10^ %MllY>jtf^ % ^OF-CAIIFORfc ^\\EUN!VERS/A ** * -< -~- *? 3 i .4? ^ * 3/^5 5 =10 ( imtiotial fmriitf. Hi ^ DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES THE USE OF JEWISH WOMEN, oir PUBLIC AND DOMESTIC OCCASIONS, (TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN OF DR. WOLFGANG WESSELY.) BY MIBIAM WERTHEIMER. " BCT IF FROM THENCE THOU SHALT SEEK THE ETERNAL THT GOD, THOU SHALT FIND HIM, IF THOU SEEK HIM WITH ALL THY HEART AND WITH ALL THY SOUL." Deut. iv, 29. BIRMINGHAM : R. MATTHI80N, 71, EDGBA8TON STREET. LONDON : ' SOLD BY 8IMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO. BIRMINGHAM: PRI!m>.D BY R. MATTHISOX, EDOBASTOX >TJU:KJ. TO MY BELOVED FRIEND HESTER, THIS LITTLE VOLUME IS INSCRIBED, AND IN RECOGNITION OF HER MANY VIRTUES AS A DAUGHTER OF ISRAEL, BY HER FRIEND, THE TRANSLATOR. , APRIL, 1852. CONTENTS. MORNING PRAYER 9 EVENING PRAYER 11 PRAYER OX ENTERING THE HOUSE OF GOD .. ..12 PRAYER FOR THE SABBATH . . . . . . . . 13 PRAYER BEFORE THE CONSECRATION OF THE NEW MOON 16 PRAYER AT THE CONCLUSION OF SERVICE . . . . 18 PRAYER FOR A FAST-DAY 19 PRAYER FOR THE EVE OF THE NEW MOON ELUL .. 21 PRAYER FOR THE FIRST OF THE PENITENTIAL DAYS BEFORE THE NEW YEAR 23 PRAYER BEFORE TAKING OUT THE LAW ON THE NEW YEAR AND DAY OF ATONEMENT .. .. 25 PRAYER BEFORE THE SOUNDING OF THE 8HOFAR . . 28 PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR AND DAY OF ATONEMENT, BEFORE THE READER BAYS " IT IS INCUMBENT UPON US," ETC. 29 PRAYER WHEN THE " COHANIM " (DESCENDANTS OP AARON) HAVE PRONOUNCED THE PRIESTLY BENEDICTION . . 81 PRAYER FOR THE DAYS OF PENITENCE . . . . 32 PRAYER FOR THE REPOSE OF DEPARTED SOULS . . . . 34 PRAYER AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE DAY OF ATONEMENT 37 PRAYER FOR THE PASSOVER . . . . . . ..38 PRAYER FOR THE FEAST OF WEEKS . . . . . . 40 PRAYER FOR THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES . . . . 43 CONTEMPLATION ON THE FOUR SPECIES OF PLANTS, TO BB SAID OS THE FEAST OP TABERNACLES BEFORE THE PRESCRIBED BLESSING .. .. .. .. ..40 PRAYER FOR A WOMAN WHO IS ABOUT TO BECOME A MOTHER, AFTER THB BENEDICTION OP THE CITRON .. 48 PRAYER FOR A MAIDEN 49 DOMESTIC PRAYER ON DIVIDING THE DOUGH .. ..51 PRAYER BEFORE LIGHTING THE SABBATH LAMP 02 vi CONTENTS. PRAYER FOR A WOMAN WHO FEELS HERSELF A PRAYER FOR A SABBATH, ON WHICH is CELEBRATED SOHE FAMILY FESTIVITY, SUCH AS THE ANNIVERSAHY OF A MAK- BIAOE, THE CIRCUMCISION OF A SON, ETC. . . . . . . 56 PRAYER FOR A WOMAN ARISING FROM HER CONFINEMENT 67 PRAYER FOR A WOMAN WHOSE CHILD IS BORNE TO THE CIRCUMCISION ............ 58 PRAYER IN DANGEROUS ILLNESS ...... 59 PRAYER FOR A WIFE WHEN SICKNESS HAS BEFALLEN HER HUSBAND ............ 01 PRAYER FOR A WIDOW .. .. .. .. .. 65 PRAYER FOR AN ORPHAN . . . . . . . . . . 67 PRAYER WHEN EPIDEMIC DISEASES PREVAIL .. 70 PRAYER SAID ON EVERY PENITENTIAL AND FAST-DAY 71 PEEFACE. EVERY incident of our existence is calculated to excite admiration at the marvellous workings of Providence, and to elicit from the grateful heart expressions of devotion and thankfulness. Pious men of all ages have compiled services rich in sacred eloquence, and adapted for every purpose of public worship. But there are occasions of a special nature, which would seem to require a more peculiar form of prayer and praise ; bringing the soul, like the primitive adora- tions of the early patriarchs, into immediate commu- nion, as if listening to, and conversing with, its Divine Progenitor. More especially are such prayers required by the daughters of Israel ; many of whom, though animated with fervent piety and gratitude, seek in vain for words expressive of their ardent feelings, and the meek but heavenward aspirations which elevate their souls amidst every daily duty, every earthly occurrence. The daughter of Israel feels PREFACE. that there are times and seasons, holy festivals, and sacred observances, when she would wish to meet with a concise form of prayer, echoing the sentiments of her heart, suited to all occasions, and ready to fill all vacant intervals. Among our continental neigh- bours, this want has been already recognized and responded to; men of eminent piety have not dis- dained to exert their mental and literary endowments in the compilation of a compendium for the use of our sex, fitted for all periods of public worship or special observance. The most celebrated is that arranged by Dr. Wolfgang Wessely, a faithful translation of which is now offered to the English public. It will be found simple, but energetic ; humbly devout, yet fervently eloquent ; equally suited for the house of prayer or the retirement of the closet. These addres- ses are penned in so genuine and unaffected a style, that they come home to every bosom, and awaken the sympathies in every circumstance of existence, glad- dening the soul in prosperity, and awakening conso- lation even in the gloom of adversity. DEVOTIONAL EXEECISES. MORNING PEAYEE. ALL Bountiful Father in Heaven! Great is Thy mercy and unfathomable Thy grace, which Thou extendest unto each and all of Thy creatures. Thou hast given light to the sun and thought to the spirit of man. The Cherub is illumined by Thy glorious presence, and the denizens of earth enjoy from day to day renewed life, by the cheerful return of Thy morning light to dispel the terrors of night, to ba- nish sleep akin to death, and send them forth with regathered strength, to travel the journey of life. Thou, Lord ! dost protect and shield us from the thousand perils which day and night invisibly beset the frail child of earth. Knowingly or unknowingly, we yet are preserved from each impending ill by the influence of Thy grace divine. And yet, Father! how prone are we ungratefully to requite Thy never- failing goodness ! How often have we rebelled and violated those holy commandments of Thy will, which are the true guardian angels of human existence ! B 10 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Alas ! faith in Thee, we have not made our light nor hope in Thee our consolation nor love of Thee our life's high duty. Instead of cleaving unto good, we have striven after vanity and lies our words have been false and insincere our acts opposed to the purity of Thy godly will, and entirely have we lived, as if beyond this scene, there were no other life, no future judgment or account. We humbly pray Thee, Father! to forgive us this abuse of Thy unmerited grace, to assist us in becoming worthy of the gifts which Thou dispensest to us at each succeeding dawn. Teach us to search the secret folds of our heart, to heed attentively the inward monitor which whispers to us with Thy holy voice, so that we may learn to know ourselves and recognize our unworthiness, may strive after Thee, and soon be qualified to uplift our faces to Thee, and gaze with innocent looks upon Thy resplendent light. With this our humble prayer, we turn towards Thee, God ! thus early, to thank Thee for benefits received, to supplicate a pure heart and a patient spirit, mode- ration in prosperity, perseverance in adversity, resig- nation in suffering and distress. Let us be watchful of our actions, and indulgent towards those of our fellow-creatures, so that we may find favor in Thy sight, and in the sight of all mankind. Blessed be Thou, Eternal ! who daily renewest the vigour of Thy creatures. Amen. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 11 EVENING PRAYER. " Praise ye, the Eternal, all ye who serve the Eternal, who linger at eventide in the House of the Lord. Lift up your hands to the Sanctuary and sing praises unto the Lord. From the heights of Zion, the Creator of Heaven and earth will shed His blessing over you." Lord ! another day hath passed away, which no good deeds have hallowed and made acceptable unto Thee. Although the last, perhaps, which we shall be permitted to pass on earth, yet have its hours been spent in the pursuit of earthly pleasures and worldly good, without one striving after a happy eternity. To-night, Thy messenger of death may at Thy bidding, approach us unexpectedly, to reclaim that soul which is an emanation from Thine own nature, but which our passions have disfigured and polluted. 'Tis therefore Father! we invoke Thy benign protection, and pray that Thou wilt let Thy Spirit of Love hover over us during our rest, so that our sleep be not the sleep of death. Let the angels of Thy mercy keep watch at our bed-side, that evil dreams may not disturb our rest, but soft visions mirror forth for our reverence and example the bliss- ful life of Thy pious ones. And be with us, we entreat Thee, Lord, to preserve our souls in our waking hours and our bodies while we sleep. n2 12 DEVOTIONAL EXEBCISES. God of Clemency and Grace 1 do Thou compas- sionate our frailties and send Thy Heavenly ministers, even from the throne of Thy Majesty, to keep sin from Thy children, that its dismal shadows over- spread not our souls. grant endurance to the just, strength and perseverance to the penitent, that we may all be strong in faith and virtue. May this our night prayer ascend unto Thee, and Thy mercy be extended over us to all eternity. Amen. PRAYER ON ENTERING THE HOUSE OF GOD. Eternal ! with trembling joy, I enter this Thy holy dwelling the Temple consecrated to Thy worship. I know, God ! that Thou art everywhere, for Thine Almighty power and grace on every side surround me, and therefore do I feel, that in any place Thy name may be devoutly praised and hallowed, even as Thou has spoken by the mouth of Thy Prophet : " In every place incense shall be offered to my name and a pure offering." Yet, Father! it is especially in the halls dedi- cated to Thy glory that my soul is most elevated unto Thee my mind most attuned to Thy service my heart most reliant on Thy merciful goodness. Therefore do I approach Thee in the Holy Place of Thy Majesty, Everlasting One 1 with my offering DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 13 of prayer and thanksgiving, and filled with reveren- tial awe, I humbly bend my knee before Thee. Grant that the spirit of devotion may attend my prayer, to make my worship grateful in Thy sight, as incense rising unto Thee from the love-glowing altar of my heart. Cause me to draw near unto Thee, as a child unto a tender father, with a bosom fraught with love and confidence. And when I raise my heart, like my hands, imploringly unto Thee, regard the most secret emotions of my breast and hear my supplication, Thou who art my Shepherd, my Ke- deemer ! Amen. PRAYEB FOR THE SABBATH. Lord of the Universe ! this Thy Sabbath of holiness, is the day Thou .didst command Thy faithful ones to set aside for calm repose, to fortify their bodies against the wasting toils of life, to strengthen and upraise the relaxed spirit, weighed down by the care and sorrow of the world, that it might elevate itself unto Thee and, loosened from the trammels of earthly life, reflect upon its exalted source, its welfare, and its destiny. It is thy will, God ! that six days should employ us in secular pursuits, to fulfil the necessities of our career below, but the seventh day Thou hast bid us consecrate to the requirements of the soul, by drawing nearer to Thee in the study of thy heavenly precepts. 14 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Thou hast thus taught us, Lord ! that though labour and social intercourse are blessed occupations, and the necessities of life objects of most holy duty, yet, even as we belong not entirely to earth, but have a des- tiny in Eternity, we must cultivate the powers of our spiritual nature, as the end and aim of our existence. Therefore, God ! this day, in which Thy wondrous creation reached perfection, do I dedicate to tranquil joy, and pious contemplation on Thy Mercy and Omnipotence divine, responding with devotion of heart and spirit, to the words the Psalmist sang in honor of the Sabbath day, " It is good to give thanks unto the Eternal, to " sing praises unto Thy name, most High I to " declare Thy loving-kindness in the morning, and " Thy faithfulness in the night. For Thou, Lord! " hast made me glad through Thy wonderful works " in the works of Thy hand therefore will I triumph. " Lord I how great are Thy works how exceed- " ing profound Thy thoughts I"* Merciful Lord! make this day of sacred repose pleasing unto Thee, by a devotion to Thy honor, of our inward thoughts and our outward acts by a consecration of its holy moments to a faithful dis- charge of Thy divine precepts. Oh! refresh and strengthen us from the spring of thy loving-kindness, and bless us with the eternal and unfading blessings * Psalm zcii. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 15 promised through Thy holy Prophets, in words the most sublime; " If thou turn thy foot on the Sabbath from doing " thy pleasure on my holy day, and call the Sabbath " a delight, sacred to the Eternal and honourable ; " honouring Him by not doing thine own ways, and " not finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine " own words ; then shalt thou truly delight thyself " in the Eternal ; and I will cause thee to ride upon " the high places of earth, and feed thee with the " heritage of Jacob, thy father; for the mouth of the " Lord hath spoken."* Be with us, then, Lord! this day, to elevate our souls unto Thee. With our repose of body, grant us also repose of spirit, so that no stormy impulses, no wild desires nor angry passions desecrate the inward festival of the Sabbath-day. Even as of old Thou didst from Heaven send the double share of food to meet the wants of Thy holy Sabbath, so be Thou pleased, all gracious Father! to grant us doubly from on high, the soul-invigorating manna of spiritual bliss and salvation, that we may tread the path of virtue, strengthened by Thy service and qualified by fear of Thee, to attain, in peace and honor, our sub- lime, exalted destiny. And me, Father of Heaven 1 do Thou enlighten with Thy light, bless me and mine with Thy bounteous blessings, so that we may all fulfil our destiny unassailed by evil. Amen. 16 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. PEAYER BEFORE THE CONSECRATION OF THE NEW MOON. May it be Thy will, Eternal our God I and God of of our fathers, to renew unto us in this month, salva- tion and blessing, to grant unto us long life, full of peace and happiness life rich in blessings and free from care life made pleasurable by robitst health of body, and sanctified by fear of Thee and fear of Sin life without shame or disgrace adorned with honor and cheered by comfort life tranquilized by love of Thy law and reverence for Thee life in which may be fulfilled for good, all the desires of our hearts even as we supplicate Thee in assembled congregation. Amen. May He who performed wonders for our ancestors, and redeemed them from bondage to freedom, also redeem us speedily and gather our dispersed ones from the four corners of the earth, so that all Israel be united, and say we Amen. May the Holy One, blessed be He, renew the month unto us and all the house of Israel in life and peace, joy and happiness, salvation and consolation and say we, Amen. God of Heaven ! Thou hast created the sun and the moon, and, in Thy wisdom, endowed them with a bright effulgence that they might fix the periods of life and regulate the changing seasons. Thou hast given them rule over day and night, with power also DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 17 to direct the succession of weeks, and months, and years, in order that each revolution of those periods might remind us how every passing hour brings us nearer to the end of life, where Eternity awaits the spirit of all living, and urge the sinning soul to turn with penitence unto Thee and purify itself through pious deeds, to quit this pilgrimage for ever- lasting bliss. I, Thy handmaid, stand to-day before Thee, Eternal God ! at the conclusion of another month, wrapt in contemplation of the end and aim of life, and resolved with fervent spirit to become in Thy sight, better worthier of Thy heavenly grace. Animated by this resolve, I approach Thee, to lift up my prayer from a heart full of pious emotion. grant to me and mine to all who join with us in supplication the necessities of our earthly life, pro- cured in peace and happiness, and earned in honour and integrity. Send us joy and tranquility, and pro- tect us from adverse fortunes. Let evil inclinations have no temptation for us, nor unruly passions dwell within our bosoms, but preserve in purity unsullied, our every thought, that to the end of life our souls may continue to acknowledge Thy innumerable blessings, and by dictating holy deeds and aspira- tions, manifest a pious heavenly gratitude. If we are not worthy, Lord, of Thy mercy, let the righteousness of our ancestors and Thy world-supporting attributes, be mediators for us. to plead before the throne of 18 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Thy grace and justice. May it be Thy will, then, Eternal, our God and God of our fathers! to renew unto us the approaching month for blessing and salvation, to grant us a life full of spiritual repose and happiness a life of increasing prosperity and robust health, so that, devoted to Thy service, we may avoid iniquity and live in honor and comfort, performing the salutary precepts of Thy law. Grant us, Lord, the humble desires of our hearts, and accord the supplications of all who wander through life's pilgrimage without reproach or shame, and consecrate themselves to Thy service. Amen. PRAYEB AT THE CONCLUSION OF SERVICE. Lord of the Universe ! the humble service which, with devout spirits, we have offered unto Thy throne now terminates. We have endeavoured to clothe our adoration, our wishes, our praises, and our songs of gratitude, in the language man employs in inter- course with man, although we know that elevated far above all human reverence, the pious emotions of our hearts are only grateful in Thy sight, because they induce and cherish the repentant spirit and make us less unworthy of Thy endless love. Let, then, our prayers, Lord our God, ascend unto Thee and strengthen our will to serve Thee with all our DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 19 heart. Grant that our strivings towards amendment in thought and act, may not be ineffectual, but do Thou bless us with Thy heavenly aid, Thy counsel and support. Grant also, merciful Creator, that the devotion which flamed within us, as we offered up to Thee the sacrifice of our souls, may not vanish at our departure from Thy House, that the humble spirit of amendment which imbued our hearts, may not be thrown aside like a wearisome burden ; but let both have their full effect upon our lives and actions, and render us worthy to receive at Thy hand, the countless benefits which Thou dispensest to us every day and every hour. Amen. PKAYEK FOR A FAST-DAY. We approach Thee, Eternal! with sorrowing spirits and hearts bowed down with grief, because of the dark clouds which overshadow our national life, in retribution of our grave iniquity. Hear us, Lord ! on this fast-day, appointed for repentance and purifi- cation of the sin- stained soul. Cease from Thy wrath, chasten us no more in Thy anger, but raise us up, Father 1 in Thy mercy, for already are we sorely pun- ished. Remember thy servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and no more regard the stubborn, stiff-necked spirit of Thy people. Hide not Thy gracious coun- tenance from us, and withold not thy compassionate 20 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. ears from our supplications, but be near unto our plaint, to console us with. Thy tender mercy, and to hearken when we call upon Thee, even as Thou hast promised through thy prophet, " Before they call I will answer, while yet they are speaking I will hear."* Lord ! we can no longer bring the peace offering to the altar of thy holiness, but we approach Thee on this day of sorrow with the sacrifice most grateful in Thy sight the repentant heart and the atoning spirit turning unto Thee ; as it is said, " The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, God, thou wilt not despise, "f Look then into our hearts, Thou, who searchest the inward parts of man; in Thy mercy, accept our atonement offering and hearken to our supplication. Even if Thou shouldst have cast us from Thee, God of truth and justice I have compassion once more upon us, as a tender father hath pity on his children, for we have sorely felt the burning of Thy wrath. cause us to return to Thee, that the star of Thy saving truth and mercy, too long obscured by the shadows of our night of mourning, may again shine forth with a reviving splendour. Change our mourning into joy our la- mentation into songs of rejoicing ; even as thou hast consolingly revealed through Thy prophet, " The fast of the fourth month, the fast of the fifth, the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the * Itmh Ixv, 24. + Psalm li, 17. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 21 house of Judah, joy and gladness and cheerful feasts; therefore love truth and peace."* Amen. PRAYER FOR THE EVE OF THE NEW MOON ELUL. Most merciful Father ! the last month of another year fast drawing to a close, is dawning now upon us; and as we welcome it with- prayer, we offer up to Thee our thanks, for the blessings Thou hast ex- tended over the year for the nutritious food which Thou hast given to the trees and fields for all the good which Thou hast granted to Thy children, whereby we see and understand that Thou art our Creator and Preserver, even as Thou art the Sus- tainer of the whole Universe. Impress us, Lord ! with the importance of the coming month, and let us feel, that besides the grateful recognition of the past year's blessings, there is a holy work of preparation to engage us; that we have now to attune the chords of our hearts to penitence and devotion before the New Year and Atonement day arrive, so that their summons may meet us not entirely unprepared, but practised in the duty of atonement, and ready to dis- close the inward man to Thee, our Judge and our Father. Let my humble supplication be acceptable unto Thee, Lord 1 regard the inmost emotion of my heart, devoted unto Thee, and while even I sojourn Zechariah Till, 18. 22 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. below, let my spirit soar to heaven and be rendered worthy, Eternal, of a look of love from Thee. Oh ! how ennobling the thought that we are loved by God, who sustaineth all the world, and governeth with mingled mildness, truth, and justice. How, compared with such sweet bliss, appear the highest, the most glowing honors of mortality 1 The human love we here on earth reciprocate, we value more than any other thing below; the many boons which spring from this affection, we estimate not like the love itself, so all-engrossing is the tender passion. But what, Lord 1 is the most ardent love of human kind, com- pared with Thy Heavenly affection the love of the most High God, through which He cherishes and sus- tains a world of children ! And of this Thy Heavenly love, God ! that I may not be entirely unworthy, I have resolved with all my heart to amend my evil ways to regulate my life according to thy godly precepts to prepare myself for penitence and expia tion, that I may stand before Thee purified, to meet the dawning year. bless my good resolve with strength and perseverance, that my ways be pleasant in Thine eyes ! Be Thou to me, Eternal ! the pure and holy Fountain of life, to refresh and strengthen, raise up, comfort and rejoice my heart in joy and sorrow. Then may I hope to devote my days to usefulness and piety, a faithful Servant of Thy will; for who can fall, Lord! whom Thou liftest up? DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 23 Who can err, whom Thou leadest? Who go astray, whom Thou enlightenest ? Who despair, whom Thou consoles! ? hasten to my salvation, God, my Eock and my Eedeemer 1 Amen. PRAYER FOR THE FIRST OF THE PENI- TENTIAL DAYS BEFORE THE NEW YEAR. Sovereign of the Universe ! the day of judgment whereon Thou searchest and weighest the thoughts and acts of man, approaches us apace. To-day com- mence those days of prayer and repentance which inaugurate the new year, and my soul is fearfully agitated as I reflect upon Thy Omnipotence and my nothingness, Thy justice and my sinfulness. But now, that the call to penitence awakens within me the holy vow of amendment, I feel predominant within my bosom, that holy faith in Thee which earthly things have oft before suppressed, but