3^^ < BANCROFT LIBRARY ♦ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bibliotecaamericOOstevrich BIBLIOTHEOA AMERICAJ^A, Af^AfSA(^Ar^f\A/ (^tSr^Af^AA^AAAAAAAA y r'Y /Vy'i'i'VY-i' r-Yr- / r'YYVyYr'VV^V9. A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF AMERICA. PART I. A-K. M-t... p^-:, I -^ TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messes. PUTTICK and SIMPSON, AT THEIE HOUSE, No. 47, LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON, On Wednesday, Jantjaet 23, 1861, and Thbee FOi-Lowiua Dats. 4-. f '2 o ^r ^^" ^ ' CONDITIONS OF SALE. / I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two" or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed to be immediately put up again and resold. II. No person to advance less than I*. ; above Five Pounds, 2s Qd, and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 05 in the Pound, if required, in Part Payment of the Purchase-money ; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased shall be immediately put up again and resold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendor, on or before delivery ; in default of which Messrs. Puttick and Simpson will not hold themselves re- sponsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed in the Catalogue, or at the time of Sale ; but if upon collating T^*ithin one week of the Sale, they should prove defective, the Purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them. VI. The sale of any Book or Books is not to be set aside on account of any Stained or Short leaves of Text or Plates, want of List of Plates, or on account of the Publication of any subsequent Volume, Sup- plement, Appendix, or Plates. All the Manuscripts, all Magazines, and Eeviews, all Books in Lots, and all Tracts in Lots or Volumes and aU Books described as being in any way imperfect, will be sold with all Faults, Imperfections, and Errors of Description. The sale of any lot of Prints or Drawings in Illustrated Books, or otherwise, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or for any error of description therein. VII. U^on failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money deposited in part Payment shall be forfeited; and all Lots left unclearedf, in conformity with these conditions, may be re-sold by public or private Sale without further notice ; and the Deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be made good by the Dfeaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they tkinh fit. *^* No Lots can be delivered at the time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed hy their obedient Servants, PUTTICK AND SIMPSON. Auction Eooms for the sale of Literary Property, Music, and Works of Art, 47, Leicestee Squabe. *^* Libraries Catalogued, Arranged, and Valued for the Probate or Legacy Duty, or for Public or Private Sale. Small consignments of Books, Music, etc. received and inserted in occasional Sales with property of a kindred description, thus giving the same advantages to tne owner of a few lots as to the possessor of a large collection. Established, in Piccadilly, 1794. ai^HH6 The Books described in this Catalogue were collected, seve- ral years since, by Mr. Heney Stevens, Literary Agent in London of the Smithsonian Institution, as material to be used in the completion of his yet unfinished Work upon American Bibliography. Having made such use of the Books as was necessary for this purpose, he described them, with collations, and prices for sale affixed, in a Catalogue, printed about four years ago, entitled Ameeican Nuggets.* Only three or four copies of that Catalogue were permitted to go out of his hands, and a few of the Books have been sold ; but, on account of his large accessions of works of the same class, the public circulation of the Catalogue was delayed until the prepara- tion of other volumes of the series could be completed. The greatly altered value of many of the books described in the Nuggets^ — some having much increased, and others probably diminished in price, — has induced the conviction that the circu- lation of that Catalogue now, or at any future time, as a means for the sale of its contents, would not be fair either to buyer or seller. Mr. Stevens has therefore determined to submit the entire unsold portion of the Nuggets to unreserved public com- petition, in the hope and belief, that, though many of the articles may fall below the prices affixed to them in his own Catalogue, the prices of others, with whose rarity and importance Collectors have become better acquainted, will be found to be enhanced ; and thus such a result may be obtained as, on the whole, will justify the course proposed. In the Nuggets, the title of ea^h work is printed, word for word, as in the original, and exact collations of each are appended. The titles in the following catalogue have been abridged, but it is hoped, not to such an extent as to hinder the exact identification of any work or edition. By the kind permission of Mr. Stevens * See under Stevens, in this Catalogue. we have availed ourselves of the collations printed in the Nuggets^ which, with some corrections and occasional additions of our own, will, we trust, be found of utility to collectors. It should be ob- served that all half-titles and titles are reckoned as preliminary- leaves, and as the collations in this Catalogue are, almost without exception, taken from the identical copies now for sale, there may sometimes occur a discrepancy between the collations here printed as compared with those of copies found elsewhere, arising from the presence or absence of the half-title preceding the title in one or other copy. It is however believed that the descriptions are so exact as to diminish the difficulty thus anticipated, to the least practicable extent. The copies now offered for sale will, unless otherwise described, be sold as in accordance with the col- lations herein printed. All imperfections known are stated. The expressions scarce, rare, etc. with their customary superla- tives, have been omitted from this Catalogue, except when used upon the authority of others ; such commendations are not needed by the well-informed collector, while they might justly be applied so frequently in this Catalogue as to bewilder a tyro. We have rather chosen to add occasionally notes explanatory of the character, history, or peculiarity of the books, such as were fur- nished by our own experience, or as we could glean from the admirable Bibliotheca Americana of Mr. E-ich, and from other sources. "We have during the last ten years been honoured with the dis- posal of so many Libraries of peculiar interest to American collec- tors, that it would be ungenerous to begrudge to them a fair share of the treasures now offered for sale, but stiU the hope may, with- out offence, be indulged, that the collection submitted may help to fill many chasms in the shelves of more than one of our own public Libraries, as well as contribute to satisfy the longings of enthu- siastic English Amateurs. PUTTICK AJS^D SIMPSOiS^. 47; Leicester Square, London. Dec. 1st, 1860. CATALOGUE OP A TALTJABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, WHOLLY EELATII^a TO THE HISTORY AND LITERATURE OP AMEKICA AND THE INDIES, AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTrALLY. 1 Abbot (Hull), Minister at Charlestown, The Duty of God's People to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, a Sermon preached on occasion of the Rebellion in Scotland, at Charlestown in JSTew England, Jan. 12, 1745, 6 Boston, hy JRogers and Fowle, 1746, 8° Title and pp. 6 to 26. 2 Abingdon (Earl of) Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq. to the Sheriffs of Bristol on the Affairs of America Oxford, [1777], 68 pp. 8° 3 — The same, the 4th edition, Jif. mor. Oxf. [1777], 68 pp. 8^ 4 — The same, the 6th edition, A/, mor. Oxf. [1777], 8« Title; 'Dedication,' pp. iii to xei ; text 60 pp. The long- * Dedication to the ColJective Body of the People of Eng-land/ ixi which the author en- larges upon his theme, and replies to the several answers to his previous editions, appears for the first time in this sixth edition. 5 Abridgement (An) of the Laws in Eorce and Use in Her Ma- jesty's Plantations, (viz.) of Virginia, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Maryland, New-England, New-York, Carolina, etc. fine copy, calf Lond. 1704, 8^ Title and preface, 2 leaves; text, 284 pp.; 'Maryland,' 71 pp.; 'New- England,' 100 pp. ; 'Appendix,' pp 285 to 304. 6 Abstract (An) of the Charter granted to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts ILond. 1702], 3 pp. fol. 7 Abstract (An) of the Proceedings of the Corporation, for the Belief of the Widows and Children of Clergymen, in the Communion of the Church of England in America, half mor, Philad, J. Hufnphreys, jun. 1773, 52 pp. 8° 2 riKST DAT S SALE. 8 Acadia, Eemarks on tlie French Memorials concerning the Limits of, to wliich is added, An Answer to the Summary Discussion, &c. half mor. Lond. 1756, 8<^ Title ; exphiiiatiou of maps, 1 leaf; text 110 pp. ; 2 copperplate maps. 9 Acadia. Pieces Justificatires des Memoires concernant les Limites de I'Acadie, old calf JParis, 1754, 4^ Title and 646 pp. 10 Account (An) of the Conduct of the "War in the Middle Colo- nies, half mor. - Lond. 1780, 55 pp. 8<^ 11 Account (An) of the Donations for tlie Eelief of the Sufferers by Fire, at Bridge Town in the Island of Barbadoes, in May and December, 1766 Lond. [1769], 4« Title and Advertisement, 2 leaves ; ' A List of the Donations,' etc. 40 pp. ; ' Contra" 1 pag^e. 12 Account (An) of the Loss of his Majesty's Ship Deal Castle, off Port Eico, 1780 Lond, 1787, 8° Three prel. leaves and 48 pp. 13 Account (An) of the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts Load. Jos. Downing, 1704, 4 pp. fol. 14 AcosrA (Joseph de) Soc. Jesu, De Katyea Noyi Oebis Libri dvo, et de Promvlgatione Evangelii, apvd Barbaros, sive de ProcYranda Indorvm sahte Libri sex, fiest editiox, fine COPY, original vellum SalmanficcB, Guill. Mqiiely 1589, 8° Eight prel. leaves and 640 pp. 15 — Another edition, in Latin, vellum Col. Agripp. In officina Birclcmannica, 1596, 8^ Eig^ht prel. leaves and 581 pp. 16 AcosTA (Joseph de) Historia IS'atyeal y Moeal de las lNDiAS,j^we copy^ Spanish binding Seiiilla, en casa de luan de Leon, 1590, 4° Title, reverse blank; followed by one leaf ' Yo Christoval de Leon,' 1 p.; errata 1 p ; Text, pp. 3 to 535 wiih * Tabla' 18 leaves. 17 — Another edition, in Spanish, fne copy, cf. Madrid, 1608, 4^ Title, reverse blank ; * Tassa' 1 p ; ' Erratas' 1 p ; ' Licencias,' pp. 5, 6 ; Dedi- cation ♦ A la Serenissima Infants,' pp. 7-9; * Proeuiio," pp. 10-12 ; Text, pp. 13-535; 'Tabla,' 21 leaves. 18 AcosTA (Joseph de) Histoeia IS'atyeale, e Moeale delle Ikdie,^;?^ copy Venetia, Bern. Basa, 1596, 4° Twenty-four prelim, leaves, and text in italics, folioed 1-173. 19 AcosTA (Joseph de). The Xatyeall axd Moeall His- TOEiE of the East axd West Ixdies, Written in Spanish by the E. F. loseph Acosta, and translated into English by E[dward] Gfrimstone], fixe copy Lond. by Val. Sims for Ed. Blount and Will. Apsley, 1604, 4° Four prel. leaves, viz. 1st blank, 2d title, 3d and 4th Dedication and to the Reader. Text 590 pages, followed by seven leaves of Table and Errata. Acosta is one of the earliest writers, who has treated philosophically of America and its productions. — Eich, riEST day's sale. 3 20 AcosTA. AiroTHER COPT, with title page slightly differing, the *'E. F." before Acosta's name being omitted j ivanting Dedication and Table Lond. ly Vol. Sims for JEd. Blount and Will. Apsley, 1604, 4P 21 AcuxA (Christoval de) Voyages and Discoveries in South- America — The First up the E-iver of Amazons to Quito in Peru, and back again to Brazil, by i\.cvgna — The Second up theEiver of Plata, to the Mines of Potosi, by Acaret^ — The Third from Cayenne into Guiana, in search of the L ike of Parima, by M. G-rillet and Bechamel, done into Eug ish from the Originals, being the only Accounts of those Parts hitherto extant, calf Lond, for S. Buchley, 1698, 8° On the reverse of the title, 'Advertisement'; 'Introduction,' pp. iii-viii ; Map, 'The Course of the River of Amazons'; text, 190 pp. ; Title, "An Account of a Voyage up the River de la Plata, etc. By Mons. Acarete du Biscay, 1698.' ' A Map of the Provinces Paraguay,' efc. Text, 79 pp ; Title, ' A Journal of the Travels of John Grillet, and Francis Bechamel into Gviana, etc. 1698.' ' A Letter,' 1 leaf; and text 68 pp. 22 Adair (James) The History of the American Indians ; parti' cularly those Nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Greorgia, South and* North Carolina and Vir- ginia : containing an Account of their Origin, Language, Manners, Eeligious an.d Civil Customs, Laws, etc. calf Lond. 1775, 4° Six prel. leaves, viz. Half title, title; 'Dedication,' 2 leaves ; 'Preface,' 1 leaf; ' Contents,' 1 leaf. Text, 448 pp. and Appendix, ending- ou page 464, AVith Map of American Indian Nations 13 by 9^ inches. Mr. Adair points out various customs of the Indians, having a striking re- semblance to those of the Jews ; and the great object of this work appears to be, to prove that the aborigines of America are descended from that race. 23 Adams (Amos), Pastor of the first ChiLvch ofRoxhii/ri/jA. Con- cise, Historical Yie w of the Difficulties, Hardships, and Perils which attended the Planting and progressive Improvements of New-England. "Witli a particular Account of its long and Destructive Wars, Expensive Expeditions, etc. Soston printed. London i^epr.forEd. and Cli. Dilly, 1770, 8*^ Title and 68 pp. 24 Adams (John) A Defence of the Constitutions of Govern- ment of the United States of America, first editioi^, very fine copy in calf Fhiladelphia : Hall and Sellers, 1787, 12^ Twenty pp. prel. and Text pp. 3 to 390. 25 Adams (John), Defence, etc. a new Edition, 3 vols, fine copy, half calf Lond. J. StocMale, 1791, 8« Vol. I. 22 prel. leaves, viz. Half-title, Portrait, Title, Life, Preface and Con- tents ; Text, 392 pp. II. Half-title, title and 451 pp. III. Half-title, title, and 528 pp. ; Index 18 leaves. 26 Adams (John) Political Sketches inscribed to his Excellency John Adams, by a Citizen of the U.S. half morocco Lond. 1787, 8° Three prel. leaves and 96 pp. 4 riBST DATS SALE. 27 Address (An) from the Brethren's Society for the furtherance of the Gospel among the Heathen, half morocco [London, 1781], 20 pp. 8^ This tract relates chiefly to the great Storm and Hurricane at Jamaica and Barbadoes in 1780. 28 Address (The) of the People of Great-Britain to the Inhabit- ants of America, lif. mor. Land. 1775, 8<* Title and 60 pp. "This address is said and believed to have been written by- Sir J. D. (Sir John Dalrymple), and printed at the public expense, to be distributed in America." — Monildy Rev. 29 Address (An) to a Provincial Bashaw. O Shame ! where is thy Blush ? By a Son of Liberty. Printed in the (Tyrannic Administration of St. Francisco) [Gov. P. Bernard], Jialf morocco [Boston'], 1769, 8 pp. 4P This Address consists of 27 four-line stanzas against Sir Francis Bernard, Governor of Massachusetts. The following being the last stanza, will serve as a specimen of the versification. Yet trust me B not the Heartwrung Tear, Shall snatch thy Name from obloquy below, Nor sore Repentance, which absolves thee there, Shall sooth the* Vengeance of a mortal Foe. 80 Address (An) to Protestant Dissenters on the Approachiug Election with respect to the state of Public Liberty in Gene- ral, and of American affairs in Particular, lif. mor. Lond. 1771., 16 pp. 8° 31 Africa. A Short Account of that Part of Africa, inhabited by the Kegroes. "With QuotatioDs from the Writings of several Persons of Xote, viz. George "Wallis, Prancis Hutche- son, and James Poster, the 2nd Ed. with large Additions FhiladeJpliia : hi/ W. Dunlap, 1762, 8^ Title and pp. 3-80. 32 African Company, An Answer to the Eeasons against an Lond. 1711, 31 pp. 8° 33 — True State of the present difference between the Eoyal African Company, and the Separate Traders. . . . the Advantages of an Open Trade ; and the Danger of an exclu- sive Trade, not only to the Traders of South and Korth Britain, but, to our American Plantations Lond. 1710, 4P Forty pp. with plan at page 5. 31 — Importance (The) of Effectually Supporting the Eoyal African Company of England Impartially considered, half morocco Lond. Vlio, 4« Half-title, title and 47 pp. Map of the Gold Coast of Africa, 1744. 35 African Trade (The), the great Pillar and Support of the Bri- tish Plantation Trade in America Lond. 1745, ^^ Title and 44 pp. 36 — Some Eemarks on a Pamphlet, call'd, Eeflections on the Constitution and Management of the Trade to Africa, half morocco [Lond.'] 1709, 32 pp. 8« riEST DAY S SALE. 5 37 African Trade. A Letter from a Merchant at Jamaica, to a Member of Parliament in London, touching the. To which is added A Speech made by a Black of Gardaloupe, at the Puneral of a Fellow-Negro, uncut, half morocco Loncl 1709, 31 pp. sm. 8° 38 Aitken (Eobert). Aitken*8 general American Register, and the Gentleman's and Tradesman's complete Annual Account Book, and Calendar, for the Pocket or Desk ; for the Tear, 1773 Pliiladelphia : Joseph CruJcshanJc,/or B. Aithen, 1773, 8° Two prel. leaves, and text A to M in fours & N in five leaves, followed by a second title ' Aitken's General American Register for the Year of our Lord 1773 ;' etc. Title and 64 pp. This volume is interesting^ from the fact of its being- the first attempt of this kind in the American Colonies. 39 Albarez de Toledo (Fr. Domingo), Copia de la Espantosa Carta, embiada desde la Ciudad de Lima, al Eev. P. Com- missario Greneral en Estecharque, que su fecha es de 29 de Oct. 1687, dandole cuenta de los lastimosos estragos y des- gracias que han sucedido en dicha Ciudad Barcelona, Vicente Surih, 1688, 4 pp. 4'^ 40 Alcafaeado (Fraxcisco), An Historical Eolation of the Eirst Discovery of the Isle of Madera, calf extra, hy Bedford Lond.for Will. Cademan, at the sign of the BopesSead at the JEntrance into the New Exchange in the Strand, 1675, 4° Title and 37 pp. Not mentioned by Lowndes or Rich. 41 Alcedo (Antonio de), The Geographical and Historical Dic- tionary of America and the West Indies, translated by G-. A. Thompson, 5 vols, halfrussia Bond. 1812, 4° Vol. I. 10 prel. leaves, 1st blank; and Text, 574 pp.; XL Title & 597 pp.; III. Title & 512 pp.; IV. 1814, title and 63G pp.; V. 1815, 20 prel. leaves, 1st blank ; Text 462 pp. ' Errata' to the 5 Vols. 1 leaf; * General Appendix' 105 pp. The utih"ty of this work cannot be overrated. It was formerly a dear book, and will assuredly ag-ain become so. 42 Alexo de Okeio (Eeaxcisco Xayier) Solucion del gran problema acerca de la poblacion de las Americas, en que sobre el fundamento de los Libros Santos se descubre facil camino a la transmigracion de los Hombres del uno al otro Continente ; y como pudieron pasar al Nuevo Mundo, no solamente las Bestias de servicio, sine tambien las Eieras, y nocivas, vellum Mexico : Herederos de Bona Maria de Bihera, 1763, 4P Twenty-two prel. leaves and 72 pp. 43 Allen (Ethan) Eeason the only Oracle of Man, or a Com- penduous System of Natural iieligion, fine copy, in the ori' ginal binding Beimington, Vt; hj Haswell and Bussell, 1784, 477 pp. 4P The major part of this impression was destroyed by fire; the few copies that have been preserved are of great rarity. 6 FIRST day's SAtE. 44 Allen (Ethan) A Narrative of Col. Ethan AUen's Captivity, Containing his Voyages and Travels, with the most remark- able occurrences respecting himself, and many other conti- nental Prisoners, particularly the destruction of the prisoners at Nevr-Tork, by General Sir William Howe, in 1776-7, if. cf. Walj)oIe, iV. H., ly Thomas and Thomas, 1807, 12« Hundred and fifty-eight pp. * Subscribers' Names ' 1 page. 45 Allen (Ethan) Captivity of, Another edition, half morocco Albany : Fratt ^ Clarh, 1814. 144 pp. sm. 8« 46 Allen (Ira), The Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont. "With an Appendix, half morocco, uncut London : J. W. Myers, 1798, 8« vii and 300 pp. Large copper-plate map of Vermont. 46*AUen (Ira). The Same, icanting the map, uncut, ib. 1798, 8^^ 47 Allen (James.) Teacher of the ^ first gathered Church' in Bos- ton. ]S'ew-E>'glaxds CHOICEST Blessing AND the Meect MOST TO be DESIBED BY ALL THAT WISH WELL TO THIS People. Cleared in a Sermon Preached before the Covrt of Election. At Boston on May 28, 1679. tine copy in morocco extra, hy Bedford Boston : hy John Foster, 1679, 4P Two prel. leaves ; viz. Title in a type metal border, reverse blanV, * To the Reader,' 2 pp. Text 1 4 pp. followed by a blank leaf. 48 Allen (James). Neglect of Stjppoeting and Maintain- ing THE Pure Woeship op Gtod. By the Peofessing People or God: is a G-od-peotoking and Land- Wast- ing Sin. And Eepentance with Eeformation of it, the only way to their Outward Eelicity : Or, the Cause of New- Englands Scarcity : And right way to its Plenty. As it was discovered and Applied in a Sermon Preaclied at Eox- bury, on a East-day : July 26, 1687, morocco extra, hy Bed- ford Boston : for Joh Hoiv, and John Allen, 1687, 4" Two prel. leaves ; viz. Title, reverse blank ; ' To the Christian Reader,' 2 pp. Text 16 pp. 49 Allen (Eobert) sometime resident in Beru, Essay on the Methods of carrying on a Trade to the South-Sea,' half mo- rocco Bond. 1712, S« Title ; Dedication, etc. 1 leaf; Text 37 pp. 50 AUen (Timothy) Ch^anville, Mass., Salvation for all Men, put out of all Dispute, uncut Sartfo^-d : Nathaniel Patten, a few Rods North of the Court-House. [1782] 8° Title ; * Escapes of the Press,' 1 leaf inserted ; * Epistle ' to the Reader, pp. iii-viii ; and Text, pp. 9-56. 51 Allen (William) American Biographical and Historical Dic- tionary, 2nd edition, calf extra, hy Bedford Boston : William Hyde Sf Co. 1732, 808 pp., roy. 8° riRST T>AY S SALE. Y 52 Allen (William). The American Crisis: a Letter to Earl Gower, Lord President of the Council, &c. &c. &c. on the present alarming Disturbances in the Colonies Lond. [1774], 76 pp. 8« 53 Allies (The) and the Late Ministry Defended against France, and the Present Priends of Prance. In Answer to a Pam- phlet, entitled, the Conduct of the Allies. 3rd ed. corrected Lond. 1711, 80 Part 1,48 pp. Part II. 2 prel. leaves and 71 pp. Part III. 2 prel. leaves & 74 pp. & Part IV. 2 prel. leaves and 84 pp. Partly relating- to the West Indies. 5i ALLiif (John). An Exact Eelation of the most Execrable Attempts of John Allin, committed on the Person of His Excellency, Prancis Lord "Willovghby of Parham, Captain General of the Continent of Guiana, and of all the Caribby- Islands, and our Lord Proprietor. Lond. for Hie. Lotvndes, 1665, 4° Title & 12 pages followed by one leaf havii^g" on the reverse the Licence to prhit. This Account of John Allin was drawn up by William By am. Un- mentioned by Lowndes. 55 Allin (John) o/Ledham, and Shepard (Thomas) of Camhridge. A Defence of the Answer made unto the Nine Questions or Positions sent from New-England, against the Eeply thereto by that Eeverend servant of Christ, Mr. John Ball ; En- tituled, A Tryall of the New Church-way in New-England and in Old Lond. hy jS. Cotes for Andrew CrooJce, 1648, 4° Sixteen prel, leaves; viz. title, 'Preface' pp. 1-25. 'Advertisements,' pp. 26-30 J and text, pp. 31-211. Not mentioned by Lowndes. 56 Alzate Pamieez (Joseph Antonio de). Gazette de Lite- EATTJEA de Mexico. Prom N^ 1 of Vol. 1, 15 January 1788 to N« 44 of Vol. Ill, 22 Oct. 1795 Mexico, 1788-1795, 4^ "Wanting- three or four numbers only. All the serial publications of Spanish America, are of great rarity. This is unnoticed by Rich, who has indus- triously indexed every work of its class. AMEEICA; GENEEAL HISTOET, WAE of INDEPENDENCE, Etc. 57 DiSE EIGTJR ANZAIGT VNS DAS YOLCK TND INSEL DIB GESUN- DEN 1ST DUECH DEN CHEISTENLICHEN KUNIO ZU POETIGAL ODER VON SEINEN YNDEETHONEN, etc. \_Trans.'] (This figure represents to us the people and island which have been dis- covered by the Christian King of Portugal or by his sub- jects. The people are thus naked, handsome, brown, well shaped in body; their heads, necks, arms, private parts, feet of men and women are a little covered with feathers. The men also have many precious stones in their foces and breasts. No one also has any thing, but all things are in common. And the men have as wives those who please them, be they 8 FIEST day's sale. America : contijiiied. mothers, sisters, or friends, therein make they no distinction. They also fight with each other. They also eat each other, even those who are slain, and hang the flesh of them in the smoke. They become a hundred and fifty years old. And have no government.) -^ [1500 ?] folio The text in German, occupies four lines beneath an old block leaf, nine by thirteen inches square, representing* the manners and customs of the natives of the Northern and Eastern coast of South America, as first found by the Portuguese at the end of the 15th or beginning- of the lOth centurj'. It is without date, but was probably printed at Augsburg, or Nuremberg, between the years 1497 and 1504. It is believed to be unique. A facsimile of this earliest known xylographic leaf respecting America is given in Stevens's American Bibliographer, Part I. 58 — Greographische vnd Historische BeschreibuDg der vber- ausz grosser Landtschafi't America : welche auch West India, vnd jbrer grosse halben die New Welt genennet wirt. calf extra, hy Bedford Colin, Joliann Christojfel, 1598, folio Two prelim, leaves and 5* pp. followed by 20 copper-plate maps, on guards, having 2 pp. of text on the reverse of each. 59 — America: or An exact Description of the West Indies: More especially of those Provinces which are under the Dominion of the King of Spain, by IN". N. Lond. hy Hie. Hodykinsonne for Edw. Dod, 1665, 16° Seven prel. leaves; viz. Title, dedication, the Publisher's Advertisement, and the Contents; text 484 pp. 'Errata' 1 p. ; 'Book printed,' 1 p. Apparently written with the view of instigating the English to the conquest of the Spanish dominions in America. — Rich. 60 — Another copy, imntiny tlie map ib. 1655 61 — A true Account of the Aloe Americana or Africana, which is now in Blossom in Mr. Cowell's Grarden at Hoxton ; the like whereof has never been seen in England before, half morocco Lond. 1729, 8*^ Four prel. leaves and text, 44 pp. AVith copper-plate of the Torch-Thistle at page 40. Curious as affoi-ding a date for the introduction of some varieties of Cacti into England. 62 — The Importance of the British Plantations in America to this Kingdom, uncut, Jialfonor. Lond. 1731, 120 pp., 8*^ 63 — Eepresentation from the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations relating to the State of the British Islands in America Lond. J. BasTcett, 1734, 19 pp. 4P 64 — Considerations on the American Trade, before and since the Establishment of the South Sea Company, 2nd ed. with Additions, Imlfmor. "Lond. 1739, 8« Title, and pp. 5-3G. Written by a Jamaica merchant of credit and reputa- tion. — Rich. 65 — A List of Copies of Charters, from the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, viz. for Maryland, Connecticut, Khode Island, Pennsylvania, Massachusets Bay, and Georgia, lialfmor. Lond. 1741, 8« Title: 12, 10, 14, 12, 21, and 18 pp. 9 America : continued. 66 — The Conduct of a Noble Commander [the Earl of Loudon] in America reviewed, with the Causes of the Discontents at New York and Halifax, halfmor. Lond. 1758, 8** Title and 45 pp. Written with a view to exculpate Lord Loudon. 67 — Occasional Reflections on the Importance of the War in America, halfmor. Lond. 1758, 8° Half-title, title, and 139 pp. 68 — A Political Analysis of the "War, halfmor. Lond., Tho. Payne, 1762, 8° Title and 86 pp. 69 — The Grrievances of the American Colonies candidly Exa- mined, half mor. Printed at Providence in JEthode Island, Lond. repr. 1766, 47 pp. 8° 70 — An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the present Dis- putes between the British Colonies in America and their Mother Country, halfmor. Lond. 1769, 8° Half-title, title, and 76 pp. 71 — Thoughts on the Origin and Nature of Grovernment, occa- sioned by the late Disputes between G-reat Britain and her American Colonies, halfmor. Lond. 1769, 64 pp. 8° 72 — A Critical Commentary on Archbishop Seeker's Letter to the Et. Hon. Ho. Walpole, concerning Bishops in America Lond. 1770, 8° Title, and text pp. 3-93, ♦ Postscript,' pp. 95-111. 73 — The Potent Enemies of America laid open: being some Account of the baneful effects attending the Use of Dis- tilled Spirituous Liquors, and the Slavery of the Negroes : in 4 parts, viz. : 1st, ' The Mighty Destroyer displayed,' 48 pp. 2nd, ' Thoughts upon Slavery,' by John Wesley, 83 pp. 3rd, * Testimonies of the Happiness of a Life spent in the Service of Grod, to wit, David Brainard,' &c. 16 pp. 4th, * The Dreadful Visitation, in a Short Account of the Pro- gress and Effects of the Plague in the city of London, 1665, 16 pp. fine copy Philadelphia, Jos. CruiJcshanh, 1774i, sm. 8° 74 — The American Querist : or. Some Questions Proposed re- lative to the Present Disputes between G-reat Britain and her American Colonies, by a North American, 10th ed. }^ew YorJc, Jas. Bivington, 1774, 8° Note on title. — This Pamphlet, on the 8th Day of September last, was, iu full Conclave of the Sons of Liberty in New York, committed to the Flames by the Hands of their Common Executioner; as it contains some Queries they cannot, and others they will not answer! Half-title, title, and 31pp. 75 — American Querist. Another ed. halfmor. Boston, repr. ly Mills and HicJcs, 1774, 32 pp. 8° 76 — American Querist. Another ed. tmcut Lond. 1775, 8<* Half-title, title, and text pp. 5-65. C 10 riRST day's sale. America : continued. 77 — A jS^cw Essay [by the Pennsylvanian Farmer] on the Gon-, stitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America [by Mr. Dickenson], lialfmor. Philadelphia lyrinted, and Loud. repr. 1774, 134 pp. 8"^ 78 — America A'indicated from the High Charge of Ingratitude and Eebellion, half mor. Devizes^ 1774, 8° Title and 48 pp. " Written by a warm advocate for the Americans, who pro- poses that a free constitution should be confirmed to North America, similar to that of Ireland." — 31. Rev. 79 — The Charters of the British Colonies in America Lond. 1774, 8^ Title, and 142 pp. 80 — The American's Gruide ; comprising the Declaration of In- dependence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitutions of the several States composing the Union Philadelphia, Hogan and Thompson, 880 pp. V2P 81 — Authentic Papers from America, ^«//'?wor. Lond. 1775, 8° Title and 33 pp. This collection contains the several American petitions pre- vious to the repeal of the Stamp Act, contrasted with the petition of the late Congress. — Rich. 82 — America (The present Crisis with respect to) considered, halfmor. Lond. 1775, 8^ Title and 46 pp. 83 — Some Candid Suggestions towards Accommodation of Dif- ferences with America, half mor. Lond. 1775, 33 pp. 8*^ The author's style is somewhat peculiar, from a sing-ular aversion to the use of the particle fhe. — Rkh. 84 — Some Eeasons for approving of the Dean of Gloucester's Plan, of separating from the Colonies, half mor. Lond. 1775, 32 pp. 8° These reasons are intended to ridicule the plan in question. — M. Rev. 85 -r. Some Seasonable Observations and Eemarks upon the State of our Controversy with Grreat Britain, half mor. America, 1775, 14 pp. 8° 86 — "What think ye of the Congress now ? or, an Enquiry how far the Americans are bound to abide by and execute the Decisions of the late Continental Congress, hafmor. New York, J. Bivington ; London, repr.for Eichardson Urquharf, 1775, 8« Title and 90 pp. Intended to dissuade the people of New York from con- curring with their sister colonies from adhering' to the association, etc. of the Congress. — 31. Rev. 87 — Americans against Liberty : shewing that the Designs and. Conduct of the Americans tend only to Tyranny and Slavery . Zond, 1775, 64 pp. 8« ,' rm^r pay's sale. M America: continued. 88 — The History of North and South America, containing an Account of the first Discoveries of the New World, the Customs, G-enius, and Persons of the original Inhabitants, etc. 2 vols, calf Lond. 1776, 120 Vol. I. 9 prel. leaves, including- frontispiece, and pp. 7-276. Vol. II. 7 pre!, leaves, including frontispiece, and pp. 5-280. 89 — De Tumultibus Americanis, halfmor. Oxonii, Vl*7^j 8*^ Two prel. leaves and 36 pp. Occasioned by the sarcastic observations on the conduct of the University of Oxford respecting- their address to the King-. The author extols the University, praises the ministry, and reviles the Americans. — M. Rev. 90 — Considerations on the Late Act for Prohibiting all Com- mercial Intercourse with the Eebellious Colonies Edinh. 1776, 19 pp. 8« 91 — The Equity and "Wisdom of Administration, in Measures that have occasioned the American E-evolt, tried by the Sacred Oracles, uncut Edinb. 1776, 19 pp. 12« 92 — Hypocrisy Unmasked ; or a Short Inquiry into the Eeligious Complaints of our American Colonies, 3rd edition, half morocco London^ 1776, 24 pp. 12« 93 — American Independence the Interest and Grlory of G-reat Britain, halfmor. Fhiladelphia, Bohert Bell, 1776, 8<* Twenty^four pp. prel. and Tex;t, pp. 25 to 127. 94 — The Devoted Legions, a Poem. Addressed to Lord George G-ermaine, and the Commanders of the Forces against. America, second edition Lond. 1776, 4i^ Half-title, title, and argument, 4 leaves; text, 14 pp. 95 — The American Military Pocket Atlas ; being an approved Collection of Correct Maps, both general and particular, of the British Colonies, especially those which now are, or probably may be, the Theatre of War Lond.yfor B. Sawyer and J. Bennett, [1776] 8° Title; Dedication, pp. v-vi ; 'Advertisement,' pp. vii-viii and 'List of the Maps,' in all 4 leaves. 6 large folding and coloured Maps. viz. 1. North America. 2. The West Indies. 3. The Northern Colonies. 4. The Middle Colonies. 5. The Southern Colonies. 6. Lake Champlain. 96 — Another edition, slightly differing, hut having the same maps ih. 1776 97 — A Collection of Papers relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America ; from 1764 to 1775, uncut Lond. 1777, 8^ Title with Advertisement on the reverse; Text pp. 3-280; Index 3 pp. These Papers are in the A dvertisement called Prior Documents, and are necessary to accompany Almonds Rememhrancer. 98 — Eeponse a la Declaration du Congres Arnericain. Traduite de I'Ang. old tree calf Lond. 17/7, 8" Title, V and 124 pp. Index 4 pp. Probably published by authority.— /i^M. 12 FIEST DATS* SALE. America : continued. 99 — The American Crisis. Number II. By tlie Author of Common Sense. [Thomas Paine], half mor. Philadelphia, Styner and Cist, [1777] 8° Title, and pp. 10-56. 100 — Historical Anecdotes, Civil and Military: in a Series of Letters, written from America in the years 1777 and 1778, halfmor. ^ ^ ^ Lond. 1779, 89 pp. 8° 101 — Historical and Political Reflections on the Bise and Progress of the American Eebellion. By the Author of Letters to a Kobleman [Joseph Gralloway], halfmor. Lond. 1780, 8« Four Prel. leaves and 1 35 pp. • 102 — An Impartial History of the War in America, to the end of the year 1779, half calf Lond. 1780, 8« Eleven and 608 pp. Appendix 44 pp. Map of Xorth America and 13 copper-plate portraits at pp. 205, 207, 208, 212, 221, 241, 310, 319, 327, 336, 345, 400, 494. " Far from being an impartial histoiy." — M. Eev. 102* — An Impartial History of the War, etc. Another copy wanting the map and portraits, calf 8° 103 — Plain Truth ; or, a Letter to the Author of Dispassion- ate Thoughts on the American "War. [By Joseph G-alloway], half mor. Lond. 1/80, vii. and 76 pp. 8° 104 ^— Cool Thoughts on the Consequences to Grreat Britain of American Independence. [By Joseph Galloway ?] half mor. Lond. 1780, 8^ Half-title, title, and 70 pp. 105 — Consolatory Thoughts on American Independence. Pub- lished for the Benefit of the Orphan Asylum at Edinburgh, by a Merchant, hf mor. Edinh. 1782, 8<» Half-title, title, and 68 pp. 106 — Observations on American Independency, signed ' T. T. B.' 24 pp. 8« 107 — Observations on the Commerce of the American States, 2nd ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1783, 8^ Two prel. leaves and 122 pp. * The Tables,' etc. 1 page, ' Contents of the Appendix,' iv pp. ' Appendix,' No. I. to XYIII.; Tables. 108 — Observations on the Pift Article of the Treaty with America, and on the Merits and Losses of the American Loyalists, hf. mor. Lond. 1783, 19 pp. 8<^ 109 — Considerations on the Provisional Treaty with America, hf. mor, Lond. 1783, 8« Half-title, title, and 164 pp. 110 — Treaty of Peace, Grood Correspondence and Neutrality in America, between James II. and Lewis XIY., concluded the -j^th day of November, 1686, half morocco Li the Savoy, 1686, 20 pp. 4P 111 — Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and ]S"avigation, IS'ov. 19, 1794, hf mor. Lond. 1795, 25 pp. 8« Mr. Jay's celebrated Treaty. FIEST day's sale. 13 America: continued. 112 — Tratado de Amistad, Limites j Navegacion, 27 de Oct. 1795, hf. mor. Madrid, 1796, 4« Title and 64 pp. In double columns, in Spanish and English ; two large folded leaves, * Modelo del Pasaporte.' 113 — Communications concerning tlie Agriculture and Com- merce of America, by a Spanish Grentleman in Philadelphia. Edited in London by William Tatham, hf. mor. Lond. 1800, 128 pp. 8« 114 — Concessions to America the Bane of Britain, hf. mor. Lond. 1807, 63 pp. 8° 115 — American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Memoirs of the) Vol. 3, part 1 Gamb. 1809, 4i« Title, advertisement, and contents, 4 pp. Text, pp. 1 to 112; 5 plates. 116 — History of the Discovery of America, of the Landing of our Eorefathers at Plymouth, etc. calf Norwich, for the Author, 1810, 8° Title and pp. 7 to 176. 117 — The American Eeview of History and Politics, and Grene- ral Repository of Literature and State Papers, 4 vols, calf, marl), edges Philadelphia, Farrand and Nicholas, 1811, 8<^ I. 9 prel. leaves and Text 408 pp. * Appendix.' 112 pp. * Statement.' 1 leaf. * An Estimate.' 1 leaf. ' Chronological Account,' 1 leaf. II. Title and Contents, 2 leaves; Text, 358 pp. * Appendix,' 203 pp. III. 1812. Title and Contents, 2 leaves ; Text, 159 pp. ' Appendix,' 1 1 6 pp. ; 4 leaves j Text, pp. 161-332; 'Appendix;' pp. 117-175. IV. Title and con- tents, 2 leaves ; Text, 1 92 pp. ; ' Appendix,' 44 pp. ; 2 leaves ; Text, pp. 193-375; ' Appendix,' pp. 45-103. 118 — A View of the State of Parties in the United States of America JEdinh. 1812, 110 pp. 8° 119 — ■ Three Messages from the President of the United States, to the Congress, in JN^ovember 1811, with Documents ac- companying the same Washington, printed 1811 ; Lond., repr, 1812, 260 pp. 8** 120 — A Paithful Eecord of the American War, Vol. 2 New Yorh, 1814, 4P Title and Contents, 4 pp. ; Text, pp. 1 to 210. 121 — A Compressed View of the Points to be Discussed, in Treating with the United States of America, a.d. 1814, with an Appendix Lond. 1814, 8<* Two prel. leaves; text, 39 pp. Maps of Passemaquoddy Bay and the Frou- tier of British North America. 122 — History of the United States, from their Pirst Settle- ment to the Close of the War in 1815 Lond. 1826, 8° Two prel. leaves, and 467 pp. 123 — Catalogue of the Library [of the Congress] of the United States, Ids. uncut Washington, Jon. Mliot, 1815, 4° Four prel. leaves, text 170 pp. and ' Index,' 32 pp. First edition of this Catalogue. M irasT day's sale. Amebica: continued. 124 — ■ An Impartial and correct History of the War between the United States of America and Grreat Britain, compiled from Official Documents, 304 jjp. and frontispiece Xew Torh, John Low, 1815, 12« 125 — Historia de America. Noticia de un Manuscrito muy interesante, hf. mor. [Hahona 1820 ?] 9 pp. 8« 126 — The American Earmer, edited by S. S. Skinner, Vols. 1, 3, and 4 Baltimore, 1821-22-23, 4« Vol. I. Title and contents, 10 pp.; text, pp. 1 to 384. Vol. III. Title and contents, 22 pp.; text, pp. 1 to 416. Vol. IV. Title and contents, 20 pp. ; text, pp. 1 to 408. 127 — Views of Society and Manners in America ; in a series of letters during the years 1818, 1819, and 1820, by an Englishwoman, half calf Lond. 1821, 533 pp. 8« 128 — American Anecdotes : Original and Select, by an Ameri- can, 2 vols, uncutj very scarce Boston, Putnam and Sunt, 1830, 8° Vol. I. 300 pp. Vol. II. 300 pp. 129 American Currency. Ey the Queen, a Proclamation, For Settling and Ascertaining the Current Eates of Foreign Coins in Her Majesties Colonies and Plantations in Ame- rica, a broadside, half morocco Lond. Bill and J^ewcomh, 1704, fol. 130 — A Discourse concerning the Currencies in America. Especially with regard to their Paper Money : more parti- cularly in relation to the Province of the Massachusetts - Bay, hf mor. uncut Lond. [1750 ?] 54 pp. 8° 131 — A Discourse concerning the Currencies of the British Plantations in America. Especially with regard to their Paper Money, hf mor. Boston, printed 1740; Lond, repr. 1751, 62 pp. 8« 132 American Taxation, Stamp Act, etc. Objections to the Taxa- tion of our American Colonies by Grreat Britain, consider'd Lo7id, 1765, 4P Tide, and pp. 3-20. Asserting the right of Great Britain to tax her Colonies. 133 — The Necessity of Repealing the American Stamp Act demonstrated, Jtf. mor. Lond, 1766, 46 pp. 8^ 134 — Protest against the Bill to Eepeal the American Stamp Act, hf mor. Paris, J. W. 1766, 16 pp. 8° 135 — Protest (Second), with a List of the Yoters against the Bill to Eepeal the American Stamp Act, hf mor. Paris, J. W. 1766, 8« Fifteen pp. with Errata to the Ist and 2nd Protest, 14 lines. riRST day's sale. 15 Amebica: continued. 136 American Stamp Act. Protests. Correct Copies of the Two Protests against the Bill to Eepeal the American Stamp Act, with Lists of the Speakers and Voters, hf. mor. Paris, J. W. 1766, 8« Twenty-two pp. * A List,' etc. 8 pp. 137 — A Short History of the Conduct of the Present Ministry, with Eegard to the American Stamp Act, half trior occo Loncl 1766, 21 pp. 8<» 138 — A Short History, etc. 2nd ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1766, 21 pp. 8« 139 — Speech (The) of Mr. P and several others, in a cer- tain august Assembly on a late important Debate lLond.'\ -m. [1766] Title and pp. 5—34, 8« 140 — The Justice and Necessity of Taxing the American Colonies, demonstrated, hf. mor. Lond. 1766, 36 pp. 8° " This is, in tx-uth, a most fierj politician, and his pamphlet a mere firebrand. In reply to the objections of the colonists to a standing- army, he says that they have need of the gentlemen of the blade, to polish and refine their manners, to rub off the rust of puritanism," etc. — Monthly Review. 141 — The General Opposition of the Colonies to the Payment of the Stamp Duty ; and the Consequence of Enforcing Obedience by Military Measures ; impartially considered. LARGE PAPER Lond. 1766, 40 pp. 8<^ "Written partly in a serious, and partly in a ludicrous vein." — Monthly Review. 142 — The Conduct of the late Administration Examined, rela- tive to the American Stamp-Act, with an Appendix con- taining Original and Authentic Documents. 2nd ed. Lond. 1767, 8<^ Title; and pp. 5- ICO. Appendix and Advertisement, 1 leaf; text liv pp. 143 — Two Papers on the Subject of Taxing the British Colonies in America, hf. mor. Lond. 1767. 22 pp. 8<* These papers were drawn up by a club of American merchants, at the head of whom, were Sir William Keith, Mr. Joshua Gee, and other eminent pei*8ons. — Rich. 144 America (N'orth). Some Considerations on the Consequences oftheErench settling Colonies on the Mississippi, with respect to the Trade and Safety of the English Plantations in America and the West Indies, with map, half mor. Lond. 1720, 8° Half-title, title, and 60 pp. 145 — Erench Policy Defeated. Being an Account of all the hostile Proceedings of the Erench against the Inhabitants of the British Colonies in North America, for the last Seven Years. With two curious Maps, describing all the Coasts, Bays, Lakes, Rivers, Soundings, principal Toivns and Forts, on the British Plantations in America, half mor. Lond. 1755, S^ Title and 114 pp. Two Maps. 16 piEST day's sale. America r co7itinued. 146 America (North). The Present State of iN'ortli Amertca,etc. Part 1. 2nd ed. Jialfmor. Lond. 1755, 8« Two prel. leaves and 88 pp. 147 — State of the British and Prench Colonies in North America, hf.mor. Lond. 1755, title and 150 pp. 8° 148 — Proposals for uniting the English Colonies on the Continent of America so as to enable them to act with Porce and Vigour against their Enemies, halfmor. Lond. 1757, title, and 44 pp. 8« 149 — Some Hints to People in Power, on the Present Melancholy Situation of our Colonies in North America, Itf. mor. Lond. 1763, 48 pp. 8° 150 — An Essay on the Trade of the Northern Colonies of Grreat Britain in North America, hf. mor. Frinted at PhiladeljjJiia : Lond. repr. 1764, 42 pp. 8'^ "The subject is treated in a masterly and judicious manner." — Montlihj Beview. 151 — Some Thoughts on the Method of Improving and Securing the Advantages which accrue to Grreat-Britain from the Northern Colonies, lif. mor. Lond. 1765, 8° 152 — A Succinct View of the Origin of our Colonies, whereby the Nature of the Empire established in America may be clearly understood Lond. 1766, title and 46 pp. 8° 153 — The Present State of Grreat Britain and North America, with regard to Agriculture, Population, Trade, and Manu- factures, impartially considered, [by Dr. Mitchil,] old calf Lond. 1767, 388 pp. 8« 154 — [Eobinson (Matthew)] Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America Lond. [1774] 8° Title and 160 pp. 155 — Considerations, etc. 2nd ed. with Additions and an Ap- pendix, halfmor. Lond. [1774] 8° Half-title, title, and text 176 pp. * Appendix,' 45 pp. 156 — The other side of the Question : or a Defence of the Li- berties of North- Am erica. In Answer to a late Priendly Address to all reasonable Americans, halfmor. New York, James Rivington, Vi74^, 30 pp. 8° 157 — A Summary View of the Eights of British America, [by Mr. Jefferson : intended for the Delegates of Virginia], halfmor. Willimnshurg, printed : Lo7id. repr. 177 4i, S^ Two prel. leaves, viz. Title and Preface ; Dedication ' to the King,' pp. v — xvi. Signed * Tribunus." Text pp. 5—44. 158 — A Further Examination of our Present American Mea- sures. By the Author of Considerations on the Measures, etc. [Mathew Eobinson], uncut JBath, 1776, 8« Title, and 256 pp. X7 Amebic A: continued. 159 — The History of Nortli America Lond. 1776, 12° Two pre], leaves, 284 pp. and Map of North America. 160 — The North American and the "West-Indian G-azetteer, with maps, old calf Lond. 1776, 12« Three prel. leaves; Introduction 24 pp ; text, sig-natures B. to T, in 6. U. 1. Addenda 2 pp. 2 maps. See Bristol, N.E., where a curious blunder is made accidentally or intentionally, by confounding an Indian Chief, called " King Philip," with " the King of Spain." 161 — The North American and the West-Indian Gazetteer, 2nd ed. Lond. 1778, 12^ Three prel. leaves. Introduction 24 pp. Text, signatures B to T. in 6. T7. 1. 2 maps. 162 — Letters and other Papers relating to the Proceedings of his Majesty's Commissioners, By the Earl of Carlisle, Sir Henry Clinton, William Eden, Esquire, and George John- stone, Esquire, Commissioners, upon Disorders now sub- sisting, Proposed Appendix, privately printed, Jif. mor. [Bivington, New York], 1778, S^ Text 55 pp. " Proposed Appendix," 10 leaves. 163 — Succinct Account of the Treaties and Negociations rela- ting to the Boundary between the British possessions of Lower Canada and New Brunswick, in North America, and the United States \_Lond.'\ 8° Two hundred and six pp. Contents 1 page. Map of North America. Privately printed, this copy having the autograph of the Earl of Anglesey. 164 — Yue de la Colonic Espagnole du Mississipi, on des Pro- vinces de Louisiane et Floride Occidentale, en I'Annee 1802, Tif. cf. Paris, 1803, 8« Twenty and 318 pp. Table Abregee 5 pp. Avis au Relieur, and, Errata et Additions, 4 pp. With 2 coloured maps. 165 — History of North America, 2 vols. Leeds, 1820, 8° Vol. I. 4 and 498 pp. Vol. II. Title and 458 pp. Portrait of Thomas Jef- ferson, and 2 Plates of American Coins. 166 — Travels in North America, calf DuUin, 1824, 12<^ One hundred and eighty pp. including Frontispiece and title ; woodcuts on pp.93, 123, 140, 145. 167 — A Northern Tour, being a Guide to Saratoga, Lake George, Niagara, Canada, Boston, etc. half calf Fhiladelphia: S. C. Carey and I. Lea, 1825, 287 pp. 12° 168 — Some Account of the North- America Indians, hf mor. Lond. [1754] 68 pp. 8« 169 American Indians {North). A Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America, since the Connexion of the Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson's Bay Company Lond. 1817, 8° Fourteen and 152 pp. ' Appendix ' 2 prel. leaves and 87 pp- D 18 riEST day's sale. Ameeica : continued. 170 America {Spanish). Eeprensentacion Politico Legal, que haze a imestro Senor Soberano, Don Phelipe Quinto, Rey de las Espaiias, para que se sirva de declarar, no tienen los Es- panoles Indianos obice para obtener los empleos Politicos, y Militares de la America, unbound, 22 folioed leaves Don Juan Antonio de Ahumada, Colegial actual de el Mayor de Santa Maria de Todos Santos de Mexico, y Ahogado de su JReal Audiencia, folio 171 — Commenlarius de Republica in America Lusitana, atque Hispana a Jesuitis instituta, belloque ab his cum Hispaniae, • etc. Title, and 77 pp. small 8« 172 — Eelacion de las Yitorlas qve Don Diego de Arroy o y Da^a, Governador y Capitan general de la Prouinci de Gumana, tuuo en la gran Salina de Arraya, a 30 de Nov. de 622, contra ciento y quatro nauios de Olandeses, unbound Madrid, [1623], 4 pp. fol. Nos. 172 to 191, (except 186) are probably nearly all either privately printed, or were taken in small numbers for official use only. Other copies cannot probably be found. 173 — Eelacion de Como Martirizaron los Hereges Olandeses, Gelandeses, y Pechilingues, en odio de nuestra santa Pe Catolica, al Eeligioso y obseruante varon el Padre Presentado fray Alonso Gomez de Euzinas, en la entrada que bizieron este mes passado de lunio de 1624, en la Cuidad de Guayaquil, en la Prouincia de Quito, que es en las Indias, y Eeynoa del Peril Madrid, 1625, 4 pp. fol. 174 — Eelacion y Copia de vna Carta, de las Companias de In- fanteria, y de Acauallo, que su Magestad tiene en el puerto de Callao, para defensa del dicbo puerto, y de la Isla del Brasil, hf. mor. Madrid, Bernardino de Guzman, 1625, 4 pp. fol. 175 — EelaQam verdadeira, e breve datomada da Yilla de Olinda, Eivgardo Eecifena Costa do Brazil pell os rebeldesde Olanda, hf. mor. " Lisboa, 1630, 6 pp. fol. 176 — Eelacion de la lomada qve la Armada de su Magestad a hecho al socorro del Brazil, y batalla que entre ella, y la de los Estados de Olada, hf. mor. SeviJla, 1631, 4 pp. fol. 177 — Eelacion de los muertos, y heridos que huuo en la Eeal Armada de la guardia de las Indias, las dos vezes que peleo con el enemigo, sobre Pan de Cauafias 1638, 4 pp. 4° 178 — Eelacion de lo Svcedido a la Armada Eeal de la guarda de la carrera de las Indias, desde el dia que se hizo a la vela en la Vaia de Cadiz, basta el en que dio fondo en el puerto tie la Vera Cruz en la JS'ueua Espafia ^Mexico, 1638], 8 leaves, 4° 179 — Eelacion. Mverte de Pie de Palo. Segvnda EelacioD, de la batalla que ban tenido los Galeones con 40 Nauios de Olandeses, siendo General de ellos Pie de Palo Madrid, 1638, 4 pp. 4o FIEST day's sale. 19 America: continued. 180 America {S])amsh.) Eelacion Yerdadera, de la Q^ran Vitoria qve han alcangado en el Brasil la gente de la Baia de Todoa Santos, contra los Olandeses Seuilla, 1638, 4 pp. 4** 181 — Eelacion Verdadera de la Eefriega qve Tvvieron nuestros Galeones de la Plata en el Cabo de san Anton, con catorzo navios de Olada Sevilla, 1638, 4 pp. 4° 182 — Eelacion Yerdadera del viaje de los Graleones, y de las dos batallas que ruuieron sobre Pan de Cauanas, con los Olandeses, en este ano de 1638 Seuilla, 1638, 4 pp. 4P 183 — Eelacion de la Yitoria qve Alcanzaron las Armas Catolicas en la Baia de Todos Santos contra Olandeses, hf. mor. Madrid, 1638, 6 leaves, fol. 184 — Eelacion Yerdadera de las Pazes que Capitvlo con el Aravcano Eebelado, el Marques de Baides, Conde de Ped- roso, Grouernador, y Capitan G-eneral del Eeyno de Chile, etc. Madrid, 1642, 8 pp. fol. 185 — Eelacion de Todo lo Svcedido en estas Provincias de la Nveva Espana, desde la formacion de la Armada Eeal de Barlovento, despacho de Plota, y sucesso della, hasta la salida deste primer Aviso del afio de 1642, lif. mor. 1642, 4 pp. fol. 186 — Eelations Yeritables et Cvrievses de I'lsle de Madagascar, at dv Bresil. Auec I'histoire de la derniere Gruerre faite au Bresil, entre les Portugais y les Hollandois. Trois Eela- tions d'Egypte, et vne du Eoyaume de Perse, calf gilt Paris, 1651, 4^ Eight prel. leaves ; the 4th blank, and 307 pp. Map at page 1. 187 — Eelacion de los Socorros, que ha remitido k Tierra-Eirme el Excelentissimo seiior Conde de Lemos, Yirrey, Governa- dor, y Capitan General de los Eeynos, y Provincias del Peru, para la restauracion del Castillo de Chagre, y Ciudad de Panama, de que se apodero el Euemigo Ingles, hf. mor. [1671], 4 pp. fol. 188 — Eelacion de la Salvd Milagrosa, qve dio el Bienaventurado Stanislao Kost Ka, Novicio de la Compania de lesus, a otro Novicio de la misma Compania, en la Casa de Provacion de San Antonio Abad de la Ciudad de Lima, el dia 13 de Nov. 1673 Madrid, 1674, 6 leaves, 4^ 189 — Copia de dos Cartas Escritas de vn Missionero, y del Superior de las Missiones de los Maynas, en el Eio Maranon, jurisdiccion de la Eeal Audiencia de Quito, avisando al Padre Vice-Provincial de la Compania de lesvs, del Nuevo Eeyno de Granada, Primera Carta, hf. mor. [1681] 4 pp. fol. 190 — Eelacion del Exemplar Castigo qveembioDios a la Ciudad de Lima Cabeza del Peril, y su Costa- de Barloueuto con los espantosos Temblores del dia 20. de Oct. 1687 Lima, loseph de Gonireras, 1687, 8 pp. fol. 20 riEST day's sale. Ameeica : continued. 191 America {Spanish). Eelacion de lo Svcedido a la Armada do Barloverito a fines del ano passado, y principios de este de 1691. Victoria, que contra los Franceses, que ocupan la Costa del morte de la Isla de Santo Domingo tuvieron, con el ayuda de dicha Armada, los Lauzeros, y milicia Espanola de aquella Isla, abrasando el Puerto de Guarico, y otras Poblaciones, uncut and unbound Mexico, por los Serederos de la Viuda de Bernardo Calderon, 1691, 16 pp. 4p 192 — Stories of popular Yoyages and Travels ; with illustra- tions. Containing abridged Narratives of Travels in South America, New ed. Lond. 1730, 12° Half-title, title, iv and 259 pp. With engraved title, map and 3 plates. 193 — A Concise History of the Spanish America, with an Ap- pendix, in which is comprehended an exact Description of Paraguay. Collected chiefly from Spanish Writers, [by Dr. Campbell ?],fne cop?/ in old calf Lond. 1741, 8* Title and dedication 2 leaves ; * Preface,' pp. v-viii ; table of contents 2 leaves; and text 336 pp. 194 — The Spanish Empire in America, with an exact Descrip^ tion of Paraguay. By an English Merchant, old calf Lond. 1747, 8«> Six prel. leaves and 330 pp. The same as the preceding, with a new title. 195 — A True and Particular History of Earthquakes, contain- ing a relation of that which happen'd at Lima and Callao, in Peru, Oct. 28, 1746, by Philotheus, old calf Lond. for the Author, 1748, 192 pp. 8° 196 — An Account of the Spanish Settlements in America. In four Parts Hdinb. 1762, 8° Sixteen and 512 pp. Copper-plate map 16f by 13| inches. The value of this work is greatly enhanced by the addition at the end, from pag-e 472 to 512, of the Official "Accounts of the siege and surrender of the Havannah"in 1762, consisting- of a Journal of the Siege, the Articles of Capitulation, the Dispatches, etc. 197 — - Observations on the present state of Spanish America, by a Spaniard, hf. mor. Lond. 1817, title and 45 pp. 8° 198 — Ensayo sobre la Topografia de los Eios Plata, Parana, Paraguay, Yermejo y Pilcomayo, para servir de memoria a su N avegacion con un Mapa Buenos Aires, Ballet y Ca. 1831, 8^ Sixteen pp. signed ' Herman C- Dwerhagen.' 000 American Poetry. See Andre ; Boston ; Bosworth ; Brad- street ; Humphries ; Origin; Sotweed Bedivivus 000 America. Common Sense (and replies to same). See Baine (Tho.) 000 America (Spanish). See Granada; Lima; Mexico; Bara- guay 21 000 American and Indian Dialects. See Ardas; Bertonio; Bible; Inc* wadi Yohugala, etc; Luther^ s Catechisms in Virginian; Molina, Vocahulario Mexicana ; Morning Brayer, in Mo- hawk; Noceda, Vocah. de la Lengua Tagala ; JPamplona, Bocabulario, par Diego Bergano ; Primer ^ in MoJiawh 199 Analyse de la Carte Generale de 1' Ocean Atlantique ou Oc- cidental Paris, 1786, title, and 42 pp. 4p 200 Anatomy (An) of Independency, or a Briefe Commentary, and Moderate Discourse upon The Apologeticall Narration of Mr. Thomas Goodwin, and Mr. Philip Nye, etc. half morocco Lond. 1644, 4° Title and preface, 2 leaves ; text, 52 pp. 201 Anburey (Thomas) Travels through the Interior Parts of America, 2 vols, calf Lond. 1789, 8^ Vol. I. Half-title, title and 14 other prel. leaves; ie-5it,AQ7 pp. Vol.11. Title, and text, 558 pp. ; map 16 by 14 inches, and 7 plates with a list thereof. 202 Anderson (Rufus) Memoir of Catherine Brown, a Christian Indian of the Cherokee Nation, uncut York, 1827, 12° Two hundred and two pp. with frontispiece. 203 Anderson (William "Wemyss) A Description and History of the Island of Jamaica, reprinted from the "Work, by John Ogilby, first published in 1671, with additions to our own times, with a map of the island, uncut Kingston, Jamaica, George Senderson^ 1851, 8° Forty-six pp.; errata, 9 lines, on a slip. 204 Andre (Major John) The Cow Chace : an Heroick Poem, in Three Cantos ; written at New York, 1780, with Explanatory Notes by the Editor, hf. mor. Lond. John Fielding, 1781, 32 pp. 4® The following is the last stanza of this mock-heroic poem, to which subse- quent events gave a melancholy interest, probably little dreamed of by the writer. And now I've clos'd my epic strain, I tremble as I show it. Lest this same warrior- drover, Wayne, Should ever catch the poet. 000 Andre (Major). See Boyal Gazette. 205 Anson (Greorge, Lord). A Voyage round the world, in the Tears 1740-1-2-3-4, of His Majesty's Ships, sent upon an Expedition to the South Seas ; compiled from Papers and other Materials of the Eight Honourable George Lord Anson, and published under his direction, by E-ichard Walter, M.A., Chaplain of His Majesty's Ship, the Cen- turion, in that Expedition, 2nd ed. with charts, calf Lond. 1748, 8° Twelve prel. leaves and 548 pp. ; 3 charts. 206 Anson (George, Lord) Voyage, 3rd ed. calf Lond. 1748, 8° Idem. 22 FIEST DAT*S SALE. 207 Anson (George, Lord) Voyage, 6th ed. calf Lond. 1749, 8" Twelve prel. leaves, 548 pp., 3 charts. 208 Anson (George, Lord) Voyage, 7th ed. calf Duhlin, 1748, 8° Nine prel. leaves and 350 pp. ; 8 copper-plate charts and plates, with a list thereof. 209 Anson (George, Lord) Voyage, 14th ed. laege papee, calf Lond. 1769, 8" Twelve prel. leaves, 536 pp. 3 charts. 210 Answer (The) of the Assembly of Divines unto the Reasons given by the Dissenting Brethren, of their not bringing in a Model of their Way, hf. mor. Lond. 1615, 4'* Two prel. leaves; text, pp. 3 to 24. 211 Answer (An) to a Pamphlet call'd, The Conduct of the Ministry Impartially Examined, by the Author of the Four Letters to the People of England Land. 1756, 100 pp. 8^ 212 Answer (An) to the Declaration of the American Congress, hf onor, Lond. 1776, 132 pp. 8« 213 — The same, 4th ed. hf mor. Lond. 1776, 132 pp. 8« 214 — The same, 5th ed. hf mor. Lond. 1776, 132 pp. 8« 215 Antequera y Castro (Joseph de). Colleccion General de Do- cumentos, que contiene los sucesos tocantes a la seguuda epoca de las commociones de los Regulares de la Compafiia en el Paraguay, y sefialadamente la persecucion, que hicieron a Don Josef de Antequera y Castro. Tomo Tercero, vellum Madrid, 1769, 4« Fourteen prel. pages ; text, 239, 374, 64 pp. and 2 sequent leaves. 216 Anticipation: Containing the Substance of His M y's Most Gracious Speech to both H s of P 1 1, on the Opening of the approaching Session, together with a full and authentic Account of the Debate which ^sdll take place in the H e of C s, on the Motion for the Address, and the Amendment, with Notes, (first published three days before the opening of the Session) 3rd ed. [by Eichard Tickell] Lond. 1778, 8« Four prel. leaves and text, 74 pp. "That which raised him (Tickell) to imme- .diate celebrity was his admirable political pamphlet, called Anticipationj in which, with the most successful humour, he imitated the manner of the principal speakers in parliament, and defeated the force of the arguments of the opposition by pre-occupying them." — Chalmers' Biog. Diet. 217 Anticipation continued ; containing the Substance of the Speech intended to be delivered from the T e to both H s of P— r — m — t, on the Opening of the ensuing Session, to which is added, A Sketch of the Debate which will take place in the H e of L ds on the Motion for an Address and Amendment Lond. 1779, 57 pp. 8° PIEST DAY'S SALE. 23 218 Anticipation : Tor the Tear 1779, (first published five days before the Opening of the Session), 2od ed. Lond. 1779, 59 pp. S^ 219 Apianus (Petrus). Cosmographia per Gemmam Frisivni apvd Lovanienses Medicvm et Mathematicvm insignem Col. Agrip. 1574, 4P Two prel. and 58 folioed leaves, with revolving diagrams, and with woodcuts. 220 Apollot?ius (Leyinitjs) de Peeijvije Eegionis, inter ]N"oui Orbis prouincias celeberrimae, inventione : et rebus in eadem gestis, FiEST EDiTioif, Very fine copy, in citron morocco Antv. ap, lo. Bellerum, 1566, 8^ Eig-ht prel. leaves ; teKt folioed 9 to 236, followed by index, errata, and colo- phon,' Antverpiue, Typis Amata Tavernerii,' 8 leaves j woodcut map. 221 Apollonius (LETi:N-irs). Another copy, map 1567, 8« This copy is the same as the preceding-, except that the date on the title- jjag-e, is 1567 instead of 1566. 222 Apollonius (Levinius). Another copy, stained, map wanting 1567, 8« 223 Apology (An) for the Builder ; or, a Discourse shewing the Cause and Effects of the Increase of Building, half morocco Lond. 1689, title, and 87 pp. 4^ Among the several references to America in this quaint little hook, the fol- lowing extract is not the least curious : — " Now the reason of this was, the people of England were a little before that time under the same mistake, as they are generally now, and cried out against the Builders, that the City would grow too big ; and therefore in the 38 of Queen Elizabeth they made a law to prohibit buildings in the City of London; which, though it was but a probationary Act, to continue only to the next iSessions of Par- liament (which was but a short time), yet its effects were long ; for it frighted the builders, and obstructed the growth of the City; and none built for thirty years after, all King James His Reign, without his Ma- jesties License ; but for want of Houses the increase of the People went into other parts of the world ; for within this space of time were those great Plantations of New- England, Virginia, Mariland, and Bermudas began; and that this want of houses was the occasion, is plain; for they could not build in the Country, because of the Law against Cottages. For people may get children and so increase, that had not four Acres of ground to build on." — Page 28. 224 Appeal (An) to the Justice and Interests of the People of Grreat Britain, in the present disputes with America, by an old M.P. Jif. mor. ' Lond, 1774, 8« Half-title, title, and 63 pp. " An able advocate for the colonists." — 31. Rev. 225 Appeal (An) &c. 4th ed. hf. mor. Bepr. at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1776, 72 pp, 8^ 226 Appeal (An) to the Unprejudiced, concerning the present Discontents occasioned by the late Convention with Spain, half morocco Lond. 1739, 32 pp. 8^ 24 FiEST day's baxe. 227 Appeal (An) to the Sense of the People on the Present Pos- ture of Affairs, wherein the Nature of the late Treaties are inquired into, and the Conduct of the M — i — y with regard to M — n — ca, A — r — ca, &c. is considered, ujicut Lond.l7o6, title, and 54 pp. 8" 228 Appendix (An) to the Memoirs of the Duke de Ripperda, on the Balance of Europe, the present State of Spain, and the Consequences of a War in the West Indies Lo7id. 1740, S° Title, and text, pp. 356-390. 229 Appendix (An) to the present State of the 'N'ation, contain- ing a Eeply to the Observations on that Pamphlet, hf. mor. Lond. 1769, 8° Title, and text pp. 5-68. 230 Application (An) of some General Political Eules to tlie pre- sent State of Great Britain, Ireland, and America, in a Letter to Earl Temple, Tif, mor. Lond. 1766, 86 pp. 8« 231 Arango (Jose de). Nadie se asuste por la segunda j ultima esplicacion mia sobre la Independencia de la isla de Cuba, hf. mor. [1820], pp. 4-42, 8« 232 Akchdale (John), Governor of Carolina. A Xew Des- CEIPTION OF THAT EeETILE A2fD PlEASA^T: PeOYINCE OF Cahoja.^ A., fine copy, Tif. mor. Lond. J. Wi/at, 1707, 4° Half-title, title, * To the Courteous Readers,' 3 pp.; text, 32 pp. It was Governor Archdale who introduced the cultivation of rice into Carolina. —Rich. 233 Aedas. Doctrina Cheistiaxa : y explicacion de sus Mis- terios, en nuestro idioma Espanol, y en lengua Arda, fne cop}/, original vellum Madrid, por Domingo Garcia Morrds, 1658, sm. 8° Title, with 19 lines on the reverse; Text, 13 folioed leaves in double columns. Signatures A in 8, B in 4, smd C in 2 leaves. The Ardas are a barbarous tribe of Indians dwelling between the rivers Napo and Marailon, in the Province of Quijos, in Quito. This, as far a.s we can learn, is not only the sole book published in the Arda Language, but is the only copy of it known. 234 Argensola (Bartolomeo Leonardo). Histoire de la Conquete des Isles Moluques, 3 vols, old calf Amst. 1706, 12" Vol. T. 7 prel. leaves, and 405 pp. Vol. II. 2 prel. leaves, and 402 pp. and Table, 15 unnumbered leaves. Vol. III. 3 prel. leaves, 388 pp. and Table, 10 unnumbered leaves. Maps and plates in each volume. Not mentioned by Rich. 235 Argument (An) in Defence of the Exclusive Eight claimed by the Colonies to Tax themselves Lond. for the AMhor, 1774, 8« Title, contents, pp. v.-vii. and text 163 pp. "A solid and judicious advocate for the colonies." — M. Rev. FIRST day's sale. 25 236 Armitage (John). The History of Brazil, from the period of the Arrival of the Braganza Family in 1808 to the Abdica- tion of Don Pedro the First in 1831, compiled from Original Sources, forming a Continuation to Houthey'a History, 2 vols, cloth Lond. 1836, 8° Vol. I. 9prel. leaves, viz. half-title, portrait, title, dedication, preface, con- tents; text 371 pp. Vol. ir. 5 prel. leaves, viz. half-title, portrait, title, contents; text 141 pp. 'Notes,' pp. 144-155. * Appendix,' pp. 157-297. 237 Arthur (John). The Genealogy of Jesus Christ, according to St. Matthew and St. Luke, Examined, Illustrated, and Yindicated, hf. mor. New Yorh, James Parker and Co. at the New Printing Office, in Beaver Street^ 1762, 8** Title, text, pp. 3 16. 238 Arthus (Grotard) Historia Indiae Orientalis, ex variis xivctoribvs collecta, et ivxta Seriem Topographicam Eegno- rum, Prouinciarum & Insularum, per Africse, Asiseque lit- tora, ad extremes vsque laponios deducta CoL Agrip., Wil. Lutzenhirchy 1608, sm. 8<> Ten prel. leaves (8th blank) and 616 pp. This abridgment of the Petits Voyages of De Bry is not mentioned by Rich or Brunei. 239 Articles of Agreement for carrying on an Expedition, by Hudson's Straights, for the Discovery of a North-West Pas- sage, dated March 30, 1745 Dublin, 1746, 16 pp. 8^ 240 Asher (Adolph) Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voyages and Travels edited by Levinus Hulsius and his suc- cessors at Nuremberg and Francfort, from anno 1598 to 1660, hds. Lond. and Berlin, 1839, 4P Three prel. leaves, and 118 pp. A series of the rare first editions of Hulsius* Collections, 27 vols, small quarto, was sold by us in July last for £335. 241 Ashley (John) Memoirs and Considerations concerning the Trade and Kevenues of the British Colonies in America, hf. mor. Lond. 1740, 160 pp. 8° 242 Ashton's (Philip) Memorial ; or, an Authentick Account of the Strange Adventures and Signal Deliverances of Mr. Philip Ashton, who, after he had made his Escape from the Pirates, liv'd on a desolate Island for about 16 months, etc. with a short Account of Mr. Nicholas Merritt, who was taken at the same time ; to which is added, a Sermon on Dan. iii. 17, by John Barnard, V.D.M. calf Lond. for Bich. Ford and Sam. Chandler, 1726, 156 pp. 12** Philip Ashton was a native of Marble Head in Massachusetts, and on the ]5th of June, 1722, with Nicholas Merritt, his kinsman, was taken pri- soner by the Pirate Low, at Port Rossaway, Cnpe Sable, and carried into the West Indies, Central Ameri6a, etc. He returned after long wanderings and many hardships to New England, and landed at Salem on the 1st of May, 1725. Mr. Barnard, the Minister of Marble Head, preached a Ser- mon upon the joyful occasion of his return to his native town. The book is full of incident, and little known to the book collectors of New England. E 26 FiBST day's sale. 243 Aspiuwall (Thomas). Catalo^e of Books relating to Ame- rica, in the collection of Colonel Aspinwall, Consul of the United States of America at London, 'privately printed^ hut vertj few copies issued \_FariSj 1832 r] 8® Two prel. leaves^ and 66 pp. 244 Aspinwall (Thomas). Catalogue of extremely Eare Books and MSS. relating to America, with an Appendix of Books from the Library of Col. Aspinwall, 5 days' sale, fine paper ^ printed prices Lond. Futtich and Simpson, 1854, 8° 245 Assiento, y Capitvlacion que por mandado de su Magestad se ha tornado con diuersas personas interessadas en el co- mercio de las Indias, icanting the last leaf, hf mor. hound hy Sayday 1618, 30 leaves, folio 246 Assiento y Capitvlacion, qve los seiiores Presidente, y del Consejo Eeal de las Lidias tomaron co Adriano de Legaso . . . y despacho de las armada y flotas de las Indias, por tiempo de seis anos, If. mor. hound hy Sayday Madrid, luan Gongalez, 1627, 44 leaves, folio 247 Assiento y Capitvlacion, qve los sefiores Presidente, y del Consejo Real de las Indias, y despacho de las Armadas, y Flotas de las Indias, por tiempo de tres aiios, hf. mor. hound hy Hay day Madrid, And. de Parr a, 1640, folio Title, and 50 leaves. 248 Assiento. [Begins'] En en Nomhre de Dios, Amen. Sepan qvantos esta carta ^de^e como nos Crhistoval de Barnvevo Bonifaz, y Ivan de Yergara Gaviria, etc. [Assiento del Aueria de prior y Consules auo de 1618], hf. mor. hound hy Hay day 27 leaves, folio 249 Assiento Contract (The) Consider'd, as also the Advantages and Decay of the Trade of Jamaica and the Plantations Lond. 1714, 8« Title ; preface, 4 leaves, and text, 50 pp. 250 Atkins (John). A Voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the West Indies, calf very fine copy Lond. 1735, 8^ Title ; xxv. pp. ; text, pp. 1-2, and 19-254. ' An Abstract,' &c. pp. 255-265. * Errata,' 7 lines. 251 Atkinson (Eev. "W. Chr.) A Historical and Statistical Ac- count of iS'ew Brunswick, roan Lldinb. 1844, 12*^ Eig'ht prel. leaves : viz. title ; ' contents' pp. iii-v; ' Preface' pp. vii-xvi ; and text pp. 14-284, with map. ' Sketch of the River St. John.' 252 Atlas Geographus: or, a compleat System of Geography, (Ancient and Modern) for Amebica. Containing What is of most L^'se in Bleau, Yarenius, Cellarius, Cluverius, Luyts, Baudrand, Sanson, the Eoyal Commentaries of Peru, &c. maps hy Herman Moll. Vol. Y. (complete for America) 1717, 4*^ Title ; * Preface,' 1 leaf; text 798 pp. * Index,' pp. 799-807. * An Account of the Plates, Maps, and Tables,' 2 leaves. riEST day's sale. 27 253 Atlas zur EN-TDECKUNasGEscniCHTE Ameeikas, aus hand- schriften der K. Hof-uud Staats — Bibliothek, der K. Univer- sitaet uuddes hauptconservatoriums der K.B. Armee heraus- gegebeu vou F. Kunstmanu, K. Yon Spriiner und Gr. M. "• Thomas, in atlas folio, with Mo. letterpress MwicheUj 1859, fol. Title, contents, 13 maps. Letterpress: — Title, and pp. 151. 254 Atwater (Caleb), The Writings of, cloth Columbus. Published by the Aictho7% 1833, 408 pp. 8« 255 Auchincloss (J..) B.JD., The Sophistry of both the first and second part of Mr. Paiiie's Age of Keason. In Four Ser- mons, tmcui Edinb. 1796, 8« Title and Dedication 2 leaves. Text, pp. 5-96. 256 Australia. Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes, 2 vols, old calf Paris, 1756, 4« Tome Premier. Title, xiv and 463 pp. Errata 4 pp. Tome Second. Title and 514 pp. Errata 2 pp. With Charts, No. 1 to 7. 257 Auteroche (Chappe d'). A Yoyage to California through Mexico, to observe the Transit of Yenus. Also a Yoyage to Newfoundland and Sallee, to make experiments on Le Eoy's Time Keepers. By M. De Cassini, old calf Lond. 1778, 8o Half-title, title, ' Advertisement,' and 'Contents,* 4 leaves. Text 215 pp. Plan of the City of Mexico 10 by 7i inches. 258 Authentic (An) Narrative of ITacts relating to the Exchange of Prisoners taken at the Cedars ; with Remarks upon the Eeport and Eesolves of the American Congress on that sub- ject, halfmor. Land. 1777, 52 pp. 8<* 259 Avendano. Carta, qve el P. Prancisco Xavier Eector del Colegio Maximo de S. Pablo, y al presente Preposito Pro- vincial de la Provincia del Peril. Dandoles vna breve noticia de la exemplarissima vida, y dichosa muerte del Yen. P. Diego de Avendano, Spanish binding Lima, Por losehp de Contreras, 1689, QQ leaves, 4° 260 Avity (Sieur d') Les Estats, Empires, et Principavtez dv Monde, old calf Paris, 1619, 4P Ten prel. leaves ; Text 1467 pp. followed by 'Privilege.' The History of the New World in this volume occupies 67 pages ; viz. from pajje 255 to 322. 261 Azara (Eelix de), Apuntamientos para la Historia Natural de los Quadrupedos del Paraguay y Eio de La Plata, Tomo Primero, uncut Madrid, Fiuda de Ibarra, 1802, 4P Half-title. Title, and 8 other prel. leaves; Text 318 pp. ' Erratas.' 1 page. 262 Azara (Eelix de). Yoyages dans L'Amerique Meridionale, 4 vols, calf, marbled edges 1809, 8<* I. Half-title, Title, & pp. v to Ix prel. Text 389 pp. IT. Half-title, Title, and Text 362 pp. III. Half-title, Title, and Avis, 3 leaves ; & T(^xt 479 pp. IV. Half-tiile, Title, and Text 380 pp. 28 riEST day's sale. 263 Backus (Isaac), Pastor at Middleborough, A Fish caught in his own Xet. Aii Examination of Is'me Sermons, from Matt. xvi. 18. Published last Year, by Mr. Joseph Fish of Stonington ; AYherein he labours to prove, that those called Standing Churches in New-England are built upon the Eock; and upon the same Principles with the first Fathers of this Country: and that Separates aud Baptists are joining with the Grates of Hell against them Boston : hy Edes and Gill, 1768, 8« One hundi-ed and thirty pages. ' Errata,' 1 page. 264 Backus (Isaac) A History of New-Englakd, with parti- cular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists, 3 vols, half calf Boston, Edward Draper, 1777, 1784, 1796, 8« Title and Preface, 4 leaves ; Text 544 pp. * Appendix' IS pp. Errata 1 p. Vol. II. Providence, 1784. Title & pp. Vol. III. Boston, 1796, 334 pp. and Advertisement, 1 p. 265 [Bacon (Thomas).] Two Sermons, preached to a Congregation of Black Slaves, at the Parish Church of S. P. in the Pro- vince of Maryland, Tif. mor. Lond. 1749, 79 pp. V2P 266 Bailey (John), Bastor in Watertown, AT. JE. Man's chief End to Glorifie Grod, or Some Brief Sermon-Notes on 1 Cor. X. 31, hlue morocco Boston, hy Samuel Green for Bichard Wilkins, 1689, small 8" Four prel. leaves ; viz. Title reverse blank ; ' To the Reader' 6 pp. Signed ' J. M.' Text IGO pp. 'To my Loving and Dearly Beloved Christian Friends, in and about Lymerick.' 40 pp. dated ' May 8, 1G84.' Signed ' John Baily.' * Postscript.' 3 pp. signed * John Baily.* 207 Baker (Daniel) Yet one Warning More, to Thee O Eng- land ... to awaken the Nations and Inhabitants of the Earth . . . and ring again in the ears of New Eng- land, etc. Lond. Bob. Wilson, 1660, 4« Title and 37 pp. 268 Baker (James) The Life of Sir Thomas Bernard, Baronet, morocco extra Lond. 1819, 8° Thirteen pp. and text 190 pp. With a portrait of Sir Thomas Bernard. Sir Thomas Bernard was of the same family as the famous Governor of Massachusetts. 269 Ball (John) An Answer to two Treatises of Mr. John Can, the Leader of the English Brownists in Amsterdam. The former called a Necessitie of Separation from the Church of England. The other a Stay against Straying: wherein in opposition to Mr. John Eobinson he undertakes to prove the unlawfulnesse of hearing the Ministers of the Church of England, very fine copy, calf Lond. 1612, 4P Title, the reverse blank ; * To the Christian Reader' 4 leaves ; * An Ad- vertisement to the Reader.' 1 leaf, the reverse blank ; ' The Answers to the Epistles.' 4 leaves ; text, 144 pp. * Chap. II.' 92 pp.; ' Table,' 2 pp.; • Errata/ 1 page. FIRST day's sale. 29 270 Bancroft (Aaron), Pastor at Worcester, Life of George Washington, half morocco Lond. 1808, 8** Title ; Preface and Contents, xii. pp.; text, 5G0 pp. 271 Bancroft (Aaron). Letters and Kemarks, occasioned by a Sermon, delivered by the Eev. Aaron Bancroft, A.M., JNTo- vember 30, 1791^, in Opposition to the Doctrine of Election Worcester, L. Worcester, 1795, 30 pp. 8^ 272 Bancroft (Edward) An Essay on the Natural History of Gruiana, in South AmQY\CQ.,Jlnecopy, calf Lond. 1769, 8^^ Frontispiece, Title, Dedication, and Advertisement, 5 leaves ; text, 402 pp. * Contents,' 1 leaf. 273 Baebadoes. Acts and Statutes of the Island of Barbados, made and enacted since the Keducement of the same, unto the Authority of the Commonwealth of England Lond. hy Will. Bentley, and are to he sould hy Mm at the India Bridge [1654] small 8^ Title ; Dedication and Table, 8 leaves : text. 1 76 pp. An important volume. 274 Barbadoes. A Eepresentation of the Miserable State of, under the corrupt Administration of his Ex. Bob. Lowther, Grovernor, half mar, Lond. [1719] 8^* Half-title and 23 leaves. 275 Barbadoes. A Detection of the State and Situation of the Present Sugar Planters of Barbadoes and the Leward Islands, dedicated to Sir Bob. "Walpole, halfmor, Lond. 1732, 8« Half-title, title, viii. and 99 pp. 276 Barbadoes. A Supplement to the Detection of the State and Situation of the Sugar Planters of Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands, halfmor. Lond. 1733, 8** Half-title, title, and 84 pp. 277 Barbadoes. Memoirs of the Eirst Settlement of the Island of Barbados, and other the Carribbee Islands, from Ancient Kecords, Papers, and Accounts taken from Mr. Wm. Arnold, Mr. Samuel Bulkly, and Mr. John Summers, some of the Eirst Settlers, the last of whom was alive in 1688, aged 82, calf Lond. 1743, sm. 8« Title; the Publisher to the Reader, and Introduction, 3 leaves; text, 84 pp. * An Appendix,' 15 pp. 278 Barbadoes Packet (The), giving an Account of the most ma- terial Transactions that have lately happened in a certain part of the West Indies Lond. 1720, 8« 6 preliminary leaves and 68 pp. 279 Barbadoes. The Groans of the Plantations ... by the Heavy Impositions upon Sugar . . . relating more par- ticularly to the Island of Barbados, calf extra hy Bedford Lond. 1689, 4° Title and 35 pp. 30 riRST day's sale. 2S0 Barbadoes. A Short Account of the Manifest Hand of Grod that hath Fallen upon several Marshals and their Depu- ties, who have made great spoil and havock of the goods of the people of God called Quakers, in tlie Island of Barba- does, for their Testimony against going or sending to the Militia, with a remarkable Account of some others of the Persecutors of the same People in the same Island; toge- ther with an Abstract of their Sufferings Lond. hy T. Soivle, 1696, 4<> Twenty-three pp. * An Abstract.' &c. a folded sheet. 281 Barbadoes. A Declaration of the Inhabitants respecting the Demolition of the Methodist Chapel, with an Appendix, uncut Barbados : printed at tJie JBarhadian Office, 1826, 20 pp. S** 000 Barbadoes. See Bushel (John). 282 Barbe-Marbois. Histoire de Louisiana et de la cession de cette Colonic par la France aux Etats-Unis de I'Amerique Septentrionale, half calf Baris, 1829, 8« Three prel. leaves and 485 pp. Map at p. 109. 283 Barclay (Eobert) The Anarchy of the Eanters, and other Libertines : the Hierarchy of the Komanists, and other Pre- tended Churches, equally refused and refuted, in a two-fold Apology for the Church and People of God, called in deri- sion Quakers, 2 vols, in l,fine copy^ original binding Bhiladelphia, repr. and sold by B. Franklin and D. Sail, 1757, 8° viii. and 112 pp. followed by ' An Epistle to the National Meeting- of Friends in Dublin, concerning- good Order and Discipline in the Church,' written by Joseph Pike. Philadelphia, repr. ty B. Franklin and D.Hally 1757, 23 pp. 284 Barham (Henry) Hortus Americanus: containing an Ac- count of the Trees, Shrubs, and other Vegetable Produc- tions of South America and the "West India Islands, and particularly the Island of Jamaica, with a LinnsBan Index, etc. etc. fine copy, calf Kingston, Jamaica : Alexander AiJcman, 1794, 8° Title, Dedication, and Preface, 4 leaves; text, 212 pp.; * Linnaean Index,* 7 leaves; ' Index of Diseases, Kemedies,' &c. 11 leaves. 285 Baring (Alexander) An Inquiry into the Causes and Con- sequences of the Orders in Council, and an Examina- tion of the Conduct of Great Britain towards the IS'eutral Commerce of America Lond. 1808, 183 pp. S*' 286 Baring (Alexander) An Inquiry, etc. 2nd ed. Lond. 1808, 8« Title and Introduction, 2 leaves; text, 179 pp. FIEST day's sale. 31 287 Barlseus (Caspar) Brasilianisclie Geschichte, vellum Gleve, hey Tobias Silberling, 1659, 8^ Fifteen pi'el. leaves, viz. engraved title, title, portrait and arms of Count Muritz, Dedication in 10 leaves, and 1 blank leaf. Text, 848 pp. with 10 leaves of Register j 8 maps and plates at pajjes 111,213,352,418, 422 (2), and 509 (2). 288 Barlseus (Caspar) Eervm per Octennivm in Brasilia et alibi gestarum Clivis, Tohice Silberlingy 1660, 8° Eight prelim, leaves, including the engraved title, portrait, and arms ; text, 664 pp.; index, 11 leaves; maps or plates at pp. 1, 2, 58, 121, 242, 248 (2), 342. 289 Barlow (E.) An Exact Survey of the Tide, explicating its Production and Propagation, Variety and Anomaly, in all Parts of the "World, 2nd ed. " with curious Maps." Lond. 1722, 8« Eight prel. leaves ; text, 122 pp. followed by a second title and 212 pp.; 12 copperplate maps. 290 Barlow (Joel) The Columbiad, a Poem, with the last cor- rections of the Author, large paper, fine copy, calf Paris, 1813, 8^ Title ; Preface, pp. v.-xx. * Introduction,' pp. xxi.-xl. ; half-title ; text, 448 pp. ; 4 plates. 291 Barnard (Hannah) A ISTarrative of the Proceedings in Ame- rica of the Society called Quakers, in the Case of Hannah Barnard, uncut Lond. 1801^, 8« 161 pp. Errata, 1 p. 292 Barrere (Pierre) Nouvelle Kelation de la Prance Equinox- iale, contenant la Description des Cotes de la Guiane ; de risle de Cayenne ; le Commerce de cette Colonie : etc. calf Paris, 1743, sm. 8° Half-title, title, and Advertisement, 4 leaves ; text, 240 pp. « Table,' pp. 241-250. ' L' Approbation,' 1 leaf; 19 small maps and plates. 293 Barreto (Nicolas) Contestacion al Manifiesto que ha dado elEscmo. Sr. D. Francisco de Arango sobre la Junta proyec- tada en la Habana en Julio del ano de 1808, half mar. Sabana, 1821, 8° Thirty-one pp. Errata, 1 leaf. 294 Barreto. Contestacion que da el Conde de Casa Barreto, al pa pel del Escmo. Senor D. Erancisco de Arango ; contray- endose en parte a los publicados por el Senor D. Jose del mismo appellido, half mar. Habana, 1821, 18 pp. 8" 295 Barrington (Daines) Miscellanies Land. 1781, ^^ Title ; ' Contents,' pp. iii. iv. ; ' Possibility of Approaching- the North Pole,' &c. 1 leaf; ' Preface,' pp. iii.-viii. and text 558 pp. 2 portraits and maps. This copy has a rare portrait of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn inserted. 296 Barrington (Daines) The Possibility of Approaching the North Pole asserted, new ed. with Appendix, by Colonel Beaufoy, boards, uncut Lond. 1818, 8^ Twenty-four pp. and 258 pp. Map of the North Pole. 32 sECo>'D day's sale. 297 Bartlett (J. E.) Dictionary of Americanisms, or a Glossary of Words and Phrases peculiar to the United States, second edition enlarged Boston^ 1859, 556 pp. 8*^ 298 Bartolozzi (Francesco) Eicerche Istorico-Critiche circa alle scoperte d' Amerigo Yespucci Firenze, 1789, 8° One hundred and eighty pp. * Indice,' pp. 181-182, 'Errori Correzioni,' 1 page. 299 Bartram (William) Travels through Is^'orth and South Caro- lina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Coun- try, the Territories of the Muscogulges, and the Country of the Choctaws, calf Dublin, 1793, 8« Twelve prel. leaves ; viz. title, contents, and introduction ; text 520 pp. * Index' 11 pag-es ; Directions to the Binder, 8 lines. With Frontispiece Portrait of * Aiico Chlucco,' Map and 7 plates. 300 Bartram (William) Travels, 2ud London edition, calf Lond. 1794, 8« Twelve prel. leaves, viz. title, contents, and introduction. Text 520 pp. ' Index 3 leaves ; ' Directions to the Binder, 1 page. AYith Frontispiece Portrait of ' Mico Chlucco,' Map and 7 Plates. SECOND DAY'S SALE. AT Ol^^E O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. 301 Bates (Joshua), Fastor of tlie First Church, Bedham, a Ser- mon delivered before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, at their Anniversary, Nov. 4, 1813 Boston, 1813, 44 pp. 8« 303 Beatty (Charles) The Journal of a Two Months Tour ; with a view of Promoting Religion among the Frontier Inhabi- tants of Pennsylvania, and of Introducing Christianity among the Indians to the Westward of the Alegh-geny Mountains, with Eemarks on the Language and Customs of some particular Tribes among the Indians, hf, mar. Lond. 1768, 110 pp. 8« SECOND day's sale. 33 303 Beach (John), Minister of the First Churcli, Beading, Vindi- cation of the Professors of tbe Church of England, against Misrepresentations of Noah Hobart. Humbly offered to the Consideration of the good People of New-England, with a Preface by Dr. Johnson, and Wetraore's and Caner's Vindication of their own Cause and Characters from the Aspersions of the same Author, lif. cf. Boston, 1749, 4P Title, reverse blank ; ' Preface,' 8 pp. ; text 75 pp. 304 Belcher (Joseph) of Dedham, JST.JE. The Life of Faith, Exem- plified, in a Letter, to which is added a few A'erses by the E,ev. Mr. Killinghall, upon reading of it Lond. 1741, 8 pp. 8° 305 Belena (Eusebio Bentura) Kecopilacion sumaria de todos los Autos acordados de la E-eal Audiencia y Sala del Crimen de esta Nueva Epafia,y providencias de su superior Gobierno ; de varias Heales Cedulasy Ordenes que despues depublicada la Eecopilacion de India s, etc. 2 Yoh. fine copy, vellum Mexico, Don Felipe de Zuniga, 1787, fol. Vol. I. Title, port, on reverse; xxxvi prel. pp.; 2nd title, * Recopilacion sumaria;' pp. 1 to 100; 3rd title, ' Recopilacion de al^unos;' pp. 1 to 114; 4th title, ' Recopilacion sumaria ;' and pp. 1 to 373. Vol. II. Title, * Copias a la Letra afrecidas en el Primer Tomo,' etc.; ' Erratas,' 1 leaf; 'Indice,' 1 leaf-; text, 429 pp.; ' Articulos,' Ixxxvi pp. 306 Bellamy (Jos.) of Betlilem, N.E. Letters and Dialogues be- tween Theron, Paulinus, and Aspasio Lond. 1761, 240 pp. 12'* 307 Beltrami (J. C.) A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, lead- ing to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody Eiver ; with a description of the Ohio, 2 vols. Lond. 1828, 8^ Vol. I. Ixxvii and 472 pp. II. Title and 545 pp. ' Errata ;' 7 lines with 4 sequent leaves. With Portrait, 2 Plans, Map, and three Plates. 308 Benezet (Anthony) A caution and warning to Great Britain and Her Colonies, in a Short E-epresentation of the cala- mitous state of the enslaved Negroes in the British Do- minions, hf mor. Philadelphia: Henry Miller, 1766, S** Thirty-five pp. and * Extract of a Sermon,' 4 pp. 309 Benezet (jintoine) Observations sur I'Origine, les Principes, et L'Etablisaement en Amerique, De la Societe Connue sous la Denomination de Quakers ou Trembleurs, uncut Philadelphie : rimprime h Lond. per Jacques Fhillips, en George-Tar d, Lombard-Street^ 1783, 12° Title,' and 48 pp. 310 BEIfZONI (GrIEOLAMO) La HiSTORIA DEL MONDO NtOYO Venet. Fr. JRampazetto, 1565, 8^ First Edition — Title, reverse blank; Dedication, 2 leaves; ' Tavola ;' 1 leaf; text 175 folioed leaves. 311 Benzoni (Gieolamo) La Histoeia del Mondo Nvoyo, fine copy Venet. Pietro Sf Fr. Tini, 1572, 8" Second Edition, 4 prel. leaves ; text in 179 leaves, folio-wed by a colo- phon leaf. P 34 SECOiirD day's sale. 312 Benzoni (Girolamo) Novae Novi Orbis Historise, id est, Kerum ab Hispanis in India Occidentali hactenus gestarum, et acerbo illorum in eas gentes dominatu, a little wormed in the margin [Genevid], apvd Evstathimn Vignon, 1578, 8° Title, reverse blank ; * Epistola,' 5 leaves; * Prsefatio,' 8 leaves ; * Epigram- niata,' 1 leaf; ' Primi Libri Svmma,' 1 leaf; text 480 pp. * Index,' 6 leaves; Errata, 1 page. 313 Benzoi^i (GriEOLAMo) Novae Novi Orbis Historiae,^^^ copg [Genevai], apud Sceredes Eustathij Fignon, 1600, 8° Title, reverse blank; * Epistola,' 5 leaves ; * Prsefatio,' 8 leaves ; 'Epigram- mata,' 1 leaf ; Primi Libri Svmma, 1 leaf ; text 480 pp. ' Index,' 6 leaves. 314 Benzojs'I (Gtieolamo) Histoire Novvelle dv Novveauv Monde [Geneve'] par Evstace Vignon, 1579, 8<* Twelve prel. leaves; Text 726 pp.; Floride, 104 pp; Indies 7 leaves. 315 — Der Newenn Weldt vnd Indianischen Konigreichs, newe vnnd wahrhaffte History, etc. vellum Basel, Seh. Henricpetri, 1579, folio Four prel. leaves and 219 pp. 316 — De Historie vande Nieuwe werelt Indien. "Waer in verhaelt wert, van de Eylanden en Zeen nieuwlicx ghevonden, ende van den nieuwen Steden die by daer zelfs ghezien heeft, ende 'tgbene daer is gbebeurt te water ende te lande, in veertien jaren tijds die by aldaer gbeweest is. Door leronimus Benzonius van Milanen. Wt bet Italiaens over- gbezet in Nederduyt door Karel vander Mander Scbilder, wanting the 5th and 6th preliminary leaves Haerlem, hy Faschier van Wesbus, 1610, 8** Ten prel. leaves, 404 pp ; an extremely rare volume. 317 Benzont, Maktyb, Apolloi^^ius. Der Newenn Weldt vnd Indianiscben Nidergangiscben Konigreicbs, Newe vnd "Wabrbaffte History, etc. 3 vols in 1 Basel, Seh. Henricepetri, 1582, folio Ten prel. leaves and text of Benzoni 243 pp. followed by the * Ander Theil,* or Peter Martyr, 12 prel. leaves and text pp. 245-602 with the colophon leaf. 'Dritte Theil,' or Apollonius, 6 prel. leaves and text 406 pp. with a colophon leaf; an extremely interesting volume. 318 Benzoni (Grirolamo) History of tbe New "World from 1541 to 1556. Now first translated by Bear Admiral W. H. Sraytb Hakluyt Society^ 1857, 280 pp. 8<> 319 Berkel (Adrian van) Bescbreibung seiner Beisen nacb Eio de Berbice und Surinam. Aus dem HoUandiscben iibersetzt, calf Memmingeny And. Seyler, 1789, 8<» Eight prel. leaves, and pp. 5 to 278. 320 Bernard (Francis), Letters to tbe Ministry from Governor Bernard, Greneral Gage, and Commocjore Hood, hf. mor. Boston, Edes and Gill, 1769, 108 pp. 8« SECOND day's sale. 35 821 Bernard (Francis) Select Letters on the Trade and Govern- ment of America ; and the Principles of Law and Polity, applied to the American Colonies Lond.j 1774, 8^ Title and 137 pp. 322 Bernard (Francis) Select Letters, 2nd ed. Lond.j 1774, 8° Half-title; title, vii. and 130 pp. 323 Beroa (Jacobus de) LittersB Annvse Provincisa ParaqvarisB Societatis lesv, calf extra, hy Bedford. A few words of the title restored in exact facsimile Insvlis, Typis Tossani Le Clercq, 1642, 8*' Title and 3 prel. leaves. Text 347 pp. followed by 1 page of Errata. 324 Berriman (William) A Sermon Preach' d before the Honour- able Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, at their Anniversary, March 15, 1738-9 Lond., 1739, 24 pp. 4° 325 Beetonio (Ludovico) Libro de laYidayMilagros deNvestro Senor lesu Christo en dos Lenguas, Aymara, y Eomance, traducido de el que recopilo el Licenciado Alonso de Yille- gas, quitadas, y anadidas algunas cosas, y acomodado ala capacidad de los Indies; imperfect Impresso en el Puehlo de luli, de la Prouincia de Chucuyto, con la empreta de Francisco del Canto, 1612, 4" Eight prel. leaves and 660 pp. with 3 (?) sequent leaves. This copy is imperfect, wanting- 23 leaves; viz. all before page 9 (A 5), also pp. 11 to 22, 29, 30, 659-660, and the sequent leaves. 326 Besoldus (Christophorus) Discursus Politicus de Incrementis Imperiorum, eorum que amplitudine procuranda. Cvi inserta est Dissertatio singularis, de Novo Orbe, half mor. Argent., 1623, ^^ pp. 4« 327 Betagh (William) A Voyage round the "World, begun in the year Vl\^,fine copy, calf Lond. 1728, 8° Eight prel. leaves; viz. title, dedication, and contents; text 342 pp. 'Me- morandum,' 2 leaves; Map, 'The World in Planisphere,' 328 [Beverley (Eobert)] The History and Present State of Vir- ginia, in four Parts, calf Lond. 1705, 8<* Seven prel. leaves, including the frontispiece, title, dedication, and preface; Table and errata, 20 pp ; Text, Book I. 104 pp ; Book II. 40 pp ; Book III'. 64 pp ; and Book IV. 83 pp. followed by a folding sheet containing the Census of 1703. With 14 copper-plates reduced from De Bry, Parti, 329 Beverley (Eobert) The History of Virginia, 2nd ed. Lond., TooJce, 1722, 8° Frontispiece, title, and preface, together 4 leaves; text, 284 pp. Table 12 leaves; 14 plates. 330 [Beverley (Eobert)] Histoire de la Virginie, calf Amst. Tho. Lombrail, 1707 Four prel. leaves, including the engraved and printed titles ; text, 433 pp • tables, 8 leaves ; 14 copper-plates, reduced from De Bry, at pa^es 214* 229, 230, 232, 234, 238, 239, 244, 249, 270, 200, 304, and 315. ° 36 SECOND day's sale. 331 Bible. Ne Eaowenna Teyoninhokarawen Sliakonadonire ne rondaddegenshon ne rondadhawakshon Eodinonghtsyoni Tsiniyoderighwagennoni ne E-aorigliwadogenghte ne ne Sanctus John. Address to the Six Nations, recommending the Gospel of Saint John, by Teyoninhokarawen, the trans- lator, caJf extra, hy Bedford Lond. Phillips, George Yard, 1805, 12° Eight prel. leaves ; text, 125 leaved ; errat^J, etc. 2 pages. 332 Bible. The Gospel according to St. John, translated into the Chippeway Tongue, by John Jones, revised by Peter Jones, Indian Teachers, calf Lond. British and Foreign Bible Soc. 1831, 12° 333 Bibliotheca Americana ; or, a Chronological Catalogue of the most curious and interesting Books, Pamphlets, State Papers, etc., upon the subject of North and South America, from the earliest period to the present, in print and manu- script, [by the Eev. Mr. Homer ?] hds. uncut Lond. 1789, 4*^ Two prel. leaves and 271 pp. 334 Bicker and Heemskeeck Iotkxael oft Daghelijcx-register van de Voyagie na Eio de Plata, ghedaen met het Schip ghenoemt de Silveren Werelt, het welcke onder't Admirael- schap van Laurens Bicker, ende het hevel van Cornells van Heemskerck als Commis die Custen van Guinea Amst. Michiel Colijn, 1617, title and 53 pp. oblong 4'' 334*Bill (A) for Eepealing several Subsidies and an Impost now Payable on Tobacco of the British Plantations, and for granting an Inland Duty in lieu thereof, half morocco Lond, 1733, 39 pp. 8° 335 Bingley (William) An Epistle of Love and Tender Advice to Priends and Brethren in America, or elsewhere Lond. 1689, 14 pp. 4° 336 Birbeck (Morris) Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois, uncut Philadelphia, C. Richardson, 1817, 12° Title, and pp. 3 to 181. ♦ Postscript,' pp. 183 to 189. 337 Birbeck (M.) Notes on a Journey, etc. Lond. 1818, 8° Title; Dedication, 2 pp. ; text, pp. 5 to 156; folded map. 338 BisHOPE (George) New England Judged, Not by Man's, BUT THE Spirit oe the Lord : And tlie Summe sealed up of New England's Persecutions ; being a Brief Eelation of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers in those parts of America, Lond. 1661 — An Appendex to the Book, entituled New England Judged, Lond. 1661— New England Judged, the Second Part, Lond. 1667. Together, 3 vols, in 1, red morocco extra, hy Bedford Part I. 176 pp. (97 to 104 erroneously numbered). Part II. 147 pp.; Errata, 9 lines on a slip. Appendix, title and pp. 177 — 208 (pp. 190 — 208 erroneously numbered). The Three parts have probably not before occurred for sale at one time. SECOi^D day's sale. 37 339 Bishope (George) New England Judged, by tlie Spirit of the Lord, in 2 parts, fine copy, old calf Lond. 1703, 8° First Title; 'To the Unprejudiced Reader,' 6 pp. signed by Joseph Grove. 2nd Title, ' New Eng-land Judged, Not by Man's, but the Spirit of the Lord,' etc. Text, 498 pp. followed by Whiting's ' Truth and Innocency Defended,' 212 pp. Index and errata, 6 leaves. Copies with both titles are very uncommon. 340 Bisselius (Johannes) e Soc. Jesu, Argonauticon Americano- rum, fine co])y in old red morocco, from Lord Stuart de Rothesay's Library Monachii, 1647, sm. 12« Thirteen prel. leaves, including the engraved frontispiece and map of Ame- rica; text, 471 pp.; Auctorum, pp. 472—477; followed by 3 pages and Index, 6 leaves. 341 Blake's Eemarks on Com. Johnstone's Account of his en- gagement with a French Squadron in Port Praya Eoad, in the Island of St. Jago, new ed. with a Letter from Blake to the Commodore, and a Plan of the Harbour, etc. half mo- rocco Lond, 1782, S^ Title and 38 pp. with Plan of Praya Bay. 342 Bland (Richard) of Virginia, An Enquiry into the Eights of the British Colonies, half morocco Williamsb., Lond. repr. 1769, pp. 5 to 19, 8° 343 Bligh (William) A Voyage to the South Sea in H.M.S. Bounty, including an Account of the Mutiny on board the said Ship, laege paper, boards, uncut Lond. 1792, 4** Five prel. leaves, viz., title, advertisement, contents, and a list of the 8 plates. Text, 264 pp. 344 Blome (Eichard) A Description of the Island of Jamaica, with the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are related, viz. Barbadoes, St. Christophers, Mevis, or Mevis, Antego, St. Vincent, Dominica, Mont- serrat, Anguilla, Barbada, Bermudes, Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New York, New England, Newfoundland ; toge- ther with the Present State of Algiers Lond. 1678, 8° Three prel. leaves and 88 pp. followed by separate title, and 17 pp. and 2 leaves; portrait of De Ruyter and four maps, all engraved on copper, viz., America, at p. 1 ; Barbadoes, at p. 28 ; Carolina, at p. 56 ; and Virginia, at p. 63. 345 Blome (Eichard) L'Amerique Angloise, ou Description des Isles et Terres du Eoi d'Angleterre dans L'Amerique, vel- lum Amst. 1688, 12° Title and advertisement, 2 leaves; text, 331 pp.; table, 1 page; 5 maps. 346 Blundeville (Thomas) Exercises, contayniug Eight Treatises, as well in Cosmographie, Astronomic, and Geographic, as also in the Art of Navigation, 6th ed. blacfe \tUtx,fine copy^ in old calf Lond. printed by William Stansby, and are to be sold by Richard Meighen, at his shop vnder Saint Clements Church without Temple Barre, 1622, 4° Seven prel. leaves and 799 pages. This is a work indis^pensable to the Student of Geography, Maps and Globemaking, so far as they relate to America. There are folding sheets inserted at pp. 80, 690, 695, 785, and 798, 38 SECO^T) day's sale. 347 Bonnycastle (Eichard Henry) Spanish America; or a De- scriptive, Historical, and Geographical Account of the Dominions of Spain in the Western Hemisphere, Conti- nental and Insular, 2 vols. hds. uncut Lond. 1818 8" Vol. I. 32 pp. prel. ; text, 336 pp. II. vi. and 359 pp. ; with maps of North and South America, and plate of the altitudes of the mountains. Z^ Book (A) of the Continuation of Foreign Passages, that is, of the Peace made with the United Provinces of the Nether- lands, Apr. 5, 1654 ; Treaty at Ypsall, May 9, 1544 ; Treaty of Peace betwixt England and Prance, 20 of ]^ov. 1655 ; Erom G-enerall Blakes Pleet, the Turks in Argier do con- sent to deliver up all the English Slaves, and desire a firme Peace for ever, April 9, 1655 ; an attempt on the Island of Jamaica, and taking the Town of St. Jago de la Yiga, May 10, 1655 ; IS'arrative of the late success against the King of Spain's West India Fleet, 1656 Lond. 1657, 4° Title, and 61 pp. illustrated with 8 copper-plate engravings in the text. 349 Bordone (Benedetto) Isolario nel qual si ragiona di tutte V Isole del mondo, con li lor nomi autichi e moderni, historie, fauole, e modi del loro viuere, ed in qual parte del mare stanno, ed in qual parallelo e clima giaciono. Con la gionta del Monte del Oro nouamente retrouato, very fine copy, vel- lum Vinegia, Kic. d' Aristotile, detto Zoppino, 1534, fol. Ten prel. and 74 folioed leaves. On page 10 is a woodcut plan of the City of Mexico as it was before its destruction by Cortes. 350 Bosman (William) A iS'ew and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea, Divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts Lond.y 1705, S^' Four prel. leaves and 493 pp. Copper-plate Map of the Coast of Guinea (not in the Dutch ed.) and 7 Plates. 351 Bosman (William) Description, etc. 2nded. Lond.^ 1721. 8° Four prel. leaves and 456 pp. Index 16 pp. Map and 7 Plates, the same as in the first edition. 352 Bossu (Capt.) Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana. Transl. by John Eeinhold Forster, 2 vols, calf Land., 1771, 8« Vol. I. 4 prel. leaves; viz. half-title, title, dedication, and preface; text, 407 pp. II. Half-title, title; and 432 pp. Valuable for the Botanical information which it contains. 353 Boston. A fair Account of the late Unhappy Disturbance at Boston in New England ; containing some Affidavits and other Evidences, not mentioned in the Narrative published at Boston, halfmor. Lond.y 1770, 8° Half-title, title, pp. 5-28 ; * Appendix ' 31 pp. A defence of the Massacre at Boston. The ' Affidavits * however are mostly of military officers. 354 Boston. Catalogue of Books for Sale by E. and S. Larkin, No. 47, Cornhill, Boston, consisting of the most esteemed Authors, half mor. Boston, E. and S. Larkin, 92 pp. ] 2° SECOND day's sale. 39 355 Boston. A Catalogue of Books in various Branches of Litera- ture, and in the Oriental, Greek, Latin, Saxon, French and English Languages. To he sold on Thursday, May 27th [1802] at Samuel Bradford's Auction-Eoom, in Boston, lialf mor, Salem, Joshua Gushing, 1802, 8° Title asd pp. 3-58, and 1 p. of * Corrections* 12 lines, 356 Boston. Entertainment for a Winter's Evening: Being a Full and True Account of a very strange and wonderful Sight seen in Boston, on the twenty-seventh of December at Noon-Day. The Truth of which can be attested by a great ]N"umber of People, who actually saw the same with their own Eyes. By me, the Hon. B. B. Esq ; Boston, Printed and Sold hy G. Rogers, next to the Prison in Queen-street. [1750] 8° Title, * To the Reader,' ii, pp. Text in verse pp. 5-15. This curious and early piece of American Poetry is believed to be by Joseph Green. It is not mentioned by Rich or Kettle. 357 Boston. The Yotes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town Meeting assembled, half mor. Boston : Edes and Gill, and T. and J. Fleet, [1773] 8° iv. and 43 pp. The original edition, afterwards reprinted in London. 358 Boston, The Yotes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and other inhabitants of, hf. mor. Boston, printed : London, repr, 1773. Half-title, title, 8 prel. and 43 pp. Reprint of the preceding- with a preface giving^ an account of the discontent arising from the tax on tea. 359 Boston. Description of the Town and Harbour of Boston. [at end] Given (gratis) with M. Armstrong's Plan of the Country, Thirty Miles round Boston. A broadside folio 360 Losworth (Benjamin), Signs of Apostacy Lamented. [A Poem, signed] Benjamin Bosworth, of New England. In the 81st Year of my Age, 1693 4 pp. 12° Upon the question of perriwigs, the author has this passage : — " Art thou a Christian, then why dost wear Upon thy Sacred Head, the filthy Hair Of some vile wretch, by foul Disease that fell, Whose Soul perhaps is burning now in Hell? " It need scarcely be remarked that American Poetry of this period is alike rare and curious. 361 Botello de Moraes y Yasconcelos (Francisco) El Nuevo Mundo. Poemma heroyco ; con las Alegorias de Don Pedro de Castro, Cavallero Andaluz, vellum Barcelona, Francisco Barnolay 1701, 4° Sixteen prel. leaves, and 476 pp. 40 SECOND day's sale. 362 Botero (Giovanni) Le Eelationi Vniversali Divise en Qvattro Parti Venefia, Nicolb Polo, 1597, 4o 1st Pt. sixteen pvel. aud 240, and 80 pp. with 4 Maps. 2nd Pt. 1598, 10 prel. leaves and 152 pp. 3rd Pt. 1597, 183 pp. and 9 pp. of Table. 4th Pt. 1597, 8 prel. leaves, 79 pp. Not mentioned by Rich. 363 EoTUEiifi Bei?-aduci (Loeexzo), Idea de una Xueva His- toria General de la America Septentrional. Fundada sobre Material Copioso de Figuraa, Symbolos, Characteres, y Geroglificos, Cantares, y Mauuscritos de Autores Indios, ultimamente descubiertos, vellum Madrid, Juan de Zuniga, 1746, 4° Twenty-two prel. leaves, including the engraved frontispiece and portrait; Text 167 pp. followed by 4 leaves and 96 pp. Written during- an eight years' residence in Mexico, and as the result of a considerable acquaintance with the manners and customs of the Indians; ancient manuscripts and pictures preserved in the Monasteries, etc. " It contains much important information not before published." — Clavigero. 364 Bouchette (Jos.) British Dominions in I^orth America, 2 vols. Lond., 1832, 4P "Vol. 1. Title, dedication, and preface 20 pp. Table of contents, 6 pp. List of Plates, 1 pp. Text, pp. 1 to 420. Appendix, pp. 421 to 498. Portrait and 21 plans and vignettes. Vol. 2. Title and Table of Contents, 12 pp. Text, pp. 1 to 247. Appendix, 249 to 290. Tables of Post Towns, 4 leaves. 8 plates. 365 Bougainville (Louis de) The History of a Voyage to the Malouine (or Falkland) Islands, uncut Lond., 1771, 4P Title and Advertisement, 2 leaves ; ' Preface ' xvii. pp ; Text, 294 pp. With 16 Copper plates. 366 Bougainville CLouis de) A Voyage round the "World. Transl. by John Beinhold Forster, F.A.S. Dublin, 1772, 8° xxxii. and 480 pp. Map and plate. At the end of the volume is a Voca- bulary of the language of Taiti Island. 367 Bouquet (Henry) Eelation Historique de L'Expedition, centre les Indiens de I'Ohio en 1764 ; avec un Eecit de la Bataille de Bushy-Eun, calf Amst. Marc-Micliel Bey, 17 %Q, S*' Half-title and title 2 leares; ' Preface,' pp. vi.-xvi. ' Introduction,' 26 pp. Text pp. 27-147. 'Avis au Relieur' 1 page. 'Table,' 5 leaves. With 6 maps and plates. This French edition contains some biographical notices of Bouquet not to be found in any of the editions in English. 368 Bowles ("William Augustus), Authentic Memoirs of, Ambas- sador from the United Nations of Creeks and Cherokees Land., 1791, V2P Title, 'To the Public,' vi. pp. Text 79 pp. The Author was a native of Mary- land, who married an Indian girl, and being enamoured of a savage life, became by adoption an Indian Wai-rior. 369 Boylston (Zabdiel) An Historical Account of the Small-Pox inoculated in New England, upon all Sorts of Persons, "Whites, Blacks, and of all Ages and Constitutions, 2nd ed. Corrected Lond., 1726 ; repr. at Boston in N. E. for S. Qerrish and T. Hancoch, 1730, 8° Eight prel. leaves, viz., half-title, title, dedication and preface. Text 53 pp. SEOONJJ DAI'S SALE. 41 370 Brackenridge (Henry M.) Views of Louisiana ; together with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri Eiver, in 1811 Fittshurgh, Cramer, Spear and EicJibaum, 1814, 8*^ Title ; ' To the Reader ' pp. 3-7, and text, pp. 9-268. * Appendix ' pp. 269- 302. ' Contents ' pp. 303-304. 371 Brackenridge (Henry M.) Voyage to South America, per- formed by Order of the American Grovemment, in the years 1817 and 1818, 2 vols, calf Baltimore : PuUisJied ly the Author, 1819, 8° Vol. I. Coloured Map of South America ; title and contents 2 leaves ; ' Pre- face' pp. v-xv; text pp. 17-351 ; ' Errata' 1 pajje. II. Title and contents 2 leaves ; text pp. S^-SSl. 372 Brackenridge (H. M.) Voyage to South America. Another Ed. 2 vols. Lond. 1820, 8« Vol.1. Half-title, title, dedication. 'Preface,' pp. vii-xviii. 'Contents' 1 leaf. Text 331 pp. ' Appendix,' 40 pp. II. Title and contents ; 2 leaves ; Text, 317 pp. 373 Bradbury (Thomas) The Necessity of Contending forEevealed Eeligion: with a Sermon on the Fifth of November, 1719. To which is Prefix' d, A Letter from the Eeverend Cotton Mather, D.D. on the late Disputes about the Ever-Blessed Trinity Lond. 1720, 112 pp. 8^ 374 Bradford (Alexander W.) American Antiquities and Re- searches into the Origin and History of the Eed Eace, cloth New York : Drayton and Saxton ; Boston : Saxton and Fierce, 1841, 435 pp. 8<* 375 Bradford (T. G.) Comprehensive Atlas, Geographical, His- torical, and Commercial, »i«p5 and plates, coloured, half bound New York , 180 leaves, 4^* 376 Bradstreet (Mrs. Anne), of New England, Several Poems compiled with great Variety of Wit and Learning, full of Delight ; 3rd ed. corrected and enlarged 1758, sm. 8° xiii and 234 pp. Poor copy, wanting the last leaf. 377 Bragg (Benjamin). A Voyage to the North Pole, by Benjamin Bragg, accompanied by his Priend Captain Slapperwack Lond. 1817, 120 Half-title, frontispiece, title, Preface, contents 5 leaves. Text 211 pp. With Map of the Polar Cii'cle. 378 Brandon (Lorengo) |Seiior. Medios para V. Magestad abhorrar lo mucho que gasta cada afio en las Armadas del Eeyno de Portugal, y Estado de la India, con mas fruto y cdmodidad, para poder venir la plata del Piru con menos costa y riesgo [at end] Madrid, 23 de Biziemhre, 1622, D. Lorenzo Brandon, folio Title and 6 folioed leaves. Probably an Official Paper of which not more than half-a-dozen copies were printed. • 379 Brazil. De Zeeusche Verre-ky-ker, half morocco Vlissingen, 1649, 4P Eient he was ordered to return and join his captive army. In this letter he inveighs with bitter acrimony against the ministry. — Rich, 419 Burgoyne (Lt.-G-en. John) A Letter, etc. 5th ed. halfmor. Lond. 1779, 8° Title and 37 pp. 420 Burgoyne (Lt.-Gen. John). A Eeply to Lieutenant General Burgoyne's Letter to his Constituents, 2nd ed. halfmor. Lond, 1779, 8° Half-title, title, and 46 pp. 421 Burgoyne (Lt.-Gen. John) The Suhstance of his Speeches on Mr. Vyner's Motion and Mr. Hart's Motion, May 26 and 28, 1778, with an Appendix, containing Gen. Washington's Letter, 2nd ed. Lond. 1778, 8« Half-title, title, 48 pp. 422 Burgoyne (Lt.-Gen. John) The same, 3rd ed. halfmor. Lond. 1778, 8° Half-title, title, and 48 pp. 423 Burgoyne (Lt.-Gen. John). Essay on Modern Martyrs, with a Letter to Gen. B. halfmor. Lond. 1780, 8« Half-title, title, and 52 pp. 424 Burgoyne (Lt. Gen. John) A State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons, half calf Lond. 1780, 4« viii. prel. pp ; Text, 140 pp ; Appendix, Ixii pp ; Advertisement, 1 page. 6 maps and plans. "The materials of his interesting story will be held in high estimation by the historians, who shall record the events of the unhappy war, to which they owe their birth." — North Am. Mev. 425 Burgoyne (Lt. Gen. John) The same, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1780, 8» Title ; Dedication, pp. iii-vi ; * Introduction^' pp. vii-ix. * Advertisement,' 1 leaf; Text 191 pp. * Appendix,' cix pp. 6 Maps and Plans. 426 Burke (Edmund), Speech of, on moving his Eesolutions for Conciliation with the Colonies, March 22, 1775. 2nd Ed. hf mor. Lond. 1775, 8« Half-title, title and 107 pp. This is the speech containing the famous sentence. " Whatever England has been growing to by a progressive increase of government, brought in by varieties of people, by succession of civilizing conquest and civilizing settlements, in a series of seventeen hundred years, you shall see as much added to her by America in a single life !" 427 Burke (Edmund), A Letter from, to John Earr and John Harris, Esqrs. Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America, hf mor. Lond. 1777, 75 pp. 8« 428 Burke (Edmund). The same, 8rd Ed. Lond. 1777, 75 pp. 8« 429 Burke (Edmund). The same, 4th Ed. Loiid. 1777, 79 pp. 8« SECOND day's sale. 47 430 Burke (Edmund), An Answer to the letter of, to the Sheriffs of Bristol, hf, mor. Lond, 1777, 8« Half-title, title, and 60 pp. 431 — The same, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1777, 2 pr. la. and 60 pp. 8° 432 Burke (Edmund), Speech of, on American Taxation, April 19, 1774. 2nd Ed. lifmor. Lond. 1775, 96 pp. 8« 433 Burke (Edmund), An Answer to the Speech of, in the House of Commons, Aprill9, 1774, hf.mor. Lond. 1775, iv. and 222 pp. 8° 434 Burke (Edmund), A Letter to, Controverting the Principles of American Government, laid down in his Speech on Ameri- can Taxation, hf. mor. Lond. 1775, 30 pp. 8° 435 [Burke (Edward)] an Account of the European Settlements in America. In Six Parts. 2 vols, first edition^ published anonymously Lond. B. and J". Bodsley, 1757, S'* Vol. I. 5 prel. leaves, and text pp. 3 to 312. Map of ' South America, 1747' ; II. Title, half-title and text pp. 3 to 300, 'Contents' 10 leaves, map of * North America,' 1747. 436 — The same. 2ud Ed. 2 vols. Lond. B. and J. Bodsley, 1578, 8° Vol. I. 5 prel. leaves, text pp. 3 to 324. ' Contents' 5 leaves ; II. 7 prel. leaves, text pp. 3 to 308. Maps as in Ist edition. 437 -— The same. 4th Ed. 2 vols. Dublin : Peter Wilson, 1762, 12« Vol. I. 8 prel. leaves and text 319 pp. II. 5 prel. leaves and 301 pp. No maps. 438 — The same, 4th Ed. 2 vols. Lond. 1765, 8o Vol.1. 11 prel. leaves and text pp. 3 to 324. II. 7 prel. leaves and text pp. 308. No Maps. 439 — The same, 5th Ed. 2 vols. Lond. 1770, 8^ Vol. 1. 11 prel. leaves, and pp. 3 to 324. II. 7 prel. leaves, and pp. 3 to 308. Maps as in Ist. ed. but with date 1747 omitted. 440 — The same, 6th Ed. 2 vols. hf. cf. Lond. 1777, 8« Vol. I. 11 prel. leaves and pp. 3 to 324. — II. 7 prel. leaves and pp. 3 to 308. Maps as in 5th ed. 441 Burke (Edmund) Account of the European Settlements in America, also his Correspondence with Dr. French Law- rence, cloth Boston, 1851, 687 pp. 8<^ .442 Burke (Edmund), A Speech of, at the Guildhall, in Bristol, upon certain points relative to his Parliamentary Conduct. 2nd Ed. Lond. 1780, 8> Half-title, title, and 68 pp. 443 Burke ("William) South American Independence : or, the Emancipation of South America, the (jrlory and Interest of England Lond. 1807, 8« Title, preface, and advertisement, 4 leaves ; text 82 pp. 444 Burney (James) A Memoir on the Geography of the North- Eastern Part of Asia, (Erom the Philosophical Transactions.) Lond. 1818, title and 15 pp. 4« 445 Burney (James) Memoir of the Voyage of D'Entrecasteaux, in search of La Perouse. Lond. 1820, 21 pp. 8<» ) 48 ^ECOKD day's sale. 446 Bums (Robert). Poems cliiefly in tlie Scottish Dialect, with Glossary, riEST Ameeican editioi?, uncut New Yorh, 1788, 8« Title, Dedication and Table of Contents, 8pp. Poems pp. 9 to 284 ; Glossary pp. 285 to 306. 447 [Bueeotjgh: (Edwaeu)] A Declaration of the Sad and Great Persecution and Martyrdom of the People of God, called Quakers in New-England, for the Worshipping of God. Whereof 22 have been Banished, 03 have been Martyred, 03 have had their Ears cut. 01 hath been burned in the Hand. 31 Persons have received 650 Stripes. 01 was beat while his Body was like a jelly. Several were beat with Pitched Eopes. Five Appeals made to England, were denied by the Bulers of Boston. One thousand forty four pounds worth of Goods hath been taken from them. One now lyeth in Iron-fetters, condemned to dje,fine copy Loud, for Bohert Wilson, [1660] 32 pp. 4° 448 Burroughs (Cornelius) Eich Newes from Jamaica of great Spoyl made by the English upon the Enemy, both by Land and Sea Lond. M. Simmons, 1689, title and 4 pp. 4° The ' Rich Xewes' of this rare little tract is chiefly on the title-page. 449 Burton (Eobert) The English Empire in America; or a Prospect of his Majesties Dominions in the West Indies. To which is prefixed a Belation of the first Discovery of the New AYorld called America by the Spaniards, ^oor copy Lond. 1685, 12« Two prel. leaves, and 209 pp. Copperplate map facing- the title, and another at p. 21. Two copperplates representing" * Strange Creatures' at pp. 165 and 180. 450 Burton (Eobert) The same, 3rd ed. Ttf. russ. Lond, 1698, 12° Title and 176 pp. Map before the title, and one at p. 21 j woodcuts on pp. 157 and 166. 451 Bushel (John) A true and perfect Narrative of the late dread- ful Fire which happened at Bridge-Town, in the Barbadoes, April 18, 1688, hf. mor. Lond, [1688], 4° Title and 6 pp. Not mentioned by either Lowndes or Rich. 452 Byers (John) Eeferences to the Plan of the Island of St. Yin" cent, as surveyed from the Tear 1765 to 1773 Lond. 1777, 8° Title ; * Alphabetical List,' etc. * General State and Disposition of Lands ; etc. viii. pp. * Lands Sold, etc' 8 pp. 453 ^ , survey Five prel. leaves and 30 pp. 454 Btfield (Nathaniel) An Account of the late Eevolution in New England, morocco extra hy Bedford Lond, hy Eic. Chiswell, 1689, 4« Title; text, pp. 3 to 20. Not mentioned by Lowndes. Byers (John) Eeferences to the Plan of the Island of Domi- nica, as surveyed from the Year 1765 to 1773 Lond. 1777, 8« sECOi^D day's sale. 49 455 Byron (John) Narrative, containing an Account of the great Distresses Suffered by Himself and his Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, from 1740—1746, with a Description of St. Jago de Chili ; also a Eolation of the Loss of the Wager, now first published Lond. 1768, 8« Half-title, title, viii and 257 pp. Avith copperplate froiiticspiece. 456 Byron (Commodore) A Voyage round the World in H.M.S. the Dolphin: Description of the Streights of Magellan, and of the G-igantic People called Patagonians, together with an accurate Account of Seven Islands lately discovered in the South Seas Lond. 1767, 8^ Title and Preface, 2 leaves; text, 186 pp. ; copperplates at pp. 45 and 130, besides the frontispiece. 457 Cabot (Sebastian) A Memoir of, [by Eichard Biddle, of Phi- ladelphia], boards^ uncut Lond. 1831, 8° Thirteen prel. pp. and text 333 pp. 458 Calancha (Antonio de la) Goeonicade S. Atigtjstinen el Pebtt con sucesos exemplares de esto Monarquia Lima, 1653, folio This is the second and most important volume of the Chronicle of Calancha, and was printed at Lima in 1653, but was never published, owing pro- bably to certain obnoxious passages contained in it. It is a smaller volume than the first, which was printed in Barcelona in 1638, and is of much rarer occurrence. This copy wants the title, and some of the marginal notes have been cut off, possibly by the Officers of the Inquisition. It has 6 pre- liminary leaves, without the title. Book I. is folioed to 15, and paged thence to 268. Book II. has one preliminary leaf, and breaks off abruptly with the 42nd page. Then comes Book V. in 92 pages, followed by two leaves, containing the table of the whole volume. In this the Fifth Book is called the tliird in order. No other copy is known, the work having probably for some reason been suppressed. 459 CALATAYrn y Boeda (Cypriano G-eronimo de) Oracion Pu- nebre que en las solemnes Exequias de la B. M. Maria An- tonia de San Joseph, Larrea, Arispe, de los Eeyes : Quatro veces Ministra en el Monasterio de Trinitar.S s Descalzas de esta Ciudad de Lima, vellum Lima, en la Imprenta de los Suerfanos, 1783, 4<* The first half of the volume (58 leaves) unpaged ; the second, 1 44 pp. 460 Caldwell (Charles). A Discourse on the Genius and Cha- racter of the Eev. Horace Holley, LL.D., late President of Transylvania University, hoards, uncut Boston, Hilliard and Co. 1828, 8° viii. prel. pp. and 294 pp. with portrait of Horace Holley; and two plates. 461 Callava (Jose) Manifesto sobre las tropellas y bejaciones que cometio el Gobernador Americano de Panzacola Ardres Jackson, contra Don Jose Callava, hf. mor. Hahana, 1821, 70 pp. 4« n 50 SECOND day's sale. 462 Ca-let (Rob^ebt), Merchant of Boston. MoEE Wondees oP THE Inyisible Woeld ; or, the AVonders of the Invisible World, display'd in Five Parts, calf extra ly Bedford Lond.fnr NatJi. Hillar, 1700, 4° Title; ' The Epistle to the Reader,' 6 pp. j Index, 3 pp. Letter of Cotton Mather, 1 page. Text, 1 56 pp. The author gave great offence by opposing the then popular belief conceni- ing witches. " In his discussion with Cotton Mather, he is as superior to him in reasoning as he was in good sense and courage." — NortJi Am. Rev. iii. p. 316. 463 Callander (John) Voyages to the Terra Australis, or South- ern Hemisphere, during the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries, 3 vols. mini. 1766, 8° Vol. I. Title ; ' To Chai-les Townshend, Esq.' ' To Sir Lawrence Dundas, Bart.' 2 leaves. ' Contents,' pp. v.-vi. List of Books, 2 pp, ' Preface,' viii. pp. * A Map of the Straits of Magellan.' etc. Text, 516 pp. II. 1 768. Title, Cont^-nts, and Preftice, 3 leaves; text, pp. 3-692; map. III. Title and Contents, 2 leaves ; text, 745 pp. ; map. Bich suggests that Callander was little else than a translator of the President De Brosse's work, printed at Paris in 1756. 464 Calle (Jijan Diez de la) Memgetal I^'roEiiATOEio . . . Contiene lo qve sv Magestad Provee en su Cosejo, y Junta, y por las dos Secretarias de la Xueua Espaiia, y Piru, Ecle- siastico, Secular, Salaries, Estipendios y Presidios, su Gente, y Costa, y de que Cajas, y Hazienda Eeal se paga: valor de las Eneomiendas de Indies, y otras cosas curiosas, y neces- sarias,/?2e copyy in mor. ly Bedford 1645, 4° Title, reverse blank ; * Senor,' 4 pp. ; * Indice' & ' Nota,' 2 pp. ' En este afio de 1645,' etc. 8 pp. ; ' Al Lector,' 2 pp ; * Consejo Real de las Iiidias,' etc. 6 pp. Second title. * Memorial Informatorio, al Rey Nuestro ^enor', etc. reverse blank ; text, 'Memorial Ajvstado,' etc. folios 2 to 32. Rich has no mention of this volume, which was privately printed for the use of the King and Council. It must not be confounded with the book described in the following number. It is a book of the utmost importance to the his- torian of Spanish America, being a kind of private official Handbook or Directory of Mexico, Yucatan, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, etc. The Author was Secretary to the Council of the Indies. 465 Calle (Juan Diez de la). Memoeial, t K'oticias Saceas tReales delImpeeio de las Indias Occidextales, pri- tately PEiJiTED, j^;ie copy, original Spanish binding 1646, 4^ Twelve prel. leaves, viz. half-title, title. Epistle, ' Senor' signed luan Diez de la Calle, 5 pp. followed by 1 blank page ; ' Cedvla en qve sv Magestad hizo merced a luan Diez de la Calle,' 4 pp. ; « Indice, y Compendio, 10 pp. Text in 183 folioed leaves, followed by ' Erratas' 1 page, reverse blank ; • Memorial breve,' 8 pp. and ' Noticias importantes,' 5 leaves. On the reverse of folio 180 the author says. That only a few copies of the work had been printed for the use of the King, his Council, and Ministers. Hence its extreme rarity. SECOND day's sale. 51 466 Calle (Jtjan Diez de la) Memoeial, another covy, very fine, in hlice morocco by Bedford 1646, 4P This is probably a later issue of the preceding", with several important addi- tions, alterations, and corrections. Two of the preliminary leaves have been cancelled and reprinted with alterations, viz. the last leaf of the Epistle Dedicatory and the first leaf of the Indice. Two preliminary leaves are added, making in this impression 14, viz. ' Prosegue el Indice deste Memorial' and ' Notas' 2 pages ; and ' Erratas' 1 page, reverse l)lank ; folios 10, 11, 22, 23, 33, and 35 of the text are reprinted, with considerable additions and some omissions. The Errata after folio 183 are cancelled, and placed hei'e on the 14 th preliminary leaf, reprinted with corrections. This copy possesses all these reprints, as well as the can- celled leaves. 467 Callendee (JoHi^r) An Historical Discourse on the Civil and Eeligious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England, in America, from the first Settlement, 1638, to the end of first Century, calf extra hy Bedford Boston, S. Kneeland and T. Green, L739, 8** Title; Dedication, 14 pp.; text, 120 pp. 'Advertisement,' 1 p. A fern letters on the title svpplied in exact facsimile. 468 Campe (J. H.) Pizarro, or the Conquest of Peru : being a continuation of the Discovery of America, for the use of Chil- dren and Young Persons, hf cf Birmingham, 1800, 12** Title, * Errata' 6 lines ; text, 243 pp. ' Map of South America.' 469 Campe (J. H.) Columbus, new ed. Lond. 1811, 275 pp. V2P 470 Canada. Copies and Translations of the Royal Charters by which the Territories of Nova Scotia and Canada were granted in 1621, 1625, and 1628 to the Eight Hon. Sir W. Alexander, afterwards Earl of Sterling Lond. 1831, folio Title ; Prefatory observations, 3 pp. Charter of Nova Scotia, 34 pp. Trans- lation of the Novodamus of Nova Scotia, 1625, 18 pp. Charter of Canada, 6 pp. Charter of the Loi-dship of Canada, 6 pp. 471 — The Interest of Q-reat Britain considered, with regard to her Colonies, and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guada- loupe, 2nd ed. Lond. 1761, 8° Title, and 68 pp. 472 — Erom Canada. An Address and Caution to the Public [dated from] Montreal, 9th October, 1789, hf. mor. \Lond. 1789], 4« A single sheet. 2 pp. This address is signed by Boucherville and 22 other Canadians. 473 — Papers and Letters on Agriculture, recommended to the Attention of the Canadian Earmers, by the Agricultural So- ciety in Canada, thick paper, old green morocco extra, tooled sides, with the autograph of Bishop Inglis of Nova Scotia on the title page Quebec, Sam. Neilson, 1790, 8^ In English and French on opposite pages, 5 prel. leaves, and 34 doubly numbered pages. 474 — Thoughts on tlie Canada Bill, hf. mor. Lond. 1791, 8« Half-title, title, and 50 pp. 52 SECOKD day's sale. 475 Canada. Extract from the Minutes of Council, containing His Majesty's late Regulations relating to the Waste Lands of the Crown, with order of reference respecting the same to a Committee of the whole Council of the Province of Lower Canada, the said Committee's Eeport thereon, and his Ex- cellency's Speech in reply, both parts bound in 1 vol. hf. mor. * Quebec, 1798, 8^ Title; Introduction, iv pp. Si^ed * William Berczy.' Text, 45 pp. Extract of the Minutes, 20th Sept. 1798 ; continuation of the Extract, 11 th of June last, Quebec, 1798. Title and pp. 47-133. « Errata,' 1 page. 476 — Some Considerations on this Question, "Whether the Bri- tish Government acted wisely in granting to Canada her present Constitution ? "With an Appendix, hf. onor. Montrexil, J. Broivn, 1810, 26 pp. &<> 477 Candid (A) Examination of the Mutual Claims of Grreat Bri- tain and the Colonies, hf. mor. New Torkt Jos. Bivington, 1775, 8° On the reverse of the title * Errata,' 22 lines ; text, 62 pp. Said to be the production of Mr. Galloway. 478 Candid Thoughts ; or, an Enquiry into the Causes of Na- tional Discontents and ^Misfortunes since the commencement of the present Eeign Lond. 1781, 73 pp. 8° 479 CAifDiscH. Beschryvinge vande overtreffelijcke ende wydt- vermaerde Zeevaerdt vanden Edelen Heer ende Meester Thomas Candisch Amst. Michiel Colijiiy 1617, obi. 4« Title, and 39 leaves. 480 Caner (Henry). The Piety of Eounding Churches for the Worship of Q-od : a Discourse upon Nehemiah ii. 20. Preach'd at King's Chapel in Boston, August 11, 1749, upon occasion of laying the Eirst Stone for rebuilding the said Chapel Boston, J. Draper, 1749, 8° Three prel. leaves and 18 pp. 481 Caribbeana ; containing Letters and Dissertations, together with Poetical Essays on various Subjects and Occasions, chiefly wrote by several hands in the "West Indies, and some of them to Grentlemen residing there, 2 vols, fine copy, xjxcuT Lond. 1741, 4P Vol. I. Title; ' Preface,' pp. iii-x ; and text, 404 pp. ' Index' and * Errata,' 5 leaves. II. Title ; ' Preface,' xvi. pp. ; and text, 358 pp. ' Index' and ' Errata,' 4 leaves. 482 Caeochi (Hoeacio), Soc. Jem, Compeitdio del Aete de l Lengtja Mexicana, vellum Mexico, en la Imprenta de la Bibliotheca Mewicana, en f rente de S. Augustin, 1759, 4^ Twelve prel. leaves ; text, 202 pp. With copper-plate frontispiece repre- senting S. Ignacio de Loyola. Within the last year or two a copy has been sold by public auction for £17. It appears to have been unknown to Rich. SECOND day's sale. 53 483 Caeolina ; or a Description of the Present State of THAT Country, and the I^atural Excellencies thereof, pub- lished byT. A., Gent., calf extra, hy Bedford Lond. 1682, 4P Title ; ' To the Reader,' 2 pp. Text, 40 pp. signed * T. A.' 484 Carolina. The Hitmble Address of the Eight Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented March 13th, 1705, relating to the Province of Carolina, with Her Majesties Answer thereunto, last line of 2nd leaf cut off, lif. mor. Lond. 1705, 2 leaves, folio 485 Carolina. The Two Charters granted by Charles II. to the Proprietors of Carolina, with the First and Last Eundamental Constitutions of that Colony, fine copy, Jif, mor. Lond. [1705], 4° Title and 60 pp. followed by * The Copy of an Act lately pass'd in Carolina,' etc. 8 pp. 486 Carolina (North), Informations concerning the Province of, uncut Glasgow, 1773, 8« 32 pp. signed, * Scotus Americanus.' 487 Carolina (South), A True State of the Case between the In- habitants of, and the Lords Proprietors of that Province 4 pp. folio 488 — A New and Accurate Account of the Provinces of Sonth Carolina and Greorgia, Jif. mor. Lond. 1732, 8<* Half-title, title, and 76 pp. This appears to be the Tract referred to by Nichols {Lit. Afiec. ii. p. IQ"*, as written by Gov. Oglethorpe. 489 — A New and Accurate Account ; another ed. Lond, 1733, 8o Half-title, title, and 76 pp. 490 — Considerations on certain Political Transactions of the Province of South Carolina, Jif. mor. Lond. 1774, 8<* Half-title, title, and 83 pp. " A shrewd and dispassionate examination." 31. Rev, 491 — An Historical Account of the Eise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Q-eorgia, 2 vols, calf Lond. 1779, 8° Vol. I. xiv and 347 pp. Vol. II. ix and 329 pp. By Alexander Hewatt, who was for sometime resident at Charlestown. — Rich. 492 Carthaoena. Yiage, y svcesso de los Carauelones, Galeon- cetes de la guarda de Cartagena de las Indias, y su costa. T la grandiosa victoria que han tenido cotra los Cossarios Piratas en aquel Mar, este afio 1621, Tif. mor> [Colojphon tl Madrid, por la viuda de Cosme Delgado^ 1621, 2 leaves, fol. 493 — Cosas Notables, Svcedidos en las Costas de la Civdad de Lima, en las Indias, y como el armada Olandesa procuraua coger el armadilla nuestra, que baxa con la plata de ordi- nario a Cartagena, ano passado de 1624, Jif. mor. {ColopJion ;] Madrid, por Imn Gonzalez, 1625, 4 pp. fol. 54 SECOND day's bale. Cahthagexa : continued. 494 — Relation de ce qui s'est fait a la prise de Cartagene, par I'Escadre Commande'e par Mr. de Pointis, old calf Brux., chez Jean Fricx, 1698, 12° Title and 141 pp. 495 — An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena, Jif. mor. Loud. 1743, 8° Half-title, title, and 58 pp. 496 — An Account, etc. 2nd ed. lif. mor. Lond. 1743, 8<* Half-title, title, and 58 pp. 497 — An Account, etc. 3rd ed. Tif. 7nor. Lond. 1743, 8« Half-title, title, and 58 pp. 498 — Authentic Papers relating to the Expedition against Carthagena, with Copies of Letters between Adm. Vernon and Gen. Wentworth ; and between the Grovemor of Car- thagena and the Admiral, lif. mor. Lond. 1744, 8<* Half-title, title, and 100 pp. 499 — A Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena, in answer to An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena, hf. mor. Lond. 1744, 8^ Half-title, title, and Introduction, 3 leaves; text, pp. 3-59. This Pamphlet is attributed to General Wentworth, who commanded the Land Forces. 500 — A Journal, etc. 2nd ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1744, S** Half-title, title, and Introduction, 3 leaves; text, pp. 3-59. 501 — Original Papers relating to the Expedition to Cartha- gena, If. mor. Lond, 1744, 8^ Title and Preface, 2 leaves; text, 154 pp. 602 — Original Papers, 2nd ed. hf. mor. Land. 1744, 8o Title and Preface, 2 leaves ; text, 154 pp. 503 Cartwright (Greorge). A Journal of Transactions and Events, during a Eesidence of nearly Sixteen Tears on the Coast of Labrador, by George Cartwright, 3 \o\^.fine copy Newark, 1792, 4° Vol. I. Title, and Explanation of the Frontispiece, 2 leaves ; * Preface,' pp. iii-viii ; * Glossary,' pp. ix-xvi, and text, 287 pp. II. Title ; ' Glossary,* pp. iii-x; and text, 505 pp. III. Title ; * Glossary,' pp. iii-x ; and text, 248 pp.; ' Labrador: a Poetical Epistle,' 15 pp. with portrait of Captain Cartwright, Map of ' The Island of Newfoundland, etc. by Lieut. Michael Lane, 1790,' 23 by 28 inches ; * Chart of part of the Coast of Labrador, etc. by Michael Lane, 1792,' 17 by 24 inches ; and a ' Chart of Mecklen- burgh Harbour, etc. 1792,' 18^ by 24 inches. Rich {Bib. Avi.) has a note highly commendatory of this work. The author was brother to the famous Major Cartwiight. 504 [Cartwright (Major John)]. American Independence the Interest and Glory of Great Britain, If. mor. Lond. H. S. Woodfall, 1774, 8° xvi, iv and 72 pp. A second edition was published in 1775. Speaking of this publication, the author's biographer says, " at a time when no Mem- ber of Parliament had sufficient decision of mind to propose the Indepen- dence of America, Major Cartwright suggested the expediency of an Union between Great Britain and her Colonies under separate Legisla- tures." SECOND day's sale, 65 505 Carver (Jonathan) Travels through the Interior of North America, 1766-QS,Jlne cojgy Dublin, 1779, 8° Title and dedication, 2 leaves ; contents, 8 leaves; * A New Map of North America;' ' Introduction,' xiii pp.; and text, pp. 15-508; 2 plates, at p. 50 and p. 279. 506 Carver (Jonathan) Travels, 3rd ed. half calf Lond. 1781, 8° Title, and advertisement, 1 pa^e, signed ' John Coakley Lettsom ;' ' Some Account of Captain J. Carver,' 22 pp.; dedication to Sir Joseph Bankes, 1 leaf; 'Address,' 2 leaves; * Contents,' 8 leaves; * Introduction,' xvi pp.; text, pp. 17-543; directions for placing the maps and plates, 1 p.; * Index,' 1 leaves ; portrait of Capt. Jonathan Carver, 2 maps, and 4 plates, coloured. 507 Carver (Jonathan) Three Years Travels through the Interior parts of North America Fhiladelpliia, Key and Simpson, 1796, 8<* Title; dedication, pp. iii-iv ; address, pp. v-vii; contents, pp. ix-xx; 'In- troduction,' ix pp. ; text, pp. 11-349; ' Appendix,' pp. 351-360; ' List of Subscribers,' 20 pp. 508 Carver (Jonathan) A Treatise on the Culture of the Tohacco Plant JDubUn, 1779, 8^ Five prel. leaves ; half-title, title, books printed, etc. contents, and dedica- tion ; text, 52 pp. 609 Case (A) decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, Feb. 1793, " AYhether a State be liable to be sued by a pri- vate Citizen of another State ?" uncut, hf. mor. Fhiladelpliia, T. Dobson, 1793, 8° Title and 121 pp. 510 Case of G-reat Britain and America, addressed to the King, and both Houses of Parliament, 2nd ed. Zond. 1769, 8^ Title, 1 leaf, and 43 pp. " One of the best Tracts on the subject." 3Ionthly Rev, 511 Case (The) of the Importation of Bar-Iron, from our own Colonies of North America ; recommended to the Conside- ration of the Parliament, hf. mor. Lond. 1756, 29 pp. 8° 512 Cassette (La) Yerte de Monsieur de Sartine, trouvee chez Mademoiselle du The, 5me. ed. hf. mor. La Haye, 1779, 8» Half-title, title, and 71 pp. 513 Castellanos (Itjan de). Primera Parte de las Elegias de Yarones lllvstres de lndias,j^^e tall copy in vellum Madrid, la viuda de Alonso Gomez Impressor^ 1589, 4^ Fifteen prel. leaves, viz. title ;-' Yo Miguel de Ondarfa,' 1 page ; ' Erratas,' 1 page ; * El Key,' 2 pp. ; ' Mvy Poderoso Sefior,' 5 pp. ; ' Senor,' 2 pp. ; a woodcut filling 1 page; ' Hispanum regnura,' etc. 1 page; ' Tabla,' 5 pp.; Epigramma, etc. 9 pp. ; woodcut portrait of Castellanos, 1 page. Text, in double columns, pp. 1 1 to 382. The first pnrt only was printed. " After employing the greater part of his Hfe in writing the biography of the discoverers and conquerors of the New World, Castellanos devoted the remainder to putting his writings into verse." — liich. 56 SECOST) dat's sale. 514 Castell (TVilliam) A Short Discoverie of the Coasts and Continent of America, from the Equinoctiall Northward, and of the adjacent Isles, title and leaf of dedication in exact facsimile and one line rej^aired^ calf extra, hy Bedford Lond. 164:4., 4« Title ; dedication, etc. 2 pp. ; " An Ordinance," etc. 8 pp. ; text, pp. 9-48 ; " The second Booke,*' pp. 1-54. 515 Castres (Caille de). De Wilde, ov les Sauvages Caribes Insul- lairres d'Amerique et Histoire Nouvelle, par M. Caille de Castres cy deuant Employe aus aftairres dVne compagnie E-oyalle en Affrique et en Amerique 1694^, 4^ An impobtakt, oiiiginal, unpublished manuscript, of 196 pages. 516 Cathcart (John) A Letter to the Hon. Edward Vernon, concerning some Gross Misrepresentations in a Pamphlet, intitled Original Papers relating to the Expedition to the Island of Cuba, hf mor, Lond. 1744, 8° Title, and pp. 3-55. 517 Cavendish (Sir Henry). Debates of the House of Commons in the year 1774, . on the Bill for making more effectual Provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec. Drawn up from the Kotes of the Right Hon. Sir Henry Cavendish, clotli, uncut Lond. 1839, 8° Six prel. leaves: viz. Title Preface, pp. iii-x; 'Contents,' pp. xi and xii. Text, 296 pp. Appendix, pp. 297-303. 2 Maps. 518 Cepeda (Eeenando de) Eelacioi?^ Yniyersal Leqitima, y verdadera del sitio en qve esta fvndada la muy noble, insigne, y muy leal Ciudad de Mexico, Cabe^a de las Provincias de toda la IS'ueva Espana. Lagunas, Eios, y Montes que la cinen y rodean. Calgadas que las dibiden. Y Azequias que la atrauiesan, etc. [Colophon'\ JEn la JEmprenta de Fra/ncisco Salbago^ [Mexicol Ministro del sancto Officio, en la calle de san Francisco, 1637, folio Two prel. leaves. Text in 31, 42, 30, and title and 39 folioed leaves. 519 Chalkley (Thomas), A Collection of the Works of, in Two Parts, j^we copy in calf extra, hy Bedford Fhiladelphia : Frinted ly B. Eranklin and D. Hall, 1749, 8« Title ; The Testimony, etc. pp. v to xiii, signed by Israel Pemberton ; The Contents, 1 page ; Title to the First Part, 'A Journal,' etc. 1 leaf; Text, 326 pp. ; followed by one blank leaf. The Title to the Second Part, con- taining the Epistles, and other writings ; Text, pp. 329 to 590. " He was. a man of many virtues." — Ulch. 520 Chalkley (Thomas), A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Travels and Christian Experiences of, 2nd ed. old calf Lond. 1751, ix and 326 pp. 8« 521 Chalmers (George) Opinions on interesting Subjects of Public Law and Commercial Policy, arising from American Inde- pendence, new ed. hf mor. Title, and 200 pp. SECOND day's sale. 67 522 Champlain (Sieur Samuel de) Les Voyages de la NOYVELLE ErANCE OcCIDENTALE, DICTE CANADA,^^d CO^y, morocco extra^ hy Bedford Paris J chez Clavde Collet au Palais, en la Gallerie des PrisonnierSy d VEstoille d'Or, 3632, 4P Sixteen prel. pag-es ; Text, 308 pp. ; 'Seconde Partie,' 310 pp.; one blank leaf; 'Table povr cog'noistre les Lievx remarqvables en ceste carte/ 8 pp. ; * Traite de la Marine,' 54 pp. ; one blank leaf; * Doctrine Chres- tienne,' etc. 20 pp. Larg-e copper-plate map, entitled, ' Carte de la Nouuelle France, 1632,' printed on 2 sheets, 35 by 21 inches. This copy- contains the objectionable passage on page 27, which caused the two leaves Dij and Diij to be cancelled and reprinted. We usually find that ^ the first paragraph on page 27 ends with the words "telles des- couuertes," but in the original issue it reads "telles descouuertes; ce que n'ont pas les g'rands hommes d'estat, qui sQauent mieux manier et conduire le gouuernement et 1' administration dVn Royaume, que celle de la naui- gation, des expeditions d'outres mer, et des pays loingtains, pour ne I'auoir iamais practique." 522* — Another copy, without the maj^y hut having the cancelled leaves Dij and Diij, old calf ih. 1632 523 Champlain (Sieur Samuel de) Les Voyages et Descovver- tvres faites en la Novvelle France, depiiis I'annee 1615, iusques a la fin de I'annee 1618, Seconde Edition, fine copy, vellum Parisy chez Clavde Collet, 1627, 8*^ Eight prel. leaves: viz. 2 Titles, Epistre av Roy, Preface, and Privilege; Text, 158 folioed leaves. With 2 folding copper-plates, at folios 44 and 52, and three others in the text, on the reverse of folios 87, 99, and recto of 110. 524 Chappell (Edward) Voyage of H. M. Ship Rosamond to New- foundland and the Southern Coast of Labrador, large PAPER, calf, marbled edges Lond. 1818, 8** Five prel. leaves; viz. Title, Dedication, List of Engravings, and Contents. * Introduction,' xix pp. Text. 270 pp. With Frontispiece, Map of New- foundland, coloured ; and 2 plates at pp. 25, 42. 525 Charles II. His Majesties Propriety and Dominion on the Brittish Seas Asserted : together with a true Account of the Neatherlanders Insupportable Insolencies, and Injuries they have committed; and the Inestimable Benefits they have gained in their Fishing on the English Seas : as also their Prodigious and Horrid Cruelties in the East and West Indies and other Places, hf russ. Lond. 1665, 8° Eight prel. leaves; Dedication signed 'R. C; and Text, 176 pp. Portrait of Cliarles II. and copper-plate map of Gi'eat Britain and Ireland. 626 Charlestown Library Society, The Eules and By-Laws of the, and the Act of the Legislature of South Carolina incor- porating the said Society, 4th ed. with MS. corrections y hf. mor, Charleston, for the Society hy Nathan Childsy 1785, 26 pp. 4° I 58 SECOND day's sale. 527 Charlevoix (P. de) Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France, 3 vols.^we co'py^ old calf Paris, 1744, 4° Vol, I. Half-title; Title; Dedication, 2 leaves; * Advertissement,' viiipp. ; * Histoire Abregee,' pp. ix-xxvi ; and Text, 600 pp. Table, pp. 601-644. With 10 Maps.— II. Half-title; Title; ' Projet,' iv pp.; 'Pastes Chrono- logiques,' pp. v-xl ; ' Liste et Examen des Auteurs,' pp. xli-lxj ; Table, 1 p. ; Permission, Approbation, and Pi-ivilege, 1 leaf ; ' Table,' xv pp.; Fautes, 1 p. ; Text, 502 pp. ; ' Table,' pp. 503-582 ; with 8 maps. * Description des Plantes Principales de I'Amerique Septentrionnale,* 56 pp; with 22 plates. — III. 19 prel. leaves and 543 pp. Ten maps. "This is one of the most important works relating' to Canada." — Bich. 528 Chastellux (M. le Marqnis de) Reisebeobachtungen fiber America Kami. 1785, viii. and 182 pp. sm. 8« 529 Chastellux (M. le Marquis de) Voyages dans TAmerique, Sept. 1780-82, 2 vols. Paris, 1786, 8« Vol. I. 8 prel. pp. ; text, 390 pp. ; with map. II. Half-title, title, and text, 338 pp. ; * Table,' 339-362 ; * Fautes a Corriger,' 1 page ; and 'Approbation,' 1 page ; with map and 3 plates. 530 Chastellux (Marquis de) Travels in North America in 1780-1782, 2 vols. Lond. 1787, 8° Vol. I. XV and 462 pp. with 2 charts. II. * Second Edition,' xii and 432 pp. with 3 plates. 531 Chastellux (M. le Marquis de) Travels, another ed. 2 vols. Dublin, 1787, 8^ Vol. I. XV and 462 pp. ; map. II. xv and 430 pp. ; map and 3 plates. 532 Chatham (AVilliam Pitt, Earl of) Speech on the 20th of January, 1775 [on the motion for removing his Majesty's Forces from the Town of Boston, etc.] hf. mor. Lond. 1775, 4° Title, and pp. 5-18. 533 Chatham (William Pitt, Earl of) Plan, offered to the House of Lords, entitled, A Provisional Act for Settling the ' Troubles in America, which was rejected and not suffered to lie upon the table, hf. mor. Lond. 1775, 14 pp. 4P 534 Chatham ("William Pitt, Earl of) Abstracts from Two Speeches of, and his Eeply to the Earl of Suffolk, hf mor. Lond. 1779, viii. and 58 pp. 8° These are Chatham's famous speeches upon Ama.*ican affairs. 535 Chauncy (Charles) Pastor at Boston, Marvellous Things done by the Hight Hand and Holy Arm of God in getting him the Victory, a Sermon preached the 18th of July, 1745, being a Day set apart for Thanksgiving for the deduction of Cape Breton, uncut Boston, T. Fleet, 1745, 8^ Title, and pp. 5-23. Original edition, afterwards reprinted in London. 536 Chauncy (Charles) The Counsel of Two Confederate Ejngs to set the Son of Tabeal on the Throne, a Sermon occasion'd by the Present Eebellion in favour of the Pretender, preach'd in Boston, Feb. 6, 1745-6 Boston, D. Gookin, 1746, S^ Title, and pp. 5-43. SECOND day's sale. 69 537 Chauvenet (Wm.) Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, third edition Philadelphia, 1854, 26 i pp. 8<* 538 Checkley (Johi^) The Eeligion of Jesus Christ the only- True Beligion, or, A Short and Easie Method with the Deists, in a Letter to a Friend BostoUy T. Fleet, and are to le Sold hy John Cheehley, 1719, 8'' Title, reverse blank ; 'The Preface,' [By Checkley] 12 pp. ; Text 51 pp. ; 'The Epistle of St. Ignatius to the Trallians,' 7 pp. This book is a re- print of Charles Leslie's ' Short and Easie Method with the Deists,* first published in London in 1699, but Mr. Checkley prefixed to this edition a preface of his own of 12 pag-es, not in the 8th ed. (see No. 539). This edition does not contain Checkley's Discourse concerning' Episcopacy. Thomas, vol. ii. p. 428, says, " Whether he [Checkley] was a regular bookseller or not, I am not prepared to say ; I have seen no book printed for him in America." 539 [Checkley (John)] A Short and Easie Method with the Deists, in a Letter to a Eriend, 8th Ed. Presentation copy Lond. hy J. Applehee, and Sold by John Checkley, at the Sign of the Croivn and Blue- Gate, over against the West- End of the Town-House in Boston, 1723, 132 pp. 8^ Considerable interest attaches to this very rare book, in consequence of the alarm that it raised in New England, and the litigation that ensued. It contains Leslie's ' Short and Easie Method with the Deists,' but with the preface described in the previous article omitted. But instead of this there is appended (pp. 41 to 127) A Discourse concerning Episcopacy [By John Checkley], wherein he endeavours to prove that Dissenters, not being Episcopally ordained, are no ministers, etc. and comments rather harshly upon the Church Courses of New England. This gave great offence, and Checkley was prosecuted in 1724 at the Inferior Court for publishing " a false and scandalous libel." He was convicted, but appealed to the Superior Coui't, where, after a long speech in his own defence, endeavour- ing to show that this Book is not a Libel, the jury found the following verdict : " The Jury find specially : viz. If the Book intituled, A Short and Easie Method with the Deists, containing in it a Discourse concerning Episcopacy (published, and many of them sold by the said Checkley) be a false and scandalous Libel : Then we find the said Checkley guilty of all and every Part of the Indictment (excepting that supposed to traduce and draw into dispute the undoubted Right and Title of our Sovereign Lord King George, to the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Territories thereto belonging) — But if the said Book, containing a Dis- course concerning Episcopacy as aforesaid, be not a false and scandalous Libel ; Then we find him not guilty. Att' Samuel Tyley Clerc." The Defendant then put in his ' Plea in Arrest of Judgment,' which is given in extenso in his Speech (See No. 540), concluding, " But be that as it will, the Dissenters are affirmed to be no 3Iinisters, to be Schis- matics, and excommunicate by the Canons of the Church of England, which are part of the Law of the Land ; and therefore, to say the same things of them, I humbly hope shall not be deemed a Libel." The Sentence of the Court, at a Court of Assize, &o. Nov. 27, 1724: " The Court having maturely advised on this special Verdict, are of Opinion that the said John Checkley is guilty of publishing aud selling of a false and scandalous Libel. It's therefore considered by the Court, That the said John Checkley shall pay a fine of Fifty Pounds to the King, and enter into recognizance in the sum of One Hundred Pounds, with two Sureties in the sum of Fifty Pounds each, for his good Behaviour for Six Months, and also pay Costs of Prosecution, standing committed until this sentence be performed. Att' Samuel Tyley, Clerc." 60 SECOio) "dat's sale. 540 Checelet (John). The Speech of Mr. John Ctieckley upon his Tryal, at Boston in New-England, for publishing The Short and Easy Method with the Deists Lond. 1730, S^* Title, and text 40 pp. 541 Checkley (John) A Discourse Shewing "Who is a true Pastor of the Church of Christ. 16 pp. Errata 1 p. This tract is without separate title-page or imprint, but was probably printed in London soon after Mr. Checkley's trial. In a note on page 11 , he says, '* % Those who have a mind to see the Propositions in this small Tract prov'd beyond the Possibility of a Reply, are desired to read a Discourse concerning Episcopacy, which they may have at the Crown and Gate opposite the West End of the Town- House in Boston. Where likewise may be had Barclay's Perswasive, printed in London, by Jonah Bowyer, with other Books of a like nature." 542 [Checkley (John)].A Specimen of a True Dissenting Catechism, upon E-ight True-Blue Dissenting Principles, with * learned Kotes, by Way of Explanation. Question. Why don't the Dissenters in their Publick Worship make use of the Creeds ? Ansicer. Why ? — Because they are not set down Word for Word in the 'Bible. Question. Well, — But why don't the Dissenters in their Public Worship make use of the Lord's- Prayer ? Aiuwer. Oh ! — Because that is set down Word for Word in the Bible. • They're so perverse and opposite. As if they worship'd God for spite. The foregoing is a single page 8vo. quoted entire as above. It would be difficult to find another copy. 543 Chew (Samuel) Chief Justice, Delaware, The Speech of, to the Grand- Jury of the County of New-Castle, Nov. 21, 1741, calf extra hy Bedford Fhiladelphia, printed and sold hy B. EEANKLrN", 1741, 16 pp. 80 544 Child (Josiah) A New Discourse of Trade, wherein is Ee- commended several weighty Points relating to Companies of Merchants, the Act of Navigatiou, Naturalization of Strangers, and our Woolen Manufactures, The Ballance of Trade,and the Nature of Plantations, j^we copy Lond. 1698, 8° Twenty-four prel. leaves, viz. Title, preface, and contents ; Text 238 pp. 545 Chipman (Nathaniel) Judge, Vermont^ Sketches of the Prin- ciples of Grovernment, Mrst JEdition Rutland, printed for the Author, 1793, V2P Half-title, title, 2 leaves; 'Preface' pp. iii .-i v. ' Errata ' 1 page; 'Contents,' pp. viii.-xii. ; Text pp. 13-292. 646 Chiquitos. Erbauliche und angenehme Greschichten derer Chiqvitos, und anderer von denen Patribus der Gesellschafft JEsu in Paraquaria neu-bekehrten Yolcker; samt einem ausfiihrlichen Bericht vo'i dem Amazonen-Strom, wie auch einigen Nachrichten von der Landschaft Guiana, in der neuen Welt, calf Vienn, Paul Strauh, 1729, 8° Eight prel. leaves; viz. Frontispiece, Title, and Preface; Text, 744 pp. ' Register,' 7 leaves. SECOND day's sale. 61 547 Cheistendoms Saga Hliodande um pad hvornenn Christen Tru kom pyrst a Island, at forlage pess haloplega Herra, OlafsTryggvason ar Noregs Kongs. Cum Gratia & Privilegio Sacrse Kegise Maiestatis Daniae & Norvegise. (The Saga (History) of the planting of the Christian faith for the first time in Iceland under King Olaf Tryggvason), hf. mor. Frentud i Skal hollti ap Hendrick Kruse, 1688, 4^ Two prel. leaves : Text 26 pp. and 1 sequent leaf. 548 Chronologic Septenaire de L'Histoire de la Paix entre les Eoys de Erance et d'Espagne, . . . auec le succez de plusieurs ^ navigations faictes aux Indes Orientales, Occidentales & Septentrionales, depuis le commencement de I'an 1598, iusques a la fia de Tan 1604, Derniere Edition, /we copy, old mor. JParis, 1609, 8° Five prel. leaves ; viz. Engraved title, * 1607.' Title, 2 Epistles, signed ' P.V.P.C and 506 folioed leaves ; the Privilege on reverse of the last leaf. 549 Chumillas (Julian) Comissario General de IndiaSy Memorial Jvridico, y Legal, Jif. mor, [1690 ?], fol. Seventy leaves signed at the end 'Lie. D. Balthasar de Azebedo.' 550 Church (Thomas) The History of Philip's War, commonly called the Great Indian War, of 1675 and 1676. Also, of the Erench and Indian Wars at the Eastward, in 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696, and 1704. Also an Appendix, by Samuel G-. Drake, 2nd ed. cf. Exeter, N. H. 1829, 12° Three hundred and sixty pp. Frontisp. 651 CiEQA DE Leon (Pedeo de) Paete Peimeea Dela cheo- iricA DEL Peetj. Que tracta la demarcacion de sus prouincias : la descripcion dellas. Las fundaciones de las nueuas ciudades. Los ritos y costumbres de los indios. T otras cosas estranas dignas de ser sabidaa, numerous curious woodcuts, fine large and clean copy, hut iv anting folio 21 \_Colophon] ^ Impressa en Seuilla en casa de Martin de montesdoca, 1553, fol. Ten prel. leaves ; viz. Title in red and black within a border and under- neath the Arms of Spain, reverse blank : * El principe.' 2 pp ; ' Dedication * Al muy alto y muy poderoso senor don Phillipe ' 2 pp ; ' IF Prohemio del Author :' 6 pp : * f Tabla dlos capitulos' etc. 7 pp : ' H Los Errores de la impressio * 1 page. Text folioed j to cxxxiivj, with the Autograph signa- ture of the author at the end, over the Colophon. '* The first part only was printed : the 2nd and 3rd parts were seen in MS. in Madrid some time ago, but it is not known what became of them." — Rich. 552 CiE^A DE Leon (Pedro de) La Cheonica del Peet, fine copy with many small woodcuts, vellum- Anvers, 1554, 8° On the reverse of the Title is the privilege; *A1 Mvy Alto,' etc. 2 leaves; * Prohemio del Autor :' etc. 5 leaves ; Text 204 folioed leaves. Reprint of the foregoing. 62 SECOND DAX*S SALie. 553 Cicero (Marcus Tullius) Cato Major, or liis Discourse of Old Age, with Explanatory Notes, good copy, old calf FUludelpUa, Pkiis'ted and Sold by B. Fbanklin, 1744, 4^ Title in black and red, reverse blank : 'The Printer to the Reader,' * Corri- genda ' and ' Index to the Notes' pp. iii. to viii. Text, 159 pp. This book Franklin always considered the chef (Tceuvre of his press. He brought copies to England, and distributed them with evident satisfaction. 554 Cicero (Marcus Tullius) Cato Major, by Benj. Franklin, LL.D. uncut Lond. rep. 1778, 8« Portrait of Dr. Franklin. Title ; « Introduction ' 1 p. signed * B. Franklin.' * Index ' I p. and text 163 pp. 555 Clap (Thomas) of Tale Coll. A Brief History and Vindication of the Doctrines E/Cceived and Established in the Churches of New-England, with a Specimen of the New Scheme of E-eligion beginning to prevail New-Haven: Ja^. Far Jeer, 1755, 44 pp. 8° 556 Clap (Thomas) An Essay on The Nature and Foundation of Moral Virtue and Obligation ; for the Use of the Students of Yale- College New-Haven: B^ Mecom, 1765, 8° Title, ii and 66 pp. Contents and Errata 2 pp. 557 Clap (Thomas) The Annals or History of Yale-College, in New-Haven, lialfmor. New- Haven : J. Hotchkiss and B. Mecom, 1766, 8° Title and preface 2 leaves. Text 103 pp. * Errata ' 1 page ; * Catalogus ' pp. 105-124. 558 Clark (Samuel) A New Description of the "World, last leaf mutilated Lond. 1708, 3 pr. Is. & 218 pp. 12« 559 Clavigero (Francesco Saverio) The History of Mexico. Collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, from Manu- scripts, and Ancient Paintings of the Indians, translated by Charles Cullen, Esq. 2 vols.^w^ copy^ old calf gilt Lond. 1787, 4P Vol. I. Title and dedication, 2 leaves. * Translator's Preface,' pp. iii-iv. •Preface,' pp. vii-xi. 'An Account,' etc. pp. xiii-xxxii. 'Contents,' 2 leaves ; and text 476 pp. Map, and 24 numbered plates. Vol. II. Title and Contents, 2 leaves; text, 463 pp. Map and 1 plate. 560 Clavigero (F. S.) History of Mexico, 2nd Ed. calf Lond. 1807, 4« Vol. I. 18 prel. leaves and 476 pp. Map and 24 numbered plates. II. 2 prel. leaves and 463 pp. 1 plate. 561 Cobbet (Thomas), Minister at Lyn, N.E., A Practical Dis- course of Prayer, calf Lond. 1654, 8<' Half-title, title, ' To the Reader.' 4 leaves and 1 p. * The Heads of the Chapters,' etc. 1 p. and 1 leaf, and text 551 pp. 562 Cobbet (Thomas) Discourse of Prayer. Another Ed. calf Lond. 1654, 8° Title, ' To the Reader.' 4 leaves and 1 p. ' The Heads of the Chapters,' etc. 1 p. and 1 leaf; and text 551 pp. 563 Cobbet (Thomas) Discourse of Praver. Another Ed. calf Lond. 1657, 8o Half-title, title, * To the Reader,' 4 leaves and 1 p. < The Heads of the Chap- ters,' etc. 1 p. and 1 leaf; and text 550 pp. SECOND day's sale. 63 564 Cobbet (Thomas) Civil Magistrates' Power in matters of Eeligion Modestly Debated. Together with A Brief Answer to a certain Slanderous Pamphlet called 111 News from New- England ; or, A Narrative of New-England's Persecution. By John Clark of Eoad-Island, Physician, half calf Lond. 1658, 4« Title and dedication to Cromwell, 4 leaves ; table 3 pp. ' Errata ' and Privilege 1 page; text 108 pp. The second part of this rare boolf, con- taining the answer to Clark's 111 News, is wanting in this copy. 565 Cobbett (William) Observations on the Debates of the American Congress, or the Addresses presented to General - Washington, on his resignation Fhiladelphia printed : Lond repr. 1797. Title and 38 pp. S^ 566 Cobbett (William) Porcupine's Works ; containing various Writings and Selections, exhibiting a faithful Picture of the United States of America ; of their Governments, Laws, Politics, and Eesources; of the characters of their Presi- dents, Governors, Legislators, Magistrates, and Military Men ; and of the Customs, Manners, Morals, Eeligion, Vir- tues and Vices of the People, 12 vols, half morocco Lond. Cobbett and Morgan^ 1801 Vol. I. 400 pp. Vol. II. 2 prel. leaves and 472 pp. Vol. III. 2 prel. leaves and 440 pp. Vol. IV. 2 prel. leaves and 444 pp. Vol. V. 2 prel. leaves and 432 pp. Vol. VI. 2 prel. leaves and 432 pp. Vol. VII. 2 prel. leaves and 430 pp. Vol. VIII. 2 prel. leaves and 480 pp. Vol. IX. 2 prel. leaves and 412 pp. Vol. X. 2 prel. leaves and 440 pp. ' Postscript.— To the Public,' 3 pp. Vol. XI. 2 prel. leaves and 434 pp. Vol. XII. 2 prel. leaves and 252 pp. ' Index ' 81 pp. 567 Cochrane (Charles Stuart) Journal of a Eesidence and Travels in Colombia in 1823-24, 2 vols, boards, uncut Lond. 1825, 8° Vol. I. 8 prel. leaves, and text 524 pp. Frontispiece and ' Map of Colom- bia, by Sidney Hall.' II. Title, contents pp. iii-viii; text 498 pp. •Appendix.' pp. 499-515. Frontispiece. 568 Cochrane (Lord). Manifiesto de las Acusacioues que a nombre del General San Martin hicieron sus Legados ante el Gobierno de Chile contra el Vice-Almirante Lord- Coch- rane y Vindicacion de este dirigida al Mismo San Martin, closely cut Limay 1823, 12° Three prel. leaves and 68 pp. errata 1 p. 569 Cockburn (James). The Trial of Lieutenant Col. Cockburne, late Governor of the Island of St. Eustatius^ for the Loss of the said Island, half mor. Lond. [1783] 71 pp. 4P 570 Cockburn (James), Proceedings on the Trial of, half mor, Lond. 1783, 8^ Title and dedication, signed * William Rogerson,' 2 leaves; and text 194 pp. with ' Return,' etc. a folded sheet. 64 SECOND day's sale. 571 Cockburn (John) A Journey over Land, from the G-ulf of Honduras to the Great South Sea. To which is added the Travels of Nicholas Withington, a Factor in the East Indiase, very fine copy, old calf Land. 1735, 8*^ 357 pp. and map. This work is sometimes, as in the Fi-ench edition, erro- neously stated to be by Nic. "Withington. 572 CoDDi^'GTON (William) of Bhode Island, A Demonstra- tion or Tkue Love unto Yotj the Eulees of the Colony OF THE Massachusets IN Neyv Englande, reJ wiorocco, hy Bedford [Lond.] 1674, 4P Title ; reverse blank ; * To the Reader,' pp. 3, 4, signed ' AVilliam Codding- ton ;' Text, pp. 5-20. This, one of the most important of the many histo- rical tracts relating to the early disputes in New England, is mentioned neither by Lowndes nor Rich. 573 Coello (Manuel) Sargento Mayor de la Gente de Guerra, que lleuo cl Excelentissimo Senor Conde de Lemos Virrey del Peru, Carta para la Pacificaciou de las Prouincias de Puno, uncut, If. mor. [Colophon\ Cadiz, luan Lorenzo JSIachado, Impressor de la Ciudad, 1G70, 4 leaves, folio 574 Coke (Eev. Dr.) A Journal of his Visit to Jamaica, and of his Third Tour on the Continent of America Lond. 1789, 12« Title, and 16 pp. 575 Colden (Cadwallader) The History of the Five Indian IS'ations of Canada, 2nd ed. old calf Lond. 1750, 8° xvi pp. ; Contents, 4 pp.; Text, Part I. 90 pp, ; Part II. pp. iv and 91-204; Papers, etc. 283 pp. ; Map. Identical with the first London edition, ex- cepting only the title. The Dedication in the original edition (New York) to Governor Burnett, is in the London edition transferred, without the knowledge or consent of the author, to General Oglethorpe. There are some other such liberties taken in the London edition. 576 Colden (Cadwallader) Memoir of the Celebration of the Com- pletion of the New York Canals, with an Appendix, con- taining an Account of the Commemoration of the Com- pletion of the Erie Canal, Portrait, plates and facsimile autograph letters of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and others, 2 vols, in 1, calf. Presentation copy from the City of New York to Bohert White, Esq. calf gilt New York, 1825-6, 418 pp. 4^ 577 Collection (A) of Speeches and Writings on the Commitment of the Lord Mayor to the Tower, etc. hf mor. Beprinted ly John JSolt, New York, 1771, 8° Title, * A Short Account,' etc. pp. iii-iv ; Text, pp. 5-48. 578 Collection (A) of Voyages undertaken by the Dutch East India Company, for the Improvement of Trade and Navi- gation, old calf Lond. 1703, S'* Title and Introduction, 16 leaves; text, 336 pp. ; with 10 maps at pp. 3, 9, 20, 48. 98, 103, 131, 136, 179, 252. Not mentioned by Rich. SECOND DAY*S SALE. 65 579 Collection (A) of Devotional Tracts, viz. An Extract of the Spirit of Prayer, by W. Law, A.M. — A Discourse of Mis- takes concerning Eeligion, etc. by Thomas Hartley, A.M. — Christ's Spirit, a Christian Strength, by William Dell — The Stumbling Stone, by ditto — The Doctrine of Baptism, by ditto— The Trial of Spirits, by ditto— The Liberty of Mesh and Spirit distinguished, by J. Eutty — Observ^ations on Enslaving, Importing, and Purchasing of Negroes, etc. — The Uncertainty of a Death-bed Eepentance. Mne copy, calf, hy Bedford I^hil. and Germantown, 1759-60, 8** General title ; title, * An Extract,' etc. pp. 3-47 ; title, ' A Discourse,' etc. «. pp. 3-71 ; title, 'Christ's Spirit,' pp. 75-168 (the last two pag-ed con- secutively); title, 'The Doctrine,' etc. * To the Reader,' pp. iii-iv, and pp. 5-43 ; title, ' The Trial,' etc. pp. 3-55 ; title, * The Liberty,' etc. pp. 3-64 ; title, ' Observations on the Enslaving-,' etc. pp. 3-16. This Collection consists of six tracts, printed in 1759 and 1760; four by Franklin, and two {Discourse of 3Rstakes, and Chrisfs Spirit — and Observations on Enslaving Negroes) by Christopher Sower at German- town. 680 Colliber (Samuel) Columna Eostrata : or, a Critical History of the English Sea Affairs ; wherein all the Eemarkable Actions of the English Nation at Sea are described, j/?^e copy, old calf Lond. 1727, 8« Title ; Preface, pp. iii-vi ; and Text, pp. 7-312 ; * Index,' 4 leaves. A large part of this volume relates to aifairs in America : it is unnoticed by Rich. 581 Collins (John) of the Boyal Fishery Company, Salt and Eishery, a Discourse thereof, half calf Lond. 1682, 4<* Four prel. leaves, and 164 pp. 'The Contents' and 'Errata/ 2 leaves. Not mentioned by either Lowndes or Rich. 582 Colman (Benjamin) of Bath, afterwards of Boston, Practical Discourses upon the Parable of the Ten Virgins Lond. 1707, 8° Four prel. leaves and 423 pp. 583 — The same, 2nd ed. laege papee, imcut Boston, N.JE. Bogers and Fowls, a/nd J. Edwards, 174<7, 8° Title, and 350 pp. 584 Colman (Benjamin) of Boston. The Piety and Duty of Eulers to comfort and encourage the Ministry of Christ. In a Sermon at the Lecture in Boston, before. His Excel- lency and the General Court, June 10th, 1708 Boston, B. Green: soldhy Benj. Eliot, 1708, sm. 8^ Two prel. leaves and 31 pp. 685 Colman (Benjamin) A Devout Contemplation on the meaning of Divine Providence, in the Early Death of Pious and Lovely Children. Preached upon the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Wainwright, who departed this Life, April the 8th, 1714, having just compleated her 14th year Boston, by John Allen, for Joanna Perry, 1714, sm. 8'' Title and 34 pp. GQ SECOND day's sale. 586 Colman (Beujamin) A Sermon Preach'd at the Ordination of Mr. William Cooper, in Boston, N.E. May 23, 1716. "With Mr. Cooper's Confession of Faith, and his Answers to the Questions proposed to him \ipon that Occasion. N.B. Some Paragraphs omitted in the Preaching, are here inserted in their proper places. Boston, by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish and JDajiiel Henchman, 1716, sm. 8° Title ; * to the Reader ' 2 pp. ; Text 40 pp. ' Mr. Cooper's Confession of Faitb,' etc, 24 pp. 587 Colman (Benjamin) The faithful Ministers of Christ mind- ful of their own Death. A Sermon Preached at Boston ; upon the Death of Solomon Stoddard, late Pastor of the Church of Christ in Northampton: who departed this Life, Feb. 11. 1729, ^tat S6. hf. mor. Boston, for D. Henchman, John BhilUps and T. Hancock, 1729, 8^* Title and Dedication 2 leaves ; text 25 pp. ' Appendix,' 4 pages. Tlie Appendix contains a biographical notice of Solomon Stoddard. 588 Colman (Beujamin) Faithful Pastors Angels of the Churches. A Sermon preached to the Bereaved Flock, March 4, 1739, on the Lord's-Day after the Funeral of the Beverend Mr. Peter Thacher of Boston, ^tat. 62, uncut Boston : hy J. Draper, for D. Henchman and S. Eliot, 1739, 8^ Title and 26 pp. 589 Columbus (Cheistophee). Etn scho?^ hubsch lesen to's etlichen inszlex die do in kuetzen ztten fun- den stnd duech de kunig yon hispania. tnd sagt to geoszen wln derlichen dtngen die in dc selbc inszlen" SYND, morocco extra, hy Bedford \_CoJophon'] Getruckt zu straszburg vff gruneclc vo meister Bartlomesz kiistler ym iar. 1497, vff sant Jeronymus tag. 40 A FACSIMILE OF THIS RARE TRACT BY THE ELDER MR. HARRIS, made with such marvellous exactne?is, that it requires no ordiuary expertness to detect it from the original. Five copies were only taken from the excnssively rare original in the Grenville Library. It is a translation into German, with some alterations and additions, of the famous COLUMBCS LETTER, first printed in Latin, in 1493. It consists of seven leaves, with 30 lines in a full page. The wood-cut on the title page is repeated on the last page. 590 Columhus. Memorial del hecho, cerca dela hoia dela qve llaman minuta del testamento de don Christoual Colon, pri- mero Almerate de las Indias, de aiio de. 97. 25 leaves, fol. 591 Columbus. Lettera Earissima di Cristoforo Colombo Bi- prodotta e Illustrata dal Cavaliere Ab. Morelli, large paper, hf cf Bassano, 1810, 8« Title; ' Prefazione,' pp. iii.-xvi. 'Copia,' etc. 1 leaf ; text, pp. 5-66. 592 Columbus. Yita di Christoforo Colombo ecritta e corredata di nuove osservazioni di note storico-critiche e di un'Appen- dice di documenti rari o inediti dal Cavaliere Luigi Bossi, uncut . Milano, 1818, 8° Four prel. leaves and 255 pp. Portrait and plate. SEOOT^'D day's sale. 67 593 Columbus. Codice Diplomatico Columbo-Americano ossia Eaccolta di Document! Origiuali e inediti, spettanti a Cris- toforo Colombo alia scoperta ed al Governo dell' America, half calf Genova, 1823, 4P Ixxx and 348 pp. Portrait of Columbus and 4 plates. 594 Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America. I. Of the Origin and Design of Grovernment. II. Of Mon- archy and Hereditary Succession. III. On the present State of American Affairs. IV. Of the present Ability of America, hf mor. Fhiladelphia: New-Torh, repr. [1776] 8^ Title and Introduction 2 leaves ; text 56 pp. By the celebrated ToM .• Paine. " The American Editions contain such reflections on the King and Government of Great Britain, as could not have been printed here without considerable hazard." — 31. Rev. 595 Common Sense. Another Ed. half mor. Newport, Sol. Southwick, 1776, 8« Three prel. leaves and 31 pp. 596 Common Sense. Another Ed. Edinb. reprinted 1776, 12^ Three prel. leaves and 99 pp. 597 Common Sense. Another Ed. hf mor. fine copy, uncut Lond. 1775, 127 pp. 4« 598 — Plain Truth: addressed to the Inhabitants of America. Containing Eemarks on a late Pamphlet, entitled Common Sense, hf. mor. Philadelphia, printed. Lond. repr. 1776, 8^^ Two prel. leaves and 47 pp. Dr. Parr said that this tract produced a wonderful effect throughout America and England. Rich. 599 Compleat (A) Collection of Papers, in twelve Parts : relating to the G-reat Eevolutions in England and Scotland Lond. 1688-9, 4° Title : * To the Reader, 2 pp. ; * The Contents' of the 12 parts 4 pp ; 1st Collection, 3rd Edition, 1689, title and 34 pp.; 2nd Collection, 3rd Edition, 1689, title and .34 pp; 3d Collection, 1688, title and 38 pp.; 4th Collection, 1688, title and 34 pp. ; 5th Collection, title and pp. 1 to 24, 1 to 8 and 33- 54; 6th to 11th Collections, each title and 34 pp.; 12th Collection, title and 40 pp. The 10th Article of the 6th Collection contains * a Narrative of the Miseries of New England, by reason of an Arbitrary Government erected there.' pp. 29 to 34. 600 Complete (A) and accurate Account of the Very Important Debate in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, July 9, 1782, in which the cause of Mr. Pox's Eesignation, and the great Question of American Independence came under Considera- tion. To which are added, the Speeches in the House of Lords, the following day on the same Subject : 3rd Ed. half mor. Lond. 1782, 8^ Title, dedication, and an advertisement, 3 leaves ; text 57 pp. * Many of ournumerous Readers,' etc. pp. 59-61. 68 THIRD DAY'S SALE. AT OFE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTTTALLT. 601 Conciliatory Address to the People of Gi-reat Britain and of the Colonies, on the present important crisis, lif. mor. Lond. 1775, 2 pr. Is. and 56 pp. 8° 602 Condamine (M. de la) Eelation abregee d'un Voyage fait dans rinterieur de L'Amerique Meridionale, depuis la Cote de la Mer du Sud, jusqu' aux Cotes du Bresil & de la Gruyane, en descendant La Riviere des Aniazones. Nouvelle Edition Augmentee de la Eolation de I'Emeutepopulaire de Cuen^a au Perou, etlaBelation du Voyage de Madame Grodin, cf. Maestricht, 1778, 8° Title ; * Extrait,' etc. 1 p. * Preface ' xvi pp.; Text 379 pp. with Cop- per Plate of the * Ville de Cuen^a au Perou,' and ' Cai-te du cours du Mar- agnon,* etc. 603 Conduct (The) ofaR. Hon. Gentleman in resigning the Seals of his Office justified, by Pacts, and upon the Principles of the British Constitution. 2nd Ed. Lond. 1761, 8° Title and 82 pp. 604 Conduct (The) of the Ministry Impartially examined. In a Letter to the Merchants of London. 2nd Ed. Jialf mor. Lond. 1756, title and pp. 3-68, 8o 605 Connecticut. A General History of Connecticut, from its first Settlement under George Penwick, Esq. to its Latest Period of Amity with Great Britain ; including a Descrip- tion of the Country, and many curious and interesting Anec- dotes, with an Appendix. By a Gentlemen of the Province [Rev. Samuel A. Peters]. Large Paper Lond. 1781, 8° Title * Preface,' pp. iii-x. and text 3(56 pp. ' Appendix,' pp. 367-424. * Index,' pp. 425-436. See a wonderful account of the falls of the Upper Cohos, amongst other marvels contained in this work. Dr. Peters, like most of the Church of England Clergy in America, at the breaking out of the Revolution, espoused the Tory side, and rendering him- self, as many thought, too conspicuous in his opposition to the popular cause, was presented with a coat of tar and feathers by the good people of his parish in Connecticut, and compelled to evacuate his living. He came to England, and published this book in ridicule of Connecticut. It is often, by foreigners, regarded as a true history, but is about as much entitled to that character as Xmckerbocker*i History of New York. 606 Connecticut (A Register for the State of), with an Almanack, for the Tear of our Lord, 1785. Calculated for the Meri- dian of New-London, Lat. 41. 25. North, by Nathan Daboll, Teacher of the Mathematics at the Academic School in Plainfield. Neiv London, by T. Green, [1785], 16° Forty-eight pp. [Almanac] 12 pp. Few of the ephemeral productions of New- England are of greater rarity than its early Almanacs. THIRD day's sale. 69 607 Connecticut. The Public Eecords of the Colony of Connecti- cut, from 1636 to 1689, by J. H. TurnbuU, 3 vols, cloth Hartford, 1850-59, 1752 pp. 8° 608 Connecticut, Acts and Laws of the State of New-London, 1784, folio Title ; * Charter,' etc. pp. 3-8. ^Articles ' etc. 6 pp. ' Catalogue ' etc. 2 pp. Text 265 pp. 609 Connecticut. The Code of 1650, being a Compilation of the Earliest Laws and Orders of the Greneral Court of Connecti- cut : to which is added some extracts from the * Blue Laws,' Hartford, by Silas Andrus, 1825, sm. ^^ One hundred and nineteen pp. including- Frontispiece. 610 Connecticut (The) Dissenters' Strong Box : by the Eev. John Leland, Pastor of the Baptist Church in . Cheshire, Mass. The Dissenter's Petition, Connecticut Ecclesiastical Laws, American Constitutions (Extracts from), etc. uncut, New-London, Glias. Holt, 1802, 40 pp. 8° 611 Consequences (not before adverted to) that are likely to result from the late Kevolution of the British Empire Lond. 1783, 8« Title, and pp. 5-33. 612 Considerations against laying any New Duty upon Sugar, Tif mor.flne cojpy Lond. 1744, 8^ Half-title, title, and 34 pp. 613 Considerations of the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, for the purpose of raising a Eevenue, by Act of Parliament, [by Mr. Dulaney, Chief Justice of Mary- land, North America], margins cut close New York, repr. hy John Holt, 1/65, 55 pp. 8° 614 Considerations, etc. 2nd ed. hf. mor. Annapolis, Jonas Green, 1765, 2 pr. Is. and pp. 5-55, 4° 615 Considerations, etc. Another ed. hf. mor. New York, repr. hy John Holt, 1765, 2 pr. Is. and pp. 5-55, 8° 616 Considerations, etc. Another ed. Lond. repr. 1766, 4 pr. Is. and 69 pp. 8*' 617 Considerations, etc. 2nd (London) ed. hf mor, Lond. 1766, 3 pr. Is. and 81 pp. 8° 618 Considerations (Some) humbly offer' d upon the Bill now depending in the House of Lords, relating to the Trade be- tween the Northern Colonies and the Sugar Islands, hf mor. [Lond.] 1732, 19 pp. 8« 619 Considerations on behalf of the Colonists Lond. 1765, 8<* Title, and 52 pp. 620 Considerations, etc. 2nd ed. Lond. 1765, 8° ^ Title, and 52 pp. 621 Considerations on the Nature and Extent of the Legislative Authority of the British Parliament, hf. mor. Philadelphia, Will.^ Tho. Bradford, 1774, iv and 35pp.8o 70 THIRD day's sale. 622 Considerations on the Dispute now depending before tlie Honourable House of Commons, between the British South- ern and Northern Plantations in America, lif. onor, Lond. 1731, 8« Title, and 30 pp. 623 Considerations on the Trade and Finances of this Kingdom, 2nd ed. with interesting MS. notes Lond. 1766, 4i^ Title, and pp. 3-119. 624 Considerations, etc. 3rd ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1769, 239 pp. 8*^ 625 Considerations upon the Present State of our Affairs at Home and Abroad Lond. 1739, 8« Title, and pp. 3-39. 626 Considerations upon the Eights of the Colonists to the Privileges of British Subjects, lif. mm\ New York, John LLoU, 1766, 2 pr. Is. and 27 pp. 8« 627 Constitutional Law : comprising the Declaration of Inde- pendence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitutions of the several States composing the Union, bds. uncut Washington, Gales Sf Seaton, 1820, 2 pr. Is. and 409 pp. 12^ 628 Constitutions (The) of the Sixteen States which compose the Confederated Eepublic of America, according to the latest amendments Neichurgh, David L>eji7iisto?i, 1800, 288 pp. 12" 629 Constitutions (The) of the several Independent States of America, the Declaration of Independence, etc. The whole arranged, with a Preface and Dedication, by the Eev. "Will. Jackson, half calf Lond. 1783, 8^^ Portrait of Washing-ton. 18 prel. leaves, and 472 pp. 630 Constitutions (The) of the several Independent States of America, the Declaration of Independence, etc. published by Order of Congress, hf. mor, Philadelphia printed, Lond. repr. 1783, 8" Portrait of Benjamin Franklin. Title, ' In Congress,' 1 page ; *The Editor's Advertisement,' pp. v-viii; text, 168 pp.; 'Appendix,' pp. 169-189; 'A List of the Presidents,' etc. 1 leaf. 631 Constitutions (The) of the United States, according to the latest amendments, etc. ; also, the Amendments to the Con- stitution of Maryland, not in any former edition Philadelphia, Bol. Camphell, 1800, 12° Title and contents, 2 leaves ; ' Declaration,' etc. v-xxiv ; text, pp. 5-272. 632 Contestacion Eapida al Discurso Opinado que Pronuncid uu M. con Motive de la Plancha que el Gr. Cons. Circulo a las U. simb. del rito esc. sobre el nuevo, Juramento exigido y demas de su contenido, hf. mor. Hahana, 5821 [1821] 15 pp. 4P THIRD day's sale. 71 633 Controversy (The) between Great Britain and her Colonies Eeviewed, hf. mor. Boston, Mein and Flee7ning, 1769, 8<* Title, and pp. 3-100. By Will. Knox, Under Secretary of State for American Affairs. 634 Conway (General) The Speech of, on moving in the House of Commons (May 5th, 1780), " That leave be given to bring in a Bill for Quieting the Troubles now reigning in the British Colonies in America," hf, mor. Lond. 1781, 2 pr. Is. and 51 pp. 8« 635 Cooke (Edward) A Voyage to the South Sea, and round the World, perform'd in the years 1708, 1709, 1710 and 1711, 2 vols. Lond. 1712, 8^ Vol. I. Title; dedication, 2 leaves; contents, 2 leaves; introduction, 6 leaves; and text, 432 pp.; index^ 5 leaves ; with 18 plates at pp. 23, 25, 84, 99, 108, 114, 119, 127, 147, 162, 163, 252, 300, 306, 312, 316, 322, 325 ; a Map of the World at p. 1, and Map of the River Amazon at p. 248. II. Title, dedication, and contents, 4 leaves; introduction, xxiv pp. ; text, 328 pp. ; index, 4 leaves ; 3 Journal Tables at pp. 3, QQ, 92. 636 Cook (James). An Abridgement of Captain Cook's last Voyage, performed in the years 1776-80, extracted from the 4to. edition in 3 vols, by Capt. King Lond. 1784, frontisp. and 465 pp. 12« 637 Coole (A) Conference between the Scottish Commissioners Cleared Beformation, and the Holland Ministers Apologeti- call Narration, hf. mor. 1644, 4P Nine prel. leaves and 18 pp. 638 Cooper (Eev. Mr.) The History of North America Lond. [1780 ?, date cut off^ 12° Four prel. leaves and pp. 13-184. Frontispiece and plates at pp. 60, 70, 82, 127, 180. 639 Cooper. Another ed. Lond. 1789, 12° Frontispiece, title, preface, and contents, 5 leaves; text, 184 pp. 5 plates. 640 Cooper. 2nd American ed. calf Lansinghurgh, Silvester Tiffany, 1795, V2P Four prel. leaves and 159 pp. Copper-plate frontispiece and plates at pp. 44,55,66, 108, 156. 641 Cooper (Eev. Mr.) The History of South America Bennington., Anth. Haswell, for Tho. Spencer, [1793], 12^ Six prel. leaves, and 168 pp. Copper plates, ' A. Reed, sculpt. 1793,' at pp. 48, 61, 105,153, 166, The copper plates are curious as specimens of American book illustrations of this period. 642 Cooper (Thomas), President of the College, South Carolina, Some Information respecting America, hf mor. Lond, 1794, 8° Four prel. and 240 pp. * Errata,' 1 page. With Map of the Middle States of America, 12|^by 18^ inches. 643 Cooper (Thomas). 2nd ed. Lond. 1795, 8° Four prel. and 240 pp. With Map of the Middle States of America, 12^ by 18| inches. 72 THIRD day's sale. 644! Cooper (William) The Doctrine of Predestination unto Life Explained and Vindicated, old calf Boston printed : London, repr. 1765, title, and 146 pp. 12° 615 Coppinger (Jose) Manifesto, que demostrando el injusto y violento proceder que se ha observado en San Augustin de riorida, despojandole de Orden de la Autoridad gobernante, de los Archives de su Gobierno y otros papeles, despues de la Entrega de la Provincia a los Estados IJnidos de America, hf. mor. Mladeljla, Juan F. Rurtel, 1821, 8° Half title, title, and pp. 5-36. 646 Coreal (Erancois) Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, depuis 1666, jusqu'en 1697. Avec une Relation de la Gruiane de "Walter Ealeigh, et le Voyage de Narborough a la Mer du Sud par le Detroit de Magellan, &c. Nouvelle Edition, revCle, corrigee, et augmentee, 2 vols, old calf Paris, 1722, 8« Vol. I. title ; text 438 pp..; table 4 pp. ; privilege 2 pp. Map at p. 1 and plates at pp, 50, 157, 304, 324, 326, 352. Vol: II. Title and 406 pp. ; table 2 pp.; 3 maps. The existence of Francis Correal has been doubted by some writers, but his bondjides is believed in by Mr. Rich. 647 Cornelius (Elias) The Little Osage Captive, an Authentic Narrative : to which are added some interesting Letters written by Indians York, 1824, frontisp. and 182 pp. 12*^ 648 Cornwallis (Earl) . An Answer to the Narrative of Lieut.- Gen. Sir Hen. Clinton Zond. 1783, S^ • Title ; Introduction, xvi pp. ' Contents,' 3 leaves, and text 260 pp. ' Errata * 8 lines on a slip of paper. With ' State of the Troops in Virginia, to face p. 236,' a folded sheet. The work comprises the correspondence of the noble commanders during the North American Campaign of 1781. 649 Coronado (Carlos Vasquez). Por Don Carlos Vazquez Coro- nado, vezino de Guatimala. Con El Senor Eiscal. Sobre los treynta y vn mil Tostones, en que se le remato el Officio de Alguazil mayor de la Audiecia de Guatimala, para don Antonio Vasquez Coronado su hijo, hf. nwr. [1632], 5 leaves, folio 650 Correa (Diego). El Ciudadano Don Diego Correa al Escmo. Sr. Capitan General Gefe Superior Politico, etc. etc. etc. Cuarta edicion, gratis, hf. mor. Hdbana, 1822, en la oficina Liberal, 13 pp. 8° 651 Correa (Juan Nunez). El Eey. Lo qve por mi mandado se assieta, y concierta con luan Nunez Correa Portugues, vezino de la ciudad de Lisboa, sobre la haberia que en las ciudades de Seuilla, Cadiz, y otras partes, se cobra de todo el oro, y plata, piedras, perlas y joyas, y otras cosas que vienen de las Indias : y de todas las mercaderias que van a ellas, y a las Islas del mar Oceano, hf. mor. [Bated] Valladolidj 26 Sept. 1603, 15 leaves, folio 73 652 Corro (Juan del). Porraa de el nvevo beneficio de metales de plata, por el Capitan de luan del Corro, lif. mor. [Dated] Potosi, y Jimio 24, 167G, 4 leaves, folio 653 Corry ( Jolm) The Life of George "Washington, and of the Most Eminent Men who effected the American Revolution Lond. 1800, 8° Two hundred and twenty-eight pp. Index 3 pp. Portrait of Washington. '654 Cortes (Hernando). Ferdinandi Cortesii Yon dem Newen Hispanieu, so im Meer gegem Mdergang, Zwo gautz lustige vnnd fruchtreiche Historien, an den groszmachtigisten vnii- berwindtlichisten Herren, Carolum. V. Eomischen Kaiser etc. Kiinig in Hispanien, eta. fine copy Augspiirg, Fhilipp VlJiart, 1550, folio Six prel. leaves. Text in xxxix folioed leaves, followed by one blank and two leaves not numbered, and folios i to Ix. This edition in German con- tains at the end several letters concerning the settlements of Germans in Spanish America not found in the Latin or Spanish editions. 655 CoETES (Heenando). Historia de Nueva-Espana, escrita por su esclarecido Conquistador Hernan Cortes, aumentada con otros Documentos, y Notas. Por el Ilustrissimo Senor Don Erancisco Antonio Lorenzana, Arzobispo de Mexico, vellum Mexico, 1770, folio Eleven prel. leaves including the title, frontispiece, dedication, Prologue and erratas ; copper-plate map; *Viagede Hernan Cortes,' 16 pp. j copper- plate ' El Grande Templo de Mexico ;' text 400 pp. Between pp. 176 and 177 is a title, 'Cordillera de los Pueblos,' etc. with 31 copper-plates, re- presenting Mexican Hieroglyphics; Indices 9 leaves. Map of California in 1541 at page 329. The three celebrated and highly important Letters of Cortes are here reproduced. 656 CoETES (Heenando) Carta de Belacion, embiada a su Sacra- magestad del Emperador Nuestro Senor, por el Capitan General de la Nueva-Espana, uncui absque notd, folio Text, pp. 1 — 128 without separate title. From Barcia's Hintoriados Primitlvos. 657 Cortes (Hernando) Correspondance avec L'Empereur Charles- Quint, sur la Conquete du Mexique. Trad, par M. le Vi- comte de Elavigny Suisse, 1779, 487 pp. 8« 658 Cortes, Correspondance ; another ed. calf PariSf 12*^ Half-title, title, Epitre, Avis, and Sommaires, 26 pp. and 508 pp. of text, with 2 sequent leaves. 659 Cortes (Hernando) The Despatches of, now first translated into English from the original Spanish, with an Introduc- tion and Notes, by George Eolsom, one of the Secretaries of the New York Historical Society, etc. laeqe papee, Ids. uncut New Torlc : Lond. 1843, 8« Twelve prel. pp. Introduction 36 pp. Text 431 pp. 659* — Another copy, small paper, tree marlled calf gilt, mirb, edges y by JRiviere ib, .18-13, S** L 74 THIRD day's sale. 660 Cosmopolita (El), Prospecto and ^o. 1, July 18 to No. 9, Sept. 21, 1822 Santiago de Chile, 1822, 4P Prospecto in 4 pp. Nos. 1 to 8 in 8 pp. each, and No. 9 in 16 pp. 661 Coste (John Francis) Oratio Habita in Capitolio Gulielmo- politano in Comitiis Universitatis Virgin isB, die xii Juuii M.DCc.Lxxxii, lif. mor. Lugd. Bat. 1783, 8° Half-title, title, dedication to Washington, 3 leaves; text, 103 pp. 662 Cotton (Joh^-) Gtods Peomise to His Plantation, 2 Sam. vii. 10, red morocco, hy Bedford London, hy William Jones, for Johi Bellamy, 1630, 4'^ Title, reverse blank; 'To the Christian Reader,' 2 leaves, signed 'I. H.'; text, 20 pp. 663 Cotton (John) The Churches Eesurrection, or the Opening of the fift and sixt verses of the 20th chap, of the Eevelation, corrected by his own hand, green morocco^ hy Hayday Lond.for Henry Overton, 1642, 30 pp. 4° 664 Cotton (John) The Powring ovt of the Seven Yials ; or an Exposition of the 16 chapter of the Eevelation, -^vith an Application of it to our Times Lond. 1642, 4^ Title; 'To the Christian Reader,' 1 leaf, signed * I. H.'; and text, 35, 24, 24,43, 16, 14, and 19 pp. 665 Cotton (John) The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Power thereof, according to the A'Yord of God, vellum Bond. M. Simmons, for Sen. Overton, 16i4, 4^ Title ; ' To the Reader,' 5 leaves, signed ' Tho. Goodwin, Philip Nye ;' text, 59 pp. 666 Cotton (John) The Keyes, etc. 2nd ed. vellum Lond. M. Simmons, for Hen. Overton, 1644, 4° Title; 'To the Reader,' 5 leaves, signed 'Tho. Goodwin, Philip Nye;' text, 59 pp. 667 Cotton (John) The "Way of the Churches of Christ in New England, vellum Bond. Mattli. Simmons, 1645, 4° Title ; ' 1[ The Epistle to the Reader,' 5 pages, signed ' N. H., I. H.' ; text, 116 pp.; and table, 2 leaves. 668 Cotton (John) The "Way of the Churches, another ed. Lond. Matth. Simmons, 1645, 4° Four prel. leaves ; viz. Title, reverse blank ; ' The Epistle to the Reader,' etc. signed ' N. H., I. H.' 5 pp.; text, 116 pp.; 'An Alphabeticall Table,* etc. 3 pp. 669 Cotton (John) The Bloudt Tenent, "Washed, and made ■white in the Bloud of the Lambe ; being discussed and dis- charged of bloud-guiltinesse by just defence : wherein the great questions of this present time are handled, viz. How farre Liberty of Conscience ought to be given to those that truly fe'are G-od ? etc. Whereunto is added a Eeply to Mr. [E-oger] Williams Answer to Mr. Cottons Letter, very fine large copy, old calf Lond. Mattli. Symmons,for Hannah Allen, 1647, 4° Title; and text, 195 pp, * A Reply to Mr. Williams,' 144 pp. THIED day's sale. 75 670 Cotton (John). Severall Qvestions of serious and necessary Consequence, propounded by the Teaching Elders unto M. lohn Cotton of Boston in New England, with his re- spective Answer to each Question, lif. mor. Lond.for Thomas Banks, 1647, 4*^ Title, and 10 pp. 671 Cotton (John) SiNama of Psalmes a G-ospel Ordinance, nearly uncut Lond. hy M. S. for Hannah Allen, 1647, 4P Title, and 72 pp. 672 Cotton (John) Singing of Psalmes, etc. another ed. hf. ef. Lond. 1650, 4° Title, and 72 pp. 673 Cotton (John) Of the Holinesse of Church-Members, hf, mor. Lond.for Hanna Allen, 1650, 4** Title; dedication, 2 pages, signed ' John Cotton;* text, 95 pp. 674 Cotton (John) An Absteact or Laws and G-oyernment, wherein as in a Mirrour may be seen the Wisdom and Per- fection of the Grovernment of Christs Kingdome ; now pub- lished after his [Cotton's] death, by William Aspinwall Lond. hy M. iS.for Livewel Chapman, 1655, 4P Title ; * To the Reader,' 3 leaves, signed ' Will. Aspinwall;' text, 35 pp.; 'An Analysis of Lawes and Government accomodated to New England,' with errata, 2 pp. 675 Cotton (John) A Brief Exposition, with Practical Obser- vations upon the whole Book of Canticles, never before printed, published by Anthony Tuckney, D.D. fine copy, original hinding Lond.for Balph Smith, 1655, 8** Half-title, imprimatur, and title, 3 leaves ; * To the Reader,' 5 leaves, signed * Anthony Tuckney;' text, 238 pp. 676 Cotton (John) An Exposition upon the Thirteenth Chapter of the Kevelation ; taken from his mouth in short-writing Lond.for L. Chapman, 1655, 4P Title ; To the Reader, signed by Thomas Allen, 4 pages ; text, 262 pp. ; fol- lowed by one blank leaf and 3 leaves of Table and Errata. 677 Cotton (John) A Briefe Exposition, with Practical Obser- vations upon the whole Booke of Ecclesiastes, the second impression, corrected, ^;2e copy, old calf Lond. ly W. IV. for Ralph Smith, 1657, 8^ Title ; dedication, 3 leaves, signed by Anthony Tuckney ; text, 258 [for 260] pp. 678 Cotton (John) A Treatise of the Covenant of G-race, as it is dispensed to the Elect Seed, effectually unto Salvation ; being the substance of divers Sermons preached upon Acts 7, 8 ; the second edition, by a copy far larger then the former, and corrected also by the Authors own hand, calf Lond. hy Ja. Cottrel,for John Allen, 1659, 16" Twelve prel. leaves and 250 pp. 76 THIED day's sale. 679 Cotton (John) Covenant of Grace, corrected, and very much enlarged, bj the Author's own hand, 3rd ed. Lond. for Peter Parker, 1671, 8« On the reverse of the title, 'To the Reader;' * A Table of the Contents/ 7 leaves ; and text, 223 pp. 680 Cotton (Eowland) Cain's Lamentations over Abel, in Six Books, 3rd ed JVew York : Wayland and Davis, for tlie Autlior, 1795, 12° Two hundred and thirty-nine pa^es ; ' A List of Subscribers' Names, Phila- delphia,' 9 pp. 681 Cowdell (Thomas D.) A Poetical Journal of a Tour from British North America to England, with Two Pieces of the Intended Jubilee, uncut Duhlin, 1809, 76 pp. 12*^ 682 Coxe (Daniel). A Description of the English Province of Carolana, by the Spaniards call'd Elorida, and by the Erench La Louisiane ; as also of the great and famous Biver Meschacebe or Missisipi, the five vast navigable lakes of fresh water, and the parts adjacent Lond. for B. Cowse, 1722, 8^ Title ; ' The Preface,' 25 leaves; ' The Contents,' 1 leaf; * Map of Carolana,' etc. 22 by 17 inches; and text, 122 pp. 683 Coxe (Daniel) Description of Carolana, another ed. old calf Lond. Olive Payne, 1741, 8« Twenty-seven prel. leaves; map; text, 122 pp. This and the preceding- edition are alike, with the exception of the title- pag'es. 681< Coxe (Tench) Commissioner of Bevenue, PhiladelpJiia, A View of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written at various times between the years 1787 and 1794, calf Philadelphia, 2)rinied 1794i; Lond. repr. 1795, S^ Eight prel. leaves — viz, title; prefatory note, pp. iii-x; table, pp. xi-xiv. Book I. 1 leaf; and text, 512 pp. 685 Coxe (William) Account of the Eussian Discoveries between Asia and America, 4th ed. enlarged, calf Lond, 1803, 8° xxiv and 500 pp.; * List of the principal Books,' etc. 3 pp.; 6 maps. 686 Craig (N. B.) History of Pittsburgh, cloth, 2 ma])s Pittsburgh, 1S51, 312 pp. 12« 687 Crawford (Charles) An Essay on the Propagation of the Grospel, in which there are numerous facts and arguments adduced to prove that many of the Indians in America are descended from the Ten Tribes, 2nd ed. hds. uncut Philadelphia, James Humphreys, 1801, 154 pp. 8*^ 688 Crisis (The) of the Colonies considered, with some Ob- servations on the Necessity of properly connecting their Commercial Interest with Great Britain and America Lotid. 1785, 8« Title; dedication, pp. iii-v; To Lord Penrhyn, pp. vii-viii ; text, 38 pp. eijrned ' John Williams.' THIED day's sale. 77 689 Cetjsius (Martin) D. Solomoni Sehvveigkero Sultzensi, qui Constantinopoli in Aula Legati Imp. Horn, aliquot Annos Ecclesiasta I'uit; et in Aegjpto, Palsestina, Syria, pere- grinatus est, cum Descriptione illius peregrinationis, calf ' extra^ hy Bedford Argent. Mc. Vvyriot, 1582, 18 leaves, 4P 690 Cuba, Original Papers relating to the Expedition to the Island of, Jf mor. Lond. 1744, 8° Half-title, title, and pp. 5-219. 691 CrEYAS, Aguiree y Espiis^osa (Joseph Eran Cisco de) Extracto de los autos de diligencias, j reconocimientos de los E-ios, Lagunas, Yertientes y Desagues de la Capital Mexico y su yalle,^/ze cojjy Mexico, por la Viuda de D. Joseph Bernardo de Hogal, 1748, folio Title in red and black within a light border, having' a * Soneto'' on the re- verse; text, 71 pag-es. At page 42 is a Map 14 by 16^ inches, engraved on copper by Antonio Morino of Mexico, entitled, ' Mapa de las Aguas que por el Circulo de 90 leguas uienen a la Laguna de Tescuco y de la Esten- Bion que esta ylade Chalco tenian sacado del que en el Siglo antecedents deligneo D*". Carlos de Siguenza,' This book is of the utmost topographical and historical importance. 692 Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho (Joze Joaquim da) Ensaio Economico sobre o Comercio de Portugal e svias Colonias Zisboa, 1794, 6 prel. leaves and 153 pp. 4P 693 Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho (Joze Joaquim da) A political Essay on the Commerce of Portugal and her Colonies, par- ticularly of Brasil, hds. uncut Lond. 1801, 8° Nine prel. leaves; text 198 pp. [wanting pp. 1-6] ; ' Errata' 2 pp. 694 Cure (A.) for the Spleen. Being the Substance of a Conver- sation on the Times, taken in short Hand, by Sir Eoger de Qowevlyjfine copy, half morocco America, 1775, title and pp. 3-32, 8° The scene of this Conversation is laid near Boston, and the book is an amus- ing Exposition of the Grievances and Politics of the Colonies. On page 30 of this copy are four lines of tlie text with this manuscript note at the bottom of the page, " From this to the conclusion of the period is omitted in all the vendible Impressions, as the printer was a woman and ashamed'* [illegible]. 695 Curtis (Martin) The Arte oe JSTAViaATioisr, first writ- ten in the Spanish tongue, from thence Translated into English by Eichard Eden : and now newly Corrected and inlarged, with many necessarie Tables, Eules, and Instruc- tions, for the more easie attaining to the knowledge of Na- uigation. By John Tapp, calf Lond. for Lohi Tapp, 1609, 4» Title, reverse blank ; Dedication to Sir William Wade signed by John Tapp, 4 pp.; 'To the Reader,' 1 page ; * How to use the next table' 1 page; ♦ A Table ' 1 page; Kalendar 7 pp. ; text in black letter, 157 pp.; ' Table of the Chapters ' 4 pp. Lowndes does not refer to the sale of any copy, nor is the work mentioned at all bj llich. 78 THIRD DATZ'S SAEE. 696 CiJSACK (Q-eoege). The G-rand Pyrate ; Or, the Life and Death of Capt. Greorge Cvsack the great Sea-Bobber, toge- ther with his Tryal, Coudemnation, and Exeevtion, j^^ze copi/, Tialfcalf Lond. Jon. Edwin, 1676, 31 pp. 4P Cusack was much in New-Eng-land and Virginia. 697 Dalcho (Frederick) of Charlestoion. An Historical Account of the Scottish Episcopal Church, in South- Carolina, calf Charleston : E. Thayer, 1820, 8° viii and 613 pp. Subscribers names 3 pp. 698 Dampier (William). Capt. Dampier's Vindication of his Voyage to the South-Seas in the Ship St. George. With some small Observations for the Present on Mr. Eunnell's Chimerical Eelation of the Voyage Eound the AVorld, half calf Lond. [1707], 4^ Eig-bt pp. without a separate title. The date is erroBeously printed 2707. 699 Dampiee (William). A Collection of Voyages. Con- taining I. Captain Dampier's Voyages round the World. II. The voyages of Lionel Wafer. III. Capt. Dampier's Expedition into the South-Seas. IV. Capt. Cowley's Voy- age round the Grlobe. V. Capt. Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien, and into the South Seas. VI. Capt. Wood's Voyage through the Streights of Magellan. VII. Mr. Hoberts's Adventures and Sufferings amongst the Cor- sairs of the Levant, 4 vols. Lond. 1729, 8° This is generally considered the best edition of Dampier's Voyages, though it contains much that Dampier not only had no hand in writing, but against which he protested. (See preceding article). The truth appears to be that he was at the mercy of his publisher, Knapton, who used Dampier's saleable volumes as mules for carrying oif his unsaleable stock. Volumes I. and II. of this edition are reprints of the earlier editions, page for page, and with the same plates and maps, except that in the first volume, the publisher has suppressed Dampier's Dedication to Charles Mountague, Pre- sident of the Royal Society, to make room for a second title, " A New Voyage round the World," etc. " The Seventh Edition Corrected," which here occupies A 2. Vol. III. is a reprint of Dampier's third volume, de- scribed below (No. 700), but in a broader page, and paged continuously. It has eight preliminary leaves, and the text is paged 1 to 260, including the Index. The plates are the same as in the previous editions. Beyond this Dampier had nothing to do with the work. The remaining half of this third volume consists of a reprint of Wafer's Voyage, which is here called The Third Edition. It contains title and pages 263 to 4C3, followed by 9 pages of Index. The map and the three plates are the same as in the first and second Editions, published also by Knapton in 1699 and 1704. Volume IV. contains Funnell's Voyage, exactly as described in No. 897, with a new title, thus working in bodily the remainder of the edition of 1707, against which Dampier protested. [See No. 698.] To this are added reprints of Cowley's, Sharp's, AVood's, and Roberts' Voyages, filling 175 pp. and 6 pp. of Index, with 5 maps. In some copies, however, Funnell's Voyage is reprinted with the same maps and plates, but in a closer tyjie, it being in 8 prel. leaves, 208 pages of text, Avith 8 pages of Index. With these facts in view, it seems to the writer that it is better to have Dampier undefiled, and therefore the best editions of Dampier are his three volumes as originally published. Then let the other works by Fun- iiell. Wafer, Sharp, etc. staud on their own merits, in their own editions, under their own names. THIED "day's sale. 79 700 Dampier. The same, ^rst and best edition, 3 vols, maps and plates Land. Knapton, 1697-99-1703, 8° Vol. /I. 5 prel. leaves (including title), text 550 pp., Errata 1 pag-e, Books sold by Knapton 3 pp. ; 5 maps, before title and at pp 1, 25, 282, and 381. Vol. II. 4 prel. leaves (including title), text, part I. 184 pp., part II. 132 pp., part III. 2 leaves and 112 pp., Index and Errata 37 leaves, Catalog-ue of Books 1 leaf; 4 maps. Vol. III. 12 prel. leaves (including- title, text 162 pp.; Index 9 pp.; " BooLs printed by Knapton " 5 pp. j 10 plates. 701 — The same, Srd ed. of Vols. I. II., 1st ed. of Vol. III. Vols. I. and II. same as 1st ed. with errata corrected; Vol. III. as in No. 700. In subsequent editions a second part has been added to Vol. 3. 702 Dampier (William) The Voyages and Adventures of, 2 vols. Lond. 1776, 8« Vol. I. Title; ' Preface * 2 pp.; text pp. 5-454. II. Title ; text pp. 3-396. This edition contains only the three volumes written by Dampier himself, and is without Maps or Plates. In the Preface the Editor says, " The first edition of Dampier's Voyages was published by himself, but not in the same order they were performed, which has a little perplexed the narrative ; the language is now partly become obsolete, which renders the perusal more difficult to common readers ; and the edition is now also ex- tremely scarce. To ren:iedy these inconveniences, the chronological order wherein the series of events happened is observed in this Edition ; all old phrases and expressions are modernized ; and to render this publication still more acceptable to naturalists and geographers, where our author has only given the common country names of natural subjects, the present systematical names are added without altering his descriptions, which have always been quoted as of the greatest authority by writers on Natural History, and the names of places are corrected according to the modern spelling of the latest geographers." 703 Dampier (William) Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde, 5 vols. Amsterdam^ 1717, 12^* Vol. I. 7 prel. leaves, including the engraved title ; Text 408 pp. Table 12 leaves. Maps or plates at pp. 1, 6, 58, 119, 294, 345, (2), 370. Vol.11, engraved title and 2 prel. leaves; 396 pp. and Table 5 leaves; Maps or plates at pp. 74, 75, 77, 79, 117, 273, 275 (2), 339. Vol. III. 4 prel. leaves ; 393 pp. and Table 10 pp. Maps or plates at pp. 1, 3, 69, 218, 227 (2), 356, 361. Vol. IV. 10 prel. leaves; 309 pp. and 15 pp. of Table and errata. Maps or plates at pp. 1, 4, 15, 41, 85, 106, 110, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145 (2), 149, 169, 221, 248, 286. Vol. V. 2 prel. leaves; Text 363 pp. Table 23 pp. followed by 1 leaf containing the Privileges. Maps or plates at pp. 1, 10, 28, 51, 74, 70, 81, 84, 90, 95, 108, 123, 127, 135, 139, 166,255,305, 325. 704 Dampier (William) Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde, 5 vols. Bouen, 1723, 12« This edition is a reprint of the preceding, page for page. The plates are the same, and from the same coppers. 705 Dana (James), Fastor of the First Church, Wallingford. A Sermon preached before the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, at Hartford on the Day of the Anniversary Election, May 13, 1779, uncut Hartford : Hudson and Goodwin, 1779, 47 pp. 8° 706 Danforth (John) The Blackness of Sins against Light, im- perfect, wanting all after page 34 Boston, Timothy Green, 1710, 1'2P so THIED DAT'S sale. 707 D'Anvers (Caleb) Some Eartlier Bemarlrs on a late Pam- phlet, intitled Observations on the Conduct of Great- Britain Lond. EiCHARD Prais'CKLIN, 1729, title and 38 pp. 8° 708 Darien. Act for a Company Trading to x^frica and the In- dies, June 26, 1695 Eclinb. 1696, 7 pp. folio Tfeitlier this, nor the four following articles are mentioned by Ilieh. 709 Darien. An Act of the Parliament of Scotland for Erecting an East-India Company in that KiDgdom, half calf JEdinb. re])r. London, [1695], title and 8 pp. folio 710 Darien. A Letter from a Member of the Parliament of Scot- land, concerniog their Late Act for Establishing a Company of that Kingdom Tradeing to Africa and the Indies Lond. 1695, title and 14 pp, folio 711 Darien. A Perfect List of the several Persons Eesidenters in Scotland, who have Subscribed as Adventurers in the Joynt-Stock of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies Edinh. 1696, folio Title and 14 pp. of Names. 712 Darien. An Exact List of all the Men, "Women, and Boys that Died on Board the Indian and African Company's Elect, during their Voyage from Scotland to America, and since their Landing in Caledonia, If. mar. Edinh. 1699, fol. A broad sheet printed on one side. 713 Darien. A Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien, Jialf oner, JEdinb, 1699, 8° On the reverse of the Title, * Errata,' 2 lines. Dedication 3 leaves, signed * Philo-Caledon.' Text 86 pp. 714 Darien. A Defence of the Scots Abdicating Darien : includ- ing An Answer to the Defence of the Scot's Settlement there. Authore Britanno sed Dunensi, hf mor. [Edinb.'] 1700, 120 Six prel. leaves, viz. Title, and Dedication signed ' Phil. Scot.' Text 50 pp. This Pamphlet -was ordered by the Parliament of Scotland to be burnt. See Scotch Acts, William III. 9th Session. 715 Darien. A Supplement of Original Papers and Letters, re- lating to the Scots Company Trading to Africa and the Indies, half mor. 1700, 16 pp. 8« 716 Daeinel de Tieel. La Sphere des deux mondes, com- posee en Erangois, par Dariuel pasteur des Amadis. Auec vn Epithalame, que le mesme Autheur ha faict, sur les nopces et mariage de Tresillustre, et Serenissime Prince, Don Philippe E,oy de Angleterre, etc. half calf Anvers, Le. Lticliartj 1555, 4P Four prel. and 58 folioed leaves, followed by a Colophon leaf. Signatures of text A to Piij. folio 58 erroneouslj- numbered 57. 19 woodcut maps. A folding Map (N iij.) between fohos 50 and 51. 717 Dartmouth College, Sketches of the History of, 1779 to 1815, uncut 88 pp. 8« THIllD day's sale. 81' 718 Dartmodth College, A Vindication of the Official Conduct of the Trustees of, [in Answer to preceding], uncut Concord, Geo. Hough, 1815, 101 pp. 8« 719 Davenport (John), Faster, Newhaven, The Power of Con- gregational Churches Asserted and Vindicated, in Answer to a Treatise of Mr. J. Paget, Intitutled The Defence of Church- G-overnment exercised in Classes and S5'nods, calf extra, hy Bedford Lond. 1672, 16« Five prel. leaves, viz, title, To the Reader, signed * M. N.' and ' Tertull. de prsescr. adv. Hseret. Cap. 21,' 2 pp. ; text, 179 pp. 720 Davenport (John) The Saints Anchor-Hold, in all Storms and Tempests. Preached in Sundry Sermons, j^we copy Lond. 1661, 12° Four prel. leaves, viz. title. Preface signed * William Hooke, Joseph Caryl, and Errata, 1 page j text, 231 pp. 721 Davenport (John) The Saints Anchor- Hold, in all Storms and Tempests. Preached in Sundry Sermons, /^Z6 copy Lond. JBenj. Harris, 1701, 12^ Title ; Preface, 3 pp. signed * W. H. J. C and 4 verses 1 page, signed ' B. H.'; text, 156 pp. 722 Davidson (G-eorge) The Case of the Caribbs in St. Vincent's [Lond. 1787], 12^ Twenty-three pp. At page 21, signed ' George Davidson.' Probably pri- vately printed. 723 Davie (John Constanse) Letters from Paraguay : describing the Settlements of Monte Video and Buenos Ayres ; the residences of Eioja Minor, Nombre de Dios, St. Mary and St. John, &c. bds, Lond. 1805, 300 pp. 8« 724i Daa^es (John) The History or the Caribby-Islands, viz. Barbados, S* Christophers, S<^ Vincents, Martinico, Domi- nico, Barbouthos, Monserrat, Mevis, Autego, &c. in all XXVIII. In Two Books. The Pirst containing the Natural ; the Second, the Moral History of those Islands. With a Caribbian-Vocabvlary, old calf Lond. for Thomas Bring and John StarJcey, 1666, fol. Four prel. leaves ; viz. Title, Dedication, and Preface; text, 351 pp. *A Caribbian Vocabulary,' 5 leaves; Table, 3 leaves. A considerable part of the impression was destroyed in the Great Fire of London ; hence its rarity. 725 Davila (Gil G-onzalez) Teatro Eclesiastico de la Primitiva - -Iglesia de las Indias Occidentales, Vidas de svs Arzobispos, Obispos, y Cosas memorables de svs Sedes. 2 vols. Madrid, Diego Diaz de la Carrera, 1649-1655, fol. Vol. I. 7 prel. leaves and 308 pp. with 4 seq. leaves. 16 extra leaves are in- serted as titles, etc. in the text. There is a Map engraved on copper at p. 105. Vol. II. 1035. 8 prel. and 119 folioed leaves. This book abounds with curious statistics and memoranda of memorable occurrences, and of the first introduction of arts and letters, printing-, etc. See p. 7, etc. The Vocabularies are also highly valuable. M 82 THTED DAY'S BALE. 726 Day (Jeremiah), Fastor, New Freston. The Divine Eight of Infant Baptism, concisely proved from the Holv Scriptures. A Sermon Litchfield, Tho, Collier, 1790, 43 pp. 8<> 727 Deane (John) A Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Notting- ham-Galley, [in her A^oyage to Boston]. Puhlish^d in 1711. Bevis'd, and Eeprinted with Additions in 1726, lif. moroccoy thick paper [London] 24 pp. 8<* . 728 Deane (John) Narrative, 5th ed. [Lond.l 1762, 2 prel. leaves and 28 pp. 8» 729 Deane (Silas) An Address to the United States of North America, half morocco Land. 1784, 8* Title and Advertisement, 2 leaves; text, 95 pp. This is the author's vindication of himself from a charge of mismanagement of the public money. 730 De Bow (J. D. B.) Industrial Eesources, etc. of the Southern and Western States, 4 vols, cloth New Orleans, 1853,2216 pp. 8^ 731 De Castro (Henriquez), or, the Conquest of the Indies. A Spanish Novel, calf Lond. [1685], 12° Six prel. leaves j viz. License, Title, Advertisement, and some book sprinted; text, 167 pp. 732 Decker (Adolf) Divkis^al Y^^) Histoeische Bescheet- BiiNG DER Nassawischek" Plotten so vnder dem Admiral Jacob rileremite umb die gantze welt gefahren ist, Im 1623, 1624, 1625, vnd 1626, Jahr. very fine copy Stra^hurg^ Eherhard Zetzners, 1629, 4P Six prel. leaves including engraved and printed title pages ; text, 68 pp. Maps and plates at pp. 24, 28, 34, 45, 50, 52, 56, 60. This original edition is highly prized, particularly by possessors of the collec- tions of Voyages by HcLSius and De Bry, both of whom reprinted Decker. 000 Declaration of the Persecution of the Quakers in New Eng- land. See Burroughs (Ldw.) 733 Definitive (The) Treaty of Peace between His Britannick Majesty and the King of Spain, 10th Peb. 1763. To which. The King of Portugal acceded on the same Day Lo?id. 1763, 48 pp. 4° 734 Delafield (John) An Inquiry into the origin of the Anti- quities of America. With an Appendix. By James Lakey, M.D. morocco Cincinnati, N. G. Burgess Sf Co, 1839, 4<* One hundred and forty-two pp. With 10 plates at pp. 17, 30, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 55, 61, and large folding plate to face the title. 735 Jye\?iToc\\e{Fetev), Missionary. The Gospel of Christ preached to the Poor, half morocco Lunenburg, \_Nova Scotia] Printed, at the Author s expence, to he given and not to be sold, 1773, 8** Five prel. leaves ; viz. Title, Dedication, and To the Reader ; text, 99 pp. TniRD day's sale. 83 736 Dennis (John) Liberty Asserted. A Tragedy, half morocco Land. 1704, 4'^ Seven prel. leaves and 64 pp. The scene of this Tragedy lies at Agnie in Canada. The principal characters Governor Frontenac (French) and Ge- neral Beaufort (English). The author, a man of consummate vanity, deemed his censure of the French, in this Tragedy, to have been so severe, that he supplicated the government to have him mentioned by name in a sub- sequent treaty of peace with France, lest the French Kiug should demand his extradition. 737 Dennis (John) Liberty Asserted. Another ed. fine copy in old red morocco Lond. 1704, ^ Eight prel. leaves; viz. half-title, title, dedication, preface, prologue, epi- logue, and dramatis personse ; text, 68 pp. These two editions are identical as far as page 25, but from thence to the end they differ, the preceding being in fewer pages and with two or three more lines on a page. 738 Denny (Joe). A Narrative of Pacts relative to the Tryal of Joe Denny a Eree Coloured Man, for the Murder of John Stroud, a "White-Man. And of a Conditional Pardon granted to the said Joe Denny, unbound Barladoes, JEdw. Archery 1797, 2 pr. Is. and 45 pp. 4** 739 Denys (Mr.) Description Geographique et Historique des Costes de I'Ameriqve Septentrionale. Vol. I. only Faris, 1672, sm. 8" Vol. I. 16 prel. leaves; text, 267 pp. Large Map. An exceedingly rare volume, especially so when with the map. It is highly commended by Charlevoix. 740 Description (A) of the Pour Parts of the World .... How America was Pirst Discovered by the Europeans, and what Purchases they have made therein. Collected from the Writ- ings of the best Historians, calf extra, red edges, hy Bedford JEdinh. 1695, 23 pp. 8« 000 Description des Terres Magellaniques. See Magellan. 741 Devotion (John), Pastor^ Third Church, SayhrooJc, The Duty and Interest of a People to sanctify the Lord of Hosts. A Sermon, preached before the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, at Hartford, on the Day of the Anniversary Election, May 8*^ 1777, uncut Hartford, Men. Watson, 1777, 39 pp. 8^ 742 Diaz del Castillo (Bekt^al) Historia Yekdadeea de LA COKQTJISTA DE LA JSTtJEYA EsPAnA, Calf gilt Madrid., en la Imprenta del Regno, 1632, fol. Original Edition. Title; Licences, Epistles, etc. 5 leaves; 254 folioed leaves; Table, 11 pp. Bernal Diaz was the companion of Cortes in his adventures and battles. See an interesting note as to the author and his work in Robertson's History, Vol. II. note 1. 743 Diaz del Castillo (Beeis^al) Histoiiia Verdadera de la CoKQUiSTA de la ISTuEVA EsPAnA, 4 vols. old Spanish calf Madrid, Benito Cano, 1795-96, 16° Yol. I» 4 prel. leaves; viz. half-title, title, and * El Autor' ; text, 307 pp. II. 1796, 382 pp. ; Erratas, 1 page. III. 1790,364 pp. ; Erratas, 1 page. IV. 1796, 573 pp. 84 THIRD DA-X'S SALE. 744 Diaz del Castillo (Bernal) The True History of the Conquest of Mexico. Transl. by Maurice Keatinge, bds. uncut Land. 1800, 4° viii. prel. pp.; text, 514 pp. ; ' Notes and Errata,' 1 pag'e. Plan of Mexico. 745 Pickinson (Jonathan), Minister, Elizabeth-Town, A Sermon Preached at the opening of the Synod at Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1722. "Wherein is considered the Character of the Man of God, with the true boundaries of the Churches Power, half morocco Boston, T. Fleet, for S. Gerrish^ 1723, 8« Half-title, title, and 24 pp. 746 Dickinson (Jonathan) A Defence of Presbyterian Ordination ; in answer to a Pamphlet, entituled, A Modest Proof of the Order and Government settled by Christ in the Church, closely cut Boston, Dan. HencJiman, [1724] 5 pr. Is. and 44 pp. 8^ 747 [Dickenson (Jonathan)] A Display of God's Special Grace ; in a Familiar Dialogue between a Minister and a Gentleman of his Congregation, about the "Work of God, in the Con- viction and Conversion of Sinners, so remarkably of late begun and going on in these American Parts ; to which is prefixed an Attestation, by several Ministers of Boston, calf Boston, Bogers and Fowle,for S. Eliot, 1742, 12« Title ; * The Attestation,' vi. pp. signed ' Benjamin Colman, Joseph Sewall, Thoma3 Prince, John Webb, William Cooper, Thomas Foxcroft, Joshua Gee;' text, 111 pp. This fine copy bears on the fly-leaf, in the hand- ■writing' of the donor, " For the Rev. Dr. W^atts, from Dr. Colman of N. E. 1742." 748 Dickinson (Jonathan) Pamiliar Letters to a Gentleman upon a variety of seasonable and important Subjects in Eeligion, calf Boston, Bogers and Bowie, and Blanchard, 1745, 8° Title ; preface, 5 pp. ; contents, 1 page j text, 424 pp. 749 Dickinson (Jonathan) Pamiliar Letters upon a variety of Eeligious Subjects, 4th ed. Glasgow, 1775, 376 pp. 8° 750 Dickenson (Jonathan) God's Protecting Providence .... evidenced in the remarkable Deliverance of Eobert Barrow, with divers other Persons, from the devouring Waves of the Sea, amongst w^hich they sufiered Shipwreck, and also from the cruel devouring Jaws of the inhuman Cannibals of Florida, 7th ed. If. cf. Bond. 1790, 136 pp. 12« 751 Dickinson (Moses) An Answer to a Letter from an aged Layman to the Clergy of Connecticut ; in which the Eights of the consociated Churches are maintained, the con- sociation that appeared against the Ordination of Mr. Dana at "Wallingford vindicated, etc. New Haven, James Barker, [1707?] 30 .pp. 8« THIBD day's sale. 65 752 DiEREViLiiE. Relation du Voyage du Port Royal de 1' Acadie, ou de la Nouvelle France, calf, hy Qlarhe and Bedford Amst, P. Ilimhert, 1710, 12<' Ten prel. leaves, consisting" of engraved frontispiece, title, ' Epitre,' and 'Catalogue;' text, 236 pp. ; witli 4 sequent leaves. This is a flue copy, with the autograph of Thomas Gray, the author of the " Elegy written in a Country Churchyard," on the title-page. 752*— Another copy ih. 1710 753 Discourse (A) on Trade, more particularly on Sugar and Tobacco, THICK paper, hf mor. Lond. 1733, 24 pp. 8° 754 Dixon (G-eorge) A Voyage round the World, but more par- ticularly to the North-west Coast of America, in 1785-88, calf Lond. 1789, 4« Fifteen prel. leaves — viz. Title, Dedication, Introduction, Contents, Errata, and Directions to the Binder; text, 360, and 'Appendix No. II.' 47 pp.; 22 maps and plates. 755 Dobbs (Arthur) An Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay, in the North-west Part of America, hf. russ. Lond. 1744, 4P Title; dedication, 2pp.; text, 211pp.; with map of North America, by Joseph La France. 756 Doty (John) Missionary, A Sermon preached at the opening of Christ's Church at Sorel, in the Province of Canada, Dec. 25, 1785, hf mor, Montreal, Fleury Mesplet, 1786, 14 pp. 8° 757 Douglass (William) A Summary, Historical and Political, of the First Planting, Progressive Improvements, and Present State of the British Settlements in North America, 2 vols. fine copy in old calf Lond. 1755, 8° Vol. I. 5 prel. leaves and 568 pp.; Map of North America. Vol. II. 3 prel. leaves and 416 pp. An exact reprint of the Boston edition of 1749. 758 Douglass (William) Another edition, 2 Noh.fine copy Lond. 1760, 80 The same collation as the edition of 1755. This is a reprint of the edition of 1755, almost page for pag-e. There are a few alterations and cor- rections. At the heads of each page are placed the Parts and Sections. Although at the end. oi the Contents o^ Yo\nme I. there is "Place the Map to face the Title of Vol. I." no copy has yet been met with in the original state bearing the Map. 759 Dow]!fii;rG (Sir G-eorge) A Eeply to the Eemarks of the Deputies of the Estates Greneral upon his Memorial of December 20, 1644, Old Style, wicut Lond. 1665, 4« Title, and 104 pp. Sir G. Downing was one of the earliest Graduates of Harvard College, and founder of Downing College, Cambridge. A large part of this volume relates to the affairs of Neiv Netherlands, now New York. 760 Drake (Daniel) An Anniversary Discourse, on the State and Prospects of the Western Museum Society Cincinnati^ Ohioj 1820, 36 pp. sm. 8<^ 86 THIED day's sale. 761 Drake (Sir Francis). The Trumpet of Fame, written by H. E. and first printed in 1595, 2nd ed. hf. onor. Kent , private press of Lee Priori/^ 1818, 12*^ Preface, pp. iii-iv, signed * T. Park ;' text, 14 pp. 762 Drake (Sir Francis). The Life of the celebrated Sir Francis Drake, the First Circumnavigator Lond, 1828, 4P Five prel. leaves and 83 pp.; -with portrait of Drake, plate of a chair, and verses; ' Richmondsof Highhead Castle, Pedigree,' at page 72. Privately printed. Copies with the Genealogies are uncommon. 763 Drake (Samuel Gardner) Genealogical and Biographical Ac- count of the Family of Drake in America, with some JN'otices of the Antiquities connected with the early times of persona of the Name in England, hf. raor. \_Boston\, private press of George Coolidge,for Samuel Gardner Drake, 1845, S^ Title and dedication, 2 leaves ; preface, pp. iii-viii, signed ' Sam. G. Drake j' text, pp. 9-61. 764 Drake (S. G.) History and Antiquities of Boston, from its first Settlement in 1630 to 1770, maps, plateSj portraits, fac- similes of autographs, etc. hf mor. Boston, 1856, 840 pp. royal 8° 765 Drewe (Edward). Dedicated to the British Army, Military Sketches JExeter, 1784, 8« Title, and 156 pp. On page 117 of this quaint book begins a Poem (ut vulgo) ' An Elegiac Epistle, addressed to a Friend, on my leaving Boston in 1776, for the cure of my Wounds, sustained at Bunker's Hill.' 766 Duche (Eev. Jacob) of Philadelphia, Human Life a Pilgrim- age ; or the Christian a Stranger and Sojourner upon Earth : a Sermon, occasioned by the Death of the Hon. Eichard Penn, Esq. one of the Proprietaries of the Province of Penn- sylvania, preached April 21, 1771, imcut Philadelphia, D.Hall, and W. Sellers, 1771, 23 pp. 8^ 767 Duche (Jacob) Discourses on Various Subjects, 2nd ed. 2 vols. LAEaE PAPER, old tree calf fine copy Lond. 1780, 8*^ Vol. I. xii pp. ; contents and subscribers' names, 4 leaves ; text, 362 pp. ; with frontisp. and port. II. Title and contents, 4 leaves; text, 430 pp.; with frontisp. 768 Dummer (Jeremiah) A Defence of the New England Charters, 1st ed. hfmor. Lond. 1721, 8« Title, 5 and 80 pp. Dummer was the Agent of Massachusetts in England. 769 — New England Charters, another ed. hf mor. Lond. [1765], 88 pp. 8° 770 Dunton (John) The Life and Errors of, 2 vols, hf cf Loud. 1818, 8° Vol. I. xxxii pp. and 413 pp. II. Title, and pp. 414-776 ; with portrait of 'John Dunton, 1817.' THIRD day's sale. 87 771 Duquesne (Marquis) Vindicated from the Aspersions cast on his Conduct while Commander of Fort Charles, at Port Boyal in Jamaica, thick paper, Jif. mor, Lond. 1728, 42 pp. 8° 772 Durham (Earl of) Eeport on the Affairs of British North America, with Appendix, 2 parts Lond. 1839, 181 pp. fol. 773 Dvtch (The) Svrvey ; wherein are related and truly dis- coursed the chiefest Losses and Acquirements which have past betweene the Dutch and the Spaniards in these last four yeares Warres of the Netherlands, with a comparative hallancing and estimation of that which the Spaniards haue got in the Dutchies of Cleeve and luliers, with that which they haue lost vnto the Dutch and Persians in Brasilia, Lima, and Ormus Lond. 1625, 4° Title ; Dedication to Cromwell, 3 pp. signed * W. C.;' To the Reader, 2 pp.; text, 36 pp. 774 Du Tertre (Jean Baptiste) Missionaire, Histoire Generale dea Isles de S. Christophe, de la Gvadelovpe, de la Martiniqve, et avtres dans I'Ameriqve, 1st ed. old calf Faris, 1654, 4« Eig-lit prel. leaves — viz. Title, Epistre, Av Lectevr, Table, and Licentia; text, 488 pp.; 'L'Impression de ce Livre,' 6pp.; Errata, 1 page; Maps at pp. 1, 27, and 68. 775 Dwight (Timothy) The Conquest of Canaan, a Poem, in Eleven Books, 1st ed. Hartford, Elisha Bahcoch, 1785, 4 pr. Is. and 304 pp. 12° 776 Dwight (Timothy) A Statistical Account of the Towns and Parishes in the State of Connecticut, published by the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. I. No. 1, Jif. mor. New Haven, Walter and SteeUy 1811, 8^ xi. and 83 pp. Has the autograph of Adam Seybert on the title. 777 Eachard (Laurence) Compendium of Geography, General and Special, calf Lond. 1691, 12o Nine prel. leaves ; text, 168 pp. ; ' Index,' 17 pp. ; two maps of ' Europa — Asia,' facing the title ; ' Africa — America,' at page 115. 778 East Ii^dian Voyage (The Last) containing mvch varietie of the State of the seuerall Kiugdomes where they haue traded; with the Letters of three seuerall Kings to the Kings Maiestie of England; begun by one of the Voyage, since continued out of the faithfull obseruations of them that are come home, hf. mor. Lond. T. F.for Walter Burre, 1606, 4P Title, reverse blank ; ' To the Reader,' 1 page, signed ' W. B. ;' text, sig. B to K in fours. 779 Eastman (Tilton) Vaster at Bandolpli, A Sermon, preached in Sharon, Vermont, March 12, 1806, at the Ordination of the Eev. Samuel Bascom Hanover, N, H. Moses Davis, 1806, 31 pp. 8° 88 THTED day's SALE. 780 Eckley (Joseph) Minister, of Boston^ A Discourse before the Society for Propagating the G-ospel among the Indians and others in Xorth America, Nov. 7, 1805, uncut Boston, E. Lincoln, 1806, 36 pp. 8« 781 Edeit (Eichasd) The Histoey of Tbatjayle i?f the West a>^d East Indies, and other Countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes ; newly set in order, augmented, and finished by Eicharde Willes, fclacfe XtiitXfJine co^y, Va ^ed morocco, hy E. BEDFORr Loncl. Bich. lugge, s-Oi . , ^^ Ten prel. leaves ; half-title, * Certayne Preambles,' etc. the reverse blank ; text in black letter, 466 folioed leaves ; * I{. VVilles Speciall aduises,' 5 pp. ; ' The Table,' 7 pp. This is a reprint of The Decades of the Nerve World, 1555, with some additions. Rich devotes two pages to the de- scription of this important historical book. 782 Edwards (Brian) Thoughts respecting the Trade of the West India Islands with the United States of America, 2nd Ed. with a Postscript, hf. mor. Lond. 1784, 8° Four prel. pp. text 91 pp. An important Tract in reference to free trade in shipping-. 783 Edwards (Bryan) Historical Survey of St. Domingo London, 1797, 4° Title, table of contents, 24 pp. Text pp. 1 to 247. 784 Edwards (Bryan) The History of the British Colonies in the AVest Indies, 2nd Ed. 2 vols. cf. Lond. 1794, 4° Vol. I. liv. prel. pp; and text in 494 pp. 12 Maps and Plates. Vol, II. Title and 520 pp. Errata 1 pag-e. 4 plates. 785 Edwards (Jonathan) Minister, NortTiampton, A Eaithful Nar- rative of the Surprizing Work of God in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls in Northampton, etc. New-England, with a Large Preface by Dr. Watts and Dr. Guyse, calf Lond. 1737, 148 pp. 12° 786 — Narrative, etc. 2nd Ed. Lond. 1738, 142 pp. 12^ 787 — Narrative, etc.— Another Ed. Edinb. 1738, 105 pp. 8« 788 — Narrative, etc. Extracted from Edwards' Letter to Dr. Coleman, by John Wesley, 2nd Ed. {sic.) Xow^.1755, 48 pp. 12° 789 — Narrative, etc. — Another Ed. Lond. C. WhittingJiam, 99 pp. 12° 790 Edwards (Jonathan) Some Thoughts concerning the present Eevival of Religion in New-England, calf Boston, printed: Edinh. repr. 1743, 225 pp. 8<> 791 — Thoughts, etc. — Another Ed. Abridg'd by John AVesley Lond. 1745, 124 pp. 12^ 792 Edwards (Jonathan). The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God. Extracted from Mr. Edwards, by John W^esley, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1755, 48 pp. 12« 793 Edwards (Jonathan). Life of the late Eev. Da\-id Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians, with an Appendix relative to the Indian Affairs, cf Edinh. 1765, 516 pp. 8« THIRD day's sale. 89 794 Edwards (Jonathan) The Injustice and Impolicy of the Slave Trade, and of the Slavery of the Africans : a Sermon Preached before the Connecticut Society for the Promotion of Freedom, uncut, wanting the Appendix \_New London ?'\ Thomas and Samuel Green, 1791, 8° Half-title; title, and pp. 3-30, and Appendix pp. 795 Edwards (Jonathan) Life of, calf extra, ly Bedford Boston, S. Kneeland, 1765, %"" Four prel. leaves and 97 pp. 796 Edwards (Thomas). A Letter to Mr. Thomas Edwards. The Dedication of the Letter to our much suspected friend, Mr. T. Edwards, Scavenger Generall, throughout Grreat-Britaine, JNTew-England, and the united Provinces, chiefly Amsterdam, and Munster, and indeed by vertue of some fair pretences, Intermedler in all the States of Christendome,^;id copy Bond, for Tho. Veere, 1647, 12 pp. 4« 797 Egede (Hans) Mission'drs und BiscJiofes in Gronland, Bes- chreibung und Natur-Geschichte von Gronland, iibersetzet von D. Joh. Ge. Kriinitz, hf. cf. Berlin, 1763, 8« xii. pp. and 237 pp. Map at page 29, and 10 plates at pages 69, 85, 89, 98, 107, 125, 127, 137, 178, 179. 798 Eleutherius. The Scripture-Bishop Vindicated. A Defence of the Dialogue between Praslaticus and Eleutherius, upon the Scripture-Bishop, or the Divine Kight of Presbyterian Ordination and Government : against a Pamphlet, Intitled The Scripture-Bishop Examin'd. By Eleutherius, V.D.M. In a letter to a Friend, J^;^e copy, original hinding Boston, S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1733, 8« Half-title, title, and 126 pp. followed by a Second title, ' Eusebius Inermatus. Just Remarks on a late Book,' Intituled ' Eleutherius Enervatus,' etc. By Phileluth Bangor, V.E.B.' etc. Title, and 158 pp. 799 Eliot (Andrew). The Eaithful Steward. A Sermon, by Andrew Eliot, M.x\. At his Ordination to the Pastoral Charge of the New North Church in Boston, in conjunction with the Eev. Mr. "Webb, Ap. 14, 1742 Boston, Tho. Fleet, for Samuel Eliot, Vl4i2, 8^ Title and pp. 5-35. 800 Eliot (Andrew) An inordinate Love of the World inconsis- tent with the Love of God- A Sermon preached in Boston, Aug. 2, 1744 Boston, Bogers and Fowle,for S. Eliot, 1744, 8^ Title and pp. 5-31. 801 Eliot (Andrew) An evil and adulterous Generation. A Sermon preached on the Public Past, Ap. 19, 1753 Boston, S. Kneeland, for J. Winter, 1753, 8° Title and 26 pp. 802 Eliot (Andrew) A Sermon preached at the Ordination of the Eev. Joseph Eoberts, to the Pastoral Care of a Church in Leicester, Oct. 23, 1754 Boston, D. Foivle,for J. Winter, [1754] 41pp. 8^ N 90 THIED DAX*S SALE. 803 Eliot (Andrew) A Sermon preached Oct. 25th, 1759. Eelng a Day of Public Thanksgiving for the Success of the British Arms this Tear ; especially in the Seduction of Quebec, the Capital of Canada Boston, Daniel and John Kneeland,for J. Winter, 1759, title and pp. 5-43, 8^ 804j Eliot (Andrew) A Sermon preached Sept. 17, 1766. At the Ordination of the Heverend Mr. Ebenezer Thayer, to the Pastoral Care of the Eirst Church in Hampton Boston, Kneeland ^ Adams, for Thomas Leverett, 1766,35 pp. 8° 805 Eliot (Andrew) A Discourse on Natural Eeligion, delivered in the Chapel of Harvard College, Cambridge, May 8, 1771 Boston, Daniel Kneeland, for Nicholas Bowes, 1771, 8° Title and pp. v-xlv. ' A List' etc. 2 pp. 806 Eliot (Andrew) A Sermon preached at the Ordination of the Eev. Joseph Willard, to the Pastoral care of the first Church in Beverly, in conjunction with the Eev. Joseph Champney, Kov. 25, 1772. To which are annexed, The Charge, by the Eev. Dr. Appleton, and the Eight Hand of Eellowship, by the Eev. Mr. Holt Boston, Thomas and John Fleet, 1773, 8° Title and pp. 5-47. 807 Eliot (Andrew) Christ's Promise to the penitent Thief. A Sermon preached the Lord's-Day before the Execution of Levi Ames, v.ho suffered Death for Burglary, Oct. 21, 1773, Mt. 22. IN'.B. This discourse was preached at the desire of the Prisoner, who was present when it was delivered Boston, John Boyle, 1773, 36 pp. 8^ 808 Eliot (Andrew) A Sermon preached at the Ordination of [his Son] Andrew Eliot, A.M., to the Pastoral care of the Eirst Church in Eairfield, June 22, 1774 Boston, John Boyle, 1774, 8° Title, dedication, and pp. 7-46. 809 Eliot (John) A Biographical Dictionary, containing a brief account of the Eirst Settlers, and other Eminent Characters in New-England, half calf Boston, 1809, 8° ▼iii and 511 pp.; Errata, 1 page. This volume is from the library of the late Rohert Southey, it having been sent to the Poet laureate by Prof. Tieknor. On the fly-leaf is a manuscript note, — " This book is worthy of the strictest faith and credit. G. T." 810 Eliseo (Padre) Aviendo Eepresentado el Conde de Monterey a su Magestad los agrauios y molestias, que los Indios de la Kueua Espana recibian, por orden de los juezes que los re- partian, para seruicios personales, se le mando que no se repartiessen, pero que se diesse orde como se alquilassen, y no estuuiessen ociosos : con la qual los de buen zelo quedaron contentos y satisfechos, j^«obbs Gal- ley and California, in the Years 1746 and 1747, for Disco- vering a North West Passage ; with An Accurate Survey of the Coast, and a short Natiu-al History of the Country, LAEGE PAPEE, old calf Loud. 1748, 8*^ xxviii pp. and 336 pp. Chart of North West Passage, and 9 Plates. 813 — Another copy, small paper ih. 1748, 8° 814 EUwood (Thomas) An Epistle to Eriends .... warning them to beware of that Spirit of Contention and Division which hath appeared of late in G-eorge Keith, and some few others that join with him, who have made a Breach and Separation from Eriends in some Parts of America Lond. 1694, sm. 8° Seventy-three pp. Postscript, etc. pp. 74-75. 815 Ellwood (Thomas) A Eurther Discovery of that Spirit of Con- tention and Division which hath appeared of late in Greorge Keith, &c. Lond. 1694, 128 pp. 8« Much of this has relation to America. 816 Emerson (George B.) A Report on the Trees and Shrubs growing naturally in the Eorests of Massachusetts. Pub- lished by the Commissioners of the Zoological and Botanical Survey of the State, cloth Boston, 1846, 8« XV pp. ; and 534 pp. Explanation of the plates, 1 page. Index, pp. 538- 547, 17 plates. 817 Emigration to America, candidly considered. In a series of Letters, uncut \_Lond.] T. Clio Bichman, 1798, 72 pp. 8<* 818 Emmons (Nathanael) Fastor, in Franklin, A Discourse, delivered on the Annual East in Massachusetts, April 9, 1801, tmcut Salem, repr. hy Joshua Gushing, 1802, 36 pp. S^' 819 Englishman Deceived (The) ; A Political Piece : wherein some very important Secrets of State are briefly recited, hf. morocco Lond. New Torh, repr, hy John Holt, 1768, title and 42 pp. 8° 820 Ens (Gtaspar) Indiae OcciDEifTALis Histoeia : in qva prima regionum istarum detectio, situs, incolarum mores, aliaque eo pertinentia, breuiter explicantur. Ex variis Avto- ribvs coUecta, calf, by Bedford, fine copy Coloniae, anno 1612, 8« Four prel. leaves ; text, signatures A to Z in eight, and A a in 4 leaves. Pagination very irregular. Last page 370. This is an abridgement of the Petit Voyage of De Bry, and is generally attached to that collection. 821 Entick (John) The General History of the Late "War : Con- taining it's Eise, Progress, and Event, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, 3rd Ed. corrected, 5 vols, old calf Lond. 1775, 8° Vol. I. 2 prel. leaves and 495 pp. With 8 copper plates and maps. II. 464 pp. 11 copper plates and maps. III. 480 pp. with 9 portraits. IV. 480 pp. with 10 maps and portraits. V. 470 pp. with 11 portraits. Index, 25 pp. with list of plates. 92 THIED day's sale. 822 Eecilla y Cuniga (Alonso de) Peimeea, Segtnda, y Teeceea Paetes de la Aeatcana, hlue morocco, by Bed- ford Anvers, Fedro Bellero, 1597, sm. V2P Part I. 12 prel. and 146 folioed leaves with 8 pp. of Table. Part II. Title j 1 leaf and folios 149 to 273. Part III. Title and folios 275 to 330. 823 EsQTJEMELiNG (John) Bucaniees of Ameeica : or, a true Account of the most remarkable Assaults committed of late years upon the Coasts of the "West-Indies, by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortnga, both English and Erench, more especially, the Unparallel'd Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, our English Jamaican Hero, who sack'd Puerto Velo, burnt Panama, etc. 2 vols, laege papee, calf extra, hy Bedford, splendid copy Lond. Will. Croolce, 1684-5, 4^ Six prel. leaves; viz. title, and To the Reader; text, ' Part I.' 115 pp., with copper plate engraving on page 24 ' Elisa, y P.ilas ;' portrait of ' Barto- lomew Portugues' at page 95 ; and portrait of 'Rock Brasiliano,' at page 102. * Part II.' 151 pp., with a copper plate of 'The Spanish Armada destroyed by Captaine Morgan,' at page 135. ' Part III.' 124 pp., with a copper plate 'A Map of the Countrey and City of Panama,* at page 31. 'The Table,' 11 pp. Part IV. Title, ' Bucaniers of America, The Second Volume, 1685;' preface, 18 pp.; text, 212 pp.; Table, and Catalogue of Books printed by Crooke, 12 leaves (viz. Table, 17 pp. ; Catalogue, 7 pp.) ; folded map, ' Description of the South Sea and Coasts of America, 1680-81 ;' 'Description of Ililo,' a folded slip map, at p. 98 ; also several maps printed with the text. The following is from the London Gazette of June 8, 1685, and probably refers to this first Edition. " Westminster, June 1. There have been lately Printed and Published two Books, one by Will. Crook, the other by Tho. Malthus, both Intitled The Sistory of the Bucaniers : both which Books contained many False, Scan- dalous and Malitious Reflections on the Life and Actions of Sir Henry Morgan of Jamaica Kt. The said Sir Henry Morgim hath by Judgment had in the King's-Bench-Court, recovered against the said Libel £200 Damages. And on the humble Solicitation and Request of William Crook, hath been pleased to withdraw his Action against the said Crook, and ac- cept of his Submission and Acknowledgement in Print." 824 — Bucaniers. Another Ed.^^^e copy, old cf. Lond. 1699, S*' Title and Preface 2 leaves; text to end of the Third Part, 180 pp. with Sharp's Map of South America at p. 1 ; portraits of Bartholomew Portu- gues at p. 43, Rock Brasiliano at p. 47, Francis Lolonois at p. 52, and of Sir Henry Morgan at p. 79; copper plates, Cruelty of Lolonois at p. 66, Sacking of Puerto dtl Principe at p. 86. Text of the Second Volume, or Part IV. 180 pp. with maps at pp. 15, 17, 21, 22, 33, 128, 133, and 160, besides several smaller ones inserted in the text. Index, 6 leaves. Title ' A Journal of a Voyage,' etc. by Lussan, followed by 1 leaf; text 180 pp. Voyage of De Montauban pp. 181 to 204. 825 — Bucaniers. 3rd Ed. Lond. 1704, 8° The collation and list of plates the same as in the Edition of 1699. 826 — Bucaniers. Another Ed. Glasgow, 1762, 132 pp. 12« 827 — Bucaniers. 5th Ed. 2 \o\s.fine copy in old tree calf Lond. 1771, 12^ Vol. I. title and preface 2 leaves ; text 360 pp. Vol. II. title and 360 pp. ' Index,' 12 pp. THIRD DAY S SALE. 93 828 Essay (An) on the Legality of Impressing Seamen Lond, 1777, title and 126 pp. S" 829 EsTAcio DO Amaral (Melchior) Tratado Das Batal- HAS, E SVCESSOS DO GrALEAO SaNCTIAGO COM OS OlANDESES ^A Ilha de Sa'N'CTa Elena. E da Nao Chagas com os Yn- gleses antre as Ilhas dos Agores : Ambas Capitainas da car- reira da India. E da causa, & desastres, porque em vinte annos se perderao trinta & oito naos della : com outras cousas curiosas, red morocco extrat hy Bedford Lisboa, Antonio Aluares, 1604, 4P Title having on the reverse the Licences ; Dedication ' A Dono Theodosio ' 1 page; 'Errata' 1 page; text in 65 folioed leaves, followed by a leaf with 4 woodcuts upon it. At folio 23 is a copper -plate map of the Island of St. Helena, 14 by 10 inches. We cannot trace the sale of any other copy of this valuable book. 8.30 Estrada (Pedro de). Eelacion Svmaria del Auto parti- cvlar de Pee, qve el Tribvnal del Santo Officio de la Inquisi- cion de los Eeynos, y Prouincias de la Nueua Espafia, cele- bro en la muy noble, y muy leal Ciudad de Mexico a los diez y seis dias del mes de April, ano 1646 Mexico, Fr. Mohledo, Impressor del Secreto del Santo Officio, 1646, title and 26 leaves, 4P 831 Evans (John) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. "William Eichards, LL.D. who died at Lynn, Sept.. 13, 1819. With some Account of the Eev. Eoger Williams, Eounder of the State of Ehode Island, Ids. uncut Ghisivich, G. Whittingham, 1819, 12° xxxii and 396 pp. "With portrait of William Richards. 832 Evans (Lewis) Gleographical, Historical, Political, Philosophi- cal and Mechanical Essays. The Eirst, containing an Ana- lysis of a Greneral Map of the Middle British Colonies in America ; and of the Country of the Confederate Indians, Tialf morocco I^hiladelphia. printed ly B. Fra5n-klii^, and D. Kail, 1755, 4^ Thirty-six pp. and Map. 833 — The same, 2nd Ed. with onap, Tif. movocco PJiiladeljphiay printed ly B. ERAifKLiN", and D. Sail, 1755, 4P 834 — The same, 2nd Ed. large paper, half morocco, uncut FJiiladelpJiia, printed hy B. Eranklin, and D. Hall, 1755, fol. iv. and 32 pp. With the large Map 21\ by 20J inches, coloured. This is a presentation copy from the Author to Dodsley the Publisher. On the back of the Map is the following Letter, in the autograph of Mr. Evans. " To Mr, R. Dodsley, Bookseller in Pall Mall, London. Sir, I am uncer- tain whether I shall be able to transmit to New York, to overtake a ship to Hull, a parcel of these Maps intended for you. Your most humble Servt. Philadelphia, July 30, 1755. Lewis Evans. "This comes under of favour of the Revd. Mi*. Php. Frances." 835 Evans (Lewis) Essays. Number II. Containing a Letter representing the Impropriety of sending Forces to Virginia: The Importance of taking Erontenac, etc. half morocco Lond, 1756, 35 pp. 4« The continuation of the preceding number. d4 836 Evergreen (The) An offering for all Seasons, edited by J. Salkeld, plates New York, 1850, 380 pp. 8« 837 Examination (An) of the Eights of the Colonies upon Prin- ciples of Law Lond. 1766, title, & pp. 5-42, 8° 838 Examination (An) of the British Doctrine which subject to rupture a Neutral Trade not open in time of Peace. Second edition Lond. repr. 1806, title, & 200 pp. 8« 839 Eyquem du Martineau (Mathurin) Le Pilote de I'onde vive, ou le secret du Plux et Reflux de la Mer ; Contenant xxj Mouvemens ; et du Point Pixe. D'un Voyage abrege des Indies, & de la Quadrature du Cercle, composez sur les Prin- cipes de la Nature ; nouvelleraent decouverts, & mis en lumiere JParis, Jean Bhoury, 1678, 8 pr. Is. and 221 pp. 16^ 840 Pabry (Joseph Antonio) Compendiosa Demostracion de los Crecidos adelantamientos que pudiera lograr la Iteal hacienda de Su Magestad mediante la rebaja evel precio del Azogue, que se consume para el laborio de las Minas de este Beyno, etc. vellum Mexico, por la Viuda de D. Joseph Sernardo de Hogal, 17^13 39 pr. Is. & 178 pp. 4« 841 Paction Detected, by the Evidence of Pacts, containing An Impartial View of Parties at Home, and Affairs Abroad, 4th Ed. Lond. 1743, 8« Half-title, title, and pp. 5-175. 842 Page (E/obert) Cosmography, or, A Description of the Whole World. Enlarged with very many and rare Additions. Very delightful to be read in so small a Volum Lond. S. Griffin for John Overton, 1667, 8« Three prel. leaves; viz. Title and 'To the Reader.' Text, pp. 3-166. A great part of this book pertains to America, especially from page 1 12 to 166. 843 Palconer (Eichard) The Voyages, Dangerous Adventures and imminent Escapes of : containing the Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Indians in America: his being taken by the Indians of Virginia, etc. old calf Lond, 1720, 8° Title, and Preface, 2 leaves; text in 136, and 180 pp. With copper-plate frontispiece. 844 — Voyages, 6th Ed. corrected Lond. 1769, 12° Three prel. leaves ; and 276 pp. Index, 5 pp. * Narrative of a Great De- liverance at Sea,* etc. viii and 46 pp. Without the frontispiece. 845 Palconer (Thomas), Barrister at Law, A Statemfent of the British Claims to the Oregon Territory, in Opposition to the Pretensions of the Government of the United States of Ame- rica Lond. 1845, 46 pp. Index 1 p. 8° 846 — Oregon Question, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1845, 50 pp. postscript 4 pp. 8° 847 Palkner (Thomas) A Description of Patagonia, and the Ad- joining Parts of South America Hereford, C. Fugh, 1774, 4^ Title and Advertisement, 2 leaves; Contents, iv pp. j text, 144 pp. With the Map of South America, in 2 sheets. THIRD DAT*S SALE. 95 848 False Alarm (The) [Ifey Dr. Samuel Johnson], half morocco Land, 1770, 53 pp. 8° 849 Fancourt (Charles St. John) The History of Yucatan from its Discovery to the Close of the 17th Century, map of Yucatan, cloth, uncut Land. 1854, 356 pp. 8° 850 Faria t Sousa (Manuel le) The Portugues Asia : or, the History of the Discovery and Conquest of India by the Por- tugues : containing all their Discoveries from the Coast of Africk, to the farthest Parts of China and Japan ; all their Battles by Sea and Land, Sieges and other Memorable Ac- tions ; a Description of those Countries, and many Particu- lars of the Religion, Government and Customs of the natives. Translated by Cap. John Stevens, 3 Yoh.^ne cojpy Lond.for G. JSrome, 1695, 8^ Vol.!. 16 prel. leaves and 448 pp II. 12 prel. leaves and 526 pp. III. 11 prel. leaves and 440 pp. 851 Farnham (Thomas J.) Travels in the Great Western Prairies^ the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and in the Oregon Ter- ritory, 2 vols, cloth Lond. 1843, V2P Vol. I. xxiii and 297 pp. Vol. II. viii and 315 pp. 852 Fearon (Henry Bradshaw) Sketches of America, 2nd Ed. calf Lond. 1818, title, v-xi and 454 pp. 8» 853 Federalist (The) : a Collection of Essays, written in Favour of the New Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal Convention, Sept. 17, 1787, 2 vols. New Torh, J. and A. M'Lean, 1788, 12° First edition. Vol. I. vi and 227 pp. II. vi and 384 pp. Nos. 2,"3, 4, 5 and 64 were written by Mr. Jay ; Nos. 10, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 37 to 68, 62 and 63, were written by Mr. Madison ; the rest by Gen. Hamilton. 854 Federalist (The) : Another copy, laege and thick paper, calf extra, full gilt hachs and sides There is a slip pasted into the first volume containing the words, " Printed and Bound at Franklin's Head, No. 41, Hanover Square, [New York]." So fine a specimen of an American book of this period is seldom met with. 855 Federalist (The), New Ed. The Numbers Written by Mr. Madison corrected by Himself WasMngton, Jacob Gideon, Jun. 1818, 671 pp. 8° 856 Fish (Joseph) Pastor of Stonington, The Church of Christ a firm and durable House. In Sermons on Matth. xvi. 18. delivered at Stonington, 1765, unbound New-London, Timothy Green, 1767, 8<'' viii. pp. Errata 1 pag^e, and text 196 pp. 857 Fletcher (J.) of Madeley, American Patriotism farther con- fronted withEeason, Scripture, and the Constitution : being Observations on the Dangerous Politicks Taught by the Kev. Mr. Evans, M.A. and the Eev. Dr. P. ice. AVith a Scriptural Plea for the Eevolted Colonies, hf mor. Shrewsbury, 1776, 138 pp. 12« 96 THIRD day's sale. 858 Flinn (Andrew) A Sermon occasioned by the Death of the Honble. Judge Wilds, April 1st, 1810 Charleston, J. Hqf, 1810, 23 pp. 8^ 859 Flint (Timothy) A Condensed Geography and History of the Western States, or the Mississippi Valley, 2 vols. Ms. micui Cincinnati, E. H. Flint, 1828, 8<* Vol. I. 592 pp. II. 520 pp. 860 Florida. A Description of a Great Sea-Storm, that happened to some Ships in the Gulph of Florida, in September last Lond. 1671, fol. A broad sheet, in verse. 861 — A Description of the AVindward Passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the Course of the British Trading Ships to, and from the Island of Jamaica Lond. 1739, 4:*^ Twenty-tbree pp. Index and Catalogue, 5 pp. Chart of the Bahama Islands. 862 Flurieu (M. L. C. D.) Discoveries of the French in I768and 1769, to the South-East of New- Guinea, with the subsequent Visits to the same Lands by English Navigators, who gave them new names. Lond. 1791, 4** xxiv. prel. pp .; text 323 pp. Maps and plates numbered i-xii. 863 FoNSECA. A DiscoTERT OP FoNSECA, in a Voyage to Sur- ranam. The Island so long sought for in the Western Ocean. Inhabited by Women ; with the Account of their Habits, Customs, and Religion, calf extra, hy Bedford Bep. at Buhlin, 1682, 8 pp. Signed ' I. S.' 4« 864 Forbes (Alexander) History of Upper and Lower California, from their first Discovery to the present time, cloth Lond. 1839, 8« xvi and 352 pp. ] lithog. plates and map of California. 865 Form (A) of Prayer, Proper to be used in the Churches throughout the Province of New-York, May 12th, being the day appointed for a General Fast and Humiliation. . . . and to implore the Divine Protection and Blessing on His Ma- jesty's Sacred Person, His illustrious Family, His Kingdoms and Colonies, His Fleets and Armies, hf. mor. N'eiv-York, J. Barker and W. Weijman, 1758, 12 pp. 4° 866 Forma, y Modo Breve para tener a Punto de guerra vna nao en ocasion de dar vista al enemigo en esta mar, segun la instruccion y orden, con que Guarnecio el Galeon Ilamado S. Joseph Almiranta Eeal deste mar del Sur, al segundo dia que salio del Puerto del Callao para el de Panama, Alio de 1672, calf extra, ly Bedford [Limal, 1674, 13 leaves, 4^ 867 Forrest (Capt. Tho.) Voyage to New Guinea and the Mo- luccas, including an Account of the Magindano, Sooloo, and other Island?, with a Vocabulary of Magindano Tongue, 'portrait and platei, presentation copy to Governor Bhillip, U'ith Aibfograph of the Author 1780, 4° Title, Dedication 2 pp. Introduction 9 pp. Table of Contents, 10 pp. Text pp. I to 388. Vocabulary of the Magindano Tongue, pp. 389 to 402. Index, pp. 103 to 11 1. Directions to the Binder, 1 pp.; 27 Maps and Plates. THIRD day's sale. 97 868 Foster (Nicholas). A Briefe Eelation of the late Horrid Ee- bellion acted in the Island Barbadas, in the West Indies. "Wherein is contained their Inhumane Acts and Actions, in Fining and Banishing the well affected to the Parliament of England (both men and women) without the least cause given them so to doe, etc. Acted by the Waldronds and their Abettors, Anno 1650. Written at Sea by Nicholas Foster London, I. Q-.for Bichard Lowndes, 1650, 16^ Title, Preface to the Reader, 2 leaves ; text 112 pp. 869 Fowler (Mr.) A General Account of the Calamities occa- sioned by the late tremendous Hurricanes and Earthquakes in the West India Islands, Foreign as well as Domestic : also a List of the Committee appointed to manage the Sub- scriptions, hf. mor. ' Lond. 1781, 8<* Title, Contents, and 86 pp. Advertisement 1 p. 870 Fowler (John) Journal of a Tour in the State of New York, in the year 1830 Lond. 1831, 12« Title, and 333 pp. 871 Fox (George). To Friends in Barbadoes, Virginia, Maryland, New-England, and Elswhere, Dated 'London, l^th of the dth Month, 1666,' Signed, 'G. F.' 3 pp. 4P 872 Fox (George) An Epistle to all Professors in New-England, Germany, and other Parts of the called Christian VYorld. Also to the Jews and Turks throughout the World. That they may see who are the true Worshippers of God, that he seeks, and in what he is worshipped \_Lond.'] 1673, 16 pp. 4^ 873 Fox (Geoege) An Answer to seteral New Laws and Orders Made by the Eulers of Boston in New Eng- land. The Tenth Day of the Eighth Moneth, 1677, red mo- rocco extra, by Bedford [Lond.'] 1678, 7 pp. Signed ' G.F.' 4P 874 Fox (George) Something in Answer to a Letter (which I have seen) of John Leverat, Governour of Boston, to Wil- liam Coddington Governour of Ehode Island. Dated, 1677. Wherein he mentions my Name, and also wherein John Leverat justifies Eoger Williams' Book of Lyes [Lond. 1677?] 11 pp. 4« 875 Fox (George) A Vision concerning the Mischievous Se- paration among Friends in Old England, uncut Printed and Sold by Will. Bradford, at Philadelphia, 1692, 7 pp. 4P Highly curious as an early example of Philadelphian typo^jraphy. 876 Fox (George) and Burnyeat (John) New England Fire-Brand Quenched, being an Answer unto a Slander- ous Book, Entituled ; George Fox Digged out of his Bur- rows, &c. Printed at Boston in the Year, 1676, by Eoger Williams of Providence in New-England [Lond.] 1679, 4° Fourteen prel. leaves ; and 233 pp. ' The Second Part.' Title and 256 pp. O 98 THIED day's sale. 877 Fox*3 Martyrs. An Entire New Work. A New Book of the Sufferings of the Faithful, uncut Lond. 1784, 8« Half-title, title, and 70 pp. Index 1 page. 878 Foxcroft (Thomas) of Boston, A Practical Discourse Rela- ting to the Gospel-Ministry, preached at his Ordination in Boston, Nov. 20, 1717 Boston, Nic. Buttolph, 1718, sm. 8° Title, iv, and 65 pp., Errata. 879 Foxcroft (Thomas) Eli the Priest dying Suddenly. A Ser- mon Preach'd in Boston, June 19, 1729, upon Occasion of the Sudden Death of the Rev. John Williams, and of the Bev. Thomas Blowers, lialfmor. Boston, for S. GerrisJi, 1729, 8° Title, Dedication to Samuel Sewall, ii pp. ; text 36 pp. ; * Addenda.' 5 pp. 880 Foxcroft (Thomas) The Pleas of Gospel-Impenitents Ex- amined and refuted. In Two Sermons, very fine copy in tlie original hinding Boston, S. Kneeland and T. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1730, 16° Half-title, title, and 76 pp. On the fly-leaf is the presentation, in the handwriting of Dr. Foxcroft, "For the Revd. Isaac "Watts, D.D. In London." Underneath, in the hand- writing of Dr. Watts, is "from the Author, 1731. A very good book." In the body of the book many passages are marked by Dr. Watts, and in several instances he has made notes, especially on page 51. 881 Frank (Sebastian) Weltbuchs, von Newen erfundnen Landt- schafften, 2 parts in 1 vol. fine copy Franckfic7't, 1567, folio Six prel. leaves ; tey.t folioed i to ccxlii ; Register, 7 leaves and one blank leaf. Folio-wed by ' Ander Theil dieses Weltbuchs von Schiffahrten', etc. Title; Dedication 4 leaves; one blank leaf; text folioed 1 to 110, and 1 to 59. Colophon 1 page. A large section of this volume relates to America. The second part of the volume, with separate title, consists of Ulric Smith's Indian Toyages, which was afterwards printed as a distinct volume. 882 [FsAiifKLiN (Bets^jamin)] a DissEKTATioif on Liberty akd Necessity, Pleasuee and Pain, half morocco London, printed in the Year 1725, 32 pp. 8^ Unique. Tliis is the long lost but much sought for wicked Tract of the Youth, Benjamin Franklin. It eluded even the research of Mr. Sparks, who ransacked European and American libraries for it, and says (vol. viii. p. 405), "No copy of this tract is now known to be in existence." Franklin, in his Autobiography, says of it, " At Palmer's [in Bartholomew Close, London] I was employed in composing for the second edition of Vi oUiiBton' 6 FeliQion etf JS'ature [See Wollaston]. Some of his rea- sonings not appearing to me well founded, I wrote a little metaphysical piece in which I made remarks on them. It was entitled ^A Disserta- tion on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and PainJ I inscribed it to my friend Ralph, [that Ralph of whom Pope wrote in the Ddnciad : Silence, ye wolves, while Ralph to Cynthia howls. And makes Kiglit hideous ; answer him, ye owls.] I printed a small number. It occasioned my being more considered by Mr. Palmer as a young man of some ingenuity, though he seriously expos- tulated with me upon the principles of my pamphlets, which to him ap- THIED day's sale. 99 peared abominable. My printing this pamphlet was another erratum^ Two years later, after his return to Philadelphia, Franklin says in his Autobiography, *' My London Pamphlet, printed in 1725, . . . ap- peared now not so clever a performance as I once thought it." Many years later, in a letter to his friend Benjamin Vaughan, he wrote, "There were only a hundred copies printed, of which I gave a few to friends; and afterwards disliking the piece, as conceiving it might have an ill tendency, I burnt the rest, except one copy, the margin of which was filled with manuscript notes by Lyons, author of the InfalHMlity of Human Judgment, who was at that time another of my acquaintance in London. I was not nineteen years of ag-e when it was written. In 1730, I wrote a piece on the other side of the question This pam- phlet was never printed, and the manuscript has been long lost." An interesting article upon this tract of Franklin appeared in Notes and Queries, Jan. 3, 1852, from the pen of Mr. James Crossley, who describes a copy in his possession in such a manner as to leave no doubt that his is not the original edition of 1725, but a reprint in sixteen closely printed pages. This original edition fills 32 pages, and cannot be called closely printed. We cannot learn of a copy in any other collection, public or pri- vate. It has never been reprinted in any of the editions of Dr. Franklin's Works. As a memorial of the ' youthful indiscretion' of one of the greatest men of his age this little book must ever rank as one of the curiosities of literature. 000 Free Thoughts, etc. See Seabury (Sam.) 000 French Policy Defeated. See America (North). 883 Frezier (Mr.) A Voyage to the South Sea, and along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, 1712-14, with a Postscript by Dr. Edmund Halley,j^/2e copy, old calf Lond. 1717, 4P Six prel. leaves : viz. Title, Preface, Letter, and Directions to the Binder ; text 335 pp. Index 9 pp. with Maps and plates numbered i-xxxvii and 36. 884 Frezier (Mr.) Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du Chili, du Perou, et du Bresil, 1712-14, 2 vols, old calf Amst. 1717, 12« VoL I. Title, and prel. pp. v-xx ; text 294 pp. with Maps and plates num- bered i-xxii. II. Title and pp. 297-600, with Maps and plates numbered xxiii-xxxvii, 885 Frezier (Mr.) Voyage de la Mer du Sud : autre edition, fine copy, old calf Paris, 1732, 4^ Half-title, and xiv prel. pp. ; text 298 pp. ; Approbation and Privilege 2 pp. ^Reponse,' etc. 63 pp. ; maps and plates numbered i to xxxvii and 36. 886 Friendly (A) Address to All Reasonable Americans on the Subject of our Political Confusions : in which the necessary Consequences of Violently opposing the King's Troops, and of a General Non-Importation are fairly stated, imperfect, wanting all after page 16 America : Printed for the Purchasers, I774i, 8° Ascribed to Dr. Myles Cooper, of known Tory principles. 887 Friendly (A.) Address. Another Ed. halfmor. New York, printed : Lond. repr. 1774, 56 pp. 8° 100 THIED bat's sale, 888 Feobisher (Maetin). ^ Angli Navigatione in Eegiones Occidentis et Septentrionia Narratio historica, ex dallico sermone in Latinum translata per D. Joan. Tho. Freigivm. russia Noribergce, 1580, 8« Forty-four leaves. Si^atures A and F iu sixes and B to E in eights; with a woodcut ' Pictvra hominum nvper ex Aug'lia advectorum.' 889 Froger (F.) Eelation of a Voyage made in 1695-97 on the Coasts of Africa, etc. translated, ^?ie copi/j old calf Lond. 1698, 8« Six prel. leaves including the engraved frontispiece; text 173 pp. with 3 seq. pp. 15 copper plates and maps. 890 Froger (F.) Eelation dun Voyage fait en 1695-97, aux Cotes D'Afrique, Detroit de Magellan, Bresil, Cayenne et Isles Antilles Amst. 1699, 12° Eng. title ; title ; Dedication 4 pp. ; Preface 6 pp. ; text 227 pp. Maps or plates at pp. 7, 11, 14, 16, 21, 32, 41,43, 46,57, 65, 73, 79, 87, 94, 101, 103, 104, 106, 119, 127, 130, 140 (2), 154, 162, 172, 218. 891 Froger (F.) Voyage : autre ed. Amst. 1715, V2P Title in red and black ; ' Avertissement ' 6 pp. ; text 227 pp., with the 28 maps and plates from the same coppers as the Lond. ed. of 1698. This edition is a reprint, almost page for page, of the edition of 1099 ; but the Dedication to Count Maurepas, and nearly all the dates of the year, are omitted, so as to make the book read as if the events narrated might have been recent. 892 Frost (John) Pictorial History of Mexico and the Mexican War; comprising an Account of the Ancient Aztec Empire, the Conquest by Cortes, etc. calf, marb. edges I*Jiiladelphia : Tho. CowpertJiwait and Co. 1849, 652 pp. 8° 893 Fruits (Some) of Solitude, in Eeflections and Maxims relating to the Conduct of Human Life, in two parts, the 8th ed. imperfect Newport, Bhode Island : Frinted ly James FEAifKLiir, at tJie Town School-House, 1749, 12" Six prel. leaves and 158 pp. ; Table, 7 pp. ' More Fruits of Solitude ; being the Second Part of Reflections and Maxims, relating to the Conduct of Human Life. Newport, Rhode Island : Printed by James Franklin, at the Town School-House, 1749.' 3 prel. leaves, wanting all after p. 106. Printed by the brother of Dr. Franklin, who established himself at New- port, Rhode Island, and introduced printing there, having left Boston. 894 Full (A) and Free Inquiry into the Merits of the Peace, with some Strictures on the Spirit of Party, hf mor. fine copy, uncut Lond. 1765, 2 pr. Is. and 160 pp. 8° 895 Fulton (Bobert) Torpedo War, and Submarine Explosions, hf, mor. New Yorh, William Elliott, 1810, oblong 4^^ Fifty-seven pages; 'Number and Nature of Ordnance,' 1 page; 'Dimen- sions of Ships,' etc. 1 page ; ' Note on Vessels of War of the United States,' 1 page; with plates numbered i-v. ForRTH day's sale. 101 896 Funes (dregorio) Ensayo de la Hiatoria Civil del Paraguay, Buenos Ayres y Tucuman, Vols. II. and III. vmcut Buenos Ayres, [1816], 8^ Vol. II. Half-title, title, and 409 pp. ; * Indice,' 11 pp. ; ' Erratas,' 1 page. III. (1817) 532 pp.; * Indice,' 9 pp. ; « Erratas,' 1 page. 897 Funnell (William) A Voyage round the "World, containing an Account of Captain Dampier's Expedition into the South Seas in 1703 and 110^, fine copy^ old calf Lond. 1707, S'' Title ; Dedication, * To the Honourable Josiah Burchett,' 6 pp. ; ' The Pre- face,' 6 pp. ; ' The Contents,' 10 pp. ; text, 300 pp. ; ' Index,' 17 pp. First edition, generally considered as the fourth volume of Dampier's Collection, though there is no indication of its having been so intended at the time of publication. There is a map of the the World facing the title, and 14 other copper-plates at pages 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18, 40, 105, 120, 122, 131, 230, 254, and 26fi. See Dampier. 898 Furlong (Lawrence) The American Pilot; containing the Courses and Distances between the principal Harbours, Capes and Headlands from Passamaquoddy through the Gulph of Elorida, 3rd ed. Newlurijport, Mm. M. Blunt, 1800, 251 pp. 8° 899 Furlong (L.) American Coast Pilot, 6th ed., fine copy in old calf Newhuryporty Mm. I£ Blunt, 1809, 8« Three hundred and eighty-nine pages ; 15 plans and charts. 900 Eurlong (L.) American Coast Pilot, 7th ed. JVew York, Edm. M. Blunt, [1812], 8° Three hundred and eleven pages; Tables and Appendix, 63 pp.; with 15 plans and charts. FOURTH DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. 901 G-AGE (Thomas) A full Survey of Sion and Babylon, and a clear Vindication of the Parish Churches and Parochial Ministers of England, from the uncharitable Censure, the infamous Title, and the injurious Nickname of Babylonish, Jmlfi mor.fine copy Lond. 1654, 4i<* Nine prel. leaves j iext, 86 pp. ^ 102 FOITBTH day's SALE. 902 G-AGE (Thomas) The English American, his Travail by Sea and Land ; or a New Survey of the "West India's : likewise his Journey from Mexico through the Provinces of Guaxaca, Chiapa, Guatemala, Yera Paz, Truxillo, Comayagua ; with a Grammar of the Indian Tongue, called Poconchi, old calf Lond. by R. Cotes, 1648, folio First edition. 5 prel. leaves, viz. Title, Dedication, and To the Reader, in verse, sig'ned 'Thomas Chaloner;' text, 220pp.; the Contents, 12 pp. Presentation copy from the author, "Ex dono Authoris, Tho: Gage, Novemb 5to 1648." The author appears to have been a believer in witch- craft and sorcery, and admits into his work many curious relations on those subjects. 903 Gage (T.) A New Survey of the West India's, 2nd ed. old calf Lond. ly E. Cotes, 1655, folio Five prel. leaves, viz. Title, Dedication, and To the Reader, signed ' Thomas Chaloner;' text, 220 pp. ; The Contents, 12 pp.; 4 copper-plate maps, viz. 1. * Americae Descrip.' facing the title ; 2. 'The Ylandes of the AVest Indies,' at p. 20 ; 3. * Hispania Nova,' p. 68 ; and 4. ' Terra Firma,' at p. 118. 904 Gage (T.) A New Survey of the West Indies, 3rd ed. Lond. 1677, 8« Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, and To the Reader; text, 577 pp.; Contents, 18 pp. The 22nd chapter, relating to the author's journey to Rome, was omitted in this edition, owing, as it is said, to its reflecting on the cha- racter of Abp. Laud. — Lowndes. 905 Gage (T.) A New Survey of the West Indies, 4th ed. old calf Lond. 1699, 8° Title ; To the Reader, 5 pp.; text, 477 pp. ; the Contents, 18 pp. ; Map of Mexico. 906 Gage (T.) Voyages 'dans la Nouvelle Espagne, 2 vols, calf Amst. Paul Marret, 1695, sm. 8<» Vol. I. 12 prel. leaves, including engr. title; text, 200 and 178 pp.; 9 maps and plates. Vol. II. 1694, 8 prel. leaves, including the engr. title (8th blank), and 318 pp. ; 7 maps and plates. 907 Gage (T.) Voyages, 3me ed. 2 vols, calf Amst. 1699, sm. 8° Vol. I. 12 prel. leaves, including the engraved title; text, 200 and 176 pp.; 9 maps and plates. Vol. II. 8 prel. leaves (8th blank) and 318 pp. ; with 7 maps and plates. 908 Gage (T.) Voyages, 4me ed. 2 vols, old calf Amst. 1720, sm. 8° Vol. I. Engr. half-title, title, and 12 prel. leaves; text, 431 pp. and 8 maps or plates. Vol. II. Engr. half-title, title, and 4 prel. leaves ; text, 360 pp.; and 8 maps or plates. 909 Gage (T.) Voyages, autre ed. 2 vols, calf extra, by Bedford Amst, 1721, sm. 8° Vol. I. 12 prel. leaves, inclusive of the engr. and printed titles; and text, 200 and 178 pp. ; 9 maps and plates. Vol. II. 6 prel. leaves, including the engr. and printed titles ; text, 316 pp. ; 7 maps and plates. 910 Gage T.) A Survey of the Spanish West Indies, etc. witTiout the map, hf mor. Lond. 1702, 8° Title; ' To the Reader,' 5 pp.; text, 44 pp. ; The Contents, 18 pp. rouiiTH day's sale, 103 911 Gage (Thomas) The Traveller, Part I. containing a Jour- nal of Three Thousand Three Hundred Miles through the Main Land of South America ... To be published monthly in the New American Magazine Woodbridge, in New Jersey: James Farher, 1758, 136 pp. 8° 912 Galloway (Joseph) Speaker of the House of Asseinbly of Pennsylvania, The Examination of, in a Committee on the American Papers, with explanatory notes, hf. mor. Land. 1779, 8° Title, and 85 pp. "Besides Mr. Galloway's very important evidence, this pamphlet contains many useful and interesting notes relative to the con- duct of the war in America." — 31. Bev. 913 Galloway (J.) The Examination of, 2nd edition, hf. mor. Lond. 1780, 8« Title, and 85 pp. 914 Gaot^a (JoAi^ de) Colloqtios de la PAZ, y tranquilidad Christiana, en lengua Mexicana, vignette tfpon title, calf extra hy Bedford, fine copy Mexico, e Casa d Pedro Ocharte, 1582, 16^ Fifteen prel. and 121 leaves. 915 Garay (Jose de) An Account of the Isthmus of Tehuan- tepec in the liepublic of Mexico Lond. 1846, 8** 128 pp. ; 2 plans of Mexico. 916 Gaecia (Gregorio) Origen de los Indies de el ISTuevo Mundo, e Indias Occidentales. Segunda impresion, vellum Madrid : Fr. Martinez Abad, 1729, folio Sixteen prel. leaves ; and 336 pp. ; table, 40 leaves. Some curious specu- lations for the American philologist will be found in this rare volume. 917 Garcilasso de la Yega (El Ynca) Histoire des Gverres Civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes : mise en Prangois, par I. Bavdoin, 2 vols, calf Paris, Siineon Piget, 1658, 4<* Vol. I. Sixteen pi-el. leaves, and 631 pp.; table, 17 pp. II. Title and 555 pp. ; table, 20 pp. 918 Garcilasso de la Vega (El Tnca) The Eoyal Commentaries of Peru, in Two Parts; rendred into English, by Sir Pavl E-ycavt, ^t.fine copy, in old calf Lond. 1688, folio Four prel. leaves ; text, 1019 pp. ; Index, 8 pp. Port, of Sir Paul Rycaut,' and 10 copper-plates. Robertson, in his History, states that the Commen- taries of Garcilasso de la Vega contain some curious facts taken from authors whose works were never published. 919 Garcilasso de la Yega (El Ynca) Histoire des Yncas Eois du> Perou, traduite par J. Baudoin, 2 vols, old calf Amst. 1704, 12° Vol. I. Twelve prel. leaves, and 512 pp. Copper-plate map and 3 plates. II. Six prel. leaves, and 492 pp. ; table, 36 pp. 920 Garcilasso de la Yega (El Tnca) Histoire de la Conquete de la Eloride, 2 vols. Paris, 1709, 12° Vol. I. Title, and 281 pp. II. Title, and 249 pp. ; table, 10 pp. 104! rOUETH day's SALE. 921 Qarcilasso de la Vega (El Ynca) Histoire de la Conquete de la rioride, 2 vols, old calf gilt Leide, 1731, sm. 8<* Vol. I. Thirteen prel. leaves, and 290 pp. Map of Florida at p. 1, and 5 plates. II. 582 pp. ; 4 plates. The date 1731 is sometimes, as in the present instance, found altered with a pen to 1735, in both volumes. 922 G-arcilasso de la Yega (El Ynca) Geschichte der Eroberung von riorida Zelle, FrancJcfurt, und Leipzig, 1753, 52 and 456 pp. 8"* 923 Garden (Alexander) of Charles Town^ So. Car., Eegenera- tion and Testimony of the Spirit, Two Sermons occasioned by some erroneous Notions of certain Men who call them- selves Methodists Charles Town, Peter Timothy, 1740, 8« Title, iii. and 33 pp. 924 Gardiner (Eichard) An Account of the Expedition to the West Indies against Martinico, Guadelupe, and other the Leeward Islands, old calf Lond. 1759, 4^^ Two prel. leaves, and 75 pp. Map of Guadeloupe ; and Plan of the General Attack. 925 Gardiner (R.) Expedition to the "West Indies, 3rd ed. Birmingham, John Ba^kerville, 1 762, 4*^ Half-title, title, Dedication, and 92 pp. ; 4 plates. Beautifully printed. 926 Gardiner (R.) Expedition aux Indes Occidentales, 3me. ed. Birmingham, Jean Bashervilldt 1762, 4'' Half-title, title, Dedication, and 91 pp. 927 Garella (Napoleon) Projetd'un Canal de Jonction de I'Ocean Pacifique et de I'Ocean Atlantique a Travers I'lsthme de Panama, uncut Baris, 1845, 8*^ Two hundred and forty-one pp. ; plans on a large sheet. 928 Gass (Patrick) A Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery from the Mouth of the Missouri, through the Interior Parts of North America, to the Pacific Ocean, uncid Bittshurgh : London, repr. 1808, 8° Four prel. and 381 pp. 929 Gass (Patrick) Journalj 4th ed. old calf Bhiladelphia, 1812, 12° X. and 262 pp. ; 6 plates. 930 Gauld (George) Observations on the Florida Kays, Eeef, and Gulf; also, a Description of the Coast of West Florida be- tween the Bay of Spiritu Santo and Cape Sable, hf. mor. Lond. 1796, 28 pp. 4° 931 Gee (Joshua) The Trade and Navigation of Great Britain considered; shewing that the surest way for a nation to increase in riches is to prevent the importation of such foreign commodities as may be rais'd at home, 2nd ed. hf mor. Lond. 1730, 9 pr. Is. and 147 pp. 8° FOUBTH day's SALE. 106' 000 Genuine Letters. See Pinchon (Tho.) 932 Georgia, An Account shewing the Progress of the Colony of, ends on p. 64< Lond. 174<1, folio Title, and 71 pp. 933 Georgia, An Impartial Enquiry into the State and Utility of, Jif. mor. Lond. 1741, 8« Half-title, title, and 104 pp. Written in defence of the colony. 934 Georgia, A State of the Province of, attested upon oath in the Court of Savannah, Nov. 10, 1740, hf, mor. Lond. 1742, 8« Half-title, title, and 32 pp. Reprinted in Stephens' Journal^ vol. ii. 935 Georgia, A Brief Account of the Causes that have retarded the Progress of the Colony of, lif. mor. Lond. 1743, 8^ Half-title, title, and 101 pp. 936 Gerrish (Martha). The Happiness of a Holy Life, exem- plified in the Sickness and Death of the pious Mrs. Martha Gerrish, of Boston, in New England, who died April the 14th, 1736; with a Collection of very Pathetict Letters written by her : to which is added, her Euneral Sermon, [by Nathaniel Appleton], the hoitom ofG4iis torn off Lond. 1740, 12« Half-titlej xxii and 207 pp. ] Contents, 6 pp. 937 Gibbons (Thomas) Divine Conduct vindicated, Two Dis- courses occasioned by the Decease of the Rev. Sam. Davies, President of the College of Nassau Hall in New Jersey j with some Memoirs of Mr. Davies, and Extracts from his Letters Lond. 1761, 31 pp. 8° 938 Gibson (James) A Journal of the late Siege by the Troops from North America against the Erench at Cape Breton, the City of Louisbourg, and the Territories thereunto be- longing, Jif. mor. Lond. 1745, 8<» Title, and 49 pp. Large map of Louisburg". 939 Gill (John) A Eeply to a Defence of the Divine Eight of Infant Baptism, by Peter Clark, A.M. Minister at Salem, etc. uncut Lond. 1765, 116 pp. 8^ 940 Gillespie (Alexander) Gleanings and Eemarks : collected during many months of residence at Buenos Ayres, and within the Upper Country, halflound Leeds, 1818, 8*^ Two prel. leaves ; and 242 for 342 pp. Map of South America. 941 Gillies (John) Memoirs of the Life of the Eeverend George "Whitefield, with an Extract from his Tracts New-London, {Conn.) S. Green, for Corn. DamSy N. York, 1798, 287 pp. 12^ 942 Gillies (John) Appendix to the Historical Collections, relating to the Success of the Gospel. By the Compiler of said Collections Glasgoiv, John Orr, 1761, 12^ Two prel. leaves and 250 pp. Largely relating to America. P 106 ForETH day's sale. 943 GiOEGiia DA Jbsi (Giovaniti) II Mondo Nvovo, vellum lesi, Pietro Farri, 1596, 4° Title within border the reverse blank ; Text in double columns folioed 2 to 153: with 5 sequent leaves. This scarce historical Italian Poem is not noticed by Hayin, nor apparently by any other Bibliographer. — Rich. 944 Grlareanus (Henriciis) '£oetae Lavreati, De Geographia, Liber vnvs Basil. 1528, 4^* Thirty-five folioed leaves. For an account of this curious and interesting" geographical Tract see F. A. Brockhaus, Bibliotlieque AmeHcaine, No. 3. 945 Glareanus (H.) Geograpliia Frihvrgvm Brisgavdiae, 1530, 4'* Thirty-five folioed leaves; and I with woodcut on the reverse. 946 Glareanus (H.) Geographia Fribvrgvm Brisffoviae, 1533, 4<* Idem. 947 Glareanus (H.) Geograpliia, unbound Frihurgum BinsgovicB, 1551, 4° Thirty-three folioed leaves. 948 Glas (George) The History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands : translated from a Spanish Manu- script, lately found in the Island of Palma, hf. mor. Lond. 1764, 4P Four prel. leaves ; viii and 368 pp. Map of the Canary Islands at p. I, and two Charts at p. 183. 000 Glass for the People of New England. See Kew Fngland. .949 Glover (Mr.) A Short Account of the late Application to Parliament made by the Merchants of London upon the Neglect of their Trad*e, 2nd Ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1742, 61 pp. 8° 950 Glover (Mr.) A Short Account, etc. 6th Ed. half morocco Lond. 1742, 1774, 71 pp. 8° 951 Glover (Mr.) The Substance of the Evidence delivered to a Committee of the Honourable House of Commons by the Merchants and Traders of London, concerned in the Trade to Germany and Holland, and of the Dealers in Eoreign Linens, unbound Lond. 1774, 8° Half-title, title, and 72 pp. 952 Glover (Mr.) The Substance of the Evidence on the Petition presented by the West-India Planters and Merchants to the House of Commons Lond. [1775], 8^ Half-title, title, and 47 pp. 953 Glover (Mr.) The Evidence Delivered on the Petition pre- sented b}^ the AVest-India Planters, hf. morocco [Lond. 1775], title and 95 pp. 8"* 954 GoDDAED (AYilliam) The Partnership : or the History of the Bise and Progress of the Penxstlvaxias^ Cheonicle, &c. AVherein the Conduct of Joseph Galloway, Esq. ; Speaker of the Honourable House of Eepresentativesofthe Province of Pennsylvania, Mr. Thomas Wharton, sen. and their Man Benjamin Towne, my late Partners, with my own, is properly delineated, and their Calumnies against me fully refuted, calf FUladelphia, William Goddard, 1770, 72 pp. 8« FOTJETH day's SALE. 107 955 GoDWSTT (MoEOAjr) The Negro's & Indians Advocate, suing for their Admission into the Church: or A Persuasive to the Instructing and Baptizing of the Negro's and Indians in our Plantations, j^we copy Lond. for the AutJiorf 1680, 7 pr. Is. and 174 pp. 8° 956 Goes (Damiani a) Hispania Lovanii, B. Bescius, 1542, 4° Thirty leaves, the first page being occupied by the title, the last being blank. The Spanish possessions in America, their produce, etc. are referred to in this Tract. 957 GoMARA (Francisco Lopez de) Histoeia delle Nvovb Indie Occidentali, con tvtti i discoprimenti, & cose nota- bili, auuenute dopo I'acquisto di esse. Tradotta nella Ita- liana da Agostimo di Cravaliz, vellum Venetia, Francesco Lorenzini da Turino, 1560, em. 8° Ten prel. and 306 folioed leaves. 958 GoMARA (Francisco Lopez de) Histoire Generalle des Indes Occidentales et Terres Nevves, qui iusques a present ont este descouuertes. Traduite en franQois par M. Fumee, Sieur de Marley le Chastel, calf gilt Paris, Michel SonniuSy 1577, 8° Six prel. and 355 folioed leaves ; table 29 pp. 959 GoMAEA (Francisco Lopez de) The Pleasant Histoeie of the Conquest of the West India, now called New Spaine, atchieued by the most woorthie Prince Hernando Cortes, translated by T[homas]. Nicholas], black letter, very fine clean copy Lond. hy Thomas Creede, 1596, 4P Title ; Epistle to Sir F. Walsingham, 6 pp. ; " To the Reader," 2 pp. ; lau- datory Verses, 2 pp. ; text, 405 pp., and Table, 6 pp. Ihe Laudatory Verses are by Stephen Gosson, author of The Schooleqf Abuse. 960 GoNCALEz DE CuETO (Damiano). Oratio Fvnebris Habita a Magistro Damiano Goncalez de Cveto, Patris Antonij Arias e Societate lesu, in Collegio Mexicano eiusdem Socie- tatis, decimo Kalendas lulij. Anni 1603, fine copy Mexici, apud Senricum Martinez^ [1603], 4° Title and 8 leaves. 961 Goncalez de Nageea (Alonso) El Qvinto, y Sexto Pvnto de la Eelacion del Desengafio de la guerra de Chile, sacados de 14. de su declaracion, cuyos titulos han de series que estan puestos al fin, calf [Madrid, 1647?] IQ folioed leaves, 4P 962 Gonzales Carranza (Domingo) A Geographical Description of the Coasts, Harbours, and Sea Ports of the Spanish West Indies ; particularly of Porto Bello, Cartagena, and the Island of Cuba, hf mor. Lond. 1740, S** xii. and 124 pp. Index 8 pp. Map of the West Indies, and 4 Plans. 963 Goodwin (Thomas). An Apologeticall Narration, hvmbly svbmitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament, by Tho. Goodwin, Philip Nye, William Bridge, Jer. Burroughes, Sidradi Simpson, hf mor, Lond. 1*643, 4° Two prel. leaves and 31 pp. 108 f6tj»th day's sale. "964 Qoodwin (John). Moro-Mastix : Mr. John Q-oodwin whipt with his own Eod, or the dissecting of the sixteenth Section of his book truly nam'd hj Himself, Hagio-Mastix : So far as it falsly and frivously mentions a late disputation in Christ- Church Parish, concerning the lawfulness of paying Tythes, /i7ie copy Lond. Tlio. UnderMllt at the sign of the Bible in great Woodstreet, 1647, 15 pp. 4° 965 Goodwin (Thomas). A Copy of Eemonstrance lately delivered in to the Assembly, by Thomas Goodwin, lerem. Burroughs, William Greenhill, "William Bridge, Philip Nie, Sidrach Simson and William Carter, declaring the Grounds and Eeasons of their declining to bring it to the Assembly, their Modell of Church Government, hf. mor. Lond. 1645, 8 pp. 4» 966 Gordon (William) Pastor of the third Church, Boxburg, The Doctrine of Pinal Universal Salvation Examined and Shewn to be Unscriptural ; in Answer to a Pamphlet entitled Salvation for all Men Illustrated and Vindicated as a Scripture Doctrine, uncut Bostojij printed and sold hg T. and J". Fleet, 1783, 8° Title; Preface ii pp ; Text 96 pp. On the title-pa^e is: — " For the Rev. Dr. John Erskine, from the Author." 967 Gordon (William) The History of the Eise, Progress and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America : including an Account of the late War ; and of the Thirteen Colonies, from their origin to that period, 4 vols. hf QnoroccOj uncut Lond. 1788, 8° Vol. I. 13 prel. leaves and 504 pp. * Plate 1. The United States of America.' II. 4 prel. leaves and 584 pp. ' Plate 2. Boston with its Environs.' ' Plate 3. New York Island.' * Plate 4. The Jerseys.' ' Plate 5. New Hampshire, Vermont.' III. 4. prel. leaves and 499 pp. * Plate 6. The Carolina's with part of Georgia.' ' Plate 7. A Sketch of the Operations before Charles- town.' IV. 4 prel. leaves and 445 pp. Index 34 pp. * Plate 8. The Part of Virginia which was the Seat of Action.' ' Plate 9. York Town and Gloucester Point.' This work, the major part of which was written in America, is said to be distinguished by great fidelity. 968 Gordon (W.) History of the United States, 3 vols. cf. New- YorJc, Ig Hodge, Allen and Campbell, 1789, 8° Vol. I. 6 prel. leaves and pp. 25-443. With Map. II. 5 prel. leaves and pp. 25-474. With Map. III. 18 prel. leaves and pp. 17-446. 969 GoEGES (Perdinando) America painted to the Ltee. The true History of the Spaniards proceedings in the Con- quests of the Indians, and of their Civil Wars among them- selves, from Columbus his first Discovery, to these later Times. More especially an absolute iSTarrative of the jS'orth parts of America, and of the Discoveries and Plantations of our English in Virginia, New-England and Berbadoes. The 4 parts complete in morocco, by F. Bedford. The portrait FOITETH DAT*S SALE. 109 called ' America,' representing a female feeding off a roast hitman leg, sometimes found as a frontispiece to this important work, is ivanting in this copy. In every other respect it is a desirable copy Lond.for Nath. Brooh, 1659, 4P Title; 'To the Judicious Reader," 4 pp. Text, 51 pp. Map, ' Americae Descrip.' Part II. 1658. Title and 57 pp. Part III. 1658. Title; 'To the Reader,' 1 leaf; Text, 236 pp. Part IV. 1659. Title, 'The Pre- face,' 2 pp. Text, 52 pp. ' The General Table' of the Four Parts, and ' Books lately printed,' 10 leaves. 970 Graham (John Andrew) A Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont, imcut Lond.for the Author, 1797, 8*^ viii and 187 pp. Portrait of the Author. 971 Graham (Maria) Journal of a Eesidence in Chile during the year 1822, and a Voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823, tmcut Lond. 1824, 4P Four prel. leaves and 512 pp. ; 14 mezzotint plates. 972 Grahame (James) The History of the Eise and Progress of the United States of North America, till the British Eevo- lution in 1688, 2 vols, calf Lond. 1827, 8° Vol. I. xvi and 531 pp. II. viii and 528 pp. 973 Grahame (James) History of North America, 4 vols, uncut Lond. 1836, 8« Vol. I. xxiii and 451 pp. II. viii and 448 pp. III. viii and 436 pp. IV. vii and 462 pp, 974 Geanados y Galvez (Joseph Joaquin) Taedes Ameei- CAis-As : GoBiERTfo Gei^^til y Catolico: Breve y particular Noticia de toda la Historia Indiana: Sucesos, cases notables, y cosas ignoradas, desde la entrada de la Gran Nacion Tulteca a esta tierra de Anahuac, hasta los presentes tiempos Mexico, D. Felipe de Zuniga y Ontiveros, 1778, 4^ Thirty-six prel. leaves; text, 540 pp.; 3 plates. A curious work relating to the early history of the Mexicans, unknown to Clavigero, and not men- tioned by Meusel. — Rich. 975 Great Plot (A) Discovered, or the notorious and wicked Design upon the Eiver of Thames, put in execution on Monday last, with a Hu-and-Cry after the Condemned Prisoners that made their escape upon their removing from Newgate to be transported for Jamaica Land. O. Horton, 1661, 7 pp. 4*^ 976 Grece (Charles F.) Facts and Observations respecting Canada and the United States of America, uncut Lond. 1819, XV and 172 pp. 8" 977 Greenwood (Isaac) A Philosophical Discourse concerning the Mutability and Changes of the Material World; read to the Students of Havard College, April 7, 1731, upon the news of the Death of Thomas Hollis, Esq. of London, the most bountiful Benefactor to that Society Boston, for S. Gerrish, 1731, 2 pr. la. and 24 pp. 8° 110 J'OUETH day's sale. 978 Gregg (Josiali) Commerce of tlie Prairies, or tlie Journal of a Santa Fe Trader, during eight Expeditions across the Great "Western Prairies and a Eesidence of nearly nine years in Northern Mexico, 2 vols. New York J JEenry G. Langley ; London, Wiley ^ Futnam, 1844, 12« Vol. I. 320 pp. ; Map of the Indian Territory, and 3 plates. II. 318 pp. ; Map of the Interior of Northern Mexico, and 3 plates, 979 Grenada. A Brief Enquiry into the Causes of, and Conduct pursued by, the Colonial Government for quelling the Insur- rection in Grenada Land. 1796, 8® Half-title, title, and 125 pp.; * Appendix,' 20 pp.; * Observations,* etc, pp. 127-204 ; Errata, 1 pag^e ; Map. 000 Grynseus (Simon). See Novus Orlis 000 Guard (Theodore de la). See Ward {NatlianieT) 980 Gfereeieo (Eeenam) Relagam Annal das Covsas qve Eezeram os Padres da Companhia de lesvs nas Partes da India Oriental, & no Brasil, Angola, Cabo Yerde, Guine, etc. vellujn Lishoa, lorge Bodrigues, 1605, -4P Title, reverse blank; * Aproua^am ' et ' Lisem^as,' 1 page; * Ao Lector,' 2 pp. ; * Errata,' 2 pp. : text, ' Livro Primeero,' signatures A — N in fours, in two ; * Livro Segvndo,' signatures A— Nnn in fours. 981 Gfmilla (Joseph) El Orinoco Ilustrado, y Desendido, Historia Natural, Civil y Geographica de este Gran Eio, y de sus Caudalosas Yertientes, Govierno, TJsos, y Costumbres de los Indies, 2 vols, half hound Madrid, Manuel Fernandez, ano 1745, 4P Vol. I. 24 prel. leaves and 403 pp.; ' Indice,' 4 pp. ; map at p. 1, and plate at p. 209. II. 4 prel. leaves and 412 pp; 'Indice,' 16 pp.; plate at p. 112. 982 Gumilla (Joseph) Histoire Naturelle, Civile et Geographique de rOrenoque, 3 vols, calf Avignon, 1758, 12P Vol. I. xviii pp. ; Advertissement 7 and Text 388 pp. ; Table, 4 pp. ; copper- plate map at p. 1, and plate at p. 303. II. Title, and 334 pp.; Table, 4 pp.; plate at p. 304. III. Title, and 332 pp.; Table, 4 pp. 983 Hacke (William) A Collection of Original Yoyages (Capt. Cowley's, Capt. Sharp's, Capt. Wood's, and Mr. Eoberts'), calf Lond. 1699, 8° Eight prel. leaves, viz. Title, Dedication, Preface, and Index ; ' A New Map of the World ;' 'Cowley's Voyage,' 45 pp. Plate at pp. 8, 9 ; ' Sharp's and "Wood's Voyages,' 100 pp. Plate at p. 1 ; 'Roberts' Voyage,' 53 pp.; Map at p. 1 ; Plate at p. 18. 984 Haiti, The Eural Code of, in French and English Lond, 1827, 8° Half-title, title, iii to xviii and 100 pp. FOTJBTH day's SALE. Ill 985 Haklittt (Richaed) The Principall Nayigations; VOIAGES AND DISCOVERIES OF THE ENGLISH NaTION, MADE BY Sea or ouer Land, to the most remote and FARTHEST DISTANT QUARTERS OF THE EaRTH AT ANY TIME WITHIN THE COMPASSE OF THESE 1500 TEERES, calf extra^ hy Hay day, fine tall copy Lond. hy George Bishop and Ralph Neivlerie, 1589, folio Eif^ht prel. leaves, viz. Title, reverse blank ; ' To the Right Plonorable Sir Francis Walsingham,' etc. 3 pp.; 'Richard Hakliiyt to the fuuourable Reader,' 3 pp. ; 1 page of Epigrams ; ' The order of all the voyages,' etc. 7 pp.; text, 825 pp.; * A Table Alphabeticall,' etc. 9 pp.; also large folded map. [Colophon] Imprinted at London, etc. 1589, 1 page. This copy contains, between pages 490 and 506, the Voyage of Sir Jerome Bowes, " printed this second time, according to the true copie I receiued of a gentleman that went in the same voyage, for the correction of the errours in the former impression," together with the eight original cancelled leaves. It also contains, between pages 643 and 644, the six suppressed leaves of Sir Francis Drake's Voyage " about the whole Globe." The very rare Map, referred to in the preface, is contained in this copy. 986 Hakll^yt (Richard) The Principal Navigations, VOIAGES, TrAFFIQVES AND DiSCOUERIES OF THE ENGLISH Nation, etc. fine copy in red morocco hy Roger Payne, 3 vols. Lond. George Bishop, Ralph Neivherrie and Robert Barker, 1598-lGOO, folio Vol. I. Title, reverse blank ; Dedication to the Earl of Nottingham, 4 pp. ; Preface, 10 pp. ; Poems, 2 pp. ; A Catalogue, 6 pp. ; text, 619 pp. ; end- ing with the ORIGINAL Voyage to Cadiz, (p. 607 having eight para- graphs, in the reprint only seven) cancelled and suppressed. II. Title, reverse blank; Dedication to Cecil, 6 pp.; A Catalogue, 8 pp.; text, 312 and 204 pp. III. Title, reverse blank; Dedication to Cecil, 4 pp. ; A Catalogue, etc. 10 pp. ; text, 868 pp. 987 Hakluyt (Richard). Virginia richly valued, by tlie description of the maine land of Elorida, her next neighbour : Out of the foure yeeres continuall trauell and discouerie, for above one thousand miles East and "West, of Don Perdinando do Soto, and sixe hundred able men in his companie, written by a Portugall gentleman of Eluas, and translated by Richard Haklvyt,^/?<9 clean copy in hrown calf Bond, hy Felix Kyngston, for Matthew Lownes, 1609, 4P Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, reverse blank ; Dedicatory Epistle, 6 pp. ; text, 180 pp. Translated from the rare little volume printed at Evora in 1557, apparently with the view of inducing settlers to go out to the new colony of Virginia. — Rich. 988 Halibnrton (Thomas C.) An Historical and Statistical Ac- count of Nova Scotia, 2 vols, uncut Halifax, Joseph Howe, 1829, 8^ Vol. I. viii and 340 pp; Index, viii pp.; Map and 2 Plans. II. Title, and 453 pp. ; Index, 3 pp, ; 7 Engravings and Plans ; the Publisher's Apology for the view of Halifax, on a small slip ; 3 folded sheets, viz. Statement, Comparative State, etc. and Account, at page 388. 989 Halkett (John) Historical Notes respecting the Indians of North America, uncut Lond. 1825, viii and 408 pp. 8<* 112 rouRTH dat's bale. 990 Halley (Dr. Horace) President of Transylvania XTniversity, A Discourse on his G-enius aud Character, by C. Caldwell, with an Appendix and Notes, hf, mor. Boston, 1828, 302 pp. 8° 991 Hamilton (Alexander) Report of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States on the subject of Manu- factures, hf. mor. Lond. 1793, 8° Two prel. leaves and 129 pp. Highly commended in the MonfMy Heview. 992 Hamilton. Articles exhibited against Lord Archibald Ha- milton, late Governour of Jamaica Loiid. 1717, 8'' Half-titie, title, pp. v to viii and 32 pp. 993 Hamilton (Archibald, Lord) Answer to an Anonymous Libel, entitled, Articles exhibited against Lord Archibald Hamilton, kf. onor. Lond. 1718, 92 pp. 8° 994 Hancock (John) Observations on the Climate, Soil, and Pro- ductions of British Guiana Lond. for the Autlior, 1840, 2 pr. Is. and 92 pp. 8° 995 Hansen (Leonard) Yita mirabilis et Mors pretiosa venera- bilis Sororis Eossb de S. Maria Limensis, calf Eomae, 1664, 4« Five prel. leaves ; text ends abruptly with the 356th page: Index, Sphal- mata, and Pro testa tic, 2 leaves. 996 Hansen (L.) Yita B. Eossb, 3d Ed. Lovanii, 1668, 12° Twelve prel. leaves, and 549 pjx; Index, 3 pp. 997 Hanson. An Account of the Captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kachccky in New England, who, with Eour of her Children and Servant Maid, was taken Captive by the In- dians and carried into Canada, taken from her own Mouth by Samuel Bownas, half mor. uncut Lond. 1782, 26 pp, ' books,' 2 pp. sm. 8° 998 Hanway (Jonas) An Account of the Society for the Encou- ragement of the British Troops in Germany and North America, cf Lond. 1760, viii. 91, and 55 pp. 8° 999 HAECorRT (Eobeet) A Eelation of a Yotage to Gviana, describing the Climat, Scituation, Eertilitie, Prouisions, and Commodities of that Country^, containing Seuen Prouinces, and other Signiories within that territory, haJfrussiu Lond, Lohn Beale,for TV, Welhy, 1613, 4° Eight prel. leaves, viz. title reverse blank. ' To the High and Mighty Prince Charles,' 3 pp. next page blank. * To the Readers, Adventvrers, etc.* 10 pp. ; text, 71 pp. 1000 Haecouet (E.) Yotage to Gviana. Another Ed. newly reviewed and enlarged by addition of some necessary Notes, Tussia Lond. hy Edio. Allde, 1626, 4P Eight prel. leaves, viz. title reverse blank. ' To the most high and mightie Monarch Charles,' etc. 4 pp. ' To the High and Mighty Prince Charles,' 2 pp. ' To the Readers, Adventvrers,' etc. 8 pp. ; text, 84 pp. 113 1001 Hardie (James) An Account of the Malignant Fever lately prevalent in the City of New York, uncut New Torh, Hurtin and M'Farlane, 1799, 148 pp. 8° 1002 Hardy (John) A Description of the Last Voyage to Ber- mudas, in the Ship Marygold, calf, ly Bedford Lond.for Rowland Beynaldj 1671, 4P Four prel. leaves, and text pp. 1 to 24, in verse. 1003 Hardy (E. W. H.) Travels in the Interior of Mexico in 1825-28, cloth Land. 1829, 558 pp. 8 illust. 8« 1004 Harper (Eobert Goodloe) Observations on the Dispute be- tween the United States and Erance, 5th Ed. Philadelphia printed : Lond. repr. 1798, 8° Title and text, pp. 5-109. Relating to what is commonly termed the " W. X. Y. Z. question." 1005 Harper (Eobert Groodloe) Observations on the Dispute be- tween the United States and Prance, 5th Ed. hf. mor. Philadelphia printed : Lond. repr. 1798, V2P Four prel. leaves, and pp. 7 to 86. 1006 Harper (E. O.) Observations, etc. 6th Ed. //. mor. JBhiladelpMa pri^ited : Lond. repr. 1798, viii. pp. and pp. 5-110, S^ 1007 Harper (E. G.) Observations, &c. 10th Ed. Philadelphia printed : JEdinb. repr. 1798, 89 pp. 12'* 1008 Hart (Levi), Faster of Preston, The Christian Minister, a Sermon delivered at the Ordination of the Eev. Joel Bene- dict, at Newent, in Norwich, 21st Eebruary, 1771, uncut New-London, Tim. Green, 1771, title and 31 pp. 8" 1009 Hart (Levi) The Important Objects of the Evangelical Mi- nistry considered Litchfield, Thos. Collier, 1788, 26 pp. 8<* 1010 Hart (William) Brief Eemarks on a number of Ealse Pro- positions and Dangerous Errors which are spreading in the Country, collected out of sundry Discourses publish'd, wrote by Dr. "Whitaker and Mr. Hopkins, uncut New London, Tim. Green, 1769, 72 pp. 8° 1011 Hartley (David) An Address to the Committee of Asso- ciation of the County of York, on the State of Public AflFairs, 2nd Ed. half mor. York, 1781, 46 pp. 8« 1012 Hartley (David) Aii Address to the Committee of the County of York, on the State of Public Affairs, hf mor. Lond. 1781, 63 pp. 8° This is a reprint of the preceding-, with the addition, at the end, of " The Address of the Committee of Association for the County of York," pp. 53 to 63. 1013 Haetlib (Samuel) The Eeeokmed Viegiisiatt Sile:- WoRM, or a Eare and New Discovery of a speedy way and easie means found out by a young Lady in England, she having made full proof thereof in May, anno 1652, cut close Lond. hy John Sir eater, for Giles Calvert, 1655, 4° Two prel. leaves, viz. title, reverse blank. ' To the Reader,' 2 pp. Text, 40 pp. Q A 114 TOUETH DAY*S SALE. 1014 Haetgebts (Joost) Oost en "Westindtsche Voyaqien: Met de BEScnEUYiNGEN van Indien, Eerste Deel. Daer in begrepen zijn 16 Yoyagieu, etc. fine large copy, in beau- tiful condition, having many rough leaves f Amsterdam, Joost Haetgerts, 1648, 4° This extraordinary Collection ofVoyages by Joost Hartgerts is sometimes called the Dutch De Dry or the Dutch Hulsitis; for in beauty of exe- cution and intrinsic interest it rivals both of those famous Collections. In point of rarity there is no comparison ; this being scarcely known to Bibliographers. How many parts Hartgerts published, it is even now uncertain, although the most active research lias for many years been made by Collectors of Voyages and Travels. The Parts were probably issued and sold separately, and the collection of them into sets, with a collective title, preface, etc. was an afterthought. This Collection has an advantage over De Bry and Hulsius, that many of the voyages are in the language in which they were originally written, while most of those by De Bry and Hulsius are translations. The importance of this Collection will appear from the following brief list of its contents : — Preliminary, 12 leaves, including the engraved and printed titles. Part I. Voyage of the Dutch in three ships to Cathay, by Waygats, Mos- covy, and Tartary, in 1594. Title and 57 pp. with 1 plate. II. First Voyage of the Dutch to the East Indies, under Houtman, in 1595. Title and 102 pp. with 1 plate. III. Voyage of Van Neck in 1598 to the East Indies, and of Sebald de < Weert to Magellan. 92 pp. and 2 plates. IV. Van den Broecke's Voyage to Cape Verde and the East Indies. 112 pp. with 1 plate. V. De Jonge's Voyage to the East Indies and China, 1605-8. Title and 142 pp. with 1 plate. VI. Spilbergen's 1st Voyage 1601-4 — Vander Hagen's 2nd Voyage, 96 pp. with 1 plate. VII. Oliver Van Noort's Voyage in 1598, and the 2nd Voyage of Jacob Van Neck. 88 pp. VIII. Voyages of L'Heremite and Schapenham, 1623-6 ; also by P. de Madriga and De Quir. Title and 76 pp. with 1 plate. IX. (1) Will.Ysbrantsz Bontekoe's Voyage to the East Indies, 1618-25. Title, 1 prel. leaf, with 1 plate. IX. (2) Dirck Albertsz Raven's Voyage to Spitzbergen in 1639. Title and pp. 60-76 (mispiinted 56). X. (1) Spilbergen's Voyage to the Straits of Magellan and the Mo- luccas. Title, 1 prel. leaf, pp. 5-66, with 1 plate. X. (2) Van Schouten's Voyage to the Straits of Magellan, 1615-17. Title and pp. 68-120. XI. Pelsaert and Houtman 's Voyage to the East Indies, 1628-9. Title and 46 pp. with 1 plate, ' Diversche Discourssen,' 8 unnumbered leaves. XII. J. Van Twist's Voyage to the East Indies. Title and 94 pp. XIII. Francois Caron's Account of Japan. Title and 78 pp. 3015 Hattersley (J.) The Conquest of America, and Minor Poems, calf extra, gilt edges, hy Sayday Lond. 1831, 215 pp. 16o 1016 Hatais'A. An Authentic Journal of the Siege of the Ha- yana, by an Officer, very fine copy Lond. 1762, 8^* Half-title, title, and pp. 5-44. Plan, 14^ by S* inches 1017 Haven (Jason) Fastor of Dedham, A Sermon preached before Sir Fr. Bernard, Bart. Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, May 31st, 1769, being the Anniversary of the Election of His Majesty's Council, hf, mor. Boston, Bich. Draper, 1769, 55 pp. sm. 8° FOIJBTH day's SALEj 115 1018 Hawkesworth (John) An Account of the Voyages under- taken by the order of his present Majesty, for making Dis- coveries in the Southern Hemisphere, by Commodore Eyron, Capt. Wallis, Capt. Carteret, and Capt. Cook, 2 vols, calf Duhlm, 1775, 8° Vol. I. Sixprel. leaves, xxvili and pp. 3-489. Chart, and 5 plates. II. Five prel. leaves, and 539 pp. ' A Voyage towards the North Pole,' etc. 49 pp. Chart and 1 plate, 1019 Hawkesworth (J.) Voyages. Another Ed. 2 vols, calf Buhlin, 1775, 8« Vol. I. Six prel. leaves; xxxviii pp. ; and text, pp. 3-489; with Chart of part of the South Sea; 3 plates. II. Five prel. leaves, and 539 pp ; 4 plates. 1020 HavtivIns. The Obseeyatiojts of Sir Eichard Hawkins Knight, in his Vojage jnto the South Sea, Anno Domino . 1593, old cf.fine large copy Lond.for I. laggard^ 1622, folio Three prel. leaves, viz. title, reverse blank. * To the most lUvstriovs and most Excellent Prince Charles,' etc. 1 page. ' To the Reader,' 1 page. Text, 169 pp. Errata, 1 page. ' The Table,' etc. .5 pp. 1021 Hawley (Zerah) A Journal of a Tour through Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, the North Part of Pennsylvania and Ohio New-Haven, S. Converse, 1822, 158 pp. 12« 1022 Hayne (Samuel) An Abstract of all the Statutes made con- cerning Aliens trading in England from the first year of K. Henry the VII. hf. mor. IZond.'] 1685, ^^ Three prel. leaves and 38 pp. 102e3 Hazard (E.) Historical Collection of State Papers, intended as Materials for an History of the United States of Ame- rica, Vol. I. with an autograph of Benj. West Philadelphia, 1792, 740 pp. 4« A valuable Collection of Documents relating to American history, several of which are here printed for the first time. — Rich. The second volume was published in 1794. 1024 Hazard (Joseph) The Conquest of Quebec. A Poem Oxford, 1769, 20 pp. with Plan of Quebec, 4° 1025 Heckewelder (John) A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan In- dians, from its commencement, in the year 1740 to 1808, calf Philadelphia, MGartij and Davis, 1820, 8° Portrait of Zeisberger. xii prel. pp. Text pp. 17 to 429. Errata 1 p. 1026 Hellenbroeck (A.) Specimen of Divine Truths, translated from the Dutch, for the use of the Eeformed Protestant Dutch Church, of the City of New- York New-Yorh, John Holt, 1765, 95 pp. 8° 27 Helliee. The Vain Prodigal Life, and Tragical Penitent Death of Thomas Hellier, born at Whitchurch near Lyme, in Dorsetshire: who for Murdering his Master, Mistress, and a Maid, was executed according to Law at Westover in Charles City, in the Country of Virginia, neer the Plan- tation called Hard Labour, where he perpetrated the said Murders. He suffer'd on Munday the 5th of August, 1678. And was after hanged up in Chains at Windmill- Point, on James Eiver Lond, 1680, 2 prel. leaves and 40 pp. 4" 116 1028 Henderson (George) An Account of the British Settle- ment of Honduras, uncut, bds. Lond. 1809, 8° Two hundred and fourteen pp. Map. 1029 Hennepin (Louis) Voyage ou Nouvelle Decouverte d'un Tres- Grand Pays, dans L'Amerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale, old calf, fine copy Amst. 1704, 12^ Eighteen pre! . leaves, including the engraved frontispiece. Text, 604 pp; Table, 14 leaves. 2 Maps and 6 plates. 1030 Henkepin (Loris) Aenmerckelycke Historische Eeys- Beschryvinge Door verscheyde Landen veel grooter als die van geheel Europa onlanghs ontdeckt,j/?;2e copy, uncut JJtreclit, Anthony Schouten, 1698, 4P Sixteen prel. leaves, and 242 pp. Register 18 pp. Map and 4 plates. 1031 Heemite (Jaqtjis le) A Tel'E EELATioif of the Eleete which went through the Straights of Magellane towards the Coast of Peru, and the Towne of Lima, in the West Indies^ title in exact facsimile Lond. printed for Mercuriv^ Britannicus, 1625, 4P Title, rev. blank ; text 36 pp. 1032 Hereeea (Antois'io de) Historia Gekeeal de los HECHOS DE LOS CaSTELLAIs^OS EN LAS ISLAS I TIEEEA EiEME DEL Mae ocEAifO, OEIGINAL EDITION, eight Decades hound in 4i vols, very fine copy, velhim Madrid, 1601-15, fol. Dec. I. 4 prel. leaves, 371 pp. and 10 leaves of table. Dec. II. 2 leaves, 368 pp. and 8 leaves. Dec. III. 2 leaves, 377 pp. and 8 leaves. Dec. IV. 2 leaves, 293 pp. and 7 leaves. Dec. V. 4 leaves, 317 pp. and 10 leaves. Dec. VI. 2 leaves, 302 pp. and 8 leaves. Dec. VII. 4 leaves, 315 pp. and 10 leaves. Dec. VIII. 4 leaves, 341 pp. and 8 leaves. The first four Decades were published in 1601, and the last four in 1615. There is an engraved title to each Decade. — Description de las Indias Occidentales Madrid, Ane 1601, fol. Two prelim, leaves and 96 pp ; title engr. on copper and 14 maps. This work should go with the General Histoi-y, and is generally bound at the end of the second volume after the fourth Decade. Herrera has been called the Prince OF American Historians. Hiswork embraces a large part of the Manuscript Chronicle of Las Casas. Robert- son says, that of all the Spanish writers, Ilerrera furnishes the fullest and most accurate information concerning the conquest of Mexico, as well as every other transaction in America : and that his Decades may be ranked among the most judicious and useful historical collections. 1033 Heueeea (Anto^^io de) Histoeia Geis^eeal de los HECHOS DE LOS CaSTELLANOS EN LAS ISLAS I TiEERA FiEME DEL Mae Oceano, eight Decades, hound in 4 vols, good copy in Spanish hinding Madrid, 1730, fo]. Decade I. 3 leaves and 292 pp.; Dec. 11. 1726, 3 leaves and 288 pp.; Dec. III. 1726, 2 leaves and 296 pp.; Dec. IV. 1730, 3 leaves and 232 pp.; Dec. V. 1728, 4 leaves and 252 pp ; Dec. VI. 1730, 3 leaves and 236 pp.-, Dec. VII. 1730, 3 leaves and 245 pp.; Dec. VIII. 1730, 3 leaves and 251 pp.; ' Tabla General,' etc. 226 leaves, ending with the Colophon. ' En Madrid : En la Imprenta de Francisco Martinez Abad. Ano de 1 728.' — Descripcione de las Indias Occidentales Madrid, 1730, fol. Twenty prel. leaves; text 70 pp.; * Los Presidentes' etc. pp. 71 to 78. Maps numbered 1 to 14. This reprint of the first Edition usually ac- companies the General Ilistoiy^and forms part of that work. rouETH day's sale. 117 1034 Herrera (Antonio de) Histoire G-enerale des Voyages et Conqvestes des Castillans dans les Isles & Terre-ferme des Indes Occidentales. Par N. de la Coste, calf Paris, 1671, 4° Nine prel. leaves, and 790 pp. Table 12 pp. This volume is a translation into French of Herrera's Third Decade, 1521 to 1526. 1035 Heereea (Antonio de) Notts Oebis, sive Descriptio IndisD Occidentalis accesserunt Ind. Occ. Desc. et NaTi- gationis Jac. Le Maire Historia, etc. very fine copy, original impressed calf Amst. 1622, fol. Four prel. leaves including the engraved and printed titles ; text 44 folioed leaves; followed by a half-title * Ephemerides,' etc. 3 leaves and text folioed 46 to 83. Followed by another half-title ' Descriptio Indise Occidentalis, etc. Avthore Petro Ordonnez de Cevallos,' 9 leaves, suc- ceeded by a half-title ' Brevis ac Succincta Americse,' 11 leaves. The first part has the 14 maps copied from the Madrid edition of 1601 of the Indias Occidentales, and Le Maire is illustrated with the three maps taken from De Bry, together with 4 plates inserted in the text on fols. 60, 61, 65, 67. In the Preface to Barcia's reprint of Herrera's works at Madrid, 1726-30, the editor repudiates this edition, as being full of typo- graphical errors, and saddled with matters not pertaining to Herrera. 1036 Herrera (Antonio de) The Greneral History of the vast Continent and Islands of America, commonly call'd, The West Indies, from the first discovery thereof: with the best Accounts the People could give of their Antiquities. Collected from the Original Eelations sent to the Kings of Spain, translated into English by Capt. John Stevens, old calf, 6 vols. Land. 1730, 8° Vol. I. 4 prel. leaves; viz. Title and Preface; text 379 pp. With 2 maps. Portrait of Columbus and 2 plates. II. Title and 430 pp. 4 plates. III. 1726, title and 418 pp. 3 plates. lY. 1726. Title and 422 pp. Portrait of Cortes and 2 plates. V. 1 726. Title and 430 pp. 2 plates. VI. 1726, Title and 408 pp. Index 30 pp. plate at p. 1. 1037 Heeeeea (A. de) History of America, 2nd Ed. 6 vols. cf. extra ly Bedford, fine copy Land. 1740., 8^ This second Edition is the same as the preceding, with new title-pages. 1038 Hey (Richard) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, and the Principles of Grovernment, hf mor. Lond. 1776, 8<> Two prel. leaves and 70 pp. Highly commended by the Monthly Beviem, 1039 Hickeringill (Edmond) Jamaica Viewed, with all the Ports, Harbours, and their several Soundings, Towns and Settle- ments thereunto belonging, together with the nature of its Climate, fruitfulnesse of the Soile, and its suitablenesse to English Complexions, 2nd Ed. Hue copy, cf. Lond. 1661, 16*^ Eight prel. leaves and 87 pp. with map of Jamaica on copper. Copies with the map are very uncommon. Barcia says that this work is a paraphrase of all that had been previously written on the subject. 1040 Higgins (Bryan) Observations and Advices for the Im- provement of the Manufacture of Muscovado Sugar and Eum, second Part, hf mor. uncut St. Jago de la Vega, A. Aihrnan^ 1800, 8^ Two prel. leaves, 132 pp. and 9 plates. 118 FOXTETH day's SALE. 1041 Hill (Anthony) Afer Baptizatus : or, The Negro tum'd Christian, being a Short and Plain Discourse, sliewing, I. The Necessity of Instructing and Baptizing Slaves in English Plantations. II. The Polly of that Vulgar Opinion, that Slaves do cease to be Slaves when once Baptized, hf. mor, Lond. 1702, 8« Three prel. leaves and 55 pp. with the autograph of "White Kenuett on the title-page. 1042 Hinton (J. E.) History and Topography of the United States, ma]ps and plates, 2 vols. Lond. 1831, 4P Vol. I. Half-title, engr. title, Portrait of "Washington; dedication, preface, and contents, 9 leaves; text, 520 pp ; 59 plates. II. Half-title, engr. title, frontispiece, 4 prel. leaves, plate of fac-similes; text, 580 pp. ; 38 maps and plates. 1013 Hippisley (Gr.) A Narrative of the Expedition to the Eivers Orinoco and Apure, in South America, hf. Id. Lond, 1819, 673 pp. 8« 1014 Hireling, Artifice Detected : or, the Profit and Loss of Grreat Britain, in the Present War with Spain, set in its true Light, with an Appendix, containing a List of the Ships taken, Jif. mor. Lond. 1742, title and 76 pp. 8° 1045 Historical (An) Essay on the English Constitution : or, an Impartial Inquiry into the Elective Power of the People, hf. mor. uncut Lond. 1771, 218 pp. 8° 1046 Historical (An) Memorial of the Negotiation of Prance and England, from the 26th of March to the 20th of Sept. 1761, with the Vouchers Lond. 1761, 64 pp. 4P 1047 Hodgson (Adam) Letters from North America, 2 vols. hoards Lond. 1824, 8° Vol. I. XT and 405 pp. Errata on slip, and 1 plate. II. Tide, iv. and 473 pp. Errata on slip, and 1 plate. 1048 Holme (Benjamin) A Collection of the Epistles and Works of, to which is prefix'd, an Account of his Life and Travels through several parts of Europe and America Lond. 1754, vii and 194 pp. 8° 1049 Holmes (Abiel) Pastor, of Cambridge, The Life of Ezra Stiles, D.D. Boston, TJiomas and Andrews, 1798, 403 pp. 8« 1050 Holmes (Abiel) American Annals, from its first discovery in 1492 to 1806, maps, 2 vols, half hound Lond. 1813, 8« Vol. I. Title, iv and 412 pp.; map. II. Title and 457 pp.; map. 1051 Holyoke (Edward) of New England, The Doctrine of Life, or of Man's Eedemtion, by the Seed of Eve, the Seed of Abraham, the Seed of David, &e. as it was taught in severall Periods of Time, from Gen. 3. 15. till Christ came in the Flesh, calf Lond. 1658, 4° Nine prel. leaves, and 426 pp. Table 17 pp.; Errata, 1 page. .1052 Hooker (Nathaniel) Pastor j of LLartford, Six Discourses on difierent subjects Ilartfordy Ehenezer Watson, 1771, 99 pp. 8° ForRTH day's sale. 119 1053 HoOKE (William) of Taunton^ N.E., New England's Teaees for Old England's Eeares, preached in a Sermon on July 23, 1640, being a day of Publike Humiliation, ap- pointed by the Churches in behalfe of our native Countrey in time of feared dangers,^7je copy in calf, hy Bedford Lond, 1641, 4P Two prel. leaves and 23 pp. There appear to have been two editions the same year. 1054 Hooker (Thomas) of Hartford, Connecticut, The Sovles Ingrafting into Christ Lond. 1037, 4« Title and 30 pp.; followed by The Broken Heart, pp. 1-320. 1055 Hooker (Thomas) The Sovles Vocation, or Effectval Call- ing to Christ, ^we copy, old calf Lond. 1638, 4** Twelve prel. leaves, viz. Title, and Table of Contents. 2nd Title, ' The Sovles Effectval Calling to Christ, etc. by T. H., Lond. 1637 ;' Text, pp. 33-668. 1056 Hooker (Thomas) The Sovles Exaltation, a Treatise, con- taining The Soules Vnion with Christ, on 1 Cor. 6. 17; The Soules Benefit from Ynion with Christ, on 1 Cor. 1 . 30 ; The Soules Justification, on 2 Cor. 5. 21, old calf Lond. 1638, 4« Eight prel. leaves, viz. Title, Table, and Severall Treatises, etc. Text, 311 pp. 1057 Hooker (Thomas) The Sovles Preparation for Christ, or, a Treatise of Contrition, 4th Ed. Lond, 1638, 4° Three prel. leaves, viz. Title, and Table of Contents ; Text, 242 pp. 1058 — The same, 6th Ed. Lond. 1643, 12° Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, * Contents,' and * Severall Treatises ;' Text, 386 pp. 1059 — The same, 7th Ed. Lond. 1658, 12« Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, A Table of the Contents, and Severall Trea- tises ; Text, 386 pp. 1060 Hooker (Thomas) The Sovles Hvmiliation Amst. 1638, 302 pp. 16« 1061 Hooker (Thomas) The Ynbeleevers Preparing for Christ, old calf Lond. 1638, 4° Two prel. leaves, viz. Title, and Severall Treatises, etc. ; Text, 204 pp. ; The First Table, 4 pp. Second Part, beginning on signature Aaa, 119 pp. The Table, 4 pp. 1062 Hooker (Thomas) The Immortality of the Soule: The Excellencie of Christ Jesvs treated on Lond. 1646, 4** Title and 21 pp. 1063 Hooker (Thomas) A Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline ; wherein the Way of the Churches of New England is warranted out of the "Word, and all Exceptions of weight, which are made against it, answered, fine copy Lond. 1648, 4° Eighteen prel. leaves; text. Part I. 139 and 185-296 pp.j Part II. 90 pp. the Third Part, 46 pp. j Part IV. 69 pp. 120 FOUETH bat's SALE. 1064 Hooker (Thomas) The Poor Doubting Christian drawn to Christ Lond. 1659, title and 185 pp. 12° 1065 Hooper CWilliam) Factor of tlie West Church, Boston, The Apostles neither Impostors nor Enthusiasts, a Sermon Boston^ Bogers and Fowle, 1742, title and pp. 5-48, S° 1066 HooENBEEK (Johk) De Conversione Indorum et G-en- tnium, Libri Duo, accessit ejusdem Yita ab Amico edita, with large folding copperplate portrait of Soornheek in- serted Amst. 1669, 4" Twenty-eight prel. leaves, the last blank, and 259 pp.; Index, 13 pp.; * Auctor Lectoris,' 2 pp. ; ' Liber Secundus Caput XV. & Ultimum,' pp. 2G0 to 265. 1067 Hopkins (Samuel) Pastor, of Newport^ The Life and Character of Miss Susanna Anthony, who died in JS'ewport (E.I.), June 23, 1791, in the 65th year of her age, calf Worcester, Mass.; Hartford, repr. 1799, 168 pp. 8^ 1068 — The same, new Edition, with a Preface by Dr. E-yland, Mr. Puller, and Mr. Sutcliff, unbound Clipstone, J. W. Morris, 1803, 2 pr. Is. and 241 pp. 8° 1069 Hopkirk (J. G-.). An Account of the Insurrection in St. Domingo, 2nd Ed. Edinh. 1833, 59 pp. 8° 1070 Hornius (Georgius) De Originibvs Americanis, calf HagcB Comitis. [Colophon'] Lvgd. Batav. 1652, 8<* Ten prel. leaves and 282 pp. This work was written at the instance of John de Laet, in opposition to the opinions of Grotius on the subject to which it refers. 1071 — De Originibus Americanis, Another Ed. Hemipoli {Halherstadt'], 1669, sm. 12« Twelve prel. leaves (including evgraved frontispiece) and 503 pp. 1072 Houghton (Thomas) The Alteration of the Coyn, with a feasible Method to do it, 2 vols, in 1 London, foi' the Author, 1695, 4° Fifty pages ; succeeded by ' Europe's Glory, or Peace & Plenty to the People thereof, being a Projection, or a Scheam of Reasonable Terms,' etc. 31 pp. 1073 Howe (Eobert, Lord). A Letter from Cicero to the Eight Hon. Lord Yiscount H — e, occasioned by his late Speech in the H— e of C— s, hf onor. Lond. 1781, 8« Half-title, title, and 43 pp. By Mr. Galloway ; accusing Lord Howe of having basely betrayed his trust in command of the forces in America. 1074 HowGiLL (Eeaxcis). The Popish Inquisition, newly EBECTED IN jSTew ENGLAND, whereby their Church is manifested to be a Daughter of Mysterie Babylon, which did drink the Blood of the Saints, who bears the express Image of her Mother, demonstrated by her fruits ; also, their Eulers to be in the Beasts power, upon whom the "Whore rideth manifest by their wicked compulsary laws against the Lamb and his followers, last leaf and corner of preceding leaf in facsimile, calf extra, hy Bratt Lond. for Thomas Simmons, 1659, title and 74 pp. 4P rouETH day's sale. 121 1075 HowGiLL (Feancis) The Deceiver of the Nations Dis- covered, and his Cruelty made manifest . . . more especially his cruel Works of Darkness laid open and reproved in Maryland in Virginia, and the sad Sufferings of the Servants of the Lord there by his cruel instruments, hf. mor. Lond.for Thomas Simmons, 1660, 27 pp. 4° 1076 Howse (Joseph) A Grrammar of the Cree Language, with which is combined an ^Jialysis of the Chippeway Dialect, cloth, tmcut Lond. 1844, 344 pp. 8° 1077 HuBBAED (William), Minister, of Ipswich, N.E. The Happiness of a People in the Wisdome oe thfie EuLEES, a Sermon preached at Boston, May 3rd, 1676, being the day of election there, fine large copy, with rough leaves, hf. mor. Boston, hy John Foster, 1676, 4° Title, reverse blank ; Dedication, * To the Honourable John Leveret, Esq.' etc. 5 pp. signed ' W. H.' ; * Some Faults,' etc. 1 p, ; text, 63 pp. This tract was the next year issued as a part of Hubbard's Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England. See No. 1078. This VOLUME IS BELIEVED TO BE THE FIRST PRINTED IN BOSTON. 1078 HuBBAED (William) The Peesent" State oe New England, being a Naeeatiye of the Teoubles with THE Indians in New England; to which is added a Discourse about the War with the Peqvods in the year 1637, Hue morocco extra, hy Bedford, beautiful copy Lond. 1677, 4« Seven prel. leaves, viz. Licence ; Title, reverse blank ; Dedication, 4 pp. sig-ned 'William Hubbard;' An Advertisement to the Reader, 2 pp.; To the Reverend Mr. William Hubbard, 2 pp. signed ' J. S.;' Vpon the elaborate Survey of New-Englands Passions, etc. 2 pp. signed ' B. T.j* * A Map of New-England, being the first that was ever here cut,' etc. text, 131 pp.; * A Table,' etc. 7 pp.; *A Postscript,' 6 pp. ; *A Narrative,' etc. 88 pp. An exact reprint of tbe rare Tract commencing "A Nar- rative of the Ti'oubles with the Indians" of the same year. 1079 Hudson (Samuel), Minister in New England. The Essence and Unitie of the Church Catholike visible, and the Prioritie thereof in regard of Particular Churches discussed Lond. 1645, 4P Title ; * To the Reader,' 2 leaves ; text, 52 pp. 1080 Hudson (Samuel) A Vindication of the Essence and Unity of the Chvrch Catholike visible, and the Priority thereof in regard of Particular Churches; jn answer to the Ob- jections made against it, both by Mr. John Ellis junior, and by Mr. Hooker in his Survey of Church Discipline Lond. 1650, 4° Fifteen prel. leaves, viz. Title, Dedication, Epistle to the Reader, Errata, Table, and This Leaf, etc. ; text, 265 pp. 1081 Hudson (Samuel) An Addition or Postscript to the Vindi- cation of the Essence and Unity of the Church Catholick visible, and the Priority thereof in regard of Particular Churches Lond. 1658, 2 prel. leaves and 52 pp. 4<' 122 ForETH day's sale. 1082 Huit (Ephraim) FastoVf of Windsor, Cojinecticut. The whole Prophecie of Daniel explained, by a Paraphrase, Analysis and briefe Comment, old calf [Land.'] Henry Overton, 1644, 4» Two pre], leaves and 358 pp.; with ' Aufilisis' at p. 4, and 10 folio folded sheets of Analyses. 1083 Humboldt (Alexandre de) Essai Politique sur le Eoyaume de la IS'ouvelle Espag-ne, 5 vols, hf cf gilt Paris, 1811, 8° Vol. I. Half-title, title, iii and 456 pp. ; with map. II. Half-title, title, and 522 pp.; with tableau. III. Half-title, title, and 420 pp. IV. Half-title, title, and :J65 pp. V. Half-title, title, and 352 pp. 1084 Hume (Sophia) An Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the Province of South Carolina Pliiladelpliia, William Bradford, [1747], 158 pp. 8» 1085 — An Exhortation, etc. Another ed. caff Bristol, Samuel Farley, 1750, 80 pp. 8° 1086 — An Exhortation, etc. Another ed. Lond. Luke Hinde, 1752, 152 pp. 8« 1087 Hume (Sophia) An Epistle to the Inhabitants of South Carolina, containing Sundry Observations proper to be consider'd by every Professor of Christianity in general Lond. Lake Rinde, 1754, 114 pp. 8'' 1088 Humphreys (David) An Historical Account of the In- corporated Society for the Propagation of the Grospel in Foreign Parts, very fine copy, calf Lond. 1730, 8<* xxxi and 356 pp.; 2 maps. Containing some curious particulars of different parts of North America. 1089 Humphreys (David) An Account of the Endeavours used by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, to instruct the Negroe Slaves in New York, together with Two of Bp. Gibson's Letters on that sub- ject Lond. 1730, 45 pp. 8° 1090 Humphries (David) A Poem addressed to the Armies of the United States of America, hf mor, Neio-Haven, T. and S. Green, 1784 ; Paris, repr. 1785 ; and Lond. 1785, 28 pp. 4° 1091 Hunter (John) Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians of North America, from Childhood to the age of Nineteen, with Anecdotes descriptive of their Manners and Customs, new ed. Lond. 1823, 8° Eig;ht prel. leaves, including poi'trait, and pp. 3-147. 1092 Hutchins (Thos.) A Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina, comprehend- the Eivers Ohio, Kenhawa, Sioto, Cherokee, Wabash, niinois, Missisippi, etc. List of the Nations and Tribes of Indians, etc. Lond. 1777, 8^ Two prel leaves, and 07 pp. with 2 plans and a Table of Distances. SALE. 123 1093 Hutchinson (Samuel) of Boston, N.JE. A Declaration of a Tiiture Glorious Estate of a Church to be here upon Earth, at Christ's Personal Appearance for the Eestitution of all things, a Thousand Years before the Ultimate Day of the General Judgment, halfmor. Lond. 1667, 36 pp. 4° 1094 Hutchinson (Thomas). The Letters of Governor Hutchin- son and Lieut.-Governor Oliver, etc. Printed at Boston, uncut Lond. 1774, 8<^ Title and 1.34 pp. These letters were procured by Dr. Franklin, and sent to Boston to his friend Dr. Samuel Cooper, with strict injunctions not to allow them to be published. They were, however, printed in Boston, and made a great noise at the time. Tlie present edition was published with re- marks in exculpation of Gov. Hutchinson, by his friend, Israel Maudit. 1095 Hutchinson (T.). Letters of Governor Hutchinson, 2nd ed. Jif. mor, uncut Lond. 1774<, S^ Half-title, title, and 142 pp. 1096 Hutchinson- (Thomas) The History of the Colony of Massachusett's Bay, from the First Settlement thereof in 1628, until its Incorporation with the Colony of Plimouth, Province of Main, 2nd ed. 2 vols. Lond. 1765, 8« Vol. I. Three prel. leaves; iv and 566 pp. II. Twoprel. leaves; iv and 539 pp. This second edition was issued in London at first with the date 1760 in error for 1 765, but the title was cancelled, and the date corrected. Volume II. of this set has the date 1760. 1097 — History of Massachusetts Bay, from 1749 to 1774, edited by the Author's Grandson, the Eev. John Hutchinson, Ids. Lond. 1828, 571 pp. 8^ 1098 Htjtten (TJlrtch). OftheYYood called Gvaiacvm, that healeth the Erenche Pockes, and also Helpeth the Govte in the Eeete, the Stoone, the Palsey, Lepree, Dropsy, Eallynge Euyll, and other Dyseases {wanting the 2'^th leaf) Londini in Aedibvs, Tlio. JBertlieletiy !I536, 16** Title, reverse blank. ' The Preface,' and * % The Table of this boke,' to- gether 5 pp. Text, 82 folioed leaves for 79, in Ijlarfe letter. 1099 — Of the YYood called Gvaiacvm. Another ed. Londiniy Thomce Bertheleti, 1540, 4° Title, reverse blank. ' The Preface,' 2 pp. * The Table.' 2 pp. Text, 58 folioed leaves, in ISUcft letter. 1100 Imlay (George) A Topographical Description of the West- ern Territory of North America, 2nd ed. Lond. 1793, S^ Title, xviand 433 pp. ; Index, 19 pp. ; Errata, 1 p. ; 2 Maps, Plan, and Table. 1101 Impartial (An) Sketch of the various Indulgences granted by Great Britain to her Colonies, upon which they have founded their Presum.ption of soaring towards Independence Lond. 1788, 2 prel. leaves, and 43 pp. 8° 124 1102 Importance (The) of Gaining and Preserving the Friend- ship of the Indians to the British Interest considered, lif. mor. Lond. 1752, 8° Title, and 46 pp. By Archibald Kennedy. 1103 Importance (The) of the British Dominion in India, com- pared with that in America, hf. mor. Lond. 1770, title, and pp. 5-60, 16° 1104; Important (Some) Observations, occasioned by and adapted to, the Publick Fast, Ordered bj Authority, December 18th, A.D. 1765, half calf Nevy-port, Sam. Hall, 1766, hf. -title, title, and pp. 3-61, 4° 1105 Inc' Wadi Tokugala Ka-Yowannes Intloko Yokugala, uncut, hf mor. IColophon] Ibishicilelwe ^-Chumie Emaxoseni, 1832, 16 pp, sm. 8« Presumed to be in the Mohawk Indian Language. 1106 ladarte (Jose Eivera) Efemerides de los Deguellos. Asesi- natos y Matanzas del Degollador Juan Manual Rosas Montevideo [1829], 32 pp. 8° 1107 Independent Whig (The), old calf [ColophoTi] Fnnted and sold hy Samuel Keimer, in PhiladeljMa [1720], 4^ Eight prel. leaves, and text 227 pp. The Independent Wing consists of an Introduction of 16 pages and 53 numbers, genei*ally of four pages each, reprinted from the London edition. 1108 India. Letera de la nobil cipta : nouamente ritrouata alle Indie con li costumi & modi del suo Be & soi populi : Li modi del suo adorate con la bella vsanza de le donne loro : & de le dua persone ermafrodite donate da quel Be al Capitano de larmata, hoards [at the end] Data in Feru adi. 25 de Nouemlre, 1534, [Beprint, Milan, 1830 ?], 8 pp. 4P 1109 IlTDIAF Laws. LeTES T OEDE^'AIfZAS Is-r£VAMENTE HECHAS POE SU MaGESTAD, PAEA la GOBER^'ACIGJT DE LAS InDIAS T BUE:?f teatamiento t coxseevacign de lgs Indigs Aleala, Joan de Brocar, 1543, folio The First Collection of Indian Laws. — The title and last two or three leaves are in MS. — the original printed leaves being folioed ii to ix. When perfect the volume should consist of 26 pages. It is the first collection of printed laws relating to the New World, and (according to Mr. Rich, who in 1832, priced a copy £21.) is of the utmost rarity. 1110 Indian Treaties, and Laws and Eegulations relating to Indian Affairs Washington, 1826, 881 pp. 8« 0000 IxDiAX AisT> AMEETCA2f LANGUAGES. See Ardm ; Bcr- tonio; Gaona; Soicse; Inc'wadi Yokugala; Long; Lutheri Catechismus, in Virginian; MacKenney; Molina; Morning Brayer^ in Mohaick ; Neve y Moli?ia; Noceda ; Occom ; Ockanickon ; Bampango ; Barkinson ; Berez ; Brimer,in Mohawk. FOTJETH day's SALE. 125 1111 Interest (The) of tlie Merchants and Manufacturers of G-reat Britain, in the present contest with the Colonies, stated and considered, hf. mor. Loncl. 1776, title and 50 pp. 8° 1112 Irenicvm; or, an Essay towards a Brotherly Peace and Ynion, between those of the Congregational and Presby- terian Way Lond, 1659, 4P Seven prel. leaves ; viz. title, reverse blank ; the Preface ; the At- testation; to the Judicious Reader ; and an Advertisement to the Reader. Text 75 pp. A great part of this book pertains to the Church affairs of New England. Mr. Cotton's, Mr. Hook's, and Mr. Shepard's books are frequently quoted. 1113 Israel (Menasseh Beis") Spes Israelis, calf, hy Bedford Amst. 1650, 120 Six prel. leaves and 111 pp. Concerning the identity of the Aborigines of America with the Hebrew Race. 1114 Izqaierdo. +E1 Padre Sebastian Izquierdo, Assistente en Koma por las Provincias de Espana, mando al Procurado G-eneral de Indias en esta Corte, al ano de 1673, dar a la estampa, este Papel, unbound [^Lima, 1673 ?] fol. Eight folioed leaves. 1115 lacquin (Nic. Joseph) Selectarum Stirpium Americanarum Ilistoria in qua ad Linnaeanum Systeraa Determinatae De- scriptaeque, uncut 3fanliemii, 1788, 378 pp. 8° 1116 Jamaica. The present State of Jamaica, with the Life of the Grreat Columbus the first Discoverer : to which is added an Exact Account of Sir Hen.';Morgan's Voyage to, and famous Siege and taking of Panama from the Spaniards Lond. Fr. Clarhfor Tho. Malthus, 1683, 12^ Five prel. leaves ; viz. title, reverse blank, * to the Reader.' 4 pp. Books sold by Tbo. Malthus 4 pp. - Text 54 pp. Title. ' Sir Henry Morgan's Voyage to Panama, 1670. London, Printed for Thomas Malthus, at the Sun in the Poultry, 1683.' Text pp. 57 to 117. This is probably one of the Books containing the libel upon Sir Henry Morgan, for which he recovered the sum of £200, in an action against the publisher, T. Malthus. See London Gazette, June 8, 1685. Rich says this work was published in order to make a favourable impression as to Morgan. 1117 — A Narrative of Affairs lately received from his Majesties Island of Jamaica, uncut Lond. 1683, title and 6 pp. fol. 1118 — Account of the late Earthquake in Jamaica, June the 7th, 1692, calf extra, hy Bedford, with the Autograph of White Kennett on the title Lond. 1693, 4P Four prel. leaves and 26 pp. 1119 — The Truest and Largest Account of the late Earthquake in Jamaica, June the 7th, 1692, hf. mor. Lond. 1693, 4P Four prel. leaves and 26 pp. 1120 — The following Address, and particular Instances as to the Duties demanded on Prize Goods brought into Jamaica, etc. hf mor. folio Four pp. With 'The Account,' a folded Sheet. 'An Answer to some False and Malicious Objections given out, to prevent the Duties on Prize Goods being remitted, with some Observations.' 2 pp. Bound together. 126 FOTIETH day's SALE. Jamaica : continued. 1121 — The Trade Granted to the South-Sea Companj : con- sidered with Eelation to Jamaica, hf .mor. Lond. 1714, 30 pp. 8^ 1122 — A View of the Proceedings of the Assemblies of Jamaica, for some Years past. "With some considerations on the Present State of that Island Lond. 1716, 48 pp. 8° 1123 — A Vindication of the late Governor and Council of Jamaica Lond. 1716, 32 pp. 8<^ 1124 — A True Account of the late Pyracies of Jamaica, hf. mor. Lond. 1716, 36 pp. signed ' A. Wagstaffe.' 8« 1125 — The Representation and Memorial of the Council of the Island of Jamaica, hf. mor. Lond. 1716, title and 54 pp. 8^ 1126 — Articles Exhibited against Lord Archibald Hamilton, late Governour of Jamaica Lond. 1717, 8° Half-title, title, pp. v to viii and 1 to 32. 1127 — The Politicks and Patriots of Jamaica. A Poem, hf mor. Lond. 1718, 20 pp. 8« 1128 — The State of the Island of Jamaica. Chiefly in Eelation to its Commerce, and the Conduct of the Spaniards in the "West-Indies, hf 7nor. wants the last leaf hut one (^;j9. 77-8) Lond. 1726, title and pp. 3-79, 8° 1129 — A Xew History of Jamaica, from the Earliest Accounts, to the taking of Porto Bello by Vice xidmiral Vernon. In thirteen Letters from a Gentleman to his Friend, 2nd ed. calf Lond. 1740, 8« Three hundred and forty-four pp. two Maps. Contains a great deal relating- to Morgan and the Buccaneers. — liich. 1130 — The Importance of Jamaica to Great Britain consider'd, hf. mor. Load. [1744] title and 81 pp. 8<> 1131 — Mary Carver, Executrix of John Carver, Esq. and others, Appellants. David Polhill, Esq. and others, proprietors of shares in the Gold and Silver Mines in Jamaica, Eespondents. The Appellants Case. To be heard at the Bar of the House of Lords on [Monday] the [second] day of [February], 1746 3 pp. large folio 1132 — Mary Carver, and others [as preceding]. The Case of the Eespondents on both these Appeals to be heard at the Bar of the House of Peers the day of , 1746, {respecting Gold and Silver Mines in Jamaica) 7 pp. large folio 1133 — A Short Account of the Interest and Conduct of the Jamaica Planters Lond. 1754, title and 21 pp. 8^ 1134 — Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island of Jamaica, from 1681 to 1754 inclusive, old calf fine copy Lond. 1756, folio Two prel. leaves ; 27 and 358 pp. ; followed by one leaf. * An Abridg- ment of the Laws of Jamaica,' etc. 2 prel. leaves and 43 pp. 127 Jamaica: contimved. 1135 — The Jamaica Association Deve]op'd,y|/'. mor. Jamaica, 1755; Lond. repr. 1757, 26 pp. 8° 1136 — An Historical Account of the Sessions of Assembly for the Island of Jamaica, which began on Tuesday, the 23rd of Sept. 1755, containing a Vindication of his Excellency Charles Knowles, Esq. then Governor of that Island, half mor, Lond. 1757, 76 pp. 8° 1137 — The History of Jamaica, or General Survey of the An- tient and Modern State of that Island, 3 vols, calf Lond. 1774, 4P Vol. I. Title, and 628 pp. Copper-plates numbered 1 to 4. II. Title; and 600 pp. Plates numbered 5 to 15. III. Title, viii and pp. 595-976. Plate numbered 16. By Edward Long-, Esq. The work has now become exceeding:ly rare. — Niclwls. 1138 — Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island of Jamaica, from i a 1770 to 1783, inclusive. If. calf 4 H V^^^ Kingston . . . Jamaica^ 1786, 4** Three prel. leaves; 31 pp. and pp. 3-424. * An Abridgment of the Laws of Jamaica, etc. by way of Index,' etc. 40 pp. 1139 — The New Jamaica Almanack, and Eegister, calculated to the Meridian of the Island for the Year 1798, [2nd ed. carefully corrected], morocco Kingston: Stevenson and Aihman [1798], 12° One hundred and fifty-seven pp. Index, etc. 15 pp. Map of Martinico. 1140 — TheEev. Mr. Cooper and his Calumnies against Jamaica, by a West Indian, hf mor. Jamaica, 1825, 67 pp. 8° 1141 — Observations on the System by which Estates have been and are still Managed in Jamaica, and on the Apprentice- ship introduced by the recent Abolition Act Edinh. 1836, 27 pp. 8° 1142 — The Eevised Statutes of Jamaica, as to Crimes and Mis- demeanors, Analytically and Alphabetically Arranged to 1842-3 Lond. 1844, 384 pp. 8« 1143 — Appendix to the Eeport of the Central Board of Health of Jamaica, zmcut * Spanish Town, F. M. Wilson, 1852, 3 pi. Is. and 282 pp. 8^ 0000 — See Brief (A) Journal ; Burroughs ; Cohe 1144 James (Thomas). The Steange aitd Danqeeovs Yot- AGE OE CaPTAINE ThOMAS IaMES, IN HIS IJTTENDED DlS- COUEET OF THE NOETHWEST PASSAGE INTO THE SoUTH Sea : wherein the Miseries indvred both Groing, "Winter- ing, Eeturning, and the Earities obserued, both Philoso- phicall and Mathematical, are related in this lournall of it, wants the map, blue morocco extra hy Hayday Lond. hy lohn Legatt for John Partridge, 1633, 4*^ Three prel. leaves, viz. title, reverse blank. ' To the Kin|js most excel- lent and sacred Maiestie,' 2 pp. * To my worthy friend and fellow-Tem- 128 FOUETH DA1*S SALE. plar Captaine lames,' sig^ied* Thomas Nash,' 1 pag^e. * The Printer de- sires,' etc. 1 pagre'. Text, 120 pp. ' The Names of the seuerall instru- ments I prouided and boug'ht for this Voyag'e,' 2 pp. * This was the man- ner that we tooke the variation of the compHSSH,' etc. 4 pp. and blank leaf. * An Appendix touching Long-itude,' 6 pp. signed ' H. Gellibrand.' ' To the venerable Artists and younger Students in Divinity in the famous Vniuersity of Cambridge/ 10 pp. signed * X. Z.' This account, printed by King Charles's command, contains some remarkable physical observa- tions respecting the intensity of the cold and the accumulation of ice in northern latitudes. — Lowndes. 1145 — The same. The Second Edition, revised and corrected Z,ond. 1740, 5 prel. leaves and 142 pp. map, 8<* 1146 Janeway (James). Mr. James Janeway's Legacy to his Friends, containing Twenty-seven Famous Instances of G-od's Providences in and about Sea Dangers and Deliver- ances, old calf Lond. Dorman Newman, 1674, IG*^ Four prel. leaves, viz. Title and *The Epistle to the Reader,' signed 'John Kyther ;' text, 134 pp. A great part of this book relates to New England, and other parts of America. 1147 Janney (Thomas). Aji Epistle from Thomas Janney to Eriends of Cheshire, /row^ margin mutilated Lond. T. Soicle, 1694, 8 pp. 4° 1148 Japan. A Briefe Belation of the Persecvtion lately made against the Catholike Christians in the K-ingdome of laponia, deuided into Two Bookes. Taken out of the Anuuall Letters of the Fathers of the Society of lesvs, and other Authenticall Informations. Written in Spanish, and printed first at Mexico in the "West Indies, the yeare of Christ 1616, and newly translated into English by W. "W. G-ent. The First Part, old calf 1619, 350 pp. 'The Table' 2 pp. 16o 1149 Jay (Sir James) Knt. M.D. ofJSTew York, A Letter to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, etc. in respect to the Collection that was made for the Colleges of Xew York and Philadelphia, 7f. mor. Lond. 3774, title and 20 pp. 8° 1150 Jay (James) Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis, de Fluore Albo, hf mor. Edinb. 1753, 2 prel. leaves and 28 pp. 4° 1151 Jay (William) A Review of the Causes and Consequences of the Mexican War, calf gilt, marhled edges Boston : Benjamin B. Mussey and Co. 1849, 333 pp. 12^ 1152 Jefferson (Thomas) Am. Sec. of State, Authentic Copies of the Correspondence of, and George Hammond, Esq. Minister Plenipotentiary of Great Britain, on the Xon- Execution of Existing Treaties, the DeliveriQg the Frontier Posts, etc. If. mor. Philad. printed, Lond. repr. 1794, 8° Two Parts. Part I. Tide and 89 pp. Part II. Title and 11 pp. 'Papers relative to Great Britain,' 59 pp. These papers comprehend everything necessary to aftbrd complete information with respect to the grounds of the disputes between Great Britain and America. — Rich. ForETH day's sale. 129 1153 Jefferys (Thomas) The Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America, calf Lond. 1760, folio Part I. 4 prel. leaves and 168 pp.; 8 maps. Part II. 2 prel. leaves and 246 pp.; 10 maps. 1154 Jefferys (Thomas) A Description of the Spanish Islands and Settlements on the Coast of the West Indies, old calf Lond. 1762, 4« Three prel. J eaves, xxiv and 106 pp.; Index, 2 pp.; with 32 maps and plans. 1155 Jefferys (Thomas) A Description of the Spanish Islands and Settlements on the Coast of the West Indies, 2ud Ed. half bound Lond. 1774, 4P Three prel. leaves, xxiv and 106 pp.; Index, 2 pp.; with the 32 maps and plans. 1156 Jefferys (Thomas) Voyages from Asia to America, for Completing the Discoveries of the North-west Coast of America ; to which is prefixed, a Summary of the Voyages made by the Eussians on the Erozen Sea in search of a North-East Passage, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1764, 128 pp. and 2 maps, 4" 1157 Jefferys (Thomas) The Great Probability of a North-west Passage, deducted from Observations on the Letter of Admiral De Eonte Lond. 1768, 4« One hundred and seventy-eight pag-es and 3 maps. Jefferys was rather the publisher than the author. The author, according to Meusel, was Theodore Swindrage ; but is named by Watts, Dragge. 1158 Jeverum (Jo.) Verzeichniss allerhand Pietistischer Intriguen und Unordnungen, in Litthauen, vielen Stadten Teutsch- landes, Hungarn, und America 1729, title and 173 pp. S** 1159 John the Fainter. A Short Account of the Motives which determined the Man called John the Painter, and a Justi- fication of his Conduct; written by himself, and sent to his Friend, Mr. A. Tomkins, with a request to publish it after his execution, hf mor. Lond. 1777, 4° Half-title, title, and 15 pp. 1160 Johnson (Charles) A G-eneral History of the Eobberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates, and also their Policies, Discipline and Grovernment, from their first Eise and Settlement in the Island of Providence in 1717 to the present year 1724 ; with the Eemarkable Actions and Adventures of the two Female Pyrates, Mary Eead and Anne Bonny Lond. 1724, 8° Eleven prel. leaves and pp. 17-320; 3 copper-plates at pp. 86, 117, 202. An appropriate sequel to the History of the Buccaniers. 1161 Johnson (Mrs. James) of Charlestown, N. 11. The Captive American ; containing an Account of the Sufferings of Mrs. Johnson during four years with the Indians and French, hf. mor. Air, 1802, 21- pp. 12« 130 FOURTH DAY S SALE. 1162 JolmsoD (Samuel) D.D. of Connecticut. A Letter to Mr. Joiiatban Dickinson, in defence of Ari stocks to Authades, concerning the Sovereignty and Promises of God, lif. mor. Boston, Eogers and Fowle, 1747, 28 pp. 8« 1163 Johnson (Samuel) The Christian indeed; explained in Two Sermons of Humility and Charity, preached at New- Haven, June 28, 17G7, hf. mor. New Haven, Tlio. and Sam. Green, 1768, 24 pp. 8« 1164 Johnson (Samuel) A Demonstration of the Eeasonableness, Usefulness, and Great Duty of Prayer, hf. mor. New York, W. Wei/man, 1760,' 8° Twenty- eight pp.; 'A Letter to a Friend, relating- to the same subject,' 6 pp.; 'Advertisement' and 'A short Tract on Mysteries,' 4 pp. 0000 Johnson (Samuel) LL.D. See Taxation no Tyranny ; Thoughts respecting the Falkland Islands. 1166 Johnston (Thomas) Travels through Lower Canada, inter- spersed with Canadian Tales and Anecdotes Edinh. 1827, frontisp. and 96 pp. 12" 1167 Johnstone (Walter) A Series of Letters descriptive of Prince Edward Island, in the Gulph of St. Laurence Dumfries, 1822, 72 pp. 12« 1168 Johnstone (Walter) Travels in Prince Edward Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence, North America, in 1820-21 Fdinb. 1823, 132 pp. and map, 12^ 1169 Jones (Paul). Paul Jones, ou Propheties sur I'Amerique, I'Angleterre, la Prance, I'Espagne, la Hollande, etc. par Paul Jones, Corsaire, Prophete et Sorcier comme il n'en fftt jamais, hf mor. uncut [1797], 120 pp. 8" 1170 Jorgensen (Jorgen). State of Christianity in the Island of Otaheite Lond. 1811, title and 175 pp. 8° 1171 Joseph (E. L.) History of Trinidad Trinidad, H. J.Mills, [1838], 281 pp. 12« 1172 Joseph {^Emperor of G&rmany'] and Benjamin [Franklin], a Conversation, translated from a French Manuscript Lond. 1787, 2 prel. leaves and 253 pp. 12« 1173 JossELTN (John) Ax AccorxT of Two Voyages to New England, fne clean copy For Giles Widdows, 1674, sm. 8° License, 1 leaf preceding title; Title; Dedication and EiTata, 2 leaves ; text, 279 pp. followed by 3 pp. of advertisements. 1174 Joutel, A Journal of the last Voyage Perform 'd by Monsr. de la Sale, to the Gulph of Mexico, to find out the Mouth of the Missisipi Eiver, cf. Lond. 1714, 8" Sixteen prel. le^ives, 205 pp. and 5 pp. of Index. Charlevoix speaks highly of Joutel, and of the services he rendered to M. de la Sale, in his unfor- tunate expedition. — Bich. FOURTH day's SALE. 131 1175 JOTJKDAN. A PlAINE DESCRIPTION OF THE BaRMVDAS, NOW CALLED SoMMEii Ilands ; with the Manner of their Discouerie anno 1609, by the Shipwrack and admirable Deliuerance of Sir Thomas Gates and Sir George Sommers, wherein are truly set forth the commodities and profits of that rich, pleasant and healthfull covntrie, cut close^ and Ihe last page in exact facsimile by Harris, blue mor. extra, by Bedford Lond. by W. Stansby, for W. Welby, 1613, 4« Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, the reverse blank ; ' To the trvly Honorable and Right Worthy Knight Sir Thomas Smith,' etc. 6 pp. in roman letter, signed ' W. C. ;' text in large 13Iacl{ letter in 20 unnumbered leaves ; * A Copie of the Articles,' etc. 3 pp. in roman type. Not mentioned by Rich, nor does Lowndes refer to the sale of any copy. 1176 Juan (George) and A. de Ulloa, A Voyage to South America : describing at large the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, etc. on that extensive Continent, 2 vols, calf Lond, 1758,8° Vol. I. xxiv and 509 pp. Vol. II. 3 prel. leaves ; and 420 pp. Index 18 pp. Plates in the two volumes numbered i to vii. 1177 — The same, 2nd Ed. calf Lond.l7QO, 8° Vol. I. xxiv and 498 pp. Plates i to v. Vol. II. 2 prel. leaves j and 410 pp. Index 18 pp. Plates vi and vii. 1178 •— The same, 3rd Ed. 2 vols, calf Lond. 1772, 8« Vol. I. xxiv and 479 pp. Plates i to v. Vol. II. 2 prel. leaves, and 419 pp. Index 14 pp. Plates vi and vii. 1179 — The same, 5th Ed. 2 vols, calf Lond. 1807, 8« Vol. I. xxvii and 479 pp. Plates i to v. Vol. II. iv and 419 pp. Index 14 pp. Plates vi and vii. 1180 — The same, Another Ed. 2 vols. cf. Dublin, 1758, 8« Vol. I. 378 pp. Plates at pp. 127, 159, 341. Vol. II. 2 prel. leaves, and text pp. 9-356. Plates at pp. 15, 192. 1181 Juan (George) Historiche Eeisbeschryving van geheel Zuid- America, 2 vols, uncut Gravenhage, 1771-72, 8« Vol. I. 4 prel. leaves ; xxiv and 428 pp. Frontispiece and plates i to xii. II. viii, iv, and 407 pp. Plates xiii to xxv. 1182 Julius (N. H.) Nordamerikas sittliche Zustande. Nach eigenen Anschauungen in den Jahren 1834, 1835, und 1836, 2 vols, uncut Leipz. 1839, 8° Vol. I. xxviii and 514 pp. Map. II. xxii and 504 pp. 67 'Tafel' and 13 plates. 1183 Julian (Antonio) La Perla de la America, Provincia de Santa Marta, reconocida, observado, y expuesta en discursos his- toricos, Jif cf. Madrid, 1787, title and 310 pp. 4P 1184 Judson (L. Carroll). A Biography of the Signers of the De- claration of Independence, and of Washington and Patrick Henry. With an Appendix, containing the Constitution of the United States and other Documents Fhiladelpliia, Dobson and Cowpertliwait, 1839, 8^ ix and 9-354 pp. 132 FOUETH day's SALE. 1185 Kalm (Peter) Travels into North America, 3 vols. Warrington, William Eyres, 1770, 8° Vol. I. xvi and 400 pp. • Advertisement,' 1 page. Copperplates at pp. 273 & 322. II. London, T. Lowndes, MDCCLXXI 352 pp. Copper- plates at pp. 79, 82, 90, 274. III. London, T. Lowndes, MDCCLXXl. viiiand 310 pp. Index 14 pp. List of Subscribers, 8 pp. Map of North America. A valuable work. The author's name has been immor- talized by Linnaeus, in the beautiful Genus Kalmia, so common in the United States.— ^/cA. 1186 Kamsehatka (Histoire de), des Isles Kurilski, et des con- trees voisines, 2 vols, calf Lyon, B. DupJain, 1767, 12o Vol. 1. 4 prel. leaves; xv and 327 pp. With ' Carte de Kamtschatka. II. 4 prtl. leaves, and 359 pp. With ' Carte des Isles Kurilski.' 1187 Keath (Sir William) A Collection of Papers and other Tracts, written occasionally, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1749, 12" Eleven prel. leaves, and 228 pp. 1188 Keating. The Grenuine Narrative of the Life and Transac- tions of Major Maurice Keating, the noted Pirate and Murderer, who was executed on Monday the 27th of De- cember, 1784, at Cuckold's-Point, near Port-Eoyal, in the Island of Jamaica, to which is added, A True and Paithful Account of the Loss of the Brigantine Tyrrell, and the uncommon Hardships suffered by the Crew, hf. mor. Lond. [1784] 16 pp. S" 1189 Keating ("William H.) Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's Eiver, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, etc. performed in the year 1823, by order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, 2 vols, uncut Fhiladelpliia, H. C. Carey and J. Lea, 1824, 8° Vol. I. 7 prel. leaves, and pp. 9-439. With 5 plates. II. 3 prel. leaves, and pp. 5-459. W^ith 10 plates. 1190 — The same, another edition, 2 vols, uncut Lond. 1825, 8° Vol. I. xvi and 458 pp. With 5 plates. Vol. II. vi and 248 pp. ' Ap- pendix.' 156 pp. 3 folded Sheets and 10 plates. 1191 Keene (Richard Raynal) A Letter of Vindication to Colonel Munroe, President of the United States, uncut Lond. 1824, 86 pp. 8° 1192 Keith (Gteoege) The Peesbttehia^s' and Independent VISIBLE Chueches in Kew-England and elsewhere, brought to the Test, and examined according to the Doc- trin of the Holy Scriptures, in their Doctrin, Ministry, Worship, Constitution, Government, Sacraments, and Sabbath Day, more particularly directed to those in New- England Lond. 1691, 4 prel. leaves and 2*30 pp. sm. S'^ 1193 Keith (Geoege) The Notes of the True Church, with the Application of them to the Church of England, and the great Sin of Separation from Her, a Sermon preached at Trinity Church in New York, hf. mor. New York, Will. Bradford, 1704, 4« Four prel. leaves ; viz. Title and Episile, and 20 pp. FOTJETU day's SALE. 183 1194 Keith (Geoege) The great Necessity and Use of the Holy Sacraments of* Baptism and the Lord's Supper, a Sermon preached at Trinity Church in New York, hf. mor. New York, W. Bradford, 1704, 24 pp. 4P 1195 Kennedy (Archibald) Serious Considerations on the Pre- sent State of the Affairs of the Northern Colonies, hf. mor. New York, printed : Lond. repr. [1754] 24 pp. 8<* 1196 Kent (James) Commentaries on American Law, ninth and best edition, 4 vols, calf Boston, 1858, 8° Vol. I. xxxvi and 687 pp. II. Ixxii and 877 pp. III. Iv and 662 pp. IV. xlvii and 709 pp. 1197 Kentucky, A Description of, to which are prefixed Miscel- laneous Observations respecting the United States [Lond.'\ 1792, 124 pp. 8« 1198 Ker (John), of Kersland, Memoirs of, 3rd Ed. 2 Yoh.^ne copy, half calf Lond, 1727, 8° Three Parts in Two Volumes. Part I. 8 prel. leaves, 180 pp. Index 4 pp. Part II. 1726. Title, viii and 184 pp. Index 6 pp. Part III. and Last. 2 prel. leaves, vi and 221 pp. * Remarks,' etc. 1727. 160 pp. * Appendix.' 16 pp. 1199 Kidd (Captain William), A full Account of the Proceedings in relation to, in two Letters, hf mor. Lond. 1701, 4<* Four prel. leaves and 51 pp. Captain Kidd was employed by the Eai*l of Bellomont, to whom his Letters are addressed, to act ag"ainst the pirates who infested the coasts of North America, in 1696, but turned pirate himself. — Bich, 1200 — The same, 2nd Ed. Jif. mor. Lond. 1701, 41 pp. 4« 1201 Kingsley (James Luce) A Historical Discourse, delivered by request before the Citizens of New Haven, April 25, 1838, the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Eirst Set- tlement of the Town and Colony New Haven, B. and W. Noyes, 1838, 115 pp 8** 1202 Kirby. An Account of the Arraignments and Tryals of Col. Eichard Kirby, Capt. John Constable, Capt. Cooper "Wade, Capt. Samuel Vincent, and Capt. Christopher Eogg, for Cowardice, Neglect of Duty, Breach of Orders, and other Crimes, committed by them in a Eight at Sea, com- menced the 19th of August, 1702, hf. mor. Lond. folio Title and 10 pp. 1203 Knox (John) An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America, for the years 1757-60, 2 vols, half calf Lond., for the Author, 1769, 4" Vol. I. 8 prel. leaves, 405 pp. and 1 leaf of errata. Larg-e Map and Por- trait of Gen. Amherst. Vol. II. Title and 465 pp. with 1 leaf of errata. Portrait of Wolfe. A very valuable collection of materials towards a history of our late war in North America. — M. Kev. 134 ForETH day's sale. 1204 Koster (Henry) Travels in Brazil, calf Lond. 1816, 4« Five hundred and thirteen pp., 10 plates. 1205 — The same, 2nd Ed. 2 vols. Ms. uncut Lond. 1817, 8° Vol. I. xii and 406 pp. 8 plates. Vol. II. iv and 380 pp. 2 plates. END OF FIRST PAET. BIBLIOTHEOA AMERICANA. A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF AMERICA. PART II. L-Z. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messes. PUTTICK and SIMPSON, AT THEIE HOUSE, No. 47, LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON, On Wednesiiay, Miscn 20, 1861, and Thbbe roLLowiNa Days, CONDITIONS OE SALE. I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed to be immediately put up again and resold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 2s 6c?,* and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 55 in the Pound, if required, in Part Payment of the Purchase-money ; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased shall be immediately put up again and resold. lY. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Eisk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendor, on or before delivery ; in default of which Messrs. Puttick and Simpson will not hold themselves re- sponsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed in the Catalogue, or at the time of Sale ; but if upon collating within one week of the Sale, they should prove defective, the Purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them. VI. The sale of any Book or Books is not to be set aside on account of any Stained or Short leaves of Text or Plates, want of List of Plates, or on account of the Publication of any subsequent Volume, Sup- plement, Appendix, or Plates. All the Manuscripts, all Magazines, and Eeviews, all Books in Lots, and all Tracts in Lots or Volumes and all Books described as being in any way imperfect, will be sold with all Faults, Imperfections, and Errors of Description, The sale of any lot of Prints or Drawings in Illustrated Books, or otherwise, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or for any error of description therein. VII. Uj)on failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money deposited in part Payment shall be forfeited; and all Lots left uncleared, in conformity with these conditions, may be re-sold by pubHc or private Sale without further notice ; and the Deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. *^* No Lots can be delivered at the time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faitlifully executed by their obedient Servants, PUTTICK AND SIMPSON. Auction Booms for the sale of Literary Property, Music, and Works of Art, 47, Leicestee Squaee. *^* Libraries Catalogued, Arranged, and Valued for the Probate or Legacy Duty, or for Public or Private Sale. Small consignments of Books, Music, etc. received and inserted in occasional Sales with property of a kindred description, thus giviug the same advantages to the owner of a few lots as to the possessor of a large collection. Established, in Piccadilly, 1794. A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF AMERICA. PAET II. FIFTH DAY'S SALE, AT*02fE o'clock MOST PUNCTUALLY. 1206 Labat (Jean Baptiste) Nouveau Voyage aux Isles do rAmerique, 6 vols, old calf La Raye, 1724, 12" I. 15 prel. leaves; viz. Collective title, title, table des chapitres, and pre- face ; text, 504 pp. ; map at p. 1 and 14 plates. 11. 4 prel. leaves, and 676 pp. ; 21 plates. III. 3 prel. leaves, and 5-28 pp. ; 29 plates. IV. 4 prel. leaves, and 539 pp. ; 13 plates. V. 4 prel. leaves, and 504 pp.; 5 plates. VI. 3 prel. leaves, and 5 1 4 pp. ; Table des matieres, 58pp.j 9 plates. 1207 Labat. JSTouveau Voyage. Another ed. 2 vols, old calf La Raye, 1724, 4o Vol. I. 11 prel. leaves; including- a list of the ^Qi maps and plates in the two volumes; Texte premiere partie, 175 pp.; seconde partie, 360 pp. II. 4 prel. leaves; text, 520 pp. ; ♦ Table des matieres,' 20 pp. 1208 Labat. Nouveau Voyage, iiouvelle edition augmentee con- siderablement, 8 vols, old calf Paris, 1742, 12» "Vol. 1. 36 pp. and 7 prel. leaves ; text, 472 pp.; portrait, 20 maps and plates. II. 3 prel. leaves, and 444 pp. ; 17 maps and plates. III. 3 prel. leaves, and 475 pp. ; 31 plates. IV. 2 prel. leaves, and 533 pp. ; 12 plates. V. 3 prel. leaves, and 418 pp. VI. 2 prel. leaves, and 502 pp. ; 14 plates. VII. 6 and 516 pp.; 5 plates. VIII. 3 prel. leaves, and 437 pp. ; Privilege du Koi, 7 pp. ; 4 plates. 1209 Laet (Jean de) Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien, 3rd edit. fine copy, half calf Ley den, Etzeviers, 1630, folio Fourteen prel. leaves, including half-title, engraved title, and register of maps (of which there are 14), on the reverse Errata; text, 622 pp.; ' Register,' 17 pp. Rich does not mention this edition. In noticing that of 1633 (next No.) he sayg, " Meusel speaks higidy of its merits and its rarity." The work is much commended by Charlevoix. 1210 Laet (Jean de) Novvs Orbis, sen Descriptionis Indise Oc- cidentalis, libri XVllI. old calf fine copy Lvgd. Batav. apud Elzevirus, 1633, folio Sixteen prel. leaves, including the hall-title, engraved title, and list of maps (of which there are 14) ; text, 690 pp.; index, 17 pp. 13S FIFTH day's sale. 1211 Laet ( Jeak de) L'Histoire dv Nouveau Monde, ou descrip- tion des Indes Occidentalea, old calf Leydcy cTiez B. et A. Ulseuiers, 1640, folio Fourteen prel. leaves, including title, list of maps (of which there are 14), preface, table of chapters, and list of illustrations j text, 632 pp. and index 6 leares. 1212 Lafitau ( Josepli Trancois) Histoire des DecouTertes et Con- questes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde, 4 vols, uncut Faris, 1734, sm. 8<» Vol. I. Frontispiece, 3 prel. leaves, 40 and 432 pp. ; map and 5 plates* II. Title and 381 pp. ; 'Table, I. and II. tomes,' 79 pp. ; 3 plates. III. Title and 512 pp.; 2 plates. IV. Tide and 388 pp.; 'Table,' III. and IV. tomes, Approbation, Privilege, and Errata, 14& pp. ; 5 plates. 1213 [Lafitau (Joseph rrancois)] Algemeine Gescliichte der Lander und Volker von America, 2 vols, vellum Halle, 1752, 4P Vol.1. Frontispiece and 23 prel. leaves ; text, 688 pp. ; map at p. 13, and plates numbered 1 to 41. II. 11 prel.leaves, and 905 pp.; Register, 63 pp. : 25 maps and plates. 1214 La Hontan (Baron de) IS'onveanx Voyages dans TAmerique Septentrionale, first edition, 2 vols, old calf La Haye, 1703, 12» Vol. I. 12 prel. leaves, and 279 pp. ; 15 maps and plates. II. 220 pp.; table, 16 pp. ; map and 13 plates. 1215 La Hontan (Baron de) Yoyages, 2nd Ed. 2 vols, old calf Amst. 1705, 12°- Vol. I. 10 prel. leaves, including frontispiece; and 376 pp. ; 2 maps and 11 plates. II. Title, and pp. 5-336; table, 2 pp. ; map and 9 plates. 1216 La Hontan (Baron de) New Yoyages to North America, the second edition. A great part of which never printed in the original, 2 vols, old calf Lo7id. 1735, 8*^ Vol. I. 12 prel. leaves, and 280 pp. ; 10 maps and plates. II. 304 pp. ; 10 plates. 1217 La Hok^taw. Dialogues de Monsieur le Baron de La Hontan et d'un Sauvage, dans I'Amerique. Contenant une descrip- tion exacte des moeurs et des coutumes de ces Peuples Sau- vages Anist. 1704, 12° Eight prel. leaves, and 103 pp. ; plate at p. 1. Not mentioned by Rich. 1218 Lamb (R.) An Original and Authentic Journal of Occur- rences during the late American War, to the year 1783, cf. Dublin, 1809, 8^ Six prel. leaves, and pp. 5-438 ; ' Order,' 1 p, at p. 158. 1219 Lambrechtsen (N. C.) Korte Beschrijving van de ontdek- king en der verdere lotgevallen van Nieuw-Nederland, uncut (^^ew York) Middelhurg, 1818, 8^ Two prel. leaves, 102 pp. and map. FIFTH day's sale. 139 1220 LarraSaga (Bruno Francisco) Prospecto de una Eneida Apostolica, 6 Epopeja, qne celebra la predicacion del V. Apostol del Occidente P. Er. Antonio Margil de Je»us : In- titulada Margileida, Escrita con puros versos de P. Yirgilio Maron, y traducida a verso Castellano ; La que se propone al publico de esta America septentrional por Subscripcion, half morocco Mexico^ en la Jmprenta nueva Madrilenaj 1788, 4** Two prel. leaves, and 28 pp. 1221 Las Casas (Bahtholome de). A complete Series of his rare Kelations of Transactions with the Indians. In 1 vol. morocco extra^ lif Bedford, leautiful large cojpy, tvith onany rough leaves^ A preseis'tation copy with autograph of THE AUTHOR ON THE LAST LEAF. I. Aqui se contiene vna disputa o controuersia entre el Obispo Earth, de las Casas y el doctor Gines de Sepulueda, 62 leaves {the last hlanlc) Sevilla, 1552, 4P II. Aqui se cotiene treynta proposiciones mny juridicas, 10 leaves ih. 1552, 4tP III. Aqui se cotiene vnos auisos y reglas para los confessores, 10 leaves il. 1552, 4P lY., IV.*Breuissimarelacion de la destruycion de las Indias, 5i leaves (the last four leaves, or sig. g, consist of a separate Tract, commencing Lo que se sigue es vnjpedaqo de vna carta) il. 1552, 40 V. Entre los remedies q Earth, de Las Casas refirio por man- dad, del Emperador, 54 leaves {the last blank') ih. 1552, 4P YI. Este es vn tratado q el obispo Barth. de Las Casas com- puso por Commission del Consejo Eeal de las Indias, 12 leaves ih, 1552, 4° YII. Principia queda ex quibus procedendum est in disputa- tione ad manifestandam defendendam et iusticiam Yndo- rum, 10 leaves ih. 1552, 4® YIII. Tratado coprobatorio del Imperio soberano y principado vniuersal que los Eeyes de Castilla y Leon tienen sobre las Indias, 84 leaves ih. 1552, 4P 1222 Another copy of No. I. Sevilla, 1552, 4P 1223 Another copy of No. Y. ih. 1552, 4^ 1224 Another copy of No. YI. ih. 1552, 4° 1225 Another copy of No. YIII. ih. 1552, 4P 1226 Las Casas (Bartholome de) The Spais'ish Colokie, ob Briefe Chronicle op the Acts and gestes or the Spaniardes in the "West Indies, called thenewe AYorld, written in the Castilian tongue, and now first translated into English, byM. M. S. very fine copy, riissia extra, hy O. Hering Lond.for William Brome, 1583, 4° Eight prel. leaves ; text, 52 leaves in black letter, signatures A to N in fours ; ' To the reader,' 14 leaves in roman type j signatures to Q in fours, R in two. 140 FIFTH day's sale. 1227 Las Casas (Bartholome de) Newe Welt. "Warhafftige Anzeigung der Hispaiiier grewlichen, abschewliclieu vnd vnmeiischliclien Tyrauuey, von ilmen inn den Indianischen Lauderu, unbound 1597, 8° Eig'ht prel. leaves and 158 pp. ; Reg;ister, 12 pp. 1228 Las Casas (Bartholome de) Spieghel der Spaenscher tyrannye, in West-Indien, blach letter Amst. Cornells Claesz, 1607, 4° Forty- four leaves, including title, -with map of Amciicfi enj^raved on the title, the reverse blauk; signatures A to L in fours, the last leaf blank. 1229 Las Casas (BARTnoLOiiE de) Den Spieghel vande Spa- ensche Tyranuie, ijlnch letter Amst. Corn. Claesz, 1609, 4P Title with copperplate en^ravin^r, the reverse blank, and plates numbered I to 17, with letterpress description at foot of each. 1230 Las Casas (Bartholome de) Le Miroir de la Tyrannic Espaguole Perpetree aux Indes Occideutales, old calf Amst. Ian Evertss, Cloppenhurg, 1620, 4° Sixty-ei^ht folioed leaves including title within an engraved border of fi;^^ures, cind plates with the text on folios 5, 6,8, 11," 14, 18,20,21, 24, 27, 29, 30, 33, 49, 53, 55, 65. 1231 Las Casas (Bartholome de) Istoria o breuissima rela- tione della l)istrvttione dell' Indie Occidentali, vellum Venetia, Marco Ginammit 1626, 4** Eight prel. leaves and 154 pp. Libri Stampati & Errori 2 pp. 1232 Las Casas (Bartholome de) Tyrannies et Crvavtez dea Espaguols, Commises es Indes Occidentales, old calf Boveny lacques CailloUe, 1630, 4<^ Eleven prel. leaves, and 214 pp. 1233 Las Casas (Bartholome de) La Liberta Pretesa dal suppHce SchiauG Indiano, vellum Venetia, Marco Ginammi, 1640, 158 pp. 4° 1234 Las Casas (Bartholome de) Histoire des Indes Occi- dentales, vellum Lyon, lean Caffin and F. Plaignard, 1642, sm. 8<* Four prel. leaves, and 299 pp. 1235 Las Casas (Bartholome de). Conqvista dell' Indie Occidentali, vellum Venetia, Marco Ginammi, 1645, 184 pp. 8° 1236 Las Casas (Bartholome de) The Tears of the Indians : being an Historical and true Account of the Cruel Mas- sacres and Slaughters of above Twenty Millions of innocent People ; committed by the Spaniards in the Island of His- paniola, Cuba, Jamaica, &c. As also, in the Continent of Mexico, Peru, and other Piaces of the West Indies, old cf. Land, hy J. C.for Xath. Brook, 1656, sm. 8° Fifteen prel. leaves ; text 134 pp. Plate by ' R. Gnywood,' after p. 134 a leaf bearing; in two lines lengthways, the title, " The Historical Ue- lation of the Spanish Massacres in the West Indies;" 1237 Las Casas (Bartiiolome de) La Decouverte des Indes Occidentales, par les Espagnols, old calf Paris, Andre' Prelard, 1697, 12'> Six prel. leaves including engraved title ; text 382 pp ; table 2 pp. 1238 Las Casas (Baetholome de) Eelation des Voyages et des decouvertes que les Espagnols ont fait dans les Indes Occidentales, old calf Amst. J. Louis de Lorme^ 1G98, V2P Six prel. leaves, including' Frontispiece ; text 402 pp. Catalo:, and D. Hall, 1760, 47 pp. 8'' 1247 Lawso>" (Deodat) Christ's Fidelity the only Shield against Satan's Malignity, in a Sermon deliver d at Salem- Village the 24th of March, 1692, being Lecture-day there, and a time of Publick Examination, of some suspected for Witchcraft, 2nd Ed.jf?«i9 copy, half calf JBriRted at Boston iti JS'ew-JEngland, and reprinted in London hy B. Tohey for the Author; etc, 1704, 12° Six pre!, leaves, and 120 pp. 1248 Lawson (Johx) Surveyor General of N. Carolina, A New Voyage to Caeolina ; containing the Exact Description and Natural History of that country ; together with the Pre- sent State thereof ; and a Journal of a Thousand Miles, travelled through several Nations of Indians. Giving a particular account of their Customs, Manners, etc.fne copy, calf Lond. 1709, 4« Title, reverse blank; Dedication to Lord Craven 2pp.; Preface 2 pp.; Introduction and Journal, 60 pp.; Description of North Carolina, pp.61 to 258; Lately published etc. 1 page. Map at p. 61, and plate of animals at p. 125. This copy is as it was originally published m numbers, having the several titles to the April, May, June and July numbers, 1709. Mr. Rich says that the plate of animals is found in very few copies, and quotes an American paper which mentions that a copy has sold in South Carolina for sixty dollars. 1249 Lechfobd (Thomas) Plai^ Dealing: or, Nevves from New-Ekglai^d. a short view of New Englands present Government, both Ecclesiasticall and Civil, compared with the anciently received and established government of Eng- land, in some material points ; fit for the gravest considera- tion in these times, ^»<2 coj)y, calf extra, hy Bedford Lond. for Nath. Butter, 1642, 4« Four prel. leaves ; viz. Title, on the reverse Royal Arms ; * To the Reader, 5 pp. 'A Table' etc. 1 page ; Text 80 pp. 1250 Ledeker (John) The Discoyeries of, in three several Marches from Virginia to the West of Carolina, and other parts of the Continent. Translated by Sir W. Talbot, rtior. Lond. hy J. C.for S. Heyrich, 1672, 4« Title ; Dedication to Lord Ashley, 2 pp.; " To the Reader," 2 pp. ; folded Map " of the whole Territory traversed by lohn Lederer ;" text, pp. 1 — 27. Lederer appears to have been regarded by the Virginians with no little jealousy, but, in the face of some misgivings, he seems to have won the good opinions of his patron and translator, Sir AV. Talbot, who states that he found him to be " a modest inge- nious person, and a pretty scholar." 1251 Lee. Memoirs of the life of the late Charles Lee, Esq. Lieut. Col. of the 44th Eegiment, and Second in Command in the service of the United States of America during the devolu- tion : to which are added his Political and Military Essays ; also Letters, old calf Duhl. 1792, xii and 439 pp. 8° piFTH day's sale. 143 1252 Lee (Charles), Life of. Another edition, calf New Yorky R. Scott, 1813, 4 prel. leaves and pp. 13-352, 12« 1253 Leeds (Daniel). An Almanack eoe the Teak of Christian Account, 1687. Particularly respecting the Meridian and Latitude of Burlington, but may indifferently serve all places adjacent. By Daniel Leeds, Student in Agriculture Printed and Sold ly William Bradford, near Philadelpliia, in Pennsylvania, pro Anno 1687 a broadside, folio No perfect copy is known. This sheet Almanac is said to exhibit the first printing" executed at Philadelphia. The present copy is only a fragment of about three-eig'hths of the whole, but it has the lower ri^ht-hand corner, with the date 1687. The reprint, made up from the two or three imperfect copies in various hands, is added. 1254 Leeven en Daden der Dooeluchtigiiste Zee Helden en Ontdeckers van Landen, deser eeuwen. Beginnende met Christoffel Colombus, Yiudervan de Nieuwe Wereldt, 2 vols, in 1, calf extra, hy Clarice and Bedford Amst. Jan Claesz. 1676, 4'* Vol. I. Five pi'el. leaves ; viz. engraved title ; title, on the reverse * Privilegie. Portrait of De Ruyter. ' Op-dracht' 2 pp. *Aen den Lezer,' and ' Register.' 2 pp. Text 350 pp. 13 plates. II. 2 and 303 pp. * Register.' 7 pp. 17 plates. 1255 Leeven en Daaden, etc. Another edition, vellmn Amst. Jan ten Hoorn, en Jan Bouman, 1683, 4/* Eight prel. leaves ; Text 784 pp. * Register.' 7 pp. 28 plates. 1256 Leguat (Erangois) Degevaarlyke en Zeldzame Heyzen, j/?we copy Utrecht, 1708, 4P Eng. frontispiece ; title ; Dedication, 1 leaf ; Preface, 5 leaves ; Text, 178 pp.; Table, 14 pp. ; Maps at pp. 1, 25, 100 j Plates at pp. 44, QQ^ 93, 140. 1257 Leigh (Egerton) Extracts from the Proceedings of the High Court of Vice- Admiralty, in Charlestown, South Carolina,, upon Six several Informations, 2d. ed. with an Appendix Charlestown, David Bruce, 1769, iv and 64 pp. folio 1258 Lejarza (Juan Jose Martinez de). Analsis Estadistico de la Provincia de Michuacan, en 1822. Por J. J. L. Mexico, 1824, 4P Two prel. leaves, ix and 281 pp. Tabla Num. 1-7. 1259 Leo Aekicanus (Jean) Historiale Description de 1' Afriqve, Tierce partie dv Monde, Contenant ses Eoyaumes, Eegions, Yiles, Citez, Chateaus et forteresses ; lies, Eleuues, Anima-. us, tant aquatiques, que terrestres; coutumes, loix, religion et faQon de faire des habitas, auec pourtraits de leurs habis, calf extra, marh. edges A^ivers, 1556, 8<* Sixteen prel. leaves; text 412 folioed leaves. ' Indice des principales matieres,' etc., 48 pp. Translated from Ramusius, and hence pertains to the suite of his Relations. 1260 Leon (Antonio de) Politica de las Grrandezas y Govierno del Svpremo y Eeal Consejo de las Indias, vellum [Lima, 1658 ?] title and 20 folioed leaves, 4° u 144 FIFTH day's sale. 1261 Leok (A^'ToyIO de) Epitome de la Bibltoteca Orien- tal I Occidental, Nautica i Geografica, lialf calf, from the Colbert Library Madrid, Ivan Gonzalez, 1629, 4<^ Engraved title and 43 prel. leaves ; Text 186 pp. * Appendice.' xii pp. and Colophon leaf. TJie first Cat^dogue of hooks relating to America^ afterwards edited and reprinted by Barcia under the uame of Pinelo, a surname adopted by Leon. 1262 Leo>' Pikelo (A:n'tonio de) Yida del Ilvstr. i Eeverend. Don Toribio Alfonso Mogrovejo Arzobispo de Lima, calf [Lima'] 1653, 4P Twenty-four prel. leaves and 421 pp. With portrait of Toribius Alfonsus Mogrovejo. 1263 Leon y Gama (AntoDio de) Disertacion Fisica sobre la Materia y Formacion de las Auroras Boreales, que con ocasion de la que aparecio en Mexico y otros Sugares de la Nueva Espana el dia 14 de Kov. de 1789, lialfmor. Mexico, Felipe de Zmfiiga, 1790, title and 37 pp. 4° 1264 Leon y Gama (Antonio de) Descripcion Historica y Cro- noldgica de las dos Piedras que con ocasion del nuevo Empe- drado que se esta formando en la Plaza Principal de Mexico, se hallaron en ella el Aiio de 1790, calf Mexico, Felipe de Zuniga, 1792, 4° Three prel. leaves and 116 pp. Lista, etc. 2 pp. and 3 plates. An in- teresting -work to the student of Mexican Archaeology. 1265 Le Page du Pratz (M.) Histoire de la Louisiane, 3 vols, old calf Paris, 1758, 12° I. xvj and 358 pp. 2 maps. II. Half-title, title, and 441 pp. 34 plates. III. Half-title, title, and 451 pp. Approbation and Privilege, 3 pp. Errata, 1 page. 4 plates. 1266 Le Page du Pratz (M.) The History of Louisiana, 2 vols, old calf Lond. 1763, 12« Vol. I. Half-title, title, 5 pp. vii and 368 pp. 2 maps. II. 4 prel. leaves and 272 pp. 1267 Le Eoy (P. L.) A Narrative of the singular Adventures of Pour Eussian Sailors, who were cast away on the desert Island of East Spitzbergen, hf. mor. [Lond. 1774 ?] title and pp. 43-118, 8" 1268 Leet (Jean de) Histoire d'vn Yoyage fait eu la terre dv Bresil, avtremeut dite Amerique. Conteuant la nauigation, et choses remarquables, veues sur mer par I'aucteur, fne copy, vellum [Rochelle] Antoine CJiuppin, 1578, 8° First Edition. 24 prel. leaves and 424 pp. Table 12 pp. Errata 1 page. 1269 Leet ( Jea>- de) Histoire d'vn Voyage faict en la terre dv Bresil, avtrement dite Amerique, vellum [Boclielle'] Ant. Chuppin, 1580, 8° Twenty-two prel. leaves and 382 pp. Table 10 pp. Errata 1 page. 1270 Leet (Jeai? de) Historia Xavigationis in Brasiliam, quae et America dicitvr, old calf, wormed [Geneves'], 1586, 8*^ Thirty-two prel. leaves, the last blank; text 342 pp. Index 16 pp. At page 178 is a woodcut 6J by 9 inches. riTTH day's sale. 145 1271 Lert. Idem, 2nda ed. very fine large and clean copy Getievce, EustatJiij Vignon^ 1594, 8<* Title, reverse blank; * Epi'stola,' 3 leaves; epigrams 2 leaves ; ' Totivs Historiee Svmtna Capita,' 2 leaves ; ' Praefatio,' 21 leaves ; text 340 pp. ' Index,' 8 leaves ; with folding- woodcut to face p. 178. 1272 Le Sage (M.) The Adventures of Eobert Chevalier, call'd De Beauchene, Captain of a Privateer in New-Erance, 2 vols. Lond. 1745, 12^ Vol. I. 4 pre!, leaves and 307 pp. II. 4 prel. leaves and 287 pp. 1273 Leslie (Charles) A New and Exact Account of Jamaica, vrherein the Antient and Present State of that Colony, its Importance to G-reat Britain, Laws, Trade, Manners and Eeligion, etc. are described : with a particular Account of the Sacrifices, Libations, etc. at this day in Use among the Negroes, 3rd ed. calf mini, 1740, 8^ Four prel. leaves and 376 pp. 1274 Lesseps (M. de) Travels in Kamtschatka, during the years 1787 and 1788, 2 vols, calf Lond. 1790, 8° Vol. I. xvi. and 283 pp. Map, II. viii. and 408 pp. 1275 Letter (A Second) from a Minister of the Church of Eng- land to his Dissenting Parishioners, hf mor. Boston j 1734, 8<* Half-title, title and 113 pp. Errata 1 page. 1276 Letter (A) to a certain Eminent British Sailor, occasion* d by his Specimen of Naked Truth, hf. mor, Lond, 1746, 8<» Thirty-two pp. 1277 Letter (A) to Mrs. P s, in which some Pacta in her last Number are rescued from the false Light she has put them in, and some others which she has omitted are sup- ply'd, hf. mor, Lond. 1749, title and 21 pp. 8<> 1278 Letter (A) to the People of England, on the Present Situa- tion and Conduct of National AJairs, Letter I. 3rd ed. Jif mor. Lond. 1756, 56 pp. 8° 1279 Letter (A Second) to the People of England, on Eoreign Subsidies, Subsidiary Armies, and their Consequences to this Nation, 3rd ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1756, 56 pp. 8° 1280 Letter (A Third) to the People of England, on Liberty, Taxes, and the Application of Publick Money, 3rd ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1756, title and pp. 5-54, 8° 1281 Letter (A Eourth) to the People of England, on the Con- duct of the M rs in Alliances, Elects and Armies, since the first Difiorences on the Ohio, to the taking of Miuorca by the Erench, hf. mor. Lond. 1756, 8<» Half-title, title, and ill pp. 1282 Letter (A) to a Clergyman, in the Colony of Connecticut, from his Eriend, in which the True Notion of Orthodoxy is enquired into New Haven, James Parker, 1757, 24 pp. 8° 146 FIFTH day's sale. 1288 Letter (A) to the Eight Honourable William Pitt, Esq.; from an Officer at Fort Frontenac Lond. 1759, 8^ Half-title, title, and 38 pp. 1284 Letter (A) to the Clergy of the Colony of Connecticut, from an Aged Layman of said Colony [New Saven ?] 1760, 22 pp. 8^ 1285 Letter (A) Addressed to Two G-reat Men, on the Prospect of Peace; and on the Terms necessary to be insisted upon in the Negociation, Tif. mor. Lond. 1760, 8° Title, and 56 pp. 1286 — The same, 2nd Ed. corrected, lif. mor. Lond. 1760, 8° Half-title, title, and text 56 pp. 1287 Letter (A) to an Honourable Brigadier G-eneral, Comman- der in Chief of his Majesty's Forces in Canada, Tif. mor. Lond. 1760, title and 32 pp. 8° Now generally acknowledged to be by Junius. It has been reprinted by Mr. Simons of the British Museum. The Brigadier Ge?ieral is Lord George Townshend. 1288 Letter (A) to the People of England, on the necessity of Putting an Immediate End to the War ; and the Means of obtaining an Advantageous Peace, hf. 7nor. Lond. 1760, title and 52 pp. 8° 1289 Letter (A) to a G-reat M-- r, on the Prospect of a Peace ; wherein the Demolition of the Fortifications of Louisbourg, is shewn to be absurd ; the Importance of Ca- nada fully refuted ; the proper Barrier pointed out in North America ; and the Eeasonableness and Necessity of retain- ing the French Sugar Islands, Tif. mor. Lond. 1761, 8<* Title and 148 pp. 1290 Letter (A) to G. G. " Stiff in Opinions, always in the n>rong^'* hf. mor. Lond. 1767, half-title, title and text 96 pp. 8° This letter is signed X, at the end, and is dated ** Richmond, Jan. 18, 1767." It was addressed to George Grenville, ^the Minister, and re- lates entirely to American Affairs. 1291 Letter (A) concerning an American Bishop, etc. to Dr. Bradbury Chandler, Euler of St. John's Church, in Eliza- beth Town, in Answer to the Appendix of his Appeal to the Public, etc. hf. mor. 1768, 19 pp. 8° 1292 Letter (A) to the Eight Honourable the Earl of H B h, his M y's S y of S— te for the C— 1 s, on the Present Situation of AiFairs in the Island of G-r— n— da, hf mor. Lond. 1769, 54 pp. 8<> 1293 Letter (A) to Samuel Johnson, LL.D. [in Answer to the False Alarm], hf. mor. [Lond.'] 1770, title and pp. 5-54, 8^ 1294 Letter (A) to a Member of Parliament on the Present IJn- happy Dispute between Great Britain and her Colonies, wherein the Supremacy of the Former is Asserted and Proved, hf mor. Lond. 1774, title and 47 pp. 8° FirTH day's sale. 147 1295 Letter (A) to Doctor Tucker on Lis proposal of a Separation between Great Britain and her American Colonies, hf. mor. Lond. 1774, title and 36 pp. S^ 1296 Letter (A) to the People of Q-reat Britain, in Answer to that published by the American Congress, hf. mor. Lond. 1775, 59 pp. 8^ 1297 Letter (A) to the Eight Honourable Lord Camden, on the Bill for restraining the Trade and Fishery of the Four Provinces of New England, Jif. mor. Lond. 1775, S^* Title and 44 pp. 1298 Letters (Two) of the Lord Bishop of London : the first. To the Masters and Mistresses of Families in the English Plantations abroad ; the second. To the Missionaries there, directing them to give their assistance towards the in- struction of tlie Negroes, Jif. mor. Lond. 1727, 20 pp. 4^ 1299 Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies, Jif. mor, Boston, Mein and Fleeming, 1768, 8° Title and pp. 5-146 ; ' To the ingenious Author,' etc. 2 pp. First edition of an extremely popular and often reprinted production, hy Mr. Dickin- son of Pennsylvania, taking the part of the Colonists. 1800 Letters of Papinian : in which the Conduct, Present State, and Prospects of the American Congress are Examined, hf. mor. uncut New Yorh printed, Lond. repr. 1779, 8^ Three prel. leaves and 86 pp. According- to the writer, the conduct of the Congress was altogether Machiavelian, tyrannical and wicked. — Uich. 1301 Letters to a Nobleman, on the Conduct of the "War in the Middle Colonies Lond. 1779, 8° Three prel. leaves, 101 pp. and plan. Believed to have been written by Joseph Galloway. 1302 — The same, 4th Ed. If. mor. Lond. 1780, 8° Three prel. leaves, 101 pp. and plan. 1303 Letters and Dissertations by the Author of the Letter Analysis A. P. on the Disputes between Great Britain and America, hf mor. Lond. for the Author, 1782, 130 pp. 12'' 1304 Lettres a un Ameriquain sur I'Histoire Naturelle, Generale et Particuliere de Monsieur de Buffon, troisieme partie h Hainhurg, 1751, sm. 8° Title; 31, 96 and 69 pp. The title is a curious specimen of typography, 1305 Lewis (Merri wether). The Travels of Capts.Lewis and Clarke, from St. Louis, by way of the Missouri and Columbia Eivers, to the Pacific Ocean, in 1804-6 ; containing De- lineations of the Manners, Customs, Eeligion, etc. of the Indians Lond. 1809, ix and 309 pp. and map, 8^ 1306 Lewis (Merriwether) . Travels to the Source of the Missouri Eiver and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean, performed in 1804-6, by Captains Lewis and Clarke. Published from the Official Eeport, calf Lond. 1814, 4^ xxiv and 6C3 pp. ; large map and 2 small maps at page 379. 148 FIFTH day's sale. 1307 Liberty (The) and Property of British Subjects Asserted, in a Letter from an Assembly Man in Carolina Lond. 1726, 39 pp. 8^ 1308 LiGON (Eichaed) A True and Exact History of the Island of Barbadoes, lif. 7'itssia Lond. 1673, folio Title, reverse blank, and 122 pp.; Contents, 2 pp.; an Index, etc. after folio 84, 1 pa^e ; with * A topographicall Description,' etc. ; 6 copper- plates at pp. 70, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, and 3 engraved plans. Much of this volume, with its plates, has relation to the early modes of sugar- making- in the West Indies. Lowndes, who speaks of it as " a curious, and, in general, accurate account," does not quote the sale of any copy since the one in Mr. Dent's Library. It is not mentioned by Rich. 1309 Lima. Insigne yietoria que el Senor Marquez de Gruadal- cazar, Yirrey en el Beyno del Piru, ha alcangado en los puertos de Lima, y Callao, contra vna armada poderosa de Olanda, despachada por orden del Conde Mauricio Lishoa, Geraldo da Vinha, [1625], folio Four unnumbered pages. Probably a privately printed account for oflBlcials only. 1310 Lima. Belacion del Espantoso Terremoto que padecio esta Ciudad de los Eeyes, Lima, y sus contornos el dia 14 de lulio 1699, sus lastimosos efectos, de muertes, y ruynas 4° Seven unnumbered pages. Probably a privately printed account for officials only. 1311 Lima. A True and Particular E;elation of the Dreadful Earthquake which happen'd at Lima, the Capital of Peru, and the neighbouring Port of Callao, on the 2Sth of October, 1746, 2nd Ed. old calf Lond. 1748, 8« xxiii and 341 pp. ; Map of Lima, and plates I. to IX. A translation, by Henry Johnson, from the account of Pedro Lonzano, written in Spanish and published in 1747. 1312 — Another copy, wanting the map, calf Lond. 1748, 8° 1313 Lima. Histoire des Tremblemens de Terre Arrives a Lima, Capitale du Perou, et autres lieux ; avec la Description du Perou, etc. Premiere Partie, old calf La Saye, 1752, 12^ xvi and 445 pp. ; 7 plates. A translation of the preceding. 0000 Lima. See LLamen. 1314 LixscHOTE^^^ (Jax Hutgex tax) Itineeaeio. YoTAaE OFTE ScHiPTAEET, fine copy Ainst. Cornelis Claesz, 1596, folio First Edition. Three Parts. Part I. 4 prel. leaves, viz. Title, on the reverse 'Extract uyt't Register,' etc.; 'Aende Hooghende VVelghe borene,' etc. 2 pp. ; * Prohemio ofte voorreden totten leser,' 1 page ; ' Sonnet,' 1 page ; * Ode,' 1 page, on the reverse Portrait of Linschoten ; text, 160 pp. Part II. Reysgheschrift, etc. 1595, 134 pp. ; ' Een seker Extract ende, etc. 1596 ;' Title, reverse blank ; ' Aende VVelghe- borene,' etc. 1 page; on the reverse ' Ad lo. Hvy. Linschotvm,' etc.; text, pp. 135-147. Part III. * Beschryvinghe, etc. 1596,' 82 pp.; followed by 5 leaves containing lists of Plates and Maps, Register, etc. ; 42 maps and plates. FIFTH day's sale. 149 1315 LiKScnoTEiT (Jan Htttgek tan) His DiscorBS of Voyages into y^ East and West Indies. Diuided into foure Bookes, fine copy Lond. hy loJin Wolfe^ [1598], folio Five prel. leaves, viz. engraved title, the reverse blank ; * To the Right VVorshipfull Ivlivs Caesar,' etc. 3 pp. signed 'lohn Wolfe;' ' To the Reader,' 4 pp. ; text, 197 pp. 'The Second Booke, etc. 1598.' Title, reverse blank, and text, pp. 197-259. ' The Thirde Booke, etc. 1598.' Title, reverse blank, and text, pp. 307-447. 'The Fovrth Booke, etc. 1598.' Title, reverse blank, and text, pp. 451-462. With 12 copper- plate maps, viz. — I. Typvs Orbis Terrarvm, at p. 1. II. The description of the Islandes and Castle of Mozambique, etc. Grauen by William Rog-ers, at p. 8. III. The description or Caerd of the Coastes, etc. called Terrado Natal, etc. Robertus Beckit, at p. 12. IV. The description of the Coast of Abex, the Streaights of Meca, etc. Grauen by Robert Beckit, at p. 12. V. The trew description of all the Coasts of China, etc. Grauen by Robert Beckit, at p. 32. VI. The Island of Set. Helena, etc. Grauen by Raygnald Elstrake, at p. 172. VII. The true description and scituation of the Island St. Helena on the East, North and West sydes, etc. Grauen by Raygnald Elstrak, at p. 172. VIII. The Trve Description of the Island of Ascention, etc. Grauen by William Rogers, at p. 174. IX. A discripsion of .^Egipt from Cair downeward, etc. Grauen by William Rogers, at p. 197. X. The description of the Coast of Guinea, Manicongo, and Angola, etc. R. E. sculpsit, at p. 197. XI. The description of the whole coast lying in the South seas of America called Peru, etc. Grauen by Robert Becket, at p. 216, XII. Insvlae Molvccae, etc. Grauen by Robert Beckit, at p. 328. Rich says that very few copies possess the trvelve maps. 1316 LiNSCHOTEN (Jan Huygen van) Nayigatio ac Itine- RAEiYM IN Oeientalem, sivG Lvsitanorvm Indiam, un- bound HagcjB-Comitis, 1599, folio Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, on the reverse * Ad Illvstrissimvm,' etc.; en- graved coat of arms, 1 leaf; ' Illvstrissimo . . . . D. Mavritio, etc' 2 pp.; * Praefatio ad Lectorem,' 1 page; on the reverse. Portrait of Linschoten; text, 124 pp. ; ' Descriptio Totivs Gvineae Tractvs, Congi, Angolae,' etc, 45 pp.; 'Index,' 3 pp. ; with 37 maps and plates. The first Latin edition. 1317 Linschoten (Jan Huygen van) Histoire de la Navigation et de son Yoyagees Indes Onentales Amst. Theodore JBierrey 1610, folio Two prel. leaves, viz. Title, reverse blank ; ♦ Preface av Lectevr,' 1 page ; text, 275 pp.; with 8 copperplate maps and numerous engravings with the text. The plates to this volume are printed from the identical copperplates used by De Bry in Parts II. and III. of the FetitsVoya/jeSf to which it forms a suite. 1318 Little (Otis) State of Trade in the Northern Colonies considered, with a Particular Description of Nova Scotia, Jif. mor. Lond. 1748, viii and 84 pp. 8° 1319 — The same Boston repr, Thomas Fleetf 1749, 43 pp. 8° 150 FIFTH day's sale. 1320 Liturgy. A Liturgy, collected principally from the Book of Common Prayer, for the use of the First Episcopal Church in Boston ; together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, fine clean copy, uncut Boston, IBeter JEdes, 1785, 8° Four prel. leaves, and signatures A to Bbb in fours. 1321 Liturgy. The Book of Common Prayer, translated into the Mohawk Language, a new edition : to which is added The Gospel according to St. Mark, translated into the Mohawk Language, by Capt. Joseph Brant, an Indian of the Mo- hawk Nation, old calf Land. 1787, 8« Two titles, English and Mohawk, iii and 506 pp. ; 18 plates. 1322 Locke (John). A Collection of several Pieces of !Mr. John Locke, never before printed, or not extant in his works, calf Lond. J. Bettenliam for H. Peaxcklin, 1720, 8° Thirty-one prel. leaves and 362 pp. ; index and errata. 19 pp. The Fun- damental Constitution of Carolina drawn up by Locke fills pages 1 to 53 of this volume. 1323 Lockman (John) Travels of the Jesuits, into various parts of the "World, particularly China and the East Indies, 2nd ed. corrected, 2 vols. \LondP\^ 1762, 8° Tol. I. 1 6 prel. leaves, and 488 pp. Yol. II. 5 prel. leaves, and 508 pp.; General Index, 19 pp. ; * A Concise Account of the Spanish Dominions in America,' 24 pp. 1324 Long C J.) Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the Manners and Customs of the IS"orth American Indians ; to which is added a Vocabulary of the Chippeway Language ; a List of "Words in the Iroquis, Mo- hegan, Shawanee, and Esquimeaux Tongues, and a Table shewing the Analogy between the Algonkin and Chippe- way Languages, laege papee, calf Lond. printed for the Authory 1791, 4° Seven prel. leaves, and 295 pp. With Sketch of the Western Countries of Canada. 1325 Lopez de Escobar. Eelacion de los Particvlares seruicios que ha hecho a V. Magestad Don Diego Lopez de Escobar Grouernador y Capitan Greneral de la Isla de la Trinidad, y de las Prouincias del Dorado, hijo del Capitan Diego Lopez de la Fuente, en el ano de 1636, half morocco Madrid, por la vuida de Juan Goncalez, 1637, folio Title and 8 pp. Probably an official privately printed account. 1326 Lord (Joseph) Reason why, not Anabaptist Plunging but Infants-Believer's Baptism ought to be approved, is be- cause the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Apostles, Preached and Practiced it. In Answer to the Anabaptist Eeason why, old calf Boston, S. Kneeland,for Samuel Gerrish, 1719, 12^' Title, viii and 170 pp. FIFTH day's sale. 151 1327 LoREKZANA (Francisco Antonio) Concilios Pbovincia- LES, Primero, y Segundo [y Tercero] celebrados en la muy Noble, y muy leal Ciudad de Mexico, 2 vols, vellum Mexico, en la Imprenta de el Superior GohiernOj 1769-70, fol. Five prel. leaves, 184 pp. ; * 1565. Anos. Concilio Provincial,' etc. 1 page ; pp. 185-396, * Indice de los Capitulos,' 12 pp. ; * Concilium Mexicanum Provinciale III.' etc.; 6 prel. leaves, and 328 pp.; ' Index,' 4 pp. ; ' Sta- tuta Ordinata a Sancto Concilio Provinciali Mexicano III.' Title and 141 pp. Index 3 pp. Besides the Three Councils these volumes contain an account of the prelates of the Mexican Church, occupying about half the work. 1328 Lorenzo de San Milian. Por D. Prancisco Lorenzo de San Milian. En la Cavsa qve en virtvd de cedvla de sv Mages- tad se ha actuado, contra el dicho Don Prancisco, sobre sua procedimientos en el juizio de visita de laa Caxas, y Minas de la Ciudad da Zacatecas, half morocco [1672 ?] folio Nineteen folioed leaves. A privately printed official account. 1329 Loring (Israel), Pastor of West Church, Sudhuri/, Justifica- tion not by Works, but by Paith in Jesus Christ. A Dis- course on Gal. ii. 16. Uncut Boston, Kneeland and Green, 1749, 12° Title and 93 pp. 1330 Lort (Michael) Account of an antient Inscription in North America. [With Col. Yallancey's Observations] half mar. 17 pp. 2 plates, 4P 1331 Losa (Prancisco), Cure de VJEglise Cathedrale de Mexico, La Yie de Gregoire Lopez dans la Novvelle Espagne, 2nde ed. old calf gilt I^aris, lean Henavlt, 1656, 12° Twelve prel. leaves, and text 260 pp. ; Table des chapitres, 3 pp. 1332 Loskiel (George Henry) History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America, in three parts, translated by C. I. La Trobe, uncut Lond. 1794, 8° Twelve pp. ; map; Part I. 159 pp. ; Part II. 234 pp. ; Part III. 233 pp.; Index, 21 pp. 1333 Lottery Magazine (The) ; or, Compleat Pund of Literary, Political and Commercial Knowledge, for Aug. and Sept. 1776 Lond, [1776], 8° The Number for August contains the Declaration of Independence, pro- bably the earliest publication of it in England. The September Num- ber has a description of the City of New York, with a plan. 1334 Louisiana, The Present State of, containing the Garrisons, Ports and Porces, Price of all Manner of Provisions and Liquors, etc. also an Account of their drunken lewd Lives, which lead them to Excesses of Debauchery and Yillany, half morocco Lond. 1474, 55 pp. S** 1335 Louisbourg, An Authentic Account of the Eeduction of, in June and July, 1758, half morocco Lond. 1758, 60 pp. 8° •152 TIFTH DAl's SALE. 1336 Louisiana. Voyage a la Louisiane, et sur le Continent de I'Amerique Septentrionale, fait dans les annees 1794 a 1798, par B*** p*** [Baudry les Lozieres], mor. IParis, 1802, 8° Three prel. leaves, 382 pp. and map. "1337 Low (Conead) Meee odee Seehanen Buch, etc. [transl.l Book of the Ocean or Sea-cocks, in which are related the wonderful memorable travels and voyages which the rightly and justly called Ocean or Sea-cocks of the Kings of Spain, Portugal, England, and France have made within the last past hundred years, etc.] vel. Colin, B. JSuchhoUz ,1598, folio Title, reverse blank, and text 110 pp. -with map. The title, of unusual length, is itself a curiosity. Amongst other wonders of which it pro- mises account, is mentioned a wonderful bird which swallows red hot coals, brought home by the voyagers. The Sea-cochs, whose voyages are here described, are Columbus, Ponce de Leon, Cortes, Magellan, Juan Sebastian, Loaysa, Saavedra, Vasco de Gama, Pedro Alvares Cabral, Juan de Nava, Corteral, Sebastian Cabot, Frobisher, Drake, Richard Grenville, Thomas Candish, Raleigh, Sir John Hawkhis, Verazzans, Jaques Cartier, etc. We do not recollect a copy of this remarkable book ever before having occurred for sale in London. •1338 Lussan (Raveneau de) Journal du Yoyage fait a la mer de Sud, avec les Tilibustiers de 1' Amerique en 1684, et annees suivantes, seconde edition, old calf Faris, Jean Bapt. Coignard, 1693, 12° Eight prel. leaves, and 448 pp. ; Privilege and Colophon, 2 leaves. 1339 LrTHEEi Catechismus, ofwersatt pa Ameeica Yieginiske Speaket, morocco extra, hy Bedford StocMwlm, 1696, 8*^ Eng. title, with arms; letterpress title; preface, 14 pp.; text, 160 pp. The few copies of this extremely curious volume, partly in the lan- guage of the Indians of Virginia, which have appeared for sale have always sold for high sums. Being printed for the use of the Indians in "Virginia, almost the entire edition was exported. 1340 LvTie (Charles) A Letter to the Eight Honourable Lord Castlereagh on the Xorth American Export Trade during the War, etc. unbound Lond. 1813, title and 46 pp. 8° 1341 Lyttelton (Thomas Lord) A Letter from, to William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, on the Quebec Bill, half morocco Boston, Mills and Hicks, for Cox and Berry, I774i, 17 pp. 8° 1342 — The same, another ed. half morocco Neiv York, reprinted hy J. Bivington, 1774, 20 pp. 8° 1343 Mably (Abbe de) Remarks concerning the Government and the Laws of the United States of America : in Eour Letters addressed to Mr. Adams, half mor. Lond. 1784, 8° Half title, title, and 280 pp. 1344 — The same, another ed. old calf DuUin, 1785, 8° Half-title, title, and 280 pp. 1345 Macaulay (Catharine) Observations on a Pamphlet, en- titled, Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents, 3rd ed. corrected, hf mor. Lond. 1770, 31 pp. 8^ 1346 Macaulay (Catharine) An Address to the People of Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland, on the Present Important Crisis of Affairs, hf mor. Bath^ 1775, 29 pp. 8° ■FIFTH day's sale. 163 1347 Mac Clure (David), of ByJleU, Mass. Memoirs of the Eev. Eleazar Wheelock, D.D , Pounder and President of Dart- mouth College and Moor's Charity School ; with copious Extracts from Dr. Wheelock's Correspondence, calf Newlurijport : Ed. Little ^ Co. 1811, 8^ Three hundred and thirty-six pp. Portrait of Eleazar Wheelock. 1348 Mac Donald (John) Emigration to Canada. Narrative of a Voyage to Quebec, and Journey from thence to New Lanark, in Upper Canada, 8th ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1826, 8'' Thirty-six pages. 1349 Macer (JoHif) Les trois liures de I'Histoire des Indes, vellum Paris, Ouillaume Guillard, 1555, 16® Ninety-six folioed leaves. " In addition to what relates to the East and West Indies, this volume contains one of the earliest printed and most curious accounts of Japan." — Rich. 1350 Mac Grregor (James), Minister at Picton, JST. Scotia. Let- ter from Mr. James M* Grregor to the G-eneral Associate Synod, Ap. 30th, 1793 Paisley, 1793, 16 pp. 8« 1351 Mac Kenney (Thomas L.) Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians, and of Incidents connected with the Treaty of Fond du Lac ; also, a Vocabulary of the Algic, or Chippeway Lan- guage Baltimore: Yielding Lucas, 1827, 294 pp. 29 plates, 8° 1352 Mackenzie (Alexander) Voyages from Montreal, on the Biver St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North Ame- rica to the Erozen and Pacific Oceans, in 1789 and 1793, calf Lond. 1801, 4« Half-title, title, viii and cxxxii pp. Text 412 pp. Errata 2 pp. Portrait of the Author, and 3 maps. 1353 Mac Kinnen (Daniel) A Tour through the British "West Indies, in the years 1802 and 1803, giving a particular Account of the Bahama Islands Lond. 1804, 8*^ Half-title, title, viii and 272 pp. With map. 1354 Maclane (David) The Trial of, for High Treason, before a Special Court of Oyer and Terminer at Quebec, on the 7th July, 1797, hf mor. Quebec, */". Neilson, 1797, 21 pp. 8° 1355 Mac Mahon (John V. L.) An Historical View of the Grovern- ment of Maryland, from its Colonization to the present day, Vol. I. {all published) Baltimore, F. Lucas, jr. 1831, xvi and 539 pp. 8° 1356 Mac Neill (Hector) Observations on the Treatment of the JSTegroes in the Island of Jamaica, with Eemarks on the Importation of Slaves, hf. mor. Lond. vi and 46 pp. 8** 0000 Macpherson (James) . See Bights {The) of Great Britain asserted. 1357 Mac Queen (James) The Colonial Controversy; containing a Refutation of the Calumnies of the Anti- Colonists, the State of Hayti, Sierra Leone, India, China, Cochin China, Java, etc. hf. mor. Glasgow^ 1825, 223 pp. 8^ 154 FIFTH day's sale. 1358 Madre de Deos (Gaspar de) Memorias para a Historia da Capitania de S. Vicente, hoje chamada de S. Paulo, do estado do Brazil, half calf lAsboa, Typog. da Academia, 1797, 4P Four prel. leaves, and text 242 pp. ; ' Catalogo,' etc. 2 pp. 1359 Magellan's Straits. Description des Torres Magellaniques et des Pays adjacens, traduit de I'Anglois par M. B**, 2 vols, calf Geneve, 1787, 24P 'Partie I.' 3 prel. leaves, viz. half-title, title, and second title; text, pp. 3-163. ' Partie II.' 3 prel. leaves, viz. half-title, title, and second title ; text, pp. 3-135. 1360 Malouet {Y. P.) Examen de cette Question : Quel sera pour les Colonies de I'Araerique le Eesultat de la Eevo- lution Prangoise, de la Guerre qui en est la Suite, et de la Paix qui doit la terminer ? half morocco Londres, 1797, 29 pp. 8*» 1361 Malouet (Y. P.) Lettre a M. S. D., Membre du Parlement, sur rinteret de I'Europe, au Salut des Colonies de I'Ame- rique, uncut Lond. 1797, half-title, title, and 86 pp. 8° 1362 Malouet (Y. P.) Collection de Memoires et Correspond- ances Officielles sur TAdministration des Colonies, 4 vols. half calf Fari^, [1802], 8° Vol. I. Half-title, title, and 484 pp. II. Half-title, title, and 379 pp. III. Half-title, title, and 388 pp. IV. Half-title, title, and 378 pp. 1363 Mansie (Alexander) The Apprenticed Labourer's Manual ; or, An Essay on the Apprenticeship System British Guiana, 1837, 8° xiv and 217 pp.; * A Catechism of certain Moral, Social, and Civil Duties, hy the Wesleyan Missionaries of Antigua,' 13 pp. 1364 Maeanahao and Paea [Brasils]. Eegimento, e Leys sobre las Missonens do Estado do Maranahao, e Para, e sobre a liberdade dos Indies, calf from Lord Stuart de Rotliesay's Library Lisboa Occidental, Antonio Manescal, 1724, folio Two prel. leaves and 82 pp. 1365 Markham ("William) A Sermon preached before the So- ciety for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, at their Anniversary Meeting, Eeb. 21, 1777, hf mar, Lond. Vin, 105 pp. 8° 1366 Marquette (Le P.) Voyage et Decouverte de quelques Pays et ISfations de I'Amerique Septentrionale, onor. extra Faris, 1681 ; re-imp. Paris, 1845, sm. 8° Half-title, title, and 43 pp. ; map. For the original edition of Father Marquette's Voyage, see Thevenot. 1367 Marrant. A Narrative of the Lord's wonderful Deal- ings with John Marrant, a Black (now goiug to preach the Gospel in Nova Scotia), born in New York, in North America ; taken down from his own relation by the Eev. Mr. Aldridge, 2nd Ed. Lojid. 1785, 38 pp. 8° FIFTH day's sale. 155 1368 Marshall (Humphry) Arbustmm Americanum : The American Grove, or an Alphabetical Catalogue of Forest Trees and Shrubs, natives of the American TJnited States, arranged according to the Linnaean System, unbound Philadelphia, Joseph Gruhshanh, 1785, xx and 174 pp. 8° 1369 Marston (Edward) To the Most Noble Prince Henry, Duke of Beaufort, Marquiss and Earl of Worcester, Baron Herbert, Lord of Eagland, Chepstow and Grower, Palatine of the Province of South Carolina in America, hf. mor. {London, 1712], 12 pp. 4P Probably privately printed. The author solicits redress on account of his ejection from his rectory in South Carolina. 1370 Maetens (Feiderich) Spitzbergische oder G-roenlandische Eeise Beschreibung gethan im Jahr 1671 ILainb, 1675, 4^ Four prel. leaves and 132 pp.j 'Register,' 2 pp.; 'Errata,' 1 page; \5 plates. 1371 Maete-ns (Feedeeich) Naukeurige Beschryvinge van Groenland of Spitsbergen, uncut Dordrecht, JSendrih Walpot, [1710?] 4P Five prel. leaves and 88 pp. ; plates at pp. 46, 58, 68. 1372 Maetini (Feancis) AEao-NATTA Batayys, sive Expe- ditionis Navalis, quam alter noster Jason, et Heros fortissi- mus, Petrvs Heinivs Societatis Indise Occidentalis ductu nuper suscepit Campis, P. S. Wyringani, 1629, title and 28 pp. 4P 1373 Maetii^ieee (Sieije de la) A New Yoyage into the Northern Countries ; being a Description of the Manners, Customs, Superstition, Buildings, and Habits of the Nor- wegians, Laponians, Kilops, Borandians, Siberians, Samo- jedes, Zemblans and Islanders : with Beilexions upon an Error in our Geographers about the Scituation and Extent of Greenland and Nova Zembla, fine copy, old calf Lond, 1674, 5 prel. leaves and 153 pp. 12° 1374 Martiniere (Sieur de la) Voyage des Pais Septentrionavx, 2nde Ed. old calf Faris, 1676, 12« Six prel. leaves and 322 pp. ; * Extraict du Privilege du Roy,' 2 pp. 1375 Martyn (Benjamin) Eeasons for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, 2nd Ed. hf mor. Lond. 1733, 48 pp. engr. frontisp. and map, 4° 1376 Maetye (Petee) De Nvpee stb D. Caeolo eepeetis Insulis, simulque incolarum moribus Basilece, 1521, 43 pp. 4° 1377 Maetye (Petee) Oratoris clarissimi, Fernandi et Helisa- beth Hispaniarum quondam regum a Consilijs, de rebus Oceanicis et Orbe nouo, decades tres, very fine large copy JBasileae, apud lo. Beheliwrij 1533, folio Twelve prel. leaves and 92 folioed leaves. 156 FIFTH day's sale. 1378 Maetye: Ovtedo: Xeees. Libro primo della Historia de rindie Occidentali [dal D. Pietro Martyre]. Libro Secondo delle Indie Occidentali, 1534 [composta da Gronzalo Ferd. del Oviedo]. Libro ultimo del Summario delle Indie Occi- dentali, 1534, morocco extra, hy Clark and Bedford, splendid COPY, Jine, large and clean [Finegia, 1534], 4° Zil/ro primo. 79 folioed leaves, the 80th blank. Libro Secwido, 64 folioed leaves ; * Tavola,' 2 pp. ; colophon and notice of the map, 1 p. ; folded map, ' Isola Spa^nvola,' and facsimile of the unique large map, ' La carta universale della terra firme,' in the possession of James Lenox, Esq. of ]^ew York, inserted. Libro ultimo, 15 leaves. The three PARTS COMPLETE Constitute a Tvork of unusual rarity. 1379 Maetye (Peter) De Bebus Oceanicis et Novo Orbe, decades tres, Jine copyy vellum Colonice, apud Oeruinum Calenium, 1574, am. 8<> Twenty-four prel. leaves and 655 pp. ; ' Index,' 28 pp. The edition used by Robertson in compiling his History. 1380 Maetye (Petee). The Famovs Histoeie of the Indies: declaring the Adueutures of the Spaniards, which haue conquered these Countries, with yarietie of Eelations of the Religions, Lawes, Grouernments, Manners, Ceremonies, Customes, Eites, "Warres, and Funerals of the People; comprised into sundry Decads, Set forth first by M'^ Hackluyt, and now published by L. M. Gent. The second Edition, calf extra hy Bedford Lond. for Michael Sparke, 1628, 4P Three prel. leaves, viz. Title, the reverse blank ; ♦ To the Reader,' signed * M. Lok,' 4 pp. ; text, 318 folioed leaves. This edition has the whole Eight Decades ; several of those above mentioned have but three. 1381 Marylai^d. a Eelatioit of Maeylakd : together with a Map of the Countrey, the Conditions of Plantation, His Majesties Charter to the Lord Baltemore, translated into English, blue morocco extra hy Hayday^ {wanting the map) Lond. 1635, 4^ Title, reverse blank, and 56 pp. ; ' The Charter of Maryland,' 25 pp. The imprint is curious—" These Bookes are to bee had, at Master William Peasley Esq ; hishouse ; on the backside of Drury-Lane, neere the Cock-pit Playhouse ; or in his absence ; at Master lohn Morgans house in high Holbourn, over against the Dolphin." 1382 Maryland. The Charter of IMaryland [London'], 23 pp. S^ This is probably the first publication of the Charter of Maryland. It has no date of publication; but the Charter itself is dated June 10, 1633, and it was probably printed forthwith. 1383 Maeylant). The Declaration of the Eeasons and Motives for the Present Appearing in Arms of their Majesties Protestant Subjects in the ProviQce of Maryland, unbound Maryland, printed ; repr. Lond. 1689, 8 pp. folio Curious for affording a date when piinting was executed at Maryland considerably before any book now known. FIFTH day's sale. 157 1384 Maryland. Extract of a Letter to a Gentleman in Mary- land ; wherein is demonstrated the extreme wickedness of tolerating the Slave Trade, etc. hf, mor, Lond. 1793, 14 pp. 12° By the distinguished philanthropist, Granville Sharp. 1385 Mason (J. M.) Pastor, New York, An Oration commemo- rative of the late Major- General Alexander Hamilton, pronounced before the New York State Society of the Cincinnati, July 31, 1804, uncut Lond. 1804, 38 pp. 8° 1386 Massachusetts Bay, A Word of Comfort to a Melan- choly Country; or, the Bank of Credit erected in the Massachusetts Bay fairly defended by a Discovery of the Great Benefit accruing by it to the whole Province, calf extra hy Bedford Boston^ 1721, 2 pr. leaves and 58 pp. 16<* 1387 A COLLECTIOiS^ OF THE PEOCEEDINaS OF THE GeEAT xsji Geneeal Cotjet oe Assembly of His Majesty's Peovince of the Massachusetts Bay, in New Eng- land ; containing several Instructions from the Crown to the Council and Assembly of that Province, for fixing a Salary on the Governour, and their Determinations thereon. As also, The Methods taken by the Court for Supporting the several Governours since the Arrival of the present Charter. Printed by order of the House of Representatives, half calf Boston, T. Meet, 1729, 112 pp. 4° 1388 — Some Obseevations on the Bill, intitled, "An Act for Granting to His Majesty an Excise upon Wines and Spirits distilled, sold by retail, or consumed within this Province, and upon Limes, Lemons, and Oranges," hf mor. Boston, 1754, sm. 8** Title, and text 12 pp. This little book, secretly printed and distributed, created a great sensation. It is severe upon many public men, and every eiFort was made to discover the name of the printer; but the Great and General Court were in this instance less successful than in the case the same year when they undertook to punish the printer of The Monster of Monsters see Thumb (^Tom). 1389 — A Brief State of the Services and Expences of the Pro- vince of the Massachusett's Bay in the Common Cause, Tif mor. Lond. 1765, 24 pp. 8° 1390 — The Trve Sentiments of America: contained in a Col- lection of Letters sent from the Hovse of Representatives of the Province of Massachvsetts Bay to several Persons of High Eank in this Kingdom, hf, mor. Lond. 1768, 8° Title ; * The following resolution,' etc. 1 page ; text, pp. 5-158. 1391 — The Proceedings of the Council, and the House of Ee- presentatives of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, relative to the convening, holding and keeping the General Assembly at Harvard College in Cambridge, hf. mor. Boston : Edes and Qillj 1770, title and pp. 6-83, 8° 158 FIFTH day's bale. 1392 Massacliusetts Bay. Extract of a Letter from the House of Representatives of the Massachusetts-Bay, to their ao-ent Dennys De Berdt, Esq.; with some remarks, Tif. mor. Lond. 1770, 28 pp. 8« 1393 — A Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusett's Bay. [By Dr. Shipley, Bishop of St. Asaph], hf. mor. Lond. 1774, vii and 36 pp. 8° 1394 — The same, 2d Ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1774, vii and 36 pp. 8° 1395 — The same, 4th Ed. hf, mor. Lond. 1774, vii and 36 pp. 8<* 1396 — The same, 6th Ed. hf. mor. Boston, Bepr. 1774, 24 pp. 8^ 1397 — A Speech never intended to be Spoken, in answer to a Speech intended to have been Spoken on the Bill for altering the Charter of the Colony of Massachusett's Bay, ha^ mor, Lond. 1774, 8« iv and 34 pp. Errata 1 page. 1398 — The same. Another Ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1774, 8° iv and 35 pp. 1399 Massachusettensis. Letters numbered I. to XVII. hf. mor. First Edition [Boston, 1775.] 8« One hundred and eighteen pp. The author was Jonathan Sewall, Attorney General for the King-, in the province of Massachusetts. 1400 Massachusettensis : or a Series of Letters, containing a faith- ful state of many important and striking facts, which laid the foundation of the present Troubles in the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, 3rd Ed. 7f. mor. Boston printed: London, repr. 1776, 8° viii and 118 pp. 1401 Massachusettensis: 4th Ed. hf mor. Boston printed : Lond. repr. 1776, 8° viii and 1 1 8 pp. 1402 Massachusetts Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, An Account of the Caml. 1806, 12° Title and pp. 4 to 34. 1403 — Another Edition. Andover, Flagg and Gould, 1815, 12<> Eighty-three pp. * Destitute of the Stated Ministry.' 1 sheet. 1404 Massachusetts. An Account of the Massachusetts State Prison. Containing a description and Plan of the Edifice; the Law, Begulations, Eules and Orders Charlestown : Sam. JEtheridgCy 1806, %^ Forty- eight pp. 2 folded plates. 1405 Massachusetts Historical Society, Catalogue of the Books, Pamphlets, Newspapers, Maps, Charts, Manuscripts, etc. in the Library, hf. mor. Boston : John Eliot, 1811, 8° Title, Preface and Contents 4 leaves j Text 96 pp. First edition of this Catalogue. 1406 Massachusetts Histoeical Society, Catalogue of the Library of, 2 vols. Boston, 1859, 8o Vol. I, vi. and 732 pp. II. vi. and 651 pp. A valuable work of reference for Books and Pamphlets printed in and relating to America. FIFTH dat's sale. 159 1407 Massie (J.) Calculations and Observations relating to an Additional Duty upon Sugar. Bated Westmmster, 20th Jan. 1759, folio Two pp. single sheet. 1408 Massie (J.) A State of the British Sugar- Colony Trade ; shewing, that an Additional Duty of Twelve Shillings per 112 pounds weight may be laid upon Brown or Muscovado Sugar, without making Sugar dearer in this Kingdom than it hath been of late years, and without distressing the British Sugar-Planters, Jif. cf. Lond. 1759, 4« Title and 40 pp. 1409 Mather (Cotton). Several Sermons concerning "Walking with Grod, and that in the Dayes of Youth : preached at Boston in New-England, by Cotton Mather. Title and SQ> pp. Lond. Dunton, 1689 — Mather (Samuel) Early Piety, exemplified in the Life and Death of Mr. Nathanael Mather, Lond. {date cut off) 5 pr. Is- and 60 pp. In 1 vol. calf extra hy Bedford ^ corner of title neatly restored sm. 8^ 1410 Mather (Cotton) Late Memorable Providences RELATING TO WiTCHCRAETS AND POSSESSIONS, clearly manifesting, not only that there are Witches, but that Good Men (as well as others) may possibly have their Lives shortned by such evil instruments of Satan. The Second Impression. Becommended by the Reverend Mr. E,ichard Baxter in London, and by the Ministers of Boston and Charlestown in New England, calf extra hy Bedford Lond. 1691, sm. 8^ Eleven prel. leaves, viz. Title, reverse blank, ' To the Honourable Wait Winthrop, Esq.' 2 pp. *To the Reader,' 4 pp. * The Preface,' 9 pp. * A Catalogue of Books,* etc. 3 pp. ' The Introduction,' 2 pp. Text 1 44 pp. 1411 Mather (Cotton) A True Account or the Trtals, Examinations, Confessions, Condemnations, and Exe- cutions OP Divers Witches. At Salem, in New-Eng- land, for their bewitching of sundry People and Cattel to Death, and doing other great Mischiefs, to the Euine of many People about them. With the Strange Circumstances that attended their enchantments : and their Conversation with Devils, and other Infernal Spirits, red morocco hy Bed- ford Lond. for J. Conyers, 4° Eight pp. ' Salem, 8th Month, 1692.' Signed ' C. M.' We have never met with another copy of this work. 1412 Mather (Cotton) The Wonders op the Invisible World : being an account of the Tryals of several Witches, lately executed in New England : and of several remarkable Curiosities therein occurring Printed first, at Boston in New-England ; and Beprinted at London, for JohnBunton^ 1693, 4** First London Edition. Title, and 98 pp. Y 160 FIFTH day's SAiE. 1413 Mather (Cotton) The Woi^dees of the Intisible World, 2nd Ed. If. omr. JPrinted jirst at Boston in New England, and reprinted at London for John Dunton, 1693, 4" Three prel. leaves and pp. 9-62. 1414 _ — The same, 3rd ed. half morocco ih. 1693, 4P Four prel. leaves, and pp. 9-64. 1415 Matheb (Cotton) Magnalia Cheisti Ameeicana ; or, The Ecclesiastical Histoey of JN'ew England, from its Eirst Planting in the Year 1620, unto the Year of our Lord 1698, calf Lond.for Thomas FarJchurst, 1702, folio Fourteen prel. leaves ; viz. Title, Attestation, Poems, General Introduc- tion, and Contents. 'Antiquities. The First Book.' Title and 38 pp. * Ecclesiarum Clypei. The Second Book.' Title and 75 pp. * Poly- bius. The Third 'Book.' Title and 238 pp. ' Sal Gentium. The Fourth Book.' Title and pp. 125-222. 'Acts and Monuments. The Fifth Book.' Title and pp. 3-100. • Thaumatur^us. The Sixth Book.' Title and 88 pp. blank leaf. ' Ecclesiarum Prcelia. The Seventh Book.' Title and pp. 3-118. ' Books,' etc. 2 pp. With copperplate map. 1416 Mathee (Cotton) The Curbed Sinner. A Discourse occasioned by a Sentence of Death passed on a poor Young Man, for the Murder of his Companion, with some Historical Passages referring to that Unhappy Spectacle, calf extra, by Bedford Boston, N,E.: by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, 1713, 12<* Title, xiv and 64 pp. 1417 Mathee (Cotton) A Present of Summer Eruit. Avery brief Essay to offer some Instructions of Piety, which the Sum- mer-Season more Particularly and Emphatically Leads us to ; but such also as are never out of Season. Being the short Entertainment of an Auditory in Boston, on a Day distinguished with the Heat of the Summer ; 5d. 5m. 1713, calf extra, ly Bedford Boston, B. Green, 1713, 12^ Title, and text 29 pp. 1418 Mathee (Cotton) The Grand Point of Solicitude, a very- brief Essay upon Divine Desertions, a Sermon, calf extra, by Bedford, rough leaves Boston, B. Green, 1715, 12« Blank leaf, title, and 31 pp. 1419 Mathee (Cotton) Pair Dealing between Debtor and Cre- ditor, a very brief Essay upon the Caution to be used about coming in to Debt, and getting out of it. Offered at Bos- ton Lecture ; 5 d. xi m. 17 ^|, calf extra, by Bedford Boston, B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, 1716, 16° Title and .'iO pp. 1420 Mathee (Cotton) Desiderus ; or, A Desireable Man De- scrib'd, in the Characters of One AVorthy to be a Man Greatly Beloved ; given in some Commemoration of the very Valuable and Memorable !Mr. James Keith, Late Min- ister of the Gospel in Bridgewater, calf extra, by Bedford Boston, S. Kneeland, 1719, 12° Title, and text 34 pp. FIFTH day's sale. 161 1421 Matheb (Cottof) A Year and a Life Well Concluded, a Sermon preached on the Last Day of the Year, 1719, calf extra, by Bedford Boston, S. Kneeland,for B. Gray, 1719-20, 24 pp. 12° 1422 Mather (Cotton) Coheleth. A Soul upon Eecollection. Offering the Advice of a Father going out of the World, unto a Son coming into it, calf extra, hy Bedford Boston, S. Xneeland,for S. GerrisJi, 1720, 12^ J Title and 46 pp. 1423 Mather (Cottoi^) India Christiaka, a Discourse delivered unto the Commissioners for the Propagation of the Grospel among the American Indians, which is accompanied with several Instruments relating to the Glorious Design of Pro- pagating our Holy Eeligion in the Eastern, as well as the Western Indies, original binding, fine copy Boston, B. Green, 1721, sm. 8« Title, dedication ii pp. ; text, 94 pp. ; ' Corrigenda,' 1 page. A considera- ble portion of this book is in the Indian Language of New England. 1424 Mather (Cotton) A Pastoral Letter, to Families Visited with Sickness. From several Ministers of Boston, at a time of Epidemical Sickness Distressing of the Town. The Third Impression, half morocco Boston, B, Green, for S. Gerrish, 1721, 12° Half-title, and 24 pp. 1425 Mather (Cotton) Silentarius, a brief Essay on the Holy Silence and Godly Patience that Sad Things are to be En- tertained withal. A Sermon at Boston Lecture on the Death of Mrs. Abigail Willard, and the Day before her Interment, who expired Septemb. 26. 1721. By her Father. Whereto there is added, A Sermon on The Eefuge of the Distressed, which was preached on the Lord's Day preced- ing, calf extra, by Bedford Boston, S. Kneeland, 1721, 12° On the reverse of the title, ' Introduction,' signed ' Cotton Mather.' ' The Silent Sufferer,' 34 pp. * The Refuge of the Distressed,' 28 pp. 1426 Mather (Cotton) Bethiah. The Grlory which Adorns the Daughters of God. And the Piety wherewith Zion wishes to see her Daughters Grlorious, calf extra, by Bedford Boston, by J. Franklin, for S. Gerrish, 1722, 60 pp. 12° Printed by J. Franklin, brother of Doctor Franklin, with whom the latter served his apprenticeship. 1427 Mather (Cotton) Columbanus ; or, The Doves Flying to the Windows of their Saviour, a Sermon to a E^eligious So- ciety of Young Feople, calf extra, by Bedford Boston, S. Kneeland, for J. Edwards, 1722, 12° Title and 22 pp. 1428 Mather (Cotton) Honesta Parsimonia; or. Time Spent as it should be. Proposals to prevent that Great Folly and Mischief, the Loss of Time, calf extra, by Bedford Boston, S. Kneeland, for J. Edwards, 172 [2 ?] V2P Half-title, title, and 23 pp. 162 FIFTH day's sale. 1429 Mather (Cotton) The Minister, a Sermon, Offer'd unto the Anniversary Convention of Ministers from several Parts of New England, met at Boston, 31 d. in m. 1722, calf extra, hy Bedford^ rough leaves Boston, 1722, 8^ Half-title, ' Dr. Cotton Mather's Sermon at the Anniversary Convention of Ministers, May 31st, 1722,' and 45 pp. " To the Rev. Mr. Wilks of Waltham" on title, in the hand of Thomas Prince, the New England Historian. 1430 Mather (Cotton) Pia Disideria; or. The Smoaking Plax raised into a Sacred Elame, in a Short and Plain Essay upon those Pious Desires which are the Introduction and Incho- ation of all Yital Piety, delivered unto a Eeligious Society of Young People, caZfe^cira, hy Bedford Boston, 8. Kneelandfor S. Gerrisl, 1722, 12^ Title and 22 pp. 1431 Mather (Cotton) Life of, by Samuel Mather, calf wants last leaf heing part of " Contents'' Boston, N.E.,for S. Gerrish, 1729, 8° Title, Dedication, 4 pp. Preface, 6 pp. List of Subscribers, 10 pp. " Introduction," 2 pp. Text, 182 pp. Not the least curious part of this volume is the ample list of subscribers, consisting of about 400 Nev^ Eng- land names of this date. It also contains a Chronological Catalogue of Cotton Mather's publications — 283 works ! 1432 Mather (Increase) The Mystery of Israel's Salvation, Explained and Applied : or, A Discourse concerning the Greneral Conversion of the Israelitish Nation, calf extra, by Bedford Lond. John Allen, 1669, sm. 8° Twenty-three prel. leaves; viz.Title, reverse blank,' An Epistle to the Reader,' signed * John Davenporte,' 11 pp. * To the Reader,' signed ' W. G.' 4 pp. ' To the Reader,' signed ' W. H.' 14 pp. * The Author's Preface to the Reader,* signed ' J. M.' 14 pp. Text, 181 pp. ' The Names of Writers,' etc. being ' Tne Table,' 5 pp. ' Places of Scripture opened,' etc. 4 pp. 1433 Mather (Increase) The Eirst Principles of IS'ew Eng- land, CO>'CERXING THE SUBJECT OF BaPTISME A^'D CoM- MU^^ON OF Churches, Collected partly out of the Printed Books, but chiefly out of the Original Manuscripts of the Eirst and chiefe Fathers in the New-English Churches, calf extra, hy Bedford Cambridge, N.H., Samuel Green, 1675, 4^ Four prel. leaves; viz. Title, in a narrow metal type border, the reverse blank. ' To the Reader,' signed ' Increase Mather,' 6 pp. Text, 40 pp. * Postscript' signed ' Ihon Allin,' 1 page. * A Letter concerning the Subject of Baptisme,' etc. signed 'Jonathan Mitchel,' pp. 2-7. With the Autograph of White Kennett on the Title. 1434 Mather (Increase) The Diyixe Eight of Intant- Baptism Asserted a^d Proved from Scripture ajsh A2s'TiQtriTT, calf extra, by Bedford Boston, John Foster, 1680, 4P Four prel. leaves; viz. Title, the reverse blank. ' Christian Reader,' 5 pp. signed ' Urian Oakes.* Text, 27 pp. riPTH day's sale. 163 1435 Mathee (Inceease) Eettjening unto God the geeat CONCEENMENT OP A CoYENANT People. A Sermon Preached to the second Church in Boston in New-England, March 17, 16^, when that Church did solemnly and Explicitly Eenew their Covenant with Grod, and one with another, fine copy in green morocco extra, hy Bedford Boston, John Foster, 1680, 4** Three prel. leaves ; viz. Title, reverse blank. ' To the second Church of Christ in Boston in New England,' 4 pp. Text, '21 pp. 1436 Mathee (Inceease) Diatriba de signo Eilii Hominis et de Secundo Messise Adventu ; Ubi de modo futurse Judaeorum Conversionis : Nee non de signis Novissimi diei, disseritur, calf extra, by Bedford Amst. apud Mercy Browning, juxta Bursam, 1682, 8° Four prel. leaves and 98 pp. Index, 5 pp. Corrigenda, 1 page. 1437 Mather (Iis^ceease) Ko/zeroypa^m : or, a Discourse con- cerning Comets ; wherein the Nature of Blazing Stars is Enquired into : with an Historical Account of all the Comets which have appeared from the Beginning of the World unto this present Tear, 1683, fine copy, morocco, ly Bedford Boston, S. G.for S. S. 1683, sm. 8° Six prel. leaves ; viz. Title. * To the Keader,' 4 pp. signed * John Sher- man.' * To the Reader,' 3 pp. * The Contents,' 2 pp. Text, 14.3 pp. Errata, 1 page. " Heaven's Alarm to the World, or, A Sermon, wherein is shewed, That Fearful Sights and Signs in Heaven, are the Presages of great Calamities at hand. Preached, Jan. 20, 1680." Four prel. leaves; viz. Title, 'To the Reader,' 6 pp. Text, 38 pp. "The Latter Sign Discoursed of, in a Sermon, Preached Aug. 31, 1682.'' Title and 32 pp. 1438 Mathee (Inceease) The Mtsteet of Cheist opened AND APPLTED, in several Sermons, calf extra, hy Bedford {Boston'], 1686, V2P Title, 6 and 212 pp. The Contents, 1 page. Books printed, etc. 1439 Mathee (Inceease) De Successu Evangelij apud Indos in Nova-Anglia Epistola, ad CI. Virum D. Johannem Leusde- num, green morocco Londinij typis J. G. 1688, 12*^ Title and 13 pp. 1440 Idem, alia editio, calf extra, ly Bedford Ultrajecti, Wilhelmum Broedeleth, 1699, 16 pp. 8° 1441 Mathee (Inceease) Angelogeaphia, or a Discourse con- cerning the Nature and Power of the Holy Angels, calf extra, hy Bedford Boston, B. Green and J. Allan, for Sam. Phillips at the Brick Shop, 1696, sm. 8<> Eight prel. leaves ; viz. Title. 'The Epistle Dedicatory,' 2 pp. 'To the Reader,' 12 pp. Text, 132 pp. ' A IDisquisition,' etc. 44 pp. Portrait of Increase Mather. 1442 Mathee (Inceease) Two Plain and Practical Discourses concerning, I. Hardness of Heart. II. The Sin and Dan- ger of Disobedience to the Gospel, calf extra, hy Bedford Bond, for J. Bobinson, and are to he sold hy Samuel Bhillips, Bookseller in Boston, 1699, 12<^ One hundred and eighty-seven pp. Books lately Printed, etc. 5 pp. 164 riFTH day's sale. 1443 Matheb (Increase) The Doctrine of Singular Obedience? as the Duty and Property of the True Christian, in a Sermon, calf extra, by Bedford Boston, Timothy Green, 1707, 12° Twenty-nine pp. Advert. 1 p. A presentation copy " To Mr. Samuel Mather." 1444 Mathee (Inceease) A Discourse concerning the Mainte- nance due to those that Preach the Gospel : in which the Question, Whether Tithes are by the Divine Law, the Ministers Due ? is considered : and the Negative Prov'd, calf extra, by Bedford Boston, printed 1706, and repr, at London, 1709, sin. 8^ Two prel. leaves, and 32 pp. 1445 Mather (Increase). A Serious Address to those who un- necessarily frequent the Tavern, and often spend the Evening in Publick Houses, by several Ministers ; to which is added, A private Letter on the Subject, by the late Rev. Dr. Increase Mather, unbound Boston, for S. QerrisJi, 1726, 8^ Title, iv. and 30 pp. 1446 Mather (Iif crease) Memoirs of the Life of, with a Preface by the Itev, Edm. Calamy, D.D., calf extra, by Bedford Lond. 1725, 8^ Four prel. leaves, and 88 pp. 1447 Mather (Nathanael) Twenty-Three Select Sermons Preached at the Merchants-Lecture, at Pinners-Hall, and in Lime-Street, cf Lond. 1701, 8<> Four prel. leaves and 480 pp. 1448 Mather (Eichard) A Modest and Brotherly Answer to Mr. Charles Herle his Book, against the Independency of Churches Lo?id. 1644, 4o Two prel. leaves and 58 pp. 1449 Mather (Eichard) A Eeply to Mr. Eutherfurd, or, A de- fence of the Answer to Eeverend IMr. Herles Booke against the Independency of Churches Lond. 1647, 4° Four prel. leaves and 109 pp. 1450 Mather (Samuel) The Figures or Types of the Old Testa- ment, 2nd ed. with a Table, old calf Lond. Nath. Rillier, 1705, 4° Six prel. leaves ; viz. Title, and ' To the Reader,' vii. pp. sig-ned * IS^athanael Mather.' Books, &c. 1 page. Scheme, 4 pp. Text, 540 pp. Table, 11 pp. Errata, 1 page. 1451 Mather (Samuel) An Apology for the Liberties of the Churches in Xew England : To which is prefix' d, A Dis- course concerning Congregational Churches, old calf Boston, T. Fleet, for Daniel Senchman, 1738, S** Four prel. leaves. Errata, 1 page, and Text, 11 6 pp. FIFTH day's sale. 165 1452 Mather (Samuel). A Letter to Doctor Mather, occasioned by his disingenuous Reflexions upon a certain Pamphlet, en- titled, Salvation for all Men, unbound Boston, T. and J. Fleet, 1782, 8^ Title, and Text, 9 pp. By the Rev. John Clark, of Boston. 1453 Mansfield ("William, Earl of) Speech in giving the Judg- ment of the Court of King's Bench, on Monday, Novem- ber 28, 1774, in the Cause of Campbell against Hall, re- specting the King's Letters Patent, of the 20th of July, 1764 ; for raising a Duty of Pour and an Half per Cent, on all the Exports from the Island of Granada, new ed. Jif. mor. Lond. 1775, title and text 23 pp. 8« 1454 Mauduit (Israel) A Short View of the History of the Co- lony of Massachusett's Bay, with respect to their Original Charter and Constitution, Tif. mor. Lond. 1769, 8^ Title and 71 pp. " The object of the writer is to shew that the Colonists have no Charter exempt from the authority of Parliament." — M. Rev. 1455 — The same, 3rd Ed. to which is now added the Original Charter granted to that Province in the 4th of Charles I. and never before printed in England, hf. mor. Lond. 1774, title and pp. 5-93, 8« 1456 — The same, 4th Ed. to which is now added an Account of a Conference between the late Mr. Grrenville and the se- veral Colony Agents, in the year 1764, previous to the Passing the Stamp Act ; also the Original Charter, hf. mor. Lond. 1776, title and pp. 5-100, 8« 1457 Maw (Henry Lister) Journal of a Passage from the Pa- cific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes in the Northern Provinces of Peru, and descending the River Marafion, or Amazon Lond. 1829, xv and 486 pp. map, 8« 1458 Maximiliantjs (TRANSYLVAifus) Db Molyccis Insulis, itemq ; alijs pluribus miradis, qu8B nouissima Castellanorum nauigatio Sereniss. Imperatoris Caroli Y . auspicio suscepta, nuper inuenit, calf extra, by Bedford Colonice in cBdibus JEucharij Ceruicorni, mense Januario, 1523, sm. 8" Fifteen unfolioed leaves ; sig^nature A in eight, B in seven leaves. 1459 Mayhew (Experience) G-race Defended, in a Modest Plea for an Important Truth ; namely, That the Ofier of Salva- tion made to Sinners in the &ospel, comprises in it an Ofier of the Grrace given in Regeneration Boston, B. Green for D. Senchmany 1744, 8° Title, vi and 208 pp. 1460 Mayhew (Jonathan), of West Churc7i,Boston, Seven Sermons preached at a Lecture in the "West Meeting House in Bos- ton Boston ; Lond. repr» 1750, 3 pr. Is. and text 132 pp. 8'^ 166 FIFTH day's sale. 1461 Mayhew (Jonathan) A Discourse occasioned by the Death of the Honourable Stephen Sewall, Esq. Chief- Justice of the Superiour Court of Judicature, Member of his Ma- jesty's Council for the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, hf. mor. Boston, Bicliard Draper, etc. 1760, title and pp. 5-66, 8** 1462 Mayhew (Jonathau) Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Grospel in Foreign Parts ; designed to shew their Non-conformity to each other : with Eeraarks on the Mistakes of East Ap- thorpe, M.A., Missionary at Cambridge, in Quoting and Eepresenting the Sense of said Charter, hf. mor. Boston; Lond. repr. 1763, 164 pp. 8° 1463 Mayhew (Jonathan). An Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Ob- servations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Grospel in Foreign Parts, hf. mor. Lond. 1764, 68 pp. 8^ 1464 Mayhew (Jonathan). The Claims of the Church of England seriously examined : in a Letter to the Author of an Answer to Dr. Mayhew's " Observations," hf. mor. Lond. 1764, 28 pp. 8° 1465 Mayhew (Jonathan) A Defence of the Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propaga- tion of the Grospel in Foreign Parts, against an Anonymous Pamphlet falsely entitled, a Candid Examination of Dr. Mayhew's Observations, etc. If. mor. Boston : Lond. repr. 1764, 120 pp. 8° 1466 Mayhew (Jonathan) Remarks on an Anonymous Tract, entitled. An Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, being a Second Defence of the said Observations, hf mor. Boston : B. and S. Draper, etc. 1764, 8° Eighty-six pages. * Advertisement.' 1 page signed ' J. Mayhew.' So- liciting contributions in Europe for the loss of the Library of Harvard College by fire. 1467 Mayhew (Jonathan) Sermons to Young Men, 2 vols, old calf Lond. 1767, 12° Vol. I. XX and 275 pp. II. Title, iv and text 304 pp. 1468 Mead (Joseph) An Essay on Currents at Sea ; by which it appears there is Eeason to apprehend that the Sea is not a Fluid in a State of Eest .... but that the Currents of the Gulph of Florida, also on the Coast of Brasil, and the Northern In-draught on this Western Coast, are Currents in Circulation, kept up by different Densities in this Earth and its Motion round its Axis, hf. mor. Lond. 1757, 8° Title [on the reverse « Errata.'- 5 lines]. Text 48 pp. FIFTH day's sale. 167 1469 Mead (Matthew) The Almost Christian Discovered, or the False Professor Tryed and Cast, being the Substance of Seven Sermons, 14th Ed. last 2 leaves damaged Boston, for Joseph Edwards , 1730, 12° Four prel. leaves and 194 pp. 1470 Medina (Antonio de) Sermon predicado en el Castillo de San Eelipe del Puerto; del Callao, a su Dedicacion y bene- dicion ; estando descubierto el Santissimo Sacramento, y en presencia de to do el Presidio, Tif. mor. Lima, Geronymo de Contreras, 1625, 4° Eighteen folioed leaves. 1471 Medrano (Sebastian Fernandez de) Breve descripcion del Mundo, Guia Geographica, old calf JBrusselas, Zamherto Marchant, 1688, 108 pp. 12** Not mentioned by either Rich or Salva. 1472 Memoires tovchant I'Etablissement d'vne Mission Chres- tienne dans le troisieme Monde, autrement appelle, la Terre Anstrale, Meridionale, Antartique, et Inconnue, old calf Paris, Clavde Cramoisy, 1663, 8° Eighteen prel. leaves and 216 pp. Map of the World. 1473 Memoiees des Commissaiees dtt Eoi et de ceux de sa Majeste Britannique, sur les possessions et les droits respectifs des deux Couronnes en Amerique ; Avec les Actes publics et Pieces justificatives. Contenant les Memoires sur I'Acadie et sur I'lsle de Sainte-Lucie, 4 vols. old calf gilt, fine copy Paris, 1755, 4<' Vol. I. viii, Ixxv, and 181 pp. 'Premier Memoire,' etc. 61 pp. * Me- moire de Messieurs les Commissaires Anglois,' etc. evil pp. * Second Memoire/ etc. 120 pp. Map. II. xiii and 646 pp. III. xvi and 319 pp. IV. 1757. 3 prel. leaves, xxv and 654 pp. Map. 1474 Memoirs of an Unfortunate Young Nobleman, returned from a Thirteen Tears' Slavery in America, where he had been sent by the "Wicked Contrivances of his Cruel Uncle, a Story founded on Truth, and address'd equally to the Head and Heart, old calf Lond. 1743, 12<» Half-title, title, and 277 pp. 1475 Memoirs of the principal Transactions of the last War between the English and French in North America [by "William Shirley], hf. mor, Lond. 1757, viii and 102 pp. 8° 1476 — The same, 3rd Ed. Boston, N.E. rep. Green and Rmsell, 1758, 8** iv and 9-80 pp. 1477 MendoQa (Juan Goncales de) Historia de las Cosas mas Notables, Eitos y Costvmbres, del gran Eeyno dela China, sabidas assi por los libros delos mesmos Chinas, como por relacion de Beligiosos y otras personas que an estado en el dicho Eeyno, con un Itinerario del nueuo Mundo, velUtm Boma, Vincentio Accoltij 1585, S^ Sixteen prel. leaves, the 16th blank ; and 440 pp. 168 FIFTH day's sale. 1478 Mendoga (Juan Groncales de) Dell' Historia della China, vellum Ten etia,, Andrea Muschio, 1586, 8" Sixteen prel. leaves, the 16th blank, and 462 pp.; 1 blank leaf, and ' Tavola,' etc. 40 pp. 1479 Mendoga (Juan Goncales de) L' Historia del gran Eegno della China, old calf Vinegia, Andrea Muschio, 1587, 12° Five hundred and eight pp. ' Lo stampatore,' etc. 1 page j ' Tavola,' etc. 77 pp. ' Errori,' etc. 1 page. 1480 Mendoga (Juan Groncales de) Histoire dv G-rand HoyaYme de la Chine, old calf Faris, leremie Perier, 1589, 8° Twelve prel. leaves, and 323 folioed leaves ; ' Indice des choses Notables,' etc. 48 pp. * Fautes,' etc. 1 page. 1481 Mendoza (Diego de) Cheok-ica de la Peovincia de S. Ak^toxio de LOS Chaecas del orden de jS'ro. Seraphico P. S. Francisco En la Indias Occidentales Reyno del Peru, vellvmij marginal notes on a few leaves cut into Matriti, 1664, folio Engraved title, 14 prel. leaves, and 601 pp. * Protesta de el Autor,' 1 page ; ' Indice de los Capitvlos,' etc. 6 pp. 1482 Meecatoe (Q-eraedtjs) Atlas sive CosmographicsB Medita- tiones de fabric! Mundi et fabricati Pigvra, fine copy, old calf Amsf. 1606, large folio Ten prel. leaves, and 354 pp. Index, etc. 18 leaves. Maps with the text. 1483 Mercator (G-erardus) Atlas Minor a I. Hondio plurimis seneis tabulis auctus atque illustratus, vellum Amst. ludoci Hondij \_Colophon'] Dordrecliti, Adrianus Bottius, Anno 1610, 4 pr. Is. and 684 pp, oblong 4^ 1484 Mercator. Historia* Mvndi : or Mercator's Atlas. Eng- lished by "W. S. old calf Lond. 1635, folio Twelve prel. leaves ; 56 pp. the Preface (upon Atlas) 2 pp. and 930 pp. Tables, etc. 32 pp. 1485 Mexico. Memorial de lo Svcedido en la ciudad de Mexico, desde el dia primero de Nouiembre, de 1623 hasta quienze de Enero de 1624, uncut folio Twenty-eight folioed leaves. Apparently a privately printed Official Relation. 1486 — Gazeta de Mexico, desde Enero de 1735, hasta fin de Diciembre de 1736. [24 Numlers'] Num. 86-109, calf Mexico, en la Imprenta JReal del Superioi' Gohierno, 4° pp. 682-873. These early Newspapers are of equal value and rarity. 1487 — Eeales Ordenanzas para la direccion, Eegimen j Go- bierno del Importante cuerpo de la Mineria de Nueva-Es- pana, y de su Eeal Tribunal General Madrid, 1783, folio Frontispiece, title, xlvi and 214 pp. A small number only printed for the use of the parties concerned. ]^4;88 — Eepresentacion del Ilmo. Sr. Arzobispo de Mejico con- cemiente a algunos sucesos Anteriores a la Independencia proclamada en Aquella Capital, If. mor. Sabana, por Campe, en la Oficina Liberal, 1822, 43 pp. 4° FIFTH day's sale. 109 1489 Mexico. Ultimas noticias del Eeino de Nueva-Espana, half morocco Habana, 1821, 8 pp. 4'^ 1490 — CoLECCiON DE Oedenes t Decretos de la Sobeeat^a Junta Provisional Gubernativa, y Soberanos Congresos G-enerales de la Nacion Mexicana. 5 vols, in 3, Spanish tinding Mexico^ Mariano Arevalo, 1829-31, 4^^ Vol. I. 2 prel. leaves ; xvi and 150 pp. II. 3 prel. leaves ; xiv and 220 pp. III. 3 prel, leaves ; x and 172 pp. IV. 3 prel. leaves j viii and 198 pp. V. Half-title, title, xx and 212 pp. 1491 — Album Mejicano Tributo de gratitud al Civismo nacional Eetratos de los Personages ilustres de la primera y segunda epoca de la Independencia Mejicana, hf. mor. Mejico^ G. L. Prudhomme, 1843, folio Title, Advertencia, and 21 plates, each with 4 portraits. 0000 Mexican Typography. See Gaona ; Missa Gothica 1492 MTingal : A Modern Epic Poem, in Pour Cantos. 5tli Ed. With Notes Lond. 1792, 8« Fifteen and 142 pp. By John Trumbull. 1493 Michaux (P. A.) Travels to the Westward of the Allegany Mountains, in the States of the Ohio, Kentucky, and Ten- nessee, and return to Charlestown, through the Upper Carolinas. Translated by B. Lambert, map Lond. 1805, xvi and 350 pp. 8° 1494 — The same, 2nd Ed. cf. Lond. 1805, xii and 294 pp. 8° 1495 Middleton. A Vindication of the Conduct of Capt. Chris- topher Middleton, in a late Voyage on board His Majesty's ship the Purnace, for discovering a North-west Passage to the Western American Ocean. In answer to certain ob- jections and aspersions of Arthur Dobbs, Esq.; with an Appendix, old cf. Lond., Jacoh Hohinson, 1743, 8° Two prel. leaves, and 206 pp. * Several Abbreviations,' etc. 1 page. Log-Journal 48 pp. 1496 — The same. Another Ed. hf mor. Lublin, 1744, 168 and 48 pp. 8° 1497 Middleton (Christopher) A Eeply to the Eemarks of Arthur Dobbs, Esq., on Capt. Middleton's Vindication Lond. 1744, 8° Ten and 192 pp. * Appendix' 94 pp. Errata and Index, 8 pp. 1498 Middleton (Christopher) Porgery Detected. By which is evinced how groundless are all the calumnies cast upon the Editor, in a Pamphlet published under the name of Arthur Dobbs, Esq. hf mor. Lond. 1745, title, v and 35 pp .8° 1499 Milius (Abraham) De Origine Animalium, et Migratione Populorum, ubi inquiritur, quomodo quaque via Homines csetera que Animalia Terrestria provenerint: et post De- luvium in omnes Orbis terrarum partes et regie nes : Asiam, Europam, Africam, utramque Americam, et Ter- ram Australem, sive Magellanicam pervenerint, calf extra hy Bedford Qenevcd, 1667, 68 pp. 12° 170 FIFTH day's sale. 1500 Mills (Henry James) Trinidad Almanac and Pocket Ee- gister for the Tear of our Lord 1840, being Bissextile or Leap Year, calculated to the Meridian of Port of Spain Fort of Spain, S. J". Mills [1840], 12° Sixty-two pages. With Plan. 'Trinidad Imports, etc. 1839.' Folded sheet at pa^e 60. 1501 Mills (Samuel J.) and Daniel Smith, Eeport of a Missionary Tour through that part of the TJnited States which lies West of the Allegany Mountains; performed under the direction of the Massachusetts Missionary Society, uncut Andover, Flagg and Gould, 1815, 64 pp. 8° 1502 Milton (Charles "William) Narrative of the Gracious deal- ings of God in the Conversion of "W". Mooney Fitzgerald and John Clark, two malefactors, who were Executed on Friday, Dec. 18, 1789, at St. John's New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, for Burglary Lond. 1790, 22 pp. 12« 1503 Ministerial (A) Catechise, Suitable to be Learned by all Modern Provincial Governors, Pensioners, Placemen, etc. hf. tnor. Boston, Isaiah Thomas, 1771, 8 pp. 8<' Refers to Governor Hutchinson, in form of a parody or imitation of the Assembly's Catechism. One of the earliest books printed by Thomas, Historian of American Typography. 1504 Minot (George Eichards) The History of the Insurrec- tions in Massachusetts, in the year 1786, and the Bebellion consequent thereon, uncut Worcester, Mass., Isaiah Thomas, 1788, 192 pp. 8° The insurrection refeiTed to is commonly known as Shays Eehellion, 1505 MissA GoTHiCA SEu MozAEABiCA, efc Officium itidem Go- thicum diligenter ac dilucide explanata ad Usum Percele- bris Mozarabum Sacelli Toleti a Munificentissimo Cardi- nali Ximenio erecti ; et in Obsequium Illmi. Perinde ac Yenerab. D. Decani et Capituli Sanctae Ecclesiae Toletanae, Hispaniarum et Indiarum Primatis, old red morocco Angelopoli, Typis Seminarii Falafoxiani, 1770, folio Four prel. leaves, 137 and 198 pp. 3 large copperplates by J. Nava. Contains some musical notation printed from copperplates. As a speci- men of Mexican typography alone the volume is one of considerable interest. Angelopolis is the same as La Puebla de los Angeles, or more briefly, La Puebla. 1506 Mitchil (Jonathan), Fastor, of Cambridge, K.E, A Dis- course of the Glory to which God hath called Believers by Jesus Christ, delivered in some Sermons out of the 1 Pet. v chap, 10 verse, together with an annexed Letter Lond. Nathaniel Fonder, 1677, sm. 8° Eight prel. leaves, viz., title, * To the Reader,' 11 pp. ; signed 'John Col- lins.' Text 263 pp. * A Letter,' etc. 20 pp. riFTH DAl's SALE. 171 1507 MocQTTET (Jan.) Wunderbare Je(3och Grlindlicli- imd warhaffte Gescbichte und Beise begebnisse in Africa, Asia, Ost- und "West-Indien Lunehurg, [1688], 4° Thirty prel. leaves, engraved frontispiece, and text 632 pp. Plates num- bered I. to X. and plan of * lerusalem.' 1508 Modest (A) Proof of the Order and Grovernraent settled by Clirist and his Apostles in the Church JBostoUj reprinted hy Tho. Fleets and are to he sold hy Benjamin Eliot in Boston^ Daniel Aurault in New- port, Gabriel Bernon in Brovidence, Mr. Gallop in Bristol, Mr. Jean in Stratfordy and in most other towns within the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Islandy 1723, title, v and 63 pp. 16" 1509 Molina (Juan Ignatius) Essai sur THistoire Naturelle du Chili, traduit de I'ltalien, et enrichi de notes, par M. G-ruvel, old calf Baris, 1789, xvi and 352 pp. 8<* 1510 Molina (Juan Ignatius) The Geographical, Natural and Civil History of Chili, 2 vols, calf 1809, 8« "Vol. I. XX and 321 pp. Map. 11. xiiand 385 pp. 1511 MoNAEDES (NicoLo) Peimeea t SEavj^DA T Teeceea Paetes de la Histoeia Medicinal de las cosas que SE TEAEN de NUESTEAS IndIAS OcCIDENTALES que SIErEN Si^ Medicina. Tratado de la Piedra Bezaar, y dela yerua Escuerconera, stained, vel. Sevilla,AlonsoBscriuano, 1574, 4P Six prel. leaves, viz. title, reverse blank ; * Licencia y Previleg-io,' 2 pp. ; ' Elog-io hecho,' etc. 4 pp. * Sanctis D. N. Greg-orio XIII. Pont. Opt. Max. Doct. Nicolaus Monardus Medicus Hispalensis. S. P. D.' 3 pp. ; text 206 folioed leaves ; woodcut and colophon on the reverse of folio 206, ' In Lavdem Dotissimi Nicolai Monardis Medici Hispalensis,' 1 page. • Erratas,* 1 page. 1512 MoNAEDES (Nicolo) Iotfvll Nevves oyt op the NEWE rouNDE WOELDE, whereiu is declared the rare and singular vertues of diuerse and sundrie Hearbes, Trees, Oyles, Plantes, and Stones, with their applications, as well for Phisicke as Chirurgerie, Englished by Jhon Erampton, Marchaunt, eiest edition, blacfe letter Bond, by Willyam Nortony 1577, 4° Three prel. leaves, viz. title, reverse blank, * To the right worshipfull Mais- ter Edvvarde Dier Esquire, Jhon Frampton wisheth muche healthe, with prosperous and perfite felicitie.' 3 pp. in italics. Text in 109 folioed leaves, * The Table of the thinges that these three Bookes doe containe,' 2 pp. 1513 MoNAEDES (NicoLo) Dellc cose, che vengono portate dall' Indie Occidentali pertinent! all' vso della Medicina, vellum Venetia, Giordan Ziletti, 1582, 8° Eight prel. leaves, viz. title, the reverse blank, ' Al Clarissimo mio Sig. Andrea Contarini, fu del Clariss. M. Dionigi, 6 pp. * Giordan Ziletti a' Lettori,' 3 pp. the reverse blank. * Capi del primo libro,' I page • and 1 blank leaf. Text 249 pp. * Tavola,' 13 pp. *Dve Libri dell' Historia de i Semplici, Aromati,' etc. 12 prel. leaves, viz. Title, the re- verse blank, * All' lUvstriss. Signore il Signor Don Ferrante de Alarcon e di Mendoza, Marchese della Valle,* 9 pp.; * Tavola,' 12 pp. ,• text 347 pp. 172 SIXTH day's sale. 1514 Monardes (Nicolo) Histoire des Simples Medlcamens Apportes de 1' Ameriqve, desqvels on se sert en la Medicine, traduicte en Frangois par Anthoine Colin, edition seconde Lyon, 1619, 262 pp. table, etc. 6 pp. 8^ SIXTH DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. 1515 Monroe (James) A View of the Conduct of the Executive in the Foreign Affairs of the United States, as connected with the Mission to the French Eepublic, during the years 1794-6, 2nd Ed. FhiladelpJiiay printed; Lond. repr. 1798, 8° viii and 117 pp. 1516 MoNTANUS. Belacion Cierta j Yerdadera del famoso sucesso y vitoria que tuvo el Capitan Benito Arias Montano, sobrino del doctissimo Arias Montano, natural de Estre- madura, Governador y Capitan general de la Provincia de la nueva Andaluzia, y ciudad de Cumana, y Alcayde de la fuerea de Araya, por el Eey nuestro sefior, contra los enemigos Oladeses, este ano de 1633, hf. mor. \_Coloplion'] en Sevilla por Fran, de Lyra, 1634, 4 pp., folio 1517 Montanus (Arnold) De Nieuwe en Onbekende "Weereld: of Beschryving van America in 't Zuid-Land, Yervaetende d'Oorsprong der Americaenen en Zuidlanders, gedenkwaer- dige togten derwaerds, G-elegendheid der vaste Kusten, Eilanden, Steden, Sterkten, Dorpen, Tempels, Bergen, Fonteinen, Stroomen, Huisen, de natuur van Beesten, Boomen, Planten ^en vreemde G-ewasschen, etc. fine copy, vellum Amst. Jacoh Meurs, 1671, folio Four prel. leaves and 585 pp. ; * Blad-Wyzer,' etc. 25 pp. ; * Naemen der Schryvers,' etc. 1 page ; ' Aenwyzing- Voor der Boekbinders,' etc. 1 p. ; portrait of * loan Maurits, Prina van Nassouw,' and 54 maps and plates. The plates to this volume are the same as those for Ogilby's Ameinca, but are earlier and therefore better impressions. 1538 Montcalm (Marquis de), Gov. Gen. en Canada. Lettres de Le Marquis de Montcalm; a Messieurs de Berry er et de la Mole, Ecrites dans les Annees 1757, 1758 et 1759. Avec una Yersion Angloise, hf. mor. Lond, 1777, 8<» Title and 28 pp. doubly numerated. SIXTH day's sale. 173 1519 Montesinos (Eernando de) Avto de la Fe celebrado en Lima a 23. de Enero de 1639. Al Tribvnal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisiciou, de los Eeynos del Peru, Chili, Paraguay, j Tucuman Lima, Pedro de Cabrera^ 1639, 4° Tour prel. leaves and text, signatures A to G in fours. 1520 Moody (James). Lieut. James Moody's Narrative of his Exertions and Sufferings in the Cause of Government, since 1776, 2nd Ed. hf, mor. Lond. 1783, 8« Title and 57 pp. ' Appendix,' 7 pp. 1521 Moore. A Eepresentation of Pacts, relative to the Con- duct of Daniel Moore, Esquire, Collector of his Majesty's Customs at Charles-Town, in South Carolina, from the time of his Arrival in March, 1767, to the time of his De- parture in September following Charlestown, South CaroUnaj Charles Crouch, 1767 , folio viii and pp. 3-43. 1522 Moore (Erancis) A Voyage to Georgia, begun in the year 1735, containing an Account of the Settling the Town of Erederica, in the Southern Part of the Province ; and a Description of the Soil, Air, Birds, Beasts, Trees, Eivers, Islands, etc. hf. mor. Lond. 1744, 8° One hundred and eight pp. and 1 leaf at end with Author's advertise- ment of Voyage to Georgia in 1738, etc. 1523 Moore (James L.) The Columbiad: An Epic Poem on the Discovery of America and the "West Indies by Columbus, in Twelve Books, russia, onarb. edges Lond. 1798, 8° Title and 455 pp. 1524 Moore (Sir Thomas) Mangora, King of the Timbusians, or the Eaithful Couple, a Tragedy, hf. mor. Lond. 1718, 4° Four prel. leaves and 54 pp. 1525 Moreton (J. B.) West India Customs and Manners, con- taining strictures on the Soil, Cultivation, Produce, Trade, Officers and Inhabitants ; with the method of establishing and conducting a Sugar Plantation, hf. mor. Lond. 1793, 8<^ 192 pp. 1526 MoEGAN (John) A Discourse upon the Institution of Medical Schools in America ; delivered at a Public Anniver- sary Commencement, held in the College of Philadelphia, May 30 and 31, 1765, calf Philadelphia, William Bradford, 1765, 8° Eighteen prel. leaves and 63 pp. 1527 MoENixa (The) Aia> Eyening Pratee. The Litany and Church Catechism. Ne Orhoengene neoni Togaraskhagh Tondereanayendaghkwa, Ne Ene Niyoh Eaodeweyena, neoni Onoghsadogeaghtige Tondadderighwanondoenthia, very fine copy, hf. mor. Boston, Bichard and Samuel Draper, 1763, 4® Title and 24 pp. * The Church Catechism,' 18 pp. An excessively rare volume in an Indian dialect, possibly Mohawk. 174! SIXTH day's sale. 1528 Morris (Valentine), Governor of St. Vincent, A Narrative of the Official Conduct of Lond. 1787 Half-title, title, xvii, 3 and 467 pp. Printed at the Logographic Press of J. Walter of Printing House Square, founder of the Times newspaper. 1529 Morse (Jedidiah) The American Geography, calf Mizabeth Town, Shepard Kolloch,for the Author, 1789, 8° xii and 534 pp. ' The Reader,' etc. 1 page. Without the maps. First edition of the large work. 1530 Morse (Jedidiah) A Sei'mon, exhibiting the present Dan- gers, and consequent Duties of the Citizens of the United States of America, delivered at Charlestown, April 25, 1799, the Day of the National Fast Charlestown, Samuel Etheridge, 1799, 50 pp. 8° 1531 Morse. Eemarks on the Eeview of Inchiquin's Letters, published in the Quarterly Eeview ; addressed to the Et. Hon. George Canning, Esq., by an Inhabitant of New- England [Eev. Jed. Morse], unbound Boston, Samuel T. Armstrong, 1815, 8° 176 pp. Wanting pp. 9 and 10. 1532 Morse (Jedidiah) A Sermon, delivered before the Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company, in Boston, June 6, 1803, being the Anniversary of their Election of Officers Charlestown, Samuel Etheridge, 1803, 32 pp. 8° 1533 Morse (Jedidiah) A Compendious History of New Eng- land Lond. 1808, 6 prel. Is. and 207 pp. 8° 1534 Morse (Jedidiah) A Eeport to the Secretary of AYar of the United States, on Indian Affairs, comprising a Narra- tive of a Tour performed in the Summer of 1820, uncut JSfew Haven, 1822, 8^ Four hundred pp. Errata 1 page. Coloured map ; and portrait. 1535 MoETON (Thomas) New E^aLisH Canaa:n-, oe New CA:tf AAN, containing an Abstract of New England, composed in Three Bookes, calf extra, hy Bedford Amst. Jacob Frederick Stam, 1637, 4P One hundred and eighty-eight pp. * A Table,' etc. 3 pp. 1536 Most (A) Exact and Accurate Map of the "Whole "World ; or the Orb Terrestrial described in Eour Plain Maps (viz.), Asia, Evrope, Africa and America, containing all the known and most Eemarkable Capes, Ports, Bayes and Isles, Eocks, Eivers, Towns and Cities Lond, John Garrett, 4P Four prel. leaves and 192 pp. Poor copy, wanting several leaves. 1537 Moultrie (John), of South Carolina. Dissertatio Medica Inauguraiis de Eebre maligna biliosa Americse [Edinb.] 1749, 4« Two prel. leaves and 24 pp. ; ' Ephemerides Meteorologicse,' etc. 8 pp. SIXTH day's sale. 175 1538 Mountgomery (Sir Eobert), Bart. A Discourse concerning the design' d Establishment of a New Colony to the South of Carolina, hf. mor. Lond. V1V7, 8<» Title and 30 pp. Larg-e plan at pag-e 11. "A very curious tract. Sir Rob. Montgomery having' obtained a grant of all the land between the rivers Alatamaha and Savanna, now part of Georgia, which he called AziliUy issued these proposals for settling the colony." — Bich. 1539 Muhlenberg (Henry) Descriptio Uberior Grraminum et Plantarum Calamariarum Americse Septentrionalis indige- narum et cicurum FhiladelphicB, Solomon W, Conrad^ 1817, S*' Title, ii and 295 pp. 1540 Munoz (Juan Baptista) Historia del Nuevo-Mundoj Tomo I. Large Paper, half calf Madrid, par la Viuda de Iharra, 1793, 8^ Three prel. leaves, xxx and 364 pp. Portrait and map. No second volume ever published, being prevented by the death of the Author. The work is a most valuable compilation from original MSS. in the archives of Spain and Portugal. 1541 Munoz (Juan Baptista) The History of the New "World, Vol. I. Translated, with Notes, hf. mor, Lond. 1797, 8° XV and 552 pp. Map and portrait of Columbus. 1542 Murray (James) An Impartial History of the present War in America, 2 vols, in 1, calf Lond. [1778], 8« Vol. T. 373 pp. "Vol. II. 376 pp. 22 copperplate portraits, and plan of the Town of Boston. By the Author of Sermons to Asses. 1543 Mystery (The) Eeveal'd ; or Truth brought to Light, being a Discovery of some Eacts in relation to the Conduct of the late M y, hf. mor, Lond. 1759, title and 319 pp. 8° A reprint of a tract published in 1757, entitled The Conduct of the late Ministry, etc. 1544 Narborough (Sir John) and others. An Account of several late Voyages and Discoveries to the Sovth and North.- towards theStreights of Magellan, the South Seas, the vast Tracts of Land beyond Hollandia Nova, etc. ; also towards Nova Zembla, Greenland or Spitsberg, G-roynland or En- grondland, etc. fine copy, old calf Lond. 1694, 8° Eighteen prel. leayes, map of the Streights of Magellan, and 196 pp. Map of the North East, etc. at page 143. ' The First Part of a Voyage into Spitzbergen,' etc. 207 pp. Table at page 1 ; and plates lettered A to S, 2 of the letter P. 1545 Neal (Daniel) The History of New England, 2nd and lest edition, 2 vols, old calf Lond. 1747, 8** Vol I. Eight prel. leaves and 392 pp. Map. II. 2 prel. leaves and text 380 pp. Index, 15 pp. 1546 Neilson (John) Second Series of the Present and Future Prospects of Jamaica considered Kingston- Jamaica^ 1834, 8^ Twenty pages. 2a 176 SIXTH day's sale. 1547 Neue Nachrlcliten von denen neuentdekten Insuln in der See zwischen Asien und Amerika Hamlurg und Leipzig^ 1776, title and 173 pp. 8« 1548 ^Er-ERorFNETES Amphitheatrvm, Worinneu nach dem uns bekanten gantzen Welt-Greisz, alle Nationen nach ihrem Habit, iusaubern Figuren reprasentiret Hrffurth, 1723, folio Five Parts. General title, Voirede, 2 pp. * 1. Aus dem gantzen Europa, etc. 1722,' 66 leaves. * II. Aus dem gantzen Africa, etc. 1723,' 2 prel. leaves and 96 pp. * III. Aus dem gantzen America, etc. 1723,' 2 prel. leaves and 124 pp. ' Aus dem Stiidlichen Asia, etc. 1728,' title and 142 pp. ' Turcicum, etc. 1724,' 172 pp. Register 4 pp. Woodcuts with the text. The woodcuts consist of highly curious representations of natives of the various nations of the earth, their costumes, portraits of the chiefs of New England, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Louisiana, The Canadas, Mexico, etc. 1549 Neve t Molis-a (Luis de) Eeglas de Oethogeaphia, PiccioyAEio, T Arte del Idioma Othomi breve instruc- cion para los principiantes, qve dicto el L. D. Lvis de Neve, y Molina, Cathedratico Proprietario de dielio Idioma en el Eeal, y Pontificio Colegio Semiuario, Examinador Synodal, e Interprete de el Tribunal de Fe en el Provisorato de Indios de este Arzobispado, y Capellan del Hospital Eeal de esta Covte, Jine copy^ old calf Mexico^ 17G7, sm. 8^ Twelve prel. leaves and 160 pp.; at page 12 engraved leaf 'Antes de leer el Diccionario, etc' 1 pa^e. The work is dedicated al Glorio- sisimo Senor San Joseph, Padre Putativo del Verba Eterno. 1550 New Eranswick, Hand Book for Emigrants to the Province of Fredericton, John Simpson, 1841, 15 pp. 8^ 1551 New E^'GLA^^D, An Abstract of the Lawes of, as tbey are now established Lond.for F. Coules and W. Ley, 1641, 4P Title, reverse blank, and 15 pp. * The Table of the Chapters,' 2 pp. The first printed Collectiotj of Laws for New Eng- land. For the other edition of this important book, see No. 674. 1552 New England's Eiest Eeuits : in respect, ( Conversion of some, ") First of the < Comiction of divers, > of the Indians. { Preparation of sundry, ) 2. Of the Progi-esse of Learning in the CoUedge at Cam- bridge in Massachusetts Bay. With divers other speciall Matters concerning that Countrey, calf extra by Bedford Lond.for Senry Overton, 1643, 4° Title, reverse blank, and 26 pp. " This is the first of a very interesting series of tracts on the progress of the Gospel among the Indians in New England."— 222^. 1553 New England. A Brief Narration of the Practices of the Churches in New England Lond. by Matth. Simmons for John Bothcell, 1645, 4P Title and 18 pp, SIXTH day's sale. 177 1554 New England. A Brief Narration of the Practices of the Churches in New England, in their solemne "Worship of God Lond. ly Mattliew Simmons, 1647, title and 18 pp. 4« This differs from the preceding* only in the title. 1555 — The Day Beeaking, if not the Sun-Eising of the Grospv-^ll with the Indians in New England, calf extras ly Bedford Lond. by Bich. Cotes, for Fulh Clifton, 1647, 4" Title in a narrow border, on the reverse * To the Reader,* sig-ned * Nathan. Warde.* Text 25 pp. The second of the relations of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians. See No. ] 552 ante. 1556 — A HisTOET OP New England, from the English Plant- ing in the yeere 1628 untill the yeere 1652, red morocco by Bedford Lond. for Nath. Brooke, 1654, 4° Two prel. leaves, viz. Title and * To the Reader', signed * T. H.' 2 pp. ; text 236 pp. ' Brooke's Catalogue,' 4 pp. The authorship of this tract has been ascribed to Edward Johnson, of Woburn, N. E , also to Ferdi- nando Gorges, who has included it bodily in America Painted to the Life. See No. 969. Some curious specimens of versification will be found interspersed. 1557 — The Secret Woekes of a Cruel People made mani- fest ; whose little finger is become hevier then their per- secutors the bishops Loyns, who have set up an Image amongst them in New-England, which all that will not bow down unto, and worship, must undergo all such Sufferings as can be invented and inflicted by the hearts and hands of such men whose tender mercies are cruel, title in excellent facsimile by B.arris, calf extra, by Bedford Lond. 1659, 4p litle, reverse blank, and 26 pp. ; at page 18 signed 'John Rous.* This very interesting Historical Tract, concerning the persecutions of the Quakers in New England, seems to be quite unknown to all American bibliographers — no copy, we believe, having occurred for sale. 1558 — The Humble Petition and Address of the General Court sitting at Boston in New-England, unto the High and Mighty Prince Charles the Second, and Presented unto His Most Grracious Majesty Eeb. 11, 1660, calf extra, by Bedford [Lond.] 1660, 4P Eight pp. ; signed * John Endecot Govr. In the Name, and with the con- sent of the General Court.' With autograph of Bp. Wliite Kennet on the title. 1559 — A Glass eor the People op New England, in which they may see themselves and Spirits, and if not too late, Bepent and Turn from their Abominable Ways and Cursed Contrivances ; . . . . and for all the Murders and Cruelties done to his tender People, ever since they usurped Authority to Banish, Hang, "Whip, and Cut Off Ears, and Spoil Goods of Dissenters from them in Eeligious Matters, while themselves disown Infallibility in those things, by S. G., red morocco extra^ by Bedford [Lond.} 1676, 43 pp. 4P Not mentioned by Rich. 178 SIXTH day's sale. 1560 New England. Plantation Woek the "Work op this Generation, written in true love to all such as are weightily inclined to Transplant themselves and Families to any of the English Plantations in America Lond. for Benjamin Clarh, 1682, 4° Title and 18 pp. Not mentioned by Rich. 1561 — A Letter to the Eight Honourable the Lords Commis- sioners of Trade and Plantations ; or a Short Essay on the Principal Branches of the Trade of JSTew England, hf, trior. Lond. 1715, 8° Two prel. leaves, viz. Title and Dedication, signed ' T. B.' Text 19 pp. 1562 — Sober E^emarks on a Book lately Eeprinted at Boston, entituled A Modest Proof of the Order and Government settled by Christ and his Apostles in the Church, 2nd Ed. Boston, for Samtwl QerrisJi, 1724, 8° Four prel. leaves and 126 pp. 1563 — The Euling and Ordaining Power of Congregational Bishops, or Presbyters Defended, being Eemarks on some part of Mr. P. Barclay's Persuasive, lately Distributed in iN'ew England Boston, for Samuel Gerrish, 1724, 8° Title and 45 pp. 1564 —The Signs of the Times consider'd; or The High Probability that the present Appearances in New England and the. "West of Scotland, are a Prelude of the Glorious Things promised to the Church in the latter Ages Edinh. 1742, 8^ Three prel. leaves, text pp. 5-34 1565 — A Brief Eeview of the Eise and Progress, Services and Sufferings, of New England, especially the Province of Massachuset's Bay, hf. mor. Lond. 1774, 32 pp. 8^ 1566 — A Platform of Church Discipline : Gathered out of the "Word of God and agreed upon by the Elders and Messen- gers of the Churches assembled in the Synod at Cambridge, in New England, calf Boston, Belcher and Armstrooig, 1808, 12° One hundred and eighteen pp. ' Confession of Faith/ etc. 36 pp. 15g7 — New-England and her Institutions, by One of her Sons [Jacob Abbott] Lond. 1835, 8« Four prel. leaves and 393 pp. 0000 New England. See Burroughs (Udw.) 1568 New Granada. Letras Anvas dela Compania de lesvs de la Provincia del Nvevo Eeyno de Granada 1638-1643, old calf the title a little damaged Zaragoza, 1645, 239 pp. 4P 1569 New-Jersey. An Abstract, or Abbreviation of some Eew of the Many (Later and Former) Testimonys from the Inhabitants of New- Jersey, and other Eminent Persons, who have Wrote particularly concerning that place, mor. extra, ly Bedford Lond. hy Thomas Milbourn, 1681, 32 pp. 4« SIXTH day's sale. 179 1570 New- York. Authentic Account of the Proceedings of the Congress held at New-York, in 1765, on the Subject of the American Stamp Act, If, mor. 1767, title and 37 pp. 8^* 1571 — The Constitution of the State of New- York, Mrst Edition, half calf Philadelphia, Styner and Gist, 1777, 32 pp. 8° 1572 — Laws and Ordinances, Ordained and Established by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, in Common Council convened, for the (xood Rule and Government of the Inhabitants and Residents of the said City NeW'Yorh, Samuel and John Loudon, 1786, 29 pp., folio 1573 — The Chaetee of the City oe New-Yoek. Printed by Order of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City aforesaid NeW'Yofh, Samuel and John Loudon, 1786, folio Title and pp. 3-44. 1574 Nicholson. A Modest Answer to a Malicious Libel against his Exc. Erancis Nicholson, Esq., or an Examination of that part of Mr. Blair's Affidavit relating to the School Boys of the Grammar School in the College of William and Mary, in Virginia. "Written in "Virginia, in the year 1704, calf extra, ly Bedford Text, pp. 1-55, no separate title. The imputation was that Mr. Nicholson (Governor of Virginia) encouraged an insurrection in the school, and found the insurgents powder and shot. No other copies of this and the two following lots are known. 1575 Nicholson. Apology or Vindication of Erancis Nicholson, Esq. of South Carolina, from the unjust Aspersions cast on him by some of the Members of the Bahama Company, calf extra, hy Bedford Loud. 1724, 8« Title ; text, pp. 3 to 62. Apparently privately printed. 1576 Nicholson (Erancis). Papers relating to an Affidavit made by the Eev. James Blair, pretended president of William and Mary College, and supposed Commissary to the Bishop of London in Virginia, against Erancis Nicholson, Esq. Governor, calf extra, hy Bedford 1727, 8° Title ; Contents, 2 pp.; text, pp. 1-104. Apparently privately printed. 1577 Nisbet (Eev. Charles) D.B., President of Carlisle Coll. Penn.j Monody to the Memory of, half morocco Edinburgh, 1805, 23 pp. 8° 1578 NocEDA (El P. Juan de) Vocabvlabio de la LENaA Ta- GALA, original vellum, very tine copy en Manila, en la Imprenta de la Comp. de Jesus, por 2^. de la Cruz Bagay, 1754, folio Title ; Epistles, * Aprobacion,' etc. G leaves ; Errata, 2 leaves ; Prologo, 6 leaves; Yoeab. Tagala Rispan. C19 pp.; ' Apendix,' 34 pp. ; Vocab. Hisp, Tagalog, 190 pp. 180 SIXTH day's sale. 1579 Nodal (Bartolome Garcia de, and Gokqalo de). Ee- LACioN del Viaje qve por orden de sv Magd. y acverdo del Eeal Consejo de Indias hezieron los Capitanes Bartolome G-arcia de Nodal, y Gongalo de Nodal hermanos, naturales de Ponte Vedra, al descubrimiento del Estrecho nuebo de S. Vicente y recouosinjo. del de Magallanes,^we copy, in old red morocco, toith the map from the second edition Madrid, Fernando Correa de Montenegro, 1621, 4° TweWe prel. leaves : viz. Engraved title with Portraits of tlae two brothers Nodal, the reverse blank ; 'Fee de aprouacion,' 3 pp. ; * Suma del pri- uilegio,' 1 p. ; * Tassa,' 1 p. ; * Erratas,' 1 p. ; * A Don Fernando Car- rillo,' 3 pp. ; * Al Lector,' 5 pp.; * Advertencias,' 3 pp.; ' Variacion de la ag-uja,' 3 pp.; ' Reglas,' 2 pp. ; Text, 65 folioed leaves : ' TablaPara Saler las Horas,' etc. 1 leaf; * Relacion svmaria de los Servicios de los Capitanes Bartolome Garcia de Nodal, y Gongalo de Nodal hermanos,' folioed leaves 2-15. At fol. 35 there should be a copperplate Map entitled * Reconocimiento de los Estrechos de Magallanes,' etc. * I. de Courbes sculpsit.' 13i by 15^ inches. It is supplied, in the copy above described, by the reprint in a smaller form, from the second edition. 1580 Nomenclatura Brevis Anglo-Latino in usura Scholarura. Together with Examples of the Five Declensions of Nouns, with the Words in Propria quaa Maribus and Quae Grenus reduced to each Declension, per E. Gr. Boston, N.E., J. Draper, for J. Edwards and H. Foster, 1735, 12° Two prel. leaves, and 88 pp. 1581 NooRDT (Oliver Va^'). Beschrijvinge vande Yoyagie om den geheelen Werelt Kloot,ghedaen door Olivier van Noordt van Vtrecht Amst. Michiel Colijn, 1618, title and pp.3 to 131, ob. AP 1582 Nootka Sound, An Authentic Statement of all the Eacts re- lative to Lond, 1790, 8« Title and 26 pp. ; signed " Argonaut.* In this Tract the high claims of the Spaniards to a monopoly of almost half the globe of the earth, are exposed with great spirit, and treated with the utmost contempt." M, Bev. 1583 Norgate (E.) Mr. John Dunn Hunter defended ; or, some E-emarks on an Article in the North American Eeview, in which that Grentleman is branded as an impostor Lond. 1826, 38 pp., 8° 1584 Norton (John) of Ipswich, New England, A Discussion of that G-reat Point in Divinity, the Sufferings of Christ ; and the Questions about his Eighteousnesse Active, Passive : and the Imputation thereof, vellmn Lond. 1653, 8° Eight prel. leaves and 270 pp. ; Mottoes, 1 p. ; * The Copy of a Letter,' etc. 3 pp. One of the few books printed by order of the General Court of Massachusetts. 1585 Norton (John) The Orthodox Evangelist ; or, a Treatise wherein many G-reat Evangelical Truths (not a few whereof are much opposed and eclipsed in this perillous hour of the Passion of the Gospel) are briefly Discussed, cleared and confirmed, 7?«e copy, calf Lond. John Macoch,for Henry Cripps, 1654, ^ E%bt prel. leaves, and 35G pp. ; ' An Alphabetical Table,' etc. 14 pp. SIXTH day's sale, 181 1586 NoRTOK (John) Abel being Dead yet Speaketh; or the Life and Death of that deservedly famous Man of Grod, Mr. John" Cottok, late Teacher of the Church of Christ, at Boston in New England, calf extra, hy Bedford Lond. Tho. Newcomhfor Lodowiclc Lloyd^ 1658, 4P Fifty-one pp. ' A Catalogue of some Books, etc' 5 pp. 1587 NoETOT^" (John) The Heart of New En-gland Eent AT the Blasphemies of the Present Generation ; or a Brief Tractate concerning the Doctrine of the Quakers, de- monstrating the Destructive Nature thereof, to E/cligion, the Churches, and the State ; with Consideration of the Remedy against it, morocco extra, hy Bedford Lond. for John Allen, 1660, title and 83 pp. 16° 1588 Nova Scotia. A Grenuine Account of, If. mor. Dublin, repr. 1750, 16 pp. 8*^ 1589 — The Conduct of the Erench with Regard to Nova Scotia, from its Eirst Settlement to the Present Time, }f. mor. Lond. 1754, title and text 77 pp. 8<* Highly commended in the Montldy Review, 1590 — Explanation of the New Map of Nova Scotia and Cape Britain, with the adjacent parts of New England and Ca- nada, hf mor, Lond. T. Jeffreys, 1755, 22 pp. 4" 1591 — The Memorials of the English and Erench Commissaries concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia, or Acadia, majp, fine copy, old calf Lond. 1755, AP Two prel. leaves and 771 pp. 1592 — A Eair Representation of His Majesty's Right to Nova Scotia, or Acadie, If. mor, Lond. 1756, 64 pp. 8** Published in answer to the alleged prejudiced statements of the French Commissaries. 1593 — A Eair Representation, etc. Another edition Dublin, repr. 1756, title and pp. 3 to 48, 8® 1594 — An Essay on the Present State of the Province of Nova Scotia, hf. mor. {Halifax, 1774], 8° Twenty -four pp. Signed ' A Member of Assembly.' 1595 — Extract from the Votes of the House of Assembly of the Province of Nova Scotia Boston, at Draper's Printing Office [1775], 13 pp. 8° 1596 — An Account of the Present State of Nova Scotia, uncut Edinb. 1786, 8« viii and text 157 pp. By S. HoUingsworth. 1597 — Letters and Papers on Agriculture : extracted from the Correspondence of a Society instituted at Halifax for Pro- moting Agriculture in the Province of Nova Scotia, Vol. 1 \all publisJied'] old green mor. Halifax, John Howe, 1791, 8° One hundred and thirty-nine pp. Contents 2 pp. With the Autograph of John Inglis, Bishop of Nova Scotia, on the title-page. 0000 Nova Scotia. See Acadia ; Memoir es des Commissaires. 182 SIXTH day's sale. 1598 Notts Oebis Eegionvm ac Insvlarum Teteribvs incogni- tarvm, una cum tabula cosmographica, et aliquot alijs consi- milis argumenti libellis, quorum omnium catalogus sequenti patebit pagina, [by S. Grynsdus] first edition, fine copy, old stamped calf JBasileae, apvd lo. Servagivm^ 1532, Jfolio Twenty-four prel. leaves, viz. title, on the reverse ' Catalogvs eorvm qvae hoc,' etc. * Excellenti viro Georgio Collimitio Danstettero,' etc. 3 pp. *Index rervm,' etc. 18 pp. 'Index e Brocardo,' etc. 13 pp. 'Typi Cosmographici,' 12 pp. Text 584 pp. and Colophon leaf. Folded map. 1599 — XoTVs Oebis ; Another Edition, vellum Farisiis, apvd Galeotvm a Frato, 1532, folio Twenty-six prel. leaves, viz. title, on the reverse ' Catalogvs,' etc. * Ex- cellenti viro Georgio, etc. 3 pp. ' Index rervm,' 37 pp. ' Typi Cosmo- graphici et Declaratio,' etc. 10 pp. Text 507 pp. [for 514] colophon leaf as above. Folded map. IGOO — JS'OTTS Oebis. Die JSTewe "Welt ; another Edition Straszlurg, Georgen Ylriclier^ An. 1534, folio Six prel. leaves, viz. title, on the reverse * Anzeygung vnd Inhalt disses Biichs der Newen Welt.' ' Dem Wolgeb. H. H. Reynharten Graffen zii Hanaw, etc.' 10 pp. Text 242 [for 252] folioed leaves. 2%U edition has 110 map. 1601 — JS'oTTs Oebis ; another Edition, old stamped calf BasileaCy apvd lo. Servagivm, 1537, folio Twenty-four prel. leaves, viz. title, on the reverse ' Catalogus,* etc. * Excellenti viro Georgio,' etc. 3 pp. * Index rei'vm, etc. 18 pp. ' Index e Brocardo,' etc. 13 pp. * Typi Cosmographici,' etc. 12 pp. Text 600 pp. ; and blank leaf with woodcut on verso. (JVb map belongs to this edition.') 1602 — jS^otts Oebis ; another Edition, fine copy, liogsMn, best EBiTio:!?' Ba^ilew, apvd lo. Servagivm, 1555, folio Twenty-six prel. leaves, viz. title, on the reverse, * Catalogvs,' etc. ' Ex- cellenti viro Georgio,' etc. 3 pp. ' Index reruni,' etc. 33 pp. Errata on the last page; blank leaf, ' Typi cosmographici,' etc. 12 pp. Text 677 pp.; blank leaf with woodcut on the reverse. With folded map. The copies of the Nevus Orbis above described comprise all the editions of that work. 1603 Kovus Okbis, id est, K'aTigationes Primse in Americam : quibus adjunximus Casparis Yarrerii discvrsvm super Ophyra Kegione. Elenchum Autorem versa pagina Lector inveniet, vellum, fine copy Boterodami, 1616, sm. 8° Eight prel. leaves, viz. title, on the reverse ' Elenchvs Autorvm.' ' Orna- tissimis, Frudentisimisque viris in Collegio Thalassiarchico vrbis Ro- terod. Dominis suis,' 13 pp. Text 570 pp.; and 1 blank leaf. * Cas- paris Verrerii Lvsitani Commentarius de Ophyra Regione.' Title and 82 unnumbered pp. 1604 Nueva Espana. Continente Americano, Argonauta de las Costas de IS'ueva- Espana, y Tierra-Eirme, Islas, y Baxos de esta Navegacion, Longitud, y Altura de Polo, de sus Puertos, y Noticias de estas Habitaciones, old red morocco, tooled sides {Cadiz, 1728 ?], 3 prel. leaves and 161 pp. 8° 1605 Nunez Castano (Diego) Beete compenditm Hostitm Haeeeticoetm Olan'DE2s"SITM aduentum in Valdiuian, explorato rem missum, et narrationem eius, fugam illorum cum pacto redeundi : prouidas dispositiones Prorregis Lionce, 1645, 16^ Title, on the reverse, ' Ad Oblationem Libri,' and folioed leaves 2-3C. SIXTH day's sale. 183 1606 Nunez de Haro (Alonso). Nos el Dr. D. Alonso Nunez de Haro, y Peralta, por la G-racia de Dios, j de la Santa Sede Apostolica, Arzobispo de Megfco, del Consejo de su Mages- tad, etc. [Mexico], a broadside in 2 sheets, folio 1607 Observations on the Conduct of Great Britain with Eegard to the Negociations and other Transactions Abroad Loncl 1729, 61 pp. 8« 1608 Observations (Some) on Extracts taken out of the Eeporfc from the Lords-Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, folded and hound in calf hy Hay day [Lond, 1730], folio Four pp. 1609 Observations occasion'd bj reading a Pamphlet, intitled a Discourse concerning the Currencies of the British Planta- tions in America, hf mor. Lond. 1741, 23 pp. 8« 1610 Observations on a late State of the Nation Lond, 1769, 4P Title and 97 pp. 1611 Observations on a late State of the Nation, 4th Ed. hf. mor, Lond. 1769, half-title, title and 155 pp. 8« 1612 Observations on several Acts of Parliament, passed in the 4th, 6th and 7th years of his present Majesty's Beign, published by the Merchants of Boston, hf. mor. Boston: printed hy JSdes and Gill; Lond. repr. 1770 Title and text 37 pp. 1613 Observations on the Heconciliation of Great Britain and the Colonies, Tialfmor. Philadelphia^ Bohert Bell, 1776, 8° Thirty- two pa^es. ' The Plan of an American Compact with Great Bri- tain, First published at New York,' pp. 33-40. 1614 Observations on the Dutch Manifesto, addressed to the Earl of Shelburn Lond. [1781], iv and 27 pp., 8« 1615 O'Callaghan (E. B.) Jesuit Eelations of discoveries and other occurrences in Canada and the Northern and Western States of the Union, 1632-1672, calf New York, Fress of the Historical Society, 1847, 22 pp., 8*^ Of this bibliogi'aphical description of the important series of Jesuit Rela- tions in Canada, only twenty-five copies were printed. 1616 Occom (Sampson) Native Indian and Missionary. A Ser- mon at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, who had been guilty of Murder, Preached at New Haven in America. To which is added a short Account of the late Spread of the G-ospel among the Indians. Also Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians, by Jonathan Ed- wards, D.D. New Haven, 1788 ; Lo}id. repr. 1788, 8^ Twenty-four pages ; ' Observations,' etc. 16 pp. 1617 OcKAiSriCKOx. A True Account of the Dying Words of Ockanickon, an Indian King. Spoken to Jahknrsoe, his brother's son, whom he appointed King after him [Lo}id.'] 1683, 4« Six papres. On the reverse of the title,' A Letter,' etc. dated ' Burling-tou the 12th of the 5th Month, 1 682,' signed ' John Cripps.' The sig'na- tures or marks of the Indian witnesses are inserted with the pen, there bein^ no tyne for their characters. 2 B 184 SIXTH day's sale. 1618 O'Donoju. Correspondencia entre el G-eneral D. Juan O'Donoju, y el Brigadier D. Francisco Lemaur, Jialfmor. Halana, 1821, 25 pp. 8° 1619 O'Donoju. Eefutacion, con notas interestantes, al parte que dirigio a Superior Grobierno el Teniente General Don Juan O'Donoju sobre elTratado que Firmo en Cordoba, JiaJfmor. Hahana, 1822, title and 15 pp. 8» 1620 Oexmelin (Alexandre Olivier) Histoire des Avanturiers qui se sont signalez dans les Indes, 2 vols, in 1, old calf Paris, 1688, 12° Vol. I. 12 prel. leaves, including Engraved title, and 448 pp. [for 248] ; Table, 1 6 pp. ; Maps at pp. 1 , 1 79. Vol. II. 8 prel. leaves, and 285 pp. j Table, 16 pp. ' Extrait du Privilege,' 1 page; Map at p. 133. 1621 Ogden (Fzal) The Theological Preceptor ; or Youth's Ee- ligious Instructor New York, Jolin Holt, 1772, xii and 259 pp. 12° 1622 Ogle (Sir Chaloner) Admiral, The Tryal of, for an Assault on the Person of his Excellency Mr. Trelawney the Gover- nor [of Jamaica] committed in his own House in Spanish Town on the 22d day of July last, half mor. Dublin, rej). 1742, 16 pp. 8° 1623 — The same, another ed. Jialfmor. Lond. 1743, 32 pp. 8« 1624 Oglethorpe (General) An Impartial Account of the late Expedition against St. Augustine. With an Exact Plan of the Town, Castle and Harbour of St. Augustine, and the adjacent Coast of Elorida, 7? a7/'wo?\ iowt?. 1742, 8*^ Sixty-eight pages. With Plan of St. Augustine. 1625 Orders in Council ; or, an Examination of the Justice, Le- gality, and Policy of the Xew System of Commercial Eegu- ktions, with an Appendix of State Papers, Statutes, and Authorities, 2nd Ed. Lond, 1808, 8« Half-title, title, and 120 pp. 1626 Orford (Earl of). A Further Eeport from the Committee of Secrecy, appointed to Enquire into the Conduct of Eo- bert. Earl of Orfcrd, duriug the last Ten Tears of his being Eirst Commissioner of the Treasury and Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of his Majesty's Exchequer, half mor. Lond. 1742, 8° One hundred and thirty-two pages. * No. 13' a folded sheet between pp. 128 and 120. 1627 Origin (The) of the Whale bone-petticoat. A Satyr Boston, Avgust 2d, 1714, 8^ Eight pages in Yerse. IS'ot mentioned by Kettell. 1628 OsoBio (HiEEONYMo) Do Eebvs, Emmanvelis Eegis Lv- sitanise Invictissimi Yirtvte et Avspicio gestis, libri dvode- c\m, fine capy, old calf Olysippone, apiid Antoniuw Gondisalum, 1571, folio Four hundred and eighty pages, including the ti;le. Privilege and Errata, 2 pp. SIXTH day's sale. 185 1629 Otis (James) The Eights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved, Jialfmor. title repaired in MS. Boston, JEdes and Gill, 1764, 80 pp. 8« 1630 — The same, 2nd Ed. halfmor. Boston ; Lond. repr. [1764], 120 pp. 8° 1631 — The same, 3rd Ed. halfmor. ih. 1766, 120 pp. 8^ 1632 Otis (James) A Vindication of the British Colonies, half mor. Boston; Lond. repr. 1769, 8<' Two prel. leaves and 48 pp. The writer, a native of Boston, was one of the first and most influential of the controversialists on the popular side. 1633 Ouseley ("William Gore) Remarks on the Statistics and Po- litical Institutions of the United States, with some Obser- vations on the Ecclesiastical System of America, her Sources of Eevenue, Statistical Tables, etc. Lond. 1832, xv and 208 pp. 8« 1634 OVALLE (AlO:^SO De) HiSTORICA EeLACION del EEYIfO DE Chile, y delas missiones, y ministerios que exercita en el la Compania de lesvs, original vellum Boma, Francisco Oauallo, 1646, folio Five prel. leaves ; viz. [Adveitiseraent] Varias y Cvriosas Noticias del Reino de Chile, etc. 1 pag-e, the reverse blank ; Title, on the reverse * Qvesta Relatione del Chile,' etc. * Prologo al letor,' 3 pp. * Aduer- tencia para no errar en poner las Imagenes,' etc. 2 pp. ' Protesta del Avtor,* 1 page. Text 4.56 pp. With Map of Chile, and 37 copperplates, and 18 woodcuts. This is the most complete edition; the highly cui-ious portraits of the principal Spaniards who had conquered or g-overned in Chile, are not in the Italian edition. The leaf preceding- the title is generally wanting, it not being known in more than two or three copies. 1635 OviEDO (Hernandez de) La Histoeia General de las Indias, very fine copy, Ijlacfe Utter, idth the autograph of the author Seuilla, 1535, folio Title in black and red, having on the reverse 11 lines giving a fuller de- scription of the book ; Preface * Libro primero,' 6 pp. ; Text in cxciii folioed leaves. " The work of Oviedo, who resided more than 20 years in America, is the fountain head whence most succeeding writers have drawn their accounts of the early occurrences in the New World." — Rich. 1636 Oyiedo t Valdes (Gonqalo Fernandez de) Libro XX. DE LA SEGUNDA PARTE DE LA GENERAL HISTORIA DE LAS Indias. Que trata del estrecho de Magallans ifine copy, l)lacfe letter Valladolid, por Francisco Fernandez de Cordoua, 1557, folio Sixty-four folioed leaves, including title. This is the first book of the second volume of Oviedo's General History ; but, on account of the death of the author while the work was in the press, the remaining books were not printed — Rich (who in 183-2, priced the book £6. 6s.) 1637 Paine (Eobert Treat) The Works of, in Verse and Prose, with Sketches of his Life, Character, and A¥ritings, green morocco extra Boston, J. Belcher, 1812, 8*^ xc and 464 pp. Errata 1 page. Portrait of Paine. 1638 Paine (Thomas) The American Crisis, and a Letter to Sir Guy Carleton, on the Murder of Captain Huddy, half mo- rocco Lond. title and 293 pp. 8<^ 186 1639 Paine (Thomas) A Letter addressed to the Abbe Eaynal of the Affairs of IN'orth America, in which the Mistakes* in the Abbe's Account of the Revolution of America are corrected and cleared up, }if. mor. London, repr. 1782, 8^ viii and 76 pp. 1640 — The same, another Ed. Lond. 1792, 46 pp. 12° 1641 Paine (Thomas) Common Sense : addressed to the Inhabi- tants of America Lond. 1792, 58 pp. 12° 1642 — The same, another Ed. Lond. 1792, 12" Thirty-six pp., with portrnit of Thomas Paine. Some oflFensive passages, for which blanks were left by the printer have been filled in with the pen. 1643 Paine (Thomas) Letter addressed to the Addressers of the late Proclamation Lond. 1792, 40 pp. 12o 1644 Paine (Thomas) Miscellaneous Articles ; a Letter to the Marquis of Lansdowne ; a Letter to the Authors of the Eepublican, etc. Lond. 1792, 86 pp. 12° 1645 Paine (Thomas) Eights of Man : being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Eevolution Lond. 1792, iv, 78 and 1 pp. 12" 1640 Paine (Thomas) Eights of Man, part the Second, combining Principle and Practice Lond. 1792, 94 pp. and 1 p. 12** 1647 _. The same, another Ed. Lond. 1792, 82 pp. 12° 1648 Paine. Observations on Paine's Eights of Man, in a Series of Letters, by Publicola [John Adams] Ji^eiccastle, 36 pp. 12^* 1649 Paine. Mr. Paine's Principles and Schemes of Government examined, and his errors detected Lldinl. 1792, 2 prel. leaves, and 60 pp. 8<^ 1650 Paine. Paine's Political and Moral Maxims, selected from the Eifth Edition of Eights of Man, Parts I. and IL, with Explanatory Notes and Elucidations Lond. 1792, 47 pp. 8° 0000 Paine (Tho.) See Aucliincloss. 1651 Palafox (Juan de) El Obispo de la Puella de los Angeles. Al Eey Nvestro Senor. Satisfacion al Memorial de los Eeligiosos de la Compania del nombre de lesvs de la IS'veva- Espaiia. Por la Dignidad Episcopal de la Puebla de los Angeles. Sobre la Execvcion, y Obediencia del Breue Apostolico de N. Santissimo Padre Innocencio X. Expedido en sv favor a XIIII. de ]Mayo de 1648, y Passado repeti- damente, y niandado executar por el Supremo Consejo de las Indias. En el qual determino su Santidad veinte y seis Decretos Sacramentales, y lurisdiccionales, importantes al bien delas almas, ^«<9 copy, vellum 1652, folio Title, reverse blank ; 3 leaves and folioed leaves 4 to 157. 1652 Palafox (Juan de) El Obispo de la Puehla de los Angeles. Carta Pastoral del lUvst.™" y E ™o Senor Obispo de la Pvebla de los Angeles, que oy es de osma Toledo, 1659, 4° Title, reverse blank, and folioed leaves 2^10. SIXTH day's sale. 187 1653 Palafox (Juan de) El OUspo de la Puebla de los Angeles. [Memorial del Dk. Palafox al Eey sobee el Teata- MIENTO DE LOS Indios] running title, Virtudes del Indio, Jine copi/, mor. by F. Bedfoed \_Puella, 1634 ?] 4P This Memorial, respecting the Virtues of the Indians, was probably pri- vately printed for the use of the King and the Council of the Indies, as it is without date, place of printing-, name of printer, title or any of the usual * Privileges^ It fills 93 pages, and is divided into 21 chapters preceded by an Introductory Address to the King. The work is a panegyric of the Indians, as will appear by the heading of the chapters, viz. : Cap. I. Quam dignos son los Indies del amparo Real de V. Magestad, por la su auidad con que recibieron la Ley de Christo Senor Nuestro con el caler de sus Catolicas vanderas. Cap. II, De lo que merecen los Indies el amparo Real de V. Magestad, por el fauor grande con que se exercitan en la Religion Christiana. Cap. III. De lo que merecen el amparo Real de V. M. los Indios, por la su auidad con que han entrado en su Real Corona, y su fidelidad con- stantissima. Cap. IV. Del valor, y esfuer^o de los Indios, y que su lealtad, y rendi- miento a la Corona de V. Magestad, no procedo de bajez a de animo, sino de virtud. Cap. V. Quandignos son los Indios de la proteccion Real, por las vtilidades que han caussedo a la Corona de Espana. Cap. VI. De la innocencia de los Indios, y que se hallan comumente es- sentos de los vicios de soberuia, ambicion, codicia, auaricia, ira e embidia, juegos, blasfemias, juramentos, y murmuraciones. Cap. VII. De otros tres vicios de sensualidad, gule, y perez a, en que suelen incurrir los Indios. Cap. VIII. De la pobreza del Indio. Cap. IX. De la paciencia del Indio. Cap. X. De la liberaiidad del Indio. Cap. XI. De la honestidad del Indio. Cap. XII. De la parsimonia del Indio en su comida. Cap. XIII. De la obediencia del Indio. Cap. XIII I. De la discrecion, y elegancia del Indio. Cap. XV. De la agudez, y promptitud del Indio. Cap. XVI. De la industria del Indio, senaladamente en las Artes mecanicas. Cap. XVII. De la justicia del Indio. Cap. XVIII. De la valentia del Indio. Cap. XIX. De la humildad, cortesia, silencio, y mafia del Indio. Cap. XX. De la limpie^a del Indio, y de su paz. Cap. XXI. Respondese a algunas objeeiones que se pueden oponer. 1654 Paloit (Pean Cisco) Pelacion Historica de la vida y Apos- tolicas Tareas del venerable Padre Pray Jdnipeeo Seeea, y de las Misiones que fundo en la California Septentrional, y nuevos establecimientos de Monterey, cf.fine copy Mexico, Don Felipe de Zuniga y Onteveros, 1787, 4° Fourteen prel. leaves, and 344 pp. plate at p. 1, and copperplate Map of California by Diego Froncoso, 1787. A very curious work, containing much information respecting California. — Rich. 1655 Pampango. Bocabvlario de Pampango en Eomance, Y DiCCIONARIA DE EoMANCE EN PaMPANGO : Compuesto por Pe. Diego Beegaiio, 2 parts in 1 vol. vellum Manila, en el Convento de Nuestra Senora de los Angelos, 1732, folio Title ; ' Aprobacion,' * A loa RR. PP.' Prologo,' etc. 7 leaves (ending with catchword " De," followed by A de sus, on fol. i) ; text, pp. 1-399; a blank leaf; and pp. 1-88. The Pampangos are a tribe, with a very peculiar language, living on the island Lucon, one of the group of the Philippines. 188 SIXTH day's sale. 1656 Panama, Original Papers relating to the Expedition to, {wanting p-p. 207-8), If, mor. Lond. 1744, title and 224 pp. 8« 1657 Paraguay. Die Republik der Jesuiten, oder das Umgestiirzte Paraguay, welches eine richtige Erzahlung des Krieges enthalt,den diese Greistlichen ^egen die Monarchen Spaniens und Portugals in Amerika zu fiihren gewaget, hf. morocco Amst. 1758, 36 pp. 4« 1658 Parish (Elijah) A Sermon preached at Boston, November 3, 1814, before the Society for Propagating the Q-ospel among the Indians and others* in North America Boston, Nat. Willis, 1814, 44 pp. 8^ 1659 Paekee (Thomas) Pastor, of Neicbery, The Visions and Prophecies of Daniel expounded : wherein the Mistakes of former Interpreters are modestly discovered, and the true meaning of the Text made plain , very considerable in respect of the great stirs and tumults of this present Age wherein we live, old calf Lond. Baworth and Field for Bdm. Baxton, 1646, 4P Two prel. leaves and 156 pp. 1660 Parkinson (Sydney) Draughtsman to Sir Jos. Banks, A Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas in his Majesty's Ship The Endeavour, large paper, calf Lond. 1773, 4** xxiii and 212 pp.; errata 2 pp. ; portrait and 27 plates. Contains Vocabularies of several Native Languages. The author's brother, who superintended the publication of this work, charg-es Sir Joseph Banks with unjustly retaining the original MSS. and drawings. 1661 Parsons (Jonathan) Bastor, of Newbury, Good News from a Ear Country, in Seven Discourses from 1 Tim. i. 15 Bortsnwuth, N. Hamp., Daniel Fowle, 1756, viii & 168 pp. 8° 1662 Parsons (Jonathan) To live is Christ, to die is Gain, a Fu- neral Sermon on the Death of the Eev. George Whitefield, Chaplain to the Countess of Huntington Bortsmouth, printed ; Lond. rep. 1771, 8° Two prel. leaves and 36 pp. It was in the arms of Jonathan Parsons that Whitfield died, a few hours only before the delivery of the Sermon. 1663 Parsons (Moses), of Newbury Falls. A Sermon preached at Cambridge [Mass.] .... May 27th, 1772, being the Anni- versary for the Election of His Majesty's Council for the said Province, hf mm\ Boston, Fdes and Gill, 1772, 43 pp. 8<* 1664 Particular (A) Account of the Commencement and Progress of the Insurrection of the Negroes in St. Domingo, which began in August, 1791, 2nd Ed. with Notes and an Ap- •pendix Lond. 1792, iv and 47 pp. 8° 1665 Paschoud (Mr.) Historico-Political Geography, or a parti- cular Description of the several Countries in the World, 2nd Ed. with Additions, old cf Lond. 1729, S« Title, xiv and 395 pp. Index 5 pp. "j* SIXTH day's sale. 189 1666 Patriot (The), Addressed to the Electors of Great Britain, y. mor. Lond. 1774, title and 33 pp. 8° 1667 Patterson (Walter), Governor of St. John's, Some Facts stated, relative to the Conduct of, and others, occasioned by some JSTotes contained in a Pamphlet entitled * The Criminating Complaint,' etc. Jif. mor. title and 40 pp. 8° 1668 Paulli (Simon) De Abusu Tabaci Americanorum Veteri, et Herbse Thee Asiasticorum in Europa Novo, quae ipsissima est Chamaeleagnos Dodonaei, Editio Secunda priori auctior et correctior Argent. 1681, 4'' Thirty prel. leaves, including portrait and arms, etc. of A.uthor, and 88 pp. 'Syllabus Auctorum,' 4 pp. 'Index Rerum,' 7 pp. 2 folding plates at pp. 76 and 77. 1669 Pauw (M. de) Eecherches Philosophiques sur les Americains. Avec une Dissertation sur I'Amerique et les Americains, par Don Pernety. Et la Defense de I'Auteur des Eecher- ches centre cette Dissertation, 3 vols, old calf Berlin, 1770, sm. 8° Vol. I. xxiv and 326 pp. Table 25 pp. II. Title and 366 pp. Table 31 pp. III. 136 pp. ' Defense,' etc. 256 pp. 1670 Pauw (M. de) Selections from " Les Eecherches Philosophi- ques sur les Americains," by Mr. W*** [Webb] Bath, printed hj R. Cruttwell, 1789, 8° Two prel. leaves and 211 pp. Fifty copies only of this work were printed, and given to the author's friends. 1671 Peale (Eembrandt) Account of the Skeleton of the Mam- moth, a non-descript Carnivorous Animal of Immense Size, found in America Lond. 1802, 46 pp. 8° 1672 Peckard (P.) Memoirs of the Life of Mr. Nicholas Ferrar, fne clean copy, uncut Camh. 1790, 8^ xvi and 316 pp. With portrait and pedigree of Nicholas Ferrar. This book is chiefly compiled from the papers of the Virginia Company, of which Ferrar was the first Secretary. 1673 Pemberton (Ebenezer), Pastor, of Boston. Sermons and Discourses on several Occasions (with Funeral Sermon for the Author, by Colman), old calf Lond. 1727, 8<' Four prel. leaves and 310 pp. 1674 Pemberton (Ebenezer) Heaven the Eesidence of the Saints, a Sermon occasioned by the sudden and much lamented Death of the Eev. George Whitefield, to which is added an Elegiac Poem on his Death, by Phillis, a Negro Grirl, of Seventeen Tears of Age, belonging to Mr. J. Wheatley of Boston, hf. mor. Boston, printed ; Lond. repr. 1771, 8*^ Thirty-one pp. 1675 Pemberton. A Testimony of the Monthly Meeting of Friends, at Pyrmont in Westphalia, Germany, concerning John Pemberton, of Philadelphia in North America, with his Epistle to the Inhabitants of Amsterdam Philadelphia, printed ; Lond. repr. 1798, 36 pp. 12° 1676 — The same, another Edition Philadelphia: Henry Tuckniss, 1798, v and pp. 7-36, 12° 190 SIXTH day's sale. 1677 PeFja Monte?5'egro (Alonso de la) Itinebaeio para Parochos de Indios, en que se tratan las materias mas particulares, tocantes a alios, para su buena Administracion, old calf Amberes, Hen. y Corn. Verdussen, 1698, 4P Twenty-eight prel. leaves. Text 697 pp. double columns, followed by ludice 43 leaves and 1 page. 1678 Pexhallow (Samuel) The History of the "Wars oe New England with the Eastern Indians, or a Narra- tive of their continued Perfidy and Cruelty, blue morocco^ by Bedford, tooled to a Eoger Payne pattern Boston^ T. Fleet for S. Gerrish, 1726, sm. 8° Four prel. leaves and 134 pp. 'Advertisement,' 1 page. 1679 Penington (John) An Apostate Exposed : or George Keith contradicting himself and his Brother Bradford, wherein their Testimony to the Christian Faith of the People called Quakers is opposed to G. K's late Pamphlet, stiled Gross Error and Hvpocrise detected, calf extra, by Bedford Bond. T. Sowle, 1695, title and pp. 3-29, 12o The Brother Bradford referred to on the title was William Bradford, who introduced the art of printing into Pennsylvania, in 1686, and who after his quarrel witli the Frieiids in that city, became the first printer inNew York, in 1692. 1680 Penn. a Letter erom William Penn, Proprietary and Govemour of Pennsylvania in America, to the Committee of the Free Society of Traders of that Province, residing in London, containing a General Description of the said Province, its Soil, Air, AVater, Seasons and Produce, both Natural and Artificial, and the good Encrease thereof; of the Natives or Aborigines, their Language, Customs and Manners, Diet, Houses or "Wigwams, etc. Lond. And. Sowle, 1683, folio Ten pp. "With the portraiture of the City of Philadelphia. Original edition. 1681 PENNSTLTANIA, A Further Account of the Province of, and its Improvements, for the Satisfaction of those that are Adventurers, and inclined to be so, half mor. [Lond. 1685], 20 pp. 4° At the end dated * Worminorhurst- Place, 12fth of the 10th Month 85.' Sig-ned * William Penn.' 20 pp. 1682 — Some Letters and an Abstract of Letters from Pennsyl- vania, containing the State and Improvement of that Pro- vince, published to prevent Mis-Ileports,^wa copy, uncut ILond.'] And. Sowle, 1691, 12 pp. 4P 1683 — Campanius (Thomas) fJolmiensis. KortBeskrifning om Provincien Nya Swerige uti America, somnu fortjden af the Engleske kallas Pensylvania, half calf Stockholm, 1702, 4° Nine prel, leaves, text in 191 pp. 6 maps and plates. A very scarce work relating to the establishment of the Swedes in New Sweden, since called Pennsylvania. In some Catalogues the work will be found under Balm, arising- from a misapprehension of the abbreviated word Holm. [Bobnie7isis^ following the author's name. SIXTH day's sale. Wl 1684 Pennsylvania. A Collection of all the Laws of the Province of Pemisylvania now in Porce, published by Order of Assembly, Philadelphia : jirinted and sold by B. Frank- lin, 1742, 562 pp. — Kn Appendix containing a Summary of such Acts of Assembly as have been formerly in Porce within this Province, for Eegulating of Descents, and Transfering the Property of Lands, etc. but since expired, altered or repealed, PhiladelpJiia : printed by B. Franklin, 1742, 4 prel. pp. and pp. 1 — 16. {this copy wanting all after page 16) In 1 vol. folio 1685 — The Charters of the Province of Pennsylvania and City of Philadelphia Philadelphia: printed and sold by B. Peanklin, 17^2, folio Thirty pp. 1686 — A brief State of the Province of, in which the Conduct of their Assemblies for several years past is impartially examined, and the true Cause of the continual Encroach- ments of the French displayed, 2nd Ed. hf. mor. Loud. 1755, half-title, title and pp. 3-45, 8° Mr. Rich conjectures the author to have been the Rev. W. Smith {^Dis- courses, 1759), assisted by Dr. Benjamin Franklin. 1687 — An Apology for the Quakers, addressed to Great and Small, occasioned by certain gross Abuses and imperfect Vindications of that People relative to the late Public Past Lond. 1756, 38 pp. advert. 1 p. 12o 1688 — Several Conferences between some of the principal People amongst the Quakers in Pennsylvania, and the Deputies from the Six Indian Nations in Alliance with Britain, in order to reclaim their Brethren the Delaware Indians from their Defection, and put a Stop to their Barba- rities and Hostilities Newcastle upon Tytie, 1756, 28 pp. 8° 1689 — An Historical E-eview of the Constitution and Govern- ment of Pennsylvania from its Origin, old calf Lond. B. Griffiths, 1759, 8« viii pp. Contents 18 pp. and text 444 pp. By Dr. B. Franklin. 1690 — An Historical Eeview, etc. Another Ed. calf Lond. 1759, viii, 18, and 444 pp. 8° 1691 — An Historical Eeview, etc. Another Ed. Beprinted from the London edition of 1759, Phil. 1808, 8° Title and pp. xv-xxxvi. Text 431 pp. 1692 — Continuation of the Account of the Pennsylvania Hos- pital, from the First of May, 1754, to the Pifth of May, 1761, with an alphabetical List of the Contributors, and of the Legacies which have been bequeathed Philadelphia: printed by B. Peanklin ^ Z>. Kail, 1761, 4^ Title and pp. 41-77. Front margin damnffcd. 2c 192 SIXTH day's sale. 1693 Pennstltaxia. A Looking-Glass for Presbyterians, or a brief Examination of their Loyalty, Merit and other Quali- fications for Groverntnent, nncut Pliiladelphia, 1764, 8° Eighteen paires, Sig-ned ' Pbilo-Libertatis.' This piece is marked ' Numb. 1 ' at the top of the title. 1694 — A New Essay [by the Pennsylvanian Farmer] on tlie Constitutional Power of Great-Britain over the Colonies in America, halfmor. Philadelphia^ printed ; Lond. repr. 1774, 8° viii and 126 pp. By John Dickenson. 1695 — An Epistle from our Yearly-Meeting, held at Philadel- phia, for Pennsylvania and New-Jersey \_PMladelphia, 1774], folio Four pp. * Signed in and on behalf of the Yearly Meeting-, by Jamea Pemberton, Clerk.' 1696 — The Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North-America, now met in G-eneral Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the Causes and Necessity of taking up Arms, hf. mor. Lond. 1775, 32 pp. 8° First printed in Philadelphia ; reprinted in this country at Bristol in 1775, and as above, the last with some additions. 1697 — An Address to the Inhabitants of, by those Ereemen of the City of Philadelphia who are now confined in the Mason's Lodge, by virtue of a general warrant, signed in Council by the "Vice President of the Council of Penn- sylvania, hf. mor. Fhiladelphia, Bobert JBell, 1777, 8° Two prel. leaves and 52 pp. 1698 — Observations upon the present Grovemment of Penn- sylvania, in four letters, hf. mor. Philadelphia: Styner and Cist, 1777, 24 pp. 8° 1699 — A Kepresentation on behalf of the People called Quakers, to the President and Executive Council, and the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, etc. Lond. repr. 1782, 15 pp. 12° 1700 — A B^epresentation, etc. Another Ed. Yorh, repr. 1782, 12 pp. 12° 1701 — Proceedings and Debates of the Greneral Assembly of Pennsylvania, as taken in short-hand by Thomas Lloyd, Vol. li. Philadelphia : Joseph James, 1787, 8° Title and 189 pp. Errata 1 page. 1702 — Some Transactions between the Indians and Eriends in Pennsylvania, in 1791 and 1792, hf. mor. Lond. 1792, 14 pp. 8° Relative to the application of a chief of the Seneca Indians to have some children of his tribe educated among-st the Quakers. 1703 — Some Account of the Conduct of the Eeligious Society of Eriends towards the Indian Tribes in the Settlement of the Colonies of East and AYest Jersey and Pennsylvania, with a brief narrative of their labours Lond. 1844, 8° Two prel. leaves and text 247 pp. "With 2 coloured maps. SIXTH DAl's SALE. 193 I704i Peni^stlvania. Declaration and Testimony of the Doc- trine and Order of the Church of Christ, and against the Errors of the Present Times, 2nd Ed. calf Edinh. repr. 1786, 135 pp. 12° 1705 Perez (Francisco) Catecismo de la Doctrina Cristiana en lengua Otomiy traducida literalmente al Castellano, hf. mor, Mexico, 183J., S^ Five prel. leaves and 17 pp. * Manualito,' etc. 46 pp. 1706 Pernetty (Dom) Histoire d'un Voyage aux Isles Malouines, en 1763-4, avec des Observations sur le Detroit de Magel- lan, et sur les Patagons, 2 vols, old calf Paris, 1770, 8° Yol. I. iv and 385 pp. Vol. II. Title and 334 pp. ; Approbation and Pri- vileg-e, 2 pp. ; with 18 folded plates at end. 1707 Peru. Conqtjeste van Indies. De wonderlijcke ende warachtighe Historic vant Coninckrijck van Peru, ghelegen in Indien, inde welcke verhaelt wordt de gheleghenthept, costuymen, manieren van leven, overuloedicheyt des Groudts ende Silvers, ende voorts alle de sonderlingste dinghen van denselven Imidie, fine copy Amst. Cornelis Glaesz, 1598, 4P Title, on the reverse, ' Tot den Leser' ; Text in 148 leaves ; very irregu- larly folioed ; copperplate eng'raving- of ' Cerro de Potosi' on the reverse of sig. E e jj. * Taftl oft Register des boeckx,' 20 pp. 1708 Peri:. Constitvciones Synodales dal Argobispado de los Eeyes en el Perv. HechasyordcDades por el Illustris- simo y Keverendissimo Senor Don Bartholome Lobo Guer- rero, Argobispo de la dicha Ciudad de los Reyes, vellum JEn Los Meyes \Lima\ Fr. del Canto, 1614, folio Six prel. leaves; Text, 94 folioed leaves, followed by ' Indicede los Titu- los' 6 leaves, and Errata one leaf. 1709 Peru. Constitucion Politica de la Eepublica Peruana Ju- rada en Lima el 20 de Noviembre de 1823 Lima, 1825. Lmprenta del estado por J. Gonzalez^ 16° cxii and 52 pp. Indice 2 pp. 1710 Peters (Bernhard Michael) Eine besonders merkwOrdige Eeise von Amsterdam nach Surinam, und von da ZurUck nach Bremen, in den Jahren 1783 und 1784, 2 vols. Ids. Bremen, 1788, 8» Vol. I. 4 prel. leaves and 214 pp. Vol. II, 1790. 6 prel. leaves and 188 pp. 1711 Peters (Hugh) An Historical and Critical Account of, after the Manner of Mr. Bayle, hf. mor. Lond. 1751, 72 pp. 8° 1712 Philadelphia. The Treaty held with the Indians of the Six Nations at Philadelphia, in July 1742. To which is prefix'd an Account of the first Confederacy of the Six Nations, theii* present Tributaries, Dependents, and Allies, half mor. Lond. : repr. [1743 ?] xii and 38 pp. 8*^ 1713 — Eules for the St. Andrew's Society in Philadelphia Fhiladelphia : printed by B. Franklin, and D, Hall, 1751, 16 pp. 8° 194 SIXTH day's sale. 1714 PhiladelpTiia. A Letter from a Virginian to the Members of the Congress to be held at Philadelphia on the First of Sep- tember, 1774, Jif. mor. Boston, -printed ; Land. repr. 1774, 8° Tide, 4 and 60 pp. 1715 — Extracts from the Totes and Proceedings of the Ameri- can Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia on the fifth of September, 1774, containing The Bill of Eights, etc. hf, mor. JPhiladelphia printed ; Lond. repr. for J. Almon, 1774, 8* Half-title, title, and 82 pp. 1716 — Extracts from the "Votes and Proceedings, etc. 5th of Sept. 1774, half mor. Pliiladeh printed ; Boston, repr.hy Jolin Boyle, etc. 1774, 8<* Forty-three pp. There is another edition evidently from the same form as the above with the words ' and Cox and Berry in King Street,' omitted in the title, the double line at the top of p. 3 exchanged for an ornamental head-piece, and the addition of a Letter of the Congress *To the Inhabitants of the Province of Quebec,* extending from p. 44 to 52. 1717 — Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress, etc. Sept. 5th, 1774, to which is added, (being now first printed by- authority) an Authentic Copy of the Petition to the King, half mor. Lond. 1775, 8^ Half-title and 66 pp. This Pamphlet contains only that part of the Jour- nal of the proceedings of the Congr^sa that was omitted in the Pam- phlet entitled, " Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the Con- gress." 1718 — Eree Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774, by a Earmer, half mor. [JS'ew York'], 1774, 8^ Twenty-four pp. ; at page 23. Signed * A. W. Farmer.' [Samuel Seabury, afttrwards Bishop of Connecticut.] 1719 — A Speech intended to have been delivered in the House of Commons in Support of the Petition from the General Congress at Philadelphia, half mor. Lond. 1775, 8* Half-title, title, and 67 pp. A very able and spirited exposition of the grievances alleged in the petition from the Congress. — 31, Rev. 1720 — Eree Thoughts, another Ed. half mor. Neio York, printed ; Lond. repr. 1775, 8** Half-title, title, and 50 pp. At page 48 Signed * A. W. Farmer.' 1721 — The Congress Canvassed ; or an Examination of the Con- duct of the Delegates at their Grand Convention held in Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1774, by A. W. Earmer, author of Eree Thoughts, etc. half mor. \_New York'], 1774, 28 pp. 8° 1722 — The Congress Canvassed, another Ed. half mor. New York, printed ; Lond. repr. VJ*75f 8** Half-title, title, and 59 pp. 1723 — Catalogue of the Library of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for Promoting Useful Know- ledge, A/ cf Bhiladelphia, Jos. R. A. Skerrett, 1824, 8» XV preliminary, and 290 pp. SIXTH day's sale. 155 1724 Phillpot (Thomas) The Original and G-rowth of the Spanish Monarchy united with the House of Austria, portrait of FMUp IV. of Spain inserted Lond. 1664, sm. 8° Foul' prel. leaves and 264 pp. 1725 Philips. The Voyages and Adventures of Miles Philips, a West-Country Sailor: containing a Eelation of his various Eortune both by Sea and Land, the inhuman Usage he met with from the Spaniards at Mexico, and the Salvage Indiana of Canada and other barbarous nations, old calf (wanting pages 17, 18, 101 to 116, 203 to 206 inclusive) Lond. 1724, 6 prel. leaves and 216 pp. 12° 1726 Phillip (William) The Tktje and Pekfect Descrip- tion OF Three Voyages so strange and woonderfull, THAT THE LIKE HATH NEUER BEEN HEARD OF BEFORE ; done and performed three yeares, one after the other, by the Ships of Holland and Zeland, on the North sides of Norway, Muscouia, and Tartaria, towards the Kingdomes of Cathaia and China: shewing the Discouerie of the Straights of Weigates Nona Zembla, and the Countrie lying vnder 80 degrees, which is thought to be Greenland, where neuer any man had bin before; with the cruel! Beares, and other Monsters of the Sea, and the vnsupport- able and extreame cold that is found to be in those places, miorocco extra, hy Biviere Lond. for T. Fauier, 1609, 4<» Two prel. leaves, viz. Title, the reverse blank ; ' To the Right Worshipfull Sir Thomas Smith Knight, &c.' sig-ned ' William Phillip,' 2 pp. Text in 97 unfolioed leaves; signatures B to V in fours, X in 3. 1727 Philoponus (Honorius) Noya Typis Transacta Navi- GATio. Novi Orbis Indi^ Occidentalis 1621, folio Three prel. leaves including the engraved title, and 101 pp. with 3 seq. pp. 18 plates. The name PHiLoroKUS is a pseudonym, the real nnme of the author being Caspar Flautus, the same to whom the work is dedicated in a most fulsome and commendatory preface. A grosser piece of literary impu- dence we do not remember to have met with. The author was a monk at Lintz. He handles the old fathers of American History without gloves, and in turn is so handltd by Wincklbman {which see). He calls the Brothers De Bry liars. Some of the plates are curious: they include portraits of St. Brandon and Father Boyl, the latter of whom accompani(^d Columbus on his second voyage. 1728 [Pichon (Th.)]. G-enuine Letters and Memoirs relating to the Natural, Civil, and Commercial History of the Islands of Cape Breton and Saint John, from the Pirst Settlement there : translated from the Author's original MS. calf Lond. 1760, 8° xvi and 400 pp. The work is spoken of as impartial, instructive, and entertaining. 1729 Piggott (S.) An Authentic Narrative of Pour Tears' Ee- sidence at Tongataboo, one of the Priendly Islands Lond. 1815, S^ XV and 234 pp. Errata, 1 page. With plate and chart. 196 SIXTH DAl's SALE. 1730 Pike (Zebulon Montgomery) Exploratory Travels through the "Western Territories of North America ; comprising a Voyage from St. Louis, on the Mississipi, to the Source of that Rixer, etc. half calf Lond. 1811, 4° XX and text 436 pp. 2 maps. 1731 PiMiENTA. Helacion del Svcesso qve two Francisco Diaz Pimienta, General de la Real Armada de las Indias, en la Isla de Santa Catalina, hf. mor. Madrid^ luan Sanchez ^ 1642, folio Six unnumbered pa^es. Probably a privately printed official account. 1732 — The Same, Another Edition, hf. mor. Sevilla, lo imprimio Fi^ancisco de Lyra, 1642, 4° Twelve unnumbered pages. 0000 Phtelo. See Leon {Antonio de). 1733 Pines (The Isle of): or, a late Discoyeet of a Poueth Island in Teeea Austealis, Incognita, hf mor. Lond., S. Gr.for Allen Banks and Chas. Harper, 1668, 4° Title, and 9 pp. The author, George Pine, was shipwrecked in 1569, him- self and four women only being cast upon an uninhabited island. A considerable part of his narration is occupied with particulnrs of the growth of a colony from this parentage, which, after a lapse of fifty- eight years, amounted to one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine persons. After having convened his progeny for enumeration, he adds, " Thus praying God to multiply them, and send them the true light of the gospel, I last of all dismist them." The Crowninshield copy, sold by us in July last, produced £4. 10*. 1734 Pinto (Ferdinand Mendez) TVunderliche und Merckwiirdige Beisen durch Europa, Asia, und Africa, und deren Konig- reiche und Lander; a^s Abyssina, China, Japon, Tartarey, Siam, Calamiuham, Pegu, Martabane, Bengale, Brama, Ormus, Batas, Queda, Aru, Pan, Ainan, Calempluy, Cauchenchiua, und andere Oerter verrichtet Amst. 1671, 4° Four prel. leaves including Frontispiece title, and 393 pp. 8 Maps and Plates. Pagination very irregular. 1735 Pinto (J. de). Eeponse de Mr. J. de Pinto aux Obser- vations d'un Homme Impartial, sur sa Lettre a Mr. S. B., Docteur en Medecine a Kingston dans la Jamaique, au Bujet des Troubles qui agitent actuellement toute I'Ame- rique Septentrionale, hf mor. La Saye, 1776, 60 pp. 8<* 1736 Piratas de la America, y Luz a la Defensa de las Costas de Indias Occidentales, dedicado al muy noble Senor Don Francisco Lopez Suazo, traducido de la Lengua Flamcnca en Espaiiola por el D^^. de Buena-Maison, Segunda Im- pression, vellum Col. Agrip. 1682, 12'» Twenty-four prel. leaves and 490 pp. 'Tabla de los Capitulos,' 8 pp. The second edition in Spanish of the History of the Bucaniers, by Esquemeling, himself a bucanier. 1737 — The same, Impression Segunda, vellum Col. Agrip. 1682, 12o Twenty-eight prel. leaves and 490 pp. • Tabla de los Capitulos,' 8 pp. SIXTH day's sale. 197 1738 Pitman (Heitey). A Eektion of the G-reat Sufferings and Strange Adventures of Henry Pitman, Chyrurgeon to the late Duke of Monmouth, fine copy, uncut, calf extras hy Bedford Land. 1689, 4« Title, and pp. 3 38 ; Advertisements, 1 pa^e. Pitman was tiansported to Barbadoes, and subsequently escaped and fled to Central America. 1739 Pitman (Robert Birks) A Succinct View and Analysis of Authentic Information extant in Original Works, on the Practicability of Joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a Ship Canal across the Isthmus of America Lond. 1825, 8° viii and 229 pp.; Errata, 1 pag^e; Map of the Isthmus of America facing' title. 1740 Plain Truth, in a Series of Numbers from the New York Daily Advertiser J^ew YorJc, Daniel FansJiaiv, 1821, ^Q pp. 12° 1741 Plain Truth (Additions to), with further Remarks on " Common Sense," uncut Philadelphia, by R Bell, 1776, 8*^ Title; text, pp. 97-136 ; preceded by 6 pp. 'Extracts from the Journal of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774.* 1742 Plan (A) of a Proposed Union between Great Britain and the Colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware Counties, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and (xeorgia, hf mor. 4 pp. 8® 1743 Plan (A) to Reconcile Great Britain and her Colonies, and Preserve the Dependency of America, hf. mor. Lond. [1774], xvi prel. pp., text 40 pp., 8° 1744 Plan (A) for Conciliating the Jarring Political Interests of Great Britain and her North American Colonies, uncut and unbound Lond. Vll^y xviii pp. 8° 1745 — The same. Another Ed. hf mor, Lond. 1775, S** xviii pp. * Letters, &c.' [Boston, 1775.] 127 pp. 1746 Plai^tagenet (Beaitchamp) A Desceiption op the Pro- TiNCE OF New Albion", morocco extra by Bedford, splendid copy, large, clean, and perfect Lond. by James Moxon, 1650, 4° Title, rev. 3 woodcuts of arms, etc.; * This Epistle,' 6 pp.; text, pp. 1-32. This edition of 1650 is believed to be UMQUK; the two or three copies, all that are known, being a diiferent edition throughout, and bearing the date 1648. 1747 PoiTfTis (Louis de). Monsieur De Pointi's Expedition to Cartagena: being a Particular Relation of the Taking and Plundering of that City, by the French, in the year 1697, etc. (plan wanting^, old calf Lond. 1699, 8° Four prel. leaves including title, and text 134 pp.; and plan of Carthagena. 1748 — The same, 2nd Ed. hf mor. Lond. 1740, 8*^ viii and 86 pp.; with plan. 1749 — The same. Another Ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1740, 8° viii and 86 pp. 198 1750 Political Debates, Jif. mor. Paris, 1766, 8° Title and 18 pp. On American Affairs. 1751 Political (The) Detection ; or the Treachery and Tyrannj^ of Administration, both at Home and Abroad, in a Series of Letters, hf. mor. Load. 1770, title and 151 pp. 8° 1752 Political Electricity ; or an Historical and Prophetical Print in the Tear 1770. Bute and Wilkes invent. Mercurius and Appelles feet. [Lond. 1770] large sheet, folio 1753 Ponce de Leo??' (Feanctsco) Desceipcion del Eetxo DE Chile, de sus Puertos, Caletas, y sitio de Yaldiuia, cou algunos discnrsos para su mayor defensa, conquista, y du- racion, unbound [Madrid, 164i], 4° Title and 15 folioed leaves. 1754 Poor Soldier (The), an American Tale, founded on a recent Fact, 2ud Ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1789, 3 prel. Is. and 43 pp. 4^ 1755 Porcacchi (Toraaso) L'Isole piv Famose del Mondo Venetia, 1686, 4*> Tt»'0 prel. leaves and 200 pp. Small copperplate Maps at pp. 1, 93, 95, 102, 104, 107, 10.^ Ill, 112, 114, 115, 117, 119, 127, 128, 130, 143, 156, 160, 1C6, 169, 171, 174, 176, 179. The plates lo this edition are printed separately, in the other editions they are printed iu with the text. 1756 PoECEL (Feancisco Moreno) Eetrato de Manuel de Faria y Sousa, Cavallero del Orden Militar de Christo, y de la Casa Eeal. Coutieue una Helacion de sua Yida, un Cata- logo de sus Escritos, y un sumario de sus Elogios Lisboa Occidental, en la Officina Ferreiriana, 1733, folio Eight prel. leaves, and 103 pp. 1757 Porter (Eliphalet) Faster, of Boxlnry, A Discourse before the Society for Propagating the Grospel among the Indians and others in Xorth- America, delivered Nov. 5th, 1807, uncut Boston, Munroe, Francis and Farker, 1808, 24 pp. 8° 1758 Porteus (Beilby) Bp. of London, A Letter to the Governors, Legislatures, and Proprietors of Plantations in the British West-India Islands, half mor, Lond. 1808, 48 pp. 8° 1759 Potherie (Bacqueville de la) Histoire de I'Amerique Septen- triorale. Vol. 1, old calf Paris, 1722, 12° Seven prel. leaves, includinG: Engraved Title, and 370 pp. Table 4 pp. 17 IMatts. '' What the author relates from his own observation may be relied upon, but in other respects he was not well informed." CharlevoLc. 1760 Potter (Lyman) Fastor, of Norwich, N E. A Sermon preached before the Greneral Assembly of the State of Ver- mont on the day of their Anniversary Election, Oct. 11, 1787, at Newbury Windsor [Vermont'], Rough and Spooner, 1788, 23 pp. 8° 1761 Pownall (Thomas) Principles of Polity, being the Grrounda and Reasons of Civil Empire, in Three Parts, half mor. Lond. 1752, iP viii, and text 142 pp. With 1 leaf of errata. SIXTH day's sale. 199 17G2 Pownall (Thomas) Governor of Massachusetts IBay . Speedily will be published, a Map of the Middle British Colonies in North-America, first published by Mr. Lewis Evans, of Philadelphia, in 1755, and since corrected and improved, as also extended, with the addition of New-England, etc. by T. Pownall, half mor. 8° Four pp. followed by • Books printed for J. Almon in Piccadilly,' pp. 4-8. Many of the books or tracts on this list relate to American affairs. 1763 Pownall (Thomas) A Topographical Description of such Parts of North America as are contained in the annexed Map of the Middle British Colonies in North America, hf. Id. Lond. 1776, folio Title ; preface, 2 leaves; Text, 46 pp. ; Appendix, 16 pp.; Map, 32| in. by 19^ in. This is a republication of the 3Iap and Analysis^ issued by Evans in 1755; the present having considerable improvements and additions. — Rich. 1764 Pownall (Thomas) The Administration of the Colonies, 2nd Ed. revised, corrected, and enlarged, half mor. Lond. 1765, 8° Three prel. leaves and 202 pp. * Appendix. Section I. and II.' 60 pp. A very celebrated production, frequently reprinted. 1765 — The same, 3rd Ed. to which is added an Appendix, No. III. calf Lond. 1766, 8° Fourteen prel. leaves and 202 pp. * Appendix. Section I. and II.' 60 pp, 'Appendix. Section III.' 52 pp. 1766 — The same, 4th Ed. calf gilt Lond. 1768, 8° Title, v to xxxi and 318 pp. * Appendix,' 73 pp. 1767 — The same, 5th and best Ed. 2 vols, calf Lond, 1784, 8° Vol. I. Half-title; title; Epistle, xv pp.; text, 288 pp. Vol. II. Title; secondary title ; preface, pp. v — xi ; text, 1 — 308. Facsimiles of the marks (in lieu of signatures} of some Indian chiefs are at pp. 240 — 242 of Vol. I. 1768 PoTNTZ ( JoHif) The Present Prospect of the Eamous and Fertile Island of Tobago, to the Southward of the Island of Barbadoes, 2nd Ed. calf extra hy Bedford. With the Autograph of White Kennett on the title Lond. hy John Attwood for the AuthoVy 1695, 4*' Three prel. leaves, viz. Title, reverse blank. ' To The Ever Honoured S"^ Joseph Heme,' 2 pp. * To the Reader,' 2 pp. Text, 50 pp. 1769 Pradt (M. de) Des Colonies, et de la Eevolution Actuelle de I'Amerique, 2 vols, calf Paris, 1817, 8° Vol. I. Half-title, title, xxxii and 403 pp. ; Errata, 1 page. Vol. II. Half- title, title, xxiii and 394 pp. ; Errata, 2 pp. 1770 Precious Morsels. I. Features of Sundry great Personages ; viz. His Majesty, Greorge the Third ; the late Earl of Bute, etc. II. A Tit-Bit for Billy Pitt, etc. III. America fast Asleep. ly. The Wonders of the hatred of Liberty, a raree-show [London^ 1794J, 8** Four prel. leaves and 44 pp. Signed * VVni. Belcher.' 2d 200 SIXTH day's sale. 1771 Present State "(The) of the Nation, particularly with respect to its Trade, Finances, etc. half mor. Lond. 1769, title, iv and pp. 9-107, 8° 1772 Price (Eichard) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Government, and the Justice and Pohcy of the War with America, etc. haJfmor. New-Yorh, repr. ly S. Loudon^ 1776, 8° One hundred and seven pp. The Monthly Review speaks of the author as " one of the most respectable writers on American Affairs" — " the inde- pendent man, and the uninfluenced friend of his country." This tract passed through fourteen editions in three months. 1773 — The same, 3rd Ed. Jialfmor. Lond. 1776, 4 prel. Is. and 128 pp. S'' 1774 — The same, 4th Ed. Lond. 1776, 4 prel. Is. and 128 pp. 8° 1775 — The same, 6th Ed. Lond. 1776, 4 prel. Is. and 132 pp. 8« 1776 — The same, 7th Ed. with corrections and additions Lond. 1776, 4 prel. Is. and 134 pp. 8« 1777 — The same, 8th Ed, newly corrected by the Author Edinh. 1776, 4 prel. k. and 94 pp. 12^ 1778 — The same, 9th Ed. halfmor. Lond. 1776, 48 pp. 8° 1779 Price (Eichard) Additional Observations on the Nature and Value of Civil Liberty, and the "War with America, hf. mar. Lond. 1777, xvi and 176 pp. 8° 1780 —The same, 2nd Ed. A/ mor. Lond. 1777, xvi and 176 pp. 8o 1781 — The same, 3rd Ed. with additions Lond. 1778, xxii and 176 pp. 8<> 1782 Price (Eichard) The General Introduction and Supplement to the Two Tracts on Civil Liberty, the "War with America, and the Finances of the Kingdom Lond. 1778, 8° Title, xxvi and pp. 181 — 216. * A Summary Tiew,' etc. a folded sheet. In this tract the author apostrophises the new community in the most glowing- terms. " A rising empire, extending over an immense conti- nent, without Bishops— without Nobles — and without Kings." 1783 Price (Eichard). Cursory Eemarks on Dr. Price's Observa- tions on the Nature of Civil Liberty, by a Merchant, half mor. Lond. 1776, 3 prel. Is. and 23 pp. 8° 1784 — Observations on Dr. Price's Theory and Principles of Civil Liberty and Government Yorky 1776, 8^ Four prel. leaves and 147 pp. The authorship ascribed to Hen. Goodrich, Esq. 1785 — Eemarks on a Pamphlet lately published by Dr. Price, intitled. Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, etc. halfmor. Lond. 1776,8° Title and 61 pp. These Remarks have been attributed to Dr. Ferguson. 1786 — Eemarks on Dr. Price's Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, etc. halfmor. Lond. 1776, 2 prel. Is. and 76 pp. 8^ 1787 — Three Letters to Dr. Price, containing Eemarks on his Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, etc. hf. mor. London, 1776, 8° Half-title, title, xxii and 163 pp. Probably by Mr. Lind. They discover great ability in the writer. — Rich. SIXTH day's SAI/Ev 201 1788 Price (Richard) A Sermon delivered to a Congregation of Protestant Dissenters, at Hackney, on the 10th of Febru- ary last, being the Day appointed for a General Fast, 3rd Ed. To which are added Remarks on a Passage in the Bishop of London's Sermon on Ash "Wednesday, 1779, half mor. Lond. 1779, 2 prel. Is. and 45 pp. 8° 1789 Price (Richard). Three Letters to the Rev. Dr. Price, con- taining Remarks upon his Fast-Sermon, by a Cobler, half mor. Lond. 1779, half-title, title, and 35 pp. 8« 1790 Price (Richard) Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, and the Means of making it a Benefit to the World, to which is added, a Letter from M. Turgot, etc. half mor. Lond. 1785, 8« viii and 156 pp. Errata, 4 lines. 1791 Priest (William) of the Theatre, Fhiladel^hia^ Traveh in the United States of America, 1793-7 Lond. 1802, 8^ X and 214 pp. Frontispiece. 1792 Priestley. Observations on the Emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, and on the several addresses delivered to him on his arrival at New- York, New Ed. Philadel. printed; Lond.repr. 1794, 63 pp. 8° 1793 Peimeb (A) fok the Use op the Mohawk Childeen. Waerighwaghsawe Iksaongvenwa Tsiwaondad-derighhonny Kaghyadoghsera, etc. old tree calf Lond. C. JBucTcton, 1786, 24P Frontispiece, representiiig a scliool of Indian children, engraved hy James Feachey, and 98 pp. including Title. Believed to be unique. 1794 Prince (Deborah) Dying Exercises of, and Devout Medita- tions of Mrs. Sarah G-ill, Daughters of the late Rev. Mr. Thomas Prince, Minister of the South Church, Boston ^Jm6. 1785, 46 pp. 120 1795 Prince (Thomas). A Sermon delivered by Thomas Prince, M.A., on Wensday, October 1, 1718, at his Ordination to the Pastoral Charge of the South Church in Boston, N.E., in conjunction with the Reverend Mr. Joseph Sewall, together with the Charge, by the Reverend Increase Mather, D^D., and a Copy of what was said at giving the Right Hand of Fellowship, by the Reveren-d Cotton Mather, D.D., etc. Boston, printed hy J. Franhlinfor S. Gerrishy 1718, 4 pr. Is. and 76 pp. — A Discourse had by the late Reverend and Learned Mr. Ebenezer Pemberton, previous to the Ordination of the Reverend Mr. Joseph Sewall at Boston, September 16, 1713, Boston, printed by J. Franklin, for S, Gerrish, 1718, 2 pr. Is. and 15 pp. sm. 8^ Printed by the brother of Dr. Franklin. 1796 Prince (Thomas) The Departure of Elijah lamented, a Ser- mon occasioned by the G-reat and Publick Loss in the Decease of the very Reverend aud Learned Cotton Mather, D.D. Bostony 1728, 8° Half-title, title, and 26 pp. " For the Rev. Mr. Loftua,". autograph ittr seription by the author. 202 SIXTH day's sale. 1797 Prince (Thomas) A Chronological History of New-England in the form of Annals, old calf Boston, Kneeland and Green ^ 1736, sm. 8° Vol. I. 5 prel. leaves, xii and 20 pp. ' The Introduction,* 104 pp. ' The New-England Chronology,' Part I. and Part II. 254 pp. 1798 — The same, new Ed. Boston, Cummingsy Milliard, and Co. 1826, 439 pp. 8° 1799 Prince (Thomas) Extraordinary Events the Doings of God, and marvellous in pious Eyes, illustrated in a Sermon in Boston, N.E. on the General Thanksgiving, Thursday, July 18, 1745, occasion'd by taking the City of Louisbourg on the Isle of Cape-Breton by New-England Soldiers, assisted by a British Squadron Boston, JD. Henchman, 1745, 8° Two prel. leaves and pp. 7-35. A most popular and highly curious pro- duction. 1800 — The same, 8rd Ed. Boston, printed ; Lond. repr. 1746, 32 pp. 8° 1801 — The same, another Ed. Jialfmor. JSdinb. 1746, S*' Three prel. leaves and pp. 5-33. 1802 Prince (Thomas) A Sermon delivered in Boston, N.E. Aug. 14, 1746, being the Day of General Thanksgiving for the great Deliverance of the British Nations by the glorious and happy Victory near Culloden Boston : D. Henchman, S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1746, 8° Title and pp. 5-39. 1803 — The same, another Ed. Boston, printed; Lond. repr. 1747, 39 pp. 8° 1804 Prince (Thomas) The Salvation of God in 1746. In part set forth in a Sermon in Boston, Nov. 27, 1746, being the day of the Anniversary Thanksgiving in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in N.E., wherein the most remark- able Salvations of the Tear past, both in Europe and North- America, as far as they are come to our knowledge, are briefly considered Boston : JD. Henchman, 1746, title and pp. 5-35, 8° 1805 Prince (Thomas) The natural and moral Government and Agency of God in causing Droughts and B.ains. A Sermon in Boston, Thursday, Aug. 24, 1749, being the day of the General Thanksgiving in the Province of Massachusetts, for the extraordinary reviving Bains, after the most dis- tressing Drought which have been known among us in the Memory of any Living. Boston, Kneeland and Green, 1749, 3 pr. Is. and 40 pp. 8° 1806 Prince (Thomas) Six Sermons. Published from his Manu- scripts by John Erskine, D.D., halfmor. Kdinb. 1785, 12'' xvi and text 156 pp. The 16 preliminary pages are occupied with an interesting memoir of Thomas Prince and the Prince family, by Dr. John Erskine. 203 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. 1807 Principles of Law and Government with an inquiry into the Justice and Policy of the Present "War [with America], and most effectual means of obtaining an honourable, permanent and advantageous Peace, old calf Lond. 1781, 4-» Two Parts. Part I. 3 prel. leaves and 202 pp. Part II. Half-title and 127 pp. Errata 1 page. On the American side of the question. 1808 Progress (The) of the French in their Views of Universal Monarchy, half mor. Lond. 1756, vi and 58 pp. 8« 1809 Proposal (A) for putting a Speedy End to the War, by Euining the Commerce of the Prench and Spaniards, and Securing our Own, without any additional Expence to the JN'ation, half mor. Lond. 1703, pp. viii and 5-18, 4° 1810 Proposal (A) for Humbling Spain. Written in 1711, by a Person of Distinction, half mor. Lond. [1739 ?] viii and 72 pp. 8° 1811 — The same, 2nd Ed. half mor. Lond. [1739 ?] viii and 72 pp. 8« 1812 Prospect (A) of the Consequences of the Present Conduct of Great Britain towards America, half mor, Lond. 1776, 98 pp. 8° 1813 Prospects on the Eubicon; or, an Investigation into the Causes and Consequences of the Politics to be agitated at the Meeting of Parliament, half mor. Lond. 1787, iv and 68 pp. 8° 1814 Peoud (Eobeet) The History of Pennsylvania, in North America, from the Original Institution and Settlement of that Province under the first Proprietor and Grovernor William Penn, in 1681, till after the year 1742, with an Appendix, 2 vols, calf gilt, by Clarlc and Bedford BhUadelphia, Zach, Foulson, 1797-8, 8° "Vol. I. 508 pp. ; with Portrait of Penn, and Map of Pennsylvania. Vol. II. 373 pp. ' Appendix,' etc. 146 pp. 1815 PsALTEEiuM Ameeicanum. The Book of Psalms, in a Translation Exactly conformed unto the Original : but all in Blank Verse, Pitted unto the Tunes commonly used iu our Churches. Whereto are added, Some other Portions of the Sacred Scripture, to Enrich the Cantional, imperfect, wanting pages 3 and 4. Boston: S. Kneeland,for B. Miot, S. GerrisJi, D. Henchman, and J. Ed/wards, 1718, title, 36 and 426 pp. sm. 8° 204 SEVENTH day's SALE. 1816 Psalms. The Psalms, Hymns, and Sptritual Sonos op THE Old and New Testament, Faithfully Teanslated INTO English Metre. For the use, edification, and com- fort of the Saints in publick and private, especially in New- England, FINE COPY, in red mor. extra, hy Francis Bedford, hut wanting the last 3 leaves, or pp. 95-100 Cambridge, Printed for HezekiahUsher, of Boston, [1660 ?] 12° A perfect copy (of which but one is known) should have 100 pp. including the title. For a long- account of this very interesting little volume, see TJwmas's Hist, of Prmting, Yol. I. T^.2ol-S>. It is printed in double columns, with a new very handsome faced Nonpareil letter. Thomas says — " it is a curious fact that nonpareil types were used so early in this country." I have not seen them in any other book printed either at Cambridge or Boston before the Revolution" [1775.] He ascribes the printing to Samuel Green, at Cambridge, in 1664 or 1666, but the reason he gives would as well apply if printed four or five years earlier, for Hezekiah Usher acted as the agent of the Corporation in England for propagating the Gospel in New England as early as 1658, as appears by the original MS. Record Book of that Corporation, in the possession of Mr. Stevens. 1817 Ptolemseus (Claudius) G-eographise ^Tiivers83 tvm veteris, tvm novae absolvtissimum opus, vellum Colonice, 1597, 4P Two Parts. [Part I.] 4 prel. leaves, 47 and 184 pp.; Index 38 pp. [Part II.] Title and folioed leaves 2-292. Index 56 pp. 1818 Pugh (Ellis) A Salutation to the Britains, to Call them from the Many Things, to the One Thing needful, for the Saving of their Souls ; Especially to the poor unlearned Tradesmen, Plowmen and Shepherds, those that are of a low Degree like my self Translated from the British Lan- guage by Eowland Ellis, Eevis'd and Corrected by David Lloyd, old calf FhiladelpUa, S. Keimer,for W. Davies, VJ21, 16° Fifteen and 222 pp. 1819 Pullein (Samuel) The Culture of Silk. In Eour Parts. Eor the use of the American Colonies, 2 plates, old calf Bond., 1758, 15 and 399 pp. 8° 1820 Pulteney (William) Thoughts on the present State of Affairs with America, and the means of Conciliation, 3rd Edition, half mor. Bond. 1778, title and 102 pp. 8° 1821 — The same, fourth Edition, Jf. onor. Bond, 1778, 8° Title and 102 pp. 1822 Pulteney (\Yilliam) Considerations' on the Present State of Public Affairs, and the means of raising the necessary Supplies, 2nd Ed., hf mor. Bond. 1779, title and 51 pp. 8° 1828 Purchas (Samuel). Pvrchas his Pilgrimage. Or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all Ages. A Theological and Geographical Historie of Asia, Africa, and America, with the Islands adjacent, fine copy, old calf Bond. 1613, folio Fourteen prel. leaves ; viz. Title reverse blank ; ' The Epistle Dedicatorie.' 4 pp. ' To the Reader.' 4 pp. Epigrams 2 pp. ; ' The Contents ' etc. 9 pp. ; ' The Catalogue of the Authors, 6 pp. ; Text 752 pp. " Table of the principall Matters' etc. 20 pp. 205 1824 PuRCHAs (Samuel) HAKLTYTvg Posthumus ; on Purchas HIS PiLGRiMES, contajning a History of the World, in Sea Voyages and Lande Travels, by Englishmen and others, 5 vols, with the rare frontispiece and all the plates j French gros-grained morocco extra, ly W. Fratty veey choice COPY Lond. 1625-26, folio Vol. I. Engraved frontispiece, containing portraits ; printed title ; Dedi- cation "To Charles Prince of Wales," 2 pp. ; " To the Reader," 6 pp. ; Contents of the Chapters, etc., 1 1 leaves ; " Maps and Peeces in the formert en Bookes," I p. ; Text, Book 1, pp. 1-186; maps on pp. 24, 57, 65, 71, 74, 85, 115. There should be a cancel at pp. 65-6, upon the first of which is a plate of the two hemispheres, with title *' Designatio orbis Chiistiani "; Table 4 leaves. Books II- V. pp. 1-748, Catchword on p. 748Na-; map on pp. 413, 700, 712, 724, 732, 748; map "A description of East India," 10| in. by 14^ in. between pp. 578-579; "An alphabetical! Table," 12 leaves. Vol. II. title, dedication to George, Duke of Buckingham, 2 pp. ; text, books VI-X. pp. 749-1860, 23 maps in the text and plates on pp 908, 909, 911, 984, 1285, 1298, 1474 ; Table, 19 leaves ; Leaf with colophon. Vol. III. Title, Dedication to John, Bishop of Lincolne, 3 pp., Contents 9 leaves, " Maps and Peeces in the last ten bookes," 1 page; Text, pp. 1-1140, catchword on the last page, Eng — .; 19 maps in the text ; " The Map of China," llf in. by 14^ in. between pp. 400-401; "Map of Greenland" between pp. 472-473, "Alapof the North Part of America," between pp. 852- 853, Table, 34 leaves. Vol. IV. ^'itle ; Dedication to George, Arch- bishop of Canterburie, 3 pp.; Text, pp. 1141-1973; map of Virginia between pp. 1690-1691 ; map of New France, &c., between pp. 1872- 1873; maps on pp. 1980-1981 (for 1970-1971); Table, 20 leaves. Vol. V. 1626, Title ; Dedication to Charles I., 2 pp. ; Dedication to George, Archbishop of Canterburie, 4 pp.; To the Reader, 4 pp.; The Contents, 9 leaves ; " The Catalogue of the Authors," 4 leaves ; " The names of Manuscripts," etc., 2 pp. ; Text pp. 1-967; 23 maps in the text; Map of China, between pp. 436-437 ; plate on p. 305 ; Title " Two Relations one out of Sir Jerome Horsey, the other written by Mr. William Methold, 1626," To the Reader, 2 pp. ; text, pp. 973-1007 ; Title '<■ The Saracenical Historic, 1626;" To the Reader, 2 pp.; Text, pp. 1013- 1047 ; Table, 18 leaves. 1825 Purchas (Samuel). Pvrchas his Pilgrim. Microcosmvs, or the Historie of Man. Eelating the Wonders of his Grene- ration, the Vanities in his Degeneration, the Necessity of his Eegeneration. Meditated on the words of David, old calf Lond. 1619, 14 pr. leaves and 818 pp. sm. 8° 1826 Purnell (Thomas). The following is a true and faithful Account of the Loss of the Brigantine Tyrrell, Arthur Coghlan, Commander ; with the Misfortunes attending the said Vessel's Crew. By Thomas Purnell, Chief Mate thereof [Lond.] dated ' Hoxton, Sept. 1766.' Signed * Thomas FurnelV 4° Eight pp. After the author's shipwreck he landed at Marble Head near Boston, and thence proceeded homewards by way of North Carolina. 1827 Purry (John Peter) A method for Determining the best Climate of the Earth, on a Principle to which all Geogra- phers and Historians have been hitherto Strangers, hf mor. Lond, I74i4, 2 prel. leaves and 60 pp. 8° 206 1828 Pynclion (William) of New England. I. The Time when the First Sabbath was Ordained. II. The Manner how the First Sabbath was Ordained. III. A Treatise of Holy- Tim e, concerning the true limits of the Lords Day, when it begins, and when it ends, old calf Lond. 1654, 4° Two Parts. Part I. 8 prel. leaves and 143 pp. Part II. 8 prel. leaves and 120 pp. 1829 Pynchon (William) The Mebitorious Price of Man*s Eedemption, or Christ's Satisfaction discussed and ex- plained, old calf Lond. 1655, 4P Twenty-six prelim, leaves and text 439 pp. Errata 1 pag-e. This book g-ave great offence to the good people of Massachusetts, and was consequently suppressed in the Colony. 0000 Quakers. See Pennsylvania. 1830 Quebec. A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving for vouch- safing such signal Successes to his Majesty's Arms, both by Sea and Land, particularly by the Defeat of the French Army in Canada, and the Taking of Quebec ; etc., blaffe letter, uncut Lond. 1759, 15 pp. 4^ 1831 — The Justice and Policy of the late Act of Parliament for making more effectual Provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, Asserted and Proved, half mor. Lond. 1774, 32 pp. 8° 1832 — The same : another Ed., hf mor. Lond. 1774, 90 pp. 8° 1833 — Thoughts on the Act for making more Effectual Provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, half mor. Lond. 1774, title and pp. 5-39, 8° 1834 — A Letter to [William Pitt] the Earl of Chatham, on the Quebec Bill, half mor. Lond. 1774, 8'' Title and 36 pp. [by Thomas, Lord Lyttleton.] 1835 — An Appeal to the Public ; stating and considering the Objections to the Quebec Bill, hf. mor. Lond. 1774, 8° Fifty-eight pp. and one leaf of errata. 1836 — Additional Papers concerning the Province of Quebeck ; Being an Appendix to " An Account of the Proceedings of the Inhabitants of Quebeck to obtain a House of Assembly in that Province," hds. uncut Lond. 1776, 510 pp. %^ By Baron Maseres, at that time Attorney-General for Quebec. 1837 — A Eeview of the Government and Grievances of the Province of Quebec, since the Conquest of it by the British Arms, with extracts from Authentic Papers, half morocco Lond. 1788, half-title, title, and text 111 pp. 8° 1838 — State of the present form of Government of the Province of Quebec, with a large Appendix, hf. mor. Lond. 1789, 8** Title, Errata, and 176 pp. 1839 — Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled '* A State of the Present Form of Government of the Province of Quebec," half mor. Lond. 1790, title and 78 pp. 8^ 1840 — Introduction to the Observations made by the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the District of Quebec, half mor. Lond. 1790, iv. and 50 pp. 8° SEVENTH day's SAIE. 207 184(1 Quebec. Answer to an Introduction to the Observations made by the Judges, etc. morocco Lond. 1790, 8° Half-title, title and 107 pp. Mr. Rich describes this Tract as being privately printed. 1842 — Petitions from the Old and New Subjects, Inhabitants of the Province of Quebec, to the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, halfmor. Lond. 1791, 2 prel. Is. and 55 pp. 8° 1843 — Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec : Vol. 1. Quebec, Fr. Le Maitre, 1829, 8« Three prel. leaves, xxxvi and 261 pp.; Errata 1 page. 'Catalogue of the Mineralogical Collection,' 72 pp. ' Solar Spots,' 1 page. 12 plates. 0000 Quebec. See BulUey. 1844 Quii^^TANA T Gtiido (Antonio de) Epitafios Originales con qve el Real Convent© de lesvs Maria, de esta Noble Civdad de Mexico Mexico^ por la Yiuda de Bernardo Calderon, 1645, 4** Title, on the reverse. Woodcut Arms. ' Aprovacion del Padre luan de S. Miguel, 1 page, reverse blank. ' Al Senor Doctor D. Pedro de Barri- entoa Lomelin,' etc. 2 pp. Text commencing * Titulo Dedicatorio que ocupaua la quarta' etc. folioed leaves 3-8, the reverse of the last blank. 1845 QuiE (De). Teeea Atjstealis incognita, or a new Southerne Discoverie, containing a fifth part of the World. Lately found out by Teedinand de Qvie, a Spanish Captaine. Neuer before published. Translated by W. B. Lond. Printed for John Rodgetts, 1617, 4P Title, reverse blank and 27 pp. Not mentioned by Rich, nor is the Sale of any copy quoted by Lowndes. 1846 Quincy (Josiah) Junior, of Boston. Observations on the Act of Parliament, commonly called the Boston Port-Bill. half morocco Boston, JSr.JE. Printed. Lond. rej^r. 1774, 8° Three prel. leaves and 80 pp. 1847 Ealegh (Sie "Waltee). VYarachtighe ende grondige be- schryvinghe van het groot en Gout-rijck Coningrijck van Guiana, gelegen zijnde in America, by N'oorden de groote Eivier Orelliana ; etc. Door den E. Heere Walter Ealegh Amst. Michiel Colijn, 1617, obi. 4° Title and 49 leaves. Not mentioned by Rich. 1848 Ealeigh (Sir Walter) . A Declaration of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Ealeigh, Knight, as well in his Voyage, as in, and sithence his return, hf calf Lond. 1618, 4« Title, on the reverse woodcut of the Royal Arms, and 68 pp. Written by or under the special direction of King James, as an apology for putting Raleigh to death. — JRich. 2e 208 SEVENTH day's SALE. 1849 Ealeigh's (Sir AValter) G-host, or England's Torewarner. Discouering a secret Consultation, newly holden in the Court of Spaiue. Together with his tormenting of Count de Grondoinar, etc. Vtricht, John Sehellem, 1626, 4° Title, reverse blank, and 41 pp. Wanting pp. 7 to 22. 1850 Ealeigh ( Sir Walter) The Prerogatiue of Parlaments in Eng- land: Proued in a Dialogue (jjro & contra) betweene a Councellour of State and a Justice of Peace, half mor, Samh. 1628, 4« Four prel. leaves ; viz. : Title, reverse blank, * To the King,' 5 pp. ; Text, 66 pp. 1851 — The same, another Ed. half morocco Midelh. 1628, 4° Four prel. leaves ; viz. Title, reverse blank, ' To the King,' 5 pp ; Text, 66 pp. 1852 Ealeigh (Sir AValter) Tvbvs Historicvs : an Historical! Per- spective, discovering aU the Empires and Kingdomes of the World as they flourisht respectively under the foure Impe- rial Monarchies, half mor. Lond. Tho. Harper Jor Ben. Fisher, 1636, 4P Thirteen unnumbered leaves: viz. Title, reverse blank, * To the most Illus- trious Prince Charles,' etc. 1 page, the reverse blank ; ' The Publisher's Advertisement,' 3 pp. the reverse blank ; ' Tubus Historicus,' running title ' Sir Waiter Raleigh's Chronologicall 'I'ables,' 9 pp. the reverse blank ; ' A Catalogue of the Kings and Emperours,' 7 pp. the reverse blank. 1853 Ealeigh (Sir Walter) The Prince, or Maxims of State, half mor. Lond. 1642, 3 pr. leaves and 46 pp. 4° 1854 Ealeigh (Sir Walter) Judicious and Select Essay es and Ob- servations upon The first Invention of Shipping. The Misery of Invasive Warre. The Navy Eoyall and Sea- Service. With his Apologie for his voyage to Gruiana, calf extra by Bedford, a few letters of the imprint in exact facsi- mile Lond. I. W.for Humphrey Moseley, 1650, 12« Five prel: leaves and 42 pp. ; title, 4 pp. and 31 unpaged leaves; 1 blank leaf; title and 46 pp. ; title and 69 pp. With Portrait. 1855 B.aleigh (Sir Walter) The Cabinet- Council : containing the Chief Arts of Empire, and Mysteries of State. Published by John Milton, Esq. old calf Lond. 1658, 16° Four prel. leaves and 199 pp. Portrait of Raleigh. 1856 Ealeigh (Sir Walter) An Introduction to a Breviary of the History of England, calf Lond. 1693, sm. 8° Four prel. leaves, including the Portrait and 77 pp. 1857 Ealeigh (Sir Walter) The Life of, with his Tryal at Win- chester, 3rd Ed. half mor. Lond. 1687, title and 41 pp. folio 1858 Eamsat (Datid) The History of the Eevolution of South Carolina from a British Province to an Independent State, 2 vols, tree marbled calf eoctra by Bedford Trenton, Lsaac Collins^ 1785, 8° Vol. I. Half-title, title ; Preface and Contents, pp. iii — xx ; text, 453 pp.; Map and Sketch at pp. l.and 145. II. Half-title, title; contents, pp. V— XX ; text, 574 pp. ; Sketches and Plan at pp. 52, 58 and 326. SEVENTH day's SALE. 203 1859 Eamsay (David) of So. Carol. The History of the American Bevolution, new ed. 2 vols. Lond. 1793, 8** Vol. I. 2 prel. leaves and 357 pp. II. xii and 360 pp. 1860 Eamusius, Terza Editione delle Navigation! etYiaggi BAccoLTO GiA DA M. Gio. BattistaEamvsio, con molti e vaghi discorsi, da lui in molti luoghi dichiarato ed illus- trato, 3 vols, a few worm holes in Vol. 2, but generally a riNE, LAEGB AND CLEAN OOPT, green morocco extra, marbled and gilt edges Venetia, Giunti, 1563-83 Vol. I. Title, 1563 ; Epistle of Ramusius, 1 leaf; Epistle of T. Siunti, 1 leaf; Names of Authors whose Relations are in this volume, I leaf; In- dex, 34 leaves ; 3 folded maps ; Text, 394 folioed leaves. II. Title, 1583, " Nomi de g'li Avtori" on the reverse; Epistle of T. Giunti, 1 leaf; *' Prefatione," 4 leaves ; " Espositione di M. G. B. Ramvsio sopraquesta parole di M. Marco Polo," followed by " Dichiaratione d'alcune luoghi ne libri di M. iVlarco Polo," together, 9 leaves ; " G. B. Ramusio alii lettori," 1 leaf; Index, 10 leaves; " Prohemio primo" and '' Prohemio secondo," 1 leaf; Text, folios 2 to 250 and I to 90. III. Title, 1565 ; " Discorso del Ramvsio," and " Nomi de g'li Avtori," together 5 leaves; Index, 34 folioed leaves ; " Indice delle cose piu notabili, folio 35 ; *• Terzo volume, Indice de Capitoli delle tre Navigationi fatte da gli Olandesi e Zelandes;" etc. folio 36 ; Text, including folded views of cities and maps, with other cuts printed with the text, folioed 1 to 456; also " Viaggio di M. Cesare de' Eederici nell' India Orientale," fol- lowed by " Tre Navigation! fatti da gli Olandesi e Zelandesi," together folioed 386 to 430 (these, which belong to the edition of 1606 ; as would appear by the Index, form part of the third volume, but in this copy are bound with the second, in order to obtain uniformity of thickness). 1861 Eamusius. Another, eemarkablt fine, large, sound AND CLEAN COPY, in Original impressed binding, 3 vols, in 2 ib. 1503-65 Vol. I. Title, 1563, ' Dedication to Fracastorus,' 2 pp. ; ' Tommaso Giunti alii Lettore,' 2 pp. ; ' Nomi de gli Autori,' 2 pp. ; ' Indici,' 34 folioed leaves; text in 394 folioed leaves, colophon on last page, 3 maps. Vol. II. Title, prel. leaves and index, together 30 folioed leaves ; text in 448 (misprinted 248) folioed leaves. Vol. III. 1565. Title, 'Discorso,* 9 pp. ; * Nomi de gli Autori,' 1 p. ; * Indice,' 34 folioed leaves ; Text in 456 folioed leaves ; maps, counted in the numbering of the folios. 1862 Eandall (John) A brief Account of the Principles and Dis- cipline of the People call'd Quakers Bristol, S. Farley, 1747, 24 pp. 12^ 1863 Rangel (Joseph Prancisco Dimas) Discurso fisico sobre las Tormacion de las Auroras Boreales, half mor. * Mexico, 1789, pp. i to vii, 40 1864 Raynal (Abbe) A Philosophical and Political History of the British Settlements and Trade in North America, 2 vols. JEdinb, 1776, 12° Vol. I. 240 pp. ; Map of North America. II. 231 pp. 1865 Eaynal (Abbe) Eevolution de I'Amerique, half mor. Lond. 1781, 8« xvi and 183 pp. With Portrait of Raynal. 1866 Eaynal (Abbe) The Eevolution of America, old calf Dublin, 1781, xx and 244 pp. 12° 1867 — The same, another Ed. Lond. 1781, xvi and 181 pp. 8° 1868 — The same, a New Translation, half mor. Lond. 1781, 2 pr. leaves and 199 pp. 12« 210 SETENTH day's SALE 1869 Eeales (El Baron Juras) Entretenimientos de un Prisionero en las Provincias del Eio de la Plata, 2 vols, uncut Barcelona, Jose TorneVy 1828, 4° Vol. I. 4 prel. leaves, viii and 334 pp. Wanting pp. 295 — 302 inclusive. II. 2 prel. leaves, and 391 pp. * Appendice,' 16 pp. 1870 Eecio De Leon (Juan) [Commences] Ivan Eecio de Leon Maesse de Campo, etc. [Account of the discovery of a new- route for the conveyance of Silver from Potosi in Peru to Spain in less than half the time and expense of the ordinary route], A«Zf77ior. [ilfa^nW, 1626], folio Ten leaves. Apparently privately printed. 1871 Eecueil des Plans de TAmerique Septentrionale a Farisy 1755, 4° Engraved title and 16 Plans. The plates consist of plans of the Towns of Quebec, New Orleans, and other celebrated Towns and Cities of North America, their Fortifications, and at the end a folded plate of Niagara Falls. 1872 Eedman (John) of Pennsylvania^ Dissertatio Medica Inau- guralis de Abortu, halfmor. Lugduni JBatavorum, Conr. WisJioff \V1 4iS\ 4° Three prel. leaves and 31 pp. 1873 Eeed (John) An Explanation of the Map of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia Philadelphia J for the Author, 1774:, 4° Twenty-four pp. * An Alphabetical List of the First Purchasers' Names,' etc. 8 and 23 pp. « The Date of Surveys,' etc. 9 pp. 1874 Eeed (Joseph). Joseph Eeed Defendant, Ad. John Eeed. Argument for the Defendant in Error [^Fhiladelphia'], 4° Twenty-eight pp. The subject matter of the dispute was a Plantation, or Tract of Landy called Teuicum [Philadelphia]. The appeal is signed "Joseph Reed. Propria Persona." Date about 1768. 1875 Eeeves (John) History of the Government of the Island of Newfoundland, with an Appendix, containing the Acts of Parliament made respecting the Trade and Fishery Zond. 1793, 8° Four prel. leaves and 167 pp. * Appendix,' 2 prel. leaves and cxvi pp. 1876 Eeflections on the Importation of Bar-Iron, from our own Colonies of North- America, in Answer to a late Pamphlet on that Subject, halfmor. 1757, 23 pp. 8° 1877 Eeflections, Moral and Political, on Grreat Britain and her Colonies, half mor. Lond. 1770, 3 pr. Is. and QQ pp. 8^ 1878 Eeflections on the Eise, Progress, and probable Consequences of the present contentions with the Colonies JEdinh. 1776, 12° iv and 63 pp. Attributed to Dr. Erskine, and containing, according to Rich, a fair statement of the claims of the Colonists. SETENTH DAT'8 SALE. 211 1879 Eefutation (A) of the Letter to an Honble. Brigadier- G-e- neral, Commander of His Majesty's Porces in Canada [Lord Q-eorge Townsend], by an Officer, 2nd Ed. halfmor. Lond. 1760, 8« Half-title, title, and 52 pp. See Letter, No. 1287. 1880 Eegil (Pedro Manuel) Memoria Instructiva sobre el Comer- cio general de la Provincia de Yucatan, y particular del Puerto de Campecbe, half calf Madrid, Vega y Comp. 1814, 8° Title, and 56 pp. Folded sheets at pp. 42 and 45 (2). 1881 Eegulations (The) lately made, concerning the Colonies, and the Taxes imposed upon them considered [by Greorge Grenville], halfmor. Lond. 1765, half-title, title, and pp. 3—114, 8^ 1882 Eelacao Abbreviada da Bepublica, que os Eeligiosos Jesuitas das Provincias de Portugal, e Hespanha, [1758], 68 pp. — Memoire pour servir d' addition et d'eclaircissement a la Relation abregee, etc. 30 pp. in 1 vol. old calf 12<* Original Edition of the first of these Tracts, said to have been written by the Marquis de Pombal. Both Tracts are apparently privately printed. 1883 Eelacion de lo Svcedido en los Graleones y Plota de Terra- firme, unbound [1622], folio Five folioed leaves. An important list of Vessels and the names of their crews composing the Fleet off Terrafirma in 1C22. It comprises the Capitan Bart. Garcia de Nodal and his associates, including many familiar names in the roll of early voyagers. 1884 Eelacion del Svcesso del Armada, y excercito que fue al socorro del Brazil, desde que entro en la Bahia de Todos- Santos, hasta que entro en la ciudad del Saluador, que pos- seian los Eebeldes de Olanda, sacada de vna carta que el Senor Don Fadrique de Toledo escriuio a su Magestad [1625], foHo Four unnumbered pages. Apparently a privately printed official Report, 1885 Eelation (The Trve) of that worthy Sea Fight, which two of the East India Shipps had with 4 Portingals of great force and burthen, in the Persian Gulph, with the Lamentable Death of Captaine Andrewe Shilling, with other Memora- ble Accidents in that Yoiage. Printed this 2. of July Lond. ly L D.for Nath. Newhery and Wm. ^heffard, 1622, title, and 22 pp. 4« 1886 Eeligious Intelligence and Seasonable Advice from Abroad, concerning Lay-Preaching and Exhortation. Collection I. [II. III. lY.] from the Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, No. 1st, 2d and 3d and Mr. Edwards, President of Prince- ton College, New Jersey, his thoughts on Eeligiou, etc. 4 parts Bdinh, 1801-2, 12« No. I. Title and 62 pp. II. 60 pp. III. viii and pp. 3—55. IV. 1802. Title and 58 pp. 212 SEVENTH day's SALE. 1887 Eemarks on Several Acts of Parliament relating more espe- cially to the Colonies abroad ; as also on diverse Acts of Assemblies there, wherein is likewise contain'd a Discourse concerning the 4^ per Cent. Duty paid in Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands, halfmor. Lond. 1742, 8^ Three prel. leaves, si^ed *T. M.' and 125 pp. The author is said to have been Jonathan Blumeau, Attorney-General of Barbadoes. 1888 Eemarks on the Letter address'd to Two Great Men, in a Letter to the Author, halfmor. Lond. [1759 ?] title and pp. 5-64, 8° 1889 Eemarks on the Eeview of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, Jialfmor. Lond. 1769, half-title, title and 126 pp. 8° 1890 Eemarks on the New Essay of the Pensylvania, Farmer, by the Author of the Eight of the British Legislature vindi- cated, halfmor. Lond. 1775, title and 62 pp. 8^ 1891 Eemarks on the Patriot, including some Hints respecting the Americans, halfmor. Lond. 177 o, 8o Title and 46 pp. See Patriot {The), No. 1666, a pamphlet by Dr. Samuel Johnson. 1892 Eemarks on the Principal Acts of the Thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain, by the Author of Letters concerning the Present State of Poland. Yol. I. [all pullkhed'] contain- ing Eemarks on the Acts relating to the Colonies Lond. 1775, xvi, ' Contents' 4, and 500 pp. 8° 1893 Eemarks on the Eescript of the Court of Madrid, and on the Manifesto of the Court of Versailles. In a Letter to the People of Great Britain, with an Appendix, containing the Eescript, the Manifesto, and a Memorial of Dr. Franklyn to the Court of Versailles, halfmor. Lond. 1779, 8*' Three prel. leaves and 91 pp. ** The author of these Remarks employs in them the united force of reason and ridicule, aided by the powers and embellishments of oratory." — M. Rev. 1894 Eeney (William) A jS'arrative of the Shipwreck of the Cor- sair, in the month of January, 1835, on an unknown Eeef near the KingsmiU Islands, in the South Pacific Ocean, with a detail of the dreadftd Sufferings of the Crew Lond. 1836, xvi and 80 pp. 12o 1895 Eesendiijs (A^tgelo Ain)EEA) Epitome Eeevm Gesta- BVM IN IxDiA A LrsiTAis'is, anno superiori, iuxta exem- plum epistolae, quam Nonius Cugna, dux Indiae max. desig- natus, ad regem misit, red morocco extra, by Maclcenzie Lotianii, Sej'uafium Zassenum, 1531, 4° Sixteen leaves, including title, being- signatures A to D in fours. Not mentioned by Rich. 1896 Eesolutions (The) of the House of Commons on the great and constitutional questions between the Privileges of the House of Commons and the Prerogative of the Crown, half mor. Lond. 1784, 2 pr. leaves and 51 pp. 8^ SEVENTH day's SALE. 213 1897 Eevlew (A) of all that hath pass'd between the Courts of Great Britain and Spain, relating to our Trade and Navi- gation from the Tear 1721 to the Present Convention, half mor. Lond. 1739, half-title, title, and text 60 pp. 8° 1898 Review (A) of The Eector Detected, or the Colonel Eecon- noitred. Part the Eirst, AaZ/' wor. Williamslurg, Joseph Boyle, 1764, 4P Twenty- nine pp. Contains some curious particulars of Trade, Naviga- tion, Politics, etc. of Virginia. 1899 Reynolds (Theophilus) Cursory Observations, addressed to the Planters and others, interested in the "West India Trade Liverpool^ 1808, 15 pp. 8^ 1899*Ehode Island (Eecords of the Colony of) and Providence Plantations, New England, from a.d. 1636 to a.d. 1756. Edited by J. E. Bartlett, 5 vols. (4 in calf, and 1 in cloth) Frovidence, JR. J., 1856-60, 8« Vol. T. Title, Introduction, 8 pp. Text, 11-519. General Index, 521-549. Vol. II. Title, Remarks 2 pp. Text, 1-598. Index, 599-609. Vol. III. Title, Remarks 5 pp. Text, 1-577. Index, 579-595. Vol. IV. Title, Preface 2 pp. Text, 1-592. Index, 593-622. Vol. V. Title, Preface 2 pp. Text, 1-571. Index, 573-594. 1900 Eibera (Diego de) Concentos Evnebres, Metricos Lamentos, qve explican, Demostraciones publicas, de reconcidos afec- tos, en los Evuerales devidos al lUust. Eev. y Excel. Sefior Maestro D. Fr. Payo Enriquez de Eibera, Dignissimo Ar- gobispo, que fue de esta Ciudad de Mexico, Yirrey, y Capi- tan Greneral en ella, que descanza en Paz Mexico, por la Viuda de Bernardo Calderon, 1684, 4P Twenty-two unnumbered leaves. 1901 EiBAS (Akdees Peeez de) Historia de LOS Trivmphos DE Nuestea Sa.nta Fee entee Gtentes las mas Baeba- EAS, y fieras del nueuo Orbe, vellum Madrid, 1645, folio Sixteen prel. leaves and text 756 pp. 1902 Eichshoffer ( Ambrosius) Braszilianisch und "West Indianische Eeisze Beschreibung, hds. Btraszhurg, Joszias Stddeln, 1677, sm. 8° Two prel. leaves ; viz. Portrait of Richshoflfer, and Engraved Title. Text pp.3 — 182. Sonnets, 4 pp. Errata, 1 page. Copperplate maps and plates at pp. 49, 57, 58, and 129. 1903 Eight (The) of the British Legislature to Tax the American Colonies Vindicated, half mor. Bond. 1774, title and 50 pp. 8° 1904 Eights (The) of Grreat Britain Asserted against the Claims of America : being an Answer to the Declaration of the Greneral Congress, 2nd Ed. half mor. Lond. 1776, 8^ Title and 92 pp. * Appendix' a folded sheet at page 80. Ascribed to James Macpherson, Translator of Ossian, but attributed by Rich on the authoiity of a note in the handwriting of Sir James Mackintosh, to Sir John Dalrymple. 2i4 SEVENTH day's sale. 1905 Eights of Great Britain Asserted, Srd Ed. with Additions, If. moi\ Lond 1776, 8° Title and 96 pp. 1906 — The same, 4th Ed. with Additions Lond. 1776, V2P Two prel. leaves and 103 pp. • Appendix' at page 77, a folded sheet. 1907 — The same, 6th Ed. with Additions Edinh. 1776, 12° Two prel. leaves and 98 pp. 'Appendix' at page 92, a folded sheet. 1908 — The same, 9th Ed. To which is now added, a Farther Refutation of Dr. Price's State of the National Debt, half mor. Lond. 1776, 8° Tw© prel. leaves and 131 pp. 'Appendix,* a folded sheet at pag-e 99. 1909 — The same, 10th Ed. half mor. Lond. 1776, 8° Two prel. leaves and 131 pp. ' Appendix,' a folded sheet at page 99. 1910 Bio (Antonio del) Description of the Buins of an Ancient City, discovered near Palenque, in the Kingdom of Guate- mala, in Spanish America, translated from the Original Manuscript Report : followed by Teatro Critico Ameri- cano; or, a critical investigation and research into the History of the Americans, by Doctor Paul Felix Cabrera, of the City of New Guatemala Lond. 1822, 4P xiii pp. 'Teatro Critico,' 1 page. Text, 128 pp. 17 plates. 1911 Roberts (George). The Four Tears' Voyages of Capt. George Roberts ; being a Series of Uncommon Events which befell him in a Voyage to the Islands of the Canaries, Cape de Verde, and Barbadoes, from whence he was bound to the Coast of Guiney, old calf Lond. 1726, 8° Three prel. leaves and 458 pp. 4 Plates and Draught of all the Cape de Verd Islands. 1912 Roberts (William) An Account of the First Discovery of Florida, with a Particular Detail of the several Expeditions and Descents made on that Coast Lond. 1763, 4P viii pp. Contents 2 and 102 pp. 7 Maps and Plans. 1913 Robinson (John) the Filgrim Father, Es sates ; oe, Ob- SEETATioNs DiTiNE AND MoEALL, Collected ovt of holy Scriptures, Ancient and Moderne Writers, both divine and humane, as also, out of the great volume of men's man- ners: tending to the furtherance of knowledge and vertue, calf extra ly Bedford Lond. ly J. D.for J. Bellamie, 1638, 12° Sixteen prel. leaves and 566 pp. 1914 Robinson (John) A Itstification of Sepabation teom THE Chuech of England, against IVIr. Richard Bernard his invective, intitvled. The Separatists schisme,^7i^ copy in old calf 1639, 4P Three hundred and eighty-two pp. followed hy 3 leaves of Table. 1915 Robinson (Matthew^ Peace the best Policy, or Reflections upon the Appearance of a Foreign "War, the present state of Aflairs at Home and the Commission for Granting Par- dons in America, half mor. Land. 1777, title and 112 pp. 8« SEVENTit day's SALE. 215 1916 EoBTNsoN (John) A Ivst and Necessary Apologie of CEETATN Christians, no lesse contumeliously then com- monly called Brovvnists, or Barovvists, published first in Latin, after translated into English by himself, red morocco extra, by Bedford^ tooled to a Roger !Payne pattern [Lei/den?] 1644, 72 pp. including the title, 24o 1917 EoBiNSON (William) Several Epistles given forth by Two of the Lords Faithful Servants, whom he sent to New-Eng- land to bear Witness to his Everlasting Truth ; and were there (by the Priests, Eulers, and Professors) after cruel and long Imprisonment, and inhumane Whippings and Banishment, put to death, for no other Cause but for keep- ing the Commandments of Grod and Testimouv of Jesus Lond. 1669, 11 pp. 4P 1918 liobson (Joseph) An Account of six years residence in Hudson' s-Bay, from 1733 to 1736, and 1744 to 1747, old calf Lond. 1752, S^ Title, vi and 84 pp. ; * Appendix,' 95 pp. ; 3 Maps. Much commended by the Mo7ithly Review. 1919 EocHEFORT (Cesar de) Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies Antilles de I'Amerique, avec un Yocabulaire Caraibe, fine copy, vellum Moterda/iriy Arnould Leers, 1658, 4** First Edition. 8 prel. leaves, viz. Two titles, ' Epistre,' Signed ' L, D. P.' 4 pp. ; ♦ Preface,' 6 pp. ; * Avertisseraent,' 2 pp. ; Text, 527 pp. ; * Table,* 12 pp. Father du Tertre, in his Histoire Gen&rale des Antilles, com- plains that the above work is but a pirated edition of his own History, printed in 1654. See Rich, Bib. Am., an. 1654 and 1658. 1920 — Le memo, 2nde Ed. vellmn ih. 1665, 4° Eighteen prel. leaves; viz. Two titles; 'Epistre,' 11 pp. Signed *De Rochefort* ; ' Preface,' 5 pp. ; * Avertissement,' 4 pp. ; * Copies Lettres,' 12 pp. ; Text, 583 pp. ; ' Table,' 13 pp. ; Copperplates at pp. 53, 332, 412. 1921 — Le meme, autre Ed. 2 vols, old calf Lyon, Ghristofle Fovrmy, 1667, 12° Vol. I. 32 prel. leaves, the last blank, and 566 pp. ; Copperplates at pp. 13-, 295. II. 3 prel. leaves and 680 pp. ; Copperplate at page 115. 1922 — Le meme, derniere edition, reveue et augmentee, Jine copy in old red morocco Rotterdam, Beinier Leers, 1681, 4^* Eighteen prel. leaves, including the engraved and printed titles. Text, 583 pp. Table, 13 pp. Second title, ' Reoit de I'Estats Present des Celebres Colonies,' etc 43 pp. Large folding plates at pp. 53, 332, and 412. 1923 — Andere ausgabe, in die Teutsche iibersetzet, 2 vols. Frankf. 1668, 12° Vol. I. Eleven prel. leaves including frontispiece, and 430 pp. ; * Innhalt,* 11 pp.; 40 plates. II. Six prel. leaves, 33 and 514 pp. 1924 Bochefort (Cesar de) Le Tableau de I'lsle de Tabago, ou de la Nouvelle Oiialchre, I'une des Isles Antilles de I'Ame- rique, vellum Leyde, Jean Le Carpentier, 1665, 8° Eight prel. leaves and 144 pp. 2 F 216 SEVENTH day's sale. 1925 Eochefort (Cesar de) Eelation de I'lsle de Tabago, oii de la Novvelle Ovalcre, old calf Faris, Lovys Billaine, 1666, 12^ Eight prel. leaves and 128 pp. 1926 Eochefoucauld-Liancourfc (Due de la) Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, fait en 1795-97, 8 vols, calf gilt Paris, (1799), 8° Vol. I. xxiv and 365 f)p. ; Map at pag-e 1. II. Half-title, title, iv and 349 pp. III. Half-title, title, iv and 384 pp. IV. Half-title, title, iii and 349 pp. ; Map at page 1. V. Half-title, title, Ivand 400 pp. VI. Half-title, title, iii «nd 336 pp.; 'Tableau,' etc. at page 266, a folded sheet. VII. Half-title, title, iv and 366 pp. ; Map at page 155. VIII. Half-title, title, and 244 pp. ; folded sheets at page 172. Num- bered I— VI. 1927 Eodrigues de Mello (Joseph) De Eusticis Brasiliae Eebus Carminum libri lY. ; Aceedit Prudentii Amaralii Brasili- ensis de Saccbari Opificio Carmen, vellum BomcBy 1781, 8° viii and 206 pp. ; 4 plates at the end. 1928 Eodriguez (Antonio) Eelacion de las Fiestas qve ala Imma- cvlada Concepcion de la Virgen N. Sefiora se hizieron en la Eeal Ciudad de Lima en el Peru, y principalmente de las q hizo la Congregacion de la Expectacion del Parte en la Copania de lesus aiio 1617 Lima, por Francisco del Canto, 1618, 4^ Two prel. leaves, viz. Title, the reverse blank ; ' Erratas' and 'Tassa,' 1 page; 'Aprobacion,' 1 page; Text, 80 folioed leaves. 1929 Eodriguez (Manuel). Sefior. \_Commences Manuel Eodriguez de la Compania de lesvs, Procurador general por las Pro- vincias de Indias, dize: etc.] \_Ends, liberal Mano, y Catolico zelo de V. Magestad], hf mor. folio Four unnumbered pages. Respecting the Missions amongst the various Indian Tribes of Maynas, Roamaynas, Cocamas, Chepeos, Xitipos, Chamicuros, Gayes, Eeberos, Cocamillas, Guallagos, Vcayales, Aguanos, Coronados, and others. 1930 Eodriguez Lamego (Manuel) Assiento y Capitvlacion qve Be tomo, sobre la renta y prouision general de eslauos negros que se nauegan a las Indias por tiempo de ocbo anos, y precio de ciento y veinte mil du cados cada aiio, hf mor. hy Hayday 1623, folio Seventeen folioed leaves. An early printed document respecting Negro Slavery. 1931 Eoebuck (Jobn) An Enquiry whetber tbe Gruilt of tbe Present Civil War in America ougbt to be imputed to Great Britain or America, new ed. hf mor. Lond. 1776, 8*' Title and 69 pp. Written against the Colonists. 1932 Eogers (Eobert) A Concise Account of North America: containing a Description of the several British Colonies on that Continent, including the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, etc. Lond. for the Author, 1765, 8^^ viii and 264 pp. The writer commanded the provincial troops, or Bangers, during the whole of what were called the French Wars in America. SEVENTH day's SALE. '217 1933 Eogers (Abraham) Offne Thiir zu dem verborgenen hey- deuthum : Oder, W^rhaftige Yorweisung desz Lebens, und der Sitten, samt der Eeligion, und dem Grottesdienst der Bramines, auf der Oust Chormandel, und denen berumli- genden Landem: Mit kurtzen Anmerkungen, aus dem Niederlandischen iibersetzt. Samt Christoph Arnolds Auserlesenen Zugaben, von den Asiatischen, Africanischen, und Americanischen Eeligions-sachen, vellum Nurnberg, 1663, 8° Eight prel. leaves including- the engraved and printed titles ; Text, 998 pp. followed by 19 leaves of Register, and one page of Errata j numerous plates. 1934 Eogers (Woodes) A Cruising Voyage round the World : first to the South Seas, thence to the East Indies, and homewards by the Cape of Grood Hope, 1708-11, old calf Lond. 1712, 8° xxii and 428 pp. ; 'Appendix,' 56 pp. ; ' Index,' 14 pp.; 4 maps. A relation of this same Voyage will be found under Cookey No. 635. Woodes Rogers commanded the Duke, and Cooke was second in com- mand on board the Duchess, the ships engaged. Dampier projected the expedition, and accompanied it as pilot, in the Duke. Burney gives the preference to Woodes Rogers' Journal and Charts over those of Cooke. 1935 — The same, 2nd Ed. corrected, old calf Lond. 1718, 8° xix and 428 pp.; 'Appendix,' 57 pp.; Index, 7 pp. Maps at page 1 of Text, and pp. 1, 10, 33 and 51 of Appendix. 1936 — The same, 2nd Ed. corrected, old calf Lond. 1726, 8° The same as Second Edition of 1718, except a new title, and having in addition two plates at pp. 62 and 101, representing the Alligator and Crocodile, drawn from life. 1937 Eolle (Denys) Petition to the Lords of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, setting forth the Hardships, Inconveniencies and Grievances which have attended him in his Attempts to make a Settlement in East Florida, humbly praying such relief as in their Lordships wisdom shall seem meet, hf mor. ILondoUj 17 — ], 8<* Eighty-five pages; Plan at page 72; 'Grants by the Governor of South Carolina,' a folded sheet ; ' Copies of his Excellency Governor Grant's Letters, and also Copies of the rough Drafts from which Mr, Rolle's Letters to the Governor were wrote, containing the full Import of the same,' 47 pp. This is a privately printed volume, of which but very few were taken off, with the Maps drawn by the author in blanks left for the purpose in the text. 1938 Eolt (Eichard) A New and Accurate History of South America: containing a Particular Account of some Acci- dents leading to the Discovery of the New World, of the Discovery made by Columbus, etc. calf Lond. 1756, 8° Eight prel. leaves and 570 pp. ; with Map of South America, by Emau J3owen. 218 SEVENTH DAl's SALE. 1939 Eomero. Por Don Nicolas Romero de Mella, Contador de tributes, y azogues de la Nueua Espana. En el pleyto que trata con el senor Fiscal. Sobre la restitucion del dicho oficio ; j en satisfacion de los cargos que le hizo el serior Licenciado Don Pedro de G-aluez, del Consejo de su Magestad, en el Supremo de las Indias, el aiio de 53. En la visita de los Ministros, y Oficiales Eeales del Heyno de Mexico, hf. mor. [Mexico, 1655], 26 folioed leaves, folio 1940 Ross (John) An Explanation of Captain Sabine's Remarks on the late Yoyage of Discovery to Baffin's Bay Lond. 1819, half-title, title, and 54 pp. 8° 1941 Ross (Robert), Pastor, of Stratjieldy A Sermon, preached at New Town, December 8th, 1773, on Church Government and Discipline, unbound New Haven, Tho. and Sam. Green, [1773], 58 pp. 8° 1942 Rotheram (John), of By ton, Co. Durham, An Essay on Eaith, and its Connection with G-ood Works, 3rd ed. Lond. printed : New Yorh, repr. J. Parher, VJ&J, 8° viii and 126 pp. 1943 Roussignac (Jacques de) The Earth twice shaken wonder- fully: or, An Analogical Discourse of Earthquakes, its Natural Causes, Kinds, and Manifold Effects ; occasioned by the last of these, which happened on the Eighth Day of September 1692 Lond. for the Author, at Sion^s Colledge, 169f , 4^ Four prel. leaves and 47 pp. Includes some accounts of earthquakes in America. 1944 Royal Oazette, Nos. 405, 409, 416 New York, James Bivington, Aug. 16, 30, Sept. 23, 1780, each 4 pp. folio These curious old newspapers contain the original publication of Major Andre's Cow Chace, one canto in each number. The last of them "was published on the very day of Mnjor Andre's arrest as a spy. 1945 Ruiz de Leon (Erancisco) Hernandia, triumphos de la Ee, y gloria de las Armas Espariolas. Poema Heroyco. Con- quista de Mexico, cabeza del imperio Septentrional de la Nueva Espana. Proezas de Hernan Cortes, Catholicos Blasones Militares, y grandez as del Nuevo Mundo, vellum Madrid, Viuda de Manuel Fernandez, 1755, 4° Ten prel. leaves and 383 pp. 1946 Rumsey (James), of BerJceley, Fa. A Short Treatise on the Application of Steam, whereby is clearly shewn, from actual experiments, that Steam may be applied to propel Boats or Vessels of any burthen against rapid currents with great velocity. Principles are also introduced with Effect, by a Machine of a simple and cheap Construction, for the Pur- pose of raising "Water sufficient for the working of Grrist- Mills, Saw-Mills, etc.; and for watering Meadows and other purposes of Agriculture, fne copy, uncut Philadelphia, Joseph James, 1788, 26 pp. S*' SEVENTH day's SALE. 219 1947 Eussell (William) The History of America, from its Dis- covery by Columbus to the Conclusion of the late War ; with an Appendix Lond. 1778, 4« Vol. I. iv and 596 pp. ; 28 maps and plates. II. 630 pp. ; ' Directions for placing the Maps and Cuts/ 2 pp. ; 23 maps and plates. 1948 EuTHERFiTRD (Samuel) A Survey of the Survey of that Summe of Church Discipline penned by Mr. Thomas HooKEE, late Pastor of the Church at Hartford upon Connecticot in New England ; wherein the Way of the Churches of N. England is now re-examined, old calf Lond. J. a. for Andr. Crooh, 1658, 4^ Four prel. leaves and 521 pp. This copy formerly belonged to the Rev, James Fitch, of Norwich, Conn., and has his signature and other writing. 1949 Sabine (Edward) Remarks on the Account of the late Yoyage of Discovery to Baffin's Bay, published by Capt. J. Eoss, unbound Lond'. 1819, 40 pp. 8« 1950 Sack (Albert von) A Narrative of a Voyage to Surinam, of a Residence there during 1805-7, and of the Author's Return to Europe by the way of North America, half calf Lond. 1810, 4P Seven prel. leaves including engraved title, and 282 pp. ; Frontispiece ; Sketch at page 1; Plate at page 101. 1951 Sackville (Lord George) The Trial of, at a Court Martial held at the Horse Guards, Eebruary 29, 1760, for an En- quiry into his Conduct, being charged with Disobedience of Orders, while he commanded the British Horse in Germany ; together with his Lordship's Defence, {wanting pp. 319-20) hf. mor. Lond. [1760], viii and 342 pp. 8° 1952 Sagan" Landis^ama vm pyrstu bygging Islands af Nord- monnum. Symbolum Regium. Pietate et lustitia, hf mor, SkalholUe, Hendr, Kruse, 1688, 4P Five prel. leaves and 182 pp. ; ' Registvr,' etc. 10 leaves. A Chronicle of the first Colonisation of Iceland, by the Norwegians (Northmen). 1953 Sagaed (Gabeiel) Le Geaitd Voyages dt Pays des HvROi^s, situe en I'Amerique vers la Mer douce, es der- niers confins de la nouuelle France, dite Canada. Auec vn Dictionaire de la langue Huronne, old calf JParis, Benys Moreav, 1632, 8^ Twelve prel. leaves and 380 pp. followed by 2 blank leaves ; * Dictionaire de la Langve,' etc. 12 pp. ; and * Les Mots Francois tournez en Huron,* 66 unpaged leaves; 'Table des choses,' etc. 14 pp. The Vocabulary, the most valuable portion of Sagard's work, and of which it forms about a third of the bulk, is here complete; but the Voyage wants pages 150 to 173. It was the perusal of this Dictionary which led Lord Monboddo to undertake his work on the Origin and Progress of Language. 220 SEVENTH day's SALE. 1954 Saoittaeius's Letters and Political Speculations. Extracted from the " Public Ledger." Humbly inscribed to the very Loyal and truly Pious Doctor Samuel Cooper, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Brattle Street, calf extray hy Bedford Boston: printed hy order of the Select Men, and sold at Donation Hall, for the Benefit of the distressed Patriots, 1775, 8« Title and 127 pp. A strong Tory, anti-Puritanical publication, full of hits ag-ainst the Pilgrim Fathers and their descendants, with a great deal of personal gossip, and, on the whole, a book of considerable historic interest. To the New York, Philadelphia, and Southern antiquarian explorers after acraps against the early New Englanders, this little volume will prove a mine, and afford salt and spice enough for many 4th of July orations and Secession speeches. 1955 Saint Domingo. Betrachtungen iJber den gegenwartigen zustand der franzosischen Colonie zu San Domingo. Aus dem Pranzosischen iibersetzt, 2 vols, half calf Leipzig, 1779, 8° Vol. I. Eight prel. leaves, and text 310 pp. II. Two prel. leaves, and text 332 pp. 1956 Saint Domingo. History of the Island of, from its first Discovery by Columbus to the present period Lond. 1818, xiv and 446 pp. 8° 1957 Saint Domingo. Histoire de I'lle de Saint Domingue, depuis I'Epoque de sa decouverte par Christophe Colomb jusqu'a I'Annee 1818, half calf Baris, 1819, 8« Half-title, title, ii and text 390 pp. 1957* Saint John (J. Hector) Letters from an American Parmer, half calf Bond. 1782, 8« Eight prel. leaves and 318 pp.; with 2 maps. Relates to North America. A writer in the Edinburgh Review (said to be Hazlitt) allows this to be one of the few well-written books produced by American authors. 1958 Salle (De la). An Account of Monsieur De la Salle's last Expedition and Discoveries in North America; also the Adventures of the Sieur de Montavban, Captain of the Prench Buccaneers on the Coast of Guinea, in the year 1695, halfcaf Lond. 1698, 8« Title and 211 pp. ; 'A Relation of a Voyage made by the Sieur de Mont- auban,' etc. 44 pp. A much rarer work than the ordinary Relation of La Salle. 1959 Sanchez de la Sagrada (Matheo) Yocabulario de la Len- gua Bisaya, vellum 3Ianila, 1711, folio Title, Dedication, etc. 5 leaves. Text, fol. 1-551. Indice Hispauo- Bisaya, fol. 1-41. 1960 Santos (Dom. de los) Yocabtjlaeio de la Lengtja Ta- GALA, li7np vellum Sampalec, 1794, folio Title, Dedication, etc. 4 leaves. Text, fol. 1 to 841. Copia segunda parte de todos los Verbos, etc. fol. 1-f 7. See also JVoceda,lSo. 1578. (XKX) Sarate (Augustine). See Zarate {Augustine), SEVENTH day's SALE. 221 1961 Sarmiehto de G-amboa (Pedro) Viage al estrecho de Magal- lanes en los anos de 1579 y 1580 ; y Noticia de la Expe- dicion que despues bizo para poblarle, laroe paper, old calf Madrid, 1768, 4« Ixxxiv and 402 pp. ; 3 plates ; * Declaration que de orden del Virrei del Peru D. Francisco de Borja,' etc. Title and xxxiii pp. This work was edited by Don Bernardo Yriarte, from the original MS. in the Royal Library at Madrid. 1961*Scbed8e Ara Prests Proda Vm Island, lif. mor. SkalholUej Hendrich Kruse, 1688, 4P Title; text, 14 pp.; * Reg'istur,' etc. 4 leaves. 1962 Schmidt (Uleich) WarhafFtige Beschriebunge aller vnd mancherley sorgfeltigen SchifFarten, auch viler vnbekanten erfundnen LandtscbefFten, Insulen, Konigreicben, vnd Stedten, Hue mor, extra Frank/, am MayUi 1567, folio Six prel. leaves, viz. Title, reverse blank ; ' Den Ebrnesten, Fiirsichtigen, Ersamen vnd weisen Herrn,' etc. 8 pp.; 1 blank leaf; text, 110 folioed leaves. * Warhafftig-e vnd liebliche Beschreibung-,' etc. 59 folioed leaves ; and colophon leaf, the reverse blank. It was probably from this edition that Hulsius translated the following article. 1963 ScHMiDEL (HuLDEEiciJs) Vera bistoria, admirandsB cvivs- dam nauigationis, ab Anno 1534, usque ad annum 1554, in Americam vel nouum Mundum, iuxta Brasiliam et Eio della Plata, confecit Norib. impen. Levini Hulsii, 1599, 4° Title, the reverse blank, and 101 pp. ; portrait of the author ; copperplate etchings at pp. 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 21, 25, 26, 32, 37, 40, 63, 69, 79, 97. The fourth part of the Hulsius series of Voyages. Only the fourth and fifth parts were printed in Latin by Hulsius. 1964 Scboepf (lo. Davidis) Materia Medica Americana potissimvm Eegni Vegetabilis, old calf Erlangae^ lo. lac. JPalmii, 1787, xviii and 170 pp. 8° 1965 Scbomburgk (Eobert H.) A Description of Britisb G-uiana, G-eograpbical and Statistical, cloth Lond. 1840, 8° Two prel. leaves, and text 155 pp.; map. 1966 Scboner (Joannes) Opvscvlvm Geograpbicvm ex Diversorvm Libris ac cartis summa cura et diligentia collectum, accomo- datum ad recenter elaboratum ab eodem globum descrip- tionis terrenae, hf. mor. [Basel, 1533], 4P Twenty-one unpaged leaves including title; on the reverse a woodcut of the Globe. Chapters XX. XXI. refer to the * Regiones extra Ptole- raaaum," (America, the Indies, the West India Islands, etc.) See also a curious notice of Brasil upon the last page. 1967 ScnouTEN (Gultelmtjs Cornelius) lovrnal, ov Eelation exacte dv voyage dans les Indes, par vn nouueau destroit, et par les grandes Mers Australes qu'il a descouuert, vers le Pole Antartique, calf, hy Bedford Par. M. Qohert, 1618, 8° Seven prel. leaves and 232 pp. Maps and plates at pp, 9, 57, 73, 103, 113, 137, 153 and 169. The interesting Relation of Van Schouten was published in several languages in the years 1618-19. It is believed that the above, in French, is more complete in respect of the maps than the otheis. 222 SEVENTH day's SALE. 1968 ScHorTEN (Gulielmus Cornelius) lovrnal ov ^Relation exacte dv voyage dans les Indes, Paris, M. Gobert, 1619, S° Seven prel. leaves and 232 pp. Without the maps and plates. 1969 — Le meme, autre Ed. (wants all after p. 80, being the journal for the Vlth Aug.) Amst. Ian lansson, 1619, 4° Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, with copperplate engraving' of ships in full sail, the reverse blank ; ' Preface. Au lecteur debonnaire,' 5 pp. ; ' Sur Tamirable navigation de Gvillavme Schovten, Natif de Hoorn,' 1 page; copperplate engraving of the Globe, with 6 portraits and 2 ships ; text, 80 pp. (iyicoviplete) -y with copperplate engravings at pp. 14, 24, 41, 45, 49, 61. 1970 ScHOUTEN (GuLiELMUS CoENELius) Diarivm vel Descriptio laboriosissimi, et molestissimi itineris. Cum a parte Australi freti Magellanici, novum ductum, aut fretum, in Magnum Mare Australe detexit, totum q'Orbem terrarum circumuavigavit, fine copy Amst. Fetrum EfBriuniy anno 1619, 4i^ Four prel. leaves and 71 pp. ; 6 maps and plates. 1971 Seabury (Samuel). The Nature and Extent of the Apos- tolical Commission. A Sermon, preached at the Conse- cration of the Eight Rev. Dr. Sam. Seabury, Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, unbound Lond. 1785, 32 pp. 4.o 0000 Seabury (Samuel). See Free Tfioughts. 1972 Seasonable Advice to the Members of the British Parlia- ment, concerning Conciliatory Measures with America, hf. mor. Lond. 1775, viii and 38 pp. 8° 1973 Seeker (Thomas) A Letter to the Eight Hon. Horatio Wal- pole, concerning Bishops in America, unbound Lond. 1769, 2 prel. leaves and 28 pp. 8° 1974 Selkirk (Earl of). A Sketch of the British Eur Trade in North America, 2nd Ed. hf cf Lond. 1816, 8« Three prel. leaves and 130 pp. 1975 Seller (John) America, calf extra by F. Fedford, very fine copy 24° A small atlas consisting of 28 copper-plate engravings. 1976 Sentiments (The) of a Eoreigner, on the Disputes of Great Britain with America, translated from the Erench, hf mor. Fhiladelphia, James Humphreys^ 1775, 27 pp. 8° 1977 Sepp (Antonii) Societ'dt Jesu. Neuvermehrte Eeiss Beschrei- bung, wie selbe auss Hispanien in Paraquariam kommen, Zrd and best Edition , old cf Fassau, G. A. Holler, 1698, 336 pp. 12° 1978 Sergeant (John) of Stockbridge. The Causes and Danger of Delusions in the Affairs of Eeligion Consider' d and Caution'd against, with particular Eeference to the Tem- per of the present Times. In a Sermon Preach'd at Springfield; April 4, 1743, hf mor. Boston, S. Eliot, 1743, 36 pp. 8° SEYENTH day's SALE. 22B 1979 Sergeant (John) A Letter from, to Dr. Colman, of Boston ; containing Mr. Sergeant's Proposal of a more effectual method for the Education of Indian Children, to raise them if possible into a civil and industrious people, by intro- ducing the English Language among them, and thereby- instilling into their Minds and Hearts, with a more lasting Impression, the Principles of Virtue and Piety, Jif. mor. Boston, Bogers and Fowle, for D. Henchman, 1743, 16 pp. 8<* 1980 Sewall (Joseph) The Holy Spirit Convincing the World of Sin, of Eighteousness, and of Judgment, considered in Pour Sermons Boston, J. Draper, for D. Henchman, 1741, 12° Title, vi and 134 pp. 1981 Sewall (Samtjel) Ph^n^omena qu^dam Apocaltptica AD AsPECTUM NoYi Oebis conftgueata ; or, some few Lines towards a description of the New Heaven, as it makes to those who stand upon the New Earth, veey eine COPT in morocco, hy Bedford Massachvset: Boston, Brinted hy Bartholomew Green and John Allen, and are to he sold hy Bichard Wilkins, 1697, 4^* P'our prel. leaves, viz. title, the reverse blank, ' To the Honorable, Sir William Ashvrst Knig-ht, Governour ; and the Company for the Pro- pagation of the Gospel to the Indians in New Enorland, and places adja- cent, in America.' 2 pp. ' To the Honourable William Stoughton, Esq. Lieut.-Gov.' 3 pp. * Psalm 1.S9. 7—10.' 1 page. Text 60 pp. Whoever g-ets beyond the tough title of this book will find it a mine of history of New England. It is not only unknown to bibliographers, but it is never found quoted by historians. The author's ingenious reply to those who ciy out about the degeneracy and short lives of New Englanders, is to wait until the first person born in New England is dead. 1982 Sewel (William) The History of the Eise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People called Quakers, 3rd Ed. corrected, calf extra, wanting two leaves of the Index Philadelphia, Sam. Keimer, 1728, folio Six prel. leaves and 694 pp. ' Index' 16 pp. 1983 _- The same, 3rd Ed. corrected, old calf Burlington, New Jersey, Isaac Collins, 1774<, folio xiiand8l2pp. ' Index' 16 pp. 1984 Seybert (Adam) Statistical Annals of the United States of America, founded on Official Documents, hoards Bhiladelphia, T. Dohson Sf Son, 1818, xxviii and 803 pp. 4° 1985 Seyfrted ( Joh. Heinrich) Poliologia ; das ist : Accurate Beschreibung aller vornehmsten in der ganzen Welt be- findlichen Stadten, Schlossern und Yestungen, 2 vols, hlue morocco extra, hy Hayday Niirnherg, Joh. Leon. Buggel, 1695, 8° Vol. I. 14 prel. leaves with folding map of the world. Text, 480 pp. and 1 blank leaf. Vol. II. 13 prel. leaves and 1 blank leaf. Text, pp. 3-357. 2& 224 sEVE:!fTH day's sale. 1986 Sharp. The Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Bartli. Sharp, and others, in the South Sea, being a Journal of the same ; also Capt. Van Horn with his Buccanieres surprizing of la Vera Cruz ; to which is added the True Eelation of Sir Henry Morgan his Expedition against the Spaniards in the West Indies, and his taking Panama, etc. calf Lond. 1684, 8« Twelve prel. leaves and 172 pp. Not mentioned by Rich. 1987 Sharp (G-ranville) Extract from a Representation of the In- justice and Dangerous Tendency of tolerating Slavery, hf. morocco 1769, 8° Title, and pp. 147—198. Index, 6 pp. An American reprint of the London edition. 1988 Sharp (G-ranville) A G-eneral Plan for laying out Towns and Townships on the New Acquired Lands in the East Indies, America, or elsewhere, 2nd Ed. 1804, 8° Twenty-four pages. With plan. 1989 Sharp (John) A Sermon Preached in New York, Aug. 13, 1706, at the Euneral of Katherine Lady Cornbury, Wife to Lord Cornbury, Q-overnor of New York, New Jersey, etc. unbound Lond. J. Morphew^ 1708, 8*' Sixteen pages. It is said that the General Assembly of New York in reply to Lord Cornbury's request of a grant for a public funeral for Lady Cornbury, declined, but at the same time assured his Excellency that they would at any time readily respond to a similar request for himself. 1990 — The same, another Ed., hf. mor. Lond. Frinted ly R. Sills, [1708], 16 pp. 8° 1991 Shebbeare (J.) An Answer to the Queries, contained in a Letter to Dr. Shebbeare, Printed in the Public Ledger, Aug. 10, etc. hf mor. Lond. title, and text 179 pp. 8° 1992 Shebbeare (J.) An Essay on the Origin, Progress and Es- tablishment of National Society, hf mor. Lond. 1776, 8° Title and 212 pp. Dr. Shebbeare's Essay was severely censured by the Mon. Review; it is alleged by the reviewer that beside the objectionable character of his ttnets, and his reasoning on them, that his "language is frequently intemperate, foul, and opprobrious ; and humour, often coarse, low, and indelicate." 1993 — The same, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1776, title and 212 pp. 8« 1994 Sheffield (John Lord) Observations on the Commerce of the American States, new Ed. much enlarged Lond. 1784, 8° Eight prel. leaves and 288 pp. Tables numbered I. to XI. * The Ton- age' etc. 1 page. First published anonymously in 1783. 1995 Sheffield (John Lord) Observations on the Commerce of the American States, 6th Ed. enlarged, with Index Lond. 1784, 8° Two prel. leaves. * Introduction' xlvii pp. 'Errata' 1 page. Text 345 pp. Tables numbered I. to XVI. • The Tonage' 1 page. 'Contents' 4 pp. ' Index' 1 7 pp. ' Errata' 1 page. SEYENTH day's SALE. 225 1996 Shelvocke (Greorge) A Voyage round the "World by the "Way of the Great South Sea, perform'd in the Years 17 1 9-22, old calf Lond. 1726, 8^ Four prel. leaves, * Preface' xxxii pp. * Contents' 4 pp. Text 468 pp. Copperplate map, and plates at pp. 106, 253, and 404 (2). This is a relation of the same voyag'e as that recorded by Betag-h. The authors each reflect upon the character of the other. Burney says they are "both written with spirit;" he might have said acrimony. Betag'h accuses Shelvocke of piracy and embezzlement. 1997 Shepard (Thomas) of Emanuel Coll. Cambridge, afterwards of Cambridge, N.E, The Smcere Convert discovering the Paucity of true Believers, and the great Difficultie of Saving Conversion, old mor. Lond. 1643, S'* Nine prel leaves and 266 pp. 1998 — The same, another Ed. corrected and much amended by the Author, calf Lond. 1655, 8« Eight prel. leaves and 247 pp. 1999 — The same, another Ed. Lond. 1664, 8« Eight prel. leaves and 216 pp. 2000 — The same, another Ed. Lond. 1667, 8^ Eight prel. leaves and 237 pp. 2001 — The same, another Ed. calf Lond. 1672, 8° Eight prel. leaves and 223 pp. 2002 Shepard (Thomas) The Sound Beleever ; or, a Treatise of Evangelicall Conversion, old morocco Lond. 1645, 8° Three prel. leaves and 352 pp. 2003 — The same, another Ed. calf Lond.. 1653, 8° Title, 3 prel. pp. and text 317 pp. Table 3 pp. 2004 — The same, another Ed. Aberdeen, 1730, 12° Three hundred and twenty-five pages. Table 3 pp. 2005 Shepard (Thomas) Theses Sabbaticse; or, the Doctrine of the Sabbath Lond. 1649, 4° Four parts. Part I. 10 prel. leaves and 152 pp. Part II. 32 pp. Part III. and IV. 50 pp. 2006 — The same, another Ed. old calf Lond. 1655, 8« Fourteen prel. leaves and 320 pp. followed by 3 prel. leaves and 32 pp. with two prel. leaves, 1 and 17 pp. 2007 Shepard (Thomas) Certain select Cases Eesolved, Specially tending to the right ordering of the heart, that we may comfortably walk with God in our general and particular Callings Lond. 1650, 8° Four prel. leaves and 87 pp. 2008 Shepard (Thomas) Subjection to Christ in all His Ordinances and Appointments, the best means to preserve our Liberty, together with a Treatise of Ineffectual Hearing the Word Lond. 1652, 8^ Eight prel. leaves and 195 pp. Table 1 1 pp. 2009 — The same, another Ed. calf Lond. 1654, sm. 8" Six prel. leaves and 195 pp. * Table,' 11 pp. 226 SETENTH DAX'S SALE. 2010 Shepard (Thomas) The Parable of the Ten Virgins opened and applied, old calf Lond. 1660, folio Two Parts. Part I. 4 prel. leaves and 240 pp. Part II. 203 pp. Table, 5 pp. 2011 — The same, another Ed. reprinted and carefully corrected, old calf [Zond.] 1695, folio Two Parts. Part I. 4 prel. leaves and 232 pp. Part II. 190 pp. Table, 5 pp. 2012 [Sherman (Eoger)] A Sermon, of a new kind, never preached, nor ever will be, containing a Collection of Doctrines be- longing to the Hopkintonian Scheme of Orthodoxy ; or, the Marrow of the most Modern Divinity, and an Ad- dress to the Unregenerate, agreeable to the Doctrines, half mar. New-Haven, T. and S. Greeny 28 pp. 12** 2013 Shipley (Jonathan) Bp. of St. Asa2?h, A Sermon preached be- fore the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Grospel in Foreign Parts, Peb. 19, 1773, half mor. Londorij printed : Boston, N.E.repr. Tho. and John Fleet, 1773, 17 pp. 8« 2014. Shirley. A Letter from William Shirley, Esq., Grovernor of Massachusett's Bay, to the Duke of Newcastle, with a Journal of the Siege of Louisbourg, and other Operations of the Porces, during the Expedition against the French Settlements on Cape Breton, published by authority, half mor. Lond, 1746, 32 pp. 8« 2015 — The same, another Ed. Boston, rep)r. Bogers and Foivle, 1746, 16 pp. 8^ 2016 Shirley. The Conduct of Major-aen. Shirley, late General and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in North America, briefly stated, half mor. Lond. 1758, 8° viii and 131 pp. Said to have been written by Shirley himself. 2017 Short Address to the Government, the Merchants, Manu- facturers, and the Colonists in America, and the Sugar Islands, on the present State of Affairs, half mor. Lond. 1775, 8« Title and 40 pp. Written against the Colonists. 2018 Short (A) History of the Opposition during the Last Session of Parliament, 3rd Ed. Lond. 1779, 8« Fifty-eight pp. "Rather & picture than a history, and that picture a cai'i- cature^—Rich. 2019 — The same, 3rd Ed. half mor. Lond. 1779, vi and 58 pp. 8« 2020 Shower (John) Practical Eeflections on the Earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, but chiefly in the Islands of Jamaica, England, Sicily, Malta, etc. 2nd Ed. half mor. Lond. 1750, title, viii and 98 pp. 8« 2020*Siborne (Capt. W.) History of the Waterloo Campaign 1848, 8« Title and prel. leaves, 42 pp. Text, pp. 1-510. Supplement, pp. 511-520. Appendix, pp. 521-584. SEYENTH day's SALE. 227 2021 SIgfrid (Isaac) Theological Theses, containing the chief Heads of the Christian Doctrine, deduced from Axioms, to which is added a Discourse by G-errit Lydekker, A.B. New-York^ Samuel Brown, 1766, 8^ Six prel. leaves and 55 pp. * A Discourse/ etc. Title and 113 pp. * Ad- vertisement,' 4 pp. 2022 Sillery (Madame) A Selection from the Annals of Virtue, containing the most Important and Interesting Anecdotes from the Histories of Spain, Portugal, China, Japan, and America, translated by Elizabeth Mary James Bathy 1794, 8« Four prel. leaves and text 255 pp. * Subscribers,' and ' Errata,' 8 pp. 2023 Simon (Pedbo) Primera Parte de las JSToticias historiales de las Conquistas de tierra firme en las Indias Occiden- tales, vellum, 2 of the 7 prel. leaves wanting Cuenca, Domingo de la Iglesia, 1627, folio Seven prel. leaves, including- engraved title, text 671 pp; Table, 11 leaves; Table de Vocablos, 9 leaves. An important relation prepared under the direction of the Council of the Indies. 2024 Simonde de Sisraondi (J. C. L.) De I'lnteret de la France a regard de la Traite des Negres Geneve, 1814, 59 pp. 8^ 2025 Sivers (Henrich) Bericht von Grohnland, Grezogen aus zwo Chroniken: Einer alten Ihslandischeu, und einer neuen Danischen, halfrussia Jlamh. 1674, 4*' Three prel. leaves and 70 pp. with 2 seq. pp. Map of Greenland, en- graved by J. Wichman, 2026 Slade (William) Vermont State Papers ; being a Collection of Records and Documents connected with the Assumption and Establishment of Grovernment by the People of Ver- mont ; together with the Journal of the Council of Safety, the First Constitution, the Early Journals of the Greneral Assembly, and the Laws from 1779 to 1786, calf extra, hy Bedford Middlebury : J. W. Copeland, 1823, 8° XX and pp. 9 — 568. 2027 Slavery. Eepresentation of the Board of Trade relating to the Laws made. Manufactures set up, and Trade carried on, in His Majesty's Plantations in America, halfmor. Whitehall, January 23, 1733-4, folio Twenty pp. From this precious document of the Board of Trade we learn that several of the Colonies had, for some time previous, levied duties upon the importation of Negroes from Africa, (with a view probably of ridding- themselves of so odious a traffic). ** We are of opinion," says the Board, " that it would be more for the interest of the Englisli Mer- chants that Duties upon Negroes should for the future be paid by the Purchaser than by the Importer ; and His Majesty has, upon our Repre- sentation, been pleased to send an Instruction to that Effect to all the Goveruours in America." 228 SEVENTH day's SALE. 2028 Slavery. An Essay concerning Slavery, and the Danger Jamaica is expos'd to from the too great Number of Slaves, and the too little Care that is taken to manage them, half mor. Lond. [1745 ?] 8° Title and Introduction, 6 leaves ; Text, 67 pp. 2029 — Observations on the inslaving, importing and pur- chasing of Negroes ; with some Advice thereon, extracted from the Epistle of the Yearly-Meeting of the People called Quakers, 2nd Ed. Germantownt Christ. Soiaer, 1760, 16 pp. 8° 2030 — A Short Account of that Part of Africa Inhabited by the Negroes, 3rd Ed. Philadelphia, printed; Lond. repr. 1768, 80 pp. 8^ 2031 — An Address to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements in America upon Slave-Keeping, 2nd Ed. half mor. Fhiladelphia, 1773, 54 pp. 8° 2032 — Thoughts on Civilization, and the gradual Abolition of Slavery in Africa and the West Indies, half mor. For J. Seivell [London, 1790 ?] 12 pp. 8° 2033 — Observations on the Present "War, the Projected Inva- sion, and a Decree of the National Convention for the Emancipation of the Slaves in the Erench Colonies, [by the Eev. John Hampson], half mor. Sunderland, [1793] 8° Half-title, title, and pp. 3—61. 0000 Slavery. See Summersett, No. 2122. 2034 Smalley (John) Fastor, of Farmington, The Consistency of the Sinner's Inability to comply ^vith the Gospel ; with his inexcusable Gruilt in not complying with it, illustrated and confirmed, in two Discourses Hartford : Green and Watson, 1769, 71 pp. 8° 2035 Smith (Aaron) The Atrocities of the Pirates ; being a faith- ful Narrative of the unparalleled Sufferings endured by the Author during his Captivity among the Pirates of the Island of Cuba Lond. 1824, 12° sd pp. and text 214 pp. Aaron Smith was himself afterwards tried at the Old Bailey as a pirate, but acquitted. 2036 Smith {Capt. John) A Map of Yiegixia, with a De- scription OF THE COVNTEET, THE COMMODITIES, PEOPLE, GrOYEENMENT, AND Eeligion, fne copy in red morocco, hy ~E. Bedfoed Frinted hy Joseph Barnes, Oxford, 1612, 4° Four prel. leaves, and text 39 pp. ; second title, Oxford, 1612, and *To the Reader,' 2 leaves ; text, 110 pp.; the oinginal Mapof Virginia, with the tall, standing Indian Chief in the corner, first engraved for this work in 1612, but afterwards much changed, and used in the several issues of Smith's "Virginia and in Purchas' Pilgrims, Vol. 4. This early map is scai'cely known to bibliographers, the subsequent issues of it being almost always inserted in this edition. SEVETfTH DAT's sale. 231 2037 Smith {Capt. John) The Geneeall Historie op Vir- ginia, New England, and the Summer Isles; with THE Names of the Adventdeers, Planters, and Go- yernours, from their first beginning anqo 1584 to THIS present 1624, fine large clean copy in morocco, hy Y. Bedford, with a brilliant impression of the first issue of the Frontispiece London, printed hy I. D. and I, H. for Michael Sparkes, 1624, folio Engraved title; 'Dedication to the Dutchesse of Richmond,' 2 pp.; 'A Preface,' 1 p. ; * A Gentleman desirous,' etc. 1 p.; 'Samuel Purchas,' etc. [Sonnet], 4 pp.; * The Contents,' 4 pp.; text, pp. 1 to 96 and 105 to 248, there being a hiatus of sheet 0, or pp. 97 to 104, in all copies. Four Maps, viz. Old Virginia, at p. 20 ; Virginia, at p. 41; Summer Islands, at p. 169 ; and New England, at p. 203. 2038 Smith {Capt. John) The Generall Historie of Vir- ginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, etc. Another copy, complete with all the 4 maps^ morocco, hy P. Bedford. First edition This copy belonged to Thomas Penn, and has his autograph on the first leaf after the title. It is the identical copy produced in the famous trial in 1745, between the heirs of William Penn and Lord Baltimore, respecting the boundaries of their respective Provinces, and bears on the fly-leaf a MS. certificate to that efiect, signed by all the six judges, — a most important historical document. 2039 Smith (Captain John) The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of, in Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America, from Anno Domini 1593 to 1629 Lond. hy J. H.for Thomas Slater, 1630, folio Six prel. leaves and 60 pp. with the large copperplate engraving in six compartments. 2040 — The same, another Ed. from the London Edition of 1629, 2 vols, calf Bichmond: republished at the Franklin Press. William W. Gray^ Printer, 1819, 8^ Vol. I. 7 prel. leaves and 247 pp. Portrait of Smith, plates at pp. 14, 113, map at 149. II. Frontispiece ; xi and 282 pp. 2041 Smith (Capitain John) Eeisen, Entdeckungen und Unter- nehmungen, half calf Berlin, 1782, 232 pp. and 1 leaf of Errata, 8° 2042 Smith (John). An Authentic Copy of the Minutes of Evi- dence on the Trial of John Smith, a Missionary, in Deme- rara, held at the Colony House, in George Town, Demerara, Oct. 13, 1823, and 27 following days, on a Charge of excit- ing the Negroes to Eebellion Lond. 1824, 179 pp. 8<^ 2043 Smith (Joshua Hett) An Authentic Narrative of the causes which led to the death of Major Andre, half calf Lond. 1808, 8° vii and 358 pp. Portrait, map, and plate. 230 SETEIfTH DAT's SALE. 2044 Smitli (Joshua Toulmin) The Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century Lond. 1839, S*' xii and 344 pp. 2 maps and 2 plates. 2045 Smith (Samuel) The Histoet of the Coloxt or Nova- C^SAEiA, OE New jEESEY,j^we copy, old calf JBurlington, in New Jersey : James Parker^ 1765, 8'' X and 574 pp. The author was a native of the Colony the History of which he writes, and his work is much esteemed. Rich (in his Bib. Am. 1846) describes it as having become " very scarce aud difficult to be met with." 2046 Smith (AVilliam) A New Voyage to Guinea, free calf Lond. 174<4>, 8« iv and 276 pp. Index, 8 pp. Frontisp. and plates at pp. 8, 147, 148, 151. 2047 Smith (Eev. William) A Natural History of Nevis, and the rest of the English Leeward Charibee Islands in America, old calf Camh. 1745, 8° Three prel. leaves (with errata) and 318 pp. ' Index,' 9 pp. 2048 Smith (William) A Sermon on the Present Situation of American Affairs Philadelphia printed: Lond. repr. 1775, 8° Two prel. leaves, iv and 32 pp. 2049 Smith (William) The History of the Province of New- York, from the first discovery, calf extra, by Bedford Lond. 1776, viii and 334 pp. S^ 2050 — Histoire de la Nouvelle-York, depuis la Decouverte de cette Province jusqu'a notre Siecle, par William Smith, traduite par M. E. Lond. 1767, 8° xvi and 415 pp. The translation, from the English, was by M. Eidons. 2051 Smyth (J. F. D.) A Tour in the United States of America, containing an Account of the Present Situation of that Country, 2 vols, calf Lond. 1784, 8^ Vol. I. 12 prel. leaves, and 400 pp. II. 6 prel. leaves and 456 pp. The author, who was a zealous loyalist, lost his property during the war ; and his work is said to be written to gain favour with the Government, by abusing the Americans and magnifying his own losses. 2052 Snowden (Eichard) The American Eevolution : written in Scriptural, or Ancient Historical Style, Baltimore : W, Pechin, 360 pp. — The Columbiad ; or a Poem on the American War, in Thirteen Cantos, by Eichard Snowden, Baltimore : W. Pechin, ATo. 10, Second Street, 44 pp. In 1 vol. sm. 80 2053 Solis t Eibadexeyea (Antoi^io de) Historia de la Con- q^ista de Mexico, Poblacion, y Progresses de la America Septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nveva Espana, LAEGE PAPEE, old calf Madrid, Bern, de Villa-Diego, 1684, folio First Edition. 17 prel. leaves including the engraved title containing the portrait of the Author; text, 548 pp.; ' Indice,' 15 pp. The work of De Solis is one of the Classics of Spanish Literature. 2053* — The same, on ordinary paper ib. 1684 SEVENTH DAT S SALE. 231 2054 Soil's y Eibadeneyra (Antonio de) Historia de la Conqvista de Mexico, another. Ed. old calf Barcelona, Joseph Llopis, 1691, folio Ten prel. leaves, and text 648 pp. ; ' Indice,* 1 5 pp. 2055 — The same, another Ed. Madrid, Antonio Gonqalez de Bet/es, 1704, folio Twelve prel. leaves, and text 352 pp.; ' Indice,' 15 pp. 2056 — The same, another Ed. vellum Madrid, Juan de San Martin, 1763, 4° Twelve prel. leaves and 476 pp. 2057 — The same, another Ed. vellum Madrid, Bon Antonio Mayoral^ 1768, 4<* Twelve prel. leaves and 549 pp. 2058 — The same, another Ed. 2 vols. Barcelona, Tliomas Biferrer, 1771, 8** Vol. I. 12 prel. leaves and 479 pp. ; map and plates at pp. 1, 48, 390,395, 397, 464. II. 6 prel. leaves and 488 pp.; plates at pp. 199, 264. 2059 — The same, another Ed. Madrid, B. Antonio Fernandez^ 1790, 4° Ten prel. leaves and 549 pp. 2060 -— The same, another Ed. 3 vols. Madrid, Blacido Barco Lopez, 1791, sm. 8° Vol. I. 16 prel. leaves and 357 pp.; Indice, 9 pp. II. 2 prel. leaves and 500 pp. III. 2 prel. leaves and 364 pp. 2061 Solis y Eibadeneyra (Antonio de) Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne, par Eernand Cortez, 2 vols. Jine copy La Uaye, Adrian Moetjens, 1692, l£o Vol. T. 18 prel. leaves and 412pp.; 'Table,' 15 pp.; II plates. II. 6 prel. leaves and 378 pp.; 'Table,' 15 pp. ; 3 plates. 2062 — Le meme, autre Ed. 2 vols, old calf Baris, par la Compagnie des Lihraires, 1704, sm. 8** Vol. I. 18 prel. leaves and 412 pp. ; 'Table,' 20 pp.; copperplate map, andplatesatpp. 1,35, 44, 184,341,345,346,348,365,408. II. Bpre). leaves and 380* (379) pp.; 'Table,' 15 pp.; plates at pp. 177, 243, 336, 372. 2063 — Le m^me, 4me Ed. 2 vols, old calf Baris, 1714, sm. 8° Vol. I. 17 prel. leaves, and text 537 pp. ; Table, 19 pp. ; map and plates at pp. 1, 43, 243, 412, 435, 447, 452, 454, 476, 534. II. 7 prel. leaves, and text 494 pp ; Table, 16 pp. ; * Privilege du Roy,' 3 pp.; 3 plates. 2064 — Le meme, 5me Ed. 2 vols. Baris, 1730, sm. 8o Vol. I. 16 prel. leaves and 606 pp. ; Table, and Privilege, 26 pp. ; map and plates at pp. I, 49, 62, 274, 460, 504, 505, 511, 514, 5-.^8. II. 6 prel. leaves and 560 pp. ; Table, 22 pp.; Plates at pp. 261, 494, 549. 2065 — Le meme, 6me Ed. 2 vols, old calf Baris, 1759, sm. 8° Vol. I. xxxi and C06 pp. ; Table and Privilege, 26 pp. ; map and plates at pp. 1, 49, 274, 504, 505, 511,514, 529. II. 6 prel. leaves and 560 pp; Table, 22 pp.; plates at pp. 261, 494, 549. 2h 232 SEVENTH day's SALE. 2066 Soils y RibadenejTa (Antonio de) The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, done into English by Thomas Townsend, Esq. old calf Land. 1724, folio Portrait of Cortes. Nine prel. leaves; Text, Books 1 and 2, 163pp.; plate and map at pp. 1 and 31. Books 3 and 4, 252 pp, ; plates at pp. 50, 69, 70, 72. Book 5, 152 pp.; plates at pp. 124 and 146. 2067 — The same, another Ed. 2 vols, old calf Dull. VlTl, 12° Vol. I. 18 prel. leaves and pp. 25-455 ; plates at pp. 383, 396, 417, 422. II. Title and pp. 457-970 ; with map. 2068 — The same. The whole Translation revised and corrected by Nathanael Hooke, 2 vols, old calf Lond. T. Woodward and H. lAntot, 1738, 8<> Vol. I. 3 prel. leaves, x and 479 pp.; Portrait of Cortes; Plates at pp. 1, 52, 359, 393, 394, 398. II. xii and 475 pp. ; plates at pp. 430, 465. 2069 — The same, another Ed. 2 vols. Lond. 'John Osborn,' 1738 The same as the preceding, except the title. 2070 — The same, 3rd Ed. 2 vols, hoards, uncut Lond. R. Lintot; J. Whiston and B. White, 1753, 8° Vol. I. xvi and 381 pp. ; Portrait of Cortes and plates at pp. 1, 17, 290, 318, 321. II. X and 386 pp.; plates at pp. 317 and 377. 2071 Solorzano Pereira (Juan de) Politica Indiana. Sacada en Lengva Castellana de los dos tomos del derecho, i govierno mvnicipal de las Indias Occidentales, vellum, fine copy Madrid, Diego Diaz de la Carrera, Ario 1648, folio Twenty-four prel. leaves, viz. engraved and printed titles, 2 leaves: 'Censvra del Senor,' * Licencias,' etc. 2 leaves; ' Al Rei N^o gor Don Felipe IV.' etc. 7 leaves : 'Al Excelentissimo Senor Don Garcia de Haro i Avellaneda,' etc. 3 leaves ; copperplate engraved portrait, 1 leaf ; * Al Retrato del Autor deste libro,' etc. 1 leaf; ' Al Lector,' 3 leaves ; ' Tn- dice de los Libros,' etc. 5 leaves ; text, 1040 pp. ; ' Indice mvy Copioso,' etc. 52 leaves. This Jirst edition in Spanish of De Jure Indiai^m, published in 1629, contains much more than does the Latin work. 2072 Solorzano Pereira (Juan de) De Indiarum Ivre; sive de jvsta Indiarum Occidentalium Inquisitione, Acquisitione, et Eetentione, Edit. Nov. Vol. I. Lugduni, 1672, folio Vol. I. 12 prel. leaves and 438 pp.; Indexes, 44 leaves, followed by 64 pp. of text and 8 leaves of index. [II. 6 prel. leaves and 858 pp.; Index, 71 leaves.] 2073 SoMEE IsLA^s^DS. A True Belation of the Illegal Proceed- ings of the Somer Islands Company in their Courts at London ; and the like done by their Governour, Sir John Heydon, KJnight, and his Council, in the Somer Islands, calf extra, ly Bedford Lond. 1678, 4° Title, the reverse blank ; ' Contents' on A 2, 1 page, the reverse blank ; text, pp. 1 to 12; Contents, 1 page, the recto blank; continuation of text (A 2), pp. 13 to 26. Not mentioned either by Lowndes or Rich. SEVENTH day's SALE. 233 2074 Soto. A Eelation of the Invasion and Conquest of Florida by the Spaniards under the command of Fernando de Soto, written in Portuguese by a Grentleman of the Town of Elvas, now Englished; to which is subjoyned two Jour- neys of the present Emperour of China into Tartary in the years 1682 and 1683, with some Discoveries made by the Spaniards in the Island of California in the year 1683, calf Lond. 1686, 7 prel. leaves and 272 pp. 8« 2075 Sotweed Eedivivus; or the Planter's Looking- Q-lass, in Burlesque Verse, calculated for the Meridian of Maryland, by E. C. Gent, fine copy, rough leaves, hf. mor. Annapolis ; William Parhsyfor the Author, 1730, 4P viii and text 28 pp. Alike curious aa an early specimen of printing in Maryland, and as an example of American poetry. 2076 Soules (Frangois) Histoire des Troubles de I'Amerique Anglaise, 3 vols. Paris, 1787, 8« Vol. I. 4 prel. leaves and 379 pp. II. Half-title, title, and 365 pp. III. Half-title, title, and 420 pp. 2077 Sousa Continho (Francisco de) Propositie ghedaen ter Vergaderinge van hare Hoogh Mog. d'Heeren Staten Gre- nerael der Vereenigde Nederlanden, In's Grraven-Hage den 16 Augusti, 1647, calf, ly Kayday 1647, 4 leaves, 4« 2078 Southerne (Thomas) Oroonoko : A Tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Koyal, by His Majesty's Servants, hf. mor. Lond. 1696, 4 prel. leaves and 84 pp. ' Epiloge,' 2 pp. 4** 2079 South Sea Company. A farther Examination and Expla- nation of the South Sea Company's Scheme, shewing that it is not the Interest of the South Sea Company to offer the Annuitants such terms as may induce them to come in, half mor, Lond. 1720, 39 pp. 8« 2080 — Some Observations on the Assiento Trade, as it has been exercised by the South Sea Company, proving the damage which will accrue thereby to the British Commerce and Plantations in America, and particularly to Jamaica, half mor. Lond. 1728, iv and 38 pp. 8^ 2080*Southey (Kobert) History of Brazil, 3 vols. 1810-1819, 4« Vol. I. Title; Dedication; Preface, 2 pp. ; List of Books wanted, 1 pp. ; table, 8 pp.; text, pp. 1-622; Notes, pp. 623-659. II. Half-title, Map, Title; Preface, 4 pp.; Table of Contents, 8 pp.; text, pp. 1-692; Notes, pp. 693-718; Addenda, 1 pp. HI. Half-title, Title ; Preface, 6 pp.; Table of Ck»ntent8, 8 pp. ; text, pp'. 1-879 ; Notes, pp. 883-950. 2081 Spaniards (The) Cruelty and Treachery to the English in the time of Peace and War, discovered, being the Council of a Person of Honour to King James, then upon Treaty of Peace with them, for to insist upon a Free Trade in the West Indies, with some Expedients for the subjecting of the Spaniard in America, to the Obedience of England, half mor. Lond., J. M. for Lodowich Lloyd, \^hQ, 4P Two prel. leaves, viz. Title and Dedication, signed ' D. K.' ; text, 56 pp. 234 SEVENTH day's SALE. 2082 Spaffbrd (Horatio Gates) A Gazetteer of the State of New Tork, calf Albany, H. C. Southwiclc, No. 94, State Street, 1813, 8^ Three hundred and thirty-four pp. ; Appendix, ii pp. 2083 Speech (The) of a Creek-Indian, against the Immoderate Use of Spirituous Liquors, delivered in a National Assem- bly of the Creeks upon the breaking out of the late War ; to which are added, 1. A Letter from Tariza, an Indian Maid of the E.oyal Line of the Mohawks, to the principal Ladies of New Tork. 2. Indian Songs of Peace. 3. An American Fable, etc. Lond. 1754, 68 pp. 8« 2084 Speech (The) of a Scots Weaver, dedicated to Eichard Glover, Esq. halfmor. Lond. 1774, 8'' Sixty- live pp. At the end of the Dedication signed * Therm opilBe.' 2085 Speech (A) on some Political Topics, the substance of which was intended to have been delivered in the House of Com- mons, on Monday the 14th of December, 1778, when the Estimates of the Army were agreed to in the Committee of Supply, half mor. Land., T. Cadell, 1779, 8« Four prel. leaves and 71 pp. 2086 Speilbeegen (Joeis van). Oost ende West Indische Spieghel, waer in Beschreven werden de twee laetste Na- vigatien, ghedaeninde Jaerenl614, 1615, 1616, 1617, ende 1618, de eene door den vermaerden Zee-Helt loris van Speilbergen door de Strate van Magallanes, de andere ghedaen by lacob le Maire, vellum Amst., Jan Jaffnz, 1621, oblong 4*» Four prel. leaves and pp. 9-192 j Copperplates numbered 2-18, and 20-25. Not mentioned by Rich. 2087 Spencee (Thomas) A True and Eaithful Relation of the Proceedings of the Eorces of their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary, in their Expedition against the Erench, in the Caribby Islands in the West Indies, under the Con- duct of his Excellency Christopher Codrington,,;/?«e ro/jy, half mor, Lond. 1691, 4° Reverse of title blank ; Dedication to Admiral Edward Russell, 2 pages; text, 12 pp. in very close type. 2088 Spitillus (Gaspar). Brevis et Compendiosa Narratio Mis- sionvm qvarvndam Orientis et Occidentis, excerpta ex qui- busdam litteris a PP. Petro Martinez Prouinciali Indise Orientalis, P. loanne de Atienza Prouinciali Peruanse, P. Pietro Diaz Prouinciali Mexcicanse Prouinciarum, datis anno 1590 et 1591, ad Eeueren. P. Generalem, Socie- tatis lesv, et collecta per P. Gasparum Spitilli, calf extra, ly Bedford Aniverpice, Martinus JVutius, 1593, 52 pp. 12^ Not mentioned by Rich. 2089 Spizelii (Theophili) Elevatio Eelationis Montezinianae de Bepertis in America Tribubus Israeliticis ; et Discussio Argumentorum, pro Origine Gentium Americanarum Israelitica, calfextray hy Bedford Basilce, Jo. Konig^ 1661, sm. 8° Twelve prel. leaves, and text, 128 pp. SEVENTH day's SALE. 235 2090 Spotorno (Giambattista) Delia Origiue e della Patria de Cristoforo Colombo libri tre, half mor. uncut Genova, 1819, 247 pp. 8« 2091 Sprengel (Mattbias Christian) Briefe iiber Portugal, nebst einem Anhang iiber Brasilien, half calf Leipzig, 1782, 6 prel. leaves and 290 pp. sm. 8° 2092 Staden (Hans) Warhaftig Histobca vnd beschbei- BUNG ETNEE LaNDTSCHAEET DEB WiLDEN, NaCKETEN, GrEIMMIGEN MeNSCHFRESSER LErTHEN, IN DEB NeWEN- WELT America gelegen,^/^^ copy, vellum Marpurg, Andres Kolben, vff Fastnacht, 1557, 4° Eig-ht pi el. leaves, viz. Title, the reverse blank, * Dem Durchleuchtigen vnd Hochg-ebornen Fiirsten vnd Henn, Herrn Philipsen Landtgrauen zii Hessen, Grauen zii Catzenelnbogen, Diez, Ziegenhain vnd Nidda, etc. Meinem gnedig-en Fiirsten vnd Herrn,' 2 pp. ; ' Dem Wolgebomen herrn H. Philipsen Graff zii Nassaw vnd Sarpriick, etc. meinem in Gnedigen Hern. Wiinscht D. Dryander viel heyls mit erbietunge si^iner Dienste, 10 pp. ; ' Inhalt des biichs,' 1 pa^e ; ' Was hilft't,' etc. under- neath a large woodcut of a ship in full sail; ' Die Laiidtschafft mit den geuanten hauingen,' etc.; a folded woodcut map of * Auierika ooer Pra- silien;' text in 81 leaves, beings signatures a to t in fours, v in five ; many woodcuts with the text. Not mentioned by Rich. The first edition of one of the most important works relating- to South America. It refers chiefly to the Toupanimbas Indians of Brazil. It was reproduced by De Bry in his third part, and is much sought for by collectors of the original Editions of the Great Voyages, reprinted in the several Great Collections. 2093 — The same, another Ed., poor copy^ some leaves a little injured Marpurg, Andres Collen, vff MaricB Gehurts tag^ 1557, 4° 2094 Stanhope ( George ) The Early Conversion of Islanders, a wise Expedient for propagating Christianity, a Sermon preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Grospel in Foreign Parts, at their Anniversary Meeting, Eeb. 19, 1713-14, half mor. Lond. 1714, 8« Thirty-nine pp. With 2 Plans at pp. 36 and 37. 2095 State (The) of the Sugar Trade; shewing the Dangerous Consequences that must attend any additional Duty thereon, hf, mor. Lond. 1747,* 24 pp. 4° 2096 Stearns (Samuel) Astronomer, of Quehec. The American Oracle : comprehending an Account of recent Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences, with a variety of Religious, Poli- tical, Physical, and Philosophical subjects Lond. 1791, 8** viii and text 627 pp. Index xviii pp. This work is quite a pocket ency- clopaedia, written with great naivete. The author, among other things, forms a theory of the Aurora Borealu, from observing the sparks on "streaking the back of an old black cat." 2097 Stedman (C.) The History of the Origin, Progress, and Ter- mination of the American "War, 2 vols, calf Lond. for the Author, 1794,4° Vol. I. XV. and 399 pp. 7 plates. II. xv. and 449 pp. • Index.* 13 pp. 8 plate*. Highly praised by the Monthly RevierV. 236 SEVENTH DAY*S SALE. 2098 Stephen (James) The Speech of, in the Debate in the House of Commons, March 6, 1809, on Mr. Whitbread's Motion, relative to the late overtures of the American Government, lif. mor. Lond. 1809, iv and 126 pp. 8vo. 2099 Stephens. The Castle-Builders ; or, the Histor}^ of William Stephens, of the Isle of Wight, Esq., lately deceased. A Political Novel, never before published in any Language Lond. for tlie Author, 1759, 8° XV and 198 pp. * Contents,' pp. ix, and x. The Author was the first Se- cretary of the Colony of Georgia. 2100 Stephenso]!^ (Maemaduke). A Call from Death to Life, and Out of the Dark wayes and Worships of the World where the Seed is held in Bondage under the Merchants of Babylon, written by Marmaduke Stephenson ; Who (to- gether with another dear Servant of the Lord called William Eobinson) hath (since the Writing hereof) suffered Death, for bearing Witnesse to the same Truth, amongst the Pro- fessors of Bostons Jurisdiction in New England. With a true Copy of two Letters, which they Writ to the Lords People a little before their Death, and also the True Copy of a Letter as it came to our hands, from a friend in New England, which gives a brief [Relation of the manner of their Martyrdom, with some of the Words which they ex- prest at the time of their suffering, half mor. Lond. for Thomas Simmons, 1660, 32 pp. 4P 2101 Steuart (Adam) Some Observations and Annotations upon the Apologetical Narration, Humbly submitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament ; the most Eeverend and Learned Divines of the Assembly, and all the Protestant Churches here in this Island, and abroad, hf mor. Lond. for Christopher Meredith, 164iBf4P 4 prel. leaves, sig'ned * A. S.' and 71 pp. 2102 Steuart (Adam) An Answer to a Libell intituled, " A Coole Conference betweene the cleered Reformation and the Apologetical Narration, brought together by a Wel-willer to both," hf. mor. Lond. 1644, 3 pr. leaves and 62 pp. 4to. 2103 Stevens (Henry) Catalogue of American Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856, C. Whit- iingham, Lond. about 650 pp. 1859 — 2. A Catalogue of Mexican and other Spanish American and West India Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856, C. Whittingham, Lond. 64 pp . 1859, 8°~3. A Cata- logue of Canadian and other British North American Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856, G. Whittingham, London, 16 pp. 1859, 8« — 4. A Catalogue of American Maps in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856 C. Whittingham, London, 16 pp. 1859, 8° These four Catalogues, bound in 2 volumes, comprising about 750 large 8vo. pages in double columns, similar to the Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, describing about 20,000 volumes, are printed by Whittingham on tine toned paper, in the best style of the Chiswick Press. SEVENTH day's SALE. 237 2104 Stevens (Henry) Historical Nuggets. Bibliotheca Americana, or a Descriptive Account of my Collection of Eare Books relating to America. " I'll buy with you, sell with you." — Shahspeare. Vols. 1 and 2 G. WhittingJiamy at the CJiiswick JPress, Lond, 1859, 12° This work, printed in the best style of the Ohiswick Press, comprises 3000 Titles (alphabetically arranged) of rare books relating to America, most carefully given in full, with the collation and price of each work. It is intended, as far as it goes, to be a Manual for Collectors of this expen- sive class of books. Vols. 3, 4, 5 and 6, forming a second alphabet, are preparing for the press, and will be issued in the course of a few months. Vol. 7 will contain descriptions of the Voyages of De Bry, Hulsius, Thevenot, Purchas, Hakluyt, Remusio, etc. Vols. 8 and 9, books with- out prices, and Vol. 10, an Index of the whole series. 2105 Stevens (Henry) Catalogue of My English Library Privately printed by Charles Whittingham, 1853, 12<* This little Manual was prepared in 1853, and printed for private distribu- tion. It contains a list of about 5700 volumes of standard English books, and was designed to aid collectors in the choice of their books and editions. The contents are given of the principal collected works, together with the dates of birth and death of most of the deceased authors. 2106 Stevens (John) A New Collection op Voyages and Teayels,. into seyeeal Paets of the "Woeld, none op them eyee befoee printed in english, 2 vols. labge AND THICK PAPEE, calf ecctra, gilt edges, hy Francis Bedford London, J. Knapton, 1711, ^ Vol. I. 6 prel. leaves including the collective title, * Molucco and Philip- pine Islands, &c.' 260 pp. Index, 8 pp. * A New Voyage to Carolina' etc. 3 prel. leaves and 258 pp. ' Lately publish'd,' etc. 1 page. With map and 2 plates. II. 5 prel. leaves including collective title ' Travels of P. de Gieza, etc' 244 pp. The contents and index 11 pp. * The Travels of the Jesuits in Ethiopia :' etc. 2 prel. leaves and 264 pp. The contents and Index 16 pp. *The Travels of the Sieur Mouette,' etc. 115 pp. The contents and index 5 pp. * The Travels of Peter Teixeira," etc. 81 pp. The contents and index 6 pp. 'A Voyage to Madagascar, etc. by Francis Gauche,* 77 pp. Index 3 pp. with 2 maps and plates. On large paper this book is of excessive rarity if not unique. Four leaves in vol. 1 are somewhat smaller than the rest, having been supplied from an uncut small paper copy. These leaves were probably omitted to be printed on large paper. 2107 Stigliani (Tomaso) Del Mondo Nvovo Yenti Primi Canti, co i sommarii dell' istesso Autore dietro a ciaschedun d'essi, e con vna lettera del medesimo in fine Piacenza, Aless. Bazacchi, 1617, 12° Seven hundred pp. Errori, etc. 6 pp. 2108 Stiles (Ezra) The United States elevated to Glory and Honour, a Sermon, preached before His Excellency Jona- than Trumbull, Esq. LL.D. Governor, at the Anniversary Election, hf. mor. New-Haven : The. and Sam. Green, 1783, 96 pp. 8° Shortly after this extraordinary Sermon was published, President Styles undertook certain experiments with a balloon before the students of Yale College, bulnot succeeding, it is said that one of the students suggested that if the Doctor would put in this sermon instead of the other gas the balloon would bo doubt go up. 238 SETENTH day's SALE. 2109 Stiles (Ezra) Pastor of Newport. A Discourse on the Christian Union, hf. mor. Boston : Edes and Gill, 1761, 139 pp. 8° 2110 Stiles (Ezra) A History of three of the Judges of King Charles I. Major-General Whalley, Major- General Goffe, and Colonel Dixwell : Who, at the Eestoration, 1660, fled to America ; and were secreted and concealed, in Massa- chusetts and Connecticut, for near thirty years, with an Ac- count of Mr. Theophilus Whale, of Narragansett, supposed to have been also one of the Judges, calf extra, hy Bedford Hartford: Elisha Bahcock, 1794, 8° Three hundred and fifty-seven pp. Errata, and Advertisement 1 pag-e, portrait of Stiles facing title, 8 plates at pp. 129, 77, 80, 114, UQ, 136, 202, 345, numbered 1 to IX. 2111 Stith (William) Governor of William and Mary Coll, The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Vir- ginia, being an Essay towards a General History of this Colony, calf, fine copy Williamsbmy : Will. Barks, 1747, 8^ viii Hnd 331 pp. ' An Appendix to the First Part of the History of Vir- ginia,' etc. V and 34 pp. A]\pn(^Biog. Diet.") speaks highly of this work. 2112 Stith (William) The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia Virginia printed : Lond. repr. 1753, 8° viii and 331 pp. *An Appendix to the First Part of the History of Vir- ginia,' etc. V and 34 pp. This is really the Williamsburg edition, with a new title. 2113 Stoddabd (Solomon) Gospel Oedeb Eeyiyed, being an Answer to a Book lately set forth by the Eeverend Mr. Increase Mather, President of Harvard Colledge, etc. enti- tuled, the Order of the Gospel, etc. fine copy, in green mor. by Bedford 1700, 4° Six prel. leaves, viz. ' Advertisement,* facing- the title ; title; ' The Epistle Dedicatory, To the Churches of Christ in N. England,' 8 pp. ; text, 40 pp. The Advertisement facing- the Title is as follows : " The Reader is desired to take notice that the Press in Boston is so much under the awe of the Reverend Author, whom we answer, and bis Friends that we could not obtain of the Printer there to print the following- Sheets, which is the only true reason why we have sent the copy so far for its impression and where it [was] printed with some difficulty." The vo- lume was probably printed by Bradford, in New York. 2114 Stoddaed (Solomon) The Doctrine of Instituted Churches Explained and Proved from the Word of God, morocco, by Bedford Lond. 1700, title and 34 pp. 4P 2115 Stoddaed (Solomon) The Way for a People to live long in the Land that God hath given them, a Sermon, morocco by Bedford, a few xcords restored in exact facsimile Boston, Barih. Green and John Allen, 1703, title and 25 pp. 4° 2116 Stoddaed (Solomon) An Answer to some Cases of Con- science respecting the Country, morocco extra by Bedford [Colophon'] Boston, B. Green : sold by Samuel Gerrish, 1722, 15 pp. 4° 239 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. AT ONE o'clock MOST PTTNCTUALLT. 2117 Stork (Dr.). An Extract from the Account of East Florida, published by Dr. Stork, who resided a considerable time in Augustine, the Metropolis of that Province. With the observations of Denys RoUe, who formed a Settlement on St. John's river, in the same Province, hf. mor. Lond. 1766, title and 39 pp. 8° 2118 Stork (William). A Description of East Florida, with a Journal, kept by John Bartram of Philadelphia, Botanist to his Majesty for the Eloridas ; upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the Eiver St. John's, as far as the Lakes. 3rd Ed. Lond. 1769, 4o Two pre), leaves, viii. and 40 pp. * A Journal,' etc. Title, xii and 36 pp. Map and 2 Plans. 2119 Story. A Determination of the Case of Mr. Thomas Story, and Mr. James Hoskins, relating to an affair of the Penn- sylvania Company, etc., tmcut Lond. 1724, 11 pp. 4<* 2120 Stoughton (William) Magistrate, Colony of Mass., An Assertion for True and Christian Church Policie; wherein certain Politike Objections made against the Planting of Pastors and Elders in every Congregation are sufficiently answered, etc., calf Lond. 1642, 4P Five prel. leaves and 178 pp. The title wormed and in MS. 2121 SuAREz DE EiGUEEOA ( Chbistoval) Hechos de Don Garcia Hvrtado de Mendo^a Marques de Caiiete, old calf Madrid, 1616, 4° Engraved title, 8 prel. leaves and 324 pp. Mendoza, the 4th Marquis de Canete, was Captain General of Chile, and afterwards Viceroy of Peru. Rich says of this work, which relates chiefly to the affairs of Peru, that it is extremely well written, and is highly esteemed in Spain. 0000 Summer Islands. See Somer Islands. 2122 Summersett (James) a Negro. The Original Eeport of the celebrated Case of James Summersett Manuscripty 132 pp. 4° It is this case which is quoted as deciding that American Slaves on reach- ing English ground are free. At no period more than the present could this MS. be of greater interest. 2123 Supremacy (The) of the British Legislature over the Colonies candidly discussed, hf mor. Lond. 1775, 2 prel. leaves and 38 pp. 8« 2 I 240 EIGHTH day's SALE. 2124 Sutcliff (Eobert) Travels in some parts of North America, in the year 1804-6, calf YorTc, 1811, xi and 293 pp., 6 plates, 12° 2125 Symmes (Thomas) Utile Dulci, or, a Joco-Serious Dia- logue, concerning Regular Siuging ; calculated for a par- ticular Town (where it was publickly had, on Friday, Oct. 12, 1722,) but may serve some other places in the same climate, Jif. moi\ Boston, B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, 1723, sm. 8*> Title, ii. and 59 pp. 0000 Tagalog Language, Vocabularies of the, see Noceda,'^o. 1578, and Santos, No. 1960 2126 Tailfer (Patrick), Anderson, and Douglas, A True and His- torical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia, hf mor. Charles-Town, So. Car., P. Timothy for the Authors, 1741, 8° xviii and 118 pp. This work is interesting from the new view which it affords of the conduct of General Oglethorpe. 2127 Talbot (Edward Allen) Five Years Residence in the Cana- das, boards Lond, 1824, 8° Yol. I. xvi and 419 pp. 1 plate. II. 400 pp. 1 plate. 2128 Tamaio de Vargas (Thomas) Restavracion de la Civdad del Salvador, i baia de Todos-Sanctos, en la Provincia del Brasil, por las Armas de Don Philippe iv. el Grande, Rei Catholico de las Espanas i Indias etc. vellmn Madrid, Por la vivda de Alonso Mar-tin [1628.] 4° Eight prel. leaves, the eighth hlank, and 178 folioed leaves. * Svmma de lo Pai-ticvlar' etc. 8 pp. 2129 Taxation no Tyranny: an Answer to the Resolution and Address of the American Congress, hf. onor. Lond. 1775, half-title, title, and 91 pp. 8° A very celebrated Tract by Dr. Samuel Johnson, and one which gave occasion to an animated controversy. 2130 — The same,3rd Ed. Lond. 1775, half title, title, and 91 pp. 8° 2131 — The Pamphlet, entitled, " Taxation no Tyranny," candidly considered, and it's arguments and pernicious doctrines Exposed and Refuted, calf extra, hy Bedford Lond. [1775], 8° Half-title, title, and text 132 pp. With many manuscript additions and corrections said to be in the handwriting of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke. The corrections are manifestly the author's, and appear as if intended for a new edition. 2132 — An Answer to a Pamphlet, entitled Taxation no Tyranny, addressed to the Author, and to Persons in Power Lond. 1775, 8° Sixty-three pp. The Monthly Review styles this one of the best of the answers to Dr. Johnson's Pamphlet. 2133 — Taxation, Tyranny. Addressed to Samuel Johnson, LL.D., half mar. Lond. 1775, title and 80 pp. 8« EIGHTH DAl'S SALE. 241 213 i Templeman (Thomas) A New Survey of the Globe; or, an Accurate Mensuration of all the Empires, Kingdoms, Countries, States, principal Provinces, Counties and Islands in the World. . . . Also the Settlements and Factories be- longing to the English, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spa- niards, etc. in the East and West-Indies, Africa, and other Parts, old calf Land. [1776 ?], oblong 4P Engraved title, 1 pag-e ; Introduction, List of Subscribers, and Table x pp. Plates numbered 1 to 35. 2135 Tennent (Gilbert), of New Srunsivick, The Necessity of holding fast the Truth represented in Three Sarmons on Bev. iii. 3, preached at New York, April, 1742, with an Appendix, relating to Errors lately vented by some Mora- vians in those Parts ; to which are added, a Sermon on the Priestly Office of Christ, and another, on the Virtue of Charity; together with a Sermon of a Dutch Divine on taking the little Foxes, faithfully translated, J?we copi/, ori- ginal binding Boston : S. Kneeland and T. Grreeny 1743, 8° Title vi and 110 pp. ' Two Sermons,' etc. Title and 37 pp. 'A Sermon, by Abraham Hellenbrock,' etc. Title and 31 pp. 2136 Tennent (Gilbert) Sermons on Important Subjects, adapted to the Perilous State of the British Nation, lately preached in Philadelphia, calf extra ^ by Bedford Pliiladelpliia : James Chattin, 1758, 8° zzxvii pp. one blank leaf, and text 425 pp. 2137 Ternaux-Compans (Henri) Notice sur la Colonie de la Nou- velle Suede, half morocco Faris^ 1843, 8** Half-title, title, text 29 pp. and map. 2138 Testimoiy (The) of the People called Quakers, given forth by a Meeting of the Eepresentatives of said People, in Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, held at Philadelphia the twenty-fourth Day of the first Month, 1775. Signed ' James Pemberton' Single sheet, folio 2139 Thacher (Peter) A Sermon, preached to the Society in Brat- tle Street, Boston, November 14, 1790 ; and occasioned by the Death of the Hon. James Bowdoin, Esq. LL.D., F.R.S., lately Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, halfmor. Boston^ I. Thomas and U. T. Andrews^ 1791, 27 pp. 4° 2140 Thatcher (B. B.) Indian Biography, or an Historical Ac- count of those individuals who have been distinguished among the North American Natives as Orators, Warriors, Statesmen, and other remarkable Characters, 2 vols. New York, J. and J. Harper, 1832, 12° Vol. I. Title and pp. 5—324. With Plate, and Portrait of Red Jacket. II. Title and pp. 5—320. 242 EIGHTH day's SALE. 2141 Thevenot (Melchisadec). Recueil de Voyages de Mr. Thevenot, old calf Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1681, 8° Title, on the reverse ' Suite du Recueil,' and 16 pp. Map at pa^e 10. * Decouverte de quelques pays et Nations de I'AQierique Septentriouale,' 43 pp. with * Carte, etc. 1673.' ' Voyage d'un Ambassadevr que le Tzaar de Moscovie envoya par Terre a la Chine I'Annee 1653,' 18 pp. * Explication des Lettres de la Figure suivante,' 2 pp. with map. ' Dis- cours sur I'Art de la Navigation,' etc. 32 pp. ' Histoire Naturelle de I'Ephemere,' 20 pp. * Table,' etc. engraved figures 13 pp. with 2 folded plates. * Histoire Naturelle du Cancellus, ou Bernard I'Herniite, Representee par Figures,* 8 pp. with plate. ' Le Cabinet de Mr. Svvam- merdam, Docteur en Medicine,' etc. 16 pp. This little volume is parti- cularly valued on account of its containing the first edition of Father Marquette's Relation of his voyage down the Mississippi River in 1673, with the map of his route, etc. 2142 TuEYET (Andrety) Histoeia dell' Ixdia Ameeica delta altramente Francia Autartica; tradotta di Francese in Lingva Italiana, da M. Givseppe Horologgi, velluni Vinegia, Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari, 1561, sm. 8" Sixteen prel. leaves, viz. Title, reverse blank, ' AH' lUvstriss. et Eccellent- issimo Signore, II Signor Paolo Giordano Orsino, Givseppe Horologgi,' 14 pp. ' Tavola,' 16 pp. Text 363 pp. ' Registro,' 1 page, followed by one leaf with Printer's device. 2143 THEYET(AlfDEEW) ThE XEYYFO\Ta) YYOELDE, OE AnTARC- TiKE, wherein is contained woderful and strange things, as well of humaine creatures, as Beastes, Fishes, Foules, and Serpents, Trees, Plants, Mines of Golde and Siluer : gar- nished with many learned ancthorities, trauailed and written in the French tong by that excellent learned man, master Andrevve The vet, and now newly translated into Eng- lishe, wherein is reformed the errours of the auncient Cosmographers,^«e copy Lond. hy Senrie Bynneman,for Thomas Sachet, 1568, 4<* Eight prel. leaves; viz. Title in a broad metal type border, the reverse blank, * To the right honorable Sir Henrie Sidney,' 4 pp. ' An Admo- nition to the Reader,' 1 page. ' In prayse of the Author,' 1 page. ' To my Lord the Right reuerend Cardinall of Sens,'8 pp. Text, 138 folioed leaves. 'The Table of the Chapters of this present Boke,' 4 pp. 2144 They Eun and AVe Eun, written on the late Engagement between Admiral Keppel and the Due de Chartres, July 27th, 1788, ofl" Ushant, a Song, with music, half mor. folio (folded in 8°) 2145 Thorn (Adam),i?eco;Y?er ofEiiperfsLand, The Claims to the Oregon Territory considered Lond. 1844, iv and 44 pp. 8° 2146 Thomas (Daley) An Historical Account of the Eise and Growth of the West-India Colonies, and of the Great Ad- vantages they are to England in respect to Trade, half calf Lond. 1690, 4'> Three prel. leaves and 53 pp. Not mentioned by either Lowndes or Rich. 2147 Thomas (Pascoe) A True and Impartial Journal of a Voyage to the South- Seas and round the Globe, in His Majesty's Ship the Centurion, under the Command of Commodore George Anson, calf Land, 1745, 8 prel. leaves and 347 pp. Appendix, 39 pp. 8° EIGHTH day's SALE. 243 2148 Thomas (Q-abeiel) As Histoeical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pensilvania, and of West-New- Jersey, red morocco, hy Bedford, 'part of map restored in facsimile Lond. 1(398, 8** Four prel. leaves followed by map and * History of Pensilvania,* 55 pp. ' History of New-Jersey,' G prel. leaves and 34 pp. 2149 Thompson (Thomas) An Account of Two Missionary Yoy- ages by the Appointment of the Society for the Propaga- tion of the Gospel in ^Foreign Parts, the one to New Jersey in North America, the other from America to the Coast of Guiney, stained Lond. 1758, 2 pr. leaves and 87 pp. 8<^ 2150 Thoeowgood (Thomas) Jews in Amekica, or Probabili- ties that those Indians are Judaical, made more probable by some Additionals to the former Conjectures, an Accurate Discourse is premised of Mr. John Elliot, (who first preached the Gospel to the Natives in their -own Language) touching their Origination, and his Vindication of the Planters Lond. Henry Brome, 1660, 4^ Five prel. leaves; viz. Title, reverse blank, 'To the King's Most Excellent Majesty,' 8 pp. ; ' To the Noble Knig-hts, Ladies and Gentlemen of Nor- folk,' etc. 33 pp. ; ' Jevves in America. Summe of the first Treatise,' 2 pp.; half-title *Jewes in America.' 'The learned Conjectures of Reverend Mr. John Eliot touching the Americans,' etc. 28 pp. ' Chap. I. A short Discourse, concerning the New World, or America,' 67 pp. Thoeowgood (Thomas) Jews m Ameeica, or Probabilities that the Americans are of that Race, with the removall of some contrary reasonings and earnest desires for effec- tual! endeavours to make them Christian Lond. for The. Slater, 1650, 4P Twenty prel. leaves, viz. Title, the reverse blank, * To the Honovrable Knig-hts and Gentlemen that have residence in, and relation to the County of Norfolk, Peace, from the God of Peace,' 14 pp. *The Pre- face to the Reader,' 8 pp, ' An Epistolicall Discourse of Mr. lohn Dvry to Mr. Thorowg-ood,' IG pp. Text, 139 pp. Two vols, in 1, red morocco, hy Bedford It is rarely that both tarts can be found together and complete. 2151 Thoughts on the Cause of the present Discontent, 4th Ed., halfmor. Lond. 1770, title and 118 pp. 8« 2152 Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting Palkland's Islands. [By Dr. Samuel Johnson], halfmor. Lond. 1771, title and 75 pp. 8° 2153 — The same, 2nd Ed. lalfmor. Lond. 1771, half-title, title, and 75 pp. 8° 2154 — The same, another Ed. New York, repr. ly H. Gaine, 1771, 48 pp. 8^ 2155 Three Letters to a Member of Parliament, on the Subject of the Present Dispute with our American Colonies, hf mor. Lond. 1775, 8« Title and 74 pp. Written in opposition to Ministerial policy. 244 EIGHTH DAY*S SALE. 2156 Throop (Beni^mm) of JVorwich, J^.U., Religion and Loyalty, the Duty and Glory of a People ; illustrated in a Sermon from 1 Peter ii. 17, preached before the General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut, at Hartford, on the day of the Anniversary Election, May 11th, 1758, uncut New London^ Timothy Green, 1758, title and pp. 5-37, 12° 2157 THTSirs (Aktonitjs) Historia Xavalis, sive Celeberrimorvm Prasliorum, quae Mari ab antiquissimis temporibus usque ad Pacem Hispanicum Batavi, Foederatiq; Belgae, utplurimum victores gesserunt, luculenta descriptio, calf extra by Kay- day Lug. Bat. Joannis Maire, 1657, 4P Four pre], leaves, 305 pp. and 7 pp. of Index. A large part of tbis book has relation to America. 2158 Titford (W. J.) Sketches towards a Hortus Botanicus Ameri- canus Zojid. for the Author^ 1811, 4° Fifteen prel. leaves including coloured frontispiece, and pp. 4-137 ; 17 coloured plates; text to plates, 30 pp.; English Index, 4 pp.; 'Ad- denda, iv pp, ; List of Subscribers, 4 pp. 2159 Tjassens (Joiian) Zee-Politie, der Yereenigde ]S"eder- landen, Vertoont in een Tafel, ende in twee Boecken beschreven, laege paper, vellum Graven-Sage^ by Johan Vely, 1669, 4*^ Twenty- four prel. leaves and 391 pp. Relates mainly to America. 2160 Tobago. A Summary Account of the present flourishing State of the Island of Tobago, with a Plan of the Island Lond. 1777, iv and pp. 7-80, 8« 2161 ToEQTJEMADA (JuAN de) Las Viente y un libros rituales y Monarchia Indiana con el Origin y Guerras de los Indios Occidentalis, onap, 3 vols. Spanish binding {small hole in one leaf) Madrid, 1723, folio Vol.1. Title; Proemio, 6 pp.; Carta ISTuncupatoria, 3 pp.; Prologo, 5 pp.; Licencia et Approbacion, 2 pp. ; El Rey, 1 p. ; Fee de Erratas, 1 p. ; Suma de toda la Obra de la Monarquia Indiana, 2 pp. ; Indice, 14 pp, ; Los Autores, que se citan en este prirao tomo, 1 p. ; Prologo al libro priraero, 3 pp. ; IMap; text, pp. 1-768 ; Indice, 72 pp. II. Title; Indice, De los libros, y Capitulos, 12 pp. ; text, pp. 1-623 ; Indice, 57 pp. III. I'itle; Fee de Erratas, 1 p. ; Autores Citados, 1 p.; Indice de los libros, 8 pp. ; Prologo al libro quinque, 4 pp. ; text, pp. 1-634 ; Indice, 42 pp. 2162 Touchstone (A) for the Clergy ; to which is added, a Poem, wrote by a Clergyman in Virginia, in a Storm of Wind and Eain Printed in the year 1771, 16 pp. 8^ 2163 Tracts (Select) relating to Colonies. Consisting of — I. An Essay on Plantations, by Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Chan- cellor of England. II. Some Passages taken out of the History of Florence, etc. III. A Treatise, by John De "Witt, Pensioner of Holland. IV. The Benefit of Planta- tions of Colonies, by William Penn. V. A Discourse con- cerning Plantations, by Sir Josiah Child. Unbound Lond. 4 prel. leaves and 40 pp. 8° EIGHTH day's SALE. 245 2164 Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York, for 1858 Alhany, 1858, 8° Title; text, pp. 1-648; Table of Contents ; List of Plates ; 12 plates. 2165 Traveller's Directory (The), and Emigrant's Guide; con- taining general Descriptions of different Eoutes through the States of New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and the Territory of Michigan, ioar^« ,„«^ ^« Bufalo, Steele and Faxon, 1832, 12^ Eighty-two pp. Contents, 2 pp. 2166 Traveller's Guide (The) to America ; comprehending a con- cise and accurate description of the "Western States Corh, Join Bolster, 1818, 71 pp. V2P 2167 Travels (The) of several Learned Missioners of the Society of Jesus into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America, old calf Lond. 1714, 8« Eight prel. leaves and 836 pp.; Index, Books Printed, etc. 16 pp.; 2 plates at pp. 176 and 215. 2168 Treaties (Several) of Peace and Commerce concluded be- tween the late King of Blessed Memory Deceased, and other Princes and States, hf. mor. Lond. 1686, 4° Two prel. leaves, viz. Title, reverse hlank , * Tahle of the Treaties,' 1 page ; Text, 269 pp. 2169 Treaties. A General Collection of Treatys, Declarations of War, Manifestos, and other Publick Papers, relating to Peace and War, among the Potentates of Europe, from 1648 to the present time The Eight of the Crown of England to Hudson's Bay, etc. old calf Lond. 1710, 8° Forty-four and 448 pp. 2170 Treaties, A General CoUection of, 2nd Ed. 4 vols, old calf Lond. 1732, 8** Vol I 32 and 448 pp. II. xxii. Errata i, and 560 pp. ; ' The Contract of Marriage of the most Christian King with the most Serene Infanta, eldest Daughter of the Cathohck King, the 7th of November, 16o9, 23 pp. III. xxxix and 492 pp. IV. 4 prel. leaves and 458 [490] pp. 'Catalogue,' etc. 13 pp, 2171 Treatise (A) on the Cotton Trade : in Twelve Letters, ad- dressed to the Levant Company, West India Planters, and Merchants Lond. printed for the Author, [17 — ], 12^ Half-title, title, iii to vi and 63 pp. 2172 Trott (Nicholas) Chief Justice, So. Car., The Laws of the British Plantations in America, relating to the Church and the Clergy, Eeligion and Learning, large paper, calf Lond. 1721, folio Thirteen prel. leaves and 435 pp. Probahly the rarest volume of its class. 2173 True (A) State of the Case between the British Northern Colonies and the Sugar Islands in America, impartially con- sidered, hf mor. 1732, title and 46 pp. 4« 246 EIGHTH day's SALE. 2174 True (The) ConstitutioDal Means for Putting an End to the Disputes between Great Britain and her American Colonies, Jif. mor. Lond. 1769, 8° Title and 38 pp. The Author's proposal amounts to a land-tax upon the Colonists. 2175 Trumbull (John) Autobiography, Eeminiscences and Letters, from 1756 to 1841 New York and Lond. 1841, 8« xvi and 439 pp. ; 23 plates. 2176 Tryon (Thomas) Tyron's Letters, Domestick and Foreign Lond. 1700 Title and 240 pp. Part relates to the produce and commerce of America and the West Indies. 2177 Tyron (Thomas) Letters upon several Occasions Lond 1700, 7 prel. leaves and 240 pp. 8° 2178 Tucker (George) The Life of Thomas Jefferson, Third Presi- dent of the United States; with parts of his Correspondence never before published, 2 vols, doth Lond. 1837, 8° Vol. I. xxii and 612 pp. Portrait of Jefferson. II. x and 587 pp. 2179 Tucker (John) of Newbury. A Sermon preached at Cam- bridge, before his Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esq., Governor, May 29th, 1771, [Anniversary of the Election] hf. mor, Boston, 1771, 63 pp. 8° 2180 Tucker (Josiah) Dean of Gloucester. An humble Address and earnest Appeal, etc., as to " whether a connection with, or a separation from the Continental Colonies of America, be most for the national advantage, and the lasting benefit of these Kingdoms," hf mor. Glocester, B. Baikes, 1775, 8° Ninety-three pp. * An Account' etc. folded sheet at page 49. This is the Tract in which the Dean counsels the abandonment of the Colonists to themselves, as unworthy of the protection of the mother country. 2181 — The same, 2nd Ed., half morocco ih. 1775, 8° Ninety-three pp. * An Account' etc. folded sheet at page 49. 2182 Tucker (Josiah) A Letter to Edmund Burke, Esq., Member of Parliament for the City of Bristol, and Agent for the Colony of New York, etc. in answer to his Printed Speech, said to be spoken in the House of Commons on the Twenty- Second of March, 1775, hf. mor. Gloucester. R. Bailees, 1775, 58 pp. 8° Dean Tucker in this Tract represents the Colonists as being the most un- principled, worthless, and detestable part of mankind. 2183 Tucker (Josiah). A Series of Answers to certain popular Objections against separating from the Eebellious Colonies, and discarding them entirely; being the concluding Tract of the Dean of Gloucester, on the subject of American Affairs, hf. mor. Gloucester, B. Baikes, 1776, 8° One hundred and eight pp. Contents 5 pp. EiaHTH day's sale. 247 2184 Tucker (Joslah) Cui Bono; or, an Inquiry, wliat benefits can arise either to the English or the Americans, the French, Spaniards, or Dutch, from the greatest Victories, or Suc- cesses in the present "War. 3rd Ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1782, 8° Title and pp. v-xxv. Text pp. 3-141. A most curious production. In it the writer says, that when the Americans have made peace with Eng- land they will quarrel amongst themselves, and, with the fury of famished wolves, they will endeavour to tear each other in pieces. 2185 Tucker ( Josiah) Four Letters on important National Sub- jects, hf. mor. Gloucester y R. Raikes, 1783, 8<* vii and 119 pp. * At a Meeting, January 24th, 1783, Resolved, That the following Letter, &c. be printed,' 23 pp. 2186 Tudor (William) The Life of James Otis, of Massachusetts, containing also, Notices of some contemporary Characters and events from the year 1760 to 1775, hf. hd, Boston, Wells and Lilly, 1823, 8« XX and 508 pp. Portrait of Otis. 2187 Tutchin (Mr.) The Earthquake of Jamaica, Described in a Pindarick Poem, hf. mor. Lond. 1692, 8 pp. folio 2188 Two Famovs Sea-Fights lately made betwixt the Fleetes of the King of Spaine, and the Fleetes of the Hollanders. The one, in the West-Indyes : the other, the Eight of this present moneth of February, betwixt Callis and Gravelin, hf. mor. Lond. for Nath : Bvtter and Nic : JBovrne, 1639, 4P Sixteen pp. 2189 Uchteritz. Kurtze Eeise Beschreibung Hr. Heinrich von Uchteritz, Worinnen vermeldet, was er auf derselben fur Ungliick und Gliick gehabt, sonderlich wie er gesangea nach West-Indien gefuhret, zur Sclaverey verkaufi't, und auff der Insel Barbados Weissenfels, Johann Christian JVohlfarten, 1705, 4° Thirty-two pp. Vignette in title. 2190 Ulloa (Antonio de) Noticias Americanas : Entretenimientos Phisicos-Historicos, sobre la America, Meridional, y la Septentrional Oriental, vellum Madridy Francisco Manuel de Mena, 1772, 4P Twelve prel. leaves and 407 pp. ' Erratas,' 1 page. 2191 Umfreville (Edw.) Present State of Hudson's Bay, and of the Fur Trdde, calf Lond, 1790, 8° Title ; Contents vii pp. ; text 230 pp. ; folded Table, or ♦' Account," at p. 82 ; folded leaf, *' Specimen of Indian Languages spoken in the In- land parts of Hudson's Bay, and between that Coast and the Coast of California," at p. 202. 2192 United States (Political and Civil History of) from 1763 to 1797, by Tim. Pitkin, 2 vols, calf New Haven, 1828, 8^ Vol. 1. Title; Portrait of Washington; Preface 5 pp. ; Table of Contents 4 pp. ; Text pp. 13-528. Vol. 2. Title j Table of Contents, 10 i)p. ; Text pp. 9-500. Appendix 501-539. 2193 United States. (Statistics and Political Institutions of the) by W. G.Ouseley, half hound Philadelphia, 1632, 8° Title and preliminary leaves 16 pp. Text pp. 17-226. 2 K 248 EIGHTH day's SALE. 2194 United States. General Public Acts of Congress respecting the sale and disposition of Public Lands, 2 vols. Washington, 1838, 8° Vol. 1, Title, prelim, leaf. Text pp. 4-483. Appendix pp. 585-615. Index pp. 1-24. Vol. 2. Title, preliminary leaves 8 pp. Text pp. 1-1002. Ap- pendix pp. 1003-1047. Index pp. 1049-1117. 2195 United States Coast Survey 1856 (Report of the Superin- tendent of the) Washington, 1856, 4° Title, Letter to the Secretary, 1 pp. Abstract of Contents of Report 2 pp. Contents of Appendix, 4 pp. Index 9 pp. Errata, 1 pp. Report, pp. 1-356. Index to Sketches, 1 p. 67 Diag-rams, &c. 2196 Universalist Magazine, devoted to Doctrine, Religion, and Morality, edited by the Eev. H. Ballon, 2 vols, in 1, half Id, Bosfoti, Mass. 1819-21, 4« Vol. 1. Title. Index, 2 pp. Text, pp. 1-288. Vol. 2. Title, Index, 2 pp. Text, pp. 1-208. 2197 UssELYNx ("William) Aego^'aytica Gtystatiatta ; das ist: Nothwendige nach richt von der Yewen Seefahrt vnd Kauffhandlung, boards Franckfurt am Mayn, Caspar B'ddteln, 1633, folio Ten prel. leaves ; viz. Title, on the reverse 'Verzeichnusz derer Sachen vnd Schrifften,' etc. ' Der Koniglichen May. vnd Reiche Schweden Rath,' etc. 3 pp. ' Kurtzer Extract.' etc. 2 pp. * Ne pagina vacaret ;* etc 1 pag-e. ' Oct Roy Vnd Privileg-ivm,' etc. 8 pp. * Amp^atio Oder Erweiterung- Desz Privilegii,' etc. 4 pp. " Formular Desz Manifest Vnd Vergleichoder Contract brief fes,' etc. 56 pp. *MercAM-iu8 Ger- manise,' etc. 51 pp. Not mentioned by Rich, nor, indeed, by scarcely any other bibliographer. 2198 Utenhove (Jan) Commentariolvs Parallelos, half moi'occo Col. Agrip.y Lamb. Andrece, 1597, 4'' Twenty-six leaves, the 16th and the last blank. ' Typis Orbis Terrarvm * on the reverse of 3d, and recto of the 4th leaves. ' Tvrcici Imperii Descriptio' on the reverse of the 17th and recto of the 18th leaves. Maps. Part relates to the Spanish possessions in America, and has a map of that Continent. 2199 Valdes (Antonio) Derrotero de las Costas de Espaiia en el Oceano Atlantico, y de las Islas Azores, laege papee, cf. Madrid, 1789, title, xviii and 247 pp. 8° 2200 Yalle. Memorial y Carta en que el Padre Alonso del Yalle Procvrador general de la Prouincia de Chile, repre- senta a N. muy Reuerendo Padre Mucio Vitilesqui, Pre- posito general de la Compania de lesvs, la necessidad que sus missiones tienen de sujetos para los gloriosos empleos de sus Apostolicos ministerios. [at the end] Seuilla, 1642, 10 unnumbered leaves, folio 2201 Yallette (Elie) The Deputy Commissary's Guide within the Province of Maryland, title a little defective Annapolis, by Ann C — , 17 — , 8° Engraved title, iv and 248 pp. Index, 9 pp. Contents of the Appendix, 2 pp. 'Table of Descent,' at page 106, Dedicated to Robert Eden, Governor of Maryland. EIGHTH day's SALE. 249 2202 Vander Donck (Adeiaen) BeschetviitcJe van Nieutv- Nederlant, den tweeden Druck,//ie copy in hlue morocco extra, hy Bedford Aemsteldmt, Evert Nieuwenhof, 1656, 4i« Four prel. leaves: viz. Title, on the reverse 'Extract uyt Privilege/etc. Four woodcuts of coats of arms, * Opdracht, Aen De Hoogloifelijcke, Wel-wiize en voor zienige Heeren,' etc. Signed * E. Nieuwenhof, 2 pp. • Mitsgaders, Aen de Erentfeste, Wijse ende seer Waerdige Heeren, etc. 2 pp. ' Aan de Leeser,' 1 page, ' Op de Voorstanders en de Beschnj- vino-e,' etc. 1 page. Map, ' Nova Belgica sive Nieuw Nederlandt. Text 100 pp. 'Register,' 4 pp. ' Condition, Die door de Heeren Bur- germeesteren der Stade Amsterdam ; volgens 't gemaecte Accoort met West-Indische Compagnie', etc. Title, reverse blank, text, 5 pp. « Lyste,' 1 page. Contains the earliest Map OF the State of ^ ew York ^formerly called New Netherlands). The first edition of this ex- cessively rare volume did not contain the Map. This is the second and best impression of the second edition, containing some variations m the preliminary leaves. , .. • i t 2203 Van Neck (Cornelts) Historiale Beschryvinghe, In- houdende een waerachtich ver hael vande reyse ghedaen met acht Schepen van Amsterdam, onder't beleydt van den Kloeckmoedighen Admirael lacob Cornelisz Neck. Hier is by-ghevoecht een Vocabulaer in Duytsch, Malleys, ende lavaens. Amst., Michiel Colijn, 1619, obi. 4« Title and 64 leaves. 2204 Vareuius (Bemliardus) Geographia Generalis, vellum Amst., ex Offi. Eheviriana, 1671, 12« Engraved title, 19 prel. leaves and 784 pp. Folded sheets at pp. 8 (2), 66, 126, 172. ^ ^ ^^.^ ^. 2205 Yargas (Manuel de) Eelaoion de los Milagros qve Dios nuestro seiior ha obrado por vna Image del glorioso P. S. Tracisco de Borja en el nueuo Eeyno de G-ranada Madrid, por Andres de Fara, 1629, 2 leaves, folio 2206 Vaughan (SirWm.). The Golden Pleece Dtuidedinto Three Parts, vuder which are discouered the Errours of Religion, the Yices and Decayes of the Kingdome, and lastly the wayes to get wealth, and to restore Trading so much complayned of, transported from CambrioU Colchos, out of the Southermost Part of the Hand, commonly called the Newfovndland, by Orpheus Iunior,^«e copy in morocco extra, hy F. Bedford ^nc^n a London, Printed for Francis Williams, 1626, 4P Fourteen prel. leaves, viz. 1, Title, reverse blank ; 2, ' The Mvses and the Graces,' etc. 2 pp. ; 3, ' Musste et Chnrites,' 1 page, followed on the reverse by ' To the indifferent Readers,' 3 pp. ; 5, ' To the vncharitable Readers,' 4 pp. ; 7, Verses * In Commendation,' etc. 2 pp. ; 8 to 14, « The Contents of the Chapters' of the Ist, 2d and 3d parts. Copper- plate map 10| by 7 inches: Text 1st part, 149 pp.; 2d part, 105 pp. ; 3d part 96 pp. 2207 Vaughan (Samuel). A Eofutation of a Palse Aspersion first thrown out upon Samuel Vaughan, Esq,, in the Public Ledger of the Twenty-tliird of August, 1769, hf. mor. Lond. 1769, 2 prel. leaves and 26 pp. 8° 250 EIGHTH DAy'S SALE. 2208 Yayer (De la Mothe le) De la Yertu des Payens Faris, 1642, 4P Title; Dedication, 2 leaves; Table, 1 leaf; text, .374pp. 2209 Vazquez de Medina. Por Ivan Vazqvez de Medina, vezino de la Ciudad de Mexico, y Tesorero de la Casa de la rao- neda de ella, en el Pleyto con D. luan Francisco Centeno, y D. luan Ansaldo de Yera, sobre la confirmacion del dicbo oficio [1662], 24 folioed leaves, folio 2210 Yeitia Li^'age (Joseph de) Norte de la Contratacion de las Jndiaa Occidentales,j/?w6 cojJi/ Sevilla, luan i'rancisco de BlaSy 1672, folio Sixteen prel. leaves ; Libro Primero 299 pp. Libio Segvndo 264 pp. Indice 70 pp., and Colophon leaf. An important "work containing an abstract of the Laws relating to the Indies. 2211 Yeita Linage (Joseph de) The Eule Established in Spain, for the Trade in the West Indies ; being a proper Scheme for Directing the Trade to the South Sea, now by Act of Parliament to be established in Grreat Britain, translated from the Spanish by Captain John Stevens, old calf Lond., [1700], 8° Thirteen prel. leaves, and text 367 pp. Index 9 pp. An abridged trans- lation of the preceding. 2212 Yelasquez de Cardenas, t Leon (Carlos Celedonio) Beeye Practica, t Eegimen del Cokeessonario de IxDios, EN Mexicano, y Castellano sm. 8° Twelve prel. leaves and 54 pp. In the Mexican language, with a Spanish Translation. 2213 Yenegas (Miguel) A Ifatural and Civil History of Cali- fornia, 2 vols. /we copy, calf Land. 1759, 8'^ Vol. I. 10 prel. leaves and 455 pp. Frontispiece, map at page 13, and plate at page 36. II. 4 prel. leaves and 387 pp. Frontispiece and plate at p. 141. 2114 Yera (Gerardo di) Tre Navigationi, fatte dagli Olandesi e Zelandesi al Settentrionale nella IS'orvegia, Moscovia, e Tartaria Yerso il Catai e Eegno di Sini, doue scoperso il Mare di Yeygatz la !Xuova Zembla et vn Paese nell Ottan- tesimo grado creduto la Groenlandia, maj)s and several curious plates, mor. extra, fine copy Tenet., JPorro, 1599, 4P Title, containing a vignette ; Dedication, 3 leaves ; text, 79 folioed leaves; maps and leaves printed in with the text. Belonging to the series of Relations of De Bry, Hulsius, and Hartgarts. 2115 Yernon. Specimen (A) of JS^aked Truth, from a British Sailor, hf. mor. Lond. 1746, 30 pp., 8° It was for publishing this pamphlet, relating to the expeditions against the Spanish possessions in America, that Admii-al Vernon was struck off the list of flag oflicers. 2216 Yernon (Admiral). The Genuine Speech of the truly Honourable Adm — 1 Y n, to the Sea Officers, at a Council of War, just before the Attack of C a, [Carthagena] unhound Lond., 1741, 8° Half-title, title, and 19 pp. 2217 Yernon (Admiral) A New Ballad on the Taking of Porto- Bello Lond. 1740, 7 pp. folio EIGHTH day's SALE. 251 0000 Vernon (Admiral) See Specimen of Naked Trutli 2218 Very (A) short and candid Appeal to Eree Born Britons, by an American, hf. mor, Lond. for the Author ^ 1774, 8** Title and 28 pp. ; signed, ' A Carolinian.' 2219 Vespucci (Ameeigo) De oba Antarctica peb eegem PORTUGALLIE PRIDEM INUENTA. SpLENDID COPY, with rough leaves, in brown morocco extra, hy Bedford [Colophon'] Impressum Argentine per Mathiam hupfuff, 1505, 4° Six leaves, with woodcut of fig-ures and ships on the title. 2220 Vespucci (Ameeigo). Cum Peivilegio. Paesi Nouamente EETEOUATI. Et NoUO MoNDO DA AlBEEICO VeSPUTIO PiOEENTiNO INTITULATO. Two Icavcs in facsimile, viz. Title and last leaf of the Table, splendid go^y, in red morocco, by Bedford IColopkonl Stampato in Vicentia cu la impensa de Mgro. Henrico Vicentino : et diligent e cur a et industria de Zamaria suo fiol nel. 1507 a di 3 de Nouembre Title, reverse blank ; ' Tabula C5munis,' 9 pp. ; * Montalboddo Fracan. al suo amicissimo loanimaria Anzolello Vicentino. S.' 1 page; text in 120 leaves, Primo Libro to Libro Sexto, being signatures a to D in fours, the last leaf blank. First edition of this, the first Collection of Voyages. 2221 Vespucci (Ameeigo). Cosmographije Inteodvctio cym QYIBYSDAM GeOMETEI^ AC AsTEONOMIjE PEINCIPIIS AD EAM EEM NECESSAEIIS InSUPEE QUATTUOE AmEEICI Vespucij nauigationes, morocco by Bedford [Colophon'] Finitic. iiij. kl. Septebris Anno supra sesqui- millesimu. vij. [Guatier Lud, St. Die, 1507], 4P Twenty unnumbered leaves, being signatures A to D, a and b in 6, c and d in four leaves ; on the reverse of the title, commencing * Divo Maximiliano Csesari semper Avgvsto Gymnasivm vosagense,' etc. ending on the last leaf * Hactenus exequuti capita,' etc. * Finis introductionis,' the reverse blank. A folded sheet in signature C, counted as two leaves, with a woodcut of the globe, on the reverse, commencing ' Propositum est hoc libello quandam Cosmographie introductione scribere : quam nos tarn,* ending ' signauimus sed hsec iam missa facientes.' * Qvattvor Americi Vespvtii Navigationes,' etc. 32 unnumbered leaves, signatures A (a) to f, the reverse of the last leaf blank. This book has a three-fold interest, from the facts, Ist, that it contains the first collected edition, in Latin, of the Relations of Vesputius ; 2nd, that it is the first specimen of the typographic art executed at St. Diey ; and 3rd, that in the introduction the Editor, Hylecomylus, makes the first suggestion, that, as Europe and Asia were named after women, this new world should be named after a man (Vir) Americus, which suggestion unfortunately for all sympathizers in the fate of Columbus was followed. This copy has the folded leaf in sig. C often wanting. 2222 Vespucci (Ameeigo). Paesi nouamente eiteouati per LA Nauigatione DI Spagna il Calicut. Et da Albee- TUTIO VeSPUTIO EiORENTINO INTITULATO MoNDO Nouo : Nouamente Impeessa, blue morocco extra [Colophon] Stampata in Venetia per Zorzi de Busconi millanese : nel. 1517 adi. 18 Agosto, 8** One hundred and twenty-four unnumbered leaves, in signatures A in four, b to q in eights, with woodcut of the City of Venice on the title; the reverse of the last leaf blank. 252 EIGHTH day's SALE. 2223 Vesptjcct (Amerigo). Paesi nouamekte eeteouati et NOUO MODO DA AlBEEICO YeSPUTIO ELOEETIIfO INTI- TTJLATO. Fine large copyy original vellum [^ColopliOTi] Stampato in Milano con la imj^ensa de lo. lacoho etfratelli da Lignano : et diligente cura et indiLSiria de loanne Angelo scinzen zeler : nel, 1519 a di. v. de Mazo, 4P Title with woodcut of figrures and ships; on the reverse, ' Tabvla,' and * Montalboddo Fracan,' etc. 7 pp. ; text in 79 leaves, Libro Piimo to Libro Sexto, being signatures a to u in fours, the last leaf blank. 2224 Yesputius. Newe v^^bekanthe lattdte und eiit kewe "WeLDTE in KURTZ TEEGAJfGER ZETTHE EEFUNDEN, ^WC large copy, red morocco extra, by Bedford IColopkon'] durch mich Georgen Stuchszen zu Nureinberglih, Gedruckte, 1508, der zweignizigiste tage des Monadts Septembris, folio Sixty-eight leaves, in double columns without catchwords or pagination, but with signatures a to k in sixes, 1 in four leaves and 4 leaves of register. *,* So many early and rare editions of Vesputius' Relations as before de- scribed can scarcely be met with in any catalogue. 2225 Yespucci (Amerigo). Yita di Amerigo Yespucci, lif. mor. loith portrait of ' Americ. Vespuccius ' pp. 25-35, 4P 2226 Yetancuet (Augustin de) Teateo Mexicaxo Descripcion Breve de los Svccessos Exemplares, Historicos, Politieos, Militares, y Religiosos del nuevo mundo Occidental de las Indias, Mexico, por Dona Maria de Benavides Viuda de luan de Ribera, 1698, 6 prel. leaves, Parts 1 and 2, QQ pp. and 168 pp. ; Indice, 2 pp. ; * Tratado de la Ciudad de Mexico,' etc. 56 pp. — Pollowed by the title to the Second Yolume : ' Cheonica de la Peoyixcia del Santo Evan- GELio DE Mexico. Quarta parte del Teatro Mexicano, etc. Mexico, ib. 1697 ; 6 prel. leaves and 138 pp. ; ' Menol- ogio Franciscan© de los varones masseiialados, que con sus vadas exemplares,' etc. 1 p. the reverse blank, and 156 pp. 2 vols, in 1, red morocco, by Bedford folio Rich, who had an unusually good acquaintance with books of this class, does not notice this, nor does Salva. 2227 Yiaud (Captain Pierre) The Shipwreck and Adventures of, translated by Mrs. Griffith Lond. 1771, 8^ xii and 276 pp. ; frontisp. 2228 Yiew (A) of the Depredations and E-avages Committed by the Spaniards on the British Trade and Navigation, hf. mor. Lond. 1731 ; title, ix and 44 pp. 8° 2229 Yiew (A) of the Controversy between Great-Britain and her Colonies, hf mor. New Torh : by James Bivington, 1774, 37 pp. 8° By A W. Farmer, Author of Free Thoughts, etc. 2230 — The same, another Ed. New- York, printed : London, repr. 1775, 8° Half-title, title and 90 pp. EIGHTH day's SALE. 253 2231 View (A) of the History of areat-Britain, during the Ad- ministration of Lord North, to the Second Session of the Fifteenth Parliament. In Two Parts, uncut Lond. 1782, 8» Title, ii and 412 pp. The first part was published in the preceding year, under the title of the History of Lord North's Administration. 2232 ViLBAO (Lns de) Sermon de la Fe en el Solene y General Avto, qve su Tribunal Santo celebro en la Ciudad de Lima, 21 de Diziembre, de 1625, calf extra, ly Bedford Lima, 1626 ; title and folioed leaves 2 to 18, 4° 2233 ViLLAGOMEZ (Pedbo de) Discvrso Ivridico sobre que per- tenece a la Dignidad Argobispal, 6 Episcopal, el nombrar, y remover los Colectores delas Iglesias Catedrales de las Indias, fin dependencia del Eeal Patronazgo Lima, 1653, 4« 60 folioed leaves. 2234 Villa GTJTiEREE (Don Juan de) Historiade la Conquista DE LA Provincia DE EL Itza, reducciou y progresses de la de el Lacandon, y otras Naciones de Indies Barbaros, de la Mediacion de el Eeyno de Gvatimala a las provincias de Tvcatan en la America Septentional [Madrid, 1701] folio Title, having a slip pasted over the words " primera parte" (obviously a contemporary emendation) ; engraved plateof a shield of arms between columns, and within a border, Marcus Orozco, delin. et sculp. 1701 ; 31 other prel. leaves, a 2 to h ; Text pp. 660 : Table 17 leaves. Rich, who states that this work was unknown to Meusel, says that the plate of arms is frequently wanting. No more than this first part was published. 2235 Yille (Jean Baptiste de) Histoire des Plantes de I'Europe, et des plus Usite'es qui viennent d'Asie, d'Afrique, et d'Amerique, 2 vols, old calf Lyon, 1707, 12« Vol. I. 24 prel. leaves and 442 pp. II. Title and pp. 445—866. Table 2236 Vincent (Thomas) sometimes Minister of Maudlin-Milh Street, in London. An Explicatory Catechism, or an Ex- planation of the Assemblies Shorter Catechism, /^ze copy, original binding Boston, JST. E.for D. Henchman, 1729, 12« Title; two Epistles, viii pp, text, »15 pp. 2237 Vindication (A) of the Proceedings of the Eastern Asso- ciation in Fairfield County, and of the Council that cen- sured Mr. "White, and dismissed him from his Pastoral Ee- lation to the Eirst Church in Danbury JV^ew Haven, B. Mecom, 1764, 78 pp. 8° 2238 Virginia. The New Life of Virginia, declaring the FORMER SUCCESSE AND PRESENT STATE OF THAT PLANTA- TION. Published by the Authoritie of his Maiesties Counsell of Yirgineay facsimile title, calf extra, 5y E. Bed- ford Lond. by Felix Kyngston, for William Welbtj, 1612, ^^ Title; "To the Ri^ht Worshipful Sir Thomas Smith," 4 pp.; Text 24* unnumbered leaves. The author in his preface, complains that nothinjj in his day, except it be the name of God, was so depraved, traduced and derided as the name of Virginea. 254 ElGnTH DATf S SALE. 2239 Virginia. A Perfect Description of Virginia, being a full and true relation of the present State of the Planta- tion, their Health, Peace, and Plenty : the number of people, with their abundance of Cattell, Fowl, Fish, etc. with severall sorts of rich and good Commodities, which may be had, either Naturally, or by Art and Labour, mo- rocco extra, hy Bedford^ very fine copy Londoriffor Bicliard Wodenotli, 1649, 4° Two prel. leaves, viz. Ist, ou verso the royal ai-rns; 2nd, Title, reverse blank: text 19 pp. 2240 — The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, as re- presented by Themselves, to which is added a Vindication of the said Representation, lif, mor. Lond. 1733, 64 pp. 8^ 2241 — A Memorial relating to the Tobacco Trade, offer' d to the Confederation of the Planters of Virginia and Maryland, Jif. mor. uncut Williamshurgh : William Barks, 1737, 8° Twenty-five pp. signed * Daniel Mac Kercher." 2242 — The American Wanderer through various parts of Europe, in a series of Letters to a Lady (interspersed with a variety of interesting Anecdotes) by a Virginian Dublin, 1783, xxiii and 288 pp. 12« 0000 Virginia. See Bullock, Hellier, Nicholson {William and Mary College), Stith. 0000 Virginian Language. See Lutheri Catechismus 2243 Volney (C. P.) View of the Climate and Soil of the United States of America, to which are annexed some Accounts of Florida, the French Colony of the Scioto, certain Canadian Colonies, and the Savages or Natives ; translated from the French Lond. 1804, 8° Twenty-four pp. Table of Contents, pp. iii-vi. Text 504 pp. Plates at pp. 59, 99, Two maps at the end. 2244 Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie et dans I'Etat de New York, par un Membre adoptif de la nation Oneida, traduit et public par I'auteur des Lettres d'un Cultivateur Ame- ricain, 3 vols. hf. calf Baris, 1801, 8» Vol.1, xxxii pp. including- Frontispiece ; Text 427 pp. Plates at pp. 115, 119, 253. Map at the end. II. xiv and 434 pp. Plates at pp. 131, 182,192. Map at the end. III. xii and 410 pp. 'Indication,' etc. folded sheet at page 166, folded sheet at page 173. Plates at pp. 197, 199. ' Tableau' etc. at pp. 252, 253. 2245 Voyages. t'Historiael Journael, van tghene ghepasseert- is van weghen drie Schepen, ghenaemt den Bam, Schaep ende het Lam, ghevaren uyt Zeelandt vander Stadt Camp- Verenaer d'Oost-Indien^ws^. Michiel Colijn, 1617, obi. 4*' Forty-two leaves. This and the following article, with others in this Ca- talogue, form part of a series of Relations published by Michiel Colijn, of Amsterdam. They are of not less curiosity and rarity than the better known collections of De Bry and Hulsius EIGHTH day's SALE. 255 2246 Voyages. Beschrijvinghe ende Historische verhael, vant U_out Koninckrijk van Guinea, anders de Gout-custe de Mmagenaemt Amst. MicUel GoHjn, 1617, obi 4P One hundred and four leaves, plates in the text, except one large folding one. This and the two following Relations are others of the CoIiiS wZdtTelc. """^ •"" ^'""^ "^^'' *^" ^^^'' Speilbergen, Neck, 2247 Voyages. 'Te erste Boeck. Historie van Indien Amst,, Michiel CoUjn, 1617, obi. 4° Eighty-three leaves. The author of this Relation, which will be found in De Bry, is unknown, though many have been the enquiries and specu- 00 4 J''^'^''^ <5oncei-nmg him and his mysterious initials " G. M. A W L '* 2248 \oyages Oost-Indische ende Vvest-Indische voyagien. JN^amelijck, de waerachtighe beschrijvinghe vande drie seylagien, drie Jaren achtermalkandaren deur de Hol- landtsche ende Zeelandtsche Schepen, by noorden Noor- vveghen Moscovien ende Tartarien nae de Coninckriicken, van Catthay ende China ghedaen, de eerste voyagie der ilollandtsche Schepen op de Landen van lava Amst., Michael Colijn, 1619, obi. 4P Eighty leaves. Some of the Relations of Van Noordt, De Weerdt and ooACi ^^^^^^^^^y WJ^I ^e found in this rare volume. 2249 Voyages. AnHistoricalAccountofalltheYoyages round the World, performed by English Navigators ; the whole faith- lully H^xtracted from the Journals of the Voyagers— Drake V?^f *f ^^> l?77-80 - Cavendish, 1586-88 - Cowley.' 1683-86 — Dampier, 1689-96 — Cook, 1708-11 — Eogers 3708-11— Chpperton and Shelvocke, 1719-22— Anson, un- dertaken m 1740-44-Byron, 1764-66— Wailis, 1766-68— Carteret, 1766-69, and Cooke, 1768-71 ; together with that Parkinson M. Bougainville, and Commodore Phipps and Captain Lutwidge, 4 vols, half calf, wanting a plate ^""llh^'^^A'} P^^^-. PP-5 I^ist of Subscribers, 5 pp.; Directions to' thi 15pS'^fT^r°^.*^!.P^'*''' ^ P^^^' *«^*' 480 pp.; 1 Map and 15 Plates. II. Title and 440 pp.; 8 plates. III. 1773, v& and 470pp.; tMlT'TTWlf'^' [\^ ^^ '^'' "°Py^- I^- 1773. Title and .3b4 pp., ihe Bookseller's Advertisement, 2 pp.: ' SuDnlement fon Marfnd'ch'aT^' ^' ^ ^^^^'^^' ^''- '' ^^^^' ^^ n^; s'PlXs 2250 Voyages. A new Collection of Voyages, Discoveries and Iravels. containing whatever is worthy of Notice in Eu- rope, Asia, Africa and America, 7 vols, old cf Lond. 1767 8° Vol. I. 8 prel. leaves and 515 pp. II. 2 prel. leaves and 496 pp. Ill , 2 prel. leaves and 520 pp. IV. 2 prel. leaves and 464 pp. V 2 prel leaves and 472 pp. VI. 2 prel. leaves and 543 pp. VII 2 prel leaves and 528 pp There is in the first volume a list ??49 Maps aKlates 2251 Voyages Interesting Account of the Early Voyages made by the Portuguese and Spaniards, etc. to Africa, East and West Indies the Discovery of numerous Islands, with Particulars of the Lives of those Eminent Navigators in- cluding the Life of Columbus ; to which is added the Life of Captain Cook, old calf lond. 1790, 40 Twelve prel. leaves and pp. 7-276 ; 7 Plates and Maps. 256 EIGHTH DAT'^S SALE. 2252 Voyages. A Greneral Collection of Voyages and Disco- veries made by the Portuguese and Spaniards during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, containing the interest- ing and entertaining Voyages of the celebrated Gonzalez and Vaz, Gonzalez Zarco, Lanzerota, Diego Gell, Cada Mosto, Pedro di Sintra, Diego d'Azambuza, Bartholomew Diaz, Vasco de Gatna, Voyages to the Canary Island?, Voyages of Columbus, Nino and Guierra, Ojeda and Ves- pusius Cortereal, Alvarez Cabral, Francis Almeed, Albu- querque, Andrea Corsali, Voyage to St. Thomas, Voyage of de Solis, Pinzon, etc. Voyage of John Ponce, Grijalva, Nicuessa, Cortes, Ojeda and Ocampo, Magellan, with other Voyages to the East Indies, the West Indies, Eound the World, etc. Lond. 1789, 4P Five prel. leaves and pp. 7-518; Plates and Maps. 2253 Wadsworth (Benjamin) Pastor of Boston. An Essay for the Charitable Spreading of the Gospel into Dark Ignorant Places, being a Sermon preached in Boston, Oct. 16, 1718, calf extra f hy Bedford Boston, hy B. Green, for Benj, Eliot, 1718, 12^ Title and 36 pp. 2254 Wadsworth (Benjamin) The Gospel not Opposed, but by the Devil and Men's Lusts, a Sermon preached at Boston, Jan. 8, 1718-19, calf extra, by Bedford Boston, ly B. Green for Benj. Eliot, 1719, 12° Title and 46 pp. 2255 Wadsworth (Benjamin) Vicious Courses, Procuring Po- verty, Described and Condemned, a Sermon preached at Boston, Feb. 19, 1718-19, calf extra, ly Bedford Boston, hy John Allen, for Benjamin Eliot, 1719, 12° Title and 32 pp. 2256 Wafer (Lionel) A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America, giving an Account of the Author's Abode there .... the Indian Inhabitants, their Features, Complexion, etc. their Manners, Customs, Employments, Marriages, Feasts, Hunting, Computation, Language, etc. with Remarkable Occurrences in the South Sea, and else- where, old calf Lond. 1699, 8° Four prel. leaves and 224 pp. ; Index, 14 pp. ; Books, etc. 2 pp ; Map at pag'e 1 ; Plates at pp. 28, 103, 141. Wafer was Surgeon to the Expe- dition of Dampier across the Isthmus of Darien, and was left amon^ the Indians on account of a wound he received by the explosion of some gunpowder. 2257 Walker (Sie Hoyenden) A Journal ; or Full Account of the late Expedition to Canada, with an Appendix Lond. 1720, 8o Two prel. leaves and 304 pp. This volume was written by Sir W. Hoven- den in exculpation of himself and others who commanded the unfortu- nate expedition ag-ainst Canada, when, by the unskilfulness of the Pilots, eight ships and nearly a thousand men were lost in the river St. Law- rence. EIGHTH day's SALE. 257 2258 "Walker (James) Letters on the West Indies, uncut Lond. 1818, xvi and 268 pp. S" 2259 "Wallace (Edward J.) The Oregon Question determined by the E-ules of International Law Lond. 1846, 39 pp. 8^ 2260 Waller. An Essay on the Value of the Mines, late of Sir Carbery Price, by William Waller, Gent. Steward of the said Mines, writ for the private satisfaction of all the Partners, old red morocco, fine copy Lond. 1698, 8° Twelve prel. leaves, and 55 pp. With two folding sheets, one a woodcut plan of Potosi. Apparently privately printed. 2261 Walter (Thomas) Flora Carolina, secundum Systema Yege- tabilium Perillustris Linnaei digests, hds, uncut, with several Manuscript additions Lond. 1788, 8° viii and 263 pp. Plate facing- title. 2262 Walton and Cotton's Angler, edited by Q. W. Bethune, LAE&E PAPEE, platcs and a duplicate set of the woodcuts (Proofs) New York, 1847, royal 8« Title, portrait, Advertisement to the American edition, 1 pa^e. Bibliogra- phical Preface by the American Editor, pp. i — Ixxxiv. Prel. leaves, pp. 1 — xci. Text, pp. i-249. Cotton's Complete Angler— Portrait, Title, Life of Cotton, pp. 1-29. Text, pp. 31-114. Appendix, pp. 115-191. Works referred to, pp. 192-195. List of Books belonging to Iz. Walton, pp. 196-7. Works by Iz. Walton and Cotton, pp. 198-203. Index, pp. 206-210. 2263 Waed. De la Guard (Theodore) The Simple Cobler of Ag- gavvam in America, willing to help to mend his Native Country, lamentably tattered both in the upper leather and sole, morocco extra, good copy Lond. for S. Bowtell, 1647, 4P Title ; " To the Reader," 1 leaf ; text, 80 pp. ending with a verse entitled " The Clench" (some copies have this verse before the Errata, and with the heading " Sutor ultra crepidam" at p. 1 ). This rare and curious work, which abounds in quaint imagery and doggrell rhyme, was pub- lished under the assumed name of Theodore de la Guard. An Account of the Author (Rev. Nathaniel Ward) will be found in Mather's Magnalia. 2264 Warden (D. B.) A Chorographical and Statistical Descrip- tion of the District of Columbia JBariSy Smith, Rue Montmorency, 1816, 8° vii and 212 pp. Index, 2 pp. Plan at page 1. Plate at page 34. 2265 Warren (G-eorge) An Impartial Description of Surinam upon the Continent of Guiana, in America, with a History of several strange Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Serpents, Insects, and Customs of that Colony, etc. calf extra, hy Bedford Lond, hy William Oodhidfor Nathaniel Broohe^ 1667, 4° Two prel. leaves; viz. Title, the reverse blank. * To the Reader,' 2 pp* Text, '28 pp. 2266 Washington. The Campaigns of the British Army at Wash- ington and New Orleans, in the Years 1814-1815, by the Author of the Subaltern, corrected and revised, 4th Ed. cloth Lond. 1836, iv and 389 pp. 12° 258 EIGHTH day's SALE. 2267 Washington (George). Letters from General Washington to several of his Eriends in the Tear 1776, in which are set forth a fairer and fuller View of American Politics than ever yet transpired, halfmor. Lond. 1777, title and 73 pp. 8« 2268 Washington. A Poetical Epistle to his Excellency George Washington, Esq. from an Inhabitant of the State of Mary- land; to which is annexed a Short Sketch of General Washington's Life and Character, unbound Annapolis, 1779 : Lond. repr. 1780, 24 pp. 4P 2269 Washington (George) A Message of the President of the United States to Congress relative to Prance and Great Britain, delivered December 5, 1793, with the Papers therein referred to. Published by order of the House of Eepre- sentatives, halfmor. uncut Philadelphia : Childs and Swaine, 1793, 103 pp. S^ 2270 Washington (George) Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress, written during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain, copied from the Origi- nal Papers preserved in the Office of the Secretary of State, Philadelphia, 2 vols. bds. Lond. 1795, 8° Vol. I. viii and 364 pp. II. Half-title, title, and 384 pp. 2271 Washington (George) Letters from, to Arthur Young, con- taining an Account of his Husbandry, with a Map of his Farm, etc. calf Lond. 1801, vi and 172 pp. and map, 8° 2272 Washington. Monuments of Washington's Patriotism ; a Eacsimile of his Public Accounts kept during the Eevolu- tionary War, presentation copy from Joseph Till of New Orleans to 8. S. Hardy Washington, 1838, folio Portrait. Title with Table of Contents at back. Two plates of the Man- sion and Tomb of Washington. Certificate of the Correctness of the facsimile, 1 page. Documents connected with the life of Washington, p. 1-23. Constitution of the United States, 4 pp. Facsimile of Ac- counts, pp. 1 to 66. Facsimile of Paper Money, 2 pp. Plan of the Line of March, etc. 3 pp. Extracts from Marshall's Lite, 1 page. 2273 Washington (George) Life of, with an Introduction, con- taining a View of the Colonies planted by the English on the Continent of Xorth America, by J. Marshall, portrait and 'plates, 5 vols, half Id. 1804, S** Vol. I. Title and prel. leaves, 36 pp. Text, pp. 1-576. Two Maps and Por- trait. II. Title, frontispiece. Table of Contents 6 pp. Text, pp. 1-633. III. Title, frontispiece, Table of Contents, 6 pp. Text, pp. 1-570. IV. Title, Contents, 6 pp. Text, pp. 1.684. V. Title, Contents, 6 pp. Text, pp. 1-841. Pedigree of Washington, 2 pp. 10 Maps. 2274 Waterton (Charles) Wanderings in South America, the North- West of the United States, and the Antilles, in 1812-24, LAEGE PAPER, hds. Lond. 1825, vii and 326 pp. frontisp. 4° 2275 Watts (Isaac) A Guide to Prayer, 8th Ed. corrected, title a little torn Boston, J. Draper, for D. Henchman, 1739, 12" Title, X and 228 pp. Table 4 pp. EIGHTH DA1l*S SALE. 259 2276 Webster (Noali) Collection of Papers on Political, Literary and Moral Subjects New York, 1843, title and 8 pre!, pp. Text 373 pp. 8° 2277 Webster (Pelatiah) Political Essays on the Nature and Operation of Money, Public Finances, and other Subjects, half calf Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshanky 17 Ql, S^ viii and 504 pp. 2278 Weeedt (SebAlLD de) Historisch ende Wijdtloopigh ver- hael, vau'tgbene de yijf Schepen (die int Jaer 1698, tot Eotterdam toegherust zijn, om door de Straet Magellana haren handel te dryven) wedervaren is, tot den 7 Septem- ber, ' 1599, op welcken dagh Capiteyn Sebald de VYeerdt Amst. Michiel Colijn, title and 73 pp. ob, 4« See also Van Joris, Van Neck, and Voyages 2279 Weld (Isaac) Travels through the States of North America and Tipper and Lower Canada during the years 1795-97, half calf Zond, 1799, 8° xxiv and 464 pp. ; Books, etc. 8 pp. ; * Erratum,' pasted at the bottom of the List of Plates ; 1 6 plates. 2280 — The same, 3rd Ed. 2 vols, half calf Zond. 1800, 8° Vol. I. XX and 427 pp.; 2 maps and 9 plates. II. viii and 376 pp.; 5 plates. 2281 — The same, 4th Ed. 2 vols, half calf Zond. 1807, 8^ Vol. I. XX and 427 pp.; 2 maps and 9 plates. II. viii and 376 pp ; 5 plates. 2282 Welde (T.) A Short Story of the Eise, Eeign, and Euine of the Antinomians, Eamilists, and Libertines, that infected the Churches of New England .... and the Lamentable Death of Mrs. Hutchison, very fit for these Times, eibst EDITION, with the autograph of White Kennet on the title, calf extra hy Bedford, cut close Zond. for Balph Smith, 1644, 4° Ten pre], leaves, viz. Title in a metal border, the reverse blank ; ' To the Reader,' signed ♦ T. W.' 1 page ; ' The Preface,' signed ' T. Welde/ 16 pp.; text, 66 pp. 2283 Wemms (William). The Trial of William Wemms, James Hartegan, William M'Cauley, Hugh White, Mathew Kill- roy, William Warren, John Carrol, and Hugh Mont- gomery, Soldiers in his Majesty's 29th Eegiment of Eoot, for the Murder of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James Caldwell, and Patrick Carr, on the 5th of March, 1770, at the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and general G-aol Delivery, held at Boston, calf extra, hy Bedford Boston, J. Fleeming, 1770, 217 pp. 8° A copious record of the exact facts and circumstances of this case, which have been so often misrepresented for party pui-poses. 260 EIGHTH DJLT*S SALE. 2284 Wesley (John) A Calm Address to our American Colonies, hf. mor. Loncl. 1775, 23 pp. 12o Mr. Wesley here reproduces some of the arguments of Taxation no Tyranny, and his Tract elicited almost as many replies as did that of Dr. Johnson. 2285 — The same, another Ed. Tif. mor. Lond. [1775], 23 pp. 12° 2286 — The same, a New Edition, corrected and enlarged Lond. [1776], 22 pp. 12« 2287 — The same, another Ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1777, 21 pp. 12° 2288 Wesley. An Old Fox Tarr'd and Eeathered; occasioned by what is called Mr. John Wesley's Calm Address to our American Colonies, by an Hanoverian ; a Calm Address to our American Colonies, Tif. mor. Lond. for the Author, [1775], 16 pp. 8« Vignette on title representing a fox in clerical vestments. The intention is to show Mr. Wesley's plagiarism, pointing out no less than thirty-one paragraphs borrowed from Johnson's Taxation no Tyranny. — Rich. 2289 Wesley (John) Some Observations on Liberty ; occasioned by a late Tract, hf mor. Lond. 1776, 36 pp. 12° 2290 West (John) The Substance of a Journal during a Eesidence at the Red Eiver Colony, British North America, and frequent Excursions among the North-west American Indians, cloth Lond. 1827, 8° xvi and 326 pp. ; 4 plates. 2291 West Indies. West-tvk^d Ost Ixdischee Lustgart: das ist, Eygentliche Erzehlung, wann vnd von wem die Newe Welt ersunden, besagelt, vnd eingenommen worden, vnd was sich Denckwiirdiges darbey zugetragen, vellum Collen, Bey Wilhelm Lutzenhircheny 1618, 4° Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, the reverse blank ; ' Dem Hochwiirdigen in Gott Vatter vnnd Herren, Herren Hugoni,' etc. 4 pp. signed * Gaspar Ens L. Wilhelm Lutzenkirchen :' 'An den Giinstigen Leser,' 2 pp.; text, 436 pp. ; ' Des Ost Indischen Lustgartens Erster Theil,* 236 pp. Not mentioned by Rich. 2292 — West Indische Spieghel, waer inne men sien kan, alle de Eylanden, Provintien, Lantschappen, het Machtige Eyck van Mexico, en 't Grout en Silver-rycke Landt van Peru. Als mede hoe die vande Spanjaerden eerst ge inva- deert syn, door Athanasium Inga, Peruaen, van Cusco, vellum Amst., B. lansz, 1624, 4P Four prel. leaves, viz. Engraved and printed titles ; ' Toe eyghen- Brief,' 4 pp.; text, 435 pp.; -Register des Boecks,' 7 pp.; 2 maps, 'tNoorder deel van West Indien' and ' 't Zuyder deel van West-Indien.' Not mentioned by Rich. 2293 — Certaine Inducements to well-minded People, who are heere straitned in their Estates or otherwise, to transport themselves, or Servants, or Agents for them, into the West Indies, for the Propagating the Grospell and Increase of Trade - [Lond. 1644 ?], 4° Twelve leaves, sig. A, B, C, paged 1-24. EIGHTH day's SALE. 261 2294 West Indies. Copye, vande Eesolutie van de Heeren Burge- meesters ende Eaden tot Amsterdam, op't stuk vande West Indische Compagnie, genomen in August! 1649, Jif. mor A^ Eight leaves in Roman type. 2295 — Copjen. [Aen de Hoogh-Mogende Heeren Staten Ge- nerael der Yereenegbde Nederlanden] 16 pp. 4° Relating to Brasil and the West India Company. 2296 — Nader Prolongatie van het Octroy voor de Westindisclie Compagnie, en van de eerste prolongatie van dien, voor den tyd van nog dertig jaaren, gearresteert den 8 Augusty 1730, calfi hy Hay day GravenJiage, Jacohus Scheltus, 1730, 20 pp. 4*' 2297 — To the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses in Parliament assembled. The Humble Petition of several Proprietors of Plantations in the Islands of Nevis and St. Christophers in America, and Merchants trading to the same ; on behalf of themselves and other Inhabitants and Traders to the aforesaid Islands [London], a single sheet, folio 2298 — A Letter to the Eight Eeverend the Lord Bishop of Lon- don from aji Inhabitant of his Majesty's Lee ward- Caribbee- Islands, half mor. Lond. 1730, 8° Half-title, title, and text 1 03 pp. 2299 — The Present State of the British Sugar Colonies Consi- der'd, in a Letter from a Gentleman of Barbadoes to his Friend in London, half mor. Lond. 1731, 28 pp. 4» 2300 — The Importance of the Sugar Colonies to Great Britain Stated, and Some Objections against the Sugar Colony Bill answer' d, half mor. Lond. 1731, 40 pp. 8° 2301 — A Comparison between the British Sugar Colonies and New England as they relate to the Interest of Great Britain, with some Observations on the State of New England, half fnor. Lond. 1732, 43 pp. 8° 2302 — Proposals for the Sugar Planters' Address, and for Eeviv- ing the British Sugar Commerce, half mor. Lond. 1733, 35 pp. 4« 2303 — ^ A Geographical and Historical Description of the Prin- cipal Objects of the Present War in the West Indies, viz. Cartagena, Puerto-Bello, La Vera Cruz, The Havana, and San Augustin, stained^ half mor. Lond. 1741, 8° Four prel. leaves, and 192 pp. With the Map of the West Indies. Plan of Puerto Bello Harbour at pag-e 85, 2304 — Journal of the Expedition to La Guira and Porto Caval los in the West Indies, under the command of Commodore Knowles, half mor. Lond. 1744, 63 pp. 8« 2305 — Eeal Compania de Comercio para las Islas de Santo Do- mingo, Puerto-Eico, y la Margarita, citron morocco, ivith arms of Lord Stuart de Bothesay Madrid : Joseph Bico, 1755, 2 pr. leaves, text 33 pp. 16^ 262 EIGHTH day's SALE. 230G "West Indies. "Reasons grounded on Facts. Shewing, I. That a new Duty on Sugar must fall on the Planter. II. That the Liberty of a direct Exportation to Foreign Markets will not help him in this Case. III. That a new Duty will not certainly increase the Revenue. And TV. That it will pro- bably occasion the Desertion of our Sugar Islands, hf, mor. Lond,. 1748, title and p. 3-21, 8« 2307 — The Memorials of the English and French Commissaries concerning St. Lucia, j'Jwe copy, old calf Lond. 1755, title and 550 pp. 4° 2308 — Candid and Impartial Considerations on the Nature of the Sugar Trade ; the Comparative Importance of the Bri- tish and French Islands in the "West-Indies : with the Value and Consequence of St. Lucia and Granada truly stated Lond. 1763, half-title and title, 2 Is. text 228 pp. 3 plates, 8° 2309 — Thoughts on Trade in General, our West- Indian in par- ticular, our Continental Colonies, Canada, Guadaloupe, and the preliminary Articles of Peace, addressed to the Com- munity, half mor. Lond. 1763, S** Eighty-six pp ; dated * December, 1762,' and signed ' Ignotus.' 2310 — Considerations on the Imposition of 4J per Cent, col- lected on Grenada, and the Southern Charibee Islands, by Virtue of His Majesty's Letters Patent, half morocco Lond. 1774, 8° Title, and dedication 2 leaves ; text, 40 pp. 2311 — A State of the Claim of His Majesty's Bermuda Subjects to the Bight of Gathering Salt at Turks Islands, hf. mor. Lond. 1790, title and 26 pp. 4° 2312 — An Appeal to the candour and justice of the People of England, in behalf of the West India Merchants and Planters, founded on plain facts and incontrovertible argu- ments, hf mor. Lond. 1792, xvi, and 118 pp. 8« 2313 — An Inquiry into the Causes of the Insurrection of the Negroes in the Island of St. Domingo, with the Observa- tions of M. Garran-Coulon on the same subject, half mor. Lond. 1792, 32 pp. 8o 2314 — Considerations on the present Crisis of Affairs, as it respects the West-India Colonies, and the probable Effects of the French Decree for Emancipating the Negroes, /^z^e copy, uncut Lond. 1795, half-title, title, and 76 pp. 8° 2315 — The Opportunity or Eeasons for an Immediate Alliance with St. Domingo, by the Author of " The Crisis of the Sugar Colonies,*' unhound Lond. 1804, 8° viii and text 156 pp. 0000 "West Indies. See Ashley, Barbadoes, Jamaica, St. Do- mingOt Somer Lslands, Tobago. 263 2316 Wetmore (Jaraes) A A^indication of the Professors of the Church of England in Connecticut, against the Invectives contained in a Sermon preached at Stanford by Mr. ^oah Hobart, Dec. 31, 1746, halfmor. Boston, 1747, 45 pp. 8° 2317 Wheaton (Dr. H.) Elements of International Law, sixth Ed. edited by "W. B. Lawrence, calf Boston, 1855, 8^ Title. Table of Contents, pp. iii-xi. Introductory remarks, pp. xiii-cxcvi. Text, pp. 1-622. Appendix, pp. 625-691. Table of Cases, pp. 695-700. Index, pp. 701-728. 2318 Wheelock (Eev. Eleazer), Minister, of Lebanon, A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity School in Lebanon, Con- necticut, half mor. Lond. hy J. and W. Oliver, 1766, 8° Title ; text pp. 3-48. " Appendix," pp. 49-64. 2319 Wheelock (Eleazar) A plain and faithful Narative of the Original Design, E-ise, Progress and present State of the Indian Cliarity School at Lebanon, in Connecticut, hf. mor. Boston, Richard and Samuel Draper, 1763, 55 pp. 8*^ 2320 "Whitaker (Nathanael) Minister, of Salem, Two Sermons on the Doctrine of E/Cconciliation ; together with an Ap- pendix, in answer to a Dialogue wrote to discredit the main Truths centained in these Discourses, by the Eeverend William Hart, of Saybrook, in Connecticut, uncut Salem, Samuel Hall, 1770, 168 pp. 8° 2321 Whitbouene (Eichard) A Discoyese and Discovert OF Nett-foynd-land, with many reasons to prooue how worthy and beneficiall a Plantation may there be made, after a far better manner than now it is ; fiest edition, fine copy, in calf extra, hy Bedford Lond. Felix Kyngston, for William Barret, 1620, 4° Nine prel. leaves, viz. Title, on the reverse the royal arms ; * To the High and Mightie Prince, lames, &c.' (A 3), 4 pp. signed ' Richard Whit- hovrne;' 'To his Maiesties good Subiects,' (B), 4 pp. signed ' R. W.;* * 1 he Preface, being an Indvction to the following Discourse,' ( B 3), 8 pp. in itahcs; text (D), 69 pp. followed by one blank page ; * A con- clusion to the Reader,' 4 pp. 2322 — The same, anothee Edition, autograph of White Keri' nett on the title ^ calf extra, by Bedford Lond. hy Felix Kingston, 1622, 4P Eleven prel. leaves, viz. Title, on the reverse the royal arms; 'At Theobalds, the 12. of April, 1622,' 1 page: 'After our very hearty Commendations to your good Lordships,' etc. 1 page ; 'The names of some, who haue vndertaken to helpe and aduance his Maiesties Plantations in the New- found-land, viz.' 2 pp. signed 'R. W.;' 'To the High and Mightie Prince, lames, &c.' 4 pp. signed ' Richard Whitbovrne ;' ' To his Ma- iesties good Subiects,' 4 pp. signed *R. W.;' -The Preface,' 8 pp.; text, 107 pp.; * A Conclusion to the former Discourse,' etc. 5 pp. signed ' R.W.;' ' A Letter from Captaine Edward Wynne,' and 3 other Jitters, pp. 1 to 15 (pp, 35, 70 and 71, are paged 3, 100 and 101). This edition contains much additional matter beyond that included in the pre- ceding. 2 M 26^ EIGHTH day's SAIE. 2323 "WniTBOrENE. The same, Aif other Edition, calf extra hy Bedford Lond. Felix Kingston, 1623, 4° Nine prel. leaves, viz. Title, on the reverse the royal arms, and ' Most humbly,' etc.; 'At Theobalds, the 12. of April] 1692,' 1 page; * After our very hearty Commendations to your ^ood Lordships,' etc. 1 page; * The names of some, who haue vndertaken to helpe and aduance his Maiesties Plantation in the New-found- land, viz.' 2 pp. signed * 11. W. ;* * To the High and Miglitie Prince, lames, etc' 2 pp. ; ' To his Maiesties good Subiects,' 3 pp. ; ' The Preface,' 7 pp. ; text, 97 pp. ; * A Conclusion to the former Discourse,' etc. 4 pp. ; * A Letter from Captaine Edward Wynne,' etc. and 3 other Letters, pp. 1 to 15. Containing the additional matter mentioned in the preceding. Capt, Whitbourne was the father of Newfoundland, as Smith was of Virginia and New England, and Champlain was of Canada.— J?ic^. 2324 Whitefield (Greorge) A Journal of a Voyage from London to Savannah in G-eorgia, in two Parts, hf, mor. title damaged \Lond. 1738], title, iv and 58 pp. 8« 2325 — The same, 5th Ed. Lond. 1739, 55 pp. 8^ 2326 Whitefield (George). A Continuation of theEeverend Mr. "Whitefield' s Journal, from his Embarking after the Em- bargo, to his arrival at Savannah in Georgia Lond. 1740, 88 pp. 8° 2327 Whitefield. A Continuation of the Eeverend Mr. White- field's Journal, from his arrival at Savannah, to his Keturn to London, half mor, Lond. 1739, 8° Two prel. leaves and 38 pp. • Advertisement," 1 page. This may be re- garded as the genuine edition ; in it the author says that the Journals already published were printed without his knowledge. 2328 — The same, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1739, 2 pr. leaves and 38 pp. 8° 2329 Whitefield (George). A Continuation of the Reverend Mr. Whitefield' s Journal, from a few days after his Eeturn to Georgia to his Arrival at Falmouth, on the 11th of March, 174L Containing an Account of the Work of God at Georgia, Ehode-Island, New-England, New-York, Penn- sylvania and South Carolina. The Seventh Journal, 2nd Ed. half mor. Lond. 1744, 88 pp. 8« 2330 Whitefield (George) Answer to the Bishop of London's last Pastoral Letter, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1739, 8° Two titles ; .text, pp. 3-28. 'A Supplement to the Rer. Mr. Whitefield's Answer,' etc. 8 pp. 2331 Whitefield (George) The heinous Sin of Drunkenness, a Sermon Preached on board the Whitaker, wanting all after 'page 20 Lond. 1739, 8° 2332 Whitefield (George) Thankfulness for Mercies received, a necessary Duty ; a Tarewell Sermon Preached on board the Whitaker, at anchor near Savannah in Georgia, on Sunday, May the 17th, 1738 Lond. 1739, 8« Title, and pp. 3-24. 2333 Whitefield (George) An Account of Money Eeceived and • Disbursed for the Orphan- House in Georgia Lond. 1741,8" Title and 45 pp. With Plan of the Orphan House. EIGHTH day's SALE. 265 2334 Whitefield (George) A Continuation of the Account of the Orphan-House in Georgia, from January, 174°, to June, 1742, to which are also subjoined, some Extracts from an Account of a Work of a like Nature, carried on by the late Professor Frank in Glaucha near Hall in Saxony, unbound Edinh. 1742, 85 pp. 12" 2335 Whitefield (George) A Letter to the Eeverend Mr. John Wesley, in Answer to his Sermon entituled Free-Grace Lond. 1741, 31 pp. 8° 2336 Whitefield (George). A Short Account of God's Dealings with the Eeverend Mr. George Whitefield, from his Infancy to the time of his entring into Holy Orders. Written by himself, on board the Elizabeth, Captain© Stephenson, bound from London to Philadelphia, and sent over by him to be published for the Benefit of the Orphan House in Georgia, 2nd Ed. halfmor. Lond. 1744, 46 pp. 12*' 2337 Whitefield (George) Britain's Mercies, and Britain's Duty ; Represented in a Sermon Preach' d at the New-Building in Philadelphia, on Sunday, August 24, 1746, occasioned by the Suppression of the late TJnnatural Eebellion, 2nd Ed. Boston, S. Kneeland and T. Green^ 1746, 8* Title and pp. 5-22. 2338 — The same, another Ed. hf. mor. Lond. repr, 1746, 24 pp. 8° 2339 Whitefield (George.) The Two First Parts of his Life, with his Journals, revised, corrected, and abridged, old calf Lond. 1756, 3 prel. leaves and 446 pp. 12° 2340 Whitelocke (John) Commander-in-Chief of the Expedition against Bitenos Ayres, Trial of, by Court-Martial Lond. 1808, 8° Half-title, title, and 214 pp. 1 blank leaf. * Appendix,' 12 pp. Plan of the march, etc. 2341 Whitney (Peter) The History of the County of Worcester, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, calf Worcester, Mass., Isaiah Thomas, 1793, 339 pp. and map, S° 2342 Wholsome Severity reconciled with Christian Liberty: the chiefe Arguments and Exceptions used in ' The Bloudy Tenent,' * The Compassionate Samaritane,' M. S. to A. S, etc. examined, half mor. Lond. for Christopher Meredith, 1645, 4P Four prel. leaves and 40 pp. Partly in answer to Roger Williams' Blovdy Tenent. 2343 Wigglesworth (Edward) Hollis Professor of Diviniti/, The Blessedness of the Dead who die in the Lord, a Sermon, in the Hall of Harvard College, upon the News of the Death of Thomas HoUis, Esq. of London, the most bountiful Be- nefactor to that Society, unbound Boston, S. Gerrish, 1731, title, iv and 23 pp. 8* 2344 Wigglesworth (Edward) Calculations on American Popula- tion, with a Table for estimating the annual Increase of Inhabitants in the British Colonies, halfmor, Boston, John BoyUj 1775, 24 pp. 8» 266 EIGHTH day's SALE. 2345 Wigglesworth (Edward) A Letter to the Eeverend Mr. George Whitefield, by Way of Beply to his Answer to the College Testimony against him and his Conduct Boston, T. Fleet, 1745, 4^ Sixty-one pp. ' Postcript,' 2 pp. ' The Reverend President's Answer,' 5 pp. signed * Edward Holyoke.* 2346 Wilberforce (Samuel) A History of the Protestant Episco- pal Church in America, cloth, uncut Lond. 1844, xvi and 456 pp. map and table, 12^ 2347 "Wilcocke (Samuel HuH) History of the Viceroyalty of Bue- nos Ayres Lond. [1806], 8« Two prel. leaves and 576 pp. Map facing- title, chart and 6 plates. 2348 Wilkes (Charles) Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, during the Tears 1833-42, condensed and abridged, half calf Lond. [1845], 4 pr. Is. and 372 pp. 8« 2349 Wilkinson (James). Burr's Conspiracy exposed, and Ge- neral Wilkinson vindicated against the slanders of his Enemies on that important occasion, half calf 1811, 8^ Title; Advertisement, 1 page ; Introduction, pp. 3-18; text: pp. 3-99 ; Appendix, 136 pp. 2350 WiLLAED (Samuel) A Sermon preached upon Ezek. 22, 30, 31, occasioned by the Death of the much honoured John Leyebet, Esq., Governour of the Colony of the Massachusets, N.E.,j^7ie copy in morocco, hy Bedford Boston, Join Foster, 1679, 4" Title in a type metal border, the reverse blank, and text, 13 pp. 2351 WiLLAED (Samtjel) The Duty of a People that have Benewed their Covenant with God, opened and urged in a Sermon, preached to the Second Church in Boston in New England, March 17, 16^4, after that Church had explicitly and most solemnly renewed the Ingagement of themselves to God, and one to another, fine copy in mo- rocco, hy Bedford Boston, John Foster ^ 1680, 4P Title, reverse blank, and 13 pp. 2352 WiLLAED (Samuel) Ne Sutoe ultea Ceepidam ; or Brief Animadversions upon the New England Anabaptists' late fallacious Narrative, wherein the Notorious Mistakes and Falsehoods by them Published, are detected, ^r?a copy in morocco, by Bedford Boston, 1681, 4° Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, reverse blank ; ' To the Reader,' 5 pp. signed ' Increase Mather;' text, 27 pp. 2353 WiLLAED (Samuel) The Mourner's Cordial against exces- sive Sorrow Boston, Benj. Harris and John Allen, 1691, 12° Title; Epistle, pp. 3-4 ; text, pp. 137; Advertisements, p. 138; at foot of Title, " Very suitable to be given at Funerals." 2354 Willard (Samuel) Love's Pedigree ; or a Discourse shewing the Grace of Love in a Believer to be of a Divine Original, delivered in a Sermon preached at the Lecture in Boston, Eeb. 29, ^^^^, halfmor. Boston, ""b"! Green and J. Allen, 1700, title and 3-28 pp., 16° 267 2356 Willard (Samuel) The Peril of the Times Displayed : or, the Danger of Mens taking up with a Form of Godliness, but Denying the Power of it : being the Substance of several Sermons, calf extra ^ hy Bedford Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1700, 16S pp. 12° 2356 WiLLAED (Samuel) A Compleat Body of Divinity in Two Hundred and Fifty Expository Lectures on the Assembly's Shorter Catechism Boston, B. Green and S. Kneeland for B. Eliot and D. Henchman, 1726, folio Title, iv, 6. and 914 pp. ; a catalogue, etc. 1 page. Said to be the first volume in folio size (except Laws) printed in America. 2357 "Willard's History of the United States, a series of 12 Maps to JSTew York, 1829, 4^ 2353 Williams (Daniel) Man made Eighteous by Christ's Obe- dience : being two Sermons at Pinners-Hall ; also some Kemarks on Mr. Mather's Postscript, etc. old calf Loud. J. Dunton, 1694, 6 pr. leaves and 238 pp. 8° 2359 "Williams (Edwaed) Yiegiitia: more especially the South part thereoe, richly and truly valued, viz. The fertile Carolana, and no lesse excellent Isle of Eoa- noak, of latitude from 31 to 37 degrees, relating the meanes of raysing infinite profits to the Adventurers and Planters, the second Edition, with addition of the Discovery of Silk "Worms, red morocco, hy F. Bedford, eine copy T. B^.for John Stephenson, 1650, 4° Six prel. leaves, viz. Title, reverse blank; To the worthy Gentleman, 2 pp.; To the Supreme Authority, 8 pp.; text, 47 pp.; The Table, 8 pp. ; Second Title, "Virginia's Discovery of Silk Worms," etc. 1650 ; 4 prel. leaves, viz. 1 blank ; Title, reverse blank ; To all the Virginian Merchants, 4 pp. ; text, 78 pp. This copy possesses the large copper- plate maps of Virginia^ so seldom found with the book. 2360 Williams (Capt. Griffith) An Account of the Island of Newfoundland, its Trade and Fishery, half mor. Printed for Capt. Cole, 1765, 8« Half-title, title, and 35 pp. 2361 Williams (John, LL.D.) An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition concerning the Discovery of America, by Prince Madog ab Owen Q-wynedd, about the year 1170, half mor. uncut Bond. 1791, 8« Half-title, title. Preface, 4 pp. ; text, 82 pp.; Appendix, 3 pp.; " Pub- lished by the same Author," 1 page. On the half-title of this copy is written " Dr. Williams' Library, from the Author." 2362 Williams (John) Earther Observations on the Discovery of America, by Prince Madog ab Grwynedd, about the year 1170, containing the Account given by General Bowles, the Creek or Cherokee Indian, lately in London, and by several others, of a Welsh Tribe or Tribes of Indians, now living in the Western parts of North America Bond, 1792, ix and 51 pp. 8° 268 EIGHTH day's SALE. 2363 Williams (Jonathan) Thermometrical Navigation, being a Series of Experiments and Observations tending to Prove, that by ascertaining the Belative Heat of the Sea- Water from time to time, the passage of a Ship through the Grulph Stream, and from deep water into Soundings, may be discovered in time to avoid Danger, old calf Philadelphia, B. AitJcen, 1799, 8° xii and 98 pp. ; * Postscript,' 4 pp. ; with map. 2364 Williams (Roger) The Eloudy Tenant of Persecution for Cause of Conscience Discused, and Mr. Cotton's Letter examined and answered, edited for The Hanserd Knollys Society, by Edward Bean Underhill, cloth Lond. 184f8, 8<* xlvi pp. ; Title and 440 pp. ; ' Second Annual Report,* etc. 8 pp. See No. 2342. 2365 Williams (Samuel) The Natural and Civil History of Vermont, calf Walpole, New Hampshire, Isaiah Thomas and David Carlisle, Jun. 1794, 8** xvi and 416 pp. ; Map of Vermont. Styled by Rich " A valuable work." 2366 WiLMOEE (John). The Case of John Wilmore truly and impartially related ; or a Looking- Glass for all Merchants and Planters that are concerned in the American Planta- tions, halfmor, Lond. 1682, title and 17 pp. folio 2367 Willson (Marcius) American History : comprising Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes ; a description of American Antiquities, with an inquiry into their origin and the origin of the Indian Tribes, cloth New York, 1847, 672 pp. 8« 2368 Wilson (H.). The Shipwreck of the Antelope East-India Packet, H. Wilson, Esq. Commander, on the Pelew Islands, situate in the West Part of the Pacific Ocean, in August, 1783, containing the subsequent Adventures of the Crew with a singular Eace of People hitherto unknown to Euro- peans Land. 1788, viii and 134 pp. with plate, 8<* 2369 Wilson (James) Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States of America, with that Constitution prefix' d, in which are unfolded the Principles of Free Grovernment, and the Superior Advantages of Eepublicanism demon- strated, halfmor. Lond. 1792, 8^ Four pre), leaves and pp. 4-147; Index, 2 pp. ; Errata, 1 p. 2370 Wilson (Thomas) The Knowledge and Practice of Christian- ity made Easy to the Meanest Capacities ; or, an Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians, 12th Ed. calf Lond. 1776, 4 pr. leaves xxiv and 280 pp. 12<» 2371 Wilson (Thomas W.) An Authentic Narrative of the Pirati- cal Descents upon Cuba made by hordes from the United States, headed by Narciso Lopez, a native of South America Havana, 1851, 44 pp. 4° 2372 Winchester (Elhanan) The G-ospel of Christ no Cause of Shame, demonstrated in two Discourses, uTicut Philadelphia : B. Towne, 1783, 140 pp. 8° EIGHTH DAY*S SALE. 2G9 2373 Winchester (Elhanan) An Oration on tlio Discovery of America, delivered in London, October the 12th, 1792, being Three Hundred Years from the day on which Colum- bus landed in the New World Lond. for the Author, 1792, 32 pp. 8° 2374 — The same, 2nd Ed. with an Appendix, containing among other things a description of the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, hdlfmor. Lond.for the Author [1792], 8« Seventy-seven pp. Schedule, a folded sheet ; A List of the Publications of the Author, etc. 2 pp. With the Plan of Washington. 2375 Winterbotham (W.) An Historical, Oeographical, Commer- cial and Philosophical View of the American United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West Indies, 4 vols, calf Lond. 1795, 8° Vol. I. 9 prel. leaves, and 591 pp. Portrait of Washington, 2 maps and 1 plate. II. 2 prel. leaves, and 493 pp. Portrait of Penn, 2 maps and 1 plate. III. 2 prel. leaves, and 525 pp. Portrait of Franklin, 2 maps and 6 plates. IV. 2 prel. leaves, and 415 pp. • Appendix,' 54 pp. * Index,' 9 pp. * Directions to the Binder, 2 pp. Portrait of Win- terbotham, maps, tables, and plates. Accompanied by Winterbotham's American Atlas, viz.: 1. General Map of North America. 2. Map of the United States. 3. Map of the Northern or New England States. 4. Map of the Middle States. 5. Map of the Southern States. 6. Plan of the City of Washington. 7. Map of Kentucky. 8. General Mnp of South America. 9. Map of the West Indies. Written while the author was a prisoner in Newgate. 2376 Wirt (William) of Eichmond, Va. Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry, 2nd Ed. corrected Philadelphia, James Webster, 1818, 8° XV and 427 pp. ' Appendix,' xii pp. With portrait of Patrick Henry. 2377 Wisdom (The) and Policy of the French in the Construc- tion of their Great Offices, so as best to answer the Pur- poses of extending their Trade and Commerce, and enlarging their Foreign Settlements, halfmor. Lond. 1755, 8° Title, text and 133 pp. 2378 Witherspoon (John) of New Jersey. An Address to tbe Natives of Scotland residing in America, being an Ap- pendix to a Sermon preached at Princeton on a General Fast, halfmor. Lond. 1778, iv and 24 pp. 8° 2379 Witherspoon (John) The Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Men, a Sermon, preached at Princeton, May 17, 1775, being the General Fast appointed by the Con- gress through the United Colonies, half mor. Philadelphia 'printed ; Lond. repr. 1778, iv and 44 pp. 8° 2380 Witherspoon (John) Christian Magnanimity : a Sermon, Preached at Princeton, September, 1775 — the Sabbath preceding the Annual Commencement ; and again with Additions, September 23, 1787, etc. Princeton, James Tod, 1787, iv and 44 pp. S** 270 EianTH day's sale. 2381 Witlierspoon (John) A Sermon on the Religious Education of Children, Preached, in the Old Presbyterian Church in New-York, to a very numerous Audience, on the Even- ing of the second Sabbath in May Elizabeth-Town : SJiepard KoUoclc, 1789, 24 pp. 8° 2382 Wollaston (William) The Religion of Nature delineated, calf extra, hy Bedford Lond. Samuel Balrner, 1726, 4° Two hundred and nineteen pp. Index 1 1 pp. This is the Book which Franklin mentions in his Autobiography as having worked upon, while a press-man with Samuel Palmer, in London. 2383 Wood (William) New Englai^ds Peospect : a true, lively, and experimental! description of that part of Ame- rica, commonly called Nevv-Eagland : discovering the state of that Countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English Planters: and to the old Native Inhabitants, with the Autograph of White Kennett, calf extra, ly F. Bedford Lond. hy Tho. Cotes, for lohn Bellamie, 1634, 4P First edition. 4 prel. leaves ; viz. Title, the reverse blank, * To the ilig-ht Worshipfull, my much honoured Friend, Sir William Armyne, Knig-ht and Baronet,' 2 pp. signed ' W. W.' ' To the Reader,' 2 pp. signed ' W. W.' ' To the Author, his singular good Friend, Mr. Wil- \h\m Wood.' 1 page, signed ' S. W.' ' The Table' and * Errata,' 1 page. Text, 98 pp. ' Because many have desired to hears some of the Natives Language, I have here inserted a small Nomenclator,' etc. 5 pp. With map of * The South part of New-England, as it is Planted this yeare, 1634.' 2384 Wood (William) NEYT-ENGLA:jfDS Prospect. 2nd Ed. old calf Lond. Tho. Cotes for John Bellainie, 1635, 4<* Four prel. leaves ; viz. Title, the reverse blank, * To the Right Worship- full, my much honoured friend, Sir William Armyne, Knight and Baronet,' 2 pp. signed ' W. W.' 'To the Reader,' 2 pp. signed ' W. W.' ' To the Author, his singular good Friend, Mr. William Wood,' 1 page, signed ' S. W.' The Table, 1 page. Text, 83 pp. * Because many have desired to heare some of the Natives Language,' etc. 5 pp. With map of ' The South part of New-England, as it is Planted this yeare, 1635.' 2385 Wood (William) Nevv-E^^gla^^ds Peospect. Another Ed. brown mor. extra Lond. hy John Dawson, 1639, 4° Four prel. leaves; viz. Title, the reverse blank, * To the Right Worshipfull, my much honoured friend, Sir William Armyne, Knight and Baronet,* 2 pp. signed * W. W.' • To the Reader,' 2 pp. signed ' W. W.' ♦ To the Author, his singular good Friend, Mr. William Wood,' 1 page, signed ' S. W.' ' The Table,' 1 page. Text, 83 pp. ' Because many have desired to heare some of the Natives language,' etc. 5 pp. With map of • The South part of New-England, as it is Planted this yeare 1639.' 2386 Wood (William) Appellant. David Polhill, Esq.; and others, on Behalf of themselves, and other, the Proprietors of Gold and Silver Mines in Jamaica Respondents. The Appellant's Case. To be Heard at the Bar of the House of Lords on [Wednesday] the [Fourth] Day of [February] 1746 ILond. 1746], 3 pp. folio EIGHTH day's SALE. 271 2387 ■Woolman (John) Considerations on keeping Negroes ; Re- commended to the Professors of Christianity, of every De- nomination, Part Second, unbound Philadelphia, B. Pranklii^- and D. Sail, 1762, 52 pp. S^' 2388 "Woohnan (John) of Mount Holly, New Jersey. A Journal of tlie Life, Grospel Labours, and Christian Experiences of, calf Dullin, 1794, xv and 464 pp. 8° 2389 Worsley (Israel) A Yiew of the American Indians, shewing them to be the Descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel, the Language of Prophecy concerning them, etc. Lond.for the Author, 1828, 12« Half-title, title, xii and 185 pp. 2390 Wright (Edward) Certain Errors in JSTavigation detected and Corrected with many Additions that were not in the former Editions, j/?^e copy, calf Lond. 1657, 4^ Engraved title, 12 prel. leaves, and 224 pp.; 'The Division of the whole Art of Navigation,* 110 pp.; ' Made and sold by Joseph Moxon,' etc. 1 page; ' The Haven-finding Art,* etc. 20 pp. Diagrams at pp. 38, 57, 65, 148. Plan for sailing to the Azores, on copper, at page 91, 2d. Part. 2391 Wright (John) The American Negotiator, or the various Currencies of the British Colonies in America, reduced into English Money, by a Series of Tables, 3rd Ed. old calf Lond. 1765, Ixxx and 326 pp. 8« 2392 Wyeth (Joseph) Eemarks on Dr. Bray's Memorial, etc. with brief Observations on some Passages in the Acts of his Visitation in Maryland, etc. Zond. 1701, 51 pp. 4° 2393 WynkelmaihN (Hans Just) Der Americanischen Neuen Welt Beschreibung, darinnen deren erfindung, Lager, Natur, Eigenschaft, Sitten, Barbarey, und unerhorte Grau- samkeit der Einwohner, Thier, Yogel, Eischen und anderer, etc. Oldenburg Henrich- Conrad Zimmern, 1664, oblong 4*' Eight prel. leaves ; viz. engraved and printed titles, * Dem Hochwiirdigen, Durchleuchtigen, Hochgebornen FUrsten und Herrn,* 1 page ; ' Ala Alexander,* etc. 4 pp. ; * And den mit Stand und Verstand Hochgeneigten Leser* 5 pp. ; * Ordnungs-Register der Capiteln,' 2 pp. ; text, 228 pp. ; portrait of the Author, 1 page ; ' Register," 1 1 pp. Full of interesting matter with respect to the early history of America, ■with bibliographical notices of writers thereon. The woodcuts are highly curious, exemplifying the manners and customs of the Aborigines', their cannibalism, etc. 29*4 Wynne. A Greneral History of the British Empire in V America, 2 vols, hf cf, London, W. Bichardson and L. JJrquhart, 1770, S** Vol. I. title ; contents, vi pp. ; introduction, pp. iii-viii ; text, 520 pp. ; with map. IT. title, vi and 546 pp. ^ 2395 Wttfliet (Coekelitjs) Descriptionis Ptolemaicae Avg- mentvm, sine Occidentis Notitia Breui commentario illus- \p[2X-^,1iAWi. fine copy, vellum Lovanii, Gerardi Hiuij, 1598, folio Engraved title, 3 prel. leaves and 19 maps j followed by text, 191 pp. ; list of maps, 1 page, 2 IT 272 2396 Ximenez (Francisco) Las Historias del Origin de los Indies de esta Provincia de Guatemala, traducidas de la lengua Quiche al Castellano Lond. 1857, xvi and 216 pp. 8<» 2297 Yale-College subject to the General Assembly [of Connec- ticut] New-Haven : Tho. and Sam. Green, 1784, 44 pp. S^ 2398 — Philosophic Solitude : or, the choice of a rural life : a Poem, by a Gentleman educated at Yale College, 3rd Ed. Jialfmor. New-York : John Bolt, [1769 ?] 40 pp. 8° 2899 — Catalogue of Books in the Library of Yale-College, New- Haven, January, 1808, Jif. mor. New-Haveny Oliver Steele and Co. 1808, 8° Half-title, title, and pp. 6-79. 2400 Zabate (AxTGrsTiis-) Le Histoiee dello Scopeimento ET CONQYISTA DEL PeRT, Vellum Vinegia, Gahriel Giolito de* Ferrari, 1563, 4° Ei?bf prel. leaves, viz. : title, the reverse blank ; ' All' Illvstriss. Signoie 11 S. Gvido Biaudelino Conte di Yaldeinarini,' etc. 3 pp. ; * Tavola,* 11 pp. ; text, -^94 pp. in italics. An edition not mentioned by Rich. •' Zarate's History, whether we attend to its matter or its composition, is a book of considerable merit." — Robei'tsov. 2401 Zarate (Augustin) The Discoveeie and Conqyest OF THE Pbouinces OF Peey, and the Nauigation in the South Sea, along that Coast, and also of the ritche Mines of Potosi, red morocco extra gilt, hy Bedford Lond. BicJiard Ihones, 1581, 4° Title, the reverse blank. [Second title] " The strange and delectable History of the discouerie and Conquest of the Prouinces of Peru, in the South Sea." Within a woodcut border of fig-ures, the reverse blank : * To the Right Honourable Maister Thomas Wilson ;' 6 pp. signed ' Thomas Nicholas,' in Roman type ; ' To the Reader,' 6 pp. in black letter ; text, black letter, in 89 leaves, 1 to 12, and 89, unfolioed ; folios 16, 17, 28 and 19, for 17, 18, 19, and 20; with woodcuts on the reverse of folios 16, 20, 46, 58, 85 ; 'The discovery of the ritche Mynes of Potosi, and how captaine Carauajell toke into his power,' woodcut the same as on the first title ; 3 pp. ; * The Table of the Chapters,' 3 pp. Not mentioned by Lowndes, and but incidentally by Rich. The presence in this copy of both the titles should not be overlooked. 2402 Zarate (Augustin de) Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou, traduite par S. D. C, 2 vols, old calf Amst. 1700, 12° Vol. I. 19 prel. leaves, and 307 pp.; frontispiece, map, and 11 plates. II. 3 prel. leaves, and 408 pp. 2403 — Autre Edition, 2 vols, j^ne copy, old calf Paris, 1716, 12° Vol. I. 20 prel. leaves and 360 pp.; frontispiece; plates and map at pp". 5, 10, 15, 20, 29, 41, 43, 64, 133, 155, 176, 177, 185, 340. II. 4 prel. leaves and 479 pp. 2404 — Autre Edition, 2 vols. Farts, 1716, 12° Vol. I. 20 prel. leaves and 360 pp.; frontispiece. II. 4 prel. leaves and 479 pp. 2405 — Autre Edition, 2 vols, old calf Faris, 1742, 12° Vol. I. 20 prel. leaves and 360 pp.; frontispiece; plates and map at pp. ^, 10, 15, 20, 29, 41, 43, 64, 133, 155, 176, 177, 185, 340. II. 4 prel. leaves and 479 pp. EIGHTH day's SALE. 273 240G Zarate (Augustin de) Histoire de la Decouverfce et de la Conquete du Perou, 2 vols, uncut Faris, 1774, 12" Vol. I. xl and 360 pp.; frontispiece ; plates and map at pp. 5, 10, 15, 20, 29, 41, 43, 64, 133, 155, 17C, 177, 185, 340. II. viii and 479 pp. 2407 Zenger (Jolin Peter) JPrinter, of New YorJc, The Tryal of, for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Govern- ment ; with the Pleadings and Arguments on both sides, hf. mor. Lond. 173S, 4° Title, and 32 pp. This trial presents the first instance on record where truth was admitted as justification of a libel, a doctrine since admitted in American jurisprudence. 2408 — The same, 2nd Ed. If. 7nor. Zand. 1738, 4P Title, and 32 pp. 2409 — The same, 4th Ed. hf. 7nor. Lond. 1738, 4° Title, and 32 pp. 2410 — Another Edition, hf. mor. Lond. 1750, 60 pp. 8" 2411 — Another Edition, half mor. Lond. 1765, 59 pp. 8° 2412 Zeno (Catering) De i Commentarii del YiAaaio in Persia, Libri Dve, et dello scoprimento dell Isole Pris- landa, Eslanda, Engrouelanda, Estotilanda, et Icaria, fatto sotto il Polo Artico, da due fratelli Zeni, M. Nicolo il K. e M. Antonio, blue morocco^ the map wanting Venetia, per Francesco Marcolini, 1558, 8° Title, the reverse blank ; ' Al Reverendissimo Monsignor M. Daniel Bar- baro Eletto Patriarcha D'Aqvilegia, Francesco Marcolini. Vmilseruo,' 2 pp. ; * Proemio de I'Avtore,' 6 pp. ; ' Errori,' 1 page ; text com- mencing on the reverse of folio 5, and ending on folio 58 ; on the re- verse, the Printer's device, with * Carta da Navegar de Nicolo et An- tonio Zeni Fvrono in Tramontana Lano. 1380.* ^413 Zimmermann (E, A. "W. de) Essai de Comparaison entre la France et les Etats-Unis de I'Amerique Septentrionale, Vol. I, old calf Leipzig, 1797, 8'' viii and 494 pp. ; List, and Division, etc. 4 pp. 2414 ZisNEEOS (Joseph de) Discvrso qve en el insigne Avto de la Pe, celebrado en esta Eeal cuidad de Lima, aueinte j tres de Enero de 1639, arios, calf extra, hy Bedford Lima, par Geronymo de Contreras, 1639, 4*^ Five prel. leaves, viz. Title in a metal type border, and woodcut of arms, the reverse blank ; * Aprobacion del M. R. P. M. F. luan de Ilibera Prouincial,' etc. 3 pp. signed * Fr. luan de Ribera ;' ' Dedicatoria,' 4 pp. signed * Fr. Joseph de Zirneros Commissario general ;' text in 15 folioed leaves. Not mentioned by Rich. 2415 ZuRLA (Placido) II Mappa Mondo di Pra Mauro Camal- dolese Descritto ed Jllustrato, large paper Venezia, 1806, 164 pp. 2 plates, 4<^ FINIS. Peinted and will shoetlt be publisheb, THE FOLLOWING BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WoRKS BY HENRY STEVENS, G.M.B., F.S.A. In 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. clotli, net cash price. 15* each, ITISTOEICAL NTJGaETS. BIBLIOTHECA AMEEI- •*-*■ CANA, OR A DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF MY COLLECTION OF RARE BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA. Vols. 1 and 2. Henry Stevens, G.M.B., F.S.A. " m buy with you, sell with you." — Shakspeare. C. Whittingham, at the Chiswick Press, London, 1859 This work, printed in the best style of the Chiswick Press, comprises 3000 Titles (alphabetically arranged) of rare books relating to America, most carefully given jn full, with the collation and price of each work. It is intended, as far as it goes, to be a Manual for Collectors of this expensive class of books. Vols. 3, 4, 5 and 6, forming a second alphabet, are preparing for the press, and will be issued in the course of a few months. 1 50 copies of each volume are printed for sale, at the net price given above. Apply by letter only to Henry Stevens, 4, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C. In 2 vols, large Svo, cloth, net cash price, £2. 2s. A CATALOGUE oe American Books lis the Libraet of ■*^ the British Museum, Christmas 1856. By Henry Stevens, g.m.b., F.S.A. About 650 pp. C. Whittingham, London, 1859 2. A Catalogue of Mexicai^- and othee Spanish Ameeican, and West India Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856. By Henry Stevens, m.a. 64 pp. C. Whittingham, London, 1859 3. A Cataloghje of Canadian and othee Beitish Noeth American Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas 1856. By Henry Stevens. 16 pp. C. Whittingham, London, 1859 4. A Catalogue of American Maps in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas 1856. By Henry Stevens, f.r.g.s. 16 pp. C. Whittingham, London, 1859 These four Catalogues, bound in 2 volumes, comprising about 750 large Svo pages in double columns, similar to the Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, describing about 20,000 volumes, are printed by Whittingham on fine toned paper, in the best style of the Chiswick Press. 150 copies are for sale. Subscriptions recorded in the order of their receipt. Apply by letter to Mr. Stevens, 4, Trafalgar Sq. London, W.C. In cloth, fcap. Svo. net cash price, Is 6^. rjATALOG-UE of my English Libeaet, collected and described ^^ by Henry Stevens, Literary Agent in London, of the Smithsonian Insti- tution. Privatelj/ printed 6g CuAULES Whittingham, 1853 This little Manual was prepared in 1853, and printed for private distribution. It contains a list of about 5700 volumes of standard English books, and was designed to aid collectors in the choice of their books and editions. The contents are given of the principal collected works, together with the dates of birth and death of most of the deceased authors. Only 50 copies are left for sale. o o o O < o CQ P^ 01 AA1 imt /: V .iT" ' M. wi A