fcfarenfcon (J)treees §evue ANGLO-SAXON READING PRIMERS II SWEET JSonbon HENRY FROWDE Oxford University Press Warehouse Amen Corner, E.C. MACMILLAN & CO., 112 FOURTH AVENUE Cfarenbon (pveee Settee EXTRACTS FROM ALFRED'S OROSIUS EDITED BY HENRY SWEET, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D. Formerly President of the Philological Society Editor of The Oldest English Texts? Alfred's ' Cura Pastoralis ' and ' Orosius Author of ' An Anglo-Saxon Reader' 'A First' and ( A Second Middle-English Primer' 'A Primer of Spoken English,' 'A History of English Sounds' 'A New English Grammar,' l A Short Historical English Grammar' 'A Primer of Phonetics.' ' Shelley's Nature-Poetry,' etc. SECOND EDITION w>\ UNI Of THE VERSITY \T THL CLARENDON PRESS 1893 PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY 3V2J" 7 7 PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. The present extracts from Alfred s Orosius are taken from my edition in the Early English Text Society series. The text is that of the Lauderdale MS., every letter not in that MS. being enclosed in [ ]. All letters so enclosed are from the Cotton MS., unless the contrary is stated in the notes. The page-references are to my edition. The Latin original of a portion of the text has been added. Those portions of it which are omitted or para- phrased loosely in the English are in italics. Like my 'Selected Homilies of JElfric/ this book is intended as a supplement to my Anglo-Saxon Reader, a thorough knowledge of which it pre-supposes, the glossary to the present selections containing only such words and meanings as are not explained in the glossary to the Reader. Of the selections given here, one — the Voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan— is also in the Reader ; it has been repeated here to give the student an opportunity of testing the accuracy of his accentuation. HENRY SWEET. CONTENTS. I. Divisions of the World II. Asia .... III. Europe .... IV. Ohthere's Voyage -"V. Wulfstan's Voyage . VI. Europe (continued" VII. Africa .... VIII. Islands IX. Greeks and Persians X. Sieges of Veii and Rome XI. M. Curtius . XII. Decius Mus . XIII. Caudine Forks . XIV. Alexander XV. Himilco XVI. Regulus and the Serpen XVII. Hannibal . XVIII. The Romans in Spain XIX. Julius Caesar in Britai* XX. Antony and Cleopatra XXI. Nero .... XXII. Julian Notes GLOSSARY 2 4 IO 13 r 7 20 24 26 3° 40 42 42 43 45 53 54 55 65 69 EXTRACTS ALFRED'S OROSIUS ^SEUB^ DNIV ERSITI I. DIVISIONS OF THE WORLD. (P- s.) Ure ieldran ealne j?isne ymbhwyrft {rises middangeardes, cwaej? Orosius, swa swa Oceanus utan ymblige)?, pone [man] garsaecg hatej?, on freo todaeldon ; 7 hie J>a J?rie daelas on f>reo tonemdon : Asiam, 7 Europem, 7 Affricam ; J>eah pe 5 sume men ssegden p>aet J^ser nsere buton twegen daelas : Asia, 7 j?aet o}?er Europe. Asia is befangen mid Oceano J>aem garsecge su}?an 7 norJ>an 7 eastan, 7 swa ealne Q^ysne] middangeard from J?aem east- daele healfne behaef}}. ponne on pzem norf>daele, J>3et is, Asia 10 on }?a swi^ran healfe, in Danai J:aere fe, J^asr Asia 7 Europe hiera landgemircu togsedre licgaf). Ond J^onne of j^aere ilcan ie Danai suj? andlang Wendelsses, 7 f>onne wif> westan Alex- andria j)aere byrig Asia 7 Affrica togsedre licgeaf). Europe hio onginf>, swa ic aer cwaej>, of Danai J>aere fe, seo 15 is irnende of nor^daele, of Riffeng }?aem beorgum, f>a sindon neh J>aem garsecge f>e mon hate]} Sarmondisc ; 7 seo ea Danai irnj? j^onan su]?ryhte on westhealfe Alexandres herga, onfd] 1 in Rochovasco f>aere p>eode heo wyrcf) }?aet fen pe mon hate]? Meotedisc, 7 f>onne for]? mid micle flode, neah J^aere 20 byrig f>e mon hatef> Theodosia, wi}? eastan ut on J?a sae flowed \>e mon haett Euxinus. 7 J^onne mid longre nearonesse suf> ponan be eastan Constantinopolim, Creca byrg, ligej?, 7 ]?onne forf> J>onan ut on Wendelsae. Se westsuj>ende Europe land- 1 on both MSS. DIVISIONS OF THE WORLD. UNIVERSITY Majores nostri orbem totius terrae, Oceani limbo circum- septum, triquadrum statuere ; ejusque tres partes, Asiam, Europam, et Africam vocaverunt ; quamvis aliqui duas, hoc est, Asiam, ac deinde Africam in Europam accipiendam putarint. Asia tribus partibus Oceano circumcincta, per totam trans- versi plagam orientis extenditur. Haec occasum versus, a dextra sui, sub axe septentrionis incipientem contingit Euro- pam ; a sinistra autem Africam dimittit ; sub Aegypto vero et Syria mare Nostrum, quod Magnum generaliter dici?nus, habet. Europa incipit, ut dixi, sub plaga septentrionis, a flumine Tanai, qua Riphaei montes, Sarmatico aversi oceano, Tanaim fluvium fundunt ; qui praeteriens aras ac terminos Alexandri Magni, in Rochhaosbascorum finibus sitos, Maeotidas auget paludes ; quarum immensa exundatio juxta Theodosiam ur- bem Euxinum Pontum late ingreditur. Inde juxta Constan- tinopolim longae mittuntur angustiae, donee eas mare hoc quod dicimus Nostrum, accipiat. Europae in Hispania occi- dentalis oceanus terminus est, maxime ubi apud Gades insulas Herculis columnae visunlur, et Tyrrheni maris faucibus oceani aestus immittitur. B 2 4 ALFRED'S OROSIUS. gemirce is in Ispania westeweardum aet J>aem garsecge, 7 maest 25 aet J>aem iglande J>aette GaJ?es hatte, J^aer sciet se Wendelsse up of }33em garsecge ; j^aer eac Ercoles syla stondaf) on f>aem ilcan Wendelsae. 7 hire on westende is Scotland. Affrica 7 Asia hiera landgemircu onginnaf) of Alexandria, Egypta burge, 7 ligej? f?set londgemaere suf> j^onan ofer Nilus 30 f>a ea, 7 swa ofer Ethiopica westenne of) f>one Suf>garsecg. 7 J^aere Affrica norfwestgemxre is set f>aem ilcan Wendelsae, pe of ]?aem garsecge sc^t, J?aer Ercoles syla stondaf>. 7 hire ryhtwestende is aet j^aem beorge ]?e mon Athlans nemne}>, 7 set J^aem iglande pe mon haet Fortunatus. 35 Scortlice ic haebbe nu gesaed ymb f>a f>rie daelas ealles f»ises middangeardes ; ac ic wille nu, swa ic aer gehet, }?ara f»reora landrica gemaere gereccan hu hie mid hiera waetrum tolicgeaf>. II. ASIA. (p. 10.) Asia ongen J?aem middeldaele on J>aem eastende, faer ligef> se mu}?a ut on f>one garsecg f>aere ie pe mon hatef> Gandis. pone garsecg mon haet Indisc. Be suf>an f>aem mu^an wif> f»one garsecg is se port pe mon haet Caligardamana, 7 be 5 suf»aneastan f>aem porte is f>aet igland Deprobane. 7 J>onne be nor]?an J^aem Gandes mufan, j?aer j^aer Caucasis se beorg endaj? neh J?aem garsecge, J)aer is se port Samera. Be norJ?an J>aem pcrte is se muj?a pddve ie pe mon nemnej? Ottorogorre. pone garsecg mon haet Sericus. 10 paet sint India gemaero J>aer f>aer Caucasus se beorg is be norf>an, 7 Indus seo 6a. be westan, 7 seo Reade See be suj?an, 77. ASIA. Africae principium est a finibus Aegypti urbisque Alexan- driae. Unde missa in transversum per Aethiopica deserta meridianum contingit oceanum. Termini Africae ad occi- dentem iidem stint qui et Europae, id est, fauces Gaditani freti. Ultimus autem finis ejus est mons Atlas, et insulae quas For- tunatas vocant. Et quia breviter generales tripartiti orbis divisiones dedi, ipsarum quoque partium regiones, sicut pollicitus sum, signi- ficare curabo. Asia ad mediam frontem orientis habet in oceano Eoo ostia fluminis Gangis, a sinistra promontorium Caligarda- mana, cui subjacet ad Eurum insula Taprobane; e qua oceanus Indicus vocari incipit, a dextra habet Imai monies, ubi Caucasus deficit, promontorium Samaram ; cui ad aqui- lonem subjacent ostia fluminis Octorogorrae ; ex quo oceanus Sericus appellatur. In his finibus India est, quae habet ab occidente flumen Indum, quod Rubro mari excipitur ; a septentrione montem 6 Alfred's orosius. 7 garsecg be eastan. On Indea londe is xliiii feoda buton faem iglande Taprabane, f aet haeff* on him x byrg, buton oferum monegum gesetenum iglondum. Of f aere ie Indus, 15 f e be westan eallum faem lande ligef , betux f aere ie Indus 7 f aere f e be westan hiere is, Tigris hatte, fa flowaf buta suf on fone Readan S&, 7 betux fsem twaem ean sindon fas land : Arocasia, 7 Parthia, 7 Asilia, 7 Persif a, 7 Mef ia ; f eh f e gewrito oft nemnen eal fa lond Mef ia of f e Asiria ; 7 fa 20 lond sindon swife beorhtte 1 , 7 f aer sint swif e scearpe wegas 7 stanihte. para landa norf gemaero sindon set faem beorgum Caucasus, 7 on suf healfe se Reada Sae ; 7 on faem londe sindon twa micla e'a, If aspes 7 Arbis. On f aem londe is xxxn f eoda. Nu hset hit mon eall Parthia. 25 ponne west from Tigres f aere ie of Eufrates fa ea f onne betux f aem ean sindon fas land : Babylonia, 7 Caldea, 7 Mesopotamia. Binnan faem landum sindon xxvm feoda. Heora norf gemaero sindon aet faem beorgum Tauro 7 Cau- caso, 7 hiera suf gemaero licgeaf to faem Readan See. Ond- 30 long f aes Re[a]dan Saes, f aes daeles f e f aer norf scyt, ligef f aet land Arabia, 7 Sabei, 7 Eudomane. Of f sere ie Eufrate west of fone Wendelsae, 7 norf forneah of fa beorgas f e mon Tauros hset, of f aet land f e mon haet Armenie, 7 eft suf of Egypte monege feoda sindon f aes landes : f aet is, 35 Comagena 7 Fenitia, 7 Damascena, 7 Coelle, 7 Moab, 7 Amon, 7 Idumei, 7 Iudea, 7 Palestina, 7 Sarracene ; 7 f eh hit mon haet eal Syria, ponne be norf an Syria sindon fa beorgas f e mon Tauros haett ; 7 be norf an faem beorgum sindon fa land Capodocia 7 Armenie ; 7 heo Armenia is be 4° eastan Capodotia. 7 be westan Capodocia is f aet land f e mon haett seo laesse Asia. 7 be norf an Capodocia is f aet gefilde fe mon haet Temeseras. ponne betux Capodocia 7 f aere laessan Asiam is f aet land Cilia 7 Issaurio. Seo Asia on 1 beorhte C. II. ASIA, 7 Caucasum ; reliqua Eoo et Indico oceano terminatur. Hacc habet gentes quadraginta quatuor, absque insula Taprobane, quae habet decern civitates ; et absque reliquis insulis habita- bilibus plurimis. A flumine Indo, quod est ab oriente, usque ad flumen Tigrim, quod est ad occasum, regiones sunt istae : Aracosia, Parthia, Assyria, Persida et Media ; situ terrarum montoso et aspero. Hae a septentrione habent montem Caucasum, a meridie mare Rubrum ; in medio autem sui, flumina praecipua Ydaspen et Arbim. In his sunt gentes triginta duae. Sed generaliter Parthia dicitur. A flumine Tigri usque ad flumen Euphratem Mesopotamia est, incipiens a septentrione inter montem Taurum et Cau- casum ; cui succedit Babylonia, deinde Chaldaea, novissime Arabia Eudaemon ; quae inter sinum Persicum et sinum Arabicum angusto te?'rae tractu orientan versus exienditur. In his sunt gentes viginti et octo. A flumine Euphrate, quod est ab oriente, usque ad mare Nostrum, deinde a septentrione, id est a civitate Dacusa, quae in confi?iio Cappadociae et Ar- meniae sita est, usque ad Aegyptum et extremum sinum Arabicum, qui est ad meridiem, extenditur Syria, quae sic generaliter nominatur, habetque maximas provincias, Com- magenam, Phoeniciam et Palaestinam absque Saracenis et Nabataeis. In capite Syriae Cappadocia est, quae habet ab oriente Armeniam, ab occasu Asiam, ab aquilone Themiscy- rios campos, a meridie Taurum montem, cui subjacet Cilicia et Isauria. Asia regio absque orientali parte undique cir- cumdata est mari ; a septentrione ponte Euxino, ab occasu Propontide atque Hellesponto, a meridie mari Nostro, ubi est mons Olympus. 8 ALFRED'S OROSIUS. selce healfe heo is befangen mid sealtum waetre buton on east- 45 healfe : on norjmealfe is seo sae Euxinus, 7 on westhealfe se sas pe mon haett Proponditis, 7 Ellaspontus, 7 Wendelsae be suj>an. On p sere ilcan Asiam is se hehsta beorg Olimpus. Seo ^Egyptus pe us near is, be nor]mn hire is J^aet land Palastine 1 , 7 be eastan hiere Sarracene J?set land, 7 be westan 5° hire Libia f>aet land, 7 be sufan hire se beorg pe mon hset Climax. Nilus seo 6a, hire aswielme is neh ]?aem clife J^aere Readan Sam beorge Athlans, 7 J?onne fol rape j^aes sie east irnende on f>aet sond, 7 f>onne besince eft 55 on J?aet sand, 7 J>aer neh sie eft flowende up of f>aem sande, 7 j^aer wyrcp> micelne sae. 7 J>aer hio aerest upwielf* hie hata}> J>a landmen Nuchul, 7 sume men Dara. Ond Jjonne of ]?aem sae J>aer he up of J>aem sonde sc^t he is east irnende from eastdaele J^urh iEthiopica westenne, 7 fiasr mon hast pa ea Ion 60 of> f>one eastdael ; 7 J>aer f>onne wyrf> to miclum sae. 7 J>aer f>onne besinc}? eft in on pa, eorfan, 7 Jjonne eft nor]} ]?onan up aspryngf) neh J>aem clife wi}> J?one Readan Sae, J>e [ic] 2 aer beforan saede. ponne of f>sem sewielme mon haet f>set waster Nilus J>a ea. 7 f>onne forf) ponan west irnende heo tolif) on 65 twa ymb an igland pe mon haet Meroen, 7 }>onan nor]? bugende ut on f>one Wendelsse. ponne on f>aem wintregum tidum vjyrp se muf^a fordrifen foran from J>aem no[r]f>ernum windum J?aet seo ea bif> flowende ofer eal ^Egypta land, 7 heo gedej? mid paem flode swife f>icce eorJ?waestmas on ^Egypta 70 lande. Seo fyrre JEgyptus lif> east ondlong f>ses Readan Saes on suphealfe ; 7 on easthealfe 7 on su}>healfe J>aes landes lif> garsecg ; 7 on hire westhealfe is seo us nearre ^gyptus. 7 on f>aem twaem ^Egyptum sindon xxiiii f>eoda. Nu haebbe we awriten J?aere Asian suj^dael ; nu wille we fon 75 to hire norf)daele : J^aet is J?onne of f»aem beorgum pe mon 1 Palestine C. 2 hit L. II. ASIA. Aegyptus inferior ab oriente habet Palaestinam, ab occasu Libyam, a septentrione mare Nostrum, a meridie montem, qui appellator Climax, fluviumque Nilum, qui de litore in- cipientis maris Rubri videtur emergere in loco, qui dicitur Mosilon emporium ; deinde diu ad occasum profluens, faciens- que insulam nomine Meroen in medio sui ; novissime ad septentrionem inflexus, tempesiivis auctus incrementis, plana Aegypti rigat. Hunc aliqui auctores ferunt, haud procul ab Atlante habere fontem, et continuo arenis mergi ; inde inter- jecto brevi spatio, vastissimo lacu exundare, atque hinc oceano tenus, orientem versus per Aethiopica deserta prolabi, rursus- que inflexum ad sinis/ram, ad Aegypium descender e. Quern utique prope fontem barbari Dara nominant, caeteri vero accolae Nuchul vocant. Aegyptus superior in orientem per longum extenditur, cm est a septentrione sinus Arabicus, a meridie Oceanus. Nam ab occasu ex inferiore Aegypto incipit, ad orientem Rubro mari terminatur, ubi sunt gentes vigintiquatuor. Et quoniam meridianam partem Asiae descripsimus , superest ut ab oriente ad septentrionem pars, quae restat, ex- pediatur. Mons Caucasus primum attollitur'. cujus quidem 10 ALFRED'S 0R0SIUS. haet Caucasus, pe we aer beforan saedon, f>a pe be norf>an India sindon. 7 hie onginnaf) aerest eastane of f>aem garsecge, 7 f>onne licgaj? westryhte o)? Armenia beorgas, pe J>a landleode hi hata]? Parcoadras. paer of ]?aem beorgum wil)) seo ea su]> 80 weard Eufrates ; 7 of J?aem beorgum ]?e mon Parcoadras haett licgeaj? J>a beorgas westryhte pe mon Tauros haett o]> Cilium £>aet lond. ponne be norf>an J?aem beorgum ondlang J>aes garsecges dp fone norf>eastende £>isses middangeardes, p?ev Bore seo ea scyt ut on Jjone garsecg ; 7 }?onan west ondlong 85 j?aes garsecges olp }>one sas pe mon haett Caspia, pe ]?aer upscyt to pxm beorgum Caucasus, paet lond mon haett }?a ealdan Scij^ian 7 Ircaniam. foes landes is xliii f>eoda, wide tose- tene for unwaestmbaernesse f>aes londes. ponne be westan £>aem sae Caspia op Danais ps. ea, 7 of> f>aet fenn pe mon haett 90 Meotedisc ; 7 f>onne suf> of) f>one Wendelsae, 7 of> f>one beorg Tauros ; 7 nor}? of> }?one garsecg is eall Sci)?J?ia lond binnan, f>eh hit mon tonemne on twa 7 on J?ritig f>eoda. Ac pa. lond on easthealfe Danais pe f>aer nihst sindon, Albani hi sint genemde in Latina, 7 we hie hataf> nu Liubene. III. EUROPE. (p. 14.) Nu haebbe we scortlice gesaed ymbe Asia londgemaero ; nu wille we ymbe Europe londgemaero areccean swa micel swa we hit fyrmest witon. From f>aere fe Danais west of> Rin ]?a ea, seo wil)? of ]?aem beorge pe mon Alpis haett, 7 irnf> poime 5 norfryhte on )?aes garsecges earm pe }>aet lond uton ymblif> pe mon Bryttania haett; 7 eft suf> o)? Donua J?a ea, J?aere ITT. EUROPE. 