II THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID 5, HENRIBTTA STREET, COVENT C;AHUEN, LONDON, August 1st, 185G. MR. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 1. ^ Mrs, Chanter. Ferny Combes; Or, a Ramble after Ferns in the Glens and Valleys of Devonshire. By CHARLOTTE CHANTER. With 8 coloured Plates. Fcp. 8vo, price 5s. 2. Dr. W. Lauder Lindsay. Popular History of British Lichens ; Comprising an Account of their Structure, Reproduction, Uses, Distribu- tion, and Classification. By W. LAUDER LINDSAY, M.D., Fellow of the Botanical and Royal Physical Societies of Edinburgh, etc. With 22 coloured Plates, 400 Figures. Royal 16mo, price 10s. Qd. 3. Dr. Daubeny, F.B.S. Popular Geography of Plants ; Or, a Botanical Excursion round the World. By E. M. C. Edited by Professor DAUBENY. With 20 tinted landscapes in chromo-lithography. Royal 16mo, price 10s. 6d, Dr. Seemann, F.L.S. Popular History of the Palms. By Dr. BERTHOLD SEEMANN, F.L.S. With 20 tinted landscapes i chromo-lithography. Royal 16mo, price 10s. Qd. X ME. REEVE S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 5. T. C. Archer. A Series of UigJit School Plant Diagrams, Illustrative of ' First Steps to Economic Botany,' by T. C. ARCHER, Esq. Published for the Department of Science and Art, Marlborough House. Price 3,?. 6d. coloured, 2s. plain, per Diagram. T. C. Archer. First Steps to Economic Botany ; A Description of the Botanical and Commercial Characters of the Chief Articles of Vegetable Origin used for Food, Clothing, Tanning, Dyeing, Building, Medicine, Perfumery, etc. For the use of Schools. By THOMAS C. ARCHER. With 20 plates. Published for the Department of Science and Art, Marlborough House. Royal 16mo, price 2s. 6d. "An admirable and cheap little volume, abounding in good illustrations of the plants that afford articles of food or applicable to purposes of manufacture. This should be on the table of every family, and its contents familiar with all rising minds." ATLAS. " As a cheap school book it is exceedingly well got up, and contains upwards of one hundred beautifully lithographed drawings, arranged on twenty plates ; they repre- sent various useful plants and their products." GUARDIAN. 7. T. C. Archer. Popula/r Economic Botany ; Or, Description of the Botanical and Commercial Characters of the prin- cipal Articles of Vegetable Origin used for Food, Clothing, Tanning, Dyeing, Building, Medicine, Perfumery, etc. By THOMAS C. ARCHER. With 20 coloured plates. Royal 16mo, price 10s. 6cl. " Mr. Archer's volume, we are surprised to find, is the first popular book that has been devoted exclusively to the commercial products of the Vegetable Kingdom of that which constitutes nine-twelfths of the whole commerce in raw produce.'' EXAMINEE. MR. EEEVE S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 8. Miss Catlow. ^ Popular Garden Botany ; Containing a Familiar and Technical Description of Hardy and Frame Plants, suitable for cultivation in the Garden. By AGNES CATLOW. With 20 coloured plates by W. Fitch. Royal 16mo, price 10s. Qd. 9. Thomas Moore, F.L.S. Popular History of British Ferns and the Allied Plants ; comprising the Club Mosses, Pepperworts, and Horsetails. By THOMAS MOORE, F.L.S., Curator of the Botanic- Garden, Chelsea. Second Edition. With 22 coloured plates by Fitch. Royal 16mo, price 10,?. 6d. 10. Miss Catlow. Popular Meld Botany ; Containing a Familiar and Technical Description of the Plants most common to the British Isles, adapted to the study of either the Artificial or Natural System. By AGNES CATLOW. Third Edition. In twelve chapters, each being the botanical lesson for the month. With 20 coloured plates. Royal 16mo, price Ws. d. MR. REEVE S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 11. Sir W. J. Hooker, F.K.S. Curtis' s Botanical Magazine ; Comprising the Plants of the Royal Gardens of Kew, and of other Botanical Establishments in Great Britain, with suitable Descriptions. By Sir W. J. HOOKER, F.L.S., Director of the Royal Gardens of Kew. In Numbers, each containing 6 coloured plates. Roval 8vo. Published Monthly. Price 3s. 6d. Vols. I. to XI., price 42*. each. 12. Sir W. J. Hooker, F.K.S. Journal of Botany and Kew Miscellany ; Containing Original Papers by eminent Botanists, the Botanical News of the Month, Communications from Botanical Travellers, Notices of New Books, etc. Edited by Sir W. J. HOOKER, F.R.S. With plates. In Monthly Numbers, 8vo, price 2s. 13. Sir W. J. Hooker, F.K.S. Icones Plantarum; Or, Figures, with brief descriptive Characters and Remarks, of new and rare Plants, selected from the Author's Herbarium. By Sir W. J. HOOKER, F.R.S. New series, Vol. V., with 100 plates. 8vo, price 3 Is. d. MR. REEVE S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 14. Notes and Notions on Created Things. First and Second Series. By the Author of c Episodes of Insect Life.' With numerous wood-engravings. I2mo, price 5,9. each Series. " We cannot imagine a book that would take a deeper hold of the imagination." ATHENJEUM. 15. Dr. Hooker, F.R.S. The Rhododendrons of Sittim- Himalaya ; Being an Account of the Rhododendrons recently discovered in the Mountains of Eastern Himalaya. By J. D. HOOKER, M.D., F.R.S. With 30 plates by W. Fitch. Imperial folio, price 3. 16*. 16. Dr. Hooker, F.R.S. Illustrations of Sittim- Himalayan Plants, Chiefly selected from Drawings made in Sikkim under the superinten- dence of the late J. F. Cathcart, Esq., Bengal Civil Service. The Botanical Descriptions and Analyses by J. D. HOOKER, M.D., F.R.S. With 24 coloured plates and an illuminated title-page by FITCH. Folio, price 5. 5s. MR. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 17. Professor Edward Forbes, F.R.S. Literary Papers on Scientific Subjects. By the late Professor EDWARD FORBES, F.R.S., Selected from his "Writings in the ' Literary Gazette.' With a Portrait and Memoir. Small 8vo, price 6*. " This reprint of reviews forms a charming book of miscellaneous essays. T criticism is genial, sensible, comprehensive, and compact. It is not common to fin besides being a scientific professor, a critic, and litterateur, the late Edward Forbes was before all things a man genial, sympathetic, brave and true a thorough good definite result, and a sense of the comic without the vulgar error of turning all things to a jest." 18. Sir W. J. Hooker, F.B.S. The Victoria Regia. By Sir W. J. HOOKER, F.R.S. With four coloured plates by Fit h. Elephant folio, price 21*. 19. Dr. Badham. The Esculent Funguses of England; Containing an Account of their Classical History, Uses, Characters, Development, Nutritious Properties, Modes of Cooking, etc. By the Rev. Dr. BADHAM. With 20 coloured plates. Super-royal 8vo, price 21*. MR. REEVE S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 20. Dr. Landsborough, A.L.S. Popular History of British Seaweeds ; Comprising their Structure, Fructification, Specific Characters, Arrange- ment, and General Distribution, with Notices of some of the Fresh- water Algse. By the Rev. D. LANDSBOROUGH, A.L.S. Second Edition. With 20 coloured plates hy Fitch. Royal 16mo, price 10s. 6d. " The book is as well executed as it is well timed. The descriptions are scientific as well as popular, and the plates are clear and explicit. It is a worthy sea-side com- panion a handbook for every resident on the sea-shore." ECONOMIST. 21. Professor Harvey, M.R.I. A. Phycologia Britannica ; Or, History of the British Seaweeds ; containing coloured Figures and Descriptions of all the Species of Algae inhabiting the Shores of the British Islands. By WILLIAM HENRY HARVEY, M.D.. M.R.I. A., Keeper of the Herbarium of the University of Dublin, and Professor of Botany to the Dublin Society. With 360 plates. In three vols. royal 8vo, arranged in the order > ^ . 9 ,, of publication . . . . . . j In four vols. royal 8vo, arranged systematically > Q~ , r ,. according to the Synopsis . . . J ' A few Copies have been printed on large paper. " The drawings are beautifully executed by the author himself on stone, the dissec- tions carefully prepared, and the whole account of the species drawn up in such a way as cannot fail to be instructive, even to those who are well acquainted with the subject. The greater part of our more common Algae have never been illustrated in a manner agreeable to the present state of Algology." GARDENERS' CHRONICLE. MR. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Professor Harvey, M.R.I.A. Nereis Australia ; Or, Illustrations of the Algse of the Southern Ocean. Being Figures and Descriptions of Marine Plants collected on the Shores of the Cape of Good Hope, the extra-tropical Australian Colonies, Tasmania, New Zealand, and the Antarctic Regions. By Professor HARVEY, M.D., M.R.I.A. Two Parts, each containing 25 coloured plates. Imperial 8vo, price 1. 1*. 23. J. Sanders. Treatise on the Culture of the As well under Glass as in the Open Air. By J. SANDERS. With 9 plates. 8vo, price 5s. " We have examined, with no common interest, the work before us; for it will be 24. Dr. Seeniann, F.L.S. Botany of the Toy age of H.M.S. Herald, Under the command of Captain Kellett, R.N., C.B., during the Years 1845-51. By Dr. BERTHOLD SEEMANN, F.L.S. Published under the authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. In Parts, each with 10 plates. Royal 4to ; price 10*. each Part. MR. REEVE S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. tf 25. Dr. Hooker, F.R.S. Flora of Tasmania. By JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER, M.D., F.R.S. In Parts, with 20 Plates. Price 1. lls. Qd. coloured; 1. Is. plain. 26. Dr. Hooker, F.R.S. Mora of New Zealand. By JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER, M.D., F.R.S., etc. In 2 volumes. With 130 Plates. Royal 4to, price 12. 12*. coloured, 8. 15*. plain. " The work is written in good plain English, with a view to the conveniency of colo- nists, but without on that account being rendered in the smallest degree unscientific ; quite the contrary. Let us add, that the beautiful execution of the work renders it a library-book, even for those who are not interested about natural history." GARDENERS' CHRONICLE. 27. Dr. Hooker, F.R.S. Flora Antarctica ; Or, Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H.M. Discovery Ships Erebus and Terror, in the Years 1839-43, under the command of Captain Sir J. C. Ross, F.R.S. By Dr. HOOKER, F.R.S. Published under the au- thority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. With 200 plates. 2 vols. royal 4to, price 10. 15s. coloured; 7- 10*. plain. " The descriptions of the plants in this work are carefully drawn up, and much inter- esting matter, critical, explanatory, and historical, is added in the form of notes. The drawings of the plants are admirably executed by Mr. Fitch ; and we know of no produc- tions from his pencil, or, in fact, any botanical illustrations at all, that are superior in faithful representation and botanical correctness." ATITEN/EUM. b 10 ME. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 28. R. M. Stark. A Popular History of British Mosses, Comprising a General Account of their Structure, Fructification, Ar- rangement, and General Distribution. By R. M. STARK, Esq. With 20 coloured plates. Royal 16mo, price 10*. 6d. " Mr. Stark has given as full and instructive an account of our wild Mosses as can well be desired. It is founded avowedly upon the long labours of Sir William Hooker in the same direction, and this alone guarantees the soundness of the author's syste- matic ^views. All the genera and species of * Moss, 5 as that term is understood by botanists, are clearly but succinctly described in the English language ; and to aid the learner in understanding the subject, we find twenty coloured plates admirably executed by Mr. Fitch. When we add that the work has a good index, the reader will require no further assurance that it deserves to be strongly recommended." GARDENERS' CHRONICLE. " * Popular British Mosses' is the best book we have seen upon the subject. The plates are exquisite, and do justice to the grace and delicacy of the originals." GUARDIAN. 29. Miss Roberts. Voices from the Woodlands ; Descriptive of Forest Trees, Ferns, Mosses, and Lichens. By MARY ROBERTS. With 20 coloured plates by Fitch. Royal 16mo, price 10s. 6d. " The fair authoress of this pretty volume has shown more than the usual good taste of her sex in the selection of her mode of conveying to the young interesting in- struction upon pleasing topics. She bids them join in a ramble through the sylvan wilds, arid at her command the fragile lichen, the gnarled oak, the towering beech, the graceful chestnut, and the waving poplar, discourse eloquently, and tell their respective histories and uses." BRITANNIA. 30. Joseph. Woods, F.L.S. The Tourist's Flora ; A Descriptive Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the British Islands, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. By JOSEPH WOODS, F.L.S. With a plate. 8vo, price 18*. MR. IIEEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 11 31. Mrs. Hussey. Illustrations of British Mycology ; Or, Figures and Descriptions of the Funguses of interest and novelty in- digenous to Britain. By Mrs. HUSSEY. Royal 4to. First Series, 90 coloured plates, price 7. 12*. 6d. ; Second Series, 50 plates, price 4. Is. 6d. 32. Sir W. J. Hooker, F.B.S. A Century of Orchidaceous Plants. The Plates selected from Curtis's Botanical Magazine. The Descrip- tions re-written by Sir W. J. HOOKER, F.R.S., Director of the Royal Gardens of Kew ; with Introduction, and Instructions for their Culture, by JOHN CHARLES LYONS. 100 coloured plates. Royal 4to, price 5. 5s. " In the exquisite illustrations to this splendid volume, full justice has been rendered to the oddly formed and often brilliantly coloured flowers of this curious and interesting tribe of plants." WESTMINSTER AND FOREIGN QUARTERLY KEVIEW. 33. Dr. Hooker, F.B.S. Cryptogamia Antarctica ; Or, Cryptogamic Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H.M. Ships Erebus and Terror. Issued separately. With 72 plates. Royal 4to, price 4. 4*. coloured; 2. 1? 's. plain. 12 ME. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 34. Henry Sowerby. Popular Mineralogy ; Comprising a familiar Account of Minerals and their Uses. By HENRV SOWERBY. With 20 coloured plates. Royal 16mo, price 10.?. 6d. "Mr. Sowerby has endeavoured to throw around his subject every attraction. His work is fully and carefully illustrated with coloured plates." SPECTATOB. 35. Adam White, F.L.S. Popular History of Mammalia; Containing a Familiar Account of their Classification and Habits. By ADAM WHITE, F.L.S., of the British Museum. With sixteen coloured plates of Quadrupeds, by B. WATERHOUSE HAWKINS, F.L.S. Royal 16mo, price IQs. 6d. " The present increase of our stores of anecdotal matter respecting every kind of animal has been used with much tact by Mr. White, who has a terse chatty way of putting down his reflections, mingled with easy familiarity, which every one accustomed daily to zoological pursuits is sure to attain. The book is profusely illustrated." ATLAS. 36. Francis Walker, F.L.S., and H. T. Stainton, Insecta Britannica ; Vols. I., II., and III., Diptera. By FRANCIS WALKER, F.L.S. With 30 plates. Vol. III., Lepidoptera: Tiiieina. By H. T. STAINTON, With 10 plates. 8vo, price 25*. each. MR. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 13 37. Miss M. E. Catlow. Popular British Entomology ; Containing a familiar and technical Description of the Insects most common to the British Isles. By MARIA E. CATLOW. Second Edition. In twelve chapters, each being the entomological lesson for the month. With 16 coloured plates. Royal 16mo, price 10s. Qd. " Judiciously executed, with excellent figures of the commoner species, for the use of young beginners." ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. " Miss Catlow's * Popular British Entomology ' contains an introductory chapter or two on classification, which are followed by brief generic and specific descriptions in English of above 200 of the commoner British species, together with accurate figures of about 70 of those described ; and will be quite a treasure to any one just commencing the study of this fascinating science." WESTMINSTER AND FOREIGN QUARTERLY EEVIEW. 38. John Curtis, F.L.S. Curtis' s British Entomology, Being Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland, containing coloured figures, from nature, of the most rare and beautiful species, and, in many instances, of the plants upon which they are found. Commenced in 1824 and completed in 1840, in 193 numbers, forming 16 volumes, price 43. 16y. Now offered to Subscribers, new and in the best condition, with 770 coloured plates, at 21. Re-issued also in Monthly Parts, price 3s. d. Vols. I. to V. of the Re-issue now ready, price 42y. each. " Vous savez qu'al'dgard d'un grand nombre d'especes, leur determination reclame le secours de figures. II est done de mon devoir de vous indiquer les livres ou vous trouverez les meilleures. Celui de M. Curtis, sur les genres d'insectes indigenes de 1'Angleterre, me parait avoir atteint Vultimatum de la perfection." LATREILLE. " M. John Curtis, naturaliste Anglais, a commence la publication d'un Genera icoriographique des genres d'insectes et de plantes propres a la Grande Bretagne, Leurs caracteres y sont represented avec la plus grande fide'lite'." CUVIER. MR. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 39. G. B. Sowerby, F.L.S. Popular British Comhology ; Containing a familiar History of the Molluscs and Shells inhabiting the British Isles. By G. B. SOWERBY, F.L.S. With 20 coloured plates. Royal 16mo, price 10s. 6d. " Mr. G. B. Sowerby maintains the character of his father and grandfather as a naturalist, and has here produced a very instructive volume as an introduction to the study of shells. This work belongs to Mr. Reeve's illustrated series on Popular Natural History, and is a worthy companion to some of the latter volumes, of the value and interest of which we have spoken when they were published. It will be seen by the title that this work is confined to British shells. It will be found a most convenient handbook at the sea-side, as all the more common shells are not only described, but illustrated. It will serve as an admirable introduction to the great work on British Mollusca,' by the late Edward Forbes and Mr. Hanley." ATHEN^UM. 40. Lovell Keeve, F.L.S. Elements of Conchology ; Comprising the Physiological History of Shells and their Molluscous Inhabitants; their Structure, Geographical Distribution, Habits, Cha- racters, Affinities, Arrangement, and Enumeration of Species. By LOVELL REEVE, F.L.S. Parts 1 to 10, with 50 coloured plates. Royal 8vo, price 3*. 6d. each. "The work before us is designed to promote a more philosophical spirit of inquiry into the nature and origin of Shells." ECCLESIASTICAL REVIEW. 41. Lovell Beeve, F.L.S. Conchologia Systematical Or, Complete System of Conchology ; in which the Lepades and Conchi- ferous Mollusca are described and classified according to their Natural Organization and Habits. By LOVELL REEVE, F.L.S. Illustrated with 300 plates of upwards of 1500 figures of Shells. Two vols. 4to, price 10 coloured. MR. REEVE S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 15 42. Lovell Reeve, F.L.S. Concholoyia Iconica ; . d. ACHATINA ........................... 190 ACHATINELLA ....................... 080 AMPHIDESMA ........................ 09 AECA .................................. 11 ARTEMIS .............................. 13 BUCCINUM ........................... 18 BULIMUS .............................. 5 12 BULLIA 056 CAEBITA .. ............................ 11 6 80 LUCINA LUTRARIA Or, Figures and Descriptions of the Shells of Molluscous Animals, with Critical Remarks on their Synonyms, Affinities, and Circumstances of Habitation. By LOVELL REEVE, F.L.S. Published Monthly in Parts, demy 4to, each containing eight plates, price 10s. \_Part 156 just published. In Monographs : s. d. MACTEA 166 MANGELIA 10 6 MESALIA. & EGLISIA 016 MESODESMA 056 MITEA 2 10 MONOCEEOS 056 MUEEX 256 MYADOEA 1 NASSA 1 17 NATICA 1 18 N"A vie ELLA & LATIA 010 NEEITA 1 4 OLIVA ONISCIA PALUDOMTJS PAETULA 5 PATELLA 2 13 PECTES 246 PECTUNCULUS 11 6 PHOEUS 040 PLETJEOTOMA 2 10 6 PTEEOCEEA 080 PUEPUEA 17 PYEULA 11 6 RANELLA 10 6 RICINFLA 080 ROSTELLAEIA 046 SlPHONARIA 096 SPONDYLUS 130 STEOMBUS 146 STEUTHIOLAEIA 016 TURBINELLA 17 TRITON 156 TUEBO 17 TTJEEITELLA 14 6 VOLTTTA 180 CAEDIUM .............................. 1 CASSIDAEIA ......................... 01 CASSIS ................................. 15 6 CHAMA ................................. 11 6 CHITON .............................. 220 CHITONELLUS ........................ 016 CONUS ................................. 300 CORBULA .............................. 066 CEASSATELLA ........................ 040 CYPE.EA .............................. 1 14 CYPEICAEDIA ........................ 030 DELPHINULA ........................ 066 DOLIUM ... ........................... 10 6 DONAX ................................. 12 6 EBUENA .............................. 016 FASCIOLARIA ........................ 090 FICULA ............................... FlSSUEELLA ......................... 1 Fusus ................................. 1 GLAUCONOME HALIOTIS HAEPA HELIX HEMIPECTEN HINNITES 1 1 1 13 .............. ISOCAEDIA ...... ..0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 14 070 1 18 01 04 " This great work is intended to embrace a complete description and illustration of the shells of molluscous animals ; and so far as we have seen, it is not such as to dis- appoint the large expectations that have been formed respecting it. The figures of the shells are all of full size : in the descriptions a careful analysis is given of the labours of others ; and the author has apparently spared no pains to make the work a standard authority on the subject of which it treats." ATHEN^UM. 16 ME. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 43. Miss Roberts. Popular History of the Mollusca ; Comprising a Familiar Account of their Classification, Instincts, and Habits, and of the Growth and Distinguishing Characters of their Shells. By MARY ROBERTS. With 18 coloured plates by Wing. Royal 16mo, price 10s. fid. 44. Adam White, F.L.S. Popular History of Birds. By ADAM WHITE, F.L.S. With 20 coloured plates. Royal 16mo, price 10s. 6d. 45. P. H. Gosse. Popular British Ornithology ; Containing a Familiar and Technical Description of the Birds of the British Isles. By P. H. GOSSE. Second Edition. In twelve chapters, each being the ornithological lesson for the month. With 20 coloured plates. Royal 16mo, price 10*. 6d. " To render the subject of ornithology clear, and its study attractive, has been the great aim of the author of this beautiful little volume. ... It is embellished by up- wards of seventy figures of British birds beautifully coloured." MORNING HERALD. ME. REEVE'S LIST OP PUBLICATIONS. 17 46. Miss Catlow. Drops of Water ; Their marvellous and beautiful Inhabitants displayed by the Microscope. By AGNES CATLOW. With 4 coloured plates. Square 12mo, price 7*. d. "An elegant little book, both in the getting up and its literature. . . . The text is accompanied by coloured plates that exhibit the most remarkable creatures of the watery world." SPECTATOR. " Of the manner in which this work is executed, we can say that, like Miss Catlow's previous productions on natural history, it displays an accurate acquaintance with the subject, and a keen delight in the contemplation of the objects to which it is devoted. As far as the living beings which inhabit ' Drops of Water ' are concerned, we know of no better introduction to the use of the microscope than the present volume." ATHENAEUM, 47. Dr. Landsborough, A.L.S. Popular History of British Zoophytes ; By the Rev. D. LANDSBOROUGH, A.L.S., Member of the Wernerian Society of Edinburgh. With 20 coloured plates. Royal 16mo, price 10s. Qd. " This work constitutes one of the popular series of scientific treatises which, from the simplicity of their style, and the artistic excellence and correctness of their nu- merous illustrations, has acquired a celebrity beyond that of any other series of modern cheap works. With this manual of Zoophytes, and that upon Seaweeds by the same author, the student can ramble along the sea-shores and glean knowledge from every heap of tangled weed that lies in his pathway." LIVERPOOL STANDARD. 18 MR. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 48. Dr. Thomson, F.L.S. Western Himalaya and Tibet ; The Narrative of a Journey through the Mountains of Northern India, during the Years 1847 and 1848. By THOMAS THOMSON, M.D., As- sistant-Surgeon, Bengal Army. With Tinted Lithographs and a Map by Arrowsmith. 8vo, price 15s. Few more valuable volumes of travels than this by Dr. Thomson have been for a 49. Dr. Gardner, F.L.S. Travels in the Interior of Brazil, Principally through the Northern Provinces and the Gold and Diamond Districts, during the Years 1836-41. By GEORGE GARDNER, M.D. F.L.S. Second Edition. With Plate and Map. 8vo, price 12*. " When camping out on the mountain-top or in the wilderness ; roughing it in his long journey through the interior ; observing the very singular mode of life there pre- sented to his notice ; describing the curious characters that fell under his observa- tion ; the arts or substitutes for arts of the people ; and the natural productions of the country ; these travels are full of attraction. The book, like the country it describes, is full of new matter." SPECTATOR. "This volume is from the pen of an able naturalist, whose heart is in his occupation. . . . Some of the regions he visited have seldom been trodden by Europeans never by Englishmen ; so that his observations derive value from the novelty of the matter to which they relate/' ATHEN^UM. MR. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 19 50. A. B. Wallace. Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, With an Account of the Native Tribes, and Observations on the Cli- mate, Geology, and Natural History of the Amazon Valley. By ALFRED R. WALLACE, Esq. With Remarks on the Vocabularies of Amazonian Languages, by R. G. LATHAM, M.D., F.R.S. With 6 plates and maps. Royal 8vo, 18*. " Mr. Wallace has given us a most lively and interesting picture of the glories of the magnificent river. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil, six mighty States, spreading over an area far more extensive than Europe herself, contribute their aid in forming the flood up which he toiled. For twenty-eight days consecutively he breasted the stream of the Amazon. ... He enters, with all the zest of a naturalist, into the history of the living things which fly, run, or creep over the surface of the country. His sketches of the natives, their appearance, habits, and disposition, are quite original." BRITANNIA. " In the novelty of the scenery and manners, in the truthful, albeit somewhat literal, picture of what the traveller saw and felt, in the quiet earnestness by which obstacles were surmounted by Talleyrand's favourite rule of waiting, and in the patience with which sickness, suffering, and privations were submitted to, ' Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro ' remind us of the simplicity of the old voyagers." SPECTATOB. 51. Dr. Seemann, F.L.S. Circumnavigation of the Globe ; Being the Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald, under the com- mand of Captain Kellett, R.N., C.B., during the Years 1845-51. By BERTHOLD SEEMANN, F.L.S., Naturalist of the Expedition. With Tinted Lithographs and a Map by Petermann. 2 vols. 8vo, price 21y. "With extensive knowledge in geography and its cognate sciences, Mr. Seemann possesses a close and sober but vivid style, which expresses his ideas not only with clearness, but animation." SPECTATOB. " Mr. Seemann is always a lively and agreeable companion, and has the merit of di- recting the attention of the general reader to applied Natural History rather than to questions only interesting to the student of pure science." GrABDENEBS' CHBONICLE. 20 ME. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 52. J. Beete Jukes, F.G.S. Popular Physical Geology. By J. BEETE JUKES, F.G.S., President of the Geological Society of Dublin. With 20 Landscape Views of Geological Scenery in Double- Tinted Lithography. Royal 16mo, price lOs. 6d. "Mr. Jukes's 'Popular Physical Geology' is peculiarly remarkable for the skilful treatment of his subject. The established facts and principles of Geology are not only presented with freshness, but so clearly enforced and illustrated as to impress the mind of the student, while he is stimulated to observation by the facility with which he is shown that observation can be made." SPECTATOR. "The illustrations to the work are of the most accurate as well as beautiful cha- racter, combining the skill of the artist with the knowledge of the geologist." OBSERVER. 53. Dairy Farming. The Rearing and Feeding of Dairy Stock, and the Management of their Produce. By RURICOLA. Crown 8vo, price 5$. 54. C. H. J. Smith. Paries and Pleasure Grounds ; Or, Practical Notes on Country Residences, Villas, Public Parks, and Gardens. By CHAULES H. J. SMITH, Landscape Gardener. Crown 8vo, price 6*. " Mr. Smith, who is a landscape gardener and garden architect of great experience, has worked out his design with ability and judgment." GLOBE. " The character of this publication is altogether practical, from the opening hints upon the house and offices, to the closing directions about the arboretum and the pinetum." SPECTATOR. MR. REEVE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 21 55. Sir Edward Belcher, C.B. The Last of the Arctic Voyages, During the Years 1852-4, in H.M.S. Assistance, under the command of Captain Sir E. Belcher, C.B., F.R.G.S. ; with Notes on the Natural History, by Sir J. Richardson, Professor Owen, Thomas Bell, J.W. Salter, and Lovell Reeve. With 40 plates, and numerous wood-engravings. Royal 8vo, 2 vols., price 36s. 56. Chandos "Wren Hoskyns. Talpa ; or, the Chronicles of a Clay Farm. An Agricultural Fragment. By CHANDOS WREN HOSKYNS. New and Cheaper Edition, with Frontispiece by George Cruikshank. Fcp. 8vo, price 3,?. 6d. 57. Piscarius. The Artificial Production of Fish. By PISCARIUS. Third Edition. Price 1$. 22 ME. EEEYE'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 58. Arthur Adams, IP.L.S. Zoology of the Voyage of H. M.S. Samarang, Under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, C.B., F.R.A.S., during the Years 1843-46. Edited by ARTHUR ADAMS, F.L.S. The Vertehrata, with 8 plates, hy John Edward Gray, F.R.S. ; the Fishes, with 10 plates, hy Sir John Richardson, F.R.S. ; the Mollusca with 24 plates, hy Arthur Adams, F.L.S. , and Lovell Reeve, F.L.S. ; the Crustacea, with 13 plates, hy Arthur Adams, F.L.S., and Adam White, F.L.S. Royal 4to, price 3. 