UNIVERSITY OF CALDFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES i 11, Teegunter Road, South Keksinqton ; 9th Jpril, 1870. These few pages contain, — 1. A List of the Contents of the Drawers in my Study, and in two other Rooms. 2. Index to Objects of Research. 3. A List of Regnal Years, 1558 to 1649. Although these lists areprinted merely for my own personal convenience, I have ventured to have a few extra copies struck ofip for distribution amongst my friends. The list of Regnal Years may be useful to others, if all the rest be valueless, but another purpose will be answered if they lead anyone to try the experiment of what may be called the drawer system. After many years' experience, and trials of various contriv- ances, I feel persuaded that, if economy of time be desired, there is no plan which accomplishes that object so efficiently as the separation and distribution of objects in use amongst a large number of drawers. Under this system, whether a bit of sealing-wax or a reference to Tarlton be required, it can be secured instantaneously. The contents of the drawers in the South Bookcase do not include any textual notes. I have, in fact, abandoned the critical study of the text of Shakespeare, leaving that work for younger heads, and have for a long time been restricting my reading to books and documents likely to illustrate, — 1. The Life of Shakespeare. 2. The History of the English Stage from the earliest period until the Restoration of Charles the Second. 3. The Literary History of the Works of Shakespeare previously to the same epoch, 1660. The History of the Stage of any country is an essential and interesting portion of the history of the social condition of its 1 2 people. The History- of the English Stage is far more thau this. A knowledge of it is indispensable to the complete appreciation of the noblest resnlts of human genius, — the dramas of Shakespeare ; and through its study it is not impossible that we may be able to ascertain some of the con- ditions under ^vhicll his dramatic success was achieved, and by reviving them merit at all events the opportunity of regaining some little of the glory of our ancient stage. Contents of the Drawers on the IVest side of the Biography Room. 1. The ITathaways. — The Marriage. — Shottery. 2. The New Place. 3. The Birth-Plaee and Henley Street. 4. History of the Stage during the Reign of Elizabeth, 17 November, 1558, to 21 INIarch, 1603. 5. Mysteries. — INIoralities. — The Stage previous to the Ac- cession of Elizabeth, 17 November, 1558. 6. Journeys. 7. The Common-Fields. — Enclosures. — Weleombe. 8. Life. 9. The Quineys. 10. Koyal, Noble, Itinerant and other Companies after the Accession of Queen Elizabeth on 17 November, 1558. Upon the accession of James, the Earl of Worcester's Servants became the Queen's Actors ; and the Earl of Nottingham's Servants the Prince's Actors. 11. Ben Jonson. — The Mermaid Tavern. 12. The Harts. 13. John Shakespeare's Ancestry, Relatives and Con- nexions. — Stringer, Lambert, Elkins, Webbe. — Ashbies, Wilmecote, Wincot, Barton-on-the-Heath, The Ardens, Aston-Cantlowe. 14. John Shakespeare. 15. Stage Construction and Appliances. — Actors in Theatres. — Costume and Properties. 16. Charlecote. — Personalities on the Stage. 17. The EffisfV. — Graves. — Charnel-house. 18. Portraits. — Personal Appearance. 19. The Will. — Illness and Death. — Temperance. 20. London. 21. The Stage during the Reign of James the First, from 24 March, 1603, to 27 March, 1625. t 22. The Crab-tree. O 23. The Combes.— The College. f 24. The Blackfriars' Estate. f 25. The Stage during the Reign of Charles the First, from 27 March, 1625, to 30 January, 1649. 26. Education.— The Sciiool. 27. The Stage during the Commonwealth, from 30 January, 1619, to 29 May, 1660. ? 28. General Preface and Miscellanies. "* 29. Children Actors. ^ 30. History of Prices, 1550 to 1620. 31. The Halls.— Tithes. 32. jVIasques. 33. Miscellaneous Actors. 34. 35. Southwark. 36. Relics. 37. Topography of Stratford-on-Avon. 38. History of Stratford-on-Avon. 39. Guild Chapel and Adjoining Buildings. 40. Snitterfield. 41. Neighbourhood of Stratford-ou-Avon. 42. Gardening. — Botany. — The mulberry-tree. 43. Unconnected Shakespeares. 44. Condition. — Old Houses. 45. Domestic Life. 46. Agriculture. — Rural Life. 47. Natural History. 48. London to Dover. ^ ,i o77382 4 49. 50. Money-takers. — Prices of Admission. — Seats. 51. Play-bills.— Transit.— Flags. 52. 53. 54. The Revels. 55. 56. The Theatre. 57. The Curtain Theatre. 58. The Globe Theatre. 59. The Blackfriars' Theatre. 60. The Rose Theatre. 61. The Hope Theatre. 62. The Fortune Theatre. 63. The Red Bull. 64. Paris Garden. — Bear Gardens. 65. The Whitefriars' and Salisbury Court Theatres. 66. Drury-lane. — The Cockpit or Phoenix. 67. The Swan Theatre. 68. Newington-Butts Theatre. 69. The Lord Chamberlain's Company. — The King's Servants. 70. 71. 72. 73. Actresses. 74. Audiences. 75. Scenes. 76. Davenant and Oxford. 77. Religious Belief. 78. Shakespeare the Shoemaker. — Thomas Shakespeare. 79. The Sadlers. — Names of Hamlet and Hamnet. 80. Coat-Armour. 81. Greene; Chettle ; Marlowe. 82. The Nashes. — The Bernards. 83. The Greenes of Stratford-on-Avon. 84. Lord Southampton. 85. Pedigrees. 86. Birth-day.— The Font.— Boyhood. 87. Patrons and Friends. 88. Fairs and Markets. 89. Scotland. 90. Will Witnesses. — John Robinson: Robert Whatcott ; Francis Collins. 91. Legatees. — Thomas Russell ; William Reynolds ; William Walker ; Richard Tyler. 92. Taverns, Ale-houses, &c., and their general character. 93 Stratford-on-Avon to Worcester, Gloucester, &c. 94. The Church. 95. Doubtful Traditions. 96. Armin. 97. Benfield.— Brvan. 98. Burbage. 99. Condell. 100. Cooke. — Cowley. — Crosse. — Ecclestone. 101. Field. 102. Gabriel. — Gilburne. — Goughe. — Harvey. 103. Heminges. — Humphrey. 104. Kemp. 105. Knell. — Theatrical Wagers. 106. Lowin. 107. Ostler.— Phillips. 108. Pope. — Rice. — Robinson. 109. Rossil.— Shank —Sinklow. 110. Sly. 111. Swanston. 112. Tarlton. 113. Tawyer.— Taylor. 114. Tooley. 115. Underwood. — Wilson. 116. Sharers and Hirelings. 117. Disguisings. — Dumb-shows. — Mummings. 118. The Earl of Leicester's Servants. 119. 120. 121. Taverns at and near Stratford-ou-Avon. 122. Fires at Stratford-ou-Avou. 123. Spenser. 124. Orthography and Signatures. 125. Players at and near Stratford-on-Avon. 126. Local Satires and Names. 127. Treatment of Wife. 128. Corn and Malt. 129. Shakespeare as an Actor. 130. The Rowington Copyhold. 131. The Mill Bridge and Wier Brake. 132. Attributed Verses. — The Armada. 133. Early Notices. 