THE TEACHER\S MANUAL OF T? HARVEY LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GV , Deceived &*,(.. , '89 Accession No. V j'/ ..44..(< Class No. PHYSICAL EXEECISBS THE TEACHEE'S MANUAL OF PHYSICAL EXERCISES (ARRANGED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW CODE) BY F. J. HARVEY 'i PRINCIPAL OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND PHYSICAL TRAINING SCHOOL AND GYMNASIUM, EXKTER LATE DIRECTOR OF THK KXETBR HALL GYMNASIUM, LONDON : WKMBER OF COUNCIL OF NATIONAL PHYSICAL RECREATION BOCIKTr MEMBKH OF COUNCIL OF BRITISH COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION LONDON LONGMANS, GEE EN, AND 00. AND NEW YORK : 15 EAST 16"' STREET 1894 All rights reserved PBEFACE THE introduction of a clause in the New Code making the teaching of Physical Exercises compulsory in all schools applying for the Government grant will be hailed with delight by all who take an interest in Physical Education. It has been a matter of much regret that for so long no provision has been made for physical training in our school system. Our Continental neighbours have been much ahead of us in this respect, and seem to have recognised to its fullest extent the truth of the old proverb, ' The strength of the citizen is the strength of the State.' At the same time it is a very gratifying sign of the times to see the attention that is now being bestowed upon this most important branch of education by our leading statesmen, doctors, &c. ; and there is no doubt that before long the subject will receive the amount of attention which it really deserves. Now that the Government has taken the matter up so far, it is to be hoped that at no distant day it will go a little further, and allow a separate grant for this essential part of children's education. In issuing this little Manual I claim no originality of idea. The work laid down is very similar to that in books already published ; but I have tried to make it more acceptable to teachers, for the following reasons : In many books the number of illustrations given is in- sufficient, thus leaving too much to be thought out by the teacher, resulting in many cases in the exercises being incor- rectly taught, the written directions not always being adequate or explicit. I have tried to overcome this objection by pro- fusely illustrating this work, so that all the positions may be readily understood. The illustrations moreover, being taken from photographs, show the exact positions. I have also endeavoured to make it attractive by arranging several Tables of Exercises for each Standard. The tables consist' of free movements, dumb-bell and short wand exer- cises, and figure marching. As each table is only used on the average about a month, the work is thereby rendered more varied and attractive to the pupils than if they were kept at one table of exercises for the year. I trust that these efforts will commend themselves to those teachers who, under the New Code, have to undertake the teaching of Physical Exercises. P. J. HAEVEY. LONDON : April 1894. THE TEACHEB'S MANUAL OF PHYSICAL EXEKCISES PKELIMINAKY OBSERVATIONS BEFORE proceeding to explain the exercises that are contained in this Manual, I think it necessary to make a few remarks on the importance of the Physical Education of children. In the first place, I call attention to the fact that in many schools the teaching of physical exercises is left entirely to the ordinary teacher, who has had no proper training in this branch of education, without any supervision whatever by a specialist. This is done probably on the ground of economy, the managers or principal of the school being unable to afford professional aid, or possibly owing to ignorance on their part of the importance of physical training. The consequence naturally follows the children, instead of receiving benefit, suffer. I have often seen classes conducted in this way, the pupils standing in positions and performing the exercises in a manner little short of disgraceful, to say nothing of the harm that was being done. Now that the Education Department has recognised the importance of physical training it is hoped that this state of things will be abolished. It is the duty of all School Boards, managers of Voluntary schools, &c., to have the children under their care properly trained. If they cannot afford to engage a specialist permanently to give the instruc- tion necessary, they should insist upon their teachers attending preparation classes where they would receive instruction not only in practice, but in theory. Too much attention is paid by many teachers to the practical work alone, with the result that they allow their pupils in school hours to sit and stand in the most injurious positions. If the truth were known, half of the children of the present day who suffer from curvature of the spine and other deformities have contracted them in the schoolroom, partly owing to the defective formation of the old desks and seats (which in nearly all the best schools now are being replaced by those made more on hygienic principles), but very greatly to the non-attention of the teachers, many of whom allow the children to sit in the most slovenly and incorrect positions, through sheer inability to tell them what is right. The teachers should be trained theoretically and practically, and even when this has been done the services of a specialist should be retained to visit the school at intervals to see that the work is being carried on efficiently. In choosing a place for exercise pay special attention to light and ventilation. In summer time by far the best place is in the playground ; it takes a little longer time to march the pupils to the playground and back, but the extra benefit derived by such a course makes it worth all the trouble. In winter time and at other times when it is impossible to take the exercise outdoors, at the time of exercising, the windows should be opened at the top, but be careful that none of the pupils are standing in a draught. Do not look upon the teaching of physical exercises as an addition to school work, but as part and parcel of it. Exercise not only develops the various parts of the body, the brain also comes in for its share, and so the intellect of the children is quickened, and they become brighter, and better school results are obtained ; not only this, but the superfluous energy of some children is carried off in the right direction. MUSIC When the exercises have been learnt correctly, whenever possible, those which are suitable should be accompanied by music. Music lessens the strain upon the mind, and makes the surroundings more bright and cheerful. It also makes the pupils put more spirit into their work. GAMES When exercising in the open air, games of all kinds should be encouraged by teachers as representing forms of gymnastic exercise which supply two hygienic wants equally felt by the scholar, namely, exercise and pleasure. The choosing of such games may very well be left to the discretion of the teacher. ( 3 ) AEEANGING THE CLASS FOR EXERCISE To arrange the class in position for the exercises in as short a time as possible should be a matter well thought out by the teacher, as a lot of valuable time may be wasted if this is neglected. First of all the teacher should be acquainted with the meanings of preparatory and executory commands, of forming the scholars in rank or file, and of the various ways of turn- ing. COMMANDS The preparatory command is pronounced slowly and explains the movement to be executed, any particular point the teacher may wish to call attention to being given here. The executory command is the command of execution and consists of one word only, such as Raise, Bend ; or, where two or three parts of the body are to be moved simultaneously, it may be by a number, such as One. This command should be given in a firm and sharp tone a slight pause being made between the two commands to allow the pupils time to think. Throughout the book the preparatory commands are printed in ordinary type and the executory commands in italics. FILES AND RANKS A File is a row of scholars standing one behind the other. The teacher can arrange his scholars in two, three, or more files as he may require, an equal number of pupils being in each file. In standing in files the pupils should not stand too close together, but should leave sufficient space to allow of their making a right or left turn. A Bank is a row of scholars standing side by side. The pupils may be arranged in one or more ranks. In all cases small classes are preferable to large ones, as better results are much more likely to be obtained. Arrange the class so that the smaller pupils will be in front and the taller ones behind. B2 ( 4 ) TUKNING \, f, The mode of turning to be used in this work will be the Swedish. It is done in two counts in the following manner. Suppose the command Bight Turn is given, the pupil will on the