GIFT OF 8061 '12 A ^ on oro 01 19U CONCRETE HIGHWAYS OF T UNIVERSITY Published by ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN PORTLAND CEMENT MANUFACTURERS Philadelphia Penna. CONCRETE HIGHWAYS Third Edition PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN PORTLAND CEMENT MANUFACTURERS LAND TITLE BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, PA. COPYRIGHT, 1914, BY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN PORTLAND CEMENT MANUFACTURERS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Blome Granocrete Pavements 30 Conclusion 50 Good Highways: How to Build Them 6 Grouted Pavements Hassam Type 48 Hassam Type Grouted Pavements 48 Introduction 5 Joint Protection Plates 46 One-Course Pavement 13 Reinforced Concrete Pavements 42 Specifications for One-Course Concrete Pavement 57 Specifications for Two-Course Concrete Pavement 62 Specifications for Reinforced Concrete Pavement : 57~62 Tabular Digest of Some Concrete Pavements 65 Two-Course Pavement 26 Utility of Concrete as a Highway Material . . ." 9 Various Types of Concrete Pavements 12 291040 Concrete Highways INTRODUCTION The purpose of a road is to provide the shortest and easiest possible means of passage between different points. The earliest roads of history were the great highways History of for war and commerce extending into districts not readily Highways accessible by water. Most of these, however, were merely footpaths, until the Carthaginians began and the Romans developed the science of road building. The best of these Roman roads were three feet thick, laid in four courses. A foundation of large flat stones laid in lime mortar was covered with a well-compacted concrete of lime and broken stones in the proportion of about one to three. On top of this was placed another layer of concrete, which was not tamped and which was a mixture of old building materials and hot lime. The wearing course consisted of irregularly shaped flat stones, about six inches thick, carefully fitted and laid in lime mortar. This form of construction was undoubtedly not the first method used, but was the result of much experience. Even these early road builders ap- preciated the value of placing in the road a material providing a positive mechanical bonding strength between the stones. With the fall of the Roman Empire came a decline in road construc- tion and for several centuries no further attempt was made to improve highways. The revival of paving came in the building of streets in the larger cities. This was followed by the improvement of the through routes between the centers of population. It was not until the latter part of the i8th century and the early part of the 1 9th, that a truly scientific attempt was made at road build- ing. The methods employed during that period are in use to-day, in slightly modified form, in our country and village roads. The decided change in the mode of transportation Effects of on our highways during the last few years has necessitated Changes in new methods of construction. The lasting quality of a Traffic macadam road depends greatly upon the natural cement- ing value of the stone composing it. Until the advent of the automobile, the binding material of the surface was disturbed by the horses' shoes and blown away by the wind ; more binder was then chipped off the stone, compressed by the steel-tired vehicles and reformed by ab- sorbing moisture from the atmosphere. The automobile prevents this FIG. i. COMMONWEALTH AVE., NEWTON, MASS. Note wear on macadam as shown by string and block of wood. Worn down four inches in less than one year. remaking of the binder. The action of the rear driving-wheels displaces not only the surface binder but the road materials as well, scattering them beyond recovery. (Fig. i.) When this occurs rain penetrates the road and softens the base and foundation. The road in turn settles, break- ing the bond and thus permitting the loosened stones to be displaced. In order to prevent these defects a permanent binder, Permanent such as cement, must be incorporated with the other road Binder materials. The most exact and economical method of corn- Required bining Portland cement with the materials at present used in road construction is to mix it with them, forming concrete. GOOD HIGHWAYS HOW TO BUILD THEM The first and most important essential for a successful pavement is a firm and unyielding sub-base. Since all the loads Firm Sub-base brought upon the surface are transferred to the base, that base must be in a condition to sustain these loads; that is, it must be dry and thoroughly compacted, and it must not contain any vegetable, perishable or yielding matter. [6] FIG. 2. LASALLE-OGLESBY ROAD, ILL. Concrete road subjected to floods which ruined all.previous roads. A proper and lasting sub-base can be secured only Good by keeping out moisture. Drainage must be established Drainage so as to facilitate the flow of water away from the sub- soil and even from the side ditches as quickly as possible. The sub-base must be dry, fairly hard and unyielding, or no material placed upon it will prove satisfactory in giving low cost of maintenance and long life. (Fig. 2.) Upon such a well prepared sub-base is laid a "foun- Dependable dation for the wearing surface." Experience has demon- Foundation strated the fact that concrete makes the best foundation. The concrete must be properly proportioned, well mixed, and laid smooth to conform to the grade of the finished pavement. Con- crete properly proportioned and mixed is impervious to water a most essential feature for a "wearing surface foundation." Water cannot penetrate to the carefully prepared sub-base and destroy it, rendering it unfit to sustain traffic. Concrete will not only sustain the pressure im- posed upon it by traffic, but will distribute the same over a considerable area, thus much reducing the load to be carried by the sub-soil. This FIG. 3. CONCRETE ROAD, NAZARETH, NORTHAMPTON Co., PA. characteristic of concrete makes possible the laying of a pavement upon many sub-soils, the cost of the preparation of which would be prohibitive were concrete not used. A concrete foundation when once laid will give an asset which can be counted on for all time, while a broken stone foun- dation is necessarily of a more or less temporary nature, owing to its dis- placement under travel and its disappearance into the soil which supports it. The success of those city streets which have stood so many years with little cost of maintenance under heavy traffic conditions can be traced directly to well-built concrete foundations. In city and town streets it is frequently necessary to lay or make re- pairs to pipes. This can easily be accomplished on a concrete street and the concrete can be replaced leaving the surface in perfect condition. The traffic upon highways is increasing yearly. Lasting Wear- Each year highways are subjected to constantly increas- ing Surface ing loads. The public demands rapid transportation and quick delivery of its goods; consequently the nature of traffic is rapidly changing from horse-drawn to motor-driven vehicles. [8 Moreover, the public demands that all unimproved highways be surfaced and that these surfaces be kept in good condition. If roads are built in accordance with the ordinary methods of country road construction, under the new conditions of traffic, their life is short and their cost of maintenance is high. With a little more care in construction, the concrete foundation, which is essential to every wearing surface, can be allowed to take the wear itself, thus giving a permanent pavement of low cost. (Fig. 3.) This use of concrete as a wearing surface, as well as a foundation, makes possible permanent highways, where otherwise the cost would be beyond the financial resources of many communities. UTILITY OF CONCRETE AS A HIGHWAY MATERIAL Concrete possesses all the essentials and fulfills all the requirements of a good pavement. The cement holds the aggregate in Permanence position so firmly that the action of the most rapidly moving vehicles will not disturb it. Wear under iron- bound traffic is scarcely perceptible. Therefore the length of service ob- FIG. 4. A CONCRETE HIGHWAY, MORRIS TURNPIKE, WARREN Co., NEW JERSEY. FIG. 5. CONCRETE AUTOMOBILE TRACK, MOLINE, ILL. tained, and the lack of maintenance charges, as well as the cheapness in first cost, permit the taxes to be used for the construction of new roads rather than upon the maintenance of those already built. A very light transverse grade is required to make Comfort the road self-cleaning and to carry the surface water to the side gutter or ditch. In roads requiring a higher crown for drainage, travel takes the center of the road, so that all the wheels may be at about the same height. On concrete roads, due to their flat slopes, traffic is not forced to the middle of the pavement, but can comfortably keep to the side and thus avoid danger in passing other vehicles. (Fig. 4.) Upon the smoothness of the road depend the cost and comfort of travel, and the price of a marketable product to the consumer. Concrete can be made as smooth as is desired to allow the proper foothold for horses, thus giving the least resistance to traction with the consequent quick and cheap delivery of goods and the pleasure of the traveler. There is no material in road construction which can be made to con- form so easily and harmoniously with the general color scheme of the surroundings as can concrete. By mixing mineral pigment with the con- crete any color of roadway desired can be obtained. (Fig. 5.) [10] ^BK3r1 "rnWH^ FIG. 6. CONCRETE ROAD, LAKE SHORE ROAD, KENOSHA, KENOSHA Co., Wis. The bulk of the materials from which good concrete Use of is made can be found in nearly every locality. Where the Local sand, gravel and stone are to be had from local pits and Materials quarries, the normally low cost of concrete roads can be still further reduced by the use of these local materials, with a consequent saving of freight charges. Most of the labor for the preparation of the materials and for the mixing and placing of the concrete can be secured in the locality in which the road is to be built. By the utilization of home products and home labor the money expended on the concrete road remains in the community paying for it. Bond issues are required in many cities and town- Value ships to obtain the necessary funds for pavement and road construction. Unless concrete is used in the work, the pavements are entirely worn out long before the bonds mature. The result is that the public must either increase their bonded indebtedness or suffer the inconvenience of using bad highways. This inconvenience will reduce the earning capacity of the community and the value of the adjacent property. [ill The real cost of an improvement is measured by the Cost service which it yields in proportion to the money in- vested in it. The chief elements in real cost are first cost and maintenance expense. (Fig. 6.) The first cost of a road is dependent largely upon the cost of the materials entering into its construction. When proper materials are to be had locally, the first cost of a concrete pavement is slightly in excess of the initial cost of a first-class water-bound macadam road. Where the materials must be brought from a distance, a concrete road can generally be built at less expense than any other type, due to the smaller amount of materials needed for a road of concrete. As has been explained, under combined traffic the macadam roads fail rapidly. This necessitates extensive and continuous repairs. The average amount expended per mile per year for maintenance and repairs during the last five years in the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island was $649. During 1912 it amounted to $814. The cost of surface repairs and refilling of joints during 1913 of the 51 miles of concrete roads built previous to that time in Wayne County, Michigan, was $28.43 per mile including over-head charges. Certainly no community can afford to invest its taxes in any class of roads known to deteriorate rapidly, requiring a large yearly expenditure for maintenance, since concrete as a road material is little higher in first cost and is practically without cost of maintenance. VARIOUS TYPES OF CONCRETE PAVEMENTS The first concrete roads in this country were built over twenty years ago. Naturally the method of construction of these roads followed the ordinary lines of sidewalk building. Subsequent development has produced the following types of Concrete Highways : (a) One-Course Pavement. That in which the full depth of the pavement is built in one layer and of the same mixture throughout. (See Specifications, page 57.) (b) Two-Course Pavement. Consists of a base of a rather lean mixture and a wearing surface of a rich mixture. (See Specifications, page 62.) (c) One and Two -Course Pavement Reinforced. (See Specifications, pages 57 and 62.) (d) Grouted Pavement. Broken stone pavement, grouted with Portland Cement Mortar. (See page 48.) FIG. 7. MICHIGAN AVE., WAYNE Co., MICH. ONE-COURSE PAVEMENT Michigan Avenue, Wayne County, Michigan Built 191 1 Thickness 7 inches; width 1 6 to 20 feet; length 7^ miles. Joints placed every 25 feet and filled with one layer of three-ply tar paper; edges protected by Baker armored plates. Crown y^o" the width of pavement. Built by the Board of County Road Commissioners, Detroit, Mich. Commissioners: John S. Haggerty, Chairman, William Murdoch, Ed- ward N. Hines. Engineers: George A. Dingman, George A. Burley, George F. Key. The concrete was proportioned I part Portland cement ; I J/ parts sand (graded from \ inch down, with the dust out) and 3 parts gravel (graded from }4 to iJ4 inches). The concrete was mixed with a batch mixer, which moved under its own power. A boom attached to the mixer carries a bucket into which the concrete is dumped direct from the mixer. This boom swings in a [13] FIG. 8. GRAND RIVER ROAD, WAYNE Co., MICH. semi-circle, and is long enough to allow the concrete to be deposited direct from the bucket in place on the road. To confine the concrete within the proper limits and to provide forms along the side of the road, a 2 x 8-inch plank was firmly staked to line and grade. The upper edge of each plank was protected by an angle iron. A strike-off templet, made from a 2 x 8-inch plank, cut to the proper crown, and with its lower edge steel bound, was moved along the top of the side forms. This was followed by a heavy 2 x 8-inch plank box templet-tamper, also traveling on the top of the forms. Two finishers with wooden floats worked from a bridge supported on the side forms. It will be noted that these side pieces act not only as forms, but also provide a track upon which rest all the necessary tools to shape and finish the concrete. By the use of these tools and the bridge, all labor was absolutely kept off the road during the placing and finishing of the concrete. Before the concrete hardened the forms were removed and the edges beveled by breaking them down with a shovel. This was done in order to remove abrupt edges and to better join the road with the shoulders. 14] FIG. 9. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION ON GRAND MICH. BUILT 1911. Thickness 7 inches; width 16 feet; length 2^2 miles. Construction similar to Michigan Avenue, at a cost of $1.35 per sq. yard, with mixer, conveying bucket, templet tamper, bridge for finishers, and joint protecting plates held together by clamps which are later removed. After the concrete was sufficiently hard to bear the weight of a man, the surface was covered with about 2 inches of sand or earth and sprinkled with water several times daily for one week. All travel was kept off for two weeks. On each side of the concrete a gravel shoulder was built varying in width from 2 to 4 feet, and 8 inches deep. Trolley tracks are along one side of the road. Between these tracks and the road a longitudinal con- crete tile drain was laid. On the other side an open ditch was dug. The cost of the concrete in place was about $1.47 per square yard. OTHER EXAMPLES OF ONE-COURSE PAVEMENTS Main Street, South Milwaukee, Wisconsin Built 1913 Thickness 6 inches at edge, 8 inches in center; width 50 feet. Proportions: I part Portland cement, 2 parts sand, 3>^ parts gravel (graded from y^ to \]/2 inches). Batch mixer used. Joints: Steel protected, y inch wide, filled with tar paper, every 30 feet across street, and longitudinal in center; continuous joints also along curbs. Concrete laid on sandy clay sub-soil. Surface finished with wooden float. Protected by light cover of dirt kept wet for five days. Traffic barred for three weeks. Cost: $1.35 per square yard. H. J. Kuelling, Engineer. Greenfield Avenue, Ardmore, Montgomery Co., Pa. Built 1913 Thickness 5 inches at edge, 7 inches in center; width 16 feet; length 1419 feet; crown 2 inches. Proportions: I part Portland cement, 2 parts sand, 4 parts gravel. Batch mixer used. Joints: % inch wide, filled with tar, every 25 feet across street. Foundation laid on old macadam. Surface finished by brooming. Protected by light cover of sand kept wet for one week. Traffic barred for two weeks. This street subjected to excessive motor truck traffic. Cost: $1.30 per square yard. John S. G. Dunne, Engineer. Ambler & Davis, Contractors. 