IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES A LIST OF REFERENCES COMPH.ED BY CAROLINE HILL DAVIS ilBI.IOQRAPHT PRESENTED FOR GRADUATION , LIBRARY SCHOOL OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY NEW YORK 1 9 1 6 PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES A LIST OF REFERENCES COMPILED BY CAROLINE HILL DAVIS IIBLIOGRAPHY PRESENTED FOR GRADUATION, LIBRARY SCHOOL OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY NEW YORK 1916 NOTE This list includes titles of works in The New York Public Library, as well as certain titles from the Library of Congress, Columbia University Library, and the Library of the Russell Sage Foundation. The location of works not in The New York Public Library is indicated in italics at the end of the entry. The works in The New York Public Library are in the Reference Department, in the Central Building at Fifth Avenue and Forty-second Street. No works of a later date than Oct. 1, 1916, are included in this list. Reprinted November 1916 FROM THE Bulletin of The New York Public Library OF October 1916 (orni n-7S [xi-l4-16 5c] CONTENTS PAGE BlliLIOGRAPHY ----- --5_6 General Works ------------ 6-7 Shakespearean Festivals and Pageants - - - - - - -7-8 Costumes ------------ 8 Pageants, Great Britain and Canada -------- 8-16 General Works ----------- 8-9 Special Pageants ----------- 9-16 Pageants, United States ----- 16-32 General Works ----------- 16-18 Fourth of July Pageants ---------18 Miscellaneous Pageants -- 18-19 Special Pageants 19-32 Costume - 32-43 Bibliography ----------- 32-33 General Works ----------- 33-36 Special Countries - ---- 36-43 34 4164 PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES A List of References Compiled by Caroline Hill Davis Bibliography presented for Graduation, Library School of The New York Public Library, 1916 ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT Bibliography. General Works. Shakespearean Festivals and Pageants. Costumes. Pageants, Great Britain and Canada. General Works. Special Pageants. Pageants, United States. General Works. Fourth of July Pageants. Miscellaneous Pageants Special Pageants. Costume Bibliography. General Works. Special Countries. "Laugh, for the time is brief, a thread the length of a span. Laugh, and be proud to belong to the old proud pageant of man." — John Masefield. Bibliography Albright, Victor Emanuel. Processional plays. (In his: Shakesperian stage. New York: Columbia University Press, 1909. p. 23-28.) NCOM American Pageant Association. A rec- ord list of American pageants, 1908-1915, and some English pageants. Boston, Mass.: American Pageant Association, 1908-15. Russell Sage Bates, Esther Willard. Bibliography. (In her: Pageants and pageantry. Boston: Ginn, 1912. p. 281-287.) NAFD Beegle, Mary Porter, and J. R. Craw- ford. Bibliographies. (In their: Commu- nity drama and pageantry. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1916. p. 281-357.) NAFD Besant, Sir Walter. [List of principal pageants from 1205 to 1483.) (In his: Mediaeval London. London: A. & C. Black, 1906. v. 1, p. 319.) tCO Bibliography of pageants. Boston, 1913. 10 1. MW Manuscript. Chubb, Percival, and others. Festival music bibliography. (In their: Festivals and plays. New York: Harper, 1912. p. 359-390.) MW General bibliography. (In their: Festivals and plays. New York: Harper, 1912. p. 355-358.) MW Curtis, Elnora Whitman. Bibliography. (In her: Dramatic instinct in education. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914. p. 225-239.) SSI Deems, Edward Mark, compiler. Bibli- ography. (In his: Holy-days and holidays. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1902. p. 727-735.) * R - NAY Ford, Nella F. Bibliography. (In her: Pageant of Methodism. Chicago: Central Office of the Epworth League, 1914. p. 4.) Library of Congress Hatcher, Orie Latham. Bibliography. (In her: Book for Shakespeare plays and pageants. New York: Dutton, 1916. p. 315-320.) *NCLD Hodgetts, J. Frederick. List of works referred to. (In his: The English in the middle ages. London: Whiting & Co., 1885. p. xvi.) Library of Congress Lincoln, Jennette Emeline Carpenter. Bibliography. (In her: Festival book. New York: A. S. Barnes Co., 1912. p. 73- 74.) tSSY [ 5 ] THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bibliography, continued. Mackay, Constance D'Arcy. Bibliog- raphy. (In her: Plays of the pioneers. New York: Harper, 1915. p. 155-157.) NBM "Books that will be of help to dramatic directors, teachers, social workers." (In her: How to produce children's plays. New York: Holt, 1915. p. 151.) NASH List of plays. (In her: How to pro- duce children's plays. New York: Holt, 1915. p. 113-150.) NASH Needham, Mary Master. (In her: Folk festivals. Huebsch, 1912. p. 240-244.) References. New York: MW Russell Sage Foundation. — Division of Recreation. Recreation bibliography. [New York, 1912?) Z7 p. (Publications. Recrea- tion [and Education Departments], no. 121.) SA Holidays, festivals and pageants, p. 14-18. A Selective list of books on pageants, festivals and children's plays published during 1912. (Drama, v. 10, p. 238-241. May, 1913.) NAFA Society of Antiquaries of London. Cata- logue of a collection of works on pageantry bequeathed by Frederick William Fairholt. London: printed for the Society of Anti- quaries, 1869. 40 p. Columbia Spencer, M. Lyle. Bibliography. (In his: Corpus Christi pageants in England. New York: Baker & Taylor Co., 1911. p. 263-269.) NCOM Sullivan, Mary. Bibliography. (In her: Court masques of James i. Lincoln, Neb., 1913. p. 123-137.) NCOD General Works Baker, George Pierce. What the pageant can do for the town. (Ladies' home jour- nal. V. 31, p. 44. April, 1914.) * DA Bates, Esther Willard. Pageants and pageantry; with an introduction by W. Orr. Boston: Ginn [1912]. 294 p. illus. NAFD Bibliography, p. 281-287. Beegle, Mary Porter, and J. R. Craw- ford. Community drama and pageantry. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1916. 370 p. illus. NAFD Bibliographies, p. 281-357. Brown, Frank Chouteau. The "book of the pageant" and its development. (Drama. V. 5, no. 18, p. 269-283. May, 1915.) NAFA Cheley, Frank Hobart, and G. C. Baker. Camp and outing activities. New York: Association Press, 1915. 420 p. illus. MYZ The Community masque. (Nation, New York. V. 102, p. 586. June 1, 1916.) * DA Craig, Anne Throop. The poetic theme in tlie modern pageant. (Forum, v. 54, p. 349-355. Sept., 1915.) * DA Curtis, Elnora Whitman. Pageantry. (In her: Dramatic instinct in education. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914. p. 196-216.) SSI Davol, Ralph. The pageant as a popular form of holiday celebration, illus. (New England magazine, new series, v. 48, p. 342-345. Sept.. 1912.) * DA Pageantry as a fine art. illus. (Art and progress, v. 5, p. 299-303. June, 1914.) MAA Deems, Edward Mark, compiler. Holy- days and holidays; a treasury of historical material, sermons, suggestive thoughts, and poetry, relating to holy days and holi- days. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1912. 768 p. *R-NAY Bibliography, p. 727-735. Dickinson, Thomas Herbert. The pag- eant. (Play-book. v. 2, no. 4, p. 3-31. Sept., 1914.) NAFA Contents. — The substance of pageantry. What the pageant is not. Courtly pageantry. Dramatic pageantry. Recent history of pageantry. The pro- cessional versus the dramatic pageant. The simple principles of pageantry. The architecture and stag- ing of the pageant. The pageant in America. The Drama of the open, illus. (Current literature, v. 49, p. 201-204. Aug., 1910.) *DA Edgerton, Giles. Pantomime, its place in education and its significance to the arts. (Craftsman, v. 17, p. 637-646. March, 1910.) ttMNA Lord, Katherine. To give a pageant in a small town. (Ladies' home journal, v. 30, p. 24. Feb.. 1913.) * DA Gives suggestions as to organization, committees required, costuming, etc. Mackay, Constance D'Arcy. How to produce children's plays. New York: Holt, 1915. 151 p. NASH List of plays, p. 113-150. "Books that will be of help to dramatic directors, teachers, social workers," p. 151. Maguire, Helena. Pageants, the teach- er's opportunity. (Musician, v. 19, p. 665. Oct., 1914.) *MA PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 7 General Works, continued. Needham, Mary Master. Folk festivals; their growth and liow to give them. New York: Huebsch, 1912. 244 p. MW References, p. 240-244. The Place of pageantry in national thought. (Spectator, v. 92, p. 81-82. Tan. 16, 1904.) * DA Rupp, Alice F. Relation of the library to the pageant. 14 p. Typewritten manuscript. Thesis, 1915, Library School, The New York Public Library. Smith, Horatio. Festivals, games, and amusements, ancient and modern. With additions by Samuel Woodworth. New York: Harper, 1832. 355 p. pi. (Harper's family library, no. 25.) NIV Walsh, William Shepard. Curiosities of popular customs and of rites, ceremonies, observances, and miscellaneous antiquities. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1898. 1018 p. illus. *R-SBC Wisconsin State Historical Society. His- torical pageantry; a treatise and a bibli- ography. Madison, 1916. (Bulletin, no. 84.) Shakespearean Festivals and Pageants Albright, Victor Emanuel. The Shake- sperian stage. New York: Columbia Uni- versity Press. 1909. 194 p. pi. (Cohmibia University studies in English.) NCOM "Processional plays," p. 23-28. Buckley, Reginald R. Shakespeare festi- val at Stratford-on-Avon. (World's work, London, v. 17. p. 524-529. April, 1911.) *DA The Shakespeare revival and the Stratford-upon-.A.von movement. London: G. Allen & Sons, 1911. 237 p. pi. * NCLH "The Stratford-upon-Avon festival movement and its development," p. 191-213. "The revival of folk art," p. 214-227. Carroll, Armond. A pageant and masque for the Shakespeare tercentenary, pro- duced under the direction of the executive committee of the Atlanta Center of the Drama League of America in Piedmont park, Atlanta, May. 1916. [Atlanta:] The Atlanta Center, Drama League of America, 1916. 79 p. t*NCLF The Cincinnati Shakespeare tercenten- ary; given In- the University of Cincinnati. (Outlook. V. 113. p. 542, 545-546. Tnlv 5, 1916.) *DA Figgis, S. Stratford-on-.\von festival. (Academy, v. 84. p. 532-533. April 26. 1913.) *DA Hatcher, Orie Latham. A book for Shakespeare plays and pageants; a treasury of Elizabethan detail for producers, stage managers, actors, artists and students. New York: Dutton, 1916. 339 p. illus. *NCLD Bibliography, p. 315-320. Gives some Elizabethan songs, music, and direc- tions for dancing, and a costum€ index with notes and illustrations. Mackaye, Percy Wallace. Caliban by the yellow sands. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1916. 223 p. NBM Text. A masque written to commemorate the tercen- tenary of the death of Shakespeare. New York City Shakespeare Tercenten- ary Celebration Committee. [Official pro- gramme] of the community masque of the art of the theatre; Caliban by the yellow sands, by Percy Mackaye. [New York: Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee, 1916.] 36 p. .\nBOTT, Ernest Hamlin. A masque of masques; "Caliban by the yellow sands." illus. (Outlook. V. 113, p. 308, 312-314, 317-318. June 7, 1916.) * DA Collier, John. Caliban of the yellow sands; the Shakespeare pageant and masque reviewed against a background of American pageantry, illus. (Survev. v. 36, p. .343-350. July 1, 1916.) SHK Kn.aukft, Ernest. Two great pageants, illus. (American review of reviews, v. 53, p. 593-597. May, 1916.) * DA The Sh.\kespeare community masque, illus. (Literary digest, v. 52, p. 1700-1703. June 10, 1916.) . * DA A Week of pageantry. (Independent. V. 86. p. 433-434. June 12, 1916.) * DA The Official programme of the tercen- tenary festival of tlie birth of Shakespeare, to be held at .Stratford-on-Avon, com- mencing on April 23, 1864; also an account of what is known of the poet's life. . . Lon- don: imprinted for Cassell, Potter and Gal- pin. 1864. 96 p. maps, illus. Library of Congress Plans for Shakespeare festival at Strat- ford-on-Avon. (Graphic, v. 23, p. 44. July 9, 1910.) tt*DA Shakespeare festival, (.\cademy. v. 86, p. 5.VV534. April 25, 1914.) * DA Shakespeare festival at Stratford-on- .Avon, 1908. (Windsor magazine, v. 27, p. 747-768. May, 1908.) * DA Shakespeare festival at Stratford-on- .\von, 1910. (Windsor magazine, v. 31, p. 731-748. May, 1910.) * DA 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Shakespearean Festivals, etc., continued. Stratford-on-Avon festival. (Windsor magazine, v. 35, p. 725-740. May, 1912.) *DA Stratford-on-Avon festival. (Windsor magazine, v. 37, p. 731-748. May, 1913.) *DA Stratford-on-Avon; Shakespeare festival. illus. (Windsor magazine, v. 33, p. 727- 744. May, 1911.) * DA Illustrations give good ideas for costumes. The Use of an international Shakespeare festival. (Review of reviews, London, v. 47, p. 450-451. May, 1913.) * DA Woodley, Ruth Carpenter. Conference on national Shakespeare pageant. (Play- ground. V. 9, p. 14-16. April, 1915.) MVC Costumes See also Costume, England Costuming Shakespeare. (Literary di- gest. V. 44, p. 484. March 9, 1912.) * DA Gallery of Shakespeare illustrations, from celebrated works of art. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. [1909.] 12 p., 90 pi.. 3 ports. Library of Congress Hartmann, Sadakichi. Shakespeare in art. Boston: L. C. Page & Co., 1901. 371 p. pi. (Art lovers series.) MA Bibliography, p. 355-358. Heath, Charles. The Shakespeare gal- lery; containing the principal female char- acters in the plays of the great poet. London: C. Tilt [1836-37]. 48 1., 44 pi. *NDZ Konewka, Paul. Falstaff and his com- panions. Twenty-one illustrations in sil- houette. Translated by C. C. Shackford. Boston: Roberts Bros., 1872. xviii p., 20 1., 21 pi. *NDZ Morley, George. Shakespeare's green- wood, the customs of the country; the lan- guage; the superstitions; the customs, the folklore; the birds and trees; the parson; the poets; the novelist. Boston: L. C. Page & Co., 1901. 289 p. illus. Library of Congress Palmer, Henrietta Lee. The*Stratford gallery; or. The Shakespeare sisterhood; comprising forty-five ideal portraits. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1859. 302 p. pi. *NCVB Shakespeare, William. The comedies of William Shakespeare, with inany drawings. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1896. 4 V. pi. Library of Congress Shakespeare-Gallerie. Von Adolf Men- zel, C. und F. Piloty, Ed. Griitzner, Paul Thumann u.a. Nach den im Besitze der Verlagshandlung befindlichen Original- Cartons. 2. unveranderte Auflage. Ber- lin: G. Grote, 1886. 30 p., 15 pi. Library of Congress Winter, William. Shakespeare on the stage. Series 2. New York: Moffat, Yard and Co.. 1915. 664 p., 13 ports. * R - * NDB "Costume." p. 118-123, 332-336, 416-419. Pageants, Great Britain and Canada Gener.'vl Works Allen, Thomas. The history and antiqui- ties of London, Westminster and South- wark, and parts adjacent. London: G. Virtue, 1837. 5 v. pi., ports., maps, plans, illus. Library of Congress Elizabethan pageants, v. 1, p. 254—272. Balfour, Paul J. Processions. (Scottish historical review, v. 30, p. 217-235. Oct., 1897.) * DA Branford, Victor. "The eugenic theatre." (Forum, v. 51, p. 217-231. Feb., 1914.) *DA Shows the development of the pageant from the Greek theatre. Chaucer's England revived, illus. (Ameri- can review of reviews, v. 48, p. 205-207. Aug., 1913.) *DA Ditchfield, Peter Hampson. Pageant in honor of Queen Elizabeth. (In his: Eng- lish villages. London: Methuen & Co., 1901. p. 149-153.) CBA Hodgetts, J. Frederick. The English in the middle ages; from the Norman usurpa- tion to the days of the Stuarts. Their mode of life, dress, arms, occupations, and amusements. London: Whiting & Co., 1885. 210 p. Library of Congress "List of works referred to," p. xvi. "Sports and pastimes," p. 179-210. Kimmins, Mrs. Grace Thyrza. The Guild of Play book of festival and dance. Dances arranged by M. H. Woolnoth. v. 1. Lon- don: J. Curwen & Sons, 1907. pi. * MO "With description and direction to dance music and costume." Maxwell, Gerald. Revival of the folk- drama. (Nineteenth century, v. 62, p. 925- 934. Dec, 1907.) * DA Morris, May. Pageantry and the masque, illus. (Journal, Society of Arts. v. 50, p. 670-677. June 27, 1902.) VA An abstract from a paper read before the Art Section of the Society of Arts, May 27, 1902, with the discussion following. PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES Great Britain. — General Works, continued. Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson. Historical pageants in England and America; with practical suggestions for similar spec- tacles, illus. (Century, v. 80, p. 416-427. July, 1910.) *DA Pageants. (Academy, v. 79, p. 497-498. Nov. 19, 1910.) *DA Pageants. (Macmillan's magazine, v. 92, p. 452-458. Oct.. 1905.) * DA Parker, Louis Napoleon. Historical pageants. (Journal, Society of Arts. v. 54, p. 142-146. Dec. 22, 1905.) VA Possibilities of pageantry. (Interna- tional studio. V. 24, p. 282. Jan., 1905.) fMAA Semple, ^^^ Old customs and festivals. (Nature, v. 73, p. 582-583. April, 1906.) OA Sieveking, I. Giberne. English pageants of the streets. (Antiquary. [Uew series,] V. 42, p. 464-468. Dec, 1906.) CA Snell, Frederick John. The customs of old England. London: Methuen & Co.. 1911. 312 p., 17 pi. CN Pageants, p. 53-58. Spencer, M. Lyle. Corpus Christi pag- eants in England. New York: Baker & Taylor Co., 1911. 276 p. NCOM Bibliography, p. ae.'^-aep. Dissertation, University of Chicago. Stephenson, Henry Thew. The Eliza- bethan people. New York: H. Holt and Co., 1910. 412 p. pi. *R-CH "The love of spectacles," p. 227-265. Synge, M. B. A short history of social life in England. New York: A. S. Barnes, 1906. 407 p. Library of Congress "Merrie England — 1558-1603," p. 175-189. Thombury, George Walter. Shake- speare's England; or, Sketches of our social history of the reign of Elizabeth. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1856. 2 v. * NCLD Revels and progresses, v. 2, p. 294-393. Timbs, John. Nooks and corners of English life, past and present. London: Griffith and Farran, 1867. 371 p. pi. 2. ed. CN "Okien customs and ceremonies," p. 238-244. Tumbull, George. English historical pageants. illus. (World's work, New York. V. 15, p. 9659-9674. Dec, 1907.) *DA Illustrations are from the Oxford, St. Albans, Bury St. Edmunds and Coventry pageants. Ward, Adolphus William. A history of English dramatic literature to the death of Queen Anne. London: Macmillan and Co., 1875. 