first count make a turn to the right by turning on his right heel and left toe, on the second count the left foot is brought up to the right, heels together, toes pointing outwards. The other turnings are executed in the same manner. Turning may be done in various directions, i.e. a or | turn right or left. The command -for a |- turn would be Half right (or left) ..... Turn The command for a turn would be Eight (or left) ...... Turn The command for a \ turn would be Eight (or left) about ..... Turn The f turn is mostly used in Figure marching. Below is given a diagram (Fig. 1) showing exactly the way a pupil would be facing after executing the various turns. The pupil is supposed to be standing where the arrow is placed, and facing 1. After a half right turn the pupil would be facing 2 half left right left I right | left right or left about FIG. 1 Having now explained the mode of falling in in ranks or files, and the various turnings, the next point is to get the class in open order ready for the exercises. This may be done in many ways, but I give herewith one or two examples, which probably will be found sufficient for ordinary purposes. ( 5 ) EXAMPLE 1 Form the pupils in two ranks as in Fig. 2, the smaller pupils heing arranged in the front rank and the taller in the rear rank. FIG. 2 vovovovo o o o The arrows represent the odd, and the circles the even numbers. If the ranks are not quite straight command, EYES EIGHT Line. On the command Line, all the pupils (with the exception of the pupil on the extreme right) will immediately turn their heads to the right and move backward or forward as the case may require until the whole rank is in one perfectly straight line. The teacher will then command, EYES Front, upon which the pupils immediately turn their heads to the front again. Whilst lining, the pupils must not bend their heads forward, but must stand perfectly erect. The front rank will now number off in twos, i.e. the first pupil on the extreme right will call one, the second two, the next one, and so on until the end of the rank is reached, the pupils forming the rear rank taking the same number as the one directly in front of them. The teacher will then give the commands as follows : 1. Front rank three paces forward March See that the pupils step off together with the left foot, and that the ranks are quite straight after taking the three paces. 2. Even numbers one pace forward) >, -, Odd numbers one pace backward ) The class is now opened out ready for the exercises, as in Fig. 3. FIG. 3 To close ranks command : 1. Even numbers one pace backward) , , Odd numbers one pace forward) Step off with left foot. 2. Eear rank three paces forward . March The ranks are now closed. EXAMPLE 2 Form the pupils in two ranks, arranging the smaller pupils from the extreme left (or right), and number off as in Example 1. Then give the commands as follows : 1. Front rank three paces forward March, 2. Left (or right) . . . Turn. 3. Even numbers one pace to left)-- , Odd numbers one pace to right j The class is now opened out in four files ready for the exer- cises, as in Fig. 4. If the files are not straight, command Files Cover, upon which each pupil will look straight" in front and stand immediately behind the pupil in front of him. To close ranks command : 1. Even numbers one pace to right Odd numbers one pace to left March 2. Eight (or left) .... Turn 3. Rear rank three paces forward . March The ranks are now closed. FIG. 4 o o V V o o V V o o V V EXAMPLE 3 Form the pupils in four ranks, an equal number of pupils being in each rank, and the smaller pupils arranged from the ( 7 ) extreme left (or right), as in Example 2. Then give the com- mands as follows : 1. From the left (or right) full distance sideways . March The pupils will immediately grasp each other's hands and march sideways, stepping off with the right (or left) foot until all are at full arm's-length distance from each other. 2. Attention. (Upon which the pupils will release grasp of hands and lower arms to sides.) 8. Left (or right) Turn 4. From the centre full distance sideways . March The pupils will again grasp each other's hands and ' march sideways, the two files on the right stepping to the right, and the two files on the left stepping to the left, until all are at full ann's-length distance. 5. Attention. (Pupils lower arms to sides.) The class is now in open order, ready for the exercises. To close ranks command : 1. Close files to the centre, sideways . . March Those on the right step to left, those on the left step to right. 2. Close files forward ... . March The leaders of each file remain quite stationary, whilst the others close forward. 3. Eight (or left) Turn The ranks are now closed. DEFINITION OF TEEMS THE Exercises used in this Manual are divided into Arm, Trunk, Leg, and Head Exercises. Instructions are also given for Marching and Breathing Exercises, the introduction cf which is left to the discretion of the teacher. To save lengthy explanations in the Tables of Exercises hereafter given, all the positions taken in the various exercises are fully explained here. Hereafter the preparatory and executory commands will alone be given ; it is therefore necessary that the teacher should make himself thoroughly acquainted with all the terms given. FUNDAMENTAL POSITION COMMAND. Attention. Heels together, toes pointing at a right angle outwards, knees straight, hips drawn well back, the chest raised well forward and expanded, shoulders even and drawn back, arms hanging straight down, palms facing in towards thighs, head raised, chin drawn in, eyes directed to the front, weight of body to be on the fore part of the feet. This position is re- ferred to hereafter as the position of Attention. Whatever position the body may be in at the time the command Atten- tion is given, this position is to be attained immediately. See Fisr. 5. FIG. 5 C 9 ) AEM POSITIONS 55.2 a'J x^ COMMAND Preparatory Arms forward Arms ... Arms forward upward Arms ... Arms sideways Arms ... Arms sideways upward Arms ... Arms backward Arms Anns sideways right Arms Arms sideways left ... Executory EXPLANATION Raise The arms are slowly raised forward, fully extended, and shoulder width apart, until level with shoulders, palms facing. Arms as in Fig. 7 Lower Lower arms to starting position Raise The arms are slowly raised forward and upward, fully extended and shoulder width apart, until perpendicular above head, palms facing. Arms as in Fig. 17 Loivcr Lower arms forward and downward to starting position Raise The arms are slowly raised sideways, fully extended until level with shoulders, shoulders well back, palms down. Arms as in Fig. 16 Lower Lower arms to starting position Raise The arms are slowly raised sideways and upward, fully extended, until perpendi- cular above head, palms facing. Arms as in Fig. 17 Lower Lower arms sideways and downward to starting position Raise The arms are slowly raised backwards, fully extended, as far as possible without bending body forward, palms facing. Arms as in Fig. 12 (body eiect) Lower Lower arms to starting position Raise The right arm to be raised sideways, fully extended until level with shoulder, left arm bent across chest, palms down. Reverse to Fjg. 20 Lower Lower arms to starting position Raise Reverse above, Fig. 26 COMMAND Preparatory Executory EXPLANATION Arms sideways upward right Arms ... Arms sideways upward left... 8 | Arms obliquely forward upward Arms 10 I Arms forward to circle overhead Arms . , 11 Arms ... Hands on hips Arms . , . liaise Lower liaise liaise Lower Arms sideways to circle overhead liaise Lower \ Raize Loiver Place i Loiccr The trunk is turned a little to the right, and the arms raised sideways upward right until perpendicular above head, palms facing, as in Fig. 40 Lower arms sideways and downward to starting position Eeverse above The arms are slowly raised forward, fully extended, until midway between posi- tions 1 and 2, palms facing, as in Fig. 39 Lower arms forward and downward to starting position Arm raising is done slowly. "When it is desired that the movement shall be done quickly, or when it is desired to change quickly from one position to another, the command Swing is given instead of liaise, i.e. : Arms forward upward Swing liaise arms as in position 2, bending elbows outward sufficiently to allow tips of lingers to meet, as in Fig, 49 Lower arms forward and downward to starting position Same as in position 10, but arms to be raised sideways instead of forward, as in Fig. 49 Lower arms sideways and downward to starting position The hands are placed upon the hips, fingers to the front, thumbs behind, as in Fig. 14 ; Lower arms to starting position * 2 Jjl COMMAND i |l Preparatory Executory 13 Hands behind neck Place Lower The arms are raised sideways and palms of hands placed against the back of the neck, fingers meeting, elbows drawn back so as to be in same plane as shoulders, chest