16] FIG. 10. MAIN STREET, SOUTH MILWAUKEE, Wis. FIG. ii. GREENFIELD AVENUE, ARDMORE, MONTGOMERY Co., PA. Jennings Street, Sioux City, Iowa Built 1911 Thickness 5 inches; width 38 feet; length 21 miles of this class of street. Proportions: I part Portland cement, 3 parts sand, \Yi parts stone (Sioux Falls Jasper, graded M to ij^ inches). Joints: J/ inch wide, filled with asphalt every 25 feet across street and continuous along curbs. Laid on 14 per cent, grade, with surface grooves across street Yi inch deep, every 5 inches. To allow mortar to take wear, the stone was forced below surface by tamping with special tool, 12 inches square faced with J^-inch bars set on diagonal edge, 1 inch apart. Laborers kept off concrete by "eternal vigilance and use of big stick." Protected by sprinkling for four days. Traffic barred for three weeks. Temperature reached 35 F. below zero during winter of 191112 without ill effect to the pavement. Cost: $1.27 per square yard. K. C. Gay nor, City Engineer. Flinn & Hanlon, Contractors. Front Street, Boise, Idaho Built 1909 Thickness 8 inches; width 69^ feet; length about I mile. Crown 9 inches, straight slope. Proportions: I part Portland cement, 3 parts sand (30 per cent, voids), 7 parts gravel (graded from M to 2^2 inches). Batch mixer used. Joints : Yi inch wide, filled with tar, pitch and sand heated together and poured hot (two applications required to complete joint) every 25 feet across the street and continuous along curbs. Finished with wooden float. Protected by 2-inch layer of earth sprinkled for one week. Traffic barred for twenty-eight days. Care exercised in construction has been well repaid. Has stood traffic from freight depots, heaviest in city, for four years with only $10.00 spent on maintenance. Cost: $1.15 per square yard. Ern G. Eagleson, City Engineer. J. B. Marcellus, Assistant Engineer. J. Gustafson, Contractor. [18] FIG. 12. JENNINGS STREET, Sioux CITY, IOWA. FIG. 13. FRONT STREET, BOISE, IDA. [19] Elkton-Northeast State Road, Cecil Co., Md. Built 1913 Thickness 5 inches at sides, 7 inches at center; width 16 feet; length 2 miles. Proportions: I part Portland cement, 2 parts sand, 4 parts gravel. Joints: Filled with tar paper, every 25 feet across the street. Laid on sandy clay sub-soil. Protected by sprinkling for seven days. Traffic barred for two weeks. Cost: $1.20 per square yard. H. G. Shirley, State Highway Engineer. E. Ward Brown, Contractor. College Campus, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa Built 1912 Thickness 6 inches at sides, 7 inches at center; width 26 feet; length 2400 feet. Proportions: I part Portland cement, 2^ parts sand, 5 parts stone. Joints: ^ inch wide filled with asphalt every 50 feet across street, and Y inch asphalt filled joints continuous along curbs. Finished with wooden float. Protection: No effort made to protect road during hardening of concrete. Traffic barred two weeks. Cost: 95 cents per square yard. T. H. MacDonald, State Highway Commissioner. Contractor: Done by Force account. 20 FIG. 14. ELKTON- NORTHEAST STATE ROAD, CECIL Co., MD. FIG. 15. COLLEGE CAMPUS, IOWA STATE COLLEGE, AMES, IOWA. [21] Bonneauville Road, McSherrystown, Pennsylvania Built 1909 Thickness 5 inches; width 16 feet; length about J^ mile. Proportions: I part Portland cement, 3 parts sand, 5 parts broken stone. Hand mixed. Joints: % inch wide, filled with sand and clay, every 50 feet across the road. Built on earth fill, 2 to 4 feet deep, covered by 5-inch well-rolled Telford foundation. Earth shoulder, 3 feet wide on one side and rip-rap on the other. This road is flooded at times of high water, and has with- stood this action admirably. Other types of road washed away. Protected by spreading canvas. Traffic barred for one week. Cost: 83 cents per square yard, exclusive of grading and Telford. Pennsylvania State Highway Commission. Edward S. Frey, Assistant Engineer. W. B. Johnston, Contractor. Cemetery Road, Red Oak, Iowa Built 1911 Thickness 6 inches; width 14 feet; length about J/ mile; crown 3 inches. Proportions: I part Portland cement, 2 parts sand, 4 parts limestone (graded J4 to !}/% inches). Joints: J4 mcn wide, filled with asphalt, every 16 feet across road. Edges of joints rounded to small radius. Wooden templet used to give crown. Laid on grade from flat to 5 per cent. Tamped with 25 pound tool. Finished by rough troweling and brooming. Planks used to keep laborers off concrete. Cost: $1.27 per square yard. Richard Roberts, Engineer. J. S. McLaughlin & Sons, Contractors. [22 FlG. 16. BONNEAUVILLE ROAD, McSHERRYSTOWN, PA. FIG. 17. CEMETERY ROAD, RED OAK, IA. [23] Chelsea Street, Memphis, Tennessee Built 1910 Thickness 6 inches; width 36 feet; length I mile. Proportions: I part Portland cement, 2.^2 parts sand, 4^2 parts crushed stone. Joints: Every 50 feet across street, filled with #j inch creosoted pine boards. Protected by ^2 inch layer of sand kept wet for 3 days. Cost: $1.17 per square yard. J. R. Weatherford, Engineer. Hillsboro Road, Greenville, Illinois Built 19 1 o Thickness 8 inches; width 1 6 feet; length 3000 feet. No crown, straight slope of I inch. Proportions: I part Portland cement, 2\^ parts sand, 5 parts limestone. Joints: % inch wide, filled with pitch, every 25 feet across road. Laid on soft, muddy bottom, without longitudinal grade. Drainage ob- tained by deepening side ditches. Concrete tamped until mortar flushed to surface. This road traverses low lands subject to fre- quent floods. The use of concrete as the roadway material saved the expense of raising the road, which would have meant a fill of 16,000 cubic yards. Cost: 92 cents per square yard exclusive of grading. Stone cost 50 cents per cubic yard on the job. H. N. Baumberger, City Engineer. J. Q. Adams, Contractor. FIG. 18. HILLSBORO CONCRETE ROADWAY, GREENVILLE, ILL. Under normal conditions. [24] FIG. 19. CHELSEA STREET, MEMPHIS, TENN. FlG. 20. HlLLSBORO CONCRETE ROADWAY, GREENVILLE, ILL. Flooded but serviceable. [25] TWO-COURSE PAVEMENT Adams Avenue, Mason City, Iowa Built 1910 Thickness: base 5 inches, wearing course 2 inches; width 30 feet; length 4000 feet. Joints: J^ inch wide every 25 feet across the street, and I inch wide con- tinuous along curbs. F. P. Wilson, City Engineer. Geo. Gabfer, Contractor. Upon the sub-soil cleaned of all deleterious matter, well rolled and wetted and shaped to the same curvature as the finished surface, a 5-inch concrete base was placed. The proportions in this mixture were I part by measure of Portland cement, 2 parts by measure of clean, sharp sand, and 5 parts by measure of limestone (graded from J/2 to iV inches). The cement and sand were thoroughly mixed to a mortar in a batch mixer. The proper amount of stone, which had been previously drenched with water, was added. The batch was then mixed until all the stones were thoroughly coated with mortar. The concrete was placed upon the road and tamped until mortar came to the top. The surface was made smooth and parallel with the finished pavement. Within twenty minutes after laying the base, a wearing coat 2 inches thick was added. This was mixed in a batch mixer and consisted of I part by measure of Portland cement to 2 parts by measure of clean coarse sand. The finishing was done with a wooden float and the surface was roughened by the use of a stiff vegetable brush. An expansion joint I inch wide and filled to the top with asphalt applied at a temperature of about 400 F. was made next to the curb on each side of the street. A similar joint was made ^ inch wide every 25 feet across the street. (Latest specifications place expansion joints every ^ The distance between the transverse expansion joints was divided by cuts into sections of 12^/2 feet. These cuts or contraction joints were made by using a steel plate ^ inch thick and 7 inches wide, cut to the de- sired shape of the street. Steel forms were also used for making the ex- pansion joints. All forms for making joints were removed before the concrete had hardened. The edges of the contraction joints were rounded to a radius of }4 [26! FIG. 2i. ADAMS AVE., MASON CITY, IOWA. FIG. 22. RAWLINS ST., MASON CITY, IOWA. 27] inch. In accordance with the new specifications the edges of the ex- pansion joints are protected by soft steel plates similar to those used on Grand River Road in Wayne County, Michigan. (See page 15.) No filler is placed in the contraction joints. Each day for one week after completion the surface was sprinkled with water. The street was closed to traffic for two weeks. The cost of this work was $1.25 per square yard. On some of the streets in Mason City, where concrete paving was laid, the subsoil was soft and swampy. In such cases a narrow ditch was dug 1 8 inches inside of each curb and 18 inches deep below the sub-grade. In each ditch a 4-inch drain tile was laid, and connected with the sewer. The dirt taken from the trench was not replaced, but the space was filled with good, clean, hard-burned cinders, thoroughly rammed, thus insur- ing drainage. In Adams Street longitudinal cuts were made, 10 feet apart, entirely through both surface and base. The surface is corrugated transversely every 5 inches. In the 1912 specifications this practice has been abandoned. OTHER EXAMPLES OF TWO-COURSE PAVEMENTS County Road, Coshocton, Ohio Built 1910 Thickness of base 5 inches, wearing surface I inch; width 18 feet; length 400 feet. Proportions: Base, I part Portland cement, 2 parts sand, 4 parts river gravel. Wearing course, i part Portland cement, 1^4 parts sand. Joints: I inch wide, filled with asphalt, every 10 feet across the road. This road runs through a valley which is flooded with water during every freshet. It was previously a macadam road and washed out with each flood. To make the road passable at all times of the year and to ensure a wearing surface which would not wash away, this road- way was built of concrete. Cost: $1.05 per square yard. David Markley, John Wagner, Allen Haines, Edward Norman, Road Commissioners. Geo. J. Bock & Son, Contractors. [28] FIG. 23. SAND BEACH AVE., BAD AXE, MICH. TWO-COURSE CONCRETE. FIG. 24. COUNTY ROAD, COSHOCTON, OHIO. [29] Barrancas Avenue, Pensacola, Florida T. Earle Thornton, City Engineer. R. S. Blome Company, Contractors. Built in accordance with the R. S. Blome Company's specifications, a digest of which is given below. THE BLOME COMPANY GRANOCRETE CONCRETE PAVEMENT PATENTED, TRADE-MARK REGISTERED DIGEST OF GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS PREPARATION OF SUB-GRADE The sub-grade shall be prepared in such a way as to provide a solid foundation, and shall conform to the lines and grades established by the engineer. MATERIALS The Portland cement shall conform to the standard specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials. All cement shall be care- fully protected from the weather until used. The sand shall be free from clay, loam, vegetable matter, and dust. The grains shall vary in size from one-eighth inch down to the finest and be so graded that the voids, as determined by saturation, shall not exceed 33 per cent, of the volume. The coarse aggregate shall be of good quality of limestone, trap rock, or other hard stone, or of gravel graded in size from 2^/2 inches down, and in the event of stone being used, the same shall not measure under J4 inch in diameter. When delivered on the street, these materials shall be placed in such a manner as to be kept clean until used. MANNER OF CONSTRUCTION OF GRANOCRETE Base: The thickness of the pavement shall be determined by the engineer. Upon the properly prepared sub-grade shall be deposited concrete composed of I part of Portland cement and 8 parts of an aggregate con- sisting of approximately 50 per cent, of broken stone or gravel with particles below J/2 inch eliminated, 15 per cent, of J4 inch stone or gravel, with the dust removed and 35 per cent, of clean torpedo sand. This selection of the several sizes of aggregates is made in order to produce a mass which will have sufficient voids to receive enough of the material constituting the top wearing surface to secure a firm union between the two. [30] FIG. 25. BARRANCAS AVE., PENSACOLA, FLA. The concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer, suitable for the purpose and approved by the engineer in charge. Each batch shall be turned at least five times before being removed from the mixer. SURFACE After the concrete base has been placed and tamped and before it has begun to set, there shall be immediately deposited thereon the sur- facing which shall consist of I part Portland cement, I part coarse sharp sand, and I part of a mass composed of hard, broken stone, conglomerate or gravel of sizes as follows: 25 per cent, of J4 inch size, 50 per cent, of | inch size, 25 per cent, of ^ inch size. In all instances the finer particles shall be eliminated. The surfacing shall be I inch thick after compacting. EXPANSION JOINTS Expansion joints shall be provided where specified by the engineer. They shall extend entirely through the pavement and shall be filled with Blome Company's composition. Whitehall, Baltimore Co., Maryland Built 1911 Thickness of base 4 inches, wearing surface 2 inches; width 12 feet; length 500 feet. Proportions: Base, I part Portland cement, 3 parts sand, 5 parts gravel. Wearing Course, i part Portland cement, I part sand, 2 parts crushed rock. Joints: Every 15 feet diagonally across road. Cost: 973^ cents per square yard. H. G. Shirley, Baltimore Co., Engineer. Contractor: Force account. Wisconsin Avenue, Sheboygan, Wisconsin Built 1911 Thickness of base 4^ inches at gutter; 6^ inches at center; width 30 feet; length 6000 feet. Proportions: Base, i part Portland cement, 3 parts sand, 5 parts lime- stone. Wearing Course, 40 per cent. Portland cement, 50 per cent, graded granite chips, 10 per cent. sand. Batch mixer used. Reinforcing: American Steel & Wire Company's No. 7 triangular woven wire mesh laid between the wearing surface and base. Joints: ^ inch wide, filled with asphalt, every 40 feet across street, and continuous along curbs. Protected by wetting for 5 days. Traffic barred for 10 days. Cost: $1.25 per square yard. C. U. Bowley, City Engineer. Franz Radloff, Contractor. [32 FIG. 26. CONCRETE ROAD, WHITEHALL, BALTIMORE Co., MD. FIG. 27. WISCONSIN AVENUE, SHEBOYGAN, Wis. [331 Cemetery Road, Washington, Iowa Built 1911 Thickness of base 5 inches, wearing surface 2 inches; width 9 feet; length }/2 mile ; crown I J/2 inches. Proportions: Base, i part Portland cement, 2^/2 parts sand, 5 parts lime- stone (graded l / to \y% inches). Wearing course, I part Portland cement, i}/ parts sand. Continuous mixer used. Joints: I inch wide, filled with tar, every 20 feet across road. Concrete tamped, surface made sloppy wet. Finished with wooden float. Protected by covering with sand, kept wet ten days. Traffic barred eighteen days. Cost: $1.39 per square yard. Carl M. Kech, Chairman, Street Committee. Wallace Treichler, Rock Island, Illinois, Engineer. J. J. McKeone, Contractor. Concrete Pavement in front of C. R. I. & P. Freight Station, Mason City, Iowa Built 1913 Thickness of base 5 inches, wearing surface 2 inches; width 30 and 40 feet. Proportions: Base, I part Portland cement, 2 parts sand and 5 parts crushed rock. Wearing course, I part Portland cement, 2 parts sand. Batch mixer used. Joints: \ inch wide, filled with asphalt, every 37^2 feet across street. Protected by covering with sand kept wet for one week. Traffic barred for two weeks. Cost: Including grading $1.35 per square yard. F P. Wilson, City Engineer. George Gabler, Contractor. [341 FIG. 28. CEMETERY ROAD, WASHINGTON, I A. FIG. 29. CONCRETE PAVEMENT IN FRONT OF C. R. I. & P. RY. STATION, MASON CITY, IA. [351 South Front Street, Milford, Delaware Built 19 1 1 Thickness of base 6^/2 inches, wearing surface about J/2 inch; width 28 feet; length 1500 feet; crown 7 inches. Proportions: Base, I part Portland cement, 2^2 parts screenings, 5 parts broken stone (graded ^ to 3 inches). Wearing course, i part Port- land cement, I Y^ parts trap rock screenings. Batch mixer used. Joints: I inch wide, filled with asphalt and trap rock grits, every 100 feet across the street and along gutters. As soon as base was laid a light coat of mortar was floated upon it. Board templet used to bring to grade, surface then smoothed with shovel. Concrete protected by sprinkling every two hours for three days. Traffic barred for one week. Cost: 95 cents per square yard. Herbert W. Hatton, Wilmington, Delaware, Engineer. Frank Hudson, Contractor. Broadway, De Pere, Wisconsin Built 1910 Thickness of base 6 inches, wearing surface iJ4 inches; width 28 to 56 feet; length 4700 feet. Proportions: Base, I part Portland cement, 3 parts sand, 5 parts broken stone. Wearing course, I part Portland cement, \}A parts crushed granite (graded from T V to J4 inch, dust removed). Continuous mixer used. Joints: % inch wide, filled with asphalt filler, every 50 feet across the street and continuous along curbs. Asphalt filler brought to within }/2 inch of surface, filling finished with sand. Surface tamped, finished with wooden float, and brushed at right angles to center line with steel broom. Planks used to keep laborers off concrete. Protected by canvas until set. Travel barred for ten days. Cost: $1.31 per square yard. W. R. Matthews, City Clerk. McGrath Construction Company, Contractor. [3'6] FIG. 30. SOUTH FRONT ST., MILFORD, DEL. FIG. 31. BROADWAY, DE PERE, Wis. [371 Guilden Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey Built 1908 under Blome Granitoid Patents Thickness of base 5J4 inches, wearing surface i% inches; width 36 feet; length 1800 feet. Proportions: Base, i part Portland cement, 2 parts sand, 5 parts broken stone. Wearing course, i part Portland cement, 2 parts granite chips. Batch mixer used. Joints: % inch wide, filled with Blome preparation, every 40 feet across street and continuous along curbs. Surface floated. Marked in blocks 4^/2 x 9 inches. Bridges, resting on curbs, used for finishers to work upon. Concrete kept wet twenty-four hours. Traffic barred for ten days. Cost: $2.11 per square yard. Fred C. Schneider, City Engineer. Conrad Seobolt, Contractor. Baldwin Street, Harlan, Iowa Built 1911 Thickness of base 4 inches, wearing surface 2 inches ; width 30 feet ; length J/ mile. Proportions: Base, i part Portland cement, 2 parts sand, 5 parts broken stone. Wearing course, i part Portland cement, 2 parts sand. Batch mixer used. Joints: J/2 inch wide, filled with asphalt, every 40 feet across street and along curbs. Corrugated on 6 per cent, grade (in foreground of photograph) and smooth on flat grade. Finished with a wooden float. Planks used to keep workmen off concrete. Protected by light layer of sand, sprinkled twice daily. Travel barred for ten days. Cost: $1.18 per square yard for plain; $1.28 per square yard for cor- rugated. John P. Crick, Omaha, Neb., Engineer. G. Mancini, Contractor. [38] FIG. 32. GUILDEN ST., NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. FIG- 33- BALDWIN ST., HARLAN, IA. [39l Le Mars, Iowa Built 1904 Thickness of base 5 inches, wearing surface i}/2 inches; width 30 feet; length 400 feet; crown 5 inches. Proportions: Base, I part Portland cement, 6 parts coarse gravel. Wearing course, I part Portland cement, 2 parts coarse screened sand. Surface grooved diamond shape by use of special tamper. Subjected to heaviest traffic in town. Cost: $1.25 per square yard. M. A. Moore & C. H. Kehrberg, Contractors. Main Street, New Hampton, Iowa Built 1911 Thickness of base 5 inches, wearing surface 2 inches; w T idth 51 feet; length 1900 feet. Proportions: Base, i part Portland cement, 2 parts sand, 5 parts stone. Wearing course, I part Portland cement, 2 parts sand. Batch mixer used. Joints: Expansion, ^ inch wide, every 33 feet across the street. Longi- tudinal joints, I inch wide along curbs and J^ inch wide 17 feet apart in street. All joints filled with asphalt. Contraction joints cut through pavement, half way between expansion joints across the street. Concrete tamped and finished with a wooden float. Planks used to keep laborers off concrete. Protected by keeping wet for seven days. Traffic barred for twenty-one days. Cost: $1.29 per cubic yard. A. F. Kemman, City Engineer. W. R. Garland & Co., Contractors. [40] ;. 