2 V. NCOD "Elizabethan pageants," v. 1, p. 143-157. New and rev. ed. London: Macmillan and Co., 1899. 3 v. * R - NCOD Pageants: v. 1, p. 50, 53, 56, 58, 143-148; v. 2, p. 466-584. Warwick, Richard Beauchamp, earl of. Pageant of the birth, life, and death of Richard Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, 1389-1439... Photo-engraved from the original manuscript in the British Museum. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1914. 109 p. illus. AN Tiio.Mi'SON, Sir Edward Maunde. The pageants of Richard Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, commonly called the Warwick ms. illus. (Burlington magazine, v. 1, p. 150-165. London, 1903.) fMAA Illustrates life of the famous warrior. Special Pageants Arranged alphabetically by cities, texts and official programme first, followed by books and magazine articles relating to the special pageant. Bath Bath's fascinating history revived in the Bath pageant, illus. (Sphere, v. 38, July 17, 1909, supplement, p. 1-4.) ft * DA Earle, Anne Magnus. Bath and its pag- eant, illus. (Book news montlily. v. 28, p. 92-95. Oct., 1909.) * DA A Round of pageants; Bath, York and Cardiff, illus. (Graphic, v. 80, p. 136. July 31, 1909.) tt * DA Pictures only. The Season's pageantry: Bath. illus. (Sphere, v. 38, p. 114. July 31, 1909.) tt*DA Bury St. Edmunds Tlie Bury St. Edmunds pageant; a folk play, illus. (Black and white, v. 34, Julv 13, 1907, supplement.) ft * DA Pictures from the Bury St. Edmunds pageant, illus. (Illustrated London news. V. 131, p. 18-19. July 6, 1907.) ft * DA The Picturesqueness of the pageant: Ox- ford, Romsey, Porchester, and Bury St. Edmunds, illus. (Sphere, v. 30, p. 14-15. July 6, 1907.) tt * DA Canterbury Chaucer's England revived, illus. (Ameri- can review of reviews, v. 48, p. 205-207. Aug., 1913.) *DA "Colley Hill in Reigate near Canterbury was dedicated to the English public 'as an open space in perpetuity,' " May, 1913. 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Great Britain — Special Pageants, continued. Cardiff, Wales National pageant of Wales at Cardiff, illus. (Illustrated London news. v. 135, July 31, 1909, p. 160, and supplement, p. 1-4.) tt * DA A Round of pageants: Bath, York and Cardiff, illus. (Graphic, v. 80, p. 136. July 31, 1909.) tt * DA Pictures only. The Varied story of the Cymri retold in pageantry at Cardiff, July 26 - Ai\g. 7, 1909. illus. (Sphere, v. 38, July 31, 1909, supple- ment, p. 1-4.) tt * DA Chelsea The Chelsea historical pageant, Old Ranelagh Gardens. Royal Hospital, June 25th -July 1st, 1908. Book of words, with illustrations and selections from the music. Chelsea: The Pageant Committee, 1908. 154 p. illus. CO The Chelsea historical pageant, June 25th -July 1st, 1908. Old Ranelagh Gar- dens, Royal Hospital, Chelsea. Chelsea: [printed by W. Austin,] 1908. 44 p. illus. CO Gives characters and some description of each scene. Chelsea historical pageant, illus. (Graphic. V. 77, June 20, 1908, supplement, p. 1-4.) tt*DA Double page in color. The Chelsea pageant. (Nation, New York. V. 87, p. 58-59. July 16, 1908.) * DA Cheltenham Cheltenham's pageant. illus. (Sphere. V. 34, July 4, 1908, supplement, p. 1-4.) tt*DA Gloucester's history in living pictures; the pageant at Cheltenham, illus. (Illus- trated London news. v. 133, p. 43. July 11, 1908.) tt * DA Chester Chester pageant, 1910. (Architectural, Archaeological and Historical Society for the county and city of Chester and North Wales. Journal, new series, v. 17, p. 107- 119. 1910.) CO Chester's historical pageant from Agri- cola to King Charles, illus. (Sphere, v. 42, July 16, 1910, supplement, p. 1-4; July 23, 1910, supplement, p. 1-4.) tt * DA English history as told in the Chester pageant, illus. (Graphic, v. 82, p. 128- 129. July 23, 1910.) tt * DA Living history at Chester: scenes at a dress rehearsal. [Pictures.] (Illustrated London news. v. 137, p. 99. July 16, 1910.) tt*DA A Pageant in the making. (Blackwood's magazine, v. 188, p. 314-326. Sept., 1910.) *DA Preparing for the Chester pageant. Colchester Parker, Louis Napoleon. Souvenir and book of words of the Colchester pageant, June 21-26, 1909. London: Jarrold, 1909. 68 p. illus. Library of Congress The Colchester pageant, June 21-26, 1909. [Colchester: Cullingford & Co., 1909.] 8 p. illus. CBA p.v.12, no.5 Gives synopsis of episodes. Colchester's historic pageant. (Sphere. V. Z7, June 19, 1909, supplement, p. 1-3.) tt*DA Pictures show episodes of the Roman occupation. Pageants of the moment; living history at Fulham Palace and at Colchester, illus. (Illustrated London news. v. 134, June 19, 1909, supplement, p. 1-4.) tt * DA Coventry Presentation in the temple; a pageant as originally represented by the Corporation of Weavers in Coventry, now first printed from the books of the company, with a prefatory notice. Edinburgh: Abbotsford Club, 1836. 86 p. (Abbotsford Club. Pub- lications, v. 2.) Columbia Sharp, Thomas. A dissertation on the pageants or dramatic mysteries anciently performed at Coventry, by the trading companies of that city; chiefly with refer- ence to the vehicle, characters and dresses of the actors, compiled in a great degree from sources hitherto unexplored. To which is added the Pageant of the shear- men and taylors' company and other mu- nicipal entertainments of a public nature. Coventry: Merridew & Son, 1825. 226 p. illus. Stuart 1691 Dover The Key of England celebrates its pag- eant; Dover's history in living pictures, illus. (Illustrated London news. v. 133, p. 117. July 25, 1908.) tt * DA A Pageant of Dover history. illus. (Sphere, v. 34, July 25, 1908, supplement, p. 1-4.) tt*DA PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 11 Great Britain. — Special Pageants, continued. Dublin The Pageant of Irish industries: the work of St. Patrick's people, illus. (Illustrated London news. v. 134, p. 407. March 20, 1909.) tt * DA Held in St. Patrick's Hall, Dublin Castle. Hereford Johnson, Richard. The ancient customs of the city of Hereford, with translations of the earlier city charters and grants, also some account of the trades of the city and other information relative to its early his- tory. London: J. B. Nichols & Sons, 1868. 176 p. CO Isle of Wight The Isle of Wight pageant at Caris- brooke castle, illus. (Black and white, v. 34, Aug. 3, 1907, supplement.) ft * DA The pageant represents the history of the island from the conquest in A. D. 43 by Vespasian to the imprisonment of Charles i. at Carisbrooke castle. The Pageant illustrating the history of the Isle of Wight, presented at Caris- brooke castle today, illus. (Sphere, v. 30, p. 106-107. Aug. 3, 1907.) ft * DA Kenilworth Creighton, Mandell. The age of Eliza- beth. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1890. 244 p. Library of Congress "Elizabeth at Kenilworth," p. 145-146. Kenilworth festivities: comprising Lane- ham's description of the pageantry, and Gascoigne's masques, represented before Queen Elizabeth, at Kenilworth castle anno 1575... Warwick and Leamington: J. Merridew, 1825. 114, 104 p., 2 ports. Library of Congress Laneham, Robert. Captain Cox, his ballads and books; or Robert Laneham's letter; whearin part of the entertainment untoo the Queenz Majesty at Killingworth castl, in Warwiksheer in this sooinerz pro- gress, 1575, is signified from a freend officer attendant in the court, unto hiz freend, a citizen and merchant of London. Re-edited, with forewords describing all the accessible books, tales and ballads, in Captain Cox's list and the Complaynt of Scotland, 1548-9 by Frederick J. Furnivall. London: printed for the Ballad Society by Taylor & Co., 1871. 87 p. Columbia Letter, describing a part of the en- tertainment unto Queen Elizabeth at the castle of Kenilworth in 1575. Edited with introduction by F. J. Furnivall. New York: Duffield, 1907. 87 p. illus. map, pi. Columbia Knutsford Andrews, M. L. The "Royal" May-day festival. (St. Nicholas, v. 40, p. 674-676. June, 1913.) Dallow, AVilfrid. The May queens of Cranford. illus. (Graphic, v. 89, p. 758. May 2, 1914.) ft* DA Royal May day festival at Knutsford, which "is the original town of Mrs. Gaskell's popular story of Cranford." London "We will call the vision up. O London, mighty mother of great deeds O heart of England, glory of the world Show me your story. Let the long dead years Unroll themseh'es before me, scene by scene. May zve Read London's glorious future in her past." - From the Children's pageant, given by the Stepney schools, Whitechapel, May, 1909. Besant, Sir Walter. The history of Lon- don. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1893. 256 p. illus. Library of Congress "Plays and pageants," p. 168-180. London. London: Chatto & Win- dus, 1900. 343 p. Library of Congress Pageants, p. 150-158, 201-203. Medieval London. London: A. & C. Black, 1906. 2 v. (In his: Survey of London.) f CO "Sport and recreation," v. 1, p. 306-326. List of principal pageants from 1205 to 1483, V. 1, p. 319. Boulton, William B. The amusements of old London; being a survey of the sports and pastimes, tea gardens and parks, play- houses and other diversions of the people of London from the 17th to the beginning of the 19th century. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1901. 2 v. pi. CO "The masked assembly," v. 1, p. 81-128. Boynton, Percy H. London in English literature. Chicago: University of Chica- go Press [1913). 346 p. maps, pi. illus. CO "Shakespeare's London," p. 34-64. Brayley, Edward Wedlake. Londiniana; or. Reminiscences of the British metrop- olis: including characteristic sketches, an- tiquarian, topographical, descriptive, and literary. London: Hurst, Chance and Co., 1829. 4 v. pi. CO See index of v. 4 under pageantry. The Civic garland. A collection of songs from London pageants; edited with intro- duction and notes by F. W. Fairholt. Lon- don: the Percy Society, 1845. 96 p. (Percy Society. Early English poetry, v. 19, no. 61.) NCKp.v.4,no.5 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gt. Br. — Special Pageants, London, cont'd. Ditchfield, Peter Hampson. Memorials of old London. London: Bemrose & Sons, Ltd., 1908. 2 v. illus. (Memorials of the counties of England...) CO "The city companies of London," v. 1, p. 191- 223. Douglas-Irvine, Helen. The history of London. London: Constable & Co., Ltd., 1912. 396 p. pi. CO "Elizabethan pageants," p. 189-190. Graves, Thornton Shirley. The court and the London theatres during the reign of Elizabeth. Menasha, Wis.: The Col- legiate Press, George Banta Publishing- Co., 1913. 93 p. NCO p.v.396, no.l4 Thesis, University of Chicago, 1912. Malcolm, James Peller. Londinium re- divivum; or. An ancient history and mod- ern description of London. Compiled from parochial records, archives of various foundations, the Harleian mss. and other authentic sources. London: printed by J. Nichols and Son, 1802-07. 4 v. 45 pi. tco Nadal, Ehrman Syme. Impressions of London social life. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1875. 223 p. CN English court festivities, p. 110-130. Nichols, John Gough. London pageants. 1. Accounts of fifty-five royal processions and entertainments in the city of Lon- don; chiefly extracted from contemporary writers; to which is added an account of the preparations made in 1831 for the re- ception of King William and Queen Ade- laide. 2. A bibliographical list of lord mayors' pageants. [London:] J. B. Nichols and Son, 1837. 122 p. illus. CO Norton, George. Commentaries on the history, constitution & chartered fran- chises of the city of London. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1869. 421 p. 3. ed., rev. CO "Civic pageantry," p. 135-140. Ordish, Thomas Fairman. Shakespeare's London: a study of London in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1897. 258 p., 8 pi. (The Temple Shakespeare manuals.) * NCLD "Masques and their relation to drama," p. 137- 140. Pageant of London. Performance of a masque by Ben Jonson. (Windsor maga- zine. V. 32, p. 35-44. June, 1910.) * DA Thornbury, George Walter. Old and new London: a narrative of its history, its people and its places. New ed., carefully rev. and corrected. London, New York: Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1887-93. 6 v. in 3. illus. CO "Cheapside shows and pageants," v. 1, p. 315- 346. Wheatley, Henry Benjamin. The story of London... London: J. M. Dent and Co., 1904. 411 p. illus. (The mediaeval town series.) Library of Congress Pageants, p. 136-153. Army Pageant See Fulham Palace Army Pageant Burns Festival Festival in commemoration of Robert Burns, and to promote a subscription to erect a national monument to his memory at Edinburgh: held at the Freemasons' Tavern in London on Saturday, June 5, 1819. With an appendix containing the resolutions of the general meeting, April 24, 1819, together with a list of the sub- scribers. . . London: printed by B. McMil- lan, 1819. 29 p. Library of Congress Children's Pageant See Whitechapel Pageant Church Pageant See Fulham Palace Church Pageant Earl's Court Pageant Back to the days of chivalry: the tour- ney at Earl's Court, illus. (Graphic, v. 86, p. 94-95. July 20, 1912.) ft * DA Pictures only. Charlton, Randal. My dinner with Queen Elizabeth, illus. (Graphic, v. 86, p. 132. July 27, 1912.) ft * DA The Craze for the picturesque past; actors in the pageant at Scarsborough and the Elizabethan triumph at Earl's Court, illus. (Graphic, v. 86, p. 96. July 20, 1912.) tt*DA Gibbs, Philip. The Elizabethan tourney in "Shakespeare's England"; "a midsum- mer night's dream." illus. (Graphic, v. 86, p. 50-51. July 13, 1912.) ft * DA Howe, T. H. Manners. The imperial services exhibition at Earl's Court; a pag- eant of national defence, illus. (Graphic. V. 87, p. 918. May 31, 1913.) ft * DA War at Earl's Court; a miniature bat-' tie fought by land, sea and air. illus. y (Graphic, v. 87, p. 888-889. May 31, 1913.) ' tt*DA Pictures only. PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 13 Gt. Br. — Special Pageants, London, cont'd. Festival of Empire Carlyle, Randolph. The Festival of Em- pire, illus. (Canadian magazine, v. 35, p. 25-30. May, 1910.) * DA Citizens of London as the living history of London City; the pageant at the Festi- val of Empire, illus. (Illustrated Lon- don news. V. 138, p. 902-903, 905. June 10. 1911.) tt*DA Pictures only. Green, Allin. The Festival of Em- pire; Britannia's universal pageant, illus. (Windsor magazine. v. 34, p. 100-108. June. 1911.) *DA Historical pageant of London. illus. (Illustrated London news. v. 138. p. 740. May 20, 1911.) ft * DA Pictures only. The Pageant of London at the Crystal Palace; the Danish attack on London, illus. (Graphic, v. 83, p. 923. June 17, 1911.) ft* DA Proposed London pageant. (Harper's weekly, v. 52, Feb. 1, 1908, p. 7-8.) * DA Soutar, Andrew. The making of a pag- eant. (Windsor magazine, v. 32, p. 35- 44. June, 1910.) * DA Fulham Palace Army Pageant Benson, F. R., and A. T. Craig, editors. The book of the army pageant held at Ful- ham Palace, June 20 -July 2, 1910. [Lon- don: Sir J. Causton & Sons, 1910. i 153 p. illus. t VWZH [The Army pageant.] (Illustrated Lon- don news. V. 136, p. 1015-1019. June 25. 1910.) tt*DA The Army pageant at Fulham. illus. (Sphere, v. 41, June 18, 1910, p. 322-331. and supplement, p. 1-3; v. 41, June 25. 1910, p. 353, and supplement, p. 1-4.) ft * DA Farquharson, J. The army pageant, illus. (Windsor magazine, v. 32, p. 159- 169. July, 1910.) *DA Making history live again; the pageant of the British army, illus. (World today. V. 19, p. 996-999. Sept., 1910.) * DA Pictures only. Pageants of the moment; living history at Fulham Palace and at Colchester, illus. (Illustrated London news. v. 134, June 19, 1909. supplement, p. 1-4.) ft * DA Fulham Palace Church Pageant ^ Peers, C. R., compiler. The book of the English Church Pageant. Fulham Palace, June 10-16, 1909; compiled by C. R. Peers, H. P. Allen, H. N. Bates and others. Lon- don: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1909. 152 p. ports, illus. CBA The English Church Pageant. illus. (Graphic, v. 79, p. 788-789. June 19. 1909.) tt*DA Engmsh Church Pageant; living church history in the grounds of Fulham Palace, illus. (Illustrated London news. v. 134, p. 843. June 12, 1909.) ft * DA The English Church Pageant handbook. The official handbook of the English Church Pageant to be held in the grounds of Fulham Palace, London S. W., June 10- 16. 1909. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode il909j. 72 p. illus. tt ZPE p.v.7, no.2 Fulham Palace Church Pageant, illus. (Graphic, v. 79, p. 766, 788-789. June 12, 1909.) ft* DA History of the growth of the English people as influenced by the church. Lord Mayors' Pageants The Edwards of England; historical pag- eantry in the Lord Mayor's show, illus. (Illustrated London news. v. 131, p. 665. Nov. 9, 1907.) tt*DA Fairholt, Frederick William. Lord Alayors' pageants; being collections towards a history of these annual celebrations, with specimens of the descriptive pamphlets published by the city poets. London: Percy Society, 1844. 288 p. CO Contents: Troia-nova triumphans; London's tempe or The "feild" of "happines," by Thomas Dekker. Porta pietatis, by Thomas Heywood. The royal oake, by John Tatham. London's resurrection; The triumphs of London, by Tho. Jordan. Jordan, Thomas. London in luster; pro- jecting many bright beams of triumph; disposed into several representations of scenes and pageants. Performed with great splendor on Wednesday, October xxix. 1679. At the initiation and instalment of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Clayton, knight, lord mayor of the city of London London: Printed for John Playford, 1679. 20 p. Library of Congress Londons triumphs: illustrated with many magnificent structures & pageants. On which are orderly advanced several stately representations of poetical deities ...with pertinent speeches, jocular songs, (sung by the city musick) and pastoral dancing. Performed October 29, 1677. for the. . .inauguration .. .of Sir Francis Chap- lin knight, lord mayor of London... [London:] Printed for J. Playford, 1677. 24 p. Library of Congress London's annual pageant; the city's wel- come to the new Lord Mayor, Nov., 1913. illus. (Graphic, v. 88, p. 886-887. Nov. 15, 1913.) tt*DA 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gt. Br. — Special Pageants, London, cont'd. The Lord Mayor's show as a great pag- eant, illus. (Sphere, v. 31, p. 116. Nov. 9, 1907.) tt*DA Munday, Anthony. Fishmongers' pag- eant on Lord Mayor's Day 1616. Chrys- analeia, the golden fishing, represented in twelve plates by Henry Shaw from con- temporary drawings with documents and an historical introduction by G. G. Nichols. London: printed for the Worshipful Com- pany of Fishmongers, 1844. 