LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL WORK OF. BUILDINGS. BY C C. SCHNEIDER, M. Am. Soc. C E. NEW YORK: THK ENGINEERING NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1910. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL WORK OF BUILDINGS. BY C. C. SCHNEIDER, M. Am. Soc. c. E. Of THE UNIVERSITY OF LUFOR] ^ ( c COPYRIGHTED 1910 BY C. C. SCHNEIDER. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF 4 L I FOR] PREFACE. This edition of the General Specifications for Structural Work of Buildings is a reprint from the one published in Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LIV, page 490 (1905), re- vised to date. It contains additional tables and other useful informa- tion, also specifications for concrete and reinforced concrete for build- ing construction. As reinforced concrete construction has lately come into extended use for building work, the writer thought it expedient to include a set of regulations covering its essential requirements, based on what he considers safe practice. In preparing specifications for reinforced concrete, the writer has been guided by those already in existence, the most prominent of which are the regulations of the French, Prussian, Austrian and Swiss Governments, the Association of German Architects and Engineers, the German Concrete Association, and those proposed by a joint com- mittee of the British Architectural and Building Associations and the Government Bureaus and the recommendations of the Special Com- mittee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete of the American Society of Civil Engineers, with such modifications as have been suggested by experience and the lessons taught by failures. For that part of the specifications covering aggregates, preparation and placing of concrete and mortar, the recommendations of the Special Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete of the Ameri- can Society of Civil Engineers have been adopted as representing the best modern practice. C. C. SCHNEIDER. PHILADELPHIA, PA., May, 1910. 206530 CONTENTS. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL WORK OF BUILDINGS. DESIGN. LOADS 7-9 UNIT STRESSES AND PROPORTION OF PARTS 9-12 Substructure, Unit Stresses 9, 10 Masonry Pillars and Walls 10-12 Steel Superstructure, Unit Stresses 12-14 Cast Iron 14 Timber 14 Details of Steel Construction 14-18 MATEEIAL AND WOEKMANSHIP. MATERIAL 18-21 Rolled Steel 18-21 Steel Castings 19, 20 WORKMANSHIP 21-24 Shopwork 21-24 Painting 24 Inspection and Tests 24, 25 Full-sized Tests 25 CONCRETE AND REINFORCED CONCRETE. PROPER USE OF CONCRETE 27 IMPROPER USE OF CONCRETE 27-29 RESPONSIBILITY AND SUPERVISION 29, 30 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE CON- STRUCTION 31-41 Design . ; 31-35 General Assumptions for Static Computations 32 External Forces 32 Internal Forces 32, 33 Working Stresses 33, 34 Details of Construction 35, 36 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP 36 Aggregates 36, 37 Steel 37 Concrete 37-40 Inspection and Tests 40, 41 FORMULAS FOR APPROXIMATE COMPUTATIONS. . . 42-44 APPENDIX. CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING TABLES : PAGE 1. Weights of Building Materials, etc 45 2. Weights of Merchandise, etc 45 3. Permissible Compressive Strain 46 4. Shearing and Bearing Value of Kivets , 47 5. Maximum Bending Moments on Pins 48 6. Thickness of Spruce and White Pine Plank for Floors 48 7. Standard Dimensions of Columns 49 8. Standard Beam Framing 50 Separators 50 Cast-Iron Washers 50 9. Standard Details 51 10. Plate Girders 52 11. Weights of Eoof Trusses 53 12. Dimensions of Typical Hand Cranes 53 13. Dimensions of Typical Electric Traveling Cranes 54 14. Abstracts from Building Laws 55-68 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL WORK OF BUILDINGS. DESIGN. LOADS. 1. The "dead" load in all structures shall consist of the weight Dead Load, of walls, floors, partitions, roofs and all other permanent construction and fixtures. 2. In calculating the "dead" loads, the weights of the different materials shall be assumed as given in Table 1. 3. The minimum weight of fire-proof floors to be assumed in de- signing the floor system shall be 75 Ib. per sq. ft. For columns, the actual weight of floors shall be used. 4. For office buildings, 10 Ib. per sq. ft. of floor area shall be added to the dead load of the floor for movable partitions. 5. The following table gives the "live" load on floors, to be as- sumed for different classes of buildings. These loads consist of: a. A uniform load per square foot for floor area; b. A concentrated load which shall be applied to any point of the floor; c. A uniform load per linear foot for girders. The maximum result is to be used in calculations. The specified concentrated loads shall also apply to the floor construction between the beams for a length of 5 ft. TABLE OF LIVE LOADS. Live Load on Floors. Classes of buildings. LIVE LOADS, IN POUNDS. Distributed load. Concentrated load. Load per linear foot of girder. Dwellings, hotels, apartment-houses, dormi- tories, hospitals. 40 50 60 80 I floor 100 C columns 50 80 300 from 120 up " 300 u ( " 200 "J 2 000 5 000 5 000 5 000 j- 5 000 8 000 10 000 Special. The actual t gines, boilers, shall be used, 1 less than 200 It 500 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 Special. weights of en- stacks, etc., jut in no case . per sq. ft. Office buildings, upper stories Schoolrooms, theater galleries, churches Ground floors of office buildings, corridors and stairs in public buildings Assembly rooms, main floors of theaters, ballrooms, gymnasia, or any room likely to be used for drilling or dancing Ordinary stores and light manufacturing, stables and carriage-houses Sidewalks in front of buildings. . Warehouses and factories Charging floors for foundries Power-houses, for uncovered floors 8 Crane Loads and Impact. Live Loads on Flat Roofs. Wind Pressure. Live Loads on Roofs. Loads on Ordinary Roofs. 6. If heavy concentrations, like safes, armatures, or special ma- chinery, are likely to occur on floors, provision should be made for them. 7. For structures carrying traveling machinery, such as cranes, conveyors, etc., 25% shall be added to the stresses resulting from such live load, to provide for the effects of impact and vibrations. (For crane loads, see Tables 12 and 13.) 8. Flat roofs of office buildings, hotels, apartment-houses, etc., which can be loaded by crowds of people, shall be treated as floors, and the same distributed live loads shall be used as specified for hotels and dwelling-houses. 9. The wind pressure shall be assumed acting in any direction horizontally : First. At 20 Ib. per sq. ft. on the sides and ends of buildings and on the actually exposed surface, or the vertical projection of roofs; Second. At 30 Ib. per sq. ft. on the total exposed surfaces of all parts composing the metal framework. The framework shall be considered an independent structure, without walls, par- titions or floors. 10. Roofs shall be proportioned to carry in addition to their own weight the following live loads: a. A snow load, per horizontal square foot of roof, of 25 Ib. for all slopes up to 20; this load to be reduced 1 Ib. for every degree of increase in the slope up to 45, above which no snow load is considered. b. A wind load as specified in paragraph 9. The possibility of a partial snow load has to be considered. The above loads given for snow are the minimum values for locali- ties where snow is likely to occur. In severe climates these snow loads should be increased in accordance with the actual conditions existing in those localities. In tropical climates the snow loads may be neglected. 11. In climates corresponding to that of New York, ordinary roofs, up to 80 ft. span, shall be proportioned to carry the following mini- mum loads, per square foot of exposed surface, applied vertically, to provide for dead, wind and snow loads combined: 9 Slate : Gravel or C On boards, flat slope, 1 to 6, or less. .. .50 Ib. Composition J On boards, steep slope, more than 1 to 6. .45 " Roofing: ( On 3-in. flat tile or cinder concrete 60 " Corrugated sheeting, on boards or purlins 40 " On boards or purlins 50 " On 3-in. flat tile or cinder concrete 65 " Tile, on steel purlins 55 " Glass 45 " 12. For roofs in climates where no snow is likely to occur, reduce the foregoing loads by 10 Ib. per sq. ft., but no roof or any part thereof shall be designed for less than 40 Ib. per sq. ft. 13. For columns, the specified uniform live loads per square foot shall be used, with a minimum of 20,000 Ib. per column. 14. For columns carrying more than five floors, these live loads may be reduced as follows: For columns supporting the roof and top floor, no reduction; For columns supporting each succeeding floor, a reduction of 5% of the total live load may be made until 50% is reached, which reduced load shall be used for the columns supporting all remaining floors. This reduction is not to apply to live load on columns of ware- houses, and similar buildings which are likely to be fully loaded on all floors at the same time. 15. The live loads on foundations shall be assumed to be the same as for the footings of columns. The areas of the bases of the founda- tions shall be proportioned for the dead load only. That foundation which receives the largest ratio of live to dead load shall be selected and proportioned for the combined dead and live loads. The dead load on this foundation shall be divided by the area thus found, and this reduced pressure per square foot shall be the permissible working pressure to be used for the dead load of all foundations. UNIT STRESSES AND PROPORTION OF PARTS. Substructure. 16. Pressure on foundations not to exceed, in tons per square foot: Soft clay 1 Ordinary clay and dry sand mixed with clay 2 Dry sand and dry clay 3 Hard clay and firm, coarse sand 4 Firm, coarse sand and gravel . . 6 Live Loads on Columns. Reduction of Live Load on Columns. Loads on Foundations. Foundations. 10 Masonry. 17. Working pressure in masonry not to exceed the following: Tons per Lb. per sq. ft. sq. in. Common brick, Portland-cement mortar 12 168 Hard-burned brick, Portland-cement mortar.... 15 210 Rubble masonry, Portland-cement mortar 10 140 Coursed rubble, Portland-cement mortar 12 168 First-class masonry, sandstone 20 280 " " " limestone or bluestone 25 350 " " " granite 30 420 Concrete for walls: Portland cement 1:2:5 20 280 " " 1:2:4 25 350 Pressure of 18. The pressure of beams, girders, wall-plates, column bases, etc., on masonry shall not exceed the following, in pounds per square inch : On brickwork with cement mortar 300 " rubble masonry with cement mortar. 