which now rises with a glorious and god-like influence to warm and strengthen, comfort and uplift my soul. Yes, Father! I have faith in Thee in Thy wonders manifested to the human race, and especially to Israel Thy People ; and therefore is awakened in my breast that gratitude which urges me to separate from sin and cleave unto Thy service, living a life agreeable to Thee. Without this faith, Lord! 24 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. my despondent spirit would lack the energy to struggle against temptation and the power of sin, because it could not feel assured of Thy forgiving mercy. But besides the confidence which thy attri- butes of love and grace inspire, we have, God I the promise of Thy help and pardon, pronounced in words the most consoling, through Thy prophets. And therefore, Lord, it is, that I feel a burning wish for Thy forgiveness, in all the fulness of its import, not exemption only from Thy punishment, but exemption also from thy just displeasure evoked by my manifold transgressions, and restoration to Thy gracious love, which Thou hast withdrawn because of my impurity, I know that to deserve such pardon, my penitence must be complete that I must regard my sins as ills and sorrows the most grave and over- whelming, and feel for them the intensest horror. To all this Father, do I pledge myself, if Thou wilt let Thy Spirit animate and strengthen me. Help me, that I commence a course of life consistent with Thy law of truth, and pleasing therefore unto Thee. Strengthen me in each good resolve, that its fulfil- ment be sincere ; and when responsive to my heartfelt prayer Thou grantest me remission of the sins com- mitted in the past, protect me also, for the future, from relapsing into error, from every temptation to the evil way. And as to clay, before the rising of the Sun, my sacred thoughts and devout emotions have DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 25 driven sleep from my eyelids, and prompted me to hasten hither to Thy house, that I might supplicate Thy grace, so always, Lord I do Thou invigorate those thoughts and holy feelings, and give force to my feeble efforts after good, that I may snap the fetters of the tempter, cling to piety and virtue, and with a holy zeal accomplish my salvation. Let this my prayer be acceptable unto Thee, and the emotion of my heart come up before Thee, Lord ! my Kock and my Kedeemer ! Amen. PEAYER BEFORE TAKING OUT THE LAW ON THE NEW YEAR AND DAY OF ATONEMENT. Lord, Eternal and Omnipotent ! All-merciful, com- passionate, and long-suffering ! God of unending love and truth ! who extendest Thy goodness to the thou- sandth generation, forgiving iniquity, but permitting nought of evil to pass unpunished ! Cause the desires of my heart this day, to be fulfilled for good. Grant success to my holy endeavours, and at my supplica- tion, forgive my sins and the sins of all my household. Remember us for good, and bless us with help and consolation joy and prosperity a long, happy, and reproachless life. Give us bread to eat, and raiment to clothe us, and appoint us to a career of honor and success, unclouded by ills and sorrows. Endue us c 26 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. with wisdom and understanding, to penetrate the in- most secrets of Thy law, so that unerringly we may pursue its dictates, and live according to thy will. Turn aside from us the lowering clouds of misfortune, and incline towards us the heart of our beloved Sovereign, the hearts of her counsellors, and of all the mighty ones of the land, that they may deal kindly unto us, and extend a protecting arm over all the subjects of the realm. Let my heartfelt prayer be in Thy sight, as the sweet-smelling in- cense of Thy altar, the lifting of my hands to Thee, as the sacrifice of old. Thus may the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable before Thee, Eternal ! my Kock and my Redeemer. Amen. PRAYER BEFORE THE SOUNDING OF THE SHOFAR. Lord of the Universe ! all-merciful Father in Heaven ! who, on the heights of Sinai, didst reveal unto our Fathers the holy commandments of Thy will, amid thunder and lightning, and the thrilling tones of the mighty cornet's blast! O how can frail man, that is " born of woman," find confidence to stand before Thee ! How, with his limited under- standing, can he penetrate the deep signification the high intention of Thy precepts, that he may estimate them in their true importance ! Lord ! all DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 27 Thy statutes are perfect all Thy commandments ordained with heavenly wisdom for our happiness and salvation. They refresh the heart, and soothe the wounded spirit; they ennoble the soul, and elevate the mind ; impart strength to our faith, and teach us to persevere with patience, through every changing phase of life : wavering never in our love of virtue, but fixing our eyes intently on the path which leads to Heaven. Father I we are here to pay obedience to thy ordi- nance, which bids us " Sound the cornet on the first day of the seventh month ; " and ere the thrilling sounds fall upon our expectant ears, our minds re- vert to that great day at Sinai, when those tones prefaced the revelation of Thy will, and Thou, Lord of the Universe I gavest Thy heavenly law, to the children of men, for their eternal salvation. And then, Everlasting One 1 our thoughts soar forwards to the last awful judgment-day, when the great Shofar shall sound and wake the sleepers to account : when every action will be proved and weighed its reward or punishment adjudged. Let the sacred thrill which pervades my heart, when those warning sounds fall plaintively upon my ear, arouse me to repentance and atonement, so that I may appear hereafter at Thy judgment-seat in heaven, without fear or trembling. Awaken within me, my God 1 a just perception of the holy importance attached to c2 28 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. this command, so that the voice of warning may echo lastingly in my heart ; and as of yore the walls of Jericho miraculously fell in at the trumpet's sound, so let be razed, the walls of sin which close in and confine the tempted heart, and separate it from the grace and love of Heaven. There was a time too, Lord ! when this same cornet's blast proclaimed the redemption of the slaves, permitted to return unto their homes. Even thus, God 1 I pray Thee, to release me from the bonds of evil which fetter the confiding spirit, and load it with the chains of vice ; so that my soul, redeemed, may direct its hopes to that abode of bliss, whence Thou didst send it to animate this earthly shroud of clay, and thither flee- ing after death, appear before Thee pure and spotless, to render the account of its probation on this earth. Confiding also, Lord 1 in the consoling promise re- vealed through Thy prophet, I think with spirit full of hope, of that great day, when the voice of the Shofar shall herald the return of Israel to their land. " And it shall come to pass in that day, that the " great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come " who were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, " and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall " worship the Eternal in the holy mount at Jerusa- " lem."* * Isaiah zxrii, 13. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 29 Therefore, I will turn -within myself, and prepare to hearken with devotion to the sounding of the cornet, that it may awaken within me the fear of God, attune my heart to sincere repentance, and release me now preserve me evermore, from the erring paths of sin. Incline Thy ear, O Lord ! to this my fervent prayer : forgive my past transgres- sions, and strengthen my resolve to live and act accord- ing to Thy will, that I may share the eternal state of bliss in Heaven, which Thou hast reserved for them that fear Thee. Amen. PRAYEK FOE THE NEW YEAR AND DAY OF ATONEMENT, BEFOBE THE KEADEB SAYS, " IT IS INCUMBENT UPON US," &C. Almighty Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth! Thou hast created us to give utterance to Thy won- ders, that all men may adore Thy Eternal Goodness : even as the prophet wrote in Thy name: "This " people have I created unto myself, to make known " my praise."* Sovereign of the Universe! we, Thy children, are here to adore Thee, to bend the knee before Thee, while our spirits, and all the human passions which ordinarily possess our hearts, are tamed * Isaiah xliii, 21. 30 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. and humbled in Thy presence. We are here, to cherish confidence in Thy paternal grace that Kingdom of Heaven which Thou hast promised unto us, where Thou appearest to all the inhabitants of earth clothed in Thy Godly sublimity, to purify their material nature, and enlighten the impulses of their spirits to cleave unto Thee, that they may become worthy to be called, " Children of the living God." Give us, Lord! a clear understanding, a heart susceptible of love, that we may worship Thee with a holy devotion, and recognize Thy attri- butes with a conception hallowed and just. Let those deluded erring souls, who so misapprehend their dignity and their destiny, as to deny Thee, all-gracious Father ! return to Thee with penitence and fear, so that the work no longer fail to recognise its Author the creature lack perception of its Cre- ator. Father! with the confiding spirits of children, we approach Thee to pour forth our gratitude, be- cause Thou didst create us with a higher aim than all Thy other works. Not to sustain our forms of clay, nor administer to our earthly passions, is the end of our career below, but to prepare with pa- tient self-denying spirit for the future, everlasting life. Pour out, then, Lord of the Universe ! upon us and upon the whole world, the treasures of Thy love and grace, so that Thy name may be adored from the rising, to the setting of the sun, in realization of DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 31 the glorious predictions : " The earth shall be as full " of the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the " depths of the sea. The Eternal will be adored as " Lord of all the world. On that day will the Lord " be one and His name be one." Enlighten our eyes with Thy Heavenly glory, that we no more go astray from Thy holy ways. Amen. PRAYER WHEN THE "COHANIM" (DESCENDANTS OP AARON) HAVE PRONOUNCED THE PRIESTLY BENEDICTION. Eternal, our God, and God of our Fathers ! we have 'hearkened with humility, to the benediction which Thou didst command the sons of Aaron, the priest, to pronounce upon Thy people Israel ; and we pray Thee in the spirit of that blessing, to look down from Thine high abode, and to give us of Thy heavenly grace. Be ever near, Lord ! when I call on Thee : hearken to the supplication which issues from my oppressed heart, and listen to my cry for help in the hour of my need, even as Thou didst heed the supplication of Thy servant Jacob, the pious, upright patriarch of old. And as Thou gavest food and raiment at his prayer, so give Thou, Lord, to me and mine, from Thy extended hand, so full of bounties, a subsistence plentiful and not scanty pro- cured by honorable means and in no unhallowed pur- 32 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. suit earned in peace and not in sorrow. Grant us grace and favor, in Thine eyes and in the eyes of all who see us, so that we may fulfil the end of our existence, with honor to ourselves with usefulness to our fellow-creatures. Endow my mind with wisdom, my heart with virtuous feeling, that I may penetrate and comprehend appreciate and follow all the pre- cepts of Thy law. Preserve my soul from error and transgression; and let me bring always a pure heart to the performance of Thy will. Grant unto me, \my husband and my children^] my father and my mother, a long and holy life, with fulness of strength, happiness, and peace. Amen. PRAYER FOR THE DAYS OF PENITENCE. All-powerful God ! who art full of compassion in former times, Thou didst prescribe an efficacious remedy, for souls oppressed by worldly passions ; and didst bid us, through Thy prophet, seek the holy balm of tearful and sincere repentance, to heal our wounded spirits, and raise them up ennobled when sin and frailty have bowed them to the dust : "As " I live, saith the Eternal God, I have no pleasure " in the death of the wicked ; but that the wicked " turn from his way and live."