x& 5 \ I*. /A UC-NRLF B 3 125 SE5 ENGIN. LIBRARY ENGINEERING LIBRARY HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. BY WILLIAM F. M. GOSS, DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA, LATE DEAN OF THE SCHOOLS OF ENGINEERING, PURDUE UNIVERSITY, LAFAYETTE, INDIANA. WASHINGTON, D. C. : Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1907. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. BY WILLIAM F. M. GOSS, DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA, LATE DEAN OF THE SCHOOLS OF ENGINEERING, PURDUE UNIVERSITY, LAFAYETTE, INDIANA. WASHINGTON, D. C. : Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1907. CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON. PUBLICATION No. 66. ENGINEERING LiBRARY PRESS OF GIBSON BROTHERS, WASHINGTON, D. C. CONTENTS. Introduction A Summary of Conclusions I. The Research and the Means Employed in its Advancement i II. Difficulties in Operating under High Steam-Pressures 6 III. Boiler Performance 8 IV. Engine Performance .... 25 V. Machine Friction and Performance at the Draw-Bar 42 VI. Boiler Pressure as a Factor in Economical Operation 49 VII. Boiler Capacity as a Factor in Economical Operation 53 VIII. Conclusions Concerning Boiler Pressure -vs. Boiler Capacity as a Means of In- creasing the Efficiency of a Locomotive 56 APPENDIX I. The Locomotive Experimented Upon 62 APPENDIX II. Methods and Data Derived from Tests 78 APPENDIX III. Data Concerning Weight of Locomotive Boilers 122 APPENDIX IV. Typical Indicator Cards 125 in 981087 INTRODUCTION. A SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS. The results of the study concerning the value of high steam-pressures in locomotive service, the details of which are presented by succeeding pages, may be summarized as follows : 1. The results apply only to practice involving single-expansion locomo- tives using saturated steam. Pressures specified are to be accepted as run- ning pressures. They are not necessarily those at which safety valves open. 2. Tests have been made to determine the performance of a typical locomotive when operating under a variety of conditions with reference to speed, power, and steam-pressure. The results of one hundred such tests have been made of record. 3. The steam consumption under normal conditions of running has been established as follows: Boiler pressure 120 pounds, steam per indicated horsepower hour 29. i pounds. Boiler pressure 140 pounds, steam per indicated horsepower hour 27.7 pounds. Boiler pressure 160 pounds, steam per indicated horsepower hour 26.6 pounds. Boiler pressure 180 pounds, steam per indicated horsepower hour 26.0 pounds. Boiler pressure 200 pounds, steam per indicated horsepower hour 25.5 pounds. Boiler pressure 220 pounds, steam per indicated horsepower hour 25. i pounds. Boiler pressure 240 pounds, steam per indicated horsepower hour 24 . 7 pounds. 4. The results show that the higher the pressure, the smaller the pos- sible gain resulting from a given increment of pressure. An increase of pressure from 160 to 200 pounds results in a saving of i.i pounds of steam per horsepower hour, while a similar change from 200 pounds to 240 pounds improves the performance only to the extent of 0.8 pound per horsepower hour. 5. The coal consumption under normal conditions of running has been established as follows : Boiler pressure 1 20 pounds, coal per indicated horsepower hour 4 . oo pounds. Boiler pressure 140 pounds, coal per indicated horsepower hour 3.77 pounds. Boiler pressure 160 pounds, coal per indicated horsepower hour 3.59 pounds. Boiler pressure 1 80 pounds, coal per indicated horsepower hour 3 . 50 pounds. Boiler pressure 200 pounds, coal per indicated horsepower hour 3 . 43 pounds. Boiler pressure 220 pounds, coal per indicated horsepower hour 3.37 pounds Boiler pressure 240 pounds, coal per indicated horsepower hour 3.31 pounds. 6 HIGH STEAM -PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 6. An increase of pressure from 160 to 200 pounds results in a saving of o.i 6 pound of coal per horsepower hour, while a similar change from 200 to 240 results in a saving of but 0.12 pound. 7. Under service conditions, the improvement in performance with in- crease of pressure will depend upon the degree of perfection attending the maintenance of the locomotive. The values quoted in the preceding para- graphs assume a high order of maintenance. If this is lacking, it may easily happen that the saving which is anticipated through the adoption of higher pressures will entirely disappear. 8. The difficulties to be met in the maintenance both of boiler and cylin- ders increase with increase of pressure. 9. The results supply an accurate measure by which to determine the advantage of increasing the capacity of a boiler. For the development of a given power, any increase in boiler- capacity brings its return in improved performance without adding to the cost of maintenance or opening any new avenues for incidental losses. As a means to improvement, it is more certain than that which is offered by increase of pressure. 10. As the scale of pressure is ascended, an opportunity to further increase the weight of a locomotive should in many cases find expression in the design of a boiler of increased capacity rather than in one for higher pressures. 11. Assuming 180 pounds pressure to have been accepted as standard, and assuming the maintenance to be of the highest order, it will be found good practice to utilize any allowable increase in weight by providing a larger boiler rather than by providing a stronger boiler to permit higher pressures. 12. Wherever the maintenance is not of the highest order, the standard running pressure should be below 180 pounds. 13. Wherever the water which must be used in boilers contains foaming or scale-making admixtures, best results are likely to be secured by fixing the running pressure below the limit of 180 pounds. 14. A simple locomotive using saturated steam will render good and efficient service when the running pressure is as low as 160 pounds; under most favorable conditions, no argument is to be found in the economic performance of the engine which can justify the use of pressures greater than 200 pounds. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. I. THE RESEARCH AND THE MEANS EMPLOYED IN ITS ADVANCEMENT. 1. STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. For many years past there has been a gradual but nevertheless a steady increase in the pressure of steam employed in American locomotive service. Between 1860 and 1870 a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch was common. Before 1890 practice had carried the limit beyond 150 pounds. At the present time 200 pounds is most common, but an occasional resort to pressures above this limit suggests a disposition to exceed it. High steam-pressure does not necessarily imply high power. It is but one of the factors upon which power depends. The forces which are set up by the action of the engine are as much dependent upon cylinder volume as upon boiler-pressure, and when the pressure is once determined the cylinders may be designed for any power. The limit in any case is to be found when the boiler can no longer generate sufficient steam to supply them. The rela- tion between pressure and power is therefore only an indirect one. But any- thing which makes the boiler of a locomotive more efficient in the generation of steam, or the engines more economical in their use of steam, will permit an extension in the limit of power. If, for example, it can be shown that higher steam-pressure promotes economy in the use of steam, higher steam-pressure at once becomes an indirect means for increasing power. The fact to be emphasized is that an argument in favor of higher steam-pressures must concern itself with the effects produced upon the economic performance of the boiler or engine. 2. PREPARATIONS FOR AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. In view of the facts stated, and with the hope of ascertaining a logical basis from which to deter- mine what the pressure should be for a simple locomotive, using saturated steam, it was long ago determined to undertake an experimental study of the problem upon the testing plant of Purdue University. A few experi- ments involving the use of different steam-pressures in locomotive service were made at Purdue as early as 1895, but as the boiler of the locomotive then upon the testing-plant was not capable of withstanding pressures greater 2 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. than 150 pounds, these early tests were limited in their scope.* The matter was, however, regarded as of such importance that in designing a new loco- motive for use upon the plant, a pressure of 250 pounds was specified a limit which then was and still is considerably in advance of practice. Thus equipped, an elaborate investigation was outlined, involving a series of tests under six different pressures, representing a sufficient number of different speeds and cut-offs to define the performance of the locomotive under a great range of conditions. But the expense of operating the locomotive under very high steam-pressures proved to be so great that the limited funds which could be devoted to the operations of the laboratory, in com- bination with the demands of students which could be most easily satisfied by work under lower pressures, made it impracticable for a time to proceed with the work. A grant from the Carnegie Institution of Washington was announced late in the fall of 1903. The first test in the Carnegie series was run February 15, 1904, and the last August 7, 1905. A registering counter attached to the locomotive shows that between these dates the locomotive drivers made 3,113,333 revolutions, which is equivalent to 14,072 miles. 3. THE TESTS. The tests outlined included a series of runs for which the average pressure was to be, respectively, 240, 220, 200, 180, 160, and 120 pounds, a range which extends far below and well above pressures which are common in present practice. It was planned to have the tests of each series sufficiently numerous to define completely the performance of the engine when operated under a number of different speeds and when using steam in the cylinders under several degrees of expansion. So far as practicable, each test was to be of sufficient duration to permit the efficiency of engine and boiler to be accurately determined, but where this could not be done cards were to be taken. A precise statement of the conditions under which, in the development of this plan, the tests were actually run is set forth diagrammatically in figs, i to 6 accompanying, in which vertical distances represent speed and horizontal distances the point of cut-off as determined by the notch occupied by the latch of the reverse lever, counting from the center forward. Bach complete circle in these diagrams represents an efficiency test, and each dotted circle, a shorter test under conditions involv- ing the development of power in excess of that which could be constantly sustained. The numerals within the circles refer to the line numbers of the tabulated data (Appendix II). 4. The locomotive upon which the tests were made is that regularly em- ployed in the laboratory of Purdue University, where it is known as Schenec- tady No. 2. It is described and illustrated in Appendix I, where there are also * Results of these tests will be found published in Locomotive Performance, John Wiley & Sons. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 3 shown several views of the testing-plant upon which the locomotive was operated. 5. THE DATA. While it is one important purpose of these pages to dis- cuss and summarize the results of experiments, a most interesting and promising field for study is supplied by the unembellished numerical data. These deal with conditions and results which best serve to disclose the effect @ '# (jo: (r- 24 6 8 10 12 14 REVERSE LEVER NOTCH FIG. 1. Reverse lever notch. (a?) (29 (17) (18) 2 4 6 8 10 la 14- REVERSE LEVER NOTCH. FIG. 2. Reverse lever notch. 5 60 o ?50 I 8* f 30 (S t n a A e 8 10 ia 14 REVERSE LEVER NOTCH; FIG. 3. Reverse lever notch. i 60 ! 5 , ta: 120 160 180 200 220 240 FIG. 58. Least steam for each of the several speeds at different pressures. 20. STEAM CONSUMPTION UNDER DIFFERENT PRESSURES. The shaded zone upon fig. 59 represents the range of performance as it appears from all tests run under the several pressures employed. For purposes of comparison it is desirable to define the effect of pressure on performance by a line, and to this end an attempt has been made to reduce the zone of performance to a representative line. In preparing to draw such a line, the average perform- ance of all tests at each of the different pressures was obtained and plotted, the results being shown by the circles on fig. 59. Points thus obtained can be regarded as fairly representing the performance of the engine under the several pressures only so far as the tests run for each different pressure may be assumed to fairly represent the range of speed and cut-off under which the engine would ordinarily operate. The best result for each different pressure, as obtained by averaging the best results for each speed at constant pressure, is given upon the diagram in the form of a light cross. These points may be regarded as furnishing a satisfactory basis of comparison in so far as it may 3 6 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. be assumed that when the speed has been determined an engine in service will always operate under conditions of highest efficiency. Again, the left- hand edge of the shaded zone represents a comparison based on maximum performance at whatever speed or cut-off. In addition to the points already described, there is located upon the diagram (fig. 59) a curve showing the performance of a perfect engine,* with which the plotted points derived from the data of tests may be compared. Guided by this curve, representing the performance of a perfect engine, a line A B has been drawn proportional thereto, and so placed as to fairly represent the circular points derived from the experiments. It is proposed to accept this line as representing the steam consumption of the experimental engine under the several pressures em- ployed. It is to be noted that it is not the minimum performance nor the maximum, but it is a close approach to that performance which is suggested by an average of all results derived" from all tests which were run. Since its form is based upon a curve of perfect performance it has a logical basis, and since it does no violence to the experimental data its use seems justifiable. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 4-5 50 55 FIG. 59. Steam consumption under different pressures *This curve represents the performance of an engine working on Carnot's cycle, the initial temperature being that of steam at the several pressures stated, and the final tem- perature being that of steam at 1.3 pounds above atmospheric pressure. This latter value is the assumed pressure of exhaust in locomotive service. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 37 2 1 . COAL, CONSUMPTION. The results of certain of the tests which were run before the adoption of a standard coal have not been carried out for purposes of comparison, which fact accounts for the blanks appearing in column 113 of the data. An exhibit of all data which is comparable is set forth by figs. 60 to 64. These values, especially if confined to the tests run with the reverse lever in the second, fourth, and sixth notches, show but slight variation in the coal consumed per horsepower hour either with changes of speed or with changes in pressure. The fact, also, that the record shows but 3 out of 46 tests repre- senting a great variety of running conditions, for which the consumption exceeds 4 pounds, argues well for the efficiency of the locomotive in ordinary service. : 14- FIG. 60. Coal per indicated horsepower hour. FIG. 61. Coal per indicated horsepower hour. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. FIG. 62. Coal per indicated horsepower hour FIG. 63. Coal per indicated horsepower hour 20 ::.:::::::; :::::;:::>:: :::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: ::::: : ::::::: I::::::::::::::::::::: hh! I : i I h A 6 8 10 12 FIG. 64. Coal per indicated horsepower hour. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 39 22. PERFORMANCE UNDER DIFFERENT PRESSURES, A LOGICAL BASIS FOR COMPARISON. The record of coal consumption, as set forth in the preceding paragraph, is that actually obtained from the several tests run. It has already been shown that this performance is affected by variations in the evaporative efficiency of the boiler, due doubtless to irregularities in firing, but which are in fact unaccounted for. One of the purposes of the discussion which occu- pies the preceding chapter has been to reduce the values actually resulting from the tests to a summarized statement which may be accepted as a general definition of performance, assuming all irregularities to have been eliminated. Such a summarized statement is that which is shown by fig. 12. It is also expressed by the equation E = 11.305 0.221 H It is now proposed to determine the coal consumption per indicated horse- power, assuming the boiler efficiency to have been in all cases that which is expressed by this equation. It appears, also, from the data that the steam consumed by the cylinders varies for each different pressure with changes in speed and cut-off, and it has been sought in the preceding paragraphs to summarize the facts derived from the experiments into a single expression. This appears in the form of the curve A B, fig. 59, which is to be accepted as representing the performance of the cylinders under different pressures without reference to speed or cut-off. Combining this general statement expressing cylinder performance with that already obtained covering boiler performance, it should be possible to secure an accurate measure of the coal consumption per indicated horsepower hour, for each different pressure which will represent the results of all tests at that pressure. The steps in this process are set forth by table 2, in which Column i gives the several pressures embraced by the experiments. Column 2 gives the steam consumption per indicated horsepower hour for each of these several pressures as taken from the curve A B, fig. 59. Column 3 gives the number of thermal units in each pound of steam at the several pressures, assuming the feed-water in all cases to have had a tempera- ture of 60 F. The values of this column show at a glance the rate of change in the amount of heat required to supply steam at the different pressures embraced by the experiments. Column 4 gives the pounds of water from and at 212 F. per indicated horse- power hour. It equals column 2 X column 3 -^ 965 . 8. Column 5 gives the pounds of water evaporated from and at 212 F. per pound of coal and is calculated as follows : Assuming that a fair average load for the locomotive tests is 440 horsepower, and that this unit of power is delivered under all pressures, the corresponding rate of evaporation may be found by multiplying this value by those of column 4 and dividing by the area of heating surface; that is, the rate of evaporation = 440 X column 4 H- 1322. The equivalent pounds of water per pound of coal is found by HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. substituting the rates of evaporation found for H in the equation, E = 1 1 . 305 o. 221 H. Column 6 gives the pounds of coal per indicated horsepower per hour and equals column 4-=- column 5. Column 7 gives the pounds of coal saved per horsepower hour for each 20- pound increment in steam-pressure. Column 8 gives the percentage saving in coal for each 20- pound increment in steam-pressure. TABLE 2. Engine performance under different pressures. Boiler pres- sure. Steam per in- dicated horse- power per hour. Values from curve. B. t. u. given to 1 pound steam feed-water. (Temp. = 60.) Equivalent pounds of water per indicated horse-power hour. Equivalent pounds of water per pound of dry coal. Pounds of coal per indi- cated horse- power hour. Coal saving for each increment. Lbs. Per cent. 1 3 3 4. 5 6 7 8 240 24.7 1176.6 30.09 9. 10 3-31 .06 1.8 22O 25-1 1174.4 3 -52 9.06 3-37 .06 1.8 2OO 25-5 1172.0 30.94 9-3 3-43 .07 2.0 1 80 26.0 1169.5 31.48 8.99 3-50 .09 2-5 1 6O 26.6 II66.8 32.14 8.94 3-59 .18 4.8 140 27.7 1163.8 33.38 8.85 3-77 23 5-8 120 29. I 1160.5 34-97 8.73 4.00 The values of table 2, especially those of columns 2 and 6, are of more than ordinary significance. They represent logical conclusions based upon the results of all tests. Comparisons between them will show the extent to which the performance of a locomotive will be modified by changes in the steam-pressure under which it is operated. They show in the matter of steam consumption (column 2) that Increasing pressure from 160 to 180 pounds reduces the steam consump- tion 0.6 pound, or 2.3 per cent. Increasing pressure from 1 80 to 200 pounds reduces the steam consump- tion 0.5 pound, or 1.9 per cent. Increasing pressure from 200 to 220 pounds reduces the steam consump- tion 0.4 pound, or 1.6 per cent. Increasing pressure from 220 to 240 pounds reduces the steam consump- tion 0.4 pound, or 1.6 per cent. In the matter of coal consumption (column 6) they show that Increasing pressure from 160 to 180 pounds reduces the coal consump- tion 0.9 pound, or 2.5 per cent. Increasing pressure from 180 to 203 pounds reduces the coal consump- tion 0.7 pound, or 2.0 per cent. Increasing pressure from 200 to 220 pounds reduces the coal consump- tion 0.6 pound, or 1.8 per cent. Increasing pressure from 220 to 240 pounds reduces the coal consump- tion 0.6 pound, or 1.8 percent. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 41 These values are from actual tests. Those who are inclined to insist upon basing their conclusions upon observed data will perhaps find in them a satisfac- tory conclusion of the whole investigation. The results show how slight is the gain to be derived from any increment of pressure when the basis of the increments is above 160 pounds. But they do not in fact tell the whole story. In order to secure such results from a single locomotive it was neces- sary to employ a machine designed for the highest pressure experimented upon. Obviously, for the tests at lower pressure, the locomotive was need- lessly heavy for its dimensions. If for the tests under each of the lower pressures the excess weight could have been utilized in providing a boiler of greater heating-surface, the difference in performance with each increment of pressure would have been less than that to which attention has already been called. It is for this reason that the results already quoted, while significant and concise in their meaning, are nevertheless to be accepted as insufficient when regarded as a relative measure of the value of different steam-pressures. An extension of the discussion leading to a more general view of the matter will be found set forth in Chapters VI to VIII. V. MACHINE FRICTION AND PERFORMANCE AT DRAW-BAR. 23. THE CYLINDERS vs. THE DRAW-BAR AS A BASE FROM WHICH TO ESTI- MATE PERFORMANCE. In the later paragraphs of the preceding chapter results are given disclosing the performance of boiler and engine as based upon cylinder performance. This is a correct basis from which to proceed in discussing the relative advantage of different steam-pressures, for the proc- ess of the cylinders represents the last of the thermodynamic changes by which the heat of the fuel is transformed into work. The cylinders are in fact one step nearer the problem in question than the draw-bar, which for many purposes is properly regarded a better basis from which to determine the performance of a locomotive. This being the case, the purpose of the present chapter will be entirely served if attention is called to a few of the more significant facts which center in the output of power at the draw-bar, leaving the general discussion as to the relative value of different steam- pressures to be continued in the chapters which follow. 24. MACHINE FRICTION. This is the difference between work done in the engine cylinders and that which appears at the draw-bar. The facts for all tests will be found presented in the data (columns 141 to 143). The machine friction expressed in terms of mean effective pressure is best presented by figs. 65 to 70. With reference to these values it should be noted that machine friction when expressed in terms of mean effective pressure will be greater for a locomotive designed for high boiler-pressures than for another of equal power designed for lower pressure, since with the higher steam-pressure the cylin- ders are relatively smaller. 25. A GENERAL STATEMENT CONCERNING FRICTIONAL LOSSES. It is difficult to summarize the facts concerning engine friction. This is not due to defects in the experimental process underlying the data, but to the fact that the frictional resistance of the machinery of the locomotive varies greatly from day to day.* Evidence of this is accessible even to the casual observer. During any given test it is likely that an axle-box or a crank-pin may run warm, while during another test under identical conditions of power the same part will remain perfectly cool. In reviewing the data (figs. 65 to 70) it should be remembered that the tests were not run in any predetermined order. Upon the diagram two adjacent results may represent tests between the running of which an interval of many months may have elapsed. This fact, together with the statement already made concerning variations in the frictional resistance of the machinery, is sufficient to account for the apparent irregularities presented. *A general discussion of this question with data will be found in Locomotive Per- formance. 42 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 43 40 Fio. 65. Friction mean effective pressure. FIG 67. Friction mean effective pressure. 44 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 50 4-0 i:::::^:..:::.;;-':; H Hi FIG. 68. Friction mean effective pressure. FIG. 69. Friction mean effective pressure IA FIG. 70. Friction mean effective pressure. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 45 These statements make evident the difficulties to be encountered in attempt- ing to derive an expression in simple form for engine friction. That the fric- tion varies but slightly with increase in steam-pressure, the cylinder diameters remaining unchanged, is to be seen by fig. 71, giving all of the results obtained at different speeds and steam-pressures with the reverse lever in the fourth notch. Comparisons involving different positions of the reverse lever suggest 120 160 180 200 220 24O FIG. 71. Friction mean effective pressure fourth notch. 50 40 30 ao ;::::::::.- :::::::: :::::-:- :::::::: <""':::: 8 10 12 14 FIG. 72. Corrected friction, mean effective pressure applicable to all pressures. that changes in cut-off are most effective in modifying engine friction. Acting upon this suggestion, all results have been plotted in terms of cut-off. The results do not, of course, fall in line, but they take such positions as readily to suggest the form of a curve which in an approximate way may be employed to represent them. From such a curve the values set forth in fig. 72 have 46 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE- been derived. It is proposed to accept these values as an approximate measure of the frictional loss for locomotive Schenectady No. 2 under all pressures. They are probably a little low for pressures above 200 pounds, and are perhaps somewhat high for pressures below this limit. It can not be assumed that they apply to any other locomotive than that which was involved by the experiments. The machine friction as expressed in pounds pull at the draw-bar may be found for any test by multiplying the mean effective pressure for that test by the constant 88. 75. 26. STEAM PER DYNAMOMETER HORSEPOWER PER HOUR. Values covering this factor are set forth in column 144 of the data. They express the com- bined efficiency of the cylinders and machinery of the locomotive. They disclose the fact that there are few conditions of running for which the loco- motive requires more than 30 pounds of steam per dynamometer horsepower hour, and the consumption may fall below 27 pounds. While differences in performance for all pressures above 200 pounds are not great, the steam con- sumption is much greater when the pressure is as low as 120 pounds. The data show, also, that for best results the cut-off must be lengthened as the pressure is decreased. The facts as disclosed by the data are as follows: For 240 pounds pressure the best cut-off is approximately the second notch, 14 per cent. For 220 pounds pressure the best cut-off is approximately the fourth notch, 19 per cent. For 1 80 pounds pressure the best cut-off is approximately the eighth notch, 33 per cent. For 1 20 pounds pressure the best cut-off is approximately the twelfth or fourteenth notch, 47 per cent or 56 per cent. It should be noted, however, that this summarized statement but imper- fectly represents the full exhibit of data which, in this as in similar cases, will generally prove the most satisfactory source of information. 27. COAL PER DYNAMOMETER HORSEPOWER PER HOUR. This factor (column 145) represents the combined performance of the boiler, the cylin- ders, and the machinery of a locomotive. It connects the energy developed in the boiler by the combustion of fuel with that which is developed at the draw-bar. In all cases where data are given the fuel consumed was of the same quality; hence all results are comparable. The data sheets are blank for all tests at 180 pounds pressure, since for these tests a different quality of fuel was used. The results may be easily reviewed by reference to figs. 73 to 77. Under a pressure of 240 pounds the range is between 3.35 and 5.01, while at a pressure of 160 pounds the range is between 3.79 and 4.78, results which are of interest from at least two points of view. First, because of the small difference in performances resulting from a relatively large change in pressure, and, second, because of the significance of the values quoted when accepted as a measure of locomotive performance. It is doubt- ful if any other type of steam-engine exhausting into the atmosphere can be HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 47 depended upon to deliver power from the periphery of its wheel in return for the expenditure of so small an amount of fuel. 28. CORRECTED RESULTS. The values representing coal and steam con- sumption, which have thus far been referred to as performance at the draw- bar, are those actually observed. A close comparison of these will some- times fail to give consistent results because of irregularities in boiler perform- ance or in the frictional resistance of the machinery growing out of causes already discussed. In table 22 values are presented from which all such discrepancies ha^ e been eliminated. They are those which would have been obtained if the evapo- rative efficiency for all tests had been that indicated by the equation, =11.305 0.221 H and the machine friction for all cases had been that shown by figure 72. Column 156 giving the corrected coal per dynamometer horsepower, and col- umn 157 the corrected steam per dynamometer horsepower, may be accepted as representing the best information derived from the entire research. 50 40 30 A 6 8 10 FIG. 73. Coal per dynamometer horsepower hour. 12 14- FIG. 74. Coal per dynamometer horsepower hour 4 8 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 12 14 FIG. 75. Coal per dynamometer horsepower hour. IHIIIIIIlii; ; : ;i;ii!!i;jj 50 40 30 20 $ ill a -4 6 8 10 iz FIG. 76. Coal per dynamometer horsepower hour. 14 a 4 6 a 10 12 FIG. 77. Coal per dynamometer horsepower hour. VI. BOILER-PRESSURE AS A FACTOR IN ECONOMICAL OPERATION. 29. The amount of steam consumed by the locomotive per unit power developed, when operated under various pressures between the limits of 1 20 pounds and 240 pounds, has already been defined (fig. 59). Basing conclu- sions on results thus disclosed, it is now proposed to determine the increase in efficiency which may be secured through the adoption of higher pressure for any given increase in the weight of the boiler and its related parts. That this may be done, it is essential to determine the relation between boilers of a given size when designed for different pressures. 30. WEIGHT OF LOCOMOTIVE AS AFFECTED BY STEAM-PRESSURE. The parts of a locomotive which are affected by changes in steam-pressure, assum- ing the power to remain constant, are the boiler and certain portions of the engine. The boiler to be adapted to a higher steam-pressure requires thicker plates, heavier riveting, and stronger staying, all tendingto augment its weight. The effect of the change upon the engine, however, is to make it lighter, for since with increased pressure, cylinders, pistons, and valves become smaller, their weight will generally diminish. Asa basis for exact values, defining their relationship, lines were laid down for a boiler of the following dimensions : * Diameter of first ring, inches 63 Number of 2-inch tubes 258 Length of tubes, feet 14 Total heating-surface, square feet 2024 Length of grate, inches 90 Width of grate, inches 60 Area of grate, feet 37-5 Boiler-pressure, pounds 190 Four designs were made, adapted to four different pressures, respectively, from which designs weights were calculated, with results shown by table 3. TABLE 3. Weight of those parts of a locomotive which are affected by changes in boilei -pressure. Boiler pres- sure. Weight of boiler. Weight of cylinders, valves, and pistons. Weight of water. Weight of all parts affected by changes in pressure. 