32 p. pi. illus. Columbia Withington, Robert. The Lord Mayor's show for 1623. [Baltimore:] Modern Lan- guage Association of America, 1915. 110- 115 p. CO p. box Cover title. Repr. : Modern Language Associa- tion. Publications, v. 30, no. 1. Olympia Olympia. Royal Naval and Military Tournament, illus. (Graphic, v. 87, p. 886-887. May 31, 1913.) ft * DA Pictures only. Olympia. Royal Naval and Military Tournament, illus. (Graphic, v. 89, p. 932-933. May 23, 1914.) ft * DA Pictures only. Whitechapel Pageant Children's pageant. (Living age. v. 262 fseries 7, v. 44], p. 49-52. July 3, 1909.) *DA Scenes and incidents in the history of east Lon- dori, by children of the Stepney elementary schools. This pageant was designed by Louis Parker and Harvey Darton. Ludlow Powel, Daniel. The love of Wales to their soueraigne prince, expressed in a true relation of the solemnity held at Ludlow in the countie of Salop, vpon the fourth of Nouember last past. Anno Domini 1616. Being the day of the creation of the high and mighty Charles, prince of Wales, and earle of Chester, in His Maiesties palace of White-hall. [By Daniel Powel.] Lon- don: Printed by N. Okes, 1616. (In: R. H. Clive, Documents connected with the history of Ludlow. London, 1841. p. 61- 80.) tCO Montreal Botting, E. Fete Dieu in Montreal. (Canadian magazine, v. 29, p. 153-155. June, 1907.) * DA Royal Pageants Jesse, John Heneage. London: its cele- brated characters and remarkable places. London: R. Bentley, 1871. 3 v. CO Coronation procession of Queen Elizabeth, v. 3, p. 145-147. Nichols, John. Progresses, processions and magnificent festivities of King James I., his royal consort, family and court. Lon- don: J. B. Nichols, 1828. 4 v. pi., ports, illus. CI Progresses and public processions of Queen Elizabeth. London: John Nichols and Son, 1823. 3 v. pi., ports, illus. new ed. CH Ogilby, John. The entertainment of his most excellent Majestic Charles ii in his passage through the city of London to his coronation; containing an exact "accompt" of the whole solemnity. London: Roycroft. 1662. 192 p. pi. illus. ft CI Pascoe, Charles Eyre. The pageant & ceremony of the coronation of Their Majesties Kine Edward the Seventh and Queen Alexandra. New York: D. Apple- ton & Co., 1902. 290 p., 8 pi. illus. CLH Sullivan, Mary. Court masques of James i; their influence on Shakespeare and pub- lic theatres. Lincoln, Neb., 1913. 137 o. NCOD Bibliography, p. 123-137. Oxford The Oxford historical pageant. June 27 -July 3, 1907. Book of words, with illustrations. Oxford: Pageant Commit- tee, 1907. 136 p. ports, illus. CO Oxford historical pageant. June 27- Tuly 3, 1907. Official programme. Oxford, 1907. 16 p. CO p. box Gives full description; often mentions kind of costume worn. BowEN, Clarence Winthrop. The Ox- ford historical pageant, illus. (Indepen- dent. V. 63, p. 134-137. July 18, 1907.) * DA Coleman, A. I. du P. The Oxford pag- eant. (Bookman, v. 25, p. 349-351. June, 1907.) * DA Dyer, Louis. The Oxford pageant. (Nation, New York. v. 85, p. 73-75. July 25. 1907.) *DA Oxford historical pageant: complete list of performers, description of costumes and dresses. (Oxford Times, Saturday, June 29, 1907, p. 9-11.) CO p. box The Oxford pageant; striking scenes from the history of our oldest university, illus. (Black and white, v. 33, June 29, 1907, supplement.) *DA PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 15 Gt. Br. — Special Pageants, Oxford, cont'd. Oxford's history in living pictures, illus. (Illustrated London news. v. 130, p. 1010- 1011. June 29, 1907.) ft * DA The PicTURESQUENESS of the pageant; Oxford, Romsey, Porchester, and Bury St. Edmunds, illus. (Sphere, v. 30, p. 14-15. July 6, 1907.) tt * DA Pevensey The Picturesque pageant at Pevensey. illus. (Sphere, v. 34, p. 73. July 25. 1908.) tt*DA Scenes among ivy clad ruins of the Romans. Porchester The Picturesqueness of the pageant; Ox- ford, Romsey, I'orchester and Bury St. Edmunds, illus. (Sphere, v. 30, p. 14-15. July 6, 1907.) tt * DA Quebec Historical souvenir and book of the pageants of the 300th anniversary of the founding of Quebec, the ancient capital of Canada. July 20-31, 1908. Under the di- rection of the National Battlefields' Com- mission. Montreal: Cambridge Corpora- tion il908|. 50 p. map. illus. HXR Quebec tercentenary, illus. (Outlook. V. 89, p. 885-892. Aug. 22, 1908.) * DA Three hundred years of Canada's his- tory, illus. (Sphere, v. 34, Aug. 8, 1908. supplement, p. 1-4.) tt * DA The Pageantry of history at St. Albans; eight thrilling epochs of British history recnacted on the greensward of Hertford- shire, illus. (Sphere, v. 30, July 20, 1907, supplement, p. 1-4.) tt * DA The St. Albans pageant, illus. (Black and white, v. 34, July 20, 1907, supple- ment.) * DA St. Albans pageant, illus. (Illustrated London news. v. 131, p. 98-99. July 20, 1907.) tt * DA Scarborough The Craze for the picturesque past; actors in the pageant at Scarborough and the Elizabethan triumph at Earl's Court, illus. (Graphic, v. 86, p. 86, 96. July 20, 1912.) tt*DA Sherborne Recreating history; tlie spectacle and folk-play commemorating the 1200th anni- versary of Sherborne town, illus. (Illus- trated London news. v. 126, p. 814-815. June 10, 1905.) tt * DA Some episodes from the Sherborne pag- eant, illus. (Sphere, v. 21, p. 253. June 10, 1905.) tt*DA Southampton Tlie Pageantry of punishment, as shown at Southampton, illus. (Graphic, v. 89, p. 1112. June 20, 1914.) tt * DA Pictures only. Reading Ditchfield, Peter Hampson. A Reading pageant. (Berks, Bucks & Oxon archaeo- logical journal, v. 14, p. 1-9, 33-41, 65-73. 1908.) CA Romsey The Picturesqueness of the pageant; Ox- ford, Romsey, Porchester, and Bury St. Edmunds, illus. (Sphere, v. 30, p. 14-15. July 6, 1907.) tt*DA The Romsey pageant. (Outlook, v. 86, p. 579-580. July 20. 1907.) * DA St. Albans Tlie Pageant of a pack of cards; a game of "living whist" at St. Albans. illus. (Graphic, v. 86, p. 86. July 20, 1912.) tt*DA Pictures only. Stratford-on-Avon The Official programme of the tercen- tenary festival of the l)irth of Shakespeare, to be held at Stratford-on-Avon, commenc- ing on April 23, 1864; also an account of what is known of the poet's life. London: imprinted for Cassell, Potter and Galpin, 1864. 96 p. maps, illus. Library of Congress Buckley, Reginald R. Shakespeare fes- tival at Stratford-on-Avon. (World's work, London, v. 17, p. 524-529. April, 1911.) *DA Figgis, S. Stratford-on-Avon festival. (Academy, v. 84. p. 532-533. April 26, 1913.) *DA Pl.^xs for Shakespeare festival at Strat- ford-on-Avon. (Graphic, v. 23, p. 44. July 9.1910.) tt*DA Sh.\kespeare festival. (Academy, v. 86, p. 533-534. April 25, 1914.) * DA 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Gt. Br. — Sp. Pag., Stratford-on-Avon, cont'd. Shakespeare festival at Stratford-on- Avon, 1908. (Windsor magazine, v. 27, p. 747-768. May, 1908.) * DA Shakespeare festival at Stratford-on- Avon, 1910. (Windsor magazine, v. 31, p. 731-748. May, 1910.) * DA Stratford-on-Avon; Shakespeare festival, illus. (Windsor magazine, v. 33, p. 727- 744. May, 1911.) * DA Illustrations give good ideas for costumes. Stratford-on-Avox festival. (Windsor magazine, v. 35, p. 725-740. May, 1912.) *DA Stratford-on-Avon festival. (Windsor magazine, v. 37, p. 731-748. May, 1913.) *DA Tamworth Castle The Millenary of Tamworth Castle, illus. (Graphic, v. 88, p. 109. July 19, 1913.) tt * DA Pictures only. Warwick English history in living pictures; the Warwick pageant, illus. (Illustrated Lon- don news. V. 128. p. 974-975. June 30, 1906.) ft * DA Merrie England again in pageant form, illus. (Sphere, v. 26, p. 8. Julv 7. 1906.) ft* DA Scenes chiefly from the Warwick pageant. Spender, Harold. The historical pageant at Warwick, England, illus. (American review of reviews, v. 34, p. 201-202. Aug.. 1906.) * DA Also in Living age, v. 250, p. 373-375, Aug. 11, 1906. Winchester The Pageant of history at Winchester, illus. (Sphere, v. 33, June 27, 1908, sup- plement, p. 1-4.) ft* DA Winchester national pageant, depicting scenes illustrating the making of England (to be held in the historic grounds of Wol- vesey Castle, Winchester) June 25 -July 1, 1908. Preliminary announcement. Win- chester: Warren, 1908. 4 1. CBA p.v.14, no.4 Winchester's pageant; scenes from the history of England's ancient capital, illus. (Black and white, v. 35, p. 803. June 27, 1908.) *DA York Bates, Abby Barstow. The York pag- eant and others. illus. (Chautauquan. V. 62, p. 226-237. April, 1911.) * DA The Living history of York; scenes and pictures in the great pageant, illus. (Illus- trated London news. v. 160, July 31, 1909, supplement, p. 2-3.) ff * DA A Round of pageants: Bath, York and Cardiff, illus. (Graphic, v. 80, p. 136. July 31, 1909.) ft * DA Pictures only. The Season's pageantry: York. illus. (Sphere, v. 38, p. 115. July 31, 1909.) ft* DA Two thousand five hundred years of his- tory revived at York, July 26-31, 1909. illus. (Sphere, v. 38, July 24, 1909, sup- plement, p. 1-4.) ft * DA The York historic pageant, July 26-31, 1909. York. England: Belittle, Fenwick and Co. [1909?]. 8 p. illus. CO Pageants, United States General Works "Time who doth biud men zcith his chain of years, Fate who doth make all life to bloom and close, Death, who doth reap for Time and Fate: these three Wage war against the starry crown of song, And stand in dreaded leaguer, with drawn swords Before the garden where the Rose of Art, Like a blown flame hath being and delight. But here, behold a miracle: Time sleeps, Fate nods; and Death hath had his will. Tonight The centuries, like pages of a book. Turn backward, and the Rose of Art doth breathe With a new perfume springtides long forgot." — Thomas Wood Stevens, American historical pageants. (Inde- pendent. V. 63, p. 166-167. July 18, 1907.) *DA Shows their value in teaching history and suggests several anniversaries as suitable times to utilize the historical pageant. American Pageant Association. Bulle- tins, no. 1-40 (May 15, 1913 -Sept. IS, 1916). (Boston? 1913-16.1 t MWA Supplement no. A to Bulletin no. 11. fMWA Supplement no. B to Bulletin no. 19. tMWA "Who's who" in pageantry. May, 1914. tNew York?] 1914. 12 p. Library of Congress ^ American pageants for 1915. (Journal of education, v. 81, p. 160. Feb. 11, 1915.) SSA Baker, George Pierce. Pageantry. (Art and progress, v. 4, p. 831-835. Jan., 1913.) MAA PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 17 United States. — General Works, continued. Beard, Adelia Belle. The American pag- eant, illus. (American homes, v. 9, p. 239-241, 263-264. July, 1912.) * DA Bjorkman, Frances Maule. A nation learning to play; a summer of patriotic pageants. illus. (World's work. New York. V. 18. p. 12038-12045. Sept., 1909.) *DA Brown, Frank Chouteau. The American Pageant .Vssociation; a new force working for the future of pageantry in America. (Drama, v. 9, p. 178-191. Feb., 1913.) NAFA Reading list on pageants and pageantry, p. 189- 191. Budd, Kathcrine C. Every lawn a thea- tre, illus. (World's work. Garden City, N. Y. V. 22. p. 14927-14939. Oct., 1911.) *DA Scenes from various pageants. Chubb, Percival. and others. Festivals and plavs in school and elsewhere. New York: Harper. 1912. 403 p. illus. MW General bibliography, p. 355-358; Festival music bibliography, p. 359-390; Costume bibliography, p. 391-392. Clark, L. A. Pageantry in America. (English journal, v. 3, p. 146-153. March. 1914.) Library of Congress Davol, Ralph. A handbook of American pageantry. Taunton, Mass.: Davol Pub- lishing Co. [Cop. 1914.] 236 p. illus. NAFM Dickinson, Thomas Herbert. The case ^ of American drama. Boston: Hougliton Mifflin Co.. 1915. 223 p. NBL Contents: The new theatre in the light of history. The social sanction of dramatic art. The present situation of the stage in America. The theatre in the open. Festivals and pageantry. The promise of an American drama. ^ Dykema, Peter W. The awakening fes- tival spirit in America — an educational opportunity. (National Education Asso- ciation of the United States. Journal of proceedings and addresses. Ann Arbor, 1912. 1912, p. 1023-1030.) SSA Lesson in the association of work and play: what children learn from school festivals. (Craftsman, v. 12, p. 647-655. Sept.. 1907.) tt MNA Farwell, Arthur. Community music- drama; will our country people in time help us to develop the real American theatre? (Craftsman, v. 26, p. 418-424. Julv. 1914.) tfMNA Grant, Percy Stickney. The passion play on the American stage, illus. (Theatre. V. 2, p. 10-15. May, 1902.) ft NBLA Growth and pleasure of pageants. (World's work, Garden Citv. N. Y. v. 21, p. 13596-13597. Nov., 1910.) * DA Harrington, Helen. Poetic drama and pageantry, illus. (Overland, series 2, v. 60, p. 409-418. Nov., 1912.) * DA Koch, Frederick Henry. Amateur values in pageantry. (Quarterly journal of public speaking, v. 1, p. 288-297. Oct., 1915.) NANL Langdon, William Chauncy. The New York conference on pageantry. (Drama. V. 14, p. 307-315. May, 1915.) NAFA Second annual conference of the American Pag- eant Association, held in New York City, Feb. 21- 23, 1914. Lincoln, Jennette Emeline Carpenter. The festival book; May-day pastimes and the May-pole; dances, revels and musical games for the playground, school and col- lege. New York: The A. S. Barnes Co., 1912. 74 p. illus. t SSY "nibliography," p. 73-74. Mackay, Constance D'Arcy. The "made- at-home" pageant; how to write and stage it. illus. (Countryside magazine, v. 20, p. 207-208, 245. April, 1915.) t MVA Mackaye, Hazel. Outdoor plays and pageants; a sketch of the movement in America, illus. (Independent, v. 68, p. 1227-1234. June 2, 1910.) * DA Mackaye, Percy Wallace. American pageants and their promise. (Scribner's magazine, v. 46, p. 28-34. July, 1909.) *DA The civic theatre in relation to the redemption of leisure; a book of sugges- tions. New York: Mitchell Kenncrley, 1912. 308 p. NBL The new citizenship; a civic ritual devised for places of public meeting in America. New York: Macmillan Co., 1915. 92 p. NBM The playhouse and the play, and other addresses concerning the theatre and democracy in America. New York: Macmillan Co., 1909. 210 p. NBL Needham, Mary Master. The festa in America, illus. (Outlook, v. 99, p. 523- 531. Oct. 28, 1911.) *DA Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson. The histori- cal pageant in America. (Dial. v. 47, p. 327. Nov. 1, 1909.) * DA Historical pageants in England and America; with practical suggestions for similar spectacles, illus. (Century, v. 80, p. 416-427. July, 1910.) * DA The People and the pageant. (Crafts- man. V. 17, p. 223-226. Nov., 1909.) tfMNA Shows a pageant should be by and of the people, not for them. The Return of the drama to nature, illus. (Current literature. v. 47, p. 312-315. Sept., 1909.) *DA 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY United States. — General Works, continued. Revival of pageantry. (Dial 271-272. Oct. 16. 1909.) V. 47. p. *DA Roberts, Mary Fanton. The value of outdoor plays to America; through the pageant shall we develop a drama of de- mocracy? illus. (Craftsman, v. 16, p. 491- 506. Aug., 1909.) ttMNA Stuart, Eleanor Randall. New^er aspects of pageantry, illus. (New England maga- zine, new series, v. 48, p. 540-543. Jan., 1913.) *DA The Use of history pageants in educa- tion. (School and home education, v. 28, p. 223-225. Feb., 1909.) SSA Wade, Herbert T. What the pageant does for local history, illus. (American review of reviews, v. 48, p. 328-333. Sept., 1913.) *DA Wallach, Rita Teresa. Social value of the festival. (Charities, v. 16, p. 314-320. June 2, 1906.) SHK Withington, Robert. A manual of pag- eantry. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana Uni- versity, 1914. 20 p. (Indiana University bulletin, v. 13, no. 7.) STG (Indiana) p.v.5 Contents: Definition and aims of the modern pageant. The technique of the pageant. Details of organization. Bibliographical note. Fourth of July Pageants Dick, Stewart. The pageants of the Fourth. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1911. 258 p. mounted pi. Library of Congress Goodman, Kenneth Sawyer, and T. W. Stevens. A pageant for Independence Day. Chicago: The Stage Guild fcop. 1912]. 18 1. NBLp.v.28, no.l Text of the pageant. Langdon, William Chauncy. The cele- bration of the Fourth of July by means of pageantry; with an article and notes on the music by Arthur Farwell. [New York:] The Division of Recreation of the Russell Sage Foundation, 191^ 56 p. (Russell Sage Foundation. — D^artment of Child Hygiene. Pamphlet no. 114.) SA (Russell) Contents: A celebration for the 4th of July. An outline of a general pageant for the •4th of July. The episode of the Declaration of Independence. Notes on the episode and its performance. Pagean- try in Independence Day celebrations. Music in Independence Day celebrations. Notes on the music. Mackay, Constance D'Arcy. Daniel Boone, patriot; a Fourth of July pageant for boys, illus. (Delineator, v. 78, p. 69- 70. July, 1911.) ttVSA Gives some suggestions for costumes and scenery. Pfleger, Mrs. Wallace J. Suggestions for the management of an Independence Day celebration; a safe and patriotic Fourth of July. 24 p. (Russell Sage Foundation. Publications, no. 97.) Russell Sage Prepared by the committee on Independence Day celebrations of the Art Department, New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs. Gives selections from New Jersey history for pag- eantry, with descriptions of the scenery and cos- tumes required. Reforming the Fourth. (Nation, New York. V. 89, p. 47-48. July 15, 1909.) *DA Smith, Ethel M. The Independence Day pageant at Washington. (Drama, v. 4, no. 13, p. 118-130. Feb., 1914.) NAFA Pageantry and the Drama League. illus. (Theatre, v. 18, p. 171-172. Nov., 1913.) ttNBLA Describes the Independence Day pageant given under the auspices of the Drama League, Washing- ton, D. C, July 4, 1913. Also called "Uncle Sam's 137th birthday party." Miscellaneous Pageants Atwater, Helen Woodward. America's gifts to the Old World; a pageant or masque for home economics students; a publication Tor the Richards Memorial Fund, American Home Economics Asso- ciation. Baltimore: [Waverly Press,] 1915. 