* * Ezekiel xxxiii, 11. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 33 Therefore will I, Gracious God ! turn from my ways : with truthful spirit, repent my sinful course of life, and in conformity with Thy will, reflect devoutly on my destiny the destiny which Thou hast pointed out to me, O Father! How strange and enigmatical, Lord, would this life seem, crowded with its many changes, its mighty projects and its giant endeavours, if it had not really some exalted aim ! Thy deep unerring wisdom, never designed that all the expe- riences I acquire the sufferings I endure the joys 1 taste the ideas I originate the labors I per- form the conquests I achieve, should come and dis- appear arise and vanish, without end defined. Those mighty energies which work within me those holy emotions, powerful stirrings, restless and impetuous desires, which successively possess me, must surely have some pre -determined purpose and intent. There is so much that is elevated and lowly, strong and powerless, rich and necessitous, to be found side by side in our life, Lord 1 that I can only reconcile this complication, by believing in the destiny of this life, a destiny prescribed to the child of earth, by Thy all-gracious wisdom, to ensure that eternal happiness which here begins, but reaches its perfection beyond the grave. How, then, shall I regulate my life, God 1 that I fail not in accomplishing its end and aim ? Oh ! make me comprehend that I live for it, when I enrich my mind with noble acquirements ; 34 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. when I seek truth for its value, that it may enlighten my understanding and make my heart rejoice ; when I strive to make each impulse of my soul accord with Thy behests, and gather holy strength to reign all- powerful within me ; when I cultivate due reverence forThee, and gratitude for Thy grace ; become devoted to Thy service, reliant on Thy goodness; when I grow milder, more affectionate, temperate and hum- ble, contented and self-denying, patient and forgiving, laboring always to do good, with uncomplaining and untiring spirit. Teach me to love virtue, as the highest, most glorious possession of the soul the source of peace and happiness : to cleave to it, as the noblest good that can assist towards the fulfil- ment of my destiny, by urging and cheering, chal- lenging and inspiring me, to the improvement of my being. Give me the power, to bring into execution, the ideas and reflections which this season originates. Infuse Thy spirit into these holy thoughts, that they may guard and shield my life ; and that I may never wrongly estimate the real aim of our pilgrimage below, but work out my destiny, to Thy glory and my happiness. Amen. PRAYER FOR THE REPOSE OF DEPARTED SOULS. God in Heaven ! Lord of Life ! in whose hands is the spirit of all living Thou breathest into this clod DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 35 of earth, and it becomes a living being ; and when the period for its transition arrives, Thou demandest again the animating spirit, and it leaves the mortal coil, to dwell eternally under Thy protection, in the glorious heights of Heaven. How vain and transi- tory, Lord ! is man's existence here below, com- pared with future everlasting life I How like unto a shadow, that gradually disappears with the setting of the sun ! It is therefore, Father ! that we, children of the earth, are taught, by Thy wise lessons to remember during our pilgimage, that we shall soon pass from this state, and to prepare for the succeeding one, by gathering treasures which cannot fall a prey to dust, but which endure beyond the world trea- sures of virtue and pious acts, which, like the im- mortal soul whence they originate, belong not to this evanescent earth, nor like it, subject to annihila- tion; but which contain the spiritual germ, that will bring forth beyond the grave, the precious fruit of everlasting life. We call to mind this day, with love, those cherished relatives and friends removed from us ; and remembering how near they were to our hearts, we pray to Thee for their repose, that Thou shelter them beneath the shadow of Thy wings. Many a fond form rises to my imagination, which Thy inscrutable wisdom hath removed from my side ; and the recollection of that bitter separation, now fills my trembling heart with mournfulness and sorrow. 36 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. Oil I pardon, Lord, if human feeling causes tears to flow from mine eyes: emotion of the soul is no offence before Thee, and therefore Thou wilt let Thy holy spirit comfort me and cause me to look forward, in calm and holy expectation, to the period when Thou wilt re-unite us in another world. Yes, Father! though the loved ones that are gone from me, can never more return to me although no tears can re-animate their manes no kiss send life into the dust to which their mortal shroud has fallen, yet Thou canst give strength to my spirit, and pour sweet consolation in my heart ; for those beloved ones are but translated to Thy Eternal Kingdom in the Hea- vens. Then, wherefore, should I mourn, Lord! when they are with Thee in Thy dwelling place on high ? Wherefore should I weep, when Thou wilt let me behold them again, beyond the grave, where there will be no death no separation ? Father in Heaven ! I pray for the repose of \my dear departed father] [of my dear departed mother] of those belonging to me and of all my fellow creatures that are numbered with the dust. receive them with paternal love into Thine Heavenly abode ! If human frailty made them err on earth, judge them not with rigor, Lord ! but let Thy tender mercy have precedence of Thy wrath, and welcome them to Thine Eternal love and favor. Remember not their sins, God ! but regard them only as the creatures of DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 37 Thine hand. Lead them unto the light of Thy favor, receive them into thine abode of bliss, and let them, in Thy world-sustaining countenance behold the pure and glowing rays of truth, that they awake for ever and re- joice in the presence of Thine exalted Majesty. Amen. PEAYEE AT THE CONCLUSION OP THE DAY OF ATONEMENT. Eternal 1 the shadows of evening are closing in, and the gates of the western heaven are opened to receive the setting sun. Let, God 1 the portals of Thy high Heaven, be also opened to receive the supplica- tions which we offer up before Thee. The holiest, greatest, and most solemn day of our life approaches its conclusion ; and at its closing hours, we entreat Thee, to let the sacred influence wherewith Thou dost invest it, have force to enlighten our hearts and to amend our ways to remove the burden of trans- gression from our oppressed bosoms, and place in its stead the peaceful palm of virtue. Many prayers, Lord 1 have I addressed to Thee this day; but for the consolation of my soul, I here condense, hi one last supplication, all the feelings of my heart, that they may unitedly pour forth a parting word of fervor. Be Thou moved, God 1 by the repentance of my contrite soul, which mourns over its transgressions, 38 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. more on account of Thy displeasure than of the punishment it has incurred. Eegard the penitence of a heart that grieves sincerely, because it has evoked Thy just displeasure, Thou, who art so merciful so infinitely good and gracious ! Pardon me, my God ! all the iniquity wherein I myself have erred, or have led others into error. Forgive me, that I have neglected to perform my share of good ; or where I did endeavour to perform it, that I failed to do it well. Pardon me every sin I have committed, whether willingly or unwillingly : my past transgres- sions, Lord ! I now abhor and will henceforth eschew, for they entwine themselves, like the destroying weed, around the noble germ of good, which Thou, all- gracious One I hast implanted in our hearts. Inscribe me in the Book of Life for good; and perform, God ! to me and mine, and to all Israel this day, the gracious promise Thou didst vouchsafe through the mouth of Thy prophet : " I, I myself, " blot out Thy transgressions for my own sake, and " will not remember thy sins."* Amen. PRAYER FOE THE PASSOVER. Eternal God! Heavenly Father! Thou dost pro- tect and cherish all Thy works with mercy and compassion, from the infinitude of starry worlds to the meanest worm, whose dwelling and possession is * Isaiah xliii, 85. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 39 the fresh green leaf. But Thou dost confer especial blessings on Thy creature man, whom Thou didst form after Thine own likeness and make but little inferior to the angels, and whom Thou didst surround with honor and renown, as a ruler in Thy great stupendous work of the Creation 1 I appear before Thee, this day, my heart elate with glad emotions, to celebrate the deliverance from Egypt of my people, after a bondage of four hundred years. With many signs and wonders, Lord! Thou didst accomplish the redemption of Thy oppressed children, decendants of Thy faithful ones, Thy promise to whom Thou didst remember lovingly, when Thou didst send Thy servant Moses to release the captives from the yoke of slavery: even as the Psalmist sang "He brought forth his people " with joy his chosen ones with gladness. That they " might observe his statutes and keep his laws."* Lord, God of Israel ! Thou dost still, as in former times, work miracles for Thy children, every day and every hour. I, God ! acknowledge Thy heavenly goodness, wherewith Thou hast always shewn Thy favor unto me and mine. Enlighten me, Lord, that I tread Thy paths with upright and obedient spirit. Eelease me from the bondage of sin and weakness, which oppresses and enslaves the soul. Grant, O Father in Heaven ! that my heart may not perversely turn aside from Thy Law, the unerring guide of life ; but that I may continually pursue Thy precepts for Psalm cv, 43, 46. 40 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. the sake of my salvation. I will perform in all its details, Lord I Thy holy ordinance of the Passover, which bids us put aside all leaven from our habita- tions. And thus too, I will ever strive with joyful heart to follow all Thy wise behests, though their intent be veiled from man's perception, so that Thy grace may not be poured out on me unavailingly. Grant, Eternal ! that this resolve to which this holy feast of redemption has given birth, may never waver. Send me help from Heaven, to sustain the free-will Thou hast given me, that I may only do that which is pleasing in Thine eyes. And as, Eternal Father, Thou once didst free us from the yoke of slavery, so deliver us always, from the evil inclinations which seek to enter, to possess and to enslave our souls with a tyrannic force. As we, this day, have banished and annulled from our dwellings the interdicted leaven, so disable Thou, God, the power of evil, which our Sages have compared to the fermenting dough, and banish it from our hearts. Bless me and mine, then, my God! with the blessing of Thy Heavenly grace, that we may never mistake, forget or neglect, oiir true vocation on earth. Amen. PKAYER FOR THE FEAST OF WEEKS. With sacred and sincere devotion, I appear before Thee, Heavenly Father ! on this day, to glorify and DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 41 thank Thee, because Thou didst select us to make us happy and bless us with the holy precepts of truth with that law which, like the tree in the midst of Paradise, directs and guides its faithful followers to eternal life. It is the anniversary, Lord! of that great day on which Thou didst appear on Sinai to Thy Servant Moses, with the tables of the law in Thine Almighty hands. After Thou hadst led Thy people from the bonds of slavery into freedom, Thou didst bring them thither, to direct them on the path of life by Thine eternal light. At Thy presence, Eternal God ! the everlasting pillars of Heaven and Earth were trembling, when Thy beloved ones ap- proached to receive Thy gracious boon, the immuta- ble commandments of Thy will. As the shepherd with his cherished flock, Thou didst lead Israel, refreshing them from the fountain of Thy favour, until the third month after their release from the Egyptian tyranny, when Thou didst encamp them at the foot of Horeb, to consummate their happiness by Thy love, and by Thy perfect heaven-born code of precepts. In the open desert under the free ex- panse of Heaven, and not in shadowy obscurity, didst Thou, before all eyes, reveal unto the children of men Thy eternal law of truth ; nor did Thy mouth in secret speak, Lord ! but amidst the rolling of the thunder and the flaming lightning Thou didst aloud proclaim the salvation of virtue and the blessings of D 42 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. justice, so that the prince and the mendicant alike, might always see and hear and take to heart the truth that all Thy ways are just Heavenly Father ! that Thou art equally a shield to all who put their trust hi Thee. Thou calledst Thy servant Moses up to Thee, to point out and elucidate to him the wise signification of Thy precepts the punishments attendant on their violation, and the recompense Thou wouldst award to Israel whilst they should remain observant of Thy will. Thou badest him give testi- mony on earth of Thee, reveal Thy law unto the sons of men, and to the women of Thy people make known mildly Thy behests. Blessed, then, be the recollections which this holy day awakens in us. Blessed be its influence to strengthen and inspire us anew, that we may tread the path of truth and follow all the hallowing com- mandments which were revealed three thousand years ago at Sinai, and still diffuse their radiant light upon most nations of the earth. All hold them, Lord ! as holy; all acknowledge with sacred reverence, that they were traced out by Thy hands. And although the tablets, on which they were engraven by Thy finger are now lost to us ; yet to the heart of every reasoning and virtuous man, those mandates are held engraven on the inward book of life, with the sacred pen of truth. let us, Most Beneficent God! remain for ever, faithful to those precepts. Let the DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 43 " law which Moses commanded us, continue to be the " heritage of the Congregation of Jacob."* Let us more and more acknowledge the truth of our holy faith, and if the observance of its tenets should entail upon us reproach or persecution, let us remember that even as all Thy promises until now, have been fulfilled, so wilt Thou also faithfully accomplish our happiness if we as faithfully perform Thy statutes. Let Thy law console us in our sorrow in our prosperity let it hallow and ennoble our joys ; for a pious holy heart is a service more pleasing in Thy sight than chastisement of the body, or to use the prophet's words, " the bowing of the head like a bul- rush." May, then, this law be unto us a permanent in- ward happiness, conferring cheerfulness and content- ment, elevating the spirit and inspiring us with courage to practice virtue and uprightness, so that, worthy of Thy love and pleasure, we may be lifted up above all earthly sorrow, and enjoy the eternal peace and rest which confidence in Thee can only give to our souls. " Unto Thee, God ! belongs salvation. May Thy " blessing be upon Thy people. "-j- Selah ! PRAYER FOR THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. Lord of Heaven and Earth ! our God and God of Deut. xxxiii, 4. PMlm iii, 8. D2 44 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. our fathers, this festival awakens in my heart the recollection of the days of old, when, having rescued Israel from captivity, Thou ledst them graciously, for forty years, through desert wastes, refreshing them and allaying their thirst with a limpid stream out- bursting from the flinty rock. From a thousand miseries and perils, Thou, Lord! didst graciously deliver them on their journeyings. Thou didst ex- tend indulgence to their human frailties, didst protect them against their enemies, until Thou didst conduct them to that goodly land, which Thou hadst promised unto them through their progenitors. _ Upon that land, O Lord I Thy blessing fell like nourishing dew and rain like the fertilising sunbeam. Thou didst with bountiful hand, send plenty to their stores, and when the food was gathered in for the succeeding year, Thou didst direct them to approach Thy throne and consecrate to Thee, as we do consecrate this day, a double festival of Joy the tabernacle and harvest feast. And that same mercy, Lord 1 which Thou didst shew to our fathers, is every morning renewed unto us with the rising of the sun. Each day ushers in new blessings unto us, and every hour, surrounded as we are by threatening dangers, brings fresh deli- verance and consolation. In recognition, my God ! of past and present DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 45 bounties, we celebrate Thy feast of booths ; we quit our habitations to abide in moveable and fragile tents, that we may cherish the remembrance of Thy grace which ever reigned, and still doth reign, and will eternally reign over us. We appear before Thee, with the festive bough, and praise Thee for the blessing Thou hast showered on the productive earth. We rejoice on this great day, Lord ! but we forget not that all our happiness springs from Thy bounty, and with the poor and needy we divide, that they also may feel some joy and look to the approaching inclement winter with less anxiety and care. We enjoy Thy benefits, Father 1 but we enjoy them in accordance with Thy precepts in holy peace and moderation. It is thus that these days will afford me opportunities of practising piety and holiness : will guide me on to virtue and obtain for me the love and confidence of my fellow-creatures. And Thou, Heavenly Father ! who hast pleasure in our rest and and joy, and who ordaineth them that we may labor to be like Thee, holy, grant that our endeavours to lead a holy life, may be successful. Sanctify me and all Israel with the observance of Thy mandates ; let the blissful fruit of Thy eternal Law be our portion ; and purify our hearts to worship and adore Thee, in confidence and truth. Blessed art Thou, Eternal 1 who hallowest Israel and the festivals. Amen. 46 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. CONTEMPLATION ON THE FOUR SPECIES OF PLANTS, TO BE SAID ON THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES BEFORE THE PRESCRIBED BLESSING. Almighty God ! Thy Holy Law enlightens the eye and soothes the soul of man. Thy truthful testimony maketh wise the simple, and Thy upright statutes rejoice the heart. More desirable far than gold, sweeter than the droppings of the honeycomb, are the deep meaning ordinances of Thy will to all who know, with consecrated spirit, how to raise the veil which covers and enshrines their treasures. I reflect, Great Lord 1 this day, upon Thy holy precept, whose observance is now about to engage me ; and I am doubly penetrated with the sense of the instructive, elevating, and delightful influence contained in the command : " And ye shall take on " the first day the fruit of a goodly tree, branches of " palm trees, boughs of thick trees, and the willow of " the brook ; and ye shall rejoice before the Eternal " your God for seven days."* What sublime allegory, my God! is bound up with these four different plants which we unite to praise Thee withl The Citron, whose sweet perfume soothes and refreshes our senses, is emblematic of the sentiments and acts Leviticus xxiii, 40. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 47 of pious men, which shed a grateful influence on all around : for the good man exists not for himself alone, but only sets a value on his life, in so far as he can be useful to his fellow-creatures and dedicate his labors to their welfare. The Palm Branch represents that peace and calm repose of soul, which form the most valuable posses- sion that can fall to our portion here below. The delicate perfume-bearing Myrtle, by typifying modesty and love, gentleness and fervor, recommend those virtues to our souls, that they may for ever rejoice our hearts and the hearts of all around us, and withdraw us from the pernicious influence of earthly passions. The simple Willow of the Brook, yielding neither fruit nor fragrance, is like the erring child of clay- without counsel, void of taste for the noble and the good, and reminds us that though we have neither worth nor merit in the sight of God, He still makes us flourish, gives us strength and nourishment, and ex eludes us not from the sphere of His all-gracious love. What wholesome lessons, Lord 1 for us, children of men _lessons which teach us to be patient, peaceful and indulgent towards the infirmities of our fellow- creatures, and not deny our compassion and our soothing consolation even to the fallen. Gracious Father in Heaven 1 I promise Thee, with a faithful heart and a firm spirit, to make these soul- 48 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. cheering doctrines, comprehended in Thy holy man- date, the rule of my life; to seek after good and practice it according to my feeble power ; to live in peace and not close my heart against compassion and forbearance, so that it may be well with me and mine, here and hereafter. Amen. PRAYER FOR A WOMAN WHO IS ABOUT TO BECOME A MOTHER, AFTER THE BENEDICTION OP THE CITRON. This, Lord ! according to the holy legend, is the apple of paradise, which entailed on man salvation and misery. Through the enjoyment of this fruit, as revealed in Holy Writ, light and reason became the properties of the spirit, but the germ of destruction was, through it, also implanted in the body. Let me remember, Eternal God ! that we the frail daughters of Eve, are likewise subject to the temptings of the ser- pent, sin ; and that we must, with all care and diligence, guard our hearts from the venom of its sting. Grant us strength and power of will, to withstand coura- geously each temptation in life which leads to error; and do Thou ward off from us every allurement of the senses which might effect the destruction of our better nature. For every fruit, seducing vice holds forth to us, entails upon us banishment from Paradise, and closes against us the Eden of innocence, where DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 49 with flaming sword, the angel keep his constant guard, that the sinner may never more obtain admis- sion. Alas ! sin once admitted, is sure to extend its baleful influence over the heart : the soul once stained with vice, never regains below its heavenly brightness. 'Tis therefore, Father ! that we every day implore Thee, not to lead us in the power of temptation ; but to remove from us the snares of evil, so that our wavering footsteps may not stumble. As an admonitory recollection, Lord ! I taste the stalk of this beautiful fruit, so that its bitterness may keep alive the salutary reflection, that the result of sin, however sightly, is bitter to the mind and heart ; and that it is only folly which permits itself to be enticed by the false allurements of the tempter. Therefore, Heavenly Father ! do Thou hear my prayer, as I supplicate Thee in the words of the holy Psalmist, " Create in me a pure heart, and renew within me an upright spirit, Eternal, my Rock and my Redeemer !"* Amen. PRAYER FOR A MAIDEN. Father in Heaven! Thou who art enthroned in Thine Eternal heights, surrounded by the myriads of Thine angelic choir that glorify and praise Thy name unceasingly, and yet dost condescend to look down in kindness and compassion with Thy vivifying Psalm II, 10. 