10spherical ; eyes occupying nearly the whole surface ; thorax very elevated ; body narrow ; size small. Locality, flowers. 8. Asilidae. Proboscis as long as the head, which is de- pressed ; antennae, third joint long, terminated with a seta ; thorax narrow in front ; body long, clothed with stiff bristles ; size large. 48 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. 9. TAerevidte. Proboscis ending in two large lobes; an- tennae, third joint ovate, terminated by a seta ; body conical, and clothed with silky down ; size moderate. Locality, trees. 10. SolicAopida. Tongue short and acute; antennae short, ending in a small oval joint with a long seta ; wings lying on the body when at rest ; legs long ; body compressed and curved at the tip ; colour brilliant and metallic ; size small. Localities, walls, trunks of trees, or near water. 11. SyrplMa. Proboscis long, membranous and elbowed; antennae three- jointed, the third being the largest, ending in a seta ; head round, almost covered by the eyes, and sometimes produced into a kind of beak in front ; hind legs often thickened and toothed ; body never curved at the end ; colour varied ; size large or moderate. 12. Conopida. Proboscis long and elbowed, of various shapes, cylindrical, setaceous, etc. ; antennae with very short setae ; body curved at the end ; colour prettily varied. Locality, plants and flowers. 13. Muscidce. Proboscis short, thick, menibranaceous and distinct; antennae with the third joint the longest; FEBRUARY. 49 legs and wings moderately long ; body generally short and robust, and not curved ; size small. 14. (Estridtf, Mouth obsolete; antennae very short, last joint rounded ; body hairy. 15. Hippabozcida* Head distinct and circular, closely united to the thorax ; eyes often very large ; clypeus or anterior part of the head distinct, with the antennae immersed in the anterior angles ; mouth forming a kind of rostrum; body short, depressed, and clothed with bristles ; wings with halteres, but sometimes wanting; size small. The preceding families, from which I have omitted those containing only exotic or rare genera, are again divided into genera and species ; but the utter impossibility of entering into an explanation of these divisions in an elementary work of this nature, will be evident from the fact, that the subdi- visions of the order Coleoptera would alone occupy a space equal to half the present volume. When sufficient informa- tion has been acquired of the orders and families, and a general idea obtained of the study, those works may be read to advantage which enter fully into the generic and specific distinctions : at present they would only confuse the young student. 50 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. The description of the family distinctions in this chapter are principally taken (though much simplified and abridged) from the valuable works of Westwood, which I would strongly recommend, together with those of Kirby and Spence, to the notice of students who wish for more ex- tended information ; the former treating with great clearness on the difficult subject of classification; the latter,, parti- cularly that known as the ' Introduction to Entomology/ detailing in the most lively and interesting manner, the natural history, beauty, and peculiarities of this portion of animated nature. To the latter work 1 am deeply indebted for much useful and entertaining information, and the fre- quent allusions to it in this little volume will, I hope, lead my readers to a perusal of its pages, affording them delight and profit by its varied and circumstantial history of Insect Life. 51 CHAPTER III. MARCH. THE insects which make their appearance this month are principally those, personally well-known to even the least observing of Nature's students ; yet we shall probably find that many interesting particulars may be learned, even of the Bee and the Ant ; and should any of my readers think they " know all about such common insects/' they will be surprised to hear that the most eminent naturalists have spent years in investigating the habits of these active and industrious little creatures, and yet confess themselves still ignorant of many particulars concerning them. Before pro- ceeding to the description of species, I shall give a short account of the families or groups to which they belong, thus affording a little general information, where specific 52 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. detail is necessarily imperfect, from the immense number of our native insects. As the Bee is the most useful to man, and the group, in its extended signification, requires some explanation, it shall be placed at the head of the list. Bee is the English name for all those hymenopterous in- sects which compose the Linnsean genus Apis, now formed into two groups, namely, the Apida and Andrenidae, distin- guished from each other by the parts of the mouth, which in the Ajpida are long, forming a trunk, folded under the head and breast when in a state of repose, and stretched forward when the insect is robbing flowers of their nectar ; the mouth of the Andrenida, or rather the parts forming that organ, are short. Another difference consists in the latter having only males and females in their societies, whilst the former possess the neuters, or working Bees, in addition. The family Apidce is that which will now engage our at- tention ; it is divided into two groups, the Solitary and the Social Bees. In the former, the tibia, or shank of the hind leg, in the female, is clothed with hairs ; whilst in the latter, with the exception of the queen, this portion of the leg is broad and concave, forming a trough to carry home pollen for the use of the community : this may be noticed as one MARCH. 53 of the numerous instances of design which call for our ad- miration when studying the works of God. The Solitary Bees form four sub -families, divided into many genera, to enter into a description of which, would be foreign to the design of this sketch ; it is sufficient to name some of those whose designations are more familiar, such as the Uphol- sterer and Mason Bees, the Leaf-cutter and Cuckoo Bees, all belonging to the group which, from their habits, are called solitary. The Social Bees consist of the genus Bom- bus, Humble-bee, and Apis, Hive-bee, with some exotic genera. The first of these make their nests in various si- tuations; some digging to a considerable distance under- ground, as Bombus terrestris ; others selecting a crevice in a heap of stones, as Bombus lapidarius ; whilst the Bombns muscorum places its nest on the surface of the ground, covering it with moss or dried leaves. These nests are con- structed by one solitary female, who forms in them a num- ber of cells, in which she deposits her eggs. It is a curious fact that the eggs first hatched are all neuters, or working Bees, which are thus ready to assist their parent in the cares of the infant state : the eggs hatched at a later period are male and female. "When the cocoons, in which the grubs undergo their transformation, are empty, they are not 54 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. allowed to remain useless, but are said to be employed in holding pollen. The tongue of the Humble Bee only differs from that of the Hive Bee in being furnished near the tip with a greater number of long hairs, forming a brush, and enabling the insect to collect a much larger quantity of honey at a time. Towards August, from three to eight females are produced, which are much larger than the others, and are destined to survive the winter, all the rest of the community dying at the approach of cold weather. The former alone possess the instinct to conceal themselves in crevices of trees and walls, and on the arrival of spring they construct a nest, and perform all those labours, for which they were preserved from the destruction of their species. The other genus, Apis, is now restricted to the domestic Bee, Apis mellifica, which will be described in its proper place. The Aphida, or Plant Lice, a family only too familiar to those who delight in their garden, begin to appear during this month, and, when in great numbers, considerably di- minish the beauty of many plants. The insects of this family live entirely on vegetable matter, and the loftiest tree is no more exempt from their ravages than the humblest weed; they principally attack the foliage, and are always MARCH. 55 found on the under part of the leaf, preferring this, not only on account of its being more tender, but as affording protection from the inclemencies of the weather. Occasion- ally the root is the object of their choice, that of the Lettuce being often observed so thickly beset with one species that the whole crop has been rendered of little value. These insects are sometimes winged, at others destitute of these appendages ; in the spring they are viviparous (that is, pro- duce their young alive), and in the autumn oviparous, de- positing eggs, like other insects, in places where they are hatched the following spring. There are six or seven genera- tions during the summer, which accounts for their wonderful increase ; and in the autumn three more are produced. If the Aphides had not many enemies, their increase would be so great as materially to lessen vegetation. The larvse and perfect insect resemble each other so much as to be distin- guished with difficulty, except by size ; the females are ge- nerally apterous (that is, without wings) ; the antennae are filiform, and seven-jointed ; the tarsi two-jointed, the first very short. This family forms part of the order Homoptera, The interesting and well-known family, Formicida, or Ants, merits notice more extended than would be afforded by the mere naming of the species. The members of it 56 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. resemble Bees in many of these particulars which distin- guish them from most other insects, for example, in having the largest part of their community composed of workers, or imperfect females. These useful creatures seem to have the sole charge of domestic affairs ; for though the parent Ant lays the eggs, they are always under the imme- diate and solicitous care of the workers, who regulate the degree of heat and moisture necessary for hatching them ; and when the young grubs appear, it is on these attentive nurses that the duty of feeding them devolves, which they do, either with their own half-digested food, or some peculiar fluid secreted for that purpose. It seems probable that more than one of these kind foster-mothers is required for each larva. When the larvse are full-grown, they enclose them- selves in cocoons, in which they undergo the rest of their change, and the attachment of the workers to these cocoons is even greater than to the eggs or young larvae. They may be seen bringing them out every fine morning, taking them in when the heat is too intense, sheltering them from rain, and, although only half the size of their nurslings, running with them as fleetly as if they had no weight whatever. Their love for these partially-developed young is so great, that they are said to invade other Ant-hills, to carry off all MARCH. 57 the cocoons they find, simply, as it seems, for the pleasure of nursing and feeding them. When the supply of food fails, Ants seek their dwellings, and in the inmost recesses they cluster together, and pass the inclement season in a state of torpor. Their food varies greatly; they are fond of sugar, gum, and all the sweet exudations of trees, but their staple food is animal matter, either those larvse inju- rious to plants, or small animals, whose dead bodies would otherwise taint the air : thus, like every other living creature whose habits are known, they are found to be beneficial to mankind and to the animal creation in general. Many birds use them almost exclusively as food for their young ; phea- sants and partridges seem particularly fond both of Ants and their cocoons. They are winged at one season of the year only, and the female soon rids herself of these appendages, appearing then inspired solely with the ambition of founding a nation ; while labourers from large Ant-hills are continu- ally on the watch for these wandering mothers, whom they bring home to their extensive cities, or raise new buildings for the reception of herself and offspring. Ants belong to the order Hymenoptera, like the Bee and Wasp, from which they however differ in many essential particulars: their workers are wingless, and the females 58 POPULAE ENTOMOLOGY. destitute of a sting; the difference in their appearance is obvious. There are about a dozen British species, some of which will be mentioned hereafter. As one of the Crickets may be both heard and seen about this time, the family of which it is a member, and those to which it is allied, claim our attention, as they are often con- fused with each other by the inexperienced. There are three families in this group of insects, named by Leach, Aclietida, Gryltida, and Locmtida. The first includes the Crickets, of which Aclieta domestica, or the common House-Cricket, is an example ; the second, those Grasshoppers which have long antennae, such as the Gryllus viridissimws, green Grasshop- per ; and the third, those with short antennae, as the Locusta miffratoria, the well-known destructive Locust. These fa- milies may also be distinguished by their wings : in AcJie- tidtz, the wings and wing-covers are held horizontally when at rest ; in Gryltida, the wings are deflexed (bent down), the mandibles are also not so much toothed ; the Locwtida have the wings also deflexed, but then they are known by their short antennae. To this family belong a number of small species, very commonly found in grass, and to which the familiar name of Grasshopper is given. I shall now enter a little more into detail respecting the MARCH. 59 order Lepidoptera, as the first species makes its appearance this month, though some, having survived the winter, may be seen on sunny days even earlier. This, the most beautiful, if not the most interesting order of insects, will, from the attractive nature of the species, occupy a considerable por- tion of these sketches, and it is therefore desirable to be well acquainted with its leading features. The order I/epi- doptera includes the Butterflies, Hawk-Moths, and Moths, terms nearly corresponding to the genera Papilio, Sphinx, and Phalana of Linnaeus, and to the modern divisions founded on the times of flight Diurnal, Crepuscular, and Nocturnal, One of the distinctions between these families consists in the form of the antennae ; those of the Butterfly being clavate (that is, terminated by a club) ; those of the Hawk-Moth, prismatic, thickest in the middle ; and of the Moth, setaceous, gradually tapering to the extremity. The position of the wings, when at rest, forms another distinctive mark ; those of the day-flying Lepidoptera being held verti- cally, whilst those of the Moth are never in this position, bat vary considerably in their angle to the plane of position. The thorax of these latter insects is shorter and more robust than among Butterflies, and they possess a stiff bristle at the base of the under- wings, which, passing through a hook 60 POPULAB, ENTOMOLOGY. on the under side of the anterior pair, maintains them in their horizontal or inclined position. Having thus separated the Moth from the Butterfly, we must endeavour to divide the former from the Hawk -Moth. The most characteristic mark of the latter is to be found in the different form of the antennae, which has been described above; the wings too are longer, narrower, and of a firmer consistence than those of the true Moth, being also of smaller size, when compared to the body ; by their rapid vibration the insect is poised in the air like a Hawk (hence its name), and as many of the species, when thus hovering, make a slight humming sound, and in this respect, as well as in the rapidity of their move- ments, bear some resemblance to humming-birds, they are known under the mixed name of Humming-bird Hawk- Moths. There are also some differences observable in the Cater- pillars of the three divisions. Those of Butterflies have usually sixteen legs, six of which are placed on the anterior part of the body, which represents the thorax of the future insect, and these legs are divided into segments corresponding to the parts which compose the leg of the Butterfly ; the others, called prolegs, and attached to the hinder part of the body, are soft and fleshy, seeming to be principally used MARCH. 61 for support. The caterpillars of Hawk-Moths are in the latter respect similar to those of the Butterfly; but the prolegs of Moth larvae vary both in number and structure, though the anterior legs are always of the same number as in the Butterfly, the most conspicuous being provided with ten prolegs, others with eight, six, four, and some of the smaller kinds with only two. The colour of the caterpillars varies so much, that no distinction can be drawn from it : that of the Hawk-Moth is sometimes very showy, green being a prevailing hue, which is often varied with oblique stripes of yellow, blue, or purple. The larvae of these in- sects are generally smooth, or covered with hard grains like seal-skin, and have a long horn near the extremity some- what curved and bent back. Many caterpillars of the diurnal Lepidoptera are also smooth, but in some cases they are covered with long hairs and spines, which latter appendages will, in some instances, pierce the skin, and in some foreign species, sting like a nettle. The chrysalides vary equally with the larvae and the per- fect insect. Those of the Butterfly attach themselves to walls, posts, or trees, and after selecting an appropriate situa- tion, the animal commences its curious proceeding. As they are suspended in two different ways, either perpendicularly 6 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. by the tail, or horizontally by a band round the middle, the operations of the caterpillar vary accordingly. When the chrysalis is to be suspended by the tail, the first step is to cover a portion of the surface to which it is to be attached, with a layer of silken threads, so as to form a little reversed cone ; into this the animal pushes its hinder pair of prolegs, which are entangled by means of the small hooks of the foot ; the anterior part of the body is then allowed to hang with the head downwards ; soon after, it begins to bend the head up, retaining this position for some time, then permit- ting the head to fall again. This movement it continues for some hours, till the skin rends in the back, and the chrysalis appears ; by degrees the skin dries, and is pushed towards the tail. Now the difficult task remains of extri- r^cating itself from the skin, which is its only support, and attaching itself to the silken threads, which are considerably above. In order to accomplish this, it seizes on a portion of the skin between two segments of the body, holding it as with a pair of pincers, and thus supports itself till it draws the tail from its sheath ; it then takes hold of another piece, by elongating the rings of the tail, and repeating this till the extremity touches the silk, to which it adheres by a number of little hooks with which it is provided. " These MARCH. 63 operations/' says Reaumur, (f are most delicate and perilous : it is wonderful that an insect which executes them but once in its life, should execute them so well ; we can only con- clude that it has been instructed by a Great Master/' When the chrysalis is to be suspended horizontally, the animal commences as before, and also prepares a silken band for encircling itself near the middle. Different methods are used for fixing this belt : some caterpillars let it hang down in a loop, and then insinuate their bodies into it when it is completed ; others bend their heads back to the point where the girdle is to be fixed, and, after fastening the threads on that side, carry them over to the other, simply by turning the head in that direction. The chrysalides of Butterflies are generally of an angular form ; those of Moths oval or elliptical, and very rarely sus- pended : the colour of both is usually deep chestnut-brown, though occasionally of brighter hues. Those of Moths are either enveloped in a silken cocoon, an example of which all have seen in the Silk-worm, or buried in the ground, in a hole well lined with silk to render it soft and warm, or coated with a kind of varnish. The majority of Moths have to force their way out of the cocoon no easy operation for creatures destitute of jaws ; sometimes the perfect insect is 64 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. furnished with the means of liberation, which is then effected by an acid secretion discharged on the part from which it desires to make its exit, and which then yields to the slightest pressure. When the caterpillar provides the means of escape for the future Moth, it does so, generally, by making a circular inci- sion near one end, leaving a small piece as a hinge ; but in some cases a more elaborate contrivance is resorted to, such as that of the Emperor Moth, which makes at one end of the cocoon a funnel-shaped opening, like the neck of a flask, composed of a series of loose threads, converging like bristles to a blunt point, and formed of strong silk, well gummed. To prevent any enemy attacking the helpless inmate through this opening, the larva forms another funnel within, in which there is no opening, but through which, being made of very elastic threads, the moth can easily effect its egress. These elastic threads also answer another purpose, that of compressing the body of the Moth as it emerges, thus forcing a fluid into the nervures of the wings, and giving them their proper expansion ; for if the pupa is taken out of the cocoon, the wings remain crippled ^. We have now traced the Lepidoptera through the three * Kirby and Spence, ' Introduction to Entomology.' 1 Cic/indela camoestm. 2>. Carabua luteiie . 3 Oyrin .s ' i.. : u>hylir,us ulens 6. Lampyrns MAECH. 65 different states into which they pass, and explained the great subdivisions of the order; the student will now be better prepared to understand those species which are pre- sented to his notice. The order Coleoptera, the first men- tioned, was described, with its principal family distinctions, in February. COLEOPTERA. HTDROPHILID^E. HYDEOU8. Generic Distinctions. Antennae short, and clubbed at the end ; palpi long and slender ; mandibles largely toothed ; elytra nar- rowing gradually behind ; tarsi five-jointed. HYDROUS PICEUS. (Plate I.) Ground-colour black, in- clining to olive ; margins of the elytra faintly tinged with purple and green ; antennae and mouth reddish ; wing-cases marked with eight dotted lines ; a few yellow spots on the body, and hairs of the same colour on the breast ; the legs very dark, and fringed with reddish-brown. This is the largest of our water Beetles, and is common in the south, though becoming rare in the northern counties. The larva is very destructive to small shell-fish ; it swims with great facility, and can seize its prey without changing its position, POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. from the freedom with which it moves its formidable jaws. The female Beetle spins a silken bag for her eggs, in which they float about until hatched ; the perfect insect may be found as early as January in ponds and stagnant waters. COLEOPTERA. SlLPHID^E. SILPHA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna slightly compressed, and thick- ening gradually from the seventh joint to the apex ; palpi, two pair fixed to the maxillae and under lip ; mandibles not notched ; elytra rounded behind ; tarsi five-jointed ; body formed somewhat like a shield. SILPHA QUADRIPUNCTATA. (Plate II.) Black and shin- ing, with the elytra and sides of the thorax light yellow or buff, with rounded spots of black. Length, five or six lines (the line is the twelfth part of an inch). There are about a dozen species of Silpha in Britain, most of which are pitchy, or black, in colour ; they frequent carrion, and are of infinite service in freeing the earth from putrid substances. - 2. oilpha cpad - 5. Ghrpomek Tastaosa. 6. Coccmella MARCH, 67 COLBOPTEKA. C/OCCINELLID.E. COCCINELLA. Generic Distinctions. Antennae very short, and terminated by a compressed club ; palpi with a very large terminal joint, which is hatchet-shaped ; body nearly hemispherical ; thorax angulated behind ; elytra smooth ; tarsi three-jointed. COCCINELLA SEPTEM-PUNCTATA. (Plate II.) LaAy-Urd. Of a red colour, the elytra having seven black spots. This is one of the commonest species; when touched, it will emit a yellow fluid of a very disagreeable odour, which is said to be good for the toothache. COCCINELLA VIGINTIDUO-PUNCTATA is a beautiful species, of a light yellow colour, having five black spots on the thorax, and eleven on each elytron ; it is common in England. The members of this genus, of which there are about thirty species, vary from one-third to one-eighth of an inch in size, and are ornamented with various colours, black, yellow, and red being the most conspicuous. In France they are considered sacred to the Virgin, and are called " Betes de la Vierge," "Yaches a Dieu," etc.; in England they are well known under the name of Lady-birds. 68 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. ORTHOPTERA. ACHETID^E. GRYLLOTALPA. Generic Distinctions. Antennae short and slender ; wings and wing-covers horizontal; tarsi three-jointed ; fore legs very broad. GRYLLOTALPA VULGARIS, or GRYLLUS GRYLLOTALPA (Plate III.)> the Mole Cricket, is about an inch and a half or two inches long, nearly cylindrical, and of a brown colour ; its legs, being formed for the purpose of burrowing in the ground, are broad and notched ; the body is terminated by two long, stiff bristles ; it inhabits the^sides of canals and damp soils, in which, just below the surface, it forms long winding burrows and a chamber, neatly smoothed, in which, about the middle of May, it deposits nearly a hundred eggs. This singular insect makes a dull jarring sound, continued for a long time without interruption, like that of the Pern Owl ; farmers suppose it does injury by loosening the earth round the roots of vegetables, upon which it is said to subsist, though Latreille thinks it feeds on worms and insects. ORTHOPTERA. ACHETIDJE. ACHETA. Generic Distinctions. Antennce very long ; wings and wing- covers horizontal ; tarsi three-jointed ; legs slender. 1- ; dnmestica 3. Giyllutalpa.volgans 4 G-ryllus viridissimus . MARCH. 69 ACHETA DOMESTICA (Plate III.), the House Cricket, needs little description ; it is of a buff colour, varied with brown ; the loud chirping noise made by the males is occasioned by the brisk attrition of their wings, the covers of which are provided with a small glassy membrane, acting like the parchment covering of a tambourine. These insects may be found throughout the year in favourable situations. White of Selborne says they feed on bread, yeast, salt, and any kitchen sweepings : they are fond of moisture, and will gnaw holes in wet woollen stockings or aprons hung to dry. ACHETA CAMPESTRIS, the Field Cricket, is much more rare, and appears later ; the colour is black, with the base of the wing-covers yellow. It burrows at the side of paths, making deep holes, at the mouth of which it sits, in order to seize any stray insects for food. HETEROPTEEA. NOTONECTID.E. NOTONECTA. Generic Distinctions. Body subcylindrical ; tarsi, first joint long ; claws very minute. NOTONECTA GLAUCA. (Plate XV.) Boat Fly. About half an inch long, of a greyish colour ; the elytra spotted with 70 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. black at the margin. It is an aquatic insect, and derives its generic name from the habit of swimming on its back ; on approaching a piece of standing water, these insects may be observed resting with the tail upwards, and the legs ex- tended at right angles ; with the body in this position, they are enabled to obtain a supply of air to the apertures of the air-tubes, which are on the sides. They produce a slight wound with the proboscis, and feed on other insects. Many of my readers may have seen them by means of the gas- microscope. HYMENOPTEEA. APID.E. APIS. Generic Distinctions. Proboscis long ; maxillary palpi almost obsolete; lody oblong; legs furnished with a pollen plate, and destitute of spines ; tarsi, basal joint oblong. APIS MELLIFICA, the Hive Bee, needs no specific descrip- tion, as the genus Apis is now restricted in England to this species, which is one of the most perfectly social groups of insects, and possesses the greatest share of instinct. One of the most striking peculiarities in the Hive Bee is the existence of those individuals formerly regarded as neuters, MARCH. 71 but which by modern investigation are found to be females, imperfect in their organization ; these constitute the great mass of the population in every hive ; to them is committed the internal economy of the society, and upon them the whole labour of the community devolves. It is also their duty to guard and protect the queen, to feed the young, and to kill the drones, or males, at the appointed season : in a single hive there are many thousands of these indivi- duals. The perfect female, or queen, may be distinguished by her superior size and length, her brighter colour, and curved sting. Her duty principally consists in laying eggs, during which operation she is attended by a body-guard of workers, who treat her with every mark of respect. The male Bees, or drones, have no sting, the head is rounded, and the eyes larger. As soon as the plants begin to flower, Bees are in motion for the purpose of collecting honey and wax, the former of which is a sweet limpid juice found in the nectaries of flowers, the latter is a secretion from the body of the work- ing Bees. These different materials, being brought to the hive, are received by the labourers in waiting, who form cells of the wax, which serve as storehouses for the honey, and nests for the young. The honey is partly distributed for 72 POPULAR, ENTOMOLOGY. present food to the inhabitants, and the remainder laid up for winter consumption. The form of the cells is an interest- ing proof of instinct : as there is no great space in a hive which is to accommodate so many thousand insects, and as, also, the Bees do not secrete a great quantity of wax, the saving of both space and material is an object of considera- tion; consequently, every Bee is endowed with instinct which places her high on the list of geometricians, as the cells are precisely of that form which ensures both saving of space and material. To prove this, Reaumur, the great naturalist, gave the following problem to Konig, a skilful mathema- tician : Among the hexagonal tubes with pyramidal bases, to find that which can be formed with the least possible quantity of matter. Konig worked the problem, and found precisely the same angles which Reaumur had previously ascertained to be those of the Bee's cell. It is a curious circumstance that the design of every comb is sketched by a single Bee, who lays the first rudiments, which are then completed by the rest. There are three different kinds of cells : the first are for the larvae of the workers, and for containing the honey; the second, for the grubs of the drones, which are larger than the former ; and the third, of which there is only a small number, are destined for the MARCH. 