MEDICAL HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, STATICAL AND DYNAMICAL; OB, THE CONDITIONS AND COURSE OF THE LIFE Or MAN. JOHH iLiAM DRAPER, 10., LL.D., PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK; AUTHOR OF A "HISTORY OF THE INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF EUROPE," WITH NEARLY 300 WOOD ENGRAVINGS. SEVENTH EDITION. NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1873. R Entered, according .tq Ac t of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ' : H A IWVEy & jB TJJ ER . . . in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. PREFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITION. ANOTHER edition of this work being required, I take the opportunity of returning my thanks to the medical profession and the public for their continued favor. A recent and thorough examination of it enables me to say that I be- lieve it will be found to present the Science of Physiology in its most modern form. It is intended to give an exposition of the Physiology of Man, con- sidered as an individual, and may be looked upon in that respect as a work complete in itself. But man is also a member of society, and, as has been remarked in previous editions, History is in truth only a branch of Physiology. This is the point of view from which I have regarded the subject in my " History of the Intellectual Development of Europe," a work which, taken together with this, is intended as a treatise on the entire range of human relations, individual and social. The remarkable favor with which that portion of the work has also been received, both in America and Europe, several editions, transla- tions, and reprints having been called for in the course of a few months, satisfies me that the views here indicated meet with approval. For the encouragement so shown to these works I again return my sincere thanks. New York, 1865. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Two years ago the first edition of this work was published. Since that time several thousand copies have been disposed of; it has been in- troduced as a text-book in many of our medical schools, and has been very favorably received by the profession and the public. I have therefore felt it necessary to submit it to a careful examination, for the purpose of removing any errors it may contain, and improving it as far as its present form admits. The revision it has undergone will, I hope, make it worthy of the continued patronage of those who have hith- erto shown it so much encouragement. In these corrections I have availed myself of many of the suggestions made in various reviews of the original work, and take this occasion to express my thanks for the consideration shown toward it both in Amer- ica and Europe. JSTo one knew better than myself how numerous were its imperfections. The manner in which they have been overlooked has served to convince me that those who were judges of the science, and could deal authoritatively with it, were disposed to encourage any at- tempt at its improvement, even though that attempt was marked by many conspicuous shortcomings. For doubtless they saw that this book aimed at much more than was directly expressed upon its pages. To- treat Physiology as a branch of Physical Science ; to exclude from it all purely speculative doctrines and ideas, the relics of a philosophy (if such it can be called) which flourished in the Middle Ages, though now fast dying out, and from which the more advanced subjects of human knowledge, such as Astronomy and Chem- istry, have long ago made themselves free to do this, amounts, in reality, to a reorganization and reconstruction : a task of extreme difficulty, and for complete success demanding the conjoint labors of many philosophers and many physicians. At the best, therefore, such an attempt, embracing the whole science, made by a single individual, must needs be unsatisfactory, if any thing like a rigorous criticism be applied. And yet it may be truly said that the interest of the medical profession at the present time requires that such encouragement as this work has received should be extended to every undertaking of the kind. I hope that the success which has in VI PREFACE. this manner attended my labors may prove an encouragement to others to devote themselves with better results to a similar task. To physicians I would earnestly address myself, in the hope of ob- taining their continued aid and hearty patronage for every such attempt. I would ask them why it is that we never hear of empiricism in Natural Philosophy, Engineering, Astronomy ? Is it not because the principles upon which those subjects rest have ceased to be speculative, and are restricted to the demonstrative, the experimental, the practical? In Philosophy, sects only arise while principles are uncertain ; in Medicine, the quack only exists because there is a doubt. And considering the condition to which the medical profession in our times has come, consid- ering its decline in social estimation, and its shortcomings even in its own judgment is it not the duty of every physician to inquire into the causes of such a state ? If a watch is to be mended, or a steam-engine repaired, do we not ap- ply the principles of common sense to the case ? Who ever heard of sects among watchmakers, or quacks among engineers ? If we will only apply ourselves in a right spirit to its study, there is nothing more mysterious or incomprehensible in a living organism than there is in such mechanical contrivances. There is nothing in the structure of man which the intel- lect of man can not understand. It is this, indeed, which constitutes his chief glory, and makes him a worthy representative of the wisdom and power of his Creator. As in any mechanical contrivance, so in ourselves, imperfections and disarrangements can only be repaired by a knowledge of the construction of the parts, and their manner of working. The practice of Medicine must rest on an exact Anatomy and a sound Physiology. As soon as it is brought to this, empiricism will disappear of itself; it will need no legal enactments, no ethical codes for its destruction. And for this rea- son, if there were no others, it is the bounden duty of every physician to encourage to the utmost within his own sphere of influence every attempt to realize such a state of things. The encouragement which has been given to this book I regard as a token that these principles are profound- ly recognized by the medical profession of our country. To students of Medicine I may be permitted, on this occasion, to say a few words. It was chiefly with the hope of influencing them, and guiding them into the paths of scientific Physiology, that I was first in- duced to write this book. I would impress on them the importance of cultivating habits of thought arising from the exact and practical sci- ences. A great revolution is impending over the profession to which they have devoted themselves. If they design to take a leading posi- tion, not merely following it as an industrial pursuit, but regarding it as one of the most dignified and noble of human occupations, they must PREFACE. Vll prepare themselves in a manner consistent with the modes of thought that must prevail in the times now quickly approaching. It may be too much for us to expect that our contemporaries, who have been educated in the ideas of the past, should unlearn so much of what they have learn- ed, should in so many things begin their studies again ; but we may de- mand a right preparation from those who are only now commencing. In offering to them this book, I do not present an untried work. It is the result of an experience in teaching for many years, an attempt to set forth in plain language the great features of the science, and to give in sufficient detail a representation of the present state of Physiology. For the purpose of facilitating its study, I have divided the whole subject into two branches, Statical and Dynamical. The expediency of this has been impressed upon my attention by the necessity of conforming the course of lectures of which these pages are an abstract, to the wants of a medical class. The physician is chiefly concerned with the conditions of life the organic functions, as digestion, respiration, secretion, etc. The doctrines of development and the career of an organic form are of less pressing interest ; but it was very soon found that other advantages were derived from this subdivision, as might have been expected from its conformity to the usages of writers on other branches of Physical Science. To the general reader I may remark that I have endeavored to carry put in the following pages the spirit of what is contained in the preced- ing paragraphs. I have devoted more than twenty years not merely to the study, but also to the experimental determination of physiological questions, of which only a summary could here be offered. It was not possible to give my own results more in detail in a formal text-book on the entire science, but it may not perhaps be improper here to say that opinions sometimes delivered in a few lines have cost me many days, or even weeks, of expensive and laborious experiment. Among the contemporary works I have used as authorities are Dr. Carpenter's different treatises, Todd and Bowman's Physiological Anat- omy, and Kirke's and Paget's Hand-book. As respects monographs, the language of the authors themselves has been employed wherever it was possible. A list of wood-cuts is annexed, in which reference is given to the sources from which those not original have been derived. In the explanation of these engravings the description used is that of the au- thors themselves in most cases, and it is incorporated in the text, as, for instance, in Book I., Chapter XVII., in which, the engravings being derived from the Neurology of Leveille and Hirschfield, the accompany- ing descriptions are merely translations from the French ; or, again, in Book II., Chapter VII. , in Dr. Prichard's statements of the methods ot examining the skull. With respect to the original engravings, it will be seen that many have been obtained by the aid of microscopic photog- Vlll PREFACE. raphy, the process having been so far improved by me as to be made very available for these uses. For several of the specimens from which pho- tographs have been taken I am indebted to Mr. Abbott. In this work I have therefore endeavored to treat of man according to the methods accepted in Physical Science, but still of man as an individ- ual only. Physiology, however, in its most general acceptation, has an- other department connected with problems of the highest interest. Man must be studied not merely in the individual, but also in the race. There is an analogy between his advance from infancy through child- hood, youth, manhood, to old age, and his progress through the stages of civilization. In the whole range of human study there are no topics of greater importance, or more profound, than those dealt with in this sec- ond department or division. It is also capable of being treated in the same spirit and upon the same principles as the first. I 'have nearly completed a volume, which will serve as a companion to this, in which in that manner the subject is discussed, and the laws which preside over the career of nations established, and would bespeak for it the considera- tion of the reader. JOHN W. DRAPER. University, Neio York, July 1st, 1858. CONTENTS, BOOK I. STATICAL PHYSIOLOGY. CONDITIONS OF LIFE. CHAPTER I. Conditions of Life. Nature and Sources of Substances supplied to the Body. Annual Quantities required. Table of Physiological Standards. Animals do not create, but transform Substan- ces. Properties and Quantities of Matters received by the System. Properties and Quantities of those it restores. Heat of the Body arises from Combustion. Cooling Agencies in an An- imal. Necessity of Repairs in the System. Physical Aspect of Man. The Soul. The Vital Principle. Importance of Physical Science to Physiology Page 9 CHAPTER U. OP FOOD. The natural Subdivisions of Physiology. Of Food: its Sources and Classification its Value not altogether dependent on its Composition. Of Milk: its Composition, and Use of its Water, Casein, Sugar, Butter, and Salts. Variations in the Composition of Milk. Of Bread. Of mixed Diets. Of the embryonic Food of Birds. Nutrition of carnivorous and herbivorous Animals. Food formed by Plants and destroyed by Animals. Uses of mixed Food and Cook- ing. Absolute Amount of Food 26 CHAPTER III. OF DIGESTION. TISSUE-MAKING OR HISTOGENETIC DIGESTION. Nature of Digestion. The Mouth, Teeth, Stomach. The Salivary Glands. Different Kinds of Saliva. Properties of mixed Saliva : its Quantity, Composition, and Functions. Relation of the Salivary Glands and Kidneys. The digestive Tract. The Stomach. Gastric Juice. Organs for its Preparation. Manner of producing Chyme. Influence of the Nerves. Artifi- cial Digestion. Preparation and Properties of Pepsin. Regional and functional Divisions of the Stomach in Animals and in Man. Object of Stomach Digestion. Peptones. Use of Salt. Digestibility of various Articles of Food 40 CHAPTER IV. OF CALORIFACIENT OR INTESTINAL DIGESTION. Nature of Intestinal Digestion. Structure of the Intestine. Digestive Fluids of the Intestine. The Pancreatic Juice. The Enteric Juice. Juice of Lieberkuhn. Secretion of Peyer's . Glands. Bile. Digestion of the Carbohydrates and Hydrocarbons. Properties and Varie- ties of Lactic Acid. Doctrine of the Effects of Acidity and Alkalinity of the Digestive Juices. Illustration of Intestinal Digestion from the making of Wine. Making of Bread. Influence of Heat over Ferments. Comparison of Gastric and Intestinal Digestion. Changes of the In- testinal Contents. The Fcecal Residues 67 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. OF ABSORPTION. Double Mechanism for Absorption. The Lacteals and Veins. Lacteal Absorption. Descrip- tion of a Vittus. Analogies in Plants. Introduction of Fat by the Villi. The Chyle. Causes of the Flow of Chyle,. Intermediate Changes on its Passage to the Blood. Action of Peyer's Bodies. Lymphatic Absorption. Nature of Lymph. Structure of the Lymphatic System. Comparison of Chyle, Lymph, and Serum. Function of the Lymphatic System. Production of Fibrin. Cutaneous Absorption. Causes of the Flow of Lymph. Apparent se- lecting power of the Absorbents. Connection of the Lacteals and Lymphatics with the Locomo- tive and Respiratory Mechanism Page. 84 CHAPTER VI. ABSORPTION BY THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Proof of Absorption by the Blood Capillaries. Occurs as a physical Necessity. Nature of Cap- illary Attraction. Its Phenomena in the Rise and Depression of Liquids. Conditions for producing a Flow in a Capillary Tube. Passage of Liquids through minute Pores. General Propositions respecting Capillary Attraction. Endosmosis and Exosmosis. They depend on Capillary Attraction. Force against which these Movements may take place. Illustrations of selecting Power. General View of the entire Function of Absorption, lacteal and venous.... 102 CHAPTER VII. OF THE BLOOD. The Offices and Relation of Blood in the System. The Plasma and Cells. General Properties and Composition of the Blood. Quantity in the Body. Coagulation. Blood-cells. Their suc- cessive Forms. The perfect Cell. Hozmatin : its Properties. Number of Blood-cells. Plas- ma : its Composition, and Variations of its Ingredients. Albumen, Fibrin, Fat, Sugar. Min- eral Ingredients of the Cells and Plasma compared. Gases of the Blood. ^Changes occurring during the Circulation. General Functions of the different Ingredients of the Blood. Introduc- tion of Oxygen by the Cells. Their transient Duration Ill CHAPTER Vm. OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. The Heart as a Machine. Inadequacy of Harvey's doctrine of the Circulation. Physical Prin- ciple, of the Circulation ; applied in the case of a Nucleated Cell, Pervious Tissue, Motion of Sap and of Blood. Dependence of the Circulation on Respiration. Forms of Circulation : Systemic, Pulmonary, Portal. Description of the Heart ; its Movements.- Their Force, Num- ber, and Value. Sounds of the Heart. Cause of its Contractions. Description of the Arte- ries, Capillaries, Veins. Explanation of the Circulation of the Blood. Facts supporting it. The First Breath , 129 CHAPTER DL OF RESPIRATION. Respiration introduces and removes aerial Substances. Coalescence of Respiratory and Urinary Organs in Fishes. Physical and chemical Conditions of Respiration. Interstitial Movements of Solids, Liquids, and Gases. Condition of Equilibrium in the Diffusion of Gases. Con- densing Action of Membranes. Forms of Respiratory Mechanism. The Lungs of Man. Three Stages in the Introduction of Air : Atmospheric Pressure, Diffusion of Gases, and Condensation by Membranes. Exchange of Carbonic Acid for Oxygen. Divisions oftheCon- . tents of the Lungs. Variations in the expired Air. Removal of Water. Effect ofirrespira- bk Gases. Experiments qfRegnault and Reiset. Nervous Influence concerned in Respiration. Results of Respiration 149 CONTENTS. xi CHAPTER X. OF ANIMAL HEAT. Participation of Organic Forms in external Variations of Temperature. Mechanism for counter- balancing these Variations. Development of Heat in Plants at Germination and Inflorescence. Its Cause is Oxidation. Connection of Respiration and Heat. Temperature of Man. His Power of Resistance. The diurnal Variations of Heat. Connection of these Variations with organic Periodicities. Annual Variations of Heat. Control over them by Food, Clothing, and Shelter. Source of Animal Heat. Effect of Variations in the Food and in the respired Me- dium, both as respects its future and Rarefaction. Hibernation. Starvation. Artificial Re- duction of Temperature by Blood-letting. Principles of Reduction of Temperature. Radia- tion. Contact. Evaporation. Their Balance with the Heating Processes. Local Varia- tions eliminated by the Circulation. Control by the Nervous System. Its physical Nature. Allotropism of Organic Bodies Page 175 CHAPTER XL OF SECRETION. SEROUS, MUCOUS, AND HEPATIC SECRETIONS. Object of Secretion. Type of secreting Mechanism. Filtration and Cell Action. Of Serous Membranes and their Secretions. Of Mucous Membranes and their Secretions. Of Hepatic Se- cretions. The Liver: its Development and Structure. Source, Quantity, Composition, Uses, and Flow of the Bile. Existence of biliary Ingredients in the Blood. Production of Sugar and Fat in the Liver. Changes of the Blood-cells in it. General Summary of the four-fold Action of the Liver: it produces Sugar and Fat, eliminates Bile, is the Seat of the final Destruction of old Blood-cells, and of the Completion of new Ones. Of the ductless Glands. The Spleen: its Functions 189 CHAPTER XII. OF EXCRETION. THE URINE, MILK, AND CUTANEOUS EXCRETIONS. Secretion and Excretion. Of the Kidney: its Structure and Functions. The Malpighian Circulation. The Urine: its In- gredients, their Variations and Sources. Abnormal Substances in it. The Water and Salts exude by Filtration. The Cells remove unoxidized Bodies. Manner of Removal of the Liquid from the Malpighian Sac. Of the Mammary Gland: its Structure. Colostrum and Milk. Ingredients of Milk and their Variations. Influence of Diet. Inquiry into the Origin of the Ingredients of the Milk, its Fat, Casein, Salts, Sugar. Manner of Action of the Gland by Strainage. Of the Skin. Structure of its Epiderma and Derma. -Sudoriparous and Sebaceous Glands. Nails. Hair. Ingredients of Perspiration. Exhalation: its Amount. Causes of the Vari- able, Action of the Skin. Its Double Action. Absorption by the Skin. General Summary of the Cutaneous Functions 213 CHAPTER XHI. OF DECAY AND NUTRITION. Of Decay : Loss of Weight in Starvation. Interstitial Death. Effect of Allotropism. Of Nutrition: Nutrition for Repair and Nutrition for Remodeling, illustrated in the cases of Fat and Bone respectively. Of Fat: Its Peculiarities, modes of Occurrence, and Origin. Inquiry whether Animals ever form Fat. Artificial Production of it. Animals both collect it and make it. Accumulation of it expends Nitrogenized Tissue. Conditions of the Fattening of Animals. Summary of the Sources, Deposit, and manner of Removal of Fat. Its partial Oxidations. Summary of its Uses. Nitrogenized Nutrition. Xll CONTENTS. Of Bone: The Skeleton. Structure and Chemical Composition of Bone. Sources of its Con- stituents. The Process of Ossification. Experiments on the Growth of Bone. Influence of Physical Agents on Development and Nutrition Page 243 CHAPTER XIV. OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Divisions of the Nervous System. Cerebro-spinal and Sympathetic. Fibrous and Vesicular. Structure and Functions of Nerve Fibres. Centripetal and Centrifugal. Rate of Conductibility. Anatomical Examination of 'the Structure and Functions of Nerve Vesicles. They diffuse Influ- ences, are Magazines of Force. Element of Time introduced by Registering Ganglia. Oxida- tion necessary to Nerve Activity. Necessity of Repair and Rest. Electrical Examination of the Functions of Vesicles. Anatomical and Electrical Examinations agree. Automatic Nerve Arc. Cellated Nerve Arc. Multiple Arcs. Commissures. Registering Nerve Arcs. Sensorium. Influential Arc. Suggestions derived from cerebral Structure respecting the Soul. Its independent Existence and Immortality. Ideas of Time and Space. Objective, subjemive, and impersonal Operations. Vestiges of Im- pressions and their Interpretation. Finite Nature of Knowledge. Mental Emotions 258 CHAPTER XV. THE SPINAL AXIS. Primitive Development of Nervous System. Itsflnal Condition in different Vertebrates. The Spinal Cord: its Structure. Its Membranes. Its Thirty-one Pairs of Nerves. Proper- ties of their Roots. Functions of the Cord. BeWs Discovery. Transmission of Longitudinal and Transverse Influences. Reflex Action of the Cord. Nature of Reflex Action. Motor and Sensory Tracts of the Cord. Summary of its Functions. The Medulla Oblongata : its Structure and Functions. The Pons Varolii : its Structure and Functions. Dr. Carpenter's Views of the Analogy between the Spinal Cord of Vertebrates and the Ventral Cord of Articulates 291 CHAPTER XVI. OF THE BRAIN. The Brain: its Structure. Its Motor and Sensory Parts, Hemispheres, and Commissures. The Sensorium. Variations of the Hemispheres in Size and Weight. Instrumental Nature of Cerebrum. The Cerebellum : its Structure and Functions. Co-ordinates muscular Motions. Connection with Amativeness. Phrenology. Conditions of Action of Brain. Symmetrical Doubleness of the Brain. Function of each Half, and of both conjointly. Independ- ence and Insubordination of each Hemisphere. Double Thought. Alternate Thought. Senti- of Pre-existence. Loss of Perception of Time 313 CHAPTER XVII. OF THE CRANIAL NERVES AND THE GREAT SYMPATHETIC. Enumeration of the Cranial Nerves. The Third Pair, or Oculo-motor. The Fourth Pair, orPa- thetici. The Fifth Pair, or Trigemini. The Sixth Pair, or Abducentes. Illustrations of the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Pairs. The Seventh Pair, or Facial Illustration of the Facial. The Ninth Pair, or Glosso-pharyngeal. Illustration of the Glosso-pharyngeal. The Tenth Pair, or Pneumogastric. Illustration of the Pneumogastric. Illustration of the Laryn- geals. The Eleventh Pair, or Spinal Accessory. The Twelfth Pair, or Hypoglossal. Il- lustration of the Hypoglossal. The Phrenic Nerve. Of the Great Sympathetic System. Position, Structure, and Origin of the Sympathetic. Its Re- lation with the Pneumogastric. Its Connection with the Spinal System. Its Plexuses. Its CONTENTS. Xlil Ganglia. They are Reservoirs of Force. Summary of the Functions of the Sympathetic. Illustration of the Sympathetic. The Abdominal Plexuses. 'The Solar Plexus. TheMesen- teric Plexuses Page 333 CHAPTER XVHI. OF THE VOICE. Origin of the Voice. Comparative Physiology of Noise, Song, Voice. Distinction between Song and Speech. The Larynx, and its Action in Singing. Mutter's Explanation of the Action of the Vocal Organs. Speaking Animals and Machines. Nature of Words and their constituent Sounds. Vowels and Consonants. Whispering. Use of the Voice of Animals. Of Languages: their Duration, Character, History. Registry of Sounds by Writing and Print- ing. Musical Signs. Alphabetic Writing 351 CHAPTER XIX. OF HEARING. The Senses : General Remarks upon. Five Organs of Sense. Necessity of Apparatus for the Appreciation of Time, Space, Pressure, Temperature, and Chemical Qualities. Of Hearing. General Structure of the Organ of Hearing. Physical Peculiarities of Sounds, In- tensity, Time of Vibration, and Quality. The Tympanum, Cochlea, and Semicircular Canals are for the Appreciation of these peculiarities. Structure and Functions of the Tympanum, or Measurement of Intensity. Structure of the Cochlea, its Spiral Lamina and Scalar. Measures the Time of Vibration. Ac- complishment of Interference in the Scalce. Comparative Anatomy of the Cochlea. Structure of the Semicircular Canals. They estimate the Quality of Sounds. Comparative Anatomy of the Auditory Mechanism. Its Progress in Development. Imperfection of the Doctrine of Means and Ends 359 CHAPTER XX. OF VISION. Analogy between Sound and Light. Comparative Anatomy of Vision. Perception of Warmth. Structure of Ocelli. Use of Lenses. Physical Principle of the Organ of Vision. Description of the Human Eye. Optical Action of its Parts. Spherical and Chromatic Aberra- tion. Receiving Screen of the Eye is the black Pigment. Long and short Sight, and their Correction. Limits of Vision are included in one Octave. Limit in estimating the Brightness of Light. Nervous Mechanism of the Eye : its Structure and Functions. Manner of Perception by the Retina. The black Pigment absorbs the Rays. Single and double Vision. Duration of Im- pressions. Ocular Spectra. Erect Vision. Idea of the Solidity of Bodies. Hypothesis of the Action of the Retina. Accessory Apparatus of the Eye. The Eyebrows. Eyelids. Lachrymal Apparatus. Muscles of the Ball 379 CHAPTER XXI. OF CEREBRAL SIGHT OR INVERSE VISION. Difference between ordinary Vision and cerebral Sight. Inverse Vision depends on the Vestiges of Impressions existing in the Brain. Condition of our perceiving these Impressions is that they must be equal in Intensity to present Sensations. Two Methods of accomplishing this Equalization : 1st, by re-enforcing the old Im- pressions ; 2d, by diminishing the present Sensations. Emergence of old Impressions in Sleep, Fever, Death. Artificial Emergence of such Vestiges by Protoxide of Nitrogen, Opium, etc. Cerebral Sight used teleologically to indicate the Immortality of the Soul. 401 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXII. OF TOUCH, AND THE DETERMINATION OF PRESSURES AND TEMPERATURES. Functions of the tactile Mechanism : its Structure. Regions of different Sensitiveness. Compar- ative Physiology of Touch. Estimate of physical Qualities. Perception of Temperature. Subjective Sensations of Temperature Page 417 CHAPTER XXHL OF SMELLING, AND THE MEANS OF DISTINGUISHING GASEOUS AND VAPOROUS SUB- STANCES. Structure of the Organ of Smell. Its proper Instrument the First Pair of Nerves. Limited Re- gion of Smell. Conditions of its perfect Action. Duration of Odors. Their localization. Subjective Odors 423 CHAPTER XXTV. OF TASTE. Conditions for Taste. Structure and Functions of the Tongue. Tactile and Gustative Regions of the Tongue. Complementary Tastes. Subjective Tastes 427 CHAPTER XXV. OF ANIMAL MOTION. Ciliary and Muscular Motion. Description of Cilia and the Manner of Action. Muscular Fibre : its Forms, Non-striated and Striated. Muscle Juice. Manner of Contraction of a Muscle : its supply of Blood-vessels and Nerves. Its Chemical Change during Activity. Its Rise of Temperature. Effect of Electrical Currents. Duration of Contractility. Doctrine that Muscle Contraction is the result of Muscle Disintegration. Manner in which ordi- nary Cohesion is brought into play. Manner of Restoration. Removal of the Heat and Oxi- dized Bodies. Rigor Mortis. Connection of Muscle for Locomotion. Of Standing. Walking. Running. 431 BOOK II. DYNAMICAL PHYSIOLOGY. COURSE OF LIFE. CHAPTER I. OF THE PRINCIPLE OF ORGANIZATION, OR PLASTIC POWER. Remarks on the Subdivision of Physiology. Career of an Organic Form. Three Modes of Development. Inquiry respecting the special Principle of Organization. Illustration from the Growth of a Plant in Darkness and Light. Inference respecting Plastic Power : its Nature and Properties. Of the ordinary Growth of a Plant, and the Sources from which its Materials are derived. Relation of all Organisms to each other. Correction of the Doctrine of a Plastic Power, from Considerations regarding the Individuality of a Plant. Plants are Operations, not Individuals. Physical Illustration of this View. Conclusion respecting the Nature of the Plastic Power: that it is a continued Manifestation of an antecedent physical Impression ^56 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER H. OF THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL AGENTS ON THE ORGANIC SERIES. Of the Geography of Plants: their horizontal and vertical Localization. Influence of Heat on or- ganic Distribution : isotheral and isochimenal Conditions. Effects of Variations in the Dens- ity of the Air, Moisture, Soil, Sunlight, Length of Day. Definite Quantity of Heat required by Plants. Secular Perturbations in the Species of Plants. Long Periods of Time required. Secular geo- logical Changes. Inverse Problem of the Investigation of the Earth's History from her fossil Flora. Two great terrestrial Epochs : Change in the Constitution of the Air, and Localization of Organisms through Decline of the Earth's Interior Heat. Difference between abrupt and gradual Impressions. Invariable Causes may produce abrupt Crises. Extension of the above Principles to the Case of Animals. Case of the Inca Indians. General Argument supported by the Extinction of Forms. Development is under the Influence of Law. Rudimentary Organs and Excesses of Development. The Idea of Development by Law consistent with natural Facts Page 472 CHAPTER HI. OF THE ORGANIC CELL : ITS DEVELOPMENT. REPRODUCTION, AND DIFFERENTIATION OF STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION. Simple and Nucleated Cells. The Simple Cell: its Parts and Functions. The Nucleated Cell: its Parts and Functions. Activity of the Nucleus. Other Forms of Cells. Cells arise by Self-origination and Reproduction. Reproduction by Subdivision and Endogenously. The Animal Cell. Forms of Cellular Tissue. Forms of Vascular Tissue. Spiral Vessels, Ducts, etc. Differentiation of Cells. Acquisition of new Functions. Differentiation of the Animal Cell. Depends on Physical Causes. Influence of Heat and Air. Epoch of Differentiation.... 492 CHAPTER IV. OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT. Relation of Organic Beings : they come from a similar Cell and develop to different Points. Their Division by Classification is fictitious. Development and Differentiation. Homogenesis and Heterogenesis. They depend on physical Conditions. The reproductive State closes De- velopment. Development is from the General to the Special. Law of Von Bar. Invariable Sequence in Differentiation. OF REPRODUCTION: 1st. By Generation. Conjugation and Filaments. The Sperm-cell: its Production. Spermatozoa. The Germ-cell: its Production. Ovum in the Ovary. Its Structure. Corpus Luteum. Ovum in the Oviduct. Mulberry Mass. Germinal Membrane. The Chorion. Ovum in the Uterus. Membrana Decidua. Placenta. Development of the Embryo. Types of Nutrition. Of Conception. Of Gestation. Of Parturition. Influence of both Parents. 2d. By Gemmation. Budding of Plants and Animals. Of Grafting. Limit of Gemmation. Influence of Temperature on Gemmation. Alternations of Generation. Its Explanation 505 CHAPTER V. THE GROWTH OF MAN. Infancy. Weight and Size of the Infant. Weight and Size at subsequent Periods. Develop- ment of the Intellect. Maturity of Man. Tendency to Crime. Maxima of Physical and Men- tal Strength. XVI CONTENTS. Mental and Physical Decline. Mortality at different Periods of Life. Comparative Structure, Functions, and Mortality of the two Sexes. Artificial Epochs of Life. Gradual Change in the Mental Qualities. Independent Existence of the Soul. '. Page 538 CHAPTER VI. OF SLEEP AND DEATH. Causes of the Necessity for Sleep. Its Duration and Manner of Approach. Manner of Awak- ing. Cause of Night-sleep. Increased Warmth required. Connection of Sleep and Food. Of Dreams: their Origin and Phenomena. Somnambulism. Nightmare. Of Death. Old Age. Internal Causes of Decline. Death by Accident and by Old Age. The Hippocratic Face. Final Insensibility 551 CHAPTER VII. ON THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL AGENTS ON THE ASPECT AND FORM OF MAN AND ON HIS INTELLECTUAL QUALITIES. Differences in Form, Habits, and Color of Men. Ideal Type of Man. Its Ascent and Descent. Causes of these Variations. Doctrine of the Unity of the Human Race. Doctrine of its Origin from many Centres. Influence of Heat on Complexion. Cause of Climate Variations. Influence of Heat illustrated by the cases of the Indo-Europeans, the Mongols, the American Indians, and the Africans. Distribution of Complexion in the Tropical Races. Variations in the Skeleton. Four Modes of examining the Skull. Connection of the Shape of the Skull and Manner of Life. Physical Causes of Variation of the Skull. Influence of the Action of the Liver on Complexion. Influence of the Action of the Liver on the Form of the Skull. Base Form of Skull arising from Low as well as High Temperatures. Disappearance of the Red-haired and Blue-eyed Men in Europe. The Intellectual Qualities of Nations. Synthetical Mind of the Asiatic. Analytical Mind of the European. Their respective Contributions to Human Civilization. Spread of Mohammedan- ism in Africa. Spread of Christianity in America. Manner of the Progress of all Nations in Civilization 563 CHAPTER VIH. SOCIAL MECHANICS. Comparative Sociology. Connection of Structure and Habit. Connection of History and Phys- iology. Insect Society. Descartes' 's Doctrine that Insects are Automata. Necessity of a Mechanism of Registry for Instinct, Reason, and Civilization. Nature of Man. Influence of surrounding Circumstances on him. Dejiniteness of his Career. GENERAL FACTS OP EUROPEAN HISTORY. Introduction of Egyptian Civilization into Europe. The Registry of Facts by Writing. Egyptian Philosophy in the Greek Schools. The Persian Empire: its Influence. Analytical Quality of the European Mind. Influence of the Greek Schools on modern Philosophy. Origin of European Commerce. Discovery of the Straits of Gibraltar. Macedonian Campaign. Reconstruction of Monarchy in Egypt. The Roman Empire : its centralizing and civilizing Power. Fall of European Paganism. In- fluence of the Christian Church. The Sabbath Day. The Reformation. Influence of Mohammedanism on Europe. The Arab physical Science. The Crusades. Dis- covery of America by the Spaniards. Fall of the Spanish Power. Later Mental Changes in Europe. Disappearance of Credulity. Physiological Change of Eu- ropeans. Effect of Mohammedanism in changing the Centre of Intellect of Europe. Analyt- ical Tendency of the European Mind. Advantages resulting therefrom 602 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. l! The lower Jaw Wilson 41 2. Section of Stomach Author 42 3. Digestive Tract Harrison 48 4. Mucous Membrane of Stomach Wilson 50 5. Stomach Follicles and Tubes Todd and Bowman 50 6. Section of Stomach Tubes " " 51 7. The Hydra 51 8. Digestive Tract of Beetle Milne Edwards 58 9. Mucous Membrane of Beetle's Stomach Photograph by Author 58 10. Digestive Tract of Fowl " " 58 11. Stomach of African Ostrich Cuvier 59 of Dormouse " 59 ofCapeHyrax " 59 ofPorqppine " 59 ofPorpoise " 59 ofKangaroo " 59 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. of a Ruminant " 59 18. Posterior View of human Stomach Retzius 61 19. Posterior View of Duodenum Bourgery 68 20. Diagram of Brunner's Glands Author 69 21. Diagram of Follicles of Lieberkuhn " 69 22. Peyerian Glands Thomson 70 23. Section of Heum Wall Kolliker 85 24. Villi of Monkey Camera Lucida by Author 85 25. Villi of Duodenum Author 85 26. ViUi of Jejunum " 85 27. Section of Villi " 86 28. Villi of Squirrel " 88 29. Principle of Venturi " 90 30. Thoracic Duct Wilson 90 31. Chyle Corpuscles with Blood-cells Photograph by Author 93 32. " " " Water Author 94 33. " " " Acetic Acid " 94 34. Lymphatics of large Intestine Bourgery 97 35. Diagram of Lymph Gland Goodsir 97 36. Evolution of Lymph Cells " 97 37. Capillary" Depression of a Liquid Author 104 38. Capillary Elevation of a Liquid " 104 39. Passage of Water through a Crevice " 105 40. Endosmometer " 106 41. Selecting Power of a Membrane " 108 42. Human Blood-cells Photograph by Author 116 43. Elliptic Blood-cells " " 116 44. Action of Water on elliptic Cells " " 116 45. Action of Acetic Acid " " 117 > 46. Reptile Blood-cells " 117 47. Human Blood-crystals Lehmann 119 A LIST OF ILLUSTKATTONS. PAS! 48. Blood-crystals of Guinea-pig Lehmann 119 49. Blood-crystals of Squirrel " 120 50. Stellated Blood-cells Photograph by Author 127 61. Capillary Motion Author 131 52. Motion in Cells " 132 53. Circulation in Tradescantia " 132 54. Diagram of Fish Circulation Milne Edwards.... 135 55. Rudimentary Heart Thomson 135 56. Diagram of single Heart Roget 136 67. Heart of Dugong Home 136 58. Human Heart on right Side Wilson 136 59. Human Heart on left Side " 137 60. Muscular Fibres of Heart ...Author 137 61. Vessels of Mucous Membrane of Stomach " 142 62. Vessels of Villi of Duodenum " 142 63. Capillary Circulation of Frog's Foot Wagner 142 64. White Corpuscles in the still Layer " 143 65. Valves of Veins open Roget 143 66. Valves of Veins shut " 143 67. Diffusion of Gases Author 152 68. Diffusion through Earthenware " 152 69. Diffusion through India-rubber " 153 70. Passage through Films " * 153 71. Force of Filtration " 155 72. Air Vesicles of Insect Fabricius 157 73. Spiracle of Insect Photograph by Author 157 74. Air Sac of Fish Blasius 157 75. Lung of Reptile Flourens 158 76. Lungs of Frog " 159 77. Human Air-tubes Wagner 160 78. Heart and Lungs " 160 79. Capillaries on Lungs Rathke 160 80. Mechanism of Respiration Author 161 81. Experiments on Respiration Regnault and Reiset 170 82. Hepatic Coecum of Cray-fish Leidy 198 83. Bile-ducts entering the Duodenum Paxton 199 84. Hepatic Veins in the Lobules of the Liver Kiernan 199 85. Origin of Hepatic Veins " 200 86. Origin of Bile-ducts " 200 87. Hepatic Cells " 201 88. Section of Kidney .....Wilson 215 89. Diagram of Malpighian Corpuscle Kolliker 216 90. Glomerulus of horse " 216 91. Cilia on Uriniferous Tube Bowman 216 92. Diagram of Malpighian Circulation " 217 93. Malpighian Tuft Isaacs .' 217 94. Ruptured Malpighian Coil of Deer " 217 95. Nucleated Cells on Coil " 217 96. Development of Mammary Gland Kolliker 225 97. Section of human Mamma 225 98. Colostral Corpuscles Photograph by Author 225 99. Epidermis of Dog " " 235 100. Section of Skin Kolliker 235 101. Under Surface of Cuticle Todd and Bowman 235 102. Papillae of Palm " " 235 103. Skin of Palm , " 236 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 3 104. Section of Hair Todd and Bowman 236 105. Transverse Section of Hair Photograph by Author 237 106. Sudoriparous Gland Wagner 237 107. Fat-cell Schwann 246 108. Adipose and areolar Tissue Berres 246 109. Transverse Section of Bone Photograph by Author 254 110. Lucunae and Canaliculi Author 254 111. Ossifying Cartilage Kolliker : 255 112. Ossifying Cartilage Photograph by Author 256 113. Ossifying Femur Kolliker 256 114. Axis Cylinder Author 261 115. Subdivision of Nerve Fibres Kolliker 262 116. Nerve-cells " 263 117. Bipolar Nerve-cells " 264 118. Multipolar Nerve-cell Author 264 119. Nerve Cells and Tubes Wagner 264 120. Nerve Cells and Tubes Purkinje.. 264 121. Dorsal Ganglion of Mouse Valentin 267 122. Simple automatic Arc Author 277 123. Simple cellated Arc " v 278 124. Multiple Nerve Arcs " 278 125. Commissured Arcs " 279 126. Nervous System of Larva of Sphinx Ligustri ....Newport 279 127. Nervous System of Pupa of Sphinx Ligustri " 279 128. Nervous System of Imago of Sphinx Ligustri.... " 279 129. Nervous System of Asterias Tiedemann. 279 130. Nervous System of Patella Cuvier 279 131. Nervous System of Octopus " 279 132. Nervous System of Aplysia " 280 133. Registering Nerve Arc Author . 281 134. Suppression of Centrifugal Branch....' " 281 135. Influential Arc 282 136. Primitive Trace Bischoff 293 137. Origin of Brain on Spinal Cord " 293 138. Spinal Cord Photograph from Leveille 295 295 " " 296 " " 297 " " . 297 u n 297 144. Portion of Cord of Spirostreptus Newport : 301 145. Front of Medulla Oblongata Photograph from Leveille 305 146. Back of Medulla Oblongata " " " 305 147. Interior of Medulla and Pons " " " 305 148. Posterior View of Medulla Oblongata Todd and Bowman 306 149. Nervous System of Larva of Sphinx Ligustri ....Newport 308 150. Ganglion of Polydesmus Maculatus " 309 151. Ganglion of Centipede " 312 152. Thoracic Portion of Cord of Sphinx Ligustri.... " 313 153. Respiratory and locomotive Ganglia " 313 154. External lateral Face of Brain Photograph from Leveille 316 155. Superior Aspect of Brain " " " 316 156. Internal lateral Face of Brain " " " 317 157. Base of Brain Photograph by Author 317 158. Diagram of Brain Mayo 318 159. The Motor Tract..., ...Bell... 319 139. Section of Spinal Cord 140. Spinal Dura Mater 141. Origin of anterior Roots of Nerves 142. Origin of posterior Roots , 143. Origin of both Roots LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193, 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. PAGE The Sensory Tract Bell 320 Nerves of the Orbit Photograph from Leveille 334 Nerves in the Orbital Cavity 335 Diagram of the Fifth Nerve " 335 335 .. 336 Ganglion of Gasser The Fifth Nerve The inferior Maxillary The Facial Nerve The Glosso-pharyngeal Nerve. Diagram of Anastomoses The left Pneumogastric Pulmonary Ganglia The inferior Laryngeals......... The Hypoglossal Nerve......... The Phrenic Nerve... 337 339 339 341 -342 342 343 344 Relation of the Sympathetic and Spinal Todd and Bowman 345 The Great Sympathetic Photograph from Leveille. Abdominal Plexuses " " " The Solar Plexus " " " The Mesenteric Plexuses " " " Spiracle of Insect : .Photograph by Author Profile of Larynx Leveille Posterior View of Larynx " External, middle, and internal Ear " Tympanic Cavity " Facial in the Aqueduct of Fallopius " Interior of Cochlea Section of Cochlea Magnified Section of Cochlea Cochlear Nerve Auditory Nerve Ossicles and their Muscles Tympanic Face of Labyrinth " Cranial Face of Labyrinth " Interior of ^Labyrinth " Interior of Labyrinth " Profile of Eye " , Front View of Eye " Section of Eye ,. " , Veins of the Choroid " Arteries of the Choroid " , Yellow Spot of Soemmering Soemmering Membrane of Jacob Jacob Simple Papillae , Todd and Bowman Compound Papillae Kolliker Olfactory Nerve Leveill^ Olfactory Nerve " The Tongue Photograph from Leveille, Ciliated Cells Author , Ciliated Animalcule Ehrenberg Hydra walking Trembley , Striated muscular Fasciculi Photograph by Author , Human Sarcolemma Bowman Sarcolemma of Fish , " Ultimate muscular Fibre Photograph by Author Unstriped muscular Fibre Author , 348 , 349 350 350 352 354 354 362 362 362 369 369 370 370 370 370 374 374 375 375 383 383 383 385 385 386 390 420 420 424 424 428 431 432 432 433 433 433 433 435 LIST OF ILLUSTEATIONS. 5 216. Unstriped Fibres in Acetic Acid Author 435 217. Muscle Cells Kolliker 435 218. Muscular Fasciculi torn in Discs Bowman 436 219. Transverse Section of human Muscle " 437 220. Transverse Section of Muscle of Teal " 437 221. Non-fibrillated Insect Fasciculi Photograph by Author 437 222. Non-fibrillated Insect Fasciculi* " " 437 223. Contracting Muscle of Dytiscus Bowman 438 224. Sarcolemma raised in BulL *. Todd and Bowman 438 225. Fasciculus contracting " " 439 226. Distribution of muscular Capillaries Berres 439 227. Muscular Arteries and Veins Kolliker 440 228. Distribution of muscular Nerves Burdach 440 229. Volume of contracting Muscle Author 450 230. Hasmatococcus Binalis Hassall -494 231. Conferva glomerata Mohl 495 232. Simple Cellular Tissue Photograph by Author 497 233. Muriform Cellular Tissue " " 497 234. Fibro-cellular Tissue " " 497 235. Spiral Vessels of Cactus " - " 498 236. Spiral Vessels of Banana " " 498 237. Woody Fibre of Pine " " 498 238. Yellow Fibrous Tissue ; Author 499 239. White Fibrous Tissue " 499 240. Areolar Tissue " 499 241. Development of Frog Rusconi 509 242. Frog ; 510 243. Development of Crab Couch 510 244. Development of Insects Straus Durckheim 510 245. Zygnema Quinmum Kiitzing 515 246. Testis Arnold 517 247. Development of Spermatozoa Wagner 518 248. Section of Ovary Kolliker 521 249. Section of Graafian Vesicle Von Bar 521 250. Ovum Barry 521 251. Diagram of Graafian Vesicle ..Kirkes and Paget 521 252. Corpora Lutea Patterson and Montgomery 522 253. Ovarian Ovum 523 254. Ovarian Ovum 523 255. Segmentation of Ovum Bischoff 524 256. Segmentation of Ovum Kolliker andBagg.1 524 257. Uterine Tubes Weber 525 258. Layers of Germinal Membrane Bischoff 527 259. Primitive Groove " 527 260. Origin of Brain " 528 261. Production of Vessels Wagner 529 262. Production of Lymphatics Kolliker 529 263. Rudimentary Heart Thomson 529 264. Foetal Heart Von Bar 530 265. Hydra budding Trembley 534 266. Newton Photograph from Principia 563 267. Australian D'Urville. Photographed from Prichard 563 268. Australians D'Urville. " " 564 269. Brahmin Branwhite. " " " 573 270. Chinese " " 574 271. Kamtschatdale... " " " .. 575 6 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. no. PIOB 272. Sac Indian Catlin. Photographed from Pilchard 575 273. Cherokee Indian Catlin. 274. California Indian Choris. 275. California Indians Choris. 276. Abyssinian D'Abbadie. 576 576 576 ..... 577 577 .. 578 277. Native of Madagascar 278. Native of Mozambique " 279. Negro of Guinea Author 579 280. Philippine Negro Choris. Photographed from Prichard 579 281 . Skeleton of Man, Chimpanzee, and Orang Photograph by Author 581 282. Skull of European ....Prichard 582 283. Skull of Negro " 582 284. Skull of Chimpanzee " 582 285. Skull of Orang " 582 286. Caucasian Skull " 583 287. Mongol Skull " 583 288. Negro Skull " 584 289. Titicacan Skull " 584 290. Base of human Skull " 584 291. Base of Orang Skull " 584 292. Esquimaux Skull " 585 293. Negro Skull.. Author 587 294. Trench Skull " 587 295. Cephalic Ganglia Newport 607 296. Thoracic Portion of Ventral Cord " 607 HUM AIT PHYSIOLOGY, STATICAL AND DYNAMICAL HUMAI PHYSIOLOGY. BOOK FIRST. STATICAL PHYSIOLOGY, CONDITIONS OF LIFE. CHAPTER I. Conditions of Life. Nature and Sources of Substances supplied to the Body. Annual Quantities required. Table of Physiological Standards. Animals do not create, but transform Substan- ces. Properties and Quantities of Matters received by the System. Properties and Quantities of those it restores. Heat of the Body arises from Combustion. Cooling Agencies in an An- imal. Necessity of Repairs in the System. Physical Aspect of Man. The SouL The Vital Principle. Importance of Physical Science to Physiology. FOR the maintenance of the life of man three chemical conditions must be complied with. He must be furnished with air, water, and combusti- ble matter. Under the same conditions, also, all animals exist. Even in those which seem to furnish us with instances of departure from this Three condi- general rule, the exceptions are rather apparent than real. To tions oflife - breathe, to drink, to eat, are the indispensable requisites of life. If there be among insects some which seem never to take water, or among fishes some which never taste solid food, these peculiarities disappear as soon as we understand them properly. Where a high development has been attained, as in man, experience assures us that the same inevitable result awaits a cessation of respiration for a few moments, an abstinence from water for a few hours, or from food for a few days. The supply of a part of these necessaries of life is adjusted to the ur- gency of the want. The act of breathing is incapable of de- Sources of sup- lay, but the air is accordingly every where present, and al- ply of material, ways fit for use. We can bear with thirst for a little time, and the earth here and there furnishes her springs and other stores of water. But far otherwise is it in the obtaining of food. It is the lot of all animals to secure nourishment by labor, and even of men the larger proportion, both 10- EQUILIBRIUM OF LIFE. in civilized and savage countries, submit to a hard destiny. To obtain their daily bread is the great object of life. What is the philosophical explanation of this necessity for a supply of air, of water, of food ? Why is it that the system will bear so little delay ? The answer which Physiology gives to these questions is an answer Life de ends ^ ommous import, but the whole science is a commentary on on destruction its truth. The condition of life is death. No part of a liv- of material. ^ mecnan i sm can ac t without wearing away, and for the continuance of its functions there is therefore an absolute necessity for repair. It has been greatly to the detriment of physiology and the practice of medicine that this conception has not been thoroughly realized until late times. The aspect of identity which an animal presents is an illusion, hiding from us the true state of the case. It has been the fruitful source of errors which have retarded the progress of these sciences. What could their career possibly be when men had persuaded themselves that a liv- ing being possesses a capacity for resisting any change, and that organic structures never yield to external physical influences until after death ? But life, far from being a condition of immobility, is a condition of ceaseless change. An organism, no matter of what grade it may be, is only a temporary form, which myriads of particles, passing through a de- terminate career, give rise to. It is like the flame of a lamp, which pre- sents for a long time the same aspect, being ceaselessly fed as it ceaselessly wastes away. But we never permit ourselves to be deceived by the sim- ulated unchangeableness which such a natural appearance offers. We recognize it as only a form arising from the course which the disappear- ing particles take. And so it is even with man. He is fed with more than a ton weight of material in a year, and in the same time wastes more than a ton away. There is, therefore, a general condition of equilibrium which every an- Conditions of * ma ^ P resem X depending upon its receipts and its wastes, a equilibrium in proper knowledge of the conditions of which is at the founda- tion of Physiology. That we may approach this problem un- der its simplest form, free it from all unnecessary complications, and make it of most interest to the special object of this book, the remarks now to be made will be confined to our own species, and, except when oth- erwise stated, to a condition of health, and to the adult period of life. To have a uniform standard of reference, we may assume one hundred and forty pounds as the weight of an adult healthy man. Now the con- stant consumption of food, water, and atmospheric air tends steadily to increase that weight, and even in a very short time a disturbance arising from these sources would be perceptible, w^ere there not some causes of ANNUAL RECEIPTS AND WASTE IN MAN. 11 compensation. But even after a year, if a state of health is maintained, the weight may remain precisely what it was, and this may continue year after year in succession. The consumption of large quantities of solid, liquid, and gaseous matter does not therefore necessarily add to the weight. There are two periods of life for which this observation will not hold good. They are infancy and old age. During the former the weight in- creases from day to day, and during the latter it slowly declines. If there be thus causes for the increase of weight of the living system, there are also causes for its diminution. Setting aside the minor ones, these may be chiefly enumerated as loss by urine, by faeces, by transpired and expired matters. By transpired matters, are meant such as escape under the form of liquids and gases from the skin, and by expired mat- ters, vapors and gases escaping from the lungs. There is, therefore, a tendency to an increase and a tendency to a diminution of the weight, and, in the condition of equilibrium we are considering, these must bal- ance one another. If a man of the standard weight abstains from the taking of water and food, a good balance will prove that in the course of less than an hour he has become lighter. If he still persists, it needs no instrument to detect what is going on ; the eye perceives it, for emaciation ensues. How, then, is it possible for a living being to continue at its standard, except the causes of increase are precisely equal in effect to the causes of diminution? Overlooking minor ones, we may therefore assert that the sum total of food, water, and atmospheric air taken in a given period of time is precisely equal to the sum total of all the losses by urine, fae- ces, transpired, and expired matters ; for if the receipts were greater, the weight must increase if the losses were greater, the weight must dimin- ish. Persistency in this respect proves equality, and the case is just as simple as in the common affairs of life ; he who pays less than he receives grows rich ; if his payments are more than his receipts, he becomes poor ; but his condition is unchanged if his payments and receipts are equal. Infancy, old age, and manhood answer to these circumstances respect- ively. From the army and navy diet scales of France and England, which of course are based upon the recognized necessities of large Quantity of numbers of men in active life, it is inferred that about 2 J pounds avoirdupois of dry food per day are required for each year, individual ; of this about three quarters are vegetable and the rest animal. At the close of an entire year the amount is upward of 800 pounds. Enumerating under the title of water all the various drinks coffee, tea, alcohol, wine, &c. its estimated quantity is about 1500 pounds per an- num. That for oxygen may be taken at 800 pounds. 12 ANNUAL RECEIPTS AND WASTE IN MAN. With these figures before us, we are able to see how the case stands. The food, water, and air which a man receives amount in the aggregate to more than 3000 pounds a year ; that is, to about a ton and a half, or to more than twenty times his weight. This enormous mass may well at- tract our attention to the expenditure of material which is required for supporting life. It reveals to us the fact that the old physiological doc- trine, that a living being is not influenced by external agents, is altogether a fallacy. A living being is the result and representative of change on a prodigious scale. The condition of equilibrium which has just been set forth, moreover, Quantity of leads to the conclusion that the aggregate weight of urine, i^manTifa 601 ^ eces ? transpired, and expired matter is the same for the year. same period of time. In round numbers, we may take it at a ton and a half. It can not be questioned that the materials which are rendered back to the external world, after having subserved the purpose of the animal and passed through its system, are compounds of those which were originally received as food, drink, and air, though they may have assumed in their course other, and perhaps, in our estimation, viler forms. Eecognizing as indisputable the physical fact that not an atom can be created any more than it can be destroyed, we should expect to discover in the sub- stances thus dismissed from the system every particle that had been taken in. What, then, is man ? Is he not a form, as is the flame of a lamp, the temporary result and representative of myriads of atoms that are fast passing through states of change a mechanism, the parts of which are unceasingly taken asunder and as unceasingly replaced ? The appear- ance of corporeal identity he presents year after year is only an illusion. He begins to die the moment he begins to breathe. One particle after another is removed away, interstitial death occurring even in the inmost recesses of the body. From these general considerations we infer that the essential condition Great extent of of life is waste of the body ; and this not only of the body the system of** in tne aggregate, but even of each of its particular parts, man. Whatever part it may be that is exercised is wearing away, and wherever there is activity there is death. And since parts that are dead are useless, or even injurious to the economy, the necessities simul- taneously arjse for their removal and for repair. Much of the compli- cated mechanism of animal structures is for the accomplishment of this double duty. For an organic being to live, its parts must die. The amount of activ- ity it displays is measured by the amount of death, and in this regard every member of the animal series stands on the same level. Here, at FIXED STANDARDS OF PHYSIOLOGY. 13 the very outset of our science, we must dismiss the vulgar error that the physical conditions of existence vary in different tribes, and that man is not to be compared with lower forms. We must steadily keep in view the interconnection of all, a doctrine which is the guiding light of modern physiology, and which authorizes us to appeal to the structure and func- tions of one animal for an explanation of the structure and functions of another. The more steadily we keep before us this philosophical con- ception of the interconnection of all organic forms, the clearer will be our physiological views. There has never been created such a thing as an isolated living being. From the manner in which these general considerations of the mechan- ical and chemical equilibrium of the system of man have been Necessity and introduced, it will doubtless be seen that it is the first busi- p^gioiogkfi ness of the physiologist to disentangle the variable results standards. which that system presents, as far as may be possible, and offer them un- der a standard estimate ; that at the basis of this science there should be a table setting forth with the utmost exactness all the quantities con- cerned in such a standard type. Thus, assuming the weight of an adult man at 140 pounds, as we have done, it should show the diurnal consump- tion of combustible matter or food, of water, of air the diurnal loss by evaporation, by secretion, by respiration. In contrast with this it should also give the nocturnal. It should also represent the quantity of bile, of saliva, of pancreatic juice ; the weight of each one of the various salts and organic bodies they contain, the diurnal and nocturnal production of heat, &c. For the purpose of the practice of medicine, a standard of 140 pounds will perhaps be found most convenient, but in a scientific point of view, and especially for comparative physiology, a standard of 1000 parts is best assumed. I now present an attempt at the construction of such ta- bles, it being perhaps scarcely necessary to apologize for their extreme imperfection. Though offering the results at present received as most trustworthy, a very superficial examination will show how full they are of errors and contradictions. Perhaps it would not be too much to say that it will require the labor of many physicians, continued for centuries, to bring such tables to the truth. Yet the approach to precision in these hypothetical constants will in all times be a measure of the exactness of physiology, and it may be added, also, of the practice of medicine. The time is at hand when such a typical standard must be the starting-point for pathology, and no rational practice can exist without it. The passage of physiology, from a speculative to a positive science, is the signal for a revolution in the practice of medicine. Moreover, physiology should furnish formulas for the computation of variations in these tabular numbers under variable conditions ; as, for in- 14 FIXED STANDAEDS OF PHYSIOLOGY. stance, under low and high aerial temperatures, change of atmospheric pressures, absolute quiescence, or the near approach thereto, the effect of a determined amount of locomotion, or other muscular exertion, &c. As the science becomes more perfect, it should likewise attempt to embrace pathological states ; as, for instance, the diurnal or periodic production of heat in fevers, the effect of the hygienic system of the bedroom. Physiology having attained to this high condition, the practice of med- icine in its great department of diagnosis will consist, in reality, in the solution of inverse problems. Given the variations from the standard ex- isting in any case, to determine the cause of those variations. At this point diagnosis becomes a science, and ceases to be an art. As in painting and statuary, the artist has an ideal model in his mind, Illustration of a ^7P^ ca ^ standard which no living being has perfectly reach- the following ed, though some of the most beautiful may have approached thereto, so in physiology the standard or typical man pre- sents the combined and mean values of all the human race. A less comprehensive view presents us with distinct national standards, instead of this universal one, for every country has its own peculiarities. Eesults of the highest interest are to be perceived when these national standards are compared with one another. Even the same nation must offer, from age to age, modifications in its type expressive of the secular perturbations it is undergoing, as it advances or descends in a knowledge of the arts of life and civilization. Moreover, there are typical standards of a still lower order, having ref- erence to the conditions of sex and the period of life. Of these six may be designated the infant, the adult, the aged, of the male and female sex respectively. As illustrations of these remarks, and examples of the determination of the fundamental element of such a general physiological table, the stand- ard weight of the body, we may take the following estimates. An ex- amination of 20,000 infants, at the Maternite in Paris, gives for the weight of the new-born 6 Jibs. ; the same mean value obtains for the city of Brus- sels. For about a week after birth this weight undergoes an actual dim- inution, owing to the tissue destruction which ensues through the estab- lishment of aerial respiration, and which for the time exceeds the gain from nutrition. For the same age the male infant is heavier than the fe- male, but this difference gradually diminishes, and at twelve years their weight is sensibly the same. Three years later, at the period of puberty, the weight is one half of what it is finally to be, when full development is reached. The maximum weight eventually attained is a little more than twenty times that at birth, this holding good for both sexes ; but since the new-born female weighs less than the standard, and the new- born male more, the weight of the adult male is 136^^- Ibs., and of the PHYSIOLOGICAL TABLES. 15 adult female 121^^^ Ibs. The mean weight of a man, irrespective of his period of life, is 103^^ Ibs., and of a woman 93^^^- Ibs. The mean weight of a human being, without reference either to age or sex, is For the preceding numbers we are indebted to the researches of M. Quetelet, who likewise has in an interesting manner extended the meth- ods of statistics to the illustration of the physical and moral career of man, and impressed us with the facts that in the discussion of the phe- nomena which masses present, individual peculiarity disappears and gen- eral laws emerge. The actions which seem to be the result of free will in the individual, assume the guise of necessity in the community. Just as we are sure that man is born, develops, and dies under the operation of laws that are absolutely invariable, so communities seem to be under the influence of unchangeable laws. " In communities man commits the same number of murders each year, and does it with the same weapons. We might enumerate beforehand how many individuals will imbrue their hands in the blood of their kind, how many will forge, how many poison, very nearly as we enumerate beforehand how many births and deaths will take place." PHYSIOLOGICAL STANDAKD TABLES. Diurnal Ingesta, Secretions, and Excretions of a Man whose eight is 140 Ibs. avoirdupois. Diurnal Ingesta, Secretions, and Excretions of a Man whosa weight is 1000 parts. Weight of body 140.000 fWater 4.109 I Oxygen 2.192 ] Dry vegetable food. . . 1.687 S I Dry animal food 563 Saliva 3.300 Gastric j uice 14. 080 Pancreatic juice 440 Bile 3.500 5 Carbon from lungs . . . .500 j3 Intestinal juice 440 Loss of water by lungs 1.440 " skin. 2.234 Fseces OT8 Urine 2.180, consisting of Water 2.034 Urea 065 Uric acid 002 Lactic acid 037 Sulphuric acid 007 Phosphoric acid 008 Chloride of sodium . .009 Alkalies and earths . . 016 Other bodies 002 TBlcod . . . 17.000, consisting of Water 13.328 Albumen 1.190 Fibrin i... .037 Discs 2.227 Fats 022 Chloride of sodium .061 Chloride of potass . . 006 Phosphate of soda . .003 Carbonate of soda . .012 Sulphate of soda. . . .004 Phos. lime and mag .004 Oxide and phos. iron .008 Other bodies 098 In this table the estimate is in the pound and decimals thereof. ivoirdupois Weight of body 1000.000 tfWater 29.350 J Oxygen .' 15.057 _ | Dry vegetable food . . 12.050 w I Dry animal food 4. 021 Saliva 23.576 Gastric j uice 100.571 Pancreatic j uice 3. 143 Bile 25.000 Carbon from lungs. . . 3.571 :E Intestinal juice 3.143 2 Loss of water by lungs 10. 286 8 " " skin. 15.957 a Faeces 557 Urine 15.571, consisting of Water 14.529 Urea 464 Uric acid 014 Lactic acid 264 Sulphuric acid 050 Phosphoric acid ... .057 Chloride of sodium . 064 Alkalies and earths .114 Other bodies 014 121.429, consisting of Water 95.200 Albumen 8.500 Fibrin 264 Discs 15.907 Fats 157 Chloride of sodium . . 436 Chloride of potass . . .043 Phosphate of soda . . .021 Carbonate of soda . . .OSM Sulphate of soda 029 Phos. lime and mag. .029 Oxide and phos. iron .057 Other bodies 700 In this table the estimate is upon one thousand parts. It is to be received as a doctrine admitting no controversy, that or- 16 NATURE OF MATTERS RECEIVED. ganic systems, whether vegetable or animal, whether humble or elaborate- An animal ere- \y developed, possess no power of creating material. Their buToSy trfns- function is of necessity limited to the mere transformation of forms the sub- substances furnished to them. From this it follows, even in ceives. the case of man, that the substances dismissed from the sys- tem are metamorphosed forms of those which have been received, and that, whatever their appearance may be, they must have arisen from the reaction of the food, water, and air upon one another. This reaction we may proceed to view as a purely chemical result ; for, casting aside all the vain hypotheses of the older physiology, and per- mitting ourselves to be guided by the harmonies of nature, we should ex- pect to recognize in the changes taking place in organic systems, and in the phenomena which attend those changes, the same results which arise in the artificial or experimental reaction of food, water, and air on each other. A very superficial examination of the facts shows at once the The chemical correctness of this expectation. On such an examination we mauersre-^ now enter > premising it with some general remarks needful for ceived. our purpose on the nature and properties of food, water, and air. 1st. OF FOOD. No article is suitable for food except it be of a com- bustible nature. Its chemical constitution must be such that if its tem- perature be raised to a proper degree with a due access of atmospheric air it will take fire and burn, and the products of its combustion must be car- bonic acid gas and water, or those substances with nitrogen or its com- pounds. 2d. OF WATER. This may be taken as the type and representative of all the various liquids used as drinks. It evaporates at any tempera- ture, even at those which are lower than its freezing point, and in this evaporation produces cold. Water vaporizing from the skin absorbs 1114 degrees of heat, and hence exerts a most powerful refrigerating action. Over saline substances there are few bodies which exercise so general a solvent effect. In virtue of this property, it is enabled to introduce in the dissolved state such compounds as are wanted for the nutrition of the system, and in the same manner to carry away the wasted products of decay. 3d. OF ATMOSPHERIC AIR. The active principle of the air is oxygen gas, the effects of which are moderated by the presence of a large quanti- ty of nitrogen- four fifths of the air consisting of this latter substance. Physiologically, we often use the terms atmospheric air and oxygen syn- oifymously. The chief materials which a living being receives from the external world are, therefore, COMBUSTIBLE MATTER, WATER, OXYGEN GAS ; and out of the action of these upon one another all the physical phenomena of its life arise. NATUEE OF MATTEES EESTOEED. 17 Such being the nature and properties of the things received, we may now examine in the same general manner those which are Properties of dismissed from the system. Here, at the very outset, we en- substances . -,. -, dismissed bv counter the important fact that they are oxidized or burned the system." bodies. 1st. As respects the urine and its constituents. Its liquid part, wa- ter, is an oxide of hydrogen, of which, though the greater portion may not have been produced in the economy, yet a certain quantity unques- tionably has. In it, too, are to be found sulphuric acid, which is an ox- ide of sulphur ; phosphoric acid, which is an oxide of phosphorus ; and its leading solid constituent, urea, is the representative of bodies which arise when processes of oxidation have been going on. 2d. The expired and transpired matters present similar burned com- pounds. At the head of these products stand carbonic acid gas, which is an oxide of carbon, and water, which, as we have already said, is an ox- ide of hydrogen. We here omit any consideration of the nature or con- stitution of the fecal matter, because much of it has never been properly in the interior of the system, though it has passed through the intestine. The general result at which we arrive is, then, that the food consists of combustible matter, and that the substances dismissed from the economy are oxidized bodies. A burning must, therefore, have been go- c om k ust j on ing on, and this could only have been accomplished by the air occurs in the introduced by breathing acting upon the substance of the body oc y ' itself and its contents, and,* to repair the waste which must have ensued, a due weight of food has been required. Since this, in its turn, as a part of the living mechanism, is destined to undergo the like destructive action, we may present the entire series of facts under consideration cor- rectly by regarding them as arising remotely from the action of the air upon the food. With this statement before us, we next inquire what ensues when sub- stances appropriate for food are exposed in artificial experiments at a cer- tain temperature to the action of atmospheric air. A piece of flesh, or even of any vegetable body, consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, submitted to those condi- Results of arti- tions, undergoes combustion. Its carbon, by uniting with ox- fi . cial combus- \ J & tion the same ygen, produces carbonic acid, its hydrogen for the most part as that in the water, but a residue thereof, combining with the nitrogen, may bodjr - give rise to the production of ammonia. If there be any sulphur and phosphorus present, they also burn, and salts of sulphuric and phosphoric acids are the result. Such is what occurs outside of the body in a common case of artificial combustion where atmospheric air has access. The constituents of which the food is composed thus satisfy their chemical affinities, and the com- B 18 PEODUCTION OF HEAT. pounds we have mentioned arise. Now it is a fact of the utmost signifi- cance that the compounds thus originating from the direct artificial "burn- ing of matters proper for food are the very same that are dismissed from the animal system in which food has been submitted to the air introduced by respiration. They are such substances as carbonic acid, water, am- monia, sulphates and phosphates. It may impress these truths more deeply upon us to learn that the facts at which we have thus arrived may also be recognized m the changes of destruction presented by the vegetable kingdom. The leaves of trees, after they have fallen in autumn, quickly decay, and even the heart- wood itself has a limit beyond which it does not last. Sooner or later every part of a plant is destroyed by the atmospheric air. Such limits of duration in animal structures are short. A very brief time, per- haps only a few hours, is all that is wanted for putrefaction to set in, and the entire mass, undergoing dissolution, is lost in the surrounding air. This final disappearance of all organized structures is brought about by the action of that energetic element, oxygen. If by any contrivance its influence is prevented and its presence avoided, these changes do not take place. Putrefaction and decay are slow combustions, true burnings taking time. There equally arise from the fallen leaf and from the de- caying body carbonic acid, water, and ammonia, the self-same substances dismissed from the economy during the continuance of life. Processes of combustion and processes of decay are therefore both due to the action of atmospheric oxygen on the changing substance. They differ chiefly from one another in the relative rapidity with which they are accomplished. The facts thus set forth wan-ant the following statements. The mat- ters which a man receives as food are combustible bodies ; those dismissed Production of from his system have been burned. To that, as to any other animal heat. g^^ burning, oxygen gas is absolutely requisite. There is, therefore, a plain conclusion before us, which, in its far-reaching conse- quences, covers the whole science of physiology, and betrays to us the function which every animal discharges, viz., that oxidation is incessant- ly going on in the interior of the system through the agency of atmos- pheric air introduced by the process of breathing. An animal, in this point of view, is an oxidizing machine, into the in- terior of which atmospheric air is constantly introduced. The active con- stituent, oxygen, satisfies its chemical affinities at the expense of those parts of the system which are wasting away. And as the act of breath- ing, that is, the introduction of this gas, takes place day and night, wak- ing and sleeping, so too must the production of burned bodies ; a part escaping by the lungs, a part by the skin, a part in the urine. To com- pensate the loss which ensues s nearly 1000 pounds weight of combustible PRODUCTION OF HEAT. 19 matter must be used in the course of a year, and, for reasons to be exam- ined in detail presently, three quarters of a ton of water. But this is a very different conclusion to the notion of the ancient physicians, that an animal during its life is exempt from participating in external changes, and is an enduring monument of the power possessed by the VITAL FORCE of resisting all physical influences. But carbon by uniting with oxygen can not turn into carbonic acid, nor can hydrogen turn into water, nor nitrogen into ammonia, without heat being produced. The very meaning we attach to the term indicates that every process of burning is attended with the liberation of heat. In domestic economy, we protect ourselves from the cold weather of winter, or attain any high temperature we want by the oxidation of some of the forms of carbon, such as wood or coal, in fire-places or stoves. "We know that for the production of a given quantity of heat a given weight of combustible matter and of air is required, and that by employ- ing various mechanical contrivances for increasing the draught we can ac- celerate* the burning. Moreover, if in our laboratories we require the very highest tempera- ture that can be artificially obtained, we resort to the burning of hydro- gen. There are instruments, such as the compound blow-pipe, construct- ed on this principle. In the flame which arises in this combustion the most refractory substances melt or are deflagrated. But it may be said that though when a substance is rapidly oxid- izing it must be evolving heat, there is perhaps a slower Production of kind of combination, in which the particles unite without any ^^ J^ re " disturbance of temperature. What proof could be offered, for decay, example, that a mouldering leaf is disengaging heat ? In answer to this it is not necessary to bring forward refined or direct experiments. Every leaf when it moulders is literally burning away. The extrication of warmth begins even when it is ready to fall. What does the farmer expect in making his hay, if he puts the grass up in too moist a state, or in too large a mass ? The temperature does not stop at the stage of bituminous fermentation, but the stack most probably takes fire. Of course what is going on in the whole mass is going on in each separate leaf, undistinguishable, it is true, in the latter case, because the heat of a single decaying leaf, taken alone, may be carried off by the cold surrounding air, or by the contact of good conducting bodies, and so be lost to examination. From agricultural operations we may also learn that what holds good for vegetable bodies is true for animal substances. Heaps of manure or of offal of any kind, if due access of air be given, exhibit the extrication of carbonic acid, steam, and ammonia, and the temperature promptly rises. The gardener avails himself of this fact. He uses the heat, as it is slowly 20, REGULATION OF HEAT. set free by the putrefaction of manure in his forcing frames, to bring forth plants in the early spring. There is no kind of decay, or putrefaction, or oxidation of organic matters, however slow it may be, that is not marked by the production of warmth. Man, in a state of health, maintains a nearly uniform temperature. Heat of man: Neglecting slight variations, to be hereafter critically exam- its cause. wed, it is 98 degrees. For the most part, it is immaterial in what climate of the earth he may reside, whether in the cold polar re- gions or the hot tropic ; he is so constituted that, either through the pro- visions of his own organization, or by resorting to the adventitious aid of clothing, or to special articles of food, he can maintain himself at about the same degree ; and as all this heat arises from interstitial oxidation continually taking place, it is obvious that within certain limits he has control over it. Thus, in the winter he sometimes resorts to violent mus- cular action in order to increase the rapidity of respiration and the de- struction of muscular tissue ; for the greater the quantity of air intro- duced in a given period of time, the higher the temperature rises, just as when we close the door of a stove, or place a blower on an anthracite fire, an increased draught is occasioned and the quantity of heat is in- creased. To breathe with rapidity and depth is certain to raise the tem- perature. On the contrary, in summer, when the heat is oppressive, we instinct- ively abstain from muscular exertion, tranquil and slow respiration goes on, and the temperature is kept down. Again, there are means of occa- sioning an increased liberation of heat by changing the nature of the food and using highly combustible material, such as the various kinds of alco- holic preparations. The chemical constitution of alcohol is such that in the act of burning carbonic acid and water are produced with the libera- tion of so much heat that chemists find it one of the most suitable means of attaining a high temperature. On taking preparations of this substance, such as distilled liquors or wines, the first effect is the production of a genial warmth all over the body, intoxication eventually coming on as a secondary result. These remarks are not limited in their application to our own species, the whole animal world furnishes us with commentaries on their truth. Man maintaining a temperature, as has been said, of about 98 degrees, other animals are at other degrees, some being cold-blooded and some hot. The particular point they reach depends, as direct observation shows, on the quantity of oxygen they consume, or, in other words, on their respira- tion. Birds, whose breathing mechanism is by far the most elaborate and extensively developed, have by far the highest temperature. The snake or the tortoise, whose rate of respiration is very slow, and which consume but little oxygen, have a correspondingly low degree of heat. USES OF WATER. 21 And in those creatures which at one period of the year are in full activity, but at another lie dormant or hibernate, as they begin to respire more slowly their temperature begins to decline, and when they have sunk into their winter's sleep their breathing is scarcely perceptible, and their warmth scarcely above that of the surrounding air. In what has been thus far said we have been considering those oper- ations of the system which tend to the production of heat, causes of cooi- and the maintenance of the whole mass of the body at a tern- ing of the body. perature above that of the surrounding air. But it is obvious that pro- vision must be made to prevent any undue rise, so that between those causes of elevation and these of depression a due equilibrium may be main- tained. If a very large quantity of combustible matter, under the form of food, and about an equal weight of oxygen, are necessary for obtaining a proper heat, we should also recollect that nearly three quarters of a ton of water are consumed each year. The duty which this water J J Uses of water. discharges we may next consider. That duty is twofold. 1st. The removal of solid material in a state of solution ; and, 2d. The production of cold by evaporation. It is the cooling agency which is of most interest to us in our present inquiry, but a few remarks as regards the removal of solid matter may not here be misplaced. 1st. Water, then, exerts its solvent power for the removal of all those substances which, arising incessantly in the animal system, can its solvent not assume either the vaporous or gaseous state. In this con- P wer - dition are the different saline bodies, such as the sulphates which are com- ing from the destruction of the muscular tissues, as voluntary and invol- untary motions are performed ; or the phosphates which are produced by the destruction of cerebral and nervous 'matter. In the same condition starid nearly all the nitrogenized results of the destruction of the soft parts, and which are to a great extent to be removed as urea. Water dis- solving with more or less facility these various bodies permits their escape from the system by the secreting action of the kidneys, which, strain- ing or filtering them from the blood, dismiss them to the bladder, from which they are periodically removed. The skin is no inefficient auxiliary to the kidneys in effecting this re- moval of water charged with soluble matters. All over its surface are scattered in profusion the ducts of the perspiratory glands, which consist of a convoluted tubing abundantly supplied with blood-vessels. The final mode of action of these glands depends on extraneous circumstances. Most commonly the fluid is carried away under the form of a vapor or in- sensible perspiration, but when the secretion goes on more rapidly, or the dew-point of the surrounding air is high, it then accumulates as drops of sweat. The amount of water thus removed, even by insensible perspira- ?2 COOLING BY EVAPORATION. tion, is greater than might be supposed, yet it corresponds with the ex- tent of the provision. The length of the water-secreting tubing in the skin of a man is about twenty-eight miles. Thus by the action of the kidneys and the skin large quantities of wa- ter are dismissed, either under the liquid or vaporous form. A third or- gan is concerned in this important duty. It is the lungs. These, how- ever, are limited in their operation to its exhalation as vapor or steam. That water abundantly escapes from them is plainly shown when the days are cold, the moisture as it comes from the respiratory passages condens- ing into a visible cloud when it encounters the air. It is estimated that the loss of water by the skin and lungs conjointly is about 18 grains in a minute, of which 11 pass off from the skin and 7 from the lungs. Mak- ing due allowance for the variable action of the skin as dependent on the dew-point and other such causes, we can scarcely set down the entire quantity at less than 1000 pounds a year. In the same period the quan- tity of water lost as urine may be taken at 900 pounds. It may perhaps be remarked, that here we are assuming a loss of 1900 pounds, when the quantity of water annually taken is only 1500 pounds. But it is to be recollected that not only does water form a very prominent constituent of the solid food, whether vegetable or animal, but also that much arises from the oxidation of hydrogen in the interior of the system. 2d. Water also exerts a cooling influence, arising from its evapora- Cooling influ- tion from the surface of the skin and the cells of the lungs, ence of water, rpj^ diff erence between water in the state of an invisible va- por and in the liquid condition consists in this, that the vapor contains 1114 degrees of heat which the liquid does not. When, therefore, it evaporates from a surface of any kind, as from the skin, it obtains there- from that large amount of latent heat, and so tends to cause the tempera- ture to decline. Not that this is the only cooling agency at work. * Ka- diation might also be mentioned ; for, just as a warm inorganic body cools by the escape of radiant heat from it, so too does a living being. These considerations explain how an equilibrium of temperature is es- Equiiibrium of tablished. By the process of respiration there is a constant heat in man. tendency to increase the heat ; but by evaporation of water, radiation, and other cooling causes, tllere is a constant-tendency to dimin- ish it. A balance is struck between the two processes, and in man a temperature of 98 degrees is kept up. This average temperature is, however, easily departed from. Through some trivial cause the cooling agencies may be interfered with, and then, the heating processes getting the superiority, a high temperature or fe- ver comes on. Or the reverse may ensue. In Asiatic cholera, the con- stitution of the blood is so changed that its cells can no longer carry ox- ygen into the system, the heat-making processes are put a stop to, and> PHYSICAL MECHANISM OF MAN. 23 the temperature declining, the body becomes of a marble coldness charac- teristic of that terrible disease. The animal mechanism is thus the focus of intense chemical changes, and great quantities of material are required in- very brief Necessity of re- spaces of time for its support. We have seen what is the {^^ft* 1 **" use of the combustible matter employed as food, what of the wastes. water, what of the air, how, these reacting on one another, a high but reg- ulated temperature is kept up. Much of what has been thus far said has had reference only to the de- struction of tissues. This waste of matter arises for a double reason, partly to give origin to the heat which animals require, and partly as a consequence of intellectual activity and muscular motion ; for no move- ment can be made without a destruction of muscular fibre, and all mental and nervous actions imply the waste of a certain quantity of vesicular substance. For this reason, after an animal has undergone violent mus- cular exercise, the quantity of urea and sulphuric acid in the urine is in- creased, this being the channel through which those results of the de- struction of muscular, fibre are removed ; or, after severe mental or intel- lectual duty, there is more phosphoric acid than usual in the urine, be- cause of the greater oxidation of phosphorus which has taken place in the brain. But of course this destruction of tissue must be compensated by a re- pair if a normal condition and health are preserved. The action of the air is not directly upon the food, for intermediately and temporarily the food is converted into the living mechanism. The dead material is awakened into life, and for a time, though only for a time, becomes a portion of the living and feeling mass. The functions and actions we have been considering imply the provi- sion of many complicated mechanisms. There must be means various mech- for effecting the introduction of the air ; these, in man, depend anisms wanted iv - , ,. .. A { A i f r removal of on calling into operation its pressure. A system of tubes is waste and for necessary for its distribution to the points at which it is re- repair, quired, and in like manner a system is required for carrying away the wasted products of decay. The new material which is destined to re- place the parts which are thus disappearing, and to keep the economy in repair, must be submitted to such processes of mechanical and chemical preparation that it may be dissolved in the blood, and carried wherever it is wanted. It must therefore be cut and crushed by teeth driven by pow- erful muscles, dissolved by acid and alkaline juices in digestive cavities set apart for that purpose. From these it must be taken by arrange- ments which can absorb it and carry it into the torrent of the circulation. Physical means must be resorted to, not only for the impulsion of these newly-absorbed nutritive juices, but likewise to drive the blood in its 24 THE SOUL. proper career of circulation. It is needless here to dwell on the manner in which the most refined principles of hydraulics are brought into play, or to speak of the manner in which forces of compression and elasticity are introduced ; how that there are valves which open only in one way to let the current pass, or how some of these, as in the like human con- trivances, are tied down in their action by cords. Moreover, since it is required that the animal shall go in search of its food, muscles of loco- motion, which act upon purely mechanical principles on the bony skele- ton, must be resorted to, and so the animal structure becomes a most elaborate and complicated machine. In this regard the human body may be spoken of as a mere instrument Physical as- or engine, which acts in accordance with the principles of me- pectofman. c h an i ca l an d chemical philosophy, the bones being levers, the blood-vessels hydraulic tubes, the soft parts generally the seats of oxida- tion. But if we limit our view to such a description, it presents to us man in a most incomplete and unworthy aspect. There animates this machine a self-conscious and immortal principle the soul. Though in the most enlarged acceptation it would fall under the prov- Thesoui- its * nce ^ P^7 s ^g7 to * reat of this immortal principle, and to nature and re- consider its powers and responsibilities, these constitute a ies ' subject at once so boundless and so important, that the phys- iologist is constrained to surrender it to the psychologist and theologian, and the more so since the proper and profitable treatment of it becomes inseparably involved with things that lie outside of his domain. Yet under these circumstances, considering the ever-increasing control which scientific truth exerts over the masses of men, considering too how much the welfare of the human family depends on the precision and soundness of its religious views, it is the duty of the physiologist, if for the reasons that have been specified he yields this great subject to others, to leave no ambiguity in the expression of the conclusion to which his own science brings him. Especially is it for him, whenever the oppor- tunity offers, to assert and to uphold the doctrine of the oneness, the im- mortality, the accountability of the soul, and to enforce those paramount truths with whatever evidence the structure of the body can furnish. For this reason, he can not recall but with regret the existing use of many terms, such as mind, intellect, vital principle, spirit, which, though they were at first doubtless employed as expressions of the function's or qualities of the soul, have in the course of time gathered other meanings and confused the popular ideas. They have brought about a condition of things in science not unlike that which prevailed in theology during the reign of polytheism. Constrained, perhaps, himself by the necessities of language to use such phraseology, it is for him at the outset to leave no doubt of the views he entertains, and, as far as he can, prevent such THE VITAL PRINCIPLE. 25 expressions from frittering away the great truth that, as there is but one God in the universe, so there is but one spirit in man. On one of these terms, the vital principle, I may make a few remarks, since, from being a mere expression of convenience, it has by de- The vital grees risen among physicians and physiologists to the rank of P rmci P le - designating an existing agent, by some regarded as of the same kind as light, heat, electricity, or gravitation nay, even superior to them, since it is its peculiar attribute to hold them all in check. Animated by this ex- traordinary power, organic substances are supposed to withstand every external influence, and to submit to physical agents only after this prin- ciple has left them. Such a preposterous doctrine will not bear the touch of exact science for a moment. It is only a relic of the old meta- physical system of philosophizing, which accepted a name in lieu of an explanation, which preferred the dogma of the horror of a vacuum to the more simple but material view of the pressure of the air. By the aid of this imaginary principle, complete physiological systems have been wov- en, in which every act and every condition of the animal economy is spon- taneously explained, and nothing remains for solution. But by the stu- dent of nature, whose mind has been trained in positive science, the im- posture is detected. He sees at a glance that this is not the style of the Great Artist. The problems of organization are not to be solved by em- pirical schemes ; they require the patient application of all importance of the aids that can be furnished by all other branches of hu- man knowledge, and even then the solution comes tardily, ology. Yet there is no cause for us to adopt those quick but visionary specula- tions, or to despair of giving the true explanation of all physiological facts. Since it is given us to know our own existence, and be conscious of our own individuality, we may rest assured that we have what is in reality a far less wonderful power, the capacity of comprehending all the conditions of our life. God has framed our understanding to grasp all these things. For my own part, I have no sympathy with those who say of this or that physiological problem, it is above our reason. My faith in the power of the intellect of man is profound. Far from suppos- ing that there are many things in the structure and functions of the body which we can never comprehend, I believe there is nothing in it that we shall not at last explain. Then, and not till then, will man be a perfect monument of the wisdom and power of his Maker, a created being know- ing his own existence, and capable of explaining it. In the application of exact science to physiology, I look for the rise of that great and noble practice of medicine which, in a future age, will rival in precision the me- chanical engineering of my times. In it, too, are my hopes of the final K extinction of empiricism. Even now this method is attended with results rhich must commend it to every thoughtful mind, since it is connecting 26 SUBDIVISIONS OF PHYSIOLOGY. itself with, those great truths which concern the human family most closely, and is bringing into the region of physical demonstration the ex- istence and immortality of the soul of man, and furnishing conspicuous illustrations of the attributes of God. CHAPTEE II. OF FOOD. The natural Subdivisions of Physiology. Of Food: its Sources and Classification its Value not altogether dependent on its Composition. Of Milk: its Composition, and Use of its Water, Casein, Sugar, Butter, and Salts. Variations in the Composition of Milk. Of Bread. Of mixed Diets. Of the embryonic Food of Birds. Nutrition of carnivorous and herbivorous Animals. Food formed by Plants and destroyed by Animals. Uses of mixed Food and Cook- ing. Absolute Amount of Food. PHYSIOLOGY possesses a very great advantage over many other sciences Subdivisions of in offering its leading problems and doctrines in a certain physiology. well-marked order or sequence, a connected whole, with only here and there points of digression, but those points often of very striking interest. Thus pursuing the train of reflections entered on in the pre- ceding chapter, we should have to consider the nature of the food, the manner, of its preparation by the process of digestion, the mechanism by which it is taken up from the cavities in which it has been so prepared, and that by which it is distributed to every part. We should have to show the way in which it becomes incorporated as a portion of the living mass, its duration in that condition, and the manner of its decay. We should have to show by what physical means and through what mecha- nism the air is introduced to effect the destruction of the dying parts, and how, as the consequence of this, a fixed temperature is maintained. The causes which lead to variations of this temperature, and the manner in which the wasted products are removed by the skin, the lungs, the kid- neys, might next obtain our attention. The complicated machinery nec- essary to accomplish all these purposes requires to be made to act in uni- son in all its different parts, a condition which introduces to us the nerv- ous system. A consideration of the structure and gradual development of this system leads to the structure of the various organs of sense, and to the operations of the intellectual principle itself. Thus in succession we should have to treat of digestion, absorption, circulation, respiration, secretion, nutrition, and innervation, and to close the whole with the con- sideration of reproduction. This is the order which I propose to follow, and shall devote this chapter to the nature and qualities of the food. HISTOGENETIC AND CALORIFACIENT FOOD. 27 The supply of food to animals requires a more complicated provision than it does to plants, in which the elaborating organs, the Sourcesoffood leaves, presenting themselves superficially, are always in for animals and contact with the air, from which much of their nutrition is p a derived. And as one portion after another becomes exhausted, it is re- newed by simple mechanical agencies, such as the trembling of the leaf, the warmth of the sun, or the winds. Food, therefore, comes spontaneously to plants, which need no powers of locomotion. And though, as we shall hereafter find, muscular move- ment requires as its essential condition the waste of tissue, it is not nec- essary for their nutrition that plants should destroy organized substance. But an animal must seek its food, and for this purpose is endowed with locomotion, involving the destruction of tissue. In a chemical point of view, plants are organizing, and animals destroying machines. Nor is this general assertion controverted by the apparent exceptions which are here and there presented, as, for example, that the herbivora can form sugar and fat from food in which those substances did not pre-exist, and the salts of the biliary acids, which are never found in plants. To obtain for animals the necessary supply of nutriment, the resources of nature are displayed in the most wonderful contrivances. According as their modes of life may be, one takes its food with its teeth, another with its lips, another with its fore member, another winds around it its whole body. The geometrical spider weaves a net, and lies in wait for his prey ; the ant lion digs a pit in the sand. Some rely upon labor, some upon force, some upon fraud. Man depends upon all. Viewed as regards its physiological distinction, the food is generally considered as of two kinds : Histogenetic or tissue-making, and classification Calorifacient or heat-making. Histogenetic food furnishes the f food int . chemical substances carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sul- a ndcaiorifa- phur, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, potash, soda, lime, &c. Ca- cient - lorifacient food furnishes carbon and hydrogen mainly. In consequence of this chemical constitution, tissue-making food is sometimes called ni- trogenized, and heat -making non-nitrogenized food. The former is also sometimes designated nutritive, and the latter respiratory. It is, however, to be distinctly understood that these divisions are only adopted for the sake of convenience, and that they have no natural foun- dation. Thus it will be found, when we examine the functions which the fats discharge, that though they are non-nitrogenized bodies, and are, therefore, considered as belonging to the class of respiratory food, there is every reason to believe that they are essentially necessary to tissue development, and that the metamorphoses of nitrogenized bodies can only go on in their presence. They are, therefore, as truly essential to nutrition as are the latter substances. 28 CLASSIFICATION OP FOOD. So, too, as respects the albumenoid bodies, of which it would be incor- rect to speak as though they were limited to nutrition. In their decay or descending metamorphosis in the organism, they give rise to the evo- lution of heat, and are at last dismissed under the aspect of products of oxidation. They are, therefore, as far as this goes, as much respiratory food as are the fats themselves. Other ciassifi- Perhaps the most convenient subdivision of food articles cations of food. j s presented in the four following groups : 1st. Carbohydrates, or compounds in which carbon is united with hydrogen and oxygen, their proportion being that for forming water. Starch, sugar, gum, cellulose, are examples. 2d. Hydrocarbons. Compounds containing unoxidized hydrogen. The oils, fats, and alcohol, are examples. 3d. Albumenoid bodies. These contain nitrogen. Albumen, fibrin, casein, are examples. 4th. Salts. Any classification of food articles which does not con- tain this group is imperfect ; for salts are not only absolutely essential to organic processes, but also to the construction of many tissues. As an example of the former case, the chloride of sodium may be mentioned ; and of the latter, the phosphate of lime. It has been supposed that the tissue-making power of any kind of Value of food food depends on the quantity of nitrogen it contains, and does not de- that .jfs value may therefore be determined by chemical anal- pend wholly on . ^ . J its composi- ysis. Upon this principle tables have been constructed, tlon - showing the agricultural worth of different articles of forage for domestic animals. But, as will be found hereafter, when we consider the physiological effect of the allotropism of bodies, these tables are not of the use supposed. Without entering into details at present, the case of gelatin may be taken as an example ; this, though a substance abounding in nitrogen, possesses no tissue-making value, but in reality belongs to the calorifacient class, and therefore its administration in the sick-room, under the various well-known forms of jellies, soups, etc., is altogether deceptive as regards any nutritive power, since it undergoes speedy oxidation in the system, and the products of its change escape by the kidneys and the lungs. The value of food is not only dependent on the occurrence of certain chemical elements ; they must also be present in certain allotropic states. The same remark applies to the tables which have been constructed, showing the amount of caloric furnished by different varieties of heat- making food. The quantity of heat set free during the combustion of a substance depends not only on the nature of the elements composing it, but also on the particular states in which they occur. Combustibles may have the same chemical composition, but very different heating power. COMPOSITION OF MILK. 29 Food which is typically perfect, is presented by nature to the young of various animals. In milk, or in the egg, we should ex- Miikasanarti- pect to find whatever is necessary for the growth of the tis- cic of food: its i f .1 f *MI' * - M* A composition. sues, and for the performance 01 the junctions. An exam- ination of milk will therefore illustrate the essential characters of the different elements of food. Composition of JUiffc. Water 873. Casein 48. Sugar of milk 44. Butter 30. Phosphate of lime 2.30 Other salts 2.70 1000.00 In this we notice, first, the large proportion of water present, almost nine tenths of the whole amount. The double duty of this The water of water has already been mentioned, to remove from the sys- milk - tern effete substances which are not of a vaporous or gaseous form, and which can not escape through the lungs, and to regulate the temperature by evaporation. We might have added to these that it imparts a due fluidity to the blood. These are conditions as necessary to the infant as to the adult, and it should be remembered that two thirds of the weight of the body are water. Next follows the nitrogenized principle casein, which is closely re- lated in composition to muscular flesh. It is the tissue-mak- The casein of ing, histogenetic, or nutritive element of the milk, and has been milk - elaborated from the albumenoid substances of the mother's system. It is to be converted into the muscular, gelatinous, and other soft tissues of the infant. Casein is one of a group designated as the neutral nitrogenized bodies, of which some of the more prominent are albumen, fibrin, Nature of pro- and globulin. From an opinion that these all contain the tein bodies - same organic radical, they are often termed the protein bodies. They appear to exist in two different physical conditions, soluble and insolu- ble in water; they all contain sulphur, and exhibit. a proneness to pass into the putrefactive fermentation. As this takes place when they have reached a certain stage of decay, they act upon other bodies as ferments. Their constitution is represented in common by the formula C 48 H 36 M N, Of the whole group, albumen may be taken as the type and most import- ant member. Indeed, as will be found hereafter, in the process of digestion the others are invariably converted into it. The white of the egg and the serum of the blood are usually referred to as examples of albumen, though they differ in several particulars from one 30 CASEIN AND FIBEIN. another. Albumen forms basic, neutral, and acid compounds. It is a basic albuminate of soda which is found in the egg and in serum of blood. In certain diseased conditions the blood contains the neutral al- buminate. Casein presents nearly the same constitution as albumen, but differs from it in its physical properties ; for, while a solution of albumen is coagulable by heat, one of casein is not, but lactic and acetic acids coagulate it, -though they have no such effect on albumen. While, so far as their protein nucleus is concerned, the two substances agree in composition, they differ in this respect, that casein appears to contain a less proportion of sulphur, and no phosphorus. It is interesting to re-* mark that, during incubation, casein arises from albumen in the eggs of birds. Closely allied to albumen and casein, and having the same protein nu- cleus, is fibrin, which likewise exists in two states, soluble and insoluble. Its solidification or coagulation can be produced by the action of sulphuric ether, which does not affect albumen. Moreover, in the coagulated state fibrin decomposes the deutoxide of hydrogen, but albumen does not. The most important difference between them is, that in the act of coagulation albumen shows no disposition to assume a definite structure, but fibrin does fibrillating, as it is termed. The analogy of constitution and closeness of relation of the two substances is demonstrated by the fact that y nitrate of potash coagulated fibrin may be changed into albumen, and the same conversion is accomplished in the stomach by the digestive juices. It is generally supposed, however, that fibrin contains a larger pro- portion of oxygen than albumen, a conclusion which seems to be confirm- ed by physiological considerations respecting its origin. For this reason, Mulder describes it as a higher oxide of his hypothetical protein. It al- ways is associated with fat, or, perhaps more correctly, with soaps of ammonia and lime. Fibrin is found in the chyle, lymph, and blood. In the latter fluid its quantity varies in different parts of the circulation. The blood of the portal vein yields it in smaller proportion than that of the jugular. It is also affected very much by diet : thus Lehmann found that under an ani- mal diet there was much more fibrin in his blood than under a vegeta- ble one, a result which has been confirmed by experiments on dogs. It has also been observed that its quantity is increased during starvation. But the blood of herbivorous animals contains more than that of carnivo- rous ones, and that of birds contains the most of all. These remarks on the composition and physical properties of casein, albumen, and fibrin, have been introduced for the purpose of illustrating the facility with which these bodies are mutually convertible, and more OF THE SALTS, BUTTEE, AND CUED OF MILK. 31 particularly for showing that there is nothing whatever mysterious in the casein or curd of milk arising from -the albuminous serum of the mother's blood, and being transmuted into the fibrin structure of the muscular tissues of the infant. Returning now to our examination of the composition of milk, as set forth in the preceding table, we find that two respiratory el- The sugar and ements are next upon the list : 1st. Sugar of milk, which is butter of milk - to be converted into lactic acid, partly by the agency of the saliva, and chiefly in intestinal digestion ; 2d. Butter, which is the oleaginous or fatty portion, and of which a part is to be deposited in the adipose tis- sues for a time of need, and a part, along with the lactic acid and excess of sugar, is to be burned at once for the production of heat. The inorganic body, phosphate of lime, is necessary for the earthy por- tion of the skeleton, and probably the reason of the introduction The ^^ of of casein, to the exclusion of other protein compounds, depends milk, particu- on the power it possesses of holding phosphate of lime in solu- eaSh^nd" tion, not less than 6 per cent, of its weight of this earthy body chloride of so- being often obtainable from it. Among the other salts of the milk, chloride of sodium may be pointed out as of special importance. It undergoes decomposition in the system of the infant, its hydrochloric acid giving acidity to the gastric juice, its soda entering into the compo- sition of the bile and various salivary secretions. It also imparts solu- bility to albumen, and, in some degree, regulates the facility with which that substance coagulates. It impedes the coagulation of fibrin. Milk is not a chemical compound, but a variable mixture of different ingredients, which, under proper circumstances, may be sepa- Making of rated. When the fluid is allowed to rest for some hours at the butter - ordinary temperature, the fat-globules rise to the surface as cream, Vhich, submitted to a strong agitation with air in the process of churning, forms butter. The casein of milk can be readily coagulated by rennet (which is the mucous membrane of the stomach of the calf) at a temperature Making of of 120. If parted from the residual whey, mixed with a little cheese - salt and yellow coloring matter, and subjected to the action of a suitable press, it is formed into cheese. No better examples of the tissue-mak- ing and heat-making elements of food can be offered than cheese and butter respectively. When milk is exposed to the air, its sugar, under the influence of the casein or curd, gradually disappears, turning into lactic acid, Lactic acid in and the milk becomes sour. The composition of sugar and sour milk - lactic acid is such, that we might, without much error, say that an atom of sugar symmetrically bisected will yield two atoms of lactic acid. This effect is produced by the casein commencing to pass into a state of de- 32 VARIOUS KINDS OP MILK. cay under the influence of the atmospheric air. It is likewise produced during digestion by the saliva, and also by the pancreatic juice. The turning sour of milk on the stomach is due to the transmutation of its sugar into lactic acid. An infant finds in its mother's milk whatever it wants for the growth Physiological of its own body. In its system the curd resumes the form uses of milk. O f albumen, or passes into the condition of fibrin or syntonin, and in this manner its muscular and gelatinous tissues are made. The butter is deposited in the adipose cells, or burned at once for the pro- duction of animal heat, a part of it, however, being incidentally consumed, as will be hereafter explained, in the fabrication of fibrin and for other histogenetic purposes. The phosphate of lime is carried to the osseous system, now in a state of rapid increase, and bone is formed from it. But though milk is so well adapted to the wants of infantile life, it is unsuited to the adult. Its nitrogenized principle, casein, though in suf- ficient quantity for the repair of muscular waste and development at the former period, is inadequate to these purposes at the latter, when de- struction, arising from the incessant activity of the muscular system, is V ri k* d so g rea ^7 increased. It is interesting to remark how the of milk for dif- composition of milk is modified when there is a necessity to nt animals. meet these indications, its nitrogenized principle being in- creased in the case of animals such as the cow and horse, the young of which commence locomotion almost at birth, or at a far earlier period than the human infant. This excess of casein is necessary for the re- pair of the resulting waste. The Constitution of Mlk. Source. Casein. Sugar. Butter. Goat's milk 80 40 40 Cow's milk 63 28 40 32 36 29 This table presents an explanation of the unsuitableness which is sometimes remarked in the milk of the cow when used for the nourish- ment of children. Milk which is adapted to the wants of the calf is not adapted to the functional wants of the child. Experience has taught the nurse that these difficulties may in part be removed by diluting it with water and sweetening it with sugar, the effect of this being to -reduce the percentage of the nitrogenized element, the- casein, and to increase that of the respiratory, and so approximate the composition more closely to that of human milk. Moreover, milk is not suitable as the sole nourishment of adult life, since it does not contain in sufficient quantity those phosphorized com- pounds which are necessary for the repair of the waste of the cerebral and nervous tissues, which at this period are much more active than in infancy. OF BREAD. 33 Variations in the composition of milk from its normal standard are ob- served to depend upon age and bodily health. Young fe- influence of males, from fifteen to twenty, yield a milk more rich in sol- ?&!!& ids than that which is given at thirty-five or forty. Gesta- sition of milk. tion at a late period increases the solid portions. The following table of Vernois and Becquerel illustrates the influence of disease : Influence of Disease on the Constitution of Milk. In Health. Acute Disease. Chronic Disease. Water 889.08 884.91 885.50 Casein and extractive... Sugar ... 39.24 43.64 50.40 33.10 37.06 43.37 Butter 26 66 29.86 32.57 Salts 1.38 1.73 1.50 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 From this consideration of the nature and properties of the food of in- fancy, we may pass to the examination of that of the mature period. Experience has shown that, of all articles of food, bread made from wheaten flour meets best the requirements of the adult life of T, ^ 11 ,1 , f A Of bread. man. It seems to contain all that is necessary lor support. A very simple analysis will show how it presents both the respiratory and nutritive elements. If such flour be made into a paste with water, and be gradually washed with a larger quantity, an elastic coherent mass is left, and Examination the water assumes a milky turbidity. After a time it be- ^atandof comes clear, through the settling of a white precipitate, which other grains. is starch, the leading member of the respiratory group. The elastic sub- stance is gluten, which is a true vegetable fibrin, mixed with another nitrogenized body, gliadine, which may be removed, along with a certain quantity of oil, by washing with ether and alcohol. Thus, simply by washing in water, flour may be separated into two physiological elements, respiratory and nutritive, the former being the starch, and the latter the gluten. The relative quantity of tlicse substan- ces differs in different samples of flour, and, other things being equal, the greater the amount of gluten the more valuable the sample, because the more nutritious. It is interesting to remark that the liquid from which the starch has settled, if brought to the boiling pointy becomes turbid again, from the coagulation of the vegetable albumen it contains. Other grains, treated in the same manner, yield similar results. The flour of barley and of the oat, when washed with water, do not, however, yield gluten, but a pure fibrin, with a separation of starch. The fibrin occurring in these grains is replaced in other nutritious seeds, such as peas and beans, by legumin, which, like the casein of milk, does not coagulate by boiling, but merely forms tenacious skins as it is evaporated. These may be removed by skimming. This substance, C 34 OF MIXED DIETS. which presents many analogies to casein, is coagulable by acetic acid and alcohol, and, if mixed with sugar, turns curdy, and becomes sour from the presence of lactic acid. It differs from casein in not dissolving in concentrated acetic acid, and, when precipitated by an acid, being un- acted on by carbonate of lime. It is, however, coagulated by rennet. Thus, when we use bread made of any of the common varieties of flour, we find in it both kinds of food, the respiratory and nutritive the former as starch, and the latter as fibrin. But civilized man has greatly improved on the simple diet which Na- Use of butter ture furnishes, and, without knowing the immediate or philo- on bread. sophical reason, has added articles which increase the respira- tory element. The proverb says, "It is good to have bread, but it is better to have bread and butter." Let us examine why it is so. Wheaten flour, in its relations to the animal system, is defective in one point its respiratory element, the starch. Now the constitution of starch is, that in its dry state it contains much more than half its weight of wa- ter, none of its hydrogen being free, but all oxidized. It is, therefore, only by the use of very considerable quantities of bread that the neces- sary amount of respiratory food can be had for keeping up the tempera- ture to the proper degree. But if butter be put upon the bread, the effect is different. In common with all oleaginous bodies, butter contains an excess of hydrogen, and therefore, under the same weight, possesses a very high heating power. The defect of the flour is thus compensated, and by the use of quite a moderate quantity a high temperature can be maintained. It would be very interesting to examine in this way the physiological relations of the diets adopted by communities of men, and the great changes which, at quite a recent period, have taken place through the in- troduction of tea, coffee, and chocolate on an extensive scale among civ- ilized nations. Before the discovery of the passage to the East by the Cape of Good Hope, and the establishment of direct commercial relations between Western Europe and China, the general diet of the agricultural classes consisted chiefly of the common products of the farm and sub- Of mixed di- stances readily obtained in domestic economy, such as bread, cheese 8 and^' an( l*cheese, and beer. In a theoretical point of view, we can beer. scarcely conceive of a diet more conducive to the sustenance of the bodily frame. The constitution of wheat flour shows that it con- tains the elements necessary for life ; and cheese, which may be regarded as the preserved curd of milk, is an excellent flesh-producing body, the casein of which it consists being readily convertible into muscle-fibrin. The common salt used in its preparation promotes the function of diges- tion, by furnishing hydrochloric acid and soda. In addition, there are also in the beer, an alcoholic and intoxicating liquid, all the advantages EMBRYONIC FOOD OF BIRDS. 35 of a highly combustible body for the purposes of respiration. 'Whatever, therefore, is requisite for the well-being of the animal economy is present in abundance in such a diet. From an examination of the diet-scales of the educational and invalid establishments of London, the prisons and the hospitals, Beneke obtains the result that the nitrogenized should be to the non-nitrogenized food in weight as one to five. From other data, Frerichs calculates Ratio of nitro- that the diurnal consumption should be 2.17 oz. avoirdupois non-ntoo"en- of nitrogenized, and 15.54 oz. avoirdupois of non-nitrogen- izedfood. ized food, that is, about as one to seven. Whatever is taken more than this is superfluous. The peculiar advantages arising from the use of casein, which in a solu- ble form possesses the quality of dissolving large quantities of phosphate of lime, unquestionably determine its employment as a constituent of milk. But there are circumstances under which a necessity arises for the use of other nitrogenized compounds, such as albumen, in early nu- trition ; and then it is remarkable by what indirect methods the difficulty of its want of solvent power over that earthy body is compensated for. The foetal period of the life of birds furnishes an example. In the egg there is, of course, whatever is wanted for the development Development of the young animal ; for, merely by the process of incuba- th* e g^ori"in tion, or submitting the egg to a due temperature for a suita- of its parts. ble length of time, with the access of atmospheric air, the young chicken forms, with all its parts complete its bony, muscular, nervous systems, feathers, beak, claws. The phosphate of lime required for the skeleton is not present as such, but is formed as incubation goes on ; for in the yolk there is free phosphorus, to which the air finds access through the pervious shell, and, effecting its oxidation, phosphoric acid is the result. This reacts on the "carbonate of lime, of which the shell consists, decom- poses it, and the phosphate of lime forms. For this reason we observe, as the incubation proceeds, that the shell becomes lighter and thinner. The albuminous fluid which constitutes the white of the egg has little power of holding bone-earth in solution ; but by manufacturing the salt in this manner, as it is wanted, the development of the young bird goes on without difficulty. To insure the due supply of oxygen, an air-bub- ble is placed at the broad end of the egg, so that, should any transient circumstance interfere with the passage of air through the pores of the shell, there is a little reservoir of that material on which to rely. The mammalia find in milk all that they need in their infantile life for their nutritive purposes. In the same manner birds, in their foetal life, have whatever they require in the egg. For the former, casein is the nutritive element ; for the latter, albumen. In both cases a ready transmutation of that element into muscle-fibrin occurs. 36 FOOD OF CAENIVORA AND HERBIVORA. At a mtiturer period of life, animals may be divided into two groups, carnivorous and herbivorous, or those which feed exclusively on flesh, and those which feed on vegetable substances. Between these may, perhaps, be introduced a minor group, partaking of the manner of life of both. The carnivorous animal finds in its prey all that is 'required for nutri- Nutrition of tion ' anc * t ^ ie discharge f i ts functions. Digestion under these carnivorous circumstances is reduced to its simplest conditions, and is a s> scarcely more than a process of solution. In the stomach the fibrin is brought into a soluble form ; in the duodenum the fats are re- duced to an emulsion. The digestive apparatus has but little complexi- ty. The stomach maybe regarded as a mere enlargement or pouch upon the alimentary canal, having, along with the intestine, the office of bring- ing the food into such a condition that it can be taken up by the veins and lacteals, and so pass into the circulation. The various constituents now revert into the same state in which they were before digestion be- gan, the fibrin aiding in the repair of the wasted muscular tissues, and the fats being deposited in the adipose cells. The bones, feathers, and other such matters as have not been dissolved by digestion, are cast out. In the production of heat and motion the carnivorous animal consumes itself, and, through the oxidation incessantly going on by means of the air introduced by respiration, carbonic acid, ammonia, water, sulphuric and phosphoric acids are constantly forming. On a superficial view it might be supposed that in the other group, Nutrition of ^ e h^ivorous, * ne case * s quite different. These seem to herbivorous spend all their lives in obtaining food. The ox or the horse, put out into the pastures, is all the day long cropping the grass. On a comparison of the quality and nature of the food which they take with the substances of which their bodies consist, there seems to be nothing in common. It was not, therefore, without reason that the earlier physiologists imputed to the digestive organs of this class the power of forming flesh and blood from vegetable matters. When, how- ever, we come to a critical examination of the facts, we find that there is no essential difference between them and the carnivora. When the expressed juice of vegetables is permitted to stand for a time, though it may have been clear at first, a turbidity sets in, and a flaky material is deposited. The substance thus possessing the power of spon- taneous coagulation is identical in that property, and in composition, with animal fibrin. After its deposit, if the clear liquid be warmed to near the boiling point, it* again becomes turbid, and a second nitrogenized sub- stance subsides, which, from its quality of coagulating by rise of tempera- ture and its analysis, is inferred to be identical with animal albumen. When this has been separated by filtration or otherwise, and the juice is NUTRIENT MATTERS PEE-EXIST IN PLANTS. 37 slowly evaporated, there come on its surface skins of a body having the same qualities as casein ; so fibrin, albumen, and casein pre-exist in plants. Fatty matters of every description may also be extracted from vege- table products. From leaves, seeds, bark, wood, etc., oleaginous bodies can be obtained by the action of sulphuric ether, which removes the fat, and leaves it on subsequent evaporation. It being thus understood that the food of the graminivorous animals contains nitrogenized bodies and fats ready formed, we have clearer views of the function of digestion in those tribes. It is not necessary to im- pute to their digestive organs the power of creating flesh and fat from vegetable matter. The office of the animal is merely to collect. The two groups being compared together, the carnivorous animal receives un- der less compass the required amount of nutrition, and its digestive ap- paratus is more compact. But the graminivorous animal must all the day long collect large quantities of food, out of which it may extract the little nutrient matter they contain. The carcass of an animal, seized by a lion, is almost all digestible, but it would require a very large amount of herbage or of grain to be supplied to an ox to make up the same quan- tity of albumen .or fat. Hence the necessary complexity and size of the digestive organs of the herbivorous group, and hence many of their hab- its of life. Moreover, we see that even in this apparently extreme case the ani- mal system does not clearly exhibit any quality of exerting Food formed a formative action, nor of grouping atoms into a state of Destroyed by* higher organization. It possesses no special power of mak- animals, ing flesh. To the vegetable world we have to look as the great forma- tive agent. In the organism of plants the various compounds wanted by animals are fabricated. Animals destroy those compounds, and in so doing maintain a high temperature, irrespective of atmospheric con- ditions, and give rise to the phenomena of motion and intellectuality. Universal experience, as well as direct experiment, proves that in the case of man health can not be maintained on a uniform diet, however it may be with animals. A mixed food, which varies from time to time, seems to be essential; and there can not be a doubt that the changes which physicians have recognized in the nature of the predominating dis- eases, from century to century, are connected with changes which have taken place in the nature of the diet. The introduction of tea, coffee, the potatoe, arid tobacco, must have made a marked impression in these respects. Undue excesses of albumen, oil, or starch, in the diet of an individual, produce a liability to arthritic, bilious, and rheumatic affec- Necessity of a tions. An abstinence from fresh vegetables and fruits devel- ^an^us? * ops scorbutic, and a deficiency of oleaginous materials scrofu- of cooking. 38 ABSOLUTE QUANTITY OF FOOD. lous disease. It is evident that a control over these affections may be ob- tained, or even their cure, to a considerable extent, accomplished, by suit- able changes in the nature of the food. This is strikingly seen in the improvement of the health of sailors during long voyages, since the intro- duction of vegetable preparations or acid juices. In 1726, Admiral Ho- * sier sailed from England to the West Indies with seven ships of the line, and lost his whole crew twice by scurvy. The circumnavigation of the globe is now often accomplished without the loss of a single man. I have already remarked the insufficiency of the tables setting forth the value of articles of food as dependent on their chemical constitution. Such tables are of little use, agriculturally, in the case of animals, and still less, physiologically, in the case of man. The art of cooking does not minister alone to the gratification of the palate, it lends a real assist- ance to the operation of digestion. New elements may not have been added, nor existing ones removed in submitting the food to the action of a high temperature, yet such a change is thereby impressed upon it that it becomes more capable of digestion, and more subservient to the wants of the economy. In determining the absolute quantities of nutrient substances required The absolute ^7 * ne system, Lehmann observes that there are three mag- quantity of nitudes which we are especially called upon to consider : the first is, the quantity of food requisite to prevent the animal sinking from starvation ; the second is, that which affords the right sup- ply of nourishment for the perfect accomplishment of the functions ; and the last is, that which indicates the amount of nutrient matter which may, under the most favorable circumstances, be subjected to metamor- phosis in the blood. The method of finding the minimum of food nec- essary to support life by stopping all supplies without, and determining the quantities of matters which the organism uses by the excretion of urine, fasces, expired and transpired products, though it has yielded re- sults of the utmost importance to science, is nevertheless not altogether reliable, for in such a state of inanition the system is brought into a morbid condition, or, at all events, is not acting in'a normal way. More- over, much depends on the activity with which the various functions are carried forward, a necessity for nourishment increasing with increase of external activity. And as to the amount of food demanded for the maintenance of the system at its standard, it must be borne in mind that of the four classes, the carbohydrates, the fats, the albuminous mat- ters, and the salts, no one alone will answer the purpose, but all must be employed together, and this in variable proportion, according as the local, and therefore variable, wastes of the system may have been. These considerations indicate how complicated the problem we have in view really is. QUANTITY OF FOOD REQUIRED. 39 From the experiments of Boussingault with reference to fat, and of Bidder and Schmidt with reference to the albuminates, and Maximum lim- of Yon Becker with reference to the carbohydrates, we learn J^SStS that only definite quantities of these substances can be ab- mentsoffood. sorbed by the intestine in definite periods of time. This maximum limit is, however, far more than the necessities of the system require ; hence in overfeeding, though much of the excess of food passes away with the ex- crement, a very large portion is, as it were, needlessly absorbed, and, un- dergoing metamorphosis in the blood, is removed by the kidneys. To this portion Lehmann applies the designation introduced by Schmidt, luxus consumption, or superfluous consumption. Of course, the simplest condition under which we can investigate the normal quantity of food required is that of an invariable weight, and the difficulties of the inquiry are increased when growth, corpulence, pregnancy, or other such states, are included. Though we are very far from being able to offer a complete solution of the problem of the amount of food required, in its most general sense, yet, through the labors of many chemists, we have accumulated several facts which have a bearing on this question. Thus it is known that albu- minous substances alone can not be absorbed in quantity enough to com- pensate for the loss of carbon by respiration. A duck, as is shown by Boussingault, expires in one hour 1.25 grammes of carbon, but can only absorb of carbon in albuminates 1. 00 gramme. So, in like manner, fat alone is inadequate, for of this substance 0.84 gramme, containing about 0.70 gramme of carbon, can only be taken up in an hour, and this is not much more than half of what the respiratory operation demands. The carbo- hydrates, however, can be absorbed in sufficient proportion, and in this mixed manner are all the requirements satisfied. Boussingault makes the curious remark that, in the quantity of starch, 5.26 parts, and the quantity of sugar, 5.62 parts, which this bird can absorb in one hour, there are nearly the same quantities, 2.37, of carbon. Among the special investigations which have been made to determine the amount of food used and the amount of educts from the Amount of system, should be mentioned that of Valentin upon himself, food, and His weight was 117 Ibs. ; his diurnal consumption of food, 6.451 Ibs.; solid excrement, .42 lb.; urine, 4.686 Ibs.; and 2.751 Ibs. perspiration. From the more recent and very exact experiments of Bar- ral, it is inferred that of 100 grammes of carbon which have been ab- sorbed into the organism, 91.59 escape as carbonic acid through the lungs and skin, 4.58 appear, in the urine, and 3.83 are re-excreted and appear in the fasces. Upon similar principles, Lehmann computes, from the data furnished by Barral, that for every 100 parts of absorbed nitrogen, 49.6 parts are removed through the skin and lungs, 42.07 are found in 40 OF DIGESTION. the urine, and 8.33 are re-excreted into the faeces. As a general result, it follows, from these experiments, that an adult man oxidizes, on an average, 289 grammes of carbon, and 18.6 grammes of hydrogen in twenty-four hours. CHAPTER III. OF DIGESTION. TISSUE-MAKING OR HISTOGENETIC DIGESTION. Nature of Digestion. The Mouth, Teeth, Stomach. The Salivary Glands. Different Kinds of Saliva. Properties of mixed Saliva : its Quantity, Composition, and Functions. Relation of the Salivary Glands and Kidneys. The digestive Tract. The Stomach. Gastric Juice. Organs for its Preparation. Manner of producing Chyme. Influence of the Nerves. Artifi- cial Digestion. Preparation and Properties of Pepsin. Regional and functional Divisions of the Stomach in Animals and in Man. Object of Stomach Digestion. Peptones. Use of Salt. Digestibility of various Articles of Food. BEFORE the food can be absorbed and carried to all parts of the sys- Nature of t em it must be submitted to certain preparatory operations, digestion. gi nC e it is either to be dissolved in the blood or transported as chyle through the lacteal vessels, it is absolutely necessary to bring it into a condition of solution in water, or at least into a state of minute suspension in that liquid. Eeceived in masses of a certain size, it is first cut and crushed into smaller portions by the teeth, and then brought from an insoluble into a soluble or suspended state by the chemical ac- tion of the digestive juices. In the mouth the food is submitted to a twofold preparation. It is Functions of divided by the mechanical action of the teeth, and also simul- the mouth, taneously mingled with liquids secreted from the salivary glands. The animal series present us with numberless contrivances for accom- plishing this comminution. The teeth, though of a bony nature, are not to be regarded as appertaining to the skeleton, but rather to the digestive mechanism. Their structure, number, and position differ veiy much in different tribes. In certain fishes the mouth is almost lined with them. In crabs they extend to the stomach, but in other cases they are restrict- ed to the pharynx, or are wholly absent ; this being the case, for instance, among the ant-eaters. Those insects whose food is of a fluid nature have Instruments of no need of teeth ; but those which use solid material are ac- in^ariou^ani- comm dated with suitable instruments of abrasion, such as mals. borers, chisels, saws, nippers, the particular mechanism re- THE TEETH. 41 sorted to being adapted to the nature of the food. It is to be understood that these mechanical terms are not mere metaphors, they indicate the actual nature of the apparatus. The object aimed at is to obtain the food in such small portions, and in such a bruised or pulpy condition, that di- gestion can be accomplished promptly. In man the number of _ , . r r . ^ ; . m T The teeth. temporary teeth is twenty, ten in each jaw. They are arranged in three classes four incisors, two canines, and four molars for the up- per and under jaw respectively. The permanent teeth, which are eventu- ally substituted for these temporary ones, are thirty-two in number, class- p . 1 ified for each jaw as four incisors, two ca- nines, four bicuspids, and six molars. Their arrangement is exemplified in Fig. 1, representing the lower jaw, in which i is the middle and lateral incisor, c the canine, b the two bicuspids, and m the three molars. The movements of the teeth, aided by those of the tongue, accomplish a due abrasion of the food, and simultaneously The human lower jaw. . . _. . . incorporate it with the saliva, llus is, therefore, a purely mechanical operation. It is analogous to Mechanical na _ the methods to which chemists resort in their laboratories ture of mastica- when they prepare solid materials for exposure to reagents. The mingling of food with saliva, or insalivation, effects a double ob- ject. Coated over with a glairy juice, the bruised substance passes along the resophageal tube into the stomach ; but there are also certain chemical changes, which, commencing in the mouth, are of essential im- portance to the completion of digestion. The stomach is an expansion of the alimentary canal between the oesophagus and duodenum, of a conical figure, the base of D escr i pt i on of which is to the left. It communicates with the oesophagus the human by its cardiac orifice, and by its pyloric with the duodenum. It consists of three coats or tunics the serous or peritoneal, which is exterior ; the muscular, which is intermediate ; and the mucous, which is interior. They are connected with each other by cellular tissue. The fibres of the muscular coat run in three different directions, constituting three layers ; the superficial ones are longitudinal, radiating from the oesoph- agus over the surface of the organ ; those of the middle layer are circular, or ring-like ; they are well developed about the middle of the stomach, and by their contractions sometimes make it assume a divided appear- ance, as though composed of two compartments. Toward the pylorus they are also greatly re-enforced. The fibres of the third layer take, for the most part, an oblique direction. The interior or mucous coat is some- 42 THE STOMACH^ times termed the villous, from its velvety appearance. Its color is very variable ; it is folded into rugas, which admit of variations in the disten- tion of the stomach, without interference with the structure or functions of the membranes of which they are a part. The cardiac orifice is pli- cated, and the opening into the duodenum is through a circular fold with a central aperture the pyloric valve, which being surrounded with a band of muscular fibres, acting as a sphincter, the passage from the stom- ach to the intestine may be entirely obstructed. The stomach is seen in section Fig. 2, a being the oesophagus ; b, the greater extremity ; c, the smaller curvature; d, the great curvature; e, the pyloric or less end ; /, A, the du- odenum ; <7, place of entry of the ductus communis choledochus and pancre- atic duct. The place of Section of the human stomach showing its mucous interior. J is the cardiac region: the membrane is there plicated. The place of junction of the duodenum is the pyloric region. , The typical form of the digestive apparatus is a sac with one aperture, Types of the winch serves the double purpose of affording an entrance to stomach. nutritive material, and an outlet to undigested remains. In a higher condition it may be conceived of as a tube open at both ends, and having a sac-like swelling on its middle part. The portion of the tube anterior to the sac is the type of the oesophagus, its aperture answering to the mouth, the sac-like swelling being the type of the stomach, and the tube leading from it representing the intestinal canal. In the more ele- mentary of such forms, vessels arise from the walls of the digestive cav- ity, and pass to all other parts of the system. These serve to convey the elaborated material. Certain appendages are soon to be discovered in connection with this simple digestive mechanism. They are for the preparation of salivary, gastric, pancreatic,' or biliary juices. In size or development they vary with the habits of life of the animal, or with the nature of its food. Indeed, the same remark may be made as respects the entire digestive tract of the highest tribes. Thus, in the bat the length of the intestine is to that of the body as three to one, but in the sheep as twenty-eight to one. The ruminants generally have an intes- tinal tube of great length. In man and in monkeys the proportion is about five or six to one. Again, as regards construction, there are many DIFFERENT KINDS OF SALIVA. 43 diversities, the number of digestive dilatations and their size correspond- ing in some measure to the nature of the food. Three pairs of glands, the parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual, se- crete saliva. Of these organs the parotid is the largest ; its Different kinds secretion is delivered through the duct of Steno. The sub- of saliva - maxillary duct is Wharton's, but the sublingual pours its fluid through many small apertures near the frenum linguae Besides these proper sali- vas, the lining membrane of the mouth yields a fluid, the buccal mucus. The parotid saliva is thin and watery, limpid and colorless, inodorous and tasteless. Secreted during fasting or under the use of The parotid sa- stimulating food, it is denser. It contains so large a quanti- liva - ty of lime that, on exposure to the air, it becomes covered with an in- crustation of the carbonate of that substance. It also contains sulpho- cyanide of potassium. Its organic ingredient, if not albuminate of soda, closely resembles that body. From the chemical constitution of the saliva of the parotids, the phys- iological function of those glands, as aquiparous organs, is established. They yield a certain quantity of watery juice, which, by reason of its thinness or fluidity, is readily incorporated with the food by the teeth. Parotid saliva appears to have no power of transmuting starch into sugar. The submaxillary saliva is also colorless and limpid, tasteless and in- odorous. It contains no morphological elements. It is The submaxil- lighter than the parotid, less alkaline, and contains less lime. lai r saliva. For this reason, when exposed to the air, it does not become incrusted with carbonate of that earth. It contains sulphocyanide of potassium. It is so viscid and glutinous that it may be drawn into threads. From this physical property it probably, facilitates deglutition by furnishing a kind of anti-friction coating. The .sublingual saliva is thin and watery, containing, like the parotid, but a small percentage of solid matter, and probably dis- The sublingual charging a similar function. saliva. Besides the special salivary juices, the lining membrane of the mouth pours forth a liquid the buccal mucus a thick and tena- The buccal mu- cious substance, having many epithelial cells. It is alkaline cus - in its reaction, does not coagulate on heating, its insoluble salts contain- ing no carbonate of lime. It has been obtained for examination by tying the ducts of Steno and Wharton, keeping the nostrils open and the head inclined, so that, the animal being unable to swallow, the mucus flows out of the mouth. The buccal mucus, if mixed with parotid saliva, does not appear to )ssess the power of turning starch into sugar, but, if mixed with the submaxillary secretion, it accomplishes that transmutation with facility. The saliva, as obtained from the mouth, is therefore a mixture of the 44 PROPERTIES OF MIXED SALIVA. secretions of the various salivary glands. It may be doubted whether Properties of the method of obtaining it sometimes recommended, by mak- mixed salivas. j n g pressure under the chin and tickling the fauces with a feather, yields it of normal constitution. It is described as an alkaline juice, of a bluish color or colorless, in consistency glairy, readily froth- ing, and therefore well adapted for entrapping atmospheric air. It con- tains, of solid matter, from 0.348 to 0.841 per cent. Its alkali appears, for the most part, to be combined with an organic substance, ptyaline, from which it may be separated by the weakest acids, such as carbonic. In the ash of saliva the alkali occurs chiefly as phosphate : this arises from rearrangement of the constituents during incineration. The saliva con- tains but a trace of alkaline sulphates, the chlorides of sodium and potas- sium preponderating over all the other mineral ingredients. On standing, saliva separates into two layers : a transparent one, which is supernatant, and a grayish turbid one below, which consists of a de- posit of particles of pavement epithelium and mucus corpuscles, derived from the lining membrane of the mouth and the salivary ducts. Its chemical reaction varies to some extent with the state of the system ; thus, after long-continued fasting, from being alkaline, it may approach the neu- tral state. By some it is asserted that under these conditions it may even become acid. There is no proof that this is owing to the appear- ance of lactic acid : it may be due to butyric acid, or even the acid phos- phate of soda. In morbid conditions this reaction is by no means infre- quent : it has been commonly observed in intestinal inflammation, acute rheumatism, intermittent fever. Donne and Frerichs assert that acidity of the saliva depends on an irritation of the buccal mucous membrane. The specific gravity of mixed saliva varies from 1.004 to 1.009. These variations depend on many different causes, there being a diminution after the taking of drink, and a greater increase after taking food, than even is observed in the fasting state. An animal diet especially increases it. Under ordinary circumstances, the saliva is secreted to an amount of Quantity of from 15 to 20 ounces daily. The exudation is more copious saliva. during mastication, speaking, reading, more being produced by the use of hard than soft food. Mental emotions exert a control over its flow, sometimes diminishing it, as in moments of anxiety, sometimes in- creasing it, as by the anticipation of food. After eating, the flow contin- ues to a considerable extent ; it is also provoked by the use of aromatics. On irritation of the interior of the stomach through a gastric fistula, the flow is simultaneous with that of the gastric juice. The movements of the jaw and the pressure of the food give rise to va- riations in the quantity of saliva. It is perhaps for these, reasons that the parotid gland on that side of the mouth which is most used in mastication secretes more than the other. Of the proportion of the different kinds of CONSTITUTION OF SALIVA. 