34- LE MARS, IA. 1 FIG. 35. MAIN ST., NEW HAMPTON, IA. [41] REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENTS Doty Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Built 1910 Thickness of base 5 inches, wearing surface i^ inches; width 30 feet; length 4000 feet. Joints placed every 50 feet across the street and along gutters. These were made % inch wide, and filled with asphalt. A 3-inch crown was given to the pavement. J. S. McCullough, City Engineer. J. Rassmussen & Sons Company, Contractors. The proportions of the concrete in the base were I part Portland cement, 2^/2 parts sand, and 5 parts clean crushed limestone. Only the middle 18 feet of the 3O-foot pavement was reinforced. Four inches of the concrete base was laid, and into it was immediately tamped the reinforcing. The reinforcement consisted of No. 7 triangular woven wire mesh, made by the American Steel & Wire Company, and was placed with the large wires across the pavement. The remaining inch of the base was then added. The concrete for the base was mixed in a continuous mixer. Within twenty minutes of the completion of the base was applied the wearing course of a mixture of I part Portland cement, I part clean sharp sand, and I part granite screenings, varying in size from T V to J4 inch. First was spread a layer Yi i ncn thick. This was thoroughly rammed to insure proper bond. A second layer I inch thick w r as imme- diately added and thoroughly troweled and was made to conform to the established grade and cross-section of the street by the use of Roughen's Adjustable Street Gauge. Before the concrete had hardened the surface was roughened by drawing lightly across it an ordinary street broom. The mortar for the wearing surface was mixed in a batch mixer. Along each curb and every 50 feet across the street, a ^-inch expan- sion joint was made by the use of a board or metal form. The joints ex- tended the full depth of the pavement, and care was exercised to insure a uniform width from top to bottom. After the concrete had hardened the forms were taken out, all dirt removed, and the joints filled with an asphalt preparation. If rain came immediately after laying the pavement, the surface was covered with canvas. Otherwise no protecting cover was used. The surface was kept wet for one week after completion and the traffic was barred for two weeks. [42] FIG. 36. DOTY ST., FOND DU LAC, Wis. FIG. 37. DOTY ST., FOND DU LAC, Wis. Finishers working from Roughen's Adjustable Street Gauge [43] Plymouth, Wisconsin Built 1 910 Thickness of base 5 inches, wearing surface ij^ inches; width 42 feet; length 2275 feet. Proportions: Base, i Portland cement, 3 parts sand, 5 parts broken stone. Wearing course, i part Portland cement, i}/2 parts crushed granite (graded J^ inch to dust) . Batch mixer used. Reinforcement: American Steel & Wire Company's No. 7 triangular woven wire mesh, placed between base and wearing surface. Joints: i inch wide, filled with pecky cypress boards, every 40 feet across street and along curbs. The upper edges of the transverse joints were faced with mortar, 2 inches wide and 1 1 /% inches deep, propor- tioned I part Portland cement to I part granite screenings. The wire mesh was laid in strips running across the street and allowed to slightly overlap. Surface brought to grade by use of templet, then troweled smooth, and covered with granite chips, graded from /4 to J4 inch. These were rolled into surface by hand roller. Enough granite chips spread to cover the surface. Planks used to keep workmen off concrete. After thirty-six hours, pave- ment sprinkled for six days. Traffic barred for ten days. Cost : $i .23 Y% per square yard. W. G. Kirchoffer, Madison, Wisconsin, Engineer. Franz Radloff, Contractor. North Sixth Street, Sheboygan, Wisconsin Built 1911 Thickness of base 5 inches in center of street, 3 inches at curbs; wearing surface i% inches; width 30 feet; length Yi mile. Proportions: Base, i part Portland cement, 3 parts sand, 5 parts lime- stone. Wearing course, 40 per cent. Portland cement, 50 per cent, granite chips (graded 20 per cent. T V to % inch, 30 per cent. J4 to % inch) and 10 per cent, torpedo sand. Batch mixer used. Reinforcing: American Steel & Wire Company's No. 7 triangular woven wire mesh, laid between wearing surface and base. Joints: I inch wide, filled with asphalt, every 40 feet across street and continuous with curbs. Base tamped. Top floated and broomed transversely. Roughen's Ad- justable Street Gauge used as templet and as platform to keep laborers off concrete. Concrete protected by wetting for seven days. Travel barred for ten days. Cost: $1.20 per square yard. C. U. Bowley, City Engineer. Franz Radloff, Contractor. l44l -II 3 'Jl. i SB *-r 1 FIG. 38. PLYMOUTH, Wis. FIG. 39. NORTH SIXTH ST., SHEBOYGAN, Wis. [45] Grand Avenue, Highland Park, Michigan Built 1911 Thickness of base 5 inches, wearing surface 2 inches; width 24 feet; length J^ mile ; crown y^-g- width of street. Proportions: Base, i part Portland cement, 3 parts sand, 6 parts broken stone (graded 1 1/2 to 2 inches). Wearing course, i part Portland cement, I part sand, 3 parts granite chips (graded 50 per cent.J^ inch, 30 per cent. % inch, 20 per cent. yV inch). Hand mixed. Reinforcement : Thomas system ; f -inch round steel bars placed in both directions, 2-foot centers, and iJ/ inches from top of surface. One- quarter inch round steel bars, placed in both directions, 4-foot cen- ters, and 6 inches from top of surface. All bars securely fastened at intersections. All reinforcing fabricated on job in sections 30 feet long by width of road, set in position prior to placing any concrete, and supported securely by small angle irons. Joints: Y^ inch wide, filled with asphalt, every 30 feet across road and along curbs. Edges protected by Baker Armored plates. (See page 47.) Surface graded with iron-shod wooden templet. Concrete covered with 2 inches of earth and kept moist for one week. Traffic barred for three weeks. Cost: $1.57 per square yard. George Jerome, Detroit, Michigan, Engineer. R. D. Baker, Contractor. JOINT PROTECTION PLATES The edges of transverse joints must be protected. For this purpose soft steel plates are used. Very satisfactory results have been obtained with the Baker Armored Protecting Plates and the Truss-Con Armor Plates. These plates are 2% inches in depth and about % inch thick. From the center of the plates, at intervals of from 8. inches to 10 inches, tongues are cut ?/ inch wide and 6 inches long. These are bent back upon the plate to a right angle with it. Before the concrete is placed the plates are set in position by means of an installation device, which holds them firmly to line and grade. The protruding tongues provide rigid anchorage to the concrete. [46] FIG. 40. GRAND AVE., HIGHLAND PARK, MICH. ~ - FIG. 41. REINFORCEMENT AND STEEL ARMORED PROTECTING PLATES IN POSITION, HAMTRAMCK, MICH. [471 GROUTED PAVEMENTS HASSAM TYPE Blue Avenue, Independence, Missouri Built 1910 under Hassam Patents Thickness 6 inches; width 30 feet; length J/ mile. Joints: % inch wide, filled with asphalt, continuous along curbs. H. H. Pendleton, City Engineer. Rackliffe-Gibson Construction Co., St. Joseph, Mo., Contractors. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTING HASSAM PAVEMENTS The Hassam pavement consists of a properly compacted sub-grade upon which is placed a layer of broken stone thoroughly rolled to a thick- ness of 6 inches and made to conform to the grade and contour of the street. After this stone has been firmly compacted by rolling and the voids reduced to a minimum, it is grouted with a Portland cement grout, made of I part cement and 2 parts sand. This grout is poured upon the stone until all the voids are filled and the grout flushes to the surface. The rolling is continuous throughout the process of grouting. Upon this surface is placed a very thin layer of pea stone, which is spread over the entire area of the roadway, grouted and rolled, the rolling continued until the grout flushes to the surface. Expansion joints are left along the curbs. For four days after completion the street is kept wet and all traffic barred for ten days. Spencer Road, Spencer, Massachusetts Built 1906 under Hassam Patents Thickness 6 inches; width 16 feet; length I mile. Crown 3 inches; no joints. Cost: $1.75 per square yard. This road was built similar to Blue Ave., Independence, Missouri, and after three years' service it was covered with Hassamite, a bituminous compound, spread in two layers, l / gallon per square yard per applica- tion. After the first coat is applied, at a temperature between 200 F. and 300 F., it is drifted with screened pea stone and lightly rolled; the second course is drifted with coarse sharp sand, thoroughly rolled, suffi- cient sand being added to absorb any surplus composition. The only repair made has been a patch requiring the use of only J/2 gallon of Hassamite. Built by Massachusetts State Highway Commission. Hassam Paving Co., Contractors. [48] FIG. 42. BLUE AVE., INDEPENDENCE, Mo. FIG. 43. SPENCER ROAD, SPENCER, MASS. [49] CONCLUSION The many concrete roads and streets successfully built, a few of which have been described, establish beyond doubt the adaptability of this material to all conditions and requirements. Such successful examples, together with the low cost of construction and maintenance, prove con- crete to be the most desirable of all road materials. The best results in any road construction can only be obtained by the exercise of the greatest care in the selection of the materials and in the actual work of building. Concrete roads are no exception to this rule. Too many think that poor aggregates and bad workmanship may be over- come by the use of Portland cement. Such a practice is unfair to this material, wonderful as it is, and the results obtained are neither what the taxpayers have a right to expect, nor what those in direct charge of the work desire. Careful attention to every detail will produce a concrete road, last- ing for many, many years. Bad materials and careless workmanship will produce failures. The aggregates used should be the best the locality affords. If proper local sand and stone cannot be found, buy them elsewhere. It is false economy to put such poor materials in a road as to predestine it to failure. If the stone is soft -and not of a uniform quality, or the sand poor and its grains coated with dirt, weak places are embodied in the construction, which give an opportunity for the starting of a crack or the formation of a pit-hole. The same trouble will occur if retempered mortar is added or frozen aggregates are used. The use of proper material in the sub-base, and careful compacting of the same, is often neglected. A concrete road widely distributes the load brought upon it, and while pockets in the sub-base may be bridged by the use of concrete, they may become of such size as to cause failure. Therefore, the sub-base must be prepared in such a way as to avoid the formation of pockets. Many soils will not permit of quick flow of water through them unless artificial drainage is provided. After every rain the ground water is raised, and if this is not carried away rapidly to the proper channels, it will freeze and heave the surface, forming unsightly cracks. The drainage problems must be solved by those having direct charge of the work and in such a way as to fit local conditions. To provide adequate drainage, consideration must be given not only to the water falling on the roadway, but also to the overflow from adjoining property. Side ditches should have sufficient fall to carry the water quickly to [50] FIG. 44. PREPARATION OF SUB- BASE. SV'^Slr ' "*-*j* " *. : ?n7*tT.>iS* L FIG. 45. WETTING SUB-BASE IMMEDIATELY BEFORE PLACING CONCRETE. the adjacent streams and not allow it to stand in pools along the sides of the road. One of the fundamental requirements of road construction is the exclusion of water from the road itself. Concrete can be made impervious to water by using the proper proportions of cement, sand, and stone. This gives not only a dense mixture, but also one of great strength. The necessity of measuring with comparative exactness the stone or gravel and sand is therefore apparent. The most practical method is that of the bottomless box or of equally accurate devices. Measuring material by wheel-barrow loads or shovelfuls should never be permitted under any circumstances. Care should be exercised in the amount of water used. If after placing a batch it is found that water flushes to the surface without tamp- ing, too much is being used. On the other hand, if heavy and continuous tamping is required to bring mortar to the surface, too little water is being used. A few experimental batches, mixed with varying quantities of water, will determine the proper amount. Then be sure that the proper quantity is used by having the water measured for every batch. The methods, too often employed, of dashing a promiscuous number of bucket- fuls over the mass, or of adding water with a hose connected to the water main, are a little easier, but are sure to result in concrete lacking in uni- form density and strength. See that the sub-base is wet before placing the concrete. The amount of water needed varies with the character of the soil. Unless the sub-base is wet, it may absorb enough water from the concrete to prevent its setting properly. If, for any cause whatever, even at noontime, it is necessary to stop work, place a joint across the road, and complete the work to this joint. When this is not done, an irregular line of weakness is formed where batches join, and cracks are likely to develop. Forms along the sides of the road are desirable not only to confine the concrete and to fix lines and grades, but are the most available tracks to support bridges from which the finishers may work. With this weight on them, it is necessary to make them substantial and to stake them securely. Curbs along the sides of a street serve the same purpose. By using a templet, cut to the proper curve of the crown and resting on the side forms, a wavy roadway, so objectionable to the automobilist, is avoided. All laborers must be kept off the concrete after it is once in place. Although footprints can be worked out, dirt from shoes is likely to spoil [52] FIG. 46. MEASURING THE MATERIALS. FIG. 47. USING THE SIDE FORMS AS TRACKS FOR TEMPLET. Steel Joint Protection Plate Shown at the Left. (531 the proper bond between the materials. By the use of a bridge all need of tracking on the concrete is avoided. Expansion joints along the edges of the. pavement prevent the dis- placement of the curb. Straight cuts across the street perpendicular to the center line, or at an angle of 60, and located -at proper intervals, prevent unsightly contraction cracks. These joints will not wear down if the edges are protected. Concrete, in hardening, has a tendency to shrink, and such shrinkage is increased if the water is allowed to be drawn from the concrete before it has thoroughly hardened. Owing to the uncertainty of the sub-base, FIG. 48. CONCRETE ROAD DURING CONSTRUCTION. Side forms in place. Strike-off board and steel joint protection plate. if prepared in freezing weather, as well as the difficulty of properly handling the materials going to make up the concrete, most roads, where the winter months are cold, are laid between May I and November i. During these hot dry months the sun will absorb water from the concrete if allowed to shine directly upon it. The surface must be protected. If the sun is particularly strong and the temperature high, canvas should be spread over the roadway for the first ten hours. Then dirt shoveled on the pavement, and kept thoroughly wet for seven days, affords an almost perfect protection. Do not use manure. [54] FIG. 49. PROTECTION OF ROAD. WETTING AND COVERING WITH DIRT. FIG. 50. EASE OF TRACTION FOR HEAVY LOADS. (55] It is always difficult to exclude impatient traffic from a road; yet when one considers the many years of service given by a concrete road properly laid, the three or four weeks' time necessary to perfect it seems insignificant. Concrete is probably the most adaptable material of construction ever known. Being a combination of composite parts, proper ingredients are everywhere available. Its ability to take any form desired fits it admirably to every local condition. By wood floating, slipperiness can be absolutely avoided, and by surface grooving, foothold for horses is given on the steepest grade. Resistance to traction is extremely low, owing to the monolithic character of a concrete pavement. A concrete road is suited to every class of traffic. The objection often raised that it is hard on horses' feet has not been borne out by experience wherever these roads have been constructed. Farmers after using the road have noticed no ill effect on their horses' feet or shoulders, and are anxious for more concrete roads to be built. A horse stepping on an even surface is harmed less than by stepping on the loose stones pulled from a macadam road by the automobile. The low tractive resistance also allows the horse to pull a load with, greater ease. This discussion may lead some to feel that a successful concrete road is quite difficult to build. Such, however, is not the case. The details discussed are all little things, essential to success, it is true, but of a nature easily cared for if given the proper amount of thought. They do not increase the cost of the work, but they do increase the life of the road. [56] PROPOSED STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE-COURSE CONCRETE HIGHWAY* GRADING Defined. The term "grading" shall include all cuts, fills, ditches, borrow pits, approaches and all earth moving for whatever purpose, where such work is an essential part of or necessary to the prosecution of the contract. When to bring the surface to grade, a fill of one (i) foot or less is required, the area shall be thoroughly grubbed. All soft, spongy or yielding spots and all vegetable or other objectionable matter shall be removed and the space refilled with suitable material. Engineer's Stakes. Stakes will be set by the engineer for center line, side of slopes, finished grade and other necessary points properly marked for the cut or fill. Excess Material. Excess material shall be disposed of as directed by the engineer, the free haul not to exceed feet. Over-haul. Materials hauled a greater distance than the free haul from the place of excavation shall be paid for at the rate of cents per cubic yard for each additional . . . . feet. Mo f e -'W denotes widfh of pavement FIG. 51. ONE-COURSE CONCRETE HIGHWAY. SECTIONS ON FILL AND CUT. Fills. Embankments shall be formed of earth or other approved materials and shall be constructed in successive layers, the first of which shall extend entirely across from the toe of the slope on one side to the toe of the slope on the other side, and successive layers shall extend entirely across the embankments from slope to slope. Each layer, which shall not exceed one (i) foot in depth, shall be thoroughly rolled with a roller weighing * Presented to the American Concrete Institute, Tenth Annual Convention, Febru- ary 16-20, 1914, Chicago, 111. [57] not less than five (5) tons nor more than ten (10) tons before the succeeding layer is placed. The roller shall pass over the entire area of the fill at least twice. The sides of the embankment shall be kept lower than the center during all stages of the work, and the surface maintained in condition for adequate drainage. The use of muck, quicksand, soft clay or spongy material which will not consolidate under the roller is prohibited. When the material excavated from cuts is not sufficient to make the fills shown on the plans, the contractor shall furnish the necessary extra material to bring the fills to the proper width and grade. When the earth work is completed the cross-section of the road shall conform to the cross-sectional drawings and profile shown in Fig. 51. Slopes. All slopes must be properly dressed to lines given by the engineer. Finished Grade. When grade line is approached, the final grade stakes will be set, for which sufficient notice must be given to the engineer. Note: In excavating cuts it is considered advisable, when the line of the sub-grade is approached, to compact the remaining material by rolling. The depth of material left in the cut to be compressed to the finished grade by rolling will depend upon the character of the material. DRAINAGE Drainage. The contractor shall construct such drainage ditches as will insure per- fect sub and surface drainage during construction and such work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the engineer, prior to the preparation of the roadbed, as herein speci- fied. Tile drains shall be placed as shown in the drawings attached hereto. Tile to be laid in the trench at least ( ) inches wide and ( ) feet deep below the established grade of the finished pavement, such trench shall be back filled with crushed stone or pit-run gravel, with sand removed, which after light tamping shall be ( ) inches in depth. Open ditches must be constructed along the concrete road as shown in Fig. 51, the dimensions, side slopes and grade of said ditches being as shown on the cross-section and profile. At the time of the acceptance of the road, the ditches must be in perfect condition, with clean slopes and bottom, containing no obstructions to the flow of water. SUB-GRADE Construction. The bottom of the excavation or top of the fill, when completed, shall be known as the sub-grade, and shall be at all places true to the elevation as shown on the plans attached hereto. The roadway shall be graded to the proper sub-grade to permit of the specified thickness of paving materials being laid to bring the finished surface of the pavement to the lines and grades as shown on the plans. The sub-grade shall be brought to a firm, unyielding surface by rolling the entire area with a self-propelled roller weighing not less than ten (10) tons, and all portions of the surface of the sub-grade which are inaccessible to the roller shall be thoroughly tamped with a hand tamp weighing not less than fifty (50) pounds, the face of which shall not exceed 100 square inches in area. All soft, spongy, or yielding spots and all vegetable or other objectionable matter shall be entirely removed and the space refilled with suitable material. Where considered necessary or of assistance in producing a compact, solid surface, the sub-grade before being rolled shall be well sprinkled with water. When the concrete pavement is to be constructed over an old roadbed composed of gravel or macadam, and the concrete is to be wider than the old gravel or macadam road, the latter shall be entirely loosened and the material spread for the full width of the roadbed and rolled. All interstices shall be filled with fine material, and rolled to make a dense, tight surface of the roadbed. Acceptance. No concrete shall be deposited upon the sub-grade until it is checked and accepted by the engineer. Completion. Upon the sub-grade thus formed shall be laid the concrete pavement as shown in Fig. 51. MATERIALS Cement. The cement shall meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Portland Cement, adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, August 16, 1909, with all subsequent amendments and additions thereto adopted by said Society. When the cement is not inspected at the place of manufacture it shall be stored a sufficient length of time, to permit of inspecting and testing. The engineer shall be noti- fied of the receipt of each shipment of cement. Fine Aggregate. Fine aggregate shall consist of sand or screenings from clean, hard, durable crushed rock or gravel consisting of quartzite grains or other equally hard ma- terial graded from fine to coarse, with the coarse particles predominating and passing, when dry, a screen having one-quarter (J^) inch openings. It shall be clean, hard, free from dust, loam, vegetable, or other deleterious matter. Not more than twenty (20) per cent, shall pass a sieve having fifty (50) meshes per linear inch, and not more than five (5) per cent, shall pass a sieve having one hundred (100) meshes per linear inch. Fine aggregate containing more than three (3) per cent, of clay or loam shall be washed before using. Fine aggregate shall be of such quality that the mortar composed of one part Port- land cement and three (3) parts fine aggregate by weight, when made into briquettes, shall show a tensile strength at least equal to the strength of I to 3 mortar of the same consistency made with the same cement and Standard Ottawa sand. In no case shall fine aggregate containing frost or lumps of frozen material be used. Coarse Aggregate. Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, durable crushed rock or gravel, graded in size, free from dust, loam, vegetable or other deleterious matter, and shall contain no soft, flat or elongated particles. The size of the coarse aggregate shall be such as to pass a one and one-half (i ^) inch round opening and be retained on a screen having one-quarter (%) inch openings. In no case shall coarse aggregate containing frost or lumps of frozen material be used. Natural Mixed Aggregate. Natural mixed aggregate shall not be used as it comes from deposits, but shall be screened and used as specified. Water. Water shall be clean, free from oil, acid, alkali, or vegetable matter. Reinforcement. Concrete pavements twenty (20) feet or more in width shall be reinforced with metal fabric. All reinforcement shall be free from excessive rust, scale, paint, or coatings of any character which will tend to destroy the bond. All reinforce- ment shall develop an ultimate tensile strength of not less than 70,000 pounds per square inch and bend 180 deg. around one diameter and straighten without fracture. FORMS Materials. The forms shall be free from warp, of sufficient strength to resist spring- ing out of shape, and shall be equal in width to the thickness of the pavement at the edges. Wooden forms shall be of not less than two (2) inch stock, and shall be capped with two (2) inch angle iron. Setting. The forms shall be well staked or otherwise held to the established line and grades, and the upper edges shall conform to the established grade of the road. Treatment. All mortar and dirt shall be removed from the forms that have previ- ously been used. PAVEMENT SECTION Width, Thickness of Concrete and Crown. The concrete pavement shall be feet wide, ( ) inches in depth at center, and ( ) inches in depth at the sides. The finished surface shall conform to the arc of a circle, as shown on Fig. 51. Note: Crown shall be not more than one one-hundredth (TOTT) of the width. The thickness of the concrete at the edges shall not be less than six (6) inches. JOINTS Width and Location. Transverse joints shall be not less than one-quarter (J^) inch nor more than three-eighths (^i) inch in width and shall be placed across the pavement perpendicular to the center line, not more than 35 feet apart. When a curb is specified or where pavement abuts a building a joint not less than one-quarter (Y) inch wide [59] shall be placed between it and the pavement. All joints shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement and shall be perpendicular to its surface. Protection of Joints. The concrete at transverse joints shall be protected with soft steel joint protection plates which shall be not less than two and one-half (2^) inches in depth and not less than one-eighth (3/g) or more than one-quarter (J^) inch average thick- ness. The plates shall be of such form as to provide for rigid anchorage to the concrete. The type and method of installation of joint protection plates shall be approved by the engineer. The surface edges of the metal plates shall conform to the finished surface of the concrete, as shown in Fig. 51. All joint protection plates over one-quarter (^) inch high or one-half (^) inch low shall be removed. Joint Filler. All joints shall be formed by inserting during construction and leaving in place the required thickness of prepared felt or similar material of approved quality, having a thickness of not less than one-eighth ( l /&} inch nor more than one-quarter (J4) inch, which shall extend through the entire thickness of the pavement. MEASURING MATERIALS AND MIXING CONCRETE Measuring. The method of measuring the materials for the concrete, including water, shall be one which will insure separate and uniform proportions of each of the materials at all times. A sack of Portland cement (94 Ibs. net) shall be considered one (l) cubic foot. Mixing. The materials shall be mixed to the desired consistency in a batch mixer of approved type, and mixing shall continue for at least forty-five (45) seconds after all materials are in the drum. The drum shall be completely emptied before mixing suc- cessive batches. The drum of the mixer used shall revolve at a speed not less than the minimum nor more than the maximum number of revolutions shown in the following table: RATED CAPACITY CAPACITY Cu. FT. UNMIXED BAGS OF CEMENT REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE OF DRUM MATERIAL IN 1:2:3 Mix MIN. MAX. 7 to II I 15 21 12 tO 17 2 12 20 18 to 23 3 12 20 24 to 29 4 ii 17 30 to 33 5 10 15 Retempering. Retempering of mortar or concrete which has partially hardened, that is, mixing with additional materials or water, shall not be permitted. Proportions. The concrete shall be mixed in the proportions of one (i) sack of Portland cement to not more than two (2) cubic feet of fine aggregate and not more than three (3) cubic feet of coarse aggregate, and in no case shall the volume of the fine aggre- gate be less than one-half (}/) the volume of the coarse aggregate. A cubic yard of concrete in place between neat lines shall contain not less than one and seven-tenths (1.7) barrels of cement. The engineer shall compare the calculated amount of cement required according to these specifications and plans attached hereto with the amounts actually used in each section of concrete between successive transverse joints, as determined by actual count of the number of sacks of cement used in each section. If the amount of cement used in any three adjacent sections (between transverse joints) is less by two (2) per cent, or if the amount of cement used in any one section is less by five (5) per cent, than the amount hereinbefore specified, the contractor agrees to remove all such sections and to rebuild the same according to these specifications at his expense. Consistency. The materials shall be mixed with sufficient water to produce a con- crete which when deposited will settle to a flattened mass, but shall not be so wet as to cause a separation of the mortar from the coarse aggregate in handling. REINFORCING Reinforcing. Concrete pavements twenty (20) feet or more in width shall be rein- forced. The cross-sectional area of the reinforcing metal running parallel to the center line of the pavement shall amount to at least 0.038 square inch per foot of pavement [60] width and the cross-sectional area of reinforcing metal, which is perpendicular to the center line of the pavement, shall amount to at least 0.049 square inch per foot of pave- ment length. Reinforcing metal shall be placed not less than two (2) inches from the finished sur- face of the pavement and otherwise shall be placed as shown on the drawings. The rein- forcing metal shall extend to within two (2) inches of all joints, but shall not cross them. Adjacent widths of fabric shall be lapped not less than four (4) inches. PLACING CONCRETE Placing. Immediately prior to placing the concrete, the sub-grade shall be brought to an even surface. The surface of the sub-grade shall be thoroughly wet when the con- crete is placed. After mixing, the concrete shall be deposited rapidly in successive batches upon the sub-grade prepared as hereinbefore specified. The concrete shall be deposited to the re- quired depth and for the entire width of the pavement, in a continuous operation, be- tween transverse joints without the use of intermediate forms or bulkheads. In case of a breakdown concrete shall be mixed by hand to complete the section or an intermediate transverse joint placed as hereinbefore specified at the point of stopping A/ote-'W denotes widf/i of pavement * Except 03 noted tn FIG. 52. ONE-COURSE CONCRETE PAVEMENT. work. Any concrete in excess of that needed to complete a section at the stopping of work shall not be used in the work. Finishing. The surface of the concrete shall be struck off by means of a templet or strike board which shall be moved with a combined longitudinal and cross-wise mo- tion. When the strike board is within three (3) feet of a transverse joint it shall be lifted to the joint and the pavement struck by moving the strike board away from the joint; any excess concrete shall be removed. Concrete adjoining the metal protection plates at transverse joints shall be dense in character, and any holes left by removing any device used in installing the metal protection plates shall be immediately filled with concrete. After being brought to the established grade with the templet or strike board, the concrete shall be finished from a suitable bridge, no part of which shall come in contact with the concrete. The concrete shall be finished with a wood float in a manner to thoroughly compact it and produce a surface free from depressions or inequalities of any kind. The finished surface of the pavement shall not vary more than one-quarter (Y) inch from the true shape. [61] The edges of the pavement shall be rounded as shown on the cross-sectional drawings in Fig. 51. PROTECTION Curing and Protection. Excepting as hereinafter specified, the surface of the pave- ment shall be sprayed with water as soon as the concrete is sufficiently hardened to pre- vent pitting, and shall be kept wet until an earth covering is placed. As soon as it can be done without damaging the concrete, the surface of the pavement shall be covered with not less than two inches of earth or other material which will afford equally good protection, which cover shall be kept moist for at least ten (10) days. When deemed necessary or advisable by the engineer, freshly laid concrete shall be protected by a can- vas covering until the earth covering can be placed. If at the time the pavement is laid or during the period of curing the temperature during