73 future queens : these are called royal cells, and are of quite a different form from the rest. The antennae seem to be the organs by which the little architects regulate the shape of their wonderful buildings. The first cells are all made of the proper size and form for the working Bees ; but when the queen is going to lay male eggs, the builders immedi- ately change the dimensions of the cell to suit the intended occupant; they also, at certain intervals, construct royal cells, and about once in three days the queen deposits an egg, which is destined to produce a future queen. Another extraordinary circumstance is noticed, connected with these embryo sovereigns, which is, that should the queen happen to die before having laid any royal eggs, the Bees, after much apparent consultation, select one of those formed for the working Bees ; three cells are thrown into one for its reception, the grub, when hatched, is fed with royal jelly, and a queen is produced ; whereas, had it remained in the original cell, and been fed with ordinary food, it would have turned out only a working Bee. This, and some other facts, are so contrary to what is known in other branches of Natural History, that, unless fully proved, they might be deemed fabulous. We must now proceed to the period when the young 74 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. queens are ready to come forth in their perfect state. At this time the queen-mother appears to become infuriated ; she rushes to the cells of her royal offspring, and tearing them open, slaughters the inmates with her sting; after killing two or three, she communicates her excitement to the workers, when a great portion of them, accompanied by their old queen, rush from the hive and seek another home. In every instance it is the original sovereign that leads the first swarm, which, being placed in a fresh hive, again com- mences active labours. Meantime, the Bees remaining in the old hive take great care of the undestroyed cells, and prevent the young queens from leaving them, except at proper intervals. As soon as one of them is hatched, she proceeds to attack the royal apartments; but the guards, who permitted the ancient sovereign to pursue her own way, do not extend the same courtesy to her successor, but surrounding the cell of her rival they bite and drive her off. Angry at this conduct, the little queen stands upright, uttering a clear shrill sound, and no sooner is this heard than the Bees remain motionless, hanging down their heads ; again she attacks the cell, and is again driven away, till at length, giving up the contest, she quits the hive, with a second swarm. To prevent the young queens from making MARCH. 75 their appearance too soon, the workers remove a portion of wax from the cell ; making it sufficiently thin to be seen through ; and when the prisoner is ready to free herself, and has cut through the cocoon, they fasten up the cleft with wax, and prevent her egress ; upon this, she emits a distinct humming sound, which however excites no pity in her subjects, though they feed her with honey when she puts out her tongue for that purpose. At the proper time she is released, and leads the swarm which is then ready for her. In the autumn the males are all killed, and eyen those grubs that would have changed into drones partici- pate in the general doom. Yolumes have been written, filled with interesting details respecting these useful insects ; and the great difficulty, in a sketch like the present, consists in selecting from so great a mass of information that which shall interest the reader and make him acquainted with the outline of their history, within the compass to which it is limited, whilst it incites him to search for more abundant details in larger works. The ( Introduction to Entomology/ by Kirby and Spence, gives a very interesting account of the Bee, and from, this valuable work many of the above remarks are condensed. 76 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. HOMOPTERA. APHID..E. APHIS. Generic Distinctions. Antennas filiform, seven-jointed ; elytra larger than the wings ; body generally horned towards the apex ; wings either four, or entirely wanting. APHIS ROS.E (Plate XV.) is generally of a green colour ; the tips of the antennae, and horns, black; tail pointed. These insects may be found in February, when the weather is sufficiently warm, and are produced from oval black eggs deposited in the autumn. They reach maturity in April, after twice casting their skins ; and early in June, some of the third generation, after throwing off their last covering, are found to possess four wings, which had been folded into a very small compass, but now extend in a beautiful manner to their proper form and dimensions. APHIS HUMULI infests the Hop, and the importance of this apparently insignificant insect may be gathered from the following account given in the ' British Cyclopsedia of Natural History :' "In the year 1802 the hop-duty fell from 100,000^. to 14,000^, on account of the great increase v of the Aphis; in 1825, from 130,000^. to 22,000/. ; and in the following year, which was remarkably dry and hot, scarcely MAECH. 77 an Aphis was found, and the duty, which began in May at 120,000^, rose to nearly 500,000, so that this little in- sect actually possesses a control over the British treasury amounting to hundreds of thousands." LEPIODOPTEKA. PAPILIONID.E. GONEPTEEYX. Generic Distinctions. Antenna rather short and robust, thick- ening near the summit to an obtuse club ; palpi compressed and projecting a little beyond the head ; wings large, angulated, the under pair grooved to receive the body. GONEPTEEYX EHAMNI. (Plate Y.) Brimstone Butterfly. The male is entirely bright sulphur-yellow above, and the fe- male greenish- white ; both have a small round orange spot near the middle of each wing, and some minute, rust-coloured spots along the outer edge ; the under side is paler than the upper, and the central marks are rust-brown and pale in the middle. The body is black above, and clothed with long, silky, white hairs, the under parts are yellow ; antennae reddish; the head and thorax slightly tinged with rose- colour. This insect is common in the southern counties, and also occurs in many parts of the north, but not in 78 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. Scotland. It often survives the winter, when its graceful outline and gay tints render it a pleasing herald of spring. It may often be seen vibrating like the petals of the prim- rose it so much resembles in colour, by the side of a sheltered wood. Though I have mentioned this pretty butterfly in the early month in which it frequently makes its appear- ance, yet the first broods are more usually seen in May, and the second in autumn. The caterpillar is long, naked, and of a light green colour, with many black dots on the back, and a pale line down each side ; it feeds on the Prunus spinosa, or Blackthorn. The chrysalis is angular. DlPTEEA. CULEX. Generic Distinctions. Antennae setaceous, of about fourteen joints, which form a tuft in the males ; palpi long ; rostrum long, and enclosing a sucker of five pieces ; wings lying horizontally on the body ; legs long. CULEX PIPIENS. (Plate XV.) The Gnat. Body cinereous ; wings transparent ; antennae of the male plumose ; length of the insect three lines. The beautiful proboscis of this little creature is well worthy of notice, notwithstanding the pain and uneasiness it causes ; for although it appears to the naked eye MAECH. 79 to consist merely of a long, slender, and simple organ, it is in fact a number of fine lancet-like pieces, enclosed in a fleshy gutter, forming an instrument admirably adapted for suction, and provided with a poisonous liquid, which it instils into the wound in order to make the blood flow more freely : it must be remembered that the females alone exhibit this thirst for blood, the males contenting themselves (in more elegant taste) with the nectar of flowers. The females deposit their eggs in a remarkable manner : the larvse are destined to inhabit water, and the perfect insect is an aerial being ; it therefore takes its station on the extremity of a floating leaf, and, by the assistance of the hind leg, forms the eggs into a curious boat-like mass, which floats on the water. These hatch in about two days, and may be seen in the larva-state jerking about with great rapidity ; they are small, and semi-trans- parent, long, and furnished at the sides with long hairs; the head is rounded, having two jaws, which are kept in perpetual motion, serving to produce a current of water, which brings small floating particles to its mouth. They are transformed into pupse in about fifteen days, in which state the body is thickened, and exhibits the rudiments of legs and wings ; the external apparatus for breathing now consists of two small horns, and the pupa swims with great agility 80 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. by means of two small swimmerets, or little oars. There is an apparent difficulty in this little aquatic animal casting off a form with which it could not live in the air, and assuming that which would be destroyed in its future element. But Nature, or rather the God of Nature, is never at a loss for expedients ; the pupa rises to the surface, when ready to enter its new condition, and elevating the thorax above the level of the water, the skin bursts, by -swelling the exposed part, and the head and thorax of the Gnat are seen, while the rest of the body gradually appears. At this critical period (say the authors of the ( Introduction to Entomology') the old skin acts as a life-boat to the little animal; the observer, who sees how this little boat sinks closer and closer to the margin, feels interested for the safety of the insect, for should it upset, the tiny mariner would certainly be drowned ; but the Gnat, having fixed itself perpendicularly, draws first its two anterior legs out of their case, and moving them forward, proceeds to do the same with the next pair; then resting for an instant on the surface of the water, the wings unfold themselves, are dried, and the insect flies away to enjoy its new existence. CULEX PTJLICARIS. The Midge. Body slender ; antennae plumose, and forked at the extremity ; wings white, about MARCH. 81 a line in length. The Midge very closely resembles the true Gnat, but differs in wanting the long proboscis. The antennse are ornamented with whorls of hair, which, in the males, form beautiful objects. These insects do not appear till later in the year, but, being so similar to the Gnats, it is thought better to notice them together. DIPTERA. BOMBYLIID.E. BOMBYLIUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna, second joint very short, ter- minal one long ; palpi very visible ; proboscis very long ; body short, thick, and hairy ; legs long. BOMBYLIUS MAJOR is about one-third of an inch long, and covered with yellowish hairs ; the wings somewhat dusky. BOMBYLIUS MEDIUS has the wings marked with small dark spots; the specific name bestowed on it by Linnseus is inappropriate, as it is larger than B. major. BOMBYLIUS MINOR is much smaller than either of the preceding species ; the wings are quite clear. These insects are very active, flying with great rapidity ; they hover over flowers without settling on them, but extract the honey by means of their very long proboscis. Their 8 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. transformations seem to be little known ; Latreille supposes them to be parasitical in the nests of other insects. The perfect fly (which very much resembles a Bee, and is hence termed the Bee-fly) may often be met with in fine weather, making a humming sound during its flight. This family has been by some authors confounded with Asilida, from which it is however distinguished by the pro- boscis in the latter being very short, and the body longer. The Asilida prey on other insects, which they seize on the wing by means of their fore legs, and extract the juices with the lancet-like parts of the mouth. The larvae in this family reside in the ground ; the body is long, the head scaly ; they are destitute of legs, but make use of the hooks on the head to draw themselves along ; they form no cocoon when about to become pupa3, but undergo the transformation in the same locality in which they have existed in the state of larvse. The finest species is the Asilus crabroniformis, thus named from the resemblance it bears to the Hornet, Vespa cradro. 83 CHAPTEE IV. APBIL. THE sunshine of this variable, though often delightful month, calls many of our insects into being. Several of the early white Butterflies may be seen flitting about, re- joicing us, as harbingers of spring, and sipping the sweets of the few flowers now in bloom ; the less delicate, but more brilliant Beetle, attracts our attention, as it runs swiftly across our path, or flies heavily during a warm evening, with its peculiar, humming sound ; the elegant Dragon Fly emerges from the watery bed in which it had passed the first stage of its existence, and hovers over the element it has so lately quitted, as though unwilling to leave its native home to try new scenes ; and though, " Spring is but the child Of churlish winter, in her froward moods Discovering much the temper of her sire/' 84 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. yet she sends us many of her "flying gems" as precursors of her abundant fertility, when the sun shall have tempered still more the bleak winds of March. The beautiful family of Dragon Flies, Libellulida, is noted for the extreme elegance of the species composing it. Kirby speaks of their dress as silky, brilliant, and trimmed with the finest lace ; and Mouffet says, " they set forth Nature's elegancy beyond the expression of art." The French call them Demoiselles : our less elegant names of Dragon Ply, Horse-stinger, etc., are quite misapplied, as they are perfectly harmless. They are generally seen skimming over standing water, seizing other insects as food ; sometimes even Butterflies become victims of these beautiful destroyers. The eggs are laid by the female in the form of a bunch of grapes, and are soon hatched into short, thick larvse, with six scaly legs; on becoming pupse, they are equally active. In their aquatic state these insects have a curious apparatus for catching their prey, which is thus amusingly described in Kirby and Spencers admirable work : " One of the most remarkable instruments, in which the art and skill of Divine mechanism are singularly conspicuous, may be seen in the under-lip of the Dragon Ely. Conceive your under-lip to be horny instead of fleshy, and to be elongated, so as to wrap over APRIL. 85 your chin, and then expand into a triangular plate attached by a joint, so as to bend upwards again, and fold over the face, as high as the nose, concealing not only the chin and the first-mentioned elongation, but the mouth and part of the cheeks; conceive, moreover, that to the end of this last-named plate are fixed two other convex ones, so broad as to cover the nose and temples : that these can open at pleasure like a pair of jaws, exposing the nose and mouth, and that their inner edges, where they meet, are cut into numerous sharp teeth and spines, or armed with long and sharp claws. You will probably admit that your own visage would present an appearance not very engaging, while con- cealed by such a mask ; but it would strike still more awe into the spectators, were they to see you first open the two upper jaw-like plates, which would project from your temples like the blinders of a horse ; and next, having, by means of the joint at the chin, let down the whole apparatus, and uncovered your face, employ them in seizing any food that presented itself, and conveying it to your mouth. This formation so exactly resembles a mask, that if entomologists ever went to masquerades, they could not more effectually relieve the insipidity of such amusements, and attract the attention of the Demoiselles, than by appearing at the 86 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. supper-table with a mask of this construction, and serving themselves by its assistance : these creatures steal upon their prey as a cat does on a mouse." They live in the water for ten or eleven months prior to their final change, and from spring until the commencement of autumn may be seen in every favourable locality ; when ready to quit the pupa state they leave the water, and, ascending the stem of some aquatic plant, allow their outward covering to become* dry and brittle, when it splits down the back, and the head and legs make their appearance. The insect then seizes a twig with its fore legs, and draws out the rest of the body ; after which it remains a considerable time, until its wings acquire their full size and gauze-like appearance. There are two families of Water Beetles seen this month, and frequently earlier, the Dyticida and Gyrinidte, the latter remarkable for the metallic brilliancy of their cover- ing, which distinguishes them from the Dyticida. The velocity with which they execute their evolutions on the surface of the water is truly surpising, and has obtained for them the name of " Whirligigs." One of our naturalists thus describes them : " Water quiet, still water affords a place of action to a very amusing little fellow, Gyrinus natatory which about the middle of April we see gambolling APRIL. 87 about, on the surface of a sheltered pool ; every school-boy who has angled for minnows in the brook, is well acquainted with this merry swimmer in his shining black jacket ; one pool commonly affords space for the amusement of several parties, yet they do not unite, but perform their cheerful circlings in separate family associations; if we interfere with their merriment, they seem greatly alarmed, disperse, and dive to the bottom, where their fears soon subside, and we see our little friends dancing as before." Some of the beautiful Tiger Beetles may occasionally be found, their brilliant green rivalling the hue of the emerald, when seen in the sunshine ; they fly swiftly, and the rapidity of their motions renders escape impossible to any insect they may attack ; they emit a fine rose-like scent. The larvse reside in burrows of great depth, which they excavate in sand ; at the mouth of these holes they station them- selves to entrap their prey, and are, like the perfect insect, furnished with hooked jaws, and six strong legs. Dr. Kidd thus amusingly describes one of the larvse : " Such a beauty ! the Parca, sweet creatures, the Ewmenidte, gentle turtle-doves, were lovely in comparison; aspect vicious, temper ferocious, jaws diabolical, stuck on the wrong way, - head big, back humped, the hump adorned with two hooks/' 88 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. The jaws afford one of the many proofs of design which are so frequently met with in the insect world ; they are turned upwards, contrary to the usual formation, but were they in the ordinary position, the animal, which takes its station at the mouth of its hole to catch stray insects, would be compelled to throw back the head to a great dis- tance, in order to snap at them, whereas its present forma- tion enables it to take them without any difficulty; the hooks on the back are also worthy of our notice, as it is by their assistance that the insect climbs up, and retains its situation at the mouth of the cell. The same amusing author just quoted, says of one whose hole he seems to have destroyed : " He set to work to make another, for which purpose he used his feet and jaws, loosening the sand with his feet, and fetching it out with his jaws ; in this way he got down about half an inch, and then adroitly hanging himself to the edge of the hole by his hooks, he continued his labours in this droll situation ; at last he got out of sight, and as he did not appear again, I concluded he was taking a nap after his labours." APEIL. 89 COLEOPTEKA. CAEABUS. Generic Distinctions. -Body elongated, often bronzed or golden green ; head projecting, narrower than the thorax ; antenna fili- form ; thorax less broad than the body ; size large. CAEABUS CLATHEATUS. About an inch long, of an oblong form ; colour dark brassy, head and thorax faintly punctured, each elytron has three elevated lines and a triple series of excavations of a copper-colour, the under side and legs black; the wings are not adapted for flight. CAEABUS NITENS (Plate I.) is found on heaths, and scarcely yields to any exotic insect in brilliancy of lustre. COLEOPTERA. CAEABIDJE. ELAPHEUS. Generic Distinctions. Head with prominent eyes; antennae becoming thicker towards the extremity ; thorax nearly the same width as the head ; tarsi, first four joints slightly dilated in the males. ELAPHEUS EIPAEIUS. Head and thorax deeply punctured, the latter with a short groove in the middle ; elytra thickly covered with minute punctures, and four rows of purple 90 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. spots, each with a ring of metallic lustre; colour brassy- green, under side bronzed green; legs pale yellow. This insect frequents marshy places and the margins of ponds, running very quickly. COLEOPTEBA. STAPHYLINTD.E. STAPHYLINUS. Generic Distinctions. Head large ; antenna short, inserted between the eyes ; body narrow, and not covered by the elytra ; wings very large ; palpi filiform ; size large. STAPHYLINUS ERYTHB.OPTEKUS. About half an inch long, with red elytra ; found under dead leaves, or stones, or seen flying in hot sunshine. STAPHYLINUS OLENS (Plate I.) is of a dull black colour, with pale reddish elytra ; it is known under the name of the " Devil's Coach-horse. " When alarmed, it opens its jaws, and throws its tail over the back ; it is frequently seen run- ning quickly across roads and sandy paths ; one very small species sometimes causes great annoyance by flying into the eyes, giving a smarting sensation from the vapour it emits; they feed on decaying vegetable and animal substances. APRIL. 91 COLEOPTEKA. CHKYSOMELID^. CHEYSOMELA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna slightly thickened towards the tips ; palpi hatchet-shaped ; body rounded or oval ; wings formed for flight ; colour very brilliant. CHEYSOMELA SANGUINOLENTA is about a third of an inch in length, of a blue-black colour, the elytra widely bordered with red. CHRYSOMELA FASTUOSA. (Plate II.) A very pretty species, of a brilliant golden-green, with a stripe on each elytron of violet-blue ; it is smaller than the last, and is found on the white dead-nettle (Lamium album)* COLEOPTEKA. CICINDELID^B. CICINDELA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna filiform; palpi distinct and hairy; wings long and slender; body oblong or oval; colour very brilliant. CICIKDELA CAMPESTRIS. (Plate I.) A very elegant insect, of a bright grass-green above, with several white spots on each elytron. 92 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. COLEOPTEKA. GYRINTDJE. GYEINUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna short and thick, forming a mass, almost like ears; head sunk in the thorax; hinder legs very short, compressed, and hairy ; fore legs long ; body highly polished. GYKINUS NATATOR. (Plate I.) Nearly three lines long, of an ovate form, blue-black in colour, with a metallic lustre, the breast rather red ; found in water. COLEOPTEEA. DYTICID.E. DYTICUS. Generic Distinctions. Antennae eleven-jointed and setaceous ; head thick, and partly sunk in the thorax ; elytra in some species destitute of furrows in the males ; body oval ; colour black, tinged with olive ; size large. DYTICUS MARGINALIS has the body blackish-green above, yellowish-blown below, the thorax and elytra margined with yellow. The female is furrowed; it is about an inch in length. APRIL. COLEOPTERA. ANOBIUM. Generic Distinctions. Antenna of eleven joints, terminated by three larger joints ; head short and round ; body cylindrical and convex ; wings strong, longer than the elytra ; colours obscure. ANOBITJM TESSELLATUM. Body of an obscure brown co- lour, with yellowish spots formed by hairs ; the elytra are not striated (marked with lines). These innocent little creatures, from a superstitious error, bear the name of Death-watch, in common with another species, ANOBIUM STRIATTJM, of a more uniform colour, and may be heard in old houses making a clicking noise in the walls and window -frames. This sound is produced by the insect raising itself on its hinder legs, and beating its head with some force against the wood on which it stands. There are eleven species in England, all of which probably possess the power of making this noise, which is merely a call or signal to its companions. NEUROPTEEA. LIBELLULID.E. LIBELLULA. Generic Distinctions. Head globular ; antenna short ; eyes 94 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. very large ; body long, depressed, and pointed ; wings extended horizontally in repose. LIBELLULA DEPKESSA (Plate IV.), Dragon Fly, is of a yellowish-brown colour with two yellow lines on the thorax ; the body is brown or grey,, with the sides yellowish ; the wings are transparent, with a large spot of brown at the base ; length about an inch and a half ; the sexes are often of different colours, the males having the body lead-blue, whilst the females are rich yellow-brown; in the genus Agrion (which some authors make a sub-family) the males are of a rich blue, with black wings, the females a fine green with colourless wings ; the body is also rounded and much more slender. HYMENOPTERA. FOEMICID^E. POEMICA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna inserted near the middle of the front part of the head ; mandibles strong, triangular, and dentate ; wings large and unequal ; sting wanting. FORMICA RUFA. Red Ant. The neuters are blackish, with part of the head and thorax fawn-coloured ; the female has the thorax oval and fawn-coloured, and the body black ; the males and females are about four lines in length, the neuters IV. L Ephemera vulgata. ?s .Lib ell ula depress a. 3 Phijganea .graiutis 4<. Arufcena mg: APRIL. 95 rather smaller; the wings are obscure, with yellowish nerves. The dwellings of these Ants,, which are called Red, Hill, or Horse Ants, are composed of straws, wood, and earth, heaped into a cone-shape, and are found in woods ; the number of individuals of which a nest is composed is very great ; when disturbed the ants come out in immense numbers, looking very formidable, and biting severely. Their habitation is formed with much art, and differs from that of all other species, in having a great many entrances, which are all closed at sunset, when the little inhabitants shut themselves in for the night. FORMICA NIGRA. Black Ant. In this species the insects are about two lines long, of a blackish-brown colour, with the mandibles and part of the antennae paler ; they dig small galleries on the sides of roads, fields, and gardens. LEPCDOPTERA. PAPILIONID^E. PONTIA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna long, slender, and terminating in an abrupt club \ palpi clothed with scales ; anterior wings nearly three-cornered ; posterior wings rounded, and not varie- gated beneath ; legs alike in both sexes ; chrysalis terminated in a beak, and attached by the tail. 96 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. PONTIA EAP^E. Small White Butterfly. Upper surface of the wings white, slightly inclining to yellow ; the first pair have a dusky spot at the tip, extending a short way round the border; in the male there is one, and in the female two, round spots on the disc ; the latter have also an oblong patch behind ; the hinder wings have a black mark on their anterior border. Beneath, the anterior wings have two black spots ; the tip is yellow, as are the under wings, and appears as if sprinkled with black spots ; on the an- terior edge there is a streak of orange-yellow. Size about twenty lines. The caterpillar is light green, with a pale line on the back and a whitish streak on each side; it feeds on the cabbage and turnip. There is a second flight in July. PONTIA METRA. Howard's White. Colour entirely yel- lowish-white ; base of the wings blackish, and the tip of the anterior pair slightly suffused with brown; in the male there is a single, and in the female two dusky spots, which are however sometimes wanting ; hinder wings are wholly white. Beneath, the tip of the upper wings is yellow ; the hinder wings are also yellow, sprinkled with black points. From twenty to twenty-five lines in size. There is another brood in June ; it is common in the south. APEIL. 