20 p. Library of Congress Baker, Jessie M. The crowning of the queen. Te.xt. illus. (St. Nicholas, v. 42, p. 634-637. May, 1915.) Gives suggestions for music and detailed direc- tions for costumes. Carman, Bliss, and Mary P. King. Daughters of dawn; a lyrical pageant or series of historic scenes for presentation with music and dancing. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1913. 118 p. illus. NCM Dix, Beulah Marie. A pageant of peace, written for the American School Peace League. Boston, 1915. 20 p. » Library of Congress Ferris, M. A. "The bridge of the gods"; a pageant drama of the great northwest, dramatized from the book of the same name written by F. H. Balch. New York [1913]. 24 p. Colmnbia Ford, Nella F. The pageant of Meth- odism, in four episodes and eighteen move- ments. Chicago, 111.: Central Office of the Epworth League, 1914. 39 p. Library of Congress Bibliography, p. 4. Representing the rise and growth of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 19 U. S. — Miscellaneous Pageants, continued. Hare, Walter Ben. A pageant of his- tory; an entertainment for either indoor or out-of-door performance. Text. Boston: Walter H. Baker & Co., 1914. 57 p. NBLp.v.35,no.3 Gives suggestions for costumes and music. Published for the use of amateurs only. 1. Ancient Briton. "The coming of the Cross." 2. Medieval England. "Bold Robin Hood." 3. "The landing of the Pilgrims"; "The white man's foot"; ' "A song of thanksgiving." 4. "The spirit of '76"; > "A colonial garden party." 5. "The days of '61"; "Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg." 6. "America tri- umphant." Mackay, Constance D'Arcy. Patriotic plays and pageants for young people. New York: Holt, 1912. 223 p. NASH Contains The pageant of patriots and The Haw- thorne pageant. Plays of the pioneers; a book of historical pageant plays. New York: Har- per, 1915. 175 p. illus. NBM Bibliography, p. 155-157. Contents: The pioneers. The fountain of youth. .. May-Day. The vanishing race. The passing of Hia- -^ watha. Dame Greel o' Portland town. Oxenham, John. The pageant of dark- ness and light, invented and designed by John Oxenham and Hugh Moss... New York: Young People's Missionary Move- ment of the United States and Canada [1911j. 39 p. Library of Congress At head of title: The book of the words. Smith, Laura Rountree. A fairy tale pageant. Text, illus. (Musician, v. 20, p. 341-342. May, 1915.) * MA A woodland musical pageant. Text. illus. (Musician, v. 21, p. 305-306. May, 1916.) *MA Tanner, Virginia. The pageant of the little town of X; preface by Walter Prich- ard Eaton. [Boston: printed by A. T. Bliss and Co., 1914.] 24 p. (Massachusetts Civic League. Leaflets, 1914, no. 10.) Library of Congress Special Pageants Arranged alphabetically by states, then by cities. The arrangement under the individual pageant is first, the text of the pageant and the official pro- gramme, second, books and magazine articles relating to it. California \/ Smallwood, C. H. California festivals. (Overland monthly, series 2, v. 63, p. 604- 614. June, 1914.) * DA Berkeley Watson, Jean Q., and Fr.\nxes L. Brown. The Parthenia of the University of Cali- fornia, illus. (Overland, series 2, v. 67, p. 359-364. May. 1916.) * DA Carmel Dumont, Henry. The pageant at Car- mel. illus. (National magazine, v. 35. p. 151-156. Oct.. 1911.) *DA Episode 1. Departure of the expedition from Mexico in 1769 with Father Serra. 2. The erection of the cross by Portola at Carmel in 1770. 3. The founding of the mission and the first mass in 1771. Claremont Pomona College pageant. (Out West. new series, v. 5, p. 352-354. June, 1913.) *DA Los Angeles Field, Ben. The Gamut Club's sylvan gambol. Los Angeles, 1912. illus. (Over- land monthly, series 2, v. 60, p. 289-294. Sept., 1912.) *DA "Depicts true life of the old Spanish priests." Pomona College See Claremont San Bernardino McGroarty, John Steven. A pageant of transportation, illus. (Sunset, v. 2)2>, p. 749-752. Oct., 1914.) lAA "Pageant of the evolution of transportation." San Diego Conant, Isabelle Fiske. Persephone; a inyth presented in pageant form by the pupils of the Bishop's School, San Diego, in their school gardens, commencement week of the Bishop's Schools, June 8, 1914. [San Diego, Cal.,] Frye & Smith, prtrs. [1914.] 12 p. Library of Congress San Francisco Anderson, Maurice. San Francisco dis- covers Portola. illus. (World today, v. 17, p. 1320-1323. Dec, 1909.) * DA Hooke, Thornl}^ The Portola festival, San Francisco, illus. (Overland monthly, series 2, v. 62, p. 525-532. Dec, 1913.) * DA San Gabriel El Drama de la misi6n (the mission play), illus. (Pan American LInion. Bul- letin, V. 40, p. 242-249. Feb., 1915.) TLA Text of article in English. "Historical drama of the early days of California." 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY U. S. — Special Pageants, California, cont'd. Madden, C. Stuart. The Oberammergau of California. (Catholic world, v. 98, p. 183-191. Nov., 1913.) * DA Van Dyke, Henry. The mission play of California, illus. (Century, v. 87, p. 175- 184. Dec, 1913.) * DA Wright, Willard Huntington. A Cali- fornia historical pageant, illus. (Indepen- dent. V. 72, p. 1090-1093. May 23, 1912.) *DA illus. California mission play. (Harper's weekly, v. 56, p. 19. July 6, 1912.) *DA Gives the three periods of Franciscan mission history, 1769, 1784, 1847. The mission pageant at San Ga- briel, illus. (Bookman, v. 35, p. 489-496. July, 1912.) *DA A pageant of brotherhood, illus. (Independent, v. 68, p. 1062-1065. May 19, 1910.) *DA Pomfret Christmas pageant, Pomfret, Conn. (In- dependent. V. 76, p. 582-583. Dec. 25, 1913.) *DA Stonington The Stonington battle centennial; a record of the celebration of Aug. 8th, 9th and 10th, 1914. Stonington, Conn.: Palmer Press, 1915. 64 p. illus. IIH Stonington battle centennial, Aug. 8-10, 1914. Official programme. [Stonington, Conn.: The Stonington Publishing Co., cop. 1914.] 16 p. Library of Congress San Jose Bland, Henry Meade. A California May fete, a State Normal School function, illus. (Overland monthly, series 2, v. 52, p. 248- 249. Sept., 1908.) * DA "Revival of the spirit of flowers and spring." University of California See Berkeley Connecticut Darien Langdon, William Chauncy. Book of words; the pageant of Darien. Aug. 29, 30, and Sept. 1, 1913. (New York: The Clover Press, cop. 1913.] 74 p. Library of Congress The pageant of a residential community. "A study in dramatic form of the history, life and problems of a small town within the home radius of a great metropolitan center." — Foreword. Hartford Maercklein, Burdette Crane. Historic pageants and spectacles enacted at Hart- ford during the great Bridge Fete, illus. (New England magazine, new series, v. 39, p. 426-433. Dec, 1908.) * DA New Britain _ Jump, Herbert A. A festival of the na- tions, illus. (Survey, v. 24, p. 392-396. June 4, 1910.) SHK Celebrating the centennial of the birthday of Elihu Burritt, the New Britain "Apostle of Brother- hood." Woodstock Holt, Constance. The Woodstock pag- eant [Aug. 12. 1911]. illus. (Independent. V. 71, p. 518-522. Sept. 7, 1911.) * DA Georgia Atlanta Carroll, Armond. A pageant and masque for the Shakespeare tercentenary, pro- duced under the direction of the executive committee of the Atlanta Center of the Drama League of America in Piedmont park, Atlanta, May, 1915. [Atlanta:] The Atlanta Center, Drama League of America, 1916. 79 p. t*NCLF Illinois Chicago Chicago pageants. (Journal of educa- tion. V. 78, p. 345-346. Oct. 9, 1913.) SSA Collins, Ruth Coffin. The history of Chicago from 1613 to 1914 in a pageant and two tableaux... [Chicago: printed by Stearns Bros., 1914.] 10 p. illus. Library of Congress Forestville School Pageant Make peace brilliant. (Journal of educa- tion. V. 78, p. 152. Aug. 21, 1913.) SSA Independence Day Pageant Goodman, Kenneth Sawyer, and T. W. Stevens. A pageant for Independence Day. Chicago: The Stage Guild [Cop. 1912]. 18 1. Text of the pageant. NBL p.V.28, no.l PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 21 U. S. — Special Pageants, Illinois, continued. Missionary Pageant "The World in Chicago." illus. (Sur- vey. V. 30, p. 529-532. July 19, 1913.) SHK Pageant of "Darkness and Light," May 3 - June 7, 1913. Pageant of the Italian Renaissance Stevens, Thomas Wood. Book of words. A pageant of the Italian renais- sance. [Chicago: The Society of Antiqua- rians, 1909., 85 p. illus. NBM In verse. Produced at the -Art Institute, Chicago, Jan. 26th and 27th, 1909, under the auspices of the Antiqua- rian Society of the Art Institute. Johnson, Martyn. Chicago's renais- sance; an old Italian pageant in a new- world setting, illus. (Putnam's magazine. V. 6. p. 41-47. April, 1909.) * DA A Pageant of the Italian renaissance. illus. (World today, v. 16, p. 303-306. Marcli. 1909.) * DA Rockwell, Ethel Theodora. The Free- port pageant of the Black Hawk country; given at Freeport, Illinois, August 27th and 28th, 1915. [Madison? Wis., cop. 1915.] 47 p. Library of Congress Northwestern University See Evanston Indiana Dye, Charity. Pageant suggestions for the Indiana statehood centennial celebra- tion. Indianapolis, Ind.: Indiana Histori- cal Commission, n. d. 14 p. (Indiana His- torical Commission. Bulletin, no. 4.) Russell Sage McReynolds, George. The centennial pageant for Indiana; suggestions for its performance. (Indiana magazine of his- tory. V. 11, p. 248-271. Sept., 1915.) lAA Play Festivals Calthrop, D. C. Chicago's third play festival. (Survey, v. 23, p. 195-200. Nov. 6, 1909.) SHK Tarbell, Ida Minerva. Old world fete in industrial America. (Charities, v. 20, p. 546-548. Aug. 1, 1908.) SHK Taylor, Graham Romeyn. Chicago play festival, 1908. (Charities, v. 20, p. 539- 545. Aug. 1, 1908.) SHK Edwardsville, Madison County Stevens, Thomas Wood. The historical pageant of Aladison county, Edwardsville, Illinois, Sept. 17, 18, 19, 1912. [Edwards- ville, 111.!] Madison County Centennial As- sociation [1912]. 10 p. Library of Congress At head of title: Souvenir program. Evanston Hard, William. The old West in pag- eantry, illus. (Outlook. V. 94, p. 182-190. Jan. 22, 1910.) * DA "Historical pageant of Illinois," Northwestern University, Evanston. Freeport Forbes, Stephen A. The Freeport his- torical pageant, illus. (School and home education, v. 35, p. 77-78. Nov., 1915.) SSA Bloomington Indiana University's centenary pageant. illus. (American review of reviews, v. 53, p. 668, 683-685. June, 1916.) * DA Indiana University See Bloomington . Indianapolis Weld, Mildred. A peace pageant. (Ele- mentary school teacher, v. 14, p. 423-436. May, 1914.) SSA Written and acted by the 8.\ class of the Calvin Fletcher School, Indianapolis, Ind., May 18, 1913. New Harmony Dye, Charity. Historical pageant, clos- ing the centennial celebration June 6-13, 1914, of the founding of New Harmony, Indiana, in 1814... (Indianapolis: The Hollenbeck Press, 1914.) 48 p. Library of Congress Iowa Sioux City Smith, Mrs. Milton Perry. A peace pag- eant, illus. (American city. Town and country ed., v. 13, p. 334-337. Oct., 1915.) SERA 22 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY United States. — Special Pageants, continued. Kansas Emporia Kansas. — State Normal School, Emporia. Grand pageant, The bearer of the torch. Presented by students and faculty, Kansas State Normal School, Emporia, Kansas, Founders' day, February 14, 1914; under the direction of Minnie E. Porter. (Em- poria: Kansas State Normal School, 1914.j 12 p. pi. Colttmbia Palmer, Lewis E. Cave life to city life, illus. (New England magazine, new series, v. 43, p. 316-318. Nov., 1910.) * DA An account of the Boston civic pageant. From cave life to city life, illus. (Survey, v. 25, p. 388-392. Dec. 3, 1910.) SHK Boston civic pageant. "First time in the United States the pageant went beyond a mere historic representation of the past and tried to show possi- bilities ahead." Episodes: Cave dweller in his solitary home. Life in an Indian village. Present success and future development. Maine Portland Mackay, Constance D'Arcy. The his- torical pageant of Portland, Maine, pro- duced on the eastern promenade as a free civic celebration of the Fourth of July, 1913. 47 p. Library of Congress Waterville Gilpatrick, Rose Adele. A school pag- eant; The progress of civilization. (School review, v. 23, p. 704-707. Dec, 1915.) SSA Given by the students of Coburn Classical Insti- tute, Waterville, Me. Massachusetts Arlington The Arlington pageant. (Outlook, v. 104, p. 409-410. June 28, 1913.) * DA Pageant of History and Industry. Dallin, Mrs. Colonna Murray. The Ar- lington pageant to commemorate the dedi- cation of the new town hall, Arlington, Mass. [Boston: printed by the Stetson Press,) 1913. 28 p. illus. Library of Congress Educational Pageant Foster, Paul Pinkerton. Reviving the Elizabethan pageant, illus. (World today. V. 15, p. 827-833. Aug., 1908.) * DA Boston educational pageant; celebrating the 3Sth anniversary of the founding of the Boston Normal School. Pageant of education: dedication festi- val, Boston Normal School. (Outlook, v. 89, p. 607. July 4, 1908.) * DA Pageant of Patriots Stuart, Eleanor Randall. Newer aspects of pageantry, illus. (New England maga- zine, new series, v. 48, p. 540-543. Jan., 1913.) *DA Miss Mackay's Pageant of patriots. The first children's historic pageant of .\merica dealing with vouth of .American heroes. Cambridge Joan of Arc's beatification at Harvard. illus. (Current literature, v. 47, p. 196- 199. Aug., 1909.) * DA Joan of Arc pageant at Cambridge. (Out- look. V. 92, p. 590-592. July 10, 1909.) *DA Boston Copeland, Jennie F. Pageant of Boston; written and produced by the literary de- partment of the New Century Club of M. Text, illus. (New England magazine, v. 54, p. 115-126. March, 1916.) * DA Gives notes on costumes. Cape Cod Pageant See Sandwich Charles River Pageant See Newton Lower Falls Civic Pageant The Boston pageant. (Outlook, v. 96. p. 658-659. Nov. 26, 1910.) * DA Brown, Frank Chouteau. Boston sees the first American civic pageant, illus. (Theatre, v. 13, Feb., 1911, p. 43-45, sup- plement, p. ix.) tfNBLA Charlestown Clark, Lotta A. Pageants and local his- tory. (History teacher's magazine, v. 5. p. 287-288. Nov., 1914.) f BAA Gives an account of the pageant at Charlestown, Mass. PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 23 U. S. — Special Pageants, Mass., continued. Colrain Gary, Mrs. (Playground. C. W. Colrain pageant. V. 7. p. 121-124. June, 1913.) MVC Littleton Pageant cele])rating the two hundredth anniversary of the town of Littleton, Mass., Aug., 1914. Programme. Littleton, Mass., 1914. 19 p. Russell Sage Deerfield Childs, Harriet Lusk. torical pageant, illus. 661-663. Aug. 6, 1910.) Old Deerfield his- (Survey. v. 24, p. SHK "Tlie Picturesque and appealing history of Deerfield." (Outlook, v. 105, p. 277- 279. Oct. 4, 1913.) * DA Medford The Historical house, Medford, (Harper's bazar. 1915.) pageant at the Massachusetts. V. 50, p. 24-25. Mohawk Trail Pageant See North Adams Royall illus. Aug., *DA Fitchburg Miller, Florence M. Historical pageants, State Normal School, Fitchburg. Massa- chusetts. Fitchl)urg, Mass., 1911. 71 p. illus. Library of Congress Gloucester Coburn players in the Canterbury pil- grims. (Overland monthly, new series, V. 60, p. 409-412. Nov., 1912.) * DA Pictures. Mackaye, Percy Wallace. American jiageants and their promise, illus. (Scrib- iier's magazine, v. 46, p. 28-34. July, 1909.) *DA Gives a description of the pageant at Gloucester, Mass. The complete programme of thfe Gloucester pageant. (In his: Civic theatre. New York: Kennerley, 1912. p. 280-287.) NBL Lawrence Dallin, Mrs. Colonna Murray. A pageant of progress, in two parts. Lawrence, Mass.: fThe Boothby Press,] 1911. 16 p. Library of Congress Lexington Lexington pageant, magazine, new series, v. 1915.) (New England 53, p. 38-40. May, *DA Lexington's peace pageant. (Outlook. V. no, p. 499-500. June 30. 1915.) * DA "Arranged to mark the 100 years of peace between the United States and England." Stellmann, L. T. Pageant in the wilder- ness, illus. (Sunset, v. 35, p. 907-908. Nov., 1915.) lAA Mount Holyoke College See South Hadley Newton Lower Falls Conant, Isabelle Fiske. Pageant of the Charles river, Sept. 19, 1914. (Wellesley, Mass.: Mangus Printing Co., cop. 1914.] 8 p. Library of Congress In verse. Lines and episodes by Isabelle F. Conant; dances originated and directed by Anna Eastman Frost. North Adams A Striking pageant. (Outlook, v. 107, p. 638-639. July 18, 1914.) * DA "Mohawk Trail"; the part played by the Mohawk Trail in the history of the Berkshires. Northampton Brewster, Mary K. Northampton's pag- eant (June 1, 2, 3, 1911i; a picturesque re- view of ancient days in the Connecticut valley, illus. (New York dramatic mirror. V. 65, June 14, 1911, p. 8-9.) ft * DA Northfield Woman's Missionary Union. A woman's missionary pageant. (Missionary review of the world, v. 33 inew series, v. 23], p. 696-697. Sept.. 1910.) ZKVA Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the estab- lishment of the Woman's Missionary Union. Sandwich Langdon, William Chauncy. The pag- eant of Cape Cod, on the banks of the Cape Cod canal near the village of Bourne, Mass., Aug. 15, 17, 18T 19. 1914. fBoston: Blanchard Printing Co., 1914.] 66 p. Library of Congress 24 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC^IBRARY U. S. — Special Pageants, Mass., continued. Pageant of Cape Cod. (Outlook, v. 108. p. 388-390. Oct. 14, 1914.) * DA The Pageant of Cape Cod. illus. (Sur- vey. V. ZZ, p. 607. Sept. 19, 1914.) SHK South Hadley The Pageant at Mount Holyoke College. (Science, new series, v. 36, p. 625-626. Nov. 8, 1912.) OA Seventy-fifth anniversary of Mount Holyoke Col- lege. Porter, Elizabeth Crane. A pageant of progress, illus. (Outlook, v. 102, p. 653- 659. Nov. 23, 1912.) * DA This pageant represented the liberal arts and sciences and celebrated the seventy-fifth anniver- sary of Mount Holyoke College. Springfield Nayler, Emmett Hay. A Christmas Eve in the city, illus. (American city. v. 11, p. 442-447. December, 1914.) SERA Minnesota Minneapolis Winter, Mrs. Thomas G. The Minne- apolis pageant, illus. (American city. v. 6, p. 856-858. June, 1912.) SERA Local historical pageant. St. Paul St. Paul Institute, St. Paul, Minn. — School of Art. Pageant of Minnesota his- tory. St. Paul, 1911. 28 p. illus. Library of Congress Missouri Fulton Rockwell, Ethel Theodora. The book of words of the pageant of William Woods College. May 25, 1915. tFulton? Mo.:) The Sun Printing Co. [Cop. 1915.] 52 p. illus. Library of Congress Taunton Davol, Ralph. A pageant of patriotism, illus. (Journal of American history, v. 6, p. 425-454. April - Dec, 1912.) lAA Taunton, Mass. Pageant of patriotism. Sabbatia Lake, Taunton, July 1-4, 1911. [Taunton: Davol Press, 1911.] 16 p. IQH The Taunton pageant. illus. (New England magazine, new series, v. 44, p. 666-669. July, 1911.) * DA Wayne, Flynn. The Taunton pageant, illus. (National magazine, v. 34, p. 72>^- 738. Sept., 1911.) * DA Episodes: 1. Glimpse of Indian life. Landing of Columbus. 2. Scene in Taunton, England, early in the 17th century. Founding of New England Taunton. 3. Benjamin Franklin at the court of George 3rd. 4. Taunton on the eve of the Revolu- tion. Michigan Detroit The Masque of Arcadia; or, The finding of the blue rose. (Handicraft, v. 3, p. 202- 211. Sept., 1910.) MNA Staged and produced by the Society of Arts and Crafts of Detroit, Mich. A Pageant of Spring. (Handicraft, v. 4. p. 119-123. July, 1911.) MNA Given by the Fine Arts Society, Detroit, Mich. Kansas City Days of good Queen Bess recalled. (Les- lie's weekly, v. 119, p. 61. July 16. 1914.) tt*DA Saint Louis "O sisters — brothers — cities leagued by love! If we are dreaming let us scorn to wake; Or waking, let us shape the sordid world To likeness of our dreams." — P. W. Mackaye. Saint Louis Pageant Drama Association. Official programme. The pageant and masque of Saint Louis; Forest park. May 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st, 1914. fSt. Louis, Mo.:i Saint Louis Pageant Drama Asso- ciation [1914]. 47 p. illus. IVQ p. box Stevens, Thomas Wood. The book of words of the Pageant and Masque of Saint Louis; the words of the pageant by T. W. Stevens. The words of the masque by Percy Mackaye. [St. Louis:] Saint Louis Pageant Drama Association, 1914. 104 p. 2. ed. NBM Baker, George Pierce. The pageant and masque of St. Louis. illus. (World's work, Garden City. N. Y. v. 28, p. 389-399. Aug., 1914.) *DA Baldwin, Roger N. The St. Louis pag- eant and masque; its civic meaning, illus. (Survey, v. 32, p. 52-53. April 11, 1914.) SHK PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 25 U. S. — special Pageants, Missouri, cont'd. Celebrating the story of St. Louis. (In- dependent. V. 77, p. 381-382. March 16. 1914.) *DA Conference of Cities, St. Louis, 1914. Proceedings of the conference of cities, held in connection with the pageant and masque of St. Louis, May 29-31, 1914. St. Louis: Pageant Drama Association, 1914. 74 p. Russell Sage Dickinson, Thomas Henry. The masque of St. Louis. (Play-book. v. 2, no. 1, p. 28-32. June, 1914.) NAFA Farwell, Arthur. The pageant and masque of St. Louis; a people's drama on a national scale, illus. (American review of reviews, v. 50, p. 187-193. Aug., 1914.) *DA Mackaye, Percy Wallace. Lyrics from the masque of St. Louis. (Play-book. v. 2. no. 2. p. 3-7. July, 1914.) NAFA Pageant and masque of St. Louis. (Bookman, v. 39, p. 376-377. June, 1914.) *DA Saint Louis, a civic masque. Gar- Stewart, J. A. Great civic and peace pageant. (Journal of education, v. 79, p. 580. May 21, 1914.) ft SSA Nebraska Lincoln Alexander, Hartley Burr. The pageant of Lincoln; presented by the Lincoln Com- mercial Club and the Alumni Association of the University of Nebraska, June 4, 5, 1915. [Lincoln, Neb.: The State Printing Co., cop. 1915.1 68 p. Columbia ? 1 New Hampshire Cornish den City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1914. 99 p. NBM Contains a synopsis of the pageant of Saint Louis, by its author, T. W. Stevens, p. 93-99. The Pageant and masque of St. Louis. (Outlook, v. 107, p. 515-516. July 4, 1914.) *DA Pageantry in St. Louis and elsewhere. ■ illus. (Literary digest, v. 49, p. 152-153. July 25, 1914.) * DA Roderick, Virginia. Let's pretend. (Every- l)odv's magazine, v. 30, p. 698-699. May, 1914'.) *DA RuMBOLD, Charlotte. The St. Louis pag- eant and masque; commemorating the 150th anniversary of the founding of tlie citv. illus. (Survey, v. 32, p. 372-375. July 4, 1914.) SHK St. Louis pageant. (National municipal review, v. 3. p. 401-402. April, 1914.) SERA Saint Louis Pageant Drama Association. The pageant and masque of St. Louis. Bulletin |Of the Saint Louis Pageant Drama .Association], 1914. no. 1-2 |Feb. - March, 1914,. IVQ (St. Louis) Bulletin no. 1, 10 p.; no. 2, 8 p. Smith. E. Synopsis of pageant and masque, St. Louis, Mo. (School and Iiome education, v. 33. p. 305-306. April, 1914.) SSA Stevens, Thomas Wood. The pageant of Saint Louis; a synopsis. (In: P. W. Mackaye, Saint Louis; a civic masque. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1914. p. 93-99.) NBM Mackaye, Percy Wallace. Programme of the Saint Gaudens masque. (In his: Civic theatre. New York: Kennerley, 1912. p. 306-308.) NBL St. Gaudens masque, illus. (In his: American pageants and their promise. Scribner's magazine, v. 46, p. 32-33. July, 1909.) *DA Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Cornish colony. Meriden Langdon, William Cliauncy. Book of words; the pageant of Meriden, Educa- tion in the new country life, in celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, New Hampshire, June 24th and 25th, 1913. [Hanover, N. H.: The Dart- mouth Press, cop. 1913. i 64 p. Library of Congress Langdon, William Chauncy. The pag- eant of Meriden, New Hampshire: Edu- cation in the new country life. illus. (American city. v. 10, p. 355-361. .Vpril, 1914.) SERA Preston, H. B. Preparations for the pageant at Meriden. N. H. (Granite monthly, v. 45, p. 148- 151. May, 1913.) lAA Peterborough "A house of dreams untold. It looks out over the whispering treetops And faces the setting sun." — Edward MacDowell. An American pageant, Peterborough, New Hampshire, illus. (Bookman, v. 32, p. 116. Oct., 1910.) *DA 26 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY U. S. — Special Pageants, N. H., continued. Baltzell, W. J. The Peterborough, N. H., memorial pageant, illus. (Musi- cian. V. 15, p. 652-653. Oct., 1910.) * MA Chapman, Alice Woodrough. A Mecca for creative minds, illus. (Opera, v. 1, July, 1914, p. 2>-7.) * MA Edward MacDowell Memorial Associa- tion. Peterborough pageant, Aug. 16, 18, 20, 1910. Peterborough, N. H.: MacDowell Memorial Association, 1910. 31 p. illus. IQD p. box Mackaye, Hazel. The Peterborough pageant. (Drama, v. 1, p. 136-147. Feb., 1911.) NAFA This pageant conveys "not only the interpretation of MacDowell's music, but also the message that out of men's dreams and aspirations comes man's growth." The promise of the Peterborough pageant, illus. (Independent, v. 69, p. 524-528. Sept. 8, 1910.) * DA Musical pageants in honor of MacDowell. (Current literature, v. 49, p. 430-432. Oct.. 1910.) *DA Peterboro memorial pageant. illus. (Musical courier, v. 61, p. 24-25. Aug. 24. 1910.) *MA Willcox, Louise Collier. The Peterboro pageant; the musical memorial to the late Edward MacDowell in his home town, illus. (Harper's weekly, v. 54, p. 12-13. Sept. 17, 1910.) *DA Plymouth Clark, Eleanor J. The pageant of Plym- outh; one hundred and fiftieth anniver- sary of the founding of the town, illus. (Granite monthly, v. 45, p. 328-332. Oct.. 1913.) lAA New Jersey Asbury Park Davis, Charles B. Queen Titania and Prince Charming of Asbury Park. (Out- ing magazine, v. 48, p. 689-700. Sept., 1906.) MVA Caldwell Caldwell, N. J. — Board of Trade. Pro- gram of the pageant and folk dances in celebration of the 225th anniversary of the settlement of Caldwell, N. J., "The Bor- ough beautiful." Independence Day July 5th], 1915. Caldwell, N. J., 1915. 32 p. illus. ISBp. box Haddonfield Haddonfield, N. J. The two hundredth anniversary of the settlement of Haddon- field, New Jersey, celebrated October eighteenth, nineteen hundred and thirteen. Haddonfield: Publication Committee, 1913. 58 p. facs., pi. ISB Newark Stevens, Thomas Wood. Book of words; the pageant of Newark. Newark: The Committee of One Hundred, 1916. 112 p. illus. Library of Congress Knaufft, Ernest. Two great pageants, illus. (American review of reviews, v. 53, p. 593-597. May, 1916.) * DA A Week of pageantry. (Independent, v. 86, p. 433-434. June 12, 1916.) * DA Trenton A Thanksgiving festival, illus. (Ladies' home journal, v. 30, p. 39, 74-75. Nov., 1913.) *DA Arranged by normal students in the department of history of the State Normal and Model Schools, Trenton, N. J. New Mexico Santa Fe Prince, L. B. Holiday ceremonies in New Mexico. (Independent, v. 19, p. 225- 227. Sept. 19, 1901.) * DA New York State Bronxville Bronxville Christmas Mystery Langdon, William Chauncy. The Bronx- ville Christmas mystery, 1914. (Book of words.] Bronxville, New York [COp. 1914]. 16 p. Russell Sage Pageant of Westchester County Oakley, Violet. The book of words. Westchester county historical pageant. 1614. 1846. tBy Violet Oakley., [Phila- delphia? 1909.] 128 p. Library of Congress Historical pageant. (Outlook, v. 92, p. 357-358. June 12, 1909.) * DA Roberts, Mary Fanton. The value of outdoor plays to America; through the PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 27 U. S. — special Pageants, New York, cont'd. pageant shall we develop a drama of de- mocracy? illus. (Craftsman, v. 16, p. 491- 506. Aug., 1909.) tt MNA Most of the illustrations are from the Westchester pageant. Westchester's pageant, illus. (Collier's weekly, v. 43, p. 13. June 19, 1909.) * DA Brooklyn Weyrauch, Martin H. The pageant of Brooklyn, n. p. [Cop. 1915.] 4 p. Library of Congress Lake Champlain Pageant See Plattsburgh New Paltz Carroll, Michalena. A play festival by the soventli grade, illus. (Elementary school teacher, v. 9, p. 76-83. Oct., 1908.) SSA Given by the New Paltz Training School, June, 1907. Model School, Brooklyn Training School for Teachers The Dramatization of school work; an indoor pageant. (Outlook, v. 89, p. 93-94. May 16, 1908.) * DA Represents successive stages in the history of ^ education. Given by undergraduates and pupils of the Model School connected with the Brooklyn Training School for Teachers. Pageant of Patriotism Emmons, Myra. Pageantry for children, illus. (Outlook. V. 98, p. 659-664. July 22, 1911.) *DA Gives a description of The pageant of patriotism. Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y. "Scenes selected from the childhood of American heroes and heroines." New York City Columbia University Erskine, John. A pageant of the thir- teenth century for the 700th anniversary of Roger Bacon, given by Columbia Uni- versity. Text. The plan and the notes by John J. Coss. The illustrations by Clag- gett Wilson. New York: Columbia Uni- versity Press, 1914. 75 p. illus. NBM Fitch, C. Roger Bacon pageant, given at Columbia University, November 4. 5, 6, and 7, 1914. (Drama, v. 16, p. 655-656. Nov., 1914.) NAFA Mediaeval pageant on the seven hun- dredth anniversary of the birth of Roger Bacon, at Columbia University. (Colum- bia University quarterly, v. 16, p. 450- 452. Sept., 1914.) STG Buffalo A Golden jubilee. (Outlook, v. 102, p. 789-790. Dec. 14, 1912.) * DA "Spirit of art," given by the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Champlain Valley Pageant See Plattsburgh Henry Street Pageants Social value of V. 16, p. 314-320. Wallach, Rita Teresa. tlic festival. (Charities. June 2, 1906.) SHK Triumph of the Children of Israel after the cross- ing of the Red sea. Festival given at Henry Street Settlement, 1906. "A Wave of love" in Henry Street. (Sur- vey. V. 30. p. 427-428. June 28, 1913.) SHK Chatham Callan, Albert S. Chatham pageant. (Outlook. V. 105, p. 600-601. Nov. 15, 1913.) *DA Horace Mann School, Teachers College Merrill, J. B. Pageant of the earth. (Kindergarten primary magazine, v. 26, p. 309. June, 1914.) SSA Croton-on- Hudson Dutch days on the Hudson; an open air pageant given at Croton-on-Hudson, May 31st and June 1st, 1912. Croton: Health League il912j. 23 p. Russell Sage Dutch days on the Hudson, illus. (Sur- vey. V. 28, p. 545-546. July 13, 1912.) SHK Hudson-Fulton Pageant Selling a city for five hundred million dollars (New York). (Craftsman, v. 22. p. 459-460. July, 1912.) MNA Weir, Hugh C. The Hudson-Fulton pageant, illus. (World today, v. 17, p. 1204-1210. Nov., 1909.) * DA 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY U. S. — Special Pageants, New York, cont'd. Jones Street Pageant Gale, Zona. Robin Hood in Jones St. illus. (Outlook. V. 92, p. 439-446. June 26, 1909.) *DA Pageant of Medieval Ireland Craig, Mrs. Anne Abbot Throop. Book of the Irish historic pageant; episodes from the Irish pageant series "An dhord Fhiann." Text. [New York: printed by Francis & Loutrel, cop. 1913.] 56 p. Library of Congress Notes and authorities consulted, p. 53-56. "An dhord Fhiann" an Irish his- toric pageant. A superb dramatic presen- tation under the auspices of the American committee of the Gaelic League of Ireland in conjunction with the Gaelic League of New York, at the 69th Regiment armory. May 7th and 8th. 1913. [New York: Francis & Loutrel, printers, 1913.] 15 1. illus. CS Illustrated by J. P. Campbell. Irish historic pageant. (New York dramatic mirror, v. 69, May 14, 1913, p. 3.) ft * DA Irish historic pageant. (Outlook, v. 104, p. 258-259. May 31, 1913.) * DA The Significance of the Gaelic art re- vival, illus. (Current opinion, v. 54, p. 492-493. June, 1913.) * DA "An dhord Fhiann" (The Fenian rallying cry) ; a pageant of medieval Ireland. Pageant of Nations A Pageant of the melting pot. illus. (Survey, v. 32, p. 356. July 4, 1914.) SHK Festival and pageant of nations. A Pageant of the nations in New York, illus. (Survey, v. 32, p. 209-210. Mav 23. 1914.) SHK "To interpret, not America to the foreigner, but the foreigner to America." A Pageant of the tenements. (Indepen- dent. V. 79. p. 27-28. July 6, 1914.) * DA Same as Pageant of nations. Pageant of the Paterson Strike Also known as the I. W. W. Pageant The I. W. W. pageant. (Outlook, v. 104. p. 352-353. June 21, 1913.) * DA Episode 1: 1. The mills alive, the workers dead. 2. The workers begin to think. Episode 2. The mills dead, the workers alive. Episode 3. The funeral of Modestino. The Pageant as a form of propaganda. (Current opinion, v. 55, p. 32. July, 1913.) *DA Pageant of the Paterson strike, Madison Square Garden [New York City], June 7, 1913. Pageant of the Paterson strike. (Sur- vey. V. 30, p. 428. June 28, 1913.) SHK The Paterson strike pageant, illus. (In- dependent. V. 74, p. 1406-1407. June 19, 1913.) *DA Pageant of the Romance of Work The Romance of work. Pageant pro- gramme. New York: [New York Associa- tion of Women Workers,] 1914. 20 p. Russell Sage Given for the convention of the National League of Women Workers by the New York association, May IS, 1914. Polish Pageant American Polish Relief Committee. The American Polish Relief Committee pre- sents "A night in Poland"; a pageant in- troducing historical characters of Poland, mountain scenes including folk groups and dances of the Tatra (Carpathian) mountains, a Cracovian peasant wedding with Madame Marcella Sembrich and Adamo Didur, a grand polonaise-mazur in dress of the nobles — at midnight. [New York: the committee, 1915.] 4 1., 1 port. f BTZE Stojowski, Sigismond. Glimpses of Po- lish history; to serve as a prologue to the historical pageant at "A night in Poland" given at the Hotel Biltmore, April 8, 1915, by the American Polish Relief Committee of New York. [New York, 1915.] 8 1. BTZE Contains also A Cracovian peasant wedding. Shakespeare Tercentenary Pageant Mackaye, Percy Wallace. Caliban by the yellow sands. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1916. 223 p. NBM Text. A masque written to commemorate the tercen- tenary of the death of Shakespeare. New York City Shakespeare Tercenten- ary Celebration Committee. [Official pro- gramme] of the community masque of the art of the theatre; Caliban by the yel- low sands, by Percy Mackaye. [New York: Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebra- tion Committee, 1916.] 36 p. Abbott, Ernest Hamlin. A masque of masques; "Caliban by the yellow sands." illus. (Outlook. V. 113, p. 308, 312-314, 317-318. June 7, 1916.) * DA Collier, John. Caliban of the yellow sands; the Shakespeare pageant and masque reviewed against a background of Ameri- can pageantry, illus. (Survey, v. 36. p. 343-350. July 1, 1916.) SHK PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 29 U. S. — special Pageants, New York, cont'd. Knaufft, Ernest. Two great pageants, illus. (American review of reviews, v. 53, p. 593-597. iMay, 1916.) * DA The Shakespeare community masque, illus. (Literary digest, v. 52, p. 1700-1703. June 10. 1916.) * DA A Week of pageantry. (Independent. V. 86, p. 433-434. June 12, 1916.) * DA Van Cortland Park Emmons, Myra. The festival of play and folk dance. (Outlook, v. 90, p. 145-146. Sept. 28, 1908.) * DA Washington Irving High Sciiool Pageant Davidson, Jean. The school of 4000 or, How 4000 girls compose a P- 39. welconiors; drama, illus. (Saint Nicholas. 111-120. December, 1911.) ".■\ morality entitled the Vision of youth" given by the girls of Washington Irving High School, New York. Oswego New York (state). — State Normal and Training Scliool, Oswego. Commence- ment and dedication of new building... pageant, July 1, 1914. [Oswego: Normal School Press. 1914., 30 p. Library of Congress "The pageant, The olden time and the new, writ- ten by C. L. Scales," p. 13-30. Plattsburgh Historical pageant of the Champlain val- ley. (Survey, v. i3, p. 67. Oct. 17, 1914.) SHK iPageant symbolizing the significance of Lake Champlain's part in the history of America., (Outlook, v. 92, p. 784-786. July 31, 1909.) *DA Schenectady Mackay, Constance D'Arcy. The pag- eant of Schenectady, in celebration of the 250th anniversary of tlie founding of Schenectady. May 30 -June 1, 1912. Schen- ectady: Gazette Press [1912]. 64 p. illus. IRM Episodes: 1. Traditional life. 2. Early settle- ment. 3. Patriot Schenectady. 4. Development of the town. 5. Modern Schenectady. Finale. Review of the pageant players. Southampton Souvenir programme of the celebration of the two hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the town of Southampton; Founder's day, June 12th, 1915. Southampton, 1915. 21 p. illus. Russell Sage Utica Eager, Margaret MacLaren. Official program and book of words of the pageant ^^^ of Utica in the Mohawk valley. Historic^J.