1 2 3 4 5 Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 1 60 30679 12580 16349 59608 190 32913 12240 . 16536 61689 22O 36076 11990 I666I 64727 250 3^953 11620 16848 67421 * These and other determinations involve weights of boilers which were supplied by the courtesy of the American Locomotive Company. (See Appendix III.) 49 50 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. The weight of the cylinders, valves, and pistons which would bemused with a boiler having 2024 feet of heating-surface in making up a representative loco- motive carrying the different pressures designated is set forth in column 3. The weight of water when the boiler is filled to the second gage appears as column 4. The weight of steam is negligible. The total weight of all parts of the locomotive directly affected by the changes in pressure are given as column 5, and the values of this column have, for the purpose of interpolation, been plotted in terms of steam-pressure, with results set forth by fig. 78. 250 150 50,000 60.000 70,000 FIG. 78. Weight of boiler as affected by changes in pressure. With these data it is proposed to show the extent to which the performance of a typical locomotive using saturated steam may be improved by increasing the pressure carried within its boiler. For convenience, six different pressures having values between 120 pounds and 220 pounds will be utilized as bases from which to assume an increase of pressure. The increase of pressure from each base will be such as may be possible upon the allowance of definite incre- ments in the weight of those portions of the locomotive affected by pressure, and in like manner the improvement in performance will be expressed as a per cent of that which is normal to the base. The results of the process outlined are presented in table 4. An explanation of the columns of this table, which are not self-evident, is as follows: Column 3. Weight of those parts of a typical locomotive affected by changes in steam- pressure, including water in boiler. The values of this column, for each of the several pressures stated in column 2, are taken directly from the dia- gram of fig. 78, the basis of which has already been explained. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. Column 5. New boiler-pressure obtainable by utilizing the increase of weight in making a stronger boiler. The values in this column for each of the several weights stated in column 4 were taken from the diagram of fig. 78. Column 6. Steam per indicated horsepower per hour at the pressures given in column 2. Values for this column are taken directly from the curve of fig. 59. Column 7. Steam per indicated horsepower per hour at the new pressures given in column 5. These values, also, were taken directly from the diagram (fig. 59) . TABLE 4. Total saving when a possible increase of weight is utilized as a means o/ j| increasing boiler-pressure. ~a t! c Jrt ^ C W ,-H |ll |l-= B M-M a p|i fig ao &fl (_, o 2^ J- "^ rt fl "^ c3 > 05 *n ^ w 3 a M ' ic G I*"* SPl ls l^'r s i! <*H '3 F I 0(1) . > >> ^ to^i 0, *- "o^'a 5*^ 60 01 IH _j | .So. "o 1 ^.Q M *" 2 ^ 1 S >>0 " ^~* rt s ^ UJ &i"> >|J S 1.2 bi o |"S 9- oj n G & "CN' o, a an a a fj -4-> I**! 5 B *^ s *^ c S3 S g ai *> 3 n'S'3 O y Q B *ti ^ flj ^ S(U 2 ^ ^ C > (/i C5 o en g ^ o 2^ ^ .2 i o 9 'S^te'S 0) r- ^ *3 S 9 S O In 6 ^0^*0 S O ^ O* rt ^ *o **- 3 R O jj CS 0)^3 t> S "Si ^ ?2 .5 S 4-1 Pi & 3 *-* Qi C O fj .*^ o> -2 c 2 o M F ^ (0 w Q hH H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Per c/. Lfo. L6j L6^. L6^. LJ*. Lbs. Per c*. Per ct. Perct r 1 2O 55560 58340 150 29. i 27.1 6.87 1.67 8-54 140 57390 60260 171 27.7 26.3 5-05 1.23 6.28 r J 160 59220 62180 192 26.6 25-7 3-39 .82 4.21 5 1 1 80 61050 64100 213 26.0 25.2 3.08 75 3.83 200 62880 66020 234 25-5 24.8 2-75 .67 3-42 L 220 64710 67940 255 25-1 24-5 2-39 58 2.97 r 120 55560 61 120 181 29. i 26.0 10.65 2-59 13 24 j I4O 57390 63130 203 27.7 25-4 8.31 2 .02 10.33 1 60 59220 65140 225 26.6 25.0 6. 02 I .46 7.48 L I 80 61050 67150 247 26.0 24.6 5.38 I-3I 6 69 r I 2O 55560 63890 2U 29. i 25-3 13.06 3-17 16.23 15 { I4O 57390 66000 234 27.7 24.8 10.46 2-51 13.00 L 1 6O 59220 68100 257 26.6 24-5 7.90 I .92 9.82 20 120 55560 66670 2 4 I 29. i 24.7 15.12 3.67 18.79 Column 8. Direct saving in steam consumption, resulting from an increased weight equal to the per cent shown in column i. Values of this column are equal to 100 times those of column 6 minus those of column 7 divided by those of column 6. Column 9. Indirect saving due to reduced rates of evaporation, per cent. As- suming the locomotive to work at the same power at whatever pressure it may carry, the saving in steam resulting from the increased pressure set forth in column 8 diminishes the demand upon the boiler, and, as the efficiency of the boiler increases as the rate of evaporation is reduced, there results an indirect saving with each increase of pressure. The relation between the evaporative efficiency of the boiler and the rate of evaporation has already been defined 52 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. (fig. 1 2) . Assuming the normal rate of evaporation for the boiler under initial conditions to be 10, then a reduction of i per cent in the rate of evaporation will effect an increase in the evaporative efficiency of 0.243 per cent. The values in column 9, therefore, are those of column 8 multiplied by the con- stant 0.243. Column 10. Total saving. The total saving is the sum of columns 8 and 9. The significance of this table may best be appreciated by the following examples : By line i of the table it appears that the base is 120 pounds (column 2). The parts of the typical locomotive designed for this pressure, which are affected by changes in steam-pressure, weigh 55,560 pounds (column 3). If, now, in designing a new lot of locomotives, it becomes possible to increase this weight by 5 per cent (column i), the weight of these parts for the new locomotive may be 58,340 pounds (column 4). This weight, if put into a boiler of the same capacity, will allow the pressure to be increased from 1 20 pounds (column 2) to 150 pounds (column 5), and as a result its steam con- sumption per horsepower hour will fall from 29.1 pounds (column 6) to 27.1 pounds (column 7), or 6.87 per cent (column 8). But the saving of 6.87 per cent in steam consumption diminishes the demand which is made upon the boiler for steam, and at the lower rate of evaporation the boiler becomes i . 67 per cent (column 9) more efficient, giving a total gain as a result of the change in pressure of 8.58 per cent (column 10). In a similar manner each line of the table presents a measure of the improvement to be expected from some definite increase of pressure. A study of the analysis which has preceded will show that the values of column 10 may be accepted as fairly representing the increase in efficiency which may be secured in return for a given increase in steam-pressure, or, as is more clearly shown by table 4, in return for a given increase in the weight of those parts of the locomotive affected by increase of pressure. While the comparison is based on improved efficiency, it will, of course, be understood that , at the limit, the saving shown may be converted into a cor- responding increase of power. It would have been possible by assuming con- stant efficiency to have shown the improvement in terms of increase of power. VII. BOILER CAPACITY AS A FACTOR IN ECONOMICAL OPERATIONS. 31. In the preceding chapter there is considered the advantage to be de- rived through the utilization of any possible increase in the weight of a loco- motive, as a means by which to secure an increase of pressure. It is the pur- pose of this chapter to consider the benefit which may be derived by utilizing similar increments in weight to secure an increase in boiler capacity, the pressure remaining constant. The weights of boilers and related parts involved by such a comparison have been ascertained from considerations similar to those which controlled in the preceding case. A boiler of the dimensions already given (paragraph 30), designed for 190 pounds, was made the starting-point from which values were ascertained for boilers of different capacities designed to carry 160 pounds pressure. The characteristics of the several boilers thus designed are set forth in table 5. TABLE 5. Characteristics of four boilers designed for 160 pounds pressure and different capacities. Weight of parts of Diam- eter of boiler. Number of 2- inch tubes. Length of tubes. Length of grate. Width of grate. Area of grate. Area of heating surface. Weight of boiler. Weight of water in boiler. locomotive which are affected by changes in heating- surface. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 In. Ft. In. In. Sq. ft. Sq. ft. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 63 258 14 90 60 37-4 2O24 30,679 16,349 47,028 69 3 26 J 4 IO2 65 46. i 2538 36,321 19,344 55,665 67 338 16 I O2 65 46. i 3013 41,013 20,092 61,105 70 396 16 9 6 75 50.0 3498 42,894 21,965 64,859 The steam-pressure being constant, the dimensions and consequently the weight of the cylinders and related parts for the development of a given power remain unchanged. It is obvious, also, that since the only change in the locomotive is in the size of its boiler, the cylinder performance will be the same for locomotives having boilers of different size. The saving which will result from the employment of boilers of greater capacity will be only that which results from the diminished rate of evaporation per unit area of heating- surface. The relation of evaporative efficiency and rate of evaporation has already been defined (fig. 12), so that both factors in the problem now are 53 54 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES JN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. known, namely, the increase in weight necessary for a given increase in capac- ity and the effect of any increase in capacity in improving the evaporative efficiency. By means of relations thus established values have been deter- mined which are presented as table 6. An explanation of those columns of this table which are not self-evident, is as follows : TABI,E 6. Saving -when a possible increase of weight is utilized as a means of increasing heating-surface. Increase of Weight of parts of a Heating- surface of heating-sur- face ob- Saving in Increase of weight. Boiler- pressures selected as bases. typical locomotive (boiler, cylin- ders, valves, Allowable increase of weight. typical locomotives whose weights tainable by utilizing in- crease of weight in Increase of heating- surface. evaporative performance due to reduced pistons, and are given in making a rate. water). column 3. larger boiler. 1 3 3 4 5 G 7 8 Per ct. Lfo. Lbs. Lbs. S-- 7f-* -? IQ'3 5"-* 7 2" 1 A I*V FIG. 100. Axle and crank pins. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 6 9 FIG. 101. Eccentric B SECTION A-B FIG. 102. Eccentric strap. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. f 4 1 i i i [ i ! (I j-b*.*. 'T T ' 4n * Labora- tory symbol. Total revolu- tions. Revolu- tions per minute. equiva- lent to total revolu- Miles per hour. ture of feed Water deliv- ered to boiler. ter lost from boil- Steam sup- plied to engine. evapo- rated by boiler sup- plied to engine per of steam in dome, 1 tions. wa,- ter. er. per hour. hour. dry. 1 a 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 31 F. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. P. ct. I 20-2-240 17, 009 94-49 58.19 19.40 83-0 22, 330 525 21, 805 7,443 7,268 98.90 ia 20-2-240 15, 007 97.27 51-57 19.96 82.0 2O, OI2 7,746 98.92 2 20-4-240 ii, 727 97.72 40. 2O 2O. 10 69.6 2O, 172 308 19, 864 10, 086 9, 932 98.90 3 2O-6-24O 12, 137 97 09 41,52 19.92 60.5 23, 500 68 23,432 ii, 280 II, 247 99.16 3 a 206240^4, 499 96.66 49.60 19.84 85-3 30, 083 12,033 98.93 4 20-8-240 97.00 19 .90 5 30-2-240 17,538 146.15 59-99 29-99 86.b 19,331 406 18,925 9,665 9,462 98.91 5 a 30-2-240 24, 018 I45-56 84.74 30.81 94-o 30, 2 I I 10, 986 98.65 6 30-4-240 20, 441 146.00 69-93 30.00 61.5 26, 912 77 26, 835 n,534 II, 500 98.76 7 30-6-240 i33-8o 27.46 8 40-2-240 32, 086 194.46 109.76 39-91 80.6 28,616 586 28, 030 10, 405 10, 192 98.97 9 40-4-240 22,383 194.63 76.57 39-95 61.1 25, 959 63 25, 896 13,544 13, 511 98.74 10 40-6-240 .... 207 . oo 42.47 ii 50-2-240 14,903248.38 50.96 50.96 82.3 ii, 777 150 II, 627 ",777 ii, 627 98.93 12 50-4-240 [243.60 50.00 13 2O-2-22O !7,434 96.83 59-64 19.88 75-2 22,376 1176 21, 2OO 7,458 7, 066 98.99 '4 2O-4-22O 18,051 97-57 6i-75 20.03 76.8 28, 197 771 27,276 9, H5 8,846 98.99 15 2O-6-22O 16, 069 97-39 54-97 19.99 81.5 31, 578 1305 30, 273 11,483 1 1 , 008 99.18 16 2O-8-22O 12, 225 97.80 41.82 20.07 83-4 29,555 830 28,725 14, 186 13,78899.01 17 3O-2-22O 30, 665 146.05 104.95 29.97 66.0 30, 842 1015 29,827 8,812 8,52298.95 18 30-4-220 17,538 146.15 59-99 29.99 73-2 2i,539 98 21,441 10, 769 10, 720 99. II 19 3O-6-22O 14, 626 146. 26 50.03 30.02 71.5 22, 158 21,987 13,294 13- 192 98.89 20 3O-8-22O 152.00 31.20 21 40-2-220 39, 059 I95-29 133.62 40.08 63-4 32, H6 466 31,680 9,644 9,505 98.90 22 4O-4-22O 11,683 194.71 39-97 39-97 75-3 12, IO7 49 12,058 12, IO7 12,058 98.95 23 40-6-220 196.00 40.22 24 5O-2-22O 29, 210 243-4I 99.92 49.96 6 5 'o 20, 2l8 298 19,920 10, 109 9, 960 98.87 25 5O-4-22O 7,303 243-43 24.98 49.96 73-8 6,793 23 6,770 13,586 13,54 98.90 26 5O-6-22O 243.60 50.00 27 6O-4-22O 292 .30 60.00 28 60-6-220 292.30 60.00 29 2O-2-2OO 20, 389 97.09 69.75 19.91 80.8 23, 038 885 22, 153 6,582 6,329 99-13 30 2O-4-2OO 20, 364 96.97 69.66 19.90 80.5 28, 164 1740 26, 424 8,046 7,549 99.07 31 2O-6-2OO 17,067 97-52 58.38 20.02162 .0 28, 601 81 28, 520 9, 806 9,778 98.92 32 2O-8-2OC 14,587 97-25 49.80 19.92 82.8 31,500 392 31, 108 12, 600 12,443 99-15 33 3O-2-2OO 30, 683 146. ii 104.96 29.97 77-4 27, 069 1637 25,432 7,734 7,266 99-20 34 3O-4-2OO 27,776 146. 19 95.02 30.01)67.6 29, 965 87 29,878 9,462 9,434 98.97 35 30-6-200 21, 922 146. 14 74-99 29.99 67 .0 30, 699 234 30, 465 12, 279 12, 186 99.02 36 30-8-2OO i 49 . oo 30.58 37 4O-2-2OO 35,062 194.78 119.94 39.98 64.2 25,098 368 24, 730 8,' 366 8,' 243 99.02 38 4O-4-2OO 32, 152 194.85 109.90 39-90 80.0 30, 969 516 30, 453 ii, 261 11,073 99.17 39 4O-6-200 22, 388 194.67 76.59 39-96 83-8 28,681 341 28, 340 14, 964 14, 786 99.08 40 40-8-200 196.00 40. 22 4 1 5O-22OO 24, 338 243-38 83 . 26 49-95 71.9 14, 288 170 14, 118 8,572 8,471 99.02 42 5O-42OO 29, 262 243-85 IOO. IO 50.05 81.5 24, 881 936 23, 945 12, 440 11,972 99.08 43 50-6-200 243 . 60 50.00 44 6O-4-2OO 292.30 60.00 45 6o62OO 292.30 .... 60.00 46 20-2-180 23- 458 97-74 80.25 20.06 54-o 22, 2O2 I O2 22, IOO 5, 550 5,525 98.87 47 20-4-180 23,482 97.84 80.86 20.08 53-2 28,318 IOO 28, 218 7,079 7,054 99.90 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 93 TABLE 8. Speed, water, and steam Continued. Designation of tests. Speed. Water and steam. Miles Tem- Wa- Water Steam Qual- ^i V ,n 6 Labora- tory symbol. Total revolu- tions. Revolu- lutions per minute. eauiva- lent to total revolu- Miles per hour. p3ra- ture of feed wa- Water deliv- ered to boiler. ter lost from boil- Steam sup- plied to engine. evapo- rated by boiler per sup- plied to engine per ity of steam in dome, P tions. ter. er. hour. hour. dry. 1 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 F Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. P. cl. 48 2O-6-l8o 20,515 97.69 70.18 20.05 60. 1 29, 834 87 29. 747 8, 524 8,499 99-19 49 20-8-180 15. <37 97-66 51-78 2O.O2 60.7 27, 666 65 27, 601 10, 709 10, 668 99-11 SO 2OIOl8o 98.00 2O. 1 1 \j 51 30-2-180 35.223 146.76 120.50 30.12 51-3 25, I3i IOI 25, 030 6, 282 6, 257 99.00 52 30-4-180 3i.9 82 145-37 109.35 29.82 63-9 29. 754 91 29, 663 8, 115 8, 090 98.94 53 30-6-180 2 1 , 9OO 146 .00 74-94 29.97 60.7 24. 273 59 24,214 9, "09 9,685 99-03 54 30-8-180 14, 676 146.76 50.20 30.12 59-i 22, 762 350 22, 412 13, 657 13,447 99.06 55 30-10-180 i 49 . oo 30.58 56 40-2-180 42, 884 194.92 146.71 40.02 54-4 24, 696 93 24, 603 6,' 736 6, 711 99.02 57 40-4-180 42,927 195.12 146.85 40.58 53-0 34. 192 93 34,098 9.326 9,30i 98.95 58 40-6-180 20, 333 193-64 69-56 39-75 55-0 21, 996 294 2 1 , 7O2 12,563 12, 4OI 98.96 59 40-8-180 16, 722 196.72 57-20 40.39 60.0 22,357 27 22, 330 15,788 15,771 99-io 60 40-10-180 196.00 40. 22 61 50-2-180 29, 224 243-55 99-97 49-99 54-o 14.316 50 14, 266 7, 158 7, 133 99.17 62 50-4-180 27,919 242.77 95-51 49-85 50.6 19, 270 50 19, 22O 10,057 10, 032 99-5 63 50-6-180 14, 824 247.06 50.71 50.71 59-3 i3. 79 1 25 13. 766 i3,79i 13,766 99.04 64 50-8-180 243 60 50.00 6s 604180 2Q2 . 3O 60.00 ^\J 66 60-6- I 80 292.30 60.00 67 20-4-160 20, 442 97-34 69-93 19.98 73-3 21,643 105 21,538 6, 183 6, 153 99-32 68 20-6-l6o 20, 474 97-49 70.04 20. 01 72.6 27,416 1 08 27, 308 7,833 7, 802 99-33 69 2O-8-l6o 18, 018 97-39 6 1 .64 19.99 62.3 29,312 69 29, 243 9,517 9,494 99.07 7O 2OIOl6o 98 oo 20. 1 1 / 7i 30-4-160 30,651 145-96 104.85 29-95 71-3 25, 693 103 25, 590 7,340 7,3" 99-23 72 30-6-160 30, 683 146. II 104.96 29.99 72-7 34. 