1 1 usque in ultimum orientem unum videiur jugutn ; et multi hoc ipsum jugum Tauri montis credi volunt ; quia re vera Parchoatras, mons Armeniae, inter Taurum et Caucasum medius, continuare Taurum cum Caucaso putatur; sed hoc 11011 ita esse, discemit fluvius Euphrates, qui, de radice Par- choatrae montis effusus, tendens in meridiem, ipsum ad sinis- fram, Taurum excludit ad dexteram. Igitur a monte Imao et dextra orientis parte usque ad flumen Boreum, inde tenus Scythico mari, quod est a septentrione, usque ad mare Cas- pium, et usque ad extentum Caucasi jugum, Hyrcanorum et Scytharum gentes sunt quadraginta duae, propter terrarum infoecundam diffusionem late oberrantes. Itaque a mari Caspio quod est ad orientem, usque ad Tanaim fluvium et Maeotidas paludes gentes sunt trigintaquatuor. Sed genera- liter regio proxima Albania ulterior, sub mari et monte Caspio, Amazonum nominatur. Expliciti sunt quam brevissime fines Asiae ; nunc Euro- pam, in quantum cognitioni hominis conceditur, stylo perva- gabor. A flumine Tanai flumen Rhenum, quod est ab occasu, deinde usque ad Danubium, qui est a meridie ad Orientem directus, ponto excipitur. 12 ALFRED'S OROSIUS. sewielme is neah Rines ofre f aere ie, 7 is sif f an east imende wif norfan Creca lond ut on f one Wendelsae ; 7 norf of fone garsecg fe mon Cwensae haet: binnan faem sindon 10 monega feoda, ac hit mon haet eall Germania. ponne wif norfan Donua aewielme 7 be eastan Rine sindon [Eastfrancan] * ; 7 be suf an him sindon Swaefas, on ofre healfe f aere ie Donua. 7 be suf an him 7 be eastan sindon Baegware, se dael fe mon Regnesburg haett. 7 ryhte 15 be eastan him sindon Baeme, 7 eastnorf sindon pyringa[s]. 7 be norfan him sindon Ealdseaxan, 7 be norfanwestan him sindon Frisan. Be westan Ealdseaxum is iElfe mufa f aere ie, 7 Frisland. 7 f onan westnorf is f aet lond pe mon Ongle haet, 7 Sillende, 7 sumne dael Dene. 7 be norfan 20 him is Afdrede, 7 eastnorf Wilte, pe mon Haefeldan hastt. 7 be eastan him is Wineda lond, pe mon haett Sysyle, 7 eastsuf , ofer sum dael, Maroara. 7 hie Maroara habbaf be- westan him pyringas, 7 Behemas, 7 Begware healfe ; 7 be suf an him on ofre healfe Donua f aere ie is f aet land Carendre suf 25 of fa beorgas pe mon Alpis haet. To faem ilcan beorgan licgaf Begwara landgemaero 7 Swaefa. ponne be eastan Carendran londe, [begeondan] 2 faem westenne, is Pulgara land. 7 be eastan faem is Creca land. 7 be eastan Ma- roara londe is Wisle lond. 7 be eastan p aem sint Datia, fa 30 pe iu waeron Gotan. Be norf aneastan Maroara sindon Dalamentsan 7 be eastan Dalamentsan sindon Horigti 3 . 7 be norfan Dalamentsan sindon Surpe; 7 be westan him Sysyle. Be norfan Horoti 4 is Maegf a land ; 7 be norfan Maegf a londe Sermende of fa beorgas Rififen. Be westan 35 Suf denum is f aes garsecges earm f e lif ymbutan f aet land Brettania; 7 be norfan him is faes saes earm fe mon haet Ostsae ; 7 be eastan him 7 be norfan sindon Norf dene, segfer ge on f aem maran landum ge on f aem iglandum ; 7 1 eastfrancna Z. 2 begeondara L. 3 horithi C. 4 horiti C. IV. OHTHERJEfs VOYAGE. 1 3 be eastan him sindon Afdrede; 7 be supan him is ^Elfe mupa paere ie 7 Ealdseaxna sum doel. Norpdene habbap be 40 norpan him pone ilcan saes earm pe mon hxt Ostsx, 7 be eastan him sindon Osti pa leode ; 7 Afrede 1 be supan. Osti habbap be norpan him pone ilcan saes earm, 7 Winedas, 7 Burgendan ; 7 be supan him sindon Haefeldan. Burgendan habbap pone [ylcan] saes earm be westan him ; 7 Sweon be 45 norpan ; 7 be eastan him sint Sermende, 7 be supan him Surfe. Sweon habbap be supan him pone saes earm Osti ; 7 be eastan him Sermende ; 7 be norpan him ofer pa westenne is Cwenland; 7 be westannorpan him sindon [Scridefinnas] 2 ; 7 be westan Norpmenn. 5° IV. ohthere's voyage. (p. 17.) Ohthere saede his hlaforde, Afrede cyninge, paet he ealra Norpmonna norpmest bude. He cwaep px*t he bude on paem lande norpweardum wip pa Westsae. He saede peah [f>aet] paet land sie swipe lang norp ponan ; ac hit is eal weste, buton on feawum stowum styccemselum wiciap Finnas, 5 on huntope on wintra, 7 on sumera on fiscape be paere sse. He saede paet he set sumum cirre wolde fandian hu longe paet land norpryhte laege, oppe hwaeper aenig mon be norpan paem westenne bude. pa for he norpryhte be paem lande : let him ealne weg paet weste land on paet steorbord, 7 pa ic widsae on paet baecbord prie dagas. pa waes he swa feor norp swa pa hwaelhuntan finest farap. pa for he pagiet 1 afdrsede C. 2 scridefinne L. 14 ALFREDS OROSIUS. norf>ryhte swa feor swa he meahte on f>aem of>rum }?rim dagum gesiglan. pa beag f>aet land pddr eastryhte, oj^e seo 15 sae in on J>aet lond, he nysse hwae^er ; buton he wisse joset he faer bad westanwindes 7 hwon norf>an, 7 siglde f>a x east be lande swa swa he meahte on feower dagum gesiglan. pa sceolde he ]?aer bidan ryhtnorf>anwindes, for J>aem £>aet land beag J>aer sufiryhte, o}?J>e seo sse in on f>aet land, he 20 nysse hwse^er. pa siglde he £>onan su]?ryhte be lande swa swa he mehte on fif dagum gesiglan. pa lasg J>aer an micel ea up in on f>aet land, pa cirdon hie up in on pa. ea, for j^aem hie ne dorston for}} bi J?aere ea siglan for unfri^e ; for J>aem f>aet land wses eall gebun on opve healfe J>aere eas. Ne 25 mette he aer nan gebun land, si)?J?an he from his agnum ham for. Ac him waes ealne weg weste land on J>aet steorbord, butan fiscerum 7 fugelerum 7 huntum, 7 f>aet waeron eall Finnas ; 7 him wses a widsaS on f^aet baecbord. pa Beormas 2 haefdon swif>e wel gebud hira land ; ac hie ne dorston J?aer 30 on cuman. Ac J?ara Terfinna land waes eal weste buton paer huntan gewicodon, oppe fisceras, oJ?f»e fugeleras. Fela spella him saedon f>a Beormas 3 aegj^er ge of hiera agnum lande ge of J>aem landum pe ymb hie utan waeron ; ac he nyste hwaet J>aes sof>es waes, for J>aem he hit self ne 35 geseah. pa Finnas, him Jmhte, 7 £>a Beormas 4 spraecon neah an gef>eode. Swip>ost he for J>ider, toeacan pxs landes sceawunge, for J?sem horschwaelum, for paem hie habbaj} smpe aej^ele ban on hiora tof>um — f>a tef> hie brohton sume j?aem cyninge — , 7 hiora hyd 4 40 bij> swif>e god to sciprapum. Se hwael bif> micle laessa £onne oj^re hwalas : ne bij> he lengra J?onne syfan elna lang. Ac on his agnum lande is se betsta hwaelhuntaf> : J?a beof> 1 ]>anon C. 2 First stroke of the m erased. 8 Last stroke of the m erased. * Here begins the gap in L., and the extract from C. iv. ohthere's voyage. 15 eahta and feowertiges elna lange, 7 fa maestan fiftiges elna lange. para he saede faet he syxa sum ofsloge syxtig on twam dagum. 45 He waes swyfe spedig man on faem aehtum fe heora speda on beof, faet is, on wildrum. He hsefde fagyt, fa he fone cyningc sohte, tamra deora unbebohtra syx hund. pa deor hi hataf ' hranas ' ; f ara waeron syx staelhranas ; fa beof swyfe dyre mid Finnum, for faem hy fof fa wildan 5° hranas mid. He waes mid faem fyrstum mannum on f asm lande : naefde he feah ma f onne twentig hryf era, 7 twentig sceapa, 7 twentig swyna ; 7 f set lytle f set he erede he erede mid horsan. Ac hyra ar is maest on faem gafole fe fa Finnas him gyldaf. paet gafol bif on deora fellum, 7 on 55 fugela feferum, 7 hwales bane, 7 on f aem sciprapum, f e beof of hwaeles hyde geworht, 7 of seoles. MghwRc gylt be hys gebyrdum. Se byrdesta sceall gyldan fiftyne mearf es fell, 7 fif hranes, 7 an beran fel, 7 tyn ambra fef ra, 7 berenne kyrtel offe yterenne, 7 twegen sciprapas; asgfer sy syxtig 60 elna lang, of er sy of hwaeles hyde geworht, of er of sioles. He saede f set Norf manna land waere swyf e lang 7 swyf e smael. Eal faet his man af er offe ettan offe erian maeg f get lif wif f a sae ; 7 faet is f eah on sumum stowum swyf e cludig ; 7 licgaf wilde moras wif eastan 7 wif uppon 65 emnlange faem bynum lande. On faem morum eardiaf Finnas. 7 faet byne land is easteweard bradost, 7 symle swa norfor swa smselre. Eastewerd hit maeg bion syxtig mila brad, offe hwene braedre ; 7 middeweard f ritig offe bradre ; 7 norf eweard, he cwaef , f aer hit smalost wsere, f set 7° hit mihte beon f reora mila brad to faem more ; 7 se mor syffan, on sumum stowum, swa brad swa man maeg on twam wucum oferferan ; 7 on sumum stowum swa brad swa man maeg on syx dagum oferferan. ponne is toemnes faem lande suf eweardum, on of re healfe 75 1 6 Alfred's orosius. paes mores, Sweoland, op paet land norpeweard ; 7 toemnes paem lande norpeweardum Cwena land, pa Cwenas hergiap hwilum on pa Norpmen ofer pone mor, hwilum pa Norpmen on hy. 7 paer sint swipe micle meras fersce geond pa moras ; So 7 hemp pa Cwenas hyra scypu ofer land on pa meras, 7 panon hergiap on pa Norpmen ; hy habbap swype lytle scypa 7 swype leohte. Ohthere saede paet sio sci'r hatte Halgoland pe he on bude. He cwaep paet nan man ne bude be norpan him. ponne is an 85 port on supeweardum paem lande, pone 1 man haet Sciringes heal, pyder he cwaep paet man mihte geseglian on anum monpe, gyf man on niht wicode, 7 aelce daege haefde ambyrne wind ; 7 ealle pa hwile he sceal seglian be lande. 7 on paet steorbord him bip aerest Iraland, 7 ponne pa igland pe synd 90 betux Iralande 7 pissum lande. ponne is pis land op he cymp to Scirincges heale, 7 ealne weg on paet baecbord Norpweg. Wip supan pone Sciringes heal fylp swype mycel sae up in on paet lond ; seo is bradre ponne aenig man ofer seon maege. 7 is Gotland on opre healfe ongean, 7 sippan 2 95 Sillende. Seo sae lip maenig hund mila up in on paet land. 7 of Sciringes heale he cwaep paet he seglode on fif dagan to paem porte pe mon haet aet Haepum ; se stent betuh Wine- dum, 7 Seaxum, 7 Angle, 7 hyrp in on Dene, pa he pider- weard se'glode fram Sciringes heale, pa waes him on paet 100 baecbord Denamearc, 7 on paet steorbord widsae pry dagas ; 7 pa, twegen dagas ser he to Haepum come, him waes on paet steorbord Gotland, 7 Sillende, 7 iglanda fela. On paem landum eardodon Engle, aer hi hider on land coman. 7 hym waes pa twegen dagas on paet baecbord pa igland pe in Dene- 105 mearce hyrap. 1 J?onne. 2 sitScJa. 17 V. wulfstan's voyage. (P- I9-) Wulfstan saede f>aet he gefore of Haefum, f>aet he waere on Truso on syfan dagum 7 nihtum, faet faet scip waes ealne weg yrnende under segle. Weonofland him waes on steorbord, 7 on baecbord him waes Langaland, 7 Lee- land, 7 Falster, 7 Sconeg ; 7 fas land eall hyraf to De- 5 nemearcan. 7 fonne Burgenda land waes us on baecbord, 7 J>a habbaf him sylf cyning. ponne aefter Burgenda lande waeron us fas land, fa synd hatene aerest Blecinga-e'g, 7 Meore, 7 Eowland, 7 Gotland on baecbord; 7 fas land hyraf to Sweon. 7 Weonodland waes us ealne weg on 10 steorbord of) Wislemuf an. Seo Wisle is swyf e mycel ea, 7 hio toli)? Witland 7 Weonodland ; 7 f aet Witland belimpef to Estum ; 7 seo Wisle lif ut of Weonodlande, 7 lif in Estmere ; 7 se Estmere is huru fiftene mila brad, ponne cyme)? Ilfing eastan in Estmere of f aem mere f e Truso 15 standef in staf e, 7 cumaf ut samod in Estmere, Ilfing eastan of Eastlande, 7 Wisle suf an of Winodlande. 7 f onne benimf Wisle Ilfing hire naman, 7 ligef of f aem mere west 7 norf on sae : for f y hit man haet Wislemuf a. paet Eastland is swyf e mycel, 7 f aer bif? swyf e manig burh, <*o 7 on aelcere byrig bif cyningc. 7 faer bif? swyfe mycel hunig 7 fiscnaf ; 7 se cyning 7 fa ricostan men drincaf myian meolc, 7 fa unspedigan 7 fa f eowan drincaf medo. c 1 8 ALFRED'S OROSIUS. paer bif> swyj?e mycel gewinn betweonan him. 7 ne bif> f>aer 25 naenig ealo gebrowen mid Estum, ac f>aer bif> m£do genoh. 7 J3aer is mid Estum f>eaw, f»onne f>aer bip> man dead, j^set he IiJ> inne unforbaerned mid his magum 7 freondum monaj?, ge hwilum twegen ; 7 f>a kyningas 7 pa. oj^re heahfmngene men, swa micle lencg swa hi maran speda habba]?, hwilum healf 3° gear f>aet hi beof> unforbaerned, 7 licga]} bufan eorjmn on hyra husum. 7 ealle f>a hwile pe J^set lie bij? inne, f»aer sceal beon gedrync 7 plega, 0)3 J^one daeg pe hi hine forbaernaf). ponne py ylcan daeg [f>e] hi hine to f>aem ade beran wylla}>, J^onne todaelaJ> hi his feoh, f>aet }?aer to lafe bif> aefter f>aem 35 gedrynce 7 }?aem plegan, on fff of>f»e syx, hwylum on ma, swa swa f>aes feos andefn b'ip. Alecgaj? hit J?onne forhwaega on anre mile f>one maestan dael fram J^aem tune, }?onne of>erne, J^onne J?aene J>riddan, of) pe hyt eall aled bi}? on f>aere anre mile ; 7 sceall beon se laesta dasl nyhst f>aem tune f>e se deada 40 man on lip. ponne sceolon beon gesamnode ealle J>a menn pe swyftoste hors habbajp on fiaem lande, forhwaega on fff milum oplpe on syx milum fram J^aem feo. ponne aernaf> hy ealle toweard j?aem feo ; }?onne cyme}? se man se J?aet swif- toste 1 hors hafaf> to psem aerestan daele 7 to f>aem maestan, 7 45 swa aelc aefter oj^rum, of> hit bif» eall genumen ; 7 se nimj? fone laestan dael se nyhst J>aem tune j^aet feoh ge2ernef>. 7 f>onne ridef> aelc hys weges mid j?an feo, 7 hyt motan habban eall ; 7 for f>y f>aer beoj? f>a swiftan hors ungefoge dyre. 7 f>onne hys gestreon beof> J>us eall aspended, }?onne byrp man 50 hine ut, 7 forbaerne]? mid his waepnum 7 hraegle. 7 swif>ost ealle hys speda hy forspendaf) mid f»an langan legere f>oas deadan mannes inne, 7 }?aes pe hy be ]?aem wegum alecgaf>, pe pd. fremdan to sernajj, 7 nima{>. 7 f>set is mid Estum f>eaw ]33st pddr sceal aelces gef>eodes man beon forbaerned ; 7 gyf 55 f>ar man an ban findef) unforbaerned, hi hit sceolan miclum 1 swifte. v. wulfstan's voyage. 19 gebetan. 7 f cer is mid Eastum an maegf fset hi magon cyle gewyrcan ; 7 fy f 3er licgaf fa deadan men swa lange 7 ne fuliaf, feet hy wyrcaf fone cyle him 1 on. 7 feah man asette twegen fsetels full ealaf off e wseteres, hy gedof fset aegfer 2 bif oferfroren, sam hit sy sumor sam winter. 6o 1 hine. 2 oper. c a 2o ALFRED'S OROSIUS. VI. EUROPE [continued). (p. 22.) Nu wille we secgan be suf>an Donua f>sere 6a. ymbe Creca land, [hu hit] lif>. Wyf> eastan Constantinopolim, Creca byrig, is se sse Proponditis. 7 be norfan Constantinopolim, Creca byrig, sc^t se sseearm up of f>sem sse westrihte pe man hset 5 Euxinus ; 7 be westannorf>an Ipxre byrig Donua muf>a fsere ea scyt su]?east ut on f>one sse Euxinus ; 7 on suj?healfe 7 on westhealfe j^ses mujmn sindon Msesi, Creca leode ; 7 be westan f>sere byrig sindon Traci ; 7 be eastan )?sere byrig Macedonia 7 be su}?an ]?sere byrig, on suj)healfe f>ses sses earmes f>e man 10 hset Egeum, sindon Athena 7 Corintus f>a land. 7 be westan- suj>an Corinton is Achie f set land, set J?sem Wendelsse. pas land syndon Creca leode. 