*^ notes by Charlotte A. Pitcher. Paj^ant presented at Roscoe Conkling park, Utica, New York, Aug. 5, 8, 1914, in connection w itii lUica old home week celebration. [Utica: Childs Print, 1914., 32 1. illus. IRM p.v.15, no.l8 Westchester County Pageant See Bronxville North Dakota Grand Forks Pageant of the Northwest University of North Dakota. — Sock and Buskin Society. The book of A pageant of the Northwest, written in collaboration by eighteen undergraduate members of the Sock and Buskin Society, University of North Dakota, under the direction of Pro- fessor Frederick H. Koch... first pre- sented at the seventh annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Historical Associa- tion and on the occasion of the dedication of the Bankside theatre on the campus of the University of North Dakota, May 28- 29. 1914. Text. (Grand Forks, N. D.: Times Herald Pub. Co., 1914., 80 p. illus. Library of Congress The New art of pageantry in the United States, illus. (Current opinion, v. 57. p. 178-179. Sept., 1914.) * DA Pageant of the Northwest, given by the students of the University of North Dakota. A Pageant of the prairies, illus. (Sur- vey, v. 32, p. 357. July 4, 1914.) SHK Pageant of Shakespeare, the Playmaker University of North Dakota. — Sock and Buskin Societ3\ The book of Shakespeare, the playmaker, written in collaboration by twenty students of the University of North Dakota under the direction of Pro- fessor Frederick H. Koch; designed for the Shakespeare tercentenary commemora- 30 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY U. S. — Special Pageants, N. Dakota, cont'd. tion by the Sock and Buskin Society for presentation at the Bankside theatre on the campus of the University of North Dakota. . .June 12 and 13, 1916. [Grand Forks, N. D.? 1916.] 62 p. pi. 8°. Repr. : Quarterly journal of the University of North Dakota, v. 6, no. 4, July, 1916. Ohio Athens Cowden, Carrie A. Uncle Sam's pag- eant. (Journal of education, v. 79, p. 579- 580. May 21, 1914.) ft SSA Given by children of State Normal College of Ohio University, Athens. Cincinnati The Cincinnati Shakespeare tercenten- ary; given by the University of Cincinnati. (Outlook. V. 113, p. 542, 545-546. July 5, 1916.) *DA Toledo Ware, Charles. King Wamba rules To- ledo, illus. (World today, v. 17, p. 1096- 1099. Oct., 1909.) * DA Oregon Astoria Moon, A. W. Astoria's festival, illus. (Sunset. V. 18, p. 66-69. Nov., 1906.) * DA Pennsylvania Bryn Mav^^r Bryn Mawr pageant. (Outlook, v. 95, p. 108-112. May 21, 1910.) * DA May Day at Bryn Mawr. illus. (Out- look. V. 107, p. 147-148, 160. May 23. 1914.) *DA Willcox, Louise Collier. Old revels in a modern setting; impressions of the recent pageant at Bryn Mawr. illus. (Harper's weekly, v. 54, p. 17. May 21, 1910.) ' * DA Clarion In the days of the Medici, Florence, 1450-1500. Programme and interpreta- tions. [Clarion, Pa.: Ray-Clough Press, 1911.) 3 p. Russell Sage Seventh campus pageant. Given by the students of the physical training department of the Clarion State Normal School, June 26, 1911. Philadelphia "Ye who would learn the glory of your past And form a forecast of the things that be, Give heed to this, a city's trumpet blast. And see her pictured life in pageantry." — F. H. Williams. Founders' Week Pageant-Parade Founders' week in Philadelphia. (Out- look, v. 90, p. 376-378. Oct. 24, 1908.) *DA Historical Pageant Philadelphia Historical Pageant. His- torical pageant, Philadelphia. Oct. 7-12, 1912. Official program. [Philadelphia:] Historical Pageant Committee [1912]. 3() p. illus. ISD Williams, Francis Howard. The words of the pageant, Philadelphia. Oct. 7-12, 1912, with notes and adaptations to the field by Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer. Color studies by Charles H. Stephens. [Phila- delphia:] Historical Pageant Coinmittee, 1912. 54 p. illus. ISD p. box Langdon, William Chauncy. The Phila- delphia historical pageant, illus. (Survey. V. 29, p. 215-218. Nov. 23, 1912.) SHK Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson, compiler. Official pictorial and descriptive souvenir book of the historical pageant, October 7-12, 1912. 202 p. pi. Library of Congress "The words of the pageant, by Francis Howard Williams; with notes and adaptations to the field by Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer, master of the pageant," p. 15-62. [Philadelphia historical pageant.] (Out- look, v. 103, p. 89-91. Jan. 11, 1913.) * DA Pageant of Religious Education Ferris, Anita B. A new pageant of re- ligious education, presented in Convention Hall, Philadelphia. Oct., 1916. by the Phila- delphia County Sunday School Associa- tion, illus. (Ladies' home journal, v. 33, p. 6. March, 1916.) * DA v. 92, p. 252- *DA Pittsburgh A Play festival. (Outlook. 253. May 29, 1909.) Chronological pantomime, in which two hundred children reproduced the authentic events which had made the city of Pittsburgh. Ten thousand at play. Pittsburgh play congress. (Survey, v. 22, p. 365-373. June 5, 1909.) SHK PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 31 United States. — Special Pageants, continued. Rhode Island Newport When society gives a show, by one who was there. iUus. (Theatre, v. 22. p. 182- 183, 197. Oct., 1915.) ftt NBLA "Pageant of nations" at Newport, R. I. Tennessee Memphis Libretto of the annual spectacular dis- play of the mystic Memphi Mardi-Gras, March Sth, 1878, in the streets of Memphis, Tennessee, n. p. tl878?j 18 1. ITW p. box St. Johnsbury Langdon, William Chauncy. Book of words. Pageant of St. Johnsbury; in cele- bration of the one hundred and twenty- fifth anniversary of the founding of the town. St. Johnsbury: Caledonian Press (Cop. 1911]. 86 p. "Presents in dramatic form the history of the town of St. Johnsbury, Vt., from the period when the first white men, Stephen Nash and John Stark, went through the valley in 1755 to the present." Edlund, Roscoe C. The pageant of St. Johnsbury. (Survey, v. 28, p. 771-772. Sept. 21, 1912.) SHK Langdon, William Chauncy. The pag- eant of St. Johnsbury; pageantry as a con- structive force in community betterment, illus. (American city. v. 8, p. 481-487. May, 1913.) SERA Nashville A Greek pageant in Tennessee. illus. (Current opinion, v. 55, p. 174-175. Sept., 1913.) *DA "The fire regained," given at Nashville, Tenn., May 5-9, 1913. Hirsch, Sidney M. The pageant drama revived, illus. (American review of re- views. V. 48. p. 325-327. Sept., 1913.) * DA Vermont Farrar, John C. The .Abnaki pageant. Text. (In: F. H. Cheley, and G. C. Baker, Camp and outing activities. New York: Association Press, 1915. p. 225-247.) MYZ Given at the state camp of Vermont. Historical pageants of Vermont. (Jour- nal of American history, v. 6, p. 217-2S4. Jan. -March, 1912.) lAA Bennington Lane, J. D. The Bennington historical pageant; scenic review of the old Green Mountain town, illus. (Journal of Ameri- can history, v. 6. p. 247-253. Jan. - March, 1912.) lAA Hartford Historical pageant, July 1, 3, 4. 1911; in celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the chartering of the "towne." (Hartford. Vt.: Town Cotnmit- tee, 1911.] 14 p. Russell Sage Program of scenes and cast of characters. Thetford Langdon, William Chauncy. Book of the words; the pageant of Thetford; in celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the granting of the charter, Thetford, Vermont, Aug. 12, 14, 15, 1911. (White River Junction: The Vermonter Press, 1911.] 64 p. Library of Congress F.ARNSWORTH, Charles F. The festival course at Dartmouth, illus. (Independent. V. 73, p. 371-374. Aug. 15, 1912.) * DA Farwell, Arthur. Community music drama. Will our country people in time help us to develop the real American thea- tre? (Craftsman, v. 26, p. 418-424. July, 1914.) tfMNA Gives some account of the "Farmer's pageant" at Thetford, Vt. LANcnoN. William Chauncy. The pag- eant of Thetford; a study of the rural prob- lem in the form of the new community drama, illus. (Journal of American his- tory. V. 6, p. 217-239. Jan. - March, 1912.) lAA Lord, Katherine. How to conduct a vil- lage pageant; peculiar fitness of the small town as setting for the revival of the ancient out-door .drama, illus. (Suburban life. V. 13, p. 263-265, 310. Nov., 1911.) ttMVA Illustrated with photographs taken at the pageant at Thetford, Vt. Pageant at Thetford, look. V. 99, p. 289-291, Vermont. (Out- Sept. 30, 1911.) *DA Slade, William, and Mrs. William Slade. The pageant of Thetford. illus. (The Vermonter. v. 17, p. 475-490. March, 1912.) Russell Sage Z2 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY United States — Special pageants, continued. Virginia Richmond Thobum, Helen. Pageants of girlhood, illus. (Good housekeeping, v. 57, p. 228- 231. Aug., 1913.) VSA "The ministering of the gift," 4th biennial con- vention, Y. W. C. A., Richmond, Va., April, 1913. Roanoke The Roanoke historical pageant, June, 1915. Official program. Roanoke, Va.: [Pageant Committee,] 1915. 16 p. Russell Sage Washington Walla Walla Garnett, Porter. A pageant of May; produced by the author in City park, Walla Walla, Washington, May 22nd and 23rd, 1914. Text. Walla Walla, Wash.: [Walla Walla Union,] 1914. 32 p. Library of Congress Contents: 1. The masque of Proserpine. 2. The revels of May. Washington, D. C. Mackaye, Percy Wallace. Art and the woman's movement; a comment on the National Suffrage Pageant. (Forum, v. 49, p. 680-684. June, 1913.) * DA Smith, Ethel M. The Independence Day pageant at Washington. (Drama, v. 4, no. 13, p. 118-130. Feb., 1914.) NAFA Pageantry and the Drama League. illus. (Theatre, v. 18, p. 171-172. Nov., 1913.) tttNBLA Describes the Independence Day pageant given under the auspices of the Drama League, Washing- ton, D. C. July 4, 1913. Also called "Uncle Sam's 137th birthday party." Wisconsin Madison Rockwell, Ethel Theodora. Star-spangled banner pageant, staged in the Capitol park at Madison, Wisconsin, in celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the writ- ing of this national song by Francis Scott Key, Oct. 14, 1914. [Madison, Wis.: Tracy & Kilgore, printers, 1914.] 39 p. Library of Congress University of Wisconsin. Book of the words; a pageant of the university, given on the campus of the University of Wis- consin, July twenty-ninth, 1914. [Madison, Wis.: F. C. Blied & Co., printers, cop. 1914.] 19 p. Library of Congress Written and directed by the class in pageantry. Milwaukee Stevens, Thomas Wood. Book of words; a pageant of the old Northwest. [Milwau- kee: Press of I. S. Bletcher & Co., 1911.] 76 p. Library of Congress Ripon Ripon historical pageant. The book of the pageant. Produced at Ripon College, June 14, 1910. Ripon, Wis.: [Pageant Com- mittee,] 1910. 33 p. illus. Russell Sage Taintor, J. F. Rural pageant. (Play- ground. V. 7, p. 240-249. Sept., 1913.) MVC Sauk City A Social center pageant and processional, Oct. 3, 1914. 23 p. Russell Sage Typewritten manuscript. Social center pageant; the school as a polling place in Wisconsin. (Survey, v. 33. p. 173-174. Nov. 14, 1914.) SHK Superior Beck, Carl. A home-made Fourth of July pageant. (American city. v. 10, p. 580-581. June, 1914.) SERA Showed the "Evolution of the lumber industry." University of Wisconsin See Madison Costume Bibliography Baron, Oswald, and W. A. Phillips. Bibliography. (In their: Costume. En- cyclopaedia Britannica. 11th ed. New York, 1910. v. 7, p. 247-248.) *R-*AL Bibliographie des costumes historiques. (In: Recueil curieux de pieces originales rares ou inedites. Paris: Lacour, 1852. p. 499-514.) Library of Congress Catalogue d'une collection importante de PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 33 Costume — Bibliography, continued. costumes militaires frangais et etran- gers, de costumes civils; recueils, suites, estampcs detachees, aquarelles, livres... Paris: H. Leclerc. 1910. 255 p. col'd pi., tables. Library of Congress Chubb, Percival, and others. Costume biblioi;rapliy. (In their: Festivals and plays.' New York: Harper, 1912. p. 391- 392.) MW Edinburgh. — Royal Scottish Museum: Library. List of books, &c., in the library of the museum. Edinburgh: printed by Neill & Co. for H. M. Stationery Off., 1892. 61 p. Library of Congress Part I. Textile fabrics. Part ii. Lace and needle- work. Part III. Costume. Evans, Maria Millington. Bibliography. (In her: Chapters on Greek dress. Lon- don: Macmillan, 1893. Introduction, p. xvi- xvii.) MMF Grand-Carteret, John. Notes biblio- graphiques. (In his: Les elegances de la toilette. Paris: A. Michel [1911]. p. xliii- xlviii.) MML Hartmann, Sadakichi. Bibliography. (In liis: Shakespeare in art. Boston: L. C. Page & Co., 1901. p. 355-358.) MA Murray, A. S., and C. B. Boutell. Bib- liograpliy. (In their: Costume, Encyclo- paedia Britannica. Edinburgh, 1877. v. 6, p. 478-479.) *R-*AL Racinet, Albert Charles Auguste. Bib- liograpliie. (In his: Costume historique. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1888. v. 1, p. 141- 165.) MMC Rhead, George Woolliscroft. Bibliog- raphy. (In his: Chats on costume. New York: Stokes, 1906. p. 15-16.) MME Rouffaer, G. P., and H. H. Juynboll. Bibliografie. (In their: De batik-kunst in Nederlandsch-Indie. Utrecht: A. Oosthoek, 1914. p. xxiv-xxxiv.) t MON Text in Dutch and German. Salmagundi Club, New York. Catalogue of the costume books in the library of the Salmagundi Club, New York. New York. 1906. 35 p. MMB Saunders, Catherine. Bibliography. (In her: Costume in Roman comedy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1909. p. 143-145.) NTV Spiess, Karl. Bililiographie. (In his: Die deutschen Volkstrachten. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1911. p. 124-131.) MMM Webb, Wilfred Mark. Bibliography. (In his: Heritage of dress. London: Rich- ards, 1907. p. 363-367.) MMC Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, O. The Charles G. King col- lection of books on costume, Cleveland, O. Columbus, O.: The Champlin Press, 1914. 48 p., 6 pi. Library of Congress Wirminghaus, Else. Literatur. (In her: Die Frau und die Kultur des Korpers. Leipzig: C. F. Amelang, 1911. p. 324-325.) SN General Works Amman, Jost. Gynaeceum, sine Thea- trvni nivliervm, in quo prrecipvarvm om- nivm per Evropam in primis, nationvm, gentivm, popvlorvmqve, cvivscvnqve dig- nitatis, ordinis, status, conditionis, profes- sionis. .Ttatis, focmineos hal)itus videre est, artificiosissimis nvnc primvm figuris, neq vsquam anteliac pari elegantia editis, ex- prcssos a lodoco Amano... Francoforti, impensis S. Feyrabendij, 1586. 239 p. illus. Library of Congress The theatre of women. Manches- ter: Holbein Society, 1872. 661 p. (Hol- bein Society. Facsimile reprints. [V. 7.]) MMC Original edition, 1586, edited by Alfred Aspland. Aria, Mrs. E. Costume; fanciful, his- torical and theatrical. London: Macmil- lan. 1906. 259 p. pi. illus. MMC The illustrations, some in color, are by Percy .\nderson. Baron, Oswald, and W. A. Phillips. Costume. (In: Encyclopaedia Britannica. 11th ed. New York, 1910. v. 7. p. 224- 248.) *R-*AL Bibliography, p. 247-248. Boehn, Max von. Modes and manners of tlie nineteenth century as represented in the pictures and engravings of the time; translated by M. Edwardes. London: J. M. Dent; New York: E. P. Dutton, 1909. 3 v. illus. Library of Congress Boutet de Monvel, Roger. Children's costumes in the nintecnth century. (Cen- tury magazine, v. 69, p. 278-289. Dec, 1904.) * DA Child, Theodore. Wimples and crisping pins: being studies in the coiffure and orna- ments of women... New York: Harper, 1895. 209 p. pi. iWus. Library of Congress Cleghom, S. N. The curiosities of fashion. (Outlook, v. 96, p. 595-598. Nov. 12. 1910.) *DA Connolly, Charles. Reform in men's dress. (Munsey's magazine, v. 25, p. 864- 870. Sept.. 1901.) * DA Costumes in the costume play. (Har- per's weekly, v. 46, p. 172. Feb. 8. 1902.) *DA 34 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Costume — General Works, continued. Costumes of religious orders. Sixty-one original colored drawings, with manuscript descriptions. [18—?] 61 pi. MMED From the collection of Charles Butler of Warren Wood, Hatfield. Coutumes des nations plus celebres du monde... [U. p., 1750?] 5 v. 312 costumes on 39 double coloured plates. Library of Congress Contents: v. 1. Hongrois, Suissess, Allemands, Anglais, &c. (10 pi.) v. 2. Russes, Tartares, Lapons, &c. (6 pi.) V. 3. Espagnols. (6 pi.) v. 4. Coutumes des fitats de Venise, de Toscane, de Rome, de Naples, &c. (8 pi.) v. 5. Othomans, Morlaques, Grecs, figyptiens, &c. (9 pi.) Darwin, George H. Development in . dress. (Macmillan's magazine, v. 26, p. 410-416. Sept., 1872.) * DA Day, W. F. Peasant costumes of Europe, illus. (Munsey's magazine, v. 28, p. 231- 240. Nov., 1902.) * DA Fashions and enlightenment. (Nation, New York. v. 90, p. 283-284. March 24, 1910.) *DA Felix, E., editor. What she wore; a pic- torial history of woman's dress. . .showing the principal eras of fashion from the twelfth century to the present day, illus- trated by Amigues (Japhet) .. .under the direction of E. Felix... New York: The Baldwin Syndicate [1899]._ 2 p.l.. 24 illus. on 12 1. Library of Congress Ferriol, Charles, comte de. Explication des cent estampes qui representent dif- ferentes nations du Levant. Paris: J. Col- lombat, 1715. 26 p. Library of Congress La Geographic en estampes, ou, Mceurs et costumes des differens peuples de la terre. Paris: Lecerf [etc.. 1816?,. 190 p. maps, pi. Library of Congress Gould, Grace Alargaret. The magic of dress. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, - Page & Co., 1911. 166 p. pi. Library of Congress Gray, William. Social contrasts; por- trayed in a series of twenty two coloured lithographic plates from pen and ink sketches. London: W. Oliver [1865]. 2 p.l., 22 col'd pi. on 12 1. Library of Congress Hefner-Alteneck, Jakob Heinrich von. Trachten, Kunstwerke und Gerathschaften vom friihen Mittelalter bis Ende des acht- zehnten Jahrhunderts nach gleichzeitigen Originalen. . . 2. verm, und verb. Aufl. Frankfurt am Main: H. Keller, 1879-89. 10 V. 720 pi. tfMMC Hermann, Emanuel. Naturgeschichte der Kleidung. Wien: R. v. Waldheim, 1878. 368 p. illus. Library of Congress Hoeber, A. American social life in illus- tration. I. From the American point. (Bookman, v. 28, p. 551-565. Feb., 1909.) *DA Holler, Wenceslaus. Theatrv Mvliervm, sive Varietas atq Differentia Habituum Foeminei Sexus diuersorum Europae Na- tionum Hodierno Tempore vulgo in vsu a Wenceslao Hollar, etc. Bohemo delinea- tae et aqva forti aeri sculptae Londini A 1643. London: Printed and sold by Henry Overton at the Wite Horse without New- gate. 48 pi. on 24 1. Library of Congress Holt, Ardern. Fancy dresses described; or, What to wear at fancy balls. London: Debenham & Freebody [1896]. 306 p. port, illus. 6. ed. MMY Gentlemen's fancy dress: how to choose it. London: E. Arnold [1898]. 