077 107 33.970 9,736 9,705 99-29 73 30-8-160 21,231 146.42 72.60 30.02 56-7 28, 922 59 28, 863 11,968 1 1 , 947 99-13 74. 3010160 146 20 ^o oo / T" 75 30-12-160 150.00 30.78 76 404160 41, 006 195-27 140.28 40.08 75-9 30, 692 1533 29. 429 8,846 8,408 99-30 77 40-6-160 33.096 194.68 113.22 39-96 76.8 32,615 1037 3L578 ii, 5 J i ii, 145 99.40 78 40-8-160 21,544 195.85 73-70 40.20 60.0 26, 405 4i 26, 364 14. 403 14, 380 99.00 79 40-10-160 192.00 39-40 80 50-4-160 18, 271 243.61 62.50 50.00 73-5 i i , 460 "38 1 1 , 42 I 9, 168 9,137 99-31 81 50-6-160 29, 263 243-86 IOO. II 50.05 69.0 25. 665 800 2 4 , 865 12,832 12,432 99.27 82 50-8-160 242.60 50.00 .... 83 60-4-160 292.30 60.00 .... .... 84 60-6-160 292.30 60.00 85 20-4-120 20, 439 97-33 69.92 19.98 72.7 15.299 70 15,229 4.371 4,351 99-34 86 2O-8-I2O 20, 387 97.08 69-74 19.92 71.4 25, 200 70 25, 130 7, 200 7, 180 99-43 87 20-1 2-1 2O 19, 408 97.04 66.39 19.91 70.934,439 66 34. 373 10,331 10,312 99-32 88 30-4-1 20 30, 692 146-15 104.99 29.99 74-3 1 8, 405 70 i8,335 5.258 5,238 99-44 89 30-8-120 30, 755 146.45 105-85 30.05 72.0 31.354 70 31,284 8,959 8,939 99.28 90 3O-I4-I2O 17.497 i45-8i 59-86 29.93 70.6 31,208 40 31, 168 15.604 15,584 99-37 9i 4O-4-I2O 40, 957 195-03 140. 10 40.03 74-3 I9.5i6 70 19, 446 5.576 5,556 99-45 92 4O-8-I2O 37, 052 195.01 126.75 40.02 71-5 33,955 70 33, 885 10, 722 10, 702 99.28 93 4O-I2-I2O 23, 446 I95-38 80.20 40. 10 70.5 31,700 40 31,660 15,850 15,830 99-43 94 50-4-1 20 29, 246 243-7I 100.05 50.02 74-5 11,955 40 ", 9*5 5,977 5,957 99-47 95 50-8-120 29,214 243-45 99-94 49-97 73-2 24, 088 40 24, 048 12, 044 12, O24 99.27 96 5O-I I-I2O 9.844 246. 10 33.67 50-51 73-4 10,779 13 10, 766 16, 168 16, 149 99-39 97 6O-8-I2O 292.30 60.00 94 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 9. Coal. Designation of tests. Coal. Number. Laboratory symbol. Kind of coal. Dry coal fired. Dry ash. Dry coal min- us dry ash. Com- bus- tible by anal- ysis. Dry coal fired per hour. Dry coal per sq. ft. of grate sur- face per hour. Dry coal per sq.ft heat- ing- sur- face per hour. Coal per mile run. _c fl 3" c *2 o 31 Sparks from stack per hour. 1 2 2 2 23 24 V6 26 27 28 29 30 32 I ia 2 3 3 4 5 5a 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 20-2-240 20-2-240 204240 20-6-240 20-6-240 20-8-240 30-2-240 30-2-240 30-4-240 30-6-240 40-2-240 40-4-240 40-6-240 50-2-240 50-4-240 Youfhiogheny .... Lbs. 2818 2524 2597 Lbs. 260 247 T73 Lbs. 2558 2277 2424 Lbs. 2562 2271 2410 Lbs. 939 977 1298 Lbs. 55-2 57-4 76.2 L6*. O./I 0.74 0.98 Lbs. 48.4 64.6 64.4 Lbs. 70 85 87 Lbs. 35-0 40.9 50.9 do . . .do Big Four "I" Youghio r heny .... 4*34 337 3797 3684 1654 97-3 I .25 83-3 167 78.0 Youghiogheny .... 2448 4391 202 380 2246 4010 2252 3969 1224 1596 72.0 93-9 0.92 I . 2O 40.8 50.6 202 208 23-8 54-6 do Bi^ Four "H" . . . . .... Youghio r heny . . 3866 435 3431 3566 1405 82.6 I .06 35-2 IO7 37-2 Big Four "H" . . . . Youghioghenv H59 67 1392 1339 H59 85-8 I . 10 28.6 .. 81 41.1 13 H 15 16 i? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2O 2 22O 2O-4-22O 2O-6 22O 2O-8-22O 3O-222O 3O-4-22O 3O-6-22O 3O-8-22O 4O-2-22O 4O-4-22O 4O-622O 5O-2-22O 5O-4-22O 5O-6-220 60-4-2 2O 6O-6-22O Youghiogheny 2502 3357 4306 4274 3832 2940 3116 203 35i 349 244 281 177 195 2299 3006 3957 4030 355i 2763 2921 2300 3110 3934 3926 355 2 2690 2851 834 1088 1565 2077 1094 1470 1869 49-o 64.0 92 .0 122 .2 64-3 86. 5 109.9 0.63 0.82 1.18 i-57 0.83 i . ii i-43 41.9 54-6 78-3 103-5 35-8 49- 62 .2 56 85 121 198 92 IOO 116 18.7 54-4 117.1 24-5 52-3 126.7 do do . do do do do Youghiogheny 4052 1604 304 95 3748 1509 3755 H59 1215 1604 71-5 94-3 0.92 I . 21 30-3 40. I 135 63 43-5 56.0 do Youghiogheny. . . . 2614 1005 213 43 2401 962 2403 919 1307 2OIO 76.9 118.2 0.98 1-52 26.1 4O. 2 98 57 80.8 121 . I do 29 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 4S 2O-2-2OO 2O-4-2OO 2O-6-2OO 2O-8-2OO 3O-2-2OO 3O-4-2OO 30-6-2OO 3O-8-2OO 4O-2-2OO 40-4-200 4O-6-2OO 40-8-200 5O-2-2OO 50-4-200 50-6-200 6O-4-2OO 6O-6-2OO Youghiogheny .... do 2712 3534 177 345 2535 3189 2499 3255 774 1010 45-5 59-4 0.58 0.76 38.8 50-7 53 81 II .2 31-4 Big Four "I" Youghiogheny 4157 3274 268 275 3889 2999 3866 3032 1663 935 97-8 55-o 1-25 0.70 83-4 31.2 158 65 60.8 14-3 do Big Four "I" ... . Youghiogheny 4164 3" 3853 3816 1665 98.0 1-25 55-5 150 63-7 Youghiogheny 3091 4055 4029 225 213 278 2866 3842 375i 2827 3733 3735 1030 H74 2102 60.6 86.7 123-6 0-79 i . ii 1-59 25-7 36-8 52.6 85 105 135 24-5 7 2.6 I23.I do do Youghiogheny do 1772 3153 164 239 1608 2914 1635 2906 1063 1576 62.5 92.7 0.80 i . ii 21 .O 3*-S 68 121 28.2 72-7 46 47 2O-2-I8O 20-4-180 Big Four "F" do HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 9. Coal Continued. 95 Designation of tests. Coal. H Number. Laboratory symbol. Kind of coal. Dry coal fired. Dry ash. 24 Dry coal min- us dry ash. Com- bus- tible by anal- ysis. Dry coal rired per bour. Dry coal per sq. ft. of grate sur- face per hour. Dry coal per sq. ft. heat- ing sur- face per hour. Coal per mile run. _c IN a 128.3 12-5.8 133-7 126.3 47 20-4-180 I7L5 168.5 167.7 171.2 169.7 117.6 125.4 123.7 !3-3 124.5 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 15. Pressures from indicator-cards Continued. 107 Designation of tests. Indicator results Pressure above atmosphere. Initial. At cut-off. u I n Laboratory Right side. Left side. Right side. Left side. | symbol. . . 1 H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. Average 1 2 76 77 78 19 80 81 82 83 84 85 4 8 2O-6-I8O 169. I 164.5 167.3 170.8 167.9 121. 8 129.9 H9-5 132.8 125-9 49 20-8-l8o I73- 166.0 166.9 173.2 169.7 126. 2 130.8 126.7 134-5 129.5 5 2O-IO-I8O I73- 170.0 167.0 178.0 172.0 I29.O 147.0 137-0 I5I.O 141 .O 51 30-2-180 175-5 170.9 178.0 174.6 174-7 "5-9 124.4 117.2 121 .O 119.6 52 30-4-180 172.4 168.8 178.3 157-2 169.2 111.5 120.8 "5-7 109.4 114.4 53 30-6-180 162.8 157-4 164.8 154-7 159-9 104.3 109.7 108.8 IOO.O 105.7 54 30-8-180 172.2 166.1 168.5 167.9 168.8 "3-3 123.8 "5-3 125.5 "9-5 55 30-10-180 174.0 169.0 170.0 177.0 172.5 118.0 132.0 122.0 140.0 128.0 56 4O-2-l8o 188.5 175-3 184.2 179-0 181.7 101 .6 in .6 IOO-4 1 06.0 104.9 57 40-4-180 169.9 167.7 176.2 173.6 171.8 101 .4 106. i IOI .4 IO2. 2 102.7 58 40-6-180 174.2 168.8 173-4 173-3 172.4 107.6 "4-3 107.3 "3-3 no. 6 59 40-8-180 165.5 164.3 164.0 164.8 164.6 103.4 107 .0 IO2. I 108.7 105.3 60 4O-IO-I8O 167 .O 164.0 163.0 173.0 166.7 1 16.0 112 .O 112 .O 127.0 116.7 61 5O-2-l8o 193.6 187.2 I9I-3 188.4 190. I 90.8 103.7 95-i 97-6 96.7 62 50-4-180 185.4 177-4 185-5 180.8 182.3 90.0 99-5 89.0 98.0 94.1 63 50-6-l8o 176.0 172.6 175-5 176. I 175-0 88.3 93-6 86.5 94-6 90.8 64 50-8-180 162.0 164.0 159-0 166.0 162.7 95-o IO2.O 97.0 105.0 99-7 65 60-4-180 177-0 168.0 167.0 163.0 168.7 69.0 57-0 64.0 77-0 66.7 66 6o-6-l8o!I72 .O 162 .0 161 .0 158.0 163.2 72 o 74.0 77-o 83.0 76.5 6? 204160 153-8 150.6 145-8 149.8 150.0 108.9 121.5 107.7 118.3 114.1 68 2O-6-I6O 155 2 154-9 147.8 150.9 152.2 in .6 128.2 113.0 123-4 119. i 69 2O-8-I6O H4-3 147.6 147.8 I5I-4 I 47 .8 110.4 in. 8 no. 8 118.3 112. 8 70 20-IO-l6o 154.0 151.0 150.0 158.4 !53-3 125.0 132.0 129.0 136.0 130.5 7i 30-4-160 159.0 150.7 I5I-5 147.2 152 i 107.9 112 . 2 102.3 106.8 107.3 72 30-6-160 155-2 146.7 148.8 147.6 149.6 102.5 IIO-9 97-7 108.0 104.8 73 30-8-l6o 158.3 152.6 152.9 153-9 J54-4 101 .7 IO7.O 103.6 107.0 104.8 74 30-IO-l6o 159.0 154.0 154.0 160.0 156.7 IOI .O 105.0 104.0 107.0 104.2 75 3O-I2-l6o 152.0 154-0 150.0 158.0 153-5 I2O.O I26.O 114.0 121 .O I2O. 2 76 40-4-160 155-6 156.4 149.9 154-4 I54-I 90-5 96.7 85-2 99-4 90.3 77 40-6-160 151-3 153-3 148.7 I53-I I5I-7 92.6 IO2.6 86.2 IOO.O 95-3 78 40-8-160 151.1 151-8 150.8 152.0 I 5i-4 89.2 93-7 9i-3 95-4 92.4 79 4O-IO-I6O 148.0 149.0 144.0 152.0 148.2 102. 113.0 107.0 113.0 108.7 80 50-4-160 165.0 163-9 160.7 160.0 162.4 82. 7 100.4 77-0 9i-3 87.8 81 50-6-l6o 150.0 152.0 145-3 149.7 149.2 7 6.1 90.9 73-3 9i-3 82.9 82 5O-8-I6O 145.0 147.0 140.0 146.0 144-5 89.0 83.0 83.0 95-0 87.5 83 60-4-160 160.0 150.0 151.0 152.0 153-2 61 .0 61 .0 57-0 66.0 61.2 84 6o-6-l6o 160.0 146.0 144.0 144-0 148.5 74-0 68.0 71.0 76.0 72.2 85 20-4-120 115.0 112.5 109.4 112. 2 112.7 79-7 85-4 78.5 84.2 81.9 86 2O-8-I2O "4-3 111.3 108.5 III .O III . 2 81.0 86.8 81.0 87.7 84.1 87 2O 1 2-1 2O 109.9 111.4 109. i III. 5 II0.5 89.8 93-9 89.2 98.5 92.9 88 30-4-120 "9-3 112. 6 113.6 112. I II4.4 73-9 80.4 72.4 77-7 76.1 89 30-8-120 115.0 in. 7 111.3 IO9.6 III-9 71.4 79-2 72-3 80.6 75-9 90 3O-I4-I2O 104.0 108.2 IO2 .9 103.2 104.5 84-3 87.5 84-3 90.2 86.5 9i 40-4-120 "8.5 118.2 II7.8 IlS.O 118.2 66.6 74-2 65-6 74-3 70.2 92 40-8-120 in .9 112. 6 107.4 106.3 109.5 64.8 70.0 63-6 73-0 67.8 93 40-12-120 105.8 "3-4 IO7. I 104. I 107.6 71.6 82.1 69-5 81.2 76.1 94 50-4-120 H5-6 125-9 121 . I 122-5 121.3 58.0 68.5 55-3 65.0 61.6 95 5O-8-I2O 116.9 113.0 109.2 109.8 112 .2 64-3 66.9 58.6 68.4 64-5 96 5O-II-I2O 103.5 97-7 95-0 99-5 98.9 62.7 67-7 63.2 69-5 65-8 97 60-8-120 115.0 106.0 106.0 104.0 107.7 68.0 62.0 62.0 72.0 66.0 io8 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 1 6. Pressures from indicator-cards. Designation of Indicator results Pressure above atmosphere. tests. At release. At compression. jj Laboratory Right side. Left side. Right side. Left side. symbol. . . H.E. C. E. H.E. C. E. Average H.E. C. E. H.E. C.E. Average 1 2 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 I T/T. 20-2-240 2O~ 2 24-O 52-5 56.8 46. I 50.4 51-4 I 7 .8 iS.o 18.5 19.6 18.5 J. I* 2 20-4-240 57-3 59-6 58.0 56.7 57-9 19.7 21.6 18.6 18.2 19.5 3 20-6-240 75-0 73-7 68.1 76.1 72.6 9 .2 10. I 9.6 10.7 9-9 in 20 6 240 6 U 4 20-8-240 82.5 82.5 81.0 87.0 83.2 7-5 12.0 7-5 10.5 9.4 5 30-2-240 T.Q 2 240 44.8 51-6 44-5 53-0 48.4 16.9 19-3 18.8 27.1 20.5 6 30-4-240 53-0 55-5 54- 53-6 54- 12.4 13-6 13.0 14.4 15.8 7 30-6-240 65-3 65-0 61.3 60.7 63-1 10.3 ii .3 IO.O 11.7 10.8 8 40-2-240 41.2 46.4 40.9 40.4 42.2 26.0 27.8 22.8 27-3 25-9 9 40-4-240 47-7 53-o 50-7 50.0 50.3 13-9 14.8 I2. 4 14.8 13-5 10 40-6-240 57-0 54-o 50.0 53-0 53-5 16.0 18.0 13.0 16.0 15-7 ii 50-2-240 33-3 45-3 35-0 36-6 37-5 21.3 27-3 22.5 20.5 22.9 12 50-4-240 40.0 40.0 43-o 40.0 40-7 22 .O 21 .O 18.0 20. o 2O. 2 13 2O-2-22O 44-3 47-3 4 2 -3 44-9 44-7 27.4 31-6 29.6 33-3 30.4 14 20-4-220 49-3 47-6 55-4 51-6 36.0 37-5 28.5 37-3 34-8 15 2O-6-22O 61 .4 66^5 56-9 70.0 63-7 26.9 41 .6 27-7 37-4 33-4 16 2O-8-22O 81.7 78.0 74-2 86.3 80.0 24.0 28.1 21.7 26.6 25-1 17 3O-2-22O 37-2 43-0 35-9 40.2 39-i 32-7 34-5 30-4 36-1 33-4 18 30-4-220 47-9 51 . i 46.6 50.1 48.9 26.3 34-0 25-1 28.8 28.6 19 3O-6-22O 54-7 60.5 52-9 61.5 57-4 28.0 36-7 27-4 32.1 31.0 20 30-8-220 70.0 68.0 67.0 70.0 68.7 15.0 15-0 12. O 14.0 14.0 21 4O-222O 33-7 37-0 35-7 34-2 35-i 34-2 35-7 35-2 35-2 35-i 22 40-4-220 44-6 43-3 40.0 44-6 43-i 34-8 35-6 33-5 27.6 32-9 23 4O-6-22O 55-5 52-5 51.0 53-0 53-0 15.0 16.5 13-5 15.0 15.0 2 4 5O-2-22O 26.4 33-7 29. i 31.2 30.1 30.6 36.4 32-7 35-7 33-8 25 50-4-220 39-0 43-0 38.0 42-7 40.6 31 .7 41 .0 32-3 37-o 35 5 26 50-6-220 51-0 45-0 44-0 47-0 46.7 20. o 19.0 12. O 17.0 17.0 27 60-4-220 35-o 33-0 35-0 38.0 35-2 14.0 15.0 12. 16.0 14.2 28 60-6-220 47-0 41 .0 46.0 48.0 45-5 24.0 21 .0 2O. O 22 .O 21 .7 29 2O-2-2OO 38-6 42.6 38-1 41 .0 39-9 25.2 27.0 29.4 25.2 26.8 30 20-4-200 43-2 50.4 45-0 49.1 46.9 29. i 35-7 25-3 29.0 29.8 3 1 2O-6-2OO 58.7 57-5 58-6 59-7 58.6 7-4 10.3 7-3 IO.2 8.8 32 2O-8-2OO 69.8 71.8 65.2 78.7 71.4 22.4 26.3 20.3 25-9 23-7 33 3O-2-2OO 32.0 39-5 33-4 35-3 35-0 28.4 34-3 27-5 29.9 30-0 34 3O-4-2OO 42.0 44-o 42.8 41 .6 47-6 9-4 ii .0 9-8 II .O 10.3 35 30-6-200 48-5 51-6 46.2 56.2 50.6 31.6 35-5 32.4 35-2 33-7 36 3O-8-2OO 64.0 63.0 57-0 70.0 63-5 14.0 16.0 IO.O 18.0 14-5 37 4O-2-2OO 29.4 33-5 28.8 30.6 30.6 32-3 31 .9 3i-5 34-5 32-5 38 404200 38.7 40-3 34-6 37-9 37-9 18.3 21-5 17.2 20.3 19-3 39 40-6-200 42.5 51 .2 40.6 52.9 46.8 36.8 46.8 35-9 46.2 41.4 40 40-8-20O 63.0 57-0 57-o 64.0 60.2 20. O 20. O 16.0 18.0 18.5 5O-2-2OO 26.8 30.4 26.6 27.9 27.9 26.5 29-7 31-8 32-0 30.0 42 50-4-200 30.7 37-7 34-4 34-7 34-3 34-o 33-9 32-2 37-7 34-4 43 50-6-200 45-o 43-0 40.0 48.0 44-0 14.0 15.0 IO.O 16 .0 13-7 44 60-4-200 31.0 32.0 30.0 32.0 31.2 ii .0 12. O IO.O 13.0 "5 45 6O-6-2OO 39-0 31.0 39-0 34-0 35-7 15.0 18.0 12.0 16.5 15-4 46 20-2-180 38.3 39-5 39.1 39-9 39-2 5^5 6.6 6.6 7-6 6.6 47 2O-4-I8O 43-2 43-5 43-4 44-4 43-6 7-5 7-7 7-6 7-9 7-7 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 16. Pressures from indicator-cards Continued. 109 Designation of tests. Indicator results Pressure above atmosphere. At release. At compression. 1 Laboratory tsymbol . Right side. Left side. Right side. Left side. 53 AVGr3.gc Average H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. 1 3 86 87 88 89 90 91 93 93 94 95 48 20-6-l8o 50.2 50.0 50.3 55-4 51-4 6.8 8-3 7-7 8.1 7-7 49 20-8-l8o 60.6 57-8 6l.I 68.0 6l.8 6-7 7-i 6.6 8.0 7-i 50 20-IO-l8o 70.0 70.0 68.0 81.0 72.2 7.0 ii .0 7-0 IO.O 8.7 5i 3O-2-I80 32.0 32.2 32.5 33-5 32.5 6.0 6-7 6-9 7-o 6.6 52 30-4-180 35-4 37-3 41 .6 38.8 38.3 7-6 9-0 8.2 9.6 8.6 53 30-6-180 40.8 40.8 45-3 40.7 41.9 7-4 6.8 8.0 9-o 7-8 54 30-8-180 54- 56.4 54-7 60.6 56.4 9-i 10. I 9-o 10.3 9-6 55 30-10-180 65.0 64.0 60.0 75-0 66.0 12. O 15.0 12.0 15-0 13-5 56 40-2-180 26.3 28.1 29.9 28.2 28.1 8.8 8-5 9.1 9-3 8.9 57 40-4-180 32.3 32.4 35-7 33-5 33-4 8.9 8.9 8-5 10. I 9- 1 58 40-6-180 42.4 46.2 43-2 46.3 44-5 9.8 "5 11.4 12.2 II . 2 59 40-8-180 49-4 47-5 49.1 53-1 49-7 16.4 17.0 15-1 I6. 7 I6. 3 60 40-10-180 60.0 60.0 59-0 68.0 61.7 16.0 19.0 16 .0 20. O 17.7 61 50-2-180 23-8 25.2 27-5 26.6 25-7 9.41 9-9 9-5 9-5 9-5 62 50-4-180 29-5 28.5 32.6 30.9 30.3 10.5 10.4 10.5 ii. 8 10.8 63 50-6-l8o 36.8 35-8 38.5 39-3 37-6 11 .0 ii .0 12. O 12.5 ii. 6 64 50-8-l8o 42 .0 44.0 42.0 50-0 44-5 14.0 18.0 13.0 17.0 15-5 65 60-4-180 26.0 22. O 24.0 27.0 24.7 8.0 7-0 7.0 IO.O 8.0 66 60-6-180 32.0 29.0 32.0 36.0 32.2 12. O 13.0 8.0 14.0 11.7 67 20-4-160 35.1 36.6 35-2 39-4 36.6 20.6 26.7 21 .0 24.0 23.1 68 2O-6-l6o 42.5 47.6 41.9 48.0 45-0 23.3 3 J -9 21-3 25.6 25-5 69 2O-8-l6o 51-8 47-7 52-4 56-7 52-1 5-0 7-0 5-5 7.6 6-3 70 2O-IO-I6O 62.0 60.0 59-0 73-0 63-5 5-0 7.0 4.0 6.0 5-5 71 30-4-160 28.7 3i-4 29.4 31-9 30.4 27.0 28.6 25-4 29-3 27.6 72 30-6-160 36.2 38.8 35-0 43-3 38.3 25.0 28.6 22.8 31-7 27.0 73 30-8-160 46.1 47-3 46.3 53-4 48.3 10.5 ii . i 9-i ii. i 10.4 74 30-10-160 54- 57-o 54-o 64.0 57-2 8.0 13.0 IO.O IO.O IO. 2 75 30-12-160 61.0 62.0 62.0 76.0 65.2 ii .0 14.0 IO.O 14.0 12.2 76 40-4-160 26.4 32.5 24-5 32.6 28.9 24-5 31.2 26.3 35-i 29. I 77 40-6-160 30.9 38.3 30-5 41.1 35-2 34-5 42.6 31.4 39-6 37-0 78 40-8-160 40.6 43-8 43-1 47-5 43-7 13-4 13-5 13.4 15-3 13-9 79 40-10-160 48.0 51-0 50.0 60.0 52.2 16.0 15-0 12. 16.0 14.7 80 50-4-160 22.7 26. 2 23-3 27.7 25.0 31.2 39-7 28.0 33-2 33-0 81 50-6-160 28.3 35-8 28.0 38.7 32.7 33-1 38-8 31.2 42.0 36.3 82 50-8-160 36.0 40.0 40.0 44.0 40.0 12.0 15-0 12. 15-0 13-5 83 60-4-160 23.0 18.0 20. o 22. O 20.7 9.0 II. IO.O 12. O 10.5 84 60-6-160 28.0 25.0 26.0 29.0 27.0 IO.O IO.O 8.0 13.0 IO.2 85 20-4-120 22.7 25-1 21.9 26.1 23-9 21 . I 26.5 21.6 26.O 23-8 86 20-8-120 34-8 35-9 35-8 41.2 36.9 14.4 19.8 15-8 22.6 18.2 87 2O-I2-I2O 49-9 51-0 50.2 60.0 52.8 15-2 18.4 13-7 16.8 16.0 88 30-41 2O 19.2 21.7 18.3 22.7 20.5 23-7 26.2 22.0 28.7 25-1 89 30-8-120 27.8 32.6 28.3 35-3 31-0 I8. 3 25.6 I6. 5 23-5 21 .0 90 3O-I4-I2O 52-1 54-2 53-2 61.8 55-3 22.8 25.0 24.1 26.3 24-5 9i 404120 16.4 20.5 17.1 20.3 18.6 24-9 37-1 25-4 34-7 30-5 92 40-8-120 25-4 28.5 25-4 32-8 28.0 26.2 29.2 21 .2 25-8 25.6 93 4O-I2-I20 39-9 50.6 40-5 50.8 45-4 27.9 36.7 26.5 33-0 31.2 94 50-4-120 13-4 21. I 13-8 18.4 16.7 27.6 34-9 24-3 30.1 29.2 95 50-8-120 29. i 26.5 24-3 32.8 28.1 30.0 26.7 27.O 28.9 28.1 96 50-11-120 133.7 34-5 32.0 40.0 35-0 31-5 32.2 34-7 33-0 32.8 97 60-8-120 21 .O 19.0 23.0 27.0 22.5 13.0 12. O 14.0 13.0 13.0 no HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 17. Pressures from indicator-cards. Designation of tests. Indicator results Pressure above atmosphere. Least back. Mean effective. b Laboratory symbol. Right side. Left side. Aver- Right side. Left side. Average. I ^ age. fe H.E. C. E. H.E. C. E. H.E. C. E. H. E. C. E. i 2 96 97 98 99 100 101 1O3 103 104 105 i 20-2--240 3-o i-7 3-2 2.4 2.6 60.75 6l .22 65-69 53-08 60. 19 \a 2O 2 2AO 55 . so 52 .07 61.81 52 .71 55-5^ 2 20-4-240 2-3 2-3 2.0 2.6 2-3 *jij *_> 84.99 o * v / 82.15 82-53 *J i \J 81 .04 O O v-JO 82.67 3 20-6-240 2 .O 3-o 2.0 3-o 2-5 101 .49 97-75 96.27 100.46 99-05 T.Q 2O624O 98.46 94.92 95-35 94- J 7 95.72 O 4 20-8-240 5-0 3-0 I .0 5-0 3-5 126.60 113.80 i 20 . 60 121 .OO 120.50 5 30-2-240 3-i 2.8 2 .O 9.6 4-9 54-33 53-10 53-45 48-29 52.29 ^a 1O 2 2AO 50.84 51 . 19 55.63 47 -53 51 .30 o u 6 ^v^ ^ ^.^.vy 30-4-240 I .0 2.2 2.6 2-3 2.O *J T^ 65.21 67.80 67-63 64.66 66.36 7 3O-6-24O 3-3 4-7 5-0 6.0 4-7 83.66 82.90 83-85 82.06 83.12 8 40-2-240 2.O 2.3 2. I 3-6 2-5 45-07 46-85 46.39 40.30 44.64 9 4O-4-24O 3-8 4.1 4.0 3-o 3-7 57.26 64.62 59-64 58.75 60.06 10 4O-6-24O 8.0 7.0 6.0 8.0 7-2 68.70 66.40 68.50 65.10 67.17 ii 50-2-240 2.O 7.8 2.5 4-3 4.1 38.92 43-20 38-48 33-79 38.59 12 50-4-240 5-0 7-o 5-0 6.0 6.0 51.70 57.60 56.30 49.20 53-70 13 2O-2-22O I .O i-3 1.4 -i-.8 i-3 55-83 53-13 53-6o 54-54 54-27 H 20-4-220 2-5 0.8 i-5 2-5 1.8 71.67 71-33 68.41 78.17 72.39 15 2O-6-22O I .0 2-3 I .0 2-3 1.6 92.32 88.00 85-35 99.16 91.23 16 20-8-220 6.8 3-8 4.1 4.0 4-7 114.15 107.62 108.82 117. 10 III .92 17 30-2-220 1-3 I .0 I .0 1.3 I . 2 44.80 44-96 45.61 45-22 45-15 18 3O-4-22O 2-5 2-5 2.5 2-5 2-5 64.50 60.99 61.89 64. 16 62.88 19 3O-6-220 3-o 3.5 a. 4 4.8 3-4 80.39 76.48 75-97 82.84 78.89 20 3O-8-22O 6.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 6.2 IOO. 12 93-20 94.04 100.40 96.94 21 4O-2-22O 1.4 i-3 i . i i . i I . 2 38.14 41.41 40.40 36.68 39.16 2 40-4-220 5-0 4.8 4.0 4-3 4-5 55-22 51-83 53-50 54-70 53-81 23 4O-6-22O 7.0 7-5 7-5 9.0 7-7 73-78 67.41 70.80 70.40 7O.6O 2 4 5O-2-22O O. I 2-5 0-9 i-9 i-3 30.96 33-i6 32.19 31-86 32.04 25 50-4-220 2-3 3-0 3-0 4-7 3-2 48.88 46.68 48-27 46.44 47-56 26 50-6-220 9.0 9.0 7.0 12. 9-2 65-55 57-93 62.23 61.68 61.85 27 60-4-220 6.0 6.0 5-o 8.0 6.2 44.00 41-33 43-65 44.00 43-24 28 60-6-220 13.0 II .0 9-0 13.0 n-5 56.40 52.36 55-95 58.09 55-70 29 2O-2-2OO i .0 1.6 i .0 1.3 I .2 48.09 46.36 47-65 47-39 47-25 3 20-4-200 i-9 2 .O i-7 i-7 1.8 58.90 59-38 62.49 63.42 61.05 3i 2O-6-2OO I .0 i-3 I .0 i-9 i-3 79.96 75-94 80.82 80.54 79-31 32 20-8-200 2 . 2 4.0 2-3 4.1 3-2 101 .98 95-05 96.66 106.73 IOO. IO 33 3O-2-2OO 2.0 1.5 i-5 1.8 1-7 36.87 37.76 39-05 37-85 37-88 34 30-4-200 I .0 1.8 1.8 2 .O 1.6 50.84 52.09 53-02 50.81 51-69 35 3O-6-2OO 1.8 2. I i . i 3-2 2.0 71.34 65.90 67.00 71-37 68.90 36 3O-8-200 7.0 8.0 5-0 9.0 7.2 89.10 83.88 85.60 92.74 87.83 37 4O-2-2OO I.I I .0 i .0 1,4 I . I 31.82 33-95 32.82 31.08 32.42 38 404200 4-5 3-i 1.9 3-9 3-3 49-25 47.98 47-27 45-19 47-42 39 4O-62OO 3-9 5-5 2-5 6.0 4-5 60.22 62.65 58.86 68.17 62.47 40 4O-8-2OO 1O.O IO.O 7.0 II .0 9-5 78.40 73-19 75-40 79.22 76.55 4i 5O-2-2OO I.O I .0 1.4 i-7 i-3 28.59 28.57 28.23 25-89 27.82 42 50-4-200 3-i 4-3 3-3 5-0 3-9 37.73 39.81 41 .61 37-55 39-18 43 5O-6-2OO 9.0 6.0 7.0 9.0 7-7 59-92 55-8o 57-13 55-34 57-05 44 6O-4-2OO 4.0 5-0 5-o 6.0 5-0 37-20 35-73 37-69 36.09 36.68 45 60-6-200 10.5 8-5 9.0 12.0 IO.O 45.12 43-47 48.54 48.95 46.52 46 20-2-180 0.8 0.5 i-3 i-5 1 .0 37-73 39.80 41.83 40-93 40.42 47 20-4-180 i-5 i-5 i-5 i-5 i-5 54.82 53-42 57-91 55-78 55-48 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 1 7. Pressures from indicator-cards Continued. Ill Designation of tests. Indicator results Pressure above atmosphere. Least back. Mean effective. jj Laboratory symbol. Right side. Left side. Aver- Right side. Left side. Average. a age. H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. l 3 96 97 98 99 1OO 101 1O2 103 1O4 105 48 2O-6-l8o 0.2 O.? 0-3 I . I 0.6 70. 12 67-37 71.15 72.84 70.65 49 20-8-180 0-5 1-5 i-7 2.0 1.4 85.94 83.18 86.40 91-57 86.77 50 2O-IO-l8o 2.0 3-0 2.O 4.0 2-7 102.74 96-75 IOO.26 "5-47 103.81 C'? 30-2-180 1O 1 T 80 1.4 o-9 I .2 i-3 I .2 31.70 33-91 A C OS 33-29 33-17 33-01 o z 53 ,51^4 i ou 30-6-180 1.6 3-o 2-9 2-7 2-5 43 2 5 53-Si 45 . 20 54-70 49.70 41 .65 53-62 44-97 55-44 54 30-8-180 2 . 2 3-8 2-5 3-9 3. I 74-95 75.64 75.76 82.81 77-29 55 30-10-180 6.0 6.0 6.0 9-0 6-7 91 .80 86.77 86.72 101.61 91.72 56 40-2-180 1 -5 0.6 1.8 i .9 1.4 21.74 31.90 28.46 27.48 27-39 57 40-4-180 i .0 i .3 2 .2 2. I 1.6 38.78 40.43 43.98 39-65 40.71 58 40-6-180 2 . 2 4.1 2.6 4-6 3-4 53-54 55-74 56.01 59-28 56.14 59 40-8-180 7 l 6.0 6.2 6-9 6-5 63-93 62.77 63.33 66. 61 64. 16 60 40-10-180 0.0 II .0 10. 12 .O 10.7 79-30 76-33 76.87 87.67 80.04 61 50-2-180 0.8 1.6 1 .9 I .5 1.4 20.37 23.59 24.51 22.13 22.65 62 50-4-180 1.8 2-4 2-9 2-9 2-5 31.40 35.52 35-81 36.69 34-85 63 50-6-180 6-3 4.6 4.8 6.8 5-6 42.81 46.51 45-93 49.16 46. ii 64 50-8-180 8.0 8.0 8.0 ii .0 8-7 57-66 54-35 58.09 63-73 58.46 65 60-4-180 4.0 3-0 4-o 6.0 4-2 29.97 28.27 31 .56 34-13 30.98 66 60-6-180 6.0 7-0 7.0 8.0 7-o 40.42 38.22 44.06 46.28 42-24 67 20-4-160 i.o I.O 1.4 i .9 1-3 47-73 43-22 45-95 48.82 46.43 68 20-6-160 I .2 2.6 1-3 i . i i .5 63.88 58.62 61.76 67-55 62.95 69 20-8-160 2. I 3-0 2-4 4.1 2-9 72.34 68.89 73-76 76.74 72.92 70 20-10-160 2.0 I .0 I .0 3-0 1-7 93-93 88.08 90.01 105.69 94-43 71 30-4-160 I .O I .0 1 .5 I .2 I .2 38.78 36-03 38.07 40.69 38-39 72 30-6-160 2.0 2 .O 2.O 2.0 2.O 54-22 50.84 52-80 58.47 54.08 73 30-8-160 1.6 2-9 I .9 3-5 2-5 63.24 64.19 64.90 69.78 65.58 74 30-10-160 3-0 5-0 3-0 4.0 3-7 78.04 77-33 77-21 85-29 79-47 75 30-12-160 6.0 5.0 6.0 9-o 6-5 90.75 85-97 86.98 97.84 90.38 76 40-4-160 I .2 2.7 i . 3 2. I 1.8 32.61 32.85 31-85 36.66 33-49 77 40-6-160 2.O 2.9 2-5 3-3 2-7 44-53 43-84 44-3 50.20 45-65 78 40-8-160 3-5 4.4 3-7 6.6 4-5 53-45 56.76 56-65 61.44 57-02 79 40-10-160 7-0 7.0 6.0 10. 7-5 69.89 67-83 69.43 79. 56 71.68 80 50-4-160 i . i 2-7 2. I 3-0 2.2 28.37 26.77 27-94 31-25 28.58 81 50-6-160 3-3 4-3 2.8 5-5 3-9 39-u 39-83 37-55 44.28 40.19 82 50-8-160 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 6-5 51-08 48.02 Si-? 2 56.80 51 .91 83 60-4-160 2 .O i .5 2 .O 3-0 2. I 24.40 22.72 25-99 28.72 25-46 84 60-6-160 5-o 4.0 4.0 6.0 4-7 34-58 34-12 36-93 40-43 36.51 85 20-4-1 20 29.20 26.72 28.75 28.80 28.36 86 20-8-120 I .0 I .2 I .2 I .2 i . i 54.62 49-40 52.46 57-87 53 59 87 2O-I2-I2O 2.0 2 .O 2.0 2. I 2.0 75-21 71-73 76.41 79-44 75-69 88 30-4-120 o-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 23.48 23-87 24-13 24.89 24.09 89 30-8-120 I.O I .2 I .0 1.6 I . 2 45-73 43-87 46-03 47-65 45-82 90 30-14-120 4.0 4-5 5-7 5-9 5-o 72-51 69.80 71.30 76.65 72.56 91 40-4-120 1 .0 1.4 i .5 i .0 I .2 18.94 19.03 I9-50 20.23 19.42 92 40-8-120 1.8 1.8 3-6 2.6 40.00 38.42 40.35 45-49 40.94 93 4O-I2-I2O 5-7 II .0 6.4 7-6 7-7 58.23 55-07 57-25 63.10 58.41 94 50-4-120 i .0 2-9 i . i 2.0 i .7 14-34 15.40 14.47 16.97 15-29 95 50-8-120 7-7 3-8 3-5 5-5 5- x 35-19 33-79 35-42 40.22 36-13 96 5O-II-I2O 7-2 7-5 7-2 8-5 7.6 45-24 43-70 45-04 5 1 I 7 46.26 97 6O-8-I2O 4.0 4.0 5-o 7-o 5-0 30-69 27-15 3I-42 35-90 31.29 112 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 1 8. Engine performance. Designation of tests. Engine performance. Number. Laboratory symbol. Indicated horsepower. Steam per I. H. P. per hour. i X b a fe s h-i b o "rt o U B. t. u. supplied. Right side. Left side. Total. To engine per min. Perl. H. P. per min. II. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. X !3 d M >. IH" O 1 9 _g >> Actual calculated from observed temperature of feed-water. Comparative, as- suming tempera- ture of feed equal to temperature of exhaust. 13 3 o < ti a IH C. o 1 3 106 ior 108 1O9 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 I la 2 3 30 4 5 So- 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 20-2-240 20-2-240 20-4-240 20-6-240 20-6-240 20-8-240 30-2-240 30-2-240 30-4-240 30-6-240 40-2-240 40-4-240 40-6-240 50-2-240 50-4-240 70.15 65.96 101 .49 I2O.4I 116.29 150.04 97-Qi 90-43 "6.33 136.78 107.09 136.17 173-74 118. 14 153-88 68. 61 60.06 95-21 112.44 108.81 130.90 92.03 88.37 117.63 I 3 I -54 107.99 147-73 163.01 127.26 166.51 77-15 74-73 100.24 116. 19 114-56 I45-4I 97.08 100.65 122.73 I39-46 112. 12 144.38 1/6.25 118.80 170.47 60.54 6 1 .90 95-58 117.78 109.60 141 .69 85-17 83-50 "3-94 132.52 94-58 138.02 162.62 101.30 i 44 66 276.45 262.65 392.52 466 . 82 449 . 26 568 . 04 37L29 362.95 470.64 540-30 421.78 566 . 30 675.62 465-50 635-52 Lbs. 26.29 Lbs. 16.16 3-4 138,921 122, 274 502-5 442-3 25-33 24.09 17. 21 18.34 3-30 191, 716 219, 097 167, 135 189, 296 488.4 469-3 425.8 405.5 1 8 id. 25.48 17 .00 3-29 1 80, 087 157.761 485-0 424.9 24-43 17-34 17 8l 223 ,l82 I9L739 474-2 407.4 24. 16 23-86 16.55 17.42 1 8 02 3-33 194. 858 262, 459 171, 200 225,387 461.9 463-4 405.9 398.0 24-97 16.95 15-75 3-07 222,095 194. 579 476.9 418.0 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2O-2-22O 2O-42 2O 2O-6-220 2O-8-22O 30-2-220 30-4220 30-6-220 3O-8-22O 4O-2-22O 4O-4-22O 4O-622O 5O-2-22O 5O-4-22O 5O-6-22O 6O-4-22O 6O-6-22O 66.06 85-45 109.82 137.70 79-95 115-18 143.48 185.96 91 01 I3I-37 176.71 92.09 145.17 195.11 157-31 201 .6.1 6l .02 82.36 101.55 124.81 77-86 105.71 132.66 168.46 95-9 1 119.67 156.63 95-63 134-66 167.47 150.16 181 .50 64.51 82.97 103.51 132.28 82.80 112.43 137.11 177.68 98.07 129.48 172.48 97-39 146.02 188.43 I5I-50 203. 29 63-74 92.07 116.56 138-23 79.71 "3-17 146.24 183.19 86.46 128.55 166.43 93.68 136.44 181.35 155-22 204-95 255-33 342.85 431-44 533-02 320.32 446.49 559-49 715-28 37I-46 509 07 672.65 378.79 562.30 732.36 614. 19 79L38 27-65 25.80 25-51 25-86 26.60 24.23 23-59 16.72 16.89 17-54 19.30 16.00 16-95 17-53 TO <;<; 3-24 3.18 3.62 3-89 3-4 1 3-29 3-34 I35.552 170,233 209, 864 262, 684 164, 475 206, 173 253.655 118,958 149,825 i85,337 229, 784 143,471 182, 123 220, 195 538-0 496.0 486.0 492.0 5I3-0 484.4 451.6 465-9 437-0 429-6 43I-I 447-9 407-9 394-1 25-58 23.68 16.43 16.21 18 14 3-27 3-15 184, I2O 23 1 . J 58 159.989 200, 828 495-6 454-0 430-7 394-5 26.29 24.08 16.42 16.71 1 8 ^Q 3-45 3-57 192, 609 259, 960 167,577 226, 494 508.0 462.3 442.4 402.8 17 8 A. 18.89 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 2O-2-2OO 2O-4-2OO 20-6-200 2O-8-2OO 30-2-20O 3O-4-2OO 3O-6-200 3O-8-2OO 4O-2-2OO 40-4-200 40-6-200 4O-8-2OO 50-2-200 5O-4-2OO 5O-6-2OO 6O-4-2OO 60-6-2OO 57-06 69-79 95-27 121. 16 65-87 90.80 127.40 162.21 75-73 117.24 148.01 187.76 85-14 112.43 178.35 132.99 161 . 17 53-3 68.29 87.81 109.63 65-43 90.30 114.22 148.21 78.30 110.87 154-64 170.06 82.46 "5-37 161.31 123-85 150.69 57-50 75-31 97-95 116.84 70.91 96.34 121 .70 158.54 79-48 114.49 142.42 183.70 85.40 126. II 173.00 136.93 176.37 55-53 74-23 94-79 125.27 66.73 89.65 125.89 166.78 73-07 106.28 160.18 187.41 76.05 110.51 162.70 127.33 172.70 223.47 287.62 375-82 472.9 268.95 367.09 489.21 635-73 306.58 448.88 605 . 25 728.93 329-05 464 . 20 675.36 521.10 .50.93 28.32 26.24 26.01 26.31 27 01 25.70 24.91 17.14 16.92 18.85 19- !3 16.86 18.36 17-59 3-47 3-5i 3-52 3.48 3-40 1 20, 669 144,015 189, 134 237.035 139,024 181,466 235. 366 105,925 126, 697 164, 083 207, 744 122, 184 157,371 207, 621 541.0 501.0 503-0 502.0 5I7-0 494-0 489.0 474-0 44-5 436.6 439-3 454-3 428.7 424.4 26.88 24.66 24-43 16.94 17.17 17-35 3-35 3-28 3-47 159.350 209, 841 281,077 124, 196 184, 708 246, 458 520.0450.1 470.0 412.6 464 . 407 . 2 25-74 25-78 16.27 16.98 i8.p8 18 A^ 3-23 3-27 162,653 228, 162 142, 28l 199,838 494-0 491.0 432-4 430-5 18.02 46 47 2O-2-I8O 20-4-180 46-73 65-53 46.13 61.98 50.82 70.42 48.28 65.86 191.97 263.59 28.78 26.76 19.08 17-49 107, 443 i37> 239 92,533 1 1 8, ooo 560.0 482 .0 520.6 447-6 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 1 8. Engine performance Continued. Designation of tests. Engine performance. Number. Laboratory symbol. Indicated horsepower. Steam per I. H. P. per hour. C O C u 01 a PH w (-(' & 1 o B. t. u. supplied. 1 Right side. Left side. Total. To engine per min. Per I. H. P. per min. H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. ^ G a! >, cq 1-. O a) u 9 >, a-a 1 -! "a "- 1 * v % . '% ^ si 2g S s a'E-.c g 3 3 X "3 a o < I d a a 1 < 1 3 106 107 108 109 110 111 113 113 114 115 116 117 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 20-6-l8o 20-8-180 2O-IO-l8o 30-2-180 30-4-180 30-6-180 30-8-180 30-10-180 40-2-180 40-4-180 40-6-180 40-8-180 40-10-180 50-2-180 50-4-180 50-6-180 50-8-180 60-4-180 60-6-180 83.71 102.55 123.02 56-97 77.02 95-78 134.40 167. 12 51.78 92.45 126.76 153-66 189.94 60. 6 1 93-19 129. 24 171 .62 107.04 144-37 78.05 96.34 1 1 2 . 40 59-08 78.06 94.68 131.64 I53-3I 73-74 93-55 128.09 146.43 *77-34 68.13 102.33 136.27 I57-H 97-99 132.48 86.40 104.88 122.13 60.84 89.80 108.33 136.12 160.60 68.95 106.79 132.81 154-88 187.28 74- 2 2 I0 7-57 141.14 I75-89 114.67 160.08 85.91 107-93 136.89 58.86 73-07 94.48 144. 10 182.73 64.66 93.38 136.42 J54-94 207 . 40 65-05 107.58 146.65 187-38 120.41 163.26 334-07 411.70 494-44 235-I5 3I7-I5 393-27 546-26 663.77 259-I3 386.18 524.08 609 . 9 i 761 .96 268.02 410.62 553-30 692.00 440.11 600. 19 Lbs. 25-44 25-9I Lbs. 18.79 19.64 20.38 164, 617 206, 793 142,775 178, 796 492.7 502.2 427-4 434-3 26.54 25-36 24.62 24.61 19.28 18.28 18.84 19-33 20.46 122, O2I 155.986 187,092 260, 293 104, 947 135,300 161,255 223, 808 517-8 490-5 475-0 476.5 445-1 426.6 410.0 409-7 25.89 24.08 23-68 25.85 19-05 18.20 18.74 19.63 21.17 I 30, 004 1 80, 963 240, 941 305, 058 112,314 155,450 206, 287 260, 566 477-6 468.0 459-7 500.1 433-4 402 5 393-5 427.2 26.61 24-43 24.87 19.63 19 .l6 18-43 IQ .22 138,777 195,685 266, 663 119, 506 167, 367 227,794 5I7-2 475-2 481.8 445-9 407.6 411.7 18. is 18.6-, 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 20-4-160 2O-6-l6o 20-8-l6o 2O-IO-I6O 30-4-160 30-6-160 30-8-160 30-IO-l6o 30-12-160 40-4-160 40-6-160 40-8-160 40-10-160 50-4-160 50-6-l6o 50-8-160 60-4-160 60-6-160 56.75 76.04 86.03 112.47 69. 16 96.79 113.14 I39-4I 166.33 77.81 105-94 127.91 163.96 84-45 116.54 152.01 87.24 123.61 49.87 67.77 79-55 102.36 62.35 88.08 i i i . 46 I34-07 152.93 76.01 IOI .22 I3I.8I !54-44 77-31 115.19 138.81 78-74 118.26 55-59 74.84 89-27 109.65 68.92 95.89 "8.13 140.31 162. 16 77-30 106.54 I37-9I 165.70 84.63 "3-82 156.58 94-44 .I34-I7 57-31 79.76 90.20 125.02 71.68 103. 10 123.32 150.50 177.14 86.40 117.96 145-24 184.38 91.88 130.32 167.00 101.32 142 .61 219-52 298.41 345-05 449 50 272. ii 383-86 465-05 564 . 29 658.56 3I7-52 431.66 543-87 668.48 338-27 475.87 614.40 36i.74 518.65 28.03 26. 14 27-52 17.61 18.72 20. I? 20.86 3-29 3.20 117, 708 149, 343 183, 020 103,052 130,537 158, 183 538-0 500.4 530.5 469.4 437-5 458.4 26.86 25.28 25.69 18.01 18.20 19-75 20. 38 3-24 3-05 140, 050 185,718 23i>593 122, 386 164, 597 195,954 514.6 483-8 498.0 449-7 428.8 421-3 22 .4.1 26.48 25-82 26.44 I7-50 18.32 19.66 21 .AS 3-39 3-45 1 60, 550 212,645 277,611 142, 246 185,991 236, 291 506.0 492.0 510.0 447-9 430.8 434-5 27.01 26. 12 17.91 18.36 2O 24 3-39 3-6i 174,730 238,441 152,879 205, 128 516.0 501.0 451-9 431-5 17 .QS 18.92 85 86 87 88 89 90 9i 92 93 94 95 96 97 20-4-120 2O-8-I2O 20-12-120 30-4-120 3O-8-I2O 3O-I4-I2O 40-4-1 2O 40-8-120 4O-I2-I2O 50-4-120 5O-8-I2O 5O-II-I2O 60-8-120 34-73 64.80 89.17 41-93 81.71 129. 19 45-13 95-32 I39-I7 42.72 104.68 136.01 109.62 30.84 56.88 82.54 41-36 76.15 120.70 44.01 88.85 127.76 44-50 97-55 127.52 94.12 34.61 63-30 92. 16 43-83 83-77 129.22 47-28 97.80 139.12 43.83 107. 18 138.01 114. 16 33-82 67.81 93-04 43-90 83.86 134.00 47.62 107.07 148.72 44.98 118.18 I5L99 126.67 134.00 252.79 356.91 171 .02 325.49 514.01 184.04 389-05 554-77 176.03 427-59 553-53 444-57 32.47 28.40 28.88 30.63 27.46 30.31 30.18 27-5I 28.52 33-84 28.12 29.17 I9-65 20.50 22-45 18.15 20.06 25-24 J 9-93 19.91 23.66 23.04 21 .60 25.85 22 22 3-99 3-52 3-64 3-52 3-32 4.28 3-52 3-4i 4.11 3-91 3-67 4.08 82, 864 136,930 195,008 99,672 170, 178 297,524 105, 712 203, 898 302, 109 113, 320 228,676 307, 342 72,597 H9>790 171, 250 87,510 148,819 256, 769 92, 609 177-335 258, 949 99, 022 197, 695 264, 117 624.5 541-7 547-6 582.9 522.8 578.8 571-3 525-6 543-9 643-7 534-8 555-2 541-7 473-8 480.0 511.6 457-1 499-5 53-i 455-7 466.7 562.5 462. i 477-0 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 1 9. Steam shown by indicator. Designation of tests. Engine performance. Pounds steam at cut-off by indicator. Pounds steam at release by indicator. 1 a Laboratory symbol. Right side. Left side. Total Right side. Left side. T4. 1 3 fc H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. H. E. C E. H. E. C. E. otal. 1 2 118 119 12O 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 I Id 20-2-240 202240 0.2538 0.2355 o. 2662 0.2091 o . 9646 0-2957 0.2756 0.2743 0.2407 1.0863 2 20-4-240 .3271 3093 3300 0.2992 I .2656 -3589 3438 .3609 3434 I . 4070 3 20-6-240 .4044 .3624 3746 0.3897 1 -53 11 .4502 .4110 .4149 4398 I-7I59 in 206240 4 20-8-240 5051 4396 .4861 0.48-51 I-9I59 .5166 .4746 5077 .5141 2.0130 5 30-2-240 1O 2 2AO .2496 .2389 .2511 0.2511 0.9907 .2617 2653 .2730 .2801 I .0801 6 O T" 30-4-240 .2864 2744 2943 o. 2692 i . 1241 .3089 .3118 .3266 .3098 I.257I 7 30-6-240 3451 .3270 3444 0-3373 I-3538 .3675 3637 3794 .3684 1.4790 8 4O-2-24O .2203 . 2204 .2248 0.1938 0.8593 .2423 .2404 .2497 .2287 o . 9609 9 4O-4-24O .2614 2751 2789 o. 2619 1-0773 .2896 3107 .3024 2948 I-I975 10 40-6-240 .3228 2984 .3117 o . 3098 i . 2427 3409 3396 .3400 3313 I-35I8 ii 50-2-240 .2115 .2150 .2117 0.1867 0.8249 2258 .2416 2341 .2124 0.9139 12 50-4-240 .2594 . 2411 .2826 o. 2411 i .0242 .2772 .2581 .2956 .2327 I .0636 13 2O-2-22O .2409 .2189 2354 o. 2179 0.9131 .2673 .2506 .2624 .2531 1-0334 14 2O4-2 2O .2881 .2785 2794 0.3033 i 1493 .3182 3083 3077 -3312 1.2654 15 20-6-2 2O .3800 .3420 -3484 0.3961 i . 4665 3957 3764 .3688 4125 1-5534 16 2O-8-220 .4893 .4096 -4675 1.4987 1.8651 5454 4549 4836 5031 1.9870 17 3O-2-220 .2111 .2051 -2175 0.2077 0.8414 2353 .2292 2345 2315 0.9305 18 3O-4-22O 3007 .2639 .2797 0.2729 i . 1172 .3027 .2796 .2971 .2919 i . 1713 19 30-6-220 -3386 .3182 3281 0-35" 1.3367 -3582 3458 3510 .3617 1.4167 20 3O-8-22O -4538 .4054 .4267 o . 4605 i . 