LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF SAMUEL JOHNSON 1709-1784 A List of Books with References to Periodicals in the Brooklyn Puhlic Lihrary Published by THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY Brooklyn, New York 1909 SAMUEL JOHNSON 1709-1784 A List of Books with References to Periodicals in the Brooklyn Public Library r^LA.; OF THE UNIVERSITY Published by THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY Brooklyn, New York 1909 SAMUEL JOHNSON Born September 18, 1709 Died December 13, 1784 The arrangement is : I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. II. WORKS. III. BIOGRAPHIES AND CRITICISMS. >r \j*~^ ~~*^ \>^w / OF THE \ UNIVERSITY ) V OF / I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Anderson, J. P. Bibliography of Johnson. (In Grant, F. R. C. Life of Samuel Johnson. Lond. 1887.) Harrison, Richard. Bibliography of Dr. Samuel Johnson. Bookworm, v. i : 351. II. WORKS. Johnson, Samuel. Works; with an essay on his life and genius by Arthur Murphy. 2 v. N. Y. 1846. Works; with Murphy's essay; ed. by Rev. Robert Lynam. 6 v. Lond. 1825. Works; with an essay on his life and genius by Arthur Murphy. 12 v. Lond. 1823. Works ; ed. by Alexander Chalmers. 14 v. Lond. i8io-n. Adventurer. (In his Works, v. 3. Lond. 1825.) = Alexander Pope. N. Y. 1897. Chief lives of the poets; with a preface by Mat- thew Arnold. N. Y. 1880. Includes : Life of Samuel Johnson, by Lord Ma- caulay; Essay on Boswell's Life of Johnson, by Lord Macaulay; Essay on Boswell's Life of John- son, by Thomas Carlyle. Diary of a journey into North Wales. (In Bos- well, James. Life of Johnson, v. 5. N. Y. 1891.) Dictionary of the English language. Dublin, 1768. Ref. Same. Lond. 1854. Ref. Same. 2 v. Lond. 1825. Ref. Same. Abr. and ed. by R. G. Latham. Lond. 1876. Ref. Essays ; selected from the Rambler, 1750-1752, the Adventurer, 1753, and the Idler, 1758-1760; with biographical introd. and notes by S. J. Reid. Lond. n. d. History of Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. N. Y. 1895- 187254 History of Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. N. Y. n. d. Includes : Life of Samuel Johnson, by Leslie Stephen. History of Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. (In Hunt, Leigh, comp. Classic tales, v. 2. Lond. 1894.) History of Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. (In Saint-Pierre, J. H. B. de. Paul and Virginia. N. Y. n. d.) The Idler. (In his Works, v. 2. Lond. 1825.) Letters; collected and ed. by G. B. Hill. 2 v. N. Y. 1892. Life of Cowley. (In Cowley, Abraham. Works in prose and verse, v. i. Lond. 1809.) Ref. Life of Roger Ascham. (In Ascham, Roger. English works. Lond. 1761.) Lives of the English poets. 2 v. N. Y. 1889. Lives of the most eminent English poets, with critical observations on their works; to which are added the "Preface to Shakespeare," and the re- view of the "Origin of evil" ; with a sketch of the author's life by Sir Walter Scott. N. Y. n. d. Lives of the most eminent English poets, with critical observations on their works; with notes corrective and explanatory by Peter Cunningham. 2 v. N. Y. 1857. Includes : Life of Samuel Johnson, by T. B. Ma- caulay. Lives of the most eminent English poets, with critical observations on their work; with notes by Peter Cunningham. 