134. Emoluments of Actors and Dramatists. 135. 136. 137. English Actors on the Continent. 138. Social Position of Actors. — Alleged Profanity and Immorality of the Stage. 139. Vice.— Fool.— Clown.— Devil. 140. Days. — Times. — Places. 141 . Prologue. — Epilogue. — Prayers. 142. Dancing. — Songs. — Jigs. — Extempore Wit and Buf- foonery. 143. Rehearsals. — Prompter. — Door-keeper. — Stage-keeper. — First Performances. 144. Lights.' — Orchestra. 145. Puppet-plays. — Drolls. — Motions. Contents of the Drawers on the East side of the Biography Room, 1. Hotteu's Scrap-books. 2. Copy and Cyphering-books. 3. Plate Paper. 4. Austrian Foolscap Paper. 5. Carpentering Orts. 6. Prospectuses. 7. Brown Paper. 8. Printing and Book-production generally. 9. Impressions of Wood- cuts. 10. Mill-boards. 11. 12. Illustrations' Memoranda. 13. Reams of Note-paper. 14. Old Paper. 15. Holy-boards. 16. Book-covers. 17. 18. Postage Envelopes. 19. Open Sesame. 20. Plain-paper Books. 21. The Large Scales. 22. 2.3. Drawing-boards. 24. Books for binding. 25. 26. Dodd's Albums. 27. Borrowed Books. 28. Newspapers. Contents of the lower Case of Drawers on the East side of Ante-room. 1 . Plate-paper Bags. 2. Parchment. 3. Foolscap Paper. 4. Quarto Facsimile Papers. 5. Quarto Facsimile Books. 6. String. 7. Carpenters' Tools. 8. F'apcr Fasteners, 8 9. Book- Post Wrappers. 10. Flattening Papers. 11. Waste Plain Paper. 12. The Garden. 13. Kitchen Bills. 14. The Shakespeare Fund. 15. White Mill-boards. 16. Bradawls and Gimlets. 17. Sorted String. 18. Plain Envelopes. Contents of the middle Case of Drawers on the East side of Ante-room. 1. Sealing-wax. 2. Indian Rubber. 3. Parcel Labels. 4. Tracing Paper. 5. Foreign Paper and Envelopes. 6. Needles and Thread. 7. India-rubber Bands. 8. 9. Indian Ink. 10. 11. Pencils. 12. Tack. 13. Screws, 14. Nails. 15. Nippers. 16. Brushes. 17. Waste Cards. 18. Visiting Cards. 19. Letter Paper. 20. Steel Pens. 21. Measures. 22. Gum. 23. Magnifying-glasses. 24. Knives. 25. Scissors. 26. 27. 28. Ellen and Katey. Contents of the tipper Case of Drawers on the East side of the Ante-room. 1. Camel-hair Brushes. 2. Insurance Companies. 3. Printed Addresses. 4. Printed Note-paper. 5. Parcel Quills. 6. Thick Note-paper. 7. Subscription Circulars. 8. Plain Note-paper. 9. Plain Receipt-papers. 10. Receipt Stamps. 11. Receipt-papers under .£50. 12. Red-ink Quills. 13. Quills. 14. Seals. 15. Restoration of old Writing. 16. Glue. 17. 18. New Pins. 19. Wafers. 20. 21. Penny Stamps. 22. Crow-quills, 23. Stationers' Circulars. 24. The Cleft-stick Circular. 25. Old Pins. 26. The Council of Ten. 27. Study-candle Ends. 28. Study Candles. 10 Contents of the Flats. 1. Maps and Plaus. 2. Large Sheets of Plain Paper. 3. Blotting-paper. 4. Thin Packing-paper. 5. Rulers. Contents of the Draivers under the Oak Book-case on the West side of Study. Draivings, Engravings, ^c. A. Anne Ilathaway's Cottage and Shottery. T5. The Birth-Place and Henlev Street. ('. (^harlccotc. D. New Place, Chapel Street, Ciiapel Lane, and Church Street. E. Engraved Portraits. F. Facsimiles. G. Stratford-on-Avou, miscellaneous. H. Holy Trinity Church. L The Crab-tree Legend. J. Jonrneys. K. The Neighbourhood of Stratford-on-Avon. L. London. M. Warwickshire, miscellaneous. N. Windsor and Neighbourhood. O. Life of Shakespeare. P. The Monumental Effigy. Q. ]\Laps and Plans. R. Theatres; Actors; Southwark. S. The Birth-Place, recent. T. Long London Views. U. The Guild Chnpcl. Contents of the Drawers under the Oak Book-case on the South side of Study. 