45 saliva in the mixed secretion, nothing is known with certainty in the case of man, but it is said that in horses the parotids furnish two thirds, the submaxillaries one twentieth, and the sublinguals and mucous follicles the rest. The secretion of the saliva goes on during sleep. To the active organic substance of the saliva the designation of ptya- line has been given. It is regarded as a ferment, possessing in several respects the properties of diastase, and hence has been t>a called by Mialhe diastase salivaire. For the purpose of analysis, saliva should be obtained in a perfectly fresh state, a condition not easily fulfilled, for it decomposes or changes with rapidity. During these changes, alkaline carbonates, for example, are formed in abundance, though they may have existed but to a small extent at first. We have already seen that in this way parotid saliva, ex- Constitution of posed to the air, yields crystals of carbonate of lime. The saliva - following table is presented as offering an example of the average consti- tution of mixed saliva. Constitution of the Saliva (Frerichs). Water 994.10 Epithelium and mucus 2.13 Fat 07 Ptyaline and alcohol extract 1.41 Sulphocyanide of potassium 10 Fixed salts 2.19 1000.00 Of the fixed salts the chief are, the phosphates of soda, lime, and mag- nesia, and the chlorides of sodium and potassium. The sulphocyanide of potassium varies in amount considerably : it increases after meals, and .especially after the use of condiments, salt, pepper, spices. Those arti- cles wiuch contain sulphur, as mustard, garlic, radishes, increase its amount in a very marked manner. Not only does the saliva, as derived from the different glands, present differences of constitution ; it likewise differs in various ani- Modifications mals, and in the same animal according to its age. This is of saliva - observed even in the case of man. The saliva of an infant at the breast possesses very little power of saccharizing starch, a transmutation which that of the adult accomplishes with energy. The action of this secretion appears to be limited to starch, and certain kinds of sugar, which first yield lactic and then butyric acid. It does not exert any influence in transforming albuminous matter. The saliva discharges many functions. It is a necessary intermedium in the sense of taste, for substances to be sapid must be more Functions of or less soluble in this juice. If insoluble, they are tasteless. SJfliva - It also moistens the interior of the mouth, and prevents the sensation of 46 SALIVARY DIGESTION IN THE STOMACH. dryness. But its chief duty seems to be that of promoting the digestive operation ; for, though the food remains in the mouth but a short time, the action of the saliva is prolonged after the masticated mass has been deposited in the stomach. Though the direct admixture of saliva with gastric juice injures the power of the latter, this effect does not ensue in the stomach, since they act for the most part separately. The action of the gastric juice is superficial, and two distinct operations are therefore conducted at the same moment, the surface of the food changing under Action of the the influence of the' gastric juice} and the inner portion under dnued^the that of tlie saliva ' l Mieve that in this manner the salivary stomach. juice lends itself to stomach digestion, for it is well known that by its aid starch changes into grape sugar, and the transmutation does not stop at that point, but goes on to the production of lactic acid. An acid juice is essential to stomach digestion. After the administration of balls of starch to animals in which gastric Production of fistulas have been established, sugar may be detected in the sugar from stomach in the course of ten or fifteen minutes. It does stomach bythe n ot appear that there is any relation between the quantity saliva. O f sa li v a incorporated by mastication and the quantity of starch in the food. Animals which swallow their food without mastica- tion have either no parotids, or those organs exist in only a rudimentary state ; commonly, however, their submaxillary glands are large. Un- der the most favorable circumstances, the digestion of starchy food is scarcely ever complete, a considerable portion being found in the excre- ment. The true function of the saliva has been well illustrated by in- serting amylaceous food into the stomach of dogs with gastric fistula?, after tying the salivary ducts, in which case no sugar can be detected. It has been suggested that the eventual arrest of the action of saliva on reaching the stomach may be due to the digestion of its ptyaline by the gastric juice. In artificial experiments, however, such a digestion or destruction can not be accomplished. The double digestion, partly salivary and partly gastric, occurring in the stomach, is doubtless one of the causes of those differences which have been noticed between the natural action of that organ and the arti- ficial imitations of it. The influence of the saliva, even under these, which may seem at first sight to be unfavorable circumstances, is far from being trivial, an effect which is well illustrated by the instantane- ous manner in which a solution of starch in water, mixed with an equal quantity of saliva and agitated, is transmuted into a solution of sugar. In a few moments its viscidity is lost, it fails to give the blue reaction with iodine, becomes sweet to the taste, and readily answers to Trom- mer's test. * Besides the duties which have been mentioned, the saliva incidentally RELATION OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS AND KIDNEYS. 47 accomplishes a secondary object by its power of retaining gasefe in its froth or foam. Atmospheric oxygen by this means is incor- Saliva carr i es porated with the food during mastication, and is thus enabled air into the to exert an important influence in promoting the action of the gastric juice. For to the inception of the change which that juice impresses on the food, oxygen is necessary. It is brought into the cav- ity of the stomach entangled or dissolved in the saliva. It has just been mentioned that the action of saliva on starch is not re- stricted to the production of sugar, but that it may end in the Lactic acid formation of lactic acid. If, therefore, any thing intervenes to check the supply of hydrochloric acid, which usually gives drochioric. acidity to the gastric juice, the system possesses vathin itself the means of compensating for the difficulty.. In the interior of the digesting mass lactic acid is being set free. This acid, as has long been known, can re- place hydrochloric acid in its physiological duty. Though so large a quantity of saliva as 20 ounces may be secreted in a day, this being about one half of the urinary discharge, it is to be re- membered that the water is not lost to the system, as in the latter case. When the impure habit of profuse spitting is indulged in, it D isgusting e f_ is interesting to remark the reflected effect which takes place feet of profuse in the reduced quantity of the urine, and an instinctive desire for water, a kind of perpetual thirst. It is probable that, under these dis- gusting circumstances, the percentage amount of saline substances in the saliva is increased, and that, so far as that class of bodies is concerned, the salivary glands act vicariously for the kidneys, and the mouth is thus partially converted into a urinary aqueduct. The relation between the salivary glands and the kidneys is very well shown after the administration of such substances as the Relation of the iodide of potassium. If five grains of this salt be taken in and^hlkid" S pills, and the mouth be then thoroughly washed, in the course neys. of a quarter of an hour the saliva will readily strike a blue tint when tested with nitric acid and starch, but the urine will not show that reac- tion until after a considerable interval, perhaps even an hour or more. It w.ould therefore appear that such a salt must pass again and again through the salivary glands before it is finally disposed of by the kidneys, which oifer the only outlet for its total removal. Among the functions of the saliva we ought not to overlook the influ- ence which its rapid secretion must exert on the state of tension of the blood-vessels, an influence which probably favors the absorption going on in the stomach and intestines. Thus prepared by mastication and in,salivation, the food descends into the stomach, passing along the pharynx, which dilates to receive it. The rima glottidis spontaneously closes, and additional security is given to the 48 THE DIGESTIVE TEACT. tract. Fig. 3. respiratory passage by the valve-like shutting of the epiglottis. Through the oesophagus the morsel advances "by the contraction of the muscular coat, with a wave-like or undulating motion onward. The food is now de- livered at the cardiac orifice of the stomach, and, entering that organ, is sub- mitted to the gastric juice, which is exuding from the mucous membrane. The digestive tract may be considered as presenting six prominent re- iiiustration of ^ ons ^e mou t n > tne pharynx, the oesophagus, the stomach, the digestive the small intestine, the large intestine. Their relative posi- tion and subdivisions are illustrated in Figure 3. 1, the tongue ; 2, 2, the pharynx ; 3, 3, the oesophagus; 4, the velum pendulum palati ; 5, section of the larynx ; 6, the palate ; 7, the epiglottis ; 8, the thy- roid cartilage; 9, the medulla spina- lis; 10, 10, bodies of vertebra3; 11, 12, spinous processes of ditto ; 13, cardiac orifice of stomach ; 14, splenic extremity; 15, pyloric extremity; 16, 16, greater curvature; 17, the less curvature ; 18, pylorus ; 19, superior transverse portion of duodenum ; 20, middle or perpendicular portion ; 21, inferior transverse portion ; 22, gall- bladder ; 23, cystic duct ; 24, hepatic duct; 25, ductus communis choledo- chus; 26, its aperture in the duode- num ; 27, duct of the pancreas, empty- ing into the duodenum near to the place of entry of the ductus communis chole- dochus ; 28, commencement of jeju- . num ; 29, 29, 29, jejunum ; 30, 30, 30, ileum; 31, ileum opening into great intestine ; 32, ileo-colic valve ; 33, il- eo-ccecal valve; 34, ccecum; 35, ap- pendix vermiformis ; 36, 36, the as- cending colon ; 37, transverse arch of colon ; 38, descending colon ; 39, sig- moid flexure ; 40, rectum ; 41, anus. From the interior or mucous coat of the stomach the gastric juice exudes. This fluid may be best obtained for ex- amination by gastric fistulas artificially The h Uman digestive tract. established in animals. As respects the THE GASTRIC JUICE. 49 aspect of the interior of the stomach, Dr. Beaumont, who had an opportuni- ty of examining it in the case of Alexis St. Martin, describes Aspect of inte- it as of a light pink color, its velvety surface Ibeing coated nor of stomach. over with mucus. On the introduction of food or any irritant, lucid points protrude from the mucous coat ; these are the mouths of the folli- cles from which the juice exudes. When in activity, the temperature of the interior of the organ is about 100 Fahr. The gastric juice is a viscid fluid, with an acid reaction and faint odor. After filtration through paper it is clear and transparent, and The gastric possesses all its physiological qualities. The impurities thus J uice - separated from it are merely old undigested residues, on which, in no re- spect, its qualities depend. It does not become turbid at 212, remains long undecomposed, and retains its digestive power even after it has be- come mouldy. It does not accumulate in the stomach while fasting, but requires a stimulus for its ejection, and even then is produced in a limit- ed quantity only. It is secreted by the follicles of the mucous membrane of the stomach, which follicles may be described as cup-shaped cavities, about the two hundredth of an inch in diameter, from the bottom of which project two or more parallel tubes, the mouth of the cup open- i t i ssec retedby ing into the stomach, and the tubes ending in a closed term- follicles, ination in the tissue beneath. Toward the pylorus the cups become deep- er, so as to assume the form of a cylinder, and the projecting tubes are shorter. Between these follicles blood-vessels pass. They are ramifica- tions from the cceliac axis, and discharge a double function. As the ar- terial branches invest the roots of the tubes, they furnish nutrition for the cells which are produced in crowds at that part of the arrangement ; but when they have gained the interior of the mucous membrane, and are in the ridges between the follicles, having assumed the character of veins, they act as absorbents, conducting the material which is sufficiently di- gested into the portal circulation. Agreeably to this, these vessels have a larger diameter than capillaries generally. It seems, therefore, that the function of the tube is the production of cells, which, originating from germs at the bottom and sides of each tube, become perfected as they pass forward, and soon after their extension burst or deliquesce, and as the material they discharge does not possess the acid reaction, it is probably the pepsin element of the gastric juice. Constitution of the Gastric Juice of the Dog. Gastric j uice, without saliva. Gastric juice, with saliva. Water . 973 062 971 171 Pepsin 17.127 17336 Hydrochloric acid 3 050 2 337 Chlorides of pot., sod., calc., amm Phosphates of lime, magn., iron 4.724 2.037 6.418 2.738 1000.000 1000.000 D 50 STOMACH FOLLICLES. The preceding table, from Hublbenet, shows that nearly two thirds of Pro erties of ^ ie s0 ^ matcr ^ ^ ^ e gastric juice is pepsin. Exposure the gastric juice. to a very low temperature does not deteriorate the properties of this substance, for it will resume its activity even after be- ing frozen. But, on the contrary, a temperature approaching ebullition destroys its solvent power, and the same effect ensues when it is neutral- ized by an alkali. The gastric juice acts on iron or zinc with evolution of hydrogen, an effect which the acid phosphate of lime can not produce. This seems to be decisive against the views of those physiologists who have imputed its reaction to the latter substance. The digestive power of this juice is impeded by the presence of almost any alkaline salt. To this remark common salt offers no exception. It is owing to its alkalinity that saliva injures the digesting power of gas- tric juice. On the contrary, that power is very much increased by the Fig. 4 presence of fat, which promotes the conversion of protein bodies into peptones. The mucous membrane of the stomach pre- sents a reticulated appearance, as shown in Fig. Stomach foiii- 4. At the bottom of each compart- Mucous membrane of the stomach magnified TO diameters. and functions ' foUideS, the size and depth of wllidl increase toward the pylorus. Their exterior is partly covered with columnar epithelium, which extends over the inter- vening ridges ; the residue is glandular, and continu- ally gives origin to granules. The upper part of each follicle, as well as the entire surface of the mu- cous membrane, is usually covered with mucus. In Fig. 5 is a representation, given by Todd and Bowman, of stomach follicles and their tubes in a vertical section. The specimen is from the dog after twelve hours fasting. A represents these structures in the middle region of the stomach ; B in the pylor- ic region ; a a, orifices of the follicles on the inner surface* of the stomach ; b b, different depths at which the columnar epithelium is exchanged for glandular ; d, pyloric tubes terminating variously, and lined to their extremities with columnar epithelium. Fig. 6, A, horizontal section of a stomach folli- cle a little way within its orifice ; i - Pepsm re- matters, and at lower degrees fails of that property ; but in places a high the presence of pepsin the solvent powers are assumed un- tem P eratur e. der the latter circumstances, and therefore it is said of this substance that it replaces a high temperature. By its aid, hydrochloric or lactic acids present in the stomach reduce the food to a uniform pulpy mass the chyme. Of all acids, these, however, alone arc capable of forming digestive fluids. Formerly it was supposed that the act of digestion was simply me- chanical, the food being ground down to chyme by the mo- R ex tions of the stomach. Reaumur's experiments showed the perimcntswith error of this supposition. He took small hollow silver balls, Sllver balls * perforated with holes, and, having filled them with meat, caused them to be swallowed by a dog. When they had remained in the animal's stom- ach a suitable length of time, they were withdrawn by a thread which had been previously attached to them. Now if the stomach acted by a triturating or grinding power, the material within the ball would be en- tirely protected, but if by a solvent power exerted by the gastric juice, the digestion should at most be only delayed. Accordingly, it was found that this was what actually took place, digestion being fully, though more slowly accomplished, the action commencing on the outside of the mate- rial, and gradually reaching its centre. If the balls were kept in the stomach long enough, they came out quite empty at last. The idea that there is something more than a simple solution of the food effected in the stomach, that some mysterious change is Chief object of impressed upon it by the vitality of that organ, may there- tSrthe^oiu" fore be abandoned. It does not appear that there is any es- tionofthefood. 56 NUTEITIVE MATTER IS DISSOLVED. sential difference between natural digestion and the artificial imitation of it, either as respects the order of action or the final result. Moreover, the anatomical consideration that the food is yet outside the body, though it is inside the stomach, should be sufficient to remove all errors of that kind. A living surface, such as the skin, never exerts any chemical ac- tion at a distance ; and the lining membrane of the stomach, both as re- gards its physiological origin and its anatomical relation, is nothing more than a reflected continuation of the skin. The act of digestion is com- pleted long before the nutrient material is taken up by the lacteals and veins, and thrown into the torrent of the circulation. But then, and not till then, is the food fairly in the interior of the body. The lacteals and veins can not exert their absorbent action on a sub- stance presented to them unless it is dissolved in water. If not abso- lutely dissolved, at least it must be in that condition of minute subdivis- ion which we see in emulsions. Though it has been stated that insolu- ble substances, such as charcoal, can find their way into the circulation in the solid state, there does not appear to be a sufficient weight of evi- dence to support such an improbability. In the economy of plants, it is In plants, all a general rule that nothing can have access to the interior of nutrient mate- t} ie i r system except it be dissolved in water. All the vari- rial must be in ITT i solution in \va- ous gases and saline substances they require are obtained in ter - a state of solution ; the former are introduced, for the most part, through the leaves, the latter through the roots. The object aimed at in the construction of the digestive apparatus of the animal mechanism is absolutely the same. Plants use as their food inorganic matter only ; the chief materials on which they depend, such as the salts of ammonia and carbonic acid, are abundantly soluble in water. The ascending sap obtains the former from decaying organic residues in the ground ; the at- mosphere presents the latter unceasingly to the leaves ; and since the economy of many plants requires earthy salts, as silicates and phos- phates, which are of sparing solubility in water, the difficulty arising from that want of solubility is avoided by the introduction of an immense quan- tity of water, which, after bringing into the plant the needful amount of mineral material, is evaporated off at the leaves. But the food of animals is essentially organic, and this, before it can be received into their blood, must be brought into the dissolved state. It must be submitted to a pre- paratory operation or series of operations. However complicated these The operations or the niechanism which accomplishes them may be, the end on the food are aimed at is clear. The action begins by the cutting, tearing, purely chemic- , 11-11 i j aland median- and crushing movements of the teeth, which break down all ical> the larger portions, and carry on the process as far as it is possible by mechanical means. The stomach then continues the subdi- vision by chemical agency, to the end that a condition of solution may be OBJECTS OF DIGESTION. 57 attained. Digestion is not, therefore, to vitalize the food, as the ancients supposed, nor to communicate to it any new or obscure properties ; it is for the purpose of comminuting, subdividing, dissolving, or bringing it into that minutely suspended state that it can without difficulty submit to the absorbing action of the lacteals and veins. There is a complete analogy between this operation and the artificial processes to which the chemist resorts in his laboratory for the solution of various bodies. He, too, uses mechanical implements the mortar and pestle to grind, the ham- mer to crush, the rasp to abrade. When these have carried the subdi- vision sufficiently far, he resorts to acids or other solvents, and thus breaks down the compactness of the hardest minerals, and brings them into the dissolved state. The animal world presents us with a thousand illustrations of the principles here set forth, mechanical contrivances curi- ously arranged. For instance, birds, whose plan of organization is such as to meet the case of locomotion through the air, could not have the an- terior part of their bodies loaded with teeth, accompanied as they must have been with a powerful muscular apparatus. Such a mechanism would have rendered the animal top-heavy, and would have been totally inconsistent with flying. But, to avoid this difficulty, that which might truly be regarded as the mouth is lodged in the interior of the body, nearer the centre of gravity. It is the gizzard. Instinct teaches the bird to swallow small angular stones, and the food, rasped between powerful mus- cular surfaces, is soon brought into a fit condition for the action of the stomach. The chemist, too, puts fragments of glass or of quartz into the mortar in which he is conducting the reduction of a tough or resisting o o o substance. The first object of digestion is, therefore, the subdivision of the food. The operation begins in the mouth by a resort to mechanical implements, and when these have carried the process as far as they can, the stomach continues the duty. In its cavity, when in full activity, the temperature is 100 ; a periodically increasing and relaxing motion of revolution is kept up, gastric juice exudes in definite quantity, the hydrochloric and lactic acids exert their action, and in the course of three or four hours a complete reduction is accomplished. Allusion has been made to the probability that different portions of the mucous membrane of the stomaeh discharge functions Regional divis- which are wholly distinct, one portion being devoted to the ^iSaSS^' elaboration of pepsin, another to the secretion of hydrochlo- ent functions. ric acid, another to the preparation of a special mucus. This view de- rives considerable support from many facts in comparative physiology. In those cases in which the food approaches, in its mechanical and chem- ical condition, to the form which it is destined to assume as a part of the body of the animal receiving it, the stomach is simple in construction, 58 DIGESTION IN INSECTS AND BIRDS. Fig. 8. and is little more than a mere dilatation of the alimentary canal. But Analogous ar- when, as among the herbivora and granivora, SffS*ni? there is a g reat differ ence Between the form mais. of the food received and the form of the tis- sues to be made, the digestive sac no longer presents such a simple structure, but is parted off into distinct regions, or is actually converted into distinct organs. Thus, in the insect digestive tract shown in Fig. 8, Digestives- a is the P hal 7 nx > * the oesophagus, lead- partmcnts of ing into a crop or insalivatory pouch, c, and this into the gizzard, d, the function of which is to rasp up and abrade the more resisting portions of the food, which, when this is accomplished, passes into the true stomach, e, and from thence into the intestine, g. The delicate vessels about f are supposed to be biliary tubes, and h glandular secreting organs. T-, , f i Digestive tract of a car- Even in these cases of minute organization, the mu- nivorous beetle. cous structure remains the same as in larger animals of the same mode of life. The photographic represetita- tion in Fig. 9 displays the same retic- ulated appearance in the stomach of the carnivorous beetle as has been de- scribed in the case of that of man; and undoubtedly, with similarity of structure there is similarity in the man- ner of action. A regional division of the digestive apparatus is also presented in the case of many birds, as is shown in the photo- graphic representation, Fig. 10, in which we have the digestive tract of the corn- Digestive com- mon fow1 ' a be?in S the oesophag* 8 leadin g into the insalivating pouch or crop, which empties into the stomach, c, and this into the gizzard, d. In the stomach, which is relatively small, the digesting material is mingled with the gastric juice before being submitted to the action of the gizzard. From the gizzard it is passed into the small intestine y, f. In the figure, e is the liver, # , g, the cceca, and h the cloaca. Dlgcstive tract of th: common fowl Fig. 10. Mucousmembraoeachofacarnivo- partments of EEGIONAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE STOMACH. 59 In the ostrich, as shown \nFig. 11, the local distribution of the glan- Fi d- n- _ duke very obviously marks out a regional dis- tribution of function. C is the cardiac cav- ity, the mucous membrane of which is stud- ded here and there with glands ; G G are the surfaces of the gizzard. Among the higher quadrupeds, the evidences of a similar divis- Fig. 12. Fiy. 13. Interior of stomach of African ostrich. Stomach of dormouse. Stomach of Cape hyrax. ion of function are presented. Thus, in the dormouse, fig. 12, there are two compartments : a cardiac, C, and a pyloric, P ; the same Digestive com . being exhibited more perfectly in the Cape hyrax, Fig. 13. partments of In these -cases the cardiac compartment is often lined with cuticle, but the pyloric not. An increase in the number of these cavities occurs as the food becomes more heterogeneous. In the porcupine, Fig. 14, there are four, and in the porpoise, Fig. 15, five. The stomach of Fig. 14. Fig. 15. Fig. 10. Stomach of porcupine. Stomach of porpoise. Stomach of kangaroo. the kangaroo, as shown in Fig. 16, possesses a multitude of these cham- bers or compartments, and therefore offers a good illustration of the sub- divisions of stomach digestion. . IT. The case of ruminants possesses a special inter- est. In these there- are what might be termed four different digestive chambers, as is shown in Fig. 17, in which a is the Digestive cavities of a ruminant. O3SOphagUS ; b, the inglu- 60 DIGESTION IN EUMINANTS. vies or paunch; c, the reticulum or honey-comb stomach; d, the omasum, Di estive com- man 7pli es or third stomach ; e, abomasum, reed, or fourth partments of stomach ; and y, the pylorus. The food, roughly triturated in the mouth, enters the ingluvies, in which it is moistened; it then passes into the honey-comb or second stomach, which likewise receives directly the water that has been taken, and, after it has been thoroughly moistened therewith, it is returned to the mouth in small portions, to undergo a more complete mastication and insalivation. Be- ing swallowed again, it is now directed into the third stomach, from which it passes into the fourth. In this it is submitted to a true acid digestion, a gastric juice being secreted from the walls of this cavity. It is the mucous lining of this cavity which yields rennet. That these com- plicated motions and these successive actions of the different cavities are for the purpose of preparation for the true digestion of the fourth stom- ach, is clearly proved by the fact that in the calf the milk passes directly into the abomasum. Since fishes and water animals generally have no salivary glands, or Digestion on ty rudimentary ones, some physiologists have inferred that the in fishes. use o f the saliva is for the commingling of the food with a due portion of water. This would reduce the importance of insalivation very greatly, and, indeed, is scarcely consistent with the elaborate mechanism which has been just described in the case of ruminant animals. It is worthy of remark that, even among fishes, there are some which exhibit a true rumination, as, for example, the carp. This is not alone for the purpose of resubmitting the food to the abrading action of the pharyngeal teeth, but likewise for commingling it with the secretion of the pharyn- geal cavity. In view of the preceding facts, it may be concluded that, so far from there being any thing in contradiction to the doctrine that different por- tions of the digestive surface of the mucous membrane of the stomach are devoted to different duties, there is strong evidence in support of its truth, derived partly frpm the instances furnished by comparative anatomy, and partly from the anatomical structure of the gastric mucous membrane. The four separate digesting chambers of the ruminating herbivora are merely an elaboration of the structure which is presented by an appar- ently homogeneous mucous surface in man. But that this mucous sur- face is in reality heterogeneous, and in different regions possesses differ- ent powers, is shown by the fact that at one part it presents mucous fol- Reo-ionai func- ^ c ^ es at another pepsin follicles, at another follicles for the tions of human secretion of hydrochloric acid. As we approach toward the pylorus, the existence of a new function is betrayed by the appearance of a new mechanism the villi, which have been so well stud- ied by Dr. Neill, and this is even indicated externally in the posterior EEGIONAL DIVISIONS OF THE HUMAN STOMACH. 61 Posterior view of human stomach. of the well-known plicse fimbriatse. Flg ' 18 ' view of the human stomach, Fig. 18, showing, according to Profess- or Retzius, that the antram py- lori of the older anatomists is re- ally a special compartment of the general cavity. The figure is derived from numerous examin- ations of the stomach in bodies of middle-aged women, and, as represented at c c, d d, indicates the antrum pylori, a being the oesophagus, b the cardiac orifice. The antrum pylori is distinguish- ed by greater thickness of its mus- cular coat, more copious glandu- lar development, and the presence The commencement of the duode- num also forms a special rounded cavity, which Professor Retzius pro- poses to name antrum duodeni, characterized internally by the absence of valvulae conniventes, and by the dense array of Brunner's glands be- neath its mucous membrane. This part constitutes what has been called the fourth stomach in the porpoise and some other cetaceans. The so- called ligaments of the pylorus are connected with the formation of the antrum pylori. It has been remarked that the first aim of digestion is the procuring of the food either in a dissolved state, or, at all events, in a con- Di gest ion ac- dition approaching thereto. But, in .addition to this, pro- compiishes so- found changes in the very nature of the digested material metamorphosis must, in an incidental way, be constantly occurring. Thus of the food - the action of saliva is to produce lactic acid from starch, and thus, in the stomach itself, starch is transmuted into sugar. In some cases the first stage of digestion seems to be actually the reverse of what has been here set forth. Milk, when received into the stomach, undergoes coagu- lation, and, in like manner, so also does soluble albumen. But these are only incidental changes, the temporary solids thus produced soon lique- fying as proper digestion sets in. There is reason to believe that all the protein bodies are passed into the condition of albuminose, and this though they may have been introduced in the liquid state. Even soups and broths require to be digested. A solution of gelatine, after G t . it has been in the stomach, refuses to gelatinize, a solution ges of the food of albumen to coagulate. The circumstance that gases may di^iJons^an?" be evolved from digesting material, both in the stomach and assimilation of intestine, is a sufficient proof that that material is undergoing water< 62 USE OF COMMON SALT. a more or less extensive change. But these changes are altogether insig- nificant when compared with those great metamorphoses which the nu- trient material passes through after it has been absorbed from the digest- ive cavities ; and doubtless, at the most, they are only mere subdivisions, of which the splitting of the sugar or starch atom into lactic acid may be taken as the type, or mere unions with water, of which the passage of cane sugar into milk sugar is an example. The gastric juice, therefore, not only dissolves, but also, in an incipient Production of an< l indirect manner, modifies the food. Protein bodies and peptones. gelatinous matters yield substances after its action of the same composition as their own, but with different physical and chemical properties, being readily soluble in water, and even in diluted alcohol, and not forming insoluble compounds with metalline salts. By Lehmann, who has examined these substances, they have been designated as pep- tones ; and since they may arise without the evolution or absorption of any gas, and the quantity of sulphur they contain is the same as that in the bodies from which they were derived, he infers that the action is real- ly an assimilation of water, the other ingredients remaining unchanged. Turning our attention now to the origin of the gastric juice, it is inter- esting; to observe the economical manner in which its hydro- Use and man- . . . , . agement of chloric acid element is managed. To the proper understanding jommon s t. Q ^j^ ^ j s necessary to anticipate what will have to be more fully considered in describing the bile, a uniform ingredient of which is the oxide of sodium, or soda. The hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice and the soda of the bile are derived from the same source common salt, which is either present in the food, or purposely added as a condiment. It undergoes decomposition easily, yielding the two products specified, that is, hydrochloric acid and soda, and is readily formed by the reunion of these substances. There exists in the action of the kidneys a special provision for prevent- ing the quantity of chloride of sodium present in the blood from rising over 41 parts in 10,000. This, of course, controls the amount diffused through the tissues. The necessity of such a regulation becomes appar- ent when we consider that the rate of the solubility of albumen and ca- sein in water is governed by the presence of that substance, as is also the quickness with which the coagulation of fibrin takes place, and the re- pair of the waste of the muscles. Common salt introduced into the system undergoes decomposition, furnishing hydrochloric acid to the gastric juice, and soda to the bile. Considering the large quantity of these secretions produced in a short space of time, it is clear that the drain of common salt must be great not less than a third of an ounce a day ; yet the quantities consumed, at most, are only small. SUMMARY OF DIGESTION. 63 How, then, is this to be explained? Assuredly there is no other source from which these bodies can come than the one indicated the common salt, and yet it seems to be totally inadequate. I think that this difficulty ?s rather imaginary than real. Things are so arranged that a limited quantity of salt can produce unlimited quanti- ties of gastric juice and bile ; for the former, associated with the food it has digested, scarcely escapes from the pyloric valve before it encounters the bile and pancreatic juices discharging into the duodenum, and through the length of the upper portion of the small intestines these secretions, together with the food they have acted upon, are brought into complete contact. The reproduction of chloride of sodium is therefore constantly taking place in intestinal digestion, and it returns back to the system through the absorbents. Again it undergoes decomposition, its acid re- appearing in the gastric juice, and its alkali in the pancreatic juice and bile. By thus using a small amount over and over again, great effects can be produced, and it is then only necessary to restore those small por- tions that are wasted in carrying out the general scheme. In the low-pressure marine steam-engine we have an example of the same kind. A certain quantity of water is vaporized in the boiler and condensed in the engine ; pumped back into the boiler to be vaporized, arid then recondensed in the engine. Comparatively little is required to supply the wants of the machine, and long voyages can be made with only as much water as will compensate for the necessary waste arising in the working. For the sake of presenting the consideration of the function of diges- tion with clearness, it is customary to leave out of consider- Stomach di ation the subordinate actions taking place both in the stom- gestion is his- ach and intestine. This, however, involves a certain amount JeftlnafdLes- of error, since respiratory or non-nitrogenized digestion oc- tion is caiorifa- cuf s in the former cavity, and nutritive or nitrogenized in the latter. Nevertheless, there can be no doubt that if our view is restricted to the more imposing characters, we are justified in accepting the dogma that " stomach digestion is histogenetic or nitrogenized, and intestinal digestion is calorifacient." Under the most comprehensive point of view, examining the action of the entire digestive tract from the mouth to the rectum, we General sum . discover a recurrent periodicity. In the mouth, the transi- mary of diges- tory digestion taking place is wholly expended upon the ca- lorifacient food ; in the stomach it is the nutritive portion which is chiefly attacked ; in the duodenum there is a return to the calorifacient, and in the ccecum of animals a resumption of the nutritive. This last is less apparent in man, for in him the ccecum exists only in a rudimentary state, represented by the appendix vermiformis. 64 DIGESTION OF GELATINE. As the alteration takes place from calorifacient to nutritive digestion, the active fluid changes its chemical relations. In the mouth and duo- denum, alkaline juices are resorted to ; in the stomach and coecum, acid ones. Whenever there is an accidental inversion of these conditions, the result correspondingly changes ; so when bile, which is alkaline, regur- gitates into the stomach, the digestion of nutritive food is instantly ar- rested. In each of these cases the object is the same: it is to obtain the nutri- ent material under such forms that the absorbent vessels can readily take it up ; this, as we have seen, often involves a metamorphosis of the ele- ments of the food where mechanical subdivision would be insufficient. Fibrin has to be brought into a soluble state, and, indeed, albumen itself must be modified. If it has been taken uncoagulated or glairy, it be- comes opalescent, and passes into the allied form known as albuminose. In this condition it is neither precipitated by heat nor by nitric acid, though it is by corrosive sublimate. The cause of this transformation probably has reference to the relative facility with which albuminose can transude into the venous capillaries compared with albumen. There is thus reason to suppose that the result of stomach digestion is the reduction of the various nitrogenized constituents of the food to the condition of albuminose. It is plain that fibrin must come into this or some analogous condition, for it can not be absorbed as fibrin, and, ac- cordingly, it is found that the blood of the gastric and mesenteric veins abounds in albuminose. Intermediate between the classes of calorifacient and histogenetic food, Case of gela- belonging, by its composition and conditions of digestion, to tine - the latter, but by the function it discharges to the former, is gelatine, a nitrogenized substance. It appears to be always derived from albumen, and any portion which may have been received in the food is never directly assimilated or used for the fabrication of tissue, but solely ministers to the production of heat. Though thus a calorifacient body, its place of digestion is the stomach. After it has suffered the action of that organ it has lost its power of gelatinizing, can no longer be precip- itated by chlorine, nor give the leather precipitate with tannin. The use of it under the form of jellies, soups, etc., is always attended with the ap- pearance of an unusual quantity of urea in the urine, and hence the ad- ministration of those domestic preparations, under an idea of their great nutritive value, is to be looked upon as only a popular error. In an in- direct way, however, under the conditions of restricted diet, usually met with in the sick-room, gelatine doubtless maintains an interesting relation to the albumenoid bodies in this, that it protects them from destruction by undergoing oxidation itself, and so satisfying the requirements of the respiratory mechanism ; for, were there not such a substance present to EELATIVE DIGESTIBILITY OF FOOD. 65 receive the attack, the respired oxygen would rapidly bring on the waste of the proper nitrogenized tissues. In relation to the gelatigenous tissues, it may be remarked that gela- tine is not an actual constituent of them, but arises from them Gelatine not by boiling with water. By a like process, sufficiently pro- e^n^ longed, a similar substance may be obtained from cartilage, ent. designated cartilage-gelatine, or chondrine. In these cases the material unites with water in the same manner that starch does in producing glu- cose. The food must therefore pass through various stages before it can be fitted for introduction into the circulation, and carried to all parts of the system. It is procured in portions of a suitable size either by the fin- gers, or, in civilized life, by resorting to artificial implements, the knife and fork. The incisor teeth next cut it up, and the molars crush or grind it, being worked for this purpose by a powerful system of muscles ; mean- time it is incorporated with saliva and atmospheric air. Passing into the stomach under the condition of a coarse pulpy mass, the gastric juice carries the process still farther, a more intimate disintegration of its structure ensues, and it is eventually brought into a soluble and changed form. The time required to produce this effect varies with Dio . estibilit the nature of the food. Thus it has been noticed that beef of different ar- is much 'more quickly acted on than mutton, and mutton t] sooner than pork. Statements respecting the digestibility of different articles of food must, however, be received with many restrictions. If, as circumstances the earlier physiologists believed, the stomach was the sole interfering digestive cavity, and the intestine only for the purpose of ab- O f digestibiii- sorption, they would doubtless be much nearer to the truth. t 7- But when we recall that the digestion of fats does not even begin until the intestine is reached, and that the digestion of the nitrogenized sub- stances is only in part accomplished by the gastric juice, but goes on under the influence of the intestinal juice throughout the whole length of the small intestine, we see at once how imperfect and even incorrect are the indications afforded by such experiments as those of Spallanzani, who introduced food articles into the stomach through the oesophagus in perforated silver vessels, or those of Beaumont, who availed himself of a gastric fistula. Neither can we take, in all instances, the time which an article of food will remain in the stomach as a measure of its digestibil- ity, for this is known to vary with many conditions, as, for instance, the quantity introduced at a time, and the condition of the organ itself. As general illustrations of the digestibility of some of the ordinary elements of food, the examples, however, being more or less open to the preceding criticisms, the following facts may be offered. The white of an egg, rep- E 66 RELATIVE DIGESTIBILITY OF FOOD. resenting soluble albumen, if introduced into the stomach of a fasting dog through a gastric fistula, will disappear in less than an hour ; but if the whites of eight eggs be introduced, portions thereof can be recognized after four hours. Lehmann, who made these observations, adds that blood fibrin varies in its time for gastric solution according as it is in a finely comminuted or a massive state ; in the former instance disappear- ing from the stomach of a dog in an hour and a half, but the same weight in the latter condition requiring almost twice the time. Coagulated al- bumen indicates the commencement of digestion, and even its local com- pletion, in from five minutes to a quarter of an hour ; but here again much depends on the condition of the stomach and the general state of the sys- tem, whether the animal has been fasting, and whether the gastric juice is exuding in a dilute or concentrated state. So far as such examinations go, they do not exhibit any marked dif- Kespiratory di- ference between albumen, fibrin, and casein. Gelatine, how- gestion, as of ever> { s acted on with remarkable rapidity. Beaumont ob- gln in the served that in an hour 150 grammes of jelly had disappeared, stomach. The, experiments which have been made on the digestibility of vegetable food introduced through gastric fistula? are obviously of no use, since the chief constituents thereof, such as starch and fat, are not even influenced in those circumstances until they have reached the intes- tine. Their passage from the stomach in this unchanged state, or changed only so far as their nitrogenized ingredients are concerned, may teach us the important fact, which should in these inquiries be always borne in mind, that disappearance from the stomach is one thing and di- gestion another, and that even though a substance may have passed the pyloric valve, its digestion, far from having been completed, may not as yet have commenced. The digestion of nutritive or nitrogenized material histogenetic diges- tion is therefore carried on in the stomach mainly ; and though first mechanical, and then chemical agencies are resorted to, the object is throughout the same to obtain the food in such a divided and changed state that it can pass, dissolved in water, into the capillary vessels. INTESTINAL DIGESTION. 67 CHAPTER IV. OF CALORIFACIENT OB INTESTINAL DIGESTION. Nature of Intestinal Digestion. Structure of the Intestine. Digestive Fluids of the Intestine. The Pancreatic Juice. The Enteric Juice. Juice of Lieberkuhn. Secretion of Peyer's Glands. Bik. Digestion of the Carbohydrates and Hydrocarbons. ^-Properties and Varie- ties of Lactic Add. Doctrine of the Effects of Acidity and Alkalinity of the Digestive Juices. Illustration of Intestinal Digestion from the making of Wine. MaJdng of Bread. Influence of Heat over Ferments. Comparison of Gastric and Intestinal Digestion. Changes of the In- testinal Contents. The Fozcal Residues. AFTER the chyme formed in the stomach has passed through the py- loric valve into the small intestine, the influence of the gastric juice continues for a certain time, even after the bile and pancreatic juices have been reached. Since their action must be necessarily, in the first instance, superficial, the interior of the mass is still undergoing stomach digestion. But, setting aside this incidental result, which at the most can not be of long duration, the digestive operation taking place in the ^ ature of in part of the intestinal tract now under consideration is di- testinai diges- rected to the heat-making food. The organ in which calorifacient digestion takes place may be de- scribed as a tube bounded by two valves, the pyloric above structure of and the ileo-coecal below. Its length may be estimated at the intestine, about twenty feet. The digestive surface, making a due allowance for its increase by reason of its valvular structure presently to be described, can not be much under 3500 square inches. The dimensions of the ca- lorifacient digesting surface are therefore far rreater than those of the nutritive. The interior and acting portion of this tube presents two different systems of apparatus, and is occupied in the discharge of two D totally distinct functions, digestion and absorption. It is, ratus of intes- perhaps, this double duty which demands so extensive a sur- tine ' face, and not the necessities of heat-making digestion alone. Like the stomach, this tube consists of three coats a serous, a mus- cular, and a mucous. The latter is gathered up in its inte- . . 11 c 11 i 11 , Action of the nor into numberless projecting folds the valvular conniven- vaivuise conni- tes. These serve to increase the surface to which the food ventes - is exposed, and perhaps afford a mechanical obstacle to its passing too quickly forward. They tend also to break the continuous motion, and bring the interior parts of the chyme to the surface. The onward move- 68 INTESTINAL DIGESTIVE FLUIDS. ment is of course due to the pressure exerted conjointly by the straight and circular fibres of the muscular coat. Anatomists divide the tube into three portions the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Fig. 19. In Fig. 19 we have a pos- terior view of the duodenum, a being its superior or pyloric extremity, b the middle por- tion, o the jejunum, d the gall- bladder, i the cystic duct, p hepatic duct, c the ductus com- munis, m pancreatic duct. Soon after the chyme has escaped through .the pyloric valve into the duodenum, it Posterior view of the duodenum. comes under the influence of the bile and pancreatic juices, which are sometimes discharged upon it at a common point, and sometimes at a little distance apart. Digestive flu- r , . . ids of the in- Almost simultaneously it is submitted to the mechanical ac- tion of the valvula? conniventes, which make their appearance in the vertical portion of the duodenum, and continue in large numbers until within the last two or three feet of the end of the tube. As the intestine is distended, these project w4th a certain degree of turgidity, and accomplish their mechanical object. But, besides the pancreatic and biliary fluids, there are other juices thrown upon the passing chyme the enteric juice, which comes from Brunner's glands, and a liquid oozing from the follicles of Lieberkuhn. Moreover, the organisms known as Peyer's glands are affecting the con- tents of the tube. Of each of these it is necessary therefore to speak. 1st. The pancre'atic juice, secreted by the pancreas, an organ bearing a Pancreatic resemblance in its anatomical construction to the salivary tion e and n prop- gl an ^ s > an( * hence usually regarded as one of that group. erties of. The juice itself is analogous to saliva, being viscid, and in its reaction alkaline: its specific gravity is about 1.008. Alcohol coagulates it. It is said to contain no sulphocyanide nor any suspended particles. It acts upon starch even more energetically than saliva, transmuting it into sugar and lactic acid, and upon fats by forming them into an emul- sion, so that they are readily absorbed. This has been found to take place in artificial experiments by submitting fat substances to the juice at a temperature of 100. Constitution of Pancreatic Juice of Dog. (From Schmidt.') Water 900.76 Organic matter 90.38 Inorganic " 8.86 1000.00 ENTEEIC JUICE AND SECRETION OF LIEBERKUHN. 69 As would be inferred from the difference of emulsifying power between the saliva and tjiis juice, its organic matter differs from ptyaline. It is estimated that the standard secretion of it is from five to seven ounces per diem. The action of the pancreatic juice appears to be limited to the upper half of the intestine, for it is in that region only that butyric acid is de- veloped from butter. 2d. The enteric juice is secreted by the organs known as Brunner's glands, the structure of which has a certain analogy to the T i TM i -ITI 11 IT Enteric juice. preceding, and, like it, these doubtless belong to the salivary group. Brunner's glands occur chiefly in the upper part of the small in- testine, presenting themselves in the submucous tissue thereof as little bodies, commonly compared by anatomists to hemp-seeds. They consist of lobules with ducts communicating with a common outlet. Their se- cretion possesses a more energetic power when mixed with bile and pan- creatic juice, than the pancreatic juice alone, in producing fatty emulsions. In the opinion of Bidder and Schmidt, the intestinal juice, which they describe as being invariably alkaline, not only metamorphoses starch as Fig. 20. rapidly as the saliva or pancreatic juice, but also exerts as powerful an action on flesh, albumen, and other protein bodies as that which occurs in the stomach itself. In Fig. 20, which is a half diagram of one of these glands, a a represents the mu- cous surface of the intestine, and b the lobulated gland, discharging its secretion through a common duct. 3d. The secretion of the follicles of Lieberkuhn, which, as shown in Fig. 21, are straight, narrow coecal de- Secretion of pressions of the mucous membrane, found follicles of all over the small intestine, and in a gen- Lieberkuhn - eral manner analogous to the tubular follicles of the stomach. Their interior is lined with columnar epithelium, and in depth they are equal to the thick- ness of the mucous membrane, their closed ends be- ing therefore in contact with the submucous tissue, and their mouths opening into the intestine. In a state of health they contain a clear mucus-like secre- tion. In inflammations of the part they are filled with a more opaque, whitish liquid. From their re- semblance to the follicles of the stomach which secrete pepsin, it may be presumed that they possess a somewhat similar function; but in the stomach, the resulting secretion is brought in relation with acids ; in the Diagram of Brunner's glands. Fig. 21. Diagram of follic kuhn. of Lieber- 70 PETER'S BODIES AND THE- BILE. intestine, with alkaline bodies ; and hence the physiological action may differ in the two positions, though the structure and primary function may be the same. 4th. The secretion of Peyer's glands. These may be described as cir- Secretion from cular spots, of a whitish color, and about the tenth of an inch Peyer's glands. j n diameter, constituting glandular patches full of cell germs, but without any excretory duct opening into the intestine. It is sup- posed that they discharge their contents by rupturing at a certain stage of their development. The solitary and agminate glands appear to be- Ftg. 22. long to the same physiological group. The two conditions of the Peyerian glands are shown in Fig. 22, the right one being empty, its contents having been discharged, the left one still full. By some it is denied that these bodies are connected with intes- tinal digestion. The facts that vascular loops pass into their granular contents, and Peyenan glands. that the lacfeals bear a definite relation to them, seem to indicate that they are rather portions of the absorbent mechanism. 5th. The bile. Of this it is not now necessary to give a detailed description, since that will occur more appropriately in treat- ing of the functions of the liver. For the present purpose, it is sufficient to state that bile is a greenish-yellow liquid, of bitter taste and alkaline reaction. It is soluble in water, changes with rapidity under the influence of the air, or even spontaneously. Its specific grav- ity is about 1.028. An ultimate analysis of its organic material shows C 76 , H 66 , O 22 , N 2 , with sulphur. Its aspect is therefore that of a hydro- carbon, and it stands in strong contrast with the nitrogenized bodies. It is a significant fact that, even in the lower tribes of life, it is uniformly discharged into the upper part of the intestine. Bidder and Schmidt estimate the diurnal quantity of bile at 54 ounces, containing 5 per cent, of solid matter ; they also give the following table of the diurnal amounts of the various digestive fluids secreted by a man of the stand- ard weight, 140 pounds : Diurnal Amount of Digestive Secretions. Saliva 3.30 Ibs., containing solid matter 1. per cent. Bile 3.30 " " " " 5. " Gastric Juice 14.08 " " " " 3. " Pancreatic Juice ... .44 " " " " .1 " Intestinal Juices ... .44 " " " " 1.5 " The bile does not appear to exert any agency in effecting the digestion of either nitrogenized or amylaceous bodies. The period of its max- POWER OF PANCREATIC JUICE. 71 imum production, which is 13 or 14 hours after a meal, does not coincide with the period of most energetic digestion. With these statements of the nature of the various juices which pass into the small intestine, we may proceed to investigate the phenomena of the digestion carried on in that tube. In 1832, Dr. Bright, to whom medicine is so much indebted for his discoveries in relation to the pathology of the kidney, pub- Emulsifvin(r lished three cases of disease of the pancreas, attended by the power of pan- appearance of a large quantity of fat in the faeces, and drew c the inference that in such morbid states the fats are imperfectly digested. More recently, M. Bernard has published experimental evidence to prove that the digestion of the fats consists in bringing them into the condition of an emulsion, and that the pancreatic juice accomplishes this object. Whatever influence the pancreatic and enteric juices can exert on starch and oil outside of the body, in artificial experiments, they un- doubtedly exert it in the small intestine as long as the temperature is the same. On starch, the action, as has already been stated, is to effect its conversion into sugar, and then into lactic acid. The oils are turned into emulsions. The constitutional relation between starch and lactic acid is such, that if, in presence of water, one atom of the g ubdiv i s i on O f former be equally and systematically split or divided into starch into lac- two portions, those portions are atoms of lactic acid. And since this substance contains no nitrogen, its oxidation either artificially or in the interior of the system gives origin to carbonic acid and water bodies which can at once b removed by the action of the skin, or the lungs, or the kidneys. Respecting the digestion of the carbohydrates cellulose, gum, starch, and the different kinds of sugars, it may be remarked, that eel- Digggfon of lulose, of which the pith of elder is an example, and which the carbohy- occurs in a pure form in Swedish filtering-paper, not only re- sists, in artificial experiments, the action of the digestive juices, but also it would appear to do so naturally in the higher tribes, and hence it is abundantly found in the excrement of the herbivora. To this statement, perhaps, however, the case of the beaver affords an exception, Digestion of there being reason to suppose that this animal possesses the cellulose, power of digesting cellulose. There can be no doubt, moreover, that many insects have the same power, for chitin, which may be obtained from their wing-cases, and which retains the appearance of the structure of the part, may be considered as cellulose united with a nitrogenized body, having the constitution of in- sect muscular fibre. This substance not only constitutes the skeleton of insects, their scales, hairs, and enters into the construction of their tracheae, but even forms one of the coats of their intestinal canal. Since 72 DIGESTION OF CAEBOHYDEATES. it does not appear that they can metamorphose other carbohydrates into this body, we may infer, as would indeed seem probable, considering the nature of the food of many of them, that they can digest woody fibre. The digestive apparatus of man, however, can not exert such a power. Neither does it appear that gum undergoes either digestion or absorp- Digestion of ti n ' I n artificial experiments it also resists the action of di- gum. gestive fluids, and is not changed when present during the fermentation of other bodies, even though its exposure thereto be contin- ued for several days. Administered to animals, it is almost entirely voided with the excrement. Thus Boussingault, having given to a duck fifty grammes of gum-arabic, obtained forty-six grammes from the ex- crements in nine hours. In an experiment upon an old rabbit, to which, with a diet of cabbage-leaves, ten grammes of gum-arabic were daily given by Lehmann, the gum being administered in solution in water by injec- tion into the stomach, no trace whatever of gum could be detected in the urine, none in the chyle of the thoracic duct, and none in the blood, but it was easily enough recognized in the excrement. From this he infers that the preparations of gum, which are such favorite medicines with some physicians, yield to the animal organism only an extremely small quantity of material of a nature to support the respiratory process, and that their uses, if they are of any use, can be merely negative in acute diseases. Of the carbohydrates, starch is perhaps the most important, occurring Digestion of as ^ does in abundance in vegetable food. It can not be made starch. use O f j n ^he system without fifst being transmuted into dex- trine, sugar, and eventually lactic acid, these changes being greatly ex- pedited if it has been previously prepared by boiling in water, or other equivalent operations of cooking. The saliva commences the action, which in man is even prolonged in the stomach, and in the herbivora still more decisively in the paunch, in birds in the crop. On gaining the stom- ach, the farther transmutation of the starch is arrested by the gastric juice, but after reaching the duodenum it is resumed with greater energy than ever, under the influence of the pancreatic juice. Reaching the ile- um, the intestinal juice continues the action, though with less vigor. In this passage to the large intestine, the starch is gradually assuming the condition of dextrine and sugar, the former substance passing into the latter with such facility that it can only be recognized transiently. Doubtless the sugar thus arising is in great part directly absorbed, though some, before the ccecum is reached, is transmuted into lactic acid, and oth- er portions, after passing through the ileo-coecal valve, into butyric acid. From what has been observed respecting starch, it may be inferred how Digestion of important sugar is, since through the condition of sugar alone sugar. i s starch available for the uses of the system. It is to be rec- DIGESTION OF SUGAR. 73 ollected, however, that sugar itself is only an intermediate or transitory stage, through which the carbohydrate is passing, a consideration which explains the circumstance that it does not occur even in the portal blood to such an extent as might be expected, nor yet in the chyle. Some have been led to infer from these facts that this substance, like gum, is in reality only very tardily absorbed, an opinion which they suppose to be strengthened by the circumstance that glucose or any other kind of sugar, introduced into the jugular vein, runs through the course of the circulation, and is secreted unchanged by the kidneys. But it is to be remembered that portal blood is very different from the proper systemic blood, and that there are many changes, beyond all question, which can take place with rapidity in the former, but which do not take place in the latter. Sugar, whether it has been received as an ingredient of the food, or arisen from the metamorphosis of starch, is, as we have said, only a tem- porary form, which passes quickly onward to the state of lactic acid. To this we must impute the acid reaction which is observed throughout the length of the small intestine, and which can not be attributed to the gas- tric juice, a reaction occurring in spite of the alkalinity of the bile and pancreatic secretion. This pushing of the carbohydrate forward to the state of lactic acid is very generally imputed to the intestinal juice, which greatly re-enforces the power of the saliva and pancreatic fluid; some have even supposed that the bile aids in producing this effect. Of this, how- ever, there is no satisfactory proof. From the experiments of Von Becker, who injected saccharine solu- tions at intervals of a quarter of an hour into the stomach of rabbits, it was found that 4.5 parts of sugar were absorbed each hour for every 1000 parts weight of the animal. Whatever may have been the form of sugar administered, as, for instance, cane-sugar, it quickly passes into the con- dition of glucose in the intestine, and from that to lactic acid. Thus sug- ar of milk may be traced in an hour as far as the coecum, communica- ting to the contents of the small intestine an intense acid reaction. Since lactic acid discharges very important offices in the animal econ-. omy, it may be worth while to observe its properties, and p roduct i onand the circumstances under which it is produced. Very many properties of liquids containing organic matter yield it abundantly: thus it '' is found in sauer kraut, a preparation of cabbage. It is, however, more conveniently obtained from milk, and hence the term lactic acid. The diluted solution obtained from this source, being concentrated by evap- oration, furnishes a sirupy liquid, heavier than water, having an intense- ly sour taste, a great affinity for water, and therefore attracting it from the air, and dissolving freely in it. With metallic oxides it forms solu- ble salts, and in the concentrated sirupy state has the remarkable con- 74 LACTIC ACID. stitution that it contains six atoms of each of its elements, carbon, hy- drogen, and oxygen. The production of this acid in organic substances is very common. It depends on the same principle as presented in duodenal digestion, which it therefore very strikingly illustrates. As an example deserving of attentive consideration, its development in milk may be offered. When milk is exposed to the air it eventually turns sour, the sour- ness being due to the appearance of lactic acid. In its sweet state, the milk may be regarded as consisting of casein, or the curdy principle, a substance belonging to the protein group, insoluble in pure water, but abundantly soluble if a little free or carbonated alkali be present ; of milk sugar, dissolved, and of butter held in suspension in water. The ac- Production of ^ on ta ^ m S P^ ace during the souring is as follows : Under lactic acid the influence of atmospheric oxygen, which for this purpose rom milk. mus t liswQ access, the nitrogenized principle, the casein, be- gins to change, and, for reasons presently to be more particularly exam- ined, impresses a change on the sugar, splitting its atom so as to give rise to the production of lactic acid. As this forms, it renders the casein insoluble, and the milk begins to coagulate, to prevent which a little car- bonate of soda may from time to time be added. All the sugar origin- ally present in the milk is soon acidified, but a much stronger solution can be made by adding more milk sugar as the process of exhaustion goes on, and the change can be thus kept up until the casein itself is quite consumed. On examining this process critically, we observe that every thing de- pends on the change occurring in the nitrogenized principle, the casein. This, under the circumstances, takes on an incipient oxidation, and com- pels the sugar atom so to divide as to give rise to the production of lac- tic acid. This ceases the moment the casein ceases to change, and re- commences the moment the casein is permitted to reoxidize. The de- struction taking place in the casein is propagated to the sugar, the physical peculiarity being that the atom of sugar is merely divided, fis- sured, or split, and gives rise to the production of lactic acid, and no other substance. The whole process is therefore essentially one of sub- division, a conclusion which should be carefully borne in mind in apply- ing these experimental principles to the physiological function of diges- tion. So far as the result is concerned, the two cases are the same. Many other organic liquids furnish similar illustrations. Thus, in Production of ^ e P era tion of making starch for commercial purposes, con- lactic acid siderable quantities of that substance are turned into lactic >m starch. &C Q cons tit u ting what the manufacturers term sour liquor. Nor is it even requisite that so much water should be present as to give the liquid condition ; for if wheat flour be made into a paste, and kept for LACTIC ACID IN THE SYSTEM. 75 some days in a warm place, its gluten induces such a change that the starcft turns into lactic acid, and the paste becomes sour. Of lactic acid there are two kinds ; that derived, as hereafter stated, from muscle juice, is the alpha lactic acid, and that from the Alpha and beta fermentation of sugar the beta lactic acid. As it occurs in lactic acid - the gastric juice, associated with or replacing hydrochloric acid, it is of the beta variety. Whatever may have been the source of this portion of it, whether it has been derived by gastric secretion or through the transmutation of amylaceous food by the saliva, its abundant occurrence in the contents of both the small and large intestines, in which it is rec- ognized by the peculiarities of its zinc and magnesia salts, confirm the conclusion that in this case, at least, the beta form arises from the opera- tion of the digestive juices. Lactic acid undergoes rapid absorption through the intestine, and is as rapidly disposed of in the system. Thus Lehmann found, after tak- ing half an ounce of dry lactate of soda, that in thirteen minutes his urine had become alkaline. On injecting the same salt into the jugular vein, it appeared in from five to twelve minutes as carbonate of soda in the urine. Berzelius first discovered the existence of lactic acid in the juice of the muscles. Liebig showed that, in quantity, there is more p r0( j u ction of present in this source than is sufficient to neutralize the alkali lactic acid by of all the other liquids or juices of the body. Muscle lac- * tic acid is removed away with rapidity by the lymphatics. Berzelius concluded that its quantity increases in proportion to the exercise the muscle has undergone ; and this would lead to the inference that it is one of the chief products of muscular waste ; for it is not to be supposed that its appearance in muscle juice is because those organs attract it from the blood, in which it pre-exists, derived, perhaps, from the trans- formation of amylaceous substances in the intestine, for the muscles of the carnivora yield as much of it as those of the herbivora ; and though it can not be artificially made directly from albuminous material, yet it would seem that, with urea and ammonia, it might arise from the breaking up of creatine. From glycerine lactic acid may be also developed. When- ever an excess of it is produced in the system, either by muscular action, unusual diet, or imperfect oxidation in the blood, it may be detected in the urine. Under ordinary circumstances, doubtless, very large quanti- ties of it are destroyed in the circulation, giving rise to the production of carbonic acid and water with a disengagement of heat. We can not here fail to remark how the process of comminuting the food is carried forward to such an extent that the absorbent These digest- vessels are able to take it up. The action first begins, as has been shown in detail, by cutting and crushing implements, ions. 76 DIGESTION OF FAT. the teeth, and when these have carried the subdivision as far as mechanical means can, it is continued by chemical agents. Upon these principles, the pancreatic juice divides starch into lactic acid in duodenal digestion a product which, without difficulty, finds its way at once into the system. Besides starch and sugar, there is another group of bodies belonging Digestion of to the class of calorifacient food, which, in the case of carniv- fafc - orous animals, seems to be exclusively employed. The fats and oils constitute this group. The action of the pancreatic and enteric juices upon these bodies, in bringing them into the condition of an emulsion, has already been stated. That this occurs in the intestine appears from the fact that if the pan- creatic duct be tied, no emulsion forms, and the chyle in the laeteals is limpid instead of being milky. In the rabbit this duct opens much lower in the intestine than the biliary, and it is observed that it is only after the food has passed that point that it becomes emulsioned. The place for pancreatic digestion seems to be very constant in tribes that are far apart in habits of life. Thus, in fishes, the pancreas consists of a cor- onet of coecal tubes, surrounding the pyloric extremity of the intestine, each opening into that organ by a separate mouth. The fats reach the duodenum without undergoing any change. There, under the influence of the pancreatic juice, they become subdivided into extremely minute portions, which, absorbed by the laeteals, give to the chyle its characteristic aspect. Beyond this condition of subdivision no other change is thus far impressed, the fat of the laeteals being abso- lutely the same as that of the chyme. To the introduction of fat into the laeteals, the presence of bile seems to be necessary, or, if not absolute- ly necessary, absorption is greatly facilitated by it. The gastric and pancreatic juices stand in a remarkable relation to one Bernard's doc ano ^ ner the former being an acid liquid, having the power trine of the ef- of bringing into a state of solution nitrogenized bodies, such and alkalinity as ^ Tm 5 tne latter alkaline, without action on nitrogenized in the digest- bodies, but operating energetically on starch, sugar, and oils. J U1< From this it might be supposed that the intrinsic qualities of these juices are different, and that they act in this manner because of a special dissimilarity of constitution. Attempts have been made to prove that this difference of action de- pends wholly on the chemical relations of the juice itself. If pancreatic juice or saliva be purposely acidulated with hydrochloric acid, it is said that it loses at once the power of acting on calorifacient food, but can bring about the solution of the histogenetic. On the other hand, if gas- tric juice be rendered alkaline by admixture with soda, it no longer dis- solves fibrin or coagulated albumen, but gains the power of acting on starch and sugar. Since, then, it thus appears that the same organic body ORGANIC PRINCIPLE OF DIGESTIVE JUICES. 77 becomes endowed with one or other of these properties, according as it is acidulated or alkalinized, the function of digestion is presented to us un- der a simple aspect. It is upon these principles that we may explain the fact that the presence of bile in the stomach suspends or arrests the digestion going on in that organ. Though the views here expressed are such as are received among many chemists, yet it is still open for consideration whether the The nature of nature of the result which is reached in these cases does not, the or s anic in - . gredient more to a great extent, depend upon the nature of the organic important than changing body, the ferment, which first sets up the action. the reaction - Many circumstances would lead us to infer that this must be the case, and that, as with differences of temperature, so also with these differences, the final result may present distinct variations, though they may be with- in a certain range or limit. Thus, though the saliva and pancreatic juice are both alkaline, and both impress in a general way the same digestive change on starch and sugar, a minute examination of the results of their action would doubtless lead to the detection of shades of difference va- riations which could only be attributed to the difference between the act- ive organic principle of the pancreatic juice, and ptyaline, the correspond- ing principle of the saliva. The imputed control which the alkalinity or acidity of the digesting juices exerts in determining the result, illustrates the import- j> e ] at j n f ant function discharged by common salt, which furnishes to common salt in the juices of the stomach and intestine the characteristic in- dl estlon - gredients they require by breaking up readily into hydrochloric acid and soda, and re-forming at once whenever these materials are brought in contact. There is, therefore, an important reason for the instinct which animals display in resorting to the use of this substance, as in the buffa- lo licks at the West, and the necessity which men experience to add it as a condiment to their food. But though, by furnishing an acid or al- kali, as the case may be, it determines the nature of the work which the secreting juices perform, it is not to be regarded as the prime mover of the change. It guides rather than works. The efficient principle bring- ing about digestion appears always to be a nitrogenized body, acidulated, perhaps, for the production of one duty, and rendered alkaline for the per- formance of another. Directing our attention now more particularly to the phenomena dis- played by such a changing nitrogenized principle, the folio wing, illustra- tions will serve to show that there is nothing mysterious in its operation. Out of many cases which might be selected, those now to ]be offered are more particularly interesting, since they refer to substances extensively used in the diet of man. First, of wine. A grape, if perfectly sound, will keep for a consider- 78 ILLUSTRATIONS FROM WINE AND BREAD. Illustration a ^ e l en gth ^ tmie without undergoing any change ; but if from the mak- a puncture be made in it to give the air access, it rapidly de- ine ' teriorates. The precise change taking place is perhaps bet- ter understood by observations on the expressed juice of this fruit. If grapes be pressed beneath the surface of quicksilver, and the juice be col- lected in an inverted jar, without ever coming in contact with the atmos- pheric air, it may be kept for a long time without any apparent change ; but if a small quantity of air, or only a single bubble of oxygen is per- mitted to enter the jar, and the temperature is that of a summer's day, an intestine commotion or fermentation at once ensues, carbonic acid escapes, alcohol arises in the liquid, and the sugar which was in the grape-juice disappears. But the quantity of sugar thus capable of being destroyed is limited, and a point is eventually reached at which no. more sugar can be decomposed, and no more carbonic acid set free. The juice of the grape contains a nitrogenized principle resembling al- bumen. It is this which is in reality the active body. So long as ox- ygen is excluded, this nitrogenized substance remains unaltered, but the moment the air finds access, a change begins. The sugar which is pres- ent in the juice becomes involved in the movement going on, which is propagated by degrees to all its atoms, dividing each into two well-known and well-marked bodies. The period at which no farther change takes place in portions of sugar 'which may have been purposely added is when the nitrogenized principle has disappeared. Carbonic acid and alcohol are the two substances arising in this de- composition. Their mode of origin is obvious when it is understood that one atom of sugar can be so divided as to yield four of carbonic acid and two of alcohol. In this artificial instance, the subdivision is even more complex than that which occurs in duodenal digestion, in which the sugar atom is subdivided into two equal and symmetrical parts, two atoms of lactic acid. In the following formulas, (1) represents the case of vinous production, (2) that of duodenal digestion : (1) ..... C 12 H 12 13 =4 (C0 2 )+2 (C 4 H 6 OJ. (2) ..... C 13 H 13 13 =2(C 6 H 6 6 ). Second, of bread. If, in the preceding case, a transmuting nitrogen- T11 ized body breaks the sugar atom so that alcohol is one of the Illustration J ,. & .., -,,. from making products, and upon this principle all wines and intoxicating bread. liq uors are made, the instance now presented is of far more interest to the well-being of man. The use of wine undoubtedly adds not only to social enjoyment, but sometimes conduces to health a ben- efit, alas ! often attended with a thousand ills. Not so with bread, em- phatically and truly described as the staff of life. The making of wine and of leavened bread are two of the oldest chem- ILLUSTRATION FROM THE MAKING OF BREAB. 79 ical processes. Their origin is lost in a remote antiquity, and so uni- versally are their benefits acknowledged that their use is diffused all over the world. Experience proves that the best bread is made from fine wheaten flour, mixed into a paste with a due proportion of water. A certain quantity of a nitrogenized substance undergoing incipient oxidation, termed yeast, is added, and the whole submitted to a gentle temperature. All flour contains a small quantity of sugar ; on this the yeast immediately acts, dividing it, as in the former case, into carbonic acid and alcohol. If enough sugar is not present, more under the circumstances is formed from starch. The acid gas, as it is set free, can not extricate itself from the surrounding dough, but expands into a thousand little vesicles or bub- bles, which give that peculiar porosity for which this kind of bread is so highly prized. At this period, before baking, the other substance which has arisen from the destruction of the sugar the alcohol is contained in the dough, and is expelled therefrom along with the excess of water by the high temperature of the oven, which also, by increasing the expan- sion of the included gas, adds to the porosity of the bread. In some baking establishments arrangements have occasionally been made to con- dense the alcohol as it rises from the bread. The good and evil of life are often closely intermixed. The advocate of total abstinence from al- cohol may with reason look upon half-baked bread distrustfully. The enemy is lying in ambush for him. On some occasions, instead of using yeast, a piece of leaven, that is, dough in a state of incipient putrefaction, is employed. The mode of action is, however, the same. The use of this material well illustrates the progressive nature of these changes, and how the action gradually passes from point to point of the entire mass. It is written, "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." In the cases here presented the action is one of subdivision. A com- plex atom has its constitution broken up, and is separated These actions, into distinct parts. When such a change is once commenced ^^^are dl ~ in a mass, there is a liability for the whole to become in- subdivisions, volved, just as, when we ignite one point in a pile of combustibles, the fire spreads throughout ; or as, when on one part of a piece of fresh meat a small portion in a putrescent state is laid, the corruption, with measured rapidity, proceeds from part to part, until the whole is decayed. One after another, the particles submit in succession. Over all these subdividing actions heat exerts the most extraordinary influence, so that for a given effect to be produced it is abso- influence of lutely necessary that a given temperature should be main- gubdMSng 686 tained. Thus, if we take the saccharine juice of almost any actions, kind of fruit, and cause it to be acted on by a changing nitrogenized body, 80 ^EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON FERMENTS. it will yield, as just stated, alcohol and carbonic -acid so long as the tem- perature ranges about 75 ; but, every thing remaining the same, if the temperature be raised to 100 or 120, neither alcohol nor carbonic acid is formed, but in their stead other products arise, such as lactic acid, gum," and manna. Though, therefore, decomposition will go on through- out all this range of temperature, the products will vary very much, al- cohol being formed at a low, and lactic acid at a high degree. Again, the decomposition of milk furnishes a very instructive instance. When the temperature ranges from 50 to 75, the liquid turns sour, owing to the formation of lactic acid ; but if the temperature is over 90, the products are different, for now a true vinous fermentation sets in, al- cohol and carbonic acid appearing. It is on this principle that the Tar- tars make an intoxicating liquid from mare's milk. The fermentation of milk, therefore, yields lactic acid at a low, and alcohol at a high degree. On comparing these illustrations, the results stand in direct contrast, but both show the great influence which a specific degree of heat exer- cises over such subdivisions ; and, as a consequence of this principle, which obtains equally in the physiological case, we recognize the neqes- sity of maintaining the cavity of the stomach and intestine uniformly at a temperature which is fixed, otherwise there would cease to be any uniformity in the subdivision of the food, occasioned by the digestion there going on. These principles, moreover, lead to the explanation of the action of such stimulating substances as alcoholic liquids,- pepper, etc., which at once determine a local elevation of temperature ; they also explain the injurious effects which may ensue from intemperate draughts of ice-cold water. A nitrogenized substance, in a state of change, can thus bring about a definite action on fibrin, coagulated albumen, or casein in the stomach, or on starch in the intestine, so long as a temperature of 100 is main- Loss of power tained, but in every known instance this transmuting power l\ttTmpe * s tota % destroyed by exposure to a very low or very high ature. degree of heat. Large masses of animal matter whole car- casses may be preserved for many centuries unchanged if the tempera- ture is kept down to 32. A striking example of this occurs in the case of the extinct elephants which are occasionally thrown on the shores of the Polar Sea from icebergs, in which they have been entombed for many thousand years, their flesh remaining in a perfectly fresh and un- decayed state. And as respects a high temperature, an exposure to 212 totally destroys the power. On this principle, all kinds of meat or veg- etable substances may be indefinitely preserved. If such are inclosed in metallic canisters, so as totally to exclude the atmospheric air, and ex- posed to a bath of boiling water, they may then be carried around the world without undergoing any change. AETIFICIAL PRODUCTION OF FAT. 81 One of these illustrative cases still remains. It belongs to the class of changes now under consideration, and deserves a prominent examina- tion from its connection with duodenal digestion. It is the production of fatty bodies from starch and sugar. Physiological considerations assure us that there are circumstances under which oils and fats can be formed from starch and p roduction of sugar in the system. Animals can be fattened by feeding fats from ear- on potatoes, or other such food, in which the quantity of oil y rj is quite insignificant. Bees can make wax, which strictly belongs to the group of fats, though they are fed on pure white sugar. Such results can be artificially imitated. If a strong solution of sugar be mixed with a small quantity of casein and powdered chalk, and ex- posed to a temperature of more than 80, carbonic acid and hydrogen are evolved, and butyric acid forms as the butyrate of lime. This acid sub- stance is a colorless oily liquid, having the odor of rancid butter, in which indeed it exists. From a review of all the preceding facts, we may conclude that a nitro- genized substance secreted by the follicles of the stomach, Contrast of and undergoing incipient oxidation, acidulated with hydro- chloric acid obtained by the decomposition of common salt, tion. or with lactic acid produced by a continuation of salivary digestion, has the power of dissolving coagulated albumen, and generally those articles of food which belong to the nitrogenized class ; that -this goes on in the stomach, it being the function of that organ to effect the digestion of this kind of food, and thereby contribute to the general nutrition of the system. The muscular tissues are supplied from this source, and by the stomach their waste is repaired. Another and distinct digestion takes place in the intestine, commenc- ing immediately after the food gains the duodenum. It too is brought about by the action of a special liquid, a mixture of the pancreatic and intestinal juices. The chemical reaction of this juice is alkaline ; in this respect it is therefore antagonistic to the gastric juice. This quality is due to the soda it contains, a substance derived co-ordinately with hy- drochloric acid from the decomposition of common salt. The digestion of starchy and saccharine bodies is thus effected by dividing them so as to produce lactic acid. This done, common salt is reproduced by the commingling of the gas- tric, biliary, and pancreatic products together. The salt is carried by the absorbents into the interior of the system, to be again decomposed. Moreover, the pancreatic and enteric juices reduce the oleaginous and fatty bodies to the condition of an emulsion, or, if they be not present in the food, give origin to them in the way just described. The reaction of the intestinal contents not only differs in different por- F 82 SALTS AND GASES OF THE INTESTINE. Successive tions of the tube, but in the same region, in different parts tmSt^ouoi! of tne mass ' its exterior ma 7 te alkaline, its interior acid, or the intestine, the converse. The acidity which has been imparted by the gastric juice seems generally to have disappeared some time before the large intestine is reached. In this an alkaline reaction is observed. The causes of this prolonged acidity are very various. In part it depends on the nature of the food, in part upon the gastric juice, as has just been stated, and in part upon the production of lactic, butyric, and other acids. The resinous ingredients of the bile may be detected as far as the lower extremity of the ileum. Glucose, originating in the action of the pancre- atic and intestinal juices on starch, may be recognized throughout the whole length of the canal, but that which has been introduced in the food seems to be absorbed in the stomach itself; thus, in milk-fed ani- mals, sugar does not appear to descend beyond the jejunum. 'The trans- mutation and reabsorption of biliary matter commences in the small in- testine and proceeds continuously, so that by the time the middle of that portion of the tube is reached, half the bile is gone. Since the intestinal absorbents can only take up a definite proportion of fat, it might be expected, as is really the case, that after an unusually fatty diet, fat substances will be found in the excrement. Indeed, a cer- tain small proportion always so occurs. Of the salt substances usually occurring in the food, most disappear Salts of the in- during their passage through the intestine, and hence but lit- testine. tie is found in the faeces ; more particularly is this the case with those of a very soluble kind. Of the sulphates and chlorides of the food, not even a trace may occur in the excrement. If these substances should not be required for the uses of the system, they are promptly re- moved by the kidneys, and in the same manner are disposed of any ab- normal salt substances which may have been purposely administered, as, for instance, iodide of potassium. The gaseous contents of the intestine originate in part from the air Gases of the that has been introduced during the mastication of the food, in intestine. p ar f r0 m fermentative processes occurring after certain articles have been used which are only imperfectly digested, and in part from the endosmosis of gas from the blood through the walls of the intestinal cap- illaries. As compared with atmospheric air, though the composition must necessarily be very various, the intestinal gas shows a great excess of carbonic acid and nitrogen, a diminution and sometimes even a total absence of oxygen, the presence of pure hydrogen, and of its carburets and sulphurets. The quantity of this latter gas is less than might be expected from its odor, and, as would be anticipated from the circum- stances, the accumulation of gas is much more abundant in the large than in the small intestine. FORMATION OF F^CES. 83 Schmidt shows that the intermediate circulation of water toward the intestine is far more considerable than its final excretion, and Water furnish- amounts in one day to nearly one fourth of the whole quan- |^ 1] tity of water in the body. As the digested mass passes onward, driven by the peristaltic motions through the convolutions of the intestine, it becomes of a Complex chan- more solid consistency, as the absorbents gradually remove testinai^on^" its liquid portions. By the time it has reached the coacum, tents, the same effect which arose in the stomach from salivary digestion is repeated, for the traces of unabsorbed lactic acid cause nutritive diges- tion to be again feebly resumed, at all events in herbivorous animals, if not in man, whose ccecum is rudimentary, under the form of the appen- dix vermiformis. From Peyer's glands a secretion has exuded, which perhaps gives to the mass the characteristic odor it is now assuming, if, indeed, these organs are not connected with absorption. The effete re- mains are finally voided as fasces, which, due allowance being made for the water they contain, amounting to about 75 per cent., may be rep- resented as averaging about 1J ounce per day. These excrementitious remains, colored yellow by the coloring material of the bile, are partly de- rived from the residues of the food which have been unacted upon, and partly from the decay of the system itself. The microscopt shows the remains of cell membranes, and the walls of vegetable vas- Formation cular tissues, starch granules, and chlorophyll, the relics of car- of faeces ' tilaginous and fibrous tissues, shreds of muscular fibre, fat-cells. From the digestive tract there have been derived mucus corpuscles, epithelial cells, and the coloring matter of the bile. Perhaps, too, much of the wa- ter which gives consistency to the fasces has been derived from the intes- tinal walls, for in quantity, under certain circumstances, it may exceed the amount that has been used as drink. In its passage through the intestine, that portion of the bile which has not been absorbed undergoes- considerable changes, its conju- Disappearance gated acids degenerating into dyslysin, which may be recog- of the blle - nized in the fseces, as is also the case with the modified pigmentary mat- ters ; the soluble mineral constituents are, for the most part, absorbed. The reducing agencies in the intestine, and the manner in which sub- stances can find their way into the urinary secretion, is well Incidental re- illustrated by the administration of indigo, which undergoes fnSntts? 11 deoxidation into the condition of suboxide of isatine, and will, tine, notwithstanding the agency of arterial blood, appear in that condition in the urine, to which, upon contact of the air, it imparts a blue tint, becom- ing more intense under a prolonged exposure, and eventually indigo-blue being deposited. Such a result not only shows how energetic are the re- ducing agencies in the intestine, but also with what facility very oxidiz- 84 ABSOKPTION. able material may, under certain conditions, be exposed to arterial blood without oxidation. Yet that this want of action is wholly due to inci- dental circumstances is shown from the fact that salts of organic acids are much more quickly oxidized in the blood than they are in the open air. It is interesting thus to observe how the death of one part of the body Advanta e mm i sters to the life of the rest ; for the nitrogenized and act- taken 'of the ive principles of t!^ juices secreted for the accomplishment of portion toor- digestion are on the descending career, and are truly dying ganize an- matter. The incipient stage of decay through which they are passing reacts on the food, and prepares it in a temporary manner to replace those parts of the body which are ceasing from activ- ity, and about to be removed. CHAPTER V. OF ABSORPTION. Double Mechanism for Absorption. The Lacteals and Veins. Lacteal Absorption. Descrip- tion of a Villus. Analogies in Plants. Introduction of Fat by the Villi. The Chyle. Causes of the Flow of Chyle. Intermediate Changes on its Passage to the Blood. Action of Peyer's Bodies. Lymphatic Absorption. Nature of Lymph. Structure of the Lymphatic System. Comparison of Chyle, Lymph, and Serum. Function of the Lymphatic System. Production of Fibrin. Cutaneous Absorption. Causes of the Flow of Lymph. Apparent se- lecting power of the Absorbents. Connection of the Lacteals and Lymphatics with the Locomo- tive and Respiratory Mechanism. THE food, after digestion, though in the alimentary tract, is exterior to Double mech- ^ e anniia l system. Means have therefore to be resorted to anism for ab- for its introduction into the circulation, and its distribution to every part. This is accomplished by a double mechanism, one portion of which is adapted to the digestion which has been going on in the stomach, the other to that which is completed in the intestine. The veins which are profusely spread on the walls of the digestive cav- ity constitute the former apparatus, the lacteal vessels the latter. The lacteal vessels may be described as delicate tubes, conveying ma- Description of terials absorbed from the intestine into the blood. Their a villas. mode of origin may be understood by considering them as projecting with a fine but blunt end upon the inner coat of the intestine. This projection is covered over with smooth muscle cells and a plexus of blood-vessels, a continuation, as it were, of those of the mucous coat of the intestine itself; they are held together by connective tissue, and over that is cast a covering of cylindric epithelium. This construction con- DISTRIBUTION OF BLOOD-VESSELS TO THE VILLI. 85 stitutes what is called a villus, the shape of which is conical, or perhaps cylindrical. The villus may then be regarded as a process of mucous membrane. Fig. 23 is a section of the wall of the ileum, a being the villi ; b, glands of Lie- Structure of berkuhn ; 70.80 Extractive 6.25 15.65 48.90 10.80 Salts 8.00 7.11 11.40 4 40 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 With so many causes of variation, such a table as the preceding is only valuable as giving a general idea of the nature of the chyle. We learn from it that the predominating solid constituents are fat and albtK men. The percentage amount of the first of these in the sample of hu- man chyle is very low, a fact due to the circumstance that the subject from which it was obtained an executed criminal had eaten but little for some time before his death. In like manner, the chyle of horses which have been kept without food has been observed to exhibit a dim-' inution of its fat to such an extent as to be less than one tenth of the normal amount. It is to be remarked that the saline ingredients of the chyle closely represent those of the blood, both in constitution and amount. The composition of the chyle varies at different points on its passage Constitution of to the veins, there being a gradual diminution of the albu- chyie at vari- men an( j an j ncrease O f the fibrin. After the passage through its course. the mesenteric glands it becomes capable of coagulation, and will separate into a serum and a clot. Examined near the villi, it may be regarded as ah albuminous liquid, in which are suspended glob- ules of fat of various sizes, down to the degree of minuteness just speci- fied. The nature of these globules is determined by the action of sul- phuric ether, which readily dissolves them. After passing through the CHANGES IN THE CHYLE. 93 mesenteric glands, the percentage amount of albumen declines, and the fat globules diminish in number. Simultaneously the special cells, to which the name of chyle corpuscles is given, make their appearance, and the liquid is now capable .of coagulating, owing to the production of fibrin. These characters become more strikingly developed as the chyle advances in the thoracic duct. The chyle corpuscles are eventually de- veloped into red blood-cells. .It should be borne in mind, in all discussions respecting the composi- tion of chyle in different parts of its course, that it must re- ,, . r -,11 It is affected by ceive transuded matters from the blood, and that this must transudation more particularly occur on its passage through the mesen- fromtheblood - teric glands. Owing to this, it is quite probable that, even though there should be an actual consumption of albumen in accomplishing the meta- morphoses which are taking place, the apparent percentage amount of that ingredient may increase by transudation from the blood. It ap- pears to me quite probable that the albuminous material in the lacteal, at its very origin in the villus, has been derived to quite as great an extent by transudation from the plexus of blood-vessels as by absorption from the digested food. Whatever may be the special manner by which the fats pass from the intestine into the lacteals, they have scarcely gained those saponificatiou vessels before they undergo a change. The quantity of free of the fat - fat diminishes, and that of saponified fat increases ; this is probably ac- complished by soda obtained from the blood. * As to the fibrin, it can scarcely be supposed that the imperfectly co- agulable variety which the chyle contains should have been Difference be- derived by transudation through the vessels of the strongly ^^^^~ contractile kind contained in the blood ; and, in view of all chyle-fibrin, the circumstances of the case, it would appear that the explanation we shall offer of its direct origination from the chyle albumen by oxidation is correct. The chyle corpuscles are readily distinguished from the blood- _. Nature of cells, not only by their white chyle cor- appearance, but also by their actTo^^ form. They are spheroidal, reagentson and either homogeneous or granular. Those of the frog are seen in Fig. 31, at a a, sparsely scattered among the elliptical blood-cells. The photograph from which the engraving is taken exhibits nearly the average pro- Chyle corpuscles with blood -cells, magnified 250 ,. ,, , -, ,. portion of these bodies in that animal. diameters. 94 CHYLE COKPUSCLES. By the action of water, the nucleus of the chyle-cell becomes more dis- tinct, its increased granular aspect making it more visible, as in Fig. 32. Fig. 32. Fig. 33. Chyle corpuscles with water, magnif ed 500 diameters. Chyle corpuscles with acetic acid, mag- nified 500 diameters. tern. By acetic acid the nucleus is greatly contracted, as in Fig. 33, and some- times even escapes from the cell. In embryonic life, the first appearance of chyle corpuscles commonly coincides with a change in the arrangement of the respiratory mechan* ism, as the closing of the branchial fissures, indicating a connection be- tween their production and the activity of interstitial oxidation. It has been previously stated that the bodies known as Peyer's glands Fever's bodies are to be regarded as belonging to the absorbent rather than ^ ie Digestive apparatus. In structure they are analogous to the lymphatic and lacteal glands, consisting of a capsule containing granular material, in which loops of capillary blood-vessels are laid. From these proceed many lacteal vessels, as may be very plainly observed during digestion. Their functions would therefore seem to be the submitting of the chyle to the simultaneous influence of the blood brought by the arterial capillaries, and the pulpy material or gran- ular plasma they contain. They are, in reality, dilatations of the absorb- ent vessels, accomplishing in a small space a result which would other- wise demand a very long lacteal tube, and probably not impressing any other change on the chyle than that which would have occurred in such a tube, if of sufficient length. It is not possible clearly to understand the functions of the lacteals . without a description of the structure and functions of the Structure and r functions of the lymphatics, for these vessels conspire in their action. tlcs * Anatomical, chemical, and physiological considerations lead us to conclude that the formation of the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM is closely allied to that of the LACTEAL. The two classes of vessels make their appearance together in fishes ; the lymphatics originate in a net- work of delicate tubes, but are disseminated through all the soft tissues except the nervous, and are found especially in the skin. The fine ini- PROPERTIES OF LYMPH. 95 tial tubes gradually coalesce, producing those that are of a larger diame- ter, and these pass through glands, which might indeed be regarded as mere plexuses, and eventually empty into the veins. A few minutes after if has been drawn, the lymph coagulates into a colorless clot, and then exhibits contraction. Compared with p rop erties of blood in like circumstances, the clot of lymph is small in re- iymp h - lation to the serous portion. In other respects there is a general resem- blance between lymph and blood free from its red cells, the fibrin and the albumen being apparently the same in the two cases* The saline constituents are not only the same, but bear the same ratio to one an- other in the two fluids. Their absolute percentage amount differs, be- cause the lymph contains a larger proportion of water than the blood. The lymph arising, as we shall find, by transudation from the capil- laries, must obviously vary in different parts, those parts taking from the blood the materials they require for their nutrition, and yielding to it the products that have arisen during their waste. Whatever in this manner changes the composition of the blood, must also occasion a change in the transuded liquid. Thus Schmidt has shown that protein bodies transude through the capillaries of the pleura most copiously ; through those of the peritoneum not to half that amount ; through those of the brain and those of the subcutaneous areolar tissue to a less and less ex- tent. Not only must the material thus oozing from the capillaries vary in different regions, because of variations in the mechanical constitution of ose vessels, but it must also change even in the same locality, through temporary accidents, such as changes in the velocity with which the blood is flowing. An attempt has been made to show that the transudation will be richest in albumen as the blood current in the capillaries is slower. When the contents of the lymphatic vessels are submitted to analysis, and compared with the chyle, a striking difference is appar- composition of ent. The chyle contains, as has been already stated, large b rm P h - but variable proportions of fat or oil in an extremely subdivided state, from which the lymph is free. The leading solid constituent of the lymph is albumen, and this indicates the use of the system. Composition of Lymph. Horse. Ass. Man. Water 950 00 965 36 961 00 Fat .09 Fibrin ) 1 20 2 50 Albumen J- 39.11 1200 27 50 Extractive 4 88 15 59 6 90 Salts 5 92 5 85 2 10 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 The functional connection between the lacteals and lymph vessels is very well illustrated by the following analysis, which ex- Fasting chyle hibits the composition of chyle obtained from the thoracic 96 COMPAEISON OF LYMPH, CHYLE, AND SERUM. duct of a man who died from softening of the brain, and who took noth- ing but a little water for 30 hours preceding his death. (L'Heritier.) Composition of CJiyle after Fasting. Water ,... 924.3G Fat 5.10 Fibrin 3.20 Albumen 60.02 Salts 7.32 1000.00 The constitution of the chyle so nearly approaches that of the lymph, Comparison of ^ iat we aie autnor i ze ^ to conclude that, during fasting, the lymph and lacteals transmit lymph, and the conclusion gives force to the observation already made, that the albumen of chyle is derived rather from the blood capillaries than from the digested food. Comparison of ^ n com P arm g together the salts of the serum of the blood the lymph and and those of the lymph as obtained from the horse, they ap- pear to coincide. Salts of Serum and Lymph. Scrum. Lymph. Alkaline chlorides 4 055 4 123 Alkaline carbonates 1.130 1 135 Alkaline sulphates 311 233 Alkaline phosphates .115 120 5.611 5.611 From the indications presented in these tables, there can be no doubt that the office of the lymphatics is to collect the albuminous Office of the x lymphatic sys- matters which have every where transuded from the blood- vessels, or been set free by changes going on in the soft parts. Such matters, though they may be regarded as being in one sense dead, are yet as applicable for the further support of the mechan- ism as are the albumenoid bodies introduced as food, and said to be taken up by the lacteals. The last table shows that the lymph is really nothing but a diluted serum. A mechanism is therefore resorted to to turn this collected albumen into fibrin, and thus arises a lymphatic gland a contrivance which tends greatly to compactness. This structure is Structure of ^ ie countei T art ^ tne mesenteric or lacteal gland. It may be lymphatic described as originating from the coalescence of two or three lymph vessels, which, casting off their external coat as they enter the gland, anastomose with one another in various ways, so as to form plexuses and convolutions. The capsule of the gland, strengthen- ed by the coat it has received from the entering vessels, sends forth par- tition-like processes, which dip down into the grayish pulpy material filling the interstices. On their emergence from the gland the vessels recover from it their external coat, and, during their passage through it in their naked state, blood-vessels are distributed upon them. The ob- THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. 97 ymphatics of the largo intestine. ject of the arrangement seems to be to submit the liquid contained in the lymph vessel to the action of the pulpy material of the gland and ar- terial blood under the most favorable circumstances, the thinness of the wall and the convolved plexus being well adapted to that end. Fig. 34 illustrates the lymphat- ics of the large intestine, the ad- joining parts being cut or displaced to display them ; <2, nient of the muscular tissues of the FORMATION OF BLOOD-CELLS. 101 young chicken is effected ; but the change can not take place except ox- ygen be received through the shell ; and, indeed, in all cases in which al- bumen passes into fibrin, it does so only in the presence of oxygen. But in the case of the absorbent glands, from what source does the requisite oxygen come ? These glands have just been de- Manner in scribed as plexuses of the absorbent tubes, among the rami- y hich oxygen fications of which arteries and veins are abundantly distrib- the making of uted, the blood not getting access to the interior of the ab- fibrin * sorbent, but running in its own vessels, as it were, side by side, and branching on the naked walls of the plexus ; and, just as in the placen- tal circulation the arterial blood of the mother vivifies or furnishes oxy- gen to the foatal blood, so in this instance the arterial blood enables the cells to discharge their duty of converting the albumen into fibrin, which passes onward to the general circulation for the renovation of the muscu- lar tissues. Since the hourly consumption of fibrin may be taken at 62 grains, the quantity produced by the action of these cells must be the same. We may therefore affirm that the fibrin-producing mechanism yields aboutjone grain in each minute of time. Contemporaneously with the elaboration of fibrin is the develop- ment of the proper chyle corpuscles. Through the evolution Formation of of these and the absorption, of fat, the chyle vessels present a Wood-cells, connection with the respiratory apparatus. If any weight is to be given to the views of Ascherson, the occurrence of fat globules in the chyle is essential to these cellular productions. He found that when globules of oil are placed in a solution of albumen, they become coated over with a film of that substance in a coagulated state, and hence was led to infer that this is the starting-point of cell pro- duction generally. The chyle corpuscles are the embryos of the true red blood-cells, the latter being derived from them by gradual development. As will appear more in detail when we come to the description of the blood, in verte- brated animals there are two distinct classes of red blood- Twosuccessive cells, which appertain to distinct periods of life. The first, forms of biood- which are found in man previously to the time of formation Cl of the chyle and lymph, are nucleated, and have the power of reproduc- tion by fissuring of the nucleus. But a distinct set gradually replaces the preceding. These cells have no nucleus ; they are flattened, bi-concave, and in man circular. They possess no power of reproduction either by fissuring or otherwise. Their origin is from the chyle corpuscle, the granular interior of which clears up, and is succeeded by a deep red tint. The transition from the first to the second of these forms takes place at an early period, and may be 102 ABSORPTION BY THE BLOOD-VESSELS. regarded as complete in the human embryo of two months old. After that time "blood-cells are generated upon the second plan, from the chyle corpuscles alone. It is a significant circumstance that this transition from the reproduc- tive to the non-reproductive blood-cell is coincident usually with the dis- appearance of the external branchia3, or the closing of the branchial fis- sures. There can be no question that the destined function of the per- fect blood-cell is the introduction of oxygen to the system. In their or- igin and in their object they are therefore in relation with the respiratory mechanism. CHAPTER VI. ABSOKPTION BY THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Proof of Absorption by the Blood Capillaries. Occurs as a physical Necessity. Nature of Cap- illary Attraction. Its Phenomena in the Rise and Depression of Liquids. Conditions for producing a Flow in a Capillary Tube. Passage of Liquids through minute Pores. General Propositions respecting Capillary Attraction. Endosmosis and Exosmosis. They depend on Capillary Attraction. Force against which these Movements may take place. Illustrations of selecting Power. General View of the entire Function of Absorption, lacteal and venous. THAT the blood-vessels of the stomach and intestinal tube participate Substances are in the function of absorption is demonstrated by many dif- the^bbodX- ferent facts * Medicaments placed in the stomach after its iiiaries. pyloric orifice has been tied will produce their specific effect almost as rapidly as under natural circumstances ; and, since there are no proper lacteals upon that organ, and its lymphatics seem to be inade- quate, the absorption of these agents can have taken place through the blood-vessels only. This conclusion is substantiated by an examination of the blood of the gastric and mesenteric veins. It varies with the 'stage of diges- tion and the nature of the food. At first there is a general lowering of the percentage amount of the solid ingredients, this being evidently the result of the absorption of water. At a more advanced period, the rela- tive proportion of albumen, or rather of albuminose, rises, and along with it the extractive, gelatine, and sugar increase. As with the chyle in the lacteals, so with the blood in the mesenteric veins, coagulation takes place imperfectly, or perhaps not at all. It is stated that the mesen- teric blood of a fasting animal does not differ from the ordinary venous blood. The position of the blood-vessels, both on the mucous surface of the stomach and particularly on the villi of the intestine, is favorable to the PHYSICAL NECESSITY OF VASCULAR ABSORPTION. 103 discharge of this function. The term venous absorption, employed to express it, is perhaps somewhat incorrect, since there is no reason that a venous capillary should have any advantage over an arterial one in this respect. The rapidity with which substances in a state of solution are taken up from these cavities has been well demonstrated by such in- stances as those of the detection of the ferrocyanide of potassium in the urine within 2 J minutes of its having been deposited in the stomach, or by the death of dogs in a similar short period after strong alcohol had been administered to them, their blood being found to be charged with that combustible substance. Among substances thus finding their way into the circulation by di- rect vascular absorption may be enumerated such soluble salts as have little affinity for the tissues, mineral and organic acids, alcohol, ether, volatile oils, vegetable alkaloids, and coloring matters, as those of rhu- barb, madder, gamboge. In fact, if there were not these physiological considerations, we should have to admit absorption by the blood-vessels as a mat- Absorption by ter of physical necessity ; for, under the circumstances of the Wood-ves- . /^r . i ' t -i se ^ s occurs as a theirsituation, they must take up soluble matters presented physical neces- to them. Through the pores of their delicate structure sub- sit - y - stances in the liquid state will pass to mingle with the blood. Though we have treated of respiratoiy or lacteal absorption as specif- ically distinct from absorption by the blood-vessels, the circumstances here alluded to evidently point out that the resulting action of the villi of the intestines is of a mixed kind ; for, though the epithelial cells and the commencing pouch of the lacteal may exert a definite influence, the network of blood-vessels which lies immediately beneath the epithelium must be engaged in precisely the same manner as the network of blood- vessels between the gastric follicles. The permeation of the walls of these tubes by substances in a state of solution is dependent, as we are now to see, upon a purely physical principle, which is just as applicable in the one case as it is in the other. The leading solid ingredients of the chyle being fat and albumen, the former is perhaps introduced by the proper lacteal structure, and the latter, taken up by the vascular network, exudes in part again from it into the lacteal arrangement. In the case of absorption, as in that of respiration, hereafter to be de- scribed, there is a physical principle in operation which it is necessaiy to understand. I shall proceed to explain it on this occasion as far as is needful for the present purpose, and complete the description in the chap- ter on the function of respiration. The peculiar views here set forth, so far as they differ from those ordinarily expressed, I believe to be warranted by my own experiments elsewhere published. The absorbent action of the blood-vessels depends on the force known 104 CAPILLAEY ELEVATIONS AND DEPRESSIONS. Fig. ST. Capillary among physical writers as CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. Its nature attraction. may -fo e illustrated as follows : If a piece of glass be laid on the surface of quicksilver, it is so power- fully attracted thereto as to require the exertion of considerable force to lift it off. Natural philosophers generally regard this as a force sui ge- neris, and speak of it under the title of capillary attraction. I believe it is nothing but an ordinary electrical phenomenon, since, if the glass be examined, it will be found to be in a positively electrified state, and the quicksilver negative, and under the general law of electricity, known as that of Dufay, attraction must be the result. If the glass be laid upon the surface of water, there is an attraction as before. On lifting it, however, there is no electrical manifestation; The reason of this is plain. On examining this glass, it will be found that no true separation of it from the water has taken place. A film of water is still attached to it, or, in other words, it is wetted. If a slender glass tube, , Fig. 37,be dippedinto a liquid, Elevation and a, a, which can not wet it, as, for example, ilqSlrca^. quicksilver, the liquid is depressed as at c, maiy tubes, and does not rise to its proper hydrostatic Depression of a non . level, or, perhaps, altogether refuses to enter the tube. wetting liquid. Fig. ss. If a slender glass tube, b, Fig. 38, be dipped into a liquid, , #, which can wet it, as, for example, water, the liquid at once rises in the tube, as at c, to a height which is greater in proportion as the diameter of the tube is less. It is this phenomenon which has given the designation capillary attraction, because it is best seen in tubes as fine as a hair (capillus). Now if there be a tube of such a diameter that it could thus lift water ten inches, and it be broken off so as to be only six inches long, we might inquire whether the water would overflow from its top, or simply remain suspended. Mathematical considerations as well as direct experiments prove that, in such a case, there would be no overflow. A capillary tube under these circumstances simply lifts the water, but can not produce a contin- uous current. But if a removal of the water at the top of the tube takes place in any Conditions for manner as > f r instance, by evaporation, or by being dissolved producing a away, then a continuous current is produced. This fact ex- plains the phenomena of endosmosis, presently to be de- scribed. Elevation of a wetting liquid. PASSAGE OF WATER THROUGH CREVICES. 105 As illustrative of the production of a continuous flow, we may cite the case of a spirit-lamp, the wick of which may "be regarded as a bundle of capillary tubes. If the cover of the lamp be taken off, all the spirit will pass up the wick and escape by evaporation. Or in an oil-lamp, the wick of which becomes readily saturated with the liquid, but never exhibits any overflow, on the lamp being kindled, the oil is burned off, and a cur- rent is at once established. I have shown that water will pass through a crevice, the width of which is less than one half of the millionth of an inch. Pores or Liquids pass crevices of such a dimension are invisible even with a micro- ^inut^crev 7 SCOpe. ices or pores. The evidence in proof of this is very readily obtained experimentally. Fig. 39. If -we take a convex lens, a, a, of Passage of water through a crertce. point of Contact, C, On looking down upon the arrangement, a black spot surrounded by a series of variously colored^oireentric circles, the appearance being well known among op- tical writers underlie name of Newton's colored rings. At the point of apparent contact, 0.80 I Fat containing phosphorus 3 Chloride of sodium 3.60 Chloride of potassium 0.36 Tribasic phosphate of soda 0.20 Salts ^ Carbonate of soda 0.84 Sulphate of soda 0.28 Phosphates of lime and magnesia 0.25 Oxide and phosphate of iron 0.50 Extract, salivary matter, urea, biliary coloring > - , ~ matter, accidental substances ) 1000.00 QUANTITY OF BLOOD. 113 Elementary Composition of dried Ox Blood. Carbon 519.50 Hydrogen 71.70 Nitrogen 150.70 Oxygen 213.90 Ashes 44.20 1000.00 This table leads to the hypothetical formula of the ultimate constitu- tion of blood: ' ^48 H 39 ^6 15 As to the quantity of blood in the circulation, it has been variously es- timated. It may perhaps be taken at one eighth of the weight Q uantit of of the body, a number which is agreed upon by several authors, blood in the and in support of which Lehmann mentions the following in- y " teresting observation: "My friend, E. Weber, determined, with my co- operation, the weights of two criminals before and after decapitation. The quantity of blood which escaped from the body was determined in the following manner : Water was injected into the vessels of the trunk and head until the fluid escaping from the veins had only a pale red or yel- low color. The quantity of blood remaining in the body was then calcu- lated by instituting a comparison between the solid residue of this pale red aqueous fluid and that of the blood which first escaped. By way of illus- tration, I subjoin the results yielded by one of the experiments. The living body of one of the criminals weighed 60, 140 grammes ; and the same body, after the decapitation, 54,600 grammes; consequently, 5540 grammes of blood had escaped. 28.560 grammes of this blood yielded 5.36 grammes of solid residue ; 60.5 grammes of sanguineous water collected after the injection contained 3.724 grammes of solid substances. 6050 grammes of the sanguineous water that returned from the veins were collected, and these contained 37.24 grammes of solid residue, which corresponds to 1980 grammes of blood; consequently, the body contained 7520 grammes of blood (5540 escaping in the act of decapitation, and 1980 remaining in the body) ; hence the weight of the whole blood was to that of the body nearly in the ratio of one to eight. The other experiment yielded a pre- cisely similar result." A short time after it has been drawn, the blood undergoes coagulation, and is then said to be composed of the serum and the clot. Spontaneous In this state it is sometimes spoken of as dead. The plasma seramand t0 of living blood differs from the serum of dead in containing clot, fibrin. The coagulation of the blood commences within about ten minutes after it has been drawn, and the clot undergoes a subsequent The coaguia- condensation during one or two days. To understand the tlon of blood - physical nature of this singular change, we may conveniently regard the H 114 COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. living blood as containing three leading constituents an albuminousjiq- uid, fibrin dissolved therein, and the cells. The coagulation arises from the tendency of the fibrin particles to agglutinate together. As this takes place, the cells are caught in the meshes of the network that arises, and a voluminous red clot is the result. So the serum of dead blood con- tains no fibrin, and differs from the plasma of living blood in that impor- tant particular. It has been observed that exposure to cold retards coagulation, as does likewise the absence of air, or covering the blood over with a film of oil. The condition of rest promotes it, as also does the presence of rough or angular bodies. Blood will yield up its fibrin readily when stirred with The buffy a stick. When, for any reason, the cells sink more rapidly than coat usual from the surface of the blood, the fibrin of the supernatant portion coagulates alone, giving rise to a stratum free from the red color, and designated the bufiy coat, and on the subsequent contraction, since there are no cells to hinder the fibrin, its parts upon this stratum are drawn more closely together, and the clot becomes cupped. By those who accept figurative expressions as an explanation of phys- Expianationof iological facts, the coagulation of the blood is said to be due coagulation, f j{ s d ea th ; some, however, have regarded it as an abortive attempt at organization, and therefore a manifestation of life. Such con- tradictory explanations lose much of their interest when we examine the facts of the case critically. I believe that nothing more takes place in blood which has been drawn into a cup than would have taken place had it remained in the body. In either case the fibrin would have equally coagulated. The entrapping of the cells is a mere accident. The hourly demand for fibrin amounts to 62 grains ; a simple arithmetical calculation will show that the entire mass of the blood would be exhausted of all the fibrin it contains in about four hours, so that the solidification of fibrin must be taking place at just as rapid a rate in the system as after it has been withdrawn. No clot forms in the blood-vessels, because the fibrin is picked out by the muscular tissues for their nourishment as fast as it is presented, nor would any clot form in a cup if we could by any means remove the fibrin granules as fast as they solidified. That blood-fibrin differs from muscle-fibrin in certain respects is to be admitted, but it does not follow that blood-fibrin is in a condition of ret- rograde metamorphosis. It may require modification before it can be received as the syntonin of muscles, but that such a conversion actually takes place I think there can be no doubt. In entering on a detailed examination of the constitution and func- tions of the blood, our attention will have to be directed, in the first place, to the cells. It is sufficient to arrest our thoughts at once when we learn that for every beat of the pulse nearly twenty millions of these SUCCESSIVE FORMS OF BLOOD-CELLS. 115 organisms die ! Physiology has its passing wonders as well as astron- omy. In the life of man there are three periods distinguished from each other by the nature or structure of the blood-cells. Those of the Successivc first period originate simultaneously with, or even previously races of blood- to, the heart. These are sometimes designated as embryo ^ cells, and in that view bear the same relation to those of the second pe- riod as do the lymph corpuscles to those of the third. They are color- less and spherical cells, containing granules of fatty material, and having a central nucleus. These are developed, by a process of internal deli- quescence, into cells of the second period, which have acquired a red col- or, and in oviparous vertebrates an elliptical form, though in man they are circular. They are flat or disc-like in shape, have a diameter of about 2-^-Q of an inch, with a central nucleus of half that size. Some- times they appear to undergo multiplication by division of the nucleus. These cells of the second period are replaced by those of the third, the transition being clearly connected with the production of lymph and chyle corpuscles. By the end of the second month of foetal existence the re- placement is complete, and the class of cells or discs that has now arisen is continued during life. The mode of their production, according to Mr. Paget, is this. The chyle or lymph corpuscle loses its granular aspect, and acquires a pale red color, which gradually deepens ; the corpuscle be- comes smooth, loses its spherical form, and, condensing, takes on a con- vex lenticular shape, and eventually a bi-concave. While this change of structure is going on, the specific gravity increases through the con- densation, and the development closes by the spherical, white, granular, lymph corpuscle becoming a red, bi-concave, non-nucleated, circular, small, and heavy blood disc. The cell of the first period is therefore spherical, white, and nucleated ; that of the second, red, disc-shaped, and nucleated ; that of the third, red, disc-shaped, bi-concave, and non-nucleated. The primordial cell advances in development to different points in dif- ferent orders of living beings. The blood of invertebrated Development animals contains coarse granule cells, which pass forward to ^th^atiS the condition of the fine granule cells, and reach the utmost series, perfection they are there to attain in the colorless nucleated cell of the first period of man. In oviparous vertebrated animals the development is carried a step farther, the red nucleated cell arising, and in them it stops at this, the second period. In mammals the third stage is reached in the red, non-nucleated disc, which is therefore the most perfect form. This perfect form of blood cell, as it occurs in man, may be described as presenting a flattened shape ; the bright spot, which is sometimes seen in the centre, arising from a refraction of light due to the form of the 116 CIECULAR AND ELLIPTIC CELLS. disc and not to a nucleus. The sac of each disc is elastic, so that it can Pro erties and ^ e swo ^ en ^7 water until it becomes convex or even globu- sizeoftheper- lar, or by immersion in thick sirup may be made to shrink, :el ' effects arising from the endosmotic infiltration or exudation through its wall. When passing through the fine capillaries in the course of the circulation, the cell, by reason of this elasticity, can make its way through very difficult passages, extending itself into a cylindroid form, or by bending, but it recovers its original shape as soon as relieved from pressure. The average diameter of the cell is estimated at 32 * OQ of Fig. 42. an incn the extremes being ^J^, and-^^i^. The thickness of the cell is about -12400 of an inch. The cell owes its color to ha3ma- tin, which exists in its interior in a state of solution, and associated with globulin. The facts mentioned in the preceding par- agraph are illustrated by the annexed en- graved photographs. Fig. 42 represents hu- man blood-ceils. Their form is circular : they have a central depression, but no nucleus. Fig. 43 represents the elliptic nucleated blood-cells of the frog, with here and there, Fig. 44 represents .the endosmotic action of Human blood-cells magnified 500 diam eters. at a a, chyle corpuscles. Fig. 43. Fig. 44. Elliptic blood-cells of frog magnified 250 diame- ters. Action of vrater on elliptic cells. water on these cells. Fig. 45, the action of acetic acid in darkening or concentrating the nucleus. In Fig. 46 we have an illustration of the size and appearance of the blood-cell in a reptile, the photograph from which this figure was taken having been made under the same magni- fying power as that employed in obtaining the photograph of human blood. FOEMS OF BLOOD-CELLS. 117 Fig. 45. Fig. 40. Action of acetic acid on elliptic cells. Reptile blood-cells magnified 500 diameters. The mammals in which the blood corpuscles are not round, but ellip- tic and bi-convex, are the camel, the dromedary, and the llama. In birds and amphibia they are oval. The difference in the shape and size of these cells is of the more importance, since observations and measure- ments by the microscope may lead us to a correct reference of a sample of blood to its origin when chemical analysis would afford us no assist- ance. It is not to be forgotten, however, that both in size and form a blood-cell undergoes changes according to unequal pressures Variations Q f exerted upon it, or to the physical circumstances under which the form of it is placed, liquid readily finding its way into its interior or blo ills ' exuding therefrom according to the laws of endosmosis, the elastic sac perfectly accommodating itself to these changes. As a consequence of these modifications, there will, of course, follow variations of specific grav- ity in the cell, differences in its tendency to sink in the plasma which surrounds it, and also differences in its tint of color. By Mr. Wharton Jones, the colored blood-disc of the mammalian is regarded as being homologous with the nucleus of the color- Human blood less corpuscle of the same blood, and it may therefore be disc is a ceii^- spoken of as a free cellseform nucleus, the cell itself having form nucleus - deliquesced or become disintegrated, and the nucleus, filled with globulin and coloring matter, remaining. The cell wall of the blood-cells is generally admitted to be fibrin, or some substance allied thereto ; but there has been much dif- Nature of the ference of opinion respecting the constitution of the nucleus cell walls and of those cells which possess it. By some, this also has been regarded as fibrin ; by others, as fat ; and by others, as a species of horn, to which the designation of nucleine has been given. The cell wall of the white corpuscles does not appear to be elastic. It is viscid, and hence these bodies, tend to agglutinate with one another : 118 COMPOSITION OF BLOOD-CELLS. in aspect it is granular. The contents appear to be an albuminous so- lution, in which, fine granules are' suspended. Though we have described the mesenteric glands as the original place of formation of the blood-cells, it is to be understood that these become perfected in the circulation of the blood ; and from what will be said respecting the function of the liver, it may be in- ferred that that gland is the seat of a most important change : there probably they receive their iron. That no special organ is exclusively charged with the duty of forming them appears from this, that the first form of blood-cells arises in the germinal area of the embryo when there is, as yet, no gland. Composition of Blood-cells. Water 688.00 Haematin (including iron) 16.75 Globulin and cell membrane 282.22 Fat 2.31 Extractive 2.60 Mineral substances 8.12 1000.00 Leaving the water out of consideration, the predominating ingredients of blood-cells are therefore globulin and ha3matin. The former is a sub- stance approaching, in properties, to casein, or perhaps intermediate be- tween casein and albumen. Its constituents, as determined by an ulti- mate analysis, are the same as in the case of those bodies. Ha3matin is distinguished by its red color. When isolated, it exhibits Changes of col- the changes of tint characteristic of arterialization in a doubt- or depending f u l manner. There are, however, many facts which lead to t^ C forn?oftne the supposition that the color of arterial and venous blood cells. does no t depend so much on a chemical change in the ha3ma- tin as on an alteration of the figure of the discs. The constitution of hasmatin is C 44 , H 22 , N 3 , O 6 , Fe. It exists under Properties of two forms, soluble and coagulated. It has hitherto been stud- hrcmatin. } e( j O11 }y i n the latter state, and is soluble in weak alcohol acidulated with sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, but not in water. Its solution is therefore precipitated by the addition of that liquid. In weak solutions of alkalies it readily dissolves. Formerly its characteristic red color was attributed to the iron it contains, but that metal may be en- tirely removed from it without changing its tint. The amount of iron it yields is about seven per cent. Ha3matin occurs in the blood-cells associated with globulin, and would seem to owe its origin to the action of the wall of the cell, if it be true that the red cells originate from the white ones. In this formation of ha3matin there are several reasons which lead us to infer that fat takes an essential share. COMPOSITION OF REMATIN. 119 Ultimate Analysis of flcematin. Carbon C53.47 Hydrogen 54.45 Nitrogen 103.9G Oxygen 118.81 Iron 69.31 1000.00 The remarkable feature in the composition of this "body is the large quantity of iron it contains. The percentage amount of this i ron in the metal in the blood of the foetus is much greater than in that of cells - the mother. After birth the proportion declines, but it rises again at puberty. These variations in the amount of the iron are, however, de- pendent on corresponding variations in the amount of cells. The importance of the remark, when we arrive at the study of the bile, justifies us in repeating that the iron of the blood belongs to the haematin of the cells, its percentage proportion varying with their condi- tion, and also with the region of the circulation from which they have been drawn. As derived from different animals, the cells present differ- ent quantities of this metal. Thus Schmidt found in 100 parts of dry blood-cells in man, 0.4348 ; in the ox, 0.509 ; in the pig, 0.448 ; and in the hen, 0.329. The crystalline substance of blood occurs under three dmercnt forms, in prisms, tetrahedra, and hexagonal tablets. In the pris- Cr stalline matic form it is derived from human blood, that of fishes, substance of and of some mammals ; in the tetrahedral form it is obtained blood ' Fin. 4i. Fig. 48. Human bK>ou-c;-ystals. Blood-crystals o:' Guinea-pig. from Guinea-pigs, rats, and mice; in the hexagonal' form, from squir- rels. Blood-crystals are of a red color, without smell or taste, losing their water of crystallization under exposure to the air, the different forms presenting different rates of solubility ; the tetrahedral being soluble 120 BLOOD-CRYSTALS. in 600 parts of water, the prismatic in 90 parts only; the solution in the former case being pinkish, that of the latter, dark red. They are also dissolved by acetic acid, the red prussiate of potash producing a pre- cipitate therefrom, as in the case of ^ other protein bodies. Chlorine de- colorizes their solutions and gives a white flaky precipitate. The crys- tals, when heated, swell, yield an odor like burnt horn, and, after com- bustion, leave a small quantity of Biood-crystais of squirrel. as h. From the difficulty of obtain- ing blood-crystals in a state of purity, their constitution is not known with absolute certainty. The ash which they yield consists of about 72 per cent, of oxide of iron, and 21 per cent, of phosphoric acid, the protein constituent being apparently identical with other protein bodies. The Mode of ob- crystals may be obtained for examination by covering a mi- taining blood- nute drop of blood with a glass slide, and, after adding water, alcohol, or ether, to permit a gradual evaporation to ensue. The amount thus produced depends very much upon the presence of light; thus Lehmann found that while he could only obtain two per cent, of crystals from the blood of the Guinea-pig in the dark, he could obtain more than seven per cent, in the sunlight. Lehmann believes that the crystalline substance is not a mixture of a pigment and a protein body, but a pure chemical compound, having either a salt-like or conjugated constitution. The color of the blood, as dependent upon the tint of its cells, is, ac- Coior of blood- cording to the views of Henle, connected to a considerable degree with the form of those organisms as they vary from a concave to a convex surface, and not with the state of the hsematin. When they are more concave they are of a crimson, when of a more convex, of a darker hue. Moreover, during these variations their investing membrane must necessarily change in thickness, and this likewise must alter their mode of transmitting light. Among the causes which can impress a change on the figure of the blood-cells ought particularly to be specified exposure to oxygen and carbonic acid respectively, the latter causing them to become more opaque in their centre, broader upon their edge, the cell distending ; an opposite effect ensuing under exposure to the former. In the case of the blood- cells of frogs exposed to oxygen, the long and short diameters both di- minish, and the wall becomes granular ; after exposure to carbonic acid they increase, the wall becoming pellucid. cells may de- pend on their form. NUMBER OF BLOOD-CELLS. 121 Constituted thus of an elastic sac filled with globulin and hsematin, the cells float in the plasma. They are nourished at its expense, and when they die, deliver up their contents Iby deliquescence to it. Accompany- ing them are the white corpuscles, from which new generations are to arise. It is usually stated that for every 50 red discs there The white is one white corpuscle. They may be readily discovered dur- cor P uscle s- ing the circulation by the microscope, many of them occupying the exte- rior of the current, as though they had a special relation to the soft tis- sues. It may perhaps be erroneous to regard these large white corpus- cles as the embryos of the red discs. Reasons could be assigned in sup- port of the doctrine that the same primitive germ going onward to devel- opment may, at a certain point, diverge in two directions ; if it passes through one, it will perfect itself as a white cell; if through the other, as a red disc. The proportional number of blood corpuscles in different animals va- ries considerably. Generally cold-blooded mammals present Number of cells fewer than warm-blooded ones, birds having more than quad- rupeds, and among these the carnivora more than the herbiv- ora. Of different domestic animals, the pig, the dog, the ox, the horse, the cat, the sheep, the goat, possess them in the order in which their names have been mentioned, the goat having only 86 to 145 in the pig. Their proportional number also varies in different regions of the circula- tion ; thus it is said that arterial blood contains fewer than venous, the portal blood fewer than the jugular, the hepatic more than the portal. It is not, however, to be overlooked, that in all these determinations the quantity of water which chances to be present controls the estimates, and that therefore, as thus offered, they are really of less interest than might at first sight be supposed. We have next to speak of the plasma. It may be described as a clear and slightly yellowish colored fluid, consisting, as all animal composition juices do, for the most part of water, holding in suspension or of plasma, solution albumen, fibrin, fats, and various mineral bodies, as the follow- ing analysis shows. Proximate Composition of the Plasma. Water 902.90 Albumen 78.84 Fibrin 4.05 Fat 1.72 Extractive 3.94 Mineral substances 8.55 1000.00 Of the water it may be remarked, that the usual percent- Water of the age estimate made of its quantity, as regards the entire blood, whole blood : is from 700 to 790 parts in 1000. Within these limits it is its variations - 122 VARIATIONS IN WATER, ALBUMEN, AND FIBRIN. liable to rapid variations, as dependent on the condition of thirst or the recent indulgence in drinks. It does not increase in proportion to the amount which has been imbibed, for the Malpighian bodies of the kidney, as will hereafter appear, strain it off with great rapidity. When the blood-vessels are distended to a certain degree, they refuse an entrance to it. The necessity of these provisions arises from the fact that there is a certain state of viscidity which the blood must possess for its proper cir- culation. Eespecting variations in the amount of water in the blood, it may be stated that that of women contains more water than that of men. Among different animals, the serum of the amphibia contains the largest quantity; and among mammals, that of the herbivora more than that of the car- nivora. Obtained from different vessels, the arterial has more than venous blood, but the serum of the portal vein contains more than that of any other vein, the proportion depending on the amount and time of the ingestion of water. The albumen varies in quantity from 60 to 70 in 1000. It is prob- Variations in a ^ v associated or combined with soda. It exists in the quantity of ai- blood of the splenic and hepatic veins as the neutral albumi- nate of soda. It does not appear to contain any phosphorus, as was at one time supposed. It is the plastic material from which all the soft tissues are nourished, and by it the cells themselves grow. Fibrin arises from it in the blood in the same manner as it does during the incubation of an egg ; every care is taken to economize it in the sys- tem, and it is never excreted except in disease. The quantity of albumen is greater in venous than in arterial blood, the proportion increasing during digestion. It also presents variations in different states of disease. Its condition varies in various parts of the circulation, a circumstance, to a considerable extent, due to the nature of the salts, or to the quantities of alkali with which it is associated. The fibrin is usually estimated at 2 or 3 parts in 1000 of blood. It Vari tions in mav ^1 as ^ ow as ^ or r ^ se as high a s 7 j. There is a con- the quantity of stant drain upon it for the nutrition of the muscular tissues ; and since it originates in the action of oxygen upon albu- men, we should expect, as is really the case, that arterial blood would be richer in it than venous. The portal blood contains it in minimum quan- tity. Its percentage rises if oxygen be inhaled, or the respiratory pro- cess be quickened ; for similar reasons, it uniformly increases in acute inflammations. The ultimate analyses of fibrin seem to show that it con- tains more oxygen than albumen, and this corresponds with its mode of origin. It is an important practical observation, that though it is easy to regulate the quantity of cells by variations of diet, the amount of fibrin can not so readily be changed in that manner, nor its development FIBKIN, FAT, AND SUGAR OF BLOOD. 123 checked by venesection. There is less fibrin in the blood of the camiv- ora than in that of the herbivora. It has been asserted, as was mentioned before, that there is so wide a difference between the fibrin of blood and muscular fibre, Fibrin is a his- that we can no longer regard the latter as arising from the togeneticbody. former, but must consider it merely as coagulated albumen ; and that, since the action of acetic acid upon it shows its relation to gelatine, it is probably more nearly related to the fibro-gelatinous than to the cellulo- albuminous tissues. But, although the fact that fibrin contains more oxygen than albumen seems to lend weight to such views, since oxida- tion appertains to the retrograde rather than to the ascending metamor- phosis, there are so many arguments in favor of the old doctrine, that I think it may be regarded as thus far unshaken. Moreover, it is now established beyond any doubt, that by nitrate of potash, and other salts, fibrin may be transmuted into a substance analogous to albumen. The fats vary very much in quantity at different times. The amount is usually stated at from 1.4 to 3.3 in 1000 of blood. After a meal the plasma may be actually milky, through the fat globules y ariationsin brought in by the chyle. We have already shown that the quantity of starch will give origin to fat, and oily substances can be ob- at ' tained from lactic acid itself. The nitrogenized bodies, during their de- struction, likewise yield them, and it is a normal function of the liver to effect the production of fat. The serum contains only an insignificant quantity of free fat ; but there is a large proportion of saponified fat in it, as well as the lipoids cholesterine and serolin. The view heretofore taken, that this class of substances is not histo- genetic, but only respiratory, requires to be modified. There Uses of the fats is reason to believe that the blood-cells themselves can not of blood - be formed except in presence of oil, which is also necessary to enable ni- trogenized bodies to assume the ferment action. The nuclei of cells con- tain fats, as do also embryonic structures generally. Cholesterine, or liver-fat, is not saponifiable. It appears as a product of disintegration, increasing in quantity during acute diseases. The proportion of this sub- stance increases after 40 years ; it also forms a principal ingredient in biliary concretions. Among the special constituents of certain portions of the venous blood not mentioned in the preceding tables, we ought not to over- ,., . . T? ,*I-I-IT Liver-sugar. look sugar, which exists as a constant ingredient of the blood contained in that part of the circulation intervening between the liver and . the lungs. This, which is known as liver-sugar, may have originated in the transmutation of cane-sugar, or from the metamorphosis of the mus- cular tissues. It is to be remarked that the blood contains no gelatine. 124 THE MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF BLOOD. Comparison of To the mineral substances in the cells and plasma of the constituents of Wood respectively, attention should be particularly directed, the cells and smce they indicate the functions of these portions. plasma. Mineral Constituents in 1000 Parts of the Blood. (Jells. Plasma. Chlorine 1 686 (\AA Sulphuric acid 066 O-I-IK Phosphoric acid 1 134 0101 Potassium 3 328 39$ Sodium 1 052 q 041 Oxvcren . 667 4-03 Phosphate of lime 114 n qi i Phosphate of magnesia 073 222 Iron excluded ****** 8.120 8.550 The amount of inorganic matter in the cells and plasma, respectively, of 1000 parts of blood being nearly the same, the table shows that there is more than twice as much chlorine, and more than three times as much sodium in the plasma as in the cells. It may thence be inferred that the chloride of sodium is, for the most part, in the plasma. Moreover, there is six times as much phosphorus, and more than ten times as much po- tassium, in the cells as in the plasma ; and therefore it may be inferred, since potash is required to so great an extent in the nutrition of the mus- cular system, and phosphorus as an element of the phosphorized oils in the nervous, that the cells have a direct functional relation to those im- portant mechanisms, and this in addition to their duty of introducing oxygen. The mineral constituents of the blood discharge very different duties, Functions of some, either directly or indirectly, acting functionally, others consTituenfsof as histogenetic bodies. Thus the alkaline properties of the the blood. blood are due to the presence of the carbonate and phosphate of soda, and this latter substance enables the serum to hold in solution carbonic acid, and thus it maintains a relation in the respiratory opera- tion. But the phosphate of lime discharges a true histogenetic function, since upon it the bony system depends for its nutrition. The mutual relations of these substances are, of course, very complex, though often of importance. Thus, of the two just mentioned, the phosphate of soda enables the serum to hold the phosphate of lime in solution. The tawny coloring matter of serum diifers from cholepyrrhin in not Coloring mat- yielding the characteristic reaction of that body. The tint ter of serum, sometimes becomes quite deep, owing to several different .causes, such as the undue accumulation of the coloring matter of urine, through disturbance of renal action, or from bile pigment, as in icterus. The gases which can be disengaged from the blood occur in the cells, according to Magnus, a statement which, however, is very far from being FUNCTIONS OF THE CONSTITUENTS OF BLOOD. 125 substantiated : they are carbonic acid, oxygen, and nitrogen. Gases of the He found that this liquid can absorb once and a half its vol- blood - ume of carbonic acid, and that in arterial blood the proportion of that acid to oxygen is as 16 to 6, in venous as 16 to 4. That the oxygen is very loosely retained is shown by the circumstance that it may for the most part be removed by exposure in a vacuum. The other gases may be withdrawn by a stream of hydrogen. At a temperature of 98, water absorbs scarcely one per cent, of its volume of oxygen gas, but the blood can take up from 10 to 13 times as much. This is accomplished by the coloring material. The amount is independent of variations in the pressure of the air, which would not be the case if the gas were received into the circulating fluid by mere solu- tion. This is the opinion of Liebig, by whom it is regarded as being to some extent substantiated by the fact that the respiration is accomplished with nearly the same result, so far as the absorption of oxygen is con- cerned, at considerable heights above and at the level of the sea, and that no more oxygen is received from an atmosphere very rich in that gas than from the ordinary air. However correct this view may be, the facts cited in its support are very far from being undeniable. The preceding chemical examination of the special constituents of the blood leads us next to consider the general functions of this liquid in the aggregate. In this general sense, the blood discharges the following offices. Its albumen has the duty of giving origin to all the plastic tis- General state sues of the system. From it, for example, by cell action, as ment of the explained in treating of lacteal absorption, fibrin arises theliiffkrent fibrin, which is used for the renovation and repair of the mus- constituents of cular tissues. The discs have a relation with the function of respiration; they obtain oxygen in the pulmonary circulation, and carry it through the system. They contribute, moreover, to the development of muscular fibre, and also nervous material, and this not alone as regards the coloring matter of those tissues. The fats are necessary in the pro- duction of fibrin and for the nuclei of cells ; but, besides these histoge- netic relations, they eventually, with the exception of liver-fat, undergo oxidation, and so minister to the support of a high temperature. Of the^ saline substances, common salt promotes digestion by aiding in the prep- aration of gastric and pancreatic juices ; the phosphate of soda enables the plasma to hold carbonic acid in solution, and carry it to the lungs. It is interesting to observe the limits of variation which the blood may present in disturbed or diseased conditions. In inflammations, the fibrin may increase fourfold ; in typhoid fevers it may diminish to less than one half, and from these variations special results may arise. Thus diminution of its fibrin disposes the blood to preternatural oozing or fa- 126 CHANGES IN THE CIRCULATION. cility of escape. So also the cells have been known, in cases of chloro- sis, to sink to one fifth of the healthy amount. The albumen, too, ex- hibits like variations. In Bright's disease it greatly diminishes, much of it escaping in the urine by the straining action of the kidneys. Thus constituted, the blood, by a mechanism to be described in the Chan es occur next cna P ter passes from the heart alternately to all parts ring during the of the system, and alternately to the cells of the lungs, giv- circuiation. -^ T ^ Q ^ Q what have been termed the greater and less cir- culation, or the systemic and the pulmonary. In the systemic circula- tion, the blood, which leaves the heart in an arterialized condition, or as- sociated with atmospheric oxygen, gives up that element to the various tissues as it pervades them, and accomplishes a double result: the re- moval of all those particles which, having discharged their duty and un- dergone partial or perfect interstitial death, are ready to pass away, and also the liberation of a great amount of heat by the destructive oxidation ; so, at the same time, the wasted matter is removed and advantage taken of it to raise the temperature of the body. This done, the blood makes its way back to the heart, following the channel of the veins as they suc- cessively converge into trunks that are larger and larger. At the mo- ment of surrendering its oxygen and receiving the various products of combustion, a change of color occursr The bright crimson turns to a deep blue, and the blood presents itself of that color at the heart. It now undergoes the less or pulmonary circulation. Leaving the heart, it passes over the air-cells of the lungs, and is there exposed to the aerating action of the atmosphere. From the interior of the cells the discs receive their supply of oxygen, the plasma surrendering up carbonic acid and the vapor of water. The color now changes back from the blue to the scarlet. In this condition it returns to the heart, to be dis- tributed in the systemic circulation once more. During this double round an incessant change is taking place in the Less obvious constitution of the'blood: it is undergoing a continuous met- but important amorphosis. In some respects, as, for instance, in color, this is obvious enough. But the invisible changes infinite- ly exceed in importance and amount those that are obvious to the eye. All the soft tissues, since they are wasting away, require repair. This, inasmuch as it is accomplished either directly or indirectly by the albumen of the blood, gives rise to a constant drain of that substance, and demands a constant supply, which is provided by nutrition or stom- ach digestion. The cells, which constitute the other chief portions of the blood, are Translation of necessai T * tne production of a high temperature, by con- oxygen by th stantly transferring oxygen from the cells of the lungs to cells. every part of the body ; carriers of oxygen they have been GRADUAL DESTRUCTION OP BLOOD-CELLS. 127 truly called. That this is one of their duties has been proved experi- mentally, for a solution of albumen or the serum has but little power of absorbing oxygen, scarcely exceeding water itself in that respect, but the discs condense it at once. The change of color they exhibit as they alternately gain or lose that element, is in itself a proof of this fact, as is also the action of serum or blood-discs respectively on a measured volume of air contained in a jar. If the discs be in the venous or pur- ple condition, they quickly absorb oxygen from the confined air, which therefore at once diminishes in amount, but the serum, or a solution of albumen, produces no such effect. The plasma serves, therefore, for the general nutrition of the system, and the discs, by transferring oxygen from point to point, discharge that part of their duty which is connect- ed with the production of heat. But the discs, though of a flattened form, are truly cells, and all that obtains in the case of cell life and cell action obtains for , Transitory du- them. They have not a duration at all comparable to the ration of the duration of the system, but are constantly coming into ex- cells * istence and disappearing. Each is an individual having its own partic- ular history, its time of birth, its time of maturity, its time of death. Each passes through a series of incidents proper to itself. Originating as has been described, they grow at the expense of the plasma, and in this regard it serves for their nutrition as well as for that of the body generally. On exposing blood-cells to oxygen and carbonic acid gases alternately, there is not only a change in their shape, which becomes corrugated and star-like, but also in their chemical constitution, so that, after such an exposure of nine or ten times, they are entirely destroyed. Such alter- nations occurring in the system doubtless lead to the same result, though more slowly, since the oxygen is presented in a diluted condition. The corrugated and star-like blood-cells abound in the blood of the portal, though not in that of the hepatic vein. If their aspect arises from their tendency to disintegration, this is no more ym than might be expected in view of the func- tions of the liver. That the stellated aspect is an indication of a commencing disorganiza- tion, or other profound change, may be illus- trated by an examination of the action of wa- ter on normal blood-cells, which, if they be exposed to that liquid, undergo a distention ; their thicknels increasing more rapidly than their diameter, they lose their concavity, be- come convex, and at last appear as spheres Stellated blollsagnified 500 Qf fl ^ ^ thaR ^ original to all parts of the system. It moves onward through lations. the capillaries, which may at once be considered as the term- inal ramifications of the arteries and the commencing tubelets of the veins. These, converging into larger and larger venous trunks, the sys- temic veins, deliver it into the ascending and descending vense cavas, from which it flows into the right auricle, and from thence into the right ven- tricle of the heart. From thence it is driven into the pulmonary artery, to be distributed to the lungs, and, coming therefrom along the pulmo- nary veins, reaches the left auricle, and from thence it gains the left ven- tricle, which was its starting-point. In the pulmonary veins, the left cavities of the heart, and in the sys- Dristribution of temic arteries, the blood is crimson. In the systemic veins, crimson and of the right cavities of the heart, and pulmonary artery and its branches, it is blue. The change from crimson to blue takes place in the systemic capillaries, and from blue to crimson in the pulmo- nary. The systemic, or greater circulation, is considered as beginning at the left ventricle and ending at the right auricle ; the pulmonary, or less circulation, begins at the right ventricle and ends at the left auri- cle. This double course is sometimes, among authors, illustrated by likening it to the figure 8, the upper loop representing the pulmonary, the lower the systemic circulation, and the heart placed at the nodal point. As has just been remarked, there are other subordinate circulations, The portal but of these only one need attract our attention at present it circulation. j s tne portal. This originates in a system of capillaries, the veins belonging to the digestive apparatus, which, converging rapidly to- gether, form a common trunk, the portal vein. This at once ramifies like an artery in the substance of the liver. From the resulting capilla- ries, the portal blood passes into the commencing capillaries of the hepat* ORIGIN OF THE HEART. 135 ic veins, which empty into the inferior vena cava, and so it reaches the general circulation. The physical peculiarity of the portal cir- culation is, that it commences in a capillary system, and ends in one, without the intervention of any central organ of impulse, or heart. At a very early period, comparative anatomists were struck with Portal circuia- the analogy between the portal circulation in man and the J^^j^t^fa* 1 systemic circulation of fishes, both being carried on in the fish, same way, that is, without a heart. In fishes, the heart is a branchial, respiratory, or pulmonary one. Their systemic circulation, or circula- tion of crimson blood, commences in the capillaries of the respiratory ap- paratus, the gills ; a convergence takes place into an aorta, which ramifies into systemic capillaries. So the great circulation in these tubes is ac- complished without any heart. It is scarcely necessary to point out the bearing of such a fact on the theories of the movement of the blood. In Fig. 54 is a diagram of the circulation of a fish ; a, is the auricle ; , the ventricle ; c, the branchial or pulmo- nary artery; , e, the branchial or pulmonary veins, bring- ing blood from d, the branchiae, and converging directly to /", the aorta, which distributes the systemic blood. This is collected into a vena cava, or an 7 re fl ex action arising from the cerebro-spinal motions of the system, but must be attributed to the organ itself, is proved by their continuance after its excision from the body, or even after it has been cut in pieces. Some have supposed that the minute sympathetic ganglia with which it is furnished are the source of the mo- tive power ; others are disposed to impute it to a self-contractile power of its muscular fibres, irrespective of any nervous agency. Of course, it is admitted by all that the brain and spinal cord can influence these movements, but such effects are superadded and not uniform. Of these opinions, we shall find many reasons for preferring the first when we come to the description of the nervous mechanism. It will be then seen that one of the prominent functions of nervous ganglia of a cer- tain order, and particularly the ganglia of the sympathetic, is the storing up of impressions they have received, and thus becoming reservoirs or magazines of force. The power thus engendered or contained in them is by no means always delivered out in totality at once, but it may be in small portions, at intervals, for a long time ; and doubtless in this way the minute sympathetic ganglia of the substance of the heart retain a power of keeping up the motions of that organ for a certain period of time, even though great lesions or morbid changes may have supervened. Such a mechanism recalls the manner in which chronometers are kept going during the short time that the action of the main-spring is taken off when the watch is wound up. 2d. The arteries are tubes consisting of different tunics or layers va- Description of rioTisly numbered by anatomists, but which may be suffi- the arteries. ciently described as, 1st. The exterior tunic, containing fibres generally running lengthwise, connective and elastic tissue : it is of about the same thickness as the tunic below ; 2d. The middle tunic, character- ized by being composed of non-striated muscular fibres circularly ar- ranged ; 3d. The interior tunic, which is thin, and consists of a cellular or epithelial layer, smooth and polished, to permit of the ready passage of the blood. The elasticity of the arteries enables them to sustain the sudden action of the heart by distending to a certain degree as the blood is driven into them, and by their gradual collapse when the ventricles cease their pres- sure, the jetting or intermitting flow is converted eventually into a con- tinuous stream. The mechanical influence of the heart is thus decom- posed into two portions : one, which is of momentary duration, or, at all events, lasting only so long as the ventricle contracts ; and a second, which is occupied in distending the elastic arterial tube; but this por- tion is not lost to the circulation, since the tube, as it contracts, yields it back again to the blood. The momentary impulse of the heart is thus spread over a considerable duration without loss. ACTION OF THE AKTERIES. 141. The muscularity of the arteries is shown by their contraction on ex- posure, their subsequent dilatation being due to their elasticity, this con- tractile property being continued for some time after death. It is also proved by the great diminution of diameter which arteries exhibit when under the influence of an electric current. The quantity of muscular and elastic tissue in different arterial tubes is usually in an inverse pro- portion. In the great arteries the elastic tissue abounds, in the smaller the muscular increases. By their muscular coat the quantity of blood in these tubes can, within certain limits, be regulated. At each injection of blood into it an artery distends. It then con- tracts, and thus gives origin to a pulsation. Its increase is Action of the both in diameter and length, the tendency being to lift it at arteries. each pulsation. The distention does not occur at the same instant in all these tubes, but those nearest to the heart yield first, and the more distant a little later. There is therefore what may be termed a wave of distention passing throughout the length of each arterial tube, and an- other actual wave in the blood itself. These pass onward at different rates of speed. The interval of wave-motion from the heart to the wrist is about one seventh of a second. Of course this wave-motion is to be distinguished from the absolute movement of the blood, which is much slower. In the carotid artery the flow of the blood is about one foot in one second. A pressure or impact, communicated to a liquid in a long tube, is transmitted to the more distant end with vastly more rapidity than the liquid itself could flow through the same distance. Thus, if we were to suppose a very long metal tube to be filled completely with water, its two ends having been tightly closed by tying pieces of bladder over them, the tap of a finger on one of the pieces of bladder would be almost instantly felt by a finger laid on the other. Indeed, it has been pro- posed to establish telegraphic communication on this principle, though such attempts would prove abortive from the interference of collateral circumstances. This example may serve, however, to illustrate the es- sential difference between the flow of a liquid in a tube and the passage of a pulsation through such a liquid contained in such a tube. The capillaries may be regarded as tubular continuations of the arte- ries and the commencement of the veins. They ramify , . J .. J The capillaries. through the organic structures. They are of pretty uniform diameter, and may therefore be looked upon as cylinders. Their usual size is about -g-^-Q of an inch ; their mode of distribution varies with the structure and functions of the part they occur in : thus, in muscles they run parallel ; in the papillas they are looped. They consist essentially of a delicate structureless membrane, analo- gous to cell membrane, and the sarcolemma of voluntary muscles. It 142 THE CAPILLAEIES. possesses a certain degree of elasticity, and presents here and there cell nuclei. Fig. 61. Fig. 62. Capillary distribution to mucous membrane of stomach. Capillary distribution to villi of duodenum. Fig. 63. The interspaces between adjacent capillaries vary much in size and Size of inter- shape, the latter variation being dependent on the mode of spaces. distribution, whether parallel, reticulated, looped, &c. ; as to size, in the liver the interspaces are of less diameter than the capillaries, in the choroid coat still smaller, but in the cellular coat of the arteries they are ten times larger than the vessels. These interstitial spaces are nourished by the matter which exudes through the thin walls of the cap- illaries. Fig. 63 represents the capillary circula- tion in the web of the frog's foot : a, venous trunk ; , #, branches of venous trunk ; c, c, pigment cells. The elliptical blood- discs are seen in outline in the interior of the ves- sels. The blood flows through the capilla- ries in an uninterrupt- ed stream, its jetting motion being entirely lost. The rate of cir- culation through the Capillary circulation of frog's foot. SVStemic Capillaries is STRUCTURE OF THE VEINS. 143 taken at three inches per minute, that through the pulmo- Motion of the nary being five times as quick, the length of the capillary tube blood in the to be passed -^ of an inch, so that the passage from the ar- ca P lllanes - tery to the vein may be accomplished in less than one second. It is to be remarked, however, that all parts of the cylindrical stream do not move with equal rapidity. Those parts which are nearest to the wall of the vessel are spoken of as the still layer, from their tardy movement. It is in this that the white corpuscles may be seen. fig. 64. Fig. 64 shows a portion of a small vessel from a frog's foot: 162 MOVEMENTS OF EESPIEATIOX. also from front to back. In men, this effect* takes place more particular- ly through the movements of the lower ribs, and this form of respiration is therefore sometimes called the inferior-costal ; but in women the upper jibs are more movable, the dilatation of the chest is there greater, and the respiration therefore designated as the superior -costal. In these movements of the ribs, and especially in violent respiration, many mus- cles are involved. In the reverse act, that is, in expiration, or the expulsion of air through the trachea, the floor of the chest is raised. The diaphragm, when it contracted, made pressure upon the viscera of the abdomen, and forced the muscular walls of that cavity outward ; but, as soon as the diaphragm relaxes, the abdominal muscles contract, and thus an antagonizing force is originated which tends to expel the air. In this the elasticity of the lungs and of the walls of the thorax itself affords a great assistance. Owing to Jhis elasticity, the muscular exertion required for the introduc- tion of the air greatly exceeds that required for its expulsion. In tranquil respiration, we may regard the changing of the air to be accomplished by the alternate depression and elevation of the diaphrag- matic floor of the chest. On an average, this takes place 1 7 times in a minute, and in an adult of the standard size we may assume that 17 cubic inches of air are introduced at each inspiration. Of every five breaths one is usually deeper than the other four. The statement often made, that five pulsations correspond to one respiration, must be received with a certain restriction. In pneumonia, the respirations may be to the pulsations as 1 to 2 ; in typhoid fevers, as 1 to 8 ; and even in a state of health there may be considerable variations. By muscular movements, which thus call into action atmospheric pres- sure, the air is drawn, but not forced, into the respiratory apparatus. Considering, however, the solid contents of the lungs, which can not be taken at less than 200 cubic inches, it is clear that the amount is not more than sufficient to fill the nasal passages, the trachea, and the larger ramifications of the bronchial tubes. Lying nearest to the outlet, it would be the first to be expelled by the act of expiration. There could be no exchange of the fresh for the foul air, unless some additional means were employed for accomplishing its transference from the larger ramifi- cations of the bronchial tubes to the remotest air-cells. 2d. The transference of fresh air to the cells is accomplished by re- sorting to two different principles, the diffusion of free gases into one an- other, and muscular contraction. An estimate of the relative share which each of these takes is arrived Effect of gase- at by an examination of the absolute velocity with which Us^oforganic S ases diffuse into one another. The statement that gases muscle fibres, act as vacua to each other has led to some very erroneous PASSAGE OF OXYGEN TO THE BLOOD. 163 conclusions. It has "been taken for granted that the actual diffusion is very rapid, perhaps approaching to the velocity with which gases rush into a void. But I have shown* that this is altogether a misconception, and that the transit of fresh air from the bronchi, exchanging with foul air from the cells, if conducted on that principle alone, would require a period greatly beyond the time occupied for one respiratory act, which is about three seconds and a half. To an additional agent we must therefore look for a complete explana- tion, and this, I think, is presented in the circular organic fibres of the bronchial tubes and cells. It has long been understood that these pos- sess the power of varying the capacity of the tubes. With this agency in view, this second stage of the process is accom- plished as follows : The carbonic acid, vapor of water, and excess of ni- trogen, if any, that have accumulated in the cells belonging to any given bronchial tree, are expelled therefrom by the muscular contraction of the circular organic fibres, and are delivered into the larger bronchial tubes, in which diffusion at once takes place with the air just introduced. As soon as the expiration is completed, relaxation of the muscular fibres oc- curs, and the passages and cells dilating, both through their own elastic- ity and the exhaustive effect arising from the simultaneous contraction of other bronchial trees, fresh air is drawn into them, the alternate expulsion and introduction being accomplished by muscular contraction and elas- ticity, the different bronchial trees coming into action at different periods of time, some being contracting while others are dilating. 3d. The third stage is the passage of oxygen from the cells to the blood: it is through the wall of the cell, the wall of the blood-vessel, Passage of ox- and the sac of the blood disc. The carbonic acid issues from gen thr u s h the membranes the plasma, and passes through the wall of the blood-vessel to the blood. and the wall of the cell. Many physiologists have supposed that this exchange of oxygen for carbonic acid takes place on the principle of diffusion. On Exchan e of the authority of Valentin and Brunner, it has been asserted carbonic acid that the proportional exchange actually observed is 1174 of oxygen for 1000 of carbonic acid, these being the theoretical quantities under the law of diffusion ; but there is no difficulty in proving that this is a physical impossibility, for the exchange is not merely that of oxy- gen and carbonic acid; it is much more complicated. The lungs regu- late the quantity of free nitrogen in the system, and there is a constant escape of the vapor of water. These bodies, moreover, are not present- ed in the gaseous state, but in that of liquid solution ; and the wall of the cell, of the pulmonary capillary, and of the blood disc, by their con- densing action, totally disturb the conditions of diffusion. * American Journal of Med. Sciences, April, 1852. 164 ESCAPE OF CARBONIC ACID FROM THE BLOOD. If an aqueous film, not more than three eighths of a millionth of an inch in thickness, can completely disturb the law of diffusion by the condens- ing action it exerts on carbonic acid and oxygen, what may be expected from the moist walls of the air-cells and pulmonary artery, which con- jointly must be more than a thousand times as thick ? From these complications, it is not possible to assign any definite ratio as expressing the gaseous exchange between the interior of the cells and the blood, for, so far from this being a case of exchange between two gas- es without any obstruction intervening, the condition under which alone the law of diffusion applies, the nitrogen is doubtless in a state of solu- tion in the blood, the steam in the liquid condition of water ; and re- specting the carbonic acid, nothing certain is known whether it be in so- lution or chemically combined. Perhaps it is united with soda in the blood as a bi-carbonate. From this latter substance hydrogen gas will expel one half of its carbonic acid, and in like manner a stream of hy- drogen gas passed through blood deprived of its fibrin removes carbonic acid. Upon such principles it has been supposed that atmospheric oxy- gen removes carbonic acid from the blood during respiration, just as would a stream of hydrogen rernove half the acid from a solution of bi-carbon- ate of soda. The generation of carbonic acid in the system is commonly localized Place of the ^y referring it to the soft tissues. But, though doubtless generation of much originates in this way, as is illustrated by the case of Cld ' insects, in which the air is carried directly to the parenchyma of the organs without the intervention of any proper oxidizing blood, there can be no doubt that in man, as in all the higher tribes, a very large proportion is generated in the blood itself. If there were no other reason to bring us to this conclusion, it would be sufficient to recall that ultimate oxidation by no means occurs at 6nce, but that the various wasted products pass from stage to stage in their retrograde career. Thus, between the syntonin of muscular fibre and the urea of the urine, many steps or stages intervene, and that much of these changes is ac- complished in the blood itself is demonstrated by what occurs in the use of excesses of starch, albumen, or gelatine in the food. Such sub- stances, finding access through the absorbents in a modified form, but not wanted for the repair of any part, are dismissed without ever entering into the composition of any organ, by the lungs or the kidneys as prod- ucts of oxidation or derivatives thereof. The act of respiration in man is therefore accomplished in the follow- Generai state- ing way. The air, introduced by atmospheric pressure, process of res- brought into play by the action of the diaphragm and other piration. respiratory muscles, fills the nasal passages, the trachea, and larger ramifications of the bronchial tubes. Between it and the gas GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE KESPIEATOEY ACT. 165 coming from the pulmonary vesicles, diffusion steadily takes place, tend- ing to remove the cell gas into the atmosphere; but this gas is not brought from the vesicles by diffusion alone, which could not act with sufficient speed, but by the contraction of the circular organic muscles of the bronchial tubelets and of the cells, the different bronchial trees not acting simultaneously, but successively. As soon as contraction is over, the tubes expand by their elasticity, and the air is drawn into the cells, each bronchial tree, by its contraction, aiding the expansion of the adja- cent ones. The lungs are therefore not altogether passive during respi- ration, as is sometimes said. The exchange between the gas in the cells and that in the blood does not take place through simple diffusion, or in quantities proportional to the diffusion volumes of oxygen and carbonic acid. It is a complex diffusion, in which the disturbances arise from the gases in the blood being either dissolved or combined, and through sev- eral intervening membranes, that of the air-cells, that of the pulmonary artery, and that of the blood disc, all of which exert a condensing action, of the result of which it is impossible to furnish any numerical estimate. The process ends by the expulsion of the foul air which has accumulated in the larger bronchi and trachea, by the diminution which takes place in the capacity of the chest during expiration, occasioned by the contrac- tion of the expiratory muscles, the elasticity of the walls of the chest, and of the lungs themselves. Such is the arrangement by which fresh air is constantly presented to the blood, and the gases and vapors exhaling from it are removed. The degree of exhaustion occurring in the chest scarcely justifies the ex- pression sometimes used, "a tendency to a vacuum," since it is rarely more than competent to raise water a single inch. This may be readily proved by dipping a glass tube, open at both ends, and half an inch in diameter, into a cup of water, and placing the projecting extremity be- tween the lips, taking care to keep the muscles of the mouth at complete rest. It will then be seen that at each inspiration the water rises about an inch, and at each expiration is depressed to a similar extent. Its movements indicate the degree of rarefaction or compression occurring in the chest. It has been found convenient to consider the gaseous contents of the lungs under several different titles : 1st. The residual air is Divisions of that portion which can not be removed by the most power- content, e( of S tiie fill expiration ; 2d. The supplemental air remains after tran- lungs. quil respiration, but can be removed at will ; 3d. The breathing or tidal air is that portion which changes by tranquil inspiration and expiration ; 4th. The complemental air is that which can be inhaled by the deepest inspiration, over and above that introduced by ordinary breathing. These are terms introduced by Mr. Jeffreys. 166 VOLUME AND CHANGES OF THE GAS. "The amount of air that can be expelled by the deepest expiration Connection be- after the fullest inspiration" bears a singular relation to the tiIn e and Pira ~ hei S lli of the individual, as was discovered by Dr. Hutch- height, inson. " For every inch of stature from five to six feet, eight additional cubic inches of air at 60 Fahr. may be thus given out." The quantity of air which can be thus expelled for the stature of five feet one inch is 174 cubic inches, and for six feet, 262. It is independent of the absolute capacity of the chest. The diurnal amount of air introduced into the lungs has been variously Volun- and estimated from 226 to 399 cubic feet. A part, from 4 to 6 changes of the per cent., of the oxygen thus introduced disappears in the respired gas. J U ngs, anc i the expired air is charged with from 3 to 5 per cent, of carbonic acid. But that nothing analogous to combustion occurs in those organs is proved by their temperature, which is not higher than that of other parts of the system. Moreover, carbonic acid can be with- drawn from venous blood in a Torricellian vacuum, and still better by agitating the blood with such gases as hydrogen and nitrogen, proving that that gas pre-exists in the venous blood before its entiy into the lungs, and is not formed in those organs, unless, indeed, it exists as a bi- carbonate, as already mentioned. The quantity of carbonic acid thus disengaged is less than the quantity of oxygen absorbed, because much of the latter is consumed in the production of sulphuric and phosphoric acids, which escape in the urinary secretion, as indeed does a large quan- tity of carbonic acid itself. The experiments of Vierordt show that the expiration, in a state of Vierordt's rest, contains 4.334 per cent, of carbonic acid; that, as the experiments, number of respirations per minute increases, the percentage amount of carbonic acid diminishes ; and that for every expiration, with- out reference to its duration, there is a constant amount of carbonic acid, namely, 2.5 per cent., to which we must add a second value, expressing the quantity of carbonic acid, and which is exactly proportional to the duration of the respiration, as is shown in the following table. Eespirations per minute. Percentage of carbonic acid. Constants. Augmentation of the percentage of the carbonic acid for the duration of the respiration. 6 12 24 48 96 5.7 4.1 3.3 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.2 1.6 0.8 0.4 0.2 Vierordt also estimates that, for the entire removal of the carbonic acid from the blood, more than three hundred respiratory acts per minute would be required. To some extent, the depth of the respiration will compensate for want of frequency. Thus he shows that in an expiration of double the usual volume, the quantity of carbonic acid removed is RATIO OF INSPIRED AND EXPIRED OXYGEN. 167 nearly equal to that which would be exhaled by respirations of three times the normal frequency, and on examining a single respiration, he demonstrates what, however, would obviously be foreseen from a consid- eration of the circumstances of the case, that the last portions of the ex- piration are the richest in carbonic acid. Thus the first half of a respi- ration contained only 3.72 per cent, of carbonic acid, the last half 5.44 per cent.. With respect to the ratio between the quantity of oxygen inspired and that contained in the expired carbonic acid, a variation will K at i ooflhein be observed, depending on many conditions, as, for example, spired and ex- on the nature of the food. Thus, with a carbohydrate, the pired oxygen ' quantity of oxygen in the carbonic acid will always be less than that in- spired, a portion being employed in the destruction of the systemic nitro- genized material which is undergoing decay. This destruction of nitro- genized material is not sufficient for the support of animal heat, and hence either carbohydrates introduced by 'the food, or fat already exist- ing in the system, must be resorted to for the purpose of making up the deficiency. With such variations in the requirements of the system, and variations in the nature of the food, the ratio of the oxygen intro- duced to that in the carbonic acid removed must also vary. For the perfect oxidation of the different elements of food, very differ- ent quantities of oxygen are required ; thus, for the oxidation of 100 parts of fat, it would require 292.14 of oxygen; for that of starch, 118.52; for that of muscle, 147.04. For reasons to be considered when we treat of the production of heat, the quantity of carbonic acid disengaged varies with external Variations in circumstances. When the weather is cold it is greater than the respired when it is warm. Thus at 68 there is twice as much lib- air ' erated as at 106. It increases during exercise and after eating, but diminishes during sleep. More is set free by men than by women ; it also varies with age, the proportion rising from eight years to thirty, re- maining stationary to forty, and then declining. It changes with the frequency of the respirations. The total quantity of carbon daily re- moved by respiration may be estimated at eight ounces. Besides the carbonic acid removed, a large quantity of water is ex- creted by the lungs, for the expired air may be regarded as Water removed saturated, or containing the maximum quantity of water for in espiration. 94. For the vaporization of this water much heat is consumed, as is likewise the case for the warming of the introduced air, which, no mat- ter wha"t the external temperature may have been, is brought to that of the lungs. With respect to the absolute amount of air expired, and also the quan- tity of water removed by the lungs, some experiments have recently been 168 QUANTITY OF AIR AND WATER. made by my son, Dr. J. C. l)raper ; the principle upon which they were Quantit of air con( lucted may be thus briefly stated. The air from the expired per lungs, which has a dew-point of 94, was passed by a wide tube through a metallic condenser kept at 32, care being taken to have as little obstruction as possible to its egress. The weight of the water collected in the condenser furnished the means of calculating, by a simple formula, the quantity of air which had been expired, for the vapor, leaving the respiratory passages at 94, and that leaving the con- denser at 32, were at their maximum densities. Computations exe- cuted upon data obtained on this principle furnish the following, among other interesting results : 1. On making sixteen respirations in the minute, and continuing the experiment for twenty minutes, the average of five different series of ex- periments gives 622 cubic inches of air expired each minute. 2. On making six respirations in a minute, and continuing the trial for twenty minutes, the average of three series of experiments gives 511 cubic inches for the air expired each minute. 3. On making thirty-three respirations in a minute, and continuing the experiment for twenty minutes, the average amount of air is 1077 cubic inches for the air expired in each minute. On comparing these three statements, it appears that, the first repre- senting normal, the second very slow, the third very quick respiration, the absolute amount of air removed from the lungs is directly proportion- al to the number of respiratory acts in a given period of time, and this notwithstanding such variations in the depth of the inspirations as un- der such circumstances are likely to occur. With respect to the quantity of water removed from the lungs, he also shows, Quantit of wa ^' 1^ ia *' at an atmospheric temperature of 55, the dew- ter exhaled per point being 49, the number of expirations sixteen per minute, the quantity of water removed per minute is 4.416 grains. 5. The other conditions remaining the same, but the respirations re- duced to six per minute, the amount of water removed per minute is 3.586 grains. 6. The other conditions remaining as before, but the number of res- pirations increased to thirty-three per minute, the amount of water re- moved p'er minute is 7.560 grains. From these statements it therefore appears that the quantity of water removed from the blood by respiration increases- with the frequency of the respiratory acts, and this notwithstanding variations which, under such circumstances, must take place in their depth. Theoretically, it is also obvious that the absolute amount thus expired is dependent on the existing dew-point of the air. In the general table, given on page 15, EFFECT OF RESPIRATION ON THE BLOOD. 169 the amount of water is calculated from Seguin's experiments, but it ap- pears from these results, which are obtained by a much more accurate process, that the number there given is undoubtedly too high. The time of exposure of the blood to the air is only a second or two. The color changes, as has been described before, from blue to crimson, and the temperature rises a degree or two, as is shown by an examina- tion of the left cavities of the heart. The water thus removed is not pure, but contains animal matter in a state of decay. Though we have treated of the act of respiration as consisting of two separate and consecutive stages, inspiration and expiration, Respiration is in reality it proceeds continuously. At the respiratory sur- face, which is the wall of the air-cell, the passage of oxygen ing. inward, and of carbonic acid and steam outward, takes place in a steady and unvarying manner. The periodicity under which it has been conven- ient to speak of this function concerns only the introduction and removal of gases from the large air-ways. Considering, therefore, the continuous loss of water which the venous blood brought by the pulmonary arterial branches undergoes, Effect of respi- it must give rise necessarily to a greater density in the blood on the left side as compared with that of the right side of blood, the heart. The total quantity of blood passing through the lungs in one minute is 225 ounces, and the loss of water from this in the same time can not be more than 7 grains. This, therefore, shows that the actual loss of water by the blood during its passage over the air-cells is about 15 ^ QO part, a quantity which is altogether inappreciable, so far as its in- fluence on the specific gravity is concerned, and showing us that the ob- servations which some experimenters have made on this point, with a view of demonstrating an increased spissitude, density, or cohesiveness of the blood on the left side of the heart, from the giving up of its water as it passed through the respiratory organ, are either exaggerated or af- fected by some deceptive cause. The introduction of an irrespirable gas into the lungs, or the prevention of the access of the atmosphere, brings the circulation of the Effect of the in- blood to a stop ; for that movement depends, as I have shown, on the aeration taking place in the pulmonary capillaries. In gases. such cases there will be an engorgement of the right heart and vessels arising therefrom, but, if the stoppage has not lasted too long, the current may be re-established by re-establishing the respiration. Death com- monly ensues on an exclusion of the air for five minutes, and, in cases of drowning, it is rare for restoration to be effected if the immersion has lasted more than four. In the respiration of protoxide of nitrogen, a gas which is an energetic supporter of combustion, and acting more powerfully on the animal sys- Fig. 81. 170 EXPERIMENTS OF REGNAULT AND EEISET. Effect of rot tem wnen res pi re( l tnan even oxygen itself, on account of its oxide of nitro- ready condensibility by pressure, or by membranes, and sol- ubility in water, the circulation is greatly quickened at first, and a state of exhilaration ensues ; but this is soon followed by a con- dition of depression, or even of coma, for the quantity of carbonic acid produced in the system is now so great that the lungs are wholly inade- quate to effect its removal, and all the symptoms of poisoning by car- bonic acid come on. Zimmerman found that a rabbit exhaled 12 J grains of carbonic acid per hour when breathing atmospheric air, but that the quantity rose at once to 20 grains per hour when it was caused to breathe protoxide of nitrogen. But by far the most complete and important series of experi- Summary of ments yet made in regard to the relations of the aerial me- Regnauit's and dium and the respiring animal is that of MM. Eegnault and iments or; res- Reiset, published in the Annales de Chimie, Juillet, 1849, of piration. which, since it may be taken as a model of physiological in- vestigation, a brief abstract is here given. The apparatus they employed is represented in Fig. 81. It possesses the great advantage over all experimental arrange- ments heretofore employ- ed in permitting an ani- mal to be kept even for many days in a limited volume of air, but under such circumstances that Experiments on respiration. that ail* WaS Constantly kept at its normal composition by the automatic motions of the instru- ment itself: oxygen being thus furnished as it was required, and car- bonic acid removed. The arrangement consists of three parts : 1st, a chamber or bell, Z, for inclosing the animal, surrounded by a jar filled with water, the tempera- ture of which could be ascertained by a thermometer, L In the interior of the bell was a platform perforated with holes, by the aid of which the 'excretions could be collected. On one side, at^>, was a pressure gauge, connected with the bell by a tube, and showing the condition of conden- sation or rarefaction of the included atmosphere. 2d. At the same side, the bell communicated, by means of India-rubber tubes, m, n, with two cylindric vessels, q, r, filled with a solution of caustic potassa, and which were driven by the aid of powerful clock-work in such a way that the one alternately rose and the other descended, the flexible tube s permit- EXPEEIMENTS OF EEGNAULT AND EEISET. 171 ting this motion. The result of this was that a portion of the air of the bell was alternately drawn into each of the cylindric vessels, its carbon- ic acid removed by the potash, and then it was returned ; so, as fast as the animal produced that gas by breathing, the potash removed it, giving rise, therefore, to a tendency to a certain amount of rarefaction in the air of the bell ; but, 3d, on the opposite side of the bell were placed three receptacles, e, e', e", filled with pure oxygen gas, which flowed into the bell through the tubes fh, fh, f'h, to compensate for that rarefaction, coming in by a bubble at a time through the little potash flask i, the oxygen being pressed out of the reservoirs by a solution of chloride of calcium descending through a stop-cock, c, from a reservoir, b b', kept at a constant level in the usual manner by the flasks a, a', a". As fast as one receptacle was exhausted, the pressure tube was successively con- nected with the others, and so the supply kept up. Attached to the stand supporting the animal was a eudiometer, o, which enabled a small quantity of air to be withdrawn from the bell at any moment for the purpose of analytical examination. For other details of this apparatus, and the particulars of its method of use, reference may be made to the original memoir itself. It is sufficient for the present purpose to under- stand that an animal could be kept in the interior of this bell for several days without showing any signs of discomfort, pure oxygen being sup- plied to it, and the carbonic acid produced by breathing removed by the play of the machine itself. The following is an abstract of the results obtained : 1st. Hot-blooded animals, mammalia and birds, under their ordinary diet, always disengage a little nitrogen by respiration, the Hot blooded amount varying from less than y-J-^- to jfe of the weight of animals on an the oxygen they consume. 2d. When these animals are fasting, they often absorb nitrogen in pro- portions similar to the preceding. In like manner, an absorp- The same tion of nitrogen was observed after starving the animal, and then fasting. submitting him to a diet very different from his ordinary one, and also during sickness. 3d. The ratio between the quantity of oxygen contained in the car- bonic acid and the quantity consumed depends more on the Influence of nature of the food than on the class to which the animal be- food and fast- longs, being, when the animals are starving, the same as it is ing * when they are fed upon meat, or perhaps a trifle less. From this the interesting conclusion may be drawn that a starving animal furnishes to the air of respiration his own substance, which is of course of the same nature as the flesh he eats when dieted on meat. All hot-blooded ani- mals present, when they are starving, the respiration of carnivora. The ratio for the same animal varies from 0.62 to 1.04, according to the na- ture of the diet. 172 EXPEEIMENTS OF REGNAULT AND EEISET. 4th. In fowls, submitted to their usual diet of grain, there is often Respiration more oxygen in the carbonic acid disengaged than was furnished of birds. j n f nc a i r }^y respiration. The surplus of course comes from the food. 5th. The quantity of oxygen consumed in a given time varies with f the state of digestion, motion, and other circumstances. Com- motion, age, pared together, the consumption is greater among the young than among adults, greater among those that are lean but in good health than among those that are fat. 6th. If we take an equal weight of the animals under examination, the influence of quantity of oxygen varies much with their absolute size ; the size of ani- thus it is ten times greater among little birds, such as spar- rows and green-finches, than among common fowls. This is owing to the fact that, since these different species have the same tem- perature, and the little ones present relatively a greater surface to the ambient air, they must consume relatively more oxygen to keep up their heat to the standard degree. 7th. Hibernating animals, such as marmots, when perfectly awake, ex- Res iration of ^ibit no peculiarity, but when fast asleep often absorb nitro- hibemating gen. The ratio of the oxygen contained in the carbonic acid to that inspired is very low, scarcely amounting to 0.4, the missing oxygen escaping in the compounds of the urinary secretion ; but since this removal takes place only periodically, the sleeping marmot exhibits the remarkable phenomenon of increasing in weight by respira- tion alone. 8th. The consumption of oxygen by sleeping marmots is very small, scarcely -^ of what they require when awake. At the moment they awaken from their lethargy, their respiration becomes extremely active, and during the period of their awakening they consume much more oxy- gen than when they are completely awake. Their temperature rises rap- idly, and their members gradually lose their stiffened state. While tor- pid they can remain without difficulty in an atmosphere which would suffocate them in a few moments if awake. 9th. Cold-blooded animals, for an equal weight, consume much less Res iration of ox yg en * nan hot-blooded. Frogs with their lungs cut out cold-blooded continue to breathe with nearly the same activity as before, often living for several days, the proportions of the gases absorbed and disengaged differing little from what is observed in the case of uninjured frogs. This shows that their respiration can be con- ducted by the skin. The respiration of earthworms is the same as that of frogs, as regards the quantity of oxygen consumed, when they are com- pared under an equal weight. 10th. The respiration of insects, such as May-bugs and silk-worms, NERVES OF RESPIRATION. 173 is much more active than that of reptiles. Under an equal Respiration of weight they consume nearly as much oxygen as mammalia : insects - the comparative lowness of their temperature is due to the relatively great surface and moist exterior they present to the air. It is to be re- marked that we are here comparing the respiration of insects with that of mammalia whose weights may lie from 2000 to 10,000 times as great. llth. The respiration of animals of different classes, in an air con- taining two or three times as much oxygen as the atmos- Effect of in- phere, does not differ from existing respiration ; indeed, the creasin s tj 6 animals do not appear to perceive that they are in a medium ygen. different from the ordinary atmosphere. 12th. The respiration of animals in a medium in which, for the most part, hydrogen replaces the nitrogen of our atmosphere, scarcely differs from existing respiration ; only there is remarked a greater consumption of oxygen, due perhaps to the necessity of compensating for the increased cooling arising from the contact of hydrogen gas. The introduction of air into the system is, to a certain extent, auto- matic, and, to a certain extent, dependent on the will. In tranquil res- piration we are wholly unconscious of the motion ; the ex- Nerves in citing impression is made on the pneumogastric nerves, and, voived in re& being conveyed to the respiratory ganglion, the medulla ob- piratlon - longata, is there so reflected that through the agency of the phrenic nerve motion takes place in the diaphragm. The automatic, and therefore un- conscious movement, to a certain extent, occurs in that way. But there is no doubt that the brain also participates in the function. No other evidence of this is required than that we can " hold the breath," and the relative share that the voluntary and automatic mechanisms take is illus- trated by the circumstance that this holding of the breath can only be persisted in for a certain time, when the necessity for respiring becomes altogether uncontrollable. It is not, however, to be supposed that so important a condition as that of the introduction of the air is only slenderly provided for. Many other nerves, besides those mentioned, take part in it directly or indi- rectly ; the fifth pair, the nerves of the general surface, and also the great sympathetic, the intercostals, the spinal accessory, which probably gives its motor property to the pneumogastric. Opinion has differed respect- ing the cause which produces the necessary impression on the receiving nerves, some referring it to the presence of venous blood in the capilla- ries of tke lungs, and some to the carbonic acid in the cells. Moreover, there is reason to believe that the presence of an abnormal amount of venous blood in the respiratory ganglions will of itself give rise to res- piratory movements through the proper centrifugal nerves. 174 RESULTS OF RESPIRATION. The control possessed by the will over the introduction of air stands Respiration in a close relation to the production of articulate or other tar^and^art- soun ^ s an ^ therefore to intercommunication between indi- ly automatic, viduals by speech. This involves not merely a general con- trol alone, but also a particular one, which is reached by regulating the movements of the glottis by the agency of the superior and inferior laryn- geal nerves. But though the will for these important purposes exercises so marked a power of regulation, it is to be looked upon as superadded or incidental, and during sleep, coma, and that larger portion of life which is spent in total inattention to the carrying on of this function, it is dis- charged in a purely automatic way. The mechanism which accomplishes the surprising results of respira- Results of res- tion may therefore well challenge our admiration. As a piration. self-acting or automatic contrivance, over which we have not a necessary control, it originates in a single year nearly nine millions of separate motions of breathing. It never fatigues us ; indeed, we are never conscious of its action. In the same time, a hundred thousand cubic feet of air have been introduced and expelled, and more than thir- ty-five hundred tons of blood have been aerated. In a future page we shall have to present the wonderful mechanism by which aerial currents, as they pass in and out of the respiratory apparatus, are incidentally em- ployed as a means of producing musical notes or articulate sounds, and of thus establishing a relation and communication between different in- dividuals. By these the feelings and thoughts are diffused, and in a mechanical origin commence those bonds which hold society together. ANIMAL HEAT. 175 CHAPTER X. OF ANIMAL HEAT. Participation of Organic Forms in external Variations of Temperature. Mechanism for counter* balancing these Variations. Development of Heat in Plants at Germination and Inflorescence. Its Cause is Oxidation. Connection of Respiration and Heat. Temperature of Man. His Power of Resistance. The diurnal Variations of Heat. Connection of these Variations with organic Periodicities. Annual Variations of Heat. Control over them by Food, Clothing, and Shelter. Source of Animal Heat. Effect of Variations in the Food and in the respired Me- dium, both as respects its Nature and Rarefaction. Hybernation. Starvation. Artificial Re- duction of Temperature by Blood-letting. Principles of Reduction of Temperature. Radia- tion. Contact. Evaporation. Their Balance with the Heating Processes. Local Varia- tions eliminated by the Circulation. Control by the Nervous System. Its physical Nature. Allotropism of Organic Bodies. OWING to the earth's diurnal rotation on its axis, and its annual move- ment of translation round the sun in an orbit inclined to the , 7 . Variations of equator, variations of temperature arise, the vicissitudes of external tem- summer and winter, day and night. perature. In these variations all objects upon the surface of the planet partici- pate ; organic forms are no exception. As the heat of the medium in which they live ascends or descends, theirs follows it at a rate depend- ent on their conductibility. Like mineral substances, the more lowly forms of life submit to these changes. They have no provision for check or compensation. Organic forms In summer, the temperature of the stem of a tree rises with- t^ ^-^. 111 out any restraint; in winter it declines; and, should the tions. point be reached at which those nutritive changes that give motion to the sap cease, nothing is done to arrest the descent, and the whole organism passes into a state of torpor, hybernation, or temporary death. Now, since this following of atmospheric temperatures must take place in every organism as well as in every mineral body, the con- Compensating struction of one having a uniform mode of existence in all climates and all seasons implies a resort to some subsidiary tribes. mechanism, which, though it may not check, may yet compensate for these vicissitudes. Accordingly, so nearly is this equalization accom- plished in the highly-developed tribes, and a standard temperature so nearly attained for them, that many physiologists, misled by imperfect observations, have concluded that such living beings are emancipated by nature from the operation of physical laws : an erroneous conclusion, for in them that action is only concealed. 176 THE HEAT OF PLANTS. In different races, the mechanism by which these variations of atmos- pheric temperature are balanced acts with different degrees of perfection, d hot ^ n ^ s a subdivision has been founded, and animals classi- Mooded ani- fied as the cold and hot blooded. We are not, however, to mals - attach much importance to such an arrangement : it is rather imaginary than founded on any real distinction. In man, the tempera- ture is near 100 ; in fishes, it is about that of the water in w^hich they live. Insects, in their larva and pupa condition, are cold-blooded; in their perfect condition, hot. We have now to explain what physical principles are resorted to in solving the problem of maintaining an organic form at a constant tem- perature in a medium the heat of which is variable ; and as we may reasonably anticipate that these principles are the same in every tribe of life, it will facilitate our investigations to commence with the simplest cases first. There are two periods in the life of a plant during which it simulates Two periods of the functions of an animal in ^maintaining a temperature heat in plants, higher than that of the surrounding air. These periods are, 1st, at the germination of the seed ; 2d, during the functional activity of the flower. If a mass of seeds be laid together, as in the making of malt, the op- Heat of germ- eration being conducted at a gentle temperature, and with the ination. access of atmospheric air, oxygen disappears, carbonic acid is set free, and the temperature rises forty or fifty degrees. A process of oxidation must therefore have been carried into effect, and to it we trace the heat disengaged, for carbon can not produce carbonic acid without a rise of temperature ensuing. The loss of weight which a seed exhibits is therefore due to its loss of carbon, and the whole effect is explained in the statement that atmospheric oxygen has united with a portion of car- bon contained in the seed, producing carbonic acid gas and an evolution of heat. Again, during flowering, the same action is repeated. The flower re- Heat of inflo- moves from the surrounding air a portion of the oxygen it rescence. contains, and replaces it with carbonic acid, the temperature rising, as accurate experiments have proved, in absolute correspondence with the quantity of oxygen consumed. Nor is this elevation insignifi- cant. A mass of flowers has been observed to raise the thermometer from 66 to 121. If thus the disengagement of warmth is the result of oxidation, it must Oxidation the depend on the presence of air, and be regulated by the rapidity e^vation^of 6 wit ^ which oxygen can be supplied. As we pass from the temperature, consideration of plants to that of animals, we discover that the production of heat must be connected with the power and precision with CONNECTION OF RESPIKAT10N AND HEAT. 177 which the respiratory apparatus works, for it is through its agency that air is introduced. Extensive observation accordingly establishes a close cor- respondence in each animal tribe between the quantity of heat produced and the capability of respiratory apparatus. The lower tribes breathe sfbw- ly and are cold. Earthworms are only a degree or two warmer than the ground ; and even among vertebrates, fishes are only two or three degrees warmer than the water, a lowness of temperature in a great ^measure de- pending on the high cooling agencies which that liquid ex- Connection of erts, its specific heat, and the facility with which currents are respiration and established in it. However, even in these cases the produc- L tion of heat depends on the power of the respiratory engine. The bonito can keep its heat 20 above that of the sea, and the narwhal maintains a steady temperature at 96. The organic operations involved in nutrition, and also the retrograde changes of decay, can only go on at their accustomed rates so invariability long as standard limits of temperature are observed. The of organic ac- , . m-f T T " OT implies a proper progress of the actions of life implies a corresponding definite tem- adjustment of heat, and this irrespective of the mere size of P erature - the animal. Even those that are microscopic must come under this rule. When the temperature of a liquid containing infusorials is caused to de- scend to the freezing point gradually, the last portions which solidify are those which surround each of these little forms ; a drop is kept liquid by the heat they disengage. In the same individual, the absolute tempera- ture will depend on its respiratory condition ; thus insects, in passing through each of their stages of metamorphosis, present a definite condi- tion as to their heat: the larva of the bee may be only two degrees above the air, while the perfect insect is 10. Whatever accelerates the in- troduction and expulsion of the air, increases the warmth; Variations of so a bee shaken in a bottle, and kept in a state of constant ^0^0* d muscular exertion, will raise the temperature contained there- tion. in far higher than if he remains inactive. Among insects, those having the largest organs of respiration have always the highest temperature ; and, since muscular motion implies destruction of muscular tissue by ox- idation, and therefore development of heat, we should expect to find, as is actually the case, that animals possessing the highest powers of loco- motion will possess also the highest temperature. Of all, therefore, birds, the endurance and energy of whose powers of flight result from the per- fection of their respiratory mechanism, have the highest temperature. It is about 110. Yet even here there are differences : the sluggish barn- door fowl has not the heat of the energetic swallow. The standard temperature of man is usually stated to be 98, but from this mean it ranges within certain limits upward and down. Temperature Much depends on the state of the health; of course, every thing of man - M 178 DIUENAL VAEIATIONS OF HEAT. on the respiration. In fevers it will rise to 105 ; in tetanus it may reach 110; the contrary in asthma, when it may sink to 82, owing to imper- fect access of air ; in cyanosis to 77, owing to imperfect aeration of the blood ; in Asiatic cholera to 75, owing to the non-reception of oxygen by the cells in their diseased state. It also varies with the period of life : in the new-born infant it is 100 ; it presently sinks to 99, and rises during childhood to 102. Mental exercise in the adult increases it, bodily exertion still more. The special degree varies with the point on which the observation is made : the limbs are colder than the trunk, and this is the more marked as the point is more remote. On the leg the temperature may be 93 ; on the sole of the foot, 90 ; while that of the viscera is 101. In his residence in different climates, man is exposed to variations of Resistance of temperature which extend over a scale of 200. Toward 1 anHrTtT ex" ^ P* GS ^ co ^ ^ winter ^ s ^ ten 60 ; in the tropics tremes of tem- the heat of summer +130. For a short period his power of perature. resistance is greatly beyond what these numbers would in- dicate; he can enter with impunity an oven heated to 600, provided the air is dry. In these cases, though excessive evaporation from the skin moderates the effect and keeps it within bounds, there is always a mark- ed rise of temperature of the whole body. In a corresponding manner, exposure to cold produces depression, as shown in Dr. Davy's observa- tions. At 92 of the air, a thermometer under the tongue stood at 100 J ; at 73 it stood at 99 ; at. 60 it stood at 97J . Among these variations there is one class which calls for critical at- Diurnal varia- t ent i n - I* ^ the diurnal variation ; less marked in man, tion in the heat who instinctively makes provision against it, but well shown in the case of fasting animals. This illustrates, in an inter- esting manner, the controlling influence of external conditions ; for if ex- posure to a high temperature, as that of an oven, compels a ^rise of the heat of the whole body, in spite of the conservative arrangements, and exposure to extreme cold compels a descent, we ought to expect that ex- posure to more moderate degrees would, in like manner, produce an im- pression. The old astrologers were therefore not altogether wrong when they af- firmed the doctrine of planetary influences. The diurnal temperatures of a locality, as dependent on the position of the sun, are expressed in the system of man. The minimum of heat for the night, and the max- imum for the day, find a correspondence in the decline of animal temper- ature at the former, and its rise at the latter period. The experiments of M. Chossat on birds submitted to absolute starvation showed that, though in their normal state, at the commencement, the variation between midnight and noon was only 1J, it gradually increased to 6, until at CALORIFIC INFLUENCE OF FOOD. 179 last, the generation of heat wholly ceasing, the temperature gave way rapidly just previous to death. If, therefore, it was possible for life to continue without the evolution of animal heat, it would be with the body as it is with the stem of a tree. It would follow the thermometric variations in the air, the maxima of heat and cold being somewhat later than the aerial ones, and within nar- rower limits, by reason of the low conducting power. The nearest ap- proach to this is in cases of absolute starvation, and though in man the effect is masked by the due taking of food, it none the less exists. In human communities there is some reason beyond mere cus- influence of torn which has led to the mode of distributing the daily meals. A savage may dispatch his gluttonous repast, and ature. then starve for want of food ; but the more delicate constitution of the civilized man demands a perfect adjustment of the supply to the wants of the system, and that not only as respects the kind, but also the time. It seems to be against our instinct to commence the morning with a heavy meal. We break fast, as it is significantly termed, but we do no more, postponing the taking of the chief supply until dinner, at the middle or after part of the day. If men were only guided by views of economy of time saved for the pursuits of business, or if, on this occasion, they put in practice the rule they observe on so many others, of never postponing the gratification of their desires, the first affair of the morn- ing would have been an abundant repast. But against this something within us revolts, and that in all classes, the laboring, the intellectual, the idle. I think there are many, reasons for supposing, when we recall the time which must elapse between the taking of food and the comple- tion of respiratory digestion, that this distribution of meals is not so much a matter of custom as an instinctive preparation for the systemic rise and fall of temperature attending on the maxima and minima of daily heat. The light breakfast has a preparatory reference to noonday, the solid dinner to midnight. Once more I would remark, that we must not be deceived by the masked aspect which the system in this matter presents, connection of Its diurnal variations are concealed by agencies brought variations of . . , iL L-ut j. heat with or- specially into operation for that purpose, but they exist in gan i c p er iodi- the physical necessities of the case ; and herein, I believe, cities - we have a first glimpse of the cause of those periodicities, which physi- cians from the earliest times have remarked ; for, though the nervous system, both in a state of health and disease, may seem to be their ori- gin, it is not impossible that its changes are connected with variations thus taking place in the external world. We have next to consider the effect of the annual varia- Annual varia- tions of temperature, which reach their maximum soon after tions of heat - 180 EFFECT OF ANNUAL VARIATIONS OF HEAT. mid-summer and their minimum soon after mid- winter, the manner in which the system comports itself under them, and the means which in- stinct and experience teach us to employ in providing against them. The tables of mortality show that there is a loss of life at the annual imu rnax i mum an d minimum of temperature which greatly ex- ai variations ceeds the average of any other period. In England and Bel- gium, where the mean temperature of the summer months is moderate, this is not so strikingly marked for those months, and the chief loss falls upon the winter ; but in New York, which has a summer cor- responding to that of the south of Europe and a winter like that of the north, the effect of these extremes becomes so obvious as even to be popularly connected with the position of the thermometer above or below 55. Among infants and the aged, whose controlling powers over tem- perature are imperfect, these effects are most distinctly witnessed ; but among healthy adults, and even in Europe, we can detect them on crit- ical examination. Thus, in Brussels, the monthly mortality for January being taken as 105, that for July is 91, for August 96, and for October 93 ; and it is to be recollected that these are the residual traces of the operation of cold and heat after all the precautions have been used to ward them off. I might make here the same remark that was made when considering diurnal variations, that the true effect is so masked and concealed that we are liable to undervalue it, and do not properly appre- ciate this tax put upon the system. These annual variations of external temperature are chiefly combated Control over ty food, clothing, and shelter. The dietetic changes we make annual varia- between winter and summer are founded upon the principle tions by food, - ' . , .-ri ./ - i - 1* j -11 clothing, shel- of using more combustible food for the former, and less com- bustible for the latter season ; and, since the calorific ef- fect of an article of food greatly depends on the quantity of oxidizable hydrogen it contains, the winter diet has more of that element than the .summer. Partly thus by varying the nature, and partly by varying the quantity of the food, we can effect a compensation to a certain extent. Of the manner in which the diet-compensation is aided by variations in clothing little needs to be said. The experiments of Count Eumford established the fact that the conductibility of summer clothing is greater than that of winter, and therefore its resistance to the escape of heat is less. It is sufficient merely to allude to the control which is gained by difference of thickness in the garments, and by their amount or quan- tity. We instinctively make these adjustments to meet the existing ex- igencies, and, as far as may be, in this manner aim at a medium effect. The check upon external temperature by the use of clothing was doubt- less one of the first contrivances of the human race. Even of savage life it is a cardinal feature. The check by adjustment of diet belongs to a IMPERFECTIONS OF SHELTER. 181 civilized state, since it implies a certain control over the animal appetite and personal self-denial. Though great improvements in both of these will doubtless hereafter be made, when the principles of their operation -are more generally and better understood, they must, even in their pres- ent condition, be regarded as having reached a higher perfection than the check by resorting to shelter. The art of constructing dwelling-houses may be said to be yet in its infancy in all parts of the world, E . . and yet in no particular is the physical condition of females perfections of and children, and especially of the sick, more nearly touched. shelter - It is only within our own times that attention has been drawn to the proper methods for the admission of warmth, and air, and light ; the hy- gienic influences of furniture and decoration are unknown, beyond, per- haps, a popular impression that it is unhealthy to be in a recently-paint- ed apartment, inexpedient to sleep in a chamber where there are flowers, and unpleasant in summer to have a carpet on the floor, because it looks warm, and is thought to generate dust. The owner of a palace, on which wealth has been fruitlessly lavished, finds, on a cold day, that he can not obtain from his parlor fire the necessary warmth unless by alternate- ly turning round and round. The testy valetudinarian sits in his easy- chair, tormented by drafts coming in from every quarter. In his vain attempts to stop the offending crevices, it never occurs to him that his chimney is a great exhausting machine, which is drawing the air out of the room, and that his means of warming and ventilation are the most miserable that could be resorted to, since radiation can warm only one side of a thing at a time, and fresh air under those conditions can only be introduced by drafts. To warm rooms by contrivances such as the open fire-place or stove is obviously unphilosophical, since the effect of these is to ex- of artificial haust the air of the apartment. The modern method of warm- warmth, ing by furnaces, which act by throwing air duly moistened and of the right temperature into the rooms, and therefore by condensation, is clear- ly a better system, since it not only puts an end to all drafts, the tendency being to force air out through every crevice instead of drawing it in, but it possesses the inappreciable advantages of giving uniformity of warmth, a perfect control over the degree of heat, and likewise over the nature of the air, which need not be drawn from the cellar, or the con- taminated impurity of the street, but by suitable flues from the free and clear air above. Ventilating contrivances which can cheaply and effectu- ally force a supply of artificially cooled air in the summer, and warm air in the winter, into dwelling-houses, are still a great desideratum. By the aid of diet, clothing, and shelter, we are able to effect an almost complete compensation for the changes of diurnal and annual temper- atures, and even to occupy any climate of the globe. It is the manage- 182 EFFECT OF COMBUSTIBLE ALIMENT. ment of caloric which makes man what he is, and constitutes his special prerogative ; his degree of skill therein is the measure of his civilization. The distribution of plants and animals, or, rather, their limitation within fixed boundaries, depends on the distribution of heat, but from these re- straints man is free, because he can control temperatures. From these considerations of the effect of external heat on the human mechanism, we return to a more critical examination of the modes by which heat is generated, and its degree regulated in the body. In every instance we assert that the production of animal heat is due Source of ani- to oxidation taking place in the economy, and giving rise to mal heat. carbonic acid, water, and other collateral products. It is not necessary to attach any weight to the experiments of Dulong, which seem- ed to indicate that not more than four fifths of the heat actually pro- duced could be owing to the oxidation of carbon, nor to those of a like kind of Despretz. The method they resorted to for the measurement of the disengaged heat was open to error ; the numbers they employed as representing the combustion heats were incorrect ; nor did they make any allowance for other substances, such as sulphur and phosphorus, which are simultaneously oxidizing, and the products of their combustion escap- ing by the kidneys. Eeduced to its ultimate conditions, the evolution of animal heat de- Effect of more pends on the reaction taking place between the air intro- aiSient^w^ai- ^ uce ^ ^7 respiration and the food, and as either one or other cohoi. of these is touched, the result may be predicted. If, for ex- ample, into the digestive canal alcoholic preparations be introduced, they are absorbed, by reason of their liquid condition and diffusibility, with readiness. The combustibility of alcohol, and the amount of heat it yields, are so great, that the primary effect of the oxidation which ensues is a warmth or feverish sensation. By reason of the changes which are now taking place so actively in it, the blood circulates with unwonted rapidity, and the supply to the brain increasing, that organ exhibits an unusual functional activity. But this display of intellection is only tem- porary, and an opposite condition soon comes on, for, more carbonic acid accumulating in the blood than the lungs can get rid of, the depressing effects of that body commence, and eventually the symptoms of poison- ing by it ensue. Not unlike this is the train of effects which arise when, instead of va- Effectofamore rying the nature of the article ingested, we vary that of the porter of respi- & as respired. An energetic supporter of combustion, like the ration than air. protoxide of nitrogen, gives rise to a feverish glow, cerebral activity, to be followed eventually by a deep depression, the poisonous influence of the carbonic acid produced being exhibited. After a while the system casts it off, and recovers its condition of health completely. EFFECT OF RAREFIED AIR. 183 If there be an abstinence from food, since the introduction of air by respiration goes on without abatement, the body itself must A starvin undergo oxidation, lose weight, and emaciation occur. Its imai dies of tendency to follow the diurnal variations of temperature be- c come more and more strikingly marked as the process of starvation goes on, and finally a rapid and unchecked decline of the heat ensues. Yet even then life may be preserved by the application of sufficient external warmth, and from an extreme condition of attenuation an animal may be rescued by the use of food ; but for such a recovery the external warmth must be continued until there has been time for digestion and absorption to take place. If, however, such an extraneous aid be not duly applied, the temperature of the starving animal goes on diminishing, and he dies of cold. The doctrine we are here inculcating, that animal heat is due to oxida- tion in the system, is still further strikingly illustrated by Effectofre . what might be termed starving the respiration. As cold is spiring rarefied felt from want of food, so also it is from want of air. In as- air ' cending high mountains, the effect upon the system has been graphically expressed as " a cold to the marrow of the bones ;" a difficulty of making muscular exertion is experienced ; the strongest man can scarcely take a few steps without resting; the operations of the brain are interfered with ; there is a propensity to sleep. The explanation of all this is very clear. In the accustomed volume of air received at each inspiration, there is a less quantity of oxygen in proportion as the altitude gained is higher. Fires can scarce be made to burn on such mountain-tops ; the air is too thin and rare to support them ; and so those combustions, which should go on at a measured rate in the interior of the body, are greatly re- duced in intensity, and hence the sense of a penetrating cold. Such journeys, moreover, illustrate how completely the action of the muscular system, and also of the brain, is dependent on the introduction of air ; and under the opposite condition of things, where men descend in diving- bells, though surrounded by the chilly influences of the water, they ex- perience no corresponding sensation of cold, because they are breathing a compressed and condensed atmosphere. The respiratory apparatus of certain animals permits a reduction in the amount of air introduced under exposure to a due degree of _,, . fo Phenomena of cold. Such animals are said to hybernate. At the com- hybemating ing on of winter their adipose tissues are engorged with fat. animals - As they pass into their annual sleep, the rate of their respiration falls. The marmot, which in activity will make 140 respirations in a minute, makes now but 3 or 4; the temperature of the body descends, and combus- tion of the store of fat goes on more slowly. Yet it does go on, for, toward spring, the animal has become very lean ; sufficient heat is disengaged to 184 COOLING AGENCIES. permit the blood slowly to circulate, and so "barely to keep up the func- tions of life. If, however, the stock of material available for combustion is insufficient, the animal dies. Although we can not interfere with the rate of respiration, we can Reduction of affect the quantity of air introduced into the system by arti- temperatureby c i a l means, as in the operation of blood-letting ; for though, blood-letting ' r and in morbid alter Diooa nas been drawn, we may make the normal mini- states. k er of respirations, 17 in a minute, and for each introduce 17 cubic inches of air, we have diminished the number of discs, which are the carriers of oxygen ; and, as the experience of physicians in all times has shown, there is no method so effectual in reducing any unusual or febrile temperature. So, in like manner, in Asiatic cholera, the marble coldness which the body presents is attributable to the loss of function of the discs, and the consequent abatement in the quantity of oxygen in- troduced. Thus far we have considered the means which the animal mechanism ,, , . ' possesses for raising its own temperature ; it remains to show reducing the how it can also regulate it. For any thing that has thus far are * been said to the contrary, the combustions or oxidations which are continually going forward should establish a constant rise, and there must therefore be some principle of restraining such a rise within due bounds. Considering also the incessant vicissitudes of atmospheric temperature, a constant degree could not be maintained unless the sys- tem possessed the means of depressing as well as elevating its heat. That the means of regulating the heat are purely physical, we should Effect of cov- expect for many very obvious reasons. Economy of heat is s'ecte^onduct- a ccomplished by non-conducting material. On this princi- ibiiity. pie, hair, wool, and feathers act by excluding the contact of the atmosphere, their low conductibility being brought into operation. In many cases, the manner in which this is done is clearly intentional. Thus the down which is placed on the breast of a water-fowl is to screen off the chilling influence of the water, which is there chiefly felt as the bird swims on the surface. The deposits of fat in whales, their blubber, at once affords a protection through its imperfect conductibility, and is also a store of combustible material for the purpose of respiration. The chief cooling agencies in animals are, 1st. Radiation ; 2d. Loss General cool- f neat by warming the expired air ; 3d. Loss by contact of ing agencies, the cold external air ; 4th. Evaporation. The circulation of the blood tends to establish an interior equalization, so that local varia- tions are soon obliterated ; for, through whatever part the blood may flow, it attains the temperature thereof, and, passing in succession from part to part, equalizes the heat of all. It would be useless to offer any proof that a living being, like an in- COOLING AGENCIES. ' 185 organic mass, loses or gains heat, as the case may be, by radi- ~. 3 . ,_ 11 Of radiation, ation. bince, however, in man, the temperature is usually higher than that of the surrounding medium, the result of this action is that cooling takes place. With regard to loss of heat by warming the expired air, it may be observed that, whatever the temperature of the ex- ternal air may be, it is raised to that of the lungs after it has been brought into the respiratory passages. This constitutes, therefore, a cooling agency of variable power, for the loss will be greater as the external heat is lower : if the atmospheric temperature rose to 98, loss in this manner would cease. Becalling what has been said respecting the mode in which air is introduced, it is plain that this loss will chiefly fall Heat given to upon the nasal passages, the trachea, and larger ramifications the expired air. of the bronchial tubes ; for, by the time the volume inspired has made its way beyond that limit, its temperature must be nearly that of the body. The contact of the cold surrounding air, and more particular- contact of the ly of currents which may be occurring in it, act chiefly upon surrounding the skin, and it is in preventing this loss that clothing be- comes so efficient. The difference we so frequently notice between the indications of the thermometer and our own sensations are, for the most part, dependent on these currents. A temperature of 50 below zero can be sustained without much inconvenience if the air is perfectly calm, but not so if there is any wind. Of all the cooling agencies, evaporation is, however, by far the most energetic. From the skin and Coolino . b the air cavities, large quantities of the vapor of water are ex- evaporation of haled. As the external heat rises, the sudoriparous tubes act* water< with increased energy, and pour out their excretion as drops of sweat faster than it can be removed. Their length has been estimated at 28 miles. Since, at the temperature of the body, the heat of elasticity of the vapor of water is 1114, this continued vaporization from the skin and lungs is one of the most powerful sources of refrigeration. It may be well to direct a closer attention to the special action of the air passages and skin as concerned in these cooling process- Variabilit in es. The diurnal loss of water, by both organs conjointly, is the action of usually estimated at 3 Ibs., of which the pulmonary exha- theskin - lation constitutes about one third, and the cutaneous about two thirds. The skin acts in a variable manner, losing more or less water as the ex- ternal air is dryer or more damp. The removal of water therefore be- comes a complex operation, in which three different organs are concerned the skin, the lungs, and the kidneys. Of these, the skin acts meteoro- logically and variably, as has been just remarked, and the respiratory or- gans for the most part uniformly. But since it is requisite, in the nor- mal operations of the system, that the diurnal average of water should be removed, the variable action of the skin throws a variable action upon 186 ' BALANCE BETWEEN HEATING AND COOLING. v< . the kidneys, for the excess that the skin can not evaporate tionofthekid- must be strained off Iby these organs. In this regard the kidneys act, therefore, vicariously for the skin ; and in hot weather, when the cutaneous losses are great, but little urine is discharged ; but in cold weather, when the cutaneous loss is diminished, the quantity of the urine is increased. I think, however, that as regards the respiratory organs, a distinction should be made in their mode of action. In reality, they Evaporation in J ' > the air pas- operate in a double way. 1st. They act, so far as the nasal passages, the trachea, and larger ramifications of the bron- chial tubes are concerned, meteorologically, and therefore variably, for the introduced air possesses the existing atmospheric temperature ; is at one time warm, and at another cold ; yet, since it always leaves these passages at 94, it removes from their surfaces sometimes less and some- times more heat ; but it is not so with the action going on in the air- cells, the temperature of which, and of the air they contain, is always uniform ; and as water vaporizes into them, it must always do it at a uni- form rate, and remove as its caloric of elasticity a uniform amount of heat. I therefore decompose the loss of heat by the respiratory organs into two portions : one, which is constant, and taking place in the cells ; the other, variable, occurring in the large air-ways, and, being meteoro- logical, coincides in this respect with the cutaneous loss. In consider- ing the diseases of the respiratory organs, it is well to keep this distinc- tion in mind. The establishment of the equilibrium of temperature in an animal is Balance be- effected* by the mutual operation of the heating and cooling ingandkooMng arr angements. More or less heat, as the system requires, arrangements, may be furnished by promoting or retarding the oxidation of respiratory material ; and since a living being, like an inorganic mass, is subject to every external influence, its temperature tending to rise or fall as diurnal, or annual, or seasonal changes may be, these, as well as Elimination of its own interior variations, are held in check by the cooling local variations or wa rming powers it can exert. Local differences within tion of the itself are eliminated in an indirect, but still very effectual blood. manner, by the circulation of the blood ; and, considering the range of variation to which it is exposed, and the frequency of the changes, the required equilibrium is admirably secured. I have reserved for a more special and prominent consideration the in- Controi of the fl uence which the nervous system exerts over animal heat, nervous sys- since it is upon this that many have been disposed to deny the great truth that the heat of the body arises from oxida- tion. They say that it is produced by the nerves. Even a mental emo- tion gives rise to disturbance of temperature, and the face may be cover- INFLUENCE OF THE NEEVOUS SYSTEM. 187 ed with blushes. Moreover, as experiments have proved, on cutting a nerve the temperature of the parts it supplies declines ; on injuring the great nerve centres the temperature of the whole system lowers, even though artificial respiration may "be kept up. In cases of paralysis, the temperature of the disabled part may be very much lower than that of the sound. A paralyzed arm has shown a surface heat of 70 only, while the sound one has been at 92. It is also said of decapitated ani- mals that they cool quicker when artificial respiration is kept up than when they are let alone. All this may be very true, yet it is very far from proving that the nerves are the generators of animal heat. The engineer of a locomotive can regulate the speed of his train and control the production of steam by throwing more or less fuel on the fire, or by supplying it with more or less air ; but does any one impute the production of the heat to him ? If an accident should throw him off, thereby establishing a sort of analogy between his machine and the decapitated animals we have referred to, the stoppage that would soon ensue, and the dying out of the fire, would by no means prove that he made the heat ! And so with the nervous system, its function is not a generative, but a controlling one. It determines in what way the combustive or oxidiz- ing actions shall go on, but that is a totally different affair from forming the heat. Before specifying more particularly the views I entertain on this sub- ject, I will remark, that the most superficial consideration satisfies us that oxidation in the system goes on in a regulated way. There is not an indiscriminate attack made by the arterial blood on whatever is next before it, but those particles only are removed which the needs of the system require. This therefore implies some overriding or superintend- ing agency, which can save one atom from destruction and surrender an- other. The portion assaulted may, to all appearances, be identical in physical aspect and chemical constitution to an adjacent one that is pass- ed by. There seems to be an arrest or suspension of affinity in one case, and its ready satisfaction in the other. There are some well-known facts in natural philosophy which throw a flood of light on this obscurity. If a piece of pure zinc physical anal- be placed in a glass of acidulated water beside a piece of s ies to this , 111 ^ i control of the copper, so long as the metals are kept apart no action what- nervous sys- ever ensues ; but if a conducting thread is laid from one to tem * the other, the zinc instantly begins to oxidize, clouds of hydrogen gas bubbles rise from the copper, and the thread becomes at once red-hot and magnetic. On lifting the communicating thread all these actions cease ; on restoring it they instantly recur. We think we explain them by say- ing that they are all due to the decomposition of water by the zinc. But 188 ALLOTEOPISM OF OEGANIC BODIES. why was the zinc passive when alone, and why did it assume this activ- ity when merely touched by another metal ? Does not all this serve to show that substances may be, as it were, in a quiescent state, and on the application of what may perhaps seem the most insignificant cause, may suddenly assume activity, and forthwith satisfy their chemical affinities ? There is nothing in the graduated oxidations going on in the system more obscure or more unaccountable than the phenomena of a simple Voltaic circle. Their effects are almost parallel. All elementary substances appear to have the quality of assuming active Allotropism of and passive conditions. Carbon, moreover, presents many bodies. intermediate forms. As diamond it is extremely incombus- tible, and is set on fire with difficulty even in oxygen gas ; as lampblack it will kindle spontaneously. With these differences in its relations with oxygen, it also exhibits great variations in its optical, calorific, mechan- ical, and other properties. These transitions of state may be induced by various causes, especially by the agency of what are called the impon- derable principles, as by rise of temperature, and exposure to the sun- light. Thus, in the case of chlorine, I have shown that, though it re- fuses to combine with hydrogen so long as it is in the dark, an exposure to indigo-colored light will cause it to unite with explosive energy with that substance ; and these peculiarities are retained by bodies when they go into union with each other. Thus there are two forms of phos- phorus; the one active and shining in the dark, and therefore readily oxi- dizable ; the other passive, not shining in the dark, and with therefore a less affinity for oxygen ; and these severally give rise to two varieties of phosphureted hydrogen, which, though having the same composition, yet differ in thi's respect, that the one containing the active form of phos- phorus is spontaneously combustible in the air, but the other, which con- tains the passive form, is not spontaneously combustible. Phosphorus is thrown from the active to the inactive state by mere exposure to the more refrangible rays of the sun. The properties here spoken of have been designated by Berzelius as Allotropism of ^ ie a ^otropism of bodies. I have endeavored to prove that organized bod- allotropism is the true cause of many of the obscure facts which we meet with in the animal mechanism ; for it is very clear that something so modifies the relations of the tissues to oxygen that they are not indiscriminately destroyed by it, but these parts yield in a measured or regulated way ; and since, in inorganic substances, the influence of the imponderables can compel the assumption of an active or passive state, there is nothing contradictory in imputing to the nervous system a similar power. In this manner we may therefore conclude that, so far as tissue de- struction is concerned, the nervous system possesses a governing or con- OF SECRETION. 189 trolling power ; that by keeping parts in states answering to the passive and active conditions of inorganic chemistry, it can suspend the action of the respired oxygen or permit it to take effect. This controlling power is, however, altogether distinct from a generative one, and all the heat dis- engaged is due to oxidation. It is also possible that not only are these states of activity or passivity impressed on the tissues by the agency of the nerves, but also upon the respired oxygen itself, since that gas is no exception to the rule ; it also exhibits allotropism. Its passive state is Priestley's oxygen, its active is Ozone. In its transit from the air-cells into the blood it may experience such a change, and have at once com- municated to it a high degree of activity. - CHAPTER XL ; OF SECRETION. SEROUS, MUCOUS, AND HEPATIC SECRETIONS. of Secretion. Type of secreting Mechanism. Filtration and Cell Action. Of Serous Membranes and their Secretions. Of Mucous Membranes and their Secretions. Of Hepatic Se- cretions. The Liver: its Development and Structure. Source, Quantity, Composition, Uses, and Flow of the Bile. Existence of biliary Ingredients in the Blood. Production of Sugar and Fat in the Liver. Changes of the Blood-cells in it. General Summary of the four-fold Action of the Liver: it produces Sugar and Fat, eliminates Bile, is the Seat of the final Destruction of old Blood-cells, and of the Completion of new Ones. Of the ductless Glands. The Spleen: its Functions. Two classes of substances occur in the blood the products of decay and the elements of nutrition. The equilibrium of the system requires that the former should be removed and the latter appropriated. The primary object of the function of secretion is this dismissal and appropriation, and therefore, through the latter duty, secre- object of secre- tion becomes connected with nutrition. tion - The elementary type of a gland or organ of secretion consists ot a sac, on the interior of the wall of which a network of arterial ramifi- Type of a cations is spread ; this delivers its blood into a similar network e land - of veins. The matter which the gland is destined to separate oozes from the arterial capillaries into the interior of the sac, and is delivered through the neck or mouth thereof, which may be spoken of as the duct. It will be presently shown that the material which thus finds its way into the interior of the sac is not fabricated by that organism, but is brought to it pre-existing in the affluent current of arterial blood. As our knowledge of the functions of glandular structures becomes more 190 VICARIOUS SECRETION. precise, the less and less does it appear probable that the secreted matter is in any way engendered by the gland itself. Since, with the exception of the lungs, which excrete carbonic acid and . vapor of water, all the great glands remove the material they glandular are concerned with in a state of liquid solution, it follows of necessity that the blood of the artery supplying the gland, and that removed by the vein from the gland, differ in two respects : 1st. In the peculiar material constituting the solid secreted ; and, 2d. In the quantity of water. From the latter cause it must follow that the venous blood will have a greater spissitude than the arterial. This elementary or typical form of a gland is but very little departed from in those cases in which the sac is elongated into a tube ; and even where this has been extended to an exaggerated degree, the essential principle of action still remains the same. From the constancy of aspect which glands present, we might be led Influence of at first to suppose that their peculiarities of construction de- by'viSous a<> termme their physiological action, that the liver secretes bile, tion. and the kidney urine, because they have the special organ- ization which is needful for such purposes. Such a supposition, how- ever, has to be received with much limitation, as is proved by number- less cases of vicarious action. Thus, in morbid difficulties of the liver, the skin will discharge its duty for it in the elimination of the bile ; and in derangements of the kidneys, the mammary gland, the mucous mem- brane of the nose, or even the stomach, will discharge urine. Construct- ive arrangements have therefore for their object the facilitating of a secre- tion, but they do not produce it. Thus the liver is far better fitted for separating bile, or the kidney urine, than is the skin for each of these re- spectively ; but if they become incapacitated, the skin is able to act vica- riously for them. Though such vicarious action has been denied by some physiologists Connection of as being totally incompatible with anatomical indications, a tioiuinTdevel- more profound conception of the law of development of these opment. structures may satisfy us that it is in reality a physiological probability, apart from the evidence we have often derived from interest- ing instances of its actual occurrence. It will be seen, when we treat of the primitive appearance of the different secreting organs, that they are, in reality, all evolved, as it were, from a common surface or membrane ; that this primitive surface discharged, though perhaps in a confused way, all their functions collectively ; and that in development the ruling idea seems to be the separating out, or localizing upon a determinate spot or region, structures which should have the duty, in a special manner at- tached to them, of removing this or that particular substance, a central- ization or concentration of action thus occurring. There is therefore FILTEATION AND CELL ACTION. 191 nothing extraordinary that, under the pressure of circumstances, one of the special structures should, in an imperfect way, resume the action which it once enjoyed, while it was yet a part of the common structure ; but, however this may be, the cases of vicarious action are too numer- ous and too well authenticated to admit of any doubt. Though these vicarious actions may be in a certain degree imperfect, they are of the highest importance physiologically, since they indicate the true nature of the function, and place the influence of structure in its proper attitude. The separation of material from the blood may, however, for the pres- ent, be considered as conducted in two different ways ; 1st, by filtration ; 2d, by cell action. Secretion by filtration is, of course, a purely physical act. The trans- udation of water charged with saline substances, or with more Separation of or less of albumen, seems to imply nothing but the escape of ^f^oo^by pre-existing bodies through pervious or porous membranes, filtration. Such a result is presented in the case of the lachrymal gland, the duty of which is to accomplish a definite mechanical operation for the eye in keeping the cornea clear and transparent. This mechanical function is again observed in the case of the serous membranes, and particularly the synovial ones, in which the relief of friction of movable parts seems to be the object aimed at. As long as the material secreted clearly pre-exists in the blood, it is needless to refer secretion to any other principle than the simple one of transudation or filtration. It would be unphilosophical to suppose that the lachrymal gland exercises any property for the formation or produc- tion of water when by mere transudation copious supplies of that sub- stance can be obtained from the blood. But secretion is, moreover, perhaps connected with cell life. On the upper part of the intestine of the young chick, a few cells secretion by make their appearance about the fourth day of incubation, cell action. They are eventually recognized as bile-containing cells from the color of their contents. As the process goes on, the spot they occupy buds off, as it were, so as to produce a blind pouch. This offshoot, with its ex- terior cells, is eventually, when perfect development is reached, the liver. Secreting organs of this glandular class, and also membranes, possess a general analogy: they consist of a structureless basement membrane, with cells upon its surface, and a supply of blood-vessels. The cells are not persistent, but lead a very transitory life, apparently elaborating the ma- terial with which they are charged, and then undergoing rupture or deli- quescence. Our conclusion respecting the mode of action of secreting cells turns altogether upon the evidence of the power they possess of preparing ma- 192 FILTEATION AND CELL ACTION. terial which did not pre-exist in the blood. Thus, if it should be. shown that, under normal circumstances, the elements of bile are not found in the blood, the inference might be drawn that the hepatic cells display a com- bining, or, as it were, a preparing power ; and so likewise in the case of other secreting cells ; but the weight to be attached to such evidence is greatly affected by the consideration that the action of each gland or se- Difficuityofde- creting apparatus masks what is really going on in the sys- of C sec?etio"in S tem * ^ * s P 088 ^ 6 tnat we ma 7 l e scarcely able to discov- the blood. er the traces of substances in the blood, and yet a tendency may exist for their accumulation to a great extent. Thus there can be no doubt that urea would abound through the disintegration of the mus- cular structures, and the use of nitrogenized food, if it were not for the action of the kidneys. It is the very perfection of that action which so diminishes the amount in the circulation as to prevent us, except with difficulty, from detecting the presence of the ingredient. Nor is this all, for it ought to be remembered that many of the prod- ucts of secretion are substances undergoing retrograde metamorphoses, and have therefore, as it were, in themselves, an interior principle of change. It is conceivable that things which did not pre-exist in the blood may yet occur in the secretions, coming tnere, not through the agency of cell-life, but because of the downward course toward an inor- ganic condition through which the secretion is spontaneously passing. Of the more prominent substances in the chief secretions, many indis- putably pre-exist in the blood. Urea, cholesterine, casein, are examples. Wherever this occurs, the removal is unquestionably due to mere filtra- tion. Why should it be supposed that the cells of the kidneys have any duty of combining material presented to them into urea, or those (if the liver into cholesterine, or those of the mammary glands into casein ? As our methods of examining the blood become more perfect, this formative or grouping action, once so largely imputed to the secreting cells, be- comes more and more restricted. The cases in which the influence of cells is indisputable are those which Conditions of ^ er to us com ^ ma tions of progressive metamorphosis. Of filtration and these, the most striking instance is the preparation of the sper- of cell action. matic ^^ Perhaps we should not be very far from the truth if we considered all those secretions in which the materials are in a state of retrograde metamorphosis, or in a descending career, as arising by mere filtration, and those which are ascending to a higher grade as due to cell agency; between the two there being an intermediate class, the phase of which is stationary, and in which cells may or may not be necessarily involved, as, for instance, the transmutation of one fat into another, or the preparation of sugar from albumenoid bodies. The apparatus for secretion is generally conveniently treated of under SECRETIONS OF SEROUS MEMBRANES. 193 two heads : 1st. Membranes, such as the serous and mucous ; 2d. Glands, as the liver, kidney. This division is, however, not founded either on structural or functional differences, and is to be preserved merely for the sake of convenience. A secreting membrane consists essentially of a tunic of connective tis- sue, affording a nidus for vessels and nerves. Upon this, in the opinion of many anatomists, a thin basement membrane is laid, the existence of which is denied by others. Upon the surface of the basement membrane there is a layer of cells, the form and arrangement of which differ in different regions. In some places the cells are flat, in others cylindroid. Their duration is temporary, one brood succeeding another from germs on the basement membrane. The superficial, and, therefore, the older cells, desquamate or deliquesce, and are replaced by others from beneath. It is usually said that the serous membranes, with the exception O f serous mem of the peritoneum, are all closed sacs, the peritoneum being branes and perforated where the fimbriated extremities of the Fallopian their secretion ' tubes open into the abdominal cavity in the mammalia, and in fishes through the lateral anal openings. The generality of this view is now called in question, both as regards the sy no vial sacs and bursse mucosas, which all belong to this group. Thus Kolliker regards the synovial structures as tubes open at both ends, and attached by their edges round the articular surfaces of the bones. However this may be, even the peritoneum is practically a shut sac. Accumulations of water within it do not escape through the apertures of the Fallopian tubes, nor can air be injected the opposite way. The fluid exuding from the serous surfaces is a dilute albuminous so- lution, more dilute as it is presented in the ventricles of the _ n T . , i Serous fluids. brain, and more concentrated in the synovia! cavities, its con- sistency in the latter case being such that it may sometimes be drawn out in tenacious threads. The mechanical qualities of these various ex- udations permit a certain freedom of motion in the parts to which they are applied. Thus the secretion of the peritoneum facilitates the move- ments of the abdominal viscera ; those of the pericardium and pleura, of the heart and lungs ; those of the synovial membranes and bursa3 mu- cos03, of the joints and tendons. The nature of serous secretions may be illustrated by the cases of fluids collected from the abdominal and thoracic cavities, &c. They are usually of a faint yellowish color, clear or turbid, reaction alkaline, and sometimes containing so much albumen as to coagulate readily on heating. N 194 CONSTITUTION OF SEROUS FLUIDS. TABLE I. fluid of Asdtes. (From Marchand.') Water 952.30 Albumen 23.80 Urea 4.20 Chloride of sodium 8.10 ^ Carbonate of soda 2.10 Phosphate and traces of sulphate of soda 0.60 A viscid substance 8.90 1000.00 TABLE II. Asdtes with Suppuration of both Kidneys. (From Simon?) Water 978.00 Fat containing cholesterine 1.00 Albumen 8.40 Alcohol extract 0.30 Spirit extract 1.70 Carbonate of soda and phosphate of lime 1 .20 Chloride of sodium and lactate of soda 6. 80 Urea 1.20 Loss 1.40 1000.00 TABLE in. Pleural Effusion. (From Simon.') Water 934.72 Fibrin 1.02 Fat 1.05 Alcohol extract, with salts 1.35 Spirit extract, with salts. 10.64 Albuminate of soda 17.86 Albumen 31.00 Fixed salts :.. 9.50 Gain in analysis 7.14 1000.00 To the above may be added the following interesting instances of fluid of hydrocele, in which attention should be particularly directed to the oc- currence of cholesterine and other bile constituents. In the case pre- sented in Table IV., the fluid was observed to sparkle when shaken, in consequence of the numberless crystals of cholesterine : TABLE IV. Fluid of Hydrocele. (From Simon.*) Water 860.00 Cholesterine, with a little margarine and oleic acid 8.40 Albumen 48.30 Albuminate of soda and extractive matter 6.88 Extractive matter soluble in alcohol 2.30 Chlorides of sodium and calcium, a little sul- > <-9 -<> phate and traces of phosphate of lime Phosphate of lime and traces of peroxide of iron... .70 Loss 0.90 1000.00 FEE-EXISTENCE OF SECRETED PRODUCTS. 195 TABLE V. Fluid of Hydrocele. (From Heller.) Water 919.20 Albumen 58.00 Free fat 1.60 Soda soap, biliphaein, haemato-globulm, dissolved ) hsematin, and extractive \ Fixed salts 7.30 1000.00 TABLE VI. Fluid of Hydrocele. (From Heller.) Water 906.36 Albumen 60.00 Fat containing cholesterine 0.23 Extractive matters, biliphaein, soda soap 24.04 Fixed salts, chiefly chloride of sodium 9.37 1000.00 TABLE VII. Synovial Fluid. (From Frerichs.) Water 948.00 Mucus and epithelium 5.00 Fat 0.70 Albumen and extractive 35.00 Salts 9.00 Loss 2.30 1000.00 I have introduced these tables not only for the purpose of exhibiting the nature of the fluid yielded by membranes of the serous Products of ee- group, but also for the sake of the important evidence they j^ n . P ^ x ~ offer as regards the function of secretion itself. In the jn- blood, fancy of physiology it was universally believed that the special function of each gland arose from its peculiarity of construction ; that thus, by^he liver, out of blood in which they did not pre-exist, cholesterine and its allied bile compounds were made ; that thus, by the kidney, urea was formed. Even in more recent times a modification of this doctrine has prevailed, and to the cells of which glands are so largely composed, the duty has been attributed of forming special products. In this way, we still constantly speak of the bile-secreting cells of the liver; but the pre- ceding tables indisputably show that these very compounds, cholester- ine, biliphaein, urea, etc., may make their appearance in distant places, oozing from surfaces wholly devoid of the supposed special mechanism. In cases in which there occurs structural degeneration of the kidneys, for instance, urea at once makes its appearance in unaccustomed places, as though, when the readiest avenues through which it might have es- caped have failed, it bursts forth or oozes out at the weakest point. With such results, the idea of leakage or straining seems to be insepara- 196 OF ELECTIVE FILTEATION. bly connected ; and, moreover, an enlarged view of the operation of cell life seems to indicate that the general action of those organisms is to produce a formative result, the grouping of amorphous into organized material, and the elaboration of that material into more complicated and higher forms. But many of the most important constituents of the va- rious secretions are indisputably things which are on the downward ca- reer, fast passing to the inorganic state. Many of them, as presented in the bile or in the urine, run through a series of spontaneous changes, which end in the appearance of truly inorganic bodies. For the fabrica- tion of such substances, half inorganic themselves, it is scarcely to be thought that cell life should be necessary ; and these, with many other such considerations, recall the observation I made a few pages back, that the more profoundly we study the composition and constitution of se- creted fluids, and the more accurately we understand the function of se- cretion itself, the less are we disposed to invoke the agency of cell life, and to rely the more on the ordinary mechanical act of strainage. That the different secreting surfaces exercise an elective elimination on Elective filtra- materials existing in the blood, some permitting the escape tlon * of one, and some of another ingredient more readily, may be demonstrated from their action on saline substances purposely introduced into the blood. Thus the iodide of potassium was detected by Bernard in the saliva, pancreatic juice, and the tears in less than one minute, but in the urine and bile not until after an hour. The ferrocyanide of potassium could be recognized in the urine in seven minutes, but not at all. in the saliva. In like manner, cane-sugar and grape-sugar appear in the secretions of the kidneys and liver, but not in those of the pancreas and salivary glands. The lactate of iron, injected into the veins, fur- nishes no iron to the saliva, but both iodine and iron can be recognized in Jliat secretion after the administration of the iodide of iron. Upon the whole, we may therefore conclude that very many substances are strained from the blood in which they naturally occur by membranes and glands, which, from the circumstance that they are of various con- struction and possess a different physical nature, are better adapted, some for the removal of one, and some for the removal of another compound. Among secreting surfaces the mucous membranes are usually enumer- Of mucous ated. Strictly speaking, however, they are scarcely so much mfdtheir^secre- secretm g surfaces as the seat of numberless secreting organ- tion. isms. They line the interior of the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and generative apparatuses, and are characterized by extreme vas- cularity. In structure they consist of several different layers or regions, the undermost being submucous cellular tissue, upon which is spread the proper mucous membrane, containing connective and elastic tissue, which affords a nidus for blood-vessels and nerves. Upon this is the basement PROPERTIES OF MUCUS. 197 membrane, covered with epithelial cells. In many regions this compound structure rises into elevations, as in the intestinal villi, or sinks into de- pressions, as in the follicles. The epithelial cells are of different kinds, sometimes flat, giving origin to tesselated or pavement epithelium, and sometimes cylin- T ., i n - i -i -n , Epithelial cells. droid, each cell, in this case, being set vertically upon the basement membrane. In many instances, the cylindroid nucleated cells are furnished upon their outer extremity with vibrating cilia, constituting ciliated cylindroid epithelium. Both forms of epithelium, the tesselated and the cylindroid, coexist in glandular ducts. The origin of the cells is in the basement membrane, from germs arising there ; and as the older and therefore superficial cells exuviate or deliquesce, new ones arise to take their places. After what has been said, it is not necessary to give a detailed de- scription of mucous surfaces farther than to state that from properties them there is furnished a viscid, glairy fluid, of different shades * of mucus, of color from white to yellow, denser than water, and insoluble therein. Examined by the microscope, it contains granular corpuscles and epithe- lial cells. Its reaction is alkaline, and its proximate constituent is a sub- stance to which the name of mucin has been given. Derived from dif- ferent sources, as the nasal, bronchial, and pulmonary surfaces, the in- testinal canal, and the urinary and gall bladders, it exhibits specific dif- ferences. Its quantity is often greatly increased by morbid causes, as, for example, in catarrh, its composition likewise varying at different stages of the same disease. Its use, for the most part, seems to be the protection of the delicate structure which secretes it. In some positions, as in the intestinal canal, it likewise probably acts in the way of reliev- ing friction of the substances passing over surfaces. Of secreting Glands. The typical form of secreting cell-gland is a single cell, with its nucleus at the lower end, the other end simple sac-like having become open by deliquescence or dehiscence, and thus cell-gland, constituting a sac. From the nucleus thus situated at the end of the cavity broods of young cells arise. These become more perfect as they advance toward the mouth of the sac. The outer wall, and especially the region of the nucleus, is furnished copiously with blood-vessels. Of such structures, variously modified, the different glands are com- posed. We shall now proceed to the description of the more important of these, as the liver, kidneys, mammary gland, &c., again impressing the remark that, though all these glands are the seats of myriads of cells, cell life is for increased organization, and secretion is in many instances nothing more than filtration or strainage. We shall endeavor, as the occasion arises, to show, in the case of each gland, what part of its action is due to cell influence, and what to such mechanical permeation. 198 DEVELOPMENT OF THE LIVER. OF THE LIVER. The first appearance of a bile-secreting organ is the occurrence of yel- Rudiment of l w CQ ^ S variously scattered upon the lining membrane of the the liver. digestive cavity, as in the hydra. A concentration or local- ization next ensues, such yellow cells being grouped upon the wall of the intestin3 at a definite spot. A ccecal projection, in the higher tribes, seems next to force out the yellow cells, bearing them on its exterior, as in the nudibranchiate gasteropods ; and as these cceca are prolonged more and more, so, in a more definite manner, does the rudimentary liver appear. In molluscs this partition is sufficiently distinct. The special form which the hepatic apparatus presents in different tribes varies very greatly, though doubtless the principle of construction and of action is always the same. Thus, in insects, the liver con- sists of long tubes of delicate membrane, covered with secreting cells, small and germ-like near the distant end of the tube, but more perfect at the mouth. These tubes are in relation with an adi- pose mass, which is probably connected with the origin of the cells. The different condition of these cells, when compared at the bottom and at the mouth of the bile-sac, is well seen in the case of crustaceans, as in Fig. 82, one of the he- patic coeca of the cray-fish. The letters at the side show the state of the cells in different posi- tions toward the mouth of the follicle. At a they contain yellow biliary matter only ; at b, oil glob- ules are appearing in them, which become more distinct at c / and toward d and e they present the appearance of ordinary fat-cells. Thus, ex- amined at the bottom of the follicle, the cells are Biliary, an d as we Advance to the mouth they be- ^' i of cray-fish. Hepatic come fatty. (Leiby.} The comparative anatomy of the liver is repeated in its order of devel- Development opment in the high vertebrated animals. In them it is first of the liver, detected in an evolution of cells upon the intestinal wall, at the point which is eventually to be the place of discharge of the common bile-duct. This agglomeration of bile-cells is next seen to project or bud off through the intrusion of a coecal pouch. In the amphioxus the con- dition thus reached remains permanent, and is the counterpart of the liver of a fowl about the fourth day of incubation. The coecal pouch next sends forth ramifications, which are likewise accommodated with cells, and these, branching again, give origin to a complicated structure. In STRUCTURE OF THE LIVER. 199 . sa this condition, the mouth of the ccecum becomes drawn out and narrowed down, and so forms the rudiment of an hepatic duct. In man, the liver is the largest gland in the body : it is of a reddish- brown color, dense, and from three to five pounds in weight ; Description of convex on its upper, and concave on its inferior surface. It the liver - has five lobes : the right lobe, the left lobe, the lobus quadratus, the lo- bus spigelii, and lobus caudatus.. It is held in its position by dupli- catures of peritoneum and by a fibrous cord termed its ligaments. Its peritoneal envelope is the cause of its glossy appearance ; its cellular en- velope extends into the interior as sheaths for the vessels. Five classes of vessels are found within it : the branches of the portal vein, those of the hepatic artery, those of the hepatic veins, the lymphatics, and the he- patic ducts ; the latter, converging eventually into a trunk, the hepatic duct, joins with the cystic duct to form the ductus communis choledo- chus, which discharges its contents into the duodenum, as seen in Fig. 83, in which a is the gall-bladder, which constitutes a temporary recep- tacle for the bile, b the cystic duct, d the hepatic duct, c its branches, e the ductus choledochus, and h its opening into the duodenum. The bile-ducts entering the duodenum. The gaU^^der ls Wanting in in- vertebrated animals, and first makes its appearance in a rudimentary condition as a dilatation of the bile-duct : it is absent in the horse, pres- ent in the ox ; in the camelopard it was absent in one individual, and the next that happened to be examined had two. The intimate structure of the liver in man is, in many particulars, still imperfectly known, though the attention of the most eminent Intimate struc anatomists has been devoted to it. It may, however, be un- ture of the HV- derstood that each hepatic vein, commencing in the substance of the liver, bears upon its capillaries small portions called lobules, from the -J0- to the -fa of an inch in diameter, in a manner which calls to mind the arrangement of leaves on a branch, or a bunch of grapes, as represented in Fig. 84, a being the vein, #, , , leaf-like lob- ules on its branches. Excluding the lym- phatics, it may be said that four different systems of vessels are engaged in the liver, the portal vein and hepatic artery, the bile- ducts and hepatic veins. The first pair Hepatic veins in the lobules of the liver. are a ff eren t, the second pair efferent ves- sels. The portal vein brings the blood from which bile is to be secre- 200 STRUCTURE OF THE LIVER. Fig. 85. Origin of hepatic veins in the liver lobules. ted ; the hepatic artery brings aerated Wood for the nourishment of the gland ; the bile-ducts carry away the biliary secretion which has been separated from the portal blood, and the residue, taken charge of by the hepatic veins, is eventually carried back into the general circulation through the vena cava. A general idea of the mode of arrangement of the four vessels in the liver may be obtained by recalling the illustration just given, that the lobules are placed on the commence- ment of the hepatic veins, like grapes on their stalks. The vein originates in the centre of each lobule, as shown at a a, in Fig. 85, and exhibits there a ray-like kind of divergence. On the periphery of each lobule, at #, 5, #, as it were on the surface of the grape, the other three vessels ram- ify. Of them the portal veinlets dip down into the substance of the lob- ule. The hepatic arteries likewise enter for the purpose of giving nutri- tion to the parts. In Fig. 86, #, a are the commencing hepatic or intra- lobular veins of two lobules ; , #, the biliary ducts ; c, interlobular tissue ; d d, parenchyma of the lob- ules. With respect to the bile- ducts, which are prominently rep- resented in this figure, it is not pos- itively known whether they pro- ceed beyond the surface, and the manner in which they are related to the secreting cells, and receive the liquid yielded by them, is a sub- ject of controversy. The inter- spaces between the capillaries that have entered the lobules are filled up with these cells. It is not known whether the hepatic artery discharges its blood into He atic cells ^ P orta ^ capillaries, or into those of the hepatic vein, and, for this reason, it is doubtful whether that blood takes part in the secretion of the bile. The secreting cells have nucleolated nuclei, and are about the - 2 * 6 of an inch in diameter. In Fig. 87, at Origin of bile-ducts on the liver lobules. COURSE OF THE BILE. 201 globules, which increase in number and size at c, , Regarding it, therefore, as systemic venous blood, charged with certain of the products of digestion, it enters the liver to be acted upon by that gland. The first effect upon it is, in a chemical point of view, well marked. The stream which sets off to the general circula- tion through the hepatic veins may be said to carry away the whole of the nitrogenized material ; for the bile, which is at this point parted out and sent back to the intestine through the biliary ducts, does not contain more than 4 per cent, of nitrogen, and this exclusive of the water which im- Course and P arts * ^ ^ ts liquid condition. Arrived in the intestine, a rep- separation of etition of the same process of partition takes place, the color- ing matter, which contains nearly the whole of this residual ni- trogen, being dismissed with the faeces, and the remaining hydrocarbon taken up by the lacteals along with other fats. The first duty of the liver is therefore a separation of the nitrogenized principles of the portal blood, which are forthwith carried into the gen- eral circulation through the hepatic veins and the vena cava. The result is, that there is returned to the intestine a sulphureted hydrocarbon, still containing so much* nitrogen as to form a very unstable product, prone even to spontaneous decomposition. In the intestine its nitrogen is whol- ly removed from it, and the combustible hydrocarbon is then absorbed. The portal blood, regarded under the aspect here presented, is obvi- From what ous ty composed of two constituents : 1st. Systemic venous source is the blood ; 2d. Matters obtained from the digestive cavity. We bile derived? next inquire from which O f these ^ ft\ Q is rea H y derived. Besides the presumptive evidence arising from the consideration that if the bile originated from matters which had been just absorbed from the digestive cavity, it would be inconceivable why it should be returned forthwith thereto, its quality of extreme instability marks it out; as a sub- stance fast approaching to final disorganization and decomposition. It bears no aspect of a histogenetic or formative body, but, on the contrary, it is on the downward course. We should scarcely expect to recognize it as a primary product of the digestive action, but should seek its prob- able origin in some source of decay. Whatever weight may attach to such considerations, we have, in addi- tion, direct evidence which places the source of the bile beyond doubt by referring it to the systemic venous blood, and not to the matters just ob- tained from the digestive cavity. During foetal life, the digestive organs are in an inactive state, but the liver, which is largely developed, discharges its secretion into the intes- tine. This secretion, which is known as the meconium, is a true bile, as the following analysis proves. BILE IS DERIVED FROM VENOUS BLOOD. 203 Composition of Meconium. (From Simon.) Cholesterine 160.00 Extractive and bilifellinic acid 140.00 Casein 340.00 Bilifellinic acid and bilin 60.00 Biliverdin and bilifellinic acid 40.00 Cells, mucus, albumen 260.00 1000.00 Dr. Davy found that the ash left after the incineration of a sample of rneconium is of a reddish color, consisting chiefly of peroxide of iron and magnesia, with a trace of phosphate of lime and chloride of sodium. During foetal life the liver is therefore discharging the same function that it does after aerial respiration has commenced, that is it does not to say, it secretes bile (meconium) into the intestine ; but at this period, since there is no true digestion, the -bile can products. come from one source alone, and that source is the systemic venous blood. There therefore can remain no doubt that, in after life, the same effect takes place, and that the bile is never derived from materials which have just been brought from the digestive cavities. I therefore regard the bile as an excretion of materials which are de- composing and ready to be removed from the system. I in- It comeg from cline to the supposition that much of it is derived from the the venous cells of the blood, the life of which is only temporary, for the blood * casein of the meconium is nothing but the globulin of the cells, the two substances being chemically allied, and the predominance of iron in the ash of meconium seems to establish a connection with hasmatrn. More- over, this opinion is supported by the remarkable stability of many of the nitrogenized coloring, matters, the analogies between hasmatin and chlorophyl, and particularly by the fact that in the herbivora the coloring matter of the bile is undistinguishable from chlorophyl, and in most oth- er tribes closely allied thereto. In any discussion of the action of the liver, it is thus to be constantly borne in mind that the portal blood consists of two distinct portions, sys- temic venous blood and matters absorbed from the digestive apparatus. Derived from the first of these portions, we trace the origin of the bile to the waste of the tissues, or to the blood-cells on their downward career ; and hence we arrive at the important conclusion that every proximate constituent of the bile pre-exists in the systemic venous blood. Lehmann, inclining to the view that the formation of the bile occurs in the liver itself, quotes the experiments of Miiller and Attempts to de- Kune, who, after tying the portal vein and applying liga- tect cholic acid tures to all the points of attachment of the liver in frogs, ex- mentinthf" tirpated that organ, and collected the blood of those which blood - survived the operation for two or three days, by amputating their thighs. 204 CONSTITUTION OF BILE. It was expected that in this blood, bile pigment and cholic acid would be found if the original formation of those substances took place exter- nally to the liver. Such did not prove to be the case. It may, however, be justly inferred that no reliable conclusion can be drawn after opera- tions of such magnitude and severity. The alleged inability to detect the constituents of the bile in the blood Cause of this of the portal vein is probably due to the defects of our ana- Scting'biie in~ ty^ processes, for it is very clear from the circumstance the blood. that the bile which is poured into the intestine must be reab- sorbed, with the exception of its coloring material, either by the lacteals or the veins, or by both, since it is not found in the excrement. Through whichever of these channels it passes, it must therefore regain the gen- eral circulation, for it can not be supposed that in the short period of its course it could have undergone complete metamorphosis. We may therefore assume that the proximate ingredients of bile pre- exist in the blood, and this conclusion is enforced by the fact that, after tying the vena porta, bile, though in a diminished quantity, is still se- creted. The same also occurs in those cases of malformation in which that vessel, instead of ramifying into the liver, empties directly into the vena cava. When there is any failure or delay in the removal of bile from the system, the effects are such as might even be predicted, nervous disturbance ensuing, and eventually all- the symptoms of poisoning. The circumstance that this last effect often takes place suddenly, has been by some supposed to be dependent on the necessity for the bile to accumu- late, to a certain extent, but it is much more likely that it is determined by the metamorphosis of the decomposing bile having reached a certain point, when special poisonous products have spontaneously arisen from it. Bile, from whatever animal it may have been derived, contains a resin- Constitution of ous soda salt, a coloring material, cholesterine, and mucus, bile. rj^g ac - ( j Q t j ie g0( ^ a ga | t - g fa Q taurocholic or glycocho- lic. The coloring matter in carnivorous and omnivorous animals is brown, the cholepyrrhin of Berzelius ; but in birds, fishes, and amphibia, it is green, biliverdin. Strecker makes the curious remark respecting the bile of fishes, that in those which are of salt water, potash salts predom- inate ; and in those of fresh water, soda salts. Among the ultimate ele- ments occurring in the bile, and being of special interest, may be men- Constitution of tioned sulphur, which exists in taurine, of which the com- taurine. position is C 4 , H 7 , N, S 2 , O 6 . It may be obtained from ox- gall ; it has likewise been made artificially by Strecker from the isethi- onate of ammonia. It is distinguished by evolving sulphurous acid when burnt in the open air. It does not exist in the bile in an insu- lated condition, but probably as an adjunct to cholic acid, and has been found in that secretion of both hot and cold-blooded animals. It has, QUANTITY OF BILE. 205 however, been asserted that sulphur, and therefore taurocholic acid, does not exist in the bile of the hog. The bile is secreted more slowly during a long period of fasting, and more rapidly during normal nutrition. To a certain extent, production of this variable rate depends on the general principle that a bile - gland acts more energetically in proportion as the supply of blood sent to it is greater. If not wanted for the present purpose, the product is stored up, for a time, in the gall-bladder. When the bile has been long retained in the gall-bladder, it becomes concentrated through the removal of a portion of its water : change of bile it also undergoes a change of color. In animals whose he- after retention, patic bile is yellow or brown, the cystic bile has a tendency to green, a change of color dependent on partial oxidation, occasioned by the arte- rial blood. The flow of bile takes place with different degrees of rapidity at dif- ferent diurnal periods : thus it reaches its maximum in from p eriod of max thirteen to fifteen hours after the last full meal, and then imum flow of rapidly diminishes. Bidder and Schmidt estimate the diurnal secretion in an adult at 54 oz., containing 5 per cent, of solid matter, an estimate which is undoubt- edly too high, so far as an average diet and state of health are implied. It is asserted that a diet of flesh tends to produce more bile than one of a purely amylaceous kind. Even the use of a large quantity of water increases its amount, and this as regards its solid constituents. Reme- dial agents act in various ways. Calomel increases the fluid, but di- minishes the solid constituents. Carbonate of soda diminishes both. Again, there are great variations in the rate of its production: the circum- stance just mentioned, that its maximum flow is several hours after the maximum digestion, is important as regards the explanation of its forma- tion, showing significantly that it is not directly produced from matters recently absorbed from the intestine, but from the systemic venous blood. But the liver has other duties to discharge besides the separation of bile. It gives origin to sugar and fat, as is proved by the Other duties of circumstance that the blood of the hepatic veins is richer in those ingredients than the blood of the portal. In this re- ing bile, spect its action seems more particularly to be that it converts other sug- ars into the particular form known as liver-sugar, which it can also pro- duce from the transforming albuminous bodies ; it forms fat from sugar, and makes from certain other fats the special one known as liver-fat. In this duty of forming sugar and fat, it exhibits an inverse power of action ; as the production of the one predominates, that of the other declines. From the .point of view which we have now reached through this de- scription, we are able to see the double duty which this great gland dis- 206 BILE BEHOVED FROM BLOOD BY FILTRATION. The liver does charges, and must correct, to a certain extent, the popular not form bile, theory of its action. Does the liver really secrete bile ? Is it the business of the so-called bile-secreting cells to withdraw the constit- uents of that liquid from the blood, and combine them together into this viscid yellow liquid ? I think not ; for it is a matter of demonstration that not only every constituent of the bile, but the bile itself, pre-exists in the blood, and it is just as unphilosophical to burden those cells with the duty of forming it as it would be to believe that a like agency is needful for the appearance of urea in the kidney. Moreover, we must constantly bear in mind the extreme instability of this substance, how readily the yellow bile, of carnivorous animals becomes green by partial oxidation, and the green bile of the herbivora yellow by deoxidation. It spontane- ously changes in its downward career, and any differences in quality or character which we might impute to the action of the cells upon it may be equally well attributed to its own inherent principle of change. For these reasons, I believe that the bile simply transudes from the Manner of blood, and that the cells of the lobules have no special relation removing it. to j t beyond this, that it oozes past their interstices, or, perhaps, by *physical imbibition, finds access to their interior. I see no reason that these cells should form it when it pre-exists in the blood, nor does the state of the affluent and effluent blood offer any contradiction to this conclusion. In all discussions of the functions of this organ founded upon a comparison of the portal and hepatic venous blood, the relative quantity of water which they contain, and its great and even rapid fluc- tuations, should always be borne in mind. As might be expected, portal blood contains far more water, and, even after abundant drinking, the amount in the hepatic venous blood has by no means increased to the extent that might have been expected. It is for these reasons that the bile varies so greatly at different periods in its specific gravity and fluidity. The blood of the portal vein is, moreover, periodically varying in its Variation in constitution, according to the state of activity of the organs tfoVorfoeJor- from wllich i1: is tefog derived - In tlie first sta g es of diges- tai blood. tion the stomach is supplying it in unusual quantities, and with the ingredients which its veins have been absorbing from the result of histogenetic digestion. A little later, the same thing occurs with the intestine. At another period the supply from the spleen varies. The explanation which Mr. Handfield Jones has recently given of the Function of the function of the hepatic cells that they manufacture liver- hepatic cells, sugar deserves attentive consideration, more particularly if we likewise impute to them the production of liver-fat ; for this would at- tach them rather to the ramifications of the hepatic veins as a part of their instrumental mechanism, and assign them only a very indirect relation to PRODUCTION OF FAT AND SUGAR. 207 the bile-ducts. The contradictory statements whicii have been made by the most eminent anatomists respecting the connection of the bile-ducts and the bile-cells some believing that the bile-ducts are covered inte- riorly with the cells ; others, that the ducts end on the outside of the lobules ; others, that the passages reported to have been seen among the cells are interstitial channels and not proper vessels make it just as probable, anatomically, that the cells belong to the hepatic veins as that they belong to the biliary ducts. It is true that there may be a mixed action, and that presence of bil- iary matter may be necessary to the sugar and fat producing agency. This interworking and mutual dependency of functions is not without a parallel. Thus the lung, viewed as a secreting or excreting gland, has for its object the removal of carbonic acid from the system ; but it also discharges another duty, which is dependent for its accomplishment upon the physical or chemical qualities of the hsematin of venous blood, the introduction of oxygen by aerating or arterializing. But the excre- tion of carbonic acid and the introduction of oxygen, though separate physiological events, and to be spoken of as distinct functions of the lung, are yet nevertheless interconnected ; the one is essential for the ac- complishment of the other, and the one effect is made the means by which the other is brought about. So it may be in the liver: the contact of bile with the secreting cells may be essential to their sugar or fat producing action. The deposit of fat and the production of bile seem to be inversely as each other. Bidder and Schmidt found that fat animals Relation of the yield less bile than lean ones, and that when they were fed on fat the quantity was smaller than in the case of animals of bile, fed on a less fatty diet. From such facts, the inference has been drawn that the accumulation of fat is in consequence of a diminution of the se- cretion of bile, and not that the diminution is the consequence of the an- imal being fat. In such discussions it should, however, be recollected, that the fats do not furnish all the substances required for the produc- tion of bile, but only a limited portion thereof. Thus there are reasons for the belief that sugar, lactic acid, or some other allied body is essen- tial to that process, and it is very clear that so too are the materials furnished from the decay of the cells of the blood. With respect to the production of sugar in the liver, it may be re- marked, that the quantity of that substance in the solid res- p roduction of idue of the serum of hepatic blood is from ten to sixteen sugar and fat times greater than in the same residue from the portal blood ; 1] id in animals undergoing starvation, though no sugar could be found in >rtal blood, it occurred to such an extent in the corresponding hepatic lous blood, that Lehmann found that its quantity could be determined 208 INFLUENCE OF PNEUMOGASTRIC NERVE. Iby fermentation. FrDm this there can be no doubt that, in the changes which are occurring during the passage of the blood through the liver, there is a production of sugar, and this seems to be connected with a dim- inution in the quantity of fat ; for if an excess of fat and a deficiency of sugar enter that organ, and their quantities are inversely changed at their emergence from it, it would appear that fat may be decomposed act- ually, as we know is possible hypothetically, into cholic acid and sugar. But with respect to taurine, the adjunct of the cholic acid, since it is a Taurine comes m 'trogenized body, we are obliged to seek for it in some oth- from blood- er source, and this, it would appear from the facts set forth, must be the regressive metamorphosis of the blood-cells. Taurine has not as yet been detected in the portal blood. It can not be supposed that the sulphuric acid of the portal blood is used by deoxida- tion in the preparation of free sulphur for the taurine, since, if any thing, the quantity of that acid in the hepatic venous blood is increased. From 'whatever source it may have been derived, the sulphur of taurine entered the liver in an unoxidized state. When we reflect that the bile is the product of decay, that it pre-ex- ists in the blood, that on its arrival in the intestine a part of it is cast out with the fa3cal matter, it seems very unlikely that an immense cell apparatus, constituting the largest gland in the whole system, should be Analogies in necessary for its removal. But when we moreover reflect dlTdnglugar " that in tte mechanism of plants, from gum, or rather from and fat. carbonic acid and water, under the agency of cells in the leaves or other structures, both sugar and oils are formed, we recognize that there is a connection between those organisms and these products. M. Bernard's experiments seem to show that the sugar-forming func- Influence of tion of the liver may be morbidly increased by wounding the the pneumo- medulla oblongata near the origin of the pneumogastric nerve, gastric nerve . _ r on the quanti- or by the application of galvanism to the same part, an arti- ty of sugar. c i a l diabetes ensuing, and this within a few minutes after the operation, but it usually ceases after two or three days. It is accom- panied by a great derangement of respiration, a lowering of the tempera- ture, and a venous condition of the arterial blood. It by no means fol- lows, however, that the excess of sugar observed in Bernard's experi- ments arises from an increased action of the liver, or an increased energy of the sympathetic nerve : it may be, as Reynoso asserts, attributable to the injury inflicted on the pneumogastric, and diminished respiration. The administration of ether and chloroform, the conditions of old age and foetal life, the influence of many diseases, as chronic bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, all present a tendency to the accumulation of sugar in the urine, the sources in each of these cases being attributable to respiratory dis- turbance ; for if any thing occurs to retard or delay the destruction by DESTRUCTION OF BLOOD-CELLS IN THE LIVER. 209 oxidation of the sugar, constantly formed by the liver, the accumulation will make its appearance in the urine. The appearance of saccharine matter in that secretion may be equally well attributed to its non-de- struction in the system generally as to its over-production by the liver. This gland, besides producing sugar and fat, is the seat in which the worn-out blood-cells are finally disintegrated, and probably Destruction O f the young ones pushed forward through a certain stage of blood-cells in their development ; advantage, moreover, being incidentally t taken of the secreted bile, which possesses properties useful though not essential for promoting the digestion and absorption of fatty material, perhaps, also, of imparting a definite course to the transmutation of the semi-digested material in the intestine, and this both as regards nitro- genized ? amylaceous, and fatty bodies. Of the influence of the bile in promoting the absorption of fat, the physical experiments which have been alluded to leave no doubt; but that these uses are of a secondary or non-essential kind, and are only taken advantage of in an indirectly eco- nomical way, is established beyond all possibility of a doubt by the fact that animals can live for a long time, even for months, without the pas- sage of bile into the intestine, provision having been made for its escape externally through an artificial fistulous orifice. These conclusions respecting the functions of the liver are in harmony with the appearances presented by the blood leaving and entering it : the predominance of colorless blood-cells, and of young cells well ad- vanced toward perfection in the former, and of wasted, worn-out ones in the latter ; with the fact that the maximum secretion of bile does not take place until more than half a day after the ingestion of food ; and that during foetal life, in which there is no food, either in the stomach or intestine, to be digested, the liver is nevertheless in high activity, and bile is secreted. In view of all the preceding facts, we may therefore finally conclude that there are at least four distinct operations conducted in the liver; 1. The production of sugar and fat ; 2. The separation of the bile ; 3. The destruction of old blood-cells ; 4. The completion or perfection of young blood-cells, perhaps by receiving their iron. With respect to these it may be remarked, First. The formation of sugar and fat, either from carbohydrates, or what, in this instance, is more probable, from albumenoid bod- General sum- ies brought by the portal vein, can no longer be doubted. The prevalence of liver-sugar and liver-fat in all that region er. of the venous circulation included between the liver and the lungs must be attributed to this source. That the sugar undergoes rapid metamor- phosis in the pulmonary organs is plainly proved by the effects of irri- tation of the pneumogastrics, which, interfering with the function of rcs- O 210 SUMMARY OF THE ACTION OF THE LIVER. piration, permit this substance to reach the aortic circulation, from which it is removed by the kidneys, a diabetes arising. So far as the prepara- tion and course of this sugar is concerned, the liver is a ductless gland, and, with Mr. Handfield Jones, I believe that the cells of the liver are the agents which accomplish this duty. The production of fat appears to be inversely as that of sugar. In the crustacean bile-sac, Fig. 82, we see the gradual stages of its appearance ; and the production of both bodies .is well illustrated in the life of plants. Second. The bile is separated from the blood portion of the portal blood, and not from the products of digestion obtained from the chylo- poietic viscera. The elements of bile I believe to pre-exist in the blood, and to escape from the portal veinlets to the biliary ducts by mere filtra- tion or strainage. The precise source from which the bile is derived is probably the blood- cells, and in the changes which they are under- going the spleen is perhaps concerned. If this be so, the bile-duct is as much a duct for the spleen as it is for the liver itself. The bile may almost be looked upon as a hydrocarbon, containing a very changeable and therefore noxious coloring material, which, when the secretion reach- es the intestine, is parted from it and dismissed with the fteces, the prop- er hydrocarbon being taken up by the absorbing arrangement for hydro- carbons, the lacteals, and so sent through the thoracic duct. Perhaps, also, by reason of its special adaptedness for that purpose, it aids in the absorption of other fats. At this point it may be remarked that the view here presented of the sugar-forming and bile-straining functions of the liver appears to be greatly strengthened by the anatomical construction of that organ. There is no obvious communication between the portal and hepatic vein- lets save through cells, but the portal veins and the bile-ducts run in their ramifications side by side. Third. Whatever part of the disintegration of old blood-cells takes place in the spleen, their final destruction is doubtless accomplished in the liver, this being the immediate source from which the bile itself is derived. Though these metamorphoses are, to a greater or less extent, occurring throughout the circulation, it is in these two great glands that an opportunity is afforded for the destruction to reach it's completion, and the resulting product of waste to be removed ; nor is there any thing in this view at all contradictory to the opinion I have enforced, that all the constituents of the bile may be found in the general circulation. Fourth. The liver also aids in the preparation or maturation of young blood-cells in an indirect way. There are certain of the mineral constit- uents of the disintegrated cells too valuable to be cast away, since they can subserve the duty of entering into the composition of young cells passing toward perfection. As such a substance may be mentioned iron. THE DUCTLESS GLANDS. 211 This view of the action of the liver appears also to "be sustained by the large number of star-like and corrugated blood-cells occurring in the pgrtal blood of fasting animals, and which are replaced by such as appear to be young and perfect in the blood of the hepatic veins. It is not, however, to be supposed that all the iron is economized in this manner ; a considerable portion of it accompanies the pigment as an essential in- gredient, and is finally discharged through the intestine. OF THE DUCTLESS GLAOT)S. The salivary and sudoriparous glands discharge their secretion directly through ducts. The liver and kidneys have upon their ducts The ductless an additional mechanism, the gall bladder in the one case, and glands. the urinary in the other, which serve as receptacles for storing up the product of action in a temporary manner, and so converting the continu- ous effect of the gland into a periodical result. In each of these instances we may arrive at conclusions of a certain degree of exactness respecting the functions and use of the gland from a study of the secretion it yields ; but there are in the system other glandular organs which differ essen- tially from all the preceding in not being furnished with ducts. These are the spleen, the thymus and thyroid glands, and the supra-renal cap- sules. Much diversity of opinion prevails respecting the true nature and ac- tion of these bodies. From their structure bearing a resent Their supposed blance to that of the preceding, with the exception of the ab- functions, sence of a duct, many have thought that, like them, they are really secret- ing organs. Others have supposed that they have a relation to the nu- trition of the system, in giving origin to the development of cells, or that they are connected with the organization of the blood itself; and that such is their duty is perhaps rendered probable by the circumstance that some of them, as the thymus and thyroid, exhibit their utmost develop-, ment when the body is rapidly growing, and diminish when maturity is reached. That they enjoy a community of action, or that their function can be vicariously discharged by other organs, has been clearly estab- lished by the result of operations in which one or other of them has been extirpated. With respect to the spleen, the views of Professor Kolliker are sup- ported by many facts. He supposes that one of the chief func- Function of tions of that gland is the dissolution of the disorganizing blood- the s P leen - cells preparatory to the action of the liver, in which ha3matin is to be converted into the coloring matter of the bile. In the discussion entered into respecting the origin of the bile, we have come to the conclusion that it is derived from the systemic venous blood, and in the supposition here presented respecting the function of the spleen there is nothing con- 212 THE SPLEEN. tradictory, for it is to be remembered that the blood of the spleen is a constituent of the portal circulation. It also appears to be a general Opinion that the spleen likewise maintains a mechanical relation to the portal mechanism by serving as a receptacle for any excess of blood, and thus relieving the vessels of pressure, or by acting in like manner when there is any obstruction to the passage of blood through the liver. As our knowledge of the action of the ordinary glands becomes more Analogy of the accurate, the function of the ductless glands loses much of S^ttMdncfe- its P eculiarit 7- As we have already stated, in a certain less. sense the liver itself may be said to be a ductless gland, for it appears to be one of the constant duties of that organ to prepare sugar from materials in which it did not pre-exist. And this sugar does not escape through the hepatic ducts in company with the bile, but is taken directly into the system through the hepatic veins. But this principle of action is identically what occurs in the case of every ductless gland, and hence it may be inferred that the changes which these impress on the blood are necessary for the development and nutrition of the system. If the doctrine of Kolliker, be correct, the spleen is only an appendix to the liver, and the same duct answers as a common outlet for both. The views here alluded to are enforced by the examinations which Nature of have been made of the blood of the splenic vein. The fol- spienic blood. l ow i n g table exhibits the contrast between it, that of the ex- ternal jugular, and that of the mammary artery. Constitution of Splenic Blood. (From Scherer.") Mammary Artery. Ext. Jugular. Splenic Vein. Water 750.60 778.90 746 30 Albumen 89.50 79.40 124.40 Corpuscles and Fibrin.... Loss 159.90 141.70 128.90 .40 1000.00 1000.00 1000,00 ,. From which it appears that the blood, after circulating through the spleen, has lost a- large portion of its cells, the relative quantity of its albumen is greatly increased, and, moreover, from being the basic albu- minate of soda, the form under which it ordinarily occurs in the blood, it has become the neutral albuminate, as is proved by a turbid appear- ance on the addition of water, and this state it seems to retain during the portal circulation, for the blood of the hepatic veins exhibits the same peculiarity. OF EXCRETION. 213 CHAPTER XII. OF EXCRETION. THE URINE, MILK, AND CUTANEOUS EXCRETIONS. Secretion and Excretion. Of the Kidney: its Structure and Functions. The Malpighian Circulation. The Urine: its In- gredients, their Variations and Sources. Abnormal Substances in it. The Water and Salts exude by Filtration. The Cells remove unoxidized Bodies. Manner of Removal of the Liquid from the Malpighian Sac. Of the Mammary Gland: its Structure. Colostrum and Milk. Ingredients of Milk and their Variations. Influence of Diet. Inquiry into the Origin of the Ingredients of the Milk, its Fat, Casein, Salts, Sugar. Manner of Action of the Gland by Strainage. Of the Skin. Structure of its Epiderma and Derma. Sudoriparous and Sebaceous Glands. Nails. Hair. Ingredients of Perspiration. Exhalation: its Amount. Causes of the Vari- able Action of the Skin. Its Double Action. Absorption by the Skin. General Summary of the Cutaneous Functions. + THE function of secretion is very commonly treated of by physiolo- gists under two divisions, secretion and excretion. The Di s t i nct ; on be former refers to the separation from the blood of those fluids tween secretion which are required for the uses of the body, and which are therefore still retained ; the latter, to those which are effete, and to be cast out as excrementitious matter. Of secretions, the saliva or the pan- creatic juice may be taken as examples ; of excretions, the urine. 4 But this subdivision is only one of convenience, and has no natural foundation. The so-called secretions are, in many instances, far from being more highly elaborated bodies ; in reality, they are often on their descending career. And among excretions, if milk be enumerated, as it ought to be, since it is a dismissed product of the system preparing it, we have, instead of an excrementitious, a pre-eminently nutritive body. Nevertheless, since this manner of considering the subject offers con- siderable conveniences, I have resorted to it for the preceding and pres- ent chapters. In this I shall accordingly treat of the urine, the milk, and the products removed by the skin. OF THE KIDNEYS. The products of waste arising from oxidation in the functional activity of the system, and which are of a non-gaseous kind, the use- , J ' . Physical func- less materials, saline or otherwise, which have been absorb- tion ofthekid- ed in the digestive tract, and carried into the circulation, ne7 ' must be removed. Gaseous substances and vapors may pass away through the lungs, but solid material must be excreted in a state of so- 214 STRUCTURE OF THE KIDNEY. lution in water. To accomplish tins object, a special mechanism, the kidney, is introduced. From this manner of considering the functional duty of the kidney, it is very clear that a special relation must exist between this excreting or- gan and the respiratory mechanism, for in the case of animals which breathe by gills, or in those which, though subsequently atmospheric breathers, receive their supply of aerated blood before birth by a placenta, the conditions under which aeration takes place are such as permit the removal of solid material by the respiratory mechanism. The urinary excreting apparatus of an animal breathing air is therefore necessarily burdened with an exclusive duty, which is shared by the gills and the skin in a water-breather. In fishes, the renal apparatus is constructed under the condition here The kidnev in indicated, an d though in many it appears to be greatly de- birds, fishes, veloped, extending as a tubular arrangement from the skull cts, etc. through the abdominal cavity, it is to be regarded as analo- gous to theWollfian bodies rather than to the true kidney. In reptiles the proper kidneys appear ; in birds they are well developed, but their secretion is, for the most part, a semi-solid substance, chiefly urate of ammonia. The tubular form is presented in both insects and arachni- dans, discharging its secretion into a cloaca. In man the kidneys may be described as a pair of dark-red ovoid bod- The kidneys in i es ? placed one on each side of the vertebral column, in the man - lumbar region, the right kidney being a little lower than the left. In the adult the kidney is four or five inches in length, and is en- veloped in a mass of fat. Blood is brought from the aorta to supply the organ by the renal or emulgent artery, and is carried back by the emul- gent vein into the inferior vena cava. During its passage through the kidney there is removed from the Wood a liquid secretion, the urine, which*, flowing down a long channel, the ureter, is emptied into the blad- der, from which it may be periodically removed. The supra-renal capsules are bodies of a yellow-red color placed above Supra-renal the kidneys. They are much larger in the foetus than in the capsules. adult, and doubtless have a reference to the peculiar conditions of respiration obtaining at that time, for, as we have just observed, the renal and respiratory mechanisms are necessarily interconnected. The substance of the kidney is described as consisting of two por- Minute strnc- ^^ ons tne cortical and the medullary or tubular, as seen in ture of the kid- Fig. 88, in which 1 is the supra-renal capsule ; 2, the vascu- lar portion of the kidney; 3, 3, tubular portion grouped into cones ; 4, 4, papillae projecting into calices ; 5, 5, 5, the three infundi- bula ; 6, the pelvis ; 7, the ureter. (Wilson.) From which it appears that the cortical substance is the external portion, and the tubular is THE MALPIGHIAN CORPUSCLES. 215 Section grouped into cones, the base of each cone being outward, and the point toward the pelvis of the kidney. The cortical substance, however, envel- ops the cones nearly to their points. It is of a red color, and is the seat of the secreting action. The urine, as it arises, passes along the fine con- vergent vessels, the uriniferous tubes, and these, coalescing as they approach the points of the cones, give origin to what are termed the ducts of Bellini. From these the secretion passes into the calices, thence into the pelvis, and so along the ureter into the bladder. In the cortical substance there are large numbers of dark points, the Malpighian bod- kidney. i es . Their diameter is about -j-Lj- of an inch. Mr. Bowman has demonstrated that the minute structure of the cortical portion is as follows : The uriniferous tubes, as they approach it, under- go bifurcation in such a way that the branches continually arising have, for the most part, a diameter of about -^-$ of an inch. As they enter it they are contorted, and at their ends present small capsules or flask- shaped sacs. Each of the capsules is entered by a twig of Str * uctureofthe the renal artery, which at once divides into loop-like branch- Malpighian es constituting a tuft, and which delivers the blood to a cor P us vein originating in the interior of each tuft. These structures are known as the Malpighian corpuscles. The vein and artery pass out of the cor- puscles usually at the same point ; the vein, however, instead of deliv- ering its blood at once to the renal vein, forms a plexus on the sides of a uriniferous tube, in this simulating the mechanism of the portal vein, which begins in a capillary system and ends in one. It is supposed that the exudation of the water of the urine takes place in the Malpighian body, and the secretion of the solid portions from the cells which cover the uriniferous tubes. The chief feature of this structure is, therefore, that in a sac formed upon a uriniferous tube, a tuft of capillaries, the walls of which are of ex- treme tenuity, permits water to escape from the blood supplied by the emulgent artery. The blood, thus concentrated by loss of its water, passes into the veinlets which originate in the interior of the tuft ; these, converging into a little trunk, less in diameter than the twig Circulation of of the emulgent artery, escape along with that vessel from thebioodinthe the capsule ; but, instead of discharging its contents into the kidne ^- renal vein, it ramifies in a plexus on the walls of a uriniferous tube, thus affording a miniature representation of the portal vein, beginning in a capillary system and ending in one. From the plexus the commencing capillaries of the renal veins arise. 216 THE MALPIGHIAN CORPUSCLES. 90. Some anatomists suppose that the Malpighian capsule is not, in reality, a flask-like expansion of the uriniferous tube, but that the tube, dilating, folds over the blood capillaries, and so receives them. However that may be, they form a loose ball in its in- terior, fastened to it only by the arterial twigs and its corresponding and juxtaposed vein. The foregoing description is illustrated by the annexed figures, Fig. 89 being half dia- grammatic, from Kolliker. 1, a Malpighian capsule, A, with the tubulus uriniferus, B, C, springing from it ; a, membrane of Malpighian body, continuous at b with the membrana pro- pria of convoluted tubule; c, epithelium of Malpighian corpuscle; d, that of tubule; e, detached epithelium ; f, vas afferens ; g, vas efferens ; A, glomerulus Malpighianus : 2, three naif diagram of human Malpighian epithelial cells from convoluted tubule, magni- corpuscle, magnified 300 diameters. fied g 5 Q diameters OD6 with oil drops. Fig. 90, Glomerulus, or tuft of blood-vessels from the innermost part of the cortex of the kidney of the horse: #, arteria interlobularis ; a/, vas afferens ; m m, glomerulus ; ef, vas efferens ; b, divisions of arteriola recta in the medullary substance. Fig. 91 shows the ciliated epithelium of the uriniferous tube in the frog: a, cavity of the uriniferous tube ; 5, its epithelium ; b', ciliated portion thereof; b", de- tached ciliated epithelial cell ; c, basement mem- brane of the tube ; cf, that of the capsule ; m, capillaries of the tuft ; t, adjacent uriniferous tube. Mr. Bowman's expla- nation of the Malpighi- an circulation is repre- sented in Fig. 92. a, branch of renal artery ; of, afferent vessels ; m, m, Malpighian tufts ; ef, eft efferent vessels ; p, Fig. 91. Glomerulus from the horse, magni- Cilia on uriniferous tube of frog. THE MALPIGHIAN CORPUSCLES. 217 Fig. 92. Diagram of Malpjghian circu- T . . . lation. es. Dr. Isaacs s in- vestigations are entirely confirmatory of Mr. Bowman's views, so far as structure is concerned. Fig. 93 is a view obtained by agitating scrapings of the kidney of a ~ 04 their plexus upon the uriniferous tube ; st, straight tube ; ct, convoluted tube. I am indebted to Dr. Isaacs for the following in- structive figures and descriptions from his paper read before the Academy of Medicine. His method of examination of the Fig. 93. minute mechanism of the kidney, by rendering small por- tions of it transpa- rent, greatly facili- tates these research- tuft with uriniferous tube, nified 75 diameters. Ruptured Malpighian coil of the deer, magnified 80 diameters. Fig. 95 Nucleated cells c i coil, magnified 80 diameters. sheep (which had pre- viously been injected with chrome yellow and sulphuric ether) in a test-tube with water. The portion on the left shows the tuft alone, that on the right its reception in the urinif- erous capsule. Fig. 94 shows the artery, filled with in- jection, and the Mal- pighian coil or tuft rup- tured in the capsule. The injected material lies in broken portions. Fragments of the in- 218 THE UEINE. jected vessels of the coil are seen passing down the tube. From the kidney of the deer. A difference of opinion prevails among anatomists as to the existence of nucleated cells upon the Malpighian tuft or coil in the case of the higher animals. This question is finally settled by Dr. Isaacs in the following manner. An ethereal or watery-colored solution is injected into the ure- ter, so as to distend the tubes, burst, and throw off the capsule. The cells can then be seen upon the naked tuft or coil. Fig. 95 shows the Malpighian body and uriniferous tube of the kidney of the black bear. The artery had been first partially filled with injection, which had broken the coil in pieces. The injection from the ureter ruptured the capsule, which is seen in shreds. Nucleated cells are seen on the naked coil or tuft. In the upper part of the figure, to the left, is a broken tuft, on the right of which the ruptured capsule is perceived, and nucleated cells upon the uncovered tuft. In the upper part of the figure, to the right, are the fragments of a Malpighian tuft, with nucleated cells adhering to it. The capsule had been torn off with a fine needle. All the above drawings were made under the microscope. The urine of man is a clear, amber-yellow liquid, the average specific The urine its g^^ty f which may be taken at 1.020, giving an acid re- properties and action when first voided, but gradually becoming alkaline and turbid. Its composition varies greatly with preceding states of the system, and the nature and quantity of the food. It amounts, in the course of a day, to from 20 to 50 ounces ; this, however, depending on the quantity of water that has been taken, and on the ac- tivity of the skin. Its solid ingredients vary from 20 to 70 parts in 1000 of the urine, the leading substances being urea, uric acid, lactic acid, ves- ical mucus, epithelial debris, extractive, and salts. The urine of carnivorous differs from that of herbivorous animals, the latter being turbid, and having an alkaline reaction ; that of the former transparent, pale yellow, and acid. From Winter's experiments, it appears that for every thousand parts of his weight a man discharges 25.9 parts of urine per diem, the max- imum being 46.8, the minimum 14.0. A child, reduced to the same standard, discharges 47.4 parts ; but a cat, fed on a flesh diet, 91.036. The quantity of water thus removed depends, to a very great extent, on the existing conditions of the system ; sometimes it is far less than would answer to the amount that has been taken ; sometimes, on the contrary, more. The solid material likewise exhibits very great fluctuations. Viewed as a group, the constituents of the urine are evidently the ox- Ori in of the idized residues of the system, which, unable, from their not other urine possessing the vaporous or gaseous form, to escape through constituents. t j ie lungSj ^^ from t i }e ^ so i u ]bility in water, readily removed COMPOSITION OF THE UKINE. 219 by the kidneys. The urea and uric acid are derived from muscular de- cay ; perhaps, of -the two, the uric acid first arises, and is subsequently converted into urea ; this is not, however, its exclusive source, since the quantity of urea increases by the use of highly nitrogenized food. The mucus and epithelial debris are derived from the mucous membrane lin- ing the interior of the urinary apparatus. Of the salts, there are two of unusual interest, the sulphates and phosphates, each having, like the urea, a double origin, the food and tissue decay. Leaving out of consid- eration that part which has been supplied by the food, we recognize in the sulphates the final disposal of that sulphur which was once secreted by the liver, and subsequently reabsorbed. In the phosphates we recog- nize the oxidation of the free phosphorus of the nervous Constitution of vesicles during their period of activity. That portion of the urine - solid constituents of the urine which is due to decay or retrograde met- amorphosis is shown when an animal is exclusively fed on sugar. Composition of Urine. (From Berzelius.} Water 933.00 Urea 30.10 Uric acid 1.00 Lactic acid, lactate of ammonia, and extractive 1 7. 14 Mucus 00.32 Sulphate of potash 3.71 Sulphate of soda , 3.16 Phosphate of soda 2.94 Bi-phosphate of ammonia 1.65 Chloride of sodium 4,45 Muriate of ammonia 1.50 Phosphates of lime and magnesia 1.00 Silica 0.03 1000.00 The composition of urine is not only disturbed by variations in the amount of its normal ingredients, but likewise, in morbid states, by the appearance of unusual ones. Among these may be more particularly mentioned sugar, albumen, blood, bile, pus, fat. The presence of such abnormal ingredients is determined by chemical tests or microscopic ob- servations. Since the urinary apparatus is the sewer of the system, tables, like the preceding, which purport to set forth the composition of its y ariabil ity O f excretion, can only be received as general illustrations. In its constitu- the urine must occur whatever materials have been gener- ated in the complicated disintegration of the economy, and whatever use- less substances have found their way in through the absorbents by rea- son of their solubility in water. Eespecting the substances thus occurring, either normally or unusu- ally, in the urine, the following are observations of interest : The quantity of urea excreted depends more upon the nature of the 220 OEIGIN AND VARIATIONS OF UEEA. food than upon any other condition. It reaches its maxi- Variahons in -,11 , -,. -, . the quantity mum under an absolute animal diet, and its minimum under a non-nitrogenized one. It still appears during fasting, and about to the same extent as during a non-nitrogenized diet. Its sources, therefore, are partly the waste of the tissues and partly the food. By several observers, urea has been detected in the blood under ordi- nary circumstances. After extirpation of the kidneys it has been re- peatedly recognized in that of the lower animals. It is removed with such rapidity by the kidneys that its quantity is probably never per- mitted to exceed a fiftieth of one per cent, of the circulating blood. Its origin has generally been attributed to the waste of muscular tissue, though it has not yet been detected in muscle juice ; but then rt should be remembered that creatine and inosic acid may produce it during their descending metamorphosis. Under this view, the seat of its production would be the blood itself, a conclusion which is enforced by the circum- stance that caffeine also increases its amount. In his inaugural dissertation, entitled, " Is muscular Motion the Cause Origin of the of the Production of Urea ?" Dr. John C. Draper, by experi- urea. ments on the urine of persons in different conditions of motion and rest, and by an examination of the diurnal and nocturnal variations in the amount of urea voided, compared with an invariable standard, gives reasons for concluding that the differences in the amount of urea excreted are almost entirely attributable to the influence of the food, an individual in such a state of comparative rest as is observed during treat- ment for a fractured leg not excreting by any means so much less urea as might have been anticipated when compared with another individual who walked thirteen miles at the rate of four and a half miles an hour. But, on examining the influence of food, it appears to be well marked. The greatest amount of urea is excreted within a few hours after dinner. Another maximum also occurs just after breakfast ; but during the eight night hours far less is excreted than during the same period in the aft- ernoon. The ingestion of food thus exercising so rapid and marked an influ- ence on the quantity of urea, he refers to it as the cause of the increased excretion of that substance during the course of the day rather than to the increased motion of exercise then indulged in; and in view of this conclusion, it becomes probable that the nitrogen of the wasting muscu- lar tissues escapes, not under the form of urea through the kidneys, but through the skin, or perhaps even as free nitrogen from the lungs. Of the variations of the sulphates, it may be observed that the aver- Variations of a ge diurnal excretion of sulphuric acid per thousand parts of the sulphates. man b e i n g 0.050 of a part, an increase is observed during di- gestion, a diminution occurring during the night, the minimum being EXTKACTIVE AND SALTS. 221 reached in the forenoon. Exercise to a moderate degree does not seem to influence it, though that of a more violent kind, and also mental ex- citement, do. Fasting for one day does not diminish it. Copious drafts of water increase it, but it subsequently declines. The admin- istration of sulphur, and of the sulphates of potash, soda, and magnesia, also increases it, the latter salts being removed from the system through the kidneys. The quantity of extractive matter excreted by children is much more than that excreted by adults, when estimated, as all such Q uantit ofex observations ought to be, by reduction to a common stand- tractive in ard. Thus Scherer found that for every thousand parts of T weight a child excreted 0.346 of a part of extractive per diem, but an adult, for each thousand parts of weight, excreted 0.156 of a part, which is less than half as much. . The quantity of chlorine in the urine, as chlorides of sodium and po- tassium, undergoes many variations. Hegar shows that it y ariations in is at a maximum in the afternoon, at a minimum in the the chloride of night, and rising toward morning. Its quantity is increased Sl after taking water, and then diminishes. Muscular exercise also in- creases it. It is interesting to remark that, in inflammatory conditions accompanied by copious exudations, the chlorides in the urine are so much diminished that that secretion in its fresh state will yield no pre- cipitate with nitrate of silver. In 80 cases of pneumonia observed by Kedtenbacher, the acidified urine did not become turbid with nitrate of silver, but as the inflammatory action subsided the chlorides reappeared. Of medicaments and other unusual substances introduced into the or- ganism, those which are soluble in water, and have little Egca e of unu affinity for the constituent matters of the body, are removed sual salts in in the urine. In this list are found a great number of salts t] which escape in this manner without undergoing any change ; such, for example, as carbonate of potash, nitrate of potash, bromide of sodium. Other substances undergo change previously to their elimination, as, for instance, the alkaline sulphides, which become oxidized, and are then finally removed as alkaline sulphates. Dr. Bence Jones has satisfactori- ly shown that, when ammonia is taken, it is removed as nitric acid in the urine. Under the administration of the neutral alkaline salts of vegeta- ble acicls, alkaline carbonates in excess appear, owing to the oxidation of their acid in the blood. That this is the true seat of the oxidation, and that it takes place with great rapidity, is demonstrated by the in- jection of such salts into the jugular vein, which very soon are found as carbonates in the urine. When oxalate of lime is introduced into the stomach, it does not make its appearance in the urine, perhaps because of its insolubility present- 222 HIPPUEIC ACID, LACTATES, PROTEIN BODIES. ing a difficulty to its absorption. In the case of some animals it occurs Production of naturally in the excrement. When, in man, it is found in the dSturbe^re^ 1 urme * ts occurrence may be often traced to a disturbance piration. of the respiratory function, or to abnormal metamorphosis occurring in the blood. Under such circumstances it presents itself in convalescence from typhus. That it can arise from such metamorphosis is proved by the circumstance that it is found in the urine after the in- jection of urates into the veins. When the kidneys act vicariously for the lungs, there thus appears to be a tendency to the removal of carbon under the form of oxalic instead of carbonic acid. Hippuric acid may arise in the organism from the metamorphosis of Occurrence of benzoic and cinnamic acids, the administration of these sub- hippuric acid, stances being followed by its excretion in the urine. If any thing was necessary to prove that the seat of its origin is the blood, its discovery therein, in the case of the ox, by Verdeil and Dollfass would be sufficient. Its general occurrence in the urine of graminivorous ani- mals, and its absence in that of the carnivora, indicate that its normal production is connected with the nature of the food. However, among some of the lower animals it is still excreted while they are in a state of starvation, and it has been recognized in the urine of diabetic patients under a strict animal diet. After the injection of alkaline lactates into the jugular, the urine be- Disappearance comes alkaline in the course of a quarter of an hour. If tates^from the tnev nave ^ een taken into the stomach, in about double that blood. time. The passage of other salts is sometimes even more rapid ; thus the ferrocyanide of potassium has been detected in the urine in less than two minutes. The excess of protein bodies absorbed from the digestive canal, and Excess of ro- unnece ssary for the repair of the system, is removed as urea tein bodies re- and uric acid ; and, in like manner, the sulphur and phos- phorus introduced by those bodies are, after oxidation, dis- charged as sulphates and phosphates. Under the use of a strictly ani- mal diet, the urine resembles that of carnivorous animals in color, acid reaction, and freedom from lactic and hippuric acids. Disappearance ^e Phosphate of lime often almost totally disappears of phosphate of during pregnancy, and fractures unite at that period with difficulty. -. Many circumstances regulate the length of time that extraneous sub- Period that ex- stances will remain in the system ; thus it sometimes occurs traneous sub- that, after the administration of alkaline salts of organic acids, main in the the alkalinity of the urine will disappear in the course of system. j^f a ^ av? w hji e on O ther occEsions it will continue for sev- eral days. The period also varies very much with different individuals. REMOVAL OF URINE SALTS. 223 When the substance administered is of such a chemical nature that it can unite with any tissue, it may remain in the system for a very long time. The anatomical construction of the Malpighian bodies has led physi- ologists to infer that there are two distinct stages in the se- Manner of se- cretion of urine. These have already been pointed out in jfiJlto ij the remark that the Malpighian bodies separate water from filtration, the blood, but that the solid ingredients are secreted from that delicate plexus of vessels which covers the walls of the urinary tubes. Before accepting this opinion, we may, however, observe, that the chief solid con- stituents of the urine, as urea, uric acid, sulphates, and phosphates, pre- exist in the blood, and are all soluble in water. It is not to be supposed that the water which oozes through the delicate walls of the Malpighian tufts should leave such substances behind it. That the loss of water actually takes place in the tuft circulation appears to be proved by the fact that the vessel emerging from the tuft is less than the one entering it ; the volume of blood is less by the amount of abstracted water. We must, moreover, take care that we are not deceived by a name. The vessel emerging from the tufts may be conveniently ThQ arterial enough called a vein, but is there any proof that such is its quality retain- physiological attitude? ' There is no reason to believe that ed in the tufts ' the blood has lost its arterial character while it has been in the tuft. At the most, it can only have lost the elements of urine. It is not until it is distributed in the plexus on the walls of the uriniferous tubes that it really gains the venous character, and then through nourishing those ves- sels, and particularly the cells of their interior. These considerations therefore lead me to the suggestion that the inor- ganic bodies, as urea, uric acid, sulphates, and phosphates, which may all be regarded as products of final oxidation, pass out with the water in which they are dissolved while the blood is yet circulating in the Mal- pighian tuft. The loss of velocity in the current by the arterial twig breaking up into so many vessels must, as Mr. Bowman states, greatly favor this transudation, as does also the pressure that must arise, from the blood having to pass through a narrow channel of exit, and still more through another capillary system just beyond. It was arterial blood that entered the tuft, and it is arterial blood that emerges, to be then directed upon the walls of the uriniferous tubes. And now the question may arise, What is the object of this second cap- illary circulation ? Though the statement is often made that The cells re- the. constituents of the urine are the results of oxidation, it ^Jdw^" is very far from being strictly true. The analysis of urine stances, shows that a very large proportion of them, classed as extractive, are real- ly combustible bodies, and not far advanced in their retrograde meta- 224 THE MAMMARY GLANDS. morphosis. They retain still, as it were, the traces of organization ; they belong rather to the hydrocarbon family than to the nitrogenized. It may be that, for the removal of these, cell action is necessary. Whatever importance may be attached to such a suggestion, it is very Modeofremov- clear that, notwithstanding the extreme thinness of the walls from\hVS of the tuft vessels the relaxation in the speed of the blood pighian sac. current through them, and the pressure brought to bear upon them, that water could not be separated by oozing through them unless there was an additional provision. The sac into which the exudation is to take place is already full, and it may be questioned whether ciliary mo- tion in the uriniferous tubes would exert a sufficient exhaustion to relieve the interior of the capsule from pressure ; but the introduction of a liquid of a different nature into the uriniferous tube may call at once into oper- ation the principle described at page 131 as acting in the capillary circu- lation of the blood, and thus the contents of the Malpighian sac are drawn forward into the uriniferous tube, just in the same manner that water is drawn from the inside of a bladder through the pores thereof by alcohol on the outside. THE MAMMARY GLANDS. The mammary glands are situated on various portions of the abdom- inal and thoracic surfaces of animals of the class mammalia. Description of the mammary In the higher members of this class they present the appear- ance of racemose glands, rudimentary in the males, but well developed in the adult females, especially after parturition. They separ- ate from the blood the white secretion, milk. In the ornithorynchus the mammary gland consists of an obtuse cone of coecal follicles, ending upon an areolar surface. There is no nipple. The milk is expelled, both in these and the marsupials, by direct mus- cular pressure. In cetaceans the nipple is included in a cleft of the in- its compara- tegument, but in the higher mammalia it projects, so that, be- tive anatomy. ' n g rece i ve i * f tion of the mammary gland previous to parturition, that it lostrum and contains albumen in the place of casein, the casein gradually appearing as the period of parturition approaches, but not reaching its maximum until a few days after that event. Colostral milk differs essentially from the subsequent ordinary secretion, as the follow- ing table shows : Constitution of Colostrum and Milk. (From Simon.') Colostrum. Milk. Water 828 00 887 60 Fat...... 50.00 25 30 Casein. 40 00 34 30 70.00 4820 Ash ; . . 3 10 2 30 Loss 8.90 2.30 1000.00 1000.00 The specimens here presented were obtained from the same individual ; and from the table it appears that the colostrum contains a much larger proportion of solid material than the milk. The quantity of fat is near- ly double ; the quantity of sugar is likewise much greater, but the rela- tive quantity of casein is less, this being in accordance with the state- ment that the production of that substance approaches gradually to a maximum which is not attained till a few days after parturition. The composition of milk varies with many circumstances. Thus, Variability in among cows, it is well known that there are certain breeds its composition. w hi c h yi^a a m $k { n wn i c h butter predominates ; in others, a milk in which there is an excess of casein. It is in reference to this that such are, among agricultural people, often described as good butter VARIATIONS IN MILK. 227 cows, or good cheese cows, as the case may be. Such variations are likewise often popularly referred to peculiarities in the color of these ani- mals ; and, indeed, there is a general impression of the same kind as re- spects the milk of women, that that of fair women is inferior to that of brunettes. L'Heritier, who has examined into this matter, selected two females of the same age, 22 years, and caused them to adopt the same diet and the same mode of life. The one was a blonde, the other a bru- nette. The following table exhibits the most marked of his results Milk of Women of different Temperaments. (From UHeritierS) The Blonde. The Brunette. "Water 892.00 853 30 Butter 35.50 54 80 10.00 16.20 Sugar of xnilk 58.50 71.20 Salts ' 4.00 4.50 1000.00 1000.00 The average of the various analyses he made shows the same general re- sult, though not so strikingly, the number being for the solid constitu- ents, in the case of the blonde, 120, and for that of the brunette, 134. As would be expected, the constitution of the milk varies greatly with the diet. Simon found that in the case of a very poor woman, influence of who had been almost deprived of the necessaries of life, the diet on milk - quantity of solid material was only 8.6 per cent. On giving her a nutri- tious meat diet it rose to 11.9 per cent. Being again reduced, by cir- cumstances, to the utmost destitution, the solid residue sank to 9.8 per cent. ; and on once more being supplied with a nutritious meat diet, the percentage rose to 12.6. These results illustrate in a striking manner, as will be presently seen, the function of the mammary gland. Simon also found, in this particular case, that the relative quantities of casein and sugar do not greatly vary with these extreme dietary variations, but that the absolute quantity of butter does. On the two occa- Qri in of the sions of starvation, it was as low as 8 parts in 1000 of milk, casein and of and on the two of full nutritious diet, it rose to 34 and 37 thebutter - respectively. From this it seems to follow that while the amount of butter in milk is determined by the quantity and quality of the food, the amounts of casein and sugar are, to a considerable degree, independent thereof, and hence I believe their origin is to be attributed to changes taking place in the system, and that these substances are more immedi- ately furnished from metamorphoses of its structures. The casein and the sugar are reciprocally related to each other, the quantity of casein steadily increasing from the time of par- Relative uan turition until a fixed proportion is attained. At parturition tity of casein the quantity of sugar is at its maximum, a gradual decline a sugar ' then occurring until its proportion likewise becomes nearly constant. 228 ACTION OF THE MAMMARY GLAND. Saline substances administered by the stomach or rectum do not al- Extraneous ways appear in the milk ; thus the ferrocyanide of potassi- saits in milk. unlj w hich may be quickly detected in the urine, can not be found in the milk. It is curious, that when iodide of potassium has been administered to the mother, in doses, for example, of three grains thrice a day, it can be readily detected in the urine of the infant by the usual test of starch and nitric acid. The diurnal quantity of milk yielded by the human female has been Diurnal quan- estimated at from 32 to 64 ounces. This estimate is made tity of milk, ^y determining the weight of the infant before and after suck- ling. Although a certain proportion is present in the gland, the secre- tion appears to take place for the most part with great rapidity. On the application of the infant the blood flows suddenly, and the milk pours into the ducts, constituting what is termed the draft. We now enter on a consideration of the function of the mammary Mode of action g^ an< ^ w ^ n a v ^ ew ^ determining whether it acts in virtue of the mamma- of its special construction, whether it fabricates in itself, by the agency of cells, the proximate constituents of milk, or whether it merely strains them from the blood in which they pre-exist. Due weight should here be given to the fact that, unlike the excretions of the lungs, the kidneys, or even the liver, the milk contains a very large percentage of histogenetic or formative bodies. Its casein can not be considered as in the career of retrograde transformation, since in the body of the infant it is presently changed into albumen. Such a fact might even lead us to suspect that we should detect some essential structural and functional differences between the mammas and other glands. The influence of special structure is, however, disposed of by the nu- livfluence of merous well-authenticated cases now on record, in which por- speciai struc- tions of the skin, or the stomach, the navel, intestines, the ax- illa, and glands in the groin have assumed a vicarious action, and secreted milk ; and though it has been said of the latter instance that it may be nothing more than an obscure manifestation of an attempt in the human species at a repetition of the mammary gland in a region near which it is normally present in the lower mammals, such a remark has no application in the other cases. We may therefore infer that the proxi- mate constituents of the milk are not manufactured by reason of any special structure of the gland which secretes them, since other structures can assume a vicarious action. This therefore narrows our inquiry down to the point, Does the mam- mary gland merely filter off from the blood substances already existing in it, or, those substances not so pre-existing, are they made in this or- gan by cells ? Of the proximate elements of milk, many, such as the entire group SOURCE OP THE BUTTER OF MILK. 229 of its salts, are acknowledged on all hands to pre-exist in the The galtg of blood ; and these, constituting about -^ of its solid ingredi- milk exist in ents, must be admitted to pass into the secretion by strainage only. Of the other solid ingredients, the fat, which constitutes about one fourth, also exists in the blood, being derived by lacteal absorption from the food. Do milk-giving animals, then, find in their ordinary dief a sufficient quantity of oleaginous material to supply the drain establish- The hydrocar . ed through the mammary gland, and the calorifacient de- bons pre-exist mand, supposing none to be made in the system ? The re- searches of Dumas have definitely settled this question. Of these the following is an abridgment : Fat in Articles of Forage. Indian corn 8.75 per cent. Kice 1.00 Oats 3.30 Eye 1.75 Wheat 2.10 Dry hay 2.00 Clover in flower 4.00 Wheat straw 3.20 Oat straw 5.10 Beet root 0.05 Potatoes 0.08 " " A cow in good condition, eating 100 pounds of dry hay, will furnish 21 quarts of milk, from which there can be obtained 1J pounds Quantity of fat of butter. If this butter was obtained exclusively from the in fora s e - food, and none made in the system, we ought to find in the 100 pounds of dry hay 1J pounds of fatty matter; but sulphuric ether can remove from such hay 2 pounds, and in several specimens of clover cut in flow- er, M. Boussingault found the proportion as high as 4 per cent. We may therefore affirm, relying on the universal experience of farmers, that the hay eaten by a milch cow contains more fat matter than the milk which she yields. Thus far, therefore, we are not authorized to regard the animal as capable of producing the butter found in its milk, but, on the contrary, we may be led to suppose that the whole of it is taken from the food. In a physiological point of view, a single experiment of this kind is insufficient. Errors may arise in comparing together hay taken by chance, and the produce of milk taken by chance. It would doubtless be far better to establish a direct experiment, giving the proportion of butter, determined by analysis, relatively to the proportion of fat matter consumed by a cow. This experiment has been made on such a scale and with so much care as to be very convincing. It lasted for a year, and was conducted on 7 milch cows, the milk, drawn twice a day, being 230 SOUECE OF THE BUTTER OF MILK. carefully measured. The 7 cows furnished 17,576 quarts of milk; its weight was 36,382 pounds. Being analyzed from time to time, it was found to yield 3.7 per cent, of butter, completely deprived of water. From this it follows that these 7 cows furnished during the year 1346 pounds of butter. During this time they ate 30 pounds of hay, clover, and grass each day; that is to say, the 7 cows consumed during the year 77,650 Ibs. Now if in 100 pounds of hay there are 1.8 of fat, the 77,650 pounds represent 1378 ; recollecting, however, the use of clover, which is richer in fat, the amount should rise to more than 2000 pounds. But the but- ter obtained was only 1346 pounds. From this experiment, therefore, we gather, that a cow which is giving milk finds much more fat in the fodder she eats than is subsequently yielded in her butter. We may therefore conclude that such an animal extracts from her food most of the fat it contains, and that she either stores it up in her adipose cells, uses it for the production of heat, or con- verts it into butter. In the argument, as thus presented by M. Dumas, the question is con- sidered in its quantitative aspect, no allowance being made, however, for the amount of oily material accompanying the fasces, and no estimate of- fered of the proportion destroyed for the sake of producing heat. It might be that the entire amount of fat escapes in the former of these ways, and that, though a sufficiency occurs in the food, it is not absorbed therefrom into the system. There are many facts which show that the identical fat occurring in The identical the food is actually delivered by the mammary gland with [sfomid^i/the raan y f its quantities unchanged. Thus, if by chance cows milk. should eat the tender shoots of pine-trees, or wild onions, or other strong-smelling herbs, the milk is at once contaminated with the special flavor of their oils. The same, too, takes place when turnips are introduced in their diet. If half the allowance of hay for a cow is re- placed by an equivalent quantity of linseed-cake, rich in oil, the cow maintains herself in good condition, but the milk produces a butter more than usually soft, and tainted with a peculiar flavor derived from the lin- seed oil. To the preceding facts it is unnecessary to add any observations in re- lation to the carnivorous mammals, which obviously find in their prey large quantities of 'fat. In the chapter on calorifacient digestion, and in that on the functions of the liver, the evidence was presented both as regards the reception of oily material from the food, and likewise its fabri- Sufficient cation in the system. From these sources conjointly it may of fat therefore be plainly seen that fats of various kinds must al- ways exist in the blood. A simple arithmetical computation, CASEIN FEE-EXISTS IN BLOOD. 231 founded on the data furnished by the tables of the constitution of blood and of milk respectively, will show that there is at any moment a sufficient supply of fatty matters in the blood to furnish two thirds of the diurnal amount of milk. It does not seem, therefore, philosophical, under these circumstances, to impute to the mammary gland a power of forming but- ter. It doubtless obtains that substance directly from the blood ; and it may be that those bodies which are conceived of as cells, and which are supposed to arise in the lobules of the gland in successive broods, which run a rapid living career, coming into existence, reaching maturity, dying and deliquescing with incredible rapidity, are, in reality, nothing more than oil globules which have coated themselves over with a cyst of coag- ulated casein, as in Ascherson's experiment, or just as they become coat- ed with a similar film immediately on passing from the intestine into the lacteal vessels ; and this, accordingly, is the opinion I entertain of their nature. Next of the casein. There has been much controversy among chem- ists respecting the existence of casein as a normal ingredi- Reasons for in- cut in the blood. Theoretically there does not appear any jSbSl? > solid reason for denying that it may be one of those constit- blood, uents, considering the analogy of constitution which it shows with albu- men. The evidence is much more distinct and positive in the case of puerperal blood, and is greatly strengthened by the recognized tendency to the occurrence of kiestine in the urine during gestation. This sub- stance, to which much attention has of late been devoted, makes its ap- pearance in such urine as a pellicle or membrane, which gradu- ally increases in thickness. It is not commonly seen before 30 hours after the urine is passed, nor later than the eighth day. Though sometimes appearing at an earlier period of gestation, it is more frequent in the seventh, eighth, or ninth months. The fact is not without signifi- cance for our present purpose, that it may reappear in the urine after par- turition if any thing occurs to check the secretion of milk. Moreover, Prout noticed it in the urine of a delicate child which was fed chiefly on milk. An examination of it shows that kiestine is composed of casein, a butyric fat, and the phosphate of magnesia. Such a constitution betrays at once its relation to the secretion of the mammary gland. Lehmann, who inclines to the belief that kiestine is nothing else but the formation of crystals of triple phosphate and fungoid and confervoid growths, which take place when the urine becomes alkaline, admits that, unless it has been the basic albuminate of soda which has been mistaken for it, casein does occasionally occur in the urine. From the acknowl- edged fact that the acid interstitial juice of muscle fibre contains casein, there can not be any doubt, I think, that that substance must pre-exist in the blood. 232 SOUECE OP THE CASEIN OF MILK. The occurrence of casein under the form of kiestine in the urine, in quantity increasing as gestation advances, indicates therefore that the system is assuming a propensity for the generation of this substance from its albumenoid compounds ; and since, in cases of starvation, the percent- age of casein in the milk does not seem to be materially affected, we are to attribute its immediate source to the system rather than to the food. In this respect it differs from the oily constituent, butter, the percentage amount of which is instantly affected by variations in the nature and quantity of the food. It would seem, indeed, that, from the same plastic ingredient, albumen, the soft tissues of both mother and infant are fabri- cated, with this difference, that in the latter case the temporary condition of casein is intermediately assumed. We have already remarked on the identity of constitution of albumen, casein, and fibrin, so far as their car- bon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen are concerned ; and, indeed, these compounds differ far less in their physical characters from one another than albumen in its coagulated and uncoagulated state ; yet that differ- ence in physical quality may be readily brought about by so trifling an agency as rise of temperature through only a few degrees, and is proba- bly dependent upon the different allotropic forms which the carbon con- stituent is prone to assume. Giving due weight to these various consid- erations, we shall find reason to conclude that this constituent of the milk, the casein, is directly derived from the system, which can manufac- ture it at a rate of about 30 grains per hour, this being about one half the quantity of fibrin generated in the same period of time for the sup- port of the muscular tissues. Chemically, the transition from albumen to casein is not to be regarded either as an ascending or declining meta- morphosis, but only as the temporary assumption of a state of passage onward to the condition of fibrin. With respect to the constitution of casein there is considerable doubt. Complex na- The substance commonly passing under this title seems to ture of casein. cons i s t O f a t least two different bodies ; at all events, it may be separated into two parts, one containing sulphur, and the other not ; moreover, if to milk, which has been perfectly freed from butter, there be added dilute hydrochloric acid, the ordinary precipitate is yielded, but there still remains in solution an analogous body, which does not precipi- tate until the mixture is boiled. In milk, though much of the casein is held in solution, much also exists in the coagulated state, forming the wall of the milk globules. Its existence under this membranous form may be demonstrated by the action of acetic acid on milk globules un- der the microscope, and also by shaking new milk with ether, which pro- duces very little change ; whereas, if the milk were only an emulsion, the ether should take up the fat and hold it in solution. Now, on the addi- tion of potash or its carbonate to milk before the action of ether, those THE ACTION OF THE MAMMARY GLAND. 233 substances dissolve the membrane, and then the ether takes up the fat and forms a dimly-clear solution. We may therefore conclude that the substance we designate as casein consists of two ingredients, the protein compound, which exists in a state of solution in milk, and also that which forms the membrane of the fat corpuscles. Many of the remarks just made respecting the origin of casein are ap- plicable to the saccharine constituent of the milk, the origin origin of the of which is not to be attributed so much to the food directly sugar of milk. as to the system ; for, in starvation, the sugar, like the casein, still con- tinues to form to nearly the normal amount. I think it is probable that its production is due to the liver, and is, in reality, nothing more than an indication of the continued action of that gland, one of the prime func- tions of which is the generation of saccharine compounds. From the data now before us respecting the origin of the different con- stituents of the milk, the casein, the butter, the sugar, and T ' he mammary the salts, we are able to come to a definite conclusion re- gland acts by garding the physiological action of the mammary gland. I have entered on this long disquisition from the important bearing which the decision we arrive at has upon the whole theory of secretion ; for if there be a gland in the body in which we should expect to find proofs of formative power, through the agency of cell life or otherwise, in giving rise to products that did not pre-exist in the blood, it is certainly the mammary. But now, as it appears that all the constituents which its secretion contains are found in the blood, we can scarcely suppose that the gland itself does more than merely strain them out ; of course, in com- mon with all such structures, it possesses what might aptly be termed an elective filtrating power ; thus it permits the exudation of the iodide of potassium from the blood, but refuses a passage to the ferrocyanide. And, finally, the conclusion to which, we thus come recalls the remark heretofore made, that the more thoroughly we study the secretions deliv- ered by the various glands, and the more perfectly we identify the sources from which their constituent ingredients have been derived, the more we should be disposed to impute glandular action to the physical process of elective filtration, and the less to the agency of cell life. OF THE SKIN. The skin is composed of two layers, the epidermis or cuticle, and the derma or cutis. It contains tw9 systems of glands, one for the removal of water, and another for that of oily substances. It also presents sub- sidiary parts or appendages, such as the nails and hair. The epidermis, which is the exterior portion of the skin, originates from the cutis. It has a different thickness in different parts; The epidermis : the contrast, in this respect, being very well shown upon the its structure. 234 THE KETE MUCOSUM AND THE TRUE SKIN. soles of the feet and the eyelids. In this respect its use is mechanical. It serves as a protective covering to the parts it envelops, being thick where pressure and hard usage have to be provided for, and thinner where there is a necessity for motion. It consists of an aggregation of nucle- ated particles adhering together, the deepest being granules, the inter- mediate more perfect cells, which gradually become flattened scales as they are examined nearer the surface. They undergo constant exuvia- tion, and are as constantly replaced from beneath, the superficial ones becoming dry and horny, thus furnishing a resisting tegument, the oper- ation of which is very well displayed by the action of vesicating agents : a watery discharge from the vessels of the cutis soaks through the lower substance of the cuticle, and raises the dry layers above. The chemical composition of these dry scales is the same as that of nail, hair, horn, and is C 48 , H 39 , N 7 , O 18 . At one time it was supposed that the rete mucosum, or layer of Mal- pighi, which is the lowest portion of the cuticle, and there- liete mucosum * o .... and its color- fore resting on the cutis, is a distinct structure. It is, how- ing matter. everj me rely the most recently-formed portion of the cuticle. The netted appearance it presents originates in the eminences of the pap- illary structure below. Many of its constituent particles contain col- oring matter, especially in the dark races. The pigment seems to be produced by the agency of the sunlight and continued high temperature, though it disappears gradually as the cells containing it approach the surface. It yields a very large percentage of carbon. Beneath the epidermis is the derma or true skin. It is composed of The derma ^rous tissue, which also serves to connect it with the parts its construe- beneath, blood-vessels, lymphatics, and nerves. In its areolar lon ' tissue both the white and yellow fibrous elements are found, the proportion of each varying according to the mechanical function the part has to discharge, the yellow predominating where elasticity is re- quired, and the white where a resistance to pressure. The derma also contains organic muscular fibres, to which its property of corrugation, as in cutis anserina, is due. On different parts it is of different thickness, being thinnest where motion has to be provided for. A deposit of fatty material, lodged beneath, gives it a yielding support. Its outer surface presents a papillary structure, which is the instrument of touch. This is more perfectly developed on the inner surface of the palm of the hand and fingers. The furrowed aspect of the cutis arises from this. A farther consideration of the mechanism and functions of the papillge is deferred to the description of the sense of touch. The photographic engraving, Fig. 99, represents a thin section of the epidermis of the foot of the dog. The general method of arrangement of the constituent portions of the THE CUTICLE. 235 Fig. 99. Fig. 100. Perpendicular section of skin of ear, magnified 10 diameters. Epidermis of dog, magnified 20 diameters. skin may be gathered from the perpendicular section of that of the ex- ternal auditory meatus in Fig. 100. to TsVo of an inch. In Fig. 104, the structure of the root of a hair and part of its shaft is displayed. Bulb of a small black hair from the scrotum, seen in sec- tion : # , basement membrane of the follicle ; &, layer of epidermic cells resting upon it, and be- coming more scaly as they approach c, a layer of imbricated cells forming the outer lamina or cor- tex of the hair : they are more flattened and com- pressed the higher they are traced on the bulb. Within the cortex is the proper substance of the Human hair in section. hair, consisting, at the base, where it rests on Fig. 104. OF THE SUDORIPAROUS GLANDS. 237 Transverse section of human hair, magnified 200 diameters. the basement membrane, of small angular cells, scarcely larger than their Fig. 106. nuclei. At d these cells are more bulky, and the bulb consequently thicker : there is also pigment developed in them ; above d they assume a decidedly fibrous char- acter, and become condensed ; 0, a mass of cells in the axis of the hair, much loaded with pigment. (Todd and Bowman.) Fig. 105 is an engraving of a photo- graph of a transverse section of human hair from the head. The outer line shows the cortex ; in some the pigment- ary axis is seen ; in most, however, it is absent. The SUDORIPAROUS GLANDS originate in depressions of the cutis or tissues beneath, occurring in some parts, as in the axilla, The SU( ioripa- more numerously than in others. They consist of a tube rous glands. wound on itself, and sometimes dividing in convoluted* branches. The knot thus arising is contained in a cell, the wall of which is copiously supplied with blood-vessels : the duct passes through the superjacent tis- sues. The tube is formed of a cylinder of basement mem- brane lined with epithelium. The basement membrane may be considered to be derived from the outer surface of the papillae, and the epithelium is an external projection of the cuticle. The duct, on its passage outward, loses its basement membrane as it escapes between the papilla; and it has a spiral or helical aspect, an arrangement prob- ably intended to keep the calibre open. It is estimated that the number of sudoriparous glands is about seven mill- ions, and the total length of their tubing about 28 miles. Fig. 106 is a sudoriparous gland from the palm of the hand : f r instance, intermittent, it occurs in consid- formic acid in erable quantity. Its origin may be from lactic acid, which perspiration. p asses through this combination in gradually proceeding to destruction into carbonic acid and water. It has been asserted that the increased acidity of rheumatic sweats is due to a concentration from evaporation. The sudoriparous glands secrete a portion of fat, as is demonstrated by Experiment of the experiment of Krause, who removed from the palm of the Krause. hand, on which there are no sebaceous glands, loose epithe- lial scales and fat by means of ether and friction, and then placed upon a square inch of it several thicknesses of filtering .paper, which was kept in contact for one night, and properly protected externally. The paper yielded to the action of ether a fatty substance, which contained marga- rine and oil, in quantity sufficient to make tissue paper translucent. But, besides the saline substances thus dissolved in water, the skin, Secretion of fat through the action of its sebaceous glands, secretes oleagin- and oil from ous material. The nature of this fatty substance differs on different regions, or according to the purposes to which it is to be applied. Where the ducts of the sebaceous glands open into the hair follicles, the fat is of a liquid or oily nature. Sometimes stearine and margarine, sometimes cholesterine is set free. Before birth, this last substance is the chief constituent of the vernix caseosa, coating the sur- face of the skin. In this manner, sometimes the saponifiable and some- times the non-saponifiable fats or lipoids are used. In the midst of these complex actions a very important principle may Double action be discerned. I have spoken of the double action of the kid- of the skin. nev? i tg mechanism f or removing saline solutions, and also ABSORPTION BY THE SKIN. 241 that for combustible material. I have now to present the skin under the same aspect. It is not a mere analogy that exists between the action of these organs ; the occurrence of urea and of the salt substances, the names of which have been specified in both secretions, is a fact of the utmost sig- nificance. I believe that the sudoriparous glands are the counterparts of the Malpighian bodies, and the sebaceous glands, in their function, are the counterparts of the uriniferous tubes. Indeed, this double action is also distinguished in the case of the mucous membranes, which possess one instrumental arrangement for the transit of saline solutions, and an- other for that of fats. And since the skin, the mucous membrane, and the great glands connected with it, are all to be regarded as developments of one original tissue, we should expect to discover, even in their concen- tration or specialization of function, the traces of their original and com- mon property. Development takes place from the general to the special ; and hence, in parts which have arisen from the same primordial structure, though they may be charged with the accomplishment of functions which, in appearance, differ essentially, there may be, both in their action and in their construction, the traces of their original identity. It is in this manner that the kidneys, and skin, and mucous membrane, possess the property of acting vicariously for one another. The kidney can dis- charge water for the skin, or the skin urea for the kidney. The com- bustible matter, known as extractive in the urine, can be set free under diminished renal action by the sebaceous glands, and the saline solutions, eliminated by the convoluted tubing of the tufts of Malpighi, can be set free by the convoluted tubing of the sudoriparous glands. In connection with the views I am here impressing, I would recall the structural and functional analogy there is between the transuding mechanism of the kidney and the transuding mechanism of the skin. Both are arrange- ments of thin convoluted tubes, and the same may be remarked as re- gards the elimination of combustible material, which is probably accom- plished by cell action in the uriniferous tubes, and again by cell action in the sebaceous glands. Besides exercising the functions of exhalation and perspiration, nu- merous facts demonstrate that the skin exerts an absorbent Absorption by action. The endermic application of remedial agents estab- of g lishes this in a satisfactory manner. That water can find liquids, access in this way is shown by the assuaging of the thirst which may occur on taking a bath ; nor is the amount insignificant, since it may give rise to a considerable increase of weight. Thus lizards, which have been kept in a dry atmosphere, and thereby suffered a diminution, recov- er their original weight after immersion in water ; nor is it necessary that the whole .skin should be brought into contact with that liquid ; the same result is obtained if merely the tail and hinder parts are im- Q 242 FUNCTIONS OF THE SKIN. mersed. Gaseous substances also find entrance through the skin. If the hand be put into a bell-jar containing oxygen, nitrogen, or carbonic acid at the pneumatic trough, absorption of those gases ensues. Proba- bly it is a standard function of the skin to permit a partial arterialization of the blood, atmospheric oxygen being exchanged for carbonic acid through it, an action the residual trace of the community of function be- tween the skin and mucous membrane. In the case of some animals this cutaneous respiration is well marked. Kecapitulating now the more important actions of the skin, the folio w- Summarv of & statement raa 7 ^ e ma( ^ e : ^ regulates, to a certain extent, the functions the amount of water in the system, disposing of it, as the case of the skm. m ^ -^ e ^h er ag sensible or insensible transpiration. The water doubtless maintains its liquid condition until it presents itself at the mouths of the sudoriparous ducts, moistening the general surface of the skin, and then being evaporated ; or, if the supply be greater than can be thus removed, it accumulates as drops of sweat. There appears to be no substantial reason for believing that any portion of water trans- udes directly through the structure of the cuticle, since the scales' which compose it are of an impervious and almost horny nature, and their in- terspaces are fortified against any such leakage by the oily exudations of the sebaceous glands. With the water thus presenting on the surface are many compounds which are also constituents of the urinary secre- tion. Among these, urea may be particularly pointed out, thus indicating a similarity of instrumental action between this organ and the kidneys, and this is farther substantiated by both containing provisions for the elimination and escape of the hydrocarbons ; but besides these direct functions there are other very important collateral agencies which the skin exerts, and particularly as a regulator of temperature. In this re- spect the action is, to a certain extent, meteorological. But this has been previously treated of so much in detail that it is unnecessary to resume the consideration of it now. DECAY AND NUTRITION. 243 CHAPTER XIII. OF DECAY AND NUTRITION. Of Decay : Loss of Weight in Starvation. Interstitial Death. Effect of Allotropism. Of Nutrition : Nutrition for Repair and Nutrition for Remodeling, illustrated in the cases of Fat and Bone respectively. Of Fat: Its Peculiarities, modes of Occurrence, and Origin. Inquiry whether Animals ever form Fat. Artificial Production of it. Animals both collect it and make it. Accumulation of it expends Nitrogenized Tissue. Conditions of the Fattening of Animals. Summary of the Sources, Deposit, and manner of Removal of Fat. Its partial Oxidations. Summary of its Uses. Nitrogenized Nutrition. Of Bone: The Skeleton. Structure and Chemical Composition of Bone. Sources of its Con- stituents. The Process of Ossification. Experiments on the Growth of Bone. Influence of Physical Agents on Development and Nutrition. OF DECAY. THE animal mechanism, as a condition of its activity, is constantly giving rise to wasted products, its parts in succession passing Retro rade through retrograde metamorphosis or decay. From the elab- metamorpho- orate organization which they have maintained, they go by degrees through a descending course, which brings them nearer and nearer to the inorganic state. Thus the fats, falling from one step to an- other, finally emerge from the system as -carbonic acid and water, and thus the complex atom of protein degenerates into those substances and ammonia. To this steady wasting away we offer no resistance. Having no in* terior principle of conservation, the organism delivers itself LOSS of weight up unresistingly, and, if its necessary supplies be withheld, in starvati n. very soon succumbs. The experiments of Chossat show that, taking the mean of forty-eight cases> including rabbits, Guinea-pigs, turtle-doves, pigeons, hens, and crows, the body loses 39.7 per cent, of its weight be- fore death by starvation ensues ; that mammals, during the process of inanition, lose daily 4.0 per cent, of their weight ; and birds, as indeed might be expected from their higher rate of respiration, 4.4 per cent. It follows, therefore, that such animals, under these circumstances, lose one twenty-fourth part of their weight per diem by destruction of tissue, a result which corresponds with that of Schmidt's experiments, which lead to the inference that the daily amount of properly-selected food which an animal requires must amount at least to one twenty-third of its bodily weight. That the functional activity of a part implies destruction is very well 244 INTERSTITIAL DEATH. illustrated by the gradual waste of the muscles under use ; that nervous Necessity of activity is also dependent on oxidation is indicated by the repair. appearance of alkaline phosphates in the urine. Generally, the more active the function, the shorter the life of a part ; but even the hair, the teeth, the cuticle, the activity of which is very low, are no ex- ceptions, for they, too, have a limit of duration, and provisions for repair or renewal. Thus, as the surface of the cuticle abrades, it is restored by the development of new cells below, and their gradual drying up into scales ; and as regards the teeth, the second set arise, as it may be said, from germs which have been left by the first, so that when the crown of the deciduous tooth dies, and its fang and vascular arrangement are ab- sorbed, the new tooth is ready to take its place. Since it is not merely superficial parts, as the hair, the teeth, or the Interstitial cuticle, but also the deep-seated or interior ones, that undergo death. these changes, the appropriate designation of interstitial death has been introduced. The removal of the effete material is accomplish- ed by the aid of the blood, which occasions partial or perfect oxidation, with a corresponding liberation of heat, and then, dissolving the products that have arisen, carries them away. We have heretofore discussed the question how it is that this oxidizing action of the arterial blood is lim- ited to the dying parts, and how those which are yet capable of taking a share in organization are protected. It appears to me that we are obliged Deca de end * a dmit, ^ n the niechanism of living beings, those peculiar ent on aiiotrop- conditions which both simple and compound bodies may as- sume, and which are known as allotropic states in chemistry. The indifference to oxidation which carbon, under the form of diamond, presents, contrasts strikingly with the extreme combustibility of lamp- black. The ready oxidibility of phosphorus, which causes the shining from which it has derived its name, is no longer recognized in that other phosphorus which has been acted on by the more refrangible rays of the sun. And these are qualities which elementary atoms carry with them when they go into union with other bodies, as is well displayed by the two distinct forms of phosphureted hydrogen gas, bodies having the same composition, but the one spontaneously combustible and the other not. Some reasons have also been offered for imputing to the nervous system a control over these allotropic changes, and under this point of view we must regard it as having, for one of its prime duties, the regu- lation of decay. These conclusions receive weight from the considera- tion that in plants, in the economy of which no interstitial deaths are taking place, no nervous system is found. USE, SOURCE, AND DEPOSIT OF FAT. 245 OF NUTRITION. Interstitial death and retrograde metamorphosis imply removal ; but, besides the removals of wasted material, on account of its in- Nutrition for ability to be any longer subservient to the uses of the econ- J^mon ^^ u ' omy, there are also subordinate removals, which are con- modeling. nected with the necessary remodeling of parts. Thus, during the growth of the skeleton, bone earth is transferred from one point to another, the osseous cavities enlarged or altered, and the substance taken from them is carried to other points where it is needed. Under such circumstances, the disappearing part is not, in reality, giving rise to useless products. The substance thus taken from the position it occupied is as valuable as it ever was, and accordingly it is employed over again. The restoration of material in the place of that which is being con- sumed for use, and even the preservation of excesses which may be of value at a future time, is very well illustrated by the deposit of fat in the adipose tissue. Transference from point to point of material which has undergone no deterioration may be studied in the history of the growth and development of bone. To these cases in succession I propose to direct attention. First. Of the use, sources, and manner of deposit of the fat. The use of fat in the animal economy doubtless depends on its heat- making power ; for, though there are many different varieties Physiological of this substance, solid and liquid, they are all characterized relations of fat. by an analogy of composition, all containing a great excess of unoxidized hydrogen. It is, indeed, on this peculiarity that their employment in domestic economy depends. They are all highly combustible, and evolve so much heat as to be very available for the production of flame. For the better understanding of the functions discharged by fatty sub- stances, we may perhaps profitably offer the following statement of their chemical relations. When a fat or oil is acted upon by an alkali, in contact with water at its boiling-point, decomposition ensues, a fatty acid and gly- Chemical cerine being disengaged, and the acid, uniting with the alkali, cuiiarities of gives origin to a soap. During this action no oxygen is ab- at ' sorbed, but, since the compounds arising present an increase of weight, it is evident that there has been an assimilation of water. In view of these facts, it is therefore inferred that the oils and fats are composed of a fatty acid united with the oxide of a radical, to which the designation of lipyl has been given, and which, when it is displaced, combining with water, gives origin to glycerine. Glycerine, which is a substance of considerable physiological import- ance, is a pale yellow liquid, of a sweetish taste, and attracting moisture 246 PROPERTIES OF FAT. from the air. If fermented in a large quantity of water with yeast, it is converted into metacetonic acid. It occurs in the yolk of the egg, and also in the fats of the brain. By gradual oxidation it can give rise to lactic acid. The physical properties of the fats depend, for the most part, on the nature of their acids. The fats derived from animals are of various de- grees of consistency ; they are colorless or white, lighter than water, bad conductors of heat. They are insoluble in water, and burn, in the pres- ence of air, into carbonic acid and water, with the evolution of much heat. By the action of certain nitrogenized ferments they may be separated into their acid and glycerine, and by the action of pancreatic juice, as ex- plained previously, may be brought into the condition of an emulsion. The more important of the animal fats are stearine, margarine, and oleine. Places of occur- They are inclosed in cells accumulated in various parts of rence of fat. the system, such as in the orbit of the eye, around the heart, and among the muscles of the face, under the cutis, and within the bones. In morbid states they sometimes abound in the kidneys, liver, and spleen. They are also discovered in some of the animal fluids : thus they commu- nicate to the chyle its characteristic property, and therefore likewise oc- cur in the blood. In their relative amount they vary at different periods of life, being in a larger proportion in childhood, and again after the mid- dle period. Their quantity likewise changes with physical changes, di- minishing, for instance, after continued muscular exertion, and also by long exposure to cold. Though the amount of fat in the blood varies with the nature of the Quantity of fat f od > it can not, however, be increased, in a state of health, in the blood, beyond a certain point, owing to the inability of the absorb- ents to receive more than a definite quantity. The serum of arterial con- tains less fat than the serum of venous blood; the blood of women more than that of men. The manner of occurrence of fat in organized structures is twofold : oft- en it occurs in the free state, but also is very commonly inclosed in the in- terior of cells, as shown in Fig. 107, which is a fat-cell, a being the adi- pose membrane, and b the nucleus. Fig. 108, adipose and areolar tissue: a, #, fat- cells ; &, &, fibres of areolar tissue. Respecting the origin of the fat substances in Fats arise from plants there can be no question. They are derived fr o m the decomposition of Adi P se and areolar tissue ' pig. ios. Fat-ceii. turning thereto, carbonic acid and water by those organisms under the in- ARTIFICIAL FORMATION OF FAT. 247 fluence of the rays of the sun. It is interesting to remark that to these same binary bodies do the fats return after accomplishing the successive stages of their metamorphosis in the economy of animals. From car- bonic acid and water they come ; to carbonic acid and water they return. But the origin of the fatty substances of animals is by no means so clear. One of the questions which have been debated in chem- ~ ical physiology is, Do animals collect from their food all the collect or fab- fat they require, or have they the power of making it for them- ricate at - selves ? In the preceding chapter, under the description of the origin of the butter of milk, we have, in part, anticipated the facts which might here be presented. Referring, therefore, to what has there been said, it will be sufficient now to admit the general conclusion that fats and oils very abundantly occur in plants. But instances are not wanting which show that from other sources than the vegetable kingdom, and by processes very different to those ex- ecuted by plants, fats may be made from substances in which they did not pre-exist. We select some of these which have been offered by chem- ists who have asserted the power of the animal system for such a form- ation of fat. 1st. When an animal body is buried under certain circumstances, it does not undergo putrefaction, but changes into a fatty or soapy gu oged Jn substance, adipocire. Attention was first directed to this fact stances of its on the occasion of exhuming many bodies from the cemetery formatlon - of Innocents in Paris. Those which lay a certain depth beneath the ground were found to have undergone the change in question ; but that it does not altogether depend on the condition of the earth of the grave, as respects moisture or other such physical state, I have myself had the opportunity of verifying in the case of a subject which had been buried for nineteen years, and which was disinterred in a condition of perfect preservation, so far as exterior appearance went, but which had been wholly converted into adipocire. Yet, from the same burying-ground, many other bodies were disinterred, but none had undergone a like change. 2d. When nitric acid is made to act on fibrin apparently deprived of its fat, an oily substance is disengaged. 3d. During the action of nitric acid on starch, in the preparation of oxalic acid, a like effect takes place, oily matter being set free. 4th. As has been described in a preceding chapter, butyric acid may be prepared from sugar, through the influence of casein, in the presence of carbonate of lime. Though the conversion of albumenoid bodies into fat has not thus far been distinctly accomplished in an artificial way, no doubt Production of can exist that it is possible. Indeed, the experiments of fat from aibu- Quain and Virchow respecting the origin of adipocire have menoid bodies - 248 FORMATION OF FAT BY ANIMALS. led them to regard it as, at all events to some extent, arising from the albuminous constituents of the muscles being decomposed into fatty acids and ammoniacal salts. Wagner, Donders, Burdach, and others, have fur- nished many interesting experiments on the apparent transmutation of various bodies, such as pieces of coagulated albumen, crystalline lenses, etc., in the abdominal cavities of birds. These extraneous objects after a time become enveloped in, and in some cases permeated by, fatty mate- rial. But that this does not arise from metamorphosis of the protein body introduced was well proved by the last observer, who employed pieces of wood and the pith of elder with the same result. Whatever, therefore, may be the conclusion arrived at on the cases The carnivora kere m * r duced whether, during a special metamorphosis, find fat in their muscular tissue can pass into adipocire ; whether from fibrin or starch, by the action of nitric acid, fats may be made, or whether these substances pre-existed in the material from which they ap- pear to arise, and are only disengaged or set free there can be no question as regards one great group of animals, the carnivora, that they find in their food a sufficiency of these hydrocarbons to meet all their wants. It is as respects the other group, the herbivora, that this question of the arti- ficial formation of fats from substances in which they did not pre-exist. Do the herbiv an( ^ particularly fr m albumenoid bodies, becomes interest- ora ever make ing. Do the herbivora find in their food all the fat they re- quire, or are they obliged to fabricate a part ? The question whether there exists in the animal mechanism a capabil- Formation of ity of forming fat from material in which it did not pre-exist fat by bees. ma y -fo G considered as finally settled in the affirmative, after much discussion, by the repetition of Gundelach's experiment by Dumas and Milne Edwards. This experiment consisted in the feeding of bees with honey nearly free from wax, and determining the quantity of fat in their bodies at the beginning and end of the experiment, and also the quantity of wax in the comb that they made. The following table gives the result : Gramme. Fat found in the body of each bee at the beginning 0.0018 Wax each bee consumed with the honey, not exceeding 0.0003 Whole amount of fat derived from food 0.0022 Wax secreted by each bee 0.0064 Fat and wax in the body of each bee at end of experiment 0.0042 From which it appears that a very large quantity of fat and wax had been produced. Admitting thus that the animal system possesses the power of form- The system * n & ^ at ^ * s P r bable that, under all circumstances, it carries continually forward that function, though it may be at different rates on generates fat. c | ifferent occas i ons< g uc h a production of fat probably com- PLANTS FURNISH FAT. 249 mences in the intestinal tube, the material from which it originates being both nitrogenized and non-nitrogenized. Thus, when ducks have been fed on albumen containing but little fat, the digested material in the in- testine yields a larger proportion of fat than when they have been fed on clay, or even on starch. If the glands of the intestine secreted fat from the blood, it would be detected after feeding the birds with clay, and hence we may conclude that the source of the increase observed is from the albumen. But, in addition to the part they thus make, a large portion of the fat of animals is undoubtedly obtained from the food. This is obviously the case with carnivora, and the same may, indeed, be said of the herbivora. Very many of the oleaginous bodies have a close chemical relationship to one another, so that they may be regarded as affording a series, the terms or members of "which arise from successive partial oxidations ; and since the fats are soluble in one another, they freely mix together, and therefore many of them may be found co-existing in the adipose tis- sues, some of them less and some of them more advanced in their prog- ress of oxidation. Whether they have been derived from pi an ts furnish the food or by indirect processes made in the system, it is fatorthemate- . , , . , -, . " . rials from equally true in both instances that their primary source was w hich it is in the vegetable kingdom. In the former case they occur- made ' red in the plant-structure as hydrocarbons, in the latter as amylaceous or nitrogenized bodies. Under the influence of the sunlight the vegeta- ble tissues obtain them by decomposing carbonic acid and water, and to those two substances they return after they have undergone destruction in the animal organs, thus presenting a significant instance of the alter- nate passage of atoms from the inorganic to the organic state, and back again. The primary source of all fat substances is therefore in plants, which obtain them from the decomposition of the inorganic constituents of the air. The excess of hydrogen which characterizes this group of bodies in most instances is undoubtedly derived from the decomposition of water, and this explains the fact, frequently noticed, that the development of such hydrocarbons in plants is often accompanied by the simultaneous appearance of acids, for the hydrogen being appropriated by the former class, the residual oxygen gives origin to acids or is set free. The quantity of fatty matter formed in the ordinary articles of food used by domestic animals seems to be amply sufficient to Quantity of fat meet all their wants. If a calculation be made of the amount of such materials consumed by cattle during the process of mais. fattening, it will be ascertained that the quantity used not only contains sufficient to account for the increase of weight, but also furnishes an am- ple supply for the portion which is destroyed by respiration. The fats 250 CONDITIONS OF FATTENING. thus contained in plants are often absorbed with but little alteration. The fattening of cattle with linseed-cake gives rise to an accumulation in their adipose tissues of an oily material of unusual fluidity, and it is a matter of common observation, as previously mentioned, that when strong-smelling oils have been accidentally used, their flavor will be im- parted to the secretion of the mammary gland. The quantity of fat in articles of food is commonly estimated by the solvent action of sulphuric ether. It should, however, be understood that we can not with correctness regard all the matters extracted by that menstruum from plants as fat. Thus, either by forming or by collecting from the food, a supply of fat The accumula- is obtained, and this is absorbed by the lacteal system in the Uro- 16 " manner already described. But where fat is administered tissue, in excess, so that large quantities of it are retained in the system, a proportionate cell formation arises for the purpose of affording it a receptacle. The walls of such cells are composed of nitrogenized material, and herein is displayed the connection between the two groups of bodies, the albumenoid substance and the fats. There is reason to suppose that when, from the food, a sufficient quantity of nitrogenized material for this purpose can not be obtained, resort is actually had to the muscular fibre of the system itself, but when this also fails the fat accumulates in the blood. In the artificial fattening of animals, the indications to be complied General condi- with are very obvious : They are, 1st. To furnish an abund- fattrni^golan- ant ^PP 1 / of oleaginous material in the food; 2d. To pre- imais. vent, as far as possible, waste by oxidation. The first indication is satisfied by the purposed employment of oleag- inous articles, as, for instance, linseed-cake, or by the selection, among ordinary food substances, of those which, like Indian corn, abound in oil. It is to be remarked that the increase of weight of an animal may take place in two ways : 1st. By adding fat to the deposit in the adipose tis- sues ; or, 2d. By development of the muscles. It might perhaps be ad- missible to speak of the former as adipose fattening, the latter as albu- menized. According as it has been subjected to one or other of these processes, an animal will be very differently prepared for undergoing se- vere exercise. A horse fed with Indian corn can not, under those cir- cumstances, maintain himself as well as if he had been fed on oats. In the former case his adipose tissues have been developed, in the latter his muscular. The second indication is met by resorting to every expedient which can restrain the action of the respired oxygen. A state of perfect quies- cence is therefore to be observed. Muscular movement of every kind in- creases the activity of respiration. On the contrary, rest diminishes it. SOURCES, DEPOSIT, AND REMOVAL OF FAT. 251 If, in addition to this state of quiet or rest, sleep likewise be indulged in, the object is still more perfectly attained ; and if a high temperature be resorted to, since this checks the oxidation needful for maintaining the system at its due temperature, this also diminishes the waste of the fat. Under such circumstances, where every thing is done to give a supply of fat, and every thing to prevent -its consumption, it may be caused to accumulate in the tissues to an extraordinary amount. But The liver affect this very soon interferes with the action of the liver, one of ed in that oper- the functions of which we have seen is the preparation of fat. atlon ' And it may also be remarked that many of the diseases of that organ, especially those occurring in hot climates, meet their explanation on the principles we are here inculcating, the state of rest produced by lassitude, the warm and therefore expanded air that is breathed, and the improper resort to oleaginous articles of food. In view of the preceding facts, it may therefore be concluded that the interior source from which the adipose tissues are supplied Summar of is the fat contained in the plasma of the blood, into which it the sources, has been poured through the thoracic duct, or otherwise ob- ^^and^an- tained from the digestion of food in the small intestine ; and ner of removal since the blood-cells contain a higher percentage of oily ma- terial than the plasma (2.2 per cent, may be extracted from them by ether, either as a phosphorized fat or glycero-phosphoric acid), they constitute reservoirs of supply to meet the exigencies of the system, there being a necessary relation between the quantity they can thus retain in store and the quantity contemporaneously existing in the plasma, a diminution of which at once establishes a drain upon the cells. Thus charged with these hydrocarbons, the plasma passes wherever there are adipose cell- germs, furnishing to them the special nutriment they require for their development 'into fat-cells, the wall and nucleus of which are derived from the blood, or, as we have mentioned, in certain cases actually from the muscular tissues. The amount of fat which can thus be held in reserve depends in part on the number of germs, in part on the supply of fat from the digestive organs, and in part on the supply of appropriate ma- terial for the walls and nuclei. When the fat thus stored up is wanted, the cell wall in many cases deliquesces or wastes away, surrendering its contents back to the plasma, but probably much more frequently a transudation of the hydrocarbon takes place through it, analogous to what has been described as occur- ring in the blood-cells themselves. This demand upon the adipose tis- sues may originate for many reasons, since there may be a necessity for fat in the accomplishment of the various histogenetic operations going forward, or for those of retrograde metamorphosis, or for the maintenance of a normal state of the blood as respects its oleaginous ingredient, or for 252 USES OF FAT. the production of heat by immediate and final oxidation into carbonic acid and water. It is not to be supposed, however, that this final oxidation into car- Fats undergo bonic acid and water always takes place at once or abrupt- ^nslVthe a " ly* Every thing shows that fats pass through successive system. gradations of retrograde metamorphosis, perhaps gradually losing by oxidation two atoms of carbon and hydrogen ; and, indeed, there is reason to believe that, on special occasions, the opposite changes happen. Thus stearic acid may arise from margaric acid by deoxidation. It does not occur to any considerable extent in vegetable food, having thus far been only found in cacao butter. In a summary of the uses of fatty substances may be mentioned the Summary of production of a high temperature by oxidation ; their agency the uses of fat. j n metamorphosis, as displayed by the assistance they lend in gastric digestion; the function they seem to discharge in cell life, which would appear to be important if it be true that the nuclei of some cells are composed of fat ; their relation in the formation of bile, and their probable connection with the production of haematin. Among, their phys- ical uses may be mentioned the equable manner in which they propagate pressures in all directions when they are in the liquid state, as is often the case ; the manner in which they fill up vacuities, and communicate a roundness and solidity to the system ; their low conducting power as respects heat, which enables them to economize the warmth of the body ; their diminishing of friction among moving parts, as in the case of the muscles ; and that they discharge some highly important function as respects the nervous system is proved by the manner in which they uniformly occur in tubular nervous tissue. In the general metamorph- oses of the system they seem to take an important part. This may be inferred from the fact of their presence wherever cells or fibres are forming. From what has been said respecting the connection of the fats with the metamorphoses of the system, it is obviously incorrect to regard them as constituting a purely respiratory element. Conclusions similar to those which have been stated respecting the Nutrition of ve g eta ^ e source of the fats might also be arrived at as re- the nitrogen- gards the source of the nitrogenized constituents of the sys- tem. These likewise are found in plants ; and thus, therefore, though the carnivorous animal may be said to be nourished by the car- cass on which it feeds, it is nevertheless strictly true that its nutrient material is all from the vegetable world. The repair of muscles, of nerves, of the skin, or other such highly or- ganized parts, is dependent on the agency of cells. Since these are un- distinguishable, or to all appearance perfectly alike, it becomes a matter STEUCTUEE OF BONE. 253 of curious inquiry how they should be able to occupy exactly the places and discharge with precision the functions of those which they are re- placing? or, in the case of growth and development, why they should combine so as to take on a determinate, and, as it were, predestined form ? How is it that such a variety of structures spring up from the same orig- inal cell ? How is it that the two halves of the body have such a sym- metrical conformation in a majority of instances, the one being the exact counterpart of the other, peculiarities which are often continued even after the supervening of morbid conditions, as shown in such cases as are known by the term of symmetrical diseases, in which a structural change affecting one side of the body affects also the corresponding part of the other side ? It appears to me that these and other such instances of nutrition, growth^ and development can only be explained by admit- ting, as a great and fundamental principle in physiology, that the primor- dial germ being in all instances alike, its mode of development will de- pend on the physical agents and conditions to which it is exposed : a principle which, though it may seem of little moment at the first view, carries with it consequences of the utmost importance at last. Second. Of the structure and development of bone. The skeleton in man is composed of 246 bones, which are usually di- vided into three groups, the Ions:, flat, and irregular. Their . & , , & The skeleton. uses are purely mechanical, such as to give support to the soft parts ; to serve as levers on which the muscles, by their contractions, may act. In structure bone offers an imperfect division into the compact and spongy. ' The compact is, however, a porous mass full of cells structure of and passages. Through it there pass, more particularly in bone< the longitudinal direction, canals for containing blood-vessels and nerves : they are called haversian canals. These, which are well seen in a thin, transverse section of bone as irregular circular openings, are surrounded with lamellae, and in the basis substance occur hollow spaces, the lacuna?, which, presenting a dark aspect, were formerly mistaken for solid corpus- cles ; they are, however, cavities from which proceed minute channels or canaliculi. In form the lacunas are irregularly oval ; the canaliculi of those nearest to the haversian canal communicate directly with its cav- ity, and there is so complete an inosculation between adjacent lacunas, by means of these delicate tubes, that the whole so-called compact struc- ture of the bone may be said to present a connected system of lacunas and canaliculi. The diameter of these delicate channels of intercommunication is much too small to permit the passage of blood-cells, yet through them the plasma readily finds its way and thus carries forward the nutrition of the entire bone. 254 COMPOSITION OF BONE. Fig. 109 is a photograph of a transverse section of part of human fe- mur, showing the haversian canals surrounded by their concentric lamel- la, lacuna, and canaliculi. The complete perviousness of the structure is demonstrated. Fig. 109. Fig. 110. Transverse section of bone, magnified 50 diameters. Lacunae and canaliculi from frontal bone. Fig. 110, lacunae and canaliculi of human frontal bone. In chemical constitution, bone may be considered to be composed of Chemical com- two P ort i ns > organic and mineral : the former is gluten, and position of in the latter phosphate of lime greatly predominates, as the )ne> following analysis by Berzelius shows : Analysis of Bone. (Berzelius.) Cartilage (or gluten) 32.17 Blood-vessels 1.13 Phosphate of lime .51.04 Carbonate of lime 11.30 Fluoride of calcium 2.00 Phosphate of magnesia 1.16 Soda, chloride of sodium ...*..... ,. 1.20 100.00 An instructive separation of bone into its leading constituents may be Se aration of accom pli sne d by the action of hydrochloric acid or by cal- its organic and cination respectively. When a bone is soaked in dilute hy- y ases. d r ochloric acid for a due length of time, its mineral constitu- ent is removed, and the organic gluten is left in the shape of the original bone ; or, if the bone be calcined in the open fire with free access of air, the organic material is consumed and the mineral material remains. A more . critical examination shows that these constituents are not merely associated together they are, in reality, chemically combined. The different degrees of softness and hardness which bones from dif- ferent animals present depend very considerably on the amount of wa- ter they contain. The gluten is doubtless, in all instances, derived from OF OSSIFICATION. 255 the metamorphosis of albumenoid bodies, a conclusion which Orf . Q of the is well illustrated by what we observe in the case of the in- organic and cubating egg. In the adult the source of the bone-earth is earthy matter - twofold : in part it is derived from the food, and in part obtained from the remodeling and changes of the bones themselves. In speaking of the composition of milk, we have already described how, through the ca- sein of that secretion, a supply of phosphate of lime is secured for in- fant life. At its first formation, bone consists of a gelatinous material, which grad- ually becomes condensed and cellular, presenting what is termed the carti- laginous state. In this material vascular canals arise, which, The process of concentrating toward one spot, give origin to the point or ossification, centre of ossification. Simultaneously, the structure of the cartilage be- comes modified, its nucleated cells are elongated, nucleoli arising, and smaller cells forming. These reach maturity, and are separated from one another by the material derived from the deliquescence of their pa- rent cells, which has simultaneously been taking place. The progress of these changes may be studied by examining the calcifying cartilage near- er and nearer to the point of ossification, to which, as we approach, we find that the cells become more and more numerous, a general arrange- ment into a columnar form being now apparent. The deposit of mineral material commences at the point of ossification, and proceeds between the columnar arrangement of cells, lateral branch- es between the individual cells being successively given off, a bony net- work thus arising which is pervious in every part. In the human em- bryo the cartilaginous stage is completed in the sixth week, and ossifi- cation commences first in the clavicle during the seventh. Fig, in, Fig. Ill, perpendicular section of the ossifying border of the shaft of the femur of a child a fortnight old : a, cartilage in which the cells, the nearer they are to the ossifying border, are in more extended longitudinal rows; , ossifying border: the dark streaks indicate the progressive ossification of the intercellular substance, the clear ones the cartilage cells, which ossify subsequently; c, compact layer of bone near the ossifying border ; d, the substantia spongiosa formed in the osseous substance by ab- sorption, with cancelli, e 1 e, the contents of which are not shown. (Kolliker.) Fig. 112, photograph of ossifying cartilage, the dark portions showing the region of complete ossifi- Ossifying cartilage, magni- .mi i j. * . i. .L-I fied 10 diameters. cation. The columnar arrangement of the cartilage cells s is very apparent. 256 GROWTH OF BONE. Fig. 112. Fig. 113. Ossifying femur. Ossifying cartilage, magnified 50 diameters. Fig. 113, femur of a child a fortnight old, natu- ral size : #, substantia compacta of the shaft ; b, medullary cavity ; c, substantia spongiosa of the shaft ; d, cartilaginous epiphysis, with vascular ca- nals ; e, osseous nucleus in the inferior epiphysis. (Kolliker.) When silver rings are placed upon the shaft of Growth of a growing bone at a measured dis- siiverrings^nd tance > subsequent examination shows madder. that that distance still remains the same, though the bone may have become much longer. If such a ring be permitted to remain a sufficient period of time, it will eventually be found in the interior of the bone. When madder is mixed with the food of pigs, its coloring matter so unites with the phosphate of lime of their bones as to impart to them a red tint. If the animal submitted to the experiment be very young, the whole skeleton may be tinged in a single day, a more close examination showing, how- ever, as might be expected, that the portion most completely acted upon is that nearest to the vascular surface. In older animals the coloring goes on more slowly ; the portion which shows the effect most striking- ly is between the shaft and extremities, more particularly upon the sur- face. If the madder be given, periodically and then withheld, alternate layers of a red and white appearance are produced. From these experiments, it may be inferred that the growth of a bone Conclusions is not uniform in all parts. Young bones grow chiefly toward such" ex f peri- ^ e extremities ; nor is the growth cumulative, the parts al- ments. ready deposited being ever after preserved ; for, if that were the case, it would not be possible for a ring placed in such a manner as has been described to find its way into the medullary canal. For that to OF NUTRITION. 257 occur, there must have been an absorption or removal of the pre-existing parts. The tinging by madder shows that growth is taking place wher- ever the plasma of the blood can have access, and this not alone upon the proper vascular surfaces, but also interstitially. It thus appears that bone, solid and dense as it is, is the seat of con- tinual changes, which, though they may go on with more activity in the growing state, take place also when the structure has reached maturity or apparent perfection. From one portion a part is removed, on another additions are made, the method by which this is accomplished being through the access of the blood-plasma, which finds its way to every part by reason of the pervious structure of the mass. As to the sources from which the phosphate of lime is derived, though doubtless the food offers it in considerable quantity, there are gources from many reasons for inferring that the identical portion which which material has been removed from one part is used for the extension 1S denved - of another ; and thus we may say that there is a plastic operation con- tinually going forward, a remodeling, so as to adapt the structure to its new conditions if in a growing animal, or to maintain it in good repair if in an adult. Turning from the two cases with which we have been thus occupied, the development and maintenance of the adipose and osseous tissues, to the phenomena of nutrition generally, we may conclude that there are several sources from which material for these purposes may be derived : a part may be obtained by absorption directly from the food ; a part may be manufactured or fabricated in the system itself, or may be taken from some locality therein in which it has become redundant or useless, and transferred elsewhere to the point at which it is required. The medium through which these additions and exchanges for the pur- pose of development or remodeling are accomplished is of course the blood. It bears with it, wherever it circulates, the substances that are demanded fibrin for muscles, bone-earth for the skeleton, fat for the ad- ipose tissues. It remains for us to inquire into the laws of deposit and development involved in these processes, that is to say, why, for example, Partg are de _ is phosphate of lime laid down at the points where the phos- veioped and phate of lime has been, or, if growth be taking place, why Se^fluenL are the accretions arranged in a definite way both as respects of physical size and shape ? Upon this mquiry I do not propose at pres- ent to enter, since it is closely connected with the general doctrine of de- velopment, which will have to be considered in detail in the next book. We shall then find that reasons may be assigned for the deposit of given substances in places that have been vacated by others of the same kind, as in the nutrition of muscles. We shall also then have to consider the 258 OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. laws of development from a much more extensive point of view, intro- ducing the doctrine of the paramount influence of physical causes in this respect, and perhaps we shall find ourselves brought to the conclusion that the progressive career of a cell is absolutely dependent on the phys- ical conditions to which it is exposed, and that there is nothing extraor- dinary in the circumstance that two cells placed under conditions which are alike will develop alike ; that, therefore, a part which is being repaired will have its additions made in the same places, of the same material, to the same extent, and of the same form as the part which has been re- moved. CHAPTER XIV. OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Divisions of the Nervous System. Cerebro-spinal and Sympathetic. Fibrous and Vesicular. Structure and Functions of Nerve Fibres. Centripetal and Centrifugal. Rate of Conductlbillty. Anatomical Examination of the Structure and Functions of Nerve Vesicles. They diffuse Influ- ences, are Magazines of Force. Element of Time Introduced by Registering Ganglia. Oxida- tion necessary to Nerve Activity. Necessity of Repair and Rest. Electrical Examination of the Functions of Vesicles. Anatomical and Electrical Examinations agree. Automatic Nerve Arc. Cellated Nerve Arc. Multiple Arcs. Commissures. Registering Nerve Arcs. Sensorlum. Influential Arc. Suggestions derived from cerebral Structure respecting the Soul. Its Independent Existence and Immortality. Ideas of Time and Space. Objective, subjective, and Impersonal Operations. Vestiges of Im- pressions and their Interpretation. Finite Nature of Knowledge. Mental Emotions. THE parts and functions which have been thus far described stand in Im ortanceof subordination to the important system on the study of which the nervous we now enter. It may be truly said that the position of any animal in the scale of life is directly dependent on the de- gree of development of its nervous system. Through this it is brought in relation with the external world, deriving sensations or impressions therefrom ; through this, also, all voluntary muscular contraction takes place. Whatever the grade of intelligence may be, the degree of devel- opment or expansion of the nervous system is in close correspondence thereto, from the lowest conditions in which it is first making its appear- ance in tribes which are scarcely distinguishable from vegetable forms, up to its highest elaboration in the cerebro-spinal system of man. The physiologist has to confess that in this, which is, without doubt, imperfect con- ^ e mo ^ t important part of his science, the amount of what is dition of the known with exactness is limited : indeed, so great an obscu- BU Je rity rests upon the functions of the nervous system that he has to content himself rather with the description of structure than offer DIVISIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 259 the explanation of action. Yet even now a few leading facts have been determined, which foreshadow the attitude in which the whole subject will stand when it comes to be better understood. Among these may be numbered the localization of special functions in special parts of the nervous centres, as was observed by Gall ; the double office of the spinal nerves, first recognized by Bell, that their anterior roots are motor and posterior sensory ; the conversion of impressions made at the periphery into motions, reflex action, as it has been termed, first clearly recognized by Hall ; the relation of the ganglia at the base of the brain to the cere- brum and the spinal cord, as shown by Carpenter ; and particularly the general condition on which the activity of the entire system depends, that it undergoes oxidation or waste, and, among other products, gives origin to salts of phosphoric acid. For the sake of convenience of description, the nervous system is usu- ally regarded as consisting of two portions, the cerebro-spi- Di v i s i on O f t h e nal and sympathetic. The former is composed of the spi- nervous system nal cord, the brain, the nerves proceeding from them, and S p ma i &ri ~ their ganglia; the sympathetic is composed of a series of sympathetic, ganglia, united by intercommunicating threads on each side of the ver- tebral column, and supplying branches to the coats of the blood-vessels and viscera of the great cavities. Both portions contain two kinds of structure, a fibrous and a vesicular. The latter is found in _.. \ f Fibrous and various situations ; the former serves to connect those mass- vesicular stmc- es with one another, or to furnish means of communication *' from point to point ; the office of the ganglia, or nervous centres, is for the reception of impressions and the origination of motions. In the brain the impressions of external circumstances are, as it were, registered, and from it originate the processes of intellection. The study of this portion of the mechanism of man brings us therefore in contact with metaphysical science, and some of its funda- Connection of mental dogmas we have to consider. Nearly all philoso- metaphysical phers who have cultivated, in recent times, that branch of phl1 knowledge, have viewed with apprehension the rapid advances of physi- ology, foreseeing that it would attempt the final solution of problems which have exercised the ingenuity of the last twenty centuries. In this they are not mistaken. Certainly it is desirable that some new method should be introduced, which may give point and precision to whatever metaphysical truths exist, and enable us to distinguish, sepa- rate, and dismiss what are only vain and empty speculations. So far from philosophy being a forbidden domain to the physiologist, it may be asserted that the time has now come when no one is entitled to express an opinion in philosophy, except he has first studied physiol- ogy. It has hitherto been to the detriment of truth that these processes 260 RELATIONS OF PHYSIOLOGY TO METAPHYSICS. of positive investigation have been repudiated. If from the construction of the human brain we may demonstrate the existence of a soul, is not that a gain? for there are many who are open to arguments of this class, on whom speculative reasoning or a mere dictum fall without any weight. Why should we cast aside the solid facts presented to us by material objects ? In his communications throughout the universe with us, God ever materializes. He equally speaks to us through the thou- sands of graceful organic forms which are scattered in profusion over the surface of the earth, and through the motions and appearances presented by the celestial orbs. Our noblest and clearest conceptions of his attri- butes have been obtained from these material things. I am persuaded that the only possible route to truth in mental philosophy is through a study of the nervous mechanism. The experience of 2500 years, and the writings of the great metaphysical intellects, attest with a melancholy emphasis the vanity of all other means. Whatever may be said by speculative philosophers to the contrary, the advancement of metaphysics is through the study of physiology. What sort of a science would optics have been among men who had pur- posely put out their own eyes ? What would have been the progress of astronomy among those who disdained to look at the heavens ? Yet that is the preposterous course which has been followed by the so-called phi- losophers. They have given us imposing doctrines of the nature and attributes of the mind, in absolute ignorance of. its material substratum. Of the great authors who have thus succeeded one another in ephemeral celebrity, how many made themselves acquainted with the structure of the human brain ? Doubtless some had been so unfortunate as never to see one ! yet that wonderful organ was the basis of all their speculations. In voluntarily isolating themselves from every solid fact which might serve to be a landmark to them, they may be truly said to have sailed upon a shoreless sea from which the fog never lifts. The only fact which they teach us with certainty is that they know nothing with certainty. It is the inherent difficulty of their method that it must lead to unsub- stantial results. What is not founded on a material substratum is nec- essarily a castle in the air. Returning now to the general description of the nervous mechanism, and following the division above indicated, we shall consider, first, the fibrous element of the nervous system, and, second, the vesicular. First. Of the fibrous there are two varieties, one belonging to the Fibrous or tu- cerebro-spinal, and the other to the sympathetic. The for- buiar portion. mer mav -fo Q described as a delicate membranous tube contain- ing a semi-fluid material, and presenting under the microscope a pellucid glassy appearance when examined in the recent state ; a spontaneous separation or partition, however, soon ensues, a white material or medul- NERVE FIBRES OR TUBES. 261 la appearing immediately within the membranous tube, and affording a contrast to the portions which are toward the centre or axis. In this state the nerve-tube presents the appearance of parallel lines toward its periphery, the outer one corresponding to the membranous Membrane, sheath, and the inner to the internal limit of the coagulated J^ l * tance material. In this condition the tube is very prone to as- axis cylinder, sume a beaded appearance, either by the influence of pressure, or even spontaneously. Names have been given to distinguish these parts from each other ; the central grayish portion is called the axis cylinder or axis band, since it may be of a flattened shape ; and the material which sur- rounds it, intervening between it and the membranous investment, is des- ignated the medulla or white substance of Schwann. There can be no doubt that the membranous tube, the white substance, and the axis cyl- inder discharge different physiological functions. In chemical composi- tion they also differ : the tube is a nitrogenized structure, the white sub- stance oleaginous, and the axis cylinder is supposed to be nitrogenized also. In the first development, the axis cylinder is first formed, and the white substance then cast round if. If a portion of a nerve, a, Fig. 114, be placed in concentrated acetic acid, the axis cylinders of its included tubes will, in the course of a day Axis cylinder of nerveiT or ^ ^ geen protruding in a brush-like form, as at , the effect being very well shown when the nerve is sufficiently slender to be subsequently examined by the microscope. The nerve fibres run in a direct course to their point of distribution. Of their manner of termination we shall speak subsequently ; Terminal here, however, it may be remarked, that occasionally they ex- branchings of hibit preparatory terminal branchings, as shown in Fig. 115, p. 262, observed by Kolliker in the case of the frog : tf, a being bifurca- tions, b a trifurcation of a small twig from the cutaneous thoracic muscle. Similar subdivisions of the ultimate ramifications have been noticed in the amphioxus, fishes, insects, and it is certain that they also occur in man. The sheath of the nerve fibres is an elastic membrane, which is nei- ther acted on by dilute alkalies nor by boiling, but is solu- Chemical reac- ble in concentrated acetic acid and strong solutions of pot- ash and soda. By nitric acid it is stained yellow, and, though fibres, not identical with elastic tissue, has a certain resemblance thereto, ap- proaching, however, more nearly to a protein substance. The axis cyl- inder is, as is shown by its behavior with reagents, a protein substance, differing, however, from syntonin and also from blood fibrin. From the latter substance it is distinguished both by the difficulty with which it dissolves in acetic acid and in a solution of nitre, from the former by its insolubility in hydrochloric acid. 262 NERVE FIBRES OR TUBES. .Fig. 115. Subdivision of nerve fibres in the frog, magnified 350 diameters. Of such fibres, arranged parallel to each other in bundles, the bundles united by fibro-cellular tissue, nerves are composed, the tissue not only accomplishing that mechanical object, but also affording a nidus for blood- vessels, which run in a course parallel to the nerve fibres. Though we Form and size have spoken of those fibres as cylinders, they, in reality, ap- of nerve fibres, proach more nearly to the figure of acute cones, since, though their diameter is from the 2^0 o" Wo an * n nerve trunks, they diminish to the 10 ^ QO or the T4 ^ OQ of an inch as they reach the nerve centres, and, in the same manner, their diameter becomes less as they branch off in their peripheral distribution. In the brain, as they pass through the medulla to the cortical part, they exhibit a similar dim- inution. The sympathetic fibres differ from the preceding in appearance. Being Character of ^ a y e U wis h-g ra y color, and only about half as large, they sympathetic do not show the separation into an axis cylinder and white investment after death, as is the case with cerebro- spinal fibres ; they may therefore be regarded as being more homogeneous in their construction, or possessing a constitution like that of the other kind of fibres when they undergo diminution and approach their central or peripheral termination. Even in the cerebro-spinal fibres the quantity of white substance present is very variable ; the retina, the olfactory or- gan, and the Pacinian corpuscles furnish instances of its absence. The sympathetic, gray, or gelatinous fibres, as they are indifferently called, contain many nucleated corpuscles, which may be rendered very distinct by the action of acetic acid. NERVE VESICLES. 263 Nerve fibres terminate in various ways. Their ends may tliin out and become free, or they may form a loop, and so return back in Manner of their course. Each nerve runs in an unbroken line from its termination of origin to its termination, but between the adjacent ones in- tercommunication is established by the formation of plexuses. On the other hand, as the fibres are preparing to enter the nervous centres, the membranous tube dilates so as to receive a nerve vesicle, Manner of re _ with which the diaphanous axis cylinder is thus brought in ceptionofvesi- contact. Where corpuscles are received into the membran- cles ' ous sheath, it is not always certain but that the fibre has some other termination beyond. Some have supposed that sensitive fibres differ from the motor ones in the circumstance that the former alone are brought in connection with the corpuscles, but this is very unKkely. Second. The vesicular nervous substance is composed of nucleated cells containing a granular substance, with which there are The vesicular intermixed, especially near the nuclei, pigment granules. P rtion - These granules, however, are sometimes absent, as in the vertebrata. The nucleus of each ganglionic vesicle often presents a nucleolus ; the diameter of the vesicle varies from -g-J^ to 1 2 * 5 Q of an inch. These ves- icles are found in the nerve centres, their coloring material communicat- ing to those parts the peculiar tint they display. In shape they vary very much, some being spherical, some ovoid, and others caudate, ex- hibiting processes which are filled with granules, or which, becoming eventually transparent, communicate with similar processes from other cells, or are continuous with the axis cylinders of the nerve-tubes. Ac- cording to Axmann, the axis cylinder is a continuation of the nucleus of the cell. The ganglion vesicles, as they are termed, are character- Fi 116 ized by containing a large amount of phosphor- ized oil, and it is probable that the oxidation of this material is a condition of their functional ac- tivity. Fig. 116, ganglion globules (nerve-cells), from the Gasserian ganglion of the cat. 1. Cell, with short pale process, showing the origin of a fibre ; esde- successive transitory stages of development of this system rived from de- at different epochs in the life of man, and the permanent vel P ment - form it assumes in members of the entire animal series. Since there can 292 DEVELOPMENT OF THE CEEEBRO-SPINAL AXIS. be no doubt that every animal function, from the automatic motions of the obscurest living form up to processes of intellection of man, depend upon this structure as on an instrument, we may, by a due comparison of the habits, instincts, or other phenomena in such cases with the existing nervous development, arrive at 'true conclusions of the connection between its structure and its functions. :. We shall therefore indicate, in a general manner, the order of development of this system in man, and then its permanent stages in the animaL series. The nervous system first n:i.kes its appearance in the serous lamina Course of de- of the germinal membrane and in the midst of the pellucid veiopment of area ag ^ e p r j m itiy e trace, a delicate and pale- white line ris- ous system, ing somewhat above the general surface of the germinal area. This line soon presents a conical' aspect ; the thicker portion is destined to become the head of the embryo. After a short interval, the membrane is gathered into a fold on each side of the primitive trace, and these folds, advancing toward each other, constitute the dorsal laminse, which, when their edges have met and coalesced, form a tubular cavity a. rudimentary preparation for the vertebral column. Beneath the tube so arising may be discovered, at this stage, a line of nucleated cells the chorda dorsalis. As the edges of the dorsal laminae approach each other, they assume a wavy form, and simultaneously a bending forward or curvature of the embryo occurs, so that the vertebral tube becomes arched. In the middle wavy portion are now to be seen rectangular plates, the elements of the future vertebras. The coalescence of the middle part of the dorsal laminas takes place first, the ends as yet diverging in the portions which corre- spond respectively to the head and the sacrum. The spinal marrow and the brain thus arise at the primitive trace, the brain being a superposed or additional structure to the spinal marrow ; for now the wavy edges of the anterior extremity are gradually seen to give origin to three cells by their juxtaposition : 1st. The epencephalpn, a single cell, to produce the medulla oblongata : its' cavity is to be the fourth ventricle ; 2d. The mes- encephalon, also a single cell, for the corpora quadrigemina : its cavity is to be the ventricle of Sylvius ; 3d. The. deutencephalon, a single cell, for the optic thalami : its cavity is to be the third ventricle. Though at first transparent and fluid, the nervous matter becomes by degrees more consistent and covered over with a thin layer of membrane, the indica- tion of its future investitures. The rudiment of an eye, under the form of a protrusion, now appears from the most anterior cell ; and in like manner the auditory apparatus emerges from the cell of the medulla ob- longata, from the anterior part of which, by the coalescence of a pair of fasciculi which have arisen, the cerebellum begins to form. At this peri- od, through the continued curvature of the embryo, the cell of the cor- pora quadrigemina has become most anterior. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CEEEBRO-SPINAL AXIS. 293 The origin of the spinal cord and brain is illustrated in the annexed figures from Bischoff. Fig. 136 shows upon a dark ground Ori . Q of thg a portion of the germinal membrane, in the midst of which is spinal cord and the area pellucida and primitive trace : #, the area pellucida ; the bram> , the dorsal laminse ; c, the primitive trace. Fig. 136. Fig. 137. The primitive trace, magnified 8 diameters. Origin of the brain upon the spinal cord, magnified 8 diameters. Fig. 137, the same at a later stage, preparation for the brain being made. The dorsal Iamina3 are approaching each other, particularly to- ward the middle: , the dilated upper extremity or cephalic end, the three cells appearing : the epencephalon, mesencephalon, and deutenceph- alon ; b, chorda dorsalis along the bottom of the groove ; c, rudiments of vertebra ; . d, lancet-shaped dilatation. In both figures the pale borders along the primitive trace are pellucid nerve substance. The dorsal cord, which is only a transitory structure, now disappears, the spinal marrow commencing to exhibit a division into four strands, right and left, upper and under. The medulla oblongata flattens next in its upper part, its fasciculi parting from each other; the interval so arising between them is to be the fourth ventricle. The hemispheres now appear as a double cell, the prosencephalon, and as development goes on, they soon exceed the corpora quadrigemina in size, and, as they ad- vance, force these bodies backward and under them. From this it appears that the type of construction of the nervous sys- tem is, that upon the rudimentary spinal marrow a series of vesicles is developed. They constitute eventually the medulla oblongata, the cer- ebellum, the corpora quadrigemina, the thalami optici, the corpora striata, the olfactive ganglia, and in front of all, but destined to cover the anterior portions over, the hemispheres. Turning now to the animal series, we find in the lowest members of 294 THE SPINAL COED. the vertebrata, as in the amphioxus, the spinal cord, medulla Comparative ' nervous system oblongata, and the elementary representatives of the sensory in vertebrates. g an gii a a l ne, and as, in succession, we pass to the higher ones, we recognize a cerebellum appearing over the medulla oblongata, and cerebral hemispheres over the sensory ganglia. These organs in the upward career become more and more developed, the hemispheres, for example, soon equaling in size the quadrigemina, and then greatly sur- passing them, and with this increase of size a higher grade of intelligence is reached. In fishes there are four ganglia, corresponding respectively to the cerebellum, quadrigemina, cerebral hemispheres, and olfactive gan- glia. In reptiles the number of ganglia and their order of occurrence is the same, but the cerebral hemispheres have now greatly increased, an increase which is even better marked in birds, for in them the hem- ispheres have expanded in front so as to cover the olfactive ganglia, and posteriorly the optic, a condition of things analogous to that presented by the human brain at about the close of the third month of foatal life, and approaching that permanently exhibited by the lower mammals, as, for instance, the marsupials. It is to be understood that what is here spoken of as the hemispheres answers in reality only to the anterior lobe of the cerebrum of man ; and as in him, during the fourth and fifth months, the middle lobes are developed in the upward and backward direction from the anterior, and still later the posterior lobes from the posterior of these, the same course is followed in the animal series, the final type of development, the trilobed cerebrum, being only reached by the highest carnivora and quadrumanous animals. Commencing now more particularly with human nervous anatomy STRUCTURE OF THE SPINAL CORD. The spinal cord is placed in the midst of the vertebral canal. In form Description of it is cylmdroid, its section being elliptical, the lateral diame- the spinal cord. ter teing the long on ^ Longitudinally it shows two en- largements, one about its upper third, the other toward its termination. Exteriorly it is white, but its section shows a gray substance, arranged in the form of two crescents connected by an isthmus. Above, it is con- tinuous with the brain, which, indeed, is a development upon it, and be- low it terminates at the cauda equina. Its relative length is much great- er in foetal life, at the third month of which it extends into the sacrum. In adult life it only occupies about the upper two thirds of the verte- bral canal ; it is generally stated that its termination is about the first or second lumbar vertebra. Moreover, it does not fill the vertebral ca- nal, being, by reason of the transverse dimensions of that cavity, rather suspended in than confined by it. The rest of the space, amount- ing to about one third, is occupied by the roots 'of the nerves, liga- THE SPINAL CORD. 295 fig. 138. The spinal cord. Fig. 139. ments, the investitures of the cord, blood-vessels, and a liquid. Fig. 138, A, A, shows the front view of the spinal cord, with the medulla oblongata ; B, B, the posterior view % ; and C, C, the decussation of its strands, from which it appears that the organ is composed of two equi- lateral portions. They are united by an interior com- missure, but separated in front by the anterior, and be- hind by the posterior fissure. Of these the posterior fissure is the deeper, the anterior being wider. Besides these regional divisions, the cord also presents longi- tudinal furrows, two for each side, dividing it into the anterior, the middle or lateral, and posterior columns or tracts, as shown in the figures. With respect to the interior constitution of the cord, it has already been stated that it is composed exteriorly of white, and interiorly of gray material. The relative quantities of these, and the particular form and distribu- tion of the gray substance, may, perhaps, be best understood from the sections given in Fig. 139, from one to nineteen, 1 show- ing a transverse section as high as the cerebral pedun- cles ; 2, through the medulla oblongata; and the remaining figures, to 19, at lower and lower points. In the first of these sec- tions, 1 is the interpeduncu- lar space ; 2, 2, inferior tract ; o 9 3, 3, middle tract ; 4, 4, locus ^H^l &* %. y/rf^WVr^ ^S^iJ^V J ---*" rr TT'*w dl n &i & 10 $$ m& niger ; 5, 5, superior tract ; 6, section of the aqueduct of Sylvius ; 7, 7, section of the superior peduncles of the cer- ebellum ; 8, 8, section of the two tubercula quadrigemina. In the second section: 1, 1, the pyramidal bodies; 2, 2, olivary bodies ; 3, 3, resti- form ; 4, 4, section of middle strands ; 5, floor of fourth ventricle. In the fourth of these sections : 1, the right half of the cord ; 2, left half; 3, anterior median fissure; 4, posterior median fissure; 5, 5, pos- 16 17 18 Sections of the spinal cord. 296 STRUCTURE OF THE SPINAL CORD. terior furrows : 6, white or anterior commissure ; 7, gray or posterior commissure ; 8, anterior horn of right crescent ; 9, posterior horn of dit- to : it is prolonged to the posterior furrow ; 10, antero-lateral columns ; 11, 11, posterior columns: these are all of white tubular substance. The symmetrical reference numbers on one side are omitted for the sake of clearness. The spinal cord is surrounded by three membranes, continuous with Membranes of those of the cranium : the dura mater, the arachnoid, and the the spinal cord. pi a mater. The latter embraces the cord so closely as to ex- ert a compression upon it. This is shown on slightly wounding it,' when the white substance protrudes through the orifice. Fig. 140. Fig. 140 : 1, spinal dura mater laid open and drawn aside ; 2, 2, sheaths formed by this membrane round the roots and spinal ganglia; 3, spinal arachnoid; 4, 4, sheaths formed by the arachnoid around the roots of the nerves and dentated ligament ; 5, 5, points of communication of the visceral layer -of the arach- noid, with its parietal layer ; 6, pia mater ; 7, denta- ted ligament separating the anterior roots from the posterior roots of the spinal nerves, and serving as a communication between the dura mater and pia mater. From the spinal cord there arise thirty-one pairs The spinal f nerves, each nerve having two roots, an nerves. anterior or motor, and a posterior or sensory. The anterior roots issue from the anterior furrow, Roots of the the posterior from the posterior furrow, spinal nerves. w here the gray substance emerges. Of the two the latter are the larger, and have more radicles. They also have, in the intervertebral foramen, a ganglion. Beyond the ganglion the two roots coalesce, and the resulting nerve trunk, passing through the intervertebral foramen, divides into an anterior and posterior branch, for the anterior and posterior portions of the body. To this general descrip- tion there are, however, some exceptions. Thus the posterior root of the first cervical nerve is smaller than the anterior, and very often it has no ganglion. The spinal nerves are enumerated as eight cervical, twelve dorsal, five lumbar, and six sacral pairs. The cervical pass off to their distribution transversely, the dorsal obliquely, and the lumbar and sacral vertically. The latter constitute the cauda equina. Fig. 141 illustrates the origin of the anterior roots of the spinal nerves. 1, pons varolii; 2, large and small root of the fifth pair; 3, sixth pair; 4, facial nerve; 5, auditory nerve; 6, intermedian nerve; 7, glosso-pharyngeal ; 8, pneumogastric ; 9, spinal accessory ; 10, hypo- glossal. Spinal dura mater laid open. STRUCTURE OF THE SPINAL CORD. 297 Origin of anterior roots of nerves. From 11 to 11, the eight anterior roots of the cervical nerves ; from 12 downward, the same roots of the dorsal nerves : those of the lumbar and sacral are not shown in the figure. As at 15, are shown the anterior branches of the spinal nerves ; as at 16, their posterior branches ; at 17, spinal ganglia formed on the posterior roots ; 18, ante- rior roots cut ; 19, anterior roots cut beyond the ganglion ; 20, dentated ligament, separating anterior from posterior roots ; 21, insertion of this ligament on dura mater by its dentated edge ; 22, insertion of same ligament on the pia mater. Fig. 142 illustrates the origin of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves. 1, tubercnla quadrigemina ; 2, trian- gular band ; 3, 3, superior peduncles of the cerebellum ; 4, 4, middle peduncles of cerebellum ; 5, 5, inferior pedun- cles of cerebellum ; 6, anterior wall of fourth ventricle ; 7, glosso-pharyngeal ; 8, pneumogastric ; 9, spinal accessory ; from 10 to 10, posterior roots of eight cervical pairs : the dorsal, the lumbar, and the sacral below 11 are not shown in the figure. From 14 downward, a dotted line arising from the tearing away of the posterior roots ; 15, 15, an- terior roots of spinal nerves, the dentated ligament being visible through the removal of the posterior roots ; 16, spi- nal ganglia, of which there are thirty pairs, the first pair of nerves not being furnished with them ; 17, 17, anterior branches of spinal nerves ; 18, 18, posterior branches; 19, 19, dentated ligament, placed between the posterior and anterior roots ; 20, same ligament brought into view. Fig. 143 shows a portion of the spinal cord mgm 143- surrounded by its envelopes, and seen in pro- file, so as to display at once the origin of the anterior and posterior roots. 1,1, posterior roots of spinal nerves and their ganglia ; 2, 2, anterior roots of the same nerves anastomosing with the anterior portions of these ganglia; 3, 4, anterior and posterior roots cut; 5, dentated ligament ; 6, dura mater, preserved to show the sheaths which it forms around these ganglia and the branches of the spinal nerves ; 7, vertical section of the sheath of the anterior and posterior roots, to show the little lamella which separates the one root from the other; 8, 8, interior face. of the dura mater, which is drawn aside to show the smooth aspect which it possesses, owing to the parietal layer of the rior rootSt arachnoid which covers it. J.gin of posterior roots of nerves. 298 LONGITUDINAL TRANSMISSION IN THE CORD. The white or fibrous portion of the spinal cord is composed in part of the spinal nerve fibres and in part of commissural ones. At one time it was supposed that every one of the preceding continued uninterruptedly to the brain. On this point, however, the weight of evidence will lead us to infer that the vertical distance through which these fibres pass is not very great, and that they are soon brought in connection with the interior vesicular substance. If all the fibres passed uninterruptedly to the brain, we should expect that the cord would increase in thickness by a regular progression upward ; but this, as is shown in Fig. 138, is not the case. Its enlargements correspond to the number of nerve roots given off from the localities in which they occur. Thus, where many nerve roots are required for the upper extremities, and again for the lower ones, we notice such corresponding enlargements. The experiments of Volk- mann show that these dilatations are as much owing to an increase of the vesicular material as to an increased number of fibres. In the view presented in the preceding chapter respecting nerve-arcs and the functions of nerve-cells, we should be led to infer that every centrifugal and cen- tripetal fibre of the cord is brought in connection with such a cell of the gray material, and that it does not extend very far from its point of exit or entrance. FUNCTIONS OF THE SPINAL CORD. The determination of the func- Functions of tions of the roots of the spinal nerves by Bell has already the spinal cord. k een referred to as one of the great discoveries of physiol- ogy, and as furnishing a solid foundation for an exact knowledge of the functions of the nervous system. The evidence of the truth of the doc- trine that the anterior roots of these nerves are motor and the posterior Bell's dis- sensory, is complete. Thus, if the anterior root of one of these covery. nerves be divided, all those parts which are supplied by that nerve will exhibit loss of motion, though their sensation is unimpaired ; if the posterior root be divided, the sensibility of the parts is lost, though the power of motion is unaffected. Similar evidence may also be ob- tained by irritating the ends of the divided roots, muscular motion or pain, as the case may be, being correspondingly observed. The spinal cord transmits impressions from the periphery to the brain, Lon itudinai an< ^ converse ty enables the brain to bring into action the transmission of motor nerves. Division of it at once causes an interruption ifluences. Q vo i un t ai y mo tion and sensation in those parts supplied by nerves below the place of the operation, the functions of the parts above remaining unimpaired. But, though the influence of the brain in exciting voluntary motion, and its capability of receiving sensations, is thus cut off, the severed portion of the cord still possesses an automatic power. This transmission of influences upward or downward is doubtless, to TEANSVEESE TEANSMISSION. 299 a considerable degree, accomplished through the vesicular substance, the quality of which, in this respect, has been explained in the preceding chapter. But, besides this, the exterior fibrous structures possess a like function, correspondingly as they are connected with the motor or sen- sory roots of the nerves, the anterior columns being motor, and the pos- terior apparently sensory. The spinal cord not only permits the passage of influences in its longi- tudinal, tut also in its transverse direction. This is what Transverse might be anticipated from the structure and functions of the transmission of cells of its gray interior. If the cord be cut half through in u a given place, and again be cut half through on the opposite side, at a little distance above or below, impressions may be conducted through the intermediate portion, the vesicular material being then their only channel. In a memoir on the distribution of the fibres of the sensitive roots, and on the transmission of impressions in the spinal cord, Dr. Brown . Se uard Brown-Sequard, referring to the two theories entertained at on the conduc- present 1st. That sensitive impressions reaching the cord tlonofthecord - pass in totality to the brain along the posterior columns ; 2d. That such impressions so arriving pass directly to the central gray substance, which transmits them upward offers reasons for supposing that both these theories, and especially the first, are contradicted by facts. It is his opinion that sensitive impressions reaching the cord pass in different directions, some ascending, others descending, but both going in part by the posterior columns, and in part by the posterior gray horns, and perhaps by the lateral columns, to penetrate, after a short distance, the gray central substance by which, or in which, they are transmitted to the brain. He also shows that sensitive impressions of one lateral half of the body are transmitted principally in a crossed manner, that is to say, that they follow more particularly the opposite half of the cord to reach the brain ; that the decussation of the conducting elements for sensitive im- pressions is not made, as is commonly said, at the anterior extremity of the pons ; that the gray substance does not possess the property of transmitting sensitive impressions in every direction, as some have sup- posed ; that most, if not all the conducting elements for sensitive im- pressions decussate in the spinal cord, the decussation occurring in part almost immediately on their entry into the cord, but that a few make their decussation at a certain distance above the point of entry, the ma- jority, however, descending in the cord, and making their decussation below the point of entry ; that if there are conducting elements for sen- sitive impressions which ascend throughout the entire length of the cord to make their decussation in the brain, their number must be very small ; 300 REFLEX ACTION. and that alterations capable of producing a paralysis of sensibility, and situated upon any point of a lateral half of the cerebro-spinal axis, al- ways produce a paralysis of sensibility on the opposite half of the body, and that there is no difference between the brain and the spinal marrow in this respect. Thus constructed, the spinal cord, as we shall presently show from Analoo- with ^ r * Carpenter, evidently agrees with the gangliated ventral ventral cord cord of the articulata, each portion x of it from which a pair of lata ' nerves is given off representing each ganglion of that ventral cord, the difference in the two structures being, that in the spinal col- umn the ganglia are commissured, so as to form, in appearance, one con- tinuous mass, and agreeably to this view of its construction are the circumstances under which its enlargements occur. In those animal forms in which the entire trunk is concerned in locomotion, as in snakes and eels, the cord is nearly cylindrical; but as soon as special members for locomotion are developed, a corresponding increase of diameter is ob- served. Thus, in birds, the ganglionic enlargement corresponds with the region from which the nerves for the wings are given off; but in that tribe, as in the ostrich, the mode of locomotion of which is by the legs rather than by the wings, a corresponding posterior enlargement occurs. The same observations may even be more distinctly made during metamorph- oses ; thus, in frogs, while they are in the tadpole state the spinal cord is cylindrical, but bulging ensues in it anteriorly and posteriorly as soon as the anterior and posterior members are developed. The translation of impressions which have been brought along the Reflex action centripetal fibres into motions, the exciting influence of which of the cord. { s conveyed along the centrifugal fibres, includes what is un- derstood as the reflex action of the spinal cord as developed by Dr. Hall. Its essential condition is its independence of the agency of the brain, and therefore unconscious nature. As general examples may be mentioned the movements which occur in swallowing ; for after the food has been carried by voluntary action into the fauces, its passage onward to the stomach is perfectly involuntary. In like manner, the introduction of air into the lungs in ordinary respiration is involuntary ; for though it may be, to a certain extent, under the control of the will, yet that extent is limited, a necessity for the motion presently arising, which soon becomes uncontrollable. The action of the valvular arrangements at the cardiac and pyloric orifices of the stomach, and the constant contraction of the sphincter *ani, are farther illustrations. To these may be added those impulsive movements which we instinctively make on the approach of danger or in the act of falling, and perhaps, too, automatic walking, as we go from place to place in a state of mental abstraction, paying no at- tention to the course we take. REFLEX ACTION. 301 The cord is to be regarded as a longitudinal series of simple automatic nerve arcs, or, as we have termed it, a multiple automatic Automatic ac- arc. Each segment of it has therefore an independent action tionofthecord. of its own, but can conspire with its neighbors or be influenced by the brain, by means of its commissural fibres, an arrangement of which num- berless interesting instances might be furnished. The one represented in Fig. 144, which is from the cord of spirostreptus, may, however, suffice: A, under surface of a portion ; B, up- per surface; a, inferior longitudinal fibres ; e, superior longitudinal fibres ; y, fibres of re-enforcement, seen also at b and c\ g, commissural fibres, seen also at d. The power which the cord displays in this simple action is most striking- ly seen when it is cut off from its cranial connections. The decapitated frog props himself up stiffly on his legs, and, if his cutaneous surface be irritated, exhibits antagonizing mo- tions ; such motions are all of the reflex character, and are commonly much more strikingly seen in cold than in warm-blooded animals ; but even in man precisely the same results are witnessed during periods of the suspension of the activity of the brain, as, when the palm of the hand of a sleeping child is touched with the finger, the finger is at once grasped. As above stated, this reflex function of the cord is therefore independ- ent of the brain, though the brain can control it, and this Reflex action the more perfectly the higher the organization of the animal, independent of Breathing can go on, whether we pay attention to it or not, * but we can arrest it if we choose for a time ; and since in man this in- troduction of air is incidentally used for very refined purposes, by volun- tary exertion we moderate or regulate it, as in the production of musical sounds in singing or of articulate sounds in speech. In a general way, there is not much difficulty in distinguishing be- tween simple actions of the cord and those in which the brain Distinction be- is participating. In the former, no weariness or fatigue is ^cerebral ever experienced ; in the latter it is ; and perhaps, even in action, these last, involving voluntary muscular action, though the control is to be attributed to the brain, the source of the force is in the cord. These normal phenomena which the cord displays become greatly ex- Portion of cord of spirostreptus. 302 [RELATIONS OF THE SPINAL CORD AND BRAIN. N Increase of aggerated in certain conditions of disease, as, for example, in spinal action, tetanus, in which the slightest peripheral irritation may be followed by violent convulsive movement, or the same occurs by the agency of powerful poisonous substances, as strychnine. In these cases the action may be either limited simply to the cord, as in the tetanus brought on by opium in frogs, or the brain may be involved in it, as in cases of hydrophobia, in which the sound or sight of water, operating through the cerebrum, will produce spasmodic convulsions. From the facts presented by the lower animals, it may be inferred that the spinal cord does not act as a single organ, but rather should be re- garded as a collection of ganglia, special duties being discharged by spe- cial parts of it. With respect to the commissural action of the spinal cord, reference has Connection of a ^ rea ^7 ^ een ma de to the structural connection between the the cord and cord and the nervous regions above it, and in referring to the old anatomical doctrine that each of the spinal nerves is con- nected by continuous fibres with the brain, due weight has been given to the fact that the cord does not increase in thickness as it approaches the brain, but that its bulgings correspond to the regions from which it is necessary that an unusual supply of nerves should be given off. The force of this argument is, however, considerably diminished when we recollect that the nerve-tubes are by no means of uniform diameter, but are doubly conical in shape. Even, therefore, with a diminished diame- ter of the spinal cord, there might be an upward continuation of spinal fibres, the diameter of which is becoming less and less ; and this seems to be rendered more likely from the analogy of the structure of the ven- tral cord of the articulata, in which fibres are sent to the cephalic gan- glia for the purpose of establishing a communication between them and the roots of the nerves. But, however that may be, there can be no question of the influence of the brain over spinal action, and this, of course, implies structural connection of some kind an intercommunication which, if it does not take place solely through the white columns, must take place through the gray material. It is, however, important to ob- serve that the gray material has no direct communication with that of the cerebrum, but, passing through the optic thalamus, ends in the cor- pus striatum, extending therefore in one continued mass through the cord, and terminating in that ganglionic organ. By one or both of these chan- nels, white or gray, the impressions which are made upon the spinal sensitive nerves are presented to the brain, and in a similar manner the influences which produce voluntary motions are transmitted down. A Effect of le sect ^ on ^ an 7 P art ^ tne s P ma l cor< l at once incapacitates the sionsofthe will from acting upon the parts beyond, the motions of which cord< become therefore purely automatic, though the parts above still FUNCTIONS OF THE SPINAL CORD. 303 display their customary phenomena. These effects are sometimes in- structively witnessed in man when lesions of the cord have occurred through disease. If the view that has been presented respecting the continuation of fibres from the cord to the brain be correct, these fibres dis- ,, . 1 Motor and sen- charge a commissural duty. This would lead us to sup- sory tracts of pose that there is a correspondence between the functions of { the columns of the cord and those of the roots of the spinal nerves, the anterior columns being motiferous, or in unison with the motor root of the nerves, the posterior being sensiferous, or in unison with the sensory root of the nerves. Agreeably to this, if the anterior columns be irri- tated, motions are excited in all those parts which are supplied with nerves beyond the irritated point ; and if the posterior columns be irri- tated, in like manner pain is experienced. In this instance, however, a certain amount of motion is occasionally observed, but this has common- ly been explained by referring it to reflexion within the cord. It has also been observed, as strengthening these views, that if the posterior columns be irritated after complete section of the cord, the result will de- pend on which of the cut portions be disturbed ; if it be the lower, there will be no effect. An examination, under the same circumstances, of the anterior columns, demonstrates that, if the upper section be irritated, there is no effect produced ; if the lower, there are convulsive movements of the parts supplied with nerves beyond. From these results we should infer that the physiological functions of the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves are participated in by the anterior and posterior columns of the cord, and might therefore expect that those functions would be continued in the higher distribu- tion of the columns above the medulla oblongata. From the point of view under which we have thus presented it, the action of the spinal cord is therefore simple, or it is disturb- General funo ed by the agency of the brain ; in the first case it offers it- tions of the self purely as an automatic instrument ; in the latter, its com- missural connections with the brain make a compound apparatus. The former state is closely represented in the construction of the amphioxus, the nervous system of which has no rudiment of a cerebrum or cerebel- lum ; in this animal, therefore, since also the sensory ganglia are merely in a rudimentary state, the mode of life must be purely mechanical, just as it is with an artificial automaton, of which, when a given spring is touched, a given motion is made. Even among the highest vertebrated animals, man himself at the periodic times of quiescence of the cerebrum, as in sleep, when the cerebral influence over other portions is, to a certain extent, suspended, an approach to a similar condition occurs ; but in periods of activity of the cerebrum, it can hold the spinal cord in check, 304 THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. controlling, and in some cases arresting its action, and this is done through influences propagated along the tubular structures of the posterior and an- terior columns, which therefore are to be regarded, in this respect, as commissures to the brain. OF THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. The medulla oblongata is a conical body, lying between the spinal cord Limits of the an< ^ ^ e brain. ^ * s generally understood to be bounded at medulla obion- its upper portion by the pons varolii, but this is not a true limit, since its structure extends through the pons varolii to the crura of the brain. There is the same indefiniteness of limit as re- spects its lower boundary, which is generally said to be marked by some decussating fibres which appear on its front. Like the spinal cord, it Its subdivis- has an anterior and posterior fissure, which divide it into two ions. symmetrical lateral halves ; the former is a continuation of the anterior spinal fissure, the latter of the posterior, and ends in the ca- lamus scriptorius above. The lateral halves thus produced are marked by three grooves, producing four eminences, which pass under the follow- ing names : 1st. The anterior pyramids ; 2d. The olivary bodies ; 3d. The restiform bodies ; 4th. The posterior pyramids. The anterior fis- sure is crossed about an inch below the pons varolii by decussating fibres, and hence injuries on one side of the brain produce nervous effects on the opposite side of the body. First. The anterior pyramids consist of white fibres originating near The anterior tne decussating fasciculi. They have a compound structure, pyramids. f or each contains fibres arising from the inner side of the op- posite anterior column of the cord, and also fibres from its own side : they pass through the pons varolii into the crus cerebri. From these pyramids curved fibres pass round the olivary body, and are lost in the restiform. They are called arciform fibres. Second. The corpora olivaria receive their name from their olive shape. The olivary They are separated by a groove from the preceding in front, bodies. an( j by another groove from the restiform bodies behind. Ex- ternally, they are formed of white tubular tissue, which incloses a vesic- ular mass, the olivary ganglion, which connects with the vesicular struc- ture of the pons above, and that of the cord below. The fibres of these ganglia are called the olivary tracts. They are continuous with the cen- tral part of the medulla oblongata, passing behind the pyramids, extend- ing upward along the posterior part of the crura cerebri to the optic thai- ami and tubercula quadrigemina. The olivary bodies exist only in man and the monkey tribe. Third. The restiform bodies are separated from the olivary by a groove. They are continuous with the posterior and antero-lateral col- THE MEDULLA OBLOXGATA. 145. umns of the cord. Ascending, they enter the cerebellum, and The restifbrm are continuous with the inner part of its cms. They there- k die s- fore are a tract of communication from the spinal cord to the cerebellum. They each inclose a gray nucleus, which is the ganglion of the pneumo- gastric nerves, and of some of the roots of the glosso-pharyngeal. Fourth. The posterior pyramids are doubtfully marked off from the restiform bodies in front, and are separated from each other The posterior by the posterior fissure. Superiorly, their fibres are contin- pyramid*. uous with the sensory tract of the crura cerebri : their gray nuclei are the ganglia of the auditory nerves. The structure of the medulla oblongata is exempli- fied in the annexed figures. Fig. 145: 1, chiasm of the optic nerves; 2, crus cere- bri ; 3, tuber cinereum ; 4, corpora albicantia ; 5, locus .perforatus ; 6, pons varolii ; 7, section of the middle peduncle of cerebellum ; 8, transverse fissure, separa- ting the medulla from the pons ; 9, first enlargement of the cord, or medulla oblongata ; 10, anterior pyra- mid; 11, olivary body; 12, anterior portion of resti- form body ; 13, neck of the medulla oblongata; from 16 downward is the anterior median fissure; from 17 downward, the anterior lateral furrow. Fig. 146: 1, section of optic tract; 2, tubercula quadrigemina ; 3, triangular band ; 4, section of crus cerebelli ; 5, medulla oblongata ; 6, anterior floor of the fourth ven- tricle ; 7, median fissure of the fourth ventricle, aid- ing to form the calamus scriptorius ; 8, mammillary swelling near the nib of the pen ; 9, posterior portion of the restiform body; from 12 down- ward, posterior median fissure ; from 13 downward, lateral furrow ; from 14 downward, posterior furrow. T-T. * i / ^ t> , i Juig. 147: o, anterior column ot the cord, divided superiorly into two portions, of which the most internal one contributes to the formation of the cor- responding pyramid; 7, middle or lateral column, di- vided superiorly into three or four portions, decussating with as many portions of the column of the opposite side, the decussation taking place both laterally and antero- posteriorly : it is the origin of the internal two thirds of the pyramid ; 8, 8, pyramids ; 9, white fibres of the pyramid, traversing the pons, and continuing to the crus 'U Fig. 140. Front of medulla ob- longata. Fig. 147. Posterior view of medulla 306 THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. Fig. 148. Posterior view of medulla oblongata. cerebri ; 10, superficial section of the trans- verse fibres of the pons ; 11, deeper section of the transverse fibres of the pons ; 12, oli- vary body ; 13, right olivary body, brought into view by removal of the corresponding pyramid. Fig. 148 is a posterior view of the me- dulla oblongata : p, p, posterior pyramids, separated by a posterior fissure ; r, r, resti- form bodies, composed of, natural and most commodious method to consider their structures as arising out of its structure, and their functions as having relation to its functions. A general idea of the structure of the brain as an appendage to the 314 / THE BRAIN. spinal cord may be gathered by considering that a bifurcation of the fibres takes place in the medulla oblongata, and upon one of the re- sulting bundles, the eras cerebri, the cerebrum is formed, on the other the cerebellum. The crus cerebri is composed of three strands : an infe- rior, the fibres of which have come from the anterior pyramids, and in part from the olivary bodies. This strand ends in the corpus striatum, its fibres not, however, blending abruptly with the vesicular matter, but passing into it in bundles. It is essentially motor. A superior, which is derived from the posterior pyramids, and terminates in the thalamus. It is essentially sensory. Between these, constituting the third portion strand it can scarcely with propriety be called is a layer of dark vesic- ular material, the locus niger. It is to be understood that the motor strands of the opposite sides decussate in the medulla oblongata ; the sensory strands decussate in the mesocephalon. The other bundle, arising in the original bifurcation, assumes the des- Formation of ignation of crus cerebelli. On it the cerebellum is devel- the cerebellum. O p Q ^ t It consists essentially of fibres from the restiform bodies, re-enforced by others which have come from the anterior pyramids under the name of arciform fibres. These together make their way to the interior ganglion of the cerebellum, the corpus dentatum, and there they end. But the crus cerebelli contains likewise two other great strands : an inferior, which constitutes the commissure of the two cere- bellar hemispheres, and which, running round the entire prolongations of the spinal cord, forms the pons varolii ; a superior, the processus cere- belli ad testes, which unites the cerebellum and cerebrum. Of the portions of the spinal cord on which the cerebrum is to be de- veloped, those which are sensory end in the optic thalamus, those which are motor in the corpus striatum. The thalamus and striatum of each side may be regarded as one compound ganglion, since, like the columns of the cord, they are united by a gray and a white commissure. Of the portions on which the cerebellum is to be developed, the termination is in the central ganglion of the cerebellum, the corpus dentatum. At the place of bifurcation of the constituent strands of the crus cere- bri and crus cerebelli from each other in the medulla oblon- " ar} y ' gata, there is intercalated or included a ganglion, which, with its apparatus, constitutes the olivary body, the fibres of which make their way upward between the two preceding bundles, and, having bi- furcated, one branch goes to the quadrigemina and the other to the op- tic thalamus, the latter constituting, as has been said, a part of the crus cerebri. The seat of power of the medulla oblongata is in this ganglion. Such being the anatomical construction of the crus cerebri, it may be physiologically regarded as a compound- strand, the anterior portion of THE BRAIN. 315 which is motor, the posterior sensory ; and between these a Nerves of the dark vesicular deposit, the locus niger, which is continuous ^^^ifdsre^ between the vesicular matter in the spinal cord and that of spectiveiy. the thalamus and corpus striatum. From the lowest extremity of the cord to these great ganglia there is, therefore, an unbroken vesicular channel. In its progress onward to the corpus striatum, the anterior strand yields roots of the spinal accessory, hypoglossal, facial, abducens, the small root of the fifth, the trochlearis, and the oculo-motor nerves. If there were no other proof of the motor character of this strand, the motor property of all these nerves would be sufficient to determine it. In like manner, the posterior strand yields the pneumogastric, the glosso- pharyngeal, and the sensory root of the fifth, from the sensory functions of which its sensory character is established. The layer of vesicular matter which is found upon the cerebral convo- lutions, and which is doubtless the seat of the higher intel- Relation of the lectual qualities, has therefore no communication with the ^roftoe hem- vesicular matter of the spinal axis, by contact or continua- ispheres. tion, but only through the intervention of fibres which radiate upon it in all directions from the thalamus and striatum, or rather through some which radiate from the great sensory centre, the thalamus, to the periph- ery of the cerebrum, and others which converge from that periphery to the great motor centre, the striatum. If the diameter of these fibres be assumed to be 10 ooo of an inch, there must be many millions of them in the aggregate. The vesicular matter of the hemisphere is arranged on the superficies instead of centrally, on account of the necessities of their structure and condition of activity, for thereby a great surface is obtained, which is further increased by the artifice of convolutions, a ve- sicular surface which, counting in that of the cerebellum, has been esti- mated at 670 square inches, and blood can be copiously supplied and freely removed. But the thalamus and striatum are only two of a chain of ganglia be- neath the cerebral hemispheres. Anteriorly we find the ol- Gapglia at the factive ganglia, or bulbs of the olfactory nerves, which are base of the seated upon peduncles, though their character is manifest from the gray matter they contain. Behind these are the tubercula quadri- gemina, to which the optic nerves run, and which are therefore their gan- glionic centres. What answers to the auditory ganglion is lodged at a distance back, at the fourth ventricle, and the gustatory ganglion is in the medulla oblongata. These are the ganglia of special sense, and to be regarded as subordinate to the thalamus, 'which is their common register. All these parts are commissured with one another, and with their fel- lows of the opposite half of the brain. Indeed, so likewise are all its 316 THE BRAIN. Commissures of parts, the different cerebral lobes, the opposite hemispheres, the brain. adjacent and distant convolutions, the cerebrum with the cerebellum. Hence arises a structure of extreme complexity. Among the commissural apparatus may be more particularly mentioned the cor- pus callosum, the fornix, the anterior, the posterior, the soft, and the su- perior longitudinal commissures. For the sake of a clear conception of the structure of the brain, so far Aspects of the as is required for physiological purposes, the annexed repre- brain. sentations of its superficial aspects are given. These are a preparation for the diagrammatic sketches which follow, and which ena- ble us to understand the relation and dependence of the more prominent parts. It need scarcely be added that the uses and functions of nearly all the subordinate parts are at present wholly unknown. For the time being, they are therefore objects of interest to the anatomist rather than to the physiologist. Fig. 154, external lateral face of the right half of the brain : 1, me- dulla oblongata; 2, pons varolii; 3, cerebellum; 4, pneumogastric lob- ule ; 5, frontal convolutions ; 6, parietal convolutions ; 7, occipital con- volutions ; 8, fissure of Sylvius ; 9, 9, its two branches. Fig. 154. Fig. 155. Superior aspect of the brain. External lateral face of the brain. Fig. 155, superior aspect of the brain: 1, 1, anterior lobes ; 2, 2, posterior lobes ; 3, 3, great median fissure ; 4, 4, fissures of Eolando ; 5, 5, anterior parietal convolutions ; 6, 6, posterior parietal convolutions ; 7, 7, rudimentary parietal convolutions ; 8, 8, frontal con- volutions ; 9, 9, occipital convolutions. Fig. 156, internal lateral face of the right half of the brain : 1, half of medulla oblongata ; 2, half of pons varolii ; 3, half of eras cerebri ; 4, arbor vita? of cerebellum ; 5, aqueduct of Sylvius ; 6, half of the valve of Vieussens ; 7, two of the tubercula quadrigemina; 8, half of the pin- eal gland ; 9, its inferior peduncle ; 10, its anterior peduncle ; 11, trans- verse portion of the fissure of Bichat : 12, superior face of the optic tract ; THE BRAIN. 317 Internal lateral face of the brain. 13, its internal face; 14, commis- suramollis; 15, infundibulum; 16, portion of pituitary gland ; 17, por- tion of tuber cinereum ; 18, pisiform tubercle; 19, locus perforatus; 20, oculo-inotor nerve ; 21, portion of optic nerve ; 22, anterior cerebral commissure ; 23, foramen of Mon- roe ; 24, fornix ; 25, septum luci- dum ; 26, corpus callosum ; 27, splenium ; 28, genu ; 29, sinus of the corpus callosum ; 30, gyrus fornicatus ; 31, internal convolu- tion of the anterior lobe ; 32, deep anfractuosity ; 33, convolution of pos- terior lobe ; 34, anfractuosity. Fig. 157, base of the brain, photo- graphed from a wax cast : 1, 1, anteri- or lobes ; 2, 2, middle lobes ; 3, 3, pos- terior lobes; 4, anterior portion of great median fissure; 5, its posterior portion; 6, 6, fissures of Sylvius ; 7, 7, antero- posterior portions of the great fissure of Bichat ; 8, tuber cinereum ; 9, 9, corpora albicantia; 10, locus perforatus medius ; 11, 11, crura cerebri; 12, pons varolii; 13, medulla oblongata; 14, 14, anterior pyramids; 15, 15, olivary bodies; 16, 16, restiform bodies; 17, 17, lateral lobes of the cerebellum ; 18, Base of the brain. portion of its middle lobe ; 19, 19, two small antero-posterior convolutions of the frontal lobe, separated by the groove of the olfactory nerve ; 20, oblique convolution, limiting the fissure of Sylvius ; 21, convolution of the great cerebral fissure ; 22, ol- factory nerve ; 23, its bulb ; 24, 24, optic nerves and their chiasm ; 25, 25, oculo-motor nerves ; 26, 26, pathetici ; 27, 27, great and small roots of the trifacial; 28, 28, external oculo-motor nerves; 29, 29, facial nerves ; 30, 30, auditory; 31, 31, glosso-pharyngeal ; 32, 32, pneumogastric nerves ; 33, 33, spinal accessory ; 34, 34, great hypoglossal. In this engraving several of the symmetrical numbers are not repeated, for the sake of clearness. Fig. 158 is an analytical diagram of the brain in a vertical section (from Mayo). It serves to impress on the mind the foregoing structure of structural descriptions, s, Spinal cord preparing for bifurca- t ? e brain - 318 STRUCTURE OF THE BEAIN. Fig. 158. Diagram of the structure of the brain. tion ; r, restiform bodies passing to , rectus inferior ; c, obliquus inferior ; d, rectus extemus ; e, ring of the recti muscles. DIAGRAM OF THE FIFTH NERYE. Fig. 163. Fig. 163 : 1, ganglion of Gasser ; 2, ophthalmic ganglion ; 3, its long root furnished by the nasal branch; 4, short root ; 5, sympathetic, from the plexus surrounding the inter- nal carotid ; 6, ciliary nerves trav- ersing the sclerotic ; 7, ciliary gan- glion ; 8, ganglion of Meckel ; 9, its sensory roots from the superior maxillary ; 10, petrous branch of vidian nerve, or motor root of the ganglion of Meckel ; 11, its sym- pathetic root ; 12, naso- palatine Diagram of the fifth nerve. ganglion, receiving at its upper an- gle the naso-palatine nerve, and at its inferior the anterior palatine ; 13, otic ganglion ; 14, small superficial petrosal ; 15, submaxillary ganglion ; 16, sublingual ganglion ; 17, geniculated ganglion; 18, cavernous ganglion. GANGLION OF GASSER AND ADJACENT PARTS. Fig. 164. _ Fig. 164 : 1, ganglion of Gas- ser; 2, ophthalmic nerve; 3, front- al branch ; 4, lachrymal ; 5, nasal ; 6, opthalmic ganglion; 7, superior maxillary nerve ; 8, orbital branch ; 9, ganglion of Meckel ; 10, petrosal branch of vidian nerve; 11. palatine nerves ; 12, anastomosis of the gan- glion *of Meckel with the nervous plexus surrounding the internal max- illary artery ; 13, posterior and su- perior dental nerves ; 14, suborbital nerve, its anastomoses with facial Ganglion of Gasser. 336 THE FIFTH NERVE. and nasal; 15, inferior maxillary, receiving the motor portion of the fifth pair ; 16, superficial auriculo-temporal nerve ; 17, buccal nerve ; 18, sec- tion of other collateral branches of inferior maxillary ; 19, inferior den- tal ; 20, mental nerve ; 21, lingual ; 22, chorda tympani ; 23, facial nerve ; A, external carotid artery ; B, facial artery ; C, temporal artery ; D, internal maxillary ; E, its dental branch ; F, middle meningeal ; a, membrana tympani ; #, glenoid cavity ; or facial, nerve in the nomenclature of Willis, and derives the name portio dura, under which it sometimes passes, from the density and closeness of its texture. It supplies all the muscles of the face except those of mastica- tion, which are supplied by the fifth nerve, those of the palate, the sta- pedius, laxator tympani, and tensor tympani ; also the muscles of the ex- ternal ear, and some of those of the tongue. The facial is a centrifugal nerve. If irritated near its origin, there is no sensation of pain ; but sub- sequently it obtains fibres from other sources, as from the fifth and the pneumogastric. After it has been joined by these, irritation is acutely felt. It is therefore to be regarded as the general motor nerve of the face, influencing the function of respiration through reflex action, but not being connected with the function of mastication. Injury of it produces paralysis of the parts to which it is distributed, as, for example, the orbic- ularis palpebrarum, causing inflammation of the eye and opacity of the cornea, through inability of that organ to free itself from dust and spread the lachrymal secretion over its surface. In like manner, the sense of hearing may be injured through loss of control over the muscular struc- tures of the ear, and the acuteness of the sense of smell diminished from Fig.iw. inability to introduce the air in a strong current, or the sense of taste, if the point of injury be previous to the giving off of the chorda tympani. In paralysis of the facial nerve the muscles of the face become powerless, and the countenance, therefore, dis- torted. ILLUSTRATION OF THE FACIAL NERVE. Fig. 167 : 1, trunk of the facial at its emergence from the aqueduct of Fallopius ; 2, occipito- auricular branch ; 3, auricular of the cervical plexus ; 4, twig of the occipital mus- The facial nerve. 338 THE GLOSSO-PHARYNGEAL NERVE. cle ; 5, twig of the posterior auricular muscle ; 6, twig of the superior auricular ; 7, anastomosis of the facial with the auricular of the cervical plexus ; 8, branch for the stylo-hyoid and posterior belly of the digastric ; 9, temporo-facial anastomosis with the superficial auriculo-temporal of the fifth pair ; 10, temporal ramifications of the facial ; 11, frontal twigs ; 12, superior palpebral twigs ; 13, middle palpebral twigs ; 14, inferior or motor palpebral twigs; 15, suborbital twigs ; 16, suborbital plexus; 17, superior buccal; 18, cervico-facial branch; 19, buccal branches, anas- tomosing 'with, 20, buccal nerve of fifth pair; 21, mental twigs, forming with, 22, mental nerve of fifth pair, the mental plexus ; 23, cervical branches ; 24, transverse cervical branch of cervical plexus ; 25, parotid branches of the superficial auriculo-temporal ; 26, parotid branches of the facial ; #, frontal muscle ; b, occipital muscle ; c, anterior auricular ; d, superior auricular ; 0, posterior auricular; f, orbicularis palpebrarum; ^, zygomaticus, major ; -A, buccinator ; ^orbicularis oris ; &, masseter; , parotid gland ; m, platysma ; n, stylo-hyoid and posterior belly of di- gastric ; o, sterno-cleido-mastoid ; j?, trapezius. OF THE NINTH PAIR, OR GLOSSO-PHARYNGEAL. This nerve arises by five or six filaments from the groove between The ninth pair, ^ ie ^ var 7 an ^ restiform bodies. Its origin may be traced or giosso-pha- to the vesicular substance in the floor of the fourth ventricle : passing forward, it is distributed to the mucous membrane of the base of the tongue and fauces. While in the jugular fossa it forms two ganglia, a small one produced by its posterior fibres, and call- ed the superior ganglion ; a second, much larger, termed the inferior, or ganglion of Andersch. The branches given off by the glosso-pharyngeal are the muscular, the tympanic or Jacobson's nerve, which is distributed to the inner wall of the tympanum and interior portions of the ear ; the pharyngeal, which supplies the pharynx, and, with branches of the pneu- mogastric and sympathetic, forms the pharyngeal plexus ; the lingual supplies the mucous membrane of the sides and base of the tongue ; the tonsillitic, which supplies the mucous membrane of the fauces and soft palate, and forms a plexus round the base of the tonsil. Besides these, the glosso-pharyngeal anastomoses with the facial, pneumogastric, accessory, and sympathetic. Examined in the usual way, the glosso-pharyngeal proves to be a cen- tripetal nerve, having the power of producing reflex motions through the nerves of deglutition, its motor influence being chiefly due to its con- nections with the pneumogastric and accessory. Though thus a sen- sory nerve, it is doubtful whether it be the only nerve of taste, or whether that function is not likewise participated in by the lingual branch of the fifth pair. It is certain that section of the lingual does not destroy the THE GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE. 339 sense of taste, and also that those parts of the tongue to which the glosso-pharyngeal is distributed present that sense in the most marked manner. The inference which is usually drawn is that this nerve and the lingual are both tactile and gustative, and this renders appropriate its description in this place rather than among the nerves of special sense. ILLUSTRATION OF THE GLOSSO-PHARYNGEAL. Fig. 168. Fig. 168 : 1, origin of the glosso-pharyngeal between, 2, the pneumogastric, and, 3, the facial.; 4, ganglion of Andersch; 5, pharyngeal branches; 6, anastomosis of the glosso-pharyngeal with the lingual branch of the facial ; 7, application of the spinal to the superior ganglion of the pneumo- gastric ; 8, branch of jugular fossa ; 9, plexiform ganglion of par vagum ; 10, carotid branch ; 11, superior laryngeal nerve ; 12, external laryngeal; 13, inferior or recurrent laryngeal ; 14, cervical branch of the spinal ; 15, bulbar branch of same the union of these forms a trunk which nerve The glosso-pharyngeal. divides into two branches ; 16, external branch ; 17, internal branch ; 18, cervical portion of sym- pathetic ; 19, hypoglossal, cut. DIAGRAM OP GLOSSO-PHARYNGEAL. Fig. 169. Fig. 169 : 1, facial ; 2, glosso-pharyngeal; 3, pneumo- gastric ; 4, spinal ; 5, hypoglossal ; 6, superior cervical ganglion ; 7, 7, anterior branches of the two first cervical pairs ; 8, plexus enveloping the internal carotid artery ; 9, Jacobson's nerve ; 10, its anastomotic branch with the carotid plexus ; 11, small deep petrosal, which passes into the great superficial petrosal; 13, otic ganglion ; 14, anas- tomosis of glosso-pharyngeal with lingual branch of the facial; 15, anastomosis of glosso-pharyngeal and pneumo- gastric ; 16, anastomosis of the pharyngeal of the glosso- pharyngeal with that of the pneumogastric and of the spinal ; 17, auricular twig of Arnold ; 18, application of Diagram O f anasto- the trunk of the s P inal to tlie superior ganglion of the moses. pneumogastric ; 19, anastomosis of internal branch of the spinal with the ganglion of the trunk of the par vagum ; 20, anastomosis of pneumogastric and hypoglossal ; 21, anastomosis of hypoglossal with the loop formed by first and second cervical ; 22, 22, anastomosis of the two first pairs with the cervical ganglion ; 23, pharyngeal plexus ; 24, laryngeal plexus ; 25, anastomosis of the external branch of the spinal with the anterior branch of the third cervical pair. MO THE PNEUMOGASTRIC NERVE. OF THE TENTH PAIR, THE PAR VAGUM, OR PNEUMOGASTRIC NERVE. The pneumogastric nerve arises by six or eight filaments from the groove between the olivary and restiform bodies below the glosso-pha- ryngeal, and, like it, may be traced to the vesicular material of the floor The tenth air ^ tne fo urtn ventricle. It first presents a small ganglion, or pneumogas- and soon after a second, nearly an inch in length, called the plexus gangliformis. The nerve then descends the neck in the sheath of the carotid vessels, and in its course differs on the right and left sides respectively. On the right side it passes between the sub- clavian artery and vein, descending toward the stomach and solar plexus on the posterior portion of the oesophagus ; on the left it enters the chest nearly parallel with the left subclavian, and passes to the stomach and solar plexus along the anterior portion of the oesophagus. The chief branches of the pneumogastric are the auricular, the pharyn- geal, the superior laryngeal, the cardiac, the inferior laryngeal or recur- rent, the anterior pulmonary, the posterior pulmonary, the cesophageal, and the gastric. The pneumogastric presents several plexuses in its course, and, even when distributed on the stomach, exhibits flat, membraniform ganglia. It supplies three great classes of organs : 1st. The digestive, as the pha- rynx, oesophagus, stomach, liver; 2d. Respiratory, as the larynx, trachea, lungs ; 3d. Circulatory, as the heart and great vessels. It associates it- self intimately with the sympathetic, and aids it in forming several great plexuses. At its root the pneumogastric is sensory, but in its trunk it possesses a double function, arising from its intermingling with other nerves, as the spinal accessory and sympathetic. Though the trunk, if irritated, gives rise to pain, we are not, under ordinary circumstances, conscious of indi- cations, as, for example, in the act of breathing, in which we do not per- ceive the necessity of respiration, except the access of the air be too long delayed. The pharyngeal branch is the chief motor nerve of the pharynx and palate. The superior laryngeal is the sensory nerve of the larynx, the inferior laryngeal being the motor. Considered along with the spi- nal accessory, the pneumogastric presents an analogy to a spinal nerve ; the accessory constituting the anterior or motor root, and the pneumo- gastric, with its ganglion, the sensory root. The pneumogastric nerve was formerly regarded as taking an influen- tial part in the action of the stomach during digestion. The precise na- ture of its agency in this, respect has been already alluded to. In addi- tion, it may be remarked that probably through this nerve is the sensa- tion of hunger conveyed to the mind. THE PNEUMOGASTRIC NERVE. 341 Fig. 170. ILLUSTRATION OF THE LEFT TNEUMOGASTRIC NERVE. Fig. 170 : 1, 1, 1, the pneumogastric nerve ; 2, anastomosis of it with the hypoglossal ; 3, anastomosis of plexiform ganglion with internal branch of the spinal ; 4, pharyngeal, passing in front of the internal car- otid artery ; 5, superior laryngeal, behind the internal carotid artery ; 6, external laryngeal ; 7, laryngeal plexus, formed by external laryngeal and great sympathetic ; 8, superior cardiac ; 9, middle cardiac ; 10, 10, inferior laryngeal, or recurrent, forming a curve round the arch of the aorta ; 11, pulmonary gan- glion ; 12, its anastomosis with the great sympathetic ; 13, pos- terior pulmonary plexus ; 14, cesophageal plexus; 15, curves formed around the oesophagus by the right and left pneumo- gastrics; 16, cesophageal strand traversing the diaphragm ; 17, plexus formed by the strand upon the anterior face of the car- diac end; 18, branches for the great end of the stomach; 19, branches for the small curva- ture ; 20, branches for the ante- rior face of the stomach ; 21, hepatic branches commingling with the hepatic plexus of the great sympathetic, and ramify- ing in the substance of the liver, 22, glosso- pharyngeal. 23, its lingual branch , 24, pharyngeal branch ; 25, branch for the sty- lo-pharyngeal muscle; 26, spi- nal ; 27, internal branch, aiding to form the pharyngeal nerve ; 28, external branch; 29, twig The left pneumogastric nerve. o f external branch anastomos- ing with the third cervical ; 30, anastomosis with trapezian branch of the fourth cervical ; 31, cervical portion of great sympathetic ; 32, 32, thoracic portion ; a, thyroid body ; b, trachea ; c, left lung, drawn to the right ; d, liver, raised ; e, oesophagus ; /, great end of the stomach, drawn to the left ; g, arch of the aorta ; the carotid, and subclavian ar- teries, cut. 342 THE SPINAL ACCESSORY NERVE. Fig. 171. ILLUSTRATION OF PULMONARY GANGLIA. Fig. 172. Fig. 171 : 1,1, pulmonary ganglia ; 2, median anas- tomoses of these ganglia at the posterior face of the trachea, and origin of the bronchi ; 3, left laryngeal nerve, aiding to form the bronchial plexus ; 4, anas- tomoses of the two pneumogastrics on the posterior Pulmonary ganglia. faCC of the O3SOphagUS. ILLUSTRATION OF INFERIOR LARYNGEALS, ANTERIOR PULMONARY, AND CARDIAC PLEXUS. Fig. 172, 1, 1, pneumogastric ; 2, 2, superior laryngeal; 3, 3, exter- nal laryngeal ; 4, superior car- diac nerve; 5, 5, middle cardiac nerves ; 6, inferior cardiacs ; 7, cardiac ganglion and plexus ; 8, 8, nerves from this plexus surround- ing the coronary plexus ; 9, 9, an- terior pulmonary plexus ; 10, 10, inferior laryngeal-: the left em- bracing the arch of the aorta, the right the subclavian artery, both go to the posterior face of the larynx; 11, tracheal branches; A, pulmonary artery ; B, its left branch ; C, its right branch ; D, arch of the aorta ; E, fibrous cord arising from obliteration of the ductus arteriosus ; F, left subclavian ; G, G, left primitive carotid ; H, brachio-cephalic trunk, cut to show cardiac nerves ; I, vena cava supe- rior ; K, left coronary artery and vein ; L, right coronary artery and vein , #, os hyoides ; 5, projecting portion of the larynx ; roid; F, portion of external carotid; G, internal carotid; H, thoracic aorta ; I, abdominal aorta ; J, primitive iliac ; K, intercostals ; L, pul- monary artery, of which the right branch is cut ; M, superior vena cava, cut at its origin ; N, vena cava inferior ; O, pulmonary veins ; #, lach- rymal gland ; &, sublingual gland ; c, submaxillary gland ; d, thyroid body ; e, trachea ; f, oesophagus, going to, g, the stomach ; A, several in- testinal loops with superior mesenteric plexus ; i, transverse colon ; j 9 sigmoid flexure ; &, rectum ; Z, bladder ; m, ureter ; ft, prostate ; o, ve- Fi 9- - sicula seminalis ; p, vas deferens ; , sperm- atic cord; r, r, diaphragm. THE ABDOMINAL PLEXUSES. The abdominal plexuses. Fig. 177: 1, 1, 1, 1, portion of the right and left ganglionic chain ; 2, coccygeal gan- glion ; 3, median anastomoses of the two sacral cords ; 4, 4, great splanchnic, right and left, traversing the diaphragm, and go- ing to, 5, 5, semilunar ganglia ; 6, solar plexus ; 7, splenic plexus ; 8, hepatic plex- us ; 9, coronary plexus of stomach ; 10, anastomoses of the two pneumogastrics, right and left, with solar plexus and gastric coronary; 11, diaphragmatic plexus and su- perior capsular; 12, anastomoses of these two plexuses with the phrenic nerve ; 13, middle capsular plexus ; 14, inferior capsu- 350 THE SOLAR PLEXUS. lar plexus, coming from, 15, renal plexus ; 16, 16, lesser splanchnics, traversing the diaphragm; 17, superior mesenteric plexus; 18, sperm- atic plexus, arising from three sources, the renal, lumbo-aortic, and hypo- gastric; from 19 to 19, lumbo-aortic plexus; 20, 20, its bifurcations; 21, inferior mesenteric plexus ; 22, 22, its anastomoses with, 23, 23, hypogastric plexus on each side ; 24, 24, sacral plexus ; , diaphragm, cut ; , portion of stomach and oesophagus ; c, spleen ; d, kidney and its supra-renal capsule ; e, testicle ; /*, ureter, cut ; A, A, aorta. THE SOLAR PLEXUS. Fig. 178: 1, solar plexus, furnishing, 2, hepatic plexus; 3, gastric coronary plexus, and, 4, splenic plexus ; 5, anastomoses of right and left pneumogastric with the solar plexus and gastric coronary ; 6, branches of pneumogastric going to the liver ; 7, plexus of biliary ducts; 8, origin of superior mesenteric plexus ; 9, renal plexus ; 10, capsular plexus ; 11, 11, spermatic plexus; 12, commencement of lumbo-aortic plexus; 13, portion of inferior mesenteric plexus ; a, the liver, raised ; , the stom- ach, cut at its great end ; , the spleen ; d, the kidney ; e, kidney, cut ; f, supra-renal capsule ; <7, ^ rom mere picture writing, each sign of which called ods of express- forth in different languages different sounds, through the hi- ing language. er0 giyphi c and Chinese methods up to that most splendid invention of later ages, alphabetic writing, the principle of which is ab- solutely perfect, because it is natural, being to decompose each word into each constituent vowel or consonant sound which it contains, and to write a mark or letter representing each of those sounds. Though many circumstances have contributed to the advancement of the human race, it can not be doubted that this invention has exceeded all others in power, and that alphabetic writing has been the great instrument of civilization. OF THE SENSES. 359 CHAPTER XIX. OF HEAEING. The Senses: General Remarks upon. Five Organs of Sense. Necessity of Apparatus for the Appreciation of Time, Space, Pressure, Temperature, and Chemical Qualities. Of Hearing. General Structure of the Organ of Hearing. Physical Peculiarities of Sounds, In- tensity, Time of Vibration, and Quality. The Tympanum, Cochlea, and Semicircular Canals are for the Appreciation of these peculiarities. Structure and Functions of the Tympanum, or Measurement of Intensity. Structure of the Cochlea, its Spiral Lamina and Scalce. Measures the Time of Vibration. Ac- complishment of Interference in the Scalce. Comparative Anatomy of the Cochlea. Structure of the Semicircular Canals. They estimate the Quality of Sounds. Comparative Anatomy of the Auditory Mechanism. Its Progress in Development. Imperfection of the Doctrine of Means and Ends. OF THE SENSES. THE organs and functions which have thus far been described have reference, for the most part, to the conservation of the indi- Function of vidual being, maintaining its structure unimpaired, notwith- the senses - standing the waste it is perpetually undergoing, or conducting its devel- opment. We now enter on the consideration of a totally distinct ap- paratus, the object of which is to put the individual in relation with ex- ternal nature, and to which, therefore, the designation of mechanism of external relation may be appropriately given. For the sentient being in its highest development, means must be pro- vided for the perception of time, space, force, and quality. Five organs This is accomplished by what are termed the organs of sense. of sense - They are five in number : 1st. The organ of hearing ; 2d. That of see- ing ; 3d. That of touching ; 4th. That of smelling ; 5th. That of tasting. In the further description of the senses, it will be found that the ear is the organ of time ; the eye that of space ; the tactile apparatus is for the perception offeree ; and that the mechanism for smelling and tasting con- jointly determine the chemical qualities of bodies ; that of smelling ad- dressing itself to substances which are in the vaporous and gaseous state ; and that of tasting, to such as are liquid or dissolved in water. We shall pursue the description of the senses in the order in which they have been just enumerated, premising of them respect- The ear is the ively that, the function of hearing being the reception of the or s an of time - succession of sounds, periods of silence, musical notes, and their modu- lations, together with the peculiarities of articulate speech, things which are all inherently and essentially connected with the lapse of time, the 360 OF HEARING. The eye is the ear is in a philosophical sense the time organ ; that, the func- organ of space, ^ion of the eye being the estimation of extents, the position of objects, their sizes and apparent distances, this apparatus is, in reality, the space organ, its indications in this particular being rendered more perspicuous and more intense by its quality of being affected by varia- tions of color ; that as the tactile mechanism is affected by extraneous Touch is for ^ orces sucn as pressures, estimating their degree of power, and pressure and being likewise influenced by things which are at a distance, temperature. ^ tem p eratures O f wn i cn are different from the standard which it observes, but not by electrical, magnetic, or luminous agencies, we may infer that its functions are limited to a relation with mechanical Smell and taste powers, strictly speaking, and to heat; that smell and taste, for chemical though conveniently treated of as separate functions, de- qualities of gas- . * . ' es and liquids pendent on separate organs, are, in reality, allied in the de- respectiveiy. termination of the chemical peculiarities of bodies, and re- spectively adapted to the appreciation of those peculiarities, according as the substance presented may have the gaseous or liquid form. OF HEAEING. The organ of hearing is composed of three parts, the external ear, the tympanic cavity or tympanum, and the labyrinth. The external ear consists of, 1st. The pinna, which is for the purpose Oftheexter- f collecting soniferous waves, and directing them into, 2d. nal ear. The meatus auditorius or auditory canal, a tube about an inch long, and extending to the tympanum. It is not perfectly cylindrical, its vertical diameter being the greatest, and it is curved so as to be con- cave downward. The interior is protected by hairs, and by a waxy se- cretion of the ceruminous glands. The tympanum, tympanic cavity, or middle ear, is within the petrous Ofthetympa- tone. It is bounded exteriorly by a thin oval membrane, num - the membrana tympani, which is placed obliquely across the meatus, at an angle of about 45 degrees, its outward plane looking down- ward. Across the tympanum there is a chain of three small bones, the malleus or hammer,, the incus or anvil, and the stapes or stirrup. The malleus is attached by its handle to the membrana tympani, and the stapes, which is at the other extreme of the chain, is fastened by its foot- plate to the membrane of the fenestra ovalis. To the short process of the malleus, the tendon of the tensor tympani is attached, and to the neck of the stapes the stapedius. Besides these, other muscles of the tympa- nic cavity may be doubtfully mentioned, as the external muscle or laxa- tor tympani, and the laxator tympani minor. Into the tympanic cavity there are ten openings, of which the more important ones are, 1st. That of the meatus auditorius ; 2d. The fenestra ovalis, which is of an elliptic STRUCTURE OF THE EAK. 361 shape and opposite the preceding, the foot-plate of the stapes, as has been said, being placed upon it ; it is also sometimes called fenestra vestibuli ; 3d. Fenestra rotunda, which is below the preceding, and separated from it by the promontory. From the circumstance that it leads from the tympanum to the cochlea, it is also called fenestra cochlea? : like the pre- ceding, it is closed by a double membrane ; 4th. The Eustachian tube, which extends from the anterior of the tympanum to the pharynx ; and, 5th. The mastoid cells. The smaller openings are for the passage of va- rious nerves and muscles. The labyrinth, called likewise the internal ear, consists of three parts, .the vestibule, the semicircular canals, and the cochlea. The vestibule has three corners, an anterior, a superior, and a poste- rior, termed its ventricles. There open into it the fenestra oftheiaby- ovalis, the scala vestibuli, and the five openings of the three sem- rinth - icircular canals. Besides these there are some smaller ones, as the aque- duct of the vestibule, and foramina for small arteries, and for the branch- es of the auditory nerve. The semicircular canals are three bony semi- circles opening into the vestibule : upon one of the branches of each there is a dilatation, the ampulla. The three canals are respectively placed in planes at right angles to each other. The cochlea is a spiral bony canal raised upon a central axis, the modiolus : its interior is divided into two passages or scalar by the lamina spiralis. These communicate at the apex of the cochlea through a small aperture, their other extremities opening differently ; the scala vestibuli into the anterior ventricle of the vestibule, and the scala tympani through the fenestra rotunda into the tympanum. The labyrinth contains interiorly a membrane, the mem- branous labyrinth. Between the membranous labyrinth and the bony, a liquid, the perilymph, intervenes ; the membranous labyrinth being also filled with liquid, the endolymph. There is no perilymph in the cochlea. Of the three portions of the ear, the external canal is, of course, full of air, as is also the tympanic cavity or drum ; but the labyrinth, as we have seen, is filled with a liquid, and in this the terminal filaments of the auditory nerve are placed. The essential part of the mechanism of hearing is the auditory nerve, which arises from the anterior wall of the fourth ventricle, of the audi- and then, joining the facial, passes forward upon the crus cer- ' tor J -nerve. ebelli ; reaching tha meatus, it divides into two portions, the cochlear and vestibular nerves, which subdivide again, and are distributed to the ves- tibule and cochlea respectively in the manner hereafter explained. VIEW OF EXTERNAL, MIDDLE, AND INTERNAL EAR. Fig. 183 : #, #, pavilion and external auditory canal, or external ear ; 362 STRUCTURE OF THE EAR. Fig. 1S3. External, middle, and internal ear. #, tympanic cavity, containing the bones ; c, hammer and its three muscles, viz., d, internal muscle, lodged in the thick- ness of the superior wall of Eustachian tube, and bending at a right angle to be inserted in superior part of handle of hammer ; e, anterior muscle of 'hammer; jf, external muscle of hammer ; g, inte- rior half of membrana tympani, holding the handle of the hammer ; A, tube of Eustachius ; i, internal ear or labyrinth. Tympanic cavity. TYMPANIC CAVITY, ITS BONES, MUSCLES, AND NERVES. Pig. 184 : , hammer, holding, by the anterior and superior part of its handle, and by its round extremity, #, the membrana tympani ; ft inferior or tympanic scala ; - ature of the paper, is variable : it is greater for objects that are near, less for those that are remote ; 2d. That lenses of different curv- atures being compared together, the flatter ones have the longest focus for objects at the same distance ; 3d. That lenses of the same focus, but of different diameters, give images unequally sharp, an indefiniteness be- ing perceived in the image given by the lens of large diameter. This in- distinctness is due to the spherical figure of the lens, and would not have Spherical and occurred had the surface been ground to another conic sec- chromatic aber- tion. It is called spherical aberration ; 4th. Unless the lens be of very long focus, or its aperture or diameter be very small, the edges of the images it yields will be fringed with rainbow colors, and thereby a second cause of indistinctness arises. It is called chromatic aberration. This aberration may be destroyed by properly combining together lenses made of different refracting media, and with THE RECEIVING SCREEN. 387 surfaces of suitable curvatures ; a combination in which this has been ef- fected is termed an achromatic lens ; and if, at the same time, by proper arrangements, the spherical aberration has been destroyed, the lens is termed aplanatic. Now the aqueous humor, as bounded by the cornea in front and the crystalline lens behind, acts as a convex, and therefore con- Conver ent verging lens, and to this effect the crystalline itself adds pow- media of the erfully, the two conjointly causing the images of external ob- eye ' jects to form upon the black pigment. These images are, of course, in- verted. The adjustment of the eye for perfect vision of objects at different dis- tances is accomplished by the action of the ciliary muscle, ^d'ustment b the requisite movement being to draw the lens farther from the ciliary mus- the black pigment when the object is near. There has been c much controversy as to the manner by which this adjustment for dis- tance is effected, but it is generally now agreed that it is done in the manner just mentioned. There has also been a difference of opinion as respects the actual screen upon which the images form. Some of the early optical writers regarded the black pigment as being The receiving that receiving surface, an opinion which has been universal- screen V 3 the ly abandoned, the function having been of late attributed to aMnoUhe ret- the retina, but, as it appears to me, on totally insufficient ina - grounds. The arguments against the retina, both optical and anatom- ical, are perfectly unanswerable. During life it is a transparent medium, as incapable of receiving an image as a sheet of clear glass, or the at- mospheric air itself; and, as will presently be found, when we come to describe its structure, its sensory surface is its exterior one, that is, the one nearest to the choroid coat. But the black pigment, from its perfect opacity, not only completely absorbs the rays of light, turning them, if such a phrase may be used, into heat, no matter how faint they may be, but also discharges the well-known duty of darkening the interior of the eye, and therefore preventing indistinctness through the straying of the rays of light. Perfection of vision requires that the images should form on a mathematical superficies, and not in the midst of a transparent me- dium. The black pigment satisfies that condition, the retina does not. Spherical aberration is compensated for partly by the increasing dens- ity of the lens toward its centre, and partly by the action Correction for of the iris, which stops such rays of light as are at any con- spherical aber- siderable distance from the axis of the eye, acting in the same manner as a perforated plate or diaphragm in ordinary optical in- struments. It does not appear that there is any attempt at correcting the chromat- ic aberration of the eye, though it is popularly supposed that the cornea, 388 LONG AND SHOET SIGHT. the aqueous humor, the lens, and the vitreous humor act to- Chromatic ab- ^ . . erration is un- gether in the same manner as the different pieces of glass in corrected. an acnroma tic arrangement. Optical reasons, however, found- ed upon the constitution and refractive powers of those substances, lead us to abandon that view, and in a theoretical respect to regard the eye as imperfect in this particular. Adjustment for the variable intensity of light is effected by the dilata- tions and contractions of the iris, the pupillary opening; of Adjustment for . 7 i P i -, the intensity which varies from the -?fc to the -J of an inch in diameter. We are thus enabled to bring to the same degree of illumin- ating effect upon the retina lights which differ in brilliancy in the pro- portion of one to forty-five. The means by which this is accomplished will be more particularly described when we speak of the nervous mech- anism of the eye. It has been already observed that the actual field of view at a given moment is quite limited. We are liable to deceive ourselves on this point from the rapidity with which the eyeball can be directed to differ- ent parts in succession. In what has been said, reference is made to a perfect eye ; but imper- Long and short fections are very common. Two may be more particularly cSre^donb'y 11 P ointed out long-sightedness and short-sightedness. In spectacles. the former, objects, to be seen distinctly, must be placed farther off than the usual distance ; in the latter they must be brought nearer. Long-sightedness arises from the flatness of the lens or cornea, so that the focal images given do not fall truly on the black pigment, but would be, at a certain distance, exterior to it ; hence the indistinctness that results. Short-sightedness is due to an excess of curvature in the cornea or lens, the rays forming their focal images before the black pig- ment is reached. The former defect may be removed by the use of con- vex lenses as spectacles, the latter by concave. It is often said that short-sightedness is a defect of early life, long-sightedness of old age. However this may be in another respect, it is not so optically. Indeed, cases sometimes occur in which one eye is affected with the former and the other with the latter difficulty. Very frequently the two eyes, com- pared together, will be found differently advanced in their degree of im- perfection, and hence the difficulty of obtaining a pair of spectacles, though the selection is attempted to be made out of a large assortment. In such cases, each eye should be accommodated with a lens to suit it- self. Compared with the organ of hearing, the eye is much more limited in its Limit of vision action ; for, while the ear can distinguish sounds which vary is one octave, through many octaves, the eye can only perceive vibrations which, to use the language of acoustics, differ by a single octave only. EFFECTS OF HEAT. 389 To one octave, therefore, its range is limited. The extreme red ray, which is emitted by a substance just becoming red hot at a temperature of 1026 Fahr., and which is the least refrangible that can affect the eye, is caused by vibrations that are exactly half as frequent as the extreme violet ray emitted by the sun. It is important, in the explanations we are giving, to understand that, in a perfect solar spectrum, the distribution of the colored spaces is totally different from what it is in the case of the prismatic. In such a spectrum, as produced by the interference of rays passing through a surface of glass on which have been ruled with a point of a diamond parallel lines the yfl-J-g-g- ^ an mcn apart, the yellow occu- pies the middle region, and from this the light grades off, terminating at equal distances with the extreme red on one side and the extreme violet on the other. The circumstances of such an experiment prove that, the wave length for the red light being compared with that for the yellow, and also for that of the violet, they bear to one another the extraordinary and simple relation of 1, 1J, 2, establishing the assertion just made, that the extreme limit of perception of the eye is comprised in a single octave. I may refer to the experiments published by myself on this point, and also to those both antecedently and subsequently published by M. Melloni, in proof of the unreliability of the method of colored rays is examining the solar spectrum by the prism in the manner jeinu? introduced by Newton. More particularly to the discussion minating pow- now before us does this remark apply ; for the prism, as er * may be gathered from what has just been said, spreads out the colors of light unduly, and gives false indications respecting the distribution of heat. There can now remain no doubt, although the prism indicates the contrary, that the yellow, or brightest ray of light, is the hottest, and that the warming power of the others, orange, green, &c., follows in the order of their luminous < intensity. When we have finished a descrip- tion of the nervous mechanism of the eye, we shall find that the expla- nation of its function turns on the admission of this fact. The eye is limited in another respect ; it can not simultaneously com- pare lights which differ from one another in brilliancy if the Limit in the one should be upward of 64 times as bright as the other. The more luminous overpowers or extinguishes the feebler, of lights. We can not see the light of a candle if we hold it up against the sun. I may again refer to the experiments I have published, establishing that upon this fact is founded the most exact method of photometry yet known. 2d. Of the Nervous Mechanism of the Eye. In the preceding description it was stated that the retina, commonly 390 STEUCTUEE OF THE EETINA. described as an expansion of the optic nerve, intervenes between the vit- reous humor and the choroid coat. Regarding it as composed of distinct layers, the innermost of which, Construction in contact with the hyaloid membrane, is called the fibrous f nd Jacobs S ra 7 ^ a 7 er ' ar i ges fr m tne tubules of the optic nerve, which membrane, have cast off the white substance of Schwann ; and in pass- ing, we may dwell emphatically upon the point that at that spot, where it exists alone, that is to say, where the optic nerve is entering the eye, vision can not be performed. Beneath, or outside this fibrous layer, comes the gray vesicular layer: it is analogous to the vesicular matter of the brain. The two layers thus far described are served with capillary blood-vessels of extreme minuteness. Outside of the gray vesicular lay- er is the granular layer, which, as its name imports, consists of a conge- ries of granules, which are puobably the origin of the vesicles, new ones arising from this layer continually. Yet again, outside of the granular layer, comes a delicate sheet, known as the membrane of Jacob, but which is formed, in reality, from the juxtaposition of a set of rod-shaped and conical bodies, the thicker ends of the rods being outward, the thinner inward. ig. 202. Fig. 202 shows the partial detachment of the membrane of Jacob from the exterior of the retina. The membrane appears as delicate shreds, and may be advantageously demon- strated after the removal of the choroid, the specimen being placed under water. In the preceding description I have followed the course usually taken by former anatomists, who describe the retina as consisting of suc- cessive layers or strata, but much more philo- Membrane of Jacob. sophical views are obtained by considering it in Per endicuiar ^e manner introduced by H. Miiller, that is to say, in its examination radial section. From this it appears that the four strata of the retina. ^ QyQ ^^0,^^ y^ \ t Jacob's layer of rods and cones ; 2. The granular layer ; 3. The vesicular layer ; 4. The fibres of the optic nerve, are, in reality, all connected in such a way that, passing in a radial direction as respects the globe of the eye, all these different elements are successively combined, constituting what is termed the radiated fibre system. Thus from each of the proper fibres of the optic nerve a thread- Eadial fibre like body passes radially through the thickness of the retina, system. including in its outward passage a vesicle, and again, beyond that, a granule, and, still farther, a cone, and terminating in a rod ; so that from the extremity of the rod there is a continuous communication through the thickness of the retina to the fibres of the optic nerve ; the THE OPTIC NERVES. 391 rods are therefore to be regarded as the termination of the optic fibres. In the opinion of Miiller and Kolliker, the rods and cones composing Jacob's membrane are the true percipients of light, communicating their condition to the fibres of the optic nerve by means of the connection which they thus maintain with it ; or, perhaps, the rods and cones are conductors of the luminous impressions to the nerve-cells of the retina, which constitute a ganglion capable of perceiving light, and the fibres of the optic nerve merely communicate those impressions to the sensorium. Whichever of these descriptions we may follow, the physiological fact which I desire to present with emphasis still remains the same. It is, that the sentient or receiving part of the retina is the posterior, that which is in contact with the black pigment. The second pair of nerves, from which the retina is thus derived, are, from their function, designated the optic nerves. They do The optic not enter the sclerotic in its optical axis, but at a little dis- nerves : their * . . . chiasm and tance on one side, and obliquely a provision doubtless in- passage to the tended, in a measure, to avoid the occurrence of the blind bram< spot on the centre of the field of vision, and to place it unsy in metrically in the two eyes, so that each eye shall compensate the defect of the oth- er. The nerves from each eye converge to their chiasm, which is a com- missure consisting of three distinct systems of tubules an anterior set, which are commissures between the two retinas, a posterior set, commis- sures between the two optic thalami, and an interior set, the proper tu- bules of the optic nerve, which cross, those from the right eye going to the left side of the brain, and those from the left eye going to the right side of the brain. The chiasm is therefore to be regarded as a complex structure, its posterior region being independent of the other parts, and existing in animals in which the optic nerve is not found, as, for exam- ple, in the mole. Besides the optic nerve, which is exclusively the nerve of vision, the collateral parts of the eye are supplied from various sources. The third pair, or motores-oculorum, supply the superior, in- eye-ball and ferior, and internal recti muscles, the inferior oblique, and the annexe P arts - levator palpebrae. The fourth pair, or pathetici, supply the superior ob- lique or trochlear muscles. Of the fifth pair, supplies are derived from the frontal branch, lachrymal, the ciliary, and the infra-trochlear. The sixth pair, or abducent, pass to the external recti : supplies are also de- rived from the sympathetic. Of these nerves, the functions are very va- rious ; some are for the movement of the ball, or for general sensibility of the surface, or for the movements of the eyelids, or for those of the iris, and some for the lachrymal apparatus. 392 NERVOUS ffliCHANISM OF THE EYE. Of the Function of the Nervous Mechanism of the Eye. The reasons have already been given for considering that it is the The black pig- black pigment which acts as the receiving eft optical screen, ment, and not and no t the retina. If no other argument was adduced for the receiving departing from the opinion usually expressed, which attrib- screen. u ^es this function to the retina, the thickness of that struc- ture would be sufficient ; images can only form with precision or sharp- ness upon an abrupt surface. And since it is now indisputably ascer- tained that both the chemical effect and the heating effect of the rays of light depend upon their absorption, those effects being in direct propor- tion to the completeness with which absorption is taking place, we are justified in inferring that, since the eye is sensible to rays of so low a degree of intensity, and to each of the colored ones equally, its screen of reception must not only be a superficies, but likewise a black one. Such a surface the black pigment is. In the case of albinos, and animals in which the black pigment is imperfectly developed, the receiving surface or screen is still the interior of the choroid. Under such circumstances, vision must be indistinct. Recalling what has been said respecting the diffuse sensibility of the Heating effect lower members of the animal series to light, and the struc- on the pigment, ture of ocelli, it accords well therewith to consider that the primary effect of the rays of light upon the black pigment is to raise its temperature, and this to a degree which is in relation to their intensity and intrinsic color ; light which is of a yellow tint exerting, as has been said, the most energetic action, and rays which correspond to the extreme red and the extreme violet the feeblest. The varied images of external objects which are thus painted upon the black pigment raise its temperature in becoming extinguished, and that in the order of their brill- iancy and color ; the pigment thus discharging a double duty, as a sur- face of extreme sensibility for calorific impressions, and also as darken- ing the interior of the globe. In this local disturbance of temperature, in my opinion, the act of Manner of er- v^ 011 commences, this doctrine being in perfect harmony ception by the with the anatomical structure of the retina, the posterior surface of which is its sensory surface, and not the anterior, as it ought to be if the explanation usually given of the nature of vision is correct ; and therefore, as when we pass the tip of the finger over the surfaces of bodies, and recognize warm and cold spaces thereupon, the same occurs with infinitely more delicacy in the eye. The club- shaped particles of Jacob's membrane are truly tactile organs, which communicate to the sensory surface of the retina the condition of tern' peratura. of the black pigment. PHOTOGRAPHIC RELATIONS OF THE EYE. 393 But this communication of a variation of temperature implies a varia- tion in the waste and repair of the retina itself, for there can be no doubt that all such changes are accelerated by an increase of heat, and dimin- ished by its decrease. And though in this manner the origin of the ac- tion which has been set up is calorific, and therefore physical, it imme- diately becomes converted into a physiological equivalent in the meta- morphosis and destruction of a nervous tissue. The eye can not perceive rays which come from a luminous source the temperature of which is lower than 1000 F., for such rays can not pass through a stratum of water or through the humors of the eye. Natural philosophers, in making a distinction between light and heat, have too often overlooked the fact that, though thermometers are sensi- tive to rays of every sort, the eye is not. Its indications are complicated by the necessary introduction of absorbent media, which stop all rays the refrangibility of which is low. Many years ago, Count Rumford, from a limited examination of cases, concluded that all photographic effects are the effects of Photographic a high temperature. From an examination, continued for ff? t g ts f "tfh many years, of numerous phenomena of the same class, which temperature. have since been described, I have come to the same conclusion. The impinging of a ray of light on a point raises the temperature of that point to the same degree as that possessed by the source from which the ray comes, but an immediate descent takes place through conduction to the neighboring particles. This conducted heat, by reason of its indef- initely lower intensity, ceases to have any chemical effect, and hence photographic images are perfectly sharp on their edges. It may be dem- onstrated that the same thing takes place in vision, and in this respect it might almost be said that vision is a photographic effect, the receiving surface being a mathematical superficies, acting under the preceding con- dition. All objects will therefore be definite, and sharply defined upon it, nor can there be any thing like a lateral spreading. If vision took place in the retina as a receiving medium, all objects would be nebulous on the edges. This sharpness and grading off are happily illustrated by the metal daguerreotype and paper photograph respectively. Perhaps it might be thought that the sharpness of impressions upon collodion or albumen stands in opposition to what is here Absorption nee- said respecting the inefficiency of translucent media. Those substances, however, would be totally inert unless there had tion been purposely mingled with them some compound of easy decomposi- bility, capable of absorbing the "blue rays, which are in these cases the effective photographic ones. Such a compound must commonly be of a yellow color. In these substances the absorption takes place with en- ergy the moment the light has entered their surface. In the Philosoph- 394 FUNCTION OF THE EETINA AND CHOROID. ical Magazine, September, 1840, 1 have given proofs that the essential condition of the chemical activity of a ray of light is its being thus ab- sorbed. As an illustration may be given the well-known result, that if chlorine and hydrogen be exposed to the sun, they unite with a violent explosion, but, under the same circumstances, oxygen and hydrogen will utterly refuse to unite, no matter how long the period of exposure may be, nor what the brilliancy of the light ; and the difference in the two cases is merely this, that the chlorine, being of a yellowish color, can ab- sorb the violet light, and therefore be influenced by it ; but the oxygen, being uncolored, can not. For photographic effects, as well as calorific, the essential condition is absorption. A medium like the retina, which is without absorbing action, permits rays to pass through it without any kind of effect, but a surface like the black pigment, which receives them all equally, whatever their color may be, and absorbs them all equally, is equally affected by them all. The impression arising from the disturbed condition of the retinal Function of the vesicles is carried by the optic tubules to the chiasm of the two chief lay- ^wo nerves. Apart from the general facts elsewhere pre- ers of the reti- -,.1 , . />ITT naandthecho- sented by physiology, the existence of a bund spot at the entrance of the optic nerve, where there is a necessary ab- sence of vesicular structure, is a clear proof of the insensibility of the tubular structure to the influence of light. Considering, therefore, the retina as typically composed of three layers, one of tubules, one of vesi- cles, and one of granules, and these in health being perfectly transparent, the luminous beams pass through them just as they do through the at- mosphere, without exerting the slightest effect ; and as, when those rays strike the opaque surface of the earth, or are absorbed by the sea, heat is disengaged and effects ensue, so likewise, when they have reached the black pigment, the changes I have been designating arise. The vesicu- lar layer undergoes rapid metamorphosis, the effect of that change is transmitted by the tubular layer, and in the granular the germs are con- stantly arising from which the waste of the middle layer is repaired. So, therefore, the tubular layer is for conduction, the vesicular layer for waste, the granular layer for repair ; and now appears the significance of the construction and proximity of the choroid coat, for the waste of the ve- sicular layer can not occur save under the oxidizing influence of the ar- terial blood, nor can the nutrition of the granular layer be accomplished except under the same condition. Moreover, the resulting products of waste require to be quickly removed, and it is not possible to conceive the construction of an arrangement better adapted for this triple object than that which the choroid presents. On the old view of the nature of vision, the construction of the choroid seems to be without significance. The analogy between the mechanism of the retina and that of the SINGLE VISION. 395 skin, so far as waste and restoration are concerned, can not fail to be noticed. The effect which has thus been communicated to the vesicular layer of the retina, through the intervention of Jacob's rods and T . interconnection cones, is now earned along the nervous tubules out of the of the right and globe of the eye. The nerves from each eye, converging, e fc cye> encounter one another at the chiasm, the triple structure of which has already been described. Here it is, however, to be understood that, while the proper optic tubules of the right eye go to the left brain, and of the left eye to the right brain, the anterior band of commissural tu- bules brings the two eyes into a special relation with one another, the right side of one eye corresponding with the rignt of the other, and the left with the left ; or, to put the same statement under a more simple yet more instructive form, the outer side of one eye corresponds with the in- ner of the other, and in this manner the two retinas become as if they were virtually incased the one within the shell of the other, an arrange- ment which obviously, as has been already remarked, compensates in a degree for the blind spot of each eye, and, indeed, eliminates the effect of all accidental irregularities, for numberless such irregularities must exist, there being a necessity, for example, that blood-vessels should cross through the sensitive to the conducting structures, and such blood-ves- sels give rise to lines of inertness. From this commissural arrangement it comes to pass that each retina possesses regions of symmetry with the other, and on this single and singleness of vision depends ; each point of the outer portion double vision, of the retina of the right eye has its point of symmetry in an inner portion of the left, and when from a distant object rays fall on these symmetrical points, that object will be seen single ; but if, by the pressure of the fin- ger or otherwise, we compel the image to fall in one of the eyes upon another, and, therefore, non-symmetrical point, the object at once becomes double. It should be remarked that this exchange of symmetry concerns only the lateral divisions, for the upper portion of one eye corresponds with the upper portion of the other, and the lower with the lower. If the view which I have presented respecting the scal^e of the laby- rinth of the ear be correct, that singular structure finds its Analo be _ equivalent in the black pigment of the eye ; for though we tween the scalse only know in an indistinct manner the physical condition of and P. 1 s ment - black opacity, we may be certain that it arises from total interference of rays, and such, it is presumed, is the office of the scalaa of the ear. Impressions made upon the retina do not disappear instantly, but grad- ually fade away, and in so doing occupy a certain period of Duration of time, which varies with the brightness of the original light, the impressions existing condition of the eye, and the illumination to which it 396 ERECT VISION. is exposed. This duration of impressions is commonly estimated at about one third of a second. It is a phenomenon analogous to that of the continuance of sound in the ear, and subserves an important purpose of keeping vision continuous and distinct during the winking of the eyelids. Commonly it is illustrated by referring to the familiar experiment of a stick lighted at one end and twirled rapidly round, which gives rise to the appearance of a continuous fiery circle. Many ingenious and interest- ing toys, such as the thaumatrope or wonder-turner, act on this principle. When the eye, particularly after a period of repose, as when we first Ocular spectra wake in the morning, is turned to the window or some bright %^t, an( ^ ^ en c l se d> a spectral impression is for a long time presented to the mind. If, instead of closing the eyes after looking at a bright light, they are directed to some white surface, a dark spectral appearance of the luminous object is seen. The explana- tion of this is evidently that those parts of the retina which have just undergone change are less fit to be acted upon by the more moderate light to which they are now exposed than those which have hitherto been unaffected. Under similar circumstances arise what are termed comple- mentary colors. Thus, if we intently regard a red wafer on which the sun-rays are brightly shining, and then turn our eyes away to a feebly illuminated white wall, a green spectre of the wafer will be seen ; and so of other colors. The complementary tint is that color which, added to the original one, forms white light. The explanation of these colored spectra depends upon the principle just mentioned. There have been few optical problems more warmly contested than that of erect vision. The image at the bottom of the eye is Erect vision. . 11. t n , inverted, but we see the object upright. Some have supposed that we really see things upside down, but have learned to correct the error by the sense of touch. Doubtless the true explanation is to be found in the anatomical construction of the eye. It should be borne in mind that there is a very wide difference between the image formed at the bottom of an eye as we look at it, and, if such an expression may be used, as the eye itself looks at it. We see it from behind, the retina sees it from the front. Or, to put the statement perhaps more clearly, it is one thing to look at the images on the ground glass of a camera ob- scura from behind the instrument, and another to see them, as it were, from the interior of the box. The two positions are upon the opposite sides of a vertical axis, round which we may consider that we have turn- ed, and hence the lateral inversion is corrected. That portion of the im- age which, seen from behind, was on the right of the spectator, is on his left if seen in front. A similar event must ensue in the case of the ret- ina. As we have seen, it is its posterior face, looking at the black pig- ment, which is its sensitive surface. It sees, as it were, looking back- IDEAS OF SOLIDITY. 397 ward, but not forward, and hence there arises a correction for Lateral inver , the lateral inversion. This, of course, implies the existence sion corrected of some structural arrangement which shall either correspond- y ingly correct the vertical inversion, or bring back the lateral to its orig- inal erroneous state, and thereby establish a harmony of position in the two directions ; and if, in the retina itself, the means exist for the cor- rection of inversion, vertical as well as lateral, by changing the direction of the conducting tubules, it necessarily must be that that place of cor- rection is where the retina is intersected by the optical axis of the eye. I think it is to be greatly regretted that we are not bet- Suggestion re- ter acquainted with the construction of the yellow spot of JSJjJj^Jfjl Soemmering, which occurs at this very point. The ridge- Soemmering. like form it presents, the thin, uncolored spot in its centre, its more def- inite occurrence in those animals, as man, the quadrumana, and some saurians, the axes of whose eyes are nearly parallel to one another, seem to indicate, in a very significant manner, that at this place the correction in question is made. There are many ways in which we may conceive this to be done by varying the direction of the nervous tubules. As an illustration, it may be remarked that if, through a small hole made in a sheet of paper, a number of threads, the end of each of which is fasten- ed to the back of the sheet, be caused to pass, under the condition that they do not cross one another in the hole, but leave its aperture open, their direction in space as they retire from the hole will be inverted as respects the direction in which they approached to it. The analogy be- tween such an aperture and the foramen of Soemmering is too striking to be overlooked. The stereoscope, invented by Professor Wheatstone, shows to what an extent our ideas of the solidity of objects depend on the dif- ferences of the images in each eye. By reason of their dif- ference of position, each of the two eyes will have a different picture upon its black pigment of any solid object, and the mind, combining these dis- similar pictures into one, gathers therefrom the idea of solidity. If thus we offer to the eyes two pictures of a given object, presenting the same form as that object would have done when seen from each eye respect- ively, the mind combines these flat pictures together, and can not divest itself of the idea of a solid body. This is the principle of the stereo- scope. It is shown by this instrument that, when two such pictures of different sizes are used, the mind combines them into one of intermediate magnitude. Probably this effect is involved in the circumstance that, when we look at an object unequally distant from the two eyes, we still see it single. When two images of different colors are employed, the mind can not combine them, but sees first the one and then the other, the brightest one continuing the longest. 398 SUBJECTIVE IMAGES. The eye is adjusted to the varying intensities of light by the motions of the iris, which admits more or fewer rays according to its Adjustment to . . > variations of state of contraction, an action which, on certain occasions, is brightness. a i(j e( j by the orbicularis palpebrarum, which, "by bringing the eyelids together, limits the number of rays passing to the pupil. In man, the muscular fibres of the iris are of the unstriped form ; in birds they are striped. Our perceptions of the intensities of light, as gather- ed from the state of the iris, can never be so distinct as the indications for sound yielded by the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles. In birds, however, it is probably different. We gather, to a great extent, our notion of the brilliancy of light from the rapidity of structural change taking place in the retina itself. Although many images may be simultaneously existing upon the ret- Concentration * na ' ^ e mm( ^ possesses the power of singling any one of them of attention on out and fastening attention upon it, just as among a number of musical instruments simultaneously played, one, and that perhaps the feeblest, may be selected, and its notes exclusively followed. These phenomena, however, are not dependent upon any peculiarity of construction of any of the organs of sense ; and as the mind can perceive the images of external things, so can it give rise to spectral illusions which may simulate perfectly the aspect of external forms. The anec- dotes of such occurrences which are to be found among all people are not the fabrications commonly supposed. The mind can be readily deceived, even in spite of itself, as the phenomena of the stereoscope prove ; and spectres, having their origin in natural or diseased conditions of the brain, may accurately replace images that have been painted in the eye. It is Sub'ective im sa ^' however, that we may readily distinguish, by means of ages, and test a simple optical test, a true external apparition, if any ex- ists, from a phantom of diseased imagination ; for by press- ing duly with the finger on the ball of one of the eyes, external objects are at once doubled, but it is not so with a mental illusion ; and we may therefore suspect that, even in the best authenticated cases of the ap- pearances of these unnatural forms, had this test been applied, their true character would have been ascertained ; and that, since none of them would have undergone duplication, they would at once have been detect- ed as mere hallucinations of the mind. The explanation of the function of vision which I have given on the preceding pages might be termed the calorific hypothesis, since it rests essentially on the fact that the temperature of the receiving screen of the eye is raised by the impinging of light upon it. The result thus far is of a purely physical nature, but it becomes physiological when we farther admit that changes of constitution ensue in the vesicular structure of the retina. These changes are rendered more rapid as the temperature is ACCESSORY APPARATUS. 399 higher. It remains now to add that this is only one manner of looking at the thing. According as our hypothesis of the nature of light, of its relations to heat, and of its manner of establishing chemical changes may be, the special explanations we give of the functions of the eye will differ ; yet there is such a relationship among these hypotheses that Translation of we can, without any difficulty, convert an explanation derived the calorific n . i i * i / -i T hypothesis to irom one into an explanation derived from another. It re- other forms of ally comes to little more than a translation of phraseology. ex P ression - I have found the calorific hypothesis convenient, because we are led to it by the comparative anatomy of the eye in starting from the ocelli of the lower forms ; yet, with almost equal convenience, the function might have been treated otherwise, viewing light as arising from ethereal undulations, the additional advantage then being obtained of establishing a parallel- ism between the action of the organ of sight and that of hearing. Or, in like manner, the case might have been viewed in its purely chemical aspect, photographically, as it might be said, the destruction of the vesic- ular structure of the retina through the agency of arterial oxygen being taken as the primary physical act. But this, again, amounts only to a different mode of stating the same effect, since, as I have shown (London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine, May, 1851), all chemical changes accomplished in material substances are occasioned by the establishment of vibratory motions therein, and Ampere has already demonstrated that all the phenomena of heat may be explained upon the doctrine of the vi- brations of the constituent molecules of bodies. Divesting ourselves, therefore, of any farther concern in making a se- lection among the various hypotheses, we have adopted the view that the change of the retina originates in a calorific disturbance, because it ap- pears to be somewhat more convenient for our use. It is to be understood that the sensation of light is, however, purely mental, and whatever can disturb the nutrition or waste of The sensation the retina will give rise to luminous impressions. The press- of light purely ure of the finger on the ball of the eye, a blow, the passage n of an electric current, and divers other causes, will at once produce the appearance of light, and even of colors. Heat is only one out of a mul- titude of agents that can disturb the retina. 3d. Of the Accessory Apparatus of the Eye. The accessory apparatus of the eye consists chiefly of the eyebrows, the eyelids, the Meibomian glands, the lachrymal mechanism, and the muscles for the movement of the ball. The eyebrows are two arches of integument, covered with hair, on the upper edge of the orbit. They are usually classed with the The eyebrows appendages of the eye upon the supposition that they protect and eyelids. 400 THE LACHRYMAL APPARATUS. that organ from undue intensity of light, or preserve it from the ingress of drops of sweat. They aid greatly in the expression of mental emo- tions, but perhaps should rather be looked upon as among the remaining vestiges of the hairy tegument which affords a protection to the entire skin of other mammals below man in the animal series. The eyelids may be described as a pair of valves, the upper one having a much great- er latitude of motion than the lower. Their use is to afford protection to the eye by closing entirely over it, more particularly during sleep ; to keep its optical surface moist and free from dust by their winking mo- tion. They are brought into action by the contact of air or of irritating particles, through the fibres of the fifth and facial nerves, or by the agency of light upon the retina. The edges of the lids are furnished with rows of curved hairs, the eyelashes, which add greatly to the protection of the delicate organ beneath, while permitting vision to take place to a certain extent. Opening upon the edges of the eyelids are the foramina of the Meibomian glands, in the upper lid there being about thirty, in the low- er somewhat fewer. The glands themselves are imbedded on the in- ternal surface of the cartilage of the lids, and afford an oily secretion, which discharges the double duty of preventing adhesion of the lids, and, by its relation of capillary attraction, hindering the overflow of the water which moistens the eye upon the cheek. Of the lachrymal apparatus, it may be said that in the same manner The lachrymal tna * we breathe upon a spectacle glass and wipe it that its apparatus. surface may be perfectly clean, so it is necessary for the op- tical action of the cornea that its surface should be constantly washed, and even more so, for its lamellated- structure is such that, if it be not kept constantly damp, it loses much of its transparency. This therefore renders it necessary that there should be a mechanism for the supply of water, another for spreading that water uniformly over the surface of the cornea, and a waste-pipe for carrying any surplus away. The lachrymal gland discharges the first of these duties. It is situated in the upper and outer angle of the orbit ; its secretion, which is a bitter and some- what saline water, is brought to the surface of the conjunctiva by eight or ten little ducts arranged in a row for the purpose of equalizing their dis- charge. The spreading of this fluid over the eye, and the simultaneous wiping of the surface, is accomplished by the eyelids. Usually the wa- ter that has been employed is dissipated by evaporation into the air; but if, by reason of meteorological circumstances, such as the dampness of the atmosphere, or by the supply being too abundant, there should arise an excess, it is carried off through two minute orifices which are upon the edge of the eyelids, the puncta lachrymalia. These draw off any collection of water that may have accumulated in the lachrymal lake, and, carrying it into the lachrymal sac, discharge it through the nasal duct into the CEREBRAL SIGHT. 401 cavity of the nose. From this it is removed by evaporation, the current of air alternately introduced and expired affording the means of accom- plishing that object in a remarkable manner. But should the secretion of water from the lachrymal gland become excessive, as in weeping, this draining mechanism is insufficient, and the water is discharged as tears down the cheek. Of the muscles for the 'movement of the eye, the description has, in part, been given under that of the nerves. It may, how- Motions of the ever, be here remarked that the eyeball is moved by six eyeball, muscles, the four straight and the two oblique. The straight muscles arise at the optic foramen, and are inserted into the sclerotic in the four quadrantal positions above, below, right, and left. The action of each of these muscles is to turn the eyeball toward itself; when they contract all together, they fix it. The superior oblique muscle arises from the same place, passes through a pulley beneath the internal angular process of the frontal bone, its tendon being inserted into the sclerotic near to the entrance of the optic nerve. The inferior oblique rises from the in- ner margin of the superior maxillary bone, passes beneath the inferior straight muscle, and is inserted into the sclerotic on its outer and pos- terior part, near the entrance of the optic nerve. The superior oblique rolls the globe inward and forward, the inferior rolls it outward and back- ward ; acting together, they draw the globe forward and converge the axes of the eyes. The nervous supply for these various muscles has al- ready been specified in page 334. CHAPTEE XXI. OF CEREBRAL SIGHT OR INVERSE VISION. Difference, between ordinary Vision and cerebral Sight. Inverse Vision depends on the Vestiges of Impressions existing in the Brain. Condition of our perceiving these Impressions is that they must be equal in Intensity to present Sensations. Two Methods of accomplishing this Equalization: 1st, by re-enforcing the old Im- pressions ; 2d, by diminishing the present Sensations. Emergence of old Impressions in Sleep, Fever, Death. Artificial Emergence of such Vestiges by Protoxide of Nitrogen, Opium, etc. Cerebral Sight used tekologically to indicate the Immortality of the Soul. THE perception of external objects depends on the rays of light enter- ing the eye, and converging so as to produce images which make an im- pression on the retina, and, through the optic nerve, are recognized by the brain. The direction of the influences, so far as the observer is con- cerned, is from without to within, from the object to the brain. Cc 402 INVEESE VISION. But the inverse of this is possible. Impressions already existing in the brain may take, as it were, an outward direction, and be projected or localized among external forms ; or if the eyes be closed, or the ob- server is in darkness, they will fill up the empty space before him with scenery of their own. Inverse vision depends primarily on the condition that former impres- sions, which are inclosed in the optic thalami or registering ganglia at the base of the brain, assume such a degree of relative intensity that they can arrest the attention of the mind. The moment that an equal- ity is established between the intensity of these vestiges and sensations contemporaneously received from the outer world, or that the latter are wholly extinguished, as in sleep, inverse vision occurs, presenting itself, as the conditions may vary, under different forms, apparitions, visions, dreams. From the moral effect to which these give rise, we are very liable to regard them as connected with the supernatural. In truth, however, they are the natural result of the action of the nervous mechanism, which of necessity produces them whenever it is placed, either by normal, or morbid, or artificial causes, in the proper condition. It can act either di- rectly, as in ordinary vision, or inversely, as in cerebral sight, and in this respect resembles those instruments which equally yield a musical note whether the air is blown through them or drawn in. The hours of sleep constantly present us, in a state of perfect health, Difference be- illusions which appear to address themselves to the eye rath- aii^wakin^^f er ^ nan ^ an 7 other sense, and these commonly combine into lusions. moving and acting sceneries, a dream being truly a drama of the night. In certain states, appearances of a like nature intrude themselves before us even in the open day, but these, being corrected by the realities with which they are surrounded, impress us very differently to the phantoms of our sleep. The want of unison between such im- ages and the things among which they have intruded themselves, the anachronism of their advent, or other obvious incongruities, restrain the mind from delivering itself up to that absolute belief in their reality which so completely possesses us in our dreams. Yet, nevertheless, such is the constitution of man, the bravest and the wisest encounter these fictions of their own organization with awe. If we measure the importance of events occurring to us by their fre- Frequencyof ( l uenc 7 the depth of the impression they make, the influ- mentaihaiiuci- ence they exert on our own individual career, or have ex- erted on the progress of the whole human race, there are very few more deserving the discussions of physiology than visual hal- lucinations. With respect to frequency, it may be reasonably said that, if images arise in the mind by night as numerously as sensible forms EFFECT OF THESE ILLUSIONS. 403 present themselves by day, it is not likely that they should be better borne in memory ; but of the thousands of objects we encounter every day of our lives, how few there are that we can distinctly recollect at its close. We think we explain this wonderful forgetfulness by saying we have paid no attention to them ; and, in like manner, the dreams we re- member are perhaps only a very insignificant proportion of those which have been presented to the mind. It has been said that a belief in apparitions is natural to every man. However much we may dissent from the correctness of such a T heir moral general assertion, there can be no doubt that it has a founda- effecfc - tion in truth. The faith of a child in this particular is only gradually sapped as he grows up to be a man. Nay, even in mature life there may always be found those who have an unwavering confidence in the reality of these illusions, and many of these are persons characterized by their moral courage and love of truth. I have just remarked that few things have exerted a greater influence on the career of the human race than a firm belief in these spiritual visitations. The visions of the Arabian prophet have ended in tincturing the daily life of half the people of Asia and Africa for a thousand years. A spectre that came into the camp at Sardis unnerved the heart of Brutus, and thereby put an end to the po- litical system that had made the great republic the arbiter of the world. Another, that appeared to Constantine, strengthened his hand to the ac- complishment of that most difficult of all the tasks of a statesman, the destruction of an ancient faith. But these were all impostures, it may be said. Not so ; they were no impostures of the persons to whom they are reported to have occurred, and who assuredly firmly believed in the real existence of what they thought they saw. To the two or three instances mentioned above, scores of a like kind might be added, which have issued in the commit- ting of men to the most earnest kind of work. So often do historians notice an element of this kind mingling in the career of those who have made the deepest mark on our race, that some are to be found who as- sert the necessity of such a condition to any widespread and permanent political event. Whatever we may think of such a conclusion, the prem- ises on which it is founded are well worthy of our consideration. The physiologist is not at liberty to deny that lunatic and delirious men have faith in what they see. Their senses may deceive them, but they are not impostors. It is for him to consider how phantoms may arise in conditions of apparent health as well as in states of disease ; in the tran- quillity of the solitary man as well as in the feverish excitement of the enthusiast. Visual hallucinations are of two kinds, those which are seen when the eyes are open, and those perceived when they are closed. To the for- 404 RETINAL DISTURBANCE. Apparitions mer, the designation of apparitions ; to the latter, that of vis- and visions. j ons ma y be given. Dreams therefore come under the latter class. The simplest form of apparition is that known among physicians as Muscse voli- muscse volitantes. These are dark specks, like flies, which tantes. seem to be floating in a devious course in the air. They are owing to disturbances or changes in the retina. They often appear to occupy the dying. Of visions the most common, because they can be voluntarily pro- Remains of op- duced, are those which depend on the remains of impressions tic impressions. j[ n the retina and optic centres. If, when we awake in the morning, our eyes are turned for a moment to a window or other bright object, and then closed, there still appears to the mind a spectral repre- sentation of the. object, which gradually fades away. These illusions can be caused to have, as it were, a movement in the dark, space before us, answering to the voluntary rotation of the eyeball. Sometimes, when the light is not sufficiently intense, or the nervous organs not sensitive enough, the vision does not make its appearance on the closing of the eyelids, but, after fastening the attention on the position in which it is ex- geatofa ari- P ecte< ^ to.come, it slowly emerges at last. That it consists tions and vis- in a real impression which has been made on those organs, )ns ' and is not a mere product of the unaided imagination, is very clear from the fact that we may discern, by attentively considering it, many little peculiarities which we have not had' time to notice in the original object ; thus, if there has been a lace curtain, or other such well- marked body before us, we can not only see in the vision the places where its folds intersect the windows, but likewise, if the impression be a good one, all the peculiarities of its figured pattern ; and that our conclusions in these respects are correct is proved as soon as we re-open our eyes. Between apparitions and visions is an intermediate class, of which it is not my object now to say much; they may, however, be Deceptions. .. J . J \ . 7 . / . J styled deceptions. These take their origin in some outward existing reality, and are exaggerations of the fancy. They are commonly encountered in the evening twilight, or in places feebly illuminated. Sir W. Scott says of children that lying is natural to them, and that to tell the truth is an acquired habit. If they are thus by nature prone to de- ceive those around them, they are none the less prone to deceive them- selves. To them, a white object, faintly descried in the obscurity, is easily expanded into a moving and supernatural thing. In a physiological sense I consider that simple apparitions arise from disturbances or disease of the retina ; visions from the traces of im- pressions inclosed at a former time in the corpora quadrigemina and op- RETINAL DISTURBANCE. 405 tic thalami. In their most highly-marked state the former may "be treated of as results of insanity of the retina, the latter as of cerebral vision. Disturbance of the retina, brought on by any cause whatever, may give rise to simple spectral apparitions, which, as the circumstances A aritions change, will have an indefinite contour or a definite form ; nor from retinal are they merely shades and shadows : they may be presented disturbance - in colors, which, however, are usually dim or subdued. Thus, if, the eye- lids being closed, we press gently with the tip of the finger on the inner or outer angle of one of the eyes, a gray spot surrounded by colors makes its appearance on the opposite side of the same eye, and dances about as the pressure of the finger varies. With a more extensive and heavier pressure clouds of various rainbow tints fill up all the imaginary space before us. In like manner, the passage of an electric current from a vol- taic pair induces a flash of light of considerable brilliancy. Internal pressures and spontaneous variations in the rate of metamorphosis and nutrition of the retina act in a manner analogous to external disturbances. From the muscge volitantes, which may be regarded as the first rudi- ments of apparitions, it is but a step to the intercalation of simple or even grotesque images among the real objects at which we are looking ; and, indeed, this is the manner in which they always offer themselves, as rest- ing or moving among the actually existing things. I do not undertake to say how far we are liable to practice deception upon ourselves, after the manner we have spoken of in children, when we have once detected the fact that we are liable to this infirmity. An inanimate object for in- stance, a stick is seen upon the floor; we go to take it up; we find there is nothing there ; we return to our first position, but we can observe no shadow or other reality that can be offered as an explanation of what we have seen. An event of this kind predisposes us, perhaps, to return to that disposition of exaggeration so natural to our early life, and the next time the retina deceives us we involuntarily give to the hallucination mo- tion and a more definite form. Insects flying in the air, or, rather, floating in vacancy before us, pre- sent the incipient form of retinal malady. It may be provoked by un- due use of the eyes, as reading by lamp-light. I remark it constantly, in my own case, after prolonged use of the microscope. In a more ag- gravated form, it less frequently occurs as producing stars or sparks of light. From the earliest times, physicians have observed that it is a "bad sign" when the patient localizes these images. " If the sick man says there be little holes in the curtains, or black spots on his bed- clothes, then is it plain that his end is at hand." Under the title of pseudoblepsis, or false vision, medical authors enu- merate several varieties of the foregoing phenomena ; but when, as is 406 HALLUCINATIONS OCCASIONED BY DRUGS. Co-existence most commonly the case, the derangement which gives origin of retinal in- t these appearances is not limited to the retina, but, arising sanity and cer- , . ebrai sight. in some constitutional affection, involves more or less com- pletely the entire nervous apparatus of the eye, retinal insanity and cerebral vision occur together. In those cases which have been investigated in a philosophical manner by the patients themselves, this complication is often distinctly recognized. Thus Nicolai, the Prussian bookseller, who published in the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Berlin an interesting account of his own sufferings, states that, of the apparitions of men and women with which he was troubled, there were some which disappeared on shutting the eyes, but some did not. In such a case there can be no doubt that the disease affected the corpora quadrigemina and the optic thalami as well as the retina. This condition, in which the receiving centres and registering ganglia at the base of the brain are engaged, is the one which yields the most striking instances of hallucinations in which apparitions and visions co- Brought on ar- exist. It can, like the less complicated forms, be brought tificiaiiy by ai- artificially, as in the delirium tremens which follows a conol, opium, > 7 &c. cessation from the customary use of alcohol, or in the exalt- ation by the purposed administration of opium or other drugs. In this, as in those forms, it is the localization of the phantom among the bodies and things around us that begins to give power to the illusion. The form of a cloud no bigger than the hand is perhaps first seen floating over the carpet, but this, as the eye follows it, takes on a sharp contour and definite shape, and the sufferer sees with dismay a moping raven on some of the more distant articles of furniture. Or, out of an indistinct cloud, faces, sometimes of surprising loveliness, emerge, one face succeed- ing as another dies away. The mind, ever ready to practice imposture upon itself, will at last accompany the illusion with grotesque or even dreadful inventions. A sarcophagus, painted after the manner of the Egyptians, distresses the visionary with the rolling of its eyes. Martin Luther thus more than once saw the devil under the well-known form popularly assigned to him in the Middle Ages. As the nervous centres have been more profoundly involved, these Visions of false v i s i ons Become more impressive. Instead of a solitary or exaggerated phantom intruding itself among recognized realities, as the shade of a deceased friend qpens the door and noiselessly steps in, the complicated scenes of a true drama are displayed. The brain becomes, as it were, a theatre. According as the travel or the reading of the sick man may have been, the illusion takes a style : black vistas of Oriental architecture, that stretch away into infinite night; tem- ples, and fanes, and the battlemented walls of cities ; colossal Pharaohs, sitting in everlasting silence, with their hands upon their knees. " ] FORMS OF SPECTKES. 407 saw," says De Quincey, in his Confessions of an Opium-eater, " as I lay awake in bed, vast processions, that passed along in mournful pomp ; friezes of never-ending stories, that to my feelings were as sad and sol- emn as if they were stories drawn from times before (Edipus or Priam, before Tyre, before Memphis ; and, at the same time, a corresponding change took place in my dreams ; a theatre seemed suddenly opened and lighted up within my brain, which presented nightly spectacles of more than earthly splendor." Apparitions are the result of a false interpretation of impressions con- temporaneously made on the retina ; visions are a presentment of the relics of old ones which yet remain in the registering ganglia of the brain. We convince ourselves of the truth of this general assertion not so well from an examination of one or more well-related or authenticated cases as from what may be termed the natural history of ghosts.. The Greeks and Eomans of antiquity were just as much liable to Secular varia- disorders of the nervous system as we are, but to them su- ^ecT^nd^os^" pernatural appearances came under mythologic forms, Venus, tume of spirits. and Mars, and Minerva. The places of these were taken in the dreams of the ascetics of the Middle Ages by phantoms of the Virgin and of the saints. At a still later time, in Northern Europe, and even in England, where the old pagan superstitions are scarcely yet rooted out of the vul- gar mind, even though the Reformation has broken the system of ecclesi- astical thought, fairies, and brownies, and Robin Goodfellow survive. The form of phantoms has changed with change of the creeds of commu- nities, and we may therefore, with good Reginald Scot, inquire, " If the apparitions which have been seen by true men and brave men in all ages of the world were real existences, what has become of the swarms of them in these latter times ?" One class of apparitions perhaps it was the first to exist, as it is the last to remain has survived all these changes survived them because it is connected with a thing that never varies the affection of the hu- man heart. To the people of every age the images of their dead have appeared. They are not infrequent even in our own times. It would be an ungracious task to enter on an examination of the best authenti- cated of such anecdotes. Inquiries of this kind can scarcely be freed from the liability to an imputation on personal veracity, perceptive pow- er, or moral courage ; and, after all, it is not necessary to entangle our- selves with these causes of offense. It is enough for us to perceive that even here incongruities may be pointed out. The Roman saw the shade of his friend clothed in the well-known toga ; the European sees his in our own grotesque garb. The spirit of Maupertuis, which stood by the bay window of the library at Berlin, had on knee-breeches, silk stock- ings, and shoes with large silver buckles. To the philosopher it may 408 SPECTRES ORIGINATE IN PAST EVENTS. perhaps occur that it is very doubtful if, among the awful solemnities of the other world, the fashions ever vary. Let us pause before we carry the vanities of life beyond the grave. From such reflections as the preceding, I think it may therefore be concluded that there are two sources from which spectral appearances are derived : 1st. Disturbance of the retina, which presents masses of light and shade or colors to the mind, and these are worked by the fancy into definite forms on the same principle that we figure to ourselves pictures of faces among glowing embers. This constitutes retinal insanity. 2d. Gradual emergence from the registering ganglia of the brain of old im- pressions, which are rendered as intense and distinct as contemporaneous sensations. The two forms may, however, coexist. Of the latter, I may observe that the views of Dr. Hibbert, in his work on Apparitions, appear to me to approach nearer to the truth than those of any other author. It will be perceived, however, after perusing his interesting book, that I. have not laid the stress he has done on the mechanical influence of the circu- lation of the blood, but view the effect as of a more purely nervous kind. As the emergence of old images which have been registered in the op- tic thalami is not only connected with the physiological explanations we have given of the functions of the brain, but also occurs under circum- stances of such singularity as to border upon the supernatural, we may pursue the consideration of it a little farther. It may, I think, be broad- Alls ectrala ^ asser ^ e( l that all spectral appearances refer to things that pearances refer are past, persons who are dead, events which have taken place, scenes that we have visited ; or, if we have not seen the actual reality, then pictures, statues, or other such representations thereof. It has never yet occurred that any one has seen a phantom the indications of the bodily presence or representation of which, until that moment, he had never known. Thus, in the Middle Ages, the spectres of African negroes were common enough, but no man ever witnessed one of an American Indian, yet these, in their turn, prevailed after the voy- age of Columbus. They were no strangers to the early colonial settlers. The same may be said of all kinds of inanimate objects. As illustrating the manner in which impressions of the past may . emerge from the registering ganglia, I shall here famish an the emergence instance which borders closely upon the supernatural, and lions i a.*' ^ a ^7 represents the most marvelous of these psychological etition of phenomena. It occurred to a physician, who related it in my hearing to a circle whose conversation had turned on the subject of personal fear. " What you are saying," he remarked, " may be very true, but I can assure you that the sentiment of fear, in its ut- most degree, is much less common than you suppose ; and, though you may be surprised to hear me say it, I know from personal experience that EMERGENCE OF OLD IMPEESSIONS. 409 this is certainly so. When I was five or six years old, I dreamed that I was passing by a large pond of water in a very solitary place. On the opposite side of it there stood a great tree, that looked as if it had been struck by lightning ; and in the pond, at another part, an old fallen trunk, on one of the prone limbs of which there was a turtle sunning himself. On a sudden a wind arose, which forced me into the pond, and in my dy- ing struggles to extricate myself from its green and slimy waters, I awoke, trembling with terror. "About eight years subsequently, while recovering from a nearly fatal attack of scarlet fever, this dream presented itself to me, identical in all respects, again. Even up to this time I do not think I had ever seen a living tortoise or turtle, but I indistinctly remembered there was the picture of one in the first spelling-book that had been given me. Per- haps, on account of my critical condition, this second dream impressed me more dreadfully than the first. " A dozen years more elapsed. I had become a physician, and was now actively pursuing my professional duties in one of the Southern states. It so fell out that one July afternoon I had to take a long and wearisome ride on horseback. It was Sunday, and extremely hot ; the path was solitary, and not a house for miles. The forest had that in- tense silence which is so characteristic of this part of the day ; all the wild animals and birds seemed to have gone to their retreats, to be rid of the heat of the sun. Suddenly, at one point of the road I came upon a great stagnant water-pool, and, casting my eyes across it, there stood a pine-tree blasted by lightning, and on a log that was nearly even with the surface, a turtle was basking in the sun. The dream of my infancy was upon me ; the bridle fell from my hands ; an unutterable fear over- shadowed me as I slunk away from the accursed place. " Though business occasionally afterward would have drawn me that way, I could not summon the resolution to go, and actually have taken roundabout paths. It seemed to me profoundly amazing that the dream that I had had should, after twenty years, be realized without respect to difference of scenery, or climate, or age. A good clergyman of my ac- quaintance took the opportunity of improving the circumstance to my spiritual advantage ; and in his kind enthusiasm, for he knew that I had more than once been brought to the point of death by such fevers, inter- preted my dream that I should die of marsh miasm. " Most persons have doubtless observed that they suddenly encounter circumstances or events of a trivial nature in their course of life of which they have an indistinct recollection that they have dreamed before. It seemed for a long time to me that this was a case of that kind, and that it might be set down among the mysterious and unaccountable. How wonderful it is that we so often fail to see the simple explanation of 410 IMPRESSIONS AND SENSATIONS EQUALIZED. things, when that explanation is actually intruding itself before us. And so in this case ; it was long "before the truth gleamed in upon me, before my reasoning powers shook off the delusive impressions" of my senses. But it occurred at last ; for I said to myself, Is it more probable that such a mystery is true, or that I have dreamed for the third time that which I had already dreamed of twice before ? Have I really seen the blasted tree and the sunning turtle ? Are a weary ride of fifty miles, the noontide heat, the silence that could almost be felt, no provocatives to a dream ? I have ridden under such circumstances many a mile, fast asleep, and have awoke and known it; and so I resolved that if ever circumstances carried me to those parts again, I would satisfy myself as to the matter. "Accordingly, when, after a few years, an incident led me to travel there, I revisited the well-remembered scene. There still was the stag- nant pool, but the blasted pine-tree was gone ; and after I had pushed my horse through the marshy thicket as far as I could force him, and then dismounted, and pursued a close investigation on foot in every di- rection round the spot, I was clearly convinced that no pine-tree had ever grown there ; not a stump, nor any token of its remains, could be seen ; and so now I have concluded that, at the glimpse of the water, with the readiness of those who are falling asleep, I had adopted an external fact into a dream ; that it had aroused the trains of thought which, in former years, had occupied me ; and that, in fine, the mystery was all a delusion, and that I had been frightened with less than a shadow. " The instructive story of this physician teaches us how readily, and yet how impressively, the remains of old ideas may be recalled ; how they may, as it were, be projected into the space beyond us, and take a posi- tion among existing realities. That such images arise from a physical impression, which has formerly been made in the registering ganglia, it is impossible to doubt, and that for their emergence from their dormant state it is necessary that there should be a dulling or blunting of con- Equalization of temporaneous sensations, so that these latent relics may old impressions present themselves with a relatively equal force. This and new sensa- ,. . . -, -, tions necessary equalization of the intensity of an old impression with a for visions. present sensation may be brought about in two different ways : 1st. By Diminishing the force of present sensations, as when we Modes of ac- are in a reverie, or have fallen asleep, or by breathing vapors that^quaii? unsuited for the support of respiration ; 2d. By increasing the zation. activity of those parts of the brain in which the old impres- sions are stored up. On each of these a few remarks may be made. Cerebral vision depends on an equalization in intensity between pres- ent sensations and old impressions. So long as the former predominate in power, the latter excite no attention or are wholly overlooked. This EMERGENCE OF OLD IMPRESSIONS. 411 condition is illustrated by such facts as that the flame of Illustrations of a candle, held against the sun, is utterly overpowered and ^e^o^erin^ imperceptible, but is seen of its proper brightness when it each other, is in presence only of another flame like itself; or as the stars, which are concealed by day, are plain enough when the sun sets. Ancient im- pressions, harbored in the optic thalami, can not make themselves felt against sensations just establishing themselves ; for as, when we have looked at a bright window and then closed our eyes, the retinal phantom we see becomes paler and paler, and after a while dies out, so do cerebral images undergo a diminution of intensity with lapse of time, though it may be questioned whether they ever entirely wear out. The law which obtains in our economy for other organs of sense applies in these cases too. Even in contemporaneously-occurring sensations, unless there is something like an equality between them, the weaker makes no im- pression upon us. In the presence of a bright light, a less brilliant one can not be seen ; a feeble sound is made inaudible by an intensely loud one ; minute variations of temperature become imperceptible when we are submitted to a great heat or cold. Ideas are no more than the ves- tiges of what were once sensations, and are subjected to the same phys- ical law. For them to become embodied, and to cheat the mind into a belief of their re-existence, equivalent in all regards to outward and actu- ally-existing things, the impressions of these latter must be diminished in their power, or the vigor of the former must be re-enforced. So, when we are passing away in sleep, the organs of sense no longer convey their special impressions with the clearness and force Emero . ence of that they did in our waking hours, and this gives to the de- old impressions caying traces which are stored in the registering ganglia the power of drawing upon themselves the attention of the mind. So, likewise, in the delirium of fevers, the spectral phantoms which trouble the sick are first seen when the apartment is dark- Emer ence of ened and kept silent, and especially when the patient closes old impressions his eyes. Until the senses are more completely overwhelm- offe^ers^nTin ed, these shadows will disappear on brightly illuminating the article of the room or on opening the eyes. And so, too, in the hour of death, when outer things are losing their force upon the dim eye, and dull ear, and worn-out body, images that have reference to the manner of our past life emerge ; the innocent and good being attended in their solemn journey by visions in unison with their prior actions and thoughts, the evil with scenes of terror and despair ; and it is right that it should Be so. The enfeebling of sensations which we are in the act of receiving from external sources, so as to bring them on an equality with those which have been long ago impressed, not only occurs in the condition 412 ACTION OF PROTOXIDE OF NITEOGEN. Emergence of of sleep, and in the article of death, but may, in a temporary old impressions manner fog established by resorting to certain physical by artificial <* o ^ r J means. agents and drugs. Pressure upon the brain, either accident- ally or purposely applied, is well known to produce such a result, and, in like manner, the inhalation of various agents, such as pure hydrogen gas, the vapor of ether or chloroform, or other non-supporters of respira- tion. On breathing these substances, anaesthesia is soon induced ; the external world disappears ; and, on carrying forward the operation to a due extent, the mind and the brain are literally left to themselves. Opium acts in like manner, more particularly in the case of those who have ac- customed themselves to its undue use. It, however, not only blunts the force of new impressions, but exerts a positive agency in intensifying the decaying, remains of old ones. Under its full influence, the true re- lations of space and of time disappear : a century of events is lived through in a single night ; the vision can comprehend distances ap- proaching to the infinite ; and yet, under these circumstances, the mind does not perceive a riot of incongruous combinations, but every thing is presented in a methodical and orderly way pictures, all the parts of which are in just proportions and severe keeping to each other, and long sequences of events which maintain a mutual harmony. But, as I have just remarked, the equalization of new sensations with Artificially in- old impressions, which is necessary for phantom appearances, creased func- an( j fa Q incarnation and outward localization of ideas that tional activity . ,,.. ,.,..,. of the brain in- is, cerebral vision may take place by heightening or re-en- creases them. f orc i n g the old impressions, as well as by diminishing the intensity of the new sensations ; and as in the former case, so in this, the result can be reached in many different ways. Whatever will cause in- creased functional activity of the cerebral structure may recall these old images in force. It is almost unnecessary to allude to the delirium which attends inflammatory states of the brain. Artificial experiments are more instructive. For the purpose of increasing the functional activity of the cerebral Case of protox- structure, protoxide of nitrogen, by reason of its greater solu- ide of nitrogen, bility in the blood, exceeds in power even oxygen gas itself. This substance, when respired, at once awakens long trains of vivid ideas, the recollection of all kinds of former scenes. Its action is divisible into two periods, the first corresponding to the heightened sensibility arising from the increased oxidation it is establishing in the economy, the sec- ond to the depression which soon comes on through the consequent ac- cumulation of carbonic acid, and which the lungs and skin are unable with sufficient quickness to remove. Sir H. Davy, who first recognized its physiological power, has given us a graphic description of these ef- fects. He says, "A thrilling, extending from the chest to the extremir REGISTERED IMPRESSIONS. 413 ties, was almost immediately produced. I felt a sense of tangible exten- sion, highly pleasurable, in every limb. My visible impressions were dazzling and apparently magnified. I heard distinctly every sound in the room, and was perfectly aware of my situation. By degrees, as the pleasurable sensation increased, I lost all connection with external things ; trains of vivid visible images rapidly passed through my mind, and were connected with words in such a manner as to produce sensa- tions perfectly novel. I existed in a world of newly-connected and newly-modified ideas. When I was awakened from this semi-delirious trance by Dr. Kinglake, who took the bag from my mouth, indignation and pride were the first feelings produced by the sight of the persons about me. My emotions were enthusiastic and sublime, and for a mo- ment I walked round the room perfectly regardless of what was said to me. As I recovered my former state of mind, I felt an inclination to communicate the discoveries I had made during the experiment. I en- deavored to recall the ideas ; they were feeble and indistinct. One rec- ollection of terms, however, presented itself, and with the most intense belief and prophetic manner I exclaimed to Dr. Kinglake, ' Nothing ex- ists but thoughts ; the universe is composed of impressions, ideas, pleas- ures, and pains.'" In like manner, the intoxication that arises from alcohol has two dis- tinct stages, depending on entirely different phases of its chemical action. At first there is an exaltation of effects, because of the increased function- al activity established ; but this, after a time, is succeeded by a dullness, or even stupefaction, attributable to the impression which the carbonic acid arising from the oxidation of the alcohol is making upon the nerv- ous centres. By two different methods, therefore, ancient impressions TWO methods of may be equalized, as respects intensity, with new sensations, equalization of r - / ,1 r i T .ii /*> , / old impressions The vigor of the former may be increased, or the effect of and existing the latter diminished. sensations. Equalized in any way in their force, the mind is ready to confound its own ideas and external forms together. A cause which, perhaps, might seem to be trivial, fastens the attention, and at once a solitary form, or even the machinery of a long drama, emerges. It is no more possible for us to say why the thought runs in one course rather than another, and lays hold of image after image in succession, than we can foretell the way of a spark that moves darkling, on the ashes of a piece of burned pa- per. Yet it too runs in connected lines. No better evidence can be given that the images we are speaking of are impressions of past events registered in the brain, and which gain the power of drawing upon themselves the attention of the mind, either by their assuming an unwonted intensity, or by the diminution of the in- 414 KEGISTEKED IMPEESSIONS. fluence of newly-arriving sensations, than the philosophical Proof of the ex- . J -, j i /. , , istence of im- observations which have been made by some of those who pressions in the j iaye ^ een ji^le | o these infirmities on their own cases. registering gan- glia and their Thus, in such a case recorded in Nicholson's Philosophical emergence. Journa i ? and a u u d e d to by Dr. Hibbert : "I had a visit," said the patient, "from Dr. C , to whom, among other remarks, I ob- served that I then enjoyed the satisfaction of having cultivated my mor- al habits, and particularly in having always endeavored to avoid being the slave of fear. ' I think,' said I, 'that this is the breaking up of the system, and that it is now in progress to speedy destruction. In this state, when the senses have become confused, and no longer tell me the truth, they still present me with pleasing fictions, and my sufferings are mitigated by that calmness which allows me to find amusement in what are probably the concluding scenes of life.' I give these self-congratula- tions without scruple, more particularly because they led to an observa- tion of fact which deserves notice. When the doctor left me, my relax- ed attention turned to the phantasms, and some time afterward, instead of a pleasing face, a visage of extreme rage appeared, which presented a gun at me, and made me start ; but it remained the usual time, and then gradually faded away. This immediately showed me the probability of some connection between my thoughts and these images, for I ascribed the angry phantasm to the general reflection I had formed in conversa- tion with Dr. C . I recollected some disquisitions of Locke, in his treatise on the Conduct of the Mind, where he endeavors to account for the appearance of faces to persons of nervous habits. It seemed to me as if faces in all their modifications, being so associated with our recol- lections of the affections of passions, would be most likely to offer them- selves in delirium; but I now thought it probable that other objects could be seen, if previously meditated upon. With this motive it was that I reflected upon landscapes and scenes of architectural grandeur while the faces were flashing before me, and after a considerable interval of time, of which I can form no precise judgment, a rural scene of hills, valleys, and fields appeared before me, which was succeeded by another and another in ceaseless succession, the manner and times of their respect- ive appearance, duration, and vanishing being not sensibly different from that of the faces. All the scenes were calm and still, without any strong light or glare, and delightfully calculated to inspire notions of retirement, of tranquillity, and happy meditation." The same writer adds in anoth- er place, " The figures returned, but now they consisted either of books, or parchments, or papers containing printed matter. I do not know whether I read any of them, but am at present inclined to think that they were not either distinctly legible, or did not remain a sufficient time be- fore they vanished. I was now so well aware of the connection of thought USE OF INVERSE VISION. 415 with their appearances, that, by fixing my mind on the consideration of manuscript instead of printed type, the paper appeared, after a time, only with manuscript writing ; and afterward, by the same process, instead of being erect, they were all inverted, or appeared upside down." We can not fail to remark the close resemblance between these illu- sions, arising from a fixed meditation on recollected scenery, E . , j j and the phantoms which are witnessed after our gaze has izatkmofphan- been steadily directed to some brightly-illuminated object, asms> as a window, when we first awake. In both there is the same subdued and uncertain brilliancy of effect ; in both the same gradual fading away ; in both the mind does not refer the image it contemplates to an inward point or place, but sets it forth outwardly, projecting it into the empty or occupied region beyond. In inverse as in ordinary vision, the law of the line of visible direction is enforced, and this reference of cerebral im- ages to a definite point in outer space is a phenomenon of the same kind as the appearance of the invisible coin on pouring water into a basin, the lifting of ships into the air by atmospheric refraction, the appearance of the sun and moon every day above the horizon before they have actu- ally risen and after they have set, and many other optical illusions that might be mentioned. Physiology, though full of teleological illustrations that is, examples of the use of means for the accomplishment of an end has ,, ^ Ine nervous none more worthy of our consideration than this of inverse mechanism con- vision. Men in every part of the world, even among na- dkate e fheim" tions the most abject and barbarous, have an abiding faith mortality of the not only in the existence of a spirit that animates us, but also in its immortality. Of these there are multitudes who have been shut out from all communion with civilized countries, who have never been enlightened by revelation, and who are mentally incapable of rea- soning out for themselves arguments in support of those great truths. Under such circumstances, it is not very likely that the uncertainties of tradition derived from remote ages could be any guide to them, for tra- ditions soon disappear except they be connected with the wants of daily life. Can there be, in a philosophical view, any thing more interesting than the manner in which these defects have been provided for, by im- planting in the very organization of every man the means of constantly admonishing him of these facts, of recalling them with an unexpected vividness before him, even after they have become 'so faint as almost to die out? Let him be as debased and benighted a savage as he may, shut out from all communion with races whom Providence has placed in happier circumstances, he has still the same organization, and is liable to the same physiological incidents as ourselves. Like us, he sees in his visions the fading forms of landscapes, which are, perhaps, connected with 416 USE OF INVERSE VISION. some of his most grateful recollections ; and what other conclusion can he possibly derive from these unreal pictures than that they are the fore- shadowings of another land beyond that in which his lot is cast ? Like us, he is visited at intervals by the resemblances of those whom he has loved or hated while they were alive ; nor can he ever be so brutalized as not to discern in such manifestations suggestions which to him are in- controvertible proofs of the existence and immortality of the soul. Even in the most refined social conditions we are never able to shake off the impression of these occurrences, and are perpetually drawing from them the same conclusions as did our uncivilized ancestors. Our more ele- vated condition of life in no respect relieves us from the inevitable con- sequences of our own organization any more than it relieves us from in- firmities and disease. In these respects, all over the globe, we are on an equality. Savage or civilized, we carry about within us a mechanism in- tended to present us with mementoes of the most solemn facts with which we can be concerned, -and the voice of history tells us that it has ever been true to its design. It wants only moments of repose or of sickness, when the influence of external things is diminished, to come into full play, and these are precisely the moments when we are best prepared for the truths it is going to suggest. Such a mechanism is in keeping with the man- ner in which the course of nature is fulfilled, and bears in its very style the impress of invariability of action. It is no respecter of persons. It neither permits the haughtiest to be free from the monitions, nor leaves the humblest without the consolation of a knowledge of another life. Liable to no mischances, open to no opportunities of being tampered with by the designing or interested, requiring no extraneous human agency for its effect, but always present with each man, wherever he may go, it marvelously extracts from vestiges of the impressions of the past over- whelming proofs of the reality of the future, and, gathering its power from what would seem to be a most unlikely source, it insensibly leads us, no matter who or where we may be, to a profound belief in the immortal and imperishable, from phantoms which have scarcely made their appear- ance before they are ready to vanish away. It is scarcely necessary for me to do more than barely refer to the as- sertions of those who would have it believed that they look upon all these appearances as fictions and deliberate impostures. What is to be- come of all history if such a doctrine could be maintained ? Human ev- idence must be regarded as utterly worthless. Moreover, no one denies the existence of dreams, and the phenomena we have been here treating of are philosophically of the same order. OF TOUCH. 417 CHAPTER XXII. OF TOUCH, AND THE DETERMINATION OF PRESSURES AND TEMPERA- TURES. Functions of the tactile Mechanism: its Structure. Regions of different Sensitiveness. Compar- ative Physiology of Touch. Estimate of physical Qualities. Perception of Temperature. Subjective Sensations of Temperature. THE tactile organ is the skin, or some part, modification, or append- age of it. The general functions of the skin have Ibeen al- Functions of ready described. It remains to speak of it in connection with mecifanism the sense of touch. An impression has long prevailed among physiologists that this sense should be considered as offering several subdivisions. Thus, for in- stance, we have a consciousness of the general condition of the muscular system muscular sense, as it might be termed and this, in some cases, is exquisitely perfect, as may be gathered from what has been said re- garding the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles in the chapter on hearing. Distinct from this is our appreciation of pain or pleasure, and so also our estimation of temperatures. Adelon has indeed maintained that the cognizance of temperatures is the primary or chief function of this sense. It will be sufficient, however, for our purpose, leaving out these minor subdivisions, to direct our attention to the more important, and to consider the tactile organ as devoted to two uses : 1st, the appre- ciation of pressures ; 2d, of temperatures. Pressures doubtless act upon the skin in a purely mechanical way ; temperatures operate by inducing a variation in the rate of waste and nutrition. .At a certain point, even this distinction ceases, for pressures, when they reach a sufficient intensi- ty, interfere with the supply of arterial blood or the removal of venous, and thereby change the rate of nutrition and waste, acting, as far as this goes, in a manner not unlike that of the variations of temperature. In man, the skin possesses tactility to a different degree in different regions. On the tips of the fingers and on the lips the sen- Re ional dif sory perception is most acute, while it is at a minimum on ference in tac- the trunk and thigh. In other mammals, which are covered tx lty ' with hair or wool, the sense of touch is much more restricted. Its proper organ is to be regarded as arising from a concentration of general sensibility of the skin upon a special construction, the papillary body, as it is termed. The organs of vision and hearing consist essentially of DD 418 THE ORGAN OF TOUCH. two portions, a receiving and a nervous, the former being constructed on the principles of optics in the one case, and of acoustics in the other. A similar doubleness of structure may be recognized in the instance now before us, though with a difference of effect, for in those cases the outer or receiving organ is for the purpose of more powerfully concentrating the influence received, but in touch it is the reverse. The office of the cuticle, which covers over the true skin, is to render it less sensitive to external impressions, and for this reason, therefore, it varies in thick- ness in different regions, being less developed on those portions that are more particularly devoted to tactile sensibility. Considering the hand, Structure of or- or perhaps, more correctly, the tips of the ringers, as being gan of touch, chiefly devoted to the purposes of touch, no construction could be conceived of better adapted to that end. Placed at the extrem- ity of the arm, a lever which is jointed at its middle, the elbow, and the fore part of which has a motion of partial rotation, pronation, and supina- tion upon its own axis, the hand being carried so that its palm presents upward or downward, or in any of the intermediate positions included in the half-circular motion -jointed again by the bones of the wrist, so as to obtain a hinge-like movement, the hand may be flexed or extended almost 180 degrees upon the forearm. Its bony structure, subdivided into suitable pieces, is clothed with a multitude of muscles or their ten- dons. In the fingers and thumb the structure breaks up into five sep- arate pieces, possessed of an incredible firmness when we consider the numberless motions which can be accomplished. The position and ar- ticulation of the thumb, which enables it to set itself in opposition to the other four digits, a feature which constitutes a hand, properly speak- ing, gives the power of grasping things perfectly, and makes the whole organ a perfect mechanism of prehension. The papillary structure, de- veloped in its utmost refinement on the tips of the fingers, and fortified behind by the nails, which present moderate resistance to pressures, com- pletes this contrivance, which, from its perfect adaptation to 'the 'uses to which it is devoted, its power, its delicacy, and the infinite movements which it can accomplish, is not surpassed as an example of the adapta- tion of means for the accomplishment of an end by any other structure of the body. There have been authors who have asserted that the su- periority of man over other animals may be entirely accounted for by his possession of a hand a statement which, though it can not be main- tained in its generality, is yet a very good proof of the appreciation in which this wonderful instrument is held by those who have studied its construction and functions most closely. Between the indications that have to be dealt with by the hand as an organ of touch, and those dealt with by the eye and ear, there is an essential, difference. The eye, for example, receives the pictures of ex- EXAMINATION OF SOLIDITY. 419 ternal objects upon a surface, but the hand examines the so- Examination lidity of bodies. The former is occupied with length and of solidity by breadth ; the latter with all three dimensions, length, breadth, the hand ' and thickness conjointly. Our notions of solidity are to no little extent obtained in this way, as was proved in the case of Cheselden's patient, who had been blind from birth, and to whom vision was given by a suc- cessful operation for cataract, and still more recently by a similar case of Franz. In this instance, "a solid cube and a sphere, each of four inches diameter, were placed before the patient, at the distance of three feet, and on a level with the eye. After attentively examining these bodies, he said he saw a quadrangular and a circular figure, and, after some consideration, he pronounced the one a square and the other a disk. His eye being then closed, the cube was taken away, and a disk of equal size substituted, and placed next to the sphere. On again opening his eye, he observed no difference in these objects, but regarded them both as disks. The solid cube was now placed in a somewhat oblique posi- tion before the eye, and, close beside it, a figure cut out of pasteboard, representing a plain outline prospect of the cube when in this position : both objects he took to be somewhat like a flat quadrate. A pyramid placed before him, with one of its sides turned toward his eye, he saw as a plain triangle. This object was now turned a little, so as to present two of its sides to view, but rather more of one side than of the other : after considering and examining it for a long time, he said that this was a very extraordinary figure ; it was neither a triangle, nor a quadrangle, nor a circle he had no idea of it, and could not describe it : 'in fact,' said he, 'I must give it up.' An example of the close association which exists between the sense of touch and that of sight, in enabling the mind to form a correct idea of an object, is afforded in the statement of this patient, that, although by the sense of sight he could detect a difference in the cube and sphere, and perceive that they were not drawings, yet he could not form from them the idea of a square and a disk until he perceived a sensation of what he saw in the points of his fingers as if he really touched the objects/ When he took the sphere, cube, and pyra- mid into his hand, he was astonished that he had not recognized them asf such by sight, being well acquainted with them by touch." The mechanism for touch, as distinguished from the general dermoid sensibility, is the papilla, which may be described as conical Structure of eminences on the cutis, at once solid and flexible, sometimes papillae of clavate in form, and sometimes having numerous points. They are about the T J^ of an inch in height, and the -% J^ of an inch in diam- eter at their base, these dimensions varying, however, very greatly with the situation. They contain a loop of blood-vessels and a twig of a sensory nerve, for all the centripetal nerves, with the exception of those 420 THE PACINIAN BODIES. devoted to the special senses, may be regarded as concerned in this func- tion. The papilla? contain an elastic substance axile body, as it is term- ed w hich serves to heighten the sense, and the yielding structure of the skin aids in the same effect. The papilla? are covered over with the cuti- cle, through which, therefore, all *** 204 - action on them must take place. Fig. 203. Simple papillae, magnified 35 diameters. Compound papillae, magnified 60 diameters. Fig. 203 (Todd and Bowman) represents simple papilla? of the palm, the cuticle having been detached. Fig. 204 (Kolliker), compound papil- ke, with two, three, or four points : a, base of a papilla ; #, , , separate processes ; c, c 9 c, processes of papilla? whose bases are not visible. The mode in which the nerve fibre terminates in the papilla is as yet The Pacinian doubtful, some asserting that it is arranged as a returning bodies. loop, and some that it is by a pointed extremity. This lat- ter mode is thought to be illustrated by the structure of the bodies term- ed Pacinian, which are ovoid in form, -^ to -^ of an inch in length, -^ to -g 1 ^ in breadth, and attached by a pedicle to many of the cerebro-spinal and sympathetic nerve branches. Each consists of many concentric membranous layers, arranged like the coats of an onion, the interior ones closer than the exterior. They have a central cavity, distended by a fluid, which also intervenes between the coats. Across this cavity, and occupying exactly its axis, a nerve fibre, which has cast off its white sheath, passes, terminating at the other end either in branches or a knob. The use of these bodies is wholly unknown, and even their structure is doubtful, the existence of the central liquid referred to being denied by some anatomists. The sensitiveness of a part is in proportion to the number of papilla? The sensitive- ** contams - Tables have been constructed setting forth the ness of differ- relations of different regions, as determined by placing a pair regions. Q com p asseSj t j ie p i n t s O f which were covered with cork, on the parts to be tried, the eyes being shut, and closing the compasses un- til the pieces of cork could no longer be distinguished as separate. It appears that this will take place on the tip of the tongue when the points are the -^ of an inch apart ; on the tip of the third phalanx, at the -fa of an inch ; on the lips, the one sixth of an inch ; tip of the great toe, half an inch ; the lower part of the occiput, 1 inch ; and on the middle of the thigh, 2 J inches. No part of the skin is entirely devoid of sensitiveness, as Kolliker has NEEVES OF THE PAPILLA. 421 shown by examinations with a fine needle. At first he ,, Jbvery part of thought he had found some places which were quite insensi- the skin is sen- ble, while in others the slightest touch produced sensation ; 8Itlve * but on carrying the investigation farther, it appeared that the very same place was sometimes sensible and sometimes not, so that finally he came to the conclusion that the very smallest portions of the skin are sensi- tive. But since, even in the palm of the hand, the papillae containing nerves are widely dispersed, and in other places occur but rarely, or even not at all, he infers that it is necessary to assume the existence of non-medullated fibres in all the papillae, or to have recourse to the nerv- ous plexus at their base, since he believes it is not possible to demon- strate nerves in eveiy one of those bodies. The nerves supplying the papillae may perhaps be said to ascend through the cutis, continually branching, and forming eventu- papillary ally terminal plexuses. The primitive tubules themselves di- nerves. viding at an acute angle into two, and entering the papillae, they are united at their extremities in a loop. Of course, this construction in- volves the fact that they have freed themselves from the white substance of Schwann. The impression made on these exposed nervous fibrils is by many regarded as of a purely mechanical kind. They may be affect- ed not merely by vertical pressures, but likewise by those exerted in the direction of the plane of the skin, and this accounts for tactile sensation on portions of that surface which are either sparsely or not at all sup- plied with nerve fibrils. To this effect the unyielding and horny texture of the cuticle doubtless contributes. No papillae are found in invertebrate animals. Among vertebrates they are variously disposed. In lizards they occur under TQ^ j n other the toes ; in the chameleon, and some of the ant-eaters, which vertebrates. use their tails for tactile purposes, they are found upon that organ. In the spring season of the year they are temporarily developed on the thumb of the frog. Among birds they are found upon the toes, or, if web-foot- ed, upon the web ; in the mole on the tip of the snout. In the tapir and elephant they occur upon the trunk ; among the quadrumana, on the hands and feet, and in some also upon the tail. The whiskers of the cat, the rat, the rabbit, may be regarded as appendages to the tactile organs, enabling them to find their way through narrow passages in the dark. Among articulata the antennae have doubtless, with their other functions, a similar use. Men who have become blind often guide their steps by means of a stick, judging from the sensations which its contact with sur- rounding bodies imparts to the hand : it is in all respects a temporary antenna. Our estimates of the hardness and softness, roughness and smoothness of bodies, is primarily dependent on indications derived from the sense 422 FEELING AND TOUCHING. Estimate of ^ toucn ' We should make a distinction, however, with physical quail- Magendie, between feeling and touching, the former being essentially passive, the latter active; and though we usu- su PP ose that, ^ a ^ our senses, touch is the most reli- and touching, able, it often conveys to the mind illusory impressions, as, for instance, in the well-known experiment of Aristotle, when the tips of. the fingers are crossed over each other, and a pea rolled beneath them, it seems as if there were two peas, one under each finger. The indications of touch are generally more correct than those of feeling. Thus, if we close our eyes, and another person moves the tip of our finger over an unknown surface, he can completely deceive us by duly varying the press- ure, and make us believe that it is concave or convex, whereas it may be flat ; but if we pass our fingers over the surface ourselves, we very quick- ly come to a true conclusion, because now we are conscious of the exer- tion of muscular power ; and from what has been said respecting hearing, we may infer how delicate our estimate of muscular exertion is. The former is therefore an example of feeling, the latter .of touch. Connected with this distinction are the singular phenomena of tick- ling ; the regions most readily affected by this are those of low tactile sensibility. A person can not tickle himself, though it is said that cases are upon record in which one has been tickled to death by another. As in the other cases, the mind can direct attention exclu- sively, for the time being, to some one indication of touch, which, though it may be apparently insignificant in itself, becomes, after a while, per- fectly intolerable, as the pressure of a hair, a gentle draught, or the fall- Remains of im- m g f water, drop by drop, on the top of the head ; and, as pressious. w ith them, an impression which is made does not instanta- neously disappear, but will sometimes continue for quite a considerable time. A ring or other article that has been long worn will leave a sen- sation, though it may have been removed. Besides affording an estimate of external pressures, the sensory organ enables us to discover variations of temperature. It may therefore be thus effected by bodies upon contact or by bodies at a distance ; and Perception of though we usually confound the two indications together, temperature there is, in reality, a distinction between them ; thus, in cer- distmctfrom . . J ,.,.,.. _ , that of press- tain conditions of paralysis, the indications of the contact of bodies may remain, but those of heat and cold may have to- tally disappeared. On examining a surface from which the skin has been removed, it does not appear capable of distinguishing hot from cold bodies, but only communicates to the mind an indefinite sensation of Ideas of heat pain ; nor can we create sensations of heat or cold by any ir- nof arise Trd- ritati( > n ^ the nerves. The measure of temperature by the ficiaiiy. agency of the skin is very far from being exact, as has been OF SMELLING. 423 proved by the simple experiment of dipping the finger into very warm water, and then the whole hand into water many degrees cooler. The increased extent of surface seems to overcompensate for the Dece tions lower temperature, and we come to the erroneous conclusion the sense of that the cooler specimen is the warmer of the two samples. As sounds may be heard which have no reality, but merely originate in the brain, or spectral illusions may be seen, so the sense Subjective sen- of touch is subject to similar hallucinations, as a sensation of pressure or weight, or the crawling of insects on the skin ; ture. and though we can not, by artificial irritation of the nerves, give rise to impressions of heat and cold, those effects very frequently occur in this interior or subjective way. CHAPTEE XXIII. OF SMELLING, AND THE MEANS OF DISTINGUISHING GASEOUS AND VA- POEOUS SUBSTANCES. Structure of the Organ of Smell. Its proper Instrument the First Pair of Nerves. Limited Re- gion of Smell. Conditions of its perfect Action. Duration of Odors. TJieir Localization. Subjective Odors. BY the sense of smell we are able to distinguish many gaseous and vaporous substances from one another. They enter the nos- gensc of gmell trils with the respiratory current, and are brought in con- for gases and tact with the olfactory or Schneiderian membrane. Though va P rs - received at first in the elastic state, they become dissolved in the mucus which moistens that membrane. It does not follow, however, that all vaporous substances give rise to the perception of an odor ; for example, water itself communicates no sensation whatever. Again, there are other bodies, as, for instance, musk, which yield an odor far more Deiicacj-oftMs powerful than corresponds to their loss of weight. Thus it perception, is said that.that substance may be exposed for years in an apartment, dif- fusing all the time its penetrating emanations, and yet not becoming lighter. Such statements are, however, on their face, exaggerations. There can be no doubt that the olfactory organs detect extremely minute portions of matter. In most cases, elevation of the temperature of a body increases its odorous effect. The primary uses of the function of smell are for a discrimination of the qualities of food, or its condition, and also for enabling , .,, p !. -i , ic -,T T Uses of smell. an animal with greater lacility to provide it sen with supplies. Hence the development of this structure takes place in the utmost per- fection among the carnivora, which often depend almost exclusively upon 424 THE OLFACTOKY ORGAN. this faculty for the pursuit of their prey. But even in the herbivora it is well marked, and furnishes them, though less exactly, similar indica- tions. In man, though this sense is less acutely developed, it applies itself to a greater variety of objects, and doubtless enables him to appre- ciate differences among odors in a more correct manner than in the case of the lower animals. The general principle involved in the construction of the organ of smell Mechanism of * s to ex P ose an extensive and constantly moistened surface the olfactory to the air brought in by the respiratory current. Of course, other things being equal, the larger the surface, the more per- fect the sense. The object of gaining a great extent of superficial ex- posure under a relatively small volume is accomplished by spreading the sensitive mucous membrane on projections or shelves, which also serve the purpose of intercepting the incoming current of air. It is in reptiles and birds that turbinated processes first make their appearance. In air-breathing animals, the organ of smell is essentially an appendix to the respiratory mechanism, its action depending entirely upon the play thereof. But, though the material submitted to the olfactory mem- brane in this manner is presented in the vaporous or gaseous state, it is intermediately dissolved, as has been stated, in the liquid mucus which covers that membrane, before it can affect the ramifications of the olfac- tory nerve. The nose, thus constituting the commencement of the respiratory tract, forms a characteristic feature of the countenance. It is composed in part of bones and in part of cartilages, covered over with muscles and integument. Its five cartilages give to it shape in its inferior portion, and, by their elasticity, enable it to resist external injury. The whole surface of the nasal cavities is covered over with mucous membrane, to which the names of pituitary or Schneiderian membrane have been given. This mucous membrane likewise extends into the maxillary antrum, ethmoid, and sphenoid cells, or sinuses which are adjacent, and open into the same nasal cavity. The Schneiderian membrane is highly vascular, and receives its nervous supply from the nasal branches of the fifth pair, which give it common sensibility, but its olfactory function de- 205. Fig. 206. pends on the distribution which a certain portion of it receives from the first, or olfactory nerve. Fig. 205 illustrates the distribu- tion of the olfactory nerve on the septum of the nose. Fig. 206 is its distribution on the outer wall of the nasal fossa. That the function of the first pair of nerves is olfactory is proved by THE OLFACTORY NERVES. 425 many facts. Animals in which these nerves have been di- Functionofthe vided are no longer affected by odors of any kind, and, gen- first pair of erally speaking, the greater the development of these nerves, nerves - the acuter is the sense of smell. In persons in whom this sense has been defective or totally absent, or in those who have been troubled with unpleasant odors of a subjective kind, post-mortem examinations have shown a corresponding absence or lesion of these nerves. In man, the proper olfactory organ is formed by the distribution of the olfactory, or first' pair of nerves, on the mucous membrane which covers the upper part of the nose, the internal set of filaments being disposed on that of the septum, the external on that of the superior and middle spongy bones. The membrane is very vascular, and covered with a thick, pulpy epithelium. The filaments distributed to it have lost the white substance of Schwann. It is those parts alone to which these filaments are distributed which possess the sense of smell, the adjacent cavities, as, for example, the frontal sinuses, not participating in the function, as has been proved by the injecting of the vapor of camphor or other odo- riferous bodies into them. It seems to be necessary for the vaporous or gaseous substances to be dissolved in the moisture which covers the ol- factory membrane in order to their exerting a proper effect. If, by chance, the membrane is too dry, the sense of smell is temporarily lost, and the same likewise occurs if it be unusually moist. From the mode of distribution of the olfactory nerve, it follows that* the sense of smelling is restricted to the upper portion of Limited re ion the nasal cavity ; and, for this reason, when we desire to de- for the sense of tect odors with unusual precision, the air is drawn violently smell> into that region by sniffing. On the contrary, we avoid the perception of odors by breathing through the mouth, or, as the common Conditions for phrase is, by holding the nose. Since the perfection of the its perfect ac- sense requires that the olfactory surface shall neither be too i dry nor too cold, an advantage is gained by placing it high in the cav- ity, where it is free from the disturbing effects of the dry air introduced by inspiration, which becomes moistened and warm before it reaches the place of action. Just as we make a distinction between a musical sound and a noise, so should we distinguish between an odor and such impres- Distinction be _ sions as arise from tickling, pressures, the use of snuff, mus- tween odors tard, pepper, and pungent bodies, for these act as mere irri- tants, and many of them can produce analogous effects on other portions of the surface of the skin. Odors do not give rise to the impressions of pain, and, indeed, the nervous mechanism having charge of the action is totally different in the two cases. Odors operate, as we have said, upon the olfactory nerve, but these other impressions are made upon the nasal 426 DURATION AND LOCALIZATION OF ODORS. supplies from the fifth pair. The upper part of the nasal cavity is there- fore devoted to the proper sense of smell, the lower portion to general sensation. In one respect there is a striking difference between this sense and Duration of vision and hearing. We can perceive many luminous im- odors. pressions at the same time, or hear many sounds in rapid suc- cession ; but not so with odors. We can smell only one thing at a time, or, at all events, the impression remains long upon the olfactory appara- tus, perhaps because the odoriferous substance remains dissolved in the attached moisture. The identification of substances by their odor nec- essarily implies a resort to recollection or memory, and sometimes we have to apply the fragrant object again and again to the nose, before we can recall with satisfactory precision its name. In the lower animals the sense of smell is probably localized in some parts of the skin ; many of them display instincts which seem anatomy of to imply the possession of such a sense. Insects also, by smell, are often led to their food or to one another. The variable current of air introduced by respiration compensates in some degree for the want of mobility of the nose, which may be regard- ed, in air-breathing vertebrated animals, as consisting of a diverticulum from the respiratory passages. In fishes, however, the olfactory cavity is not connected with the respiratory passages : there are no posterior nares. 'The circumstance of their living under water disables them from appreci- ating the odorous peculiarities of gases and vapors. In the whale the or- gan is altogether absent, being replaced by the mechanism for receiving air and blowing out water. In other tribes the acuteness of the sense is in proportion to the development of the olfactory ganglia : in reptiles it is feeble ; in birds, more developed ; in carnivorous animals, still more. But here again it exhibits a special restriction, since there is reason for supposing that carnivorous animals are insensible to the perfume of flow- ers, while herbivorous ones distinguish them perfectly. In man, as we have said, the sense is less developed, but it has a wider range. The localization of odors is effected in a much less perfect manner than Localization the localization of sounds. The principle by which it is ac- of odors. complished is obviously that of determining the direction, of maximum intensity, and this involves necessarily the constant exercise of memory and comparison. The surprising manner in which this can be accomplished by animals whose sense of smell is acute, as, for exam- ple, by the dog, is extremely interesting. From the different manner in which various odors affect different individuals, there is no general stand- ard of comparison to which they may be referred, as there is in the case of colors and of sound. Scents which may be highly disagreeable to one are acceptable to another person. By constant exposure, the faculty may OP TASTE. 427 become so benumbed as to be unable to distinguish some altogether. Thus Turner found "that the flower -of the iris persica was Various effects pronounced of pleasant odor by forty-one out of fifty-four of odorous im- persons, by four to have little scent, and by one to be ill- P rtessions - scented. Of thirty persons, twenty-three held the anemone nemorosa agreeable in its perfume, and seven did not think that it smelled at all." Diseases of the central organs will sometimes give rise to the percep- tion of subjective odors, just as they do to spectral illusions or subjective sounds in the ears. odors. CHAPTER XXIV. OF TASTE. Conditions for Taste. Structure and Functions of the Tongue. Tactile and Gustative Regions of the Tongue. Complementary Tastes. Subjective Tastes. THOUGH the function is participated in by other portions of the oral cavity, the tongue is to be regarded as the organ of taste. Conditions for The physical conditions under which savors are perceived is taste - that the substance shall be presented in solution in water, or, at all events, in the saliva. From vision, hearing, and smell, the sense of taste differs in the circumstance that it requires the contact of the acting body; and, to a certain extent, the same distinction which has been made re- garding such substances as can act on the olfactory mechanism might also be made here ; that is to say, that there are two classes of agents which affect the organ those which produce a mere pungent sensation, and those which excite savors, properly speaking, for the irritations and former will frequently give rise to specific action when ap- savors- plied to other portions of the surface of the skin. Sensations of taste are very frequently conjoined with olfactory per- ceptions, so that we mistake the one for the other. There Connection of are many substances, reputed to have a powerful flavor, ceptkmTand" which become tasteless when the nose is held ; and this re- tastes. mark applies more particularly to such as are at the same time volatile and soluble in water. However, irrespectively of this, some of those bodies which produce the most intense and permanent impression on the organs of taste do so merely in virtue of their solubility, as, for exam- ple, quinine, which is a non-volatile body. The intensity of such action depends on the duration of contact and the degree of exposure of the substance to the tongue, so that the papilla? may, as it were, become thoroughly permeated. 428 PAPILLA OF THE TON&UE. The idea of taste may arise irrespectively of the presence of any actual substance. A sharp blow will produce it, as also the passage ent on acci- of a feeble voltaic current. It was, indeed, in this way that dental agents. ^ fa s j. O "b serva ti n in galvanic electricity was made. A narrow jet of air directed upon the tongue causes a taste resembling that of saltpetre. If the tongue be dry and parched, its power of discrim- inating tastes is greatly enfeebled, and the same thing takes place if its temperature is very much changed, either by elevation or depression, as by keeping it for a short time in contact with hot or very cold water. The action of the tongue, as the organ of taste, depends upon the pa- e pillae which are on its surface. These structures give to the Structure of r ^ ... & the papiii* of upper portion of the tongue its rough appearance. They are of three kinds : 1st. The conical papillae, which are the most numerous ; 2d. The circumvallate papillae, which are situate near the base of the organ, and which are from -^ to -^ of an inch in diameter, with a crater-like depression, round the edge of which is a groove, and again a circular elevation; 3d. The fungiform papillae, which are chiefly on the sides and tip, their shape being conical, the narrow end of the cone being downward. The epithelium of the tongue is less dense over the fungiform papillae, and hence their projecting appearance : it is more dense over the conical papillae, and projects from them in processes which pre- sent an aspect like that of hairs. Some of them contain hair-tubes. Besides these, the surface of the tongue presents a papillary structure resembling that of the skin secondary papillae, as they are termed. It is supposed that the conical papillae are chiefly organs of prehension ; the others are organs of taste, but that function is participated in by other portions of the surface of the mouth, as, for example, the soft palate, its arches, and the tonsils. Fig. 207 represents the surface of the tongue and the adjacent parts : #, a, lingual papillae ; , b, circumvallate papil- lae, disposed along two converging lines form- ing the lingual V; c, foramen ccecum ; d, d^ fungiform papillae ; e, 6, filiform papillae ; /", fraenum epiglottidis ; g, epiglottis ; 7z, anterior pillar of velum ; i, stylo-glossus ; Z, isthmus of the fauces ; ra, uvula ; n, velum pendulum palati ; 0, hard palate ; p, raphe ; , , orifices of the excretory ducts of the palatine glands ; f, palatine glands, the mucous membrane be- ing removed ; , palatine glandules ; , mu- cous membrane covering the same glands ; u, palatine tubercle ; i?, v, section of the lower The tongue. J a W. NERVES OF THE TONGUE. 429 The organ of taste is placed at the commencement of the digestive ca- nal; hence the characters of substances may be examined usesofthe with deliberation while they are yet under the control of the sense of taste - will, for when once a body has entered the oesophagus it is swallowed in- voluntarily. The tongue, therefore, gives warning of the presence of del- eterious substances, and in no small degree excites the appetite by receiv- ing the impression of pleasant flavors. The essential condition under which it acts is a moist state of its surface, for the dry tongue, though it enjoys common sensibility, after the manner of any portion of the exter- nal tegument, does not enjoy taste. One of the duties of the salivary glands is incidentally to maintain this moistened condition. To a cer- tain degree, taste may be regarded as a refinement on touch. It differs from vision and hearing in the peculiarity that there is no sin- serves of the gle nerve of special sense individually devoted to it, for the tongue, front of the tongue is supplied by the lingual branch of the fifth pair, and the back by the glosso-pharyngeal. Its entire nervous supply is derived from four different sources: the lingual, the hypoglossal, the glosso-pharyngeal, and the sympathetic, representing therefore special sensibility, muscular motion, common sensibility, and sympathetic rela- tion. That the hypoglossal is the nerve of motion, or muscular nerve, is proved beyond doubt by its section, after which the motions of the tongue are destroyed, but taste. and touch remain. The individual duty dis- charged by the glosso-pharyngeal, and the lingual branch of the fifth pair respectively, is not so clearly determined. Section of the former is at- tended with loss of taste, though it is not yet proved that there is a loss of all kinds of taste. If the lingual branch of the fifth be divided, com- mon sensation at the tip of the tongue is destroyed, and there is evidence that with this the appreciation of certain tastes disappears. The glosso- pharyngeal is distributed to the circumvallate papillae, and it is said that in some birds the lingual is suppressed. Upon the whole, therefore, it may be concluded that these nerves are conjointly engaged in the sense of taste, the glosso-pharyngeal being engaged with those flavors which affect the back part of the tongue, the lingual with those which affect the tip. Illustrations of the distribution of the hypoglossal nerve have already been given in its description, under the title of the twelfth pair. The surface of the tongue presents the tactile and gustative powers in an inverse manner. Examined by the method described in Tactile and the chapter on touch, the compasses must be opened to a great l^* 1 ^ the" extent, as we pass from the tip toward the back of the tongue, tongue. in order that a double impression may be perceived. This condition ap- pears to be in accordance with the requirements of the organ, common tactile sensibility being most necessary at its outer extremity, and this 430 COMPLEMENTARY AND SUBJECTIVE TASTES. gradually passing off into the refinement of taste. The action of any given substance may be increased by motion and pressure, as when it is rolled over the tongue, or held thereby. Its sense of discrimination may be rendered more acute by education. As with the organs of the other senses, so with this, an impression Duration of made upon it does not instantaneously cease, but remains for tastes. a certain period of time, indeed, in this instance longer than in those. Hence many substances acting in rapid succession give rise to a confused effect, though it is said that, out of such interminglings, an accomplished epicure can fasten his attention on one, and continue to recognize it just as we recognize and follow the sound of one instrument in an orchestra. No explanation has as yet been given of the manner of action of different tastes, though it is asserted that some act upon one, and some upon another set of the papillae. After-tastes are also observed, Complement- which are occasionally of a complementary kind, as, for in- ary tastes. stance, the intensely bitter taste of tannin is followed by a sweetness. These after effects modify the taste of substances which may be taken while they last. They therefore form an ample subject for the profound contemplation of the epicure, and should occupy the serious at- tention of the cook. They may be illustrated in a general manner by the injurious effect of sweet substances upon the flavor of delicate wines. It has been mentioned that the passage of a voltaic current through Electrical and ^ e ton g ue causes an alkaline or acid taste. Some experi- subjective menters deny the correctness of this statement, and assert that the impression is merely metallic. The effect, however, depends upon the intensity of the current employed, or on the nature of the pieces of metal used. If the current has power enough to decom- pose the salts of the saliva, acid or alkaline tastes will be detected, ac- cording as the direction of the current is made to vary, and the acid or alkaline body is disengaged on the upper or under side of the tongue. Subjective tastes arise in diseases of the nervous centres, but these are often rendered obscure by the exudations and furred condition of the tongue. Dogs, into the blood-vessels of which milk has been injected, have been observed to lick their lips ; and from this it has been inferred that the presence of substances artificially introduced into the circulato- ry current may be detected by the organ of taste. ANIMAL MOTION. 431 CHAPTER XXV. OF ANIMAL MOTION. Ciliary and Muscular Motion. Description of Cilia and ike Manner of Action. Muscular Fibre : its Forms, Non-striated and Striated. Muscle Juice. Manner of Contraction of a Muscle : its supply of Blood-vessels and Nerves. Its Chemical Change during Activity. Its Rise of Temperature. Effect of Electrical Currents. Duration of Contractility. Doctrine that Muscle Contraction is the result of Muscle Disintegration. Manner in which ordi- nary Cohesion is brought into play. Manner of Restoration. Removal of the Heat and Oxi- dized Bodies. Rigor Mortis. Connection of Muscle for Locomotion. Of Standing. Walking. Running. IT was formerly held that animals are distinguished from plants by the possession of the power of locomotion, a doctrine which . r J J T A i -u Animal motion. can now no longer be regarded as true. It was also be- lieved that the muscular movements of animals are due to the influence of the nerves, and that a muscular fibre contracts only when stimulated to do so by a nerve. This makes the possession of a nervous system essential to the motions of animals. These doctrines also are erroneous. Animal motion is of two different kinds : 1st. It is accomplished by vibrating cilia ; 2d. By the contraction of cells arranged in the form of a fibre. OP CILIARY MOTION. . The epithelial cells of the cylindrical and of the tesselated kind are occasionally arranged with delicate projecting strige on their Description of free extremities. The length of these varies from the - 6 -J-Q cilia and their to the XQOQQ of an inch. These stria? are termed cilia, and the cells are said to be ciliated. Examples are presented by the mucous Fig. 208 membrane of the respiratory surface and of the nasal cavities ; an illustration is given in Fig. 208. The cilia may be regarded as prolongations of the cell wall itself. They exhibit a vibrating motion back and forth, which recalls the movements of stalks of grain in a field as the wind is passing over it, the ears bend- Ciliated cells. , , . . . r . , , ing down and rising again in the breeze, and throwing the whole surface into waves. The cilia also exhibit a movement like that known as the feathering of an oar, or sometimes as turning round upon the point of attachment, as upon a centre, giving rise to a sort of conical motion, the free end describing a circle. These motions seem to 432 CILIARY MOTION. 20 9. be perfectly involuntary, for they not only take place long after death, but even in detached portions, the ciliary cell being uninjured and entire. The seats of ciliary action are always moistened surfaces. The condi- tion for the continuance of the motion after death is accordingly that the surface shall be kept moist, but it is also necessary that a certain tem- perature should be observed, which in warm-blooded animals must not fall below 42 F. Even after the motion has completely ceased, a solu- tion of carbonate of potash re-excites it, but this does not take place 'with ammonia, because it injures the ciliated cells. Ciliary motion is independent of nervous agency. The control of tem- perature and of chemical reagents over it shows that it is of a physical nature. In the lower orders of life ciliary movement is relied on both for the Uses of ciliary purposes of locomotion and prehension. motion. " pig % 209 illustrates this in the case of a vorticella, the upper edge of which shows such a mechanism. It is often stated that in the higher an- imals the object is to determine a movement of the liquid which moistens the ciliated cells in the direc- tion of the outlet of the tube, or other surface which they line. In this way the action of the cilia may tend to the expulsion of material from the air-cells of the lungs into the bronchial tubes. In reptiles, whose urinary tubelets are furnished with this mech- ciliated animalcule. anism, the secretion may be urged thereby in the proper direction. The contractile tissue which enables such animals as the hydra (Fig. Embryonic ^^) to execute movements of prehension and locomotion contractile tis- may perhaps be regarded as the rudimentary state of the structures next to be described. The annexed sketch, from Trembley, illustrates the manner of progression of this animal. No trace of a proper muscular fibre, and none of a nervous Hydra walking. system, have hitherto been detected in it. Of Muscular Motion. The muscular system consists of muscular fibres, tendons, bones, to- gether with various accessory parts, such as ligaments, sheaths, bursa3 mucosiE, synovial capsules, fascia. Its action depends on the primary fact that, under appropriate influences, muscular fibre shortens. Each voluntary muscle consists of a collection of fasciculi, which ex- MUSCULAR FASCICULI AND FIBRILS. 433 Fig. 211. hibit the characteristic appearance of transverse striation, as in the Fig. 212. Striated muscular fasciculi, magnified K5 diameters. Sarcolemma of fish. photograph of muscular structure of the frog (Fig. 211). voluntary mus- The primary fasciculi are collected into larger bundles, cuiar fasciculi. secondary muscular fasciculi, held together by connective tissue, and these, again, into still larger, the tertiary. The primitive fasciculus is enveloped in a delicate sheath, the sarco- lemma, as shown in. Fig. 212, in which the fasciculus, though torn across, is held together by the sarcolemma. The specimen is from the human muscle. Fig. 213 is a good representation of the same fact. It is given by Todd and Bowman from the skate. The sarcolemma is a delicate membrane, which, though of great tenuity in man, may be made visible by the action of acetic acid or alkalies. Within the sarcolemma the primitive fasciculus is seen to be composed of many parallel fibrils, which may, by maceration or chemical agents, be separated from one an- other. These fibrils present a beaded aspect, and, since their constituent elements are arranged side by side in parallel planes, they ultimate mus- give to the fasciculus the appearance of striation it presents. cular fibril - The longitudinal striation of the fas- ciculus arises from the fibrils them- selves. Here and there, in the inte- rior of the sarcolemma, nuclei occur ir- regularly, and with them fat granules. The fibrils, with the fat and a liquid, fill the sarcolemma, without leaving any central canal or hollow axis. Fig. 214 is a photograph of ulti- mate muscular fibre of the pig, from one of Mr.Lealand's preparations. The rectangular form of the constituent Ultimate muscuuTfi^HI^d 200 diameters. Cells IS Well Seen at 0, a, a. At , EE - 214 - 434 MUSCLE JUICE. probably by reason of a twist, tension, or undue strain, a spiral appear- ance is presented ; c, c are the primitive fasciculi. A fluid surrounds the fibres of striped muscles, and the fibre cells of smooth ones, which is wholly different from the plasma of Muscle juice. ^ ^^ The exper i ments O f Schultz show-that this fluid contains a large amount of casein, a conclusion of considerable import- ance, since, if there were any doubt of the occurrence of that substance in the blood, this fact, at all events, renders it certain that the mammary gland is not necessary to its formation. That the substance thus occur- ring is casein is proved by the action of rennet. Muscle juice undoubtedly arises within the sarcolemma through which it exudes. Each fibre therefore presents four objects : the syntonin, the nucleus, the sarcolemma, and the muscle juice. That the muscle juice arises in part from the functional activity of the fibre, and is immediate- ly derived from the waste of its syntonin, and that, in its turn, the syn- tonin is closely allied to the substance of the nucleus, is shown by their exhibiting almost the same chemical reactions with alkalies, acids, etc. The sarcolemma is not, however, filled with syntonin; it contains be- sides, as stated above, a certain quantity of fat, as may be demonstrated by removing from the sarcolemma its syntonin by acids, when a granu- lar material will be left. That this is fat is proved by its solubility in sulphuric ether. The sarcolemma does not belong to the protein class of bodies, but is Sarcolem- rather analogous to elastic tissue. The color of muscle appears ma - to be not so much due to the blood as to a special pigment, which, perhaps, adheres in a free state to the fibrils. The muscle juice contains relatively far more potash salts and phosphates than the blood, as is shown by the following table from Liebig. For one hundred parts of soda there occur, In the hen, 40.8 of potash in the blood, and 381 in the muscle juice. " 'ox, 5.9 " " " 279 " " " horse, 9.5 " " " 285 " " " fox, " " " 214: " " " pike, " " " 497 " " It is commonly stated that muscular motion is accomplished by fibres Two forms of of .two different kinds: 1st. The simple, non-striated, un- fibre n^n stri P e <^ or organic fibre ; 2d. The striated, striped, or volun- stria'ted and tary fibre just described. Though this subdivision may be convenient, it can scarcely be regarded as accurate, since the former variety passes by insensible degrees during development into the latter, and cases, indeed, are not wanting in which the same fasciculus presents in different parts both conditions at once. The non-striated muscular fibre. Fig. 215, consists of translucent bands FORMS OF MUSCLE. of a soft granular material, varying from the -^QQ to Fig. 215. Fig. 21C. an 435 m Unstriped fibres. Unstriped fibres in acetic acid. Fig. 'ill. Muscle cells, breadth, and exhibiting here and there the traces of Non-stria- nuclei, particularly after the fibre has been acted on by ted fibre - acetic acid, as is shown in Fig. 216. Each fibre may be re- garded as an arrangement of nucleated cells, the nucleus be- ing of a cylindroid or spindle form. The contractile content within is syntonin. Non-striated fibre is not usually attach- ed to fixed points, as to bone, but by being collected into par- allel bundles, different bundles interlacing with one another, contractile planes or surfaces are formed, such as the cylindri- cal coat of muscular structure of the digestive tube, or the contractile layer of the urinary bladder. Similar fibres, im- bedded in the skin and connective tissues, communicate to them the quality of corrugation or contractility. The fascic- uli are bathed externally with an acid juice, characterized by con- taining salts of potash, phosphoric acid, creatinc, nnd inosite. The general appearance of fibre cells of this class is given in Fig. 217 : a is from the small intestine of man ; , from the fibrous invest- ment of the spleen of the dog. (Kolliker.) Contractile fibre cells present the following reactions : Acetic acid causes the fibre to swell, and makes the nucleus more contractile visible ; it occasions a complete dissolution when in a fibre - cell s- concentrated state. Dilute hydrochloric acts in a similar manner, the effect in this instance being the same with the fibres of. both smooth and striped muscle. The examinations thus far made have shown no difference in ultimate composition between these forms. The. striated muscular fibre consists therefore of fasciculi, with an elastic investment of sarcolemma, collected into bundles, striated and invested with perimysium. The contractile constituent . fibre - 436 STRUCTURE OF MUSCLE. is syntonin ; and though the general rule is that the primitive bundles shall run isolatedly and parallel to each other, in certain cases they anas- tomose, Fig. 60. In its ultimate construction, the form of fibre may be regarded as consisting of a series -of cells, as shown \nFig. 214, the di- ameter of which varies according to the actual condition of the muscle, whether it is in the contracted or relaxed state, but which may be taken, on an average, at the Yoiy o"o f an i ncn - The cells are placed end to end, the boundary walls upon the end presenting the appearance of a delicate transverse line. Each cell consists of two portions, a central spot and a pellucid border. The pellucid border is considered by Dr. Carpenter, whose views of muscular structure we are here presenting, to be the cell wall, the central space being the cavity of the cell filled with some* highly refracting substance. Dr. Carpenter speaks of the central spot as dark ; an inspection of the photograph, Fig. 214, proves that it may be light if exactly in focus. When the fibril is in a relaxed state the longest axis of each cell coincides with the length of the fibril, but when contraction occurs this axis shortens, and a shortening of the entire fibril is the re- sult. A number of these fibrils, placed side by side, constitute a fascicu- lus ; indeed, there may be many hundreds of them thus bound together. When such a fasciculus is forcibly ruptured it presents different appear- ances, according as the ends or sides of its constituent cells have cohered most strongly together. If the lateral cohesion is weakest, the fascicu- lus tears into its constituent fibrils, as was shown in Fig. 214, but if the end cohesion is the weakest, it will tear into discs or plates, as in Fig. Fig. 218. 218. The fasciculus is thus a bundle of fibrils, its diameter varying very greatly, and being, in man, from the -^ $ to the -g-^ of an inch ; in females it is, on an average, smaller. Each fibril is a linear series of coalesced cells. The cells, as they form the fibril, lose their rounded and assume a rectan- gular appearance, as shown at a, za tion generally, we admit without hesitation that the the extinction extinction of forms has been accomplished through outward causes, decline of heat, etc. These extinctions are intimate- ly connected with the appearance of new organisms, and, indeed, are to be regarded as being, with them, essential parts of a common plan. It would not appear agreeable to the mode in which the scheme of Nature is carried out to invoke one class of influences for the removal of the vanishing forms, and a totally different one for the introduction of the new-comers. There seems to be a better harmony in the supposition that all these things are managed upon similar principles, and that, since it is the failure of congenial conditions which closes the term of life of a race, it was the suitability of those conditions, or their conspiring together, which gave it origin. The influence of decline of temperature appears when we examine par- influence of ticular individuals or particular species either of plants or of decline of tem- animals. Thus the Virginia cherry attains the height of 100 feet in the Southern States, and is dwarfed to a shrub of not more than five feet at the great Slave Lake ; the nasturtium, which is a woody shrub in warm climates, becomes a succulent annual in cold. Or, if we examine some special tribe of life, as Milne Edwards has done in the case of crustaceans, the higher the temperature, the greater the lia- bility to variations of species, the more numerous also the differences of form, and the attainment of a greater individual size. That these varia- tions are the actual consequences of the physical conditions, and not merely collateral results, is shown by supplying the condition that is wanting. We can imitate the natural result, in an artificial way, in hot- houses ; the plants of the warmest climate may be grown, and the effects of summer imitated at any season of the year. What better proof could METAMORPHOSIS OF ORGANISMS. i 489 we have of the control of the agent heat over development, than the well- ascertained fact that the time of emersion of larvas depends upon the temperature ? The silk-grower, by placing the eggs of the insect in an ice-house, retards them as long as he pleases. The amputated limbs of the water-newt can only be reproduced at a temperature from 58 to 75. The tadpole, kept in the dark, does not pass on to development as a frog. In decaying organic solutions, animalcules do not appear if light be ex- cluded. Upon the whole, therefore, we conclude that organisms of every kind, so far from presenting any resistance to change, are. im- Changes of or- pressed without any difficulty by every exterior condition ; ^nd^n hiva" and since existing natural circumstances have been main- riabie laws, tained for a long time without any apparent change, their sameness pro- duces a sameness in the order and manner of development. But it should be borne in mind that this idea of, sameness can be entertained only on an imperfect view of the state of Nature, for there is scarce one of those conditions, to the sameness of which we have been referring, which has not, in reality, undergone slow secular variations ; and with those changes there have been changes in the manner of development. In truth, as I have on a former page observed, the only things which are absolutely unchangeable are the laws of Nature, such, for instance, as that of gravitation ; every thing else is to be looked upon as an effect, or as a changeable phenomenon arising from the operation of those laws. So, therefore, though, in this chapter, the terms physical in- Successive met- fluences and natural conditions have been repeatedly used, cons^uence^f yet a higher and more philosophical view of the case brings invariable law. us inevitably at last to the idea of law ; and therefore I accept the in- terpretation of all these facts, which has of late years been impressing itself more and more strongly and clearly on the minds of physiologists, that the development of every organism, from a primordial cell to its final condition, however elevated that condition may be, is the inevitable consequence of the operation of a universal, invariable, and eternal law. All animals, no matter what position they occupy in the scale of na- ture, unquestionably arise in the first instance from a cell, which, possess- ing the power of giving birth to other cells, a congeries at last arises, the size and form of which is determined wholly by external circumstances. In all cases, the material from which these cells are formed is obtained from without, and, whatever the eventual shape of the structure may be, the first cell is in all instances alike. There is no perceptible difference between the primordial cell which is to produce the lowest plant and that which is to evolve itself into the most elaborate animal. The mode of growth, and the arrangement of the new cells as they come into exist- ence, determining not only the form, but also the functions of the new 490 . METAMORPHOSIS OF ORGANISMS. being, depend on the particular physical conditions under which the growth is taking place. The germ which is to produce a lichen obtains from materials around it the substances it wants as best it may; but the germ which is to end in the development of man is brought in suc- cession under the influence of many distinct states. As a consequence of this, it gives rise in succession to a series of animated forms, which, as- suming by degrees a higher complexity, end at last in the perfect human being. At one time it was believed that these metamorphoses, as they are termed, are limited to insects and frogs : the insect, which at first appears under the form of a caterpillar as it comes from the egg, and, passing through the pupa state, at last takes its true position as a wing- ed being ; the frog, which, appearing at first from the ovum as a true fish, whose respiration is carried forward by gills, and whose life is lim- ited to the water, at last assumes a new constitution and a new organi- zation, breathes by lungs, and becomes an amphibious reptile. But it is now known that these, so far from being exceptions, are only instances of a general rule, which is, that all organized beings shall begin existence at the bottom of the scale, and, taking on one type of life after another, in more or less rapid succession, end, finally, in assuming a size and form analogous to those of the parent which gave them birth. There is a general resemblance between the life of an individual and the life of a species. Each has its time of birth, its time of maturity, its time of decline ; each also has its embryonic states. The fossil forms of the early geological ages are in many cases the embryos of existing animals. Upon each all natural agents have exerted their effects, push- ing forward or retarding development ; and this applies not only to an- imals, but also to plants : it is in accordance with the principles we are setting forth that over the whole domain of life natural forces exert their sway. Change the conditions under which growth is taking place, and you at once change resulting form and function. It is in this man- ner that, on a small scale, the horticulturist works in furnishing us what are called improved varieties of flowers and fruits. It is in this manner that animals, known to have been indisputably of the same original kind, assume such different forms and characters in various climates. It is true, we can not expect in an abrupt mariner to bring about such strik- ing modifications in a solitary individual, for the life of an individual is readily destroyed, but not so the life of a race ; and Nature, carrying on her operations in the slow lapse of centuries, and dealing with races rather than individuals, forces them up to any point of development she may desire, but still the impress of the laws under which they have been brought to that condition is upon them, and each betrays, in the embry- onic and foetal forms, a manifestation of the metamorphoses through which his race has run. RUDIMENTARY ORGANS. 491 Our attention might here be directed to that interesting class of phe- nomena known to comparative anatomists under the title of Rudimentary rudimentary organsthat is to say, organs which exist in an thfh^inter- apparently undeveloped and useless condition, such, for in- pretation. stance, as the mammas of the male mammalian, or the subcutaneous feet of certain snakes for these are facts intimately connected with the sub- ject before us. It looks as if Nature stopped short in her attempt at reaching perfection, but it preves to us the constancy of the plans on which she works. In the case of the whale, which, though apparently belonging to the fishes, is a warm-blooded mammal and suckles its young, the general type of its class is observed even down to minute particulars ; it is the attribute of those belonging to it that they shall have seven cer- vical vertebras, and this is equally the case with the camelopard, with its long, graceful neck, and the* mole, which seems to have no neck at all. In the whale, which conforms to that general rule, the teeth are, moreover, found in the jaw, in the earlier period of life, uncut, precisely as we find them at birth in the human infant. In this last instance we think we see a wise provision and foresight of nature, which does not give to man these masticating organs before the time they are wanted ; but what are we to make of the former case ? Man is not always a true interpreter of the works of God. Shut up, as they are, in the interior of the bony mass of the jaw, never to be developed and never to be used, does not that look to a careless observer something like a work of super- erogation ? Or, in the case of such snakes as the anguis, typhlops, and amphisbasna, why is it that Nature has placed under the skin the bony representatives of the extremities : the mode of progression of those an- imals is by the use of the ribs, and organs such as feet are never wanted. We may also turn to the other department of physiology, the vegeta-^ ble world, and what do we there see ? Rudimentary organs and excess of development are .every where presented. An attentive examination of any flower proves that we may with truth regard it as a transformed branch, the law of development being such that that which might have passed forward to the condition of a branch has turned to the condition of a flower ; or, in still minuter particulars, we witness the same prin- ciple : that which might have evolved into a leaf turns indifferently, as circumstances may direct, into a sepal, a petal, or a stamen. But is it possible that there is all this confusion and want of precision in the works , of Nature ? Not so. If we consider rightly, Appearance of we shall come to the conclusion that Nature never works rudimentary , , organs the con- COntingently, nor resorts to a sudden contnvance to meet an sequence of exigency. All her operations are carried forward under far- law - reaching and universal laws. These rudimentary and perhaps useless organs come into existence through a general plan, of which they are 492 OF THE ORGANIC CELL. witnesses to us, if they subserve no other duty. They tell the same great fact which is so loudly proclaimed by all the phenomena of the res- toration of parts and renovation of tissues, that the grouping of orga- nized matter into definite and special forms is not a wanton or chance ef- fect, but is the direct and inevitable consequence of invariable physical laws. Expedients are for the vacillating and weak, law is for the strong. It takes from the merit of any human contrivance if the engineer has to be constantly tampering with it to keep it going ; we admire the machine that continues its movements without variation after it has left its maker's hand. I think we can have no nobler conception of the great Author of the wonderful forms around us than to regard them all, the vegetable and animal, the living and lifeless, the earth, and the stars, and the numberless worlds that are beyond our vision, as the offspring of one primitive idea, and the consequences of one primordial law. CHAPTER III. OF THE ORGANIC CELL : ITS DEVELOPMENT, REPRODUCTION, AND DIF- FERENTIATION OF STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION. Simple and Nucleated Cells. The Simple Cell: its Parts and Functions. The Nucleated Cell: its Parts and Functions. Activity of the Nucleus. Other Forms of Cells. Cells arise by Self-origination and Reproduction. Reproduction by Subdivision and Endogenously. The Animal Cell. Forms of Cellular Tissue. Forms of Vascular Tissue. Spiral Vessels, Ducts, etc. Differentiation of Cells. Acquisition of new Functions. Differentiation of the Animal Cell. Depends on Physical Causes. Influence of Heat and Air. Epoch of Differentiation. THE organic cell, which is the starting-point of every organism, veg- Simpieandnu- etable or animal, consists of a vesicle or shell, with included cieated cells, contents. If the vesicle be of uniform thickness all over, the cell is a simple one ; but if there be upon some portion of it a thick- ened granular spot, the cell is said to be nucleated. The vesicle of the SIMPLE VEGETABLE CELL, more closely examined, The simple ^ s found to be composed of different laminas or strata. The vegetable cell: innermost, designated the primordial utricle, consists of an its wall, utri- . ' _ & /. , cie, and endo- azotized substance, a member 01 the protein group. On the chrome. exterior of this pellicle, and, as it were, arising from its sur- face, lies the cell wall, which serves to give protection to the parts with- in. The cell wall is not a mere extension by thickening of the primor- dial utricle, as is proved by its chemical constitution ; for, though it may vary in physical condition from a mere glairy mucus to a firm woody THE NUCLEATED CELL. 493 texture, it uniformly consists of a non-nitrogenized body, gummy, amy- laceous, or ligneous. Indeed, though the vegetable cell is usually said to have two concentric investitures, the nitrogenized primordial utricle and the non-nitrogenized wall, it is more exact to describe the latter as consisting of several pellicles, which have been generated in succession from the outside surface of the utricle, and these differ from one another in their physical qualities, according as they are nearer to the surface of the utricle or nearer to the general exterior, recalling, in this respect, the analogous condition of the cuticle under circumstances that are some- what parallel. Within the primordial utricle, the cell contents present themselves of a different nature and different form, according as the species of the cell may be. In different cases they are colored of various tints, and are of various consistency, more solid or more liquid. To the cell-contents the convenient designation of endochrome is given. This interior content is not to be understoodas having a homogenous constitution, since sometimes even its colored portions are separated out and arranged in dots or spiral lines, which are very distinct from the remaining uncolored material. The active portion of such a cell consists of the utricle and endochrome conjointly, the cell wall only discharging a mechanical office. In the simple cell, all parts of the utricle appear to be endowed with equal pow- er for carrying on the functions of the organism. But in those cells which possess a nucleus, the energy is no longer dif- fused with uniformity, the nucleus concentrating much of , the power in itself, and serving as a centre of activity. Its activity of its nitrogenized constitution indicates that it is in relation with nucleus - the primordial utricle, and not with the cell wall ; a conclusion which is corroborated by its physiological activity, as also by the fact that in those nucleated cells which exhibit currents, the nucleus appears to be the starting-point from which they diverge in various directions. There are subordinate species of cells, as the spiral and the dotted. These exhibit points of re-enforcement or thickening, such Subordinate as the appearance of a thread wound spirally, or in dots here forms of cells - and there on the interior of the wall. There would seem to be a tend- ency during the development of a cell for these parts to assume a spiral arrangement. Even the endochrome shows this peculiarity, the green material being often arranged in a spiral course on the interior of the cell. Thus constituted, each cell runs through a definite cycle or career, hav- ing its moment of birth, its period of maturity, its time of death. Dur- ing its mature life it discharges with activity the special function to which it is devoted, but in so doing becomes eventually worn out and old. The period of activity of cells of different species is very different, some passing away quickly, and others having a longer duration. 494 REPRODUCTION BY SUBDIVISION. The commencement of cells is either, 1st, by self-origination, or, 2d, by reproduction. 1st. Cells arise in an obscure manner from Origin of cells J r t n byseif-origina- homogeneous particles floating in a protoplasma, which, tak- tion. j n g on Development, have a vesicle thrown over them, and, being of a spherical shape, present the aspect of a cell wall and cavity. The granular content by degrees increases as the young cell grows in all its dimensions. From that granular content new cells may arise. Though this process is spoken of as one of self-origination, it is quite probable that the spherical and homogeneous particles floating in the protoplasma, and which were the points of origin of the cells that have arisen, were themselves nothing more than germs which had been pre- pared by an antecedent generation of cells. This is the opinion com- monly entertained of their nature, though its truth has never yet been demonstrated by actual observation. It is adopted because of its proba- bility, for we usually observe that every new organism is the descendant of an older one ; yet it should not be forgotten that there must have been a time when the first organic cell arose from inorganic material, and it is not unphilosophical to suppose that what must have occurred once may occur again. Origin of cells . 2d. Cells are reproduced from antecedent ones of the by reproduction. same kind by subdivision, by budding, by endogenous gen- eration. The reproduction of cells by subdivision is strikingly illustrated by Reproduction theHasmatococcus binalis. The manner of the process seems by subdivision. f b e as follows. The endochrome of the original spherical cell, , Fig. 230, begins to undergo bi-par- tition as at b, and as the dividing portions recede from one another the primordial utri- cle bends round them. Next a layer of per- manent ce ll wall, of a mucous character on its exterior, is produced, which accompanies the inflection of the primordial utricle as at } e c, and, after a while, the bi-partition is com- plete, and the separated portions constitute distinct individual cells. The subdivision may be repeated as at d. The seat of the Reproduction of H^matococcus binalis. primarv acti(m fe gaid to be in the endo _ chrome ; but of this there may be reasonable doubt, since generally the primordial utricle is the place of energy of the cell ; and where nucleated cells undergo multiplication by this process of fissure, the nucleus di- vides along with the endochrome, so that both the resulting portions pos- sess a part of it. But if the utricle, with its nucleus, was inert during this operation, it would seem that the vesicle should tear any where KEPRODUCTION BY BUDDING. 495 rather than through that thickened and stronger place. The phenomena are equally well accounted for by imputing the first action to the utricle itself, which, exerting a constrictive pressure upon the endochrome in the direction of one of the great circles of the cell, divides it in the manner that we see. This process of multiplication is exhibited in Fig. 231, in Conferva Fig. 231. Cell reproduction in Conferva glomerata. glomerata, which consists of a system of cells arranged in a filament. At A two states are shown, complete partition at , and incomplete at a / at B, C, D, the successive steps of partition, a being the primordial utricle, b the endochrome, c cell membrane, d mucous investment. At E the primordial utricles are separated, and the cell membrane intervenes. At F the membrane is completed so as to exhibit lamina. The cells which have thus arisen by subdivision soon grow to the size of the one from which they were derived, and are ready for subdi- vision in their turn. Indeed, it often happens that traces of incipient subdivision may be detected long before the cell has reached its mature dimensions. The reproduction of cells by budding may be illustrated by the vesi- cles of the yeast-plant ; and though, in those cases in which the budding cell possesses a nucleus, the nucleus is not necessarily involved, yet the conclusion indicated in the preceding paragraph is greatly strengthened, for we must clearly attribute the result which now takes place to an in- creased nutrition of the primordial utricle upon a restricted portion of its surface, and not to a distention arising from a pressure of the endo- chrome within. So closely does this resemble the preceding mode of re- production, that they are commonly said to be really of the same kind, or, rather, to offer no other distinction than this, that in the former the 496 THE ANIMAL CELL. cell divides into portions which are sensibly equal, in this into unequal parts. Cells are said to arise from endogenous generation when they make their first appearance in the cavity of a former cell, of which Endogenous Jrir . *. . . generation of the endochrome exhibits a disposition to divide into many small portions, at first doubtfully, then more distinctly, and each one of these portions obtaining a covering investiture or primordial utricle for itself. The process continues until the young brood of cells has reached a certain degree of perfection, when they -escape from their confinement, either by the fissuring or deliquescence of the old cell wall. The young cells may now lead an independent life and grow rapidly. In this manner zoospores arise, which are young cells having for a time a power of locomotion, from cilia which have been developed from their walls, or for other reasons. The reproduction of cells l>y endogenous generation is commonly at- tributed to an action arising in the endochrome which brings on its sub- division into portions. From the fact that these portions are eventually found clothed with a primordial utricle, we might be led to suspect that the original seat of the action is in this, as in the preceding cases, that portion of the original cell which, undergoing projection internally, di- vides the endochrome and incloses the portions in its meshes. Such membranous projections may be difficult of detection in the first instance, because of their extreme tenuity ; nor is the fact that the zoospores move freely in the cavity of the mother cell just before their escape at all in contradiction to this. THE ANIMAL CELL presents a structural arrangement diifering from Peculiarity of the vegetable in this, that it does not possess a proper cell the animal cell. wa ll, but consists of a primordial utricle and interior con- tent alone. Its manner of reproduction is of three kinds : 1st. From germs ; 2d. By fissure ; 3d. Endogenously. Where animal cells orig- inate from germs, these seem to be granules of a substance analogous to fibrin, which are floating in the formative liquid. In duplication by sub- division, the import of the nucleus is shown by the fact that the action begins at it. It may be said of animal cells that the nucleus maintains a more conspicuous relation than it does in the case of vegetable ones. Reproduction in the endogenous manner is carried forward in the case of these cells in the manner described in a preceding paragraph. OP THE CONSTRUCTION OP CELLULAR AND VASCULAR TISSUES. By their development and juxtaposition with one another, cells give Cellular tissue r * se to coirt inuous fabrics of various kinds, or cellular tissue. its various If the development of new cells occurs in a space where there is freedom from pressure, the cells maintain their original CELLULAR TISSUE. 497 Fig. 232. spherical form, as seen in the photograph, Fig. 232. But should the development occur in a confined space, or under circumstances of pressure, the intercellular spaces which necessarily ex- ist in the former case by reason of the spherical shape, are now encroached upon, and the cells assume various angular forms, such as parallelopipedons, rhom- bic dodecahedrons, &c. Of the former we have an example in the photograph, Fig. 233, which represents a section of muriform cellular tissue. In other,cases, with a view of giving resistance to press- simple cellular tissue, magnified 50 diameters. ^ the i nte rior of each O f the Cells is fortified by a fibre, and thus arises the tissue of which we have an exam- Fig. 23.4. Fig. 233. Muriform cellular tissue, magnified 50 diameters. Fibro-cellular tissue, magnified 50 diameters. pie in the photograph, Fig. 234. Two or more fibres may, in this man- ner, be employed, and when such is the case, it is observed that they do not cross one another, the one winding from right to left, the other from left to right, but they are laid parallel to each other, and form a com- pound strand. In other cases the constituent cells of the tissue assume much more complicated forms, as, for instance, in the stellate variety. These more complicated forms prove that it is not altogether through the influence of a force of compression that cells assume modified shapes, but that on many occasions the disposition of their primordial utricle to branch in various directions, of which mention has been made in a pre- ceding paragraph, is the true cause of the variations in question. This disposition to grow spontaneously in one direction rather than in another is the cause of the production of the different kinds of vascular tissue. A cell undergoing extreme elongation in one direction, either by II 498 VASCULAE TISSUE. reason of this quality of its primordial utricle, or through un- Vascular tissue * and its modifi- equal nutrition, or other cause, gives origin to a tube. And if, of several cells thus elongated, and placed end to end on each other, the terminal portions should be obliterated either by rup- ture or absorption, a vessel permeable throughout is the result. In this manner vascular tissue arises. These vessels still exhibit the structural peculiarity of the cells from which they have originated in this, that they may be fortified in their interior with fibres wound in a spiral, and so constituting a spiral vessel ; or wound in rings, and forming annular ducts. In like manner, through similar modifications, the varieties known as reticulated and dotted ducts arise. In these fibre-vascular tissues it frequently happens that the fortifying thread is double or even quadru- ple. Of spiral vessels derived from a cactus we have an example in the photograph, Fig. 235, and in those from the banana in that of Fig. 236. Fig. 236. Fig, 235. Spiral vessels of cactus, magnified 50 diameters. Spiral vessels of banana, magnified 50 dinmctcrs. The spiral vessels of plants Contain air. Other tubes are for the Spiral vessels, conveyance of liquid; the laticiferous vessels, for example, v "f'co- which are branching tubes Fi ,. 237 . nifers. for transmitting the latex of plants. Again, in other cases, the interior of the vessel is more or less completely filled up by a gradual de- posit of solid material, it being in this manner that proper woody fibre is formed from long, spindle-shaped cells. Vascular tissue in coniferous plants presents a peculiar dotted, as- pect from disc-like forms, exhibiting a pair of concentric circles, which are set at regular intervals upon it, as shown in the photograph, Fig. 237, Woody fibre of pine, magnified 50 diameters. YELLOW AND WHITE FIBROUS TISSUE. 499 which is dotted woody fibre from pine. The circular discs or glands run in single rows except in one place, where a double row is seen. Among true living^ pines more than two rows are not met with. In the Arauca- ria the rows are sometimes triple or even quadruple. Animal vascular tissue arises in the same manner as vegetable, by the conjunction of elongated cells and the obliteration of their v ,, . Yellow and terminations. The physiological purposes these vessels sub- white fibrous serve are, as in the other instance, the conveyance of gases or tlssue< liquids. But fibres may form in animal fabrics without the previous in- termedium of cells, either directly from fibrin, the parts of which possess the quality of agglutinating into threads, or from the coalescence under like circumstances of substances allied to gelatine, which yield the varie- ties of fibrous tissue known respectively as the yellow and the white, the former being composed of branching filaments, as seen in Fig. 238. It is unacted upon by warm acetic acid, and, from its extraordinary elas- Fig. 23S.' Fig. 289. represented i Yellow fibrous tissue, magnified 300 diameters. White fibrous tissue, magnified 300 diameters. ticity, is used wherever that quality is required. The latter, which is . 239, shows strands of a wavy appearance: it is inelas- 240. tic, softens under the action of acetic acid, being thereby distinguished from the pre- ceding, and is employed on account of its tenacity wherever resistance to exten- sion is required, as, for example, in the ligaments of the joints. The solid ani- mal fibres are therefore employed where physical qualities are necessary, the hol- low tubes for organic processes. By some physiologists it is believed that both yellow and white fibrous tissue arise from cells. Areolar tissue, magnified 25 diameters. Areolai* 01' Connective tisSUC. Fig. 240, 50Q DIFFERENTIATION OF CELLS. is composed of the two preceding elements, the yellow and white fibrous, interwoven with each other so as to constitute a porous structure, with a multitude of intercommunicating spaces. It is to be understood that these interstices are wholly distinct from cells; hence the inapplicability of the term cellular, sometimes employed for this tissue. Areolar tissue is employed for uniting the various animal parts. Its interspaces are filled with a fluid, which, when in jexcess, is spoken of as dropsical effu- sion. Air, artificially or accidentally introduced at any point into it, may pass to every part, as is illustrated in cases of emphysema. The speci- men from which the figure is taken was in this manner inflated. By the differentiation of cells is meant the assumption of a variation Differentiation in their structure from which follows, as a consequence, the of cells. capacity of discharging new functions. When the red snow- alga multiplies, as previously described, each of the young cells resem- bles that from which it was derived in structure, and discharges a simi- lar office. In such a case there is development, but not differentiation. When, on the contrary, a lichen grows on a rock, though the original tendency in development may have been for the production of cells from the first germ absolutely similar in all directions, yet the circumstances of growth are such that very soon the physical conditions under which the cells of different parts of the growing mass are generated become dif- ferent. Those which are next to the rock are screened by the superin- cumbent ones from the sunlight and the air ; they are therefore develop- ed in a comparative obscurity, and in the presence of moisture holding in Acquisition of solution inorganic salts. Under such circumstances, it is to new functions, "foe expected that a modification will ensue in their construc- tion, and that they will be different from those which are developing on the exterior in contact with the dry air ; and, since a change of structure invariably implies a change of function, we might expect, as in reality is the case, that the outer cells are for the obtaining of carbon from the air, being acted upon by the sunlight, and the under cells for procuring moist- ure and such saline substances as may be wanted from the rock surface below. In such a case as this there is a differentiation both of structure and of function. Structural differentiation is to be received as the cause of functional Differentiation differentiation, which is its consequence. The former, in in a regular se- every instance, arises from the changed circumstances under quenceappears J . \. i-t^- i c - to be determ- which cells are being generated, and if this change of circum- med by law. stances follows a regular order or sequence, the differentia- tion will assume the appearance of being guided by a fixed law. Many physiologists, who have not been disposed to accord to physical agents a due influence in this respect, have therefore imputed to the developing cell a power or property of spontaneously pursuing a determinate career. DIFFERENTIATION OF ANIMALS. 501 It is clear that the facts are capable of interpretation either upon the doc- trine that external conditions guide or compel the cell in its development- al career, or that it, by reason of an innate power, spontaneously pursues a determinate course in spite of them ; determinate, because that power is acting under a law. The mixed doctrine, which imputes the career of development in part to the innate power of the cell, and in part to the in- fluence of external conditions, it is needless for us here to consider. No doubt can be entertained of the fact that a cell or congeries of cells will differentiate when submitted to new physical conditions while in the act of development. Thus certain lichens pass into forms analogous to algae if the normal conditions of their production be reversed if, instead of developing in places that are dry and brightly illuminated, they are supplied with moisture, and made to grow in obscurity; and, in like man- ner, some of the fungi will simulate algse if they are compelled to vege- tate in water. The separation of the organ for the reception of water and that for the reception of carbon, which is first shadowed forth in the under and outer surface of the lichens, is manifested in perfection by highly-developed plants, in which the root discharges the former, and the leaves the latter duty, and these are separated widely apart from each other by the as- cending axis or stem. The remarks here made respecting plants might be repeated as re- gards animals, which, during their development, exhibit the Differentiation principle of differentiation even in a more striking way. of the animal Thus, in the protozoa, as in the protophyta, cells undergo cel1 ' duplication, and, by development in new positions, or under changed cir- cumstances, exhibit differentiation. The trivial circumstances under which new functions are assumed are well shown in Trembley's experi- ments with the hydra* This polype, which is nothing more Experiments than a gastric sac furnished with prehensile tentacles, re- with the hydra, spires on its outer surface and digests on its inner; but so closely are these functions blended together that, if the animal be turned inside out, the surface that did respire will now digest, and that which did digest will now respire. Indeed, we may in an ideal manner con- Ideal differen _ ceive of the production of the more elementary animal forms tiation of ani- as arising from a simple sac or bag, which, furnishing a start- ing-point, exhibits its first acquirement of localization of function by the doubling of one half into the other, thereby giving rise to a cup or pocket shaped form, so that respiration and digestion, which were confusedly and conjointly carried forw'ard upon the same surface, are now parted from each other, the outside of the cup being devoted to the one, and the in- side to the other. Increased endowments are obtained by crimping or dividing the edge of the cup, prehensile organs of less or greater length 502 CAUSE OF DIFFERENTIATION. and power thereby arising ; and this, in reality, is the structure of the hydra just alluded to. Another advance is made by the preparation of new and complicated structures, fashioned out in the substance between the inner and the outer wall, and in this manner arise the various mech- anisms for respiration and reproduction. Such a state of things is pre- sented by the Actinia. It will be found, when we describe the development of the higher ani- Individuai and mals, that a parallelism is observed between the career of race develop- Q^h individual and that of the series to which it belongs, niais by differ- The evidence furnished by natural history and paleontology entiation. proves that, in the development of animal species, there has been an orderly progress, not so much from those of a lower to those of a higher form, as from the general to the special ; a gradual parting out of structures and functions that were once commingled and coalesced, an elaboration which may be attributed either to a melioration of the cir- cumstances under which species were successively forming, or to the innate power possessed by the organic structure itself. Even at the pres- ent time our knowledge of the order of geological change is sufficiently exact to enable us to institute an inquiry into the probability of the cor- Differentiation rectness of each of these hypotheses, upon the principle that, d h P 8?crfdr smce there is that parallelism between the career of individ- cumstances. ual development and race development, there should also be an analogy in the physical circumstances under which they have taken place. Among conditions in animal development, two prominent ones may be mentioned ; they are the degree of temperature at which the pro- cess is carried forward, and the quality or nature of the medium supplied for respiration. No doubt can now exist that, as regards the former, there has been a gradual diminution from the early times, and that, as respects the latter, the quantity of oxygen furnished in the medium of respiration has been increased. It has long been observed, in a general way, that there is a correspondence between the activity of respiration and the degree of animal endowment, both as regards the individual and Influence of ^ e race> The provision made for the more perfect conduc- the aerial tion of the process from the moment that the embryo exhibits any arterialization of its blood, is always attended with, if it is not the cause of, increasing animal power. The supply of oxygen at the first period is very imperfect, but instrumental means are introduced in succession to increase the amount. When a mere membrane has be- come insufficient to meet the requirements, branchiaB are resorted to, and these, in their turn, are replaced by lungs. In a' double way, therefore, an increased supply is secured, by alterations in the mechanism obtain- ing it, which gradually becomes more and more adapted to the end in view, or by variations in the chemical constitution of the medium which INFLUENCE OF EXTERNAL AGENTS. 503 furnishes it. Thus, in the development of a mammal, the first and lim- ited supply of oxygen is from the portion contained in the liquids of the ovum ; a far more copious one, at a later period, is derived from the pla- cental mechanism ; but these subordinate states eventually give place to the direct respiration of the open atmospheric air. As this gradual march in the evolution of the. respiratory function is going forward, it is attend- ed by a corresponding development of all the animal capabilities. So, too, on the great scale with genera and species. In the impure at- mosphere of the earliest geological times, it was not possible that energet- ic respiration could be carried on either by aquatic or by aerial animals. Both may be included in the remark, for it is demonstrable that, on ordi- nary physical principles, there must ever be a correspondence between the chemical constitution of the atmospheric air and the gas of respiration dissolved in the sea, or other natural waters. Abundant geological evi- dence is before us to the effect that the entire respiratory medium, both atmospheric and aquatic, has passed through a gradual amelioration, the percentage amount of its irrespirable elements declining, and that of its oxygen correspondingly increasing. The removal of those prodigious masses of carbon deposited as coal satisfactorily establishes this point ; and, therefore, as far as that medium is concerned, there is a general re- semblance between the conditions under which the entire animal series and the single individual have been placed. We might include in these remarks the vegetable as well as the ani- mal series ; for, as respects flowering plants, it is the special function of their floral or reproductive apparatus to discharge at a particular epoch the functions of an animal in taking oxygen from the air, and replacing it by carbonic acid. There would, therefore, be no cause for surprise if, in that ancient carbonated atmosphere, cryptogamic plants alone could maintain themselves, and that the flowering tribes could only appear after a due change in the aerial constitution, which also gave to hot-blooded animals the opportunity of coming forth. That change, as we have said, consisted essentially in the appearance of a great excess of oxygen gas. Such a superficial examination of the question shows that there is a par- allelism between the physical conditions under which the animal series, in the lapse of countless centuries, has been placed, and those to which, in the shorter period of its history, the developing individual is submit- ted, at least as respects the respiratory function. But it is to be re- membered that respiration is the prime function in the animal economy. As regards the influence of heat, it has been remarked in the preceding chapter that, at the period of the first appearance of organic i n fl uen ce of forms, there was not only a high, but likewise a uniform tern- heat - perature all over the globe. The evidence establishing this is already given ; but if thus, in what might be termed the infancy of the organic 504 EPOCHS OF DIFFEKENTIATIOX. series, such a perfect uniformity in the condition of temperature obtain- ed, the same is often observed in the first periods of individual develop- ment. The circumstances under which the ovum commences its career, even in the highest tribes, insure for it a perfect relief from every varia- tion of heat. Included in the body of the female, it is cut off from all external causes of disturbance, and kept at the temperature of her body, whatever that temperature may be. In those cases, as in birds, in which the embryo is developed under circumstances of necessary exposure, a strong instinct is called into operation, and, by the incubation of the pa- rent, the necessary uniformity is secured. Again, in other instances, as in the ova of insects, which, by reason of their minuteness and their fre- quently exposed position, although they may run through their earlier changes with relatively great rapidity, some accomplishing them in the almost uniform warmth of a summer's day, development never does nor can occur until the required condition, even if it be temporary, as to uni- formity of temperature, is reached. These considerations, though not affording an absolute proof that the career of development is guided by the influence of external physical conditions, are sufficiently significant to cast an air of probability over that doctrine ; and even if we adopt the view that the developing germ possesses a plastic power, which spontaneously compels it to run forward from stage to stage in a predestined career if we recall what has already- been said respecting that plastic power, that perhaps it is itself nothing more than a manifestation of the remains of antecedent physical impres- sions, we are really brought back to the same starting-point ; and, under any hypothesis, we encounter, sooner or later, as a necessary postulate, the grand doctrine that, directly or indirectly, development is a function of external physical condition. It is not to be supposed that differentiation takes place with equal Epochs of dif- ease at a H periods of the history of organic forms, whether ferentiation. we consider them in the great scale, as constituting the ani- mal series, or* on the small, in the individual. There are undoubtedly epochs in each of their histories at which the exertion of an external in- fluence will produce an effect infinitely greater than that which would occur at any other moment. If we may be permitted to use such a me- chanical illustration, the career of an organism recalls the flight of a heavy projectile, as a shell, thrown upward, which, at the first moments of its ascent and the last of its descent, pursues its way irresistibly, but when it is at the top of its flight, and the momentum which had been im- parted to it is just ceasing, the slightest breath of air, or the exertion of any other insignificant force, will divert it into a path different from that in which it would have gone ; and so, in the career of an organism, there are moments when forces, which, at another time, would have been unfelt, REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT. 505 can bring on differentiation, and, through it, call into existence new func- tions, and thereby forever determine a new course, through which it must pass. It is because a due weight has not been given to this considera- tion that many physiologists have depreciated the influence of external circumstances, or even denied it altogether, for they have assumed that, since we can not produce a more marked change than we do in the way of accomplishing a variation in species by artificially altering the condi- tions under which they exist, such conditions can have had but little power in bringing them to their present state. Upon the whole, there can be no doubt that differentiation will occur in a more marked manner according as the exciting impres- Organic chan- sion is made at an earlier period of the organic career. Con- S^^/finft versely, the more advanced the organism, the less the prob- periods of life, ability of differentiation. For this reason it is that striking changes of this kind are rarely witnessed in individual life : they occur chiefly in the first embryonic states, and therefore, for the most part, require for their full manifestation generation after generation. Great organic varia- tions are not, then, to be expected in the individual, though they may be distinctly manifested in the course of time by the race to which it be- longs. CHAPTER IV. OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT. Relation of Organic Beings : they come from a similar Cell and develop to different Points. Their Division by Classification is fictitious.- Development and Differentiation. Homogenesis and Heterogenesis. They depend on physical Conditions. The reproductive State closes De- velopment. Development is from the General to the Special. Law of Von Bar. Invariable Sequence in OF REPRODUCTION: 1st. By Generation. Conjugation and Filaments. The Sperm-cell: its Production. Spermatozoa. The Germ-cell: its Production. Ovum in the Ovary. Its Structure. Corpus Luteum. Ovum in the Oviduct. Mulberry Mass. Germinal Membrane. The CJiorion. Ovum in the Uterus. Membrana Decidua. Placenta. Development of the Embryo. Types of Nutrition. Of Conception. Of Gestation. Of Parturition. Influence of both Parents. 2d. By Gemmation. Budding of Plants and Animals. Of Grafting. Limit of Gemmation. Influence of Temperature on Gemmation. Alternations of Generation. Its Explanation. IN the popular view of the organic world, each individual being is re- garded as maintaining an existence independent and irre- Popular view spective of all others, or, at most, only connected with those pJSenSXfo*. of its own race or kind. Without any apparent disturb- ganic beings. 506 THE PRIMORDIAL GERM. ance of the general system, this or that species or genus might never have existed, since it stands in no relation as being the product of others, nor as having been concerned in giving origin to others. But these superficial conceptions are now to .be replaced by others of a far more general and philosophical order, which present to us organic creation under an aspect of sublime grandeur, each class of beings standing in an intercommunication or connection with others a part of a plan, the manifestations of which are not limited to the forms now existing, but also include those presented by the ancient geological times. These views cast a flood of light not only upon the relations of the various races of life to one another, but also of the human family to them, illustrating the course through which man has hitherto passed, and indicating that through which, in future ages, he is to go. Starting from a solitary cell, development takes place, and, according All organic be- as extraneous forces may be brought into action, variable in thf\ame tf erm tne ^ r nature, and differing in their intensity, the resulting or- or cell. ganisms will differ. If such language may be used, the aim of Nature is to reach a certain ideal model or archetype. As the pas- sage toward this ideal model is more or less perfectly accomplished, form after form, in varied succession, arises. The original substratum or ma- terial is in every instance alike ; for it matters not what may be the class of animals or of plants, the primordial germ, as far as investigation has gone, is in every instance the same. The microscope shows no differ- ence, but, on the contrary, demonstrates the identity of the first cell, which, if it passes but a little way on its forward course, ends in pre- senting the obscure cryptogamic plant, or, if it runs forward toward reaching the archetype, ends in the production of man. The diversity of form that is eventually presented depends then, not upon the consti- tution or aspect of the primitive cell, but upon the influence of the many surrounding agencies to which it is exposed. In one instance, through The primitive the interworking of these agencies perhaps by cessation of ward^oTiffer- one or P erna P s by ^ s increased intensity development ent points. comes up rapidly to a certain point, and there stops. In another case, through change in the conditions, it runs to a farther de- gree, and there stops. Organic beings are, therefore, the materialized embodiment of what must take place through the action of given forces, of a given intensity, and under given conditions, on an evolving cell ; The ciassifica- and, though it may suit the purposes of description to classify Siy anTfic- t ^ iem * nto or ^ ers J genera, species, or other such subdivisions, titious. . it must never be forgotten that these are artificial fictions, and have no real foundation in nature. Not only is the primordial cell in all instances the same, but the first stages of its career are in all instances identical, and this whether we VALUE OF EMBRYONIC FORMS. 507 consider it in the lowest or the highest cases, belonging either to the veg- etable or the animal kingdom. It is a process of repetition or reproduc- tion, cell arising from cell. And here at once we may correct the lan- guage so often used indeed, which we have ourselves just used in this respect, for such terms as high and low are only to be employed in a very restricted sense. The evolving cell gives rise to other- cells, but for a pe- riod of time no indication is presented as to which of the two kingdoms it is to belong, animal or plant. By degrees, as the develop- Development ment goes on, that point is determined, and so, one after an- is attended by other, the unfolding mass gradually reveals the class, order, evolving of pe- family, genus, species, and, finally, its sex and individual pe- culiarities - culiarities. In all this there is an evolving of the special out of the gen- eral ; one after another, peculiarities, which are more and more minute, arise ; and thus we are not to regard the progress of development as tak- ing place from the lower to the higher, forms that are more and more com- plex arising in succession, but we are to regard it as the gradual unfold- ing of the special from the general. This career of development applies equally to the case of any individ- ual animal, or any race of animals. Thus man himself, in Analogy of de- succession, passes through a great variety of forms, from the ^faSSidual condition of a simple cell; these forms merging by degrees andin the race, into one another, the form of tlie serpent, of the fish, of the bird, and this not only as regards the entire system in the aggregate, but also as re- gards each one of its constituent mechanisms the nervous system, the circulatory, the digestive. Now, on the passage onward, these forms are to be regarded, as has been well expressed, each one as the scaffolding by which the next is built ; and just as man, in his embryonic transit, presents these successive aspects on the small scale, so does the entire animal series present them in the world on the great scale. Kaces of animals are not to be compared as though they were more perfect or low- er than one another, but as having advanced more or less in the direction from the general to the special ; and therefore, in this philosophical view, we are justified in regarding those animated forms which heretofore have been spoken of as lower in the animal scale as being, in reality, the em- bryos of those that are higher ; and this should lead us to a juster esti- mate of their relation of value toward one another, since we are very apt to contrast them in that respect. In the case of an individ- Value of em- ual, as in man, we put at once a true interpretation on the kryonic forms, value of the various transitory conditions through which he has passed, estimating these as of but little intrinsic importance; as being, as it were, no more than links in a chain ; and this may teach us a more just appre- ciation of the relations of animal races to one another and to the human species. It may teach us the folly of comparing, as some have endeav- 508 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPECIAL FROM THE GENERAL. ored to do, the animal tribes with ourselves ; of measuring their instincts with our mental operations ; things which are different terms of two dif- ferent series, and things which are incommensurable. There are three cases in which we might consider this career. These are, first, in the development of particular organs, as the digestive, res- piratory, or circulatory ; second, in the development of individual beings, which pass in their onward progress, as we have said, through various forms in succession; third, in the development of species, presenting what have been formerly designated as successive stages of increasing perfection. For all these various cases a single illustration may suffice, illustration of Thus, in the primitive period of life, a single membrane dis- the unfolding charges promiscuously and contemporaneously all the va- of the special f . f ,. ., -,. . .. . . from the gen- nous organic functions it digests, it respires, it secretes ; eral - but, a little .advance onward, special portions of it are allot- ted for one and another of these uses, and a localization, a centralization of function ensues, and things that were mixed in confusion become sep- arate and distinct. As the passage onward is made, still farther special- izations are introduced, and so on in succession. Thus at the two ex- tremes we may contemplate the single germinal membrane of the ovum, which is discharging contemporaneously every function digesting, ab- sorbing, respiring, etc. and the complete organic apparatus of man, the stQmach, the lungs, the skin, the kidneys, and the liver mechanisms set apart each for the discharge of a special duty, yet each having arisen, as we know positively from watching their order of development, from that simple germinal membrane. We must not, therefore, permit our- selves to be deceived by the appearance of complexity they exhibit, since, intricate as may be their construction, they have all arisen through gradual centralization, one duty being separated from another, and hav- ing an appropriate mechanism for itself; and so, at last, it comes to pass that even the minutest conditions are discharged by a special part. Thus, in the kidney, the salts are removed by one portion of the struc- ture and the organic constituents by another ; yet, even in these ut- most conditions of refinement, the primitive condition is at all times ready to be reproduced, and, when driven to it, each of these structures can act vicariously for the others, and discharge for the others their duty. It is unnecessary for our purpose to multiply instances, since every page of natural history, comparative anatomy, and embryology presents them in abundance ; but it may be to the purpose to remark that this doctrine leads to more worthy conceptions of the system of nature ; for if we suppose that there has been, in the case of the animal series, a passage from things that are less perfect to things that are more so, though this may be agreeable to our own experience, which is essen- ILLUSTRATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT. 509 tially tentative, it gives us very base notions of the manner Base nature of in which natural operations are conducted, since we can not ^ew oniw or- divest ourselves of the idea that such a passage from imper- ganic world. fection to perfection implies trial, verification, and improvement : a pro- cess which, though it is suited to the limited knowledge of man, is not in accordance with the precision, perfection, and energy of Nature, and is to "be rejected the moment we consider that we deal with the acts of Omniscience and Omnipotence. Moreover, that erroneous view leads to fallacious estimates, both in the animal series and in the individual, of the character of transitory forms, conferring on them too much inde- pendence, and therefore too much dignity; for the transitory forms of embryonic life and the forms of animal species are the equivalents of each other. Every living being, therefore, springs from a germ, which will develop itself into the likeness of its parent, provided it is submit- career and stop- ted to the same conditions through which, its parent pass- P a s e of a devel - ed ; but if the conditions be changed, it will either take pen ds on exter- on a new aspect, or if they have become incompatible, it nal condltlons - will cease to exist. Similarity of development depends on similarity of condition, as is abundantly proved by such instances as the almost per- fect resemblance of the two sides of the body, which, in reality, may be regarded as distinct individual forms. To the proof thus derived from bilateral symmetiy as occurring in man might be added such suggestions as arise from the well-known resemblance of twins ; and as identity of condition will thus give origin to analogy of development, so we may fairly infer that difference of condition, no matter in what respect the dif- ference may be, will give rise to difference of structure ; thus experienced gardeners have shown that the sex of flowers is, to a very great extent, determined by the brilliancy of the light in which they grow. Differ- ence in the supply of nutritive material removes the spines from one plant, or doubles the flowers of another, by changing its stamens . into petals, or alters the cycle of career, and makes annuals into biennials. As illustrations of the complete changes of form during development, 241. the three following cases may be presented : in Fig. 241 are shown the ova of the frog, which are trans- parent spherical bodies, containing a dark globule. From this, by de- velopment, the tadpole, which is a true fish, breathing by gills, arises. Development of the frog. The figures represent a side and upper view. After growth has taken place to a certain degree, a change of structure becomes apparent, limbs gradually emerging, and the ani- 510 ILLUSTRATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT. Fig- 242, mal, after passing through an inter- mediate state, eventually loses its gills and tail, ceases its aquatic, and commences aerial respiration, and shows the aspect, Fig. 242, of the perfect frog. Fig. 243 represents the success- ive metamorphoses of the Carcinus mamas, or edible crab, as given by Mr. Couch. A represents the animal Fig. 243. Development of the crab. on its emergence from the egg. It has a hemispherical shield on the head and thorax, with a projecting spine, a tail formed of six segments, the two last being joined laterally. The second form, at B, exhibits a great change: the spine has disappeared, the shield is depressed, the eyes on footstalks ; there are claws, and the tail is often carried bent under the body. When this shell, like its predecessor, has been cast, the third form, C, is assumed, the transition adapting the animal for walking rather than swimming. The final form, D, is taken on at the next moult, and now development ceases, and growth only takes place. Fig. 244 illustrates the metamorphoses of a lepidopterous insect, the Bombyx mori, or moth of the silk- worm. From the eggs there arises a caterpillar, which not on- ly possesses the means of locomotion by feet, etc., but also contains within it the rudiments of the organs to be eventually assumed. In this state Development of insects. the insect passes under the name of a larva, because it is covered with a series of teguments, GROWTH, DIFFERENTIATION, DEVELOPMENT. 511 which, like masks, conceal the interior structure. These, in succession, are cast off. After many such successive castings of the skin, the insect enters into the pupa or chrysalis state. It has no organs of locomotion, and, as it has been, with some degree of imagination, said, becomes an egg again. After resting in this state for a certain time, it bursts its confinement, and assumes the form of an aerial, swift-moving winged insect. This is its imago state. It will now be convenient to give a more precise definition to terms which have been hitherto used with a certain latitude. By the term growth is to be understood the increase in size of a struc- ture, without its assuming any variation as respects the na- Definition of ture of its fabric or of the functions it discharges. SS^ and By differentiation is meant an increase involving modifica- development, tion of fabric and the assumption of new function. By development is meant a differentiation of a higher order, or com- pound differentiation. Usually it implies growth and differentiation con- jointly. As illustrations of the preceding definitions, it may be said that a crys- tal grows, its enlargement presenting no structural variation and no new quality. Cells differentiate from their normal spherical form, and, assum- ing a cylindroid figure, give origin to vascular tissue, the vessels so aris- ing serving for new purposes, as for the conveyance of gases or liquids. A seed develops, for the organism to which it gives rise not only offers continually increasing dimensions, but at all points the origination of novel structures, arising by differentiation from adjacent and pre-existing ones, these new structures having also new functions. By homogenesis is meant the production of an organism in all respects like its parent ; by heterogenesis, the production of an or- Homoo . enesis ganism unlike its parent. and heterogen- For the sake of brevity and simplicity, we may suppose esis ' that there resides in every germ, and, therefore, in every organism, a prin- ciple or quality which governs the collocation or grouping of new parts, the same to which allusion has heretofore been made under the designa- tion of plastic power. It is unnecessary for us here to burden our con- ceptions of such a power with any hypotheses respecting its nature, it being understood that we use the title of this supposed agent only as an expression of convenience. The production of every organism appears, as far as existing observa- tions and experiments go, to be referable to a previously ex- An organ ,- c isting organism. This being admitted, generation and repro- molecule the duction imply, as their starting-point, an organic molecule. pou Such a combination, furnished with nutrition, grows, its plastic power 512 HOMOGENESIS AND HETEKOGENESIS. grouping the new material. But such a growth can not take place to any extent without a variation being encountered in the surrounding condi- tions, and the instant that this occurs, differentiation ensues as its neces- sary consequence. Growth under changed circumstances is then differ- entiation. If the order of variation, as regards condition, is exactly the Condition for same m tne case ^ two growing and differentiating combi- simiiarity of nations, their career of development will be exactly alike, and 2nt * the* forms they will present at the same epoch of their course will be the same. According as the career is short, the probabilities of identity are greater, since the chances of variation, which might be en- countered in the two cases, are less. But where the career is more pro- tracted, and many conditions in succession must be encountered, it can not happen that there will be an exact resemblance in the course of two organic combinations, and therefore there never can be an absolute iden- tity in the aspect of any two resulting forms. The general result of every development is heterogenesis. No parent Development organism ever reproduces another absolutely like itself, un- tendTtohete- ^ ess ** ^ e * n ^ e ^ owest developed types, in which the oppor- rogenesis. tunity for change is at a minimum. Homogenesis is only ap- proached as the conditions bringing on differentiation approach similari- ty; it therefore sinks into a special case coming under a more general law, and, indeed, speaking with exactness, we might say that in the nat- ural world it never occurs, the prevalent notion which regards it as the rule and heterogenesis as the exception being altogether illusory. Ev- ery grade of organism, vegetable and animal, furnishes us with examples of this truth. Let us look for a moment at the highest tribes ; and in them reproduction never takes place except by pairs of individuals of dif- ferent sexes. Eigorously, therefore, the births should also be by pairs of different sexes. Moreover, if it be necessary in these general and super- ficial considerations, let us direct our attention to the special case of man. The infant necessarily differs from one of its parents in sex, and from both in size, weight, endowments, and' physical attributes. It is like neither of them. The popular notion may suggest that a closer resem- blance will be reached, perhaps, after the lapse of thirty or forty years, when a nearer approach to the form of one of the parents may be offered with elements incorporated from the lineaments of the other ; but even m this case a rigorous examination compels us to admit that like has not produced like. Eeflecting on this popular illustration more profoundly, we discern Cycles of pro- wherein the error consists. Instead of comparing cycles of C ared and 00 " P rocess we ^ ave ^ een blundering with isolated forms, which individual arise at different epochs therein. Without going into tedi- ous details, man presents, as regards the most important of REPRODUCTIVE STATE ENDS DEVELOPMENT. 513 his constituent structures, his nervous system, the successive character- istics of an avertebrated animal, a fish, a turtle, a bird, a quadruped, a quadrumanous animal, before he assumes the special human character- istics. This is his cycle of life, and it is the same cycle in one case as in another. But the moment that our view is thus enlarged, we see that it is not the individual with which we should deal, for an individual we can scarce- ly define, since he is continually differing from himself. It is with a cy- cle of proceeding, or a course of operations that we are engaged, a series of forms being the outward manifestation of the succeeding periods of that cycle or course. An infant, though unlike both its parents in form, has run through a career like that passed through by them both. Sexual differentiation, which indeed is one of the last differentiations occurring, offers no excep- tion to the truth of this remark. The similitude lies in the career, not in the form taken at different epochs. The essential principle, then, is, not that an organism produces a like organism, but it produces a germ which, being placed under The reproduct _ similar circumstances, passes through a like career of devel- iv e state closes opment, and at successive periods offers an orderly series of forms. The career is commonly observed to close as soon as the capac- ity for reproduction is assumed. Hence, in every organism, the assump- tion of the reproductive state is the signal that the end of development is at hand. It does not plainly appear what are the circumstances which give rise to the assumption of this capacity ; nevertheless, it may take place at any moment of the career. In the Volvox globator it occurs almost at the close of the first stage, for the germ only reaches the condition de- scribed hereafter as the mulberry mass when it becomes capable of re- production ; but in man the developing organism has a long journey to perform beyond this first step. Except in the condition here dwelt upon, he differs in no respect from his humbler comrade at this point. The tendency to a gliding off into the reproductive phase is in him repressed, and therefore differentiation and development continue to go on. During the development of any new organism, the new parts uniformly arise from the old ones ; they are not built from foreign mate- All the parts of rials depositing themselves upon new centres, but are educed an . organism by the unfolding, enlarging, and modeling of parts already common cen- existing. An organism is not developed as we enlarge a tral origin- house, by building part to part, but it all expands from one common or single centre. As the sphere of its expansion becomes greater, the op- portunity arises for devoting different regions to different uses, and thus offices which were confusedly intermingled become separated out, and, KK 514 LAW OF VON BAR. as, in social undertakings, the division of labor gives greater perfection to the work, so in this, functions which, because they were blended, were imperfectly discharged, now assume precision and power, because they are disentangled from what were perhaps countervailing conditions. By these considerations, we are gradually led to the general law of de- velopment, first recognized by Yon Bar, and passing under LawofVonBar. r rrn J ? i his name. This is somewhat obscurely enunciated in the following terms : " The heterogeneous arises from the homogeneous by a gradual process of change." By this it is meant that, in the process of development, the stages are not from forms that are of a degraded to those of a higher type, but that from the general the special, which was therein included, is gradually evolved. In conclusion of these preliminary remarks on reproduction, it may be Invariable se- ^served that, even in the highest and most elaborate types, quence and dif- the causes which bring on differentiation follow each other in such a predetermined sequence, that the whole phenomenon might be said to be under the dominion of mathematical conditions. As a striking instance of this may be mentioned, in the case of man, the nu- merical equality of the sexes ; and that this singular result is determined by the alternate preponderance of conditions which are otherwise nicely balanced, is shown by the interesting instances occurring among insects of dimidiate and quadrate hermaphroditism, in .the former of which the resulting insect is of different sexes on the .two sides of its body, and in the latter the male and female portions are quadrantally arranged. If the left side of the head and thorax are those of a male- insect, the right half of the abdomen is of the same kind, the intervening portions being of the other sex. The neuter state might even be imagined to arise from the more precise blending, balancing, and confusing of such conditions as here give evidence of an incipient tendency to separate from one another. In the farther discussion of reproduction we shall find it conveniently Divisions of considered under two distinct divisions; first, generation; reproduction. secon <3 ? gemmation. Our attention may, then, be profitably directed to the singular facts known under the designation of alternation of generations. As illustrations of the terms here employed, it may be stated that the production of a seed and the development of a plant there- from are to be considered in connection with generation, and that the ob- taining of new plants and trees by budding and grafting, and the pro- duction of many new hydras by their sprouting forth from an old one, are to be considered under gemmation. By the alternation of genera- tions is meant that an organism, A, will give rise to a second one, B, wholly unlike itself, and that this second organism, B, will give rise to a third, C, unlike itself, but C shall resemble A. This singular condition GENERATION. 515 of things will be shown to originate in the periodical alternation of gen- eration and gemmation respectively. 1ST. OP GENERATION. Eeproduction by generation is accomplished on two different types : 1st. By the conjugation of two similar cells ; 2d. By filaments. In the first, that is, by the conjugation of two similar cells, a third body, called a sporangium, results. Of this process there Three modifi appear to be three different modifications : 1st. The two sim- cations of con- ilar conjugating cells discharge their endochrome, or coloring J u s atlon - material, each voiding itself completely, and the sporangium arises from the mixture ; 2d. A dilatation forms on the point of union of the two conjugating cells, and into this dilatation the endochromes of both cells are passed ; 3d. The endochrome of one cell is wholly retained, and that of the other is added to it, the one becoming void, and in the other the sporangium being produced. This, occurring in the lowest vegetables, among which it was for a long time supposed that the type of reproduc- tion is totally different from that of flowering plants and animals, pre- sents us with the first traces of what is eventually displayed as differ- ence of sex. This shadowing forth of the difference of sexes is illustrated in a very instructive manner by the Zygnema quininum, a fresh-water conferva. Its manner of growth is what has been already described in the case of the Conferva glomerata, Fig. 231. In the annexed Fig. 245 is repre- . Development and reproduction of Zygnema quininum. sented at A the process of growth by the subdivision of cells, a b c repre- senting three such cells, the middle one, 5, being in the act of subdivision. At B two threads are in the act of conjugation. The endochromes of both are spirally arranged, and dilatations reaching from one to the other are here and there seen. At C the endochromes of one thread, * gestation as the human female, the shortest period hitherto observed is 213 days, the longest 336. The shortest period at which human par- turition can occur, consistent with the viability of the child, appears to be about 23 weeks. The act of parturition in its first stage is to be referred to a contrac- tion of the muscular fibres of the fundus and body of the Mechanism of uterus with a synchronous relaxation of those of the cervix, parturition. 534 GEMMATION. At a later period the contraction of the expiratory muscles assists. After birth is accomplished, the mouths of the uterine vessels are closed through the contraction of the organ, the lochial discharge carrying with it any disintegrated residues of the deciduous membrane, and also large quanti- ties of fat, derived probably from the degeneration of the uterine struc- ture itself. That both parents are concerned in imparting characteristics to the Influence of child there can be no doubt : it is fully established where they both parents. are O f different races, as white and black, or white and red ; and equally in the case of animals, as in mules, produced by the mix- ture of different kinds. It is scarcely necessary to remark that this ex- tends to the communication of more refined peculiarities, the resemblance of countenance, figure, gesture, and even mental qualities, family like- nesses which we daily observe. These impressions are of a much more profound character than might at first be supposed, as is proved by the fact that the third generation will exhibit peculiarities belonging to its progenitors, though those peculiarities have not occurred in the second. Even after parturition is over there still remains impressed upon the fe- male a definite change : this is illustrated by the well-known case of a mare which had borne a colt by a quagga, her subsequent colts by horses being distinctly marked like the first ; and in the human female cases are of common occurrence in which the offspring of a widow, who has been married a second time, resemble her first husband. Marriage pro- duces in this respect a permanent change in the female, a constitutional impression not disappearing in any length of time, the influence of the first husband reappearing in the children of a subsequent contract. 2D. GEMMATION. The ascending axis of a plant is terminated by a differentiating part, Gemmation of surr ounded by protecting structures. From this, as growth plants and ani- takes place, leaves or their modifications are produced. This differentiating part is a bud. In like manner found in the axils of leaves similar buds, which pass by development into branches, but sooner or later the terminal buds are checked in their lon- gitudinal increase, and the parts to which they would have given origin Fig. 265. spirally being compressed into circles, a flower arises, and further development ceases, the reproductive phase being now assumed. Among the lower animals propagation by buds is also observed. Thus the hydra exhibits this manner of increase, as seen in Fig. 265 ; and even upon the buds thus produced, other buds, of a second order or Hydra budding. generation, are found. METHODS OF GRAFTING. 535 Propagation through the agency of buds is termed gemmation. It may be accomplished either by the natural or artificial separation of the buds from the parent stock. Thus, in the hydra, the buds may spon- taneously be separated from the parent, and thereby give rise to free in- dividuals, or they may be purposely cut off with the same result. In the case of plants, artificial separation is constantly resorted to, as in the various methods of budding and grafting employed by horticulturists for obtaining the finer varieties of flowers or fruits. It consists Methods of essentially in placing a bud of the plant which it is desired to g raftin g- propagate upon a stock of a different kind, in such a way that, as devel- opment of the bud or scion takes place, union or incorporation with the stock shall occur. There are many different ways in which grafting may be performed ; they all depend for their success, however, upon causing the alburnum of the scion to coincide with that of the stock, so that the vessels of the former may receive the sap arising from those of the latter. When the parts are thus adjusted, they are to be retained in their posi- tion by bandages or other suitable means, and protected from the air and rain by means of clay or wax. The most suitable time for this opera- tion is in the spring, just previous to the rising of the sap. There are certain limits within which the operation of grafting must be performed. The stock and the scion must be nearly re- Limits of gem- lated to each other. If species of different natural orders be mation ' grafted they will not take, but the species of the same genus may. If in this manner we take a bud, and graft it on a stock of an allied kind, it will continue to grow and develop in the same man- Nature of ner that it might have done without detachment from the propagation parent plant, and in the same manner from the new plant that. bygem has thus arisen, by a repetition of the process, plant after plant, for many generations, can be secured. Experience has taught us that, whatever might have been the peculiarities of the original from which the first bud was taken, those peculiarities, whether of odor, taste, color, or shape, will reappear in the product ; but experience has also taught us that thereds a limit beyond which these repetitions can not be conducted. The val- ued fruits and flowers of the old times have thus disappeared. Propaga- tion by gemmation is therefore considered as tending to exhaust the orig- inal plastic power. But it is to be remarked that, if from these artificial growths seeds be taken and caused to germinate, the plants so arising no longer present the special, and, perhaps, valued peculiarity, but in many instances run back at once to the original and wild stock. We are apt to attach to propagation by gemmation more importance than it really deserves in a philosophical point of view when it thus ap- pears to have given rise to new and successive generations of individuals. But, after all, wherein does it differ essentially from what goes on natur- 536 SPONTANEOUS GEMMATION. ally ? The manner of extension of any given plant is by bud after bud in succession, either terminal or axillary ; but this extension does not go on indefinitely ; it reaches a limit both as respects size and duration. We never notice in the development of a bud which remains attached to its parent stock the spontaneous appearance of novel qualities. The flowers and fruits are like all the others upon the same plant. If such a bud, then, removed from its parent seat, be permitted, under favorable conditions, to grow elsewhere, it might be expected, as is actually the case, that it would go on in its development without exhibiting any alterations. Essentially of an exhausting nature, reproduction by gemmation is limited. It can only be repeated a definite number of times. At the most, all that we do in this artificial process is to obtain a part of an old individual under a new and isolated form. We thereby relieve such new growth from the chance of those accidents which may befall the original stock ; but both for the one and for the other there is a definite term of life. When that term is approached, though we may take sci- ons or buds, and treat them with every care in the usual operation of grafting or budding, the operation will fail. There is a certain analogy between this incorporation of the parts of different plants and the so-called grafting or Taliacotian operations which are sometimes performed on the parts of animals, as the transplantation of the spur of one bird on the top of the comb of another, or many of the plastic operations of surgery ; but these parts do not necessarily perish in the manner which has been indicated by Butler in his Hudibras. Propagation by gemmation and reproduction by generation are, in many instances in the animal series, resorted to alternately for the con- tinuation of the race. Thus, during the summer season, propagation by gemmation may serve to increase the number of a given kind, but if these should be unable to maintain themselves during the cold of winter, the race would inevitably become extinct, unless reproduction by ova were resorted to ; for though the developed animal may not be able to with- Influence of stand the decline of temperature, the ova may. Thus, in spontaneous 011 a hydra, propagation by gemmation continues until the ex- gemmation, ternal temperature lowers to a certain degree, and that at once brings on a reversion to the other process. The same thing has been observed in the case of the aphis, which multiplies by gemmation until there is a reduction of temperature, and then it multiplies by gener- ation. We have already dwelt at length on the control which external circumstances have over development; it is, therefore, no more than might be expected that they should, in like manner, determine the processes of propagation and reproduction. Gemmation occurs only in a very doubtful way and under special cir- cumstances among the more advanced members of the animal series. In ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS. 537 man, there is reason to suppose that gemmation can only take place in the earliest periods of existence, perhaps at the epoch of the formation of the mulberry mass. Upon this principle an explanation of the occur- rence of double monsters has been given. 3D. ALTERNATION OP GENERATIONS. It has been already explained that by this phrase is meant that a pa- rent plant or animal will give origin to a form wholly unlike Alternate em itself, and this form, perhaps after the lapse of years, will mation and give origin to another unlike itself, but similar to the original S eneratlon - progenitor. Thus the Salpse present themselves under two different as- pects, the solitary and the aggregated, the latter being produced from the former by being Thudded off in an internal stolon, the individuals being united to one another in an aggregation or chain after they have been separated from the parent. These aggregated salpas alone have sexual organs and produce ova. From each ovum a solitary salpa arises, which repeats the process described again. The solitary salpa, therefore, mul- tiplies by gemmation, the aggregate by generation. Nor is this process confined to animals ; it is also observed in the case of plants. Thus, in ferns, the spore produces the prothallium, which becomes a distinct or- ganism, separated from its parent, and carrying on its nutritive processes independently for itself. From it arises by generation a fern like the original, which, like it, by gemmation, produces prothallia, but never directly produces a fern. Therefore between each fern and its descend- ant a prothallium intervenes, the prothallium arising by gemmation from the fern, and a fern arising by generation from the prothallium. After a careful examination of Steenstrup's doctrine of alternations of generation, Dr.. Carpenter concludes that it can not be re- ,, , L Explanation ceived in the form originally presented, since we should re- of alternations gard a generation as embracing the entire product from gen- of s eneratlon - erative act to act. Indeed, the intermediate forms are often nothing more than sexual organs, furnished or not with an apparatus of locomo- tion, or, in "the more complicated cases, having a mechanism of nutrition attached sufficient for their purpose. The correctness of this interpreta- tion may be illustrated by such cases as the development of medusa buds, which, being first attached to the parent, gradually exhibit the formation of an independent digestive apparatus, and when this has reached a cer- tain degree of perfection, they are separated and swim off, generative or- gans then arising in these buds by which true ova are formed. In the Sentularidas buds are developed in ovarian capsules, and these reproduce in their turn ova by generation. The rate at which gemmation goes on in many of these instances is obviously connected with physical condi- tions, more particularly the degree of temperature and the supply of food. 538 GROWTH OF MAN. The fact of the apparent dissimilarity between the product of gemma- tion and the product of generation ceases to have any force as soon as we consider the former in the attitude which it really ought to occupy, as not constituting a distinct individual, but merely a part, a derivative, or an appendix of the product of generation ; and this view of Dr. Car- penter's seems, therefore, to be the proper interpretation of the whole case. CHAPTER V. THE GROWTH OF MAN. Infancy. Weight and Size of the Infant. Weight and Size at subsequent Periods. Develop- ment of the Intellect. Maturity of Man. Tendency to Crime. Maxima of Physical and Men- tal Strength. Mental and Physical Decline. Mortality at different Periods of Life. Comparative Structure, Functions, and Mortality of the two Sexes. Artificial Epochs of Life. Gradual Change in the Mental Qualities. Independent Existence of the Soul. IN the last chapter the successive stages of embryonic development were described. It was shown that at one period nutrition is solely at the expense of the yolk of the ovum, which is appropriated, by a simple surface-imbibition ; and that this, in due time, is succeeded by what has been designated tuft nutrition. At a later period, this mode, in its turn, is replaced by another, depending on a vascular arrangement, the pla- infancy of centa. For a considerable period after birth a fourth system is man. relied on, nourishment by milk ; and it is only by degrees, when the necessary changes have been made in the digestive mechanism, the teeth being cut, that the final mode of nutrition is assumed. Even after this the human infant leads a dependent life, because of its own weak- ness and imbecility, irrespectively of any peculiarities of our social state. So far, therefore, from man not exhibiting those metamorphoses which are undergone by the lower members of the animal series, he of all dis- plays them in the most marked way, for they do not cease at the period of birth, but reach through many subsequent years a gradual develop- ment of the body, attended by a gradual change in the manifestations of the mind. At birth, the human infant is the very representative of weakness and imbecility. Though, unlike many other mammals, it opens its eyes at once, it exhibits no token of visual perceptions ; though it may be sub- jected to sounds or noises of various kinds, it takes no notice whatever of them. This condition of inertness is followed by a condition of con- fused sensation, which by degrees is succeeded by a capability of ap- THE TEETH. 539 predating special ideas. Buffon has very truly said that the earliest period of conscious existence is a scene of pain, the life of the infant "be- ing divided between sleep and crying ; from its slumbers it is awakened only by the pains of hunger ; nor is it until after the lapse of many days, or even weeks, that the first smile is seen. It is too feeble to turn from side to side, but remains in the position in which it was placed. Its skin, which at birth was covered over with a whitish incrustation, the vernix caseosa, becomes reddish, the depth of this tint, however, shortly passing away. At this period, moreover, life is purely vegetative, the in- fant feeding and sleeping. The biliary matter, meconium, which had ac- cumulated in its intestine during foetal life, is discharged in the course of a day or so after birth, and the digestive apparatus enters on its functions with activity. It is said that the infant smiles soon after it is forty days old ; though it can cry it can not shed tears. Before long it gives indications of its satisfactions and dislikes. The power of moving in an erect posture is gained by it in the course of a year, and by the close of that time it can masticate. Of its teeth, the central incisors appear about the seventh month, those of the lower jaw first ; the lateral incisors about the eight or tenth, the anterior molars about the twelfth, and the ca- nines about the eighteenth, the posterior molars being cut between that time and three years. The average date of the appearance of the perma- nent teeth is, the front molars about the seventh year ; middle incisors, eighth ; lateral incisors, ninth ; anterior bicuspids, tenth ; second bicuspids, eleventh ; canines, twelfth to thirteenth ; second molars, twelfth to four- teenth; and the last molars from the seventeenth to the twenty-firs, t year. The power of articulate speech is displayed within twelve or fifteen months, some letters being more easily gained than others ; among themareA,B,P,M. From henceforth the mind emerges with rapidity from the confusion of a multitude of impressions, and learns to concentrate itself Concentration at pleasure upon one. This capability of mental abstraction of the atten- is a process of specialization, and is a manifestation of the tlon ' law of Von Bar. The intellectual difference which we eventually observe between one man and another is, to no inconsiderable degree, dependent upon such an ability of concentrating thought. He who conceives of a thing distinctly is very likely to express -himself of it clearly. Throughout infancy and childhood, the features, and even the gestures, indicate the profound constitutional changes which are going on. The countenance, instead of expressing pleasure and pain in the aggregate by smiling or crying, as was the case at first, gains the faculty of represent- ing every grade of feeling. Long before maturity is reached we read without difficulty the thoughts which are passing in the mind from the 540 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM OF HEIGHT. movements of the lip or the eye, and the painter can express every shade of feeling, and every emotion, by the mere configuration of the outward form. The monthly growth of the foetus for six months before birth is es- Mean length tablished at two inches. At birth, the mean length of boys of the infant. j s jgi. j ncneS) an d of girls 18 inches, the former being there- fore a little the longer. At sixteen or seventeen years the growth of girls is relatively as much Growth of boys advanced as that of youths of eighteen or nineteen. For and girls. the most part, the inhabitants of towns are taller than those of the country. The full height is not reached, in some instances, until twenty-five years ^ in very warm and very cold climates it is more quick- ly attained. The recumbent position is regarded as being favorable to growth, and, influenced by his own weight, an individual is shorter in the evening than when he first rises from bed in the morning. With regard to the rate of growth, it may be observed that it is most rapid immediately after birth, and continually diminishes until about five years, the epoch of maximum of probable life. It then remains equable to about sixteen years, the annual growth being 2-^ inches. After pu- berty it declines, being, from sixteen to seventeen years, 1J inches, and during the next two 1 inch only. The annual increment relatively to the height then attained continually diminishes from birth. The foetus grows as much in length in a month as the child from 6 to 16 years does in a year. The limits of growth of the two sexes are unequal, be- cause women are smaller than men, terminate their growth sooner, and annualjy grow less. Individuals in affluent circumstances may often surpass the standard height, but misery and fatigue are liable to produce the opposite effect. Longevity is generally less for persons of great height. As to the maximum and minimum of height, it may be remarked that Maximum and Frederick the Great had a Swedish body-guard whose height minimum was eight feet three inches ; and, on the other hand, Birch ian ' states that there was an individual, 37 years old, whose height was sixteen inches. In view of these and other such facts, Quetelet fixes on 8 feet 3 inches as the maximum, and 1 foot 5 inches as the minimum of height ; he gives as the mean 5 feet 4 inches. Half the men of France, at the age of conscription, are between 5 feet 2 inches and 5 feet 6 inches, but the wars incident on the great Revolution made a permanent impression on the French in this respect by lowering the standard through the consumption of the taller men. M. Quetelet more- over remarks, that in ten millions of men there is but one more than 6 feet 8 inches, and one less than 4 feet. There is reason, however, to be- lieve that this statement will not hold good of America. WEIGHT AND HEIGHT. 541 As regards weight, new-born boys are heavier than girls. An average taken from 20,000 gives 6 Ibs. as the weight at birth; the weight of maxima and minima have been 10 J Ibs. and 2 J Ibs. For about infan ts. a week after birth the weight diminishes, owing to the effect of aerial respiration. The difference in weight between the two sexes gradually diminishes until about the twelfth year, when an equality is reached. The maximum w*eight is attained about 40, and as 60 is ap- We - tt at dif _ proached a diminution is perceived, which reaches 12 Ibs. ferent periods at about 80 years, the stature likewise correspondingly di- minishing by about 2| inches ; the female reaches her maximum weight somewhat later, at about 50 years. The extreme limits of weight in men are 108 Ibs. and 216 Ibs. ; in women, 87J Ibs. and 206 Ibs. The mean weight at nineteen is nearly that of old age in both sexes. At full development the male and female weigh almost exactly 20 times as much as at birth. In the first year the infant of both sexes triples its weight. It requires six years more to double that, and thirteen to quadruple it. Immediately after puberty both sexes have half their ultimate weight. Between the ages of 25 and 40 the mean weight of the male is 136J Ibs., and of the female 120f Ibs. With respect to the relation between weight and height, if man increased equally in all his dimensions, the weight would be as the cube Eelation of of the height ; but since this is not so, development taking place height and unequally, the proportion is not observed, and it is found that weig fc * from the end of the first year to puberty the weights are as the squares of the heights. M. Quetelet gives as an approximate rule that during development the squares of the weights at different ages are as the fifth power of the heights, the transverse growth being less than the growth in height. The mean weight of a male, without reference to age, is 103f Ibs. ; of a female, 93f . A similar calculation for the population of the United States as that which has been given by this philosopher for Brus- sels would give for the total weight of all Americans two thousand six hundred and thirteen millions of pounds. The weight of an individual, considered without reference to age or sex, is 98J Ibs. From birth until puberty the mode of life is essentially vegetative, all the instincts having relation to the individual and corporeal development. Except through the intervention of education, the desires of the child are chiefly directed to the pleasures of mere vegetative existence, eating and drinking ; and this, in savage races, is witnessed in a much more mark- ed manner than in those that are civilized, in whom the manner of life is affected through the intervention of parental care. In this particular it may be remarked that maternal love is divisible into an in- Maternal love stinctive and a moral affection, the former of a lower and of two kinds. 542 MATURITY OF MAN. more animal kind, the latter of a higher and intellectual ; the former lim- ited to the period of infantile helplessness and dependence, and succeed- ed by the latter as maturer years are attained. In savage races, howev- er, instinctive affection seems alone to exist, and the intensity of moral affection is, to a certain extent, a measure of civilization. Throughout Character of t ^ ie ^ rst ^ teen y ears of life, with the gradual development the life of chil- of the body there is also a steady intellectual progress, the dren ' gains of which seem to be greatest at the earlier periods, and less and less marked as maturity is approached. When we recall the wonderful advance accomplished in the first years, embracing the acqui- sition of speech, and a knowledge of the nature and qualities of a thou- sand surrounding objects, we might be led to suppose that our mental acquisitions decline with the progress of life ; but this is altogether de- ceptive ; for, though the acquirements of later years be less obvious, they are none the less important and none the less profound. Through the successive changes to which allusion has now been made, The maturity each of which is a strict metamorphosis, and each of which, of man. w ^ n its special structures, has its special functions, man at last reaches maturity. In some cases, as we have seen, the stature contin- ues increasing until after the twenty-fifth year, and throughout the whole mature period, even after what has been termed the meridian of life is gained, the weight also becomes greater. This increase of weight, how- ever, has not so much a relation to the muscular as to the respiratory sys- tem, for the former reaches its perfection at a much earlier date, the in- creasing development of the middle period of life being due to a continued tendency to the accumulation of fat. At this period, moreover, the object of life has undergone an entire change ; the vegetative propensity, or that for the exclusive development of the individual, has declined in prom- inence, and the reproductive has been assumed. With this there have been awakened new sentiments and new emotions, affording still another corroborative proof of the connection of mental habitudes and structural condition. The psychical powers are now advancing toward maturity, an advance which they continue to make until about the fiftieth year. Throughout this whole period, and even at this extreme date, we still notice how much intellectual capacity is connected with the perfection of corporeal development. It needs but a little experience for us to de- termine at a glance the intelligent from the obtuse, and to read even the minor shades of character in the aspect of the face. Without being aware of it, we are constantly putting into requisition the principles of phrenology and physiognomy, and drawing conclusions respecting char- acter to a certain degree correct, from the expression of the eyes, the lin- eaments of the countenance, or the configuration of the head. The actions of man are closely connected with the physical and moral TENDENCY TO CRIME. 543 circumstances under which he is placed. The greatest nura- The tendency ber of crimes against persons and property is among the inhab- to crime in itants of river-banks. The period of the maximum of crimes n against persons coincides with that which is the minimum against prop- erty, and is the summer season. As respects each individual, his tend- ency to crime is at first against property, and this reaches its maximum at about 25 years of age, whereas the tendency to crime against persons commences later than that against property, and increases with the in- crease of strength. In crime, man, as he grows older, substitutes strata- gem for force. If brought up in a liberal profession, his tendency in crime is against persons, but that of the workman is against property. Elementary instruction, so far as reading and writing go, does not lead to the diminution, but rather to the increase of crime : a very Pre j udicial efL important conclusion, more particularly in the United States, feet of low ed- in many portions of which this kind of education is chiefly patronized by government, to the exclusion, to a certain extent, of that which is of a higher grade, and which serves to correct this important defect.. Moreover, superficial education makes the mind a ready recep- tacle for every kind of imposture, and has been the cause of the rapid spread of many modern delusions, such as spiritualism and homoeopathy. As regards women, their tendency to crime, when compared with that of men, is as 23 to 100 ; at least this is the case in France. _ Ine tendency Their tendency for the perpetration of crimes against persons to crime in is less than that for crimes against property in the proper- ^ tion of 16 to 26. It is interesting to observe that the physical force of woman, as compared with that of man, is also as 16 to 26. From such considerations, it may therefore, perhaps, be concluded that the morality of women is about the same as that of men, their physical feebleness and modesty being taken into account. In woman, the maximum tendency for crime occurs at about 30 years, but then she relinquishes that dispo- sition sooner than man. Her tendency to theft, however, begins early, and lasts through life. When she desires to commit murder, she em- ploys, by preference, poison. In this may be discerned the influence of her constitutional element, physical feebleness. Timid at explosions and at the sight of blood, if driven to the extremity of self-destruction, she instinctively resorts to drowning. Women, like men, who are the res- idents of towns, are much less moral than those who live in the country. This may be inferred from such facts as that the annual percentage of still-births occurring in the former is very near double of that occurring in the latter case ; and though this may be, to a certain extent, connect- ed with the fashionable restraints of clothing and social dissipations, it is far more due to female depravity. The illegitimate births of towns compared with those of the country are as 23 to 7. Among the still- 544 MAXIMA OP STRENGTH. "born, the illegitimates are to the legitimates as 5 to 3. In the city of Berlin, the illegitimate still-births are to the legitimate in as high a pro- portion as 3 to 1. The passions of man are gratified in a manner that seems to be inde^ pendent of religious profession. The open dissoluteness of one country- is counterpoised by the secret crime of another. Protestant England and Catholic France exhibit a striking illustration. In the former, in 1845, the number of illegitimates was 70 per thousand of the whole num- ber of children born. In France it was about 71. During the process of the development of the intellect of man, various Succession of P s y c ^ ca l persuasions in succession arise, which are frequent- psychical per- ly imputed to education or tradition, but of which the origin is undoubtedly to be traced to the organization. Those gen- eral ideas that are found all over the world, among all races of mankind, whatever may be the climate in which they live, their social condition, or religious opinions ideas of what is good and evil, of virtue, of the efficacy of penance and of prayer, of rewards and punishments, and of another world : these, from the uniformity of their existence in all ages and in all places, must be imputed to the stamp that has been put upon our cerebral organization. In the same light we must view, as Dr. Prich- ard has said, the delusions and fictions which are universal, such as ghosts and genii, giants and pigmies. Universal opinions are not the result of accident, nor always of tradition. They are often creations of the mind, arising from peculiarities of its constitution. Arrived at maturity, the system of man commences at once to decline, Successive max- the epochs of the maximum of physical and mental strength and mental S1< l not however, coinciding ; that for the former occurring at strength. about the 25th year, as previously remarked, but that for the latter not until between the 45th and 50th year. At this period, when the powers of imagination and reason have reached their highest degree, the liability to mental alienation and insanity is also at its max- Order of men- i mum< Somewhat later, the physical system plainly be- tai and physi- trays that it is pursuing its downward course, retracing the steps through which it passed forward to development. Soon there is an evident decrease of weight, the nutritive operations being no longer able to repair the waste of the body. There is also a diminution of the height. This corporeal decay is the signal for a depression of the mental powers, the first which begins to yield being probably that of con- centrating or abstracting the thought. As years pass on, external im- pressions exert a diminished influence, and he who at an earlier period reached the meaning of things, as it were, almost by intuition, now casts his eyes over page after page without an idea being communicated to his mind. The old man querulously complains that he reads his book, but LONGEVITY. 545 does not understand what it means. With this failure of per- Extreme old ception the powers of memory decline, recent events fading a s e - away first, "but those of early life being recollected last. The present no longer possesses an interest, for the brain is less capable of receiving any new impressions. One after another, the organs of sense fail to discharge their functions ; the sight becomes misty, the hearing dull ; there is an indisposition for exertion, a desire for repose. The white-bearded pa- triarch of a hundred years sits quietly by the fireside, resting his hands on the top of his staff. Instances of Longevity. Yean. Attila 124 Margaret Patten 137 The Countess of Desmond 145 Thomas Parr 152 Thomas Damme 154 John Kovin > 172 His wife.... > .-. 164 Peter Torton 185 The mortality of towns is greater than that of the country. As we advance from the midst of the temperate region toward the i j0ca i raor . equator or toward the poles, it also increases : thus, in the tali< y- northern portions of Europe, the annual mortality is as 1 to 41 ; that of Central Europe, 1 to 40^ ; that of Southern Europe, 1 to 33^. Con- sidered as respects different periods of life, the rate of mor- Mortality at tality varies very much. Of both sexes, 22 per cent, die different peri- before they are one year old, and 37 per cent, before they are five years old. Male infants are, however, more liable to die imme- diately after birth than female, but at the close of about two years their mortality is the same. Nine twentieths of the whole number born die before they are fifteen years of age, that is, before they have become use- ful to the community. The mortality among girls increases between 14 and 18, and among men between 21 and 26. In France and Belgium, from 26 Relative raor . to 30 is the epoch of marriage, and at this period the mortal- tality of the ity is the same in both sexes. It then increases for the s women during the years of childbearing, and afterward again becomes equal for both. At 25 years half the births are dead. The mean life may be estimated at 33 years. The maximum expectancy of life is at 5 years, at which age the risk of mortality is suddenly reduced, and be- comes small till puberty, when, especially among girls, it becomes great. From 60 to 65 the chances of life are again at a minimum. To the foregoing statements, in which contrasts have been drawn be- tween the male and female, the following may be added : Not only is there a difference in the entire stature, but the different portions of the M M 546 PECULIAEITIES OF THE FEMALE. Comparison of body have not the same relative size. The capacity of the *f Vemale and s ^ u ^ * n * ne f ema ^ e is ^ ess tne body is longer ; the lower ex- female, tremities shorter ; the pelvis of greater size, especially in its transverse diameter; the heads of the thigh bones, therefore, farther apart, and the bones themselves including a larger angle than in the case of the male ; the chest and the abdomen are respectively more convex ; the trans- verse diameter at the shoulders smaller, and the upper extremities, like the lower, shorter ; the hands and feet, fingers and toes, of less size. The surface presents a more elegantly rounded form, without angularities ; the skin thinner and more translucent ; the hair of the head is longer and finer, but other portions of the skin less covered with hair ; the nails smaller and thinner. The strength of the female is to that of the male as 16 to 26. Her Functional e musc ^ es contract with less energy, and are more easily wea- cuiiarities of ried. The peculiarities of the construction of the bones of female. j^ p e } v i s an( j cnes t respectively give rise to peculiarities in the movements of the lower and upper extremities ; hence the character- istic manner of walking and movement of the arm in attempting to throw a stone. In the chapter on the voice we have already pointed out the female peculiarities in speaking and singing, and its more acute quality. With respect to her moral and intellectual peculiarities, these are man- Her moral and ^ este ^ ^ rom * ne earliest infancy in the sports and games intellectual pe- which she instinctively follows. Coming to maturity more rapidly than the male, she abandons these, though they may still be enjoyed by boys of her own age, whom, for the course of a year or two, she regards with neglect or even disrespect, a feeling soon after to be followed by timidity. Education and the position in which she may have been placed may, to a certain extent, control or disguise her habits, but they can never wholly obliterate the striking predominance of her moral over her intellectual qualities, as compared with man. Es- sentially religious, her faith is applied to almost all the ordinary affairs of life, though when she finds that she has been deceived she is ever dis- trustful. From the earliest times it has been remarked that her revenge, more particularly when it concerns wounded pride, is implacable. Much more than the male she is delighted with the adornments of dress. Her reasoning powers are less vigorous, though her sensations are more acute, yet she bears pain with more resignation than man. Her judgment is not so evenly balanced, and is often perverted by the preponderance of her feelings. It has been asserted that these moral and intellectual pe- culiarities which she presents when compared with man are distinctly traceable to the phrenological predominance of the moral over the intel- lectual regions of the brain. The physiologist who is thus obliged to speak of the constitutional EPOCHS OF LIFE. 547 and mental imperfections of the female, may be permitted to turn with delight from the dry details of statistics and anatomy to the family and social relations, for it is therein that her beautiful qualities shine forth. At the close of a long life, checkered with pleasures and misfortunes, how often does the aged man with emotion confess that, though all the ephemeral acquaintances and attachments of his career have ended in dis- appointment and alienation, the wife of his youth is still his friend. In a world from which every thing else seems to be passing away, her affec- tion alone is unchanged ; true to him in sickness as in health, in misfor- tune as in prosperity, true in the hour of death. When the schemes that occupied his active years have vanished, or, if realized, are now no more to him than vanities which hardly fasten his thoughts ; when, in the feeble extremity of age, every thing is a burden to him, and the pass- ing excitements of others can not even arouse his attention, the echo of those prayers is still heard which his unskillful tongue first learned at his mother's knee. The stern, the avaricious, the hard-hearted, the intellect- ual, all are equally brought to confess who was their first and who is their last true friend. The necessities of society have led to the establishment of artificial epochs in the life of man. In most countries, the first recog- Artificial nized movements of the foetus are taken as the period from e P chs of life - which independent life begins, and the twenty-first year is fixed as the time of maturity. These arbitrary dates answer the purpose very well, but they have not that physiological significance which is commonly sup- posed, for neither of them coincides with any great change in the mode of life. Of the metamorphoses through which we pass, the final one, oc- curring at puberty, which separates the merely vegetative from the re- productive period of life, is, under the circumstances of the case, with the exception of the assumption of aerial respiration at birth, the only obvious one. The change which then ensues is in no respect less marked than the passage to the perfect or imago state by insects. Development sud- denly takes on a new phase, and with the physical change correspond- ingly occur changes in the psychical endowments modesty and woman- ly sentiments in the one sex, courage, the perception of honor, and manly qualities in the other, the capability of mutual love in both. Even among animals under the same conditions, analogous results are presented, though in a less refined way. The human species is no exception to the observation long ago made, that the undue extension of the vegetative period of life into Encroachment the reproductive is at the expense of the latter. In the same manner that a tree overladen with foliage presents its flow- life. ers scantily, so a love for the pleasures of the table and a predominating epicurean turn is often the indication of incapability. 548 CHANGE OF MENTAL QUALITIES. Up to the fourteenth year, the human being lives solely for itself; its Gradual instincts are for the gratification of its present wants, and change in the t j lose wan ts are, for the most part, connected with its vegeta- ties. tive development. After that period its life is for the future, and is in relation to the race. With this more elevated condition, new emotions and passions have been awakened ; there is a gradual unfolding of the mental powers, and a balancing arising from increased knowledge and increased experience ; yet, even now, the mental qualities that are most marked are only the extension of those the germ of which may be discovered at the first dawn of reason, and the same may be said even of our intellectual impressions. The ideas we have gathered as members of a family are reproduced and expanded in our religious views, and the government of GOD is presented to the human heart less acceptably when he is set forth as the Almighty Maker of the world than as the Universal Father and Giver of all good. In a preceding chapter I have already shown how the existence of the Parallel of cor- immaterial spirit of man may be investigated physiologically, mental Tevel- ^ ma 7 no * ^ e out of place here to dispose of an argument opment. that some have insisted on, that, since the development of the mind proceeds in an equal step with the development of the body, each expanding or declining with the other, the dissolution of the animal fabric is the token of the death of the soul. Against this doctrine the whole human family, in all ages, has borne its testimony, and, if univer- sal ^impressions arise from physical constitution far more than they do from tradition, it may be truly said that that doctrine is incompatible with the organization of man. Probably there is no question which has received a greater amount of individual and general attention none which has more deeply exercised the thought of the profoundest intellect ; and what is the actual result ? Whatever may be the social state, bar- barous or polished, whatever the manner of life, whatever the climate, whatever the form of religion, the assertion of the existence of the spirit after death is so universal, that it may be termed one of the organic dog- mas of our race. Indeed, we may affirm that the mind has to be edu- cated, trained, or strained before it becomes capable of an opposite view, which, even then, will be doubtingly entertained. If there is a point in natural philosophy which may be regarded as independent ^ na ^7 settled, it is the imperishability of the chemical ele- existence of ments and the everlasting duration of force. With the sys- tem of nature existing as it is, we can not admit that an atom of any kind can ever be destroyed ; and a like assertion may be made of force. Heat may give rise to motion, motion to electricity, electricity to heat : one kind of force may be converted into another, there being a perfect correlation or quality of substitution among them. The quan- THE SOUL. 549 tity of power is now the same as it ever was. Its variations are analo- gous to the apparent transmutations of ponderable material. They are mere metamorphoses. Matter and force are equally incapable of destruction. Each constitu- ent atom of the animal mechanism, though it may be dismissed for the time as useless, is not lost, but sooner or later is economized in some organic form again. The heat which seems to arise from the most in- significant muscular contraction has been, so to speak, many a time in existence before, and after it has escaped from the system is not lost to the world, but discharges one function after another forever ; and if thus neither matter nor force can die, it would be a great anomaly if the prin- ciple of conscious identity were capable of annihilation. Like them, it may be capable of modification or change, and, like them, it is not capa- ble of loss of existence. The creeds of various nations recognize this great truth ; they differ only in their ideas of what that future state of modification may be. Perhaps in some age hereafter physiology will find herself sufficiently advanced to offer her opinion on this profound topic, for I can not think that GOD has left us without a witness in this matter, even in the struc- ture and development of the body itself. From the moment that we see the first traces of the nervous mechanism lying in the primitive groove, we recognize the subordination of every other part to that mechanism. For it, and because of it, are introduced the digestive, the circulatory, the secretory, the respiratory apparatus. They are merely its ministers. And, fastening our attention on the course which it pursues, we see that it is at once a course of concentration and development. The special is at each instant coming out of the more general, and, from the beginning to the end, the whole aim is at psychical development. The germinal membrane is cast away as soon as a stomach can be prepared, aquatic respiration ceases as soon as aerial can be maintained. The scaffolding that was of use at one moment is thrown aside as soon as a new eleva- tion is reached. The germ, the embryo, the infant, are only successive points in a progress which at every instant displays this casting away of the means that have been used as soon as they are done with. That is the style in which the work is carried on. The principle which ob- scurely animated the germ is the same which in a higher way animates the embryo, and this again is the same which, in a more exalted condi- tion, animates the infant and the man. The cloudy speck which ushers in the phantasmagoria of life expands as the great Artist directs until every lineament has become visible. That active agent which was first laid in a fold of the germinal mem- brane was not annihilated when its type of life was changed to placental and therefore aquatic respiration. It withstood the shock when again, 550 THE SOUL. after a due season, it was suddenly made to breathe the air. Arrived at the mature condition, there is not in its companion-body a single particle that was present at birth. All has changed. And, what is still more important, not only has there been this interstitial removal, but, in suc- cession, the very nature of every one of its organs has changed. It is needless now to repeat how many different systems of nutrition it has depended on how many sorts of stomachs in succession it has had how it has breathed by a membrane, by gills, and by lungs how it has carried on its circulation without a heart, with a heart of one cavity, and finally with one of four. Through all these losses and changes the im- material principle has passed unscathed, and even gathering strength. In the broadest manner that a fact can be set forth, we see herein the complete subordination of structure and the enduring character of spirit. Whatever may be the mechanism that is wanted, it is in readiness for its time ; and when it has finished its duty, is neglected and disappears. There is, therefore, a sound reason in the conclusion to which mankind, perhaps from a mere instinctive impression, have come, that the soul will exist after death, for, after surviving so many mutations, the removal of so many of what seemed to be its firm and essential supports, we are jus- tified in expecting that it will bear without ruin the entire withdrawal of the whole scaffolding. As I have pointed out, we have precisely the same reason for believ- ing the existence of the immortal spirit that we have for knowing that there is an external world. The two facts are of the same order. Of the future continuance of that external world, irrespective of ourselves, we entertain no doubt ; indeed, in certain cases, as in those presented by astronomy, we are able to tell its state a thousand years hence. So long as our attention was confined to statical physiology, every thing connect- ed with the subject now under consideration was enveloped in darkness, but it will be very different when dynamical physiology begins to be cultivated dynamical physiology, which speaks of the course of life, of organs, individuals, and races. The law of development will guide us to an interpretation of many things which are now shrouded in ob- scurity, and teach us, from a consideration of what we have learned of our past, and what we know of our present, what we may expect of our future state ; and then it will appear that the universal opinion of the ages and nations is not a vulgar illusion, but a solemn philosophical fact. So, therefore, the decline of the mental faculties with advancing years is no indication of the hebetude of the spirit, or premonitory to its final dissolution. It is only the gradual wearing out of the instrument, the intervention of which has established relations with the outer world. When a tool becomes blunted and old, the workman can no longer man- ifest his former skill ; but the skill may nevertheless remain. Though OF SLEEP. 551 the apparatus for the reception of external impressions, as well as that for voluntary action, may be failing, it implies nothing as regards the prime mover. The eye may be dim, the ear dull, and touch imperfect, the voice may be feeble, and the limbs trembling, but all this indicates nothing more than that what has been passed through so often before is about to be passed through again. The organs that have done their duty are to be cast away, but the result of their action is to remain. It may not, perhaps, fall within the proper compass of a treatise on physiology to speak of that future condition, and yet so deeply The future interesting are these subjects to all men that a single observa- state - tion may in this place be excused. The whole course of life, from its very beginning, has been one of development and concentration. We comprehend this the more perfectly as we extend our views beyond our present state, and examine what we have in succession been, and in what manner our existing condition was reached. It is not credible that that system is to be all at once abandoned, or replaced by a contradictory one. Such is not the style in which the affairs of the organic world are at any time carried on. The slowly emerging consequences of the primitive law ccme forth one after the other in their proper and unvarying sequence, and the law holds on inexorably forever. And since we may say that, throughout those prior states, the idea aimed at is the isolation of a con- scious intelligence, every organ being shaped and every function bent to that end, we are reasonably led to the expectation that in a future state that archetype will be completely reached. It would be strange indeed if a blank oblivion should crown such a work. CHAPTER VI. OF SLEEP AND DEATH. Causes of the Necessity for Sleep. Its Duration and Manner of Approach. Manner of Awak- ing. Cause of Night-sleep. Increased Warmth required. Connection of Sleep and Pood. Of Dreams : their Origin and Phenomena. Somnambulism. Nightmare. Of Death. Old Age. Internal Causes of Decline. Death by Accident and by Old Age. The Hippocratic Face. Final Insensibility. Isx. OF SLEEP. ONE third of the life of man is spent in sleep, a condition of modified sensibility, in which the mind performs its functions in an im- perfect way, and voluntary motion is nearly suspended. This state, occupying so large a portion of the short period of time allotted to us, is therefore well deserving of the consideration of the physiologist, 552 APPROACH OF SLEEP. and the more so since it presents, in the various phenomena of dreams, significant illustrations of the manner of action of the nervous system. All animals sleep. Many, perhaps most,- dream. The necessity for a season of repose arises from the preponderance of the waste of the sys- tem ove/ its repair during our waking hours. By bringing the animal functions into a condition of rest, an opportunity is afforded for renova- tion, and the equilibrium can be maintained. In early infancy, when it is necessary for the nutritive operations to be . ., carried forward with the utmost vigor, and attended with as Causes of the &. necessity for little waste as possible, the whole time is spent in sleeping and eating. The waking period is gradually increased as the child advances, but not so as to make it continuous, for the day is broken into intervals of sleep. Even at three or four years of age we sleep more Duration and tnan once a ^ a j- ^ n mature life eight hours are on an aver- depth of sleep. a g e required, but the precise time varies with different indi- viduals, and even with the same individual in different constitutional states. The time is not, however, always a true measure of the amount of rest, for sleep varies very much in the degree of its completeness or intensity ; there is a slumber so disturbed that we are unrefreshed by it, and a sleep so profound that we awake weary. Old age, as it advances, admonishes us to spare the system as much as we may, for repair is con- ducted with difficulty ; and this period, characterized by its resemblance in so many respects to childhood, like it, is often marked by frequently- recurring and prolonged slumber. Moreover, various accidental and other circumstances are liable at all times to disturb its proper periodic- ity a warm afternoon, a hearty dinner, an ill-ventilated apartment, mo- notonous sounds, the attention devoted to one object, bodily quiescence, ceasing to think, the use of narcotics, extreme cold, a horizontal posi- tion, &c. Sleep is commonly preceded by a sense of drowsiness of more or less Approach of intensity, which is gradually followed by a loss of sensibility, sleep. Objects cease to make an impression on the eyes, the lids be- come heavy and close. If we are not in the horizontal position, but re- quire muscular support, as in sitting, the head droops, and the hands seek a support. Successively the senses of smelling, hearing, and touch pass away, as the sight has done ; but, before this progress is completed, we start at any sound or disturbance, voluntary muscular action being in- stantly assumed, though in the midst of a surprise. "We are nodding. If we are in the horizontal position, as in bed, the body is thrown into a form requiring the least muscular exertion the limbs are semiflexed. As sight, smell, hearing, touch, again in succession fail, all voluntary mo- tions cease, those which are now executed being of a purely automatic kind. The eyes are turned upward and inward, the iris is contracted, MANNER OF AWAKENING. 553 the heart and the lungs act more slowly but more powerfully ; a gentle delirium, which exists while the centres of the special senses are coming into repose, introduces us to profound and unconscious sleep. This condition of profound sleep, though it may be quickly, is yet gradually reached by passing through certain well-marked p rog ress of stages. Once gained, we sleep with heaviness in the early night-sleep. part of the night, and more and more lightly as morning approaches. It would, however, be erroneous to suppose that this falling into insensi- bility and awakening are perfectly continuous events ; there are, undoubt- edly, subordinate periods of more and less complete repose, but under no circumstances are we ever aware that we are asleep. At any time of the night sleep may be abruptly broken, the mind re- suming its power after passing through a momentary interval Manner of of confusion. Toward the close of the customary time, the awakening, senses resume their power in an order inverse to that in which they lost it the touch, the hearing, the smell, the sight. For a short period after awakening, the organs seem to be in a state of unusual acuteness, more particularly that of sight an effect arising from the obliteration of the vestiges of old impressions. From profound sleep we pass to the wak- ing state through an intermediate condition of slumber. In the former, the movements which we may execute, under the influence of external impressions, are wholly of an automatic kind, such as turning in bed in various positions. The -length of time spent in sleep and slumber re- spectively is by no means constant, many causes increasing the one at the expense of the other. On awakening, we are apt to indulge in cer- tain muscular movements we rub our eyes, stretch, and yawn. If we are suddenly aroused, our motions are feeble and uncertain on attempt- ing to walk at once ; but if we spontaneously awake at an unusual period, and more particularly if it be toward the morning, we commonly remark a clearness of intellect or mental power. Many of our most judicious and correct conclusions occur to us under these circumstances. Though it is said that the sleep of man lasts about eight hours, there are many variations. Authentic cases are on record in which M aximuin and individuals have, for a considerable time and apparently with- minimum out injury, slept only for one hour, and others in which that engt state has been prolonged for an entire week. Man shows much greater differences than other animals ; birds, for instance, sleep lightly, and cold- blooded animals generally profoundly. Since the object of sleep is to afford an opportunity for repairing the waste of the system, the length of the needful time depends on conditions that are themselves variable : the extent of the antecedent waste, and the rapidity of the repair. In winter we sleep longer and usually deeper than in summer, for the hour- ly waste in winter is greater. Habit, however, controls us very much. 554 NIGHT-SLEEP. It has been supposed by some that it is to habit that our tendency to Cause of night- sleep at night is to be imputed. It is, however, more properly sleep. to be attributed to the ordinary circumstances of our life the day being spent in muscular or mental exercise, since we can then see to perform our duties, and this tax upon the system being necessarily followed by a feeling of weariness. Those animals which seek their food in the dark sleep by day. It is not, therefore, to any external physical condition that we should impute our nocturnal sleep, but to the interior condition of our system, though it is quite true that physical agents, such as cold, and others that have been mentioned, will provoke a sensa- tion of drowsiness. In sleep we require additional warmth, and this we obtain by instinct- Increased ively using more clothing for the purpose of economizing the warmth re- animal heat. The amount of caloric generated in the system eep * is diminished through the cessation of muscular exercise, and therefore reduction of decay. The same may be said, to a certain extent, of the waste of the brain through its intellectual acts, and of the nervous system generally. This diminished amount of interstitial death corresponds with a diminished respiration, the hourly amount of oxygen consumed exhibiting a decline. The negro, who is much more sensitive than the white man to this decline of temperature, instinctively envelops his head with clothing, so that the air may be warmed by its conta'et therewith before it enters the respiratory organs. For the same reason, he sleeps with his head toward the fire, while the white man sleeps with his away. On similar principles we may account for the control which food has over sleep, the one seeming, to a certain degree, to replace the other. The French proverb says, "He who sleeps, dines," and this is Uniformity of true ; for during sleep the waste of the system is reduced to ed wiSTmii-*" a mm i m um, and the necessity for food correspondingly di- formityoffood. minished. The quality of the food likewise exerts an influ- ence on the length of sleep, for that which is of a nutritious kind, and easily assimilated, can more speedily execute whatever repairs the sys- tem may demand. It is probably owing to his variable diet that, even in a state of perfect health, man is so variable a sleeper, and that ani- mals, the nature of whose food is so constant, sleep with so much uni- formity. By some it has been supposed that the amount of sleep required by different animals is dependent upon the size of their brain; but if we keep in view that the object of sleep is the repair of waste, and that this is accomplished by the agency of the different mechanisms involved in organic life, we can easily see that such a statement can not be true. Its fallacy appears from common observation, apart from any physiological considerations. The brain of a turtle or of a serpent is relatively small, OF DEEAMS. 555 and yet those animals sleep long and profoundly ; but if we reflect on how many different conditions, external and internal, the repair of waste depends, we shall see that the time of sleep can not have any such arbi- trary measure as that of the size of the brain. Among external causes which influence the rate of repair may be mentioned the digestibility of the food, some varieties of which, by reason of their chemical or physi- cal qualities, yield more slowly than others. The internal causes are very numerous : the size of the digestive organs in relation to the Conditiong of body, and the energy with which their function is accom- the duration of plished ; the condition of development of the absorbent sys- s eep * tern, and the rapidity of its action ; the rate of the circulation of the blood, which hurries the nutritive supply in its course ; the amount of oxygen introduced into the system by the respiratory apparatus, which discharges, as we have elsewhere explained, the double function of re- moving the wasted products of decay, and of grouping into appropriate forms, so as to be available for their uses, the elements of nutrition that are being introduced. All these, and other conditions that might be named, determine the rate at which repair can be executed, and therefore the necessary duration of sleep. If, out of these various elements, we were to select one which would represent it, the activity of the respira- tory organs would afford a more accurate measure than the size of the brain. As the necessary repairs are accomplished, we pass through a condi- tion of slumber, and our organs gradually awake in the manner that has been described. It is during this intermediate passage, that is, toward the morning chiefly, as the brain is resuming its functions, of dreams : that dreams occur. They may, however, happen at any other their s> period of the night, though then they are liable to present greater in- congruities and more obvious violations of the proper order of events. It is quite correct that morning dreams are more likely to be prophetic, for they are more likely to be in themselves true. Dreams never strike us with surprise, no matter what may be the ex- traordinary scenery they present no matter how great the violations of truth and reality. The dead may appear with the most astonishing clear- ness ; their voices, perhaps long forgotten, may be heard ; we may be transported to places where we have spent past years of our lives ; com- binations of the most grotesque and impossible kinds may be spread be- fore us : we accept all as reality, perhaps not even suspecting that we dream. The germs from which have originated all these strange com- binations are impressions stored up in the registering ganglia of the brain, more particularly in its optic thalami. These, as outward impressions have for the time ceased, are enabled to attract the attention of the mind, and emerge from their latent state. That all dreams originate in such 556 OF DREAMS. impressions is illustrated by the history of the blind, who still dream of things that they formerly saw. Thus it is stated that Huber, after he had been blind for fifty years, still dreamed of things he had seen when a boy. But little explanation can be given of the manner in which these vestiges may be grouped a grouping which is so frequently in vi- olation of all correctness that a dream which presents us with a logical sequence of events,* and which we recognize on awakening to be natu- rally true, is sure to be an impressive one ; and yet we can not doubt that the causes which suggest dreams are often purely physical, as when, in dropsy of the chest, the dreamer fancies he is drowning, or even suf- fers under the same delusion when his hand is dipped in water ; or when a candle is earned into the room, and he awakens stricken with terror that the house is on fire ; or, on the occurrence of noise, he believes that he is in a thunder-storm, or, perhaps, on a field of battle. Hence arises an automatism which becomes most striking when the dreamer answers questions put in a whisper to him, an incident of which cases are record- ed in which individuals have revealed important events of their lives, which, when waking, they would never have divulged. Automatic actions are usually considered as occurring without sensa- tion, but this, in some instances, as in those now before us, can not be regarded as altogether true. Suggested thus by external circumstances, or arising spontaneously Deceptive ap- without any obvious cause, dreams pass before us with an pearance of a ir of truthfulness so imposing that we never suspect their truth in dreams. ,, T ^ , A , - 1 .,1 ,1 i i fallacies. It may be truly said that they have a logic ot their own. Indeed, so complete is the illusion, that instances are not wanting, and many have been recorded, in which, at the moment of awakening, the sleeper has been struck with the correctness of the con- clusions at which he had arrived, and it was not until he had recovered from the delirious confusion of the moment, and reason had resumed her sway, that he perceived how incorrect they were. Thus great mathe- maticians have thought they had solved difficult problems, poets that they had composed stanzas of force and beauty ; but these, on a mo- ment's reflection, they have discovered to be an inconsequent flow of ideas, and mere nonsense. A few exceptions undoubtedly have occur- red, as in the case of Mr. Coleridge, who affirms that, under these cir- cumstances, he composed Kublai Khan, and remembered it in part on awaking. The French mathematician, Condorcet, makes the same state- ment with respect to several of his writings. One of the most extraordinary phenomena presented in the dreaming instantaneous state is the instantaneous manner in which a long series ot aTo^g'trainof events mav be offered to the mind, the exciting cause being events. truly of only a momentary duration. Some sudden noise FORGETFULNESS OF DREAMS. 557 arouses us, and, in the act of waking, a long drama connected with that noise appears before us ; or, in like manner, we are disturbed perhaps by a flash of lightning, and with that flash occurs a dream which seems to us to occupy a space of hours or even days, so many are the incidents with which it is filled. It has long been known that a like peculiarity has offered itself to those who have suffered by drowning, and have been subsequently restored. They have related that in their moment of su- preme agony, the whole series of events of their past life has, as- it were, flowed in an instant upon them with the most appalling vividness, their good and evil works, and even the most trifling incidents presenting themselves with distinctness a tide of memory. And doubtless it is owing to like causes that, under the influence of opium or other narcotic drugs, the relations of space and time are so totally destroyed that we seem to live through a century in a single night, or to take in our view scenery, the distances and magnitudes of which are utterly beyond the reach of mortal vision. It has been truly said that the province of dreams is one of intense exaggeration. It is so in a double sense, for with equal facility we spread out a single and perhaps in- The g readin(r significant circumstance, so that it occupies the entire night, of one idea over or we crowd a thousand strange, though perhaps connected, a ong time ' representations into the twinkling of an eye. Nor is it by any means the least extraordinary part of these wonderful facts that the mind occu- pies itself in an undiverted and unbroken manner for so long a time, with an insignificant idea in the one case, and perceives, with miraculous perspicuity, the rapidly disappearing occurrences in the other ; that of a majority of dreams it retains no precise recollection, though they may have been presented with an intense energy, as we are assured from the impression of dread or melancholy, or even the physical results they have left, as when we awake and feel the heart throbbing Forgetfuiness violently and the whole frame trembling with terror, yet can of dreams, not, with the utmost exertion of memory, recollect what it wds that we saw. The remembrance of dreams by no means, therefore, depends on the intensity of the impression that they made for the time ; doubtless the majority of them are forgotten and can never be recalled. In some instances, which almost every one can recall, we dream a second time the same dream which we failed to remember when awake, and, it is said, even occasionally dream that we are dreaming. Our mental capability for recalling the scenes that have occupied us in our sleep is therefore dependent upon something more than the depth of the impression they have made. Whether it be, as some suppose, through an inertness of the mind, an incapability or indisposition of pay- ing attention to the things thus presented to it, or whether it be that, through accidental causes, the vestiges of impressions remaining in the 558 SOMNAMBULISM. optic thalami are brought out sometimes with more and sometimes with less force, there is every grade of intensity presented, from those floating indistinct aerial scenes, which seem scarcely to leave the slightest trace behind them, to those which, in spite of their outraging all reality, and even all probability, leave us in a horror-stricken state ; such as, for ex- ample, the celebrated dream of the Emperor Caligula, in which he thought that the sea spoke to him. Yet there can be no doubt that in all these cases, no matter how indistinct or energetic, how false or how true, hoAV d* i n un narmon ^ ous as a whole, or how contradictory and grotesque, der which the elements of which all dreams are composed are impres- dreams arise. g ' ons Q ^ings t h at we have seen or heard, or which have been otherwise submitted to the senses, the traces of which still remain imprinted in the registering ganglia of the brain. During the day, while we are exposed to light, and sounds, and other sources of disturbance, the impressions arising therefrom totally overpower, by reason of their new- ness and intensity, these ancient residues, so that the attention of the mind, in a state of health, is never directed to them ; but when we close our eyes in the silence of night, all such external impressions are at an end, the organs of sense, sight, hearing, smell, and touch, are successive- ly benumbed, and there is nothing to prevent the mind thus separated from outer things from occupying itself with these old impressions, any one or more of which, through accidental circumstances, presents itself in vigor, and a dream is the result. The phenomena of dreams therefore illustrate, in a significant manner, the remarks that we have made respecting the functions of the cephalic ganglia of insects as magazines for the registry of impressions received by the organs of sense. No explanation of dreaming can be possibly given without admitting for a part of the human brain a like duty. The important advantages which accrue to our physiological explanations of the action of the human mind from the admission of this doctrine have already been dwelt upon. Connected with dreams, and being, indeed, a dream carried into action, Somnambu- i g somnambulism, or sleep-walking, of which there are several iism. grades, from mere sleep-conversation and sleep-crying to the actual performance of difficult and even hazardous feats. The young in- fant evinces its discomforts by crying in its slumber, yet it can be com- forted without awaking by the well-known voice of its mother. Chil- dren often show a propensity to talking in their sleep, and can sometimes be brought to give a few rational replies to inquiries put to them. At their time of life, the disposition is more frequently manifested to get out of bed and move about the house, or even out into the open air under the influence of a dream. When sleep-walking occurs in the adult, it is lia- ble to be accompanied by actions of an apparently connected kind, though NIGHTMARE. 559 their object may be quite trivial, and in its attainment considerable risks may be run. In these cases it seems as if the mind was absolutely wrap- ped up in one idea, and wholly unable to comprehend any thing else. If the eyes of the somnambulist are wide open, he sees nothing, and even though a bright light be presented before him, the iris will not contract, yet he moves about in a manner as if he were, in one respect, guided by understanding, the air of his movements being as if he knew what he was about, yet in another respect as though he was impelled by the most unaccountable folly, walking along the roof of the house, seating himself on the chimney, and finding his way in safety over precipitous places, past which it would be impossible he should go if awake, no mat- ter how steady his head might be. Besides this complete condition of somnambulism there are intermediate forms, during which the various senses of seeing, hearing, etc., are in partial activity. There are also differences in the intensity or depth of the state, as is shown by the ease or difficulty with which the individual is aroused ; sometimes to speak to him is enough, sometimes he must be violently shaken or otherwise roughly treated. It has been observed in some cases that where the pa- tient spontaneously wakens under circumstances that affright him, he is at once broken of the habit. With dreams and somnambulism is also to be classed that sensation which often surprises and disturbs us when we are just passing Sensation into sleep, a sensation as though we were suddenly falling down of fallin s- stairs. This, with some persons, is of almost nightly occurrence. Its opposite, an inability to move, as though we were oppressed by some great weight, or spell-bound in some incomprehensible way, is nightmare. In this distressing affection there is a sense of oppression at Nightmare : the epigastrium, and a difficulty, or rather impossibility, of its causes - moving or speaking. A frightful dream, in which some alarming object is depicted with intolerable distinctness, accompanies these symptoms, the attack terminating by a struggle to shake off the object of dread, or to escape by flight, or to speak. On awaking, the sufferer finds himself trembling with terror, the respiration hurried, and the heart throbbing violently. The intellectual faculties are on different occasions in vari- ous states of activity, and sometimes the dream, and our actions conse- quent upon it, offer no violation of reason. Indeed, some individuals are affected by this trouble during the daytime, when they are wide awake and perfectly aware of what is going on ; but, whether it occurs by night or by day, the sentiment with which it oppresses is that of unspeakable dread. Even at night we sometimes are conscious of its approach, when we are in the intermediate state between sleeping and waking. The cause of nightmare, in all its variety of forms, is disturbance of the respiratory function, which, by interfering with the arterialization of 560 OF DEATH. the blood, affects the brain. This disturbance may be brought on in many ways, as by the pressure of the stomach after a hearty supper, or in diseased conditions, such as hydrothorax ; but it is popularly supposed, where these morbid conditions are not obviously concerned, to be attrib- uted to sleeping on the back. Though- this is undoubtedly true in a great many instances, it is very far from being an essential condition, for nightmare may occur in any position that the sleeper may possibly as- sume. The restraint upon the arterialization of the blood, which appears to be its essential condition, interferes with the circulation through the lungs on the principles that have been described in a preceding chapter, nor can the heart force a passage, however violently it may throb. The effect depends not so much upon the apparent rate and power with which the respiration is going on, for any embarrassment or difficulty in the in- troduction of air merely leads to snoring, which is in no manner connected with nightmare. The cause of this latter affection is to be sought for in the air-cells, which are unable to rid themselves, with their accustomed facility, of the carbonic acid and other effete products of respiration which they contain. 2D. OF DEATH. At all periods of life, the functional activity of the system occasions a Condition of waste ^ ^ s tissues by the interstitial death of their parts, and healthy equi- therefore involves a necessity of repair. So long as the repa- ration balances the waste, a healthy equilibrium is maintained ; but when the nutritive powers decline, as old age approaches, a gradual deterioration of the system ensues. The period of greatest activity is also that of greatest waste, and of the most active and perfect repair, interstitial death and the removal of decayed material then occurring in the most rapid manner. The energy of life is thus dependent on the amount and completeness of death. At a later period, with advancing years, although the loss of substance through functional activity may be lessened, the renewal and restoration of the portions which are necessarily consumed are far more than corre- spondingly diminished. We thus become incapacitated corporeally and mentally, and, if no accident intervenes, we die through mere old age. On several occasions we have already noticed the analogy between the Death of a ^ Q f individuals and that of species. An analogy also may molecule, of an "j^ traced in the circumstances and causes of their death, for individual or-,-. ,, 1111 11 t ganism,ofa the discoveries of geology abundantly show that thousands species. O f sp ec i es j n the organic series have become extinct. The death of a constituent molecule in an animal body, the death of the in- dividual animal itself, the death of the species to which it belongs, are all philosophical facts of the same kind, though presenting, perhaps, in GEADUAL DEATH. 561 their aspect a difference of interest and importance. The death of indi- viduals, as has been said, may occur in two ways, by acci- Death from ac _ dent or by old age. But death from old age is very unusual, cident and by for even in the cases of those who are very far advanced in life, its close is ordinarily brought about by some lesion or derangement of the vital organs, thus, in reality, constituting accidental death. Most men desire that their final scene may be attended with as little derangement as possible of their ordinary mental powers, and *. *, . . Euthanasia. that it may be very brief. If this constitute the euthanasia, or happy death, it certainly can not be thought that extreme old age is desirable, constituting, as it does, a long-continued and dreary disease. The senses fail us in the same manner and in the same order that they do when we are falling asleep, their gradual deterioration bringing us back to the helplessness and imbecility of infancy. In the long interval dur- ing which this is going on, the aged man is not only a burden to himself, but a sad spectacle to every one around him ; his perceptions arc being gradually blunted ; and though he is, as it were, by degrees passing into a final slumber, it is in that disturbed way which all have experienced when they fall asleep after severe fatigue. The different portions of the body die in succession : the system of animal life before that of organic, and of the former the sens- f .-.,_ , . ... Gradual death. ory functions fail first, voluntary motion next, while the pow- er of muscular contraction under external stimulus still feebly continues. The blood, in gradual death, first ceases to reach the extremities, its pulsa- tions becoming less and less energetic, so that, failing to gain the periph- ery, it passes but a little way from the heart ; the feet and hands become cold as the circulating fluid leaves them, the decline of temperature gradu- ally invading the interior. No one has ever yet offered a more accurate picture of the appearance of the dying than that presented by Hippocrates : " If the patient lies on his back, his arms stretched out, and his legs hanging down, it is a sign of great weakness ; when he slides down in the bed it denotes death. If, in a burning fever, he is continually feel- ing about with his hands and fingers, and moves them up before his face and eyes as if he were going to take away something before them, or on his bed-covering as if he was picking or searching for little straws, or taking away some speck, or drawing out little flocks of wool, all this is a sign that he is delirious, and that he will die. When his lips hang relaxed and cold, when he can not bear the light, when he sheds tears involuntarily, when, dozing, some part of the white of the eye is seen, un- less he usually sleeps in that manner, these signs prognosticate danger. When his eyes are sparkling, fierce, and fixed, he is delirious, The Hippo- or soon will be so ; when they are deadened, as it were, with cratic face - a mist spread over them, or their brightness lost, it presages death or 562 THE AGONY. great weakness. When the patient has his nose sharp, his eyes sunk, his temples hollow, his ears cold and contracted, the skin of his forehead tense and dry, and the color of his face tending to a pale green or leaden tint, one may give out for certain that death is very near, unless the strength of the patient has been exhausted all at once by long watchings, or by a looseness, or being a long time without eating." Even after death some of the organic functions continue for a time, Post-mortem more particularly secretion and the development of heat. In t^nT^d^as- a * rmer chapter, page 444, the capability of extraordinary sions. muscular motions has been referred to. From other inter- esting observations on those who have been instantaneously decapitated by the guillotine, it has been asserted that the body can display what has been termed post-mortem passion and resentment. It may, however, be doubted whether this is really true. Perhaps these effects are only analogous to those convulsive manifestations which may be easily pro- duced, in an intensely interesting way, by the application of voltaic bat- teries to those who have been dead for some time. Physiologists often quote the sentiment of Montaigne, " With how insensibilit IM 6 anxiety do we lose the consciousness of light and of before the final ourselves." By this they would convey the idea that the act of dying is as painless as the act of falling asleep, and also as little perceived. They recall the fact which seems to support this view, that those who have been recovered after apparent death from drowning, and after sensation has been totally lost, report that they have experienced no pain ; and, indeed, when we reflect that the sensory pow-' ers are the first to decline, the eye and the ear, at an early period in the article of death, failing to discharge their duty, and the general sense of touch becoming rapidly more and more obtuse, we can scarcely put any otner interpretation upon the final struggles which constitute what is so significantly called the agony, than that they are purely automatic and therefore unfelt. Doubtless the mind, in this solemn moment, is some- times occupied with an instantaneous review of impressions long before made upon the brain, and which offer themselves with clearness and energy now that present circumstances are failing to excite its attention, through loss of sensorial power of the peripheral organs, this state of things having also been testified to by those who have been recovered from drowning. Life closes at last in various ways. Some pass away as though they were really falling asleep ; others with a deep sigh or groan ; others with a gasp ; and some with a convulsive struggle. DIFFERENCES IN MEN. 563 CHAPTER VII. ON THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL AGENTS ON THE ASPECT AND FORM OF MAN AND ON IHS INTELLECTUAL QUALITIES. Differences in Form, Habits, and Color of Men. Ideal Type of Man. Its Ascent and Descent. ^-Causes of these Variations. Doctrine of the Unity of the Human Race. Doctrine of its Origin from many Centres. Influence of Heat on Complexion. Cause of Climate Variations. Influence of Heat illustrated by the cases of the Indo-Europeans, the Mongols, the American Indians, and the Africans. Distribution of Complexion in the Tropical Races. Variations in the Skeleton. Four Modes of examining the Skull. Connection of the Shape of the Skull and Manner of Life. Physical Causes of Variation of the Skull. Influence of the Action of the Liver on Complexion. Influence of the Action of the Liver on the Form of the Skull. Base Form of Skull arising from Low as well as High Temperatures. Disappearance of the Red-haired and Blue-eyed Men in Europe. The Intellectual Qualities of Nations. Synthetical Mind of the Asiatic. Analytical Mind of the European. Their respective Contributions to Human Civilization. Spread of Mohammedan- ism in Africa. Spread of Christianity in America. Manner of the Progress of all Nations in Civilization. THERE are great differences in the aspect of men. The portrait of Newton is from the frontispiece of his immortal Prin- Fifj. 266. cipia. " Does he eat, Differences in and drink, and sleep, * " f d like other people ?" ask- men. Fig. 207. Sir Isaac Newton. Australian. ed the Marquis de I'Hopital, himself a great contemporary French math- 564 DIFFERENCES IN MEN. ematician: " I represent him to myself as a celestial genius entirely dis- engaged from matter." And, truly, transcendent intellect shines out in every lineament of that noble countenance. What a contrast between the astronomer, of whom the human race may be justly proud, and the Australian savage whose portrait Dr. Prich- ard has furnished! This man lives in a hollow tree, which he has in part excavated by fire, and obtains a precarious support from shell-fish, or bruised ants and grass. He can make a hook of a piece of oyster, and can fasten a line to it. He is lost in filth and vermin. His life is like that of a beast ; it is concerned only with to-day. The early navi- gators accused him of cannibalism. We can not say that his features acquit him of the charge. History teaches us that a nation may pass through an ascending or descending career. It may, by long-continued mental culture, exhibit a general mental advance, and under such circumstances may produce, here and there, an intellect of the first order ; or it may go through a course of degradation until it reaches conditions inconsistent with its continued existence, and then it dies out. Man is accordingly distributed over the face of the earth in various con- Fig. 268. ^bls^ ditions. Here he presents the civilization of the Euro- pean, there the abject mise- ry of the Australian. What more humiliating spectacle could be offered to us than the annexed engraving, Fig- ure 268, from M. d'Urville? Even a negro of Guinea might look down on such a specimen of human imbecil- ity and physical weakness with contempt, and refuse to recognize such a being as a man at all. W r hat is it that has brought this man and his companion to such a pass? Australians. . An almost tropical sun, a Causes of these pestilential climate, starvation, nakedness, the want of shel- differences. ter, personal fear : these have done their work on the suc- cessive generations of his miserable ancestors, who have been forced from step to step in a descending career, and here is the result. Among the causes which influence the aspect of man, there are two IDEAL TYPE OF MAN. 565 which are pre-eminent : heat determines his complexion ; social condi- tion the form of his Tbrain, and, therefore, that of his skull. The aspect of man in form and color oscillates between two extremes. Submitted for a due time to a high temperature, any race, Ascenfc and de irrespectively of its original colos, will become dark ; or if to scent of human a low temperature, it will become fair. Under such condi- or s aniz tions as will be set forth in this chapter, it will pass to the elliptical ; un- der others, to the prognathous form of skull. No race is in a state of absolute equilibrium, or able successfully to maintain its present physi- ognomy, if the circumstances under which it lives undergo a change. It holds itself ready, with equal facility, to descend to a baser, or rise to a more elevated state, in correspondence with those circumstances. I think that this principle has not been recognized with sufficient dis- tinctness by those who have studied the natural history of man. They have occupied themselves too completely with the idea of fixity in the aspect of human families, and have treated of them as though they were perfectly and definitely distinct, or in a condition of equilibrium. They have described them as they are found in the various countries of the globe, and since these descriptions remain correct during a long time, the general inference of an invariability has gathered strength, until some writers are to be found who suppose that there have been as many sep- arate creations of man as there are races which can be distinguished from each other. We are perpetually mistaking the slow movements of Na- ture for absolute rest. "We confound temporary equilibration with final equilibrium. Man can not occupy a new climate without an organic change occur- ring in his economy, which by degrees comes to a corre- Corres on( j ence spondence with the conditions by which it is surrounded, of climate and In this career, each individual, as a member of one genera- organi tion$ may only make a partial advance, for differentiation most commonly occurs in the early periods of embryonic life, as described at page 505; but, since all individual peculiarities are liable to hereditary transmission, the cumulative effect becomes strongly marked at last. So dominating is the control which physical influences exert over us, that invariability of our aspect for several generations may be received as a proof that those influences have been stationary in kind and degree. In such a perfect manner is that aspect dependent on them that it is truly their represent- ative. If they change, it must change too. I do not, therefore, contemplate the human race as consisting of vari- eties, much less of distinct species, but rather as offering numberless rep- resentations of the different forms which an ideal type can be made to as- sume under exposure to different conditions. I believe that that id ea i type ideal type may still be recognized, even in cases that offer, when of man - 566 HABITS OF NATIONS. compared together, complete discordances ; and that, if such an illustra- tion be permissible, it is like a general expression in algebra, which gives rise to different results .according as we assign different values to its quantities, yet in every one of those results the original expression exists. From this it therefore follows that there is a capability of metamor- phosis or transmutation from form to form ; that the human system pos- sesses no inherent resistance to change, no physiological inertia, but will pass indifferently upward and downward, toward perfection or toward degradation, as circumstances overrule, yet is it the same human system throughout. Nor is it of any consequence that the progress of these re uired cnan S es ma 7 ^e, as we term them, tardy, and that for their for physiolog- completion a long time may be required. Even a mass of change, inorganic matter a rock transferred from the equator toward the pole, or from the pole to the equator, would not change its temperature to that of the new locality at once ; it would come to its destined equilibrium in a gradual way, in a time depending en its mass and conducting power. We should not impute its slow manner of yielding to any inherent principle of resistance which it possessed. The physiological metamorphosis of man is an affair of centuries. The universal recognition of the principle that such changes are possible lies at the bottom of all our attempts to elevate communities by ameliorating their social condition and by education. In the remarks which follow, it will therefore be understood that I re- ceive the classifications of Blumenbach and other authors as offering a convenience in description, but do not attach to them any essential sig- nificance. Though plants and animals are limited to certain localities of the earth's Habits of dif- surface, some species being formed in one and some in an- ferent nations. O ther region, the human family lives indifferently all over the surface of the globe. It occupies countries where the thermometer falls to 50 below zero, or where the temperature of the midday sun is 160. In these different climates, the most marked differences in color, stature, conformation, and habits are exhibited, there being every shade, from a jet black to a fair white ; every stature, from the pigmy Esquimaux and Laplanders to the tall Patagonian ; every variety of facial angle, from that acute one which characterizes the ape to the classical aspect of the Greek, which is more than 90 ; every pursuit of life, hunting, fishing, the keeping of flocks, agriculture, commerce, and the arts of civilized so- ciety. To these might be added the use of every variety of food, from a wretched subsistence on worms and roots scratched out of the ground to the luxurious habits of the epicure ; every grade of locomotion, from those who never leave the hill or valley where they were born to those who are perpetually wandering all over a continent, nay, even all over REALMS OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 567 the globe. There might, too, be added every variety of character and every degree, of intellectuality. Among these differences, the variations of language are by no means the least important. It is estimated that more than three thousand dialects are spoken. Among these races certain common traditions prevail, historical rem- iniscences handed down from one generation to another, Traditions of which convey the deeds of former great men who have either B ation s> distinguished themselves by their achievements in war or by their in- ventions in the peaceful arts ; traditions which have also communicated the religion or the superstition of the ancient times, and which, among people inhabiting countries remote from one another, present such an as- pect of sameness, that we must either refer them to one common and more ancient source, or regard them as arising from analogous peculiarities in the mental structure of the whole race. There can not be a doubt that in the lapse of many ages the influ- ence of external physical agents must have made a marked i nfluenceofex impression upon the original characters of men. Few ques- temai agents tions have been more critically discussed than the extent to which this change of aspect by physical agents can go, many naturalists believing that the sole cause of national difference is the influence of cli- mate or temperature an influence which is sufficient to account for all other organic peculiarities we have just specified ; for if we admit that the same original germ may develop itself into countless forms, accord- ing as it has been exposed to different physical agents, much more is it probable that the various races composing the human family, exposed as they have been to different physical circumstances, may by degrees have assumed the discordant features they present, although they have de- scended from one original stock. Here we shall have to consider the weight which should be attached to a very remarkable observation which has of late been Geographical made as respects the distribution of man. -With regard to 'JSJ^'* plants, it has long been known that they are grouped round mais,andman. certain centres, which may be regarded as their foci of origin, and one of such groups compared with another presents striking contrasts ; the veg- etation of Central Africa is wholly distinct from that of Europe, the veg- etation of Europe distinct from that of North America, and this, again, from New Holland. There are no lauringe in Central Africa, no heaths in the New World. The forests of New Holland gain their most strik- ing features from their leafless acacias and eucalypti. So, in like man- ner, there are foci of origin and circles of distribution as regards animal life. The fauna of Asia is wholly dissimilar from that of Europe, the fauna of Europe is dissimilar from that of North America, and this, again, from that of Africa and New Holland. Without specifying details, we 568 ORIGIN OF NATIONS. may recall that the hippopotamus and camelopard are natives of Africa, and are restricted to it ; the tiger is a native of India ; the armadillos and ant-eaters, of South America ; the kangaroo and ornithorhynchus, of New Holland. The earth's surface might thus be divided into regions or realms, each possessing its own special flora and fauna. And more than this, the oceans, too, might in like manner be parted off, and this not only as regards their surface, but also in strata at different depths. Now these botanical centres and circles are coincident with the zoological centres and circles, and hence there has arisen the idea that such centres have been truly points of original development, both for one and the oth- er of these natural kingdoms, and that the globe has not been filled by a process of dispersion or diffusion from one point, but co-ordinately, and, perhaps, contemporaneously from many such foci, and that we can still recognize the position of these foci by a critical study of animals and plants. As to the discussions which have of late years arisen on this question, The IAVO hy- the reader may refer to the work of Drs. Nott and Gliddon orMrfof na the on ^ ie tv P es ^ ma nkind for arguments in support of a mul- tions. titude of centres of human origin, and to that of Dr. Prich- ard on the natural history of man for those in behalf of the unity of the race. In these works, respectively, will be found most of the facts hith- erto brought forward. In the former of these works, Professor Agassiz draws attention to the Doctrine of circumstance that all around the Arctic circle, and therefore in Professor every longitude, is to be found one race offering characters that Agassiz. are strikingly homogeneous in aspect, intellect, and habits of life, represented in America by the Esquimaux, in Europe by the Laplanders, and in Asia by the Samoiedes. These live in a region of which the Floral faunai ^ auna an( ^ ^ ora are likewise homogeneous. It has every where and human ' the same dreary expanses, covered with dwarf birches, moss- es, and lichens ; .in its waters there are the same fishes, as the salmon, and the same molluscs and echinoderms. In the air it has the same birds. Among its mammals found thus with uniformity, the white bear, the reindeer, the walrus, and the whale may be mentioned. With a special fauna thus coinciding with a special flora, there is also a special variety of man. What has here been said respecting Arctic life may be generalized. Each of the coincident floral and faunai circles has its own species of man. Thus, in the temperate zone, may be distinguished three such primary realms, each of which is distinct as regards its botany and zoology ; and, in correspondence, we find that in the first, in the country of the Mongo- lians, to the east beyond the Caspian Sea, there are nations whose com- HABITS OF NATIONS. 569 plexion is yellow ; in the second, upon the shore of the Mediterranean and throughout Europe, there are others whose complexion is white ; in the third, in America, others whose complexion is red; and though these three widely-extended races touch, upon their north boundary, the homogenous Arctic inhabitants, in every respect they may be distin- guished from them. The temperature of the zone in which they live ranges from 32 to 74 ; it permits the growth of pines, nut and fruit trees, and among its animals might be mentioned the bear, the wolf, the otter, the deer, the squirrel, and the rat; these animals, however, respect- ively exhibiting striking differences characteristic of their three focal cen- tres : the black bear belongs to North America, the brown bear to Europe, and the bear of Thibet to Asia. The European stag finds its American analogue in the wapiti, and in Asia in the musk deer. The wild ox of Lithuania differs from the North American buffalo, and this, again, from the Mongolian yak. Even among plants the same differences may be traced ; the pines of Europe are not the same as the pines of America, and thus it would appear that each of the three great organic circles be- longing to the temperate zone has a flora, a fauna, and a human species of its own. The same general result might be established for the tropical regions, and special centres assigned for Africa, Malaya, and Polynesia. In view of this distribution as connected with habits, Dr. Prichard thus expresses himself in his Natural History of Man : " Let us Habits of na- imagine, for a moment, a stranger from another planet to visit tions - our globe, and to contemplate and compare the manners of its inhabit- ants, and let him first witness some brilliant spectacle in- one of the high- ly-civilized countries of Europe : the coronation of a monarch, the in- stallation of St. Louis on the throne of his ancestors, surrounded by an august assembly of peers, and barons, and mitred abbots, anointed from the cruise of sacred oil brought by an angel to ratify the divine privilege of kings ; let the same person be carried into a hamlet in Negroland, in the hour when -the sable race recreate themselves with dancing and bar- barous music; let him then be transported to the saline plains over which bald and tawny Mongols roam, differing but little in hue from the yellow soil of their steppes, brightened by the saffron flowers of the iris and tulip ; let him be placed near the solitary den of the Bushman, where the lean and hungry savage crouches in silence like a beast of prey, watch- ing with fixed eyes the creatures which enter his pitfall, or the insects and reptiles which chance brings within his grasp ; let the traveler be carried into the midst of an Australian forest, where the squalid con> panions of kangaroos may be seen crawling in procession in imitation of quadrupeds ; can it be supposed that such a person would conclude the various groups of beings whom he had surveyed to be of one nature, one 570 RESEMBLANCES OF NATIONS. tribe, or the offspring of the same original stock ? It is much more prob- able that he would arrive at an opposite conclusion." On this it may be remarked that much would depend on the previous training of the illustrious stranger. If his mind had been imbued with a better philosophy than that which prevails in this our lower world, he might look with an equal eye on the transitory fashions before him, and penetrate to the first principles of things through the false glare of pomp or through debasement and degradation, and so arrive at a conclusion precisely the opposite of the foregoing, in the same manner as has Dr. Prichard himself. For, from such an elevated point of view, the plumed pageant of civ- ilized life might only appear to be a modified phase of the ceremonials of equinoctial Africa, where the inhabitants, on their festive occasions, adorn their naked bodies with leaves, and present oblations of palm oil with many genuflexions to their chiefs and enchanters. Beneath the feathers in the one case, and the leaves in the other, he might discern the same ruling idea, and detect the same human nature ; or, if his vision could reach into the past, and recall the credulous Greek worshiping be- fore the exquisitely perfect statues of the deities of his country, beseeching them for sunshine or for rain, and then turn to the savage Amaiman, who commences his fasts by taking a vomit, and, for want of a better goddess, adores a dried cow's tail, imploring it for all earthly goods, and particu- larly to pay his 'debts again the same principle would emerge, only il- lustrated by the circumstance that the savage is more thorough, more earnest in his work. In fact, wherever we look, man is the same. Stripped of exterior cov- Resembiances erings, there is in every climate a common body and a com- among nations. mon mm( j. Are not all of us liable to the same diseases ? Have not all a tendency to exist the same length of time ? Is it the temperature of our body, the beat of the pulse, the respiration that we observe are they not every where alike ? Or, turning to the manifesta- tions of the mind, is there not, among all the tribes of oui* race, a belief in the existence and goodness of God ? in unseen agents, intermediate between him and ourselves ? and in a future life ? Do we not all put a reliance in the efficacy of prayers ? and all, in our youth, have a dread of ghosts ? How many of us, in all parts of the world, attach a value to pilgrimages, sacrificial offerings, fastings, and unlucky days, and in our worldly proceedings are guided by codes of law and ideas of the nature of property ! Have we not all the same fears, the same delights, the same aversions, and do we not resort to the use of fire, domestic animals, and weapons ? Do we not all expect that the differences which surround us here will be balanced hereafter, and that there are rewards and punish- ments ? Is there not a common interpretation of all the varied forms of LOCAL TEMPERATURES. 571 funeral ceremonies? a common sentiment of the sacredness of the tomb? Have we not always, and do we not every where set apart a sacerdotal order, who may mediate for us ? In our less advanced civilization, do we not all believe in sorceries, witches, and charms ? It signifies nothing in what particular form our mental conceptions are embodied ; it is the conception that concerns us, and not the aspect it has assumed. Thus equally do the views of the various nations demonstrate their innate be- lief of a future world the undisturbed Hunting-ground of the American Indian, the voluptuous Paradise and society of the houris of the Ara- bian, or the snow hut of the Esquimaux, in which the righteous feed on the blubber of whales. Turning our attention to the influence of temperature, it may be ob- served that the development of coloring matter in the skin de- influence of pends on the heat to which we are exposed. Generally, it ^JJIe'com^ might therefore appear that there should be a correspondence piexion. between the complexion and the latitude of the place of our abode, the skin being darker as we approach the equator, and fairer toward the poles, because, since all the heat that we receive comes from the sun, the amount which is furnished to us depends upon the obliquity of his rays, and therefore upon the latitude. But this is true only in a very general way, and many exceptions at once spontaneously suggest them- selves. I may point out some of these variations. The temperature of a place depends on three leading circumstances, its latitude, its elevation above the sea, and on meteorolog- causes of local ical conditions. Kespecting the latitude, nothing need be temperatures. added to the remarks already offered ; and as regards the influence of elevation above the sea, it is to be remembered that there is a decline of temperature as we ascend in the atmosphere from any point of the globe, and for this reason, as has been already explained at page 473, even un- der the equator there will be an arrangement answering to climates on every high mountain, its top, if sufficiently elevated, being covered with perpetual snow. Of meteorological conditions, it may be said that they are so numerous as to render it almost impossible to give a full and yet brief statement of them, but as illustrations may be mentioned the prox- imity of the sea, or of great desert tracts, ocean currents, the prevailing winds ; thus, in our hemisphere, a north wind predominating lowers the mean temperature of the place, a south wind tends to raise it ; and thus, also, the great desert of Sahara and the American Gulf Stream increase by many degrees the temperature of Europe. For such reasons, therefore, the lines of equal heat do not correspond to the parallels of latitude, but, as an inspection of a chart of them will show, deviate greatly therefrom. In treating of the influence of heat on plants, it was shown that, when 572 RELATIONS OF HEAT. we make our examination in a critical manner, the problem is not so sim- ple as appears at first sight, and that there are several different relations of the heat which must be considered. Thus the geography of plants is not wholly determined by the mean temperature of the whole year, nor by the greatest heat of the summer, nor the greatest cold of winter ; that is to say, it neither follows the isothermal, isotheral, nor isochimenal lines. Moreover, the luxuriance of vegetation is not so much dependent upon the temperature or intensity of heat as it is upon the quantity. These remarks apply with much force to the case now before us, Intensity and jr.r / quantity of for the change of complexion is not so much dependent upon heat compared. tte i ntens i tv O f l iea t determined by the thermometer as it is upon the absolute annual quantity ; for, though these conditions of in- tensity and quantity of heat are essentially distinct, yet it will generally happen that they may increase or diminish together, without there being an absolute correspondence between them. There can be no doubt that the quantity of heat annually furnished in Guinea vastly exceeds the quantity annually furnished to any part of tropical America. It is upon this condition, and not upon the height of the thermometer, that the dark- ening of the human complexion depends. To the reader who is not familiar with the technicalities of Natural Philosophy, an explanatory illustration of the statement here made may be of value. If he will suppose that he examines a wine-glass of water, boiling hot, and a gallon of tepid water by a thermometer, he will find that that instrument will stand much higher in the wine-glass than in the gallon. But if he proceeds to determine how much ice the two por- tions of water will" respectively melt, he will find that the greatest effect is produced by the lukewarm water. We say, therefore, that though the thermometer has indicated the intensity of the heat in the two portions of water respectively, that is to say, their temperatures, it has not indi- cated tlie quantity present in each, but the melting of the ice has revealed the fact that the tepid water, by reason of its larger proportion, contains a larger quantity of heat. It may be repeated, therefore, that the absolute quantity of heat an- nually furnished to any locality is by no means -indicated by the maxi- mum height to which the thermometer will rise in the summer season, yet it is upon that condition, quantity, that the tint of the complexion depends. That climate does thus influence color is clearly demonstrated by the Quantity of ^ act ^at a f am ^7 f men, indisputably derived from a corn- heat influences mon stock, have different complexions in different countries. The Jews of the north of Europe are fair men, often having red beards and blue eyes. As we trace them in their southeasterly dis- tribution, their color deepens by degrees. In their original country they INDO-EUROPEANS. 573 are tawny, still farther on they are deep brown, and in Malabar almost black. A more interesting and more general instance is offered by tho race to which we belong, the Indo-European, which reaches, in one un- broken column, across Western Asia, through Europe, from Hindostan to the British Islands. That this is one homogeneous family, derived from a common stock, is proved beyond all possibility of a doubt by the affin- ities of its languages, all showing a relation to the ancient Sanscrit, and even betraying, by their varied designations of certain objects, in an approximate manner, the time at which the progress of this column was made that it was anterior to the introduction of the metals, in the age of stone, as some authors have designated it, when weapons and imple- ments of that material alone were employed, for the names of the metals are different in many of the different languages of this race. But how is it as regards the complexion of the Indo-European s ? To the northwest it is light, but it darkens toward the extreme Variations im- southeast in India, the distribution in this respect having been doubtless much better marked in former times, before race, it was disturbed by the influences of civilization. Thus the Eoman au- thors speak of the northern Germans, of the Britons, and the Gauls, as being red-haired, blue-eyed, and very light in their complexion. It is riot to be understood, however, that the tint deepens through various shades of olive and brown by a steady progress as we pass toward India, for the physical principles on which we have been dwelling would pre- pare us to expect that, whenever we reach regions more elevated above the level of the sea, the com- plexion of the natives will be lighter. For this reason, the inhabitants of the range of the Caucasus, and again those of the great elevations of the Him- malaya Mountains and sour- ces of the Ganges, are as light a as the southern Europeans, H| and there very frequently is jji seen the auburn-bearded, and blue or gray eyed man. While the complexion thus depends on the heat, the form of the skull is determined by the condition of development of the brain, and this is the more perfect where life is main- Brahmin, tained in circumstances of Fig. 269. 574 MONGOLS. plenty, indolence, luxury, ease. In Hindostan, among the natives of high caste, have from time to time arisen men whose mental endowments have been in no respect inferior to those of Europeans statesmen, poets, soldiers, astronomers, mathematicians. Complexion apart, the portrait of Ram Ruttum, a Brahmin, Fig. 269, taken Iby Mr. Branwhite, presents an intelligent and agreeable countenance, though, perhaps, with an air of effeminacy. Let us examine a second of our subdivisions, the Mongol, character- ized as descending; from a common stock by the affinities of Variations im- f .... pressed on the its languages, though having a geographical distribution from Mongol race. the Indian Q cean to tlie tfioKs of the Polar Sea. As with the Indo-European race, so with this, the color becomes darker as the tropic is approached so dark, indeed, that, in the lowest latitudes to which its nations reach, they may be said to be black. From this they pass through various shades of brown and olive as a progress to the higher latitudes is made, the pale countenance reappearing in North Tar- tary, and attaining to whiteness in the fish-feeding tribes, Samoiedes, on the shores of the Icy Sea. But here, again, the complexion and the lati- tude are not in correspondence : on the low shores of China the natives are tawny, but in the mountainous regions of the northwest of that country there are tribes spoken of by those who have seen them as of surprising whiteness, and a similar circumstance occurs among the Tartar tribes of the very elevated plateaux of Central Asia. Although the Chinese countenance, both of the indigenous race and the dominant Tartars, is very characteris- tic, as seen in the annexed portrait, Fig. 270, from Dr. Prichard, the form of the skull expresses a high intellec- tual culture, of which also their civil- ization and their polity are a surpris- ing proof. The difficulties of govern- ing masses of men concentrated in a narrow space seem, by the statesmen of that nation, to have been in a great measure overcome. On the Chinese rivers there are many great cities, vast- ly outnumbering in their population the largest European capitals. Under the government of the emperor, it is said that there live, in security and repose, one third of the human race! Such a spectacle may impress even the philosopher with sentiments of respect and admiration. The hardships of life have left their impression on the form of the skull of the North Asiatic, whose energies have to be directed to the support of Fig. 270. Chinese. AMERICAN INDIANS. 575 Fig. 271. animal existence. The portrait of a Kamtschatdale, Fig. 271, selected by Dr. Prichard as an example, shows the projecting muzzle, that invariable index of want, and true animal feature. The complexion is nevertheless in correspondence with the low temperature of the country. A like examination of a third of the subdivisions Variations im- Kamtschatdale. Fig. 272. Can, equally Well il- dian race. lustrates the influence of heat. These, though popularly spoken of as red, and often regarded as presenting the same color from the North Polar Sea to Terra del Fuego, are very far from offering such a uniform- ity. The Esquimaux on the north, and the Fuegians on the south, are light, the tint of the native races deepening, to a certain degree, as the equator is approached a gradual deepening, much better marked in South than in North America, and on the Pacific than on the Atlantic slope. As examples of the North American Indians, we may take the portraits, by Mr. Catlin, of Black Hawk, Fig. 272, and Tuch- te,Fig. 273, page 576; the former a Sac, the latter a Cherokee. It is sufficient to compare the counte- nances of these Indians with those of California, as figured in the Voyage Pit- toresque of Choris, Fig. 274, page 576, to realize how erroneous is the preva- lent statement that all the American tribes, both of the north and south conti- tinent, are alike. The ol- ive-black Indians of the Pacific slope, though their lips are thick and their noses flat, have lank and not woolly hair, Fig. 275, page 576. On the Atlantic shore, as is well known, the temperature, in passing to lower ^^^) American Indian. 576 AMEKICAN INDIANS. Fig. 27C latitudes, docs not so rapidly vary ; and on the Pacific the mean heat is* much higher than on the Atlantic Fig. 274. American Indian. for the same parallel of latitude. Calrornla Indian. Fig. 2T5. California Indians. In South America, the so-called red race, as we have just observed, is deeper in complexion as we pass from Terra del Fuego and Patagonia northward toward the line. The Chilians are darker than the Fuegians, and the Peruvians darker than the Chilians. As the topographical con- struction of that continent would lead us to infer, there is an analogous distribution from west to east, crossing the preceding at right angles ; the Inca race, who inhabit the plateaux of the Andes, are lighter than AFRICANS. 577 corresponds to the latitude ; but from this point, passing to the east, the -Brazilio-Guarani are darker as we approach the Atlantic Ocean. It may with truth be said that the intervention of the Gulf of Mexico and Ca- ribbean Sea has lightened the complexion of the aboriginal tribes of North and South America. In the last place, we may consider, in like manner, the African races. These are, as we should expect from the high temperature y . . of that continent, all dark, yet not equally so, for the Berbers pressed on the toward the Mediterranean shore, and the Hottentots and Kaf- African races * firs adjacent to the Cape of Good Hope, are of a lighter hue. In this class we ought also to enumerate, as an example of no common interest, the native Egyptians, who are, perhaps, the lightest of all. It does not appear that there has been any marked change in the complexion of the aboriginal Egyptian for the last three thousand years, so far as can be judged from a comparison of the descriptions and paintings which have descended to our times, with the existing Copts. Leaving the Mediter- ranean shore, and advancing to the south, we pass through bands of pop- ulation sensibly becoming darker, save where a disturbance arises by rea- son of the elevation of the mountain ranges. On the north of the equa- tor the negro land is not reached until we are within 10 lati- The negro tude. The true negro occupies a zone crossing through the con- zone - tinent west and east. If our examination be made meridionally, in the manner just supposed, but along the Eed Sea coast, the complexion of the inhabitants is observed to darken through Upper Egypt and in Abys- synia. Of this country it is interesting to remark that it still retains the Christian faith as delivered to it in the remotest times of the Church. The portrait of an Abyssinian, Fig. 276, from M. d'Abbadie, shows Fig. 276. Abyssinian. Native of Madagascar. an admixture of the Arab lineaments, though there is no reason to suppose Go 578 AFRICANS. that this is due to the admixture of Arab blood. Of the two classes of Abyssinians, those who inhabit the more southerly parts have a coun- tenance much more approaching to the negro. They are, indeed, an in- trusive race, who conquered in more recent times the regions in which they are settled. It is said that the Amharic, the language of the true Abyssinians, is singularly analogous to the Hebrew. As resembling the Abyssinians in many respects, though on the op- posite side of the equator, may be mentioned the natives of Madagascar, Fig. 277, p. 577. Presenting, in some particulars, the traces of Arab in- fluence, it has nevertheless been inferred, partly from their language and partly from their features, that the most numerous class is of Malay ori- gin. Though among the inferior tribes there are some which are black, the complexion of this is olive, and the hair is not woolly, though it curls. It should be constantly borne in mind that the resemblance of features Evidences from is no proof of a community of origin. The influence of cli- countTnance ma t e and of manner of life is so great that in a due period and language, of time the most diverse tribes will show similar lineaments. Analogy in the structure of languages and identity in vocabulary is much better evidence, though even this must be received with caution. In reference to this, it has been very significantly remarked that birds of the Fig. 2T8. same kind sing the same notes in all countries, even though under such circumstances as to exclude the possibility of their having been taught by their parents. The annexed figure, 278, is given by Dr. Prichard as a specimen of the natives of Mo- zambique. The expression is undoubtedly much superior to that prevailing on the West ' African coast. Of some of these tribes it is said that the Native of Mozambique. hair is not woolly, but merely frizzled. It grows long, and hangs in slender curls. Examining the zone designated as negro land, we find that the negro Amelioration character of its inhabitants is not in all parts developed with typeto^he equal intensity. The maximum is shown in the Guinea east. countries, and from thence across the continent to the east the physiognomy improves. The negro characteristics may be specified as intense blackness of the skin, woolly hair, thick lips, gaping nostrils, THE NEGRO. 579 Fig. 279. Negro of Guinea. Fig. 280. and a prognathous skull. But the negro aspect is not limited to the African con- tinent ; it is prolonged or projected through the Indian into the Pacific Ocean, north and south of the equator, in a zone of 'many- degrees. Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, New Guinea, and part of Australia, lie in this zone. In these various countries, one or another of the characteristics we have men- tioned predominate, in part through the in- fluence of climate, and in part through ad- mixture of blood. In some of these people the hair is not woolly ; in some, the lips are thin, and the nose projecting ; in some, the form of the skull indicates a great su- periority over the West African tribes. But, whatever these modifica- tions may be, the black races of the Pacific present in their general ap- pearance so predominating a negro as- pect that they have by all travelers been classed with that tribe. Of one of these nations, Dampier, the early navigator, speaks as " shock, curl-pa- ted, New Guinea negroes. " The por- trait, Fig. 280, from Choris's Voyage Pittoresque, of a girl of the island of Luzon, one of the Philippines, may il- lustrate this remark ; for, though the form of the head shows a very great advance upon that of the Guinea ne- gro, the facial angle, respecting which more will shortly be said, being much larger, and the relative size of the brain therefore increased, the counte- nance is essentially that of tropical Africa. The projection of the African type into the Pacific is crossed at a cer- tain point by a like projection of the dark Asiatic type, and y ariations im in the region of this intersection or commingling we find the pressed on the most degraded specimens of humanity. Pacific race ' From these regions, as we pass eastwardly toward the American con- tinent, the improvement becomes very striking; thus tne Amelioration of natives of the Society Islands, though living within the the Pelagian tropic, are of a clear olive or brunette. In the opinion of type to the east> Philippine negro. 580 COMPARISON OF THE SKELETON. some, if it were not for a slight thickness of the lips and spreading of the nostrils, the countenance would be European. The men are de- scribed as "tall, strong, well-limbed, and finely shaped." Many of the children have flaxen hair ; and sailors, who are generally competent judges of such matters, universally yield a tribute of admiration to the prettiness of the women. Captain Bligh attributed the mutiny in his ship to that interesting cause. We may next consider variations in the form of the skeleton. Here, more particularly in the classification of the forms of skulls, I Comparison adopt the division introduced by Dr. Prichard, from whose of skeletons, work, above alluded to, the following passages are extracted : " In all other races, compared with Europeans, the limbs are more crooked and badly formed. In the negro the bones of the leg are eg ' bent outward. Soemmering and Lawrence have observed that the tibia and fibula in the negro are more convex in front than in Eu- ropeans ; the calves of the legs are very high, so as to encroach upon the hams ; the feet and hands, but particularly the former^ are flat ; the os calcis, instead of being arched, is continued nearly in a straight line with the other bones of the foot, which is remarkably broad." " It was observed by White, and has been generally believed, that the length of the forearm is so much greater in the negro than The arm. . & in the European as to constitute a real approximation to the character of the ape. Facts, however, prove but a very slight difference, and by no means greater than the varieties which are every day to be observed on comparing many individuals of any race or nation. On the other hand, the difference between adult apes and men in the length of the extremities is so great as to render all such comparisons very remote, and of very doubtful importance with respect to any ulterior conclusion. According to Mr. Owen, the arms of the orang reach to the heel, or at least to the ankle-joint, while in the chimpanzee, or troglodyte, they ex- tend below the knee-joint. This is a most decided and widely-marked dif- ference between the most anthropoid apes and the uncultivated races of men. Yet even the slightest approach to the former shape would be a curious circumstance ; if it could be fully established, it would tend, with other facts, to imply that the savage races of mankind have somewhat more of the animal, even in their physical conformation, than the more cultivated races, or those whose improvement by civilization may be dated from a very remote era in the history of the world." "It has been a general opinion, since the time pf Soemmering, that The foramen *^ e head of the negro is placed so much farther backward on magnum of the the vertebral column as to occasion a material difference in the figure of the whole body. It was observed by Dauben- ton that the foramen magnum is placed in quadrupeds behind the centre FOUR METHODS OF EXAMINING THE SKULL. 581 Fig. 281 of gravity, whence an important difference arises in the relative position of the head and trunk in man and in inferior animals. The extent of this difference, when the human skeleton is compared with that of the simias, has been most fully made known by Mr. Owen, who has shown that it is much greater in respect to the adult ape than it has hitherto been supposed. But there is, in reality, no difference in human races. The foramen magnum is only posterior in the negro skull to its place in the European, in consequence of the projection of the upper jaw, par- ticularly of the alveolar process." In illustration of the statement of Mr. Owen respecting the relative length of the arm in man and in the more anthropoid apes, I give the annexed photograph, Fig. 281, of the human skeleton and those of the chimpanzee and orang. Of the chim- panzee it should be ob- served that the specimen was young. They are all brought nearly to the same size by adjusting the dis- tances at which they were taken. The human skele- Skeleton of man, chimpanzee, and orang. fOU Was that of a man more than six feet in height. There are four different views from which an examination ^ K our modes of of the skull of man and animals may be made : 1st. The lat- examining the eral ; 2d. The vertical ; 3d. The basilar ; 4th. The front. skulL 1st. The lateral view, or Camper's method, is thus described by the anatomist who introduced, it, and whose name it bears. "The basis on which a distinction of nations is founded may be dis- played by two straight lines, one of which is to be drawn The lateral through the meatus auditorius to the base of the nose, and view, or Cam- the other touching the prominent centre of the forehead, and per s n falling thence on the most advancing part of the upper jaw-bone, the head being viewed in profile. In the angle produced by these two lines may be said to consist not only the distinctions between the skulls of the several species of animals, but also those which are found to exist between different nations ; and it might be concluded that Nature has availed herself, at the same time, of this angle to mark out the diversi- ties of the animal kingdom, and to establish a sort of scale from the in- ferior tribes up to the most beautiful forms which are found in the human 582 THE LATERAL VIEW, OR CAMPER'S METHOD. species. Thus it will be found that the heads of birds display the small- est angle, and that it always becomes of greater extent in proportion as the animal approaches more nearly the human figure. Thus there is one species of the ape tribe in which the head has a facial angle of forty- two degrees ; in another, of the same family, which is one of those simige most approximating in figure to mankind, the facial angle contains ex- actly fifty degrees. Next to this is the head of the African negro, which, as well as that of the Kalmuck, forms an angle of seventy degrees, while the angle discovered in the heads of Europeans contains eighty degrees. On this difference of ten degrees in the facial angle the superior beauty of the European depends ; while that character of sublime beauty, which is so striking in some works of ancient statuary, as in the head of Apollo and in the Medusa of Sisocles, is given by an angle which amounts to one hundred degrees." As illustrations of this view, the subjoined profiles of the skull of the European, Fig. 282, the negro, Fig. 283, the chimpanzee, Fig. 284, and Fig. 282. Fig. 283. European. the orang, Fig. 285, are given. Fig. 284 Negro. Of the latter, which, of apes, are among Fig. 285. Chimpanzee. those most closely approaching to man, the chimpanzee is a native of tropical Africa, and the orang of the Indian Archipelago. 2d. The vertical view, or Blumenbach's method, Orang, THE VERTICAL VIEW, OR BLUMENBACIl'S METHOD. 583 " Blumenbacli gives the following account of the way of describing heads, which, he says, is the result of his own observations The vertical in a long and constant study of his collections of the skulls menb^ch? 1U ' of different nations : He remarks that the comparison of the method, breadth of the head, particularly of the vertex, points out the principal and most strongly-marked differences in the general configuration of the cranium. He adds that the whole cranium is susceptible of so many va- rieties in its form, the parts which contribute more or less to determine the national character displaying such different proportions and direc- tions, that it is 'impossible t6 subject all these diversities to the measure- ment of any lines or angles. In comparing and arranging skulls accord- ing to the varieties in their shape, it is preferable to survey them in that method which presents at one view the greatest number of characteristic peculiarities. t The best way of obtaining this end is to place a series of skulls with the cheek-bones on the same horizontal line, resting on the lower jaws, and then, viewing them from behind, and fixing the eye on the vertex of each, to mark all the varieties in the shape of parts that contribute most to the national character, whether they consist in the di- rection of the maxillary -and malar bones, in the breadth or narrowness of the oval figure presented by the vertex, or in the flattened or vaulted form of the frontal bone.' " By this means of comparison Blumenbach obtains a division of skulls into three classes, the Caucasian, Mongol, and Negro. They are repre- sented in Fig. 286, Fig. 287, Fig. 288, and Dr. Prichard has added to these figures Fig. 289, the artificially elongated skull of an ancient Pe- ruvian, from the burial-places of Titicaca. Fig. 286. p- ig , 287. 3. The basilar view, or Owen's method. " No single view of the skull determines so much in regard to its gen- eral configuration as that of the basis. * The importance of The basilar this manner of examining the bony structure of the head view, or Owen's has been demonstrated in the fullest manner by Mr. Owen, 584 THE BASILAE, OR OWENS METHOD. Fig. 2SS. Fig. 289. Negro. in his excellent memoir on the struc- ture of the orang and chimpanzee. The relative proportions and extent, and the peculiarities of formation of the different parts of the cranium, are more fully discovered by this mode of comparison, which has hitherto been much neglected, than by any other method." Fig- 200. mn 291< Skull of orang. Human skull. " It may be observed, in this view of the cranium, that the antero- posterior diameter of the basis of the skull is in the orang very much larger than in man. The most striking circumstance which displays this difference is the situation occupied by the zygomatic arch in the plane of the basis of the skull. In all races of men, and even in human idiots, the entire zygoma is included in the anterior half of the basis cra- nii ; in the head of the adult troglodyte, or chimpanzee, as well as in that of the satyr, or orang, the zygoma is situated in the middle region of the skull, and in the basis occupies just one third part of the entire length of its diameter. Posterior to the zygomata, the petrous portions have, in the simian, a larger development in the antero-posterior direction. THE FEONT VIEW, OE PEICHAED'S METHOD. 585 Another most remarkable character, in respect to which those anatomists have been greatly deceived who compared only young troglodytes with man, is the great occipital foramen, a feature most important as to the general character of structure and to the habits of the whole being. This foramen, in the human head, is very near the middle of the basis of the skull, or, rather, it is situated immediately behind the middle transverse diameter, while in the adult chimpanzee it is placed in the middle of the posterior third of the basis cranii. A third characteristic in the ape is the greater size and development of the bony palate, in con- sequence of which the teeth are much larger and more spread, and want that continuity which is, generally speaking, a characteristic of man; and intervals between the laniary, cutting, and bicuspid teeth admit, as in the lower tribes of animals, the apices of teeth belonging to the opposite jaws. Fourthly, the basis of the skull is flat, owing to the want of that 'downward development of the brain, and of the bony case connected with the greater dimension which the cerebral organ acquires in the human being compared with the lower tribes." 4. The front view, or Prichard's method. "Neither the facial angle of Camper, nor the method of viewing the skull proposed by Blumenbach, affords a satisfactory display T^efrontview of the characteristics of the pyramidal or lozenge-faced skull." or Prichard's . 292, which is the drawing of the skull of an method ' Fig, 292. Esquimaux, the lines drawn from the zygomatic arch, touching the temples, meeting over the forehead, form with the basis a triangular figure. * These two lines in well -formed European heads are parallel, the forehead being very much broader than in the heads of Esquimaux, and other races whose skulls belong to the same great division of human crania, among whom are the Mongolians, and other nomadic nations of Northern Asia. The most striking characteristic of these skulls is the great Esquimaux. lateral or outward projection of the zyg- omatic arch. The cheek-bones, rising from under the middle of the or- bit, do not project forward and downward under the eyes, as in the prog- nathous skull of the negro, but take a direction laterally or outward, and turn backward to meet a corresponding projection of the process of the temporal bone, and form with it a large, rounded sweep or segment of a circle. The orbits are large and deep. The upper part of the face being remarkably plane or flat, the nose flat, and the nasal bones, as well as the 586 CLASSIFICATION OF SKULLS. space between the eyebrows, nearly on the same plane with the cheek- bones, the triangular space described by the lines (drawn on the wood- cut) may be compared to one of the faces of a pyramid. The whole face, instead of an oval form, as in most Europeans and many Africans, is of a lozenge shape." " Another characteristic in most of the pyramidal skulls, or, rather, in the form of the face to which this configuration of the skull gives rise, is the apparently angular position of the aperture of the eyelids. There is no want of parallelism in the orbits, or, rather, of coincidence in the transverse sections of the orbital cavities. The obliquity consists in the structure of the lids themselves ; the skin, being tightly drawn over the large protuberance of the malar bone, under the outer angle of the eye, and at the inner extremity smoothly extended over the lower nasal bones, while the bridge of the nose is scarcely elevated above the plane of the suborbital spaces, gives to the eye the appearance of being placed with the inner angle downward." " The oval or elliptical form is that of Europeans, and the southern Asiatics who resemble them ; the zygomatic bones and the jaws being less protuberant, the entire outline of the head, viewed from above, has no projecting angular parts, and is defined by an oval circumference. But in that oval figure, or rather ellipse, the two diameters vary considera- bly in proportion ; in other words, some nations have rounder, others more elongated heads. The shape of the brain, and of the skull at its basis, is in the rounder heads more like that of the pyramidal skull, or the cranium of the northern Asiatics ; in the narrower heads it approaches the figure of the elongated, or negro head." We may therefore conveniently classify skulls in three divisions : 1st. The prognathous, which is represented in Fig. 293, being the Classification skull O f a negro of very forbidding aspect. This form is of skulls. marked by a forward projection of the jaws, the brain being therefore, as it were, thrown backward as respects the face, the forehead being more horizontal and low. 2d. The pyramidal, Fig. 292, which gives rise, as has been stated above, to the lozenge-shaped face. 3d. The elliptical or oval, which, viewed from above, has an oval con- tour without projecting parts, and in the profile shows a large facial an- gle, as in the French skull, Fig. 294. These forms of skull seem to be connected very closely with habits Connection of of life : the prognathous with the savage state, or that of the skuTand ^ untm g > the pyramidal with a wandering pastoral life ; and manner of life, the elliptical with that of civilization. With respect to the form of the pelvis in different nations, the varia- tions are by no means so significant as in the case of the cranium, inas- EFFECTS OF WANT AND DEGRADATION. Fig. 293. Fig. 294. 587 Negro. French. much as they are of indiscriminate oc- currence. It may perhaps be maintained in a general way, that in the less advanced tribes, as in the female Hottentot, there is an approximation to the form exhibited by the simiae, the iliac bones being more vertical, and the whole structure characterized by its length and narrowness. Professor Weber, who has examined this sub- ject with care, concludes that no particular figure of the pelvis is a char- acteristic of any one race. The remarks which have been made respecting variations of complex- ion, as exhibited in different climates, might almost be re- The physical peated as respects variations of the form of the skull, origi- a^^inthe* 1 ' nating in difference of physical circumstances ; for as the skull, complexion varies in different temperatures, so does the figure of the skull in different social conditions. The elliptical skull, which beyond all doubt is that which belongs to man in his most civilized state, may be deteriorated and degraded even to the lowest prognathous form. Want and squalid misery will produce this result. Igno- its degradation ranee, mere animal life, social degradation, lead to its ap- b 7 want - proach in varied degrees. Even in the large European cities we recog- nize the incipient stages of it in those classes who follow a precarious life the projecting jaw, the retreating forehead, the mouth habitually open, or the lips parted so as to show the teeth. Mr. Thackrah, in his work on the Effects of Arts, Trades, etc., on Health and Longevity, says, " I stood in Oxford Road, Manchester, and observed the stream of oper- atives as they left the mills at twelve o'clock. The children were almost universally ill-looking, small, sickly, barefoot, and ill-clad. Many ap- peared to be no older than seven. The men, generally from sixteen to twenty-four, and none aged, were almost as pallid and thin as the chil- dren. The women were the most respectable in appearance, but I saw no fresh, fine-looking individuals among them. Here I saw, or thought I saw, a degenerate race human beings stunted, enfeebled, depraved." Under the opposite circumstances, where life is maintained in indolence 588 PROGNATHOUS AND ELLIPTICAL SKULLS. and plenty, the converse effects may take place. Of this, perhaps the its rectification most striking illustration is that pointed out by Dr. Prichard by luxury. of the loss of the pyramidal form of skull by the European Turks, a form which appertained to their Asiatic ancestors, and the as- sumption of the elliptical, the skull not of a wandering, but of a station- ary and civilized race. Nor has this transmutation taken place in them, in the short period since they made their European conquest, because of the influence exercised by the Circassian and Georgian women intro- duced into their harems, for this has been upon too small a scale to pro- duce such a general result, and is a luxury which can only be indulged in by the wealthier classes. As a descent is made to the skull of the prognathous form, the coun- Contrast be- tenance loses those features which we regard as being beau- nlt e hous h and e t tiful and assumes a baser cast. When it has reached the liptical skulls. limit in that direction, it is actually hideous, recalling at once the detestable aspect of the ape. In this state, in the tropical cli- mates, the lips are thick, the hair woolly, the nostrils gaping. The in- tellectual powers are correspondingly depressed ; the dullness of the eye, its porcelain-like sclerotic contrasting with the blackness of the skin, is in correspondence with the low and degraded mental power. On the contrary, when the passage is made toward the elliptical form, the coun- tenance becomes more beautiful and interesting, capable of expressing the most refined mental emotions. The eyes, in an indescribable but sig- nificant manner, manifest the exalted powers of the mind, and the lips are composed or compressed. If I am not mistaken, darkness of the skin and a prognathous form of Mode in which skull may be dependent in the dark tribes on the same cir- dark P comp C iex- cumstance. Functionally the liver is in connection with the in. calorifacient apparatus, its secretion, the bile, as shown in Chapter XL, coinciding in habitudes with a hydrocarbon. Much of it is therefore reabsorbed, and eventually devoted for the support of a high temperature. But, besides this combustible material, the bile likewise contains a coloring matter, which is in all respects an effete body, and useless to the system. This pigment is derived from the blood-discs, or, rather, from their hasmatin, as is proved by the fact that it occurs in the meconium of the new-born infant, and likewise, like hgematin, it is rich in iron. Its source is, therefore, not immediately from the food. To remove this useless material is thus one of the primary functions of the liver. Now there is no organ which is more quickly disturbed in its duty by Influence of the a high temperature than the liver. Whether such a high the 6 temperature produces its effect through a disturbance of the complexion. action of the lungs, or through an impression on the skin, is ORIGIN OF COLOR. 589 quite immaterial. If the organ be in any manner enfeebled in its duty, and no other avenue is open through which the degenerating hasmatin may escape, it must accumulate in the circulation, and be deposited here and there in suitable places. Under such circumstances, there arises a tendency for its accumulation in a temporary manner in the lower and more spherical cells of the cuticle, from which it is removed by their gradual exuviation and destruction as they become superficial. The temporary deposit of the coloring matter in tins situation imparts to the skin a shade more or less deep. It may amount to a perfect blackness ; for the origin of the black pigment of the negro is the same as The color of the that of the black pigment of the eye in all races, and the pre- skin derived , . . t L. T i -. from the h*- dominating percentage 01 iron it presents plainly betrays ma tin of the that it arises from a degenerating haimatin, in which the kiood. same metal abounds. I believe, therefore, that the coloration of the skin, whatever the par- ticular tint may be, tawny-yellow, olive-red, or black, is connected with the manner in which the liver is discharging its function. That de- posits of black pigment can normally arise in the way of a true secretion by cell action is satisfactorily proved by their occurrence in angular and ramified patches in the skin of such animals as the frog ; and that hae- matin, in its degeneration, may give rise to many different tints, is sub- stantiated by the colors exhibited by ecchymoses. It is not to be forgotten that coloration of the skin, though apparently persistent, is tending continually to a removal, because of Constant re- the oxidation which is taking place as the pigment cells ap- ^^fof ^ 6 proach the surface of the cuticle in their process of desquama- skin, tion ; but as this goes on, new cells and new pigment are perpetually forming beneath, to undergo destruction in their turn. Under this point of view, the complexion of the skin is an index of the energy with which that tissue is addressing itself for the removal of metamorphosing ha3- matin. In accomplishing this removal, the liver, in the fair races of man- kind, exerts a sufficient activity; but in hot climates, the habitation of the black races, either through a diminished power of that gland, or be- cause of an increased production of effete pigment, the skin has to lend its aid, and the degree to which it does this is betrayed by the depth of its hue. Having thus traced the coloration of the skin to existing peculiarities of hepatic action, I may repeat the remark already made, influence of the that it is not improbable that, in the most degraded negro efon^he form^f type, the prognathous form of the skull may be attributed the skull. to the same cause. Not that this alone is always the cause, for a prognathous skull can by degrees arise, as we have seen, in any race, even the white, from a 590 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE SKULL. variety of causes, such as misery, want, or an oppressed social state. It is, however, on all hands admitted that nothing so quickly disturbs the brain in its action as functional disturbance of the liver. If, through a partial failure in the operation of that great gland, the products which it should normally secrete begin to accumulate in the blood, or have to seek new channels for their escape, the vigor of the intellect is at once impaired. It is with the brain as it is with any other organ, a decline in its activity is soon followed by a deterioration or diminution of its structure, and we must not forget that it is not the brain which accom- modates itself to the capacity of the skull, but the skull which accommo- dates itself to the shape and size of the brain. Whatever the causes may be, and of course they are very numerous, which tend to lessen the en- tire cerebral mass, or by inequality in their effect produce the develop- ment of one part with the contemporaneous diminution of another, they will inevitably give rise to a modification in the figure of the skull ; and observation, as well as phrenological considerations, would cause us to anticipate that, if the effect takes place in such a way as to involve the higher powers of intellection, the skull, answering in its change thereto, will assume the prognathous cast. From what I have said respecting the relationship of different nations Hereditar of men, it will be gathered that the peculiarities on which we transmission have been dwelling, the complexion and form of the skull, as of variations. Dependent upon hepatic action, are capable of hereditary trans- mission ; for such a modified glandular action, in whatever manner it may have been occasioned, can be propagated in that way. In these remarks it will be perceived that I have mainly had in view Base form of that degradation from the more perfect standard of man which from low Tern- * s encount ered in hot climates, and which finds its expression peraturc. in a blackness of the skin and a base form of the skull. But there is likewise a white degraded form. It is that which we meet in the highest latitudes, and it is therefore dependent upon climate, that is to say, temperature. Here no such tax is thrown upon the skin as is the case in the torrid zone, but here the intellectual powers are greatly enfeebled, if for no other reason, at least because of the hardships under which life must be maintained. It is not, therefore, in very high or very low latitudes that we should expect to find man in his best estate, and this is corroborated by the history of all races. It is true that, by the artificial control which we have obtained over temperature by the aid of clothing and improved modes of shelter, we have, in some degree, with- drawn ourselves from the absolute dominion of climate; but, putting these disturbances of civilization aside, and looking only to our natural state, we shall be constrained to admit that the man of maximum intel- lectual capacity is of a faint brown hue. Nor was it through any acci- DISAPPEARANCE OF THE FAIR RACES. 591 dental circumstance, but because of physiological conditions, Maximum of that civilization arose in Egypt and in the Mesopotamian J^falntbTovm countries. It was for a like physiological reason that it races. spread next through the nations on the north shore of the Mediterranean, and never spontaneously originated in Arctic Europe or Tropical Africa. Moreover, it must be observed how forcibly the doctrine here urged of the passage of man from one complexion to another, and Disappearance through successively different forms of skull in the course of of the red-hair- ages, is illustrated by the singular circumstance to which at- e yed people in tention has of late years been directed, of the gradual disap- Eur P e - pearance of the red-haired and blue-eyed men from Europe. Less than two thousand years ago, the Homan authors bear their concurrent testi- mony to the fact that the inhabitants of Britain, Gaul, and a large portion of Germany were of that kind. But no one would accept such a descrip- tion as correct in our times. By some writers, who have not taken en- larged physiological views, this curious circumstance has been attempted to be explained on the hypothesis of a more prolific power of the brown or black haired and darker man. That this is correct not a shadow of evidence can be offered. The supplanting of the red by the black haired man is neither on account of any insidious or involuntary extermination, nor because of the numerical pressure alluded to. The true Cause of thig reason is that the red-haired man has himself been slowly apparent dis- changing to get into correspondence with the conditions that appea have been introduced through the gradual spread of civilization condi- tions of a purely physical kind, and with which the darker man was more nearly in unison ; for though it might be shown that the climate of Europe, by reason of the removal of forests, and other causes, chiefly agri- cultural in their nature, has undergone a change, this is nothing compared with the changes that have been accomplished in domestic economy by better clothing, and more comfortable lodging and food, and these are par- allel to actual changes in climate. What a contrast between the starved, naked, and almost houseless peasant-savages of the times of Ca3sar, and the well-fed, well-clothed, and well-housed agricultural laborers or manur facturing operatives of ours, who, though they may be living in the same geographical region, are literally in a warmer and more genial climate a climate with which man is only in correspondence when his skin is of a darker shade, and his hair of a brown or black color ! From these investigations of the anatomical peculiarities of the nations of men, we may turn to those of a mental kind, which, in- O f the intellect deed, are derivatives thereof. Doubtless the intellectual uai qualities of qualities are manifested in the expression of the countenance natlons - and in the capacity and. form of the skull. Considering, for the sake of convenience, groups of nations as they 592 MENTAL QUALITIES OF THE EUKOPEAN AND ASIATIC. are distributed geographically, though, as we have seen, this is a divis- ion which has no philosophical foundation, we may proceed to an exam- ination of the psychical state of the European and Asiatic, whose history furnishes us abundant materials for this purpose. The black nations of Africa and the red tribes of America, from the imperfect advances they have made toward civilization, can supply but few facts for such an in- vestigation. We can not read the histories of Europe and Asia we can not exam- Synthetical me the present condition of those continents, without coming mind of the to the conclusion that the people inhabiting them possess a lyticai mind of different mental constitution. After what has been said re- the European. S p ec ting the influence of physical circumstances on the or- ganization of man, it is unnecessary for us to inquire here in what that difference has originated. It is, perhaps, most significantly expressed if we say that the mind of the Asiatic is essentially synthetic, that of the European analytic. The former is the creator of systems of theology, law, science, some of which have endured for thousands of years, and have been adopted by a large portion of the human race. The latter pursues his course in a way less grand, but which, since it has a better ascertained foundation, leads to more certain, and, in the course of cen- turies, will show more powerful, widespread, and equally lasting results. The intellectual peculiarity of the Asiatic has been attended with the ad- vantage of producing an almost definite social state. In Asia the cus- toms remain invariable ; every thing is in a state, as we might term it, of stagnation, or, as they consider it, of repose. On the other hand, the analytical tendency of the European has led to the intellectual and polit- ical anarchy of our times, when fundamental doctrines of every kind are called in question, and scarcely two men can be found whose views on re- ligious, political, and social questions coincide. In Asia there are no questions, but only affirmations. Europe, except when the Church for a thousand years enforced the Asiatic system, has ever been prone to ask questions. Since the fourteenth century, when she returned to this pro- pensity, she has been passing through a chaos of doubt in the innumer- able answers she receives. With an intellect of this analytical kind, it may be doubtful whether Necessity of the European could ever have spontaneously entered on the Europ^aiTdv- career f civilization. The contact of the Asiatic was essen- iiization. tial to him, as giving him the material on which to work. Nor was it of importance whether the basis from which he thus started, and the additions which, from time to time, he has received, were true or false ; they furnished him with the essential condition that was wanting. The dissector must have his subject. The history of Europe, whether as regards philosophical, religious, or political affairs, bears the impress INFLUENCE OF EUEOPE AND ASIA ON AFKICA. 593 of the analytical mind of the white man. In Asia, on all these points they tend to the homogeneous. In Europe, every day makes us more and more heterogeneous. Thus compared with that of the Asiatic, it can not be denied that the mind of the European is of the higher order. Moreover, though Comparison our moral qualities are not equal to our intellectual, the man- J^Euro^ean ner in which we act in the conditions in which we are placed intellect, asserts our superiority even in that regard. The instances are many in which we do not dare to cany our convictions into execution, and each of these illustrates the inequality here set forth. To "be content with the chances of things, to suffer the events of life uncomplainingly, is surely not so worthy a character as to demand a reason, and to accept the con- sequences of resistance. The intellectual superiority of the European over the Asiatic is strik- ingly illustrated by their relative power over the African, who Th . is confessedly, in this respect, beneath them both. To go no ive influence farther back than the last ten centuries, both have, in their on Afnca - special way, exerted their influence. Here and there, on the outskirts of that great continent, the European has made a faint, but, at the best, only a transitory impression : the Asiatic has pervaded it through and through. Of the promising churches, which, in the early days of Chris- tianity, fringed the northern coast, scarce any vestige now remains ; the faith of Arabia has not only supplanted them, but is spreading even to- ward the Cape of Good Hope, and this, as it would appear, spontaneous- ly. On the other hand, the European, with that universal charity which is his noblest attribute, has spared no exertions and no expense to dif- fuse the blessings which have been conferred by Providence upon him ; and yet it would seem to be in vain, though enforced by the great exam- ple of his civilization and power. In this we see the affinity of the mind of Africa with that of Asia, of which it is an exaggeration, and its incon- gruity with that of Europe. It can not, in its present state, appreciate our manner of thinking ; it can not embrace our conceptions of truth, but delivers itself unresistingly to the dogmas of the East, with all their er- rors of faith and all their imperfections of polity. * Since I have been drawn into a psychical comparison of the Asiatic and European in the foregoing particulars, it may not be p ositionof amiss to consider the two races in another important respect, women in Asia the condition of their females. In the barbarous state, the a woman is the slave of the man ; the Mohammedan makes her his toy, the European his companion. The avarice of the former for beauty is re- placed in the latter by an avarice for wealth. The treasures of the one are placed in a harem ; those of the other are perhaps invested in the public stocks. PP 594 POLYGAMY AND MONOGAMY. The natural position of the female sex in this respect is indicated at once by the relation of numbers. In Europe, for every 106 male births there are 100 female, and as the sex of offspring is influenced by the relative ages of the parents, the older parent giving a tendency to its own sex, we may reasonably suppose that in the infants born of polygamy the males will preponderate, reversing the result which is observed in the great cities of Western Europe, in which the ratio of female births rises above its true mean by nearly four per cent, when those births are ille- gitimate. In that term of the market, four per cent., what a volume of information is here conveyed ! It tells us that the European female does not fall at once ; that there intervene years of resistance to temptation, a struggle of virtue against penury and distress, but it also reveals the precocious wickedness of man ! Considering, therefore, the near equality of male and female births, we may truly assert that monogamy is the proper condition of our species, and that, apart from its social evils and criminality, polygamy is an un- natural state. I shall pass, as unworthy of notice, the assertion of those who, in this Christian country, practice so shameful a vice, that we might as well divide the number of square acres on the face of the globe by the number of its inhabitants, and declare it to be immoral in any one to possess a larger estate than corresponds to the quotient thereof. Ac- knowledging the natural depravity of the human heart, I accept with humiliation the rebuke that the most enlightened communities exhibit in these respects a deplorable spectacle, and that the vices of the Mo- hammedan harems find their full counterpoise in the general, the awful, and, in many places, the legalized prostitution of Christian cities. Europe has adopted as the fundamental basis of its religious: system Effects of o- *ke S ran ^ Asiatic truth of the unity of God, but in its family lygamy and system it has rejected the immemorial and widespread Asi- mogamy. ^^ p ract j ce O f polygamy. That circumstance has made it what it is. The monogamous habit has tended to draw the family tie more firmly, and has led to the accumulation and transmission of wealth from generation to generation in the same house. "With this have arisen a liability to concentration of power in castes, and the use of surnames which have perpetuated family interests and family pride. In Europe the career of improvement is in the society ; in Asia it is in the individ- ual ; the unknown, starving, illiterate, but strong-willed soldier of to-day is the Pasha, the Caliph, the Emperor to-morrow. The castes of India The respective form but a trifling exception to the fact that, in the midst of STandEu- a uinversa l despotism, the primest democratic element is rope. concealed, for the career is open to talent. Through this, Asia has asserted her superiority again and again. Europe has never produced a great lawgiver ; Asia has produced many. Generations of ASIATIC CONTRIBUTIONS TO CIVILIZATION. 595 three hundred millions of men have followed the maxims of Confucius for two thousand years, three hundred millions are the followers of Moham- med. The faiths which govern the daily life of two thirds of the human race may well be an awful spectacle to us the more awful because we know that they are a delusion. The only approach to these great results in the Western Continent is in the supremacy of the Italian Church ; but Rome owed the origin of her system to Asiatic missionaries ; nor was it the completed work of the hand of one man, it was the offspring of cen- turies, the joint issue of a long line of illustrious sacerdotal kings. In military life the highest qualities shine forth. If the talent for command and the capacity of a statesman are to be measured by the grandeur of un- dertakings and their success, it still remains for Europe to produce a sol- dier the equal of Genghis Khan, and a king like Tamerlane. These great captains held almost all Asia in their iron grasp. The opinions we com- monly hold respecting these illustrious men have come to us through perverted channels. Such prodigious successes as theirs imply the high- est intellectual powers. Their true character appears when we compare them with their European contemporaries. At the same time that Charles VII. of France was mystifying his people with the imposture of Joan of Arc, and Henry VI. of England was engaged in the burning of necromancers who had attempted his life by melting an enchanted wax image before the fire, Ulug Beg, the grandson of Tamerlane, was de- termining with precision the latitude of Samarcand, his capital, with a mural quadrant of 180 feet radius, and making a catalogue of the stars from his own observations, which more than 200 years subsequently was printed at the University of Oxford. If the European wishes to know how much he owes to the Asiatic, he has only to cast a glance at an hour of his daily life. The Contributions clock which summons him from his bed in the morning was * Em-^ean -the invention of the East, as were also clepsydras and sun- civilization, dials. The prayer for his daily bread which he has said from his in- fancy first rose from the side of a Syrian mountain. The linens and cottons with which he clothes himself, though they may be very fine, are inferior to those which have been made time immemorial in the looms of India. The silk was stolen by some missionaries, for his benefit, from China. He could buy better steel than that with which he shaves him- self in the old city of Damascus, where it was first invented. The cof- fee he expects at breakfast was first grown by the Arabians, and the na- tives of Upper India prepared the sugar with which he sweetens it, a schoolboy can tell the meaning of the Sanscrit words sacchara canda. If his tastes are light, and lie prefers tea, the virtues of that excellent leaf were first pointed out by the industrious Chinese. They also taught him how to make and use the cup and saucer in which to serve 596 ASIATIC CONTRIBUTIONS TO ART AND SCIENCE. it. His breakfast- tray was lacquered in Japan. There is a tradition that leavened bread was first made of the waters of the Ganges. The egg he is breaking was laid by a fowl whose ancestors were domesticated by the Malaccans, unless she may have been, though that will not alter the case, a modern Shanghai. If there are preserves and fruits on his board, let him remember with thankfulness that Persia first gave him the .cherry, the peach, the plum. If in any of those delicate preparations he detects the flavor of alcohol, let it remind him that that substance was first distilled by the Arabians, who have set him the praiseworthy exam- ple, which it will be for his benefit to follow, of abstaining from its use. When he talks about coffee and alcohol, he is using Arabic words. A thousand years before it had occurred to him to enact laws of restriction on the use of intoxicating drinks, the Prophet of Mecca had accomplish- ed the same object, and, what is more to the purpose, has compelled, to this day, all Asia and Africa to obey it. We gratify our taste for per- sonal ornament in the way the Orientals have taught us, with pearls, ru- bies, sapphires, diamonds. Of public amusements it is -the same : the most magnificent fireworks are still to be seen in India and China ; and as regards the pastimes of private life, Europe has produced no invention Asiatic contri- which can rival the game of chess. We have no hydraulic buttons in art. constructions as great as the Chinese canal no fortifications as extensive as the Chinese wall ; we have no artesian wells that can at all approach in depth some of theirs ; we have not yet resorted to the practice of obtaining coal-gas from the interior of the earth : they have borings for that purpose more than 3000 feet deep. Similar observations may be made if we examine the Asiatic contribu- Asiatic contri ^ ons to sc i ence While the learned of Europe were forbid- butions in sci- ding, as a heresy, the doctrine of the globular figure of the earth, the Caliph Al Maimon was measuring the length of a degree along the shore of the Eed Sea. He and his successors repeat- edly determined the obliquity of the ecliptic. A Saracen constructed the first table of sines, another explained the nature of twilight, and showed the importance of allowing for atmospheric refraction in astronomical ob- servations. Algebra itself was invented and brought into Europe by the Mohammedans, who gave it the name it bears. The same may be said of chemistry. It is needless to pursue these statements, for whoever will take the trouble to look into the history of any branch of science existing in the seventeenth century will find how deep are its obligations to Asia. I shall therefore add but one fact more, the invention of the figures of arithmetic, which in reality gave birth to that science, and laid knowl- edge and commerce equally under obligations. From its simplicity, beauty, and universality, this invention alone is enough to command the gratitude of the human race. The manner of using the cipher and SPEEAD OF MOHAMMEDANISM IN AFEICA. 597 placing the figures is one of the happiest suggestions of the genius of man. I shall not set in contrast with these statements a catalogue of the contributions of the European. We know our own doings well enough ; but such facts as the preceding may serve to remind us that the Euro- pean is no more justified in ignoring the obligations he is under to the Asiatic than the Asiatic is justified in regarding him as a barbarian. In the advance of our common humanity, both have taken and still are taking their share. The European has brought to the new continent he discovered his religion, his laws, his literature, his science, and it may be a profitable subject of reflection to him that under them the Indian is dy- ing away. The Asiatic has likewise carried the Koran into The g rpad of Africa. Our prejudices and education ought not to conceal Mohammedan- from us that there must surely be some adaptedness, even lsm if it be in a sensual respect, between its doctrines and the ideas of many climates, many nations, many colors. The light of the Arabian crescent shines on all countries from the Gulf of Guinea to the Chinese wall. In those pestilential and sun-burnt forests under the equinoctial line, cit- ies are springing up with their ten, their twenty, their fifty thousand in- habitants. That implies subordination, law, civilization. It may be that this is not a course of events which would have been chosen by the French on the north, with their military colonies ; the English on the south, with their commercial establishments ; the Americans on the west, with their political institutions ; but it is the course of Providence. Let us be thankful if the African is rescued from the abyss of barbarism, and brought to a knowledge of our higher morality and holier religion, as brought he will be at last, even though it be by the hand of the Prophet. In the following chapter I shall have some remarks to make respect- ing the manner in which the civilization of Europe was ac- p ectiv complished, and shall offer reasons for supposing that its es- civilization of sential condition was a physiological change in the inhabit- ants. Without troubling the reader with details, I may here incident- ally observe that the spread of Mohammedanism in Africa is altogether owing to its having been introduced in the right direction. It appears to me hopeless to attempt the amelioration of that continent from its west- ern shore. Whatever is done must be done from the East. In power of intellect, and in a disposition to appreciate our civilization, the inhab- itants of the countries bordering on the Red Sea are far superior to those on the Atlantic. It does not seem well to begin with those who are the least prepared. We do not commonly expect success from operations conducted at an eccentric point. The Koran has spread be- cause it has availed itself of the great lines of trade, which reach from the Red Sea to the interior of the continent; it has spread, not because 598 SPREAD OF CHRISTIANITY IN AMERICA. of its doctrinal theology or theoretical politics, but because it is concern- ed in the amendment of the social condition of the people. That is pre- cisely the principle which accomplished the civilization of Europe ; and, with regard to the capacity of those nations to receive Christianity, we may, even to our shame, recall the circumstance that the Abyssinians are yet a Christian people, still retaining the ancient faith delivered to them in the apostolic ages, when our forefathers were pagan barbarians. Sur- rounded by the most depressing and antagonizing influences, they have held fast to their faith for nearly eighteen centuries. The hoary Abys- sinian Church carries us back beyond the Council of Chalcedon and the disputes of the Eutychians ; its literature is full of the questions which exercised the faithful in the primitive times of the brethren at Jerusalem circumcision, things strangled, meats prohibited by the law of Moses ; and yet, to the discredit of the European and American, it must be said that this Church, full of incidents of the most singular and touching in- terest, has scarcely had (with one exception) any sympathy extended to it by other Christian people. From these considerations of the effects of Asiatic civilization upon Spread of Africa, we may profitably turn to a brief statement of that of ^/t^Amer" Eur P e u P on tne red races of America. This result in the icas. two continents, north and south, is, that in the latter, out of almost 1,700,000 aborigines, nearly 1,600,000 have embraced Christian- ity, less than 100,000 remaining in the savage state. No such favorable impression has been made upon the aborigines of the northern continent, who, as is well known, are steadily diminishing in numbers, and many tribes that were once numerous have disappeared. This has taken place notwithstanding the care which has been manifested by the government of the United States for all those who are within its territories. It does not appear that the conclusion which has been drawn by some eminent authors in view of these facts can be maintained, that " this considera- tion, if we can separate it from the events of the Spanish conquest, for which it is to be hoped that the soldiers, and not the ministers of relig- ion, are responsible, must be allowed to reflect honor on the Eoman Cath- olic Church, and cast a deep shade on the history of Protestantism." That this conclusion is incorrect is shown at once by the very tables that are relied on for its support. Out of the 100,000 aborigines of South America who remain heathen, more than 66,000, that is to say, two thirds, belong to the Araucanian and Patagonian branches, who are the counterparts for that continent of the Indians of the United States and British American territories in this. Upon these it may be truly said that no impression whatever has been made: Of the Patagonian branch, estimated at more than 32,000, only 100 individuals are stated to have embraced Christianity, and of the Araucanian branch, consisting EFFECT OF CLIMATE ON CIVILIZATION. 599 of 34,000, not one. It is by bringing into these discussions the singu- lar and widespread error that all the aboriginal American tribes are alike, and by not making due allowance for their habits of life, their physical and mental endowments, that this mistake has arisen; but whoever will consider the facts as they actually stand must come to the conclusion that there are just as well-marked differences among these people as there are in the climates and circumstances in which they live. Intellectually, there is even a greater difference between the Indian of the United States and the Indian of Peru than there is in their physical aspect. The one is an intractable savage, the other docile and easily led; the one has never yet been enslaved, the other prospers and in- creases in number, though he has sustained all the consequences of the atrocities of the Spanish Conquest. By chance, or perhaps, as we should more truly say, through Providence, the field of Catholic labor has been among the more docile races, that of Protestant among the more untam- able, and the result is exactly such as, under those circumstances, the philosopher would be led to expect. I can not here avoid recalling to the attention of the reader what I have said respecting the comparative progress of Christianity and Mohammed- anism in Africa, for we find upon our own continent a repetition of the facts which were presented to us there. The chances, if such a term can, on this occasion, with propriety be used, of the diffusion of Christian civ- ilization, are directly proportional to the existing intellectual development of the community among whom the attempt is made. Mohammedanism has diffused itself in Africa for precisely the same reason that Catholi- cism has succeeded in America because its operation was commenced upon those tribes best prepared to receive it. We can not have a more striking instance of the effect of climate on civilization than that which is offered by the American In- Illustration of dians. As is well known, though throughout all those lati- tudes in which life is maintained with difficulty, by reason iiizatkm. of their inclemency, all the tribes, both of the north and south continent, were in a barbarous state, yet in those more pleasant countries toward the equator, in which, by reason of the natural fertility of the soil and a higher mean temperature, the inhabitants had little occasion to work, and passed their lives in comparative plenty and ease, a special civilization had arisen. It is of no little interest to observe how the main features of Asiatic and European civilization were presented in this case, doubt- less without any communication with those continents, for it shows how the human mind is ever prone to unfold itself in the same way, to give birth to the same ideas and to the same inventions. The . .,. Civilization of civilized Americans of Mexico and Peru were organized in the tropical in- communities not unlike those with which the white man is dians * (300 EXTINCTION OF THE INDIANS. elsewhere familiar, living in cities which were regulated by municipal laws familiar enough to us, maintaining among their social institutions, fixed ideas respecting property and family rights, having a national relig- ion, an established priesthood, and the means of recording events, which, though imperfect, were not unlike those which obtained in the earlier pe- riods of our own civilization.. If they had not a knowledge of iron and the plow, they had already fallen upon the early Asiatic plan of subju- gating and domesticating such animals as were suitable for their pur- poses. Civilization arose among these people in similar localities and under similar circumstances of life as it had arisen among our ancestors in the Old World, and, such is the sameness of constitution of the human mind, was advancing in exactly the same way. Although, for a time, among the degenerate descendants of the Span- Gradual ex- iards, the South American Indian may maintain himself, but tinction f the little doubt can be entertained that the same destiny awaits temperate him which has befallen his North American brother. He zone. can not withstand that enterprise and activity which are leading to the extension of the white invaders of his native soil. Even though the age of cruelty to these unfortunates has passed away, never more to return, and enlightened governments, animated by sentiments into which no mercenary consideration enters, interest themselves in their welfare, it is not to be supposed that nations depending on such an arti- ficial support can long continue to exist. In this inevitable decline, the tropical races may far more worthily excite our commiseration than those of the higher latitudes ; nor is their departure unavenged : they leave behind them two curses, tobacco and syphilis. In conclusion of this partial examination of the progress of the human Manner of family under varied circumstances, we may remark a repeti- natlo^rin^v- ^ on ^ a ^6 series of changes to those which have been ilization. traced in the psychical career of the individual, and this, whether we consider the progress in theology, policy, philosophy, or any other respect. It is a continued passage from the general to the special from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous. The history of any of the ancient nations might be brought forward as an example. Emerging from the barbarous state, they shake off their Fetichism, that union of the supernatural with the natural, which gives to every wood, every tree, every river, its presiding genius ; to families, their Penates ; to the city, and even to the road, their Lares ; to stars, and to stones, and to med- icines, their spirits ; to the night, its apparitions and fairies. It is in vain that we say these are the subjects of African credulity. They are found in the origin of all people. Our forefathers once cherished the il- lusions which still occupy the negro mind. The time came when intel- lectual development outgrew such base superstitions, and for a crowd of PROGRESS OF CIVILIZATION. 601 imaginary inanities were substituted the chosen forms of Polytheism. It is true that, among Egyptians, Hindoos, or Greeks, there were deities enough, but the process of specialization may be nevertheless plainly dis- cerned. The Fetich stage, the Polytheistic stage, are necessarily in- cluded in the onward progress to a pure metaphysical Monotheistic con- ception. In this it is to be remarked that the Asiatic races Their religious of men have led the way, both in the priority and strictness P ersu asions. of their views. The great statesmen of China, of India, of Arabia, and of Judea, centuries ago, seized upon this as the pivot of their intellectu- al and even political systems. To the last country, Europe itself, as history proves, is indebted for this noble idea. European Monotheism is not indigenous, but imported from the He- brews, an Asiatic race. The intellectual condition of the nations among whom it was introduced was but little advanced, and hence among some it came to be degraded mixed up with the remains of popular and an- thropomorphic conceptions, which otherwise were gradually dying out. For a length of time the pagan creeds maintained a conflict with it, and with difficulty it disentangled itself from the base features w T hich they endeavored to impress upon it, as with the Hebrews themselves of old, the people seemed to be reluctant to surrender altogether their Polythe- istic ideas. These remarks are to be understood as not applying to individuals, for in every age and nation great men have arisen, whose views on these and other subjects of like vital importance were far in advance of their times. In their best days, both in Greece and Kome, there were men who had attained to the standard here alluded to, but their teaching was without effect on the popular mass. There was a want of equivalency between the individual attainment and the race attainment. Though individuals may be progressive, races are essentially conservative ; and hence there will constantly arise against individual attempts at an ad- vance discountenance and resistance, an opposition which in too many instances becomes a tyranny. Masses of men are not like inorganic mass- es, which resist a change by their inertia alone. The biography of ev- ery great reformer shows that the popular mind resents any disturbance of its repose. [Resistance has to be overcome in the moving of things, resentment is added in the moving of men. To the philanthropist it is a most delightful spectacle that the various nations, in spite of the difference of their interests, their Existence of a creeds, and their politics, can yet present certain great prin- ^iTty wit'dis- ciples which they recognize in common, and this is becom- cordant creeds. ing more and more marked with the onward advance of the world. In the course of events, the special is ever coming out of the general, and the great principles of a common morality are gradually disentangling and 602 SOCIAL MECHANICS. unfolding themselves from contradictory forms of faith. The Chinese, the Hindoo, or the Turk, though they may not coincide with the Amer- ican or European as to what is to be looked upon as true, will yet agree as to what is just. The sentiment of honor, the ideas of personal integ- rity, are fast becoming universal. Yet even in these later ages, there is in this respect nothing new. The tendency of the human mind, whether individual or collective, to the same direction is continually manifest a premarked and predestined course in which it must go. Our most refined notions of rectitude contain noth- ing more than is to be found in the little epitome of the ancient lawgiv- er; for if we strike from the ten commandments \vhatever is explanatory or threatening, retaining the mandatory parts alone, there remains what commends itself to the understanding of intelligent men even of the most diverse nations the acknowledgment of the unity of God, the ven- eration due to him, the expediency of a day of rest for the laborer, the duty of filial affection, the enormity of murder, the sin of adultery, the crime of stealing, the shame of lying, and a strict regard for the property of another : these are things which exact for themselves a spontaneous and universal assent. CHAPTER VIII. SOCIAL MECHANICS. Comparative Sociology. Connection of Structure and Habit. Connection of History and Phys- iology. Insect Society. Descartes 's Doctrine that Insects are Automata. Necessity of a Mechanism of Registry for Instinct, Reason, and Civilization. Nature of Man. Influence of surrounding Circumstances on him. Deflniteness of his Career. GENERAL FACTS OF EUROPEAN HISTORY. Introduction of Egyptian Civilization into Europe. The Registry of Facts by Writing. Egyptian Philosophy in the Greek Schools. The Persian Empire : its Influence. Analytical Quality of the European Mind. Influence of the Greek Schools on modern Philosophy. Origin of European Commerce. Discovery of the Straits of Gibraltar. Macedonian Campaign. Reconstruction of Monarchy in Egypt. The Roman Empire: its centralizing and civilizing Power. Fall of European Paganism. In- fluence of the Christian Church. The Sabbath Day. The Reformation. Influence of Mohammedanism on Europe. The Arab physical Science. TJie Crusades. Dis- covery of America by the Spaniards. Fall of the Spanish Power. Later Mental Changes in Europe. Disappearance of Credulity. Physiological Change of Eu- ropeans. Effect of Mohammedanism in changing the Centre of Intellect of Europe. Analyt- ical Tendency of the European Mind. Advantages resulting therefrom. HAVING described man as an individual, we have next to consider him Dependency of * n m ' s soc ^ relations ; for so closely are his actions connect- sociai career on ed with his organization, that it may be said that universal history is only a chapter of physiology. It is acknowledged, COMPARATIVE SOCIOLOGY. 603 even by those who have given but a superficial attention to the subject, that there is a connection between corporeal development and historical career ; that those races who have led the way in the course of civiliza- tion, and those who still remain in the savage state, are characterized by striking anatomical peculiarities, particularly in the size and development of their cerebral hemispheres. Such general conclusions are strengthened by our observations on the animal series, the lower members of which offer together a sameness of structure and an identity in their course of life. In those the metamorphoses of which have been stud- Structure and led, it is always noticed that every change of structure is at habit in the once/ollowed by a change of habit, yet, during the continuance case of msects - of a given condition, their manner of life is without any variation. The actions of one insect are for the most part the actions of another of the same kind and in the same state, whether larva, pupa, or imago. But in the midst of all this automatism there are, however, the glimmerings of a free will. The animal world presents forcible illustrations on every hand on the connection of structure and habit. Philosophical views of human sociology are only to be attained by treating that great problem in the same manner that we have comparative learned to treat so many others in physiology. We must in- sociology. elude in our discussion all other animal races, and not close our eyes to the fact that there is such a thing as comparative sociology. We ob- serve the republican propensities of the ant, the monarchical life of bees, the solitary habit of other tribes. Is it not, at least in part, because of cerebral peculiarities that one kind of bird is polygamous, and another observes an annual or perpetual monogamy ; that the buffalo delights in the society of his kind, but the lion will tolerate no neighbor ; that the horse runs in herds, and adopts an organized system, submitting to a cap- tain whose motions he follows ? We can not suppose that these habits are the sole result of a present and immediately active external influence which calls them forth ; an internal influence is also at work, an internal influence dependent on organization. A discussion of the problem of human sociology could, therefore, only be completed after a study of the same problem in the entire animal se- ries a task requiring varied and profound knowledge of natural his- tory and comparative anatomy. Indeed, the present state of these sci- ences does not enable us to accomplish it. The remarks I am about to make are, therefore, of a very imperfect kind. The social problems pre- sented to us by animals are a fitting introduction to the social problems of man. For the clearer understanding of what follows, it may Distinction be _ therefore be observed that we may receive the term instinct tween instinct as indicating a faculty incapable of improvement, and possess- 604 COMPARATIVE SOCIOLOGY. ed by each individual exhibiting it spontaneously, without experience or imitation. The suggestions of instinct are often instantaneous and always unvarying ; those of reason involve deliberation, and into them the element of time enters. They also involve error. Animals which, for a thousand years, nay, indeed, through all time, have never invented, never improved, never varied, all of the same kind being equally skill- ful, are to be considered as actuated by instinct, not by reason. Those of which it may be said that they perceive, remember, think, compare, and then form a judgment, are to be considered as possessing reason, and this the more as they the more perfectly accomplish that end. In this respect, man is approached by the quadrumana, the elephant, the. dog, but the immense interval which separates him from them is at once in- dicated by the fact that they appreciate only good and evil, so far as in- volved in pleasure and pain ; but he contemplates equally the good, the beautiful, and the true. The historian may perhaps view with resentment an attempt on the Connection of P art ^ P n y s ilgi sts * accomplish the annexation of the ter- history and ritory in which he labors. With difficulty will he be brought physiology. ^ o a j m ' t fae dogma that the history of men and of nations is only a chapter of physiology. He doubtless will smile at the absurd- ities of a doctrine which places under a common point of view the doings of caterpillars, ants, and wasps, with the high resolves of senates and emperors which undertakes to consider how, out of the most obscure, the most august may proceed. But it is none the less true that there exists a comparative sociology, as well as a comparative anatomy and a comparative physiology. Struc- ture, function, and career are all inseparably connected. When we were considering, in a former chapter, the nervous mechan- ism of insects, we saw how that, from the purely automatic, the volun- tary is gradually produced by the development on the ventral cord of an apparatus for the registry of impressions, the cephalic ganglia. These registered impressions are the cause of the most surprising psychical re- sults. The action of barbarian communities is as purely automatic as the ac- Barbarism and tion of an insect, which never had, or from which there have civilization. k een rem oved, the registering ganglia. Irritate the decap- itated wasp, it will sting. The uninjured wasp has a choice of action ; it may possibly fly away. The action of civilized communities is of a far higher kind : they are guided in what they do by experience. In the progress of civilization there have arisen the means of permanently re- cording past events. Such records influence us in deciding how we shall act. They constitute knowledge. If we may compare small things with great, is there not an analogy INSECT SOCIETY. 605 between the manner in which the registering mechanism of Analogy be- an insect or other animal is evolved, and the manner in tween i which the means of perpetuating and disseminating a knowl- ment and social edge of events have arisen in human society ? The one, it is career - true, appertains to individual life ; but is there any fact more clearly made manifest by physiology than that of the parallelism of race life and individual life, no matter how lowly that individual life may be? An insect presents us with surprising actions, because it possesses within itself the means of registering the events which occur in its little circle. Nations act wisely and well, according as they are guided by their store of experience. If our pride can be so far overcome as to admit that in the history of the life, even of an insect, the progress of mankind is shadowed forth, that is to say, universal history is seen in a microscopic manner, it will not be too much to hope that we shall then entertain physical or mechan- ical ideas of the social career, that society advances in a definite way, has its laws of equilibrium and movement, its centre of intelligence, its centre of power, in short its statics and dynamics. Though it is only one out of many instances that might be presented, let us briefly consider social life in the inferior tribe to which reference has been made ; let us also look at some of the individual peculiarities of insects. Our sentiments of exclusiveness and pride may be corrected thereby. Insects form societies for mutual assistance, defense, invasion, emigra- tion, mere pleasure societies which undoubtedly arise in . /. T 1 T /. s^<* ,1 Insect society. the experience ot passions, such as love and tear. Ut these the duration is variable ; some last through the larva state only, some are confined to the imago, some are maintained through life. The organiza- tion by which their object is accomplished is various, monarchical, re- publican. The caterpillars of the processionary moths are guided in their march by a leader ; the termites obey at once a king and a queen. The lust of power is not alone felt among human monarchs ; the queen bee never rests till she lias assassinated her rival. All insects of the same kind are not born equal, nor do all pursue the same occupation ; some follow a life of leisure, some devote themselves to the profession of arms, some are laborers. When the metropolis of the termites is attack- ed, the laborers, as non-combatants, retire, but the soldiers come out. The ants, with which w r e are more familiar, engage in military and filli- bustering expeditions ; they make reconnoissances, set sentinels, march in a definite order, the van alternately falling to the rear ; their lines of com- munication are maintained, and, if necessary, swift couriers are disp&tch- ed for re-enforcements. If successful, they not only carry off the ene- mies' stores, but reduce the vanquished to actual servitude, compelling 606 HABITS OF INSECTS. them to work as slaves. They have notions of property, and, though some of them practice cannibalism, they will amuse themselves in more pleasant occupations, tumbling and playing together like kittens or pup- Habits of pi es - With a sentiment of strict justice, the wasp who has re- insects, turned from a successful foray divides his booty among the males, females, and the laborers who have been working in the vespiary ; nor is the sentinel, who is doing duty at the door, forgotten. If, through the chances of war or by accident, any one has sustained a grave injury, in some tribes the most devoted sympathy is shown : the ant will carry his wounded friend out of the hot of the fight ; in other tribes a more than Roman firmness is displayed : the sufferer is put out of pain by his companion. Expecting an attack, some insects will shut their doors at night, and barricade them within, or, if the danger is continual, will build masked gateways in succession, with interior walls that command them. They are no contemptible engineers. They can construct and maintain roads of great length, with paths branching from them, which, if neces- sary, they keep mown. They cross streams by throwing themselves into floating bridges, and the damage done to their premises by an in- vader they show the most singular skill and alacrity in repairing. How many are the contrivances to which insects resort to carry out their pur- poses ! The caterpillar of the cabbage butterfly makes a ladder and goes up it ; the geometrical caterpillar lets down a rope, and, for fear of hurt- ing himself, drops a foot at a time. The gossamer spider sends forth a thread fine enough to act like a balloon, and, floating in the air, he de- scends or rises by winding it up or letting it out. There are other in- sects which make diving-bells, and go under the water. No bird makes a net, no beast a pitfall : men and insects do both. A gang of sailors will carry a spar by supporting it on alternate sides on their shoulders ; a gang of ants will, in like manner, carry a straw or a long worm. There are spiders which show as much dexterity as an Indian in sneaking for- ward to get in reach of their prey. In their domestic economy, how wonderful ! Some build their houses of artificial stone, some of pasteboard which they make. Some cover their rooms with tapestry, some lay carpets of silk on the floor, some hang their doors on silk hinges, so that they shut by their own weight. They make arches, domes, 'colonnades, stair-cases. They practice con- cealment of food. Ray, an accurate observer and a very pious man, says of a sand-wasp that it carried a caterpillar fifteen feet, removed a pellet that closed the mouth of a hole, deposited its booty therein, came out, and rolled the pellet back on the hole, scratched dust thereon like a dog, went for rosin to agglutinate it, leveled the ground, and put two pine leaves to mark the place. However much we may smile at this anec- dote, it may satisfy us of the high opinion entertained of the accom- THE CEPHALIC GANGLIA. 607 plishments of insects by those who have been close observers of their habits. Dr. Laycock remarks, when speaking of the cephalic ganglia of insects (Med. Chir. Rev., July, 1853) : " On what structures de- instincts of in- pend, if not on these cephalic ganglia, all those wonderful Jj^? ^hanc" instincts which mimic in their operation the arts of man? ganglia. There is hardly a mechanical pursuit in which insects do not excel. They are excellent weavers, house-builders, architects. They make diving- bells, bore galleries, raise vaults, construct bridges. They line their houses with tapestry, clean them, ventilate them, and close them with admirably-fitted swing-doors. They build and store warehouses, con- struct traps in the greatest variety, hunt skillfully, rob, and plunder. They poison, sabre, and stab their enemies. They have social laws, a common language, divisions of labor, and gradations of rank. They maintain armies, go to war, send out scouts, appoint sentinels, carry off prisoners, keep slaves, and tend domestic animals. In short, they are mentally a miniature copy of man." The surprising character of some of these facts might disappear were we acquainted with what may be termed the spring of the action. It has been said by Dr. Whateley that the building of a comb is like the provisioning of a city, in which, through the desire of the dealers to get wealth, is solved what is probably the most intricate of social problems. It is done by no design of theirs, and yet they advance to it as if im- pelled by gravitation or some other insuperable force. A printer may put types together to get money without ever troubling himself about the diffusion of knowledge. A bee may find gratification in what he is doing without any concern about the final use of the comb. Of the cephalic ganglia spoken of in the preceding paragraphs, Fig. 295 is an illustration from Mr. Newport, in the case of the imago of the Sphinx ligustri : until it learned the art of of European writing. 2. The progress of civilization in Europe was attended by an absolute physiological change in its inhabitants. They were brought nearer to the condition of the inhabitants of a more temperate climate. On this point, however, we have dwelt to a sufficient extent in the pre- ceding chapter. 3. The European mind is analytic, that of Asia is synthetic. In Eu- rope, the action in philosophy, in religion, in politics, tends to the inces- sant decomposition of a thing into its parts, and their separate discus- sion. The results of this tendency are seen in many of the practical social difficulties of modern times. Before entering on this, the conclusion of his work, the author may recall by a few passing remarks the general views which have been in- cidentally scattered through preceding pages respecting the nature of man, the influence of surrounding circumstances over him, his social posi- tion, the definiteness of his career, a definiteness which authorizes us to treat his history, not as though it were composed of chance events, but as a fitting subject for the contemplation of physiology. Man is every where constructed upon the same essential type, and hence, in one sense, he acts in an invariable manner, but that type passes forward in development to many different aspects, and hence, in another sense, he exhibits differences in his determinations and movements. With the form and size of the brain, the intellectual capacity of man NATURE OF MAN. 611 varies. In a state of nature, his mental powers are in close relation with the climate in which he lives, attaining their greatest perfection in the wanner portion of the temperate zone ; but under the artificial condition of civilization, in which the vicissitudes of the seasons are compensated for by food, fire, shelter, and clothing, properly adjusted, he gains his maximum development in a somewhat higher latitude. After what has been said in the last chapter respecting the influence of physical circumstances on the structure of man, producing modified development in our typical form, and thereby giving rise to many dis- tinct families, it will be anticipated that those circumstances must con- sequently modify our mental operations, our manner of thinking and act- ing, that is to say, must leave their marks on our history as nations. For a long time this has been recognized in a general manner : the mount- aineer thinks differently and acts differently to the native of the low- lands ; he whose life is spent on the borders of the sea to him who lives in the great plains in the interior of continents. But it is not to these influences as operating by association on the individual that I now refer ; it is rather to the profound effect they have had in producing a special cerebral, and, therefore, mental organization in the course of many gen- erations on races and nations. Let us always remember that there is a common principle which un- derlies the varied movements and determinations of men every where a principle from which no one can disentangle himself. At the bottom of even the most diverse actions it may be discerned, just as we can detect the fundamental type of our organization under the most varied forms. As from the physical point of view there is a standard man who, in weight, height, strength, and other such like particulars, rep- , 5 , r Nature of man. resents the entire human family, so, in an intellectual point of view, there is a standard man who, in mental progress, manner of thinking and of acting, represents the whole race. There are also sub- ordinate standards, the representatives of particular groups or nations. It is to these standards that we are continually appealing in arriving at a judgment of the acts of individuals. The special history of these phases constitutes, in a philosophical sense, national history. The rec- ord of the development of the fundamental type constitutes universal history. I have already remarked that universal history is only a chapter in physiology. Since, by reason of the similarity of construction of the cerebral apparatus, the actions of men will present a uniformity when under the influence of similar motives or impulses, there is not only a resemblance between such actions among different persons, influence of but also it may be discerned when nation is compared with nation, and race with race ; for the movements of communi- on him. 612 CAREER OF MAN. ties depend on the same motives as the movements of individuals, being indeed the sum of individual determinations. But when multitudes and masses are thus brought under our consideration, the element of free-will seems for the most part to disappear, and events assume an air of pre- destination. To this principle it is that history owes its chief value, and truly becomes, as is often said, philosophy teaching by example. The intelligent man who lived twenty centuries ago would doubtless have come to the same decision which is reached by the intelligent man of our times ; the same propositions being submitted to both, both guiding themselves by similar principles to a like result. The logic of truth is eternal, for it is the expression of the manner of action of our cerebral ap- paratus, the type of which never changes ; and since there is thus no essential change in the typical construction of man, and therefore none in the manner of operation of his mental processes, since physical nature Definiteness of i g unvarying, and the events of life spring one out of another his career. j n a regular order or sequence, there must arise those same analogies in the history of race compared with race, and nation compared with nation, that are so obvious when individual is compared with indi- vidual. Of every great future event there is therefore a past history, for every such event has had its precedent in other histories, and therefore its prognostic. Things will follow in a definite order so long as the in- fluences of external nature are the same, and so long as the construction of the human brain is the same. The political foresight of the most eminent statesmen depends on a gift of appreciating national mental types, like that possessed by great sculptors or painters of appreciating a standard of beauty. It is this which enables them to foresee the probable consequences of events, and to realize the expected action of individuals, and even of masses of men. In such actions there is far more uniformity than is commonly supposed. The same general conditions which yield to the post-office a definite percentage of misdirected letters every year which, with mar- velous fidelity, give to the hospitals, the jails, the bills of mortality, their expected numbers, operate from age to age, and in one nation as in an- other, and hence arises that appearance of fate in the action of masses to which we have alluded; hence also it is that the same cycle of events re-occurs again and again, diversified, perhaps, but never essen- tially changed by the influence of individual free-will. As the compar- ative anatomist exhibits, in the different members of the living series, their common points of resemblance that this organ in one animal is the homologue of that in another, and this function the analogue of that, so the philosophical statesman, acknowledging the essential principle of comparative history, reasons from nation to nation and from age to age. PRIMITIVE STATE OF EUROPE. 013 CHIEF EVENTS IN THE CIVILIZATION OF EUROPE. The Odyssey presents us a vivid picture of the state of Europe a thousand years before the birth of Christ. A twilight was Euro e emer _ breaking on the most eastern verge in the countries adjoin- ing from bar- ing the Hellespont, but the West and the North were im- b mersed in a night of barbarism. The unfolding mind is ever prone to fill darkness with imaginary creations, and it was with the white race at that period as it is with a child. Every shore of the Mediterranean and Black Seas was full of prodigies. To the Greek no fiction was too marvelous for belief if- it was separated from his view by a hundred years or a hundred miles, the exaggeration of tradition confirming it in the one case, and the difficulties of travel in the other. His horizon was crowded with enchantresses like Circe, sorcerers like Tiresias, monsters like the Cyclops. Gods and goddesses were perpetually flying through the air ; every hill had its supernatural legend, every forest its phantom. Even the mouth of hell was on the farther side of the Euxine. A religion of superstition is very liable to be connected with a life of evil works. The maritime enterprise of those days seems to have re- ceived no little incitement from the temptations of piracy a profession to which, even at a later period, the Greek appears instinctively to turn ; nor were these felonious expeditions restricted to the taking of goods ; they drew an additional profit from the stealing of men. The evidences of even a still darker crime may also be discerned, since there were people accused by common fame of eating the captives who fell into their hands. The white man, therefore, emerges from his state of barbarism a pirate, a slaver, a cannibal, cruel in his moment of power, and debased by an incredible superstition in his moment of fear. Unable to originate his civilization for himself, he drew the elements of it from another country. By the concurring testimony of Civilizatio all authors, as well as the internal evidences of ancient history, originated that great blessing is the gift of Egypt. For thirty-four cen- X1 turies before our era that country was governed by dynasties of kings, succeeding each other without interruption. Its soil, proverbially fer- tile, sustained a population, estimated, in the most prosperous times, at about seven millions ; and repeated military expeditions into Asia and Ethiopia had, in the course of ages, concentrated in it immense wealth, the spoils of conquered nations, and crowded with captives and slaves the Valley of the Nile. For this long continuance of the Egyptian polity satisfactory reasons may be assigned. In early ages, when maritime expeditions Ancient condi- were necessarily feeble, the country was open to invasion tion of Egypt, only across a narrow neck of land on the east, and was protected from any attack on the west by impassable and interminable deserts. Under 614 THE EGYPTIANS. the military system of remote antiquity Egypt was almost inaccessible ; but through the changes of later times, and ever since naval expeditions have been carried to any extent, her position has been that of extreme weakness. The uniform experience of twenty-five centuries, from the Persian wars to those of the French ^Revolution, has shown that the pos- session of the mouths of the river is equivalent to the conquest of the country. In the security of this inaccessible retreat, and under political institu- tions of a favorable character, the civilization which was to be conferred on the white man originated. For a succession of centuries, industrial art, and its parent, natural knowledge, appear to have undergone a steady development ; perhaps, as in other countries at a later time, advancing in the more prosperous political seasons, and becoming stationary in the decay of the empire. The statements furnished to us by Greek authors are of very little value, for as long a period of time intervened between the first Egyptian kings and them as from them until now. It is rather from the monuments of the Egyptians that we must judge. Each year since their country has been open to investigation, and their hieroglyphic system understood, the impressions we have received of their intellectual advancement have been more and more favorable. The vocal statue of Memnon at Thebes, it is said, emitted a musical sound when touched by the rays of the sun. In the light of modern criticism, every obelisk and monument in those desolated palaces is finding a voice. The public works attest to this day the greatness and permanence of Manners of the the Egyptian monarchy, and the peculiarities of the Egyp- Egyptians. ^ian mind. From the statues and ruins of the temples of the Greeks we see what a vivid perception that people had of the beauti- ful. The statues, and tombs, and temples of the Egyptians offer a strik- ing contrast ; the useful every where predominates. The vases of the one were adorned with emblematical and graceful forms ; the tombs of the oth- er were covered with sculptures and paintings, commemorating the ordi- nary pursuits of life, and various processes in the arts and manufactures. These sculptures and paintings show to what an extent the physical sciences and arts depending on them had been cultivated. They set be- fore us the domestic life and daily business and trades of the people : cookery, confectionery, glass-blowing, weaving, pottery-making, manu- facture of cotton, painting on wood and stone, staining of glass, and a hundred other occupations. Among the pictured representations, a chem- ist sees with pleasure the apparatus of his art, siphons, bellows, blow- pipes, etc. Shut up by its political system from the Mediterranean nations in the same manner that the Chinese and Japanese empires have been in later times from other states, Egypt was to the Greek a land of mystery and INTRODUCTION OF WRITING. 615 marvels. The exaggerated legends which had been brought from it at distant intervals by those who had escaped by stealth, or in troublous times had, like Cecrops and Danaus, led forth colonies of emigrants, lost none of their wonders in the traditions of successive generations, but were rather verified by the roving pirates who had seen the pyramids, obelisks, and sphinxes, and the great temples on the banks of the Nile. The first step in civilization is the invention of some system of per- manent record some method of writing. Without this, it i ntroduct i on may be truly said that law can not exist. Law can not main- of writing from tain itself in the uncertainties of tradition law, without Egypt * which we can not conceive of society. The legendary history of Europe is doubtless correct in referring to some of these Egyptian fugitives or emigrants the contemporaneous introduction of writing, and a system of jurisprudence. Even if the former was derived from Phrenicia, accord- ing to the story of Cadmus, the Phoenicians had originally borrowed it from Egypt. It is an interesting illustration of the tendency of the Eu- ropean mind to analysis, that of the forms of writing known in those times, the ideographic or picture-writing, the syllabic or the representa- tion of syllable sounds by signs, and the alphabetic, the latter alone maintained its foothold in Europe. This form, as described at page 356, essentially consists in decomposing articulate expressions into their con- stituent vowel and consonant sounds, and assigning for each of those sounds a letter. About seven hundred years before Christ, events took place which led to the extension of Egyptian" civilization to Europe. The an- j ntro d uc tion cient power of the kings had declined, through disputes and of Egyptian compromises occurring between them and the priesthood. Be- tween the priests and the military caste there was an open quarrel, many of the former having been deprived of their lands. These rivalries broke out in revolts and insurrections, and for two years the country was in a state of anarchy, from which a partial respite was obtained by an entire change in its institutions. Twelve of the most influential persons divided it among them, each having a province which he ruled as an independent king. The old monarchy had degenerated into an oligarchy, and it was this revolution which introduced African science into Europe. Psammetichus, one of the twelve, had for his province the country which borders on the Mediterranean Sea. Availing himself of his position, he established an intercourse with the neighboring nations, particularly the Greeks and Phoenicians, and amassed from it so much wealth that his colleagues, jealous of his increasing power, resolved to dispossess him. Until this time, all foreigners had been held in the utmost contempt, and rigidly excluded. Psammetichus called in the aid of Ionian pirates, and other Mediterranean adventurers, and, having collected a sufficient body 616 THE PERSIAN EMPIRE. of such mercenaries, defeated his colleagues at the battle of Momemphis, and "became sole ruler of the whole country. By the aid of a foreign force the revolution had been ended, but the Opening of the position of Psammetichus was essentially different from that ports of Egypt. o f a ll preceding princes. A foreign force had given him the throne, and a foreign force alone could maintain him on it. Under such circumstances, he took his most politic course, and, breaking through the traditions of twenty-five centuries, opened the ports of Egypt. This event necessarily led to a closer intercourse among the Mediter- ranean nations, and insured communication between Europe and Africa. The foreign element quickly made its influence manifest. In the very next reign the Cape of Good Hope was doubled, and Africa circumnavi- gated, and in the course of a very few years we find Pythagoras, Solon, and Thales visiting Egypt, and bringing from thence to Europe the ele- ments of law and natural science. The Persian empire in the mean time had attained an attitude of su- The Persian P r emacy in Western Asia. Following the inspirations of its empire: its in- Babylonian predecessors, it was engaged in continual wars with its African neighbor. From the battle of Pelusium, and the conquest of Egypt by Cambyses, the political interests of that country and Greece became essentially the same. The Persian con- querors, operating alternately on the north and south shores of the Medi- terranean, betrayed a determination to extend their rule around that sea, and make it a Persian lake. On the one hand they were resisted by the Greeks, on the other by the Egyptians, between whom active communi- cations were kept up. For several centuries these operations were con- ducted with various success. The kings of Persia, several of whom seem to have been men of great capacity, comprehended the political ad- vantages which would arise from the possession of the sea, and would have doubtless carried out their plans as respects the south shore, if the Phoenicians had not opposed obstacles for the sake of their colony at Carthage. And though the Greek historians, with a pardonable motive, speak of the various movements on the north as failures, there are many circumstances which lead us to receive their accounts with allowances. If Memphis was sacked, Athens also was burned ; and even at the open- ing of the Macedonian expedition, Greek history is full of Persian inci- dents and intrigues. In speaking of the Egyptian cultivators of philosophy as priests, the Introduction of signification which is now attached to that word gives us an Egyptian phi- erroneous idea of what they really were. The colleges at Memphis, Thebes, Heliopolis, and Sais, were, in reality, each the head-quarters of a fraternity of artists and professional men, and bore no sort t>f resemblance to our modern ecclesiastical institutions. Among THE GREEK SCHOOLS. 617 them were architects, lawyers, physicians, painters, chemists, astrono- mers. These men were, moreover, the great landowners ; not only were the temples richly endowed as corporations, but the individual members were persons of wealth. They enjoyed monopolies of all kinds ; for in- stance, among other things they had extensive factories for cottons, and laboratories for the preparation of chemical products. From these institutions the Greek philosophers brought natural sci- ence. Pythagoras had resided at Thebes, Thales and Democ- The Greek ritus at Memphis, Plato at Heliopolis, Solon at Sais. They schools - did at first little more than expound the doctrines they had learned. Their mode of instruction seems to have been, in many instances, found- ed on the Egyptian model. The Pythagorean establishment at Crotona may be regarded as a partial imitation of the African colleges. It is not my intention to enter on an examination, or even enumera- tion, of ancient philosophical opinions, nor to show that many of the doc- trines which have been brought forward within the last thtee centuries existed in embryo in those times. It may, however, be observed that, in the midst of much error, there were those who held just views of the various problems of theology, law, politics, philosophy, and particularly of the fundamental doctrines of natural science, the constitution of the so- lar system, the geological history of the earth, the nature of chemical forces, the physiological relations of animals and plants. It is supposed by many, whose attention has been casually drawn to the philosophical opinions of antiquity, that the doctrines which we still retain as true came to the knowledge of the old philosophers not so much by processes of legitimate investigation as by mere guessing or crude speculation, for which there was an equal chance whether they were right or wrong ; but a closer examination will show that many of them must have depended on results previously determined or observed by the Af- ricans or Asiatics, and thus they seem to indicate that the human mind has undergone in twenty centuries but little change in its manner of ac- tion, and that, commencing with the same data, it always comes to the same conclusions. Nor is this at all dependent on any inherent logic of truth. Very many of the errors of antiquity have reappeared in our times. If the Greek schools were infected with materialism, pantheism, and atheism, the later progress of philosophy has shown the same char- acters. To a certain extent, such doctrines will receive an impression from the prevailing creeds, but the arguments which have been appealed to in their favor have always been the same. The distinction between these heresies in ancient and modern times lies chiefly in the grosser characters which they formerly assumed, arising partly from the reflected influence of the existing mythology, and partly from the imperfections of exact knowledge. Even the errors of early antiquity are venerable. 618 ANALYTICAL MIND OF THE EUROPEAN. We must judge our predecessors by the same rules that we hope pos- terity will judge us, making a generous allowance for the imperfections of reason, the infirmities of character, and especially for the prejudices of the times. To have devoutly believed in the existence of a human soul, to have looked forward to its continuing after the death of the body, to have expected a future state of rewards and punishments, and to have drawn therefrom, as a philosophical conclusion, the necessity of leading a virtuous life these, though they may be enveloped in a cloud of errors, are noble results of the intellect of man. The analytical quality of the European mind already manifested itself Analytical in this decomposition of knowledge derived from foreign coun- Eurcfean **"* tries, in this establishment of a host of schools, this examina- mind. tion and discussion of the fundamental elements of the im- ported philosophy. As there are differences in the physiognomy of races, so there are differences in their intellectual endowments, which, arising in peculiarities of cerebral construction, communicate peculiarities to the processes of thinking. The physical science of Egypt, transported to Greece, rapidly degenerated into speculative philosophy, and in so doing produced an instability of opinion which entailed as its conse- quence a laxity of morals. Such a social condition led naturally to the results which history indicates. It is not surprising that the most em- inent men were open to bribery, and that the glory of those ages was so often the brilliancy of corruplion. These are the necessary results at- tending such political conditions. Too often it fell out that the great men of Greece accused, and too often convicted each other of being in- fluenced by Persian intrigues and Persian gold. In the general demor- alization, they seem to have taken for their guide a perverted interpreta- tion of the admirable precept of Solon, " In every thing thou doest, con- sider the end." Added to this, the public faith in things once implicitly believed was shaken. Xerxes in a very unceremonious way violated the temples and carried off their treasures, showing the same contempt for the gods of Europe that Cambyses had shown for those of Africa. If there lingered in the minds of the philosophers any latent belief in the national faith, a relic of the impressions of childhood or of popular opinion, such a prac- Greek irre- tical demonstration could scarcely be lost. During the fifty ligion. years of that war, the philosophical opinions of the Persians had full opportunity to find their way among a class of men quite open to receive them, and from this time we perceive a striking similarity be- tween many of the doctrines of the schools and the well-known dogmas of the Orientals. The Greeks, like the Hindoos, in the possession of the mere rudiments of science, passed at once to the discussion of the most important and elevated problems with which the human mind can be en- ORIGIN OF EUROPEAN COMMERCE. 619 gaged, and, as an inevitable consequence, were led away from true phi- losophy into sophistry and irreligion. It has been remarked a few pages back, that in the progress of nations events follow in repeating cycles, and that for any one we may generally find its precursor, and therefore its prognostic. Greece dealt with the philosophy she had received from the southern people, African or Asi- atic, exactly in the same manner that Europe dealt with Italian theology the moment that liberty of action was permitted by the Reformation. In each case the issue was not the prompt and final substitution of a sys- tem correcting apparent and acknowledged defects, a system in unison with the existing tone of thought. There was no such stoppage of ac- tion ; but from the bosom of each principle and sect many other princi- ples and sects arose, until there seemed to be no end to the subdivision. If thus we consider the political position of Greece, the condition of Asia Minor, occupied by Persian troops, the destruction that influence of the had overtaken Egypt, the excitements and calamities of a war ^mod'eraphi- of half a century, we can readily understand that this was losophy. not a season when the tedious and slow processes of true philosophy were likely to flourish, and that it was far more conducive to imposture than to science. The seeds of knowledge which had been brought from Egypt shot up into a rank growth, and Europe did not free herself of these weeds for sixteen centuries. The character of a long train of events is often determined at its inception ; for this reason, I have dwelt in detail on those times, and it is well worthy of remark that the posi- tive science of the European was not fairly established until after three distinct impulses from Egypt : once, as we have seen, under her Pha- raohs ; again, under her Ptolemies ; and still again, under her Caliphs and Sultans. While these events were taking place in the southeast of Europe, do- mestic and foreign commerce were preparing the way for a Ori - n of Eu gradual diffusion of civilization. A trade with the countries ropean coin- bordering on the Baltic Sea for the amber which is found on J those shores had gradually arisen, and, in like manner, another with Spain, France, and England for tin. The tin of Cornwall was carried through France and shipped by the Phoenicians at Marseilles, a certain quantity of the same metal being also obtained from the Spanish mines. Early in their history the Phoenicians had established colonies on several points of the Black Sea, and from these depots they brought the various products of those countries, among which may be mentioned gold, which had apparently been originally derived from the washing of the Uralian deposits. This Black Sea commerce seems, however, to have been event- ually abandoned for the more profitable Spanish trade, and on the with- drawal of the Phoenicians from the Euxine, the Greeks occupied their 620 THE MACEDONIAN CAMPAIGN. Discover of P^ ace * Meantime the enterprise of the Tyrian sailors had the straits of carried them through the Straits of Gibraltar, and enabled Gibraltar. them to have direct access with the tin and amber countries without the intervention of any overland traffic. It was doubtless the discovery of this outlet to the Atlantic which led to the destruction of the Gaulish trade in tin and the German trade in amber. So greatly was this latter substance prized, that the overland commerce in it had many ramifications : thus amber was carried into Italy by the Etruscans, who had a sacred road under the protection of the adjacent tribes to the Baltic Sea. With their commerce the Phoenicians disseminated a knowledge of many inventions peculiar to themselves, among which may be mentioned the use of stamped metallic coinage. Their great African colony, Car- thage, exerted in these movements eventually a more powerful influence than even the parent country. Emulating the enterprise of the Phoenicians, the Greek mariners un- dertook expeditions both to the east and to the west, succeeding, as we have seen, in establishing themselves on the shores of the Euxine, and eventually passing, under Colceus of Samos, through the Straits of Gib- raltar into the Atlantic Ocean; but even up to the time of the Mace- The Macedoni- donian expedition, their geographical ideas were very crude an campaign. an( j f u n O f errors. Of the expedition of Alexander, Hum- boldt remarks that it partook as much of the character of a scientific as of a military undertaking, and its consequences, both immediate and re- mote, upon Europe can scarcely be exaggerated. That great commander surrounded himself with whatever talent was to be found in Greece, and made his military successes for a time subservient to the science of his native country. It was through this that Aristotle obtained that com- manding influence which not only gave him an authority over the active mind of his own times, but which was felt even until the introduction of the Baconian system of philosophy. The campaigns of Alexander doub- led the geography of the Greeks in longitude, opened to their investi- gation new countries even to the tropics, brought them acquainted with races of men who had been the depositaries of science, as it then existed, for thousands of years, and, in short, added Asiatic to Grecian knowl- edge. It is a significant fact that, after the taking of Babylon, Alexander sent to Aristotle a series of astronomical observations reaching back through 1903 years. The Macedonian expedition not only made a profound impression on Restoration of ^ e European mind by its immediate results its influence is monarchy in equally palpable in its remoter consequences. It would be impossible, in such a sketch as this, to do justice to that great event in all its details ; for nations can not be thus brought in contact THE PTOLEMIES. 621 without prodigious mental results, the extinction of old, and the appear- ance of new ideas. But of the influences which thus arose, there is, how- ever, one which deserves to fasten our attention, and the more so since we have had already, and shall have again, the occasion for alluding to it. It was the establishment of a regal government in Egypt. Under the Ptolemies, who may "be truly characterized as the most T , J , The Ptolemies. illustrious kings of antiquity, that ancient country recovered her pristine glory. Among the works accomplished by these great men may be mentioned, as examples of their high-toned policy, the sending out an exploring expedition to equinoctial Africa ; the establishment of menageries and zoological gardens at Bruchium ; their attempts at determ- ining the cause of the overflow of the Nile ; the library at Alexandria ; the museum at Ehakotis ; the measurement of a degree on the earth's surface between Alexandria and Syene ; the ascertaining of the prodigious distance of the region of the fixed stars ; the recognition of the motion of rotation of the earth upon her axis, and of her translation around the sun ; the precession of the equinoxes ; the attempt at constructing a map of the world by the aid of degrees, based on lunar observations and on shadows ; the improvement of the methods of astronomical observation by the invention of water-clocks, and instruments for the more accurate measurement of angles. Along with these, Baron Humboldt, in his Cos- mos, has enumerated many other philosophical works of the Ptolemies, which exerted a profound influence both upon the knowledge and intel- lect of Europe. Greece now repaid what she had formerly borrowed ; her schools of philosophy were translated to Alexandria, and the great names of Euclid, Apollonius, and Archimedes testify to the return of those ages to exact science. The decline of Greece and her final absorption into the Roman em- pire was the necessary consequence of her mode of life. In Decline of policy as in philosophy, her essential tendency was to sub- rise e of'the d Ro- division, and therefore to weakness. In her external rela- man empire, tions she had ever been far more closely connected with Asia than with Europe. For a long time she was little more than an outlying territory of Persia, respecting and fearing the highly-civilized nations in her front, but scarcely concerning herself with the barbarians at her back. Very different was it with Rome, her great supplanter and successor, who, thoroughly European in her whole history, exercised an active, interven- tion in the affairs of adjacent nations an influence perpetually felt through Spain, Germany, Gaul, and Britain. It is difficult to estimate fully the influence of the Roman empire on the intellect of Europe. Its power lay not in the origination of what was new, but in the development and dissemination of what was derived from other sources. The contributions of the Roman emperors to the stock 622 THE ROMAN EMPIRE. of positive knowledge bear no kind of comparison to that of the Ptole- mies just mentioned; indeed, their works have reference chiefly to military purposes and material aggrandizement. In this manner we must look upon the surveys and itineraries which they caused to be made of vari- ous parts of the empire. Nevertheless, through their influence the idea of civilization was gradually made to find its way through Central and Northern Europe. The function of Rome in our history is very distinct. From small Centralizing beginnings she steadily pursued the same progress. The pote^ 11 ^ c 011 *! 1168 * an ^ absorption of town after town, which was the Home. history of her earlier times, was carried out in the annexation of nations in her day of strength. From the moment that she gained the control of the Mediterranean Sea, which was the grand epoch of her life, she inexorably forced all the conterminous nations to acknowledge Italian centralization. It is no metaphorical expression that she became their centre of gravity. No circumstance could occur to her which did not instantly influence them all. As far more than an equivalent for subjugation and loss of independence, she made them into a common race, harmonizing their actions, and giving them common ideas. The Roman empire was the organizing agent of the white man. The acts of man, though they may have the aspect of free-will as re- gards himself, are automatic as regards the race. He is employed in achieving a result of which he is utterly ignorant ; he is concerned in a work of the effects of which he is unconscious. He is like a bee, which doubtless experiences a certain pleasure in flying from flower to flower, the gratification of an obscure desire in constructing cell after cell, its individual delight ministering to a public good of the nature of which it is wholly unconscious. In such a manner we may look upon the career of the Roman with satisfaction. He was pursuing a life of evil deeds, and accumulating in his great and dissipated capital the spoils of wasted provinces, gratifying his wanton luxuries by a systematic resort to war, that most awful of the curses that afflict our race. It was the temporary lust of individual interest that he was pursuing. Providence was bringing out of it a uni- versal good. If Rome was cruel in her national acts, she was majestic in her policy. The fall of Eu ^ e decimated nations that she might bind them into one ropean pagan- family. With remorseless vigor she extinguished every trace of independent action, and with a contradictory but noble liberality, domesticated the worship of every conquered people round the Capitol. There was no god whose image she could not show, no faith of which she was not the patroness. It may serve as an exam- ple of the manner in which her policy led to definite results of which she THE PAPAL GOVERNMENT. 623 was unaware, or, if aware, of the manner in which the strong hand of Providence inverted her designs, that by this, her system of universal toleration of every ancient faith, /she absolutely destroyed them all. Brought thus to bear upon one another at a common central point, their contradictions, inconsistencies, fallacy, and emptiness became apparent. The men of capacity first made the detection, their opinions spreading by degrees through society. Well might St. Chrysostom say that the error of idolatry vanished of itself, and that paganism seemed in his day " like a conquered city, whose walls were overthrown, her halls, theatres, and public buildings consumed by fire, her defenders slain, and here and there a few old men and children lingering among the ruins. Even these were soon found no more." It is sometimes said that the Boman empire was essentially composed of cities ; that at its fall its fragments were cities ; and that it left nothing to posterity but its municipal system. Such a statement is not true. Its legacy was of a far higher order. It left the religion it had adopted, the civil law, and the foreshadowing of the great deeds that might be ac- complished by the white man organized and united. To this, in a more perfect way, the affairs of our times are still conspicuously tending. We begin to hear of the opinion of Europe, the public law of Europe, expres- sions which are gaining each day more and more significance. In that phantasmagorial. exhibition which we call history, events give birth to events as in dissolving views, the phantoms of the i nfluenceoftlie actors stalking one after another. It is not always possible empire in its for us, with the slender information we possess, to determine the time of origin of etch incident, or its true and actual bearings. The secret history of antiquity is almost unknown. Nearly every circum- stance in the decline of the Roman empire was fraught with important consequences for modern times. Among the more obvious facts which attract our attention are the dislocation of the centre of the empire by the translation of the seat of government to Constantinople, the conse- quent acquisition of power by the bishops of Home in the West, the in- cessant emigrations and invasions of barbarians from the North, the con- quests of the Saracens, from whom it seemed af one time that Europe would hardly escape, and that the threat of Muza would come to pass, that the name of Mohammed should be proclaimed in the Vatican ; the consolidation of ecclesiastical policy, and the repeated attempts of the Church to suppress barbarism attempts so signally successful that by the end of the eighth century many of those nations had written systems of law ; the separation of the Greek and Latin Churches, the The Papal different phases which the latter assumed as she was affected government, by existing circumstances, how she extricated herself from an almost barbarous state after the empire had failed her, how she asserted the in- 624 SUPPRESSION OF PHILOSOPHY. dependence of the spiritual order, how she kept her grasp upon mankind by the establishment of monastic institutions ; how, after the death of Charlemagne, who had done so much for her, she adopted the feudal system, which was the legitimate offspring of barbarism ; how, as knowl- edge began to spread, she tried to render it tributary to her by councils, convocations, federations ; how, finding it likely to become uncontrollable, she took the alarm, and in an evil hour attempted its repression ; how for a little while she became the autocrat of Europe, and in the plenitude of her power so greatly forgot her duty that, in the time of Leo X., it was doubted in Rome whether the soul be immaterial and immortal, Erasmus testifying with horror that he heard it proved that there is no difference between the soul of a man and that of a beast of a truth it was said that the Eternal City teemed at once with all crime and all the glories of art how, against the moral and intellectual revolt which she encountered the Reformation the Church made a stand by the aid of the Society of the Jesuits and the establishment of the Inquisition, Its attem t at an< ^' w ^ a quick sense of her true position, attempted to suppressing guide children through education by the former, and to check philosophy. men ^ the terrors of the i a tter; h OWj as if ^ i ns tinct, she detected the antagonism of exact science, and on the one hand published her Index of prohibited books, and on the other allied herself with art, cultivating it so eminently as to compel even her enemies to confess that she had produced true miracles at last in architecture, sculpture, paint- ing, music. Pius IV. was justified in comparing some of her grand masses to the strains of Paradise. The mistake committed by the Italian governmftnt in thus attempting the compression of human thought was in its imperfect appreciation of the qualities of the European mind and the existing philosophical tend- ency. Up to a certain point opinion may be coerced by force. It is altogether a vulgar error that persecution never attains its ends. In nine cases out often it does attain them, provided it is applied with suf- ficient severity and for a sufficient time, as is proved by the history of almost any nation ; but in the tenth it fails. Judging from the experience of twenty centuries, for that was nearly Failure of that the period during which the European had been philosophiz- attempt. j n g ? the popes were justified in coming to the conclusion that they did. Those centuries had produced no philosophy of a sure and permanent kind. The only fruit which they had borne was the meta- physical uncertainties of the schools. There seemed no prospect that the human mind would ever do more than flounder in doubt ; that sect after sect, and doctrine after doctrine, would emerge into prominence and disap- pear. In such a state of things, it was not to be supposed that any peril could arise from attempting to control opinion by authority, and to extin- guish the spirit of inquiry by asserting the paramount efficacy of faith. THE REFORMATION. 625 In thus failing to recognize the fact that things were coming to that condition in which the elements of certainty and absolute philosophical truth would be shortly attained, the popes committed the Church to an irreparable error. They periled her authenticity in an unequal conflict. It might do for a little time to deny and denounce the globular figure of the earth, but the demonstration of the truth came irresistibly at last ; and so with the doctrines of the antipodes, the daily rotation on an axis, d sofrest. day, and in the silence of night obtains rest and repair; that same perio- dicity which belongs to it as a whole, belongs to all its constituent parts. One portion of it can not be called into incessant activity without the risk of injury. Its different regions, devoted to different functions, must have their separate times of rest. The excitement of one part must be coincident with a pause in the action of another. It is not possible for mental equilibrium to be maintained with one idea, or one monotonous mode of life. There is a necessity even for men of great intellectual en- dowments, whose minds are often strained to the utmost, to fall back on other pursuits, and thus it will always be that one seeks refuge in the pleasures of quiet country life, another in foreign travel, another in social amusements. Pitt sought a relaxation from the cares of politics in the excitement of the chase ; Davy found a relief and consolation in the rod and line ; and among men whose lot is cast in the lowliest condition, whose hard destiny it is to spend their whole lives in the pursuit of their daily bread, with one train of thought and one unvarying course of events, the same principle imperiously applies. It is often said that the pleasures of religion are wholly prospective, and to be realized only in another world ; but in this there is a mistake, for those consolations commence even here, and temper the bitterness of fate. The virtuous laborer, though he may be ground down with the oppressions of his social condition, is not without his relief: at the anvil, the loom, or even the bottom of the mine, he is leading a double existence the miseries of the body find a contrast in the calm of the soul, the warfare without is compensated by the peace within, the dark night of life here serves only to brighten the glories of the prospect beyond. Hope is the daughter of Despair. And thus a kind Providence so overrules events that it matters not in what station we may be, wealthy or poor, intellectual or lowly, a refuge is al- 628 PUBLIC WORSHIP. ways at hand, and the mind, worn out with one thing, turns to another, and its physical excitement is followed by physical repose. By the enforcement of the observance of the Sabbath the Church gave Influence of effect to this providential system of physical and mental re- public worship. Ji e J have already said that her chief strength lay in this, that she concerned herself with the common man, who never in the world's history before had had any to watch over or to care for him. She humanized him by the devotional solemnities of a sacred day a day of entire relief from toil. Ignorant and rude though he might be, it was not possible for him to enter her hoary temples without being made a better man. The atmosphere of rest, the twilight streaming through the painted windows, the prayer in an unknown tongue, the slow chanting of old hymns, or the swelling forth of those noble strains of music, which, once heard, are graven in remembrance forever these she had made, with more than worldly wisdom, the elements or incidents of public worship. She gratified the manly sense by asserting before her altar the equality of all men, by making the vain and transitory grada- tions of society disappear, and by teaching the rich and the poor, the great and the humble, their common dependence on the mercy of God. Under her powerful influence, inarticulate Nature, as if spellbound, seem- ed to acquiesce in the tranquillity of the Sabbath day, and to assume an air of rest. In the cottage they rose at a later hour. The father cleansed himself with more than usual care, and, if it was the custom of his country, shaved his face, perhaps sadly neglected in the interven- ing week, and dressed himself in his better clothing. His honest pride found a gratification in the neatness of his wife and children. His table was more bountifully supplied, his heart humanized by the grateful re- lief from labor, and the society and converse of those dearest to him. Physically and mentally he rests, and by that rest is enabled to sustain the cares of a life of toil. It is not without a reason which we may turn to our profit, that the Scriptures have placed upon lasting record that the Great Head of the Church has taught us both by precept and personal example how to use this day ; and that, for the sake of the many gen- erations of laboring and weary men who were to follow him, he inflexibly resisted every attempt at encroachment upon it by the grim bigots and hypocrites of his times. Though Kome did little for Europe in the production of knowledge, The civil s ^ e ^ us serve< ^ * ts i n terests well in the most vital respects. She gave it her system of law and her religion. With the introduction of Roman usages among barbarians came the Roman law, modifying or abrogating the existent imperfect polities. To a consider- able extent, its spread was due to the influence of the ecclesiastics and the wants of the rising municipalities. INFLUENCE OF THE ARABS. 629 The influence exerted by the Koman empire on the social condition of Europe in the two particulars to which reference has been Influence of the made, the introduction of the civil law, and the establish- Mohammedans ment of the Christian Church, occurred in the' period of its decline, and was therefore contemporaneous with the spread of Moham- medanism through the north of Africa, and the occupancy of Spain by the Arabs. To a very considerable degree, the practical character which European thought has exhibited in later centuries is to be attributed to the Arabians, who have justly been termed the founders of physical sci- ence ; for though, through them, the literature of Greece was intro- duced into Western Europe, the writings of Aristotle, for example, being made known through an Arabic translation, they imparted to what they thus gave their own particular impress. Being the first founders of or- ganized institutions for the cultivation of medical pursuits, answering completely to our modern medical colleges, they attached to those pro- fessional studies their own peculiar methods. It was therefore in this way that botany and chemistry were particularly cultivated, be- The Arab cause they were regarded as the foundation of Materia Medica. schools. Humboldt remarks, that while the Europeans have been disposed to con- nect the physical sciences with theology, the Arabians connected them with medicine, and that through their medical colleges they ruled the Christian schools, who looked up to Avicenna and Averroes as the great authorities on these subjects. The most important applications of the mathematical sciences to the purposes of life were made by the Arabs. Of this it is sufficient to mention the introduction of the notation of arith- metic and many instruments of navigation, the former not only fur- nishing an invaluable aid in the computations required by the wants of a commerce which reached from the north of Europe to Madagascar, and from the Atlantic islands to China, but, what was of even more import- ance, in the progress of mathematical science itself, the latter through the aid afforded in astronomical observations permitting the successful ac- complishment of voyages in seas which even to that time had been little frequented. It would extend this chapter unduly if we were to enter into any de- tail of the special contributions of the Arabs to the stock of Eu- Arab discov- ropean knowledge. It may, however, be briefly remarked, that eries - we owe to them our system of universal arithmetic, and even the title under which it now passes, algebra. Their discovery of the strong acids, nitric, sulphuric, and also aqua regia, constitutes an epoch in chemistry. The cultivation of that science also was stimulated in no small degree by their attempts at the transmutation of the baser metals into gold, and the discovery of the means of indefinitely prolonging life the philoso- pher's stone and the elixir vita?. In the science of optics, the work of (330 THE CRUSADES. Alhazen on refraction demonstrates their cultivation of the methods of physical experiment and observation, and their application of the pendu- lum to the measurement of time is even yet acknowledged to be the most perfect contrivance for that purpose. In estimating the value of the influence which the Mohammedans ex- erted upon the European mind, we recognize its specific similarity to that which, more than a thousand years before, had been communicated from the schools of Egypt under its Macedonian kings, and even, still centuries before that, at the time of the opening of the Egyptian ports. In all three cases the tendency imparted was to the cultivation of the physical sciences, then in their infancy, and thereby to the increase of the material power of the race. In a very short time, inventions which have been of the utmost importance made their appearance, such as gun- powder, the mariner's compass, and various optical instruments. It is of no moment whether these were introduced by the enterprise of the Arabs from Asia or whether they were of indigenous origin ; there can be no doubt that the intellect of Europe had reached that peculiar phase, and the tendency of thought was in that particular direction that, even if these discoveries had not been communicated from abroad, they would very soon have been made at home. The Mohammedan attacks on Europe were retaliated by the Crusades. These strange wars, into which the white race plunged, were The Crusades. . -, -, , -A 111 instigated by the Koman government toward the close ot the eleventh century, and were followed by consequences which their pro- jectors never expected. They precipitated barbarian Europe upon Asia, under the pretense of rescuing the Savior's tomb from the infidel, but in reality to keep back the threatened tide of Saracenic invasion, and to di- vert from Italy the restless military spirit that was every where engen- dering. No other motive than the one thus ostensibly put forth could have brought the ferociously independent hordes of Europe to act to- gether. It had been well if, in ancient times, the emperors had been in possession of so useful a device ; it might have saved the city from some sieges and sacks. As it was, the turbulent stream was thrown upon the Byzantine monarchs to their utter perplexity. The Saracens received it with amazement. The ostensible causes which had set in motion such a countless rabble of stupid barbarians were absolutely incomprehensi- ble by them. In their invasions of Europe they had carried the light of such science as they possessed, but in this counter invasion of Asia they were repaid with the most besotted ignorance. The Crusaders found that the infidel they had come so far to encoun- influeaceofthe ter w ^ nout provocation was valiant and polished, in many Crusades ou cases merciful and just. Their ideas of the Asiatics under- went a great change after they had been in contact with EFFECTS OF THE CRUSADES. 631 them for a time. Those who lived to return to their homes from the successive expeditions spread abroad a more enlarged and correct con- ception of Oriental countries, events, and men, the influence of which was not lost to civilization. In his imprisonment in the fortress of Dierstein, the lion-hearted Richard of England doubtless reflected that there was more honor in the infidel Saladin than in many a Christian king. It has not escaped the observation of historians that the frequent communication which these events established between all parts of Eu- rope and the Italian court served often to disturb the sentiment of piety. The visitors at Rome saw things which had been better concealed. Their unaffected simplicity was shocked by the dissipation and immoralities in high places. They carried the shameful story to their homes. Among the unexpected and lasting advantages arising from the Cru- sades, not one of which had been contemplated by the Ital- Advantages ian court, may be enumerated more enlarged and liberal views derived from of foreign nations, and the importation of Asiatic discoveries. From the remote parts of that continent embassadors came to Italy, and enterprising European travelers, like Marco Polo, wandered in return all over it. In this manner the knowledge of the mariner's compass was obtained. From having learned to employ their ships in warlike expe- ditions, the Western nations were induced to enter on that career of mar- itime commerce which soon led them to the discovery of America and the doubling of the Cape of Good Hope, and which, in these times, con- stitutes the chief feature of their life*. Trade, which until then had been overland or terrestrial, became maritime a change important to the last degree, since it eventually gave rise to the prodigious development of manufacturing industry. Heavy masses of goods can never be trans- ported by caravans, though they can easily in ships. The geographical value of countries was changed. Egypt, for instance, lost her position, not to be recovered again until the invention of the locomotive, which will restore land-transport to its former state. Wealth poured into the maritime states, and markets were sought for all over the globe. More- over, the separate principalities and kingdoms were taught to act in uni- son, and the idea of Europe united Europe was made manifest. As a present advantage was realized the downfall of the feudal system, and, as a direct consequence thereof, a redistribution of the population. To this system, in its flourishing period, some have been disposed to impute many benefits that it originated our domestic manners, gave birth to the sentiment of loyalty and honor, cherished independence, and elevated the female sex ; but these are misconceptions or exaggerations. In the last particular, the advancement of women, the merit is strictly due to the Church ; for, had there been no other reason, the universal preva- lence of Mariolatry throughout Christendom, by diffusing a most accept- 632 SPANISH DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. able and even adorable image of female loveliness and virtue, would have led to that result. But far exceeding the Crusades in effect, more distinct in its origin, Discover of s i nce ^ directly resulted. from the tone of thought which the America by Arabs had introduced, lasting in the influence that it has ex- the Spaniards. ^^ and ^ forever exert on the d est i n i es Q f ^ w j lite race, was the discovery of America by the Spaniards in 1492. This con- tinent, four hundred years before, had been visited repeatedly by the Ice- landers and Norwegians ; but the shores they discovered being less hos- pitable and less tempting, their expeditions unsupported by a powerful home government, and the results little attractive, the very remembrance of them seems almost to have passed away. Had it not been for the magnetic needle, and other instruments of navigation introduced from the East, the passage of the tropical Atlantic could never have been accom- plished, and probably would never have been attempted. Moreover, we must not overlook the fact that the rapid conquests of the Saracens, and even the Crusades themselves, had introduced a largeness of conception, and had familiarized the public mind with undertakings to be accom- plished in regions that were very remote. The successful return of Co- lumbus from his first voyage found all Europe ready to rush into West- ern enterprises, and this event may be truly regarded as a grand epoch in the history of the white race, since it more than quadrupled the geo- graphical surface over which they might spread, and presented to. their unmolested occupation climates from the equator to the extreme north and south. In the prodigious emigration that ensued, Spain led the way, and did Colonial em- so to her ruin. In vain she received and scattered over Eu- pire of Spain. r0 pe the wealth of Mexico and Peru ; she gave in exchange for it what was to her of infinitely more value the most enterprising and bravest of her people. The drain of this class produced an effect from which she has never recovered. It left her without energy and im- becile. In vain she founded a greater, and, for the time, more prosperous colonial empire than history has ever recorded, carrying her influences through a large part of South and much of North America, from the At- lantic to the Pacific Ocean. Her emigrants, unable to withstand the in- fluences of a tropical climate, and intermarriages and connections with the native races among whom they were thrown, soon lost the enterprise that had once distinguished them, and the descendants of the Spaniard in America exemplify at this day the universal imbecility that is exhib- ited in the mother country. In her pursuit of the wealth of America Spain was a fearful oppress- The fan of the or. Bartholomew de las Casas, the Bishop of Chiapa, to use Spanish power. kj s QWn ex p ress i on , charged her "before the tribunal of the POPULAR PHILOSOPHICAL BELIEF. 633 Universe," with destroying more than fifteen millions of natives during his time. " The acrimony of his style was complained of, but the fact was never denied." No nation can practice such atrocities with impu- nity. The day of reckoning may be a little postponed, but it brings its inexorable verdict in the end. The broad hand of an overruling Provi- dence is at last plainly discovered, imposing with an unerring justice the penalty of national crime. There is no need for God to hasten, he has the centuries and eternity to work in. Even now, is not the Spaniard in the hands of an avenger for the Indian blood that cries for retribution from the silver mines of Mexico ? For the failings of the individual there is mercy, but in the ways of eternal justice no mediator is provided for the crimes of society. There is an inflexible recompense of good for good and evil for evil. The step which the intellect of the white man has made since the Ref- ormation is very strikingly discerned by comparing the nat- T helatermen _ ural philosophy of the fifteenth with that of the nineteenth cen- tai changes in tury. Its passage to its present condition has been mark- ed by a continual casting away of the marvelous. It is almost impossi- ble for us now to realize the fictions which occupied the minds of our predecessors. To pejietrate "the secrets of nature" is with us a meta- phorical expression ; with them, a portentous and solemn reality, most readily accomplished by the help of familiars and imps, whose services might be secured by forbidden enchantments. The laboratory of an al- chemist was ill furnished which did not possess in the shape of an un- gainly and deformed dwarf such an aid, and who, if not the incarnation of a devil, was at least possessed by one. Operations for the discovery of the philosopher's stone, the powder of projection, and elixir of life, were necessarily commenced by exorcism, invocations, and a favorable aspect of astrological combinations. There were seven planets, and also seven metals, and the guiding spirits which resided in the former exer- cised their influence over the latter, communicating to them their specific virtues. The expressions have lost their significance, though they have descended to' our times, when we call a certain metal mercury, and a salt lunar caustic. As Mr. D'Israeli, in bis " Curiosities of Literature," remarks, whoever had been a witness of the miracles of these philosophers might well be prepared to believe any of their declarations. He who had visited the dark chamber of Baptista Porta, and seen with his own eyes its fairy but inverted landscapes, its fields, and rocks, and rivers, and the moving forms of men and animals in their proper colors and indescribable charm of light and shade, the clouds and sky, the magical spectres of things which the fingers could not grasp, a perfect but artificial day-dream, might surely feel justified in also believing in the enchanted mirror upon which, 634 DISAPPEARANCE OF CREDULITY. if a man looked, he would find reflected all the future events of his life. He who had seen the phantasmagoria cast upon smoke in these myste- rious laboratories, now so little that the eye could scarcely discern their form, and now expanding to a gigantic stature and rushing forth, was duly prepared to credit the legends of brazen men who could speak and even prophesy, nay, whose limbs would continue to grow unless the de- mon that possessed them was cast out. A vial of that which we call ammonia, the mere smelling of which can recall one from a swoon, was a very fair earnest of the elixir of life. JSTo prodigy was too great to be believed. As in dreams, nothing was too impossible, nothing too con- tradictory. Men who could make themselves invisible even without the romantic aid of a ring ; incombustible sages who could wash themselves in melted copper, and sit at their ease in flaming straw ; alchemists in possession of the philosopher's stone, but their stomachs as empty as their bellows ; monks carrying about fairies shut up in glass vials, into which Gr d l disa they had been decoyed by distilled dew ; salamanders which pearance of ere- had been engendered in a fire maintained without ever go- ing out for forty years ; a rain in Egypt in which there fell multitudes of little men of less than one span, clothed in black garments, and with mitres like bishops : these were all facts in the philosophy of that day. The explosions and choke-damp of mines were not disentan- gled from spectres and faces of abominable appearance which had been seen in those subterranean solitudes by numberless witnesses until the dawn of pneumatic chemistry. The palingenesis, or resurrection of roses and apparitions of flowers, so acceptable in doctrinal theology, continued to be received until crystallography was cultivated. These wonders have all passed away. The character which marks this change is the gradual dropping of mys- tery and the supernatural. The same career is followed from infancy to maturity, both in the individual and in society. It is not necessary to pursue any further this historical outline. It would bring us to events which can scarcely be spoken of with correct- ness and impartiality, on account of their nearness to our own times. Here, therefore, we may pause, to collect such inferences and present such reflections as the facts we have offered suggest. It may, then, be observed, that the old white inhabitants of Europe Ph siolo ical were no * a ^ e * commence their civilization from their own change of Eu- interior resources, but were thrown into that career by the ex- ample and aid of a more southern and darker people, whose climate was more favorable. The artificial change which spread by de- grees over Europe, through the introduction of more comfortable modes of life, at last compensated for the natural climate defect, and the Euro- pean entered on the course of advancement, undergoing, as we have seen in the last chapter, a physical as well as a mental change. EFFECT OF MOHAMMEDANISM OX EUROPE. 635 Contemporaneous with the commencement of this physiological and psychical change was the introduction of a method of record Eesult of the by writing, which at once aided, in the most marked manner, introduction of the dissemination of this improving condition, especially by * leading to the consolidation of society through the introduction of durable systems of law. By this, the influence of men and of generations was indefinitely extended. The opinions and thoughts of those times have actually, in many instances, descended to us. Elsewhere we have dwelt on the fact that these effects in the progress of humanity are foreshadow- ed and illustrated in the course of individual development. A high psy- chical condition demands as its essential, both in the individual and in the race, a mechanism of registry. From the preceding imperfect narration we may moreover gather that the progress of civilization in Europe has not been in the way Centre of intel- of a diffusion from a central point, but that there has been a lect of Eur P e - shifting of the centre of intellect. For a length of time it was in Greece ; then it passed to Italy ; in our times it is still more to the west. In a philosophical respect, the result of Mohammedanism on Europe has been, through the introduction 'of physical science by the Arabians, to coalesce the centre of intellect and the centre of force. Henceforth upon that continent physical power must be subordinate to intellectual. In this we see what is the true interpretation of the influence which Mohammedanism has exerted on Europe an influence which, Effect of Mo _ though popularly, is very unworthily represented as an oc- hammedanism ? o r / /^ *rt on the centre cupation of Spam for a few centuries and the capture of Con- O f intellect of stantinople. In truth, it was of a far higher and very dif- Eur P e - ferent order. The Koran of the Arabians failed to make its way through Europe, but it was very different with the physical science of the Arabi- ans. Its spread was the true foundation of modern national power, for it at once occupied itself with the development of material resources and the introduction of useful inventions. The manner of thought it engen- dered lies really at the basis of the great intellectual controversy of our times. The translation of the centre of intellect from Italy to the West is the legitimate issue of the Moorish invasion of Spain. As regards that propensity to the decomposition of every thing into its constituent elements which is the tendency of the Euro- Eesult of the pean, though doubtless it has its disadvantages, we are not enc^n^Eu" to suppose that it leads of necessity to an intellectual chaos, ropean mind. Those authors who view with dismay our present state, who represent us as though, both in polity and religion, we were crumbling to pieces, and that the multiplicity of opinions and sects, which are ever on the increase, is the precursor of a universal anarchy, have never duly con- sidered that out of such a state it is possible in. an instant for fixed 636 CONDITION OF EUROPEAN IMPROVEMENT. principles of order to emerge, and this not by any process of compression or suppression, but spontaneously in the natural course of events. In the outset of this brief historical description I have alluded to the adop- tion of alphabetic writing in Europe as a signal illustration of the mental peculiarity of the inhabitants ; this may also serve to make clear the paradoxical assertion that systems founded on indefinite subdivision may suddenly free themselves from complexity and become simple and perspicuous. On a superficial consideration of the thing, one might im- agine that to decompose articulate sounds into their constituent syllables, with a view of representing those syllables by symbols, would be at- tended with a prodigious complication, and that such is the case the Chi- nese have found, who have pursued this plan in its details until it is said that their alphabet contains 80,000 letters ; but still more would it be supposed that if those syllables were in their turn decomposed into their constituent parts, the required elements would be utterly unman- ageable by reason of their number, and the art of writing utterly imprac- ticable ; yet do we not find, on the contrary and it may be an instruct- ive lesson to us that when the decomposition is thus pushed to its ex- treme, instead of myriads of characters b$ing required, as we might have plausibly expected, an alphabet of 20 or 30 letters is all we want ? The state of opinion in Europe is illustrated by the state of writing in China. In view of the facts presented in this and the foregoing chapter, we may come to the general conclusion that the extremes of humanity, which are represented by a prognathous aspect and by a complexion either very dark or very fair, are equally unfavorable to intellect, which reaches its greatest perfection in the intermediate phase ; that, even in the condition which was presented by the inhabitants of Europe three thousand years ago, no advance in civilization was possible, save by first accomplishing Conditions of an ^solute physical change in their constitution through European im- modifications in their habits of life equivalent to a true cli- 3nt * mate change a preparation for a higher mental development by an amelioration of their condition of life. The civilization of the European could never have been accomplished save by preparing the way through such a physical change. It followed that change in the manner that effect follows its cause. Its incident was the transformation of the fair race which then occupied all Europe to an- other of a darker hue ; the extinction of the disappearing people not be- ing accomplished by such means as an extermination, after the manner in which the North American Indian is dying out, but by a slow and true metamorphosis into another form. Advance in civilization takes place during such a metamorphosis. Asia, Stationary con- which, at an early period, must have exhibited a mental de- tion of Asia, yelopment of great rapidity, has long ago become stationary. ADVANTAGES OF THE ANALYTICAL MIND. 637 In her physical life there is no change, and hence none in her intellect- ual. Her wandering central tribes encamp on the steppes in the same felt huts that their ancestors did two thousand years ago ; her southern people never vary their customs. That which, in a philosophical respect, is the most important condition, domestic economy, has undergone no kind of modification. But with us, how different ! The hardships of life have to a very great extent been removed, and we are familiar with a degree of comfort to which our predecessors were wholly strangers. Not that we have been freed from all trials ; it has only been an exchange of bodily sufferings for mental anxieties. Our higher condition has created new wants and new sources of pain. With the transformations through which, as a race, we have passed, and with the assumption of that analytical mental character Advantages to which I have referred, there has been gained a capability arising from an < i * . i -!{ 1 j i /* c analytical and oi indefinitely modifying our state, and, therefore, ot improv- mental consti- ing it. It is this which pre-eminently distinguishes the Eu- tution - ropean ; that whatever scientific discovery he makes, or whatever inven- tion occurs to him, he forthwith applies it to economic advantage, and is thereby perpetually impressing a change on his own state. In this re- spect, even a single generation often suffices to show the advances which are made. We have only to recall the greatly improved means of loco- motion ; the instantaneous transmission of intelligence through many thousand miles ; the development of industrial art, and the rendering available mechanical powers for many new purposes, which have been achieved in less than a single century. Nor does there seem to be any possible limit to human advance in this path. Since thus the mind of the European is essentially analytic, his ad- vance in civilization, as it were in a geometrical progression, is the neces- sary consequence thereof. If we examine his career in subordinate par- ticulars, it illustrates equally his mental physiognomy ; it is the same whether we look to his passage in philosophy, science, politics, or religion. If I may be permitted without offense so to say, his divergence from a single form of faith, the springing up of those numberless denominations and sects which constitute the most observable feature of his present re- ligious state, is a result which he can not help, for it is the consequence of his organization. Things which were possible in the eighth century had become impossible in the new state of the sixteenth. And so, too, it is in his political relations. Herein consists the superiority of the analytical over the synthetical mind. To the work of him who pulls to pieces there is no end, but he who puts things together comes to an end of his task. INDEX. ABDUCENTES, 334. Aberration, chromatic and spherical, 386. Abrupt and gradual impressions, 483. Absorbed material, course of, 109. ABSORPTION, forces of, 110 ; by blood-vessels, 49, 84, 102 ; nutritive, 84 ; double mecha- nism for, 84 ; in plants, 86 ; summary of, 108 ; by lacteals, 84, 86 ; by lungs, 163 ; by general surface, 98 ; by skin, 98, 241 ; two kinds of, 86 ; interstitial, 98 ; selecting power in, 99. Abyssinian, 577. Acid, hydrochloric, use of, 52. Activity of the brain depends on arterializa- tion, 326. Affinity for tissues the cause of circulation, 133, 147. Africa, influence of Europe and Asia on, 593 ; prospective civilization of, 597 ; inhabit- ants of, 577. Agassiz on origin of nations, 568. Age, influence of, 61, 172 ; old, 545. Agents, external, influence of, on man, 567. Agony, final, 562. Air, introduction of, 160; expired per min- ute, 168 : passages, evaporation from, 186. Air-cells of lungs, 159, 160. Albumen, 29 ; transformation of, into fibrin, 100 ; quantity of, 121. Albuminose, 61, 64. Alcohol, use of, in supporting heat, 20 ; effect of, 182, 406. Alexander, expedition of, 620. Alexandria, library of, 624. Aliment, necessity for, 10. Allan tois, 531. Allotropism of bodies, 188 ; decay depends on, 244. Alpha and Beta lactic acid, 75. Alphabetic writing, 358. Alternate consciousness, 330. Alternation of generations, 514, 537. Amber, trade in, 619. Amelioration of negro, 578. America, discovery of, 632 ; spread of Chris- tianity in, 598 ; Indians, 575. Amnion, 530. Amphibia, blood of, 121. Analogy of spinal and ventral cord, 308. Analytical mind of European, 592 ; advan- tages of, 618, 635, 637. Animal, capillary circulation of, 133 ; heat illustrated by locomotive, 187 ; makes fat, 247; motion, 431. Animal kingdom, subdivisions of, 176. Anterior roots of spinal cord, 296. Anthropomorphism, 286. Antrum duodeni, 61 ; pylori, 61. Ants, habits of, 605. Aplysia, 280. Apparitions, 402. Appendix vermiformis, 63. Approach of sleep, 532. Aqueous humor, 386. Arabs, discoveries of, 629 ; influence of, 629. Araucanians, 598. Arc, automatic, 277 ; cellated, 278 ; influen- tial, 282; commissured,279; multiple, 278; registering, 281. Aristotle, 620. Arm, 580. Art, contributions of Asia to, 595. Arteries, coats of, 140 ; contractility of, 141 ; structure of, 140. Article of death, 411. Artificial larynx, 355. Ascaris acuminata, 524 ; nigrovenosa, 524. Ascent of sap, causes of, 87. Ascherson on use of fat, 101. Asia, stationary condition of, 636. Asiatic contributions, 595. Asterias, nervous system of, 279. Astrology, 178. Atmosphere, action of, on plants, 464, 482. Attraction, capillary, 104. AUDITORY MECHANISM, general view of, 376. Auditory muscles, estimate of contraction of, 367; nerve," 361. Auricles of heart, 138, 146. Australian, 563 ; forests, 474. Automata, insects are, 609. Automatic arc, 277, 283 ; registering, 281. Awakening, 553. Axmann on nerves, 263. B. BACON, ROGER, 625. Balance between heating and cooling, 186. Barbarism, 604. Barral on food distribution, 39. Basilar view of skull, 584. Beaumont on food, 66. Becquerel, table from, 33. Bee, formation of fat by, 248. Beef, digestibility of, 65. Bell, discoveries of, 259, 298, 318. Beneke on hospital diet, 35. Bernard on digestion, 76 ; on fat, 71 ; on sali- va, 196 ; on liver-sugar, 208. i Bernouilli, principle of, 90. 640 INDEX. Berzelius on lactic acid, 75; on perspiration, 240. Bibra, Von, on brain fat, 274. Bidder on albuminates, 39 ; on section of pneumogastric, 54. Bidder and Schmidt on intestinal juice, 69 ; on bile, 70 ; table by, 70. BILE, secretion of, 70, 110, 202 ; composition of, 204; formed from venous blood, 110, 303 ; sources of, 202 ; aids in introducing fat, 91; spiral course of, 201; change by retention of, 205 ;' period of maximum flow of, 205 ; not formed in the liver, 206 ; man- ner of removal of, 206. Bipolar nerve-cell, 264, 268. Bird, digestive tract of, 58; respiration and heat of, 159 ; talking, 352. Bishop of Chiapa, his accusation, 632. Black pigment, 387. Black Sea trade, 619. Blastodermic vesicle, 524. Bligh on Pelagians, 580. BLOOD, 111; properties of, 112 ; composition of, 112 ; total amount in body, 113 ; coag- ulation of, 113 ; buffy coat of, 114 ; changes produced in by respiration, 120, 126, 134 ; excretion of carbonic acid from, 126, 167 ; changes of color of, 169 ; density of, 169 ; salts of, 124 ; gases of, 125 ; functions of constituents, 125 ; course of, 134 ; distribu- tion of, 144 ; glandular change of, 190. Blood of spleen, 212. Blood-cells, form of, 1 15 ; constitution of, 118; origin of, 94, 115; destruction of, 209 ; increase of, 125 ; diminution of, 126 ; short life of, 127; changes in form, 117; cell wall of, is fibrin, 117. Blood, colorless, corpuscles of, 115, 120. Blood crystals, 119. Bloodletting, reduction of temperature by, 184. Blood-vessels, origin of, 528. Blumenbach's method of examining the skull, 582. Bone, 253; sources of, 257; composition, 254 ; growth of, 256. Bonito, 177. Boussingault on expiration, 39 ; on gum, 72 ; on fat, 39, 229. Bovista giganteum, 88. Bowman on kidney, 223. Brahmin, 573. Brain, 313. See Cerebrum and Cerebellum. Brazen men, 634. Bread, 33 ; use of butter on, 34 ; making of, illustrates digestion, 78 ; sets free alcohol, 79. Breath, the first, 148. Breathing, act of, 156. Bright on pancreas, 71. Bronchial tubes, 159. Brown-Sequard on muscle, 443 ; on rigor mortis, 453 ; on spinal cord, 299. Bruchium, gardens of, 621. Bud, its nature, 469. Budding, 469, 535 ; reproduction by, 495, 535. Buffon on infancy, 539. Buffy coat, 114. Burning lenses, 461. Butter, making of, 31. CALIFORNIANS, 576. Calorific hypothesis of vision, 599. Calorifacient digestion, 63. Camelopard, 491. Camera obscura, 381. Camper's method of examining skulls, 581. Canaliculi, 253. Canals, semicircular, 375. Cape of Good Hope, discovery of, 34, 631. Cape Hyrax, stomach of, 59. CAPILLARY VESSELS, 39, 141, 160; move- ment of blood in, 145 ; of muscle, 459. Capillary absorption, 103 ; attraction, 104 ; propositions respecting, 105 ; motion, 131. Capillary circulation, 142 ; phenomena of, 145 ; in acardiac foetus, 144 ; in asphyxia, 145; local excitement, 144. Carbohydrates, 71 ; turn into fat, 81 ; make up deficit of albumen, 39. Carbonic acid excretion, 164; sources of, 164, 252; introduces oxygen, 165 ; decomposed by light, 461. v Carcinus msenas, 510. Career of man, 612 ; of organic form, 456. Carnivora consume themselves, 36 ; fibrin of their blood, 123 ; find fat in their food, 248. Carp, lung of, 157. Carpenter on nervous system, 259 ; on sen- sorium, 319 ; on analogy between spinal and ventral cords, 307 ; on generation, 537. CASEIN, 30, 31, 231 ; pre-exists in plants, 36 ; changes into fibrin, 35 ; dissolves phos- phate of lime, 35. Castle building, 330. Catamenia, 519. Caudate vesicles, 264. Causes of sleep, 552. CELLS, primordial, 458 ; simple and nucle- ated, 492; animal, 496 ; circulation in, 132. Cells of blood, 116; uses of, 129; numbers of, in different animals, 121. Cells of kidney remove unoxidized bodies, 223. Cells in lungs, 159. Cells, nerve, 264. Cellulose, 71. Centre of intellect, 635. Centres of nerves, 290. Centripetal and centrifugal fibres, 265. Cephalic ganglia, 271, 607. CEREBELLUM, 322; development of, 314 ex- periments on, 323 ; structure and function of, 322. Cerebral sight, 401. Cerebro-spinal fluid, 326. CEREBRUM, structure of, 317; development of, 314; aspects of, 316 ; tracts of, 318; ganglia at base, 319; weight of, 325; at- mospheric pressure on, 326. Cheese, making of, 31. INDEX. 641 Cheselden's case of cataract, 419 ; on the ear, 365. Chest, type of, 161. Chilians, 576. Chimpanzee, 581. Chinese, 574 ; writing, 636. Chitin in wings of insects, 71. Chlorine and hydrogen, 471. Cholepyrrhin, 124. Cholera, effect of, 22. Cholesterine, 275. Chorda dorsalis, 528. Chorion, 523 ; changes in, 525. Choroid coat, 384 ; function of, 394. Chossat on inanition, 178, 243. CHBISTIAN CHURCH, 626 ; spread of, in Amer- ica, 598. Chromatic aberration, 386. Chronometer, illustration of heart by, 140. CHYLE, 53 ; absorption of, 87 ; causes of the flow of, 89 ; composition of, 92 ; corpuscles, first appearance of, 94 ; action of water and acetic acid on, 94. Chyme, 53. Cilia, 431. Ciliated animacule, 432. CIRCULATION, 145 ; objects of, 111, 134 ; changes during, 126 ; course of, 134 ; in plants, 132 ; in lower animals, 135 ; action of heart in, 138 ; sounds of heart in, 139 ; nervous influence on, 140 ; foetal, 531 ; pla- cental, 527; portal, 134; connection of parts by, 112 ; dependence of, on respira- tion, 133. Civil law, 628. Civilization, effect of climate on, 599 ; com- pared with barbarism, 604. Classification of natural history, 506 ; of skulls, 586. Climates, botanical, 481. Clock, illustration from, 485. Coagulation of blood, 113. Cochlea, 364, 368 ; comparative anatomy of, 373. Cceliac axis, ramifications of, 49. Coinage, introduction of, 620. Cold-blooded animals, 172, 176. Coleridge on dreams, 556. Colladon on diving-bell, 366. Color, origin of, 589. Colored rays, effect of, 461. Colostrum, 225. Combustion, artificial, 17 ; organic, 17, 18. Commerce, origin of European, 619. Comminution instruments, 40. Commissures, function of nervous, 280. Comparative history, 612. Compartments of ruminant's stomach, 60. Complemental air, 165. Complexion of man, 571, 572. Conception, 530. Condensing action of membranes, 155. Condition of dreams, 558. Condorcet on dreams, 556. Conductibility in nerves, 265. Conferva, 495. Congelation, perpetual, 473. s Conjugation, modification of, 515. Consonants, 356 ; explosive and continuous, 357. Constant temperature, problem of, 176. Constituents of plants, sources of, 4G3 ; of the blood, functions of, 125. Contarini, Cardinal, on circumnavigation, 625. Contractile fibre-cells, 435. CONTRACTILITY of muscle, 442, 449 ; nature of, 442. Contraction, hypothesis of, 451 ; by water, 451 ; by touch, 452 ; after death, 444. Control of heat by nerves, 186. Converging media, 381. Cooling agencies, 184. Cord, spinal, 294 ; conduction by, 299. Cornea, 384. Corpuscles, of milk, 225 ; of fat, 246 ; of blood, 116; origin of, 101, 115; colorless, 93, 115 ; of chyle, 93, 143 ; proportion of, 125. Cotyledons, 526. Couch on metamorphosis, 510. Course of the bile, 202. Crab, edible, 510. Cranial nerves, 333. Creatine, 447. Crevice, passage of water through, 105. Crime, tendency to, 543. Crises, change by, 148, 484. Crus cerebri, 314 ; cerebelli, 314. Crusades, 630. Crystalline lens, 386. Crystals of blood, 119. Cutaneous absorption, 98. Cuvier on organisms, 466. Cycles of progress, 512. D. DALTON on corpus luteum, 522 ; on diffusion, 152. Daubenton on skull, 580. Davy on animal heat, 178; on meconium, 203 ; on protoxide of nitrogen, 412. Deafness in diving-bell, 366 ; partial, of infe- rior animals, 377. Death, 560 ; from accident and old age, 561. Decay, 243. Deception, 404 ; of touch, 421. Deleau on the voice, 356. Descartes on insects, 609. Descent of dhp, causes of, 87, 132. Despretz on animal heat, 182. Deutencephalon, 292. DEVELOPMENT, 505 ; of the ear, 378; of the eye, 380 ; of muscle, 440 ; geometrical modes, 447 ; of bird, 35 ; of heart, 135. Diaphragm movements, 161. Diastose salivaire, 45. Diet, 34. Differences in men, 563. DIFFERENTIATION, 500 ; causes of, 502 ; in- fluence of heat on, 503 ; epochs of, 504 ; defined, 511. DIFFUSION of gases, 152 ; force of, 153, 156; general facts of, 156 ; effect of, 162. S 642 INDEX. Diffusion of influence in granular nerve ma- terial, 268. DIGESTION, nature of, 16, 40, 52, 63 ; object of, 61,66; histogenetic, 63 ; calorifacient, 63 ; is mechanical and chemical, 57 ; double, 46 ; processes of, as insalivation, 40, 46 ; deglutition, 46 ; passage into duodenum, 52, 67 ; passage along intestine, 67. Digestion, artificial, 52, 54. Digestion of gum, 71 ; of cellulose, 71 ; of starch, 72 ; of sugar, 72 ; of fat, 76 ; intes- tinal and stomach, contrasted, 81. Digestive tract, divisions of, 48 ; of insect, 58 ; of various animals, 59 ; juices, their or- ganic ingredient, 77 ; power injured by sal- iva, 50. Discs of muscular fasciculi, 436 ; of blood, see Cells. Discus proligerus, 520. Distribution, vertical, of plants, 473 ; of heat, 473. Diurnal amount of air used, 166. Diurnal variations of heat, 178. Donne on saliva, 44. D'Orbigny on Inca Indians, 487. Dormouse, stomach of, 59. Dorsal cord, 293 ; lamina, 527. Double trains of thought, 329. Doubleness of brain, 327. Dowler's experiments, 444. Draper, J. C., on respiration, 168, 239 ; on urea, 220. Dreaming, 555. Drowning, restoration from, 133. Drum of ear, 364. Duality of mind, 329. Duct, thoracic, 90. . Ductless glands, 211. Ducts, dotted, 498. Dufay, law of, 104. Dugong, heart of, 136. Dulong on animal heat, 182. Dumas on fat, 248. Dutrochet on endosmosis, 106. Dyslysin, 83. Dytiscus, 438. E. EAR, structure of, 376 ; external, 360 ; action of, 359 ; auditory nerve of, 368 ; labyrinth of, 375 ; tympanum of, 365. Education, effect of, 330, 543. . Edwards, Milne, on crustaceans, 488 : on fat, 248. Egg, development of bird from, 35. Egypt, 613, 614. Elasticity, heat of, 185. Elective filtration, 196. Electrical tastes, 430 ; currents in muscles, 443 ; conductors, nerves resemble, 266. Electricity, 275. Eleventh pair, 342. Elixir of life, 633. Elliptical skull, 586. EMBRYO, 538 ; germinal membrane of, 525 ; vertebral column of, 532 ; vascular area of, 527 ; allantois, 538 ; circulation, 531 ; in- fluence of mother, 534 ; size and weight of, at birth, 540, 541 j viability of, 545. Embryonic development of brain, 313 ; of circulating apparatus, 531 ; forms, 507. Emergence of impressions from brain, 408. Emotions, mental, 290. Empiricism, extinction of, 25. Endocardium, 137. Endochrome, 493. Endogenous generation, 496. Endosmosis, 105, 107, 131 ; through films, 154 ; through stucco, 107 ; force of, 107, 153. Enteric juice, 369. Epencephalon, 292, 528. Epidermis, 233 ; functions, 234. Epithelium, 197, 234 ; cylindric, tesselated, ciliated, 197. Epochs of globe, 481 ; of life, 547. Equilibrium, conditions of, 10, 22, 560. Erect vision, 396. Esquimaux, 568. Europe, primitive state of, 613. European history, 610. Eustachian tube, 367. Euthanasia, 561. Evaporation, 185. Excretion, 213. Exhalation by lungs, 21, 22. Exosmosis, 106, 131. Expectoration, 47. Explosive consonants, 357. Extinction of Indians, 600. Extinctions, 484, 488. EYE, structure of, 382 ; nervous mechanism of, 389, 394 ; accessary apparatus of, 399. Eyeball, motions of, 401. Eyebrows, 399. Eyelids, 399. F. FABRICIUS AB AQUAPENDENTE on veins, 130. Faeces, 83. Fair races, disappearance of, 591, 636. Falling, sensation of, 559. Fasciculi of muscle, 433, 436 ; digestion of, 54. FAT, 246 ; oxidizes gradually, 252 ; relation of, to bile, 207 ; to nitrogenized tissue, 250 ; in articles of forage, 229 ; emulsifying of, 71 ; produced from carbohydrates, 81 ; in- troduction into villi, 91 ; saponification of, 93. Faunal groups, 568. Feeling and touching, distinction between, 422. Female and male compared, 546. Fenestra ovalis and rotunda, 361. Ferments, 45, 80. Feudal system, 631. FIBRIN, 30, 93, 97, 114; loss of, 52; vegeta- ble, 33 ; not an effete body, 98 ; organiza- tion, 113; difference of, in blood and mus~ cle, 114; variations in quantity, 122. Fifth pair of nerves, 334. INDEX. 643 Filtering action of glands, 191. Filtration, elective, 196. Final agony, 562. Finite nature of knowledge, 289. Fire-place, exhausting nature of, 181. First breath, 485. First pair of nerves, 425. Fishes, digestion of, 60 ; circulation in, 135 ; respiration of, 150, 157. Flame and plant, analogy between, 470. Floral groups, 568. Flour, 33. Foetus, circulation in, 531. See Embryo. Follicles, gastric, 49, 50 ; varieties of, 51. FOOD, 16, 26 ; sources of, 27 ; classification of, 27 ; value of, 28 ; different kinds of, 27, 28; of carnivora, 36 ; of herbivora, 36, 37 ; nitrogen, 27, 35 ; movements of, 53 ; ad- justs temperature, 179 ; demand for, 179 ; allowance of, 11 ; digestibility of, 36, 66 ; formed by plants and destroyed by animals, 37 ; minimum quantity of, 38. Foramen magnum, 580. Force of endosmosis, 107. Forge tfulness of dreams, 557. Formic acid, 240. Fourcroy on perspiration, 240. Fourth pair of nerves, 334. Fowl, digestive tract of, 58. Franklin on heat, 380. Frerichs on food, 35 ; on saliva, 44. Frog, lungs of, 159 ; development of, 509. Front view of skull, 585. Future state, 551. G. GALILEO, 455. Gall on brain, 259. Gall-bladder, 199. Galvani, experiments of, 443. GANGLIA, structure of, 263 ; spontaneous func- tion, 289 ; of sympathetic, 140, 264 ; of special sense, 315 ; cephalic, 607. Gases of intestine, 82. GASTRIC changes are subdivisions and assim- ilation of water, 62. Gastric juice, 49, 50 ; quantity of, 52 ; acid of, 52, 54 ; relation of nervous influence to, 54. Gelatine, 64, 65. Gemmation, 534. GENERATION, 515, 516 ; spermatozoa in, 517, 518. Geographical distribution, 567. Geography of plants, 472. Geological changes, 480. Geometrical modes of development, 457. Germ-cell, 519. Germinal membrane, 525 ; its layers, 527 ; vesicle and spot, 521. Germination, 458; heat of, 176. Gestation, 533. Gibraltar, Straits of, 620. Gills, 135, 150, 157. GLAND, 189 ; type of, 189, 197 ; vicarious ac- tion of, 190 ; filtering action of, 190 ; par- otid, 43 ; salivary, 43 ; submaxillary, 43 ; sublingual, 43 ; mesenteric, 89 ; ductless, 211 ; mammary, 225. Glandular blood, change in, 190. Globulin, 118. Glosso-pharyngeal nerve, 338. Glucose, 73. Gluten, 33. Glycerine, 245. Goodsir on lymphatics, 97. Graafian follicle, 521. Gradual death, 561. Grafting, 469, 535. Graham on diffusion, 152, 154. Greeks, 613 ; schools of, 617. Growth, 511, 538, 540 ; conditions of, 465. Guinea, negro of, 579. Gum, digestion of, 71. Gundelach on fat, 248. H. HABITS OF NATIONS, 566, 569 ; of insects, 605. Hsematin, 118 ; analysis of, 119. Hsematococcus binalis, 494. Hair, 236. Hall, discoveries of, 259. Hallucination, 402. Harvey on circulation, 130. HEARING, sense of, 359 ; structure of organ of, 360 ; use of tympanum in, 364 ; audi- tory nerve of, 368. HEART, 135 ; fibres of, 137 ; valves of, 138 ; development of, 135 ; of dugong, 136 ; ac- tion of nerves on, 140 ; statement of action of, 147 ; number of beats of, 130. HEAT, 17, 18, 19, 20; check upon, 21, 22, 184 ; equilibrium of, 22 ; animal, 175, 177; car- bonic acid, relation to, 19, 20, 176 ; varia- tions, 178; diurnal, 178 ; extreme, endura- ble, 178; annual, 179; source of, 182; of light rays, 389 ; removed from muscle, 447 ; quantity for plants, 477 ; intensity and quantity of, 477 ; decline of, 488 ; relations of, 572 ; effect of, on skull, 590. Heaths, absence of, from America, 474. Height of man, 541. Helmholtz on nerve, 266 ; on muscle, 445. Hepatic artery, 200 ; cells, duct, vein, 200, 206. Herbivora, 36. Herculaneum, 465. Hereditary transmission, 590. Hermaphroditism, 574. Hibbert on apparitions, 408. Hippocratic face, 561. Histogenetic digestion, 40, 63. HISTORY a branch of Physiology, 604 ; Euro- pean, 610 ; universal, 611 ; prognostics in, 612 ; comparative, 612. Homogenesis and heterogenesis, 511. Hot-blooded animals, 176. Hottentots, 577. Hubbenet, table by, 49. Huber, 556. Human groups, 568. 644 INDEX. Humboldt on respiration, 158 ; on plants, 471. Humors of the eye, 386. Hunter on reflexa, 596. Hutchison on respiration, 166. Hybernating animals, 172, 183. Hydra, 5 1,52, 432, 501, 534. Hydraulic action of auricle, 146. Hydrochloric acid, 52, 62. Hydrogen, use of, 17, 19. Hypoglossal nerve, 343. I. IDEAL type of man, 565. Idiot, composition of brain of, 273. Illusions, 402. Imago, 5.11. Immortality of the soul, 415. Impersonal operations,. 287. Impressions, vestiges of, 288. Improvability of man, 15. Inanition, experiments on, 178, 243. Inca Indians, 487. Incombustible men, 634. Independence and immortality of the soul, 285. Independent action of each half of the brain, 328. Index of prohibited books, 624. Indians, 575 ; extinction of, 600. India-rubber, diffusion through, 152. Individuality, nature of, 468. Indo-Europeans, 573. Infancy of man, 538. . Inflorescence, heat of, 176. Influence of agents on man, 563, 567, 571 ; of parent on child, 534. Influential arc, 282. Infusorials, heat of, 177. Inosite, 447. Inquisition, establishment of, 624. Insalivation, 40. Insanity of retina, 406. INSECT, digestive tract of, 58 ; cephalic gan- glia, 271 ; nervous system, 271 ; respira- tion of, 157; development of, 510; struc- ture and habit of, 603, 605 ; memory and metamorphoses of, 608. Instantaneousness of dreams, 556. Instinct distinguished from reason, 603. Insubordination of one hemisphere, 329. Intellect, maximum of, 591 ; centre of, 635. Intensity, adjustment for variations of, in eye, 388. Intensity of heat, 477, 572. Interference, mechanism of, in ear, 372 ; of nervous impressions, 269. Interstitial death, 244 ; movements, 151. INTESTINE, length of, 42 ; salts and gases of, 82 ; digestion in, 63, 68, 81 ; contents, changes of, 83 ; section of wall of, 85 ; per- istaltic movements of, 68 ; passage of food through, 67, 81 : glands and secretion of, 69, 70; Inverse problems, 284, 482. INVERSE VISION, 401 ; use of, 416. Iris, 385. Iron acted on by gastric juice, 50 ; source of, in blood-cells, 118. Irrespirable gas, action of, 133, 169. Isaacs on kidney, 217. J. JACKSON on the ear, 373. Jacob's membrane, 390. Jeffreys on respiration, 165. Jesuits, 624. Jones, Bence, on urine, 221. Jones, Handfield, on hepatic cells, 206. Jones, W., on blood-cells, 117. K. KAFFIRS, 577. Kamtschatdale, 575. Kangaroo, 59. Kidney, 213 ; structure of, 214 ; tubuli uri- niferi of, 215 ; circulation in, 215 ; devel- opment of, 214 ; vicarious action, 186. Kiestine, 231. Kolliker on skin, 420 ; on retina, 391 ; spleen, 211. Koumiss, 80. Krause on sebaceous secretion, 240. Kreatine, 447. Kune on bile, 203. L. LABYRINTH, 361. Lachrymal gland, 400. Lacteals, 84, 86, 87, 91, 111 ; function of, 85 ; and lymphatics, connection of, with respi- ration, 100. Lactic acid, 47, 52, 73, 74, 75. Lacunas of bone, 253. Lamina spiralis, 359. Landerer on perspiration, 240. Languages, 357. Laplander, 568. Larva, 510. Larynx, 353 ; double, of birds, 352 ; artificial, 355. Lateral inversion, 397. Lateral view of skull, 581. Law, civil, 628. Lawrence on the leg, 580. Laycock on cephalic ganglia, 607. Leg, 580. Legumin, 33. Lehmann on absorbed nitrogen, 39 ; pep- tones, 62 ; gastric solution, 66 ; gum, 72 ; urine, 75 ; quantity of blood, 113 ; blood crystals, 120; bile, 203 ; kiestine, 231. Leidy on liver, 198. Length of infant, 540 ; of sleep, 553. L'Heritier on chyle, 96. Lieberkuhn, follicles of, 69. Liebig on lactic acid, 75; on fibrin, 98; on blood gases, 125. Life, conditions of, 9, 12. Light, nature of, 399 ; influence of, 459. Lime, phosphate of, 35. INDEX. 645 Liquor, sanguinis, 121 ; amnii, 530. LIVER, 209 ; structure of, 199, 200, 201 ; de- velopment of, 191, 198 ; secretion, 203, 205 ; sugar, 123 ; production of sugar and fat in, 207 ; destruction of blood-cells in, 209 ; absorbed material goes to, 107 ; effect of, on complexion, 588. See Bile. Localization of functions in brain, 324^ of plants and animals, 482. Longevity, 545. Loss of perception of time, 332. LUNGS, structure of, 157, 159, 160; capillaries of, 160; capacity of, 162 ; organic fibres of, 163 ; chemical changes in, 163. See Res- piration. Luther, Martin, vision of, 406. Luxury, effect of, on skull,. 588. Lymph, 95 ; salts of, 96 ; flow of, 99. Lymphatic glands, 94. LYMPHATICS, distribution of, 97 ; function of, 96, 98 ; origin of, 529. M. MACEDONIAN CAMPAIGN, 620. Machines, speaking, 356. Madagascar, native of, 577. Madder in bone, 256. Magellan, voyage of, 624. Male and female, comparison of, 546. Malpighian bodies, 215 ; sac, removal of li- quid from, 224. Mammary gland, 224 ; development of, 225 ; action, 233. Man, physical aspect of, 24 ; soul of, 25 ; ma- turity of, 542. Margarine, 246. Mariolatry, 631. Marmots, 172. Mastication, 40. Matters received, 16 ; dismissed, 17. Maturity of man, 542. Meconium, 202. Medulla oblongata, 304 ; functions of, 306. Melloni on light, 389. Membrana granulosa, 520 ; decidua, 525, 526. Membranes, selecting power of, 107. Memory of insects, 608. Menstruation, 519. Mental emotions, nature of, 290. Mental hallucination, 402. Mental qualities of different nations, 592. Mental strength, maximum of, 544. Mesencephalon, 292, 528. Mesenteric glands, structure of, 89 ; plexuses, 350. Metacetonic acid, 246. Metamorphosis, 490. Metamorphosis of batrachians, 509. Metaphysics, 259. Midnight sun, 476. MILK, 29, 31, 32 ; casein of, 29, 227, 231 ; sugar of, 31, 227, 233 ; butter of, 31 ; salts of, 31, 228 ; lactic acid of, 31 ; effect of disease of, 33 ; composition of, 225, 226 ; analysis of, 226 vicarious secretion of, 228. Mind, 24. Miracles, true, 624. Mitchell on diffusion, 152. Mohammedanism, influence of, 629 ; spread of, in Africa, 597. Moisture, influence of, 475. Mongols, 574. Monogamy, 594. Monotheism, 601. Mortality, 545. Motion, ciliary, 431 ; muscular, 432. Motor oculi nerve, 391. Motor tract of brain, 319; of cord, 303. Mouth, functions of, 40. Mozambique, native of, 578, Mucous membrane, 196 ; layer, 527. Mucus, 43, 197; buccal, 43. Mulberry mass, 523. Miiller on bile, 203; on vision, 391 ; on voice, 354. Multipolar nerve-cell, 264, 268. Municipal system, 623. Muscse volitantes, 404. Muscle juice, 434, 437. MUSCULAR FIBRE, structure of, 433 ; non-stri- ated, 435,; motion of, 432 ; movements, co- ordination of, 323 ; contraction of, 436 ; reparation of, 446 ; blood-vessels of, 440 ; contraction of, after death, 444 ; develop- ment of, 440 ; analysis of, 441 ; capillaries of, 439 ; effects of electricity on, 443. Muza, his threat, 623. N. NAILS, 236. Narwhal, 177. Nations, origin of, 568 ; habits of, 569 ; prog- ress of, 600. Natural history, classification of, 506. Negro, 579. Neill on villi, 60. NERVES, division of, 259 ; rate of conduction in, 265 ; sheath of, 261 ; fibres of, 262 ; function of fibres, 265 ; function of vesicles, 267 ; necessity of rest for, 272. Nervous agency, magazines of, 268 ; trans- mission of, 265 ; retention of, 269 ; inter- ference of, 269. Nervous arcs, 277 ; condition for action, 283 ; centres, 290. Nervous system, 258 ; controls heat, 186 ; de- velopment of, 292 ; metamorphosis of, 608 ; structure and functions of, 293. Nervous vesicular matter, 260 ; ganglia, 263 ; activity, 267; tissue, composition of, 273; regeneration, 274. Newport on insects, 309. Newton, colored rings of, 105. Nicolai on apparitions, 406. Nightmare, 559. Night sleep, 554. Ninth pair of nerves, 338. Nitrogen, use of, 16 ; in respiration, 171 ; prot- oxide of, 412. Nodal lines, 371. Non-striated fibre, 435. Nose, 424. 646 INDEX. Nucleated cells, circulation in, 131. Nucleine, 117. Nucleus, 493. NUTRITION, 245, 252 ; connection with nerv- ous agency, 186, 244 ; selecting power in, 245 ; three types of, 532 ; of carnivora and herbivora, 36. O. OBJECTIVE OPERATIONS, 287. Ocelli, 380. Octopus, nervous system of, 279. Ocular spectra, 396. Oculo-motor nerve, 333. ODORS, sensibility to, 424 ; localization of, 426. Odyssey, 613. Oil, emulsifying of, 71 ; globules on villus, 88. Old age, 545. Oleaginous principles of food, 36, 81. Oleine, 246. Olfactory organ, mechanism of, 424. Olivary bodies, 304, 314. Omphalo-mesenteric duct, 530 ; vessels, 531, Operations, plants are, 470. Opium, effects of, 406. Optic nerve, 391. Orang, 581. ORGANIC FORM, career of, 456. Organic life, nerve of, 344. Organic periodicities connected with heat, 179. Organisms, metamorphosis of, 489. Organization, principle of, 457. Organized bodies, allotropism of, 188. Organs of sense, 359. Origin of nations, 568. Ornithorynchus, 224. Ossicles, 367. Ossification, 255. Osterlein on villi, 86. Ostrich, stomach of, 59. Oval skull, 586. Ovarium, origin of ova in, 520 ; corpus lute- urn of, 522. Ovisac, 520. OVUM, 521 ; discharge of from ovary, 523 ; changes of, 524 ; segmentation of, 524. Owen on the arm, 380 ; on skull, 532, 584. Oxalic acid in urine, 222. OXYGEN, uses of, 47, 101, 134 ; in respiration, 134, 163, 182 ; influence of, on blood, 126 ; changes albumen into fibrin, 101, 176 ; lib- erated by plants, 461. P. PACINIAN BODIES, 420. Paganism, fall of, 622. Paine, Professor, on plants, 478. Pale people, disappearance of, in Europe, 634. Palingenesis, 634. Pancreas, 68 ; juice of, 68. Pantheism, 288. Papal government, 623. Papillae of skin, 419 ; of tongue, 428. Parotid gland, 43. Parturition, 533. Par vagum, 340 ; influence of, on liver, 208. Patagonians, 578. Patella, nervous system of, 279. Pathetici, 334. Patina, 151. Pelagian type, 579. Pepsin, 49, 54, 55. Peptones, 50, 53, 62. Perception of time, loss of, 332. Pericardium, 137. Peristaltic movements, 53. Peroxalate of iron decomposed by light, 461. Persecution, result of, 624. Persian empire, 616. Perspiration, 238. Persuasions, 544. Peruvian, 576. Peyer's bodies, 70, 94. Phantasms, localization of, 415. Philippine negro, 578. Philosopher's stone, 633. Philosophy, suppression of, 624. Phrenicians, 619. Phosphorus, 17, 23, 27, 32, 275. Photographic effects of temperature, 393. Phrenic nerve, 344. Phrenology, 324. PHYSIOLOGY, subdivisions of, 26 ; statical, 9 ; dynamical, 455. Piles of Bitter, 277. Pine, woody fibre of, 498. Placenta, 526. PLANTS, individuality of, 468 ; quantity of heat for, 467 ; secular changes of, 480 ; lo- calization, 482. Plasma, 121. Plastic power, 459, 471. Pneumogastric nerve, 340. Polygamy, 594. Polype, 51. Polytheism, 601. i Pompeii, 465. : Pons varolii, 307. i Porcupine, 59. Porpoise, stomach of, 59. ' Portal circulation, 119, 134, 201, 202. Ports of Egypt, opening of, 616. Posterior roots of spinal nerves, 296. Potassium, iodide of, experiments with, 47, 52. Powder of projection, 633. Pre-existence, sentiment of, 331. Prevost and Dumas on muscle, 439. Prichard on habits of men, 569 ; on skull, 580, 585. Priestley on gaseous endosmosis, 151. Primitive trace, 293, 527. Primordial cell, 458. Principle of organization, 457. Printing, 358. Prognathous skull, 586. Protein bodies removed by urine, 220, 222. Provencal on respiration, 155. Psammetichus, 615. Psychical powers, 327. INDEX. 647 Ptolemies, 621. Ptyaline, 45. Pulsation of heart, 138 ; of arteries, 141. Pulse, 139. Pupa, 511. Pyramidal skull, 586. Pyramids, anterior and posterior, 304. Q- QUAIN ON ADIPOCIRE, 247. Quality of sounds, estimation of, 375. Quantity of heat, 477. Quetelet, researches of, 15, 540. Quick respiration, effect of, 168. Quincey, De, on opium, 407. R. EADIAL fibre system, 390. Radiation of heat, 185. Ramlike action of heart, 147. Rarefied air, effect of, 183. Ray on insect habits, 606. Reaumur on digestion, 55. Reduction of temperature, 184. Reflex action, 280 ; of insects, 609. Reformation, 619, 625. Registered impressions, 414. Registering ganglia, 259 ; nerve arc, 281 , 282. Registry of sounds, 358. Regnault and Reiset on respiration, 170. Repair, necessity of, 244. Reparation, 23. REPRODUCTION of cells, 494 ; and develop- ment, 505 ; closes development, 513. Reptile respiration, 158. Residual air, 165. RESPIRATION, 151, 156, 157, 170, 171, 174; water removed by, 168 ; gases of, 163, 167, 171,176; movements in, 162; movements of air in, 163 ; number of movements, 162 ; influence of nervous agents on, 173; gen- eral statement of, 174. Respiratory digestion, 63. Restiform bodies, 304. Resurrection of roses, 634. RETINA, 390, 392, 394 ; structure of, 385, 390 ; disturbance of, 405. Retzius on stomach, 61. Reynoso on sugar, 208. Rhakotis, 621. Rhythmic contractions, 448. Rigor mortis, 452. Roman coins, 151. Roman empire, 622. Rotation of animals, 324. Rudimentary organs, 491. Rudimentary sounds, 325. Rumford on clothing, 180. Ruminant, stomach of, 59. Running, 454. S. SABBATH DAY, 627. Sahara, Desert of, 475. Saladin, 631. SALIVA, 43; action of, 46; quantity of, 44, 47 ; specific gravity of, 44 ; composition of 45 ; action of, in stomach, 46, 50 ; aeration by, 47. Salivary glands, 43. Salpse, 537. Salt, use of, 62. Samoiedes, 568. Sankey on brain, 325. Sap, ascending, 87, 132. Sarcolemma, 433, 438. Scalse of ear, 368. Scherer on urine, 221. Schlossberger on brain, 274. Schmidt on albuminates, 39 ; on blood-cells, 119 ; on pneumogastric, 54 ; on pepsin, 55 ; on pancreatic juice, 68 ; on intestinal wa- ter, 83 ; on transudation, 95. Schneiderian membrane, 424. Schultz on muscle juice, 434. Schwann on nerves, 261. Science, contributions of Asia to, 596. Sclerotic, 384. Scot, Reginald, on spirits, 407. Scott, Walter, on lying, 404. Sebaceous glands, 227. Secreted matters pre-exist in blood, 192, 195. Secretion, 189 ; structures for, 193 ; by serous membranes, 193 ; by mucous, 196. Seeing. See Vision. Seguin on exhalation, 238. Selecting power, 99. Semicircular canals, 361, 364, 374. Sensation of falling, 559. Senses, 359. Sensorium, 281,319. Sensory tract of cord, 303, 320 ; of brain, 320 ; ganglia, 282. Sentiment of pre-existence, 331. SEROUS fluids, 193. Serous layer, 527. Serous membrane, 193. Serpents, legs of, 491. Serum, salts of, 96. Seventh pair, 337. Sexes, mortality of, 545. Shelter, imperfections of, 181. Sight, cerebral, 401. Silk-worm, 489. Silver balls in digestion, 55. Singing, 355. Single vision, 395. Sisocles, 582. Sixth pair, 334. Skeleton, 253, 580. SKIN, 233 ; absorption by, 241 ; transpiration from, 185, 237 ; glands of, 235 ; exudation of, 185, 239. SKULLS, examination of, 581 ; forms of, 582; classification of, 586 ; effect of heat on, 590. Slack on circulation in cells, 132. Sleep, 551. Slow respiration, 168. Smell, 423 ; condition of, 425. Soap-bubble, dilf i-ion through, 153. 648 INDEX. Social mechanics, 602. Society of insects, 604. Sociology, comparative, 602. Sodium, chloride of, 62 ; use of, 77. Soemmering on leg, 580 ; spot of, 385, 397. Soil, influence of, 476. Solar plexus, 350. Somnambulism, 557. Song and speech, distinctions of, 352. SOUL, existence of, 283 ; independence of, 285, 548. SOUND, peculiarities of, 361 ; analogy of, to light, 379 ; articulate, 539. Spain, colonial empire of, 632. Spallanzani on food, 65. Speaking machines, 356. Species of plants, 479 ; changes in, 480, 484. Speech, 539. Spermatic fluid, 517. Spermatozoa, 517 ; development of, 518. Sperm-cell, 516. Spherical aberration, 386. Sphinx ligustri, 279, 308, 313, 607. Spinal axis, 291. SPINAL CORD, 294, 296 ; reflex action of, 300 ; comparative anatomy of, 300 ; divisions of, 296 ; connection of, with brain, 302 ; func- tions of, 303. Spinal nerves, roots of, 303. Spiracle of insect, 157, 352. Spiral vessels, 498. Spirit, 24. Spirostreptus, 301. Spissitude of blood, 169, 190. Spitting, habit of, 47. Spleen, 211. Spongioles, 87, 466. Spontaneous gemmation, 536. Stages in introduction of air, 160. Standards, fixed physiological, 13 ; tables of, 15. Standing, 453. Stapedius, 365. Starch, 71. Starvation, 182. Stearine, 246. Steenstrup on generation, 537. Steno, duct of, 43. Stereoscope, 397. Still layer, 143. STOMACH, 41, 42; types of, 42 ; temperature of, 49 ; regions of, 60 ; histogenetic diges- tion of, 63 ; blood-vessels of, 102 ; mucous surface of, 50, 58 ; follicles of, 50 ; hydroid nature of, 51 ; trituration by, 55 ; secre- tions of, 48 ; various forms of, 59 ; move- ments of, 52. Stove, warming by, 181. Strecker on bile, 204. Striated muscular fibre, 433, 436. Stucco, endosmosis through, 107, 152. Subdivisions influenced by heat, 79. Subjective operations, 287 ; images, 398. Submaxillary saliva, 43. Suction, act of, 228. Sudoriparous glands, 237, 238. Sulphocyanide of potassium, 43. Sulphur, 17, 23, 27. Sunlight, 458 ; consumption of, 459 ; uses of, 466 ;' variation of, 483. Supplemental air, 165. Supra-renal capsules, 214. Swimming bladder, 157. SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM, 344; peculiar fibres of, 262 ; origin of, 345 ; connected with spinal, 345 ; ganglia of, 346. Sympathy depends on circulation, 112. Synthetical mind of Asiatic, 592. Syntonin, 438. Systemic circulation, 134. T. TADPOLE, experiments with, 489. Talking birds, 352. Taste, 427 ; nerves of, 429. Taurine, 204, 208. Teeth, 40 ; development of, 539. Teleology, 415. TEMPERATURE, effect of, on body, 177 on skull, 590 ; extremes, 178. Tendons, 439. Tensor tympani, 365. Tenth pair of nerves, 340. Testis, 516; secretion of, 517. Thackrah on effect of want, 587. Thenard on perspiration, 240. Third pair of nerves, 333. Thoracic duct, 90. Tickling, 422. Tidal air, 165. Time, introduction of, into nervous mecha- nism, 269, 287. Tin, trade in, 619. TISSUE, cellular, 497; mnriform, 497 ; fibro- cellular, 497; vascular, 498 ; yellow fibrous, 499 ; white fibrous, 499 ; areolar, 499. Tongue, 428. TOUCH, structure of organ of, 417, 418 ; acute- ness of, 420; in animals, 421 ; connected with vision, 419. Tournefort on plants, 472. Toynbee on ear, 365. Tracts of spinal cord, 303 ; of brain, 318. Tradescantia Virginica, circulation in, 132. Traditions, 567. Trains of thought, 329. Transverse transmission in spinal cord, 298. Trembley on hydra, 501. Trigemini, 334. Trisplanchnic nerve, 344. Turner on smell, 427. Twelfth pair, 343. Twins, similarity of, 509. Tympanum, 360, 365. Type, ideal, of man, 565, 611. U. UNIPOLAR NERVE-CELLS, 263, 268. Universal history, 611. Urea, 447. URINE, 218 ; composition of, 219 ; urea con- tained in it, 220 ; hippuric acid in, 222 ; INDEX. 649 variability of, 219 ; sulphates in, 220; in- fluence of diet on, 220 ; saline matter of, 220. Uterine nutrition, 525 ; tubes, 525. Utricle, 416. V. VACUUM, tendency to a, in respiration, 165. Valentin on diffusion, 163 ; on perspiration, 229 ; on food, 39. Valves of the heart, 138 ; sounds of, 139. Valvulae conniventes, 67. Variable results from invariable causes, 270, 281. Variations of heat, 179 ; effect of, on man, 180 ; of species of plants, 479. VASCULAR area, 528 ; lamina, 528 ; system, origin of, 528. Vegetable cells, circulation in, 132, 466. Veins, absorption by, 84, 143. Ventral cord, 300, 307, 609. Ventricles, 138 ; force of, 139. Venturi, principle of, 90. Vermiform appendix, 63. Vernois, table from, 53. Vertebra, 528. Vertebral canal, 294. Vertebrata, 294. Vertical view of skull, 582. VESICULAR matter, composition of, 274 ; re- lations of, 315. Vestibule, 374. Vestiges of nervous impressions, 269, 288. Vibration of sound, time measured by, 372. Vicarious action, 47, 190. Vierordt, 164. Villi, 84, 86, 87, 110 ; cells of, 88 ; action of, 110. Virchow on adipocire, 247. VISION, 379 ; comparative anatomy of, 380 ; single and double, 395 ; inverse, 401. Visions, 404 ; conditions of, 410. Visual hallucinations, 403. Vital principle, 24, 25, 55, 108, 456. Vital spark, 460. Vitreous humor, 385. Vocal sounds, 352, 354. Voice, 351 ; artificial larynx, 355 ; pitch of, 356. Volkmann on muscular contraction, 276. Volume of contracting muscle, 450. Volvox globator, 513. Von Bar, law of, 514. Von Becker on carbohydrates, 39 ; on sugar, 73. Vowels, 356. W. WALKING, 453. Wallace on eye, 385. Want, effect of, 587. Warmth, artificial, 181 ; increased quantity required in sleep, 554. Wasmann on pepsin, 55. Wasp, habits of, 606. Waste of tissue, 12, 23, 52. WATER, use of, 16, 21, 22 ; solvent power of, 21 ; use in milk, 29 ; absorption of, 52 ; quantity exhaled, 168 j cooling effect of, 185; of blood, 121. Wave in blood, 141. Weaning of plants, 465. Weber on pelvis, 587 ; on quantity of blood, 113 ; on standing, 453. Weight of man, 13, 14, 541 ; of infants, 14. Whale, 491. Wheatstone, 397. Whispering, 356. White on arm, 580. Wigan on duality of mind, 329, 331. Willow, 469. Wilson on heart, 136. Wine-making, 78. Wolffian bodies, 150, 533. Women in Asia and Europe, 593. Words, origin of, 356. Worship, public, influence of, 628. Writing, 358, 610, 615, 635. ZIGZAG appearance of muscle, 439. Zimmerman on respiration, 170. Zinc acted on by gastric juice, 50. Zona pellucida, 523, 525. Zoospores, 496. Zygnema quininum, 515. THE END. Harper's Catalogue. The attention of gentlemen, in town or country, designing to form Libraries or enrich their Literary Collections, is respectfully invited to Harper's Catalogue, which will be found to comprise a large proportion of the standard and most es- teemed works in English and Classical Literature COMPREHENDING OVER THREE THOUSAND VOLUMES which are offered, in most instances, at less than one-half the cost of similar productions in England. 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