50 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. glance even on the worm, on whom the green leaf is at once nourishment and dwelling I I confess, Lord ! that Thy greatness is above all space and time ; yet I unworthy insignificant though I be, I venture to approach Thee, offering with heartfelt sincerity and faith, my humble, childlike prayer. all-generous Father ! my love for Thee at this, the moment of my devotion, outweighs my fear and my timidity, because my heart reposes wholly in Thee. Thou deignest to protect and guard me with Thy salvation everlasting; Thou guidest my foot- steps on my entrance into life, of whose dangers and anxieties I hear so much, so that I may not stumble like the infant when it first essays to walk, and fall from weakness and inexperience. Thou showerest daily and hourly upon me, Lord ! loving proofs of Thy paternal care : Thou sendest health and cheerfulness to me for my portion; Thou developest gradually, my powers of strength and of endurance, and Thou implantest in my heart the tender germ of love, that I may reward my beloved parents for all their cherishing care of me, with gratitude, with reverence and obe- dience. I thank Thee, Beneficent Father in Hea- ven I for all these benefits bestowed upon me unde- servedly, and I humbly pray Thee, in the future, not to withdraw Thy benign protection, but to render me more worthy every day to receive Thy loving gifts. Lord ! it shall ever be my endeavour to be pleasing DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 51 unto Thee, and obedient to my parents, who edu- cate me in the fear of Thee, and who labor to develop and ennoble my limited powers of mind and heart. Grant me, Lord ! an obedient will, that I may yield to their wise guidance, and profit by their pious instructions, so that I may find favor in Thine eyes and in the eyes of all mankind : even as the wise King teacheth " He that followeth after " righteousness and mercy, findeth life, righteousness " and honor." Preserve my heart, all-gracious One ! from youth- ful levity and foolish desires. Guard me from the power of vanity, and help me to acquire that good ness of heart, and those noble aspirations, which are the most beautiful adornments and the richest posses- sions of Thy children, as we are taught by Holy Writ : " Grace is deceitful and beauty a vain thing ; " 'tis the woman that fears God, who shall be praised."* Let this, my prayer come unto Thee and bless me with Thy peace, God 1 Amen. DOMESTIC PRAYER ON DIVIDING THE DOUGH. Merciful Father in Heaven I my never-failing and sincere endeavour, is to execute Thy holy command- ments as the aim of my existence. Even those laws, Lord! which my feeble understanding cannot fathom Proverbs xxxl, 80. 52 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. whose meaning and intent I cannot comprehend, resignedly and willingly I obey, because Thou, all- wise King ! hast ordered them. Tis thus, I here- with, with a devout spirit, perform the precept Thou hast enjoined upon us, to dedicate at all times a por- tion of the dough as a heave-offering unto Thee; and with my humble obedience, I unite my thanks, Lord ! that Thou hast formed me worthy of ful- filling this consecration. Bless us, Gracious Father ! and bless the work of our hands, that we may never be in need of bread or other necessaries of life. En- lighten my eyes to behold the wonders of Thy holy law ; and let this bread, which I herewith prepare for the festival of the Sabbath-day, admonish me to be devout and grateful for Thy goodness. Let it be to me, as a symbol of that Heavenly manna, wherewith Thou didst feed my ancestors in the wilderness ; and of which Thou didst send on the sixth day, a double portion for their nourishment, that they might conse- crate to Thee, the sacred day of rest. Blessed art Thou, Eternal our God ! who hast commanded us to dedicate the firstlings of the dough, as a peace offering unto Thee. Amen. PKAYER BEFORE LIGHTING THE SABBATH LAMP. Praised be Thou, O Eternal ! our God, Sovereign DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 53 of the Universe, who hast hallowed us with Thy com- mandments, and ordered us to light the Sabbath light. Heavenly Father ! I offer thanks to Thee filial grateful thanks for the good and for the blessing which Thou hast allotted to my share during this week. I offer thanks to Thee for the strength and perse- verance wherewith Thou hast endowed me, through the vicissitudes which each day brings through the alternations of joys and cares, that rise with every vary- ing circumstance of life. I give Thee heartfelt inex- pressible thanks, my God ! for the holy day of rest and relaxation, which Thou hast set aside for us in Thy wise and infinite goodness. Thou, Lord ! art the Ore. ator of light and darkness whose daily succession is so beneficial to mortal man. Thou sendest us light Thy glance replete with blessing, to banish gloom and to dispel the vapors of the night, and Thou givest us Thy holy law to enlighten our eyes and soul, and to dissipate the sombre shadows of human passions. Therefore, I light the consecrated Sabbath light, that joy and gladness may enter this habita- tion to banish from our minds the sad anxieties of the week just passed, and that we may all sanctify the Sabbath with devotion and repose of spirit. Grant, Lord ! that the light of my existence, which is a spark from Thine own Eternal radiance, may not be dimmed /)4 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. through care or sorrow, so that I may not fail in the fulfilment of the aim Thou has appointed to my pilgrimage on earth. Blessed art Thou, Eternal our God ! who sanctifieth the Sabbath day. Amen. PRAYER FOR A WOMAN WHO FEELS HERSELF A MOTHER. All-loving Father in Heaven ! I cannot give ex- pression to all the heartfelt sentiments of profound gratitude which penetrate my soul, for those new joys and sweet hopes which Thou hast prepared for Thy servant. Lord ! the pledge of wedded love and truth beneath my heart, now beautifies my peaceful happi- ness, and sweetens the most agreeable hours of my existence. Already I behold in thought, this tender blossom of life, expanding into an object of the sweetest, most intense affection. My wavering hopes hover over the far distant future, and bring fresh charms unto my daily existence, until that existence shall acquire a settled aim, and have a cherished object on which to lavish all its fondest cares. Accept, gra- cious Father ! the tears of trembling joy which stream now from mine eyes accept the half-uttered wprd which comes falteringly from my lips, as the only sacrifice I can offer Thee, for all Thy loving kindness. Father in Heaven! who dost protect the tender blossom of the tree, so that the fruit, then only in the germ, may flourish in growth and ripen ! Thou, DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. who hast cherished and guarded me in the various relations of life, 1 do Thou also guard and protect the life of the tender fruit which moves within me, that it be preserved from accident and prejudicial influences of every kind. Eemove from me, all-com- passionate Lord 1 every violent emotion which might affect the infant to its injury ; for I, Thy weak and infirm servant, have henceforth the holy duty to per- form, of watching over the lives of two. Strengthen me, my God ! for the endurance of the pangs of tra- vail predestined as a punishment to my sex ; and let the maternal joys of my expectant heart, assuage the agonies of childbirth. Grant me Thy help, Lord ! that I may not despair; for when Thou watchest over me, and my heart reliant on Thee, has never been deceived in its hope, then and then only can I look forward without trembling, to the solemn hour, so full of anguish and of sweetness, in which I shall become a mother. When the time of my delivery approaches, Lordl I pray Thee to lighten my suffer- ing, and to support me, if agony should overpower my weak frame. Grant that I may bring into the world, a heathly vigorous child, that its lovely innocent form may gladden my maternal heart. Accept, Lord ! my fervent prayer, so that I may respond to the words of the inspired singer " In my " distress I called on the Eternal, and He heard me."* Amen. I'-.ilin C, 1. 56 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. PRAYER FOR A SABBATH, ON WHICH IS CELEBRATED SOME FAMILY FESTIVITY, SUCH AS THE ANNIVERSARY OF A MARRIAGE, THE CIRCUMCISION OF A SON, ETC. my God ! Thou didst in Thy mercy give us Thy holy Sabbath-day, that we might enjoy pure happi- ness and peace of soul, after the care and anxieties of the days of labor are over. Doubly grateful and happy, Lord ! for Thy gift of grace and love, I cele- brate this present day of rest, with whose religious consecration is united the joy of my whole existence. Even as the delight and happiness of my heart are magnified to day, to a high degree, so are my love and gratitude to Thee, for all Thy blessings upon me and mine, commensurately heightened, and the des- tiny, to fulfil which Thou calledst me into being, appears before mine eyes more clear, ennobling, and glorious. Grant, God of mercy ! that I may more and more purify my sentiments and actions from the dross of earthly impulses and passions, until my heart becomes a pure tablet, whereupon Thou mayest engrave Thy law its inmost depths, like its polished surface, free from every blemish and defect. Be to me a guide and protector, my God ! and grant that, united with my husband and my dear ones, I may during many future years, celebrate on earth Thy sacred festivals and days of joy, in domes- tic contentment and inward peace of soul. Amen. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES, 57 PRAYER FOR A WOMAN ARISING FROM HER CONFINEMENT. Blessed art Thou, Lord of the Universe! that Thou didst assist me with Thy help in the moment of trial, and didst shield me from the dangers which hovered over me in that hour of delivery, so full of pain and suffering. Thou, Lord! didst give me strength and fortitude to overcome the agonies of childbirth, so that now I can enjoy, without alloy, the sweets of maternal happiness. What, Father! can a feeble woman bring Thee as a sacrifice of thanksgiving, besides the tear of joy which truth fully reflects the emotion of my soul, or the faltering word of adoration which echoes the voice of my grate- ful heart. gracious Father in Heaven ! withdraw not in future from Thy handmaid, Thy Heavenly grace and favor; but grant me strength and under- standing faithfully to fulfil a mother's duties to guard and cherish this beloved helpless infant, and to educate it in virtue and in fear of Thee. Cause me and my husband to have joy in our child, and let it obtain favor in Thine eyes and in the eyes of all mankind. Grant that it become a useful member of society, fulfilling honourably and faithfully its destiny on earth ; and cause our eyes to behold it, ere we depart to our rest. Praised be Thon, Lord of Heaven ! for all the grace and compassion which Thou hast shewn me. Amen. F. 58 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. PRAYER FOR A WOMAN WHOSE CHILD IS BORNE TO THE CIRCUMCISION. Holy God of Abraham! each joy each mercy which Thou grantest me, I doubly value, when my heart has poured itself out before Thee, in praise and thanksgiving. 'Tis therefore, Eternal ! Source of all good, that I now pour out before Thee a heart replete with grateful love, because not only Thou didst aid me, in the time of danger and trial, when I did call unto Thee, but Thou also hast preserved me to witness this joyful hour, when my child is received into the holy bond, which Thou didst seal with our forefather Abraham. Grant that this infant, who now unconsciously enters into Thine everlasting covenant, may, when he reaches the age of reason, be worthy to be called " a child of the Eternal God." And as he will ever bear through life the impress of Thy Holy bond, so may he bear in his heart, an appreciation of his sublime destiny a love of truth and goodness; and improving daily in great and noble deeds, may he carry with him hence, the fruits of profitable labor in man's vocation on earth. Grant him, God! strength and courage, that he may strain every nerve, to attain this noble destiny. Grant us, his parents, the means and power to afford him an education pleasing unto God and man, so that our child may not only owe his life to us, but that DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 59 purity and virtue also, which form the life of the soul. Bless us, Lord ! with the blessing of Thy salva- tion, and support us with the spirit of Thy goodness. Amen. PRAYER IN DANGEROUS ILLNESS. God of Compassion ! Thou visitest with pain and sorrow the children of men, not because Thou hast pleasure in the anguish of Thy creatures, but to admonish them of their earthly infirmities. Thou shakest the tottering habitation, in order that its inmate, the soul, may awake and remember its higher destination. Heavenly Father 1 Thou hast caused me to feel the pains of sickness, and in this dark chamber, bound down to the bed of anguish, I lack the physical strength to execute the dictates of my will. What should I now be, Lord 1 without Thy help without Thy encouragement to patience and resignation I In the state of irritating pain, to which the bodily sufferer is subject, harsh replies and unkind words unreasonable demands and unjust blame cruel re- proofs and bitter reproaches proceed from us; and these too often wound the hearts of those, who, cease - lessly and untiringly, have been laboring to give us the most careful, tender, and anxious attention. Rule over me, Father 1 at all times, with a spirit 60 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. of gentleness and mildness. Let me never abuse the patience and indtilgence which others kindly shew me ; but let me ever gratefully acknowledge the care which they assume on my account, return with cheerfulness the goodness they manifest towards me, and strive in every way to lighten the burden which my sufferings impose upon them. I praise thee, my God! because Thou hast taught me, through experience, to value the blessings of health and vigor. This experience, Lord ! shall live ever in my mind, if Thou but grant recovery to me ; and as I remember the sufferings I now endure, I will devote my established strength to Thy service ; take to heart the miseries of my fellow-creatures, which hitherto I have but distantly regarded ; procure^, for them, as far as in me lies, alleviation of their pain, and restoration of their health ; evince myself a useful attendant at the sick bed of every sufferer, and more especially of those who minister to me now, if aught should ever befal them. He who has death before his eyes should wean his heart from earth and direct it entirely towards Hea- ven. The sufferings I now endure, Lord 1 must wean me from earth, because the life I lead below is full of pain and anguish. Shall I cling to the hope, that I may yet recover to witness brighter, happier days? These agonies remind me that life on earth is but a period of probation that sorrow is its inse- DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 61 parable heritage. But Thou, God! whose wis- dom my infirm vision dares not penetrate, do Thou with me, as Thou deemest well. Be it for life or for death, I resign myself to Thy holy will, and venture not to pray for either. If Thou appoint, Lord ! that I shall recover, then assist me that I may always have Thy Holy word before my eyes; never departing from Thy ways, but approaching nearer, with each succeeding day, to the end of my heavenly destina- tion. And if it be Thy will, Father ! that I shall now end the days, appointed to me on earth, do Thou, in Thy mercy, prepare me for a blissful life and not abandon me in the final struggle. " The Eternal " gives, the Eternal takes, may the name of the " Eternal be praised." Amen. PRAYEE FOR A WIFE WHEN SICKNESS HAS BEFALLEN HER HUSBAND. " Eternal ! hearken unto my supplication, and let " my cry come unto Thee. Hide not Thy countenance " from me in the day of my trouble incline Thine ear " unto me in the day when I call, answer me speedily. " Unto Thee, Lord 1 I call ; unto Thee, Eternal ! " I pray. For Thou, Lord I art a shield unto me, " my glory and the uplifter of my head. I cried unto " the Eternal with my voice, and He answered me " from His holy mount Selah. Answer me when I 62 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. " call, God of my righteousness ! Thou who en- " largedest me in my distress, be now gracious unto " me, and hear my prayer. Incline Thine ear unto me " and listen to my cry. In my distress, I called upon " the Eternal and cried unto my God. He heard my " voice from His temple my cry came before Him, " even unto His ears. " Hear my voice, Eternal ! when I call, be mer- " ciful unto me and answer me. In distress I call unto " the Lord, the Lord answered me with enlargement. " Rejoice the spirit of Thy servant, for unto Thee, 44 God ! I elevate my soul. Give ear to my prayer, " Lord ! and hide not Thyself from my supplication. " I cry unto the Lord with my voice with my 44 voice unto the Eternal do I make my prayer. I pour 44 out my complaint unto Him, I shew before Him my , 44 sorrow. Lord ! all my desire is revealed to Thee 44 and my anguish is not hidden from Thee. Remem- 44 ber not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions 44 according to Thy mercy ; remember me, Lord ! 44 for Thy goodness sake. Remember not against us 4 former iniquities; but hasten and prepare Thy mercy 44 for us, for we are brought very low. If Thou 44 shouldst scrutinize iniquity, Lord ! who would 44 stand ? But Thou hast not dealt with us according 44 to our sins, nor requited us according to our iniqui- 44 ties. Even if our iniquities testify against us, O 44 Eternal ! O grant help for Thy name sake. For DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. I acknowledge my transgression my sin is ever before me. I implore Thee, Lord 1 have mercy on me ; heal my soul for I have sinned against Thee. " Have mercy upon me, Eternal ! according to Thy loving-kindness according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. For I acknowledge my misdeeds, and my sin is before me. " Turn Thy face from my sins and blot out all nnne " iniquities. And He, the compassionate One, will forgive iniquity and destroy not : yea, He oft turneth away His anger, and He will not awaken all wrath. Return, Lord! deliver my soul. " save for Thy mercies sake. For the sake of name, Lord! revive me; and through Thy righte- ousness release my soul from trouble. 1^ will call " unto God, and the Eternal will save me." Lord God of salvation 1 I have preceded this my prayer with the attuning sentiments of the holy Psalmist, to purify my thoughts and hallow the emotions of my heart. While I elevate my mind ' Thee, and pour forth the effusion of my burthened pint, Lord! be near unto me and hearken to my supplication. Behold the faithful companion of my existence the father and provider of my children, lies prostrate on the bed of suffering, his fortitude banished, his strength departed. Those gloomy fears and sad presentiments which ally themselves with every ill in life, to heighten in imagination all 64 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. its consequences, now overcast my soul with the dark cloud of sorrow, and increase the anguish which already overwhelms me. The more, Lord 1 I yield to the mournful contemplation of my condition, the darker becomes the abyss which yawns before me the denser the obscurity which prevails around it, Father ! grant restored health unto my husband, and cause the strength, which he must devote to the support of his loved ones, to return unto him speedily, renewed and redoubled. Deprive me not, Lord ! of the companion of my love, the protector of my children's tender years, for our being is bound up with his, our preservation is based upon his health and life. If he lies, Lord ! smitten by Thy justice because of his misdeeds, expiating on the couch of pain, the errors of his past life, remember ! that the burden of suffering which Thou hast imposed on him, bows us down also ; that the scourge which punishes him, falls likewise on his household. I be- seech Thee, therefore, Lord ! in Thine abundant love and mercy, to send unto him the angel of deliverance, to alleviate his sufferings and heal with soothing balsam, all his wounds. Cast him not from Thee, God ! abandon him not in his distress, call him not from earth ere he has run the race of life and lived out the short term of years allotted to mortality. merciful Father ! look with favor on me and on his young ones and raise us up, by raising him. Let DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 65 us all rejoice in his re-established health and let us share together the joys and happiness of life, as now we share its cares and sufferings. Hear, then, Lord ! the prayer of Thine handmaid, to whom Thou hast so often shown Thy loving grace and mercy, and send unto my husband renewed life health and strength, that he may again flourish by Thy good- ness, and be enabled to pursue his earthly career with redoubled energy and vigor. Then shall we all celebrate Thine Almighty power, mercy, and benefi- cence, Thou, Lord of life ! Amen. PRAYER FOR A WIDOW. my God I most severely hast Thou visited Thine handmaid, in the affliction which is now upon me. Through Thy abundant mercy, I have often tasted of the cup of joy and happiness, and now my time arrives to drink the bitter draught of woe and sorrow, which is allotted, sooner or later, to every mortal. Even as, in the hour of my prosperity, my grateful heart turned towards Thee with filial love, to pour out the prayer of thenksgiving, so do I now turn towards Thee, God of justice ! to pour forth my bitter sorrow ; to seek relief at Thy hands from the burthening cares which overwhelm me ; to pray for help and consolation in my sad condition. I know that though Thy Heavenly designs are veiled from man's 66 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. perception, they yet are always consistent with Thy holy attributes of justice. And therefore, I bow my head before Thee, in humble recognition of the chas- tening hand which Thou hast laid upon me ; and bear the weight of sorrow wherewith Thou hast afflicted me, with unrepining resignation. I murmur not, Lord! against Thy wisdom, although Thou hast called from me the faithful partner of my life, and thus bereaved my children of that parent who was their protector and support through the troubled path of life ; because Thou wilt now be unto us, as speaks Thy comforting words : " The Father of the " Orphan and the advocate of the Widow." Then hear, gracious God ! my prayer, and raise up my dejected spirit. Let a ray of Thy heavenly grace illumine my sorrowing heart, that I may not despond. Assist my fatherless orphans, that they suffer not want ; and uphold them with Thy supporting spirit, that they continue always to tread tread the paths of virtue, as if their father stood beside them still, to watch over and direct their steps. Unto me, my Bock and my Eedeemer ! grant strength and perseve- rance, that I may be enabled to educate them in godly fear and love of virtue. Grant us an honest, ample maintenance, with exemption from care, peace of mind, and that patience and humility which our present position in life will demand. In Thy mercy and protection, Eternal ! I confide : Thou wilt not DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 67 forsake Thy bereaved and orphan children, for Thou art the God of compassion. This comforting faith in Thy mercy, Father ! is healing balm to my wounded heart, for it has banished every doubt and fear, and sent to my sorrowing bosom, the angel hope with peace and healing on its wings. Blessed art Thou, my God ! who art the Conso- ler of the widow and the Father of the orphan. Amen. PRAYER FOR AN ORPHAN. Heavenly Father ! with filial and confiding love, my heart now seeks to pour forth in thy ears, its cry for help and support. I feel impelled, Lord ! by my distress, to disclose my inmost thoughts to Thee, and pray for Thy upholding aid ; for behold ! the eyes which I now upraise to Thee, are still moist with bitter tears, shed for the loss of my beloved parents. I implore Thee, merciful Lord ! to be a protector unto me, and to compassionate me as a father doth his children, for I have now no guardian, no support, no consolation, besides Thee, my Rock and my Redeemer ! Grant me fortitude, Almighty One ! to endure, without complaint, my sad affliction, and to reconcile myself to my now desolate condition. A lonely orphan of the weak and feeble sex, Lord ! is doubly wretched, because she naturally clings to some protecting hand, to guard and shelter her from 68 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. harm. And thus, to me, Father 1 is the thought most overwhelming, that I shall stand alone in this wide world, without a parent's love and care, without sympathy or counsel, help or compassion. But in proportion to the magnitude of my distress, Thou hast caused Thy endless grace and mercy to fall on me, and hast made the holy consolation of religion have cheering influence to elevate me, even in my sufferings. Yea, sweet it is, Lord ! for the wounded heart, to feel itself thrown on Thee and Thy compassion ; to rejoice in the reflection that though we be wretched, desolate, and deprived of human love, yet Thou wilt not forget Thy merciful assu- rance, but wilt for ever, take us under Thine especial care. The comforting words of Holy Writ crowd con- solingly on my recollection and calm my troubled soul, while I recite them : " It is of the Lord's mercies " that we are not consumed, because His compas- " sions fail not. They are new every morning : great " is Thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith " my soul ; therefore will I hope in Him. The Lord " is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul " that seeketh Him. It is good that a man shoul dboth " hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. " It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. " He sitteth alone and keepeth silence, because he " hath borne it upon him. He putteth his mouth in DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. " the dust, if so be, there may be hope. For the " Lord will not cast off for ever. But though He " cause grief, yet will He have compassion according " to the multitude of His mercies. For He doth " not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of " men." * Heavenly Father! grant me, in my affliction, strength and consolation, patience and perseverance. Dry my tears, soften my anguish and heal my wounds. Inspire me with reverence for those kind beings, who will assume the parent's place towards me, and teach me to shew them filial love and obedience. Banish from my heart, the bitter senti- ments of grief, which Thy holy will and the social laws of man, require me to suppress. Give me strength and courage, all-loving Father ! that weak girl as I am, I may yet withstand every temptation to sin, and walk ever in the path of virtue. May the souls of my beloved parents, if they can still look down sympathizingly from Heaven, feel joy in wit- nessing the godly fear the pure sentiments and up- right actions of their bereaved child. And although the thorny path of life must be trodden by me, help- less and alone, I yet will fear no evil, since Thou, Lord I art with me. Amen. Lamentation* ill, 2233. 70 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. PRAYER WHEN EPIDEMIC DISEASES PREVAIL. Lord of life ! the everlasting pillars of Thy throne are justice and clemency, those holy attributes which govern the earth and direct the destinies of mortals. When the generations of man become corrupt and turn aside from Thy righteous ways, Thou sendest forth the destroying angel, as messenger of Thy wrath to wield the dreadful scourge of punishment. But even then, Father ! Thou sendest Thy minis- ter of peace, to convey the treasures of Thy grace and pardon to all who turn towards Thee. So, God of compassion ! let Thy heavenly attribute of mercy temper ever the severity of Thy justice ; for who could stand, Lord ! if Thou shouldst visit us ac- cording to our works, without indulgence or forgive- ness. But especially, Lord ! at this, the time of fear and dread, do Thou deal mercifully with Thy chil- dren ; in this, the hour of our need, send us salvation. Be unto us, God of goodness! a Preserver and Redeemer, for disease is round about us and destruc- tion impends. Shield us with Thy mercy, from the arrow of death which flieth by day ; from the pesti- lence which stalketh in darkness ; from the destruc- tion which wasteth at noontide. Restrain Thy mes- senger of wrath, which walks through earth, mowing down alike the mature plants and the tender shoots ; DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. 71 and as Thou, in former times, didst hearken to the prayer of Thy priest, and Thine anointed, and didst recal the angel of destruction, so, Lord ! now hear- ken to our supplications, and once more saying " it is enough, stay now thy hand ;" remove from us the devouring pestilence. Have compassion on us, God of mercy! and blot out the record of our transgressions. Let Thy minister of grace keep watch at our gates, that the devouring scourge pass not over the threshold of our habitation. Avert, in Thy compassion, from me, my husband, and my children, from all my friends and my acquaintances, the destruc- tive influence which is abroad ; and turn the wailing which is heard in every street and public place, into the cry of joy and consolation. Lord ! I wriug my hands in fervent devotion before the throne of Thy Majesty, for my heart bleeds when I reflect on the suffering and woe, which threaten so many of 'my fellow-creatures. Draw back from us, then, Thy castigating hand and ascend Thy throne of mercy. Extend to us Thy Heavenly support, that we may walk henceforth, in the cheerful light of Thy vivify- ing countenance. Amen. PRAYER SAID ON EVERY PENETENTIAL AND FAST DAY. omnipotent King ! who sitteth upon the throne of mercy ; governing with beneficence and pardoning 72 DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. the iniquities of His people, by causing them succes- sively to pass away; who extendest pardon unto sinners and forgiveness unto transgressors; who evinces charity to all flesh and spirit, and retributes them not according to their wickedness ! God ! Thou hast taught us to repeat the thirteen attributes of Thy mercy. Kemember then unto us, this day, the covenant of the thirteen attributes, as Thou didst reveal them of old to the meekest of men, even as it is written : " And the Eternal descended in the cloud, " and stood with him there and proclaimed the name " of the Eternal, And the Eternal passed before " him, and proclaimed, the Eternal is the immutable, " everlasting Being ! An omnipotent God, mer- " ciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in " in beneficence and truth ; keeping mercy for thou- " sands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, but " rfot acquiting the guilty." * ! pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for Thine heritage. Forgive us, our Father ! for we have sinned ; pardon us, our King ! for we have transgressed: for Thou, Eternal! art good and forgiving, and abundant in mercy to all who call upon Thee. Amen. * Exodus xxxiv, 5, 6. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. BIRMINGHAM. Mrs. Maurice Aaron Mrs. John Aaron Miss Emma Aaron Mrs. Barnett Mrs. Brown Mrs. Solomon Blankensee Mrs. Meyer Blankensee Mrs. Jacob Cohen The Misses Cohen Mrs. Danziger Miss Emanuel Joseph Emanuel, Esq. (2 copies) A. Eskell, Esq. (2 copies) Mrs. Pridlander Mrs. Doris Hay man Mrs. M. L. Jacob Mrs. Joseph Mrs. N. Levi Mrs. Levitus Miss Adelaide Levy Miss Lewin Miss Lyon, Bennett's Hill Mrs. S. Marks Mrs. Mendes Miss Myers, Bull Ring Miss Myers, Edgbaston Street Mrs. Nerwich Miss Nerwich Mrs. Neustadt E. L. Oppenheimer, Esq. Mrs. Pirani Mrs. Sacks Mrs. Saul Samuel Mrs. P. Samuel, Bilston, (per Mrs. S. Samuel) Miss Rebecca Samuel Mrs. S. Spiers Miss Soloman Mrs. B. Vallentine LONDON. Mrs. Adler, Crosby Square Mrs. Abrahams, Houndsditch Mrs. Albert, Great Prescot Street Mrs. M. Ansell, Bury Street Israel Earned, Esq., (per Mr. M. Bennaton) 2 copies Mrs. P. Barnett, (2 copies) Dr. A. Benisch, Ph. D., Bloomsbury (3 copies) M. Bennaton, Esq., (2 copies) Mrs. Birnstingl, Hunter Street Miss Boss, Bury Street Mrs. L. Braham, Woburn Place, (per Dr. Benisch) John Cashmore, Esq., Be vis Marks Mrs. 8. H. Cohen, Westminster Mrs. Elias Davis, Tavistock Square (2 copies) Mw. Montague Durlacher, Hatton Garden Mrs. J. Ely, Westminster Itrm. Michael Emanuel, Hanover Square Mr*. J.Engel, South Street, Finsbury Mrs. Maz Swinger, King's Cross Mw. L. Pridlander, Houndsditch (2 copies) Miss Gordon, Charles Street, Soho Miss Harber, Castle Street, Hounds- ditch Miss Hart, Haydon Square Heineman, Esq. Church Street Spitalnelds Mrs. S. Hyam, Portland Place D. Hyam, Esq., Houndsditch S. Isaacs, Esq., Saint James's Street, Piccadilly Mrs. A. Jordan, Streatham Park, (2 copies) Mrs. E. Jordan, Berner's Street, Oxford Street Mrs. H. Jones, Poll Mall Mrs. Aaron Joseph, Fitzroy Square Mrs. A. Joseph, Heathcote Street, Mecklenburgh Square Mrs. Solomon Joseph, Crescent, Minories Mrs. Benjamin Kisch, Finsbury Circus Mrs. J. Levitt, Minories Mrs. N. Levy, Upper Montague Street Mrs. J. Levi, Leadenhall Street Mrs. M. Levin, Trinity Square Mrs. George Leverson, Netting Hill James Leverson, Esq., Queen's Sq., (3 copies) | Mrs. Levyson, Queen's Square ' Mrs. Lindenthal, Suint Helen's LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. LONDON CONTINUED. Mrs. Magnus, Rose Villa, St. John's Wood, (6 copies) Mrs. Barnet Myers, Crutched Friars (8 copies) Mrs. L. Meyers, Bedford Place, (per Dr. Benisch) Mrs. S. L. Miers, High St., Aldgate Mrs. A. N. Myers, Finsbury Place Emanuel Meyers, Esq., Leadenhall Street Mrs. Samuel Moses, Boxley House, Stockwell Park, (2 copies) Mrs. Henry Moses, Finsbury Circus Mrs. Maurice Moses, Tower Hill Moseley, Esq., Grosvenor St., Bond Street Mrs. Mombach, Castle St., Hounds- ditch Mrs. Posno, Finsbury Circus Mrs. Benjamin Rothschild, South Street, Finsbury, (6 copies) Mrs. Samson, Mansell Street Mrs. D. Samuel, Artillery Place Mrs. C. Samuel, Ludgate Hill Mrs. Coleman Solomon Mrs. Henry Solomon, Finsbury Place Mrs. Judah Solomon, Mount Street, Lambeth Mrs. Josiah Solomon, Houndsditch Mrs. Jacob Solomon, Manchester Buildings H. N. Solomon, Esq., Edmonton, (6 copies) Mrs. Maurice Solomon, Mecklen- burg Square Mrs.P. Solomon, Eldon St. (3 copies) Mrs. Sydney, Finsbury Circus, (per Dr. Benisch) Mrs. Benjamin Woolf,White Chapel Road MANCHESTER. Local Rabbi, Rev. Dr. SCHILLEK-SZISESSY, (4 copies.) Mrs. L. Beaver Louis Berend, Esq., (2 copies P. Dessau, Esq. Mrs. F. Eskell A. Franks, Esq., (4 copies) Jos. Franks, Esq. Mrs. Jos. Franks Mrs. D. Falk Mrs. M. Goldstone D. Hesse, Esq. Mrs. J. M. Isaac Miss E. Isaac Mrs. Simon Joseph Mrs. Leveaux Mrs. N. Mayer Mrs. Jos. S. Moss, (2 copies) Miss S. Segre A. Spier, Esq. Mrs. M. H. Simonson LIVERPOOL. Mrs. A. Abraham, (3 copies) Mrs. L. Ahlborn Mrs. G. Aronson Mrs. H. Barnett Mrs. Israel Earned, (3 copies) Mrs. S. Davis Mrs. D. Behrend Mrs. E. Ezekiel Mrs. B. Gollin Mrs. N. Hart Mrs. J. Hess Mrs. E. Hime Rev. D. M. Isaacs, (2 copies) Mrs. B. R. Isaac Mrs. B. Jackson Mrs. B. L. Joseph Miss Joseph Mrs. J. Lev! Mrs. G. Levi The Misses Levi Mrs. L. Mozley, (2 copies) Mrs. E. J. Mozley Mrs. C. Mozley, (2 copies) Mrs. L. Marks Mrs. M. Marks Mrs. D. Myers Mr. M. Nathan Mrs. N. Nelson Mrs. M. 8. Oppenheim Mrs. L. Samuel Mrs. S. Samuel Mrs. S. Samuel Mrs. L. H. Samuel Mrs. S. L. Samuel Miss E. Samuel Miss I. Samuel LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. LIVERPOOL CONTINUED. Miss M. Samuel Miss A. Samuel, (London) Mrs. I. Scheversensky Mrs. G. Sewell, (2 copies) Mrs. St. Losky Mrs. John Simon Mrs. G. Tobias, (2 copies) Miss M. Tobias Mrs. M. Woolf Mrs L. Woolf BRISTOL. Miss Abraham Miss Levy Mrs. Alman Miss Charlotte Levy Miss 1 Jiillin Mrs. L. Levy Mrs. Hyam Mrs. Joseph Michael Mrs. Charles Isaacs Mrs. Moseley Mrs. Lazarus, (per Mrs. S. Samuel, Mrs. Lewis Soloman Birmingham) Mrs. Joseph Soloman Mrs. 8. Levy SHEFFIELD. Mrs. B. Cohen Mrs. P. Bskell Mrs. R. Levy Mrs. J. Levy Mrs. A. Marks Mrs. Isaac Moss HULL. George Alexander, Esq. I B. Jacobs, Esq., (3 copies) 8. Cohen, Esq., (2 copies) | P. Lewis, Esq. BRIGHTON. Mrs. Abrahams, (per J. L. Levison, Esq.) Mrs. Levison, (per J. L. Levison, Esq.,) S copies Mrs. Lewis.(per J. L. Levison, Esq. LEEDS. Mrs. A. Eskell. RAMSGATE. Rev. J. H. Meyers. MALDON, (ESSEX.) M. Moses, Esq. HAMBURG. Mrs. B. Emanuel I Miss Zillah Vallentlne Mrs. Henry Levy | Madame Wiener GOTHENBURG. (SWEDEN.) Mrs. E. J. Hcyman, (2 copies) | Miss Bennaton, (2 copies) MONTREAL, (CANADA.) Ashcr, Esq. I Mrs. H. Benjamin W. Benjamin, Esq., (3 copies) | NEW ORLEANS, (U. S.) Rev. M. N. Nathan, (20 copies.) CURACOA, (WEST INDIES.) Henry Nathan, EMJ., (12 copiea.) R. Mattliison, Printer, 71, Edgbaston Street, Birmingham. 0*"* University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. REC'D ID-URL" QRIOM QCClg*95 1 ft <=5 5f 1 Y \ I WJGEljo. 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