1. General Preface; Grammar; Metre; Spurious Plays 11 2. Bibliogi'aphy ; Priiiter8 ; Copyright. 3. Forgeries. 4. The Tempest. 5. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. 6. The Merry Wives of Windsor. 7. Measure for Measure. Comedy of Errors. 8. Much Ado about Nothing. Love's Labour's Lost. 9. A Midsummer Night's Dream. 10. The Merchant of Venice. 11. As You Like It. The Taming of the Shrew. 12. All's Well that Ends Well. Twelfth Night. 13. The Winter's Tale. 14. King John. Richard the Second. 15. Henry the Fourth. 16. Henry the Fifth. 17. Henry the Sixth. 18. Richard the Third. 19. Henry the Eighth. 20. Troilus and Cressida. 21. Coriolanus. Titus Andronicus. 22. Romeo and Juliet. 23. Timon of Athens. 24. Julius Csesar. 25. Macbeth. 26. Hamlet. 27. King Lear. 28. Othello. 29. x\ntony and Cleopatra. Cymbcliue. 30. Pericles. 12 31 . Venus and Adonis. Lucrece. 32. The Sonnets. The Passionate Piljijrim. Contents of the Drawers in the Oak Case on the East side of Study. A. Unanswered Letters. I. Unanswered Letters B. Research Books, K. Research Papers. C. Post Office. L, London, D. Study Appliances. M. Business Papers. E. Medical. N, Receipts, r. 0, Travelling Memorar G. P, H. Answered Letters, Q. There are a few others, the exact number of drawers in the three rooms being 328, INDEX REFERENCES. Alasco, Merchant of Venice. Arden, Joyce. An aunt, Armin, Robert. Actor. Aston-Cantlowe. Banks'-Horse. Bare, George. Barnard. Barnes, George. Barton-on-the-Heath. Bates, John. Belch, Sir Toby. Benfield, Robert. Actor. Bernard. Bottom, Nick. Boult, a servant. Bryan, George. Actor. Buck, Sir George. Bull-calf, Peter, of the Green. Burbage, Richard. Actor. Burton-Heath. Catling, Simon. Clopton. Collins^ Francis. Combe. Condell, Henry. Actor. Cook, William. Cooke, Alexander. Actor. Corin. 13 Court. A soldier. Cowley, Richard. Actor. Crosse, Samuel. Actor. Curtis. A servant in T. S. Dogberry. Doit, John, of Staffordshire. Dombleton, i. e. Dumbleton. Dommelton, i. e. Dumbleton. Double. Dover. Drama. Droeshout. Drop-lieir. Dumbleton. Ecclestone, Williaai. Actor. Elkins, Catherine. An aunt. Evans, Hugh. Feeble, Francis. A recruit. Feste. A jester. Field, Nathaniel. Actor. Fluellen. Ford. Frogmore. Froth. Fulwood, John. Gabriel. An actor. Gadshill. Gam, David. Gilburne, Samuel. Actor. Gilliams. A servant. Globe Theatre. Gough, Robert. Actor. Grindstone, Susan. Hacket, Cicely. Hacket, Marian. Hall, John. Hart. Harvey. An actor. Hathawav. Hemmiugs, John. Actor. Heuley-in-Arden. Hewyns, Agnes. An aunt. Hill, John. Hour, Humphrey. Hunsdou, Lord. Jeaffes, Humphrey. Johnson, Gerard. Jonson, Ben. Keepdown, Kate. Kemp, William. Actor. Knell, an Actor. Lambert, Joan. An aunt. Lipsbury Pinfold. London. Lowin, John. Actor. Martext, Sir Oliver. Miiier, Edward. ]Minikin, Matthew. Monarch©. Mouldy, Ralph. A recruit. Naps, John. Nash. Nightwork, Jane and Robin. Oatcake, Hugh. Okl Stratford. Ostler, William. Actor. Overdone, Mistress. 14 Paris Garden. Partlct, Dame. Pcrkcs^ Clement. Peto. Phillips, Angustine. Actor. Pickbone, Francis. Pimiicrnell; Henry. Pinch, a schoolmaster. Players. Play-houses. Poetry. Pope, Thomas. Potpan. A servant. Prat, Mother, of Brentford. Pudding, Lusty. Puff of Barson. Quickly, Mistress. Quince, the carpenter. Quiney. Raynoldes, William. Rice, John. Actor. Robinson, John. Robinson, Richai-d. Actor. Rochester. Rogoby, John. Rossil. An actor. Rugby, John. Russell, Thomas. Sadler, Hamlet. Seacoal, George. Shadow, Simon. Shakespeare. Shank, John. Actor. Shawe, Julius. Shortcake, Alice. Shottcry. Sinklow. An actor. Sly, William. Actor. Chris- topher and Stephen Sly in the Taming of the Shrew. Smile, Jane. Sneak. A musician. Soundpost, James. Southampton, Earl of. Southwark. Spenser, Gabriel. An actor. Squash, Mistress. Squele, Will. Stage-plays. Starveling, the tailor. Stockfish, Sampson. Stratford-on-Avon. Stringer, Agnes. An aunt. Sugarsop, a servant. Sure-card. Tarlton, Richard. Tawyer. An actor. Taylor, Joseph. Actor. Tearsheet, Doll. Theatres. Thump, Peter. Tooley, Nicholas. Actor. Turf, Peter. Underwood, John. Actor. Walker, Sir Edward. Walker, William. Wart, Thomas. A recruit. Warwickshire. 15 ^^ ebbe, Margaret. An aunt. Whatcott, Robert. Williams. A soldier, Wilraeeote. Wilson, John. Wincot. Windsor. Woncot. Regnal Years, 1558 to 1649. 1 El izabetb, 17 November, 1558, to 16 November , 1559 2 El izabeth, 17 November, 1559, to 16 November , 1560 3 El izabetb^ 17 November, 1560, to 16 November , 1561 4 El izabethj 17 November, 1561, to 16 November , 1562 5 El izabeth. 17 November, 1562, to 16 November , 1563 6 El izabeth, 17 November, 1563, to 16 November 1564 7 El izabeth, 17 November, 1564, to 16 November , 1565 8 El izabetb, 17 November, 1565, to 16 November, 1566. 9 El izabeth, 17 November, 1566, to 16 November 1567 10 El izabeth, 17 November, 1567, to L6 November, 1568. 11 El izabeth, 17 November, 1568, to 16 November, 1569. 12 El izabeth, 17 November, 1569, to L6 November, 1570. 13 El izabeth, 17 November, 1570, to 16 November 1571 14 El izabeth, 17 November, 1571, to 16 November, 1572. 15 El izabeth, 17 November, 1572, to 16 November, 1573. 16 El izabeth, 17 November, 1573, to L6 November^ 1574. 17 El izabeth, 17 November, 1574, to 16 November 1575. 18 El izabeth. 17 November, 1575, to 16 November, 1576. 19 El izabeth. 17 November, 1576, to 16 November, 1577. 20 El izabeth, 17 November, 1577, to 16 November , 1578 21 El izabeth, 17 November, 1578, to 16 November, 1579. 22 El izabeth, 17 November, 1579, to 16 November 1580. 23 El izabeth, 17 November, 1580, to 16 November 1581. 24 El izabeth, 17 November, 1581, to L6 November, 1582. 25 El izabeth, 1 7 November, 1582, to 16 November , 1583 26 El izabeth. 17 November, 1583, to 16 Novemberj 1584 27 El izabetli. 17 November, 1584, to 16 November 1585 28 El izabeth. 17 November, 1585, to 16 November 1586 29 El izabeth. 1 7 November, 1586, to 16 November 1587 ii7?a82 16 30 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1587, to 16 November, 1588. 31 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1588, to 16 November, 1589. 32 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1589, to 16 November, 1590. 33 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1590, to 16 November, 1591. 34 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1591, to 16 November, 1592. 