XTbe XTubor ^facsimile ILeyts Wiljl §40iuW Date of Earliest Known Edition . . 1606 [Dyce Bequest, South Kensington^ Reproduced in Facsimile 1912 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER WiIh §i{giuld 1606 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXII 1606 This facsimile is front a copy of the earliest known edition, which forms part of the Dyce Bequest to tJie South Kensington authorities. Other editions appeared in 1623, 1635 ^"^ 1638. The B.M. has copies of the 1623 edition (Press-mark, 643, c. 61) and also of an undated impression (Press-mark, 643, c. 60), printed, like the 1606 edition, for Clement Knight. The Dyce Copy is a remarkably good example, and has special interest for scholars, inasmuch as the edges of the leaves have come down to us absolutely utitrimmed, showing the original, in this respect, as it left the binder's hands — a very rare thing indeed. The reproduction is marked as of the usual high quality as regards the work of both photographer and printer. JOHN S. FARMER. 242124 PLEASANT COMEDIE, Called WILY BEGVILDE. The chief e A^ors he thefe : A poorc SchoUcr , a rich Foole, and a Knaueatalhifte, At London, Printed by H. L. for Clement Knight: and are to be foldc at his Shop, in Paulcs Ckttrch-yard^ at thefigne of the Holy Lambe. i 1606, CrJpe :2nY Cur cr. FlodcUll: a Farmer* Sophos : dkSchoWcr, Chttrms: a Lawyer, *B^hm goodfellow, Tortunatus : Gripes Son. An old man. Le/i4 : Gripes daughter. SylaanHs. Nurfe. Clcarke. Peter PlodliU: Plod- d.ils ^oxxnc, P^:^^s : M irfes daughter. IVil Cricket. Mother Midnight. \ SPECTRVM. ..; THE PROLOG VE. j ^TT THathoc,whcrcarcthcfepaltriePIaicrs?nilpoa» I ,V y ring in their papers and ncuerpcrfeft? for (hamc - come forth,y our Audience ftay (o long,their eics waxe dim fyi|hexpcd:ati9p. •. , r . ' [Enter. fyie of tbeT* layers i\ How now my honeft Rogue j what play (hall wee hauc here to night J . jPA«;. Sir you may lookcvpon the Title. ' Ti^ol. WU^t tSp.ellrftr/!f once again? Why nohlcC er^erhs^ nothingl)utpat<:h-pannell Ituffc,olde gaUy-mawfreics and coftcn-candleeloquence? out you bawling baridoggefox- fijrd flaue : you dried ftockefi(}iyou,outotniy fight. [Exit theT layer'.] . /J'. "VVell tis no matter : Ilefcf meedowncandfoe'r.andfor fault of a better, IJefupply ihcplaccofaiauuyPiologuc. A i Spell n:ra h f % Tff£ PROLOGrt, SpcUrum is a looking glaffc indeed^. Wherein a man a Hiliory may read, Of bafe conceits and damned rogucric : Thcvcry finkcof hell-brfd villcny. Enter a luggler. higgler. Why IiownowhumorousCrtyr^f .'wliatasmc- choly as a mantletrcc ? Will you fecanytriclcesofLcigcrdcmainCjflightofhand, c'icnly conuayancc, or deceptio v'tfns ? what will you fee Gentleman to drinc you out of thefc dumps? Trol. Out you foufl gurnet) you Woolfift, be gon I fay and bid the Players difpatch and comcaway quickly^ and tel! their fiery Poet that before I hauc done wuh him j lie make him do penance vpon a ftage ina Calues skin. Inggler. O Lord fir yc arc deceiued in me , I am no talc- carrier,! am a lug^Ier. 1 haue the fuperhciall skill of all the rcuenliberallfciences atmyfingerscnd, Itcfhewyouatnckc ofthetwducs^and turnehimoucr the thumbes with a trice, lie make him fly fwifter then meditation. lie Hiew you as many toies as there be minutes in a moneth, and as many trickes as there be motes in thefunne. *Pro/, Prithee vvhatttickescanft thou doc? Juggler* Marry fir I wil Ihe w you a trick of cleanly coa- ueiance, JJetfortHndfur'tm *}unqt4am credo ^ With a caft of cleanecon* uey ance, come aloft lackS^^ (hy mailers aduantage ( hecs gone I warrant yc.) jSpe^hum is conueicJaway ; aod;r/^ ^beguiUdy^aii io die place of it. Prol. Mas an tis well done, now I fee thou canftdoe fomething, holdethcethers tweluepcnceforthylaboun Goe to that barmc-froih Poet and to him fay, HcquitchasloftthcTilleofhisplay, His Calueskinieflsfrom hence areclcaneexil'd* Thus once you fee that Wily is bcguil'd, Exit tbelugg/er* PrcJ* IfM- TH^ PROLOGrt. I Pro!. NowlcindSpc£Vators,Idarcboldlyrajr, ' You all arc w clcorac to our Authors play : j BeftiUawhilCjanderewcgoc, Wccle make your cics with laughter flowc. ^ Let c^Te|red vnion. Well He in, and get a Scriucner , He write, tohim \ about it prcfently : But ftay heerccomc M. Churntesthc Lawerjiledcfireninitodoromuch. I Eftter CUurms, '' (hurms. Good morrow M.(7'''iP^« Cyn^^. O good morrow M.^«rw/. What faycs my two debters., that I lent 200. pound tofwil j they not pay vfe and charges of fuit? Chnrms, Faith Sir I doubt they ace haakrouts : I would you had your principalL Grife. Nay He haueall,orIleimprifonthcirbodics:But ^.pjHrms therisamatterlwouldfaipchaueyoudo^but youmuftbcveryfecrct. ^ u Churms. O(irfearexiotthatliewarrantyou» ^^ *^. Grife, Why then this it is : my neighbour /*/(9 | Churms. M^rrie I thinke twouldbc a good match, buc the young man hasbad very fimple bringing vp. Grife. fufli, what care IforthatJfohehauelandsand Jiuing inough,my daughter has bringing vp will ferue them both. Now 1 would haueyou to writcmc a Letter to good- man 7/^^//coiiceming chismatter^and Ilepleafeyoufor yourpaines. Qjurms. IlewarranCyounr^Iledoeitartificiallyr ' Griti. D0C5 good M. Churms^ but be very fccrct, I hauc Tome buiineiTe this morniog, and therefore lie leauc you a while, and if you will come to dinner to meeanonc, you fiiall be very heartily welcome. Exit Gripe. Churms, Thankcs good fir He trouble you. Now twcrcagood icft iflcouldcofcniheoldeChurlcof his daughtcr,and get th e wench for my fclfe. Sounds Iamasproperaman,as?rrfrT/<7i:i^^//.-andthough bi&father bee as good a man as mine , yet fatre fetch t and deaic •. i ..r>i WILT BSOrilDti f deare bought is good for Ladies, and I am fure I haue been asfarre as C^/*?/ to fetch that I haue. I haue beene at Cambridge a Scholler, at Coles a Souldicr, and no w in the Country a La wyerjand the next degree dial bcaConnicatcher: For He goc neere to cofen oldc father (hare-penny of his daughter. He cart about He warrant him J He go dine with him, and write him his Letter, And then He go feek out my kind companion ^obin Good- fellovd^ and betwixt vs wcele make hir yeeld to any thing. Wcelehathe common lawothtohand,andthcciuilllawc othtother: WeelctofTeLf/w like a tennis ball. Exit, "Enter oldeVX^i^^iAXy andhufinPetcr, anolde manVlo^' dais Tenant,4»ti Wil Cricket ^Afyb»»<>. Pbdddll. Ah Tenant, an ill husband(baria'dy): thrife at thy houfe and neuer at home ? You know my minde , will you glue tcnne {hillings more rent? ■—■■■■;• '. I tnuft diichjM'g^ you elfe. ' OidpuiH, /Jas Landlord , will you vndoe me ? I fit of a great rent idreadie, and am very poore* Will. Cr. Very poore ? y areja very Afle. Lord how my flomadi wambles at thatfaraeword (very poore) 1 Father, if you loue your ronne;r///;4>»,neuer name that fame y^d v^ryppprc: • ' ' For lie {land to it,that its pettilaflcay to tlanie very poore to a man thats oth top of his marriage. Oldman, Why ioii^arcoth top of thy si^rriage^to whom Ipnthee? .' '• . ' "' • ; • ' ' '■■•''\ -'•' ' ''' : ' '• ' ' ^///.Marrietdpritfiei*/**>n\ir ter. . . _ _ ^ / • ' • ■ O tis the dapreftwenchthateuerdanc'taftera Taberand pipe. - For(hcewinfohedeit,andtoeit,andtfipif,' ^ O hir buttockes Will quakelike a cuftard. . B P.PloddMlU - *^. "* ...^bJ S tVILT B£OrilDS. f, TloUall Why mUiam,vihcn were you witbbk) / , fVil, O Ttf/^ docs your mouth water at thati Truly I was ncuer with hit, but I know I QiaUfpced Fortotheriday {heleoktonme and laught.and chats a good Hzhe ( ye know ) : and therefore oldfiluer top, neuer ulke of charging or difcharzing. For I tell you I am my &thcrs keirc t and if you difcharge mcjile difcharge ray peftilence at you. For to let my houfc before my lcafebeout>iscut-throatery : aadtoforapcfor more remit polepennery. . Andfo fare you well good Grandfire Vfury ; cofflcfa^e^ lets be gone. ExeuntWiUoftdhu Father.. ,., P/oddall, Well, He make thebeggcrlyknaucstopackfr for this: He hauc it cuery erode, income and Rent too. C£»/«'Ghiv' But ftay here comes one : O tis M. Churms, i with aLei*» I hope he briiigs me fome good newes. M. (httrms yare well met, I am een almoft ftaru'd for mo* ^ey. ,., ^ You m\\(k take fome damnable cpurfe withftiy Tenai^^ theilenotpay. .: jr v9.-y..;jliiiij,ni [ ., <:hkrnf!M, Fayth$ir, they are; g;>Qvyi«! ^^ipeficapcioM. Eutllcmoouethem.with^f/^^tf^/rw^. , 7 ; FUdd4ll.\ Poe,gopdM. CAw^/,oj:j^,(^iiy(Otiflfyi|Jf* no#courfeniaUpleafeyou, , ...•*. ; ,^ , . . , ? .-f, ; But what newel abroad? ./ /. C^rms. Faith little news : but heet's A Letter which ^* Crhc dedred me to deliuer you . And though it (land not ^itnmy reput^ud, to be a carrier ofLetten, yetnpt know- ing how much it might concerne you , I thought it better fomething to abafemy felfc, thenyou ihould beany waits hindered. 'TloddalU Thankei good (Ir , and H e in and reade it. Exeunt Plod dall an A hisfonne, Manet Chu* Chtirms. Thus men of reach mulllooketoliu^: I cry content^ and murder where I kiiTei .