the daytime drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, sprinkling and covering of the pavement may be omitted at the direction of the engineer. Under the most favorable conditions for hardening, in hot weather, the pavement shall be closed to traffic for at least fourteen (14) days, and in cool weather for an addi- tional time, to be determined by the engineer. The contractor shall erect and maintain suitable barriers to protect the concrete from traffic, and any part of the pavement damaged from traffic or other causes occurring prior to its official acceptance, shall be repaired or replaced by the contractor at his ex- pense in a manner satisfactory to the engineer. Before the pavement is thrown open to traffic the covering shall be removed and disposed of as directed by the engineer. Temperature Below 35 Degrees Fahrenheit. Concrete shall not be mixed or deposited when the temperature is below freezing. If at any time during the progress of the work the temperature is, or in the opinion of the engineer will, within twenty-four (24) hours drop to 35 degrees Fahrenheit, the water and aggregates shall be heated and precautions taken to protect the work from freezing for at least ten (10) days. In no case shall concrete be deposited upon a frozen sub-grade. SHOULDERS Construction. Where shoulders are required, they shall be built upon the properly prepared subgrade, as shown in Fig. 51. All materials shall meet with the approval of the engineer and the work shall be done to his entire satisfaction. ADDITIONS TO THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE-COURSE CONCRETE HIGHWAY WHICH APPLY TO TWO-COURSE ROADS AND CITY STREETS DRAINAGE . Catch Basins. All catch basins and manhole tops and all covers of openings of any kind shall be readjusted to the grade by the contractor at his expense. MATERIALS Aggregate for Wearing Course. The aggregate for the wearing course shall consist of a mixture of two (2) parts of the materials specified under "Fine Aggregate," and three (3) parts of clean, hard, durable, crushed rock or gravel, free from dust, soft particles, loam, vegetable or other deleterious matter, and passing when dry a screen having one- half (J/) inch openings and be retained on a screen having one-quarter (Y^) inch openings. In no case shall aggregate for wearing course containing frost or lumps of frozen material be used. PAVEMENT SECTION Width, Thickness of Concrete and Crown. The concrete pavement shall be ( ) feet wide from face to face of curb. The base of the concrete [62] pavement shall be ( ) inches in depth at the center and ( ) inches in depth at the sides. The wearing course shall be of ( ) inches uniform thickness. The finished surface shall conform to the arc of a circle as shown in Fig. 53. Note: The minimum thickness of the concrete base shall be not less than five (5) inches and the minimum thickness of the wearing course shall be not less than two (2) inches. When pavements twenty (20) feet or less in width are to be built on approxi- mately level ground and a flat sub-grade is to be used, sufficient fall for drainage at the sides of the pavement along the curb shall be provided by giving the roadbed the same grade as that proposed for the gutter. The crown of all pavements shall be not more than one one-hundredth ( T ^) of the width except, when deemed advisable by the en- gineer, the crown of a pavement built on a crowned sub-grade may be increased to one- fiftieth G^) of the width to provide sufficient fall for drainage along the sides of the pave- ment at the curb. M i:\Sl RING MATERIALS AND MIXING AND PLACING CONCRETE Cement Required. A cubic yard of concrete base in place shall contain at least 1.4 barrels of cement and a cubic yard of wearing course in place shall contain at least 2.97 barrels of cement. FIG. 53. TWO-COURSE CONCRETE PAVEMENT FOR PAVEMENT OVER 20 FEET WIDE. CONCRETE FOR BASE Proportions. The concrete shall be mixed in the proportions of one (i) sack of Port- land cement to not more than two and a half (2^) cubic feet of fine aggregate, and not more than four (4) cubic feet of coarse aggregate, and in no case shall the volume of the fine aggregate be less than one-half (^) the volume of the coarse aggregate. The concrete shall be brought to a comparatively even surface, the thickness of the wearing course below the finished grade of the pavement. Workmen shall not be al- lowed to walk on the freshly laid concrete, and if sand or dust collects on the base, it shall be removed before the wearing course is applied. The reinforcing metal shall be placed upon and slightly pressed into the concrete base immediately after it is placed. CONCRETE FOR WEARING COURSE Proportions. The mortar for the wearing course shall be mixed in the manner here- inbefore specified in the proportion of one (i) sack of Portland cement and not more than two (2) cubic feet of "Aggregate for Wearing Course" hereinbefore specified. Placing. The wearing course shall be placed immediately after mixing and in no [63] case shall more than forty-five (45) minutes elapse between the time that the concrete for the base has been mixed and the time the wearing course is placed. Finishing. The wearing course shall be struck off by means of a templet or strike board, which shall be moved longitudinally or crosswise of the pavement. Concrete adjoining the metal protection plates at transverse joints shall be dense in character and any holes left by removing any device used in installing the metal protection plates shall be immediately filled with a mortar composed of one (i) part Portland cement to not more than two (2) parts of fine aggregate. After being brought to an established grade with the templet or strike board, the concrete shall be finished from a suitable bridge, no part of which shall come in contact wiih the concrete. The concrete shall be finished with a wood float in a manner to FIG. 54. JANESVILLE ROAD, MILWAUKEE Co., Wis. Method of constructing one-course concrete pavement. thoroughly compact it, and produce a surface free from depressions or inequalities of any kind. The finished surface of the pavement shall not vary more than one-quarter (}/) inch from the true shape. REINFORCING Reinforcing metal shall be placed between base and wearing course and shall be not less than two (2) inches from the finished surface of the pavement and otherwise shall be placed as shown on the drawings. The reinforcing metal shall extend to within two (2) inches of all joints, but shall not cross them. Adjacent widths of fabrics shall be lapped not less than four (4) inches. [64] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS For the benefit of those who may wish to investigate the subject fur- ther, below is given a tabular digest of concrete pavements, of which records are at hand. These are arranged alphabetically according to states. LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Alabama Birmingham 1910 Two- course . 13,000 si" + ii' sr $1.90 Includes grading B. B. Merri- weather Birmingham 1910 1913 Two- course 2,500 3" + 14" under ties 1:3:6 1:2:4 Along and between Thomas R. H. Daniels car tracks and under ties Birmingham 1911 Two- 13,000 sr + ir 1:3:4 $1-99 Includes M. Nicholson course Kl| grading Birmingham 1913 Two- 16,000 4" + 2" $1.20 M. Nicholson course Mobile 1912 Bit.- 12,800 top Opelika .... 1913 Bit.- 4,800 5" 1:2:4 $i-35 5 year G. N. Mit- top guarantee cham Opelika 1913 Hassam 4,000 6" $i-75 G. N. Mit- cham Selma 1912 Hassam 29,000 6" $i-55 J. Smith Selma. . . . 1913 Bit.- 19,000 5" ^ - $1-25 J. Smith top Selma 1913 Hassam 3,000 6* $1.55 J. Smith Arizona v/ o o,*^ Phoenix .... 1913 Bit.- 6,800 4" 1:2:4 $1.18 O. C. Thomp- top son Arkansas Fort Smith . . 1912 One- 3,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.30 Includes Geo. Myers course grading Fort Smith . . 1912 One- 60,000 6" 1:2:4 $0.69 Geo. Myers course Fort Smith . . 1913 One- 40,000 6" 1:2:4 $0.69 Includes Geo. Myers course grading Fort Smith . . 1913 One- 5i,3oo 6" 1:2:4 $0.72 Includes M. H. Reed course grading Hot Springs . 1908 Two- 15,000 Si' + if* i:3:4 Cleveland course ia| Smith Little Rock . 1912 Two- 15,000 6" 1:3:5 $0.90 H. Levinson course 1:2:4 Little Rock . 1913 Bit.- 28,000 6" 1:3:5 $1.18 H. Levinson top 1:2:4 Pine Bluff . . 1913 4,5oo Commissioner [65 TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER *California Burlingame to South San Fran- cisco 1912 Bit.- 76,000 4" 1:3:6 $0.67^ A. B. Fletcher top Near Covina 1913 Bit.- 16,000 5" 1:2:4 F. W. Joiner top Lodi. IOI2 TL 132,000 1:2:6 $1.66 J. W. McAfee Riverbank . . V *. 1912 One- 5,000 4" and 6" Vary Reinf. Haviland, course Dozier and Tibbitts Colorado Boulder 1912 One- 500 7" 1:3:5 $1.06 H. E. Phelps course Colorado Springs . . . 1912 One- 500 5" 1:2:5 $i.44 course Grand Junc- tion IQI 2 Two- 10,000 5" + 2" i *3 '6 $2.00 Includes E. R. Rom- *v course i:ii grading berg Connecticut Branford . . . 1913 One- 12,700 6" 1:2:4 $1.66 C. J. Bennett course Bridgeport . . 1913 Two- i, 600 4" + ii' 1:2:4 $2.20 Includes A. H. Terry course grading Derby 1906 Hassam 3,ooo 6" V. B. Clark Greenwich. . 1912 Bit.- 6,300 6" 1:2:4 $1-32 Includes Mr. Peck top grading Greenwich. . 1913 Bit.- 6,500 6" 1:2:4 Includes N. A. Knapp top grading Hartford . . . 1913 One- 2,100 6" 1:2:4 L. F. Peck course Meriden .... I9I3 One- 11,100 6" 1:2:4 $0.89 Includes C. J. Bennett course grading Middletown . 1913 One- 1 1, TOO 6" 1:2:4 $i-43 C. J. Bennett course New Haven 1908 Two- 49,700 si' + if 1:3^4 $2.20 Includes F. L. Ford course grading New Haven . I9IO Two- 1:3:4 $2.40 Includes F. L. Ford course grading New London 1907 Hassam I,OOO 6" $1-74 Includes Geo. K. Cran- grading dall *The 1913 work done by the California State Highway Department we understand amounted to 1,750,000 square yards. [66] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR Bun/r TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Connecticut (Contin- ued) Plymouth . . 1913 One- 5,6oo 5" at sides 1:2:4 $1-31 C. J. Bennett course 7* at center Ridgefield . . 1913 9,000 5* at sides 1:2:4 $i.3f C. J. Bennett One- 7* at center course South Nor- walk 1912 Bit.- 11,000 6" 1:2^:4$ $1.27 Includes G. A. Sherron top grading Stamford . . . 1913 Hassam 7,000 Wallingford. 1913 Hassam 24,500 6" $1.50 Bit.-top C. J. Bennett West Hart- ford 1913 One- 10,100 6" 1:2:4 $1.58 Includes C. J. Bennett course grading Windsor 1913 One- 23,000 5" at sides 1:2:4 $i-33 C- J. Bennett course 7 J* at center Delaware Delaware City . . 1913 Two- 12,000 5" + 2" 1:2^:5 $1.20 course 1:2 Georgetown . 1913 One- 2,000 6" 1:2:3* $1.16 Herbert W. course Hatton Milford....; 1911 One- 4,700 6r i:**:S $0.95 Herbert W. course Hatton Milford .... 1912 One- 2,300 6" 1:2^:5 $1.10 Herbert W. course Hatton Wilmington . 1907-9 Hassam 43,000 6" Wilmington . 1912 200 District of Columbia Before 1912 900 1912 Bit.- 2,100 6" 1:2:5 $0.84 top 1913 6,300 Capt. Judson Florida Clearwater. . 1913 Bit- 23,600 6" 1:30 $1.40 R. L. Davis top Duval Co. . . 1908 Two- 16,000 4i'-Mi* 1:3:5 $0.83 course 1:2 Duval Co. . . 1910 Two- 40,000 4i' + ii* 1:3:5 course 1:2 [67] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Florida (Con- tinued) Pensacola. . . 1912 Two- 30,000 5" + 2" i =3 : 4 $1.36 G. Rommel course i :if Pensacola . . . 1913 Two- 25,000 4f" + if" 1:3 '-4 $1.24 G. Rommel course n:f Tampa 1910 Two- 400 5i" + if" 1:3:4 course i:if Georgia- Athens IQI 3 Bit.- A 2OO 5" + 2 " j .., .- Si o<\ J. W. Barnett y o top 1:2 Atlanta .... 1913 Bit.- 17,000 5" 1:2:4 $1.25 R. M. Clayton top Augusta. . . . 1912 1,000 . Macon 1912 One- 7,143 6" to 8"' 1:2:4 $1.25 Includes J. J. Gaillard course grading Macon 1913 One- 1, 800 6" to 8" 1:2:4 $1.18 Includes J. J. Gaillard course grading Macon 1913 One- 16,400 8" 1:2:3 $1.40 Includes J. J. Gaillard course grading Idaho- Ada County . 1912 Two- 21,400 4f" + if" i:337 $0.99 Arthur E. Fox course i:if:3 Ada County. 1912 Two- 20,500 4!" + if " 1:33:7 $1.00 Arthur E. Fox course i:if :3 Ada County . 1913 Two- 80,000 4f" + if" i:37 $1.00 Arthur E. Fox course i:if:3 Boise 1910 One- 20,000 8" 1:3:7 $1.153 Ern G. Eagle- course son Boise 1910 One- 7,000 6" 1:3:7 $I.IO Ern G. Eagle- course son Boise 1910 One- 27,000 6" 1:3:7 $1.09 Ern G. Eagle- course son Boise 1910 One- 28,000 6" 1:3:7 $1.15 Ern G. Eagle- course son Boise 1911 One- 4,000 6" 1:3:5 $1.04 __ Ern G. Eagle- course son Boise 1912 One- 4,600 6" 1:3:5 $I.IO C. C. Steven- course son Moscow .... 1913 Bit.- 69,000 5" 1:23:5 $1.29 H. J. Smith top Illinois Aledo 1913 Bit.- 86,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.06 N. H. Tunni- top cliff Belleville . . . 1913 Two- 5,600 6" at sides i:2f:4 $i.44 Reinf. W. C. Wolf course 8" at center 1:2:2 Bloomfield . . 1913 One- 9,070 6" at sides 1:2:3 $i.4S [ncludes C. C. Parker course 8" at center grading [68] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Illinois (Con- tinued) Braeside .... 1912 One- 3,100 5" i:2*: 3 * $1.10 course Carlinville . . 1912 One- 7,100 6f 1:2:3* $0.82 A. N. Johnson course Carlinville . . 1912 Two- 4,000 5"+2* i:3o $1.20 W. D. P. War- course 1:1:1 ren Chandler- ville Twp. 1912 One- 1,500 6" 1:2:3? $0.96 A. N. Johnson course Chicago .... 1903] 1904 1 IQOS } Two- 80,000 si" + if" 1:3:4 _ J. B. Hittel 1906 course raf 1907] Chicago .... 1912 13,000 J. B. Hittel Chicago .... 1913 Two- 1,050 5* + 2" 1:2:4 $2.13 C. Hadsall course Chicago .... i9 J 3 One- 3,300 f 1:2:3 $1.65 C. Hadsall course Chicago .... 1913 Two- 1,500 1:2:4 C. Hadsall course laaf Chicago Heights .. . 1912 Bit.- 3,3oo 5* at side 1:2:4 $0.82 top 7* at center Decatur .... 1912 One- 4,100 5" at side i:i*:3 $1.12* Includes course 7* at center grading Deerfield . . . 1912 One- 6,400 5" at. side 1:2* : 3 i $I.IO J. C. Shields course f at center De Kalb 1912 Twp One- 7,300 a** 1:2:3* $0.82 Reinf. A. N. Johnson course Edwardsville 1913 One- 31,900 6" 1:2:3* $1.02 A. N. Johnson course Edwardsville 1913 Bit.- 1,200 6" 1:3:5 $1.42 Includes top grading * Effingham . . 1912 Two- 60,000 4" + 2*" $1.66 course Evanston . . . 1912 Bit.- 13,600 1:3:5 $0.95 J. H. Moore top Evanston . . . 1913 One- 7,5 6" at sides 1:2:3 $0.59 Includes course 8" at center grading Freeport .... 1913 One- 900 f 1:2:3 $1.00 C. S. Hepner course Geneseo .... 1913 One- 6,300 6" at sides iaia $1.30 Clark G. An- course 7 r at center derson Grandville . . 1909 One- 15,000 6" 1:3:5 course Greenville . . 1910 Two- 7,000 5" + ir 1:6 H. N. Baum- course 1:2 berger [69] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Illinois (Con- tinued) Greenville . . 1910 One- 5,000 6" 1*5 $0.92 H. N. Baum- course berger Greenville . . 1911 One- 4,000 6" 1:4 $0.75 H. N. Baum- course berger Harvard .... 1913 One- 8,600 6" 1:2:4 H. N. Price course Highland . . . 1910 One- 840 6" course Highland . . . 1913 One- 6,680 6" 1:2:3$ $1.40 A. N. Johnson course Highland Park 1912 One- 2,400 5" at side 1:2:3! $I.OI J. C. Shields course 7" at center Highland Park 1913 One- 2,700 1:2:3 Reinf. Jos. Anderson course Jacksonville . 1913 One- 2,150 6" 1:4 A. N. Johnson course Joliet 1913 Two- 200 5" + 2" 1:3! :4 Reinf. D. A. With course 1:1:1! Kewanee . . . 1904 Two- 1,000 4" + 2" $i-54 course La Salle .... 1913 One- 10,660 w 1:2:3! $1.06 A. N. Johnson course Lawrence- ville 1912 One- 400 6" 1:4 $0.72 course Le Roy 1913 One- 5,100 6" 1:2:3! $1.29 A. N. Johnson course Lewiston . . . 1913 Bit.- 16,000 top Lincoln 1912 One- 2,000 6" $0.78 course Mattoon . . . 1912 One- 10,000 6" 1:13:4 $1.03 C. L. James course McLean .... 1912 One- 5,000 6" 1:2:3! $0.79 A. N. Johnson course Moline 1910 Two- 3,600 6" + i* 1:3:5 $1.60 C. G. Ander- course 1:1 son Moline 1913 One- 1,000 7" i:i!:3 C. G. Ander- course son Morgan Park 1913 One- 2,000 r 1:2:3 $1.38 V. B. Roberts course Newton .... 1912 One- 8,400 7" 1:2:3 $1.05 course Newton 1913 Bit- 6,200 7" 1:2:2 $1-15 top Princeton. . . 1913 3,000 Quincy 1912 Bit- 18,800 6" 1:2:4 $1.06 F. T. Hancock top [70] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Illinois (Con- tinued) Ouincv . IQJ-2 One- 1,^00 6* i:ii:3 $1 4O Includes F T Hanrork v o course * JO ^^ L * x 2 *O A .-+ w grading * A * 1 Id 11LULK Ravinia .... 1913 One- 4,800 53* at sides i:2:3 $I.IO Jas. Anderson course 7^" at center Riverside . . . 1913 Two- 560 5" + 2" i:2:4 Reinf. Mr. Hancock course i:2 Shirley IOH One- 6,73O 6* i :2:^5 $I.2Q __ A, !N\ Tohnson v o > / o "O 2 r**y course Seymour . . . 1910 Two- 3,000 7' course Springfield. . 1912 One- 5,6oo 6" at sides i:2:3! $1.04 A. N. Johnson course 8* at center Springfield. . 1913 One- 8,560 6" i:2:3! A. N. Johnson course Springfield. . 1913 Bit.- 8,600 6" i:2:4 W. D. Seeley top Waukegan. . 1909 Two- 700 6" + 2" 1:3:6 $1.65 Includes course i:i| shoulder Western Springs . . . 1913 One- 1,000 6" 1:2:3 $1-75 C. B. Williams course Indiana Anderson. . . 1912 One- 400 6" 1:4 $i-35 Includes G. A. Lamp- course grading hear Anderson. . . 1913 Bit.- 1, 800 G. A. Lamp- top hear Bloomfield . . 1913 One- 9,200 6" at sides 1:2:3 $i-45 Includes C. C. Parker course 8" at center grading Connersville 1890 500 Connersville 1912 Two- 65,000 6' + i|* 1:4 $1.02 Includes W. F. Redpath course i;i| grading Connersville 1913 Two- 47,000 6" + ir 1:4 $1.22 W. F. Redpath course i:x| Frankfort. . . 1913 i, 600 6f 1:2^:5 $I.2O Includes grading Gary.. 1906-7 Two- 22,000 5"+ 2" 1:3:5 $1.65 Indiana Steel course *:i| Company Gary 1908 Two- course 32,000 5" + 2" 1:3:5 I Of $1.90 Indiana Steel Company Huntington . 1913 Bit.- 21,500 5" 1:4 $1.09 Includes H. H. Wag- top. grading oner Kendalville . 1912 Bit.- 56,000 6" 1:2:4 $i-35 Includes top. grading Richmond . . 1896 Two- 140 5" + i J' 1:2:5 $2.51 F. R. Charles course 1:2 Richmond . . 1901 Two- 3,100 5" +1-2* 1:2:5 $1.18 to course 1:2 to F. R. Charles 1905 $1.46 71] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Indiana (Con- tinued) Richmond . . 1906 Two- 1:2:5 $1.03 to course 15,000 6" + i" 1:2 to F. R. Charles I9II $1-39 Richmond . . 1912 Two- 3,400 6" + i 1:2:5 $1-33 F. R. Charles course 1:2 Richmond . . 1913 Two- 7,600 6" + i|" 1:2:5 F. R. Charles course i :2 Riverside Park 1913 One- 600 6" at sides 1:2:3 Reinf. course 7" at center Rockville. . . 1912 One- 5,000 5" i Hi $1.10 Reinf. H. L. Davies course Seymour . . . 1913 Two- 35,000 5f + il" 1:2:4 $1.00 Reinf. E. B. Douglas course South Bend . T9I3 One- 9,700 7" i:ifc3 $1.23 W. S. Moore course Warsaw. . . . 1912 Two- i, 800 $1.14 Includes G. W. McCar- course grading ter Iowa Ames - 1912 One- 7,600 6" at sides 1:2:4 $0.95 J. S. Dodds course 7 1 "at center Ames 1913 One- 10,500 6" at sides i:i|:3 $1.06 J. S. Dodds course 7 1' 7 at center Atlantic 1912- One- 26,000 6" and 7" 1:2:2 $1.12 J. H. Mayne 13 course -6" $1.24- 7" Bettendorf . . I9II One- 29,000 6" 1:2^:4 $0.85 A. M. Comp- course ton Bloomfield. . 1913 One- 2,400 7" i : 2^:4 $1.29 Iowa Engineer- course ing Company Burlington . . 1910 Two- 4,200 6" + 2" 1:2:5 $1.48 H. G. Vollmer course 1:1:1 Burlington . . I9II Two- 5,000 5" + il" 1:2:5 $i-34 H. G. Vollmer course 1:2 Burlington . . 1912 One- 8,600 6" 1:2:3 $o. 9 6| H. G. Vollmer course Burlington . . 1913 One- 34,400 6" 1:2:3 $1.17 H. G. Vollmer course Burlington . . 1913 Bit.- 8,400 6" 1:2:3 $i-45 H. G. Vollmer top Cedar Falls . 1912 Two- 28,000 5" + 2" i:5 $0.92 course 1:2 to $1.16 Cedar Rapids 1912 Two- 28,600 5" + 2" 1:3:5 $1.15 F. A. Green course 1:2 Cedar Rapids 1913 Two- 27,100 5" + 2" 1:3:5 $1.20 F. A. Green course i :2 Centerville. . 1912 One- 3,800 6" 1:2:4 $1.41 Includes T. S. DeLay course grading Iowa Engin- eering Co. [72 TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAH BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Iowa (Contin- ued) Cerro Gordo County. . . 1913 One- 9,400 6" at side rti*:3 $I.O2 J. S. Dodds Near Mason course 7 %* at center City Clarence .... 1913 Bit.- 7,500 6" 1:2:4 Si-53 Iowa Engineer- top ing Company Clarinda 1910 Two- 10,000 4" + 2" 1:3:5 $1.23 A. S. Van course 1:1 Sandt Clarinda 1911 Two- 12,000 4" + 2* 1:3:5 $1-23 A. S. Van course 1:1 Sandt Clarinda.... 1912 One- 12,100 6" 1:2:4 $1.09 Includes Theo. S. De- course grading Lay Clarinda 1913 One- I5,3SO 6" 1:2:4 Theo. S. De- course Lay Clear Lake.. 1913 Two- 35,ooo ? + * i:3o $1.26 Includes H. D. Keerl course 1:2 to grading $i-43 Clinton IOI2 Two- 4,700 5* + 2" 1:6 $1.00 Includes T. G. Thome V course 1:2 grading Clinton 1913 Bit.- 27,800 6" 1:6 , $1.18 Includes J. G. Thorne top grading Council Bluffs .... 1913 Two- 650 6" 1:3:4 $1.50 Includes course 1:2 grading Cresco 1911 Two- 1 1, 800 f 1:2:5 $1.36 course 1:2 Creston .... 1912 One- 2,100 6" 1:2:4 $I.IO Includes Theo. S. De- course grading Lay Davenport . . 1909 Two- 3,3oo 5" + 2" 1:3:5 $1.25 J. A. Ryan course 1:2 Davenport. . 1910 Two- 9,700 5' +2" 1:3:5 Si-35 J. A. Ryan course 1:2 Davenport. . 1911 Two- 9,200 5' + 2" 1:3:5 $1.25 J. A. Ryan course 1:2 Davenport . . 1911 One- 5,300 6" 1:3:5 $0.93 Reinf. J. A. Ryan course Davenport . . 1912 Two- 49,800 5' +2" 1:3:5 $1.17 J. A. Ryan course :i:i Davenport . . Davenport. . 1913 1913 Bit. top One- 11,500 22,200 6" 6" :3:5 2:3 fi-37 $1.23 J. A. Ryan J. A. Ryan course Des Moines . 1909 Two- 5,000 6K + ir -.2:5 $1.62 J. W. Budd course :i:i DesMoines . 1912 One- 45,600 6" and 8' a|-4 $1.27 J. W. Budd course Des Moines . 1913 Two- 50,800 ai'+il' 1:2:5 $1.20 C. Green course 1:1:1 Dubuque . . . 1909 One- 370 5" 1:3:5 $0.80 course Dubuque . 1912 Two- 500 sr + r 1:7 $1.12 course 1:1 73] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Iowa (Contin- ued) Dubuque . . . 1913 One- 260 6" 1:1*3 $1.29 course Dubuque . . . 1913 Two- 3,900 si* + r 1:3:5 $1-57 course 1:2 Dubuque . . . 1913 Two- 2,000 4** + ir 1:2:3 $1.44 course 1:2 Eddy ville . . . 1907 Two- 7,800 5" + 2" i:5 $0.86 course 1:2 EddyviUe. .. 1909 3,100 Eddy ville. .. 1911 One- 26,100 7" i:a*:a*. $1.02 J. W. Budd course Eldora 1910 Two- 10,000 5" + 2" i:2|:s $1.36 S. B. Gardner course 1:2 Eldora . . 1911 Two- 30,000 5" + 2" 1:2^:5 $i-35 S. B. Gardner course 1:2 Eldora 1912 Two- 40,000 5" + 2" 1:2^:5 $1.23 S. B. Gardner course 1:2 Includes Ft. Dodge . . 1910 Two- 28,900 5" + 2" 1:2:5 $i-59 grading C. H. Rey- course 1:1:1 and curbs nolds Includes Ft. Dodge . . 1911 Two- "8,600 5" + 2" 1:2:5 $1.60 grading C. H. Rey- course 1:1:1 and curbs nolds Greenfield . . 1911 Two- 10,500 4" + 2" ia5S $i-34 Iowa Engi- course 1:1:1 neering Co. Greenfield . . 1912 Two- 29,000 4" + 2" 1:2^:5 $1.27 Iowa Engi- J 9i3 course 1:1:1 neering Co. Hampton . . . *9 J 3 Two- 50,000 5" + 2" lafcS $1.20* Includes Baker & course 1:2 grading Gardner Harlan 1911 Two- 18,000 4" + 2" 1:2:5 $1.18 John P. Crick course i :2 Iowa City . . 1912 One- 5,200 7" i:i*:3 $0.99 J. C. Watkins course Iowa Falls . . 1913 Two- 20,100 5" + 2" 1:2:5 $1.17* course 1:2 Keokuk .... 1912 One- 7,500 6" course Knoxville. . . 1910 Two- 10,000 4" + 2" 1:2^:5 $i-53 Hall & Adams course 1:2 Knoxville . . . 1911 Two- 9,000 4" + 2" 1:2^:5 $1.51 Hall & Adams course 1:2 Knoxville . . . i9 J 3 20,000 Le Mars .... 1904 Two- 900 5" + i*' 1:6 $1.25 Moore & course 1:2 Kehrberg Manchester 1911 Two- 700 5" + 2" 1:3:5 $1.25 course 1:2 Manchester 1912 Two- 3,200 5" + 2" 1:4 $1.24 course 1:2 Marshall- town 1910 Two- 800 5" + 2" 1:3:5 $1.40 W. H. Steiner course i* 74 TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Iowa (Contin- ued) Marshall- town .... 1911 Two- 6,800 3" +2" 1:3:5 $0.89 W. H. Steiner course 1:2 Marshall- town .... 1911 Two- 7,000 5" + 2" 1:3:5 Si.iS W. H. Steiner course 1:2 Marshall- town .... 1912 Two- 64,000 5" +2" 1:2:5 $1.08 W. H. Steiner course 1:2 Marshall- town .... 1913 One- 6,500 $1.08 W. H. Steiner course Mason City. 1909 Two- 8,000 5" + 2" 1:2:5 $i-35 F. P. Wilson course 1:2 Mason City . 1910 Two- 17,000 5" +2* 1:2:5 $1.25 F. P. Wilson course 1:2 Mason City . 1911 Two- 42,000 5' + 2" 1:2:5 $1.38 F. P. Wason course 1:2 Mason City . 1912 Two- 49,800 5" +2" 1:2:5 $1.23 F. P. WUson course 1:2 Mason City. 1912 Two- 4,000 II* -f 2" 1:2:5 $1.75 Under and F. P. Wason course 1:2 between car tracks Mason City . J 9 J 3 Two- 25,000 5" +2* 1:2:5 $i-35 F. P. Wilson course 1:2 Near Mason City IQI3 One- 9,^00 6* at sides I '2 'A. $i 03 B. H. Lampert V O course ,o^^ 8* at center Mt. Vernon . 1913 One- 9,400 Iowa Eng. Co. course Muscatine . . 1912 One- 2,700 6* I: 4i $0.93 C. H. Young course Muscatine . . 1913 One- 8,700 6" 1:4! $1.00 C. H. Young course Muscatine . . 1913 Two- 33,000 5"+ 2" i:7 $i-35 C. H. Young course 1:2 New Hamp- Two AF "K"*m 19 I I A WO course lOj^OO 1:2 includes grading . r . jvem- man New Hamp- ton 1912 Two- O.OOO 5"+ 2* 1:2:5 $1.14^ A. F. Kem- course X^jW O 1 f m 'j 1:2 man Newton .... 1913 j Two- 43,200 5*+ i" 1:2:5 $1.18 W. F. Beyers course 1:2 Osage 1910 One- 40,000 5" +2' 1:2^-5 $i-39 . S. B. Gardner course 1:2 Perry 1912 One- 12,000 6" 1:2:2 $0.94 J. A. Burris course Near Perry. 1913 One- 4,000 6" 1:4 $0.84 F.NaddenCo. course [75] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Iowa (Contin- ued] Red Oak.... 1911 One- 3,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.27 Richard Rob- course erts Red Oak.... 1913 One- 5,5o 6" 1:2:4 $1.29 Includes Richard Rob- course grading erts Remsen .... 1911 One- 9,000 6" 1:4 $0.89 Smith & Fin- course ley Rock Rapids 1913 One- 1,000 6" 1:2:4 course Sac City.... 1913 One- 2,000 6" 1:2:4 course Shenandoah . 1910 Two- 1,000 5" + 2" 1:2:5 $1.25 Fred Cain course 1:2 Sioux City . . 1911 One- 80,100 5" i =3 '-4\ $1.22 K. C. Gaynor course Sioux City . . 1912 One- 173,600 6" 1:2:3 $1.04 Includes Fred C. Smith course to grading $1.29 Sioux City . . 1913 One- 58,600 6" 1:2:3 $1.04 Fred C. Smith course to $1.19 Toledo IOIO Two- 1,000 s" + 2" 1:3:6 $1.44 Hugh A. y course J 1 j i:af Chambers Toledo . ... 1911 Two- 19,000 s" + 2" 1:3:6 $1.44 Hugh A. course I * i:i Chambers Vernon Heights . . 1912 Two- 2,800 1:3:5 $1.16 course 1:2 Vinton IQI2 Two- 10,600 e" + 2 " I ' 3 o $1.07 Percy P. Smith x v course O T^- O i:2 NK- 1 - 4 $i.35 Includes Bion Bradbury, top grading J r - Portland . . . 1913 Bit- 20,000 5" at sides 1:2:4 Bion Bradbury, South Port- top 6" at center Jr. land . . IQI2 Bit.- 1,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.32* Includes A. E. Skillin x y * m top Nr - O 2 grading Wells IQI3 Bit.- 31,700 6" 1:2:6 $1.26 y O top Westbrook . . 1912 Hassam 18,000 6" $1.65 Includes D. R. Duran grading Maryland Allegany Co. 1913 Bit.- 9,000 5" at sides 1:2:4 D. P. LaFevro near Kreig- top 7" at center baum Anne Arundel Co., near An- napolis .... 1913 Hassam 14,100 5" at sides H. G. Shirley 7" at center Brooklyn . . . 1912 Hassam 9,400 6" $1.52 H. G. Shirley Forest Park 1912 One- 1,400 6" at sides 1:2:4 $1.01 Wm. G. Sucro course 7" at center Guilford. ... 1913 Bit.- 26,000 5" 1:3:6 J. C. Little top Near Hale- thorpe . . . 1913 One- 16,500 5" at sides 1:2:4 $1.18 H. G. Shirley course 7" at center 78] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Maryland (Continued) Near High- landtown . IQIS Bit.- 500 6" 1:2:4 -*- top Roland Park 1910 Bit- 8,000 6" 1:2^:5 $1.05 Mr. Chubb top Roland Park 1913 Bit.- 40,200 6" 1:3:6 J. C. Little top Near Roslyn Sta. IQM One- 1,000 5" i :2:4 Wm. G. Sucro V O course o Towson J 9!3 Bit.- i, 600 6" 1:2:4 $1.29 Includes Wm. G. Sucro top grading Whitehall... 1911 Two- 700 4*' + *** 1:3:5 IO-97* H. G. Shirley course Calvert Co. Huntingtown 1910 Two- 6"+i" 1:2:4 $1.30 course 1:2 Caroline Co. Near Win- chester . . . 1913 One- 12,500 5" at sides 1:2:4 $1-49 H. G. Shirley course Carroll Co. Near Taney- town 1913 Bit- 16,400 5* at sides 1:2:4 $1.13 H. G. Shirley top 7* at center Cecil Co. Near Bacon Hill Sta. . . J 9i3 One- 18,800 5" at sides 1:2:4 $1.20 H. G. Shirley course f at center Near Elkton 1912 One- i, 600 6" 1:2:4 $1.25 H. G. Shirley course Near North- east 1912 One- 4,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.25 H. G. Shirley course Charles Co. Near Rock Point 1912 One- 3,300 6" 1:2:4 $I.IO H. G. Shirley course Near Rock Point .... 1913 One- 33Joo 5" at sides 1:2:4 *i-33i H. G. Shirley course 7" at center Dorchester Co. Near East New Mar- ket . IQI 3 Bit.- 24. 8OO 5* at sides i:2 '4 $1.25 H. G. Shirley *y *-o *if jJv^w *- 'T 1 v A *'O top f at center Near Mt. Holly. ... 1913 One- 16,500 5* at sides i:2:4 $1.25 H. G. Shirley course 7" at center [79] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Maryland (Continued) Frederick Co. Near Ridge- ville 1913 One- 10,000 5" at sides 1:2:4 $1.25 H. G. Shirley course 7" at center Howard Co. Elk Ridge .. 1913 One- 8,200 5" at sides 1:2:4 G. H. Sykes course 7" at center Montgomery Co. Bethesda . . . 1912 One- 17,600 6" 1:2** $0.83 Mr. Sharkey course Chevy Chase 1912 Oil 3,000 6" i:if:3l $0.95 L. W. Page concrete Chevy Chase 1912 Bit.- 2,800 6" tafcs* $0.95 L. W. Page top Chevy Chase 1912 One- 1,400 6" i:if:3l $0.95 L. W. Page course Chevy Chase !9 J 3 One- i, 600 6" i:if:3* $0.99 L. W. Page course Near Damas- cus !9 J 3 One- 16,500 5" at sides 1:2:4 $1.28 H. G. Shirley course 7" at center Near Rock- ville !9 J 3 One- 16,000 5" at sides 1:2:4 H. G. Shirley course 7" at center Prince George Co. Near Blad- ensburg . . 1912 Bit.- 7,100 6" 1:2:4 $1.25 H. G. Shirley top Near College Park 1912 Bit.- 4,700 6" 1:2:4 $i.35- H. G. Shirley top Near College Park 1912 One- 1,400 6" 1:2:4 $1.35 H. G. Shirley course Near Hyatts- ville IQI2 Bit.- 3,600 6" 1:2:4 $1.2^ H. G. Shirley y top \P j. . ** ^ Near Hyatts- ville 1913 One- 10,000 5" at sides 1:2:4 $1.25 H. G. Shirley course 7" at center Near Laurel . 1912 Hassam 7,600 6" $1.52 5 yr. guar- H. G. Shirley antee NearT.B.. . 1913 Bit.- 38,000 5" at sides 1:2:4 $1.09 H. G. Shirley top f at center Upper Marl- boro . . 1013 Bit.- 6^,300 5" at sides 1 12:4 $1.08 H. G. Shirley v o top v o ?o f at center [80] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Maryland (Continued) Near Wash- ington (D.C.)... 1913 Bit.- 8,300 5* at sides 1:2:4 $1-47 H. G. Shirley top 7" at center St. Marys Co. Near Me- chanicsville 1913 One- 45,100 5" at sides 1:2:4 $1.15 H. G. Shirley course f at center Somerset Co. Near Cris- field 1913 One- 22,300 5* at sides 1:2:4 $1.08 H. G. Shirley course 7* at center Near Prin- cess Anne 1913 Hassam 16,400 5" at sides $i-45 H. G. Shirley f at center Talbot Co. Near Easton 1913 One- 33,000 5" at sides 1:2:4 $i-35 H. G. Shirley course 7* at center Wicomico Co. Near Salis- . bury IOI 3 One- *6 800 5* at sides J '2 'A H. G. Shirley i - /L * j -j f *y*o \J jt^WV-f 1 ,4 .1+ course 7* at center Worcester Co. Berlin 1912 One- 10,300 6" 1:2:4^ Si-34* Includes Herbert W. course grading Hatton Near Berlin . 1913 Bit.- 33,000 5" at sides 1:2:4 $1.47 H. G. Shirley top 7* at center Pocomoke . . I9II One- 25,000 6" 1:2:3* $1.25 Includes Herbert W. course grading Hatton Massachu- setts Boston IQI2 Hassam 13,400 6" 1:2:4 Bit.- top One- course Haverhill . . . 1909 Hassam 8,000 6" $i-75 Geo. E. Hutchins Haverhill... I9IO Hassam 2,000 6" $i-75 Geo. E. Hutchins Haverhill... I9II Hassam .8,000 6" $i-75 Geo. E. Hutchins Long Meadow. . 1912 One- 6,000 4* 1:2:4 A. W. Dean course Long Meadow. . 1913 One- 4,000 5" at sides 1:2:4 A. W. Dean course 7* at center Lowell 1908 Hassam 6,400 6" $i-35 Wm. A. Favor [81 TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Massachu- setts (Con- tinued) Lvnn . 1906 Hassam 65,100 6" Geo. I. Leland V to 1911 Lynn 1911 One- 8,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.70 Geo. I. Leland course Lynn 1911 Two- 6,000 5f" + i" 1:3:5 $1.65 Geo. I. Leland course 1:1:1 Lynn 1912 One- 14,800 6" 1:2:4 $1.30 Wm. L. Ven- course nard Lynn .... 1913 One- . 42,650 6" 1:2:4 $1.00 Wm. L. Ven- . course nard Newton .... 1907 One- 10,000 2|" 1:3:5 $0.17! Chas. W. Ross course North Adams 1912 Bit.- 775 6" 1:2:4 $1.15 H. E. Blake top North And- over 1913 One- 22,000 5" at sides 1:2:4 A. W. Dean course 7." at center 1 :1 2 : 3 Somerville . . 1907 Hassam 36,800 6" $1.65 E. W. Bailey to 1912 Spencer .... 1906 Hassam 5-700 5" . J. A. Johnson Spencer ... 1907 Has- 6" . $i-75 A. W. Dean samite Taunton. . . . 1912 Hassam 6,000 Worcester . . 1906 Hassam 26,500 6" to 1911 Worcester . . 1912 Hassam 7,200 6" $i-7S Michigan Allegan 1906 Two- I, IIO Fred Mackey course Allegan . 1909 Two- 830 course Alma 1912 Two- 200 5" + 2" 1:7 Riggs and course i :2 ' Sherman Alma i 9 !3 Two- I,OOO 5" + 2" 1:2^:5 W. J. Sherman course 1:2 & Co. Alma I 9 I 3 One- 3,000 6" 1:2:3 W. J. Sherman course &Co. Alpena 1909 Two- 11,500 6" + 2" 1:6 $1.15 Includes J. W. McNeil course I.I* curbing Alpena 1910 Two- 13,200 6" + 2" 1:2:6 $1.32 Includes J. W. McNeil course grading Alpena 1912 Two- . 6,500 6" + 2" 1:3:3 $0.85 J. W. McNeil course i:i| Ann Arbor . . 1909 Bit- 2,000 42" + 1 3* 1:8 $0.80 E. W. Groves ' top 1:2 [82 TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Michigan (Continued) Ann Arbor . . 1910 Bit.- 20,000 4*' + ir 1:8 $0.80 E. W. Groves top -.2 Ann Arbor . . 1911 Bit.- 64,000 4i* + ii* :8 $0.80 E. W. Groves top :2 Ann Arbor . . / IQI2 Bit.- 70,000 5" +2" :8 $0.90 Manley Os- \i9i3 top :2 good Bad Axe 1909 Two- 13,000 5"+!' :6 $0.80 John Bloom- course :2 shield Bangor 1912 One- QOO 5 ^ "at side I "2"l $1.20 course v/v^ 8" at center * *o Bay City . . . 1908 Two- 500 G. C. Turner course Bay City . . . 1912 Two- 6,600 5' + *: i:5 H. C. Thomp- course 1:2 son Bay City . . . 1913 Two- 5,000 5" + 2* i:5 $i-77 H. C. Thomp- course 1:2 son Bay City . . . 1913 Two- 5,3oo 5*+2" i:5 $1.15 H. C. Thomp- course 1:2 son Berrian Co. . 1912 One- 3,H5 6" + 2" 1:2:4 $1.20 Includes . course grading Buchanan . . 1912 One- 3,100 6" 1:2:4 $1.20 Includes course ' grading Cadillac.... 1913 8,000 Caro 1913 Two- 12,000 6" 1:2:3 $0.97 R. W. Roberts course 1:2 Charlevoix . . 1911 Two- 2,000 5* + 2* 1:6 Geo.A.Pierson course 1:2 Charlevoix. . 1912 Bit- 22,500 Si' + ii' 1:6 Geo.A.Pierson top 1:2 Charlotte . . . 1912 Two- 12,000 sr + ij' 1:2*15 $1.07 Jas. R. Mc- course 1:2 Camman Clear Water. 1906 Two- 5.000 6" + i" 17 $0.93 course 1:2 Constantine . 1913 Two- 4,300 4r+ir 1:4* $1.2 7 W. C. Bailey course 1:2 Dearborn . . 1912 One- 11,700 7* i:ii=3 $1.60 course Detroit IQOQ Two- 1,000 5* + 2" i '3 '6 R. H. McCor- V^7 course I *" i:ij mick Detroit I9IO Two- 1,000 s'-fa* i-v6 R. H. McCor- course O 1 * * 'O i:i| mick Detroit 1910 One- 12,000 6" 1:2:4 ! R. H. McCor- course mick Detroit I9II Two- 61,000 5" + 2" 1:3:6 $1.12 R. H. McCor- course i:i:3 ! mick Detroit 1912 Two- 4,200 5"+2" i:3:6 R. H. McCor- course i:i:3 mick Detroit. 1913 16,600 Dowagiac . . . 1912 Bit.- 3-300 4" + 2" i:7 $0.95 top i :2 East Jordan . 1912 Two- 10,000 5* +2" 1:6 $1.06 1 course ! 1:2 [83] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Michigan (Continued) Escanaba. . . 1911 Two- 11,000 4" + 2" 1:2:4 $0.87 Mr. McKilli- course 1:1:2 can Escanaba . . . 1912 Two- 29,000 4" + 2" 1:3:6 $1.00 D. A. Broth- course Itlf erton Flushing. . . . 1911 700 Franken- muth .... 1913 One- 7,000 7" 1:2:3 R. W. Roberts course I :2 Grand Haven 1910 Bit- 2,000 1:6 $0.97 Riggs Sherman top 1:2 Co. Grand Haven 1911 sit; 7,000 6" + ir 1:7 Riggs Sherman top I: 3 Co. Grand Haven 1913 One- 10,000 6" 1:4 $0.95 Includes W. J. Sher- course grading man & Co. Grand Haven 1913 One- 13,300 7" 1:4 $1.05 Includes W. J. Sher- course grading man & Co. Grand Rap- ids 19012 Two- 1,000 6" + i" i :^x $I.2 i.D7 Includes W. G. Wet- course grading more Meridian . . . 1913 Bit.- 30,000 top [87] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Mississippi (Continued) Vicksburg . . 1908 Two- 7,000 Si' + if 1:3:4 $2.07 C. R. Twiss course i :i^ Missouri Cape Gir- ardeau . . . 1911 One- 16,000 6" and 7" 1:12=3 $0.96 C. E. Stiver course Cape Gir- ardeau . . . 1912 One- 3,000 6" 1:1^:3 $0.96 C. E. Stiver course Cape Gir- ardeau . . . 1913 One- 7,000 5" at side 1:2:4 $0.96 C. E. Stiver course 6" at center Cape Gir- ardeau . . . 1913 One- 24,000 5" at side 1:1^:3 $0.93 C. E. Stiver course 6" at center to ' Cape Gir- $0.983 ardeau . . . 1913 Bit.- 7,000 5" at side 1:3:5 $0.92 C. E. Stiver top 6" at center Chillicothe . . I 9 I 3 Hassam 7,000 5" $1.50 J. Broaddus Clinton 1912 One- 5,000 7" 1:12:3 $1.30 H. C. Allen course Clinton 1913 One- 6,700 7" 1:1^:3 $1.29 H. C. Allen course Columbia. . . 1913 Bit.- 1,000 7" 1:2:4 $1.30 J. Paul Price top Columbia . . . 1913 One- 10,840 6" 1:2^:4$ $0.89 J. Paul Price course Eldorado Springs. . . 1912 One- 15,000 6" i:5 $0.86 D. L. Haggard course Fulton . . . 1913 3,600 Hannibal . . . I 9 I 3 Hassam 75,000 $1.68 B. F. Smiley Hannibal . . . 1913 One- 15,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.00 B. F. Smiley course Independence 1909 Hassam 2,000 6" $1.65 H. H. Pendle- ton Independence 1910 Hassam 32,000 6" $1.60 H. H. Pendle- ton Independence 1910 One- 1,000 5" 1:3:5 $1.30 H. H. Pendle- course ton Independence 1911 Hassam 14,000 6* $i-55 H. H. Pendle- ton Independence 1911 One- 4,000 5" 1:3:5 $1.22 H. H. Pendle- course ton Kansas City 1910 One- 5,000 8" 1:2^ $1.29 L. R. Ash course Kansas City 1911 One- 52,000 6" 1:2^:4^ $I.O2 L. R. Ash course to $1-35 Kansas City 1911 Two- 3,000 5" + ii' 1:3:5 $1-43 L. R. Ash course 1:2 [88] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARK YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Missouri (Con- tinued) Kansas City 1912 One- 266,500 6* . 1:2^:4^ $1.04 . L. R. Ash course Kansas City 1913 One- 260,800 8" and 6" 1:2^:4^ $1.03 Curtis Hill course to $i.2 4 i Kansas City 1913 One- 17,900 6" i : 25:4! $1.03 Curtis Hill course Kirksville... 1913 Two- 18,500 si' + if 1:2:4^ $i-45 S. M. Foley course i :^'i \ Liberty 1911 Two- 17,000 5" + i" 1:2^:5 $1.18 E. H. Collins course 1:2 Liberty IOI2 Two- ?8,ooo 5" + if 1:2*15 $1.15 E. H. Collins * V course o->y w O 1 * 2 * 2 * 1:2 Liberty . 1913 Two- II IOO 5" + i" I '2-'Z $1.19 E. K. Carter course O I * 1:1:1 A $1.32 Maplewood . 1913 Bit.- 2,400 6" 1:2^:5 $1.72 S. W. Shinkle top Maplewood . 1913 One- 4,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.56 Includes S. W. Shinkle course grading and curbs Marshall . . . 1913 Bit.- 13,000 ' top Mexico 1912 One- 6,500 6" 1:3:5 $I.I2j course Nevada .... / 1912 Bit.- 29,000 6" 1:1:4 $I.2O J. M. Clack 1 1913 top St. Joseph . . j 1907 Hassam 190,000 6" $1-35 D. L. Lawler \ioo8 to $i-39 St. Joseph . . 1910 Two- 2,000 4*+ i' :2:4 $1.32 D. L. Lawler <, course :i:i St. Joseph . . 1911 Two- 13,000 4" + i" :2:4 $1.15 D. L. Lawler course :^:i St. Joseph . . 1912 Two- 10,800 4" and 5" :2:4 $1.20 Chas. W. course -hi" ::i to Campbell St. Louis. . . . 1890 700 ij35 Sedalia 1912 Two- 2,000 5'+ i" 1:3:6 $1.00 Includes F. T. Learning course 1:2 grading Sedalia 1913 Bit.- 7,000 top Springfield. . 1913 . 100,000 $1.23 C. Phillips to Trenton .... 1911 One- 700 6" i:af:s $1.44 course Webster Groves . . . 1913 Bit.- 30,000 6" 1:2^-4 $1.25 W. A. Fuller top Montana Billings 1912 One- 400 7" 1:2:4 $2.25 C. E. Durland course [89] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Montana (Con- tinued) Bozeman . . . Great Falls Nebraska Benson 1908 1912 1910 Two- course One- course One- 25,000 3,100 18,000 si' + ii" 6" 6" 1:2:4 1:1:1 1:6 1:2:4 $i-95 $1.40 $1.04 C. M. Thope Roy Towle Douglas Co. . Grand Island Lincoln Omaha. . , . . Omaha 1910 1912 1912 1908 IQOQ course One- course Bit.- top Two- course One- course One- 28,000 7,000 1,100 1,000 3,000 5" 5" 4i" + ii" 8" 8" 1:3:5 i:5 1:2:4 1:2:4 $1.27 to $1.62 $i-45 $i-45 $i-55 $1.70 Includes curbs Includes Geo. McBride H. W. Kibbey Adna Dobson Geo. W. Craig Geo. W. Craig Omaha Omaha . . 1909 IQIO course One- course One- 1,000 6" 8" 1:2:4 i :2:4 $1-45 $1.62 curbs Includes Geo. W. Craig Geo. W. Craig Omaha Omaha I9IO I9II course One- course One- 1,000 3.000 6" 8" 1:2:4 1:2:4 $1.20 $1.62 curbs Includes Geo. W. Craig Geo. W. Craig Omaha Omaha I9II IOI2 course One- course One- 1,000 2,IOO 6" 6" 1:2:4 1:2:4 $1.25 $i.6<> curbs Geo. W. Craig Omaha . . . IQI3 course 3^,000 SouthOmaha South Omaha New Hamp- shire Nashua Nashua Nashua Nashua 1907 I9II 1907 1909 1909 IOII One- course One- course Hassam One- course Two- course One- 1,000 13,000 5,000 2,000 800 1,400 6" 8" 6" 7" 6"+i" 6" traits i:*i:S 1:3:5 1:3:5 1:3 1:3:5 $1.19 $1.23 $i-35 $1.16 $1.16 $1.09 E. M. Rohr- bough Geo. W. Rob- erts Osgood Con- struction Co. Osgood Con- struction Co. Osgood Con- New Jersey Audubon . . . Bridgeton . . Glen Ridge . I9I2-3 1913 1913 course One- course Two- course One- course 2,400 1,400 1,500 6" 5" + 2" 6" 1:2:4 1:3:5 1:2 late $0.98 $1.40 $1.28 Reinf. struction Co. J. J. Albert- son N. M. Sharp F. E. Crane [90] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REUARKS ENGINEER New Jersey (Contin- ued) Linden 1913 One- 4,500 6" at sides 1:2^:4 Jacob L. Bauer course 8* at center New Bruns- wick 1908 Two- 5,000 Si' + if" 1:2:5 $2.11 Fred. C. course 1:15 Schneider New Bruns- wick 1911 Two- 7,200 si* + if* j. 2> - $2.15 Fred. C. 7 * course / j^*-" 04 1 ** I i:i| Schneider New Bruns- wick 1912 Bit.- 15,000 6" 1:2:4 top New Bruns- wick 1913 One- 19,000 6" 1:2:4 course New Village . 1912 One- 9,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.40 F. Salmon course Oaklyn .... 1913 One- 2,500 6" 1:2:4 course Ocean City . I9I2-3 Bit.- 21,000 sf" 1:2:4 $1.00 Ralph L. Goff top Paterson . . . 1913 felt-- 1, 800 6" 1:2:4 top Roselle Park 1913 Bit.- 16,000 6" 1:2:4 Si-34f J. Wallace top Higgins Trenton 1912 One- 1,300 6" 1:2^:5 $i.44 Abram Swan, Trenton...'. 1913 course One- 4.300 6" 1:2:4 $1.07- _ Jr. Abram Swan, course $i.n Jr. Washington . 1912 Bit.- 1,500 6" 1:2:4 $1.34 Borough Engr. top Westfield . . . 1913 Bit- 7.200 6" 1:11:3 $1.37 A. W. Vars top New York- Albany Co. Albany 1912 Bit.- 4,500 6" 1:2^:4 $1.00 A. M. Worth- top ington Albany 1912 Bit.- 1,300 6" 1:2^:4 $1.65 Frank R. Lan- top agan Albany 1913 One- 5,500 5" at sides 1:1^:3 $1.89 Includes Frank R. Lan- course 7* at center grading agan Albany 1013 Two- 4,IOO r* _|_ 2 " IV> $1.20 Frank R. Lan- V O course -(., AX-n^ 1:2 agan Slingerlands . 1912 One- 39,500 6" 1:2^:5 $0.87 C. Gordon course Reel Watervliet Shakers . . 1912 One- 60,000 5" 1:3:5 $0.85 C. Gordon course 2 :3 :6 Reel Allegany Co. Friendship, Belmont . . 1913 One- 65,800 5' 1:6 $0.70 John N. Car- course lisle [91 TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER New York (Contin- ued) ^ Friendship, Bolivar . . . 1913 One- 50,000 5" i:2j: S $0.85 John N: Car- course lisle Obi Cuba . 1913 One- 72,000 5" i:5 $0.87 John N. Car- course lisle Broome Co. Binghamton 1912 Bit.- i, 600 6" + 2" 1:2:5 $1.16 J. A. Giles top 1:2 Binghamton 19*3 Two- 800 6" + 2" 1:3:6 $i-45 Includes J. A. Giles course 1:2 grading Cattaraugus Co. Allegany, Vandalia . 1913 One- 44,100 5" 1:6 $0.93 John W. Car- course lisle Otto Catta- raugus . . . 1912 One- 8,500 6" io $0.80 C. Gordon course Reel Otto, East . . 1913 One- 18,600 5" i'-5 $0.80 ; John N. Car- course lisle Chautauqua Co. Dunkirk 1912 One- 30,200 6" isfci $1.12 Reinf. J. W. Hackett course Dunkirk. . . . 1913 One- 3>90Q 6" iajte $1.12 Reinf. J. W. Hackett course to Poland Cen- $1-35 ter Wa- terboro . . . 1912 One- 46,900 6" 1:5 C. Gordon course Reel Chenango Co. Nineveh Afton 1912-3 Hassam 52,700 4!" at sides $1.62 C. Gordon 5! "at center Reel Clinton Co. Battleman Rd 1912 One- 10,500 6" i:i|:S C. Gordon course Reel Cortland Co. Cortland . . . i9 J 3 , Erie Co. Tonawanda . 1912-3 One- 43,5oo 6" 1:6 C. Gordon course Reel Essex Co. Schroon Lake to North Hudson . . 1912 One- 5S,6oo 6" 1:6 $0.8 1 C. Gordon course Reel [92 TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER New York (Contin- ued) Village of Upper Jay to Village of Keen . . 1912 One- 56,900 6" i:2|: 5 $o. 57 C. Gordon course Reel Franklin Co. North Bang- or South Bangor. . . 1912 One- 19,400 6" iafcs $o.82| C. Gordon course Reel Fulton Co. Gloversville 1913 Bit.- 32,000 6" lafcs $1.50 - Genesee Co. top Batavia .... 1913 6,300 Robert L. Fox Jefferson Co. Watertown . 1912 Hassam 4,500 6* $r-33 Bit.- E. W. Sayles top Watertown . 1912-3 Bit.- 7,800 6" 1:4 $1.28 E. W. Sayles top Livingston Co Avon Village 1912 Bit.- 16,900 6" 1:5 C. Gordon top Reel Avon Lima . 1912 One- 60,400 6" 1:2^:5 C. Gordon course Reel Geneseo- , Pifford . . . 1912 One- 17,400 6" 1:2^:5 C. Gordon course Reel Madison Co. Bridgeport- Lakeport . 1912 One- 41.800 6" 1:2*0 C. Gordon course Reel Sherrill- Kenwood 1913 One- 2,100 6" 1:2:4 course Monroe Co. Fairpoint- Nine Mile Pt 1912 One- 107,100 5' i:*J: S C. Gordon course Reel Sea Breeze- Nine Mile Pt IQI2 One- 34,700 5" i=Si C. Gordon course Reel Nassau Co. Locust Valley 1913 Bit.- 9,000 top New Hyde Park, N. Y. 1912 Hassam 13,200 5" Staten Island 1912 Bit.- 1,200 6" 1*4 $1.12 top [93] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER New York (Contin- ued) Niagara Co. Gosport- Hartland . 1912 Bit.- 26,200 6" 1*5 C. Gordon top Reel La Salle .... 1913 Bit.- 6,400 5" 1:6 $1.18 A. P. Smith top Niagara Falls 1907 Hassam 15,000 6" $2.17 Includes F. S. Park- curbs hurst, Jr. Niagara Falls 1908 Hassam 28,000 6" $2.21 Includes curbs F. S. Park- hurst, Jr. Niagara Falls 1909 Hassam 13,000 6" $2.30 Includes F. S. Park- curbs hurst, Jr. Niagara Falls 1910 Hassam 19,000 6" $2.2O Includes curbs F. S. Park- hurst, Jr. Niagara Falls 1911 Hassam I2,OOO 6" $2.00 F. S. Park- hurst, Jr. Niagara Falls 1911 Hassam 6,000 7" $i-95 F. S. Park- hurst, Jr. Niagara Falls 1912 Hassam 32,300 7" $2.00 F. S. Park- hurst, Jr. Niagara Falls 1913 flassam 30,000 7" F. S. Park- hurst, Jr. Wrights Cor- ners, Hart- land 1913 Bit.- 63,800 6" 1:2^:5 $0.70 John N. Car- top lisle Onondaga Co. ' Baldwins- Ville- Cicero .... 1912 One 91,300 6" 1:6 C. Gordon course Reel Cicero-Brew- erton 1912 Bit- 45,400 6" 1:6 C. Gordon top Reel Fabrius Vil- lage . . 1913 Bit.- 13,400 5" I -2-X , John N. Car- top lisle Marietta- Marcellus . 1912 One- 63.400 5" 1:6 C. Gordon course Reel Phoenix- Syracuse . 1912 One- 36,900 6" 1:25:5 C. Gordon course Reel Syracuse- Bridgeport 1912-3 One- 62,300 6" i*5 John N. Car- course lisle Ontario Co. Geneva- Lyons .... 1912-3 One- 60,500 Si* 1:5 John N. Car- course lisle [94] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER New York (Contin- ued) Orleans Co. West Barre to Barre Center . . . 1912 Bit.- 38,400 6" 1:2:5 C. Gordon top Reel Oswego Co. Fulton IQI2 One- 2,300 6* i-2i-c C. Gordon A V course * ?o^^ x . *. 2 O Reel Fulton 1912 Bit.- 25;300 6* 1:2^:5 $1.60 G. C. Hill top Fulton 1913 One- 355 6' i^3o $1.30 G. C. Hill course Fulton-Three Rivers . . . I9I2-3 Hassam 48,400 6" John N. Car- lisle Fulton-Three Rivers . . . I9I2-3 One- 38,900 6" 1:6 John N. Car- course lisle Sterling- Oswego . . . 1913 Bit.- 23,300 6" 1:^:5 John N. Car- top lisle Renssalaer Co. DeFreestville 1912 One- 6,300 5' 1:6 C. Gordon course Reel Defreest- ville-Couse 1912 One- 29,500 5 1:6 C. Gordon course Reel Troy 1912 Hassam 3,000 5* $1.20 Troy 1912 Hassam- 7,000 5" $2-35 ite Troy IQH 60,000 West Sand * V O Lake to Averill Park 1912 One- 34,400 6" 1:6 C. Gordon course Reel Rocklahd Co. Spring Valley -Mt.Ivy.. 1912 One- 36,700 6" 1:2^:5 C. Gordon course Reel Saratoga Co. Schuylers- ville Vil- lage 1912 One- 14,300 6* 1:6 C. Gordon ***O course Reel Seneca Co. Ovid-Romu- lus IOI2 Bit.- 60,800 6" i:2j:s $0.81 C. Gordon V top Reel [95] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER New York (Contin- ued) St. Lawrence Co. Ogdensburg- Morris- town J 9I3 One- 38,300 6" John N. Car- course lisle Sullivan Co. Liberty- County Line Part i 1912 Hassam 80,200 6" $1.22 C. Gordon Reel Ulster Co. Kingston . . . 1913 One and 3-900 6" and in** $1-13 John F. two- 4" + 2" and Hallinan course 1:3:6 1:1 Kingsville- Ellenville Part 4 1912 One- 15,700 6" 1:2-2:5 C. Gordon course Reel Warren Co. Lake George- Warrensburg 1912 Bit.- 43,000 6" i:2|: 5 C. Gordon top Reel Wayne Co. William Sta. to Poult- neyville . . 1912 Bit.- 28,400 6" 1:2^:5 C. Gordon top Reel Westchester Co. Bedford- Golden. . . 1912 One- 28,200 6" 1:3:6 C. Gordon course Reel New Ro- chelle .... 1913 One- 13,150 6" 1:2:4 J. R. Wilkes course New Ro- chelle .... 1910 Hassam 4,5oo 6" J. R. Wilkes New Ro- chelle .... 1913 Bit.- 14,000 J. R. Wilkes top Waverly .... I 9 I 3 5,000 1*5 E. D. Sebring Wyoming Co. Java Village- Wales.... 1912 Bit.- 34,100 5" t:a|:s C. Gordon top Reel [96] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER North Caro- lina- Charlotte. . . 1907 Two- 2,8oo 4" + 2" 1:3:6 $1.25 Jos. Firth course i:ii Charlotte . . . 1912-3 Two- 59,000 " + 2" 1:3:6 $1.50 Jos. Firth course 1:1* Greensboro . 1912 Bit.- 14,800 s" 1:2:4 $1.25 M. M. Boyles top Greensboro . 1913 Bit.- 35.000 5" 1:24 $1.25 M. M. Boyles top Raleigh 1912 Bit.- 12,800 6" 1:2:4 $1.24 top Raleigh 1913 Bit.- 12,000 6" 1:24 $1.24 W. L. Wiggs top Wilmington 1913 Bit- 12,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.24 top North Dakota Grand Forks 1910 Two- 23.000 si' + ir 1:7 $2.20 8" strip H. G. Lykken course :* woven wire in crown Grand Forks 1911 Two- 35,500 si' + ir 1:7 $2.25 Stone H. G. Lykken course ia| cost $4.50 per cu.yd. Grand Forks 1911 One- 2,000 7* 1:5 $1.26 H. G. Lykken course Minot 1913 19,200 Ohio- Adams Co. Xear Win- chester . . . 1913 One- 5,800 6*' 1:2:3 $1.28 course Ashland Co. Near Ash- land 1912 Bit.- 18,300 6" i:i*:3i $1.00 Reinf. J. R. Marker top Ashtabula Co. Near And- over . . IQI2 Bit.- 15.000 7 1:1^:35 $0.95 J. R. Marker "V top Near Geneva 1913 Bit? 9,400 6" at sides i:i*:3i $0.95 J. R. Marker top f at center Jefferson . . . 1912 One- 1,300 6" 1:2:3 Si. oo B. F. Hewitt course Jefferson . . . 1912 Bit.- 58,500 6" 1:2:4 $1.06 B. F. Hewitt top Champaign Co. Xear Urbana 1913 Bit.- I,IOO or 1:1** $1.20 J. R. Marker top 1 \ [97] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Ohio (Contin- ued) Coshocton Co 1909 Two- 2,000 5" + i" 1:2:4 $1.05 - Commissioners course 1:1* Coshocton Co IQI2 Bit- 7.2OO 6" 1:2:5* SO.QS John A. Han- xy i . top / , OS >K v ^'y j Ion Near Cam- bridge .... 1912 Bit- 3,000 6" i:&S John A. Han- top Ion Crawford Co. Bucyrus. . . . 1910 Two- 3,ooo 4**. + 1" tatei $0.94 H. L. Webber course 1:2:2 and George Schillinger Cuyahoga Co. Cleveland . . 1912 Bit- 15,900 4** + i*' i:4:5 $1.03 Robert Hoff- top 1:2 man Lakewood . . 1913 One- 4;300 7" 1:4 Chas. W. Root course Near War- rensville . . I9II-3 One- 28,000 6" 1:4 $1.13 Includes Harry Bun- course grading ning Delaware Co. Delaware . . . 1913 Two- 1,350 4" + 2" 1:2:5 $1.85 Includes H. 0. Core course 1:2 grading Erie Co. Cedar Point 1913 Bit- 72,800 6" 1:3:5 C. M. King top FlorenceTwp. 1913 Bit- 5,800 6" i:i|:3l $1.10 J. R. Marker top Sandusky. . . 1913 One- 20,500 6" l-at^i $1.12 J. R. Marker course Vermillion . . 1913 Bit- 7,000 6" i:i|:3l $0.90 J. R. Marker top Fayette Co. Washington Ct. House 1912 One- 16,400 6" utiaji J. R. Marker course Franklin Co. Near Colum- bus . . . IQIO One- 1,400 6" 1:3:6 $0.83 Jos. C. Won- V course j. .^ .w ~ f *^ J O dus Near Colum- bus I9I2-3 Bit- 1, 600 6" 1:1^:3 J. R. Marker top and 1:2:4 Near Colum- bus IOI2 T. One- 800 6" i:ii: 3 J. R. Marker y o course V and 1:2:4 Near Colum- bus 1912-3 Hassam 800 6" J. R. Marker [98] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Ohio (Contin- ued) Near Colum- bus IQIt Bit.- ^,800 6" at sides 1:1:8 R. N. Waid V O top j*- /wv/ 7* at center *o Madison Twp 1913 Bit.- 17,600 6" at sides i:i*:3* $1.20 J. R. Marker top f at center Geauga Co. Burton 1913 One- 9,300 6" 1:2:4 $i-45 E. A. Fiedler course Middlefield . 1913 Bit.- 19,100 6" 1:2:4 $1.09 B. F. Hewitt top Scotland Sta. 1913 Bit.- 10,100 6" 1:1*3* $0.90 J. R. Marker top Scotland Sta. 1913 Bit.- 9,000 6" i:x*3 $1.50 E. A. Fiedler top Hamilton Co. Norwood . . . 1912 One- 5;000 6" 1:2*0 $I.IO J. A. Stewart course Norwood . . . 1913 One- 6,500 6" i:a*:S $1.14 J. A. Stewart course and Harrison Co. 1:2:4 Piedmont . . 1911 One- 9,200 6" i:**:S $0.90 Reinf. M. Kelley course Near Scio . . . 1913 Bit.- 15,100 f i:i*:3* $1.28 J. R. Marker top Scio 1913 Bit.- 2,300 7" i:i*3* $1-31 Wm. Hibbs top Holmes Co. Near Millers- burg 1912 Bit.- 3,200 6" at sides i:i*:3i $1.31 J. R. Marker top 7" at center Huron Co. - Bellevue .... 1913 One- I,2OO 6" 1:2:4 $1.00 John Laylin course Bellevue .... 1913 Bit.- 2,700 6" 1:2:4 $1.05 John Laylin top Near Nor- walk 1912 Bit.- 13,000 6" 1:2:4 $0.95 L. C. Herrick top to $1.15 Near Nor- \valk IQI "? One- 131.700 6" I \2'.\ SO.04. L. C. Herrick V o course * 'O v^-y^t to $1.56 Near Nor- walk 1913 One- 26,000 6* i:i|:3 $1.17 John Laylin course and to 1:2:3 $1.21 Xorwalk... . 1912 Bit.- 2,400 e 1:2-4 $0.88 John Laylin top Norwalk .... 1912 One- 1,700 6" 1:2:4 $1.18 John Laylin course [99] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE i SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Ohio (Contin- ued) Knox Co. Milford Twp. 19*3 One- 2,600 65" 1:15:35 J. R. Marker course Lake Co. Madison Twp 1912 Bit.- 10,000 6" 1:15:35 $1.00 J. R. Marker top Near Paines- ville 1913 One- 33,200 6" j .jl-ol $1 33 J. R. Marker *3F*O course ' Weeds Cor- ners IQI3 Brt.- 15 600 4" + 2" I '2~'< $i-45 , H. P. Cum- top 1:15:3 mings Licking Co. Granville . . . I9I2-3 Bit.- 37,000 5" at sides 1:15:31 $1.03 J. R. Marker top 7" at center Logan Co. Bellefontaine 1892-3 Two- 4,400 4" + 2" 1:4 $2.15 C. A. Inskeep course 1:2 Lorain Co. Near Elyria. 1913 Bit.- 8,400 5" 1:2:4! $0.95 Slag T. L. Gibson top Grafton 1912 Bit.- 4,800 65" 1:2:4 $0.81 top Lucas Co. Adams Twp 1912-3 Bit.- 19,200 6" 1:15:35 $1.20 Slag J. R. Marker top Near Toledo 1913 One- 19,300 62" 1:13:32 $1.65 J. R. Marker course Toledo 1912 One- 20,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.41 Geo. W. Ton- course to son $1.79 Toledo 19*3 One- 26,500 6" 1:2:4 $I.O2 Geo. W. Ton- course to son $2.56 Madison Co. Near Darby . 1913 One- 8,200 6" 1:1^:3^ $1.17 J. R. Marker course Mahoning Co Near Akron 1912 One- 8,700 6" at sides I '-1 5 =3 $1.26 Slag G. M. Mont- course 7" at center gomery Near Akron 1913 One- 2,500 6" at sides 1:15:3 $1.26 Slag G. M. Mont- course 7" at center gomery McGuffey Road . . . 1913 Bit.- 8,200 6" 1:15:3 $1.40 G. M. Mont- top gomery NearYoungs 1912 Bit- 12,200 6" 1:15:35 $1.2 3 J. R. Marker town top Marion Co. Marion .... 1913 One- 3,500 6" 1:15:35 course I ioo] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE -PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Ohio (Contin- ued) Meigs Co. Rutland 1913 Bit- 3,300 6* at sides i:i*:3* $0.95 J. R. Marker top 7* at center Mercer Co. JeffersonTwp 1912 One- 13,100 6" at sides i:i*:3i $0.94 J. R. Marker course 7* at centeB Miami Co. NearPiqua . 1912 Bit.- 38,900 6* at sides i:i*:3* $0.00 J. R. Marker top 7* at center NearPiqua . 1912 Bit.