3 v. Lond. 1854. Lives of the poets; ed. with notes by Mrs. Alex- ander Napier. 3 v. Lond. 1890. Lives of the poets; with notes and introd. by Arthur Waugh. N. Y. ci896. Memoir of Roger Ascham. Bost. 1886. The Metaphysical poets. (In Brewster, W. T. comp. Specimens of modern English literary criti- cism. N. Y. 1907.) On the metaphysical poets. (In Vaughan, C. E. ed. English literary criticism. Lond. 1903.) Origin of evil. (In his Lives of the most eminent English poets. N. Y. n. d.) Poetical works ; to which is prefixed the life of the author. (In Anderson, Robert, ed. Works of the British poets, v. n. Lond. I795-) Poetical works ; with memoirs, critical disserta- tions and explanatory notes by the Rev. G. Gilfillan. N. Y. 1855- Preface to edition of Shakespeare, 1765. (In Rowe, Nicholas, and others. Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. Glasgow, 1903.) Preface to Shakespeare. (In his Lives of the most eminent English poets. N. Y. n. d.) The Rambler. (In his Works, v. 1-2. Lond. 1825.) Rasselas. Bost. ci89i. Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. Chic. 1901. Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia; ed. with notes for schools. Bost. 1895. Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. (In Beckford, William. History of the Caliph Vathek. Lond. 1883.) Rasselas. (In Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield. N. Y. 1880.) Rasselas. (In More, Sir Thomas. Utopia. N Y. n. d.) Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. (In Saint-Pierre, J. H. B. de. Paul and Virginia. Chic. 1884.) Select essays. 2 v. Lond. 1889. Contents : v. i. The Rambler, v. 2. The Rambler ; The Adventurer ; The Idler. Select poems. (In Sanford, Ezekiel and Walsh, Robert, ed. Works of the British poets, v. 31. Phil. 1819-23.) Ref. Selections from his writings. (In Warner, C. D. ed. Library of the world's best literature, v. 14 or 21. N. Y. 1896-97-) Ref. Six chief lives from his Lives of the poets. Lond. 1892. Contents : Milton; Dryden; Swift; Addison; Pope; Gray. Tales. (In Hunt, Leigh, comp. Classic tales, v. 2. Lond. 1894.) Johnson, Samuel, tr. Voyage to Abyssinia, by Jeronymo Lobo. Lond. 1735. Ref. Johnson, Samuel, ed. Complete works of William Shakes- peare. Bost. n. d. Dramatic works of William Shakespeare. 2 v. N. Y. 1825. 111. BIOGRAPHIES AND CRITICISMS. Armitage, Robert. Doctor Johnson; his religious life and his death. Lond. 1850. Arnold, Matthew. Johnson's Lives. Living Age, v. 138 : 86. Same. Macmillan's Mag. v. 38:153. Axon, W. E. A. Dr. Johnson's sympathy for animals. Nation, v. 87 : 231. Baumann, A. A. A Tardy bust. Living Age, v. 259: 309. Besant, Sir Walter. Over Johnson's grave. Harper's Mag. v. 82 : 927. Birrell, Augustine. Dr. Johnson. Contemporary Rev. v. 47 : 25. Same. Critic, v. 7 : 177, 188, 200. Same- Living Age, y. 164 : 425. Johnson. (In his Obiter dicta, v. 2. N. Y. 1895.) Birrell, Augustine, and others. Johnson club papers, by various hands. N. Y. 1899. Contents : The Transmission of Dr. Johnson's personality, by A. Birrell; Dr. Johnson as a Grecian, by J. Gen- 6 nadius; Boswell's proof sheets, by G. B. Hill; The Boswell centenary, by G. B. Hill ; Dr. Johnson and the "Gentleman's magazine" ; Dr. Johnson's library, by A. W. Hutton; At the "Cheshire cheese," by S. Johnson; Some Johnson