> (jn/>c]i^amlHutCef4/ih^»fgofFi(werfi Lelia. See how theearth(thisffagFantrpring)is.cUd, And mantled round in fweetp Nymph F^r^rtfroabci. Here growes th' alhiring Rofe, Sweet Marigolds, aa4 the lonely iHyacintb : Come Nurle, gather: ; v.; ' A crowne of Rofes flialj adomciny hn WhofcloMcislockt in Z.f//^w oncenKWc fee a funnc-fliine dayj let the facred center of my heart, . ' ' 1 meane faire Z>//^ Natures faireft worke. Be once againe the obieA to mine eyes. ^ G buti wiih in vaine, whilft hir I wifli to fee, v\ Hir Father he obfcurcis hir from my fighf^ He pleades niy want of wealth, ' ' /■ : . • i ■ o v i;?; ; ; Q Andfaiesitisabarrein/^»/#rCourt. >' ' ^ ■ ^ How hath fond forturiebyhirfatall doomed '-^'^^^ Prcdeftin'dmetoliueinhapleflehopei, 7 Still turning falfe hir fickle waueringwheele 1 • ~' And Loucsfairegoddefle, with hir C^rr<<«« cup,' Inchantcth fo fond 0*piiif poifoned darts, • • - ^ ' v . ^ • That loue the only Loadftarre of my life, '- -^ ' Doth draweray thoughtsinto ;flabyrinth, Butftay; Whatdo I fee, what do mine eyes behold? (O happie fight)it is faire £»?//^/ face. Haile heauens bright nymph the period of my grief, SoIeguidrefTe ofmy thoughts and author of my ioy. Le/ia. SyvcctSophoswcicomcto Lf/fa^ Viirc Dido CarthagtniaftshezutlousQnccnc J Not halfe fo ioyfull was when as the Troian Ptince,- £«.c^/, landed on the fandie (horcf Of IVIir BEGFILDE. n Oi Carthage confines as xhyLelia is, ^ To fee her .y<>/>Awhcrcarriu'd by chance. ^ ^o;>W. And bled be chance that hath conduced me, ] vnto the place where I might fee my dcare, . ^ As deare to me as is the dcarcn: life. Nurfe. Sir, you may fee that Fortune is your friend, | Sophos. Yet Fortune fauoursfooles, j Nitrfi. Bythatconclulionyoufhouldnotbe wife. • Lelia. Foule Fortune fomctimeihiilesoQVcrtuefaire. j Sopbos, Tisthcntoihewhcrrautabilitie; But unce amidfl ten thoufand frowninz threats \ Of fickle fortunes thrice vnconflantwntelc, j She daines to fhow onelittle pleafing fmile, I Lets do our befl falfe Fortune to beguile, /-^^ And tal^eaduantage of her euer changing moodes. . , ^ See/ce, how /^/iW fpanglcd mantle miileSj , ;. >> And birds do chant trieirrurallfugred notes ^ As rauifht with our meetings fwcet delights. Sincethenther fits for loue both time and place: Letlouc and hieing hand in hand embrace. • ,i^ 7\r«r/?. Sir the next way to win her loue, is tolingcr |ifr leyfure. I meafure mv mifttcflc b)%my louely felfe,makc a protniie toaman^andkecpit,IhaucbutX>neraulrJnceremadepro- mife in my life, but I ilicketoittoothandoaile : He pay it ^omeyfaith*. : If Ipromifemyloue a kiiTe, He giue him two tmarrie at firfl I will make nice, and crie fie, fie, and that will make him come againe and againe, lie make jiim breakc his winde with come aeaines. Sofhos. Butwhatfaiei£'^/Mtoher«?0/')&#/Iouef Lelia. Ah S<'/'^<'/,thatfbnd blind boy^ That wrings thefepaifions from my Sdfhts hart, Hath likewife wounded L^//4 with his dart, And forceperforoe lyeeldtheforcrciTeyp: Here So/>Aw take thy LtfiWhand, ;.,;., / :/- And with byrwe«tcontefitarepi(ajrd« i I A L^Aw. My father rcckj not vcrtue, But vowes to wed meto aman^of wealth, ^ X, And fweares^hiigoldihallcouRterpoyfe his worth). V But £>r//4fcom's proud c>l6i»Mi««Vgoldttiinmcs>> ' (.> And better likes of learnings {acred lore, . - : ;i, ' I Then of fond Fortu nes glittering moickeriest But S0^^#^ trie thy wits,andvretmr Ytmoii skill iL' . \ To pleafe my father^ and compauehis good will; /tent, > Sophost Towhatfaire£^/Mwiils,dothS<7^Atf/^yeeld€onk Yetthaes the troublous gulfe my (illy (hip inult.pa^i^'.. ■ . Butwere that venture harder to ate hieue f f Then that of/<«/^/y for the golden fleete, I Iwoulde(Ft£^itforfweetZff/i^ fake, r I . Or leaue niy felfe as witnede of 4»y thouehts.^^ J '^ Nur/e. How fay you ,by that, midreUe f liecl doe any . j thing for your fake. . i .ji>. ,. . :].. ^ LelM, Thankesgentleleueo K;;./liI 1 Butleaft my father Souldfufpc^^, J Whofe iealous head with more th an jrfr^cycj,;; ! "i Doth meafureeuerygefture that Ivfe, \^ ,/ jv lie in and leaue you here alone, - . . , *'^' Adieu fwect friend vn till we meet againe, . Cone iViwr/^ follow me. £^#««rLeh'a4«^iNurf€u ^^^ So/)^^. Farewell my loue.faire fortune be thy guide. i NowStf/A<»/,nowb£thiDkeihy(eIfe :. '/knot. ^ £, How thou maiil win her fathers wiQ to knit diis happie J*-^,--.J ■'"- '-- - ,.. ^S»' • ■V.K^ - , AtaS thy (late is poore, thy friends are fevir« And fcare forbid s to tell my fates to fricndt Wcll,Iletricmy Fortunesj And Hnde out fomc conuenicnt time. When as her fathers ley fure bed /hal ferue To cooferre with him about faire Lelias loue* Exit Sophos, Enter Gripe, 0/^PloddalI, Churms unA Will. Cricket. Grife. Neighbour P/ffarc, ' broking,brabbling,brauling,bafttirdly,bottleikord|Uectle- lfrow*d,peaii-'belliedhame. ;:,:/. Why, Kobin Goffdftliovfi isthii fame cogging,, petifogging, crackeropes Calue-skin companion: Putme and my father ouertohimJoldeSiluertop and you had notput me before my father,! Would ha— -^ PloddalU What woul(t ha done? ^tU, I wouldhauehad a fnatcb at you,that I would. Cimrms, Whatartadogge? j WtU^ No:if I hadbeene a doe,I would ha fnapt of your i sofe ere this j andfo^ I fhould niuc cofcod the Piudl of a Marriebonc* ' - Crife. 14? IVILT BtGriLBt. Gripe. Comc,coinc,letmc end this controucrfic. Prithcego thy waicsin,&bidthcboybringacupofSackr here for my friends. IVill. WouldyouhaueafacIceSir? ^rife. Away fookja cup of Sacke io drinke. ; Wilt. O I had thought you would hauc had a fackct6 . haueput this lawcracking cogfoyflin,in ftead of a pains of ftockef. Crtpe, Away foole, get thee in I fay. fVtil. Into the buttric you mcane? Cjripe, I prithee doc. fH^ttl, IlemakeyburhogiheadofSackruethatword. ^AT/f Will. Cricket: Cript, Netghbour?/(9^^jrentaLettertoyQu,byMa* '•■ fierC«wrt«r,howlikeyouofthemotion^ PiodddIL Marn'eIlikewelofthemocion:fnyfonneItcL you is eene all the (lay I haue:and all my care iSjtohauehini I ukeonethat hathfoinething : fofatfihc world goes nowjif " they hauc nothing they may begge, Butfl^loubt bees too fimple for your daugbtinr^ For I haue ' brought him vphardly,with brown brei3,fatbacon,pud'< : binges and fouce^ and fl^arlady^ wcc thinke it good . ftretoo. ! . ^r^^.Tu(hman»Icarenotforthat^youhanomorc«hil«' \ . . . ' drenzyoulemakehimyourharejanagtuekisnyourlandsy I ; willyounot? ; - ^ 7/tf<^//: Yes^hecseeneallihau^bausBobodyelfeto beClowitvpdn. Gripe, lou fay welL EnterWiijCxiclstUMdA'BofwUhmnt and a napkin. \ ml, Kay here, you drinke afore you bargaine* I ; . Gr, Mas, an tii a good motionr «He filU thf wine St giu« \ Boy, fill fome wine. ithcm thenapkip^ . . [ , Here Neighbour and M. Churms I drink to you. : : ' o '>V , r \' ^«/^. Wcthankeyou Sir. i' ' ml ^^^^^^^''(i^^J^^,.ai^r-^-^- ■ — — w.^i>i^i?/:x^^-'-— ^ Pf^tl. Law cr wipe clcanc: do you remember f ^«r»»/. RcB]cmbcr,why? fVil. Why finccyou know when. Churms. Since when? ml. Why finccyou wcrcbumbaftedjthatyourlubbcrly Icggcs would not carric your lobcockc bodice When you made an infufionof your (linking excrements, in your ftalking implements : O you were plaguy frayd,and fo wly raidc. ' (^r^^. Prithefc peace Wf//.Nc!g'hbOur/'/^wi*\vhy,whatsS/>^o/? abafcfellov^. , ^ Indecdhcbal a^op4 wit^^ndcan fpeakc weli, Hecs a fchollerforrootn:one that has nidrc wit then mony. And ! like nocthat J he may beg for all that. Schollers; why wha t are fchollers without money ? P/(i><^//. Faith, ecne like puddings wilhoutfuct. v ^' C7r/^^. Come,Ncighbour,rcndvourfonnetoroy houfe, I For he lliall be welcome to me: * )■ And my daughter /hall intertaine him kindly. "What?I can,and will rule Lr//V?. Come lets in J He difchar^c ^'j/?W frommy houfe pre* t J fently. £Av«»^5ripc^«/PloddalU»^Churms. L* Will. Ahorneplagucof thismoncy, \r ■ Foritcaufes many homes to bud: \ And for money many men are hornd. i - For when maids are forc't to loue where they like no<, !r ., It makes them lye whcrctheyAiould not, ! ' lie be hangd, if ere miftreffc Lelia will ha Peter VlotLkll^ i Ifwearebythisbuttoncap(doyod markcj 'v And by the roundjfound,and profound contents (do you \^, .vnderrtand^ J Of this coftlyCodpeece,fl)cing a good proper man as yec iee^thatl could get her as foone as he^my fclfe: ' . . ■ '^ * 'Aft f It ■i^x^y.-.v^y -»»•——.- "^--i*-* WILT B-EGriLBlE,\ xy Andiflliad not a moncths mind in another pl;icc, I would hauc a fling at her thacs Hat: But I mud fee a good holiday face ont. And go a woocing to prittie P^^e .- well. He too her yfaitli While trs in my mind ^Butftay,lIcf€chow lean woo bc» fore Igocrthey fay^Vfe makes perfcaneflc: Lookc you now, fuppofc this were P^ffr, Nowlfctmycapotnto fide on this faUiion fdo yc fee?) then fay I, Sweet hony,bonny, fuger candic, Vc^gf, Whofc bee more faire.thcn Brocke my fathers Covfj Whofe eyes do ihinelike bacon rine, Whofe lips arc bfewof azure hew, Whofe crooked nofe do wnc to her chin doth bow. 