250 " Portland-cement concrete 1:2:4 600 " first-class sandstone (dimension stone) 400 " " " limestone 500 " " granite 600 Bearing 19. The maximum load carried by any pile shall not exceed 40,000 Timber Piles. lb., or 600 lb. per sq. in. of its average cross-section. Piles driven in firm soil to rock may be loaded to the above limits. Piles driven through loose, wet soil to solid rock, or equivalent bearing, shall be figured as columns with a maximum unit stress of 600 lb. per sq. in., properly reduced. Masonry Pillars and Walls Laid in Cement Mortar. Pillars. 20. Pillars of brick or stone masonry, with concentric loading, may be built of a height not exceeding 12 times their diameter or their least lateral dimension ; providing the unit pressure comes within the limits specified for the different classes of masonry. 21. The dimensions of pillars loaded eccentrically must be such that the center of pressure comes within the middle third of the base and every other horizontal section, and that the maximum unit pres- sure does not exceed the safe working pressure. Wails. 22. The thickness of a wall depends upon the quality of the material used, the load it has to carry, and upon its unsupported height or 11 length. The minimum thickness of a wall of brick or ashlar masonry shall be T V of its least unsupported distance, either vertically or hori- zontally; and that of walls of rubble masonry, of that distance. 23. The minimum thickness of brick enclosure walls shall be 12 in., and that of stone walls, 18 in. 24. The minimum thickness of curtain walls in the steel skeleton type of buildings shall be 12 in. 25. The unsupported height of a wall shall be taken as the height of one story, provided it is properly anchored to the floor construc- tion of each story. The unsupported distance horizontally shall be taken as the distance between lateral walls which are properly bonded to it, or the distance between buttresses or steel columns. 26. In a wall carrying joists or beams, the load may be consid- ered as distributed, if the distance between the beams is not more than twice the thickness of the wall. If a wall has to support con- centrated loads, such as are produced by heavy roof trusses or floor girders, it must be reinforced by buttresses, which should be com- puted as pillars. 27. In the case of buildings several stories in height, the mini- mum thickness of the exterior walls supporting floors and roof may be approximately determined by the following empirical formula, which gives results agreeing with the provisions of most of the existing building laws. 28. The thickness of wall in inches t = -r + 4 TT TT 6 where L = unsupported length in feet, which should not be assumed less than 24 ft., and H^ fT 2 , JT 3 , etc., the heights of the stories in feet, commencing at the top. 29. The above rules apply to walls of brick and ashlar masonry for dwellings, hotels and office buildings. 30. The cellar wall shall 4 in. thicker than the wall immediately above it, to a depth of 12 ft. below the grade line; and for every additional 10 ft., or part thereof, shall be increased 4 in. Cellar and foundation walls of masonry shall be 4 in. thicker than brick walls. 31. If any horizontal section through any bearing wall shows more than 30% area of flues or openings, such wall shall be increased in thickness 1 in. for every 4%, or fraction thereof, by which the total areas of flues and openings exceed 30 per cent. Exterior Walls. Curtain Walls. Bearing Walls. Cellar and Foundation Walls. 12 Non-bearing Walls. Permissible Stresses. Tension. Compression. Bending. Shear. Bearing. Axial Compression. Provision for Eccentric Loading. Expansion Rollers. Combined Stresses. 32. The thickness of non-bearing walls may be 4 in. less than that of bearing walls, provided that no non-bearing wall is less than 12 in. thick. STEEL SUPERSTRUCTURE. Unit Stresses. 33. All parts of the structure shall be proportioned so that the sum of the dead and live loads, together with the impact, if any, shall not cause the stresses to exceed the following amounts in pounds per sq. in. : 34. Tension, net section, rolled steel 16 000 35. Direct compression, rolled steel and steel castings 16 000 36. Bending, on extreme fibers of rolled shapes, built sec- tions, girders and steel castings, net section 16 000 On extreme fibers of pins 24 000 37. Shear, on rivets and pins 12 000 On bolts and field rivets 10 000 On plate-girder web (gross section) . .10 000 38. Bearing pressure, on pins and rivets 24 000 On bolts and field rivets 20 000 39. Axial compression on gross section of columns. . .16 000 70 -- with a maximum of 14 000 Where I = effective length* of member in inches; r = corresponding radius of gyration of the section, in inches. 40. For bracing and the combined stresses due to wind and other loading, the permissible working stresses may be increased 25%, or to 20,000 Ib. for direct compression or tension. 41. In proportioning columns, provision must be made for ec- centric loading. 42. The pressure per linear inch on expansion rollers shall not exceed 600 d, where d diameter of rollers, in inches. 43. Members subject to the action of both axial and bending stresses shall be proportioned so that the greatest fiber stress will not exceed the allowed limits in that member. * The effective length " I ", if L is the length of the member between centres of con- nections, shall be t&ken as follows : I = L, if both ends are hinged or butting ; I = 14 L, if both ends are fixed ; I = % L, if one end is fixed, the other hinged ; I = 2 L, if one end is fixed, the other free to move. 13 44. Members subject to alternate stresses of tension and com- pression shall be proportioned for the stress giving the largest sec- tion, but their connections shall be proportioned for the sum of the stresses. 45. Net sections must be used in calculating tension members, and, in deducting the rivet holes, they must be taken J in. larger than the nominal size of the rivets. 46. Pin-connected riveted tension members shall have a net sec- tion through the pin holes 25% in excess of the net section of the body of the member. The net section back of the pin hole shall be at least 0.75 of the net section through the pin hole. 47. The effective length of main compression members shall not exceed 125 times their least radius of gyration, and those for wind and lateral bracing, 150 times, their least radius of gyration. 48. The length of riveted tension members in horizontal or in- clined positions shall not exceed 200 times their radius of gyration about the horizontal axis. The horizontal projection of the unsup- ported portion of the member is to be considered as the effective length. 49. Plate girders shall be proportioned on the assumption that one-eighth of the gross area of the web is available as flange area. The thickness of the web plate shall not be less than T D of the unsup- ported distance between flange angles. 50. The compression flange shall have at least the same sectional area as the tension flange; nor shall the strain per square inch on the gross area exceed 16 000 200 p if cover consists of flat plates, or 16 000 150 -.. if cover consists of a channel section, where I = un- o supported distance, and b = width of flange in inches. 51. The web shall have stiffeners at the ends and inner edges of bearing plates, and at all points of concentrated loads, and also at intermediate points, when the thickness of the web is less than one-sixtieth of the unsupported distance between flange angles, gen- erally not farther apart than the depth of the full web plate, with a maximum limit of 5 ft. 52. IE -beams, and channels used as beams or girders, shall be pro- portioned by their moments of inertia. 53. The depth of rolled beams in floors shall be not less than one- twentieth of the span, and, if used as roof purlins, not less than one- thirtieth of the span. Alternate Stresses. Net Sections. Limiting Length of Members. Plate Girders. Compression Flanges of Plate Girders. Web Stiffeners. Rolled Beams. Limiting Depth of Beams and Girders. 14 Permissible Stresses. Timber. Timber Columns. 54. In case of floors subject to shocks and vibrations, the depth of beams and girders shall be limited to one-fifteenth of the span. If shallower beams are used, the sectional area shall be increased until the maximum deflection is not greater than thai? of a beam having a depth of one-fifteenth of the span, but the depth of such beams and girders shall in no case be less than one-twentieth of the span. Cast Iron. 55. Compression 12 000 Ib. per sq. in. Tension 2 500 " " " " Shear 1 500 " " " " Timber. 56. The timber parts of the structure shall be proportioned in accordance with the following stresses, given in pounds per square inch: Kind of timber. Transverse loadipg. End bearing. Columns under 10 diameters. Bearing across fiber. Shear along fiber. White Oak 1 200 1 200 1 000 500 200 Long-Leaf Yellow Pine 1 500 1 500 1 000 350 100 White Pine and Spruce Hemlock 1 000 800 1 000 800 600 500 200 200 100 100 57. Columns may be used with a length not exceeding 45 times the least dimension. The unit stress for lengths of 'more than 10 times the least dimension shall be reduced by the following formula : Planking. Minimum Thickness of Material. Adjustable Members. Symmetrical Sections. 100 d Where G equals unit stresses, as given above for short columns ; I " length of column, in inches; d " least side of column, in inches. 58. For the thickness of floor and roof planking, see Table 6. DETAILS OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. 59. No steel of less than i in. thickness shall be used, except for lining or filling vacant spaces. 60. Adjustable members in any part of structures shall preferably be avoided. 61. Sections shall preferably be made symmetrical. 15 Beam Girder. Wall Ends of Beams and Girders. Wall-Plates and Column 62. The strength of connections shall be sufficient to develop the Connections, full strength of the member. 63. No connection, except lattice bars, shall have less than two rivets. 64. Floor beams shall generally be rolled-steel beams. Floor Beams. 65. For fire-proof floors, they shall generally be tied with tie-rods at intervals not exceeding eight times the depth of the beams. This spacing may be increased for floors which are not of the arch type of construction. Holes for tie-rods, where the construction of the floor permits, shall be spaced about 3 in. above the bottom of the beam. 66. When more than one rolled beam is used to form a girder, they shall be connected by bolts and separators at intervals of not more than 5 ft. All beams having a depth of 12 in. and more shall have at least two bolts to each separator. 67. Wall ends of a sufficient number of joists and girders shall be anchored securely to impart rigidity to the structure. 68. Wall-plates and column bases shall be constructed so that the load will be well distributed over the entire bearing. If they do not get the full bearing on the masonry, the deficiency shall be made good with Portland-cement mortar. 69. The floor girders may be rolled beams or plate girders; they shall preferably be riveted or bolted to columns by means of connection angles. Shelf angles or other supports may be provided for convenience during erection. 70. The flange plates of all girders shall be limited in width, so as not to extend beyond the outer line of rivets connecting them to the angles more than 6 in., or more than eight times the thickness of the thinnest plate. 71. Web stiffeners shall be in pairs, and shall have a close bearing against the flange angles. Those over the end bearing, or forming the connection between girder and column, shall be on fillers. Intermediate stiffeners may be on fillers or crimped over the flange angles. The rivet pitch in stiffeners shall not be more than 5 in. 72. Web plates of girders must be spliced at all points by a plate web Splices, on each side of the web, capable of transmitting the full stress through splice rivets. 73. Columns shall be designed so as to provide for effective con- Columns, nections of floor beams, girders or brackets. They shall preferably be continuous over several stories. Floor Girders. Flange Plates. Web Stiffeners. 16 Column Splices. Trusses. Intersecting Members. Roof Trusses. Eye-Bars. Spacing of Rivets. Edge Distance. Maximum Diameter. 74. The splices shall be strong enough to resist the bending stress and make the columns practically continuous for their whole length. 75. Trusses shall preferably be riveted structures. Heavy trusses, of long span, where the riveted field connections would become un- wieldy, or for other good reasons, may be designed as pin-connected structures. 76. Main members of trusses shall be designed so that the neutral axes of intersecting members shall meet in a common point. 77. Roof trusses shall be braced in pairs in the plane oi the chords. Purlins shall be made of rolled shapes, plate girders or lattice girders. 78. The eye-bars in pin-connected trusses composing a member shall be as nearly parallel to the axis of the truss as possible. 79. The minimum distance between centers of rivet holes shall be three diameters of the rivet; but the distance shall preferably be not less than 3 in. for |-in. rivets, 2 in. for f-in. rivets, and If in. for -in. rivets. The maximum pitch in the line of the stress for members composed of plates and shapes shall be 6 in. for |-in. rivets, 5 in. for f-in. rivets, 4 in. for |-in. rivets and 4 in. for ^-in. rivets. 80. For angles with two gauge lines, with rivets staggered, the maximum in each line shall be twice as great as given in Paragraph 79; and, where two or more plates are used in contact, rivets not more than 12 in. apart in either direction shall be used to hold the plates together. 81. The pitch of the rivet, in the direction of the stress, shall not exceed 6 in., nor 16 times the thinnest outside plate connected, and not more than 50 times that thickness at right angles to the stress. 82. The minimum distance from the center of any rivet hole to a sheared edge shall be 1 in. for -in. rivets, 1 in. for f-in. rivets, 1| in. for |-in. rivets, and 1 in. for -in. rivets; and to a rolled edge, 1, 1|, 1 and | in., respectively. 83. The maximum distance from any edge shall be eight times the thickness of the plate. 84. The diameter of the rivets in any angle carrying calculated stresses shall not exceed one-quarter of the width of the leg in which they are driven. In minor parts, rivets may be in. greater in diameter. IT Tie- Plates. 85. The pitch of rivets at the ends of built compression members Pitch at Ends. shall not exceed four diameters of the rivets for a length equal to one and one-half times the maximum width of the member. 86. The open sides of compression members shall be provided with lattice, having tie-plates at each end and at intermediate points where the lattice is interrupted. The tie-plates shall be as near the ends as practicable. In main members, carrying calculated stresses, the end tie-plates shall have a length not less than the distance between the lines of rivets connecting them to the flanges, and intermediate ones not less than half this distance. Their thickness shall be not less than one-fiftieth of the same distance. 87. The latticing of compression members shall be proportioned Lattice, to resist the shearing .stresses corresponding to the allowance for flex- ure provided in the column formula in Paragraph 39 by the term 70 The minimum thickness of lattice bars shall be one-fortieth for single lattice and one-sixtieth for double lattice, of the distance between end rivets; their minimum width shall be as follows: For 15-in. channels, or built sections with 3 and 4-in. angles For 12, 10 and 9-in. channels, or built sections with 3-in. angles j- 2 in. (I-in. rivets) ; i 2 in. (f -in rivets) ; For 8 and 7-in. channels, or built sections ) n . ,...'.. . \ >- 2 in. (| -in. rivets) ; with 2^-in. angles ' For 6 and 5-in. channels, or built sections with) . ,, . . \ j If in. G-m. rivets). 2-in. angles ) 88. Lattice bars with two rivets shall generally be used in flanges more than 5 in. wide. 89. The inclination of lattice bars with the axis of the member, Angle of shall generally be not less than 45, and when the distance between the rivet lines in the flange is more than 15 in., if a single rivet bar is used, the lattice shall be double and riveted at the intersection. 90. The pitch of lattice connections, along the flange, divided by Spacing of the least radius of gyration of the member between connections, shall be less than the corresponding ratio of the member as a whole. 18 Faced 91. Abutting joints in compression members when faced for bearing shall be spliced sufficiently to hold the connecting members accurately in place. 92. All other joints in riveted work, whether in tension or com- pression, shall be fully spliced. Pin Plates. 93. Pin holes shall be reinforced by plates where necessary ; and at least one plate shall be as wide as the flange will allow; where angles are used, this plate shall be on the same side as the angles. The plates shall contain sufficient rivets to distribute their portion of the pin pressure to the full cross-section of the member. Pins. 94. Pins shall be long enough to insure a full bearing of all parts connected upon the turned-down body of the pin. 95. Members packed on pins shall be held against lateral movement. Bolts. 96. Where members are connected by bolts, the body of these bolts shall be long enough to extend through the metal. A washer at least T 3 F in. thick shall be used under the nut. Fillers. 97. Fillers between parts carrying stress shall have a sufficient number of independent rivets to transmit the stress to the member to which the filler is attached. Temperature. 98. Provision shall be made for expansion and contraction, cor- responding to a variation of temperature of 150 Fahr. where necessary. Rollers. 99. Expansion rollers shall be not less than 4 in. in diameter. stone Bolts. 100. Stone bolts shall extend not less than 4 in. into granite pedes- tals and 8 in. into other material. Anchorage. 101. Columns which are strained in tension at their base shall be anchored to the foundations. 102. Anchor bolts shall be long enough to engage a mass of masonry, the weight of which shall be one and one-half times the ten- sion in the anchor. Bracing. 103. Lateral, longitudinal and transverse bracing in all structure? shall preferably be composed of rigid members. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. MATERIAL. steel. 104. All parts of the metallic structure shall be of rolled steel, except column bases, bearing plates or minor details, which may be of cast iron or cast steel. 19 105. Steel may be made by the open-hearth or by the Bessemer Process of Manufacture. process. 106. The chemical and physical properties shall conform to the Requirements, following limits : Chemical and physical properties. Structural steel. Rivet steel. Steel castings. Phosphorus, maximum 0.040/0 0.050/ 0.04% 0.04% 0.05% 0.059/0 Sulphur, maximum Ultimate tensile strength; pounds per square 'inch Desired 60 000 1 500 000* Desired 50 000 1 500 000 Not less than 65 000 Elongation: minimum percentage in 8J in i Ultimate tensile strength. M Silky. 180 flat.t Ultimate tensile strength. ( Elongation: minimum percentage in 2 in. Character of fracture 18 Silky or fine granular. 90 Silky. -j 180 flat. Cold bends without fracture * See Paragraph 117. t See Paragraphs 118, 119 and 120. See Paragraph 121. 107. In order that the ultimate strength of full-sized annealed eye-bars may meet the requirements of Paragraph 170, the ultimate strength in test specimens may be determined by the manufacturers ; all other tests than those for ultimate strength shall conform to the above requirements. 108. The yield point, as indicated by- the drop of beam, shall be recorded in the test reports. 109. Tensile tests of steel showing an ultimate strength within 5,000 Ib. of that desired will be considered satisfactory. 110. Chemical determinations of the percentages of carbon, phos- phorus, sulphur and manganese shall be made by the manufacturer from a test ingot taken at the time of the pouring of each melt of steel, and a correct copy of such analysis shall be furnished to the engineer or his inspector. 111. Specimens for tensile and bending tests for plates, shapes and bars shall be made by cutting coupons from the finished product, which shall have both faces rolled and both edges milled to the form shown by Fig. 1; or with both edges parallel; or they may be turned to a diameter of f in. for a length of at least 9 in., with enlarged ends. 112. Rivet rods shall be tested as rolled. 113. Specimens shall be cut from the finished rolled or forged bar, in such manner that the center of the specimen shall be 1 in. from the surface of the bar. The specimen for the tensile test shall be Allowable Variations. Chemical Analyses. Form of Specimens for Plates, Shapes and Bars. Rivets. Pins and Rollers. turned to the form shown by Fig. 2. The specimen for the bending test shall be.l in. by % in. in section. Steel Castings. Specimens of Rolled Steel. Number of Tests. Modifications in Elonga- tion. Bending Tests. Thick Material. Bending Angles. / About 3" ? JParallei Section ;,$> j " Not less than 9" j 1 v j IK" ! j, , ? . .!: ^^i^i^Etc. fc FIG. l. FIG. 2. 