97 PONTIA CARDAMINES. (Plate VI.) Orange Tip. The primary wings in this pretty species are white, dusky at the base, with a small crescent-shaped spot in the middle, and a patch of black round the tip ; the outer half of the wing is deeply tinged with orange in the male, but not in the female ; the hinder wings are alike in both sexes ; on the upper side they are dusky at the base, the surface presenting traces of the markings underneath, which consist in spots of green, powdered with yellow. The caterpillar is green, with a white line on each side, and feeds on several Crucifer- ous plants. This insect differs slightly from other Pontias in the form of wings, which in the anterior pair are more rounded, and by the under side being variegated ; the ter- minal joint of the palpi is also shorter. The P. cardamines measures about an inch and a half. LEPIDOPTERA. NYMPHALTD^;. MELELEA. Generic Distinctions. Antennae with a very abrupt knob, large and flat ; palpi long and projecting ; wings of moderate size, anterior pair rather long and triangular ; chrysalis suspended by the tail. H 98 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. MELIT^EA ATHALIA. Pearl-bordered Likeness. Colour tawny-orange, marked with several undulating black lines, running across the surface. Beneath, the anterior wings are pale brownish-yellow, with transverse streaks of black ; the hinder pair with several pale angular spots near the base, edged with black ; behind this, there is a curved band of large pale spots, also edged with black, and near the margin two series of black crescents. The caterpillar, which feeds on plantain and heath, is black and spiny, with two rows of white dots on each segment. The insect is rare in the north, but not so in Devonshire and other southern countries. LEPIDOPTERA. NYMPHALID^E. HIPPAECHIA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna variable in length, club gene- rally tapering at both ends, sometimes short and abrupt ; palpi longer than the head; anterior wings sometimes angular, at others rounded, and generally toothed in the hinder pair ; fore legs very short ; chrysalis suspended by the tail. HiPPAUCiiiA JEGERIA. Speckled Wood. Upper side brown, the anterior wings marked with several pale yellow spots, APRIL. 99 having a black ocellus, or eye, with a white pupil; the hinder wings have also one or two yellow spots, and a row of ocelli round the hinder margin ; the under side is pale yellow, clouded and streaked with brown ; the hinder pair marked with undulating transverse lines, and a row of pale dots encircled with brown. The caterpillar is green, marked on the sides with yellow or whitish lines : it feeds on grasses. There are three flights of this insect, in April, June, and August ; it may be found throughout Britain. HIPPAECHIA MEG-ERA. Wall Butterfly. Anterior wings orange, inclining to brown, with the hinder margin and several transverse bands of dark brown, each wing with a large ocellus towards the tip, having a black iris and white pupil ; the hinder wings are dark brown, with two trans- verse bands, that next the margin having a row of ocelli, Beneath, the upper wings are pale, with the brown bands faintly marked, the ocellus being larger ; the under pair are ash-grey, varied with two undulating brown lines, they have also a series of ocelli and a waved band of pale yellow. The caterpillar is pubescent or downy, of a light green with a whitish line on each side. This is a common species, and occurs again in July and August. 100 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. LEPIDOPTEEA. HESPERID.E. THYMELE. Generic Distinctions. Antennae terminating in an acute hook and the club curved. THYMELE ALVEOLUS. (Plate X.) Grizzled Skipper. A small species, seldom exceeding an inch in extent; ground- colour of the wings brownish-black, anterior pair with straw- coloured spots ; the under wings have, in addition, an irre- gular band near the hinder margin; the under side is grey tinged with green, having spots nearly corresponding to those above. THYMELE TAGES. Dingy Skipper. Larger than the preceding; the surface rather dark brown, clouded with ash-grey, a few white points, and a series of them round the margin of all the wings ; under side tawny grey, with ill-defined white spots. Caterpillar bright green, with a yellow stripe, dotted with black, down the back, and others on the sides. Not unfrequent at the end of the month. LEPIDOPTEEA. BOMBYCID^E. SATURNIA. Generic Distinctions. Antennae beautifully fringed, like the APRIL. 101 feather of a pen, in the male ; palpi and trunk wanting ; head small ; wings very broad and entire. SATURNIA PAVONIA MINOR. (Frontispiece.) TheEmperor Moth. This beautiful species sometimes attains to three inches in width ; the colour is greyish- brown, faintly tinged with purple ; the hinder margin of all the wings has a band of pale brown, with two transverse bands of brown and purple on each wing, the hinder band very much waved ; the centre of each is also ornamented with a large ocellus, placed on a light ground, consisting of a black pupil with a yellow or grey iris, and partly surrounded by a light blue crescent ; in the apex of the anterior wings there is a patch of purple and a black or whitish mark. The caterpillar is of a lovely green, and has a black band on each segment, adorned with pink tubercles, bearing a whorl of six hairs diverging like a star. Latreille mentions a manufactory established in Germany, in which the silk of which the cocoon consists is used : the singular form of this cocoon was described in March. 102 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. LEPIDOPTERA. NOCTUID^E. PLUSIA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna simple ; palpi longer than the head ; proboscis long ; head and iliorax tufted. PLTJSIA GAMMA. Gamma Moth. Upper wings grey, variegated with dusky brown, having a pale spot towards the apex, and a few tranverse dark lines slightly waved, the disc is inscribed with a silvery character resembling the letter G or the Greek gamma ; the under wings are ash- brown ; the hinder margin and nervures dark brown ; head arid thorax grey. Caterpillar light green, with faint yellow lines on the sides, and white ones on the back. PLTJSIA CHEYSITIS. (Plate XIV.) Burnished-brass Moth. Anterior wings ornamented with two broad golden-green bands, variable in their tint ; near the apex there is a trans- verse line of deep brown, of which colour are also the hinder wings. The caterpillars of this species are green, with a longitudinal white line on the sides, and oblique streaks of the same on the back. The Moth frequents lanes and the rank vegetation found among rubbish, and is com- mon in the south of England. APRIL. 103 LEPIDOPTEKA. NOCTUID.E. MISELIA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna long, robust, and sometimes slightly serrated ; maxillce, length of the antennae ; palpi short ; head clothed with scales ; thorax large and crested ; wings narrow. MISELIA APRILIANA. April Miselia. The upper wings in this species are of a fine green, marked with trans- verse black lines and spots; the under wings are dusky brown, with a light streak on the inner side, and another on the hinder margin. The caterpillar is commonly ash- grey, with dark spots and lines, but varies considerably It feeds on the ash, elm, and beech ; there are three brood in the year. LEPIDOPTERA. NOCTUID^E. PHLOGOPHOEA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna long, slender, and simple ', palpi ascending ; thorax crested ; anterior wings longitudinally folded in repose, deeply indented, and rather elongated. PHLOGOPHORA METICULOSA. Angle-shades, Upper wings pinkish-white, clouded with olive-brown, each with a large triangular purplish mark in the centre, beyond which, there 104 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. is a white band, the margin marbled with olive-brown ; the hinder wings are whitish, with a faint rosy tinge, having a dusky central crescent, and two or three faint waved lines. The caterpillar is green, with a row of white spots on the back, and a white line on each side ; it feeds on culinary vegetables, and many common field-plants. There are three broods, which appear in April, June, and September. NEUBOPTEKA. PSOCID^E. ATEOPUS. Generic Distinctions. Tarsi three-jointed ; icings wanting. Having mentioned the Death-watch, Anobium, it seems desirable to name another insect sometimes confounded with it, owing to a similarity in the sound it produces, viz., ATROPUS PULSATORIUM. This is a very minute insect, of a dirtyrwhite colour, commonly found amongst old books and on papered walls. Its specific name alludes to the noise which it makes, similar to the ticking of a watch. The larvae resemble the perfect insect both in habits and appearance. 105 CHAPTEE V. MAY. MAY has ever been a favourite month; poets sing its praise, as uniting all the opening beauties of spring with the brightness and radiance of summer, as glowing with flowers, perfumed with sweet odours, and melodious with the cheerful carolling of birds. " Goddess of the spring" is only one among the many flattering epithets applied to it and the poet Darwin says, " For thee the fragrant zephyrs blow, For thee descends the sunny shower ; The rills in softer murmur flow, And brighter blossoms gem the bower." But the praises lavished so profusely were originally uttered in more southern climates, and in our northern latitude 106 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. May- day has but scanty garlands for her Queens and May- poles, even where this pretty and appropriate welcome has not died away with the other rural festivities of our more simple ancestors. Towards the latter end of the month, however, the country is profuse in beauty of various kinds ; many insects may be seen on the wing, sporting in the bright sunshine and enjoying their happy though brief existence. The lovely little blue Butterflies, Polyommati 3 may generally be seen in profusion, their small size, brilliant colour, and delicate markings, rendering them very attractive; the Fritillaries begin to display their silver-spotted wings, and the Peacock Butterfly, so well known and universally admired, greets the eye of the lover of nature; several Moths also make their appearance this month, tempted by its more genial atmosphere. Amongst the Beetles may be seen species of the ex- tensive family of Cockchafers, Melolonthida, some of which are large and handsome : they live on the leaves of trees, for which the structure of the mouth is well adapted ; and in the larva state, which lasts three or four years, they do equal injury to the roots of various plants. The grubs of the common Cockchafer are white and fleshy; at the com- mencement of spring they quit their winter retreats, at a MAY. 107 great depth in the earth, and come within an inch of the surface ; when full-grown they again retire to the depth of two feet, where they become pupse, having before con- structed a cell, of an oval form, and very smooth in the inside. They assume the perfect state in February, but do not venture into the air until the fine days of May ; their existence is then but short ; remaining inactive during the day, they only emerge from their retreats at sunset, and fly humming round the trees. In favourable seasons they swarm to a great extent, and the damage committed by them is often serious. Mouffet informs us that in 1574 so great a number of these insects were driven into the Severn, that they hindered the mills from working, and it required the united efforts of hawks, ducks, and people to destroy them. Some districts in Ireland were completely devastated by them many years since ; they were first seen in Galway, hanging from the trees in clusters, dispersing at sunset " with a strange humming sound like the beating of drums, and darkening the air for the space of two or three miles square ; in a short time they entirely ate up all the leaves, stripping the trees as bare as in the depth of winter : the multitude spread so much that they infested the houses, and became extremely troublesome. Happily, high winds and 108 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. rain at length checked them; the pigs and poultry, too, watched beneath the trees, and were fattened by them ; even the country-people, then labouring under a scarcity of pro- visions, had a way of dressing and living upon them as food." A very pretty and attractive visitor is frequently seen in May, lighting the grass and herbage with its tiny green lamp. The Glowworm, as this interesting insect has been named, may be seen from the latter end of this month till August ; its scientific name is Lampyris noctiluca ; the body is long, depressed, and of a soft consistence ; the antennae rather short, and serrated ; the thorax nearly square, and concealing the head. It is the female that emits the light; the male, possessing wings, of which the female is destitute, is thus enabled to find its mate, who would otherwise be concealed from his view. Poets have frequently alluded to this pretty domestic lamp, but many have attributed it to the male : thus Cowper says, " This truth divine Is legible and plain ; "Tis power Almighty bids him shine, Nor bids him shine in vain." Shakspeare also alludes to it in the following lines : MAY. 109 "The Glowworm shows the matin to be near, And 'gins to pale his ineffectual fire." Darwin however was more enlightened, as he thus describes this beautiful light : "You, Warm on her mossy couch the radiant worm, Guard from cold dews her love-illumined form, From leaf to leaf conduct the virgin light, Star of the earth, and diamond of the night." Some authors have endeavoured to disprove the idea that the Glowworm's light is intended for this purpose, and assert, in proof of their opinion, that the male is also lumi- nous, though in a less degree ; this however does not seem sufficient to refute the popular belief, and, until some other use is discovered for this phenomenon, we cannot err in ascribing to it the poetical one which has gained such uni- versal belief. The eyes are very peculiar : Mr. Knapp says, " When viewed at rest, no portion of the eyes is visible, but the head is margined with a horny band, under which the eyes are placed; this prevents all upward vision, and the blinds are so fixed at the sides of the eyes, as greatly to impede the view of lateral objects ; the chief end of this creature's nightly peregrinations being to seek his mate be- neath him on the ground, this apparatus seems designed to 110 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. facilitate his search, by confining his sight entirely to what is below him, just as we place our hand over the brow to enable us to see more clearly an object on the ground. " This may or may not be the cause of the peculiar formation, but similar proofs of contrivance are constantly presenting themselves to those who study the works of the benevolent Creator, who does not disdain to adapt the eye of a little insect to its wants and happiness. An interesting account of these insects is given in the 'Magazine of Natural History' for November, 1835. Mr. White, having collected some females at the end of June, confined them in a glass jar, with sand at the bottom, covered with moss ; he supplied his captives with snails, on which they throve well, eating during a whole day without intermission, and then fasting for eight days. About the middle of July, they deposited their eggs in the moss and soon after died : the eggs were of a pale yellow, and emitted light, particularly when the moss was sprinkled with water. In August the larvse appeared : they were rather lighter in colour than the eggs, but became gradually darker ; they had also the power of giving light. These larvee went through the usual process of casting their skins, and in the following May (having been nine months in attaining their MAY. Ill full growth) they changed into pupae, and at the end of the month the perfect insects made their appearance. The larva of this Beetle very much resembles the female, but may be distinguished by its larger size, by the colour, which is black instead of brown, and by the imperfect structure of the legs and antennae. We will now resume the description of species. COLEOPTERA. MELOLONTHID.E, MELOLONTHA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna of ten joints, produced into thin leaflets in the male ; body oblong, and often hairy ; thorax slightly convex ; elytra shorter than the body. MELOLONTHA. VULGAEIS, Common Cockchafer, has the an- tennae and elytra of a reddish-brown, the latter have four longitudinal ribs; the breast is grey and downy, and the margin of the body marked with a row of triangular white spots. The insect is well known under its English name of Cockchafer. The body is of a peculiar shape, being pointed behind ; this, and the beautiful fan-like antennae of the male, are both worthy of remark. 112 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. COLEOPTERA. CAKABID^. NEBRIA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna filiform, or setaceous ; head narrower than the thorax y which is heart-shaped ; palpi short ; body oblong and depressed ; legs long and slender ; colour gene- rally black or brown. NEBRIA COMPLANATA. Buff or clay-colour, with black markings. Some of the species are very handsome, and are generally found on the sea-shore. COLEOPTEEA. HAEPALUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna filiform ; palpi filform ; elytra entire, not truncated at the extremity ; thorax rather square ; body oval ; colour generally shining black, with reddish limbs. HARPALUS RUFICORNIS. Brownish-black above, black below, with the antennse and feet pale brown; about half an inch long; the elytra are downy, and lined or striated. The Beetles of the family Harpalidce are generally found under stones, decaying leaves, and in similar situations; they run with great agility, and some species fly well. Some MAY. 113 genera feed on small insects ; others prefer vegetable food, that named Zabrus being very destructive to wheat. The larvae are longish, furnished with strong jaws and a forked tail. NEUROPTERA. EPHEMERID.E. EPHEMEBA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna very short, terminated by a seta ; mandibles nearly obsolete ; palpi very indistinct ; legs long and slender, the first pair being inserted close to the head ; body long ; wings triangular and horizontal. EPHEMERA VULGATA (Plate IY.), Common May -Fly, is of a greenish-brown colour, having transparent wings, mottled with brown ; it has three long black bristles at the end of the body. EPHEMERA ALBIPENNIS is remarkable for the whiteness of its wings, so that the swarms look like a fall of snow. The generic name is given in consequence of the short duration of the insect's life after attaining its perfect state. The Ephemera appear in swarms after sunset, from the latter end of the month till autumn, flying along the mar- gins of streams, alternately rising and falling, with an ele- POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. gance of motion which cannot fail to attract attention. The larva inhabits water, remaining concealed in the day- time under stones, or in holes made in the clayey soil; it is of course then destitute of wings ; the antennse are long ; the mouth provided with a pair of horny appendages, like jaws ; and the body has a series of leaf-like plates on each side, with gills, or branchiae, at their base ; the extremity of the body is furnished with short filaments. The pupa dif- fers only in having the rudiments of wings. HYMENOPTEEA. ANDEENA. Generic Distinctions. Antennae, third joint longer than the others ; maxlllce long and bent ; labrum, or lip, short ; proboscis downy and thick ; hind legs hairy. ANDRENA NIGRO-^NEA. (Plate IV.) This species of Bee has the body black, and densely clothed with tawny-coloured hairs ; the antennse are black, as is the thorax, which is also covered with reddish hair ; the wings are transparent and slightly iridescent ; the legs are black and hairy, the hinder pair being thickly clothed with long white hair. MAY. 115 These insects make their nests in banks composed of light soil, and prefer a southern aspect. They excavate holes of a cylindrical form, nearly a foot in depth, of such a diameter as to admit the insect : in making these burrows, they remove the earth grain by grain, and throw it up out- side, in the form of a hillock ; some species penetrate in a horizontal, others in a perpendicular direction. They con- struct a cell at the bottom of the hole, which they partly fill with pollen, made into a paste with honey, and in this they deposit their eggs, taking care to stop up the mouth of the hole carefully, to prevent the ingress of Ants or other insects which might injure the young larvae. There are many other interesting genera in this numerous family which cannot be described here ; they all consist of two kinds of individuals only, the males and females; they are not therefore strictly social insects, like the Hive and Humble Bees, the true Wasps and Ants, all of which are provided with neuters, for the due support of the community. HYMENOPTERA. YESPA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna generally elbowed, and thick- 116 POPULAK ENTOMOLOGY. ened at the tip ; mandibles short ; body smooth and polished, generally black, marked with yellow ; wings longitudinally folded. VESPA VTJLGAEJS, the Common Wasp, has the antennae, head, and thorax black, marked with yellow ; body yellow, with the base of the segments, and a spot on each, black. VESPA CRABRO, the Hornet, is much larger than the common Wasp, of a rich brown, with dark markings ; the head and body buff, spotted with brown. The family Fespid^e is divided into Vespa, or true "Wasps, and Odynerus, comprising the solitary species ; of the for- mer, the Hornet is the largest of the species, and its sting is a formidable instrument of defence. The nest of this insect is of similar construction to that of the common Wasp, though of coarser materials, and the columns supporting the rows of cells are much stronger ; it is constructed either in the hollows of trees, the thatch of barns, or in timber- yards. It is difficult to obtain a sight of their nests while building, for should the aperture be too large, they erect a wall of the same material as the cells, which is described by some naturalists as decayed wood, by others, as the bark of trees gnawed to pieces and moistened with a sticky fluid, which the insects have the power of emitting. With this they make a kind of pasteboard, thicker than that of the MAY. 117 Wasp, but not so pliant, and of a dull buff-colour ; if the nest does not fill the cavity in which it is commenced, they protect it by a thick piece of the same substance, made very similar in form to the paper cones in which grocers put their sugar. Vespa vulgaris, the common Wasp, makes its nest in the ground : early in the spring, a few large Wasps may be seen actively engaged in obtaining materials for this purpose; these are females which have survived the winter, and are now preparing a nest for the purpose of depositing their eggs ; they form a layer of hexagonal cells, in each of which an egg is placed, and the larva is hatched in a few days. The grubs are fed by the parent until full- grown, when the mouth of the cell is closed, and they become pupee; in this condition they remain about ten days, when the first brood appears in the winged state, and, being all neuters, they are ready to assist their parent in- enlarging the nest, constructing fresh cells, and feeding the larvae, as the foundress of the colony still continues to deposit her eggs. It is not till the latter end of the sum- mer that male and female Wasps are hatched : the latter are not driven from the nest, as is the case with the Hive Bees, consequently there is no swarming of Wasps, but all remain together till the cold of the advancing season destroys the 118 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. numerous family, with the exception of about a dozen females, who survive to form fresh colonies in the ensuing spring. As the nest is now a desolate ruin, we will take the liberty of examining it without fearing the stings of its waspish inhabitants. A full-sized nest is nearly a foot in diameter, of a globular form ; the outer covering is con- structed of many layers of a thin paper-like substance made of moistened wood. There are several layers of cells, each about two-thirds of an inch in depth, and supported by numerous strong pillars; a nest consists of about 16,000 cells, differing in size according to the three orders which compose the family. These little insects feed on sweets of various kinds, as well as on flesh and insects, and frequently plunder hives to feed on the honey of its industrious inha- bitants ; one Wasp is said to be a match for three Bees, and they will boldly encounter a whole swarm to obtain their favourite food. The solitary species of Wasp, forming the genus Odynems, are much smaller than the common Wasp, which they re- semble in colour ; the females construct their nests in sand- banks, the crevices of walls, or in decayed wood. These holes are several inches in depth, and of a cylindrical form, the entrance being defended, in some species, by a curved 1. Papilio MachcLon. 2 . Goneptei-yx Rhainni . 3 . Pontia MAY. 119 way, formed of sand. In the interior, the female buries eight or ten caterpillars, similar in species and size, arrang- ing them in a spiral direction ; an egg is then deposited in the middle, and the mouth closed. The young Wasp, when hatched, devours the caterpillars, which are just sufficient for its support ; then assumes the pupa state, in a cocoon of slender texture; and at length, becoming a perfect in- sect, flies away. There are about twenty British species of this genus, but the specific characters are liable to considerable variation, which renders them difficult to investigate. LEPIDOPTEEA. PAPILIONIDJ:. PAPILIO. Generic Distinctions. Antenna rather long, with a slightly curved club ; palpi short, third joint minute ; legs all formed for walking ; kinder wings scolloped, with a long narrow projection like a tail, and grooved to receive the body ; caterpillars smooth and naked; chrysalis angular, and fixed by a band round the middle. PAPILIO MACHAON. (Plate V.) Swallow-tail. This most beautiful insect is the largest of our Butterflies, the female 120 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. sometimes measuring nearly four inches; the base of the upper wings is black, slightly tinged with yellow ; the apex principally of the same colour, with a row of semicircular yellow spots ; the margin is also edged with yellow, spotted with black, the latter forming three large patches, and also broadly marking the nervures ; the base of the under wings is yellow, except the inner side, which is black, the nervures being dusky ; beyond the yellow portion is a broad black band, marked by faint blue spots," and six large yellow cres- cents ; the outer edge is yellow, and on the hinder angle is a large round spot of red, streaked with blue; the under side resembles the upper in all essential points. The cater- pillar is greenish, with a black band on each segment, spot- ted with red ; it feeds on umbelliferous plants. The perfect insect is rather local, but in some places tolerably abundant ; it continues till August. LEPIDOPTEEA. ERYCINIDJS. NEMEOBIUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna with a large abrupt club; palpi very short ; upper wings triangular ; lower wings rounded ; anterior legs very short. MAY. 121 NEMEOBIUS LTJCINA. DuJce of Burgundy Fritillary. This, which is the only British species of this genus, measures about fourteen lines ; the upper surface is dark brown ; an- terior wings with three series of light yellowish spots ; the marginal row with a black dot in each ; the posterior wings have also a row of yellow spots, with the margin similar to that of the upper pair; the under side is much paler, marked with light spots and streaks of black ; the hinder wings have two pale bands, composed of oval marks, the outer one edged with black. The caterpillar is long, oval, and depressed, of a pale olive-brown, with a large black spot on each segment ; it feeds on the cowslip and primrose. The butterfly is rather local. LEPIDOPTEBA. PAPILIONIDJJ. PONTIA. Generic Distinctions. See page 95. PONTIA BRASSIOE. (Plate V.) Common Cabbage Butterfly. The wings of this well-known insect are white above, with a large patch of black on the tip of the anterior pair ; the male has no other mark, excepting a black spot on the outer edge of the secondary wings ; but the female has in addition 122 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. two others on the upper wings, and a patch of the same colour at their hinder margin ; on the under side the wings are yellowish, the upper pair having two conspicuous black spots on each; the body and antennae are black. The caterpillar is green, with a line of yellow on the back, and one on each side ; the body is covered with black tubercles, each with a hair in the centre. It consumes the cabbage, brocoli, cauliflower, etc., and has been found on the turnip; these vegetables would be entirely destroyed were it not for the many enemies which prevent their increase ; small birds devour immense numbers ; a titmouse will take half a dozen to its nest in a very short time. In enclosed gardens, sea- gulls with their wings cut are of infinite service, and poultry of any sort will soon clear the ground of these destructive little creatures. PONTIA CHARICLEA. Early White Cabbage. This species differs from the last in size and rarity, having been observed in Hertfordshire and Derbyshire only. PONTIA NAPI. Green-veined White. Colour yellowish- white, with the tip of the primary wings dusky, the male having one, and the female two black spots nearly in the middle of each ; the hinder pair are free from marks, except the ordinary dusky spot on the anterior margin ; on the MAY. 123 under side, the nervures are strongly marked with a line of dingy green ; the upper wing having two black spots near the hinder margin. The caterpillar is dull green, covered with white raised spots, blackish at the tip, and tufted with short hairs ; the perfect insect is very common, and presents many variations in size and markings. PONTIA SABELLIC^;. Dusky-veined White. This is con- sidered by many writers to be merely a variety of the P. napi, and indeed the only difference seems to consist in the colour of the nervures. LEPIDOPTEBA. POLTOMMATUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna short, with a compressed club; i a little longer than the head ; wings entire ; colour blue, but dissimilar, the females being generally brown ; size small. POLYOMMATUS ALEXIS. (Plate IX.) Common Blue. This very pretty insect is bright lilac-blue in the male, the hinder margin edged with black; the anterior edge of the upper wings white ; the female is brown, powdered with blue towards the base of the wings, sometimes the surface is en- tirely purplish-blue, and ornamented with a darkish band, 124 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. having ocelli on the hinder pair ; the under side in both is brownish-ash colour, the upper wings having two ocelli near the body, a slender streak, placed transversely, a row of ocelli near the middle, and externally a row of dusky crescents edged with reddish-yellow ; beyond these are dark spots on a white ground; the posterior wings have generally four ocelli near the base, an angular white spot near the middle, and a curved band of ocelli, succeeded by a series of markings similar to those on the superior wings. The caterpillar is hairy and of a green colour, subsisting chiefly on grasses. POLYOMMATUS AniON. Large Blue. This species mea- sures an inch and a half; the wings are pale violet- blue, with a broad dusky border round the hinder margin ; the male having a group of black spots on the disc of the upper pair, and the female a similar group on all the wings ; the under side is ash-colour, inclining to brown ; the anterior wings with two ocelli towards the base, an irregular band of them beyond the centre, and a centre of lunules, with a small white mark adjoining each; the posterior wings bluish at the base, where there are four spots. This species is rare, and there are two or three others still more so, which on that account will not be described. POLYOMMATUS AEGIOLUS. (Plate IX.) Azure Blue. An MAY. 125 abundant species, very similar to P. Alexis ; delicate blue, tinged with lilac, the wings edged with black ; the female has a broad dusky border on the primary wings and a series of spots of the same colour near the hinder edge of the secondary pair; beneath, the colour is grey, tinged with blue ; the upper wings with a slender curved spot in the centre, and a band of streaks; the hinder wings nearly similar. The caterpillar is like that of the Common Blue, and is found on the holly. The insect is seen principally in the south ; there is another flight in August. POLYOMMATUS ALSUS. Bedford Blue. This is the smallest British Butterfly, seldom surpassing an inch in size; the surface is brown, slightly tinged with blue ; the under side ash- colour, with a black crescent, edged with white, on each wing, and a transverse series of ocelli near the hinder margin ; on the inferior wings this series is very irregular, and there are several scattered spots towards the base. This delicate little insect seems to occur, though not abundantly, in most parts of the kingdom. POLYOMMATUS ADONIS. Clifden Blue. Expansion of the wings about fifteen lines; the surface of the male a most beautiful azure blue; the hinder margin of all the wings edged with black ; on the hinder side the colour is 126 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. brownish-grey, the base being blue, and the markings nearly similar to P. Corydon, which appears in July. The female is brown above, glossed with blue, with a small black spot on the primary wing, and on the secondary pair a light streak with ocellated spots. LEPIDOPTERA. PAPILIONID.E. LEUCOPHASIA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna, club abrupt and compressed ; palpi short and flat, the basal joint large and cone-shaped, the second short and four-sided, the third minute and almost globu- lar ; wings very narrow and oval. LEUCOPHASIA SINAPIS. (Plate VI.) Wood White. This is the smallest of our white Butterflies, and has somewhat the appearance of a Dragon Fly ; the colour milk-white ; the base of the wings dusky, and a large brown spot on the anterior pair at the tip ; the under side is faintly tinged with yellowish-green. The caterpillar is green, with a line of bright yellow on each side. It feeds on the Ornithopus perpusillus (bird's foot trefoil) and Lathy r us pratensis (meadow vetchling) . The insect is rather rare ; I took only one specimen in Sussex. 1. Pontict n.-nri;H!:,]-,es 'A. Leocopham Smacpis 3 fteris Cr MAY. 127 LEPIDOPTERA. NYMPHALID.E. MELIT^EA. Generic Distinctions. See page 97. MELIT^EA AETEMIS. Greasy Fritillary. Colour deep yel- lowish-brown ; primary wings with -black undulating lines and light yellow spots ; secondary pair with three bands, the middle one tawny-orange, with six small black spots; the others irregular, and of a light yellow ; beneath, the primary wings glossy, paler than abo ve, but the markings somewhat similar ; the hinder pair with three bands of pale yellow spots, edged with black ; between the central and marginal band, the row of spots on the upper surface is distinctly marked, each surrounded with pale yellow. The caterpillar is black above, with spines of the same colour ; the under side yellow, and a row of very minute dots on the back and sides ; it feeds on the plantain. The butterfly occurs prin- cipally in the south, and is said to be very abundant near Brighton ; it is occasionally found near Glasgow. MELIT^A EUPHHOSYNE. (Plate VI.) Pearl-bordered Fritillary. Wings of a yellowish-brown above, blackish at the base, and variegated with transverse spots of black, each wing having a row of black spots towards the apex, and a band of the same on the outer margin, which forms a trian- 128 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. gular point on the inner side, enclosing a row of spote, the colour of the ground ; the primary wings are yellowish un- derneath, the black spots smaller than the corresponding ones on the surface, the tips light yellow ; the hinder wings have several large yellowish spots at the base, some of which are slightly glossed over with silver, the spaces between being red ; the latter colour forms a large spot in the middle, the space between this and the hinder margin being variegated with rust-brown and yellow, and a row of dark spots ; the hinder margin is adorned with triangular silvery spots, bounded by a deep black line ; there is also a long silver spot near the centre, forming part of a band of yellowish colour. The caterpillar is black and spinose, with lines of orange along the back. It feeds on the violet. The butterfly seems pretty generally distributed, and appears again in August. LEPIDOPTERA. THECLA. Generic Distinctions. Antennce gradually thickening to the apex ; palpi with the terminal joint short, slender, and oval ; upper wings entire, the lower pair with one or two small appen- dages ; colour always brown above. MAY. 129 THECLA RUBI. (Plate IX.) Green Hair-streak. Expan- sion of the wings about an inch ; the surface of a uniform brown colour, the under side of a fine green, sometimes hav- ing a row of white spots on the secondary wings. The cater- pillar is downy, light greenish-yellow, with a row of yellow dots on each side, and a white line above the feet : it feeds on the bramble, broom, and other plants. There are two broods, but this is not a very common species, though found plentifully in some parts of Scotland. LEPIDOPTERA. NYMPHALID^E. VANESSA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna* with an oval club ; palpi nearly meeting so as to form a kind of beak ; wings angular, having projecting points on the hinder margin; the caterpillar armed with long spines; chrysalis angular, suspended by the tail. VANESSA lo. Peacock Butterfly. The colour of this beautiful and well-known insect is deep brownish-red, with a large eye-like spot, or ocellus, on each wing : that on the upper pair has a large yellow crescent on the inner side, a patch of blue externally, and a large reddish pupil ; there are also five white spots, and alternate patches of black and K 130 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. yellow form the rest of the margin, near the base; the border is yellow, with lines of black. The ocellus of the hinder wings consist of a black centre spotted with blue, and encircled with a zone of pale brown, bounded by a large black crescent ; the under side is dark brown, with waving lines of black, and a few white points. The cater- pillar is of a shining black, with many white spots disposed in transverse lines : it feeds on the stinging nettle ( Urtica LEPIDOPTERA. LYC^NID.E. LYCLENA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna slender, the club thick and abrupt ; palpi longer than the head ; secondary wings nearly straight on the inner edge, and slightly notched at the extremity ; colour brilliant copper. PHLEAS. (Plate IX.) Common Copper. Upper wings copper-colour, spotted with black, the under pair brownish-black, with a copper band dotted with black on its outer edge ; the under side of the primary wings spotted simi- larly to the upper, but the colour paler ; the secondary wings fawn-colour, with many indistinct marks, and a tawny band. Tlate, \ iliftpui-ctiia /I'l^ena . ?,. ThiM'Ja Qucivu: 1 . '.^ Tin-rid. P;i<>: . -I 1 Uycftm l'hl;r;i;: 5 1'oJyo ti\ Hiatus ai^iohis B. Polyonirna.Uu; Alexis MAY. 131 This species is liable to many variations in the markings : spe- cimens have been found in which the copper-coloured parts were nearly pure white. The caterpillar is said to be green, with a yellow stripe on the back ; it feeds on the sorrel. LEPIDOPTEBA. HESPERID^E. PAMPHILA. Generic Distinctions. Antennae terminated by a hook, short, with the club straight, abrupt, and spindle-shaped ; palpi short ; anterior wings rather longer than in the genus Thymele ; the hinder pair have a small projection. PAMPHILA PANISCUS. Chequered S/cipjier. Measures about an inch ; the surface is brownish-black, marked with numerous bright, rich, brown spots, those on the anterior wings consisting of a large patch in the middle, then an irregular curved band, intersected with black nervures, and lastly, a faint row of dots parallel with the hinder margin ; on the secondary wings are three spots, one of them larger than the others, and a band of small dots ; the under side is yellow inclining to grey; the upper wings have several marks, and the under pair seven round yellowish-white spots, 132 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. and a band of the same colour. The caterpillar is dark- brown, ornamented with two longitudinal yellow stripes; the head black, the segment behind it has an orange stripe : it feeds on the plantain. This pretty insect is rather local. PAMPHILA SYLVANUS. Large Skipper. Colour dingy yellow, with the nervures and extremity of the wings brown, the latter deepening into a blackish line round the outer edge ; the anterior wings have a few small yellowish spots on the dusky ground towards the tip, and an oblique black streak in the centre; the hinder pair are marked with in- distinct cloudy spots of a yellow hue, which colour is some- times diffused over a large portion of the disc; on the under side the anterior wings are yellow, and the posterior pair yellowish-green, the former dusky black at the base, and the latter marked with a curved series of pale spots, varying in size and colour. This insect may be found on the borders of woods from May till August. LEPIDOPTERA. ANTHROCERID.E. INO. Generic Distinctions. Antennae slightly curved, and gradually MAY. 133 thickening to the apex, pectinated in the male, in the female serrated ; palpi short, and clothed with hairs. INO STATICES. Green Forester. The upper surface of the superior wings and body are of a beautiful golden-green with a silky gloss, inclining in some parts to blue; the re- mainder of the upper, and the whole of the under side, are brown. The caterpillar tapers at both ends ; the colour is green, with the head black, two rows of black spots on the back, and on each side a series of red dots ; it feeds on the Cardamine pratensis. This insect, though somewhat local, is of frequent occur- rence near London. LEPIDOPTERA. SPHINGID.E. METOPSILUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna slightly thickening from the base ; anterior wings very acute at the apex, with a slight curve on the hinder margin below the tip ; the inner margin is also curved. METOPSILUS ELPENOR. Elephant Hawk-Moth. The upper wings, which measure above two inches, are olive-brown, with the anterior edge, two oblique bands, and the hinder 134 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. margin rose -colour ; the hinder wings are dusky at the base, with the rest rose-colour ; the body is olive, with numerous stripes of deep rose. The caterpillar, when full-grown, is brown, with six oblique stripes of a grey colour ; it frequents the different kinds of willow-herb and the common vine, and occurs frequently in many parts of England. METOPSILTJS PORCELLUS. Small Elephant Hawk-Moth. This species is much smaller than the preceding ; the upper wings are principally ochre-yellow, marked with purple, the outer extremity having a purple band ; the under pair are blackish at the base, and purple behind, the intermediate space yellowish; body deep rose-colour, or purple. The caterpillar resembles that of M. Elpenor. LEPIDOPTEEA. SPHINGID^E. SESIA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna thickening from the base, and terminating in a seta ; proboscis very long and spiral ; body ending in a tuft of hairs, and of a short robust form ; wings clear and transparent. SESIA FUCIFORMIS. (Plate XI.) Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-Moth. Body yellowish or olive-green, with the third MAY. 135 and fourth segments deep red,, and the two following yellow, the tuft of hair at the extremity black and yellow ; the wings are transparent and iridescent, with the nervures, a band round the margin, and a streak on the upper pair purplish- brown ; the base is tinged with green. The caterpillar is pale green, with the under side and the horn (the character- istic mark of the Hawk-Moth) reddish-brown : it feeds on the honeysuckle. LEPIDOPTEEA. SPHINGID^B. SMERINTHUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna serrated ; proboscis very short ; anterior wings angular, and toothed on the margin. SMEEINTHUS TILI.E. (Plate X.) Lime Hawk-Moth. This is a very variable insect, both in colour and in the form of the markings. The anterior wings are generally greyish, with an interrupted band of olive-green in the middle ; the outer margin has a broad band of the same colour ; the hinder wings are grey, with an ill-defined brown band running across the outer margin. At other times the insect is found of an obscure red; the thorax is marked with three longitudinal lines of olive-green. The caterpillar is pale green, with seven 136 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. oblique whitish stripes on each side, edged with red or yellow; it feeds on the lime (Tilia Eurqpaa). The insect is rare. LEPIDOPTEBA. ARCTIID.E. AECTIA. Generic Distinctions. Antennae rather long,bipectinate (having a double series of hairs) in the male, serrated in the female ; proboscis very short ; palpi y basal joint longer than the second ; wings very thickly covered with scales ; colours deep black, crim- son and yellow, in spots and bars. ARCTIA VILLICA. (Frontispiece.) Cream-spot Tiger-Moth. This species measures about two inches and a half ; the ante- rior wings are deep black, spotted with cream-colour ; under wings rather deep yellow, with spots of black, and a large black patch on the outer angle spotted with the ground co- lour : the thorax is black, with two cream-coloured spots ; the body yellow at the base, and terminating in red, with longitudinal rows of black spots. The caterpillar, when full-grown, is black, with tufts of greyish-brown hairs; it feeds on many common field plants. This insect is not so common as others of the genus. MAY. 137 LEPIDOPTERA. NOCTUIDJ:. TEIPH^BNA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna simple ; palpi short, and rising up in front of the head ; proboscis long and spiral ; colour bright, the under wings being always light yellow, with a black margin ; size moderate. TRIPH^ENA EIMBEIA. Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing. The head, thorax, and anterior wings are liver-colour, in- clining to grey ; the latter have four pale transverse lines, and two pale rings on the disc, the second and third lines enclosing a space darker than the rest, in which the two ringed spots are placed ; the under wings are light yellow, with a broad band of black, edged with the ground-colour. The caterpillar is of an ochre-yellow, with a pale line along the back ; it feeds on the potato, violet, primrose, etc. LEPIDOPTEEA. CALLIMOEPHIA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna slender and setaceous ; palpi, basal joint the same length as the two following; proboscis longer than the head ; anterior wings long and narrow. 138 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. CALLIMOEPHIA JACOB^E^E. Cinnabar Moth. Anterior wings greyish-black, with a stripe of pink extending from the base nearly to the apex ; on the hinder border are two rounded spots, and a dash of the same colour; the under wings are entirely pink, excepting a stripe of grey on the anterior edge. The caterpillar is yellow, ringed with black ; it feeds on the Senecio Jacobcea, or ragwort. Not a very abundant species. DlPTEEA. TIPULA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna simple, of thirteen joints ; rostrum long and narrow ; palpi short ; body elongated ; wings and legs both long. TIPULA PRATENSIS. Body black, with the front and spots on the thorax reddish-brown. TIPULA LUNATA. Reddish, with a black line on the upper part of the body ; wings of the same colour as the body. TIPULA OLERACEA. Greyish -brown, without spots, the wings bordered with brown. These insects are very commonly found in meadows, MAY. 139 where they may be seen rising in swarms, their long legs serving as stilts ; the females deposit their eggs in the earth at a short depth below the surface. The larvae are fleshy grubs, which attack the roots of grass and other plants, doing much injury to the crops ; there are nearly fifty British species, which are well known under the name of Crane-flies, Harry Long-legs, etc. DlPTEEA. HlPPOBOSCID^J. HIPPOBOSCA. Generic Distinctions. Antennae inserted near the mouth ; head small, round, and attached to the thorax by a neck; thorax large ; wings large and horizontal ; body soft ; feet short. HIPPOBOSCA EQTJINA. Forest or Hone-My. This insect has the head yellow and flattened ; the body, which is broad and short, yellowish, with brown spots; the wings white, transparent, much longer than the body, and rounded at the extremity ; the body slightly hairy. This is a very trouble- some species, living principally on horses, and abounding in the New Forest, Hampshire. It is a singular circumstance that the female Fly nourishes her young within her body, 140 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. where the larvae attain their full size, and even assume the pupa state, in which form they are deposited by the parent ; this egg-like cocoon is at first soft and white, but soon hardens, becomes brown and of a round shape. These curious particulars were discovered by Reaumur, who, being anxious to observe the hatching of these singular eggs, as he thought them, carried some in his pocket by day, and took them to bed with him at night, that they might have the proper warmth ; his surprise was great, when, instead of grubs, perfect Plies were produced. Mr. Curtis observes that " these flies move swiftly, and, like a crab, sideways or backwards, and that they are very tenacious of life." It is also remarked by Latreille that the ass fears them the most, but that they cannot cause much pain, or horses could not live in forests in the summer. 141 CHAPTER VI. JUNE. IN this variable climate, June may generally claim with more justice those honours which the poets have accorded to May, and may well be considered the loveliest month of the year; the weather is less capricious, the trees are in their freshest robes, a profusion of the sweetest flowers is scattered over the ground, and numberless insects are called into being by the increasing heat, affording a never-fail- ing source of amusement and instruction to the naturalist. The young student must now lose no opportunity of in- creasing his collection, and adding to the knowledge he may have already acquired of the habits and forms of the insect world: every advance in this knowledge will prove an increase of pure and lasting pleasure, from the tendency 142 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. it must have, when properly directed, to raise the mind to the contemplation of the great Author of all things. June is particularly prolific in specimens of the order Lepidoptera, as might be expected from its sunshine and its flowers; their light forms and brilliant colours adding another charm to this gay and delightful season ; the Pofyommati in their delicate blue dress, the Hipparchias of more sober hue, and the Fritittarie*, will, I hope, be in some measure re- cognized as old favourites, for many species will present themselves to our notice, as well as several new genera, both of diurnal and night-flying Lepidoptera. Some of the Hawk-Moths are particularly spendid in colour, and re- markable in size and form ; whilst the more delicate beauty of the true Moths is not less worthy of admiration. The order Coleoptera will enrich the cabinet of the zealous col- lector with specimens both interesting and beautiful. One species of the family Lucanidce makes its appearance, and will attract attention by the formidable length of its man- dibles, bearing a resemblance to the antlers of a deer, to which it owes its name of Stag-Beetle. The family Cur- culionidtf is noted for the destruction caused by the larvae of many of its species to our vegetable productions ; they may be distinguished by their frontal elongation. The JUNE. 143 Cetonida will please by their elegance, and the brilliancy of their colours, in which green usually predominates; the English species, Cetonia aurata, or Eose-chafer, is probably known to many of my readers ; it frequents flowers. The Silphida, though less striking in form and colour, are interesting from their habits, which render this family emi- nently serviceable to man, and amply atone for their in- feriority in beauty. None of our British Coleoptera indeed can vie with those of tropical climates in the richness of their colouring ; some of those are so splendid as to be worn instead of precious stones, the brilliancy of their hues being often greatly enhanced by a high degree of lustre, and di- versified markings. To many tropical Beetles might be applied the words of the poet, who is thus describing the birds which ornament the glowing landscape : " With their rich restless wings, that gleam Variously in the crimson beam Of the warm west as if inlaid With brilliants from the mine,, or made Of rainbows." Brazil is the richest country in the world in Coleoptera, and a recent French writer says, that " in the middle of January they are seen in the greatest profusion ; the herba- 144 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. ceous plants are covered with brilliant beetles ; and the slender twigs of the Mimosa, on which they live in society, appear to bend under the weight of diamond beetles; the Lampyndtfy issuing in myriads from their retreats, diffuse their mild effulgence over the plants and shrubs, which they often cover with their numbers, and the luminous Materida dart about in all directions, filling the air with their radiant tracks/' In the old world, the western coast of Africa, the Cape of Good Hope, Java, and other islands produce the greatest numbers of these brilliant insects ; but leaving them to those who can search for their beautiful and extraordinary forms in their native lands, we must be satisfied with the more mo- derate degree of lustre in the tribes we possess, in which will be found no want of beauty and interest. The numerous family Mnscidce, so well known under the general name of Plies, present themselves abundantly to our notice in this and the following month; the Domestic My, Blow-Fly, Blue-bottle, etc., are familiar to every one; they frequent houses, woods, hedges, and, in fact, may be seen everywhere ; they belong to the order Diptera, and some idea may be obtained of the great number of genera and species, by the fact that eight hundred quarto pages have been written by JUKE. 145 one author, comprising technical descriptions of a portion only; one genus contains 315, and another 230 species. The legs of the Muscida, like those of other Dipterous insects, are terminated by a tarsus consisting of five joints, the last being armed with two claws and furnished with lobes, which enable the insect to perform the curious, though common, feat of walking with the back downwards on the ceiling, and on highly polished substances. It has been generally sup- posed that this was effected by the formation of a vacuum, caused by the close application of the margin of these lobes, and the muscular rising of the central parts ; but Mr. Black- wall, in a volume of the Linneeau Transactions, has sug- gested a new solution of this interesting point. He says, that after much research into the subject, and many ex- periments, he breathed into phials containing Flies and other insects capable of walking in this manner, and found that when flie moisture was condensed on the surface, it totally prevented the insects from taking hold of the glass ; the same ensued when a little oil was substituted, or flour, pulverized chalk, etc., which adhered to the lobes of the foot. These facts seem to imply that an adhesive secretion is emitted by the instruments employed in climbing, and this, by the aid of highly magnifying powers, was found to 146 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. be the case. These interesting questions will, no doubt, be the subject of further research, and every inquiry is sure to open fresh sources of wonder and admiration. COLEOPTERA. SlLPHID^I. KECBOPHOBUS. Generic Distinctions. Antennae but little longer than the head, the four last joints being perfoliated (not closely applied to each other) ; mandibles not toothed ; elytra of an oblong square form, leaving the last three or four segments of the body uncovered ; colour dark brown, varied with yellow. NECROPHORUS HUMATOR. (Plate II.) This species is brownish-black, with the three last joints of the antennae orange-yellow; the elytra are deeply punctured, and each have three slightly elevated lines ; the breast, and also the legs, are covered with yellowish hairs. This insect is of frequent occurrence in England, and all the species are designated by the name of Burying Beetles, from their habit of interring small animals after death, as a receptacle for their eggs, thereby fulfilling a very important office in the economy of nature. Any small dead animal, such as a mole or a mouse, is soon visited by the Silphida> who creep beneath the body, JUNE. 147 and commence scratching away the earth till they have made a pit, into which the animal gradually sinks ; when it has reached a sufficient depth, the earth is thrown over it, and the young larvse, when hatched, find themselves in the midst of a repast, disgusting enough, but most happily suited to their taste ; for the ground is thus freed from putrid sub- stances, which would otherwise affect the purity of the at- mosphere. COLEOPTERA. GEOTRUPES. Generic Distinctions. Antenna with a club divided into laminae ; mandibles standing out from the head, and notched ; thorax very convex, and as broad as the elytra, which are short and oval. GEOTEUPES STERCORAKIUS is entirely black above, tinted with violet ; the thorax is without punctures on the disc, but has a few at the sides, and a short line in the middle ; the elytra are marked with deep grooves, the spaces between being smooth and convex ; the under side and legs are steel blue, beautifully glossed with purple or green. It is to this insect that Shakspeare alludes under the name of the "shard-born Beetle/' both in < Macbeth' and 'Gym- 148 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. beline/ These insects seem to prefer still, dull evenings for their flight, at which time the humming noise they make is very considerable. COLEOPTEEA. LUCAMJS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna, the four terminal joints project on one side ; head as wide as the thorax ; maxillce terminating in a slender lobe ; mandibles very large. LTJCANUS CEEVTJS. (Plate II.) The male of the Stag- Beetle is about two inches in length, including the man- dibles ; it is entirely of a brownish-black colour, the surface shining and covered with small punctures ; near the fore leg is a patch of golden-coloured hair, which seems to be used for the purpose of cleaning the antennae. The female is considerably smaller than the male ; the mandibles are also short, and the head much smaller. The very formidable mandibles of this Beetle are em- ployed in wounding the bark of trees, in order to feed on the sap. Mr. Waterhouse kept one alive for many weeks, feeding it on sugar and water ; it also seemed fond of the juice of raspberries and other sweet substances. The perfect JUNE. 149 insect is found on the trunk of the oak, elm, and willow, and appears generally towards the middle of summer. COLEOPTEKA. CETONIDJ3. CETONIA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna ten-jointed, the club with three joints ; thorax widening towards the hinder margin ; body nearly ovate, obtuse, and somewhat depressed. CETONIA AURATA. This pretty insect, known under the name of Rose-chafer, is one of the most beautiful of British Beetles; the colour is a fine golden green, very shining above, and a bright coppery hue beneath; the elytra are ornamented near the tips with numerous transverse white marks; the form of the body is rather obtuse. This insect is found abundantly during the summer months, particu- larly in gardens, flying well, and with a humming noise, in the heat of the day. COLEOPTERA. RHYNCHITES. Generic Distinctions. Head inserted far into the thorax ; rostrum enlarged at the extremity ; body nearly square. 