'For you know Imuft begin to commend her bcautiCj And then I will cell her pUinely,that I am in louc with fier, ouer my high ilioocs,and then I will tell her that I do no- thing of nights but (leepe and thinkeon her» and IpeciaUv of mornings: And that does make my (lomacke rorire,thatIIebe fwom, I can turne me three or foute bowlesof porrcdgeoucr in a morning afore brcakefafl. • £fff^r Robin-Goodfellow. RokiHGoodfellorv. How now nrra>whac make you here^ with all that timber in your neckc? rvill. Timber? Sounds,! thkikchebe a witch* How knew he this wereTimber? Mas I!cfpeakchimfairc,andgctoutonf companie: fori amafiraidcnhim. Robitt. Speake roan,what art afraid? whatmakeft here? JVtU, A poore fellow Sir, ha bin drinking two or three potsof alcatan alehoufe,andhalo(l my way Sir. /;<7^/;/. O, naychen Ifeethouartagbodfetlowi Seed thou not Maftcr Churms the La wer to dayj fVtll, NoSir,wouldy,oufpeakcwithhim. %obin» Imarriewouldl. C a 'miU i \-^^ :?♦• ir*- ■■ ^^'ir? mil. If I fee him, lie tell hira you would fpeakc with him. T^ifin. Nay,pritkceftay,whowilt thou tell him would/ fp'cakc with him? I mil. MarricyouSir. ■ Roi>t». liwhoami? ^ ^vill. Faith Sir i know not; > Rot;i». If thou feeft him, tell him T^^ff* Goodfelhuv wold ^ fpeakc with him. ^///. O.I will Sir. £j;/>.Wa.Gn • Rohin. Mas, the fellow was afraid, I play the Bugbeare whetefoere I come. And make them al afraid. But here comes Mafter CAwrwx. Enter Churmi. (CAvrw/. Fellow ^o^iWjGod faue V0U5I haue becne fee- i f. king for you in euerie Ale-houfe,in the To wne. yf^, ' Rohtn. What,MafterCWw? JWhatsthebeftnewesa^ ^■fr . broadftislongfincelfccyou. ^ Churms. Faithlittlenewcs:butyetlamgladlhaucmet I r Ihaueamattertoimparttoyou^ wherein you may ftand f i me in fomeftcad, and make a good benefit to your fclfe: if t / wccandealccunningly,twillbcworthadoublefectoyou, . (Isy the Lord.; * :^^/». • Adoub1efee?fpeakeman,whatift? ^_ . If it be to betray mine ownefathcr,lle doot for halfe a fee: And for cunning let me alone. Churms. Why, then this it is. Here is JMaf ter Gripe hard by, a Clyent of mine, a man of mightie wealth, who has but one daughter,hcr Dowrie is herwaightingold. Now Sir, this old penny father would marry her, to one Teter 'PUMt/l^xkh Vlod^alls (onrcind hcirc* '..■:: . Whom though his father meanes to leaue verierfch^, 'n ♦ Yet hees a vcrie idiot and Brow ne bread Clownc: J ^ And tv. \ ,.^,^^,itfAaar J j>« mA w 4ii ii»^ And one / know the wench docs deadly hatc,^ And though thcii friends hauc giuen their full confent, , > And both agreed on this vnequall match. i < . Yet/know'thatZ//r//^wilneucrmarrichinii . ' , .rj But thcfes another riuaU,inhirlouc,6ne^*^/&af,. . \ AndheesaScholier, One whom /thinkefaireX(r//4 dearely loue$5 But hit Father hates him as he hates a toad, y , . . ^i,, Forheesin want , and C/r/^r gapes afteij goldc^i^, yiai!) Li- A AndlbUreUesvpontheoldefaydSiwj i^r! Kv/36-;;w 'i /^ SimhtUttuleris&e, ( } -m'-.-^ '.• V' --I ' !^^/». Andwhcrcincan/docyougoodinthis? :' Q)Hrms. Marrie thus Sir : /am of late grownepaiTing familiar withMi)G?7j8^' \.,:_^ AndforT/r^/Zhetakeiracforhisfecottd fdfej .-, s:,-:: ilih Now Sir, He fit my felfe to the aide ciiiraray Churls Khi-, mors, and make them bclieue lie perfwadeLc/^ to niarry Teter Ploddall^ and fo get free accefTetothe wenchatipy ^ pleafure: . v. Now oth other fidc-Ile fall in with theScbdll£^,and^iifilile han^dle cunningly too *, > ! i'' L .i.'i,' ,;; .!'.};,' 1 He tell him thai Le/ia has acquainted, me with birloDe to him: -. Andforbecaufe hir Father much fufpefls thcfamc^.i-.. u \l Hemeweshiryp as men do mew their hawkey, .v VjJI' And fbrcftraincshir'Jfom fair i'tfp^o^fight.; .- un !jrr'j;^1 •:1[ Be fay,becaufe /Ke ddth repofe more trufl, Offecrecie in me, then in another man, ■ Incourtefiefhehathrequeftedme, Totlo hir kindeft crcetittgs to hir Louc , Ji.ol>iyt^ An excellent d C3 When ""^ 10 : fvmf:.B^^:rimX:\ When God knowesliiicancnothinglcflc. QkidilffmHUrenefcit^neJcitviMerg, . ^tf^/«. Why this willbefport alone, But what would youhauemedoe in this a£lion ? (hurmes. Marry as I play with to hand, play you with tothcr. Fall you aboard with Pr^rr 7/0^//, Make hifti bclicuc youlc worke miracles, And that you haue a powder will raake Lelia louehim. Kay whatwilheno^belieue, and take ail that comes (you I knowmymind.^ ^< Andfo wccleniakea^uUoftheone,andagooreoftheo- ther. And if w^ccWinaentanydcuifey to bring the fchollcrin- difgrace withliir : I doeiiotdoubl but with yourhelpcto. creep bctwicn the bark and the trcc,and get Ltf/iW, in manner and ^ formcofa Rape, andthencxt Law day youflia|lprcfetr^ iti thatfoZ^f/Mmayloathhira, ; Hir Father ftill deadly hate him, And dicyoung Gallant hir brother vttetlyibrlakc him. J ^«rw/. Buthowfliallwcprooueit? ;::> , |i : >^2^w. Sounds wcclc hire fomc Strumpet or other to be I' fworneagainflhiix). : < Chterms. Now (by die fubBanceof my foule ) ti$ an ex* y cellentdeuife. I Well , lets in , He firft tty my cunning other wife, and if all i iyc,wccl€Crietbisconclufioa« .. Bxcwtt., I ■.-..; Effter ^"^^'Z ^ .'ij-^aai^ir.^ .;^^-<^^^^^^^*aftfr Will Cricket.] ' But ftay , I rtiuftput on my fmirking lookes andihiiling countenance. '■ For here comes oneiiiakcs&ominatiS fuitto be ftiy fprus'd ji Husband. ' ■ i*' mil. Lord , that my heartwouldferucmctofpeakcta hir,now fhc talks ofhirfprus'd husband. Wellllefeta good face ont, Novy He clap me as clofe to hir as Iom^s butto ekes of a clofc flooic, and com« oucr hir with my rowling,rattling,raaii bling eloquence. ' ^" Sweet Pej^f^fy honny Tegge^ fincP ftom the crownc of my fbote, to the fole of my head, He clafpethee and clip thee, coll thee and kiUe thee, Till I be better then naught, and worfe than nothing : When thou art r^ady to fleepe » He be ready to (bort : When thou art in health, He bein gladnefie: - When thou art fiek , He be ready to dy: When thou artmad^ He run out of my wits: And thcrcuponi ftrikethegoodlucke, Wellfaydyfaith: O I could find in my hofc to pocket thee in my heart . Come my hca[rtof eoldcjlcts hauc adaunccat thtmaking^ D yp 'fLjr- 24 WILT BlGVlL7>t.] vp of this match : Strike vp Tom Viper. They JUnci. ComcP^^f lie take the paincs tobringthcc homeward, Andattwylight^lookeformeagaine. Exeuitt, ' i EntttT^ii»GM<^etlm,andP.PhiU4ll, '. \ Rohtff. Come hither my honed friend: M. Chnrms toldf ^ me you had a fuit to me, r Whats the matter? Veter, Pray ye Sir is your name 7^^/>» GoodfilUw f 'K^bin, My TiSimcis Robi» Gfiodfel/omf. Veter, Marrie Sir I heare yare^a very cunning man Sir \ And firreuerencc ofyour wor(hipSir, lam zoingawoe- ingtoone M. Z>// i for bithMaf,/ Was once in good comfort to liaue cofcnd a : Wcach: And wots thou what /toldchir? ^ ;/ Colde hir / had a hundred pound land a yeare , in a place ' where /haucnot the breadth ofmy little Hnger, . /promifcdhir toinfeo{Fchirin4o.pound$ayeareofit:&: I think of my confcienceyif 1 had had but as good a face as chine^ Ifhouldhauemadehirhauecurdthctimetlut cuerihefeie ^ mec. ^ And thus muH; thou doe/cracke,aad lye^Hndface^ And tliou ihak triumph mightily. Trter, I need not do fo, for I may (ay and fay true, I haue lands and Uuinginough for a countrey fellow. . Roiiff. Baj-ladyfohadnoti,Iwasfainetoouerrcachas ' manytimesldoe. But now experience has taugbtmolb EBUch craft^that I ex- cell in cunning. ^#f^r. WeU Sir, then He be bold to truft your cunning,? ' And fo He bid you farewell and goeforvyaro^ Iletoohir,thatsflat. 2^^/>/. Dofo.'andletmehearehowyoHfpeede. ?r/#r. ThatlwillSiri ExrtVctcr, %£biM. Well, a good beginning makes a good end, Heers ten groats for doing nothiagi \ IconM.CWwtf/thankesforthis, \ For this was his deuife : And therefore He goe feeke him out, and giuehim a quart i of wine, ' ( And know ofhim how hedeales with the fcholler. Exit, £«r^ Churmes4;M/Sophos« ChurPKf, Why ? looke yon Sir , by the 1^4 1 eanbut wonder at hir Father, ,; ? Heknowes you toi>e a Gentleman of good bringing vp : And though your wealth be not anfwerableto Jiis; %f$. by hcaucas I thinke you are worthy t9,dpe toe bet« liOY D » ter «N««U.>' >'•' A tcr then Lfiia^ yet I know (lie loues you dearcly, Sophosy The g-reat Tartarian Emperour Tamor Chamt loydnotfomuchinhisimperiallCrownc, As S»phos ioyes mLe/ias hop't- for lour, Whofclookcswouldpiercc an Adamantine heart,! And make the proud beholders (land at gaze, To draw Loues pi^Hiure from hir glancing eye. Chur. And I wil ftretch my wits vnto the highefl ftrainc To further Sophos in his wi(ht dedres^ Sophof. Thankes^entleSir. [Enter GviptJl But trncea while, herecomeshir Father, I muft fpeake a word or two with him. [jpeakes to himfe/fc.] fhurms Iheelegiacyouyouranfwcrc (/warrant ye) Sophot. God faue you Sir. Gripe, OM.^.