- 17,400 6" at sides i:i*:3* $1.03 J. R. Marker top f at center Near Tippe- canoe .... i9 J 3 Bit- 13,000 6" at sides 1:2:3 $1.15 L. P. Knoop top 75*at center Troy. . 1913 One- 2,200 6" 1:2:3 $1.25 A. W. Scott course Montgomery Co. Dayton .... 1906 Two- 3,000 4" +2" 1:6 $1.15 course 1:2 Dayton .... 1907 Two- 8,000 4" +2" 1:6 $1.00 course 1:2 to Si -35 Dayton .... 1908 Two- 13,000 4* +2" 1:6 $1.08 course 1:2 to $1.30 Dayton .... 1909 Two- 2,300 4" +2" 1:6 $1.08 . course 1:2 to $1.30 Dayton .... 1910 Two- 9,000 4" +2" 1:4 $1.04 course 1:2 to $1.35 Dayton .... 1911 Two- 3,000 4" + 2" 1:4 $1.24 course 1:2 to $1.27 Dayton .... 1912 Two- 6,000 4" 1-2" 1:4 $1.17 course 1:2 to $1.35 Dayton 1913 One- 1,200 6" i:i*:3 Public Service course Dept. Dayton .... 1913 Two- 5,5oo 4" +2" 1:4 $1.26 Public Service course 1:2 to Dept. $2.38 Muskingum Co. Near Dres- den 1912 Bit.- 10,000 6" 1:2:4 $0.77 Ray Tanner top Near Ellis Corners . . 1913 One- 19,600 6" i:i*:3i $0.92 Slag J. R. Marker course EIOI] TABULAR BNSEST : OP StjtiLtf CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Ohio (Contin- ued) Noble Co. Near Athens I9 T 3 One- 15,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.86 Includes J. R. Marker course grading Pickaway Co. Near Circle- ville IQIS Bit.- 8,200 7" mStei $1.12 J. R. Marker top Near Circle- ville 1913 Bit.- 10,000 7" x:if:3 $1-25 J. R. Marker top Near Circle- ville 1913 One- 1,200 6" 1:2:3 J. R. Marker course Wayne Twp. 1912 Bit.- 11,400 f i:i*:3* $0.93 J. R. Marker top Pike Co. Near Wav- erly 1911 \ Bit.- 3,500 6" 1:2:4 $0.95 J. R. Marker 1912 / top Waverly . . . 1910 One- 1,700 6" J. R. Marker course Putnam Co. Near Lima. . 1913 One- 4,500 6" at sides 1:1^:3 $1.06 J. R. Marker course 7" at center Sugar Creek Twp 1912 Bit.- 1,500 6" at sides i:i*:3* $0.90 J. R. Marker top 7" at center Vaughnsville . I 9 I 3 One- 7,000 6F 1:2:3 $1.10 A. E. Miller course Richland Co. Belleville . . . 1911 One- 1,500 6" $I.OI course Near Mans- field IQII Bit.- 1,000 6" i :3: / berger Shelby Co. Sidney 1913 One- 9,800 6" 1:6 $0.93 Smith & course to Boulay $1.56* Stark Co. Canton 1913 One- 4,800 6* at sides 1:1^:3 $1.30 J. A. Starrett course 8* at center Summit Co. Near Copley 1913 Bit.- 19,500 6" 1:1^:3^ $0.76 Slag J. R. Marker top Trumbull Co. Near Hart- ford IOI2 Bit.- 19,000 6" j.ji.,1 $0.82 Slag J. R. Marker * V top kuca Tuscarawas Co. New Phila- delphia. . . 1912 One- I,2OO f 1:1^:3 $1.05 J. R. Marker course Vinton Co. Near Mc- Arthur . . . 1913 One- 2,7OO 6" 1:1^:3 $1.10 J. R. Marker course Washington Co. Near New Matamoras . 1912 Bit.- 9,400 6' at sides 1:1^:3! $I.2O J. R. Marker top 7" at center Oklahoma Hailey ville . . 1912 One- 1,700 4* 1:2:4 $I.OO course Muskogee . . 1912 One- 3,700 6" 1:2:4 $1.05 Chas. Schultz course Okmulgee . . 1912 Two- 8,000 4" + 2* 1:3:6 $1.60 Jas. G. Lyons course 1:2 Oregon- Astoria IOII One- 4,000 6" I: 3 : 5 $1.60 Reinf. L. C. Rogers x v course Coquille . . . 1913 4,000 Hood River 1912! 1913 / Hassam 19,000 5* $i.35 P. M. Morse Portland . . . 1908 Hassam 8,000 6" J. W. Morris Portland . . . 1909 Hassam 63,000 6" J. W. Morris Portland . . . 1910 Hassam 217,000 6" J. W. Morris Portland . . . 1911 Hassam 500,000 6" J. W. Morris Portland . . . 1912 Two- 120,700 3>Y + *\" i:3o $1.25 T. M. Hurl- course 1:2:4 burt Portland . . . 1913 Two- 185,450 & + 4* 1:3:5 $1.25 J. R. Hanson course 1:2:4 [103] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Oregon (Con- tinued} Salem 1912 One- 60 ooo 6" I '2 'A $O O7 W. Skelton course X 4 .if. *iyw.y / to $i-35 St. Johns . . . 1912 One- 7,400 6" 1:3:4 $0.98 J. R. Hanson course Pennsylvania Allentown . . 1908 Two- I, OOO 5" + i" 1:7 $1.40 W. Erdell course 1:2 Ardmore . . . 1913 One- 2,750 5" at sides 1:2:4 $1.30 J. S. G. Dunne course 7" at center Athens 1904 Two- IOO 6" + 2" 1:3:5 $1.12 Mathew J. course 1:2 Walker Bellwood . . . 1912 One- 900 4" $1.36 course Near Beth- ayres 1913 Bit.- 25,500" 6" 1:2:4 $I.IO S. D. Foster top , Bradford . . . 1912 One- 300 7" 1:3:5 $1-25 Includes course grading Chalkhill FayetteCo. 1912 One- 2,080 6" 1:2^:5 $1.75 Country S. D. Foster course road Carnegie . . . 1912 Bit.- 2,000 6" 1:2^:5 $1.18 O. B. Higley top Clarion 1913 Bit- 850 5" + i" 1:2:4 $1.62 J. Keck top 1:2 Clairton. . . . 1913 Bit- 12,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.65 C. O. Supplee top Coraopolis. . 1911 Hassam 9,000 6" S. D. Foster Cynwyd. . . . 1913 One- 3,750 5" at sides 1:2:4 $1.30 J. S. G. Dunne course 7" at center Donora IQM Bit.- 4,260 6" i :2:4 $1.65 E. J. liams top Easton 1912 Bit.- 3,400 6" i :3 -.5 $1.70 C. V. Stevens top Easton 1912 Bit- 6,500 6" 1:2:4 $i.6ii C. A. Reeves East Pitts- top burgh 19*3 One- 1,850 7" 1:1^:3 $1.70 Harrop-Hop- course kins & Tay- lor Erie 1912 Two- 1, 600 A\" + ij" 1:2:5 $i-39 course i :ii Franklin Co. 1909 One- 1,300 6" 1:3:5 J. W. Hunter course Gap 1911) One- 2,800 4" 1:3:5 S. D. Foster 1912 J course Gettysburg . 1913 One- 7,500 4" 1:6 $1.08 J. B. Hamilton course Glen Rock . . 1911 One- 2,000 6" 1:3:5 $0.93 J. W. Hunter course [104] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Pennsylvania (Contin- ued) Hanover .... 1912 Bit.- 550 6" 1:3:6 $I.IO A. Kohr top Harrisburg. . 1910 I 800 J. W. Hunter Haverford . . I9 J 3 One- 2,900 5* at sides 1:2:3 $1.05 Without J. S. G. Dunne course 7* at center cost of cement Kennett Square . . . 1913 Two- JjS 00 4" + 2" 1:2:3 $0.83 Joseph Pyle, course 1:2 Jr. Knoxville . . . I9 r 3 Bit.- 1,200 6" 1:2:4 $1.28 W. M. Don- top nelly McKees Rocks IQI3 Bit.- 820 top McSherrys- town 1909 One- 2,75 i:3o $0.83 J. W. Hunter course Mt. Pleasant 1913 Bit- 6,500 top Merion 1913 One- 1,850 6" at sides 1:2:3 $2.00 Reinf. E. J. Heddon course 8" at center Natrona .... 1913 Bit- 5,900 6" 1:1^:4 $1.38 ' Mr. Malloy top Nazareth . . . 1908 Two- 2,900 5" + i' 1:3:6 $0.82 P. Kressly course 1:2 Nazareth . . . 1913 One- 2,700 5 "at sides 1:2:3 $1-51 Includes S. D. Foster course 7 V' at center grading NewCastle . 1906 Two- 650 6" + i" 1:2:4 $i.i5 course 1:2 Newport . . . 1913 Bit.- 2,800 6" ia:S $I.IO S. D. Foster top Oil City .... 1912 Two- 150 5' + i" 1:2:4 $i-53 G. F. Roess course i:if Oil City 1913 Two- 150 6'+V 1:6 $i.49 Mr. Weber course KSZf Overbrook . . 1913 Bit.- 3,520 1:2:4 R. H. Johnson top Co. Perkasie. . . . 1910 2,400 Philadelphia 1911 Hassam 4,000 si' Geo. F. Web- ster Punxsu- tawney. . . 1912 Two- 200 4*' + ir 1:6 $i-57 R. S. Van course z:x* Renssalaer Rochester . . 1913 Bit.- 3,000 top Selins Grove 1911 One- 3,8oo 6" 1:3:5 J. W. Hunter course S. Bethlehem 1906 One- 530 4" i:H:5 $0.90 R. E. Neu- course meyer S. Bethlehem 1909 One- 1,000 4" 1:2^:5 $0.00 R. E. Neu- course meyer [105] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Pennsylvania (Continued) S. Bethlehem 1912 One- 3,500 5" I: 3 : 5 $I.IO R. E. Neu- course meyer Tunkhan- nock 1913 One- 10,400 5" at sides 1:15:3 $1.42 Ed. Stone course 7" at center Brownsfield Wks. So. Union Twp. I9!3 One- 940 7" 1:3:5 Twp. Comms. course Warren 1913 Bit.- 830 6" 1:2:4 $1.51 top Warrior Run 1913 Bit.-top 5,160 . Warwick Twp 1913 One- 2,000 6" 1:2^:5 S. D. Foster course West Earl Twp 1912 Bit.- 733 6" 1:2^:5 S. D. Foster top Westmont Boro 1907 \ Two- 25,800 4" + 2" 1:10 Mr. Corning I 9 o8/ course 1:2:4 Wilkinsburg 1913 One- 400 7 i:if:3! $1.60 Frease & Sper- course ling South Dakota Mitchell 1912 Two- 26,800 s + 15* 1:3:5 $1.51 Reinf. S. H. Smith course i :f :f Pierre Two- 7,000 5" + i" T. H. Lea course Sioux Falls . . 1912 One- 5,200 5" 1:1^:3 $1.03 S. B. Howe course to $1.36 Sioux Falls. . 1912 Two- 700 5- + i!" 1:3:6 $1.08 S. B. Howe course 1:1:1 Sioux Falls . . 1913 One- 700 7 1:1^:3 $1.48! S. B. Howe course Watertown . 19*3 One- 12,300 8" i:4f $1.52 Reinf. F.W. Schreiber course Tennessee Chattanooga 1910! Two- 3,300 5" + 2" 1:3:6 $1.08 R. A. Hooker 1911 / course i:i! Chattanooga 1912 One- 20,000 6" 1:2:4 $1.23 E. E. Betts course Knoxville . . . 1908 Two- 12,800 si" + if" 1:3:4 $1.88 S. D. Newton course i :i! Knoxville. . . 1909 Two- 29,600 5 1" +1 f" 1 13 :4 $1.88 S. D. Newton course i :i! Knoxville . . . 1911! 2,400 5i"+if" 1:3:4 $1.88 J. E. Thomp- 1912; i :i! sen Memphis . . . 1909 One- 4,300 6" 1:25:4-! $1.20 J. H. Weather- course ford Memphis . . . 1910 One- 17,700 6" 1:25:4! $1.17 J. H. Weather- course ford [106] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Tennessee (Contin- ued) . Memphis . . . 1911 One- 30,460 ' i: 2 Ui $1.12 J. H. Weather- course to ford $1.20 Memphis . . . 1912 One- 13,500 6" ia*;d $1.00 J. H. Weather- course to ford $1.12 Memphis . . . 1912 Bit.- 13,100 ~tt i:ai-4i $i-33 J. H. Weather- top ford Memphis . . . 1913 Bit.- 21,000 6" i:a*:4l $i-33 J. H. Weather- top ford Texas- Dallas IOIO One- 3,000 -* 1 12:52 $1.25 i* of rock J. M. Preston x V * course ^,w ^) V* <* J vibrated into surface Dennison. . . 1913 16,000 Ft. Worth . . 1912 Two- 22,630 si' + ii' 1:9 $2.06 F. J. Von course i:i> Zuben Ft. Worth . . 1912 One- 9,400 6" io $1.85 i* of rock F. J. Von course vibrated Zuben into surface Ft. Worth . . 1913 1, 600 Galveston . . 1913 Two- 46,040 4" +2" 1:3:5 $1.46 Colored A. T. Dickey course i:i|: 2 red Greenville . . 1912 Bit- 10,000 6" i:a:Si $1.85 R. C. Stubbs top Hillsboro . . . 1911 1912 Hassam 35,400 -" 3 $1.85 E. L. Dalton Houston .... 1912 1913 Hassam 1,000 6" $1.90 Marshall . . . 1912 Bit.- 12,000 6" 1:2:4 !9i3 / top San Antonio 1913 Two- 8,100 4" + 2" 1:3:6 $1-33 A. C. Pancoast course 1:2:4 Waco 1912 Bit.- 3,5oo 4" 1:2:4 $1.40 top Waco 1913 Bit.- 3,ooo 4* 1:2:4 $1.40 top Waxahachie J 9 J 3 Hassam 6,000 6" Wichita Falls 1911 Two- 1,000 4" +2" 1:2:4 $i-35 L. C. Hinck- course 1:2 ley Utah Ogden 1912 Two- 2,000 6" +2" 1:2:5 $1.84 H. S. Craven course 1:2 , Salt Lake City 1913 Two- 4,000 5" + 2" i:3o $I.IO S. Q. Cannon course 1:1:1 Virginia Farmville. . . 1913 One- 7,300 6" 1:2:4 $1.25 P. St. J. Wil- course son [107] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Virginia (Con- tinued) Norfolk 1911 One- 3,500 6" 1:2:4 $0.87 U. S. Govt. course Phoebus .... 1906 Hassam 25,600 6 $1.50 G. Chambers Portsmith . . 1912 Bit.- IO,ooo 6" 1:2:4 top Washington Aberdeen. . . 1912 Two- 2,OOO 2" + 4" 1:3:6 $1.49 C. W. Ewart course 3:2:4^ Aberdeen. . . J 9!3 Two- 12,800 5" + 2" $1.15 L. D. Kelsey course 1:2 Aberdeen . . . 1913 Two- 9,000 6" + 2" \\2\\1\ $1.26 L. D. Kelsey course i:2 Bellingham . 1913 One- 10,800 6" 1:2:4 $1.30 W. H. North course Bellingham . 1913 One- 780 7" 1:2:4 $1-45 W. H. North course Burlington. . 1913 Bit.- 15,260 6" 1:2:4 top Centralia . . . 1912 Bit.- 14,000 5" 1:3:5 $1.15 Stanley Ma- top comber Centralia . . . 1913 One- 17,500 6" i:3:4 $0.99 Stanley Ma- course comber Centralia . . . 1913 One- 10,000 5" i:3:4 $0.8 1 Stanley Ma- course comber Ellensburg. . 1913 Bit.- 1,000 6" i:3:5 $1.25 F. M. Carter top Franklin Co. 1912 Bit.- 8,050 5" 1:2:4 $1.08 County Com- top missioners Kent 1912 Bit.- 10,850 6" i:2|:4 $1.28 B. Bouldron top Lewis Co. ... 1912 Two- 30,500 i*' + 4** i:2|:5 $1.22 J. S. Ward course 1:1:1 Lewis Co. . . . 1913 Two- 14,080 i|" + 4!" 1:3:6 $1.14 J. S. Ward course 1:1:2 Lincoln 1912 Two- 4-700 i** + 4" 1:3^:7 $0.90 County Com- course i :i^:3 missioners Monroe .... 1913 Bit.- 13-500 6" 1:2:4 $1.22 top Montesano. . 1911 Two- 7,400 4" + 2" 1:3:6 $1.32 Geo. W. course 1:2 Gauntlet Montesano . . 1912 Two 3,800 4" + 2" 1:3:6 $I.OO course 1:1:1 North Yaki- ma 1911 One- 2,IOO 6" 1:2:4 Si-35 course Pierce Co. . . 1912 Two- 30,000 4*' + i** 1:3:6 $1.40 M. R. Thomp- course i "i\ son Pierce Co. . . 1913 Two- 75,100 4*" + il" 1:3:6 $1.40 M. R. Thomp- course til* son Pierce Co. . . 1913 One- 122,000 5" 1:2:4 $0.83 M. R. Thomp- course son 108] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION- YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Washington (Contin- ued) Seattle 1913 Two- 750 4i' + ii" 1:3:5 $1.26 A. H. Dimock course 1:2 Spokane .... 1911 } Two- 126,000 5" + if 1:3:5 $2.40 M. Macartney 1913 / course i:if Spokane. . . . 1911 Hassam 23,800 6" $2.39 M. Macartney to $2.70 Spokane .... 1913 Two- 550 4*' + ir iMfcS $2.00 M. Macartney course 1:1:1 Spokane. . . . 1913 Hassam 34,000 $1.90 M. Macartney South Bend . 1913 One- 14,400 6" 1:2:4 $1.2 5 G. G. Hall course Tacoma .... 1912 Two- 5,300 4i'+iJ* 1:3:6 $1.20 G. D. Ball and course i:il M. R. Thomp- son Tacoma .... 1913 Two- 82,700 4*' + ir 1:3:6 $1.20 G. D. Ball and couise i:i| M.R.Thomp- son Uniontown. . 1913 Bit.- 13-300 6" 1:3:6 $1.22 top Vancouver. . 1911 One- 15,500 5" $1.15 B. L. Dorman course Vancouver. . 1913 Bit.- 900 6" 1:3:5 $1.25 B. L. Dorman top Near Van- couver . . . i9 J 3 Two- 4,700 ir top + 1:3:6 $1.42 W. A. Schwarz course 3!" at sides 1:1:2 5^* at cen- ter Sedro Wool- ley IQI? Bit.- 6,000 V O top Walla Walla 1912 Two- 7,500 5'+i' i:3o $1.24 W. R. Rehorn course 1:2 Walla Walla !9 J 3 Bit.- 27,600 5" i:3o $1.30 W. R. Rehorn top Whatcom Co. 1913 One- 32,000 6" 1:2:3* $i-33 C. M. Adams course to , $1.50 West Vir- ginia Charleston. . 1912 One- 3,300 7* 1:2:4 $1.29 G. S. Brown course Charleston . . 1913 Two- 900 5' + *' 1:2:4 $1.40 G. S. Brown course 1:2 Charleston . . 1913 Two- 500 5" +2" 1:2:4 G. S. Brown course 1:1* Charleston. . 1913 Bit.- 7,700 7" 1:2:4 $1.20 G. S. Brown top Huntington 1910 Two- 900 6" 1:2:4 $1.30 course 1:2 [109] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Wisconsin Appleton . . . 1909 Two- 12,300 5" + if 1:3:6 $1.32 Includes C. H. Vinal course nil grading Appleton . . . 1909 One- 5,300 7" 1:2:4 $1.02 Includes C. H. Vinal course grading Appleton . . . 1911 Two- 2,000 5" + if 1:3:6 $1.22 Includes C. H. Vinal course i:if grading Appleton . . . 1912 Bit.- 5,ooo 5" + if 1:3:6 $1.30 Includes C. H. Vinal top i :i^ grading Appleton . . . 1912 Bit.- 2.300 7" 1:2:4 $1.15 Includes C. H. Vinal top grading Appleton . . . 1913 One- 32,000 course Ashland .... 1911 Two- 3,400 Jerod Day course Burlington . . 1911 Two- 12,200 5" + ir 1:2:4 $1.06 P. J. Hurtgen course 1:2 Chippewa Falls 1912 Two- 700 6" + ir 1:6 $1.28 L. G. Arnold course i :i^ De Pere .... 1910 Two- 21,000 6" + if i '-3 =5 $1.31 Includes Geo. P. Haw- course grading ley De Pere 1911 Two- 5,000 6" + if 1:3:5 $i-39 Includes Geo. P. Haw- course i:iA grading ley East Mil- waukee . . . 1913 Two- 2,000 2" top 1:2-^:4 $1.59 F. W. Ullius course 4" at sides 1:2 6" at center Fond du Lac 1908 Two- 18,000 5" + i|" 1:2^:5 $1-31 J. S. McCul- course 1:1:1 lough Fond du Lac 1909 Two- 69,200 5" + ii* 1:2^:5 $1.25 J. S. McCul- course 1:1:1 lough Fond du Lac 1910 Two- 23,700 5" + ir i:2|: 5 $1.09 Reinf. J. S. McCul- course 1:1:1 to lough $1.27 Fond du Lac 1910 Two- 20,600 5" + ir 1:2^:5 $1.09 J. S. McCul- course 1:1:1 lough Fond du Lac 1911 Two- 11,000 5" + il" 1:1^:5 $1.25 Reinf. J. S. McCul- course 1:1:1 lough Fond du Lac 1912 Two- 2,800 5" + i* 1:2^:5 $1.36 Reinf. J. S. McCul- course 1:1:1 lough Fond du Lac 1913 Two- 3,870 5" + il" 1:2^:5 $1.36 Reinf. J. S. McCul- course 1:1:1 lough Near Fond du Lac . . . 1913 One 22.000 6" 1:2:4 . * course i Green Bay. . 1910 Two- 6,20O 6" + if" 1:3:5 $i-35 Includes W. W. Reed course grading Green Bay. . 1911 Two- 2,000 6" + if" 1:3:5 $1.30 Includes W. W. Reed course grading Green Bay. . 1912 Two- 26,000 6" + 1 1" 1:3:5 $1.25 August Brown course i:if Green Bay . . 1913 One- ronrse 1,300 6" 1:2:3 $1.30 Reinf. [no] TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUILT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Wisconsin (Continued) Kenosha Co. I9U One- 6,300 5" at sides 1:2:35 $0.67 M. G. McGinn course f at center Kenosha Co. 1913 One- 15,700 6* at sides 1:2:3* $0.79 M. G. McGinn course 8" at center to $1.12 Kenosha Co. 1913 One- 5,280 5** at sides 1:2:3* $0.96 M. G. McGinn course 7* "at center Menasha . . . 1909 Two- 12,000 4" + i*" : 2 : 4 $0.95 Reinf. A. McMahon course :i* Menasha . . . 1910 Two- 18,900 6" +2" :2: 4 $1.22* Reinf. A. McMahon course :i* Menasha . . . 1911 Two- 2,100 6" +2" :2:4 $1.22* A. McMahon course :i* Menominee . 1912 One- 7,300 6** 1:4 $1-15 Includes course grading Milwaukee Co 1912 One- 44,600 6" 1:2:6 $1.05 H. J. Kuelling course Milwaukee Co 1913 One- 210,800 6" at sides 1:2:3* $1.50 H. J. Kuelling course 8" at center Monroe .... 1913 One- 860 6" 1:2:3* $1.60 Reinf. County Com- course missioners Montello . . . 1909 Two- 4,400 4?" + *!* 1:2:5 $0.97 course 1:1:1 Neenah .... 1909 Two- 1,500 6" + i*" 1:3:5 $1.25 John Le Tour- course 1:1:1 neux Neenah . '. . . 1910 Two- 4,000 6" + i*" 1:3:5 $1.09 John Le Tour- course 1:1:1 neux Oshkosh.... 1909 Two- 5,000 Si" + if 1:3:4 $i-57 Geo. H. Ran- course 1:1! dall Oshkosh.... 1912 Two- 5,100 si' + if $1.72 Includes Geo. H. Ran- course Vat grading dall Oshkosh 1913 Bit.- 30,000 7" 1:2:4 $1.48 Reinf. Geo. H. Ran- top includes dall grading Oshkosh 1913 Bit.- 12.000 1:2:5 $i-37 Reinf. Geo. H. Ran- top Includes dall grading Platteville . . 1911 Two- 8.880 5" + i!' 1:3:5 $1.39 Reinf. W. G. Kirch- course 1:1* offer Plymouth . . 1910 Two- II,OOO s' + i!' i:3o $I.2 3 | Reinf. W. G. Kirch- course 1:1* offer Plymouth . . 1913 Two- 4,500 5" + i!' i:3o $1.25 Reinf. W. G. Kirch- course 1:1* offer Port Wash- ington .... 1913 Two- 15,000 5* + i** i:2*:5 Reinf. course i :i* Sheboygan . . 1911 Two- 2O,OOO 4f* at sides 1:3:5 $1.20 Reinf. C. U. Boley course 6f" at 1:1* to center $!-33 + if top TABULAR DIGEST OF SOME CONCRETE PAVEMENTS. (CONTINUED) LOCATION YEAR BUTLT TYPE SQUARE YARDS THICKNESS PROPOR- TIONS COST PER SQUARE YARD REMARKS ENGINEER Wisconsin (Continued) Sheboygan . . 1912 Two- 24,600 4!" at sides 1:3:5 $1.25 Reinf. C. U. Boley course 6f at i :i| center + if" top Sheboygan. . !QI3 Two- course 19,900 4f" at sides 6f at 1:30 i:i| $1.25 Reinf. C. U. Boley center + if top So. Milwau- kee IOI 2 One- 12,000 "6" I "2 'A. $1 2=; H. J. Kuelling * V course * mf *T- W A *OO Superior .... 1912 Two- 14,400 6" + i|" 1:6 $1.29 Reinf. E. B. Banks course 1:1:1 includes grading Superior. . . . 1913 Two- 50,000 6" + if iat-4| $1.28 Reinf. E. B. Banks course 1:1:1 includes grading Watertown . 1913 One- 27,000 61" i:i|:a| $1.35 Reinf. Arnold Kraeft course Wyoming Sheridan . . . 1913 Bit.- .21,850 6" 1:2^:5 top [112 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY I HIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW I 30m-l,'15 n UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY