s Ameri can Atlas, 1776, and a French reproduction of it was published at Paris in 1778, in the Atlas Ameriquain septentrional. Another chart of the harbor arid plan of the town is in the Political Magazine, Nov. 1782. Views, etc. There are rude contemporary views of the action, one of which appeared in 1775, known as Roman s, representing Putnam on horseback, as in command, and was reduced in the Pennsylvania Magazine, Sept. 1775, and this has been heliotyped in Frothingham s Centennial sketch, in Rand, Avery & Co. s, and in Coolidge s memorials, and is also reproduced in Moore s Bal lad History, and in the Bunker Hill Times, June 17, 1875. In Cooking s poem, The American War, published in London, 1781, is a somewhat extraordinary picture, which, with extracts from the poem, has been reproduced in S. A. Drake s monograph ; and the picture is also given in Bug- bee s sketch, and in Coolidge s Brochure. In the Gentleman s Magazine, Feb. 1790, there is a view of Charlestown and Howe s encampment on the hill, taken after the battle ; and in the Massachu setts Magazine, Sept. 1789, is a view of Charles River Bridge, showing the configuration of Bun ker s and Breed s hills. The well-known picture which Colonel Trum- bull, in 1786, painted of the battle, and of which a key will be found in the New England Historical 1775.J THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 59 and Genealogical Register, vol. xv., and of which there is a description in Trumbull s Autobiogra phy, gave the command in the redoubt to Putnam, and a subordinate position to Prescott, which the painter is said afterwards to have regretted, as in dicating views on the question of command at variance with the truth. A picture by D. M. Carter represents Prescott in command, and this is reproduced in Coolidge s Brochure. Chappel s picture of the battle is given in W. L. Stone s History of New York City. There is a curious engraving of a group where an eulogy is being pronounced over Warren s body, in Hilliard d Au- bertenil a Essais historiques, 1782. The Monument. For accounts of the monu ment, see Ellis s ed. of 1843; Frothingham s Siege of Boston, and Wheildon s Life of Solomon Wil- lard. A History of the Bunker Hill Monument Association has been written by G. W. Warren, 1877. See, also, A. S. Packard s account in the Collections of the Maine Historical Society, vol. iii. In Fiction. Dr. O. W. Holmes, in his Grand mother s Story of Bunker Hill Battle, rehearses the events of the day in verse ; and the battle is described in Cooper s novel of Lionel Lincoln. The Siege of Boston, June, 1775 March, 1776. The siege of Boston began with the return of the British troops from Concord on the evening of April 19, 1775 ; and Putnam fortified Prospect 60 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. Hill (now Somerville) immediately after tlie bat tle of Bunker Hill ; and after Washington s tak ing the command, July 3, 1775, the work of com pleting the lines about the town was begun. The fullest accounts of the events succeeding the 17th of June will be found in Frothingham s Siege of Boston, and in the memorial volume of the Centennial Celebration, printed by the City of Boston, in 1876, including an historical address by Geo. E. Ellis, to which is appended a chronicle of the siege by the same hand. A general survey of the events will be found in Bancroft s United States, vol. viii. ; and Barry s Massachusetts, vol. iii. ; in Paige s History of Cambridge ; in the Me moirs of Gen. Heath ; the Memoirs of Gen. Wil kinson ; Greene s Life of Greene, i. 88, and other accounts of the Rhode Island troops in the Rhode Island Historical Society s Collections, vi. Popular accounts can be followed in Dawson s Battles of the United States; in E. E. Hale s One Hundred Years Ago ; in H. E. Scudder s paper on the Siege in the Atlantic Monthly, April, 1876, and in the general histories. Gordon, vol. ii., gives details from diaries of the times ; and illustrative matter of contemporary origin is given in Almon s Remembrancer ; in Force s American Archives ; in Moore s Diary of the American Revolution ; in the Collections of the Essex Institute, vol. iii. ; in the diary of Gen eral Heath in the camps at Roxbury and Cam- 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 61 bridge, in the Proceedings, May, 1859, of the Massachusetts Historical Society, which contains matter not in his Memoirs ; and the accounts in Niles s Principles and Acts of the Revolution. Cf. also F. S. Drake s History of Roxbury. The letters of Washington, in Sparks s edition, vol. iii., during his stay at Cambridge, are of the utmost importance, as are those of Joseph Reed, his military secretary. The Life of Reed con tains some of Washington s letters which Sparks did not print ; others are in the Rhode Island Co lonial Records, vii. Consult the autobiography of Col. John Trumbull, who was at this time of Washington s military family ; the Revolution ary Services of Gen. William Hull, ch. 2 ; and the Life of Dr. John Warren, brother of General Joseph Warren, and of the medical staff. A jour nal of Knox s expedition in Nov. 1775, to Ticon- deroga to get cannon for conducting the siege of Boston, is given in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, July, 1876. Drake s Life of Knox. Of the associations of Washington with his head-quarters at Cambridge, see Alexander Mc- Kenzie s article in the Atlantic Monthly, July, 1875 ; and Charles Deane s paper in the Proceed ings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Sept. 1872, see also June, 1858. In the Harvard Book are chapters on the Old President s House, by Chas. Deane ; on the Cragie House, by George 62 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. Dexter, and on the Washington Elm, by Alex ander McKenzie. Cf. T. C. Amory s Old and New Cambridge. In this connection see the Centennial volume published by the City of Cam bridge, 1875, which includes Rev. Dr. Peabody s oration at Cambridge, July 3, 1875. There is a poem, Under the Great Elm, in the Atlantic Monthly, Aug. 1875, by James Russell Lowell. A letter of Washington is in the Magazine of American History, Feb. 1879, p. 113. Much con nected with the Cambridge centre, and the left wing can be learned from Drake s Middlesex; and for the whole line, from Lossing s Field-Book. The Rules and Regulations for the Massachu setts army were published by order at Salem in 1775. Various orderly books, contemporary letters, and diaries, etc., have been printed, covering the American camp life, and the experiences of the troops and prisoners in Boston : American Camp. Thacher s Military Journal, the author being a surgeon in the forces on Pros pect Hill, and in Boston after the evacuation. Dr. Belknap s diary, Oct. 1775, at Cambridge, in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, June, 1858. Paul Lunt s diary, Cam bridge, May 10 to Dec. 23, 1775, in the same, Feb. 1872. Ezekiel Price s diary, along the American lines, in the same, Nov. 1863. Crafts s journal, beginning at Cambridge, June 15, 1775, 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 63 in Collections of the Essex Institute, vol. iii. p. 51. The letters written by Abigail Adams to her husband, John Adams. A MS. orderly-book, Cambridge, July 3 to Sept. 21, 1775, is in the cab inet of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. Dan iel McCurlin s journal in Thomas Balch s Mary land Line during the Revolution. David How s diary, a soldier in Col. Sargent s regiment of the Massachusetts line, printed with notes by H. B. Dawson, New York, 1865. William Henshaw s orderly-book, April to Sept. 1775, with notes by C. C. Smith, in the Proceedings of the Massa chusetts Historical Society, Oct. 1876, and re printed. Glover s orderly-book, in Collections of the Essex Institute, vol. v. p. 112. Col. Israel Hutchinson s orderly-book, Aug. 13, 1775 to July 8, 1776, in Proceedings of Massachusetts Histori cal Society, Oct. 1878, with notes by C. C. Smith, and an introduction by Lucius R. Paige, also printed separately. Jeremiah Fogg s orderly- book, Winter Hill, Oct. 28, 1775 to Jan. 12, 1776, is preserved in Harvard College library. Major William Lee s orderly-book is still in MS. in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Aaron Wright s diary, in Boston Tran script, April 11, 1862. A Diary in the Histori cal Magazine, Oct. 1864. Letters during Oct. 1775 of William Thompson of the Pennsylvania line in Read s Life of George Read, pp. 112, 128. For the camp on Winter Hill see Amory s Sullivan, p. 15. 64 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775 In Boston. The Andrews papers in the Pro ceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, July, 1865. Letters, which had been used by Frothinghain, but were not printed in full till they appeared in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, April, 1857. Letters in the American Historical Record, Dec. 1872. Ne well s diary in Boston, in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 4th series, vol. i. Letters during the occupation of Boston, edited by W. P. Upham, in the Collections of the Essex Institute, vol. xiii., July, 1876; and see in this connection Mr. Upham s paper on the occupation of Boston, in the Institute s Bulletin, March, 1876. Letters written from Boston, by the Rev. Dr. Eliot, in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Sept. 1878. Letters written from Boston to Gardiner Greene, in the Proceed ings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, June, 1873. Samuel Paine s Letter, Oct. 1775, in the New England Historical and Genealogical Regis ter, July, 1876. John Leach s diary during his confinement in Boston as a prisoner, June 29 to Oct. 4, 1775, in the same, July, 1865, also see Oct. 1865. Peter Edes s diary during his con finement in Boston, printed at Bangor, 1837. The journal of a British officer in Boston, edited by R. H. Dana, Jr., in the Atlantic Monthly, April, 1877. Fonblanque s Life of Burgoyne, ch. 4. Adjutant Waller s orderly-book, with the 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 65 British in Boston, never printed, in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society. See their Proceedings, i. 481. The log-book of the British ship Preston, in Boston Harbor, April to Sept. 1775, in the Maine Historical Society s Col lections, Aug. 1860. An account of the contribu tions sent by the Friends in Philadelphia to the sufferers in Boston is given in the Pennsylvania Magazine of American History, i. 168. On the evacuation in March, 1776, there are letters by Eldad Taylor, in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Juty, 1854 ; and others by Edmund Quincy, in the Proceed ings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, April, 1858. Cf. Force s American Archives, 4th series, v. and vi. ; Reed s Joseph Reed, i. ch. 8 ; Hollis- ter s Connecticut, ch. 10. Dawson in his Battles gives Howe s dispatch from Nantasket Roads, March 21, 1776, and Washington s dispatch of March 19, 1776. Washington s instructions to Gen. Ward on leaving Boston for New York, are given in the Heath Papers, Massachusetts His torical Society s Collections, 5th series, iv. 4 ; and p. 296 there is a letter of John Winthrop to John Adams, after the evacuation. Landmarks and Memorials. The appearance of Boston at this time can be judged of from a plate representing the landing of the British troops to garrison the place in 1768, by Paul Revere, which is reproduced in Rand, Avery & 66 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. Co. s Bunker Hill Centennial, and in the Boston Evacuation Memorial, 1876. There is a view of the harbor and town in the Pennsylvania Maga zine, June, 1773 ; a description with a view in the Columbian Magazine, Dec. 1787 ; and one of the town from Breed s Hill in the Massachusetts Magazine, June, 1791, and in July, 1793, a large view of the Old State House, and for another see Aug. 1791; in July, 1789, one of the Hancock House ; in March, 1789, one of Faneuil Hall, all showing the aspects of revolutionary Boston. Several of these are reproduced in the Boston Evacuation Memorial. A view showing Dorches ter Heights is in the number for Nov. 1790, and another of Boston from those heights in 1774, is copied from a contemporary English print in Lossing s Field-Book, i. 512 ; a view of Charles- town, with the north battery in Boston in the foreground, engraved by Paul Revere, is in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical So ciety, Oct. 1877. Descriptions of the town and its society at a little later date will be found in the letters of An- burey, who was one of Burgoyne s officers quar tered at Cambridge in 1777 ; in Abb Robin, a chaplain of Rochambeau in 1781, whose account is quoted by Shurtleff, and translated in the His torical Magazine, Aug. 1862 ; and in Chastellux, 1782, vol. ii., also quoted in Shurtleff s Descrip tion of Boston. 1775.] :r# AMERICAN REVOLUTION. There is a view of Gage s lines on Boston in Frothingham, from a print published in 1777, and a plan of them in Force s American Archives, vol. iii. ; another original plan is reproduced in the Centennial Graphic. An original plan of the Neck defenses of the British, made within the American lines, largely from information of a de serter, with all the guns marked, their calibre and quantity of shot given, is preserved among the Lee papers in the library of the American Philo sophical Society in Philadelphia. See also Penn sylvania Magazine, Aug. 1775, for Gage s lines. A plan of the fort erected by the British on Bunker Hill proper is given in Frothingharn s Siege, from one published in London in 1781. William Carter s Genuine Detail of the Several Engagements, etc., London, 1784, gives a plan of these works at the time of their evacuation. A gold medal given by Congress to Washing ton to commemorate the Siege of Boston is pre served in the Boston Public Library, and an ac count of it is given in the Boston Evacuation Memorial, 1876. See also Snowden s Medals of Washington and Loubat s Medallic History of the United States. Washington s letter to Congress is given in fac-simile in Force s American Ar chives, 4th series, v. 977. Fiction. The events of the siege are worked into the story of Cooper s Lionel Lincoln, and of Scribe s play La Bohemienne. 68 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. Maps, Plans, etc. Shurtleff, in his Descrip tion of Boston, ch. 6, gives a section to the enumeration of maps of the town and its harbor, some of which are of interest in understanding the circuit of fortifications erected by the provin cial forces at this time. The best for ordinary consultation is the eclectic map given by Froth- inghani in his Siege of Boston, p. 91. See also that in Force, vol. iii., and the military maps in Marshall s Washington, Sparks s Washington, re peated in the Evacuation Memorial, and repro duced by Guizot, in his Washington ; Carring- ton s Battles of the American Revolution, p. 155; Lossing s Field-Book, etc. For contemporary maps, that in vol. i. of Al- mon s Remembrancer, drawn at Boston in June, 1775, and published in London, Aug. 28, 1775, shows for the field of battle the words " Breed s pasture," which accords with the belief that that eminence was not known as Breed s Hill till after the battle. It is not otherwise very accurate. The Gentleman s Magazine, Jan. 1775, gave a chart of the town and harbor. The Pennsylvania Magazine, July, 1775, gave a plan of Boston, with a side-sketch of the lines about the town, which has been reproduced in Moore s Ballad History, and in the Centennial Memorials of Rand, Avery & Co., of George A. Coolidge, etc. Col. Trumbull, in his autobi ography, gave a map of the lines made by himself 1775.1 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 69 in Sept. 1775. A plan of the works on Winter Hill is among the Washington maps in the Sparks Collection. A large map of the town, with surrounding country and harbor, after Samuel Holland s sur veys, was published by Des Barres in London, Aug. 5, 1775. It shows no fortifications except those at Copp s Hill and on the Neck. A colored copy of this is in the Boston Public Library, as is also a French map, 1780, Carte particuli^re du Havre de Boston, r^duite de la carte anglaise de Des Barres. The 1775 plate of Des Barres, with out change of date, but nevertheless with changes in some parts, and with the various fortifications of the siege delineated, was published again in 1780-83 in the Atlantic Neptune, and it was from Frothingham s copy of this that the repro duction in Shurtleff s Description of Boston was made in 1870. Faden s map of Boston, with the intrenchments of 1775, based on the observations of Page in 1775, was published, London, Oct. 1, 1777, and in a later edition, Oct. 1778, and it has been fac similed in Frothingham s Siege. Roman s map of The Seat of Civil War in America, 1775, has a rude view of the lines on Boston Neck, and a plan of Boston and its envi rons. In 1776 there was published by Beaurain, at Paris, a Carte du Porte et Havre de Boston, 70 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. which is copied from a British plan, and has in a vignette the earliest known printed representation of the Pine-tree banner (this vignette is copied by Frothingham, who calls the map "curious but not correct"). There is also a German edition of the same, published in the first part of the Geographische Belustigungen, Leipsic, 1776, by J. C. Muller, " von dein Cheval. de Beaurin nach dem Pariser original von 1776." Henry Pelham s map of Boston and environs, which is called " the most accurate " of all, was published in London, June 2, 1777, shows the military lines, and has been reproduced, much re duced, in Moore s Diary of the Revolution and in Drake s Landmarks, but is fac-similed full size in the Evacuation Memorial of the City of Boston, 1876. In 1777 Faden published in London a plan of Boston and vicinity, showing the " Rebel works," and based on Page s and Montresor s observa tions. The Impartial History of the War in America, published in Boston, 1781-1785, has a plan of Bos ton with Charlestown (represented in flames) and the attack on Bunker Hill. The engraving is marked " J. Norman, So." The earliest of the eclectic maps, and the one followed by later authorities in assigning the lo cation of the military lines, was that given by Gordon in his History, vol. ii., who took Page s for the town, and Pelham s for the country. 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 71 The contemporary American Atlas, London, contains various maps of interest in this connec tion, namely : Plan of Boston and vicinity, made by English engineers, Oct. 1775 (No. 16) ; maps of New England (Nos. 13 and 14), and small plans of Boston (Nos. 13 and 15). See Josiah Quincy s descriptions of a map of Boston and harbor, 1775, in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, May, 1860, and other accounts in the Proceedings for 1864, pp. 361, 474. Burning of Falmouth, Maine, October, 1775. Contemporary accounts are given in the Gen tleman s Magazine, London ; in the Historical Magazine, March, 1869 ; in Bailey s letter printed in the Maine Historical Society s Collections, vol. v. p. 437. See also Williamson s, ii. 422, and other histories of Maine, Willis s Portland, ch. 19 and App. 17 to 20, Sparks s Washington, iii. App., and the New England Historical and Ge nealogical Register, July, 1873. The act was disowned by the British government. Stan hope s England, vi. 75, and Sparks s Washington, iii. 520. A plan of Falmouth is given in a Boston edition of the Impartial History, vol. ii. ; and in Smith and Deane s Journal of Portland, showing the burnt section. 72 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. The Second Continental Congress, 1775. This assembly came together at Philadelphia May 10th, and their proceedings are given in Journals of Congress, ii. Illustrative accounts will be found in histories of the United States, by Banqroft, vii. 353, viii. 25, 51 ; by Grahame, iv. 407 ; by Pitkin, i. ch. 9 ; by Hildreth, iii. ch. 31 ; in Frothingham s Rise of the Republic, p. 419 ; in Thaddeus Allen s Origina tion of the American Union ; in histories of states, like Barry s Massachusetts, Mulford s New Jer sey, etc. ; in Gordon s Revolution. Documents are in Force s Archives. Compare the lives of its members, etc., like those of Franklin by Sparks, i. 393, by Bigelow and by Parton ; of Washington by Marshall, Sparks, and Irving ; of Samuel Adams by Wells, ii. ch. 37 ; of John Adams by C. F. Adams, i., with Adams s diary in vol. ii. p. 408 ; of Richard H. Lee, i. 140 ; of Schuyler by Lossing, i. 316 ; of Jefferson, by Randall, i. ch. 4, and by Parton, ch. 19 ; of Jay by Jay ; of Rutledge by Flanders, ch. 8 ; of George Read by Read, p. 105. For commentary on events see the letters of John Adams to Abigail Adams ; the letters of Silas Deane in the Connecticut Historical Soci ety s Collections, ii. 129 ; the Diary of Christo pher Marshall ; Frothingham s Rise of the Re public, ch. ii. ; and, for the composition of parties, 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 73 the Life of John Adams, i. 212; also Magazine of American History, April, 1878. John Hancock was chosen President May 24th. For the character of Hancock, not favorably drawn, see Wells s Samuel Adams ; also compare Sander son s Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Loring s Hundred Boston Orators, and C. W. Upham s Speech in the Massachusetts Legislature, March 17, 1859, on the bill for pre serving the Hancock House. Sparks s Washing ton, iii. 37. For Hancock s correspondence as President of Congress, see Force s American Ar chives, 4th series, v., and 5th series, i., ii,, and iii. An account of the Hancock Papers in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society is given in their Proceedings, i. 271. The address to the inhabitants of Great Britain was drafted by R. H. Lee. Cf. his Life, i. 143. For action on the nomination of Washington to the command of the army, see Bancroft, vii. ch. 37 ; J. C. Hamilton s Alexander Hamilton, i. 110 ; John Adams s Diary, in Works ii. 415 ; Frothing- ham s Rise of the Republic, p. 430. Cf. also C. F. Adams s paper in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Proceedings, June, 1858. The petition to the King, which was adopted July 8th, is given in Force s American Archives, 4th series, iv. 607. November 9th an agreement to keep all the proceedings secret was signed by the members, 74 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. and a fac-simile of this paper is given in Force s American Archives, 4th series, iii. 1918. November 29th Congress established a Com mittee of Secret Correspondence for keeping up intercourse with sympathizers in Europe. Cf. C. W. F. Dumas s letters in Diplomatic Correspond ence, ix. ; and Force s American Archives, 5th series, ii. and iii., index^ under Dumas and Secret. Political Effects, 1775. Sabine in his American Loyalists, i. ch. 2, 3, and 4, gives the condition of parties, as does Frothingham in his Rise of the Republic. The effect of the Lexington fight is traced in the gen eral histories, and for distant responses in feeling see Lossing s Schuyler, i. 307 ; W. B. Stevens s Georgia, ii. 100 ; and other local histories and bi ographies. In Massachusetts, Warren s oration on the an niversary of the Massacre in March shows the strong patriotic impulses of the time. Cf. Froth- ingham s Warren, ch. 13 ; Magoon s Orators of the Revolution ; Loring s Hundred Boston Ora tors. The Provincial Congress met at Water- town, in February (see Force s Archives, 4th series, iii., for proceedings, and Amory s James Sullivan, ch. 3), and President Langdon s ser mon before it in May was the first public com memoration of the Lexington fight. Cf. Thorn ton s Pulpit of the Revolution. 1776.J THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 75 The Proceedings of the New York Provincial Congress are also given in Force ; but compare J. C. Hamilton s Republic of the United States, i. ch. 3 ; and the letters of Joseph Reed in his Life by W. B. Reed, i. 93. As indicative of Southern feeling, see the prog ress of events in Virginia as given in Girardin s continuation of Burk s Virginia, written with the cognizance of Jefferson ; Rives s Madison, i. ch. 4 ; and Wirt s Patrick Henry, which shows the somewhat exuberant pride of an ardent Virginian. Cf. also under Dunmore and Virginia in the index of Force s American Archives, 4th series, iii.-vi. Late in the year the feelings engendered by the refusal of the King to recognize the petitions of Congress, and the burning of Falmouth, wrought changes which are depicted in Frothingham s Rise of the Republic, p. 447, and in Wells s Samuel Adams. Relations with the Indians, 1768-1776. In 1768 a treaty had been made at Fort Stan- wix, defining the line between the settlements and the Indian territory. Accounts, with map, may be found in the Documentary History of New York, i. 587 ; in Documents relative to the Colo nial History of New York, viii. 136. A map of 1771, showing the country of the Six Nations, is in the Documentary History of New York, iv. 661. In April, 1775, the Provincial Congress of Mas- 76 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1768- sachusetts had sought to establish friendly rela tions with the Indians of the Mohawk Valley. Stone s Life of Brant, i. 55. Amory s Life of James Sullivan, p. 48, gives the letter to the Indi ans to induce enlistments under an order of the Provincial Congress, May 12, 1775. In May and June Congress had passed orders for the employ ment of Indians in certain ways. Secret Journals, i. 4446. Adolphus thinks that Ramsay (ii. ch. 18) gives a candid account of the efforts made by both sides to secure the assistance of the Indians. Cf. Stone s Life of Brant, ch. 9. Sparks (Wash ington, iii. 494) thinks the Americans equally cul pable in intentions, though in effect the British caused most misery to ensue from the policy. See also v. 274. Congress also arranged (Journals, 1775, p. 162) for commissioners to meet the chiefs of the Six Nations, to fix, by treaty, their neutrality. They met at German Flats Aug. 15th. Cf. Force s Ar chives, 4th series, iii. 473, and 5th series, i. ; Mas sachusetts Historical Society s Collections, 3d se ries, v. 75 ; Colonial History of New York, viii. 605. A loyalist s view is given in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 71. This was followed by a conference at Albany. Cf. Lossing s Schuyler, i. ch. 22. Force s American Archives contain many docu ments. Cf. 4th series, iv., under Indians and Six Nations in the index ; v., under Indians ; vi., un- 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 77 der Six Nations and Indians ; 5th series, i. and ii., under Indians. Sir John Johnson s leaguing with the Indians against the Americans is set forth in Force, 4th series, vi. ; 5th series, ii. and iii. ; and in Lossing s Schuyler, i. In January, 1776, Schuyler led an expedition to Johnstown to disarm the tories and intimidate the Indians. Cf. Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ch. 1 ; Dun- lap s New York, ii. ch. 2 ; Stone s Life of Brant, i. ; Documents relative to the Colonial History of New York, viii. ; and a tory view in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 71, 578, 583. Accounts of Indian and tory alliances in Central New York are given in Simms s Schoharie County and in Campbell s Tryon County. Accounts of the expedition against the Chero- kees beyond the Blue Ridge are given in a paper by D. L. Swain in the Historical Magazine, Nov. 1867 ; in the Chapel Hill University Magazine, May, 1852 ; and in a journal in the Historical Magazine, Oct. 1867. Loyalists. The chief contemporary authorities for the con dition and vicissitudes of the loyalists are these : New York in the Revolutionary War, by Judge Jones of Long Island, who was at one time a prisoner in Connecticut, and who wrote his history in England, just after the close of the war. He is 78 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. equally severe, both upon the British Ministry, their generals, and upon the Congress and its generals. The MS. was printed for the first time / in 1879, edited by De Lancey, and issued by the New York Historical Society. The posthumous volume of Hutchinson s His tory of Massachusett s Bay. The examination of Joseph Galloway before the House of Commons was printed, and has been edited by Thomas Balch for the Seventy-Six So ciety. ^The Life of Peter van Schaack has been writ ten by H. C. van Schaack. Curwen s Journal is that of a refugee in Eng land, 1775-1784, recording current news and pass ing judgment on it, and there are reviews of it in the Southern Review, July, 1843 ; North Ameri can Review, Jan. 1843, and Oct. 1844. Much of contemporary record will be found by the index under Disaffected or Suspected persons and Tories, in Force s American Archives, 4th se ries, iv., v., and vi. ; 5th series, i., ii., and iii. The most important of later works is Sabine s American Loyalists, which has an historical intro duction, and consists of an alphabetical list of such persons, with brief accounts of them indi vidually. It was reviewed by C. C. Smith in the North American Review, xcix. Winthrop Sar gent made a collection of Loyalist Poetry. Long Island was a stronghold of this class, and there 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 79 is illustrative matter in the histories of Long Island by SilaarWood, 1826 ; by B. T. Thomp- son, 1843 ; by N. S. Prime, 1845 ; and in Onder- donk s Queens and Suffolk County. Sabine in ch. 8 of his introduction gives an account of the loyalists in arms, and Sparks s Washington, iv. 519, has a note on their service in the British army. See also Massachusetts Historical Society s Proceedings, 1878 ; Ellis s Life of Count Rum- ford, p. 112 ; Huntington s Stamford, Connecticut, ch. 17 ; and other local histories. Capture of Ticonderoga, May 10, 1775. This expedition, planned in Connecticut (J. H. Trumbull s paper in the Hartford Daily Courant, Jan. 9, 1869, subsequently privately reprinted ; the documents, including the diary of Mott, edited by Trumbull in the Connecticut Historical Collec tions, i. 163, and Mott s letter to the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, printed in their jour nal, with other papers), was strengthened in Berkshire (Holland s Western Massachusetts ; Barry s Massachusetts ; Smith s History of Pitts- field, i. ch. 12), and at Bennington was joined by Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys, and the whole placed under Allen s command. Meanwhile Benedict Arnold, with a commis sion from Massachusetts, went to Berkshire to raise a force for the same purpose, but finding the other expedition afoot, joined it, and after some 80 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775- dispute about the command, went on as a volun teer. Lossing s Schuyler, i. 310; De Laucey s notes to Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 546, for Allen s commission, and a letter, May 14th ; Force s American Archives, 4th series, iii. Details of the capture and of events closely fol lowing will be found in the following works : Sparks s Life of Benedict Arnold. Schuyler s letters in Sparks s Correspondence of the Ameri can Revolution. Sparks s Life of Gouverneur Mor ris, i. ch. 4. The Lives of Ethan Allen by Sparks and Hugh Moore, with De Puy s Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Heroes. Lossing s Life of Schuyler, i. 311 ; his Field-Book, and his article in Harper s Monthly, vol. xvii. Irving s Wash ington. Historical Magazine, Feb. 1869, p. 126. Watson s Essex County, N. Y., ch. 9. Palmer s Lake Champlain, ch. 6. De Costa in the Galaxy, Dec. 1868, and his Fort George, with Hiland Hall s pamphlet in reply to De Costa, Montpelier, 1869. Hollister s History of Connecticut, ii. ch. 7. Connecticut Historical Collections, vol. i. Elmer s journal of the Expedition, in the New Jersey Historical Society s Proceedings, ii. and iii. Force s American Archives, ii. Beman s ques tionable account in the Historical Magazine, May, 1868 ; and Col. Caldwell s narrative in the num ber for Aug. 1867. L. E. Chittenden s address, 1872, at the unveiling of Allen s statue at Bur lington, Vt., July 4, 1873. 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 81 A loyalist view of these transactions is given in Judge Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 47. A plan of Ticonderoga, with its dependencies, is given in John Trumbull s Memoirs, p. 33. For the ruins of the fort see Harper s Monthly, vii. 170, and Lossing s Field-Book. Allen figures in Thompson s Green Mountain Boys, a fiction. The Advance into Canada, 1775. Washington in New York, June 25th, intrusted Schuyler with the command in the North. Los- sing s Schuyler, i. 330. Notes of the preparations Schuyler made are in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, p. 58. Congress put forth an Address to the Canadi ans. Journals of Congress, and Pitkin s United States, i. App. 19. The movements of Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen, and the action of Connecticut in dispatch ing more troops (Lives of Arnold, Allen, Gov. Trumbull ; Hollister s Connecticut, Lossing s Schuyler), took place before Schuyler reached Ticonderoga, July 18th, after which events can be followed in Lossing s Schuyler, i. ch. 21 ; Pal mer s Lake Champlain, ch. 6 ; Irving s Washing ton, ii. A Journal by Gen. Irvine, beginning in May, is in the Historical Magazine, April, 1862; a 82 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1775. plan of cooperation in the New York State Calen dar, i. Schuyler and Montgomery pushed to the foot of Lake Champlain in Sept. Lossing s Schuyler, i. ch. 23. Montgomery, Sept. 18th, advanced to the siege of St. John s. Meanwhile Ethan Allen, instead of joining Montgomery, started to capture Montreal by a surprise, but was himself taken prisoner Sept. 25th. Moore s Diary of the American Revolu tion, pp. 152159; Allen s Narrative of his Cap tivity; Lossing in Harper s Monthly, xvii. 721. The juncture of Gen. Wooster and his Connect icut troops with the invading army perplexed Schuyler with the question of Wooster s rank ing officers already in the field. Cf. Lossing s Schuyler and Hollister s Connecticut. Much about the proceedings of Wooster in Canada will be found in Force s American Archives, 4th series, iv., v., vi. ; 5th series, i. St. John s surrendered to Montgomery Nov. 2d. Lossing s Schuyler, i. 444 ; Sargent s Major Andre*, p. 79 ; Armstrong s Life of Montgomery. The Advance by the Kennebec, September, 1775. Arnold, having returned to Cambridge, was put in command of a force, and Washington in structed him (Sparks s Washington, iii. 86) to proceed by the Kennebec valley, and effect a junc tion with Montgomery before Quebec. Arnold s 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 83 reports to Washington are in Sparks s Correspond ence of the Revolution, i. Accounts are given in Lossing s Field-Book of the Revolution, i. ; his Schuyler, i. ch. 26 ; Ban croft, viii. ; Sparks s Arnold, ch. 3 and 4 ; Que bec Literary and Historical Society s Transactions, 1871-1872, 1872-1873, 1876-1877; Historical Magazine, ii. ; New England Historical and Genealogical Register, April, 1857 ; Graham s Life of Gen. Morgan, ch. 4 ; Potter s American Monthly, Dec. 1875. The following journals of this march and the sequel have been printed : Melvin s, separately, and in part in the Appen dix to Parton s Aaron Burr. Henry s, 1812, also reprinted in 1877. Ware s, in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, April, 1852. Allen s, in the Maine Historical Society s Collec tions, 1831, pp. 341, 387, where are given Ar nold s letters and Montresor s journal of the sur vey of the route in 1760, which suggested this present expedition. Meigs s, separately, and in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections, 2d series, vol. ii. See Jones s account of Meigs in his New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 180, and the correction in note, p. 668. Senter s, in Bulletin No. 1, 1845-1847, of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. Thayer s, in E. M. Stone s In vasion of Canada in 1775, privately printed with introduction and notes, Providence, 1867. This 84 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. book contains a full bibliography of the subject. The volume makes part of the Rhode Island His torical Collections, vi. See B. Cowell s Spirit of Seventy-Six in Rhode Island. A contemporary map of the Kennebec region is given in the At lantic Neptune. Montreal and Quebec, November and December, 1775. Montgomery reached Montreal Nov. 12th, and sent a letter to the inhabitants, which is fac-similed in Force s American Archives, 4th series, iii. 1596 ; and another for the surrender, v. 312. Mont gomery s letters to Schuyler as the campaign went on are given in Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, i. App., and in the same volume are Schuyler s letters to Washington, repeating the intelligence. The diligence and cooperation of Schuyler is shown in Lossing s Life of Schuyler, and in Force s American Archives, 4th series, iii. and iv. and subsequent volumes, index. Arnold crossed the St. Lawrence on Nov. 13th, and finally retired up the river to await Mont gomery. The two, joining, advanced to Quebec Dec. 5th ; and on the 30th attempted to carry the place by storm. Cf. Force s American Archives, 4th series, iv., v., vi. ; Remembrancer, ii. 368 ; Documents relative to the Colonial History of New York, viii. 663; Lossing s Schuyler, i. ch. 28, 29 ; Leake s Life of Gen. Lamb, ch. 7 and 8 ; Bancroft s United States, viii. ch. 52-54 ; Irving s Washington, ii. ch. 12 and 13. 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 85 For the death of Montgomery, see Moore s Diary of the American Revolution, i. 185 ; Force s Archives, 4th series, iv., index; Marshall s Wash ington, i. 329 ; Read s Life of George Read, p. 141; Bisset s George the Third, i. ch. 15 ; Armstrong s Life of Montgomery ; Geo. W. Cullum s Sketch of Montgomery, 1876 ; Wm. Smith s oration be fore Congress, Feb. 19, 1776 ; Miss L. L. Hunt s Notes on Montgomery ; Historical Magazine, Nov. 1873. An account of the sword taken from his body is given in the Living Age, No. 1017, p. 428. Arnold s letter describing the attack is in Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, i. 116. Force, 4th series, v. and vi., gives reference under Arnold in the index. For other accounts of these events, see the letters in the Appendix of Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, i. ; Sparks s Life of Arnold ; Lossing on Arnold in Harper s Monthly, xxiii. 721 ; Ramsay s American Revo lution, where the insubordinate spirit of the Americans is emphasized; Irving s Washington, ii. ch. 8 and 23 ; Graham s Life of Morgan, ch. 5 ; Dawson s Battles of the United States, ch. 7 ; Carrington s Battles of the Revolution, ch. 20- 21 ; Hollister s History of Connecticut, ii. ch. 9 ; Garneau s Histoire du Canada, and Bell s trans lation of the same, iii. A journal of Col. Ritzema is in the Magazine of American History, Feb. 1877. A paper on Que bec, by Lossing, is in Harper s Monthly, xviii. 176. 86 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. Gen. Carleton had arrived in Canada in Sept. 1774, and his movements in contesting the Ameri can advance can be followed in Force s Archives. His account of the repulse of Montgomery and Arnold, as gazetted in London, is given in the Gentleman s Magazine, June, 1776. See, further, Stedman s American War, ch. 2 and 10 ; Andrews s Late War, ch. 19 and 20 ; Annual Register, xix. ch. 1 and 5, and xx. ch. 1 ; a Journal of the Siege, London, 1824, with notes by W. T. P. Short ; histories of England, by Adol- phus, ii. 237, and Stanhope, vi. 76. There are deposited with the Literary and His torical Society of Quebec the following MS. : 1. Le te moin oculaire de la guerre des Baston- nais durant les annes 1775 et 1776, par M. Simon Sanguinet. 2. Journal con tenant le re*cit de 1 invasion du Canada en 1775-1776, redige par M. Jean B. Badeaux, printed in their Historical Documents, 3d series. 3. Journal of the siege of Quebec, kept by Hugh Finlay, printed in their Historical Docu ments, 4th series. 4. Journal tenu pendant le sie"ge du fort St. Jean en 1776 par M. Antoine Foucher. 5. Letter from Col. Henry Caldwell, 15 June, 1776, on the Siege of Quebec, 1775-1776. Maps and Plans. Contemporary maps of Canada are in the American Atlas, Carver s map, 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 87 with plan of Quebec, No. 4 ; and in Hilliard d Auberteuil s Essais historiques, 1782. Carver s map was reengraved in Paris, 1777. Plans of the attack on Quebec are in Stone s Invasion of Canada ; in Lamb s Life and Times, by Leake ; in the Atlas to Marshall s Washing ton ; in Carrington s Battles. A manuscript plan, by a British officer, is in the Faden Collection in the Library of Congress, and a plan engraved by Faden was published in London. Another plan is in the Sparks Collection in Harvard College Library. Commission to Canada, Spring of 1776. Franklin, Samuel Chase, Charles Carroll, and the Rev. John Carroll were sent by Congress to secure, if possible, the sympathy of the Canadians. See Lives of Franklin by Sparks, Parton, and Bigelow. Charles Carroll s Diary is given in the Maryland Historical Society s Transactions, i. Sparks s Washington, iii. 390. Sparks s Corre spondence of the American Revolution, i. App. Lossing s Schuyler, ii. Their instructions are in the Journals of Congress, 1776, p. 100. Cf. papers in Force s Archives, 4th series, iv. and v. Beginnings of the Navy. Most of the early documentary evidence will be found in the several volumes of Force s American Archives, under the index heads of Armed Ves- 88 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1775. sels, Biddle, Fleet, Hopkins, Jones (Paul), Man- ley, Massachusetts Armed Vessels, Marine Com mittee, Navy, Privateers, Prizes, Row Galleys, Seamen, Vessels. Sabine s Report on the Fisheries of the United States, p. 198, represents the fisheries as a school for the navy. Cf. Babson s Gloucester. John Adams (Works, iii. 7) names the proceed ings in Congress, Nov. 25, 1775, as "the true origin and formation of the American navy." Cf. Journals of Congress. The Act of Massachusetts authorizing the fitting out of armed vessels will be found in the Provincial laws, and in the Gentle man s Magazine, Jan. 1776. See Massachusetts Historical Society s Proceedings, Jan. 1809, p. 203, and Austin s Gerry, ch. 9. The most considerable of the histories of the navy is Cooper s. Consult also the lives of the early naval heroes, like H. T. Tuckerman s Life of Talbot ; Mary Barney s Memoirs of Com. Barney ; Life of Capt. Manly ; Sheppard s Life of Samuel Tucker, etc. Incidental accounts of the early naval operations will be found in Sparks s Washington, iii. App. 516 ; Arnold s Rhode Island, ii. 351, 363, 369, etc. ; Letters in the Revolutionary Correspond ence, Rhode Island Historical Collections, vi. ; Gammel s Life of Samuel Ward ; Stevens s His tory of Georgia, ii. 134, and the histories of Mas sachusetts. Particulars of private armed ships are 1775.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 89 given in Lossing s Field-Book, i. ; Caulkin s New London ; Mrs. E. V. Smith s History of New- buryport ; Felt s Annals of Salem; life of E. H. Derby in Hunt s American Merchants, ii. Com. Hopkins s likeness is more common in con- temporary engravings than those of the other of ficers. A portrait of him engraved in 1776 is re produced in Preble s History of the Flag of the United States. Cf. An Important History of the War, London, 1780 ; Geschichte der Kriege in und aus Europa, Nuremberg, 1776. Maps of the coast are given in the Atlantic Neptune. Ithiel Town s Particular Services, etc., gives the journal of a British naval officer. 90 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1776. EVENTS OF 1776. The Retreat from Canada. ARNOLD continued for a while before Quebec, and was joined by Wooster, from Montreal, April 1st, who took command, while Arnold retired to Montreal. Cf. Force s Archives, 5th series, i. ; Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ch. 1 and 2 ; Read s Life of George Read, 150. Gen. Thomas had been appointed to the com mand in Canada, and reached the camp before Quebec May 1st, but a British fleet with rein forcements arriving, Carleton attacked the Ameri can camp, and Thomas began his retreat. Los- sing s Schuyler, ii. 60 ; Force s American Archives, 4th series, iv., vi. ; 5th, i. ; Bancroft s United States, viii. ch. 67; Irving s Washington, ii. ch. 20, 22. Carleton s account of the retreat is in the Gen tleman s Magazine, July, 1776. Burgoyne with the Brunswick troops reached Quebec in June. Cf. Fonblanque s Burgoyne, p. 211. Subsequent events are best followed in Lossing s Schuyler and Stone s Life of Brant, i. 154 ; with illustrative documents, particularly for the affair at the Cedars, in Force, 4th series, vi., and 5th series, i. 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 91 Gen. Thomas having retreated to Chamblde, died there June 2d, and was succeeded by Sulli van. Cf. Amory s Sullivan ; Lossing s Schuy ler, ii. For the failure of Gen. Thompson at Three Kivers in June, see Force s Archives, 4th series, vi. ; Lossing s Schuyler, ii. 85 ; Read s George Read, p. 155 ; Marshall s Washington, ii. 362. In July Sullivan had reached Crown Point. Cf. Force, 4th series, vi., and 5th, i. and ii. In general on the campaign, see Schuyler s, Sullivan s, and Arnold s letters on the retreat in Sparks s Correspondence of the American Revolu tion, i. ; Watson s Essex County, ch. 10 ; Dunlap s New York, ii. ch. 1, 4 ; Mrs. Bonney s Historical Gleanings, i. ; Marshall s Washington, ii. ch. 5 ; Irving s Washington, ii. ch. 23 ; Davis s Life of Burr, i. ; Sparks s Life of Arnold ; Smith s His tory of Pittsfield, Mass., i. ch. 15 ; Temple and Sheldon s History of Northfield, Mass. ; and other local histories. In July Gates was sent to command the troops " in Canada," and as the retreat had brought the forces into New York State, there arose a question of command between him and Schuyler. Cf. Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ; Life of Gates; Force s Archives, 4th series, vi., 5th series, i., ii., iii. 92 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1776. The Campaign for the Hudson, 1776. The Americans had early been warned of the British plan to secure the line of the Hudson and Lake Champlain. Journal of Provincial Congress of New York, p. 172 ; Lossing s Schuyler, ii. 16. As early as Sept. 1775, plans of intended forti fications in the river passes had been made. Force s American Archives, 4th series, iii. 735. Washington had intrusted an examination of plans to Stirling. Force, vi. 672 ; Boynton s West Point, p. 29. Many documents can be found re ferred to under Highlands and Hudson River in the index of Force, 4th series, iv., and subsequent volumes. See also for the efforts at different times to place obstructions in the river, Lossing s Schuyler, ii. 150 ; Boynton s West Point, ch. i. ; and Ruttenber s Obstructions of the Hudson River. There is an account of the attempts to destroy the British frigates threatening the ascent in July, 1776, in the Historical Magazine, 1866, supplement, p. 84. Washington, after the evacuation of Boston, had suspected that New York would be the next point of attack, and sent Putnam ahead to take the command there, with instructions, given in Sparks s Washington, iii. 337. Putnam reached New York April 2d. For the period of his con trol, before the arrival of Washington, see Force, 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 98 4th series, v., index; the Lives of Putnam; Heath s Memoirs, 44 ; Sparks s Gouverneur Mor ris, i. ch. 5; Histories of New York; Almon s Remembrancer. Jones (New York in the Revolutionary War, i. ch. 6, and notes) depicts the trials of the tories. Washington arrived April 13th. Cf. living s Washington, ii. ch. 24 ; Quincy s Journals of S. Shaw ; Joseph Reed s letters during the summer, in Reed s Reed, i. For details of the tory plot in June, see Eustis s letter in the New England Historical and Genea logical Register, 1869, and papers in Force, 4th series, vi. On the campaign which ensued from the bat tle on Long Island to the retreat of Washington through the Jerseys, there is an elaborate mono graph, Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn, by H. P. Johnston, which enters into details, and prints original documents. Other works, covering with more or less fullness all the military events of this interval, are Dunlap s New York, ii. ch. 6 ; the histories of the City of New York; Stiles s History of Brooklyn; J. C. Ham ilton s Republic of the United States, i. ch. 5, and other general histories like Gordon, Botta, Bancroft, etc. ; Allen s Origination of the Ameri can Union; Sparks s Washington, iv., and the Lives by Marshall, Sparks, and Irving ; Greene s Life of Greene ; Memoirs of Colonel B. Tal- 94 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1776. madge ; Quincy s Shaw ; Read s Life of George Read, p. 170 ; histories of states for the part borne by their troops, like McSherry s Maryland, ch. 9. There are maps in Gordon, ii., Stiles s Brook lyn, and in Johnston s work. North Carolina, 1776. The British invasion of this year is the subject of a lecture by Swain, which is included in W. D. Cooke s Revolutionary History of North Carolina. Cf. Frothingham s Rise of the Republic, p. 502 ; Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, ii. App., as well as for other southern movements during the spring and summer of 1776. Fort Moultrie, Sullivan s Island, June 28, 1776. This was an attempt by the British fleet and troops, under Sir Peter Parker and Sir Henry Clinton, respectively, to force an entrance to Charleston harbor, and reduce South Carolina. Various contemporary documents will be found in Force s American Archives, 4th series, iv., v., vi. ; 5th, i., ii., iii., under Charleston, Fort Moul trie, Lee, and Sullivan s Island in the index. Gen. Lee s report to Washington is in Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, i. 244. A let ter of Gen. Morris in the New York Historical Society s Collections, 1875, p. 435. Moultrie s Memoirs of the American War; Bancroft s United States, viii. ch. 66 ; Irving s Washington, ii. ch. 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 95 29 ; Simms s South Carolina ; Garden s Anecdotes of the Revolution; Lossing s Field-Book, ii. ; Daw- son s Battles, ch. 10; Carrington s Battles, ch. 28; Memoirs of Elkanah Watson ; Harper s Monthly, xxi. 70, by T. D. English ; Flander s Life of Rut- ledge, in his Chief Justices ; Wm. Crafts s Ad dress in 1825, reprinted in his Miscellanies; C. C. Jones s Address on Sergeant William Jasper, 1876, and an account of the Fort Moultrie Cen tennial Celebration, Charleston, 1876. For British accounts, see Gentleman s Magazine, Oct. 1776 ; Annual Register ; History of the Civil War in America, Dublin, 1779 ; Adolphus (His tory of England, ii. 346) bases his narrative in part on unpublished documents. A loyalist view is given in Jones s New York in the Revolu tionary War, i. 98. Maps. American plans of the attack are in Johnson s Traditions and Reminiscences of the American Revolution in the South, and in Dray- ton s Memoirs of the American Revolution in the South, ii. 290. A British plan was published by Wm. Faden, Aug. 10, 1776, and is No. 37 in the American Atlas. Col. James s MS. plan is in the Faden Collection, Library of Congress. The Political Magazine, London, 1780, has a map. 96 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1776. In England, 1775-1776. Bancroft (United States, viii.) follows the po litical aspects, and traces the movements of the opposition in Parliament, before they became estranged by the declaration of independence. Smyth, Modern History, lectures 31 and 32, sets forth the condition of parties, and in 33 he com pares the American and English views as exem plified in Ramsay s American Revolution, and in the Annual Register, whose successive volumes were " the very mirror of public sentiment." For the movements in Parliament, see the Parliamentary History, and Force s American Archives. Lord North had introduced a concilia tory plan, Feb. 20, 1775. Force, 4th series, i. 1597, and later, vi. March 22d Burke brought forward a plan, and again in Nov. His March speech is in his works, Boston edition, ii. 99. Force, 4th series, i. 1745, and vi. 178. Mac- Knight s Life of Burke, ii. 127. The index to Force, vi., will show the debates of Barre*, Fox, Cainden, and Chatham ; and later debates, Oct. and Nov. 1776, are in Force, 5th series, iii. 961- 1020. Stanhope says that " in the reports of Chatham s speeches in Alrnon s Register, the whole spirit evaporates." Cf. Russell s Memoir, and Correspondence of Fox, i. 157 ; Walpole s Last Journals, ii. 7, 22 ; Campbell s Lives of the Chancellors. 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 97 Political Movements, 1776. We have the doings of Congress in the Journals and in Force s Archives, 4th series, iv. 1625. Events can also be followed in the Correspondence of John Adams, Works, ix. 372 ; Frothingham s Rise of the Republic ; Lee ? s Life of R. H. Lee, i. 161 ; Wells s Samuel Adams ; Bancroft s United States, viii. ch. 60, 63 ; letters in W. B. Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, i. 241, 271 ; Flanders s Life of Rutledge, ch. 7, in his Chief Justices. In Greene s Life of Nathanael Greene we see the weakness of Congress in its executive work. Sir William Howe, on his arrival off Sandy Hook, July 12th, issued a declaration of pardon for such as would return to their allegiance. For its failure, see Parton s Franklin, ii. 136. He also sent a letter which he had brought from an Eng lish friend to Joseph Reed, and made other ad vances in the character of a commissioner to restore harmony. Reed sent the letter to Con gress. Cf. Reed s Joseph Reed, i. 197 ; Sparks s Washington. The feeling in Massachusetts can be traced in Perez Morton s Eulogy over Warren s body, April 8th (Loring s Boston Orators, p. 127) ; in Sam uel West s Election Sermon May 29th (Thorn ton s Pulpit of the Revolution) ; in the statement of the principles of the Revolution as given in a letter of John Adams to Mercy Warren, in 1807 98 HEADER S HANDBOOK OF [1776. (Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections, 5th series, iv. 338) ; in the records of the Boston Committee of Correspondence, May to Nov. (in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, July, 1876). Cf. Dawson s paper on the act of Massachusetts assuming sovereign power May 1st, in the Historical Magazine, May, 1862, and Barry s Massachusetts. Bancroft devotes a chapter (ix. ch. 15) to the Constitutions which the states severally adopted, beginning in 1776. On the Constitution of New York, see the histories of that state, and Flan- ders s Life of Jay, ch. 8, and Sparks s Life of Gouverneur Morris. The movements for politi cal consolidation in 1776 in Pennsylvania are de scribed in Reed s Joseph Reed, i. ch. 7. For the Declaration of Rights in Virginia in 1776, see Rives s Madison, i. ch. 5 ; Madison s Writings, i. 21. Randall s Jefferson, i. ch. 6, gives an account of the convention, and so does Grigby s commem orative discourse in 1855. Thomas Paine s Common Sense, published in Jan. 1776, affected sensibly the current of politi cal feeling through the year. Cf . Frothingham s Rise of the Republic, pp. 476, 479; Barry s Massa chusetts, iii. 89 ; Life of John Adams, i. 204 ; Randall s Jefferson, i. 137 ; Bancroft s United States, ch. 56 ; Parton s Franklin, iii. 108 ; and the papers in Force s American Archives, 4th series, iv. index. For an English view, see 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 99 Smyth s Modern History, 33d lecture ; and for a tory one, Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 63. Foreign Relations, 1776. As early as Feb. 1776, an agent of the French government was secretly communing with Con gress. Cf. Bancroft s United States, viii. ch. 61 ; De Witt s Jefferson and the American Democ racy ; and documents in Force s Archives, 4th series, vi., and 5th, i., ii., iii. Arthur Lee was now in London, having been appointed agent of Congress, and was holding correspondence with the Secret Committee of Congress. Sparks s Diplomatic Correspondence, ii., gives his instructions, Dec. 12, 1775, and let ters ; also in Force s Archives, 4th series, iv. Cf. Lee s Life of Arthur Lee. The correspondence of William Carmichael is in the Diplomatic Correspondence, ix. Silas Deane had been a member from Connecti cut of this and the 1774 Congress. (See his Cor respondence, in the Connecticut Historical Collec tions, ii. 129.) He was now sent to Paris. His instructions, dated March 3, 1776, are in the Diplomatic Correspondence, i. 5, and in Pitkin s United States, App. 23. He reached there in June. See Pitkin s United States, i. 384, and App. 24, for Deane s first letter. It was arranged that the secret dispatches should be written in 100 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1776. invisible ink. Jay s Life of Jay, 64. Deane s letters are in the Diplomatic Correspondence, i. : Force s Archives, 5th series, ii. For Deane s proceedings in Paris see Papers in Relation to the Case of Silas Deane, published in 1855 by the Seventy-Six Society, in which he goes over his doings from March, 1776 to March, 1778. His quarrel with Arthur Lee is set forth in the Life of Lee; and Lee s counter narrative is given in the Papers, etc., already mentioned. Cf. Parton s Franklin, ii. 189 ; and later references under 1778. Bancroft (viii. ch. 61) goes over the whole story of these French negotiations at this time. For Beaumarchais connection with the agents, see Lomenie s Life of Beaumarchais; Parton s Franklin, ii. 167, 203 ; Pitkin s United States, i. ch. 10 ; Quarterly Review, 1873 ; Lossing, in Harper s Monthly, xiv. ; Hours at Home, June, 1870 ; Magazine of American History, Nov. 1878 ; and various documents in the Diplomatic Corre spondence, i. and xii. 162, 167 ; and Force s Archives, 5th series, i. Later relations are given in John Bigelow s Beaumarchais, the Merchant, Letters of Theveneau de Francey, 1777-1780, an address before the New York Historical Society, 1870. In Sept. three commissioners to France were appointed by Congress Lee, Deane, and Fiank- lin ; and the latter proceeded to join the others 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION^* , 101 in Dec. Their instructions from Congress are in the Diplomatic Correspondence, i. See Lives of Franklin and Lee; Deane s Narrative; Journals of Congress, iii. ; Force s Archives, 5th series, ii. Franklin, Dec. 8, 1776, announces his arrival. Diplomatic Correspondence, iii. 5. Letters, of Congress to the agents, Dec. 1776 to Feb. 1777, are given in Lee s R. H. Lee, App. 8. For views upon the mission at the time, see Mercy Warren s History of the Revolution ; Wells s Life of Samuel Adams. Parton, in his Franklin, ii. 248, goes into a history of the different agents of Congress in Europe at this time, beginning with Franklin, and enlarges upon the difficulties engendered by Arthur Lee s conduct; but compare Lee s Life of Arthur Lee, and the Calendar of the Lee Manu scripts in Harvard College Library. Also see the references under 1778. Dec. 6, 1776, an agreement was entered into with Lafayette and De Kalb to serve the states. Diplomatic Correspondence, i., and p. 291 for the Commissioners letter, May 25, 1777, on the subject. The Memoirs of Lafayette touch upon the feelings rife in France when he determined to go to America ; and for his arrival see Sparks s Washington, v. App. Cf. Hilliard d Auberteuil s Essais historiques, ii. 102 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1776. The Spirit of Independence. The growth of this spirit is traced carefully in Frothingham s Rise of the Republic, pp. 245, 291, 315, 369, 428, 438, 449, 452, 453, 469, 483, 489, 499, 506, 509. Botta, in his History of the Revo lution, had represented it as rife long before the outbreak, a statement that John Jay and John Adams take exception to in letters printed by Jeremiah Colburn in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, July, 1876, and pub lished separately as American Independence : Did the colonists desire it ? Cf . John Adams s Works, iii. 45 ; his Letters in Massachusetts His torical Society s Collections, 5th series, iv. 300, 465, addressed to Mercy Warren. For intimations of the existence of the spirit before it became an organized force, see Hutch- inson s Massachusetts Bay, iii. 134, 264, 265 ; Bancroft s United States, viii. ch. 64, 65, 68; Grahame s United States, iv. 315 ; J. C. Hamil ton s Republic of the United States, i. 110; Barry s Massachusetts, iii. ch. 3, noting articles in favor of it in Boston Gazette, April 15 and 29, 1776 ; Jefferson s Notes on Virginia ; Galloway s Examination before Parliament ; Wells s Samuel Adams, ii. 352, etc. ; Randall s Jefferson, i. 124 ; Sparks s Washington, ii. App. p. 496 ; Greene s Life of N. Greene, i. 122; Austin s Gerry, ch. 13; Sparks s Franklin, i. 379, 380 ; Rives s Madison, i. 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 103 108, 124 ; Matthew Thornton s letter in Force s Archives, 4th series, ii. 696; also see vi. index, under Independence. Independence declared, July 4, 1776. On the 7th of June, 1776, a resolution was offered in Congress that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states. A fac-simile of this paper is given in Force s American Archives, 4th series, vi. 1700. Frothingham (Rise of the Republic) traces the culmination of the various influences, resulting in O the agreement of independence ; and he shows how the several colonies instructed their representa tives to provide for local interests. Bancroft (ch. 69 and 70) follows these events. A showing of the parties in Congress at this time is given in Randall s Jefferson, i. 153 ; Read s Life of George Read ; John Adams s Life and Works, i. 220, 517; ii. 31-75, 93; Pitkin s United States, i. 362. Very scant records of the debates previous to the passage of the Declaration are preserved. John Adams claimed that from 1774 to 1778, covering his period in Congress, there were no records of speeches, except some by Dr. Wither- spoon, delivered memoriter, which he printed, and one by Dickinson against the Declaration, which was afterwards printed, and seemed very different to Adams from the one actually delivered. Some 104 READERS HANDBOOK OF slight notes and accounts of the debates, however, have been printed in John Adams s works, i. 227 ; iii. 55 ; ix. 418 ; in the Madison Papers, i. 1 2, by Jefferson reprinted in Read s George Read, p. 226 ; in Wells s Samuel Adams, ii. 413, 432. General accounts will be found in the biogra phies of the signers and principal political char acters of the day. Wells s Life of Samuel Adams, ii., shows his strenuous efforts at thwart ing all plans of conciliation. Stanhope (His tory of England, vi. 121) takes a low view of Samuel Adams s character. Loring (Hundred Boston Orators) prints a letter of Hancock. C. F. Adams s Life of John Adams, ch. 4 and 5, and McKean s letter to Adams, in Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections, 5th series, iv. 506. Lives of Jefferson by Tucker, i. ch. 4 ; by Randall, i. 142, 164 ; by Parton ; Jefferson s auto biography in Writings, i. 12, 96, and App. p. 117. Rives s Madison, i. 130 ; Lee s Life of R. H. Lee, i. ch. 7 ; Read s George Read, p. 162 ; Austin s Life of Gerry, ch. 13 ; the sketches of Robert Morris, who opposed the Declaration. Lives of Franklin by Sparks, ch. 9 ; by Parton and by Bigelow. Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, i. ch. 8 and 9. Lives of Washington by Marshall, ii. ch. 6, and by Irving. There are contemporary notes in the Journals of Congress; in Force s American Arckives, 4th se- 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 105 ries, iv., 5th, i., ii., iii. index ; in Niles s Principles and Acts of the Revolution ; and in Sparks s Cor respondence of the Revolution. The early histori ans, Mercy Warren, Gordon, and Ramsay, give a reflex of contemporary views. The famous letter of John Adams to his wife, prophesying the con tinued observance of the anniversary, is in the Familiar Letters of John and Abigail Adams, p. 190, dated July 3d, with a note explaining the change of date to 5th when first printed. For Philadelphia life at this time, see Historical Magazine, Nov. 1868, and the Diary of Christo pher Marshall. Jefferson s original draft of the Declaration is given in Randall s Jefferson, p. 172 ; in Niles s Weekly Register, July 3, 1813; in Timothy Pickering s Review of the Cunningham Corre spondence, 1824 ; in Papers of James Madison, 1840, not always agreeing, as different auto graph drafts wera followed. It is given with the changes indicated as adopted in Congress, in Jef ferson s Works, i. ; Russell s Life and Times of Fox; Lee s Life of R. H. Lee, i. 275. Cf. John Adams s Works, i. 233 ; Parton s Jefferson, ch. 21 ; Parton s Franklin, ii. 126. The Declaration as adopted is given in Froth- ingham s Rise of the Republic, p. 539, and in various general histories and manuals. A fac-simile of the original draft, with Adams s and Franklin s changes, is given in Jefferson s 106 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1776. Writings, i. 26 ; in Randall s Jefferson ; in the Declaration of Independence, quarto, issued by the City of Boston, 1876, where is also a reduced fac-simile of the engrossed document, as signed Aug. 2d ; and a full-size fac-simile of the latter is in Force s American Archives, 5th series, i. 1595. Cf. also the Atlas of Guizot s Washington. Fac similes of the signatures are in many places. Re productions of autograph letters of the signers are given in Sanderson s Lives of the Signers, and in Brother-head s Centennial Book of the Signers. There is an account of the Declaration by B. J. Lossing in Harper s Monthly, iii. and vii. ; and Col. T. W. Higginson tells the Story of the sign ing in Scribner s Monthly, July, 1876. For the question of the observance of the 2d or 4th of July, see Potter s American Monthly, Dec. 1875. There are accounts of Independence Hall, by John Savage, in Harper s Monthly, xxxv. ; Pot ter s American Monthly, July, 1875 ; Belisle s History of Independence Hall ; Col. Etting s Memorials of 1776. Cf. Etting s Historical Ac count of the Old State House, 1876, of which there is a contemporary print in the Columbian Magazine, July, 1787, taken in 1778. The desk upon which Jefferson wrote the Dec laration is now in Boston. Cf. Randall s Jeffer son, i. 177 ; Massachusetts Historical Society s Proceedings, 1855-1858, p. 151. 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 107 For the immediate effects of the Declaration, see Frothingham s Rise of the Republic, p. 548 ; Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, i. 195. The Declaration was reprinted at once in Lon don in the Gentleman s Magazine, Aug. 1776 ; Annual Register, 1776, p. 261 ; Almon s Remem brancer, iii. 258. It occasioned comments and rejoinders in the Gentleman s, in Almon, and in other publications. Gov. Hutchinson s strictures on it, after circulating in manuscript, were printed in Almon, iv. 25. Adolphus (History of England) says that An Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress, which appeared in London the same year, is " worthy the perusal of those who wish to have the means of thinking rightly on the origin of the American dispute." Lord Camden s views are given in Campbell s Lives of the Chancellors, v. 301. Lord John Russell, in his Memoirs and Correspondence of Fox, i. 152, thinks the truth was warped in charging all upon the King, while the fact was " the sovereign and his people were alike prejudiced, angry, and wil ful." Earl Stanhope s view, in his History of England, was criticised by Col. Peter Force in a privately printed pamphlet, 1855. Morley, in his Edmund Burke, p. 125, has a chapter on the sig nificance of the American passage to Independ ence. 108 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1776. The Hessians. Bancroft, viii. ch. 50 and 57, narrates the efforts of the British Ministry to secure the aid of Russian troops, and subsequently of the Hessians. See results in vol. ix. ch. 18; x. ch. 3. The pre liminaries of the negotiations are given in Donne s Letters of George III. to Lord North, i. 293, 297. The treaties with the German princes are given in Force s American Archives, 4th series, vi. 356 358. Debates, Nov. 1775, on the employment of mercenaries are in the Parliamentary History, and in Force, vi. 88, 107, 271. See, further, in Force, 5th series, i., ii., iii. index. Eelking s Die Deutsche Hiilfstruppen in Nord Amerika, gives a list of the MS. journals of the officers to which he had access. Of Eelking s Life of Riedesel, the German commander, there is an English translation. Ewald s Feldzug der Hessen nach Amerika, and Kapp s Der Soldatenhandel deutscher Fiirsten nach Amerika, 2d ed. 1874, are epitomized in G. W. Greene s German Element in the War for Independence. Cf. Gen. Von Ochs s Neuere Kriegskunst, 1817. See also a review of Eelking in the Historical Magazine, Feb. 1864 and Jan. 1866, and G. W. Greene s paper in the Atlantic, Feb. 1875 ; Sparks s article on Riedesel in the North Ameri can Review, xxvi. ; Fonblanque s Life of Bur- goyne, 213. 1776.] TEE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 109 Battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. An elaborate study of the battle fought at Brooklyn has been made by Thomas W. Field, and published in the Memoirs of the Long Island Historical Society, ii. He gives many contem porary documents. He had previously made it the subject of a lecture. Historical Magazine, Nov. 1866. Howe landed his troops at Gravesend Aug. 22d. Sir George Collier commanded the fleet, covering the landing. Naval Chronicle, xxxii. Greene had done the work on the lines of de fense. Greene s Greene, i. 158. Howe s army in effective strength was double that under Washington. Cf. Force s American Archives, 5th series, i. ; Beatson s Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, vi. ; De Lan- cey s note, in Jones s History of New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 600. Contemporary Accounts. Washington s dis patches are given in Sparks and in Field; also his letters in Sparks, iv. and App. Graydon s Memoirs, ch. 6, are important. Documents in Onderdonk s Revolutionary Incidents in Queens County. Almon s Remembrancer, iii. Force s American Archives, 5th series, i., ii., iii. Brod- head s Letters in Pennsylvania Archives, v. 21. Atlee s Journal in App. of Reed s Life of Joseph Reed ; and in Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, 110 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1776. i. 509 ; and p. 517 is the Journal of Col. Samuel Miles. President Stiles s diary is given in John ston. Death of Gen. Woodhull. Force s Archives, 5th series, ii., iii. index. Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. 593. Luther R. Marsh s Oration. J. Fenimore Cooper and Henry Onder- donk, Jr., had a newspaper controversy about Woodhull s capture antT death. See Historical Magazine, 1861. Later Accounts. Mercy Warren s and Gor don s Histories of the Revolution. Marshall s Washington, ii. ch. 7. Irving s Washington, ii. ch. 31 and 32. Samuel Ward s Lecture, 1839. Johnston s Campaign of 1776, ch. 4. Dunlap s New York, ii. 64. Reed s Joseph Reed, i. 222. Arnory s Gen. Sullivan, p. 25. Hollister s Con necticut, ii. ch. 11. Parton s Burr, i. ch. 6. Los- sing s Field-Book. Dawson s Battles of the United States, i. Stiles s History of Brooklyn. Williams s Life of Olney. Harper s Monthly, Aug. 1876. Knickerbocker s Magazine, xiii. Personal Recol lections of the American Revolution, edited by S. Barclay, for family experiences in the neigh borhood. Thompson s Long Island. Bancroft, ix. ch. 4, commented adversely on the conduct of General Greene in the battle, and Geo. W. Greene has examined that historian s statements in a pamphlet, which he has reprinted in his Life of General Greene, ii. In his first vol- 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Ill ume, book ii. ch. 7, Greene gives his own version of the battle. Greene s arraignment of Bancroft is examined in the Historical Magazine, Feb. 186T. See also Aug. 1867. Bancroft also in a note, ix. 105, controverts the statements of President Reed on the question of the retreat from the island, as given in W. B. Reed s Life of Reed, ch. 11. British Accounts. Sir Wm. Howe s dispatch to his government was printed in a Gazette ex traordinary, Oct. 10th, and is given in Field s mon ograph. It elicited a pamphlet of Remarks, with the Gazette account annexed. The evidence be fore Parliament is also given in Field ; and Howe s Narrative of his Conduct in America before the Committee of the Commons was sep arately printed. Cf. Parliamentary Register, xi. 340, and Almon s Debates, xiii. Howe s Narra tive is commented upon in the Detail and Con duct of the American War. Stedman s American War, ch. 6. Andrews s History of the Late War, ch. 21, with a portrait of Howe. Annual Register, xix. ch. 5. An Im partial History of the late War. Stanhope s England. The Popular History of England, by C. Knight. Lushington s Life of Lord Harris, p. 76. A loyalist view of the opportunity lost in not forcing the American lines after Howe had gained his victory, is . taken in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 112. 112 READERS HANDBOOK OF [i?76. German Accounts. Eelking s Deutsche Hiilfs- truppen, ch. 1 ; and other accounts in the Ap pendix of Field s Battle of Long Island. French Account. Hilliard d Auberteuil s Es- sais historiques, ii. Political Effects. John Adams s Works, ix. 438, etc. Stuart s Life of Jonathan Trumbull. Sedgwick s William Livingston, p. 201. In England : Donne s Corrrespondence of George III. and Lord North, ii. ; Rockingham and his Contemporaries, ii. 297 ; Russell s Life of Fox, and his Memorials and Correspondence of Fox, i. 145 ; Horace Walpole s Last Journals, ii. 70. Maps. A contemporary American plan of Brooklyn, showing the American lines, is in the New York City Manual, 1858. One of New York and parts adjacent is given in Gordon s History, ii. In the large and small atlases to Marshall s Washington, in Sparks s Washington, iv. 68, showing the island ; and in Guizot s Washington. Field in his monograph gives a large plan, showing the projection of the modern streets over lying the ancient landmarks. Full plans are given in Johnston s Campaign of 1776. Others are in Ward s Lecture, 1839; in Duer s Life of Lord Stirling, ii. 162; in Carrington s Battles, ch. 14 ; in "W. L. Stone s History of New York City, p. 246 ; in Onderdonk s Queens Coun- 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 113 ty; in Ridpath s United States; in Harper s Monthly, Aug. 1876. There are British plans, as follows : Faden s engraved plan, 1776, with Gen. Howe s Letter to Lord George Germain, being No. 22 of The American Atlas. Various MS. maps, made by British officers, of the operations of this campaign, are in the Faden collection, Library of Congress, of which E. E. Hale printed a list in 1862. In Gentleman s Magazine, Oct. and Dec. 1776. A map, 15 X 17 in., published in London, 1776, by Sayer and Bennett. In Stedman s American War, which is repro duced with additions in the large illustrated edi tion of Irving s Washington, ii. 308. In Mackin- non s Coldstream Guards, and a large map for the Campaign in Hamilton s Grenadier Guards, ii. A Hessian officer s map is fac-similed in Field s monograph; and a contemporary map of Long Island is given in the Geographische Belustigun- gen, Leipsic, 1776. Cf. further titles of maps in the Bibliography of Long Island in the American Bibliopolist, Oct. 1872, and in the Appendix to Furman s Antiquities of Long Island. Howe as a Commissioner, September, 1776. Gen. Sullivan, taken a prisoner in the battle of Long Island, was paroled by Howe, and was sent to Congress with a message of conciliation. 8 114 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1776. Franklin, John Adams, and Rutledge were sent to confer with Howe, and they met at Amboy. An account of the interview is given in Frank lin s Works, v. 97 ; viii. 187 ; also in Parton s Franklin, ii. 141. Journals of Congress, Sept. 1776 ; and Force s American Archives, 4th series, vi. ; 5th, i., ii. John Adams s Works, i. 237 ; iii. 73 ; ix. 440. Wells s Samuel Adams, ii. 443. Amory s Sulli van, 30. Reed s Joseph Reed, i. ch. 12. Read s George Read, pp. 174, 189, 190. Lossing s Schuy- ler, ii. 37. Howe s report to his government is in Almon s Remembrancer, viii. 250 ; Parliamentary Register, viii. 249. Washington withdraws to New York. Washington withdrew his army from Long Island by night without loss. Gordon indicates the contemporary recognition of the mistake Howe made through his inertness and his failure at once to gain the rear of the Americans either by the river or by the Sound. See also Putnam s letter to Gov. Trumbull, Sept. 12, 1776. What was done for the maintenance of a posi tion in New York itself is narrated in the Corre spondence of the Provincial Congress of New York ; in General Lee s Memoirs ; in Booth s New York, p. 493 ; in New York during the Revo- 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 115 lution, p. 82 ; in Johnston s Campaign of 1776, ch. 5; in Irving s Washington, ii. ch. 33, etc. There is a journal of the American occupation in the Historical Magazine, Dec. 1868 ; and an American orderly-book, Sept. 1-13, 1776, cap tured in New York, is among the Percy MSS., according to the Third Report of the English Commission on Historical MSS. H. B. Dawson gives an account of the town at this time, in New York during the Revolution. Nathan Hale. This young Connecticut officer was sent into the British camp on Long Island, and being detected, was executed as a spy, Sept. 22, 1776. See the Histories of Connecticut, and I. W. Stuart s Life of Nathan Hale. The British occupy New York, September 15, 1776. Washington was acting warily to avoid being inclosed by the British occupying the island to the north of him. Howe landed his troops at Turtle Bay. Connecticut troops stationed there fled precipitately. Washington s letter to Con gress in his Official Letters, i. 246 ; and in Sparks, iv. 94. Greene to Gov. Cooke of Rhode Island, in Force s Archives, 5th series, ii. 370. Bancroft, ix. 122, cites a letter of Caesar Rodney, and shows how the story has grown. Gordon s American Rev olution, ii. 327. Heath s Memoirs, p. 60. Davis s Life of Burr, i. 100. Read s George Read, p. 193. Col. N. Fish s letter in Historical Magazine, 2d 116 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1776. series, iii. 83. Baumeister s Narrative, a MS. in Bancroft s possession, translated in the Magazine of American History, Jan. 1877. A considerable section of the city was burned, the British charging the act upon the retiring Americans as a part of a concerted plan to de stroy the town. Force s Archives, 5th series, ii. ; Journals of Congress, and Washington s Letters (see Sparks s note in iv. 101) show that the act was not authorized by the American leaders. Howe s report to Lord George Germain is given in Force and in Jones s New York in the Revo lutionary War, with note, i. 611. Cf. J. C. Hamilton s Republic of the United States, i. 127 ; Henry s Campaign against Quebec ; Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, i. 213. In general, on the British occupation, see Fish s Letter in the Historical Magazine, Jan. 1869 ; Gentleman s Magazine, Nov. and Dec. 1776 ; a Diary in the Pennsylvania Magazine of American History, i. 133; and the histories of New York City. Cf. the papers on New York in the Revolution in Harper s Monthly, xxxvii. ; Scribner s Monthly, Jan. 1876. Maps and Plans. The map used in the campaign by the American leaders is now in the Library of the New York Historical Society, and is engraved in the large illustrated edition of Irving s Washington, ii. 276. There are other reproductions of contemporary plans of the city 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 117 and of the military movements in the New York City Manual for 1863, 1864, and 1866; and, in connection with Dawson s account, New York in the Revolution. An old view of the city is reproduced in Moore s Diary of the American Revolution, p. 311. There are other maps in Gordon s History ; in Marshall s Washington ; in Sparks s Washington, iv. 96. A German map is given in the Geschichte der Kriege in und aus Europa, Nuremberg, 1776. British maps will be found in Stedman s Ameri can War ; in Hall s Civil War in America, 2d ed., London, 1780 ; in the Gentleman s Maga zine, Dec. 1776 ; in the Political Magazine, Lon don, Nov. 1781. Major Holland s surveys are given in a contemporary map covering the coun try from Sandy Hook to Haverstraw ; a chart of the harbor from Sandy Hook to New York was published in London, 1776, by Sayer and Bennett. Montresor s plan of New York in 1775 is No. 25 in the American Atlas, and No. 20 is the same officer s plan of the vicinity of the town. A plan of the city as surveyed by Bernard Ratzen, 1767, was engraved by T. Kitchin, and reissued in 1776 and 1777, and is given on a reduced scale in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War. Faden of London published in 1777 a map of the northern part of the island, drawn by Saulthier. 118 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1776. The American Retreat, September November, 1776. Washington withdrew up the island as the British advanced. The campaign in general can be followed in Johnston s Campaign of 1776 ; in Bancroft, ix. ; Irving s Washington, ii. ; Greene s Life of Greene, i. Washington s letters are in Sparks, and in the Heath Papers, printed in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections, 5th series, iv. The Historical Magazine, Dec. 1863, gives a military journal. British Accounts. Stedman s American War ; Conduct of the American War ; and the general histories. Grerman Accounts. Eelking s Deutsche Hiilfs- truppen ; Schlozer s Briefwechsel, ii. 99. The following sections give details of the retreat : Harlem Plains, September 16, 1776. Howe landed his troops at Frog Neck, in an endeavor to cut off Washington s retreat. Ir ving s Washington. Heath s Memoirs. For contemporary accounts of the action, see Washington s letters in Sparks ; those in the Life of Greene by Greene; Reed s in the Life of Joseph Reed, i. 237 ; Gen. Silliman s in the notes of Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 606; Gen. Clinton s letter in New York in the Revolution ; and Documents in Force, 5th series, ii. 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 119 Later Accounts. In the general histories ; Johnston s Campaign of 1776 ; Lossing s Field- Book; Dawson s Battles, and his paper in the New York City Manual, 1868; the Centennial Oration of John Jay before the New York His torical Society, 1876 ; Lushington s Lord Harris, p. 79 ; and the histories of New York City. Map. Johnston s Campaign of 1776, ch. 6. Bancroft, ix. 175, gives a note collating the authorities on the origin of the retirement of the Americans from the island of New York. White Plains, October 28, 1776. Heath s Memoirs gives a daily chronicle of events during October. Washington s Letters, iv., gives his daily ob servations. See also Force s Archives, 5th series, ii., iii. ; Marshall s Washington, ii. ch. 8 ; Irving s Washington, ii. ch. 37 ; Hamilton s Republic of the United States, i. 132 ; Bancroft, ix. ch. 10 ; Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, i. ch. 12; General Hull s Revolutionary Services, ch. 4 ; Lossing s Field-Book, ii. ; Dawson s Battles, ch. 14 ; John ston s Campaign of 1776, ch. 7 ; De Lancey s note to Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 621. A diary by Allen is in Smith s History of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, i. 252. British Accounts. In Stedman, ch. 7, and in a Gazette of Dec. 30, 1776, which gave the first intelligence in London, and prompted a pamphlet 120 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1776. by Israel Maudit, entitled Observations on the Conduct of Sir William Howe at Whiteplains, London, 1779. There is a German account in Eelking s Hiilfs- truppen, ch. 2. Maps. The Lives of Washington, by Mar shall and by Sparks; Hamilton s Republic of the United States, i. 132. A plan by Saulthier, en graved by Faden, 1777, is in the American Atlas, No. 23 ; and there is another British plan in Stedman. Fort "Washington, November 16, 1776. While evacuating the island of New York with his main body, Washington had left, contrary to his own judgment, a force to maintain this post. It fell before an attack of the combined fleet and army of the enemy. Washington s letters are in Sparks s edition of his writings, iv. ; but compare the Lives of Wash ington by Marshall and Irving. Heath s Me moirs, p. 86. G. W. Greene s Life of Nathanael Greene, book ii. ch. 11, gives that general s share in the affair, and in a separate tract the biogra pher controverts the view taken in Bancroft, ix. ch. 11. See documents in Force s Archives, 5th series, iii. Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, ch. 13; Dawson s Battles, ch. 15 ; Lossing s Field-Book, ii. ; Maga zine of American History, i. 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 121 Graydon s Memoirs, ch. 7, had intimated that the success of Howe was perhaps due to informa tion of an officer of the fort who deserted to the enemy. De Lancey, in his notes to Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 630, prints a letter of William Demon t, adjutant of the com mander, dated 1792, which states that he bore plans of the fort to the enemy, " by which plans that fortress was taken." Howe s intention of attacking Washington s main force was changed by this information. Maps. Washington s Writings by Sparks, iv. 96, and the Atlas to Guizot s Washington and Carrington s Battles, ch. 37. A large contempo rary map is reproduced in the New York City Manual for 1861. An account of the capture in the Magazine of American History, Feb. 1877, is accompanied by a fac-simile of an original map. There is a British plan in Stedman s American War. An English plan of the attack was given to the New York Historical Society, in 1861, by R. L. Stewart. A fac-simile of Faden s plan of the attack is in the New York Calendar of His torical MSS. i. 533. There is a German map in the Geschichte der Kriege in und aus Europa, Nuremberg, 1776. General Charles Lee, 1776. The conduct of Lee began to incite observation during the movements of Washington after the 122 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1776. fall of Fort Washington, when he moved with his army into New Jersey to cover Philadelphia. Cf. Geo. H. Moore s Treason of Charles Lee ; Heath s Memoirs, p. 88 ; Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, i. 253 ; Drake s Life of Henry Knox ; J. C. Hamilton s Republic of the United States, i. ch. 6. Lee was taken prisoner in his quarters, Dec. 13th. Cf. Sparks s Washington, iv., App. 8 ; Irving s Washington; Moore s Treason of Lee, p. 60 ; Charles Lee s Memoirs ; Memoirs of Mrs. E. S. M. Quincy, privately printed, 1861 ; Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 173 ; Force s Archives, 5th series, iii. "Washington in the Jerseys, December, 1776 January, 1777. The letters of the commander-in-chief are in Sparks s Washington s Writings, iv. Various original papers are in Force s Archives, 5th se ries, iii. Bancroft, ix. ch. 12, and Irving s Wash ington, ii., are still the best to follow. Geo. W. Greene gives a separate chapter to this retreat in his Life of General Greene, and controverts Ban croft on special points. See also Read s George Read, p. 216 ; Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, ch. 14 ; Gordon s History, ii. ; Johnston s Campaign of 1776, ch. 8. There is a series of minor mono graphs by C. C. Haven, namely, Washington and his Army in New Jersey, 1856 ; Thirty Days in New Jersey Ninety Years Ago, 1867 ; Historical Manual concerning Trenton and Princeton. 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 123 See, further, J. F. Tattle s Washington in Mor ris County, in the Historical Magazine, June, 1871 ; Washington at Morristown, in Harper s Monthly, xviii. 289, and in the Magazine of American History, Feb. 1879, p. 118 ; Glimpse of 76 in New Jersey, in Harper s Monthly, July, 1874 ; Washington at Trenton and Princeton, in Potter s American Monthly, Jan. 1877, and a little tract by T. White, published at Charles- town, Mass. The State of New Jersey has printed the cor respondence of its executive, 1776-1786. The political aspects of the campaign can be traced in Mercy Warren s History ; in Ellery s letters to the Governor of Rhode Island, in Rhode Island Colonial Records, viii. ; and in Wells s Life of Samuel Adams, ii. The state of affairs in Philadelphia is shown in R. Morris s letters to the President of Congress in Pennsylvania Historical Society s Memoirs, i. 50. A loyalist s view of the unmilitary management of the British general is in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. The British view is given in the general his tories of Stedman and Andrews ; in the Annual Register, xx. ch. 1 ; in General Howe s Narra tive ; in the Detail and Conduct of the American War for the evidence of Cornwallis, etc. ; in Let ters to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies, London, 1779. A contemporary tabular view of Howe s losses, 124 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1776. Aug. - Dec. 1776, is given on a folded sheet in the History of the War in America, Dublin, 1779. Maps of the Campaign. A reproduction of that used by the American commander is given in Irving s Washington, large illustrated edition, ii. 430. Others are in Gordon, ii. p. 524; Lives of Washington, by Sparks, iv. 266, and by Mar shall ; in Carrington s Battles, p. 302 ; in Loss- ing s Field-Book, ii. The British maps are in Gentleman s Magazine, Sept. 1776; Stedman s American War. Faden s map of New Jersey, Dec. 26, 1776 - Jan. 3, 1777, is in the American Atlas 1 . Holland s map of New York and New Jersey was engraved by Jefferys in 1775, and reappeared as improved by Pownall in 1776. Saulthier s plan of Howe s operations was published by Faden in 1777 ; and another of the seat of war in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania was pub lished by Almon in 1777. Faden again published Ratzer and Banker s map of New Jersey in 1777, and the same year a plan of the operations of Washington against the King s troops, in 1776- 1777. Trenton, December 26, 1776. Washington unexpectedly crossed the Delaware and surprised a camp of the Hessians. Cf. Eel- king s Deutsche Hiilfstruppen, and papers in Force s Archives, 5th series, iii. 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 125 Washington s Letters, iv. 242-246, and App. 541, and his account to Heath, in Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections, 5th series, iv. 32 ; and Lives of Washington, by Marshall, ii. ch. 8, and Irving. The representations by the Committee of Con gress to the Commissioners in France are in Sparks s Diplomatic Correspondence, i. 246. Bancroft, ix. ch. 13. Greene s Life of Greene, book ii. ch. 13. Wilkinson s Memoirs, ch. 3. Reed s Joseph Reed, i. 270. An account by Major Morris in the Sparks MSS. in Harvard College Library. Letter of R. H. Lee in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Proceedings, 1878, p. 109. Drake s Life of Knox. Hull s Revolutionary Services, ch. 5. Dawson s Battles, ch. 16. Lossing s Field-Book, ii., and his article in Harper s Monthly, vii. 445. Carrington s Bat tles, ch. 39 and 40. Raum s History of Trenton. C. C. Haven s Annals of Trenton, 1866. Hil- liard d Auberteuil s Essais historiques, ii. H. K. How s Poem on the battle, 1856. The English historians, Adolphus, ii. 385, and Stanhope, vi. 130, assign the credit of this sur prise to Arnold. Gov. Try on s letters to Lord George Germain, in Documents relative to the Colonial History of New York, viii. 694. Maps. Washington s Writings by Sparks, iv. 258, and the atlases to Marshall s and Guizot s Lives of Washington ; Lossing s Field-Book, ii. ; Raum s Trenton. 126 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1776. Princeton, January 3, 1777. The Letters and Life of Washington by Sparks. Irving s Washington, ii. ch. 14. Custis s Recol lections of Washington, ch. 3. Wilkinson s Me moirs, ch. 3. St. Glair s Narrative. Hull s Rev olutionary Services. Bancroft, ix. ch. 14. Los- sing s Field-Book, ii. and his paper in Harper s Monthly, vii. 447. Dawson s Battles, ch. 17. Stone s Life of John Howland. Reed s Joseph Reed, i. 287. W. B. Reed s oration on General Mercer. J. F. Hageman s History of Princeton. Hollister s Connecticut, ii. ch. 13. An account by a sergeant in Newark Daily Advertiser is re printed in E. S. Thomas s Reminiscences, i. 283. Bancroft, ix. 247, has a note on the authorities for giving Washington the credit of the plan of a roundabout march to Princeton. Maps. Sparks s Washington, ii. 258, and Lossing s Field-Book. Arnold on Lake Champlain, October, 1776. This was an attempt by Arnold to drive back the British flotilla advancing up the lake. Cooper s Naval History of the United States. Wilkinson s Memoirs, ch. ii. Marshall s Wash ington, iii. ch. 1. Irving s Washington, ii. ch. 39. Sparks s Life of Arnold. John Trumbull s Me moirs, p. 34. Lossing s Schuyler, ii. 116, 137, and his Field-Book, i. Dawson s Battles, ch. 13. 1776.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 127 Palmer s Lake Champlain, ch. 7. Battle of Val- cour, a pamphlet, 1876. Arnold s naval tactics are examined in the in troduction to General Wayne s Orderly-Book of the Northern Army, Oct. 17, 1776 - Jan. 8, 1777. A new view of Arnold s escape is given in Wins- low C. Watson s Naval Campaign on Lake Cham- plain, in the American Historical Record, iii. 438-501. A contemporary sketch of the action is in the Sparks MSS. in Harvard College Library. Arnold s letters are in S parks s Correspondence of the American Revolution, i. Appendix. Vari ous contemporary reports will be found in Force s American Archives, 5th series, i., ii., iii. index, under Arnold, Fleet, and Lake Champlain. Maps. A map of Lake George and the southern end of Lake Champlain is in Wayne s Orderly-Book ; and another map is in Palmer s Lake Champlain. A map of Hudson River and the communication with Canada by the lakes, by Saulthier, was published by Faden, in 1776 ; and the original plan by a British officer, of the action, subsequently engraved, is in the Faden Collection in the Library of Congress. An earlier survey of the region by Brassier, made for Amherst in 1762, was published by Sayer and Bennett in 1776, who also engraved the map which is given in the Military Pocket Atlas, 1776. See also American Atlas, No. 21. 128 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. EVENTS OF 1777. Political Aspects. THE journals of Congress are always meagre. " It is impossible to touch upon any interesting incident in the history of the Congress of the Revolution, and not regret," says G. W. Greene, " the meagreness of the journals." Events are followed in the lives of the principal members, like Samuel Adams, ii. ch. 44 ; R. H. Lee, John Adams, etc. The insufficiency of Congress, and its needless interference with military matters, are pointed out in Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ch. 19, and in Greene s Life of Greene, i. ch. 18, etc. July 1st, Congress instructed William Lee as Commissioner to Berlin and Vienna. Diplomatic Correspondence, ii. 289. Pitkin s United States, i. App. 25. Ralph Izard was commissioned to Italy. Diplomatic Correspondence, ii. 367. Ar thur Lee s Life, and Life of Samuel Adams, shows Lee s proceedings in Paris ; but the negotiations prompted by the surrender of Burgoyne, leading to an alliance with France, will be referred to under 1778. Bancroft, ix. ch. 17, traces the progress of negotiations with Spain. A set of 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 129 diplomatic papers, beginning in 1777, and relat ing to their negotiations with the United States and Great Britain, has been printed by the States General of the Netherlands. Nov. 15th, articles of confederation were adopt ed. Bancroft, ix. ch. 26; Life of John Adams, i. 269; ix. 467; Life of Samuel Adams; Pitkin s United States. The national flag of thirteen stars and thirteen stripes was adopted by Congress this year. Preb- le s Flag of the United States, p. 182, where will also be found an account of the flags used from 1766 to 1777. Of. Lossing s Schuyler, ii. 113 ; Schuyler Hamilton s History of the National Flag ; J. F. Reigart s History of the First United States Flag, and the patriotism of Betsey Ross, Harrisburg, 1878 ; and documents in Force s Ar chives, 4th series, iv. The views of the Opposition in England may be drawn from Burkefc Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol, in his works, Boston edition, ii. 189. British Plans for the Campaign, 1777. The British army, under Sir William Howe, were in possession of New York, and documents relating to their rule in the city will be found in Valentine s New York City Manual for 1863. See a picture of life in New York under British rule in the Unitarian Review, Nov. 1876, by Samuel Osgood, D. D. 130 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1777. March 29th, Gen. Charles Lee, then a prisoner in British hands, presented a plan of campaign to Gen. Howe, as calculated to thwart the American purposes. George H. Moore first brought this to the attention of students in his Treason of Charles Lee, in which he gave a fac-simile of the docu ment in Lee s handwriting, and in which he traces the influence of it on the plan of the cam paign as carried out by Howe. Cf. Bancroft, ix. 330 ; Howe s Narrative; Greene s Life of Greene, i. 385 ; Lossing in Magazine of American His tory, July, 1879, p. 450. This plan of Lee seems to account in part for the mistake, recognized by Gordon and others, by which Howe, failing to cooperate with Bur- goyne up the Hudson, subjected his troops to the confinement and danger of a sea voyage in order to approach Philadelphia from the Chesapeake. Stedman (American War, i.) considers Howe responsible for the failur% of the British arms in this campaign. A copy of this book, annotated by Sir Henry Clinton, is in the Carter-Brown Library at Providence, and a transcript of Clin ton s notes is among the Sparks MSS. in Harvard College Library. De Lancey used these notes in his Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, where a loyalist s criticism upon Howe will be found. A pamphlet of Observations by Clinton on Stedman s History was printed in London, 1794, and privately reprinted in New York, 1864. 1Z77.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 131 Howe defended himself in a Narrative, and this drew out Galloway s Letters to a Nobleman, Lon don, 1779. Howe again replied in Observations, to which Galloway gave a Reply in 1781. Papers relating to the campaign are appended to a View of the Evidence relative to the Conduct of the American War under Sir William Howe, Lord Viscount Howe, and General Burgoyne, as given before a Committee of the House of Commons, London, 1779. Sparks wrote in his copy of the third edition of the Detail and Conduct of the American War, that " its principal object was to attack and injure the characters of Sir William Howe, Lord Howe, and General Burgoyne, and that the facts are every where distorted, opinions perverted by prejudice and a vindictive spirit, and the representations extravagant and often false." Further examination of these charges against Howe and of the conduct of the campaign at large will be found in Smyth s Modern History, lecture 34 ; Gordon s American Revolution, ii. ; An- drews s Late War, ii. ch. 26 ; Murray s War in America ; Adolphus s England, ii. ch. 31 ; Lives of Washington by Marshall and Irving ; Histories of the United States by Bancroft, ix. ch. 23, and Hildreth, iii. ch. 37; Lossing s Field-Book ; Sar gent s Life of Andre, ch. 7. Bancroft, ix. ch. 16 and 18, gives an account of the preparations made in England for the cam- 132 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1777. paigu of 1777. Arthur Lee writes to Congress of the British plans. Diplomatic Correspond ence, ii. 35. Maps. American Atlas, No. 12, dated 1771, and John Andrews s Map of the Colonies for 1777 in the same. Hall s American War has a map of the campaign, 1776-1777. Mellish and Tanner s Seat of War in America. Montresor s Province of New York, Pennsylvania, etc., 1777. Evans s Middle British Colonies, extended by Pownall, 1776. Saulthier s Province of New York, made for Gov. Tryon, 1777, published by Faden, 1779, is reproduced in Documentary History of New York, i. Faden s Map of New Jersey, Dec. 1, 1777. The Gentleman s Magazine, Dec. 1777, has a map of the approaches to Philadelphia. Barber engraved a map showing a circuit of twenty -five miles about New York, in 1777. There is a map in Howe s Narrative. Of the French maps may be named : Du Ches- noy s Theatre de la Guerre, 1775-1778. Beau- rain s Carte pour servir a 1 intelligence de la Guerre, Paris, 1777. Brion de la Tour s Theatre de la Guerre, Paris, 1777, with one by Phelip- peaux, 1778, pour servir de suite. Bourgoin s Theatre de la Guerre, Paris. There is a contemporary German map in the Geschichte der Kriege in und aus Europa, Nurem berg, 1776. 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIO^, 133 Howe evacuates Jersey, 1777. After the spring opened, the British commander endeavored, without success, to draw Washington into a battle, and finally withdrew all his forces from the Jerseys. Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 8 ; Graydon s Memoirs ; Bancroft, ix. ch. 20 ; Greene s Life of Greene, i. ; Graham s Life of Morgan ; Life of Timothy Pickering, i. ; Eel- king s Die Deutsche Hiilfstruppen. In Connecticut and Rhode Island, 1777. In April an expedition under Gov. Tryon in vaded Connectic^i from the Sound to destroy the American storeJjat Danbury. This object was accomplished, but/ the British were vigorously pur sued to their ships. Leake s Life of General Lamb, ch. 11, with a plan ; Teller s History of Ridgefield ; Deming s Oration at the Dedication of the Wooster Monument in 1854 ; Stuart s Life of Jonathan Trumbull, ch. 27 ; Hollister s Con necticut, ii. ch. 12 ; D wight s Travels in New England, iii.; Hinman s Historical Collections; Marshall s Washington, which account is exam ined by E. D. Whittlesey in the New York His torical Society s Collections, ii. ; Irving s Wash ington", iii. ch. 5; Sparks s Washington, iv. 404; Lossing s Field-Bpok, p. 407. The English ac count will be found in Stedman, ch. 14, and a loyalist one in Jones s New York in the Revolu- 134 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. tionary "War, i. Dawson, in his Battles of the United States, ch. 18, gives the authorities and illustrative documents. In July the British General Prescott was cap tured in Rhode Island by a party led by Lieut. Col. Barton. Cf. the histories of Rhode Island ; Force s American Archives, 4th series, iv. ; Di- man s Address, with a map, on the centennial ob servance of the event. Burgoyne s Advance from Canada, May and June, 1777. In the campaign of 1776, the British had ad vanced up Lake Champlain to Crown Point, which they held till, on the approach of winter, they returned to Canada. It was already ex pected that Burgoyne would conduct the next campaign over the same ground. Cf. Force s American Archives, index of the various volumes, under Burgoyne, Canada, and Carleton. Bur goyne returned to England, and drew up a plan of operations, which is in the Gentleman s Maga zine, April, 1778 ; and in the Appendix of Fon- blanque s Burgoyne, with the King s comments on it, which are also printed from a manuscript in the royal hand, in Albemarle s Rockingham and his Contemporaries, ii. 330. Lord George Germain s instructions to Gen. Carleton relative to Burgoyne s movements are in the Gentleman s Magazine, Feb. 1778. Burgoyne arrived at Quebec May 6th. Los- 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 135 sing s Schuyler, ii. 194. What of preparation had taken place or was made up to the time of the advance, is shown in the lives of Baron Riedesel and the Baroness Riedesel ; Anburey s Travels ; Hilliard d Auberteuil s Essais historiques, ii. ; Schlozer s Briefwechsel, Th. iii. pp. 27, 321 ; Th. iv. p. 288, etc. Also see Bancroft, ix. ch. 21, who gives much information regarding the German material among the troops, and the recruiting of them in Germany, ch. 18. This matter has spe cial treatment in Kapp s Der Soldatenhandel Deutscher Fiirsten nach Amerika ; and in Eel- king s Die Deutsche Hulfstruppen in Nord Amer ika, where is a list of manuscript journals, to which access was had ; and in ch. 4 there is an account of these preparations in Canada. The proclamation issued by Burgoyne June 23d, to induce the adhesion of the country people, is given in the Appendix to Fonblanque s Bur goyne ; in the Gentleman s Magazine, Aug. 1777 ; in F. Moore s Diary of the Revolution ; in Riede- sel s Memoirs ; in Niles s Principles and Acts ; in the Proceedings of the New York Historical So ciety, Jan. 1872 ; and there are accounts of it in Anburey s Travels ; in Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ; and in Thacher s Military Journal. June 26th, Burgoyne reached Crown Point, and, generally, for the early stages of the ad vance, see Fonblanque s Burgoyne ; Riedesel s Memoirs ; Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ; Bancroft, ix. 136 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1777. ch. 21 ; Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 9 ; Palmer s Lake Champlain, ch. 8 ; De Costa s Lake George, and his Narrative of Events at Lake George, 1868. The fight at Diamond Island is described in the New England Historical and Genealogical Regis ter, April, 1872, p. 150. In the meanwhile the preparations which Schuy- ler was making to oppose Burgoyne are detailed in Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ch. 7. The dispute of command with Gates had finally resulted in Schuyler s being confirmed in the charge of mili tary operations in the northern department, May 22d, and Gates journeyed to Philadelphia to lay his grievances before Congress. Irving s Wash ington, iii. ch. 3. Ticonderoga evacuated, July 6, 1777. For the arrangements which had been made for the defense, see Force s American Archives, 5th series, i., ii., and iii., and Lossing s Schuyler. St. Clair was in command. Burgoyne seized and fortified the summit of Mount Defiance, which had been thought inaccessible to artillery, and this movement rendering the post untenable, Ticon deroga was evacuated in the night. Burgoyne s letter on the capture was printed in the Gentleman s Magazine, Aug. 1777. Fon- blanque s Burgoyne, p. 248, and Dawson s Bat tles of the United States. Cf. Anburey s Travels, letter 30. 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 137 St. Clair explained the necessity he was under in a letter to Washington, in Sparks s Correspond ence of the Revolution, i. 400, and in ii. App. 2, there are various letters from St. Clair and others. Dawson also gives St. Glair s account. The dis- heartenment through the colonies was general. Wells s Samuel Adams, ii. ch. 45, and the letter, Aug. 7th, of the Committee of Congress to the Commissioners in France, in the Diplomatic Cor respondence, i. 315. St. Clair .was tried by court-martial and acquitted. The papers used are among the Sparks MSS. in Harvard College Library. In general, on this event, see Sparks s Wash ington, v. ; Heath Papers in Massachusetts His torical Society s Collections, 5th series, iv. 65 ; Wilkinson s Memoirs, ch. 4 and 5 ; Gen. Hull s Revolutionary Services, ch. 7 ; Orderly-Book of the Northern Army at Ticonderoga, with Notes, published by Munsell, 1859 ; Dawson s Battles, ch. 20 ; Lossing s Field-Book, and his Schuyler ; Van Rensselaer s Essays ; Jay s Life of Jay, i. 74 ; Sparks s Gouverneur Morris, i. ch. 8 ; J. C. Hamilton s Life of Hamilton, i. 79, 91, and Ham ilton s Works, i. 31; Sedgwick s Livingston, p. 233 ; Palmer s Lake Champlain ; De Costa s Fort George ; Watson s Essex County, ch. 11 ; Smith s History of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, i. 282 ; His torical Magazine, Dec. 1862, July, 1867, Aug. 1869 ; Rev. Lewis Kellogg s Historical Discourse, Whitehall, 1847. 138 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. Maps. A large plan of the works and topog raphy of the neighboring ground, at the time of Abercrombie s attack, nineteen years before, is given in the Documents relative to the Colonial History of New York, x. 726. A copy of the map used at St. Glair s trial is in the Sparks Collection, Cornell University. Palmer s Lake Charnplain has a map dated Aug. 1776. Hubbardton, Vermont, July 7, 1777. A part of the Americans, retreating from Ti- conderoga, was overtaken by Generals Fraser and Riedesel, and defeated. Wilkinson s Me moirs, ch. 5 ; Lossing s Schuyler, ii. 223, and his Field-Book, i. 145; Dawson s Battles, i. ch. 20, giving the authorities ; Carrington s Battles, ch. 45 ; Amos Churchill s History of Hubbardton, 1855; Henry Clark s Historical Address, 1859; and the histories of Vermont. A journal by Enos Stone is in the New Eng land Historical and Genealogical Register, Oct. 1861. Ebenezer Fletcher was wounded and taken prisoner, and he printed at "Windsor, 1813, a Nar rative of his Captivity. Burgoyne s Narrative gives the British account. Maps. In Burgoyne and Carrington. Murder of Miss McCrea, July 27, 1777. This event, as evincing the untrustworthy alli ance of the Indians, whom Burgoyne had joined 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 139 to his army, and as being the subject of much agitation in England and America, was of impor tance in the progress of the war. A Life of Jane McCrea, by D. Wilson, was privately printed in New York, 1853, and there is an account of her in Mrs. Ellet s Women of the American Revolu tion, ii. Cf. Lossing s Schuyler, ii. 250, and his Field-Book, i. ; Stone s Life of Brant, i. 203 ; Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 14 ; Asa Fitch s account in the New Jersey Historical Society s Proceedings, reprinted in the Revolutionary Me morials, edited by Stephen Dodd ; W. L. Stone in Historical Magazine, April, 1867 ; in Galaxy, Jan. 1867, the last reprinted in Beach s Indian Miscel lany ; and the Appendix to Stone s Burgoyne s Campaign. See also Ruttenber s Hudson River Indians, p. 273. Her fate is the subject of a story, Miss Mac Rea, by Hilliard d Auberteuil. The opposition in England to the employment of Indians by Burgoyne showed itself in Burke s speech, Feb. 6, 1778. Cf. Parliamentary His tory ; Gentleman s Magazine, March, 1778 ; McKnight s Burke, ii. 213 ; Walpole and Mason Correspondence, i. 335 ; Fonblanque s Burgoyne. Fort Stanwix and Oriskany, August, 1777. A part of the British plan of the northern cam/- paign was to send a force of British, Hessians, and Indians, under St. Leger, by way of Oswego, to READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777 . capture Fort Stanwk (or Fort Schuvler, as some- t-mes called), and then to follow down the Mo hawk valley) hoping to un . te th Mo- Albany For the preliminaries, see StoSlife f Brant, L, and for condition of affairs, see Forces Amencan Archives, 5th series, i., H , C mmanded >* Stanwix, and St. w 1 T " en -n le r, vnth the miht.a, advanced to raise the siege, and the somewhat doubtful conflict which ensu d "s known as the Battle of Oriskanv, fought JlTfsTT or 7 " 6 and EXpediti f St ^eger 1 877 . Other narratives Lossing s Schuyler, ,, 273, and Field-Boot, i. ; Hull s fifv ouhonaryServ.ces, oh. 8; Irving s Washington, i. eh- lo; Bancroft s United States, i x . 3T8 Dawson-s Battles, ch. 21, where various content porary documents will be found; Benton s Her- km.erCoun^ch.S; Ca.pbell s Tryon County, ch. 4; Harper s Monthly, niii. 327, by T D 187 g 7 p ! w Tf M f Am6rican HistM 7 Nov. E. H. Roberts s Address, 1877 British Accounts. -St. Leger s account is in 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 141 the Gentleman s Magazine, March, 1778, in the Appendix to Burgoyne s State of the Expedition, and in the Appendix to Roberta s Address. The Annual Register, 1777, is followed in Andrews s History. Almon s Parliamentary Debates, viii., gives some details. Beatson s Naval and Military Memoirs, vi. 69. St. Leger still continued the siege, but retreated on the approach of Arnold, Aug. 22d, with a force dispatched by Schuyler. Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ; Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 16 and 17 ; Journals of the Provincial Congress, i. ; Sparks s Corre spondence of the Revolution, ii. 518. Maps. Fort Stanwix, with a topographical map of the surrounding country, in 1758, is in the Documentary History of New York, iv. 325, 326. A plan of the fort, in its relation to the modern town of Rome, is given in the English translation of Pouchot s Late War in North Amer ica, edited by F. B. Hough, p. 207. Plans of the siege will be found in Lossing s Field-Book, i. 249 ; Campbell s Tryon County ; Stone s Life of Brant, i. 230. A copy of Lieutenant Fleury s plan is in the Sparks Collection at Cornell Uni versity. Bennington, August 16, 1777. Burgoyne, in order to secure forage and destroy the stores which the Americans had accumulated at Bennington, as well as to encourage the loyal ists, sent a force of Hessians, under Col. Baum, 142 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. towards that place. He was met by Stark with a force of Green Mountain, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts troops, and routed. The British supports under Breyman were likewise driven back. Burgoyne s original instructions to Baum are preserved in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and are printed in their Col lections, ii., and in W. L. Stone s Burgoyne s Campaign, App. 3. American Accounts. Lincoln communicated the first accounts to Schuyler, who transmitted them to Washington. Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, i. 425. Stark s dispatch is given in Dawson s Battles. An account, by the Rev. Mr. Allen, was printed in the Connecticut Courant, Aug. 25, 1777, and is reprinted in App. F of Smith s History of Pittsfield, Mass. In 1848 there was delivered before the legis lature of Vermont an address on the battle of Bennington, by James D. Butler, which was printed in 1849, together with an account of the life and services of Col. Warner, by George Frederick Houghton. Professor Butler s address, says the author, " contains original testimonies of witnesses now long dead, and notes from papers since burned in the Vermont State House." Reminiscences by participants are given in the App. of W. L. Stone s Burgoyne s Campaign. Documents illustrating the part taken by Ver- 1777.J THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 143 mont in resisting Burgoyne s invasion are in the Vermont Historical Society s Collections, 1870, p. 161. Wilkinson s Memoirs, i. ch. 5. Later Accounts. Bancroft, ix. ch. 22. Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 16. Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ch. 14 ; his Field-Book, i., and article in Harper s Monthly, v. Dawson s Battles, A. 22, and his account in the Historical Magazine, May, 1870. Carrington s Battles, p. 334. Hall s and other histories of Vermont. Holland s Western Massa chusetts, ch. 15. Smith s History of Pittsfield, Mass., i. 293. Lives of Stark, by Caleb Stark, Edward Everett, and others. Jennings s Memo rials of a Century. Letters in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, April, 1860. Chipman s Life of Seth Warner, and the account of Warner s share in the battle, in Historical Magazine, iv. 268. Harper s Monthly, xxi. 325, also Aug. 1877. Albert Tyler s address on Ben- nington before the Worcester Society of An tiquity. Noah Smith s speech at Bennington, in the Vermont Historical Society s Collections, 1870. F. W. Coburn s Centennial History of Bennington. De Lancey (Jones s New York in the Revolu tionary War, i. 685) has a note on the forces engaged. A Bennington Historical Society was formed in 1876 for the purpose of commemorating the battle. 144 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. British and Hessian Accounts. Burgoyne s dispatch is given in Dawson. Cf. Fonblanque s Burgoyne, p. 271, and his Narrative, with evi dence as laid before Parliament. Riedesel in part controverts Burgoyne s statement in his Me moirs, i. 259, and in the App. p. 299, there are some Recollecllbns of Bennington. Schlozer s Briefwechsel. Stedman s American War, i. ch. 17. Maps. In Burgoyne s Narrative; in Jen- nings s Memorials ; in Lossing s Field-Book ; in Carrington s Battles. There is a MS. plan among the Sparks MSS. in Harvard College Library. The Change in Command, August 19, 1777. A check had been given to the enemy at Oris- kany in the west, and he had been defeated at Bennington in the east. At this juncture, when Burgoyne felt the toils tightening about him, a change in the command allowed Gates to reap the fruits of victory. Schuyler has long since been acquitted of blame for his conduct of the cam paign ; but a certain imperious manner and in- cautiousness of tongue had created a prejudice against him among the New England troops, and the change was perhaps a necessary one. The movement in behalf of Gates was assi ning a political significance. Wells s Samuel Adams, ii. ch. 45 ; Sparks s Washington, v. 14 ; Sparks s Gouverneur Morris, i. 138. Bancroft, ix., holds THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 145 Schuyler in some measure responsible for the misfortunes of the early part of the campaign. Schuyler, however, has earnest defenders in George L. Schuyler s Correspondence and Re marks upon Bancroft s History of the Northern Campaign, 1777 ; and in Lossing s Schuyler, ii. 325. Cf. Sparks s Washington, iii. 535 ; Head- ley s Washington and his Generals ; American Historical Record, April, 1873 ; Magazine of Amer ican History, Feb. 1877, by J. W. De Peyster. W. L. Stone has a paper on Schuyler s faithful spy in the Magazine of American History, July, 1878. Gates reached headquarters Aug. 19th, and com municated with Washington Aug. 22d. Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, i. 427. Cf. Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 12 ; Hamilton s Re public of the United States, i. 306. A portrait of Gates, after a pencil-sketch by Trumbull, is given in the Orderly-Book of the Northern Army at Ticonderoga. Other contem porary likenesses are in Murray s War in Amer ica, ii., and in An Impartial History of the War, London, 1780. Freeman s Farm, September 19, 1777. (Sometimes called the first battle of Semis s Heights, or the battle of Stillwater.) This was an effectual defense of the left wing of the American army. General Wilkinson s Me- 10 146 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. moirs, i. ch. 6, gives the best account of the action by any participant. Also see Head ley s Wash ington and his Generals, and Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ch. 19. Morgan, who, with his riflemen, had been sent by Washington to join Gates, did much to increase the power of the American army dur ing the rest of this campaign, and his career can be examined in Graham s Life of Morgan, ch. 79. See the account in Burgoyne s Narrative; in Fonblanque s Burgoyne ; in Col. Carrington s Battles of the American Revolution, ch. 46. Daw- son, ch. 25, treats this and the action of Oct. 7th in one continuous narrative, with copious refer ences and illustrations of official dispatches, etc. Cf. Lossing s Field-Book. A panoramic view of the position of Burgoyne s army after this battle is given in Anburey s Travels. Bancroft, ix. 410, cites the authorities to show that Arnold was not present, as often represented. Robert Lowell read a poem, Burgoyne s Last March, at the centennial celebration of this battle, Sept. 19, 1877. Maps. In Burgoyne s Narrative ; in Carring ton s Battles. Sept. 27th, Burgoyne sent Captain Scott to open communication with Sir Henry Clinton, who was now ascending the Hudson to cooperate. Scott s journal is given in Fonblanque s Bur goyne, p. 287. 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 147 Bemis s Heights, or Saratoga, October 7, 1777. Burgoyne advanced with a strong force to cover foraging parties and to reconnoitre the American position. He was attacked sharply and driven back. The Lives of Arnold indicate his important share in this success. Cf. Magazine of American History, May, 1879, p. 310. There is a mono graph on the battle by Neilson, and in his Appen dix is the story of Woodruff, an eye-witness. Cf. Wilkinson s Memoirs ; Stone s Burgoyne s Cam paign ; Hull s Revolutionary Services, ch. 10 ; Bowen s Life of Gen. Lincoln ; Creasy s Decisive Battles of the World ; Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 22; Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ch. 20, and his Field-Book ; A. B. Street in the Historical Maga zine, March, 1858. Silliman s account of his visit to the battlefield, is given in an Appendix to Stone s Burgoyne s Campaign. Maps. In Burgoyne s Narrative ; in Fon- blanque s Burgoyne ; in Stedman s American War ; in the Analectic Magazine, 1818 ; in Car- rington s Battles. In the night Burgoyne withdrew across the Fishkill and intrenched himself. Wilkinson s Memoirs, i. ch. 8, gives fac-similes of Burgoyne s letters to Gates, commending to the care of the victorious general his abandoned hospital and Lady Ackland, who sought her husband, Major 148 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. Ackland, wounded, and in the American camp. The devotion of Lady Ackland is a pleasing epi sode in all the accounts of this battle. See, con cerning her, the Historical Magazine, ii. 121 ; Ellet s Women of the American Revolution ; and the portraits of her in Burgoyne s Orderly-Book, and in Bloodgood s Sexagenary. Burgoyne s Surrender, October 17, 1777. With his retreat cut off, his supplies exhausted, and an enemy much superior in numbers sur rounding him, Burgoyne opened negotiations for a surrender. The council of war is described in Riedesel s Memoirs. The correspondence and convention papers are given by O Callaghan in Burgoyne s Orderly-Book, and they are also in Stedman s American War, and in Dawson s Bat tles, ch. 25. The original MS. of the Convention is in the New York Historical Society s Cabinet, and fac-similes of the signatures are given in Lossing s Field-Book, i. 79. General accounts of the surrender are in Wil kinson s Memoirs, ch. 8 ; Bancroft, ix. ch. 24 ; Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ch. 21 ; Irving s Washing ton, iii. 22 ; Blackwood s Magazine, Ixiii. ; Blood- good s Sexagenary ; Pennsylvania Archives, v. Loubat (Medallic History of the United States) describes the medal given to Gates. Burgoyne, while the guest of Schuyler in Al bany, Oct. 20th, wrote a dispatch to his govern- 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 149 ment, which .is given in the Gentleman s Maga zine, Dec. 1777 ; in Fonblanque s Life of Bur- goyne, p. 313, with other letters ; in the Brief Examination of the Plan and Conduct of the Northern Expedition in America, 1777, London, 1779 ; and in Dawson s Battles. Of. Stanhope s History, vi. 207. Riedesel in his Memoirs com ments on Burgoyne s dispatch. Maps. The position of Burgoyne s army is shown in Burgoyne s Narrative ; Fonblanque s Burgoyne, p. 302 ; Carrington s Battles of the Revolution, p. 354. Strength of the Armies. De Lancey, in his notes to Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 674, examines the question of the relative strength of the British and American armies in this campaign, with references to the authorities. The return of Gates s army, given in the Gates MSS. in the New York Historical Society, at the time of the Convention, shows a total of 11,098. Burgoyne printed in the Appendix of his Narra tive a return, which he said Gates gave him, and it foots up 18,624. The difference may be ex plained by the sick and fiuioughed men. Gor don (American Revolution, ii. 578) gives 5,791 as the number of the British at the surrender ; but there are diversities in the statements, as De Lancey shows. The Convention Troops. The captured army became known by this designation during their subsequent detention till the close of the war. 150 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1777. They were marched to Cambridge^ Mass., under escort ; and in Anburey s Travels there is a map showing their line of* inarch. At Cambridge the officers gave their parole to keep within defined limits, the English and Germans signing separate papers. The originals of these are now in the Public Library of Boston. They are printed in Burgoy ne s Orderly-Book. For the reception of the troops, see Heath s Memoirs, p. 134. Of their stay in Cambridge, there are particulars in Schlo- zer s Briefwechsel, Th. iv. 341, etc. ; in Riedesel s Memoirs, ii. ; in Madame Riedesel s Memoirs ; in Lossing s Field-Book ; in Drake s Middlesex ; in Eelking s Deutsche Hiilfstruppen, ch. 9. Nathan Bowen s Book of General Orders during the so journ of the troops in Cambridge was copied in part by S. G. Drake, and his copy is in the Pub lic Library of Boston. Col. Henley, an American officer of the guard, was accused by Burgoyne of ill-treatment of the Convention troops ; and the account of Henley s trial, London, 1778, shows glimpses of the camp life and traits of Burgoyne s character. This trial is epitomized in P. W. Chandler s American Criminal Trials, ii. Various letters relating to the Convention troops at this time will be found in Sparks s Washington, v., and in Heath s Memoirs. Burgoyne returned to England on parole, and sat in Parliament while still unexchanged. Fon- blanque s Burgoyne and Macknight s Burke, ii. ch. 30. 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 151 The difficulties of provisioning the troops in Cambridge, and the apprehension lest the British should attempt their rescue, induced Congress to order their removal to Virginia. Anburey gives a map of their route in Nov. 1778. Accounts of their sojourn in Virginia are given in Anburey, Riedesel, and Eelking ; the Bland papers, edited by Campbell ; Jefferson s Writings, i. 212 ; Lives of Jefferson by Tucker, i. ch. 5 ; by Randall, i. 232, 285; and by Parton, p. 222. Howison s History of Virginia, ii. 250. Cf. Pennsylvania Archives, ix. ; and in vi. 162, the Report of Con gress, Jan. 8, 1778, on the breach of the Con vention by the British. Charles Deane, in the Council Report of the American Antiquarian Society, Oct. 1877, exam ined the tortuous course of Congress in carrying out the provisions of the Convention of Surren der ; and this question is further discussed by G. W. Greene in the Magazine of American History, April, 1879. Cf. also Stanhope s History of Eng land, vi. 194 ; Jones s New York in the Revolu tionary War, i., with De Lancey s note, p. 698. General Views of Burgoyne s Campaign, 1777. American Accounts. Gen. Lincoln gives an account of his experiences in a letter in Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, ii. 533. Cf. Bowen s Life of Lincoln, and the account in Head- ley s Washington and his Generals. Dr. Thacher 152 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. was with the army, and his Military Journal gives frequent records. The reminiscences of Col. Seth Warner are in the Historical Magazine, July, 1860. The part borne by Col. Brooks of Massa chusetts is shown in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Proceedings, Sept. 1864 ; and there are other details under Feb. 1858. F. Kidder s First New Hampshire Regiment follows that regiment through the campaign. Gates s own papers are in the New York Historical Society s Cabinet. Wilkinson was selected to carry the news of the surrender to Congress, and his Memoirs give the experiences and observations of a staff officer. Bloodgood s Sexagenary details the experiences of the country people on the line of Burgoyne s march. Various papers, including Armstrong s letters, are in the Sparks MSS. in Harvard Col lege Library. The correspondence of the Committee of Con gress with the Commissioners in France regarding the effects of the surrender, is in the Diplomatic Correspondence,. i. 338, 355. Cf. Stuart s Life of Jonathan Trumbull. There are accounts, more or less full, in Gor don ; Ramsay ; Bancroft, ix. ; Hildreth, iii. ch. 36 ; J. C. Hamilton s Republic of the United States, i. ; Marshall s Washington, iii. ch. 5 ; Ir- ving s Washington, iii. ; Thaddeus Allen s Orig ination of the American Union ; Hollister s Con necticut, ii. ch. 14 ; Dunlap s New York, ii. ch. 8 ; 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 153 McAlpine s Memoirs, 1788 ; Stone s Life of Brant ; Mrs. Bonney s Historical Gleanings, i. 58 ; and the Lives of Gates, Schuyler, Lincoln, and Ar nold. Samuel Woodruff, a participant, gave Stone some reminiscences, which are included in the Life of Brant, i. 475. Neilson, son of an old resident of Saratoga, contemporary with the events, and himself fa miliar with the ground on which the battles of Sept. 19th and Oct. 7th were fought, published a monograph, Burgoyne s Campaign. The younger W. L. Stone published, 1877, a new study on The Campaign of Lieutenant-Gen- eral Burgoyne, in which he gives a bibliography of the subject. He has also printed a short his tory of the Saratoga Monument Association. Magazine Papers. Harper s Monthly, Iv. ; Historical Magazine, Jan. 1869, by J. Watts De Peyster ; Magazine of American History, May, 1877, by E. H. Walworth ; Galaxy, Nov. 1876, by J. T. Headley, on Burgoyne s Orderly-Book. Commemorative Addresses. N. B. Sylves ter s Saratoga and Hay-ad-ros-se-ra, July 4, 1876 ; George G. Scott s Saratoga County ; J. S. L Amo- reaux s at Ballston Spa, July, 1876 ; Edward F. Bullard s at Schuylerville, July 4, 1876 ; J. A. Stevens s Burgoyne s Campaign ; Geo. W. Cur- tis s Address; H. C. Maine s Burgoyne Cam paign. 154 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777 Landmarks. Lossing s Field-Book, and his Book of the Hudson. British Accounts. The Gentleman s Maga zine, Oct. 1777, p. 472, warned the public of the difficulties Burgoyne must expect to encounter. Lord Shelburne (Fitzm amice s Shelburne, i. 358) intimates that Burgoyne s disaster arose from Lord George Sackville s dilatoriness in not send ing instructions to Howe to cooperate up the Hud son. Fonblanque s Burgoyne, p. 283. Burgoyne underwent examination, and pro duced his witnesses before Parliament, May, 1779, and the documents are given in the Parliamentary Register. The Gentleman s Magazine chronicled the progress of the examination from month to month. Of. Annual Register, xxi. 168 ; Russell s Life of Fox, and his Memoirs and Correspondence of Fox, i. 176. Burgoyne printed his statement in Parliament, with the evidence, in his State of the Expedition from Canada, London, 1780. Some copies have a supplement of the Orders issued by Burgoyne, and these Orders were privately re printed in New York in 1865. This account is substantially followed in Fonblanque s Life of Burgoyne, ch. 6. Burgoyne had already defended himself in a Letter to his Constituents, London, 1779, which elicited a Reply, the same year. Portraits of Burgoyne are given in the Polit ical Magazine, Dec. 1780 ; Fonblanque s Bur- 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 155 goyne (painted 1750) ; Andrews s Late War, ii. 382; Murray s War in America, ii. ; Burgoyne s Orderly-Book ; Bloodgood s Sexagenary. The testimony of the Earl of Balcarras and other officers is in the Conduct of the American War. Burgoyne charged the loyalists and Indians with failure to support him, and this charge is answered in a paper printed by De Lancey in the App. of Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 683 ; and pp. 198-218 will be found a very good account of the campaign, with loyalist sympathies, and deprecatory criticism of the mil itary conduct of it on the part of the British gen eral. Contemporary Narratives. Sergeant Lamb s Journal of Occurrences, the record of a subaltern of the Fusiliers. An English diary in the Maga zine of American History, Feb. 1878. A MS. journal of Lieutenant Hadden is in the possession of General Horatio Rogers of Providence. General Histories. Stedman, i. ch. 16 ; Stan hope, ch. 56 ; Pictorial History of England. The effect of the surrender upon parties in England is shown in the Debates in Parliament ; Macknight s Burke, ii. 202 ; Donne s Correspond ence of George the Third and Lord North, ii. 93, 111 ; the excerpts in Moore s Diary of the American Revolution, i. 525 ; Russell s Memoirs and Correspondence of Fox, i. 161 ; Fitzmaurice s 156 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777 Shelburne, iii. 12; Walpole s Last Journals, ii. 70; Fonblanque s Burgoyne, ch. 8; Madison s Writings, i. 31 ; Curwen s Journal, p. 175 ; Ban croft, ix. 478. G-erman Accounts. Baron Riedesel, the Ger man general accompanying Burgoyne, took excep tions to the English commander s narrative as not doing justice to the auxiliary troops ; and the Leben und Wirken of General Riedesel, by M ax von Eelking, translated by W. L. Stone, contains let ters and reports. In Madame Riedesel s Memoirs, also translated by Stone, there is an abstract of her husband s account of the campaign, p. 94, etc. Eelking, in his Die Deutsche Hiilfstruppen, de votes two chapters to this campaign, ch. 7 and 8. See also Remer s Amerikanisches Archiv. Kapp s Soldatenhandel covers the organization of the German auxiliaries, and George W. Greene s German Element in the War for Independence, epitomizes Kapp s investigations in part. The Effect in France. Jonathan Loring Aus tin, dispatched by the Massachusetts authorities, carried the first intelligence. Cf. Boston Month ly Magazine, July, 1826 ; Loring s Hundred Bos ton Orators, p. 174; Parton s Franklin, ii. 283. The Baron de Schulenberg congratulated the Commissioners, writing from Berlin. Diplomatic Correspondence, ii. 120 ; and for Izard s letter, ii. 370. Robin s New Travels, letter 12, gives the general hearsay accounts prevalent during the few following years. 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 157 In Fiction. Gleig s Saratoga, in his Chelsea Pensioners ; D. P. Thompson s Rangers. Creneral Maps of the Campaign. Burgoyne s Narrative, and also in his Orderly-Book. An- burey s Travels. Gordon s American Revolution. Neilson s Burgoyne s Campaign, whose map is reproduced as revised in W. L. Stone s Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne. Carrington s Battles, p. 312. Magazine of American History, May, 1877. Saulthier s survey of the inhabited part of Canada, with the frontiers of New York, was pub lished in London by Faden in 1777. A map, after Saulthier s survey, showing the province of New York, with the old divisions of counties, manors, etc., covering the present Vermont, to gether with New Jersey, was published at Augs burg in 1777, and is reproduced in Jones s New York in the Revolution, i. Medcalfe s map of the country in which Burgoyne acted was engraved by Faden. Montresor s map, made in 1775, is in the American Atlas. The Faden Collection, in the Library of Congress, has various contemporary maps. There are maps also in Billiard d Auber- teuil s Essais historiques, ii. Clinton s Advance up the Hudson, October, 1777. Sir Henry Clinton moved up the Hudson with troops and vessels to open the navigation of it and to effect a junction with Burgoyne at Albany. He deceived Putnam by his strategy, and fell 158 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. upon and took Forts Clinton and Montgomery, Oct. 6th. American Accounts. Letters of Putnam and George Clinton in Sparks s Washington, v., App. p. 471 ; Correspondence of the Revolution, i. 438 ; ii. 536. Leake s Life of Samuel Lamb, who was a participant. Lossing s Schuyler, ii. ch. 20, and his Field-Book, ii. 165. Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 21. Sargent s Life of Andre*, p. 102. Ham ilton s Republic of the United States, i. 321. Lives of Putnam by Humphreys and Tarbox. Dawson s Battles, i. ch. 28, who gives the dis patches, and his paper in the National Repository, ii. Carrington s Battles. There is an account of the burning of Esopus, as the British pushed up the river, in the Ulster County Historical Society s Collections, i. 109. British Accounts. Sir Henry Clinton s dis patches are in Almon s Remembrancer, v., and in Dawson. A letter of his is in Rockingham and his Contemporaries, ii. 334. His annotations on the account in Stedman s American War, ch. 18, are printed by De Lancey in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 704. Fonblanque, in his Life of Burgoyne, and other defenders of that general, trace his ill-success to the tardiness of this diversion. Maps. Col. Palmer s plan of Fort Montgom ery, 1776, in the New York Calendar of Historical Manuscripts, i. 474, and a sketch of, the river ob- 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 159 structions, p. 616 ; and ii. 298, a plan of the attack on the two forts, after Faden s plan. MS. plans are in the Sparks Collection at Cornell and at Harvard. Stedman s American War, ch. 1, follows the plan by John Hills, which was first published by Faden, June 1, 1784. Sparks s Washington, v. 92. Leake s Life of Lamb. Boynton s History of West Point, with drawings of the river obstruc tions. Lossing s Field-Book. Carrington s Bat tles. Howe s Campaign, 1777. Howe s obvious movement was to proceed up the Hudson and cooperate with Burgoyne ; but the spring and early summer wore away, and Washington was not satisfied of his intentions. See his letters in Sparks s edition of his Writings, iv. 442, 453, 501, 505 ; v. 42 ; and in the Heath Correspondence, Massachusetts Historical Society s Collection, 5th series, iv. In August, embarking 18,000 troops on transports, Howe sailed for the Chesapeake, and, landing them at the Head of Elk, he began to advance towards Philadelphia. Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. 431. General accounts of the campaign which ensued for the possession of Philadelphia, will be found in Gordon, Bancroft, Hamilton s Republic, i. ch. 10 ; in Lives of Washington by Marshall, iii. ch. 3, and Irving; Histories of Pennsylvania; McSher- ry s Maryland, ch. 11 ; and various biographies, 160 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. like Greene s Greene, Quincy s Shaw, ch. 3, etc. The Minutes of the Pennsylvania Board of War, March to August, are in Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, i. Brafadywine, September 11, 1777. Washington had hastily marched his army through Philadelphia to the Brandywine, where he encountered Howe, Sept. llth, but was driven back. American Accounts. Washington s letters are in Sparks, v. 58, and in Dawson. Marshall is full on this part of Washington s career. Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 18. Gordon s American Rev olution. Bancroft, ix. charges Sullivan with de feating Washington s plans, and Sullivan is de fended in Amory s Military Services of Gen. Sul livan, p. 45. For charges against and defence of Sullivan, see Pennsylvania Historical Society, Bul letin, i. Cf. also Sparks s Washington, v. 108 and App. Johnson s Life of Nathanael Greene ; Greene s Greene, i. ch. 19. Muhlenberg s Life of Gen. Muhlenberg, ch. 3. Pennsylvania Historical Society s Proceedings, Sept. and Dec. 1846, and Memoirs, i. A letter written in 1820 by C. C. Pinckney, who was in Washington s military fam ily at this time, is in the Historical Magazine, July, 1866. J. C. Hamilton s Life of Alexander Hamilton, who was at the time on Washington s staff. Pickering s Life of Timothy Pickering, i. 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 161 ch. 10. Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, i. ch. 15. Lafayette s Memoirs. Read s Life of George Read. Dawson s Battles, ch. 24. Carrington s Battles. Lossing s Field-Book. Hollister s Con necticut, ii. ch. 16. Thaddeus Allen s Origina tion of the American Union. Smith s Delaware County, p. 305. Lewis s History of Chester County. H. M. Jenkins in Lippincott s Maga zine, xx. A pamphlet account by J. Townshend, 1836. Some particulars of events following the battle are given in Read s George Read, p. 319. British and Hessian Accounts. Howe s dis patches are in Almon s Remembrancer, v. 409 ; and in Dawson. The evidence before Parliament regarding this battle is in The Conduct of the American War. Stedman gives a clear account. For a statement of the breech-loading rifles used by the British, see Bisset s History of George the Third, ch. 19 and 25. Eelking s Deutsche Hiilfstruppen, ch. 6. Ban croft quotes Ewald s Beyspiele Grosser Helden, as the story of an eye-witness to the well-guarded retreat of Washington ; but see, on the other hand, Du Portail in Stanhope s England, vi. App. 27. Maps. Faden published, 1778, a map of the battle. MS. plans are in the Faden Collection in the Library of Congress, and one is in the Sparks Collection at Cornell. A large map of Pennsyl vania, chiefly after Scull, 1770, was published by Sayer and Bennett, 1775, and the next year they 11 162 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. issued a chart of the Chesapeake, after surveys of Anthony Smith. Later Plans of the Field. Sparks s Washing ton, v. 58 ; Marshall s Washington, v. ; Duer s Lord Stirling, ii. ; Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 377 ; Irving s Washington, iii. ; Hamilton s Grenadier Guards, ii. ; Carrington s Battles, 382 ; Bowen and Futhey s Sketch of the Battle. A large plan, with topography as surveyed in 1846, is in Penn sylvania Historical Society s Memoirs, i. Paoli, September 20, 1777. Washington, on his retreat, detached Wayne with a force to fall upon the enemy s rear. Howe sent, as a counter-movement, Gen. Grey, who sur prised Wayne s camp at Paoli, and routed his de tachment. Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 19 ; Lives of Wayne by Sparks and Moore ; Pennsylvania Magazine of History, i. 285. Map. Faden published, July 1, 1778, a Plan of the British Camp at Trudruffrin, Sept. 18-21, 1777, with Grey s attack near White Horse Tav ern, Sept. 20th. Philadelphia taken. September 27, 1777. Washington was unable to impede Howe s ad vance, and the British general entered Philadel phia. American Accounts. Bancroft, ix. ch. 23. Hildreth, iii. ch. 37. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. t" 1 / 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTI^N^ 165 p. 302. Greene s Life of Greene, i. ch. 21. Drake s Life of Knox. Letter of Thomas Paine to Franklin, in the Pennsylvania Magazine of History, ii. 283. Memoirs of Col. Benj. Tal- madge. Papers relating to the War, 1777-1781, in the Pennsylvania Archives, 1st series, v., and 2d se ries, iii., for affairs in Philadelphia during Howe s advance. British Accounts. Sir William Howe s Narra tive. The Conduct of the American War. Ross s Life of Cornwallis. The catalogue of the Philadelphia Library shows, p. 1553, numerous proclamations of Howe. For the events of the British occupation, see Christopher Marshall s Diary; Robert Morton s Diary, in the Pennsylvania Magazine of History, No. 1 ; Sargent s Life of Andre*. W. B. Reed s Life of Esther Reed, p. 278. United Service Journal, 1852. The relations of the Quakers to Congress, and the arrest of some of them in Philadelphia, and their removal before the Americans left the city, are told in Gilpin s Exiles in Virginia. Cf. Penn sylvania Archives, passim. Ifaps. Sparks s Washington, v. 66, gives a map to show all the movements of this campaign. See also Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, iii.; Hall s History of the Civil War, 1780; Gentle man s Magazine, 1776 and 1777, and July, 1779, 164 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. for Fisher s Chart of Delaware River, made in 1776 ; Moore s Diary of the Revolution ; History of the Coldstrearn Guards; Moorsom s Fifty- Second Regiment. A plan of the city following the surveys of Scull and Heap was engraved by Faden in 1777 ; another after Eastburn s survey of 1776, and one after Hill s survey, were issued in Philadelphia in 1777. There are various MS. maps in the Faden Col lection in the Library of Congress. Germantown, October 4, 1777. While a part of Howe s force was operating on the river below Philadelphia, Washington made a vigorous attack on that part of it encamped at Germantown, and was nearly successful. American Accounts. Washington s letters are in Sparks, v. 86, 463 ; and in the Heath Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections, 5th series, iv. 76. Marshall was in the fight, and gives a good account in his Washington, and so do Sparks, L, and Irving, iii. ch. 23. Custis s Recollections of Washington, ch. 4. Gordon used original authorities. Bancroft, ix. ch. 25, is con troverted by Amory in his Military Services of Gen. Sullivan, p. 57, where a letter of Sullivan s is given. Lives of Greene by Johnson and Greene, i. ch. 21. Life of Timothy Picker ing, i. ch. 11. A controversy, participated in 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 165 by Johnson, Pickering, and Sparks, can be fol lowed in the North American Review, April, 1825, and October, 1826, and in National Intelli gencer, Dec. 5, 1826, and Jan. 27 and Feb. 24, 1827. Wilkinson s Memoirs, ch. 11. Life of Gen. Muhlen-berg, ch. 4. Armstrong s Life of Wayne. Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, i. 319. Sargent s Andre*, p. 112. Lossing s Field-Book, and his ar ticle in Harper s Monthly, i. 448. Dawson s Bat tles, i. ch. 27. Jones in his New York in the Revolutionary War gives a loyalist s view. Col. John E. How ard s Narrative is among the Sparks MSS. in Harvard College Library. Cf. Pennsylvania Ar chives, v. 646. The centennial observance produced two ad dresses: Judge Thayer s in the Weekly Times and separately, and Lambdin s in the Pennsyl vania Magazine of History, i. 361. British Accounts. Stedman s American War, i. ch. 15; Hamilton s Grenadier Guards, ii. Maps. By John Hills, published March 12, 1784, by Faden in London. A MS. plan by Mon- tresor is in Harvard College Library. Sparks s Washington, iv. 86. Guizot s Washington, atlas. Johnson s Greene, 4to edition, i. Duer s Life of Stirling, ii. 177. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 314. Carrington s Battles, p. 392. 166 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. Forts on the Delaware, October and November, 1777. Howe detached a force to cooperate with the fleet in reducing these forts and opening a passage to the sea. American Accounts. Sparks s Washington, v. 112, 115, 151 ; Correspondence of the Revolution, ii. 12, 20 ; Marshall s Washington, i. 178 ; Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 24, 25, and 26. Gordon s American Revolution. Ramsay s American Rev olution. Bancroft, ix. ch. 25. Life of Pickering, i. 174. Greene s Greene, i. ch. 22. Leake s Life of Lamb, including Knox s letter. Lee s Me moirs. Williams s Life of Olney. Reed s Reed, i. ch. 16. Lossing s Field-Book. Dawson s Bat tles, i. ch. 29 and 30. Carrington s Battles. Stone s Invasion of Canada, p. 75. Historical Magazine, Feb. 1872. The Minutes of the Penn sylvania Navy Board, Feb. - Sept. 1777, are given in Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, i. 73. British Accounts. Howe s dispatches are in Almon s Remembrancer, v. 499. Particular narratives of the separate attacks will be found as follows : Red Bank, or Fort Mercer, Oct. 22, 1777. Reed s Reed, i. ; Pennsylvania Archives, v. ; Smith s Delaware County, p. 321; and the Hessian au thorities, Count Donop being killed at the time. Mud Island, or Fort Mifflin, Nov. 10-16, 1777. Bancroft, ix. 434, cites as the principal author- 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 167 ities Fleury s Journal in Marshall, and in Sparks, v. 154 ; Varnum s and Col. Angell s letters in Cowell s Spirit of 1776 in Rhode Island. Penn sylvania Archives, v. 699, vi. Lieut. Col. Lau- rens s account in Frank Moore s Materials for History, 1861. Life of Pickering, i. 174. Tuck- erman s Com. Talbot. J. C. Hamilton s Republic of the United States, i. 297. Potter s American Monthly, Feb. 1877, with a view of the fortifica tions. Chastellux s Travels, English translation, i. 260, gives an account. Maps. Fisher s chart of the river below Phil adelphia, 1776, printed by Sayer and Bennett, is reproduced in Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, iii., and is also given in Gentleman s Magazine, 1778; also see 1779. Faden published a river chart showing the works in 1778. Sparks s Washington, v. 156. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 296. Carrington s Battles. Plans of Red Bank are in Smith s Delaware County, p. 321, and Pennsylvania Archives, v. MS. plans of Fort Mifflin are in the Sparks Collection, Cornell University. Plans for ob structing the river are given in the Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, i. 749. The Conway Cabal, 1777. When the surrender at Saratoga had encour aged the partisans of Gates to claim for him a 168 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1777. still higher command, his alienation from Wash ington showed itself in his hesitancy to return to the commander-in-chief some of the troops which had been sent to him in the season of his necessity. Hamilton was sent by Washington to urge these reinforcements. Hamilton s Works, i. 37; Hamilton s Life of Hamilton, i. 100-113; Hamilton s Republic, i. 339; Irving s Washing ton, iii. ch. 25. The movement to prejudice the public mind against Washington soon attracted attention, and Gates, Mifflin, and Conway, together with abet tors in Congress, seemed to be the chief spirits at work. Gordon implicates Samuel Adams in the conspiracy ; and J. C. Hamilton (Republic of the* United States, i. ch. 13 and 14) is very severe on the Adamses in this connection. Mrs. Warren, however, held there was no sufficient ground to connect Samuel Adams with it; and Wells. (Life of Samuel Adams, ii. ch. 46) argues against the connection. Sparks (Washington, v. and App.) gives a series of documents elucidating the cabal ; and Stanhope (History of England, vi. 243) thinks Sparks " glides over too gently the par ticipation of New Englanders." Lives of Washington by Marshall, iii. ch. 6, and Irving, iii. ch. 25, 28, 29, and 30. Bancroft, ix. ch. 27. Sparks s Gouverneur Morris, i. ch. 10. Greene s Life of Greene, i. 22; ii. 26 and 27. Kapp s De Kalb. Hamilton s Life of Hamilton, 1777.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 169 i. 128-163. Wirt s Patrick Henry, p. 208. Austin s Gerry, ch. 16. Reed s Joseph Reed, i. 842. Wilkinson s Memoirs. Lossing s Schuyler, and his Field-Book, ii. 336. Dunlap s New York, ii. ch. 9. Col. Robert Troup s account is among the Sparks MSS. in Harvard College Library. 170 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777- WINTER OF 1777-1778. Washington at VaUey Forge, 1777-1778. AFTER some desultory movements, which can be followed in Simcoe s Journal of the Queen s Rangers and Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, i., Washington hutted his army in winter quarters at Valley Forge in December. The winter s manoeuvres were wholly for foraging. Greene s Greene, i. ch. 24. Graham s Morgan, p. 191. For the trials and incidents of the camp life in general, see the following : Sparks s Washington, v., and the narrative in the App. Irving s Wash ington, iii. ch. 27 and 31. Custis s Recollections of Washington, ch. 9. Sparks s Correspondence of the American Revolution, ii. ; Sparks s Gou- verneur Morris, i. ch. 9. Greene s Greene, i. ch. 24 and 25. Life of Timothy Pickering, i. 200. Reed s Joseph Reed, ch. 17. Read s George Read, p. 326. Bancroft s United States, ix. ch. 27. T. Allen s Origination of the American Union, ii. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 331. Mrs. Ellet s Domestic History of the Revolution. Gen eral Hull s Revolutionary Services, ch. 12. Col. T. W. Bean s Washington and Valley Forge. Col. Brooks s letter in Massachusetts Historical Soci- 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 171 ety s Proceedings, Feb. 1874. Surgeon "Waldo s Diary in Historical Magazine, May, 1861, and Letters, April, 1867. Potter s American Month ly, May, 1875, and July, 1878. In January Washington addressed Congress as to the organization of the army. Hamilton s Works, ii. 139. Bancroft, ix. ch. 27, discloses the relations of Congress to the army. Congress instituted a Board of War, and its operations are followed in the Life of Timothy Pickering. Steu- ben, who had landed in Dec., was, May 5th, made inspector-general, and his influence in disciplin ing the army is dwelt upon in Kapp s Life of Steuben ; and in ch. 8 Kapp examines the position of foreign officers in the Continental army. For Steuben, see Sparks s Washington, v. 526; Ir- ving s Washington, iii. ; Wells s Samuel Adams, iii. 2 ; Bowen s Steuben ; Greene s German Element. Stuart s Life of Jonathan Trumbull throws light on the sending of supplies to the army ; and Greene s Life of Greene, ii. 48, shows the begin ning of that general s services as quartermaster- general, having entered upon his duties in March. . A scheme of sending an expedition to Canada under Lafayette is examined in Sparks s Wash ington, v. 530; vi. 106, 114, 149; Marshall s Washington, iii. 568 ; Irving s Washington, iii. 334; Life of John Jay, i. 83; Stone s Life of Brant, ch. 14. While at Valley Forge, Washington received 172 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1777- a letter from the Rev. Jacob Duche*, then in Philadelphia, making representation to induce him to lead the country back to dependence on Great Britain. Washington transmitted the let ter to Congress, but Sparks could not find the original in the government archives, and printed it from Rivington s Gazette, in his Correspond ence of the American Revolution, i. 448. See also Sparks s Washington, v. App. p. 477; a separate publication, entitled Washington at Val ley Forge and the Duche* Correspondence ; Wil son s Memoirs of Bishop White. Maps. Sparks s Washington, v. 196. Guizot s Washington, atlas. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. Car- rington s Battles. Harper s Monthly, xii. 307. Plans are in the Sparks Collection at Cornell University. For the landmarks of Valley Forge, see Los- sing s Field-Book and the account from the Ohio State Journal, in Read s George Read, p. 326. Howe in Philadelphia, 1777-1778. Details of the winter life of the British in Philadelphia will be found in Sargent s Andre*, ch. 7, 8, and 9; Irving s Washington, iii. The account of the impressions of the Hessian Captain Henrick, as shown in Prof. Sehlozer s Correspond ence, iii., is translated in the Pennsylvania Maga zine of History, No. 1. In Jan. the Americans sent down the river 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 173 some torpedoes in the shape of kegs to destroy the British shipping. They failed of their pur pose, but gave rise to a humorous poem by Hop- kinson, The Battle of the Kegs. See Lossing s Field-Book, ii., and Moore s Songs and Ballads of the Revolution. In the spring various foraging parties scoured the surrounding country. Cf. Simcoe s Journal of the Queen s Rangers, with a map of the affair at Quintin s Bridge, March 18th. Dawson s Bat tles, ch. 33, etc. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 344, etc. Stedman s American War, ii. Johnson s History of Salem, New Jersey. Washington in the spring had advanced Lafay ette with a corps of observation to Barren Hill, and Howe endeavored to cut him off. Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 33. Sparks s Washington, v. 378, 545, with a map. In May Sir William Howe returned to Eng land, leaving Sir Henry Clinton in command. Tory arraignments of Howe s conduct in America are given in Jones s New York in the Revolution ary War, i. 252, 714; in the Life of Peter van Schaack, p. 167 ; and also in Galloway s Examina tion before Parliament. Cf. Bancroft, x. 120. The Mischianza. This was a festival, May 18th, given in honor of Howe on his departure. Andre* described it. Cf. Gentleman s Magazine, Aug. 1778 ; Lady s Magazine, Philadelphia, Aug. 1792 ; Sargent s Andre*, 165 ; Jones s New York 174 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1777. in the Revolutionary War, i. 242, 718 ; Annual Register, 1778, p. 264; F. Moore s Diary of the American Revolution, p. 52 ; Bland Papers, i. 90 ; Watson s Annals of Philadelphia ; Lossing s Field- Book, ii. 303 ; Mrs. Ellet s Domestic History of the Revolution ; Smith and Watson s American Historical and Literary Curiosities. Israel Mauduit published Strictures on the Mis- chianza, London, 1779. Major Clark communicated to Washington in telligence of the enemy in Philadelphia, during the occupation, Oct. - Dec. 1777, and his letters are in the Pennsylvania Historical Society s Me moirs, i. 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 175 EVENTS OF 1778. American Diplomacy in Continental Europe. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN was the central figure ot the American Commissioners in Paris, who were awaiting the development of events to press an alliance upon the French government. Franklin s Works, i. 434; viii. 229. Sparks s Franklin, ch. 10, and ch. 11 for the efforts of the British emissaries to win him ; and on this latter point see also Parton s Franklin, ii. 321, and John Adams s Works, iii. 178, 220. Bigelow s Life of Frank lin. Diplomatic Correspondence of the Revolu tion, iii. Elkanah Watson s Memoirs. Thomas Hughes on the English estimate of Franklin in Lippincott s Magazine, July, 1879. John Adams gives an equivocal estimate of Franklin s fitness for his position. Adams s Works, ix. 486. The name and fame of Franklin, however, did not preserve harmony among the Commissioners, and there is a sad story of their disagreements. Diplomatic Correspondence of the Revolution, i. John Adams s Works, iii. 123, 129, 138 ; ix. 477 ; and in iii. 130, 139, Adams gives descriptions of the several American commissioners and their agents. Arthur Lee headed the opposition to 176 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1778 Franklin. Sparks s Franklin, i. 447 ; viii. 57, 257, 444. Parton s Franklin takes an extremely adverse view of Lee ; and on the other side his position is explained in Lee s Life of Arthur Lee ; also in John Adams s Works, vii. 79, 96. Ralph Izard had been appointed Commissioner to Tuscany, but had never been received at his post, and lived in Paris, siding with Lee. Sparks s Franklin, i. 451; viii. 250, 308, 388. Mrs. Deas s Life of Izard. Diplomatic Correspondence of the Revolution, ii. 367. Silas Deane had stood by Franklin, but making contracts with foreign officers for service in the United States, which embarrassed Congress, he had been recalled, but was still in Paris at the opening of the year. On his return to the United States, he in vain besought Congress for a settle ment of his accounts; and Lee s enmity toward him led to public recriminations. Getting no sat isfaction from Congress, Deane resorted to an Ad dress to the People in the Philadelphia Gazette, Dec. 1778, thus making public the extent of the differences among the Commissioners, and this was answered by Thomas Paine in the Philadelphia Packet, Jan. 2, 1779. Cf. John Adams s Diary, Works, iii. 187 ; vii. 79. Wells s Samuel Adams, iii. 60. Deane s own narrative was printed by the Seventy-Six Society, in 1855, and the story was revived in the Memorial of his heirs to Congress in 1835. Lom^nie s Life of Beaumarchais at a later 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 177 day threw such light upon Deane s transactions as lifted the cloud under which he had fallen. His hard fate is traced in the Diplomatic Correspond ence ; in Parton s Franklin, ii. ch. 9 ; and refer ence to the papers of the quarrel with Lee will be found in the Calendar of the Lee MSS. in Harvard College Library Bulletin. Some of Deane s man uscripts were No. 2138 in the Brinley sale, 1879. Congress had appointed John Adams to succeed Deane. Diplomatic Correspondence, iv. 241. John Adams s Works, i. 277; iii. 91, 121 ; vii. 5; ix. 472; and his Familiar Letters to his wife. Parton s Franklin, ii. 369. He afterwards ex pressed his discouragement at the want of har mony which he discovered on his arrival. Letters to Mrs. Mercy Warren, in Massachusetts Histori cal Society s Collections, 5th series, iv. 368. Bancroft s United States, x., thoroughly sur veys the varied relations of the American Con gress to the several European powers, and the relations with Frederick the Great are particularly set forth in ch. 3. A letter of John Adams gives a contemporary view. Works, vii. 99. Cf. Hil- dreth s United States, iii. ch. 38 ; Lyman s Diplo macy of the United States, ch. i. ; Trescot s Diplomacy of the Revolution ; Journals of Con gress; G. W. Greene s Historical View of the American Revolution ; Stanhope s History of Eng land, vi. 149. The relations with Spain, involving the question 12 178 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1778. of the navigation of the Mississippi, are particu larly set forth in Bancroft, x. ch. 6 and 8 ; Madi son Papers, i. 64, 74 ; Pitkin s United States, ii. ch. 13 and 14, and App. No. 8, for Jay s instruc tions as commissioner ; Jay s Life of Jay, i. ch. 4 and 5 ; Flanders s Life of Jay in his Chief Jus tices; George Sumner s Fourth of July Oration at Boston, 1859. The relations to Holland are explained in Ban croft s United States, x. ch. 12. John Adams s Works ; Correspondence of Adams and Mrs. Warren, in Massachusetts Historical Society s Collection, 5th series, iv. Muller, in his 1872 Catalogue, Amsterdam, Nos. 1637-1725, gives the bibliography of the subject. Condorcet in his Works has an essay on the in fluence of the American Revolution on Europe. The Treaty with France, February 6, 1778. On the 6th of Feb. a treaty of alliance and a treaty of commerce were signed at Paris. The negotiations had begun after the reception of the news of Burgoyne s surrender. Sparks s Frank lin, i. 430. French views of the situation can be found in Chotteau s La Guerre de I lnddpendance ; Count Segur s Memoirs ; Guizot s France, v. ch. 5. Ban croft, ix. ch. 29, and x. ch. 5, claimed that Amer ica had substantially gained her independence before the treaty with France ; and Count Cir- 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 179 court translated Bancroft s account as Histoire de 1 action commune de la France et de 1 Ame rique pour ITndependance des Etats Unis, adding an Historical Review, which is translated in the Mas sachusetts Historical Society s Proceedings, Oct. 1876. The treaty was printed in 4to in Philadelphia in 1778, and it will be found in Gentleman s Magazine, Feb. 1779 ; Bancroft Davis s Notes on the Treaties of the United States ; Treaties and Conventions of the United States, 1871 ; Receuil de Traites par Martens, ii. 587 ; Lyman s Diplo macy of the United States, i. ch. 2. The Commissioners notified Congress of the signing of the treaty. Parton s Franklin, ii. 303. Diplomatic Correspondence, i. 364 ; and for the official papers appertaining, i. and ii. ; and iv. 250, for John Adams on the Treaty. Cf. Pitkin s United States, ii. ch. 12 ; Marshall s Washington, iii. ch. 7. Bancroft, ix. ch. 38, describes the effect of the alliance in England. For the reception of the news of the alliance in the camp at Valley Forge in May, and for the effect upon the country, see Sparks s Washington, v. 355; Irving s Washington; Parton s Franklin, ii. 317 ; Greene s Life of Greene, ii. 72 ; Wells s Samuel Adams, iii. ch. 47. In July, 1778, Gerard arrived at Philadelphia as the first French minister to the United States. 180 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1778. Diplomatic Correspondence, x. 235. John Adams s Works, i. 235. The introduction to the French translation of Botta s History. Lyman s Diplo macy of the United States, i. 57. Hazard s Penn sylvania Archives, vii. The British Government. The reign of George the Third in all its phases is treated elaborately in the Pictorial History of England, v. to viii., with a strong tory leaning. This section is not included in the American re print of that work. Other general histories cov ering that part of the reign which spanned the American Revolution are, Adolphus, likewise tory, and compendious ; Stanhope, generally fair ; Mas- sey, liberal ; May s Constitutional History, show ing the influence of the Crown, and, of less im portance, Belsharn and Bisset. Wright traces the humors of the time in his Caricature History^of the Georges. Knight s Popular History of Eng land is perhaps the best general account of the more comprehensive narratives. Buckle s History of Civilization, ch. 7, dwells on the political de generacy of the times. Contemporary estimates can be found in Wai- pole s Last Journals, inimical to the court party, and in Wraxall s Historical Memoirs, X772-1783. The Bedford, Chatham, and Rockingham Corre spondence respectively show the three phases of the great Whig Party. Cf. Cooke s History of 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 181 Party ; G. C. Lewis s Administrations of Great Britain, 16 ; Almon s Debates ; Bancroft s United States ; Brougham s Statesmen of George III. ; and ch. 30 of Smyth s Lectures on Modern His tory. The letters which passed between George III. and Lord North, 1768-1783, were used by Brougham and Bancroft, and Sparks summarizes them ; but the originals were published in 1867 as Correspondence of George III. with Lord North, ably edited by W. B. Donne, who manifests lib eral views in his introduction, but lays the blame of the wrong-headed policy rather on the cab inet and the people than upon the King. This work is reviewed in the Edinburgh Review, 1867 ; in the North American Review, Oct. 1867, by C. C. Hazewell ; in Blackwood, June, 1867, in an ar ticle, " Was George III. a Constitutional King ? " and in the Quarterly Review, 1867, on " The Char acter of George III." The personal character of the King was amus ingly set forth with views favorable to America, by Jesse, in 1867, epitomized in the Eclectic Re view, 1867, or No. 1186 of Living Age. See in this connection Thackeray s lecture, or Harper s Monthly, vol. xxi. ; also see vol. xxvi., and Wai- pole s Letters. Scott takes a favorable view of the King. Buckle (History of Civilization, i. ch. 7) has a low estimate. Southey s Vision of Judgment is a tribute to his memory, while Byron s answer is the whig view. Brougham s sketch is brief. 182 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1778. Some of the above authorities also portray the social life of this era, for which, further, see chap ters in the Pictorial History, Stanhope s History, and Blackwood s Magazine, 1867, or No. 1220 of Living Age. For the character of North, see the general his tories above enumerated ; Earle s English Prem iers; Jesse s Etonians; Brougham s Statesmen; Macaulay s Chatham ; Smyth s 33d lecture ; Cor respondence of Fox, i. 195 ; Adolphus s Reign of George the Third, iii. 345 ; Walpole s George III., ed. by Le Marchant, iv. 78. The Conciliatory Bills, 1778. Lord North brought forward his plans of con ciliation on the 17th of Feb., and the bills passed March 3d, and were signed by the King March llth. The minister s speech proposing them is given in the Gentleman s Magazine, Feb. 1778. Parliamentary History. The account of the de bates in the Annual Register, xxi. 133, is prob ably by Burke. Gibbon refers to the proceedings in his letter of Feb. 23, 1778. Walpole s Last Journals, ii. 200, 215. Russell abridged Wal pole s account in his Memoirs and Correspond ence of Fox, i. 172. Life and Times of Fox, i. ch. 9 and 10. Fitzmaurice s Shelburne, iii. ch. 1. Donne s Correspondence of George III. with Lord North, ii. 135. Rockingham and his Contempo raries, ii. 346. J. E. T. Rogers s Protests of the Lords, ii. 174, 178. 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 183 For the debates in March, see Parliamentary History ; Gentleman s Magazine, March, 1778 ; Walpole s Last Journals ; and a note in Donne, ii. 151, on the difficulties of framing a new ministry. The American Commissioners in Paris reported on the conciliatory bills to Congress. Diplomatic Correspondence, i. 369, and Pitkin s United States, ii. App. 2. Franklin wrote upon them to David Hartley. Diplomatic Correspondence, iii. 34. The bills were received in the United States in advance of the arrival of the Commissioners. Wells s Samuel Adams, iii. 14. Lives of Wash ington by Marshall, iv. ch. 1, and by Irving, iii. ch. 32. Reed s Joseph Reed, ch. 18 and App. Sparks s Life of Gouverneur Morris, p. 182. Pitkin s United States, ii. ch. 11. The Commissioners reached America in June, under instructions from Lord North, printed in Documents relative to the Colonial History of New York, viii. 738. They landed in Philadel phia just as Clinton was evacuating that city. Their letters reached Congress June 13th. Al- mon s Remembrancer, 1778, p. 11, and p. 127 for their manifesto, and various other papers about them are scattered in Almon, vi., vii., and viii. Gouverneur Morris s reply on behalf of Congress is in the Journals and in Almon, viii. 40. The Commissioners threatened a greater feroc ity in the conduct of the war. Cf. the letter of 184 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1778. the Commissioners in Paris to Vergennes. John Adams s Works, vii. 72. Buckle (History of Civilization, ch. 7) cites, for evidences of the feroc ity with which the English conducted the war, the following : Tucker s Life of Jefferson, i. 138, 139, 160 ; Jefferson s Memoirs and Correspond ence, i. 352, 429 ; ii. 336, 337 ; Almon s Corre spondence of Wilkes, v. 229 ; Adolphus s George III., ii. 362, 391; Parliamentary History, xix. 371, 403, 423, 424, 432, 438, 440, 447, 487, 488, 489, 567, 578, 579, 695, 972, 1393, 1394 ; xx. 43 ; Memoires de Lafayette, i. 23, 25, 99. Jones (New York in the Revolutionary War) is not reticent concerning the excesses, particularly in plunder ing, of the British troops. A later counter manifesto on the part of Con gress was prepared, Oct. 30th, by Samuel Adams, Cf. Wells s Adams, iii. 46. Other Accounts. Marshall s Washington, iii. ch. 10. Sparks s Washington, v. 344, 397, 401 ; vi. 16, 79, 96. Sparks s Gouverneur Morris, i. ch. 11. Bancroft, x. 122. Reed s Joseph Reed, i. ch. 18 and App. 4. Howison s Virginia, ii. 230. A loyalist account in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War. British Accounts of their Failure. Massey s England, ii. 295 ; Stanhope s England, vi. 246 ; Donne s Correspondence of George III. with Lord North, ii. 208 ; and letters of Carlisle, one of the Commissioners, in Jesse s Selwyn and his Contem poraries, iii. 280, 339, etc. 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 185 Political Movements in England, 1778. It was thought that if Chatham could have abated his opposition to American independence, a union with the Rockingham whigs might have unseated the North cabinet, and restored peace. Cf. Chatham Correspondence, iv. 484; Donne s Correspondence of George III. with North, ii. 127. The death of Chatham in May seemingly put off the fall of the North ministry. Cf. Massey s History of England, ii. ch. 22 ; Fitzmaurice s Shelburne, iii. 40. Chatham, in his relations to the American war, must be studied in Thack eray s heavy and laudatory life of him; but a brilliant account of his political action will be found in Macaulay s two essays. Cf. the Chat ham Correspondence; Fitzmaurice s Shelburne, iii. ch. 1 ; Campbell s Lives of the Chancellors ; Stanhope s England ; Massey s England, ii. 279 ; Brougham s Statesmen; Bancroft s United States; Parton s Franklin ; Earle s English Premiers ; Davenport Adams s English Party Leaders ; and the note in Donne s Correspondence of George III. with Lord North, ii. 185. For illustrations of the hatred which the King bore towards Chatham for his liberal views, see Brougham s Statesmen ; Russell s Memoirs of Fox, i. 129; Adolphus s History, ii. 568; Stanhope s England, vi. App. ; Grenville Papers, ii. 386 ; Bancroft s United States. 186 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1778. The death of Chatham afforded a chance of a coalition of the tories with some part of the op position. See on this point the Rockingham Me moirs; Life and Memorials of Fox; Donne s Cor respondence of George III. with North, ii. 188; Walpole s Last Journals, ii. 338. Eden s account of his negotiations with Fox for a compromise is printed in the Memoirs and Cor respondence of Fox, i. 180. Jonathan L. Austin was sent to London by Franklin to confer with the opposition. Boston Monthly Magazine, July, 1826. Bancroft, x. ch. 5, gives a view of the state of feeling in England ; and a reflex of tory opinions is found in Cur wen s Journal. For instances of the commercial distress which the ministry s action had brought upon England, see Stanhope, v. 133; Franklin s Correspondence; Adolphus s History, ii. 261 ; Burke s Works ; Parliamentary History, xviii. 734, 951, 963, 964 ; xix. 259, 341, 710, 711, 1072; Walpole s Me moirs of George III. ii. 218. Hozier s Invasions of England, ii., shows the concern prevailing after the alliance with France became known ; and there is in Donne, ii. 176, an account of the blundering efforts of the English navy to intercept the French fleet, which left Toulon in April. Toward the end of the year, two pamphlets, one by Sir Wm. Meredith, the other by David 1778.J THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 187 Hartley, were printed in London, which had marked influence, as is described in Walpole s Last Journals, ii. 327. Congress, 1778. Bancroft, x. 349, says that though Congress sat with closed doors, the French envoys conveyed to their government the most complete reports of their discussions which are known. They are preserved in the French archives. See a repre sentation of Congress at this time in the Life of John Adams, i. 282. Washington wrote to John Bannister, in April, his views of the political bear ing of events. Sparks s Washington, v. 321. Cf. Christopher Marshall s Diary; Leake s Memoirs of General Lamb; Journals of Congress, and the lives of its members. The Summer s Campaign, 1778. Washington in April had submitted to his offi cers three plans of a campaign. Sparks s Wash ington, v. 320. A plan of his own is among the Sparks MSS. in Harvard College Library. Life of Muhlenberg, ch. 5. The expected arrival of a French fleet, which might close the Delaware to succor, necessitated the British evacuation of Philadelphia, and Sir Henry Clinton began his march across the Jerseys towards New York, June 17th. For the march see Eelking s Hiilfstruppen, ch. 10 ; Magazine of 188 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1778. American History, Jan. 1879, p. 58 ; a journal of Clinton s secretary in New Jersey Historical So ciety s Proceedings, vi. ; Diary of Jos. Clark in the same, vii. 93. Monmoutli, June 28, 1778. The advance of Washington s army attacked the rear of the retreating British, who turned and forced back the Americans under Lee ; but the presence of Washington on the field, later, re trieved the day. American Accounts. Washington s letters are given in Sparks, v. 422 and App. No. 18, and in Dawson s Battles, ch. 37, and Kapp considers Dawson s account the clearest. Lives of Wash ington by Marshall, iii. ch. 8 ; and Irving, iii. ch. 34 and 35. Sparks s Correspondence of the American Revolution, ii. 150. Custis s Recollec tions of Washington, ch. 5. Lee was brought to trial by court-martial, July 14th, for misbehavior and disrespect to Washing ton, under reproof. The evidence introduced is of importance. It was published separately, and is embodied in Dawson. Lee s defense is also given in Longworthy s Memoirs of Lee, p. 23. Cf. Sparks s Life of Lee ; Davis s Life of Burr, i. ; and Lee s letter in Reed s Joseph Reed, i. 369. Other Accounts. Heath s Memoirs, p. 186. Gen. Hull s Revolutionary Services, ch. 14. Drake s Life of Knox. Kapp s Life of Steuben, 1778.J THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 189 p. 159. Quincy s Life of Shaw t ch. 4. Sargent s Life of Andre, p. 187. Hamilton s Life of Alex ander Hamilton, i. 194. Hamilton s .Republic of the United States, i. 471. Bancroft, x. ch. 4. Letters of Hamilton and Wm. Irvine in the Penn sylvania Magazine of History, ii. 139. Reed s Joseph Reed, ch. 17. Williams s Life of Olney, p. 243. Life of Anthony Wayne. The original orderly-book of Wayne is No. 2095 in the Menzies Catalogue. C. King s account in the New Jersey Historical Society s Proceedings, iv. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 356, and his paper in Harper s Monthly, vii. 449 ; also see June, 1878. Barker and Howe s Historical Collections of New Jersey. J. W. De Peyster in the Magazine of American History, July, 1878, and March, 1879 ; also June, 1879, for letters. American Historical Record, June, 1874. Carrington, in his Battles of the Revolution, gives one of the most intelligible accounts. British Accounts. Stedman, ii. ch. 22. Mur ray s Impartial History, ii. 448. Stanhope s Eng land, vi. ch. 58. Clinton s dispatch is riven in Dawson. Maps. Sparks s Washington, v. 430. Atlas of Guizot s Washington. Hilliard d A^berteuil s Essais, ii. 271. Duer s Life of Stirling, ii. 196. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 356. Carrington s Bat tles. Coffin s Boys of Seventy-Six. The Sparks Collection in Harvard College 190 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1778. Library has some MS. maps copied from others belonging to Lafayette. New York and Philadelphia, 1778. The British retreated to Sandy Hook and crossed over to New York. Sargent s Life of Andre*, ch. 11. Documents relating to the occu pation of that city by the British will be found in the New York City Manual for 1863; and a plan from the London Magazine of 1778 is repro duced in the same manual for 1869. For Arnold s career as commander in Philadel phia after the city was regained, see Sparks s Life of Arnold ; his Washington, vi. 514 ; Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 2 ; Pennsylvania Archives, vi. and vii. ; Reed s Life of Reed, ii. 48, 88, 93, 102. The charges against Arnold and his answer are in Almon s Remembrancer, 1778-1779, p. 349. Indian Depredations, 1778. Wyoming, July Ist-Atli. The irruption into this valley by tories and Indians, with the fight and subsequent massacre, is described in Dawson s Battles, ch. 38, who gives the official documents. The panic-stricken refugees from the valley, fly ing eastward, crossed the Hudson at Poughkeep- sie, where their exaggerated statements (Stone s Brant, i. 339) were first published, and formed the basis of the narratives in Thacher s Military 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 191 Journal, Gordon, Ramsay, Botta, etc., and they have been repeated in Drake s Book of the Indi ans. Marshall, in the later editions of his Life of Washington, modified his earlier statements. Con temporary accounts are given in Moore s Diary of the American Revolution, ii. More accurate views of the transactions were taken by Charles Miner in his original newspaper articles, and in his History of Wyoming, 1845 ; and Stone, in his Poetry and History of Wyoming, followed Miner. Stone, in his Life of Brant, and in his Border Wars, drawn chiefly from the Life of Brant, gives an account of the inroad, but contends that Brant was not present. Caleb Gushing reviewed the Life of Brant in the Democratic Review, claiming that Stone had not proved an alibi for Brant ; but Stone in his Wyoming (p. 192) reasserted his statement, and pointed out Campbell s confession of his error for making Brant present in the story as told in his " Gertrude of Wyoming," which poem is reprinted in Stone s Wyoming. See Brodhead s New York Documents. Peck, in his Wyoming, ch. 2, enforces Stone s argument, and gives various personal reminiscences. Chapman s Wyoming has but a hurried account. Other narratives will be found in Irving s Wash ington, iii. ch. 37 ; Jenkins s Historical Address, July 3, 1878 ; Hollister s Connecticut, ii. ch. 15 ; Harper s Monthly, xvii. 306 ; Lossing s Field- Book, i. 352. Mrs. Ellet s Women of the Ameri- 192 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1778. can Revolution, ii., and her Domestic History of the Revolution ; and the Appendix to Campbell s Tryon County. Mohawk Valley. The plans and actions of the enemy in the Mohawk Valley are described in Lossing s Field-Book, ch. 12 ; Stone s Brant, ch. 14 ; Campbell s Tryon County ; History of Scho- harie County, ch. 9 ; Dawson s Battles, ch. 36, etc. ; Harper s Monthly, July, 1877. Cherry Valley, Nov. \\th. The slaughter at Cherry Valley is particularly detailed in contem porary letters in the Historical Magazine, June, 1866; Campbell s Tryon County, ch. 5; Daw- son s Battles, ch. 45 ; Stone s Brant, i. ch. 17 ; Lossing s Field-Book, p. 268 ; Dunlap s New York, ii. 147, etc. Brant. Stone s Life of Brant. Drake s Book of the Indians, book v. ch. 5. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Oct. 1848. Norton s Pioneer Missionaries, New York, 1859. W. C. Bryant in Beach s Indian Miscellany. Border Warfare in General. Beside Lossing, Schuyler, and Stone s Brant, see De Haas s In dian Wars of Western Virginia ; J. H. Perkins in "North American Review, Oct. 1839, an article also included in his Memoirs, ii. 281. A paper on the British and Indian cooperation is in the New York Historical Society s Proceedings, iii. There is much illustrative matter in the New York Documentary History, and in the Pennsyl vania Archives. 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 193 Fiction. Border and Indian traits and warfare during the Revolution are worked into the guise of fiction in Grace Greenwood s Forest Tragedy, and in C. F. Hoffman s Greyslaer. The Rhode Island Campaign, August, 1778. The French fleet under D Estaing arrived at the Capes of Delaware in July, but the British fleet had escaped to New York, whither the French commander followed. He was unable to pass the bar of that harbor with his larger ships. Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, ii. 155. Opening communication with Washington, a plan was formed for an attack on the British forces at Rhode Island. Irving s Washington, iii. 419. A land attack was undertaken by Gen. Sullivan at the same time. Sullivan s letters are given in Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, ii. ; Rhode Island Historical Tracts, No. 6 ; Dawson s Battles; Sparks s Washington, vi. Bancroft, x. ch. 5, questioned Sullivan s soldierly conduct, and T. C. Amory vindicated him in Massachusetts Historical Society s Proceedings, Dec. 1866, and in his Military Services of General Sullivan. Shortly after D Estaing and Sullivan had laid their plans by conference, Howe appeared off the harbor with the British fleet, reinforced. The French put to sea, but a general action was pre sented by a storm, and D Estaing returned to 13 194 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1778. Newport with a shattered fleet, and sailed for Bos ton to refit. Cf. A Candid and Impartial Narra tive of the Transactions of the Fleet under Lord Howe, London, 1779. The British army on the island was now reinforced, and Sullivan retreated to the main-land. The abandonment of the at tempt produced effects on the country that are set forth in Wells s Samuel Adams, iii. 38. The charges of Sullivan against the French came near disturbing friendly relations with the allies. D Es- taing s papers are in the Ministerie de la Marine et des Colonies at Paris. The French side of the controversy is presented in Chevalier s Histoire de la Marine frangaise pendant la guerre de 1 in- de*pendance Ame*ricaine, ch. 3, and in an Extrait du Journal d un OfBcier de la Marine, 1782, which gives a likeness of D Estaing, and another will be found in Andrews s History of the War. The proclamation of D Estaing to the former subjects of France in America, issued in October, is given in the Documents relative to the Colonial History of New York, x. 1165. See other authorities on the French auxiliaries under 1780. Lafayette went to Boston to confer with D Es taing. Heath s Memoirs. Lafayette s letters to Washington on the miscarriage of the expedition are in Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, ii. 181, 196. Lafayette s account of the campaign, told by himself fifty years later, when in this coun try, is in the Historical Magazine, Aug. 1861. 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 195 Accounts of tliis expedition, more or less full, are given in the following places : Bancroft, x. ch. 5. Hamilton s History of the Republic, i. ch. 17. Arnold s Rhode Island, p. 419. . Green s Rhode Island. Dunlap s New York, ii. Barry s Massachusetts, iii. 150. Rhode Island Historical Collections, vi. Moore s Diary of the American Revolution, ii. 85 ; also his Songs and Ballads of the Revolution, p. 231. Heath s Memoirs. Lives of Washington by Marshall, iv. ; by Irving, iii. ch. 36. Sparks s Washington, v. 29, 40, 45. Greene s Life of Greene, ii. 100, and Greene s letter in the Correspondence of the Revolution, ii. 188. Amory s Sullivan, p. 70. Memoirs of John Trumbull, p. 51. Stuart s Life of Jonathan Trumbull, ch. 32. Williams s Life of Gen. Bar ton, ch. 3. Glover s Orderly-Book in Essex In stitute Collections, v. Major Gibbs s Diary, Aug. 5th-30th, in Pennsylvania Archives, vi. J. A. Stevens in Magazine of American History, July, 1879. Historical Magazine, iv. 145. Carring- ton s Battles. S. S. Rider s Rhode Island His torical Tracts, No. 6, gives the Centennial Address of S. G. Arnold, and reprints contemporary ac counts, including the German narrative of Max von Eelking. English Accounts. The dispatches of Gen. Pigot, etc., in Gentleman s Magazine, Nov. 1778 ; in Dawson s Battles; in Rider s Rhode Island Historical Tracts, No. 6. Stedman s American 196 HEADER S HANDBOOK OF [1778. War, ii. ch. 23, 24. A Diary at Newport is in the Historical Magazine, 1860. A loyalist view in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. ch. 12. Maps. The Massachusetts Historical Society preserves a plan of the campaign ; see its Proceed ings, May, 1865. The Sparks Collection at Har vard College has copies of contemporary French plans. There are contemporary British plans of Newport and Narragansett Bay in the American Atlas, Nos. 17 and 18. The Magazine of Ameri can History, July, 1879, gives fac-similes of Fa- den s Newport plan, 1777, made by Blaskowitz, and also his Narragansett Bay, 1777. The Gen tleman s Magazine, 1778, has a print of the battle of Quaker Hill, Aug. 29th, which is fac-similed in Lossing s Field-Book, ii. p. 83, where is also a map of the campaign ; and others are in Rider s Centennial volume ; in Marshall s Washington, v. ; and in Carrington s Battles. There is a MS. plan of attack in the Faden Collection in the Library of Congress. A subsequent British incursion at New Bedford is noted in Ricketson s New Bedford, ch. 22, and in the Appendix to Crapo s Centennial Address, p. 58. On Rhode Island s share in the war, at large, see A. B. Gardner s Rhode Island Line in the Continental Army ; B. Cowell s Spirit of Seventy- Six in Rhode Island; W. R. Staples s Rhode 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 197 Island in the Continental Congress, published by the State in 18TO; G. W. Curtis s Newport, in Harper s Magazine, ix. 289. Capture of Savannah, December 29, 1778. A naval and military force from New York attacked the small American army defending Sa vannah and defeated it. Dawson s Battles, ch. 46. Simms s South Carolina. Stevens s Georgia, ii. 160. Marshall s Washington, iv. 97. Sted- man s American War, ii. ch. 26. The Vermont Troubles. These were disputes between the governments of New Hampshire and New York as to jurisdic tion over this territory, and the British govern ment endeavored by emissaries to seduce the in habitants of this region from their allegiance to the American cause. New York Documentary History, iv. 329, with map. Dunlap s New York, ii. 217. Belknap s New Hampshire, ii. ch. 26. Williams s History of Vermont. Madison Papers, i. Lossing s Sctmyler, ii. 408. Wells s Samuel Adams, iii. 144. Naval Actions, 1778. For accounts of the blowing up of the Randolph, March 7th, see Dawson s Battles, Cooper s Naval History, Clark s- Sketches of Naval History. Paul Jones s exploits in the Ranger, and his 198 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1778. capture of the Drake, are described in the several lives of Jones, and in Parton s Franklin, ii. ch. 8. Dr. Ezra Green s journal of the Ranger s cruise is given in the New England Historical and Genea logical Register, 1875. Cf. Annual Register, xxi. 176. Jones s instructions from the Commission ers in France are given in the Diplomatic Corre spondence of the Revolution, i. 361, where are also various other letters. Galloway s Letter to Lord Howe on his Naval Conduct, London, 1779, animadverts on his inac tion in face of the inferior force of the colonists, and gives lists of their respective fleets. James s Naval History and the Life of Admiral Keppel tell the story of the confronting of the English and French fleets in European waters. A diary of the English fleet in the summer of 1778 is among the manuscripts of the Percy family, according to the 3d Report, 1872, of the English Historical MSS. Commission. The Northwest, 1778-1779. Bancroft, x. ch. 8, gives an account of the ex pedition, and of the bearings of this conquest of the northwestern territory, as influencing subse quent control by the United States. Accounts, more or less extended, are given as follows : Clark s own account, dated Nov. 19, 1779, has been edited by H. Pirtle, and published by Clarke of Cincinnati in 1869 ; and m the Appendix of 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 199 this volume will be found Patrick Henry s private and public instructions to Clark, and Bowman s Journal of the Expedition, Jan. 27 to March 20, 1779. Stone s Life of Brant, i. ch. 16. Almon s Remembrancer, vi. 82. Dawson s Battles, ch. 40, for the attack on Fort Boone, Aug. 8th-20th. Jefferson s Writings, i. 221, and Randall s Jeffer son, i. 248, 256, 273. Parton s Jefferson, p. 233. Girardin s History of Virginia. Pennsylvania Archives. Butler s Kentucky. Law s Colonial History of Vincennes. Imlay s Western Terri tory. T. M. Smith s Legends of the War of In dependence, Louisville, 1855. G. W. Hill s Cap tivity of Christian Fast, an episode of the Indian invasion of the Northwest, in Beach s Indian Mis cellany. Adventures of Daniel Boone. Dod- dridge s Notes on the Indian Wars. Hecker- welder s Moravian Missions. C. I. Walker s Ad dress on the Northwest in the Revolution, before the Wisconsin Historical Society, 1871. There is a sketch of Col. Clark in the Histori cal Magazine, June, 1857 ; another in Lewis Col- lins s Historical Sketches of Kentucky, which is copied in Pirtle s edition of Clark s letter to George Mason. Prisoners of "War. For the early period of the war there is much illustrative matter in the several volumes of Force s American Archives. The memoirs of various suf- 200 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1778. ferers throw light upon prison experiences. Ethan Allen s Narrative of his Captivity. Memoirs of Andrew Sherburne. Adventures of Ebenezer Fox. Jersey Prison Ship. Dring s Recollections of the Jersey Prison Ship, ed. by Albert G. Greene, 1829, and again by H. B. Dawson, with an App. 1865. Thomas Andross s Old Jersey Captive. Dunlap s New York, ii. ch. 10. Prisons and Prison Ships in the Revolution, privately printed, 45 copies, New York, 1865. History of the Inter ments at Wallabout, 1808. Harper s Monthly, xxxvii. 187. Mrs. Ellet s Domestic History of the Revolu tion, ch. 10, 11. Onderdqnk s Suffolk and Kings Counties. George Taylor s Martyrs to the Rev olution, 1855. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 865. New York Historical Society s Proceedings, Dec. 1861. Historical Magazine, 1866, supplement. Pennsylvania Archives, passim. Moore s Diary of the American Revolution, ii. index. An account of the " Fleet Prison " kept by the Americans at Esopus, on the Hudson, is given in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, L 705/ Much about the American prisoners detained in England will be found in the Diplomatic Corre spondence, the letters of Franklin, Lee, and John Adams. Charles Herbert s Relics of the Revolu tion gives experiences in the English prisons. 1778.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 201 Exchanges of Prisoners. George Bancroft printed, New York, 1862, A Letter on the Ex change of Prisoners during the Revolution. More or less details will be found as follows : Washing ton s Writings, Sj^arks s edition, iv. 547, and gen erally throughout his correspondence ; v. 306 ; vi. 508, on the vacillating policy oi! Congress; and vii. 3, on the unwillingness of the British to treat on " national grounds." The Gentleman s Magazine, 177T, printed the correspondence of Howe and Washington. Irving s Washington, iii. ch. 2. Hamilton s History of the Republic. Graydon s Memoirs, ch. 8. A report of the Commissioners for settling a cartel detailing their unsuccessful negotiations, was printed in Philadelphia, 1779. Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 93, gives a loyalist view. 202 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1779. EVENTS OF 1779. In General. WASHINGTON was in camp at Middlebrook during the winter. living s Washington, iii. Greene s Greene, ii. 160. His views in January are given in a letter to Congress. Sparks, vi. 158. He resolved on a defensive campaign. Bancroft, x. ch. 9. Heath was in command east of the Hudson. Memoirs, p. 205. Bancroft, x. ch. 10, summarizes the military movements in the north, and, ch. 13, in the south. Cf. Hildreth, iii. ch. 39. The Journals and Secret Journals of Congress and the Diplomatic Correspondence hardly in dicate the infelicitous bickerings of Congress. Greene s Historical View gives sections to Con gress and to the relation of Congress to the States. Bancroft, x. 208. Washington to Mason in the Virginia Historical Register, vol. 96. Greene s Greene, ii. 170, 175. John Adams s Works, i. 292. For the riots in Philadelphia, and the efforts to regulate prices, see Reed s Reed, ii. ch. 6. For the British rule in New York, see the Me moirs of the Baroness Riedesel ; New York City Manual, 1863; Letters of Major-General James 1779.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, 203 Pattison, a British officer in New York, Jan. 1779- Aug. 1780, in the New York Historical Society s Collections, 1875 ; Memoirs of Lieut. General Sam uel Graham, Edinburgh, 1862, and abstracts in the Historical Magazine, Aug., Sept., Oct., and Nov. 1865. Try on in Connecticut, July, 1779. Clinton dispatched a plundering expedition un der Tryon, which invaded New Haven and de stroyed Fairfield. Part of the plan was to draw Washington from the Highland fastnesses. Hinman s Historical Collections of the part sustained by Connecticut in the Revolution. Stuart s Life of Jonathan Trumbull, ch. 37. Chauncey Goodrich on the invasion of New Ha ven in the New Haven Historical Society s Col lections, ii. 27. Moore s Diary of the Revolution, ii. 180. Ithiel Town s Particular Services, a British account. For the destruction of Fairfield, Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections, n 103. Diplomatic Correspondence, ii. 2 Committee of Foreign Affairs to Lee, and, iii. 99, for Lovell to Franklin. Wayne at Stony Point, July 16, 1779. The defenses at this post and on the opposite side of the Hudson were the outworks of West Point, and protected King s Ferry, the cross ing below the Highlands. Before the Americans 204 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1779. had completed them, Clinton captured them in June. Sparks s Washington, vi. 292. Washing ton planned a surprise of the British garrison, and intrusted the execution to Wayne. Arm strong s Life of Wayne. The contemporary accounts of his brilliant suc cess will be found in Washington s letter to Con gress, Sparks, vi. 298, and Wayne s account in the Appendix of the same volume. Moore s Diary, ii. 192. Pennsylvania Archives, vii. Dawson has a special monograph on the assault, and gives a chapter to it in his Battles of the United States. Marshall s Washington, iv. ch. 2. Irving s Washington, iii. 465. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 175. Hull s Revolutionary Services, ch. 16. Reed s Joseph Reed, ii. 110. Harper s Monthly, July, 18T9, by H. P. Johnston. Steuben was interested as testing his bayonet instructions. Kapp s Steuben, ch. 11. Greene s review of Kapp in North American Review, vol. xcix. an article reprinted in Greene s German Element in the War of Independence. Eberling s account of Steuben in the Amerikanisches Maga- zin, 1796. J. C. Hamilton s Republic of the United States, i. 443. At the Centennial Celebration, July 16, 1879, Gen. Jos. Hawley delivered an historical address. Maps. Faden s English plan, showing also the works at Verplanck s Point, after surveys by J779.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 205 Simpson and Campbell, by John Hills, published in London, March 1, 1784, is fac-similed in the New York Calendar of Hist. MSS. p. 347. The MS. plans used in the attack are in the Sparks Collection in Harvard College Library. Other plans are in the atlas of Guizot s Washington ; in Hull s Revolutionary Services, ch. 16 ; in Sparks s Washington, vi. 304. For an account of the medal given to Wayne see Loubat s Medallic History of the United States, where are also described the medals given to Lieut. Col. De Fleury and Major Stewart for good conduct in the assault. Paulus Hook, August 19, 1779. This was a brilliant advance, attack, and retreat by Major Lee. This British post was where Jer sey City now stands. See the general histories; Marshall s Washington, iv. 87 ; Irving s Washing ton, iii. 475 ; Dawson s Battles ; Quincy s Shaw, p. 65; Reed s Joseph Reed, ii. 125; Duer s Stir ling, p. 204; Moore s Diary, ii. 206; and S. A. Green s paper in the Historical Magazine, Dec. 1868. An account of the medal given to Major Lee is in Loubat s Medallic History of the United States. The Neutral Ground. This was the country in Westchester County between the outposts of the British and American 206 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1779. lines. See the general histories, Irving s Wash ington, histories of New York, and Bolton s West- chester. For the interval of Burr s command see Parton s Burr, ch. viii., and Davis s Burr. Events that took place here are fashioned into the substance of Cooper s novel, The Spy ; and H. L. Barnum s Spy Unmasked collates the nov elist s story with actual occurrences. See other imaginative renderings in Roe s Near to Nature s Heart, Gleig s Day on the Neutral Ground in his Chelsea Pensioners, etc. Sullivan s Expedition against the Indians, July Septem ber, 1779. Stone s Life of Brant, i., gives a full account of the Indian depredations in the spring and early summer. Washington had early given his atten tion to some plan of chastising the Indians, in retaliation for their incursions into Wyoming and Cherry Valley. Sparks, vi. 183. His instruc tions to Sullivan are in Sparks, vi. 264, and His torical Magazine, Sept. 1867. Sullivan s com ments in Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolu tion, ii. 264. Gordon is unfriendly to Sullivan in his account. Bancroft s strictures are noticed in T. C. Amory s Military Services of Gen. John Sullivan, p. 97. Accounts of greater or less fullness may be found in O. W. B. Peabody s Life of Sullivan ; Stone s Life of Brant ; Marshall s Washington, 1779.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIO^l 207 iv. 105 ; and tetters of Washington in Sparks s edition, and in the Magazine of American His tory, Feb. 18T9, p. 142 ; F. Moore s Correspond ence of Henry Laurens,. and his Diary of the Revolution, ii. 216 ; Pennsylvania Archives, vii. ; Historical Magazine, Aug. and Sept. 1862, and by N. Davis, April, 1868; Stuart s Jonathan Trumbu.ll; Lossing s Field-Book, i. 272; Hamil ton s Republic, i. 543 ; McSherry s Maryland, p. 14 ; Miner s Wyoming ; Campbell s Annals of Tryon County, ch. 6 ; Seaver s Life of Mary Jemi- son, p. 278 ; and a little notice of the Campaign, printed at Rochester, 1842. There are. several other contemporary records : Bleeker s orderly-book of Gen. James Clinton s brigade, printed 1865, edited by F. B. Hough. Major Norris s journal in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. 613, notes. Barton and Elmer s diary in New Jersey Historical Society s Proceedings, ii. Jabez Campfield s diary, in the same, 2d series, iii. 1873, covering May 23-Oct. 2, 1779. Gookin s, in the New England Histori cal and Genealogical Register, Jan. 1862. Hub- ley s, in Miner s Wyoming, Appendix, p. 82. Rev. Wm. Rogers s, with introduction and notes by S. S. Rider, and map of the campaign. Gen. Sullivan after this left the army and sat in Congress for New Hampshire. His character has been the subject of controversy between Ban croft and T. C. Amory, the former alleging that 208 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1779. Sullivan was a pensioner of Luzerne, the French minister. Amory s reply was entitled, General Sullivan not a Pensioner of Luzerne. Bancroft published in response the letter on which his charge was founded. Cf. Massachusetts Histori cal Society s Proceedings, Dec. 1866; Historical Magazine, Supplement vi. of 1866. An account of Sullivan and his genealogy is given in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Oct. 1865. The Penobscot Expedition, August and September, 1779. Massachusetts fitted out an armament, the land forces under General Lovell, and the fleet under Commodore Saltonstall, to dislodge the British from the Penobscot region. A British reinforce ment sent from New York shut the Americans up within the bay, and their whole force was destroyed or scattered. Accounts more or less full are found as follows : John Calef s Siege of Penobscot, with Journals, London, 1781 ; this and other documents are re printed in Wheeler s Pentagoet (Castine), ch. 5 and 6. Williamson s Maine, ii. 471. William son s Belfast, ch. 12. Willis s Portland, ch. 19. Various other local histories detail the connection of separate sections with the expedition. Barry s Massachusetts, iii. ch. 14. Bradford s Massachu setts. Thomas Philbrook s Account in B. Cowell s Spirit of Seventy-Six in Rhode Island. Thacher s 1779.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 209 Military Journal, p. 166. Heath s Memoirs, p. 235. Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, ii. 460. Ithiel Town s Particular Services. Bos ton Gazette, March 18, 25, April 1 and 8, 1782. Peniberton s Journal, in Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections, ii. 172. Journal of the Attack on his Majesty s Ships and Troops, July 24th, 1779, from the Nova Scotia Gazette, Sept. 14, 1779, reprinted in the Maine Historical Soci ety s Collections, vii. Maps. In Calef s Siege of Penobscot, and in Wheeler s Pentagoet. Briar Creek, March, 1779. For movements in the spring in Georgia, see Stevens s Georgia, ii. 180 ; Moore s Diary, ii. 138 ; Lossing s Field-Book, ii. Siege of Savannah, September 23 October 18, 1779. Lincoln had been in command of the Southern department since Dec. 1778. Sparks s Corre spondence of the Revolution, ii. 241. D Estaing with a French fleet approached the town by water, and Lincoln marched from Charleston to invest it by land. An assault failed. The fleet went to the West Indies ; the army returned to Charleston. Contemporary Accounts. Two Journals of officers of the fleet, edited by C. C. Jones, Jr., and published in folio. A Narrative of the combined attack, edited with notes, by F. B. Hough. Col. 14 210 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1779. Crnger s narrative in the Magazine of American History, Aug. 1878. Maj. Gen. Provost s Jour nal of the Siege in Gentleman s Magazine, 1779, p. 633. Original papers in the Historical Maga zine, Jan. and Sept. 1864. A Journal in Frank Moore s Correspondence of Henry Laurens. Caro line Gilman s Letters of Eliza Wilkinson. Moore s Diary, ii. 221. D Estaing s orders are in the Magazine of Amer ican History, Sept. 1878. Later Accounts. Lee s Memoirs of the War, ch. 12. Moultrie s Memoirs of the American Revolution. Simms s South Carolina. Bowen s Life of General Lincoln. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 736. Carrington s Battles, ch. 61. Stevens s Georgia, ii. 200. Flanders s Life of Rutledge. British Accounts. In Stedman s American War, ii. ch. 30, and in the English general his tories. Pulaski. This general was mortally wounded in the assault. See Sparks s Life of Pulaski, and his North American Review articles, vol. xx. and xxiii. The account of Pulaski in Johnson s Greene, brought out a vindication of Pulaski by Col. Bentalou, 1824, which was noticed by Sparks in the North American Review, No. 47, which led to Remarks, etc., by Johnson, in rejoinder. Maps. In Stedman s American War ; Jones s ed. of the contemporary Journals ; Carrington s Battles ; Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 736. Moore s 1779.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 211 Diary of the Revolution, ii. 221. Two contem porary French MS. plans, one showing more of the country around than the other, are in the Boston Public Library, described in Dufosse" s Americana, 1879. Dr. S. A. Green of Boston has another French MS. plan. Paul Jones in British "Waters, August and September, 1779. Correspondence of Franklin and Jones will be found in Franklin s Works, viii. See letters in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical So ciety, Oct. 1872. Cooper in his Naval History takes a favorable view of Jones s character. Daw- son in his Battles, vol. i., gives a full collated nar rative of the action between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis, Sept. 23d. Compare Peter Landais s account in his Memorial, printed in Boston in 1784, justifying his conduct, which gives a plan of the action. See also Parton s Franklin, ii. ch. 8; Preble s "Three Historic Flags " in the New England Historical and Genea- 6 logical Register, Jan. 1874 ; Headley s Miscella nies, ii. A British view is taken in Allen s Battles of the British Navy, and in the English histories. For the effect in England of his exploits, see Al- bemarle s Rockingham and his Contemporaries, ii. 381. Of the monographs on Jones, Sherburne, who had access to the archives of the United States 212 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1779. government, and possessed some of Jones s private papers, particularly his correspondence with La Fayette and Jefferson, published the earliest au thoritative life, in 1825. Five years later, a life was published in Edinburgh, based upon Jones s log-books and family papers, which was decidedly English in tone, and the papers used by its author, being shortly after brought to this country, Robert Sands had use of them and others, in preparing his memoir ; while in 1840, Mackenzie made the most readable narrative of all, by sifting the ma terial of his predecessors. A more popular life is that by J. S. C. Abbott. S. P. Waldo printed a sketch of Jones in his American Naval Heroes, fifty years ago. See Lossing s illustrated paper in Harper s Monthly, xi. 145 ; and " Paul Jones and Denis Duval " in Hale s Ingham Papers, or the Atlantic Monthly, Oct. 1864 ; and in this last connection see Thackeray s Denis Duval with the notes appended. See a reactionary British view of Jones, in All the Year Round, 1870, or No. 1353 of Living Age, and a biographical account Fraser, April 1878. Jones figures in Cooper s Pilot and in other tales by A. Cunningham and T. Miigge. Dumas s Le Capitaine Paul, is a sequel to Cooper s Pilot. See also Herman Melville s Israel Potter. An account of the medal struck in Jones s honor, for his action with the Serapis, is given in Loubat s Medallic History of the United States. 1779.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 213 Foreign Relations, 1779-1780. The unhappy differences between Franklin and Lee and Izard still went on. Lives of Franklin by Sparks, i. ch. 11 and Works, viii. 444, and by Parton, ii. 379. John Adams s opinion of Franklin is given in Works, i. 319. Samuel Adams held a good opinion of Lee. Wells s Samuel Adams, iii. 120. Correspondence of Ralph Izard, edited by his daughter Mrs. Deas, one volume only pub lished. To put a stop to these disturbances, La Fayette, in Feb. 1779, carried over a commission to Frank lin, as sole minister plenipotentiary, when Adams returned to America. Diplomatic Correspondence, iv. 307. Lee still filled his position as agent to Spain. Congress was occupied with baffling the schemes of France which were aimed to secure a general peace, at the price of curtailing the limits of the United States westward, and giving up the nav igation of the Mississippi to Spain. Bancroft, x. 349. Sectional differences resulted in a com promise, by which John Adams was appointed a commissioner to negotiate with Great Britain, and John Jay with Spain, thus terminating Lee s agency. The agitation which produced this re sult can be traced in the following : Life of John Adams, ch. 6, where the policy of France is repre sented as entirely selfish ; also his diary in Works, 214 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1779- iii. 186, 229, 259 ; his official correspondence, vii. 119, 120, 139, etc., which is full on the European complications ; his private letters, ix. 476. C. F. Adams thinks the French translator of Botta had access to Gerard s papers. Adams s com mission and instructions are given in the Diplo matic Correspondence, iv. 339, and his letters are continued in vol. v. arid in his Correspondence with Mercy Warren, Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections, 5th series, iv. 378. Cf. Parton s Franklin, ii. 394 ; Bancroft, x. 442. For Jay s instructions and the question of the free navigation of the Mississippi, see Rives s Madison, i. ch. 6 and 8; Madison s Debates and Correspondence, i. App. ; Writings, iv. 441 ; Jay s Life of Jay ; Niles s Register, 1822 ; Ban croft, x. ch. 8 and 9 ; and for his letters to Con gress, the Diplomatic Correspondence, vii. 171 and viii. (1781) ; Francis Dana s correspondence from St. Petersburg, begins Aug. 1780, in Diplo matic Correspondence, viii. 239. Lossing gives a summary of these diplomatic mano3uvres, in his Field-Book, ii. supplement. Condorcet, QEuvres, viii., gives a view of the in fluence of the Revolution in Europe. Cf. Cape- figue s Louis XVI. and contrast with Bancroft, x. ch. 11 and 12. For the combination of the northern powers in an Armed Neutrality, 1778-1780, to protect them selves against British interruptions of their trade, 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 215 see Bancroft, x. ch. 12 and 20 ; Anderson s His tory of Commerce, ed. of 1790, vi. 362; note in Thornton s Pulpit of the Revolution, 457 ; Wells s Samuel Adams, iii. 109. Bancroft, x. ch. 11, summarizes the abortive naval movements of France and Spain against England. Adams sent to Congress, 1780, a state ment of Great Britain s naval losses since the be ginning of the war. Diplomatic Correspondence, iv. 483 ; v. 234. Adolphus, History of England, iii. ch. 40, points out the complications of England with the other powers. Cf. Stanhope, the Pictorial History and other general histories. The view of the expa triated loyalists are given in Curwen s Journal, and in Reminiscences of an American Loyalist, in Notes and Queries, 1876. The year was fertile in political tracts. A Short History of the Opposi tion was followed by Observations on the same, and again by a Defence. The King and ministry made fresh efforts, 1780, to bring about a union with the opposition. Me moirs and Correspondence of Fox, i. 251. Wai- pole s Last Journals, ii. 422. Donne s Corre spondence of George III. with Lord North, ii. 327. Stanhope s England, vii. 73. Henry Laurens, late president of Congress, was sent to Europe, armed with credentials for con cluding a treaty of alliance with the Netherlands. His instructions are given in the Diplomatic 216 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1779- Correspondence, ii. 453. The British captured him at sea, and securing his papers, discovered the complicity of the Netherlands, and declared war Dec. 20, 1780, against that country. Diplomatic Correspondence, ii. 461, v. 367. Donne s Corre spondence of George III. with Lord North, ii. 350. Fitzmaurice s Shelburne, iii. ch. 3. Massey s Eng land, ii. 382. Stanhope s England, vii. 81. Adol- phus s England, iii. 221. Laurens was confined in the Tower. South Carolina Historical Collections, i. Parton s Frank lin, ii. 405. John Adams s letters to the Dutch jurist, Cal- koen, 1780, on the present state of affairs in America, were printed by Adams in London, 1786; reprinted, New York, 1789, and in the Correspondence of the late President Adams, Boston, 1809, and in Adams s Works, vii. 265. Winter, 1779-1780. This was an exceptionally severe winter. Jones s New York in the Revolution, i. 320 ; Greene s Greene, ii. 184 ; Leake s Lamb ; Almon s Remem brancer, ix. In December Clinton went south with a force for the capture of Charleston, leaving Knyphausen in command in New York. The river froze, but Washington was unable to take advantage of this natural bridge into the town, on account of the weakness and destitution of his troops, now hutted 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 217 at Morristown. An Orderly-Book of Capt. Parker at Morristown, is in the New York Historical Society s Cabinet. See Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 1 and 4 ; J. F. Tuttle s Washington in Morris County, in Historical Magazine, June, 1871, p. 364 ; and Washington at Morristown, in Harper s Monthly, Feb. 1851, also Lossing s Field-Book, ii. Some account of the suffering of the troops will be found in Thacher s Military Journal. Washington sent an unsuccessful expedition to Staten Island. Life of Pickering, i. ch. 17. Rev olutionary Correspondence in Rhode Island His torical Society s Collections, p. 257. Historical Magazine, i. 104. Bret Harte s Thankful Blossom is a tale of the Jerseys in 1779. 218 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1780. EVENTS OF 1780. The Southern Campaigns in General. UNABLE to make progress in the north, the British transferred the seat of war to the south, where the finally decisive conflicts of the war were fought, often hardly more than skirmishes as re gards numbers, but exerting a determinate influ ence on the progress of political events. / Ramsay s American Revolution is the one, more particularly of the general histories, to serve the reader. Cf. Bancroft, x., and Hildreth, iii. ch. 40 and 41. American Accounts. Moultrie s Memoirs of the American War. Joseph Johnson s Tradi tions and Reminiscences of the American Revolu tion in the South, particularly concerns the upper country. Garden s Anecdotes of the Revolution ary War. Caruther s Revolutionary Incidents in the Old North State. Graham s Lecture, on the invasion of North Carolina in 1780-1781, is in W. D. Cookers Revolutionary History of North Carolina. McRee s Life of Iredell, ch. 13. R. W. Gibbs s Documentary History of the Amer ican Revolution, 1776-1782, and another volume, 1781-1782, chiefly concerns events in South Caro- 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 219 lina. W. G. Simms s South Carolina in the Rev olutionary War. Johnson s Life of Greene. G. W. Greene, in his Life of Nathanael Greene, iii. ch. 1, gives a description of the country and its inhabitants ; and in ch. 2 he begins a review of events previous to the arrival of Gen. Greene. Partisan Leaders. The lives of Morgan, Sumter, Marion, and others, are sketched by Greene in the 7th ch. of his Life of Greene. Other accounts are in the Appendix of Lee s Memoirs of the War ; and in C. B. Hartley s Heroes and Patriots of the South. There is a life of Morgan by Graham, and chapters on him in Custis s Recollections of Washington, and in Headley s Washington and his Generals. Sum ter is depicted in Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 8. Lives of Marion have been written by Weems, Simms, and James; and Lossing has a paper on him in Harper s Monthly, xvii. See a journal in the southern department given in the Historical Magazine, April, 1867 ; and in Parton s Life of Andrew Jackson, ch. 5 and 6, there is a picture of family vicissitudes in the Carolinas during this period. British Accounts. Col. Tarleton s Campaign of 1780-1781, London, 1787. Roderick Macken zie published the same year in London, 1787, Strictures on Tarleton s Narrative, defending Corn- wallis. Stedman s American War accuses Tarle- ton of misstatement and exaggeration. Stanhope 220 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1780. and the other general histories. See also the Cornwallis Correspondence, i., for much in illus tration. Loyalists. The narrative of Col. David Fan ning, a tory in North Carolina, was privately printed at Richmond, in 1861. He practiced bar barities on the whigs. See the paper on a Caro lina loyalist in Col. Chesney s Military and Biog raphical Essays. Maps. The American Atlas, by Mouzon and others. Political Magazine, London, Nov. 1780. Milliard d Auberteuil s Essais, ii. Marshall s Washington, atlas. Greene s Life of Greene, iii. Johnson s Life of Greene, ii. Carrington s Bat tles. Ridpath s United States, p. 342. Tarleton gives a large map, showing the marches of his legion, and of the army of Corn wallis. Faden published in 1787 a map of Corn- wallis s marches. Collet, governor of Fort Johnson, made a map of North Carolina, which was published in Lon don in 1770. A large map of South Carolina and adjacent parts is given in Ramsay s Revolution in South Carolina. Cook s Province of South Carolina, engraved by Bowen, was published in 1773. A large map of South Carolina and Georgia, made by Bull, Gascoigne, Bryan, and De Brahm, was published in 1777, both in London and in Paris; and, with additional surveys by Stuart, was reissued in London by Faden in 1780. 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 221 Archibald Campbell s Northern Frontiers of Georgia was published by Faden in 1780. Siege of Charleston, March May, 1780. Arbuthnot with the English fleet, and Clinton with the army, advancing from Savannah, gradu ally inclosed Lincoln and the American army within the defenses of Charleston. There is a monograph on the siege by F. B. Ho-ugh. See also Bancroft, x. ch. 13 and 14; Simms s South Carolina in the Revolution ; Mar shall s Washington, iv. 135 ; Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 3 and 5 ; Tarleton s History of the Cam paigns of 1780-1781; Moore s Diary, ii. 269; A Journal of the Siege in the Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, ii. ; Carrington s Battles of the American Revolution, ch. 63 ; Mas sachusetts Historical Society s Collections, 2d se ries, iii., on Lincoln ; Bowen s Life of Gen. Lin coln ; and Lincoln s letters in Sparks s Corre spondence of the Revolution, ii. 401, etc., as well as others from Woodford, Col. Laurens, etc. ; Dawson s Battles; Sargent s Andre", p. 225 ; Moultrie s Memoirs of the American War, ii. 65 ; . Ramsay s Revolution in South Carolina; Flan- ders s Life of Rutledge. The British gazetted account is in Gentleman s Magazine, June, 1780. For the political significance of this southern movement of the British, see Sparks s Washing ton, vii. 92. 222 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1780. Charleston in 1774 is described by an English traveler in the Historical Magazine, Nov. 1865, and Faden published views of Charleston in 1776, drawn by Lieut. Col. Thomas James. The tory ascendency in South Carolina at this time is depicted in J. P. Kennedy s Horseshoe Robinson, a novel. Maps. An English MS. map of the siege is in the Faden Collection in the Library of Con gress. Faden published a plan of the town and environs in 1780. A MS. plan of Charleston, by Cowley, 1781, is in Harvard College Library. See Ramsay s Revolution in South Carolina ; Johnson s American Revolution in the South ; Stedman s American War, ii. ch. 33, similar, but not the same with the one published London, March 1, 1787 ; Marshall s Washington, atlas ; Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 765 ; Gordon s American Revolution, iii. and iv., for a map of the campaign ; Moore s Diary of the American Revolution, ii. 258. Waxhaws, May 29, 1780. A defeat and massacre of Buford s regiment by the legion of Tarleton, who was sent out by Clin ton after the capture of Charleston. See Dawson, Lossing, and, on the English side, Tarleton s Cam paigns. Ramsour Mills, June 20, 1780. A deadly encounter in North Carolina between whigs and tories. See Historical Magazine, July, 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 223 1867, beside scanty accounts in some of the gen eral histories, etc. Springfield, New Jersey, June, 1780. The British in New York, getting tidings of an insurrection in the American camp in the Jer seys, caused by want of pay, made an incursion into that State. Histories of New Jersey. Ban croft, x. ch. 18. Marshall s Washington. Gor don s American Revolution, iii. 368. Historical Magazine, i. 104. Irving s Washington, iv. 6. Carrington s Battles, p. 502. Sparks s Washing ton, vii. 75. Lossing s Field-Book, i. 322. Greene s Greene, ii., and Greene s letters in Sparks s Wash ington, vii. 506. A tory view is given in Moore s Diary, ii. 285. A Journal of a British officer in New York, and in these excursions, Aug. 1779 to Nov. 1780, is in the Historical Magazine, i. 103. Simcoe s Queen s Rangers. The court-martial of Colonel Cosmo Gordon, a British officer, for neglect of duty in the action, was printed in London in 1783, and gives some details. Maps. Faden published, April 12, 1784, a plan by John Hills, showing the British forces at Elizabethtown Point, after their return from Con necticut Farms, June 8th, giving also the works erected to protect the army while passing to Stat- en Island, June 23, 1780. Later maps are in Carrington and Lossing. 224 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1780. Bull s Ferry, July 21, 1780. This was an effectual attempt by Gen. Wayne to assault a blockhouse (near Fort Lee, on the Hudson) garrisoned by refugees. Life of Wayne. Sparks s Washington, vii. 116 ; Sparks s Corre spondence of the Revolution, iii. 34, 37. Sar gent s Life of Andre*, who wrote in derision his doggerel of " The Cow Chase," part of Wayne s project being to gather cattle from the neighbor hood. Lossing s Field-Book. Summer, 1780. During the inactivity of the northern army Steuben exerted himself to reorganize the forces. Kapp s Steuben, ch. 12-15. Chastellux gives an account of camp life. Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 13. The British Government erected Maine into a province called New Ireland, to serve as a foil to the new Commonwealth of Massachusetts, now reorganized under a new constitution. Bancroft, x. 368. Barry s Massachusetts. Maine Histori cal Society s Collections, vii. The efforts which, before this, had been made to protect the frontier by the force under Col. John Allan are described in F. Kidder s Military Operations in Eastern Maine and Nova Scotia. Cf. Journal of the Ship Hunter in Historical Magazine, viii. 51, and Ithiel Town s Particular Services, etc. 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 225 In June martial law was declared in Pennsyl vania to meet the emergencies of the time. Reed s Reed, ii. 208. In July President Reed addressed Washington a long letter on the condition of affairs, which is in Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. lo. Washington s vigorous letter to Congress, in August, on the evils which, through the war, had arisen from short enlistments and the temporizing action of that body, and the want of uniform and concerted action by the States, indicates the wiser feelings of the patriots. Sparks s Washington, vii. 156. A number of Washington s letters, 1780-1781, are printed in the Magazine of American History, Aug. 1879. In August there was a convention of delegates from the several States to advise on a vigorous prosecution of the war, and to provide a generous reception for the French allies. The original MS. of their proceedings has been edited by F. B. Hough, Albany, 1867. The French Auxiliaries, 1780. Lafayette gives Washington an account of Hs efforts to induce the French government to send troops and a fleet to America. Sparks s Wash ington, vii. 477. Lafayette s own arrival her alded their coming. Memoirs of Lafayette. J. C. Hamilton s Republic, ii. 15. The measures taken 15 226 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1780. by Washington in anticipation of their arrival are detailed in Sparks, vii. Heath, July 12th, in forms Washington of the fleet s arrival. Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. 12. Heath s Memoirs, p. 243. Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 7. Washington s first letter to Rochambeau, July 16th, is in Sparks, vii. 110, and in App. No. 4 is Rochambeau s reply, where is also Lafayette s report of his interview with the French com mander, held by Washington s direction. The French took post in Newport harbor, where they were blockaded by the English fleet. Contemporary Accounts. Rochambeau s Me*- moires, and his account in Walsh s American Register, ii. Letters of an aid of Rochambeau, written from Newport, Aug.-Dec. 1780, in the Magazine of American History, May 1879, etc. Letters in Rhode Island Colonial Records, ix. Luzerne s letter in Diplomatic Correspondence, x. Marquis de Chastellux s Voyage de Newport a Philadelphie, printed on board the French fleet in Newport harbor, and afterwards published in his Voyage dans 1 Ame rique Septentrionale. (Cf. Bibliographical Contributions of Harvard College Library, No. 6 ; the Sumner Collection, p. 8.) Count Segur s Me*moires. Me*moires du Due de Lauzun. The New Travels of the Abbe Robin, the Chaplain. The Journal of Deuxponts, 1780- 1781, brought to light and edited by Dr. Samuel A. Green, in French and English. An English 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 227 version of the Journal of Claude Blanchard, a commissary of the French army, which gives daily experiences. (Cf. Revue militaire franchise, new series, in., and vol. ii., for 1870.) There was printed at Amsterdam in 1783, another French narrative, Journal d un officier de Parmde navale en Amerique, en 1781-1782. New Eng land Historical and Genealogical Register, Oct. 1873, p. 409. G-eneral Accounts of the French Participation in the War. Leboucher s^Histoire de la guerre de Tinde pendance des Etats Unis. Thomas Balch s Les Fran$ais en Amerique, 1872, covering 1777-1783. Cf. Tuckerman s America and her Commentators, ch. 3. Clinton s purpose to attack the French at New port was thwarted partly by want of harmony between him and the British admiral, and partly by Washington s movements about New York. Sparks s Washington, vii. 130, 137, and the gen eral histories ; Irving s Washington. Cf. Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 358, etc. For the subsequent plan of a concerted attack on New York, see Sparks s Washington, vii. 171, and App. No. 6 ; Memoires de Rochambeau, and the general works. The English blockaded the second division of the French fleet at Brest, and this caused, in August, the final abandonment of the plan. The next month, September, Washing ton met Rochambeau at Hartford to devise further 228 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1780. methods of cooperation. Irving s Washington. J. C. Hamilton s Republic of the United States, ii. 49. Maps. The Political Magazine, London, 1780, has a map of Rhode Island and surrounding waters, showing the station of Admiral Arbuth- not in blockading Admiral Ternay. Charles Blaskowitz s chart of Narragansett Bay and his plan of Newport were engraved by Faden in 1777 ; and Almon published the same year a map of Rhode Island, engraved by Lodge. Gates in Command, June, 1780. Gates. was sent to take command of the south ern army in June. Washington, in a letter to the President of Congress, traces the growth of Gates s sinister feelings towards him. Sparks, vi. 214. See the general histories, the lives of Gates, and G. W. Greene s summary in his Life of N. Greene, iii. 17. The chief original authority for Gates s campaign is the Narrative of Otho Williams, first published in Johnson s Life of Greene. It is valuable, though controversial in character. Lee s Memoirs of the War, ch. 18. The Letter on Gates s Campaign, published in 1822, by Gen. Thomas Pinckney, who was aid to Gates. Lives of Washington by Marshall, iv. 169, and by Irving, iv. ch. 8. 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 229 Camden, August 16, 1780. Gates was confronted by Cornwallis at Camden, and the American army was routed. American Accounts. Gates s letter is in Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. 66, 76. Greene s letter in Rhode Island Colonial Records, ix. 243. Bancroft, x. ch. 15. Hamil ton s History of the Republic, ii. 120. Simms s South Carolina. Marshall s Washington, iv. 181. Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 8. Lives of Gates. Lossing s Field-Book. Dawson s Battles. Car- ringtoii s Battles, ch. 65. New England Histori cal and Genealogical Register, Oct. 1873. De Kalb was mortally wounded. Kapp s Life of De Kalb. J. S. Smith on De Kalb in the Maryland Historical Society s Publications, 1858. British Accounts. Cornwallis s dispatches are in the Cornwallis Correspondence, i. 492, and in the Gentleman s Magazine, Oct. 1780. Rawdon s letters are preserved among the Percy papers, according to the third report, 1872, of the English Commission on historical manuscripts. Captured letters of Rawdon are in Sparks s Washington, vii. 554, and Almon s Remembrancer, xi. 156. Stedman s American War, ii. 210. Moore s Diary, ii. 310. Maps. A British plan is in the Faden Col lection. Stedman, ii. ch. 34, the same published London, March 1, 1787. Johnson s Greene, ii. Carrington s Battles. 230 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1780. W. G. Simms s novel, The Partisan, covers the events of this period, and for the events following down to Greene s arrival, see his Mellichampe. Arnold s Treason, September, 1780. Arnold, who had, while in command in Phila delphia, circuitously opened correspondence with Clinton, also approached Robinson to secure a confederate. Sabine s American Loyalists. Sar gent s Andre", Appendix. He then sought from Washington and obtained the command at "West Point. Irving s Washington. Lossing s Schuy- ler, ii. 412. Hamilton s Republic, ii. 52. While Washington was absent, holding a con ference at Hartford with Rochambeau, Arnold planned to betray the garrison at West Point. For arranging details, Major Andre, adjutant- general of the British army, was dispatched by Clinton up the river, under a flag of truce, to an interview with Arnold. This over, Andre*, in disguise, attempted to return to New York by land. Near Tarrytown he was stopped by a party of Americans ; his papers found in his boots ; and word was incautiously sent to Arnold, who, find ing the plan had miscarried, fled down the river under a flag in a boat to a frigate of the enemy. Contemporary Accounts. The papers found on Andre s person are in the State Library at Albany, and they are printed in Boynton s West Point, ch. 7, and elsewhere. Correspondence in 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 231 Sparks s Washington, vii. 520-544, The papers used by Sparks in writing his Life of Arnold are in Harvard College Library. Hamilton s letter to Laurens in Works, i. 172-182 ; also his letters to Sears and Miss Schuyler. Pennsylvania Packet quoted in Moore s Diary, ii. 333. Gen. Greene s letters in Rhode Island Colonial Records, ix. 246, and in the Revolutionary Correspondence in the Rhode Island Historical Collections, vi. Journal of General Matthews. Clinton s official dispatches are preserved in the State Paper Office, and have been used by Sparks and others. His letters, Oct. llth and 12th ; his report to Lord Amherst, Oct. 16th; his secret letter, Oct. 30th. Extracts from his journal printed in Stanhope s England, vii. App. His statement, written at some length in his copy of Stedman (now in the Carter-Brown Library) is printed in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 737 ; in Stanhope, vi. App. ; in Sargent s Andre* ; and in the New York Tribune, May 24, 1875. Joshua H. Smith was brought to trial for com plicity in the plot. A report of his trial, edited by Dawson, was printed in New York, 1866. The Gentleman s Magazine, 1780, Supplement, p. 610, gave an account of the trial and printed the chief documents. Historical Magazine, 1866, Supple ments 1 and 2. Smith s Narrative of the Causes which led to the death of Major Andre*, London, 232 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1780. 1808, was written for the English public, and must be cautiously used. It has been a disputed ques tion if Mrs. Arnold was privy to the plot. Da vis s Life of Burr, i. 219. Parton s Burr, p. 126. Stone s Life of Brant, ii. 101. Reed s Joseph Reed, ii. 3T3. Sargent s Andr, 220. Washington gave in 1786 an account at a din ner-table of the treason of Arnold, which is repro duced in Richard Rush s Washington in Domestic Life, being letters addressed to his secretary, Lear, 1790-1797. The Captors. Williams and Van Wart s ac count of the capture is in the Historical Maga zine, June, 1865. American Historical Record, Dec. 1873. Bolton s Westchester, i. Simms s Schoharie County, p. 646. Quincy s Journals of Samuel Shaw. Sargent s Andrd, App. Paulding in 1817 petitioned Congress for an in crease of his pension, and Judge Egbert Benson vindicated the captors against aspersions of their character. Analectic Magazine, x. This Vindica tion was printed with documentary evidence, in cluding proceedings of the Board that tried Andre*, affidavits, etc. The Journals of the House, 1817, give Major Talmadge s recollections. Statements of one of Andre s guards, printed in the news papers, 1817, are given in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, i. 734. Loubat s Medallic History of the United States shows the medal given by Congress to the cap tors. 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 233 H. J. Raymond delivered in 1853 an address at Tarry town in commemoration of the captors. Andr. Boynton s West Point reprints entire the proceedings of a board of general officers re specting Major John Andre*, Sept. 29, 1780. The original MS. of these proceedings is in Washing ton ; and Sargent (Life of Andre*) collated the printed account with the original. Accounts of Andrews connection with the plot will be found in P. W. Chandler s American Criminal Trials, ii. ; Earl Stanhope s Miscellanies, 2d series; Atlantic Monthly, Dec. 1860; Har per s Monthly, iii. and xxiii. ; North American Review, by C. C. Smith, July, 1861 ; L. M. Sar gent s Dealings with the Dead ; Paulding s Paper in the Historical Magazine, Nov. 1857. Dr. Thacher furnished some Observations on Andre s execution in the New England Magazine, May, 1834. On the removal of Andrews remains to England, see United Service Journal, Nov. 1833; Sargent s Andre* ; Stanley s Westminster Abbey ; Pennsyl vania Historical Society s Memoirs, vi. 373 ; New York Evangelist, Jan. 30 and Feb. 27, 1879. Memorials of Andre. Sabin s American Bib- liopolist, 1869-1870. Political Magazine, March, 1781. New Jersey Historical Society s Proceed ings, 1876. Smith and Watson s American His torical and Literary Curiosities. Galaxy, Feb. 1876, on Andre* and Miss Seward, and the latter s 234 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1780. monody is given in J. H. Smith s Narrative, etc., and in other places. Portraits of Andre. In Smith ; Political Mag azine, March, 1781; Sargent s Andre* ; Moore s Diary, etc. Andre s fate has given rise to dramas by Cal- vert, Lord, Dunlap, Haid, etc. For Arnold as the subject of fictitious stories, see W. G. Simms s Views and Reviews. In G-eneral. Bancroft, x. 395, follows only " contemporary documents, which are abundant and of the surest character, and which taken col lectively solve every question." Hildreth, iii. ch. 41, gives an outline. Marbois, secretary to the French legation at the time, published Complot d Arnold et Clinton, Paris, 1816, and G. W. Greene says it is " neither so accurate nor so com plete as might have been expected." Cooper s Travelling Bachelor, says Sargent, gives " several particulars which possess value from those [La fayette, etc.] that supplied them." Thacher s Military Journal and New England Magazine, vi. 363. Walsh s American Register, ii. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. ch. 6, 7, and 8. Dun- lap s New York, ii. ch. 13. Marshall s Washing ton, iv. 274. Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 9, 10, and 11. Sparks s Arnold. Sargent s Andre. Leake s Life of Lamb. Gen. Hull s Revolution ary Services, on Andre and Nathan Hale. Hamil ton s Life of Alexander Hamilton, i. 262. Greene s 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 235 Life of Greene, ii. 227. Quincy s Life of Shaw, p. 77. E. G. Holland s Highland Treason, in his Essays. Boynton s West Point points out the military importance of that post, and gives ch. 6, 7, and 8 to these transactions. Lossing s Papers in Harper s Monthly, iii., xxiii., and again, May, 1876. Historical Magazine, Aug. 1859; Aug. 1863; Supplement of 1866; Dec. 1870. Niles s Register, xx. Southern Lit erary Messenger, xi. National Quarterly Review, Dec. 1862. Cf. titles in the Menzies Catalogue. Col. Trumbull gives an account in his Memoirs (pp. 69, 317) of his arrest in London as & pendant to Andre*. Simcoe (Queen s Rangers, App.) of fered to rescue Andre". English Comment. Sargent, ch. 22, gives, the characters of the members of the board that con demned Andre*, to refute the claim, sometimes put forward by English writers, of their unfitness to act by virtue of their ignorance of law and prec edents; and also collates the different English commentators on the justice of the execution. Clinton s views are given in Sargent, p. 415. Adolphus (History of England, iii. ch. 39) takes an adverse view of the American grounds. Stan hope, in his History and in his Miscellanies, cen sures Washington and the court, and his position is examined by C. J. Biddle in the Pensylvania Historical Society s Memoirs, vi. (cf. Allibone, iii. 236 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1780. 1204), and in the Historical Magazine, July, 1857. Massey (History of England, iii. ch. 25) exoner ates Washington. A British estimate from the Saturday Review, 1872, is given in Sabin s Amer ican Bibliopolist, Oct. 1872. Cf. contemporary British view in Moore s Diary of the American Revolution, ii. 393. Jones, the loyalist, in his New York in the Revolutionary War, i. ch. 18, judges Arnold to have played " a noble and virtuous part." Sargent thinks a vindication of Arnold (Re marks on the Travels of M. de Chastellux, Lon don, 1787) was instigated by Arnold himself. Maps. Carrington s Battles, p. 512. Los- sing s Field-Book, ii. 148. Guizot s Washington, atlas. Sargent s Andre*, p. 303. Marbois s Com- plot has a plan of West Point. Sparks s Wash ington, vii. 216, gives a map of the region. Maj. Villefranche, a French engineer, made several plans at this time, and they are given in fac-simile in Boynton s History of West Point, viz. : map of Fort Constitution, opposite West Point, p. 26; map of the river and military positions, p. 45 ; plan of the lower works at West Point, p. 79 ; of all the works and river, p. 86. The same book has a contemporary panoramic view of West Point. Note. I have been favored by the Hon. Isaac N. Arnold of Chicago with the proofs of the chapter on Arnold s treason, which makes part of a Life of Arnold by that gentleman, now 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 237 in press. He has used the Arnold and Shippen papers, and sets distinctly forth the incentives to Arnold s plotting of treason. He does not think Mrs. Arnold guilty of any complicity ; and defends the action of the board that condemned Andre to death. Gen. King, the officer who had charge of Andre immediately after his capture, wrote, in 1817, a letter describing these events, which was first printed in the New Haven Palladium, 1879, and copied in the Boston Sunday Herald, Sept. 14, 1879. Cf. also Sargent s Andre. The Northern Invasion, 1780. The several attempts at invasion from Canada at this time are supposed, in F. B. Hough s North ern Invasion, published by the Bradford Club, New York, 1866, to have had connection with Arnold s plot, and they are outlined in Lossing s Schuyler, ii. 407. "Washington in Camp, October and November, 1780. An account of Washington s camp at Totowa and Preakness in New Jersey, with a map and view of his headquarters, is given in the Magazine of American History, Aug. 1879. King s Mountain, October 7, 1780. Fergusson, one of Cornwallis s marauding offi cers, in endeavoring to rejoin that British general, was attacked by the mountain militia and de feated. This checked Cornwallis s advance. Mar shall s Washington, i. 397. Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 14 ; Foote s Sketches of North Carolina ; Lee s Southern War ; Hamilton s Republic of the 238 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1780. United States, ii. 161 ; Bancroft, x. ch. 16 ; Los- sing s Field-Book, ii. 629; Carrington s Battles; Dawson s Battles; Tarleton s Campaigns; Mac kenzie s Strictures on Tarleton ; Moore s Diary, ii. 338 ; J. W. De Peyster in the Historical Mag azine, March, 1869; Ramsay s South Carolina; Simms s South Carolina. J. S. Preston delivered a commemorative address in Oct. 1855, which was printed with a documentary appendix. Leslie s Expedition into Virginia, October, 1780. See the accounts in the general narratives. Leslie made his way to North Carolina to cooper ate with Cornwallis. Parton s Jefferson, ch. 27. Sparks s Washington, vii. 269. Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. 141. Map. Political Magazine, Dec. 1780. Greene in Command, October, 1780. Late in the year Greene resigned as quarter master-general of the army. Life of Pickering. J. C. Hamilton s Republic of the United States, ii. 41. Greene s Life of Greene, ch. 10. In October Greene was appointed to succeed Gates in command of the southern army. Washing ton s instructions to Greene are given in Sparks, vii. 271. Cf. Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. 116, 137; Greene s Greene, ch. 12; J. C. Hamilton s Republic, ii. 133, and his Alex. Ham ilton, i. 308 ; and the latter s eulogy on Greene, 1780.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 239 1789, in Works, ii. 481. Marshall s Washington, iv. 336. Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 15. Ban croft, x. ch. 22. Steuben accompanied Greene as far as Virginia, where he was left in command, with orders to send forward reinforcements to Greene. See Kapp s Steuben, ch. 16 ; Greene s Greene, ii. ch. 3 and 5 ; and the Life of General Miihlenberg, who was under Steuben in Virginia. Randall s Jefferson, i. ch. 8. Greene arrived on the field in December. Cor respondence of the Revolution, iii. 165. Mrs. Sedgwick s Walter Thornley gives the guise of fiction to events of this year. 240 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1781. EVENTS OF 1781. Mutiny of the Pennsylvania Line, January, 1781. THESE troops, under Wayne, stationed at Mor- ristown, without pay and supplies, revolted and marched toward Philadelphia to claim redress of Congress. Wayne visited their camp to expostu late. Clinton sent emissaries, whom they hung. Wayne s letters to Washington in the Corre spondence of the Revolution, iii. 192199. Life of Anthony Wayne. Sparks s Washington, vii. 348, and the account in App. 10. Marshall s Washington, iv. 393. Irving s Washington, iv. 195. Hamilton s Life of Alexander Hamilton, i. 323, and Works, ii. 147. Amory s Sullivan, 181. Hildreth s United States, iii. ch. 42. Madison Papers, i. 77. Pennsylvania Archives, viii. and ix. Hazard s Register of Pennsylvania, ii. 160. Bland Papers, ii. Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, ii. ch. 14. Sir Henry Clinton s report is in Almon s Re membrancer, xi. 148. Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. 179. Political Aspects, 1781. On March 1st the final ratification of the arti cles of confederation was made. Journals of 1781.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 241 Congress. Bancroft, x. ch. 19. G. W. Greene s Historical View, p. 111. The executive business was taken from committees and delegated to Leads of departments. Hamilton s Republic, ii. ch. 28. R. R. Livingston became head of the department for foreign affairs. Diplomatic Cor respondence, xi. 201. The want of power in Congress to compel the States began to be seriously felt. Rives s Madison, i. ch. 10. G. W. Greene s Historical View of the American Revolution. Bancroft, x. ch. 17, traces the beginnings of the abolition of slavery ; and the origin of the appor tionment of five slaves as three persons is traced in Rives s Madison, i. 424; Madison s Debates, etc. i. 422 ; Journals of Congress, iv. A new commission was formed to negotiate a peace, and new instructions given. Life of John Adams, i. 341 ; vii. 349. Rives s Madison, i. ch. 11. Madison Papers, i. Hamilton s Life of Alex ander Hamilton. Flanders s Life of Rutledge, p. 596. Franklin s Works, viii. 526 ; ix. Jour nals of Congress, vii. Diplomatic Correspondence, vi. 3, for John Adams s letters. See under " Ne gotiations for Peace," 1782. Lafayette s letters during his visit to Europe are in the Diplomatic Correspondence, x. 16 242 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1781. Finances. The question of the finances of the Revolution has had special treatment in Bancroft, x. ch. 7 ; Hildreth s United States, iii. ch. 40, 4.3 ; Greene s Historical View of the American Revolution, p. 137 (with tables of expenses, federal and state, with emission of Continental money in the Ap pendix), and his Life of Greene, ii. ; Pitkins s United States, ii. ch. 16; Rives s Madison, i. 217, 229, and ch. 14; Madison s Debates and Correspondence, i. Sparks s Life of Gouverneur Morris, i. ch. 13 and 14 ; J. W. Schucker s Brief Account of the Finances of the Revolution, 1874. Special or Local Aspects. Felt s History of Massachusetts Currency ; Amory s Sullivan, p. 187 ; Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, ii. 287 ; Mul- ford s New Jersey, p. 457, etc. Continental Money. Force s American Ar chives, 5th series, vol. ii. index; S. Breck s His torical Sketch of Continental Paper Money in the Transactions of the American Philosophical So ciety, 1843; Lossing s Field-Book, i. 317, and Harper s Monthly, xxvi. ; National Quarterly Re view, Dec. 1875. Depreciation of the Paper Money. Gouge s Short History of Paper Money ; Greene s Greene, ii. 163, 243, 248 ; Moore s Diary, ii. 422 ; Rhode Island Colonial Records, ix. 282. Loans in Europe. Diplomatic Correspondence, 1781.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 243 ix. 199 ; xi. 291 ; Franklin s lives and letters ; Sparks s Washington, viii. 525. Col. John Lau- rens was sent in 1781 to negotiate a loan. His instructions are given in Diplomatic Correspond ence, ix. 199, and for his efforts and success, ix. 195-249; Hamilton s Republic, ii. 150. John Adams secured a loan in Holland. Works, vii. 599. John Adams s Relation to the Question. Works, vii. 292, 355; viii. 193. Hamilton s Views. Writings, i. 116, 150, 223; his Life by J. C. Hamilton, i. 241, 352; ii. etc. J. C. Hamilton s Republic of the United States, i. 570; ii. .80, 100, 351, and ch. 35, etc. For the diverse views of Hamilton and Madison, see Rives s Madison, i. 433. A charge is made in the Republic of the United States, ii. 398, that Madison falsified the record of Hamilton s votes, which is answered in Rives, i. 437. Cf. Atlantic Monthly, Nov. 1865, p. 628. Robert Morris was made Superintendent of Finance, Feb. 20, 1781, and entered upon his duties in May. Diplomatic Correspondence, xi. 347, 431. Pennsylvania Archives, ix. Sparks s Washington, viii. 136. Custis s Recollections of Washington. Bancroft s United States, x. 566. Franklin s Works, ix. 59, etc. Life of Morris in Hunt s American Merchants. Michael bourse s account of Morris, 1781-1784, in Banker s Maga zine, Feb. 1860. Albert S. Bolles in the Penn 244 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1781. Monthly, Oct. 1878, on the Financial Administra tion of Morris, also issued separately. Turner s Pioneer History of the Holland Purchase. Pot ter s American Monthly, Dec. 1T75. Greene s Campaigns in General, 1780-1782. Greene, leaving Steuben in Virginia late in 1780, pushed on and took command of the south- ern army at Charlotte. His conduct of the cam paign gave him a reputation second only to that of Washington ; and though he never gained a decisive victory, his battles were always followed by the retreat of the enemy. The general works on the southern campaign have been referred to under 1780. The fullest record of Greene s own participation in it is in the elaborate life of him (1867-1871) by his grandson, George W. Greene. The same writer had already furnished a sum marized narrative in the Life of Greene in S parka s series of American Biography. Another Life of Greene, published in 1822, by Judge Johnson, who had possession of Greene s papers, had re flected on Gen. Lee, one of Greene s lieutenants, and this drew out a vindication of Lee from his son, Henry Lee, entitled The Campaign of 1781, which has an Appendix of original documents. G. W. Greene calls this book both " clever and lively, but too controversial to be perfectly trust worthy." Lee is the subject of a chapter in Cus- tis s Recollections of Washington ; and he wrote 1781.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 245 thirty years later, in 1809, his own recollections in his Memoirs of the War in the Southern De partment. Greene s own letters are given in Sparks s Cor respondence of the Revolution, iii. 207, etc. ; in Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, ii. 344, etc., and in the lives of him. On the British side we have contemporary au thorities in Clinton s Narrative of the Campaign of 1781 ; Cornvvallis s Answer to Clinton, and an other Reply to Clinton, likewise vindicating Corn- wallis, all published in London, and reprinted in Philadelphia, 1865-1866. Later summarized accounts will be found in Bancroft, x. ch. 22 ; Hildreth, iii. ch. 42 ; Irving s Washington, iv. ; McRee s Iredell, ch. 14; Moid- trie s Memoirs. Contemporary likenesses of Greene and Corn- wallis are in Andrews s History of the War and in Lee s Memoirs. Maps. Greene s Life of Greene. Carrington s Battles, 540, 556. Caruthers s Incidents in the Old North State in 1781, two series. Balch s Les Fran^ais en Amerique. The British in Virginia, January May, 1781. It was the British plan for Cornwallis to move north in the end and join the forces to be sent from New York; to the James. Clinton had al ready dispatched Leslie, who had reached Vir- 246 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1781. ginia, as already stated, Oct. 22, 1780. Arnold, the traitor, was now sent with a detachment, arriving Dec. 29th. Gen. Phillips arrived and superseded Arnold, March 26, 1781, and dying, May 13th, Arnold again took command, which he held till the 20th, when Cornwallis (arriving at Petersburg, as hereafter stated) ordered Arnold to New York and assumed command. General accounts of transactions in Virginia during the summer, and of the inertness and un prepared condition of the Virginians, can be found in the histories of Virginia by Campbell, p. 168, and by Howison, ch. 4. Hamilton s Re public of the United States, ii. ch. 27, reflects on Jefferson, at the time governor, and lives of Jefferson by Tucker, i. ch. 6 ; by Randall, i. 295 ; by Parton, ch. 27, need to be compared. In Jef ferson s Writings, ix. 212, 220, there are extracts from his diary, etc. Also Wirt s Patrick Henry ; Jefferson s Notes on Virginia ; Rives s Madison, i. 289 ; and Madison s Writings, i. 45. Arnold s Military Movements. Sparks s Life of Arnold. Marshall s Washington, iv. 387. Sparks s Washington, vii. 347. Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. 200. Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 14 and 17. Bancroft, x. ch. 25. Hamil ton s Republic, ii. 170. Arnold s own report in Almon s Remembrancer, ii. 350. Kapp s Steuben, ch. 17-19, records that officer s watch upon Ar nold s movements. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 434, 1781.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 247 546. Carrington s Battles. Life of Miihlenberg. Moore s Diary of the Revolution, ii. 384. The Life of Arnold, now in press, by Isaac N. Arnold. British Accounts. Simcoe s Military Journal of the Queen s Rangers, privately printed, 1787, and subsequently published in New York, 1843. Stedman s American War. Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. 177. Washington was disappointed in not entrapping Arnold by aid of the French fleet. Sparks s Washington, vii. 410. This fleet encountered the British squadron, which succeeded in command ing the Chesapeake waters. Meanwhile, in April, Lafayette reached Virginia with a detachment of timps. For his movements, see Sparks s Wash- irjton, viii. 118, 509; Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. ; Marshall s Washington, iv. 418 ; Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 21 and 23. Lafay ette s Memoirs and lives of him by Regnault, etc. ; Bancroft, x. ch. 21 ; Dawson s Battles ; Carring ton s Battles, ch. 72 and 73 ; Kapp s Steuben, ch. 20, in which justice is hardly done to Lafayette ; J. A^Stevens s Expedition of Lafayette against Arnold, published by the Maryland Historical So ciety, 1878 ; Balch s Maryland Line, published by the Seventy-Six Society. Simcoe, Stedman, and Moore s Diary. Maps and Plans. Carrington s Battles. Sim coe s Queen s Rangers. 248 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1781. Cowpens, January 17, 1781. Cornwallis, advancing, sent Tarleton to rid his flank of Morgan, who encountered Tarleton at the Cowpens and defeated him. Graham s Life of Morgan, according to G. W. Greene, " a full and trustworthy narrative founded on authentic mate rial." Morgan s papers were offered for sale in New Orleans, July, 1879. Greene s Life of Greene, iii. 139. Marshall s Washington, iv. 342. Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 18. Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. 217. Bancroft, x. ch. 22. Dawson s Battles. Carrington s Battles, p. 546. Lossing s Field- Book, ii. 636. Simms s South Carolina. trie s Memoirs, ii. Harper s Monthly, Historical Magazine, Dec. 1867. Some details were picked up by Chastellux in his Travels, English translation, ii. 60. New York Historical Society s Collections for 1875, p. 476. British Accounts. Annual Register. Sted- man s American War, ii. ch. 41. Tarleton s His tory of his Campaigns, with Mackenzie s Strictures on Tarleton. Congress gave medals to Gen. Morgan, Lieut. Col. Washington, and Lieut. Col. Howard, which are described in Loubat s Medallic History of the United States. 1781.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 249 Cornwallis and Greene. In January Cornwallis detached a force to the region of Cape Fear River, and the Political Mag azine, March, 1781, gave a map of the locality. After Cowpens, Greene and Morgan united, and, Cornwallis pursuing, Greene conducted his famous retreat across the Dan River, when the British general in turn falling back, Greene re- crossed the river in pursuit. Lives of Greene by Johnson and Greene, iii. Marshall s Washington. Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. 225, 233. Ramsay s Revolution. Lee s Memoirs. Histories of the United States by Bancroft, x. ch. 23, and others. British Accounts. Stedman, Tarleton, Lamb s Journal. Guilford, March 15, 1781. Greene offered battle to Cornwallis at Guilford Court House and was defeated. Lives of Greene by Johnson and Greene, iii. 176, and Moore s Diary of the Revolution, ii. 400. Sparks s Wash ington and Correspondence of the Revolution. Lives of Washington by Marshall, iv. 366, and by Irving, iv. ch. 19 and 20. Gordon s American Revolution. Bancroft, x. ch. 23. Lossing s Field- Book, ii. 594, 608. Dawson s Battles. Carring- ton s Battles, ch. 69. Cornwall s letters and dispatches are in Ross s Cornwallis Correspondence, i. 85, 506. Moore s 250 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1781. Diary, ii. 400. The discussion in Parliament upon the battle is noted in Macknight s Burke, 11. 437. Maps. MS. plans in the Faden Collection, Library of Congress. Tarleton s Campaigns. Stedman s American War, ii. ch. 41. Caruthers s Revolutionary Incidents, 2d series. Greene s Greene, iii. Carrington s Battles. Greene s statement of the aspect of affairs sub sequently, April 22, 1781, is given in the Rhode Island Colonial Records, ix. 380 ; Revolutionary Correspondence of the Rhode Island Historical Collections, vi. 284. Hobkirk s Hill, April 25, 1781. Cornwallis, unable to profit by his victory at Guilford, retreated to Wilmington, while Greene, pushing by Cornwallis s left flank, carried the war into South Carolina. Greene s Greene, iii. ch. 12. Lord Rawdon attacked Greene at Hobkirk s Hill, near Camden, defeating him. Greene s Greene, iii. 241. Johnson s Greene, ii. 83. Gordon, iv. 81. Marshall s Washington, iv. 510, following Davie s MS. Lee s Campaign of 1781. Gibbes s Documentary History. Ir- ving s Washington, iv. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 676. Simms s South Carolina. Dawson s Bat tles. Carrington s Battles. Stedman s American War, ii. ch. 42. Maps. Stedman, ii. 358, the same published, 1781.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 251 with slight differences, by Faden, Aug. 1, 1783. Greene s Greene, iii. 241. Carrington s Battles, p. 576. A series of minor reverses compelled Rawdon to fall back to Charleston. Greene s Greene. Bancroft, x. ch. 24. Ninety-Six, May June, 1781. Greene laid siege to this post, and, on the ap proach of Rawdon with relief, assaulted it unsuc cessfully and retired. Greene s Greene, iii. 299. Johnson s Greene, ii., which apologizes for Sumter s harassing of Greene ; but see Greene s Greene, iii. 319. Mar shall s Washington, iv. 524. Bancroft, x. ch. 24. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 690. Dawson s Battles. British Accounts. Stedman, ii. ch. 43. Tarle- ton and Mackenzie. Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. 376. Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, iii., gives various letters of Greene. Maps. Johnson s and Greene s Greene. For Greene s camp life during the summer, see Greene s Greene, iii., and his letters to Washing ton in Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolu tion, iii. W. G. Simms covers the events of the siege of Ninety-Six in his novel, The Scout, and the story is pursued in his other tales, Katharine Wal ton, Woodcraft, Forayers, and Eutaw. 252 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1781. Eutaw, September 8, 1781. Greene, advancing towards Charleston, was suc cessful at first at Eutaw, but checked towards the close of the fight. Greene s Greene, iii. 384. Johnson s Greene. Marshall s Washington, iv. 542. Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 27. Bancroft, x. ch. 24. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. 698. Simms s South Carolina. Dawson s Battles. Carrington s Battles, ch. 71. Lee s Memoirs. Greene s Re port to Congress. Stuart s Report to Cornwallis, Moore s Diary, ii. 486. The medal given to Greene is described in Loubat s Medallic History of the United States. Maps. Johnson s and Greene s Greene. Car rington s Battles. End of Southern Campaigns. For final movements in South Carolina : Greene s Greene, iii. ; Bancroft, x. ch. 28 ; Sparks s Corre spondence of the Revolution ; and the histories of Ramsay and Monltrie. Some of Greene s letters are given in Reed s Reed, ii. 377, 468. For the case of Isaac Hayne, who was hung by the enemy, see Greene s Greene, iii. 356 ; Ram say s South Carolina, ii. 277 ; Moultrie s Revolu tion, etc. ; Lee s Campaign of 1781. For movements round Charleston in 1782, see Ellis s Count Rumford, p. 127. Conquest of G-eorgia. Armstrong s Life of 1781.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 253 Wayne ; Historical Magazine, May, 1860 ; Ste- vens s Georgia, ii. 240 ; Greene s Greene, iii. 435 ; Johnson s Greene ; Lee s Memoirs ; Marshall s Washington. , Siege of Penzacolal Historical Magazine, iv. 166. Cornwallis in Virginia, May, 1781. Meanwhile Cornwallis, not regarding Greene s march to the south, moved north to Virginia, and reached Petersburg May 20th, superseding Ar nold in command, as before noted. Bancroft, x. ch. 23-25. Marshall s Washing ton, iv. 430. Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 20 and 21. Lossing s Field-Book. Ross s Cornwallis Correspondence. Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, iii., gives La fayette s letters, detailing his movements in the presence of the enemy. In June, Tarleton raided to Charlottesville and Monticello. Tarleton s Campaigns. Life of Jef ferson by Randall, i. 337, and by Parton, ch. 28. Harper s Monthly, vii. 145. For movements about Williamsburg, see Den ny s Journal in the Pennsylvania Historical So ciety s Memoirs, vii. 240. The Allies in Virginia, 1781. Washington had contemplated a combined at tack by the Americans and. French on New York, and, after the scheme was abandoned, he kept up 254 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1781. the appearance of preparation to deceive the enemy. Sparks s Washington, viii. 54, 130, 517. Stuart s Jonathan Trumbull describes the plan ning of the movemen to Virginia. Washington, Aug. 2d, informs Robert Morris of his intentions. Diplomatic Correspondence, xi. 417. Heath (Me moirs, p. 298) was left in command on the Hud son, and Washington and Rochambeau moved south. Robin s Nouveau Voyage, translated as New Travels through America, Boston, 1784. There is a map of the march in Sould s Histoire des Troubles de 1 Anie rique Anglaise. Lincoln had the immediate command on the march. Bow- en s Life of Lincoln. Life of Timothy Pickering, i. 294. Journal of William Feltman. Diplo matic Correspondence, xi. 462, for Washington s passage through Philadelphia. On Rochambeau and his participation, see Maga zine of American History, July, 1879. The rep resentatives of his family offered Rochambeau s papers to Congress in 1879. Arnold in Connecticut, September, 1781. Meanwhile, a marauding expedition from New York, under Arnold, was sent along the shore of Long Island Sound. The points of attack were New London, Fort Griswold, and Groton. See Hollister s, ii. ch. 17, and the other histories of Connecticut ; Sparks s. Arnold ; Stuart s Life of Jonathan Trumbull, ch. 45; and Gov. Trumbull s 1781.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 255 letter to Washington in Sparks s Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. 403 ; Moore s Diary, ii. 479 ; Dawson s Battles ; Carrington s Battles, with plan, p. 630 ; living s Washington, iv. ch. 25; Caulkins s New London, ch. 32; Niles s Principles of the Revolution; Hinman s Historical Collections. Cf. Isaac N. Arnold s Life of Gen. Arnold. MS. plans of New London and Groton are in the Faden Collection in the Library of Congress. Cf. Tuttle s address at Fort Griswold, 1821; C. Griswold s address in commemoration of Led- yard in 1826 ; W. F. Brainerd s, 1825 ; and Rath- burn s Narrative of capture of Groton fort, and of the massacre. Off the Capes of Chesapeake, September, 1781. De Grasse, with a French fleet, had arrived within the Capes to cooperate with the American land forces, when Admiral Graves with a British fleet appeared off the Capes. To engage him, while De Barras, expected with a smaller French fleet, made the bay, De Grasse stood to sea, and the two fleets partially engaged, Sept. 5th, and manoeuvred for some days, till, his purpose ac complished, De Grasse drew off and returned to Lynn "Haven Bay, and the blockade of Cornwallis was made complete. Stedman s American War, ii. ch. 44, with a map. The Political Magazine, 1781 and 1784. John G. Sbea edited in 1864 for 256 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1781. the Bradford Club two contemporaneous journals, showing the Operations of the French fleet, and gave a plan. Cf. also Chevalier s Histoire de la Marine franQaise pendant la guerre de 1 independ- ance Ame ricaine, Paris, 1877, ch. 7. Moore s Diary, ii. 476. Siege of Yorktown, September October, 1781. The French secure within the Capes, Corn- wallis, posted at Yorktown and Gloucester, was shut off from escape by water and from succor from Clinton, while Washington and Rochambeau opened their trenches on the land side. Contemporary Records. Washington s Writ ings, viii. ; Thacher s Military Journal ; Colonel Tilghman s Diary, p. 103 ; Journal in Historical Magazine, March, 1864 ; Journal of William Felt- man of the Pennsylvania line; Denny s Journal in Pennsylvania Historical Society s Memoirs, vii. ; papers in Almon s Remembrancer, xiii. French Accounts. Memoirs of Rochambeau, Sgur, and Dumas; De Fersen s Journal in the Magazine of American History, July, 1879 ; Chas- tellux s Travels. Robin s New Travels. English Accounts. Cornwallis s Correspond ence. Cornwallis s letter to Clinton is in Robin s New Travels, App. Moore s Diary, ii. 512. A con troversy between Cornwallis and Clinton gave rise to several pamphlets. Cf. Menzies s Catalogue, p. 79 ; and on this point see Ross s Cornwallis, i. ff 1781.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION? 257 130; Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. 464, 466. The return of Cornwallis to England gave occasion to Walpole to compare him as a general with the other British leaders. Last Journals, ii. 499. Stedman s American War. Tarleton s Cam paigns. Simcoe s Queen s Rangers. Robertson to Lord George Germain in Documents relative to the Colonial History of New York, viii. 814. Correspondence and Articles of Capitulation. Sparks s Washington, viii., App. No. 8. Moore s Diary, ii. 508. Ross s Cornwallis Correspondence, App. Later Accounts. Lee s Memoirs of the War, Force s edition. Histories of the United States by Bancroft, x. ch. 35; Hamilton, ii. 263; Hil- dreth, iii. ch. 43 ; Ridpath, etc. Lives of Wash ington by Marshall, iv. 472; Irving, iv. ch. 25, 26, and 28 ; and in the Recollections by Custis, ch. 6. Lossing s Field-Book of the Revolution, ii, 508, and his Operations in Virginia Eighty Years Ago, in the Atlantic Monthly, June, 1862, also an article in Harper s Monthly, vii. 452. Dawson s Battles of the United States. Carrington s Bat tles of the Revolution, ch. 75. Hollister s Con necticut, ii. ch. 18, etc. J. E. Cooke s Virginia in the Revolution, in Harper s Monthly, June, 1876. Lives of Timothy Pickering, ch. 19 and 20 ; of Alexander Hamilton, by J. C. Hamilton, i. 384 ; 17 258 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1781. of Steuben, by Kapp, ch. 21 ; of Anthony Wayne ; of Henry Knox, by Drake. How the King received the news is told in Wraxall s Memoirs, 2d ed. ii. 108. Cf. Donne s Correspondence of George III. with Lord North, ii. 390. For the effect of the news in general : Walpole s Last Journals, ii. 474 ; Macknight s Burke, ii. 457; Annual Register, xxv. ; Massey s England, i. 407 ; Parton s Franklin, ii. 448; Fitz- maurice s Life of Shelburne, iii. 123; Parlia mentary History, xxii. 639, where the debate is given. Maps. The Political Magazine, Nov. 1781, has a contemporary map of the campaign, and a MS. one is in the Faden Collection. Hilliard d Auberteuil s Essais, ii., gives a map of Virginia and Maryland ; and a map by Fry and Jefferson, 1775, is No. 31 of the American Atlas. Sparks s Washington, viii. 158. There was a French map of this part of Vir ginia published in Paris by Esnauts et Rapilly, and another of the Baie de Chesapeak, with a " plan de 1 attaque." A German plan was made by Sotzman. For the Siege. Soule"s Histoire des Troubles de 1 Am^rique Anglaise, Paris, 1787. Gordon s History of the American War, iv. Ramsay s Revolution in South Carolina. Tarleton s Cam paigns, ch. 7. Sparks s Washington, viii. 186. Atlases to Marshall s and Guizot s Washington. 1781.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 259 Hamilton s Republic of the United States, ii. 263, following an English plan. Carrington s Battles, p. 646. Ridpath s United States. Faden issued in London, Oct. 7, 1785, a large plan of the siege, made by John Hills. That in Stedman s American War, ii. 412, is substantially the same with one published in London, March 1, 1787, but from a different plate. Congress struck a medal in commemoration of the double surrenders of Yorktown and Saratoga, and it is described in Loubat s Medallic History of the United States. Cf. Sparks s Franklin, ix. 173. For landmarks see Lossing s Field-Book, and Porte Crayon s Shrines of Old Virginia, in Lip- pincott s Magazine, April, 1879. WINTER, 1781-1782. The Situation. THE French remained in Virginia. Parton s Jefferson, ch. 29. Washington went with the American troops to the Hudson. Sparks s Wash ington, viii., gives successive schemes of further concerted action with the French. Irving s Wash ington, iv. ch. 29 and 30. Kapp s Steuben, ch. 23. Lossing s Field-Book, ii. ch. 5. The question whether Washington was ever made a marshal of France has given rise to some dispute. See Historical Magazine, ii. 98 ; iii. etc. Potter s American Monthly, 1876, on Washington s order books. R. R. Livingston to the governors of the states on the next campaign in Diplomatic Cor respondence, xi. 221. Reed s letter on the condi tion of affairs in Reed s Reed, ii. 371. Political movements, Rives s Madison, i. ch. 10. EVENTS OF 1782-1783. Various. THOMAS PAINE was employed by Robert Mor ris, Feb. 1782, to sustain the action of Congress in the public prints. Diplomatic Correspondence, xii. 95. Sparks s Washington, viii. 345. Par- ton s Franklin, ii. 454. North American Review, No. 120, p. 40. In general for the connection of Paine with the American Revolution, see lives of him by J. Cheet- ham, an English radical, and by G. Vale, some what sympathetic. In the Atlantic Monthly, for Nov., 1859, there is a paper on his first appear ance in this country ; for July, one on his second appearance, and in that for Dec., one on his ca reer in England and France. M. A. Casey s Plea for a Patriot, in the Galaxy, xxi. Parton s Jeffer son. Recollections of his residence in New York, in the New York City Manual, 1864. Potter s American Monthly, Feb. 1877. M. D. Conway in Fortnightly Review, March, 1879. Allibone, p. 1485, gives numerous minor references. April, 1782. A plan to capture Prince Wil liam Henry, at this time in New York. Sparks s 262 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1782. Washington, viii. 262. Irving s Washington, iv. Historical Magazine, Feb. 1869, p. 130. April, 1782. Loyalists hung in New Jersey a Capt. Huddy ; and Capt. Asgill, a British officer and prisoner in the Americans hands, was selected to suffer in retaliation. The case was one of per plexity to both Carleton and Washington. Diplo matic Correspondence, xi. 105, 128, 140. Sparks s Washington, i. 378 ; viii. 265, 301, 336, 361. Ir ving s Washington, iv. ch. 29. Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. Heath s Memoirs, p. 335. Franklin s Works, ix. 376. J. C. Hamilton s Re public, ,ii. 282. Political Magazine, iii. 472. Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. 232, 483. May, 1782. Crawford s expedition against the Wyandottes on the Muskingum, near Sandusky, is the subject of a monograph by C. W. Butter- field, 1873. The affairs of the loyalists on Long Island dur ing 1782-1783. Ellis s Memoir of Count Rum- ford, 132, and Onderdonk s Queens, Suffolk, and Kings Counties. June, 1783. The mutiny of troops in Pennsyl vania and their insult to Congress. Rives s Madi son, i. eh. 16 ; the histories of Pennsylvania ; and W. P. Hazard s edition of Watson s Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, a book much im proved over the original issue. 1782.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 263 Fall of the North Ministry, March, 1782. The tidings of Yorktown had reached London in November. Walpole s Last Journals, ii. The Life of Van Schaack, p. 267, gives the heads of debate in Parliament, Dec. 11, 1781. Cf. also Parliamentary History. On successive test ques tions the majority of the ministry gradually de creased. Parton (Franklin, ii. 452) describes the British intrigues in Jan. 1782, to alienate the allies. Feb. 22, 1782. Gen. Conway s motion to put an end to the war was lost by one vote. Lyman s Diplomacy of the United States, i. 93. Walpole s Last Journals, ii. 505. Feb. 28. Conway s renewed motion to put an end to the war prevailed, giving the first majority against the ministry. Debrett s Parliamentary Register, vi. 310-341. Walpole s Last Journals, ii. 509. Macknight s Burke, ii. 482. March 28, 1782, Lord North resigned. Wal pole s Last Journals, ii. 521. The condition of parties at this time is described in Bancroft, x. ch. 26. Cf. also for this period of the waning power of North, Donne s Correspondence of George III. with North, ii. 398, 429; Belsham s England, vii. ; Stanhope s England, vii. 136 ; Massey s England, ii. 414; Adolphus s England; .Pictorial History of England; WraxalFs Historical Memoirs, ii. 148 ; Cook s History of Party ; Russell s Memori- 264 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1782. als and Correspondence of Fox, i. 281 ; Russell s Life and Times of Fox, i. ch. 15 ; Fitzmaurice s Shelburne, iii. 129. Negotiations for Peace, 1782. Rockingham s demands of concessions by the King before he would consent to form a new cabi net, are given in Albemarle s Rockingham and his Contemporaries, ii. 452. The party, late in opposition and now in power, was divided, Rockingham, the prime minister, be ing in favor of granting the United States their independence ; but Shelburne, his colleague, rep resented the repugnance of Chatham to dismem bering the monarchy. Albemarle s Rockingham, ii. ; Fitzmaurice s Shelburne, iii. ch. 5, reviewed in Edinburgh Review, Jan. 1854, and in Quar terly Review, Jan. 1854. Sparks (Franklin, vii. 303) had copies of the Shelburne papers, then in Lord Lansdowne s hands, since used by Fitzmau- rice. Russell s Memorials and Correspondence of Fox, i. 290, 294, and Life and Times of Fox, i. 281. Bancroft s United States, x. ch. 27 and 28. July 1, 1782, Rockingham died. Walpole s Last Journals, ii. 544. Meanwhile Sir Guy Carleton had arrived at New York to succeed Clinton, May, 1782, and had endeavored without success to open commu nication with Congress as commissioner of peace. Madison s Debates and Correspondence, i. ; Rives s Madison, i. 331, 333. 1782.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 265 On Rockingham s death Slielburne became prime minister, and Fox, representing the Rock- ingham party, divided the cabinet, and hoped to detach America from France, in treating through Grenville, his agent to Paris, while Shelburne sent Oswald in August on a similar mission, with the hope of inducing the acceptance of a plan for a separate parliament for America under the same king. Diplomatic Correspondence, iii. 373, 483 ; viii. 116 ; Sparks s Washington, viii. 328, 344 ; Rives s Madison, i. 336 ; Walpole s Last Journals, ii. 549, 583, and for Shelburne s charac ter, unfavorably drawn, ii. 566, 623 ; Fitzmaurice s Shelburne, iii. ; Stanhope s England, vii. ch. 66 ; Adolphus s England, iii. ch. 46-49; Belsham s England, vii. 325 ; Memoirs of the Court and Cabinet of George the Third; Russell s Memo rials and Correspondence of Fox, i. 330, 343, 439, and Life and Times of Fox, i. 303 ; Life of John Adams, i. 362. Congress had issued instructions to its Com missioners in Europe, June 15, 1781, Diplomatic Correspondence, x. 71 ; and again, Jan. 7, 1782, through Secretary Livingston, Diplomatic Corre spondence, iii. 268, and Franklin s Works, ix. 128. See also, under 1781, " Political Aspects." The proceedings of Congress, while the nego tiations went on, are followed in their Journals ; Madison s Writings, i. 61, 515 ; Rives s Madison, i. ch. 12 ; J. C. Hamilton s Republic, ii. ch. 31 266 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1782. and 34 ; Diplomatic Correspondence, passim. The Debates in Congress, Nov. 4, 1782, to June 21, 1783, are given in the Madison Papers, i. 187. General summarized accounts of the negotiations are given in Bancroft s United States, x. ch. 26, 27, and 28 ; Sparks s Franklin, ch. 13 ; John Adams s Works, i. ch. 6 and 7 ; Pitkin s United States, ii. ch. 15 ; Marshall s Washington, iv. ch. 11 ; Knight s Popular History of England, vi. ch. 29 ; Hildreth s United States, iii. ch. 43 ; Greene s Historical View of the American Revolution. A tory view is taken in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. 487, 491. A correspondence had been opened between Franklin and Shelburne during the Rockingham administration. Bancroft, x. 535, and Lives of Franklin. Oswald had had an interview with Franklin April 16, 1782, and Franklin conducted the negotiations for some months alone. Frank lin s Works, ix. 118 ; and for his journal of the negotiations, March 21 to July 1, 1782, Works, ix. 238-350. This journal is also in Bigelow s Frank lin, iii. 66, and in the Diplomatic Correspondence, iii. 376, and many of Franklin s letters are in the same volume. Franklin s "Notes for Conversa tion " with Oswald are in Works, and in Parton s Life of Franklin, ii. 458. Franklin s unpopular ity in England has sprung partly from what was felt to be his excessive care for the interests of America in his conduct of these negotiations. Cf. 1782.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 267 Thomas Hughes in the Contemporary Review, 1879, or No. 1833, Living Age, p. 298. Jay came from Spain to Paris, June 23, 1782, and introduced his suspicions both of Great Brit ain s sincerity and France s purposes into the conduct of affairs. Diplomatic Correspondence, viii. 126, 128, 129, 163. Sparks s Franklin, i. 495 ; Parton s Franklin, ii. 476, 479. Madison s De bates and Correspondence, i. 518. Rives s Mad ison, i. 356, and App. D. Bancroft s United States, x. 559. J. C. Hamilton s Republic, ii. 476. Jay s Life of John Jay, i. ch. 6, assumes his suspicions to be well founded, and in Sparks s opinion needs to be read with caution. Sparks (Franklin, ix. 452) alleges the groundlessness of Jay s suspicions of the French ministry. Flan- ders s Life of Jay, ch. 12. Cf. C. F. Adams s Life of John Adams, i. 357, for a note on British se cret agents near the American Commissioners. Arthur Lee at this time was holding opinions re garding the French alliance which excited suspi cion. Rives s Madison, i. 340. John Adams, meanwhile, though the head of the Commission, had been successfully achieving treaties with Holland, one acknowledging the Independence of America, April 19, 1782, and the other of commerce, etc., Oct. 8, 1782. Med als commemorating these are engraved in John Adams s Works, vii. and viii. For the progress and results, see John Adams s Works, i. 347, etc. ; 268 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1782. iii. for Diary ; vii. 501, for official correspond ence ; Bancroft, x. ch. 26 ; Lyman s Diplomacy of the United States, i. ch. 3 ; Treaties and Con ventions of the United States, 1871, p. 607. The Holland mission accomplished, Adams, Oct. 26th, joined Franklin and Jay in Paris, and his letter to Livingston, Oct. 31, 1782, opens his official correspondence. Works, vii. 652, con tinued in viii. Cf. his Life in vol. i. ch. 6 and 7 ; his Diary, in iii. 300. Diplomatic Correspond ence, vi. and vii., with extracts from his diary. Parton s Franklin, ii. 486. Laurens, released from the Tower (Madison s Debates, etc., i. 175 ; Rives s Madison, 346 ; Par- ton s Franklin, ii. 404), joined the other Commis sioners in Paris later. Diplomatic Correspond ence, ii. The negotiations were continued with the Brit ish agents, without the privity of Vergennes, and directly in contravention of the instructions which had been given by Congress. This was the re sult of the suspicions of Jay, now strengthened by Adams s views, and helped by an intercepted letter of Marbois, the French secretary of lega tion at Philadelphia, which the British agents produced. The letter is given in Pitkin s United States, ii. 528. Cf. John Adams s Works, i., App. D. ; and i. 392, for Adams s views of the policy of the French cabinet ; and viii. p. 11, for his views of his instructions. Flassan s Dip- 1782.] TEE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 269 lomatie Frangaise, vi. The whole course of the diplomatic relations with France is summarized in J. C. Hamilton s Republic, ii.^ch. 32. Conclusions were easily reached but upon three points : Boundaries. The French proposal for divid ing North America between the United States, Spain, and Great Britain is given in Fitzmaurice s Shelburne, iii. 170. A map showing the northern boundary as proposed by Oswald in Oct. and Nov. 1782, respectively, is given by Fitzmaurice, iii. 294, who says that the map with the line finally determined under the Ashburton treaty, 1842, is in the King s Collection in the British Museum. The original map is lost, and this loss led to the disputes, settled by that treaty. On p. 324 there is a copy of the official map, showing the rival claims for the boundary of Maine, with the line finally fixed in 1842, and a note on the two maps bearing upon the question. Cf. John Adams s Works, i. 377, arid App. C. on the Maine boundary. A statement of the American view by Charles Sumner was circulated in England in 1 39, and printed in the Boston Courier June 4, 1839. For a history of the dispute see Daniel Webster s Works, vol. i. p. cxxi ; vol. v. 78 ; vi. 270 ; Gal- latin s Memoir on the North Eastern Boundary, with map, New York, 1843, and the public doc uments of Great Britain and the United States. The earliest map of the United States, as such, 270 HEADER S HANDBOOK OF [1782. with bounds defined according to the treaty of 1783, was published April 3, 1783, by John Wallis, London, and is fac-similed in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. 313. Maps showing the bounds as fixed by the treaty were published at once in Philadelphia by Pursell, in Paris by Lattre, in Germany by Giissefeld, and in Amsterdam " d apres Mr. Bonne." See also Political Magazine, Feb. 1783 ; Andrews s History of the War, etc. Gen. Chamberlain s Maine, Her Place in History, has a map showing the bounds of 1783 and the subsequent growth of the territorial limits. The British had advanced claims as far west as the Penobscot and even the Kennebec, and to the territory south of the great lakes, under the terms of the Quebec Act, passed at the beginning of the troubles, but they were abandoned. The whole question of the cession by Virginia of the northwest territory, and of the rival claims of other states and of land companies, as affecting the question of boundary, is gone over in Rives s Life of Madison, i. ch. 15. Cf. Journals of Con gress ; Madison s Debates and Correspondence, ii. ; Thomas Paine s Public Good, an argument against the claims of Virginia ; Histories of Virginia and of the northwestern states. The question of the bounds and independence of Vermont has already been referred to under 1778. Congress was again engaged with the 1782.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 271 subject during the period now under considera tion. Madison s Debates and Correspondence, i. Rives s Madison, i. 465. Ira Allen s Political History of Vermont. Stone s Life of Brant, ii. 199. The Fisheries. For the right to take fish on the banks of Newfoundland, etc., see John Adams s Works, i. 380 ; iii. 328 ; J. C. Hamilton s Republic, ii. 482 ; Sabine s Report on American Fisheries ; Wells s Samuel Adams, iii. 150. The Loyalists. The British agents endeavored long to make the United States, rather than their own government, indemnify the loyalists for sacrifices ; but Franklin s intimation that an equi table equivalent would be the British indemnifi cation for ravages by their troops, stayed the claim. Wilmot s Historical View of the Commission for inquiry into the losses, services, and claims of the American loyalists. Sabine s American Loyalists, ch. 10 and 11. Jones s New York in the Revo lutionary War, ii. 237, has a tory view, and in ii. 510, is given the New York act of forfeiture, in 1779. Franklin s Works, ix. 426. Wells s Sam uel Adams, iii. 182. The condition of the negotiations were some what affected by the political situation of Ireland. Bancroft, x. John Adams s Works, i. 379. Me moirs of the Court and Cabinet of George the Third, i. 66-136. Also by Rodney s defeat of De 272 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1782. Grasse and the French fleet in the West Indies. Bancroft, x. ch. 27. James s and other histories of the British navy. The Age of Pitt and Fox, App., London, 1846. Nov. 30, 1782, the provisional treaty was signed at Paris. Lyman s Diplomacy of the United States, i. ch. 4. Bancroft s United States, x. 59. Hildreth, iii. ch. 45. Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 32. Treaties and Conventions of the United States, 1871, p. 309. Stanhope s England, vi. Diplomatic Correspondence, x. 109, 115. Austin s Gerry, ch. 24. The Commissioners addressed Sec retary Livingston concerning this preliminary treaty. John Adams s Works, viii. 18. This dispatch was laid before Congress March 12, 1783, and for the views of Congress on the Commission ers proceeding without the knowledge of the French Court, see Rives s Madison, i. 352 ; J. C. Hamilton s Republic, ii. 488 ; Journals of Con gress. Vergennes addressed Luzerne in Philadelphia in deprecation of the want of confidence shown. Sparks s Franklin, i. ch. 14 ; ix. 452. Livingston sent a reproving letter to the Commissioners. Di plomatic Correspondence, x. 129 ; Rives s Madi son, i. 372. Several drafts of a Reply are given in John Adams s Works, i. App. F. ; also see i. p. 375, and viii. 87, and Franklin s Works, ix. 532. There is a correspondence of Jay and J. Q. Adams on the treaty in the Magazine of American History, Jan. 1879. 1783.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 273 The story sometimes repeated, that Franklin at the signing wore the identical suit of Manchester velvet in which he was dressed when he was in sulted at the Privy Council, is discredited. Sparks s Franklin, p. 488. Concerning the history of a por trait of Franklin, painted by Greuze, and given by Franklin to Oswald, and now in the Boston Public Library, see the Report of that library for 1872, App., with memorandum by Charles Sumner. Jan. 20,- 1783. The provisional treaty between Great Britain and France signed at Paris. Sparks s Washington, viii. 407, and the histories of Eng land. The provisional treaty of Nov. 30, 1782, was assailed in Parliament, and was one of the causes of the dissolution of the Shelburne ministry. Van Schaack s Life and Letters. David Hartley suc ceeded Oswald in the further negotiations for the definitive treaty. Rives s Madison, i. 497. John Adams s Works, viii. 78. Eight or nine months of fruitless diplomacy resulted in the terms of the provisional treaty being exactly agreed upon for the definitive treaty, signed Sept. 3, 1783. Con gress ratified it Jan. 14, 1784; the King, April 9th ; and Franklin notified Congress, May 13th. Works, x. 87, 95, 96. The treaty is given in Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. 274 READERS HANDBOOK OF [1783. The Newburgh Addresses, March, 1783. In Dec. 1782, the army had made representa tions to Congress, setting forth its sufferings from want of pay. Journals of Congress, iv. 206. Madison s Debates and Correspondence, i. 256. Rives s Life of Madison, i. 383. Nothing satisfactory coming of this appeal, a movement of uncertain extent to demand of Con gress a redress of grievances manifested itself in anonymous addresses to the army, calling for a meeting, and written, as afterwards acknowledged, by Maj. Armstrong, of Gates s staff. Hasty ac tion was prevented by Washington s interposition. The original autograph of his address is in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and a fac-simile of it was issued by that society in 1876. The addresses, as written by Arm strong, are given in Sparks s Washington, viii. 551. More or less extended accounts of the pro ceedings incident to this attempt to coerce the civil by the military power will be found in Pick ering s Life of Timothy Pickering, i. ch. 29, 30, and 31; Sparks s Washington, viii. 369, 393, 551 ; Marshall s Washington, iv. 587 ; Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 31 ; Rives s Madison, i. 392 ; Quincy s Life of Shaw, 101 ; J. C. Hamilton s Republic, ii. 365, 385, and his Life of Alexander Hamilton, ii. 68 ; Hildreth s United States, iii. ch. 45 ; Dunlap s New York, ii. 230 ; Journals of Congress, iv. 213. 1783.] THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 275 Hostilities Cease, 1783. Meanwhile, April 19, 1783, a publication of the cessation of hostilities was made in the camp at Newburgh. Sparks s Washington, viii. 425, and App. 13. Heath s Memoirs. Madison s Debates, etc., i. 437. Diplomatic Correspondence, ii. 319- 329 ; x. 121 ; xi. 320. On Washington s headquarters at Newburgh, see Lossing s Field-Book, and J. T. Headley in Galaxy, xxii. May, 1783. The Society of the Cincinnati formed among the officers of the army. Kapp s Steuben, ch. 26. Heath s Memoirs, p. 381. Penn sylvania Historical Society s Memoirs, vi. Win- throp Sargent in the North American Review, Oct. 1853. Loring s Hundred Boston Orators, p. 184. The scheme was not approved by many. Wells s Samuel Adams, iii. 202. Austin s Gerry, ch. 25. Franklin s Works, x. 58. Chief among the tracts in opposition was Cassius s (Judge Burke of South Carolina) Considerations on the Society or Order of Cincinnati, 1783. The orig inal Institution and Proceedings were printed at Boston, 1812. There have been various minor publications about the society, and there is an ex tensive History of the Massachusetts Society by F. S. Drake. June 8, 1783. The circular letter of Washing ton to the governors of the states, taking leave of 276 READER S HANDBOOK OF [1783. them and expressing hopes for the future, is in Sparks s Washington, viii. 439. Irving s Wash ington, iv. 394. Oct. 18, 1783. Proclamation disbanding the army. Nov. 2, 1783. Washington s Farewell Address. Sparks s Washington, viii. 491. Irving s Wash ington, iv. 402. Nov. 25, 1783. New York evacuated by the British. Irving s Washington, iv. ch. 33. New. York during the Revolution, New York, 1861. Jones s New York in the Revolutionary War, ii. 504. Histories of the City of New York. Maps of the city at this time are in Moore s Diary, ii. 498 ; Political Magazine, 1781 ; Dunlap s New York, i. Dec. 4, 1783. Washington parts with his of ficers in New York. Lives of Washington by Marshall and Irving. In Philadelphia, Washington deposited his ac counts during the war, 1775-1783, in his own hand, a document now in the Treasury Depart ment at Washington. A fac-simile of the MS was published in 1837. Dec. 23, 1783. Washington resigned his com mission to Congress at Annapolis. Sparks s Wash ington, viii. 504, and App. 14. Marshall s Wash ington, iv. 622. An account of John Gray of Mount Vernon, the last soldier of the Revolution, by J. M. Dal- zell, was printed at Washington, 1868. GENERAL RECORDS OF THE WAR. Explanation. IN the previous sections of this Handbook, special points of the conflict, arranged approxi mately in a chronological order, are illustrated by references to monographs, more or less confined in scope, and to parts of more general works. It seems convenient to add a survey of the principal works covering the whole period, and to indicate a few of the lesser ones, as typical ; and also to mark some of the chief sources of contemporary information, comprehensive in their character. American Contemporary Records. The Journals of Congress begin Sept. 1774. Henry Armitt Brown delivered, in 1874, a cen tennial oration on the anniversary of the meeting of this Congress. The first volume of the Journals goes through 1775. After that there was a vol ume each year through the struggle. The vol ume for 1774-1775 was reprinted by Almon in London, 1775. The Secret Journals of Congress begin 1775, when the Committee of Secret Correspondence 278 READER S HANDBOOK OF began to communicate with agents in Europe, and the title of this committee was changed to the Committee of Foreign Affairs, April 17, 1777. These Secret Journals are concerned with their proceedings down to the close of the war. G. W. Greene says : " In using the Journals of Congress, I have constantly had occasion to regret the awk ward separation of the Secret* Journals from the main collection, and the want of a new edition based upon an accurate collation of the original manuscript, and completed by the insertion of the fragments of debates and speeches scattered through the works of Adams, Jefferson, Gouver- neur Morris, and other members of that body." These Journals contemporaneous edition, 13 vols., and the reprint of 1823, 4 vols. are but a selection from the originals preserved in the De partment of State. There is a chapter on the Congress of the Revolution, and another on its re lations to the states, in G. W. Greene s Historical View ; and perhaps the best account of Congress from 1780 to the close of the war is found in Rives s Life of Madison, i. The letters that passed between the officers or committees of Congress and its agents and min isters abroad are contained in the Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, 12 volumes, 1829-1830, edited by Sparks. After Aug. 10, 1781, the correspondence on the part of Congress was transferred to R. R. Livingston, the THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 279 first Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Sparks used this publication of the government sometimes as a medium through his notes of his own arguments and inferences, for which he has been criticised. Cf. North American Review, xxxii. on the Di plomatic Correspondence by Edward Everett ; and xlvi. by George Bancroft, and xcii. by G. W. Greene, on the Documentary History ; also the latter s Diplomacy of the Revolution in his His torical View, p. 173. Washington s official letters had first been printed in Boston, New York, and London, 1795- 1796, but Jared Sparks, in 1827, issued a pamphlet describing the papers of Washington (cf. Ban croft, ix. preface, p. 5.), and proposed a plan of publication of them ; and between 1834 and 1837 he published the Life and Writings of Washing ton, 12 vols., an authority of the highest impor tance. Sparks s labors were great and extremely- valuable, though his method of editing, in recti fying and dignifying language not originally in tended for publication, has been censured by Lord Mahon (Earl Stanhope) and others, in 1851. In his own defense Sparks published pamphlets in 1852 and 1853. It was shown that much of the alleged tampering followed the language of Wash ington s letter books, which differed from the let ters actually sent, and these last at the time were not accessible to Sparks, but the differences were made apparent on the publication of W. B. Reed s 280 READER S HANDBOOK OF Life of Joseph Reed, in 1847, where Washington s letters as sent were printed. In 1852 W. B. Reed reprinted the letters in dispute with marginal references, showing Sparks s omissions and changes and his own. Stanhope, after Sparks s explana tion, gave his final views in the Appendix of His tory of England, vol. vi. Cf. Allibone s Dictionary, iii. 1203 and 2596, for reference to spurious Letters of Gen. Wash ington to his Friends, 1776, published in Lon don, and afterwards forming a part of Washing ton s Epistles, etc., New York, 1796. In 1854 Sparks edited the Correspondence of the American Revolution, 4 vols., being chiefly letters addressed to Washington during the war, and a necessary complement to the letters of Washington. He says in the preface, in pursuance of his plan of editing, and after his controversy with Mahon : " Errors of grammar and obvious blunders, the result of hasty composition, have been corrected." The measure of Sparks s labors for the history of the Revolution is taken in the Memoir of him, prepared by George E. Ellis, D. D., for the Pro ceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Cf. also Historical Magazine, May, 1866, and the references in Allibone, iii. Col. Henry Whiting collected Washington s orders, 1778, 1780-1782, from the papers of his father, John Whiting, and published them, 1844. Ineclited letters of Wash- THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 281 ington have been printed in various places, Magazine of American History, Feb. 1879 ; Cath olic World, Nov. 1867 (to Chastellux), etc. In 1830 the late Col. Peter Force projected a documentary history of America from 1492 to 1789. In 1833 Congress ordered the publication of such portion of the American Archives as constituted series 4th and 5th of Col. Force s plan, covering 1774-1783. The 4th series as printed embraced the interval, March 7, 1774, to July 4, 1776, 6 vols. folio; and of the 5th series only 3 vols. ending with Dec. 1776, were printed, Con gress ceasing to vote appropriations for it. The print showed a literal following of even obvious errors in the originals. In 1867 the library of books and manuscripts which Force had collected was purchased for the Library of Congress. A report of the Librarian of Congress (46th Con gress, 1st session, Senate Misc. Doc. No. 34 May 15, 1879) represents the manuscript mate rial, 1776-1789 still imprinted as covering 230,000 foolscap pages, enough to make 30 volumes, match ing those already printed. The librarian thinks it desirable to print it with " careful omissions and additions." The volumes as printed take a very wide scope in selection from contemporary printed records and manuscripts; but the indexes to each volume are very inadequate and incon sistent. Niles s Principles and Acts of the Revolution 282 READER S HANDBOOK OF is a gathering of contemporary opinions and do ings, without chronological arrangement, but with an index. It was reprinted in 1876. Recitals of transactions and illustrations of views and manners will be found in the Diary of the American Revolution, a daily record, consisting of excerpts from the public prints and other original sources, compiled by Frank Moore, to which may be added the same compiler s Songs and Ballads of the American Revolution, and W. Sargent s Loyalist Poetry of the Revolution. Thacher s Military Journal during the Ameri can Revolutionary War gives the experiences and observations of a surgeon. The Familiar Letters of John Adams and his wife, Abigail Adams, with a memoir of Mrs. Adams, by Charles Francis Adams, give a picture of the feelings of the time, with glimpses of events, that is of extreme value. Other similar illustra tions will be found in H. E. Scudder s Men and Manners in America One Hundred Years Ago. Cf. Mrs. Ellet s Domestic History of the American Revolution. The newspapers of the day are of the first im portance, and for the early stage of the conflict they are carefully used in Frothingham s Rise of the Republic, and Moore in his Diary of the American Revolution constantly gives extracts from them. The principal ones of New England are named on p. 7 of this Handbook, and others THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 283 can be enumerated from the references of Froth- ingham and Moore. Rivington published in New York the principal paper in the British interest, known as The Gazetteer, 1773-1775, and as the Loyal and then Royal Gazette, after 1777. Hud son s Journalism in the United States. Buck ingham s Specimens of Newspaper Literature. Sabine s American Loyalists, 2d ed. ch. 5 of in troduction. Jones s New York in the Revolution ary War, i. 561. The contemporary utterances of the pulpit are traced in Thornton s Pulpit of the Revolution, and in The Patriot Preachers of the Revolution. Cf. Sprague s Annals of the American Pulpit. J. T. Headley s Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. A controversy was conducted in the Historical Magazine by H. B. Dawson and others, about the disloyalty of the Methodists during the war. Cf. the numbers for 1867, May, June, Sept. and Dec. For the effect and traces of the eloquence of the time, see the lives of Patrick Henry and the other leaders ; E. L. Magoon s Orators of the Ameri can Revolution ; Frank Moore s American Elo quence ; Rufus Choate s Address on the Eloquence of the Revolution. An "account of the various conventions during the war is given in Jameson s Constitutional Convention. Joseph M. Toner printed in 1876 the Medical Men of the Revolution, with a brief history of the 284 READER S HANDBOOK OF medical department of the Continental army, containing the names of nearly 1,200 physicians. Bancroft, in his prefaces, vols. vi., ix., and x., indicates the chief manuscript sources, public and private, in this country and in England and on the Continent, upon which he depends. He says of the military MSS. which he procured from Ger many : " that they are, in the main, the most im partial of all which have been preserved." The Papers of Gov. Hutchinson of Massachusetts, Gov. Trumbull of Connecticut, of Gen. Heath, and of John Hancock, are in the Massachusetts Histor ical Society s Cabinet. The papers of Horatio Gates and Baron Steuben are in the New York Historical Society s Cabinet ; those of Gen. Knox are in the library of the New England Historic Genealogical Society ; those of Hopkins and Fos ter in the Rhode Island Historical Society s li brary ; those of Arthur and Richard Henry Lee are divided between the libraries of Harvard Col lege, American Philosophical Society in Philadel phia, and the University of Virginia ; those, both originals and copies, gathered by Sparks, are in Harvard College Library. The Journals of Gen. Henry Dearborn are in the Boston Public Li brary. There is also a large mass of papers in the government archives, in those of the original states, and in the Force Collection in the Library of Congress. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. > 285 The lives of John Adams, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Joseph Reed, Alexander Hamilton, Timothy Pickering, Gener als Greene, Sullivan, Wayne, and other actors in the struggle, are based upon papers still preserved. The prefaces of such lives usually describe these collections. Other manuscripts have been men tioned in previous pages. British. Contemporary Records. A Calendar of the Journals of the Lords was published in London in 1810 ; and general indexes of the Journals of the Lords, before 1779, and after 1780, were printed respectively in 1817 and 1832 ; and of the Journals of the Commons, cov ering 1714-1774, and 1774-1790, respectively in 1778 and 1796. The Parliamentary Register, beginning 1774, was printed in London, 1775, and continued yearly till 1779. Almon s Remembrancer was begun in London, June 15, 1775, but the second edition of the first volume of the Remembrancer has preliminary matter not contained in the earlier issue. Its purpose was to gather from English and American sources the fugitive and contemporary accounts of transactions, remembering chiefly, says Smyth, " such letters, speeches, and publications as serve to display the injustice of the design and the folly of the councils of Great Britain." 286 READER S HANDBOOK OF The Gentleman s Magazine, London Magazine, and other periodic publications of the day follow the current of events and variations of opinion, and the official reports of the officers in the field, when gazetted in London, were often reproduced in them. u Publications like these," says Prof. Smyth, lecture 26, " give the manners and opin ions living as they rise, and seem to have been the precursors of the more ample and regular Annual Register." Early American Histories. There was printed in Boston, 1781-1785, An Impartial History of the War in America in three sections, which is in part a reprint of a work with a similar title, published in London in 1780, but with large alterations and additions to adapt it to the American public, and with a different ap pendix. The Rev. Wm. Gordon, an Englishman, came to New England in 1770, and was settled at Rox- bury, Mass., and beginning to collect material as early as 1777 (John Adams s Works, ix. 461), he returned to England after the peace, and pub lished in London, in 1788, his History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States, 4 vols., a somewhat minute chronicle, and impartial in the distribution of praise and blame. He is thought not to have ad mitted some statements for fear of persecution in THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 287 England. Bancroft, ix. 123, says that, " notwith standing its faults, it is invaluable, but is by no means free from tales that on examination are found untrustworthy." C. F. Adams says it has " a great deal of value with difficulty to be found in any other quarter." W. B. Reed, Life of Joseph Reed, i. 240, calls it " ponderous, curious, and ill- digested ; " and says the author had " access to much that was authentic, but made strange and often mischievous use of it," making his work " quite as much a British as an American ver sion." Smyth praises him for his impartiality. See an account of Gordon and his history by J. S. Loring in the Historical Magazine, Feb. and March, 1862. In 1790, Ramsay, a South Carolinian, published his History of the American Revolution, more concisely written than Gordon, and held to be superior to Gordon by Smyth. A small History of the American Revolution, by John Lendrum, was printed in Boston, in 1795 ; and a History of the British Empire, 1765- 1783, covering the war, was prepared by a " so ciety of gentlemen," and printed in Philadelphia in 1798. A compiled Historical Journal of the American War is given in the second volume of the Massachusetts Historical Society s Collections. Mrs. Mercy Warren s History of the Revolu tionary War, printed in 1805, is of interest as a reflex of intelligent comment by a contemporary, 288 READER S HANDBOOK OF and intimate friend of leading patriots. She had differences with John Adams regarding the esti mate to be put on some of them, and their corre spondence on these points has been printed in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical So ciety, 5th series, iv. Early British Histories. Erskine May says, "No part of English his tory has received more copious illustration than the revolt of the American colonies." Capt. Hall s Civil War in America, 1780, never reached a second volume, and the first ends with 1777. The continued narrative in successive volumes of the Annual Register, beginning with vol. xix., will show the course of British feeling, and these accounts are largely embodied in An Impartial History of the War in America, to 1779, pub lished in London in 1780. The sections in the Annual Register are usually ascribed to Edmund Burke, and they were made into A Concise His tory of the Late War in America, published in the Columbian Magazine, in 1789, and separately in 1790. Cf. Wells s Samuel Adams, iii. 41. Contemporary impressions, with the usual inac curacies of hurriedly compiled histories, are found in Murray s War in America, 1778, and in An- drews s History of the Late War, 1785-1786. Thomas Jones, a justice of the Supreme Court THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 289 of the Province of New York, and a loyalist, living on Long Island during part of the war within the British lines, and for another portion a prisoner in Connecticut, wrote in England, just after the close of the war, a History of New York in the Revolutionary War, which is largely, how ever, a history of the conflict generally. It re mained in MS., and had never been used by any historical writer when it was first printed, in 1879, by the New York Historical Society, in two large octavos, edited with extensive notes by E. F. De Lancey. It is a valuable contribution to a his tory of the war from a side which has not yielded much of its kind, representing the common hear say accounts at the time of many important trans actions. The writer divides his condemnation in nearly equal proportions between the " rebels " and the ministry with their soldiers. The loyal ists in his narrative are represented as abused by both. Simcoe s Journal of the Queen s Rangers was privately printed in 1787, and reprinted in New York in 1843. It begins after the battle of Brandywine in 1777. The chief contemporary British authority is % Stedman s History of the American War, 1794, a valuable record by an intelligent eye-witness, the author serving under General Howe, but hav ing little faith in him as a general. Stedman is, however, of no authority in matters not military. 19 290 READER S HANDBOOK OF It has been asserted that his work was written by Dr. William Thomson. Later American Histories. Dr. Abiel Holmes s American Annals, 1492- 1805, published 1805, and improved and con tinued to 1826 in 1829. It is a careful chrono logical arrangement of events, with references to authorities, and of importance in its day and still useful. A History of the American Revolution of little value was published in Baltimore in 1822, pur porting to be by Paul Allen, but said to be in great part by John Neal. Timothy Pitkin of Connecticut published in 1828 a Political and Civil History of the United States, 1763-1797, two volumes, which Sparks calls a first attempt to disconnect political events from the military operations. James Grahame s History of the United States comes down only to the Declaration of Independ ence. Originally published in 1836, it was . re issued in this country in 1845, under the super vision of Josiah Quincy, who was furnished with the MS. emendations left by the author. It is a well-sustained work by an ardent admirer of American principles. As coming after much had been wrought by others, and as having had access to materials of the highest importance, particularly as regards THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 291 the European relations of the contest, the vol umes of Bancroft s History of the United States, covering the war, constitute the chief authorita tive general narrative. Bancroft is controverted on points, but such have been mentioned in the progress of these notes. The original issue of this work, coining out between 1834 and 1875, makes ten volumes, of which vols. vii. to x. cover the Revolution. The plates of the several vol umes have undergone correction and revision, and sets may not wholly correspond. In 1876 he re issued the whole in a revised centennial edition in six volumes, but this edition does not supersede the original work. Lossing s Field-Book of the Revolution takes up the events, not in chronological sequence, but as they arose in his travels through the country in search of anecdotes and memorials of the contests, and he gives particular interest to the landscape and landmarks, in connection with their Revolu tionary associations. Col. Carrington s Battles of the American Rev olution is a history applying the principles of military criticism ; and Dawson s Battles of the United States often gives the contemporary official accounts. Mention can be made of only a few of the less distinctive or more condensed and popular general accounts. Hildreth s United States for the events of the war is too much summarized for any but 292 READERS HANDBOOK OF those wishing a mere abstract of military events. Ridpath s United States is a convenient summary, with maps. The histories of the United States by J. H. Patton, Tucker, and J. A. Spencer ; Mrs. A. S. Richardson s History of Our Coun try ; C. E. Lester s Our First Hundred Years, all are intended in one way or another to supply popular wants. C. C. Coffin s Boys of 76 offers the general reader a convenient gathering of plans of the various battles. Headley s Washington and his Generals was popular thirty years ago as a somewhat spirited portrayal of personal charac teristics. Abbott s Paragraph History is an out line, something like an amplified contents-table of an Extended history. Later British Histories. Belsham s Memoirs of the Reign of George the Third, 1760-1793, was published 1795-1801, and was afterwards embodied in his History of Great Britain, 1806. He espouses the side of the colo nists, and Smyth considers him far more reason able than Adolphus, whose History of England, 1760-1783, was published in 1802. Adolphus defends the king s ministers, and Smyth says that he very fairly puts the reader in possession of the opposing views of Chatham. Beatson s Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, 1804. These early narratives, however, are largely f ol- THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 293 lowed by the later British historians. Earl Stan hope (Mahon), in his History of England, vol. vi., is not so favorable to the colonists as Massey, in his History, vol. ii. Cf. Reviews of Mahon in North American Review, July, 1852 (by J. G. Palfrey), and Jan. 1855. The account of the Reign of George III., in the Pictorial History of England, has a strong tory leaning. Knight s Popular History of England will show the aver age British views of recent days. There are six lectures on the American war at the close of Smyth s Modern History, which ex press the better British feeling of sixty years ago, and they are accompanied by some advice on the best methods of studying the period. In treating of the preliminaries of the war he relies largely upon the debates in Parliament. Sparks, in 1841, said of Smyth : " It would be difficult to find any treatise on the American Rev olution confined within the compass of six lectures from which so much can be learned, or so accurate an estimate of the merits of both sides of the question can be formed." There are very brief statements regarding the part borne by the various British regiments in the series of the Regimental Historical Records. Of the less important British histories covering the war, mention may be made of Chalmers s Revolt of the American Colonies, for its legal bearing ; Bartlett s and Woodward s History of 294 READERS HANDBOOK OF the United States, a pictorial record distinctively ; Mackay s United States ; the convenient and graphic summary, Ludlow s War of American Independence, in the Epochs of Modern History Series ; Tancock s England during the American and European Wars, 1765-1820, in the Epochs of English History series; and popular histories by Cassell and others. Green, in his Short History of the English People, says : " The two sides of the American quarrel have been told with the purpose of fair ness and truthfulness, though with a very differ ent bias, by Lord Stanhope and by Bancroft. The latter is by far the more detailed and picturesque ; the former, perhaps, the cooler and more impar tial." French and Italian Histories. Various histories of the war were published in France, most of little value, except as reflecting incidentally the French sentiments, such as Le- boucher s Histoire de la Guerre de lTnde*pendance des Etats Unis, which gives maps of the northern and southern colonies. Sparks, however, Washington s Writings, viii. 135, says of Soule s Histoire des Troubles de rAmdrique Anglaise, that it is " the best written and most authentic in the French language. The author had access to public documents, but all the particulars relating to the operations of Rochain- THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 295 beau s army are taken almost word for word from a narrative which had been drawn up by Rocham- beau, and which was afterwards published as a part of his Memoires. A large portion of Soul s book was read in manuscript by Rochambeau and the Minister of War." There is a paper on the French in the American Revolution in the Revue Militaire Fran^aise for 1870, ii. ; and various French narratives are men tioned in connection with the record of their par ticipation in the war in previous pages. A list of French officers, appointed to the army by Con gress, is given in Hilliard d Auberteuil s Essais historiques, and is reprinted in the Magazine of American History, June, 1879. An Italian, Botta, published in 1809 what was long accounted the best History of the American Revolution. Jefferson called it the best yet writ ten in his day, but took exception to the speeches, which, after the manner of the ancients, are put into the actors mouths. Bancroft styles it ad mirable. It was translated into English by G. W. Otis, of Boston, and is reviewed in the North American Review, xiii., by F. C. Gray. A French translation of it appeared, with an introduction, in which the papers of Gerard, the French minister to Congress, had been used. There was published in Genoa in 1879, under the editing of G. Colucci, the official correspond ence of the Genoese ambassador in London during 296 READERS HANDBOOK OF the American Revolution, I Casi della Guerra per 1 Indipendenza d America, two volumes, with an extended preface on the thirteen colonies. These dispatches, written by Francesco Ageno, begin in 1770 and end in Dec. 1780. Biographies. Most of the lives of the principal actors, cover ing but their personal experiences, can hardly be classed as general works, but from his position Washington has given his biographers grounds for making their works in large part extended nar ratives of the war. In 1805 Marshall brought out his Life of Wash ington, and he had peculiar advantages in the use of Washington s papers, as well as from a per sonal knowledge of him, and by reason of his own participation in the conflict. He gave a sedate and trustworthy character to his work, which ren ders it still of prime interest, notwithstanding later developments, and notwithstanding a treat ment of the subject that to some will appear dull. It was originally issued in five volumes, both quarto and octavo, and was reissued in 1832 in two volumes, without the introduction or colonial history. Sparks s Life of Washington, making vol. 1 of Washington s Writings, and published also sepa rately, is of excellent reputation for accuracy. Cf. Allibone s references to reviews of it in his Die- THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 297 tionary, iii. 2192. Guizot translated and con densed Sparks s twelve volumes into six, 1839- 1840, and furnished a succinct and judicious in troductory sketch, which preceded a life by De Witt, and which has also been printed separately as his Vie de Washington. C. W. Upham made up an Autobiography of Washington by detach ing extracts from his writings, which has been successful in England, though the publication of it was stopped in this country, as infringing the copyright of Sparks. The most popular of the lives of Washington, however, is Irving s, which is gracefully written and shows respectable re search. Of the less important lives, reference may be made to those by Aaron Bancroft, Ramsay, Paulding, Mrs. Kirkland, Lossing, Headley, etc. The life by M. L. Weems was very popular at the beginning of this century, but it was worked up by a shrewd book-agent to insure a sensational popularity. Cf. Parton in the Magazine of Amer ican History, Aug. 1879, on the True and Tradi tional Washington. Of more condensed expres sion, see the addresses of Everett, Webster, Win- throp, etc., and the essays by Theodore Parker in his Historic Americans ; by E. P. Whipple on Washington and the Principles of the Revolu tion, etc. Edward Everett wrote a condensed life for the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which was published separately as a Life of Washington. 298 READER S HANDBOOK OF Cf. his Mount Vernon Papers, and the address which he delivered so widely in aid of the pur chase of Mount Vernon. He tells the story of this address in the Massachusetts Historical So ciety s Proceedings, June, 1858. Lossing has a paper on Washington s Life-guard in the Histor ical Magazine, May, 1858. Alexander Hamilton, as for a period one of Washington s military family, and as the expo nent of marked views in administration and finance, is made the central figure of his son, J. C. Hamilton s History of the Republic of the United States, as traced in the Writings of Ham ilton and his Contemporaries. This work has met hostile criticism from its attacks on the charac ters of the Adamses, Joseph Reed, Madison, etc., and from the obtrusiveness of the author s as sumption that all papers, preserved in Hamilton s hand, but signed by Washington, were the work of the secretary. Cf. W. B. Reed s Life of Joseph Reed, i. 108; Sparks s introduction to Wash ington s Revolutionary Correspondence. G. W. Greene s Historical View, p. 385. J. C. Hamil ton replied to his critics in the preface to his sec ond volume. A more confined memoir of Hamil ton s participation in the war is the same author s Life of Alexander Hamilton. J. T. Morse s Life of Hamilton, ch. 2, gives a summary of his Revolu tionary career. Joseph Reed, first Washington s secretary, then THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 299 adjutant-general, and later the President of Pennsylvania, was put in a central position, and the Life of him by W. B. Reed, 1847, is largely general. The character of Reed has given rise to controversy. In 1783 he published Remarks and an Address to the People of Pennsylvania, which brought out, in 1787, a Reply by Gen. John Cad- walader, which was reprinted in Philadelphia in 1848, and again in 1856, together with the " Val ley Forge Letters," pronounced forgeries by W. B. Reed, under the title of Nuts for Historians to Crack ; and both the Reed and Cadwalader pam phlets were printed in fac-simile at Albany, in 1863. There is also a pamphlet on this matter by John G. Johnson. Bancroft, in his volumes viii. and ix., took views that elicited a vindication of Joseph Reed from his grandson, W. B. Reed, entitled, President Reed of Pennsylvania, 1867, which is reviewed unfavorably to Bancroft in the Atlantic Monthly, June, 1867. Bancroft replied in Joseph Reed, an Historical Essay, 1867, which is rather favorably reviewed in Harper s Monthly, Feb. 1867. W. B. Reed issued a Rejoinder, 1867. Gen. Stryker, in his Reed Controversy, Trenton, 1876, showed that Bancroft had mistaken a Col. Charles Read for Joseph Reed, as being under British protection, and Bancroft corrects his cen tennial edition, accordingly, vol. v. Cf. Pennsyl vania Magazine of American History, i. 114. A sharp controversy also arose between W. B. Reed 300 READER S HANDBOOK OF and J. C. Hamilton, because of some statements in the latter s History of the Republic. Cf. His torical Magazine, Dec. 1867, supplement; also see 1866, supplement, p. 177 ; April, 1867, p. 249, and Jan. 1869, p. 45. See also President Reed, published at Morrisania, 1867. For the political aspects of the war the lives of John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Frank lin, James Madison, Gouverneur Morris, are of the chiefest importance. A less careless and clumsy manner had made the Lives of Richard Henry Lee and Arthur Lee, both by the younger R. H. Lee, of the first importance. The papers on which they are based are now part in the library of Harvard College, a calendar of which is now ap pearing in the bulletin of that library ; part in the library of the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, bound in two volumes ; and a third part in the library of the University of Vir ginia. Naval Histories. J. Fenimore Cooper s Naval History of the United States. Thomas Clark s Naval History of the United States, 1814. George F. Emmons s Navy of the United States, 1775-1853, a record of the vessels. Lossing s Field-Book of the Amer ican Revolution, L, Appendix. The lives of the several American commanders as named on pre vious pages. Cf. account of Com. Samuel Tucker in the New England Historical and Genealogical THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 301 Register, April, 1872. The records of the several states show much about their different partici- pancy in this service. Of., for example, the Penn sylvania Archives, first and second series. C. D. Yonge s History of the British Navy, Allen s Battles of the British Navy, and other special monographs on the English side. Portraits. Various contemporary or nearly contemporary narratives have engraved likenesses of the prin cipal public characters, some of which are men tioned in connection with their names as they occur in these notes. Such illustrated accounts are : James Murray s Impartial History of the American War, London, no date, giving Washing ton, Franklin, Hancock, Putnam, Lee, Arnold, Montgomery, George III., North, Germaine, Gen. Howe, Lord Howe, Earl Percy, Gen. Gage. An Impartial History of the War in America, Boston, 1781-1785, giving Washington, Franklin, Lafayette, Greene, Samuel Adams, Montgomery, Knox, Lincoln, Warren, Hancock, Heath. Impartial History of the War in America, Lon don, 1780, giving Hancock, Samuel Adams, Washington, Putnam, Arnold, the Howes, etc., Boston Magazine, 1783-1786. Geschichte der Kriege in und aus Europa, Nuremberg, 1776, giving Franklin, Com. Hop kins, Arnold, Putnam, Chas. Lee, Robert Rogers, Sullivan, D. Wooster. 302 READERS HANDBOOK OF Du SimitiSre s profile likenesses of thirteen of the patriots (including Arnold), engraved by Reading, were published in London in 1783. Later portraits and mementoes are given in Smith and Watson s American Historical and Literary Curiosities. It is not worth while to enumerate the appear ance of such likenesses in all the later histories and biographies. The portraits of Washington and Franklin are very many in number, and have been the subject of special lists and examination. Maps. Contemporary. A map of the colonies accord ing to a survey of 1763 was made, and an en graved reduction of it appeared in London, 1766, in a collection of the Charters of the Provinces and the Proceedings in consequence of the Stamp Act. M. A. Rocques published at London, 1765, a set of plans of the country and of the forts in America, from actual surveys, which has a folding map of New York city. Evans s map of the Middle Colonies, between Eastern Massachusetts, Ohio, and Virginia, pub lished at Philadelphia, 1755, with an essay, was enlarged by T. Pownall, late governor of Massa chusetts Bay, to include New England and part of Canada, and published in London by Almon in 1776, and was subsequently reissued, revised by Major Holland. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 303 Peter Bell s map, according to the treaty of 1763, appeared in a History of the British Domin ion in North America, 1773. The same year there was a map issued at Paris, by Bonne, which was reproduced at Leipsic in the Geographische Be- lustigungen, 1776; and again in 1776, at Nurem berg, there appeared another map of the colonies in the Geschichte der Kriege in und aus Europa. In 1779 a map was given in the History of the War in America, published at Dublin ; and a large one the next year, 1780, came out in the Impartial History of the War in America, pub lished at Dublin. Other maps appeared in the Political Magazine, April 17, 1780 ; in Soul s Histoire des Troubles de 1 Amerique Anglaise, Paris, 1787, and in the German version of it ; in Hilliard d Auberteuil s Histoire de 1 Administra tion de Lord North et de la Guerre ; in Boucher s Histoire de la Derniere Guerre, Paris, 1787 ; and in Gordon s American War. Miscellaneous. Ben: Perley Poore s Political Register gives the federal officials from 1776. A collection of rosters and personal items will be found in Saf- felFs Records of the Revolutionary War, New York, 1858. A convenient list of the general offi cers at the beginning and close of the war is given in G. W. Greene s Historical View, p. 452 ; and the same work has a section on the foreign 304 READERS HANDBOOK OF element in the war. The Last Men of the Revo lution, by E. B. Hillard, 1864, is an account of the seven Revolutionary pensioners then surviving. Sparks s Washington, v. 542, gives a statement of the effective force of the British army in Amer ica, at intervals, from 1777 to 1782, as derived from the State Paper Office. A table showing the number of troops furnished by the several states is printed in Niles s Register, July 31, 1830 ; in G. W. Greene s Historical View, pp. 454, 455 ; in Hildreth s United States, iii. 441, and elsewhere. Cf. W. Sargent on the Army of the Revolution, in North American Re view, Ixxvii. ; a chapter in G. W. Greene s His torical View of the American Revolution ; and Von Bulow s criticism of the military conduct of the war, in the Historical Magazine, 1865. There are treatises on the employment of ne groes as soldiers by George H. Moore and George Livermore. Judge Charles H. Warren s paper on the buff and blue uniform of the Continentals is in the Massachusetts Historical Society s Proceedings, Jan. 1859. There is a paper on martial law during the Rev olution by A. B. Gardner in the Magazine of American History, i. For the caricatures of the period, see Parton s article in Harper s Magazine, July, 1875, after wards included in his History of Caricature. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 305 The spirit of the Revolution is depicted in such novels as Cooper s Chainbearer, J. L. Motley s Morton s Hope, L. M. Child s Rebels, J. K. Paul- ding s Old Continental, John Neal s Seventy-Six, S. J. Hale s Grosvenor, Miss Sedgwick s Lin- woods, etc. Other novels have been referred to in connection with the particular events which they illustrate. The War of the Revolution is part of the series of visions that make up Joel Barlow s Columbiad, 1808. The literature of the Revolution is illustrated in two chapters of G. W. Greene s Historical View of the American Revolution, in sections of Duy- ckinck s American Literature, and in Griswold s Prose Writers and Poets of America. Allibone s Dictionary, under the names of writers, will fur nish data and references. The Songs and Bal lads have been collected by Frank Moore, and the Loyalist Poetry by Winthrop Sargent. The intellectual and material condition of the Revolutionary period is considered as the start ing-point of the subsequent development of the country, in the conglomerate volume, by various writers, The First Century of the Republic ; a Review of American Progress, New York, 1876 ; a series of papers, the most of which originally appeared in Harper s Magazine. 20 IJSTDEX, *** Reference is commonly made but once to a book if repeatedly mentioned in the text, but other references are made when additional information about the book is conveyed. ABBOTT, EDW., Paragraph History Abbott, J. S. C., Life of Paul Jones 212. Ackland, Lady, 147. Adams, Abigail, letters, 282. Adams, Davenport, English Party Leaders, 185. Adams, John, Life, Diary, and Works, by C. F. Adams, 1 ; controversy with Mercy Warren, 7, 287 ; as No- vanglus, 20 ; Familiar Tetters, 38, 282 ; in Europe, 177 ; to negotiate treaty, 213 ; views on finance, 243 ; makes treaty with Holland, 267 ; in Paris (1782), 268 ; papers, 284. Adams, J. Q., on the treaty, 272. Adams, Josiah, Address at Acton, 31. Adams, Samuel, Life by Wells, 1 ; Vindication of Boston, 8 ; efforts and character, 104 ; and the Con- way Cabal, 168. Adams, Sam, Regiments, 11. Adams, Samuel, papers, 284. Adolphus s History of England, 2, Age of Pitt and Fox, 272. Ageno, Francesco, 296. Alamance, battle of, 5. Albemarle r s Rockingham and his Contemporaries, 112. All the Year Round, 212. Allan, Colonel John, 224. Allen, Ethan, 79, 82 ; his Narrative, 82 ; Life by De Puy, 80 ; Life by Moore, 80 ; Life by Sparks, 80. Allen, Ira, History of Vermont, 271. Allen, Paul, 290. Allen, Rev. Mr., 142. Allen, Thaddeus, Origination of American Union, 16. Allen s Battles of the British Navy, 211, 301. Allen ; s Kennebec journal, 83. Allibone s Dictionary of Authors, 2do, 261. Almon s Charters of the Colonies, 2 Collection of Tracts, 4 ; Remem brancer, 27, 285. American Annals, by Holmes, 290. American Antiquarian Society, 37. American Archives, Force, 10, 281. American Atlas, 58, 71, 113, 220. American Bibliopolist, 113. American Colonies, Revolt of, by Chalmers, 293. American Criminal Trials, 11, 150. American Gazette, by Kearsley, 9. American Historical Magazine, New Haven, 29. American Historical Records, 12, 127, 189. American Independence, War of by Ludlow, 294. American Journalism, by Hudson, 7. American Naval Heroes, by Waldo. 212. American Philosophical Society, 65 ; Transactions, 242. American Quarterly Review, 19. American Revolution, Abbott s Para graph History, 292 ; histories, by Paul Allen, 290; by Botta, 295; Views of, by Jonathan Boucher, 10 ; Carrington ; s Battles of, 46, 291 ; Correspondence of, 80 ; Ellet s Do mestic History of, 282 ; Field-Book of, by Lossing, 3; Documentary History, by R. W. Gibbs, 3 ; History by Gordon, 28, 287; Historical View, by G. W. Greene, 2 ; by Lendrum, 287; by Moultrie, 3; by Ramsay, 85, 287 ; by Mercy Warren, 7, 287 ; in South Carolina, by Dray ton, 3. American Union, Thaddeus Allen s Origination of, 16. American War, poem by Cocking, 58. 308 INDEX. American War, Impartial History, by Murray, 57. American War, by Stedman, 30, 289. Magazin, 204. Ambers t, Lord, 231. Amory, T. G., Life of James Sullivan, 73 ; Military Services of Gen. Sulli van, 206 ; Old and New Cambridge, 62. Analectic Magazine, 44, 147, 232. Anburey s Travels, 66, 135. Anderson s History of Commerce, 215. Andre , Major, Life by Sargent, 82 ; his Cow Cbase, 224 ; relations with Arnold, 230. Andrews s History of the Late War, 29, 288. Andrews, John, Map of the Colonies, 132. Andrews papers, 64. Andross, Thomas, Old Jersey Captive, 200. Angell, Colonel, 167. Annapolis, Congress at, 276. Annual Register, 4, 286, 288. Arbuthnot, English admiral, 221. Archaeologia Americana, 5. Armed Neutrality, 214. Armstrong s Life of Montgomery. 82 ; Life of Wayne, 165. Armstrong and the Newburgh Ad dresses, 274. Armstrong s letters at Saratoga, 152. Army disbanded, 276. Arnold, Benedict, Life by Isaac N. Arnold, 236 ; by Sparks, 80 ; at T> conderoga, 79 ; expedition by the Kennebec, 82 ; at Trenton, 125 ; on Lake Champlain, 126 ; at Fort Stan- wix, 141 ; not present at Freeman s Farm, 146 ; at Saratoga, 147 ; in Philadelphia, 190 ; his treason, 250 ; in Virginia, 246 ; in Connecticut, 254. Arnold, Mrs., and the treason, 232. Arnold, S. G., History of Rhode Island, 88, 195 ; address, 195. Asgill, Captain, 262. Ashburton treaty, 269. Atlantic Monthly, 11. Atlantic Neptune, 68. Atlas Ameriquain septentrional, 58. Atlee s Journal, 109. Attucks, Crispus, 12. Auberteuil, d , Essais historiques, 15. Austin s Life of Elbridge Gerry, 8. Austin, Jonathan Loring, 156, 186. BABSON S History of Gloucester, Mass., 88. Badeaux, J. B., 86. Bailey s letter on Falmouth, 71. Balcarras, Earl of, at Saratoga, 154. Balch, Thomas, 78 ; Maryland Line, 63, 247 ; Les francais en Anierique, 227. Ballad History of the Revolution, by Moore, 81. Baltimore in the Revolution, by Pur- viance, 8. Bancroft, Aaron, Life of Washington. 297. Bancroft, George, History of United States, 290. Bancroft and Reed controversy, 299. Banker s Magazine, 243. Bannister, John, 187. Barbadoes, 9. Barber s Map of New York, 132. Barclay, S., Personal Recollections, etc., 110. Barney, Com., Memoirs, 88. Barnum, H. L., Spy Unmasked, 206. Barre", Colonel, 96 ; Barre and his Times, 8. Barren Hill, 173. Barry ; s History of Massachusetts, 2. Bartlett and Woodward s United States, 293. Bartlett s, J. R., Destruction of the Gaspee, 13. Barton, General, Life by Williams, 195. Barton, Lieut. Colonel, 134. Barton and Elmer, diary, 207. Battle of the Kegs 173. Baum, Colonel, 141. Baumeister, 116. Beach s Indian Miscellany, 139. Bean, T.W., 170. Beatson s Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, 109, 292. Beaumarchais 100, 176 ; Life by John Bigelow, 100 ; by Lomenie, 100. Beaurain s Carte de Boston, 69. Bedford Correspondence, 180. Belfast, History by Williamson, 208. Belisle s Independence Hall, 106. Belknap, Jeremy, 62 ; History of New Hampshire, 197. Bell, Peter, map, 303. Belsham s Great Britain, 292 ; Reign of George the Third, 292. Beman, 80. Bemis s Heights, 145, 147. Bennington, 141; History of, by F. W. Coburn, 143. Benson, Egbert, 232. Bentalou, Colonel, on Pulaski, 210. Benton ; s Uerkimer County, 140. INDEX. Berkshire County, Mass., 79 Bernard, Francis. 8. Biddle, Captain, 88. Biddle, C. J., on Andre s execution Bigelow, John, on Beaumarchais 100; Life of Franklin, 101. Biographies of the Revolution, 296. . , England un <ler George III oo, lol. Blackwood s Magazine, 148. Blanchard, Claude, Journal 227 Bland Papers, 3, 151, 174, 240. Blaskowitz s surveys, 196, 228. Bleeker s orderly -book, 207. Bloodgood s Sexagenary, 148. Board of War, 171. Bolles, Albert S., on R. Morris, 244. Bolton s Westchester County, 206 232. Bon Homme Richard, man-of-war, 211 Bonne, map by, 303. Bonney, Mrs., History Gleanings, 91. Boone, Daniel, Adventures of, 199. Boone, Fort, 198. Border Warfare, 192. Boston, Committee of Correspondence 98 ; Description by Shurtleff, 8 ; History by Drake, 3; History by Snow ; massacre, 11, 21 ; Neck, 67 ; Old Landmarks, by Drake, 8 ; Ora tors, by Loring, 11 ; plans of, 57, 68 ; Port Bill, 15 ; Siege of, 59, and history, by Frothingham, 15 ; and medal, 67 ; Centennial celebration of the Siege, 60 ; Tea-party, 13, 23. Boston newspapers : Daily Advertiser, 51 ; Courier, 269 ; Evening Post, 4 : Gazette, 4, 209 ; Medical and Surgi cal Journal, 54 ; Monthly Magazine, 156, 186 ; Newsletter, 7 ; Patriot, 50 ; Sunday Herald, 237 ; Tran script, 63. Boston Public Library reports, 273. Botta s History of the War of Inde pendence, 57, 214, 295. Boucher, Jonathan, Views of the American Revolution, 10. Boundaries at the peace, 269. Bourgoin s Theatre de la Guerre, 132. Bowen, F., Life of General Lincoln, 147. Bowen, Nathan, 150. Bowen and Futhey s plan of Brandy- wine, 162. Bowman s journal, 199. Boynton, Thomas, journal, 39. Boynton s West Point, 92, 230. Boys of : 76, by Coffin, 189. Bradford Club, 237, 255 Bradford, Alden, on Bunker Hill, 45, 51 ; History of Massachusetts, 26 : Massachusetts State Papers 6 Brainerd, W. F 255. Brandywine, 160. Brant, Joseph, 192; and Wyoming, Brassier s surveys, 127. Breck, S., on Continental money, 242. Breech-loading rifles used, 161. Breed s Hill, 68. Breyman, Colonel, 142. Briar Creek, 209. Brief Examination of the Northern Expedition, 149. Brinley Library Catalogue, 5, 177. Brion de la Tour s Theatre de la Guerre, 132. British Dominion in North America, British ferocity in the war, 184. British Government, 180. Brodhead s Letters, 109. Brodhead s New York Documents, Brooklyn, battle at, 109: Stiles s History of, 93. Brooks, John, 56 ; at Saratoga, 152 ; at Valley Forge, 170. Brotherhead s Centennial Book of the Signers, 106. Brougham s Statesmen of George III., 181. Brown, Henry Armitt, 277. Brown, Mrs. J. B., on Gen. Warren, 54. Brown, Peter, on Bunker Hill, 38. Bryan, 220. Bryan t,W.C., 192. Buckingham, J. T., Specimens of Newspaper Literature, 283. Juckle s History of Civilization, 180. Buford s regiment, 222. Bugbee, J. M., on Bunker Hill, 45. Bull, 220. Bull s Ferry, 224. Bullard, E. F., address, 153. Bunker Hill, 35 ; the question of command. 48 ; fort, 67. Junker Hill Monument Association, 46, 49, 59. unker Hill Times, 57. Jurgoyne, Campaign of, by W. L Stone, 140 ; Life by Fonblanque, 41 ; his advance, 134 ; he surren ders, 148 ; his letter to his constit uents, 154 ; his Orderly- Book, 148 ; his portrait, 154 ; his State of the Expedition from Canada, 141, 154 urk s History of Virginia, 74. 310 INDEX. Burke, Edmund, 96; Life byBisset, 22 ; by MacKnight, 22, 260 ; by Motley, 107 ; Life by Prior, 22 ; and the Annual Register, 287 ; his Speeches, 2. Burke, Judge, 275. Burr, Aaron, Life by Davis, 91, 206, 232 ; by Parton, 83, 206. Butler, J. D., on Bennington fight, 142. Butler s History of Groton, 37. Butler s Kentucky, 198. Butterfield, C. W., 261. Byrou on George III., 181. CADWALADER and Reed controversy, 299. Caldwell, Life by Caruthers, 3. Caldwell. Colonel, 80. Caldwell, Colonel Henry, on Siege of Quebec, 86. Calefs Siege of Penobscot, 208. Calkoens Dutch jurist, 216. Calvert, George II., 234. Cambridge, History by Paige, 60 ; men at Lexington, 31 ; convention troops at, 150 : Old and New, by Amory, 62. Camden, battle at, 229, 250. Camden,Lord,96; on the Declaration of independence, 107. Campbell, Archibald, 221. Campbell s Lives of the Chancellors, 9, 185 ; Life of Loughborough, 22. Campbell s edition of Bland Papers, 3, 151. Campbell s Gertrude of Wyoming, 191. Campbell s Tryon County, 77. Campfield, Jabez, diary, 207. Canada, history by Garneau, 85 ; his tory of Invasion of, by Stone, 83, 166 ; advance into (1775), 81 ; com mission to, 87 , retreat from, 90 ; invasion of, Lafayette s scheme, 171. Cape Fear River, 249. Capefigue s Louis XVI., 214. Carleton, Guy, general, 86: in New York, 264. Carlisle, British commissioner, 184. Carlyle s Frederick the Great, 14. Carmichael, William, 99. Carrington s Battles of the Revolu tion, 46, 291. Carroll, Charles, diary in Canada, 81. Carter, D. M., picture of Bunker Hill, 59. Carter William, genuine detail, etc., 41, 67. Caruthers, Life of Dr. Caldwell, 3; Revolutionary incidents, 218. Carver s map of Canada, 86. Casey, M. A. 261. Cassell s History of the United States, 294. Castine, 208. Catalogue of the library of Parlia ment, Toronto, 5. Catholic World, 281. Caulkins s New London, 89, 255. Cavendish Debates, 21. Cedars, fight at the, 90. Centennial Graphic, 36. Chalmers s Revolt of American Colo nies, 293. Chamberlain s Maine, 270. Chamble e, 91. Champlain, Lake, by Palmer, 80 ; Ar nold on, 126. Chandler, P. W., American Criminal Trials, 11, 150, 233. Chapel Hill University Magazine, 77. Chapman s Wyoming, 191. Chappell s Picture of Bunker Hill, 59. Charleston, Clinton s expedition to, 216 ; siege of, 221 ; in 1782, 252. Charlestown, 66 ; survey of, 55, 57. Charlotte, North Carolina, 244. Charlottesville, Va., 253. Chastellux s Travels, 66, 167, 226. Chatham, Life by Thackeray, 185 ; correspondence, 23, 180 ; speeches, 2, 96 ; an,d the war, 185. Cheetham s Life of Paine, 261. Cherokees, 77. Cherry Valley, 192. Chesapeake, chart of the, 162 ; British fleet in the, 247. Chesney s Military and Biographical Essays, 220. Chester County, Lewis s, 161. Chevalier s Histoire de la Marine Franfaise, 194. Child, D. L., on Bunker Hill, 51. Chittenden, L. E., address, 80. Choate, Rufus, Eloquence of the Rev. 283. Chotteau s Guerre de l Inde"pendance, 178. Christian Examiner, 44. Churchill, Amos, History of Hubbard- ton, 138. Cincinnati Society, 275. Circourt, Count, 178. Clark, Colonel George, in the north west, 198. Clark, Henry, address, 138. Clark, Jonas, on Lexington fight. 28. Clark, Joseph, 188. INDEX. 311 Clark. Major, in Philadelphia, 174. Clark s Sketches of Naval History, 197, 300. Clarke, J. F., Revolutionary Services of General Hull, 61. Clarke, John, on Bunker Hill, 41. Clinton, Fort, 158. Clinton, George, 158. Clinton, Sir Henry, 94 ; Observations on Stedman, 130 ; up the Hudson, 157 ; in the Jerseys, 187 ; expedi tion to Charleston, 216 ; and An dre", 231 ; campaign of 1781, 245. Clinton, James, in Sullivan s expedi tion, 207. Coburn, F. W., History of Benning- ton, 143. Cocking s American War, 58. Coffin, Charles, on Bunker Hill, 40. Coffin, C. C., Boys of 76, 189, 292. Colburn, Jeremiah, 102. Colden, Lieutenant- Governor, 10. Coldstream Guards by Mackinnon, 113. Collet, 220. Collier, Sir George, 109. Collins, Lewis, Historical Sketches of Kentucky, 199. Colonies, maps of, 302. Colucci, G., 295. Columbian Centinel, 40. Columbian Magazine, 66, 288. Committees of Correspondence, 20. Committee of Foreign Affairs, 27s. Committee of Safety, 37. Committee of Secret Correspondence, 277. Common Sense, by Tom Paine, 98. Conciliatory bills, 182. Concord fight, 26. Concord, History of, by Shattuck, 27. Condorcet, 178, 214. Conduct of the American War, 161. Confederation ratified, 240. Congress, accounts of, 278 ; and the army, 171, 202 ; and the European powers, 177 ; and the States. 202 ; British Commissioners to, 183 ; de bates in, 103, 187 ; Journals of, 128, 277 ; parties in, 72, 74 ; proceedings secret, J3 ; Secret Journals of, 277 ; want of power in, 241 ; weakness of, 97, 128. Connecticut, History by Hollister, 16 ; by II . Peters, 14 ; in the Revolution, by Hinman, 48; at Bunker Hill, 48 ; invaded by Try on, 203 ; in vaded by Arnold, 254. Connecticut Courant, 142. Connecticut Farms in New Jersey, 223. Connecticut Journal, 36. Connecticut Historical Collections, 51. Constitution, Fort, 236. Constitutions of the States, 98. Contemporary Review, 267. Continental Congress (1774), 16; (1775), 72. Continental money, 242. Convention troops, 149. Conway Cabal, 167. Conway, General, in Parliament, 263. Conway, M. D., 261. Cook s map of South Carolina, 220. Cooke, J. E., Virginia in the Revolu tion, 257. Cooke, Samuel, in Lexington fight, 29. Cooke, W. D., Rev., History of North Carolina, 3, 218. Cooke s History of Party, 180. Coolidge, G. A., Centennial Memorial, 56. Cooper s Lionel Lincoln, 59, 67 ; Na val History of the United States, 88. 300 ; Pilot, 212 ; Spy, a novel, 206 ; Travelling Bachelor 234. Copp s Hill, Boston, 69. Cornwallis, Life by Ross, 163 ; corre spondence, 220, 249 ; answer to Clin ton, 245 ; marches, map of, 220 ; in North Carolina, 249 ; in Virginia, 253 ; besieged, 255. Cornwallis and Clinton controversy, 256. Cow Chase, by Andr<, 224. Cowell s Spirit of Seventy-Six in Rhode Island, 84. 167. Cowley s surveys, 222. Cowpens, 248 Craft s journal at Cambridge, 62. Crafts, William, address, 95. Cragie House, Cambridge, 61. Crapo s address, 196. Crawford s expedition, 262. Creasy s Decisive Battles of the World, 147. Crown Point, 91. Cruger, Colonel, 210. Cullum, General W., Sketch of Mont gomery, 85. Cunningham, A., Paul Jones, 212. Cunningham correspondence, 105. Curtis, G. W., 197 ; Concord oration, 32 ; on Saratoga, 153. Curwen s Journal, 78, 186. Cushing, Caleb, 191. Custis, Recollections of Washington, 126. DALZKLL, J. M., 276. Dan River, 249. 312 INDEX. Dana, Francis, in Russia, 214. Dana, R. II., Lexington address, 32. Danbury, 133. Danvers at Lexington, 31. Davis, Bancroft, Notes on Treaties, 179. Davis, N., 207. Davis s Life of Aaron Burr, 91, 232. Dawes, William, and Paul Revere, 26. Dawson s Battles of the United States, 27, 291 ; Major-General Putnam, 43 ; New York in the Revolution, llo. De Barras, 255. De Berniere s narrative, 25. De Brahm, 220. De Brett s Parliamentary Register, 263. De Costa, B. F., Fort George, 80 ; Nar rative of Events at Lake George, 136. D Estaing, 193, 194 ; at Savannah, 209. De Fersen s Journal, 256. De Fleury, Lieut.-Colonel, 205. De Grasse, Admiral, 255; defeated in West Indies, 271. De Ilass s Indian Wars, 192. De Kalb, 229 ; engages, 101 ; Life by Kapp, 168. De Lancey, editor of Jones s New York, etc., 78, 289. De Peyster, J. W., 145, 153, 189, 237. De Witt s Jefferson and American Democracy, 99. Deane, Charles, on Revere s Signals, 26 ; on Washington at Cambridge, 61 ; on the Convention with Bur- goyne, 151. Deane, Silas, 72, 176 ; in Paris, 99 ; Papers in relation to, 100. Dearborn, General Henry, on Bunker Hill, 49 ; journals, 284. Deas s Life of Izard, 176, 213. Definitive Treaty of Peace, 273. Delaware County, Smith s, 161. Delaware River, 164, 167 ; forts, 165. Deming, H. C., on Putnam, 53. Deming s oration, 133. Democratic Review, 191. Demont, William, 121. Denny s Journal, 253. Derby, E. H., 89. Des Barres s maps, 69. Detail and Conduct of the American War, 29, 131. Deuxponts, 226. Devens, Charles, on Bunker Hill, 45. Dexter, George, on the Cragie House, 61. Diamond Island Fight, 136. Dickinson, John, tracts, 9, 18, 103^ Diman s Address on PresccttTs capt ure, 134. Diplomacy in Continental luurope, 175. Diplomacy of the Revolution, 278; by Trescot, 177; of the United States, by Lyman, 177. Diplomatic Correspondence, 99, 278. Dodd, Stephen, 139. Doddridge s Notes on the Indian Wars, 199. Donne s Correspondence of George the Third, 23, 181. Donop, Count, 166. DoolittLe s Engravings of Concord Fight, 33. Doran s edition of Walpole s Last Jour nal, 22. Dorchester Heights, 66. Drake, F. S., History of Roxbury, 61 ; Mass. Society of Cincinnati, 275. Drake, S. A., on Bunker Hill, 41, 53 ; Historic Fields, etc., of Middlesex, 31 ; Landmarks of Boston, 8. Drake, S. G., Book of the Indians, 191 ; History of Boston, 3. Drake, man-of-war, 198. Drayton s American Revolution in South Carolina, 3. Dring s Jersey Prison Ship, 200. Duch6, Rev. Jacob, 172. Du Chesnoy s Theatre de la Guerre, 132. Duer s Life of Lord Stirling, 112. Dumas, C. W. F., 74. Dumas s Le Captaine Paul, 212. Dumas s Memoirs, 256. Dunlap, 234 ; History of New York, 17 Dunmore, 75. Du Portail in Stanhope s England, 161. Duval, Denis, 212. Dwight, Timothy, Travels in New England, 133. EARLE S English Premiers. 