- Sephos : /hauelongd to fpeake with you asreatwhile, /ncarejV oil (cekemy daughter Leiias loue, /hope you will not feeke to dishoneflme, nor difgrace my daughter. Sophos. NoSir:aniann3ayaskeayei> A Woman may fay nay, Sheeisin'choicctotakehirchoice:' ' ' Yet /muftconfciTe /loue Lr/w. = GntpK' Sir /muft beplaine with you i / likcnot of your loue, ' V JLf/w/mlnCjIle choofefor/>/f»/> keeps his manGon Her^i • Within the Clofure of my wofull breaftj And blacke defpaire with Iron Scepter (lands. And guides my thoughiSjdowne to iiishatefiill Cell. The wanton windeswith whifllingmurmurebeare My pearcing plaints along the defertplaines, And woods and grouesdoeccho forth rny woes, Thecanhbelow relents in Cry (tall tearcs, When heauens aboue by fome malignant courfe Of fatall ftarres arcauthorsofmy griefe. Fond Loue,gohidc thy (hafts in Follies den, And let the world forget thy Childi(h force, D 3 Or * r 2% WILT BtGriLDt. Or dfc flycjflycpcarcc %W tender brcaft, That he may hclpe to fympathizc thefc plainti That wring thcfc tcares from Lelias weeping eycf . Nttrfi. Why,hownow MiftrelTe', what, is it loue that makes you weepc, andtofTc andtournc foa nights when youareinbedf SzintLefiftdrd grant you fall notloucficlcc. LelU, I,that$thepoint,thatpearccth tothcquickc. Would -^/rw would cut ra y vitall threcd Andfo make lauifh" of my loathed life: Or gentle heauens would fmile with faire ztjpeOi, And Co giuc better fortunes to my loue^ Why,iftnot aplagu€to b< aprifoner to mine own father? Nnrfe. Ycs,ant$afhamcrorhiratovfeyourotoo. Butbcof good cheareMiftrcfl'ejIle gotoi'^^f^wcucryday lie bring you tidings and tokens too from him ( lie war* rant yce> j and if he wil fend you a kiHe or two, He bring it^ let me alone, I am good at a dead lift. Marry,! cannot blame you forlouing ofSophor, ^Why, hces a man as one flaould pifture him in waxe. But MiftreffcoutvponSjWipcyour eyes. Forhcrcxomcs another wooer. £»f^r Peter Ploddall. Peter, Miftreflc Leita fiod fpecd you. telut . Thats more then we neede at this time, for weare doing nothing. Peter, I were as good fay a good word as a bad. Le/i4, Butitsmorewifeaometofay nothing at all>. then . fpeaketonopurpofe. Peter, Mypurpofc is towiue you. Lelia, And mine, is neuer to wed you, Peter, Belike,yarein lou c with fome body clfe. Nurfe. NOjbutrhecslufhlypromif'd: Hcare you: you with long rifle by your fidc,do you Ucke a wife ^ Peter. Call you this a rifle ? its a good backc fword; Nurfe. Why, then you with backc fword, lets fcc your backc. Peter. wnr BtGriLTHE. 2^ \ Veter, NAy> I mufl fpeakewith MiHrelTe Lelia before Igoc. Lelia. What would you with mc? P^r^r. Marry, I hauc heard vcricwd of you, and fohai \ my father coo. \ Andhehasfentmetoyonawoeing, \ And if you haue any minde of marriage, I hope 1 (hal maintaine you ai wcl as any husbandmans j wife in the Countrie. ) Nttrfe, Maintaine her with what? Peter. Marrie,with my Lands and liuings my father hat promiC'dme. Lelia. Ihauehdlardmuch of your wealth : but I neuer, knew your manners before now, Viter. FaithJhauenoMannors^bucaprittlehomedall, and we haue great (lore of Oxen, andHorfes^andCarts, and Plowes, and houfliold (luffe bomination: And great flocks of (heepe,and flocks of Geefe, and Ca« x ponS)andHens,andDuckes) 0,wehaueafineyardeof J Pullen, I And ■ thanke God : heres a fine weather for my fathers ^ Lambes. - Lelia. I cannotliue content in difcontent. J For as no mulicke can delight the eares, \ Where all the parts of Difcords are compofed: Sowedlocke bands will AillconQdiniarreS) . Where in condition (heres no fympathie. j Then re(l your felfc contented with this anfwere, I I cannot loue. . Veter. Its no matter what you fay. For my ftiiher tolde ^ methusmuch before Icame,thatyou would beforaething ^ niceatfird : buthebadmclikeyouncrethe worfefor that> ^ for I were the liker to fpeede. Lilea, Then you were beftleaue of your fuit till fomeo • thertimeundwnenmyleafureferuesmeto loue you, lie fend you word. Vctcr, Will you? wcl then lie takemylcaucofyou,and if go IVILT BtGyiLDn: if 1 may heare from you, He pay the melTenger well for his paines. But ilay:Go(iscIeath ^/hadalmoflforgotmyfelfe. fj Praycc let mckiflc your hand ore /goc. Nnrfc. Faith MiurefTe^his mouth runs a water for a ki(fe: "^^ alittle would ferue his turne behke. \'' Let him kilTe your hand. [j] Z/^//4. /le not ftickeforthat. He kifetlsherhand. '}: Veter. MiflreneL^/i^^Godbe with you. ^ ' Lelia. Farewell Pr«r Peter. Thus Lucre, fetin golden Cbaireof ftate. When learning's bidjStand by^and keepes a loofe: This greedie humortitsmy mhers vame. Who gapes for nothing but for golden gaine. Enter Chnri ' Nttrfe. Miftrede take heede you fpeake nothing that S will beare a Aion, for here comes M after Churmnhe Pet- ■ tifoggcr. Clourms. Miftrefle£^/M reft you mem'e, " Whats the reafon you and your iV)wyj walk« here all I alone? r helia. BecaufeiSir, wee defire no other conpam'e but •urowne. Churms. Would I were then your owne, ^ TThati mightkeepeyoucompanie. J Nwrfe. O Sir, you and hee that is her owne arefai:rea'- funder. Churms^ Butif flieepleafe^WemaybeBeerer. Lelia, That cannot bee : mine owne isneerer then ny fclfe. And yet my felfe, alas, am not mine owne: Tho ught^ \ feares , defpaires^ tenne thoufand dreadfull^ dreames: - . Thofe are mine owne,and thefe do keepeme companie. Churmr. Before God^ I muft confefle,your father is too cruel!, ' . To kcepe you thus fequeftred from the world, To fpend your prime of youthjthus in obfcuritic, • And f V. 1 IVILT BEGriLDE. ^t And fcelcc to wed you to an Idiot f oolc That knowcs not how to vfc himfclfc: Couldmydcfcrtsbutanfwercmydcfircs, I fwcareby Sol h\xiPht4s filucreye. My heart would wifh no higher to afpirc, Thcntobcgrac't withZ/tf/wjloire. By /cfus, /cannot play thcdiflcmblcr, And wooc my louc with courting ambages. Like onewhpiclouchangion his fraootn tongues cndc, Bii t in a word , I tell the furamc of my dcfires, / loue tairc Lslta. Bylicrmy paliionsdailvarcincrcaf'd , And /muft die, vnlcflc by Leltar loue they be rclcafd, Lelta. Why Mailer CWw//had thought you had bccn my fathers great Counfellor in all thcfe aftions. C/;«rwj. Nay,DamnemcifI be: By hcauens,{weetNymph I amnot. Nnrfe. Maftcr Chftrms^y ou arc one can doc much with her father; and if you loue her as you fay, perfwade him to vfc her more kindly , and giue her libertic to take her choifc, for thefe made manages proouc not well. (harms. Iproteft Iwill, Lelta, So Let/a fhalacccptthccas her friend: Mc2incv/hil^Nurfe lets in: My long abfencc I know, will makcmy father mufc Exeunt Lelia4«^Nurfc< Churms. So Le/ia dial accept thee as her friend? Who can but ruminate vpon thefe words? Would flic had faid.hcrlouc: Bui tis no matter t firft crecpc and then goe. Now her friend : thcncxt degree isL?//^/ louc. Well, 1 le perfwade her father to Icther hauc a little more li- bertie. Butfoft : lie none of that neither, 'SothcSchoUcrmaychancecofenroc. Perfwade him to keepc herin dill: Aadhcfokttiaiich»icPcfer?/odM,(hec\c haue anybo- E die 5» trrir BioriiDM. t die,afid To T Hial be {utethazSaphot (halnf jie^eoine ather."* Why lie warrant ye,fliccle be g!ad torun away wieh^e at length. Han 4 him,that haj no Hiifts. I promif'd 5«^W,tofurther him in his fuitc: ^ Butif I Jo, lie bcpccktto death with hcn<» I fwore to Grspffyl would pcsiwade LfiM,tol9'dc Pe^erPUd^ dail. Bjut God forgiue me,twa< thcfurthcdende of my thcughl». Tut» w hats anx>the9 euerie nian fo? hiinfelfe^ lie niiftforoncjl warrant ye. Exiti \ ' • ■ ■ ■ £;;r«r FortunatuSjSoliM. Tdrtu , Thus jiape I pad the beating billows of the fea^ / By^^^4r/roclcs,andwatryiV!r/'^«^?^/ bounds, And wafted {»fe,{romtJiIa%s his bloudje fields Where trumpets found T^ntara to the nght, Andhercarriu'dfor to rcpofc my felfc, * Vponthebordersofmynatiueioylc. ' Now F^rf^^^/-^/ bend thy happiecourfe, Vnto thy fathers houfe,togrect thy deareftfriends. And jfthatftill thy a^ed fire fui-uiuc ,^ Tliyprcfencewilrcuiuehisdroupinefprkes,, ^loud^,S And caufejiiswithered'cheekes bee iprent with youthfdUl Where death of iatc was portraid to the quicke* d Butfoft^who-comesherc?- (SMndaJide.) Enter Robin GoodfeUow. %obin. I wonder I hearenotofJVlaftcc.C&w*!/^ I would faineknow how b« rpecdcs. And what fucceffc he has in Lelias louei . Welljif he coufen the Scholler of her, ^ Twould make my worfhip laugh: : Andifhchaucher,heemaylaygodamcrcy^^i« G«oA' \ fellow. '< Owarea good head aslong as youliue. \ Why^alUf Gripeht cafts beyond thcmoonc^ Wily BtGriLi>M, 33 And ChnrmsU theonly ttian,heputsin truftwith his y this hand^Ile play the coniurer. BluihdTin'/jtfwfrix/) at thy bafe conceit, To (land aloofe,like one thats in a trance. And with thine eyes behold that mifcreant Impe (Whofe tongue more venome then the ferpeiMf {ling ) Before thy facethu&taustthy^ dearedfriends, Itlhioe o wne father ^ith tepro^hful ^armet, ^ r- E a Thy J 34 WJLY BtGriLBn. Thy Sifter If^//4,flicc isbought and fold, ■ And lcarncd5'Wjthy thrice vowed friend , Is made a ftalc by this bafc curfed Grew And damned den of vagrant runagates. Butherein fight of facred heauensl fwearc, Tf By alltheforrowes ofthe .yf;'jfM«foulc$, I; BycM'<''-fhi»bloudiebladeandfairc5ir// and I cannot tell whoe, Ourvpon thit loue, ^ ^ For wat you what? Xhaue fultors comes huddlCjtwoesvp- on twoes , and threes vpon threes j and what thinkc you troubles me? Iraufl: chat and kiffe with all commers , or elfc noc bar- gainc, ^' EfftcrWilCnckctyOndkipshir, i mil. A bargain y faith « ha my fwcet honnic fops how i-' dooftthou? ' Pegge. WeUIthankeyou^F////4w,nowlfecyarcamaa f. of your word. ?f/7/. A man ofmy wdrd quotha?why 1 nerc broke pro- 1, mife in my life that I kept. Teg^ge, No ^^////4» I know you did not, But I had thought you had forgotten me. mil, Doft hcarc Tegge} if ere I forget thee, I pray God Imay ncucr remember thee. ',''' f V 1 pfff ^ WILT BlGVJLBl, '35 ^ V ^'/#^lv l^eacehtre comes my Granara Midnight. j £«r^ Mother Midnight. I Mithir M. What ?egge f what ho } what ?