expanded and head erect, as in Fig. 20 Lower arms to starting position 14 Hands on shoulders Place Lower The arms are raised sideways, tips of fingers resting on shoulders. The elbows to be level with and in same plane as shoulders, as in Fig. 27 Lower arms sideways to starting position 15 Bend The forearms are bent upward as far as possible to the upper arm, fists clenched, Lower palms facing, as in Fig. 8 Lower arms to starting position, extending hands 16 Arms forward Bend Lmver The upper arms are raised horizontally sideways, the forearms bent upon them in front and level with shoulders, fists clenched, palms down. The shoulders to be kept well back, fists to be kept from touching chest, as hi Fig. 36 Lower arms to starting position, extending hands 17 18 Arms upward Arms downward Arms upward and downward Stretch Stretch Stretch This exercise is done in two counts. Upon the first count the arms are brought into the position of ' Arms upward Bend,' and upon the second count the fingers are extended and the arms thrust smart)y upwards to position of ' Arms forward upward liaise ' This is done in two counts. The arms are first brought to the position oi upward Bend,' and then the elbows are moved backward and the arms thrust smar ly down to starting position The last two positions combired and done in four counts COMMAND Preparatory Executory EXPLANATION 19 Arms sideways and downward ... Stretch 20 Arms forward and downward ... Stretch Trunk forward | Bend Trunk upward ... liaise Trunk forward and downward ... Bend Trunk upward ... ... ... liaise Trunk backward Bend Trunk upward ... ... ... liaise Trunk to right (or left) Bend Trunk upward Raise Same as position 17, with the exception that on the second count the arms are ' thrust smartly sideways to position of 'Arms sideways Raise ' Same as position 17, with the exception that on the second count the arms are thrust smartly forward to position of ' Arms forward Raise ' TRUNK POSITIONS The body is bent at the hips slowly forward until in position shown in Fig. 12. Position of head and shoulders to be unchanged, and knees to be kept straight The trunk is slowly raised to starting position The body is bent at the hips slowly forward until in position shown in Fig. 85. Knees to be kept straight. Start from position of ' Arms forward upward liaise ' The trunk is slowly raised to starting position The body is bent slowly backward until in position shown in Fig. 10. head and shoulders to be unchanged, knees to be kept straight. position of ' Hands on hips Place ' The trunk is slowly raised to starting position Position of Start from The body is bent at the hips sideways, curving the whole spine until in position shown in Fig. 15. Position of head and shoiilders to be unchanged and feet kept firm on ground. Start from position of ' Hands on hips Place,' or ' Hands behind neck Place ' The trunk is slowly raised to starting position S -a COMMAXD Preparatory Executory EXPLANATION Trunk to right (or left) Trunk to front Feet Feet Eight (or left) foot forward Foot 3 Eight (or left) foot forward Turn Turn Close Open liaise Lower Place Turn body slowly from the waist to the right until in position shown in Fig. 40. The position of the legs and hips to be unchanged. Start from position of ' Hands on hips Place,' or ' Hands behind neck Place ' Turn trunk slowly to front again LEG POSITIONS Eaise the toes, and, turning on the heels, bring the toes together. The feet are now parallel and pressed against each other from heel to toe The feet should now be in position as explained in directions for fundamental position 'Feet Close' and 'Feet Open' are given to draw the pupil's attention to the position of the feet, and to teach them to keep a correct position. The command should be used by the teacher during a lesson as often as he may think ne- cessary (Fig. 6) The foot is raised forward from the ground, keeping same at same angle as in starting position, the toes to be well pointed forward and downward, as in Fig. 21 Lower foot to starting position The right or left foot may also be raised sideways (Fig. 16), backwards, or inward forward. In raising the right foot inward forward, the right leg is crossed front of the left, as in Fig. 48 In this position the toes, well pointed, rest on the ground, weight of body on foot remaining hi position, as in Fig. 8 COMMAND EXPLANATION' Preparatory Executory Feet together Place Bring foot back to starting position The right or left foot may also be placed in the various directions mentioned in position 2, with the addition of inward backward. In placing the right foot in- ward backward the right leg is crossed behind left, toes resting on ground, as in Fig. 49 FIG. 6 si Sfi 10 COMMAND 1'reparatory Eight (or left) foot sideways Feet together Heels ... Heels ... Toes Toes Knees Knees ... Right (or left) knee upward Leg ... Eight (or left) leg forward Leg downward Eight (or left) leg forward and down- ward Executory Step Place liaise Loiuer liaise Lower Bend Stretch Bend Lower Stretch Stretch Stretch EXPLANATION In this position the foot is placed flat on ground, weight of body equally distributed on both feet, as in Fig. 17. Stepping may also be done in any of the directions mentioned in position 2 Bring foot back to starting position The heels are quickly raised from the ground as high as possible, keeping them together and without bending the knees, as in Fig. 13 The heels are lowered again to ground The toes are raised from the ground, body balancing on the heels The toes are lowered again to ground The knees are bent outward in direction of toes, heels raised from ground and kept together, body to be kept quite erect, as in Fig. 24 Straighten knees and lower heels again to starting position The thigh is raised horizontally forward until at right angles with hip, the leg hanging perpendicularly down, toes pointing to the ground, as in Fig. 7 Lower leg to starting position This position is attained in two counts. Upon the first count the leg is brought into the position of ' Eight knee upward Bend,' and upon the second count the leg is extended forward until in the position of ' Eight foot forward Raise ' The leg is first brought to the position of ' Knee upward Bend,' and then lowered to ground to starting position The last 2 positions combined and done in four counts 16 a g| COMMAXD o * Preparatory Executory 11 Eight (or left) leg backward a:id downward ... Stretch Same as position 9, with the exception that on the second count the leg is extended backward until in position of ' lii"ht foot backward Raise ' 12 Eight (or left) foot forward Feet together Lunge Place Incline the body forward and step about three foot-lengths forward with right foot, right knee bent to a right angle, weight of body on forward foot, the backward leg to be fully extended, and the back foot to be firm on ground, feet at right angles, as in Fig. 66 Spring from right foot and bring same back to starting position Lunging may also be done sideways (Fig. 44) right and left, and backward right and left (Fig. 75) HEAD POSITIONS 1 Head forward Head upward Bend Raise Bend the head slowly forward without changing position of rest of body, as in Fig. 11 Slowly raise head to starting position. Always follow up this exercise by ' Head backward Bend ' 2 Head backward Head upward Bend liaise Bend the head slowly backward without changing position of rest of body, as in Fig. 10 Slowly raise head to starting position 3 Head to right (or left) Head upward ... ... ... ... Bend liaise Bend the head slowly over right shoulder, reverse to Fig. 19 Slowly raise head to starting position 4 Head to right (or left) Head to front Turn Turn Turn the head qiu'ckly to the right without moving shoulders, as in Fig. 26 Turn head back to starting position BREATHING EXERCISES BREATHING exercises should form a most important part in physical exercises for children, and one should be included in every lesson. Most of the arm-raising movements may be adapted for breathing exercises, accompanied by heel-raising and knee-bending in the more advanced classes. The arms must be raised slowly in the direction commanded, pupils at the same time inhaling slowly through the nostrils for a given number of counts (the teacher counting aloud), the number of counts being gradually increased for each successive standard. The maximum number of counts having been reached, the arms are slowly lowered, the pupils at the same time slowly exhaling, while the teacher counts aloud the same number of counts as when inhaling. The breath must on no account be held, but the exhalation must follow immediately the inhalation has taken place. Another form of breathing exercise, recommended by Baron Posse, is for the pupils to inhale quickly, and count aloud for a given number of counts whilst exhaling slowly. Exhalation must not be done quickly. The teacher should see that none of the pupils raise their shoulders in the act of inhaling, but should keep them down and drawn well back. Particular care should be taken that when exercising indoors the windows should be opened, so as to make the air as pure as possible. 