7 be westan Achie, 7lang fses Wendelsses, is Dalmatia pset land, on norf>healfe j^ses sses ; 7 be norfan Dalmatia sindon Pulgare 7 Istria. 7 be sufan 15 Istria is se Wendelsse ]>e man hset Atriaticum ; 7 be westan ba beorgas pe man haet Alpis ; 7 be norfan f>set westen paet is betux Carendan 7 Pulgarum x . ponne is Italia land westnorflang 7 eastsu]?lang, 7 hit beli]? Wendelsse ymb eall utan, buton westannorf>an. JSt 20 J^aem ende hit belicga]} J>a beorgas f>e man hset Alpis : J?a onginnaj? westane fram jxem Wendelsse i[n] Narbonense f>sere J?eode, 7 endiaf> eft east in Dalmatia Ipxm lande set })3em sse. 1 fulgarum. VI. EUROPE. 2 1 Nunc quidquid Danubius a barbarico ad mare Nostrum secludit, expediam. Moesia ab oriente habet ostia fluminis Danubii, ab euro Thraciam, a septentrione Danubium. Thracia habet ab oriente Propontidis sinum et civitatem Constantinopolim, a septentrione sinum Euxini ponti, ab occasu et africo Macedonian!, a meridie Aegaeum mare. Macedonia habet a meridie Achaiam. Achaia undique pro- pemodum cincta est mari. Habet ab aquilone angustnm terrae dorsum, ubi est Corinthus, habens in Attica ad borcam non longe Athenas civitatem. Dalmatia habet ab occasu o Istriam, a meridie Adriaticum sinum. Pa?mo?iia, Noncus et Rhetia habent ab africo Alpes Penninas. Italiae situs a circio in eurum tenditur, habens ab africo Tyrrhenum mare, a borea Adriaticum sinum ; cujus ea pars qua continenti terrae communis et contigua est, Alpium obi- cibus obstruitur : quae a Gallico mari exsurgentes, primum Narbonensium fines, deinde Galliam Rheiiamque seduduni, donee in sinu Libumico defigantur. 22 ALFRED'S OROSIUS. pa land Ipe man haet Gallia Bellica, be eastan f>aem is sio 25 ea \>e man haet Rin, 7 be su]?an fa beorgas Ipe man haet Alpis, 7 be westansuf>an se garsecg Ipe man haet Brittanisca, 7 be norfan on of>re healfe f>aes garsegges earme is Brittannia j?aet land. Be westan Ligore is Aequitania land, 7 be sup>an JEquitania is }?aes landes sum dael Narbonense, 7 be westan- 3° sufan Ispania land, 7 be westan garsegc. Be suf>an Narbo- nense is se Wendelsae, J>aer f>aer Rodan seo 6a, utscyt ; 7 be eastan him Profentsae ; 7 be westan him Profentsae ofer f»a westenu seo us nearre Ispania ; 7 be westan him 7 norJ>an Equitania ; 7 Wascan be norf>an. Profentse haefj? be norfan 35 hyre f>a beorgas f»e man Alpis haet : 7 be sufan hyre is Wen- delsae ; 7 be norfan hyre 7 eastan synd Burgende ; 7 Wascan be westan. Ispania land is fryscyte, 7 eall mid fleote utan ymbhaefd, ge eac binnan ymbhaefd ofer f>a land aegf»er ge of J?aem 40 garsecge ge of f>am Wendelsae. An faera garena HJ? suf>west ongean J?aet igland Ipe Gades hatte, 7 of>er east ongean J>aet land Narbonense, 7 se fridda norfwest ongean Brigantia, Gallia burh, 7 ongean Scotland, ofer f»one saes earm, on geryhte ongean faene muf»an Ipe mon haet Scene. Seo us 45 fyrre Ispania, hyre is be westan garsecg, 7 be norlp an Wen- delsae, be sufan 7 be eastan seo us nearre Ispania ; be norfan j?aere synt Equitania, 7 be norfaneastan is se weald Pireni, 7 be eastan Narbonense, 7 be suj?an Wendelsse. Brittannia faet igland hit is norf>eastlang ; 7 hit is eahta 50 hund mila lang, 7 twa hund mila brad, ponne is be- suj?an him on ofre healfe f>aes saes earmes Gallia Bellica; 7 on westhealfe on olpre healfe faes saes earmes is Ibaernia f>set igland ; 7 on norfhealfe Orcadus >aet igland. Igbernia, J?aet we Scotland hata]?, hit is on aelce healfe ymbfangen mid 55 garsecge ; 7 for ]?on Ipe sio sunne faer gae]? near on setl f>onne on oprum lande, J?aer syndon lyjjran wedera J?onne on VI. EUROPE. 23 Gallia Belgica habet ab oriente limitem fluminis Rheni, ab euro Alpes Peiuiinas, a circio oceanum Britannicum, a sep- tentrione Britanniam insulam. Aquitanica provincia obliquo cursu Ligeris fluminis in orbem agitnr. Haec a circio ocea- num qui Aquiianicus sinus dicitur, ab occasu Hispanias habet, a septentrione et oriente Lugdunensem, ab euro et meridie Narbonensem provinciam contingit. Narbonensis provincia habet ab occidente Hispaniam, a circio Aquitaniam, a sep- tentrione Lugdunensem, ab aquilone Belgicam Galliam, a meridie mare GaUicum, habens in fronte, qua Rhodanus fluvius in mare exit, insulas Stechadas. Hispania universa terrarum situ trigona est, et circum- fusione Oceani Tyrrhenique pelagi pene insula efficitur. Hujus angulus prior, spectans ad orientem, Narbonensium finibus inseritur. Secundus angulus circium intendit ; ubi Brigantia Gallaeciae civitas sita. Tertius ejus angulus est, qua Gades insulae intentae in africum, Atlantem mentem prospiciunt. Hispaniam citeriorem ab oriente incipientem, Pyrenaei saltus a parte septentrionis deducunt, atque inde. posiia in Nostri maris littore Carthago deter minat. His- pania ulterior habet a septentrione Oceanum, ab occasu Oceanum. Britannia Oceani insula, per longum in boream extenditur. A meridie Gallias habet. Haec insula habet in longo millia passuum octingenta, in lato millia ducenta: a tergo autem Orcadas insulas habet. Deinde insula Thule, quae per in- finitum a ceteris separata, circium versus medio sita Oceani, vix paucis nota habetur. Hibernia insula longiore ab africo >'n boream spatio porrigilur. Haec propior Britanniae, spatio 24 Alfred's orosius. Brettannia. ponne be westannorf>an Ibernia is f>set ytemeste land J>aet man haet Thila, 7 hit is feawum mannum cuf> for f>aere oferfyrre. Nu haebbe we gesaed ymbe ealle Europe 60 landgemaero hu hi tolicgaf). VII. AFRICA. (p. 24.) Nu wille we ymbe Affrica [secgan], hu pa. landgemaero tolicgaf>. Ure yldran cwaedon J>aet hio waere se f>ridda dael }>yses middangeardes : naes na for J>am pe £>aes landes swa fela waere, ac for J>am pe se Wendelsae hit baeff) swa todaeled, 5 for ]?an pe he brycj? swi|?or on f»one suf>dael f>onne he do on j?one norf>dael; 7 sio haete haef}? genumen f>aes sufidaeles mare f>onne se cyle f>aes norfidaeles haebbe, for f>on pe aelc wiht maeg bet wyf> cyle f>onne wij> haete. For J?am J>ingon is Affrica aegf>er ge on landum ge on mannum laesse j?onne 10 Europe. Affrica onginf>, swa we aer cwaedon, eastan westwerd fram Egyptum aet f>aere ee pe man Nilus haet. ponne is sio easte- meste J>eod haten Libia Cirimacia. Hire is be eastan sio us nearre Aegyptus, 7 be norf>an Wendelsae, pe man haet Libia 15 iEthiopicum, 7 be westan Syrtes Maiores. Be westan Libia JEthiopicum is sio us fyrre JEgyptus, 7 be suf>an se garsecg pe man haet JEthiopicus, 7 be westan Rogathitus. Tribulitania sio f»iod, pe man o}?re naman haet Arzuges, hio haef J> be eastan hyre f>one Sirtes Maiores, 7 Rogathite ]?a land, 7 be norf>an VII. AFRICA. 25 ierrarum angustior : sed coeli solique temperie magis utilis, a Scotorum gentibus colitur. Hi sunt fines totius Europae. Africam, cum tertiam orbis partem majores Nostri accipi- endam descripserint, non spatiorum mensuras, sed divisionum rationes secuti sunt. Mare hoc siquidem Magnum, in meri- diem magis vergens, angustiorem coartatae Africae limitem facit. Praeterea cum multo amplius terrae in Africa ardore Solis, quam in Europa rigore frigoris incultum atque incog- nitum sit (quippe cum omnia pene animantia vel germinantia patientius et tolerabilius ad summum frigoris quam ad sum- mum caloris accedant), ea scilicet causa est, Africam per omnia situ et populis minorem videri ; cujus descriptio per provincias et gentcs haec est. Libya Cyrenaica post Aegyptum in parte Africae prima est. Haec incipit a civitate Paraetonio. Post se habet usque ad Oceanum meridianum, gentes Libyae, Aethiopum et Gara- mantum. Huic est ab oriente Aegyptus, a septentrione mare Libycum, ab occasu Syrtes majores et Troglodytae, a meridie Aethiopicus Oceanus. Tripolitana provincia, quae et regio Arzugum dicitur, habet ab oriente Syrtes majores et Troglo- dytas, a septentrione mare Siculum, vel potius Adriaticum, et Syrtes minores, ab occasu Bizantium usque ad lacum 26 Alfred's orosius. 20 pone Wendelsce, pe man haet Adriaticum, 7 pa peode pe man hset Sirtes Minores, 7 be westan Bizantium, op pone sealtan mere, 7 be supan hyre Natabres 7 Geothulas 7 Garamantes, op pone garsegc. Bizantium sio peod, pser seo burh 1 is Adrumetis, 7 25 Seuges, 7 seo piod paer sio mycle burh is Cartaina, 7 Numedia sio peod, hi habbap be eastan him paet land Syrtes Minores, 7 pone sealtan mere, 7 be norpan him is Wendel- sse, 7 be westan him Mauritania, 7 be supan him Uzera pa beorgas ; 7 be supan pam beorgum pa simbelfarendan 30 ^Ethiopes op pone garsecg. Mauritania, hyre is be eastan Numedia, 7 be norpan \Vendels2e, 7 be westan Malva sio ea, 7 be supan Astrix 2 pa beorgas, pa todselap pset wsestm- baere land 7 past deadwylle sand, pe syppan lip sup on pone garsecg. Mauritania, pe man opre naman hset Tingetana, 35 be eastan hyre is Malva sio 6a., 7 be norpan Abbenas pa beorgas, 7 Calpis, oper beorh. pser scyt se ende up of pam garsecge betuh pan twam beorgum eastweard, pser Ercoles syla standap ; 7 be westan him is se beorh Athlans, op pone garsecg, 7 [be] supan pa beorgas pe manhsetiEsperos; 40 7 be supan him Aulolum sio peod, op pone garsecg. Nu haebbe we ymb Arnica landgemsero 3 gessed. VIII. THE ISLANDS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN, (p. 26.) Nu wille we secgan ymb pa /'gland pe on pa[m] Wendelsa? sindon. Cipros past igland hit lip ongean Cilicia 7 Issaurio on pam saes earme pe man haet Mesicos, 7 hit is an hund 1 se beorh. 2 ymb inserted after Astrix. 8 landgemserco. VIII. ISLANDS. 27 Salinarum, a meridie barbaros Getulos, Natabros ct Gara- mantas, usque ad Oceanum Aethiopicum pertingentes. Byzacium, ubi Adrumetus civitas, Zeugis, ubi Carthago magna, Nnmidia, ubi Hippo regins et Rusiccada civitates sunt, habent ab oriente Syrtes minores et lacum Salinarum, a sep- tentrione mare Nostrum, ab occasu Mauritaniam Silifensem, a meridie montes Uzarae; et post eos Aethiopum gentes pervagantes usque ad Oceanum Aethiopicum. Sitifemis ct Caesariensis Mauritania habent ab oriente Numidiam, a sep- tentrione mare Nostrum, ab occasu flumen Malvam, a meridie montem Astrixim, qui dividit inter vivam terram et arenas jacentes usque ad Oceanum. Tingitana Mauritania ultima est Africae. Haec habet ab oriente flumen Malvam, a sep- tentrione mare Nostrum usque ad fretum Gaditanum, quod inter Abennem et Calpen, duo contraria sibi promontoria, coartatur, ab occidente Atlantem montem, et Oceanum At- Janticum, sub africo Hesperium . montem, a meridie gentes Aulolum, usque ad Oceanum Hesperium contingentes. Hie est universae terminus Africae. Nunc inrularum quae in Nostro mari sunt, loca, nomina, el spaiia dimeliar. Insula Cypros ab oriente mari Sjrw, quod Mesicum sinum vocant, a septentnone Aulone Cilico, a meridie 28 Alfred's orosius. mila lang 7 fif 7 hundsyfantig, 7 an hund mila brad 7 twa 7 5 tvventig. Creto f»set igland, him is be eastan se sae J>e man Arfatium haet, 7 [be] westan 7 be norf>an Creticum se sae, 7 be westan Sicilium, pe man oJ?re naman haet Addriaticum : hit is an hund mila long l , 7 hundsyfantig 7 fiftig mila brad, para iglanda pe man haet Ciclades J>ara sindon f»reo 7 fiftig, *o 7 be eastan him is se Risca sae, 7 be suf>an se Cretisca, 7 . be nor]?an se Egisca, 7 be westan Addriaticum. Sicilia J>aet igland is f>ryscyte. On aelces sceatan ende sindon beorgas. pone norfisceatan man haet Polores ; j?aer is seo burh neah Mesana. 7 se suf>sceata hatte Bachinum ; f>aer neah is sio 1 5 burh Siracussana. 7 J?one westsceatan man haet Libeum; J?aer is seo burh neah pe man haet Libeum. 7 hit is an hund 7 syfan 7 fiftig mila lang, suf> 7 nor]? ; 7 se J>ridda sceata is an hund 7 syfan 7 hundsyfantig westlang. 7 be eastan jxem lande is se Wendelsae, pe man haet 20 Adriati[c]um, 7 be suf>an pe 2 man haet Affricum, 7 be westan pe man hast Tirenum, 7 be norf>an is se sae f>e aeg]?er is ge nearo ge hreoh, wif> Italia J?am lande. Sardina 7 Corsica pa. igland todaelej? an lytel saes earm, se is twa 7 twentig mila brad. Sardina is )?reo 7 f»ritti mila lang, 7 twa 7 twentig 25 mila brad. Him is be eastan se Wendelsae pe man haet Tirrenum, pe Tiber sio ea ut scyt on ; 7 be suf>an se sae pe lif> ongean Numedia lande, 7 be westan f»a twa igland pe man haet Balearis, 7 be norj^an Corsica £>aet igland. Corsica him is Romeburh be eastan, 7 Sardine be sujmn, 7 be westan 30 J>a igland Balearis, 7 be nor|?an Tuscania J?set land; hit is syxtene mila lang, 7 nygan mila brad. Balearis £>a tu igland him is be suf»an 3 AfTrica, 7 Gades be westan, 7 Ispania be norj^an. Scortlice haebbe we nu gesaed be faem gesetenum 4 iglandum pe on f>aem Wendelsae sindon. 1 lond. * >ara. 3 norfan. 4 gesetenessum. VIII. ISLANDS. 29 Syriae pelago cingiiur; cujus spatium in longo tenet millia passuum centum septuaginta quinque, in lato millia passuum centum vigintiquinque. Insula Creta finitur ab oriente Car- pathio mari, ab occasu et septentrione mari Cretico, a meridie mari Libyco, quod et Adriaticum vocant; habet in longo millia passuum centum septuaginta duo, in lato quinquaginta. Insulae Cyclades, ab oriente finiuntur litoribus Ast'ae, ab oc- cidente mari Icario, a septentrione mari Aegaeo, a meridie mari Carpathio. Sunt autem omnes Cyclades numero quin- quaginta tres. Sicilia insula tria habet promontoria, unum quod dicitur Pelorus, et adspicit ad aquilonem, cui Messana civitas proxima est ; secundum, quod dicitur Pachynum, sub quo civitas Syracusana, respicit ad euronotum ; tertium, quod adpellatur Lilybaeum, ubi et civitas ejusdem nominis sita est, dirigitur in occasum. Haec habet a Peloro in Pachinum millia passuum centum quinquaginta novem, a Pachyno in Lilybaeum centum septuaginta septem. Haec ab oriente cingitur mari Adriatico, a meridie mari Africo, ab occidente habet mare Tyrrhenum, a borea fretum Adriaticum, quod dividit Tauromenitanos Siciliae, et Bruttios Italiae. Sardinia et Corsica insula parvo freto, hoc est, millium viginti, divi- duntur. Ex quibus Sardinia habet a meridie Caralitanos, contra Corsicam insulam habet Ulbienses ; cujus in longo spatium tenet millia passuum ducenta triginta, in lato millia ducenta octoginta. Haec habet ab oriente et a borea Tyrr- henum mare, quod spectat ad portum urbis Ro7?iae, ab africo insulas Baleares longe positas, a meridie Numidicum sinum, a septentrione Corsicam. Corsica insula mult is promonioriis angulosa est. Haec habet ab oriente Tyrrhenum mare, et portum Urbis, a meridie Sardiniam, ab occasu insulas Baleares, a circio et septentrione Ligusticum sinurm Tenet autem in longo millia passuum centum sexaginta, in lato millia viginti sex. Insulae Baleares duae sunt. Deinde ab w* tJNIVEBSITI ^ 30 Alfred's orosius. IX. THE GREEKS AND PERSIANS. (P- 78.) iEfter ] paem pe Romeburg getimbred waes twa hunde wintra 7 mix, paette Cambisfis] 2 feng to Persa rice, Ciruses sunu, se, mid pon pe he Egypte oferwon, gedyde paet nan haepen cyning aer gedon ne dorste, paet wses paet he heora 5 godgieldum eallum wipsoc, 7 hie aefter paem mid ealle towearp. ^Efter him ricsade Darius, se awende ealle Asiriae 7 Caldei eft to Perseum, pe aer from him gebogene waeron. /Efter paem he wonn on Scippie, aegper ge for Ciruses siege paes cyninges, his maeges, ge eac for paem pe him [man] 10 paer wifes forwiernde. His heres wses seofon hund pusenda, pa he on Scippie for. Hwaepere pa Scippie noldon hiene gesecan to folcgefeohte, ac ponne hie gind paet lond tofarene waeron, hie ponne hie floccmselum slogan, pa waeron pa Perse mid paem swipe geegsade, 7 eac ondredon paet mon pa brycge 15 forwyrcan wolde pe aet paem gemaere waes, paet hie sippan nysten hu hie ponan comen. He pa se cyning, aefter paem pe his folc swipe forslaegen waes, paer forlet hundeahtatig pusenda beaeftan him, paet hie paer pagiet leng winnan sceoldon, 7 he self ponan gewat on pa laessan Asiam, 7 hie 20 forhergeade ; 7 sippan on Maecedoniam, 7 on Ionas, Creca leode, [7] pa hie butu oferhergeade ; 7 for sippan firr an Crecas, 7 gewin upp ahof wip Athenienses, for paem hie Maecedoniam on fultume waeron. Sona swa Atheniense 1 Here L. begins again. 