114. The number of tests will depend on the character and im- portance of the castings. Specimens shall be cut cold from coupons moulded and cast on some portion of one or more castings from each melt, or from the sink-heads, if the heads are of sufficient size. The coupon or sink-head, so used, shall be annealed with the casting before it is cut off. Test specimens shall be of the form prescribed for pins and rollers. 115. Rolled steel shall be tested in the condition in which it comes from the rolls. 116. At least one tensile and one bending test shall be made from each melt of steel as rolled. In case steel differing in. and more in thickness is rolled from one melt, a test shall be made from the thickest and thinnest material rolled. 117. For material more than f in. in thickness, 'a deduction of 1% will be allowed from the specified elongation for each J in. in thickness above | in. 118. Bending tests may be made by pressure or by blows. Plates, shapes and bars less than 1 in. thick shall bend as called for in Para- graph 106. 119. Full-sized material for eye-bars and other steel 1 in. or more in thickness, tested or rolled, shall bend cold 180 around a pin, the diameter of which is equal to twice the thickness of the bar, without fracture on the outside of the bend. 120. Angles f in. and less in thickness shall open flat, and angles \ in. and less in thickness shall bend shut, cold, under blows of a ham- 21 Nicked Bends. Defective Material. mer, without sign of fracture. This test will be made only when re- quired by the inspector. 121. Kivet steel, when nicked and bent around a bar of the same diameter as the rivet rod, shall give a gradual break and a fine, silky, uniform fracture. 122. Finished material shall be free from injurious seams, flaws, Finish, oracks, defective edges, or other defects, and shall have a smooth, uniform, workmanlike finish. Plates 36 in. and less in width shall have rolled edges. 123. Every finished piece of steel shall have the melt number and stamping the name of the manufacturer stamped or rolled upon it. Steel for pins and rollers shall be stamped on the end. Rivet and lattice steel and other small parts may be bundled with the above marks on an at- tached tag. 124. Material which, subsequent to the foregoing tests at the mills, and its acceptance there, develops weak spots, brittleness, cracks or other imperfections, or is found to have injurious defects, will be re- jected at the shop, and shall be replaced by the manufacturer at his own cost. 125. A variation in cross-section or weight in the finished members of more than 2% from that specified "will be sufficient cause for re- jection. 126. Iron castings shall be made of tough, gray iron, free from in- cast iron, jurious cold-shuts or blow-holes, true to pattern and of workmanlike finish. Test pieces 1| in. round shall be capable of sustaining on a clear span of 12 in. a central load of at least 2 900 lb., and deflect at least TO- in. before rupture. WORKMANSHIP. 127. All parts forming a structure shall be built in accordance with General, approved drawings. The workmanship and finish shall be equal to the best practice in modern bridge works. 128. Material shall be thoroughly straightened in the shop, by methods which will not injure it, before being laid off or worked in any way. 129. Shearing shall be done neatly and accurately, and all portions Finish, of the work exposed to view shall be neatly finished. 130. The size of rivets called for on the plans shall be understood to Rivets, mean the actual size of the cold rivet before heating. Allowable Variation in Weight. Straightening Material. Rivet Holes. Punching. Assembling. Lattice Bars. Web Stiffeners. Splice Plates and Fillers. Connection Angles. Riveting. Heating of Rivets. Rivets. Field Bolts. Members to be Straight. 131. The diameter of the punch for material not more than f in. thick shall be not more than T V in., nor that of the die more than | in. larger than the diameter of the rivet. Material more than f in. thick, excepting in minor details, shall be sub-punched and reamed or drilled from the solid. 132. Punching shall be done accurately. Slight inaccuracy in the matching of holes may be corrected with reamers. Drifting to enlarge unfair holes will not be allowed. Poor matching of holes will be cause for rejection, at the option of the inspector. 133. Riveted members shall have all parts well pinned up and firmly drawn together with bolts before riveting is commenced. Con- tact surfaces shall be painted. (See Paragraph 157.) 134. Lattice bars shall have neatly rounded ends, unless otherwise called for. 135. Stiffeners shall fit neatly between the flanges of girders. Where tight fits are called for, the ends of the Stiffeners shall be faced and shall be brought to a true contact bearing with the flange angles. 136. Web splice plates and fillers under Stiffeners shall be cut to fit within i in. of flange angles. 137. Connection angles for floor girders shall be flush with each other and correct as to position and length of girder. 138. Rivets shall be driven by pressure tools wherever possible. Pneumatic hammers shall be used in preference to hand driving. 139. Rivets shall be heated to a light cherry-red heat in a gas or oil furnace. The furnace must be so constructed that it can be adjusted to the proper temperature. 140. Rivets shall look neat and finished, with heads of approved shape, full, and of equal size. They shall be central on the shank and shall grip the assembled pieces firmly. Recupping and caulking will not be allowed. Loose, burned, or otherwise defective rivets shall be cut out and replaced. In cutting out rivets, great care shall be taken not to injure the adjoining metal. If necessary, they shall be drilled out. 141. Wherever bolts are used in place of rivets which transmit shear, such bolts must have a driving fit. A washer not less than in. thick shall be used under the nut. 142. The several pieces forming one built member shall be straight and shall fit closely together, and finished members shall be free from twists, bends or open joints. 23 143. Abutting joints shall be cut or dressed true and straight and fitted closely together, especially where open to view. In compression joints depending on contact bearing, the surfaces shall be truly faced, so as to have even bearings after they are riveted up complete and when perfectly aligned. 144. Eye-bars .shall be straight and true to size, and shall be free from twists, folds in the neck or head, or any other defect. Heads shall be made by upsetting, rolling or forging. Welding will not be allowed. The form of the heads will be determined by the dies in use at the works where the eye-bars are made, if satisfactory to the engineer, but the manufacturer shall guarantee the bars to break in the body when tested to rupture. The thickness of the head and neck shall not vary more than ^ in. from that specified. 145. Before boring, each eye-bar shall be perfectly annealed and carefully straightened. Pin holes shall be in the center line of bars and in the center of heads. Bars of the same length shall be bored so accurately that, when placed together, pins -^ in. smaller in diameter than the pin holes can be passed through the holes at both ends of the bars at the same time. 146. Pin holes shall be bored true to gauges, smooth and straight; at right angles to the axis of the member, and parallel to each other, un- less otherwise called for. Wherever possible, the boring shall be done after the member is riveted up. 147. The distance from center to center of pin holes shall be cor- rect within -fa in., and the diameter of the hole not more than ^o in. larger than that of the pin, for pins up to 5 in. diameter, and ^ in. for larger pins. 148. Pins and rollers shall be turned accurately to gauges, and shall be straight, smooth and entirely free from flaws. 149. At least one pilot and driving nut shall be furnished for each size of pin for each structure. 150. Screw threads shall make tight fits in the nuts, and shall be United States standard, except for diameters greater than If in., when they shall be made with six threads per inch. 151. Steel, except in minor details, which has been partially heated shall be properly annealed. 152. All steel castings shall be annealed. 153. Welds in steel will not be allowed. Finish of Joints. Eye- Bars. Boring Eye-Bars. Pin Holes. Variation in Pin Holes. Pins and Rollers. Pilot Nuts. Screw Threads. Annealing. Steel Castings. Welds. 24 Bed-Plates. Shipping Details. Shop Painting. Field Painting. Facilities for Inspection. Access to Shop. Mill Orders. 154. Expansion bed-plates shall be planed true and smooth. Cast wall-plates shall be planed at top and bottom. The cut of the planing tool shall correspond with the direction of expansion. 155. Pins, nuts, bolts, rivets and other small details shall be boxed or crated. PAINTING. 156. Steelwork, before leaving the shop, shall be thoroughly cleaned and given one good coating of pure linseed oil, or such paint as may be called for, well worked into all joints and open spaces. 157. In riveted work, the surfaces coming in contact shall be painted before being riveted together. 158. Pieces and parts which are not accessible for painting after erection shall have two coats of paint before leaving the shop. 159. Steelwork to be entirely embedded in concrete shall not be painted. 160. Painting shall be done only when the surface of the metal is perfectly dry. It shall not be done in wet or freezing weather, unless protected under cover. 161. Machine-finished surfaces shall be coated with, white lead and tallow before shipment, or before being put out into the open air. 162. After the structure is erected, the metal-work shall be painted thoroughly and evenly with an additional coat of paint, mixed with pure linseed oil, of such quality and color as may be selected. Suc- ceeding coats of paint shall vary somewhat in color, in order that there may be no confusion as to the surfaces which have been painted. INSPECTION AND TESTING. 163. The manufacturer shall furnish all facilities for inspecting and testing the weight, quality of material and workmanship. He shall furnish a suitable testing machine for testing the specimens, as well as prepare the pieces for the machine, free of cost. 164. When an inspector is furnished by the purchaser, he shall have full access at all times to all parts of the works where material under his inspection is manufactured. 165. The purchaser shall be furnished with complete copies of mill orders, and no material shall be rolled and no work done before he has been notified as to where the orders have been placed, so that he may arrange for the inspection. 25 . T Invoices. 166. The purchaser shall also be furnished with complete shop ghop Plans, plans, and must l^e notified well in advance of the start of the work in the shop, in ordei that he may have an inspector on hand to inspect the material and workmanship. 167. Complete copies of shipping invoices shall be furnished to the purchaser with each shipment. 168. If the inspector, through an oversight or otherwise, has ac- Accepting cepted material or work which is defective or contrary to the specifica- or Work, tions, this material, no matter in what stage of completion, may be rejected by the purchaser. FULL-SIZED TESTS. 169. Full-sized tests on eye-bars and similar members, to prove the workmanship, shall be made at the manufacturer's expense, and shall be paid for by the purchaser at contract price, if the tests are satisfactory. If the tests are not satisfactory, the members represented by them will be rejected. 170. In eye-bar tests, the minimum ultimate strength shall be 55 000 Ib. per sq. in. The elongation in 10 ft., including fracture, shall be not less than 15%. Bars shall break in the body and the fracture shall be silky or fine granular, and the elastic limit as indicated by the drop of the mercury shall be recorded. Should a bar break in the head and develop the specified elongation, ultimate strength and character of fracture, it shall not be cause for rejection, provided not more than one-third of the total number of bars break in the head. 27 CONCRETE AND REINFORCED CONCRETE. Concrete, plain and reinforced, may now be considered one of the recognized materials of construction. It has proved to be satisfactory material, when properly used, for those purposes for which its quali- ties make it particularly suitable. PROPER USE. Concrete is a material of very low tensile strength and capable of sustaining but very small tensile deformations without rupture; its value as a structural material depends chiefly upon its durability, its fire-resisting qualities, its strength in compression and its rela- tively low cost. Its strength generally increases with age. Plain, or massive, concrete is well adapted for the construction of massive structural parts, which have to resist compression only, and as a substitute for stone or brick masonry in foundations, walls, piers, arches, culverts, docks, dams, reservoirs, sewers, tunnel lin- ings, etc. For such purposes concrete has stood the test of time, and may be used without reinforcement in blocks, or as a monolith. It has these advantages over stone masonry, that material for the aggregate can be found in almost any locality, and the concrete can easily be put in place, under proper supervision, without skilled workmen. Concrete in monolithic form is better adapted to receive reinforcement than stone masonry. In substructures and foundations, the bases can be more conveniently and effectively enlarged by reinforcing. For certain kinds of ma- sonry construction for which concrete is now extensively substituted, such as dams, retaining walls, etc., engineers have been able, by the use of proper reinforcement, to depart from the usual forms of con- struction and adopt new ones. Owing to its fire-resisting qualities, reinforced concrete is a suit- able material for fire-proof construction for floor and roof slabs, curtain walls, partitions, etc. IMPROPER USE. Failures of reinforced concrete structures are usually due to any one or a combination of the following causes: Defective design, poor material and faulty execution. The defects in a design may be many and various. The computa- tions and assumptions on which they are based may be faulty and 28 contrary to the established principles of statics; the unit stresses used may be excessive, or the details of the design defective. As the properties of concrete and reinforced concrete are not yet as well understood and clearly denned as those of steel, owing to the lack of conclusive tests and experience, and as there is no generally accepted theory in existence at the present time for computing the interior forces in reinforced concrete structures, the data which are now available should be used with caution, so that if there be an error, it will be on the side of safety. The design of a structure built of reinforced concrete should, there- ' fore, receive at least the same careful consideration as one of steel, and only engineers with sufficient experience and good judgment should be intrusted with such work. . The computations should include all the minor details, which are sometimes of the utmost importance. The design should show clearly the size and position of the reinforcement, and should provide for proper connections between the component parts so that they cannot be displaced. The best results are obtained when the reinforcement of any member is a unit, so that the reinforcement can be put in position without depending on the laborers to put each bar in its proper place. As the connections between the members are generally the weakest points, the design' should provide for proper attach- ments between the reinforcements of connecting members and should be accompanied by computations to prove their strength. The use of unwarranted high unit stresses, approaching the danger line, is one of the common defects in the design of reinforced con- crete structures. Articulated concrete structures designed in imitation of steel trusses may be mentioned as illustrating the improper use of rein- forced concrete. Long concrete columns, reinforced with longitudinal round or square bars intended to take compression, but which cannot resist buckling, may also be mentioned in this connection. Poor material is sometimes used for the concrete, as well as for the reinforcement. Poor concrete is not always used intentionally, but is often allowed to go into the structure owing to the lack of ex- perience of the contractor and his superintendents, or to the absence of proper supervision. A poor quality of steel for reinforcement is sometimes called for in the specifications for the purpose of reducing the cost. For steel 29 structures, a high grade of material is used, while the steel used for reinforcing concrete is sometimes made of old rails or other unsuita- ble, brittle material, which is not fit to be used in any permanent structure. Faulty execution and careless workmanship may generally be at- tributed to unintelligent, insufficient supervision. The remarks referring to the improper uses of reinforced con- crete apply more particularly to building construction, where rational design, good material, good workmanship and adequate supervision are the exception rather than the rule. While other structures upon the safety of which human lives de- pend are generally designed by engineers employed by the owner, and the contracts let on the engineer's design and specifications, in accord- ance with legitimate practice, reinforced concrete structures are as a rule designed by contractors or engineers commercially interested, and the contract let for a lump sum, without the advice of a competent engineer, and regardless of the merits of the design. The construction of buildings in large cities is regulated by mu- nicipal authorities. For reinforced concrete work, however, the lim- ited supervision which municipal inspectors are able to give is not sufficient. Other means for more adequate supervision and inspection should, therefore, be provided. RESPONSIBILITY AND SUPERVISION. If any failure occurs in an important engineering structure, the engineer is generally held responsible for the same. In recent fail- ures of reinforced concrete buildings, coroners' juries either put the responsibility on unknown causes, or on some ignorant, innocent sub- ordinate, who had to act as scapegoat for his employer. Disasters have proved that the execution of the work should not be separated from the designing of the structure. Intelligent, ra- tional supervision and execution of the work can be expected only when both functions are combined. The engineer who prepares the design and specifications should also have the supervision of the execution of the work, and may then he held responsible for its entire construc- tion, unless it can be proven that the contractor has done work con- trary to design, specifications and orders of the engineer, which the engineer and his inspectors were unable to prevent. In this case the contractor should be held responsible. 30 For the purpose of fixing the responsibility and providing for adequate supervision during construction, the Special Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete of the American Society of Civil Engineers recommends the following rules: a. Before work is commenced, complete plans shall be pre- pared, accompanied by specifications, static computations and de- scriptions showing the general arrangement and all details. The static computations shall give the loads assumed separately, such as dead and live loads, wind and impact, if any, and the result- ing stresses. Z>. The specifications shall state the qualities of the materials to be used for making the concrete, and the manner in which they are to be proportioned. c. The strength which the concrete is expected to attain after a definite period shall be stated in the specifications. d. The drawings and specifications shall be signed by the en- gineer and the contractor. e. The approval of plans and specifications by other authorities shall not relieve the engineer nor the contractor of responsibility. 31 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. The following tentative specifications apply to all structures, or parts thereof, built of plain or reinforced concrete: DESIGN. 1. In the design of massive concrete or plain concrete, no account Massive should be taken of the tensile strength of the material, and sections should usually be so proportioned as to avoid tensile stresses. This will generally be accomplished, in the case of rectangular shapes, if the line of pressure is kept within the middle third of the section, but in very large structures, such as high masonry dams, a more exact analysis may be required. Structures of massive concrete are able to resist unbalanced lateral forces by reason of their weight, hence the element of weight rather than strength often determines the design. A relatively cheap and weak concrete will therefore often be suitable for massive concrete structures. Owing to its low extensibility, the contraction due to hardening and to temperature changes requires spe- cial consideration, and, except in the case of very massive walls, such as dams, it is desirable to provide joints at intervals to localize the effect of such contraction. The spacing of such joints will depend upon the form and dimensions of the structure and its degree of exposure. 2. Massive concrete may be used for piers and short columns in which the ratio of length to least width is relatively small. Under ordinary conditions this ratio should not exceed six, but, where the central application of the load is assured, a somewhat higher value may safely be used. 3. Massive concrete is also a suitable material for arches of moderate span where the conditions as to foundations are favorable. 4. By the use of metal reinforcement to resist the principal tensile Reinforced stresses, concrete becomes available for general use in a great variety of structures and structural forms. This combination of concrete and steel may be used to advantage in the beam, where both compression and tension exist; and the column, where the main stresses are com- pressive, but where cross-bending may exist. The theory of design will therefore relate mainly to the analysis of beams and columns. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS FOR STATIC COMPUTATIONS. External Forces. 5. Buildings of reinforced concrete are to be designed for the same vertical loads and wind pressure as specified on pages 7-9, the weight of reinforced concrete to be assumed at 150 Ib. per cu. ft. 6. For the computations of the end reactions, moments and shear, the established rules of statics and of elasticity shall be followed. 7. In order to obtain the maximum values, the most unfavorable positions and distributions of the live load must be considered. 8. Possible effects of impact may be considered by adding the usual percentage to the live load. 9. The span length for computations is to be taken as follows : a. For beams, the distance between centers of supports; but shall not be taken to exceed the clear span plus the depth of the beam. fc. For freely supported floor slabs, the clear span plus the thickness of the slab in the center. c. For continuous slabs, the distance center to center of beams. 10. For continuous beams and slabs, the bending moment at center and at support shall be taken as f of the moment of a freely sup- ported beam of the same span. 11. For square floor slabs reinforced in both directions and sup- ported on all sides, the bending moment may be taken as of that of a freely supported beam of the same length. 12. In computing the strength of columns, the possibility of ec- centric loading must be considered. 13. In the design of T-beams acting as continuous beams, due con- sideration should be given to the compressive stresses at the supports. For beams of T-sections, the width of the floor slab to be considered as part of the beam shall not be more than 8 times the thickness of the slab, or J of the span length of the beam. INTERNAL STRESSES. 14. The internal stresses in reinforced concrete structures shall be determined the same as in the case of homogenous material on the following assumptions : 33 Moduli of Elasticity. 15. (a) The stress in any fiber is directly proportionate to the dis- tance of that fiber from the neutral axis. 16. (fc) The modulus of elasticity of the concrete remains con- stant within the limits of the working stresses fixed in these specifica- tions. In compression, the two materials are, therefore, strained in proportion to their moduli of elasticity. 17. (c) The bond between the concrete and steel is sufficient to make the two materials act together as a homogeneous solid. 18. The ratio of the modulus of elasticity of steel to the modulus of elasticity of stone concrete may be taken at 15, and of cinder con- crete at 30. 19. The tensile strength of the concrete shall be neglected. 20. When the shearing stresses developed in any part of the constuc- tion exceed the safe working strength of concrete as specified, a suffi- cient amount of reinforcement shall be introduced in such manner that the deficiency in the resistance to shearing is overcome. 21. When the safe limit of bond between the concrete and the steel is exceeded, some provision must be made for transmitting the strength of the steel to the concrete. 22. For columns reinforced with shapes that can resist buckling, the computations may be made in the same manner as for homoge- neous material, if, in the areas and moments of resistence, the sec- tion of steel reinforcement is added to that of the concrete with 15 times its value. 23. In columns with concentric loading, buckling need not be con- sidered if the ratio of the effective length to the effective diameter does not exceed 12. The effective diameter to correspond to the assumed theoretical area. 24. If tensile stresses produced by eccentric loads or bending mo- ments occur in a column, the steel reinforcement on the tension side must be able to resist the same. WORKING STRESSES. 25. The following working stresses are recommended for static loads : 26. For the steel reinforcement, the unit stresses shall not exceed steel, those specified for other structural steel work. (Paragraph 33, page 12.) 27. The following working stresses for concrete are based on the Concrete. Reinforced Columns. 34 Stone Concrete. compressive strength of the concrete, developed after 28 days, when tested in cylinders 8 in. in diameter and 16 in. long: ^Bearing 30% of the compressive strength. Compression in extreme fiber 25% Axial compression in columns. .. . .20% Shear 3% Bond, rolled bars 3% a a a a a a 28. For stone concrete composed of one part Portland cement and 6 parts aggregate, capable of developing an average compressive strength of 2 000 Ib. per sq. in., at 28 days, the working stresses shall not exceed the following: Bearing 600 Ib. per sq. in. Compression in extreme fiber, r 500 " " Axial compression in columns 400 " " " Shear 60 " " " Bond, rolled bars 60 " " " " drawn wire 40" " " 29. For cinder concrete capable of developing an average com- pressive strength of 750 Ib. per sq. in., at 28 days, the working stresses shall not exceed the following: Bearing 225 Ib. per sq. in. Compression in extreme fiber 185 " " Shear 25 " " " Bond 30 " " WORKING STRESSES ON REINFORCED COLUMNS. 30. For axial compression on concrete in columns reinforced against buckling, the same working stresses as those recommended for bear- ing may be used. If in columns reinforced against buckling the re- inforcement is tied together, so that the concrete may be considered as restrained similarly to concrete enclosed in a steel tube, the working strain on the concrete may be increased to 35% of its compressive strength, or approximately 700 Ib. per sq. in. for 2 000 Ib. concrete. * Compression applied to a surface of concrete larger than the leaded area, such as the pressure on bed-plates. 35 DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION. 31. The specifications for the design of structural steel work shall also apply to the steel reinforcement of concrete construction. 32. Plain concrete columns may be used, if the ratio of length to the least side or diameter does not exceed 12, without any reduction in the working stress specified for axial compression. 33. The reinforcement of columns shall consist of shapes which can resist compression. These shapes shall be rigidly connected by lat- tice bars or tie-plates at proper intervals, so as to form a skeleton column. Only such columns shall be considered as reinforced. 34. The reinforcement should be provided with proper connections between the bars to hold them in the right place and at the correct distance from the nearest face of the concrete, so as to prevent dis- lodgment during the depositing and compacting of the concrete. 35. If the reinforcement consists of round or square bars, their lateral spacing should not be less than 1 diameters, center to center; nor should the distance from the side of the beam to the center of the nearest bar be less than 2 diameters. 36. When the beam or slab is continuous over its support, rein- forcement should be provided at points of negative moment. 37. In connections between members, such as between columns and girders, and girders and beams, the reinforcements of the connecting members shall be firmly attached to each other. 38. The concrete outside of the reinforcement is not to be con- sidered as carrying any load. 39. Plain concrete walls, if made of concrete which will develop an average compressive strength of at least 1 500 Ib. per sq. in. after 28 clays, may be of the same thickness as brick walls laid in cement mortar. If properly reinforced in both directions, the thickness may be reduced to two-thirds of that of brick walls. Spandrel and curtain walls of steel skeleton construction shall have a minimum thickness of 8 in. if reinforced with not less than f Ib. of steel per sq. ft. of wall. Partitions, if constructed of reinforced concrete, shall have a minimum thickness of 3 in., and shall be reinforced with not less than ^-in. rods on 12-in. centers, running both vertically and horizon- tally. The filling of panels of the skeleton frames of sheds or mill buildings shall not be less than 4 in. Steel Work. Plain Concrete Columns. Column Reinforce- ment. Beam Reinforce- ment. Continuous Beams and Slabs. Connections Between Members. Walls. 36 Fireproofing. 40. In plain coiac*ete columns, the concrete to a depth of 1 in. may be considered as protective covering, and should not be included in the effective section. Under ordinary conditions, the concrete covering over the metal reinforcement in office buildings, hotels and similar structures should be at least 2 in. for girders and columns, li in. for beams, and 1 in. for floor slabs. In stores, warehouses or other buildings where combustible materials are likely to be stored, the thick- ness of the protection should be increased to 3 or 4 in. Stone Concrete. Cinder Concrete. Portland Cement. Pine Aggregate. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. 41. Stone or gravel concrete shall be used in the construction of girders and columns, or any other parts which carry loads or constitute integral parts of the structure. 42. Cinder concrete may be used for fireproofing, for floor slabs and for parts which do not carry any loads, such as curtain walls, spandrel walls, parapet walls, partitions and filling of panels of steel skeletons of sheds or mill building. 43. Only Portland cement conforming to the standard specifica- tions of the American Society for Testing Materials shall be used in reinforced concrete work. AGGREGATES. 44. Extreme care should be exercised in selecting the aggregates for mortar and concrete, and careful tests made of the materials for the purpose of determining their qualities and the grading necessary to secure maximum density* or a minimum percentage of voids. 45. Fine aggregate consists of sand, crushed stone, or gravel screen- ings, passing when dry a screen having -in. diameter holes. It should be preferably of-silicious material, clean, coarse, free from vegetable loam or other deleterious matter. 46. A gradation of the grain from fine to coarse is generally ad- vantageous. 47. Mortars composed of one part Portland cement and three parts fine aggregate by weight when made into brique-ttes should show a tensile strength of at least 70% of the strength of 1 : 3 mortar of the same consistency made with the same cement and standard Ottawa sand. * A convenient coefficient of density is the ratio of the sum of the volumes of materials contained in a unit volume to the total unit volume. 37 Coarse Aggregate. 48. Coarse aggregate consists of 4ect onaterial, such as crushed stone or gravel, which is retained on a screen having ^-in. diameter holes. The particles should be clean, hard, durable, and free from all deleterious material. Aggregates containing soft, flat or elongated par- ticles should be excluded from important structures. A gradation of sizes of the particles is generally advantageous. 49. The maximum size of the coarse aggregate shall be such that it will not separate from the mortar in laying and will not prevent the concrete from fully surrounding the reinforcement and filling all parts of the forms. Where concrete is used in mass, the size of the coarse aggregate may be such as to pass a 3-in. ring. For reinforced mem- bers a size to pass a 1-in. ring, or a smaller size, may be used. 50. Where cinder concrete is permissible, the cinders used as the coarse aggregate should be composed of hard, clean, vitreous clinker, free from sulphides, unburned coal, or ashes. 51. The water used in mixing concrete should be free from oil, acid, strong alkalis, or vegetable matter. STEEL. 52. The steel used for reinforcement shall be of the same quality as specified for structural steelwork in buildings. 53. Steel wire used for reinforcement should be drawn from rods of basic open-hearth steel of the same quality as that specified for rivet steel. 54. All steel to be embedded in concrete shall conform to the shape and sections shown on drawings, and shall be delivered unpainted. It shall be thoroughly cleansed from scale, grease, oil and rust, and given a coating of Portland cement grouting before being covered with con- crete. The cleaning of the metal shall be done with suitable scrapers, steel brushes or such other tools as may most efficiently clean the \ surface. CONCRETE. 55. The materials to be used in concrete shall be carefully selected, of uniform quality, and proportioned with a view to securing as nearly as possible a maximum density. 56. The unit of measure shall be the barrel, which should be taken unit of as containing 3.8 cu. ft. Four bags containing 94 Ib. of cement each shall be considered the equivalent of one barrel. Fine and coarse ag- gregate should be measured separately as loosely thrown into the measuring receptacle. Cinders. Quality of Water. Quality of Steel. Wire. Measure. 38 Relation of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. Relation of Cement and Aggregates. Mixing. Measuring Ingredients. Machine Mixing. Hand Mixing. Consistency. Retempering. Placing of Concrete. 57. The fine and coarse aggregates shall be used in such relative proportions as will insure maximum density. 58. For reinforced concrete construction, a density proportion based on 1 : 6 should generally be used, i. e. } one part of cement to a total of six parts of fine and coarse aggregates measured separately. 59. In columns, richer mixtures are often required, while for massive masonry or rubble concrete a leaner mixture, of 1:9 or even 1 : 12, may be used. 60. The ingredients of concrete should be thoroughly mixed to the desired consistency, and the mixing should continue until the cement is uniformly distributed and the mass is uniform in color and homo- geneous, since the maximum density and, therefore, the greatest strength of a given mixture depends largely on thorough and complete mixing. 61. Methods of measurement of the proportions of the various in- gredients, including the water, should be used, which will secure sep- arate uniform measurements at all times. 62. When the conditions will permit, a machine mixer of a type which insures the uniform proportioning of the materials throughout the mass should be used, since a more thorough and uniform consist- ency can be thus obtained. 63. When it is necessary to mix by hand, the mixing should be on a water-tight platform, and especial precautions should be taken to turn the materials until they are homogeneous in appearance and color. 64. The materials shall be mixed wet enough to produce a concrete of such a consistency as will flow into the forms and about the metal reinforcement, and, at the same, time, can be conveyed from the mixer to the forms without separation of the coarse aggregate from the mortar. 65. Retempering mortar or concrete, i. e., remixing with water after it has partially set, shall not be permitted. 66. Concrete, after the addition of water to the mix, should be handled rapidly, and in as small masses as is practicable, from the place of mixing to the place of final deposit, and under no circum- stances shall concrete be used that has partially set before final placing. A slow-setting Cement should be used when a long time is likely to occur between mixing and final placing. 67. The concrete should be deposited in such a manner as will permit the most thorough compacting, such as can be obtained by 39 working with a straight shovel or slicing tool kept moving up and down until all the ingredients have settled in their proper place by gravity and the surplus water has been forced to the surface. 68. In depositing the concrete under water, special care should be exercised to prevent the cement from being floated away, and to pre- vent the formation of laitance, which hardens very slowly and forms a poor surface on which to deposit fresh concrete. Laitance is formed in both still and running water, and should be removed before placing fresh concrete. 69. Before placing the concrete, care should be taken to see that the forms are substantial and thoroughly wetted and the space to be occu- pied by the concrete is free from debris. When the placing of the con- crete is suspended, all necessary grooves for joining future work should be made before the concrete has had time to set. 70. When work is resumed, concrete previously placed should be roughened, thoroughly cleansed of foreign material and laitance, drenched and slushed with a mortar consisting of one part Portland cement and not more than two parts fine aggregate. 71. The faces of concrete exposed to premature drying should be kept wet for a period of at least seven days. 72. Concrete for reinforced structures should not be mixed or de- posited at a freezing temperature, unless special precautions are taken to avoid the use of materials containing frost or covered with ice crystals, and to provide means to prevent the concrete from freezing after being placed in position and until it has thoroughly hardened. 73. Where the concrete is to be deposited in massive work, its value Rubble Concrete, may be improved and its cost materially reduced through the use of clean stones thoroughly embedded in the concrete as near together as is possible and still entirely surrounded by concrete. 74. The forms must have sufficient resistance to bending, as well as to shocks and vibrations due to tamping, and they shall be arranged to be safely removable while their supports are left in place. The forms should be as nearly watertight as possible, to prevent the escaping of the cement. 75. In removing the forms and supports, all jar and vibration shall be avoided. No forms shall be removed except in the presence of the inspector. After the forms are removed, no patching or plaster- ing shall be done until all surfaces have been inspected and permis- sion given by the engineer. Freezing Weather. Forms and Supports. Removal of Forms. 40 76. The period which must elapse between the completion of the tamping and the removal of the forms is a matter of judgment and depends upon the weather, the distance between supports, and the weight of the parts of' the structure. The side forms of beams and columns, and the forms of floor slabs up to spans of 5 ft. may be re- moved after the concrete has hardened sufficiently, that is, in a few days, while the supports of beams should not be removed in less than 14 days. For longer spans and larger sections, 4 to 6 weeks may be necessary. 77. In buildings of several stories, the supports of the lower floors shall not be removed until the hardening of the concrete is so far advanced that it can safely carry the load. Protection 78. Immediately after the completion of the tamping, the struc- structure. tural parts shall be protected against the effect of freezing and pre- mature drying, as well as against vibrations and loads, until the con- crete is sufficiently hardened. INSPECTION AND TESTS. Facilities for 79. All facilities for inspection of material and workmanship shall Inspection. be furnished by the contractor to the engineer and his inspectors, who shall have free access to any part of the structure during construction, or to any part of the works in which any part of the material is made. 80. Inspection during construction shall cover the following: a. The materials. b. The correct construction and erection of the forms and supports. c. The sizes, shapes and arrangement of the reinforcement. d. The proportioning, mixing and placing of the concrete. e. The strength of the concrete by tests of standard test pieces made on the work. f. Whether the concrete is sufficiently hardened before the forms and supports are removed. g. Prevention of injury to any part of the structure by and after the removal of the forms. h. Comparison of dimensions of all parts of the finished struc- ture with the plans. Tests of 81. Samples of concrete shall be taken from the wheelbarrows as it Concrete. is being transported to the forms and tested in 8-in. cylinders, 16 in. long, to ascertain the crushing strength, as directed by the engineer. 41 82. All steel shall be tested before it is shipped from the mills, and all manufactured steel work inspected in the shops where the work is being done before shipment, as specified for structural steel work. 83. Load tests on portions of the finished structure shall be made where there is reasonable suspicion that the work has not been properly performed, or that, through influences of some kind, the strength has been impaired. A test load of twice the live load shall cause no permanent deformations. Load tests shall not be made until after 60 days of hardening. Tests of Steel. Load Tests. 42 FORMULAS FOE APPROXIMATE COMPUTATIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE GERMAN CONCRETE ASSOCIATION. SIMPLE BENDING. 1. Rectangular Beams. (a) Reinforced for tension only (see Fig. 1). If A 8 = total area of the reinforcement, in sq. in. b . width of the beam in inches. E. I 15 for stone concrete, h = effective depth, n= ~ = j 30 for cinder concrete. M = moment of the exterior forces, in inch-pounds. V = total vertical shear, in pounds. Distance of neutral axis from top of beam x= - Max. unit stress on concrete tf = 2 M Unit stress on steel 6 = bx(ji- M ^-1) Unit shear 43 Unit bond stress on the reinforcing bars Sum of perimeters of all bars A computation of the shear and bond for freely supported beams is not generally necessary. (b) With double reinforcement for tension and compression (see Fig. 2). The distance of neutral axis from top of beam and the maximum unit compression on the concrete 6 MX bx*(3hx)-\-6As n(x h')(h h') Unit stress in tension in the lower reinforcement Unit stress in compression on the upper reinforcement 2. Beams of T Section. The effective width 6 of the slab is to be assumed as b ~^~ ^ Z, where I denotes the effective length of the beam; b should, however, not be larger than the distance between stems. For T beams, two cases have to be considered: (a) When the neutral axis lies in the slab, or x~^~ d (see Fig. 3). The formulas for rectangular beams reinforced for tension also apply to beams of T section when the shear in the stem and the bond in the reinforcement over the supports have to be computed. 44 (&) Where the neutral axis lies in the stem, or x > cl (see Fig. 4). If we neglect the small compression in the stem of the beam, we get: 2nhA s + bd 2 M and 6 = - n (ft x) COMPEESSION. Columns in which buckling need not be considered. (a) Axial pressure. If A c denotes the area of the concrete, the total safe load on the column P = <5 C (A c -f- n J. s ), where n = 15, and P P (fc) Eccentric pressure (bending combined with axial pressure). The computations can be made in the same manner as for sections of homogeneous material if, in the areas and moments of resistance, the section of the reinforcement is added to that of the concrete with n = 15 times its value. If tensile strains occur, the steel reinforcement on the tension side must be able to resist the same. 45 APPENDIX. TABLE 1. WEIGHTS OF BUILDING MATERIALS, ETC., IN POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT. Material. Weight, Brick, pressed and paving 150 " common building 120 " soft building 100 Granite 170 Marble 170 Limestone 160 Sandstone 150 Cinders 40 Slag 160-180 Granulated furnace-slag 53 Gravel . 120 Slate 175 Sand, clay and earth (dry) 100 " " " (moist) 120 Coal ashes 45 Paving asphaltum ' 100 Plaster of Paris , 140 Glass 160 Water 62 Snow, freshly fallen 10 ' wet 50 Spruce 25 Material. Weight. Hemlock 25 White pine 25 Douglas fir 80 Yellow pine 40 White oak 50 Mortar 100 Stone concrete 150 Cinder " '. 110 Common brick work 100-120 Rubble masonry, sandstone 180 limestone 140 granite 150 Ashlar ' sandstone 140 limestone 150 granite 165 Masonry debris 90 Cast iron 450 Wrought iron 480 Steel 490 Lead 711 Copper, rolled 490 Plaster, ceiling. 10 to 15 Ib. per sq. ft. TABLE 2. WEIGHTS OF MERCHANDISE, ETC., STORED LOOSE IN HEAPS OR TANKS, IN POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT. Alcohol 52 Apples 47 Barley 40 Beans 55 Beets . , 40 Books 40 Canned Goods 45 Cement, natural 50-70 Portland ...90-100 Chalk 156 Charcoal 15-30 Cheese 30 Coal, soft 50 " hard.... 55 Coke 30-50 Cork 15 Corn 88 Cotton Goods 40 Fat 58 Flour 50 Gunpowder 60 Gypsum 60-70 Hay, loose. . . 5 " baled 20 Ice 55 Lard 59 Leather Goods... 20 Lime 60-80 Naphtha 50 Oats 30 Oils 55 Paper 35-60 Peat, dry, unpressed 20-30 Petroleum 55 Pitch 75 Potatoes 45 Pumice Stone 56 Rags 20-45 Rosin 68 Rubber Goods ...60-100 Salt, solid 134 " coarse 65 " fine table 80 Straw 10-20 Sugar 50 Sulphur 125 Tallow 59 Tar 75 Tin, cast 462 " in boxes 278 Wheat 50 Wines 62 Woolen Goods . . 25 If stored in bags, barrels, cases or boxes, multiply above given weights by 0.8, but take outside rectangular dimensions. 40 TABLE 3. PERMISSIBLE COMPRESSIVE STRESSES FOR STEEL, P = Stress allowed in Ib. per sq. in. I = Length in inches. r = Least radius of gyration, in inches. P = 16 000 70 I I r P I r P I r P I r P 28 14 000 60 11 800 92 9 560 124 7 820 80 13 900 62 11 660 94 9 420 126 7 180 32 13 760 64 11 520 96 9 280 128 7 040 34 13 620 66 11 380 98 9 140 180 6 9)0 36 13 480 68 11 240 100 9 000 132 6 760 38 13 340 70 11 100 102 8860 134 6 620 40 13 200 72 10960 104 8 720 136 6 480 42 13 060 74 10 820 106 8 580 138 6 340 44 12 920 76 10680 108 8 440 140 6 200 46 12780 78 10 540 110 8 300 142 6 060 48 12 640 80 10400 112 8 160 144 5 920 50 12500 82 10 260 114 8 020 146 5 780 52 12 860 84 10 120 116 7 880 148 5 640 54 12220 86 9 980 118 7 740 150 5 500 56 12 080 88 9840 120 7 600 58 11 940 90 9 700 122 7 460 47 R a aiss O TH CO o co t- 10 J> 05 .2 3* ^ r.s o d d o d TH ^, 48 TABLE 5. MAXIMUM BENDING MOMENTS ON PINS. Extreme Fiber Stress of 24000 Lb. per Sq. In. Dia. of pin, in inches. Area of pin, in sq. in. Moments, in inch-pounds. Dia. of pin, in inches. Area of pin, in sq. in. Moments, in inch-pounds. 2 8.142 18 850 6 33.183 647 070 3.547 22 610 6| 34.472 685 120 2 3.976 26 840 63 35.785 724 640 2jj 4.430 31 560 6g 37.122 765650 2i 4.909 86 820 7 38.485 808 170 2| 5.412 42 620 7 39.871 852 250 2? 5.940 49 000 ?s 41.282 897 890 2| 6.492 55 990 7| 42.718 945 140 3 7.069 63 620 7i 44.179 994 020 BJ 7.670 71 910 71 45.664 1 044 550 3 8.296 80 880 7! 47.173 1 096 770 3 8.946 90 580 7 7 48.707 1 150 700 3 9.621 101 020 8 50.265 1 206 370 8 10.321 112 240 8 51.849 1 263 810 3 11.045 124 250 8 53.456 1 3*3 040 3 11.793 137 100 i 55.088 1 384 090 4 12.566 150 800 I 56.745 1 447 000 i 13.364 165 380 8: 58.426 1 511 780 4 14.186 180 870 8 60.132 1 578 470 4, 15.033 197 310 8; 61.862 1 647 080 4i 15.904 214 710 9 63.617 1 717 660 4 16.800 233 100 9 65.397 1 790 230 1 17.721 252 520 ! 67.201 1 864 820 4 18.665 272 980 9i 69.029 1 941 360 5 19.635 294 520 9 70.882 2 020 140 20.629 317 170 , 9; 72.760 2 100 940 51 21.648 340 950 8 74.662 2 183 860 5| 22.691 365 890 9 ' 76.590 2 268 940 H 23.758 392 010 10 78.54 2 356 190 si 24.850 419 350 10 82.52 2 537 360 s| 25.967 447 930 io| 86.59 2 727 590 si 27.109 47? 790 10! 90.76 2 927 090 6 28.274 508 940 11 95.03 3 136 090 1 29.465 30.680 541 410 575 240 11* "I 99.40 103.87 3 354 810 3 583 480 6f 31.919 610 450 12 113.10 4 071 500 TABLE 6. THICKNESS OF SPRUCE AND WHITE PINE PLANK FOR FLOORS. THICKNESS OF PLANK IN INCHES FOR VARIOUS LOADS PER SQ. FT. Span in feet. lb. 30 lb. 40 lb. 50 lb. 75 lb. 100 lb 19.5 lb. 150 lb. 175 lb. 200 lb. 225 lb. 250 lb. 275 lb. 300 lb. 325 lb. 350 lb. 375 lb. 400 4 5 0.9 1 9 1.1 1 4 1.2 1 5 1.5 1 8 1.7 9, 1 1.9 9 4 2.1 9, 6 2.2 9, 8 1.4 3 2.5 3 9 2.7 3 4 2.8 3 5 2.9 3 7 3.1 3 8 3.2 4 1) 3.3 <\ 1 3.4 4 8 6 7 1.4 1 7 1.6 1 9 1.8 9 1 2.2 9, 6 2.6 3 2.9 3 3 3.1 3 7 3.4 3 9 3.6 4 9 3.8 4 5 4.0 4 7 4.2 4 9 4.4 5 9, 4.6 5 4 4.8 * fi 4.9 5 8 5.1 5.9 8 9 1.9 9, 1 2.2 9, 5 2 4 9 7 3.0 3 4 3.4 3 9 3.8 4 3 4.2 4 7 4.5 5 1 4.8 5 4 5.1 5 8 5.4 6 1 5.7 5.9 6.1 .... 10 9 4 9 7 3 1 3 7 4 3 4 8 "i 9, *) ) 6 11 9, 6 3 3 4 4 1 4 7 5 3 5 8 12 9 9 3 8 3 7 4 5 5 9 13 3 1 3.6 4 4 9 5 6 ... 14 3 4 3 9 4 3 5 3 6 1 For Yellow Pine use nine-tenths of the above thickness. 40 TA>LEI 7 STANDARD DIMENSIONS TOR COLUMNS in \ 5k Sfe A a (p 6k" a 16 15'CHANNELGOLUMNS WITH 4 I 4 14" e"CHANNEL COLUMNS WITH 14 <$IG Cov. Pi_e>. Q ^ i 12" IO"CHANNEL COLUMNS WlTHl2"<&l4CcV.Fls. c 12" r 12 oo 10" s p b _ 10 9"CHANNELGOLUMNe> WITH ioX 12 Cov. PLS. la BE USED ONLYWHEM UNAVOIDABLE 'CHANNEL COLUMNS WITH id ,5 Cov.F\.e>. PLATE 3 ANGLE COLUMNS 50 TABLE 8 STANDARD FRAMING OF BEAMS 2,4" IS" WEIGHT 41 LBS. 2. LS 4*4x^x1-3" WEIGHT 34L-B3. 15 WEIGHT 29 LB&. WEIGHT 2aLsa WEIGHT 15 LBS e" WEIGHT 21*6*4*^x0-2" WEIGHT 500 Office buildings first floor 1 I 150 hotels, etc., 50. 50 J ioo 150 I 150 sq. ft., 100. 100 Office buildings, above first floor Public assembly rooms, churches, I theatres etc I 75 90 50 100 100 120 \ 75 75 with, 125 with- out fixed 70 lioo 100 200 Schools or places of instruction 75 75 ( seats. 75 J 100 -{ Assembly rooms, 125; Machine shops, armories, drill- 1 ( other rooms, 60. rooms, etc C Light manufacturing and retail j stores and storehouses ] 120, not includ 1- 100 120 125 150 125 Heavy storehouses, warehouses and J chinery. 150, not includ- I 100 150 { Factory, 175 ; storage, f-150 . 250 Stables or carriage houses chinery. *'l J Area < 500 sq. ft., 40; ( \ 100 j Stairways [ larger floors, 100. 70 Sidewalks 300 200 Roofs, per square foot of super- j For slopes j 30 Roofs, per square foot of horizontal j < 20, 50. For slopes 1 I 2 5 I For slopes > 90 20 1 For 1 flat (For flat Wind, per square foot of elevation.. . > 20, 30. *\ j When \ h't is j 1 35, re- duced. See Build- <20, 40. u J 40. 30 { = li 1 width, 30. [ ing Laws, pp. 32-33. 1 67 14 A. FLOORS, ROOFS, AND WALLS. SQUARE FOOT. - 8 .22 6 .. of fr iji & . II II" Minneapol 1907. 3g 1 S I t c3io Kg fc 1 ^ 0) fc Id is Dwellings, 40 ; apart houses, ho- tels, etc., 70 ] First floo \ 150 ; othe floors, 75. L 40 Halls, dining rooms, offices etc., 75; other rooms, 50. j- f70ex } 7 ( 40 * <8 000 t I 500 t Halls and ] 70 150 60 Lobbies. 110; other floor If. 150 70 IOC ( 80 * {5 000 t space, 75. j (tooo j 70 75 60 do. 7 150 70 IOC ( 50 * <5 000 t |l 000 t 100 125 80 110 125 125^ Theaters, ) 80 120 ( 100 * {5 000 t | others, 70 \ (l 000 % )100 75 50 75 100 100 70 7 ( 60 * J5 000 t |l 000 $ 250 250 120 120 ; not in- cluding ma- chinery. > 100 1 110 100 150 100 150 ( 80 * -(8 000 t |l 000 J 150 250 ; not in eluding ma- 1 200 j 150; in- 1 ( 120up * chinery. 50j crease for > machinery- ) < special t (special t j Public, 120; i n* ( Pnhlio 100 ( 80 * 1 Private, 40. j 75 200 85 70] c UOJ1C, 1UU , Private, 50. -{8 000 j- (l 000 J r 100 ; lower i .; supports to carry two- i t birds of i total wt, 300 SOO ( 800 * J jo 000 t I 1 000 % I "or slopes I 30 25 50 40 Flat roofs. i < 20, 50. ( 40 * 2 000 t 500 J f ^O \ "or slopes 1 30 40 slopes, < 20, 30. f special. r JO at twelfth , When h't is jory. = H width, 90 4 > less at 30 30 30 30 2 \ ich lower ( tory. * Uniform load in pounds per square foot of floor area. t Concentrated load in pounds, which shall be applied to any point of the floor. J Uniform load, in pounds per linear foot, for girders. O PH O O rv. EH - CO 58 ''C!^ O o Is-ctS M< .fl-S* S * 0 3 fa = i^! . . !!!!=!!! "ti-a^^tio ^-^^ 1 60 ed H 1 1 11 1 ^ o CO-* I I Q06I . . rd . . TK -M. : : : : : : i ; : i ; . 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