*^# I fay? . 1 what P^-gf^*»>''JwyWWft T V.» ' j;»»IH"Pr, ' ! > anyt1iing,l5Uthc h^ihw for it ad v^j^uem, % Ploddall. Marricccnethcmoreioyonhim, | And hcc$ one that I am very much beholding to ; ^i But here comes your daughter. £»/ lie roaKe hir haue little mind of gadding, I warrant hir. Come Neighbour , fend your fonneto my houfe, for hees welcome thither, and (hall be welcome, and IlemakeZ«^//4 bid him welcome too ere Lha done with hir: ComcPtf/tfrJollowys. f Exeti»tallJ?HtC\\MYmts. Churms. jvhy this is excellent, better and better Hillj This is bej^d expe^ation : Why now tnisgearcbegids to workcj, Butbefhrew mv heart,! was afraide that Lf//4 would haue ycclded^whc 1 uw hir father uke hir by the hand & cal me for I ^■J J for awitncflcjiny heart began to quake. But to fay the truth {hcehadlittlerearontoSakeaCullian, lueloafc,niilkcfop flaucj When (he may haue a Lawyer, a Gentleman , that ftands ( vpon his reputation in the Country 2 One whofc diminutiucdcfcdc of Law may comparewith tj his little Lcarniog. I Well : 1 fee that Churmes mufl be the man mud carrie LtliA t> wheitalls done. \ £«/fr Robin Goodfellow* i *B^bln. How now Mafter ^«r«»«,whal newes abroad I I Mc thinkc you lookc very fprucc;yare very frolickenow a late. Chwrms, What fellow Rohin^ how goes thefquares witb you? I are waxen very proude alate, you will not know your ; ^ olde friends* i Robin, Faithleenecametofeekeyou^tobeftowaquart ^ of wine of you. { {httrms, Thatsdrange: you Were nerewontto be foil- ^ ' berall. ^ Robitf, TuHi man^one good tume askes another : clearc faines man,cleare gaines : ^eter TUMtUihtli pay for all : /haue ^uld him once, |v And/lecomeouerhimagamcandaeaine^/warrantyc Churms. Faith^L^/Mhaseeneiuenhim thedofiFd£Fhere> I"' andhasroadehirfatheralmoftSarkemad. '^' Robm, O all the better : then //hall bee Aire ofxnore of I liiscudome. jt Butwhatfucce/rehaueyoumyourfuicwlthhir? I'; Churms. Faith all hitherto goes wcll^ ^ / haue made the motion to hir, y . Butasyetwearegrownetonoconclunoa^ But /am in very good hope. : Robiff. Butdoeyoatbinkeyou(haIIgcthirfather9goo4 -will? ' > ^mritf. Tut^if/getthe wench/carenotfotdiatt I ^ WILT BEGriLDE, 3^ That will come afterward: And llcbcfureoffomcthinginthemeanctfmc. For I haue outlaw'd a grcatnumbcr of his debtors. And He The fenfeiede trees do gricitc at my laments, Theleauie branches drop fweetc Mynrhas tearcs. For louc did fcorne mcin my mothers "NOtvidLt And fullen 54r«rj||*regnant at my birth, fv^ With all the fat^rfarres CO :i fpir'd in one/ Tolramcahaplcflccoftftcllauon, • F PrfrJ \ \ \ i ( 40- miT BnayizDjL Prcfagmg .Jtf^^o/ lucklcffcdcftinie. Here, here, doth Sophos turtle Ixio?fs reftlcfFc whcclc^^ And here lies wrapt in labyrinths oflouc, Of his Cv/eete LeUiuloiic whofc folc f^a ftill pro! ones the haplcffe date oiSophos hopclcflelifc : A h, faid /life ? a life farre worfe then deatL Then death ? /then ten thoufand deaths* I daily die, in that /Hue loues thrall. They die thrife happie, that once die for all. Here will /ftay ray w cary wandring ftcps. And lay me downe vpon this folid earth, He lies dsufne. The mother of defpaire and baleful! thoughts, I, this befits my melancholy moodes: Now now me thinkes / hcare the prettie birds, With warbling tunes record (aire Lelias name, Whofe abfencc makes warmebloud drop from my heart >, And forcethwairietcaresfromthcfe my weeping eyes> Me thinkes /heare the (ilucr founding ftreamcs. With gentle murmur fummon me to fleepe, Singing a fwcete melodious luliabie : Here will I take a naf) and dro wnc my hapleffc hopes. In the Ocean fcas of Ncuer like to fpeed. . HcfdsinaflttmherojiiCMit*. y Jf^kefonHdeit JEwA^rSyluanus. Sytuams, Thus hath Sylttanus left his Icauie bowers; Drawnc by the found of Ecchoes fad reports. That with (hrill notes and high refounding voice. Doth pcarce the vcryCauerns of the earth, And rings through hils and dales the fad laments Of virtues loffcand Sofhos mourncful) plaints. Now cJ^(7r^-6(f«j-,rowfe thee from thy lable den, Charme all his fenfes with^ flumbering trance, Whil'ft old Sylunnm fend a louely traine Qf Satyrs, Driadcs, and watric Nymphes, Chit '^.-^.w ^ fhiTBEcrriDM. 41 Out of iheir bowers to tunc their filuer ftrings, And with fweete founding mufickc fine, Some picafing Madrigallcs and Ro wndelayes. To comfort Sophos in his dcepe didrede. Extt Syluanus» EtttertheNjmfhes^ndSatyresJtHgin^. THE SONGE. t Q tAtyresJingi Utforrwf kgeft hir CfU, ^Let rvdrhling Ecchoes ring^ eyfttd founding mmJickgigU Through kUs^through Lles^adgrUfe 4Hdc4r9 19 kiU luhimiongfinccAlat hath gritiidbu fUl, ""» Steepenomore^hut waksMndliuie^mtHt^ Thy grief e the Nymfhes deplore ^ TheSyluAngodsUment To hesre, tofee thy monejchy hfe thy toue .• ThyfJaintj, to tcMrej, the flinty rock^sdfi mo9tte» I Crienenot then, the Queene ofLme U milde, ^eefiveethfmiles on men , H^henreajonsmojibegHitd: Hvrlookss, birfmilesy are kind, arefiveet, arefaire^ tJf»4kc therefore and Jleepe not fii/Iinearc, 4 Loue intends, to free thee from annoy ^ Hu Nymphes Syluinuifendei^ To himhee Hue in toy , Jnhopiiin toy, fveet hue delights imhraee, Faire lout hirjelfe mllyeeldtheefo rmtch grace* Exeunt the Nymphes and Satyr es . F J Sophos^ i\ h f i^fta^ ^f WILT Btorrit>Ei Sophf. W^atc^olllcarc? what harmony i$ this? ' "W-thfiluer found thargIutrcth5£»;>W cares? ,^ And driues fad pallionsfrom his hrauy heart, prcfaHogfome good future hap^all fall. After thefc bluftring blaft> ofdifcontcnt : T hanks gentle My mohes and Satyrcs too adiew. That thus ccmpafrumatea loyall loucrs woe, When hcautns fit fmiiin^at his dire miOiaps. Enter Fortunatus. Fort/tMatust With w^ary fteps I trace thefc defcrtgroud And fearch to find out Sophos Iccret walkcs. My trucft vowed friend and Lelias dearcft louc. S^/>A.What voice is this found sLeZ/Vw facredname?//(fr(/JrA. Is it fomc Saty re that bath v> Satyrc SophQj\ but ihy ancient fricndi Whofc deareft blond doth reft at thy command. Hath forow lately blcat'd thy watry eycs^ That thou torgctft thebftingleague of loue. Long fince was yow'd betwixt tliyfclfc and me? Locke on me man : I am thy friend. Sophos. O now I kn6w thec,now thou nam ft my friend: I hane no friend to whom I dare vnload tlieburthcn ofmy griefe. But onely Fortun*^rt4s,ht€S my fecona felfc, J\4t Fsrtuiiiteter FsrtHrtatevenis. ■, Fort. How fares my fricndJtrcthinks^'oulooknot wcl; Yc^ur eyes are funk, your cheekes lookepalc iind wan, W-iatmcane-thisaiccration? Sophos. My mind f .veet friend is like a maflleflTe (liip, Thatshuld and toll vponthcfur;zn<: leas. By ^orr^ bitter blaOs and fc/^/wlullling winds, OiiRockcSunH r.mds,farre from the wiihcd port Wncrconmy lilly iliindcfirestoland} Faire Lehoi lone that is the wiihcd hanen , Wiicrcinmywanclringmind'vouldtakerepofe, For want of which my relUellc ihouj^hts arc loli : Foi WILY BtGVILDl. ^j Forwantofwhich,all5<»/>/'o/iov ue? Nitrfi. How BiresOiee quotha? Marrie iSiee may fare ho w (he will for you : Neither come to her, aor fend to her of a whole fortnigh t f Nowlfwearebymy maydenhead, if my husband (houU haue feru'd me ro,whcn hee came a wooing to me: I would ncuer hauelookt on him with a good face as long as I had liued. But he was as kind a wretch, as euer laid lips of 4 wotmans He would ha come through windowesoraoores,orwal9, or any thing,but he wou)dhauea»i»f : Fort. Faith not well . iV«r/r. WhySir,hcfrlookcslikeared hcrringataNo* j bfemans table on Eafier day , andjhe fpegkcs nothing, but i Almond butter and fugcr Candie. Fortu. Thats excellent. , T j Sophos, This worlds the C^x of confufion: \ No world at all but Martc of open wrongs, ^, Wherein a manias in a Map man fee The high road way from woe to miferie. 1 Foft. Contentyourfelfe>andleauethefepafllo!ns, . Now do I found thedepth of all their drifts, i ThcDiuelsdeuifcandC^ww/hisknauerio, 1 On whom this heart hath vowed to bereueng'dk ^* !i lie fcatter them: the plots ahreadie in my head. '1 iVivry?hyetheehome,commendnietomy(ifter^ i Bid her thisniehtfendforMafterC^«r»w, To htm (he muS recount her manv griefes, Exclaime againft her fathers hard conflraint, And fo cunningly temporize with this cunniD^C<^o/ for a pawnc: Letmealonctovfehira inhiskind, This is the trap whichforbim Ihauelaid, ^ * Thus craft by cunning once Hial be betraid. And for the DiucU, IJe coniure him: , . GoodA'Wr/fbegon.