7464 .4680 4331 4375 4625 i .8011 21 4O-2-22O . 2O2O . 2070 2074 0.1848 0.8012 .2219 .2187 2337 .2038 0.8781 22 40-4-2 2O .2612 .2506 25H o. 2501 1.0134 2838 2597 .2744 2694 1.0874 23 4O-6-220 3379 .3053 .3295 0.3214 1.2941 3538 .3298 34" 3427 I-3674 24 5O-2-22O 1915 .1886 .1909 o. 1760 0.7470 . 1906 . 2049 .2052 .1944 0-7951 25 50-4-220 .2417 .2406 2438 0.2405 0.9666 2594 2490 2594 2562 1.0231 26 5O-6-220 3205 . 2621 .3046 0.3373 i . 2245 3358 3041 3224 3175 1.2798 27 6O-4-22O 2397 .2162 2424 o. 2310 0.9293 2574 2383 2536 .2625 i .0118 28 6O-6-22O 3132 . 2760 .3078 o . 3092 i . 2062 3305 .2899 3213 3321 1.2738 29 2O-2-2OO .2136 .2022 2136 o. 1984 0.8278 . 2420 .2340 .2403 .2307 0.9470 30 2O-4-2OO 2455 .2466 .2660 0.2572 I-OI53 .2768 .2712 .2854 .2712 i . 1046 31 20-6-2OO 3512 3107 3409 0.3299 I-3327 -3634 3371 3752 .3672 i . 4429 32 2O-8-2OO 4450 3909 .4171 0.4572 i .7102 .4582 .4162 4309 .4644 1.7700 33 3O-2-2OO . 1890 I 95 2013 o . i 809 0.7617 .2092 .2090 .2182 .2037 0.8401 34 3O-4-2OO .2442 . 2279 2433 o. 2198 0-9352 .2602 . 2617 .2719 .2617 1-0555 35 30-6-200 . 3098 .2828 2975 0.3138 i . 2039 3225 .3016 .3126 3254 i .2621 36 3O-8-20O 4"5 3710 .3921 0.4282 1.6028 .4242 3929 .3915 .4486 1.6572 37 4O-2-2OO .1871 1835 1794 o . i 708 0.7208 .2016 .2004 .1997 .1929 0.7946 38 4O-4-2OO 2343 .2270 . 2290 o. 2192 0.9095 .2609 2415 .2405 2452 0.9881 39 40-6-200 .2903 .2931 2750 0.3142 i . 1726 2993 3052 .2912 3243 I . 22OO 40 4O-8-2OO .3862 3508 3679 0.3880 i 4947 3951 3739 .3716 .4067 1-5473 5O-2-2OO .1778 I 79 1773 o. 1616 0.6876 .1899 1793 .1982 .1794 0.7467 42 50-4-200 .2072 .2093 .2108 0.2038 0.8311 .2181 .2239 2369 .2146 0.8935 43 5O-6-2OO .2989 2654 .2829 0.2803 1-1275 .3108 .2772 .2918 .2978 1.1776 44 6O-4-2OO 2152 1977 .2188 o. 2070 0.8387 2311 .2149 .2319 2285 o . 9064 45 60-6-200 .2617 2338 . 24I2'O. 2709 i .0076 .2849 2335 .2892 2562 1.0638 46 2O-2-I8O .2024 .1860 .1991 0.1794 0.7669 .2328 .2180 2333 .2285 0.9126 47 2O-4-I80 .2361 .2128 2384 0.2266 0.9139 2587 .2512 .2677 -2584 1.0360 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 19 . Steam shown by indicator Continued. Designation, of tests. Engine performance. Pounds steam at cut-oil by indicator. Pounds steam at release by indicator. 1 g Laboratory symbol. Right side. Left side. Right side. Left side. T* i * H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. Total. H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. otal. 1 2 118 119 120 131 122 123 124 125 126 127 48 2O-6-I8O 0.3116 o. 2812 0-3059 0.3027 I .2OI4 0.3247 0.3065 0.3325 0-3437 I.3074 49 20-8-l8o .3805 3417 3788 .3862 1.4872 3954 .3664 3998 4234 1.5850 50 2O-IO-I8O 4724 .4211 4558 5305 1.8798 4751 4323 .4647 5360 I .9081 5i 30-2-180 .1884 . 1722 1857 1637 0.7106 .2037 . 1910 2074 .2023 o . 8044 52 30-4-180 .2205 2075 .2369 .1989 0.8638 2339 .2261 2685 .2348 0.964^ 53 30-6-180 .2588 2431 2774 .2440 T.0233 2732 .2602 .3006 .2684 I . IO2^ 54 30-8-180 3441 .3360 34H .3600 1.3815 3555 3520 3594 3748 I.44I7 55 3O-IO-I8O 434 2 3972 .4142 .4970 I . 7426 4436 .4129 .4146 4994 1.7709 56 4O-2-l8o .1676 . 1696 .1801 .1521 o . 6694 .1782 .1815 .1998 .1841 0-7435 57 40-4-180 .2115 .2OI2 2234 .1972 0.8333 .2221 .2163 2438 .2264 0.9086 58 40-6-180 .2651 2425 2732 .2696 1.0510 2747 .2794 .2892 .2976 i . 1360 59 40-8-180 .3219 .2992 2973 .3272 I . 2456 3326 .2979 .3384 3470I.3I59 60 4O-IO-I8O 4035 .3837 3959 4549 I . 6380 4035 .3960 4138 .4607 1.6743 61 5O-2-I8O . 1620 .1531 . 1712 .14720.6335 . 1690 .1694 1853 . 1766 0.7004 62 50-4-180 . IQ68 .1877 .2092 .19170.7854 . 2O66 .2000 .2269 .21590.8494 63 50-6-180 2424 2353 2455 .2486 0.9718 2552 .2444 2588 .2660 1.0244 64 50-8-180 3077 .2776 .3111 .3280 i .2244 .3110 2825 .3120 3359 1-2415 65 60-4-180 .1893 .1713 .1924 .18850.7415 .2088 .1790 .2080 .2139 0.8104 66 60-6-180 .2356 .2140 2769 .244910.97 14! .2498 .2290 2505 . 2671 0.9966 6? 20-4-160 . 2204 1975 2147 2133 0.8459 .2411 .2247 .2121 2439 0.9218 68 2O-6-l6o .2809 2549 .2756 .2880 1.0994 2975 .2885 .2971 .3067 1.1898 69 2O-8-I6O .3280 .2996 3334 3362 1.2972 35" .3170 3586 3705 1.3972 70 2O-IO-l6o 4339 .3804 4I3 1 .4746 I . 7020 4438 3997 4303 .4967 I-7705 7i 30-4-160 .1951 . 1840 . 1966 .1968 0.7725 .2129 .1987 .2214 .2149 0.8479 72 30-6-160 2519 .2328 2442 .2618 0.9907 . 2661 .2529 .2606 .2764 I . 0560 73 30-8-160 3054 .2884 3073 .3110 1.2131 3137 3072 .3237 .3480 I .2926 74 3O-IO-I6O 3736 .3600 .3710 4055 1.5101 3736 3724 3871 4139 I 5470 75 3O-I2-I6O 4598 .4IOO 4379 .5096 1.8173 4574 4314 4547 .5160 1-8595 76 40-4-160 .1872 .1836 .1741 .1890 0.7339 .1932 . 1966 .1903 2053 0.7854 77 40-6-160 .2292 2255 .2228 .2512 0.9287 2390 2357 .2401 .2628 0.9776 78 40-8-160 .2805 .2750 2856 2994 I . 1405 .2870 .2928 .3027 3186 I . 2OII 79 4O-IO-I6O .3606 3354 3557 .4023 I . 4540 3661 3520 376i .4154 I . 5096 80 50-4-160 .1695 .1662 1752 .1817 0.6926 .1827 1793 . 1912 1954 0.7498 81 50-6-160 .2169 .2169 .2084 2336 0.8758 .2260 2197 .2208 2433 o . 9098 82 5O-8-l6o .2814 2529 2763 .2927 1.1033 .2897 .2622 2852 3069 I . I44O 83 60-4-160 .1684 i54i .1684 . 1672 0.6581 .1811 .1625 1773 .1871 o . 7080 84 60-6-160 .2158 1875 .2169 2237 0.8439 .2181 .2024 .2264 2368 0.8837 85 2O-4-I2O 1630 .1471 .1607 1519 0.6227 .1816 .1650 .1813 .1792 o . 707 i 86 20-8-1 2O .2727 .2293 .2432 .2712 I .0164 .2717 .2480 .2791 .2867 t.o855 87 2O-I2-I2O .3903 .3425 3756 .4098 1.5182 .3860 3535 3846 .4164 i 5405 88 30-4-120 .1456 . 1412 . 1480 1452 0.5800 1675 1597 .1613 1367 0.6252 89 30-8-120 2343 .2146 .2283 2474 0.9246 2381 .2302 .2424 2551 0.9658 90 3O-I4-I2O .4127 3744 .4048 .4386 I . 6305 4153 3869 .4187 4435 i . 6644 91 4O-4-I2O 1379 1349 . 1402 1332 0.5462 -1523 .1481 1570 . 1601 0.6175 92 40-8-120 .2205 .2078 2158 2380 0.8821 .2225 .2163 .2259 2399 0.9045 93 4O-I2-I2O .3269 .3186 3213 3581 1.3249 .3296 33*3 3330 .3664 i 3603 94 50-4-120 1343 I33 1 , 1207 .1331 0.5213 . 1412 1552 1454 .1464 0.5882 95 50-8-120 .2272 .2042 .2112 2337 0.8763 2459 2053 .2236 2393 0.9144 96 5O-II-I2O .2818 .2509 .2756 .3086 I .1170 .2902 .2707 .2870 3146 1.1625 97 6O-8-I20 .1988 .1752 .2045 .2062 0.7847 2053 .1872 .2161 2318 o . 8404 116 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 20. Cylinder performance. Designation of tests. Engine performance. Number. Laboratory symbol. Pounds steam at compression by indicator. Weight of steam per revolution , by tank. Weight of mixture in cylinder per revolution. Per cent of mixture present as steam at cut-off. Per cent of mixture present as steam at release. Reevaporation per revolution. Reevaporation per I. H. P. per hour. Right side. Left side. Total. H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. 1 2 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 I ia 2 3 30 4 5 50 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 20-2-240 20-2-240 20-4-240 20-6-240 20-6-240 20-8-240 30-2-240 30-2-240 30-4-240 30-6-240 40-2-240 404240 40-6-240 50-2-240 50-4-240 0.0771 0.0708 0.0785 0.0719 0.2982 Lbs. I .2819 Lbs. 1.5801 61 .0 68.7 Lbs. o. 1217 Lbs. 2.4958 .0667 .0638 .0621 0597 .0666 .0596 .0629 . 0634 -2583 2465 I .6940 I . 9300 J-9523 2.1765 64.7 70.3 72.1 79.0 .1414 .1848 2 . 1122 2.3OOO 0563 .0868 057 1 .0838 .0508 .0869 .0587 . 1026 . 2229 .3601 .0972 .0894 0-9957 2 . IIIO I .0790 I-439I 68.7 75-0 .0818 .0677 0934 .0886 .0978 .0936 .1050 .0803 .0709 .0894 .0850 -0973 .0984 .0876 .0818 .0702 .0922 .0891 .0919 0995 .0941 .0818 .0698 .0875 .0905 .0846 .0929 .0920 3257 .2786 3625 3532 .3716 3844 -3/87 I .3120 1.6377 68.6 76.7 .1328 .1252 . 1016 .1212 .IO9I .0890 394 2 .4700 I.86I9 2.8105 2.4700 2.0055 2 . 8490 O.9O62 0-8735 I.I565 I . 2360 I 5097 69-5 71.4 77-7 79-3 6.7801 I . 1645 70.7 78.4 13 H 15 16 17 18 J 9 20 21 22 23 2 4 25 26 27 28 2O-2-22O 2O-4-22O 2O-6-22O 2O-8-22O 3O-2-22O 3O-4-22O 30-6-220 30-8-220 4O-2-22O 4O-4-22O 40-6-220 5O-2-22O 5O-4-22O 5O-6-22O 6O-4-22O 606220 .0758 .0714 .0651 .0646 .0861 0775 .0742 .0750 0934 .0907 .0869 -0923 .0924 0975 . 1012 "43 0745 .0700 .0679 .0568 .0808 .0772 .0784 0593 .0857 .0792 .0797 0935 .0913 .0917 .0991 . IO2I .0763 .0671 .0603 .0564 .0822 0773 .0730 .0648 .0942 .0982 - .0801 .0947 . 1040 .0858 .0917 . 1017 .0721 .0685 .0613 .0558 .0965 .0761 .0729 .0690 .0837 . 1129 -0832 .0887 .0919 .0831 0949 1033 .2987 .2770 .2546 2336 3456 .3081 .2985 .2681 3570 .3809 .3299 .3692 3796 .3581 .3869 .4214 1.3028 I.5IIO 1.8839 2 3496 0.9726 1.2225 I 5033 1.6015 1.7880 2.1385 2.5832 1.3182 10306 I. 8168 56.9 64-3 68.6 72. 2 63-8 72.9 73-8 64-5 70.8 72.8 76.9 70.6 76-5 78.2 .1203 . 1161 .0869 i-I2I9 .0891 .0541 .0800 0547 .0769 .0740 0733 .0481 .0564 0553 .0825 .0676 2.7382 -99II .1769 3419 2-7350 .0624 2549 0.6974 2.4257 I . 6990 I.28I5 I-8545 1.4663 I 1035 2.3548 1-4974 O.SlIO 1.0320 I. 1680 J -4i3i 71.7 7i-7 75-2 77-0 0.6819 0.9270 1.0511 i . 3066 71.0 74-o 75-7 78-3 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 20-2-200 2O-4-2OO 2O-6-2OO 2O-8-2OO 3O-2-2OO 30-4-200 30-6-200 3O-8-2OO 40-2-200 4O-4-2OO 4O-6-2OO 40-8-200 5O-2-2OO 50-4-200 5O-6-2OO 6O-4-2OO 60-6-200 .0748 .0692 .0592 0597 .0832 0745 .0716 .0744 .0922 .0856 .0841 .0868 .0906 0939 .0930 .0925 . 1092 .0728 .0704 0597 0594 .08lO Q7I5 .0682 .0730 .0845 .0805 .0828 .0798 0854 .0858 .08ll .0887 .0904 .0752 .0657 -0544 -0529 .0831 .0710 .0702 .0602 '.0877 .0822 0754 .0780 0939 .0893 .0800 .0916 .0949 .0685 .0636 0590 .0540 0755 .0705 .0706 0737 .0857 .0803 .0779 .0864 .0913 0853 .0881 0853 .0902 .2913 .2689 -2323 .2260 .3228 2875 .2806 .2813 -3501 .3286 .3202 33!0 .3612 3543 .3422 -3581 .3847 1.0865 1.2979 1.6730 2.1325 0.8288 1.0756 I - 3896 L3778 i . 5668 1.9073 2.3585 1.1516 1-3631 i .6702 60.0 64-7 69.8 72.7 66.1 68.7 72.1 68.7 70.5 75-5 75-2 72.9 77-5 75-5 . 1192 .0893 . IIO2 .0598 .0784 .1203 .0582 0544 .0738 .0786 .0474 .0526 .0591 .0624 .0501 .0677 .0562 3.1160 1.8065 1.7130 0-7378 2-5524 2.8700 1.0432 0.7650 2.8136 2 . 0468 0.9147 O.85OO 2 . 6440 I . 9606 I .0842 2-2773 I.49I2 0.7053 0.9471 1.2658 1-0554 1-2757 1.5860 68.3 72 .0 74.0 75-2 78.2 76.9 0.5800 0.8l83 0.9412 1.1726 73-0 70.8 79-3 76.2 46 47 2O-2-I80 20-4-180 .0721 -0634 .0659 0579 .0711 .0639 .0680 .0636 .2771 .2506 0.9472 I .2Ol6 i . 2243 1.4522 62.7 62.9 75-3 71-3 1457 .1221 4-4555 2.7116 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 20. Cylinder performance Continued. 117 Designation of tests. Engine performance. H Number. Laboratory symbol. Pounds steam at compression by indicator. Weight of steam per revolution, by tank. Weight of mixture in cylinder per revolution. Jfer centol mixture present as steam at cut-off. Per cent of mixture present as steam at release. Reevaporation per revolution. Reevaporation per I. H. P. per hour. Right side. Left side. Total. H. E. C. E. H. E. C. E. 2 128 129 ISO 131 133 133 134 135 136 137 138 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 2O-6-l8o 20-8-l8o 2O-IO-I8O 30-2-180 30-4-180 30-6-180 30-8-180 30-10-180 40-2-180 40-4-180 40-6-180 40-8-180 40-10-180 50-2-180 50-4-180 50-6-180 50-8-180 60-4-180 66-6-180 0.0598 -0538 .0466 0745 .0800 .0700 .0619 .0621 0874 .0806 .0749 .0789 -0747 .0869 .0861 .0880 .0902 .IO22 .0996 3-0552 .0482 0503 .0683 -0651 0563 .0625 .0628 .0714 .0719 .0687 .0720 .0732 .0809 .0776 0789 .0770 .0854 0915 3-0595 .0500 .0486 .0746 .0839 0649 .0586 .0602 .0844 .0794 0763 .0727 .0751 .0892 0853 .0849 .0864 .0835 .0859 3.0586 .0521 .0489 .0726 .0687 .0645 .0581 .0662 .0782 0754 .0718 .0771 .0796 .0832 .0802 .0841 .0780 .0839 .0817 3-233I . 2041 .1944 . 2900 .2997 2557 . 2411 .2513 3214 3077 .2917 .3007 .3026 3402 3293 -3359 -33i6 -3550 .3587 Lbs. I.45IO 1.8234 Lbs. 1.6841 2.0275 71.4 73-3 77-6 78.2 Lbs. 3. IO6O .0978 .0283 .0944 .1005 .0791 .O6O2 .0279 .0742 0753 .0859 .0703 .0360 .0668 .0640 .0526 .OI7O .0690 .0250 Lbs. I.860I 1.3910 0.3365 3 5300 2.7615 1.7630 0.9720 0.3758 3-3500 2.2822 1.9030 1.3611 0.5556 3 . 6400 2 .2706 I . 4090 0.3592 2.7495 0.7303 D.7I05 3.9275 I.I050 I 5480 I . 0005 I .2272 I . 3607 1.7891 71.0 70.4 75-2 77-2 80.4 78.6 81.0 80.6 0-5737 0.7940 1.0673 I -3354 0.8951 I . 1017 1-3590 1.6361 74-8 75-6 77-3 76.1 83-1 82.4 83-6 80.4 0.4880 0.6885 0.9280 0.8282 1.0177 1.2639 76 4 77-2 76.9 83.5 83-4 81.0 6? 68 69 7 'i 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 20-4-160 2O-6-l6o 20-8-l6o 2O-IO-l6o 30-4-160 30-6-160 30-8-160 30-10-160 30-12-160 40-4-160 40-6-160 40-8- i 6c 40-10-160 50-4- i 6c 50-6- i 6c 50-8-1 6c 60-4-160 60-6- i 6c -0654 .0587 .0508 0455 .0717 .0670 0635 .0638 0555 .0780 .0785 .0758 .0636 .0801 .0796 .0851 .0978 .0901 .0661 .0647 .0478 0437 .0701 .0678 0613 .0586 0544 .0806 .0772 .0705 .0717 .0845 0793 .0708 0787 .0758 0655 0561 .0492 .0431 0743 .0632 .0611 .0564 0549 -0738 -0697 .0692 0635 .0843 0753 0709 .0850 0795 .0629 .0555 .0510 0433 .0709 .0622 .0612 -0575 -0550 .0789 .0738 0755 .0663 .0861 .0778 .0628 .0762 .0788 -2599 2351 .1988 .1756 .2870 .2602 .2471 -2363 .2198 3"3 .3002 .2910 .2651 3351 .3120 .2896 3377 .3242 1.0536 L3245 i .6229 I.3I35 1-5595 1.8217 64.4 70-5 71.2 70.2 76-3 76.7 0759 .0903 . IOOO .0685 .0764 .0653 .0805 .0369 .0422 0515 .0489 .0606 .0556 0572 .0340 .0407 .0499 .0398 2.OIOO I-770I 1.6930 0.8960 3 2400 I.49I3 1.5204 0-5737 0-5767 1.9013 I.3I53 i 3094 0.9580 2.442 1-0453 0.9643 2.4181 i - 3458 0.8323 i .0071 i 3594 i . 1192 I -37 I 3 i .6065 68.9 72.7 75-6 75-7 77-0 80.0 0.7176 0-954 1 1.2237 i .0289 1-2543 I.5I47 71-3 74-0 75-3 76.4 77-9 79-3 0.6251 0.8497 0.9602 i . 1617 72.1 75-3 78.1 78.2 85 86 87 88 89 90 9i 92 93 94 95 96 97 20-4-1 2C 2O-8-I2C 2O-I2-I2C 30-4-1 2C 3O-8- 1 2C 30-1 4-1 2C 40-4-1 2( 40-8 I 2( 4O-I2-I2< 50-4-1 2< 50-8-12 5O-II-I2 60-8-12 ) . 0608 > -0491 ) . 0462 ) .0725 > -0567 > .0458 ) .0741 3 .063^ 3 .059? 3 .O8O1 3 .077/ 3 .065^ 3 .076 .0649 .0498 .0403 .0688 0559 -0452 .0772 I .0641 ; . 069* 083; i. . 069* 5 .062; i .069: .0659 .0483 .0378 .0627 0535 .0450 076; 057^ -054; .070- .0660 .060: .064^ .0638 0475 0390 .0671 0555 > -0452 0744 , .0588 .os6c ' -076; > . o68c > . 064* \. .067: 2552 1947 1633 .2711 .222^ .1813 3023 2442 ) . 24OI 3ioS > .2821 $ .1932 ! .277C 0.7450 1.232 i.77ic 0-5973 i .0720 1.781; 0-4747 0.914; i 35o; 0.407^ 0.823; i.093< i .0004 1.4267 1-9343 0.8684 i . 294; i .9626 0.777C 1.1588 5 i 5904 ^0.7182 ! I.I05; ) 1.286: 162.2 71.1 78.6 66.8 71.4 83-1 '70-5 76.1 ^3-2 72.5 179.2 86. 70.7 76.1 79.8 72.0 74-6 84.7 79-5 78.0 85-5 80.5 82.7 90.3 .0844 .0691 .0223 .0452 .0412 .0339 .0713 .0224 .0354 .0669 .0382 .0455 .0557 3-6830 i .6120 0.3637 2-3178 I . 1122 0.5771 4.5000 0.6771 0.7475 5-5500 I.3I60 I.2I37 2.1974 u8 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 21. Performance of the locomoti-ve as a -whole. Designation of tests. Locomotive performance. Number. Laboratory symbol. Draw-bar pull. Dynamom- eter horse- power. Machine friction. Steam per D. H. P. per hour. Coal per D.H.P. i? er hour. M. E. P. Per cent I. H. P. Horse- power. 1 2 139 140 141 143 143 144 145 I ia 2 3 30 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 20-2-240 20-2-240 20-4-240 20-6-240 20-6-240 20-8-240 30-2-240 30-2-240 30-4-240 40-6-240 40-2-240 40-4-240 406240 50-2-240 50-4-240 Lbs. 4690 6690 7626 4554 4897 3370 4259 2979 242.41 357-59 405 . 02 364.04 391.08 358.46 453-45 404.73 Lbs. 7.41 7*36 13.16 I .02 I I . 21 6.70 I 2. O6 6.02 12.31 8.90 13-30 J-95 16.90 15.00 19.90 13.00 34-04 Lbs. 29-99 Lbs. 3-8.7 34-93 62.08 27.77 27-77 3-63 5-oi 7-25 25-99 3-35 79-56 29-39 4.68 63-32 1 1 2 . 8O 28.42 29.80 3-92 4.81 60.77 28.73 3.61 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2O-2-22O 2O-4-22O 2O-6-22O 20-8-220 3O-2-22O 30-4-22O 3O-6-22O 3O-8-22O 4O-2-22O 40-4-220 40-6-220 50-2-22O 5O-4-22O 50-6-220 60-4-220 60-6-220 443i Engine Engine 9190 336o 4764 6239 2927 3963 2255 3617 234-73 on blockii on blocki] 49I-63 268.42 380.86 499.14 312.97 406.20 300.24 481.62 4-37 ig- ig- 8.68 7-31 9-38 8.50 6. 14 10.87 6.' 7 i 6.81 8.06 7.76 16.20 14.92 10.78 15-70 20.20 20.70 14-34 20.6O 41-39 51-90 65.63 60-35 30.16 28.04 31-75 28.14 26.43 3-55 4-23 4.08 3-86 3-74 58.49 102 .87 30-37 29.68 3-88 3-95 78.55 80.67 23.18 28.07 4-35 4.17 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 2O-2-2OO 2O-4-2OO 2O-6-2OO 20-8-200 3O-22OO 30-4-200 3O-6-2OO 3O-8-2OO 4O-2-2OO 4O-4-2OO 40-6-200 4O-8-200 5O-2-2OO 50-4-200 5O-6-2OO 6O-4-2OO 6O-6-2OO 357i 4943 6309 8375 2965 3847 538o 2257 3622 1799 3434 i 89 . 64 262.21 337-07 445 50 237-4I 307.40 430.09 240 . 46 386.13 239-49 458-02 7.18 5 37 7-95 5-86 4-43 8-37 8-33 6.97 6-59 7- '56 5-6o 15-20 8.80 10.30 5.80 ii .70 16.20 12-09 21.50 13.90 27. 20 i-43 33.83 25.41 38.75 27.40 31-54 59-69 59-12 33.38 28.79 29.01 27-93 30.66 30.69 28.33 4.08 3-85 4-38 3-73 3-94 4-39 3-87 66.12 62.75 34-27 28.68 4.28 3.82 89-56 6.40 35-73 26.14 4-44 3-45 46 47 2O-2-I8O 2O-4-I80 2814 4*95 150.47 224.50 8-74 8.22 21 .6l I 4 .83 41.49 39-09 36.71 3L4 2 4.86 4. 26 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 21. Performance of the locomotive as a whole -Continued. 119 Designation of tests. Locomotive performance. Number. Laboratory symbol. Draw-bar pull. Dynamom- eter horse- power. Machine friction. Steam per D. H. P. per hour. Coal per D.H. P. per hour. M. E. P. Per cent I. H. P. Horse- power. 