'In taking exercise pure air is the first requisite, for, when one is exercising, the muscular contraction draws the blood more rapidly from the heart, and causes one to inspire air more freely. In this way the blood is supplied with a greater amount of oxygen in passing through the lungs, and as it is the oxygen that purifies the blood, by breathing strongly when in the fresh air the entire system is revivified.' Jenness, MAECHING AND TURNING EXERCISES A MARCHING or turning exercise may with advantage be introduced half way through the following tables of exercises. They are to be considered apart from ordinary figure march- ing, which will have a separate chapter given to it. They make an agreeable break from the ordinary exercises, at the same time enabling the teacher to teach the various ways of burning as separate exercises, and also getting the pupils ac- sustomed to keeping time in ordinary marching. A few examples are here given as a guide to what is required. MARCHING EXERCISES 1. Mark timeMarch. The pupils raise the left and right foot alternately for- ward (starting with the left foot) without gaining ground. The teacher should see that each pupil allows the fore part of his foot to touch the ground first, and that the movements of the feet are done smartly. Give the command Halt when the left foot is being placed on the ground, the closing step always being made with the right foot. 2. Two steps forward (or backward) in 8 counts March. Commence with the left foot, and on the third count bring left foot up to right. 3. Two steps forward and backward in 6 counts March. Commence the backward steps with left foot. 4. Two steps sideways right and two steps sideways left in 8 counts March. 5. Four steps in place, three steps forward, three steps backward and four steps in place in 1C counts March. G. Three steps forward making a right turn on the fourth count. Repeat the steps facing each side of room alternately until in original place again in 16 counts March. TURNING EXERCISES Right (or left) Turn. This is done in 2 counts. After the command Turn the teacher will command One, upon which the pupils will turn to the right by turning on the right heel and left toe and remain in that position. The teacher will then command Two, upon which the pupils will hring the left foot up to the right. For Left Turn reverse the directions given above. For Half- right (or left) and Right (or left) about Turn the same directions apply. When the pupils have mastered the turnings they may be accompanied by arm raising and bending. For example, suppose the command ' Riyht turn and arms forward raise and lower ' is given : upon the first count accompany the turn with raising the arms forward ; upon the second count, as the feet are brought together lower the arms to Attention. The turning may be continued to the right (or left) in 8 counts, thus making a complete circle. The above examples will no doubt be quite sufficient for the teacher, who can arrange further combinations as re- quired. o 2 FKEE, DUMB-BELL, AND WAND EXEKCISES THE time required for each of the following tables of ex- ercises is about 15 minutes. In most schools the holidays amount altogether to about two months. I have therefore arranged the tables for each standard to last for 10 months. Several tables of exercises are arranged for each standard, thus making the work more interesting to the pupils, by introducing a greater variety of movement. Each table must be kept to for the space of time allotted to it, but in any case the pupils must be able to do one table before going on to the next. If it be not desirable to change the tables so often, give the pupils a greater quantity of work to do by repeating each exercise for a greater number of counts than the number placed against it. In schools where it is impossible to make arrangements for daily exercise the amount of work to be accomplished during the year will necessarily be much less than in those which can do this. In such cases each table must be adhered to for double or treble the time laid down for it. To add additional variety a table of dumb-bell and short wand exercises, based on the free movements arranged for each standard, is added. These should not be taken before the free movements have been thoroughly mastered. The dumb-bells should be made of wood, and should weigh not more than half a pound each ; the wands also should be made of wood, and should be about 32 inches long by 1 inch in diameter. The shorter length is better adapted for chil- dren, the long poles or bar-bells being as a rule too large and clumsy for them to use ; moreover, the short wand has another advantage, inasmuch as it takes up far less room than the long one, and where large squads are taken the chances of the wands colliding with each other are materially reduced. Finish each table of exercises with a breathing exercise fol- lowed by a little figure marching, for which see end of book. The pupils should retain the first position in each exercise given until the teacher sees that they are all correct. The second, third, or fourth positions should then be taken in the same way. The teacher will then give the command, Eepeat the exercise judging the time in 8 (or any given number of) counts, the pupils starting on the command Begin. Upon the 8th (or last) count the teacher will command Halt. This arrangement will apply to all the exercises throughout the book. In doing the exercises by counts allow the pupils at times to count aloud. Where commands are given in brackets, such as (Hands on hips Place), it implies that the exercise is commenced from the position indicated in brackets, the command of Attention being given on completion of the exercise. STANDARD I The following 5 tables of exercises for Standard I. are to be taken as follows .- TABLE I. . . Free exercises .... Daily (if possible) . . for 1 month. TABLE II. ... . . . 1 TABLES I. and II. . . .... Upon alternate days . 2 months. TABLE III. . Daily . 1 month. TABLES II. and III. . .... Upon alternate days . . 2 months. TABLE IV. . . Dumb-bell exercises . . . Daily . 1 month. TABLE -V. . . . Wand exercises . TABLES IV. and V. . Dumb-bell and wand exercises . Upon alternate days -. 10 months, TABLE L FREE EXERCISES s 81 COMMANDS -, & i- T hflS- 9 ! & e *2 * o _ja ] Ifiii EXPLANATION S x |5 Preparatory Executory 11 >iS So a s p! * - a 3 8 Head forward (slowly) Bend Head as in Fig. 11 Head upward liaise Head backward (slowly) Bend Head as in Fig. 10 Head upward ... ... ... ... liaise 8 4 (Hands on hips Place] Trunk forward Bend Fig. 14 Trunk as in Fig. 12 Trunk upward ... ... ... ... ... liaise Trunk backward ... Bend Trunk as in Fig. 10 Trunk upward liaise 8 5 Heela Atten- tion liaise (Arms lower) Heels as in Fig. 13 Heels Lower Toes liaise Toes Lower 8 6 Hands on hips Place Hands as in Fi". 14 Arms ... Lower 8 FIG. 11 Pio. 12 Fio. 13 Fio. 14 b-g COMMANDS Q . iilil EXPLANATION J* Preparatory Executory 11*11 BOj g 7 (Hands on hips Place] Trunk to right Bend Fig. 15, but with both hands on hips Trunk upward . ...... Raise Trunk to left Bend Trunk upward ... Raise 8 Atten- tion (Arras lower) "3 w fa. 2 COMMANDS S-a ?.*"* 8111! S X g Preparatory Executory 11*11 so a fe 05 fc * S K- 8 Hands on hips place, and knees (slowly) Arms lower and knees Bend Stretcli 8 See Fig. 14 For Figure Marching see end of book TABLE II. FBEE EXERCISES o 3> COMMANDS Iflit EXPLANATION S M Preparatory Executory j Arms sideways Raise Arms as in Fig. 16 Arms Lower 8 2 (Hands on hips Place) Right foot forward Step Foot as in Fig. 8, but with right heel on ground Right foot sideways Step Foot as in Fig. 17 Right foot backward Step Foot as in Fig. 18 Feet together Place 8 8 Repeat with left foot, then command Atten- tion Send 8 (Arms lower) Reverse to Fig. 19 Head upward Raise Head to left Bend Fig. 19 Head upward Raise 8 FIG. 16 FIG. 17 Fm. 18 COMMANDS Preparatory (Hands behind neck Place) Trunk forward ... . . Bend Trunk upward ... ... ... ... ... ... Raise Trunk backward ... Bend Trunk upward ... ... ... . . ... ... liaise Atten- tion (Hands on hips Place) Eight foot forward Raise Foot ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Lower Left foot forward Raise Foot ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Lower Atten- tion Arms upward ... ... ... ... ... ... Bend Arms . . Lower (Hands on hips Place) Trunk to right Turn Trunk to front ... ... ... ... ... ... Turn Trunk to left Turn Trunk to front ... ... ... ... ... ... Turn Atten- tion Executory EXPLANATION Hands as in Fig. 20 As in Fig. 12 As in Fig. 10 (Arras lower) As in Fig. 14 As in Fig. 21 (Arms lower) As in Fig. 22 As in Fig. 23 (Arms lower) Fro. 20 FIG. 21 FIG. 22 Fio.23 COMMANDS o " m Sl*n$ ifi'i! Preparatory Executory "*>*% (Hands behind neck -Place) As in Fig. 20 Knees (slowly) Bend As in Fig. 24 Stretch For Figure Marching see end of book Atten- tion (Arms lower) FIG. 24 ( 33 ) TABLE III. FEEE EXERCISES "8 a> || COMMANDS 3-v ^f~! a S- 13 p. EXPLANATION ^1 fc H Preparatory Executory HSlS * -H.8 1 Raise As in Fig. 7 Arms ... Lower Arms backward . ... . liaise As in Fig. 12 (body erect) Arms Lower 16 ( 34 ) O 02 Jj 2 COMMANDS **~* "*^ 'm n.2''' SgSBg. EXPLANATION C X * H Preparatory Executory Blnfl * -a* 2 Right foot forward and hands behind neck Feet together place, and arms Place Lower Hands and foot as in Fig. 25 (body erect) Repeat, placing left foot forward 16 Place right and left foot forward alternately R Head to ri^ht ... .. ... Turn As in Fig. 26 Head to front Turn Head to left Turn Head to front Turn 8 4 (Eight foot sideways step, and hands on hips Place) Trunk forward Send Feet as in Fig. 17, hands as in Fig. 24 As in Fig. 12 Trunk upward Raise Trunk backward ... Bend As in Fig. 10 Trunk upward Revise 8 5 Hands on hips place, and right foot backward... Arms and foot Atten- tion Raise Lower 8 (Feet together place, and arms Loiver) Foot as in Fig. 10, but raised from ground Repeat, raising left foot ... 