35 Elizabeth, 17 NoveiTiber, 1592, to 16 November, 1593. 36 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1593, to 16 November, 159-1. 37 Elizabeth, 17 November, 159i, to 16 November, 1595. 38 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1595, to 16 November, 1596. 39 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1596, to 16 November, 1597. 40 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1597, to 16 November, 1598. 41 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1598, to 16 November, 1599. 42 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1599, to 16 November, 1600. 43 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1600, to 16 November, 1601. 44 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1601, to 16 November, 1602. 45 Elizabeth, 17 November, 1602, to 24 March, 1603. 1 James, 24 March, 1603, to 23 March, 1604. 2 James, 24 March, 1604, to 23 March, 1605. 3 James, 24 March, 1605, to 23 March, 1606. 4 James, 24 March, 1606, to 23 March, 1607. 5 James, 24 March, 1607, to 23 March, 1608. 6 James, 24 March, 1608, to 23 March, 1609. 7 James, 24 March, 1609, to 23 March, 1610. 8 James, 24 March, 1610, to 23 March, 1611. 9 James, 24 March, 1611, to 23 March, 1612. 10 James, 24 March, 1612, to 23 March, 1013. 11 James, 24 March, 1613, to 23 March, 1614. 12 James, 24 March, 1614, to 23 March, 1615. 13 James, 24 March, 1615, to 23 March, 1616. 14 James, 24 March, 1616, to 23 March, 1617. 15 James, 24 March, 1617, to 23 March, 1618. 16 James, 24 March, 1618, to 23 March, 1619. 17 James, 24 March, 1619, to 23 March, 1620. 18 James, 24 March, 1620, to 23 March, 1621. 19 James, 24 March, 1621, to 23 March, 1622. 20 James, 24 March, 1622, to 23 March, 1623. L7 21 James, 24 March, 1623, to 23 March, 1621. 22 James, 24 March, 1621, to 23 March, 1625. 23 James, 24 March, 1625, to 27 Marcli, 1625. {Fow days.) 1 Charles, 27 March, 1625, to 26 March, 1626. 2 Charles, 27 March, 1626, to 26 March, 1627. 3 Charles, 27 March, 1627, to 26 March, 1628. 4 Charles, 27 :\rarch, 1628, to 26 March, 1629. 5 Charles, 27 March, 1629, to 26 March, 1630. 6 Charles, 27 March, 1630, to 26 March, 1631. 7 Charles, 27 March, 1631, to 26 March, 1632. 8 Charles, 27 :March, 1632, to 26 March, 1633. 9 Charles, 27 March, 1633, to 26 March, 1634. 10 Charles, 27 March, 1634, to 26 March, 1635. 11 Charles, 27 March, 1635, to 26 March, 1636. 12 Charles, 27 March, 1636, to 26 ^Slarch, 1637. 13 Charles, 27 March, 1637, to 26 March, 1638. 14 Charles, 27 March, 1638, to 26 I\Iarch, 1639. 15 Charles, 27 March, 1639, to 26 March, 1640. 16 Charles, 27 March, 1640, to 26 March, 1641. 17 Charles, 27 March, 1641, to 26 March, 1642. 18 Charles, 27 March, 1642, to 26 March, 1643. 19 Charles, 27 March, 1643, to 26 March, 1644. 20 Charles, 27 March, 1641, to 26 March, 1645. 21 Charles, 27 March, 1645, to 26 INIarch, 1646. 22 Charles, 27 March, 1646, to 26 March, 1647. 23 Charles, 27 March, 1647, to 26 March, 1648. 24 Charles, 27 March, 1648, to 30 January, 1619. During the -Commonwealth, from 30 January, 1649, to 29 May, 1660, ordinary dates were used ; hut a practice of usinped below University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. ijX.^4. V .l_.iV>Ji i. \LlF0aNl4 T ; • ^oatents ox — - tue drawers in my AA 000 369 495 7 ^jitli©E=J^oj?ms. DEMCO l»*N PR 2931 H15 ^