!iUD(KianiVWIIUBUUUtKIMn«rUUUUatMKMMiUUfiWJtlUMH«niMMIM»B«ll^^ 11 .v 2884 Z9 E8 tlO 1S5 EARLY EDITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE IN ETON COLLEGE LIBRARY hB^^^^^^H t . ^'yM'>(mruiAnHKnHKHiO(>aa«VMi(M%nAiuu/«R-uKMiiuuiHiiif4iwHuuni^ BflCltgrN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY or / ^i;j;^ U«6j^ j^rnr-^^L^ t' ^^-^^ '^ jl^^^^U-^o..^^^-^^ /<5 ^^^^ ETON SHAKESPEARIANA E-Vorv (^JJUUiji , LAlor,8v/ri. . A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE EARLY EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE PRESERVED IN THE LIBRARY OF ETON COLLEGE PRINTED FOR THE COLLEGE 1909 LOAN STACK COMPILED FOR THE COLLEGE BY WALTER W. GREG, M.A., & PRINTED BY HORACE HART, M.A., AT THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I— QUARTOS The Troublesome Reign of King John, 1622 Henry IV, Part i, 1639 Romeo and Juliet, 1637 The Whole Contention of Lancaster and York [1619] A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1600 Love's Labour's Lost, 163 i . The Merchant of Venice, 1600 The Merchant of Venice, 1637 . The Merchant of Venice, 1652 . Richard III, 1634 .... King Lear, 1608 .... King Lear, 1655 .... The Taming of the Shrew, 1631 Richard II, 1634 .... Hamlet, 1637 Henry V, 1608 .... Troylus and Cressida, 1609 Othello, 1655 The London Prodigal, 1605 Pericles, 1619 .... Pericles, 1635 .... Sir John Oldcastle, 1600 SECTION II— FOLIOS The First Folio, 1623 . The Second Folio, 1632 The Third Folio, 1664 . The Fourth Folio, 1685 SECTION III— CRITICAL SUMMARY PAGE I 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 12 13 14 15 16 275 ALPHABETICAL INDEX QUARTOS SUMMARY PAGE PAGE All's Well that Ends Well .... l8 Antony and Cleopatra 24 As You Like It . . . i8 Comedy of Errors 17 Contention of Lancaster and Yo rk • 3 Coriolanus .... 22 Cromwell, Thomas Lord . 25 Cymbeline 24 Hamlet .... 7 23 Henry IV, part i 2 19 Henry IV, part ii 19 Henry V .... 8 20 Henry VI, part i 20 Henry VI, part ii 20 Henry VI, part iii 21 Henry VIII 21 John, King .... 19 John, Troublesome Reign of I Julius Caesar .... 23 Lear 6 24 Locrine 26 London Prodigal 9 25 Love's Labour's Lost . 4 17 Macbeth 23 Measure for Measure . i6 Merchant of Venice . 4 17 Merry Wives of Windsor . i6 Midsummer Night's Dream 3 17 Much Ado about Nothing 17 Oldcastle, Sir John . ID 26 Othello 9 24 Pericles lO 25 Puritan 26 Richard II 7 19 Richard III .... 5 21 VIM ALPHABETICAL INDEX QUARTOS SUMMARY PAGE PAGE Romeo and Juliet 2 22 Taming of the Shrew .... 7 I8 Tempest l6 Timon of Athens 23 Titus Andronicus 22 Troylus and Cressida .... 8 21 Twelfth Night I8 Two Gentlemen of Verona i6 Winter's Tale i8 Yorkshire Tragedy 26 N.B. In the descriptions a single stroke indicates the end of a line, a double stroke a rule across the page. The term ' printer's mark ' is used to indicate any distinctive device used on the title-page. In some cases the device was the property of the publisher. When reference is made to unsigned leaves the signature is enclosed in brackets. SECTION I— QUARTOS The collection consists of twenty-two editions of eighteen plays in twenty parts, including, however, several plays not by Shakespeare. The plays are bound in five volumes, and have a uniform measure- ment of ^\ X 5 J inches except where otherwise stated. THE I Firft and fecond Part of | the troublefome Raigne of I lOHN King of England. | IVi^/i the difco7icrie of King Richard Cor-|delions Bafe fonne (vulgarly named, the Baftard | Fauconbridge :) Alfo the death of King | lohn at Swinftead Abbey. | As they were {fundry times) lately acted. II Written by W. SHAKESPEARE. || [printer's mark] | London, | Printed by Aug: Maihezvcs for Thomas Dewe, and are to | be fold at his fhop in St. Dunftones Church- 1 yard in Fleet-flreet, 1622. [I i.] Head-title] The troublefome Raigne of | King lOHN. THE I Second Part of the | troublefome Raigne of | King lOHN. I Containing, | The entrance of Lewis the French \ Kings fonne : with the poyfoning of | King loHN by j a Monke.\\ Written by W. Shakespeare. || [printer's mark]| London, | Printed by Atig: Mathewes for Thomas Dewe, and 1 are to be fold at his fhop in St. Dunftones | Church-yard in Fleet-ftreet, 1622. Head-title] The fecond part of the trouble- ]fome Raigne of King lohn. Running-title] The troublefome Raigne \ of King fo Jin. Collation : 4", sigs. A-L^M'^, 46 leaves, unnumbered. Title-page, [A] i (verso blank). Part I. Text with head-title, A 2 (G 3V blank). Part H. Title-page, [G] 4. Verses ' To the Gentlemen Readers', [G] 4*^. Text with head-title, H i. Catchwords : A-B, Nor L-M, Bajiard [for Bajl.\ In verse and prose ; not divided. B 2 ETON COLLEGE This is the third edition, previous quartos having appeared in 1 591 and 161 1. The first edition gave no author's name ; the second bore ' Written by W. Sh.' The play formed the basis of Shakespeare's King John first printed in the folio of 1623. A fine clean copy wanting the title-page to Part I. Other copies : B.:M. T.C.C. Dyce. THE I HISTORIE | OF \ Henry the Fourth: | WITH THE BATTELL AT | Shrewsbury, betweene the King, | and Lord Henry Percy, furnamed | Henry Hotfpur of the ] North. II With the humorous conceits of Sir | lOHN Falstaffe. II Newly corrected, \ By j WiLLlAM Shake-speare. II LONDON, \ Printed by John Norton, and are to be fold by | HvGH Perry, at his fliop next to Ivie-bridge | in the Strand, 1639. [I 2.] Head-title] THE j HISTORY OF Henry | the Fourth. Running-title] The Hijlory of \ Henry the Fourth. Collation : 4°, sigs. A-KS 40 leaves, unnumbered. Title-page, [A] i (verso blank). Text with head-title, A 2. Catchwords : A-B, Poy. [for Poi7ies\ I-K, For In verse and prose; not divided. In binding the present volume \ inch has been cut off the fore- edge and \ inch from the top, but it remains a good copy. Other copies: B.M. Bodl. T.C.C. THE IMOST I EXCELLENT | And Lamentable Tragedie | ofROMEOand | JULIET. | Asit hathbeen fundry times publikely Acted | by the KINGS Majefties Servants j at the Globe, j Written by W. Shake-fpeare. \ Neivly corrected, augmented., and amended, j [printer's mark] | L ON DON, I Printed by R. Young for John Smethivicke, and are to be fold at | his Shop in St. DunJJans Church-yard in Fleetflreet, | under the Dyall. 1637. [I 3.] Head-title] THE MOST EXCEL-|LENT AND LAMENTABLE | Hiflorie of RoMEO and | Juliet. Running-title] The niojt lamentable Tragedy \ ofRomto and Juliet. Collation : 4", sigs. A-L*, 44 leaves, unnumbered. Title-page, [A] i. 'The Prologue. Chorus', [A] iv. Text with head-title, A 2 (L 4^ blank). Catchwords: k-H, Rom. K-L, Have In verse and prose, with verse prologue ; not divided. SHAKESPEARIANA 3 This quarto is about J inch short of the general measurement each way, but is still a good copy. Other copies : B.M. Bodl. U.L.C. T.C.C. THE I Whole Contention | betvveene the two Famous | Houfes, Lancaster and | Yorke. | With the Tragicall ends of the good Duke \ Humfrey, Richard Duke of Yorke, | and King Henrie the \ fixt. \ Diuided into two Parts : And newly corrected and | enlarged. Written by William ^/m/^ > The Tragedy of Locrine. I The Fourth ^rt'zV/^;^. || [printer's v^^.xV'WLONDON, \ Printed for H. Herringman, E. Breiujier^ and R. Bentley, at the Anchor in the | Nezu Exchange, the Crane in St. Pauls Church- Yard, and in | R?iJJ'el-StrtQi Covent- Garden. 1685. [within double rules] [IV.] Head-title] 77/^ Works ^/WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR ; ^tf«/a/«m^ all his Comedies, \ Hijiories, and Tragedies ; Truly fet forth according to their firjl Original. Collation : F^, sigs. [?P A*, A-Y« Z* Bb-Zz^ *Aaa-*Ddd« *Eee« Aaa-Zzz' Aaaa-Bbbb' Cccc^ [misprinting D3 as C3, U3 as U2, Bb as B and Cc as C throughout, Dd3 as D3, leaving Ee3 un- signed, misprinting Oo as Pp, *Aaa 3 as *Aa 3, *Eee and *Eee 2 as Eee and Eee 2, and using U and u in the single and double, but V and v in the treble, alphabets], 458 leaves, 6 unnumbered, remainder paged (A i) 1-272 [misprinting 33 as 23, omitting 97-8, misprinting 107 as 109 and 109 as 11 1, omitting 161-2, misprinting 190 and 191 as 186 and 187, 219 as 221, 246 as 234, 255 as 243, repeating 254 and 255, and leaving two pages un- numbered after 272], (Bbi) I-328 [misprinting 88 as 87, 93 as 92, 225 as 224], (Aaa i) I-303 [misprinting 67 as 76]. Engraved portrait above verses ' To the Reader*, [?] i^ (recto blank). Title-page, [?] 2 (verso blank). Epistle dedicatory, A I. Address to the readers, [A] 2. Commendatory verses (Digges, one copy unsigned, J. M., Jonson, J. M. S., one copy unsigned, Holland), [A] 1^. List of Actors and Catalogue with head-title, [A] 4 (verso blank). The leaf L i is printed in smaller type than the rest. This is a fine copy, measuring 13^ by 9 inches. The portrait and verses, however, which are mounted, have been supplied from another copy of the same edition, while a duplicate copy of the same leaf is in facsimile. The copy came from the Stowe library, and was bought in 1896. SECTION III— CRITICAL SUMMARY The Tempest. i Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, A i (p. 1) ; ' Epilogue, spoken by Prospero ' and ' Names of the Actors' on [B] 4 (p. 19). So folios 1632 and 1664. Folio 1685 : Epilogue, Sec. on B 3 (p. 1 7). Five acts and scenes in verse and prose, with verse epilogue. First printed in folio 1623. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. a Folio 1623: Text with head-title, [B] 4^ (p. 20) ; 'The names of all the Actors' on D iv (p. 38). So folios 1632 and 1664. Folio 1685 : Text, &c., B 3^ (p. 18) ; Actors on [C] 5^ (p. 34), Five acts and scenes in verse and prose. First printed in folio 1623. The Merry Wives of Windsor. 3 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, D 2 (p. 39). So folios 1632 and 1664. Folio 1685 : Text, &c., [C] 6 (p. 35). Five acts and scenes in verse and prose. An earlier version of this play was printed in quarto under the title of ' A Most pleasaunt and excellent conceited Comedie, of Syr lohn Falstaffe, and the merrie Wiues of Windsor' in 1602, a second edition appearing in 1619. A quarto of the later version was printed from the folio in 1630. Measure for Measure. 4 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, F i (p. 61) ; 'The names of all the Actors ', with ornament below, on [G] 6'^ (p. 84). So folios 1632 and 1664. Folio 1685 : Text, &c., [E] 4 (p. 55) ; actors, G 2" (p. 76). Five acts and scenes in verse and prose. First printed in folio 1623. SHAKESPEARIANA 17 The Comedy of Errors. 5 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, H i (p. 85) ; ornament at end on I 2'^ (p. 100). So folios 1632 and 1664. Folio 1685 : Text &c., on G 2^ (p. 76) ; no ornament at end. Five acts in verse with occasional prose. First printed in folio 1623. Much Ado about Nothing. 6 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, I 3 (p. loi). So folios 1632 and 1664. Folio 1685 : Text Sec, H 3^ (p. 90). Five acts in verse and prose. The play was published in quarto in 1600, and it was from a copy of this edition, corrected for the stage, that the text of the folio was printed. Love's Labour's Lost. 7 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, L iv (p. 122). So folios 1632 and 1664. Folio 1685 : Text &c., on [I] 6^ (p. no). Five acts in verse and prose. The play was first published in quarto in 1598, from a copy of which edition the text of the folio was printed. A later quarto which appeared in 1631 was printed from the folio. A Midsummer Night's Dream. 8 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, N i (p. 145). So folios 1632 and 1664. Folio 1685 : Text &c., [L] 4V (p. 130). Five acts in verse and prose. There are two quartos of this play bearing the date 1600. Of these the earlier is that printed ' for Thomas Fisher'. The quarto printed * for lames Roberts', the date of which is open to suspicion, is a reprint. The folio text was printed from Roberts' quarto. The Merchant of Venice. 9 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, [0] 4 (p. 163). So folios 1632 and 1664. Folio 1685 : Text Sec, [M] 6^ (p. 146). Five acts in verse and prose. Of this play also two quartos appeared with the date 1600, one printed ' by I. R. for Thomas Heyes ', the other ' by I. Roberts '. On the relation of the texts and the priority of the editions bibliographers are not agreed, the genuineness of the imprint of the * Roberts ' D i8 ETON COLLEGE quarto being open to question. The text of the folio was printed from the * Heyes ' quarto, and so was that of a late quarto which appeared in 1637 and was re-issued with a new title-page in 1652. As You Like It. 10 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, Q 3 (p. 185) ; ornament at end on S 2 (p. 207). So folio 1632. Folio 1664 : no ornament at end. Folio 1685 : Text &c., [O] 4^ (p. 168) ; no ornament. Five acts and scenes in verse and prose. First printed in folio 1623. The Taming of the Shrew. 1 1 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, S 2^ (p. 208) ; ornament at end on V I (p. 229). So folio 1632. Folio 1664 : no ornament at end. Folio 1685 : Text &c., on Q 2^ (p. 188) ; no ornament at end. Five acts in verse and prose. An edition in quarto was printed from the folio text in 163 1. Of the earlier version known as * The Taming of a Shrew ' quartos appeared in 1594, 1596 and 1607. Airs Well that Ends Well. 12 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, V iv (p. 230) ; ornament at end on Y IV (p. 254). So folios 1632 and 1664. Folio 1685 : Title &c., on [R] 6v (p. 208) ; no ornament at end. Five acts in verse and prose. First printed in folio 1623. Twelfth Night, or What You Will. 13 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, Y 2 (p. 255) ; ornament at end on [Z] 6 (p. 275), verso blank. So folio 1664. Folio 1632: no ornament at end. Folio 1685: Text &c., on [T] S^ (p. 230) ; no ornament at end. Five acts and scenes in verse and prose. First printed in folio 1 623. The Winter's Tale. 14 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, Aa 1 (p. 277) ; 'The Names of the Actors ', with ornament below, at the end of the text on Cc 2 (p. 303), verso blank. SHAKESPEARIANA 19 So folio 1632. Folio 1664 : Actors &c., on [Bb] 8 (p. 303), verso blank. Folio 1685 : Text &c., X 3V (p. 250) ; Actors, [Z] 4 (p. 273), verso blank. Five acts and scenes in verse and prose. First printed in folio 1623. The Life and Death of King John. 15 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, a I (p. l) ; ornament at end on [b] 5V (p. 22). Folio 1632 : no ornament at end. Folio 1664 : Text &c., Cc i (p. 305). Folio 1685 : Text &c., Bb i (p. i). Five acts and scenes in verse. First printed in folio 1 623. Quartos of the earlier two-part play called * The Troublesome Raigne of John King of England ' upon which it is founded, appeared in 1591, 1611 and 1622. The Life and Death of King Richard the Second. i5 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, [b] 6 (p. 23). So folio 1632. Folio 1664 : Title &c., [Dd] 6 (p. 327). Folio 1685 : Text &c., on Cc 4 (p. 20). Five acts and scenes in verse. Quarto editions appeared in 1597, 1 598, 1608 (two issues with different title-pages), 161 5 and 1634. The second, third and fourth editions were each printed from that immediately preceding, but the third contained the ' new additions of the Parliament Sceane, and the deposing of King Richard'. The folio text was printed from a corrected and altered copy of the fourth edition ; while the quarto of 1634 was printed from the second folio. The First Part of King Henry the Fourth. 17 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, [d] 5^ (p. 46) ; ornament at end on [f] 6 (p. 73). So folio 1632. Folio 1664: Text &c., [Ff] 5^ (p. 350) ; ornament on [Hh] 6 (p. 375). Folio 1685 : Text &c., Ee 3 (p. 41) ; no ornament. Five acts and scenes in verse and prose. The play appeared in quarto in 1598, 1 599, 1604, 1608, 1613, 1622, 1632, and 1639. Each quarto was printed from its immediate predecessor, the folio text with corrections from the quarto of 161 3. The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth. 18 Folio 1623: 'Induction' (= Sc. i) and text with head-title, [f] 6^ (p. 74) ; ornament at end of text on [gg] 7^ (p. 100) ; * Epilogue ', [gg] 8 ; ' The Actors Names ', [gg] 8v. 20 ETON COLLEGE Folio 1632: Ornament on i i^ (p, 100); epilogue, i 2; actors, i 2v. Folio 1664: Induction &c., [Hh] 6^ (p. 376) ; ornament, LI l^ (p. 402) ; epilogue, LI 2 ; actors, Ll2^. Folio 1685 : Induction (ic, on Gg 2 (p. 63) ; no ornament ; epilogue and actors, li 2 (p. 87). Five acts and scenes in verse and prose, with verse induction and prose epilogue. A quarto appeared in 1600, of which there were two issues, the later supplying the omission of Act III, sc, i in the earlier. The folio text was printed from an independent manuscript. The Life of King Henry the Fifth. 19 Folio 1623: Prologue and text with head-title, hi (p. 69); ornament at end on k 2 (p. 95). Folio 1632: Prologue &c., i 3 (p. 69) ; ornament on h 4 (p. 95). Folio 1664 : Prologue &c., LI 3 (p. 405) ; ornament on [Nn] 4 (p. 431). P'olio 1685 : Prologue &c., I i 2^ (p. 88) ; no ornament. Five acts in verse and prose, with prologue and chorus in verse. A different version of this play, with the title * The Chronicle History of Henry the Fift', was thrice printed in quarto with the dates 1600, 1602 and 1608. In the last case the date is open to question. Both the later quartos were printed from the first. The First Part of King Henry the Sixth. 20 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, k 2^ (p. 96) ; ornament at end on m 2 (p. 119). Folio 1632: Text &c., [1] 4^ (p. 96) ; ornament on [n] 4 (p. 119). Folio 1664: Text &c., [Nn] 4V (p. 432); ornament on [Pp] 4 (p. 455). Folio 1685 : Text &c., LI 2^ (p. 112) ; no ornament. Five acts (and scenes in Acts III and IV only) in verse. First printed in folio 1623. The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth. 21 Folio 1623: Text with head-title, m 2^ (p. 120) ; ornament at end on 03V (p. 146). Folio 1632 : Text &c., [n] 4^ (p. 120) ; ornament on [p] 5^ (p. 146). Folio 1664: Text &c., [Pp] 4^ (p. 456); ornament on [Rr] 5V (p. 482). Folio 1685 : Text &.C., Nn I (p. 133) ; no ornament. In verse and prose ; not divided. A different version of this play was printed in quarto under the title of ' The First Part of the Contention betwixt the two Famous Houses of York and Lancaster' in 1594, 1600 (possibly twice), and 1619. SHAKESPEARIANA 21 The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth. 32 Folio 1623 ; Text with head-title, [0] 4 (p. 147) ; ornament at end on [q] 4^ (p. 172). Folio 1632: Text &c., [p] 6 (p. 147) ; ornament on [r] 6^ (p. 172). Folio 1664 : Text Sec, [Rr] 6 (p. 483) ; ornament on [Tt] 6^ (p. 508). Folio 1685 : Text iScc, Pp I (p. 157) ; no ornament. In verse ; not divided. A different version of this play was printed in quarto under the title of ' The True Tragedy of Richard Duke of York ' in 1 595, 1600 and 1619. The Tragedy of King Richard the Third. 23 Folio 1623: Text with head-title, [q] 5 (p. 173); ornament at end on t 2v (p. 204). Folio 1632 : Text &c., f I (p. 173) ; ornament on [v] 4^ (p. 204), Folio 1664 : Text &c., Vu l (p. 509) ; ornament on [Yy] 4V (p, 540). Folio 1685 : Text &c., [Qq] 6^ (p. 180) ; no ornament. Five acts and scenes in verse. Editions of this play appeared in quarto in 1597, 1598, 1602, 1605, 1612, 1622, 1629 and 1634. Except in the case of the quarto of 1612, which was printed from that of 1602, each edition was printed from its immediate predecessor. The text of the folio was from an independent manuscript. The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth. 24 Folio 1623 : ' The Prologue ' and text with head-title, t 3 (p. 205) ; ' The Epilogue ', with ornament below, on [x] 4^ (p. 232). Folio 1632 : Prologue &c., [v] 5 (p. 205) ; epilogue &c. on [y] 6^ (p. 232). Folio 1664 : Prologue &c., [Yy] 5 (p. 541) ; epilogue &c. on [Aaa] 6^ (p. 568). Folio 1685; Prologue &c., Tt 2V (p. 208) ; epilogue only on Xx 2v (p. 232). Five acts and scenes in verse (and prose, V. iii only). First printed in folio 1623. The Tragedy of Troylus and Cressida. 25 Folio 1623: 'The Prologue', [?] i (unnumbered); text with head-title, [?] i^ (unnumbered, followed by 79, 80) ; ornament at end on IFIT^ i (unnumbered) verso blank. Folio 1632: Prologue, aa i (p. 1) ; text &c., aa 1^ (p. 2) ; orna- ment on cc 3 (p. 29). Folio 1664 : Prologue, Bbb I (p. 560 repeated) ; 22 ETON COLLEGE text &c., Bbb iv (p. 561 repeated) ; ornament on [Ddd] 3 (p. 588). Folio 1685 ; Prologue and text &c., Xx 3 (p. 233) ; no ornament. In verse and prose ; not divided. The play was printed in quarto in 1609, two issues differing in the title-page and preliminary matter being issued. The text of the folio was printed from an independent manuscript. The Tragedy of Coriolanus. 26 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, aa I (p. l). Folio 1632 : Text &c., cc 3V (p. 30). Folio 1664 : Text (Sec, [Ddd] 3V (p. 589). Folio 1685 : Text &c., Zz 3^ (p. 258). Five acts in verse and prose. First printed in folio 1623. The Lamentable Tragedy of Titus Andronicus. 27 Folio 1623: Text with head-title, [cc] 4 (p. 31); ornament at end on ee 2V (p. 52). Folio 1632 : Text &c., [ee] 6^ (p. 60) ; ornament on [gg] 5 (p. 81). Folio 1664; Text Sec, [Fff] 6^ (p. 620); ornament on [Hhh] 5 (p. 641). Folio 1685 : Text &c., [*BbbJ 5 (p. 2S5) ; no ornament. Five acts in verse. Quarto editions appeared in 1594, 1600 and 161 1, from a corrected copy of the last of which the folio text was printed with the addition of one scene (numbered ii by modern editors) in Act III. Each quarto was printed from its immediate predecessor. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. 28 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, ee 3 (p. 53) ; ornament at end on Gg I (p. 77). Folio 1632: Text &c., [gg] 5^ (p. 82); ornament on [ii] 5^ (p. 106). Folio 1664 : Text &c., [Hhh] 5^ (p. 642) ; ornament on [Kick] 5V (p. 666). Folio 1685 : Text &c., *Ddd 3 (p. 305) ; no ornament. In verse and prose ; not divided. The play was first printed in an imperfect version in a quarto dated 1597. A second quarto, containing the full text, appeared in 1599. Later editions bear the dates 1609 and 1637, the former being printed from that of 1599, while the latter was printed from an undated quarto, itself printed from that of 1609. The text of the folio was also printed from the quarto of 1 609. SHAKESPEARIANA 23 The Life of Timon of Athens. 29 Folio 1623: Text with head-title, Gg iv (p, 78); ornament at end of text on [hh] 5^ (p. 98) ; 'The Actors Names', [hh] 6 (unnumbered), verso blank. Folio 1632 : Text &c., [ii] 6 (p. 107) ; ornament on [U] 4 (p. 127) ; actors, [11] 4V (p. 128). Folio 1664: Text &c., [Kkk] 6 (p. 667) ; ornament on [Mmm] 4 (p. 687) ; actors, [Mmm] 4^ (p. 688). Folio 1685 ; Actors and text with head-title, Aaa I (p. i) ; no ornament. In verse and prose ; not divided. First printed in folio 1623. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. 30 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, kk 1 (p. 109) ; ornament at end on [11] 5^ (p. 130), Folio 1632 : Text &c., [11] 5 (p. 129) ; ornament on nn 3^ (p. 150). Folio 1664 : Text &c., [Mmm] 5 (p. 689) ; ornament on Ooo 3^ (p. 710). Folio 1685 : Text &c., [Bbb] 4^ (p. 20) ; no ornament. Five acts in verse, with occasional prose. First printed in folio 1623. The Tragedy of Macbeth. 31 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, [11] 6 (p. 131). Folio 1632: Text &c., [nn] 4 (p. 151). Folio 1664: Text See, [Ooo] 4 (p. 711). Folio 1685 : Text &c., Ddd 2^ (p. 40). Five acts and scenes in verse (and prose in III. iii, and V. i only). First printed in folio 1623. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. 3a Folio 1623: Text with head-title, [nn] 4^ (p, 152); ornament at end on qq i^ (p. 282). Folio 1632 : Text &c., pp 2^ (p. 272) ; ornament on [rr] 5^ (p. 302). Folio 1664 : Text &c., Qqq 2^ (p. 730) ; ornament on [SffJ 5^ (p. 760). Folio 1685 : Text &c., [Eee] 6 (p. 59) ; no ornament. In verse and prose ; divided as far as II. ii only. The first quarto, containing an imperfect version of the play, appeared in 1603. In 1604 the full version was printed, and the sheets of this edition were re-issued the following year with the date alone altered. Subsequent editions are dated 161 1 and 1637, the former being printed from that of 1604-5, the latter from an undated quarto itself a reprint of that of 161 1. The text of the folio was printed from an independent manuscript. 24 ETON COLLEGE The Tragedy of King Lear. ;^^ Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, qq 2 (p. 283). Folio 1632 : Text &c., [rr] 6 (p, 303). Folio 1664 : Text &c., [Sff ] 6 (p. 761). Folio 1685 : Text &c., Hhh 2 (p. 87). Five acts and scenes in verse and prose. Two quartos of this play bear the date 1600, and purport to have been printed for the same publisher, N. Butter. Of these the one bearing his address is the earlier ; the other, the genuineness of whose imprint is open to question, is a reprint. A third quarto was printed from the second in 1655. The text of the folio was printed from an independent manuscript. The Tragedy of Othello^ the Moor of Venice. 34 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, ff 3^ (p. 310). 'The Names of the Actors ', with ornament below, at end of text on [vv] 6 (p. 339). Folio 1632 ; Text &c., vv i^ (p. 330) ; actors &.c. on [yy] 4 (p. 359). Folio 1664 : Text &c., Xxx iv (p. 788) ; actors &c. on [Zzz] 4 (p. 817). Folio 1685 : Actors and text with head-title on Kkk 2 (p. Ill) ; no ornament at end. Five acts and scenes in verse and prose. The play was first printed in quarto in 1 622. The text of the folio was printed from an independent manuscript and contains passages not found in the quarto. In 1630 appeared another quarto printed from that of 1622 with insertion of the missing passages from some source independent of the folio. A third quarto, styled on the title-page ' The Fourth Edition ', was printed from the second in 1655. The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra. ^5 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, [vv] 6^ (p. 340) ; ornament at end on zz 2^ (p. 368). Folio 1632: Text &c., [yy] 4^ (p. 360) ; no ornament. Folio 1664 : Text &c., [Zzz] 4V (p. 818); ornament on [Bbbb] 6^ (p. 846): Folio 1685 : Text &c., Mmm 3^ (p. 138) ; no ornament. In verse and prose ; not divided. First printed in folio 1623. The Tragedy of Cymbeh'ne. 36 Folio 1623 : Text with head-title, zz 3 (p. 369) ; ornament at end of text wilh colophon below on [bbb] 6 (p. 399), verso blank. SHAKESPEARIANA 25 Folio 1632 : Text &c., bbb i (p. 389) ; colophon on [ddd] 4 (p. 419), verso blank. Folio 1664 : Text &c., Cccc i (p. 847) ; ornament at end on [Eeee] 4 (p. 877), verso blank. Folio 1685: Text &c., [Ooo] 5 (p. 165) ; no ornament. Five acts and scenes in verse and prose. First printed in folio 1623. Pericles Prince of Tyre. (^7} Folio 1664: Text with head-title, a i (p. i) ; ' The Actors Names', with ornament below, [b] 4"^ (p. 20). Folio 1685 : Actors with head-title, Rrr i (p. 193) ; text, Rrr i^ (p. 194); no ornament. Five acts in verse and prose, with chorus in verse by Gower, whose entrances do not, however, correspond with the division into acts. Of this play two distinct editions appeared in 1 609, with title- pages printed from the same setting of type. The later of these is distinguished by having the stage direction on A 2 misprinted 'Eneer Gower '. Subsequent quartos appeared in 161 1, 1619 (with signatures continuous with * The Whole Contention '), 1630 (two issues differing in the imprint), and 1635. Each quarto was printed from its immediate predecessor except the last which was printed from that of 16 1 9. The folio text was printed from the quarto of 1635. The London Prodigal. (38) Folio 1664: Text with head-title, * i (p. i) [for actors see below]. Folio 1685 : Actors and text with head-title, [Sss] 4^ (p. 212). In verse and prose ; not divided. The original edition, ascribed to Shakespeare on the title-page, appeared in quarto in 1605. The Life and Death of Thomas Lord Cromwell. (39) Folio 1664: Text with head-title, *^* i (p. 17); 'The Actors Names' to 'Cromwell', the 'London Prodigal', and 'Oldcastle', [****] 4^ (p. 32)- Folio 1685 : Actors and text with head-title, [Ttt] 6 (p. 227). In verse and prose ; not divided. Printed in quarto in 1602 and 1613 as ' Written by W. S.' E 26 ETON COLLEGE The History of Sir John Oldcastle, the Good Lord Cobham. (40) Folio 1664 : ' The Prologue ' and text with head-title, ITA i (P- 33) ; ornament at end on [ITB] 5^ (p. 54) [for actors see above]. Folio 1685 : Actors and prologue with head-title, Xxx i (p. 241) ; text on Xxx i^ (p. 242). In verse and prose ; not divided. Two quarto editions, in which the play is described as ' The first part ', 'appeared with the date 1600. The play was written by Drayton, Hathway, Munday and Wilson in collaboration in October 1599, and is correctly stated in the earlier of the two quartos to have been performed by the Lord Admiral's men. This quarto, which is anonymous, bears the initials of the printer V. S. The second quarto, printed from the first, ascribes the play to Shakespeare, and bears the imprint 'London printed for T. P. 1600', the genuineness of which is open to question. The Puritan, or The Widow of Watling Street. (41 ) Folio 1664: Text with head-title, [1FB] 6 (p. 55); 'The Actors Names,' ITE i^ (p. 74). Folio 1685 : Actors and text with head-title, [Yyy] 5^ (p. 262). Five acts in prose. The original edition appeared in quarto in 1607 as ' by W. S.' A Yorkshire Tragedy. (42) Folio 1664: Text with head-title, ^K 2 (p. 75); ornament at end on IFF 1 (p. 81). Folio 1685 : Text &c., Aaaa 2^ (p. 280) ; no ornament. In verse and prose ; not divided. Quartos of this play appeared as ' Written by W. Shakespeare ' in 1608 and 1619. In these the head-title runs : 'All's One, or One of the four Plaies in one, called a Yorkshire Tragedy '. The Tragedy of Locrine. (43) Folio 1664: Text with head-title, ITF 1^ (p. 82); Ornament at end on [ITG] 6^ (p. 100). Folio 1685 : Text &c., [Aaaa] 5^ (p. 286) ; no ornament ; [Cccc] 2v blank. Five acts and scenes in verse and prose. The original edition of this play appeared in quarto in 1595 as ' By W, S.' SHAKESPEARIANA 27 N.B. Each of the three later folios was printed from its immediate predecessor as regards the original plays, and that of 1685 from that of 1664 also as regards the additional pieces. The third folio was originally prepared for 1663 and was not intended to include the additional plays. A title-page showing this state is preserved. In the descriptions given above the genuineness of certain imprints has been called in question. This arises from the fact that evidence of a collection of Shakespearian plays earlier than the first folio has recently been discovered. The quartos in question are: A Midsummer Nights Dream (' Printed by lames Roberts ') 1600, The Merchant of Venice (' Printed by J. Roberts') 1600, Sir John Oldcastle ('printed for T. P.') 1600, King Lear (without publisher's address) 1608, Henry V 1608, The Merry Wives of Windsor 1619, A Yorkshire Tragedy 1619, The Whole Contention (two parts, i.e. The First Part of the Contention between York and Lancaster, and The True Tragedy of Richard Duke of York) [1619], and Pericles 1619 (the signatures of the last two being continuous). There is no doubt that these plays were issued bound in a single volume early in the seventeenth century, and it has been argued with some force that the quartos in question were in reality all printed about 1619. See A. W. Pollard in the 'Academy' for 2 June 1906 and W. W. ( ireg in the ' Library ' for April and October 1908. With the exception of the plays just mentioned the account of the textual relations of the quartos and folios given above follows that of the editors of the Cambridge Shakespeare. The following test readings in the verses facing the title-pages of the four folios are useful for detecting made up copies. The table should supersede that given by G. AL R. Turbutt in the description of the Bodleian copy of the first folio, which is not accurate. 2 3 5 1623 Shakefpeare Grauer wit 1632 Shakefpeare Graver Wit 1664 Shakefpeare Graver Wit 1685 Shakefpear Graver Wit 7 8 face ; braffe. Face ; Braffe. Face; Brafie. Face ; Brafs. X RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO^^- 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 < 5 ALL BOOKS AAAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be rwi^red toy caM»no 642-3408 DUEASSTAMPlb'BirtfW"'^ ^^^^fitr^ffo » UCT 10 ;933 CIR<"II' A^'ON DHPT. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY ; FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1/83 BERKELEY CA 94720 YD044S16