University of California Berkeley SIDNEY HOWARD COLLECTION Gift of The Family of Sidney Howard SIDNEY HOW/ PREFACE. The results of the work of Maj. Walter Reed, Medical Corps, United States Army, and the Yellow Fever Commission, of which he was president and the masterful mind, have been so beneficial and far-reaching that its importance is considered secondary to no other scientific achievement. The various publications in regard to Maj. Reed and his work and the reports of the commission, as well as other reports on subjects intimately connected with this work, while all extant and on file in the larger libraries of this country, are not available for the profes- sion in general. Being bound in one volume they will be much more available for general use, and will be less liable to be misplaced. Many of the younger men in the profession and in the Medical Corps of the Army are not so thoroughly conversant with the various steps of this work as is thought desirable. This work should be a source of inspiration for every medical officer. In compiling these various publications repetitions have been avoided as much as possible. However, the reports of Maj. Reed and his associates are considered of so much scientific as well as his- torical interest that they are published in full in chronological order. In this way the various steps in the experiments are more clearly shown. 3 I TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. PART I. Walter Reed, the man, his work, and the appreciation shown of the results accomplished by him and his associates on the Yellow Fever Commis- sion: Chapter 1. A memoir 7 Chapter 2. Sketch of the life of Maj. Walter Reed 14 Chapter 3. Message from the President of the United States, December 5, 1906, embodying letter from Brig. Gen. R. M. O'Reilly, Surgeon General United States Army 17 Chapter 4. Senate Document No. 520, Sixty-first Congress, second session, embodying letter from Brig. Gen. George H. Torney, Surgeon General United States Army 24 Chapter 5. In memoriam; District of Columbia Medical Society 32 Chapter 6. Value of Dr. Reed's work and expressions of appreciation 48 PART II. The publications of Walter Reed and his associates on the commis- sion in regard to yellow fever: Chapter 1. Bacillus icteroides and Bacillus cholenv suis A preliminary note, April 1, 1899 53 Chapter 2. The Etiology of Yellow Fever A preliminary note, October, 1900 56 Chapter 3. The Etiology of Yellow Fever An additional note, February, 1901 70 Chapter 4. The Propagation of Yellow Fever Observations based on recent researches, April, 1901 90 Chapter 5. Experimental Yellow Fever, May, 1901 110 Chapter 6. The Prevention of Yellow Fever, September, 1901 131 Chapter 7. The Etiology of Yellow Fever A supplemental note, January, 1902 149 Chapter 8. Recent Researches Concerning the Etiology, Propagation, and Prevention of Yellow Fever, by The United States Army Commission (three charts), April, 1902 161 PART III. The publications of James Carroll, assistant surgeon, United States Army, in regard to yellow fever (published after the death of Maj. Reed): Chapter 1. The Transmission of Yellow Fever, May, 1903 175 Chapter 2. Remarks on the Epidemic of Yellow Fever in Baltimore, Feb- ruary, 1905 186 Chapter 3. Yellow Fever A popular lecture, April, 1905 195 Chapter 4. Lessons to be Learned from the Present Outbreak of Yellow Fever in Louisiana, September, 1905 216 PART IV. Reports from sanitary officers in Habana, Cuba, demonstrating the practical value of the scientific findings of Maj. Reed and his associates on the Yellow Fever Commission: Chapter 1. Report of Col. Valery Havard, February, 1901 221 Chapter 2. Report of Charles Finlay, chairman of the Habana Yellow Fever Commission, January, 1902 227 Chapter3. Report of Maj. W. C. Gorgas, Medical Corps, United States Army, July, 1902 234 PART V. A few general directions with regard to destroying mosquitoes, par- ticularly the yellow-fever mosquito, by Col. William C. Gorgas, Medical Corps, United States Army 5 I PART I WALTER REED THE MAN, HIS WORK, AND THE APPRECIA- TION SHOWN OF THE RESULTS ACCOMPLISHED BY HIM AND HIS ASSOCIATES ON THE YELLOW FEVER COMMISSION, CHAPTER 1. WALTER REED. A MEMOIR. 1 By WALTER D. MCAW, Major, Medical Corps, United States Army. It is given to but few scientific men to lay bare a secret of nature materially affecting the prosperity of nations, and the lives, fortunes, and happiness of thousands. Fewer still succeed in so quickly con- vincing brother scientists and men in authority of the truth of their discoveries that their own eyes behold the glorious result of their labor. Of the 51 years of Walter Reed's industrious, blameless life, 12 only were spent in the study of the special branch of science in which he became famous, but his name now stands with those of Jenner, Lister, and Morton as among the benefactors of humanity. Walter Reed was born in Gloucester County, Va., September 13, 1851, the son of the Rev. Lemuel Sutton Reed and Pharaba White, his wife. The circumstances of his family were modest, and some of the years of his boyhood were spent in a much troubled section of the south during the great Civil War. He acquired, however, a good preliminary education, and at an age when most boys are still in the schoolroom he began the study of medicine at the University of Virginia, graduating as M. D. in 1869, when only 17 years old. A second medical degree was received later from Bellevue Medical College, New York, and then came terms of service in the Brooklyn City Hospital, and the City Hospital, BlackwelFs Island. Before the age of 21 Reed was a district physician in New York City, and at 22 one of the five inspectors of the board of health of Brooklyn. He entered the Army of the United States as assistant surgeon with the rank of first lieutenant, in 1875, and for the next 18 years, with the usual varying fortunes of a young medical officer of the Army, he served in Arizona, Nebraska, Dakota, and in the Southern and Eastern States. According to the exigencies of the service he was moved frequently from station to station, everywhere recognized by men of his own age as a charming and sympathetic companion, and by older officers 1 Washington, D. C. Published by the Walter Reed Memorial Association, 1904. 7 as an earnest and intelligent physician, whose industry, fidelity to duty, and siniri:. U judgment, gave brilliant promise for' the future. In the pom cabins and dugouts of the pioneers in the sparsely settled districts where he served his flag, Reed was ev messenger of healing and comfort. At that time Army posts on the frontier were usually remote and with small irnrrisons. The vounir medical oihcer, generally the only one at the station, was called upon bythesr -r mitos around. \Vithout help, and with only such instruments and medicines as could be hastily stuffed in his saddle he was summoned to attend a fractured thirh, a child choking \\ith diphtheria, or, most mint: of all, a complicated childhirth. Such experience BCOOOb \\ell in self-reliance, and in the formation of quick and accurate observation. For a man like Reed, already an earnest student, no better p tion could perhaps have been had. His earlier Army must have singularly tended to develop in him the very (pialities i necessary to his final success. To the end of his life il \\. -able that even when he had long given up the practice of medicine for the work of the laboratory, he was nevertheless unexcelled at t he bedside for rapid, unerring diagnosis and sound iiir. Carroll, a member of thecomm Slowed himself to be bitten bv a mosquito that 12 days previously had filled it-elf with the blood ofayellow- : patient, He -utleivd from a \ er\ < k. and In- was the first expenn .-. I >r. La/car al-o experiincnied on him-elf at the same time, but was not infected. Some days later, while in the yellow-fever ward, he was bitten by a mosquito and noted the quired the disease in its most terrible form and died a martyr to -nence and a true hen.. No other fatality occurred among the brave men who. in the cour-e of the experiments, willingly exposed themselves to the infection of ireaded di-ease. A camp was especially constructed for the experiments about 1 miles from Habana, christened Camp La/ear in honor of the dead comrade. The inmate- of the camp were put into mo-t ri^id quar- antine and ample time was allowed to eliminate any possibility of the disease being brought in from Habana. The personnel consisted of three nurses and nine noniminnnes. all in the military service, and included two physicians. From time to time Spanish immigrant >. newly arrived, brought in directly from tne immigrant station: a pW-on not ki to be immune was not allowed to leave camp, or if he did was for- bidden to return. The most complete record was kept of the health of every man to be experimented upon, thus eliminating the possibility of any other disease than yellow fever complicating the case. The mosquitoes used were specially bred from the eggs and kept hi a building screened by wire netting. When an in nted for an experiment it was taken into a yellow fever hospital and allowed to fill it-elf with the blood of a patient; afterwards at varying intervals from the time of this meal of blood it was purposely applied to nonimmunes in camp. In December,5 cases of the disease were developed as the re-nl such applications; in January, 3, and in February. J. making in all 10, exclusive of the cases of Drs. Carroll and La/ear. Immediately upon the appearance of the first recognized symptoms <>f the disease, in any one of these experimental cases, the patient was taken fn>m Camp Lazear to a vellow-f ever hospital, 1 miledi-iant. I in camp was rigidly protected from accidental mosquit and not in a single instance did yellow fever develop in the camp at the will of the experimenters. The experiments were conducted at a season when there was the least chance of naturally acquiring the disease, and the mosquitoes used were kept active by* maintaining them at a summer temperature. A completely mosquito-proof building was divided into two com- partments by a wire-screen partition; infected insects \\eie liberated on one side only. A brave nonimmune entered and remained enough to allow himself to be bitten several times. He was attacked I yellow fever, while two susceptible men in the other ei.nipartment not acquire the disease, ulthou-h deeping there 13 nights. This YELLOW PEVEK. 11 demonstrates in the simplest and most certain manner that the infeo- tiousness of the building was due only to the presence of the insects. Every attempt was made to infect individuals by means of bedding, clothes, and other articles that had been used and soiled by patients suffering with virulent yellow fever. Volunteers slept in the room with and handled the most filthy articles for 20 nights, but not a symptom of yellow fever was noted among them, nor was their health in the slightest degree affected. Nevertheless they were not immune to the disease, for some of them were afterwards purposely infected by mosquito bites. This experi- ment indicates at once the uselessness of destroying valuable property for fear of infection. Had the people of the United States known this one fact 100 hundred years ago, an enormous amount of money would have been saved to householders. Besides the experimental cases caused by mosquito bite, four non- immunes were infected by injecting blood drawn directly from the veins of yellow-fever patients in the first two days of the disease, thus demonstrating the presence of an infectious agent in the blood at this early period of the attack. Even the blood serum of a patient, passed through a bacteria-proof filter, was found to be capable of causing yellow fever in another person. The details of the experiments are most interesting, but it must here suffice to briefly sum up the principal conclusions of this admirable board of investigators of which Reed was the master mind: 1. The specific agent in the causation of yellow fever exists in the blood of a patient for the first three days of his attack, after which time he ceases to be a menace to the health of others. 2. A mosquito of a single species, Sjejg^jnjYJafa^cjat^, ingesting the blood of a patient during this infectiveperioaTs powerless to convey the disease to another person by its bite until about 12 days have elapsed, but can do so thereafter for an indefinite period, probably during the remainder of its life. 3. The disease can not in nature be spread in any other way than by the bite of the previously infected Stegomyia. Articles used and soiled by patients do not carry infection. These conclusions pointed so clearly to the practical method ' of exterminating the disease that they were at once accepted by the sanitary authorities in Cuba, and put to the test in Habana, where for nearly a century and a half, by actual record, the disease had never failed to appear annually. In February, 1901, the chief sanitary officer in Habana, Maj. W. C. Gorgas, Medical Department, United States Army, instituted meas- ures to eradicate the disease, based entirely on the conclusions of the commission. Cases of yellow fever were required to be reported as promptly as possible, the patient was at first rigidly isolated, and immediately upon the report a force of men from the sanitary depart- ment visited the house. All the rooms of the building and or the neighboring houses were sealed and fumigated to destroy the mos- quitoes present. Window and door screens were put up, and after the death or recovery of the patient, his room was fumigated and every mosquito destroyed. A war of extermination was also waged against mosquitoes in general, and an energetic effort was made to diminish the number bred by draining standing water, screening tanks 12 YELLOW FEVBB. and vessels, using petroleum on water that could not he drained, anil in the most systematic manner destroying the breeding place- of the insects. When the warm season returned a few cases oc< -ured. hut 1>\ Sep- tember, 1901 , the last case of yellow fever originated in Habana. since which time tin i -it v has been entirely exempt from the terrihle dis- ease, that had there kept stronghold for 150 years. Cases are now admitted into Haba an ports, but are mated under screens with perfect impunity, in the ordinary city hospitals. The .ide against the insects also caused a very large decrease in mala- rial fevers. The destruction of the most fatal epidemic disease of the Western Hemisphere, in its favorite home city is hut the he-inning of the benefit to mankind that may he expected to follow the work of ! and his associates. There can be no manner of d exclude all possihle sources of error." Appreciation of Reed's work was instant in the scientific world. Honorary degrees from Harvard University and the Tim Michigan were conferred upon him, learned societies and di-i mini men delighted to honor him, and after his death Congress voted a special pension to his widow. To the United States the value of his services can not he estimated. Ninety times has yellow fever invaded the country, carryii and destruction, leaving poverty and grief. NewOrlean-. Memphis, Charleston, Galve-t on, Portsmouth. Balti- more, Philadelphia, New York, and many -mailer towns have been swept by the disease. The epidemic of 1853 cost New Orleans 8,000 lives, that of 1793 wiped out 10 per cent of Philadelphia's population. The financial loss to the Ui he one epidemic of 1878 was estimated as amounting to $15,335,000, but suffering, panic, fear, and the tears of widows and orphans can never be estimated. however, if yellow fever should again cross our southern border, there need be no disturbance of commerce or loss of prop- in the slightest degree comparaMe with that which epidemics in the past have caused. YELLOW FEVER. 13 The death of Maj. Reed took place November 23, 1902, in Wash- ington, from appendicitis. It is gratifying to think that, although his country and the scientific world were deprived of one from whose future services more benefit to humanity might reasonably be expected, nevertheless he was privileged before his life's close to know that his discovery had been tested, and that a great city was freed from her ancient foe, to know that his conscientious work had contributed immeasurably toward the future prospects of an infant Republic, and even more to the welfare of his own beloved country, whose flag he had served so faithfully. In the national capital and in the great cities of the United States, there are stately monuments to the country's great ones. Statues of warriors, statesmen, and patriots stand as silent wit- nesses of a people's gratitude. Is there not room for the effigy of Walter Reed, who so clearly pointed out to his fellow man the way to conquer America's worst plague ? CHAPTER 2. SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF MAJ. WALTER REED, SURGEON, UNITED STATES ARMY. By JEFFERSON R. KBAN, Major, Medical Corps, United States Amu. Walter Reed, M. D., LL. D., M. A., major and surgeon . I 'nited States Army, was born September 13, 1851, in Gloucester ('..unty. Va., and was the son of tne Rev. Lemuel Sutton Reed, a leading Methodist divine of that State. His ancestors came from North Carolina, having been amonp the earliest settlers of that colony. I Ie gave early evidence <>f the intellectual brilliancy and earnestness of purpose which distinguished him in later years, and graduated in medicine at the University of Virginia in 1869. 11 < i < >< >k the degree of M. D. in Bellevue Medical College, New York City. He served as house surgeon in the Brooklyn City Hospital and tin- city hospital on Blackwells Island , and before the age < f '2 1 was appointed a district physician in New York City. He was also appointed one of the five inspectors of the board of health of the city of Brooklyn at the age of 22. In 1875 he entered the Medical Corps of the Army. and for 18 years thereafter performed the customary dm. medical officer at various posts in different parts of the United > and in the field. His military service included 1 f> changes of station. with 4 years in Arizona, 5 in the Department of the IMatte. J in the Department of Dakota, 3 in the South, and 3 years in the East. He was promoted full surgeon with the rank of major December 4, 1 and at the time of his death was first on the list of majors in the Medical Department of the Army. In the fall of 1890 he was a^iimed to duty as attending surgeon in Baltimore, Md.. which M he held for a year. He promptly embraced this opportunity to 1 special studies in bacteriology and pathology, and s< M.M won t tion and esteem of Prof. Wmiam II. Welch. This was the he^mnin^ of a close friendship with that distinguished scientist \\hich lasted until the untimely death of Maj. Reed, on November 23, 1" In 1893 Maj. Keed was placed on duty in Washington as < nrator of the Army Medical Museum and appointed the professor of bacte- riology of the newly organized Army Mcdieal School. In the 10 years subsequent to this date, in the intervals of his routine duties and others which came to him as a medical officer, such as member of examining hoards, teaching, investigation <>f numerous sanitary questions, and making sanitary inspections, he was ahlc. l>\ immense industry, to obtain a position ID the scientific worl.i comes to few of those who are able to devote a lifetime exclusive^ to such pursuits. Of the numerous monographs which show his scientific work during this time, all are credit a hie: nor do any show marks of can !- -n.-~- or haste, in spite of the limited time which he had at Ids disposal. 14 YELLOW FEVER. 15 In 1898, when typhoid fever prevailed so extensively in the camps of the Volunteer Armies of the United States, Maj. Reed was put at f/ the head of a commission Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, of the University of Michigan, and Dr. E. O. Shakespeare, of Philadelphia, being the other members to study the causation and methods of spread of that disease. This investigation, which covered a period of more than a year, was remarkable for the patience and skill with which a vast number of details were assembled, and studied, and it marks a great advance in our knowledge of this widespread disease. Among the points of great value brought out were the importance of the common fly as a carrier of infection in camps, and the frequency with which the contagion of typhoid fever is in camp life spread from man to man by immediate contact with each other or with bedding, tents, and implements which have become infected. Strangely enough, this report nas never been published in full, but only an abstract of it containing some 240 pages, and, on account of the failure to publish and disseminate the lull report, its conclusions are but little known abroad or among the members of the medical profession in this country. Many of the facts contained in it were rediscovered by the English during the Boer War, and it is probable that its prompt publication and dissemination would have saved many thousand lives during that war. The first work by Maj. Reed bearing on the causation of yellow fever was in 1899-1900, when he overthrew the claim of the dis- tinguished bacteriologist, Sanarelli, to have discovered the bacillus of yellow fever, by his demonstration that the Bacillus icteroides (Sana- relli) was an organism widely disseminated in this country and having no causative relation to that disease. He began the special work with which his name will always be inseparably associated as one of the ben- efactors of mankind in June, 1900, when he went to Cuba as presi- dent of a commission to study the infectious diseases of Cuba, with special reference to yellow fever. The other members of this commis- sion were Acting Asst. Surgs. James Carroll, Jesse W. Lazear, and A. Agramonte. The time was most opportune for such investigation, as the disease was at that time prevalent both in Habana and in the little town of Quemados, near the camp of the American troops, and it was plainly evident that the energetic measures of the American military government to clean up the towns, disinfect, and enforce other sanitary measures were without effect in preventing the spread of this particular disease. Maj. Reed became convinced that proper sanitation was not all that was needed, and that some other agent than unclean conditions was responsible for the spread of the disease. The transmission of malaria by a certain species of mosquito had been recently demonstrated by the English military surgeon, Ronald Ross. The theory had also been advanced both by a Mobile physician and by Dr. Finlay, of Habana, that a mosquito was the agent for the transmission of yellow fever; but these theories, being unsupported by scientific demonstration, received no more attention than the vast number of others which had been at one time or another advanced with regard to this mysterious and deadly disease. Dr. Reed's attention was attracted by a paper on the spread of yellow fever in Ormond, Miss., by Dr. H. R. Carter, of the Marine-Hospital Service, in which it was shown that although the period of incuba- tion of the disease was 5 days, 15 or 20 elapsed before a house 16 became infected aft- i<-k with yellow fever was carried into it. :red that thoditfere! B6D tin 1 timoof incuhat ion and the time required to infect a building was due to the fact that the infective airent pas-. -o of d 'it in the body of some biting insect as an intermediate host, and heat once determined iments along thai lino. It wasevident to his mind that the so! ul ion of this question, which meant SO much for the human 'erinined without cxperimci human hoin^s. and ho tl.o military ^o\ ei : Cuba, to a>k permission to conduct such experiments, and I o liberally reward voh:; irho should suhmit them- selves for O N ( W I promptly granted both, with a ready a; iportance of the matter ami tho for \\hich will entitle him to no small measu * the f this di-cox / Meanwhile, during n temporary ab-eneo of Dr. Koed in the Initrd / States, his assistants, Dr. J .roll and Dr. Jre \V. L.-i, / who had offored theiii-cl\ cs as the first volunt* . demonstrated that moMpiitnes wmild Dr. Carroll, who was the first oxporimon: :.-k, but i d. Dr. La/, IK'! infected at 1 . due to the fact that the conditions > v to the tran-mi isihlo sources of They were conducted in a camp especially constructed for the pur- pose, about 4 miles from Habana, and appropriately named "Camp Lazear.y The history of the work is best .iriven in' Dr. K< words, in an article published in the Journal of Hygiene, Cambn England. ? (/ CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTS CONDUCTED FOB THE PURPOSE OF COPING WITH - YELLOW FEVER. [Senate Document No. 10, Fifty-ninth Congress, second session.] To the Senate and House of Representatives: The inclosed papers are transmitted to the Congress in the earnest hope that it will take suitable action in the matter. Maj. Reed's part in the experiments which resulted in teaching us how to cope with yellow fever was such as to render mankind his debtor, and this nation should in some proper fashion bear witness to this fact. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. WHITE HOUSE, December, 5, 1906. [Inclosure 1.] [Memorandum for the President, through The Military Secretary of the Army.| WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL, Washington, August 30, 1906. The persons taking an important part in the investigations in Cuba, which resulted in the demonstration of the fact that yellow fever is transmitted by a species of mosquito, were three members of ^ the board appointed to investigate epidemic diseases in Cuba- Walter Reed, James Carroll, and Jesse W. Lazear and the indi- viduals who submitted themselves for experimentation by receiving the bites of infected mosquitoes, by receiving injections of blood from yellow-fever patients, and by sleeping in bedding which had been used by yellow-fever patients. When the Yellow Fever Commission, composed of Walter Reed, James Carroll, Jesse W. Lazear, and A. Agramonte, assembled in Habana they had no thought of investigating the connection of the mosquito with the spread of yellow fever. This idea came to Dr. Reed after the board had demonstrated that the claim of Sanarelli, concurred in by Wasdin and Geddins, that the Bacillus icteroides was the cause of yellow fever was without foundation. Dr. Reed then determined to investigate the theory of Dr. Carlos Finlay, that the mosquito was instrumental in conveying yellow fever, which theory Finlay had failed to demonstrate, and which was not then accepted by scientific men. This determination was reached for the reasons which are well stated in Dr. Kelly's biography, and was original with Reed, not being suggested to him by anyone. The final determination to investigate the mosquito theory was arrived at during an informal meeting of the board (Dr. Agramonte being absent) at Columbia Barracks on the evening before Dr. Reed's 79965 S. Doc. 822, 61-3 2 17 18 departure for the United States, early in August, l'.0l. It agreed by these members of the board that in making the expcri- ments on human beings, by which alone the demonstration could -ho made, that they should submit themselves a^ subject- for experimen- tation. To Dr. Lazear, who was familiar with mosquito \\ork. assigned t lie duty of breeding and infect in-_: the moxjuitor-. while Dr. Carroll was to continue the bacteriological work on which the board had been engaged. On August 2, 1900, before the mosquitoes were ready for the /experiment, Dr. Reed was called back to Washington to prepare / for publication the abstract of the report of the hoard appointed "m I 1898 to investigate the spread of typhoid fever in tie volunteer ' camps in the United States, of which board lie was president. This vast work, of which the full report was pu hi ished by special authority of Congress about a year after Dr. IJeed's d<>ath, by the onl\ viving meml)er of the" hoard. Prof. Victor ('. Vaughan, of the Tni versify of Michigan, was one of the most valuable contributio science which has been made by the Surgeon General's ( Mlice. The work of preparation of the abstract report had been brought t< a standstill by the sudden death of the third member of the b Dr. Kduard O. Shakespeare, of Philadelphia, and Dr. Recd'^ presence at this time was essential for its completion. During Dr. Reed's absence the inoculations by means of the mosquito were begun. On August 11, Dr. Lazear made the lirst experiment, but nine distinct inoculations on per>n-. iix-ludini: him- selr and Acting Asst. Surg. A. S. Pinto, were unsuccessful. We know now that these failures were due to two facts first, that patients after the third day of the disease can not convey the infection to the mosquito, and second, that after having bitten a yellow-fever case the mosquito can not transmit the disease until after an interval least 12 days. On August 27 one mosquito was applied to Dr. Carroll, one which happened to fulfill both of these conditions, The result was a very severe attack of yellow fever, in which for a time his life hung in the balance. This was thus trie fiist expcrii: case. The fever developed on the 31st of August, on which day Dr. Lazear applied the same mosquito which bit Dr. Carroll with three others to another person. This man came down with a mild but well-marked case. On September 13 Dr. Lazear, while on a visit to Las Am Hospital (for the purpose of collecting blood from \\\ patients for study) was bitten by a mosquito of undetermined sp< which he deliberately allowed to remain on the back of his hand until it had satisfied its hunger. Five days thereafter he came do\sn. without ot her exposure, with yellow fever, which p ! steadily to a fatal termination. These three cases established in Keed's mind the proof of the mosquito theory and made it, in the opinion of his friends, an unnecessary and foolish ri>k for him. at his ap-. to submit himself to inoculation. These cases, with his deduction-; t 1 were reported by the board in a paper called "The <>tio|o/\ of \-llw fever A preliminary note." read before the American Public 1! Association at Buffalo, \. V., October 22-26, 1900. He then immediately returned to Cuba to undertake a second and mo in- elaborate series of experiments which were made possible by the, promise made to him by Gen. Wood on October 12, when told by YELLOW FEVER. 19 Reed of the experiments already made, to assist him with whatever money was necessary. This, the second series of experiments, began November 20 at an experimental camp near Quemados, called Camp Lazear, and embraced 14 cases, of which the last was taken sick February 10, 1901. Of these, 10 were mosquito infections and 4 were infected by injection of the blood of yellow-fever patients. All of these cases recovered. A third series of 6 cases was produced by Dr. James Carroll the next fall to settle certain undetermined facts as regards the etiology of the disease. The first of these cases came down with the fever September 19, 1901, and the last on October 23, 1901. Of these cases 2 were caused by mosquitoes and 4 by blood injec- tions. None of them resulted fatally. The highly dangerous char- acter of these experiments and the good fortune of the board in its second and third series of cases is shown by the fact that Dr. Guiteras, of Habana, in a series of 7 cases inoculated in Habana lost 3, bring- ing his experiments abruptly to an end. No enumeration of unsuccessful cases namely, those which failed to cause the disease has been made, although it is obvious that the persons undergoing such experiments exhibited as much courage as those in which the disease was transmitted, This is especially true of the cases occurring after the severe case of Dr. Carroll and the fatal case of Dr. Lazear. Certain ones of these unsuccessful cases deserve special mention, being those made with infected bedding at Camp Lazear. In a specially constructed house at that camp, which was intentionally ill ventilated and kept continually at a summer temperature, was placed a large quantity of bedding taken from the beds of patients sick with yellow fever in Habana and soiled with their discharges. In this house Acting Asst. Surg. R. P. Cook and two privates of the Hospital Corps slept continuously from November 30 to December 19. Each morning they packed the various soiled articles of bedding in boxes and unpacked them at night, when they were used to sleep on. From December 21, 1900, to January 10, 1901, the building was again occupied by two nonimmune Americans under the same cir- cumstances, except that an additional stock of very much fouled bedding and clothing had been added to the collection, and these men slept every night in the very garments worn by yellow-fever patients throughout their entire attacks, besides making use of their much soiled pillow slips, sheets, and blankets. A third couple of Hospital Corps men succeeded these for an equal length of time. None of these seven individuals contracted yellow fever, but the courage and fortitude shown by them certainly equal that of those who submitted to the bites of the mosquitoes, it being borne in mind that belief in the transmission of yellow fever by infected bedding and clothing was at that time practically universal, whereas the mosquito theory had still very few converts. After this brief history of this great discovery a statement of the part borne by each of the more important participators in it is necessary to a determination of the reward which would be appro- priate to each. Maj. Walter Reed, surgeon, United States Army, president of the commission to investigate and study the epidemic diseases in Cuba, died in Washington from appendicitis, November 23, 1902, at the 20 YKI.I.oW KKVKK. age of ~>1. At the time of his drat 11 the Secretary of War had said in his report, which was then in press but not \ ei -/IN en <>ut : The brilliant character of this ncimtilic :i t,. mankind, the savinp of thousands of lives, and thod. li h. Atlanticseacoaat constant apprehon- .md special recognition from the Government f the United States. lleed is the ranking major in the Medical Department, and within a few months will, by operation of law, booum- II.-UI.-M. mi . -l-n.-l. I a*k that the President I... authorized to appoint him Assistant Surgeon has done BO mm h i"r humanity as Dr. Reed. His diflCO very r !;v-s annualh thai lost in the Cuban war, and saves the mnu-n -ial ini n-staof the world agn cial loss each year than the cost of the Cuban war II. c -aim- t.. ( nl. ;i one-third of tn f my staff died of yellow fever, and we were discouraged at thefailure rto to control the dteaw. In the months when the disease was ordinarily worst the disease was checked and driven fr<>m Habana. That was the firet time in n.-arly 200 year- ihat th had been rid of it. The value of his discovery ran nt l who are not familiar with the conditions of tropical countric.- I |.- r . .,n.-r it will be possible for v<'llw fever to gain such headway that fjuarantine wr m the mouth of the Potomac to the mouth of th mde, Future <:.-m -rat i..[. appreciate fully the value of Dr. Reed's services. His was the or and controlling mind in this work, and the others were assistants only In a letter from Prof. Welch to the Secretary of War he said : Dr. Reed's researches in yellow fever are by far the most important contributions to science which have ever come from any Army surgeon. In my judgment ihey are the most valuable contributions to medicine and public hygiene wnich ha\ been made in this country with the exception of the discovery of anapsthesi have led and will lead to the saving of thousands of lives. I am in a positi< that the credit for the original ideas embodied in this work \ ! Reed. Prof. Welch was Dr. Reed's teacher in bacteriology and was his intimate and confidential friend, with whom h<> consulted ahotit the details of the work in Cuba. A bill prepared in this office for a pension for his widow, (>rt has been made to supplement it by the raising of a fund of SiM.onn by the Walter Reed Memorial Association, incorporated for this pm in the District of Columbia. The interest on this fund will be ^ivcn Mrs. Reed during her lifetime, and the principal, after her death, will be devoted to some form of memorial. This fund lacks at present about $6,000 of comnlet ion. The existence of tin ution, >hould its hopes be attained, does not . however, absolve the nation from the obligation of a fitting rer<, L r n jt ion for this trreat work, and it is the opinion <.f the undersigned, which, it U believed, is Chared by the vast majority of physicians in the United States, that < should erect a statue to Walter Reed in Washington. The assist of the President in inducing Con do so is reW FEVER, altruism and self-devotion. Mr. Moran disclaimed, before submit t in*: to the experiments, ai , and has never accepted . ahhou-li he was olleivd the $200 which the liberality of the military gov .abled the commission to give to each < \ mental pat inn. the members of the board excepted. Such modesty that he has made no effort, so far as known to this olliee, to make known his connection \\ith these experiments and reap the is so justly dne him. Mr. Moran was a native of Ohio. His proem address is not kno\\n to t his ollice. The first inoculations in thecaseol f>r some reason unsuccessful. <>n Novem- ber 26 and 29. Ho did not suifer an attack until after the third inoculation, on December The same remarks apply to the lir.-t experimental case of the second set, Pvt. John K. K hospital corps, who volunteered at the same time \\ith Moran and equally disclaimed anv doire for re\\ard. Pvt. l\i iii'j'T did not leave Cuba immediately after the inents. as , lid Mr. Moran. and tl 'lie military author!. able to reward him in some measure alon: with other e men who volunteered for these experiments. lie was promoted acting hospital steward, presented with a gold watch by the chief surgeon of the department in the presence of all the medical officers and pital c,.rps men on duty at Columbia Barracks, and also re present of $115 in cash. He took his discharge November 14, 1 and has since (on December 17, 1903) made application for pen-ion. This was refused for lack of evidence that his ill-health was incident to the service. Of the other experimental cases, seven were Spanish immi^r who submitted to experiments purely for the money which t ! promised. With regard to those who were American soldiers, how- ever, 10 in number, in addition to those already mentioned, ii not be doubted that, although they received pecuniar. desire to assist in what they appreciated was a great and work, together with a spirit of adventure, was th- rful motive. The same is true of the last experimental ca-e. Mr. John K. Bullard, a graduate of Harvard, where he was a distinguished at and captain of the university crew. The names of en, with the dates of then* attack, is appended with t!ii> rep It remains to mention Dr. Rooert P. Cook, actii banl SUIL and the six privates of the hospital corps, who were for -jn n shut up in the infected bedding house at Camp La/ear. 'I experiments, which were absolutely necessary to demonstrate vellow fever could not be carried otherwise than by the n had for these men, so far as they knew, an e the nse and eye. and experimenters actually slept in the pajamas and >hert -. which had been worn by severe cases of yellow fever. The names of men are appended to the list given below of experimental yellow fever. It will be observed that three of these men Folk. .1. ami afterwards submitted to the nioM|iiito inoculation or YELLOW FEVER. 23 blood injection in order to demonstrate their nonimmunity at the time of the first experiment. It is believed that the names of all the Americans on this list should be placed on a tablet in connection with the monument to Walter Reed. From the foregoing it will be seen that the total disbursements, of this great nation in the way of rewards for those who made possible this discovery and their families, amounts to $146 a month. As to] its value to the American people attention is invited to the quota- tions from Gen. Wood and Prof. Welch given above, and others given in the inclosed circulars published by the Walter Reed Memorial Association. How discreditable appears this niggardly provision when com- pared with the action of the English Government which more than a century ago, when the purchasing power of money was far greater than at present, gave to Jenner, the discoverer of vaccination, grants amounting to 30,000 sterling. He also received from a subscrip- tion in India 7,383 sterling, while the Reed Memorial has so far succeeded in raising only a little over half that sum. It is believed that if the President would exert his great personal influence in furtherance of the aims of that association its task would be soon completed. R. M. O'REILLY, Surgeon General, United States Army. Names of persons who submitted to experimental inoculation of yellow fever, Cuba, 1900-1901. Infected by mosquitoes. James Carroll Aug. 31, 1900 X. Y. (American soldier) Sept. 6,1900 John R. Kissinger Dec. 8, 1900 Nicanor Fernandez Dec. 13, 1900 5 Antonio Benigno Do. Becente Presedo Dec. 15, 1900 John J. Moran Dec. 25, 1900 Jose Martinez... Jan. 3,1901 LeviE.Folk Jan. 23,1901 Clyde L. West... Feb. 3,1901 James L. Hanberry Feb. 9,1901 Charles G. Sonntag Feb. 10, 1901 13 Pablo Ruiz Castillo Sept. 19,1901 14 Jacinto Mendez Alvarez . Oct. 13, 1901 Infected by injection of blood. 1 Warren G. Jernegan.. .. Jan. 8,1901 2 William Olson Jan. 11,1901 3 Wallace Forbes... Jan. 24,1901 4 JohnH. Andrus Jan. 28,1901 5 Manuel Gutierrez Moran ... Oct. 20, 1901 John R. Bullard Oct. 23, 1901 Infected by injections of filtered blood serum. 1 P. Hamann, Twenty-third Battery Coast Artillery Oct. 19,1901 2 A. W. Covington, Twenty-third Battery Coast Artillery Do. Exposed to fomites. 1 Dr. R. P. Cooke, acting assistant surgeon 2 LeviE.Folk......... Warren G. Jernegan 4 James L. Hanberry 5 Edward Weatherwalks (bitten once, negative; refused after Hanberry came down) . James Hildebrand (offered himself, but was declined on account of age) 7 Thomas M. England .. Taken sick. ( H M'TKK 4. YELLOW-FEVER COMMISSION. [Senate Document No. S20, Sixty-first Conureas. woond session ] WAI: DKPAI: IMKN i . OFFICE OF TH \L, jtfon, April 29, 1910. MY DEAR SENATOK: It irive- m- irreat pleasure to comply with the re|ue>t contained in your In \ |>nl _'. to furni-h you With a report of the occurrence^ which led to the appointment of the \ello\\- t omission, of which Maj. Walter Keed \\a^ presidi ! the names of the pe >imerted with the experiments of tlie (-(.in- mission, together with other data which i< available concernim: t hem. Surg. Gen. Sternberg was for many years one of tlie leading auth ;i the world on the subject of yellow fever, and had made, under the direction of the President of the t'nited Stab laborious investigations as to its cause in Ilak-ma. Bra/il. and Mexico. These investigations were UIIMH < -e ful because, as we now know, tin- organism of yellow fever is invisible to the micro> but they served a valuable purpose in enabling Dr. Sternberg to dU| the claims of other investigators to have discovered the causative organism and to have prepared protective inoculations ajrainM the disease. His attention n a ving been attracted by the claim of Sana relli, of Buenos Aires, to have discovered the cause of yellow in the Bacillus icteroides, he ordered Maj. Keed. at that time pro- fessor of bacteriology in the Army Medical School, to study this organism in connection with an organism discovered by Stern her*: in t he bodies of yellow-fever patients in llabana. and name meet at (amp inbia, near Habana, Cuba, in May, !!>()(). The instruction- to Maj. Kced, president of this board, included the following: You will naturally give special attention to qu. iiini: i ili- < -ti..!..^ and prevention of yellow iever. As you are familiar \viih \\liai has aln-ady Keen done by other bacteriologists in (fait field of imrwtigation, I ^\\\,,\ r..n.-i<>rt unit if* an may i An important queetioD Ln connection with the diMaaee of toopical al cou nines relates lo 1 1; i>rilcatta' fouhuh Htrangers are especially Hiil. j! sh-.u' 1 ..! ..p|...r luriiry for i h-. -t ud y of leprosy in tip ^pital in i A m-nf iii should also be given to ih* n, prevail, the etiology of which has u<- :mii. ly determined. 24 YELLOW FEVER. 25 One member of the board, Dr. Aristides Agramonte, lived in Habana, and another, Dr. Jesse W. Lazear, was already stationed at Columbia Barracks, having joined there on February 13, 1900. The remaining members of the board arrived in Cuba June 25, 1900. They were able to prove conclusively that in 18 cases of unmistakable yellow fever investigated from beginning to end bacillus icteroides was not present and that this organism could not be the cause of the dis- ease. These conclusions were diametrically opposite to those of Drs. Wasdin and Geddings, of the Marine-Hospital Service, who likewise at that time were studying yellow fever in Habana, and who con- firmed the findings of Sanarelli. The board then proceeded to investi- gate the theory advanced by Finlay, that yellow fever was conveyed by mosquitoes. A full history of these experiments has been pub- lished in the reports of the board, and a brief account of it, together with a list of the persons who submitted to experimental inoculation, was given in a memorandum prepared for the President by this office on August 30, 1906, and transmitted as a special message to Congress on December 5, 1906. It was published as Senate Document No. 10, Fifty-ninth Congress, second session, a copy being inclosed. Before taking up individually the men concerned in these experi- ments, in order to state what is known about them at the present time, it may be mentioned that the Spaniards who were inoculated did so for the pecuniary inducement offered them. After receiving the reward offered them by the liberality of the military government of Cuba, $200 for each person successfully inoculated, they passed from the scene and nothing further is known concerning them. While their names should be preserved as a matter of historical interest, it is considered that they have been well rewarded for their share in the matter, especially as the idea of assisting in the advance- ment of science was not a controlling motive for their action. Also it should be stated that it can not be demonstrated that these experi- ments caused the death or subsequent ill health of any of the partici- pants, with the exception of Dr. Lazear and of three individuals who died in the course of the experiments which were conducted by Maj . Gorgas and Dr. John Guiteras at Las Animas Hospital, Habana, between February and December, 1901, which will be referred to later. In view of the facts which have come to the attention of this office since the preparation of the memorandum for the President, it is believed that that memorandum does not do justice to the importance of the part which Dr. Agramonte took in these investigations. Dr. Agramonte has made the following statement with regard to the work of the board, In the investigations of the board with reference to Bacillus icteroides, had the bacteriological work, Dr. Agramonte _tbf> aujgvpiya.nd gross pathology, Dr. .n-ssf \Y. Lazear the microscopical pathology. "InTune, lyuu, Ur. Agramonte was senl to the city of Santa Clara to investigate the outbreak of yellow fever in that city, and in July he was sent to the city of Pinar del Rio to investigate the outbreak of yellow fever among the American troops, which the surgeons stationed there had failed to recognize as such. Dr. Agramonte promptly recognized the true character of the disease, and was joined there by Maj. Reed a couple of days later. It was there that for the first time the probability of mosquito agency in transmitting the disease was seriously discussed by members of the board, and it was decided to carry out some research in this direction. As Dr. Lazear had obtained considerable training in mosquito work while in Italy, and none of the other members of the board had any, it was agreed that he take up this part of the work in the beginning. Dr. Carroll continued to investigate the bacteria and Dr. Agramonte the pathological anatomy of yellow fever. 26 YELLOW FEVER. Maj. Reed at this time returned to Washington for the purpose of com plot in report upon "Typhoid Fever in the Army," in collaboration \v hakeepeare La*ear began to breed, dissect, classify. and equitoes, in which work Carroll and Agramonte took little <>r no part. Now and then Lazear would apply tl 1 and several other persona had been bitten .-e\eral times by mosquitoes \ . vioualy had ft*. 1 tat 1 ho theory transmission was gradually I 'I. until Carroll fell the :Juh <>f AUL.VSM !'"*> . entirely inn.., , ,,i ,,f the real nature -f his illn. -. Suspecting the or . "s. Lazear and inonte d . h presumably had caused Carroll's att:i . app hr>t nonimmune individual \vh miuht all'.w \\. 31, the sai were applied to an A ! id he ir out of said reser- vation before 1, our minds the fa- 1 that he had been im"e-ied i.\ the mcequi to bites, Dr. ' :M> Mill Hit'fen: severe al disease, Drs. Lazear and Agramonte decided to communicate these results to Maj. Reed, who was > ton. n> Maj. Reed's arrival in Tlabana, Dr. Lazear became infected w i taking place on the 25th of September. Dur !'s convalesce) i ard decided that the resi tion were so far sufli 'ivincini,' to justify their pre>- preliminary note. before the coming meeting of the American Publ at Indianapolis, Ind. (October, 1900). Reed went north for this purpose, and while Carroll took a short va recuperate from his recent attack, Dr. Airramonte v, i with br< :inir rni.sijuitoes, keeping them at the division laboratory, -which was under his care in Habana, in preparation for the work which the board intended to carr after the Indianapolis meeting. When Maj. R<-ed returned from the States, moral and m 1 was obt: from Gen. Leonard Wood, commanding the division, and we determined to out an investigation exclusively based upon the mosquito il we knew nothing of Beauperthuy then, who in 1853 had defended practically the same theory. While th'e experimental station, afterward named Camp Lazear, in honor i memory of our deceased colleague, was being established, the care of the moe Lazear and Agramonte were classmates, having graduated from the College of MS and Surgeons, New York, in June 1892. T<> the absolute truth of the above statement In testimony whereof I affix my signature in the August :\\, 1908. ARISTIDEH A- M I > 1. Mai. Waltor Rood, surpM.n. I'mic*! - \ rm\ . 'I" 1 ' I in ^';i l>. < .. of myoninlilk Scplrinl. Jennie II. nth, apj. \rinv appropriation hill. YELLOW FEVER. 27 3. Dr. Jesse W. Lazear, contract surgeon, United States Army, died at Camp Columbia, Cuba, of yellow fever, September 25, 1900. His widow, Mabel M. Lazear, since his death has received an annuity of $125 a month, appropriated from year to year in the Army appropria- tion bill. 4. Dr. Aris tides Agramonte is the only living member of the board. He is professor of bacteriology and experimental pathology in the University of Habana and has never received, either directly or indi- rectly, any material reward for his share in the work of the board. 5. The name of the American soldier, XY, who was the subject of the second experiment, was concealed at the time, because the experi- ment was macte without military authorization. It has been recently ascertained to be William H. Dean, private, Troop B, Seventh Cav- alry. He has never received any reward. He was discharged August 17, 1902, by reason of expiration of term of service, and there is no further record of him at the War Department. His residence at enlistment was given as Grand Rapids, Mich. His case has special importance as having been the first experimental case which was com- plete in the matter of control, for Dr. Carroll's, which came four days earlier, was defective, by reason of his going into the infected zone during the period of incubation. 6. John R. Kissinger, private, Hospital Corps (see p. 6, President's message). Kissinger volunteered for service at the beginning of the Spanish War in Company D, One hundred and fifty-seventh Indiana Volunteers, and after his discharge enlisted in the Hospital Corps. After the first secret experiments of the board, which included the cases of Dr. Carroll and Pvt. Dean, became known and the experi- mental camp was established and named Camp Lazear, Kissinger and Moran were the first to volunteer as subjects for experiment. Moran was first bitten, but Kissinger was the first to be attacked, on December 8, 1900. He recovered and was afterwards promoted to be acting hospital steward, and discharged November 14, 1901, at Columbia Barracks, Cuba. It is understood that his health after- wards failed so that he became entirely dependent upon -the labor of his wife for support. He was pensioned at the rate of $12 per month, by the act of March 2, 1907. This amount is considered quite inadequate either for his support or as a recognition of his services. A bill granting an increase to $125 per month was favorably reported and incorporated in Senate bill 6272 and passed the Senate February 15, 1910, but was objected to by the Committee on Pensions of the House of Representatives. The report of the Senate committee (No. 574) is inclosed. 7. John J. Moran (see p. 6, President's message). Mr. Moran has never received any material reward for his most creditable services. After leaving Cuba he completed his education by a course of study at the University of Virginia, and is at present living at Panama, in the employ of the Isthmian Canal Commission. He is at present an applicant for appointment in the Consular Service for which, by reason of his excellent knowledge of Spanish and other qualifications, he is well fitted. 8. Levi E. Folk, private, Hospital Corps, volunteered to be bitten by infected mosquitoes and was taken with yellow fever January 23, 1901. He is still in the military service, and is a sergeant, Hospital Corps, stationed at the recruit depot, Columbus Barracks, Ohio. 28 YELLOW FEVBE. He received a donation of $300 from the appropriation made by Gen. Leonard Wood for ; :eriments. 9. Clyde L. \Ye-t. pn\ pital Corps, volunteered to he hit ten hy infected - toes at ( nd was taken >i-k \\ith yellow fever Februa- !. II,- \\a> di-char<:ed from tli. July 10, 1902, at Fort M\. I his subsequent addiv unki \ -d .-i donation of $200 from the appropriation made by Gen. Leonard Wood for the>e experiments. 10. James L. Han private, Hospital Corps, volunteered to be bitten by infected mosquitoes, and in lence, was taken -i. k with yellow fever at Camp La/car Kehruary '., 1901. He des< the service April 4, 190'J. at the general hospital. \Va-hin.Lrton racks, D. C. His subsequent addre is unknown. II ed a donation of $300 from the appropriation made by Gen. Wood for these experiments. 11. Ch; Sontag, private, llo-pital Corps, volunteered to he hitten hv infected mosquitoes, and was in consequence taken with yellow fever at Camp Lazear Fehniaiv in. He was dis- charged from the service Deeemher 1'J. UMI'I. ;1 t Columhia Barracks, Cuba, and hl8 Subsequent address is unknown. He iv.eived a dona- tion of $200 from the appropriation made by ( Jen. Leonard Wood for these experiments. 12. Warren Gadsden Jernegan. private. lhpital Corps, was infected with yellow fever hv the injection of blood, and taken >iek January 8, 1901. He was discharged November 16, r.< !um- bia Barracks, Cuba. Address given, care olM. A. Fouler. MeMeekin, Fla. He received a donation of $300 from appropriation made by Gen. Wood for these experiments. I.S.William Olsen, private, Hospital Corps, was infected with yellow fever by injection of blood, at Camn Lazear, and taken ^i< k January 11, 1901. He was discharged November 15, 1901. at Columbia Barracks, Cuba. Address given, care of C. Olsen. Plum . Wis. He received a donation of $200 from the appropriation made by Gen. Wood for these experiment -. 14. Wallace W. Forbes, private, Hospital Corps, volunteered to be infected with vellow fever by the injection of hlo<'d. at ( !amp I A and became sick January 24, 1901. lie was di-(hai_:ed March 1, 1905, at Fort Hancock, N. J. Address given. < -'. W. For Minneapolis, Minn. This soldier received a donation of $200 1 the appropriation made by Gen. Wood. 1"). John II. Andrus, private, Hospital Corps, volunteered and was infected with yellow fever by injection of hlood. at Camp and became sick January 28, 1901. He was discharged April 1M, i at Camr> Geo. H. Thomas, Chickamauga, Trim, lli- -ul>-rhed athlete, and eOffagcd iii farming in
    a. volunteered and was infected with vellow fever by the injection of blood. He hecame sick OH 1901. 1 , Paid I lamann, private, Twenty-third Comp. i tillery. vohmteere.I and was infected with yellow fever h\ injection of filtered blood serum and became sick October 19, 1901 . He \\ a YELLOW FEVER. 29 July 19, 1902, by reason of expiration of term of service. His address given at time of enlistment was care of August Hamann, Moline, 111. Present address not known. This soldier received a donation from the appropriation made by Gen. Wood for these experiments. 18. Albert W. Covington, private, Twenty-third Company, Coast Artillery, volunteered and was infected with yellow fever by injection with filtered blood serum and became sick October 19, 1901. He is still in the service, and is serving as sergeant, Twenty-third Company, Coast Artillery Corps, at Fort McKinley, Portland, Me. He received a donation from the appropriation made by Gen. Wood for these experiments. 19. Dr. Robert P. Cook (see President's message, p. 7). Dr. Cook entered the medical service June 9, 1900, as contract surgeon, from the State of Virginia. He left the service at his own request, Decem- ber 22, 1904. His present address is Winchester, Va. The demonstration made by Dr. Cook and the men with him that yellow fever could not be transmitted by infected clothing and other inanimate objects was of the utmost importance to commerce and has immensely simplified the preventive measures to be taken against this disease. He was shut up in a house with infected bedding for 20 days, together with the following privates of the Hospital Corps, who received a donation of $100 each from the appropriation given by Gen. Wood for these experiments: 20. Edward Weatherwalk. Discharged the service December 12, 1901, at Columbia Barracks, Cuba. Subsequent address not known. He received a donation of $200. 21. James Hildebrand. Still in service as private, first class, Hospital Corps; stationed at the recruit depot, Columbus Barracks, Ohio. He received a donation of $100. 22. Thomas M. England. Still in service as sergeant, first class, Hospital Corps; stationed at Fort Ward, Wash. He received a donation of $100. In addition to these, Pvts. Folk, Jernegan, and Hanberry under- went the exposure to infected bedding prior to being bitten by the infected mosquitoes. Additional experiments by Maj. W. C. Gorgas and Dr. John Guiteras, at Las Animas Hospital, Cuba (see vol. Ill, p. 386, civil report of Gen. Wood, 1901): (1) Vergera; Spaniard. Infected by mosquitoes February 23, 1901; recovered. (2) Carro; Spaniard. Inoculated by infected mosquitoes August 8, 1901; died. (3) Represas; Spaniard. Infected by mosquitoes August 8, 1901; recovered. (4) Campa; Spaniard. Infected by mosquitoes August 9, 1901; died. (5) Taylor, John R. ; Englishman. Infected by mosquitoes August 13, 1901; recovered. (6) Miss Clara Louise Maass, of East Orange, N. J., aged 25. Trained nurse in Las Animas Hospital. She served as trained nurse in Medical Department of the Army during the Spanish War. She volunteered and was bitten by infected mosquitoes August 14, and died of yellow fever August 18, 1901. 30 (7) Varela; Spaniard. Infected by inn>(|uitoos August i l, recovered 1 . (8) Alonso; Spaniard. Infected by mosquitoes August 2J. recoven (9) Castillo; Spaniard. Infected by mosquitoes September 16, 1901, \>y l>r. Carroll; recovers 1. ml. Infected 1>\ mosquitoes Novrm!><>r 17, 1901; recovti The amount of the donations received by these volunteers is imt known. iv were 22 cases of experimental Yellow fever jn-oduccd hy Ueed. Carroll, and Lazear, and Id in the experiment^ ran in I on in Ilahana by Gorgas Hi Bras. There \\ei-e aUo 7 persons \\lio underwent the very trying experiment of sleeping in infe<-ted beli:\ Surgeon General, United States An Hon. ROBERT L. Owi United States Senator, Washington, D. C. [Senate Report No. 574, Sixty-first Congress, second session.] The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the bill (S. 7252) granting an annuity to John R. Kissinger, have examined the same and report: A bill granting an increase of $125 per month to, Mm K. Kissinger, the apt herein, was favorably reported by your committee and incorporated in Senate hill 6272 at this session ami passed the Senate n i-VI,niary l. r >, 1!MO. The Senate report No. 210, which contains a very full statemcr Cervices of this soldier and the grounds upon which his right to increase of pension is recogni/< 1 . is as follows: S. 4479. John Kissinger, the claimant, was one of the bravest of soldiers who H in the Spanish- American War. For exhibition of moral courage hi> inoculation of yellow fever seems unsurpassed. il- i- n..\v a helpless unable to walk, and he is totally disabled for any kind of employment, hi- ailment being rnyel iti-, or disease of spine, and is the result ol up<>n him when he volunteered to become a subject for experimental purpo-cs in the yell.iw- iial in Cuba. At tin- lime h" made the Kierifico he was a private in the Hospital Corpn of the Army, in which heenl, L898. \\hen ho was finally discharged from the hospital, h<- was'-d an a- tin/ hospital M- served as such until the d.ii<- of his di- enlistment he served in Company I), One hundred and fifty-seventh Indiana Volun- teer Infantry, from April 2", 1898, to Noven i i .ni: enli.-ted in at the breaking out of the war with Spain, and in response to President Me Kin ley a call for troops. The commission that investigated the mosquito theory oi llou fever in the fall of 1900 was composed of Dre. Walter i;.-'d, James Carroll, and Jesse W. Lazear. From a book entitled "Walter k--d and V- II ' Howard A. Kelly, professor of surgery of the Johns 1 i 'Diversity, published in New YELLOW FEVER. 31 York by McClure, Phillips & Co., on page 139, is the following paragraph in regard to this soldier: humanity and the cause of science. ' When it became known among troops that subjects were needed for experimental purposes, Kissinger, in company with another young private named John J. Moran, also from Ohio, volunteered their services. Dr. Reed talked the matter over with them, explaining fully the danger and suffering involved in the experiment should it be successful, and then, seeing they were determined, he stated that a definite money compensation would be made them. Both young men declined to accept it, making it, indeed their sole stipulation that they should receive no pecuniary reward, whereupon Maj. Reed touched his cap, saying respectfully, 'Gentlemen, I salute you.' Reed's own words in his published account of the experiment on Kissinger are: 'In my opinion this exhibition of moral courage has never been surpassed in the annals of the Army of the United States.'" Dr. Lazear died of yellow fever in Cuba at that time. Dr. Carroll died later of disease resulting from yellow fever contracted during his experiments with that trouble. Dr. Walter Reed is also dead, and the widows of these three men have all been remembered by the Government in an annuity of $125 per month. On account of the death of these doctors, soldier is unable, of course, to furnish any further evi- dence from them, but his volunteer submission to inoculation from infected mosqui- toes is a matter of record in the archives of the War Department. He is now receiving a pension of but $12 per month, and he can obtain no further relief because he is unable to furnish direct testimony tracing his present grievous condition back to yellow fever in the Army, although there is but little doubt that the relation of the cause and effect exists. Since his discharge he has never been in good health, which he at first attributed to slow recovery from that disease, thinking that with the passing of time his constitution would enable him to throw it off. He continued to fail, however, and is now -a helpless paralytic. In the meantime he had married, and is now supported by his small pension and laundry work done by his wife and contributions to his support by a few people who appreciated his services to humanity. A bill to grant him a pension of $30 per month passed the House during the session of the Fifty-ninth Congress, but by mistake the rate was cut to $12 per month, at which amount it was finally approved. In his present helpless condition it is believed that he is entitled to a highly substantial measure of relief, his disability seemingly being due to causes of service origin. In view of the fact that a pension or annuity of $125 per month was granted to the widows of Drs. Lazear and Carroll, who conducted these experiments with yellow- fever infected mosquitoes, and who died as a result of being infected by mosquitoes, your committee are of the opinion that as great consideration should be given to the man who braved the danger and who, while he escaped with his life, is so helplessly crippled that he is unable to do anything to care for himself, as to the widows of Drs. Lazear and Carroll. Your committee therefore recommend in this case a pension or annuity of $125 per month. The bill went to the House and was referred to the Committee on Pensions. There the paragraph increasing the pension to the applicant herein was objected to as carry- ing a rate in excess of that allowed to any other private soldier and, regarded simply as a pension and without distinguishing language, establishing a vexing precedent. , The facts in this case are exceptional and extraordinary. To meet the exceptional case and obviate the objections the pending bill recites the peculiar circumstances that distinguish the case and proposes an annuity of $125 per month, payable by the Secretary of War in the same manner as the same allowances are now paid to the widows of Drs. Carroll and Lazear. In view of the unprecedented facts in the case and the extraordianry services rendered by the soldier, your committee believe he should receive the same recognition accorded the widows heretofore mentioned. The bill is therefore reported back favorably with a recommendation that it pass. u 5. IN MEMORIAM. DR. WALTER REED, MA.IMI: AND M I:<;K<>\. i \riT.I) STATES AltMV. Whereas the Medical Society of the District 'f Columbia has sus- tained an irretrievable loss by the death of Walter Kced, who died at 2 p. m., November 2::. from appendicitis, for which an oper- ation had been performed H\e d Beitresokeds That in the death of Dr. Reed, the medical society has lost one of its mo in bac and pathology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and alter u to service at Fort Snellmg and St. Paul, he was >ele< i, ,1 !,\ the Greneral, in August, 1893, as curator of the Army Medical Mu where he continued his studies which ultimately secured for him fa mo and distinction. During the Spanish-American War he was president of the board of medical officers to investigate and report on the ji; \alen typhoid fever in the Army, and the commission, strongly inmr- with the agency of flies as carriers of this disease, recommended the collection of excreta in galvanixod-iron tanks, which method was adopted and was followed by a cessation of the disease. His greatest achievement for science and humanity was his con- tribution to the cause, spread . and prevention of \ ellnw f. ing from Finlav's theory of the a-. n< y of the nioxpiiio in the dis- semination of tnis disease, the coin mission of which Dr. Kecd was the head made a series of pain-ta i.eriments and demonstrated conclusively the causal relation of Stegomyia^asciata to yellow i epidemics and disproved the theory that the disease could oe conveyed mfomites, or that it vraa oontagtatu in the ordinary acceptation of the term. * The preamble and resolution ware adopted December 3, 1902. YELLOW FEVER. 33 The practical value of this discovery, which in point of importance and far-reaching beneficence ranks only second to Jenner's discovery of vaccination, has been proved by the complete eradication of this scourge from Habana. Maj. Reed has demonstrated how to rid the world of yellow fever, but his studies as to the etiology of the disease were interrupted by his untimely death; he had, however, arrived at the conclusion that the disease was not due to Sanarelli's Bacillus icteroides, but was probably caused by some ultramicroscopic organism. Dr. Reed was a clear, forceful writer and speaker; all of his facts were collected with the utmost care and presented in a concise, logical, and convincing manner, and his crowning work shows the highest degree of scientific accuracy, combined with calm judgment and discrimination, qualities which are not only of the utmost importance in searching the causes of epidemic diseases and tracing their progress, but which would have also fitted him for the highest position in his corps. In every sphere of activity, whether as a medical officer, author, teacher, or investigator, he has acquired a distinction which rightly places him in the first rank of illustrious American physicians. His labors in behalf of science and humanity have been recognized by Harvard, Ann Arbor, and the American Medical Association, and he has borne his Honors with accustomed modesty and innate dignity. Dr. Reed was singularly free from all mean self-interest and ambition, and was ever ready to give full credit to his col- leagues for their share of the work which made him famous. We have simply to recall his glowing tribute to that brave young soldier Kissinger, from Ohio, who on December 5, 1900, was the first to volunteer to be bitten by infected mosquitoes, with the only provision that he should receive no pecuniary reward, since as he expressed it, he was actuated "solely in the interest o'f humanity and the cause of science. " Such exhibition of moral courage, in the opinion of Dr. Reed, has never been surpassed in the annals of rhe Army of_tie United Stales, and we will add, could never have been inspired except by a man of Dr. Reed's greatness. "His lips are silent; no longer will the sound of his musical but decisive voice be heard within these walls, nor his personal mag- netism and discerning mind delight, instruct, and charm his listen- ers, but his deeds will live and his example will be an inspiration to the present and future generations. Dr. Reed's death in the prime of life, in the zenith of his dis- tinguished career, is a severe blow to scientific medicine, his corps, and the medical profession which he adorned. This society, while expressing the sincerest grief at the loss of our distinguished associate, whose personal qualities commanded our highest friendship and respect, is not unmindful of the irreparable loss sustained by his beloved family, to whom we beg to offer our heartfelt sympathy in the hour of their great affliction, united with the fervent hope that a grateful Nation will recognize the economic value of. Dr. Reed's discovery and make adequate provision for those who were dependent upon him for support. GEO. M. KOBER, D. K. SHUTE, F. S. NASH, Committee. 79965 S. Doc. 822, 61-3 3 34 Yri.I.OW l-T.YKR. MEMORIAL MEETING OP THB MEDU v OF THE DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA, nn n DECEMBER 31, 1902. INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS BT SAMUEL 8. ADAMS, A. M., M. D., PRESIDENT Ladies and gentlemen: Once more we have been railed together to pay tribute to the nuMiiory of an honored colleague, whose counsel we have enjoyed for nearly a leeade. The possessor of a striking personality . unusual reasoning power, an unbiased judgment, ami a determination to enforce his convictions, Dr. Walter Reed could not fail to adorn and stimulate this >cientilic body as well as the inilitary seryiceof the I'nited States Army. The aged die, and we wonder not, believing that they have fulfilled their mission; but when a colaboivr in the prime of life, at the height of his usefulness, is cut down before he has had time to enjoy the full fruition of his labors, we marvel, we are lost in wonder. Dr. Keed was elected a "member by invitation" March 11. 1894. The preceding meeting, however, he made his first appearance in society, having been invited to open the discussion on Dr. Kinyoun's paper, entitled "The prevention and control of dinh- theria." In reverting to this debate, we can recall his mo. lest demeanor, his convincing arguments, and his power to hold his audi- ence throughout a lengthy presentation of trie subject. He 1 by saying that his clinical experience, laboratory work in inoculating animals, and bacteriological studies had led him to certain ideas as fixed convictions: 1. The Klebs-Loeffler bacillus is usually characterized by a depM>ii of false membrane in the throat and is attended by frequent 1 sequela?. This bacillus he believed to be the cause of true primary diphtheria. 2. That diphtheria is local in the beginning and by the production of virulent toxins tends to become rapidly constitutional. The bacilli themselves have been found in the internal organs of the human subject, as well as in those of animals. So that we can not any longer say that the bacilli remain local throughout the attack. 3. Diphtheria is not spread by water and food, except by milk and its products, which are infected in transit u. He strongly advo- cated the bacteriological examination in making the diagnosis. Two months later, in discussing tuberculosis, he dwelt upon these two points: "The possibility of the transference of tuberculosis by vaccination; and trie possibility of its transference from mother to child in utero." January 9, 1895, in discussing diphtheria and its treatment by its antitoxin, he said he believed the production of antitoxin should be under municipal control and be tested by disinterested parties so as to avoid imposition by unscrupulous men whose desire is gain. He lived to see the enactment of a law to protect this community from spurious viruses. He had witnessed the wonderful iininuni/ing effects of Antitoxin, so advised its use as a preventive as well as a curative agent. Ills masterly hand struck the death blow to the opponents of anti- toxin in the discussion of "The clinical aspects of diphtheria treated by its arn December 4, 1895. A clinician of wide experience and recognized ability, while dis- claiming any unfriendliness toward its use, had taken a decided stand YELLOW FEVER. 35 against this serum, basing his remarks upon the statistics and argu- ments of a distinguished English laryngologist and a well-known American pediatrist. It seemed as if the pendulum were swinging toward the opposition when Walter Reed entered the forum majes- tic, fearless, determined to conquer. With keen eyes fixed on his principal antagonist, he hurled his weapon of defense in unmistakable language, when he said : You are theorizing while we are dealing with facts. If another friend of antitoxin arises and deals it such blows as Dr. has given it, the antitoxin serum will be slaughtered in the house of its friends. In concluding his remarks, came this appeal: I myself almost feel like saying, with the reader of the paper, that the failure to use it in a case of human diphtheria is criminal; and I beg of you, that if you have not yet done so, when you next stand by the bedside of your patient afflicted with this disease, you do not, through any fear of its peculiar action, withhold this invaluable remedy. It must have been a great satisfaction to him to witness not only the conversion of his opponents, but the universal use of the anti- toxin of diphtheria. His paper entitled "What credence should be given to the state- ments of those who claim to furnish vaccine lymph free from bac- teria?" is worthy of praise. He conducted a series of experiments upon monkeys by vaccinating them with various vaccine matter, and was " convinced that all virus contained bacteria and that bacteria-free lymph did not exist." It is a singular coincidence that the last appearance of Dr. Reed in this society was at a memorial meeting, when he eulogized as an author his friend and associate, Dr. W. W. Johnston. The Medical Society of the District of Columbia is proud of hav- ing had the friendship of Walter Reed; we gloried in his achievements, and we now mourn the loss of a courteous, industrious, famous, and highly honored member. HISTORICAL REMARKS, BY MEDICAL DIRECTOR R. A. MARMION, UNITED STATES NAVY. Mr. President and members of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia: Walter Reed was born in Gloucester County, Va., on the 13th of September, 1851, and was the son of Rev. Lemuel Sutton Reed, who was for 40 years or more an eminent Methodist minister. In his personal appearance Walter was highly favored even in his youth, and to this there were added a gentleness of dis- position and a graciousness of manner which won for him the admira- tion of all who were brought in contact with him qualities which we know were characteristic of him ever after. Intellectually he was, as a boy, precocious and devoted to study, so that at the age of 15 he had acquired a knowledge of Latin and Greek rarely found in one so young. History, literature, and philosophy were also favorite studies, and his familiarity with them rendered him the peer of many who were his seniors in age by several years. By a special dispensation he was matriculated in the academic de- partment of the University of Virginia at the age of 16. He quickly attained and held, throughout that first year, the highest standing in his classes. Owing, however, to the limited means of his father, who was maintaining two other sons at the same school, it became evident to Walter that he would not be able to carry out his original plan of completing the academic course; so, at the beginning of the following 36 YELLOW FEVER. year he began the study of medicine, and at the end of one session of nine months he was awarded the dome of doctor of medicine, although he was not yet 18 years of age. This feat he accomplished in snite of tin' advice of friends who had, in advance, sought to diuade him from undertaking it. His only reply to such advisor- waa that "he did not result." In a few months after his graduation at the rniversitv of Virginia he- went to New \ ork and matriculated at the BeUevue Medical College, and in one sv- (iiired tl M. D. Following his graduation at Bellevue he was attached to various hospitals in New York and Brooklyn, conspicuously the Brooklyn City Hospital and the Charity Hospital on Bftadcwell'fl Island; at t he latter he devoted himself especially to the study of the diseases of women and children. He was also for awhile, one of the the poor of New York City. During his Brooklyn life he had attracted the attention of Dr. Joseph Hut chins* n, one nf the most prominent medical men of that city, who urired and secured his appointment as one of the five inspectors of the board nf healt: position much sought after in those days. This post he was filling most creditably when his twenty-first "birthday dawned. Kven at this early date, Dr. Heed had acquired a very enviable standing among the medical, men of New York and Brooklyn, among whom he was especially well known for his skill as a surgeon. Within . years, as we have seen, he had been holding various professional ; tions of responsibility, but he could not help feeling that there was a point beyond which he could not go on the road toward that sii which he coveted, without the influence of wealthy friends and of in- fluential social connections on the spot. Thus it was that in 187 -1 he began to think seriously of entering the Medical Corps of the Army or of the Navy, and, by the spring of 1875, he had chosen the Army as the field of his future labors. I can not dismiss this part of my subject without pausing for a moment to weigh certain characteristics of our lamented colleague and, first of all, I would advert to the fact that even in his hood years there shone forth so many of the splendid traits which illustrated his after life; he was firea with ambition and sustained by an indomitable energy in his early student day- \\hi.h invari- ably brought him victory; but his innate tenderness of nature and his exquisite regard for the sensibilities of a disappointed emit extant so dominated him at such times that no one ever knew him to 1 of his victory. A deference for the opinions of others, too, \\ a- a 1 a prominent characteristic; and this we have seen rvincrd so uni- formly in the discussions taking place at meetings of this so< And so I might go on analyzing and dwelling upon other tr. but the limited time prevents me. Turning to the military history of Maj. Walter Keed. as home upon the records of the office of the Surgeon General of the Army, we find that he was appointed it, surgeon with the rank of first lieutenant June 26, 1875; promoted to be a*- Mam with the rank of captain June 26, 1880; surgeon with rank nf major December 4, 1893; and at tin- time of his death was first on the li-t of majors in the Medical Department. He was on duty in the Department nf the East from duly '23, 1875, to May 21, 1876; in the Depart merit nf Ari/onu from June, 1876, to May, 1880; again in the Department of the Kast from September, YELLOW FEVER. 37 1880, to. November, 1882. From November, 1882, to July, 1887, he was attached to the Department of the Platte, and from August, 1887, to October, 1890, he was on duty at Mount Vernon Barracks, Ala. His next assignment was to duty in Baltimore, Md., from October, 1890, to October 1891, when he was transferred to the De- partment of Dakota, where he remained until August, 1893, when he was ordered to duty in the office of the Surgeon General of the Arnry. Under this assignment he was curator of the Army Medical Museum and member of the faculty of the Army Medical School for over nine years and up to the date of his death, which occurred in this city November 23, 1902. In the meantime, too, he served, at several different periods, as member of the Army Medical Board in this city, was a member of the cholera board in July, 1898; was on detached duty making inspections of camps and field hospitals in August, 1898; was member of the typhoid fever board in August, September, and October, 1898; in October, 1898, he was on inspection duty at Natural Bridge, Va., and again in April and May, 1899, at Puerto Principe, Cuoa. In March and April, 1900, he was ordered to investigate and report upon the use of electrozone and germicides at Tampa and Habana, and in June and July, 1900, was a member of a board of medical officers at Camp Columbia, Cuba, for the purpose of scientific investigation with reference to infectious diseases prevalent in Cuba, and, from September 27 to October 13, 1900, on similar duty with regard to yellow fever. These various assignments were of great importance from the standpoint of preventive medicine and did much to solidify the foundation on which he was destined to erect the structure "more lasting than brass" which to-day towers above the many works of a life full of labors for the benefit of his fellow man. It seems to me that I can not better close this paper than by quoting the language of the official record of Maj. Keed as drawn from the files of the Surgeon General's Office : Of Maj. Reed's work in the Medical Department and his scientific researches, it is probable a complete history can never be obtained. His eminence as a bacteri- ologist, and in practical hygiene as applied to military life (as a student of all forms of bacteria) led to his being intrusted with special investigations, which were interrrupted by his death, and which, it is now believed, will never be completed. He was regarded by his associates as a man who combined an unusual degree of scientific accuracy with calm judgment, which rendered him invaluable in searching out the causes of epidemic diseases and tracing their progress. In 1901 he began the investigation of the cause and the prevalence of yellow fever, conducting his investigations at Quemados, near Habana, where he established headquarters and was given every facility for conducting his experiments. The conditions in Cuba in 1901 were such as made the investigations of Maj. Reed and his corps of assistants of special moment. An epidemic of yellow fever existed despite the efforts of the sanitary experts, led by Gen. Wood, who were endeavoring to stamp out the disease. The houses of persons infected were subjected to rigid disinfection. Furniture was destroyed and every possible precaution was taken to prevent the spread of the disease under the old treatment. Maj. Reed became con- vinced that proper sanitation was not all that was needed. He believed that some other agency than accumulations of filth was responsible for the spread of the disease, and his attention was attracted to the fact that it took much longer for a house to become infected than the usual time of incubation. This suggested a biting insect as an intermediate host of the parasite, and he asked and promptly received from Gen. Wood permission to make experiments with mosquitoes as the conveyers of yellow fever, and a liberal supply of money for these experiments. It was thus determined beyond question, that through a certain species of mosquito the yellow fever germ was disseminated. 38 YELLOW FEVER. In recognition of this precious work the degree of master of arts was conferred upon Maj. Reed by the Harvard University in ,June. 1902, because, as President Eliot stated when the degree was awarded, Maj. Reed had demonstrated how to rid the world of \ello\\ fever, About the same time the degree of LL. D. was conferred upon him he University of Michigan at Ann Arhor. Midi. MAJ. REED A8 A MEDICAL OFFICER, BY MAJ. J. R. KEAN, SURGEON, UNITED 81 In speaking of Dr. Reed as a medical ofliccr we should consider especially that part of \ii^ career with which the members of this society are least familiar, namely, from his entrain -c into the Army in 1875 to his assignment to duty in Washington in is ( .:;. With the latter date began his career as a scientific man, although mm-h of his time during this la-t decade was given to examining boards and other work of a military rather than scientific character, and the race horse spent much tune at the plow. The changes of station (with 4 years in Arizona, 5 in the Department of the Platte, 2 in the Department of Dakota, 3 in the South, and :; in the East). There are a few brief commendations for professionn ! and devotion to his patients, and that is all. The work of young Army surgeons claims always little spaee in the gazettes or in the reports of military commanders, and in the seven t ies and eighties the hie was certainly not stimulating to intellectual effort. The surgeon shared with his comrades of the line the tedium of long marches and the monotonous sameness of Arizona summers and Dakota winters. And those with whom bonne camaraderie out- weighed studious industry shared also the afternoons of hottlepool and beer and the nightly seductions of draw poker. But for medical officers this life was redeemed by the study of our profession, which was then beginning to broaden out from ancient channels into the full flood of recent progress, and it was saved from triviality l>\ those stern responsibilities of life and death which practice hrin.irs to all physicians. To lesser minds the limitations of such a life niiirht have been narrowing, but for the eager industry and professional d< -\ <>t i,,n of a Reed they made the roots strike deep ; and when we are su ij at the rapid growth and splendid fruit of his career as a scientist we must remember that in the post surgeon's unmarked life the germinated and the roots were firmly set. But for the opportunities given him by his position in the Army, however distinguished he may have become in other ways, it is safe to say that the \\ork \\ith whicn his fame will always be inseparably connected would n< been accomplished bv him. During this lon# apprenticeship he acquired too that perfect familiarity with the conditions and limita- tions of Army life which, combined with his scientific knowledge sound judgment, made him the hot sanitary inspector in the Army and the court of last resort on all sanitary questions. I first learned to know Dr. Reed by reputation when in the spring of 1888 I followed him in .station at 'Fort Kol-in-oii. a t \\o-ha 1 1 alion po>t in the northwc-t corner of \ehraska. I learned much of his devotion to his patients, and their devotion to him was equally YELLOW FEVEE. 39 in evidence. The country about is thinly settled with families locally known as "Grangers/' who were attempting to support themselves by farming in a grazing country where the rainfall was not sufficient for good crops except only about one year in three. The crop of babies, however, never failed, and the Klebs-Loeffler bacillus and the pneumococcus flourished perennially in their wretched cabins. To Reed's tender and generous spirit the call of these poor people never came in vain, and the trail was never so long or the night so dark as to deter him. In the winter these rides were really dangerous and a source of much uneasiness to his family and friends for fear of his being overtaken by one of those blizzards in which the staunchest horse turns tail to the wind and the most experienced frontiersman can not see his way, and the danger to the lost traveler is greater than that of a battle. Again we find him at Mount Vernon Barracks in Alabama, accord- ing to the official statement of his commanding officer, devoting himself with the same earnestness and patience to the sick of Geroni- mo's band of Apaches, then held there as prisoners, and to the sick negroes of the surrounding country, as to his own patients in the garrison. Of the first years of his service which he spent in Arizona I gained some knowledge when in the summer of 1896 he came to Key West, my station at that time, to study the blood of variola there being an epidemic of smallpox there at that time. All day he would sit over his microscope, but the evenings we spent on the coolest corner of the porch looking out at the quiet tropical sea, while he told reminiscences, suggested, it may be, by the heat, of his service at Fort Yuma and Camp Apache. These stories were full of that humor which was so characteristic and so pleasing a trait of his daily conversation, and some of these were models of the short story. The history of Sally Ann, a. Gila monster (named after the two ladies of the post most conspicuous in church work), which the chaplain captured in his kitchen, and undertook to tame, would have made a perfect magazine article just as Reed told it. His account of his summer at Yuma, the hottest of Army posts, where the daily July maximum was from 112 to 115, still brings back a clear-cut picture to my memory, and I can see him with his messmate, a captain of infantry, who weighed 250 pounds, and the soldier or in Army parlance "striker" who filled the dual role of chef and butler. The captain, a vertiable Porthos, sat down to dinner in two garments, with a fan, a towel to wipe his face, and near at hand a pitcher of the largest size full of water from the olla, for there was no ice. Before him was a large roast of range beef, which, after helping Reed, he would consume entirely and likewise empty the water pitcher. On one occasion Reed took a leave, and, in company with another officer and a lady of the garrison going home, drove in an ambulance 150 miles to the railroad. The other officer was charged with the commission of laying in the food for this trip of nearly a week. After they started they found that the provision consisted simply of crack- ers and sardines. Reed up to that time had never been able to eat sardines, but he learned on this trip. He had his share also of Indian campaigning, and on one occasion brought into the post a little Indian girl of 4 or 5, who had been so horribly burned that her people had 40 YELLOW FEVEB. abandoned her to die. This child ho succeeded in saving and brought :p in his family as a nurse for his children in spite of the warning of that keen old Indian lighter, Gen. Crook. When she was i:ro\\n. savage Apache blood a it -elf. and she ran giving evidence that 15 years of p -ntl -ness and refinement had not modified the cruel and deceitful charaotftf of her race. Memory often holds 1110-1 f;iM to trivial things, but they are usually char So. though what has come into my mind to tell you of our i nd is not of weighty matters: yet they show the "odd id.'s of Army life and show him as he was the pleasant comrade, the eager student, and the de\ oted doetnr. gentle, unselli>h, modest, and brave, as the gentle and devoted . : this earned spirit and the high purposes of his life played ah. a merry and kindly humor like the dancing lights and reflect* -urfaceof a deep, swift river. It was often keen, but tter, and was his mo>t striking social characteristic, as was devotion to the duty which was before him the dominant feature of his professional life. For him, as for the great Duke The path of duty was the way to glory. He that walks it only thirsting For the truth, and learns to deaden Love of self, before his journey closes He shall find the stubborn thistle bursting Into gloesy purples, which outredden All voluptuous garden roses. He that ever follows her commands On with toil of heart and knees and hands Through the long gorge to the far li.L'ht, has won path upward and prevailed. Shall find the toppling crags of duty scaled Are close upon the shining table-lands, To which our God Himself is moon and sun. Such was he his work is don DR. WALTER REED AS A TEACHER, BY A. F. A. KINO, A. M., M. I>. At the time of the organization of the United States Army Medical School, in 1893, Dr. Reed was appointed pn.fe ..r f Prof. Reed's work in the medical school of the Columbian University he was assisted by Dr. James Carroll, of the I n it ed States Army, who also accompanied l>r. Reed t. llabana, and again assisted him in their well-known experiments with mos- quitoes and yellow fever. No one, perhaps, was better acquainted with Dr. Reed's methods of teaching than Dr. Carroll, who kindly writes me as follows: Dr. Walter Reed was respected and beloved by all his pupils. Always kind and courteous, earnest and enthusiastic, he imbued them with the same spirit . and i .it'lv commanded their respect and attention. A thorough nutter pi his nul.jr.-t and of tne English language, he treated the driest and most difficult t<>pi< s in HK h a man- ner as to rvnder t h.-in lucid and interesting. His marvelous accuracy and clear v detail, his charming personality and polished manner, made him an ideal professor, of whom his ftnde nts were both fond and proud. ( >f nervous trmprra- ment, he was quick to note and resent the slightest laxity and inattention; and \\ln-n it became necessary to administer a rebuke it was implied rather lhan LM\ en dim 1 1\ , his delica< :.g prompting him to soften the blow by a subtle flash of \\ it that convulsed the class and diverted attention from the culprit. The lesson was i forgotten by him for whom it was intended, and it was never necessary to repeat it, moral effect of the slightest manifestation of his displeasure was far pr could have been the dread of any other method of reproof. So closely was h in pa thy with his class and so securely had he engrafted nimself upon their affe< t ion their inquiries during his illness and manifestations of grief upon his demise ind the loss of a dear friend, guide, and counselor rather than a teacher of cold scieuti tic- facts. Another pupil, Capt. J. Hamilton Stone, assistant surgeon, United States Army, writes me as follov As a teacher Dr. Reed always seemed to me to be, first of all, master of his t V His information was so much his own a part of him, as it were that when i given to others it flowed forth with unadulterated naturalness, and sparkled with a Keen interest which his charming personality could not help but lend it. qualities would not permit his words to fall upon deaf ears. His kindly and consid- erate mien, together with his universally acknowledged high scientific attainments, won for him both the respect and admiration of his students. His language was always interesting, eloquent, and well appointed. When at his best his voice would reach a high falsetto note, and this was his characteristic method of impressing importai. upon dull or indurate intellects. His students never feared niin, but from th- regarded him with filial affection. Of patience, that special attribute of a good teacher, he possessed an abundance. He was constantly at the side of his pupil in th oratory, advising, consoling, encouraging, and, above all, instructing. A student of the Columbian University, Mr. H. H. Donnally, remarks that Dr. Reed's lectures were models of order and system. A recital of the various \ previously held in the different branches of pathology and bacteriology always led up to and served to emphasize the more recent and generally accepted theories. 1 1 historic reviews the student was constantly surprised at Dr. Ret kalde memory for dates and his familiarity with the host of investigators and tl: special lines of research, not only those in this country, but others in all parts >f the civilized world. This method of unfolding the subject historically, with a final and forcible exposition of the latest current views, was keenly appreciated by the stu and gave them a broad and comprehensive picture of the whole subject, which was easily remembered and understood. Finally, I must express my great regret that it has seldom fallen to my lot to hear Dr. Reed lecture, and I have never witnessed his demonstratioDfl in the laboratory; hence I have supplemented my own remarks by quoting from others who had happily been nmn- favored in these respects, and certainly no statements of mine could more appropriately represent the wmk <>f Pnd. K< far as I have been able to find, wen* pul>li>h<-d by the Government. irarding the reneral style of the articles, there are three points in particular which are striking: Kir-t. the attenti..n Driven to details immediately reminds us of the writings of Dr. Theobald Smith of Harvard I : > : '.MSI. in M. & S. .1 , \. iL'ti do], M ;ir < h in. p. 237. 1893. Remarks on the cholera spirillum. [An address before Ramsey <'..nnty Medical Society, March 28.] Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul (297), v. 13 (9), May 1, pp. 161-164. 1894a. Association of Proteus vulgaris with Diplococcus lanceolatus in a case of croupous pneumonia. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Hull., Baltimore, v. 5 (34), March, pp. _M n 1894b. The gennicidal value of trikresol. St. Louis M. to know that the credit for the original ideas embodied in this work belongs wholly to Maj. Reed. Such work, if done in Europe, would receive substantial recopi from the Government. He was last year given the degree of LL. D. bv the University of Michigan, and the degree of M. A. by Harvard University. In ('-nn- f erring, the language used by President Eliot was: Walter Heed, graduate of medicine of the University of Virginia, the Army surgeon who planned and dirc< ted in Cuba the experiments which have given man control over that fearful scourge, yellow fo\ i "The scientific work and discoveries of the late Maj. Walter Reed. ' s Array" (8. Doc. Mo. 11B, Jan. 28, 1003), ordered to be published. Prepared by Maj. Jefferson K. Kean. 48 YELLOW FEVEE. 49 Precedents are abundant for State aid to public benefactors and their families. The English Government a century ago, when the purchasing value of money was far greater than at present, gave to Jenner, the discoverer of vaccination, grants amounting to 30,000. He also received 7,383 from a subscription in India. Pasteur, the founder of the science of bacteriology, besides numer- ous honors and decorations and money donations from other sources, received from the French Government a pension of 12,000 francs. Lister, the originator of antiseptic surgery, has, besides numerous honors and decorations, been successively knighted and elevated to the peerage. In this country a bill to donate $100,000 to the discoverer of anaes- thesia was twice passed by the Senate (in 1853 and 1854), but failed in the House, probably because of the uncertainty as to which of the rival claimants was entitled to the credit of that discovery. The resolutions of various scientific and professional societies are appended as an indication of the standing which Dr. Reed occupied in the scientific world at the time of his death. The following editorial from a prominent medical journal, American Medicine, is also quoted on account of its pertinence to the question: DUE REWARDS FOR SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS. The recent death of Maj. Walter Reed directs attention to the self-sacrifice of the medical investigator and the inadequacy of the recognition which is attainable in America by these heroes of science. His demise deprives the country of a citizen whose public spirit, devotion to duty, and splendid achievements justly entitle him to an enduring testimonial. His scientific career, strictly speaking, began about 1890, when, through the stimulating influence of his illustrious teacher, Dr. Welch, of Johns Hopkins, his interest was awakened in the intimate nature and underlying causes of disease, and he took up the special study of pathology and bacteriology. With rare native intelligence, indefatigable industry, high ideals, broad sympathies, and a personality that attracted all who came in contact with him, he soon distin- guished himself as a trustworthy, independent investigator, and entered upon a work that was to become a triumph for scientific medicine and a blessing to humanity. Notwithstanding his manifold duties as curator of the Army Medical Museum, Reed never lost his love for pure medical investigation, and was a frequent contributor to medical literature. Yet while his contributions in general to scientific medicine are uniformly as good as the best, they are insignificant when compared with the great work upon yellow fever with which his name will ever be inseparably associated. His was the master mind and he the guiding spirit in an investigation whereby mul- titudes of lives have been saved, a pestilential malady robbed of its mysteries and terrors, and an annual expenditure of millions of money shown to be in large part, if not entirely, needless. As has been said, his work "means to the United States for the future a saving in life and treasure that is cheaply paid for by the whole cost of the Spanish- American War." In other countries a man who had done such a work as Reed would at once receive office, honors, and financially security. In ours we leave him unrewarded, to work out his life, to die early, perhaps, and then we offer his family a sum as a pension small beyond ridicule. We appeal to Congress to demonstrate the nation's gratitude in this case. It should act promptly and in a manner commensurate with the mag- nificient public service rendered by our colleague. This, we are sure, is the wish of everyone conversant with what he has done. RESOLUTIONS OF MEDICAL SOCIETIES AND LEARNED BODIES WITH REF- ERENCE TO MAJ. WALTER REED, SURGEON, UNITED STATES ARMY. At a stated meeting of the New York Academy of Medicine, held December 3, 1902, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Whereas in the recent death of Dr. Walter Reed, major and surgeon, United States Army, the science of medicine has lost the one whose brilliant research led first to the 79965 S. Doc. 822, 61-3 4 50 VER. demonstration of the transmission of yellow fever by the mosquito, and later to the practical removal of the disease from a large part of Cuba and the prevention of its transmission to the shores of this country: Be it Resolved, That the New York Academy of Medicine records its sens, of the -ivat- ness of the loss to science and to mankind and its sympathy with the friends and relatives of the deceased. The following minutes and resolutions were adopted at a special meeting of the faculty of the medical department of the Columbian University: The sudden and unexpected demise of our .-t.-.-m.-d friend and colleague. Maj. Walter Reed, United States Army, professor of -y and pathology in the medical school of the Columbian University, is an event that brings to us the most acute regret and overwhelming sorrow. Taken from us in the prime of manhood and in the /.enith of his professional use- fulness, at a time when the medical profession and humanity at larp< to do him homage for his great work in demonstrating the method of -x terminating yellow fever by pr rom inoculating mosquitoes and by whi< h thai disease has been abolished from some of its most malignant haunts at a tin.. when his relations with the faculty and students of the Columbian Ini become securely united by bonds of mutual affection and esteem under th cumstances it is with a most earnest and sincere feeling that we, t h- me -di -al faculty of the Columbian University, hereby desire to express our unreserved admiration for the work, life, and character of Prof. Reed, both as a physician, a te;. friend, and a man of science. In testimony whereof, it is hereby Resolved, That the foregoing note be recorded in the permanent archives of the faculty; that a copy of the same be given to the press for publication and also for- warded to the family of Dr. Reed as an evidence of our sympathy for thorn in th-ir great sorrow. Resolved, That, as a further mark of respect for our lamented colleague, the exercises of the medical school be suspended ana that the students and faculty attend in a body his funeral obsequies. The following resolutions were adopted by the medical faculty of the University of Virginia December 8, 1902, and by them reported to the general faculty, which heartily concurred in this expression ,,f regard for the memory of Dr. Reed, of admiration for his work of sympathy for his family : The medical faculty of the University of Virginia have heard with deep sorrow of the death of Maj. Walter Reed, professor of bacteriology and pathology in the Army Medical School, and distinguished graduate of Jrttis medical depart in His masterly investigation of the causes of the outbreaks of typhoid f-\cr in the United States Army auring the Spanish-American War, and especially his work furnishing conclusive proof of the conveyance of yellow fever by the mosquito, entitle him to a preeminent place amongst scientists and sanitarians and will prov< mable service to mankind. As an alumnus he was true and loyal, manifesting on every appropriate occasion his continued interest in the university, upon which he had reflected great < n dit In testimony of our high appreciation of his character and achievements it is hereby Resolved, That the foregoing note be spread upon our minutes and a copy L- warded to the family of Dr. Reed as an evidence of our sympathy for them in their great sorrow. RESOLUTIONS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Resolved. That the American Association for the Advancement of ., reby records its sense of the great loss sustained by 8eicn> in th<- d< Reed, surgeon in the United States Army, and its appreciation of th f ir r< : and invaluable services which he has rendered to humanity. By solving th problem of the mode of spread of yellow fever, Mai. Reed not only made a great contribution to science, but at the same time conferred inestimable benefits upon his country and upon mankind. To have discovered and demonstrated the methods, which have already been successfully tested in Cuba, of eradicating a widespread and t< rrihlo pestilence, is a benefaction of imperishable renown, of incalculable value in the sav- ing of human lives, of vast importance to commercial interests, and deserving the YELLOW FEVER. 51 highest rewards in the power of his countrymen to bestow. This association earn- estly urges upon the attention of Congress the duty of making full provision for the support of his family. Resolved, That the president designate a committee of nine members of this associa- tion, with power to increase its number, which shall be authorized and requested to devise and carry out a plan or aid in similar efforts elsewhere instituted, by which a suitable and permanent memorial of this great benefactor of his race may be secured. This committee shall be authorized to prepare and publish a statement of the services of the late Maj. Reed in discovering the mode by which yellow fever may be exter- minated. The following resolution was adopted at the meeting of the Ameri- can Medical Association at Saratoga, N. Y., on June 11, 1902: Whereas the members of the American Medical Association believe that the recent work of the United States Army surgeons in Cuba in relation to the discovery of the method of transmission of yellow fever is of such magnitude and far-reaching benefi- cence as to rank only second with Tenner's discovery of vaccination; and Whereas the practical value of this discovery has been proven by the complete eradication of this scourge from Habana: Resolved, That the thanks of this association be tendered the gentlemen who accomplished this brilliant result, and particularly to Drs. Walter Reed, James Car- roll, A. Agramonte, W. O. Gorgas, and to Leonard Wood, who recognized the impor- tance of the work and made it possible by his hearty encouragement and assistance. Resolved, That this association, while deeply deploring the death of Dr. Jesse A. Lazear, who died a martyr to science, admires and gratefully acknowledges the heroic devotion of this physician and some of the members of the Hospital Corps to the cause of humanity. Resolved, That these resolutions be published in The Journal, and that copies be transmitted to Drs. Reed, Carroll, Agramonte, Wood, Gorgas, and Mrs. Lazear. RESOLUTIONS TAKEN BY THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MEDICINE AT CAIRO, EGYPT, DECEMBER 22, 1902. Les membres du Premier Congres de Medecine en Egypte apprennant avec le plus profond regret la mort prematuree du Maj. Walter Reed du Corps Medical de 1'Armee des Etats Unis d'Amerique. La part brillante et importante qu'il a pris dans la decouverte du moustique 8te"gomyia comme le seul agent transmitteur du parasite de la fievre jaune, reussessant ainsi a mettre les ravages de cette terrible maladie sous le controle des hygienistes fait de sa mort une perte cruelle pour I'humamte. Le Congres decide en consequence d'exprimer a cette occasion toute sa sympathie au Corps Medical de 1'Armee des Etats Unis ainsi qu'a la famille du Maj. Reed. Le Congres decide en outre de prier le secretaire du Cpngres d'envoyer officielle- ment par 1'entremise des Autorites competentes une copie de la presente resolution au Chirurgien en Chef de PArme'e des Etat Unis d'Amerique et une autre egalment a Madame Veuve Reed. [From an editorial in American Medicine (referring to Maj. Reed).] His was the master mind and he the guiding spirit in an investigation whereby multitudes of lives have been saved, a pestilential malady robbed of its mysteries and terrors, and an annual expenditure of millions of money shown to be in large part, if not entirely, needless. [From the resolutions of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.] By solving the problem of the mode of spread of yellow fever Maj. Reed not only made a great contribution to science, but at the same time conferred inestimable benefits upon his country and upon mankind. To have discovered and demonstrated the methods, which have already been successfully tested in Cuba, of eradicating a widespread and terrible pestilence is a benefaction of imperishable renown, of incal- culable value in the saving of human lives, of vast importance to commercial interests, and deserving the highest rewards in the power of his countrymen to bestow. [From lecture of Sir Patrick Manson, M. D., medical adviser of the British Colonial Office.] Dr. Walter Reed did a great and beneficent work. We in England thoroughly appreciate this, and heartily sympathize with America in the loss she and the world 52 YRLLOW FEVEB. has sustained by his premature death. The beet tribute we can pay to hi* mcmor once to apply liia discovery. Let us hope that the good he has done will i. interred with his bones, and that his countrymen and t|u> n-t of us will i push forward the great and beneficent measures hi* brilliant labors so clearly iiui Similar resolutions have been passed by numerous other scientific bodies. They arc not given here because it is not desired unduly to lengthen this" report. INCORPORATORS OP "THE WALTER REED MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION, " WASHINGTON, D. C. R. M. O'Reillv, Surgeon General . tinted States Army. Washington, D. C. P. V Surgeon General, United States Navy, Washington, D. C. Wa ! I , . D . , Surgeon General, United States Public Health and Ma r i n . Hospital Service, Washington, D. C. George M. Steinberg, LL. D., brigadier general, United States Army Washington, D Calvin Do Witt, brigadier general, United States Army (retired), Washington, D. C. Dan i-l 0, oilman, LL. D., president of Carnegie Institution. Washington, D. C. ilium. I.L. D., president of Columbian tni\ D. C. Carroll D. Wright, LL. D., Commissioner of Labor, Washington, D ry B. F. Mac far land, president Board of Commissioners, District of Columbia. !1 St. George Turk* r. LI.. D., dean of school of law and diplomacy, Columbian University, Washington, D. C. Alexander Graham Bell, LL. D., Columbian University, Washington, D. C. G. W r ythe Cook, M. D., LL. D., Washington, D. C. A. F. A. King, M. D., dean emeritus medical school, Columbian University, Wash- ington, D. C. Chas. Wardell Styles, M. D., Chief of Division of Zoology, Hygienic Laboratory, United States Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Washington, D. C. W. J. Boardman, Washington, D. C. William A. Gordon, lawyer, Washington, D. C. Maj. J. R. Kean. surgeon, t'nit<- : VORAMOXTB, M. D., and JESSE W. LAZEAR, M. D., 1 Acting Assistant Surgeon, United States Army. The writer-. c<>nM inning a board of medical officers convened ''for the purpose or pursuing scientific investigations with n-fViviu <> t> the acute infectious diseases prevalent on the Island of Cul>;i." arrived at our station, Columbia Barracks, Quemados, Cuba, on June 25 of the present year, and proceeded, under written instructions from the Surgeon General of the Army. t> "gjve special attention to questions relatini: to the etiology and prevention of yellow fe\ TWO Of its members (Airnimnnte :md L&zear) were stationed on the Island of Cuba, the former in Habana, and the latter at Columbia Barracks, and were already pursuing investigations relating to the 4 etiology of this disease. Fortunately for the purposes of this board, an epidemic <>f yellow fever was prevailing in the adjacent town of Quemados, Cuba, at the time of our arrival, thus furnishing us an opportunity I'm-
  • Reprinted from the Proceeding* of the Twenty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Aaocfatlon, Indianapolis, Ind., CM. 22, 23. 24, 25, and 2ft, 1900. Died of yellow fever at Columbia Barracks, Cuba, Sept. 25, 1900. YELLOW FEVEK. 57 I. BACILLUS ICTEROIDES (SANARELLI) AS THE CAUSE OF YELLOW FEVER. The claim of Sanarelli for the specific character of B. icteroides as the causative agent in yellow fever has excited such wide attention since the publication of his observations that it seemed to us of the first importance to give our undivided attention to the isolation of this microorganism from the blood of those sick with yellow fever and from the blood and organs of yellow-fever cadavers. (A) CULTURES TAKEN FROM THE BLOOD DURING LIFE. The method followed was that ordinarily used in an attempt to isolate bacteria from the circulating blood, viz, from a vein at the bend of the elbow a sufficient quantity of blood was taken with a hypodermic syringe, made sterile by boiling, and after careful cleans- ing of the skin with soap and water, followed by equal parts of abso- lute alcohol and ether, and 1-2000 bichloride solution. Exceptionally, the blood withdrawn was plated on agar, but as a rule it was immediately transferred to sterile bouillon tubes (10 c. c.) in quantities of 0.5 c. c. to each of several tubes. These were then incubated at 35 to 37 C. for a period of one week. They were examined daily, and if growth was observed plates in agar or gelatine, or both, were made and the colonies carefully studied by transference to ordinary laboratory media. Eighteen cases have thus been carefully studied; of these 11 were designated as " severe" cases of yellow fever, with 4 deaths; 3 as " well-marked" cases, with no deaths; and 4 as "mild" cases, with no deaths. From these 18 cases blood cultures were made, as shown in the following table: TABLE I. Blood cultures during life. Day of disease. Character of attack. Number of cul- tures. Number of bouil- lon tubes inocu- lated. B. icteroides. First Severe 3- 14, Negative. Do Well marked 1 4 Do. Do Mild 1 3 Do. Second Severe 6 18 Do. Do Well marked 1 2 Do. Do Mild 1 3 Do. Third Severe 7 a 18 Do. Do Mild 2 4 Do. Fourth 5 14 Do. Do Well marked ' 2 6 Do. Do Mild 1 1 Do. Fifth Severe 5 U2 Do. Do Well marked 1 3 Do. Do Mild 1 1 Do. Sixth 4 6 Do. Do Well marked I 2 Do. Seventh 1 2 Do. Do Well marked 1 2 Do. Eighth Severe 2 6 Do. Do Well marked 1 2 Do. Ninth Severe 1 2 .Do. f- 1 3 agar plates. 2 6 agar pla! Number of cultures Number of bouillon tubes inoculated. Number of agar plates 48 115 15 r.s YKLLOXV FKVKR. It will be seen that of 48 separate cultures made from the blood on various days of the disease and representing 115 bouillon inoculat i. >ns and 18 agar plates, we failed to find BadMua icteroides in any of our tubes or plates. The results of cultures taken hi 18 l cases of unmistakable yell<>\\ fever. mi \ arious days of the disease and in some cases on ev TV day from the onset to death or recovery, would seem to exclude the presence of Bacillus icteraides in the ll<.d of these cases durini: life. 1 1 will therefore be seen that while Wasdin and Gedd ings inking cultures from the ear lobe (Report on the Cause of Yellow Krver. 1899), record that "in the blood of yellow-fever cases extract eel during life BaciUus icteroides has been found in 13 of the 14 cases, with 1 negative" (92.85 per cent), we, by withdrawing blond from the veins of 18 patients, have to record 100 per cent of failures. We have already stated that \\e will reserve for a lat.-r report a description of the hacteria isolated from tlie blond in these cases. We now remark that but tew organisms wore obtained and that, as a rule, our hlood cultures guvi' no growth whatever. (B) CULTURES FROM YELLOW-FEVER CADAVERS. We tried to obtain autopsies very soon after death and sometimes ed in doing so. Tubes containing about 10 c. c. of llesh-peptone bouillon were generally used for the first inoculation, direct from the blood and organs. As soon as the laboratory was reached, aga r plates were made from these inoculated bouillon tubes, the former as well as the latter being then incubated at 35-37 C. In nearh every case gelatin plates were also made from the recently inocul bouillon tubes and kept at a temperature of 19-20 C. If colonies were found in the agar or gelatin plates on the following days, the corresponding bouillon tubes were also plated on agar gelatin. The bacteria thus found in our plates were carefully iso- lated and studied upon the usual nutritive media, so as to enaole us to identify them it possible. We will here content ourselves \\ith giving the results as regards the presence of B. icteroides only. TABLE II. No. of BMI Day of disease. Time of autopsy. Source of culture. B. icteroides. 1 Seventh . 2 hours after death . . Blood, liver, spleen, kidney. . . Negative. 2 Sixth 13 hours after death do Do 3 Fourth 8 hours after death do Do . Fourth 4 hours after death.... . . .do Abdominal cavity, blood, liver, spleen, kidney, bile, duodenum. Blood, liver, spleen, kidney, bile, duode- Do. Do. Sixth 6} hours after death . . . num. Abdominal cavity, blood, pericardia! Do. do. do. 50 minutes after death. ^ hour after death lluid. IUIIK. Spleen, kidney, lj\. duodenum Blood, lung, liver, spleen, kidn- jejunum. Blood, lung, liver, spleen, kidney, urine, Do. Fourth 2 hours after death Mllllll i'ltr li'ir Liver, spleen, small intestine Do. 10 mfe 7 h<, i: iffest !< ith . idney, spleen, small intestine. . , Do. 11 Third } hour after death . idneyi spleen' Do. ' Cultures from the blood during life had been taken by Dr. Lazeur in three other cases of yellow fever, .' - -.-.;. .,.'.,.: ,....,;,, .;.;/..:.,",: . , ,., ... . . , ,,:. v. M, ' , ultunvs had been taken can not be ascertained. These cultures were negative as regards the finding of SanarelU's YELLOW FEVER. 59 Our failure to isolate B. icteroides in these 11 autopsies of yellow- fever patients was a result which we had not anticipated. One of us (Agramonte) who at Santiago, Cuba, during the epidemic of 1898, succeeded in finding B. icteroides in 33 per cent of his autopsies, has been much surprised at the absence of this bacillus in cultures from cadavers sectioned in Habana during the present year. In 2 of the 11 cases we had reason to believe that from the character of colonies seen in gelatin plates we would be able to isolate B. icteroides. These colonies, however, when transferred to other media and carefully studied, did not prove to be this bacillus. We wonder whether other observers have occasionally relied upon the appearance of colonies in gelatin plates without further study. We only mention this as a pos- sible explanation of the large percentage of positive results recorded by some observers. Pothier, of New Orleans, La., only succeeded, however, in isolating B. icteroides in 3 out of 51 autopsies. (Journal of American Medical Association, Apr. 16, 1898.) Lutz (Revista D'Igiene e Sanita Publica, XI, No. 13, July, 1900, pp. 474-475), says, as the result of his extensive observations on yellow fever, that Bacillus icteroides can not be found by present laboratory methods in more than half of the cases of yellow fever, and that when present the colonies are few in number. It is possible that our future autopsies may give more favorable results as regards B. icteroides. II. THE MOSQUITO AS THE HOST OF THE PARASITE OF YELLOW FEVER. Having failed to isolate B. icteroides either from the blood during life or from the blood and organs of cadavers, two courses of procedure in our further investigations appeared to be deserving of attention, viz, first, a careful study of the intestinal flora in yellow fever in compari- son with the bacteria that we might isolate from the intestinal canal of healthy individuals in this vicinity or of those sick with other dis- eases; or, secondly, to give our attention to the theory of the propaga- tion of yellow fever by means of the mosquito a theory first advanced and ingeniously discussed by Dr. Carlos J. Finlay, of Habana, in 1881. (Anales de la Real Academia, voTTS, ISSlTpf liT^lBQ.) ^ We were influenced to take up the second line of investigation by reason of the well-known facts connected with the epidemiology of this disease, and of course by the brilliant work of Ross and the Italian observers in connection with the theory of the propagation of malaria by the mosquito. We were also much impressed by the valuable observations made at Orwood and Taylor, Miss., during the year 1898, by Surg. Henry R. Carter, United States Marine-Hospital Service. A note on the interval between infecting and secondary cases of yellow fever, etc. (Reprint from New Orleans Medical Journal, May, 1900.) We do not believe that sufficient importance has been accorded these painstaking and valuable data. We observe that the members of the yellow-fever commission of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, DBS. Dur- ham and Myers, to whom we had the pleasure of submitting Carter's observations, have been equally impressed by their importance. (British Medical Journal, Sept. 8, 1900, pp. 656-657.) 60 The circumstances under which Carter worked were favorable for recording with considerable accurac\ the interval between the time of arrival of infecting cases in isolated farmhouses and the occurrence of secondary cases in these houses. Accord in ter, 'the period from the first < infect ing) case to the first group of cases infected at these houses is generally from two to three \ The houses having now become infected, susceptible individuals there siting the houses for a few hours fall side with the disease in the usual period of incubation one n days. her observations made by u> >ince our arrival conlirmed ( arter's hisions. thus pointing, as it seemed to us, to the pr. ! an intermediate host, such as the mosquito, which, having taken tin- parasite into its stomach soon after the entrance of the patient into the noninfected house, was able after a certain interval to reconvey the infecting agent to other individuals, thereby converting a nmi- infectcd house into an "infected '' house. This interval would apnear to be from 9 to 16 days (allowing for the period of incubation '. which agrees fairly closely with the time required for the passage of the malarial parasite from the stomach of the mosquito to its salivary glands. In view of the foregoing observations we concluded to test the theory of Finlay on human beings. According to this author's oi vation of numerous inoculations in 90 individuals, the application of one or two contaminated mosquitoes is not dangerous, out followed in about 18 per cent by an attack of what he considers to be very benign yellow fever at the most. We Here desire to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Finlay, who accorded us a most courteous interview, and has gladly placecl at our disposal his several publications relating to yellow fever during tin- past 19 years; and also for ova of the species of mosquito with which he had made his several inoculations. An important tion to be here recorded is that, according to Finlay s statement. :;n days prior to our visit, these ova had been deposited by a female just at'theedgeof the water in a small basin, whose contents had allowed to slightly evaporate, so that these ova were at the time of our visit entirely above contact with the water. Notwithstanding this long interval after deposition, they were prompt Iv converted into the larval stage, after a snort period, by raising the level of the water in the basin. With the mosquitoes thus obtained we have been able to conduct our experiments. Specimens of this mosquito forwarded to Mr. L. O. Howard, entomologist, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., were kindly identified as CulexfasciatusF&br. In this preliminary note we have not space to refer at length to the various interesting and valuable contributions made by Kinlay to the mosquito theory for the propagation of yellow fever. In addition to the paper already quotea, his most valuable contributions to this important theorv are to be found in the articles designated as follows: Estadistica de las Inoculaciones con mosquitos contaminados, ct< ., reprint, Havana, 1891 : Fiebre Amarilla. Estudio Clinico Patnl.,gimy Ktiologico, reprint. Habana, 1895; and Yellow lY\er Immunity- Modes of Propagation: Mosquito Theory, 8th Congress of Interna- tional Hygienic and Demography, Budapest, 1894. YELLOW FEVER. 61 His present views on this subject may be stated in his own language : " First, reproduction of the disease, in a mild form, within 5 to 25 days after having applied contaminated mosquitoes to susceptible subjects. Second, partial or complete immunity against yellow fever obtained when even no pathogenous manifestation had followed those inoculations." (Medical Eecord, vol 55, No. 21, May 27, 1899.) Without reviewing the cases regarded as mild forms by the author of this theory, we believe that he has not as yet succeeded in repro- ducing a well-marked attack of yellow fever within the usual period of incubation of the disease, attended by albumen and jaundice, and in which all other sources of infection could be excluded. The experiments made by us on eleven nonimmune individuals are embraced in the following table, which should be carefully studied. The mosquito used in all cases was Culexfasciatus Fabr. 62 YELLOW FEVER, o - t li* ^- Ct f.'. lion of qulto and culation. SOOtf 0COW 111 1! "OR : "o S : : : :c' lilll -v:fafa< I YELLOW FEVER. 63 It will be seen that we record 9 negative and 2 positive results. It is, we think, important to observe that of the 9 failures to infect, the tune elapsing between the biting of the mosquito and the inocu- lation of the healthy subject varied in 7 cases from 2 to 8 days (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9), and in the remaining two from 10 to 13 days (Nos. 6 and 8). Five individuals out of the 9 who failed to show any result (Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) were inoculated by mosquitoes that had bitten very mild cases of yellow fever on the fifth day of the disease, and one individual by a mosquito that had bitten a mild case of yellow fever on the seventh day of the disease. (This latter patient was discharged from hospital 3 days later.) To this fact may possibly be attributed the negative results. Of the remaining 3 negative cases (Nos. 7, 8, and 9), and which had been inoculated by mosquitoes that had bitten severe cases of the disease, the interval between the bite and the inoculation varied from 2 to 6 days. In the 2 cases (Nos. 6 and 8) where the interval was respectively 10 and 13 days, the inoculations had been made with mosquitoes that had bitten very mild cases of yellow fever on the fifth day of the attack. No. 8 was also bitten by a mosquito which had been infected by a severe case of yellow fever 3 days before. We refrain from commenting further at this time upon the 9 negative cases, preferring to record the results obtained rather than to indulge in speculation. Of the two cases which we have recorded as positive in Table III, we now propose to speak at greater length. i Case 10, Dr. James Carroll, acting assistant surgeon, United States Army, a member 1 of this board, was bitten at 2 p. m., August 27, 1900, by Culexfasciatus. This particu- ) lar mosquito had bitten a severe case of yellow fever on the second day of the disease 12 \ days before; a mild case of yellow fever, on the first day of the attack, 6 days preceding;,/ a severe case of yellow fever, on the second day of the attack, 4 days before; a mild I case of yellow fever, on the second day of attack, 2 days before inoculation. Dr. Carroll remained well until the afternoon of the 29th, when he states that he felt tired, and for this reason, when on a visit to Las Animas Hospital, the same after- noon (29th), some time between 4 and 6 p. m., after visiting a few patients, he left the wards and waited outside on the porch, while his companions remained in the wards. August 30: During the afternoon, although not feeling well, Dr. Carroll visited La Playa, distant about 1J miles from Columbia Barracks, and took a sea bath. August 31 , a. m.: Dr. Carroll realized that he was sick and that he had fever, although he refrained from taking his temperature, but did visit the laboratory, distant about 140 yards, for the purpose of examining his blood for the malarial parasite. The examination was negative. During the afternoon he was compelled to take to his bed. At 7 p. m. temperature was 102 F. No headache nor backache; only a sense of great lassitude. Eyes injected and face suffused. September 1, 7 a. m.: Temperature 102 F. Blood again carefully examined by Dr. Lazear with negative results. 11 a.m.: Temperature 102. The case having been diagnosed as one of yellow fever, Dr. Carroll was at noon , removed to the yellow fever wards. 9 p. m.: Temperature 102.8, pulse 90; 12 o'clock midnight, temperature 103.4, pulse 84. September 2, 3 a. m.: Temperature 103.6, pulse 80. A trace of albumen was now found in the urine. The subsequent history of the case was one of severe yellow fever. Jaundice appeared on September 3. The accompanying chart No. 1 contains all of the necessary data. The question of diagnosis having been clearly and easily estab- lished, it now becomes important to follow Dr. Carroll's movements for a period of 10 days preceding the mosquito inoculation, and 64 YKLLONV FKYEK. YELLOW FEVER. 65 during the period elapsing from the bite of the insect until the com- mencement of the attack. On August 21, 22, and 23, Dr. Carroll was at Columbia Barracks, outside of the epidemic zone. On August 24 he visited the autopsy room of Military Hospital No. 1, which is situated on Principe Hill overlooking the city of Habana. He was present in this autopsy room while an autopsy was made by Dr. Agramonte on a case of per- nicious malarial fever. Dr. Carroll only took cultures from the blood and organs as the section proceeded. He was there about half an hour and then returned to Columbia Barracks. Subsequent microscopic study of sections of the liver and spleen showed that the case autopsied on the 29th was really a case of pernicious malarial fever. It should be stated that although cases of yellow fever are not admitted to Military Hospital No. 1, an English sea captain had been admitted to its wards a few days before, whose case developed into one of yellow fever with fatal result, and the body had been autopsied by Dr. Agramonte in this dead room on the day preceding Dr. Car- roll's visit to it. ^ According to Dr. Carroll, the room was by no means in a cleanly condition. As Dr. Carroll's visit to this room was made on August 24, * and as he began to complain on August 29, about the average period of incubation of yellow fever, there is a possible chance for infection in this way. We must call attention, however, to the fact that Dr. '' Agramonte, whenever he performs an autopsy in this room, is always attended by a young soldier of the Hospital Corps, United States Army, who is detailed for that purpose, and whose duty it is to assist - and to afterwards attend to the cleaning of the autopsy table. This soldier, a nonimmune American, was present when Dr. Carroll was: there and remained afterwards to attend to his duties. He has notj contracted yellow-fever by his duties in this room from time to time/ Our own experience would seem to accord with that of others, viz, that attendance upon autopsies and the handling of portions of | organs of yellow-fever cases removed to the laboratory is unattended" with danger. Certainly the three nonimmune members of this board, ; up to the time of these mosquito inoculations, had during the pastj three months come in close contact with the dead bodies and organs of yellow-fever cases, freely handling and examining these organs, including the small intestine, even kept at thermostat temperature for 24 hours, without contracting the disease. We have, of course, never neglected to cleanse our hands with disinfectants. Dr. Carroll upon his visit to the before-mentioned dead room only used the platinum loop for taking cultures and did not come in contact with the autopsy table. The only other opportunity for infection in his case would appear to have been during his visit to Las Animas Hospital, situated in the suburbs of Habana, as here yellow-fever patients are admitted in large numbers. We have already pointed out that Dr. Carroll was complaining of lassitude at the hour of his visit, which was about 50 hours after his inoculation with the contaminated mosquito. We have also called attention to the fact that he remained for the greater part of his visit outside of the hospital, on the piazza. This would 79965 S. Doc. 822, 61-3 5 66 YKU.oU i l.VER. appear to caM doubt upon hi> \ Uit to Las Aninias as the sour- his infection. Wo do not wish to be understood as unnecessarily seeking to lay too much emphasis upon the exclusion in this ease of other sources of infection than the mosquito, as we fully appreciate that Dr. Carroll had been on two occasions within the epidemic zone during the week ding his attack of yellow fever. His movements on these ,. sions we have already given. We will again refer to Dr. Carroll's case after we have given the history of case No. 11, which we have designated as our second posi- tive result. ^ *v+& /* &<-**- 'fci+vjt fB Jjtt C^^r COM 11. X. Y., white, American, a resident of me military reservation of < \.hnn- bia Barracks, was bin (Mi during the forenoon of the 31st day of A ">n, 1>\- ihe same mosquito that had bitten case 10 (I M an.. 11) 4 days before, and which in tin- meanwhile had bitten a mild case of yellow fever (first day) 2 dayn before being applied toX Y. \. V . was also bitten by a second mosquito that had been applied to a of yellow fever (second day) U days before, and to 2 mild cases (HM-..M| day) 1 and 10 days previously; also, by a third mosquito that had bitten a fatal case "i" yrll<>\\ (second day) 12 days before, a severe case (first day) 2 days bef> (first, second, and third day) 4, 6, and 10 days before; finally, by a fourth mosquito that had bitten 3 severe cases of yellow fever (all on the first day) L' days previously, and 1 mild case (second dav) 6 days before. (Vide Ta i !< 111.) It will thus be seen that X. Y. was oitten by 4 mosquitoes, 2 of whi^h had i severe (fatal) cases of yellow fever 12 days previously, one of which had hit t case (second day) 16 days before, and one which had bitten a severe case (lir-t day; 8 days before. September 25. X. Y. began to experience a sense of dizziness and di.-im linai work. This was just 5 days from the time of the mosquito inoculation. Twenty-four hours later, still dizzy and light-headed in attempting to move about. During the afternoon (sixth day after inoculation) chilly sensations, followed \>\ and restlessness during the night. On the following day (seventh day after inoculation), 8 a. m., temperature 1 ():_'. ^ I . eyes slightly injected, lace suffused. Patient removed to the yellow fever . 9 a. m., temperature 103 F., pulse GG. A trace of albumen was found in the urine during the afternoon (third day of the attack). This increased during the following days. Conjunctive slightly jaundiced on the fourth day of disease, which was more distinct and could be plainly seen on anterior aspect of chest on the fifth and following day. Bleeding from the gums was noticed on the third and subsequent admission. Repeated examinations of the blood failed to show any malarial parasites. The course of the fever, the appearance of albumen in the urine, with jaundice and hemorrhage from the gums, together with the slow pulse, all pointed distinctly to the diagnosis of yellow fever. His attending physician, Dr. lloger P. Ames, United States Army, an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease, did n<>i lie-it ate to diagnose X. Y.'s attack as one of "well-pronounced yello\v fe\ Dr. Ames was not cognizant of the method of inoctilat ion in this case. (Vide, Chart EL) The diagnosis, therefore, not being in doubt, we must follow this patient's movements during the 10 days preceding the bite of the mosquitoes and from this time until 5 days later, when the attack began. It so happens that we can follow X. Y.'s movements I'm- a much longer period. Fifty-seven days prior to his inoculation, he spent a day and night in the city of Habana. Sixteen days before the inoculation, he rode on horseback with 6 other nonimmunes a dis- tance of about IJ mile^ toward the seashore and returned to his dwelling, without in the meantime dismounting from his limse. From this time until hi^ complete convalescence was established, lie YELLOW FEVER. 67 had remained within the immediate vicinity of his home. So that it may be positively stated that X. Y. had not absented himself from the military reservation of Columbia Barracks during a period of 57 days prior to his inoculation (with the exception above stated), nor between the date of his inoculation and the establishment of con- valescence. Let us now inquire whether the military reservation of Columbia Barracks is outside of the epidemic zone of yellow fever. To this N 44 ^?o ^S $ s !t^ K*5:5 fc^ kll V &t s 1> ^ v* ?W \ we answer that since the commencement of the present epidemic of yellow fever in Habana, dating from May, 1900, the average monthly population of this station, including civilian employees, has been 1,400, nearly all of whom are young nonimmunes. * There have occurred amongst this nonimmune population from May 1 to October 13, 1900, 16 cases of yellow fever, all of which have been easily and readily traced to a visit to within the boundaries of the epidemic zone, except cases 10 and 11 of Table III, and 1 68 other case of which wo shall presently speak. T ributed as follows: rases. May 24... June 10... Jum June 19... June 21... June 29... July 9.. July 26. July 29. u Aui.16. Au.vSl Sept. 19 . Total Ten of these cases have occurred amount an average mnn: military population of 1,295 men, and 6 cases in an average Civilian population of 105. Whenever these cases have occurred, as soon as the patient been removed to hospital most careful mea*i been immediately carried out by a trained sanitary squad, tmd: personal supervision of a medical ollicer. I of destruction by fire of mattresses, the disinfection clothing with 1 to 500 bichloride solution, and the application o same solution freely to the ceiling, walls, and floor- force pump. We repeat that no case has ever been connected with a preceding case, but that the source of infection has he-. occurred during the individual's visit to Habana, r> mil.- to some other nearer Cuban settlement. We now invite attention to the fact that from August 17 to ( )< -tnh< -r 13, a period of 57 days, only 3 cases of yellow fevrr have occu amongst this population of 1,400 nonimnmm and \\ e consider it very important to note that two of these had within 5 days of the commencement of their attack, by < n/itamii mosquitoes. Taken in connection with case 'J. in which find any other source of infection than the bite of quito, 5 days preceding the at t ark. the lO-Table III) Decomes strongly confirmatory of the sa n. We will now briefly give the history of the t hird case of yell- that has occurred at Columbia Barracks during the period A to October 13, 1900. In the light of cases 10 and 11 we consider this case of suflicicnt importance to be here Included, especially as it is one that might he possibly designated as a case of accidental ini'eetion by a mo Cote. Dr. Jesse \V . Lazear. acting assistant surgeon. United States .A i of this board, was bin, n Hi, 1900 (case fatciatus) which 10 davs previously had be . Art ing Assistant Surgeons, United States A i At the twent\ -eighth annual meeting of the American Public I lealth Association, 3 held in Indianapolis. End., Octoher I' _'-_';. P.MMI, \\e piv- M-nted. in the form of a preliminary note, the results of our bac teriologic study of yellow fever, based on cultures taken from tin' Mood in 18 cases at various stages of the disease, as well as on which we have made from the blood and organs of 11 yelh>w-fever < We also recorded the results obtained from the inoculation of 11 non- immune individuals by means of the bite of mosquit* Kabr.) that had previously fed on the blood of patients sick with yellow fever. We were able to report two positive results. in which the attack of yellow fever followea the bite of a mosquito \\ ithin the usual period of incubation of this disease. In one of these cases all other sources of infection could !>c j tivclv excluded. From our several observations we drew the follow- ing conclusions: (1) BadUus icteroides (Sanarelli) stands in DO causa- tive relation to yellow fever, but when present should be considered as a secondary invader in this disease. (2) The mosquito sen e the intermediate host for the parasite of yellow fever. Since t he pu I >- Heat ion of our preliminary note we have continued our invest L r : i ions. especially as regards the means by which ellow fever is propagated hi from individual to individual, and as to the manner hi which h> become infected with the contagium of this disease. The results already obtained are so positive and striking that, with the permis- sion of Surg. Gen. Steinberg, we have concluded to present to this congress an additional note, in which we will record the-e observations. We desire to here express our sincere thanks t<> the military governor of the island of Cuba, Maj. Gen. Leonard \\oo.i. United States Volunteers, without whose approval and assi-tame these observations could not have been carriea out. In order to exercise perfect control over the movements of those individuals who were to be subjected to experimentation, and to avoid any other possible source of infection, a location was selected in an open and uncultivated field, about 1 mile from the town of Quemados, Cuba. Here an experimental sanitary station waa e>iah- Ii-hed under the complete control of the senior member of this board. This station was named ( 'amp La/ear, in honor of our late colleague, Dr. Jesse W. Lazear, acting assistant surgeon, Tinted State who died of yellow fever, while courageously investigating the causation Rd At the Pan Am. Med. Cong., held In Hftbtna, Cube, Feb. 4-7, 1901. '1'hllA.lUd.Joir 1900? 70 YELLOW FEVER. 71 The personnel of this camp consisted of two medical officers, Dr. Roger r. Ames, acting assistant surgeon, United States Army, an immune; in immediate charge; Dr. R. P. Cooke, acting assistant surgeon, United States Army, nonimmune; one acting hospital steward, an immune; nine privates of the hospital corps, one of wnom was immune; and one immune ambulance driver. For the quartering of this detachment, and of such nonimmune individuals as should be received for experimentation, hospital tents, properly floored, were provided. These were placed at a distance of about 20 feet from each other, and were numbered 1 to 7, respectively. Camp Lazear was established November 20, 1900, and from this date was strictly quarantined, no one being permitted to leave or enter camp except the three immune members of the detachment and the members of the board. Supplies were drawn chiefly from Columbia Barracks, and for this purpose a conveyance under the con- trol of an immune acting hospital steward, and having an immune driver, was used. A few Spanish immigrants, recently arrived at the port of Habana, were received at Camp Lazear, from time to time, while these observa- tions were being earned out. A nonimmune person, having once left this camp, was not permitted to return to it under any circumstances whatever. The temperature and pulse of all nonimmune residents were care- fully recorded three times a day. Under these circumstances any infected individual entering the camp could be promptly detected and removed. As a matter of fact only two persons, not the subject of experimentation, developed any rise of temperature; one, a Spanish immigrant, with probably commencing pulmonary tuberculosis, who was discharged at the end of three days; and the other, a Spanish immigrant, who developed a temperature of 102.6 F. on the after- noon of his fourth day in camp. He was at once removed with his entire bedding and baggage ana placed in the receiving ward at Colum- bia Barracks. His fever, which was marked by daily intermissions for three days, subsided on the administration of cathartics and ene- mata. His first attack was considered to be due to intestinal irrita- tion. He was not permitted, however, to return to the camp. No nonimmune resident was subjected to inoculation who had not passed in this camg the full period of incubation of yellow fever, with one exception, to be hereinafter mentioned. OBSERVATIONS. Having thus sufficiently indicated the environment of Camp Lazear and the conditions under which its residents lived, we wifi now proceed to a narration of the observations thus far made at this experimental station. At the time these inoculations were begun, the several tents were occupied as follows: Tent No. 1 by one im- mune and one nonimmune; No. 2 by one immune and two non- immunes; No. 3 by two immunes; No. 4 by three nonimmunes; No. 5 by three nonimmunes; No. 6 by two nonimmunes; and No. 7 by one nonimmune. For the purpose of experimentation, subjects were selected as follows: From tent No. 2, two nonimmunes, and from tent No. 5, three nonimmunes. Later, one nonimmune in tent No. 6 was also designated for inoculation. YKLLOW I'KVKK. 7:: 74 YELU)W CM* /. Pvt. John R. Kissinger, Hospital Corps, United States Army, aged nonimmune, occupant of tent No. 2, with his full consent. was bitten ai 10 .:>o a. in.. November 20, 1900, by a mosquito (C. fcuciatut) that had bitten a sever yellow fever on the fifth day, 11 days previously; another severe case, on the third day, 6 days before; and a third severe one on the third day, 3 days before. As Kissinger had not absented himself from Columbia Barracks for a period of more than 30 da was considered safe to inoculate him without waiting tor his period of incubation to November 23 t 1900, Kissinger was again bitten by the same mosquito The result of both inoculations was negative. The mosquito, therefore, was incapable ing any infection on the eleventh or fourteenth day after it had bitten a severe case of yellow fever on the third day of the disease. This insect had been kept at . >n 1 room temperature and died November 26. 1900. Decembers. 1900. at 2 p. m. , 12 days after the last inoculation, Kissinger was again bitten by o mosquitoes (C.fasciatu*), 2 of which had bitten fatal cases ..f \-ll..\\ 1 the second day, 15 days before: 1 a severe case on the second day, 19 d i-l\. and 2 a mild case on the third day. 21 days b. Thereraixloftemiyratureandpufo.^^ showed that the n tuv*fr ^"TMP^fl IP fl la 1 V n Uftl "^te of DQMth dyjipg ' days, except that OP f> p m lie with a chill, his temperature 100 F., pulse 90; he complained of severe frontal head jecled a'l ache ajiorTOc^acn^fnireyeTwere injecTeTTand his fa -e .-uiTui-ed. a. m., his temperature was 102^. , pulse 102; he had violent hea with nausea ana vomiungi He was then removed to the yell subsequent history was that of a case of yellow fever at moderat appeared in the urine on the fourth day/im-rea-ed |,,,,ne-lifth l. day, and disappeared on December 22. Granular casts were pr numbers' from the fourth to the eighth day" Th ConJVP ct 4Yff w third day. The diagnosis of yellow fever in this case was made by Drs Carles Finlay. \V. (\ Gorgas, and A. Diaz Allertini. the'board of yell of the city of Habana, who saw the patient on several occasions during his illness. Chart I.) The period of incul>at ion in this case was 3 days, 9J hours. Case 2. John J. Moran, ag^ed 24, an American, nonimmune, occupant >f tent with his full consent, was bitten at 10 a. m., November 26, 1900, by a m.^,ju; faaciatus) which 12 days before had bitten a case of yellow fever of moderate se , on the third day of the disease. This insect had also bitten a well -marked case of yellow fever second day 10 days previously. November 29, at 2.20 p. m., Moran was again bitten by the same mosqu result of both of these inoculations was negative. This insect was the: pa Me of conveying the infection 15 days after having bitten a case of yell<.\\ fever . i mod- erate severity on the third day, and 13 days after it had liitten a well-marked case of this disease on the second day. This mosquito had been kept a .ture. Moran 's case will be again referred to when we come to speak of the im building by means of contaminated mosquitoes. CaseS. A Spanish immigrant, aged 26, a nonimmune occupant oft with his full consent, was bitten at 4 p. m., Decembers, 1900, by 4 mosquitoes ( i which had been contaminated as follows: One by biting a fatal case of yel on the third day, 17 days before; 1 a severe case, on the third day, 18 day a severe case, on the second day, 22 days before, and 1 a case of moderate -e\erit\ . on the third day, 24 days previously. The record of temperature and pulse, taken every3 hours after the ino< ulati. m. >hows no rise of temperature above 99 F. until (i p. m.. l.; ..n the MXII when 99.4 F. is recorded; pulse, 68. The Hiibjeet. who was of a very lively disposi- tion, retained his usual spirits until noon of the 13th, although he complained oi frontal headache on the llth and 12th. He took to his bea at noon of the I ::ih. the fifth day, complaining of increased frontal headache and a sense of p. m., his temperature was 98.2 F., pulse 62. December 14, at 6 a. m., temperature was 98 F., pulse 72, and he still < of frontal headache and general malaise. Profuse epistaxis occurred at 7.45 a. m. ; at 9 a. m., temperature was 99.6 F., pulse 80; at 1.15 p. m., temperature was 100 F., .10 p. m., temperature juu./- r ., pulse OB; nis lace nusnea ana eye- removed to the yellow-fever warns. A trace of albumin was found in the urine YELLOW FEVER. 75 passed at 3.30 p. m., December 15; a few hyaline cases were present. He was seen at this time by the Habana board of experts, and the diagnosis of mild yellow fever confirmed. (See Chart No. 2.) The period of incubation in this case was 4 days and 24 hours, counting from the time of inoculation to the hour when the patient took to his bed; if reckoned to the onset of fever, it was 5 days and 17 hours. Case 4. A Spanish immigrant, aged 27, a nonimmune occupant of tent No. 5, with his full consent, was bitten at 10 a. m. November 26, 1900, by a mosquito (C. fasdatus) which had bitten a severe case of yellow fever on the second day 10 days before. Three days later, November 29, he was again bitten by the same insect. December 2, after an interval of 3 days, he was again bitten by the same insect, and also by a second mosquito ( C. fasdatus) which 12 days before had been con- taminated by biting a fatal case of yellow fever on the third day. No unfavorable effects followed any of these attempted inoculations. The first-mentioned mosquito, therefore, was incapable of conveying any infection on the seventeenth day after biting a severe case of yellow fever on the second day; the other also failed to infect on the % twelfth day after biting a fatal case of yellow fever on the third day. Both of these mosquitoes had been kept at ordinary room temperature. December 9, after an interval of 7 days, the subject was again bitten, at 10.30 a. m., by 1 mosquito (C. fasdatus) which had been infected 19 days before by biting a fatal case of yellow fever on the second day of the disease. He remained in his usual health until 9 a. m. December 12, the third day, when he complained of frontal headache; his temperature was 98.8 F., pulse 96. This headache continued during the entire day. At 6 p. m. temperature was 99 F., pulse 94; at 9 p. m. tempera- ture 99 F., pulse 84; at 9.30 p. m. temperature 99.4 F., pulse 82. Severe head- ache and backache was complained of; his eyes were injected and his face suffused. The following morning he was sent to the yellow-fever wards. Urine passed at 4.20 p. m. December 15, the third day, gave a distinct trace of albumin. Many hyaline casts were present on the same date. The conjunctives were jaundiced on the third day. The patient was seen by the board of experts on December 14 and the diagnosis of yellow fever made. (See Chart No. 3.) The period of incubation in this case was 3 days 11$ hours. Case 5. A Spanish immigrant, aged 26, a nonimmune occupant of tent No. 5, with his full consent, was bitten at 10 a. m. November 26, 1900, by a mosquito (C. fasdatus) that had bitten a well-marked case of yellow fever on the third day 12 days before. November 29 he was again bitten by the same insect. December 2 he was for the third time bitten by 2 mosquitoes (C. fasdatus), beth of which had bitten a well-marked case of yellow fever on the third day, 18 days before. As no bad results followed any of these inoculations, it follows that these mosquitoes were incapable of conveying any infection 18 days after they had bitten a well-marked case of yellow fever on the third day. Both of these insects had been kept at room temperature. December 11, after an interval of 9 days, the subject was again, at 4.30 p. m., bitten by the same mosquitoes, 4 in number, that had been applied to case 3 three days prior to this time, with positive results. The record of temperature and pulse, taken every 3 hours following the inoculation, showed no change till December 13, the second day, at 9 a. m., when the temperature was 99 F., and the pulse 78. From this hour till 6 p. m. the temperature varied from 99.2 to 99.6 F. The subject complained of frontal headache, slight in degree, during the entire day. At 9 p. m. his temperature was 98.4 F., pulse 62. December 14, the third day, he complained of slight frontal headache during the entire day, and was indisposed to exertion. From 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. the temperature averaged 99.2 F. , and the pulse varied from 64 to 90; at 9 p. m. it was 98.4 F. , the pulse 78. December 15, the fourth day, at 6 a. m. temperature was 98.2 F., pulse 78. He still had frontal headache. At 9 a. m. temperature was 99.2 F., pulse 80; at 12, noon, the former was 99.2 F., the pulse 74. The subject now went to bed, complaining of headache and pains throughout the body. At 2 p. m. the temperature was 100 F., the pulse 80; eyes much congested; face flushed. At 6 p. m. his temperature had risen to 102 F., and the pulse to 90. He was then transferred to the yellow fever wards. Albumin appeared in the urine at 7.30 a. m., December 17. Bleeding from the gums and roof of the mouth occurred on the sixth and seventh days of his illness. The case was examined by the board of experts on the 16th and 19th, and the diag- nosis of yellow fever made. Albumin disappeared on the sixth day, the temperature falling to normal on this date, and remaining near this point till December 23, the ninth day of sickness, when a relapse occurred, attended with bleeding from the gums on December 24 YELLOW FEVER. 77 78 YELLOW YELLOW FEVER. 79 80 and 25, with the appearance of red blood cells and pus !!< in tho urine in moderate numbere. Fevereuoeided on December 26, and the urine became normal on Decemlu>r 29. (See Chart The period of incubation in this case, if reckoned from the time of inoculation to the hour when the patient took to his bed, was 3 days, 19$ hours. The four patients whoso histories we have above w. examined_by anumbcr f ph\ --iciansof II .unong v may mention u f <>. <>f ' ' Dr. S ; ; of "La 1> fica,' 1 and J>r. Moas. of "La 1'n; all of \\honi the diagnosis of yellow fever >yas confirmed. : rapidly revie instances an end i- d yellow fever, in order to emph.-i- be of interest and im: nnection with tfieir occurrence. (\Ve omit any o the clinical histories.) It should he borne in mind that at the time when these inoculations :m there were only l'J nouimmune n < and that 5 of tlu^e v. !>e;-imeir and 3 in tent No. 5. Of thoo \\e succeeded in infecting 1. vi/., 1 in lent No. 2 and :> in tent No. A. each of whom developed . ,-k of yellow fever within the period of incubation of this disease. The on negative result, therefore, A\ -e 2 Moran inoculated \\ i mosquito on the fifteenth day after the insect had ->o of yellow fever on the third day. Since this moscjuito failed to infect case 4, three days after it had hit ten Moran, it follow- th;it the ; could not have been otherwise than negative in the ! We now know, as the result of our observations, that in the case of an i kept at room temperature during the cool weal her of November. 15 or even 18 days would, in all probability, be too short a tin render it capable of producing the disease. As bearing on the source of infection, we invite attention to the period of time during which the subjects had been kept under riirid quarantine, prior to successful inoculation, which was as foli Case 1, 15 days; case 3, 9 days; case 4, 19 da We further desire to emphasize the fact that this epidemic of yellow fever, which affected 33.33 per cent, of the nonimmune resident (amp Lazear, did not concern the 7 nonimmun's occupying ' No. 1, 4, 6, and 7, but was strictly limited to th>!lo\\ ing observation: Cote 6. A Spanish immigrant, aged 27, a nonimmune oocupam his full consent, was bitten at 11 a. in . I :;0, 1900, by 4 mosquitoes (C fascia- tiis) that had been contaminated 17 days pn-vi-m.-ly I mild case of yellow on the fust day of the disease (case 4). These insects had been kept at a tem- jMTaturo of S2 1 -inaincd in hi- normal condilion until the P\ !'()!. the third day, when he complainH of frontal h< -a-l a- !] \t i j>. wa99 F., pub*e64. ll> Lbutniill- d of headache on the foil II" partook sparingly of breakfast, and afterwards lay < YELLOW FEVER. 81 being disinclined to exert himself. At 9 a. m., the temperature was 99 F., the pulse 96; at 10.30 a. m., temperature 100 F., pulse 80. A sense of chilliness and sharp frontal headache was complained of, and at 3 p. m. his temperature was 100.8 F., his pulse 89, and his eyes were congested and face flushed. He was removed to the yellow-fever wards. A specimen of urine passed at midnight, January 4, contained a distinct trace of albumin. Slight bleeding from the gums occurred on the fifth and sixth days. The patient was seen by the board of experts on the second and seventh days of his attack, and the diagnosis of yellow fever confirmed. (See Chart 5.) The period of incubation in this case was 3 days. 22 hours. The subject had remained in strict quarantine for 22 days preceding his inoculation. In considering the character of the attacks and the course of the disease in these five cases of experimental yellow fever, it must be borne in mind that these infected individuals were all young men, in good general physical condition and placed amid excellent hygienic surroundings. Further, it must not be forgotten that, on the earliest manifestation of an approaching infection, they were each and all put to bed at once, and were even carried to the yellow-fever wards while occupying the same bed. In other words, these men were kept at absolute rest from the first inception of the disease. Just what bear- ing this may have had on the subsequent course of the fever, we can not say, but since so much stress is laid on absolute rest of the patient by those having most experience in the treatment of yellow fever, the influence of this enforced rest, in our case, upon the subsequent course of the attack, was doubtless of much importance. We reserve a consideration of the clinical side of these cases for a future report. In our opinion, the experiments above described conclusively demonstrate that an attack of yellow fever may be readily induced in the healthy subject by the bite of mosquitoes (C.fasciatus) which have been previously contaminated by being fed with the blood of those sick with yellow fever, provided the insects are kept for a suffi- cient length of time after contamination before being applied to the person to be infected. Our observations do not confirm Finlay's statement that the bite of the mosquito may confer an abortive attack of yellow fever when applied to the healthy subject 2 to 6 days after it has bitten a yellow fever patient. We have always failed to induce an attack even of the mddest description when we have used mosquitoes within less than 12 days from the time of contamination, although the insects were constantly kept at summer temperature. We could cite instances where we have applied mosquitoes at intervals of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 11 days following the contamination of the insect with the blood of well-marked cases of yellow fever early in the disease without any effect whatever being produced by the bite. Thus in 1 case no result followed the bite of 14 mosquitoes which 4 days pre- viously had been contaminated by biting a case of yellow fever on the first day. Again, 7 days later, or 11 days after contamination, the surviving 7 of these insects failed to infect an individual. On the seventeenth day after contamination, however, the bite of 4 of these mosquitoes all that remained of the original 14 was promptly followed by an attack of yellow fever in the same individual. These insects had been kept during the whole of this time at an average temperature of 82 F. Our observations would seem to indicate that after the parasite has been taken into the mosquito's stomach, a certain number of days must elapse before the insect is capable of reconveying it to man. 79965 S. Doc. 822, 61-3 6 82 This period doubtless represent* the time required for the i>ara*ite to pass from the inaect'fl stomach to it< salivary glands, ana would appear to be about 1 in summer weather and moM probably about 18 or more days during the cooler \\inter months It follows also that our ohs,r\ at i>n- do nt cnnlirm Kinlay'* opinion that the bite of the contaminated mosquito may confer immum isl a subsequent attack of \ell..\\ In our experience an individual mav he hit ten on three or more occasions by contaminated moM|ii \\itliout manifesting an\ BJ mptoms of di-t urbancc to health, and yet promptly si, -ken \\ith yellow fever within a fe\\ day- after being hitten by an in-cct capahle of coim-yini: the infection. IKIMI.N i u mi: in-KASE. Having shown that yellow fever can he conveyed hy the hite of an infected mosquito, it remain- to inquire whether this disease can be acquired in any other manner. It has seemed to us that vellow fever, like the several types of malarial fever, might he ind 'hy the injection of blood taken from the general circulation natient sull'ering from this disease. Accordingly we- have subj. tour individuals to this method of infection, with one i and three positive results. Reserving the detailed description of cases to a subsequent occasion, we may state that in one of the ; live cases an attack of pronounced yellow fever followed the >ul>< -u- taneous injection of 2 c. c. of blood taken from a vein at the bend of the elbow on the first day of the disease, the period of incubation being 3 days and 22 hours; in the second case, 1.5 c. c. of blood, t aken on the first day of the disease and injected in the same manner, brought about *an attack within 2 days and 12 hours: while in our third case, the injection of 0.5 c. c. of blood, taken on the second day of the disease, produced an attack at the end of 41 hours. In the case mentioned as negative to the blood injection, the .sub- sequent inoculation of this individual with mosquitoes already pi to oe capable of conveying the disease, also resulted negat ively. \\V think, therefore, that this particular individual, a Spanish immigrant, may be considered as one who probably possesses a natural immunity to yellow fever. It is important to note that in the three cases in which the injection of the blood brought about an attack of yellow fever, careful cultures from the same blood, taken immediately after injection, failed to show the presence of Sanarelli's bacillus. 1 Our observations, therefore, show that the parasite of yellow fever i- present in the general and capillary circulation, at least during the early stages of this disease, and that the latter may be conveyed, like nalarial parasite, either hy means of the hite of the moxpii' by the injection of blood taken from the general circulation. 1 A fourth case tf yellow fever, severe in type, has been produced by the subcutaneous injection of blood taken from the general circul . eoond day of the disease, the period < 3 days and 1 hour. The patient from whom the blood was obtained was an experimental case which was in turn produced bv the Injection of blood 0.5 c. c. derived from a nonexpert fever. As "controls," oases 1, 4, 0, and 7 of this report were also injected subcutaneous I y v. the Mine blood without manifesting any symptoms whatever. The blood which produced this ca^e of yellow fever, when transferred at the same time to bouillon >u bes In considerable quantities, gave no growth whatever. YELLOW FEVER. 83 CAN YELLOW FEVER BE PROPAGATED IN ANY OTHER WAY ? We believe that the general consensus of opinion of both the medical profession and the laity is strongly in favor of the conveyance of yellow fever by fomites. The origin of epidemics, devastating in their course, has been frequently attributed to the unpacking of trunks and boxes that contained supposedly infected clothing; and hence the efforts of health authorities, both State and National, are being constantly directed to the thorough disinfection of all clothing and bedding shipped from ports where yellow fever prevails. To such extremes have efforts at disinfection been carried, in order to prevent the importation of this disease into the United States, that during the epidemic season all articles of personal apparel and bedding have been subjected to disinfection, sometimes both at the port of departure and at the port of arrival; and this has been done whether the articles have previously been contaminated by contact with yellow fever patients or not. The mere fact that the individual has resided, even for a day, in a city where yellow fever is present, has been sufficient cause to subject his baggage to rigid disinfection by the sanitary authorities. To determine, therefore, whether clothing and bedding, which have been contaminated by contact with yellow fever patients and their discharges, can convey this disease is a matter of the utmost importance. Although the literature contains many references to the failure of such contaminated articles to cause the disease, we have considered it advisable to test, by actual experiment on nonimmune human beings, the theory of the conveyance of yellow fever by fomites, since we know of no other way in which this question can ever be finally determined. For this purpose there was erected at Camp Lazear a small frame house consisting of one room 14 by 20 feet, and known as " Building No. 1" or the "Infected clothing and bedding building." The cubic capacity of this house was 2,800 feet. It was tightly ceiled within with "tongue and grooved" boards, and was well battened on the outside. It faced to the south and- was provided with two small windows, each 26 by 34 inches in size. These windows were both placed on the south side of the building, the purpose being to prevent, as much as possible, any thorough circulation of the air within the house. They were closed by permanent wire screens of 0.5 mm. mesh. In addition sliding glass sash were provided within and heavy wooden shutters without ; the latter intended to prevent the entrance of sunlight into the building, as it was deemed undesirable that the disinfecting qualities of sunlight, direct or diffused, should at any time be exerted on the articles of clothing contained within this room. Entrance was effected through a small vestibule, 3 by 5 feet, also placed on the southern side of the house. This vestibule was pro- tected without by a solid door and was divided in its middle by a wire screen door, swung on spring hinges. The inner entrance was also closed by a second wire screen door. In this way the passage of mosquitoes into this room was effectually excluded. During the day, and until after sunset, the house was kept securely closed, while by means of a suitable heating apparatus the temperature was raised from 92 to 95 F. Precaution was taken at the same time to maintain a sufficient humidity of the atmosphere. The average 84 YELLOW FEVEB. temperature of this house was thus kept at 76.2 K. for a period of 63 days. November .'U). I'MHt. the building now being ready for occupancy. three large boxes filled \\i\\\ sheets, pillow slips, hlankt con- taminated by contact with rases of yelh were rec :id placed th- > of tin- been taken from the beds of patients sick with Animas Hospital, Ilabana, or at Columbia Barm hem had hecii purposely soiled with a liberal quantity of black vomit, urine, and fecal matter. A dirty " comfortable" and muc!i-M>ilcd of blankets, removed from the bed of a patient sick \\\\\\ yellow : in the to\\ n of Quemados, were contained in one of these Do The same day, at 6 p. m., Dr. R. P. Cooke. a< 1 1 mt sm United States Army, and two privates of the Hospital Corps, all ; immune young Americans, entered this building and dc! unpacked' these boxes, which had been tightly cl a period of two weeks. Thev were careful at the same tim each article a thorough handling and shaking in onl through the air of the room the specific agent of yell tained in these fomites. These soiled sheets. nillo\\ blankets were used in preparing the beds in which the me the Hospital Corps slept. Various soiled artiel. >und the room and placed about the bed occupied by Dr. From this date until December 19, 1900, a series of 'J ihis room was occupied each night by these three nonimmunes. ! morning the various soiled articles were carefully packed in the ai said boxes, and at night again unpacked and distributed about the room. During the day the residents of this house were permit t . occupy a tent pitched in the immediate vicinity, but were kept in strict quarantine. December 12, a fourth box of clothing and bedding v ived from Las Animas Hospital. These articles had been UMM| on the beds of yellow-fever patients, but in addition had been pur; >iled with the bloody stools of a fatal case of this disea box had been packed for a number of days, when opened and unpa by Dr. Cooke and his assistants, on 'December 1J. the odor \\ offensive as to compel them to retreat from the hou>e. They piuckilv returned, however, within a short time and spent tl December 19, these three nonimmunes were placed in quarantine for 5 days and then given the liberty of the camp. All I, med in perfect health, notwithstanding their stay of 20 nigh unwholesome surroundings. During the week, December 20- -7. the following articles were also placed in this house, viz: Pajama suits, 1 : under>hii 4; pillow slips, 4; sheets, 6; bl;, 5; pillov These article- had been removed from the perx.ns and bed- of four patients sick with yellow fe\er and were \ ery much soiled, a-- change of clothing or bed linen during their attacks had been pur- posely avoided, the object bein^ to obtain articles as thoroi: contaminated as possible. om December 21, 1900, till January 10, 1901. this building was again occupied by two noninunune youn under i conditions as the preceding occupants, except that these men slept. YELLOW FEVER. 85 every night in the very garments worn by yellow-fever patients throughout their entire attacks, besides making use exclusively of their much-soiled pillow slips, sheets, and blankets. At the end of 21 nights of such intimate contact with these fomites, they also went into quarantine, from which they were released 5 days later in per- fect health. From January 11 till January 31, a period of 20 days, "Building No. 1" continued to be occupied by two other nonimmune Amer- icans, who, like those who preceded them, have slept every night in the beds formerly occupied by yellow-fever patients and in the night- shirts used by these patients throughout the attack, without change. In addition, during the last 14 nights of their occupancy of this house, they have slept, each night, with their pillows covered with towels that had been thoroughly soiled with the blood drawn from both the general and capillary circulation, on the first day of the disease, in the case of a well-marked attack of yellow fever. Notwithstanding this trying ordeal, these men have continued to remain in perfect health. The attempt which we have therefore made to infect "Building No. 1 " and its 7 nonimmune occupants, during a period of 63 days, has proved an absolute failure. We think we can not do better here than to quote from the classic work of La Roche. 1 This author says: In relation to the yellow fever, are find so many instances establishing the fact of the nontransmissibliity of the disease through the agency of articles of the kind mentioned, and of merchandise generally, that we can not but discredit the accounts of a contrary character assigned in medical writings, and still more to those presented on the strength of popular report solely. For if in a large number of well authenticated cases such articles have been handled and used with perfect impunity and that, too, often under circumstances best calculated to insure the effect in question we have every reason to conclude that a contrary result will not be obtained in other instances of a similar kind, and that consequently the effect said to have been produced by exposure to tnose articles must unless established beyond the possibility of doubt be referred to some other agency. The question here naturally arises: How does a house become infected with yellow fever ? This we have attempted to solve by the erection at Camp Lazear of a second house, known as "Building No. 2," or the "Infected mosquito building.'' This was in an respects similar to "Building No. 1," except that the door and .windows were placed on opposite sides of the building so as to give through-and-through ventilation. It was divided, also, by a wire- screen partition, extending from floor to ceiling, into two rooms, 12 by 14 feet and 8 by 14 feet, respectively. Whereas, all articles admitted to "Building No. 1" have been soiled by contact with yellow-fever patients, all articles admitted to "Building No. 2" were first carefully disinfected by steam before being placed therein. On December 21, 1900, at 11.45 a. m., there were set free in the large room of this building 15 mosquitoes (O.fasciatus) which had previously been contaminated by biting yellow -fever patients, as follows: One, a severe case, on the second ^day, November 27, 1900, 24 days; 3, a well-marked case, on the first day, December 9, 1900, 12 days; 4, a mild case, on the first day, December 13, 1900, 8 days; 7, a well-marked case, on Mie first day, December 16, 1900, 5 days total, 15. iR. La Roche: Yellow Fever, Vol. II, p. 516, Philadelphia. 86 Only one of these in-- idered capable of conveying the infection, vi/. the mosquito that had bitten a se\ ere case -1 days before, while 3 others tin* U-day inseets--had possibly reached the dangerous stage, as thev had been kept at an average temperature At U M. of the same day. .llm .1. Moran already referred to 186 - in this report, a nonimmnne American, entered the room where the mo^jtiitn^ had heen freed and remained .SO minute. During this time lie was hit ten about the fa -e and hands b; p. in., the same day. he ntered and remained JO minutes, and was again bitten. The followin >, m.. he, for the third time, entered the room and was again bitten. Ca*e7. -On 1' 25. 1900, at 6 a. m., the fourth day. M..ran . ..m|. I. lined of slight dizziness and frontal headache. At II a. in. ho went to bed, complain increased headache and malaiae, with ft temperature of 99.6 I-'.. pulse 88; at no .temperature was 100.1 F.. the pulse 98; at 1 p. m., 101.2 F.. ih<- j ttd his eyes were much injected and face suffused. He was removed t ih- y-ll..\v wards. He was seen on several occasions by the board of experts and the diagnosis of ycll<.\v fryer confirmed. (See Chart 6.) The period of incubation in this case, dating from the first vi>ii to "Building No. 2," was 3 days and 23 hours. If reckoned from his last visit it was 2 days and 18 hours. Then* was no other possible source for his infection, as he had been strictly (piarantined at Camp Lazear for a period of 32 days prior to his exposure in the mosquito building. During each of Moran's visits, two nonimmunee remained in same buSdinjr, only protected from the mosquitoes by i be \\ ire-eci partition. From December 21, 1900, till January 8, 1901, inclusive 18 nights these nonimmunes have slept in this house, only pi by the wire-screen partition. These men have remained in perfect health to the present time. December 'JS after an interval of 7 days, this house was a^ain entered by a nonimmune American, who remained _!."> minutes. The subject was bitten by only one insect. The following day he a entered and remained 15 minutes, and was apiiu bitten by mosquito. The result of these two visits was entirely n As the mortality among the insects in this room, from some unknown cause, had been surprisingly lanjv. it i- po>-ible that tln'Mihjeci bitten by insects not more than 13 days old, in which case they would probably not infect, since they had been kept for only "> days at a tem- perature of 82 F., and for 8 days at the mean temperature ,,f the room, 78 F. Be this as it may, nothing can be more .striking or in>tructivo as bearing upon the cause of house infection in yellow fever than when we contrast the results obtained in our attempts to infect Buildings No. 1 and No. 2j for whereas in the former all of 7 nnnimm escaped the infection, although < to the most intimate contact with the fomites for an aver;i d of 21 night inthel an ( kerned by as many minutes, was quite sull'n-ient to give an attack of yellow rever to one out of two persons who entered the building ."( pel cent. Thus, at Camp La/ear, of 7 nonimmunes whom we attempted to infect by means of the bites of contaminated mosquitoes, \\e have succeeded in conveying the di case to 6, or 85.71 per cent. On the YELLOW FEVER. 87 other hand, 7 nonimmunes whom we tried to infect by means of fomites, under particularly favorable circumstances, We did not succeed in a single instance. Out of a total of 18 nonimmunes whom We have inoculated with contaminated mosquitoes since we began this line of investigation, 8, or 44.4 per cent, have contracted yellow fever. If we exclude those individuals bitten by mosquitoes that had been kept less than 12 days after contamination, and which Were, therefore, probably incapable of conveying the disease, we have to record 8 positive and 2 negative results 80 per cent. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The mosquito (C. fasciatus] serves as the intermediate host for the parasite of yellow fever. 2. Yellow fever is transmitted to the nonimmune individual by means of the bite of the mosquito that has previously fed on the blood of those sick with this disease. 3. An interval of about 12 days or more after contamination appears to be necessary before the mosquito is capable of conveying the infection. 4. The bite of the mosquito at an earlier period after contamina- tion does not appear to confer any immunity against a subsequent attack. 5. Yellow fever can also be experimentally produced by the sub- cutaneous injection of blood taKen from the general circulation during the first and second days of this disease. 6. An attack of yellow fever, produced by the bite of the mosquito, confers immunity against the subsequent injection of the blood of an individual suffering from the nonexperimental form of this disease. 7. The period of incubation in 13 cases of experimental yellow fever has varied from 41 hours to 5 days and 17 hours. 8. Yellow fever is not conveyed by fomites, and hence disinfection of articles of clothing, bedding, or merchandise, supposedly contam- inated by contact with those sick with this disease, is unnecessary. 9. A house may be said to be infected with yellow fever only when there are present within its walls contaminated mosquitoes capable of conveying the parasite of this disease. 10. The spread of yellow fever can be most effectually controlled by measures directed to the destruction of mosquitoes and the pro- tection of the sick against the bites of these insects. 11. While the mode of propagation of yellow fever has now been definitely determined, the specific cause of this disease remains to be discovered. DISCUSSION. Dr. Louis Perna, Cienfuegos, Cuba, in opening the discussion, said that it is sophism to believe that post hoc, ergo propter hoc; that is to :say, that, as Carmona, Freire, banarelli, and others have fallen to this error, we must not be too precipitate in accepting the result 'of statistics. The studies made of mosquitoes are very old. A French physician, who died about 1850, expressed the opinion that malaria, yellow fever, and cholera were propagated by mosquitoes. Dr. Perna also criticized the methods employed by the commission 88 in making experiments on human beings and is entirely . >pj>o>ed to aud Dr. San Mai'tin eloquently defended, and with strong arguments, the high scientific standard of the expeiimei iried out by this commission, and also brought out the point that it was not stati but facts that this commission presented. Or. II. B. lloilbeck. Charleston. S. ( ' . expressed hi- opinion that the problem of 200 years was about to be solved, that the old quar- antine regulations should be greatly modified. He al ibed the e of a pine belt Within a short distance of Charleston. S. C., ill which yellow fever never developed as an epidemic, although the afllicted therewith would go there during the existence of the epidemic in Charleston, would die from the disease, and \ t it \\nuld not spread. Mosquitoes are not known in that region, and probably this is the true cxph.nat ion of the above fact. Me concluded by emphasizing the inestimable value of these cxpeiimcnts if they i to be true. Dr. Emilio Marline/.. Ilabana, laid emphasis nn Dr. San Martin's V10W8, lb v took up the moral question and claimed that \\ithout these no truth could have been found. Dr. Manuel (iutierre/.. Mexico, who up to within a short time had been adverse to the theory of the transmission of this di-c ;: -e by mosquitoes, now accepted as incontrovertible the results of the experi- ments of the commission. He followed with interest many of the experiments, and as a member of the commission saw n cases, which he had no hesitation in pronouncing typical ca- yellow fever. A fact which impressed him forcibly was the absolute control of the epidemic by Dr. Reed. The cases would develop or not, as he wished. He does not think that the mosquito should be called the Culex fasciatus. Giles's description of the ('///*./ tiniads mosquito agrees more closely than with the Culex fasciatus. He describes the difference between them. He is inclined to consider them a genus apart because they lay different eggs. Dr. C. Finlay, Habana, expressed his admiration for the work of the commission. He believes that this session of the con II go down in history as of great importance 4 and that the di between his opinion and that held by ihe commission will d in the course of time. He states that they were based on the fact that he investigated with three varieties of mosquitoes. \\l.iie the commission has been restricted to one variety; that the b. placed on better footing for obtaining s the negative result obtained by the inocula'ion of mosqiiitoo. of short infection should not induce the commission or the board to make such bard and biased rules as are evidenced in its conclusion-. Dr. Reed, in conclusion, said he was profoundly impre> ;/iven the disease, and it was useless to follow the previous indelinit ments, it was absolutely nrcr^iiry to make tl rimerr human subjects, or otherwi e rolumea -nuld have been and YELLOW FEVEE. 89 discussed, and yet we would have been no nearer the truth than at first. No progress could have been made toward an exact knowledge of the disease unless human subjects had been used. All experiments were performed on persons who had given their free consent. In reference to the remarks of Dr. Holbeck, of Charleston, the dis- infection of vessels should by no means be dispensed with, but only of such articles as bedding and clothing, though it is necessary to get rid of the mosquitoes, and this simplified the process of disinfection. In regard to the remarks of Dr. Gutierrez, in reference to the name of the mosquito, Dr. Howard, of Baltimore, told him that Culex fasciatus is identical with Culex tiniads as described by Giles. Theo- bolt separates Culex tiniads from the genus Culex and places it in a new genus, Stegamina. These lay their eggs in a peculiar way, and there is also a difference in the anterior claws of the male insect from those of the other Culex. There is also a difference in the larva of the Culex fasciatus. It is very interesting also to note the fact that this is the very mosquito that Dr. Finlay used in his experiments and that this particular mosquito does not belong to the genus Culex; therefore malaria has a genus of its own, Anopheles, and yellow fever the genus Stegamina. CM MM Kit' 4. THE PROPAGATION OF YELLOW FEVER OBSERVATIONS BASED ON RECENT RESEARCHES.' KB REED. M I> . Surgeon, Uniu-.i ay, Mi: 1'Ki.Mi.r.M LOT <.I:MI.I:MKN OF THE I- ' \< i i n : If. upon .;t of your kind invitation to ho present with you to-night my first impulse \\as to decline. 1 beg that you will not attribute this to any want of appreciation on my part of the honor conferred, hut solely to my desire to avoid what 1 felt would he a very em h;. position should 1 attempt to follow in the footsteps of the dis- tinguished gentlemen whom you have invited to fill this position from year to year. Kecogni/ing in them, as all willing leader leaders in the profession, \\lio. hy their well-con-idcied addn have been able to add so much to the scientific interest of your annual meetings, I could hut 1W1 that the burden which you | to put upon me was greater than I could bear. That. nevcrtheli-s. I am here in the capacity of your annual speaker is due to my unwill- ingness even to appear disobliging to this old ami honorable . eiation of physicians, among whose number I find included of my most valued friends; friends who in years gone by have laboied so faithfully to instill into my mind the value of the scientific method. but to whom I have been able to make such small ret inn. If, there- fore, I drew some encouragement from the feeling that I should not be wholly among strangers, I found yet more in the thought that such an eminent body of physicians as this faculty must ever be willing to welcome any contribution that promises to shed liirht upon a subject hitherto enshrouded in darkness, and which tin- holds out the prospect of an addition to our knowledge in the I field of preventive medicine. In the hope that what I have to say to-night may contribute to the solution of a somewhat obscure problem, and may assist u< hereafter in the struggle with a grave epidemic disease, I have con- cluded to present for you i- consideration "The propagati* .-How fever, based on recent researches." Before proceeding to the discussion of this subject, it is fitting that I should pay brief tribute to the memory of a former member of thiv faculty.' the late Dr. Jesse NV- l-i/ear. I'niled States Arm \ 1 can hardly trust myself to speak of my late colleague, since the men- tion of his name brings hack Mich scenes of anxiety and dcpreion as one ic, 'alls only with pain. Along \\ilh these sad mem. however, come Other recollections of a manly and fearless devotion to duty sued as I have never seen equaled. In the disci the latter. Dr. Lazear seemed absolutely tireless and quite ol>li\ ' A-HP-SS d '.' on.- hundn-d !in .l third ami I "f the Medical and Chlrurgical 1 Of the Stete o( Maryland. . 90 YELLOW FEVER. 91 of self. Filled with an earnest enthusiasm for the advancement of his profession and for the cause of science, he let no opportunity pass unimproved. Although the evening might find him discouraged over the difficult problem at hand, with the morning's return he again took up the task full of eagerness and hope. During a service of less than one year in Cuba he won the good will and respect of his brother officers and the affection of his immediate associates. Almost at the beginning of what promised to be a life full of usefulness and good works he was suddenly stricken, and, dying, added one more name to that imperishable roll of honor to which none others belong than martyrs to the cause of humanity. It is my own earnest wish that, whatever credit may be hereafter given to the work of the American commission in Cuba during the past year, the name of my late colleague, Dr. Lazear, may be always associated therewith. I do not propose to set before you this evening so much the views of others in relation to the etiology of yellow fever, or to the conditions under which it originates and spreads, as to give you the results of my own experience with regard to the manner in which this disease propagates itself. In the ordinary course of Army administration, I found myself brought in contact with yellow fever during the sum- mer of 1900, under such circumstances as permitted me to give my entire time to the study of its etiology and propagation. Permit me here to remark that so many claims have been made as to the specific cause of yellow fever claims that could not be confirmed by other investigators that one must needs feel considerable hesitancy in considering this remarkable disease from any aspect. I must con- fess that I have experienced, in the highest degree, this feeling of reluctance to write or speak about yellow fever, especially when I recall the frame of mind of myself and my colleagues that of utter perplexity and wonder as we stood by the bedside of patients, or at the autopsy table of those who had died of this mysterious malady. I trust, therefore, that whatever I may say here to-night will be considered as a modest expression of opinion growing out of an unprejudiced study of yellow fever, for the most part from the point of view of its propagation. Although considerable attention had been given to the laboratory study of the microorganisms isolated by Sternberg and Sanarelli from the organs of yellow-fever cadavers, this did not enable one to form any opinion concerning the nature of the disease or the mode of its propagation. At the time of our arrival in Cuba June, 1900 the situation as regards the etiology of yellow fever may be briefly stated as follows : The claims of all investigators for the discovery of the specific agent of this disease had been disproved by the exhaustive work of Stern- berg/ published in 1890, except that made by Dr. Sanarelli, in June, 1897, for his bacillus icteroides. I need not take up time here with mention of those who had investigated Sanarelh's claim, except to state that the confirmation of his discovery came chiefly from workers in the United States, of whom 1 may speak of Achinard and Woodson, of New Orleans, and especially of Wasdin and Geddings, of . the i Keport on the Etiology and Prevention of Yellow Fever, 1890. 92 Marine-Hospital 8 . in a report ' submitted duringthe v.l in the full. laim for the specific their confirmation on tlit' finding of this bacillus in \ ellow te\ er studied by them in the . ana. Under these circumstance of the lir-t Unportknce that we should give our entire time to the Search for tocuftlt *V/< nmA \ in the Indies of vellov, -fever eases. Tlu result of this stu Jl cases during life and 1 1 auto] and which has ah. Q in our Preliminan hist meet in-: of the American Public '0). Turning for a moment to our knowledge concerning the mode of of yellow fever, t he sit ua t i< .n . \\ hen .,:i WOlfe, was about as follows: The battle for or air. importation ha\ already deeided in favor of the former belief, its t ran-;i!i--i(>iiity from nlace to place \vas attributed to the individual ull'ectcd by tin but especially to his clothing; With the proviso. howcNer, that intimately connected with its spread was involved a proper constitu- tion of the atmosphere of the place, this latter due ehielly to in-ani- tary conditions of soil. That the excreta of the patient contained the specific agent of the disease was supported by many g announced, the combination of fright and exposure to fomites was not sufficient to produce an atta. yellow fever. The data gathered, therefore, during the inve>t iiration of this small epidemic at I'inar del Kio did not tend to strengthen one's belief in the theory of the propagation of yellow fever by fomih -. Tin's belief had already been shaken by the manner in which the di>ea-e had spread in the town of Quemados, Cuba, from which we had obtained cases for bacteriologic study; for here we saw the disease pa-s fnm No. in-j Real Street around the corner to No. 20 General L and thence to a house immediately across this latter street, without the passage of any persons between these three* houses, and to the exclusion of any article of clothing, as the three families had no acquaintance whatever with each other. Here the infection was just as plainly carried through the air as it had been taken, through this medium, to the prisoner in the cell at Pinar del Ki... \\V observed in this town that the contagion passed down (leneral Street with a bound to the distance of a square, passing in its journey a house containing two nonimmunes, only to return a few days later to this very house and seize upon both of its noniinmune inn> This hardly seemed in keeping with the idea of a diffusible purini: this time his \iews undergone some slighl modification. Startin;: uith the idea that the tic poison adhered to the mosquito's proboscis and was thus mechanically transferred to the individual next bitten i \\hich specific .dined by him in lss7. and even at tl ; time, to he his micrococcus betragenUfi febris ilava". he later IV.i modified his original theon. based iinon the studies of 'riieoh:dd Smith on Texas lever, "so as to include the important eireun. the faculty of tran-minini: the yellow- 'in need not he limited to the parent insert . directly contaminated I yellow- 1 patient (or perhaps by contact with or feeding from hi- cii-cha< hut may he likewise inherited hy the n ration of 1110-0,11 '(1 from the contaminated parent" <\e\\ York Medical May J7. HMMi'. Of the KM) individual- experimented upon from June, 1881, t" May, 1895, Finlay claimed to have produced three cases of "mild alDiiminuric fever" after a period of incubation . ini: fn>"i 5 to L'") day-: hut aa he exeivixed no eonirol OVOT tlief yellow : ID !.> 1 s da\ s before. As the weather (luriiiLT this time \\ M and the inserts had been kept at room temperature (and this is prac- Hy outdoor temperature in Cuba), we conjectured that the nega- tive re-idt- illicit. perhaps, be thus explained. \Ye remembered that Daniels 1 in repeating, durini: the winter season, Ross's oh-ervations \\ ith proteosonia infection of birds, had obtained a much smaller per- centage of successes than had Ross, who \\<>rked during summer i her. We would have been glad to draw some encouragement from our negative experiments, also, \\ith infected bedding. lut. M at this date (Dec. 4) our 3 subjects had been sleeping uith fomite- only 4 nights (which is within the period of incubation of the di- ttos comfort was debarred. On the fifteenth day of our encampment therefore (Dec. p. in.) W( ntrated our insects, so to -speak, on one of these non- immunes Kissinger by name selecting 5 of our m^t promi-ini: mosquitoes for the purpose. These haa been contaminated as f.-l follows: Two, 15 days; 1, 19 days; and 2, 21 days pn-viou-ly. This inoculation was more successful, for, at the expiration of .'-5 day 9J hours the subject, who had been under strict (quarantine during 1 5 days, was suddenly sei/ed with a chill about midnight . I >e< emberS, which was the beginning of a well-marked attack of yellow fever. I can not let this opportunity pass without c i xpre--in^ my admi- ration of the conduct of this young Ohio soldier, who volunteered for this experiment, as he expressed it, " solely in the interest of humanity and the cause of science," and with the only proviso that he should receive no pecuniary reward. In my opinion this exhibition of moral courage has never been surpassed in the annals of the Army of the United States. The following morning (Sunday, Dec. 9, at 10.30 a. m.) selected from those insects that had bitten Case I, one mosquito that seemed to us to possess the best record of contamination, as it had bitten a fatal case of yellow fever, on the second day of the di 19 days before. This insect was applied to a Spanish immigrant, who had been strictly quarantined at our station for 19 days. At t he expiration of 3 days and 11 hours (Dec. 9, 9.30 p. m.) this individual was also seized with an attack of yellow fever. In the meanwhile, on December 8, 1900, at 4 o'clock p. m., we had applied to a young Spaniard three of the mosquitoes that had, three (lays previously, bitten Case I, together with an additional mosquito contaminated 17 days before. At the end of 4 days and L'O hours (Dec. 13, noon) this "Spaniard suddenly lost his vivacity and took to his bed. The following morning at !> a. in. his febrile paroxysm began. His case, which was the mildest of our series, was also ma iked long period of incubation, vix. :> days and 17 hours. He had i in quarantine 9 days. Decemoer 11, at 4.30 p. m., the identical -1 insects which had bitten Caselll were fed on a Spanish immigrant who had been in quarantine the past 21 days. At the expiration of 3 days and 1!4 houi> (Dec. 15, noon) he was likewise seized with yellow fever. Thus within the period of one \\cek December '.' to IT, uc had succeeded in producing an attack of yellow fever in i-m-h of the l > On trmiumiMion of Proteofom* to Bird* by the Mosquito- Royal Society, Reports of Malarial c-.n,- mlttM. London, WOO. YELLOW FEVER. 99 individuals whom we had caused contaminated insects to bite, and in all save 1 of the 5 nonimmunes whom we had originally selected for experimentation. It can readily be imagined that the concurrence of 4 cases of yellow fever hi our small command of 12 nonimmunes within the space of 1 week, while giving rise to feelings of exultation in the hearts of the experimenters, in view of the vast importance attaching to these re- sults, might inspire quite other sentiments in the bosoms of those who had previously consented to submit themselves to the mos- quito's bite. In fact, several of our good-natured Spanish friends who had jokingly compared our mosquitoes to "the little flies that buzzed harmlessly about their tables/' suddenly appeared to lose all interest in the progress of science, and, forgetting for the moment even their own personal aggrandizement, incontinently severed their connection with Camp Lazear. Personally, while lamenting to some extent their departure, I could not but feel that in placing them- selves beyond our control they were exercising the soundest judgment. In striking contrast to the want of confidence shown by these Anda- lusians who had agreed to be bitten by mosquitoes was the conduct now displayed by the three young Americans, who had consented to jeopardize their lives by exposure to fomites and who, as a matter of fact, had already spent 15 nights in a small, illy ventilated building, breathing in an atmosphere dreadfully contaminated by the soiled garments of yellow-fever patients. With the occurrence of these cases of mosquito infection, the countenances of these men, which had before borne the serious aspect of those who were bravely facing an unseen foe, suddenly took on the glad expression of "schoolbovs let out for a holiday," and from this time their contempt for "fomites" could not find sufficient expression. Thus illustrating once more, gentlemen, the old adage that familiarity, even with fomites, may breed contempt. As the continued good health of those who were occupying the " infected clothing building" pointed strongly to the harmlessness of fomites, the next experiment at this station was undertaken for the purpose of demonstrating that the essential factor in the infection of a building with yellow fever is the presence therein of mosquitoes that have bitten cases of yellow fever. Accordingly at 11.55 a. m., December 21, 1900, 15 mosquitoes were freed in the larger room of the " infected mosquito building," which, as I have said, was divided into two compartments by a wire-screen partition. The interval that had elapsed since the contamination of these insects was as follows: One, 24 days; three, 12 days; four, 8 days; and seven, 5 days. The only articles of furniture in this building consisted of three beds, one being placed in the mosquito room and two beyond the wire screen, these latter intended to be occupied by two " control" nonirnmunes. The articles of bedding as well as the bedsteads had been carefully disinfected with steam. At noon on the same day, 5 minutes after the mosquitoes had been placed therein, a plucky Ohio boy, Moran by name, clad onlv in his nightshirt, and fresh from a bath, entered the room containing the mosquitoes, where he lay down for a period of 30 minutes. On trie opposite of the screen were the two controls" and one other non- immune. Within 2 minutes from Moran's entrance he was being bitten about the face and hands by the insects that had promptly 100 YELLOW PEVML settled down upon him. Seven in all hit him at this visit. At 4.30 :.. the same day, he again rut. .1 remained '20 minute*. during which time 5othen hit him. The following day at -I.:i0 p. in.. he again entered and remained 1 ."> minutes, durffiff which time :> insects bit him. making the nnmher 1 ."> that had fed at the-e three visits. The building \\as tlien d- cpt that the two non- imnn MtroU" continued to OOCUpJ the heds on tlie noninfeeted Mde of the screen. On Christmas morning, at 11 a. m.. this brave lad \\as Mricken \\ith yellow fever, and bad B -harp attack, which he hore without a murmur. Tlie period of incubation in this case was 3 days and '2:\ hour*, counting from liis 1ir-t \i-ii. or - days and 17J* hours if reckoned from his la-t viMt. The t\\o itrols'' who liiid slept each night in this house, only protected hy tlie wire l>ut breathing the common atraospnere of the building, had remained in good health. They continued to BO remain, although required to sleep here for 1M additional nighN. A^ M liad remained in strict quarantine for tlie period of ::_' days prior to ittack. the source of his infection must he found \\ithin this house. In the order of succession, the next experiment undertaken at this camp was the injection of blood, taken from Case V (Moran . heneath the -kin of a Spaniard, hut I will defer further mention of this li: experimentation until I have completed the mosin_u; themselves to an attack of yellow fever by putting their hand- in-ide of certain mosquito-inhabited jars. I may as well t"ll you now that of seven persons who availed themselves of this privilege five acquired yellow fever. After a quarantine period, therefore, of 9 days. Marline/ \i>ited this room on December 17. I'.IOO. and was bitten hy ll mo^|iiitoes which 4 days before had fed upon Case I of this series. The result Was quite negative. December 24, or on the eleventh (). at 11 a. m.. Marline/ v bitten by the surviving 1 of these mosquitoes, i. e.. on the st teenth day after their contaminat ion. On the fourth day thereafter, .lanuary I, 1901, at 10.30 a. m., he was sei/ed \\ith yellow f. which ran a tynical cour-e. The period of incubation wa 22i hours. Although we can not say on what particular day tln^e insects became capable of conveying the disease, we are able to st ate that they were incapable of Infecting on the fourth or eleventh day YELLOW FEVER. 101 after contamination. This experiment agrees with others that we have made during this investigation and in which we have failed to convey the disease by the bites of insects at intervals varying from 2 to 9 days after contamination. These observations seem to indi- cate that after the parasite has been taken into the mosquito's stom- ach a certain number of days must elapse before the insect is capable of reconveying it to a second individual. This period probably rep- resents the time required for the parasite to undergo its cycle of devel- opment and reach the mosquito's salivary glands, and, as far as our experience goes, would appear to be about 12 days in summer weather and most probably about 18 or more days during the cooler winter months. Case VI, therefore, does not support the opinion of Finlay that the bite of the contaminated mosquito confers immunity against a subsequent attack of the disease, since we have seen that neither the bites of 14 insects on the fourth day nor the bites of 7 on the elev- enth day after contamination prevented in the least the conveyance of the infection by the bites of 4 only of these mosquitoes on the seven- teenth day. I will now ask you to look at Case IX, as this case serves to illus- trate some points of interest. In the first place, this subject, an American, was bitten by insects that had fed upon Case I of our series on the third day of his illness ; that is, during the secondary fever which followed a complete intermission in this case. Secondly, these mos- quitoes had been kept alive on sugar and water for a period of 39 days before being applied to Case IX. Of the original 5 insects that had bitten Case I on the third day, 4 were still alive on the thirty-ninth da} r thereafter and 3 showed every evidence of good appetite. Thirdly, this particular subject having passed 21 nights in the "Infected cloth- ing building," during which time he was exposed to the most intimate contact with fomites, without apparent detriment to his health, had been kept in strict quarantine for yet 30 days longer at Camp Lazear. At the expiration of this time, or on January 19, 1901, at 4.30 p. m., he visited our mosquito room, where he was bitten by these 39-day-old insects, 3 in number. This inoculation was followed by an attack of yellow fever of moderate severity, which began at 4 p. m., January 23, the period of incubation being 3 days 23J hours. Case XII you will find of equal interest, as this individual was in- fected, in the same room, by the bites of two of these same mosquitoes on the fifty-first day after their contamination, the period of incuba- tion being^ 3 days 2^ hours and the character of the attack mild, while Case XIII will conclusively demonstrate that these identical insects, on the fifty-seventh day after their contamination, were not only capable of conveying the infection, but of producing an attack of such severity that the subject's life hung in the balance for several days. I regret to have to state that the individual who had con- sented to be bitten by these insects on the sixty-fifth day after their contamination failed to fulfill his promise at the last moment; so that otherwise I can not say to what old age these mosquitoes might have attained. Deprived of further opportunity to feed on human blood, one died on the sixty-ninth day and the other on the seventy- first day after their original contamination. The duration of life in the case of these mosquitoes will readily explain how the poison of yellow fever can remain even in a depopulated area for a period of 102 YELLOW FEVER. 2i months; so that, as is well known, those who enter the infected area, even at the expiration <>f this period, are liable to acquire the disease. \IY i^ tliat of our tenth and last successful moMjuito inl'cc- tiin at Camn La/ear. This individual after j:> davs' (juarantine, having been bitten on 1-Ybruarv 7. 1901, at 1* |>. n:.. l>y t \\ o moxjui- toes on the sixteenth day after their contamination. \\as- seized \\ith an attack of \dlo\\ ferer at noon, February in, after an incubation stage of 2 days 22 hours. Thus you will observe that at this station, under strict . I'.ioO, the date of our first inoculation, till February 7, 1901, the date of our last inoculation '.."> days), the order of occur- rence of these cases corresponds with the order of inoculation, except that Case II, having a longer incubation period than Case III. the order of their relative occurrence became reversed. Table I serves to illustrate this point. By an examination of this table it will be seen that of i:$ individuals whom we attempted to infect by bites of contaminated moxp: we succeeded in 10, or 76.92 per cent. Of the three negative cases, it will be observed that one (Case VI), who had reacted nc^ativch t<> the subcutaneous injection of 1.5 c. c. of blood on Dec-em her 26, 1900, also reacted negatively to the bites of mosquitoes on January 8, 1 !'<) 1 . and this notwithstanding the fact that he was bitten by tl lame insects which nine days oefore had infected Case VII. We have L ground for the opinion, therefore, that this Spaniard may be lo upon as one who possessed a natural immunity to yellow fever, ( cially as he was tne only one of five persons who did not develop the disease after receiving an injection of blood taken from the general circulation, and was also the only one of five nonimmuncs who did not contract yellow fever when bitten by insects \\hich already had been proven capable of conveying the disease to other im livid \ "III. while negative to mosquito inoculation on December Js and _ )( .. ]'.()(), reacted positively to a blood injection on Janu- ary 8, 1901. This particular individual, Jernigan. entered our "infected mosquito building'' on December _'s ;im l LMJ, p.Min. one week after Moran's visit, and \\as bitten on each occasion by one mosquito. As 66 per cent of the mosquitoes freed in the buildin December 21, 1900, had already been destroyed m<>t pn.hahl the small red ants that were present in considerable numbers the subject may have been bitten by in-ects that were not more than i;; days old, in which ca-e he \\oiild hardly have become infected. While considering the advisability of adding other contaminated inse< those in the house for the purpose of infecting .IernL r an. oppi -tunit \ presented for making a blood injection, and, as he was the only avail- able subject in the camp at the time, it was determined to mak> of him for this purp. c XIII. our third negative eaefl <>f mosquito inoculation, was bitten by 12 mosquitoes that had fed on Case Vll within s hours of YELLOW FEVER. 103 the commencement of his attack. Although these insects were 22 days old when applied to Case XIII, on January 25, 1901, no result followed the bites. As the subcutaneous injection of 2 c. c. of blood taken from the general circulation of Case VII, at the end of 24 hours, produced an attack of yellow fever in Case VIII within the period of incubation, it would appear to indicate that the mosquito at certain periods of the disease may fail to obtain the parasite owing to its absence, at that particular time, from the capillary circulation. This is not unlike what we sometimes find as the result of an examination of the blood of malarial fever, especially in the sestivo-autumnal type of the disease. Table I also shows that, in addition to the positive case (VIII) to which I have already invited your attention, we obtained three other positive results by the subcutaneous injection of blood taken from the general circulation on the first and second days of the disease, viz, Cases VIII, XI, XII. The quantity of blood injected in these three cases was 1.5 c. c., 0.5 c. c., and 1 c. c., respec- tively. The production of yellow fever in this way is of much scientific interest first, as serving to confirm what the mosquito inoculations had already shown, viz, that the parasite is present in the general cir- culation; second, that passage through the body of the mosquito, although this would seem to be nature's method, is not absolutely essential in the life history of this microorganism ; and third, that the period of incubation of the disease, when thus produced, corresponds fairly closely to that occasioned by the mosquito's bite. A point of considerable importance brought out by the blood injection was the absence from this blood, on careful bacteriologic culture, of any bac- terium which grows on our ordinary media by aerobic methods, thus excluding absolutely the bacillus icteroides of Sanarelli from further claim as the specific agent of yellow fever. 104 YKLU>\V FKVKK. iff iiiii i - rf lllll i iiiii ill "- ft. : fcfi : :fc : :??Sg i! :S :So s ft Hi "'" '=" a a *8 y'ssi a^ s -' -' g::a:g g B ***-&> > *' YELLOW FEVER. 105 You will recall that we undertook at Camj> Lazear still a third method of propagating this disease, viz, by fomites. I must now tell you that during the whole time that we were producing cases of yellow fever by the bite of the mosquito and by blood injection, we were leaving no stone unturned in order to produce the disease by contact with fomites. Sleeping every night in the "Infected cloth- ing building/' to which no sunlight ever came, and in which the circulation of air was purposely made as defective as possible; en- gaged in the morning in packing boxes with garments much soiled by contact with the bodies and excreta of yellow-fever patients, and at night unpacking these same boxes in order to obtain articles for their beds and clothing for their bodies in other words, sleeping in the very beds and garments just vacated by cases of yellow fever, seven nonimmune young Americans, averaging each 21 nights amid such uninviting surroundings, came out of this pesthouse, so to speak, at the expiration of their term none the worse for their experience. Not one had contracted the disease. In the light of these results we can hardly be expected hereafter to lend much credence to such observations as that given by Harvey Brown, in 1872, 1 as narrated by Dr. A. A. Baldwin, of Jacksonville, Fla., presumbly from memory, some 13 years after the event. In this instance two children in Jacksonville, Fla., "contracted the disease by being present at the opening of a trunk belonging to their uncle who, a few days before leaving Habana, had visited the yellow- fever hospital, where he passed by the beds of those who were throw- ing up black vomit; and this, notwithstanding the fact that his coat, the only woolen clothing he had on at the time, had been sponged with alcohol after his return from the hospital! " Or this, recorded by Rochester, 2 as an example "of the wonderful tenacity with which fomites hold the pestiferous material" and after- wards "convey it to mankind with intense effect." "In September, 1856, an infected ship from Cuba was detained at the quarantine anchorage off Staten Island, N. Y. Several passengers died, and some were ill on board. The garments and bedding were thrown overboard. Bay Ridge, a delightful suburban neighborhood of Brooklyn, lies directly across the bay, distant about 1 mile from the anchorage mentioned. The wind and tide deposited a number of garments that had been thrown away on the beach which terminated the lawn of Col. Charles Prince, an old and respected resident. In taking his usual morning walk he discovered the clothing and ex- amined it with his cane, not otherwise handling it. He had no sus- picion that it came from quarantine and never saw it again. In four days he was taken illl and died in a week of yellow fever." We lose our faith in this brine-soaked bedding when we find, according to Elisha Harris's report, 3 that on the Long Island shore, directly oppo- site the quarantine grounds (Bay Ridge) 6 cases of yellow fever and 3 deaths from black vomit had already occurred between the 13th and 21st of July, 1856, and that "from the latter date the malady ex- tended fearfully until it had visited nearly every dwelling on the shore of that beautiful Bay Ridge, 30 cases and 15 deaths having occurred in that district previous to August 1." 1 Report on Quarantine, 1872, pp. 34 and 35. 2 Transactions Am. Med. Association, vol. 30, 1899, pp. 128, 129. * Annual Report of the Physicians of Marine Hospital, 1857. 106 YELLOW FEVER. I could quote many other instances contained in the literature, but as not one of them, as far as my search has gone, will hear the slur': intelligent critici-m. I \\ill not* further trespass on your time ex cept to say that, in my opinion, every epidemic of yellow fever that has otc uned in the United States, both prior to and since tlie period when disinfec- tants were used, has pointed in the plainest manner to the innoceii fomites as a means of propagation of this disease; for with the on cold weather and under those conditions of lessened ventilation (2 or 3 weeks) prior to the appearance of other cases. Although such general statements are of value, what we need are exact observa- tions recorded under such conditions that the secondary cases can be positively referred to a certain limited source of infection. This, of course, can best be done where the disease has been imported into small settlements or into isolated houses, and it was under just such favorable circumstances that Carter, of the Marine Hospital Service, made his observations at Orwood and Taylor, Miss., in 1898, "on the interval between the infecting and secondary cases of yellow lc , Here, in a community of more than average intelligence, con-i-tini: "not of a town, or even a hamlet, but only of a neighborhood," as Carter puts it, it was possible to record with accuracy the date of introduction of the infecting cases and the date of occurrence of secondary cases. Table II gives the results of this investigation. This table shows that of 16 houses in which the interval between the infecting case and the first secondary case was recorded, l. r >. or 93.7 per cent, correspond with the, mosquito interval; that is, the secondary cases occur at just tho interval 13 to 23 days when we would expect them to develop, provided the mosquito was concerned in tho propagation of the disease. It will he observed that in only 1 of the 16 first secondary cases was the interval as short as 11 days and 15 hours. If the commencement of tho attack in this case has been recorded correctly, it would indicate that the number of days YELLOW FEVER. 107 which we have given as "about 12" for the development of the para- site within the mosquito would have to be shortened somewhat probably to 10 days. In our first successful experimental case, where the disease was produced by the bite of the mosquito on the twelfth day after the insect's contamination, we could not say, of course, that this particular mosquito would not have conveyed the infection had it been allowed to bite on the tenth or eleventh day after contamina- tion. On the other hand, if we take all the secondary cases that occurred in these 16 houses, we will find that of a total of 71 cases, only 1 developed the disease after so short an interval as 11 days and 15 hours; in other words, 70, or 98.5 per cent, of the secondary cases occurred after an interval of 13 days. As a matter of fact only 2 of these secondary cases occurred within a less period than 14 days, 1 developing on the twelfth and the other on the thirteenth day. TABLE II. Interval between infecting and secondary cases of yellow fever. House. Year. Date of infecting cases. Date of first sec- ondary case. Inter- val in days. Next sec- ondary case. Number of second- ary cases. Orwood. Miss 1 1898 Aug 6 Aug 23 164 Aug 24 6 Do 2 1898 Aug. 29 Sept. 13 15 Sept. 13 6 Do 3 1898 do Sept. 18 20 Sept 18 4 Do... 5 1898 Aug. 31 Sept. 29 29 Oct. 2 3 Do 6 1898 do Sept 20 204 Sept. 20 5 Do... 7 1898 Sept. 3 Sept. 26 23 Sept. 30 6 Do 8 1898 Sept. 17 Oct. 8 21 Oct 8 2 Do.. 9 1898 Aug. 31 Sept. 22 214 Sept. 22 4 Do 10 1898 Sept. 4 Sept. 20 16 do 2 Do.. 11 1898 Sept. 25 Oct. 8 13 1 Do 15 1898 Sept. 2 Sept. 22 204 1 Do.. 16 1898 Aug. 29 Sept. 9 U1J Taylor, Miss 1 1898 Aug. 7 Aug. 27 20 Sept. 3 13 Do... 2 1898 Aug. 17 Sept. 2 16 Sept. 6 8 Do 3 1898 Aug. 10 Aug. 25 15 Aug 28 2 Edwards, Miss ... ... 1897 Aug. 8 Aug. 22 14 Aug. 26 10 1 11 days 15 hours. I do not know what conclusion you may draw from the data con- tained in Table II, but to my mind they are strongly suggestive that the same mode of propagation which we were making use of at Camp Lazear during the past winter was at work in the epidemic of yellow fever at Orwood and Taylor, Miss., during the summer of 1898. From my own personal experience, I can only add one observation to those given by Carter, viz, at Quemados, Cuba, where of two nurses who remained continuously in attendance upon a case of yellow fever, one contracted the disease on the fourteenth day and the other on the fifteenth day after the commencement of the primary case. While the temptation is great to extract from the literature other observations confirmatory of those given (and they are numerous), I must refrain from doing this, since I promised to confine myself largely to my own experience in regard to the propagation of yellow fever. For this reason and because I feel that I have already trespassed on your patience longer than I had any right to do, I must omit any reference to the habits of culex fasciatus, or of the thermal influences concerned in the propagation of this mosquito, both of which are of much importance in connection with the subject under consideration. 108 YELLOW FKVEB. I trust that I have said enou:h. however, to indicate to you that, in my opinion, tho ideas Which we have heretofore hold oonoornim: tho Propagation of yellow fever must unden/o oonndorahlo rocastinir. do not believe 'that we can longer a-cribo \\ilh confidence any part of the spread of this disease to fomitcs. for under such conditions of intimato and lon^-continucd exposure as could never occur in the natural course of oven -day life \\e have looked in vain for its development. While in matters pertaining to tho public hoalth. cleanline^ .should always stand next to L'odliness. 1 do not think that we will bo justified in assigning so much importance hereafter to those insanitary condi- tion- which, bring due especially to pollution with animal mail -d. in some mysterious way. to aid in the spl of this disease. Strange as it may sound, I do not believe that the enforcement of the most rigid hygienic regulations, such as ue have heretofore known them, will nrevont i he propagation of thi- -rave epidemic disease, provided it sliould again bo imported into this coun- try. I seriously doubt if we can longer class yellow fever with the "filth disoa- The apparent result- obtained by tho imp- sanitary arrangomonts instituted by Gen. Butler in the city of New Orleans, during the year 1862, and carried on by his military cessore, probably served to strengthen, as much as anything else, the view held by tne profession that filth was, if not o-sential. yet of extreme importance, in aiding the spread of yellow fever. I dare say that but few stopped to consider that Gen. Butler found the city of New Orleans already quite free of yellow fever, and that the same system of blockade which kept this disease out of the former city, under, improved sanitary conditions, kept it out of other Southern seaports during the same period, although their sanitary conditions remained unchanged. If one is inclined to believe that impi hygienic conditions, as usually understood, will arrest the spread of yellow fever, let him turn to the city of Habana under American sani- tary administration. Probably in no city in the world have such unremitting sanitary efforts been put fortn as in the city of Habana since our occupation in January, 1899. We were told tliat the hard work of Gen. Ludlow and his assistants was responsible for the marked < locrease of cases of yellow fever during the first seven months of 1899 and appearances seem to indicate as much nevertheless, with the commencement of Spanish immigration, during August of that \ and the introduction of susceptible material, cases of yellow i< began to rapidly multiply, so that the city had a late summer and fall epidemic of this disease. Concerning the occurrence of yellow I in that city during the past year, Mai. Harvard, chief surgeon, Depart- ment of Cuba, in a recent report, after describing the thorough work which had been done by the sanitary authorities and its marked effect upon the reduction in deaths, especially from tuberculosis, goes on to say: It is certain that in Habana, in 1900, no visible correlation could be seen between < 1 i r> and yellow fever; the district which became first strongly infected lies east and south of the Parque Central, and is one of the cleanest and best constructed, while the most insanitary wards became infected late in the season and only to a slight extent; i h<- malodorous district reserved to houses of ill-fame hardly had a case. Yellow fev< I lowed the poor and unclean, nor the mark of previous inf. li-.n, but null, r tin- movement of nonimmunes: wherever these located, there the infection searched and found them, regardless of the hygienic conditions of their premises. YELLOW FEVER. 109 What is the sanitary story, then, for the year 1900? Simply that with the return of summer weather and the continued influx of new material, and in spite of unremitting efforts to keep the city clean, Habana has experienced a more serious epidemic of yellow fever, affecting its civilian population, than it has had during the preceding 20 years. Need we now express surprise at such a result ? Have we not seen at Camp Lazear, under the very best hygienic surroundings, six individuals attacked with yellow fever, after a few short visits to a new building whose foundation stood on the unbroken turf and whose rooms were filled with sunshine and with an atmosphere just swept in from the ocean, at the very moment of infection? Where then, gentlemen, shall we look for the agent that is vitally concerned in the propagation of yellow fever ? In the light of these newer observations which I have had the pleasure of presenting to you, I believe that we may affirm, with some degree of confidence, that here, substituting culex for anopheles, we have to deal with the same source of infection to which we now trace the malarial fevers the mosquito. CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENTAL YELLOW FEVER.' IU WALTER RF.KM. M ! . Surgeon, United Stairs \rn\\ .l\v L, M !>.. and A. AGRAMOSTE. M. D., Contract Surgeon^ I nit- inados, Cuba. We have thought that brief reports of these CMJ be followed by remarks on experimental yellow fever fmm t he clinical point of view, would ho of interest to the members of this associat inn, and especially to those* who reside in sections of the country where each year yellow fever is liable to apnear in epidemic form. Perhaps it miirht be well to recall the fact that the cases of yellow fever here to be recorded were produced like those heretofore reported by us, under strict quarantine re:ulations and at a -peeiai experi- mental sanitary -tat inn, near the town of Quemadns. Cuba. In a series of 12 experimental cases produced at this camp during the period from Decembers, 1900, to February 7. P.Mil an int. of 65 days it should be borne in mind that the order <>f occurrence exactly correspond with the order of inoculation, except that Case II. inoculated at 4 p. m., December 8, 1900 having a longer period f incubation than Case III, inoculated at 10.30 a. in Decemh 1900 the order of their; relative occurrence became re\ i Moreover the attack always followed within the period of incubation of the disease, and concerned only those nonimmune individuals who had consented to submit themselves for experimentation. Of a total of 16 individuals who thus consented, 14 contracted yellow f. whereas of 5 nonimmunes, who did not consent and were therel<.n not subjected to experimentation, none acquired the d .-dthou.irli otherwise placed under exactly similar surrounding In it> occur- rence, therefore, at this station, yellow fever strictly obeyed the behests of the experimenters, both as to place and time of occurrence. Recovery took place in all cases. (A) CASES PRODUCED BY (Hi l\JH ROM "K BLOOD. Case I. \V. J., American, nonimmune, aged 27 in quarantine since December 20, 1900 with his full consent, at 11 a. m., January 4, 1901, was injc< t.,1 >U!M -ut:t- neously with 2c. c. of blood taken from the general circulation "fa case of mild \'ll.\v fever at the beginning of the second day of the disease and having a tcin; 100.8 F. The subject, who had born in Mriei nu:inmiin<- ;it tin- .-tati<>n fur tin- ; of 45 days, remained in his usual health until the early morning of January 8, he complained of slight frontal headaches. At 6 a. m. his temperature was 98. and pulse 70; 9 a. m., temperature 99.8 F., pulse 95; frontal headache increased, with t RMd before the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Association of American Physicians, held at Wash- tattoo, April 30, May 1 and 2, 1901. i The Etiology of Yellow Fever. An Additional Note. Read at the Pan-American Con*re, Habana, February 4-7, 1001 Thcac were reported In our Additional Note. 110 YELLOW FEVEK. Ill 112 YELLOW PE\ plight chilly sensations in the foot and lo\\ . Ities, Tl me con- gestion of the eyes and his usual florid compl'xi-n \\as heightened in color, At a. m., temperature 100.6 F., pulse 97. Complains of some pain in the lumbar region. At 1 1 JO a. in., temperature 101.4 F., pulse 99. The height of the febrile paroxysm was reached at 3 p. m. the same day, when the temperature wa.- and pulse 108. The facial expression was now characteristic of yellow lever, The eyes were deeply inj<-< tod and watery and the face much suffused. Photophobia moderate- headache and backache severe. The skin wa The remission occurred at tht ; hours 9 a. m. January ! ho temperature had fallen to 99.4 F. and the pulse to 86. The subsequent history WM that of * CM| of yellow fever of moderate H Mtnimin was found in tin- urino at the - n on the fourth day. Fever disappeared on the morning of the seventh day. (Chart I.) Cote II. W. O., American, nonimmune, aged 28, in quarantine since December 20, 1900. On January 8, 1901, at 9 p. m., with his full consent, he was given by cutaneous injection 1.5 c. c. of blood taken from the mediancrphalic vein of Case I, just 12 hours after the beginning of the attack and when the temperature was 102 : that is, just after the first febrile paroxysm began to d< he subject in his usual condition during the following two days. January 11, 1901, at 6 a. m. his temperature was 98.9 F. and pulse 70. 1 1- plained of being disturbed by dreams during the night and had some frontal head At 9 a. m. temperature 100 F., pulse 77. At 10. 15 a. m. temperature 101.4 F., pulse 76. Eves decidedly congested and face moderately suffused. At 12 ' -U -k when the temperature had risen to 103.2 F. and the pulse to 10i'. the h.-L-ht ..f the primarv paroxysm had been reached. Headache and backache were now much complained of. The facial expression was characteristic. The r -mi-ion <>< -curred at the end of 24 hours, lasted one day, and was followed by a very moderate secondary fever. A distinct trace of albumin was found in the urine passed at 2 a. in. .la unary 12, 17 hours after the attack began. A few hyaline casts were also presei bleeding from the gums occurred on the second and third days of sickness, character of the attack in this case was vey mild. The albumin, which at no time amounted to more than a distinct trace, did not disappear, however, until January 24. (Chart II.) Case III. W. F., American, nonimmune, aged 23, was, with his full consent p. m. o'clock January 22, 1901, injected subcutaneously wit of blood i on the second day from the general circulation of a severe case of yellow fever, which was fatal on the seventh day of the disease. The patient's ten \\hi-n the blood was withdrawn, was 103 F. and pulse 90. Tne subject remained well during the following day. January 24, at 6 a. m., his temperature was 98.4 F., and pulse 78. He partook of a hearty breakfast at 6.30 a. m., wnich he vomited soon afterwards. At 7 a. m. he complained of dizziness and general lassitude. Temperature, 98.4, pulse 78. At 9 a. m., chilliness complained of, but there is no record of toi'iperature or pulse. At 9.30 a. m., temperature 100.6 F., pulse 82. Frontal headache marked. Eyes already injected and face slightly suffused. At 10.30 a. m ture 101.2 F. and pulse 86. An hour later his temperature was 102.6 F. and \ 82. The height of the primary paroxysm was reached at 1 p. m win -n the ter ture was 102.8 F. and pulse 98/ At this hour photophobia was well marked mid constant complaint made of severe frontal headache and backache, together with pains in the lower extremities. The skin was moist. The mm it tin- end of 36 hours. The subsequent course was that of a case of yell '.rate severity. With the return of the secondary fe\ -r there \v > sharp backache and headache. Albumin appeared in the urine at the end of 57$ hours. Ocular jaundice was present on the tnird day and thereafter unt il convalescence. The ^mm did not bleed, although they were swollen and injected .l-id-d mi th. day, and albumin disappeared on the eighth day. (Chart 1 1 1 > Case IV. J. H. A., American, nouimmuno, aged 22, with hi-< full OH January 26 and 27, except that on the afternoon ..f the laM-memmned date h. plained of occipital headache. This was present on the following morning, January 28; otherwise he felt well. His temperature at noon was 98.6 F., and pulse 68. Occipital headache continued. He partook of dinner with fair appetite. He was not seen again until 3 p. m. In the meanwhile, at 1.15 p. m., the subject states that while sitting alone in his tent, he began to feel cold, and that this was quickly fol- lowed by a decided chill with increase of headache. He noted the hour in writing at YELLOW FEVER. 118 79965 S. Doc. 822, 61-3 8 114 YELLOW FEVBB. the time. At 3 p. m. his temperature was 103.6 and pulse 120. The eyes were intensely congested and the face deeply suffused. The patient was very restless , and complained bitterly of occipital headache and backache. Photophobia waf marked. He vomited several times within the next 2 hours. Skin hot and dry. The height of the primary paroxysm was reached at 3.30 p. m., at which h.-ur tin- temperature was 104.2 P., and pulse 120. The subsequent history was on yellow fever. There was no remission in the fey. r until the fourth day. \\hcn the temperature fell to 101.2 F. Now, for the first time, the patient ceased to complain of occipital headache and backache. Albumin appeared at the end of 18} hours (7.30 a. m., January 29). A few hyaline casts were also present at this time. I h specii ne passed at 6.40 a. m., January 30, contained albumin onc-t \\vnt icth by volume, and many fine and coarse, granular, bile-tinted casts. Ocular jaundice appeared on the third day. The skin ot the face and of the anterior part of t li- ana thorax was tinted on the fourth day. This rapidly became intensified a : The secondary fever lasted about 30 hours. th> tcnijicraturc falling to 97.2 F. at rj o'clock (midnight) .f the tilth day. Marked fluctuations of temperature o.niinued until the eleventh day of illness. Recovery was slow and much delayed l>y the pment of a carbuncle in the left sacral region. A trace of albumin was still present on March 1, 32 days after the attack had begun. (Chart IV.) The production of yellow fever by the injection of blood tak< -n from the general circulation is of much interest as showii that the parasite is present in the blood, at least during the early stages of the disease, and secondly, that its passage through an i mediate host, although this would seem to be nature's met 1m. I, is not essential in the life cycle of this parasite. Thus yellow fever is analogous to the malarial fevers, in that it may be produced either by the bite of a certain species of mosquito, or by the injection of blood taken directly from the general circulation. Another point to which we nave elsewhere referred, but which is considered of sufficient importance to bear repetition lien-, is that in each of the foregoing cases of experimental yellow fever pro* lured by the injection of blood, careful cultures made from the same blood drawn from the vein immediately after injection or, as in one instance, made from the same syringeful of blood that conveyed the disease, failed to show the presence of Sanarelli's bacillus. In one case colo- nies of Staphylococcus pyogenes citreus were obtained, while in the remaining three cases no growth whatever occurred. The exclusion of Bacillus icteroides from further consideration as the specific a ji 1 1 1 of yellow fever would, therefore, seem to have been conchiMvely <; mined by these experiments. (B) CASES PRODUCED BY THE BITE OF THE MOSQUITO, CULEX FA8CIATU8. Case V. L. F., American, nonimmune, aged 28 in quarai .or 20, 1900 was, with his full consent, at 3. 30 p.m. , January l!i, l!in, hi tu-n by three mos- quitoes that had been contaminated 39 aays previously, by feeding on the blood of a well-marked case of yellow fever, on the third day of the disease. The subject remained in his usual condition of health until the afternoon of January on of this date his temperature was 97.8. Soon after this hour he took to his bed, com- plaining of frontal headache and general lassitude. At 3 p. m. his temperature was 99.2 and pulse 78. At 4. 10 p. m. the temperature was 100 F. and pulse 104. A sense of chilliness, especially of the lower extremities, and increased frontal headache, were now complained of. Eyes already injected and face flushed. At 5 p. m. th- temperature was 101.2 F. and pulse 104. The height of the paroxysm was \ 8.20 p. m., at which hour the temperature was 103.6 F. and the pulse IK). The eyes were deeply congested and photophobia very marked. Headache and back so intense as to cause the patient to complain bitterly. He vomited once at 9 p. m. January 24, 3 a. m., the temperature had (alien to 100.2 and the pulse to 104, hut \\ ii h only slight amelioration to the patient's discomforts. At noon the thermometer marked 102. Remission occurredat the end of 33 hours, with marked diminution of all disagreeable symptoms. The secondary fever, attended by increased headache and YELLOW FEVER. 115 s 8 S-^. b 84 $ #4. 8O 86 84 68 ~38 66 C-C. r ^ 77 i F ^ 116 YELLOW FEVER. backache, lasted four days, the temperature dropping to normal at 6 p. m. of the seventh day. The case was one of moderate severity. Albumin a; p-ared in the urine at the end of the forty-second hour. 'Ocular jaundice was quite noticcai the afternoon of the second day. Some jaundice of the face and an ten r - -i-n f the chest was seen on the fourth day. Many bile-tinted granular casts were present in the urine on the third day. and thereafter until the eleventh day. The albumin which reached one-fifteenth by volume on the sixth day disappeared on the twelfth day. (Chart V.; Cote VI. C. W., American, nonimmune, aged -7. with his full consent, was at 9.30 a. m., January 31, bitten by 2 of the 3 mosquitoes that had been applied t<> the foregoing Case V. The interval that had elapsed since their contamii therefore, 51 davs. The subject remained well until in o'clock noon. I-Vhru. when he complained of heaviness in his legs and some supraorbital pain ire at this hour was 99 F. and pulse 70. At 1.30 p. m. it had ri- n to UK) F., and at 5 p. m. to 100. F. and pulse to84. The primary risepf fever, which was what fluctuating in character, did not reach its height until at the < n ) .1 j; noon, February 1, when the temperature was 102.4 and the pulse 92. was now suggestive of yellow fever. Remission occurred at the end of J~> hours and lasted for about 1 day. The secondary rise was slight in -t. -r, the temperature falling to normal on the morning of the sixth day. The case was very mild in < har acter. Albumin appeared at the end of 75 hours (beginning of fourth day amounted to more than a distinct trace and disappeared on the eighth da; was no ocular jaundice, and although the gums were injected and swollen, there was no hemorrhage at any time. The patient perspired freely throughout the at Convalescence was rapid. The subject had been in quarantine for the period of 6 days prior to inoculation. (Chart Y I Case VII. J. H., American, nonimmune, aged 26, with his full consent, was bitten at 11 a. m., February 6, 1901, by the same 2 mosquitoes that had 6 p. m . t. ni perature 98.8, pulse 72. Says mat he feels "out of sorts, but has no \ i 5. 30 p. m. his temperature was 100.6 F., pulse 78. He was not seen until 7 .:><) p. m , when he complained of backache and severe general headache, mon- intense through the frontal region. Eyes much injected, photophobia very marked, fa< e \\\; He was stretching and yawning constantly, complained of nausea, and vom: small quantity of partially digested food. The height of the primary fever was reached at 3 p. m., February 10, i. e., 22 hours after the commencement of the attack, when the temperature was 102.8 and the pulse 98. Remission of th- and pulse to 74 occurred at 6 a. m., February 11, making the duration of the primary paroxysm 36 hours. Twenty-four hours after the remission had occurred the perature had risen to 102.4 with a pulse of 70. The fever continued to steadily increase until midnight of February 12, when a temperature of 105 F. was with a pulse of 90. The subsequent course was that of a case of Slight oozing of blood from the gums occurred as early as the third da jaundice, beginning on the third day, became later very distinct and was associated with general jaundice. Albumin, however, did not appear until the sixth day. The fever subsided on the ninth day, and was followed by a slow convalescence. The subject had been in strict quarantine for a period of 78 days prior t.> in<>< -illation. (Chart VII.) Case VIII. C. S., American, nonimmune, aj/ f h his full con bitten at 2 p. m., February 7, 1901, by 3 mosquitoes that had been mtamr 16 days previously by biting a fatal case of yellow fever on the second day of the disease. The subject remained well until the early afternoon of the third day. ruary 10. He ate his dinner at noon with good app i it < At I p. m. f hiatempentan was 100 F., pulse, 90. Frontal headache was now complained of. Tl rapidly more marked, and pains in the limbs were also present. Three hours later. 4 p. m., the fever had risen only one-lift h of a d.-.-n-c, but at ii. LOW 1-Vt.ruary 18, that is, 36 hours aiu-r th> tVvrr luul sul>Mu-a. It was present at a : was rapid. The subject had been in quarantine for a period of 25 days prior to inocula- tion. (Chart VIII.) The foregoing cases of experimental yellow fe\ \ . V 1 . and VI 1 are. we think, of especial importunes asshowing thelenirt h of time during \vhirh the mosquito may remain capableof convex the infec- tion. In previous papers \ve have reported (i cases of yeil..\\ fever pro- duced by tlie bitonf m. (|iiitos at intervals varying from 1 - t _ 1 days after the contamination of the insects. In the ca>es here reported tiie periods intervening between the contamination of the insect and the production of the disease were much longer. '. 51, and :>7 day-, respectively. As one of the-e injects lived until the sixty-ninth and another until the seventy-first day after contamination. we have for the iiist time an explanation of the fact, several times noted in the literature, that the omtagion of yellow fever may cling foi months to a building that has been vacated by its occupants, or to the infected area of a town, even though this latter h;:s been entirely depopulated. These particular insects also \\eiv contaminated at a hit erst age of the disease than in any of our other cases, i. e..on the third day and during the secondary rise of the fever, following a complete intermission in the temperature. We have, therefore, been able to demonstrate that the parasite is present in the general circulation both after and before the stage of remission. How much later in the disease the parasite may stifl be found a matter of much int. and importance the observations thus far made do not determine. Although the 3 mosquitoes applied on the third day, as above stated. acquired the parasites and were able to affect 3 individuals with yellow fever, a single mosquito applied to the same case of yellow fever on the fourth day of the disease failed to obtain the parasite, as sho\\n by the negative result following its bite 40 days after contamination. That not all mosquitoes become infected, however, with the parasite by bitingyellow fever patients is shown by several observat i >ns made by us. We submit only one. Case IX. J. W., American, nonimmune, was, with his full rf yellow t by other species of culex than C. fasriatus, we have only 1 negative observation to record of an individual bitten by 5 C. pungens that had been contaminated by biting a case of yellow fever in days pre- viously. To a single negative experiment such as this no importance can be given, so that this question must be left for future obfl tions to determine. Touching the subject of the possible transmission of the parasite to the daughter insect by means of infection of the ovum, we have also but a single observation to record. In this case the bites of 14 YELLOW FEVER. 119 120 .A'W WM\ mosquitoes, hatched from the ova of a mosquito (C.fascialu^ that had already shown itself capable of conveying the disease, were followed by an entirely negative result. 'Including the cases heretofore reported by us, we have thus far siu veeded in conveying yellow fever to 12 individuals by means <>f the bites of contaminated mosquitoes, and to 4 other persons by sub- cutaneous injection of blood taken from cases of this disease a total of 16 cases. While ordinarily so small a number of cases would l>e sufficient to enable one to arrive at definite conrlu-i-'Hx con- cerning the general character and course of an acute infection- disease, the conditions under which the majority of these en observed were such as to jrive us valuable data miK-eni'mi: twn matters of very great practical importance in connection with this disease, viz, the period of its incubation and the difference in d< in the character of it- attacks. Further, as these caa under constant observation, even from the time of inoculation, \N- are not only able to report upon the earlie-t j>n -monitory svmntnm-. but also to give the'pnmary temperature curve; and, in addition, t<> note the time of appearance of Albumin in the urine, all of whie! of interest in the clinical history of yellow fever. Period of incubation. The accurate determination of the period of incubation of any one of the acute infectious diseases is always a matter of scientific interest. If the disease is one which, like yellow fever, is of exotic origin and whose importation is liable to give to a widespread epidemic, then the determination of its incubati\<- stages becomes of the highest practical importance. This import ;> as a Question of public hygiene, is increased, if as recent observations , would seem to indicate, the importation of this disease is brought about only by the sick individual and not bv his baggage or clothing. While the older authors were willing to prolong the period of incuba- tion of yellow fever to 2 or 3 weeks or even longer, the tendency of physicians at the present time is to shorten this stage to about 5 days. Reference to a few of the later text-books on the Practice of Medicine will sufficiently indicate this. Davidson, in Allbutt's System, 1 puts down the period of incubation as "ranging between 24 hours and \ or 5 days. Stevens 2 says that it may vary from " a few hours to a week." Osier 8 says that "the period of incubation is usually 3 or 4 days, but it may be less than 24 hours or prolonged to 7 days." According to Tyson, 4 "yellow fever has a period of incubation of from 24 hours to 5 days, very rarely exceeding the latter." Stern- berg 5 says that this period "does not usually exceed 4 or 5 days and may be less than 24 hours." Carter,' in a recent valuable paper, gives the results of his studies on the period of incubation of yellow fever, based on observations extending over a considerable number of years. Under Class III of his observations, which are the most valuable, he includes "those persons who, living in a clean environ- ment, go into an infected one, stay only a short time, and t lien ret urn to a clean environment where they remain until the fever develops." A System of Medicine, London, 1807, Vol. II. p. 394. Practice of Medicine. Philadelphia, 1808,p. 286. The Practice of Medicine, New York, 1800, p. 185. Practice of Medicine, Philadelphia, 1000. p.TJ5. Buck'* Reference Handbook o? the Medical Sciences, 1880, Vol. Ill, p. 58. The Period of Incubation of Yellow Fever, New York Medical Record, March 0, 1001. YELLOW FEVER. 121 1 70 I 122 YELLOW FEVER. 123 Of 12 cases thus accurately observed by himself the incubative stage was as follows: Cases. Days' incuba- tion. 2 3 6 3+ 2 4 1 $ 12 The following table gives the result of our observations in 16 cases of experimental yellow fever. TABLE I. Period of incubation of experimental yellow fever. No. of case. Date of inoculation. Method of inocu- lation. Date of commencement of attack. Incubation 1 \ug. 27 1900 2 p. m Mosquito Aug. 31 1900, 9 a. m Dys. hrs. 3 7 2 Aug. 31, 1900, 11 a. m . .do Sept. 6, 1900, 1 p. m 6 2 3 4 Dec. 5, 1900, 2 p. m Dec. 8, 1900, 4p.m.. do . .do ... Dec. 8, 1900, 11.30 p. m Dec. 14, 1900, 9 a. m 3 9} 5 17 5 Dec. 9, 1900, 10.30 a. m do Dec. 12, 1900, 9.30 p. m 3 Hi 6 Dec. 11, 1900, 4.30 p. m... . .do.... Dec. 15, 1900, 12 noon 3 19i 7 Dec. 21, 1900, 12 noon do Dec. 25, 1900, 11 a. m 3 23 8 Dec. 30, 1900, 11 a. m . .. .do Jan. 3, 1901, 10.30 a. m 3 22i 9 Jan. 4, 1901, 11 a. m Blood injection Jan. 8, 1901, 9 a. m 3 22 10 Jan 8 1901 9pm do Jan 11 1901 9 a. m 2 12 11 Jan. 19, 1901, 3.30 p. m Mosquito Jan. 23, 1901, 3 p. m 3 23i 12 Jan. 22, 1901, 1 p. m . . Blood injection. .. Jan. 24, 1901, 9 a. m 1 19" 13 Jan. 25, 1901, 12.15 p. m do Jan. 28, 1901, 1.15 p. m ... 3 1 14 Jan. 31, 1901, 9.30 a. m Mosquito Feb. 3, 1901, 12 noon 3 2i 15 Feb. 6, 1901, 11 a. m do Feb. 9, 1901, 5 p. m 3 6 16 Feb. 7, 1901, 2 p. m do Feb. 10, 1901, 12 noon 2 22 The average period of incubation of the 16 cases embraced in Table I will be round to be 87 \ hours, or 3 days 15 J hours. If we separate the 12 mosquito infections from the 4 cases produced by the injection of blood, we have for the former a period of incubation of 94 hours or 3 days and 22 hours, and for the latter an incubative stage of 67^ hours, or 2 days 19J hours. The average period of incu- bation, therefore, in the cases brought about by subcutaneous injec- tion of blood was shorter by 26^ hours than those occasioned by the mosquito's bite. By the former method, this stage varied from 43 hours to 94 hours, while in the mosquito infections the shortest incu- bative period was 70 and the longest 146 hours. If we accept those cases produced by the mosquito's bite as the usual method of propa- gation of this disease, it will be observed that of the 12 cases 1 occurred on the third day, 9 on the fourth day, 1 on the sixth day, and 1 at the beginning of the seventh day after incubation. While our results, therefore, confirm the statement of later writers that the period of incubation of yellow fever does not usually exceed 4 or 5 days, they also seem to indicate very plainly that this stage may be prolonged more frequently, perhaps, than had been supposed. In 16.6 per cent of our cases the period of incubation exceeded the usual quarantine period of 5 days. If we add Carter's cases to those observed by us, we find that of 24 cases the period of incubation 124 YKLLUW KKVKK. I i I YELLOW FEVER. 125 exceeded 5 days in 3, or 12.5 per cent. We will not further dwell on this subject than to remark that cases No. 2 and No. 4 of our series could have passed quarantine on the morning of the sixth day after inoculation, with a clinical thermometer under the tongue, with- out exciting any suspicion by reason of the presence of fever. Character of the attack. We desire to call attention particularly to the difference in the degree of severity of the attack as shown by our experimental cases. Like all of the other acute infectious diseases, we have reason to expect that yellow fever will affect different indi- viduals according to their individual susceptibilities, and hence that we will encounter mild as well as severe cases. The results which we have obtained confirm this expectation. Based upon the char- acter of the attack, the 12 cases due to mosquito inoculation may be divided as follows: Severe i 2 Moderately severe 6 Mild 3 Very mild 1 12 The 4 cases produced by the injection of blood gave the following result : Severe 1 Moderately severe 2 Mild.. 1 Thus the cases which were mild or very mild in character consti- tuted 33 per cent of those infected by the mosquito's bite and 25 of those produced by blood injection. It is to the diagnosis of the former cases that we desire to direct special attention. To one familiar with yellow fever, or even to one unfamiliar with its clinical features, the diagnosis of our severe and moderately severe cases should have pre- sented no difficulty. The sharp headache and backache, the charac- teristic facies, the ocular jaundice, together with the presence of albu- min in the urine, except in 1 case to be hereafter referred to, with the negative result of a blood examination, would have been a sufficient complex of symptoms to have rendered the diagnosis tolerably certain. Even in our 3 "mild" cases, were the physician on his guard and acquainted with the temperature curve and pulse from the very onset of the attack and, besides, careful in the testing of each specimen of urine passed, a diagnosis of yellow fever could have been made with reasonable probability. We believe, however, that, in the ordinary course of events, where there was no reason to suspect the presence of yellow fever the average practitioner would have probably failed to appreciate the true nature of these attacks. Such was the admis- sion which we ourselves were compelled to make, although in con- stant attendance and thoroughly acquainted with these cases from their very beginning. The short duration of the primary fever in one instance; the rapid amelioration of the earlier symptoms in all; the absence of albumen during the first 3 days, or its presence, as a mere trace, in certain specimens, followed by its absence in succeeding specimens; the slight icteroid hue of the conjunctiva to be obtained only in a certain light and then doubtfully all served to render a 126 YELLOW FEVER. khre diagnosis exceedingly dilheult. Several physicians, who saw these milder cases at our request, readily acknowledged the improba- bility of a coirect diagnosis berni: made in tlie absence of the complete data which we were able to furnish concerning them. In the one . which we have classed as "very mild" yellow fever we believe that the matter of a correct diagnosis would have been in the highest de- gree improbable. The attack consisted of a single paroxys hours' (fcmtion. during which the temperature only reached II period of 6 hours. It is true that albumin was found in the urine at the end of :>7 hours, but the quantity was exceedingly small and only to be detected by the most delicate testing. It was only present in I or 2 specimens passed on the third day. A slight trace was piv-mt in a specimen passed at 9 a. m. of the fourth day and in that passe. 1 at 4.40 p. m. of the fifth day. Intervening specimens of urine, several in number, contained no albumin. A weft-marked papular eruption which appeared on the fourth day of the disease, and which was -on- fined to the trunk and arms, would hardly have rendered the diag- nosis easier. We suppose that during the prevalance of an epis. -ind from another case of like character by the subcutaneous injection of 2 c. c. of blood. THE ONSET AND PREMONITORY SYMPTOMS. Of the 12 cases produced by mosquito inoculation, the onset was sudden in 2 and gradual in 10. In both of the former the attack occurred during the night, the patient, also, in both instance-, IM-HILT awakened by the occurrence of a decided chill. In 1 of the 2 cas. sudden onset, the subject complained of slight supraorbital headache during the afternoon preceding the attack. Of 4 cases produced by the injection of blood, the onset was sudden in 1 the only case marked by a chill and gradual in 3. The attack in all of i blood cases began during the daytime. As writers generally state that in yellow fever the chances of infection are greater during the night, we have thought that, perhaps, the time of inoculation of our experimental cases (which was during the day except in 1 ii might have had some influence upon their occurrence, as a rule, during the daytime. If the hour of inoculation in all of our cases should have taken place at about sunset, then, with the same period of incubation, 7, or 43 per cent would have experienced their attacks at night. Of the 13 cases in which the onset was gradual by mosquito inoculation, 10; by blood injection, 3 frontal headache, the pain being referred to the supraorbital region and extending into the temporal region, was the most frequent premonitory symptom. It was present in 10 and absent in 3 cases. This symptom preceded the attack in these cases at intervals varying from 2 to 48 hours. YELLOW FEVER. 127 In 2 cases no premonitory headache was complained of, while in 1 case occipital headache preceded the onset by 24 hours, and con- tinued to be of this character throughout the attack. Dizziness was complained of by 3 of the gradually developing mosquito cases, and a sense of weight in the lower extremities by the 2 others belonging to this group. All of the cases of gradual onset (13 in number) com- plained of lassitude and want of appetite, on which account all took to their beds prior to the onset or fever. Ten of these individuals complained of slight sensations of chilliness generally confined to the lower extremities at the beginning of the attack, while in 3 this symptom was entirely absent. In our experimental cases, therefore, frontal headache and muscular debility were the most frequent and prominent premonitory symptoms. After the attack had developed, the symptoms correspond to those described at length by various writers and with which all are familiar, except that black vomit did not occur in any of our cases. THE FEVER. As we have had prepared charts of our several cases of experi- mental yellow fever, from which all the data concerning temperature and pulse can be obtained, it will not be necessary for us to make extended remarks under this heading. Medication being practically nil in our cases, both temperature-curve and pulse can be accepted as faithfully representing wnat normally takes place in an attack of this disease. When ice water enemas or cold sponge baths were used by the attending physician, this is noted on the chart. It should also be remembered that pur patients were put to bed at the very first manifestation of the disease, and carefully transported to the yellow-fever wards on the very same beds which they had occu- pied in camp. This probably had some effect upon the subsequent course of the fever. The record of temperature being taken every 3 hours from the time of inoculation enables us to give the complete curves of both the primary and secondary febrile paroxysm. Our charts therefore differ considerably from those given by the various writers on yellow fever in that they round out, as it were, the primary stage more fully. An examination of these charts will show that although the primary rise of temperature is tolerably abrupt and reaches its height within a comparatively short time, it does not reach its maximum so quickly as the description of writers would seem to indicate. The trihpurly record in 10 of our mosquito inocu- lations shows that this period of primary rise varies from 12 to 24 hours. In 3 cases it was 12 hours; in 2, 15 hours; in 1, 15J hours; in 1, 20J hours; in 1, 22 J hours; and in 2, 24 hours. The average period of the 10 cases was therefore a fraction over 16 hours. In striking contrast to these was the short period of the primary rise of temperature in the 4 cases produced by blood injection. In these it varied from 2\ to 9 hours, the remaining 2 cases giving 6 and 7 hours respectively, the average for the 4 cases being only 6 hours. In all of the 12 cases due to mosquito inoculation, the primary rise of temperature was followed by a distinct remission or intermission, which was generally reached within 48 hours. The same remission was present in 3 of the 4 cases produced by blood injection. We are 128 YELLOW FEVER. able to give the duration of the primary paroxysm accurately in the 10 cases produced at Camp Lazear by the bites of mosquitos, viz.: The average duration of these 10 cases was 43 hours. In i cases caused by the injection of blood tin* length of the primary paroxysm was 24 hours in 2 cases and 36 hours in 1 case tin- being 28 hours. We may therefore say that not only the average period of incubation, but also the primary rise of temperature, as well as the length of the first febrile stair*' were all shorter in the cases produced by blood injection than in those due to the mos- miito's bite. Of the 12 cases due to the latter mode of inoenlation tne first febrile stage was followed by an intermission in 'J, and a remission in 10 cases. Of those produced by the injection of blood, 3 showed a distinct remission and 1 no intervening fall of temp ture. The duration of this intermission varied from 3 to 27 hours. This was. followed by a second febrile stage or paroxysm in 1 1 of the 12 mosquito inoculations, and in 3 of the 4 cases due to the injection of blooa. The duration of this second febrile paroxysm was from 2 to 5 days. Experimental yellow fever then, as we saw it at Camp Lazear, consisted of a primary and secondary febrile paroxysm, with an intervening remission or intermission more frequently the former. The secondary was much longer than the primary febrile stage. In 1 of our mosquito inoculations a relapse occurred on the ninth day of the disease, and was characterized also by - febrile stages with an intervening remission. There were present head at In backache, with injection of the eyes and face, together with hemorr- hage from the gums, as had been observed in the primary attaek. The want of correlation between temperature and pulse (Fa^r law), upon which clinicians rely as an important diagnostic sign, was seen as a rule in our experimental cases, i. e., after the passage of the first febrile stage. In 1 case produced by the injection of blood, Facet's law was not complied wit h. The unne. We have confined our examination of the urine lar to testing for the presence of albumin and to t lie ordinary micros* examination of this fluid. Heat and nitric acid was the met hod in all cases for the detection of albumin, the specimen having lir-t been carefully filtered. Under this heading we desire to speak only concerning tin j ence of albumin. AB writers dwell on the importance or a careful examination of the urine in suspicious cases of fever, since the \ ence of albumin in the urine is such a constant sign in yellow fever. Guiteras, who has had a large experience with this disease, says: YELLOW FEVER. 129 "The albumin appears in the urine usually on the third or fourth day of the disease. It may be very transient. In many mild cases the albumin is present only in the urine passed in the evening of the third or fourth day. In many cases it is only a trace.' 7 We may say that the results obtained from examination of the urine of experi- mental yellow fever accords for the most part with the statements above quoted. TABLE II. Case. Albumin during period of incubation. Time of ap- pearance of albumin during the attack. Time of disappearance of albumin dating from appearance. Maximum quantity. 1 Mosquito inoculation: None Hours. 42 Tenth day Eight- tenths by volume. 2 None 25 Eleventh day Three-tenths by volume 3.. . None 82i Fifteenth day Two-tenths by volume. 4 None 48 Fifth day Distinct trace. 5 None 64^ Fourth day Light trace. 6 None 43 1 Third day Distinct trace. 7... None 111 Eighth day Do. 8.... None 43 Ninth day One-fortieth by volume. 9 None 42 Twelfth day One-twentieth by volume. 10 None 75 Eighth day Distinct trace. 11 None 106 Fifteenth day One-fortieth by volume. 12 None None. One-twentieth by volume. 13 Blood inoculation: None 61 Thirteenth day Distinct trace 14 None 17 Twelfth day Do. 15 None 57 Ninth day Do. 16 None 18$ Fifteenth day One-tenth by volume. 1 Albumin did not appear till 36 hours after fever had subsided and persisted for five days. In our earlier cases we did not examine for albumin until the onset of the attack. In our last 8 cases (those embraced in this report) we examined daily specimens from the time of inoculation until the attack began, and thereafter we endeavored to examine every specimen passed by the patient. Table II gives the results obtained. An examination of the cases presented in this table will show that of the 12 mosquito inoculations the earliest appearance of albumin was at the beginning of the second day in 1 case; during the second day in 5 ; at the end of the second day in 1 ; during the third day in 1 ; during the fourth day in 2; during the fifth day in 1; while in 1 a well-marked case no albumin could be detected till 36 hours after the temperature had reached the normal, i. e., till the second day of convalescence; it then persisted during 5 days. In all 23 specimens of urine were examined in this case during the 6 days of fever, but with an entirely negative result as regards the presence of albumin. An occasional hyaline or fine granular cast could be found in the majority of these specimens. We submit this case of experimental yellow fever as one of especial importance from the clinical stand- point, since the absence of albumin during the attack would have probably led to an error in diagnosis. How very exceptional such cases may be we have no means of knowing. 1 It will be observed that the quantity of albumin present in this series of cases was very moderate, except in Cases I ana II of Table II. These cases were the only 2 of the 16 that were not placed in bed from 1 It is of interest to note that this particular individual, 2 weeks prior to successful inoculation and while in quarantine, had an intermittent albuniinuria which lasted 3 days. 79965 S. Doc. 822, 61-3 9 130 \EB. the very beginning of the attack. In the remaining 11. all of whom were kept at absolute rest during the whole period of the fever, the amount of allnunin wai small in r> and inMirniticant in B. We are inclined to believe, therefore, that both the course of the fevc: well as the quantity of albumin, were favorably affected by the ea rly enforced rest of our patiem-. In conclusion we desire to invite attention to J nintters which consider of consideimble importance in connection \\ith the p.>^il>le importation and propairat i.n of yellow fever. Kir-t. \\e helie\e that the facts herewith presented indicate that the period of incuhation of yellow 1. aMonully exceeds the quarantine period ol :> days, and that although exceptional this must not bo left out of considera- tion. Secondly, that our observations eniphaM/.e anew the impor- tance of the recognition by the profe>H>n ,f mild and very mild cases of yellow fever. Guiteras * says: "I can m>t in-M too much upon the importance of the diairnnMs of the iirst case of yellow fever in a locality.'' He adds: " Undoubtedly the cause of the epidemic ol \ el- low fever is to be found in the introduction into a community of cases that are not suspected to be yellow fever." In the lijjht of our ii tigations, we feel constrained to remark that the failure to d. cases of mild yellow fever has been, we believe, the most important factor in the development of the theory of the propagation of this disease by fomites. > Report of United States Marine-Hospital Service, Vol. XXVII, 1897-1896, p. 300. .' OR JESSE W. LAZEAR CHAPTER 6. THE PREVENTION OF YELLOW FEVER. 1 By WALTER REED, M. D., Surgeon, United States Army, and JAMES CARROLL, M. D., Contract Surgeon, United States Army. The prevention of yellow fever since its first importation into the United States in 1693, and especially during the latter half of the past century, has commanded, perhaps, more attention on the part of those who were concerned with matters pertaining to the public health than the prevention of any of the other acute infections. This has not been occasioned by the fact that its total sickness and mortality have exceeded that of other acute infectious diseases, such as typhoid fever or croupous pneumonia, but because rather of the proximity of its source to our shores; the lack of knowledge of its specific agent; the consequent mystery surrounding its origin and propagation; the alarmingly rapid spread and course of this disease, when once it had obtained a foothold, and the high mortality with which its epidemics have generally been attended. Although the duration of its presence in our seaports was plainly limited by certain seasonal conditions, yet during its brief reign July to October its ravages were such as to completely paralyze both the social and com- mercial interests of a given city, and even of an entire section of our countrv. The interval between 1793 and 1888 is almost 100 years, but upon the appearance of yellow fever we observe no difference of behavior on the part of the inhabitants of Jackson, Miss., in 1888, from that shown by the citizens of Philadelphia in 1793, except that the terror of the former was greater and their flight from their homes more precipitate than in the case of the latter. The recurrence of succeeding epidemics has, therefore, served to increase rather than to lessenthe public alarm. ___ - ! -- - *** Tt would li^ difficnl^ tft^Thrr,f>r]ninft with fl.p.r.nrfl,yt,hp. 1o^ nf life occasj^njedj^yj^ by yellow fever during the past 208 years. * We have endeavored to collect from the most available sources the mortality caused by this disease, but have been unable to obtain any reliable data for the earlier epidemics. If we confine ourselves to the epidemics which have occurred since 1793, we find that there have not been less than 100,000 deaths from this cause. The greatest sufferer has been the city of New Orleans, with 41,348 deaths, followed by the city of PhiladeJpnTa"; with 10.038 (ligatfis. The epidemics of 1855, 1873, 1878, and 1879 claimed 7 T 759 . ^ , , , T victims in the city of Memphis. Tenn. From 1800 to 1876, Charleston lost 4,565 of its citizens by attacks of yellow fever. New York, during tHe earlier and later invasions of this disease, has had ,3,454 deaths, while the epidemic of 1855 in Norfolk^JVa., caused oVer^OOO 1 Read at the 29th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, held in Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 16-21, 1901. 131 132 YELLOW FEVER. deaths. Durini: our brief occupation of the island of Tuba July, 1898-December, 1900), with every precaution brought into to ward off the disease, there have occurred among the officers and men of our Army 1,575 cases of yellow fever, with 231 deal 1 If we reckon the average mortality at 20 per cent, there have not been less than 500,000 cases of yeflow fever in the United States during* the period frm I7.i:i to I'.MIO. Turning for a moment to other conntrie-. \\c find that the ^reai epidemic of IMIII. in the province of Andalusia, Spain. <-au>ed <'>(>. nnn deaths, and thai ' more deaths attended the invasion of the city of Barcelona by this disease in ivjl. From 1851 to 1883, the deaths from this cause in the city of Rio de Janeiro \\en while in the city of Habana, between the years 1853 and 1900, 3. r > deaths have been recorded from yellow foyer. We have no means of coinput ing the damage done to the conn nenial interests of the United States by epidemics of yellow fever. At the sixtli annual meeting of this association, held in Richmond. Ya.. in 1878, Dr. Samuel Choppin. pre-ident of the State board .f health <>f Louisiana, estimated the actual cost of the epidemic of that year to the material resources of the city of New Orleans as $10, 7 "j Dr. Benjamin Lee, the present distinguished occupant of the pi dential chair, at the seventeenth annual meeting of this association, held in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1889, contributed a paper having the title, "Do the Sanitary Interests of the United States Demand the Annexation of Cuba? From this we quote the following sent* 4< A single widespread epidemic of yellow fever w r ould cost the United States more in money, to say nothing of the grief and misery \\hich it would entail, than the purchase money of Cuba." That this was no exaggeration, witness the language of the petition which the chairman of the committee on the etiology of yellow fever, in << in- junction with other prominent members or this association, presented to the President of the United States on November 15, 1897, and again, on November 21, 1898, in accordance with a resolution adopted at the meeting of this association, held at Ottawa. Canada, in i In addressing President M< -Kinley, Dr. Horlbeck said: It i- hardly necessary to call your attention to the serious result^ of the recent epidemic of yellow fever in the States of Louisiana, Mi->i ippi, and Alabama, but we may be permitted to mention the fact that the great epidemic of 1878 resulted in the loss of nearly 16,000 li\e>. and that it nas been estimated that the total loss to the country resulting from this epidemic was not less than $100,000,000." The importance of the study of the causative factors entering into the propagation of a disease so capable of (prickly de>t roving the lives of the citizens and wrecking the commercial intere>t> of the < -itie> of the United States could hardly be overestimated. Did time permit, we would be glad to refer to the numerous and valuable contributions made to this subject by the members of the American Health Association. We can only mention the establishment of the National Board of Health and the appointment of the Habana Yellow Fever Commission of 1879 as two of the most important outconn the persistent efforts of this association, following "the deeply tragical events of the summer of 1878." The exhaustive reports made by chailli'- in l^'i, iind by Sternberg in 1890^ must always stand as monuments to the earnest spirit of investigation with which the work pursued. YELLOW FEVER. 133 Notwithstanding the importance of the work and the efforts put forth by students in this and other countries, we believe that we are safe in saying that no results had been obtained which would enable us to combat successfully this disease when once imported into our larger centers of population, and no means found to keep it out of our ports except such as would place very heavy burdens upon com- merce. This inability to control the disease grew not only out of our ignorance as to the way or ways in which yellow fever was propagated, but also out of certain false opinions which we had formed as to the mode of its spread. The doctrine of the spread of yellow fever by fomites and by filth had taken such hold on the professional mind as completely to overshadow all other views, and to direct into false channels the work of those who were engaged in the investigation of this disease. The efforts to isolate or to discover the specific agent of yellow fever, if successful, would possibly have greatly simplified the problem ; in the absence of such discovery, the first step in our knowl- edge of how to prevent this disease could only be found, we think, along another line, viz, that of its propagation from the sick to the well. This step we endeavored to take in connection with our col- leagues, Dr. Agramonte and the late Dr. J. W. Lazear of the United States Army, during our recent investigations into the causation and spread of yellow fever at Quemados, Cuba. The results of our earlier work relative to the etiology and propa- gation of this disease we had the pleasure of presenting to this asso- ciation at its last meeting, held in Indianapolis, Ind. 1 You will recall that one of the conclusions which we then submitted was as follows: u The mosquito serves as the intermediate host for the parasite of yellow fever." In the same article, we briefly indicated the reasons which influenced us in pursuing this line of investigation, and it is, therefore, unnecessary here to repeat them. Continuing our studies, especially as regards the means by which yellow fever is spread from individual to individual, and as to the manner in which houses become infected, we were able, under strict rules of isolation and quarantine, to bring about an attack of yellow fever in 10 nonimmune individuals (and always within the period of incubation of this disease) out of a total of 13 (76.84 per cent) whom we attempted to infect by means of the bites of mosquitoes Stegomyia fasciata that had previously been fed with the blood of yellow-fever patients during the first, second, and third days of their attacks. These results were reported in part to the Pan-American Congress held in Habana during February of this year, 2 and in part to the Association of American Physicians at its last meeting, held in the city of Washington. 3 It will be seen that we were able to establish in the most conclusive manner that the mosquito does serve as the intermediate host for the parasite of yellow fever. At this same experimental sanitary station we were also able to demonstrate that an attack of yellow fever can not be induced by the most intimate and prolonged contact with the clothing and bedding of yellow-fever patients, even though these articles had been previously thoroughly and purposely soiled with the excreta of such patients. In other words, we were able to 1 "The EtMogy of Yellow Fever A Preliminary Note. " Philadelphia Medical Journal, Oct. 27, 1900. ;< The Etiology of Yellow Fever An Additional Note." Journal American Medical Association, Feb. 16', 1901. 8 "Experimental Yellow Fever. " American Medicine, July, 1901. 134 YKI.I.'\\ prove that the garments \\orn, and the bedding used, by yellow-fever patients were no more concerned in propagating this disease than the clothing and bedding of patients suffering from malarial fever are erned in the spread of the latter malady. The doctrine of the spread of yellow fever by foiuites having, at the iir>t touch of actual experiment on human beings, burst like a bubble, we may hereafter cast it aside, with other exploded beliefs, to the very great simplifi- cation of the problem how to prevent yellow fever. Indeed, in our opinion, the time has now arrived when the latter problem max be reduce. 1 to measures which shall prexent the pmpairat imi of this dis- ease by mosquitoes. Although this specific a-jvnt of \ello\\ fever has not, as yet, teen discovered, this must remain largely a mailer of scientific interest, and does not in the least lessen the efforts \\hieh we, as sanitarians, are now able for the first time to bring into ;t . -tion for the prevention of the spread of this disea.-e. since in dealing with the mosquito we are dealing with the intermediate host which < ; the specific a :ent-from the sick to the \\ell. In considering, then, in abroad way, the prevent ion of yell- the natural order would be to give our attention, first, to mea> which will prevent the importation of this disease from places into the seaports of the United States; and secondly, to meas- ures which will most effectually prevent the spread of this di>< provided it should rience, will be able to deal more intelligently than we with this part of the problem. Since the mosquito, especially that species of stegomyia which has recently been designated by Theobald as Stegomyia fasciuta (formerly know r n to entomologists as Culexfasciatus Fab.), has become so prom- inent a factor in the spread of yellow fever, it becoi consider this insect from the point of view of its identification; its habitat; its breeding places; the length of its generation; its I. of feeding; the influence of temperature upon both its propagation and stinging; the interval after contamination b becomes capable of propagating the disease; the length of time during which it remains dangerous; the measures that should be used nt only to protect the sick against the bites of these insects; but aUo to prevent the latter from infect ing the, healthy individual: and. finally. a consideration of the several agents which may be successfully employed both to prevent the breeding of moMiuitnes MS \\ell a's ted toward their de-t net ion in the adult si Aside from the standpoint of scientific inter, ;iinly a matter of hygienic importance, in taking \i\> the ent < has been shown capable of conveying yellow fever, is or is Dot in these cities. If it should hereafter be pi<.\en that only spcci. the genus stegomyia are capable of net in-/ a# intermedi.. for YELLOW FEVER. 135 the specific agent of yellow fever, as appears to have been demon- strated for the geuus anopheles in the spread of malaria, the presence or absence of the former genus will definitely determine whether yellow fever will or will not spread in a given locality. The presence or absence of mosquitoes that can propagate the disease is the only intelligible explanation of what has heretofore been considered an inexplicable problem, viz, the capability of this disease to propagate itself in certain localities, while in other places it could be introduced with perfect impunity to the public health. In other words, our present knowledge of this question solves, at last, the problem of the portability or nonportability o'f yellow fever. Description of mosquito. The identification of stegomyia fasciata, Theobald, should not be difficult. This mosquito, when examined closely with the naked eye and especially with a pocket lens, is a rather striking-looking and handsome insect. (Fig. 1.) Its most conspicuous markings are the broad semilunar silvery stripe, which is seen on the lateral surface of the thorax, and the white stripes at the bases of the tarsal joints. These may be readily distinguished with the naked eye. The bands on the hind legs are especially well marked, and occasionally the entire fifth hind tarsal joint is seen to be of a pure silvery white. The four stripes of silvery scales which are seen on the posterior surface of the thorax serve to distinguish this species from all other mosquitoes, except stegomyia signifer, Coquillet, in which, however, as we have been informed by Mr. L. O. Howard, the curved thoracic band is very narrow and of a somewhat different shape. Examined with a hand lens, the four stripes are seen to consist of two lateral, distinct silver lines the continuation of the semilunar, broad stripes and two fine, white lines situated between these, and which require that the insect shall be held in the proper light, in order that these delicate threads may be distinctly seen. The lateral surface of the thorax is also marked by several silvery dots and the abdomen by distinct white stripes. This de- scription applies to both sexes. In the female, the palpi are short, as in the genus culex. The proboscis is of a dark blackish-brown color and is destitute of a whitish band near the middle. In the male (fig. 2), one of the front tarsal claws bears a tooth on the under side, while the other claw is destitute of such marking. In the female, both front tarsal claws bear a distinct tooth near the base of the under side of each. Habitat. We have found this mosquito in all of the principal cities of Cuba, and have received specimens from a number of the smaller towns on this island. According to Howard 1 it has been found at Kingston, Jamaica, on the Isle of Pines, and at Bluefields, Nicaragua. He also reports that Theobald has received specimens of this insect from Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, and Malta. , In the United States, Howard reports its presence a t New Orleans, Natchi- tochez, and Napoleonville, La., ; in eastern Texas ; Hot Springs, Ark. ; Pelham, Ga. ; and from Virginia Beach, near Norfolk, Va. To this we can add Augusta, Ga., from which city we have recently received specimens of stegomyia fasciata through the courtesy of Dr. T. O. Oertel of that city. Dr. Durham, of the English commission for the study of yellow fever, kindly showed us specimens of this insect which 1 "Mosquitoes," etc., by L. O. Howard, New Yorti, 1901. he had collected at Para, Hra/.il. and a; \arious places alon<: the Amazon River. It will be seen, then-tore, that stegomyiafasciata has a \\ide distribution in the \\armcr countries of the globe, and espe- cially at low altitudes. A more exact kno\\ledire of the distribution of this mosquito in the United States is, \\e think, a matter of con- siderable practical importance. Breeding places. In our search for the larvae of this insect we have found them in the following place.-: I rain-\\ater barn-U : in sagging pit ters containing rain \\ ater; ('.\ ) in tin cans that had been used for re i no v ing excreta ami which still contained a small amount of fecal matter: i Din cesspools; (5 in tin can- placed about table le-- io prevent the inroads of red ants; (6) in the collection of \\-.\\- the base of the leaves of the agave americana; (7) in one end Fio. 1. Stegomyla fasciata; female, a, Front tarsal claw. horse trough that was in daily use. It follows that ste^omvia. like culex, will oreed in any collection of still water, rain or hydrant, and that the presence of fecal matter does not seem objection able. Indeed, we have been in the habit of adding a \ry small quantity of the latter to our breeding jars, as it has seemed to hasten the development of the larvae. In water, however, which contains much su-pended soil muddy water the larvae, in our experience, do not llouri>h. but die off rather rapidly. Deposition of eggs. The insect, lays her e.^s durinir the niirht, and, unlike culex. \\hirh deposits its eggs in boat like masses, stegomyia extrudes her e^^ <>n tho surface of the water in pairs, in p-oiij thn r more, or singly: in llii- respecl re-em anoph- (Fig. 3.) Exceptionally, the eggs are deposited in a rather close- YELLOW FEVER. 137 lying mass. (Fig. 4.) The whole batch is laid in one night, or extending over two or three nights. The number of eggs deposited varies from about 20 to about 75 rarely a larger number. Sixteen careful counts gave an average of 47 eggs. At the same time that the female deposits her eggs, she frequently, but not always, discharges a fluid which forms a very thin film over the surface of the water, which possibly assists in floating the eggs. The latter are of a jet-black color and, to the naked eye, cylindrical in shape, one end of the egg being rounded and blunt, while the other is slightly pointed, the whole resembling closely a Conchita cigar. They measure about 0.65 mm. in length by 0.17 mm. in width at the broadest part. Under a low power, the surface of the eggs is seen to be marked by tolerably regular six-sided plates, each of which is further marked in the center FIG. 2. Stegomyia fasciata; male, a, Front tarsal claw. by a little round elevation, which gives to the surface of the egg a decidedly roughened appearance. (Fig. 5.) Under this low ampli- fication it is also seen that, while one side of the egg is somewhat con- vex, the other is flat or slightly concave and that a cross section of the egg would present the appearance of a triangle instead of that of a cylinder. This flattening of the surface of the egg does not appear to extend quite to the ends, which are round in shape. Although floating perfectly if left undisturbed, any agitation of the water, especially of a rough character, is apt to cause some or a majority of the eggs to sink. If by slight pressure the egg is pushed beneath the surface of the water it at once sinks and does not rise again. This sinking of the eggs does not interfere with their subsequent hatching, as in our experience submerged eggs furnish about as many larvae as those which are left floating on the surface. 138 \ ER. The resistance of stegomyia's eggs to external influences is worthy of note. Drying seems to be but Tittle injurious to their subsequent fertility. We have found that eggs dried on lilter paper, and kent for periods of from 10 to *n day-, will promptly hatch \\hen again submerged in water. Pried eggs brought with us from llabana. in Feb- ruary, were easily hatched (luring the month of May in Washington, furnishing about (>0 per cent of the usual number of larva* hatched from fresh eLTgs. Free/ing doefl r.ot destroy the fertility of the eggs; although free/.ing with a mixture Of salt and iee for :in minnto bafl :d times seemed to prevent -ulequent hatcliing; on one occasion a bat eh of 1 .~>5 eggs, freslilv deposited, which were fro/en at a ture of 17 C., for one hour, then thawed out at room tempera- ture and placed in the incubator at 35 C., began to hatch on the sixth day. the majority furnishing active larvae on the eighth day. In another observation, freshly deposited eggs, frozen at 17 C. for half an hour on two succes- sive days, began to hatch on the third day as usual at incubator temperature. The resistance of ste- gomyia's eggs to drying for a period of three months would appear to demonstrate that this 10. 3. Steromyla fasclata. Btch of flfiy-iwo eggs asde- !-v : toffi f, UjMtefed FIG. 4. Stegomyia fascl- ata. Forty -eight eggs deposited In a lying mass. Enlarged. appear genus of mosquito could survive the winter in Habana without the presence of hibernating females. Doubtless the genus is preserved in botn ways. It is probable that the same could occur in our extreme southern latitudes. Length of generation. The impregnated female, having obtained a meal of blood, proceeds to de- posit her eggs, in captivity, after an interval vary- ing in our experience from 2 to 30 days as a rule, the eggs are laid within 7 days; sometimes a second or third meal of blood is taken before any eggs are laid. Eggs placed .under favorable conditions of warmth i. e., summer or incu- bator temperature begin to hatch, as a rule, on the third day, the period extending to about 1 week. The larval requires 7 or 8 days, and the pupal stage about 2 days. The period for the generation may oe stated, therefore, as follows: Incubation. Mday>: larval stage, 7 days; pupal, 'u day-: total. 12 days. .As the . 'in to hatch before the expiration of the third day, we generally ob- tain a few mosquitoes on the eleventh day. The shortest period of development observed by us dur- ing summer weather in Cuba was incubation. *J days; larval stage, (i days; pupal, 36 hour*.; making the total length of this generation \\\ days. TnU short period we believe to be quite, exceptional. Tim Fio. 5. Stegomyia fasciata. Newly deposited X 60. a, Empty shell from which larva hasesoa YELLOW FEVER. 139 FIG. 6. Stegomyia fasci- ata. Full-grown larva enlarged. first fully developed insects begin to emerge on the eleventh or twelfth day, and the whole number have reached maturity by the fifteenth or eighteenth day after deposition of the eggs. The young larvae, in emerging, rupture the shell at a point about one-fifth the length of the egg from the larger end. This cap-like end can be frequently seen turned back and still adhering to the rest of the shell. (Fig. 5.) The larva and pupa of stegomyia (figs. 6 and 7) resemble fairly closely those of culex, and the larvae maintain the same relative position to the surface of the water; i. e., while in the act of breathing they assume a vertical posi- tion, with the head directed downward. Influence of temperature on propagation. We have just seen that at summer temperatures the time required for a complete generation of this insect is from 11 to 18 days. We may say that at an average temperature of 75 F., or over, stegomyia multiplies abundantly. Exposure to a cooler temperature, even for a short time daily, much retards the development of this mosquito. Thus, a batch of 51 eggs kept at 35 C., but which were placed in a cool chamber. at 20 C. for two hours daily during the whole process of develop- ment, although furnishing a few larvae at the end of the third day, were not all hatched until the eleventh day. The first pupae appeared on the fourteenth day and the first mosquito on the nineteenth day; the whole process being completed in 27 days, instead of the usual 15 to 18 days. The loss of insects was about 50 per cent. Eggs kept at a temperature of 20 C. (68 F.) do not hatch, in our experience. Newly hatched larvae kept at this temperature develop very slowly and require about 20 days to reach the pupal stage. Mos- quitoes developed under such conditions are feeble, and but few arrive at maturity. Young larvae kept at 10 C. (50 F.) have failed to reach the pupal stage, although some growth takes place. In one experiment more than 50 per cent were dead at the end of two weeks, and none survived the thirty-sec- ond day. Half-grown larvae and pupae exposed to a temperature of 20 C., and even as low as 10 C., con- tinue to develop slowly, but the few insects which escape drowning have, as a rule, been of feeble strength and have refused to bite. Although the reduction of the temperature to the freezing point, or below, would not necessarily destroy the vitality of the eggs of this genus of mosquito, it should be remembered that a reduction of temperature to 68 F., or below, for even a few hours of the 24 will much retard the development of the generation. At a temperature less than 68 F. the eggs of this insect nave ceased to hatch. Influence of temperature on biting. While the nonimpregnated female does not appear to bite, the impregnated female is generally ready to bite on the second or third day of her existence; they very rarely suck blood on the first day. This species of mosquito, when not deprived of its liberty, although occasionally biting during the morning hours, has, in our experience, been especially active from the hour of 4 p. m. till midnight. In captivity, the hungry impreg- FIG. 7. Stegomyia fasciata. Pupa, en- larged. 140 Y1-1LLOW FEVEB. nated female will bite at any hour of the day or night. The meal of blood appears to have been thoroughly digested on the third day. when the bisects, if applied to the surface of the skin, can l>e again readily induced to feed. When freed in a room, the female docs not appear to bite a second time till about five, or even seven, days have elapsed. As regards the effect of temperature in the stinging of S/M/ fasciata, the results of a number of observations made by u> >how Miuito will bite at teni|)eral ures of 62 F. and al>o\c. At temperatures helow this point, we have not, as yet, succeeded in in- ducing even very hungry females to suck blood. W. herefore, say that observations thus far made appear to show that * s myia/OA. iiile not breeding at temperatures below (>S F., will still bite at a temperature as low as 62 F., but probably not at lo\\ er temperatures. If this insect is concerned in the propagation of yellow foyer, it is now unite apparent why an epidemic of this disease >h<>uld fall ti a low ef)h in the city of New Orleans during the month of November, with a mean temperature of 61.8 F., and practically cease in Decem- ber, with a mean temperature of 55.3 F. A careful study of the charts herewith submitted (figs. 8 and 9), showing the monthly mean temperatures of the cities of llabana and New Orleans and Ilahana and Kio de Janeiro together \\ith the relative monthly mortality from yellow fever in these cities, will prove of interest, \\e think, as show- ing better than laboratory observations the general effect of teni| ture upon the breeding and biting of Stegomyiafasciata. In the light of recent researches, we can now understand that while yellow I can, and does, prevail during the entire year in Ilahana and Hi Janeiro although at a comparatively low ebb during the winter months it can not propagate itself in New Orleans from December to May. Interval after contamination before the mosquito becomes dangerous. In our experimental work on human beings, we have n >e between the introduction of an infecting case into a locality and the occurrence of the first secondary case, viz, two to three weeks. After the mosquito has once become dangerous, how long it remains capable of conveying the disease, although important. ha> not been rmined. We have reported cases of \cllo\v iVver caused by the bites of stegomyia at interval^ varying from \'l to f>7 da\s after con- tamination. Herethedangerousintervalwas4.~M|.i\ >,but a>ncoi thc-c ts lived until the seven ty-first day after biting a yell. patient, the dangerous interval would here be prolonged to59d little over 8 weeks. In our experience, the. mlccird in-cd appe.-s live about as long as the noninfected mosquito, so thai the answer to thk que-tion would depend upon the length of life of the mosquito. This we do not know. While in captivity, the majority of moMjiiito. YELLOW FEVER. 141 not survive, with the best of care, more than about five weeks, and many die within half of this tune; we are ignorant as to the length of time during which they may live when under natural conditions. Certainly, during summer weather this will depend largely on the opportunity which the mosquito has of obtaining access to water. Measures to prevent the spread of the disease when imported. A case of yellow fever having been imported into one of our seaport cities, we are now prepared to discuss the measures that should be taken to prevent its spread. The problem resolves itself into the simple one of excluding mosquitoes from access to the sick individual and of destroying those insects that have already become infected. We can leave out of consideration any danger from wearing apparel or baggage, which, in our opinion, may be dismissed as harmless. The fear that has been entertained that infected insects may be imported in boxes or trunks we believe to be absolutely groundless, and this for the simple reason, as shown by numerous observations made by us, that mosquitoes, when deprived of water, die within a few days. Even if allowed to fill themselves with blood immediately before the experiment is begun, and then deprived of water, practi- cally all are dead by the expiration of the fifth or commencement of the sixth day. We may say that of a large number of insects tried in this way only one female has survived until the sixth day, and then in a feeble condition. Males and females which have been living on sugar and water, or fed two days before on blood, if deprived of water and food, begin to die after 24 hours, and all are dead on the fourth morning. Free access to water, therefore, is necessary for the existence of this mosquito. Add to the deprivation of water the chances of injury to so frail an insect packed in with articles of clothing, etc., and we see that infected mosquitoes can not be imported alive in baggage that has been five days en route. As the first special measure of prevention, then, we should give our prompt attention to the protection of the sick individual against the bites of mosquitoes. This can best be accomplished by thorough screening, without delay, of the windows and doors of the room occupied by the patient and with as little disturbance as possible, so that any insects already present in the room may be prevented from escaping. As it will not be feasible to make use of any of the destructive agents against mosquitoes already within the patient's room until recovery, every precaution should be used to see that the insects do not escape in opening and closing the door. Screens at windows should not, for this reason, be movable. As it is possible that mosquitoes that have already bitten the sick individual may have escaped into other apartments of the house, these should be closed tightly and subjected either to sulphur or to formaldehyde disinfection or to the fumes of burning pyrethrum. According to Dr. Gorgas, the efficient health officer of Habana, preference is given to pyrethrum powder, burned in the proportion of 1 pound to 1,000 cubic feet of air space. 1 He, however, adds : As the pyrethrum powder, even in this large quantity, does not certainly kill all mosquitoes, the room is opened at the end of three hours and the mosquitoes on the floor swept up and burned. i Medical Record, New York, vol. 60, No. 10, Sept. 7, 1901. 142 Y Ml. LOW FKVKR. We have mentioned above, in the order of their eiririenry, the agents which are most destructive to stegomyia. According to our observations, an exposure for one and a half hours t<> sulphur fumi- gation, in a well-closed room, in the proportion of 1 pound to 1,000 YELLOW FEVER. 143 cubic feet of air space, will suffice effectually to destroy all mosquitoes. Formaldehyde gas is not quite so efficient. With Trenner's formal- dehyde generator, charged with formalin, 900 c. c.; glycerin, 9 c. c.; methyl alcohol, 360 c. c., which we have found quite reliable for the destruction of bacteria, an exposure of not less than three and pref- erably four hours is required in order to kill these insects in a tight room having 2,800 cubic feet capacity. Pyrethrum powder, if burned in the proportion of 4 ounces to 1,000 cubic feet ol air space, will stupefy all mosquitoes at the expiration of one hour, so that they will fall to the floor in a helpless condition. If used, however, the precaution above recommended by Dr. Gorgas should be strictly followed that is, the room should be opened at the end of three hours and all insects carefully swept up and burned. The practice of destroying all mosquitoes in adjoining houses, as carried out in the city of Habana with such excellent results, we consider of the greatest importance, since only in this way can we hope to destroy infected mosquitoes, and thus preVent the occurrence of secondary cases. In other words, relying upon the well-known slow progress of the spread of yellow fever, we seek to catch and destroy all mosqui- toes within a given radius of the first case. If secondary cases should occur, the same hygienic measures should be rigorously enforced along the lines above indicated. UpOn the completion of the case, the room occupied by the patient should be disinfected, and in a matter where so much is at stake we believe that sulphur should be given the preference as a disinfectant. In case of death, the body should be carefully screened against mosquitoes, as stegomyia will bite the dead body and might in this way-acquire the parasite. We have said nothing about the protection of nonimmune individ- uals who enter the patient's room or housd*, since, if the case under consideration is the infecting case, no danger is incurred. As the duration of the attack is short, generally less than 10 days, the pa- tient's room will have been disinfected and the infected mosquitoes destroyed before they have become susceptible of conveying the dis- ease to others. We desire to emphasize the fact that the interval elapsing between the infection of this mosquito by biting a case of yellow fever and the time when it has become capable of conveying the disease, viz, about 12 days, is of the utmost importance in our efforts toward stamping out yellow fever at its very commencement, since it furnishes a nondangerous interval during which all infected insects should be easily destroyed. It thus makes the control of yellow fever hereafter a simpler and more certain matter than the suppression of an outbreak of any of the other acute infectious diseases. If nonimmunes entering an infected house desire protec- tion against the bites of stegomyia, this may be obtained by rubbing all exposed surfaces of the body, including the ankle surfaces, with spirits of camphor, oil of pennyroyal, or a 5 per cent menthol oint- ment. The protective effect of these substances is, however, only temporary. What we have already said concerning the breeding places of Stegomyia fasciata should sufficiently indicate the general hygienic measures that should be taken in order to prevent the spread of yellow fever. These should consist in enforcing such measures as will effec- tually destroy the breeding places of this very domestic mosquito. 144 YELLOW FEVEB. The methods adopted by the chief sanitary officer of llabana. durini: the present year, may be taken as a model by our sanitary officials. 1 It should not be .'ii that a well-drained and well-sewered city. with a pure v ;Tl v an ^ ( 'l (i an Mreets lias no pr.itcction against the spread of yellow fever. pr\ ided rain-water barrels and other col- ons of water are present , in which stegomyiamay breed. In one of the forts, on the outskirts of llabana, which was other\\i-e in an ilent san .lni..n. \\> fnnnd t housands of Stegomyiafasciata breeding in tin oana placed about the legs of a table in an oil kitchen. Our con. ept ion of yellow fever, therefore, as a "filth" dis- ease must be abandoned, and our attention turned to yellow fever as a mosquito-borne disease. In illustration of \\hat may be accom- 1*111 i i .ill.. .. i i r plished by sanitation based on the latter method of propagation, we present herewith a chart (fig. 10) showing the actual monthly tality from yellow fever in llabana, for the period from isso to i and also for the years 1900 and 1901. Comparing the mortality from ix'.w, which was the most favorable ye. -How : that Habana had experienced in L.M) years, with 1!H. during which sanitation, based on the demonstration that yellow fev< propagated by the mosquito, lias been enforced. \\e find a reduction in mortality of 83.3 per cent in favor of the present epidemic . 1 to Aug. 31); or if we compare the mortality fr the epidemic year 1900 with the present year we observe a still greater reduction in favor of the latter, viz, 411 per cent. The sanitary regulations put into force February 15, Hni. by Dr. Gorgas, resulted in freeing Habana from yellow fever within :; months, so that for a period of 54 days May 7 to July 1 no occurred. On the latter date, the disease was brought into Ilai from Santiago de las Vegas, and, according to Gorgas, has l>een intro- duced into the city at least a dozen times from this and ot her In spite of these new sources of infection, July has only furnished four cases, with one death, and August eight cases, with two deaths. If such admirable results, under new methods of sanitation, have been obtained in this hotbed of yellow fever, we can not believe that the intelligent and efficient boards of health of pur cities will again nermit this disease to assume an epidemic form in any city of the United States. Measures directed against the importation of yellow fever into the United States. Under the admirable system of inspection and rep' as carried out by the Marine Hospital Service, the appearaix e of yel- low fever at any foreign port is promptly reported for the informat ion of the health authorities of our several Atlantic ports. We may, therefore, divide foreign ports within the so-called epidemic into (a) infected, and (o) noninfected ports. Heretofore, no distinc- tion has been made by the health officers of our southern ports as regards quarantine regulations from April 1 to November 1, between infected and noninfected places. All ports within the epidemic zone of yellow fever were considered as being infected places, and hence pas- sengers and vessels were subjected to quarantine and to disinfection of both baggage and cargoes. With our present knowledge of the way in which yellow fever is propagated, we believe that in the treatment of passengers, as well * Medical Record, New York, vol. 60, Sept. 7. 1001. YELLOW FEVEK. 145 as of cargoes, a sharp distinction should be made, first, between infected and noninfected ports; and, secondly, in the case of vessels sailing from infected ports, between those that have received their cargoes and passengers in midstream and those that have loaded at the wharf. fleatfa months, anuary: JUMA. October. eeemder. a Ztegrees. fl&ner&teff. We believe that no quarantine restrictions should be placed upon either passengers or cargo from noninfected ports. In the case of a vessel loading in midstream at an infected port by means of lighters, we believe that she can only receive infection in one way, i. e., by 79965 S. Doc. 822, 61-3 10 146 YELLOW FEVER. passengers who have been exposed to yellow fever on shore, and who. coming aboard, may thereafter be seized with the disease. The po.s< \\ ; may have sought refuge on the vessel during the night preceding her day of departure. It is also possible that a case of mud and 1 undetected yellow fever may occur on board, and be the sour* the infection of mosquitoes already present in the vessel. Under these circumstances, if a sufficient number of days have not elapsed between her port of departure and port of arrival in the United States, i. e., 16 to 21 days, to demonstrate the presence of inf mosquitoes by the occurrence of a case or cases of yellow fever en route, we know of no way of absolutely excluding the possibility of importation of the disease by such a vessel than by the detention of all nonimmune passengers for such number of days a.s will show their freedom from infection, and by careful disinfection of crew's and passengers' quarters. If more than 20 days have elapsed during the voyage, without the occurrence of yellow fever, we see no good reason why either pa gers or vessel should be detained. We have said nothing about the disinfection of the vessel' for the reason that we do not consider this to be necessary. The only possible excuse for subject in<: the cargo to disinfection would be the lear of the presence of infected mosquitoes in the vessel's hold, pro- vided she had loaded at the wharf of an infected port. In this instance, if the voyage has consumed five or more days, all mosqui- toes contained in the hold will have died: for, as we have already pointed out, Stegomyia fasciata lives only a few days if deprived of water. We can not too strongly insist that the danger of importation of yellow fever into the United States lies, not in cargo or personal YELLOW FEVER. 147 8 Mynter cf deaths ft 8 January Jtyust- October - 148 YELLOW l-T.YKK. baggage, but in the individual sick with that disease. With our present knowledge of its propagation, personal baggage should no longer be subjected to disinfection, and, with our in. !>ility to prevent its spread l>y m application, instances should be few ami exceptional when a vessel coming from a yellow-fever port should be delay cd lonuvr than will he necessary to remove her n>n- iinmune passenL t yet completed their period of live days since leaving the port of departure. The chief duty of (|iiarantine officers hereafter will coiiM-t in the i of mild or very mild cases of vellow fever. J [mental yellow fever produced by thebiteof flffcyomyw fasc'uitn. we nave, elsewhere. 1 jx'inted out that 4, or .'>."> \ mild >r verv mild in character, and have indicated the dillicnlty of making a positive diagnosis in such cases. In discu^>iuLT the period of incubation of experimental yellow f we have shown that in i;.i; per cent of our cases the period of incu- bation exceeded the usual quarantine period of live days. 1: add Carter's cases to those observed by ourselves, we find that of iM the period of incubation exceeded five days in 3, or L2.5 per cent. We can thus readily see what great danger heretofore lay in the passage through quarantine of just such mild cases, or of those ha an incubation stage of more than five days. While the exclusion of such cases is of thegreate-t importance, we doubt whether, with our improved knowledge of how to prevent the spread of yellow fever, it would be advisable to place a greater hunlen upon ships' passengers by extending the quarantine period to more than five days. It appears to us rather that in view of the trou hie- some delays to which passengers and vessels from yellow-fever : have been subjected in the past, the time has now arrived when. standing upon more solid ground, we will be justified in seeking in every way to lessen as much as possible the restrictions placed by present quarantine regulations upon the ship's cargo, while we add nothing to those of the passenger. To this end a most important part will have been accomplished if we can persuade the sanitary authorities of our sister republic, M. \i ... and of the Central and South American States, to join us in the adop- tion of more enlightened methods for the suppression of this widely prevalent epidemic. ' Experimental Yellow Fever." Transactions of the Association of American Physicians, Vol. CHAPTER 7. THE ETIOLOGY OF YELLOW FEVER A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE. 1 By WALTER REED, M. D., Surgeon, United States Army, and JAMES CARROLL, M. D., Contract Surgeon, United States Army, of Washington, D. C. Informer contributions to this subject, we have shown by observa- tions made on human beings that yellow fever may be produced in the nonimmune in dividual either by the bite of the mosquito (1) (genus Stegomyia) that has previously been permitted to fill itself with the blood of a patient suffering with yellow fever, during the first three days of the attack, or by the subcutaneous injection of a small quan- tity of blood (2) (0.5 to 2 c. c.) drawn from the general circulation of such a patient during the active stage of this disease. For further particulars regarding these observations the reader is referred to the original papers. Although these experiments have demonstrated that the specific agent of yellow fever is present in the blood, we may say that the prolonged microscopic search which has been made by other investi- gators, as well as by ourselves, both with fresh and stained prepara- tions of blood, taken at various stages of this disease and during early convalescence, has proved thus far entirely negative. We may add that the efforts which we have made with reasonable hope of reward, both in the bodies of infected mosquitoes, dissected in the fresh state, as well as by serial sections of the hardened insect, have likewise given no results which we consider worthy of record at the present time. Leaving out of consideration, therefore, for the time being, the further microscopic search for the specific agent in the blood of the sick and in the bodies of infected mosquitoes, we desire to call attention to some additional observations bearing on the etiology of the disease, which one of us (Carroll) has recently made at Las Animas Hospital, Habana, Cuba, and at Columbia Barracks, near Quemados, Cuba. We here desire to express our sincere thanks to Dr. William H. Welch, of the Johns Hopkins University, who, during the past summer, kindly called our attention to the important observations which have been carried out in late years by Loeffier and Frosch relative to the etiology and prevention of foot-and-mouth disease in cattle. In the course of their investigations concerning a reliable method of immu- nization in this disease, the authors had occasion to dilute and after- wards to pass several times through a porcelain filter, lymph which had been collected from the blebs present in the mouth and on the feet of cattle sick with foot-and-mouth disease (4). These observers, having already ascertained that immunity could be conferred upon cattle by the subcutaneous or intravenous injec- tion of one -fortieth to one-fiftieth c. c. of pure lymph previously Read before the third annual meeting of the Society of American Bacteriologists, Chicago, 111., Dec. 31, 1901, and Jan. 1, 1902. 150 YELLOW FEVER. mixed with 1 c. c. of the defibfinated blood of an animal that had recently recovered from the disease, desired to find out whether the injection into calves of given quantities of this filtered ami hacteria- free lymph would not. also, enable them to confer immunity of. perhaps, a higher degree upon cattle. The roults were quite surprising, since it was sho\\ n that eaKes \\hich had received one-tenth to one-fortieth c. C. of the diluted and filtered lymph ;< 1 foot-and-mouth di>ea>e ju-t as prompt lv MCalves'that had heen injeeteil \\ it h corresponding quant it ies of t he unfiltered lymph. According to Loefflcr and Froseh. there were two poihlr e\plana- tions of this remarkable result ; either that the filtered lymph held in solution an extraordinary active t\in. or that the specific a.ircnt of the disease was so minute as to pass through the p.i-, iihcr which prevents the passage of the smalle-i Un>\\ n bacteria. The authors accept the latter explanation, since they were able, in later experiments *, 1 . by means of the filtered lymph. to convey the iae through a series of MX animaU. the last of which just as promj)tly after the injection of the filtered lymph a> the iii>t of the series. Having, therefore . conclusively determined that the ini< aisrn of foot-and-mouth disease of cattle is so extremely minute a readilv through a porcelain filter, it was natural that L(: Froseh should have put forward tbft specific agent of some of the acute infecti animals, such as smallpox, scarlet fever, m mi*rht also belong to this <_ r n>up of ultramicroscopi It was for the purpose of ascertaining whether observation con- ducted along the same lines as those ahove mentioned niiixht throw additional light upon the etiology of yellow fever that the folio-, experiments were undertaken. Of course it will be thoroughly appreciated that in experimentation on human beings, aside from the ^rave sense -nsihiliu . ai times well-ni^h in>uj)nortahle, which the conscientious observer nni-i al\\ays fed. even with the full cn>cnt of the Mihjects to he ex]>eri- mented uj>on, there must be added another factor, vi/, the dilliculty of lindinj; willing and suitable nonimmune individual tation just at the proper and urgent moment. It so happened that on the day of Dr. Carroll's arrival at Habana, Auru>t 11. l ( .n , th patient or the series of seven cases of yellow fever which Dr. ( hn had j)roducele to \\ithdraw hlood from any . of yellow fever under treatment in the city of Habana. it heeame necessary to produce cases by means of the hites of infected i rpiitoes Stegom i/ia fasciata accepting such subjects as \\erc willing to submit to this mode of inoculation. In all MX individu.-: posedly nonimniurH's, were bitten l.y mosquitoes, of whom four gave a negative and two a positive result. YELLOW FEVER. 151 The following are the negative cases : August 14, 1901 S. V., Spaniard, resident of Habana for a few months, was bitten by two insects that had been applied to a yellow fever patient 34 days previously Result negative, although the bites of two mosquitoes from this same lot had already infected an individual, who later died of yellow fever. September 5, 1901. J. T., American, was bitten by nine insects that had been ap- plied to a mild case of yellow fever on the second day of the attack, 23 days before. He was again bitten 30 days later by four mosquitoes that had been applied to a mod- erately severe case of experimental yellow fever 11 days before. The result of both inoculations were negative. This man had resided one year in Central America, and we were afterwards informed that he had confessed to a previous attack of the disease. September 11, 1901. A. P., Spaniard, was bitten by three insects which 53 days previously had bitten patient with a typical case, on the third day of the attack. These were among a lot of mosquitoes that had already infected three individuals, two of whom died of yellow fever. The result was negative. Five weeks later he received a subcutaneous injection of about one-fourth c. c. of blood drawn from a patient with a mild case of yellow fever, on the second day of illness. Result negative. The previous history of this man was not satisfactory, as he had recently returned from a residence in Mexico. September 9, 1901. A. V., Spaniard, was bitten by three mosquitoes that had been applied to a mild case of yellow fever on the second day of the attack, 27 days before. Three weeks later he was again bitten by one mosquito 49 days after it had been ap- plied to a fatal case of yellow fever, on the third day of the attack. The result of both inoculations was negative. We give brief sketches of the two positive cases: Case I. P. R. C., a Spaniard, had served in the Spanish army in the Philippines. He arrived in Habana from Spain about August 30. On September 16, 1901, he was bitten at 4 p. m. by 4 mosquitoes that had previ- ously fed upon cases of yellow fever as follows: One had bitten a patient having a fatal case, on the third day of the disease, 53 days before, and 3 haa bitten a patient having a fatal case, on the second day of illness, 34 days previously. His attack began at 4.30 p. m., September 19, after an incubation period of 72^ hours. At the onset he experienced a slight chill with rigors and loss of appetite. Later in the evening he complained of slight frontal headache and pains in the lumbar region. On the following day the headache and backache were more severe. At 10 a. m. he vomited about 6 drams of slightly greenish fluid containing mucus. On the second day of the attack the gums were swollen, pale, and spongy, and there .was soreness upon deep pressure over the epigastric and hypogastric regions; the face was flushed and the eyeballs were slightly yellow. September 24, fifth day, he was well jaun- diced, epigastric and abdominal soreness were pronounced, and there was nausea with eructations. At this time an unfavorable prognosis was given by two physi- cians of large experience in yellow fever. Happily, with the decline of temperature on the sixth day, the symptoms were much ameliorated and the patient made an un- interrupted recovery. Albumin appeared in the urine on the third day and persisted for 17 days. The microscope showed the presence of bile-stained epithelial and granular casts on the third and subsequent days. Early on the second day blood was drawn from the median-basilic vein with all precaution and 10 drops were immediately added to each of four flasks containing 200 c. c. of sterile nutritive bouillon. The flasks were kept under observation in the incubator and at room temperature for 14 days without the development of any growth. At the end of that time each flask was agitated and an agar slant was freely inoculated with fibrin and fluid from its contents. These cultures remained sterile 16 days later after being kept four days in the incubator and 12 at room temperature. On the second day, blood was drawn for the purpose of obtaining serum for filtration, but owing to an accident to the vacuum pump the experiment had to be abandoned. Specimens of the fresh blood were examined for malarial parasites, with negative results, on. the second and fourth days of the attack. (Chart I.) Case II. J. M. A., Spaniard, recently landed at Havana, was bitten at 4 p. m. October 9, by 8 mosquitoes that had been applied to a severe case of yellow fever (Case I) on the second day of the disease, 18 days previously. The attack which fol- lowed was mild. According to his own account, he went to bed on the evening of the 12th feeling in perfect health. He awakened about midnight with frontal headache, but had no chill. October 13, 7 a. m., temperature was 102.2 F., pulse 92; complained of pain in the head and back; later in the day there was marked photophobia, pain in the region of the kidneys, and slight pains in the lower extremi- 152 VEB. i -" rj< =-! i j> <= mvm\ YELLOW FEVER. 153 ties. The eyes were injected moderately and the gums slightly so. On the follow- ing day, October 14, the frontal headache was more severe, there was considerable soreness on pressure over the stomach and abdomen, and he complained of sharp lumbar pain. An examination of the fresh blood proved negative for malarial para- sites. At 4 p. m. blood was drawn from a vein at the bend of the elbow and 10 drops were inoculated into each of 2 flasks containing 200 c. c. of sterile bouillon. One flask remained sterile, the other developed a growth which proved to be a white staphylococcus. October 15 the gums were pale, swollen and spongy, their margins distinctly red- dened, and blood could be easily pressed out from beneath the lower gums. October 16 there was free oozing of blood from the gums and margin of the tongue. The case pursued a mild course, the temperature falling to normal at 9 p. m. of the fourth day. A trace of albumin was present in the urine passed on the morning of that day, and for a few days following hyalin and granular casts were found. The patient made a speedy recovery. (Chart II.) On October 15, 11.30 a. m., at the beginning of the third day of illness, the tempera- ture was 101 F.; 65 c. c. of blood were drawn, with antiseptic precautions, from a vein at the bend of the elbow. This was placed in a sterile test tube and set aside in the refrigerator. At 6 a. m., 5^ hours later, 19 c. c. of a slightly bloodstained serum were pipetted off into another sterile tube. After the addition of an equal quantity of sterilized distilled water the diluted serum was slowly filtered through a new Berke- feld laboratory filter that had been subjected to previous sterilization in an Arnold's sterilizer. In this way 35 c. c. of a slightly bloodstained filtrate were obtained, a part of which was subsequently used for the inoculation of Cases VII, VII, and IX of this report. The original level of the blood having been marked upon the tube into which it was drawn, a sufficient quantity of sterilized distilled water was then added to replace the 19 c. c. of serum that had been pipetted off and to make up the original volume of blood. The whole, consisting of clot, remaining serum, and distilled water, was poured into a sterile vessel and whipped up with a sterilized egg beater. The mix- ture, which approximately represented the partially defibrinated blood, was then divided into two parts, one of which was reserved for the inoculation of a control sub- ject (Case III), while the other part was placed in a double water bath previously heated, and exposed to a temperature of 55 C. for 10 minutes. It was then remo ved and immediately cooled in ice water. This cooled material was subsequently used for the injection of Cases IV, V, and VI. It will thus be seen that we have at our disposal, for purposes of inoculation, three kinds of materials, derived from the blood in Case II, viz: (a) The unheated and partially defibrinated blood; (&) the partially defibrinated blood which had be.en heated to a temperature of 55 C. for 10 minutes, and (c) the diluted blood serum which had been filtered through a Berkefeld filter. Each of these materials was used for the inoculation of one or more nonimmune individuals with the results that follow herewith. (a) THE UNHEATED AND PARTIALLY DEFIBRINATED BLOOD. Case IILM.. G. M., Spaniard, arrived at Habana October 4, 1901. At 4 p. m. October 15 he was given a subcutaneous injection of 0.75 c. c. of the unheated and partially defibrinated blood obtained from Case II, 15 J hours previously, which had been kept 5 hours in the refrigerator and 10 hours at room temperature. The earliest symptom, frontal headache, was complained of at 6 p. m., October 20, or at the expi- ration of 5 days and 2 hours after inoculation. Temperature 100.6 F., pulse 80. At 3 p. m. of the same day the temperature was 98.4 F., pulse 80. At that time the patient did not complain of any discomfort and there was nothing to indicate that he was about to be taken sick. October 21, 5 p. m., nearly 24 hours From the onset, there was flushing of the face, injection of the eyes and gums, and moderately severe head- *ache; pain in the back, and tenderness on pressure in the epigastric region made the picture complete. On the third day the face was deeply flushed, eyes congested and distinctly yellow. There was slight oozing of blood from the gums. The urine passed at 7.30 p. m. contained a distinct trace of albumin. The case was seen by the Habana Board of Yellow Fever Experts and the diagnosis confirmed. The patient passed through a mild but typical attack, the temperature touching normal on the fifth day. (Chart III.) 154 This case, therefore, serves as a 'vontrol" for the observations \\hich are to follo\\ . >inee it demons rates that the Mood drawn frum the general circulation of case II, at the hednnini: of the thinl day. contained the specific agent of yellow fever, and, in this resnect . con- firms the observations which have heretofore been reported b\ u !*-! 'I (I I (b) THE PARTIALLY DEFIBRINATED BLOOD HEATED FOR 10 MINUTES AT 55 C. Cote IV. A. C., Spaniard, iioniininune, arrived at Habana, Octobor <;. 1!(> 4.35 p. m., October 15. he was given eubcutaneously 1.5 c. c. of th<- partially <1 fil>ri- natea blood which had been Buojected to a temperature of 5. r > < . during K) miniiti . The specimen had been drawn from caoe 1 1, 16 hours before. The result ,f tin- inj ( - .vaa entirely negative, as the subject remained in perfect health during the 10 days following. YELLOW 155 Case V. B. F. M., Spaniard, nonimmune, arrived at Habana, October 6, 1901. At 4.45 p. m., October 15, he received a subcutaneous injection of 1.5 c. c. of the same material that was used in case IV. Result negative. Case VI. S. O., Spaniard, nonimmune, arrived at Habana, October 7, 1901. At 4.50 p. m., October 15, he was given a subcutaneous injection of 1.5 c. c. of the same material that was used in cases IV and V. No rise of temperature or other symptoms of ill health followed this injection. We desire to invite attention to the fact that the four subjects whose protocols have been given above were young Spaniards who arrived at Habana at a time when yellow fever was not present in the city; that they were carried from the quarantine camp, at Triscorma, across the bay, direct to Columbia Barracks, near Quemados, Cuba, where they were kept for seven full days prior to inoculation; and that after 156 YELLOW 11 inoculation they were kept under <-Ko daily observation for the further j f 10 days, during \\hirh time both temperature and pulse were recorded every thin! hour. Since under tlu^e circum- stances each of the three nonimmunes (cases IV, V, and V 1 ) received. without any disturbance to health, double the quantity of heated and partially defibrinated blood that sullued \\hen un heated to cause an attack of yellow fever in case 111. it follows that the specific a*:ent present in "the blood in yellow fever is destroyed, or, at least markedly attenuated, by a temperature of 55 C. maintained for 10 minutes. (C) THE DILUTED AND FILTERED SERUM. Cote VILP. H. f American soldier, nonimmune, received at 11 a. m. Octob< : 1901 , a subcutaneous injection of 3 c. c. of the serum filtrate, representing 1 . "> undiluted serum 101 hours after the blood had been druv. I He rein. in good health until 3 p. m. October 19, an interval of four days and fur I his face appeared flushed and his eyes somewhat injected. His temperature at this time was 101 F., his pulse 80. He did not com plain of headache or other pa in this ho'ur his temperature declined, until at 12 o'clock midnight it registered 98 F.. pulse 72. October 20, 9 a. in., temperature 100.8 F.. pulse TS. Face more suffused and slight headache complained of. Fever continued on the 21st, with more marked flushing of the face and injection of the eyes. The height of the primary febrile j yam was reached at 6 p. m. October 21. Remission occurred at 9 a. m. O< t>) when the temperature dropped to 98.8 F., pulse 64. Tin r iM hem was followed py a secondary febrile paroxynn of 1- hours' duration. On tli blood was oozing from the lower gums and the eyeballs were tinged with y -11"\\ . Albumin appeared in the urine on the fourth day. The patient was vir-itcd 'by th<> board of experts and the diagnosis of yellow fever confirmed. Examine dried blood for malarial parasites was negative. The patient recovered. (Oi.irt I V. i Case VIII. A. W. C., American soldier, nonimmune, was also given at 11.05 a. m. October 15, 1901, a subcutaneous injection of 3 c. c. of the diluted and filtered serum. being the equivalent of 1.5 c. c. of the undiluted serum, 10J hours after the blood had been drawn. He remained in his usual health until about noon, October 1!>. at which time he felt "out of sorts" and ate but little dinner. This was 4 days and 1 hour the injection. During the afternoon he lay down and slept until :* p. m.. when he awoke with a severe headache and backache. His face was flushed. Temperature 103.6 F., pulse 102. At this hour his face and eyes were deeply congested, and from this time his symptoms were characteristic of the disease. On the 23d his eye- quite yellow and general jaundice followed later. No albumin was found in this patient's urine. He was seen by the board of experts and his illness pronoiu typical case of yellow fever. Careful examination of the dried blooa for malarial parasites was negative. The patient made a good recovery. (Chart V.) Case IX. J. R. B., American, nonimmune, at 2.30 p. m. October 15, 1901, was given a subcutaneous injection of 3 c. c. of the diluted and filtered pcrum. equal to 1.5 c. c. of the undiluted serum. Fourteen hours had elapsed since the blood had been drawn from Case 11. This injection was followed by no symptoms of physical disturbance, until .". p. m October 19, an interval of four days and a naif hour, when his temperature was 99 pulse 92. He complained of headache and flashes of heat, with slight p.iiu b. the shoulders, symptoms which, the subject stated, were a uite unu>ual to him. At ! p. m. temperature 98.4 F., pulse 84. There was n<> further febrile dist urban' the day following the subject was in his usual good health. We thus observe that of 3 nonimmune individuals who n < < -ived subcutaneously an injection of filtered blood serum derived from case II of this report, 2 developed an unmistakable attack of yellow fever, after a penod of incubation of 98$ hours and UK) hours re tively, while in 1 case the result must be regarded as negative, As already stated, the serum used for these inoculations hud been slowly filtered through a new Berkefeld laboratory filter. As soon as possible thereafter the filter was resterili/ed by steam and thor- oughly tested as to its effectiveness in preventing the passive of bacteria. For this purpose a recent bouillon culture of Staph /, YELLOW FEVER. 157 pyogenes aureus was used, of which 50 c. c. were passed through the niter. The filtrate thus obtained was transferred hi quantities of 10 c. c. to each of two flasks con taining 200 c. c. of sterile bouillon, which were incubated at 37 C. for 4 days and thereafter kept at room temperature for 10 days longer, at the end of which tune no growth had occurred. It appears, therefore, that the filter used for the filtration of the blood serum in case II was to be relied upon for the delivery of a bacteria-free filtrate. The production of yellow fever by the injection of blood serum that had previously been passed through a filter capable of removing all test of bacteria, is, we think, a matter of extreme interest and importance. The occurrence of the disease under such circumstances, and within the usual period of incubation, might be explained in one of two ways, viz, first, upon the supposition that the serum filtrate contains a toxin of considerable potency; or, secondly, that \ STOcc \ \ J160t.c \ 60Ofc. \_ CHAKT IV. Yellow fever, produced by Injection of 1.5 cc. of filtered blood-serum. 4 hours. Incubation, 4 days, the specific agent of yellow fever is of such minute size as to pass readily through the pores of a Berkefeld filter. In favor of the supposition that in yellow fever an active toxin is present in the blood may be cited the early and well-marked jaun- dice; the free hemorrhage from the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach, doubtless due to profound changes in capillary vessel walls; the rapid progress of the disease to a fatal termination, the advanced fatty degeneration of the hepatic cells, as well as the marked parenchymatous changes found in the kidneys. f present in the blood this toxin would in all likelihood be found in the serum filtrate obtained from the blood, and if injected in sufficient quantity might induce an attack of yellow fever in a susceptible individual after the usual period of incubation. In this respect it would bear analogy to the production of tetanus in the human being, after the usual period of incubation of this disease by the subcutaneous injection of a very small quantity of tetanus toxin, as reported by Nicolas (7) in 1893, and more recently by Bolton, Fisch, and Walden (8). 15S YELLOW FKVK.R. Against the view that a toxin is present in tho serum filtrate, we invite attention to the innocuonsness of the nartially deiibrinated blood when heated to 55 (\ for 10 minute-, assnown by the ne^ati\ e results in cases IV, V, and VI. Here the toxin, which mu-t have -ent in i ust the same quantity as in the sen mi lilt rate obtained from this blootf, appears to nave been completely destroyed by the temperature above mentioned. Now, although certain bacteria are dot roved by this temperature, as yet we know of no bacterial l that is rendered inert by such a low decree of heat continued f< short a time. The tetanus toxin, which h, found to be the most sensitive (bus far requires, according to Kitasato, a tempera- ture of 60 C. for 20 minutes, or 5r> (\ for U hours, in order to destroy its activity . As a further te>t and in order to determine \\hethcr the serum filtrate contained something more participate than a soluble toxin. CHART V. Yellow fever, produced by injection of 1.5 cc. of filtered blood serum. Incubation, 4 days, 1 hour. we availed ourselves of the opportunity of oler\ inu r the ell'cct that would follow the transference to a third individual of blood drawn from one of the patients whose attack had been occasioned by the injection of 1.5 c. c. of serum filtrate (case VII). If under i circumstances it would be found that the injection of a -mall quantity of blood was followed by an attack of vellow fever in a thud indi- vidual, the evidence would point in tne strong M manner to the presence of the specific agent of the disease in such blood, since we c an hardly believe that a toxin which had undergone so great a dilution in the body of the second individual would still be capable of producing the disease. Cae X. October 22, 1901, 3 p. m., J. M. B., American, nonimmuno, who on October 15, 1901, at 2.30 p. m., had been injected with 1.5 c. c. of serum filtruN- wiih negative result (vide case IX), and who mill
  • ) had, during the enidemic of 1V7 in New Orleans, La., isolated a haeillns. claimed by them to he identical with />. tcteroid**, from the venons Mood in 1 out of ") eases, and from yellow IV aveTH in 32 nut di cases (8'J per cent\ PoHier (4), wurldng in the Same city and during the same epid. uld only obtain this bacillus :> time 51 autopsies, and failed to obtain it at all in cultures made from venous blood during life in H) rases. Again, \\hile Wn-din and Geddings (5), in the city of Habana, were able to eultix ate />'. <l coses at various stages of the disease. The lattef ob&ctrV&r, ho\\- ever, reported finding this hneillus at autopsy in 1 1 of ;*5 eases per cent). Without further into detail, we may .- i the residts obtained by Lutz (7) and de Lacerda and Kai n Bra/il. and by Matienzo (9) in Mexico, were equally conflicting and nn- TV. ruder the. 1 of which were designated as "mild" yellow fever and 3 as "well-mar 1 yellow fever, only 1 culture was made from the blood in each case, viz, in 2 cases on the first day; in 1 case on the second day; in 3 cases on the third day; and*m 1 case on the fourth da\ In the remaining 11 cases, diagnosed as "severe" yellow I'. of whom 4 died, more frequent cultures were taken from tl varying from 2 to (\ cultures on as many different day- of the disease. In 2 of the fatal cases cultures were made each day from the commencement of the attack and including the day on wliieh d< occurred. The negative result of these numerous cultures taken from the blood of ea^e- of yellow fever. a< reirard- the presence of /.'. - reported in a "Preliminary note" pre-enied at the meeting .'i Public Health Association (10), held in Indiai, Ind.. her 22-26, I'.iOO. To the-e is . ;i :m now add r, other cases, or a total of 1M. from which blood culture- have been made during life with negative result-. YELLOW FEVER. 163 The importance of this negative finding as regards the growth of any specific bacterium will be better appreciated when it is seen, as I shall soon have occasion to point out, that yeUow fever may be pro- duced in nonimmune human beings by the subcutaneous injection of a small quantity (0.5-2 c. c.) of blood withdrawn from the venous circulation of a patient suffering with this disease. In addition to the results above recorded, the careful study of 11 autopsies was equally barren as to the presence of any particular micro-organism, although the quantity of material with which our tubes were inoculated was greater than is usually made use of at autopsies. In a word, then, the careful bacteriological study which the com- mission had made in cases of yellow fever had given no indications as to the presence of the specific agent of this disease. The same may be said concerning the result of numerous microscopic examinations of fresh and stained specimens of blood which we had in the mean- while studied with a view of finding possibly some intracellular or extracellular body. Apparently no body, bacterial or protozoan, which could be brought into view with a one-twelfth Zeiss immersion objective, was present in the blood of these cases. Although displaced from the order in which the following observa- tions were made, it will be best to present, at this time, the results of the experiments which were later carried out by the commission on nonimmune human beings by means of the subcutaneous injection of blood, withdrawn during the active stage of the disease, as these results bear so directly upon the subject which we are now considering, viz, the etiology of yellow fever. The only reference that I can find in the literature relative to an attempt to convey yellow fever in this way is cited by Sternberg (11), / who states that at Veracruz, Mexico, in 1887, he saw Dr. Ruis inject into a nonimmune individual a hypodermic syringeful of blood drawn from a case of yellow fever on the eighth day of the disease. The result was negative, as was also the result of two other attempts / related to him by Ruis. Our own observations, undertaken for the purpose of ascertaining whether an attack of yellow fever could be induced m a second indi- vidual by the injection of a small quantity of blood, embrace experi- ments made on 12 American soldiers and Spanish immigrants, all nonimmune individuals. These observations may be divided into the folio whig classes: (1) Injection of the fresh blood taken from a vein at the bend of the elbow. (2) Injection of partially defibrinated blood. (3) Injec- tion of partially defibrinated blood heated for 10 t minutes at 55 C. (4) Injection of blood serum previously diluted with sterilized water and filtered slowly through a Berkefeld laboratory filter. The table following (I) gives the results of these several inoculations. 164 TABLE I. So. of CM*. Quantity and material used. Day of diaMM. Date of :::., -Lit )OB Result. Date of attack. .!! if VII *$ I XII BtMBd . do Dec. 26,1000 Jan. 4,1901 Jan. 8, 1901 Jan. 22,1901 ' ... M,1901 . Negative.. Jan. 11,1801 19. 1901 f rash blood Uti : fresh blood... ittd blood ..partially".! for 10 minutes at 65* C. S.-MO:IS \, \1I 1.5 c. r. of fi S-iine M No \ .do.. l^'iri.' -i- No \ do [2 c c. fresh blood Oct. 22,1901 By an examination of this table it will be seen that of the sc individuals who received subcutaneoualy the fresh or partially defi- brinated blood in quantities of 0.5-2 c. c., six (85. 7 per rent) de\ 1 an attack of yellow fever within the usual period of incubat i< .n of the disease. These results are of very great interest as demonstrating that the specific agent of yellow fever is present in the blood, at least during the first, second, and third days of the attack. Another important point brought out by these experiments that the blood which conveyed the disease did not contain any terium which would grow on our usual laboratory media. In order to establish this fact, as soon as blood had been injected into the nonimmune subject, additional blood was, at onee. withdrawn in considerable quantity and transferred to tubes of nutritive bouillon. In one instance, where 2 c.c. of blood had been drawn into the syringe. 0.5 c. c. of this sufficed, when injected, to produce a severe al yellow fever, after 73 hours' incubation, while the remaining 1.5 < . < . transferred immediately to four tubes of bouillon gave no growth. except that from one tube we isolated on the fourth day > coccus pyogenes citreus, found by us to be a common skin-< ontaini- nating organism in Cuba. Table If urther shows that the specific agent contained in the hi is destroyed or attenuated by heating the latter at 55 C. for in min- utes, so that the injection of 1.5 c. c. of this heated blood \\ less (cases VII. VIII, and IX), while the injection of 0.75 c. c. of the same blood unneated sufficed to promptly induce an attack of yellow fever in a "control" individual (case VI). Of not less interest was the fact brought out by these observat i that yellow fever can be produced by the injection of a small quant ity of bacteria-free serum filtrate, obtained by passing the diluted serum through a Berkefeld laboratory filter (cases X and XI >, and further that the blood of a case of yellow fever, thus produced, when injected into a third nonimmune subject will promptly bring about an attack of this disease (case XII ); thus demon st rat ing t hat the specific a of yellow fever can find its way through the pores of a filter which ordi- narily serves to prevent the passage of all known bacteria. I have elsewhere (12) in conjunct ion with one of my collea roll) discussed the facts here presented more at length and \\ill limit myself, therefore, to the remark that these experiments app< - ; r YELLOW FEVER. 165 to indicate that yellow fever, like the foot-and-mouth disease of cattle, is caused by a micro-organism so minute in size that it might be designated as ultramicroscopic. THE PROPAGATION OF YELLOW FEVER. Prior to the time at which the foregoing observations were made the commission had already turned its entire attention to the possible solution of the problem of the propagation of yellow fever, being induced thereto, not only by the fruit lessness of the investigations made thus far along bacteriological lines, but, also, by reason of cer- tain facts which seemed to call for a better interpretation than had hitherto been accorded them. Without entering into details, I may say that, in the first place, the commission saw, with some surprise, what had so often been noted in the literature, that patients in all stages of yellow fever could be cared for by nonimmune nurses without danger of contracting the disease. The noncontagious character of yellow fever was, therefore, hardly to be questioned. In the second place, it had been observed that patients discharged from the wards during early convalescence could be brought into intimate association with nonimmune individuals without thereby establishing fresh foci of the disease. This did not seem to indicate that any specific agent was present in the excreta of the sick. Again, it has been noted that in certain cases of this disease no growth had been obtained on the ordinary laboratory media, either by frequent cultures from the blood during life or from the blood and organs after death. Further, in the course of an investigation which the commission were able to make during the last week of July, 1900, concerning the origin and spread of a small epidemic of yellow fever that had appeared in a military garrison, numbering about 900 men, at Pinar del Rio, Cuba, they had seen that by reason of the false diagnosis of "pernicious malarial fever" which had been given to these cases no disinfection of bedding or clothing had been carried out; and yet there was no indication that this neglect had contributed in the least to the spread of the disease; nor had any harm come to those nonimmunes who had slept in the beds vacated by the sick, or washed the supposedly infected garments of those who had recovered or died of this disease. Putting these various data together, it seemed probable that more progress might be made if attention should be turned to the mode of transmission of yellow fever, especially as our own observations had caused us to seriously doubt the usually accepted belief of the con- veyance of this disease by means of fomites. Then, too, the endemic curve of yellow fever in the city of Habana, and its well-known epidemic curve in the United States, appeared to be more intimately associated with and more affected by the rise and fall of the annual temperature curve than was to be seen in any of the acute infections, except malarial fever. The peculiar behavior of this disease (if I may use the expression) in rapidly spreading in certain localities, when introduced, as contrasted with its failure to propagate itself in other places, where the conditions for its increase were apparently just as favorable, seemed to point in the strongest 166 VK1,LO\V KKYKK. manner to the necessity for some special agent or intermediate host in the dissemination oi it- >pccific cause. If malarial fever a dis- ease so much affected by temperature condition- n 'quired the agency of a special genus of mosquito for its propagation , as had in recent years oeen so brilliantly worked out oy Ross, Grassi, Bas- tianelli, Bignami, and others, it did not seem unreasonable to sup- pose that yellow fever a disease so plainly controlled by seasonal conditions might also depend on some MK -h iu:ent for its soread. Influenced by this line of reasoning:, the coimni ion l>eran. during the second week of AiiiruM. I'.MM). its observations relative to the propagation of yellow fever by means of the bite of a certain species of mosquito Slegomyia fa-sdata. The work alon^ this Une was carried forward so rapidly t hat . within 30 days, 11 individuals had been bitten by infected Stegom of whom two ' developed well-marked attacks of yello\\ lever within tlit UMinl period of incubation, and under such circumstances as to i\ dy t \. hide in one case any other possible source i ion. Appreciating fully the importance of this discovery and in order to exclude all other possible sources of infection hi our future tions. it was now determined to establish a special experimental station where further observations could be made on noiiimmune human beings, both as to tlie propagation of yellow fever by means of the bite of the mosquito as well as by exposure to tl inti- mate contact with infected clothing and bedding, and this under the strictest enforcement of military quarantine. With the anpr and assistance of the military governor of the Island of Cuba, this experimental station was ready lor occupancy on November 20, 1900, and was continuously occupied until March 1, 1901. As the results obtained at this station have already been published (13) in full elsewhere, I will here only present a brief account, iii the experiments with fomites and afterwards of those made with in- fected mosquitoes. ATTEMPTS AT INFECTION BY FOMITES. I quote from a paper which the writer presented for the commissi* >n at tlie meeting of the Pan-American Medical Con^rexs.- held in Habana, Cuba, February 4-7, 1901: For this purpose there was erected at Camp Lazear a small frame house consisting of one room, 14 by 20 feet, and known as " building No. 1," or the "infectr and bedding building." The cubic capacity of this house was 2,80" it was tightly sealed within with "tongued ana grooved" boards, and was w 11 in it. nod on the outside. It faced the south and was provided with two small windows, ea< h _'i; ly 34 inches in size. These windows were Doth placed on the south side of thr Imildint:. the purpose being to prevent, as much as possible, any thorough (in illation <>i tin- air within the house. They were closed by permanent wire-screens of 0.5 mm. mesh. In addition a sliding glass sash was provided within and heavy wooden shut i TS with- out; the latt<-r intended to prevent the entrance of sunlight into the building, as it was not deemed desirable ih it tin- dlrinfocting qualities of ninUgfat, dfrad ordflraftd, should at any time be exerted on the articles of clothing contain* ! within tl-.i - Entrance wan effected through a small vestibule, 3 by 5 feet, also placed <>n th< ;.:h< rn side of the house. This vestibule was protected without by a solid door ami One of UMM OMMt was that of Dr. James Carroll, Contract Surgeon, U. 8. A., a member of the YELLOW FEVER. 167 mosquitoes into this room was effectually excluded. During the day and until after sunset the house was kept securely closed, while by means of a suitable heating apparatus the temperature was raised to 92-95 F. Precaution was taken at the same time to maintain a sufficient humidity of the atmosphere. The average temperature of this house was thus kept up at 76.2 F. for a period of sixty-three days. November 30. 1900, the building now being ready for occupancy, three large boxes filled with sheets, pillowcases, blankets, etc., contaminated by contact with cases of yellow fever and their discharges were received and placed therein. The majority of the articles had been taken from the beds of patients sick with yellow fever at Las Animas Hospital, Habana, or at Columbia Barracks. Many of them had been pur- posely soiled with a liberal quantity of black vomit, urine, and fecal matter. A dirty "comfortable " and a much-soiled pair of blankets, removed from the bed of a patient sick with yellow fever in the town of Quemados were contained in one of these boxes. The same day, at 6 p. m., Dr. R. P. Cooke, acting assistant surgeon, United States Army, and two privates of the Hospital Corps, all nonimmune young Americans, entered this building and deliberately unpacked these boxes, which had been tightly closed and locked for a period of two weeks. They were careful at the same time to give each article a thorough handling and shaking, in order to disseminate through the air of the room the specific agent of yellow fever, if contained in these fomites. These soiled sheets, pillowcases, and blankets were used in preparing the beds in which the members of the Hospital Corps slept. Various soiled articles were hung around the room and placed about the bed occupied by Dr. Cooke. 1 From this date until December 19, 1900, a period of 20 days, this room was occupied each night by these three nonimmunes. Each morning the various soiled articles were carefully repacked in the aforesaid boxes, and at night again unpacked and dis- tributed about the room. During the day the residents of this house were permitted to occupy a tent pitched in the immediate vicinity, but were kept in strict quarantine. * * * * * * * December 19 these three nonimmunes were placed in quarantine for five days and then given the liberty of the camp. All had remained in perfect health, notwith- standing their stay of 20 nights amid such unwholesome surroundings. During the week December 20-27 the following articles were also placed in this house, viz, pajamas suit, 1; undershirts, 2; nightshirts, 4; pillow slips, 4; sheets, 6; blankets, 5; pillows, 2; mattress, 1. These articles had been removed from the per- sons and beds of four patients sick with yellow fever and were very much soiled, as any change of clothing or bed linen during their attacks had been purposely avoided, the object being to obtain articles as thoroughly contaminated as possible. From December 21, 1900, till January 10, 1901, this building was again occupied by two nonimmune young Americans under the same conditions as the preceding occupants, except that these men slept every night in the very garments worn by yellow fever patients throughout their entire attacks, besides making use exclusively of their much-soiled pillow slips, sheets, and blankets. At the end of 21 nights of such intimate contact with these fomites, they also went into quarantine, from which they were released five days later in perfect health. From January 11 till January 31, a period of 20 days, ''building No. 1" continued to be occupied by two other nonimmune Americans, who, like those who preceded them, have slept every night in the beds formerly occupied by yellow fever patients, and in the nightshirts used by these patients throughout the attack without change. In addition, during the last 14 nights of their occupancy of this house they had slept each night with their pillows covered with towels that had been thoroughly soiled with the blood drawn from both the general and capillary circulation on the first day of the disease, in the case of a well-marked attack of yellow fever. Notwithstanding this trying ordeal these men have continued to remain in perfect health. The attempt which we have therefore made to infect "building No. 1 " and its seven nonimmune occupants during a period of 63 nights has proved an absolute failure. INFECTION BY MOSQUITOES. While the experiments with fomites were being carried out in " Building No. 1," certain nonimmune individuals wfro were lodged in tents, in a separate part of the camp, were being subjected, with their full consent, to the bites of mosquitoes which had previously fed on the blood of cases of yellow fever occurring in the city of Havana. Thus during the period from December 5, 1900, to February 7, 1901, we had subjected to this method of infection 12 nonimmune subjects, HiS who had previously passed their full record of quarantine in this camp. Of these 10, or 83.3 per cent, experienced attack- of yellow fever and always within the period of incubation of this di The following Table II gives the necessary data concerning these observations : TABLE 11 \ l' Days in Inocul ilion. Mi-tho.t nf i i ! i r :. ! .if tnea Orte cms*. i sr BMT, lut.'. InoculaUon. tattoo :n boon. Result. mot* cxvunviuv I n 16 o 2p.m... 4 p. in Dec. 5, 1900 Dec. 8, 1900 Mosquito.... m 137 Positive .do ni I.v. Vl'.i m 1 VI 19 21 82 31 10JOa.m 4.30 p. m 12m. 10 a. in Dte. ,1900 Dec. 11,1930 Dec. 21.1900 Jan. 8,1901 do do : .do... 831 S l do do do 11 VI Dec, I.M'.N Deo. Deo. 26,1900 VII VIII 22 09 8.30 p. m Dte. 10,1900 Jan. 19. 1901 do .do $ Positive .do... VII Mil Jan. 3.1901 Jan. 23 1901 \u 74 6 78 25 10.30 a. m 9.30 a.m lla.m 2 p. m Jan, 26,1901 Jan. 31.1901 K.'h. ... 1-..H Feb. 7, 1901 do do do . " 70 Negative. . . . ive .do XII Feb. 3, 1901 The positive results obtained, therefore, by this mode of infection stand in striking contrast to the negative experiments made with fomites. Indeed, cases VIII and XI of Table II had each >lept _'l nights in the garments of yellow fever patients while occupan '' building No. 1." As they had remained in perfect health at Camp La /ear for yet 30 days longer, they were at the expiration of this time bitten by infected mosquitoes solely for the purpose of testing their immunity and with the result that an attack of yellow fever promptly followed in each case. It should be borne in mind, also; that of the nonimmune re-idem s at Camp Lazear, while all lived under the same hygienic condition^. only those individuals developed yellow fever who were purp bitten by contaminated mosquitoes, or injected with the blood of those sick with this disease. Moreover, the precision with which the infection of the individual followed the bite of the mosquit< nothing to be desired hi order to fulfil the requirements of a s< lentil ie experiment. Case V of Table II is of especial interest, when taken in connection with the failure to induce the disease by contact with fomites. This individual, having been quarantined for 32 days at Cami> Lazear, volunteered to enter a newly erected building in which 15 contaminated mosquitoes had just been freed. His lirM \ rit was at noon, December 21, 1900, and the length of his stay 30 min- utes. At 4.30 p. m. the same day he again entered this building and remained 20 minutes. The following day at 4.30 p. m. he for the third time visited this room and remained 20 minutes. During each of these visits he was bitten by mosquitoes. He did not enter the building again, nor was he exposed to any other source of i; . Nevertheless at the expiration of 3 days and 2:\ hour at 6 a. m. December 25, 1900, he was suddenly seized with an attack of yellow fever, which proved to be severe in char. the infection was occasioned by the bites of contaminated mosqui; plainly shown by the immunity from the disease enjoyed l.y two YELLOW FEVER. 169 nonimmune "controls," who, protected only by a wire-screen parti- tion, had been present at each of the subject's visits and who under the same conditions of security against the bites of the infected mos- quitoes continued to sleep in and breathe the com mom atmosphere of this room for yet 18 nights. To the positive cases contained in Table II, which were produced at Camp) Lazear, we are now able to add 4 other cases of yellow fever occasioned by the bites of infected mosquitoes, thus making a total of 14 cases, in each of which happily recovery followed. A very important point brought out by these observations is that an interval of about 12 days or more after contamination appears to be necessary before the infected Stegomyia is capable of conveying the disease to a susceptible individual. Repeated experiments made with insects which had bitten yellow fever patients 2 to 10 days pre- viously were always negative, although these same insects were proven capable of conveying the disease after having been kept until 17 to 24 days had elapsed. Our observations (14) further demonstrate that mosquitoes that have been kept for periods varying from 39 to 57 days after contamination are still capable of conveying the disease, and further that infected Stegomyia may survive for a period of at least 71 days. This will explain how the contagion of yellow fever may cling to a building, although it has been vacated for a period of two or more months. Bearing in mind that the observations made by means of blood injections (Table I) were only undertaken after we had succeeded in demonstrating that the disease could be conveyed by the bites of infected Stegomyia, it will be seen that our study of the method of propagation of yellow fever, at Camp Lazear, sufficed to prove very definitely that, while the natural mode of transmission of this disease is through the bites of infected mosquitoes, yellow fever may also be conveyed, like malarial fever, by the injection of a small quantity of blood taken from the veins of an individual suffering with this disease. Per contra, our observations show that, notwithstanding the com- mon belief in this mode of transmission, yellow fever can not be induced in the nonimmune individual even by the most intimate con- tact with contaminated articles of clothing and bedding. Although the investigations made at Camp Lazear were only con- cluded one year ago, already confirmatory evidence of the strongest character has been furnished in a series of experiments carried out by Guiteras (15) at the inoculation station of the sanitary department of Habana. I may be pardoned for quoting the paragraph with which Guiteras begins his contribution. He says : ' l The favorable results obtained by the United States Army commission in their experiments with yellow fever, the continued series of mild cases resulting from these experi- ments without a death, suggested very naturally the continuation of their work on a larger scale ; not with a view to control or confirm the conclusions of the commission, for anyone who had followed their work with unprejudiced attention must have concluded that their solution of the problem of the etiology of yellow fever was final; but rather in the hope of propagating the disease in a controllable form, and securing amongst the recently arrived immigrants immuniza- tion, with the minimum amount of danger to themselves and the community." 170 YELLOW FEVER. Of a total of 4'J individual- inoculated by (iuiteras _>,"> were rejected by him by D .\\i\ been bitten by in^eeis that had been apohed to cases of fever about which the diai: -in doubt. The following table, therefore, only includes 17 per-ons \\lio were bitten by Stegomyva that had previously foil on unmistakable ca><^ ((' \ ellow fever at imT\aU of l l -re being applied to the non- immune subject. TABLE 111 No. of DftU of (nor- ulaiion. Uode of inoculation. Result. Feb. 23.1901 Aug. 4. 1901 Mosauito... Positive. 3 days, 10 hours. do Aug. 7.1901 A.;* ^ LOOJ do do. do do. do i .. .do -.5 hours. i '1 i\ > '.', hours Aug. \ut '. 'r'l ..'.do.... Posit Aug 10.1901 do 10 11 do do do .do \Ug 13 1901 do Positive 3 day* 19 hours 13 do do Negative 14 \ug 14 1901 do 15 do. do do 16 Aug. 22.1901 Aug. 24,1901 do do.... Sdaya. A more complete confirmation of the results ol>tain<'d h\ the American commission could not be furnished than the data eontained in the foregoing table, since they show that of 17 individuals who were bitten by infected Stegoniyia fasciata , 8 (47 per cent ) devrl the disease. Most unfortunately, in three of these cas< rave symptoms ensued, such as Mark vomit and suppression of the urine, which eventuated in the death of the patients. I may add that in the hands of Guiteras fomites failed to exert any effect on nonimmun Whether other species of mosquitoes than Stegomyia are capable <>f conveying the parasite of yellow fever has not as yet been determined by the commission; nor have we been able to ascertain whether the parasite passes from the mother insect to daughter Insects* The experiments which we have thus far been able to make for the pin of determining these important points, although negative, have hern too few in number to warrant any definite expression of opinion. THE PREVENTION OF YELLOW FEVER. The definite determination of the way in which yellow fever is transmitted from the sick to the well furnishes a solution at h: that much vexed problem of how to prevent the spread of the di- Even in the absence of more definite kmmled^e eonrernii rific agent knowledge greatly to be de>h-cd from the scientific stand- point we are now able, as sanitarians, to direct our efforts alon- tain well-defined lines, with a fcelim: :ity heretofore unki> From the point of view of prevention the situation may be briefly summed up in the following conclusion, which v. .-nted by the American Army commission to the Pan-American ( ..f moo. 1 /.- eft, YELLOW FEVER. 171 viz, "The spread of yellow fever can be most effectually controlled by measures directed to the destruction of mosquitoes and the protection of the sick against the bites of these insects." This conclusion was the logical outcome of the observations that had been made by the commission at its experimental station near Quemados, Cuba'. The importance of the discovery that yellow fever is transmitted by the bite of a certain species of mosquito did not fail to attract the prompt attention of the military governor of the island of Cuba, himself a physician and formerly a distinguished member of the Medical Department of the United States Army. By his direction the theory was at once subjected to a practical test in the city of Habana, in which city yellow fever had not failed to make its yearly appearance during the past 140 years. Under the efficient management of the chief sanitary officer, Surg. Maj. Wm. C. Gprgas, United States Army, the sanitary regula- tions were so far modified as to require that every patient having yel- low fever should not only be quarantined, but that his room should be promptly protected with wire screens, so as to prevent the possibility of mosquitoes becoming infected by sucking the blood of the patient. As a second important measure, a systematic destruction of all mos- quitoes in other rooms of the patient's house, as well as in adjoining houses, was at once begun, the fumes of pyreihrum being relied upon to stupify the insects, after which they were carefully swept up and burned. In other words, Surg. Maj. Gorgas relying upon the well- known slow progress of yellow fever sought to destroy all mosquitoes, infected or noninfectecl, within a given radius of each case, while at the same time he effectually excluded all mosquitoes from access to the sick. If a secondary case occurred, the same hygienic measures were vigorously enforced along the lines above indicated. As an illustration of what has been accomplished by these newer sanitary regulations, I may state that counting from the date when they were put into force viz, February 15, 1901 Habana was freed from yellow fever within 90 days; so that from May 7 to July 1 a period of 54 days no cases occurred. Notwithstanding the fact that on the latter date, and during the months of July, August, and September, the disease was repeatedly reintroduced into Habana from an inland town, no difficulty was encountered in promptly stamping it put by the same measures of sanitation intelligently applied both in the city of Habana as well as in the town of Santiago de las Vegas, whence the disease was being brought into Havana. As a further illustration of the remarkable sanitary victory accom- plished over a disease whose progress we had heretofore been powerless to arrest, I will close this paper by inviting the reader's attention, first to the accompanying Chart I, which shows the average monthly mortality from yellow fever in Habana for the 20 years 1880-1899, inclusive, and also the mortality by month for the years 1900 and 1901. I will then ask him to examine Chart II, which shows the progress of yellow fever in Habana during the epidemic year, ending March 1, 1901, when the sanitary authorities were putting forth every effort known at that time to sanitary science in order to control the march of the disease; and when he has satisfied himself that no effect whatever was produced upon the epidemic of that year, I will invite his attention to Chart III, which shows the occurrence of this disease 172 YELLOW KKVER. (11 MIT I. Showing monthly mortality from yellowfever in the city of Havana, for the twenty years, 1900-1901. Dec. Oct. - June My- Jany. YELLOW FEVER. 173 CHART II. Cases and deaths from yellow fever in the city of Havana, for the epidemic year March 1 1900, to March 1, 1901 (by month}. CHART III. Cases and deaths from yellow fever in the city of Havana, for the epidemic year, March 1, 1901, to March 1, 1902 (by month). 1901 ~T J9M J&nttv g SO Cases. 174 YK.I.I.OU in Habana for the epidemic year March 1. l'M)i, to March 1.1 during which year Yellow fever was fought on the theory that the specific agent of this disease is transmitted solely hy means of the bites of infected mosquitoes. By carefully comparing the figures both as to deaths and cases in these two charts, and recalling that between the \ears 1853 and 1900 there have hern recorded in the city iubana 3">.t.YJ d in \ellow fever, he \\ill then he ahle to more clearly appreciate the \alue of the work mvomplishnl hy the American Army commission. BIBUOGRAI IM (1) Report on th Kii.. !..-:> am) rr-\.'ini.-i (2) LA Fiebre Amarilla. ( r. n. ia f Y<-llo\v Fcv.-r. Al.stractof Report, c. and at Gambia a hrcc or four weeks always elapsed betwixt the landing of the sick ami tin- j.i.irniie ..ui- breaking of the disease among the Dopulation, a degree of uniformity worthy of remark \\ lu-ther the conclusions at wni on its biting appa- ratus and transferred the same to the interior of the vessels of the per- son subsequently bitten. YELLOW FEVER. 177 g . ESS fLd -^2 d 'S 5 5 "8 T3 rrj <3 ^> O IH i K fiifi 1 SSft we H w w 5 er k. o o o z; a IN o oo < JH - ~ -^ : "S 03 ^ ^ 2 ^^ ^ ^ CO CC(N (M when the was bitte IS < ^ Date of contam of mosquit 3333 33 79965 S. Doc. 822, 61- 178 VEB. In a later paper he assumes that the picking up of those germs by tho proboscis of the moMjuito is selective, because there i^ nothing in prove that other inoculable diseases have I D BO ( i an-mitted. From four culture experiment*-, in each of which the head and the pro- boscis of a mosquito W6I6 dropped into a bouillon tube, he infers that the head and the pro)..-. -U ot t: .uito possess bactericidal properties for ordinary bacteria and fungi \\ith the exception 08, \vliich was subset | uen tly 1 1- > claimed to be the specific a of the disease. (!-".) The sting of the mosmiito b suggested as the "intermediate host" necessary for some pnase of development of disease germs. (14) As late as 1899 Kinlay mentions the isolation of the tetracoccus from culture media into which the heads and nroboscides of contamin mosquitoes had boon dropped, as one of t ne three result- of his e \peii- ments on yellow fever mosquitoes. In a paper (13) published in 1895 he announced some very inte ing results obtained with the "tetracoccus." A number of rabbits were inoculated in traperi tone ally with cultures in bouillon; one of these cultures had been obtained'from the head and the proboscis mosquito bv placing them in a tube of bouillon five days after the insect had bitten a yellow-fever patient; the others came from the finger blood and milk of yellow-fever patients. All of the rabbits died; some of them showed infarcts of the kidneys, lungs, and liver. A rabbit obtained from the count rv was placed in the stable where some of the other rabbits had been kept, and at the end of eight days it was found dead. The tetracoccus was obtained from its he; blood. Eleven days after the rabbits had been removed from the house (the stable is usually a part of the house in Habana) a Spanish wet nurse came to spend some time there and on the third day following her arrival she was attacked with yellow fever. Mosquitoes had been unusually abundant in the house during the whole time the inocu- lated rabbits had been kept in it, and we are asked to keep this in mind in view of the possible transmission of the disease from animals to man. We are told that the blood from the finger of this woman on the third day of her illness gave the "pale yellow tetra< and the milk from her breast gave a "white tetracoccus," which pi fatal to a rabbit in 15 days. (13) While reading the accounts of these experiments one is coiiMantly reminded of the pathogenic staphylococci. It is strongly - (13) that the rabbits died of yellow fever, and it is asserted that the experiments justified the assumption that the tetracoccus wa> the "specific germ of yellow fever." The statement is also made in this paper that of 100 presumably susceptible person- who had received the mosquito inoculation during the 14 years previous, only 3 had subsequently died of vellow fever. (13) I have been unable to find records of these 100 cases in the library of the Surgeon General's Office, and submit those of which the data area* ce^i Me tome. As these include the cases on which Dr. Fin! claim is based they will suffice for the purpose. The 54 negative cases are omitted. YELLOW FEVEE. 179 Case 3 was bitten by a mosguito that had been fed on bloody excrement from another mosquito that had been found inside the mosquito net of a fatal case. The material was allowed to dry for 27 days in the test tube and was then moistened with a little sugar and water to prepare it for feeding. (15) There is a marked difference between the method of procedure herein described and that given in 1901, (16) when Dr. Finlay said: I applied a nocturnal mosquito and allowed it to fill itself from a case of yellow fever. After pricking the side of the insect's abdomen I mixed the blood which escaped with a drop of sterilized sirup and fed with it a fresh culex mosquito, and finally applied the latter to a third soldier (July 29). Two days later, July 31, the soldier went to the hospital with a fever which was also recorded as "abortive yellow fever." This case (L. G. P.) was omitted from the paper published in 1881, as stated, but was included in 1891 in the report from which the cases here recorded are taken. Case 4 is further discussed in English in a footnote on page 368 of the Kevista de la Asociacion Medico-Farmaceutica, Haoana, Feb- ruary, 1902. (History of illness vague. Did not go to bed or report himself sick.) The first 5 cases were newly arrived soldiers, stationed at Cabanas and who were brought to the city of Habana for exami- nation once in every 5 days. Case 9 is cited by Finlay (17) in refutation of pur conclusion (18) that the mosquito is not capable of infecting until about 12 days or more have elapsed after it has bitten the patient. Case 55 was a Spaniard, newly arrived, who lived at a country residence. At both attempts to inoculate him the mosquitoes failed to bite; nevertheless he was taken sick August 26. Another non- immune who occupied an adjoining room was taken sick with similar symptoms, a few days later. No further comment is necessary, except that the cases of the Army commission and of Dr. Guiteras were kept under close observation and strict control. Nearly all of Dr. Finlay 's cases were exposed to infection in the city of Habana. Only four of them come within the recognized periods of incubation, viz, Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 66. The first three of these were inoculated in Habana in July, 1881, during which month there were 90 deaths from yellow fever in that city alone. The last was inoculated in August, 1890. In that month 60 deaths from yellow fever are recorded for the city of Habana. Finlay has published a great many conjectures and speculations in regard to yellow-fever transmission. Some of these, such as the belief that the disease was transmitted by the mosquito, have been proven by our work, but not in accordance with his ideas. I can nnd no evidence that he has produced a single case of yellow fever by his inoculations. In the first place the mosquito is incapable of transmitting the disease in so short a period as 2 to 5 days after biting the patient. In the second place 7 days must be placed as the extreme limit of incubation in the human being. Our longest period was between 5 and 6 days. Finlay conveniently puts the ordinary limit of yellow-fever incubation between 5 and 22 days. (14) The efficiency of the 5-day quarantine regulation proves that incubation in man certainly does not extend over 6 days, or 7 at the extreme, and in the 30 experimental cases recorded by ourselves and Guiteras the former period has never been exceeded. 180 YELLOW FEN TABLE 2. Negative mosquito inoculations of the Army commission. and number of pe- Dayofdteeaw. tamo* qilito rooa tan '.' Dateofappli- , tttoool mosquito. NumUT ...' DM* qattoai Remarks, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 M 17 18 19 20 21 22 MiM 1 Seventh ***'! 6 6 8 in 6 4 2 3 6 11 6 9 14 a u 13 10 13 16 12 12 15 18 4 11 22 Aug. 11,1900 Aug. 12,1901 Aug. 14.1901 log. 10,1901 Aug. 19,1901 Aug. 25,1901 Nov. 20,1901 Nov. 23,1901 -i, 1901 Nov. 29,1901 Nov. 28.1901 -".1,1901 Dec. 2, 1901 Nov. 26, 1901 Dec. 2, 1901 Dec. 17.1901 Dec. 24.1901 Jan. 25,1901 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 14 7 12 Negative. Do. Do. Do. Negative; p-M-tition. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Verjrmild. do. do. do iiiil Severe. 1 Bemad i ; I 1 : il 1 9aoood " . : : Bnood Third do do do Fifth... , Third. do Fifth Moderate. 1 . . i Well marked, 1... Third Second. (Moderate, 1 . 1 Well marked, 1. Third S'TOll'l Severe, 1 do do / (Fatal 1 do do Third Well marked, 1 do. do do Mild.l do do do First do Vry mild Eighth hour.. >82F. NOTE. The subjects of Experiments Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 were prov. susceptible by subsequent experimental infection. No. 22 declined a second test. In Experiments 20 and 21 the same set of insects and the same subject were used. Four of these insects infected this man six days later, on December 30, 1900. In a letter of August 20, 1901, Dr. Finlay (19) states he was con- vinced that extension of the interval between the application of the mosauito to the patient, and subsequently to the nonimmune. would develop a severe attack, such as he was anxious to avoid. One ran sympathize with the humane feeling that prompted him t<> forego positive proof of his theory rather than run the risk of produei severe attack, but it is a fact that on August 22, 1901 . two days Inter than the date of that letter, I saw Dr. Finlay apply to a nonimmune two mosquitoes that had been kept 34 days after contamination. I have been impelled to look .up the literature of this Mil. because I have seen several times of late the. statement of Dr. I inlay that the Army Yellow Fever Commission has tacitly ignored his ri^ht of priority. (21) It is too late, after facts have been prov -d and recorded by others, to claim priority mile-, one < an point to un takable evidence, in print, as proof that the facts have been den strated and duly reported. In our preliminary report (J_ Dr. Finlay has been given due credit for priority in advancing and advo- cating the mosquito theory. Nothing more is due to him. He states (21) that he had "many years ago discovered that yellow fever was transmitted by mosquitoes," when in reality he .-imply YELLOW FEVER. 181 assumes that to be the case, and the facts recorded by him do not sustain his claim. (23) He further states (21) that his own work had been singularly misrepresented before the American public, and that " among the facts and conjectures which are attributed to the recent investigators there is scarcely one which had not been asserted, demonstrated, or suggested by me, as the result of my personal experi- ments and observations." One can only express admiration for this eminent scientist's persistent adherence to his theory, but the unbiased observer, after a perusal of his numerous writings, must agree with us that while he asserted and suggested everything that intelligent reasoning and profound knowledge could suggest, he failed to pro- duce a single case of the disease. Our results have been confirmed by Guiteras with eight cases and three deaths; (24) Dr. Finlay's assumed results have never been confirmed by a single investigator. In our " Additional note" (25) we report among other instances one in which the bites of 14 insects, applied 4 days after contamination, failed to infect, and the 7 remaining alive failed also to infect 1 1 days after contamination, but on the seventeenth day following contamina- tion the bites of 4 of the same insects produced an attack of yellow fever in "the same individual." During the whole of this time these insects had been kept in a heated room at an average temperature of 82 F. If, as is claimed by Finlay, (26) protection is conferred by one or two bites of "recently contaminated" two to five days (19) mosquitoes, this individual, who had received 21 bites from recently contaminated insects, should have been able to resist the bites of 4 of the same insects 6 and 13 days later. Should one accept Finlay's extension of the incubation period to 22 days infection might then be erroneously attributed to the bites inflicted 13 days before the onset of fever. ^ The Army board worked on an entirely different hypothesis from Finlay, who believed that the infecting agent was retained on the biting parts of the mosquito, that infection was direct, and no interval was necessary. The board worked on the hypothesis that the specific agent of yellow fever was probably one of that group of strict parasites that in nature necessarily pass through two distinct and alternating cycles of development, one within the body of a vertebrate, the other within a blood-sucking invertebrate host. Finlay believed that the bite of a single insect would confer a mild infection and multiple bites a severe one. In my own case, produced by the bite of a single insect, a fatal result was looked for during several days. Dr. Lazear was bitten by a single insect and died. (27) I became so firmly con- vinced that the severity of an attack depended on the susceptibility of an individual rather than on the number of bites sustained, that on October 9, 1901, at Habana, I purposely applied to a nonimmune 8 mosquitoes (all I had) that had been contaminated 18 days before. The attack that followed was a mild one ; the temperature never reached 103 F., and dropped to normal on the evening of the fourth day. (27) The original theory of Finlay has been variously modified by him from time to time to meet possible contingencies. He now evidently inclines to the belief that development of the germ takes place in the salivary glands of the infected mosquito. (21) 182 TABLE 3. Positive mosquito inoculations of the Army commission. No. 3S52& -aar Daysofdl*. Ftjfcd tST Num. bard ::,.- gr : (:>. ; T- tttinfi ;:,-..,- Incubation. Severe, l "5 1 Bteood ! 1 Aug. 27,1900 3 day* 7 hours.... S.-N ,-r... Mild. 8.. and 2 2 Ojrr*r 7 second. First MV 1 2-16 4 Aug. 31,1900 6 days Moderate. Fatal, 2 and, and third. Iwittd 2-15 3 Severe, l...-. Mild, i do TbM 1-19 5 Dec. 5, 1900 3 days 10 boon... Pronounced. Fatal,! .do 17 Sever*, 2 BOMBd ;inil r is 4 Moderate 1 third. Third 1 3 4 5 days 17 i Mi!. in Cuba must be strictly forbidden. (21) TABLE 4. Positive mosquito inoculations oj Dr. Guiteras. Character of at- tack and num- ber paftatU bitten. Day of dis- Period in mosquito. Number of mos- quitoes used. DajfetoJ appltoa. tion of UMaqai- toes. Inrutmtlon. Character of at uuk. Firrt... Third ""* 19 1 4 1901 Feb. 23 AUK. 8 3 days, 10 hours... 4 days 5 hours Pronounced. ow FK\ secondary foci of infection. From these secondary foci tertiary foci would in time develop. The diagnosis of bilious remittent fever. dengue, etc., would serve to cover the earlier cases until the appear- ance of black vomit, by which time the infection would : .-me more or less widely disseminated. Such is the history of many outbreak The number of mosauitoes in infested districts can always be appreciably diminished by giving attention to surface drainage and the removal of standing water. n< matter ho\v small t he (juantit y or how pure the quality may be. Kain jLrutteis and conduits on huild- .ings should be kept clear and free; cisterns, v\-lU. llu-h tanks, and Other permanent receptacles for water should be kept tightly ered or securely screened; privies and cesspools should be cared 1'or; air vents to cisterns and wefts pro tec ted by screens, and water should never be permitted to stand in any vessel or receptacle within a building longer than three or four days. Ditches and open d< containing water should be frequently ilushed; old cans, < etc., should be removed from the vicinity of duelling-: p<>ls or ponds should be stocked with iish and deepened ai the margins or treated with petroleum. As the stegomvia is largely a house-dwelling and a house-^breedinir in>t indisposition followed close anil intimate contact with this repulsive material in any case. Temperatures and pulse rates were recorded at regular and frequent intervals. Four or these seven noniinnmnes were subsequently infected by blood injections and by means of infected mosquitoes. A fifth resisted the mosquito once (28) and declined further attempts at inoculation. Yellow fever has been eradicated from Habana, one of its endemic homes, by the institution of measures directed against the mosquito, YELLOW FEVEE. 185 after extreme cleanliness and energetic disinfection had proved a dismal failure. Several cases subsequently imported into that city have been handled with impunity by guarding the patients against the bites of those insects. A small outbreak in Santiago de las Vegas in 1901 was promptly suppressed by Col. Gorgas by the use of mean directed only against the mosquito. On those who decline to accept such evidence must rest the burden of proving that the disease is transmitted in some other way before their position can be sustained. REFERENCES. (1) Medical Inquiries and Observations, Benjamin Rush, M. D., Philadelphia, 1805 vol. iv., pp. 10, 77, 175. (2) An Essay on Yellow Fever, by B. B. Strobel, M. D., Charleston, S. C., 1840, p. 162. (3) Report of Sanitary Commission of New Orleans on the Epidemic of Yellow Fever of 1853, New Orleans, 1854, vol. i, pp. 266, 278, 540. (4) The Epidemics of New Orleans, by Bennett Dowler, New Orleans, 1854, p. 44. (5) La Roche on Yellow Fever, Philadelphia, 1855, vol. i, pp. 67, 77, 79. (6) See footnote 2, p. 87, citing from the London Medical Gazette for August, 1839. (7) New Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., May, 1900. (8) Medical Record, N. Y., June 15, 1901. (9) Anales de la Academia de Ciencias Medicas de la Habana, Havana, xxvii, 1890-91. p. 501. (Finlay.) (10) Original Article republished in English in the Reyista de la Asociacion Medico-Farmaceutica, Havana, Cuba, Jan. and Feb., 1902. (Finlay.) (11) Finlay: Ibid., pp. 362 and 369; also Edinburgh Med. Jour., Oct., 1894, p. 334. (12) Proceedings of the International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Buda- pest, 1894, p. 702. (13) Edinburgh Med. Jour., vol. xli, 1 pp. 523 to 526. (14) Finlay: Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., n. s., vol. xcii, 1886, pp. 402, 403. (15) Footnote to p. 369, Revista de la Asociacion Medico-Farmaceutica, Havana, Feb., 1902. (16) Medical Record, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1901, p. 203. 17) The Journal A. M. A., April 13, 1901, p. 1041. 18) Ibid., Feb. 16, 1901, p. 439; 3d conclusion. 19) Medical Record, Aug. 31, 1901, p. 344. (20) Case 8 of Dr. Guiteras' series, Amer. Med., Nov. 23, 1901. (21) See reprint, p. 8, on "Method of Stamping Out Yellow Fever, Etc.," by Dr. Charles Finlay, M. D., Conference of State and Provincial Boards of Health, New Haven, Conn., Oct., 20, 1902, and Medicine, Detroit, March, 1903, pp. 175, 179. (22) Phila. Med. Jour., Oct. 27, 1900. (23) Sternberg, Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., new series, vol. cii, 1891, p. 627, and Nuttall, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Reports, vol. viiii, 1899-1900, p. 27. (24) Amer. Med., Nov. 23, 1901. (25) The Journal A. M. A., Feb. 16, 1901. (26) Finlay: Edinburgh Med. Jour., Oct., 1894, p. 335. (27) The Etiology of Yellow Fever, Amer. Med., Feb. 22, 1902, Case 2. (28) Case 22, Table 2. CHAPTER 2. ARKS ON EPIDEMIC OF YELLOW FEVER IN BALTIMORE.' By JAMBS CARROLL, M. D., Burgeon United States Army, Washington, D. C. MR. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMI \ <>r THE ALTJMM taaa EATI Instead of a strictly technical theme. I liave chosen one that may f more general interest, and which formerly demanded the at ten- tin n of two of the most brilliant minds among the early teachers of the university. Dr. Nathaniel Potter, a former pupil of Dr. Benjamin Ku-h, and afterwards the first professor of theory and practice of medicine in the university, held in 1703 that yellow fever was n.t emit a:ious, and he communicated this opinion to Dr. Rush in writing. A to his own statement, he believed that he was the only person in America who held that opinion, and in 1795 he prepared to defend his belief in an inaugural thesis to be read at the next comm- inent of the University of Pennsylvania, of which he was a student. He was dissuaded by Dr. Wistar on the grounds of propriety expediency. Dr. Potter states that in 1797 Rush > contention that the disease was contagious was first publicly attacked by I>r. B. Davidge, one of the founders ana the first professor of sur and obstetrics in this school, whose paper was published in Federal Gazette, of Baltimore, on the 30tn day of November. 17'.'7. Dr. Davidge subsequently enlarged his paper n ..lied it in a volume entitled "Physical Sketches," published in Baltimore in 1814. On account of the importance of this city as a seaport, in almost constant intercourse with the West Indies, yellow fever JUUM have been introduced a great many times, yet the only important epi- demic outbreaks of the disease took place in 17iM. 17 ( >7, 1800, and 1819. It is notable that all the outbreaks began at Locust Point, or about the docks and wharves, and they can DC traced direct I indirectly to the shipping. The relatively high ground upon which the city stood, and tne distance from the city proper to the wh.-; and shipping, explain why the intcrurban residents suffered but little, while those Jiving upon the poorly drained, low-lying di near the river were compelled on such occasions to flee for saf < It can be easily shown that yellow fever was frequently confounded with malaria; indeed, it was strongly contended that the t\\> di- eases were one and the same, tl nee being only in the .1. of intensity. Then, while many contended that the disease imported, and though their contentions could be supported by sworn testimony, there were others among the leaders and teachers in the profession who held, \\ith Ku>h, that since the infection was j: prevalent in poorly drained localities, the water and decomp vegetable matter must be necessary for the generation of the poison, which was manifestly conveyed through the atmosphere. The Hoipital li venlty of Maryland, Feb. 15, 1905. YELLOW FEVER. 187 general restriction of the disease to the localities described, the observation that many persons who visited those localities for only a few hours became infected, while in other localities no infection took place, even among those who were intimately associated with the patients, proved the disease to be one of locality. With the observa- tion that if the wind blew strongly from the direction of the infected locality toward the city, that within a few days the disease also ex- tended toward the city, it was concluded, with reason, that the poison must exist in the atmosphere, that it was transported by the winds, and that infection could only result from the inhalation of this poison, which was believed to be gaseous in nature. This agreed with Syd- enham's theory of the epidemic constitution of the atmosphere, which was supported by Rush and his pupils, and which then seemed to offer the only explanation of the recorded observations of centuries. If we admit the mosquito as the sole carrier of the disease, we will be prepared to acknowledge that their observations were, in the main points, strictly accurate; that their reasoning was logical, and the deductions fully justified by the premises. It then becomes very easy to understand how the disease became one of lowly situated and poorly drained localities; how it was transmitted by the atmos- phere ; how it failed to spread in certain locations ; and how it dis- appeared upon the appearance of a heavy frost. The observation was actually recorded by a Baltimore physician that during the epidemic mosquitoes became an intolerable pest, while but a short time before no mosquitoes were observed. How beautifully this observation agrees with our present knowl- edge that the yellow-fever-carrying mosquitoes can be conveyed on vessels ; that in the warmer season of the year they will multiply on shore, gradually extending from house to house, breeding in and about the dwellings (for they are domesticated insects), and that they become infected only after feeding upon a patient. The impor- tation of the mosquito explains the appearance of this insect in places where it usually does not exist; it explains the occurrence of the earlier cases among persons who either visited the vessels or wharves or docks, or who lived in the vicinity of them. It also explains why favorable localities were visited by the infection only, as a rule, when they received shipping; while localities equally favorable to the infection, but far from the shipping, remained free from it. Of course, the absence of the proper mosquito explains the failure of the disease to spread to any extent in the city proper. This stood upon ground that was high and dry, and it was at that time some distance from Fell's Point, the location of Sugar House Wharf where many of the vessels from the West Indies probably made their landing. Assum- ing that at the Sugar House Wharf cargoes of sugar were unloaded, we are reminded that sugar is a favorite food for the yellow-fever mosquito, and that it can subsist on this and water alone for months. Now Sugar House Wharf was at Fell's Point, and most of the out- breaks began at Fell's Point, where, presumably, the largest number of mosquitoes was imported. During the epidemic of 1794, 360 deaths were recorded. Dr. Drysdale reported * that he saw his first case just before death on the 7th of August, at Bowley's Wharf, in the town, and on the 14th, The Philadelphia Medical Museum, 1805, 1 26. Letters written by Dr. Drysdale to Dr. Rush. 188 YELLOW FEVER. 20th, 22d, and 23d of the same month he saw five additional < at the same part of the wharf. There \\ere also at the same place some other cases which did not come under his care. Dr. Prysdale states that there was considerable sickness at Fell's Point after the death of his first case, and many deaths had occurred suddenly, >r after a short indisposition. An investigation was made l>y three of the most respectable physician-, who reported that the prevailing r was the common epidemic of the season which visited the Southern and Middle States annually, viz, the bilious remit tent fever. The number of cases now rapid Iv increased, so that 1>\ tember 25, in about seven weeks, five physicians were attacked and two of them died. The cases had become so numerous that Dr. Coulter visited and prescribed for more than 120 per-"ii- daily. By the end of the month many families had sought refuse in the country. During this time the city remained unusually healthy, and although some persons infected at the Point died in the city proper, in that location the disease failed to spread. In his ninth letter of a series to Dr. Rush he state- that yellow fever was first discovered at two points, remote from each other, vi/. at Bowleys Wharf in the town-, and at Fells Point. Many cases occurred throughout the town, but these originated either from com- munication with Bowleys Wharf or the roint, and the infection could be distinctly traced to one of those two places. Beinir pn//led to explain why the infection was confined to those two places, he found that the first cases on the Point were confined to h< whose cellars were filled with stagnant, putrid water, and he found black, putrid, and offensive water beneath the stores in which the sick resided at Bowleys Wharf. Almost all those who first affected were newcomers. Dr. Drysdale describes the Point as being low and flat; its streets generally not paved; its alleys filthy, and the ground around it marshy in many places. The frequent warm rains kept the noxious places constantly moi>t under a hot sun. We can easily recognize these as conditions favoraLle to the multiplication of mosquitoes, and the domestic habits of the stegomyia mosauito would tend to keep the infection rather do-ely confined to these localities. He further makes the significant statement that remittents were present from a very early period. It is more than probable that many of these remittents were true yellow fever, because under the belief then prevailing, that these were simplv the prevailing types of summer fever, they would not be reported.. It is also probable that if occasional cases were known to have been yellow fever, some physicians would have concealed them from the same motives that prevail to-day. He could discover no satisfactory evidence of the importation of the disease, though he states that the Triumph arrived at the wharf about the last of June, with almost all the crew indisposed, and previous to this there lay at the wharf a schooner whose captain had died on the voyage from the West Indies. The fact alone, however, that vessels from the West Indies came up to the wharf is sufficient to indicate to us the source from which the infection was received. The following sentence toward the end of the ninth letter is of extreme interest: "Locusts were not more numerous in the reign of Pharaoh than mosquitoes through the last few months; yet these insects were very rare only a few years past, when a far greater portion of Baltimore YELLOW FEVEK. 189 was a marsh." With wonderful acuteness of observation he remarks that some families at the Point avoided yellow fever by carefully precluding all communication with the sick, and that vessels also preserved their crews in health by removing to a distance from the wharf and preventing the sailors from going ashore. As soon as one infected person came on board he quickly infected all or most of the crew. He instances one man who contracted the disease on shore and carried it on board the ship PTioenix, whose crew was healthy. These all became infected and 5 out of 12 died. As the result of these observations he very naturally concluded that in some instances the fever proved contagious. These, and other cases cited, are now so easily explained by the mosquito theory that we can not appreciate the perplexity of the problem as it formerly presented itself for solution. The most accurate and careful observation yielded results that were apparently contradictory. All honor to Dr. Drysdale, whose tenth and last letter of the series was written to Dr. Rush in December, 1794. Some further interesting references to this epidemic were published by Dr. John B. Davidge in 1798 and subsequently rewritten by him in a treatise on yellow fever, published in 1813. He makes the inter- esting statement that the yellow fever first appeared in the last of August, but the common bilious fever prevailed at Fells Point from June. A lady from Philadelphia was attacked with yellow fever, on Charles Street, and she had black vomit, but no other person in the family or neighborhood was attacked during the whole season. He no ted 'that the disease extended in the direction of the prevailing winds, and that it was conveyed bv a northeast wind all along Federal Hill and the west end of the basin. A considerable number of cases occurred in the city and many who had attended the launch- ing of a frigate (near the water, of course), subsequently suffered from yellow fever, and several of them died, but no single person in the city contracted the disease from them. Concerning the prevalence of yellow fever in Baltimore at that time (1798), Dr. Davidge writes: A physician in conversation the other day told me that he had met with the yellow fever in Baltimore ever since he had lived there, which is 15 or 20 years. It is vio- lating all obligations of decency and truth to say that it is of recent date. This statement was probably correct, for every importation of the disease is not necessarily followed by an epidemic. In Baltimore and other places where the mosquito, Stegomyia fasciata, is not normally present, an epidemic is not possible, after the introduction of any number of cases, provided the mosquito be absent. For the production of an epidemic the introduction of infected mosquitoes alone during the hot season may suffice, because the mosquitoes deposit their eggs, and in a week or 10 days another brood will have become mature. The insects of this new brood must bite a patient in the first three or four days of the attack in order that they may become infected. Should only one or two infected insects be brought in and should they die (as frequently happens) immediately after depositing their eggs, then the disease would appear only in the persons first bitten by them, and these would have passed beyond the infective period by the time the new brood had matured. Should the infected insects, however, have remained alive, and should they have bitten other persons, at intervals of a few days in succession, 190 YELLOW PEVBB. these persons would be in the proper stage of the disease at the maturini: of the new brood to enable them to become infected. When the proper mosquito has been previously introduced into a favorable locality in the proper season, or when the mosquito, Sttgomyia fascia /J/.i- naturally present, the introduction subsequently of a single case may produce an epidemic. The facts above stated will readily explain the frequently reported appearance of sporadic cases without the occurrence of secpncfary ones. We can now see that the immunity against the disease enjoyed by proper evidently depended upon its high and dry location. ndered the conditions unfavorable for the multiplicai inn of the mosquitos that were imported. In tin- regard Baltimore more fortunate than Philadelphia, which was lower and contained B standing water. Hence, the mosquitos were more abundant and the disease spread uniformly. This led Dr. Rush to contend that the disease must be contagious, while Dr. Davidire held t hat t he tairion was local, and existed only in the air of certain fmm where it might be wafted by the winds in any direction. Dr. asserted (p. 84) that they had the melf. When these- noved u]> into the city their virulence died with them, i who died; and, he writes, "from those who recovered, all mischief and supposed contagion evanesced into empty air. which bore it to the pages of medical writers, and not to the bodies of healthy attendants. This was the result in 1794 and 1797." The importance of tin's observation can hardly be overestim.: it shows the sagacity and care with which the epidemic was studied by these devoted men. Dr. Davidge learned the truth, and that truth unfortunately still remains to-day a hidden mystery to many of our practitioners, notwithstanding the recent absolute demon tion of it beyond a shadow of a doubt. In connection with the now known mosquito propagation of the disease, an observation recorded by Dr. Nathaniel Potter ' in this outbreak of 1797 deserves mention. He tells us that previous to the 17th of September the fever had been conlined to certain place- and to such as had breathed the air evolved from them: on that ea-e I at Fells Point, on the borders of the cove, which extended from Jones Falls to the interior. The faculty of medicine of the city, after investigation, reported to the mayor that in their belief the disease was i or ted. but originated in t he cove from thostagnat ion putrefaction of filth uni. 'iimer's sun. The fir-: t v. o peared on the 2d of May, 2 another on the Sth of June, one on the 9th, 10th, and Kith: then from the -I'd they became more mime. - .~.. on Contagion, by Nathaniel Potter, M D., Baltimore, 1818, p. 20. * Medical Repository, New York, 1801, vol. IV. p. 361. YELLOW FEVEE. 191 It is unfortunate that we have no detailed description of this epi- demic, the most disastrous the city has ever experienced. A few cases are reported for the years 1802-1805. The next important outbreak took place in 1819 following the arrival of an infected ship from Habana. 1 In a letter to the editors of the Medical Repository, Dr. Pierre Chatard, 2 of Baltimore, writing October 19, cites the first cases as follows: The fever commenced raging at Fells Point in the beginning of July, and never ceased there until the end of October. It appeared also at Smith's Dock toward the end of July, carrying off five persons whose names are given, and others. The persons named had countinghouses on the dock or in the vicinity. m> other cases appeared at the dock for two months, at the end of which time two more appeared. Dr. Chatard attributes the absence of cases during this time to the great quantity of lime that had been strewn on the ground by order of the mayor. The lime was again applied and the cases ceased. At Fells Point the disease raged for three months before it subsided. The greater part of the population retired to the healthier portions of the city, and many of them sickened and died there, but none of their friends or relatives suffered in consequence. We are told by Dr. Chatard that the epidemic focus on the Point never exceeded seven or eight thousand square feet. This information he regarded as precious because it demonstrated the noncontagiousness of the disease and the value of a local quarantine. Among the most interesting records of this epidemic are the letters and other documents published by authority of the mayor in 1820. These contain the actual opinion and experiences of the physicians, and they show a remarkable unanimity in the belief among the Balti- more physicians that the disease was noncontagious. The persist- ency with which the infection originated and remained in the vicinity of shipping, wharves, etc., is generally commented on. Dr. Clendinen reports that his first cases were located at the southeast corner of Fells Point, and several of them appeared among foreigners on board the shipping, persons who had been healthy previous to their arrival. This invasion by the disease of healthy ships tied up to the wharves appeared to be indisputable evidence of the poisoned condition of the atmosphere. Of course it is hardly necessary to say here that these vessels were simply invaded by infected mosquitoes. Dr. Clendinen was a resident of the Point, and he states that his family had suffered from the disease and he had lost a student, an assistant physician, and some of his best friends. Dr. Samuel B. Martin, after enumerat- ing 34 of his earlier cases, with their location about the wharves and shipyards, states: These will suffice, I think, to show the course the disease took in its commencement, traveling regularly along the course of the water and infecting the streets in the vicinity thereof. My most violent cases were near the water's edge or contracted there. No mention of this epidemic would be complete without a reference to the little book by Dr. David M. Reese, entitled " Observations on the Epidemic of 181 9," a book which every one interested in the subject should read. According to him, some persons attributed the epidemic to the arrival of the schooner Adventure from the West 1 Carpenter on Yellow Fever, New Orleans, 1844, p. 18. 2 Medical Repository, New York, vol. 20, 1820, p. 261. 192 W>W 1KVER. Indies, laden with coflfee, while others looked with suspicious eyes upon the schooner Proserpine laden with hides and coil'ee. Both teasels were ordered to the quarantine -round, hut were soon per- mit ted to return because, after a reexamin at ion hy the health ollicer, their cargoes were found to be in a sound condition. ingto the time when 1,016 cases had been reported hy the physicians, Dr. Reese states that of all of these only rj were supposed t<> nave originated in the city. He calls attention to the remarkahle fact that, in almost every instance where a person visited the Point at niirht the contracted they disease, while those who were there only in the daytime escaped with impunity. He further remarks that those of tne Baltimore physicians who became infected sullVred in consequence of paying a \ i-it hy ni.Lrht to the source of infection, or to the vicinity where the cause existed. Several ph \\ h< > had attended patients in the daytime in the very cent er !' the infection. and through the whole course of the fever remained exenmt until hy vi-itini: the district once in the night they contracted tne di This accords perfectly with the mosquito theory and wit h t he t wilirlit habits of stegomyiafasciata, the particular mosquito n >w know n ' concerned in the transmission of the disease. It i> al-o in accord with the experience of the American troops near Habana. Soldiers who visited the city only between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. in. remained free from the disease, while among those who became infected there were but few who did not acknowleo!ge having spent a niirht or a part of anight out of the barrack. Let us now consider what evidence, if any, collected by these closely observant Baltimore physicians could he used to support the mosquito theory to-day. Firstly, t i nied the presence of an unusually large number of mosquitoes; secondly, they observed that the infection was localized in the low, wet disi rid s near the river and shipping; thirdly, they noted that the infection was contracted mostly at night; fourthly, they showed that in the higher and drier ground of the city proper the disease was absolutely non- contagious; fifthly, they reported that the disease traveled in the direction of the prevailing winds, w r hen these were strong and hlew in one direction ; and, sixthly, they were familiar with the lact that yel- low fever was most apt to prevail when the mean temperature was high, and they knew perfectly well that the disease was stamped <.m by the frost. To this we. can add nothing more than the direct. implication of the mosquito. Of course, a mistake was made in the failure to recognize the imported nature of the disease, and strong protests were written against the quarantine methods then in force against Baltimore by Philadelphia, Wilmington, and other places. These * quarantines were established in the belief that the disease was contagious, The Baltimore physicians, having the strongest proofs that it was felt that they were treated with undue seventy. In a low-lying city like Philadelphia, where mosquitoes were numerous, there was JIM i- fication for the belief in contagion, so that, while both were partly wrong in their opinions, under the circumstances the method of Quarantine was a justifiable and proper one to adopt for their sal On the other hand, the lax cjuanmtine system at Baltimore was a source of danger; still it was justifiable on the ground of the availa- ble evidence to show that yellow fever was not contagious and upon the belief then prevailing that all infectious fevers were the result YELLOW FEVER. 193 of putrefaction. Hence, if a vessel were clean and her cargo in good condition, it was assumed that she could not harbor the seeds of the disease and she was permitted to come into dock and unload. In the management of the epidemic the wise policy was adopted of advising all persons to flee the infected location and seek a residence upon high ground without the range of the infection. This the major- ity did, many going to the country or remaining nearby, while some refused to leave their habitations, and these latter furnished the fuel for the continuance of the pestilence. This epidemic is said to have cost the city 350 lives. The kindly concern shown for the welfare of the destitute poor stands out brightly in the history of this outbreak. It became nec- essary to remove the healthy poor from Fell's Point and provide means of shelter and sustenance for them until it was safe for them to return. A committee was appointed who visited a Mr. Owen Dor- sey to solicit the use of a ropewalk owned by him. This was granted free of charge and the removal began. More room was soon needed, and a Mr. Christopher Chapman gave up another adjacent ropewalk, 1,000 feet long, for the purpose. This was not sufficient and more than 100 tents and marquees were then pitched and filled. Over 1,000 persons were received, made comfortable, and supplied with provisions and every necessity. The corporation appropriated $1,000, but this was returned, the donations of money and supplies being ample for all purposes. Notwithstanding the partial depopu- lation, business depression, failure of some of the leading commer- cial houses and one of the banks, over $4,000 in cash were contrib- uted and liberal donations of food, clothing, etc., poured into the warehouses designated to receive them. The neighboring farmers contributed flour, fruit, and vegetables as well as money, and George- town, D. C., contributed $700. A soup house was established at the encampment, and this supplied over 100 gallons of rich, whole- some soup daily. This enterprise was undertaken by three energetic gentlemen Messrs. Stewart, Mosher, and Coale and through vol- untary contributions of material and labor the total outlay required was only $10. The camp was maintained for 53 days, and when it was broken up, on the 25th day of October, each person was sup- plied with provisions for three davs. There were only six deaths in the encampment and five additional in the hospital of persons who contracted the fever at the Point and were carried from the camp to the hospital for treatment. The sick among the poor were cared for at the hospital at the expense of the city. Food, luxuries, and stimulants were provided for distribution upon the order of any practicing physician. It is estimated that by these means several hundred lives were saved, and the record is one of which Baltimore should be proud. The mayor, Edward Johnson, was a man of Christian character, high courage, and strong determination. ^ Dis- regarding protests, the mayor and many of the board of health visited the hospitals during the height of the epidemic, and by their example inspired others with confidence in the noncontagious nature of the disease. Dr. Reese wrote of him : Mr. Johnson is one of the few individuals with whom, when interest and duty are in opposite scales, the latter will ever predominate. After this disastrous epidemic a few cases occurred annually until 1805, and perhaps later. 79965 S. Doc. 822, 61-3 13 194 YELLOW FEVER. Ton cases are reported to have appeared at Kort McHenry in 1^ and the disease was believed to conic from infect Is in <|iiaran- tine nearby. It is probable, as has been stated 1>\ l>r. John M sporadic outbreaks were frequent at Kells Point until 1 In tliis \car I>r. Kemp, of the hoard of health, had (lie infected district drained and cleaned. It is said to have l>een free from the ase from then until \cept durin.i: the sii^pen>ion of com e dnrinjr the Civil \\'ar . \\hen a small outhivak ome >u mav be stimulated to read for yourselves the records \\ ritten :ien of this city, some of whom were teacher- in our university and of whom you have every reason to be proud. i History of the Epidemic in Baltimore in 1870. Reports of American Public Health Association. Vol. > f , p. 244. * Baltimore Physician and Surgeon, Vol. VI. p. 37. CHAPTER 3. YELLOW FEVER: A POPULAR LECTURE. 1 By JAMES CARROLL, M. D., assistant surgeon, United States Army. Yellow fever, or yellow jack, as it is more familiarly called, is so far as our knowledge goes, strictly an American plague or pestilence, and our earliest authentic accounts of this disease record its occur- rence in the West Indies at the middle of the seventeenth century. By one or two of the older writers it is reported to have been trans- ported there from Siam, but this seems unlikely, because yellow fever has never been shown to be an oriental disease. Before the time of Sydenham, oriental plague, typhus fever, smallpox, cholera, pernicious malaria, and yellow fever were all called putrid or pestilen- tial fevers; it was believed they were due to the same cause and that they were transmitted through the atmosphere as visitations from God. At that time the science of medicine stood upon such a low plane that the best English physicians were just beginning to learn that there were differences between measles and smallpox, typhoid fever or typhus fever, and malaria, etc. Harvey had only recently announced the circulation of the blood and Malpighi had followed him with a demonstration of the blood corpuscles in the smaller vessels (capillaries) uniting the arteries and veins. Peruvian bark, that blessing in malarial fevers, was barely known at the time when yellow fever first prevailed at Barbados, Jamaica, Santo Domingo, and Martinique, and later at Vera Cruz. In 1761 the disease was carried from Vera Cruz to Habana by the Spaniards, who lost 3,000 persons from it in that year alone, and in 1780, out of an army of 8,000, about 2,000 died of yellow fever within two months after landing at Habana. It is further reported that in 1794 there were over 1,600 victims to yellow fever in the Spanish garrison and squadron at Habana. More recently, for the 10 years from 1870 to 1879, inclusive, 11,746 deaths are recorded for the city of Habana from yellow fever alone. Spain paid dearly for the Pearl of the Antilles in both men and treasure, for, besides decimating her troops in Cuba, the disease followed them across the Atlantic and appeared in epidemic form in various cities of the Peninsula from time to time. The fearful mortality attendant upon this disease is well brought out in the accounts of some of these epidemics. For instance we are told by an English physician, Dr. O'Halloran, 2 who studied the epi- demic in Barcelona hi 1821, that the general hospital received 830 patients suffering from yellow fever, and of these no less than 749, or 90 per cent, died. This keen observer contends the disease can not be contagious, but is due to some local infection of the atmosphere, and in support of his contention he cites numerous instances during the out- 1 Delivered at Galveston, Tex., Apr. 12, 1905, under the auspices of the University of Texas. Reprinted from American Medicine, Vol. IX, No. 22, pp. 907-915, June 3, 1905. 2 Remarks on the Yellow Fever, by Thomas O'Halloran, M. D., London, 1823. 196 YELLOW FEVER. break referred to, showing the disease was not aiul could not be di- rectly contagious, because duriiu: the epidemic thousands of persons fled from the city to the- country. iiMshiaing those who had slept with, nursed, and been intimately associated with the sick. traveling in many instances in the same cart- <>r carriages that had been the transportation of nalicnis. and e\cn the dead, and after carry in;; with them the penoiuJ cll'ects of those who had died of the disease. Still. ;her cases f.>ll..\\ed in the districts to which these people lied and evidence appeared to be indisputable that the disease -pread by contagion in certain localities within the city or its environ-, and the lusion was arrived at that the contaL'i"n could not e\M in the country, but originated de novo in certain localities in the cities, as a result OI peculiar atmospheric and local conditions. It v rvcd that the nuns of the u r cneral hospital who were thrown into frequent and direct contact with the sick escaped t lie disease, while in the valescent hospital the president, the head apothecary and the superin- tendent. none of whom had ever entered the rooms of the sick. who had taken every precaution not to communicate with the sick nor with anything De&ngjng to them, all fell ill. Of course, now that we know that natural or nonexperimental yellow fever can only be contracted through the bite of a contaminated mosquito, it is quite clear that the presence or absence of the disease in certain locali- ties means simply the presence or absence of contaminate! 1 moB- quitos. As we view the subject now, the yellow fever mosquito brought to Spanish ports by vessels coming from Habana, and be in;; a house mosquito, it multiplied in those cities during tin 4 warm se, It was then at hand to receive and transmit the infecti< -us a-ent when- ever it encountered cases of the disease, and these were frequent ly im- ported. Upon the appearance of frost the mosquito went into hiber- nation and the epidemic promptly ceased. As the insect was an im- ported one it was not present in the country districts, consequently there was no extension of the disease from patients treated 1 1 in the cities the epidemic could only spread where the proper mos- quito chanced to be present. The introduction of the mosquito alone can have no ill effect unless it has previouslv bitten yellow fever pa- tients, and in like manner, sufferers from yellow fever are absolut ely harmless to others unless they are bitten by the proper mosquit o. As Dr. Howard, no doubt, told you last year, the female mosquito at certain periods in her existence experiences a physiologic need for blood. The hemoglobin of the blood seems necessary for the maturation of her ovums, and she will not deposit her eggs until she has obtained a meal of blood. The male insect can not transmit yellow fever, because, having no need for it, he never sucks blood. and while his proboscis will provide him with fruit juices, it will not penetrate the animal skin. The mysterious movement s of the disease, passing from house to house, even at times when there had been no communication between the inhabitants; the remarkable immunity enjoyed by some groups of persons who were equally and full orach exposed as others who were decimated by its ravages; t as well as the peculiar way hi which the infection clung to dwell and ships, invested it with a mystery that puzzled physician centuries, and remained totally unexplained until the demonstration of the mosquito theory within the past five years. Even to-d,, our own country, where the results upon which it is based were first YELLOW FEVER. 197 published, the mosquito theory of the transmission of yellow fever still has many opponents, and some of its supposed friends are very weak-kneed and seem still to be looking -for evidence that would justify them in deserting it. It is painful to read, in one of our most prominent and influential daily newspapers, the letters emanating from a well-known writer upon the subject of yellow fever, who a few years ago was looked up to as an authority and wrote for standard professional works, but who is now damaging his own reputation and retarding progress by asserting that the mosquito is not the sole medium for the transmission of this disease. It does not seem to have occurred to this widely known and most interesting writer that the burden of proof rests upon him, and that he should either remain silent or be prepared to prove by actual demonstration that there is some foundation for his claim. I take the liberty here to suggest to the paper in whose interest this writer was sent to Cuba, that it could hardly invest a few hundred dollars more profitably than to enable this gentleman to furnish the necessary evidence in support of his statements, if such evidence is obtainable, as it certainly should be if his assertions are well founded. Who would think to-day of 1 advancing the old theory that malarial infection is contracted in any other way than through the bite of the mosquito ? No one who is familiar with modern ideas on parasitology would entertain the idea for a moment, and there is no more ground for assuming that yellow fever is transmitted in any other way than there was formerly for entertaining that opinion in regard to malaria. In your own State during the last two years you have had abundant evidence of the power of measures, based upon the mosquito theory alone, to suppress this disease, even when that theory met only half-hearted acceptance. \ Do not understand me as intending to reproach those hesitating nonbelievers who were so slow to move ; on the contrary, I sympathize with them and with their refusal to conform their ideas to all the new theories that were being constantly advanced, then denied, con- tested, and recontested with every reappearance of the disease. But let us return again to the scenes enacted, and the conditions found, where the disease has prevailed in the past. Dr. O'Halloran, in summing up after studying the epidemic at Barcelona, calls atten- tion to the House of Charity, a clean, well-ventilated building in the noninfected part of the city, and which was occupied by more than 1,100 persons during the height of the epidemic. These persons, men, women, and children, went out daily into various parts of the city, some visited the sick and entered the houses of the dying and the dead. Among all this number, only 2 contracted the disease. These were treated in theSeminario Hospital, where 1 recovered and the other died. The one that recovered was at once returned to the House of Charity, where she mingled with the other inmates ; still none of them was affected. He then says: The foregoing is a true report, and may be regarded as an important one. Had the House of Charity been situated in the eastern extremity of Barcelona, or in Barceloneta, where the epidemic cause existed to a high degree, the destruction would have been in all probability great; but as the cause did not extend, or only in a very inferior degree, to that part of the city in which the House of Charity stands, the cause of the nonpropagation of the malady is easily accounted for. This case strongly tends to prove that the yellow fever will not multiply except where an epidemic cause exists in force; and it moreover proved that the disease is not contagious. 198 \TP.. Further on. in speaking of the Ca-a Miserecordiji. or House of Vity. he states: The building is low, but the apartments are spacious and well ventilated. It con- tained 150 girls during the rage ot the epidemic. The nuns who i< :K h them are _' i in numl - maintain themselves by washing, ironing. and other similar modes of occupation. They employ women to traverse the city from house to house to ]>n> cure needlework, etc. These women went to all parts of the city; they communJ indiscriminately with the inhabitants, and they were not affected by the disea.^ did the nuns or girls suffer by communicating with them. This is a singular fact, and a strong one. 1 1 appears strange that a disease which was said t.> ha\e I.een im; from Habana into Barcelona, from Barcelona to Intosa, and from thence to .inenza, Malaga. etc., c>nld ntnr building. in which were located 100 females during the epidemic season, lie asserts: Nine of them were attacked with the reigning malady; 4 of them had been recently admitted as having committed some irregularity in rickly Barreloneta. Tin-;. all removed to the Seminario Hospital, where -1 died; the remaining '. when cured, returned to the House of Correction; they communicated freely with the other no disease ensued. This house was visited daily by some of the female inhabit. the city, who, through charity, brought eatables, etc., but without detriment to the inmates. Hao! this been a contagious malady, the persons who r< 'turned to the House of Correction after being cured in the Seminario Hospital. which was then the seat of pestilence and of death, and to which hundreds were sent to die, eould scarcely have failed of communi- cating the disease to the numerous females who had intercourse with them at all hours of the clay. Of 50 persons who were constantly employed burying the dead. only 2 died, although they communicated freely with the inhabitants of the city in the nighttime. Later he mentions the lazaretto called Marine, a mile to the east of Barcelona and within 150 yards of the sea. It was opened for the si< k on August 7; 79 sick were admitted, of whom 58 died : :>J net were employed in various duties of the establishment as doctors, friars, servants, and washerwomen, and not one of them took the disease. Of the above number, 6 were employed in burying the dead, and 3 in washing the bedding. After this establishment was broken up, 5 women remained in it, employed in washing the bedding of the Seminario Hospital, but without being affected by the disease. In his conclusions, he finally observes in discussing the epidemic : Its fatal and malignant nature in unventilated places; the exemption of parts i the city from its influence, when no precautions were taken; the M< kenin.u of persons who observed the strictest seclusion; the sudden impression of contaminated air on persons recently from the country, without communication with the inhabitants of the city; the greater exemption of nurses and other attendants on the sick from the disease, than those who were simply exposed to the contaminated air of sickly houses; the almost absolute exemption of washers of bedding, clothes, etc., which had recent 1 y been used by the sick; the circumstance of the attendants in the hospitals and laza- rettos having generally escaped the impression of the malady; the impossibility <-f diffusing the disease in the country, where no epidemic cause existed; and, finally, eath the death of some hundreds of persons who communicated with Ban . i sickened in the neighboring villages and country houses without a solitary in of its affecting the most assiduous of its attendants, however circumstanced, are ascer- tained facts and convincing proofs of the noncontagious nature of the yellow fever. The evidence that Dr. O'llalloran offers in support of his coin tion that yellow fever is not contagious is most ronelusiv. After YELLOW FEVER. 199 reciting the appearances found upon dissecting the bodies of those who had died of the disease, he publishes a letter written by Dr. Salvador Campmany during the following year. Dr. Campmany was in charge of the Virreina Hospital at Barcelona during the outbreak of 1821, when, between September 1 and December 20, this hospital handled the bodies of no less than 8,649 persons dead of yellow fever. O'Halloran states that Dr. Campmany was at first of the belief that the disease was contagious, and when he began to take care of the sick he wore an oilcloth dress. The letter is so interesting that I shall give you the last paragraph verbatim. The above sketch does not afford grounds for argument as to the contagious or non- contagious nature of the disease. I shall only state that out of 30 persons of all descrip- tions who were destined to assist the sick not one took the disorder. The nurses con- tinually communicated with the sick. When delirious patients escaped from their beds the assistants had to take them on their shoulders and replace them in their respective quarters. On the opening of the bodies the anatomists, in my presence, involuntarily cut their fingers and hands, and not one was inoculated with the yellow fever. When the gravediggers carried the dead bodies to the church yard they had to handle them a great deal before throwing them into the pit, and not one suffered in his health. In short, not an individual employed in the lazaretto either took the disorder or was infected by those who were sick of the yellow fever. One could scarcely desire more complete confirmation than this of the subsequent demonstration, almost 60 years later, by the army board, of the noninfectiousness of the clothing, bedding, and dejecta of yellow fever patients. These were the opinions in 1823 of an observer who had seen and himself suffered from yellow fever in the West Indies some years before. Others, however, who were equally qualified to observe, insisted, and advanced evidence to show, that the disease was imported and that it was contagious. In short, the same differences of opinion and the same dissensions among the highest authorities in regard to this disease prevailed then as before and since, even to the present day. O'Halloran states that the disease was not declared to be the American yellow fever until August 14, 1821; that in April a fleet of 52 vessels sailed from Habana for various Spanish ports, 20 of them for Barcelona. Cases of yellow fever occurred on some of these vessels after their arrival in Spain, but for commercial reasons every effort was made to conceal them and deny their real nature. Many of the sailors on the infected vessels were, of course, immune, and of those who were susceptible the larger number had suffered attacks during the voyage, so that while they were lying in the Spanish har- bors the first persons to become infected were those who visited the ships for the purpose of unloading, making repairs, etc. Some of these vessels lay at Barcelona early in June, and we are told that during this month "the bilious remittent or gastric fever was common, and ultimately predominated in so high a degree as in a manner to supersede all other diseases; and that during the month of July the bilious remittent fever, with hemorrhagic affection, was common and obstinate." The following sentence, quoted verbatim, is of much interest to us at present : It is worthy of remark that during this month (July) the flies and mosquitoes were infinitely multiplied. How well this reminds us that the same unusual prevalence of mosquitoes during an epidemic of yellow fever has been noted by a number of American physicians, including Dr. Rush, at Philadelphia, 200 in 1797 and 1805; Dr. Vaughan, at Wilmington. 1VL. in 1802; Or. Weightmann, at St. Aui:iistine. Kla.. in ls:;\i. Mi>^.. as well as Dr. Barton, at Clinton, La., an.l hr. Ho\\ler, at New Orleans, all in is">:>. \\'hat interest these ol)-n-\ at ions add to the now well-known mosquito theory of tlu' u ..n of the disease, and how well do modern neiices and knowledge add confirmation to Sydenham's theory that certain diseases resulted from an ' 'epidemic constitution of the atmosphere. " 1 would like here to call your attention to some statements made by a well-known Galveston physician in 1876. I>r. ( Ireensvillf ifewell, at that time a member of the Galveston Medical Society and professor of surgery in the Texas Medical College, wrote of yellow fever, of which he was a wonderfully close student, as folio v. Its history shows that no ship, however filthy, can develop it while it n mains out of its endemic or epidemic influence. No heat or moisture can alone pro we would have it as often in the East Indies as in the West Indies, an yellow fever. The same opinion has been held by many in our .\vn country, but this has been offset by evidence, on the other hand, that bilious remittent fever was undoubtedly imported from the Tropies, and was simply a milder form of yellow fever. The truth is that practically all such cases were genuine yellow fever that were not recognized because of the absence of black vomit, which has been erroneously regarded as a necessary symptom. In the work of the Army commission 14 cases of experimental yellow fever were pro- duced by means of the mosquito, and some of them were severe, hut black vomit was not present in a single instance. This led some persons to the conclusion that cases produced by only one or two mosquitos were necessarily mild, hut the experience of Dr. (iuiteras in August, 1901, proved the contrary. Out of seven cases that he produced by the bites of one or two mosquitoes, three died with black vomit. I have purposely cited from Dr. O'Halloran's account of the epi- demic at Barcelona in order to show that other careful observers, i Yellow Fever and Malarial Diieases, by Oreensvllle Dowell, M. D. Philadelphia: 1876, p. 13. YELLOW FEVER. 201 working in other fields, have recorded the same observations and the same opinions as the older American physicians. The literature of yellow fever in the United States shows that in nearly every outbreak a number of cases, usually the first ones to occur, have escaped recognition. This has happened from the time of Rush until to-day, and has been due to (1) the comparative mild- ness of the cases, which led to the diagnosis of "bilious remittent fever;" (2) the dread on the part of the physician attending these cases to assume the responsibility for diagnosing the first case of yellow fever, because, in the event that black vomit did not super- vene, the correctness of the diagnosis would be called into question, and the physician would be branded an enemy to the community. The Eleventh Annual Report of the Florida State Board of Health, published in 1900, furnishes an admirable illustration wherein it is shown that in the outbreak at Key West in August, 1899, there were already 11 cases unrecognized in the town before a single one was correctly diagnosed. Is it any wonder, then, that under such cir- cumstances the disease was able to gain a firm foothold ? The occur- rence of a number of cases of the so-called " bilious remittent fever," of short duration, should always excite suspicion, for such cases, when found in groups, are almost invariably cases of genuine yellow fever. At the present day nothing less than the absolute demonstra- tion by an experienced observer of the presence in the blood of malarial parasites or spirillums would justify any other diagnosis than yellow fever; and even if they were shown to be cases of malarial or relapsing fever, modern scientific medicine requires that, in the case of the former at least, the patients should be rigidly protected against the bites of mosquitoes, since we know that malaria, like yellow fever, can be transmitted in no other way than through the bite of that insect, if we except experimental inoculation. In the case of relapsing fever, of the manner of transmission of which we know absolutely nothing, it would be wise to take the same precaution. The epidemics that have ravaged the city of Philadelphia have been so graphically described by Rush and later by La Roche that one is apt to conclude that the only serious outbreaks this country has experienced were those occurring at Philadelphia, New Orleans, and one or two other seaports. It is only when we search the litera- ture of this disease, that we can appreciate the general devastation and terror created by it, and the enormous losses sustained by the communities it has visited. In a treatise on yellow fever by Dr. Samuel Brown, of Boston, which was published in 1800, he says in speaking of the disease : "This is a foe against which neither ramparts nor intrenchments afford any security: 'It wasteth at noonday;' and every principal town throughout the United States exhibits recent and mournful testimonials of its ravages. We will not enter upon a particular detail of the distresses which Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and other commercial places have experienced; the tale of woe would be too afflictive for even the dullest sensibility to bear and the feelings of humanity would be agonized to overexcitement." In order to show the manner in which yellow fever invades a sea- port town, and the mystery attendant upon its appearance and spread, I will quote from the report of the committee of medioal men appointed to investigate the outbreak that occurred at Mobile, Ala., in 1819. After giving in detail the condition of the wharves and 202 DW WW1 K. docks, the direction of tlu- prevailing winds, and the dourer of tem- perature and moi>ture. they state that during the previous winter, spring, and summer up to .Inly 1. the city was healthy. In the latter part of July a number it eases of bilious fever occurred among persons unaccustomed to the climate, and some of a more (|ue>tionahle character; several persons employed as workmen in filling up one of the new wharves were taken violently ill. and after a short illne of two or three days. About the same time t\vo usually employed ahout Daimhin Street Wharf we: m like manner, and died after a short illness. A number of carpel and sailors employed about the wharf, and who were much on 1 the schooner Sally, filled with stagnant water, and about the steam sawmill, where there was a pond of like offensive water. with violent fevers, and several of them died. The ph; who attended these persons died, but it is stated that one of them. Dr. Lawton, spoke of them as cases of malignant fever. An engineer at work on a steamboat at the same wharf died soon after. hU (lineal lasting 5 days. A man who attended him. and a servant boy living in the same house, were taken down with a similar fever, and died on the third and fourth days. All these persons died with Mack vomit, and were declared by the attending physicians to be cas. yellow fever. At about the same time otner fatal cases occurred among persons whose time was spent about the ri\ er and wi stores in that neighborhood. Within a few days after the prevail of yellow fever was known an exodus took place, and the population became reduced from 1,300 in July to 500. Of these, 133, or over 25 per cent, died/' The report states that the suburbs of the town, at no greater dis- tance than a mile from the river, were as healthy during the prevalem-e of the fever as more distant parts of the country; and the disease was not known to be communicated, in any instance, to persons out of the town by the removal of and attendance upon the sick. Hence, it was concluded that the disease was only communicable in the atmosphere in which it originated, and even then some other cause, not under- stood, appeared to be necessary, because "a number of persons fre- quently in the room with the sick, dying, and dead, in circum^ta of the greatest exposure, never took the fever." It is further rem;i that Natchez ana other ports on the Mississippi below suffered heavily, and practically every seaport on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts npp< to have suffered more or less that summer from yellow fever. It is very interesting to note how the disease almost invariably first made ;>pearance in the vicinity rt, ell- made to conceal the nature of the disease, and by fa. hen patient < were buried at sea, or by burial at night where death occurred m port, many cases are known to have been concealed. Again, a vessel with an immune crew, but infected mosquitoes on board, would infect* persons from shore who visited the ship for various purposes, yet, there being no sickness on the vessel, she \\a- relieved of su-pi and the disease was assumed to be of local origin. Cases resembling YELLOW FEVER. 203 yellow fever, but without black vomit, were called bilious fever, and under this guise, aided by the occasional concealment of an undoubted case, the disease frequently escaped detection for weeks and months. In the description of the epidemic at Baltimore, also in 1819, as observed by various practicing physicians, we find many statements that must now be regarded with special interest. For instance, it was conceded by all that the first cases appeared at Fell's Point, where the principal docks and wharves were located. One observer states that the disease never originated more than two or three hundred yards from the water, and it was six weeks from the commencement before the disease had spread much more than 100 yards from the place of origin. The transmission of the contagion was rightfully attributed to some unknown agent present in the atmosphere, for in speaking of the infection it is said, "upon this ground, then, it may be asserted that some matter which was foreign to the natural composition in the air of this place floated about with it at this time. Some portion of whatever this air contained was therefore of necessity breathed or swallowed by the people who came within its limits. And the properties of the foreign matter in this air must be decided upon by the effects which it has had on those who receive it into their habits.'' We have only to add the mosquito now, and the general truth of the above statements becomes manifest. And with the mosquito we necessarily include the insect's bite as an additional and at that time unknown avenue of entrance for disease. Conceding this, how easily one can explain the first appearance and prevalence of the disease in the localities where the conditions are favorable for the multiplication of mosquitoes, viz, in the low-lying and generally poorly drained districts in the vicinity of the wharves and shipping. When we con- sider further that the mosquito that transmits yellow fever is a tropic and subtropic insect and that, practically speaking, it is not found north of Mason and Dixon's line, it then becomes absolutely clear that yellow fever in epidemic form can be introduced into that section only when the presence of high atmospheric temperature and moisture afford conditions favorable for the propagation of this insect. But the yellow-fever mosquito is a tropic insect, and yellow fever is a tropic disease; it follows, therefore, that, given the proper conditions as to temperature and moisture, there must have been introduced at that time both the proper insect and cases of the disease. These must necessarily have come originally from infected localities within or near the Tropics. In the days when yellow fever prevailed in our northern seaports outbreaks invariably followed the arrival of one or more vessels from Habana or some other infected port, but the interval elapsing between the entry of the vessel and the recognition of the disease was so long and the manner of extension of the disease was so mys- terious that it became impossible to trace the connection between the one and the other. Let us suppose, for example, in the month of July, at a time when yellow fever prevailed and before the days of rigid quarantine, a sailing vessel lying at Habana and bound for Baltimore. She is tied up at a dock, and numbers of the yellow- fever mosquitoes, which are the prevailing house mosquito at Habana, fly aboard. They deposit their eggs in open casks, pitchers, or other receptacles containing fresh water exposed to the air. The crew are immune with one exception, and this man is taken sick three or four 204 YELLuu da\> uut from Habana on the journey northward. He has yellow fever, but his temperature is only moderately High, ami although he is deeply jaundiced there is no black vomit. The captain ii the case is one of bilious remittent fever and not yellow fever. \ onecould quest ion his statement . because even the best physicians \\ere unable at that time to draw the line between yellow fever and malarial fever, and it is not always easy to do it to-day. The hypothei i genuine though unrecognized yell i- hit ten by a iiumherMf tnoa- qmtoes during the first t hree days of his fever, bu1 DO one is aware of ii. MP \\Miild attach any importance to it if they knew. In two weeks the patient is practically well, and in another week >r t WM the \ arrives in port with a clean bill of health. There i- no sickne board, she is in fairly good condition, and ties up to the dock in Baltimore say 25 or 30 days after leaving Habana, and with several infected mosquitoes on board. Perhaps these mosquitoes are disturbed by the unloading Mf the ship or cleaning of the cabins, and they may lly onto another ship tied up at the same wharf or travel along the wharf to a watch- man's house or some other dwelling in the immediate vicinity. The first cases of the outbreak may appear on the other ship tied up at the dock, and this latter vessel may have come from Kui-Mpe and be in rather foul condition. The infection in that case would he attributed to the foul air generated by the action of a hot atmosphere upon the decomposing matter present in her hold. The next may appear in some one sleeping or employed on the dock nr MM a neighboring vessel. In the month of August conditions would he favorable for the propagation of mosquitoes, and in addition to those hatched out on the trip from Habana another brood will soon have appeared on shore. Tne mosquito may also have been introduced by other vessels earlier in the season, and the conditions "\\ill then be suitable for a further extension. The continuance of the out- break necessarily depends on the coming together of the imported mosquitoes and cases of yellow fever in the first three days of the disease; consequently in numerous instances only one or two occur, and none follows unless fresh cases are introduced by other vessels from infected ports. The frequency of the occurrence cases of bilious remittent fever in American ports during the la-t century shows that during the early part at least yellmv fever waa being constantly imported, though it onlv occasionally assumed epidemic proportions. Let us suppose that the vessel lea vim: 1 lahana sailed for New Orleans, Mobile, or Galyeston, instead of Baltim. Here the case will be different, because in these places the condit ion- are favorable for the propagation of the vellow-fever mojuito throughout the greater part of the year, and the introduction single case might prove sufficient to fight up an epidemic. l>< < -au-e t he proper mosquito is at nearly all times present in the house- m ahun- dance. Frequent severe outbreaks have occurred at New Or lean- until a large part of the population had become immune, and tin.., were nonimmunes and could afford it habitually left the city during the warm season. Among the few who remained and chanced to be bitten by the proper infected mosquitoes, cases would occur from time to time as bilious fever, often suspected to be yellow fever, hut for reasons of policy thev were not so reported. Finally. after a few years had passed, confidence would be restored, and u YELLOW FEVER. 205 larger proportion of nonimmunes would supply the material for a fresh outbreak, which was certain to appear sooner or later. Then came a sudden exodus, with the wrecking of commercial interests, neglect of the sick, and the untold suffering known only to those who have passed through a severe epidemic. Here let me remark with emphasis that for the production of an outbreak of yellow fever three factors are necessary: (1) Preexisting cases of the disease, (2) mosquitoes of the genus Stegomyia, and (3) nonimmunes or per- sons who are susceptible to the disease. I would impress upon you the fact that the absence of any one of these factors will render it absolutely impossible for an outbreak to occur. An epidemic of yellow fever is impossible in the absence of preexisting cases, for the disease can not be generated by any amount of filth, heat, moisture, or decomposition without the intervention of the three factors named. Excluding experimental inoculation, the occurrence of cases of yellow fever is not possible under any conditions without the presence of the proper mosquito to transmit the infection from the sick to the well. And, finally, given any possible local conditions, any number of cases of yellow fever and any number of infected mosquitoes, in the absence of susceptible persons, cases of the disease must disappear. But I am going faster than I ought. Here in Galveston you are in the epidemic zone of the disease; you have had your epi- demics, and you have reason to guard against them in the future. Your city was described 30 years ago as being built upon an island composed of shingle, and this shingle so saturated with water that the latter could be found at a depth of a few inches. The mean temperature is about 74, and the rainfalls are usually heavy in April, May, and June. Owing to the saturation of the deeper layers of the soil, the rain water lay upon the surface in pools until it disap- peared by evaporation in the dryer months of the late summer and autumn. The surface pools of fresh water were ideal breeding places for mosquitoes, as also were the receptacles for rain water, which the early inhabitants collected and used after the custom at New Orleans. Yellow fever paid its first notable visit here in 1839, only a few years after the establishment of the first settlement. The population was about 1,000, and the people were located mostly along the Strand, in close proximity to the wharves and vessels. The first case reported occurred late in September on a steamer recently arrived from New Orleans. At about the same time another case occurred on a vessel anchored only a few yards from her. Both cases were fatal. As others were reported on land at the same time, it is more than likelv that these were not the first cases, but as they were the first in which black vomit appeared they were probably the first in which a diag- nosis of yellow fever could no longer be withheld. In this epidemic, which lasted less than two months, we are told that there were 250 deaths, which means the occurrence of at least twice as many cases among the population of 1,000 persons. It is further stated that the epidemic died out because " every unacclimated person had either fled from the town or suffered an attack. This was proved by the fact that when the refugees began to return the disease broke out again among the newly arrived, and there were a number of deaths." How beautifully this all fits in with the mosquito theory, now that we know that the bite of the mosquito can convey the disease as long 206 U>W FEVER. as two months after it has bitten a v el low fever patient. I have good reason to be a firm believer in the theory of the transmission of the disease by the mosauito, for I have seen i<> cases of experimental yellow fever 'produced bv the application of infected insects, and it was my good fortune to be the first case amonir them. AmoiiLT other experiments it was my privilege to apply two mox,|uitoes of the proper genus (Steiromyia) to a patient Buffering with yellow fc\ er. and 57 days later 1 applied the same mosijuitor <>lun- teer, who had been kept in strict piarantine for 7S days. In four days he \\as taken ill with a typic attack of yellow fever, from which he made a good recovery. Returning to the subject of Galveston. a few cases are said t have appeared in IS-pJ. but in 1MI a violent outbreak raged for about six weeks, and then erased suddenly from the absence of ceptible persons. Here it was again noticed, however, that mm immunes who visited the town but once for the purpose of shopping. etc., occasionally returned home to be taken ill with yellow fe\ few days later. This continued until the appearance of a white frost. which we know benumbs the mosquito and forces it to go into hiber- nation. This, therefore, affords a rational explanation of tin 4 e of the first sharp frost, which has so long been welcomed as the savior of districts afflicted with yellow fever. During the epidemic just mentioned nearly 400 deaths occurred in a population of about 4,000. Three years later, in 1847, an epidemic was declared to be present in the month of October and there were about 200 deaths in a popu- lation of 4,800. In 1853, after an immunity of six years, the aeaths from yellow fever were 535; in 1854, 404; in 1858, 873; and in 1859, 183 in a population of about 10,000. In September, 1864, the disease was again epidemic, the deaths being 259 and the population 5,500. Three years of exemption fol- lowed, and in 1867 a severe epidemic is estimated to have produced 8,000 cases and 1,150 deaths in Galveston in a population of 15,000. From Galveston it was carried to a number of smaller towns, among which Alleytown on the Colorado River was afflicted with 200 deal hs and about 800 cases in a population of 1,500. During the same season Indianola is said t<> have received the infection from Vera Cruz, and we are told that ''in less than a \\eek the whole business part of the town was struck down as by li() ner cent of the patients examined bv him. He reported also that the injection of pure cultures of this bacillus into the circulation of dogs brought about an infection similar to yellow fever in the human beinir. \\ith the vomiting and other symptoms of that disease, and a similar condition of the or after deatn. This announcement naturally interested Dr. Stern; who at this tune had become Surgeon General of the Army, and he immediately turned to an organism that he had obtained from about 50 per cent of the patients examined by him. that he had found to be exceedingly virulent for the small laboratory animals, and which he had called Bacillus X, because he had been unable positively t<> iden- tify it. He obtained a culture that had been preserved by one of his former assistants, and directed Dr. Reed and myself to undertake certain experiments with it. As Dr. Sternberg had never injected it into dogs, one of the first steps in our work was a duplication of some of Dr. SanareUi's experiments, viz, to inject it into the circulation of dogs. We obtained the same effects as Sanarelli had recorded for his yellow-fever bacillus, and this seemed to indicate that the organ- isms must be identical. Dr. Sternberg then procured a cult in Sanarelli's bacillus from Prof . Roux, of raris. and handed it to us for comparative study. It is amusing now to think of the fearful respect with which we handled the culture from Dr. Sanarelli's la! because we were fully prepared to accept it as the cause of yellow < from what we knew of Dr. Sanarelli's reputation as a bacteriolo After several months it became apparent that this supposed yellow- fever bacillus of Sanarelli was nothing more nor less than the c >mm< >n hog-cholera bacillus, an organism that was much better known in America than abroad. Sanarelli was evidently at that time not familiar with the bacillus of hog cholera, for he pronounced the irerm obtained by him "the strangest >f all microbes that are known." A bitter controversy arose upon the publication of our reports of the \\ork hi which we had found that Dr. Sanarelli's bacillus wnen fed to young hogs would produce the symptoms and lesions of hog cholera, [ndeeo, Sanarelli still contends in his own country that he found the bacillus of yellow fever, aeon tent ion that finds no support to-day amoiiL r repu- table bacteriologists in this country or in Europe. It is a remarkable fact that upon his own demonstrations alon- . Dr. Sanarelli was awarded large pecuniary prizes and honors as tin- dis- coverer of the causative agent of yellow fever. Unfortunately. Archinard and Woodson, and a commission from the Marine-Hospital Service, working in the United States, reported that their results con- YELLOW FEVER. 209 firmed the claims of Dr. Sanarelli. In 1897 and 1898, the latter com- mission, consisting of Drs. Wasdin and Geddings, continued their investigations in Habana, and in 1899 an elaborate report was issued, in which it was claimed that dogs, rabbits, mice, and other animals could be given yellow fever by infecting them with Sanarelli's bacil- lus, that infection took place through the lungs, and that a diagnosis of yellow fever could be made by isolating the bacillus from the blood of the patient. This made matters rather interesting for us, but did not shake our confidence in our results. Bacillus X (Sternberg) was found to belong to the group of colon bacilli. Finally, in 1900, during the American occupation of Cuba, yellow fever became epidemic in Habana. To take advantage of the oppor- tunity thus offered, Gen. Sternberg designated a board to meet at Habana, for the purpose of continuing the study of that disease. The members of that board were Drs. Walter Reed, James Carroll, Aris- tides Agramonte (a Cuban immune), and Jesse W. Lazear. Drs. Lazear and Agramonte were already at Habana, and we joined them there in June. Our first aim was to confirm or disprove the claim for Sanarelli's bacillus, which he had called B. icteroides, and after a most painstaking and careful investigation of the blood obtained during life from 18 undoubted cases of yellow fever, and of the blood and tissues of 11 fatal cases after death, we were compelled to report that we had failed to find Bacillus icteroides in a single instance. Having thus disposed of B. icteroides, two lines of work now pre- sented, one an investigation of the mosquito theory, so long advo- cated by Dr. Carlos Finlay, of Habana, the other a study of the micro- organisms present in the intestinal canal of yellow fever patients. The former was chosen, because of the numerous points of resemblance between yellow fever and malaria, which was known to be conveyed by the mosquito. Both diseases are airborne; both are contracted mostly at night; both jump from house to house in a mysterious way;, both are noncontagious ; both prevail in the season when mosquitoes are numerous, and infections cease to occur upon the appearance of a sharp frost; the interval of time elapsing between the occurrence of the first case and secondary ones in primarily infected dwellings suggested the necessity for an intermediate host in the conveyance of yellow fever; it was noted that in a large military command at Colum- bia Barracks, near Habana, the only persons who contracted yellow fever were those who left the camp after sundown, and these, after recov- ery, although they mingled freely with their comrades, never infected them. This latter observation seemed to show that the cause of the disease was not present on the body, in the clothing, or the- dejecta. A consideration of all these points led us to decide that the next step should be to test the mosquito theory. In the early consideration of this line of work the members of the board paid a visit to Dr. Finlay, who received them most courteously, showed them the common house mosquito that he believed to be responsible for the disease, narrated the work that he had done, and kindly supplied them with some dried mosquito eggs for the purpose of hatching them out for study. The moral responsibility was next considered, and in a later conference it was agreed that the members of the board would themselves be bitten, and subject themselves to the same risk that necessity compelled them to impose on others. 79965 S. Doc. 822, 61-3 14 210 YELLOW FEVER. Dr. Lazear was given charge of the mosquito \\ork. because ho already had had experience with other mosquitoes. I was to con- tinue my work with t ho cultures, and Dr. Reed returned to the Tinted States. Dr. Lazear made a number of unsuccessful attempts with mosquitoes, applied one or several davs after l>itinu r a patient as Dr. Finlay had done, and he himself was bitten by a mosquito that he had applied to a mild case of yellow fever K) days before. 1 reminded Dr. Lazear that I was ready, and he at last applied to my arm an insect that had bit ton a patient with a severe attack 12 'days pre- viously. Four days later I had fever, and on the day follo\\inir 1 was carried to the isolation camp as a patient with yellow fever. On the day that my fever appeared, Dr. Lazear applied the same mosquito, with throe others, to a soldier. X. V.. who \\as taken sick on the fifth day following, and passed through a comparatively mild attack. Scarcely more than a week later, Dr. Lazear was applying mos<|ur as usual, late in the afternoon, to patients in the yellow fever hospital. known as Las Animas. and while thus engaged a mosquito alighted upon his hand. He allowed it to take its fill, and concluded it was one of the common culex mosquitoes which were on-sent in the ho>- pital in large numbers. So little importance did he attach to the incident that he made no note of it, and related the circumstaii' me when he was first taken sick, five days afterward. A week from that date he died, having been delirious and affec {pfl with hlnr.fc yomit for several davs. Thus ended the first set of experiments, with The death of our esteemed and unfortunate colleague. Two months later a new series of experiments was instituted for the purpose of confirming the results already obtained, to see. also, whether the disease could be contracted from exposure to soiled or contaminated articles of bedding, clothing, etc., and to dot ermine whether or not the infectious agent was present in the blood. For the first-mentioned experiments an isolation camp, called after our deceased comrade Camp Lazear," was established in a secluded spot about a mile from Columbia Barracks and apart from any habitation. In this camp there were placed three immunes and nine nonimmunes, including one immune and one nonLmmuno phy- sician. A strict Quarantine was maintained and only the immunes were permitted to leave the camp. If a nonimmuno left, he was not permitted to return. As newly arrived nonimmune Spanish immi- grants could be obtained from the immigrant station at llabana they were brought out and added to the command in quarantine. The camp consisted of seven large hospital tents, separated by a wide interval and pitched in the arc of a circle. The nonimmuncs dis- tributed through the tents were required to sleep beneath mosquito bars, and the rule was rigidly enforced. The plan was to pick out men here and there in the Tine of tents, bring them down with infected mosquitoes, and in that way establish the fact that cases could he produced at will by the application of infected mosquitoes. It was further desired to show that an infected house was simply one that contained active infected mosquitoes, and that nothing more vrafl necessary for the production of an epidemic in a susceptible commu- nity. A new, tigntly ceiled frame building was constructed, 20 feet by 14 feet, provided with two small windows, tightly closed with fine-mesh wire screens; also with two vestibules protected \>\ outer door, and an outer and an inner tightly fitting screen door, so as YELLOW FEVER. 211 to guard against the ingress of mosquitoes from without or their egress from within. Upon entering the vestibule the screen door through which one passed was closed, and the other was not opened until it was made certain that no mosquitoes were passing in or out. The lumber used in the building was tongued and grooved ; the walls were battened on the outside and lined with white cotton cloth within. The walls and floor were double, and all crevices were stopped; the ceiling was covered with cloth and made so low that mosquitoes resting upon it could be captured with ease. Across the middle of this room there was built a wire-screen partition extending from floor to ceiling and dividing it into two compartments, each with a separate entrance. Beds were placed in each of these rooms, and one of them was occupied by two nonimmunes for 18 consecutive nights. The bed- ding and other articles admitted to the room were all disinfected. On December 21, 1900, the date of the first occupation, 15 contam- inated mosquitoes were turned loose in the unoccupied compartment, and then a nonimmune entered and lay upon one of the beds, with his chest and limbs exposed for 30 minutes. During this time he was bitten by several insects and others bit him again later in the day, when he lay there for 20 minutes. This procedure was repeated again on the following day, the last of exposure. On December 25, four days after his first exposure, this man who had remained in strict quarantine, was taken ill with a severe attack of yellow fever, from which he recovered. The other two men, who slept in the same room but in another compartment, separated from the mos- quitoes only by the screen partition, remained in their usual health. Another building had been constructed similar to the above, but provided with only a single vestibuled entrance. It was equally protected against the entrance of mosquitoes and had two small screen-protected windows provided with shutters, so as to exclude sunlight as well as mosquitoes. It contained a coal-oil stove, by means of which the temperature was kept above 90 during the day, and the atmosphere was provided with moisture. Into this room, which was warm, dark, and moist, like the hold of a ship in the Tropics, several boxes containing sheets, blankets, pillow slips, and garments direct from the yellow-fever hospital were placed. These had been soiled intentionally with black vomit and other repulsive material from cases of yellow fever. This room was then entered each evening at sundown by two nonimmune Americans, one of them a physician, who unpacked the boxes, handled and shook the articles, then hung them up on nails in the walls, and retired for the night. Upon rising in the morning they removed the articles from the walls, handled them freely, and repacked them in the boxes, where they remained until evening. This procedure of unpacking and repacking, handling, and sleeping in the presence of the soiled materials was kept up for 20 consecutive nights, and in the meantime fresh supplies were added as fast as they could be obtained. On one or two occasions the stench drove the occupants out, but they returned again and slept there. They spent the daytime in a tent nearby, but were strictly quarantined. The pulse rate and temperature of all nonimmunes in the camp were recorded three times daily, and showed that the health of these men was not affected in the slightest degree; on the contrary, they gained in weight. 212 -l-OW FEVER. These v. reeded \\ .nines after tho addition of more soiled garments,* etc., and they in turn were followed by another two for the same period. Some of these men slept between the sheets and in the garments used and soiled bv yellow-l< patients at the time of their death, and they even slept with their faces upon towels sailed with blood that had been shown by inoculation to be capable of infect ini: \vith yellow fever. In no .ill any disturbance of health follow the- the conclusion was therefore arrived at that vellow fever can not be contracted through exposure to foinites. if one stops t> reflect that the mosquito i^> not able to infect until U days or more after contamination, one is forced to the conclusion that the yello\\-fe\ cr parasite, which has never been seen, must, in all probability, through a distinct cycle of development in the mosquito before the insect becomes dangerous. As Dr. Howard has told you, spending but slightly shorter interval is seen with the mosquito that transmits malaria. The developmental phases of the ma I Jarasitein the mosquito arc well known and have been demonstrated, udging by analogy, therefore, it seems justifiable to assume that the parasite of yellow fever appears also to belong t<> that established another point of analogy between yellow fever and mala- ria, and demonstrated the presence of the infectious aircnt in the blood, notwithstanding that we had failed to discover anything upon careful microscopic examination of the blood from many patients, including those in whom the blood, drawn at the same time, pro,: yellow fever in persons into whom it was injected. Nine additional cases were produced in Camp La/ear by the appli- cation of infected mosquitoes, making in all 10 cases of yellow brought about at will. All were taken sick within the u-ual p of incubation, never more than six days. They were selected here and there in the different tents, and no other 'cases occurred than those purposely inoculated. As soon as a case appeared the patient was immediately removed to the yellow fever isolation camp, a mile distant, to avoid the possibility of any stray mo-quit. . uing infected from him. In no instance was the mosquito found to be capable of infecting in a shorter period than 12 days after biting the patient, and one patient was infected with two mosquitoes kept as long as 57 days. This work was concluded by the end of February. I'M)], when confirmatory ex peri meir taken up by Dr. John (iuiier.-. Habana. His first patient was infected in February with a mosquito YELLOW FEVER. 213 obtained from the Army commission, and his subsequent inoculations were unsuccessful until August, when he succeeded in infecting seven persons with mosquitoes. Of these cases, three, unfortunately, proved fatal. Among the latter was a young American nurse, Miss Maas, of Baltimore, who voluntarily submitted herself to the experi- ment. In August, 1901, I returned to Habana, and obtaining some of Dr. Guiteras's mosquitoes, infected two Spanish nonimmunes. Drawing blood from one of them and separating the serum, I passed the latter through a filter, which was shown to be capable of holding back the ordinary bacteria. Injection of the filtered serum into two Americans infected them with yellow fever. In this way it was shown that bodies smaller than ordinary bacteria were capable of producing yellow fever upon injection, and our failure to discover anything upon microscopic examination of the blood of yellow fever patients was thus satisfactorily explained. It was further shown, as a point of great scientific interest, that blood that was known to be capable of producing the disease was found to be absolutely harmless after it had been heated to 131 F. for 10 minutes. At this time I produced six additional yellow fever cases, all of whom recovered. Such were the results obtained by the Army board, and they can be summarized as follows: 1. Bacillus icteroides of Sanarelli was shown to be practically identical with the bacillus of hog cholera, from which it differs only in the source from which it is obtained. 2. Yellow fever is transmitted by a mosquito of the genus Stego- myia, and all attempts to bring about the infection through contact with bedding, clothing, and dejecta of yellow fever patients have resulted in failure. Hence it follows that disinfection against yellow fever is valueless. 3. Yellow fever can be produced experimentally, by the injection of blood drawn in the first and second clays of the disease, but this has no direct bearing upon the transmission or prevention of the disease in its epidemic form. 4. The specific germ of yellow fever is sufficiently minute to pass through the pores of a bacteria-proof filter, and it is destroyed by a temperature of 131 F. Confirmation of the mosquito inoculations has been furnished by Dr. Guiteras, in Habana; Drs. Ribas and Lutz, as well as the French commission, in Brazil, and by a commission of the United States Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, at Veracruz. It is espe- cially gratifying that a French commission from the Pasteur Institute, working recently in Brazil, has confirmed practically all the results of the American Army commission. The following, therefore, may be safely assumed: 1 . Disinfection in the prophylaxis against yellow fever is effective only when it takes the form of fumigation and destroys mosquitoes. 2. Yellow-fever patients can be the source from which other cases spring only when they have been bitten by the proper mosquitoes ; consequently, in the yellow-fever zone all acute febrile cases not diagnosed should be handled as though they were yellow fever, and should be kept rigidly behind safe mosquito screens and netting. So far as has been shown the yellow-fever patient is dangerous when bitten by mosquitoes during the first three or four days of the fever 214 YELLOW FEVER. only, but since relapses may occur, every precaution should he maintained as long as the temperature remains elevated. 3. The hospital intended fur the treatment of suspected 08866 of yellow fever should be located upon ground that is high, well drained. a\\ay from creeks, pools, or standing water of any kind, free from mosquitos, and not surrounded by grass or shrubbery. All entrances and exits to such hospitals should be provided \\ith doM'-mcshed wire !>. and similai -hotild he fixed immov- ably over every and other opening communicating \\ith the nor. Standing water should not he ted in hanvls or vessels of any kind, and broken crockery, tin cans, or other po^ihle ners of rain water should he systematically searched for within :ius of several hundred yards, and removed. 4. Jn general sanitation, all surface pools should he promptly drainecl and iilled in with gravel, or covered \\ith petroleum. l'< leuin should be applied systematically to standing \\ atcr in all ditches, pools, rain-water gutters, etc.. that can not he tilled up or emptied. The margins of ponds should be deepened, to enable the fish to reach mosquito larvae. 5. Water should not be permitted to stand uncovered in hoi and rain water in cisterns or barrels, when not used for drinking purposes, should be treated with petroleum; if the water is u-ed for drinking, all openings, vents, etc., should be closed \\ith win or tightly fitting covers. Periodic examinations should then he made for wigglers Oarva?) or mosquitoes, because the female mosquito may pass through a very minute opening when seeking \\ater on which to deposit her eggs. By means or these and other similar measures, the number of mosquitoes may be greatly reduced, and the chances for the conveyance of the infection, should it happen to he present, will be thereby greatly diminished. Stegomyia fasciata, the yellow-fever mosquito, is a house-dwelling and house-breeding insect; particular attention should therefo: paid to the smallest as well as the larger collections of standing water within and about habitations. 6. After the removal of a patient, his room and the adjoining ones should be at once tightly closed by pasting paper over all cracks and openings, and then fumigated with insect powder, tobacco, or sulphur, to destroy mosquitoes. When the room is opened after a few hours these should be swept up and burned. 7. Experience at Habana has shown that patients suffering from yellow fever upon their arrival at a port can be carried through a thickly populated city to a properly screened hospital, and there treated \\ithout the slightest danger to the community, so 1m. they are rigidly protected against mosquitoes. Money spent for the purpose of disinfection against yellow fever is wasted, for yellow fever in epidemic form can only be contracted through the bites of mosquitoes of a single genus. 8. The i>on contagiousness of yellow fever was clearly shown in ain localities years ago before the use of disinfectants, in plae.-- where the yellow-fever mosquito did not exist. The belief in the supposed contagiousness of this disease arose from its trai : through the atmosphere by the mosquito at a time when this insect was not suspected or known to be concerned in the transmission of any disease. YELLOW FEVER. 215 9. When a house is infected with yellow fever, it simply contains infected mosquitoes; in the absence of this insect, no amount of filth, heat, or moisture is capable of generating the disease. 10. Vessels from infected localities should be compelled, upon entering port, to anchor at least a fourth of a mile from shore; they should never be permitted to tie up to a wharf or dock in the city, except in northern latitudes during the cold season of the year. In this way, the chances for contaminated mosquitoes reaching the city can be reduced to a minimum. 1 1 . As the yellow-fever mosquito does not bite, as a rule, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., it is practically safe for nonimmunes to visit infected localities between these hours for the transaction of business. Before 9 a. m. and after 3 p. m. they will run a greater or lesser risk of being infected. 12. It is now certain that before the lapse of many years, the dis- ease, yellow fever, will have become extinct. The length of time necessary for its complete eradication will depend upon the readiness of our southern neighbors to accept the mosquito theory in toto, and institute in their infected seaports vigorous and energetic meas- ures based upon it. 13. Another epidemic of yellow fever should never be seen in the United States. An example has been shown in Cuba, and the meas- ures necessary to prevent the extension of the disease are so simple, so plain and practicable for persons in authority, that the existence of an epidemic of yellow fever in our country should alone be regarded as prim a facie evidence of the culpability of some responsible person. In conclusion, I can not refrain from asking you to pay no atten- tion to the sensational letters, already referred to, as recently pub- lished from a well-known American physician on the island of Cuba. This gentleman was at one time regarded as an authority upon yellow fever, of which he has seen a great deal, but he is now five years behind the time. His insinuation that cases of yellow fever are still frequent in Cuba, and that they are called typhoid fever, is a scan- dalous misrepresentation of the actual truth, and an unjustifiable reflection upon the intelligence and zeal of Cuban physicians, like Drs. Finlay, Guiteras, Agramonte, Albertini, and others, who realize fully the responsibility that rests upon them, who have suppressed yellow fever on the island for three years, and who are fully compe- tent to deal with the situation there, now and in the future. i: 4. LESSONS TO BE LEARNED FROM THE PRESENT OUTBREAK OF YELLOW FEVER IN LOUISIANA. 1 By JAMES CARROLL, M. D., Assistant Surgeon, United States Army, Wa>lnn on D.O, Tho pi-. NDfl t he a suitable occasion to invite aitenti. n to several points in < nneetion with the epidemic occurrence of \< llo\v . in the VIM' ics at the present as well as at ot her't ime-. In tho discussion of the symposium on yello\ .t the meet b the American Public' Health Association in Washington in : I called attention 2 to the necessity during the epidemic season for requiring physicians, in cities whore yellow fever is prevailing or likely to prevail, to report promptly to the authorities all cases of fever of any kind coming to their notice. This is necessary in order that there may be no delay in the institution of proper mea-m protect the community against extension of the disease if it be yellow fever, for this extension will almost surely take place in tin- more southern latitudes if the patients are not protected from mosqn i at the outset. If all cases of undetermined fever were promptly reported and at once protected from mosquitoes 3 it would hardly be possible for the disease to spread if it were yellow fever; on the other hand, where the physician waits for the appearance of black vomit, the golden opportunity passes by, for it has been shown that in practically all cases the disease can not be communicated the fourth day of the fever. For this reason the diagnosis should he anticipated, and all febrile patients should be immediately protected from mosquitoes until it is shown by actual demonstration that they are not suffering from this disease. Epidemics do not follow e introduction of yellow fever; mosquitoes becoming infected may die before they bite a nonimmune, or the patients may happen : treated in a locality free from Stegomyia. A group of ca 11< >w fever occurring without black vomit usuaUy receives the designation bilious remittent fever, a diagnosis that should be erased from our text books. Bilious remittent fever, acute in type and of short dura- tion, appearing in the United States, is yellow fever, and it >hould be so regarded. Bilious remittent fever was formerly regarded as a type of malarial remittent, but that was before the use of the micro- scope was found to be necessary for a positive diagnosis of ma I. infection. We know now that malarial fever is not a disease of cities, but of outlying districts, while the bilious remittent lever, so culled, has been recorded in the cities, in epidemic form, and in such intii association with yellow fever that fey some the diseases were deci identical, and by others the latter was said to be only a modification Read at the thirty-first annual meeting of the American Public Health Association at Boston, Sept. Report'of the Proceedings of the American Public Health Association. > 291. Since this paper was read, I have been informed by Dr. E. Lloeaga. president <>r it,.- superior Board of Health of Mexico, that the line of procedure indicated is now belngloUowed in his t-o 216 YELLOW FEVER. of the former. Most interesting and important in this connection is the statement cited by La Roche, 1 in his chapter on bilious remittent fever, that ' ' the morbid appearances revealed on dissection are the same in remittent as in yellow fevers." This statement, however, was not wholly accepted by him, for he calls attention to the bronzed appearance of the Fiver in certain remittents, a condition that we know results only from malarial pigmentation. Now that we can so easily differentiate malarial remittent and typhoid from yellow fever, the diagnosis is much less difficult, except where yellow fever occurs as a complicating infection. Our confreres in Havana have demonstrated to us that it is pos- sible to prevent the epidemic occurrence of yellow fever, while occa- sionally admitting cases of the disease into tlie heart of a city in which the climatic and other conditions are known to be most favorable for its extension in epidemic form, and in which there are more suscep- tible persons now than ever before. The method suggested here is in 'many respects similar to, and is based on, the one adopted during the American occupation of Havana. Since then it has been sufficiently demonstrated, in 1903 and again in -1905, that under the lax system heretofore and now in vogue, yellow fever can easily secure a firm foothold in certain of the south- ern states and escape recognition until it has passed almost com- pletely beyond control. On both occasions cited, the outbreak was suppressed or limited only by the intervention of the General Govern- ment, which, through the energetic action of the United States Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, finally succeeded in checking two epidemics that threatened, to become little less than national calamities. Great credit is due to those officials for the success that was attained in spite of the extreme delicacy of the situation and the passive opposition encountered from many quarters. Our experiences in Cuba have shown that for the exclusion and suppression of yellow fever absolute hygienic control is necessary not only of the people at large, but of the patients as well, and espe- cially of the practicing physicians. The aim of modern medicine is the prevention of disease rather than its cure, and the safety and welfare of the thousands of persons exposed demand that the proper measures be instituted and rigidly enforced. No valid argument can be brought forward to show why the United States should not be kept as free from outbreaks of yellow fever as the city of Havana, its former endemic home, has been during the past four years. To attain this result the following requirements seem to be essential : 1. Our physicians, or at least those who are in control, must dis- abuse their minds of the impression . that black vomit necessarily occurs in the majority of cases of yellow fever. 2. During the epidemic season, viz, from about May 1 to October 31, and in the epidemic zone, physicians should be required to report to the health authorities, immediately, all cases of fever of any kind that come under their observation, whether among their patients or not, and failure to do so should be made punishable under the law. 3. The board of health should be authorized to appoint, with proper compensation, a commission of three experts, all of whom should be men of high reputation as diagnosticians. It should be the 1 Yellow Fever, La Roche, Philadelphia, 1855, vol. i, p. 590. 218 0\V FEVER. duty of ' imnission to visit without delay all cases of fever reported to the health authorities, and the onus of diagnosis shouhl on the commission and not on the attending physicians. They Cthecominissit.n) should visit each patient daily until the! is established or the patient sent to hospital, and they should tor- i promptly to the health department a written report at each visit. The commission should determine whether or not the patient shall be treated as a possible case of yellow id their decision should he final and obligatory on all concerned. 4. All patients presenting the symptoms of yellow fever, ami all cases not cli 1 but remaining under suspicion, should he d f.r treatment to a hospital especially located :ded with wire I -\ the authorities. The subject is one invohinir tne lives and intere>: thousands of innocent persons, and the secret of success lies in et vigilance, with the determination to allow no case, however mild and doubtful, to escape the fullest precautions. DR ARISTIDES AGRAMONTE PART IV, REPORTS FROM SANITARY OFFICERS IN HABANA, CUBA, DEMONSTRATING THE PRACTICAL VALUE OF THE SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS OF MAJ, REED AND HIS ASSOCIATES ON THE YELLOW- FEVER COMMISSION, CHAPTER I. SANITATION AND YELLOW FEVER IN HABANA. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF CUBA, OFFICE OF CHIEF SURGEON, Havana, February 8, 1901. The ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE DEPARTMENT. SIR: YELLOW FEVER, ESPECIALLY FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF THE SANI- TARIAN. Yellow fever has played such a conspicuous and important part in the mortality of Habana that it deserves special consideration. This infectious disease may claim Habana as one of its oldest and most favored haunts. It was here as early as 1720, if, as I believe, we are justified in so regarding the outbreak of that date described by the historian Pezuela, apparently imported from Vera Cruz. It there- after broke out in occasional epidemics like the historic, ones of 1749 and 1762, the latter being particularly fatal to the Anglo-American army which had just captured the city, and causing the conquerors to relinquish their prize in 1763. From that day to this yellow fever has been endemic in Habana, hardly noticeable in some years, a mere smouldering fire when nonimmunes were few, but quickly lighting up into a blaze as soon as the fuel of immigration came within its reach. The result has been a thoroughly infected city, a source of danger not only to its own inhabitants and the rest or Cuba, but as well to all countries having commercial relations with it. During the decade 1890-99, the recorded number of deaths was 4,831, giving an annual average of 483, with a wide range from 1,282 in 1896 to 103 in 1899. In 1900 the number of deaths was 310. Thus yellow fever is not nearly as fatal in Habana as typhoid fever in the United States, and its importance would seem to have been very much exaggerated j did we not realize that its mortality is not fur- nished by the whole population, but only a small proportion thereof, that is, the nonimmunes probably never averaging more than 1 in 10. Until a few months ago the mode of propagation of yellow fever was uncertain; we were fighting an unknown enemy in the dark, an 221 222 YELLOW FEVEB. enemy so wily and elusive that we never knew to what extent- our clumsy and expensive methods of warfare were successful. Hut. very recently, much liirht has been thrown upon the subject as the result of one of the most brilliant medical discoveries of the age. The announcement long ago made by Dr. Carlos Finlav, of llabana, that mosouiti the agent of transmission in yellow fever ha- been verified and scientifically demonstrated by Maj. Walter Keed. Sur- geon, United States Army, and his colleagues, in the most conclusive manner. It is true that the germ itself, in spite of the da in Sanarelli and his partisans, has not yet been isolated, but this i> ,,f comparatively little moment to the sanitarian, more concerned with prevention than cure. For our purpose, the mosquito is the enemy , and all our efforts must be directed against it. This war should be waged with a twofold object: the destruction of the malaria-bearing anopheles and that of the yellow-fever bearing culex; thus, at the same time, eradicating the two diseases which have contributed so much to make Habana a byword of reproach among civilized nation^. Practically, then, the problem consists: First, in Ending the haunts and breeding places of mosquitoes and the best means of ex t i n.u r n ish i ni: them; second, in carefully protectingyellow-f ever patients and all imn- immunes with mosquito bars, so that mosquitoes may not be inf. by the former and carry the infection to the latter; third, in i-datini: patients, and also, as much as is possible, nonimmunes, so that mos- quitoes biting the former may not be able to reach the latter. The knowledge that mosquitoes do not travel far, seldom more than a few hundred feet if shelter exists, and that each house practically bn its own, simplifies the question. The data being thus plainly stated, there does not appear to be insurmountable obstacles in the way. and we may confidently expect to see yellow fever stamped out in I la hana in the course of three or four years after the construction of a good sewerage system, provided the same unremitting efforts are con- tinued under intelligent medical supervision and with the unrot ricted help of the State. The isolation and protection of patients is a most important measure, but hard of successful accomplishment on account of the difficulty of discovering and recognizing all cases. Many patients among the poorer classes are not seen by physicians, and the expe- rience of the last two or three years has led us to believe, that many cases, especially among young children, are so mild that they i unrecognized or are wrongly diagnosed. From these mild, ambu- latory, and consequently unprotected cases the fever is mostly spread . It is only when the profession becomes convinced that such cases really exist, and that, as foci of infection, they are as dangerous as severe cases, that perfect results will be obtained. Our present knowledge concerning the agency of the mosquito in yellow fever explains much that was obscure oefore and furnishes useful indications to the Military physician. For instance, the part played by dirt and filth in the breeding and propagation of the i was always problematical; now we know that they have nothing to do with it, except inasmuch as they may attract and feed mosquitoes. It is certain that in Habana, in 1900, no visible correlation could be seen between dirt and yellow fever; the district which first became strongly infected lies east and south of the Paraue Central, and is one of the cleanest and best constructed, while tne most insanitary YELLOW FEVER. 223 wards became infected late in the season and only to a slight extent; the malodorous district reserved to houses of ill fame did hardly have a case. Yellow fever has not followed the poor and unclean, or the march of previous infections, but rather the movement of nonim- munes; wherever these located, there the infection searched and found them, regardless of the hygienic conditions of their premises, the most aristocratic apartments on the second and third floors being as liable to its invasion as any of the hovels crowded around a patio. We also know that digging the ground, either for purposes of cul- tivation or construction or, for instance, the laying of sewers, is a perfectly harmless operation so far as yellow fever and malaria are concerned, provided no water is allowed to stagnate in any of the cuts and ditches. The value of this knowledge on the eve of under- taking our great work of sewerage can not be overestimated. The positive agency of the mosquito in propagating yellow fever would naturally argue the noncontagiousness of the disease and the inertness of fomites; but in order that the demonstration might be complete, Maj. Reed and colleagues also conclusively proved by direct experiment that infected linen, bedding, and effects of all kinds are powerless to convey the disease. This discovery must bring about a revolution in our methods of disinfection and quarantine in yellow fever. Disinfection becomes completely useless, since there are no infectious germs to destroy. In a house where a case of yellow fever has been under treatment the problem is how to reach the mosquitoes which have become infected by biting the patient and are still lurking in the vicinity. It is probable that a certain propor- tion of mosquitoes, after feeding, fly out in search of water wherein to lay their eggs, in the immediate neighborhood, but enough remain in the patient's and contiguous rooms to require action. The best way to destroy them, so far as now known, is by fumigation. Sul- phur fumes are most efficacious, but otherwise so objectionable that preference should be given to formaldehyde, which, as we know, is much safer and more convenient. It kills mosquitoes in from 10 to 15 minutes, so that rooms treated with it need not be closed more than three or four hours. The good effects of such fumigation seem to have been proved in preventing the recurrence of a second case in 694 out of 885 infected houses in Habana, and by the absence of a single case in Santiago de Cuba in 1900, after the epidemic of 1899. The duties of quarantine officers have also become singularly sim- plified. Since we may assume in practice that the infectious germs do not exist outside of man and the mosquito, the disinfection of trunks and baggage on account of yellow fever is no longer justifiable; all that is required will be the examination of nonimmunes within the five days immediately following their last exposure to infection, the danger of transmission being from their own persons and in no wise from their clothing or baggage. Ships, like houses, are liable to har- bor infected mosquitoes and will continue to require fumigation. From what precedes it must be evident that the two chief factors in the propagation of yellow fever are mosquitoes and nonimmunes. Nonimmunes are almost entirely furnished by immigration. Were it possible to completely stop it, especially from Spain and the Canary Islands, for two or three years, it is almost certain that during that short period all germ-bearing mosquitoes could be destroyed, and the city thereafter kept as free from infection as Kingston in Jamaica 224 VER. and San Juan in Porto Rico. Immigration, however, is too valuable to the interests of the island to be stopped, or even cheeked, for the sake of stamping out yellow fever, a disease without terror and of little consequence to Cubans. It is only possible, then, to take such measures as will protect as many aonimmunes as possible without fering in any way with business interests. The plan lately adopted i> practical and eilicient : All noninimune immigrants who do not come in answer to a call from 1 lavana are taken to a detention station on the healthiest site around the bay, where they await in comfort and safety offers of employment. All employers of lab.. as many as it is possible to reach, have been notified of the e of this station and invited to engage there all the hand- they need. Earnest efforts are made to send as many as possible of these immi- grants to the rural districts where most wanted. In this way all are benefited: the immigrant who procures work without hardship or danger, the city of Havana, which is rid of dangerous nonimmune airdomerations, and employers who are enabled to get as many hands a< they may require with the least trouble and expense. The relation which Spanish immigration has borne to yellow i is important and interesting. It has been most active in pcrio peace and prosperity, becoming small or stopping altogether in of political disturbance and insurrection, and statistics show that the spread of yellow fever among civilians is directly proportional to the number 01 immigrants. Soldiers, on the contrary, were few in years of peace and contrib- uted little to the yellow fever mortality, but in troublous times they were greatly and rapidly increased, beginning to arrive as the civil immigration began to stop, so that their mortality curve rose as that of the civil population fell. Thus, when the last insurrection b put, in, 1895, immigration stopped; on the contrary, troops \x> into Havana, and the result was a very high military mortality in 1896, 1897, and 1898. When the American troops took possession of Havana on January 1, 1899, the whole population was practically immune, and, the Spanish troops having departed, cases of yellow fever ceased. The American troops formed the only susceptible or nonimmune element and disciplinary measures were successful, with one slight exception, in preventing their contagion. It the:. happened, naturally enough, that only few scattered cases were observed during the spring and summer of 1899. As soon as peace was assured the current of immigration was resumed, and in greater volume than ever. The result was immediately seen in the number of cases, which steadily increased from August to December, the number for December being larger than for the same month in any previous year; this is more striking because the death rate of yellow fever generally rises to its maximum in August and September and shows a marked decline from October to December. During the years 1899 and 1900, 40,384 immigrants arrived at Habana, namely 16,260 in 1899 and 24,124 in 1900, a prcai majority of them nonimmunes and at least 50 per cent remaining in the city of Habana. They still continue to come at about the same r With these figures of the largest i 1 1 1 migration on record in the same space of time, what happened was to Be expected and unavoidable, namely, an usually large number of cases of yellow fever in the summer and fall of 1900 and corresponding high^mortality, although YELLOW FEVER. 225 the deaths (310) did not reach the annual average of the past decade. The effect of cold weather on the infection was, as usual, well marked from 74 in October the number of deaths decreased to 57 in Novem- ber, 20 in December, and only 7 in January, 1901. The subject of immunity against yellow fever is very interesting and deserves a few remarks. Immunity is not enjoyed by all Cubans, as popularly believed, but only by those residing in cities, not by those who have lived from infancy in the interior rural dis- tricts. In other words, immunity is only enjoyed by the residents of centers where yellow fever is endemic; it is not enough to have lived in a tropical climate; one must have lived in an infected locality. The inference therefore is strong that immunity is acquired only by an attack of the disease; there is no other infectious disease against which immunity is obtained in any other way, and there is no reason to believe that yellow fever is an exception to the rule. Under the former belief that it was acquired by the absorption of germs through the respiratory passages, it was possible to conceive the possibility of a very slow but constant infinitesimal absorption which might in time produce immunity without any apparent lever, but such a con- ception is no longer tenable if the germs are introduced directly into the blood by the mosquito. Those physicians who assume a priori that Cubans, whether they live in the city or country, can not have yellow fever, decline to recognize it when they find it in natives ; they call it "fiebre de borras" and consider it a special form of malaria, which, strangely enough, only occurs in this island. Since the great majority of Cubans are immune and immunity is only acquired by an attack of the disease, we are compelled to the conclusion that nearly all natives of Cuba must have yellow fever in their youth probably in the first few years of their lives. At that age the disease appears to be mild and comparatively harmless, and we may fairly assume that the 5,000 children annually born in Habana have it in such form that it is generally unrecognized by physicians who diagnose it under the comprehensive headings of malaria, calentura or meningitis. In this connection it is interesting to observe that in epidemic years the proportion of deaths among children, not diagnosed yellow fever, is noticeably greater. Here an interesting question suggests itself. If Cubans have yellow fever in infancy in such a mild form as not to endanger life and remain immune thereafter, why should they endeavor to eradicate the dis- ease in the island, so that their descendants will lose immunity and become liable to any epidemic that may break out hereafter? The answer is that foreign visitors and immigrants have natural rights that Cubans are bound to respect; that epidemics can be guarded against and avoided ; and lastly, that although Cuban infants have the disease in an apparently mild form, it will probably be found, when the matter is investigated and the obscure diagnoses of many of the reported cases of death carefully analyzed, that a larger pro- portion of deaths among children than is generally believed is due to yellow fever or complications therefrom. A few words in closing upon the result of treatment of yellow-fever cases at Las Animas hospital, an establishment intended for the reception and treatment of all contagious diseases, but chiefly yellow fever. During the year 1900 it was under the direction of Maj. W. C. Gorgas, chief sanitary officer, who devoted to it much of his 79965 S. Doc. 822, 61-3 15 226 YKI.l.OW l l VI i;. valuable time. The hospital is pleasantly situated in the outskirts of the city and as completely equipped with material and personnel &8 any hospital of its kind in the I'niled States. Ameriean trained nurses being in attendance. An ainlndance. carrying physician and nurse, is :d\\ays in readiness to go when summoned, and the v is taken to save patients all unnecessary fatigue or exertion in transit. The patients sent to this ho-piial may he divided in l \\ o rla- Kirst. Americans (including few nther foreigners), the majority of them brought there at their o\\ n request early in the disease, hut includiiiLT al>o not a few homeless vagabonds and drunkards ; second, Spaniards, mostly of the lowest classes, too poor and thriftless to belong to any of the <|iiintas t of the worst cases, generally after the disease has lasted several days. not infrequently the patients being unconscious and occasionally moribund, as shown by the fact that out of ."is deaths. Is occurred within three 7 Americans. 71 Spaniards, and ::i of other nationalities: J M recovered and ."is died. gi\ inir a general death rate of 'JL.'W. Taking the three leading and bc-l conducted private hospitals in llabana for comparison, namely. the Dependientes, (\>\ adonga. and Beneiica, we lind that during the year their yellow fevi r death rates were 24.35, -7..M. and 24.35 respectively, each higher than that of Las Animas, although their patients, being members of the centros or clubs to which the hospi- tals belong, are generally admitted early in the course of the di and therefore in much more favorable condition- for succe ful treatment. At Las Animas the death rate of Spaniards was 36.48 and that of Americans 12.57, a most remarkable difference when we bear in mind that all patients there receive the same identical treatment in the same wards. This difference is partly due to the fact that Americans are in better physical condition, with greater power of resistance, but chiefly to the circumstance that they are admitted early and have the full benefit of the treatment. In this respect the status of Americans at Las Animas may be fairly compared to that of the Spaniards received at the above-mentioned hospitals. and yet their mortality is only one-half that of the latter. Such results furnish food for reflection. At Las Animas patients are treated almost entirely on the expectant plan; medicines are avoided until there is a clear indication for their use: absolute re>i. very careful dieting, and the constant attention, day and night, of trained nurses have been the main features of treatment. The key to success in the treatment of yellow fever, I believe, is good nuixiii" at the hands of specially trained women. Such nur>ing is e\pen>i\e. and in Cuba has been practicable, so .far, only in few other ho-pitaU. but any method of treatment which saves lives H always found to be the cheapest. V. 1 1 \ v vi:i. Major and Surgeon, Unltnl Shifr* Arm;/. < '/< iff Surgeon. CHAPTER 2. REPORT OP THE HABANA YELLOW FEVER COMMISSION. HABANA, January 3, 1902. SIR: In compliance with your request that I should make a report of my department, as chairman of the Yellow Fever Commission, for the six months ending December 31, I have the honor to inclose the said report. Very respectfully, CHARLES FINLAY, Chairman of the Yellow Fever Commission. Maj.W.C.GoRGAs, Surgeon, United States Army, Chief Sanitary Officer ofHabana. HALF-YEARLY REPORT OF THE HABANA YELLOW FEVER COMMISSION, JULY TO DECEMBER, 1901. During the ^resent term (July 1 to Dec. 31, 1901) the Yellow Fever Commission of Habana has examined and investigated 118 cases, reported as follows: 94 yellow fever suspects (37 of which were confirmed as "natural yellow fever" and 10 as "experimental yellow fever"); 7 suspected glanders (the diagnosis was confirmed in 4) ; 4 leprosy (confirmed in 3) ; 6 suspected smallpox (none of which were confirmed) ; 1 typhus fever (not confirmed) ; 1 relapsing fever (not confirmed); 5 reported as "infectious fever" (in 2 that diagnosis was maintained, inasmuch as these cases, while presenting clinical characters suggestive of an infection, could not be identified as malaria, typhoid, influenza, and Malta fever, and were therefore con- sidered as belonging to the group of ' ' Tropical unclassed fevers) . The 37 cases diagnosed as "natural yellow fever" have been dis- tributed in Table I, so as to differentiate those whose infection had originated in this city from others who were brought to Habana, already sick or infected, from other parts of this island, and also from those who came from foreign ports. TABLE I. 1901. July. August. September. October. November. December. Totals. Cases. Died. Cases. Died. Cases. Died. Cases. Died. Cases. Died. Cases. Died. Cases. Died. Habana 7 6 3 1 7 3 1 1 9 2 1 1 2 1 23 10 4 6 1 1 Other towns (Cuba) Foreign ports.. 13 4 11 1 9 2 2 2 1 37 8 227 228 FELLOW FEVEB. TABLE U.Expfrimentalcasa. Pled October. November Cans. ber. I Nove Died. Cans. Pled Totals. Ill The wonderfully small number of yellow-fever cases and deaths in Hahana duriiu: the epidemic ,.f the present yearia an unprec- edented event, and since it can not be accounted for by any climati-- tinns nor by a lack of nnnimmunes or of opportunities fur a reproduction of the yellow-fever jjcrni through the introduction of > from outside, we are bound to admit that it must be attributed to the killing of contaminated mosquitoes when > \\ere sup- posed to exist, and to the protection of noniiumunes in mity of infected houses against the bites of those insects, as the sanr department has been doing since Februar} r . MANNER IN WHICH THE INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN CONDUCT K I >. The conclusive demonstration of the mosqui to theory by l>r. Meed, a year airo. and by Dr. Guite'ras this summer has made it all the more necessary that the investigation of \cllo\\-fe\ ci <1 be carried out with jrreat care, so as to secure a reliable dia- : id to discover, if possible, the source whence the infection hasLecn derived. The method practiced by the commission has been as folio v data contained in the original report are carefully gone over at the bedside of the patient and additional particulars inquired into in order to discover, if possible, the probable source of his infection. A clinical history of the case having been obtained from the physician in ch. it is minutely scrutinized, and the patient is then carefully examined by each of the members present. Particular attention is given to the examination of the urine for albumen, and it is believed that, while sources of error are avoided, so small a quantity as 10 centigrams of pure albumen per liter would not escape detection, ; >.:ni/.able trace, by the methods employed. The different organs are ex pi to detect or exclude any lesion to which some of the symptoms might be attributed, and every circumstance in antecedents ol the patient is duly taken into account. As a rule, the secretary of the commission, before the meeting of t he- board, has collected blood, sputa, pus, or other available material. according to the nature of the disease reported, and the said material has been examined for malarial parasite or bacteria, tried with the \Yidal test, etc. In the case of private patients, supplementary infor- mation has been obtained by the secretary from the atiei,. physician, and, if necessary, the latter is requested to be p meeting of the board. Whenever any doubt remains in the minds of the members the decision is deferred and the patient rcc\:- mined as often as may be necessary. In fatal cases, provided the family or friends of the patient do not obj. autopsy is made, notes of the findings recorded, and hystolugieal specimens preserved or cultures prepared for subsequent examination. The physician in < always expected to notify the commission or to report the case again YELLOW FEVER. 229 if the subsequent course of the attack should throw some doubt upon the decision of the board, in which event a reversal of the first diag- nosis would be voted if the majority of the members decided that there was occasion to do so. USEFULNESS OF EXPERIMENTAL CASES FOR DIAGNOSIS. In the diagnosis of mild cases of yellow fever it has been of great advantage to the commission to have the support of Dr. Reed's observation in one of his experimental cases, showing that an un- doubted attack of the disease may run its full course without present- ing any trace of albumen in the urine. Similar cases had been observed in private practice by members of the commission, and some of them have come before the board. The same may be said with reference to the importance of the typical fever curve as an element of diagnosis in nonalbuminuric cases. SOME KNOWLEDGE OF THE LIFE CYCLE AND HABITS OF THE STEGOMYIA NECESSARY IN ORDER TO FOLLOW TRACK OF AN EPIDEMIC. The importance of ascertaining the source of the infection in every confirmee! case of yellow fever is self-evident, since the sanitary department is thereby enabled to take prompt measures calculated to control the propagation of the disease. But that investigation, according to the now accepted etiology, can not be successfully accomplished without a knowledge of certain details concerning the life of the yellow-fever mosquito which are not easily found in the current literature on that subject, and it may not be considered out of place to recapitulate them in this report. The species of gnat which transmits yellow fever (Stegomyia txniata, Theob.-Culex mosquito, R. D.) is diurnal and crepuscular, for it may be met with at any hour between daybreak and nightfall, and takes its rest during the night. The males never bite nor suck blood; the females only do so after they have mated, and never lay their ova before having sucked blood. After a complete feed of blood the insect will not bite again until all the contents of its stomach have been digested or discharged ; this process requires from 48 to 60 hours in summer, but may be delayed 2 or 3 days more in cool weather. The wings of the Stegomyia are so small that after a full meal it must be unable to fly to any height or even to any consider- able distance on a level. It shuns the sunshine, avoids flying across open waters, and keeps away from the wind. Its eggs are laid in a peculiar manner, some entirely out of the water, so that they are apt to remain unhatched during several weeks or months, and yet may develop a brood after that lapse of time when they happen to be cov- ered with water of a suitable temperature. It is probably by this means that the species is propagated during the cooler months of the Cuban climate. The Stegomyia breeds in any collection of water (a very small quantity is needed) in the yards, gardens, basements of nouses, often in the lye water used by washerwomen in this country; but also inside of rooms when water has been allowed to stand sev- eral days in basins, jugs, or open bottles. A new brood may develop in 9 or 10 days if the larvae are abundantly provided with food (bread crumbs seem to agree very well with them), otherwise several weeks may elapse .before the winged insect emerges from its pupa case. 230 When the temperature falls to 20 C. the insert is disim -lined to fly, and below 15 or 10 (\ it is benumbed and unable cither to fly or to bite. It is killed by temperatures below five/iiiir point or fcbove 45 C.; probably :in U)32 C, i- it- optimum temperature. The Steiromyia ia very domestic in its habits and will not be likely to leave the premi-es oii which it has taken up its quarter- BO long as it finds in it the necessary conditions for the completion of its life cycle (opportunities for satisfy i m: it- craving for human blood, water in which it may lay its ova, and an agreeable atmosphere Miitcd t<> it- tastes ami of the reouired tempera! nv) In the ah-ence of any of [risitefl it will migrate into the nearc-t place where they may be sati-tied. The Stegomyia becomes con tamin at e(l and acquires the faculty of t ran-mit tinu r the disease only after having bitten a yell. lat lent within the first 5 or 6 days of his attack. During the li or 3 days of its contamination its bite may sometime-, i an attenuated form of the disea-e. but after that period the insect loses for a while the faculty of inoculating the disease in any form, ami it is only when 12 or more days have passed since its contamination that it acquires the power of producing a well-marked attack of yel- low fever, the virulence of its oite being then considerably greater in summer than in winter. The contaminated Stegomyia retains t ' after, during its lifetime (which may last 70 aays), the facult reproducing the disease every tune that it chances to bite a non- immune. The manner in which a nonimmune may become infected is appar- ently under the following circumstances: (1) By visiting a place where contaminated mosquitoes exist, at a time when those insects happen to be in a condition to bite and pic- pared to inoculate the disease. (2) By the fact that a case of yellow fever has occurred in the neighborhood and mosquitoes contaminated from that patient have, for some reason, been induced to migrate into the non immune 's dwelling. (3) By the conveyance of contaminated mosquitoes in parcels, boxes, etc., or, possibly caught under a hat while biting the nead of a visitor on his way to the nonimmune's house. (4) During the hot summer days the Stegomyia is apt to fly out into the street, under porches, etc., suggesting the possibility of their biting a yellow fever patient on his way to the hospital if the carriage or the unprotected ambulance happens to be detained. In Mich a case, the insect, thus contaminated, would afterwards take refuge in one of the houses on the road to the hospital, and the imnimmnnes in that house might, in due time, be inoculated by the infected mosquito. A PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATION OF THE MOSQUITO THEOIM As an illustration of the ways in which the yellow fever may be acquired, according to the preceding statements, and <>f the dillicul- ties with which the sanitary department has had to contend this year in preventing the disease from spreading over the whole city. the following instance may be given as one in which the yellow fever commission was deeply interested. YELLOW FEVER. 231 In one of our best hospitals in this city (Quinta de Dependientes) the upper story of a new building is reserved for yellow fever patients and suspects. That floor being divided into a right wing for con- firmed cases and the left wing for cases under observation, the landing of the stairs occupies the space between the two large screened doors, facing each other and opening into each of the two departments! Though well provided with wire netting, two defects were subse- quently noticed in the disposition of these wards: the height of the ceilings, which prevents mosquitoes from- being seen when they occupy the upper part of the rooms, and the absence of any syphon or trap in the pipe leading off the water from a basin under the hydrant. Under these conditions, mosquito larvae might be bred outside the building where the defective pipe opens and the winged insect might find its way into the yellow fever ward, remaining there unseen after having bitten some of the patients. In fact, larvse were observed by us, on one occasion, in the water jug used in that ward. On the 14th of August of this year, two nonimmunes were admitted into the observation ward with a fever which appeared suspicious but only turned out to have been a mild attack of influenza. Both were discharged on the 18th. One of them lived at Florida Street, No. 2*4, the other in a bakery in Aguila Street, No. 185, opposite the Tacon market. The man from Florida Street was attacked, on the 20th (two days after leaving the hospital) with fever and devel- oped a mild yellow fever. His "house was duly fumigated and all the contaminated mosquitoes must have been killed, for no other case occurred in that neighborhood. The other man (No. 1), who lived at the bakery, was also attacked with yellow fever, but not until the 24th (six days after leaving the hospital), and two other men (Nos. 2 and 3), who worked in the same bakery and slept in rooms near his own, were also attacked, on the same day and the next respectively (Aug. 24 and 25). We must therefore infer that No. 1 had brought with him from the hospital some of the contami- nated mosquitoes which had inoculated him, and the incubation was shorter in the two other men than in his own case. The bakery was, of course, fumigated and most of the contaminated mosquitoes probably killed; but the disposition of the house and of its neighbor- hood was particularly unfavorable, and some of the numerous insects which had had & chance of biting one or other of the three simul- taneous cases must have escaped and flown across the narrow street into the porch of Tacon market, where fruit and flower venders lay out their goods on the floor under the porch and sit or stand the greater part of the morning waiting for purchasers. Two of those flower venders (Nos. 4 and 5) were attacked with yellow fever on the 7th and llth of September, respectively; the last of these developing into a fatal case, the first of the series. These two men lived in the Cerro, where they had their garden near Tulipan Park. Their dwelling was fumigated effectively, for no other case of yellow fever occurred m the neighborhood. The owner of the bakery on Aguila Street lived in a house at the back of it, on Amistad Street, No. 136, and (No. 1), when questioned by the members of the com- mission at the hospital, had told them that after his attack of influ- enza he had first gone to the owner's house. That house was there- fore probably infected and duly fumigated ; but from here also some 232 YELLOW of the contaminated insects must have escaped and taken refuse in a oaf 6 close by, Amistad Street, No. 130, where the hartendci was attacked with yellow fever on the 12th of September. This house was also fumigated, but the >ame contaminated insects which had bitten this case or others from the same source must have ciX) Dragones Street and entered another hou>e in the next block. AHUM ad l .5, where a man servant i No. 7) was attacked witli fatal yellow fever on the 14th of September. The next two cases occurred in t wo newly arrived immigrants (No. 8 and No. 9) who lived together in a room at Kicla. No. :V2, a food distance from the infected ouarter: but they informed us that they were in the habit of going almost every evening to a house in the block next to that of (No. 77 Amist ad 96, but on the other side of the street, to chat with an immune IV of theirs. These two men were attacked on the 21st and 22d of September. The killing of mosquitoes at their dwelling pr< efficacious, for no other cases occurred near Kicla 32: hut a lew of the contaminated insects still remained in the block of (No. 7), for in a large tobacco factory occupying the south front of that block two of the workmen (No. 10 and No. 11) were attacked on the Jxth of September. This time, however, the fumigation and killing of the mosquitoes within and around the tobacco factory must have killed the last of the infected insects, for no other case of yellow fever has been reported since in Habana. DESIDERATUM. The danger of new invasions which might insidiously acquire such proportions that they should prove difficult of control, comes prin- cipally from the want of a sure landmark by which to recognize even the mildest forms of the disease, a want which, it is feared, must subsist so long as the germ of the disease has not been definitely identified. With the certainty that the said germ is contained in the blood of the patient and also in the head of the contaminated stegomyia, it was thought that Drs. Reed and Carroll could not fail to discover that germ, knowing that they had apparently the best of materials to work upon and the assistance or experts well trained in the investigation of animal and vegetable germs. Their failure to do so has therefore caused general disappointment. The Yellow Fever Commission, howerer, considers it one of its duties not to let the matter drop ; and to avail itself of Dr. Guiteras s permission and valuable cooperation for pursuing the search for the yellow-fever germ at the laboratory of his experimental station whenever a fa\ Ar- able opportunity for doing so presents itself. CHARLES FINL.U . Chairman of the Yellow Fever Commission. HABANA, January 3, 1902. Many years before the Yellow Fever Commission was organ i/ed, Dr. Carlos J. Finlay, of Habana, had formed the opinion that yellow fever was conveyea by the bites of mosquitoes and had fbcea upon the Stegomyia calopus as the culpable airent. On June 30, 1881, he began a series of experiments to prove the transmission of the YELLOW FEVER. 233 disease by this insect, believing that he could in this way produce a mild type of fever which would convey immunity. He bred the mosqvitoes in captivity and developed a technique for transporting them and placing them upon the patients, and between the date above mentioned and the arrival of the Yellow Fever Commission in Cuba he had made 103 experiments of which he regarded a consid- erable number as successful. In the light of our present exact knowledge of the length of incu- bation of yellow fever in man and the considerable period of incuba- tion in the mosquito between the time of biting and when she be- comes able to transmit the infection, and also the very brief period (three days) at the begining of the disease during which alone the patient is able to infect the mosquito, it must be recognized that probably none of Dr. Finlay's experiments were successful, but none the less must credit be given for what Col. Gorgas has termed the 11 scientific clairvoyance" with which he had conceived his theory and the enthusiasm 'with which he maintained it. When Maj. Reed went into Habana to consult him, before begin- ning the work of the board, he gave him eggs of Stegomyia calopus which he specifically stated were those of the mosquito which con- veyed the disease, and the first experiments of the board were made with mosquitoes grown from these eggs. As Dr. Finlay was the originator of this theory, and was of great assistance to the com- mission, the above report of his, which is of scientific as well as his- torical value, is published in this place, although it is recognized that some of the views expressed by him are at variance with the findings of the commission. ( '1! MM FU 3. REPORT OF MAJ. W. C. GORGAS, MEDICAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 1 1 KADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF CUBA. Miiicr Of (11111 S\\ITAKY OFIICKK OF 11 \BA\A, .Inly 12, 1902. (.! \n:\i : I herewith forward the report of the sanitary depart- ment. hrinLrinu: the account of the work up to May 20 of the pr< year. This hcini: the final report of the sanitary department of the city of Hahana under the military government, it miirht he useful to review, in a general way, the work of the department since its incep- tion in 1899. The great object of sanitation for Cuba, and particularly for Habana, as far as the United States was concerned, was the erad- ication of yellow fever. For over 200 years this disease had, at short intervals, devastated the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, causing great loss of life, and still greater iinancial loss, due to the entire cessation of commerce which occurred during the epidemic. It is estimated that the money loss caused directly by the epidemic of 1878, which affected particularly the lower Mi-sissippi Valley, amounted to $100,000,000, and in years when there was no epidemic quarantines had to be kept up against the infected regions around the Gulf of Mexico, which stopped almost all travel and greatly interfered with commerce. The United States had come to look upon Habana as the particular point from which infection was spread. Yellow fever has been continuously present in this city since 1762. Every month in every year during that time there have been some cases. In all other localiti. X< rth America where yellow fever occurred, it occurred epidemically ; that is, the locality was free from the disease for a longer or shorter time. In places above the frost line winter always puts an end to the disease, and in localities in the Tropics it always terminates after a greater or lesser period of years from the exhaustion of the nonim- mune material. It was therefore hoped by the military authorities that if yellow fever could be controlled in Habana the United S: would be free from danger of epidemic invasion. One of the most prominent objects, then, that the military govern- ment had before it during its stay in Cuba was the control of yellow fever, and for this purp< -e we paid great attention to the improve- ment of the hygienic conditions all over the island. But Ha 1 being the only endemic focus in the island, and. for that matter, anywhere else in North America . the energies of the military govern- ment were concentrated at this point. None who knew anything of yellow fever had any dear idea how its eradication was to he accomplished, but (hero was a general hdief and hope that \>\ improving the sanitary conditions the disease 234 YELLOW FEVER. 235 here could be greatly decreased, and possibly in the course of a number of years gradually gotten rid of, as has been the case in the cities of the United States. But no one, I think, who knew anything of yellow fever practically would have ventured to predict that much could have been done in this line in the course of three years. In Habana the government went vigorously to work, rapidly organizing street cleaning, disposal of garbage, and the cleaning of premises. In a very few months the streets were as clean as those of any modern city and the garbage regularly disposed of. But the internal sanitation of houses and the organization of the sanitary department for the reporting and control of contagious and infectious diseases, and similar matters, took a longer time. In the early part of 1899, the first year of the military occupation, very little yellow fever occurred. The preceding five years had been years of war, and for the last few months the American blockade had practically put an end to immigration into Habana, and the nonimmune population was pretty well exhausted, so that there were few left capable of having this disease. In January, there was one death; in February, none; in March, one; in April, two; in May, none; in June, one, and in July, two. That is, in the first seven months of 1899 there were only seven deaths from yellow fever. The military governor of the city, Gen. Ludlow, felt sure that the measures which were being taken had pretty well eradicated it. But about the 1st of August, Spanish immigration began to pour into Habana, and between August and December some 12,000 immigrants arrived in the city, about 60 per cent of whom settled in Habana. This at once started up yellow fever, and by December of 1899 we were having a severe winter epidemic. This continued right along through 1900, during which year we had a very sharp epidemic, having in all some 1,400 cases. The general sanitary conditions had improved, as indicated by the falling death rate, in a very satisfactory manner; but our work was evidently having no effect upon yellow fever. This disease was under control everywhere else in the island, but the principal means of reducing it, the deportation of the nonimmune population, so successful everywhere else, was not practicable in Habana. By the beginning of 1901 the sanitary department was pretty well satisfied that ordinary sanitary measures were having no imme- diate effect upon yellow fever. The city during the year 1900 was as clean and in as good sanitary condition as it was possible for labor to make it, and affairs could not be gotten into better condition until after the completion of a sewer system. In the summer of 1900 a commission of Army medical officers headed by Maj . Walter Reed, United States Army, had been sent to Cuba for the investigation and study of yellow fever. Due to the financial assistance given by the military governor to this commis- sion, they were enabled to experiment on the human subject. They took up the theory advanced by Dr. Carlos Finlay of Habana, in the year 1880, that the Stegomyia mosquito was the sole means of the transmission of yellow fever. Dr. Finlay had maintained this theory for some 20 years, and had done considerable experimental work in this direction. The commission, through elaborate and careful experimentation, proved this to be correct, and in February, 1901, Dr. Reed read a 236 paper before the International Sanitary Congress, in Habana. giving the results of their work. This idea was so new and so entirely Contrary to all former theories on the subject, and. apparent 1 all former experience, that the paper was received with scant belief. I myself had seen the work, and was convinced that the mosquito could convey yellow fever, but I was hardly prepared to believe that it was the only wa . <\ the ordinary way, of conveying the disease. But all ordinary sanitary measures for the preceding two \< had been flat failures. Yellow fever at the heirinning of !!()] was about as bad as it had ever been in Habana at that time <>f the year. The city was infected in every part, and there was present probably the largest nonimmune population that had ever In-fore been in Habana. 1 had very little hope of accomplishing much; it seemed to me that even if the mosquito did convey yellow fever, he could not be gotten rid of, and, apparently, from all past experience, the mosquito not the only way, or even the principal way, of conveying the disease; but, as he evidently could convey the disease, it was our duty t<> take precautions in this direction. The military governor readily granted the necessary appropriation and authorized the employment of as large a force as needful tor me measures, yellow fever began to decrease, and by September had been entirely eradicated from the city. The demonstration is the more effective in Habana from the fact that in all other cities of North America yellow fever laatfl f<>r a greater or lesser number of years, and then disappears from natural causes, to reappear again when conditions are favorable. In Habana the conditions have been different. For 150 years yellow fever has been constantly present in the city. From September, 1901, to July, 1902, not a single case nor a death has occurred. In the 150 } referred to, not any year, probably, can be picked out in which (hir- ing the same period there were less than 100 deaths. seem- t" me, is a practical demonst rat ion, given in the only endemic focus for yellow fever in North America, and in a year when YELLOW FEVEB. 237 the conditions were most favorable for the development of the disease, of the fact that the Stegomyia mosquito is the only method of trans- mitting it a fact proved by the Army commission. Under Army administration the death rate in Habana has de- creased in a marked degree. In 1898, the number of deaths was 21,252, giving a rate of 91.03; in 1899, the first year of our occupa- tion, we had 8,153 deaths, giving a rate of 33.67; in 1900, we had 6,102 deaths, giving a rate of 24.40; in 1901, we had 5,720 deaths, giving a rate or 22.11 ; for the first four months of 1902 there occurred 1,896 deaths, which if kept up for the year would give 5,688 deaths, a rate of 20.68 for the year. Thus it can be seen that under the military government, in a little over three years the death rate was reduced from 91.03 to 20.68. The latter rate would be a favorable one for the better class of cities in Europe or the United States. And this has come about without making any permanent sanitary installations, such as sewage. The city was kept as clean as it was possible for labor to make it, with regard to trie streets, disposal or garbage, and the interior of the houses. But every house in Habana, somewhere under the house, still has a cesspool, the flow from which sinks into the surrounding ground, and as this has been going on for 400 years, the ground itself is as thoroughly saturated with organic matter as is possible. The authorities had hardly hoped for such marked improvement until this system of cesspools has been done away with by a good system of sewage. But apparently the condition referred to has no very great effect upon the general health of the city; the improve- ment has come about from a careful street cleaning, disposal of garb- age, internal sanitation of houses, and rigid control of infectious and contagious diseases. Our work down here has been a useful lesson in municipal sani- tation. The same thing could be accomplished by any community anywhere else, if they were willing to spend money and labor upon it. No elaborate machinery of any kind is necessary; merely men and brooms. The primary object of the war with Spain was the liberation of Cuba from Spanish domination, but, at the same time, the United States had hoped to accomplish a good deal in improving the sani- tary condition of the island. In this she has succeeded beyond her utmost expectations, and the results in Cuba have been a new de- parture in military conquest. The only other people who bear comparison with us in attempting to improve the sanitary condi- tions of a tropical country are the English, and neither in Jamaica nor in India have they been very successful in this respect. Much to our surprise, we find that not only can a native city like Habana be made as healthy as the better class of cities in the United States, but that our own troops, with proper care, thrive just as well in the Tropics as they do in the Temperate Zone. With the troops, the health conditions have steadily improved, until at the evacuation of Cuba the health rate was better among them than the average of troops in the United States. Our first year in Cuba, 1898, with an average of 8,345 men, we had a death rate from disease of 67.94 per thousand. The health conditions steadily improved during the four years of our occupation, and for the last three months of 1902, with an average strength of 238 YKl.LOW FHVEK. ' inon, wo had a death rate from disease of 1.70 per thousand. Tliis means that the firM year of our life in the Tropics \\ e lost 07 men out of every thousand, from disease; the last year of our slay, we had profited by our experience to such an extent that \ve lost only 7 men per thousand. From our experience in Cuba, several useful lessons can he de- dueed. We find that the native in the Tropics, with the same sani- tary precautions that are taken in the Temperate Zones, can he just as healthy and have just as small a death rate as the inhabitants of the Temperate /one: that to brini: this about , no elaborate machinery of any kind is needed: that it can be attained by any community, no matter how ooor. if they are willing to spend sudicient labor in cleaning, and observing well-known rules with regard to di-< that the North American Anglo-Saxon can lead juM as healthy a life and live just as long in the Tropics as in the Tniled Stale-. But by far the most important sanitary lesson is with regard to yellow fever that this disease is only conveyed by the stegomyia mosquito; that the disease can readily be eradicated, even when ii has gotten a lirm hold, and easily kept from establishing itself by taking measures looking to the mosquito as its can 1 look forward in the future to a time when yellow fever will ha\> entirely disappeared as a disease to which mankind is subject, for I believe that when the yellow fever parasite lias once become extinct it can no more return than the dodo or any other species of animal that has disappeared from the earth. Very respectfully, W. C. GORI;.\>. Major, Medical Corps, United States Amu/. Brig. Gen. LEONARD WOOD, United States Army, Washington, D. C. PART V A FEW GENERAL DIRECTIONS WITH REGARD TO DESTROY- ING MOSQUITOES, PARTICULARLY THE YELLOW-FEVER MOSQUITO, By W. C. GORGAS, Colonel, Medical Corps, United States Army} As this article is not intended for the reading of people who have given any particular attention to the facts at present known of the way in which the mosquito carries disease from one person to another, I think it best to briefly call attention to the leading points in our present knowledge of this subject. Malaria and yellow fever are the two great diseases with which the mosquito is concerned. They are by far the most important diseases in the tropical countries of the Western Hemisphere, and play a great part in the sickness of the southern part of the United States. Up to 25 years ago it was universally believed that malaria was caused by a gas, or miasm, arising from the decomposition of dead vegetable mat- ter in hot countries, but about that time a French army surgeon in Algeria, Laveran by name, noticed that if he looked sufficiently care- fully with his microscope, in the blood of persons suffering from malaria, he could almost always find a very small animal parasite. This little, living being got into the blood in some way, Laveran did not know how, fed upon the red blood corpuscles, and was apparently the cause of the disease which we call malaria. Laveran's discovery was a great advance in our knowledge of the disease, and it was gradually accepted by all the medical world. A careful search was made for the parasite by many investigators, but it could only b.e found in the blood of human beings suffering from malaria. Where else it was bred and how it got into the blood of man no one could find out. About this time it was discovered by an English army surgeon, Dr. Manson, that a small worm the Filaria sanguinis Jiominis was introduced into the body by the bite of a mos- quito. (This worm causes the disease among human beings known as filariasis, and to it are due the enormous and unsightly swellings of the legs and other parts of the body seen by our people in Cuba and the Philippines, it is, however, a disease very rarely found in the United States, and not of much importance to us. I only mention it here in connection with my story of the mosquito.) About 15 years after the discovery of Laveran that malaria was due to an insect in the blood, and of Manson, that a certain worm which caused disease was introduced into the human blood by the bite of a mosquito, another great English army surgeon, Ronald Ross, * Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904. 240 YII.LOU discovered that the malarial para-it e was found in a certain species of mosquito the anopheles after the insect had bitten a human being suffering from malaria. With his microscope ho followed the life history of this parasite, from the stomach of the mosquito, through the vails of the stomach into the mosquito's b<>d\ , and finally im sah'vary glands. In the saliva of the mosquito, the little organism was found in large numbers, and when biting man, for the purpose of getting blood, the mosquito injects her fatal saliva, just as does the rattlesnake when he bites. This discovery of Dr. Ross \\as demon- strated in the most positive manner. An Italian living near Rome, in Italy (malaria is verv bad in the neighborhood of Rome), while sutlering from a malarial attack was 'i by an anopheles mosquito. This mosquito was thou taken to London, England, whore they have no malaria, and a healthy young man, who had never had malaria, was bitten by her. In a lew days the young man had a well-marked attack of malaria, with the u-ual s tom-, and the malarial parasite was seen by the microscope circulat ing in the blood of the patient and feeding upon the red blood corpu of his blood. And, again, men were taken, put into house-, screened so t hat mosquitoes could not get in, and spent weeks in this unhealthy part of Italy without getting sick. Yet this particular part of Italy is considered so unhealthy that during the summer season neither native nor foreigner, who can avoid it, spends a night there. A night spent in the Campania used to be thought a certain way to contract malaria, the idea being that the foul air from the ma caused the disease. Yet it is now seen that entirely unacclimated men can breathe this air with safety, provided onlv that they live in screened houses and are not bitten by mosquitoes. These and similar fact s n m- vinced the scientific world that the malarial organism gets into the blood of the human being through the bite of the anopheles mosquito, and in no other way. Before the year 1900 it was universally believed that yellow f. was carried from person to person and spread generally by a germ which up to that time had not been discovered. The germ v posed to travel from person to person by contact with those sick of the disease, or by means of clothing or other articles which had been near the sick, and its development was believed to be greatly favored by all conditions which increased filth. There were a good many fact s in t he spread of the disease which were difiicult to account for under t his sup- position, but nevertheless it was the best explanation possible, and, as I said, was almost universally accepted, both by physicians and people generally. During the year 1900 the Army of the United States had entire control of Ilabana, at that time the great center of yellow lexer for the world. An excellent opportunity for investigating the di therefore existed. The Surgeon General of the Army sent to I la ban a a board of Army medical officers for the purpose of in\ -li. ating yellow fever. This board was made up of the following Army do. ; Dr. Reed, the president, and Drs. Carroll, Agramonte, and La/car. After much investigation they determined to study the relation of the mosquito to yellow fever. Their attention was called to this matter by tne part that the mosquito had already been pro vet I to pla malaria and lilariasis, as mentioned above, and also by certain facts known in the history of yellow fever epidemics. Dr. Hnlay, a prom- YELLOW FEVER. 241 inent physician of Habana, reasoning from certain peculiarities of yellow fever and from experiments which he made, had maintained ifor many years that a certain kind of mosquito in Habana, the stego- myia, was the cause of yellow. fever.,. Jout. he had not been able to ; prove it. DIRECTIONS WITH REGARD TO DESTROYING MOSQUITOES. The Army board of which Dr. Reed was president recognized that in Cuba, where they did their work, it would have to be entirely evident that the men experimented upon could not geV f yellow fever accidentally in " Habana, :or any where ,ejse, 'but only, .if at all, in the t course of the experiment. They therefore took a piece of unoccupied 'ground about-6 miles from Habana and built -there a camp of material which could not have been infected with yellow fever. 'They then got men who had never suffered from yellow fever and placed them in these tents. It -was known that -if a man exposed to v el-low, lever was going to 'have it the disease' would develop t likely to free the city from yellow fever. Yello\\ lV\cr in Ilahana wa- a disease like consumption in OalveMon w Orlean> always there, and always One of tne principal oauses of death in the city. And this had been the state of all'airs a- |o: anything had been known with any accuracy, either about yeflow fever or about the health conditions of Habana; and the-e 'tiling were pretty accurately known for more than a hundred year- imme- diately preceding the time I refer to. When we organized our health department, we believed, as did everybody el-e, that yellow fever was caused by filth, dirt, and general insanitary conditions, so we went to work doing our very best to correct these conditions. With these efforts Habana very rapidly became a healthy city, as much so as many of our large cities in tne United States, but yellow fever did not seem to be affected. The second year of our control yellow fever was very severe in Habana, but did not attack the native Cuban because he was generally acclimated. Only the foreigner, therefore, was subject to the disease. During the year 1900 many of our prominent American civilians and military officials died of the disease, and the very cleanest and h-t parts of the city and the people who lived best and took the be>t of themselves were most affected. When the Army Board published their discovery to the world the health department of Habana r< nized that it and all the rest of the world had been on the wrong track with regard to yellow fever, and they determined to change their methods and attack the mosquito as the cause of the disease. They had been convinced by tne work of the Army board that a human being could only get yellow fever by being bitten by a par- ticular kina of mosquito the stegomyia which had previously bitten a man suffering from yellow fever. They therefore arranged that as soon as a man sickened with yellow fever employees from t he department went to the house and screened it with wire nettii. that those mosquitoes that were in the house could not get out and those outside could not get in. A smudge was then made of sulphur, tobacco, or insect powder, as host suited to the circumstances, in the affected house, and in all those immediately around it. with the intention of killing all moscjuitoes present, liy this method it was hoped that both the mosquitoes that had bitten the man and ca the disease would be killed, and also those that had bitten the man after he was taken >ick. and had thus become themselves infected and able to spread the disease. For the purpose of doinir this screening a building was arranged very much like a fire stat ion in ne of our cities, where wagons, wire screens, carpenters, and men with material for making a smudge, were always kept on duty, who pro- ceeded at once to the place where a yellow fever case was reported to exist. YELLOW FEVEIt. 245 This method was very successful in its results. After its adoption very few cases occurred where the disease spread from the person infected to others in the neighborhood. It was also determined to destroy as many as possible of the yellow fever mosquitoes in the city. It was known that the female mosquito had to have water on which to lay her eggs, and that these eggs could not hatch without water; that this water had to be very quiet and well protected for the hatching process to take place ; that the eggs took about three days to hatch; that after hatching the insect had to live the life of a fish in this water for five or six days. During this fish stage they are known as larvae, and are well known to everybody in the South, for they are nothing but the common wigglers always found in standing rain water during the summer months. Now, while in this wiggler stage the insect has to have air, and for this purpose must every little while come to the surface. At the end of five or six days the wiggler changes into the full-grown mosquito. It is known that this particular species of mosquito the stegomyia, or the yellow fever mosquito lives and breeds almost altogether in houses and in their immediate neighborhood, and does not leave the house for any great distance. With this knowledge of its life history, the department found it easiest to destroy the mosquito in its wiggler stage, and the most useful means in this direction they found to be the doing away with all the little deposits of water in and near inhab- ited houses, which the wiggler must have in order to develop into the mosquito. The methods herein described were not settled upon, as might appear from this account, all at once and at the beginning, but many other methods of waging war against the mosquito were tried, found impracticable, and dropped. With the object of doing away with the breeding places of the yellow-fever wiggler, all the houses and yards of Habana were carefully examined and all tin cans, empty bottles, and trash of the same kind, which were generally found filled with rain water and full of yellow fever mosquito larvae, were carefully carted off. Then the necessary openings in all cisterns were covered with mosquito netting, so that the mosquitoes could not get in to lay their eggs. Among the poorer people, who had only barrels and other similar receptacles for rain water (and in Habana every family had something of this kind), the health department arranged these necessary receptacles for them by placing a wooden cover on the barrel, leaving a hole in the center of this cover for the entrance of water, and covering the hole with wire netting, so that mosquitoes could not get in. To enable them to draw off the water without opening the barrel a cheap wooden spigot was placed in the lower part. Now, from the peculiarity of the wiggler, that he has to come to the surface of the water every few seconds to get air, if we put anything on the surface of the water that prevents him getting this air, he drowns just as certainly as a man would who is kept under the water. Ordinary kerosene oil, a tablespoonful or two to a cistern, spreads over the surface of the water and kills the wiggler in this way. He can not break through the scum of oil to get air. But oil very rapidly evaporates and has frequently to be renewed. So oil was only used in Habana where no other method was successful. The privy pits in all the houses there were in the center of the court, covered generally with heavy flagstone. These pits, not being in general accessible to the 246 YKLI.OW F! inspectors, had to be treated with oil. Once a month a couple of ounces of oil were poured into the pipes leading to the pit-. To insure that these methods and ordinances were carried out. the city was divided into districts of about a thousand houses each, BO that an inspector would get over each district in the course of a inont h, inspect in*: at the rate of about 30 hou-c- a day. This inspector had with him two men who used the oil as ahove described. lie had with him printed blanks on which he entered the condition of the premises as to w idlers. These reports were turned in every night to the office of the health department and wero consolidated from day today. At the end of the month we could therefore tell the condition of Habana as to wigglers. At the first report on this subject (I think in March, 1901) we found that we had in Habana in the neighbor- hood of 26,000 different water deposits which contained w idlers. most of them of the yellow-fever variety. After once going over the city and carefully explaining to the people the dangers of allowing wigglers on their premises, and after having fixed up for the poor all the water barrels which they were obliged to keep for holding their ram water, the mayor of the city issued an ordinance stating that anybody who bred wigglers on his premises would be fined $10. These two methods of destroying yellow fever mosquitoes, namely, that of killing the grown mosquito in the neighborhood of every yellow fever patient with a smudge and of looking after the wigglers hi all rain water deposits about the house, were steadily enforced during the year 1901. The results were bet t er than we had dared to hope. Few cases occurred in which yellow fever spread from a case cared for in this wav. Yellow fever rapidly decreased, and on September 28, 1901, the last case of yellow 1 occurred in Habana, and since that time now more than two years not a single new case has developed in the city. There were still, of course, a great many yellow fever mosquitoes in Habana, but these methods of destroying the wigglers had greatly decreased the numbers of mosquitoes. The report of January, 1 after about ten months of this mosquito work, showed that within the city limits less than 300 premises had wigglers upon them. This I think a very fair measure of the results accomplished by one year's work, namely, that the number of deposits containing wigglers had been decreased from about 26,000 to about 300. I think it is evident that tne disappearance of yellow fever from Habana was due solely to this mosquito work. Remember that it was an every-day disease in Habana, and had been so for more than a hundred years, just as consumption is in' New Orleans, a city of about the same size as Habana. Now, if some method should be adopted against consumption in New Orleans, and systematically put in operation in the city against that disease, and at the end of a year it could be shown that no new cases of consumption were occur- ring in New Orleans, and at the end of two years and a half it could be further shown that under the continuance of the same measures the disease had entirely disappeared from the city, and no new cases had occurred, I should think that we would all be at once convinced that the disappearance of consumption from New Orleans was due to the efficacy of the measures adopted. In Habana, even now, a case or two of yellow fever comes in every month from Mexico and other infected regions which have a con- YELLOW FEVER. 247 siderable trade with Habaiia. The ships are carefully inspected by the quarantine authorities, just as is done in our country. If a Eerson sick of yellow fever, or suspected yellow fever, is discovered, e is landed at the city wharf, in the heart of the business district, placed in an ambulance, carried to the yellow fever hospital, which is well within the city limits, and treated there. The only precau- tion taken is to see that Habana mosquitoes do not get an oppor- tunity to bite him. The authorities at Habana thoroughly believe that if they can prevent mosquitoes from biting a yellow fever patient the city will be entirely safe in handling him and taking care of him. In 1901, during the height of the yellow fever work at Habana, a town of about 5,000 inhabitants, some 12 miles from the city, became badly infected with yellow fever. This town, Santiago de las Vegas, was practically a suburb of Habana, and the business communication with the city was very intimate. We found that people who were working at Santiago de las Vegas were constantly getting sick of yellow fever, and as soon as they found themselves sick would come into Habana to the homes of their friends and relatives to be taken care of. In order to do away with this source of danger, a large force of men was put at work at Las Vegas, on the lines above described. The whole town was systematically gone through from house to house, and at the end of about six weeks of this work the disease was entirely wiped out and we had no more trouble with infection from Las Vegas. 1 mention this as showing the possibility of taking a small town and getting rid of the disease rapidly by mosquito work. We had other mosquito work going on in the suburbs of Habana, among the truck gardens and irrigated fields where grass was grown. But the yellow-fever mosquito does not breed to any great extent in such places, and I do not think this work had much effect upon the yellow fever. But malaria, as I have above mentioned, is also carried exclusively by a mosquito named the " anopheles." Now, this malarial mosquito likes to breed in places where there are little puddles of water, cow tracks, horse tracks, and similar depressions in grassy ground, and the work in the suburbs had its principal effect upon this mosquito. It was not desirable to stop irrigation, as the livelihood of all these small farmers depend upon it, but by taking advantage of the fact that a deposit of water had to remain undisturbed at least 10 days to breed a mosquito, we could allow them to irrigate freely, pro- vided the water did not remain longer than a week. The health de- partment had all this area arranged with shallow, superficial ditches which would not interfere with irrigation, but would allow rapid drainage when the water was taken off. All pools and puddles which had no economic use were kept drained, and ditches and streams kept clean of grass and obstructions. After once getting the country cleaned up at public expense, and the matter explained to the farmer, he was fined in the same way as the householder in the built-up portion of the city, if wigglers were discovered on his premises. While I do not think that these measures aided us particularly in yellow fever, they had a marked effect upon malaria. In 1900, the year before the mosquito work commenced, we had in Habana 325 deaths from malaria. During 1901, the year in which mosquito work was commenced, we had 151 deaths from malaria. In 1902, the second year of mosquito work, Dr. Carlos Finlay, the health officer of Cuba, reported 77 deaths from malaria in 248 : ^' 1'i Habana, and up to the 1st o!' No\ ember in 1 !():>. the third year of mosquito work. Dr. Finlay reported l."> deaths from malaria. This mosquito work of the Hnhana health department, 1 hold, demonstrates the practicability of eliminating in the Tropics the two diseases malaria and yellow fever, and I believe if the attention of the people at large in our own country were generally attracted to the danger of transmitting disease by the mosquito, and the practicability of destroying them, we could very generally eliminate these two diseases from our own country. And now to the reason for writing this article. I thought an account of the relations of mosauitoes to disease, given in simple terms, readily understood by t hose wlio are not doctors, might held people generally in making aii attempt to get rid of mosquitoes, each man about his own house. I will now proceed to make suggestions in this direction. And in order to make myself entirely clear will repeat a good deal, and enlarge upon what I have already said. The work of the Army medical board of which Maj. Walter Keed was president, showing that a particular species of mosquito was the only means of transmitting yellow fever, is now pretty generally accepted by all the scientific world. Based upon this knowledge, certain methods were adopted by the Army medical officers in Haba n a , Cuba, which resulted in eradicating yellow fever from that city. During the fall of 1903 yellow fever was introduced from Mexico and became quite widely spread through western Texas. It is thought that a few general rules, based upon the knowledge acquired by tho Army board and the experience of the Army medical officers in I labana. may be of use in assisting individuals and towns in freeing themselves from infected mosquitoes during the present winter and coining spring. Otherwise, it seems highly probable that yellow fever, at some point in Texas, will again develop as the warm weather comes on. This would come about from the fact that the infected mosquito can very readily live through the winter in the latitude of Laredo. As yellow fever can only be spread by a particular species of mos- quito, it follows that if there are none of these mosquitoes about, yellow fever can not spread. The danger in Texas is that the steg- omyia mosquitoes, that have bitten people with yellow fever, will live through the winter and spread another epidemic as the warm weat her comes on by biting people who have not had the disease. This mos- quito, from its nature, stays immediately about the house and in the rooms, and seldom or never wanders far. It was found in I labana that by destroying all the mosquitoes in each house where yellow fever occurred the disease was always stopped in that particular neighborhood. It is probable, therefore, that if each householder in whose house yellow fever has occurred during the past fall will destroy all the mosquitoes in his house he will be free from the old infection next spring. This can readily be done by closing the room and making a smudge in it of sulphur or tobacco. Care should be taken to paste all the cracks up with paper, so that the smudge will be confined to the room fumigated, and the pan in which t ho smudge is made placed on a little earth, so that it can not set the floor on fire. With sulphur, about a pound to a room 10 feet square, should be used, and with tobacco, about half a pound. To start the sulphur burning a couple of tablespoonfuls of alcohol should be poured on before applying the match. Sulphur should be used unless the room YELLOW FEVER. 249 contains valuable material which might be injured by it. The fumes of tobacco hurt nothing, but leave a disagreeable odor. The fumes of ordinary Persian insect powder hurt nothing and leave no odor, but it does not always kill the mosquitoes and care has to be taken to sweep them up afterwards. A couple of hours will be time enough to keep the room closed. After that time it can be opened, aired, and occupied. In towns, this method should be carefully carried out dur- ing the winter by the town authorities. Not only the houses in which yellow fever is known to have occurred, but every house in the infected town should be treated in this way. We found in Habana that a squad of five men, under intelligent direction, could easily fumigate a 10- room house in two hours. It should be arranged so that the whole of the infected town should be gone over before the 1st of April. The above directions cover the points with regard to killing infected mosquitoes, and thereby preventing the liability of a new epidemic next summer from the old mosquitoes left over from last year. But it is even more important to prevent the breeding of a new crop of stegomyia mosquitoes, and this can be very readily done without very great effort. The female stegomyia mosquito always seeks some small body of well-protected fresh water in which to lay her eggs. On the surface of this water she lays about 60 or 70 eggs. These, in warm weather, in three days hatch out into the ordinary wiggler, and the wiggler in five or six days develops into the full-grown mosquito. From the laying of the egg to the development of the full-grown mosquito takes about eight days in hot weather. Water is as necessary to the insect as it is to a fish. It is essentially a water insect during this period, though it is an air-breathing insect, too, and has to come to the surface of the water every few seconds to get air. As I stated above, the stegomyia seeks particularly deposits of clean water, and is essentially a house mosquito, breeding either in the house or very close to it, in such places as cisterns and rain-water bar- rels, and in anything likely to catch and retain rain water, such as old bottles or cans, or gutters under the roofs of houses, etc. Now, if every householder will give a little attention to see that there are no such deposits about his house, he will be free from the stegomyia mos- quito, and no one will contract yellow fever in his house, even if cases are introduced into it from elsewhere. If necessity obliges him to keep a cistern or barrels of rain water, if he will arrange the receptacle so that the mosquito can not get in to lay her eggs, it will be entirely safe. In the cistern this can be done by covering the top tightly, with the exception of a hole for ventilation, and one for the entrance of the water, and these two holes should be covered with wire netting. The netting should be not larger than 16 meshes to the inch. A larger mesh than this will allow the smaller size of stegomyia to pass through. Water barrels can be arranged in the same way, a tight-fitting top put on, with a wire mesh over the hole for the entrance of the water, and a cheap spigot put in the bottom for drawing off water. If he finds wigglers in any of the vessels of water which he is obliged to keep, he can know that his coyer is imperfect, and that the female mosquito has gotten in there in some way to lay her eggs. Small deposits about the yard and in the immediate neighborhood should be swept out or drained away. A deposit of water in Texas would have to stand at least 10 days to breed a mosquito. For this reason, if the 250 YKLl.ou PEVRB, householder is not able to arrange his water vessels as above sug- gested he could avoid breeding steiromy in mosquitoes by having t hose vessels emptied once a week. But if tlie method of emptying is used, the larvte should be carefully washed out or the vessel K-i't to stand empty for more than an hour. If this precaution is not taken, a con- siderable number of the larvae will he left adherent to the bottom and sides and will live if the vessel is at once Milled. Kerosene oil is fatal to the larvae if two or three tablespoonfuls are spread over the surface of the water. As I said before, the larvae have to come to the surface every few :ids to get air, and as they are unable to break through the 1ilm of oil they die of suffocation, out the oil evaporates very rapidly and should be renewed every week. Much the better method is cither to get rid of the deposit of water or protect it in the above-mentioned manner. Oil should only be relied upon in treating deposits in a building or its immediate neighborhood which can not be man aired in one of the above-mentioned methods. Privy pits which contain water were the only places in Habana in which we habitually resorted to oil. In towns these methods should be enforced by regular and syste- matic inspections. In most towns there are ordinances against pigs and pigsties. A hog is considerably larger than a mosquito wiggler, but with a little care an inspector will soon learn to discover the wig- gle rs almost as easily as the hogs. And the householder should be taught that the wiggler causes a great deal more annoyance to himself and his neighbors than the hog does, and is infinitely more dangerous to health. And the ordinances should hold the householder as strictly to account for breeding wigglers on his premises as for having a pigsty with a litter of pigs. The larger deposits, a hundred yards or more away from the house, such as small ponds and swampy places, while breeding mosquitoes that cause a great deal of annoyance, will not breed the stegomyia to an extent sufficient to be dangerous to the house. They should be managed by the town authorities on the same general principles to drain wherever possible.