7Z ^ p. pi. 4. ed. MMY ' Hughes, Talbot. Dress design; an ac- count of costume for artists and dress- makers. New York: Macmillan [1913]. 362 p. illus. (Artist crafts series of technical handbooks.) MME Hunt, F. A. Vagaries of the vogue of fashion. (Overland monthly, series 2, v. 60, p. 124-132. Aug., 1912.) * DA Hyde, John. Survivals and developments from earlier modes [England]. (VVindsor magazine, v. 34, p. 155-156. July, 1911.) *DA Koehler, Carl. Die Trachten der Volker in Bild und Schnitt; eine historische und technische Darstellung der menschlichen Bekleidungsweise von der altesten Zeiten bis in's neunzehnte Jahrhundert und zu- gleich ein Supplement zu alien vorhan- denen Kostiimwerken. Dresden: Miiller, Klemm & Schmidt, 1871-73. 3 v. in 1. illus. MMC Lacroix, Paul. Manners, customs and dress during the middle ages and during the renaissance period. London: Chapman and Hall, 1876. 554 p. pi. (15 col'd.) tMMG Lowell, Edward J. Clothes historically considered. (Scribner's magazine, v. 14, p. 288-303. Sept., 1893.) * DA MacAdam, George. History of men's clothing. (Saint Nicholas, v. 27, p. 988- 997. Sept., 1900.) Mackay, Constance D'Arcy. Costumes and scenery for amateurs; a practical work- ing handbook. New York: Holt, 1915. 258 p. illus. MMY Gives a series of costumes and scene sets that can easily be copied for plays, pageants, masques or festivals in which adults and children take part. PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 00 Costume — General Works, continued. Mansfield, Blanche McManus. The American woman abroad. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1911. 534 p., 14 pi. illus. Library of Congress "Clothes and the woman," p. 209-228. Meyrick, Samuel Rush. A critical in- quiry into "antient" armour as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, from the Norman conquest to the reign of King Charles n. 2. ed. corrected and en- larged. London: Bohn, 1842. 3 v. pi. illus. tt MMC Moses, Elias, and Son. The philosophy of dress, with a few notes on national cos- tumes. London: [E. Moses & Son,] 1864. 23 p. Library of Congress Murray, A. S.. and C. B. Boutell. Cos- tume. (In: Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edinburgh, 1877. v. 6, p. 453-479.) * R-* AL Bibliography, p. 478-479. Parry, Charlotte. The protean art. (Green l)ook album, v. 6, p. 1257-1264. Dec, 1911.) NAFA Pendleton, W. N. The philosophy of dress. (Southern literary messenger, v. 22, p. 199-211. March, 1856.) * DA Phillips, R. Costuming the modern play. (Cosmopolitan, v. 32, p. 475-488. March, 1902.) * DA Picart, Bernard. Ceremonies et coutumes religieuses de tons les peuples du monde representees par des figures, avec une ex- plication historique et quelques disserta- tions curieuses. Amsterdam: Bernard, 1723-43. 8v. in9. illus. ft 2AZB Planche, James Robinson. A cyclo- paedia of costume; or. Dictionary of dress, including notices of contemporaneous fashions on the continent; and a general chronological history of the principal countries of Europe, from the commence- ment of the Christian era to the accession of George the Third. London: Chatto and Windus, 1876-79. 2 v. illus. MMC V. 1. The dictionary. V. 2. A general history of costume in Europe. Pollen, Mrs. John Hungerford. Ancient linen garments, illus. (Burlington maga- zine. V. 25, p. 231-237. July, 1914.) MAA Price, Julius Mendes. Dame Fashion, Paris -London (1786-1912). London: S. Low. Marston & Co., 1913. 180 p., 207 pi. Library of Congress Quigley, Dorothy. What dress makes of us. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1897. 133 p. illus. VSM Racinet, Albert Charles Augustc. Le costume historique. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1888. 6v. pi. illus. MMC Classified bibliography, v. 1, p. 141-165. Rainey, A. Leon Bakst, brilliant Rus- sian colorist. illus. (Century, v. 87, p. 682-692. March, 1914.) * DA Rhead, George Woolliscroft. Chats on costume. New York: Stokes, 1906. 304 p. illus. MME Bibliography, p. 15-16. The illustrations include thirty-five line drawings by the author. Robida, Albert. "Yester-year"; ten cen- turies of toilette, from the French by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. New York: Scribner, 1891. 264 p. col'd pi. illus. Library of Congress Rohrbach, Carl. The costumes of all nations from the earliest times to the nine- teenth century; exhibiting the dresses and habits of all classes, regal, ecclesiastical, noble, military, judicial, and civil. Lon- don: H. Sotheran & Co., 1882. 4 p., 104 pi. Library of Congress Die Trachten der Volker vom Be- ginn der Geschichte bis zum neunzehnten Jahrhundert, in 100 Tafeln zusammenge- stellt, gezeichnet und lithographirt von Albert Kretschmer. Leipzig: J. G. Bach [1864,. 342 p., 1 1., 100 col'd pi. f MMC Roujoux, Prudence Guillaume, baron de. Le monde en estampes ou Geographic des cinq parties du monde. Precedee d'un precis de geographic universelle, ouvrage consacre a I'instruction et a I'amusemcnt de la jeunesse, orne de cent cinquante gra- vures en taille-douce et de cartes. Paris: A. Nepveu, 1830. 3 p.l., 3(1), 387 p., 1 1., 12 maps, 79 col'd pi. Library of Congress Ruthrauff, Florence B. Psychology of clothes as shown in the art of Ethel Myers. (Arts and decoration, v. 4, p. 3.^0-351. July, 1914.) fMLA Shaw, Henry. Dresses and decorations of the middle ages [from the seventh to the seventeenth centuries,. Reprinted. Lon- don: Bohn, 1858. 2v. illus. MMG Contains ninety-four useful colored plates and numerous wood cuts. Furniture and decorations are also included. Shoberl, Frederic, editor. The world in miniature. London: R. Ackermann [1821- 25). 37 V. in 36. col'd pi., maps. Library of Congress Contents: Africa, 4 v. Asiatic islands and \ew Holland, 2 v. Japan, 1 v. Austria, 2 v. in 1. Hin- doostan, 6 v. lllyria and Dalmatia, 2 v. The Nether- lands, 1 V. Persia, 3 v. Russia, 4 v. South Sea islands, 2 v. Spain and Portugal, 2 v. Switzerland, 1 V. Tibet and India beyond the Ganges, 1 v. Turkey, 6 v. Smith, Horatio. Festivals, games and amusements. Ancient and modern. New York: Harper, 1841. 355 p., 2 pi. (The family library, no. 25.) Library of Congress 36 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Costume — General Works, continued. Stone, Melicent. The Bankside costume book for children. Akron, Ohio: Saalfield Publishing Co. tl913.] 173 p. pi. illus. MMY "Not only describes the correct dress for the various historical periods, ecclesiastical and legal dress, and costumes for special characters, but gives suggestions on cutting and making the garments. Contains a chapter on armor, weapons, jewelry and crowns. Small line drawings make ideas clear." Sturgis, Russell. Costume. (In: New international encyclopedia, v. 5, p. 463- 473. 1909.) *R-*AL Symposium on woman's dress. (Arena. V. 6, p. 488-507, 621-634. Sept. - Oct., 1892.) *DA Thomas, William Isaac. The psychology of woman's dress. (American magazine. V. 67, p. 66-72. Nov., 1908.) * DA Vecellio, Cesare. Costumes anciens et " modernes: habiti antichi e moderni di tutto il mondo. Paris: Didot, 1859-60. 2 v. illus. 3MMC Habiti antichi; ouero, Raccolta di figvre delineate dal gran Titiano, e da Cesare Vecellio suo fratello, diligente- mente intagliate, conforme alle nationi del mondo... Venetia: G. G. Hertz, 1664. 415 p. illus. Library of Congress Wandle, Mrs. Jennie Taylor. Masque- rade and carnival: their customs and cos- tumes. Revised and enlarged. London ^ and New York: The Butterick Pub. Co., 1892. 176 p. pi. illus. Library of Congress Webb, Wilfred Mark. Heritage of dress; being notes on the history and evolution of clothes. London: Richards. 1907. 393 p. illus. MMC Bibliography, p. 363-367. Willemin, Nicolas Xavier. Choix de costumes civils et militaires des peuples de I'antiquite, leur instrumens de musique, leurs meubles, et les decorations interieures de leurs maisons. . .avec un texte tire des an- ciens auteurs; dessine, grave et redige par N. X. Willemin. Paris: auteur, an vi-x, 1798-1802. 2 v. 180 pi. Library of Congress - — — Monuments franqais inedits pour servir a I'histoire des arts depuis le vi* siecle jusqu'au commencement du xvii". Choix de costumes civils et militaires, d'armes, armures, instruments de musique, meubles de toute espece, et de decorations interieures et exterieures des maisons... Classes chronologiquement et accompagnes d'un texte historique et descriptif, par Andre Pottier. Paris: chez Mile. Willemin, 1839. 2 v. in 1. pi. Library of Congress Wirminghaus, Else. Die Frau und die Kultur des Korpers. Leipzig: C. F. Ame- lang, 1911. 325 p. (Die Kulturaufgaben der Frau, hrsg. von J. Wychgram. Bd. 3.) SN Literatur, p. 324-325. Women of all nations. [Dress.] illus. (National geographic magazine, v. 22, p. 49-61. Jan., 1911.) KAA Woodrow, Nancy Mann Waddel. Floral head-dresses. By Mrs. Wilson Woodrow. (Cosmopolitan, v. 35, p. 139-148. June, 1903.) *DA Yonge, O. F. Some causes of changes in dress. (Gentlemen's magazine, new series, v. 63, p. 196-205. Aug., 1899.) * DA Also, in condensed form, in Current literature, V. 27, p. 168-169. Feb., 1900. Ysenburg, Princess. Reform in women's dress. (North American review, v. 173, p. 413-417. Sept., 1901.) * DA Special Countries China Breton de la Martiniere, Jean Baptiste Joseph. China: its costume, arts, manu- factures, etc. . .translated from the French . . . London: J. J. Stockdale, 1813. 4 v. in 2. 80 col'd pi. 4. ed. BEL Chambers, Sir William. Designs of Chinese buildings, furniture, dresses, ma- chines, and utensils. London: published for the author, 1757. 5 p.l., 19 p., 21 pi. Library of Congress New York Public Library has French edition of 1757. Grohmann, Johann Gottfried. Gebrauche und Kleidungen der Chinesen; dargestellt in bunten Gemalden von dem Mahler Pu- Qua in Canton als Zusatz zu Macartneys und van Braams Reisen. 60 Kupfer mit Erklarung in deutscher und franzosischer Sprache. Leipzig: Industrie-Comptoir [1800-10]. 128 p., 60 col'd pi. Library of Congress Mason, George Henry. The costume of China... with explanations in English and French. London: printed for W. Miller, 1800. 67 1., 60 pi. tt MMR East Indies (Dutch) Rouffaer, G. P., and H. H. Juynboll. De batik-kunst in Nederlandsch-Indie en haar geschiedenis, op grond van materiaal aanwezig in's Rijks Ethnographisch Mu- seum en andere openbare en particuliere verzamelingen in Nederland. Utrecht: A. Oosthoek, 1914. 534 p., 100 pi. illus. (Pub- licaties van's Rijks Ethnographisch Mu- seum, serie 2, no. 1.) f MON "Bibliografie," p. xxiv-xxxiv. Text in Dutch and German. PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES Z7 Costume — Special Countries, continued. Egypt Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians, including their private life, government, laws, arts, manufactures, religion, and early history. London: J. Murray, 1837. 3 v. pi. (part col'd.) * OBT A second series of the Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. Lon- don: J. Murray. 1841. 3 v. illus. (part col'd.) *OBT England See also Shakespearian Festivals and Pageants — Costumes Acland, F. A. Oxford and the Rhodes scholarships, illus. (Booklovers' maga- zine, v. 1, p. 357-372. April, 1903.) * GAA Gives gowns of Oxford University degrees in color. Ashdown, Mrs. Charles Henry. British costume during xix centuries. London: T. C. & E. C. Jack, 1910. 376 p. pi. illus. MMK Barron, Oswald. Fifteenth centurj^ cos- tume. 18 pi. (Ancestor, v. 9, p. 113-136; V. 10, p. 120-132. April, July, 1904.) CA Calthrop, Dion Clayton. English cos- tume. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1906. 4 V. illus. MMK V. 1. Early English. v. 2. Middle ages. v. 3. Tudor and Stuart, v. 4. Georgian. Chelsea historical pageant, Old Ranelagh Gardens, Royal Hospital, June 25th -July 1st, 1908. Book of words with illustrations and selections from the music. Chelsea: Pageant Committee, 1908. 154 p. illus. CO Illustrations, many in color, show costumes of royal personages, Druids, Britons, Roman officers. Papal legates. Saxon king, noble and soldier, min- strels, dancers, knights, dukes and duchesses. Many of them are taken from portraits. Clinch, George. English costume from prehistoric times to the end of the eigh- teenth century. London: Methucn & Co. (1909.) 295 p. pi. illus. MMK Costumes of British ladies from the time of William the 1st to the reign of Queen Victoria. [London:] lithographed, printed & published by Dickinson & Son [C. 1840]. 50 1.. 48 col'd pi. Library of Congress The Costumes of the LTniversity of Cam- bridge. London: H. Hyde [Cop. 1840i. MMK One colored plate in eleven folds. Cotman, John Sell. Engravings of sepulchral brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk, tending to illustrate the ecclesiastical, mili- tary and civil costume as well as to pre- serve memorials of ancient families in that county... 2d ed., with additional plates, and with notes by Sir Samuel Rush Mey- rick.. .Albert Way, and Sir Harris Nicolas . . . London: H. G. Bohn, 1839. 2 v. col'd pl. tt MMK Description of the plates representing the itinerant traders of London in their ordinary costume; with notices of the re- markable places given in the background. London i:R. Phillips. 1804]. 63 1., 31 col'd pl. MMK Druitt, Herbert. Manual of costume as illustrated by monumental brasses. Phila- delpliia: George W. Jacobs & Co. il907.] 384 p. illus. MMK Earl's Court. Anglo-Spanish travel ex- j hibition: description of costumes. illus. (Graphic, v. 89, p. 982. May 30, 1914.) tt*DA English costume of the early fourteenth century, illus. (Ancestor, v. 7, p. 108-136. Oct., 1903.) fARA Fairholt, Frederick William. Costume in England; a history of dress to the end of the eighteenth century. By the late F. W. Fairholt. 4th ed. enl. and thoroughly " rev. by the Hon. H. A. Dillon. Illustrated with above seven hundred engravings... London: G. Bell and Sons, 1896. 2 v. illus. (Bohn's artists' library.) Library of Congress Gibbs, P. The Talbot Hughes collection of costumes. [England.] (Connoisseur, v. 37, p. 142-151. Nov., 1913.) ft MAA Hill, Georgiana. A history of English dress from the Saxon period to the present r- day. London: Richard Bcntlcy, 1893. 2 v. ports, illus. MMK Hodgetts, J. Frederick. The English in the middle ages; from the Norman usurpa- tion to the days of the Stuarts. London: Whiting and Co., 1885. 210 p. Library of Congress "The civil dress of the English," p. 147-175. Holding, Thomas Hiram. Uniforms of British army, navy and court. London: ; the author (pref. 1894). 81 p., 75 pl. ports. tVLV Hughes, Talbot. Old English costumes, selected from the collection formed by Mr. Talbot Hughes; a sequence of fashions through the 18th and 19th centuries. (Lon- don. 191-?,. 79 p. illus. fMMK Martin, Charles. The civil costume of England from the conquest to the present time drawn from tapestries, monumental 38 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Costume, England, continued. effigies, illuminated manuscripts, portraits, etc., by C. Martin and etched by Leopold Martin. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1842. 2 1., 60 col'd pi. tMMK Noll, A. H. Curiosities of dress in Eng- land. (Dial. V. 50, p. 394-395. May 16, 1911.) *DA Pictures of English dress in the thir- teenth century, illus. (Ancestor, v. 5. p. 99-137. April, 1903.) t ARA Planche, James Robinson. History of British costume, from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1881. 416 p. illus. 3. ed. Library of Congress Schild, Marie, editor. Old English cos- tume; ladies and peasants; an epitome of costumes from the first to the nineteenth century. London: M. Miller [1912]. 80 p. illus. tMMK Full descriptions of the illustrations are given. Sir Harry Herald's graphical representa- tion of the dignitaries of England showing the costume of different ranks from the king to a commoner; with the regalia used at the coronation. London: J. Harris & Son, 1820. 18 f. illus. (col'd) 2. ed. MMK Smith, Charles Hamilton. The ancient costume of Great Britain and Ireland from the seventh to the sixteenth century; se- lected from rare specimens and accom- panied with descriptions. An improved edition. London: J. Dowding [1813?]. unp. ■llus. ttMMK Illustrations are in color. Strutt, Joseph. A complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England from the establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time. New and im- proved edition with critical and explana- tory notes by J. R. Planche. London: Bohn, 1842. 2 v. pi. illus. f MMK Contains 143 valuable colored plates. The regal and ecclesiastical antiqui- ties of England: containing the representa- tions of all the English monarchs, from Edward the Confessor to Henry the Eighth; and of many persons that were eminent under their several reigns... A new and improved ed. with critical and explanatory notes by J. R. Planche. London: H. G. Bohn, 1842. 152 p. 72 pi. f CBA Thornbury, George Walter. Shakespeare's England; or. Sketches of our social history in the reign of Elizabeth. London: Long- man, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1856. 2 V. * NCLD Dress, v. 1, p. 231-257. Timbs, John. Nooks and corners of English life, past and present. London: Griffith and Farran, 1867. 371 p. CN "Dress," p. 184-187. Trendell, Herbert A. Dress worn at His Majesty's court, issued with the authority of the lord chamberlain. Lon- don: Harrison & Sons, 1912. 165 p. ports, (part col'd.) illus. MMK Tuer, Andrew White. The follies & fashions of our grandfathers (1807). Em- bellished with plates including ladies' and gentlemen's dress. . .sporting and coach- ing scenes. . .[&C.1 London: Field & Tuer, 1886-87. 55 p.L, 366 p., 28 pi., 9 ports. CN "An illustrated digest of the most amusing and characteristic matter contained in magazines more or less flourishing in the year 1807." Old London street cries and the cries of today, with heaps of quaint cuts. London: Field & Tuer, 1885. 137 p. illus. MMK Victoria and Albert Museum, South Ken- sington. — Department of Textiles. Guide to the English costumes presented by Messrs. Harrods. Ltd. London: printed under the authority of H. M. Stationery Office, 1913. 20 p., 17 pi. MMK Walker, George. The costume of York- shire, illustrated by a series of forty en- gravings .. .with descriptions in English and French. [By George Walker.] Leeds: Jackson, 1885. 106 p. 41 col'd pi. ft MMK Wingfield, Lewis. Notes on civil cos- tume in England from the conquest to the regency. London: E. Menken [1884?i. 34 p. 24 col'd illus. new ed. MMK France AUinson, Alfred Richard. The days of the Directoire. London, New York: J. Lane. 1910. 