150 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. RHYNCHITES POPULI. (Plate II.) In this well-known species the body is shining, of a golden green, or with a bluish tint on the upper side, and dark violet beneath ; the antennse are black; the elytra punctured; in one of the sexes there is an acute spine on each side of the thorax, projecting forwards. The length of this insect is three lines ; it is found on poplar and birch trees. RHYNCHITES PUBESCENS is somewhat longer in proportion than the preceding, of a deep violet-colour, and clothed with rather long hairs ; the elytra are marked with punc- tured lines. EHYNCHITES BACCHUS. A beautiful species, found chiefly in Kent on the vine, and doing great injury by devouring the tender shoots, extracting the sap with its long tubular proboscis ; this causes the leaves to roll up, and in these little tents, surrounded by a silken covering, the eggs are deposited. The species of the family Curculionida have the English name of Weevil, and may always be known by the elonga- tion of the head into a snout or rostrum. JUNE. 151 COLEOPTERA. SlLPHID^E. NECEODES. Generic Distinctions. Antenna longer than the head, thick- ening from the fifth joint to the apex ; thorax nearly round. NECEODES LITTORALIS is entirely black, with the three terminal joints of the antennse yellow; there are three elevated lines on each elytron, the spaces between being thickly punctured ; the hind legs are very thick, and toothed on the under side. It is found on the sea-shore and banks of rivers, under seaweed and carrion, on the latter of which it feeds. COLEOPTERA. DERMESTID^E. DEEMESTES. Generic Distinctions. Antenna short and clavate ; body oval and somewhat convex ; legs short. DEEMESTES LA.EDAEIUS is of a dirty ash-colour, with three small black spots ; it infests bacon, and may be found nearly throughout the year. D. murinus is generally found in moles, hawks, and other carrion, hung up against walls; and D. vulpinus infests the skins brought from Brazil to so 152 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. great an extent, that it is said 10,000 have been offered for its destruction. DEKMAPTERA. FORFICULID^J. FORFICULA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna filiform, of twelve or thirteen joints ; palpi filiform ; tarsi three-jointed ; wings like a fan, and folded under two short elytra; body terminated by two scaly pieces forming a pincer. FOKFICULA AURICULARIA, the Earwig ', has the body long, and of a reddish-brown, the eyes black, the thorax dark in the middle, and the sides yellowish, forceps yellowish-brown. Despised and disliked as are these harmless insects, owing to the generally received opinion (false as it is) of their creeping through the ear into the head, they are interesting on many accounts. Usually, the care taken by female insects in constructing nests for the reception of their young, appears more decidedly than in other animals the result of mere instinct, as the parent dies long before the birth of the young larvae ; but this is not the case with the Earwig, which seems gifted with something approaching to the maternal attachment evinced by the higher orders of JUNE. 153 creation, not only in taking great care of her eggs, but in brooding over them like a hen, and collecting them when scattered about. The young ones differ only from the parent in their small size, and the want of wings and elytra, which make their appearance in the pupa state ; the wings are particularly beautiful, not only for the delicacy of their structure, but from the singularity of the nervures. Ought we then to feel contempt or dislike for an inoffensive little creature, the peculiarities in whose habits and structure testify that the hand of Omnipotence has been engaged in its construction ? Why should it thus differ, unless to excite our attention and reward our research ? The old naturalist Mouffet gives an amusing account of the destruc- tive habits of the Earwig, which, though perfectly harmless to our persons, is mischievous in our gardens. " The English women," he says, " hate them exceedingly, because of the flowers of clove-gilliflower that they eat and spoil, and they set snares for them thus : they set in the most void places ox hoofs, hogs' hoofs, or old cast things that are hollow, upon a staff fastened into the ground, and these are easily stuffed with straw ; and when by night the savages creep into them to avoid the rain, or hide themselves in the morning, these old cast things being shook, forth a great 154 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. multitude fall, and are killed by treading upon them." They feed on vegetable substances, devouring not only fruit but the petals of flowers. TKICHOPTEKA. PHETGANID^J. PHKYGANEA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna long and setaceous ; head small ; moutli nearly obsolete ; Inferior wings larger than the superior, folded longitudinally when at rest ; tarsi five-jointed ; kgs spurred. PHRYGANEA GRANDIS (Plate IV.) has the upper wings brownish-grey, with a longitudinal black ray, and two or three white points at the extremity. The insects of this genus are found near water, and are called Caddice-Mies or Water-Moths, and the larvse, Caddice- worms, in which state they reside in the water in cases made of sand, shells, etc.; the perfect insects are generally of obscure dark colours. JUNE. 155 LEPIDOPTERA. NYMPHALIDJS. HIPPARCHIA. Generic Distinctions. See page 98. HIPPARCHIA GALATHEA. Marbled White. The colours of this pretty Butterfly are black and greenish-white, in almost equal proportions; the upper wings have a large oval spot of the light colour near the base, and others, divided by the nervures, in the middle, two small ones near the anterior angle, and a series of spots parallel to the margin ; the lower wings are variegated in a similar manner, and have a row of triangular marks on the hinder margin ; the under side is much paler than the upper, the light colour greatly predominating; there is also an irregular row of ocelli on the inferior wings near the edge, and an ocellus near the tip of the superior pair. These markings vary in form and colour; sometimes the black predomi- nates, and in other specimens the light colour, but not so greatly as to prevent the insect being known. The cater- pillar is yellowish-green, with a dark line on the back, and another on each side; the head is brown, and there are two small spines of the same colour on the hinder extremity; it is found in May on the Phleum pratense, or cat's-tail 156 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. grass. The butterfly is usually seen in moist glades or in marshy grounds, and is not uncommon in the south. 'HiPPARCHiA TITHOXUS. Large Heath. Surface of the wings ochre-red, with the base and a broad margin dark brown ; the upper wings have a large black spot with two minute white points, and the under pair a small ocellus just above the dark band. On the under side, the primary wings are similarly coloured to the upper, but the hinder pair are greyish-brown, with an irregular light band across the middle, in which there are usually four minute white points, surrounded with brown. The male is more deeply coloured, and has a brown cloudy mark on the primary wings. The caterpillar is green, with a reddish line on each side, and feeds on the Poa annua, or meadow-grass. The perfect insect is small, and of frequent occurrence. HIPPARCHIA PAMPHILUS. Small Heath. This species is still smaller than the preceding, only measuring thirteen lines; the colour of the upper side is light ochre-yellow, with the outer margins dusky, and surrounded by a fringe of whitish hairs ; the primary wings on the under side are ash-coloured at the tip, and ornamented with a black ocellus, having a white pupil; the secondary wings are greenish- brown at the base, the rest ash-coloured and brownish-grey, JUNE. 157 with a few yellowish minute spots, these are however often very indistinct. The caterpillar is greenish, dusky on the back, and having a white line on each side ; it feeds on the Cynosurus cristatns, or crested dog's-tail grass. The butterfly is very generally found until September. HIPPARCHIA JANIBA. Meadow Brown. This species is much larger than the two preceding, the wings of the female measuring nearly two inches ; the ground-colour is brown, usually darkest in the male, and with a small ocellus near the apex, encircled with reddish-yellow as a rim, but in the female there is a large patch of ochre-yellow, within which the ocellus is placed ; the hinder wings of the male are usually unspotted, but those of the female have an obscure yellowish mark in the centre ; the under side of the primary wings is tawny- orange, with a broad pale band, in which is placed an ocellus; the hinder wings are dusky brown at the base and margin, the centre being paler, and sometimes marked with two or three minute black spots. The caterpillar is light green, with a white line on each side ; it feeds on several kinds of grass. This is one of the most common Butterflies; even in those damp cheerless summers when few other insects are found, this hardy little creature may frequently be seen flying from flower to flower ; they 158 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. were particularly abundant, it is said, in the arid summer of 1826. HIPPARCHIA HERO. Silver Ringlet. Surface pale brown, inclining to yellow ; upper wings pale, with an orange stripe near the hinder margin, and two small ocelli; the inferior wings with an orange line close to the edge, and four large ocelli; on the under side, the primary wings are orange at the hinder margin, which is adorned with a silvery line and two small ocelli ; the secondary pair have a broad band of orange enclosing five large and two small ocelli, forming a curved band, behind which is a stripe of silver. This insect is rare. LEPIDOPTERA. NTMPHALID^J. MELIT^EA. Generic Distinctions. See page 97. MELIT^A CINXJA. Glanville Fritillary. This species is tawny-orange colour above, arid the whole surface is reti- culated (net-like) and spotted with black ; the hinder wings having in addition a series of five or six black spots, parallel with the margin, but at some distance from it. Beneath, the colour is much paler, the primary wings have a few JUNE. 159 transverse black lines, and a series of black crescents to- wards the tip ; the hinder pair have three irregular bands of pale spots, edged with black, arid a row of black spots with an iris of ochre. The caterpillar is black, with white dots along the sides; it feeds on the Plantago lanceolata, or narrow-leaved plantain, and the Veronica Ghamadrys, or germander speedwell. The eggs are hatched in the autumn, and the larvae pass the winter in colonies, forming a kind of tent, by drawing together the leaves of the plant on which they feed, and covering the whole with a web of silk. The perfect insect is small and rather rare, though it has been found commonly in the Isle of Wight, and some places in the south. I have seen it (but rarely) in Sussex. LEPIDOPTEEA. NYMPHALID.E. ABGYNNIS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna rather long and slender, with a very abrupt spoon-shaped club ; palpi, middle joint very long, basal and terminal joint short; wings very large, and slightly scolloped, hinder pair extending beyond the body. ARGYNNIS ADIPPE. (Plate VII.) High-lrownFritillary. 160 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. In this species the wings often measure two inches and a half, and are of a yellowish-brown, with transverse undu- lating streaks, and round spots of black, also a series of black crescents near the outer margin ; on the under side the primary wings are of a lighter hue, with a few silvery spots near the tip; the secondary wings yellowish-brown, with many silvery spots, some near the base, the rest form- ing two transverse bands ; between the central and external bands there is a series of small round rusty-brown spots, most of them having a silver pupil. The caterpillar is reddish, but becomes olive-green with age, and has a white dorsal line and white dots on the sides ; it feeds on the Viola odo- rata, or sweet violet. The insect is not uncommon in the south of England. AJRGYNNIS AGLAIA. Dark-green Fritillary. Very similar to the preceding on the upper side, but rather paler ; the under side is green, particularly the inferior wings, which have six or seven silvery marks near the base, a curved band of the same near the middle, and another parallel with the hinder margin, consisting of seven spots without any intervening row of ocelli, as in the preceding species ; the anterior wings have silvery spots at the hinder margin. The caterpillar is black, with red spots on the sides; it i .-Argynnis Adippp . 2. A. I'&plua . 3. Vair JUNE. 161 feeds on the Viola canina, or dog violet. The perfect in- sect is more plentiful than A. Adippe. LEPIDOPTERA. NYMPHALIDJI. VANESSA. Generic Distinctions. See page 129. VANESSA UHTIC^E. (Plate VII.) Small Tortoise-shell. The prevailing colour is orange-red on the upper side of this pretty insect; on the anterior margin it inclines to yellow, and is marked with three large quadrate black. spots, beyond which is a small white mark ; near the hinder margin is an- other large black spot, and two small ones on the disc ; the margin is deeply edged with black, and ornamented with a series of blue crescents, and two undulating lines of pale yellow ; half of the under wings is black, the rest orange- red, with a border similar to that of the anterior pair ; on the under side, these wings are pale yellow, with three patches of brown, the tip also mottled with the same colour, and the border appearing to shine through from the upper side; the hinder wings have the same appearance, being brown, where the upper part is black, and of a lighter hue, M 162 POPULAft ENTOMOLOGY. where it is so on the other side. The caterpillar is blackish, with four yellow stripes, and beset with strong spines ; it feeds on the nettle, and, when young, lives in families, but disperses when increasing size renders more food necessary. The butterfly is very common, and may be met with in March, but these are individuals which have survived the winter : there is another brood in September. VANESSA C-ALBUM. Comma Butterfly. This is the smallest species of the genus, and differs much in the form of the wings ; the colour of the upper side is reddish-yellow, irregularly spotted with black, and having the hinder margin dark brown; two of the largest spots on the upper wings are placed on the anterior border, the others, four or five in number, occupy the disc ; on the inferior wings there are usually three black patches ; the colour of the under side is dark brown, often inclining to yellow, the basal half of the wings and the apex being the darkest; on the paler portion of the anterior pair is an obscure band of green, and two rows of greenish ocelli across both wings : the hinder wings have a short curved line of pure white near the middle, like the letter C reversed, hence the name of the species. The caterpillar is brownish-red, with a broad band of white on the back ; the head has two hairy JUNE. 163 tubercles, resembling ears ; it lives on the elm, willow, and various trees and shrubs. The butterfly is not generally common ; there is a second brood in September. LEPIDOPTERA. POLYOMMATUS. Generic Distinctions. See page 123. POLYOMMATUS AGRESTIS. Brown Argus. This species measures about an inch; the colour is dark brown with a fine silky gloss, having a band of orange spots, and the primary pair a small black spot in the centre ; the under side is greyish-brown, with numerous ocellated spots, and a band similar to that on the surface ; the hinder wings have a white mark on the disc. It occurs in some abundance in the southern counties, appearing again in August. LEPIDOPTEBA. PIEBIS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna slender, the club formed gra- dually ; palpi, two lower joints robust, the basal one twice the 164 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. length of the second, the terminal joint very slender ; wings very sparingly clothed with scales. PTERIS CEAT^GI, (Plate VI.) Black-veined White, or Hawthorn Butterfly. The English name almost sufficiently describes this handsome species ; it is about the size of the Pontia brassier, of a uniform white, with the nervures black : the under side is exactly similar. The caterpillar is black when young, but soon becomes partially clothed with hairs, and striped with reddish-brown on each side; it eats the leaves of the hawthorn, and will attack fruit-trees ; the insect is by no means common, and is principally found in the south. LEPIDOPTEKA. SPHINGID^E. SMERINTHUS. Generic Distinctions. See page 135. SMERINTHUS OCELLATUS. (Plate X.) Eyed HawJc-Moth. The male of this beautiful insect measures two inches and a half, and the female often exceeds this by an inch; the anterior wings, which are very acute at the tip, are grey, tinged with rose-colour and variegated with brown ; the posterior pair are rose-colour, with the anterior margin grey, and the hinder JUNE. 165 part tinged with that colour; it has also a large ocellus with a blue iris, and a large bluish-brown pupil placed in a patch of deep black ; the head and thorax are nearly of the same colour as the surface of the upper wings. The cater- pillar is green, the sides tinged with blue, and most of the segments marked with a white oblique stripe on the sides, the head is bordered with yellow; it feeds on the willow, poplar, apple, etc. The moth is common in the south. LEPIDOPTERA. SPHINGID.E. DEILEPHILA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna rather short, and thickening into a distinct club, with a terminal hook ; proboscis long and spiral; anterior wings not very acute at the apex, the hinder margin slightly rounded. DEILEPHILA EUPHORBIA. (Plate XII.) Spotted Elephant Hawk-Moth. The upper wings are olive-brown or greenish, with a rose-coloured irregular band, extending from near the base to the apex, and the margin of the same colour ; the hinder wings are rose-coloured, with a white mark near the body, the base and a transverse band being black ; the 166 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. head and antennae are white; the thorax olive-green; the body similar, with the sides of the three first segments white ; the whole of the under side rose-colour. The caterpillar is black, with numerous yellowish spots in transverse lines, others red and cream-colour; the head, a line on the back, and the legs, are red ; it feeds on the Euphorbia Cyparissias, cypress-leaved spurge. The moth is rare. DEILEPHILA LINEATA is somewhat similar in colouring, but is rarely found. LEPIDOPTEBA. MACEOGLOSSA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna clavate; proboscis of great length ; wings opake ; body having a tuft of scaly hairs at the extremity. MACROGLOSSA STELLATARUM. (Plate XII.) Humming- bird HawJc-Moth. This, the only English specimen of the genus, measures nearly two inches ; the anterior wings are dusky brown, with several transverse bands, the two middle ones being black, with a spot of the same between; hind wings rust-yellow; body of the same colour as the upper M ings, variegated with tufts of black and white. The cater- JUNE. 167 pillar is green, with numerous white points, and two white rays on the sides; the horn is long, acute, and straight, yellowish at the tip, and blue at the base ; it is found on the Galium, or bedstraw. This curious and pretty insect is of frequent occurrence, and may be seen darting about in the day-time, from flower to flower, poising itself like a hum- ming-bird over the blossoms, and extracting the juices with its long spiral proboscis ; while thus suspended, the vibra- tion of the wings is so rapid as to occasion a humming noise. LEPIDOPTEKA. BOMBYCID^E. LASIOCAMPA. Generic Distinctions. Antennae bipectinated in the male, and merely serrated in the other sex ; mandibles and trunk wanting ; palpi short and hairy ; wings entire ; body tufted in the male. LASIOCAMPA QUERCUS. Oak Egger-Moth. Colour deep chestnut-brown in the male, rather paler in the female ; with a yellowish band running across all the wings, and shading off towards the margin into the ground-colour; on each side of the anterior wings is a small white spot. The cater- pillar is yellowish, with greyish-brown hairs, and a white 168 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. band on each side, also an interrupted row of white spots on the back ; it feeds on the oak, willow, etc. The moth is very abundant. LEPIDOPTERA. AECTIID^E. HYPEEACAMPA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna simple ; palpi, terminal joint shorter than the others ; proboscis long ; wings veiy opake, and entire at the edges. HYPERACAMPA DOMINULA. Scarlet Tiger-Moth. This beautiful insect has the primary wings black and shining, ornamented with about a dozen cream-coloured spots; the secondary pair are of a fine crimson, with three irregular black spots ; the body is of a similar colour to the wings, but great variety occurs in the colouring of this pretty moth, the under wings being sometimes pale yellow, at others dull brown, without any vestige of the usually gay tints. The caterpillar is black, with three longitudinal yellow lines ; the black portion has many small blue tubercles with greyish hairs. The moth is not common. JUNE. 169 LEPIDOPTERA. AECTIID^E. CEBUBA. Generic Distinctions. Antennae bipectinate ; palpi four, and small; proboscis short, and nearly straight; legs, the anterior pair have an unusual appendage in the form of a lobe, long and compressed, attached to the inner side near the base. CERURA VINULA. Puss Moth. The expansion of the wings, which are diaphanous (semi-transparent), is about three inches, the anterior pair being greyish-white, with many and varied dusky lines, and the base spotted with black; the nervures are of a yellowish-brown colour and strongly marked ; the hinder wings are ashy brown, rather white at the edge, having an obscure crescent on the disc, and a few dark spots on the posterior margin. The cater- pillar is remarkable for its grotesque form ; it has a large, singular-looking head, which it holds in an elevated position, and a forked tail, which is likewise kept in an erect posture. Isaac Walton's description, though curious, is tolerably accurate : " His lips and mouth somewhat yellow ; his eyes black as jet; his forehead purple; his feet and hinder parts green; his tail forked and black; the whole body stained with red spots, which run along the neck and 170 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. shoulder-blade, not unlike the form of a cross." The co- coon made by this caterpillar is remarkable for its strength, being composed of particles of wood united by a kind of gum ; to enable the moth to pierce this case, it is said to be furnished with a bag of acid, which dissolves the gummy particles, and renders egress less difficult than would be imagined from the nature of the obstacle ; it feeds on the willow and poplar, and is not uncommon both in England and Scotland. LEPIDOPTEKA. NOCTUID^E. THYATIRA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna simple ; maxillae as long as the antennae; palpi considerably apart, terminal joints short and equal, middle one long and thick ; superior wings moderately wide and acute at the tip ; body robust ; thorax furnished with a crest. THYATIEA BATIS. (Plate XIII.) Peach-blossom Moth. The upper wings of this beautiful insect are brown, with dark transverse lines, each having five rose-coloured spots ; a large one at the base clouded with brown, two near the tip, one on the posterior angle, having a brown spot in the middle, and a small one near the hinder margin ; the inferior JUNE. 171 wings are dusky, inclining to yellow, and having a pale line near the middle. The caterpillar is of a peculiar form, having a protuberance on the back, a little behind the head, cleft at the summit into two branches, and triangular eleva- tions along the back ; the colour is rust-brown ; it feeds on the bramble. The moth is not very common, and is found near woods. LEPIDOPTERA. GEOMETBIDJS. MELANIPPE. Generic Distinctions. Antenna slender and simple; palpi short, slender, and acute, terminal joint small and pointed; proboscis rather long. MELANIPPE HASTATA. Mottled Beauty. This species measures nearly an inch and a half; the ground-colour is white, with a broad black line or band round the hinder margin of all the wings, spotted and interrupted on the inner side ; across the middle of the upper wings is also an irregular black band, nearly divided in the middle by the ground-colour ; the base has another band interrupted by a white crescent ; the under wings have a cross line of black 172 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. angular spots. The caterpillar is dusky brown, with waving yellow lines on the sides. The moth is not very common. LEPIDOPTERA. GEOMETRID.E. OUEAPTEEYX. Generic Distinctions. Antenna simple ; palpi short ; proboscis nearly as long as the antenna ; wings, anterior very acute, pos- terior much prolonged. OUKAPTERYX SAMBUCARiA. Swallow-tail Moth. The wings measure about two inches and a half; the colour delicate sulphur, shading into satiny- white towards the base ; the surface marked with numerous streaks, placed trans- versely; two lines of deep yellow run across the anterior wings, and one across the under pair; at the base of the tail-like projection are two small blackish spots. The cater- pillar is reddish-brown, with darker longitudinal lines; it feeds principally on the elder, willow, and lime-tree, and is common in many parts of England. JUNE. 173 LEPIDOPTERA. TORTRICID.E. HYLOPHILA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna setaceous ; anterior wings very broad at the base, contracted in the middle, and again dilated at the hinder extremity. HYLOPHILA PRASINANA. Green Silver-lines. The upper wings light green, with three oblique stripes of silvery white ; the hinder wings yellowish- white ; the margin of the upper wings is tinged with red. HYLOPHILA QUERCANA. Scarce Silver-lines. The largest insect of this group, the wings sometimes extending to two inches ; the colour of the anterior wings deep grass-green, the latter traversed by two oblique white lines ; hinder wings glossy white ; palpi and antennae tinged with red. The caterpillars of both these moths are light green, with a yellow line on each side, and two red streaks behind; they feed on a variety of common trees. This moth is rare, but has been obtained in the neighbourhood of London. 174 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. LEPIDOPTERA. GEOMETRIM. ABEAXUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna moderately long and simple ; palpi short ; body and thorax slender ; wings broad and rounded, edge entire. ABEAXUS GROSSULABIATA. (Plate XIV.) Gooseberry Moth. This insect measures nearly two inches ; the upper wings are white, with two bright yellow bands, and six trans- verse rows of black spots ; the under wings have a few scat- tered spots on the disc, and a series of larger size round the border ; the body is also yellow, spotted with black. The caterpillar is very similar in colour to the perfect insect, being white tinged with blue, the under side yellow, and the whole spotted with black. The moth abounds both in Eng- land and Scotland, where the gooseberry and currant (the appropriate food of the caterpillar) are found. HOMOPTERA. ClCADIM. CICADA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna six- or seven-jointed, very short and setaceous. CICADA SPUMARIA is of a brown colour, with two white JUNE. 175 spots on the upper wings. The larvse of this insect is well known as discharging a kind of frothy matter, called by coun- try-people " cuckoo-spit," in the midst of which they gene- rally live, and find in it a protection against their enemies : perhaps also this moisture may defend them from the sultry beams of the sun. Some of the family possess the power of making a chirping sound, which has been celebrated by many poets ; and in reference to its being produced only by the males, an old Ehodian bard says, " Happy the Cicada lives, Since they all have voiceless wives." DIPTEBA. (ESTRID.E. (ESTRUS. Generic Distinctions. Antennae very short ; proboscis and palpi obsolete ; thorax smooth ; body in the female very long. (EsTRUS EQUI. Head yellowish-white; thorax yellow, with elevated hairs on a bluish point ; the end of the body is reddish, with two black spots ; the wings have a band in the middle and two small black points at the extremity. These insects have the appearance of large Plies ; their 176 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. bodies are often hairy and ornamented with bands of various colours, the wings very strong, and the mouth nearly ob- solete. The habits of these little creatures are very remark- able, each species being confined to its own peculiar quadru- ped, the horse, the ass, ox, etc. The Iarva3 reside either in the stomach, or beneath the skin of cattle, which seem to possess an instinctive -dread of the presence of this insect, which is the more singular as it inflicts no pain, merely gluing its eggs to the hair. The larvse when hatched burrow into the poor animal's back, gradually forming a protuberance of more than an inch in diameter, within which they live until attaining maturity. It is a curious fact that their spiracles, or breathing pores, are placed, not as usual on the sides, but at the extremity of the body, in order, as it would seem, to avoid the necessity of having a large orifice in the protuberance, which would in- terfere with the comfort of its temporary inhabitant. The (Estrus of the sheep is small, and of a greyish colour; it places its eggs in the nostrils of that animal, whence the larva ascends into head, and, when full-grown, falls down and assumes the pupa state on the ground. Flat* : Ann.s Poos*. 3 Notoruecta. glaxica. 3. Coler piping. 5. TalianiiB "Boymus . Ch.eironom.us JUNE. 177 DIPTEEA. TABANID^E. TAB ANUS. Generic Distinctions. Antennae scarcely longer than the head, the last joint thick and crescent-shaped ; eyes very large ; wings horizontal, and triangular ; body conical. TAB ANUS BOVINUS. (Plate XY.) Head greyish- white, with the eyes of a shining green; the thorax and body blackish- brown, with spots of a red tinge ; the wings are transparent and veined with brown : it is a large and handsome insect. The flight of some species in this genus is noiseless ; their thick proboscis, armed with six lancets, inflicts considerable pain, and their pertinacity is so great, that it is difficult to drive them away ; the horse lashes its tail, and tosses its head in vain, the Tabanus remains firm till its thirst is sati- ated. It is the female alone that possesses this bloodthirsty propensity ; the males frequent flowers. The larva resides in the ground : it is long and cylindrical, narrow towards the head, which is small, and armed with two hooks. DIPTERA. MUSCID.E. MUSCA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna rather short, the third joint N 178 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. much longer than the two first, with a seta or bristle, often feathered ; palpi filiform ; wings distant. MUSCA DOMESTICA. Common My. In this well-known species the antennae are black, with a long terminal joint and bearded seta; the eyes brown; the fore part of the head white, and the remainder black; the thorax and body blackish above, and pale yellowish-brown underneath. MUSCA VOMITOEIA. Blue-lottle My. Head yellowish, with brown eyes; the thorax black, and the thick short body of a deep brilliant blue, whence its common name ; the young are deposited in the form of eggs, which are hatched in the course of two hours. MUSCA CAUNAEIA. Blow Fly. Head yellow, the eyes reddish ; antennae plumose ; the thorax is grey, and has four white lines ; the body black, shining, and spotted with white. This last-mentioned species is very troublesome, from the constant endeavour to deposit its offspring on our animal food ; but this propensity also renders it of great service, in consuming dead and decaying animal matter. In order to facilitate the discharge of this office, the Almighty Creator has endowed the females with the power of hatching their young in their own bodies, that they may be imme- diately ready to fulfil the important duty assigned them. JUNE. 179 They deposit 20,000 young in the space of a few days; the young grubs increase in weight two hundred times in twenty-four hours, in consequence of their great voracity, so that they must assist wonderfully in clearing the earth of putrid substances ; in five days they acquire their full size, and about the same time is spent in the pupa state, so that in a fortnight there are descendants of the first brood in existence. The larvse of the Muscidte are thick, fleshy, cylindrical, smaller towards the head and truncated at the other extremity ; they are destitute of legs, moving by means of the hooks of the mouth. DlPTERA. TlPULID^E. CHIEONOMUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna beautifully feathered in the male; body slender and elongated; wings white, with three obscure points, from which arise pale transverse bands. CHIEONOMUS PLUMOSUS, the Midge, is much smaller than the Gnat, which it so greatly resembles ; they are often confounded together, but the former wants the long pro- boscis of the latter insect, and is perfectly harmless. The English name is equally applied to several genera, and in- 180 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. eludes above a hundred British species. The larvse reside in water like those of the Gnat; that of C( plumosus is found in stagnant water, and is called the Blood-worm, from its red colour. Beauinur mentions that he found one species enclosed in small paper-like cases of a brown colour ; they were spindle-shaped, composed of silk, and somewhat resembled an oblong seed. Midges may constantly be seen in summer, hovering in moist situations, alternately rising and falling, with a motion like that of the Ephemera. Some species are remarakble for the beauty of their colour- ing, and form interesting objects for the microscope. Messrs. Kirby and Spence give a very interesting descrip- tion of the manner in which the perfect insect escapes from the pupariurn ; the native place of the pupa being water, whereas the Midge is an inhabitant of the air. Eor the extrication of the imago, it is necessary that the pupa should remain quietly suspended at the surface, and that the thorax, in which the opening for its exit is to be made, should be at least level with it ; and this is precisely what takes place. By a most singular and beautiful contrivance, not only is the pupa, which is specifically heavier than the water, enabled to suspend itself without motion at the sur- face, but its thorax, which is the heaviest end, is kept JUNE. 181 uppermost. This is effected by the property which the centre of the' thorax has, of repelling water : hence, as soon as the pupa has once forced this part of the body above the surface, the water retreats from it on all sides, leaving an oval space in the disc which is quite dry ; and the attraction of the air to the dry part of the thorax is sufficient to over- balance the specific gravity of the pupa. If a drop of water be let fall on the dry portion, it instantly sinks to the bottom, but soon returning to the surface it remains sus- pended as before. Just previous to the exclusion of the My, the thorax is seen to split in the middle; the air enters and forms a brilliant stratum resembling quicksilver, between the body of the insect and the pupa- case, and the former pushing forth its head and fore legs, like the Gnat, rests the latter on the water, and in a few seconds extricates itself wholly from the puparium^. * British Cyclopaedia, article Chironomus. 182 CHAPTER VII. JULY. THE gradually increasing heat of the season during the present month, produces many insects new to the student ; and if he be interested in the pursuit, much knowledge may be acquired, many observations made, and an abundance of specimens added to the cabinet. In Lepidoptera July is par- ticularly fruitful, as sunshine seems the appropriate element of these delicate creatures ; and the thicker clothing, if we may so term it, with the more robust forms of the nocturnal tribes, scarcely reconciles us to the idea of their still fragile beauty being exposed to the chilly dews of night in our northern climate. But we know that they are well adapted to their assigned place in the creation ; and to the imagina- tive mind there is something agreeable in the idea of being JULY. 183 surrounded by sights, as well as sounds, of life and beauty, even when we are generally unconscious of their presence. Surely this thought adds its mite to the testimony of an over-watchful Providence, who peoples even darkness itself with brilliant colours and elegant forms ; and animates the period of sleep, the emblem of death, with sounds which are but another name for melody, as if to reassure our waking moments with a consciousness of His presence, who " never slumbereth nor sleepeth." The smaller species of Moth are so very numerous, that but a very disproportionate number can be mentioned in this little work ; a full account must be sought for elsewhere. There are supposed to be not less than 2000 species, many of very minute size ; and it has been truly said, that the study of the minute Lepidoptera is yet in its infancy ; the time of their flight, too, is an obstacle in the way of all but very zealous entomologists, though it must not be imagined that their appearance is entirely confined to the night or twilight : this is the more appropriate, but not the sole period of their activity, and many species may be seen flitting in the sunshine with the diurnal Lepidoptera, and other warmth-loving insects. Mr. Bird gives an account, in the ' Entomological Magazine/ of the plan he adopted for 184 POPULAE ENTOMOLOGY. taking Moths, which may afford a hint to those who are desirous of studying this interesting and extensive group. He says, " My success in obtaining Lepidoptera, to which I am particularly attached, I owe to the use of a lamp : during the moonless nights of summer I sit with a Sinumbra lamp, and, perhaps, one or two smaller ones placed on a table close to the window. The Moths speedily enter the room, if the weather be warm, and I have had a levee of more than a hundred between the hours of ten and twelve ; I have for experiment's sake sat up till three o'clock, when the whole heaven was bright with the rising sun, and Moths of various kinds have never ceased arriving in succession till that time. In the spring and autumn I have been frequently very fortunate, though generally having my pa- tience sufficiently tried. If at any time of the year a warm mist pervade the air, there is almost a certainty of suc- cess ; but should any one be induced by this account to try the lamp, he must make up his mind to experience more unfavourable evenings than favourable. There is however this advantage in my sedentary plan of mothing, that it can be combined with reading or writing ; and the intervals between the arrivals need not be lost/' The extensive family Ickneiimonidce presents many very JULY. 185 interesting particulars to the student, which are highly deserving of attention. Eeferring to the order Bymenqptera for the characteristics of the family, we find that the insects comprised in it are provided with an instrument called an ovipositor, which is composed of two external filaments enclosing a slender piercer, with which the little creatures bore a hole in wood or other substances, to form a hole for their eggs. This instrument in some species is longer than the whole body ; such is the case with the Pimpla manifes- tator, one of the largest British species, which places her eggs in the holes already occupied by the young larvae of the Wild Bee, and, as these are usually of some depth, it is necessary that this Ichneumon, which is destined to prevent their too rapid increase, should be able to reach the cell in which they are placed. The means by which the Pimpla ascertains the presence of the food destined for her young, seems to be her antennae, which she introduces into the hole before depositing her eggs ; but whether by the sense of smelling, hearing, or feeling, appears undecided. Those species that place their eggs in the bodies of caterpillars, are provided only with a very short ovipositor for this pur- pose, as a more lengthened instrument would be superfluous. The Ichneumonida are all parasitic upon other insects, and 186 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. through their means thousands of caterpillars are destroyed, which would otherwise do great injury. One species preys on the Aplnda or Plant-Lice, and thus assists in checking the increase of these troublesome little insects. This is the species best known, being often seen in the garden, parti- cularly the male, hovering over the rose-trees, or creeping under the leaves; it is of small size, with long legs; the wings obscurely coloured with bands and spots of black and red. The female pierces the skin of the Aphis, and deposits an egg in the wound, taking great care not to place more than one in each insect; when the grub is hatched, it feeds on the body of the poor victim, and when full grown it spins no cocoon, being adequately protected by the hardened skin of the dead Aphis. In a few days, the now winged insect forces itself from its prison, and flies away to enjoy its brief existence, and add another to the countless myriads of happy beings. Another species is mentioned by Mr. Kirby, as serviceable in keeping down the numbers of the little Midge which attacks wheat when in flower. Having placed a number of the grubs of this mischievous insect on paper, he introduced a female Ichneu- mon amongst them ; she immediately began to pace about, vibrating her antennae very briskly; then fixing on one of the JULY. 187 larvse, she inserted her ovipositor ; the poor grub when pricked gave a violent wriggle, and this operation was repeated till all had received the egg which would prove so fatal a deposit. In these instances the larvse of the Ichneumon are solitary, but in some species they are gregarious, the parent depo- siting several eggs in the same caterpillar : this is the case with the Ichneumon, Microgaster glomeratws, which preys on the larvse of Pontia rapa, or Small White Butterfly. These caterpillars, when full grown, creep up to the corner of window-frames, or similar places, to undergo their change ; but frequently, previous to this transformation, a great number of small white grubs issue from them (causing, of course, the death of the caterpillar) ; the little grubs imme- diately enclose themselves in oval cocoons, attached round their victims, looking like a mass of yellow silk. Some- times the larvse remain within the caterpillar until it is in the chrysalis state, when they come forth in their perfect condition; this depends on the species of Ichneumon, as well as on the growth of the caterpillar. It is a wonderful fact that these little parasites never attack the vital parts of the larvse (as this would destroy their supply of food), until they have nearly attained their full size, when they at last destroy the organs of life, and then piercing through 188 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. the skin they begin to construct their cocoons, which in some species are found on the blades of grass, in others on trees. The following notice, taken from that interesting little monthly publication the ' Naturalist/ shows that in- sects even in the pupa state do not escape the Ichneumon. In reply to a query, it is said, " Some years ago, while col- lecting in Botany Bay Wood, on Chat Moss, I was rather startled on hearing a strange sound from among the dry leaves scattered on the ground (especially as vipers are not uncommon there). On looking closely, I perceived it came from an. Ichneumon in the act of piercing a leaf. On seizing it, I was delighted to have ocular proof that they will attack pupse; the leaf contained a pupa, which next season produced Acronycta rumicis. I believe few ento- mologists have witnessed the above; it is the only instance I have met with during several years' collecting/' These insects vary much in size, some being among our largest Hymenopterous insects, and destined to check the too rapid increase of the Hawk-Moths, and other large Lepidoptera ; others are so minute as to be seen with difficulty ; some are even small enough to be parasitic on the eggs of insects. De Geer found a mass of sixty eggs of some Lepidopterous insect, not one of which had escaped the Ichneumon. We JULY. 189 have thus seen that these insects attack the larvae of Hymen- opterous, Dipterous, and Homopterous insects, in the case of Wild Bees, Midges, and Aphides ; other species of these orders are similarly affected, as well as the Coleoptera, though the greater number are appropriated to the order Lepidoptera. But it does not end here, for these parasites are themselves liable to the attacks of smaller species belong- ing to the same family, and the instinct is remarkable, which guides these second parasites to the particular caterpillars already made the prey of the larger Ichneumons, which are to furnish their own offspring with support. These interest- ing, though diminutive insects, are divided by Latreille into groups known by the number of joints in the palpi, but these cannot be investigated in this rapid sketch, which is only intended to excite an interest, leading to research both in works of more pretension, and, better still, in the works of nature, which will amply repay the student. What an immense field is open to his survey may be imagined from the fact that in this family alone, including merely the European species, a work of three thousand pages has been published by Gravenhorst. The colour and form of many species are highly beautiful. 190 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. COLEOPTEEA. BYRRHID.&. ANTHEENUS. Generic Distinctions. Antennae terminated by a three-jointed club j body of a round and depressed form, the surface adorned with undulating bands of coloured scales. ANTHEENUS SCROPHULARIA scarcely exceeds two lines in length ; the head is black with a small white spot ; the an- tennae are reddish at the base but black at the tip; the thorax is black, with the sides whitish, and the hinder part red ; the elytra are also black, with bands of white ; the under side is covered with white scales. The larvae feed on animal substances, -and are sometimes very destructive in museums : the perfect insect frequents flowers. COLEOPTERA. STAPHYLINID.E. XANTHOLINUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna placed near each other at the base, and in general bent suddenly, geniculated, as it is termed ; legs short and strong ; head and thorax somewhat square ; body linear. XANTHOLINUS FULGIDUS. The head and thorax of this JULY. 191 species are of a glossy black, punctured on each side ; the elytra are deep red, punctured, and clothed with short hairs ; the antennae, mouth, and legs are light red. COLEOPTERA. MALACHIUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna, joints a little projecting on the inner side ; palpi short and filiform ; mandibles notched at the joint ; thorax wider than the head ; some species are armed with a spine at the extremity. MALACHIUS MARGINELLUS is of a brassy-green colour, with the sides of the thorax and tips of the elytra red. MALACHIUS ^NEUS, sinning green, with the margins of the elytra bordered with red ; it is about a quarter of an inch in length. COLEOPTERA. CLERID.E. CLEEUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna, club three-jointed; palpi 192 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. terminated in a hatchet-shaped joint ; thorax narrower than the elytra; body elongated. CLEEUS APIARIUS is of a blue colour, the elytra red, with blue bands ; the larva of this insect is found in bee-hives, where it devours the larvae of the Bee, and does much in- jury ; it is, however, rare. CLERUS or TRICHODES ALVEARIUS. This species is very similar to the preceding, but the extremities of the elytra are red. The larva resides in the nest of the Mason Bee, feed- ing on the grubs of that insect. COLEOPTERA. CURCULIONID^. HYLOBIUS. Generic Distinctions. Antennae of twelve joints ; elytra oblong ; legs moderately long ; body furnished with wings. HYLOBIUS ABIETIS, which varies from five to nine lines in length, is of a pitchy black colour, with many yellow spots, on the elytra. It abounds in the fir-plantations of Scotland, making great devastation, by destroying the bark; in 1824 many young firs were entirely destroyed on Lord Carlisle's estates in Scotland by this insect. The mischief was at first JULY. 193 supposed to be the work of mice, so completely was the bark stripped from the trees. STREPSIPTERA. STYLOPID^. STYLOPS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna, outer branch flattened and three-jointed. STYLOPS DALII. (Plate III.) Body of a deep velvet- black, and yellowish at the sides ; legs brownish ; the wings white and iridescent, about a line and a half in length. This singular tribe of parasitic insects has been found in the bodies of Wild Bees and Wasps, where they live in the larva state. They have been divided into four genera, distin- guished by peculiarities in the antenna. Eossi, an Italian entomologist, seems to have first noticed the insect, and dis- covered its habits ; and Mr. Kirby, having found another species, investigated the subject minutely, and established the order Strep&iptera for their reception. He observed a specimen in the lrva state in the body of a Wild Bee, and having drawn it out, found a white fleshy grub, a quarter of an inch in length. On endeavouring to extract another, he o 194 -.POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. says : " How greatly was my astonishment increased when, after I had withdrawn it a little way, I saw its skin burst, and a head as black as ink, with large staring eyes, and an- tennae consisting of two branches, break forth and move itself briskly from side to side : it looked like a little imp of darkness." Mr. Dale, who seems to have attentively watched these little insects, found several in Anclrena barbi- labrls, a species of Wild Bee, and caught one flying over a hedge ; he says, " It looked milk-white on the wing, with a jet-black body, and totally unlike anything else : it flew with an undulating motion." There is much relative to the natural history of these singular creatures, which still re- mains unascertained or doubtful. There are several species of the genus Stylops in England ; and North America and the Mauritius have also furnished specimens of the order. LEPIDOPTERA. NYMPHALID^E. MELTLEA. Generic Distinctions. See page 97. MELIT^A SILENE, Small Pearl-bordered FT Hillary, greatly resembles M. Eujphrosyne described in May, but it is much smaller; the surface is similar, and the difference on the JULY. 195 under side consists in the ground-colour of the secondary wings being rust-brown, with the transverse band at the base and middle, not so light a yellow; in having three silvery spots in the central band, and five others, three of which are placed in a line on the anterior border, and the other two near the inner edge, and in having the ocellus towards the base black, with a red pupil. The caterpillar is black and spiny, one half of the spines being yellow, and the sides of the body having a light stripe. The butterfly is not uncommon. LEPIDOPTERA. NYMPHALID^:. AEGYNNIS. Generic Distinctions. See page 159. ARGYNNIS PAPHIA. (Plate VII.) Silver-washed Fritillary. The surface of this insect is very similar to that of the species Adippe and Aglaia mentioned in June, the upper surface being of a bright yellowish-brown, variously streaked and spotted with black; on the under side the primary wings are paler, many of the black spots indistinctly seen, and the tips slightly tinged with green; the secondary wings are green, with a brassy lustre, and ornamented with 196 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. stripes or bands of silver, not spots as in the other species. The caterpillar is light brown, with two dark lines on the sides, and long hairy spines : it feeds on the raspberry and violet. The insect is not uncommon. LEPIDOPTERA. POLYOMMATUS. Generic Distinctions. See page 123. POLYOMMATUS ARGUS. Silver-studded Blue. Male, deep blue above, inclining to lilac, with a broad band of black round the hinder margin of all the wings ; the nervures are also dark ; the under side is bluish-grey, becoming deeper at the base, and adorned with many ocellated spots ; on the hinder margin of the posterior wings there is a tawny orange band, containing six bright silvery blue spots crowned with a series of black crescents. The female is entirely brown above, with a tawny marginal band. The caterpillar is dull green, with a rusty line on the back, and oblique marks of the same colour, edged with white, on the sides ; it feeds on broom, trefoil, etc. The butterfly is common in the south. POLYOMMATUS SALMACIS. Durham Argus. This species is silky-brown above, the anterior wings having a white JULY. 197 spot, and all of them an orange band, indistinct on the upper wings ; the under side is greyish-brown, the anterior pair having a white spot, and a curved band of the same ; these are succeeded by a band of orange spots. The hinder wings have a similar marginal band, and several scattered white spots, a large one near the centre, and a series behind, connected with the yellow band by a broad central patch : most of these spots have a minute dusky pupil. This insect is principally found in Durham. POLYOMMATUS AiiTAXERXEs, which appears principally to differ from the last in being of a much darker hue, and the spots having no pupils, is principally met with on Arthur's Seat, near Edinburgh : from this circumstance it is called the Scotch Argus ; but very little seems to be ascertained respecting the history of the insect in its immature state, though the butterfly is in great request, from the extreme rarity of its appearance in any other locality. POLYOMMATUS COUYDON. Chalk-hill Blue. This is one of the larger species, measuring an inch and a half. The surface of the male is a very light silvery blue, with a fine silky lustre ; the hinder margin of all the wings having a blackish band, and the inferior pair a series of dusky spots. The surface in the female is brown, each wing having a 198 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. pale central spot ; the hinder wings in both sexes whitish, the ocellated spots being arranged in two curved bands in the centre ; between these is an angular white mark, and on the hinder margin a series of black spots, with a white iris, half surrounded by a streak of orange : an oblong patch of white connects this series with the central band. LEPIDOPTEBA. NYMPHALID^E. VANESSA. Generic Distinctions. See page 129. VANESSA POLYCHLORUS. Great Tortoise-shell. This species bears much resemblance to V. urtica, described last month, but is much larger, sometimes exceeding two inches and a half; the upper side is dark orange; the anterior wings have two large quadrate (four-sided) spots of black, with two smaller ones near the base, the same number of rounded spots on the disc, and another near the hinder angle. The inferior wings have one large black spot near the middle of the anterior margin; both pair have a deep black border, ornamented with crescents which are blue on the hinder wings, and bounded with two lines of pale yellow ; on the under side, half the surface is dark brown, the re- JULY. 199 mainder grey, marked with waving lines of brown, and a faint series of bluish crescents towards the tip ; there are one or two pale spots on the wings. The caterpillar is bluish-brown, with a lateral stripe of orange; the spines are slightly yellow : whilst young, the larvae live together in a silken web, but disperse after they have changed their first skin : they feed on the willow and elin. This is not one of the most common Butterflies, though occasion- ally found in great abundance in the southern counties and in the Isle of Wight. LEPIDOPTERA. NYMPHALID.E. HIPPAECHIA. Generic Distinctions. See page 98. HIPPAECHIA SEMELE. The Grey ling. This is one of the largest species of the genus, sometimes reaching to two inches and a half across the wings ; the greater part of the surface is brown, varying much in depth of colour; the female has a wide band of pale yellow near the hinder edge of the anterior wings, in which are placed two ocelli. The male has only a yellowish patch round each ocellus ; the 200 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. base of the hinder wings, and a posterior border, is brown in both sexes, the intermediate portion being pale or red- dish-yellow, with a small ocellus on the under side, the anterior wings are tawny at the base ; the disc pale yellow, with two ocelli, and the margin brownish; the posterior wings are clouded with white, and dark brown ; the cater- pillar is light green. This insect frequents stony and rocky places, occurring plentifully in such situations both in Eng- land and Scotland. HIPPARCHIA HYPERANTHUS. Ringlet Butterfly. The whole upper surface is of a dark brown colour, generally having two or three eye-like spots on each wing ; the under side is pale brown, with large ocelli near the margin, some- times these are nearly obliterated, but usually they are very conspicuous. The caterpillar is greyish-white, with a brown line on the back : it feeds on the Poa annua, or meadow grass. The butterfly is found pretty abundantly in the open part of woods, meadows, and corn-fields. HIPPARCHIA POLYDAMA. Marsh Ringlet. This species measures about an inch and a half across the wings; the surface is rusty yellow, tinged with brown ; the anterior wings having one or two ocelli towards the hinder margin ; the inferior wings are greyish-white round the outer margin, JULY. 201 with an ocellus near the body, and sometimes one or two others on a line with it ; underneath, the primary wings are greenish-brown at the base, bright yellowish-brown in the middle, and grey at the apex, with a small white bar and a few ocelli ; the base of the hinder wings is brown, beyond which is a very irregular white band, the space beyond being greyish-brown, with five or six ocelli. The caterpillar is dark green, with a darker line on the back. The perfect insect is found on marshy heaths. HIPPAB.CHIA DAVUS very closely resembles the preceding. It is extremely rare in England, but common in many parts of Scotland. HIPPARCHIA CASSIOPE, Mountain Ringlet, measures about sixteen lines ; the colour is dark brown, with a silky gloss ; the upper wings having a red band near the apex, marked with black spots ; the hinder pair have a short band of con- tinuous red marks, each bearing a small black spot ; the under side of the anterior wings differs from the upper, only in being tinged with rust-red ; the hinder wings are ash- brown, having three black spots with a reddish iris. This insect is principally found in the mountains of Cumberland and Westmoreland, also in the hilly districts of Scotland. There are two other species rarely found excepting in Scot- 202 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. land, the H. blandina and H. ligea. The former is taken in great profusion in August, near Brodick, Isle of Arran. LEPIDOPTEKA. THECLA. Generic Distinctions. See page 128. THECLA QUERCUS. (Plate IX.) Purple Hair-streak. Size about fourteen lines ; colour of the upper surface dark brown, faintly glossed with purple in one sex ; the other with a large patch of deep glossy purple at the base of the upper wings ; on the under side the wings are ash-grey colour, with a silky lustre, and traversed by an undulating white streak, beyond which is a double series of whitish crescents, and a few dusky spots on the primary wings ; the secondary pair are ornamented with two reddish spots, one having an ocellus. The caterpillar is greyish-brown, with a brown head, and a row of yellow dots on the back ; it is very com- mon in oak-woods in the south. THECLA W-ALBUM. White-letter Hair-streak, Upper side dark brown, with a silky gloss, the male having a greyish spot near the middle ; the under side is light brown, JULY. 203 with a small transverse white line near the hinder margin of the primary wings, and another towards the middle of the secondary pair, forming two acute angles resembling the letter W ; behind this, is a band of orange-red ; the margin and the projecting tailed point are black, sometimes tipped with white. The caterpillar is green, with three red spots on each side of the lower segments, and a double series of small dots on the back; it feeds on the elm and blackthorn. The perfect insect is in general rare, but in some seasons is found in great profusion. THECLA PRUNI. Black Hair-streak. This species has often been confounded with the former, which is more com- mon ; the difference on the upper surface seems to consist in the addition of three or four crescent-shaped red marks near the hinder margin; the colour of the under side is yellowish-brown, marked with an irregular silvery line near the hinder margin of the primary wings, and across the middle of the secondary pair ; behind this, is a row of black spots, and on the margin a series of black crescents ; the upper wings have the spots red. The caterpillar is green, with longitudinal whitish rays, and numerous short trans- verse lines ; the head is small and yellow. 204 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. LEPIDOPTEKA. NYMPHALIDJE. APATUEA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna long, with an egg-shaped club ; palpi long, and projecting beyond the head, where they meet and form a kind of beak; the basal and terminal joints of nearly equal length, the intermediate one very long ; wings somewhat triangular, edge of the primary pair nearly entire, the others slightly scalloped. APATUEA IRIS. (Plate VIII.) Purple Emperor. Surface of the wings dark brown, changing, as the light shines on it, to a very rich purple ; this brilliant colour is not seen in the female, whose wings are of a paler brown. In both sexes there are four patches of white on the upper wings, inter- rupted by the nervures ; the hinder wings are traversed by a band of white, a tawny streak running round them near the margin, and the inferior pair have a black spot sur- rounded by a red ring; on the under side, the superior wings are rust-red, with a large ocellus near the hinder angle, and two black spots near the base ; the hinder por- tions of the under wings are greyish, with a faint undulating brown line near the margin ; all the wings have the white marks similar to those of the surface. The caterpillar is pale green, with a yellow stripe down the outer side of two Cardui. 2. Apatura Iris. 3. limanitui 4. Hipp ar dim JMegaera JULY. 205 long horns, into which the head is divided behind ; it feeds on the oak. This fine insect is much prized, both for its beauty and the difficulty with which it is obtained; it is found in the southern counties, but as it fixes its throne on the summit of a lofty oak, from whence it takes very high flights, there are many difficulties to overcome in the cap- ture ; and a pole twenty or thirty feet in length, with the bag-net attached, is necessary for the purpose. The wings of these insects are stronger than those of any other British species, thus fitting them for the powerful flight which their habits require. LEPIDOPTERA. NYMPHALID.E. LIMENITIS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna thickening gradually from the middle, almost to the apex, the club being long and "slender ; palpi, basal joint the shortest and nearly oval, the second very long, and the terminal one egg-shaped, and ending in a point ; wings rounded and entire. LIMENITIS CAMILLA. (Plate VIII.) White Admiral. This pretty insect measures about two inches ; the colour is dull black above, marked with dark spots; both wings tra- 206 POPULAR, ENTOMOLOGY. versed By a broad white band, divided in the middle of the upper pair, which have also several white spots; on the hinder wings are two rows of obscure dark spots, between the band and the hinder extremity. The prevailing colour on the under side is brownish-yellow, all the white spots of the surface being visible, with the addition of a few others ; the base of the wings is tinged with blue. The caterpillar is green, with obtuse fleshy projections on the back of a reddish colour, and fringed with hair ; it feeds on the honey- suckle. The perfect insect is one of our rarer species ; it is found in the glades of woods, and is noted for its graceful flight. Many specimens were taken this summer in Burn- ham Beeches, Buckinghamshire. LEPIDOPTERA. HESPERID.E. PAMPHILA. Generic Distinctions. See page 131. PAMPHILA LINEA. (Plate X.) Small Skipper. This insect is of small size; the surface of the wings fulvous and without spots ; the hinder margin and nervures black ; JT. 1. Thyme] e alveolus . 2 . Pamphila liaea . 3. AnthroceTa 4. Sinermtkas ocellatas 5, SmemiOms "IHiic JULY. 207 the under side of the primary wings paler than the surface, shading into grey at the tip, and brown at the base ; the secondary wings are ash-grey, with a fulvous patch; the male has in addition a black oblique line on the disc of each anterior wing. The caterpillar is deep green, with a dark line on the back ; it feeds on some species of grass. The perfect insect is of frequent occurrence ; there are two other species found occasionally, P. comma and P. Action. LEPIDOPTEBA. ANTHKOCERID.E. ANTHEOCEEA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna simple, slender, and of great length, thickening into a curved club ; palpi rather long, termi- nating in a point, and thickly clothed with hair. ANTHEOCERA EILIPENDUL^ (Plate X.), Six-spotted Bwrnet Moth, measures about an inch and a half; the upper wings are greenish-black, with six red spots on each ; the under pair carmine-red on both sides; the hinder margin with a black border. The caterpillar is yellow, with three rows of black spots on the head and others on the sides ; it feeds on grass and other common plants. ANTHROCERA LOTI. Five-spotted Burnet Motk. Very 208 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. similar to the preceding, but smaller, and with only five spots on the upper wings. The caterpillar is green, with two longitudinal bands on each side, and a yellow dot on each segment ; it feeds on the honeysuckle and other plants. The moth is less common than the preceding. There are several species of this pretty genus, all noted for their brilliant colours, generally bluish-black and bright red, the latter hue predominating on the lower wings and forming spots on the upper. They are occasionally very numerous : I have found them in profusion near Yentnor, Isle of Wight, and they are also found in Scotland. LEPIDOPTEKA. SPHINGID^E. SMEEINTHUS. Generic Distinctions.- See page 135. SMEBINTHUS POPULI. Poplar Hawk-Moth. This species differs from all those mentioned before, in having the outer margin of all the wings dentated; the colour is greyish- brown, occasionally inclining to rusty-red and grey, with bands and rays of a deeper hue than the ground-colour; the upper wings have a white mark in the centre ; at the base JULY. 209 of the inferior pair is a rusty patch, and sometimes a white spot near the middle. The caterpillar is green, with oblique yellow or white stripes, the head bordered with yellow, and the horn at the extremity of the body is of theseame hue ; it feeds on the poplar. This is the most common of the Sphingida, both in England and Scotland. LEPIDOPTEKA. HEPIALID^E. ZEUZERA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna setaceous, short, pectinated in the males, simple in the females ; palpi obsolete ; body long. ZETJZERA ^ESCULI. Wood Leopard-Moth. This beautiful species is snowy white; the wings but sparingly clothed with scales ; and the nervures yellowish ; the whole surface thickly sprinkled with dark blue spots ; the hinder wings are white, and faintly spotted at the base, with a distinct series of spots round the margin ; the male measures about two inches, the female is often a third larger. The cater- pillar is light yellow, with a double series of black spots across each segment ; it is not very common. 210 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. LEPIDOPTEKA. ENDBOMIS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna in both sexes bipectinated ; head clothed with long hairs; wings entire, large, and rather transparent. ENDBOMIS VERSICOLOR. Kentish Glory. The upper wings in this species are rusty-red, inclining in some parts to grey, each with two transverse bands of black, edged on one side with white ; there are also other white marks, and a small black crescent near the centre; the inferior wings are tawny -yellow, with a waved dusky line in the middle, a small crescent, and a few white spots. The caterpillar is pale green ; the under side spotted with black, and the sides marked with oblique stripes of pale yellow ; the form is peculiar, bearing some resemblance to the Sfahingida, having an elevation where they have a horn; it feeds on a variety of trees, and must be ranked with the rarer species, being found principally in the woods of the south of England. JULY. 211 LEPIDOPTERA. NOCTUID.E. THYATIEA. Generic Distinctions. See page 170. THYATIRA DERASA. Buff Arches. The prevailing colour in this species is light yellowish-brown ; the upper wings having two oblique white bands, the space between which is clouded with brown and white; there is also a transverse series of fine zigzag lines of a brown hue, forming acute angles on a whitish ground; the hinder margin is brown, with two rows of small white arches, surmounted by a white line; the hinder wings are dusky, with a tinge of ochre. The caterpillar is yellowish-green, with brown spots and lines ; it seems to be a general feeder. The moth is found pretty frequently near woods and shady lanes. LEPIDOPTERA. CATOCALA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna long and setaceous ; proboscis as long as the antennse ; palpi> middle joint much longer than the others, and densely clothed with scales ; body thin at the ex- tremity ; thorax slightly crested. 212 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. CATOCALA FIIAXINI. Clifden Nonpareil. This very handsome species sometimes measures four inches; the upper wings are light grey, marked with undulating lines of brown ; the under wings are brownish-black, with a broad curved band of light blue across the middle ; they are also deeply indented. The caterpillar is ash-coloured, rather inclining to yellow, and sprinkled with minute black dots ; the head is green, and the eighth segment has a protube- rance of a bluish-black colour; behind this is an oblique black line; it lives on the ash, oak, elm, poplar, etc. This species is not so common as the following, and a good specimen is a valuable acquisition. CATOCALA NUPTA. (Plate XIV.) Red Underwiny. Upper wings dark grey, with transverse waved streaks and spots of brown and yellow ; the hinder border has a series of crescent-shaped spots, and two waved dusky lines; the under wings are of a deep carmine-red, with a curved black band near the middle, and a broad marginal band of the same : the under side of the superior wings is black, with three transverse bands of white, the outer one forming an acute angle near the inner margin. The caterpillar is narrow at both ends ; the colour grey, marked with brown, greenish underneath, spotted with black, and a row of small tubercles ZTF: tirptis. 2.Caiscalaiuipta, 3 ALi-axa* Grossiflariah. 4 Ptarophorus ^ 5 AiuatsL lexadactvla JULY. 213 on the back ; it feeds on the poplar and willow. The moth is frequent in the southern counties. LEPIDOPTEBA. GEOMETRIC. HIPPARCHUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna pectinated in the male, simple in the female ; proboscis spiral, and shorter than the antennae ; palpi meeting at the tip, basal joint very short, second long, the last lanceolate ; wings, the lower pair are covered by the upper when at rest, the margin of the former dentated. HIPPARCHUS PAPILIONARIUS. Emerald Moth. This species measures more than two inches; it is of a deep grass-green, with two rows of whitish spots across both wings ; on the disc of each is an obscure crescent-shaped spot of a deeper green than the rest. The caterpillar is green, with a yellow line on each side, and reddish warts on the back ; it feeds on the elm, lime, and beech. The moth is not very common, either in England or Scotland. POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. DlPTEBA. PIOPHILA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna small, with a single bristle ; head roundish, without a frontal projection ; legs moderately long and slender. PIOPHILA CASEI. Cheese Fly. This insect in its larva state is a small fleshy grub, of an elongated form and white colour; found in decaying cheese. Epicures do not hesitate to eat these little creatures, thinking that they are bred spontaneously from the best parts of the cheese, whereas they are produced from eggs laid by the parent Fly, in a similar manner to the Blow Fly, from whose offspring on their meat these lovers of good eating would turn away with disgust. The My is about the size of the common House Fly, of a shining, blackish-green colour, with trans- parent wings; the legs are varied with black and ochre; the female is provided with an ovipositor, with which she pierces the cheese, and deposits an egg in the hole ; these are soon hatched, and feed on the cheese during the larva state. When they have acquired their full size, they leave their food and undergo the transformation into a chrysalis ; and after remaining in this state for some time, the enclosed Fly breaks that part of the outer covering which defends JULY. 215 the head into two parts, at the same time throwing off a thin membrane which covered the body. At first the wings are scarcely visible ; the insect however runs about very quickly, and by degrees the wings assume their full size. The leaping powers of the larvae are very wonderful, the leap being per- formed in the same manner as that of a salmon, by taking hold of the tail with its mouth, contracting the rings of the body, and then letting go the tail. If a viper had equal powers in proportion to its size, it would spring nearly a hundred feet. 216 CHAPTEE VI1L AUGUST. THE young student has, I hope, gained sufficient informa- tion, and experienced sufficient pleasure from the study and research of the preceding months, to continue the pursuit with eagerness during the remainder of the season. He is now supposed capable of placing most of the insects he may find, in their proper order; in some, such as the diurnal Lepidoptera, he will be able to descend as far as the species, and thus to name the beautiful specimen correctly, unless it is a very rare insect ; many moths will also be familiar to him, and the order Coleoptera understood with regard to its sectional and family peculiarities; some insight will have been gained into the habits of all classes of the insect world, and the student will not be liable to make the curious AUGUST. 217 mistakes, or give way to the silly prejudices, of those who have never studied this interesting subject. Many persons have no idea that nearly all the insects they see have enjoyed three distinct modes of existence ; that they all fulfil some important function in nature; and that the loss of one among the many different groups might cause infinite distress and confusion, by allowing the undue increase of others on which they depen$ for food ; or, by not clearing the earth of corrupt animal and vegetable matter, cause disease to attack those who proudly or ignorantly demand the use of this apparently insignificant portion of the crea- tion. The more attentively the subject is examined, the more plainly will it be seen that all are governed by wise laws ; that not even the meanest insect is without its appointed work : well would it be for those who are at the summit of earth's created beings, would they endeavour to perform their share in nature's plan with as much fidelity as the little Burying Beetle or the still more diminutive Ichneu- mon. " Order is heaven's first law," and man alone uses the intellect which raises him above the creatures of instinct to rebel against it. This month is replete with beauty of every kind ; fruit, flowers, and the insect world, all add to the charms of the season; and though a slight tinge of 18 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. decay mingled with the tints of the verdure, already reminds us of the approaching autumn, still much is to be enjoyed before the lover of nature must exchange the evening ramble for the fireside, and the book of nature for those which will assist him in studying it more accurately another year. This month produces one of the largest and most beautiful of our diurnal Lepidoptera, the lovely Camberwell Beauty, which is highly prized |rom the circumstance of its appearance being periodical, the cause of which has not been fully ascertained. " Until four or. five years since, it had not been seen for forty years, and was then very abun- dant in many parts of the kingdom; in 1819 a few were taken in Suffolk, since which period it has not been seen"*." Other species, both Moths and Butterflies, appearing at this time, are remarkable for their beauty and rarity ; these will be mentioned in their proper places, and happy may the young entomologist consider himself who can add a specimen to his collection. Those who are poetically in- clined will be induced, on seeing them, to quote the lines of Mrs. Barbauld : "Lo ! the bright train their radiant wings unfold, With silver fringed, and freckled o'er with gold ; * British Entomology. AUGUST. 219 On the gay bosom of some fragrant flower, They, idly fluttering, live their little hour ; Their life all pleasure and their task all play, All spring their age, and sunshine all their day." A less agreeable insect begins to annoy us by its presence about the end of this month, belonging to the genus Stomoxys and the order Diptera. The species are small Flies, which frequent the windows of our rooms late in the summer, particularly when the weather is damp ; they greatly resemble the common House-Fly, but are broader in form, and the proboscis is capable of giving a sharp wound, from which circumstance it has been commonly supposed that the Domestic Fly stings in the autumn; but the species is totally different. The specific names sufficiently testify their teasing propensity, stimulans, pungens, and irritans being members of this genus ; the Stomoxys calcitmns is the most common. The Tortoise Beetles, or Cassida, are an interesting and peculiar family, both from their form and habits ; there are about twenty species in England, but of a small size com- pared with those of Brazil, which are often armed with two erect spines rising on the centre of the elytra, meeting together and forming an acute horn nearly half an inch in 220 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. length. Some of the species are highly metallic, and though they lose their beautiful colours when dead, they may be restored by dipping the insect into hot water. The English name almost sufficiently describes the curious form of these Beetles, which greatly resembles that of a shield ; and as, when disturbed, they contract the antennae and legs under the broad sides of the thorax and elytra, (the head, too, being often quite concealed,) they have the appearance of small Tortoises. The variety of form as well as colour in the Cole- opterous tribes, will strike every eye on first seeing a large collection of these insects, and nothing can well be imagined more frightful than some of them would appear, were their dimensions equal to that of many quadrupeds ; as it is, they surprise and gratify, without exciting any feeling allied to fear. This idea is well expressed in the following lines : " Their shape would make them, had they bulk and size, More hideous foes than fancy can devise ; With helmet heads and dragon scales adorn'd, The mighty myriads now securely scorn'd Would mock the majesty of man's high birth, Despise his bulwarks and unpeople earth." AUGUST. 221 COLEOPTERA. MORDELLID^. RIPIPHOEUS. Generic Distinctions. Antenna deeply pectinated in the male, those of the female serrated ; body arched ; thorax semicircular ; elytra narrow at the tips, not meeting in a straight line, nor covering the wings. EIPIPHORUS PAEADOXUS, sometimes called Mordella pa- radoxuSj resides in the nest of the Wasp, Vespa rufa. Mr. Kirby, in his Bridgewater Treatise, says, " Connected with the subject of parasites is a singular history communicated to me by Mr. Hope. In the month of August, 1824, he found more than fifty specimens of a singular little Beetle in a Wasps' nest ; from their being found in cells closed by a kind of operculum, he conjectures that they lay their eggs in the grub of the Wasp, upon which they doubtless feed ; but on opening some of the cells, he was surprised to find instead of Beetles several specimens of an Ichneumon ; upon further examination he discovered that these last insects had been pierced in their turn, whilst in the chrysalis state, by a more minute species, of which he found more than twenty specimens, flying about in search of their prey. From the above facts Mr. Hope remarks, we have a con- vincing proof of a superintending Power, which ordains 222 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. checks and counter-checks to remedy the fruitfulness of the insect world ; first the Wasp, a great destroyer of Plies and other insects, is prevented from becoming too numerous by the Wasp-Beetle ; then, lest it should reduce their numbers so as to interfere with their usefulness, this last is kept in check by the Anomalon, which in its turn, that it may obey the law, ' thus far shalt thou come and no further/ becomes the prey of another devour er." The Mordellida are all of small size, and occasionally variegated in colour. LEPIDOPTEKA. NYMPHALID^:. VANESSA. Generic Distinctions. See page 129. VANESSA ANTIOPA. Cambenvell Beauty. This species sometimes measures three inches ; the upper side of both wings is a deep purplish-brown, having the appearance of velvet, bounded externally by a broad band of velvet black, in which is a series of large violet-blue spots ; beyond this there is a cream-coloured border, slightly waved on the inner side, and sprinkled with minute black spots ; the an- terior border has two cream-coloured spots, and is mottled AUGUST. 223 with yellow towards the base ; the under side is shining, dark brown, with waved lines of deep black, a small yellow spot near the middle of each wing, and two others on the border. The caterpillar is gregarious, and lives on various trees, such as the birch and willow : it is black, with a series of spots on the back, and some of the legs red. LEPIDOPTEKA. NYMPHALID.E. CYNTHIA. Generic Distinctions. Antenna with a short and abrupt club ; palpi long ; wings scarcely angular, the hinder pair rounded and simply scalloped, without any projection. CYNTHIA CARDUI. (Plate VIII.) Painted Lady. Upper wings tawny-brown at the base, ochre-red in the middle, with a very irregular patch of black; a large portion of the apex is also black, adorned with five white spots, of which the inner one is the largest and placed obliquely ; near the mar- gin is a series of white crescents and a row of faint yellow spots ; the secondary wings are the same colour, with three rows of black spots behind, the first being composed of five round spots, the second of crescents, and the third of large 224 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. patches placed on the projecting points ; the inner angle has a large black spot, with a streak of blue behind ; on the under side the primary wings are whitish at the base, and have a large white spot in addition to those corresponding with the upper side ; the tip is light brown, and the whole disc tinged with carmine intermixed with ochre ; the hinder wings are delicately variegated with light brown, greyish- white and yellow ; there is a series of ocelli towards the hinder extremity, and a row of purplish-blue crescents. The cater- pillar is very spiny, of a brownish- grey colour, with yellow lines on the sides ; it feeds on the thistle, nettle, and mallow. This beautiful insect is of a large size; the under side deserves particular notice for its delicate colour and mark- ings ; it is not generally common, though sometimes appear- ing in considerable numbers ; it is found also in Scotland. LEPIDOPTERA. THECLA. Generic Distinctions. See page 128. THECLA BETUL.E. Brown Hair-streak. This is the largest species of the genus, sometimes measuring eighteen lines ; the upper side is a glossy brown ; towards the middle of the AUGUST. 225 anterior wings, is a blackish mark, with a faint yellow cloud beyond it, which is more clearly defined in the female, and of a deeper colour ; the secondary wings are of a similar hue to that of the superior pair, the projecting lobes being marked with reddish-yellow ; the under side is tawny-yel- low, inclining to red in some parts, with two small undulating white lines edged with black. The caterpillar is green, with yellow stripes on the back, and transverse rays on the sides, of the same colour ; it feeds on the birch, blackthorn, etc. The butterfly is not common. LEPIDOPTERA. NYMPH ALID^:. AEGYNNIS. Generic Distinctions. See page 159. AEGYNNIS LATHONI A. Queen of Spain Fritillary. Surface yellowish-brown, with numerous black spots of a rounded form beneath ; the primary wings are paler than above, but marked in a similar manner, and having a few silvery spots towards the tip ; the secondary wings are ornamented with above twenty silvery spots unequal in size ; seven of them of a semicircular shape form a row near the hinder margin, Q 226 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. before which is a transverse series of ocelli of a brownish colour with a silver pupil. The caterpillar is said to be greyish- brown, with a white line along the back : it is spiny; the hearths-ease and some other plants form its food. The butterfly is small and rare. LEPIDOPTEKA. PAPILIONID.E. COLIAS. Generic Distinctions. Antennae short and robust, thickening into an obtuse club ; palpi projecting beyond the head ; wings, primary pair triangular, secondary rounded. COLIAS EDUSA. Clouded Yellow Butterfly. The male is pale orange-yellow; the upper wings with a wide black border, waved on the inner edge, and a rounded spot of the same in the middle of each; the hinder wings are also margined with black, the ground-colour is slightly mixed with green, and each has a spot of deep yellow; on the under side, the upper wings are pale tawny, greenish at the extremity, with a central black spot, and a faint series of blackish spots parallel with the outer edge ; the under wings are greenish, with a row of rust-coloured spots on the margin. The female has a few yellow spots on the black band of the upper wings; examples of this sex AUGUST. 227 are found, in which the parts generally yellow are greenish- white. The caterpillar is deep green, with a white line on each side, marked with blue and yellow dots; it occurs pretty frequently in the south, seeming to prefer the vicinity of the sea. COLIAS HYALE. Pale Clouded Yellow. Rather larger than the preceding ; the male of a fine sulphur-yellow ; the female white, faintly tinged with sulphur ; the upper wings are greyish at the base, marked with a black spot, and having a broad black band nearly divided by light spots ; the under wings have a large round mark on the disc, and a few dusky spots near the outer edge ; beneath, the upper wings are yellowish-white, orange at the tip, a black spot with a yellow centre on the disc, and a row of small dusky marks near the outer margin; the under wings are dull yellow with two silvery spots in the centre, surrounded with rust-red, and a curved row of small black marks. The cater- pillar is green, with two white lines on the sides, and each segment marked with two series of black dots. The species is much more uncommon than the preceding, being chiefly found in Kent, Sussex, and Suffolk, near the coast- There is one other species, which seems however a doubtful native, and differs principally from the last in 228 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. having the black border extended to the hinder wings, that of the upper pair being entire ; and, though similar in this respect to the C. edusa, it is sufficiently distinguished by its paler colour. Further particulars are unnecessary, from the extreme rarity of the insect, LEPIDOPTERA. LYCLENA. Generic Distinctions. See page 130. LYC^ENA DISPAR. Large Copper. The male of this beau- tiful insect is bright copper-colour above, with a black margin round all the wings ; the base of the primary pair is also blackish, on the disc are two small black spots, and near the middle of the secondary wings is a curved black streak. The female has the upper wings broadly mar- gined with black, two or three black spots on the disc, and a series of the same a little beyond the middle ; the hinder wings are almost entirely black, except the nervures and a broad band near the apex, which are copper-coloured. Beneath, both sexes are similar ; the upper wings coppery, with spots similar to those on the surface of the female, but surrounded with a yellow ring ; near the margin is another AUGUST. ' 229 row of black spots, beyond which the colour is grey ; the under wings are ash-colour, tinged with blue, and having a coppery band on the hinder margin with a series of black spots on each side; before this, is another row of black spots surrounded with bluish-white, then a transverse black streak, and five black spots near the base. The caterpillar is said to be green, with white dots, and to feed on a species of dock. It is found principally in Wales and Huntingdon- shire. There are three other species of this pretty genus, but they are so extremely rare that it would be useless to describe them in this elementary work ; for this reason I shall also be satisfied with merely naming the beautiful MANCIPIUM DAPLIDICE, Bath White, a very rare insect, which received its English name from a piece of needle- work executed at Bath by a young lady, from a specimen of this insect said to be taken near that place. PAKNASSIA APOLLO, the Apollo Butterfly, is a doubtful native, but so very beautiful that we are tempted to wish it were less uncommon. 230 POPULAR ENTOMOLOGY. LEPIDOPTERA. SPHINGID.E. SPHINX. Generic Distinctions. Antennae rather long and increasing in thickness nearly to the apex, which is slender and hooked ; pro- boscis very long, slender, and convoluted (rolled up) ; body long and not tufted ; palpi three-jointed. SPHINX LIGUSTEI. (Plate XII.) Privet Hawk-Moth. This fine insect sometimes measures upwards of four inches ; the upper wings are ash-grey, slightly tinged with rose-colour, and marked with black veins ; the hinder portion brown ; the margin having two white lines, which unite near the apex, on a greyish ground ; the surface of the inferior wings is rose-colour, traversed by three black bands, that next the base being short, and at right angles with the others, which are parallel with the hinder margin; the thorax is dark brown and white at the sides ; the body, deep rose-colour, with black bands, broken in the middle by a broad longitudinal brown stripe, having a black line down the middle. The caterpillar is very beautiful, being of a fine apple-green, with seven oblique purple and white stripes on each side; the horn is yellow and black ; it generally feeds on the privet. The moth is not unfrequent in the south, and is seen occa- sionally in Scotland. There is another very rare but beau- tiful species, SPHINX PINASTEI. FUt* ML 1. &p"hi?uc l,j>TustrJ . ;:. DmlRphUa. Ihrpjiorb'.