8 6 Hands on shoulders Place As in Fig. 27 Arms Lower 8 ( 35 ) FIG. 25 FIG. 26 FlU. 27 V 1 COMMANDS M += "O Ss-s- 2 ! .SS38S. Preparatory Executory ll^fl 3d a fetf * -fl-S (Hands behind neck Place) Trunk to ri^ht (slowly) ... Bend Fig. 25, with feet together Trunk upward Raise Trunk to left Bend Trunk upward liaise 8 Right foot sideways step, and hands on hips Knees (slowly) Atten- tion Place Bend (Arms Loiver) Feet as in Fig. 17, hands as in Fig. 24 Fig. 20, but with hands on hips Knees Stvetcli Feet together place, and arms For Figure Marching see end of book Lower 8 ( 37 ) TABLE IV. DUMB-BELL EXERCISES g <5 *c COMMANDS M -WS _,d m-g h .3 o " ca ^gasg. t a * i s Preparatory Executory IJJll * - a !.s i Arms forward ... ... ... ... Raise As in Fig. 7 Lower 8 2 Arms sideways raise, and right foot forward Feet together place and arms . ... ... ... Place Lower Arms as in Fig. 16, foot as in Fig. 8 Efineat. r>lacin<>- left foot forward 16 Place right and left foot forward alternately IM g 82 COMMANDS w -2-=! ft laS Sllsl Ex PLANATION 9 x SH K Preparatory Executory &l$ X ~S 3 Trunk forward bend, and arms backward Trunk upward raise, and arms ... Raise Fig. 28 Trunk backward bend, and arms forward Trunk upward raise, and arms ., liaise Loicer 16 Trunk as in Fig. 10, arms as in Fig. 7 Fm. 28 ( 39 ) COMMANDS Number of Counts in which Exercise is to be Repeated EXPI.A\AT10\ Preparatory Executory Raise Lower Raise Lower Place Bend Raise Lower 16 8 8 10 Fig. 17, but with arms as in Fig. 16 Arms as in Fig. 7 Bells as in Fig. 27 Feet to be kept quite still (Fig. 15), with bells on shoulders Arms as in Fig. 7, knees as in Fig. 24 Arms as in Fig. 16 Raise Lower Raise Lower Knees bend, and arms sideways For Figure Marching see end of book TABLE V. WAND EXEKCISES Upon the word ' Attention ' the pupil should hold the wand at the right side, lower end grasped by the right hand, knuckles for- yard, upper end resting against right shoulder (Fig. 29). The wand is placed in position ready for starting the exercises in two ounts. A preparatory command is first given, viz. ' Extend the wand,' followed immediately by the teacher counting One, two. Upon the count One, the pupils grasp the upper end of wand with left hand, knuckles inward. Upon the count Two, the pupils lower the left arm and place wand in front of thighs as in Fig. 30. To get back to the position of ' Attention ' when the exercises are finished, command Attention. One. Upon which the pupils raise the left hand in front of right shoulder. Two. Upon which the pupils lower left arm to side, leaving wand resting against right shoulder as in Fig. 29. o o S'S f> ' COMMANDS i i> * it j it ,, 1 ,, 1 1 a * JO months, ( 44 ) TABLE I. FREE EXERCISES l O> *O COMMANDS o .a-!! H J2 O "" Is lias! EXPLANATION >! ,= s Preparatory Executory s * ' $ no a fc 123 -^5 \ 1 Arms forward upward Raise As in Fig. 32 Arms Lower 8 2 Eight foot sideways place, and arms sideways Feet together place, and arms ... Raise Lower Foot as in Fig. 9, arms as in Fig. 16 Repeat, placin" left foot sidewnys 16 Place right and left foot sideways alternately 8 Head forward Bend Fig. 11 Head upward ... ... ... . ... Raise Head backward Bend As in Fig. 10 Head upward . .. ... . . . Raise 8 4 (Right foot sideways step, and hands on hips Place) Trunk forward (slowly) ... Trunk upward Bend Raise Foot as in Fig. 17, hands as in Fig. 24 As in Fig. 28 Trunk backward (slowly) Bend As in Fig. 10 Trunk upward .,. .,, ,,. .,. Raise 8 Atten- tion Feet together place, and arms Lower ( 45 ) fe s s 5 x COMMANDS lull EXTLAN VTIUX Preparatory Executory I^Jt (Hands on hips Place) Raise As in Fig. 33 Foot Lower Left foot sideways Raise Foot Lower 8 Atten- tion (Arms Lower] FIG. 33 s MI ( 54 ) / -H .2 COMMANDS ^SaS liljl EXPLANATION 8 x ** Preparatory Executory Pill * 1 Arms forward upward Raise As in Fig. 32 Trunk to right TUTU, Fig. 40 Trunk to front TuTn Arms ... ... ... ... ... LoweT Repeat, turning to left 16 Turn to right and left side alternately 8 Hands behind neck Place As in Fig. 38 Bend As in Fig. 24 Knees Stretch LOWCT 8 For Figure Marching see end of book ( 55 ) FIG. 40 TABLE IV. FREE EXERCISES COMMANDS Preparatory Executory 01 & .2 Arms forward upward j Eaise Arms ... ... ... ... .. ... ... | Lower \ Arms sideways upward | liaise Arms ... ... ! Lower Right foot forward step, and hands behind neck Feet together place, and arms Repeat, stepping forward with left foot Repeat above, stepping backward instead of forward Head forward Head upward Head backward Head upward Arms forward upward raise, and trunk backward Trunk upward raise, and arms i Place Lower Bend liaise Bend liaise Bend Lowe EXPLAXATIG As in Fig. 32 As in Fig. 32 Raise arms forward upward and sideways upward alternately Foot as in Fig. 34, hands as in Fig. 38 Step forward right and left foot alternately Step backward right and left foot alternately Fig. 41 As in Fig. 42 Fig. 42, with feet together ( 57 ) FIG. 41 Pro. 42 M c o> %?, COMMANDS Sti Zs-Z*% ills I EXPLANATION" e ** Preparatory Executory I^SiS * -fl.8 5 Arms forward and heels ... Raise Arms and lieels ... . . . ... Loiver Arms forward and toes liaise * Arms and heels . .... Lower 8 r, Arms sideways . . .. Raise As in Fig. 33 Arms forward . ... ... ... ... Bend As in Fig. 36 Arms sideways ... ... Swing As in Fig. 33 Arms ... ... ... . ... ... Lower 8 7 Eight foot sideways step, and hands on hips Trunk to ri^ht Place Bend Feet as in Fig. 32, hands as in Fig. 24 As in Fig. 37 Trunk upward . ... . . ... Raise Feet together place, and arms Lower Repeat, stepping and bending to left 16 Step and bend to right and left side alternately 8 Eight foot sideways step, and hands behind neck Knees Place Bend Fig. 43 Knees Stretch Feet together place, and arms ... ... ... ~ Lower Eepeat, steppin r to left side 16 Step to right and left side alternately For Figure Marching see end of book ( 59 ) FIG. 43 60 TABLE V. DUMB-BELL EXERCISES COMMANDS Preparatory Executory , 5.S EXPLANATION Arms forward upward Hands on shoulders Arms upward Arms Arms sideways upward raise, and right foot sideways Feet together place, and arms ... ... ... ... Repeat, stepping to left side Right foot sideways step, and arms forward upward ... Trunk forward and downward . . . Trunk upward Feet together place, and arms Right foot forward and arms sideways Foot and arms Raise Place Stretch Lower Step Lower Raise Bend Raise Lower Raise Lower 16 16 16 16 As in Fig. 32 As in Fig. 27 As in Fig. 32 Fig. 32 ; knock bells together above head Step to right and left side alternately Fig. 32 Try and touch ground with bells, keeping knees straight ; Fig. 35, with feet apart Fig:. 32 Foot as in Fig. 21, arms as in Fig. 33. Retain each position 2 counts 61 "o S'3 IS H COM.MA.XD3 Number of Counts in which Exercise is to be Repeated EXPLANATION Preparatory Executory 5 G 7 Arms sideways Raise Bend Swing Lower Raise Bend Raise Lower 1C 16 'S As in Fig. 33 As in Fig. 36 As in Fig. 33 Fig. 32, feet together As in Fig. 37 Bend trunk to right and left side alternately Fig. 24, but with hands as hi Fig. 27 Arms forward Arms sideways Arms Arms forward upward Trunk to right Trunk upward Arms Repeat, bending to left side Knees bend, and bells on shoulders Knees stretch, and arms ... Place Lower For Figure Marching see end of book ( 62 ) TABLE VL WAND EXERCISES M .S COMMANDS fl|S I fl Preparatory Executory !^!l 1 Wand forward upward Raise Wand as in Fig. 44, but feet together Wand Lower 8 2 Right foot backward step, and wand behind neck Feet together place, and wand ... Place Lower Foot as in Fig. 45 3 Repeat, stepping backward with left foot Right foot sideways step, and wand behind neck Trunk forward ... Place Bend 10 Step backward with right and left foot alternately Feet as in Fig. 32 As in Fig. 28 Trunk upward Raise Feet together place, and wand ... Lower 8 Repeat, stepping sideways left, and bending trunk back- ward ... 8 Trunk as in Fig. 42 4 Right foot forward and wand forward Wand behind neck Raise Place Foot and arms as in Fig. 46, but left knee to be straight Wand forward (to first position) Foot and wand Lower Lower Repeat, raising left foot forward 16 Raise right and left foot forward alternately, and retain each position 2 counts 63 FIG. 41 FIG. 45 Fio. 48 64 O o> ,8f COMMANDS EXPLANATION' Preparatory Executory 5 Wand behind neck Place Wand Lower Arms upward Send As in Fig. 45 Wand Lower 16 H Wand forward upward Raise Wand as in Fi^. 44, feet together Trunk to right ... Bend As in Fi<*. 37 Trunk upward . . . liaise Wand Lower Repeat above, bendin" to left 16 Bend to right and left alternately 7 Knees bend, and wand forward ... Raise Knees as in Fig. 24, arms as in Fig. 46 Knees stretch, and wand upward Knees bend, and wand forward (to first position) Knees stretch, and wand liaise Lower Lower 16 For Figure Marching see end of book 65 STANDARD III The following six Tables of Exercises for Standard III. are to be taken as follows: TABLE I. ... Free exercises .... Daily (if possible) . . for 1 month. TABLE II. . . i TABLES I. and II. .. .... Upon alternate days . 1 TABLE III. ... .... Daily . . 1 TABLES II. and III. . .... Upon alternate days . ,, 1 TABLE IV. ... . . . Daily . . 1 TABLES III. and IV. . Upon alternate days . . 1 TABLE V. ... Dumb-bell exercises . . . Daily 1 ,, TABLE VI. . . . Wand exercises ... ,, 1 TABLES V. and VI. . Dumb-bell and wand exercises . Upon alternate days . . ,, 1 10 months. TABLE I. FEEE EXERCISES w 1 a 1 t-i v'o COMMANDS ills' 1" Preparatory Executory 1 Arms forward upward to circle overhead Raise Lower "s 2 Hands on hips place, and right foot inward forward Foot and arms ... Raise Lower 3 Repeat, raising left foot inward forward Head forward ... ... ... Bend 16 Raise Bend Raise 8 4 Arms forward upward raise, and right foot sideways... Trunk backward . . ... ... Step Bend Trunk upward ... Raise Feet together Dlace and arms ... ... ... ... Lower T?,er>f>n.t,. RtfiTvnmo 1 to left side 16 EXPLANATION As in Fig. 47 Foot as in Fig. 48 Retain each position for 2 counts Fig. 41 Fig. 42 Fig. 32 As in Fig. 42 Step to right and left side alternately FIG. 47 FlQ. 48 So, hi * COMMANDS "8 a ^"3> mil EXPLANATION 3 * S H Preparatory Executory 13 *P ; * K % H x> 5 Arms forward and heels ... Bcuise Arms sideways Swing Arms forward Swing Heels and arms Lower 1C 6 Arms upward and downward Stretch 16 7 Eight foot sideways step, and hands on hips Trunk to ri^ht ... Place Turn Feet as in Fig. 32, hands as in Fig. 24 As in Fig. 40 Trunk to front Turn Feet together place, and arms Lower 8 Eepeat, stepping and turning to left side (Right foot forward step, and hands on hips Place] ... Heels liaise 16 Step and turn to right and left side alternately Foot as in Fig. 34 Knees Bend, Knees Stretch Heels Lower 8 Eepeat, steppin" forward with left foot . . ... ... Atten- tion 8 Feet together place, and arms lower For Figure Marching see end of book ( 69 ) TABLE II. FREE EXERCISES COMMANDS Preparatory. Executory uiv EXPLANATION Arms sideways upward to circle overhead Arms Right foot inward backward and hands on hips Feet together place, and arms Repeat, placing left foot inward backward Raise Lower Place Lower FIG. 4'J 1G As in Fig. 47 Foot as in Fig. 49 Place right and left foot inward backward alternately ll COMMANDS 3-0 =! .2 H 5 "" Is lilil EXPLANATION 5 M ^ Preparatory Executory fJlfl * -a* g Head to right Turn As in Fig. 51 (p. 73) Head, to front ... ... .. .. ... ... Turn Head to left Turn Head to front ... .. . . . . Turn 8 1 Arms forward Raise Arms upward raise, and trunk backward Arms forward lower (to first position), and trunk upward ... Bend Raise Fig. 42, with feet together Anna ... ... .. ... ... .. .. Lower 8 5 Eight foot forward and arms forward Foot and arms Raise Lower Fig. 46, but left knee to be straight Repeat, raising left foot forward 16 Raise right and left foot alternately, and retain each 6 Arms forward and downward Stretch 16 position for 2 counts 1 Eight foot sideways step, and hands behind neck Trunk to right Place Bend Fig. 50, but with feet as in Fig. 32 Trunk upward liaise Feet together place, and arms ... Lower Eepeat, stepping and bending to left side 16 Step and bend to right and left alternately FIG. 50 Number of Exercise COMMANDS Number of Counts in which Exercise is to be Repeated EXPL \ATIOX Preparatory Executory 8 (Bight foot sideways step, and hands behind neck Place) Heels Revise Bend Stretch Lower Atten- tion 8 8 Fig. 43 Feet together place, and arms lower Knees Knees Heels Bepeat, stepping to left ... For Figure Marching see end of book ( 73 ) TABLE III. FEEE EXERCISES COMMANDS Preparatory Executory a c *-" d mi Exn-AXATiox Arms sideways right Arms Repeat, raising arms sideways left Raise Lower 16 Reverse to Fig. 51, feet together Fig. 51, feet together. Raise arms sideways, right and left alternately FIG. 51 ( 74 ) COMMANDS COMMANDS o -S-g ||aj| EXPLAN \TIOX 2 * !l H Preparatory Executory l|!| \-f 'r-t M QJ gj 2 Arms sideways in circle overhead raise, and right foot inward backward , . . . ... ... Place Fi. 49 Feet together place, and arms ... Lower 8 Eeverse by placing left foot inward backward Head forward and backward Bend 8 8 See Exercise 3, Table L, Standard III. 4 Arms forward upward liaise Arms as in Fig. 32, feet together Lower arms sideways, and trunk backward Arms and trunk upward ... ... ... Bend Haise Arms as in Fig. 52, trunk as in Fig. 42 Arms Lower 8 5 Arms forward upward and heels Heels and arms liaise Lower 8 Fig. 56, but arms as in Fig. 32 6 Arms upward Bend As in Fig. 45 Eight arm upward and left arm downward Arms upward Stretch Bend Eight arm as in Fig. 32, left as in Fig. 29 Arms downward Stretch Fig. 57 Eepeat above by stretching left arm upward and right arm downward 1C Stretch right and left arm upward alternately 7 Eight foot sideways step, and arms forward upward ... Trunk to ri^ht liaise Bend Fig. 58 As in Fig. 37 Trunk upward liaise Feet together place and arms ... . . Lower Eeneat, stenmner and bendinsr to left 16 Step and bend to right and left side alternately ( 79 ) Via. 66 Pio. 57 F1". '3 "S S ?! Ex PLANATION ss Z* Preparatory Executory J^SS 1 Arms sideways ri^ht ... ... Raise Arms as in Fig. 01 (feet together) Ri^ht arm upward Raise Fig. 62 Right arm sideways (to first position) ... Arms (to attention) Lower LOWCT Repeat, but raisin^ arms to left ... 16 Raise arms sideways, right and left alternately 2 Right foot backward step, and arms upward ... Arms upward Bend Stretch Foot and arms as in Fig. 63 As in Fig. 58 Arms upward Bend Feet together place, and arms Lower 3 Repeat, stepping backward with left foot "Wand forward upward ... ... ... Raise 1C Step backward with right and left foot alternately As in Fig. 44, feet together Trunk forward and downward ... Bend Fig. 64 Trunk upward Raise Wand Lower 16 FIG. 61 PIG. 62 FIG. 63 Flo. 64 COMMANDS Preparatory Right foot sideways step, and wand behind neck Close left foot up to right, and arms upward ... Left foot sideways step, and wand behind neck Close right foot up to left, and wand Repeat, stepping first to left side Right foot backward raise, and arms upward . . . Arms forward Arms upward Foot and arms Repeat, raising left foot backward Arms upward and downward Wand forward upward Trunk to right Trunk upward Wand Repeat, bending trunk to left Wand forward upward and heels Wand behind neck place, and knees Wand upward raise, and knees ... Heels and wand ... For Figure Marching see end of book Executory Place Stretch Place Lower Bend Stretch Bend Lower Stretch liaise Bend liaise Lower liaise Bend Stretch Lower 16 16 16 16 16 EXPLANATION Feet as in Fig. 58 Fig. 44, with feet together Step to right and left alternately Foot as in Fig. 42, but raised from ground ; arms as in Fig. 63 As in Fig. 46 As in Fig. 63 Raise right and left foot backward alternately As in Fig. 66, feet together Trunk as in Fig. 65 Bend trunk to right and left alternately Wand as in Fig. 66, feet as in Fig. 56 FIG. 68 Fio. 68 STANDAED IV TJie following seven Tables nf Exercises for Standard IV. are to be taken as follows : TABLE I, . . . Free exercises . . . . Daily (if possible) . . for 1 month. TABLE II. . ,, . . 1 TABLE III. . ., . . 1 TABLES I., II., and III. . ,, .... Upon alternate days . . 1 ,, TABLE IV. ... .... Daily . . 1 TABLE V. . . . 1 TABLES III., IV., and V. ... Upon alternate days . . 1 TABLE VI. . . . Dumb-bell exercises . . . Daily . .,,!,, TABLE VII. . . . Wand exercises ....,, 1 TABLES VI. and VII. . Dumb-bell and wand exercises . Upon alternate days . .,,!,, 10 months. Many of the Exercises hereafter given being somewhat similar and in many cases the same as those contained in previous Fables, to economise space and save repetition the description will be abbreviated. TABLE I. FREE EXERCISES Number of Exercise COMMANDS Number of Counts in which Exercise Is to be Bepeated EXPLANATION Preparatory Executory 1 o 3 Anns forward Raise Lower Raise Lower Lunge Place 16 8 16 As in Fig. 28 Feet as in Fig. 66 Lunge forward right and left foot alternately Turn head to right and left alternately Amis ... ... Arms backward Arm s ... ... Hands on hips place, and right foot forward Arms lower and feet together .. ... ... Head to ri"ht ... ... Turn Bend Raise Turn Head backward ... . Head upward .. ... ... Head to front . . ... ... Reneat. turning head to left COMMANDS Preparatory Executory till So 1 * p EXPLANATION Arms forward upward Eight foot forward place, and trunk backward Feet together place, and trunk upward Arms Eepeat, placing left foot forward Arms sideways and right foot sideways Foot and arms Eepeat, raising left foot sideways Arms backward and downward Eight foot sideways step, and arms forward upward . . . Trunk to right Trunk to front Feet together place, and arms Eepeat, stepping and turning to left (Eight foot sideways step, and hands on hips Place) Heels Knees Knees Heels For Figure Marching see end of book Raise Bend Raise Lower Raise Lower Stretch Raise Turn Turn Lower Raise Bend Stretch Lower Atten- tion 16 16 8 16 16 Fig. 59 Place right and left foot forward alternately Fig. 67 Eaise right and left foot sideways alternately, and retain each position 2 counts Fig. 58 Fig. 55, but with feet apart Step and turn to right and left side alternately Fig. 68, but hands on hips Feet together and arms lower FlO. 67 ' FlG. 68 TABLE II. FREE EXERCISES COMMANDS " ,J3"SS L, s o " a 8 e 'S w J5 S"T "> P< Preparatory Executory iijp ^ -^ Arms forward Raise Arms Loiver Arms sideways liaise Arms Lower 10 (Hands on hips Place) Right foot forward, sideways, backward, and feet together ... Place Foot as in Figs. 8, 9, and 10 respectively Repeat, placing left foot forward, &c. ... ... ... 16 Place right and left foot alternately forward, &c. Head forward bend, upward raise, backward bend, and upward raise ... ... ... ... ... Atten- tion Beain 8 Arms lower Right foot forward place, and arms forward upward . . . Lower arms sideways, and trunk backward Arms and trunk upward ... ... ... ... ... liaise Bend Raise Fig 59 Fig. 59, with arms as in Fig. 67 Lower Receat. Dlacine left foot forward 16 Place right and left fcot forward alternately ( 93 ) COMMANDS Preparatory Hands on hips place, and heels Knees Knees Heels and arms Executory Raise Bend Stretch Lower FIG. 69 i I is Fig. C9 EXPLANATION ( 94 ) SS 8 I-H COMMANDS Preparatory Executory s| s i!r * -|. EXPLANATION Arms upward ... Eight arm upward and left arm sideways Arms upward Arms downward ... Eeverse, stretching left arm upward and right arm sideways Eight foot forward and hands on hips . . . Trunk to right ... Trunk upward Feet together place, and arms ... Eeverse, placing left foot forward and bending to left Heels Arms sideways raise, and knees Arms lower, and knees ... Heels For Figure Marching see end of book Bend Stretch Bend Stretch Place Bend Raise Lower Raise Bend Stretch Lower 16 16 As in Fig. 63 Eight arm as in Fig. 58, left as in Fig. 67 Fig. 70, but with hands on hips The above are not to be taken alternately. Complete 8 counts at right side before placing left foot forward and bending to left Fig. 69, but arms as in Fig. 67 ( 95 ) FIG. 70 TABLE III. FREE EXERCISES si COMMAXlJd o >-> -2 .2 "* " g| S. EXPLANATION w Preparatory Executory i Right arm obliquely forward upward and left arm back- ward Raise Fig. 71, with feet together Arms Lower Repeat, raising left arm obliquely forward upward, 10 2 Hands on hips place, and sideways right Feet together place and arms . ... ... ... Lunge Lower Fig. 72, with hands on hips Repeat lunging sideways left ... ... ... 8 3 4 Head to right, front, left, and front turn alternately . . . Arms forward Begin Raise 8 Swing arms downward and backward, and trunk forward ... ... ... ... Bend Fig. 73 Swing arms forward (to first position), and trunk Raise Arms Lower 8 ( 97 ) FIG. 71 FIG. 72 Fio. 73 *0 S s * H Preparatory Executory J3.s'l w^ 6 Arms sideways and heels Raise Arms and heels . . . . ... ... LOWCT Arms forward and toes liaise Arms and toes LOWCT 16 6 Arms upward . ... ... ... Bend Kight arm forward and left arm sideways Arms upward Stretch Bend, Arms downward . ... . . ... ... Stretch Repeat, reversin p second position 16 7 Eight foot forward and hands on hips Trunk to right Place Turn Fig. 22, but hands on hips As in Fig. 23 Trunk to front ... Turn Feet together place, and arms Lower 8 8 Repeat, reversing first and second positions Arms forward and heels ... Raise 8 Not to be taken alternately Swing arms sidewaj's, and knees Swing arms forward, and knees... Bend Stretch Arms as in Fig. 67, knees as in Fig. 69 Arms and heels Lower 16 For Figure Marching see end of book ( 99 ) TABLE IV. FREE EXERCISES If COMMANDS o .din o -2 -g l* 43 .55 .82-S8& EXPLANATION 3J fc" Preparatory Executory ij*ffl 3 O rt Z "* K S H* 7 Arms upward bend, and right foot forward Arms forward stretch, and trunk forward and downward Arms upward bend, and trunk upward Feet together place, and arms ... Lunge Bend Raise Lower ... Arms as in Fig. 75, foot as in Fig. 66 Fig. 80, strike bells on ground Kepeat, reversing first position 16 Lunge forward right and left foot alternately For Figure Marching see end of book ( '09 ) TABLE VII. WAND EXERCISES &!'> i M |fl COMMANDS Number of Counts in which Exercise is to be Repeated EXPLANATION Preparatory Executory 1 2 3 Wand forward Raise Swing Swing Lower 16 16 16 Arms as in Fig. 77 Arms as in Fig. 61, feet together Fig. 72 Lunge sideways right and left alternately Fig. 75, trunk as in Fig. 73 Wand sideways right Wand forward Wand Repeat, reversing second position Wand forward upward raise, and right foot sideways Feet together place, and arms Lunge Lower Eepeat, reversing first position ... Arms upward and trunk forward Arms upward Bend Stretch Bend Lower Arms upward Trunk upward raise, and arms . . Number of Exercise COMMANDS Number of Counts in which Exercise is to be Repeated EXPLANATION Preparatory Executory . 4 5 6 7 Wand forward raise, and knees ... Bend Stretch Bend Stretch Begin liaise Bend Raise Lower Lunge Place Stretch Lower 16 16 16 16 Arms as in Fig. 77, knees as in Fig. 69 Arms as in Fig. 61, feet together Fig. 81 Raise arms sideways right and left alternately Fig. 82 Lunge forward right and left foot alternately Wand upward raise, and knees ... Wand forward lower (to first position), and knees Wand lower, and knees ... Arms forward and downward and upward and down- ward stretch alternately in 8 counts Arms sideways right Right arm upward raise, and trunk to left Bight arm sideways lower (to first position), and trunk upward Arms Repeat, reversing first and second position Wand forward upward raise, and right foot forward . . . Wand behind neck Wand upward Feet together place, and wand Repeat, reversing first position For Figure Marching see end of book ( III ) FIG. si Fio. 82 STANDARD V The following seven Tables of Exercises for Standard V. are to be taken as Jollows : TABLE I. ... Free exercises .... Daily (if possible) . . for 1 month. TABLE II. . . . , .,,!,, TABLE III. . ,, ..!,, TABLES I., II., and III. . . Upon alternate days . ,, 1 TABLE IV. ... .... Daily . ,,1 TABLE V. . . 1 TABLES III., IV., and V. .... Upon alternate days . . ,,1 ,, TABLE VI. . . Dumb-bell exercises . . . Daily . . ,,1 ,, TABLE VII. . . . Wand exercises ....,, ..,,!,, TABLES VI. and VII. . Dumb-bell and wand exercises . Upon alternate days . . 1 ,, 10 months. TABLE I. FREE EXERCISES H & 2 COMMANDS llijl Preparatory Executory iijf! ^ "*"* M -^ i Arms sideways to circle overhead Arms ... Raise Lower 8 As in Fig. 79 2 Hands on hips and right foot inward backward Ri'T'ht foot sideways Place Step Fig. 79 with hands on hips Feet as in Fig. 76 Right foot inward backward Place Feet together place, and arms ... Lower 8 Repeat, placing left foot inward backward Bend 16 8 Place right and left foot inward backward alten 4 Arms upward Bend As in Fig. 75 Arms sideways stretch, and trunk backward ... Arms upward bend, and trunk upward Arms Bend liaise Lower 8 Arms as in Fig. 67, trunk as in Fig. 74, feet tog COMMANDS Preparatory Hands on hips place, and right foot inward forward . . . Feet together place, and arms Repeat, raising left foot inward forward Arms forward bend, and right foot forward Right knee bend, and arms sideways ... Knees stretch, and arms forward Feet together place, and arms ... Executory Ropcjit, stepping forward with left foot Anns forward upward raise, and right foot forward Trunk to ri^'lit Trunk upward Feet together place, and arms ... Repeat, placing left foot forward and bending to left Arms forward and heels Arms upward raise, and knees ... Arms forward lower (to first position), and knees Arms and heels For Figure Marching see end of book Raise Lower Step Swing Bend Lower Place Bend liaise Lower Raise Bend Stretch Lower ll* gi*- 16 16 8 8 16 EXPLANATION Fig. 83, with hands on hips Raise right and left foot inward forward alternately, and retain each position 2 counts Arms as in Fig. 84, foot as in Fig. 59 Legs as in Fig. 82, arms as in Fig. 83 Step forward right and left foot alternately Fig. 85 Fig. 86, but with arms as in Fig. 85 Arms as in Fig. 77, heels as in Fig. 56 Arms as in Fig. 76, knees as in Fig. 69 Fio. 83 Fro. 84 Fio. 85 Fio. 86 I 2 TABLE II. FREE EXERCISES COMMANDS Preparatory Executory v, 3' II 'Is ao a &** EXPLANATION Right arm behind back place, and left arm in circle overhead Anns Raise Lower Repeat, reversing position of arms (Hands on hips Place) Lunge sideways right and left, and forward right and left alternately Head sideways right and left Right foot forward step, and arms upward Trunk forward bend, and arms sideways Trunk upward raise, and arms upward Feet together place, and arms Bepeat, stepping forward with left foot Begin Atten- tion Bend Bend Stretch Bend Lower 16 Fig. 87, feet together For sideways right lunge see Fig. 72; for forward right lunge see Fig. 82 Arms lower Fig. 88 Trunk as in Fig. 73, arms as in Fig. 83 Step forward with right and left foot alternately Pra. 87 FIG. 88 COMMANDS Preparatory Hands on hips place, and right knee upward . . . Leg forward Knee upward Leg and arms ... ... ... ... ... Eepeat, bending left knee upward Arms forward bend, and right foot forward . . . Arms sideways Arms forward Anus lower, and feet together Eepeat, placing left foot forward Arms forward upward raise, and right foot forward Trunk to right Executory Bend Stretch Bend Lower Place Swing Bend Place .S- kla Trunk to front Feet together place, and arms Repeat, placing left foot forward and turning trunk to left Arms upward bend, and heels Anns upward stretch, and knees Anns upward bend, and knees Arms and heels For Figure Marching see end of book Turn Lower liaise Bend Stretch Lower 16 16 EXPLANATION Knee as in Fig. 77 Bend right and left knee upward alternately Arms as in Fig. 84, foot as in Fig. 86 As in Fig. 83 Place right and left foot forward alternately Fig. 89, but with right foot placed forward as in Fig. 88 Arms as in Fig. 88, heels as in Fig. 56 Arms as in Fig. 76, knees as in Fig. 69 ( 120 ) TABLE III. FREE EXERCISES Us 5 "5 9 x l w COMMANDS Nvunber of Counts in which Exercise is to be Bepeated EXPLANATION Preparatory Executory 1 2 8 4 Left arm sideways upward in circle overhead raise, and right hand on hip ... Place Lower 8 10 8 16 Fig. 65, body erect Foot as in Fig. 83 As in Fig. 76 Place right and left foot inward forward alternately Fig. 76, with trunk bent backward as in Fig. 74 Step forward right and left foot alternately Arms Repeat, reversing position of arms Hands on hips and right foot inward forward Right foot sideways Place Step Place Lower Right foot inward forward Feet together place, and arms Repeat, reversing above positions Head forward and backward bend, and right and left turn alternately (in 8 counts) Begin Bend Stretch Raise Lower Right foot sideways step, and arms upward Trunk backward bend, and arms upward Arms upward bend, and trunk upward Feet together place, and arms Repeat, stepping forward with left foot M O 01 iff COMMANDS 3-a o ^ M o> M:M*. EXPLANATION * fi* Preparatory Executory fJ!fl * -&M 5 Hands behind neck place, and heels Eaise Bend Fig. 68, but feet together as in Fig. 69 Knees .. ... ... ... ... ... Stretch Heels and arms Lower 8 6 Arms upward bend, and right foot forward Arms forward Place Stretch Fig. 88 As in Fig. 77 Arms upward ... ... ... ... ... ... Bend Arms downward stretch, and feet together Repeat, placing left foot forward Place 16 Place right and left foot forward alternately 7 (Hands on hips Place) Bend trunk right and left, and turn trunk right and left alternately (8 counts) Begin 8 8 Arms upward bend, and heels ... Atten- tion Raise Arms lower Arms sidew r ays stretch, and knees Arms upward bend, and knees ... Bend Stretch ... Arms as in Fig. 83, knees as in Fig. 69 Heels and arms Lower For Figure Marching see end of book 8 X^ BRA *>v f OFTHB X (UNIVERSITY ) ( 122 ) TABLE IV. FREE EXERCISES COMMANDS 01 . M Preparatory Executory EXPLANATION Arms forward Arms upward Arms sideways (level with shoulders) ... Arms Hands on hips place, and right foot backward Feet together place, and arms Repeat, lunging backward with left foot Head forward and backward bend, and right and left bend alternately (8 counts) Right foot forward step, and arms upward Trunk backward bend, and arms sideways Trunk upward raise, and arms upward... Feet together place, and arms ... Repeat, stepping forward with left foot. liaise liaise Lower Lower Lunge Lower Begin Bend Stretch Bend Lower 16 16 Fig. 90, but hands on hips Lunge backward, right and left foot alternately Fig. 88 Trunk as in Fig. 74, arms as in Fig. 83 Step forward right and left foot ( 123 ) FIG. 90 ( 124 ) Number of Exercise COMMANDS Number of Counts in which Exercise is to be Repeated EXPLANATION Preparatory Executory 5 6 7 8 Hands on hips place, and right knee upward Leg backward Bend Stretch Bend Lower 16 16 16 16 Fig. 77, with hands on hips As in Fig. 78, but foot raised from ground Bend right and left knee upward alternately Fig. 88 As in Fig. 76 Place right and left foot forward alternately As in Fig. 83 As in Fig. 89 Turn trunk to right and left alternately Arms as in Fig. 79 Arms as in Fig. 83, knees as in Fig. 69 Knee upward Leg and arms Bepeat, bending left knee upward Bight foot forward place, and arms upward ... Arms upward Bend Stretch Bend Lower Arms upward Feet together place, and arms Bepeat, placing left foot forward Arms sideways Raise Turn Turn Lower Trunk to right Trunk to front Arms ... ... ... . . Bepeat, turning trunk to left Arms sideways in circle overhead and heels Arms sideways lower, and knees Arms in circle overhead raise, and knees Arms and heels Raise Bend Stretch Lower For Figure Marching see end of book ( 125 ) TABLE V. FREE EXERCISES COMMANDS Preparatory Arms sideways right Arms iipward ... ... ... Arms sideways left ... Arms (to attemion) Repeat, raising arms sideways left Executory liaise Raise Lower Lower III Fia. 91 16 EXPLANATION Reverse to Fig. 91 As in Fig. 76 As in Fig. 91 Raise arms sideways right and left alternately ( 126 ) Number of I Ezeroise COMMANDS Number of Counts in which Exercise is to be Bepeated EXPLANATION Preparatory Executory 2 8 4 5 8 Hands on hips place, and right foot sideways ... Left foot inward forward... Step Place Step Lower 16 16 16 16 16 Foot as in Fig. 76 Eeverse to Fig. 83 Foot as in Fig. 76 Close right foot up to left Trunk as in Fig. 89, arms as in Fig. 77 Trunk as in Fig. 74, arms as in Fig. 83 Turn trunk to right and left alternately Fig. 83 Eaise right and left foot alternately, and retain each position 2 counts Foot as in Fig. 76, arms as in Fig. 75 As in Fig. 77 Sten to riffht and left alternntalv Left foot sideways. .. Feet together place, and arms Ecpeat, reversing position of legs Head right and left bend, and right and left turn alternately (8 counts) ... Begin Raise Bend Raise Lower Trunk to right turn, and arms forward Swing arms sideways, and trunk backward Swing arms forward, and trunk upward Trunk to front turn, an J arms ... Eepeat, turning trunk to left Eight foot inward forward and arms sideways Foot and arms Raise Lower Eepeat, raising left foot Eight foot sideways step, and arms upward ... Arms forward Bend, Stretch Bend Lower Arms upward Feet together place, and arms Eepeat, stepping to left ... ( 127 ) SI B Z Preparatory Executory li^li * -&& Q Head forward and backward bend, and right and left Begin 16 4 Trunk to right turn, and arms forward upward Trunk backward bend, and arms sideways Trunk and arms upward . . . . ... ... liaise Loiver liaise Fig. 89 Lower 16 5 Right foot forward raise, and arms upward Arms upward ... ... ... Bend StretcJi Foot as in Fig. 85, arms as in Fig. 88 As in Fig. 76 Arms upward ... ... ... ... ... Bend Lower Repeat raisin r left foot forward . ... ... 16 Raise right and left foot forward alternately 6 Arms upward bend, and right foot sideways Arms sideways ... Step Stretch Bend Arms lower and feet together Place Repeat, stepping to left . 16 Step to right and left alternately ( 138 ) "3 s li I* COMMANDS Number of Counts in which Exercise is to beBepeated EXI'LAKATIOV Preparatory Executory 7 8 Right hand on hip place, and left arm in circle over- head JRaise Turn Turn Lower 16 16 Fig. 95, hody erect Turn trunk to right and left alternately Trunk to right Trunk to front Arms Repeat, reversing position of arms and turning trunk to left Arms upward and knees Bend Stretch Bend Stretch Arms forward Arms upward Anns lower and knees For Figure Marching see end of book ( 139 ) FIG. 95 TABLE II. FEEE EXEECISES COMMANDS Preparatory Executory