387 p., 28 pi., 20 ports. DFT Challamel, Jean Baptiste Marie Augus- tin. The history of fashion in France; or. The dress of women from the Gallo-Roman period to the present time. From the French by Mrs. Cashel Hoey and John Lillie. London: Low. 1882. 293 p. illus. MML Demay, Germain. Le costume au moyen-age d'apres les sceaux. Paris: D. Dumoulin et Cie., 1880. 496 p. illus. MMG Detaille, fidouard, and J. Richard. Types et uniformes; I'armee frangaise. [Illustra- tions par] fi Detaille, texte par J. Richard. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie., 1885-89. 4 V. illus. tt MCO Text. 2 V. Plates. 2 v. PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 39 Costume, France, continued. Eloffe, Madame. Modes et usages au temps de Marie-Antoinette. Paris: Firmin- Didot et Cie., 1885. 2 v. fMML Esau, Hubert. Die Benennung der wichtigeren Bestandteile der modernen franzosischen Tracht. Ein sprach- und kulturgeschichtlicher Versuch... Kiel: Druck von P. Peters, 1902. 69 p., 2 1. Library of Congress Faure-Favier, L. Woman's dress in the r/ modern French novel. (Bookman, v. 15, " p. 238-239. May. 1902.) * DA Freudenberger, Sigmund. Histoire des moeurs & du costume des Frangais dans le dix-huitieme siecle; ornee de douze estampes dessinees par Sigismond Freu- denberg et gravees par les premiers artistes. Stuttgart: J. Scheible [1888). 2 p.l., iv p., 12 pi. Library of Congress Galerie des modes et costumes frangais; dessines d'apres nature, 1778-1787; reim- pression accompagnce d'une preface par M. Paul Cornu... Paris: E. Levy [1912]. 16 p., 325 col'd pi. Library of Congress Grand-Carteret, John. XIX' siecle (en France) ; classes — moeurs — usages — cos- tumes — inventions... Paris: Firmin- Didot et Cie., 1893. 774 p. pi. illus. Library of Congress Les elegances de la toilette: robes — chapeaux — coiffures de style, Louis xvi — directoire — empire, restauration (1780- 1825). 243 gravures de modes. Paris: A. ^ Michel [1911,. xlviii p., 194 f., 32 col'd pi. MML "Notes bibliographiques," p. xliii-xlviii. Lacroix, Paul. Recueil curieux de pieces originales rares ou inedites, en prose et en vers, sur le costume et les revolutions de la mode en France, pour servir d'appendice aux Costumes historiques de la France. Paris: Administration de librairie [Imp. Lacour et Comp., 1852j. 517 p. Library of Congress "Bibliographic des costumes historiques," p. 499- 514. Lallemand, Charles. Les payans badois, esquisse de nucurs et de coutumes. Strass- bourg: Salomon, 1860. Z2 p., 16 col'd pi. illus. tMMM Langlade, funile. Rose Bertin, the crea- tor of fashion at the court of Marie- Antoinette.. . Adapted from the French by Dr. Angelo S. Rappoport. New York: Scribner, 1913. 320 p. pi., ports. AN" Lawrence, H. W., and B. L. Dighton. Frencii line engravings of the late xvili century. London: Lawrence & Jellicoe, Ltd., 1910. 110 p., 80 pi., 2 ports, f MDBF "Le monument de costume," p. 89-102. Lees, F. Palace of dress at the Paris exposition. (International studio, v. 11, p. 227-236. Oct.. 1900.) f MAA Le Roux de Lincy, Antoine Jean Victor. Les femmes celebres de I'ancienne France; memoires historiques sur la vie publique et privee des femmes frangaises, depuis le cinquieme siecle jusqu'a la fin du quin- zieme. Paris: Le Roi, 1852. 214 p., 27 col'd pi. Library of Congress Masson, Frederic. Livre du sacre de I'empercur Napoleon. Paris: Goupil & Cie; Manzi, Joyant & Cie., 1908. 188 p., 43 pi. illus. Library of Congress Maurice, C. French military costumes. [By C. Maurice.) [Paris: F. Sinnett, 184-?, MME One folder of twenty-five plates. Title from cover. Musee royal des monumens frangais. Musee royal des monumens frangais; ou, Memorial de I'histoire de France et de ses monumens; par A. Lenoir. Paris: I'auteur, 1815. 216 p. DBG "Notice sur les costumes frangais et I'usage de la barbe," p. 161-213. Pictures of the French: a series of literary and graphic delineations of French character. By Jules Janin, Balzac, Cormenin, and other celebrated French authors. London: W. S. Orr and Co., 1840. 36 1. mounted pi. illus. Library of Congress Propiac, Catherine Joseph Ferdinand Girard de. Beautes historiques, chrono- logiques, politiques et critiques de la ville de Paris... Ouvrage. . .orne d'un tres- beau plan de Paris. . .et de 14 vignettes rep- resentant les costumes des Frangais aux diverses epoques de la monarchic. Paris: A. Eymery, 1822. 2 v. 13 col'd pi. Library of Congress Renan, Ary. Le costume en France. Paris: May & Motteroz, 1890. 274 p. illus. (Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux arts.) MML Uzanne, Octave. La Frangaise du siecle; modes — moeurs — - usages. Illustrations a I'aquarelle de .Mbcrt Lynch, gravees a I'eau-forte en couleurs par Eugene Gaujean. Paris: Quantin, 1886. 274 p. illus. MML Vever, Henri. La bijouterie frangaise au xix" siecle (1800-1900). Paris: H. Flourv. 1906-08. 3 V. pi. illus. f MNR Contents: I. Consulat. Empire. Restauration. Louis-Philippe, il. Le second empire, ill. La troi- sieme republique. Weaver, E. P. Coiffe and sabot in Britanny. (Canadian tnagazine. v. 2)6. p. 361-371. Feb., 1911.) * DA 40 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Costume — Special Countries, continued. Germany Boehn, Max von. Die Mode; Menschen und Moden im siebzehnten Jahrhundert nach Bildern und Stichen der Zeit. Miinchen: F. Bruckmann, 1913. 189 p. illus. MMC Die Mode; Menschen und Moden im achtzehnten Jahrhundert, nach Bildern und Stichen der Zeit. Miinchen: F. Bruck- mann, 1909. 4 p.l., 251 p. illus. MMC Die Mode; Menschen und Moden im neunzehnten Jahrhundert nach Bildern und Kupfern der Zeit. Ausgewahlt von Dr. Oskar Fischel 1790-1842. Miinchen: F. Bruckmann, 1907-08. 160 p., 29 pi., 7 ports, illus. MMC Hottenroth, Friedrich. Deutsche Volks- trachten, stadtische und landliche vom xvi. Jahrhundert an bis um die Mitte des xix. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt am Main: Keller, 1900. 218 p. pi. illus. MMM Handbuch der deutschen Tracht. Stuttgart: G. Weise [1892-96?]. 983 p. pi. illus. MMM Many of the illustrations are in color. Spiess, Karl. Die deutschen Volkstrach- ten. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1911. 138 p. illus. (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt. Bd. 342.) MMM Bibliography, p. 124-131. Suhr, Christoffer. Der Ausruf in Ham- burg, vorgestellt in ein hundert und zwan- zig colorirten Blattern gezeichnet, radirt und geatzt. Hamburg, 1808. [Berlin: H. Barsdorf, 1908.] 146 p., 120 col'd pi. Library of Congress Die Uniformen der deutschen Armee in iibersichtlichen Farbendarstellungen. Leip- zig: M. Ruhl, 1883. 44 p., 1 pi. 8. ed. MMEH Plate folded and sections numbered 1-23. Zur Geschichte der Costume, nach Zeich- nungen von W. Diez, C. Frolich, C. Haber- lin, M. Heil, A. Miiller, F. Rothbart, J. Watter. Miinchen: Braun & Schneider [1895?]. 107 col'd pi. (Munchener Bilder- bogen.) Library of Congress Evans, Maria Millington. Chapters on Greek dress. London: Macmillan, 1893. xvii, 84 p., 19 pi. MMF Bibliography, p. xvi— xvii. Gardner, Percy. The principles of Greek art. New York: Macmillan Co., 1914. 352 p. illus. MAH "Dress and drapery in Greek sculpture," p. 147- 164. Lermann, Wilhelm. Altgriechische Plastik; eine Einfiihrung in die griechische Kunst des archaischen und gebundenen Stils, mit 80 Textbildern und 20 farbigen Tafehi, enthaltend Nachbildungen von Gewandmustern der Madchenstatuen auf der Akropolis zu Athen. Miinchen: O. Beck, 1907. 231 p., 20 pi. illus. f MGH Mannering, Mary. Grecian costume. (Current literature, v. 29, p. 682. Dec, 1900.) * DA Abstract of an article in the Metropolitan. Smith, J. Moyr. Ancient Greek female costume; with explanatory letter press and descriptive passages from the works of Homer, Hesiod and many other Greek authors. 2d ed. London: Sampson Low, 1883. 87 p., 112 pi. illus. MMF Studniczka, Franz. Beitrage zur Ge- schichte der altgriechischen Tracht. Vienna: Carl Gerold's Sohn, 1886. 143 p. illus. BTGP India Grindlay, Robert Melville. Scenery, cos- tumes, and architecture, chiefly on the western side of India. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1830. 5 p.l., 26 p., 43 1.. 36 pi. ttMMR Solvyns, Frans Baltasar. Les Hindous. Paris: I'auteur, 1808-12. 4 v. 288 pi. ttt BGS Text in French and English. Williamson, Thomas. The costume and customs of modern India; from a coUec- / tion of drawings by Charles Doyley. Lon- don [1813]. 65 p., 20 col'd pi. f MMR Greece Abrahams, Ethel Beatrice. Greek dress; a study of the costumes worn in ancient Greece from pre-Hellenic times to the Hel- lenistic age. London: J. Murray, 1908. 134 p. illus. MMF Bieber, Margarete. Das Dresdner Schau- spielerrelief; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des tragischen Kostums und der griechi- schen Kunst. Bonn: Cohen, 1907. 91 p. illus. NSA Italy Bonlting, William. Woman in Italy, from the introduction of the chivalrous service of love to the appearance of the professional actress. London: Methuen & Co. [1910.] 356 p., 16 pi. Library of Congress "Dress and adornment," p. 210-220. Bourcard, Francesco de, editor. Usi e costumi di Napoli e contorni descritti e dipinti. Napoli: Stab. tip. di G. Nobile. 1853-58. 2 V. 100 col'd pi. Library of Congress PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 41 Costume — Italy, continued. Canziani, Estella. Costumes, traditions and songs of Savoy. London: Chatto & Windus, 1911. 179 p. col'd pi. illus. fDQF Franco, Giacomo. Habiti delle donne venetiane intagliate in rame nuouamente da Giacomo Franco. [Venezia: F. Onp;ania, 1878.i 1 p.l., 20 f., 20 pi. tt MMO Grasset de Saint-Sauveur, Jacques. L'an- tica Roma, ovvero Descrizione storica e pittorica di tutto cio clie riguarda il popolo roniano ne' suoi costumi militari rcligiosi pubblici e privati da Romolo fino ad Augusto. Bergamo: Stamperia Mazzoleni, 1825. 328 p., 60 col'd pi. illus. Library of Congress Holme, Charles, editor. Peasant art in Italy. London, New York: "The Studio," Ltd., 1913. 39 p., 92 pi. t MNE Special autumn number of the Studio, 1913. Merkel, Carlo. Come vestivano gli uomini del "Decameron"; saggio di storia del costume. Roma, 1898. 115 p. Library of Congress Bibliographical foot-notes. Paoletti, Ermolao. II fiore di Venezia; ossia, I quadri, i monumenti, le vedute ed i costumi veneziani. Venezia: T. Fontana, 1837-40. 4 V. pi. Library of Congress Pinelli, Bartolommeo. Twenty-seven etchings illustrative of Italian manners and costume. Rome, 1844. 2 p.l., 27 pi. tfMMO Raccolta di varie composizioni ed alcuni m.otivi di costumi pittoreschi di Roma e delle sue vicinanze. Roma: T. Cuccioni (1850?). 49 pi. Library of Congress Korea Jenings, Forster H. Korean head- dresses in the National Museum. Wash- ington: Smithsonian Institution, 1904. 148- 167 p. illus. Library of Congress Repr. : Smithsonian miscellaneous collections (quarterly issue), v. 45. Mexico Linati, C. Costumes civils, militaires et religieux du Mexique... Bruxclles: C. Sattanino (1828j. 20 1., 48 col'd pi. MMP Netherlands Sample, Miss. The costume of the Netherlands, displayed in thirty coloured engravings after drawings from nature... with descriptions in English and French. London: Ackermann's Repository of Arts, 1817. 30 p., 30 pi. tMMO-X Palestine Whiting, John D. Village life in the Holy Land, illus. (National geographic magazine, v. 25, p. 262-270. March, 1914.) KAA Rome Froehlich, Franz. Die Mode im alten Rom. Basel: B. Schwabe, 1884. 35 p. (Oeffentliche Vortrage gehalten in der Schwciz. Bd. 8, Heft 1.) *C Saunders, Catherine. Costume in Roman comedy. New York: [Columbia University Press,] 1909. 145 p. (Columbia Univer- sity studies in classical philology.) NTV Bibliography, p. 143-145. Dissertation, Columbia University. Japan Blacker, J. F. The A B C of Japanese art... London: S. Paul & Co. [1911.] 460 p., 49 pi. paged in. illus. MAG "Women's fashions and men's armour," p. 219- 227. Ogawa, K. Japanese costume before the * Restoration. Tokyo: K. Ogawa [1893|. 2 1.. 16 pi. ttMMR Bound with his: Military costume in old Japan. Military costume in old Japan. Tokyo: K. Ogawa (1893,. 2 1., 15 pi. ttMMR Russia Atkinson, John Augustus, and James W.M.KER. A picturesque representation of the manners, customs, and amusements of the Russians, in one hundred coloured plates; with an accurate explanation of each plate in English and French... Lon- don: printed by W. Buhner and Co., 1803- 04. 3 V. 100 col'd pi. tt GLX Holme, Charles. Peasant art in Russia. London, New York [CtC): "The Studio," Ltd.. 1912. 53 p.. 86 pi. illus. t MAA Special number, International studio, autumn, 1912. 42 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Costume — Special Countries, continued. Scandinavia Fett, Harry Per. Nationaldragter. Ud- stillingen ordnet og katalogen udarbeidet af Harry Fett. Kristiania: S. M. Brydes bogtrykkeri, 1903. 43 p., 9 pi. Library of Congress Grafstrom, Anders Abraham. Ett ar i Sverge. Taflor af svenska almogens (!) kladedragt, lefnadssatt och hemseder, samt de for landets historia markvardigaste orter... Stockholm: tryckt hos J. Hor- berg, 1827. 137 p., 47 col'd pi. Library of Congress Heikel, Axel Olai. Die Volkstrachten in den Ostseeprovincen und in Setukesien. Helsingfors: Druckerei der Finnischen Literaturgesellschaft, 1909. 2 v. in 1. 31 pi. illus. (Suomalais-ugrilainen seura. Helsingfors. Kansatieteellisia julkaisuja. Travaux ethnographiques. iv, Ethnograph- ische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der finnischen Volkerschaften; von Axel O. Heikel. iii.) ft OAA Scotland Drummond, James. Ancient Scottish weapons; a series of drawings... Edin- burgh: G. Waterston & Sons, 1881. 3 p.l., 26 p., 56 1., 54 col'd pi. ft VWR Grant, James. The tartans of the clans of Scotland. . .clanship, chiefs, their dress, arms, etc., with historical notes of each clan. Edinburgh and London: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1886. 82 1., 72 pi. illus. ft MMK Logan, James. The clans of the Scot- tish Highlands, illustrated by appropriate figures, displaying their dress, tartans, arms, armorial insignia and social occupa- tions. London: Ackermann & Co., 1845- 47. 2 V. col'd pi. Stuart 1106 Mclan, Robert Ronald. The clans of the Scottish Highlands; with accompany- ing description and historical memoranda of character, mode of life, &c. London: Willis & Sotheran, 1857. 2 v. illus. tfMMK The illustrations are from original sketches by the author. The Scottish clans and their tartans, with notes. Edinburgh: Johnston, n. d. 96 p. illus. CPE The Scottish clans and their tartans, with notes. New York: Scribner, 1896. unp. 4. ed. illus. MMK Stuart, John Sobieski Stolberg, editor. Vestiarum Scoticum; from the manuscript formerly in the library of the Scots College at Douay. With an introduction and notes by J. S. Stuart. Edinburgh: Tait, 1842. 109 p., 76 col'd pi. tt MMK Stuart, John Sobieski Stolberg, and C. E. Stuart. The costumes of the clans, with observations upon the literature, arts, manufactures, and commerce of the High- lands and Western Isles during the middle ages... Edinburgh: J. Menzies, 1845. 171 p., 36 pi. tt MMK Spain and Portugal Breton de la Martiniere, Jean Baptiste Joseph. L'Espagne et le Portugal, ou, Moeurs, usages et costumes des habitans de ces royaumes... Ouvrage orne de cinquante-quatre planches representant douze vues et plus de soixante costumes differens, la plupart d'apres des dessins executes en 1809 et 1810. Paris: A. Nepveu, 1815. 6 V. col'd pi. Library of Congress Giscard. Delineations of the most re- markable costumes of the different prov- inces of Spain, and also of the military uniforms, bull fights, national dances, etc., of the Spaniards. [By Giscard.] London: H. Stokes, 1823. 1 p.l., 40 col'd pi. Library of Congress Switzerland Suter, J. Les Suisses; ses types et cos- tumes dessines d'apres nature. Paris, New York: Goupil & Cie., 1858. 12 pi. Library of Congress Turkey Castellan, Antoine Laurent. Turkey, be- ing a description of the manners, customs, dresses and other peculiarities characteris- tic of the inhabitants of the Turkish em- pire... Translated from the French... by Frederic Schoberl... Philadelphia: H. Cowperthwait, 1829. 3 v. 24 col'd pi. Library of Congress New York Public Library has French edition published at Paris in 1812. Hand!, O., bey. Les costumes populaires de la Turquie en 1873... Constantinople: "Levant Times & Shipping Gazette," 1873. 319 p., 74 pi. Library of Congress United States Deming, Therese Osterheld. Indian pic- tures; facsimiles of paintings in water- colour, and engravings of drawings in PAGEANTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 43 Costume, United States, continued. black-and-white, by Edwin W. Deming, with text by Therese O. Deming. New York: Stokes, 1899. 8 1., 6 pi. ft HBC Earle, Alice Morse. Child-life in colonial days. New York: The Macmillan Co.. 1899. 418 p. pi. illus. IF "Children's dress," p. 34-62. "Games and pas- times," p. 342-360. Costume of colonial times. New York: Scribner's, 1894. 264 p. MMP Customs and fashions in old New England. New York: Scribner's, 1893. 387 p. IQ "Raiment and vesture," p. 314-330. Two centuries of costume in America; 1620-1820. New York: Macmil- lan [Cop. 1903). 2 V. pi., ports, illus. MMP Eggleston, Edward. A history of the United States and its people; for the use of schools. New York: American Book Co. icop. 1888., 416 p. maps, illus. MMP Many of the illustrations are in color. Felt, Joseph Barlow. The customs of New England. Boston: Press of T. R. Marvin. 1853. 208 p. IQ Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. The man- ners, customs and antiquities of the Indians of North and South America. fBy S. G. Goodrich.) Boston: G. C. Rand & Avery, 1856. 336 p. illus. Library of Congress New York Public Library has other editions. Gummere, Amelia Mott. The Quaker; a study in costume. Philadelphia: Ferris and Leach, 1901. 232 p. pi. illus. MMC Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Cos- tume. Concerning caps, gowns and hoods. Albany, N. Y.: Cotrell and Leonard (190-?,. 4 pamphlets. MMED McClellan, Elisabeth. Historic dress in America; with an introductory chapter on dress in the Spanish and French settle- ments in Florida and Louisiana. Phila- delphia: George W. Jacobs & Co. rcop. 1904.) 2 V. illus. t MMP V. 1. 1607-1800. V. 2. 1800-1870. Illustrations in color, pen and ink, and half tone, with reproductions from photographs of rare por- trnits, original garments, etc. Northend, M. H. Early American cos- tumes. (American homes and gardens, v. 12. p. 95-99. March, 1915.) MQA m^ • « w I U I ^UUi:!