2 Cambis both. IX. THE GREEKS AND PERSIANS. 3] aquilone mare Galticum, a meridie et Africo Mauritanicum pelagus, ab occasu Ibericum pelagus spectat. Hae sunt insulae per totum Magnum pelagus constitutae. Anno ab Urbe condita ccxlv, Darius, Cyro apud Scythas interfecto, post aliquantum intervallum sorte regnum adeptus est. Regnavit enim medius eorum Cambyses Cyri Alius ; qui, de- victa Aegypto, cunctam Aegypti religionem abominatus, ceremonias ejus et templa deposuit. Post hunc . . . Darius rex creatus est, qui, postquam Assy- rios ac Babyloniam a Persarum regno deficientem, bello recu- peravit, Atiyro, regi Scytharum, hac vel maxime causa bellum intulit, quod filiae ejus petitas sibi nuptias non obtinuisset. Cum septingentis millibus armatorum Scythiam ingressus, non facientibus hoslibus justae pugnae potestatem, insuper repentinis incursibus extrema copiarum dilacerantibus, rae- tuens, ne sibi reditus interrupto ponte Istri fluminis negaretur, a?nissis octoginta millibus bellatorum, irepidus refugit. Inde Asiam Macedoniamque adgressus perdomuit. Ionas quoque superavit. Deinde in Athenienses quod Ionas adversum se auxilio juvissent, impetum fecit atque arma direxit. Porro autem Athenienses, ubi adventare Darium compererunt, instructis tanlum decern millibus civium, et Plataeensibus auxiliaribus mille, adversum sexcenta millia hostium campis Marathoniis proruperunt. Miltiades et tunc belio praefuit, qui, celeritate magis quam v'utuiefretus, prius nosti com/ninus inhaesit, quam posset expedito sagitlarum jactu propulsari. 32 Alfred's orosius. [wiston] * paet Darius hie mid gefeohte secan wolde, hie 25 acuron endlefan pusend monna, 7 him ongean foran, 7 pone cyning set paere dune metton pe mon haett Morot- thonie 2 . Heora ladteow waes haten Htesseus ; se waes mid his daedum snelra ponne he maegenes haefde ; se geworhte micelne dom on paem gefeohte. pa wearp tu hund pusenda 30 Persea ofslaegen, 7 pa opre gefliemed. pa he eft haefde fird gegaderod on Perseum, 7 paet wrecan pohte, pa gefor he. ^Efter him feng his sunu to Persea rice, Xersis. paet gewinn paet his faeder astealde he diegellice for paem v gear scipa worhte, ond fultum gegaderode. pa waes mid 35 him an wraeccea of Laecedamania 3 , Creca byrg, se waes haten Dameraf , se paet facn to his cyppe gebodade, 7 hit on anum brede awrat, 7 sippan mid weaxe beworhte. Xersis, pa he an Crecas for, haefde his agenes folces vm c pusenda, 7 he haefde of operum feodum abeden mi cm; 7 he haefde 40 scipa, para miclena dulmuna, an m 7 11 hund, 7 para scipa waeron in m pe hiora mete baeran ; 7 ealles his heres waes swelc ungemet paet mon eape cwepan mehte paet hit wundor waere, hwaer hie landes haefden paet hie mehten an gewician, oppe waeteres paet hie mehten him purst of adrincan. Svva 45 peari seo ungemetlice mengeo paes folces [waes] 4 pa iepre to oferwinnanne ponne heo us sie nu to gerimanne oppe to geliefanne. Leonipa, Laecedemonia cyning, Creca byrg, haefde 1111 pusend monna, fa he angean Xersis for on anum nearwan 5° londfsestenne, 7 him p aer mid gefeohte wipstod. Exersis 5 paet ofer folc swa swipe forseah, paet he ascade, hwaet sceolde aet swa lytlum weorode mara fultum, buton fa ane pe him paer aer abolgen waes on paem aerran gefeohte, paette waes on Merothonia paere dune. Ac gesette pa men on aenne 1 wisten C. over the line, late. 2 Morotthome both. 3 Lsecedemonia C. 4 wees C. 0. /., late. 5 xersis C. IX. THE GREEKS AND PERSIANS. 33 Ducenta millia Persarum ea tempestate ceciderunt. Sensit Darius hoc damnum. Cum autem instauraret bei/um, et ulcisci in vie/ores moliretur, in ipso adparatu concidit. Xerxes, Dario patri in regnum succedens, bellum a patre susceptum, per quinquennium instruxit; quod Demaratus Lacedaemonius, qui tunc apud Xerxem exsulabat, per tabellas primum scriptas, deinde ceratas, suis prodidit. Igitur Xerxes septingenta millia armatorum de regno, et trecenta millia de auxiliis, rostratas etiam naves mille ducentas, onerarias autem tria millia numero habuisse Jiarraiur ; ut exercitui immensae- que classzvix ad potumjiumtna, vix terras ad ingressum, vix maria ad cur sum suffecisse memoratum sit. Huic tarn in- credibili temporibus nosiris agmini, cujus numerum nunc difficilius est adstrui, quam tunc fuit vinci. Lecnida, rex Spartanorum, cum quatuor millibus hominum in angustiis Thermopylarum obstitit. Xerxes autem, con- temtu paucitatis objectae, iniri pugnam imperat. Porro ill i, quorum cognati in campis Marathoniis occubuerant, et cer- taminis simul et cladis extitere principium, Deinde succedens sibi iurba major ac segnior, triduo continuo non duorum pugna, sed caedes unius populi fuit. Quarta autem die cum videret 34 Alfred's orosius. 55 truman pe mon hiora mgegas aer on faem londe slog, 7 wiste J?set hie woldon geornfulran beon pxre wrace J^onne o})ere men, 7 hie swa waeron o]> hie f>aer maest ealle ofslsegene wurdon. Xersis, swij>e him f>a ofyyncendum £>aet his folc swa forslagen waes, he self f>a f>aerto for mid eallum }?aem 60 maegene J?e he J>aerto gelaedan mehte, 7 f>aer feohtende waeron in dagas, of> £>ara Persea waes ungemetlic wael geslaegen. He het J>a ]?aet faeste lond utan ymbfaran, faet him mon sceolde an ma healfa on feohtan J>onne on ane. Leonijm f>aet pa, geascade J?aet hiene mon swa befridian wolde. He 65 f>onan afor, 7 his fierd gelaedde on an of>er faestre land, 7 pddr gewunedon of) niht. 7 him from afaran het ealla J?a burgware p e he of of>erum londe him to fultome abeden haefde, f>aet hie him gesunde burgen, for ps&m he ne uj>e J?aet aenig ma folca for his J?ingum forwurde J>onne he self mic; 70 his agenre f>eode. Ac he f>us waes sprecende 7 geomriende : ' Nu we untweogendlice witan f»aet we ure agen lif forlaetan sceolan for pzem ungemetlican feondscipe pe ure ehtende [on] x sindon ; uton J?ehhwaejjere acraeftan hu we heora an J^isse niht maegen msest beswican, 7 us selfum betst word 7 75 longsumast set urum ende gewyrcan.' Hu micel f>aet is to secganne f>aette Leonif>a mid vi c monna vicm swa ge- bismrade, sume ofslog, sume gefliemde ! Xersis waes p& aet twam cirrum on j^aem londe swa gescend mid his ormaetan menige. He f>agiet friddan sif>e waes wil- 80 niende mid scipfierde J?aet he f>aes gewinnes mehte mare ge- fremman, 7 him Ionas, Creca leode, on fultum gespon ; j?eh hie aer ofer hiera willan him to gecierdon, 7 hie him geheton f?aet hie J>set gefeoht aerest mid him selfum J?urhteon wolden, j?eh hie him eft facen gelaesten, pa. hie on f>aem sae feohtende 85 waeron. Themestocles hatte Atheniensa ladteow. Hie waeron cumen Leonif>an to fultume, }?eh hie aet £aem aerran gefeohte 1 From C. 0. /., and late. IX. THE GREEKS AND PERSIANS. $$ Leonida undique hostem circumfundi, hortatur auxiliares socios, ut subtrahentes se pugnae, se ad meliora tempora reser- vent. Dimissis sociis, Spartanos admonet de gloria plurimum, de vita nihil sperandum : sed occasione noctis perrwnpenda castra, comniiscenda arma, co?iturba?ida agmina fore. Mirum dictu, sexcenti viri castra sexcentorum millium inrwnpunt. Xerxes, bis victus in terra, navale praelium par at. Sed Themistocles, dux Atheniensium, cum intelhxisset Ionas (guibus dum. auxilium superiore bello praebet, in se Persarum impelum verieraf) in auxilium Xerxis instructam classem dcdncere, sollicitare eos parti suae, hostique sublrahere staiuil. Loci's, guibus Jones accessuri navibus videbantur, proponi sym- bolos, saxisque adfigi jubet, socios quondam et participes pericu- lorum, nunc autem injuste agentes, apta increpatione corripiens, atque ad antiquorum jura foederum religiosa adhorlatioiie D 2 36 Alfred's orosius. him ne mehten to cuman. Se Themestocles gemyndgade Ionas faere ealdan fserube pe Xersis him to geworht haafde, hu he hie mid forhergiunge 7 mid heora maega slihtum on his 90 geweald geniedde. He baed hie eac £>aet hie gemunden ]?ara ealdena treowa 7 f>aes unarimedlican freondscipes pe hie asgj^er haefdon ge to Atheniensum ge to Lascedemoniam aer on ealddagum, 7 hie bidde[ndej waes }?aet hie mid sume sear- awrence from Xerse f>aem cyninge sume hwile awende, j?aet 95 hie 7 Laecedemonie mosten \vi|? Persum J^aes gewinnes sumne ende gewyrcan ; [7] hi him ]?aere bene getyg^edon. pa J?a Perse f>aet gesawon f>aet him f>a from bugan pe hie betst getriewdon j?aet him sceolde sige gefeohtan, hie selfe eac fleonde waeron, 7 hiora J>aer wear]? fela ofslaegen 7 adruncen 100 7 gefangen. Xersis J?egn waes haten Marf>onius. Se hiene waes georne laerende J>aet he ma hamweard for J^onne he pzer leng bide, fjylaes aenegu ungef>waernes on his agnum rice ahafen wurde; 7 cwaef> J?aet hit gerisenlicre waere f>aet he J>aet gewinn him 105 betaehte mid f»aem fultume pe pxr to lafe f>agiet waes leng to winnanne, 7 soede f»set hit f>aem cyninge laesse edwit waere gif j?aem folce buton him J>agiet misspeowe, swa him aer dyde. Se cyning J?a Xersis swif>e geliefedlice his pegne gehierde, 7 mid sumum daele his fultume J?onan afor. pa he J?a ham- 110 weard to p?eve ie com, pe he aer westweard het pa. ofermastan brycge mid stane ofer gewyrcan, his sige to tacne pe he on J?aem sif>e }?urhteon J>ohte, J?a waes seo ea to Jxm flede J?aet he ne mehte to J?aere brycge cuman. pa waes J?aem cyninge swij^e ange on his mode }?aet naj^aer ne he mid his fultume 115 naes, ne J?aet he ofer pa, ea cuman ne mehte. Toeacan J^aem he him waes swife ondraedende J?aet him his fiend waeren aefterfylgende. Him ]?a to com an fiscere, 7 unease hiene senne ofer brohte. Hu God f>a maestan ofermetto 7 pddt maeste angin on swa heanlice ofermetto geniferade, f>set IX. THE GREEKS AND PERSIANS. 37 persuadens ; praecipueque admonens, uti commisso praelio hello auferant. . . . Cum aulem anceps pugfia esse I, lones,juxta praeceplum Themistoclis, paulatim se certamini subtrahere coeperunt ; quorum defeciio Yersas, Jam fuga?n circumspicicnlcs. aperie fugere persuasit. In qua trepidatione multae naves mersae captaeque sunt. Anxium lot mails regem Mardonius adgreditur, suadens, regem in regnum redire oportere, prius quam adversa fama novas res domi moliretur. Se autem, si residuae sibi copiae traderentur, ultionem ab hosle exacturum ; aut, si adversa belli perseverassent, cessurum se quidem hosti, sed tamen sine regis infamia. Probato consilio, exercitus Mardonio traditur. Rex Abydum, ubi pontem veluti victor maris conseruerat, cum paucis proficiscitur. Sed cum pontem hibernis tempesta- iibus dissolutum offendisset, piscatoria scapha trepidus transit. Erat sane quod spectare humanum genus et dolere debuerit, mutationes rerum hac vel maxime varietale permetiens, exiguo contentum latere navigio, sub quo ipsum pelagusante latuisset ; vilissimo unius servuli egere minister io, cujus polentiae ipsa etiam rerum natura cessissel. 38 Alfred's orosius. 1 20 se, se j?e him aer gefmhte J>aet him nan sae wifhabban ne mehte f aet he hiene mid scipun 7 mid his fultume afyllan ne mehte, faet he eft waes biddende anes lytles troges set anum earman men, J>aet he mehte his feorh generian ! Morfonius, Xersis fegn, forlet f>a scipa f>e hie on farende 125 waeron, 7 for to anre byrig on Boetium, Creca londe, 7 hie abraec. Him mon f>aet aefter faem hraedlice forgeald, J?a hie mon gefliemde, 7 swife forslog ; feh )?e Atheniensum se sige 7 seo reafung )?aes Persiscan feos to maran sconde wurde, for fon, siffan hie welegran waeron, hie eac bleafran 13° gewurdon. iEfter faem Xersis wear)? his agenre feode swife unweorf, 7 hiene his agen ealdormon Artabatus besirede 7 ofslog. Eala, cwaef Orosius, hu lustbaerlice tida on faem dagum waeron, swa swa f>a secgaf, f»e f>aes cristendomes wiferflitan 135 sint, faet us nu aefter swelcum longian maege swelce fa waeron, }>a swa micel folc on swa lytlan firste aet frim folc- gefeohtum forwurdon, f>aet waes nigon x hund fusenda of Persa anra anwealde buton hiera wiferwinnum, aegfer ge of Sciffium ge of Crecum ! paet tacnade Leonifa on his f>aem 140 nihstan gefeohte 7 Persa, hwelc moncwealm on Creca londe waes mid monigfealdum deafum, mid f»aem fe he sprecend[e] waes to his geferum set his underngereorde, aer he to faem gefeohte fore : ' Uton nu brucan fisses undernmetes swa fa sculon f e hiora aefengifl on helle gefeccean sculon.' peh he 145 swa fa cwaede, he cwaef eft of er word : ' peh ic aer saede f aet we to helle sceolden, f eh ne geortriewe ic na Gode f aet he us ne maege gescildan to beteran tidun f onne we nu on sint/ Leonif a saede f aet fa tida fa yfele waeron, 7 wilnade f aet him toweard beteran waeron ; 7 nu sume men secgaf 150 f aet fa beteran waeren fonne nu sien. Nu hie swa twywyr- dige sindon, fonne waeron aegfer gode, ge fa aerran, swa sum[e m]en nu secgaf, ge eac fas aefterran, swa hie aer IX. THE GREEKS AND PERSIANS. 39 At vero Mardonius adjlatus primum successu, mox in extrema dejecius est. Olynthum siquidem, Graeciae oppidum, expugnavit. ... /;/ Boeotiam omnem belli adparatwn deducit. Illuc guoque eu?n centum millia Graecorwn insecuta swit, et Mardonium, deletis copiis ipsius, fugere compulerunt : castra regiis opibus referta ceperunt, non parvo quidem antiquae indusiriae damno. Nam post hujus praedae divisionem, aurum Persicum prima Graeciae virtutis corruptiofuit. Xerxes bello in Graecia infeliciler gesio, contemtibilis suis factus, per Artabanum, praefectum suum, in regia circumventus, occi- ditur. O tempora desiderio et recordations dignissima! dies illos ifioffensae serenitalis, qui nobis veluti e tenebris respiciendi proponuntur, quibus, brevissimo intervallo, de visceribus unius regni decies novies centena millia virorum tria bella rapu- erunt; ut taceam de Graecia . . . Leonida in bello isto adversus Xerxem, quod supremum ipsi atque hosiibus fuit, cum sexcentis suis famosissima ilia incitamenta dixisset : ' Prandete, tamquam apud inferos coenaturi/ auxiliaribus tamen miser icorditer suasit, ut se ad meliora tempora re- servarent. Ecce cum ille promisit futura meliora, isti asserunt meliora praelerita, quid aliud colligi datur, utroque in suis deiestante praesenlia, nisi aut semper bona esse, sed ingrata, aut numquam omnino meliora ? 40 ALFREDS 0R0SIUS. saedon, 7 naeron naf>ere an Jmnce ; gif hie J>6nne sof» ne saedon, f>onne naeron naj>er gode [ne pi], ne nu. X. SIEGES OF VEII AND ROME. (p. 90.) iEfter J?9em pe Romeburg getimbred wses 111 hunde wintra 7 lv, faette Romane besaeton Veiorum pa. burg x winter. 