characteristics, by H. W. Massingham ; Dr. Johnson and Lichfield, by G. H. Radford ; Verses addressed to the editors, by G. H. Radford; Dr. Johnson and music, by John Sargeaunt; Dr. Johnson's politics, by John Sar- geaunt; Dr. Johnson's associations with the law, by A. H. Spokes ; Dr. Johnson as a correspondent, by A. West; Dr. Johnson as a traveller, by G. Whale; Round the town with Dr. Johnson, by G. Whale. Bolton, Mrs. S. (K.) Samuel Johnson. (In her Lives of poor boys who became famous. N. Y. ci88s.) Boswell, James. Dr. Johnson's table-talk. 2 v. Lond. 1807. Ref. Journal of a tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson; containing some poetical pieces by Dr. Johnson, a series of his conversation, literary anec- dotes and opinions of men and books. Lond. n. d. Life of Johnson ; ed. by Augustine Birrell. 6 v. Phil. 1901. Life of Johnson; ed. by Mowbray Morris. N. Y. n. d. Life of Samuel Johnson; with copious notes and biographical illustrations by Edmund Malone. Lond. 1857. Life of Samuel Johnson, comprehending an ac- count of his studies and numerous works, in chron- ological order; a series of his epistolary corres- pondence and conversations with many eminent per- sons, and various original pieces of his composition never before published. 2 v. N. Y. 1865. Life of Samuel Johnson. 3 v. Lond. 1900. Life of Samuel Johnson; ed. by Percy Fitzgerald. N. Y. 1897. Includes : The Journal of a tour to the Hebrides. Life of Samuel Johnson ; with numerous additions and notes by J. W. Croker. 2 v. N. Y. 1857. Includes : Journal of a tour to the Hebrides. Life of Samuel Johnson. 5 v. in 3. N. Y. n. d. Includes : Journal of a tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson. Life of Samuel Johnson; ed. by G. B. Hill. 6 v. N. Y. 1891. Includes : Journal of a tour to the Hebrides ; Diary of a journey into North Wales, by Samuel Johnson. Life of Samuel Johnson; with additions and notes by J. W. Croker. 10 v. Lond. 1839. Includes : Journal of his tour in the Hebrides ; to which are added two supplementary volumes of Johnsoniana, by Hawkins and others. Croker's Bos well. North American Rev. v. 34:91. Croker's edition of Boswell. Quarterly Rev. v. 46: 1. Croker's edition of Boswell's Johnson. Westminster Rev. v. 15:374. Croker's edition of Boswell's Life of Johnson. Edinburgh Rev. v. 54: I. Macaulay, T. B. ist baron. Croker's edition of Bpswell's Life of Johnson. (In his Critical and historical essays, v. 2. Lond. 1900.) Same. (In his Critical, historical and miscella- neous essays, v. 2. N. Y. 1873.) Boswell's Life of Johnson. Fraser's Mag. v. 5:253, 379. Brougham and Vaux, H. P. Brougham, ist baron. John- son. (In his Lives of men of letters of the time of George III. Lond. 1855.) Burroughs, John. Dr. Johnson and Carlyle. (In his In- door studies. Bost. 1900.) Carlyle, Thomas. Boswell's Life of Johnson. (In his Works, v. 5. Lond. n. d.) Same. (In his Critical and miscellaneous essays, v. 1-2. Bost. 1886.) Same. (In his Miscellaneous writings. Phil. 1848.) Essay on Boswell's Life of Johnson. (In John- son, Samuel. Chief lives of the poets. N. Y. 1880.) The Hero as man of letters : Johnson, Rousseau, Burns. (In his Early kings of Norway. N. Y. i88 S .) Same. (In his Heroes and hero worship. Phil. n. d.) Same. (In his Sartor resartus. Bost. 1886.) Cary, Rev. H. F. Samuel Johnson. (In his Lives of Eng- lish poets from Johnson to Kirke White. Lond. 1846.) Chesterton, G. K. Boswell's Johnson. Good Words, v. 44 : 774- Clark, J. S. Samuel Johnson. (In his Study of English prose writers. N. Y. 1904.) Coleridge-Roberts, W. R. Johnson memorial at Litchfield. Nation, v. 86 : 233. Collier, W. F. Samuel Johnson. (In his History of Eng- lish literature in a series of biographical sketches. Lond. 1871.) Collins, J. Q Johnson's Lives of the poets. Quarterly Rev. v. 208 : 72. Cook, Button. "Irene" at Drury Lane. Once a week, v. 5 : 651. Cooper, Thomas. [Samuel Johnson.] (In his Triumphs of perseverance and enterprise. Lond. n. d.) Courthope, W. J. Samuel Johnson. (In Ward, T. H. English poets, v. 3. N. Y. 1880.) Craig, W. H. Doctor Johnson and the fair sex; a study of contrasts. Lond. 1895. Croker, J. W. ed. Johnsoniana; or, Supplement to Bos- well; being anecdotes and sayings of Dr. Johnson, collected by Piozzi, Hawkins, etc. Phil. 1842. Crosland, Mrs. C. D. (T.) Madame D'Arblay and Mrs. Piozzi. (In her Memorable women. N. Y. n. d.) Cyples, William. Johnson without Bos well. Contemporary Rev. v. 32 : 707. Same. Living Age, v. 138:541. Dawson, George. Dr. Samuel Johnson. (In his Biograph- ical lectures. Lond. 1886.) Dawson, Rev. W. J. Johnson's England; Johnson's mis- sion; Boswell's Johnson. (In his Makers of mod- em prose. N. Y. 1899.) Dennis, John. Dr. Johnson. Lond. 1905. Same. British Quarterly Rev. v. 70 : 347. Same. Living Age, v. 144:259. DeQuincey, Thomas. Postscript on Dr. Johnson's Life of Milton. (In his Collected writings, v. 4. Lond. 1896-97.) Dobson, H. A. Johnson's library. (In his Eighteenth cen- tury vignettes, v. 2. N. Y. 1896.) Dr. Johnson. Living Age, v. 60:353. Dr. Johnson and Miss Hannah More; an imaginary dialogue. Chambers' s Journal, v. 15 : 380. Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Thrale. St. James's Mag. v. 1:243. Dr. Johnson and Oxford. Gentleman's Mag. v. 301:46. Dr. Johnson as a Christian and a critic. Eclectic Mag. v. 34:492. Dr. Johnson as a temperance moralist. Meliora, v. 8:60. Dr. Johnson club. Nation, v. 41:214. Dr. Johnson from a Scottish point of view. All the Year Round, v. 23 : 561. Dr. Johnson: his biographers and critics. Westminster Rev. v. in : i. Dr. Johnson: his religious life, and his death. Bentley's Miscellany, v. 27 : 397. 10 Same. Dublin University Mag. v. 36 : 477. Same. Living Age, v. 26 : 337. Same. Quarterly Rev. v. 87 : 59. Dr. Johnson on book collecting. Bookworm, v. 7:363. Dr. Johnson's favorites. Living Age, v. 180:281. Same. Macmillan's Mag. v. 59 : 185. Dr. Johnson's letters. Living Age, v. 195:67. Dr. Johnson's letters. Nation, v. 54:415. Dr. Johnson's letters. Quarterly Rev. v. 175:394. Dr. Johnson's pew. Academy, v. 54: 132. Drake, Nathan. Essays, biographical, critical and histor- ical, illustrative of the Rambler, Adventurer and Idler. 2 v. Lond. 1809-10. Drake, S. A. ed. [Samuel Johnson.] (In his Our great benefactors. Bost. 1884.) Duyckinck, E. A. Samuel Johnson. (In his Portrait gal- lery of eminent men and women of Europe and America, v. i. N. Y. ci873.) Early life of Johnson. Living Age, v. 57:593 Same. Quarterly Rev. v. 103 : 279. Edgar, J. G. Dr. Johnson. (In his Boyhood of great men. N. Y. 1854.) Everett, William. Possible glimpse of Samuel Johnson. Atlantic Monthly, v. 90:622. Fitzgerald, Percy. Dr. Johnson and the Fleet street tav- erns. Gentleman's Mag. v. 250 : 305. Johnson and Mrs. Piozzi. Belgravia, v. 15 : 183. Rambles in Johnsonland. Gentleman's Mag. v. 275 : 145. Frothingham, O. B. [Samuel Johnson.] (In his Tran- scendentalism in New England. Bost. 1903.) Goodrich, S. G. (Peter Parley, pseud.) Samuel Johnson. (In his Famous men of modern times. Bost 1843.) II Gosse, E. W. Samuel Johnson. Eclectic Mag. v. 104: 178. Same. Fortnightly Rev. v. 42 : 780. Same. Living Age, v. 163 : 803. Grant, F. R. C. Life of Samuel Johnson. Lond. 1887. Gwynn, S. L. The Club: Johnson, Goldsmith, Burke, Gibbon, Hume. (In his Masters of English litera- ture. N. Y. 1904.) Hale, Rev. E. E. ed. [Samuel Johnson.] (In his Lights of two centuries. N. Y. 01887.) Hardy, Rev. E. J. Johnson and the ladies. (In his Love affairs of some famous men. N. Y. 01897.) Haunted London; the ghost of Samuel Johnson. All the Year Round, v. 1 : 92. Hawkins, Sir John. Life of Samuel Johnson. Lond. 1787. Ref. Hawthorne, Julian. Moral greatness of Samuel Johnson. Booklover's Mag. v. i : 388. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Samuel Johnson. (In his Bio- graphical stories. N. Y. 01850-83.) Samuel Johnson. (In his Tales, sketches and other papers. Bost. 1896.) Samuel Johnson. (In his True stories from history and biography. Bost. 01853-81.) Hayley, William. Two dialogues; containing a compara- tive view of the lives, characters, and writings of Philip, earl of Chesterfield and Samuel Johnson. Lond. 1787. Ref. Hill, G. B. Centenary of Boswell. Macmillan's Mag. v. 64:37. Dr. Johnson as a Radical. Contemporary Rev. v. 55=888. Dr. Johnson's style. Living Age, v. 176:288. Same. Macmillan's Mag. v. 57 : 190. *' Footsteps of Dr. Johnson (Scotland). Lond. 1890. Ref. The Johnson club. Atlantic Monthly, v. 77: 18. 12 k Hill, G. B. ed. Johnsonian miscellanies. 2 v. N. Y. 1897. Hinchman, W. S. and Gummere, F. B. Samuel Johnson. (In their Lives of great English writers. Bost. 1908.) Hitchcock, Thomas. Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Thrale. (In his Unhappy loves of men of genius. N. Y. 1891.) Hood, E. P. Samuel Johnson. Leisure Hour, v. 33 : 705. Hunt, T. W. Prose style of Samuel Johnson. (In his Representative English prose and prose writers. N. Y. 1887.) Jebb, Sir R. C. Samuel Johnson. (In his Essays and addresses. Camb. 1907.) Jewitt, Llewellynn. Unpublished episodes in the life of Dr. Johnson. Gentleman's Mag. v. 245 : 692. Johnson and Savage. Chambers 's Journal, v. 7:65. Johnson's monument in St. Paul's. Saturday Rev. v. 58: 436. Johnson's Rambler. Saturday Rev. v. 56 : 333. Johnson's Rasselas. Bibliographer, v. 3:173. Last days of Dr. Johnson. Leisure Hour, v. 13 : 268. The Latest Boswell. Nation, v. 45 : 296. Life and times of Johnson. National Mag. v. 2-3. Life and writings of Johnson. Living Age, v. 60 : 777. Same. Quarterly Rev. v. 105 : 176. Lord Macau I ay and Dr. Johnson's wife. Cornhill Mag. v. 42 : 573- Same. Living Age, v. 147 : 627. Mabie, H. W. Dr. Johnson at Litchfield. Outlook, v. 90: 193. Macaulay, James. Samuel Johnson. (In Gibb, Rev. John, and others. Short biographies for the people, v. I. Lond. pref. 1884-85.) 13 Macaulay, T. B. ist baron. Bpswell's Life of Johnson. (In his Critical and historical essays, v. I. Lond. 1890.) - Croker's edition of Boswell's Life of Johnson. (In his Critical and historical essays, v. 2. Lond. 1900.) - Same. (In his Critical, historical and miscella- neous essays, v. 2. N. Y. 1873.) - Essay on Boswell's Life of Johnson. (In John- son, Samuel. Chief lives of the poets. N. Y. 1880.) - Essay on Johnson ; ed. by Samuel Thurber. Bost. 01891. - Essay on Johnson. (In his Literary essays. N. Y. ciooo.) - Essay on Johnson. (In College requirements in English. Bost. ci883-97.) - Johnson and Goldsmith; ed. by W. P. Trent. Bost. ci8g6. - Life of Samuel Johnson. N. Y. ci8Q5. - Life of Samuel Johnson; ed. with notes and an introd. by H. G. Buehler. N. Y. 1897. - Life of Samuel Johnson. (In Johnson, Samuel. Lives of the most eminent English poets. N. Y. 1857.) - Life of Johnson. (In Johnson, Samuel. Six chief lives. Lond. 1892.) - Samuel Johnson. (In his Biographical and his- torical sketches. N. Y. 1857.) - Samuel Johnson. (In his Biographies. N. Y. Samuel Johnson. (In his Miscellaneous works, v. i. N. Y. 1880.) Samuel Johnson. (In his Works, v. 7. N. Y. 1900.) Samuel Johnson. (In Forster, John. Daniel De Foe. Lond. 1855.) Samuel Johnson. Harper's Mag. v. 14 : 483. 14 Madame D'Arblay's diary and letters. Democratic Rev. v. ii : 161. Contains many anecdotes of Dr. Johnson. Madden, R. R. Johnson. (In his Infirmities of genius. Phil. 1833.) Main, Alexander. Life and conversations of Samuel John- son, founded chiefly on Boswell. Lond. 1874. Mason, E. T. comp. Samuel Johnson, his words and his ways. N. Y. 1879. Massing ham, H. W. Some Johnson characteristics. Gen- tleman's Mag. v. 268: 155. M inch in, H. C. Dr. Johnson among the poets. Macmil- lan's Mag. v. 85 : 98. Mitchell, D. G. (Ik Marvel, pseud.) [Samuel Johnson.] (In his English lands, letters and kings, v. 3. N. Y. 1898.) Molloy, J. F. Dr. Johnson's Irene. (In his Famous plays. Lond. 1888.) Molyneux, C. C. Dr. Johnson as lover and husband. Temple Bar, v. 120 : 532. Morrill, J. S. comp. [Samuel Johnson.] (In his Self- consciousness of noted persons* Bost. 1887.) Morris, E. E. Johnson's monument. Longman's Mag. v. 36 : 32. [Samuel Johnson.] (In his Early Hanoverians. N. Y. 1896.) Murphy, Arthur. Essay on the life and genius of Samuel Johnson. Lond. 1793. Ref. Same. (In Johnson, Samuel. Works, v. i. Lond. 1810-11.) On a neglected book [The Rambler]. Macmillan's Mag. v. 48 : 414. On the literary characters of Bishop Warburton and Dr. John- son. Blackwood's Mag. v. 8 : 243. 15 Page, W. P. ed. Life and writings of Samuel Johnson. 2 v. N. Y. 1840-43. Includes: Life and genius of Dr. Johnson, by Arthur Murphy. Parrott, T. M. Johnson's personality. Booklover's Mag. v. i : 375- Parry, E. B. Glimpses of Johnson in eighteenth century Oxford. Leisure Hour, v. 45:651, 713. Phelps, W. L. King Samuel and King Ben, with a eulogy of Boswell. Booklover's Mag. v. 1 : 384. Piozzi, Mrs. H. L. (S.) T. Anecdotes of Samuel Johnson during the last twenty years of his life. (In Forster, John. Daniel DeFoe. Lond. 1855.) Same. (In Macaulay, T. B. ist baron. Selec- tions from his essays and speeches, v. i. Lond. 1856.) Bedford, G. H. Johnson's "Irene." (In his Shylock and others. N. Y. 1894.) Reed, Henry. Burns, with notices of Johnson's Lives of the poets. (In his Lectures on the British poets, v. 2. Phil. 1857.) Reed, Myrtle (afterwards Mrs. McCullough). Samuel Johnson. (In her Love affairs of literary men. N. Y. 1907.) Reynolds, Sir Joshua. On Johnson and Garrick. North American Rev. v. 4:38. Roose, p. W. Dr. Johnson and Charles Lamb; a parallel. Temple Bar, v. 86 : 237. Rowbotham, F. J. Samuel Johnson. (In his Story-lives of great authors. Lond. 1904.) Russell, A. P. Doctor Johnson. (In his Characteristics. Bost 1884.) Russell, W. C. Samuel Johnson. (In his Book of authors. N. Y. n. d.) Samuel Johnson. Living Age, v. 52:742. 16 Samuel Johnson. Living Age, v. 53:1. Samuel Johnson and David Hume. Blackwood's Mag. v. 3:5H. Samuel Johnson and his age. Living Age, v. 165:323. Same. Quarterly Rev. v. 159:147. Samuel Johnson, his parentage, childhood and youth. Na- tional Mag. v. i : 393, 488. Samuel Johnson on law and the lawyers. Green Bag, v. 9 : 403- Sanborn, K. A. Johnson. (In her Home pictures of Eng- lish poets. N. Y. 1869.) Sargeaunt, John. Dr. Johnson's politics. Bookman, v. 6: 240. Saunders, Frederick. Dr. Johnson. (In his Story of some famous books. Lond. 1887.) Saunders, T. B. Life and letters of James Macpherson; containing a particular account of his famous quar- rel with Dr. Johnson. Lond. 1894. Scott, Sir Walter, bart. Samuel Johnson. (In his Bio- graphical memoirs, v. i. Edin. 1847.) Samuel Johnson. (In his Biographies, v. I. Edin. 1870.) Sketch of the life of Samuel Johnson. (In John- son, Samuel. Lives of the most eminent English poets. N. Y. n. d.) Seccombe, Thomas. Age of Johnson. Lond. 1902. Shades of the departed; Dr. Samuel Johnson. Leisure Hour, v. i : 737. Stephen, Sir Leslie. Dr. Johnson's writings. (In his Hours in a library, v. 2. N. Y. 1899.) Johnson. (In Acme library of standard biog- graphy, series 3. N. Y. 1880.) Johnsoniana. (In his Studies of a biographer, v. i. N. Y. 1899-) 17 Life of Samuel Johnson. (In Johnson, Samuel. History of Rasselas. N. Y. n. d.) Samuel Johnson. N. Y. n. d. Dr. Johnson's writings. Cornhill Mag. v. 29: 280. Same. Eclectic Mag. v. 82 : 527. Same. Every Saturday, v. 16 : 349. Same. Living Age, v. 121 : 91. Story of "Rasselas." Book-lore, v. 1:5. Traill, H. D. Revolution in Grub street. (In his New fiction and other essays on literary subjects. N. Y. 1898.) Trent, W. P. Dr. Birkbeck Hill and his edition of John- son's Lives of the poets. Forum, v. 37 : 540. Waller, J. F. Boswell and Johnson. Lond. n. d. Ward, C. A. Johnson's tavern resorts and conversation. Bookworm, v. i : 224, 249, 276, 315, 383. London homes of Dr. Johnson. Antiquary, v. 17: 12. Warner, B. E. Samuel Johnson; biographical sketch. (In his Famous introductions to Shakespeare's plays. N. Y. 1906.) Watson, William. Dr. Johnson on modern poetry. (In his Excursions in criticism. N. Y. 1893.) Whale, George. Round the town with Dr. Johnson. Gen- tleman's Mag. v. 274 : 120. Wilks, Rev. S. C. Death-bed of Dr. Johnson. Spirit of the Pilgrims, v. i : 212. Wilson, Sarah. In Dr. Johnson's circle. Chambers' s Jour- nal, v. 79: 817. Winsor, Henry. Samuel Johnson. (In his Montrose, and other biographical sketches. Bost. 1861.) Winter, William. Home of Johnson. (In his Gray days and gold. N. Y. 1895.) Worship of Johnson. Nation, v. 27:318. EAGLE TRESS, BROOKLYN-NEW YORK. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. ^ 187254