1 8 139 14O 141 148 143 144 145 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 20-6-lSo 20-8-180 2O-IO-I8O 30-2-180 30-4-180 30-6-l8o 30-8-180 3O-IO-I8O 40-2-180 40-4-180 40-6-180 40-8-180 4O-IO-I8O 5O-2-I8O 50-4-180 50-6-180 50-8-180 60-4-180 6O-6-I8O Lbs. 5377 6900 2179 3283 4188 5856 1726 2890 439 5H2 1305 2249 3355 287.33 268 . 60 174.92 261.05 334.48 470.15 I8I.57 308 - 54 427.88 553-30 173.80 298.89 453-44 Lbs. 9.89 9.08 s! 4 8 8.05 8.26 10.74 8.20 8.18 10.31 5-95 7.96 9.48 8-35 13-99 10.47 25.70 17.90 14.90 13.90 29-93 20.09 18.36 9.28 35.13 27.21 i8.ii 46.74 43-10 Lbs. 29.58 28.94 Lbs. 4.17 4-36 60.83 56.95 58.79 76. II 35-77 31.00 28.95 28.60 4.24 4-45 5-00 5-33 77-56 77.61 96. 2O 56.61 36.90 30.15 28.98 28.50 4-34 3-73 4-94 5-22 94.18 111-77 99.96 40.47 33-56 30.36 4.82 4.27 4-57 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 20-4-160 20-6-160 20-8-160 2O-IO-I6O 30-4-160 30-6-160 3O-8-l6o 30-IO-l6o 30-12-160 404160 40-6-160 40-8-160 4O-IO-l6o 50-4-160 50-6-160 50-8-160 60-4-160 6o-6-l6o 3281 473i 5939 2655 3786 5130 Engine Engine 4466 1918 Engine 174.69 252 . 20 316.42 21 I .90 302 . 50 410.86 on block in on block in 478.44 255-6o on blockin 9.48 9.76 6.07 8-49 ii 45 7.61 g- g- 6.79 6.97 g- 20.42 I5-50 8.32 22. II 21.18 II .62 II .90 24.40 44-83 46.22 28.65 35-25 30.94 30.01 4.14 3-79 4-36 60. 18 81.30 54-19 34-50 32.08 29.07 4-15 3-87 64-43 30.06 4.78 82.70 35-75 4-36 85 86 87 88 89 90 9i 92 93 94 95 96 97 2O-4-I2O 2O-8-I2O 2O-I2-I2O 30-4-120 3O-8-I2O 30-14-120 40-4-120 4O-8-I2O 4O-I2-I2O 50-4-120 5O-8-I2O 5O-II-I2O 60-8-1 20 1960 2700 6i57 1277 3369 6258 1190 2697 5060 866 2804 3513 104.50 143-39 326.73 102.08 269.46 500.58 126.95 287.68 540.81 "5-44 373-45 472.90 6.25 23-15 6.40 9.71 7.89 1.89 6.04 10.60 1.49 5-26 4-55 6-74 22.O4 43-20 8-45 40.31 17.21 2.61 31.10 25.80 2.55 34-40 I 2. 60 14.56 29.50 109.41 30.18 68.94 56-03 13-43 57-io 100.24 14. 16 60.59 54-H 80.63 41.64 50.03 3I-56 5I-30 33-17 3i-i3 43-78 37-20 29.27 51.62 32.22 34-15 5-12 6. 21 3-98 5-90 4.01 4.41 5-12 4.60 4. 22 5-93 4.20 4.80 I2O HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IX LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. TABLE 22. Comparative performance of the locomotive assuming irregularities in th? results of individual tests to have been eliminated. Designation of tests. Corrected locomotive performance. Laboratory symbol. 5 Kqiiiviilent Hleuin to e nglne per hour, I'eetl-waterat60 e l' *. *s^ w v. : - "la 5 s ij **l >$~- 5 = 111 cav.- s Dry coal fired per hour corrected by equation, Dry cottl per 1 II 1' per hour. a5 fc >^z Machine friction. : i r, .- I _ u _ = - ~ ~ z_ = . ^ ~ r - 5 * *" ! - K ' & 1 \ 8 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 1 1.14 156 un I 10 I 3 3ft 4 5 & 6 7 8 9 10 : : 20-2240 20-2-240 20-4-240 20-6-240 20-6-240 20-8240 30-2-240 30-2-240 30-4-240 30-6-240 40-2240 40-4-240 40-6-240 50-2-240 50-4-240 8803 9 835 Lta. 95 1 Lks : :_ :: ^ 6.5' 30.8 8.5^ 40.2 9-3 44-0 ii . i Lbt. 245.64600 Lbs. Lbs 3.6435 86 12008 I36I4 9 298 9.029 1291 1508 3-29 3 23 30-59 29.12 IO.2 94 352-36610 422.87930 3.6634-08 3.5632.20 .... 1 "444 9.392 1218 3-28 30.82 6.51 46.1 12 4 :." : 4060 3 7435 19 I38SS S-9S3 1546 ) 28 I 29-51 8.5 60.4 12.8410.25127 3-7733-85 12320 9- 2 45 16320 8.576 13333-16 19033 36 ....!.. 29.20 6.5 61.5 14 6360.33379 28.82 8. 5 80.5 14.2485.84550 : i i 1 1 3.6934.19 1 39' 33 59 I4066J 8.953 15713 37 30.21' 6.5! 76.9 i6.5388.629ioU.0436.i9 3 : - 15 16 "7 i? 19 ! 2O : : 22 23 24 -- ; 26 27 28 2O-2 22O 20-4220 20-6-220 20-8-220 30-2-220 30-4-220 30-6-220 30-8220 4O-222O 40-4220 40-6-220 50-2-220 50-4-220 50-6-220 60-4-220 6O-622O ;;: I068l 13294 16653 10286 12976 I59I5 9.878 9 519 9-082 - =:: 9 585 9 136 8.644 864 1122 1463 1954 1073 I42O 1841 3.3833.42 3.2731.15 3-3930-Si 3.6631.24 3 3532-11 3.20 29.06 3.2928.44 6-5 8-5 93 8-4 6-5 8-5 9-3 30.8 40.2 44-0 39 8 46.1 60.4 66 o 12.0224.542103.8438.01 ii. 7 302. 6 56703-71 35-29 10. 2^387. 4|!726o3-77 34-31 i 7 5|493-292503 96; 33 76 14.4 274.21343013.91 37 5i 13-51386. i 4820 3.68:33-60 1 1. 8^493. 5^6170 U. 73 32 25 ... t i II47I 14549 9.387! 1222 8-873 1638 3-29 3-21 30-87 :- ;- 6-5 8-5 61.5 80.5 16.5310.0 15.8428.6 29103.94 402013 -82 37-00 33-94 I2OI7 16343 9-296 1292 8-573 9o6 3.41 31.72 3.3929.08 6-5 8-5 76.9 100.6 20.3301.9 17.9461.7 22604.28 34604-13 39 80 35 40 1 .... 29 30 31 : - " '- :: 36 --- ! 38 i 39 | 40 4i 44 ! 45 20-2-200 20-4200 20-6-2OO 2O-B-2OO 30-2-200 30-4-200 30-6-200 30-8-200 40-2200 40-4-200 4O-6-2OO 4O-S-2OO 50-2-200 50-4-200 50-6-200 60-4-200 60-6-200 7632 9100 1 1774 15011 8768 "354 14685 10.029 9-784 9-337 8-795 9-839 9.406 - -5 76l 3.4034.14 9303-2331.64 I26l 3-3531-33 17073.6031.74 891 3 3132 60 12073.2930.92 16593.3930.00 6-5 8-5 9-3 8.4 6-5 8-5 93 '- ~ 40.2 44-0 39 8 46.1 60.4 66.0 13 8 14.0 ii. 7 8-4 I 17 i 16.4 13-5 192.7 247 4 i33i -8 433 -i 222.8 306.7 423.2 36103.9439.61 46403.7536.78 62203.8035.48 81203.9434.66 27804.0039.35 38303.9337.02 529013.9234.70 9934 9 644 i336i 9 071 17822 8.321 1030 473 2142 3.3632.40 3.28 h 29.-6 3-541 29 54 -i - - . 86. 95 2-3 61.5 80.5 88.0 20. o 17.9 14-5 245 I 368.4 517-2 3300 3450 4850 4-22 4.OO 4.14 40-53 36-27 34 46 10206 9-599 14431 8.892 1074 1623 3-26 3-49 31-02 31.08 6-5 8-5 76.9 100.6 "23.4252.1 1-6:363.6 1890 2730 14.26 4-46 40.48 39 69 | 46 1 20-2-180 47 20-4-180 6638 8475 10.195 9.888 651 3 -4 34- 57| 6-5 85813 2532-15 8.5 i 30-8 40.2 16.0161.2 15-3223.4 3020 4190 4 .04[4i-i8 3 8437-94 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 121 TABLE 22. Comparative performance of the locomotive assuming irregularities in the results of individual tests to have been eliminated. Designation of tests. Corrected locomotive performance. Number. Laboratory symbol. = ufe eii 2 <- ~a w n O. u c wg v a > rsi " 53 u g.0fe w ^ >. a v * a G -l- _ 3 0.o a-c" 2 >* - si D 1 & O^ W M !* sg . fe c ' 12-2 O *J s b*? Q pi B M < i. 3 OJ O O.J3 ^H IH ej o OP. >> Q i* v ^ ft 5k Co Q) V Q. "pi 1* S~ Machine friction. V I* o u s Is l a 3 >> Q a h a .a o! O K Hi B S45 a "3 o _PL| ~5 ^ ! h W S & B PH' aj c o kl O PH 1 2 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 2O-6-l8o 20-8-l8o 2O-IO-l8o 30-2-180 30-4-180 30-6180 30-8-180 3O-IO-l8o 40-2-180 40-4-180 40-6-180 40-8-180 40-10-180 50-2-180 50-4-180 50-6-180 50-8-180 60-4-180 60-6-180 Lbs. IO226 12833 9-595 9-!57 Lbs. 1066 1401 L6j. Lfo. 3.I930.6I 3-403I.I7 9-3 8.4 44.0 39-8 13.2 9-7 290. J 37 r -9 Lbs. 5440 6970 Lbs. 3.67 3-77 Lbs. 35.25 34-51 7523 9722 "633 16156 10.047 9.680 9.360 8.604 749 1004 1243 1878 3.18 3.16 3-16 3-44 31-91 30.65 29.58 29-57 6-5 8-5 9-3 8.4 46. i 60.4 66.0 59-6 19-5 19.1 16.8 10.9 189.6 256-7 327-3 486.7 2370 3210 4090 6080 3-95 3-9i 3-8o 3-86 39-68 37-87 35-54 33-20 8069 III77 14907 18949 9-956 9-436 8.813 8-137 810 1184 1691 2329 3-12 3-07 3-23 3-82 3I-H 28.94 28.44 3I-07 6-5 8-5 9-3 8.4 161.5 80.5 88.0 79-5 23-7 20.8 16.8 13-0 197.6 305-7 436.1 530.4 I8 5 2870 4090 4970 4. 10 3-87 3-88 4-39 40.84 36.56 34.18 35-73 8578 12061 16567 9.871 9.288 8.535 869 1299 1941 3-24 3-i6 3-5i 32.01 29-37 29.94 6-5 8.5 9-3 76.9 100.6 no. i 28.7 24-5 19.9 191 . i 310.0 443-2 M30 2320 2320 4-55 4.19 4.38 44.88 38.90 37-40 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 20-4-160 20-6-l6o 2O-8-l6o 2O-IO-l6o 30-4-160 30-6-160 30-8-160 30-10-160 30-12-160 40-4-160 40-6-160 40-8-160 40-10-160 50-4-160 50-6-160 50-8-160 60-4-160 60-6-160 7396 9379 11392 10.068 734 9-737 963 9.400 I 21 2 3-34 3-27 3.5i 33.69 31.87 33-02 8-5 9-3 8-4 40.2 44-0 39-8 18.4 14.9 ii. 5 1/9-3 250.4 305-2 336o 4690 5720 4.09 3-85 3-97 41-25 37-44 37-33 8785 11663 M347 9.836 8 9 3 9.355 I2 4 6 8.906 1611 3.28 3-25 3-46 32 . 28 30.38 30-85 8-5 9-3 8.4 60.4 66.0 59-6 22. 2 17.2 12.8 211.7 317.9 405-4 2640 3970 50/o 4. 22 3-92 3-97 41.50 36.69 35-39 10106 13406 17246 9-6i5 9.065 8.421 1051 1478 2048 3-3i 3-43 3.76 31-83 3 T -05 31-70 8-5 9-3 8-4 80.5 88.0 79-5 25.4 2O.4 I 4 .6 237.0 343-7 464-4 2 2 2O 322O 4350 4-43 4-30 4.41 42-64 39-00 37-14 10982 14940 9.469 8.807 1160 1696 3-43 3-56 32.47 31-39 8.5 9-3 100.6 IIO. I 29.7 23.1 237-7 365-8 1773 2740 4.89 4-64 46.20 40.84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9i 92 93 94 95 96 97 20-4-120 2O-8-I2O 20-12-120 3O-4-I2O 30-8-120 30-14-120 4O-4-I2O 4O-8-I2O 4O-I 21 2O 50-4-120 50-8-120 5O-II-I2O 6O-8-I20 5215 8592 12329 6269 10683 18654 6649 12796 18942 7129 I437I *93i7 10.433 9.869 9.244 10.257 9-5I9 8.186 10.193 9. 1 66 8.138 10.113 8.902 8.075 500 871 1333 611 1122 -> T V 22/O 652 1396 2328 704 1614 2391 3-73 3-44 3-73 3-57 3-45 4-43 3-54 3-59 4. 20 4.00 3-77 4-32 38.92 33-99 34-52 36.69 32.80 36.29 36.13 32.89 34-12 40-5I 33-6i 34-90 8-5 8-4 5-c 8.5 8.4 3-0 8-5 8.4 5-0 8-5 8.4 6.0 4O. 2 39-8 23-7 60.4 59-6 21.3 80.5 79-5 47-3 100.6 99-4 71.0 30.0 15-7 6.5 35-4 18.3 4.1 43-7 20.4 8-5 57-2 23.2 12.8 93-8 213.0 333-2 no. 6 265.9 492.7 103.5 309-5 507-5 75-4 328.2 482.5 1760 3990 6250 1380 332C 6i6c 97C 2900 476c 560 2460 3620 5-33 4.09 4.00 5-52 1.22 *.62 5.30 4-51 4-58 9-34 4.91 4-95 55-59 40-34 37-oo 56.68 40. 1 8 37-86 64.24 41-34 37-32 94-55 43-79 40.04 APPENDIX III. DATA CONCERNING LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. For the purpose of securing information concerning the weight of boilers designed for different pressures and for different capacities, the assistance of the Schenectady Locomotive Works, as represented by Mr. J. E. Sague, was sought and generously given. The following from the correspondence shows the nature and extent of the information request. i. Weight of boilers for different pressures. 'Locate the general lines of a representative radial stay, moderately wide fire-box boiler having 2000 feet of heating-surface as shown by fig. 120. By general lines of the boiler is meant the outline and dimensions without any reference to thickness of plates or character of joints. Making use of this outline, the following information is desired: (a) Weight of complete boiler when designed for 160 pounds pressure. (6) Weight of complete boiler when designed for 190 pounds pressure. (c) Weight of complete boiler when designed for 220 pounds pressure. (d) Weight of complete boiler when designed for 250 pounds pressure. (e) Cubic feet of water when filled to middle gage. (/) Cubic feet of steam space when the water is at middle gage. An alternative plan. If the data on file should be sufficient, it is possible that work can be saved and the information desired obtained by plotting the weight per foot of heating- surface of certain existing boilers in order that the relation between weight of boiler and the pressure to be carried may be shown. This is the relation which it is desired chiefly to establish. FIG. 120. Proportions of boiler accepted as typical for purposes of comparison. 2. Weight of boilers for different capacities. Design four boilers for a steam-pressure of 160 pounds, all to be of the same type and to agree in general layout with the boiler covered by paragraph i, except that in this case the following information is required. (g) Weight of boiler having approximately 2000 feet of heating surface. (h) Weight of boiler having approximately 2500 feet of heating surface. (i) Weight of boiler having approximately 3000 feet of heating surface. (;') Weight of boiler having approximately 3500 feet of heating surface. (k) Cubic feet of water in eachof above boilers when filled to middle gage. (/) Cubic feet of steam space when the boiler is filled to middle gage. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. I2 3 Explanation. The information asked for under paragraphs i and 2, when taken in connection with results from the laboratory, should permit a logical development of the question as to whether it is better to build larger boilers or stronger boilers when it is desired to increase the power of a locomotive. 3. Cylinders. The diameter and weight of cylinders, including pistons and valves which could be employed in connection with a boiler having 2000 feet of heating-surface, assuming the boiler to carry each of the following pres- sures: (m) a pressure of 250 pounds; (n) a pressure of 220 pounds; (o) a pres- sure of 190 pounds; (p) a pressure of 160 pounds. Explanation. The purpose of this information is to determine the saving in weight of the machine parts resulting from the use of high steam-pressures. The response to this inquiry, as prepared by Mr. F. J. Cole, mechanical Engineer, assisted by Mr. C. D. Hilferty, covered the following particulars: The information requested is covered by the several tables accompanying, values for which were obtained as follows : For table 23 the boiler used on order 8-155 was taken as a basis and tubes were made 14 feet long. The actual weight of the boiler b was known as designed for 190 pounds pressure. The weights for the other pressures were obtained by figuring the change in weight of boiler parts as thicknesses were modified to suit the various pressures, subtracting this change of weight from boiler b for boiler a and add- ing it for boilers c and d. The volume of the water was figured from actual weight in boiler b at 190 pounds pressure with two gages and approximate corrections made for varia- tions of sheet thicknesses in boilers a, c, and d. Steam volumes were obtained by multiplying the area of segment of circle above water line in second ring by the mean length of steam space. The volume of dome was neglected as balanced by bracing, etc. Verbal request was made for the addition of the column of ratios showing weight of boiler per square foot of heating-surface and a comparison of this figure with that of a number of boilers of similar type. Satisfactory figures for the latter part of the request can not be given except as special boilers are chosen because of the large variation in the percentage of heating-surface involved in the tube area. The boilers of engines 5377 and 5508 are examples. They carry the same pressures, have same diameter first ring; 5,377 is 1 1.66 and 5,508 is 19.57. TABLE 23. Boilers for different pressures. [See fig. 120 for general design.] Weight of boiler Boiler. Pressure. Weight. Cubic feet of water. Cubic feet of steam. per square foot of heating- surface. a 1 60 30679 262 71-5 15.16 b 190 32913 265 72-5 16.26 C 22O 36076 26 7 73-2 17-85 d 250 38953 270 74-4 19.22 124 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. Table 24 is based on boiler-cards, as noted in table of miscellaneous informa- tion, and weights and volume were figured same as for Table I. Table 25 is based on weight of actual cylinders of boiler c with parts. Other weights are estimated, employing same method as used with boilers. In changing cylinder diameters, the tractive power of engine is considered as a constant, and cylinders changed to offset pressure changes. TABLE 24. Boilers for different capacities. [See fig. 120 for general design.] Extent Boiler. of heat- ing-sur- Weight. Cubic feet of water. Cubic feet of steam. Weight of boiler per square foot of face, e / heating-surface. feet. g 2OOO 30679 262 71-5 15.16 h 2500 36321 310 7 2.8 I4-3I ^ 3000 41013 322 74.2 13.61 J 3500 42894 352 82. 7 12 .26 TABLE 25. Cylinders. Weight of cylinders Cylin- Boiler. Pressure. Cylinder diameter. including valves der. and pistons. Inches. m d 250 i6i II ,620 n c 320 18 1 1 ,990 o b 190 19 12 ,240 P a 1 60 20 12 ,580 TABLE 26. Dimensions of boilers designed for different pressures. Tubes. Grates. I D. 1st Boiler. Based on card No. Ring. Inches. No. Size. Inches. Length. Feet. Length. Inches. Width. Inches. Area. Sq. ft. a 138 S 5250 63 252 2 H 90 60 37-5 b Do. 63 252 2 H 90 60 37-5 c Do. 63 252 2 14 90 60 37-5 d Do. 63 252 2 14 90 60 37-5 TABLE 27. Dimensions of boilers designed for different capacities. I. D. Tubes. Grates. Boiler. Based on card No. Order No. ring. Inches No. Size. Inches. Length. Feet. Length. Inches. Width. Inches. Area. SQ. ft. a 138 S 5250 121 63 258 2 14 go 60 37-4 b Do. 155 6 9 326 2 14 IO2 65 46. i c 599 Eng.s6i3 6? 338 2 .16 102 65 46. i d 138 S 5040 135 7o| 396 2 16 9 6 75 50.0 APPENDIX IV. AN EXHIBIT OF TYPICAL INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. This exhibit consists of cards representing eight different tests for each of the several pressures. The diagrams are designed to be accurate repro- ductions at full size of actual cards as taken. 125 126 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE- SPEED 40 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 30 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 20 MILES PER HOUR BOILER PRESSURE 240 POUNDS. REVERSE LEVER 4TH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 127 REVERSE LEVER EIGHTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER SIXTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER FOURTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER SECOND NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD BOILER PRESSURE 240 POUNDS. SPEED 30 MILES PER HOUR. 128 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. \N \ \ \ \ \ SPEED 60 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 50 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 40 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 20 MILES PER HOUR BOILER PRESSURE 220 POUNDS. REVERSE LEVER FOURTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 129 REVERSE LEVER EIGHTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER SIXTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER FOURTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER SECOND NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD BOILER PRESSURE 220 POUNDS. SPEED 30 MILES PER HOUR. 130 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. / / SPEED 60 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 50 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 40 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 20 MILES PER HOUR BOILER PRESSURE 200 POUNDS. REVERSE LEVER 4TH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. oo T-I II CH REVERSE LEVER EIGHTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER SIXTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER FOURTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER SECOND NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD BOILER PRESSURE 200 POUNDS. SPEED 30 MILES PER HOUR. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE SPEED 60 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 50 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 40 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 20 MILES PER HOUR BOILER PRESSURE 180 POUNDS. REVERSE LEVER FOURTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 133 REVERSE LEVER EIGHTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER SIXTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER FOURTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER SECOND NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD BOILER PRESSURE 180 POUNDS. SPEED 30 MILES PER HOUR. 134 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. h SPEED 60 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 50 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 40 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 20 MILES PER HOUR BOILER PRESSURE 160 POUNDS. REVERSE LEVER 4ra NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD. HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 135 REVERSE LEVER TENTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER EIGHTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER SIXTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER FOURTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD BOILER PRESSURE 160 POUNDS. SPEED 30 MILES PER HOUR. 136 HIGH STEAM- PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE SPEED 50 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 40 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 30 MILES PER HOUR SPEED 20 MILES PER HOUR BOILER PRESSURE 120 POUNDS. REVERSE LEVER 4TH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD. HIGH STEAM PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. 137 REVERSE LEVER FOURTEENTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER EIGHTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD REVERSE LEVER FOURTH NOTCH FROM CENTER FORWARD BOILER PRESSURE 120 POUNDS. SPEED 30 MILES PER HOUR. INC EX. PAGE. Acknowledgments 4 Air, excess 84 Air, per pound of carbon 84 Alternative for higher steam-pressure 4 American Locomotive Company, acknowledgment 5 Analysis of coal, table 8 1 Ash, dry 82 Axle, illustration of 68- Barometer pressure 79 Bashford, George M., acknowledgment 5 Boiler capacity as a factor in economical operation 53 Boiler capacity, increase made possible by increase in weight, table 54 Boilers for different capacities, table 124 Boilers for different capacities, weight of 122 Boilers for different pressures, table 123. Boilers for different pressures, weight of 122 Boiler horsepower 83 Boiler, illustration of 65 Boiler, leakage 7 Boiler performance 8- Boiler performance, table 98-99 Boiler performance and draft, table 96-97 Boiler pressure . . , 79 Boiler pressure, a factor in economical operation 49 Boiler pressure, increase made possible by increase in weight, table 51 Boiler pressure versus boiler capacity, conclusion 56 Boiler, repairs 6 B. t. u. per indicated horsepower per minute 87 B. t. u. supplied engine per minute 87 B. t. u. taken up by boiler per minute 83 B. t. u. taken up by boiler per pound of combustible 83 B. t. u. taken up by boiler per pound of dry coal 83 B. t. u. taken up by boiler per 100 B. t. u. in coal 83 B. t. u. taken up by each pound of water 83 Capacity, boilers of different, table 124 Capacity of boiler as a factor in economical operation 53 Capacity of boiler, increase made possible by increase in weight, table 54 Capacity versus pressure, conclusions 5<> Carbonmonoxide in smoke-box gases, diagrams 23-24 Cards, indicator 25 Carnegie Institution of Washington, grant 2, 5, 64 Characteristics of boilers designed for 160 pounds pressure and different capacities, table 53 Chemical results 84 Chemical results, table 100-101 Cinders caught in front end 82 Clearance, cylinder 87 Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company, acknowledgment . 5 Coal analysis, table 8 1 Coal and steam consumption, corrected results 47 Coal consumption 37 Coal consumption under different pressures 39 Coal fired, dry 82 Coal, kind of Coal per dynamometer horsepower per hour 46, 88 139 140 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. PAGE. Coal per dynamometer horsepower per hour, corrected value 89 Coal per dynamometer horsepower, hour, diagrams 47, 48 Coal per hour, dry 82 Coal per hour, corrected value 88 Coal per indicated horsepower per hour 87 Coal per indicated horsepower, hour, diagrams 37, 38 Coal per mile run , 82 Coal per square foot of grate-surface per hour 82 Coal per square foot of heating surface per hour 82 Coal, table 94, 95 Combustible by analysis 82 Composition of flue gases 84 Composition of smoke-box gases 20 Conclusions concerning boiler pressure versus boiler capacity 56 Constants, horsepower 86 Consumption of coal 37 Consumption of coal under different pressures 39 Corrected coal per hour 88 Corrected coal per dynamometer horsepower, hour 89 Corrected draw-bar pull 89 Corrected dynamometer horsepower 89 Corrected equivalent evaporation per pound of dry coal 88 Corrected equivalent steam supplied engine per hour . 88 Corrected results, steam and coal consumption 47 Corrected steam per dynamometer horsepower per hour 89 Crank pin, illustration of 68 Crosshead, illustration of 67 Cut-off, most efficient point 30 Cylinder clearance 87 Cylinders, illustration of 66 Cylinder heads, illustration of 76 Cylinder performance, table 1 16, 1 17 Cylinders, table of 124 Data 3 Data concerning locomotive boilers 122 Data derived from tests and methods 78 Data, summary of 90 Date of test 79 Description of locomotive Schenectady No. 2 62 Difficulties in operating under high steam-pressure 6 Dimensions of locomotive Schenectady No. 2 63 Displacement of piston 87 Draft 17 Draft and boiler performance, table 96-97 Draft back of diaphragm 83 Draft diagrams 18, 19, 20 Draft in front of diaphragm 83 Draft in fire-box 83 Draw-bar, performance at 42 Draw-bar performance versus cylinder performance 42 Draw-bar pull 88 Draw-bar pull, corrected value 89 Drawings and photographs 64 Dry ash 82 Dry coal fired 82 Dry coal per hour 82 Dry coal per hour, corrected value 88 Dry pipe, illustration of 74 Dry pipe pressure 79 Duration of test 79 Dynamometer horsepower s 88 Dynamometer horsepower, coal per hour 46 INDEX. 141 PAGE. Dynamometer horsepower, corrected value 89 Dynamometer horsepower, steam per hour 46 Early experiments at Purdue i Eccentric, illustration of 69 Eccentric blade, illustration of 70 Eccentric strap, illustration of 69 Endsley, Louis E., acknowledgment 5 Engine performance 25 Engine performance, table 112-113 Engine performance under different pressures, table 40 Equation for evaporative efficiency 8 Equation for smoke-box temperatures 14 Equivalent evaporation per hour 83 Equivalent evaporation per pound of dry coal 83 Equivalent evaporation per pound of dry coal, corrected value 88 Equivalent evaporation per square foot of grate surface per hour 83 Equivalent evaporation per square foot of heating surface per hour 83 Equivalent steam supplied engine per hour, corrected value 88 Evaporative efficiency 8 Evaporative efficiency as affected by boiler pressure 9 Evaporative efficiency, equations 8 Events of stroke from indicator cards 84 Events of stroke from indicator cards, table 102, 103, 104, 105 Excess air 84 Excess air, diagrams 22, 23 Exhaust pipe, illustration of 75 Experimental locomotive 2 Experimental study i Feed water, temperature of 79 Flue gases, composition of 84 Frictional losses 42 Friction horsepower, corrected value 89 Friction mean effective pressure, diagrams 43, 44, 45 Friction of machine 42 Friction of machine in terms of mean effective pressure 89 Front-end cinders 82 Gases, smoke-box 20 General conditions, table 90-91 Gibbs, A. W., acknowledgment. . . . , 5 Grant by Carnegie Institution of Washington 2-64 Guides, illustration of 68 High pressures, difficulties in operating under 6 Horsepower, boiler 83 Horsepower constants 86 Horsepower, indicated 30 Horsepower, machine friction 88 Horsepower, machine friction, corrected value 89 Horsepower, steam per hour 30 Indicated horsepower 30, 86 Indicated horsepower, diagrams 31, 32, 33 Indicator cards 25 Indicator cards, diagrams 26, 27 Indicator cards, typical 126 Interruption of tests 6 Jutte & Company, acknowledgment 5 Kind of coal 8 1 Laboratory symbol 79 Laboratory, temperature of 79 Lake Erie and Western Railroad Company, acknowledgment 4 Laws, T. A., acknowledgment 5 Leakage from boiler 7 Least steam consumption 31 142 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. PAGE. Link and block, illustration of 70 Locomotive as a whole, performance of, table 118-119 Locomotive boilers, data concerning 122 Locomotive boilers for different capacities, weight of 122 Locomotive boilers for different pressure, weight of 122 Locomotive experimented upon 2, 62 Locomotive Schenectady No. 2. dimensions 63 Locomotive Schenectady No. 2, repairs 64 Losses due to friction 42 Lubrication of valves 7 Machine friction 42, 88 Machine friction, horsepower 88 Machine friction horsepower, corrected value 89 Machine friction in terms of mean effective pressure 89 Mean effective pressure 25 Mean effective pressure as affected by change of speed 25 Mean effective pressure, diagrams 28, 29 Mellin, C. J., acknowledgment 5 Method of sampling smoke-box gases ." 20 Methods, and data derived from tests 78 Miles equivalent to total revolutions 79 Miles per hour 79 Nelson, E. D., acknowledgment 5 Notch, reverse lever 79 Observers for tests 78 Outline elevation of locomotive Schenectady No. 2, illustration of 62 Pennsylvania Railroad 64 Pennsylvania Railroad Company, acknowledgment 4 Per cent of mixture as steam at cut-off 88 Per cent of mixture as steam at release 88 Performance at draw-bar 42 Performance of boiler 8 Performance of engine 25 Performance of locomotive as a whole, table 1 18-1 19 Photographs and drawings 64 Piston and rod, illustration of 67 Piston displacement 87 Plan of tests 2 Position of throttle 79 Power as affected by steam pressure i Preparations for experimental study i Pressure, barometer 79 Pressure, boiler 79 Pressures, boilers for different 123 Pressures, consumption of coal under different 39 Pressures, dry pipe 79 Pressure, effect on steam consumption of 35 Pressure, effect on weight of locomotive 49 Pressure, effect on weight of locomotive, table 49 Pressures from indicator cards, table 86, 106, 107, 108, 100, no, 1 1 1 Pressure, increase made possible by increase in weight, table 51 Pressure, mean effective 25 Pressure, mean effective, as affected by change of speed 25 Pressure, steam i Pressure versus boiler capacity, conclusions 56 Quality of steam 24, 80 Rate of evaporation, effect on efficiency of 8 Reducing motion for indicator, illustration of 85 Reevaporation per indicated horsepower hour 88 Reevaporation per revolution 88 Relation between power and steam pressure i Repairs made on boiler 6 INDEX. 143 PAGE. Repairs to Schenectady No. 2 64 Reverse lever diagram 73 Reverse lever notch, diagrams 3 Reverse shaft, illustration of 72 Revolutions per minute 79 Revolutions, total number of 79 Reynolds, Edward E., acknowledgment 5 Rocker and rocker box, illustration of 71 Rod and piston, illustration of 67 Sampling smoke-box gases 20 Saving when possible increase of weight is utilized as a means of increasing boiler pressure, table 51 Saving when possible increase of weight is utilized as a means of increasing capacity table 54 Schenectady No. 2, description 62 Schenectady No. 2, dimensions 63 Schenectady No. 2, outline elevation, illustration of 62 Schenectady No. 2, repairs 64 Schenectady No. 2, work with 63 Schmidt, E. C., acknowledgment 5 Seley, C. A., acknowledgment 5 Slide valve, diagram 72 Smoke-box gases 20 Smoke-box gases, method of sampling 20 Smoke-box temperature 14, 36 Smoke-box temperatures, diagrams 15, 16, 17 Smoke-box temperatures, equation 14 Sparks from stack 82 Speed, effect upon mean effective pressure 25 Speed, effect upon steam consumption 31 Speed, mile per hour 79 Speed, revolutions per minute 79 Speed, water and steam, table 92-93 Stack, illustration of 76 Stack, sparks from ." 82 Steam and coal consumption, corrected results 47 Steam chest and cover, illustration of 77 Steam consumption 30 Steam consumption, as affected by speed 31 Steam consumption, least value 31 Steam consumption under different pressures 35 Steam consumption under different pressures, diagram 36 Steam per dynamometer horsepower per hour 46, 88 Steam per dynamometer horsepower per hour, corrected value 89 Steam per indicated horsepower per hour 30, 87 Steam per indicated horsepower hour by indicator 87 Steam per indicated horsepower hour, diagrams 33, 34, 35 Steam pipe, illustration of 74 Steam pressure, alternative for 4 Steam pressure and power i Steam pressure, effect on evaporative efficiency of boiler 9 Steam pressure, effect on steam consumption 35 Steam pressure, effect on weight of locomotive 49 Steam pressures in locomotive service i Steam, quality of 24, 80 Steam shown by indicator 87 Steam shown by indicator, table 1 14-1 15 Steam supplied engine 80 Steam, water, and speed, table 9 2 ~93 Symbol, laboratory 79 Table, boilers for different pressures 123 Table, boiler performance 9 8 ~99 144 HIGH STEAM-PRESSURES IN LOCOMOTIVE SERVICE. PAGE. Table, characteristics of boilers designed for 160 pounds pressure and for different capacities 53 Table, chemical results 100-101 Table, coal 94, 95 Table, coal analysis 81 Table, cylinders 124 Table, cylinder performance 1 16-117 Table, draft and boiler performance 96-97 Table, engine performance 112-1 13 Table, engine performance under different pressures 40 Table, events of stroke from indicator cards 102, 103, 104, 105 Table, general conditions 90 Table, performance of the locomotive as a whole 118-119 Table, pressures from indicator cards 106, 107, 108, 109, no, in Table, saving when a possible increase of weight is utilized as a means of increasing capacity 54 Table, speed, water, and steam. 92-93 Table, steam shown by the indicator 114-115 Table, total saving when possible increase of weight is utilized as a means of increas- ing boiler pressure 51 Table, weight of parts of locomotive affected by changes in boiler pressure 49 Temperature of feed water 79 Temperature of laboratory 79 Temperature in smoke-box 83 Test, date of . 79 Test, duration of 79 Tests, interruption of 6 Tests, plan of 2 Throttle lever, illustration of 73 Throttle, position of 79 Total revolutions 79 Typical indicator cards 1 26 Valves, lubrication of 7 Valve motion diagram 86 Valve rod, illustration of 71 Valve yoke, illustration of 71 Vaughan, H. H., acknowledgment 5 Water delivered to boiler 80 Water evaporated per hour 80 Water evaporated per pound of coal, diagrams 10, n, 12, 13 Water evaporated per pound of dry coal 83 Water evaporated per square foot of heating surface per hour 83 Water lost from boiler 80 Water, steam, and speed, table 92-93 Water supply 6 Weight of boiler as affected by change in heating surface, diagram 55 Weight of boiler as affected by change in pressure, diagram 50 Weight of boilers for different capacities 122 Weight of boilers for different pressures 122 Weight of locomotive as affected by steam pressure 49 Weight of mixture in cylinder per revolution 88 Weight of parts of locomotive affected by changes in boiler pressure, table 49 Weight of steam shown by indicator 87 Weight of water delivered to boiler So Work with Schenectady No. 2 63 Yoke, illustration of .... 68 Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc. Makers Stockton, Calif. PAT. 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