7 him Ipsdt setl swifor derede Jxmne J?am f e faerinne waeron, segf>er ge an ciele ge an hungre ; buton faem f»e mon oft 5 hergeade aeg)?er ge on hie selfe ge on heora land set ham. 7 hie fa hraedlice beforan heora feondum forweorfan sceoldon, faer hie fa burg ne abraecen mid faem craefte pe fa scondli- cost waes, f eh he him eft se weorf esta wurde, f aet waes f aet hie from heora wicstowum under f aere eorf an dulfon, of hie 10 binnan f aere byrig up eodon, 7 hie nihtes on frumslaepe on bestaelan, 7 fa burg mid ealle awestan. pysne nyttan craeft, f eh he arlic naere, funde heora tictator, Camillis hatte. Sona aefter f aem wear}? Romana gewinn 7 f ara Gallia f e waeron of Senno f aere byrig. paet waes aerest for f aem fa 15 Gallia hasfdon beseten Tusci fa burg, pa sendon Romane Serendracan to Gallium, 7 hie baedon f aet hie frif wif hie haefden. pa on faem ilcan daege aefter faem pe hie fiss gesprecen haefdon, fuhton Gallie on fa burg ; fa gesawan hie Romana aerendracan on hie feohtende mid faem burg- 20 warum. Hie for faem hie gebulgon, 7 pa. burg forleton, 7 mid eallum heora fultume Romane sohton. 7 him Vavius se consul mid gefeohte ongean com, 7 eac raf e gefliemed wearf eft into Romebyrig, 7 him Gallie waeron aefterfylgende X. SIEGES OF VEII AND ROME. 41 of hie ealle f aer binnan woeron. Gelice 7 men meed mawe, hie woeron fa burg hergende 7 sleande buton aelcre ware. 25 pa?t tacen nugiet cuf is on f aere ea noman faes consules sieges Faviuses. Ne wene ic, cwaef Orosius, J^cet aenig mon atellan maege ealne f one demm f e Romanum aet fcem cirre gedon wearf, f eh hie fa burg ne forbaernden, swa hie fa gedydon. 7 fa 30 feawan f e faer to lafe wurdon gesealdon m punda goldes wif heora feore ; 7 hie fast dydon for f aem swif ost f e hie f ohtan f aet hie sif f an hiora underf eowas waeren. 7 sume binnan f aet faesten op flugon, f aet hie Capitoliam heton. Hie fa eac besaeton, of) hie sume hungre acwselan, sume on hand 35 eodan, 7 hie sif fan of rum folcum him wif feo gesealdon. Hu fyncf eow nu, cwaef Orosius, fe faes cristendomes tida leahtriaf , sif fan Gallia lit of f aere byrig aforan, hu blif e tida Romane aefter f aem haefdon. pa fa iermingas f e faer to lafe wurdon lit of f aem holan crupon fe heo on lutedan, 40 swa bewopene swelce hie of of erre worolde come, f onne hie besawon on pa. besengdan burg 7 on f»a westan, faet him fa wses syndrig ege faer him aer waes seo [maeste] ' wyn. Eac buton faem yfele nahton hie nafer ne faerinne mete ne faerute freond. '15 paet waeron fa tida J? e Romane nu aefter sicaf , 7 cwef af faet him Gotan wyrsan tida gedon haebben p onne hie aer haefdon, 7 naeron on hie hergende buton f rie dagas ; 7 Gallie waeron aer siex monaf binnan p osre byrig hergende, 7 fa burg baernende ; 7 him p aet f agiet to lytel yfel f uhte buton 5° hie eac hie p aes naman bename faet hie nan folc naeren. Eft fa Gotan f aer laessan hwile hergedan f aet hie for f aes cristen- domes are 7 f urh Godes ege f aet hie naf er ne fa burg ne baerndon ne f aes f one willan naefdon f aet hie heora noman hie benamon. Ne f ara nanne ynian noldari fe to f aem 55 1 maesta Z. 42 ALFREDS OROSIUS. Godes huse of>flugon, J?eh hie haef»ene waere ; ac swif>or micle wseron wilniende }?3et hie gemong him mid sibbe sittan mosten. 7 unease mehte asr aenig J?aem Gallium [of>fleon] 1 6\>]>t of>hy- dan. 7 f>a J>a Gotan }?ser lytle hwile hergedan, ne mehte mon 6o buton feawa [ofslagenra] 2 geahsian. peer wses gesiene Godes irre, }>a hiora aerenan [beamas] 3 7 hiora anlicnessa, f>a hie ne mehton from Galliscum fyre forbaernede weor]?an; ac hi hefenisc fyr set f»3em ilean cyrre forbaernde. Ne wene ic, cwae)? Orosius, nu ic longe spell haebbe to 65 secgenne, f>aet ic hie on fisse bee geendian maege ; ac ic of>ere anginnan sceal. XL M. CURTIUS. (p. 102.) JEfter feosan on f>3em ilean geare tohlad seo eorf>e binnan Romebyrig. pa ssedon heora biscepas eft ]?set heora godas bsedan J?set him mon sealde aenne cucne mon, £>a him J^uhte f»aet heo heora deadra to lyt haefden. 7 seo eor}?e swa gini- 5 ende bad, op J?aet Marcus, pe olpve noman hatte Curtius, mid horse 7 mid waepnum f>aeroninnan besceat; 7 hio sif>fan togaedre behlad. XII. DECIUS MUS. (p. 108.) iEfter }>aem pe Romeburg getimbred waes 1111 hunde win- trum 7 viii, gewearf) fsette Romane 7 Latine wunnon. On 1 Wanting in both. 2 ofslagenre Z. 8 beames L. XIII. CAUDINE FORKS. 43 f>aem forman gefeohte wearf> Romane ' consul ofslagen Mallius, pe of»re noman waes haten Tarcuatus. 7 heora oj?er consul, pe mon Detius 2 hett, 7 o}?re noman Mure, his 5 agenne sunn ofslog, for pon he oferbrsec heora gecwedrae- denne, ]?oet waes £>aet [hyj haefdon gecweden J>aet hie ealle emlice on Latine tengden. Ac J?aer an ut asceat of Latina weorode, 7 anwiges baed, 7 him foes consules sunu ongean com, 7 hiene j?aer ofslog. For f>aem gylte hiene eft hett his 10 faeder ofslean. For f>aem siege noldan Romane brengan f>aem consule f>one triumphan, pe heora gewuna waes, pch he sige haefde. XIII. CAUDINE FORKS. (p. 120.) lifter f>aem pe Romeburg getimbred waes 1111 hunde wintra 7 vi 7 xxgum, Caudenes Furcules 3 seo stow gewearf) swij?e maere, 7 giet todaege is, for Romana bismere. paet gewear]? aefter J^aem. gefeohte pe Romane 7 Somnite haefdon, swa we aer beforan saedon, f>a J>ara Somnita xx M ofslagen 5 wurdon under Favia f>aem consule. Ac Somnite aet ofran gefeohte mid maran fultume 7 mid maran waerscipe to Romana gemetinge coman J?onne hie aer dyde, aet }>aere stowe pe mon haett Caudenes Furculus. 7 f>aer Romane swifost for j?aem besierede waeron pe him }?aet land uncufre 10 waes f>onne hit Somnitum waere ; 7 on ungewis on an nire- wett beforan, 0)3 hie Somnite utan beforan; paet hie sif»f>an 1 Romana C. y Decius C. 8 e altered from a ; Furculus C. 44 ALFREDS OROSIUS. oper sceoldon, of>)?e for metelieste heora lif alaetan, olppe Somnitum an hand gan. On f>aem anwalde waeron Somnite 15 swa bealde ]?aet se sealing pe heora ladteow waes, Pontius wses haten, het ascian J>one cyning his fseder, pe ]?aer aet ham wses, h\vae)?er him leofre waere, pe he hie ealle acwealde, pe hie libbende to bismre [gerenian] * hete. Hie }?a se aej>eling to J>aem bismre getawade pe f>a on }?aem dagum 20 maest waes, J^aet he hie bereafade heora claf>a 7 heora waepna, 7 siex hund gisla on his geweald underfeng, on j^aet gerad paet hie him sij?]yan ece j^eowas waeren. 7 se aej^eling bebead sumum his folce }?aet hie gebrohten Romana consulas 7 heora witan aet heora agnum londe, 7 him beforan drifen 25 swa swa niedlingas, J>aet heora bismer py mare waere. Geornor we woldon, cwaef Orosius, iowra Romana bismra beon forsugiende f>onne secgende, paer we for eowerre agenre gnornunge moste, pe ge wif> J>aem cristendome habbaf). Hwaet, ge witon J>aet ge giet todaege waeron Somnitum J>eowe, 30 gif ge him ne alugen iowra wedd 7 eowre a]?as pe ge him sealdon ; 7 ge murcia]? nu, for faem pe monega folc pe ge anwald ofer haefdon, noldon eow gelaestan J?aet hie eow beheton ; 7 nellaj? gej»encan hu la]? eow selfum waes to gelaestanne eowre a£>as J>aem pe ofer eow anwald haefdo^i ! 35 Sona J>aes on J?aem aefteran geare forbraecon Romane heora afas pe hie Somnitum geseald haefdon, 7 mid Papiria heora consule hie mid firde gesohton, 7 J?aer deadlicne sige geforan, for )?aem pe aegj>er J>ara folca waes paes gefeohtes georn, Somnite for J>aem anwalde pe hie on aegfere healfe 4° haefdon, 7 Romane for f>aem bismere pe f hie aer aet him geforan, of> Romane gefengon Somnita cyning, 7 heora faesten abraecon, 7 hie to gafolgieldum gedydon. Se ilea Papirius waes aefter J^aem gefeohte mid Romanum swelces domes beled )?aet hie hiene to ]x)n gecoren haefdon J>aet he 1 gereniam L. XIV. ALEXANDER. 45 mid gefeohte mehte f aem maran Alexandre wif stondan, gif 45 he eastane of Asiam Italiam gesohte, swa he gecweden haefde. XIV. ALEXANDER, (p. 122.) iEfter faem fe Romeburg getimbred waes 1111 hunde wintrum 7 xxvi, feng Alexander to Maecedonia rice aefter Philippuse his faeder, 7 his aerestan fegnscipe on fon gecyf de fa he ealle Crecas mid his snyttro on his geweald geniedde, ealle fa f e wif hiene gewin upahofon. paet wear)? 5 aerest from Persum, fa hie sealdon Demostanase faem philosophe licgende feoh wif faem fe he gelaerde ealle Crecas J? set hie Alexandre wifsocen. Athene budon gefeoht Alexandre, ac he hie sona forslog 7 gefliemde, fast hie siffan ungemetlicne ege from him haefdon. 7 Thebana 10 faesten abraec, 7 mid ealle towearp, f aette aer waes ealra Creca heafodstol, 7 sif»J> an fast folc eall on ellf eodge him wif feo gesealde ; 7 ealle fa of re f eoda f e an Crecum waeron he to gafolgieldum gedyde, buton Msecedonium fe him aest to gecirdon. 7 fonan waes farende an Nilirice 7 on Thraci, 15 «7 hie ealle to him gebigde. 7 siff an he gegaderode fird wif Perse, 7 fa hwile f e he hie gaderade, he ofslog ealle his maegas fe he geraecan mehte. On his fef ehere waeron xxxii m, 7 f aes gehorsedan fifte healf m, 7 scipa an hund 7 eahtatig. Nat ic, cwaef Orosius, hwaef er mare wundor waes, 20 f e f aet he swa mid l lytle fultume f one maestan dael f isses middangeardes gegan mehte, fe faet he mid swa lytle weorode swa micel anginnan dorste. 1 mid swa C. 46 Alfred's orosius. On fsem serestan gefeohte fe Alex[an]der gefeaht wif -5 Darius an Persum, Darius hsefde siex hund m folces. He wear]? feh swif or beswicen for Alexandres searewe fonne for his gefeohte. pser wses ungemetlic wael geslagen Persa ; 7 Alexandres nses na ma fonne hundtwelftig on fsem rsede- here, 7 nigan on fsem fef an. pa afor Alexander f onan on 30 Frigam, Asiam lond, 7 heora burg abrsec 7 towearp f e mon hsett Sardis. pa ssegde him mon fset Darius [hsefde] eft fird gegaderod on Persum. Alexander him fset fa ondred for fsere nearwan stowe fe he fa on wses, 7 hrsedlice for fsem ege fonan afor ofer Taurasan fone beorg, 7 un- 35 geliefedlicne micel[ne] weg on fsem dsege gefor, of he com to Tharsum fsere byrg on Cilicium fsem londe. On fsem dsege he gemette ane ea, sio hsefde ungemettlice ceald wseter, seo wses Cifnus haten. pa ongan he hine bafian fseron swa swatigne; fa for Ipddm ciele him gescruncan ealle fa 4° sedra, fset him mon f ses lifes ne wende. Rafe sefter fsem com Darius mid firde to Alexandre. He hsefde m c [fusenda] fef ena 7 an hund fusenda gehorsedra. Alexander wses fa him swif e ondrsedende for f sere miclan menige 7 for fsere lytlan f e he self hsefde, feh f e he ser mid 45 fsere ilcan Darius maran ofercome. fset gefeoht wses gedon mid micelre geornfullnesse of fsem folcum bsem, 7 fser waeron fa cyningas begen gewundod. pser wses Persa x m ofslsegen gehorsedra, 7 eahtatig m fef ena, 7 eahtatig m ge*> fangenra. 7 fser wses ungemetlic[e] micel licgende feoh 50 funden on f sem wicstowun. pser wses Darius modor ge- fangen, 7 his wif, sio wses his swiostor, 7 his 11 dohtor. pa bead Darius healf his rice Alexandre wif f sem wifmon- num, ah him nolde Alexander f ses getygf ian. Darius fa giet f riddan sif e gegaderade fird of Persum 7 eac [ofj of rum 55 londum f one fultum fe he him to aspanan mehte, 7 wif Alexandres for. pa hwile fe Darius fird gegaderode, fa XIV. ALEXANDER. 47 hwile sende Alexander Parmenionem his ladteow faet he Darius sciphere gefiiemde. 7 he self f6r in Sirium, 7 hie him ongean comon, 7 his mid eaf modnessun anfengon, 7 he f eah nafelaes heora land oferhergeade, 7 fast folc sum fcer 60 sittan let, sum fonan adraefde, sume on elfiode him wif feo gesealde. 7 Tirus fa ealdan burg 7 fa welegan he besaett, 7 siff an tobraec, 7 mid ealle towearp, for f on hi hine lustlice anfon noldan. 7 siffan for on Cilicium, 7 f aet folc to him geniedde ; 7 siffan on Rof um f aet iglond, 7 f aet folc to 65 him geniedde ; 7 setter f aem he for on Egypti, 7 hi to him geniedde ; 7 [f aer] x het fa burg atimbran f e mon siffan be him het Alexandria. 7 siffan he for to faem hearge fe Egypti saedon f aet he waere Amones heora godes, se waes Iobeses sunu heora of res godes, to f on f aet he wolde be- 70 ladian his modor Nectanebuses f aes drys, f e mon saede f aet he Alexandres faeder waere. pa bebead Alexander faem haef nan biscepe f aet he becrupe on f aes Amones anlicnesse c[e inne on faem hearge waes, aer faem f e he 7 f aet folc hie faer gegaderede, 7 saede hu he him an his gewill beforan 7= [fam] folce 7\vyrdan sceolde f aes he hiene ascade. Genoh sweotollice us gedyde nu to witanne Alexander hwelce fa haef nan godas sindon to weorf ianne, f aet hit swif or is of f ara biscepa gehlote 7 of heora agenre gewyrde f aet f aet hie secgaf f onne of f ara goda mihte. 80 Of f aere stowe for Alexander f riddan sif e ongean Darius, 7 hie set Tharse faere byrig hie gemetton. On faem gefeohte waeron Perse swa swif e forslagen f set hie heora miclan [anwealdes] 2 7 longsuman hie selfe siJ>J? an wif Alex- ander to nohte ne bemaetan. pa Darius geseah f aet he 85 oferwunnen beon wolde, fa wolde he hiene selfne on faem gefeohte forspillan, ac hine his f egnas ofer his willan from 1 J?at £. 2 anwaldas Z. 48 Alfred's orosius. atugon, paet he r ippan waes fleonde mid paere firde. 7 Alexander waes xxxm daga on paere stowe, aer he pa wic- 90 stowa 7 paet wael bereafian mehte. 7 sippan for on Perse, 7 geeode Persibulis pa burg, heora cynestol, seo is giet wele- gast ealra burga. pa saede man Alexandre paet Darius haefde gebunden his [agene] maegas mid gyldenre racentan. pa for he wip his mid siex hund monna, 7 funde hiene aenne 95 be wege licgan, mid sperum tosticad, healfcucne. He pa Alexander him anum deadum lytle mildheortnesse gedyde, paet he hiene hett bebyrgean an his ieldrena byrg, pe he sippan nanum ende his cynne gedon nolde, ne his wif[e], ne his meder, ne his bearnum, ne paette ealra laest waes, his 100 gingran dohtor, he nolde buton hseftniede habban, seo waes lytel cild. Unease maeg mon to gel[e]afsuman gesecgan swa monig- feald yfel swa on paem prim gearum gewurdon, on prim folcgefeohtum, betux twaem cyningum. paet waeron fieftiene 105 hund pusend monna paet binnan paem forwurdon. 7 of paem ilcan folcum forwurdon lytle aer, swa hit her beforan * saegp, nigantiene hund m monna, buton miclan hergiungum, pe binnan paem prim gearum gewurdon an monigre peode. paet is paet Asirie eall seo peod awest wear]? from Alexandre, no 7 monega byrig on Asiam, 7 Tirus seo maere burg eall toworpenu, 7 Cilicia paet lond eall awest, 7 Capadotia poet lond 7 ealle Egypti on peowote gebroht, 7 Ropum paet iglond mid ealle awest, 7 monog opra land ymbe Tauros pa muntas. 115 Nales paet an paet heora twegea gewinn pa waere on paem eastende pisses middangeardes ; ac onemn paem Agidis, Spartana cyning, 7 Antipater, oper Creca cyning, wunnon him betweonum. 7 Alexander, Epira cyning, paes miclan 1 beforan an L. XIV. ALEXANDER. 49 Alexanderes 1 [earn] se wilnade faes wesi^aeles swa se o]?er dyde faes eastdaeles, 7 fird gelaedde in Italiam, 7 faer hraed- 1 20 lice ofslagen wearf>. 7 on faere ilcan tide Zoffirion, Ponto [cyning] 2 , in Sciffie mid firde gefor, 7 he his 3 folc mid ealle [J>aer] forwearj). Alexander aefter Darius deafe gewonn ealle Mandos 7 ealle Ircaniam. ^Efter )?aem wonn Alexander wijs Parthim i-\- J?aem folce, 7 he hie neah ealle forslog 7 fordyde, aer he hie gewinnan mehte. 7 sefter faem he gewonn Drancas j?aet folc, 7 Euergetas, 7 Paramomenas, 7 Aspanias 4 , 7 m onega o)?ra feoda Ipe gesetene sint ymbe fa muntas Caucasus, 7 faer het ane burg atimbran, Ipe mon siffan het 13° Alexandria. Nses his scinlac ne his hergiung on fa fremdan ane, ac he gelice slog 7 hiende fa f e him on siml waeron mid farende 7 winnende. JEst he ofslog Amintas his modrian sunu, 7 siffan his brofor, 7 fa Parmenion his fegn, 7 fa 135 Filiotes, 7 fa Cutulusan, fa Eurilohus, fa Pausanias, 7 monege of re f e of Maecedonian ricoste waeron. 7 Clitus, se waes aegf er ge his fegn ge aer Philippuses his faeder, fa hie sume sif e druncne aet heora symble saetan, fa angunnon hi rea[h]tigean hwaefer ma maerlecra daeda gefremed haefde, mo f e Philippus f e Alexander, pa saegde se Clitus for ealdre hyldo f aet Philippus mare 5 haefde gedon f onne he. He fa Alexander ahleop, 7 hiene for faere saegene ofslog. He Alexander toecan f aem f e he hienende waes aegfer ge his folc ge oferra cyninga, he waes [sinf yrstende] 6 monnes 145 blodes. Rafe aefter faem he for mid firde on Chorasmas, 7 on Dacos, 7 him to gafolgieldum hie geniedde. [Chalisten] 7 1 Alexandres C. 2 cyninges L. 3 he his -j C, the i *» rt late hand. * Assapias C 5 ma C 6 sinstyrsende Z. 7 Hcalisten L. 50 ALFREDS 0R0SIUS. fone philosofum he ofslog, his emnscolere, fe hi aetgaedere 150 gelaerede waeron set Aristotolese heora magistre, 7 monege men mid him, for fori hie noldon to him gebiddan swa to heora Gode. JEfter faem he for on Indie, to fon faet he his rice gebraedde of fone eastgarsecg. On faem sif e he geeode »55 Nisan, India heafodburg, 7 ealle fa beorgas fe monDaedolas haett, 7 eall p set rice Cleoffiles f aere cwene. JEfter faem pe Alexander haafde ealle Indie him to gewildon gedon, buton anre byrg, seo waes ungemettan 1 faeste mid cludum ymb- weaxen, fa geascade he fast Ercol se ent f ser waes to gefaren 160 on aerdagum, to f on f get he hie abrecan f ohte ; ac he hit for faem ne angan f e f aer waes eorf beofung on f aere tide. He fa Alexander hit swif ost for f asm angann f e he wolde f set his maerf a waeren maran f onne Ercoles, f eh f e he hie mid micle forlore f aes folces begeate v . 165 JEfter faem Alexander haefde gefeoht wif Porose faem strengstan Indea cyninge. On faem gefeohte waeron fa maestan blodgytas on aegfere healfe fara folca. On faem gefeohte Poros 7 Alexander gefuhton anwig of 2 horsum. pa ofslog Poros Alexandres hors, f e Bucefal waes haten, 7 17° hiene selfne mehte, faer him his fegnas to fultume ne comen. 7 he haefde Poros monegum wundum gewundodne, 7 hiene eac gewildne gedyde, siffan his fegnas him to comon. 7 him eft his rice to forlet for his f egnscipe, fy he swa swif e Maes feohtende ongean hiene. 7 he Alexander him het i75 siffan twa byrg atimbran : ofer waes hatenu be his horse Bucefal, ofer Nicea. Siffan he for on Raestas fa leode, 7 on Cathenas 7 on Presidas, 7 an Gangeridas, 7 wif hie ealle gefeaht, 7 oferwon. pa he com on India eastgemaera, fa com him faer ongean 180 twa hund fusenda monna gehorsades folces, 7 hie Alexander 1 nngemetan C. 2 on C. XIV. ALEXANDER. 5 1 unease ofenvonn aegf>er ge for faere sumorbcete ge cac for ]:>aem oftrsedlican gefeohtum. Siffan aefter Jjaem he wolde habban maran wicstowa ponne his gewuna cur waere, for ]x>n he him siff>an aefter paem gefeohte swi}?or on saet fonne he aer dyde. 1S5 iEfter Jjsem he f6r ut on garsecg of J>aem mu]?an, pe seo ea wses hatenu Eginense, on an iglond, pxr Sivos £>aet folc 7 Iersomas on eardedon, 7 hi Ercol J?aer ger gebrohte 7 gesette ; [7] he him J»a to gewildum gedyde. ^Efter J>aem he for to J>aem iglande, pe monn p>aet folc Mandras haett, 7 190 Subagros ; 7 hi him brohton ongean eahta c M fej^ena 7 lx m gehorsades folces. 7 hie lange waeron )?aet dreogende aer heora afer mehte on oJ?rum sige geraecan, aer Alexander late unweordlicne sige geraehte. JEher ]?aem he gefor to anum faestenne. pa he faer to 195 com, pa. ne mehton hie nanne monn on J?aem faestenne utan geseon. pa wundrade Alexander hwy hit swa aemenne waere; 7 hraedlice J^one weall self oferclom, 7 he J?aer wear)? from Jxem burgwarum in abroden. 7 hie his sij^an waeran swa swife ehtende swa hit is ungeliefedlic to secganne, ge mid 20c scotum, ge mid stana torfungum, ge mid eallum heora wigcraeftum, faet swaj^eah ealle pa burgware ne mehton hiene aenne genieddan [fset] 1 he him an hand gan wolde. Ac pa. him J>cet folc swipost an J>rang, fa gestop he to anes wealles byge, 7 hiene J?aer awerede. 7 swa eall 205 J^aet folc wearj> mid him anum agaeled J?aet hie J>aes wealles nane gieman ne dydon, op Alexandres fegnas toemnes him }?one weall abraecon, 7 pxr in coman. peer wear]? Alex- ander Jmrhscoten mid anre flan underneofan o)>er breost. Nyte we nu hwaefer sie swifor to wundrianne, pe faet, hu he 210 ana wif) ealle pa. burgware hiene awerede, j?e eft, J?a him fultum com, hu he J^urh J?aet folc gefrang J^aet he J>one ilean 1 fonne L. E 2 5* ALFRED'S OROSTUS. ofslog f e hiene ser f urhsceat ; f e eft f ara f egna angin, fa hie untweogend[lice] wendon fset heora hlaford wsere on 215 heora feonda gewealde, offe cuca offe dead, f»set hie swafeah noldon f ses weallgebreces geswican, fset hie heora hlaford ne gewrsecen, f eh f e hie hiene mef igne on cneowum sittende metten. Siff an he fa burg hsefde him to gewildum gedon, fa for 220 he to of re byrg, fser Ambira se cyning on wunode. pser forwearf micel Alexandres heres for gesetredum gescotum. Ac Alexandre wearf on f sere ilcan niht an swefne an wyrt ofewed. pa nam he fa on mergen, 7 sealde hie fsem gewundedum drincan ; 7 hie wurdon mid fsem gehseled ; 225 7 siff an fa burg gewann. Ond he siffan hwearf hamweard to Babylonia, pser waeron aerendracan on anbide of eallre worolde : fset wses from Spaneum, 7 of Affrica, 7 of Gallium, 7 of ealre Italia: Swa egefull waes Alexander fa fa he wses on Indeum, on 230 eastevveardum f issum middangearde, f sette fa from him ondredan fe wseron on westeweardum. Eac him coman aerendracan ge of monegum feodum, fe nan mon Alex- andres geferscipes ne wende fset man his naman wiste, 7 him frifes to him wilnedon. pagiet fa Alexander ham 235 com to Babylonia, fagiet wses on him se msesta furst monnes blodes. Ac fa fa his geferan ongeatan fset he f ses gewinnes fagiet geswican nolde, ac he ssede fset he on African faran wolde, fa geleornedon his byrelas him be- tweonum hu hie him mehten fset lif offringan; 7 him 240 gesealdon ator drincan : fa forlet he his lif. Eala, cwsef Orosius, on hu micelre dysignesse men nu sindon on f eosan cristendome ! Swa f eh f e him lytles hwset unief e sie, hu earfef lice hi hit gemsenaf ! of er f ara is, of f e hie hit nyton, of f e hi hit witan nyllaf , an hwelcun brocum fa 245 lifdon fe ser him wseron. Hu wenaf hie hu fam wsere fe XV. HIMILCO. 53 on Alexandres onwalde waeron, fa him fa [swa] swijje hicne ondredan fe on westeweardum f isses middangeardes waeron faet hie on swa micle nefinge, 7 on swa micel ungewiss, aegfer ge on saes fyrhto, ge on vvestennum wildeora 7 wyrmcynua missenlicra, ge on feoda gereordum, faet hie 250 hiene aefter frife sohton on easteweardum feosan middan- gearde. Ac we witon georne faet hie nu ma for iergfe naf er ne durran, ne swa feor frif gesecan, ne furf on hie selfe aet ham set heora cotum hie werian, f onne hie monn set ham secf. Ac faet hie magon faet hie fas tida leahtrien. 2 55 XV. HIMILCO. . (p. 166.) jEfter f aem Himelco, Cartaina cyning, gefor mid firde an Siciliae, 7 him f aer becom swa faerlic yfel faet fa men waeron swa raf e deade swa hit him an becom, faet hie fa aet nihstan hie bebyrgean ne mehton. 7 he for f aem ege his unwillum fonan wende, 7 ham for mid f aem fe f aer to lafe waeron. 5 Sona swa faet forme scip land gesohte, ond faet egeslice spell gebodade, swa waeron ealle fa burgware, Cartaginenses, mid swif lice heafe 7 wope anstyred, 7 aelc acsiende 7 frinende aefter his friend ; 7 hie untweogendlice nanra treowf a him ne wendon, buton faet hie mid ealle forweorfan sceolde. Mid 10 f aem f e fa burgware swa geomorlic angin haefdon, fa [com] 1 se cyning self mid his scipe, 7 land gesohte mid swif e lyf er- licum gegierelan. 7 aegf e[r] ge he [sylf] wepende hamweard for, ge faet folc f aet him ongean com, eall hit him wepende 1 con L. 54 Alfred's orosius. 15 hamweard folgade. 7 he se cyning his handa waes upp- weardes braedende wij> J?aes heofones, 7 mid oferheortnesse him waes waniende aegj^er ge his agene heardsaetya ge ealles £>aes folces. 7 he )?agiet him selfum gedyde J?set faer wyrrest waes, ]?a he to his inne c6m, )?a he J)set folc f»£er lite betynde, 20 7 hiene aenne J^aerinne beleac, 7 hiene selfne ofslog. XVI. REGULUS AND THE SERPENT. (p. 174.) ^Efter J?aem Regulus se consul underfeng Cartaina gewinn. pa he aest J>ider mid firde farende waes, pa gewicade he neah anre ie, seo waes haten Bagrada. pa com of J?aem waetre an naedre, seo waes ungemetlice micel, 7 )?a men ealle ofslog pe "5 neh paem waetre coman. pa gegaderade Regulus ealle J>a scyttan pe on paem faerelte waeron, paet hie mon mid flanum ofercome. Ac ponne hie mon slog oppe sceat, ponne glad hit on paem scyllum, swelce hit waere smepe isen. pa het he mid paem palistas, mid paem hie weallas braecon, ponne hie 10 on faestenne fuhton, paet hiere mon mid paem pwyres on wurpe. pa wearj> hiere mid anum wierpe an ribb forod, paet hio sippan maegen ne haefde hie to gescildanne, ac rape paes hio wearp ofslagen ; for pon hit is naedrena gecynd paet heora maegen 7 hiera fepe bip on heora ribbum, swa operra creo- 15 pendra wyrma bip on heora fotum. pa hio gefylled waes, he het hie behyldan, 7 pa hyde to Rome bringan, 7 hie paer to maerpe apenian, for pon heo waes hund twelftiges fota lang. XVI. REGULUS. XVII. HANNIBAL. $$ XVII. HANNIBAL. (p. 186.) iEfter f aem f e R.omeburg getimbred waes v bunde wintrum 7 xxxiii, Hannibal, Pena cyning, besaet Saguntum, Ispania burg, for f on [f e] hie on symbel wif Romanum sibbe heol- don ; 7 f aer waes sittende eahta monaf , of he hie ealle hungre acwealde, 7 fa burg towearp, f eh fe Romane heora aerend- 5 racan him to sendon, 7 hie firmetton f aet hie f aet gewinn forleten; ac he hie swa unweorflice forseah, faet he heora self onseon nolde. On f am gewinne, 7 eac monegum of rum aefter faem, Hannibal gecyf de f one nif 7 f one hete f e he beforan his faeder geswor, fa he nigonwintre cniht waes, faet ic he naefre ne wurde Romana freond. pa fa Publius Cornelius, 7 Scipa Publius, 7 Sempronius Longus, fa hie waeron [consulas], Hannibal abraec mid gefeohte ofer fa beorgas fe mon haet Perenei, fa sindon betux Galleum 7 Spaneum 1 , 7 siff an he gefor ofer fa mone- 15 gan feoda, of he com to Alpis faem muntum, 7 faer eac ofei abraec, f eh him mon oftraedlice mid gefeohtum wif stode, 7 fone weg geworhte ofer munt Iof. Swa fonne he to faem sem })3et he hiene foran forstod, 6\) he on fleame fealh. pser wear}? Romana micel wael geslagen. Hiora j?aet sefterre gefeoht wses aet Trefia f>sere fe, 7 eft wseron Romane forslsegen 7 gefiiemed. pa j^set Sempronius hierde, 30 heora oj^er consul, se wses on Sicilium mid firde gefaren, he J>onan afor, 7 begen }>a consulas waeron mid firde angean Hannibal, 7 heora gemetting wses eft set Trefia fsere ie, 7 eac Romane gefiiemed, 7 swifor forslagen, 7 Hannibal gewundod. 35 JEfter J?sem for Hannibal ofer Bardan fone beorg, J»eh £e ymb }>one tieman wseren swa micel snawgebland swa psette segj>er ge j?ara horsa fela forwurdon ge £a elpendas ealle buton anum, ge J>a men selfe unease J?one ciele genseson. Ac for Ipxm he genej)de swiJ>ost ofer J>one munt J>e he 40 wiste J>set Flamineus se consul wende J?set he buton sorge mehte on )?sem wintersetle gewunian \>q he J>a on wses mid j?sem folce pe he J?a gegaderad hsefde, 7 untweogendlice wende J^set nan nsere J?sette ]?set fserelt ymbe ]x>ne timan anginnan dorste of>J>e mehte for ]?aem ungemetlican cile. 45 Mid )3sem J>e Hannibal to J^sem londe becom, swa gewicade he an anre diegelre stowe, neah J)sem o)?rum folce. 7 sum his folc sende gind J?set lond to bsernanne 7 to hergenne, fsette se consul wses wenende J?set eall }?set folc wsere gind J?set lond tobrsed, 7 J>iderweard farende wses, 7 pencende J?set 5° he hie on psere hergunge beswice, 7 J?set folc buton truman laedde, swa he wiste J^set Jxet of>er wses, of) J?set Hannibal him com J>wyres on mid J>sem fultume J>e he setgsedere hsefde, 7 fone consul ofslog, 7 ]?ses ofres folces xxv m, 7 vi gefengon 1 . 7 Hannibales folces wses twa m ofslagen. 55 ^Efter fsern Scipia se consul, J>aes o]?res Scipian brofor, wses monega gefeoht donde on Ispanium, 7 Magonem Pena latteow gefeng. 1 over erasure in L. ; gefangen C. XVII. HANNIBAL. 57 7 moncga wundor gewurdon on f aere tide. ^Erest waes faet seo sunne waes swclce heo waere eall gelytladu. Ofer waes faet mon geseah swelce seo sunne 7 se mona fuhte : fas 60 wundor gewurdon on Arpis faem londe. 7 on Sardinium mon geseah twegen sceldas blode swaetan. 7 Falisci faet folc hie gesawon swelce se hefon waere tohliden. 7 Athium faet folc him gefuhte, fa hie heora corn ripon, 7 heora cawelas afylled haefdon, J>set ealle fa ear waeron blodege. 65 JEfter faem f e Romeburg getimbred waes v hunde wintrum 7 feowertegum, fa fa Lucius Amilius 7 Paulus Publius 7 Turrentius Varra, fa hie waeron consulas, hie geforan mid firde angean Hannibal. Ac he hie mi4 faem ilcan wrence beswac fe he aet heora aerran gemetingge dyde, 7 eac mid 70 faem niwan fe hie aer ne [cufan] 1 , faet waes, fset he on faestre stowe let sum his folc, 7 mid sumum for angean fa consulas ; 7 raf e f aes f e hie tosomne comon, he fleah wif fara fe faer beaeftan waeron, 7 him fa consulas waeron aefter- fylgende, 7 faet folc sleande, 7 wendon faet hie on faem daege 75 sceoldon habban f one maestan sige. Ac raf e f aes f e Han- nibal to his fultume com, he gefliemde ealle fa consulas, 7 on Romanum swa micel wael geslog swa heora naefre naes ne aer ne siff an aet anum gefeohte, faet waes feower 7 feowertig m, 7 fara consula twegen ofslog, 7 f one f riddan gefeng ; 7 fa 80 on daeg he mehte cuman to ealra Romana anwealde, faer he forf gefore to faere byrg. JEfter faem Hannibal sende ham to Cartaina f rio mydd gyldenra hringa his sige to tacne. Be faem hringum mon mehte witan hwaet Romana dugufe gefeallen waes, for f on f e hit waes f eaw mid him on faem 85 dagum faet nan of er ne moste gyldenne hring werian, buton he aef eles cynnes waere. ^Efter faem gefeohte waeron Romane swa swife forfohte, f aette Celius Metellus, f e fa heora consul wae*, ge ealle heora .co 5 o,..Z. UNI 58 Alfred's orosius. 9° senatus, haefdon gepoht p aet hie sceoldon Romeburg forlaetan, ge furpum ealle Italiam. 7 hie paet swa gelaesten, gif him Scipia ne gestirde, se waes para cempena ieldest, mid paem paet he his sweorde gebraed, 7 swor J?set him leofre waere paet he hiene selfne acwealde ponne he forlete his faeder oepel ; 7 95 saede eac paet he para aelces ehtend wolde beon, swa [swa] his feondes, pe paes wordes waere paet from Romebyrg pohte. 7 he hie ealle mid paem geniedde paet hie apas sworan paet hie ealle aetgaedere wolden, oppe on heora earde licggean, oppe on heora earde libban. ioo JEfter paem hie gesetton tictator, f>aet he sceolde bion hierra ofer pa consulas, se waes haten Decius Iunius ; he naes buton seofontienewintre. 7 Scipian hie gesetton to consule. 