151 uc- YD 2.7399 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class A PLAT AND PROFILE BOOK FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS PUBLISHED BY THE ENGINEERING NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY NEW YORK 1899 The Forman-Bassett-Hatch Co., Engravers and Printers, Cleveland, Ohio GENERAL Copyright, 1882 and 1899 BY H. F. DUNHAM IN the construction of railways and public works, much valuable time is lost in looking through transit and level books, and in referring to office plans and profiles for notes and data that must be frequently used in the field. This profile book, convenient for mapping to scale (400 feet per inch,) and recording notes of alinement, right of way, reference points, bench marks, etc., which in the work of construction are no less important than the profile itself, has been used for many years. The tables copied from "Trautwine's" and "Kent's" valuable "Pocket Books" are inserted for reference in the field and for the convenience of contractors, who will find the left hand pages of the book of much service for noting amounts of estimates and dates of sub-contracts. The paper used is of such quality and thickness that the vertical lines show in the following page and furnish a convenient horizontal scale for mapping the alinement. BXI.UMT Table of cubic yards of ballast per mile of road. Side-slope of the EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT TABI^E ballast 1 to 1. Width in clear between two tracks six feet. Top Width, Single Track Top Width, Double Track Inches 10 Ft. 11 Ft. 12 Ft. 21 Ft. 22 Ft, 23 Ft. Height Base 12 feet Base 16 fuet Base 14 feet Base 20 feet Base 24 feet Base 28 feet Height Base 12 feet Base 16 feet Base 14 feet Base 20 feet Base 24 feet Base 28 feet 12 Cu. yds. 2152 Cu. yds. 2347 Cu. yds. 2543 Cn. yds. 4303 Cu. yds. 4499 Cu. yds. 4695 18 3374 3667 3960 6600 6894 7188 in Feet Cu. yds. Cu. yds. Cu. yds. Cu. yds. Cu. yds. Cu. yds. in Feet Cu. yds. Cu. yds. Cu. yds. Co. yds. Cu. yds. Cu. yds. 90 6111 6600 7087 11490 11980 12470 K.. 24 50 31 65 27 57 38 80 46 94 53 109 18 .. 19 .. 2,600 2,850 2,867 3,131 2,733 2,991 3,133 3,413 3,400 3,694 3,667 3,976 TIES In the United States the life of a tie is about as follows : IK 79 101 90 124 146 168 20 .. 3.111 3,407 3,259 3,704 4,000 4,296 Years Av.Yrs. Years Ai.Yrs. 2 .. 111 141 126 no 200 230 21 .. 3,383 3,694 3,539 4,006 4,317 4,628 5 to 12 7 White Oak 5 to 12 7 2V4.. 146 183 164 220 257 294 22 .. 3,667 3,993 3,830 4,318 4,644 4,970 6 to 15 9 Spruce Pine 4 to ' 3 .. 183 228 206 272 317 361 23 .. 3,961 4,302 4,132 4,643 4,983 5,324 Hemlock ... 3to 8 5 3!4_. 224 275 249 327 379 431 24 .. 4,267 4,622 4,444 4,978 5,333 5,689 4 .. 267 326 296 385 444 504 25 .. 4,583 4,954 4,769 5,324 5,694 6,065 R AILS I* 4 :: 312 361 379 435 346 398 446 509 512 583 579 657 26 .. 27 .. 4,911 5,250 5,296 5,650 5,104 5,450 5,682 6,050 6,067 6,450 6,452 6,850 Tons (2240 fcs.) of Rail i i v weight of rail , per mile of single track ~ 7 * in ibs. per yard. (o 6 . 7 . 8 .. 467 583 711 556 687 830 511 635 770 644 791 948 733 894 1,067 822 998 1,185 28 .. 29 .. 30 .. 5,600 5,961 6,333 6,015 6,391 6,778 5,807 6,176 6,556 6,43U 6,820 7,222 6,844 7,250 7,667 7,259 7,680 8,111 Weight in pounds per yard of rail_ = Area of rail in square inches. 10 9 .. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 .. 14 15 .. 850 1,000 1,161 1,333 1,517 1,711 1,917 983 1,148 1,324 1,511 1,709 1,919 2,139 917 1,074 1,243 1,422 1.613 1,815 2.02S 1,117 1,298 1,486 1,689 1,902 2,126 2,361 1,250 1,444 1.650 1.867 2,094 2,333 2,583 1,383 1,593 1,813 2,044 2,287 2,541 2,806 35 .. 40 .. 45 .. 50 .. 60 .. 70 .. 80 .. 8,361 10,665 13,249 16,111 22,667 30,333 39,111 8,880 11,258 13,916 16,852 23,555 31,370 40,296 8,620 10,963 13,583 16,481 23,111 30,852 39,704 9,398 11,851 14,583 17,593 24,444 32,407 41,481 9,917 12,444 15,250 18,333 25,333 33,414 42,667 10,435 13,037 15,917 19,074 26,222 34,481 43,852 PRISNIOIDA.lv FOKMUUH Let A=the area of one of the two parallel ends. a=the area of the other of the two parallel ends. M=the area of a cross section midway between, and parallel to, the two parallel ends. L=the perpendicular distance between the two parallel ends. 16 .. 2,133 2,361 2,370 2,613 2,252 2,487 2,607 2,865 2,844 3,117 3,081 3,368 90 .. 100 .. 49,001 60,000 50,334 61,481 49,667 60,741 51,667 62,963 53,01)0 64,444 54,333 65,926 Then Volume = a + iM = L X mean area of cross section. 6 STRENGTH JtfiTt WEIGHT OF VARIOUS MKTERIRLS MATE Rial, Steel, Bessemer, Rolled Iron, Rolled, Bars, ordinary. Iron, Cast, ordinary Copper, Rolled TEfSftg STKEXGTH AVERAGE CUUSHIM LOAD Pounds Pounds per per Square , Square Inch Inch 120,000 I 102,000 Tons per Square Foot Weight) per Cubic Foot II.-.. 15,000 Oak, White, seasoned, good quality . Elm, seasoned, good quality Pine, seasoned, good quality, White. Spruce, seasoned, good quality 35,OU> 100,000 '-..'.' 6,000 10,000 ],;,.,, (iranite Limestone Sandstone Brickwork, ordinary, cracks with Cement, American neat, 6 months old, fair Cement, Portland neat, 6 months old... Gravel... 150 100 350 750 600 300 25 100 300 490 485 450 555 52 35 23 25 168 168 150 125 100 Diame- ter in Inches Weight of Bar Iron EJ POUNDS LENGTH, 1 FOOT 2* s* 3* 3'i 5 6 7 8 10 12 Square Round 0.2105 . 1.895 3.368 5.263 7.578 13.47 17.05 21.05 25.47 30.31 35.57 41.26 47.37 . 121.3 165.0 215.6 336.8 4S5. 0.1653 0.6613 1.488 2.645 4.133 i 5.952 8.101 10.58 13 .39 16.53 20.01 BUJ 27.94 32.41 37 JO 42.33 66.13 95 .23 129.6 169.3 264.5 380.9 WOODEN PILLAES fj J = 4 8 12 16 20 26 32 40 Side of square pine pil- lar, in inches 10 12 BREAKING LOAD Tons 125.0 90.8 62.5 43.4 31.1 20.1 13.9 8.9 Tons 204.2 163.2 122.2 90.4 67.6 45.6 32.3 21.0 Tons 302.1 255.1 j ;. i . 63.0 43.5 Circumference of a circle equals the diameter multiplied by 3.1416. Area of circle equals circumfer- ence multiplied by one-half radius. Area of triangle equals one-half base multiplied by altitude. Area of similar figures are to each other as the squares of their similar dimensions. Area of sphere equals four times area of great circle. Volume of sphere equals one- third of the radius multiplied by the area of the surface. WOODEN BEAMS TABLE Table of safe quiescent loads for horizontal rectangular beams of white pine or spruce, one inch broad, supported at both ends and loaded at the center ; together with their deflec- tions under said loads. Depth of Ins. 4 8 12 16 20 24 Span 6 feet load Ibs. 200 800 1800 3200 5000 7200 dd tn& JB .11 Ol .'! M Span 12 feet Span 16 feet Span 20 feet Span 30 feet load Ibs. 100 400 900 1600 2500 3600 def. ins. .92 .45 .29 .22 .18 .15 load I def. Ibs. ins. 75 1.7 300 675 1200 1875 2700 load def. Ibs. ins. 240 540 960 1500 21BO LI jn load def. Ibs. ins. 160 360 640 1000 1440 3.2 2.0 IJ 1.2 .96 T 3t B Iv E Showing the number of acres of covered surface (as in cities), from which circular sewers, with junctions properly connected by easy curves, will convey away the water fall of a rain of one inch per hour ; with house drainage besides. This is a very heavy rain. (This table is introduced here to aid in fixing size of culvert openings in pre- liminary surveys.) Weight of water fresh 63.3 ; salt 64.1 pounds per cubic foot. WEIGHT OF CS.ST-IRO1M WZS.TER-IIFES As used in Philadelphia and tested by hydraulic press before delivery to an internal pressure of 300 pounds per square inch. Diameter Thickness Weightper length Diameter Thickness Weight per length Ins. 4 6 8 10 12 Ins. Vt A Lbs. 211 385 460 667 899 Ins. 16 20 30 36 48 Ins. % % 1 1H Lbs. 1322 1654 3313 5366 9378 INCLINATION, PALL OR SLOPE OF SEWER INNER DIAMETER, OH BORE OF SEWER IN FEET THICKNESS OP PLSNKS under varying heads of water 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Stretch in Feet HEADS IN FEET 40 30 20 10 5 Level Acres 39 43 50 63 78 90 115 Acres 120 135 155 203 257 295 318 Acres 277 308 355 460 590 670 730 Acres 570 630 735 950 1200 1385 1500 Acres 1020 1117 1318 1692 2180 2486 2675 Acres 1725 1925 2225 2875 3700 4225 4550 Acres 2850 3025 3500 4500 5825 6625 7125 Acres 4125 4425 5100 6575 7850 Acres 5825 6250 7175 9250 11050 4 8 12 20 m 9 13V4 22 Vi Thi 12^ 20 ckness in In< W% 7 10% 17H :hes 2?i B*j VA 14 | J4 inch in 10 feet; or 1 in 480... 14 inch in 10 feet; or 1 in 240... % inch in 10 feet ; or 1 hi 160. .. 1 inch in 10 feet ; or 1 in!20... 1% inch in 10 feet ; or 1 in 80... 2 inches in 10 feet ; or 1 in 60.. DISCHARGE In cubic feet per second for each foot in length of weir in thin plate and with- out end contraction, by the Francis formula : DISCHARGE, Q=3.33 L H=3.33 L H -** fta Tt ** p=Tr**~t <** Ampere, the unit of current strength, or rate of flow, repre- sented by C. Volt, the unit of electro-motive force, electrical pressure, or !