182. East Boston, by Sumner, 35. Eastburn s Survey, 164. Eberling on Steuben, 204. Eclectic Review, 181. Eddis s Letters from America, 7. Eden, 186. Edes s Boston Massacre oration, 12. Edes, Peter, diary, 64. Edinburgh Review, 181. Eelking s Deutsche Hulfstruppen, 108, 135 ; Leben von Riedesel, 108, 156. Eliot, Rev. Dr., letters from Boston, 64. Eliot s Biographical Dictionary, 49. Elizabethtown Point, 223. Ellet, Mrs., Domestic History of the Revolution, 282 ; Women of the Revolution, 139. INDEX. 313 Elliott s, C. W., History of New Eng land, 32. Ellis, G. E., on Bunker Hill, 37, 44, 67 ; Life of Count Rumford, 79, 252; Memoir of Sparks, 280: ora tion on the siege of Boston, 60. Elmer s Journal, 80. Eloquence of the Revolution, 283. Emerson, R. W., on the Concord fight, 28. Emerson, William, on the Concord fight, 28. Emmons, G. F., Navy of the United States, 300. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 297. Endicott on Leslie s expedition, 25. England, History of, by Adolphus, 2, 180, 292 ; under George III., by Bis- set, 85, 161 ; C. Knight s Popular History of, 111, 180, 293 ; History of, by Massey, 2, 180, 293 ; Constitu tional History of , by May, 2, 180; Pictorial History of , 4, 180, 293; History of, by Stanhope, 4, 180, 292 , commissioners of historical MSS., 30; political movements, 21, 96. English Commission on Historical MSS., 115. English Premiers, by Earle, 182. English, T. D., 95. Epochs of English History Series, 294. Epochs of Modern History Series, 294, Esnauts et Rapilly s map. 258. Esopus, 200 ; burned, 158. Essex County, New York, 80. Essex Gazette, 7. Essex Institute, Bulletin, 64; Collec tions, 51, 60 ; Proceedings, 25. Etonians, by Jesse, 182. Etting, Colonel, 106. Eustis s Letter, 93. Eutaw, 252. Evans s Map of the Colonies, 303; Middle British Colonies, 132. Everett, A. H., on Bunker Hill, 44; Life of Warren, 44. Everett, Edward, Concord address, 32 ; Mount Vernon Papers, 31, 297 ; Lexington address, 31; Life of Stark, 143 ; Life of Washington, 297. Ewald s Beyspiele Grosser Helden, 161 ; Feldzug der Hessen, 108. Exchange of prisoners, 201. Exiles in Virginia, by Gilpin, 163. FADEN, William, 68 ; collection of his maps in library of Congress, 161. Fairfield destroyed, 203. ^,lmouth burned, 71. Faneuil Hall, 66. Fanning, Colonel D., 220. f Farmers Letters, by Dickinson, 9 Farnham, Ralph, 54. Fast, Christian, Captivity of, 199. Fellows, John, Veil Removed, 52. Felt, Joseph B., Annals of Salem, 89 ; Massachusetts currency, 242. Feltman, William, journal, 254. Female Review, by 11. Mann, 47. Fenmrs orderly-book, 39. Ferguson, 237. Field, T. W., battle of Long Island, 109. Field-Book of the Revolution, by Los- sing, 3, 291. Finances, 242. Finch on Revolutionary Landmarks, 45. Finley s Siege of Quebec, 96. Fish, Colonel N., 115. Fishers Chart of Delaware River, 164, 167. Fisheries, and the treaty of peace, 271. Fitch, Asa, 139. Fitzrnaurice s Life of Shelburne, 4, 154. Flag adopted (1777), 129 ; History of, by Preble, 89. Flanders s Life of Jay, 16 ; Life of Rut- ledge, 17. Flassan s Diplomatic Francaise, 268. Fleet s Evening Post, 7. Fleet Prison at Esopus, 200. Fletcher, Ebenezer, narrative, 138. Fleury, Lieutenant, 141, 167. Flint s Western Monthly Review, 14. Fogg, Jeremiah, orderly-book, 63. Fonblanque s Life of Burgoyne, 91. Foote s Sketches of North Carolina, 3. Forayers, by Simms, 251. Force, Colonel Peter, on the Declara tion of Independence. 107 ; Ameri can Archives, 10, 28l ; his collec tion, 284. Foreign officers in the army, 171. Foreign relations (1779-1780), 213. Fort George, 80. Fortnightly Review, 261. Foster Papers, 284. Foucher s Siege du fort St. Jean 86. Fox, C. J., 96 ; Life and Times of, by Russell, 182; Memorials and Cor respondence, by Russell, 96 ; in the Shelburne cabinet, 265. treaty with, 178 ; would curtail the American boundaries, 213. Frank Leslie s Pictorial, 45. 314 INDEX. Franklin, Benjamin, Life by Bigelow, 4 ; by Parton, 4 ; by Sparks, 4 ; and the Stamp Act, 4 ; Proceedings of the Congress, 19 ; on the Boston Resolutions, 23 ; progress of the difference, etc., 25 ; arrives in Paris, 101 ; in Europe, 175 ; in Paris, 213 ; negotiates for peace, 266 ; unpopu larity in England, 266 ; portrait by Greuze, 273 ; suit of Manchester velvet, 273 ; Works, edited bv W. T. Franklin, 9; Works, edited by Sparks, 18. Fraser s Magazine, 212. Frederick the Great, by Carlyle, 14 ; his relation with the American Congress, 177. Freeman s Farm, 145. French auxiliaries, 194, 225 ; fleet, 193 ; fleet in the West Indies, 209 ; histories of the war, 294 ; participa tion in the war, 295 ; troops in Vir ginia, 253. Friends. See Quakers. Frog Neck, 118. Frothingham, Richard, Alarm of April 18th, 26; Bunker Hill, 52; Rise of the Republic, 2; Siege of Boston, 15 ; Warren and his Times, 6. Fry and Jefferson s maps, 258. Furman s Antiquities of Long Island, 113. GAGE, General Thomas, 8. Galaxy, The, 45, 233. Gallatin s North Eastern Boundary, 269. Galloway, Joseph, 78; before the Commons, 78 ; Letters to a Noble man, 131 ; Letter to Lord Howe, 198 ; plan of adjustment, 18 ; Rise and Progress of the American Rebellion, Gammel, Life of Samuel Ward, 88. Gansevoort, Colonel, 140. Garden s Anecdotes of the Revolu tion, 95, 218. Gardner, A. B., Rhode Island Line, 196. Garneau s History of Canada, 85. Gascoigne, 220. Gaspee, destruction of the, 13. Gates, General Horatio, Life in Head- ley s Washington, etc. ,91; sent to Canada, 91 ; Schuyler s dispute about command, 136 ; in command of the northern army, 144 : and the Con way Cabal, 168 ; in Carolina, 228 ; his relations with Washington, 228 ; his papers, 284. i General Records of the war, 277. i Genoese ambassador in London, 295. i Gentleman s Magazine, 4, 285. j Geographische Belustigungen, 303. j George III., Reign of, bv Belsham, 292; Memoirs of his court, 265; Correspondence with Lord North, 1 23 ; his letters, 181 ; reign of, 180 ; its social aspects, 182; his charac ter, 181. Georgia, 209, 221 ; Stevens s History of, 74 ; map of, 220 ; conquered by Wayne. 262. Gerard, the French minister, 179, 214 ; his papers, 295. German Flats, 76. German town, 164. Gerry, Elbridge, Life by Austin, 8. Gertrude of Wyoming, 191. Geschichte der Kriege in und aus Europa, 57. Gibbon, 182. Gibbs s Diary, 195. Gibbs, R. W., Documentary History of American Revolution, 3, 218. Oilman, Caroline, Eliza Wilkinson, 210. Gilman, Mrs. C. H., on the Tea-party, Gilpin s Exiles in Virginia, 163. Girardin s History of Virginia, 75. Gleig s Chelsea Pensioners, 157 ; Day on the Neutral Ground, 206. Gloucester, Mass., History by Babson, 88. Gloucester, Va., 256. Glover s orderly-book, 63, 195. Golden Hill, 33. Goodell s centennial address, 16. Goodrich, Chauncey, 203. Gookin s diary, 207. Gordon, Colonel Cosmo, 223. Gordon s History of Pennsylvania, Gordon, William, American Revolu tion, 28, 46 : his history, 286 ; com mencement of hostilities, 28 ; Thanksgiving services, 21. Gouge s Paper Money, 242. Graham, Lieut. General Samuel, 203. Graham s Life of Morgan, 83, 219, 248. Graham on the invasion of North Carolina, 218. Grahame s United States, 15, 290. Graphic (newspaper) Centennial, 65. Graves, Admiral, 255. Gravesend, 109. Gray, F. C.,295. Gray, John, last soldier of the Revo lution, 276. INDEX. 315 Graydon s Memoirs, 109. Great Britain, Administrations of by Lewis, 181; Military Memoirs, etc., by Beatson, 292 ; treaty with France, 273. Green Mountain Boys, 81. Green, Dr. Ezra, 198. Green, Samuel A., 205, 211 ; editor of Deuxpont s Journal, 226. Green s Short History of the English People, 294. Greene, Albert G., 200. Greene, Gardiner, 64. Greene, G. W., German Element in the War, 108 ; Historical View of American Revolution, 2. Greene, Nathanael, Life by G. W. Greene, 60, 244 ; Life by Johnson, 160 ; quartermaster-general, 171 ; at the South, 238, 244; in South Carolina, 250 ; papers, 285. Greenwood, Grace, Forest Tragedy, 193. Grenadier Guards, by Hamilton, 113. Grenville sent to Paris, 265. Grenville s papers, 185. Greuze ; s portrait of Franklin, 273. Grey, General, 162. Greyslaer, by Hoffman, 193. Griffiths, William, Historical Notes of the American Colonies, 2. Grigby, H. B., 98. Griswold, C.,255. Griswold, Fort, 254. Grosvenor, L., on Bunker Hill, 52. Groton, Conn., 254. Groton, Mass., History of, by Butler, Guilford, 249. Guizot s France, 178. Gvissefeld, map of United States, 270. HADDEN, Lieutenant, 155. Hageman, J. F., History of Princeton, 126. Haid, 234. Hale, E. E., List of Faden Maps, 113 ; One Hundred Years Ago, 26 ; Paul Jones and Dennis Duval, 212. Hale, Nathan, 115, 234. Hall, Hiland, 80. Hall s Civil War in America, 117, 288. Hall s History of Vermont, 143. Hamilton, Alexander, 298 ; Life by J. C. Hamilton, 72, 189, 298 ; Life by J. T. Morse, 298; Tracts, 19; Views on Finance, 243 ; papers, 285. Hamilton, J. C., Republic of the United States, 191, 298 ; Contro versy with W. B. Reed, 299. Hamilton, Schuyler, History of the National Flag, 129. Hamilton s Grenadier Guards, 113, 162. Hancock, John, 73 : Oration on Bos ton Massacre, 2l ; House, 66, 73 ; papers, 73, 284. Harlem Plains, 118. Harper s Monthly, 14. Harrington, Jonathan, 33. Harris, Lord, Life by Lushington, 42, Hartley, C. B., Heroes of the South, 219. Harkey, David, 183, 186 ; in Paris, 273. Harte, Bret, Thankful Blossom, 217. Hartford, Washington and Rochanv- beau at, 227. Hartford Daily Courant, 79. Hartford Post, 52. Haven, C. C., Annals of Trenton, 125 ; Historical Manual, 122; Thirty Days in New Jersey, 122 ; Washing ton in New Jersey, 122. Haven, 8. F., Jr., Bibliography of the American Press, 5. Hawks s Battle of Alamance, 5, Hawley, General Joseph, Address, 204. Hawthorne s Septimius Felton, 33. Hay-ad-ros-se-ra, 153. Hayne, Isaac, 252. Hazard, W. P., editor of Watson s An nals, 262. Hazard s Pennsylvania Archives, 180. Hazard s Register, 240. Hazewell, C. C., 181. Head of Elk, 159. Headley f J. T., 153 ; Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution, 283 ; Mis cellanies, 211 ; Washington and his Generals, 145, 292. Heath s Memoirs, 30 ; Diary at Cam bridge, 60 ; on the Hudson, 202, 254 ; papers, 119, 164, 284. Heckerwelder s Moravian Missions, 199. Henley, Colonel, trial of, 150. Henrick, Captain, a Hessian, 172. Henry, Patrick, 199 ; Life by Wirt, 3. Henry s Kennebec journal, 83. Henshaw, William, orderly-book, 63. Herbert, Charles, Relics of the Revo lution, 200. Herkimer, General, 140. Herkiiner County, by Benton, 140. Hessians, 108, 135. Higginson, T. W., 106. Hill, G. W., Captivity of C. Fast, 199. Hilliard d Auberteuil s Essais his- toriques, 59 ; Administration de Lord North, 303. 316 INDEX. Hills, John, Plan of Fort Clinton, etc., 159. Hinman, Connecticut in the Revolu tion, 48, 133 ; Hist. Collections, 203. Historical Magazine, 4. Hobkirk s Hill, 250. Hodgson s Report of Preston s Trial, Hoffman, C. F., Greyslaer, 193. Holland, E. G., Highland Treason, 235. Holland s, H. W., William Dawes, etc., 26. Holland, J. G., Western Massachu setts, 79. Holland, Major, surveys, 69, 302. Holland, treaties with, 267. Holland and the United States, 178. Holland Purchase, 244. Hollis, History of, by Worcester, 147. Hollister s History of Connecticut, 80. Holmes, Abiel. American Annals, 290. Holmes, 0. W., Grandmother s Story of Bunker Hill, 59. Hood, Commodore, 8. Hopkins, Commodore, 88; papers, 284. Hopkinson s Battle of the Kegs, 173. Hostilities cease, 275. Hough, F. B., 141, 207, 209 ; on the convention of 1780, 225 ; Northern Invasion. 237 ; on the siege of Char leston, 221. Houghton, G. F., 142. Hours at Home, 100. How, David, diary at Cambridge, 63. How, II. K., 125. Howard, Colonel, J. E., 165. Howard, Lieut. Colonel, 248. Howe, Lord, at Rhode Island, 193 ; naval conduct, 198. Howe, Sir William, arrives, 97 , nar rative of his conduct, 111 ; as com missioner for peace, 113 ; contro versy with Galloway, 131; evacu ates the Jerseys, 133 ; Philadelphia campaign, 159 ; in Philadelphia, 172 ; returns to England, 173. Howison s Virginia, 151. Rowland, John, Life by Stone, 126. Hozier s Invasion of England, 186. Hubbardton, History by Churchill 138. Hubley s diary, 207. Huddy, Captain, hung, 262. Hudson, Charles, Doubts concerning Bunker Hill, 44 ; History of Lexing ton, 31. Hudson, Frederick, on Concord fight, 32 ; Journalism in the United States, 7, 283. ludson River Campaign (1776), 92 ; obstructions, 92 ; Clinton s cam paign on the, 157. Hughes, G. R. T., on the Tea-party, 13. Hughes, Thomas, on Franklin, 175, 267. Hull, General William, Revolutionary Services, 61. Humphrey s Life of Putnam, 35, 50. Hunt s American Merchants, 89, 243. Hunt, L. L., Notes on Montgomery, 85. Hunter, ship, 224. Huntington s History of Stanford, 79. Hutchinson, Colonel Israel, orderly- book, 63. Hutchinson, Governor Thomas, let ters, 9; History of Massachusetts, 1 ; papers, 284. IMLAY S Western Territory, 199. Impartial History of the War in Amer ica, 70, 286, 288. Independence declared, 103 ; spirit of, 102. Independence Hall, 106. Indian Miscellany by Beach, 139. Indian Wars, by De Haas, 192. Indians, Book of the. by S. G. Drake, 191. Indians in the War, 75, 139, 192, 199, 206 ; Sullivan s expedition against, 206 ; depredations in 1778, 190. Iredell, Life by McRee, 16, 218. Ireland, state of, 271. Irvine, General, 82, 189. Irving s Life of Washington, 17. Izard, Ralph, 128, 176, 213. JACKSON, Andrew, by Parton, 219. James, Colonel, plan of Fort Moul- trie, 95. James, Thomas, 222. James s Life of Marion, 219. James s Naval History of Great Brit ain, 198. Jameson s Constitutional Conven tions, 283. Jasper, Sergeant William, 95. Jay, John, Life of, by Flanders, 16 ; by Jay, 16 ; minister to Spain, 178 ; and the peace negotiations, 267. Jay, John, Oration, 119. Jefferson, Life by Parton, 16 ; by Ran dall, 16 ; by De Witt, 99 ; by Tucker, 17 ; drafts the Declaration of In dependence, 105 ; Notes on Virginia, INDEX. 317 102 ; Writings, 17 ; papers, 284 ; Governor of Virginia, 246. Jeffery s American Atlas, 58 ; map of New England, 57. Jeffries, Dr., on General Warren s death, 54. Jemison, Mary, Life by Seaver, 207. Jenkins, H. M., 161. Jenkins s Wyoming Address, 191. Jennings Memorials of a Century, 143. Jersey City, 205. Jersey prison ship, 200. Jerseys, campaign in, 122 ; evacuated by Howe, 133. TTesse s Etonians, 182; George III., 181 ; Selwyn and his Contempo raries, 184. Johnson, Fort, 220. Johnson, Sir John, 77. Johnson, Joseph, American Revolu tion, 218. Johnson, J. G., 299. Johnson s Taxation no Tyranny, 22. Johnson, Judge, on Pulaski,2lO; Life of N. Greene, 160, 244. Johnson s History of Salem, N. J., 173. Johnson s Traditions of the American Revolution, 95. Johnston, H. P., campaign of 1776, 93 ; Stony Point, 204. Johnstown, 77. Jones, C. C., Jr., 209; on Sergeant Jasper, 95. Jones, Paul, 88 ; 198, 211 ; Lives of, 211. Jones, Judge, 77 ; New York in the Revolutionary War, 10, 77, 288. KAPP S Life of De Kalb, 168 ; of Steuben, 171, 204 ; Soldatenhandel, 108, 156. Katherine Walton, by Simms, 251. Kearsley s American Gazette, 9. Kellogg, Lewis, address, 137. Kennebec expedition (1775), 82. Kennedy, John P., Horseshoe Robin son, 222 ; Memoir of Wm. Wirt, 20. Kentucky, History of, by Butler, 198 ; Collins s Historical Sketch of, 199. Keppel, Admiral, 198. Kidder, Frederic, Boston Massacre, 11 ; Eastern Maine, 224 ; First New Hampshire Regiment, 152. King, C., 189. King, D. P., on Danvers at Lexington, 31 King, General, 237. King s Ferry, 203. King s Mountain, 237. Kirkland s Washington, 297. Knickerbocker Magazine, 110. Knight, C., Popular History of Eng land, 111, 180, 293. Knowlton, Colonel, 47. Knox, Gen. Henry, Life by Drake, 61 ; expedition to Ticonderoga, 61 ; pa pers, 284. Knyphausen, 216. LADY S MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, 173 Lafayette s Memoirs, 101 ; engages, 101 ; scheme of invading Canada, 171 ; at Barren Hill, 173 ; and D Es- taing, 194 ; and the French Govern ment, 225 ; In Europe, 241 ; in Vir ginia, 247, 253. Lamb, Sergeant, Journal of Occur rences, 42. Lamb, Samuel, Memoirs by Leake, 4. Lambdin s address, 165. L Amoreaux s address, 153. Landais, Peter, and Paul Jones, 211. Langdon, President of Harvard Col lege, 74. Langworthy s Life of Charles Lee, 188. Last Men of the Revolution, 303. Lattre s Map of the United States, 270. Laurens, Henry, Correspondence by Moore, 207 ; captured, 215 ; in Paris, 268. Laurens, Lieut. Colonel, 167, 331 ; and finance, 243. Lauzun, Due de, 226. Laws, Vincennes, 199. Leach, John, diary in Boston, 64. Leake s Memoirs of General Samuel Lamb, 4. Lear, Washington s secretary, 232. Leboucher s Historic de la Guerre, 227 ; Guerre de I Inde pendunce, 294. Ledyard, Colonel, 254. Lee, Arthur, in London, 99; in Eu rope, 175 ; in Paris, 213 ; and the French Alliance, 267 ; Life of, 300. Lee, Gen. Charles, Memoirs, 114, 121 ; taken prisoner, 122 ; Treason of, by Moore, ll ; 2, 130 ; court-martialed for Moiimouth, 188 ; Life by Shirks 188 ; Life by Langworthy, 188. Lee. llenry, 205 ; Campaign of 1781, 244. Lee, Gen. Henry, Memoirs of the War, 42 245. Lee, R. H., Life by Lee, 16, 300 ; drafts addresV, 72. Lee, William, Commissioner to Ber lin, 128 Lee, William, orderly-book, 63. 318 INDEX. Lee Papers, 284, 300 ; in American Philosophical Society s library, 67 ; in Harvard College library, 27. Le Marchant s edition of Walpole s George the Third, 22, 182. Lendrum s American Revolution, 287. Leonard, Daniel, 19. Leslie in Virginia, 238. Leslie s expedition to Salem, 25. Lester, C. E., Our First Hundred Years, 292. Letters to a Nobleman, 123. Lewis, G. C., Administrations of Great Britain, 181. Lewis s Chester County, 161. Lexington fight, 26 ; History of by Hudson, SI. Lincoln, Gen. Benjamin, Life by Bowen, 147 ; at Saratoga, 151 ; at Savannah, 209 ; at Charleston, 221 ; in Virginia, 254. Lincoln s History of Worcester, 21. Linwoods, a novel by Miss Sedgwick, 305. Lionel Lincoln, by Cooper, 59, 67. Lippincott s Magazine, 161. Literature of the Revolution, 305. Livermore, George, on negroes as sol diers, 304. Living Age, 8. Livingston, R. R., 241, 260, 278. Livingston, William, Life by Sedg wick, 17. Loans in Europe, 242. Lomenie s Life of Beaumarchais, 100, 176. London Chronicle, 27. London Magazine, 57, 285. Longfellow s Paul Revere, 26. Long Island and its histories, 78 ; battle of, 109 ; Furman s Antiqui ties of, 113 ; loyalists, 262. Long Island Historical Society, Me moirs, 109. Lord, 234. Loring s, G. B., Speech at Salem, 25. Loring, J. S., Hundred Boston Ora tors, 11 ; on Gordon s historv, 287. Lossing, B. J., Field-Book of the Rev olution, 291 ; Life of Schuyler, 71 ; Washington, 297. Loubat s Medallic History of the United States, 67. Loughborough, Life by Campbell, 22. Louis XVI., by Capefigue, 214. Lowell, J. R., Concord ode, 32 ; Un der the Great Elm, 62. Lowell, John, on Bunker Hill, 50. Lowell, Robert, Burgoyne s Last March, 146. Lovell, General, 208. Loyalists, 76, 77, 155, 220, 289 ; and the peace, 271. Ludlow s War of American Indepen dence, 294. Lunt, Paul, diary at Cambridge, 62. Lushington s Life of Lord Harris, 42. Luzerne, French minister, 207, 226. Ly man s Diplomacy of the United States, 177, 263. Lynn Haven Bay, 255. MADISON, Life by Rives, 16 ; views on finance, 243 ; papers, 178, 284 ; Writings, 98. McAlpine s Memoirs, 153. Macaulay s Essay on Chatham, 182. McCartney s Origin of the United States, 2. McClure s diary, 28. McCormick s edition of Peters s His tory of Connecticut, 15. McCrea, Jane, Miss, murdered, 138 ; Life by D. Wilson. 138 ; a tale by Hilliard d Auberteuil, 139. McCurlin, Daniel, journal at Cam bridge, 63. McFingal, by Trumbull, 10. Mackay s United States, 293. McKean s letter, 104. Mackenzie, Alex., on Washington at Cambridge, 61 ; Cambridge at Lex ington, 31. Mackenzie, R., Strictures on Tarleton, 219. MacKinnon s Coldstream Guards, 113. Macmillan s Magazine, 8. McRee s Life of Iredell, 16, 218. McSherry s History of Maryland, 16. Magazine of American History, 4. Magazines, value of, 286. Magoon s Orators of the Revolution, 74, 283. Mahon s History of England, 4, 292. Maine, History of, by Williamson, 71, 208 : as New Ireland, 224 ; boun dary dispute, 269 ; Her Place in His tory, 270. i Maine Historical Society Collections, 59, 224. Maine, H. C., on Burgoyne s Cam paign, 1531 Manchester, N. H., History by Potter, 48. Manley, Captain, 88. Mann, Herman, the Female Review, 47. Manuscript sources, 284. Maps of the war, 302. Marion, Francis, 219; Life by James, INDEX. VVoV 219 ; Life by Simms, 219 : Life by Weems, 219. Marbois, Complot d Arnold, etc.. 234 : his letter intercepted, 268. Margaretta at Machias, 35. Marsh, L. R., on General Woodhull, 110. Marshall, Christopher, diary, 28, 72. Marshall ; s Life of Washington, 17. Marshfield expedition, 25. Martial law in the Revolution, 304. Marten s Keceuil de Traite s, 179. Martin, Chaplain, 54. Martin s History of North Carolina, 8. Martyrs to the Revolution, by Taylor, 200. Maryland, History by McSherry, 16. Maryland Line, by Balch, 63, 247. Maryland Historical Society s Trans actions, 87 ; publications, 229. Mason, George, 199, 202. Massachusetts, History of, by Barry, 2 ; by A. Bradford, 21 ; by Hutchin- son, 1 ; by Minot, 1 ; Western, by Holland, 79 ; assumes sovereign power, 98 ; Constitution (1780), 224 ; Currency by Felt, 242. Massachusetts Gazette, 7. Massachusetts Historical Society s Li brary Catalogue, 5 ; Collections, 7; Proceedings, 3. Massachusetts Kalendar, 11. Massachusetts Magazine, 33, 66. Massachusetts Provincial Congress Journals, 27. Massachusetts State Papers, by A. Bradford, 6. Massachusetts State Register, 13. Massachusetts Society of Cincinnati, 275. Massachusetts Spy, 7. Massachusettensis, 19. Massey s History of England, 2. Matthews, General, his journal, 231. Mauduit, Israel, 174; on Sir William Howe, 120. May s Constitutional History of Eng land, 2, 288. Maynard, Needham, on Bunker Hill, Maxwell, Major T., on Bunker Hill, 51. Mecklenberg, Declaration of Indepen dence, 34. Medcalfe s Map, 157. Medical Men of the Revolution, 283. Meigs s Kennebec journal, 83. Mellish and Tanner s Seat of War, 132. Melville. Herman, 40 ; Israel Potter, 212. >* 319 Melvin s Kennebec journal, 83. Mercer, General, 126. Mercer, Fort, 166. Meredith, Sir William, 186. Methodists and the War, 283. Middlebrook Camp, 202. Middlesex, Historic Fields of, by Drake, 31. Mifflin, Fort, 166. Miles, Colonel Samuel, 110. Military Journals, etc., 28. Military Pocket Atlas, 127. Miner, Charles, History of Wyoming, Minot s History of Massachusetts, 1. Mischianza, 173. Mississippi River and its navigation, Mohawk Valley Indians, 75, 192. Monmouth, 188. Montgomery, General Richard, 82, 85 ; Life by Armstrong, 82 ; by Gen. Cullum. 85 ; oration on, by William Smith, 85 ; notes on, by L. L. Hunt, 85. Montgomery, Fort, 158. Montfcello, 263. Montreal, 82, 84. Montresor, 164. Moore, Frank, American Eloquence, 283 ; Ballad History of the Revolu tion, 31; Correspondence of Henry Laurens, 207 ; Diary of the Revolu tion, 27, 282 ; Materials for History, 167 ; Songs and Ballads of the Rev olution, 173, 194, 282. Moore, George II., on negroes as sol diers, 304 ; Treason of Charles Lee, 122, 130. Moore, Thomas, Life of Sheridan, 22. Moorsom s Fifty -second Regiment, 42. Moravian Missions, 199. Morgan, Daniel, 219 ; Life by Graham, 83, 146 ; with Gates, 146 ; at Cow- pens, 248 ; papers, 248. Morley, J. L., Morton s Hope, 305. Morley s Edmund Burke. 107. Morris, Gouverneur, 183 ; Life by Sparks, 10. Morris, Robert, financier, 104, 243. Morris, General, letter, 94. Morristown, 2l7 ; Wayne at, 240. Morsman, Oliver, on Bunker Hill, 40. Morton, Perez, on General Warren, 54,97. Morton, Robert, 163. Morton s Hope, by Morley, 305. Mott, 79. Moultrie s Memoirs of the American War, 218. 320 INDEX. Moultrie, Fort, 94. Mount Defiance, 136. Mount Vernon Papers, by Everett, 297. Mouzon, 220. Mud Island, 166. Mtigge, T., Paul Jones. 212. Muhlenberg, General, Life of , 160 ; in Virginia, 239. Mulford s History of New Jersey, 17, 242. Muller s Americana, 178. Miiller s Geographische Belustigun- gen, 70. Murray s Impartial History of the American War, 57. Murray s War in America, 288. Muskingum, 262. Muzzey, A. B., on Lexington fight, 32. NARRAGANSETT BAY, plans of, 196, 228. National Intelligencer, 165. National Quarterly Review, 235. National Repository, 158. Naval Actions (1778), 197. Naval Chronicle, 109. Naval Histories, 300. Naval losses of Great Britain, 215. Navy, beginnings of, 87. Neal, John, 290 ; Seventy-Six, a novel, 305. Negroes as soldiers, 304. Neilson on Saratoga, 147, 153. Netherlands, 129 ; war with England, 215. Neutral Ground, 205. Newall s diary in Boston, 64. Newark Daily Advertiser, 126. New Bedford, History by Ricketson, 196 ; British at, 196. Newburgh, Washington s headquar ters, 275 : addresses, 274. Newburyport, by E. V. Smith, 89. New England, History of, by C. W. ),57 ; Elliott, 32 ; Jeffery : s map of, 71. New England Chronicle, 39. New England Historical and Genea logical Register, 6. New England Magazine, 233. New Englander, 53. Newfoundland Banks, 271. New Hampshire, History by Belknap, 197; Provincial Papers, 47; adju tant-general s reports, 47 ; first re giment, 152 ; at Bunker Hill, 47. New Hampshire Historical Society s Collections, 47. Newhall, Thomas, diary, 13. New Haven invaded, 203. New Haven Palladium, 237. New Ipswich, History of, 48. New Ireland, 224. New Jersey, History by Mulford, 17, 242. New Jersey, Historical Collections, Barker and Howe, 189. New Jersey Historical Society s Pro ceedings, 80. New London, 254; History by Caul- kins, 89. Newport, 197 ; plan of, 196 ; the French at, 226. New York City , History by Booth, 114 ; by W. L. Stone, 59 ; Campaign about (1776), 93 ; Washington in (1776), 114; occupied by the Brit ish, 115, 202 ; burned, 116 ; in 1778, 190 ; French fleet at, 193 ; British in, 223 ; threatened by Washing ton, 227 ; evacuated, 276 ; maps, 117, 276, 302. New York in the Revolution, 114. New York in the Revolutionary War, by Jones, 10. New York State History, by Dunlap, 7 ; Documentary History, 74 ; Docu ments on Colonial History, 10. New York Provincial Congress, 75 ; Last Provincial Assembly Proceed ings, 10. New York Constitution, 98. New York State, Maps of the Province of, 159 ; Calendar of Historical MSS., 121 ; State Calendar, 82. New York City Manual, 112. New York Evangelist, 233. New York Herald, 45. New York Tribune, 231. New York Historical Society s Library Catalogue, 5 ; Collections, 5. Newspaper Literature, by Bucking ham, 7. Newspapers of the Revolution, 282. Niles s Principles and Acts of the Revolution, 6, 281. Niles s Register, 31, 105, 214, 235. Ninety-Six besieged, 251. Noddle s Island, 35. Norman, J., 70. Norris, Major, journal, 207. North, Lord, 96 ; his character, 182 ; his cabinet, 185; his Correspondence with George the Third, 23, 181 ; his ministry, fall of, 263. North American Review, 20. North Carolina, 94, 222, 237 ; Regu lators, 5 ; Caruther s Revolutionary INDEX. 321 Incidents, 218 ; W. D. Cooke s Revo lutionary History of, 218 ; Foote s Sketches of, 3 ; Graham on the In vasion of, 218 : Revolutionary His tory by Jones, 3 ; History of, by Martin, 3; Map of, 220. North Carolina University Magazine, North Eastern Boundary, 269 Northfield, Mass., History by Temple, North Western Territory, 198, 270. Norton s Pioneer Missionaries 192 Notes and Queries, 215. Nourse, Michael, on R. Morris, 243. Novanglus, 20. Nova Scotia Gazette, 209. Novels, 305. Nuts for Historians to Crack, 299. O CALLAGHAN S Burgoyne s Orderly- Book, 148. Ohio State Journal, 172. Old Continental, novel by Paulding 305. Oliver, Lieut. Governor, Letters, 9. Olney, Life by Williams, 110. Onderdonk, Henry, History of Queens and Suffolk counties, 79, 262. Orators of the Revolution, by Ma- goon, 73, 283. Oriskany, 139. Osgood, Samuel, on Bunker Hill, 45 ; New York under British rule, 129. Oswald sent to Paris, 265. Oswego, 139. Otis, G. W., 295. Otis, James, Life by Tudor, 1 ; Rights of the Colonies, 2. PACKARD, A. S., on Bunker Hill Monument, 59. Paige : s History of Cambridge, 60. Paige s Map of Boston, 70. Paine, Samuel, Letter from Boston, 64. Paine, Thomas, 163, 176, 261 ; Com mon Sense, 98 ; Public Good, 270. Palfrey, J. G., 293. Palmer s Lake Champlain, 80. Palmer s Plan of Fort Montgomery, Paoli, l62. Paper money, 242. Parker, Commodore F. H., on the Mar- garetta, 35. Parker, Francis J., on Bunker Hill, 53. Parker, Sir Peter, 94. Parker, Theodore, 33 ; Historic Ameri cans, 297. 21 Parliamentary History 2 ; Journals, 285 ; Register, 154, 285. Partisan leaders, 219. Parton, James, Life of Aaron Burr 83 ; Life of Frauklin, 4 ; Life of An drew Jackson, 219 ; Life of Jeffer son, 10 ; Washington, 297 ; History of Caricature, 304. Pattison, Maj. Gen. James, 203. Patriot Preachers of the Revolution t. Paulding, J. K., Old Continental 305 Washington, 297. Paulding, Captor of Andre" 232 Paulus Hook, 205. Peabody, A. P., oration at Cambridge, Peabody, 0. W. B., Life of Sullivan. 206. Peace, commissioners of, 241 ; nego tiations for (1782), 264 Peck s Wyoming, 191. Pelham, Henry, map of Boston, 70. Pemberton s Journal, 209. Penn Monthly, 244. Pennsylvania, History by Gordon, 17 ; in 1776, 98; martial law in, 225; navy board, 166 ; maps of, 161 ; Archives, 109, 240 ; line mutiny 240, 262 ; Hazard s Register of, 240. Pennsylvania Historical Society, 28. Pennsylvania Magazine of History, 4, 51, 172. Pennsylvania Packet, 231. Penobscot expedition (1779), 208. Pensacola, 253. Pentaget, 208. Percy, Earl, 29. Percy papers, 229. Perkins, J. II., 192. Peters, Hugh, History of Connecticut, Petersburg, 253. Philadelphia, contributions to Bos ton, 64 ; campaign (1777), 130, 159 : taken by Howe, 162 ; Howe in, 172 ; plans of, 164 ; British evacuate, , 187 ; in 1778, 190 ; riots (1779), 202. Philadelphia Gazette, 176. Philadelphia Library Catalogue, 163. Philadelphia Packet, 176. Philbrook, Thomas, 208. ~ helippeaux, 132. hillips, Payson, on Lexington fight, Phillips, General, in Virginia, 246. Phinney s Battle of Lexington, 30. hysicians of the Revolution, 283. ickering, Timothy, Life by Pickering and Upham, 25 ; Review of Cunning. 322 INDEX. ham Correspondence, 105 ; papers, 285. Pictorial History of England, 293. Pigot, General, 195. Pilot, novel by Cooper, 212. Pinckney, C. C., on Brandywine, 160. Pinckney, Thomas, 228. Pine-tree banner, 70. Pirtle, H., 198. Pitkin s United States, 15, 290. Pittsfield, Mass., History by Smith, 79. Political aspects of the war, 300. Political Magazine, 58, 228. Poore, Ben : Perley, 303. Porte Crayon s Shrines of Old Vir ginia, 259. Portfolio, 49. Portland, History of, by Willis, 71 ; Journal of Smith and Deane, 71. Portraits, 301. Potter, Israel R., 40. Potter s American Monthly, 33. Potter s History of Manchester, N. H., Pouchot s Late War, 141. Pownall s map, 124, 302. Poyntz, L., on Bunker Hill, 45. Preakness camp, 237. Preble, G. H., History of the Flag, 89 ; Three Historic Flags, 211. Prescott, Colonel, on Bunker Hill, 37. Prescott, General, captured, 134. Preston, Captain, 11. Preston, H. B. M. ship, 64. Preston, J. S., 238. Price, Ezekiel, diary at Cambridge, 62. Prime, N. S., History of Long Island, 79. Princeton, 126 ; History of, by Hage- man, 126. Principles and Acts of the Revolution, by Niles, 6. Printing, History of, by Thomas, 5. Prisoners of war, 199 ; exchange of, 201. Privateers, 88. Protests of the lords, 4, 182. Provisional treaty of peace, 272. Provost, General, 210. Public Advertiser, 25. Pulaski, Count, 210 ; Life by Sparks, 210. Pulpit of the Revolution, by Thorn ton, 7, 233. Pulsifer, David, on Bunker Hill, 41. Pursell s map of United States, 270. Purviance s Baltimore in the Revolu tion, 3. Putnam, Daniel, 49. Putnam, Israel, by Dawson, 53 ; by Humphreys, 35 ; by Tarbox, 35 ; Whitney s sermon at death, 48 ; in New York, 92 ; deceived by Clinton (1777), 157. QUAKER HILL, 196. Quakers in the war, 163. Quarterly Review, 100, 181. Quebec, 84 ; Quebec Act, 270 ; Que bec Literary and Historical Society s Transactions, 83. Queen s Rangers, 173, 247. Quincy, Mrs. E. S. M., Memoirs, 122. Quincy, Edmund, letters, 65. Quincy, Josiah, Life of, by Quincy, 1 ; Reports of cases, 1 ; Diary, 3. Quincy, Josiah, Journals of Samuel Shaw, 93 ; editor Grahame s His tory, 290. Quintin s Bridge, 173. RAMSAY S American Revolution, 85, 218, 287 ; Revolution in South Caro lina, 3 ; Washington, 297. Ramsour s Mills, 222. Rand, Avery & Co. s Bunker Hill Centennial, 51. Randall s Life of Jefferson, 16. Randolph, man-of-war, 19<. Ranger, man-of-war, 198. Rangers, by D. P. Thompson, 156. Rathburn, 255. Ratzen, Bernard, 117. Raum s History of Trenton, 125. Rawdon, Lord, 229 ; defeats Greene, 250. Raymond, H. J., 233. Read, Col. Charles, 299. Read, George, Life by Read, 16. Reading, engraver, 302. Rebels, a novel by L. M. Child, 305. Red Bank, 166. Reed Joseph, 225, 298 ; Life by W. B Reed, 13, 298 ; papers, 284. Reed, W. B. controversy with J. C. Hamilton, 299 ; Life of Joseph Reed, 280 ; on Washington s Letters, 280. Reed and Bancroft controversy, 299. Reed and Cadwalader controversy, 299. Reed, Esther, wife of Joseph Reed, 163. Regiments, Historical Records of Brit ish, 293. Regnault s Lafayette, 247. Regulators in North Carolina, 5. Reigart, J. F., History of United States Flag, 129. Remembrancer, Almon s, 285. Remer s Archiv, 156 Revere, Paul, 6B ; and his lanterns, 26. INDEX. 323 Revue Militaire Francajse, 227, 295. Reynolds, G., on Concord fight, 32. Rhode Island, 13 ; History by Arnold, 88, 194 ; Colonial Records, 123 ; Spirit of Seventy-Six in, 84 ; cam paign (1778), 193; waters, map of, 228 ; in the Continental Congress, 197. Rhode Island Line, by Gardner, 196. Rhode Island Historical Collections, 84. Rhode Island Historical Tracts 193. Richardson, Abby S., History of Our Country, 292. Ricketson s New Bedford, 196. Rider, S. S., 195, 207. Ridgefield, Conn., Teller s History of, 133. Ridpath s History of the United States, 2. Riedesel, Baron, Memoirs, 108, 135, 156 ; Life by Eelking, 108. Riedesel, Baroness, Memoirs, 135. Ripley s Fight at Concord, 30. Rise of the Republic, by Ero thing- ham, 2. Rise, Progress, etc., of the Dispute, 29. Ritzema, Colonel, 85. Rives s Life of Madison, 16. Rivington s Gazette, 55, 172, 283. Roberts, E. H., Address, 140. Robin s New Travels, 66, 226. Rochambeau arrives. 226 ; in Virginia, 254 ; Memoirs, 226 ; papers, 254. Rockingham, Prime Minister, 264; Correspondence, 180 ; and his Con temporaries, 4. Rocques, 302. Rodney, Admiral, defeats De Grasse, 271. Rodney, Caesar, 115. Roe s Near to Nature s Heart, 206. Rogers, J. E. T., edition of Protests of the Lords, 4, 182. Rogers, Rev. William, Diary, 207. Roman s Bunker Hill, 58 ; Seat of the Civil War, 69. Ross, Betsey, 129. Ross s Life of Cornwallis, 163 ; Corn- wallis Correspondence, 249. Roxbury, History of, by F. S. Drake, 61. Royal Gazette, New York, 283. Rurnford. Count, Life by Ellis, 79, 252. Rush, Richard, his Washington in Domestic Life, 232. Russell s Life and Times of Fox, 22 : Memorials and Correspondence of Fox, 22. Russia, Dana in, 214. Russian aid sought by Great Britain, 108. Rutledge, Life by Flanders, 17. Ruttenber s Obstructions in the Hud son, 92. SABIN S American Bibliopolist, 233. Sabine, Lorenzo, American Loyalists, 73, 78 ; Report on Fisheries, 88, 271. Sackville, Lord George, 154. Saff ell s Records of the Revolutionary War, 303. St. Clair, 126, 137. St. Johns, 82. St. Leger, 139. Salem, Felt s Annals of, 89; expedi tion to, 25. Salem, N. J., Johnson s History of, 173. Saltonstall, Commodore, 208. Sampson, Deborah, 47. Sanderson s Lives of the Signers, 72. Sands. Robert, Life of Paul Jones, 212. Sandy Hook, 117, 190. Sanguinet, Simon, 86. Saratoga, 147 ; medal for, 259. Sargent, L. M., Dealings with the Dead, 233. Sargent, Winthrop, Life of Major An dre", 80 ; Loyalist Poetry, 78, 282. Sargent s regiment, 63. Saturday Review, 236. Saulthier s maps, 117, 157. Savage, John, 108. Savannah captured (1778), 197 ; siege of (1779) ,209. Sayer and Bennett s maps, 113, lol. Scammans s court-martial, 39. Schlozer s Brief wechsel, ll8. Schoharie County, 77, 232. Schulenberg, Baron de, 156. Schuyler, G- L., on Bancroft s His tory, 145. Schuyler, General Philip, Life by Lossing, 71 ; controversy with Gates, 136 ; removed from command, 144. Scott, G. G., 153. Scott, Sir Walter, 181. Scott, Captain, 146. Scribe s La Bohe"mienne, 87. Scribner s Magazine, 15. Scudder, H. E., on Bunker Hill, 45 ; on the Siege of Boston, 60 ; Men and Manners of the Revolution, 282. Scull s map of Pennsylvania, 161. Scull and Heap s survey, 164. Seabury s tracts, 19. Seavers Mary Jemison, 207. Sedgwick, Catharine M., Liuwood-, 324 INDEX Sedgwick, Theodore, Life of William Livingston, 17. Sedgwick, Mrs., Walter Thornley, 239. Segur s Memoirs, 178, 226, 266. Selah, 52. Selwyn and his Contemporaries, 184. Senter s Kennebec journal, 83. Septimius Felton, by Hawthorne, 33. Serapis, man-of-war, 211. Seventy-Six, a novel by John Neal, 305. Seventy-six Society, 6, 78, 247- Sewall, Jonathan, 19. Seward, Anna, 233. Shattuck s History of Concord, 2/. Shaw, Samuel, Journals, 46, 93. Shea, John G., 255. Shelburne, Life by Fitzmaurice, 4. Shelburne, prime minister, 265, 2(3 ; papers, 264. Sheppard, J. H., Life of Samuel Tucker, 88. Sherburne, Andrew, Memoirs, 200. Sherburne s Life of Paul Jones, 211. Sheridan, R. B., Life by Moore, 22. Short, W. T. P., on Siege of Quebec, 86 Short enlistments, 225. Shucker, J. W., on Finances, 242. Shurtleff, N. B., Description of Bos ton, 8, 68. Silliman, General, on Harlem Plains, 118 ; on Saratoga battlefield, 147. Silliman s Journal, 45. Simcoe : s Journal of the Queen s Ran gers. 170, 247, 289. Simitiere, du, 301. Simms, W. G., History of South Caro lina, 219 ; Life of Marion, 219 ; Eu- taw, 251 ; Forayers, 251 ; Katharine Walton, 251; Mellichampe, a novel, 230; The Partisan, a novel, 230; The Scout, 251 ; Woodcraft, 251 ; Views and Reviews, 234. Simms s Schoharie County, 77, 232. _ Simpson and Campbell s surveys, 205. Six Nations, 75. Slavery, abolishment of, 241. Smith, Anthony, survey, 162. Smith, E. V., History of Newbury- port, 89. Smith, Joshua H., 231. Smith J. S., 229. Smith, T. M., Legends, 199. Smith, Noah, on Bennington, 143. Smith, S. A. on West Cambridge at Lexington, 31. Smith, Wm., on Montgomery, 85. Smith ; s Delaware County, 161. Smith s History of Pittsfield, 79. Smith and Deane s journal, 71. Smith and Watson s American His torical and Literary Curiosities, 174, 233, 302. Smyth, lectures on Modern History, 96, 181, 293. Snow : s History of Boston, 3. Snowden s medals of Washington, 67. Sotzmann s map of Virginia, 258. Soule" s Histoire des Troubles, 294. South Carolina, Gibbs s Documentary History, 218 ; History of, by Simms, 3, 219 ; American Revolution in, by Drayton, 3 ; Ramsay s Revolution in, 3 ; in 1776, 94 ; Greene in, 250 ; tories, 222 ; maps of, 220. South Carolina Historical Collections, 216. Southern Campaigns, 218. Southern Review, 78. Sou they ; s Vision of Judgment, 181. Spain and the United States, 177 ; ne gotiations with, 128 ; Jay in, 213 ; Lee in, 213. Sparks Jared, his historical labors, 278, 280; Memoir of , bj Ellis, 280; Life of Ethan Allen, 80 ; Life of Arnold, 80 ; Correspondence of the American Revolution, 80 ; Diplo matic Correspondence, 99 ; Life of Franklin, 4 ; Life of Gouverneur Morris, 10 ; Pulaski, 210 : Life and Writings of Washington, 13 ; papers, 284 ; Collection at Cornell Univer- Sparks and Mahon controversy, 279. Sprague s Annals of the American Pulpit, 283. Springfield, New Jersey, 223. Spy, novel by Cooper, 206. Stamford, Conn., History by Hunting- ton, 79. Stamp Act, 3. Stanhope s History of England, 4, 292 ; Miscellanies, 233. Stanley s Westminster Abbey, 233. Stanwix, Fort, 75, 139. Staples, W. R., on the Gaspee, 13 ; Rhode Island in the Continental Congress, 197. Stark, General John, 47, 142 ; Life by Caleb Stark, 143 ; Life by Edward Everett, 143. Stark, Major Caleb, 39. Staten Island expedition, 217, 223. Statesmen of George III., by Brough- Stedman s American War, 30, 289. Steuben, 204 ; Life by Kapp, Id ; Life by Bo wen, 171 ; inspector general, INDEX. 325 171; reorganizes army, 224 ; in Vir ginia, 238, 246; papers, 284. Stevens, Henry, Bibliotheca Historica, 19. Stevens, J. A., 195; on Burgoyne : s Campaign, 153 ; on Lafayette in Virginia, 247. Stevens, W. B., History of Georgia, 74. Stewart, Major, 205 Sti leg s Diary, 30. Stiles s History of Brooklyn, 93. Still water, 145. Stirling, Lord, 92 ; Life by Duer,112. Stokes, A., Constitutions of the Col onies, 2. Stone, Enos, journal, 138. Stone, E. M., Life of Rowland, 126; Invasion of Canada, 83, 166. Stone, W. L., life of Brant, 75 ; Bor der Wars, 191. Stone, W. L., Jr., History of New York City, 59 ; campaign of Burgoyne, 140,153. Stone s History of Wyoming, 191. Stony Point, 203. Street, A. B., on Saratoga, 147. Stryker s Reed Controversy, 2d9. Stuart s Life of Jonathan Trumbull, 4. Stuart, I. W., Life of Nathan Hale, 115. Stuart s Surveys, 220. Suffolk Resolves, 16. Sullivan, James, Life by Amory, 73. Sullivan, General John, his character 207 ; Life by 0. W. B. Peabody, 206 his Military Services, by T. C. Am ory , 206 ; in Canada, 91 ; sent to Con gress by Howe, 113 ; at Brandywine 160 ; in Rhode Island, 193 ; expedi tion against Indians, 206 ; papers, 285. Sullivan s Island, 94. Sumner, Charles, on the boundary, 269 ; on Franklin s portrait, 273. Sumner, George, 178. Sumner, W. H., on Hancock and Adams, 26; on Bunker Hill, 53; East Boston, 35. Sumter, 219; relations with Greene, 251. Swain, D. L., on the Cherokee expe dition, 77. Swett, Samuel, on Bunker Hill, 37, 50. Sylvester, N. B., 152. TALBOT, Commodore, Life by Tucker- Talmadge, Colonel B., 94, 163. Talmadge, Major, 232. Tannock s England during the Ameri can War, 294. Tarbox s Life of Putnam 34. Tarleton s Campaigns, 219 ; at Cow- pens, 248 ; in Virginia, 253. Tarry town, 230. Taylor, Eldad, Letters, 65. Taylor, George, Martyrs, 200. Tea-party, 13. Teller s History of Ridgefield, 133. Temple and Sheldon s History of Northfield, 91. Ternay, Admiral, 228. Thacher, Rev. Mr., 37. Thacher s Military Journal, 39, 2S2. Thackeray s Lectures on the Georges, 181 ; Dennis Duval, 212>. Thackeray s Life of Chatham, 185. Thankful Blossom, by Bret Harte, 217. Thayer, Judge, 165. Thayer s Kennebec journal, 83. Thomas, E. S., Reminiscences, 126. Thomas, Isaiah, History of Printing, 5 ; Massachusetts Kalendar, 11. Thomas, Gen. John, 90. Thompson, B. T., History of Long Island, 78. Thompson, D. P., Rangers, 157 ; Green Mountain Boys, 81. Thompson, J. P., United States as a Nation, 2. Thompson, General, at Three Rivers, 91. Thomson, Dr. William, 289. Thornton, Matthew, 103. Thornton s Pulpit of the Revolution, Three Rivers, 91. Ticonderoga, 79 ; evacuated (1777), 136. Toner, J. M., Medical Men, 283. Tories, 77, 78, 93. Totowa, camp, 237. Town, Ithiel, Particular Services, 89. Townshend, J., 161. Travelling Bachelor, by Cooper, 234. Treaties and Conventions of the United States, 268. Treaties of the United States, 179. Treaty between Great Britain and France, 273. Trenton, 124; Annals of, by C. C. Haven, 125 ; History by Raum, 126. Trescott s Diplomacy of the Revolu tion, 177. Troops, effective, in either army, 304. Troup, Col. Robert, 169. 326 INDEX. Trudruffrin, 162. Trumbull, Jonathan. Life by Stuart. 4 ; Papers, 284. Trumbull, Col. John, Autobiography, 3^ ; Picture of Bunker Hal, 58 ; McFingal, 10. Trumbull, J. H., 79. Tryon, Governor, 10, 125 ; invades Connecticut, 133, 203. Tryon County, 77. Tucker, Dean, tracts, 22. Tucker, Com. Samuel, 300; Life by Sheppard, 88. Tucker s Life of Jefferson, 17. Tuckerman s America and her Com mentators, 227 ; Life of Talbot. 88. Tudor s Life of James Otis, 1. Turner s Holland Purchase, 244. Turtle Bay, 115. Tuscany, 176. Tuttle, J. F., Morristown, 217 ; Wash ington in Morris County, 123. Tyler, Albert, on Bennington, 143. ULSTER COUNTY, Historical Society s Collections, 158. Uniform, Buff and Blue, 304. Unitarian Review, 32. United Service Journal, 163, 233. United States, History of, by Ban croft, 2, 290 ; by Bartlett and Wood ward, 293 ; by Cassell, 294 ; by Grahame, 15, 290 ; by Hildreth, 2, 291 ; by Mackay, 293 ; by J. H. Pat- ton, 292; by Pitkin, 15, 290; by Ridpath, 2, 291 ; by J. A. Spencer, 292 ; by Tucker, 292 ; United States as a Nation, by J. P. Thompson, 2 ; Clark s Naval History of, 300 ; Coop er s Naval History, 300 ; Dawson s Battles of, 27, 291 ; Diplomacy of, by Lyman, 177 ; Loubat s Medallic His tory, 6< ; Origin, etc., by McCart ney, 2 ; Republic of , by J. C. Ham ilton, 19, 298. Upham, C. W., on Hancock, 73; Life of Washington, 297. Upham, W. P., on Siege of Boston, 64. VALCOUB S ISLAND, 127. Vale s Life of Thomas Paine, 261. Valentine s New^York City Manual, 112. Valley Forge, 170, 179. Valley Forge Letters, 299. Van Schaack, Peter, Life of, 10, 78. Van Wart, captor of Andrt5, 232. Varnum, 167. Veil Removed, by Fellows, 52. Vergennes and the Peace, 268, 572. Vermont, History by Ira Allen, 271 : by Hall, 143; by Williams, 197; Bounds, 270 ; Controversy, 197. Vermont Historical Society Collec tions, 143. Verplanck s Point, 204. Villefranche, Major, 236. Vincennes, History by Law, 199. Virginia, History by Burk, 76 ; by Campbell, 246; by Girardin, 75: by Howison, 151, 246; Jefferson s notes on, 102 ; Declaration of Rights, 98 ; Convention troops in, 151 ; In dian wars in, 192 ; Leslie in, 238, 245 ; Arnold in, 240 ; Lafayette in, 247, 253 ; Phillips in, 246 ; Corn- wallis in, 253 ; the French in, 253 ; Campaign of 1781, 254 , and the N W. Territory, 270 ; maps of, 258. Von Bulow on the war, 304. Von Ochs, Neuere Kriegskunst, 108. WALDO, S. P., American Naval Heroes, 212. Waldo, Surgeon, 171. Walker, C. I., Address, 199. Wallabout, interments at, 200. Waller s orderly-book, 64. Wallis s map of United States, 270. Walpole s George the Third, 22, 182 ; Last Journal, 22, 180 ; and Mason correspondence, 139. Walsh s American Register, 226. Walter Thornley, by Sedgwick, 238. Walworth, E. H., 153. Ward, Gen. Artemas, 47. Ward, Samuel, Life by Gammel, 88. Ward, Samuel, Lecture on Battle of Long Island, 110. Ware s Kennebec journal, 83. Warner, Col. Seth, 142 ; Life by Chip- man, 143 ; at Saratoga, 152. Warren, Charles H., on the Buff and Blue Uniform, 304. Warren, G. W., Bunker Hill Monu ment Association, 49. Warren, Dr. John, Life of, 54. Warren, Gen. Joseph, Life by A. H. Everett, 44 ; death of, 53 ; Oration on Boston Massacre, 74 ; Eulogy by Perez Morton, 54 ; Stories of, by Mrs. J B. Brown, 54; and his Times, by Frothingham, 6. Warren, Mrs., American Revolution, 287 ; her controversy with John Adams, 287. Washington s Writings, edition by Sparks, 279 ; Spurious Letters of, 280 ; different lives of, 2y6 ; by INDEX. 327 A. Bancroft, 297 ; by Everett, 297 ; by Guizot, 67 ; by Irving, 297 ; by Kirkland, 297 : by Lossing, 297 ; by Marshall, 17, 296; by Paulding, 297 ; by Ramsay, 297 ; by Sparks, 296 ; by C. W. Upham, 297 ; by M. L. Weems, 297 ; Custis ; s Recollec tions of, 126 ; and his Generals, by Headley, 292 ; Essay on, by T. Parker, 297 ; Address on, by Web ster, 297 ; Essay on, by E. P. Whip- pie, 297 ; Address on, by Winthrop, 297 ; takes command, 60 ; at Cam bridge, 61 ; nominated, 73 ; in the Jerseys, 122, 123 ; at Valley Forge, 170 ; Farewell Address to Army, 276 ; resigns his commission, 276 ; a marshal of France, 260 ; accounts, 276; life-guard, 298; order books, 260, 280 ; papers, 279. Washington Elm, Cambridge, 61. Washington, Fort, 120. Washington, Lieut. Colonel, 248. Waterhouse, Dr., on General Warren s death, 54. Watertown, Mass., Provincial Con gress at, 74. Watson, Elkanah, Memoirs, 95, 175. Watson s, J. L., Paul Revere s signal, Watson, W. C., Naval Campaign on Lake Champlain, 127. Watson s Annals of Philadelphia, 174, 262. Watson s Essex County, N. Y., 80. Waxhaws, 222. Wayne, Anthony, Life by Armstrong, 165; Life by Moore, 162; at Paoli, 162 ; at Stony Point, 203 ; at Bull s Ferry, 224 ; and the Pennsylvania line, 240 ; in Georgia, 253 ; Orderly- Book, 127, 189 ; papers, 285. Webster, Daniel, Bunker Hill Oration, 44 ; on the Maine boundary, 269 ; address on Washington, 297. Weems s Life of Marion, 219 ; Life of Washington, 297. Welling, J.C., 34. Wells s Life of Samuel Adams, 1. West, Samuel, Election Sermon, 97. West Indies, the French fleet in, 271. West Point, History by Boynton, 92, 230 ; Arnold at, 230. Westchester County, N. Y., 205, 232. Westcott s Concord Sermons, 32. Western Territory, by Imlay, 199. Westminster Massacre, 34. Wheeler s Pentagoet (Castine), 208. Wheildon, W. W., on Bunker Hill, 45; Revere s signal lanterns, 26; Life of S. Willard, 59. Whig party, 180, 185. WhippJe E. P.. Washington and the Revolution, 297. White, Bishop, Wilson s Memoirs of. 172. White, T., 123. White Horse Tavern, 162. White Plains, 119. WTiiting, Colonel Henry, 280. Whitney s literature of Concord fight, 32. Whittlesey, E. D.,133. Wiley s tale, The Alamance, 6. Wilkinson, Eliza, letters, 210. Wilkinson, Gen. James, Memoir?, 39. Willard. Solomon, Life by Wheildon, 59. William, Henry, Prince, 261. Williams, captor of Andre , 232. Williams, Otho, 228. Williams s Life of General Barton, 195. Williams s Life of Olney, 110, 166. Williamsburg, 253. Williamson, Hugh, on the Tea-party, 13. Williamson s Belfast, 208 ; History of Maine, 71, 208. Willis s Portland, 71. Wilmington, 260. Wilmofs Historical View of Ameri can Loyalists, 271. Wilson s Memoirs of Bishop White, 172. Wilson, D., Life of Jane McCrea, 139 Winter Hill, 69. Winthrop, Prof. John, 37. Winthrop R. C., Address on Wash ington, 297. Wirt, Win., Life of Patrick Henry, 3 ; Memoir by Kennedy, 20. Wisconsin Historical Society, 199. Witherspoon, Dr., 103. Women of the Revolution, by Mrs. Ellet, 139. Wood, Silas, History of Long Island, 78. Woodbury s, J. T., speech, 31. Woodcraft, by Simms, 251. Woodford, 221. Woodhull, General, 110. Woodruff at Saratoga, 147, 153. Wooster, General, 82; monument, 133. Worcester, S. T., History of Hollis, 4< . Worcester, History by Lincoln, 21; expedition to, 26. 328 INDEX. Wraxall s Historical Memoirs, 22, 180, 258. Wright. Aaron, diary at Cambridge, 68. Wright s Caricature History of the Georges, 180. Wright s Cavendish Debates, 21. Writs of assistance, 1. Wyandottes, 262. Wyoming, 190. Yonge, C. D., History of the British navy, 301. Yorktown, siege of, 266. GENERAL LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROW This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. n,v 5B . 140c65 MARfc: MAR 24 1959 R OCT EC D Lt 12-65-9 LIBRARY I REC D LD JOL 30 1957 LD 21-100m-l, 54(1887sl6)476 JUN 29^5-5 PM VB 373 i I LIBRARIES