7 ealle fa men pe hie on peowdome haefdon hie gefreodon, on paet gerad paet he him apas sworan paet hie him aet paem i°5 gewinnum gelaesten. Ond sume, pa pe heora [hlafordas] s freogean noldon, oppe hie ne anhagade paet hie mehten, ponne guidon hie pa consulas mid hiera gemaenan feo, 7 sippan freodon. 7 ealle fa p e fordemede waeron aer paem, oppe hie selfe forworht haefdon, hie hit eall forgeafon wip 1 10 f aem pe hie him aet paem gewinnum fuleoden. para monna waes siex m, fa hie gegaderad waeron. 7 ealle Italiam geswicon Romanum, 7 to Hannibale ge- cirdon, for pon pe hie waeron orwene hwaeper sefre Romane to heora anwealde becomen. pa gefor Hannibal on Bene- 115 fente, 7 hie him ongean coman, 7 him to gecirdon. • JEfter paem Romane haefdon gegaderad feower legian heora folces, 7 sendon Lucius Postumius pone consul on pa Gallie pe mon nu Longbeardan 2 haet, 7 paer ofslagen wearp, 7 paes folces fela mid him. iEfter paem Romane gesetton 120 Claudius Marcellus to consule, se waes aer Scipian gefera. He for deamenga mid gewealdene fultume on pone ende 1 Wanting in both. 2 Langbeardas C. XVII. HANNIBAL. 59 Hannibales folces f e he self on wees, 7 fela fees folces ofslog, 7 hiene selfe gefliemde. pa hsefde Marcellus Romanum cuf gedon fset mon Hannibal geflieman mehte, feh fe hie ser tweode hwsefer hiene mon mid senige monfultume geflieman 125 mehte. Gemong fsem gewinnum fa twegen Scipian, f e fa wseron consulas 7 eac gebrof or, hie wseron on Ispanium mid firde, 7 gefuhton wij) Hasterbale, Hannibales fsedran, 7 hiene ofslogon, 7 his folces xxx m sume ofslogon sume gefengon. 130 Se wses eac Pena of er cyning. iEfter f sem Centenus Penula se consul bsed f sette senatus him fultum sealdon, fset he mehte Hannibal mid gefeohte gesecan ; 7 f ser ofslagen wear]?, 7 eahta f usend his folces. ^Efter fsem Sempronius Craccus se consul for eft mid fierde 135 angean Hannibal, 7 gefliemed wear)?, 7 his heres wses micel wael geslagen. Hu magon nu Romane, cwsef Orosius, to sof e gesecgean fset hie fa hsefden beteran tida f onne hie nu hsebben, fa hie swa monega gewin hsefdon emdenes underfongen? 1 wses on 140 Ispania; ofer on Macedonia ; 111 on Capadotia ; 1111 set ham wif Hannibal : 7 hie eac oftost gefliemde wurdon 7 gebism- rade. Ac f set wses swif e sweotol fset hie fa wseron beteran f egnas f onne hie nu sien, f set hie f eh f ses gewinnes geswican noldon ; ac hie oft gebidon on lytlum staf ole 7 on unwenli- 145 cum, f set hie fa set nihstan haefdon ealra f ara anwald f e ser neh heora hsefdon. ^Efter f sem fe Romeburg getimbred wses v hunde wint- rum 7 xliii, f aette Marcellus Claudius se consul for mid sciphere on Sicilie, 7 begeat Siracuses, heora fa welegestan 150 burg, f eh he hie set fsem serran fserelte begietan ne mehte, fa he hie beseten hsefde, for Archimefes crsefte, sumes Sicilia f egnes. On fsem teof an geare f ses f e Hannibal won on Italie, he 60 Alfred's orosius. 155 for of Campaina paem londe op prio mila to Romebyrg, 7 aet paere ie gewicade pe mon Annianes haett, eallum Romanum to paem maestan ege, swa hit mon on para waepnedmonna gebaerum ongitan mehte, hu hie afyrhtede waeron 7 agaelwede, pa pa wifmen urnon mid stanum wip para wealla, 7 cwaedon ^opaet hie pa burg werian wolden, gif pa waepnedmen ne dorsten. paes on mergen Hannibal gefor to paere byrig, 7 beforan paem geate his folc getrymede pe mon haett Collina. Ac pa consulas noldon hie selfe swa earge gepen- can swa hie pa wifmen aer forcwaedon, paet hi hie binnan 1 65 paere byrg werian ne dorsten, ac hie hi butan paem geate angean Hannibal trymedon. Ac pa hie togaedere woldon, pa com swa ungemetlic ren, paet hcora nan ne mehte nanes waepnes gewealdan, 7 for paem toforan. pa se ren ablon, hie foran eft togaedere, 7 eft wearp oper swelc ren, paet hie 170 eft toforan. pa angeat Hannibal, 7 him self saede, peh pe he wilniende waere 7 wenende Romana anwealdes, paet hit God ne gepafode. Gesecgap me nu Romane, cwaep Orosius, hwonne past gewurde oppe hwara, aer paem cristendome, [paet] ' oppe ge, 1 75 oppe opere aet aenegum godum mehten rdn abiddan, swa mon sippan mehte, sippan se cristendom waes, 7 nugiet magon monege gode aet urum Haelendum Criste, ponne him pearf bip. Hit waes peh swipe sweotol paet se ilea Crist, se pe hie eft to cristendome onwende, paet se him pone ren 180 to gescildnisse onsende, peh hi paes wyrpe naeron, to pon paet hie selfe, 7 eac monege opere purh [h]ie, to paem cristendome 7 to paem sopan geleafan become. On paem dagum pe pis gewearp, waeron twegen consulas ofslagen on Ispania, pa waeron gebropor, 7 waeron begen 185 Scipian hatene ; hie waeron beswicene from Haslerbale, Pena cyninge. On paere tide Cuintus Fulvius se consul 1 Wanting in both. XVII. HANNIBAL. 6 1 geegsade ealle fa ieldestan men pe on Campaina waeron, faet hie hi selfe mid atre acwealdon. 7 ealle J>a ieldestan men pe waeron on Capu f aere byrg he ofslog, for J>on pe he wende faet hie wolden Hannibale on fultume beon, feh pa. 190 senatus him haefden J>a daed faeste forboden. pa Romane geacsedan faet fa consulas on Ispanium ofslagen waeron, fa ne mehton pa, senatus naenne consul under him findan pe dorste on Ispanie mid firde gefaran, buton fara consula of res sunu, Scipia waes haten, se waes 195 cniht. Se waes georne biddende f aet him mon fultum sealde, faet he moste on Ispanie firde gelaedan, 7 he faet faerelt swif ost for f aem p ur[h]teah, pe he f ohte p aet he his faeder 7 his faederan gewraece, feh pe he hit faeste wif fa senatus haele. Ac Romane waeron f aes faereltes swa geornfulle, feh pe hie 200 swife gebrocode waeren on hiora licgendan feo pe hie gemaene haefdon, for faem gewinnum pe hie fa haefdon on feower healfa, faet hie eall him gesealdon faet hie fa haefdon on faem faerelte to fultume, buton faet aelc wifmon haefde ane yndsan goldes, 7 an pund seolfres, 7 aelc waepnedmon aenne 205 hring, 7 ane hoppan. pa Scipia haefde gefaren to f aere niwan byrig Cartaina, pe mon nu Cordofa haett, he besaett Magonem, Hannibales brofor; 7 for fon pe he on fa burgleode on ungearwe becom, he hie on lytlan firste mid hungre on his geweald 210 geniedde, faet him se cyning self on hand eode ; 7 he ealle fa ofre sume ofslog, sume geband, 7 fone cyning gebundenne to Rome sende, 7 monege mid him fara ieldestena witena. Binnan faere byrig waes micel licggende feoh funden. Sum hit Scipia to Rome sende, sum he hit het faem folc 215 daelan. On faere tide for [Levfnus] s se consul of Maecedonia on Sicilie mid sciphere, 7 f aer geeode Agrigentum fa burg, 7 1 Leuius L. 62 Alfred's orosius. gefeng Hannonam heora latteow. [7] sippan him eodon on 220 hand feowertig burga, 7 xxvi he geeode mid gefeohte. On paere tide Hannibal ofslog Gneus Fulvius Ipone consul on Italium, 7 eahta m mid him. JEfter paem Hannibal feaht wip Marcellus pone consul prie dagas. py forman daege pa folc feollon on aegpere healfe gelice. py sefterran 225 daege Hannibal hoefde sige. py priddan daege haefde se consul. JEfter paem Favius Maximus se consul for mid sciphere to Tarentan paere byrg, swa Hannibal nyste, 7 pa burg on niht abraec, swa pa nyston pe paerinne waeron, 7 Hannibales latteow ofslog Cartalon, 7 xxx m mid him. 230 paes on paem sefterran geare Hannibal bestael on Marcellus Claudius pone consul, paer he on firde saett, 7 hiene ofslog, 7 his folc mid him. On paem dagum Scipia geflemde Hasterbal on Ispanium, Hannibales operne bro}>or. 7 paes folces him eode on hand eahtatig burga. Swa la]? wass 235 Pena folc Scipian pa he hie gefliemed haefde, swa, peh pe he hie sume wid feo gesealde, paet he paet weorp nolde agan paet him mon wip sealde, ac he hit oprum monnum sealde. On paem ilcan geare beswac eft Hannibal twegen consulas, Marcellus 7 Cirspinus, 7 hie ofslog. 240 pa Claudius Nerone 7 Marcolia Salinatore waeron con- sulas, Hasterbal, Hannibales bro}>or, for mid firde of Ispanium on Italie Hannibale to fultume. pa geacsedon pa consulas paet aer, aer Hannibal, 7 him ongean comon, swa he x pa muntas oferfaren haefde, 7 paer haefdon longsum 24,5 gefeoht, aer para folca aper fluge. paet waes swipost on paem gelong paet Hasterbal swa late fleah for pon pe he elpendas mid him haefde. 7 Romane haefdon sige. paer waes Haster- bal ofslagen, 7 liii m his heres, 7 v m gefangen. pa heton pa consulas Hasterbale paet heafod of aceorfan, 7 aweorpan 250 hit beforan Hannibales wicstowe. pa Hannibale cup waes 1 swa he swa L. X VII. HA NXIBA L. 63 Jxet his bro]?or ofslagen wees 7 ]?aes folces swa fela mid him, ]?a wear]? him aerest ege from Romanum, 7 gef6r on Bruti J?aet lond. pa haefde Hannibal 7 Romanc an gear stilnesse him betweonum, for ]?on }>e ]?a folc butu on feferadle mid ungemete swulton. On J?aere stilnesse Scipia geeode eallc 255 Ispanie. 7 si]?]?an com to Rome, 7 Romanum to raede gelaerde J?cet hie mid scipum foren on Hannibales land, pa sendon Romane hiene past he ]?aes faereltes consul waere, 7 rape J?aes ]?e he on Pene com, him com ongen Hanno se cyning unwaerlice, 7 ]?aer ofslagen wear]?. On faere tide 260 Hannibal gefeaht wif> Sempronius J?one consul on Italiam, 7 hiene bedraf into Romebyrig. JEfter J?cem Pene foran ongean Scipian mid eallum hiera fultume, 7 wicstowa namon on twam stowum, neah Jjsere byrg j>e mon Utica haet. On oJ?erre waeron Pene, on o]?erre 265 Numepe, ]?e him on fultume wceron, 7 gef?oht haefdon past hie J?aer sceoldon wintersetl habban. Ac si]?]?an Scipia geascade ]?aet ]?a foreweardas waeron feor ]?aem faestenne gesette, 7 eac j?ast ]?aer nane o]?re near naeran, he ]?a diegellice gelaedde his fird betuh }?aem weardum, 7 feawe men to o]?rum J?ara fsestenna 270 onsende, to fon ]?aet hie his aenne ende onbaerndon, f>aet si]?]?an maest ealle ]?e J?serbinnan waeron, waeron wi]? J?aes fyres weard, to ]?on ]?aet hie hit acwencean ]?ohton. He ]?a Scipia gemong ]?aem hie maest ealle ofslog. pa ]?aet ]?a o]?re onfundon ]?e on ]?aem oJ>rum faestenne waeron, hie waeron 275 flocmaelum Jrlderweard ]?aem o]?rum to fultume, 7 hie Scipia waes ealle J>a niht sleande, swa hie ]?onne comon, of> daeg, 7 si]?]?an he hie slog ofer ealne J?one daeg fleonde. 7 hiera twegen cyningas, Hasterbal 7 Sifax, oj?flugon to Cartaina ]?aere byrg, 7 gegaderodon ]?one fultum ]?e hie ]?a haefdon, 7 280 ongean Scipian comon, 7 eft wurdon gefliemde into Car- taina. Sume opflugon to Cretan ]?aem iglande. 7 him Scipia sende sciphere aefter, ]?aet mon sume ofslog, sume 64 Alfred's orosius. gefeng. 7 Sifax wear]? gefangen, hiera ofer cyning, 7 285 siff an waes to Rome on racentan sended. On f aem gefeohtum waeron Pene swa forhiende f aet hie na siff an hie wif Romane to nohte ne bemaetan ; 7 sendon on Italie aefter Hannibale, 7 baedon f aet he him to fultume come. 7 he him wepende [f aere bene] getygf ade, for f on 290 fe [he] sceolde Italiam forlaetan, on faem freoteofon geare f aes f e he aer on com. 7 he ealle ofslog f e of faem landum his men waeron, 7 mid him ofer sae nolden. pa he ham- weard seglde, fa het he aenne mon stigan on f one maest, 7 locian hwaefer he faet land gecneowe faet hie tovveard 295 waeron. pa saede he him faet he gesawe ane tobrocene byrgenne, swelce hiera f eaw waes faet mon ricum monnum bufan eorf an of stanum worhte. pa waes Hannibale aefter hiera haef eniscum [gewunan] x faet 7wyrde swif e laf , 7 him unf anc saede f aes 7wyrdes. 7 ealne f one here he het mid 300 faem scipum f onan wendan f e he aer to gef oht haefde, 7 up comon aet Leptan faem tune, 7 hraedlice for to Cartaina, 7 biddende waes faet he moste wif Scipian sprecan, 7 wil- niende waes faet he frif betwux faem folcum findan sceolde. Ac [hie] 2 hiera sundorspraece, f e hie betux faem foleum 305 togaedereweard gespraecan, to unsibbe brohton, 7 hie to gefeohte geredon. 7 rafe faes fe hie togaedere comon, Hannibales folc wear]) gefliemed, 7 xx m ofslagen 7 d, 7 lxxx elpenda, 7 Hannibal o])fleah feowera sum to Af rame- tum J)aem fsestenne. pa sendon J)a burgleode of Cartaina 310 aefter Hannibale, 7 cwaedon ])aet him soelest waere ])aet hie frifes to Romanum wilnaden. pa fa Gaius Cornelius 7 Lentulus Publius waeron consulas, wearf Cartainum frif aliefed from Scipian mid f ara senata willan, on f aet gerad f aet fa igland Sicilia 7 Sarf inia hierden to Romanum, 7 f aet 315 hie him aelce geare gesealden swa fela talentena seolfres swa 1 gewunnan L. 2 he Z ; hy C. XVIII. THE ROMANS IN SPAIN. 65 hie him ]?onne aliefden. 7 Scipia het d hira scipa upateon 7 forbaernan ; 7 si]?]?an to Rome hamweard for. pa him mon Jxme triumphan ongean brohte, )?a eode ]?ser mid Terrentius, se maera Cartaina sc6p, 7 bser hset on his heafde; for j?on Romane hsefdon ]?a niwlice gesett ]?set f»a pe haet 3 20 beran moston, Jxmne hie hwelc folc oferwunnen hsefdon, J^aet pa moston aegj>er habban ge feorh ge freod6m. XVIII. THE ROMANS IN SPAIN, (p. 216.) On j?aem dagum waes an hirde on Ispanium, se wses Veriatus haten, 7 waes micel ]?eofmon, 7 on faere stalunge he wear]? reafere. 7 on ]?aem reaflace he him geteah to micelne monfultum, 7 monege tunas oferhergeade. JSfter J?aem his weorod weox to }?on swi)?e ]?set he monega land forhergeade. 5 7 Romanum wearp micel ege from him; 7 Vecilius Jxme consul ongean hiene mid firde sendon; 7 he ]?ser gefliemed wear]?, 7 his folces se maesta dael ofslagen. Mi o]?rum cirre }?ider for Gaius [Folucius] se consul, 7 eac gefliemed wearf>. ^Et }?riddan cirre ]?ider for Claudius se con[sul] ; 7 fohte 10 ]?set he Romana bismer gewrecan 1 sceolde, ac he hit on ]?sem faerelte geiecte swf}?or, 7 unea]?e self com aweg. Mhtr )?sem Veriatus gemette mid f>rim hunde monna Romana an 11 on anum wuda. pser wses Veriatuses folces ofslagen lxx, 7 Romana ccc, 7 ]?a o)?re gefliemde 2 . On 15 }?sem fleame wear]? an Veriatuses }?egn (?aem o]?rum to longe sefterfylgende, o)? mon his hors under him ofsceat. pa 1 gebetan C. 2 geflymede wurdon C. ¥ 66 Alfred's orosius. woldon J?a of>re ealle hiene aenne ofslean, o)?)?e gebindan. pa slog he anes monnes hors mid his sweorde )?aet him wand 20 j?aet heafod of. Si]?]?an waes eallum J?aem o)?ium swa micel ege from him ]?aet hi hiene leng gretan ne dorstan. iEfter ]?aem Apius Claudius se consul gefeaht wi]? Gaelle, 7 )?aer gefliemed wear]? ; 7 raf>e ]?aes eft fird geloedde wi]? hie, 7 sige haefde, 7 hiera ofslog vi m. pa he hamweard waes, 25 ]?a baed he ]?aet mon dyde beforan him )?one triumphan. Ac him Romane untreowlice his forwierndon, 7 hit under )?aet ladedon for )?on pe he aer aet ]?aem ojjrura cirre sige naefde. JEfter J?aem wear]? 1 swa micel moncwealm on Rome ]?aet 30 ]?aer nan utancymen mon cuman ne dorste, 7 monega land binnan )?aere byrig waeron butan aelcum ierfwearde. Hie witon peah )?aet )?aet ilce yfel ofereode butan geblote, swa ]?a monegan aer dydan pe hie wendon }?aet hie mid hiera deo- folgildum gestiered haefden. Butan tweo[n], gif hie ]?a blotan 35 mehten, hie woldon secgean ]?aet him hiera [godas] gehulpan. Ac hit waes Godes gifu ]?aet ealle fa laegon }?e hit don sceoldon, of) hit self ofereode. JEfter )?aem Favius se consul for mid firde ongean Veria- tus, 7 gefliemed wear]?. Se ilea consul gedyde eallum 40 Romanum pa. bismerlecestan daed, )?a he aspon of Senium dc monna to him his gejxjftena, 7 ]?a hie him to coman, he het him eallum J?a honda of aceorfan. JEfter )?aem Pompeius se consul for on Numentinas, Ispania )?eode, 7 gefliemed wear)?. Ymb xiiii gear J?aes pe Veriatus wi)? Romane win- 45 nan ongan, he wear)? from his agnum monnum ofslagen ; 7 swa oft swa hiene Romane mid gefeohte gesohton, he hie simle gefliemde. paer dydon Q?eah] Romane lytla trie\vj?a )?aet him )?a waeron la)?e 7 unweorfe )?e hiera hlaford beswican, )?eh )?e hie him leana to ]?aere daede wenden. 1 wses C XVIII. THE ROMANS IN SPAIN. 6 J Ic sceal eac niede f ara monegena gewinna geswigian fe 50 on [Jam] eastlondum gewurdon. His me sceal afreotan for Romana gewinnum. On f aere tide Mitridatis, Partha cyning, geeode Babyloniam, 7 ealle fa land f e betwux faem twaem eaum waeron, Induse 7 If asfe, f a waeron aer 1 on Romana anwalde. 7 siffan he gebraedde his rice east of India 55 gemaero. 7 Demetrias, Asia cyning, hiene tuwa mid firde gesohte. iEt ofrum cirre he wearf gefliemed, aet ofrum gefangen. He waes on Romana onwalde, for fon fe hie hiene f aer gesetton. JEfter faem Mantius se consul for on Numentine, Ispania 60 folc, 7 f aer waes winnende of he genom frif \vif ]paet folc, 7 hiene siffan aweg bestael. pa he ham com, fa heton hiene Romane gebindan, 7 gebringean beforan Numentia faestennes geate. pa nawf er ne hine fa eft ham laedan ne dorston f e hiene f ider laeddon, ne his fa onfon noldon f e 65 hiene mon to brohte, ac swif e hreowlice swa gebend he on anre stowe beforan faem geate waes wuniende, of he his lif forlet. On f aem dagum Brutus se consul ofslog Ispania folces lx m, fa waeron Lusitaniam on fultume. 7 rafe faes he for eft 70 on Lusitanie, 7 hiera ofslog l h, 7 vi m gefeng. On f aem dagum for Lapidus se consul on fa nearran Ispanie, 7 gefliemed wearf , 7 his folces waes ofslagen vi m. 7 fa f e faer aweg comon, hie offlugon mid faem maestan bismre. Hwaef er Romane hit witen nu aenegum men to secganne, 75 hwaet hiera folces on Ispanium 6n feawum gearum forwurde? ponne hie from gesaelgum tidum gilpaf, f onne waeron fa him selfum fa ungesaelgestan. pa fa Servius Fulvius 7 Flaccus Quintus waeron consulas, wearf on Rome an cild geboren, f aet haefde 1111 fet, 7 1111 So handa, 7 mi eagan, 7 1111 earan. On faem geare asprong up 1 ser waeron xr L. F 2 68 Alfred's orosius. iEjma fyr [on Sicilium], 7 mare J>aes landes forbaernde f>onne hit aefre ser dyde. Mher J>aem J?e Romeburg getimbred waes dc wintrum 7 8 5 xx, j?a ]?a Mantius gedyde J>one yfelan fri)? on Numan- tium ■ — swa hit Romane selfe saedon ]?aet under hiera anwalde nan bismerlecre daed ne gewurde, buton on faern gefeohte aet Caudenes Furculus — )?a sendon Romane Scipian on Numan- tie mid firde. Hie sindon on j?aem norfnvestende Ispania; 90 7 heo hie selfe aer J^aem mid feower m aweredon xmi winter wif) Romana xl m, 7 oftost sige haefdon. pa besaet Scipia hie healf gear on hiera faestenne, 7 hie to J>on gebrocode J>aet him leofre waes p aet hie hie seolfe forneJ?don )?onne hie J>a iermjx) leng J?ro\voden. pa Scipia 2 onget }>aet hie swelces 95 modes waeron, £a het he sum his folc feohtan on J?aet faesten, j>set hie mid J>aem ]?aet folc ut aloccoden. pa waeron J>a burgware to ]x>n faegene 7 to Ipon blij^e J>aet hie feohtan moston, 7 gemong J?aem gefean hie hie selfe mid ealoJ> oferdrencton, 7 ut irnende waeron aet twaem geatum. On 100 j?aere byrig waes aerest ealogeweorc ongunnen, for Ipon J?e hie win naefdon. On J?aem swicdome wear]? Numantia [duguj>] 3 gefeallen. 7 se dael J>e ])aer to lafe wear)? forbaerdon ealle Ipa. burg, for ]xm £>e hie ne u£>on )?aet hiera fiend to hiera ealdgestreonum fengon ; 7 aefter paem hie hie selfe on J»aem 105 fyre forspildon. pa Scipia hiene hamweard wende of J?aem lande, Ipa. com him to an eald raon, se waes Numentisc. pa fraegn Scipia hiene an hwy hit gelang waere J?aet Numentiae swa ra£>e ahnescaden, swa hearde swa hie longe waeron. pa saede 1 to he him J>aet hie waeren [hearde], J>a hwile }>e hie hira anraednesse geheoldon him betvveonum, 7 anfealdnesse ; 7 sona swa hie him betweonum ungeraednesse upahofon, swa 1 Numaantium L., Numan iam C. 2 se Scipio C. 3 dugud L. XIX. JULIUS CMSAR. 69 forwurdon hie ealle. pa wear)? Scipian ! J?aet zwyrde swij>e andrysne, 7 ealle Romana weotan for J?sem zwyrde mid wordum swij?e geegsade 2 , }>a he ham c6m, for pon J>e hie J>a 115 haefdon ungeraednesse him betweonum. XIX. JULIUS CAESAR IN BRITAIN. (P- 238.) ^Efter J?3em }?e Romeburg getimbred waes vi hunde wintra 7 lxvii, Romane gesealdon Gaiuse Iuliuse seofon legan 3 , to )?on ]x£t he sceolde fif winter winnan on Gallie. iEfter J>aem J?e he hie oferwunnen haefde, he f6r on Bre- tanie ]?set iglond, 7 wif> £>a Brettas gefeaht, 7 gefliemed wear]? 5 on fsem londe J>e mon haet Centlond. Ra)?e paes he gefeaht [eft] wi)3 ]?a Brettas on Centlonde, 7 hie wurdon gefliemede 4 . Heora f>ridde gefeoht waes neah )?aere ie £>e mon haet Temes, neh J?asm forda j>e mon haet Welengaford. iEfter faern ge- feohte him eode on hond se cyning 7 fa burgware Ipe waeron x on Cirenceastre, 7 si^an ealle J?e on paem iglonde waeron. XX. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. (p. 244.) Si]?J>an him geteah Antonius to gewealdon ealle Asiam. 1 J>am Scipian C. 2 ~j eallum Romanum witum for Jam and\v)Tde ~) for fam wordum hi wnrdon swi])e mid geegesode C. 3 legion C. * afiymede C. jo Alfred's orosivs. iEfter paem he forlet Octavianuses swostor, 7 him selfum onbead gewin 7 openne feondscipe. 7 he him het to wife gefeccan Cleopatron pa cvvene, pa haefde Iulius 3er, 7 hiere 5 for paem haefde geseald ealle Egypti. Rape paes Octavianus gelaedde fird wip Antonius, 7 hiene rape gefliemde paes pe hie togaedere comon. paes ymb in niht hie gefuhton [ut] on sae. Octavianus haefde xxx scipa 7 cc para miclena priereprena, on paem waeron farende eahta legian. 7 Antonius hsefde 10 eahtatig scipa, on paem waeron farende x legian, for pon swa micle swa he laes haefde, swa micle hie waeron beteran 7 maran, for pon hie waeron swa geworht paet hie mon ne mehte mid monnum oferhlaestan, J>aet hie nseren x fota hea bufan wsetere. poet gefeoht wear}) swipe maere, J>eh pe 15 Octavianus sige haefde. paer waes Octavianuses folces of- slagen xn m ; 7 Cleopatra his cwen wear]? gefliemed, swa hie togaedere coman, mid hiere here. ^Efter paem Octavianus gefeaht wip Antonius 7 wip Cleopatron, 7 hie gefliemde. paet [waes] on paere tide calendas Agustus, 7 on paem daege 20 pe we hatap ' hlafmaesse.' Sippan waes Octavianus ' Agustus ' haten, for pon pe he on paere tide sige haefde. iEfter paem Antonius 7 Cleopatro haefdon gegaderod sciphere on paem Readan Sae. Ac fa him mon saede paet Octavianus piderweard waes, pa gecierde eall paet folc to 25 Octavianuse, 7 hie selfe opflugon to anum tune lytle werode. Hio pa Cleopatra het adelfan hiere byrgenne, 7 paeroninnan eode. pa heo paeron gelegen waes, pa het hio niman ipnalis pa naedran, 7 don to hiere earme, paet hio hie abite ; for port pe hiere puhte J»set hit on paem lime unsarast waere, for pon 30 pe paere naedran gecynd is paet aelc uht paes pe hio abitt scael his lif on slaepe geendian. 7 hio J>aet for paem dyde pe hio nolde faet hie mon drife beforan paem triumphan wip Rome weard. pa Antonius geseah paet hio hie to deape gerede, fa ofsticade he hiene selfne, 7 bebead paet hiene mon on pa XX. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA ilcan byrgenne to hiere swa somcucre alcgde. pa Octavianus 35 ]?ider com, ]?a het he niman o)?res cynnes naedran, vissillus is haten, sio maeg ateon aslces cynnes ator ut of men, gif hio mon tidlice to bring]?. Ac hiowses gefaren aer he ]?idercome. Si]?J?on Octavianus begeat Alexandriam, Egypta heafedburg, 7 mid hiere gestreone he gewelgade Romeburg swa swi]?e 40 )?aet mon aelcne ceap mehte be twiefealdan bet geceapian ]?onne mon aer mehte. XXI. NERO. (p. 260.) jEfter ]?aem ]?e Romeburg getimbred waes vm hunde wintra 7 ix, feng Nero to Romana onwalde, 7 hiene haefde xim gear. He haefde giet ]?e ma un]?eawa ]?onne his earn haefde aer Gaius. Toeacan ]?aem monigfealdum bismrum ]?e he donde waes, he het aet sumum cierre onbsernan Romeburg ; 7 bebead his 5 agnum monnum J?set hie simle gegripen ]?aes licgendan feos a Z. a hwearfiende C. NOTES. I. Line 2. swa swa, as far as, which. Cp. Beow. 1223 swa wide swa see bebuge}, and Beow. 93 eorJ>an worhte, swa water bebuge}. 1. 12. Wendelsee, Mediterranean, lit. ' sea of the Vandals.' I. 27. Scotland, Ireland. II. 1. 20. beorhtte = beorgihte, mountainous. III. 1. 2. swa we, hit fyrmest witon, to the best of our know- ledge. Cf. ^lfric's Horn. 164. 22 swa he fyrmest mag, 'as far as he can,' ' to the best of his ability.' 1. 9. Cwensee, White Sea. 1. 14. Bsegware, Bavarians. 1. 19. Sillende, Seeland. Lai. Wineda, Wends. 1. 37. Ostsse, Baltic. VI. 1. 44. Scene, Shannon. 1. 49. is norpeastlang, extends in a north-east direction. 1. 55. peer gasp near on setl, sets nearer to it. IX. 1. 28. maegenes, partitive gen. X. 1. 11. pysne nyttan crseft, this effective stratagem. The Latin has ' hanc utilem magis quam nobilem victoriam.' 1. 21. Vavius, Fabius. 1. 25. buton selcre ware, without opposition, is an addition of Alfred^. 1. 37. Hu pyncp eow nu, etc. The whole of this paragraph is an addition of Alfred's. 1. 51. hie pses naman bename pset hie nan folc neeren. The Latin has ' ipsum quoque Romae nomen persequentes.' 1. 64. Ne wene ic, etc. The Latin has : ' Et quoniam uber dicendi materia est, quae nequaquam hoc concludi libro potest, hie praesentis voluminis finis sit, ut in subsequentibus cetera prosequamur.' XL The original has : ■ Sequitur hanc luem satis triste prodigium. Repente siquidem medio Urbis terra dissiluit. Manebat diu patenti voragine inpudens specus, nefariamque vivi hominis sepulturam diis interpretibus expetebat. Satisfecit improbis faucibus praecipitio sui Marcus Curtius, eques armatus, injecitque crudeli terrae inopinatam satietatem.' 74 NOTES. XIII. 1. 14. On paem anwalde wseron Somnite swabealde peet. . . The Latin has ' in tantum abusus est victoriae securitate.' 1. 37. deadlicne sige. The Latin has ' bellum . . commissum magnas strages utriusque populi dedit.' 1. 39. psem anwalde pe hie on asgpere healfe hsefdon. The Latin has ' gloria proximae victoriae.' 1. 43. waes swelees domes beled. The Latin has ' adeo tunc apud Romanos strenuissimus habebatur.' XIV. 1. 7. licgende feoh, literally, 'lifeless property,' hence 'money,' as opposed to civic feoh 'living property,' "cattle,' which last was the original meaning of the word feoh, as still shown by the German Vieh. The Latin has ' auro Persarum corruptus.' 1. 15. Nilirice, Illyrians. 1. 76. Genoh sweotollice, etc. The Latin has: ' Ita certus Alexander fuit, nobisque prodidit, diis ipsis mutis et surdis, in potestate esse artistitis quid velit fingere.' 1. 84. anwealdes. The gen. here seems due to the analogy of the gen. governed by verbs of boasting, etc., such %s> gielpan. 1. 132. scinlae. The Latin has ' rabies.' 1. 136. Cutulusan, Attalus. 1. 173. swipe seems here to preserve the original meaning of ' strongly.' 1. 1S3. for pon he, etc. The Latin has : 'Et cum jam ae[s]tate detriti, viribus lassi, difficile vicissent, castra, ob memoriam plus solito mag- nifica, condiderunt.' 1. 186. peem mupan, pe seo ea waes hatenu Eginense. The use of the relative^ is peculiar: 'the mouth, where— to which belongs — the river E.' The Latin has: 'Exin Alexander ad amnem Acesinem pergit. Per hunc in Oceanum devehitur.' 1. 192. pset dreogende, carrying on the fight. The Latin has ' diu anceps pugna.' 1. 238. geleornedon him betweonum, conspired. The original meaning appears to be ' learn together,' hence ' contrive,' ' conspire.' Cp. Oros. 158. 4, where it is said of the Romans that they hafdon geleornad ma crcefta hu hie pa elpendas bes7vica?i mehton, ' had learnt (or devised) more plans how to circumvent the elephants,' the Latin having ' elephanti in fugam cogi posse deprehensi.' The Latin of our present passage is ' Alexander . . . cum . . . ministri insidiis venenum potasset, interiit,' 1. 241, Eala, etc. The whole of this paragraph is so free a paraphrase of the original that it reproduces hardly a single word of it : ' O dura mens hominum, et cor semper inhumanum ! Hispanus et Morinus ad supplicandum Alexandrum Babyloniam adiit, cruentumque ultro domi- num, ne hostem exciperet, per Assyriam Indiamque quaesivit : terrarum metas lustrans et utrique infeliciter notus Oceano, et tamen tarn violentae NOTES. 7- necessitatis memoria vel oblivione defecit vel viluit vetustate. Et qos perpetuae recordation! haesurum putamus, quod plurima orbis parte secura, unnm angulum fugax latro violavit ; quasi vero Gothorum et Suevorum pacem, tit non die. -mi versa vice Indus vel Assyrius, sed etiam vel ipse, qui hostem patitur, Hispanus oraverit.' XV. 1. 9. rianra treowpa ne wendon, buton . . As this passage- is an insertion of Alfred's own, it is difficult to determine exactly in what sense treow])a is to be taken here ; probably in that of ' hopes,' * prospects,' — ' they had no prospect to look forward to but . . .' XVI. 1. 17. to maerpe, for a spectacle, nncrfo usually means 'fame'; this passage preserves an older sense. XVII. 1. 18. munt Iof, the Alps, literally 'the mountains of Jove.' 1. 27. on fleame fealh, escaped by flight. The original meaning of feolan is ' hide.' 1. 145. stapole, standing-place, basis of operations. This clause has nothing to correspond in the original. 1. 199. pen pe he hit fseste wip pa senatus haele. This passage has no equivalent in the original, and it is difficult to see why Alfred inserted it. XVIII. 1. 17. hor's. The Latin has 'ipsius equitis caput.' XIX. 1. 9. Welangaford, Wallingford. XX. 1. 1. gewealdon. Probably an error for gewieldon. 1. 21. for pon pe, etc. This passage is not in the original. 1. 36. visillus. This passage is a curious mistranslation of the Latin : ' psyllos . . . qui venena serpentum e vulneribus hominum haustu revocare atque exsugere solent.' GLOSSARY A-biddan, sv. get by asking, ob- tain. a-drincan, sv. be drowned. sefen-gifl, sn. supper. ©ren, adj. brazen. 8§st = eerest, av. first. ,4 r i?®ttran, wv. poison. ai-wielme, sm. source. a-gselan, wb. hinder. a-gselwan, wv. terrify. a-loccian, wv. entice. an-bid, sn. waiting. andrysne, andriesne, adj. terrible. an-fealdnes. sf. simplicity. ange, av. anxiously. ' wses him a.', he was anxious, [enge]. an-hagian, wv. impers. suit. a-spanan, sv. entice, attract. e-p^nian, wv. spread out. a-preotan, sv. impers. w. gen. tire. a-werian, wv. defend. Beam, sm. beam. be-creopan, sv. creep. be-habban, wv. surround, include. be-hlidan, sv. close. be-hyldan, wv. skin. be-ladian, wv. excuse, clear (char- acter). be-lecgan, wv. lay on, credit with, attribute. be-licgan, sv. surround. be-metan, sv. estimate, account. beorgan, sv. w. dat. protect, save. be-sincan, sv. sink. be-pridian, wv. circumvent. be-wyrcan, wv. cover. ^blegan, wv. bend, subject. bleap, aj. effeminate. ^blot, sn. sacrifice. bred, sn. board, tablet, byge, sm. bend. C. Cawel, sm. basket. ceap, sm. price, bargain, ^ceapian, wv. make a bargain, buy and sell, cot, sn. small house, cottage, ^vcwed-rseden, gecwidrseden, sf. agreement. Dead-wylle, adj. barren, dearnenga, av. secretly. £