-bidhernotfailc, And fora token.bearc to her this Ring Which well fheeknowesjfbr when J (aw hcrlaft i^ \ lcwasherfauour,andihegaueit me. \ Sophos, And bearchet this from me r \ And with this ring bid her rccciue my heart. ^ My heart? alas , my heart I cannot giue, How fhould I giuc her that which IS her owne? Nurfe* An your heart be her$,her heart is yours. And fo change is no robberie. ' Well, lie giue her your tokens, and tell her what ytt lay. FortunatMs. Do, good Nnrfe : but in any cafe let not my father know that I am hcre,vntill we hauc ctf cftcd all our purpofes. Nttrfe. IIcwarrantyoUjTwilnotplaywithyoUj As Matter Churms does with Sophos, I would ha my cares cut from my head firft. £A:r>Nurfc. FortHMatus* Come 5(?/>W,chearcvp your felfc man. Let hope expcU thcfc melancholic dumps, ^ " " Mcanc i r Wlir BlOriLBE. ('47 Mcancwhilcjlctsin, Bxpe^ing how the cucnts of thisdcuifc wil ^I, Vntill to morrow aith'appointcddmc, ', When wcclccxpc£l'thecommin^ of your lone. ». WhatjfTian,lle worlce it through tnc fircj But you (hall hauc her. i Sophos. Andlwilftudytodcfcructhislouc. Exenttu \ \ £»^tfr William Cricket, Solus. i Wf//.;Lookeon me^ndlookc of Mafler Churms, t A good proper man; Marrie Mailer CWwx has fomcthiag a better pairc of legs j indecdc: ' But for a fwect face,a fine bcard,comcly corps, AndaCarowfing Codpeecc, j All £^?^/^W if it can Sho w mee fuch a man, To win a wench by gis, Toclip, tocol^tokiflTc ^%WtiUam Cricket i$. Why,lookeyounow:IfIhad bccnfiKh a great long,large, Lobcocktjlofeld lurden,a$ Matter ^«rw/i$j He warrant voUj I Oiouldneuerhaue got*P<^f,as long as I had liu'd: for (Aoyosx marke) a wench wiflneuerloiic a tnantharhasalhisfubnianceinhislegges* . j| But (lay : here comes my Landlord, g Imurt gofalutehim. J Eftteroliigp\oddi\\ya»dhfsfifi»fPctct, ^ T'/d^tf. Come hither Ttfftfr, when didft thou fee 5^*- 1 hinGoodfellowi Heesthemanmufldothefeare. I "l^eter. Faith father,! fee him not this two daics; but He \ feckehimout: fofIknowheeledothedec4»Vid Hie were twentie£^//4/. For father hees a verie cunning man :for, giue him but ten ^^ groates, and heele giue me a powder, that will make Leli« Goodfellovct as good a drunken rogue as hues: and Tom Shoomaker>and I hope you wil not deny that hees an honcflman, for hee was ConQable oth^ Towne. And A number of other honcft rafcals, which though they are WILT B'EGriLibt. 5 1 arc grownc bankroutcs and liuc by thercucrfion of other V \ mens tables: '•? Yct(than!/^windcs his fh rill note bugle hornc. For ioy my filly hart foneerc is fpent. Defire that eager Currcpurfues the chace, And Fortune rides amainevnto the fall: \ Nowforrow fings, and mourning bearcs a part, / Playing harlhdefcant on my yeelding heart. Enter Nurfe.. . Nurfe, whatncwcj ? Nurfe, Faith a whole fa eke full of newest You louc %ofhos and So^^os loues youj And P^/cr TOdl^^j/Zloues you, and you loue not him, ■ Aiid you louc notMaftcr CWw^/, and he loues you, G 3 And \ 52 WILT BEt^rilDE. Anici fo heers loue and no loue^ And I loue and I loue noc^ AndlcanaotreUwhat 2 But ofall^and of all, Maftw Chmrmis mu(li>ee thcman yoa mull loue. Lelia, Na)r,fidlIleniouot me OQ the Winged wind Andflyforfuccourtothehrthefi/y^. ' Muft 1 louc Matter C;^< He takes his tuarkeamifTeand /hootesawrie. For I had rather fm&to tneplace appointed, Letthem alone to difchargethe ktiaueof clubs. And that you m uft not faile , Her6 receiue this ring, which /Vr/»«4fMrenc you fora to* ken, Thacthisis theplot that you muHprofccnte, And this from S(9p^d/as his true loues pledge. Lelia, This ring my brother fent I know right well. But this my true loue pledge I more efteeme Then all the golden mines the fofide earth containes : And fceiin happy time here comes M.ChMrms:\£Hter Chuf« Now loueand fortune both confpirc, jin6 fort their drift?;s to compademy del^re. hl.Churms yafc wel! mct,I am glad to fee you. Qiurms, -r#nd I as glad to fectairc Lclia^ ^stucv Paruwut tofcehisdearc. For whom fo many Troiancs bloud was fpilt; Nor tiiiake, I would do Ic^c then fpend my dcarcA bloud. To i 54 fV/LT BEGr/lDE, To gainefaire Z^/wj louc,although by lofTc of Jifc. Nurfc. Faith niiftrcirc,hefpcakeslikc a gentleman: ' Lctmcpcrfwadc you, Benot hard hearted : Sophos ? why whats hcc ? If hee had lou'd you but halfcfo well, he would ha come through ftonc walles, but he would hauc come to you etc tins. Lelia. I muftconfefTcjIoncc lou'd 5o/>^<7x well. But now I cannot loue him, whom all the world knowes to bcadiflcmblcr. Churmes. Ere I would wrong niy loue with one dayes abfcncej I would paffc the boy ling 77tf//(r/J>(?»/-, As once Z-M«^6r did for ^(frotfj- loue, Or vndcrtakc a greater taske then that, Ere I would be difloyall to ray Loue. And if that Lelia giuc hir free confcnt That both ourloucsmay fymparhizc in one. My hand, my heart, my loue, my life and all^ Shall cucr tend on LcUm faire command . Lclia, M'. C^«rr>*/,meethinkc$ tisftrangc, you iLouI4 make fuch amotion: Say I rhould yceld, and grant you loue s When moft you did expe£^ afunnclLinc day, My fathers will would mar your hop't fof hay. And when you fhoughtto reap ihefruitj of loue, His hard conftraint would blaft it in the bloom. For he fo dotes on Peter Tioddals pelfe, Thatnoncbutheforfoothmuftbctheman, And I will rather matchmyfelfe, Vnto a groomcof T/^/tf^/ gciefly denncj Then vnto fuch a fillygolden aft'e. QiHtms. Brauely rcfolufid yfaith, Lelia. Buttobefliort: Ihauea fccrctfriend that dwclsfrom hence. Some two dayes journey, thats the raoft, And r Anc!ifyoucan,a$(wclIknow)youma/,conuayracthithcr fccrctly r For company I dcfirc no othcrthcn your owne, Here take my hand : . \ That once pcrform'd my heart is next. i Churmes. Ifonth'aduenturcallthc dangers lay. That £«r^^tf or the wcfteme world affords, WcrcittocorobateCtfr^^«/himfelfe, \ Or fcalc the brafen walles oiTlntoes courtj ' When as there is fofairc a prize proposed, \ If I (hrinke backe or leaucit vnpcrrorm'd. Let the World canonize rae for a Coward; J Appoint the time and Ieau€ the reft to me . Lelid. When nightsblackcmantleoucrfprcads the sky, Anddayesbrightlarapeisdrenchedinthe weft, | To morrow night I thinkc the fitteft time. That filcnt (hade may giue our fafe conuoy, t Vnio our wiflicd hopes vnfcene of liuin^ eye. (Ijftrms. And at that time I will no tfaile, In that or oughtmay make for our auaile. Nurfe, But what ')SSofjpos (hould meet you by the for- rcftfide: j And incountcr you with his fingle rapier? 1 Chnrmx. Sophos? ihop of ray thumbe,a wrctch,a wretch.' i Shonlde Sophos meete vs there accompanied with (bme { Champion, With whomctwerc any credit to encounter, i Wereheasftoutas//rrr/tf/ip/himrelfe, 1 Then would I buckle with them hand to hand : Andbandyblowesasthickeashaileftonesfall^ ^ And carrieZ.^//^ away in fpiteofall their force* \ What ? loue will make Cowards fight: Much more a man of my refolu tion. K Lel/a. exfnd on your refolution lie depend, Vntill to morrow ic ih'appointcd lime, when I lookcfor you: tilt when lie leaue ^ey.<, and go make preparation for our H iourney^ .^ ioufheyi* Exeunt Ldia aiid Nurfc; Churms. Farewell fairc lou^, vntill we meet againe. Whyfo : did I nottcl you ihe would be glad to run away with mce at lengthr . ' ' Why this falles out, een asa man would fay, TliusI would baueit., v < j But now I muft go caft about for fome money too^ Letmcefec : I naueoutlaw'dthreeorfoureofGr^^xdeb- ters. ^nd I hauc the bondsin mineownchandi : The fumme that is due to him, isCometwoor threchun- dred pounds: Well, lie to them ! ifl can get but one halfe, ]lc deliuer them iheir bonds, and /»ww.I am lo exceedingly beholding, to you, IcannoCtelihowIflxallre^uiteyourkindnene, WILT BtGriLDE. <^f But itb mem time hccrs a brace ofangds for yoato drink, for your paines, Thisncweshasecnclightned my heart, Sir, my neighbour Plodda/Zh very wcalthic. Come M. CWw/, you fhall go home with mc, Wccle haue good chear & bcmcrry for thiSjto night,y faith. Chftrms. Wei : let them laugh that winnc. Exeunt, Enter Peggc andhir Gran am. Pegffe. Granam,ginemebuttwocrownc$ofrcdgolHc, "^ And flegiue you two pence of white filucr. If T^f^/w thcdiucl be not a water witch. c;jf. ^. Marricjiefusblcflevs: why prithee? Pegge* Marrielletelyouwhy. Vpon the morrow after the blcfled ncwc ycarc, 1 came trip,trip,trip, ouer the Market hil, Holding vp my petticote to the calucs of ray legi. To /how my fine coloured (locking, And how finely I coulde footeitinapaireof newecorkt fhooeijl had bought: ' And there I (pye3 thii Mouhjier Mufij lie gaping vp iii- to the skies, To know how many Maides would be with childe in the ' towne all the yeare afo : tis a bafe vexation flauc. How the country talkes of the large ribdvarlct! .^SA C^otherUH* Marry out vpon him: what a Friday ftc*t '^^ flaueitisl '• 1 thinke in my confcience, his fecc ncuer keepes Holiday,' ' ^ Pfgge. Whyhisfacecanneuerbeatquict) 5 Hehasfuchtfcholerickenofe, | I durfthafwornebymy maiden-head, ('God forgiue me that I fhould take fuch an oath ) '^ That iifyilliam had had fuch a nofc, I would neucr ha lo v'4 ^ him. Z^** £»/ifr Will. Cricket. *^ W//. Whatataikingishcrcofnofcsandfaces? H» Come ^ 5^ WILT Btoriint.\ Come ^<^^wwaretowardcinarriag«;lct vs Ulkeof (hat may doc vs good : Granara, what wil you giucvi toward hoivfc-kccping? j/. What thinkc you of him ? fViU. Marrielfayhclookdlikcatankcrdbearer, Thatdwcli inPctticoatelanc, atthcfigncofthcMcare. tnaidc) Andlfwearebythebloudoffflycodpieces . An I were a wodsan I would lug o^bis laue eares. Or run him to death with a fpic : and fbrhisface^ I thinke tis pittie there is not a lawe made, Thatii (hould be fellooie to name it in any other places^ then in baudie houfet : ButGranam what wilyou giue vs ? . Moth. M. Marrie I wil giue Bcgge a pot and a pan. Two platters, a difli and a (poone, a dogge^and a cat : I trow iheele prooue a good huswife. And !oue hir husband well too. WiU, If fhe loucme Ilcloue hir, yfaith my fweeth^nny combe,llc loue thee, A ^*ry? A. We mud be askt in Church next Sunday, and weel be mar> ricd prefendy. . Pegge, Yraith^^/MOTwecIehaueamerrydayont. i^otherLM: That wee will yfaith /^«^r / weelehaiiea whole noifc of fiddlers tb«re: Come PkggeUxi hie vs home,wce1e make a bag:^udding.to ilippcr, Aiid^i//)b«R> (haU^o and fup with vs. WtU» Come on yfaith. Excma, EHiferVortimztusamlSophou .. (!oue? Fort, Why how novfSophos^z mort} (HI languifliing in Wil not die prefence of thyfriend prcuaile ? Nor hope expellthefe fuUen fits ? Cannot mirth wring, if but a forged fmile. From thoUpfad drouping lookes of thiaei Rely • WILT B^GriLDE. ' 5^ Relye on hopc,whofc hap wil lead thcc right, To hcr,whom thou dofl: call thy hearts delight j Looke cheercly man : the time is iieerc at hand, That //r«' Yet would I paflc the burning vaults of Orkf> As erfl did i/ Ore hills (Tie hurles.andfcowres along the plaineit The trees flew vpbithrootcs, the earth did qualcc for fearc, • ; The houfes tumble downCjflicplaycstheDiuclUnd all: / Atlcngth not finding any one fo fit To effect herdiuclifh damned charecas I: ' She comes to mc,as to her onciy child c. And mcherinftrumenton earth file made. And by that meancs 1 /carnd this diuelliih trade. * Sophas. OmonftroAisvillane! ^ FortunatHs, But tell me: what! thy Gourfcof life, Schow thou fhifteft for maihtenance in the world? Roi>in. FaithSir,Iaminamanncraprotnotcr, Or more fitly term*d a promoting knauc : Icrecpeintothcprefenccof greatmcn, J And vndcr colour of their friendiliips, EflPei^fuch wonders in the world That babes wilfurfcme,thatarcyctvnborric. Of thcbeftmcn,Iraifea common famcp ' And honcft women rob of their good name: . , Thus daylyturabling-in comes all ray thrift, ^ That I j^ct bcft is got but by a fhift: But the chiefe courfe of all my life , Is to fctdifcordbetwixtman and wife, \ Fortunatut. Out vpon thee C*««/^4//, [Heheateshtm* f Doftthqu thmkc thou flialtcucr come to heauen? (/ > 2^^». I little hope for heauen or heaucnlybliffc; ♦ But if in hell doth any place rcmainCj Ofniprccftecm«tbcoisanothcrroomc«' .. .. . ' 1 > i-.nC^ I i Ihope^as guerdon fbrmyiuftclcrert^ -, Tohaueic formydetedableadls. Fort, Wert ootjthy tongue condcmnes eh jrguikic(bule^ < ' I courd not thinke chat on this liuing earth ' DidbreathaviUanefo audacious. ; Gogettheegone,andconienotinmywatke* [Beatehim. Fonf thou doft, thou comeft vuto thy woe. I ^0^. Thcdiuclhimfclfwasncucrconiur'dfo. [f^f/^if*^, \ Sofhos. Sure heet no man^but an incarnate diuel, > Whofeouglyihapcbcwraycs his itnonftrous mind. * FortmnatMs, Andif heheadiucl,Iamfurchcesgone: \ But CAnrnwtr the Lawyer wil be here anonc, >/ And with him comes ray fidcrLt'/A^' ] Tishelamrureyoulookefbr. . 1 Sofhos, Nay^/heitiithatlexpe^folong. Y Fort. Thenfit^cdownvntilwehearemorcnewesi f Thisbutaprologuetoourpjaycnfcwes. \Tkiey fit dawne, V But fee where Churms and Z,tf//4comes along: j£«/«. Churmt I Hewalks as {lately at the great Baboone. i««/Lclu. ; . S9unds,ftelooke$ as though his mother were a midwife. t «J<'//'tf/c Now gentle /e/wtf, great Monarkc of the worldj ' . Grantgood fucccflevnto my wandring hopes, ('dccpc CA*rw/. Now /'Aflf^w filucrey^ii drcnchtin wcftcrnc And LunA gins 120 fhow herfplendantraies^ And al the harrolede quireftcrs of wood Do take reprofc^faue onely ^hUomtlc, Whofe heauie tunes do euermore record. With momcfullaiei the lodes of her louc. Thusfijrrefairelouewepaffeinfecretfort, Beyond the compade of thy fathers bounds, Whilft he on down-foft bed fecurcly dccpes And not fo much as dreames of our depart . The dangers pad,^owthinkcon nought but loue, y lie be thy deare,be thou^my hearts delight: I Sotkos, Nay firft,Ilc fend thy foule to cole blackc night, (. Churms. Thou promil*d louc:now fcaic it with a kidc. I Fort. Nay foftSir,your mark's at the faircft. >^ For(wcarc (■ I' Wily BtoriLvn. 6i Fo^^Arcarc tier Iouc,andfealeit with a ki(rc, Vpon the burniflitlplcndor of ti'iis blade,- Or it dial rip thcintrailcsof thy pefanthart. Sffphor. Nayjlctmcdoitathatsmypart, (}}tirms. You wrong me much to rob me of my loiic. SoDhof. Auantjbafebraggard : LeUas mine. Pjtirmf. She lately promifdlouc to me. FortumtHs. PeacCjN[ight-Rauen,ptacejIlccndc this con- troucrfie. Come Leluij ftandbetwcene them both, As equalllud« to endc this ftrifc : Say which of tHcfe ilial hauethectohis wife : I can deuifc no better way then this. Now choofe thy loue:and gfeetehim with a kilTc^ Leliia. My choice is made:and here it k.[She ki/ffs Sophos.' J^ophos. Sec here the mirrourof trueconftancic: VVhofeftcdfaftloucdeferues a Princes worth. Le/ta, Mafter Churms arc you not weU? Imuftconfeflclwouldhaucchofenyou, But that I nere beheld your legs till now: Truft me I neuer lookt fo low before* (^hnrms. I know you vfetolookc aloft. IjelU, Yctnoi fo high as yourcrownc. Qourms. Whatif youhad? Ldia. Faith I (hould ha fpied but a Calues head. Churms, Sounds^cofend of the wench and fcofc at too} Tis intolerable: and fhal I loofe her thus 3 How t mads me,that I brought not ray fworde and buckler with me! Fort. What,are you in your fword & buckler tcarras? lie put you out of that humor: There Ldia. fends you thatby rac, [Bffat^shimi And thatjto recorapence your loues dcftrc: And that, as pay ment for your wel carn'd hire. Go get thee gon,and boa ft of LeltM louc. ; Churms, Where ere I goc Ilelcaue wichher ray curfe, Andraile on you withfpecches vilde. I FortHfiatfiSt ^ 1^* «4. WILT BtGriLDt, T»rtfin4tHi, Acrafticknaucwasncucrfobcguil'd. Now 5i';>Whopcshaue had their luckiehapj, \ Andhecnioycs theprefcnccof hif loue, My vow's perform'd, and I amfuU reueng'd J VponlhisHcU-brcd brace of curfed Imps: f Now refts nought but my fathers free confcnt To knit the knot that time can nere vntwift. And that,as this, I likcwife wil pcrforme. No fooner Oial Aaroraesi^cdixXcA dcaw, Orcfpread the mantled earth with filuer drops i And /'^a^^«/blc(Ie the Orient with a blufh, \- Tochaceblackenightto her deformed Cell, ! But lie rcpaire vnto my fathers lioiife, And neiietccare with my inticing words, ; To w'orke his wil to knit this Gordian knot, ^ Till when He lcaucyoii*to your amorous chattc, ' •, I Deare friend adicujfaircfifter too farewcl, I Betakeyourfclues vntofomefecretpfacd: Vntil you hearcfrommchowthing'^fallout. ■ ' ', ' ■ ]' ','; ; '[Exit Fortunatus. Sophos, We both do wifTi a fdrtUnafe goodnight: Lclia. And pray the Gods to guide thy ftcps aright. Sophof. Now come faircLtf//4,letsbetakcourfcluej Vn to a little Hermitage hereby : A nd there to hue obifcured from the world Till iTatci and Fortune call vsthenceaway', Tofccthefundiine of our Nuptiallday. See how the twinkhngStarres do hide their borrowed ihinc Ashalfeafliam'dtheirluOerfois ftain'd. By L^Z/^e/bcautious eyes thot (Line more bright, ThcntwiqklingStarrcsdoinA vvinters night: Infuchanfghi:did/'<«r//vyinhislouc. Ljeifa. In fuch a night, iy£'fuas prou'd vnkind. Ssphos, In fuch a night did Trotlw court his dear* LelU. In. fuch a nightjfaire "Phyllis was betraid, ' Soph^s, Ileproucastrueasc'jer Tr^jy/*^ was. . Zrr//4. AadlaiconftiniA^'/Vw^/i'//. " ' ■ . / mzY E'EGVILBl. 6^ Sophor. Tfienlct vs folacc,ahd in loiics delight. And fwcet imbracings fpcnd thcliuc-long night. And whilftloue mounts her on her wanton wings, Let Defcant run on Muficks filuer firings. Exemtl i A SONGE. OLde Tithon mnfl forfdl^hh deare, The Larkf (Uth chatrte her chearefulltaj: A lu ora fmiUs with merry cheerct To welcome in a happji eUjft The heajls dopzippe^ The fiveete birds jing: ThevcoodNymphslUnct^ The Ecchoes ring. 3 The hellmcaues with hyrefoHpds: AndpUafttreenerywhereMh§Mnds: The Graces Unking hand in hand^ In lone haMekffitaghrioHS hand f Enter Robin GoodfelIow,0/m. Fray him? a vengeance ont, all our Hiiftingkoa- verie's knowne : "W'e arc counted very vagrants.' i SoundSjI am afraid ofcnericofficcrjfor whipping. J Chftrms. Wcarchorribly haunted: our behauiour is fo ? bcaftly, that we are growcnloathfome, our craft gets vs f nought but knocks. ( 'Ajhin. What courfc/hal we take now? ^ " Churms. Faitji I cannot tell: lets cene run our CouiUrie, V for hercs no flaying for vs. Rohin. Faith agreed ; lets go into fome place where wee arcnotknownc,andthcrefetyp thcajrtof knauerie with the fccond edition. . Exeunt^ * Ente^ \ WILT B ten LVt, ^7 f/yf^r Gripe, Solus. Grtpe. Eucry one tcls me I lookc better than I wai wont. My hcartslightened,niy fpiritsare reuiued. Why mc tliinkes I am ccnc youngagaincs It ioyes my heart that this fame pecuifli girlc my daughter wil be rul'd at the laft yet J But I lliall neuer be able to make M.CWww amends for the great paines he has taken, EwrrrNurfc. Nmr. Mafter,now out vpons,welladav:weareal vndonc! Crtpe. Vndono? what fodaine accident hath chanc's ? Speake whats the matter? Nurfe. AlasthateuerlwasborncI My M iftrcfTe and M'.C^^^wj arc run away together. ■ Gripe. Tisnotpofliblc :nerc tell mc. I dare truft Matter (hurms with a greater matter then that. Nurfe. Faith you rauft truft him whether you will or no j for hees gone. £«/tfrWi/I,Crickct, FTtll. M. (7r/]ptf, Ivrascommingto defirethatlmight haueyourabfenceatmy wedding : f or I hearc fay you ace very Ijberall growen alatc. For I fp4ke with three orfoureofyourdebtcrs this fhor- ning, . thatoughtyou hundred pound* a piece: And tliey toldc mc, that you fent M. Chftrmes to them and tooke of lomc ten pounds, And of fome twentie,and deliuered them their bondes. And bad them pay the reft when they were a&le. Gripe^ I am vndon: I am robdrmy daughter,my mony I Whicn way are they gone? . rrt//. Faith Sir,itsaIho nothing biityowrdaughtfer and M. CA//rw/ arc gone both one way : Marrie your mony flies fome one waies and fome another : And ihcrefore (is but a folly to make hue and crie after ic. GrtDe. Follow diem s make hue and cry aftrrthera. My daughter, my mony.alls gone, what (hall I doc? W/C Faith ifyou will be rurd by mc, Jlc tell you what you ihall doc : I J (Markc ) 6^ WILT BEOriLDS. (Marke what I Cay ) for lie teach you the way to come ta hcauenjifyouftjmblcnot: ' Giue all you hauc t>> the poore, . But one (la^le penny, and with that^cnny buy you a good I (Irong halter, ■ j And when you ha done fo : come to mee and He tell you j what you (hall do with it* Gripe, Bring me iny daughter: that ^//r^^/jthatvillanc, lie tcare him with my teeth. Narfe^ Mafter,-nay prayyoudonotrunmad: ' He tell you good newes : My youngMafterF\it}A.Lelias mowlh doth not hcngfor that kind of d^ct. Fort. And how then? rytll. Marrie then there was a certainc craking, cog- gi"?> P^^^^^^^gS'^S' huttermilkcnaucSir,oneCWi»/Sir, ' that is the very quintciltnce of all the knaues in the bunch > And if thebeQ man of allhis kin had been but fo good as a yeoman mans fonnc : Hediouldhaueb^en a marktknaue by letters patents^ And heeSir comes mefneakin^, and cofens them both of their wench, and is run away with hir: And Sti* belike hee has cofend your father heereof a great dealcofhisroonytoo. Nurfe. Sir your father did truf} him but too much s But I alwaies thought he would prooue a crafty knaue. Grtpe. Mytruflsbetrai'd,myioyc8exil'd: Griefe kils his hearty my hopes beguil'd, Fort, Whcere golden gaine do thbleare a fathers dyes^ That pretious peavlefetcht itomPertuijfusmo\mx^ Is countedrefufcjW orfc then Builen brafTe) Both ioyes and hope hanj^ofa filly twine, • • That flill is fubieiH: vato Hrttingtimc ; That toumcs ioy into grief c, and hope to fad defpairci And ends his day es in wretched worldly care. WcrelthericheftMonarchvnderhcauen, »w And had one daughter thrice as fairc, '| As was the Grecian C^tfw/««/wifcj Ere I would match hit to an Vntaught Avainc, Though one whofe wealth exceeded Crfl?y«/ftore^ Hir fclfc fhould chooie, and I applaud hjrchoifes Of one more poore then eucr^o/>W was. Were his dcferts but equall vnto his. Ifl might fpeakc without offences • ' You were to blame to hinder Ltf//Vw choice. As fhe in Natures graces doth cxcell: So doth c^/wr/i^WmaycniQy his long wi/Ltlouc, And hauc fairc Lr//4 to his loucly bride , lie fallow ^«r«r/ what crc betide. Hebe as fwiftc as is tirclight footc Roc, And ouertalce him ere his iournieseod: v : And bring faircLr//4backcvnto my friend. • ' (Jm*-. l.hecrsiny hand^Idoconfent, . . And thinke hir happie io hir happie choice. Yet halfc foreiudge my hopes will befdeceiu'd. ButFflrr«;r4f«/.* 1 mufl: ncedcs commend, Thy conftant mind thou bear'ftvnto thy friend. The after ages wondring at the fame : Shall Tait's a deededcferumg lading fame. Fort. Then reft you here til I returnc againc, lie go to 5tf/W ere I goc along : And bring him here to kecpe you company.. . Pechaps he hath fome skill in hidden arts, Of Planets coiirfc,or fccrct magicke fpells. To know where Lr//4 and that FoKe lies hid, Whofc craft To cunningly conuaid hir hence» Exit FoBta* C7r/^f . I: here He f eft an hourc or t wainc. Till -F 'o.' •« ' ..^ .-, a So Sir 1 take his coimfailcracvi ailwaics ivlicii hcTcffdj-tOilwl for hisgoofe J dcmcityAHdCTatit ^Jdn^ttmcta'ahTwofoil • ' Nfirfe. Ancl(othcbafi:vws>yourR,6ath«i^aofe\Yaf^mtA Andfoitcamctibjagoofc^cife. -t '* ' i . :::i. . A Ff^t/l. True: but now wcar«taIfain^of^ccfc, v^t* Sec where /*Y Mdth.M. Coax P<^^^,1>eftikwycJ5irftiinipe»:inake thy felfcfmuggOjSverohjthoUnfiuft'b^'maftikdWttiottow: \ Lets goefccke out thy fweetchcart; "'"•«' '- ^^i •• ■:■^'\ To prepare all things in rcadineffc. ':-'••' ' . <7 "Pegge, Why>Granam,looke where hre'is. v \ VFtll. Ha my fwectTral%^I'fhueWi!lcrCcpiewha^itcatirKitgoc.-:. I ^ Ha my fweet and too Avcet : (hall I hj the totfacf fwoot \ » 9 y^/^*". Ijfayitandffjlircnot. •> ' - • ^ ^>7J'/7/. Hay I will r\&i(vy'nl I wittfin^it*^ ^^^ J • ^^ v\...V/ Thou art mine o.wriefWc^eheatt'^*' J*- ' -'^ -■'•-'':• 'v ' From thee He neuer departs • ; I'.vssoh .ni-.w -"^ '-.T Thou art iti^GipcrWhc: 'UMub-.x?.-'.:;.''. And I thyTriligdidowne diUy, ''^ '- '•'-' ' ' '• i - - ^ • '^i -^ndfing hey ding a ding ding: .;^ni!>f)t.r^j;f!-:fi.v!eft ^: ex^nd do the tother t lung, "»"'>/ i './ 1 <; d // v rl 7/ .• - v ; " ^ndwhentiJdrirfif^K*^HUtft^tW>6tJdI If hart,fbrt: ^ w-i-^"- ^-Lr. f^.-joV " .?/. ^ Hajthatfvvdrcyourfsagainc! - 'f^'::-^i:^>i If he had not becnc a m triic /haacr,! woulcGo r^ A ^/VdcomcFfir^u^tafffy^^fi}itr^lS«fhosl . . , . •, r >' p6rtMnatt4s, Here i'(7/?^o^i$,as much ore- wornc with Ipii^ Asyou withgiictcforloileof L«//^. , , Sophou And ten times more if it bcpolTiblc. Thelouc ot Lr/wis to me more dcarc, Thcnisakingdotncorthericheftcrownc j •■, That ere.«^dac4)4;tie teinple$oU king. Grife, ihcn w clcomc %-(>*/. thrice more vvdcome now Then any man on earth to mc or mine. It is not now with me as late it was', Ilowrdatlcarning,anda4ycrtncl]3urnd.- Butnow my heart and mind and allis tournd. Were Leha here J foone would knit the knot Twixi her and th/Jf ,that time could nerc vntie, Till fatall fiOcrs yi^oric had wonnc, And-thatycur giaiTtof Ufjc were quite/r4if hand:' ' GreirtGod of hcauenyoiir hearty combine ' . lib virtues lore tpraife ah apjpie line. '.'ij*'^- ^Sophos. Now*PWre>« hath chcckt his ficricrtccds. And qtfcncht his burning beamcs that late were wont To melt my^axcn wingcs when as I foard alofct And louety f^V«/ fmiles With faireafpcft -Vpon thtSprihgtimeof ourfacred loiTei Tnoii great commander of thecirclcd Orbs, Grant; that thisJeasue of 1ha(}ingamitie Maylyerccortledby Etcrnitie. .' • Le/ia, Then wiffit content knit vp our Naptiall right: And future ioyes our formcr^griefes requite. \ , Hfi/L Nay an you be good at that^Ue tcJ y oti what wctle '4ot, ■■ ■ •■■•'■' -'' -; ^■ Pfi;.-vu-a=nciin:rll Fortufta^uf. Thcnmarchaldng,8ndletsbegoir, -^ To folemnizetwo marriage! in one. ExcHmOnmcs, Pl.NJSs. tu A // .VO. iMk. ...-^ :^-^'' JBr4>«; #*» tsrr^fi 1 THE EPILOGVE. GEntlety aWcompafi in this ctrcledrotimcU^ fVhofe i^ndaJpeHs dopAtroni^ce onrfports ^ T»yoHllebeytd4s[e'.VAS totheettrth^ • ^ Jh ail the humyte comflementt of curtejie. But jf there be,(as tis no doubt there is ) In dllthis round fame Cintque cenfurcrs j Whofeonelj p^llconfijis'tn finding fiwltSi That haueUke Midas mightie ^jfeseares^ Quicks i'^dgements ^^^^ rvill/^rike at eueriefiale, tAnd ^erhxpfuch xi can make a Urge difcourfe Out of Scogpmieji-s fOr the hundredmerrif tales: m^arrie ifyougo any further ^ tis beyond tkeir reading^ To theft Ifayjfcorne to Undalooke^ j^ndbidthem vanijh vapours^andfe let thempajfe. But to the othtr/ert, that heare with louf,4Mdtudge tvithfoM^, To them vee leaue , to cenfure of our flay: jindtfthey like ourflayes Cataftropnc,. Then let them grace it wtth a Plauciite. Exit FINIS. \ ^: ^ "^SK FROM WHrr-rr „ CD31filbD5fi THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY